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FireRabbit | mojo, ;) | 05:15 |
FireRabbit | hey everyone, are the images used on the official ubuntu cds avaliable somewhere? | 05:15 |
AndyFitz | FireRabbit, not to my knowledge. are you after high res version? you can always use a scanner :-) | 05:17 |
AndyFitz | the are available within copies the distro as files | 05:17 |
FireRabbit | yeah, high res would be nice | 05:17 |
FireRabbit | they are? | 05:17 |
AndyFitz | well usr/share/gdm/themes/HumanCircle/circle.png | 05:18 |
AndyFitz | thats quite high res | 05:18 |
FireRabbit | oh well thats not quite the same | 05:18 |
FireRabbit | i am talking about the sticker on the cd it's self | 05:19 |
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FireRabbit | do you know who was in charge of this? someone at canonical? | 05:19 |
AndyFitz | typically they have been using a studio for their cd's I don't know about this release however | 05:20 |
FireRabbit | who would know? | 05:20 |
AndyFitz | I have the email address of the people who provided the original artwork ( logo etc ) however I don't know if they are still a vendor for canonical | 05:21 |
AndyFitz | claire would know claire@canonical.com | 05:21 |
FireRabbit | okay, thank you | 05:22 |
AndyFitz | actually jane would probably have more of an idea | 05:22 |
AndyFitz | jane.silber@canonical.... | 05:22 |
FireRabbit | okay | 05:22 |
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artnay | list updated once again | 12:33 |
artnay | I should diff it or do some sort of changes log | 12:33 |
artnay | next thing we should do... create deps between the projects | 12:34 |
artnay | this should be ported to wiki | 12:36 |
artnay | would be much easier | 12:36 |
Tm_T | hmm, so we agreed earlier that backgrounds will be svg when working on them, but in release png? | 01:33 |
artnay | I think so | 01:44 |
artnay | bvc replied me but there's no word from andyfitz nor volvoguy | 01:46 |
Tm_T | ok | 01:46 |
Tm_T | then I will do some rough ideas soon | 01:46 |
artnay | how should we build the wiki? | 01:47 |
artnay | Artwork page would be the main page | 01:48 |
artnay | then maybe the links should be split some how | 01:48 |
artnay | before X is started / GNOME stuff / Applications / Other stuff | 01:48 |
artnay | we should also have the main guidelines | 01:49 |
artnay | canonical was supposed to give some kind of branding guide | 01:49 |
Tm_T | was, supposed | 01:52 |
Tm_T | oh, I love those words ;) | 01:53 |
artnay | I'll ask what are they planning | 01:53 |
Tm_T | please do, you know where to find me ;) =>> | 01:53 |
=== ogra [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has joined #ubuntu-artwork | ||
artnay | ok, I've got an idea. we should split the wiki, right? | 02:10 |
artnay | Artwork | 02:10 |
artnay | This page does not exist yet. | 02:10 |
artnay | How about this: | 02:10 |
artnay | Artwork would be the main page and it would contain | 02:11 |
artnay | FAQ, Current projects, Guides, Resources, Members, Links, Kubuntu artwork, Edubuntu artwork and Xubuntu artwork | 02:11 |
artnay | Current Ubuntu artwork projects would contain all topics and maybe the discussion pages should be separated. | 02:11 |
artnay | Clicking the topic would give the overall view what's happening, links, dependencies, members, guides and resources | 02:12 |
artnay | so it would contain lots of cross-linking | 02:12 |
artnay | would that be a mess? | 02:12 |
ogra | no idea, but for edubuntu see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuArtwork | 02:13 |
artnay | oh yeah, Licensing ;) | 02:13 |
artnay | that's an important one | 02:13 |
artnay | it looks a lot more cleaner than ubuntu's | 02:14 |
artnay | last edited 2005-11-13 | 02:15 |
ogra | our community is smaller, not so many edits ;) | 02:15 |
artnay | how come there's not enough ppl involved in this? | 02:15 |
ogra | and mhz cares very good for all edubuntu wiki stuff | 02:15 |
artnay | should we make an open letter and ask for help? | 02:16 |
ogra | for edubuntu ? | 02:16 |
artnay | ubuntu | 02:16 |
ogra | you mean the art team in general ? | 02:16 |
artnay | why not for edubuntu as well | 02:16 |
artnay | ogra: yeah, at least we should organize as soon as possible | 02:16 |
artnay | I understand that ppl have other things to do but still | 02:17 |
artnay | nothing will happen unless we make it happen | 02:17 |
ogra | do it ... more people are always good ... i'm oly a developer ;) | 02:17 |
ogra | *only | 02:17 |
ogra | i think you need quite some organisation ... i'm monitoring the art team since the beginning, and there didnt happen much yet ... | 02:18 |
artnay | true | 02:18 |
ogra | but somehow there is missing the direction ... that probably needs to be sorted first ... | 02:18 |
artnay | that's why there should be more ppl online, share our views etc. | 02:19 |
ogra | yup | 02:19 |
artnay | I've been waiting for a reply to my mails... it would be much nicer if I just could /msg dude and check if he is available using /wii | 02:20 |
artnay | now it's a mess: http://users.evtek.fi/~jirig/artwork-todo :) | 02:22 |
ogra | i can give you a list with the default screensavers that will be shipped in dapper ... | 02:25 |
ogra | mark once made a selection, i think he will insist that he makes the selection | 02:26 |
artnay | ok. | 02:26 |
ogra | see bugzilla #3044 | 02:27 |
artnay | thanks for the info, I updated the list | 02:28 |
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artnay | hey guys | 03:09 |
artnay | http://users.evtek.fi/~jirig/artwork-todo - take a look at the wiki section and let us hear you | 03:10 |
mhz | artnay: why that isn't at the wiki? | 03:11 |
artnay | because I haven't got any replies to my mails | 03:11 |
artnay | I need a blessing first | 03:11 |
artnay | then we could start doing things | 03:11 |
mhz | artnay: what do you mean ? | 03:12 |
mhz | no replies? | 03:12 |
mhz | what email? | 03:12 |
artnay | nada, nothing | 03:12 |
mhz | hehe | 03:12 |
artnay | I've asked AndyFitz and volvoguy to give comments | 03:12 |
mhz | artnay: but the idea of wiki is exactly that. | 03:13 |
mhz | independance | 03:13 |
mhz | freedom of speech | 03:13 |
mhz | and everyone else can comment on the page | 03:13 |
mhz | that url you provide is important, very. | 03:13 |
mhz | and should be of everyone's interest | 03:14 |
artnay | I can't do that by myself | 03:14 |
artnay | I need help for that | 03:14 |
mhz | at least, you could wiki it to YourPage/SomeIdeas | 03:14 |
artnay | might do that later today | 03:14 |
mhz | can I add it for you? | 03:15 |
artnay | then there wouldn't be need to send it to list | 03:15 |
artnay | sure, just do it :) | 03:15 |
mhz | or, email to the list: Please comment about this URL | 03:15 |
artnay | no I wouldn't like to get evtek ubuntulisted ;) | 03:15 |
mhz | what's your wiki homepage? | 03:16 |
mhz | oh, why? | 03:16 |
artnay | there's none at the moment | 03:16 |
mhz | oh :D | 03:16 |
artnay | evtek got lots of traffic from abroad due some things I won't tell gere | 03:16 |
mhz | oops. ok | 03:16 |
artnay | I didn't have anything to do with it, but still | 03:17 |
artnay | it got pretty badly hammered, sort of slashdotted :> | 03:17 |
mhz | :( | 03:17 |
artnay | mhz: shall we create the wiki on this weekend? | 03:21 |
artnay | anybody else? | 03:21 |
mhz | artnay: hmmm, which wiki? the wiki page on wiki.ubuntu...? or your own wiki? | 03:23 |
artnay | mhz: ubuntu wiki | 03:31 |
artnay | I don't want any dupe projects | 03:31 |
artnay | we should co-operate as much as we can, that's the only way to achieve our goals | 03:32 |
mhz | yup! | 03:33 |
mhz | artnay: to have 'edit' privileges in any ubunt wiki, you only gotta create a launchpad account | 03:34 |
mhz | and you'll always login using that lp info | 03:34 |
artnay | I already got one | 03:34 |
mhz | as it is your idea, i thought i could paste your todo proposal below your homepage. | 03:35 |
mhz | but i cant create your homepage :) | 03:35 |
artnay | Sorry, wrong password. | 03:36 |
artnay | but it tells there's a valid account on that name! :) | 03:36 |
artnay | hmm, which was it... I have too many passwords :) | 03:36 |
artnay | it's not my idea, I guess many people agree on that | 03:37 |
mhz | artnay: hehehe, been there! | 03:37 |
artnay | they just don't have time or they're being lazy or something | 03:37 |
mhz | artnay: ask lp to send the pwd to ya | 03:37 |
mhz | artnay: and what I have done to solve the pwd issue is simple. I crate a txt file where i place all my pwds. Then, I encrypt that file and erase the old txt file. | 03:39 |
mhz | next time i need to see a password, i only decrypt the file to read. | 03:40 |
mhz | :D | 03:40 |
artnay | I should do some sort of matrix and make a logic how to store passwords on it | 03:40 |
artnay | then encrypt it | 03:40 |
mhz | obviously... YOU MUST NOT forget the decryption password, artnay :D | 03:41 |
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artnay | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork | 04:09 |
artnay | now it exists although I had no idea how to add the page to Artwork category (wasn't there) | 04:09 |
artnay | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtworkTodoProposal | 04:50 |
artnay | who wants to fix the wiki on weekend? | 04:50 |
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