=== camilotelles [n=Camilo@20132194128.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #launchpad | ||
cprov | -> uploader-test is running on DF, actually doing pretty well ! hope I'll have good news for tomorrow, good night guys | 12:38 |
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=== jbailey [n=jbailey@modemcable139.249-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #launchpad | ||
dilys | Merge to devel/launchpad: [trivial] Changed the status of the Chinese languages. (r2877: Carlos Perell Marn) | 02:13 |
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jamesh | spiv: I added some lock file checking, so you shouldn't see pending-reviews/ screwing up as much | 03:46 |
jamesh | (if at all) | 03:46 |
jamesh | I think I need a "time to run" column though | 03:47 |
lifeless | jamesh: so now the branch listing pages are live | 03:47 |
lifeless | we should get pending reviews running from that list | 03:47 |
jamesh | lifeless: yeah. I suppose there is nothing to stop us listing Launchpad branches there | 03:48 |
jamesh | (given that we already list them on a public wiki | 03:48 |
jamesh | lifeless: do we export the info in machine-readable format? | 03:49 |
lifeless | jamesh: not as such | 04:16 |
jamesh | lifeless: was carlos's bzr problem resolved? | 04:17 |
lifeless | jamesh: I hope so ;). mpool was working on it | 04:17 |
jamesh | lifeless: I fixed it locally by deleting two lines from mutter() | 04:17 |
lifeless | I suspect that means you have corrupt revisions now | 04:18 |
jamesh | lifeless: no. | 04:18 |
jamesh | lifeless: mutter() was checking whether its argument was a unicode string, and if so it converted to UTF-8 | 04:18 |
jamesh | lifeless: the file-like object mutter() then printed to was a codec wrapped file object that would also convert to UTF-8 | 04:19 |
jamesh | when passed a normal string, it would treat it as being in the default encoding, which is ascii | 04:19 |
jamesh | since the string had 8-bit characters (because it was in UTF-8), the ASCII -> UTF-8 conversion failed | 04:20 |
lifeless | H, OK | 04:22 |
jamesh | so with the " if isinstance(out, unicode): out = out.encode('utf-8')" bit removed, I get nicely UTF-8 encoded accents in ~/.bzr.log | 04:24 |
=== photoelf [i=photoelf@ppp224-spb-81-211-116-224.ppp.sovintel.spb.ru] has joined #launchpad | ||
photoelf | hi there! =) | 05:21 |
dilys | Merge to devel/launchpad: [trivial] Simplify some feedback messages; add forgotten 'remove' icon (r2878: Matthew Paul Thomas) | 05:48 |
SteveA | mdz: ping | 07:56 |
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carlos | morning | 09:24 |
=== carlos needs to go out for an hour or so | ||
stub | SteveA, lifeless: I will be here next week | 09:30 |
stub | (Although Monday is a public holiday) | 09:30 |
jamesh | carlos: got a patch that fixes the bzr problem you ran into yesterday | 09:30 |
carlos | jamesh, mpool game me it already | 09:31 |
carlos | jamesh, but thanks | 09:31 |
carlos | jamesh, https://launchpad.net/products/bzr/+bug/5277 | 09:32 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug #5277: bzr is not able to merge from one branch because an Unicode error In: bzr (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: New https://launchpad.net/bugs/5277 | 09:32 |
=== carlos out | ||
carlos | see you in one hour | 09:33 |
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slomo_ | kiko: hi... please add libqalculate to the database | 10:45 |
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=== Kinnison blurghs at you all | ||
=== Kinnison feels awful :-( | ||
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cprov | morning | 11:30 |
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=== Kinnison -> back to bed | ||
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mpt | Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders | 12:03 |
SteveA | spiv: ping | 12:06 |
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matsubara | good morning! | 12:12 |
=== salgado [n=salgado@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad | ||
dilys | Merge to devel/launchpad: [trivial] allow whitespace differences in coc. Fixes bug 3996 (r2879: James Henstridge) | 12:31 |
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=== gneuman [n=gneuman@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad | ||
salgado | stub, around? | 12:44 |
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=== gneuman [n=gneuman@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad | ||
salgado | is pqm running on balleny already? | 12:59 |
kiko | I don't know but I don't think so | 01:00 |
kiko | fuck man | 01:00 |
kiko | my tests keep randomly failing | 01:00 |
kiko | + Module canonical.launchpad.browser.person, line 1481, in _setPreferred | 01:00 |
kiko | + assert emailaddress.person.id == self.context.id | 01:00 |
kiko | + AssertionError | 01:00 |
kiko | good morning | 01:07 |
gneuman | mornig | 01:09 |
kiko | hey SteveA | 01:22 |
BjornT | mpt: hi. you have a baz branch up for review. have you converted it to bzr yet? | 01:22 |
mpt | what branch is that? | 01:22 |
=== mpt looks | ||
mpt | oh, menus | 01:23 |
mpt | I'd forgotten about that | 01:23 |
mpt | No, I had to stop my baz-import because PQM was still on chinstrap | 01:24 |
mpt | so I guess I should be able to resume it today or tomorrow | 01:24 |
BjornT | ok | 01:25 |
kiko | how's it going BjornT | 01:25 |
BjornT | pretty good, thanks. been working some on email error messages, and though it would be a good time to take a break and catch up on reviews. how's it going yourself? | 01:27 |
kiko | been busy with staff reviews mostly, and with coordinating HCT and the soyuz deployment tests | 01:28 |
kiko | I'm almost on top of bugmail but not quite | 01:29 |
kiko | 171 to go | 01:29 |
mpt | 151 for me | 01:31 |
mpt | kiko, I'll race you | 01:31 |
mpt | though if I'm lucky, bzr branch will finish first | 01:31 |
kiko | heh | 01:31 |
SteveA | hi kiko | 01:35 |
kiko | how's it going man | 01:35 |
SteveA | things are okay here. | 01:35 |
kiko | that's a relief | 01:35 |
kiko | I dreamt you and I were in a jungle | 01:35 |
kiko | and you kept having to answer your phone | 01:36 |
SteveA | dude, we are in a jungle | 01:36 |
kiko | and I was like hth does the man get gsm reception here | 01:36 |
kiko | so SteveA how about a staff review? | 01:37 |
SteveA | yeah, shall we get cracking with voip shortly? | 01:37 |
kiko | yeah let's try and do one or two this morning | 01:37 |
kiko | then only one in the afternoon | 01:37 |
kiko | and I can write up the report | 01:37 |
SteveA | ok. start in 20 mins? | 01:38 |
kiko | sounds about right | 01:38 |
SteveA | okay | 01:38 |
SteveA | bbaib | 01:39 |
kiko | mpt, how's NewPageLayout looking? give me a demo | 01:39 |
mpt | It's not in a working state yet, kiko | 01:43 |
mpt | I'll let you know when it is | 01:43 |
ddaa | BjornT: hey | 01:43 |
BjornT | hi ddaa | 01:43 |
ddaa | do you know if there is any _sane_ and OAOO-compliant way of inserting a single link from the action portlets within a page body? | 01:44 |
ddaa | I've been looking at canonical.launchpad.webapp.menu, and the code there does not lend itself well to reuse | 01:45 |
ddaa | My use case is adding a link to $branch/+edit within the branch summary listing if the branch does not have a title or description. | 01:45 |
BjornT | ddaa: hmm, don't know, but there should be. let me take a quick look. | 01:46 |
ddaa | One issue is building the link url. That can be done with slight OAOO violation by canonical_url(context)/link.target where link is given by BranchContextMenu().edit() | 01:49 |
ddaa | * by concatenating | 01:49 |
ddaa | other issues involve getting the icon (no idea how to do that yet) | 01:50 |
ddaa | and reproducing the escaped_text logic that's used in menu.py (though I'm not sure it's necessary). | 01:50 |
BjornT | ddaa: you should probably talk to stevea about it, he wrote the code. | 01:52 |
ddaa | bah... I think I'll just do something slightly substandard. Simpler. | 01:53 |
BjornT | ddaa: one thing that could work, though, is that you do 'menuapi = MenuAPI(self.context)', then you should have access to the relevant menu in menuapi.context() or menuapi.application() | 01:55 |
ddaa | mh | 01:55 |
ddaa | I see. | 01:56 |
ddaa | I think that would be really ugly :) | 01:57 |
BjornT | ddaa: and if you talk to stevea, i'm sure he could fix so that you can use context/menu:context/menu_name in TALES | 01:57 |
=== SteveA [n=steve@] has joined #launchpad | ||
ddaa | Speak of the devil. | 01:58 |
SteveA | the Enthusiast | 01:58 |
ddaa | SteveA: got a few minutes? | 01:59 |
SteveA | ole scratch | 01:59 |
SteveA | ddaa: i'm due to have a call with kiko about now | 01:59 |
SteveA | kiko: can i talk with ddaa first? | 01:59 |
SteveA | ole clootie | 01:59 |
ddaa | SteveA: talk to kiko first, callback on me when you're free. | 01:59 |
SteveA | ddaa: it will be quite a while | 01:59 |
jordi | SteveA: did you have a chance to read my announcement? | 01:59 |
jordi | it's posted now, so I guess it's not too urgent anymore | 01:59 |
jordi | just wondering what you think | 01:59 |
kiko | mpt, ddaa sure. | 01:59 |
kiko | duh. | 02:00 |
kiko | SteveA, sure, go ahead. | 02:00 |
ddaa | SteveA: so, I'd like to be able to insert a BranchContextMenu link into the page body. | 02:00 |
SteveA | jordi: not yet. i'll do it | 02:00 |
ddaa | A specific one. | 02:00 |
jordi | SteveA: no hurry | 02:00 |
SteveA | which page body? | 02:00 |
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ddaa | Specifically, I'd like to duplicate the action link for $branch/+edit in branch-summary-listing for branches that have no title or summary. | 02:01 |
ddaa | You know, making things that do the same thing look the same. | 02:01 |
SteveA | and... | 02:03 |
ddaa | The existing MenuAPI machinery does not make that easy. The options now are: adding a method in the view class to compute the edit_url using the LinkData object, or do MenuAPI..something...context and find the adapter for the specific link of interestest. | 02:03 |
ddaa | Also, there's no easy I found to get the link icon. | 02:03 |
ddaa | So, I want to do that in a OAOO-compliant way. | 02:03 |
SteveA | you want to add the same link as is in a particular ContextMenu, but not in a ContextMenu | 02:03 |
ddaa | yes | 02:04 |
ddaa | BjornT said you could make that easy by providing a context/menu:context/menu_name in TALES. | 02:04 |
SteveA | you mean link_name | 02:04 |
BjornT | yeah | 02:04 |
SteveA | yes, that is feasible | 02:05 |
ddaa | for example, context/menu:context/edit in my case, I think. | 02:05 |
SteveA | exactly how much duplication of code are we talking about here? | 02:05 |
ddaa | not terribly much | 02:05 |
ddaa | It's just a sort of nice to have thing to make the code more elegant. | 02:06 |
ddaa | okay, now you can forget about it and talk to kiko, thanks for listening :) | 02:06 |
SteveA | okay. i think it is a good feature for the menus code, but not all that important. so, file a bug with bjorn's suggestion, ensure the code you add has an XXX with that bug num | 02:07 |
SteveA | and i'll do it when i next work on the menus system | 02:07 |
ddaa | Aye aye. | 02:08 |
SteveA | i think this would be used in some other places too | 02:08 |
ddaa | I think the same. | 02:08 |
SteveA | and might be a good way to make a bunch of context-relevant links that aren't in a menu | 02:08 |
SteveA | but that you want to work the same way as menu links | 02:08 |
mpt | haha, the ghost of plone.css strikes again | 02:08 |
SteveA | so, say that in the bug report too | 02:08 |
SteveA | kiko: i am ready! | 02:09 |
ddaa | mh... I'm not sure I understand what you said, but I'll quote you :) | 02:09 |
SteveA | ddaa: mpt will love it. it will allow links in general to not be links if they go to the same URL. | 02:09 |
mpt | yay | 02:10 |
salgado | hey SteveA. quick question: I have a string where I want to use some replacements. two of these replacements have to go through sqlvalues() and the third has to go through quote_like(). is there a simpler way for doing this than what I have here: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/filefoRcrT.html ? | 02:11 |
SteveA | salgado: yes. | 02:13 |
SteveA | either: "%s %s %s" % (sqlvalues(a, b) + quotelike(c)) | 02:13 |
SteveA | or: "%s %s %s" % (quote(a), quote(b), quotelike(c)) | 02:14 |
SteveA | note that (1, 2) + (3, ) --> (1, 2, 3) | 02:14 |
SteveA | the first one should be: "%s %s %s" % (sqlvalues(a, b) + (quotelike(c), )) | 02:14 |
SteveA | so, the one using quote, quote, quotelike is simplest | 02:14 |
salgado | yeah, indeed | 02:15 |
SteveA | now, if this is a common thing, we could have a like(...) | 02:15 |
SteveA | so you could say: sqlvalues(a, b, like(c)) | 02:15 |
salgado | I've never seen this before, so I don't think it's common | 02:15 |
SteveA | but i don't think this is a common problem | 02:15 |
SteveA | right | 02:15 |
salgado | thanks SteveA. | 02:16 |
kiko | I was having a meeting with the soyuz testing team | 02:18 |
kiko | and they are in pain | 02:18 |
SteveA | what's up? | 02:18 |
kiko | let's skype it up | 02:19 |
ddaa | bug 5313 | 02:20 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug #5313: Displaying a menu link in arbitrary templates In: launchpad (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Steve Alexander, Status: Accepted https://launchpad.net/bugs/5313 | 02:20 |
SteveA | ta | 02:21 |
SteveA | kiko: ... | 02:23 |
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=== carlos -> lunch | ||
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ddaa | mpt: can you remind me what the lock icon on the branch summary listing means? | 02:56 |
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dilys | Merge to devel/launchpad: Implement http://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/ShipitReports. r=SteveA,stub (r2880: Guilherme Salgado) | 03:04 |
ddaa | mpt: ping? | 03:04 |
mpt | ddaa, I don't remember | 03:05 |
mpt | what file is it? | 03:05 |
ddaa | branch-summary-listing.pt :) | 03:05 |
mpt | oh, duh | 03:05 |
ddaa | Got a more important question. | 03:05 |
=== kjcole [n=kjcole@pchb1f.gallaudet.edu] has joined #launchpad | ||
mpt | I don't know, and that's not my code | 03:05 |
ddaa | That was your code, at first. | 03:06 |
ddaa | You provided the mockup. | 03:06 |
mpt | I wouldn't use <b> | 03:06 |
ddaa | Mh. Right. | 03:06 |
mpt | or run-on sentences :-) | 03:06 |
ddaa | *shrug* | 03:06 |
ddaa | So a better on. | 03:06 |
mpt | probably it's just a placeholder for a "branch" icon to be provided later | 03:06 |
ddaa | I remember lifeless giving me a rationale, it's not like him to be making stuff up. | 03:07 |
mpt | for the lock icon? | 03:07 |
ddaa | yes | 03:07 |
ddaa | But nevermind. | 03:07 |
ddaa | More importantly | 03:07 |
ddaa | I want to make the branch url optional in the DB. The idea is that branches pushed by sftp on the supermirror would have a NULL url (since the url is computed by launchpad anyway). | 03:08 |
ddaa | UI wise, I'd like the add and edit form for a branch to display the URL textline with a checkbox that says "This branch is hosted on the supermirror" or something. | 03:09 |
ddaa | When the checkbox is activated, the textline is cleared and disabled. | 03:09 |
ddaa | When it is disactivated, the textine in enable (and maybe seeded with a "http://"). | 03:09 |
mpt | if it's hosted on the supermirror, it still has an URL, just not one you can change, correct? | 03:09 |
ddaa | Right. And it's a URL that's provided by launchpad, not by the user. | 03:10 |
mpt | so it should be filled and disabled, not cleared and disabled | 03:10 |
ddaa | mh... right | 03:10 |
ddaa | so, HOW? | 03:10 |
=== ddaa is JS illiterate | ||
mpt | then we're even | 03:11 |
ddaa | also, I've no clue how to bend the form machinery to do that... | 03:11 |
mpt | I doubt you could do it with a standard form | 03:11 |
ddaa | mpt: then maybe you could tell me who to ask :) | 03:11 |
mpt | kiko did the JS for the bug assignee field | 03:11 |
ddaa | ha, I noticed that bit of magic, that's lovely :) | 03:12 |
=== ddaa just adds some explanatory text right now. | ||
kiko | it's not too complicated, but it is a bit. | 03:17 |
kiko | I found it works generally well which I guess is a high compliment for something that could be so cumbersome | 03:17 |
mpt | ddaa, http://www.codetoad.com/javascript/enable_disable_form_element.asp | 03:17 |
mpt | or better, http://www.experts-exchange.com/Web/WebDevSoftware/ColdFusion/Q_21222913.html | 03:20 |
kiko | cfm freak | 03:21 |
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lucasd | is there anyway to drop a team? | 03:23 |
salgado | lucasd, no | 03:23 |
lucasd | oh, i see.. | 03:24 |
SteveA | you can remove everyone from a team | 03:25 |
SteveA | and change its name and description | 03:25 |
SteveA | to "obselete team" | 03:25 |
=== stub [i=stub@sweep.bur.st] has joined #launchpad | ||
sivang | what are all those rejected dapper-changes looking threads in lp ml ? | 03:26 |
sivang | Kinnison: are you already processing uploads through lp ? :) | 03:26 |
SteveA | sivang: it was email mistakenly sent out from a test run of the uploader | 03:28 |
sivang | SteveA: ah,ok | 03:28 |
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stub | salgado: argh.. - just saw your ping on scrollback | 03:29 |
salgado | stub, no problem. I asked my question on the reply of your review. have you seen it already? | 03:30 |
sivang | heh, I See this was sent to debian as well ? | 03:30 |
ddaa | jblack: ping | 03:30 |
stub | salgado: Just replied | 03:31 |
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ddaa | jblack: unping | 03:32 |
salgado | stub, cool. will merge that soon | 03:34 |
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salgado | stub, btw, is it possible to run the shipit-reports cronscript on staging or are we test something there right now? (the cronscript was just merged into rocketfuel; revno 2880) | 04:04 |
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=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch | ||
kiko | SteveA, help me have lunch | 04:20 |
=== ddaa pictures SteveA feeding kiko with a spoon | ||
stub | salgado-lunch: Sure | 04:24 |
kiko | thanks stub your reliability is reknowned in the 4 corners of #launchpad | 04:24 |
kiko | (that was salgado) | 04:25 |
jordi | KIKO | 04:59 |
jordi | kiko-fud: it is impossible | 04:59 |
jordi | kiko-fud: I can't even get Friday off to make a long holiday thu-sun | 05:00 |
jordi | fuckers | 05:00 |
jordi | I'll have to go to Barcelona on Friday | 05:00 |
stub | salgado-lunch: patch-40-07-0 is busted - it sets country.continent not null, but there is no data in that column at that point. | 05:02 |
kiko-fud | good morning vietnam | 05:16 |
jordi | gooooood morning | 05:16 |
salgado-lunch | stub, there's a migration .sql file in pending/shipit-reports-update-sampledata.sql | 05:17 |
kiko-fud | jordi, if you can't work that way, why don't you just quit? | 05:17 |
salgado | stub, but now I see your point. you can't run that sql in the middle of the patch | 05:17 |
jordi | kiko-fud: there are good bits on this job | 05:17 |
salgado | stub, what should I have done in this case? | 05:18 |
stub | salgado: I'll remove the NOT NULL constraint - we can add it in later once the data has been populated | 05:18 |
kiko-fud | jordi, female co-workers? | 05:18 |
=== Kinnison gets turfed out of his sick bed so bob can tidy the bedroom | ||
jordi | there is one :) | 05:18 |
kiko | SteveA, SteveA, SteveA | 05:18 |
SteveA | hi | 05:19 |
jordi | hey steve | 05:19 |
kiko | brush teeth and then dive in? | 05:19 |
stub | salgado: don't worry about it - sort of error that gets missed until I try it on staging. We just have to not add the constraint in this patch, and add it in the following rollout. | 05:19 |
SteveA | ok | 05:19 |
salgado | stub, okay. thanks for that. | 05:19 |
kiko | SteveA, I mean, unless you want to delay further | 05:20 |
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LarstiQ | moin | 05:22 |
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LarstiQ | https://launchpad.net/people/ has an 'All Ubuntites' link, but my personal page has an Ubuntero: flag, are they the same? | 05:23 |
rrobino | curious - what cms framework is launchpad.net based on? | 05:24 |
mpt | lifeless, ping | 05:25 |
kiko | rrobino, it's zope3, mainly | 05:25 |
mpt | rrobino, zope | 05:25 |
rrobino | that's what I suspected... i just "discovered" ubuntu this morning, saw the python, saw the mention of zope... very nice. Does it use any plone stuff? | 05:25 |
mpt | LarstiQ, report that as a bug please | 05:26 |
rrobino | (and is the Malone bug-tracker available at zope.org? :-) | 05:26 |
mpt | rrobino, it used to use the plone style sheet, but happily no longer does | 05:26 |
stub | launchpad@asuka:/srv/launchpad.ubuntu.com/staging/launchpad/cronscripts$ env LPCONFIG=staging ./shipit-reports.py --verbose 2>&1 | tee /tmp/shipitreports.out 16:25:34 INFO Generating ShipIt reports | 05:27 |
stub | Traceback (most recent call last): | 05:27 |
stub | File "./shipit-reports.py", line 77, in ? | 05:27 |
stub | sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) | 05:27 |
stub | File "./shipit-reports.py", line 56, in main | 05:27 |
stub | csv_file = requestset.generateCountryBasedReport() | 05:27 |
stub | File "/srv/launchpad.ubuntu.com/staging/launchpad/lib/canonical/launchpad/database/shipit.py", line 448, in generateCountryBasedReport | 05:27 |
stub | csv_writer.writerow(row) | 05:27 |
stub | UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xf4' in position 1: ordinal not in range(128) | 05:27 |
stub | salgado: ^^^ | 05:27 |
bradb | stub: I think bug 5277 has a solution for that | 05:28 |
salgado | ouch | 05:28 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug #5277: bzr is not able to merge from one branch because an Unicode error In: bzr (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: New https://launchpad.net/bugs/5277 | 05:28 |
kiko | that is so typical aargh | 05:28 |
mdke | LarstiQ, yeah the idea is that ubuntero = ubuntite, see the website. But still file the bug | 05:28 |
LarstiQ | mpt, mdke: will do | 05:28 |
salgado | tests aren't good enough | 05:28 |
bradb | er, n/m | 05:28 |
rrobino | well, nice job. Looks nice and clean, everything seems to be very tight. Nice ideas. Inspired me to put up a similar site for an internal dev/ops project for a phone company I work for. Don't know if I'll use Zope... so easy, yet so hard. But kudos on the meat of the ideas. | 05:28 |
kiko | thanks | 05:29 |
=== mdz [n=mdz@studiocity-motorola-bsr1-70-36-194-85.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #launchpad | ||
rrobino | anyway, ciao. back to work for me. | 05:29 |
kiko | mdz | 05:29 |
kiko | please run the comparator on drescher | 05:30 |
kiko | kthxbye | 05:30 |
salgado | stub, I'm on it | 05:33 |
stub | salgado: I've added two .encode('utf8') bits to the row = [...] assignment on staging and am rerunning | 05:34 |
stub | salgado: It has finished running if you want to check it out. I'd paste the diff, but it is rather trivial ;) | 05:38 |
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara | ||
stub | salgado: I'm off to bed anyway - I need to be up in 5.5 hours to spend 10 minutes in Cambodia | 05:38 |
salgado | thank you very much, stub. I'll merge this fix right away | 05:39 |
kiko | salgado, aham with a test :-P | 05:40 |
mdz | kiko: I thought you had a login on drescher now | 05:41 |
mdz | kiko: but I can do this for you | 05:41 |
kiko | mdz, thanks. | 05:42 |
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mdz | kiko: this is with perfectly synced archives now, right? | 05:54 |
mdz | kiko: ~mdz/compare/current | 05:55 |
mdz | kiko: looks bad | 05:55 |
mdz | kiko: i386 packages in amd64 Packages files | 05:55 |
mdz | no packages in hoary/universe/powerpc at all | 05:55 |
kiko | sigh | 05:55 |
mdz | drescher:[~/compare/current] ls -s !$ ls -s /srv/launchpad.net/staging-archive/ubuntu/dists/hoary/main/binary-i386 | 05:56 |
mdz | total 12 | 05:56 |
mdz | 0 Packages 4 Packages.bz2 4 Packages.gz 4 Release | 05:56 |
mdz | no packages in hoary/main/i386 | 05:56 |
kiko | so effectively regressed from where we were | 05:58 |
kiko | wtf | 05:58 |
mdz | severely regressed | 06:00 |
kiko | let me make sure the archives are synced | 06:00 |
kiko | frustrating. | 06:01 |
kiko | the mirrors appear to be synced perfectly | 06:05 |
kiko | kiko@drescher:/srv/ftp.root/ubuntu$ find | wc -l | 06:05 |
kiko | 260403 | 06:05 |
kiko | kiko@drescher:/srv/ftp.root/ubuntu$ find . -name \*.deb | wc -l | 06:05 |
kiko | 166813 | 06:05 |
kiko | kiko@asuka:/srv/archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu$ find . -name \*.deb | wc -l | 06:05 |
kiko | 166813 | 06:05 |
kiko | kiko@asuka:/srv/archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu$ du -s . | 06:05 |
kiko | 131359768 . | 06:05 |
kiko | kiko@asuka:/srv/archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu$ find | wc -l | 06:05 |
kiko | 260403 | 06:05 |
kiko | err, doh, that du was silly. | 06:05 |
kiko | we would almost surely note package count diferences otherwise | 06:06 |
mdz | kiko: any errors from gina? | 06:12 |
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kiko | mdz, none. | 06:13 |
kiko | and gina did process hoary/i386 | 06:13 |
mdz | kiko: /tmp/publog1 has many errors | 06:14 |
mdz | missing overrides files | 06:14 |
mdz | but maybe that's normal | 06:14 |
mdz | kiko: publog1 only says it's processed warty, nothing else | 06:14 |
mdz | it's also dated Nov 28 | 06:14 |
kiko | publog2... | 06:15 |
kiko | weird | 06:15 |
mdz | -rw-r--r-- 1 lp_import lp_import 20 Nov 28 12:12 /srv/launchpad.net/staging-archive/ubuntu/dists/hoary/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz | 06:15 |
kiko | it appears that /none/ of i386 was processed | 06:15 |
kiko | look at publog2 | 06:15 |
mdz | it's ok, i386 isn't that important | 06:15 |
=== kiko looks grimly at mdz | ||
Nafallo | hehe | 06:16 |
kiko | I think it's just an incomplete run | 06:16 |
kiko | with some bugs remaining | 06:16 |
mdz | is Kinnison around? | 06:16 |
kiko | but Kinnison needs to come back to the console | 06:16 |
kiko | he's sick and real-world busy at the moment | 06:16 |
kiko | I could call him | 06:16 |
kiko | I will call him | 06:16 |
kiko | as soon as I finish my last bit of feedback | 06:16 |
mdz | speaking of feedback... | 06:18 |
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=== kiko finishes reviews | ||
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kiko | SteveA, are you gone already? | 06:36 |
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SteveA | kiko: no | 06:40 |
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kiko | SteveA, sign-off on https://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/971 please? | 06:40 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug #971: Rename New/Accepted statuses as Unconfirmed/Confirmed, and other tweaks In: malone (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Brad Bollenbach, Status: Accepted https://launchpad.net/bugs/971 | 06:40 |
kiko | or deliver an opinion | 06:40 |
kiko | actually | 06:40 |
kiko | sorry | 06:40 |
kiko | SteveA, I meant to say https://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/4794 | 06:40 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug #4794: Malone requires some way of arbitrarily grouping/tagging bugs In: malone (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: NeedInfo https://launchpad.net/bugs/4794 | 06:40 |
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mpt | kiko, I've finished the new layout, sans +page-header magic | 06:46 |
kiko | rock and roll! | 06:46 |
kiko | give me a URL! | 06:46 |
SteveA | mpt: cool... but do you mean sans the sitemap magic? | 06:47 |
mpt | SteveA, well that too, but I have a sitemap mockup in place | 06:47 |
mpt | kiko: Unfortunately I can't push it, because bzr always says "Local branch is not a newer version of remote branch" | 06:47 |
SteveA | what is the +page-header magic? | 06:47 |
kiko | mpt, just run it and give me a URL | 06:47 |
mpt | SteveA, the stuff you explained to me yesterday, I just haven't done it yet | 06:47 |
SteveA | ok | 06:48 |
mpt | kiko, how do I work out the URL? | 06:49 |
mpt | ah, wait, I got it | 06:49 |
mpt | | 06:49 |
mpt | so as a result of moving the header, many pages obviously have redundant headers | 06:51 |
mpt | They always did, of course, it just wasn't quite as blatant before | 06:51 |
mpt | that's a tedious template-by-template thing to fix, though | 06:51 |
kiko | and the tabs are now gone? | 06:52 |
mpt | yup, they're now the top right portlet | 06:52 |
kiko | hmmm | 06:54 |
jblack | Does anoybody have a log of yesteryday's meeting + 1 hour? | 06:56 |
kiko | not me | 06:57 |
mpt | I do, I think | 06:57 |
mpt | jblack, you want just one hour? | 06:59 |
jblack | Yes, please | 06:59 |
mpt | plus the meeting? | 06:59 |
jblack | yes, please | 06:59 |
mdke | is there no logbot in here? | 07:01 |
mdke | ubuntulog, oy | 07:02 |
mpt | jblack, sent | 07:02 |
SteveA | maybe it is time to brand launchpad as a "public beta" | 07:02 |
carlos | SteveA, like google does? | 07:03 |
mdke | shall i ask for a logbot in here? would it help? | 07:04 |
mpt | SteveA, for greater web-2.0-ness? :-) | 07:04 |
SteveA | this channel is publicly logged already | 07:04 |
mdke | ah ok | 07:04 |
mdke | maybe stick the url in the topic? | 07:05 |
=== bradb & # lunch | ||
SteveA | http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/launchpad-current.html | 07:05 |
SteveA | maybe stick a tinyurl version in the topic? | 07:06 |
mdke | k | 07:06 |
jblack | stevea: A clarification: ddaa isn't blocked on me yet. He becomes blocked on me if I don't finish prior to spiv. | 07:06 |
=== ..[topic/#launchpad:mdke] : launchpad.net | developer meeting: Thur 1 Dec, 1200UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Channel logs are here: http://tinyurl.com/72w39 | ||
SteveA | jblack: a clarification to what? | 07:07 |
SteveA | thanks mdke | 07:07 |
jblack | stevea: you listed me as a blocker for ddaa. :) | 07:07 |
mdke | np | 07:08 |
jblack | also, there's something that I told you "I've got it covered". Do you remember what that was? | 07:08 |
SteveA | jblack: i have no clue. i'll be posting the meeting summary monday or before, so you can comment then. | 07:08 |
SteveA | mpt: why is products and distributions disabled-looking in the new UI screenshot? | 07:11 |
jblack | daf: Thanks. | 07:11 |
mpt | "screenshot"? | 07:15 |
mpt | oh | 07:15 |
mpt | SteveA, are they ones you've visited? | 07:15 |
mpt | they're getting the normal visited link color | 07:15 |
mpt | I should turn that off I suppose, like I did for the tabs | 07:16 |
SteveA | i don't think they should | 07:16 |
SteveA | yes | 07:16 |
SteveA | same for menus | 07:16 |
SteveA | i think it is more confusing to have the "you used this menu before" hint | 07:16 |
SteveA | as it distracts from "disabled / enabled" | 07:16 |
SteveA | bradb: hello | 07:16 |
mpt | right | 07:17 |
SteveA | mpt: "binary packages" looks like two items | 07:17 |
SteveA | the right half should show somehow that they are second level items | 07:18 |
SteveA | maybe by having no title case, or a smaller font size | 07:18 |
SteveA | bradb: do you have skype set up? | 07:18 |
mpt | link colors fixed | 07:19 |
SteveA | cool. although i can only see it when someone provides me with a screenshot. | 07:19 |
SteveA | mpt: is there a way for you to get the server visible from outside? | 07:20 |
mpt | from outside what? | 07:20 |
SteveA | async | 07:20 |
mpt | If you can see it, who can't? | 07:20 |
SteveA | i can't see it | 07:20 |
SteveA | kiko sent me a screenshot | 07:20 |
mpt | ahhhh, now I understand :-) | 07:20 |
mpt | kiko? | 07:21 |
kiko | I did | 07:21 |
kiko | hmmm | 07:21 |
kiko | not easily | 07:21 |
kiko | I mean it requires work | 07:21 |
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SteveA | quick, everyone, stop talking about mark on the channel | 07:27 |
kiko | sabdfl! | 07:27 |
mpt | ok, now hopefully the sitemap looks a little more like a tree | 07:28 |
mpt | it would be more obvious if the colors were bolder, but then it wouldn't match the rest of LP | 07:28 |
SteveA | mpt: can you get me another screenshot? | 07:28 |
LarstiQ | was there ever a clear statement on wether ubuntites get an @ubuntu.com address? | 07:29 |
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SteveA | LarstiQ: they do. | 07:29 |
SteveA | LarstiQ: it was broken recently, though. should be fixed now. | 07:29 |
=== LarstiQ tries mailing | ||
mpt | SteveA, one moment, I broke the border somehow | 07:30 |
SteveA | ok | 07:30 |
LaserJock | Is there a reason why when bug's status is NeedsInfo that it is no longer shown in +assignedbugs ? | 07:30 |
SteveA | i can't think of a good reason for that. maybe bradb can comment | 07:32 |
kiko | LaserJock, there's a bug filed on this, but basically, it's because NeedsInfo is a way of pushing a bug off | 07:32 |
SteveA | if i mark something as NeedsInfo, it means that I want to push a bug off to someone | 07:32 |
SteveA | but it doens't mean they've accepted it from me | 07:33 |
SteveA | so, i think it should still be shown | 07:33 |
LaserJock | but shouldn't people be able to see their bug's regardless of status? | 07:33 |
kiko | then you can't use +assignedbugs as a todo list | 07:33 |
kiko | they should | 07:33 |
salgado | LaserJock, I'm working on that right now | 07:33 |
kiko | but perhaps not by default | 07:33 |
LaserJock | salgado: ok, cool. I just wondered if it was that way for a reason. | 07:34 |
LarstiQ | SteveA: still doesn't work for me | 07:34 |
=== bradb returns, nodding to what kiko said | ||
LaserJock | it would be nice if there was even a "bugs fixed" link but that might be asking too much ;-) | 07:35 |
kiko | there will be | 07:35 |
kiko | that's what salgado's working on | 07:35 |
bradb | SteveA: I don't currently have Skype setup. I guess that means just getting a headset? | 07:35 |
kiko | yeah | 07:35 |
kiko | or talking to your laptop speaker | 07:35 |
mpt | SteveA, Evolution is sending you the screenshot right now, so you should get it sometime next year | 07:35 |
bradb | kiko: Or the mic, even :P | 07:35 |
SteveA | bradb: i've been asking people to get headsets for MONTHS | 07:36 |
SteveA | if not years | 07:36 |
salgado | you even give some headsets away to people | 07:36 |
SteveA | so yeah, please get one as soon as you can | 07:36 |
salgado | but not for me. :-( | 07:36 |
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bradb | I'll get one on the weekend | 07:36 |
SteveA | great | 07:36 |
SteveA | so, brad, i commented on the keywords vs whiteboard bug | 07:36 |
mpt | bradb, headphones + the mic built in to your PowerBook should work fine | 07:36 |
SteveA | i think the people who requested functionality should make an earnest attempt to use the whiteboard for this. point out prominently that the whiteboard text goes into the text used for searching. | 07:37 |
SteveA | we'll decide on the next step once we have some feedback about this. | 07:37 |
bradb | SteveA: What was your answer to putting a comment box on the status page? | 07:38 |
SteveA | bradb: i don't have one yet. tell me about how it would be used. | 07:39 |
kiko | if you don't care your housemates think you are crazy talk to your laptop | 07:39 |
kiko | ddaa does it all the time | 07:39 |
bradb | SteveA: There are lots of examples that are ultimately the same thing: being able to explain your changes, in a place that people will notice them (i.e. the bug discussion.) So, explaining why you rejected a bug, annotating why you marked it "Fixed", asking your question after setting the state to "NeedInfo", explaining why you're taking on this bug rather than the person who might "normally" be expected to do so, etc. | 07:41 |
mpt | SteveA, it's quite common to add a comment while changing the status of a bug. Sometimes people add noisy comments when they shouldn't, but often it's necessary. | 07:41 |
mpt | Putting a comment form on the changing-status page is a way of papering over the problem that the changing-status page and the bug page are separate pages. | 07:42 |
SteveA | what you are saying is that a typical use-case is to mark a bug as WontFix, and leave a comment saying "this is working as designed" >? | 07:42 |
bradb | SteveA: A more descriptive comment than that, but yeah. | 07:43 |
SteveA | mpt: has any thinking gone into what the positive and negative consequences would be of putting status change abilities on the bug front page? | 07:44 |
bradb | The status explanation is currently a hairy little mutant comment box cum status explanation cum keywords field. I think we could label the SW "Keywords", make it a single line, and then have a real comment box on that page to help triagers and bug fixers' lives easier. | 07:45 |
mpt | SteveA, I would dearly love to do that, because it would substantially reduce the clicks and page loads required to use Malone | 07:46 |
SteveA | mpt: and the negative consequences? | 07:46 |
mpt | the negative consequences, afaik, is that it would add some clutter | 07:46 |
sabdfl | hey kiko | 07:46 |
sabdfl | just dashing out to hp | 07:46 |
sabdfl | hope all is well | 07:47 |
=== sabdfl [n=mark@ubuntu/member/pdpc.silver.sabdfl] has left #launchpad [] | ||
mpt | SteveA: but if reducing clutter is our goal, there are easy targets on both sides of the page :-) | 07:47 |
mpt | SteveA, it appears the screenshot is finally sent | 07:49 |
SteveA | i have it | 07:50 |
SteveA | mpt: very nice menus on the right | 07:52 |
SteveA | site menu looks very confusing to me | 07:52 |
mpt | yeah | 07:52 |
SteveA | it looks like i'm currently in products, distributions, people and meetings | 07:52 |
SteveA | and also packages | 07:52 |
mpt | I tried using white for the right-side highlight, but the difference was too slight | 07:53 |
mpt | and the light blue in the CSS has "changed by sabdfl" next to it, so I don't like to change it | 07:53 |
SteveA | that would change the whole page | 07:56 |
SteveA | so let's not change that | 07:56 |
mpt | I could start with light blue for the pillars, mid-blue for the selected pillar and the subpillars, and border-blue for the selected subpillar | 07:57 |
SteveA | try making the subpillars smaller | 07:57 |
SteveA | and make the P of Binary Packages lower case | 07:58 |
SteveA | i have a suggestion | 07:59 |
SteveA | here's the diff from the screenshot i have: | 07:59 |
SteveA | - P in Binary Packages lower case | 07:59 |
SteveA | - font of subpillars smaller | 07:59 |
SteveA | selected subpillar gets a rectangular outline | 08:00 |
SteveA | what do you think? | 08:01 |
mpt | I don't think we're putting a dent in its understandability, but never mind | 08:01 |
mpt | I'll try that | 08:01 |
mpt | SteveA, another screenshot sent | 08:06 |
=== SteveA notes that his apartment no longer has running water | ||
kiko | heh | 08:12 |
LarstiQ | SteveA: frozen pipes? | 08:12 |
SteveA | mpt: a bit better, i think. can you make the RHS of the subpillar box be distinct from the RHS of the site map as a whole? | 08:13 |
SteveA | i don't think it is frozen pipes | 08:14 |
mpt | "frozen pipes"? | 08:15 |
mpt | oh | 08:15 |
=== mpt reads up | ||
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mpt | SteveA, done | 08:19 |
kiko | mpt, put screenshots up on ~mpt | 08:19 |
kiko | oh, you're not on diskless | 08:19 |
kiko | well ~mpt on anthem? | 08:19 |
SteveA | "everything was fine until diskless here turned off the containment grid." | 08:20 |
SteveA | "is this true?" | 08:20 |
SteveA | "yes, this man has no disk" | 08:20 |
kiko | who can you call? | 08:21 |
mpt | kiko, Screenshot.png copied | 08:22 |
daf | SteveA: groan :) | 08:22 |
mpt | kiko, I hope this doesn't mean you're making my entire home folder publicly accessible | 08:23 |
kiko | mpt, ~/www | 08:23 |
mpt | Now we're cooking with gas! | 08:24 |
mpt | http://anthem.async.com.br/~mpt/Screenshot.png | 08:24 |
SteveA | i can't connect | 08:25 |
kiko | SteveA, use www.async.com.br | 08:25 |
kiko | mpt, anthem is an internal name | 08:25 |
SteveA | got it | 08:25 |
SteveA | mpt: so, it now makes visual sense to me. if you see what i mean. so, conceptually, it works for me. it is still too boxy, but that's an aesthetic problem. | 08:27 |
SteveA | mpt: crazy idea... | 08:28 |
SteveA | you know how in landscape pictures, things that are in the distance are painted with lighter colours? | 08:28 |
SteveA | maybe use a lighter blue for the subpillar links | 08:28 |
SteveA | to draw attention away from them | 08:29 |
mpt | so use link colors to mean something other than visited/unvisited? | 08:29 |
=== mpt tries to summon up some outrage, and fails | ||
mpt | ok | 08:30 |
SteveA | in this pseudo-graphical site menu, try it out | 08:30 |
SteveA | um, site map | 08:30 |
SteveA | in any case, i think this is good enough for now | 08:31 |
SteveA | thanks mpt | 08:31 |
mpt | done | 08:31 |
mpt | now, can someone help me push the branch to chinstrap? | 08:32 |
kiko | hey | 08:32 |
kiko | that's much better! | 08:32 |
kiko | the actions portlet needs to improve, but the sitemap looks reasonable | 08:32 |
kiko | I think we will find that Projects is a general problem though.. | 08:33 |
mpt | well, we're about to change that to Product Groups | 08:33 |
kiko | yeah | 08:34 |
mpt | (which will show up in the sitemap as "Product Grc" or thereabouts) | 08:34 |
kiko | but having it be a high-level thing.. well, let's see how that goes | 08:34 |
SteveA | i think that it is an improvement on the current deployed launchpad | 08:36 |
kiko | I have a question | 08:37 |
kiko | would some pages not have their current h1s? | 08:37 |
mpt | SteveA, Overall it looks slightly more intentional (not so much flapping tabs and odd whitespace), but the sitemap is a dead loss IMO | 08:38 |
mpt | kiko, yes, that will be a template-by-template cleanup process | 08:38 |
kiko | I see | 08:38 |
kiko | mpt, I don't know so much about the sitemap -- I rather think that the two-level depth is.. well, it simplifies things | 08:39 |
kiko | and now I will stop wasting everybody's time and write a launchpad report | 08:39 |
mpt | I still need to push this branch before SteveA can work on it | 08:43 |
mpt | and kiko you told me to ping you if I had any bzr problems :-) | 08:43 |
SteveA | mpt: you can also try jblack | 08:44 |
SteveA | mpt: but until you get some assistance, you can just continue to work on the page headings | 08:45 |
kiko | what's wrong with bzr? | 08:46 |
ddaa | mpt, are you okay? | 08:46 |
kiko | bzr push broken? | 08:46 |
mpt | bzr push always says "bzr: ERROR: Local branch is not a newer version of remote branch." | 08:46 |
ddaa | I like the idea of making the navigation more obvious, and getting rid of the tabs | 08:46 |
kiko | mpt, perhaps your bzr/x-push-data is wrong? | 08:46 |
mpt | I suspect that's because lifeless's new-branch script didn't create the branch on chinstrap properly/at all | 08:47 |
ddaa | but you are aggravating the "the walls are crushing me" problem | 08:47 |
ddaa | mpt what is the command you typed? | 08:47 |
mpt | ddaa, yes, the side columns have increased from 16em each to 25% each | 08:47 |
mpt | you only have half the width of the page to do actual work now | 08:47 |
mpt | ddaa, ../new-branch | 08:47 |
ddaa | mpt: that's insane | 08:47 |
kiko | that is a concern. | 08:47 |
kiko | we could address that by removing one column | 08:48 |
ddaa | mpt: that's not a bzr command | 08:48 |
kiko | salgado, can you help mpt fix his branch? | 08:48 |
kiko | mpt, have you tried asking salgado first? | 08:48 |
ddaa | For pages like the person overview page, that's okay, but many pages don't work like that... | 08:49 |
mpt | kiko, yes, tried that this morning | 08:49 |
mpt | ddaa, it's worst on Rosetta pages | 08:49 |
SteveA | ddaa: we'll be making some pages have just one column | 08:49 |
SteveA | the fixes come in stages | 08:49 |
ddaa | cool | 08:49 |
ddaa | mpt: I'd be happy to help debug your bzr problem, but I would need more information :) | 08:50 |
salgado | kiko, yes, he asked me and I have no idea what happened | 08:50 |
mpt | ddaa, new-branch consists of "bzr push; echo "chinstrap:/home/warthogs/archives/mpt/launchpad/$1/" > .bzr/x-push-data; ssh chinstrap cp -Pr /home/warthogs/archives/rocketfuel/launchpad/devel /home/warthogs/archives/mpt/launchpad/$1; bzr pull --overwrite ../archives/rocketfuel/launchpad | 08:50 |
mpt | " | 08:50 |
mpt | So I did ../new-branch 2005-12-layout | 08:51 |
mpt | and .bzr/x-push-data now says "chinstrap:/home/warthogs/archives/mpt/launchpad/2005-12-layout/" | 08:52 |
ddaa | and? | 08:52 |
ddaa | SteveA: I have a UAE state at the second stage of R-Type with the full weapon complement, if you are interested ;) | 08:54 |
kiko | salgado, just nuke the mirror and re-mirror? | 08:54 |
kiko | I mean | 08:54 |
kiko | there ARE ways forward | 08:54 |
kiko | mpt, see above | 08:54 |
kiko | unless it's been partially merged it should work I imagine | 08:55 |
ddaa | mpt: I think that your problem is that your local mirror of rocketfuel was out of date when you used new-branch, that gives you a branch you cannot push if you do not "--overwrite". | 08:55 |
ddaa | after the first push, there should be no need to overwrite. | 08:55 |
mpt | ddaa, yes, it was out of date because of https://launchpad.net/products/bzr/+bug/5277 | 08:56 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug #5277: bzr is not able to merge from one branch because an Unicode error In: bzr (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: New https://launchpad.net/bugs/5277 | 08:56 |
ddaa | mpt: so, "bzr push --overwrite" | 08:57 |
kiko | mpt, for which there is a workaround.. | 08:57 |
SteveA | ddaa: awesome. if i can work out how to get r-type going, i'll ask you for it. | 08:57 |
ddaa | SteveA: I have a good uaerc if you want, and a little collection of oldies :) | 08:58 |
kiko | r-type rocks | 08:58 |
kiko | I probably wasted 4 years on it if you add it all up | 08:58 |
kiko | and 2 years on wasteland | 08:58 |
ddaa | now the issue is that it does guru meditation when entering the third level :( | 08:58 |
kiko | sounds like a bug in UAE or a broken image | 08:59 |
=== ddaa looks for another r-type image | ||
ddaa | got a few of them | 09:00 |
kiko | guru meditation is when the cooperative multitasking falls apart | 09:01 |
ddaa | you seem to know more about it than I. For me it just means "stupid machine lost my game" ;) | 09:02 |
kiko | it's a system error | 09:03 |
ddaa | yeah, AFAICT it's akin to kernel panic, bomb, BSOD | 09:03 |
ddaa | but it's red and blinking | 09:03 |
mpt | SteveA, so, chinstrap:/home/warthogs/archives/mpt/launchpad/2005-12-layout/ | 09:04 |
mpt | Guru Meditation is last century's "Oops" | 09:05 |
SteveA | mpt: can you stick it in my review queue on the PendingReviews page? | 09:05 |
SteveA | also, i remember something about having to always use fully qualified host names in bzr branch ids | 09:06 |
SteveA | ddaa: is that right? | 09:06 |
ddaa | Mh... depends | 09:06 |
ddaa | that's not true for rsync | 09:06 |
ddaa | and that's probably not true for very recent bzr | 09:06 |
ddaa | as the sftp transport will now spawn ssh instead of using paramiko native ssh transport | 09:07 |
ddaa | dunno if that made it into integration yet | 09:07 |
ddaa | but there's also this argument going on about making sftp://host/path interpret path as relative... | 09:08 |
ddaa | apparently, the sftp url spec says that an absolute path should be spelled sftp://host/%22path | 09:09 |
ddaa | ... | 09:09 |
SteveA | i guess | 09:09 |
=== mdz [n=mdz@studiocity-motorola-bsr1-70-36-194-85.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #launchpad | ||
mpt | SteveA, done | 09:09 |
mpt | is PQM off chinstrap yet, kiko? | 09:10 |
kiko | I don't think so | 09:10 |
salgado | I think so | 09:10 |
kiko | it's taking 6h to process a branch it appears | 09:10 |
salgado | I can't see it running on chinstrap | 09:11 |
salgado | and it's been merging my requests | 09:11 |
elmo | salgado: pqm is still on chinstrap | 09:11 |
elmo | it doesn't run as a daemon, it runs from cron | 09:11 |
kiko | and is it hung I wonder? | 09:11 |
SteveA | like a fucking horse | 09:12 |
SteveA | that's why it is so slow | 09:12 |
kiko | realistically | 09:12 |
bradb | like http://news.yahoo.com/photo/051201/ids_photos_wl/r3788257887.jpg ? | 09:12 |
kiko | it will take some 40h to merge my gina changes | 09:12 |
SteveA | bradb: you came up with that picture WAY too quickly | 09:13 |
bradb | heh | 09:13 |
SteveA | 40h? | 09:13 |
mpt | bradb, if that's your idea of a horse, you're in for a very painful ride | 09:13 |
SteveA | that's a great lot | 09:13 |
kiko | SteveA, from a random unscientific sampling it's taking something like 5h per merge | 09:13 |
SteveA | hmm | 09:13 |
mpt | ugh, Evolution's interface is so horrible it's depressing | 09:14 |
SteveA | that is a long time | 09:14 |
bradb | mpt: I guess it's important enough for Rejected to come between "Needs Info" and "Confirmed" to do the data migration that will be needed to cope with having to change its integer value? Otherwise it appears at the end, after "Released", which is nasty. | 09:16 |
SteveA | bradb: we can add sorting to dbschema independently of int value if we need to | 09:17 |
bradb | SteveA: I considered that too, but I think that would just be delaying the inevitable. | 09:18 |
SteveA | there is no intrinsic ordering to these things | 09:19 |
SteveA | so i don't think a database change is automatically required | 09:19 |
SteveA | the ordering is an arbitrary UI decision, i think | 09:19 |
bradb | As long as we don't plan to have a UI that says "show me all the foos that are at least => [value] ", for cases where value comes from an dbschema. | 09:20 |
SteveA | i think in this case it would be an explicit statement of how these things are ordered in the UI | 09:21 |
SteveA | but, seeing as we don't have that... | 09:21 |
SteveA | changing the values in the database looks most reasonable, if it won't be horrendous | 09:21 |
bradb | e.g. you can think of all "valid" bugs as being >= confirmed. | 09:21 |
bradb | it shouldn't be horrendous | 09:21 |
SteveA | i just want to point out that in this case, it isn't necessary in the whole data model thing | 09:22 |
mpt | bradb, yes, I would prefer that order | 09:22 |
mpt | I did fiddle around with it a bit before settling on that one | 09:23 |
kiko | bradb, mpt, I would like mdz to be satisfied with the solution if possible | 09:23 |
mpt | iirc mdz's only problem was with the names of "Fixed" vs. "Released" | 09:24 |
bradb | I think mdz's thinking is inline with the suggestion I made | 09:24 |
kiko | I think the distro and upstream mean different things by Fixed :-( | 09:25 |
mpt | https://launchpad.net/products/malone/+bug/971 | 09:25 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug #971: Rename New/Accepted statuses as Unconfirmed/Confirmed, and other tweaks In: malone (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Brad Bollenbach, Status: Accepted https://launchpad.net/bugs/971 | 09:25 |
mpt | the problem was more that developers and end users mean different things by "fixed" | 09:26 |
kiko | yeah. | 09:26 |
mpt | for a developer it's "I've committed the fix, therefore it's fixed" | 09:26 |
bradb | yep | 09:26 |
mpt | for an end user it's "the fix is in version x.y, therefore it's fixed" | 09:26 |
bradb | and/or on a branch, for the slightly more brave definition of "end user" | 09:27 |
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mpt | that definition is reasonably indistinguishable from "developer" | 09:27 |
mpt | it's someone who knows how to compile stuff | 09:28 |
mpt | mdz, do you have any bright ideas on better names for "Fixed" and "Released"? | 09:29 |
bradb | the point being that the fixed-in-branch workflow solves a separate (and very important) use case to the first two use cases you mentioned | 09:29 |
mpt | bradb, fixed-in-branch = committed | 09:29 |
kiko | maybe Committed and Released? | 09:30 |
kiko | why am I even on IRC?!?!! | 09:30 |
mpt | haha | 09:30 |
mpt | because discussing bug statuses is our favorite Friday night activity | 09:30 |
kiko | I have a report to deliver | 09:30 |
bradb | mdz: What do you think of having a "Fixed" status, with optional branch and/or release metadata attached to it? (Where, if that's not specified, the UI can basically say "...but uh, we don't actually know where you can get the fix. :)" and have a way to add it manually or populate it automatically, when applicable) | 09:31 |
lifeless | mpt: pong | 09:32 |
=== bradb just fixed 35 broken tests and is now actively campaigning to break them again | ||
mpt | lifeless, nm, ddaa and kiko helped me | 09:32 |
lifeless | k | 09:33 |
mpt | bradb, I don't think anyone's disapproving of that, but it's future work | 09:33 |
mpt | "Released" isn't a good name anyway, because it suggests the bug is being released, rather than the fix | 09:34 |
bradb | yep | 09:34 |
bradb | i changed the listing to say "fix released by ...", but still, it's a bit weird on the task page | 09:34 |
mpt | Fix Released | 09:34 |
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bradb | a nano-improvement, possibly | 09:35 |
mpt | "fixed by Foo Bar" | 09:36 |
mpt | "fixed by Foo Bar and released in x.y" | 09:36 |
mpt | arg, that's back to releasing the bug again | 09:36 |
bradb | s/ and released// | 09:37 |
mpt | like fly fishing | 09:37 |
mpt | anyway, I'm going home to do something exciting like redesign Dapper's backup GUI | 09:40 |
mpt | boa noite | 09:40 |
bradb | la prochaine | 09:40 |
=== Nafallo is now known as Nafallo_away | ||
ddaa | Argh, I isolated the crasher :( | 09:52 |
ddaa | when playing from a restored state, it will crash when changing to the next level, with both images... | 09:52 |
ddaa | I guess it must be a remnant of the copy-protection... | 09:52 |
salgado | kiko, https://launchpad.net/products/launchpad/+bug/5325 | 09:53 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug #5325: The select box labeled "Attachment:" in the advanced bug search is crack In: launchpad (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: New https://launchpad.net/bugs/5325 | 09:53 |
kiko | salgado, you are such a cop-out :) | 09:55 |
salgado | is that good or bad? | 09:55 |
salgado | oh, that's not true | 09:56 |
salgado | I just want to Keep Things Simple | 09:56 |
salgado | kiko, btw, would you like to review this patch? | 09:57 |
kiko | I can't today | 09:57 |
salgado | (to fix bug 4772) | 09:57 |
kiko | but tomorrow I may be less depressed | 09:57 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug #4772: Allow advanced searching in FOAF (and elsewhere) In: malone (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Guilherme Salgado, Status: Accepted https://launchpad.net/bugs/4772 | 09:57 |
salgado | okay, I'll try again tomorrow | 09:58 |
lifeless | salgado: I can do that today | 10:03 |
lifeless | salgado: if its not too big | 10:03 |
lifeless | where is it ? | 10:04 |
salgado | lifeless, I can mail you | 10:04 |
lifeless | ok | 10:04 |
salgado | lifeless, it's 440 lines, but most of it is html that I moved to metal macros | 10:07 |
lifeless | ok | 10:07 |
lifeless | I'll do it after breakfast - about 1/2 hour | 10:07 |
salgado | okay. I'll be at home probably, but I can handle whatever is necessary tomorrow morning | 10:08 |
=== mpt [n=mpt@201-27-71-186.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad | ||
kiko | hey mpt | 10:12 |
mpt | I just can't get away from Launchpad | 10:13 |
sivang | mpt: what do you mean? :) | 10:14 |
sivang | hey kiko | 10:14 |
kiko | I'm sleepy | 10:15 |
sivang | kiko: still have to finish the report? | 10:15 |
mpt | sivang, xchat auto-joins #launchpad even on my iBook | 10:15 |
kiko | yeah | 10:16 |
sivang | mpt: and that is a bad thing? | 10:16 |
mpt | It's a bad thing if I want to concentrate on other stuff :-0 | 10:17 |
mpt | It's a bad thing if I want to concentrate on other stuff :-) | 10:17 |
=== mpt wonders how that happened | ||
sivang | mpt: I see, then just leave the channel no? | 10:17 |
=== mpt [n=mpt@201-27-71-186.dsl.telesp.net.br] has left #launchpad ["http://mpt.net.nz/"] | ||
sivang | hehe | 10:18 |
sivang | quick | 10:18 |
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dilys | Merge to devel/launchpad: [trivial] Fix PackageBugContact table (missing id column) (r2882: Stuart Bishop) | 10:49 |
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\sh | what is the bzr equivalent of svn/cvs export? | 11:15 |
\sh | bzr export doesn't work...so how do i get a "clean source"? | 11:15 |
lifeless | bzr export | 11:17 |
lifeless | i.e. bzr export ../project.tar.bz2 | 11:17 |
\sh | bzr export ../destdir? | 11:17 |
lifeless | or yes bzr export ../destdir | 11:17 |
\sh | oh...it creates directly an archive? | 11:17 |
lifeless | it does many things ;) | 11:17 |
lifeless | isn't this more #bzr topic though ? | 11:17 |
\sh | lifeless: ugh...#bzr exists...sorry...I don't want to disturb with launchpad stuff :) going :) | 11:18 |
lifeless | ;) | 11:18 |
jblack | mpt: ping | 11:31 |
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