
Xamuskgermancito: see if you are in the admin group12:00
alilo1robotgeek: too much to ask , but how?12:00
gnomefreakRed-Sox,  try www.firefox.org12:00
sampanstevew, your life will be easier if you install xp first (and partition your xp section as large as you want and then leave the rest for ubuntu)12:00
ompaulSteveW, leave a partition for Ubuntu - I can say that I am using a lot of space in my little ubuntu only world on this box12:00
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Red-Soxgnomefreak: thx12:00
SteveWmwe, i want to set up azureus on ub. maybe i'll go for 2gb swap, can't hurt12:00
gnomefreakRed-Sox,  i also made it clear i dont use it12:00
Stormx2Red-Sox: I just tried to install it, its baaad12:00
gnomefreakand i dont advise it12:00
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trappistXamusk: his sudo doesn't work because he borked his /etc/hosts.12:00
Xamuskgermancito: if not, use your favorite user administration tool12:00
mweSteveW: how much ram do you have?12:00
Xamusktrappist: ahm12:00
ompaulSteveW, install windows first  double your ram for swap up to 2G swap if you need more than that you are doing mad stuff12:01
trappistgnomefreak: what does your /etc/hosts look like now12:01
gnomefreakand as far as i know most people in here will not help with it cause its not part of linux12:01
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trappistgnomefreak: the first line12:01
alilo1robotgeek: I found it ....haha ..........http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/528312:01
gnomefreaktrappist,  how do i know i didnt change it12:01
SteveWmwe, 1gb, athlon xp 2400+ 1.8Ghz,12:01
Xamuskgermancito: then check the sudoers file and see if the authentication is bound to the machine name12:01
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tylerI have been trying to install the mp3 codec for the audio player but I keep getting an error.  Can anyone help?12:01
gnomefreaktrappist,  i dont think you meant me12:01
SEJefftrappist: Reboot the computer. At the grub prompt, hit e. Then put init=/bin/bash at the end. That will boot you into single user mode with a rootshell so you can fix /etc/hosts12:01
trappistgnomefreak: oops that was supposed to be for what's-his-name12:01
gnomefreaklol trappist12:01
mweSteveW: 2GB swap wont hurt. that should keep you really, really safe. I still think you could go for much less, though12:02
germancitoXamusk, I'm new to ubuntu and linux, and i don't really undestand everithing you tell me :P12:02
trappistSEJeff: you meant that for what's-his-name too :)12:02
SEJefftrappist: You should just need ' localhost' in /etc/hosts12:02
Red-SoxStormx2: why?12:02
trappistSEJeff: I know this, I'm trying to help germancito with it12:02
gnomefreakwhats-his-name please stand up and tell trappist  your here12:02
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SEJefftrappist: I've gotta leave, have fun :)12:02
mweSteveW: how big is your hdd?12:02
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gnomefreak320 i thought he said12:02
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khermansI am running Ubuntu Server 5.10, but it is not upgrading my linux-image-686??  Any ideas?12:03
ompaulmwe, he did say 320 this is the second time around the block on this one12:03
SteveWmwe, 320gb, but i need most of it for torrents - long story. should i put the torrents on a fat32 drive so i can download from win or ub?12:03
andi5reasking: maybe, i have a little bit lucky (;-)) this time -> i have four questions :) does -ubuntu in package versions imply real differences between debian<->ubuntu? how can i see these diffs? how can i ask for synchronization with debian packages (universe)? and: is this all answered in some faq (link would be great) :D12:03
robotgeekalilo1: it doesn't show me any wireless cards? have you pasted it correctly?12:03
jojoman02i just moved to linux, (i'm a newbie basically) and i don't know anything. i was wondering what was the purpose of compiling your own kernel? what is the use? advantages / disadvantages12:03
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ubuntu_what can I do to check the validity of an NTFS formatted HDD?12:03
germancitotrappist, what's that single user mode?12:03
ubuntu_(From Ubuntu, of course :)12:03
khermansI have tried aptitude update and upgrade, but it still holds back linux-image-686 and linux-testricted-modules-686!!12:03
tylerI just installed eclipse but the folder is on my Desktop.  Where should i install most files to?12:03
gnomefreakkhermans,  what kernel are you running?12:04
Xappedarn, I can't set anything but letter keys as controls for tux racer (or planetpenguin racer)12:04
robotgeekkhermans: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:04
_jasontyler, how did you install eclipse?12:04
khermans2.6.10-9 i think?12:04
Xappei want space and arrow keys12:04
gnomefreakkhermans, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade will update kernel image12:04
mweSteveW: yeah if you plan on sharing space between xp and linux, fat32 would be what you want. be aware that it can't handle files larger than 4GB though12:04
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khermansgnomefreak: is that specific to Ubuntu-Server?12:04
ompaulandi5, the detas are real this is all in the developers faq and requesting for sync in universe is motu stuff have a look at #ubuntu-motu12:04
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gnomefreakkhermans,  no its debian commands12:04
khermansgnomefreak: i have done it without dist-upgrade on my personal workstations12:04
Xamuskgermancito: # visudo -> see if there is a line like "%admin  ALL=(ALL) ALL", if your machine's name is there, change to the current one12:05
matrix-ubuntu-cscannot determine eth dst addr   possibly missing arp cache entry12:05
matrix-ubuntu-cswhat is this12:05
khermansgnomefreak: i am running 2.6.12-912:05
gnomefreakkhermans,  im just telling you how i got it12:05
andi5ompaul: thanks a lot :)12:05
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khermansgnomefreak: thats weird because it usually updates without dist-upgrade12:05
gnomefreakkhermans,  if it doesnt upgrade what do you lose 3 secs?12:05
alilo1robotgeek: yes I did, I actualy sent the out put to a file than pasted it as such  lspci -v | less12:05
ompaulandi5, what is it Mark S said "every debian developer is a ... :-)))))"12:05
mweSteveW: or you could try your luck with captive-ntfs and use a shared ntfs partition. It should be stable, but I haven't used it myself12:05
gnomefreakkhermans,  alot has been weird with this kernel12:05
khermansgnomefreak: yes, the point is WHY it doesnt work with normal upgrade12:05
ompaulandi5,  wrongly placed smiley (DOH -4)12:06
germancitoXamusk, I can't run visudo12:06
alilo1robotgeek: yes I did, I actualy sent the out put to a file than pasted it as such  lspci -v | less >file.txt12:06
khermansgnomefreak: which kernel?12:06
khermansgnomefreak: maybe i wont upgrade12:06
robotgeekalilo1: try 'lspci -v > pastebin' instead12:06
gnomefreakkhermans, i dont know and the 12-10 kernel12:06
germancitoXamusk, visudo: /etc/sudoers: Permission denied12:06
ompaulgermancito, did you set a root password?12:06
jojoman02i just moved to linux, (i'm a newbie basically) and i don't know anything. i was wondering what was the purpose of compiling your own kernel? what is the use? advantages / disadvantages12:06
mwegermancito: sudo visudo12:06
matrix-ubuntu-cscannot determine eth dst addr   possibly missing arp cache entry12:06
Xamuskgermancito: that may explain a lot12:06
matrix-ubuntu-cswhat is this12:06
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germancitoi can't use sudo12:06
SteveWso it sounds like i will do this: install win on 20 gb part, install ub on 18gb part + 2 gb swap. create 160gb ntfs and 120 fat32. sound ok?12:06
khermansjojoman02: to make it run with only the options you want12:06
gnomefreakkhermans,  its fine now i think but i had grub issues and couldnt configure it so i reinstalled ubuntu and works fine now12:06
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Xamuskgermancito: did you execute it as root?12:07
ompauljojoman02, if you don't know why don't try it yet - if you are going to try it do it with the ubuntu kernel sources12:07
mwegermancito: and you don't have access to the root account either?12:07
khermansjojoman02: most "friendly" kernel builds include almost everything so that you dont have to thin kabout what will work and what will not work12:07
gnomefreakgermancito, why cant you use sudo12:07
Xamuskgermancito: $ su12:07
gnomefreakno X12:07
gnomefreakno su in ubuntu12:07
gnomefreakits sudo12:07
trappistjojoman02: advantages: you can speed things up by getting rid of stuff you don't need and optimizing for your platform.  You can learn a lot.  Disadvantages: it takes time and the first few times you probably won't get it right.12:07
germancitosudo: unable to lookup "my name" via gethostbyname()12:07
Xamuskthere's su too12:07
tyler_jason, i just did sudo tar xzvf 'eclipsepackage' on the desktop12:07
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khermansjojoman02: once you understand the kernel options, you will know that you dont need everything -- and probably less than 10 percents of whats included12:07
germancitothat's whatirit says12:07
ompaulgermancito, did you set a root password?   germancito germancito !!12:07
gnomefreakXamusk, not in the ubuntu install there is not12:07
tyler_jason, so now im left with the actual program in a folder on my desktop12:07
khermansjojoman02: you can really learn about this stuff by running gentoo12:08
_jasontyler, is there a reason you are not installing eclipse using synaptic?12:08
gnomefreakubotu tell Xamusk about root12:08
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alilo1robotgeek: well I did , seen nothing, where am I suposed to look at then? please12:08
tyler_jason, im newbie.12:08
mweSteveW: yeah, or you could go for no fat32 partition and set up captive-ntfs12:08
trappistkhermans: what can you learn about the kernel on gentoo that you can't learn on ubuntu12:08
tyler_jason, how would i  exactly?12:08
_jasontyler, ubuntu has this wonderful program called synaptic where you can install thousands of packages easily.12:08
germancitoompaul, mi password is the root pasword but since i changed the hostname (like 5 minutes ago) i can't use sudo12:08
heatxsinkdamn has anyone else noticed that LIRC stopped working witht he latest kernel in Breezy?12:08
robotgeekalilo1: now copy the contents of the file "pastebin" (gedit pastebin) and put it in the pastebin12:08
Xamuskgnomefreak: ah, that... I just made a sudo passwd... well, that's not possible for him :-(12:08
tyler_jason, so i just find eclipse in there? how would it know i have the package?12:08
khermanstrappist: im just saying that the Gentoo docs are more geared topward customization12:08
_jasontyler, system -> administration -> synaptic12:08
SteveWntfs didn't work so hot pre fedora - 120 should be enough to share12:09
khermanstrappist: in Ubuntu, thje motto is "Just Works"12:09
ubuntu8600Hey I got a question about persistence in breezy - will it save the snapshot as a single file without wiping out my whole thumb drive???12:09
khermanstrappist: not, "Works most efficiently at the cost of barrier to entry"12:09
tyler_jason, so i need to DL again since i erased the original package, right?12:09
gnomefreakthere is a reset password command but i cant remember what it is12:09
_jasontyler, you can search for eclipse.  However, to have access to all of the available packages in ubuntu you should enable the universe and mutliverse repos.  I will have ubotu send you a link.12:09
khermansgnomefreak: passwd12:09
mweSteveW: it's your choice. from what I hear captive should be 100% safe though12:09
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gnomefreakkhermans, for sudo user not user12:10
trappistkhermans: I think the difference is that gentoo forces you to learn it, while ubuntu (and most other distros) just provide the opportunity12:10
tyler_jason, oh ive got uni and multi12:10
khermanstrappist: exactly12:10
germancitoand I cant run any programs that use sudo (like synaptic)12:10
khermanstrappist: thats a good way of looking at it12:10
gnomefreakgentoo forses you to learn during install :(12:10
_jasontyler, all you do in synaptic is find what you want then right click and select install and then apply.  And everything is done for you.12:10
SteveWmwe, do they have a webpage i can check it out?12:10
khermanstrappist: and we know from watching that movie with Tom Hanks going down on the airplane on the island, that if you need to, you will :-)12:10
ompaulgermancito, that is not what I asked, did you explicitly set a root password, if you did not then I would reboot the box and (A) see if the problem goes away in which case you did not do damage (B) boot a second time if it is all screwed up and press escape while grub is booting and use the rescue kernel which will safely drop you on a command line as root - you can then undo the error12:10
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mweSteveW: the partions you suggested sound fine. just remember that fat32 can't handle files larger than 4GB12:10
alilo1robotgeek: done , this is the link : http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/528412:10
Xamuskgermancito: did you try to logoff or reboot?12:11
tyler_jason, i did a search for eclipse and like 10 things came up, which should i use?12:11
khermanstyler: search for eclipse on wiki.ubuntu.com12:11
khermansther eis a howto12:11
germancitoyes I reboot Xamusk12:11
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khermansmwe: 2 GB12:11
trappistkhermans: I prefer to learn things as I find the time and the motivation rather than as a barrier to entry, but obviously that's not everybody12:12
mwekhermans: what. I don't think so12:12
_jasonubotu, tell tyler about eclipse12:12
khermansmwe: i think the max size is 2 GB isnt it?12:12
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carbanmcan i get some help?12:12
germancitolet me reboot again and see what happens12:12
khermansmwe: opr is thast ext3?12:12
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khermansmwe: opr is thast ext2?12:12
trappistgermancito: rebooting won't fix it12:12
_jasontyler, according to that link, the package name is eclipse-jdt12:13
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khermansmaybe it is ext2 that has the 2GB limit12:13
mwedonno about ext2. ext3 should handle large files fine12:13
trappistkhermans: I don't think any modern linux filesystems have a 2gb limit12:13
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germancitotrappist, whta should I do?12:13
ubuntu8600Help me make this work please12:13
robotgeekalilo1: hmm, weird. that pretty much sums up my knowledge12:13
carbanmanyone here able to help me a bit? i want to know if its possible to install ubuntu from the live disk12:13
trappistgermancito: reboot into single user mode to fix /etc/hosts12:13
silent_screamhow can i open gconf from console??12:13
Xamusktrappist: but loggin off may fix... hostnames and some other info sometimes are kept till logoff12:14
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tyler_jason, i hit install and its gonan install like 10 thing,s thats normal right?12:14
SteveWmwe, good point: win 20 / ub 20 / ntfs 220 / fat 6012:14
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_jasontyler, yep12:14
robotgeekalilo1: sorry, but try asking around here again12:14
ubuntu8600Hey I got a question about persistence in breezy - will it save the snapshot as a single file without wiping out my whole thumb drive???12:14
alilo1robotgeek: is the driver I am looking for would be the right one...wouldn't be ipw2100 that I should be using12:14
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trappistXamusk: with a busted /etc/hosts his localhost ain't coming back12:15
germancitotrappist, Im sorry, single user mode?12:15
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robotgeekalilo1: i'm all confused :(12:15
germancitowhay is that=12:15
carbanmcan i install from the live disk?12:15
alilo1robotgeek: thank you som much for your help. you did  A LOT.12:15
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DelvienAnyone know how to find out where the icons are located for an applet? isnt it something like sudo grep?12:15
carbanmif so can someone help me do it?12:15
bur[n] eranyone familiar with using evolution & exchange?12:15
trappistgermancito: 17:01 <SEJeff> trappist: Reboot the computer. At the grub prompt, hit e. Then put init=/bin/bash at the end. That will boot you into single user mode with a rootshell so you can fix /etc/hosts12:15
Xamuskgotta go now, will ask my question again later12:16
robotgeekalilo1: well just drop by here later again, i guess12:16
germancitolet me try12:16
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alilo1robotgeek: OK no worries12:16
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silent_screamhow can i open gconf from console???12:17
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mweSteveW: yeah. and if windows sucks all the 20GB windows space you could always use some of the large ntfs partition for additional software installation. I think I would personally choose not to make a fat partition, and make captive work, though12:17
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=== carbanm needs help
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khermansHow can I reconfigure the exim4 package?  dpkg-reconfigure doesn't do anything12:17
_jasonsilent_scream, gconf-editor12:17
SteveWmwe, i'll try to get captive working, but failsafe12:18
mweSteveW: yeah your suggestion sound sane enough12:18
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jojoman02i cannot wait till GAIM 2.0 with googletalk voice support (the developer is working with google to impliment it)12:18
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jojoman02google is trying to be as "open protocols" as possible12:19
SEJeffjojoman02: The developer isn't working with google. He is working *at* google :)12:19
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carbanmok, i have never used linux before, and i would like to install ubuntu, but  lost the installl cd and have the live cd here, can someone explain how this might be possible, if it is?12:19
jojoman02sorry, correction... AT:D12:19
HrdwrBoBcarbanm: not possible currently, sorry12:19
mweSteveW: with 18GB for ubuntu and not using it for your large downloads, you wont run out of space12:19
recon0does anyone know a good NES emulator in a debian p?ackage12:19
carbanmso im basically fucked?12:19
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_jasoncarbanm, why don't you donwload the install cd?12:20
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carbanmi have 128k12:20
carbanmhow big is the install?12:20
SteveWmwe, ok sweet thanks for helping me with this ! !12:20
trappistcarbanm: http://www.willmer.com/kb/2005/02/installing-ubuntu-hoary-from-livecd/12:20
tyler_jason, i just installed eclipse through the manager. where could i find it now?12:20
mweSteveW: good luck12:20
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_jasontyler, I haven't installed eclipse myself, is it in the app menu?  Maybe under "Programming"?  (That is where my IDE's show up)12:21
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recon0where can i find a NES emulator?12:21
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germancitotrappist, i can't do that12:21
dsasrecon0 i'm not sure if zsnes is packaged but it may be...12:22
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_jasoncarbanm, 600mb, how long would that take?12:22
germancitoI tried but atherea re a lot of options when i hit 'e' trappist12:22
recon0dsas, isn't that a SNES emulator, not a NES emulator?12:22
LjLrecon0: "apt-cache search snes", and if you don't find any, then you need to add universe and/or multiverse12:22
carbanmhmm, idk, i might as well do it, thx all12:22
dsasrecon0: iirc it does both...could be wrong though.12:22
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tyler_jason, yep! thats so cool!12:23
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_jasoncarbanm, probably a little over a day, just leave it overnight for a few nights12:23
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LjLrecon0: apt-cache show nestra12:23
_jasontyler, it's not only easier but also safer since you don't ahve to worry about what you are about to install having any viruses like you do when you download from the internet on windows12:24
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tyler_jason, ok, cool.12:24
LeonikI am currently running windows but I have linux on another partition of this hard drive.  If I delete these partitions from within windows without uninstalling linux, will this completely mess up my boot?  I use GRUB right now.12:25
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lsuactiafnerright i made a ubuntu install but the first time it booted it only worked in safe mode, i ran init 3 and it tried to do base-config and it bombed out12:25
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lsuactiafnerhow do i get base-config to run again?/12:26
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mweLeonik: you can always boot the xp cd, press "r" and type fixmbr and fixboot and xp will boot again. that will get rid of grub too12:27
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BrownManHey, does anyone know how to change your splash screen?12:29
njanI've installed totem-xine  and xine in ubuntu, and the video aspect ratio for anything played back in totem or xine appears to be squashed - anything 4:3 is being played back at widescreen ratio (a 970x754 video actually has a video window that if I screen shot it is about 970x550).. anyone any idea why?12:29
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Hybridx0hi anyone?12:29
navaroneBrownman>System/Preferences/SplashScreen should set you up12:29
njanTotem is even reporting the video size correctly in 'properties', it's just squishing the video (and I've tried playing with the aspect options in the dropdown)12:29
doubleaAnyone now how to get dvd menus working? Preferably on mplayer.12:29
lsuactiafnerafter changing grub options do i need to run anything like i wouldve for lilo after editing lilo.conf?12:30
BrownMani dont have SplashScreen12:30
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Hybridx0which boot loader do you reccomend i use, grub or lilo with windows xp, and do i need to pass any commands?12:30
Leonikmwe so if i delete them right now its fine?  see i gave them too much space and im going to reinstall ubuntu in like 4 days or so... so it would just come up with GRUB and the only OS would be windows right?12:30
Hybridx0which boot loader do you reccomend i use, grub or lilo with windows xp, and do i need to pass any commands?12:30
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stperedoublea, you need the dvdplay library12:30
Leonikhyrbidx0 grub is very smooth12:30
JohnQPublicHey folks, I'm an ultra newbie with ubuntu.  I'm trying to install it into a triple boot system.  I'm getting GRUB error 17.  Anybody know of a fix?12:30
Hybridx0do i need to configure any options for winxp booting?12:30
Leonikare you in linux right now?12:31
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BrownManNavarone, I do not have SplashScreen in the preferences12:31
now3dgnomefreak: Hi12:31
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JohnQPublicNo, I'm at school on my windoze laptop12:31
Hybridx0will grub detect my winxp installation?12:31
mustard5JohnQPublic, this link will explain what the error is http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting12:31
mweLeonik: afaik it should, but if for some reason you cant boot xp afterwards, you can just do what I suggested to get it up again12:31
tylerfor some reason i keep getting errors when i try to install the mp3 codec.. any idea why?12:31
_jasonHybridx0, it should12:31
Hybridx0will grub detect my winxp installation?12:31
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_jasonHybridx0, you don't need to repeat your questions12:31
navaroneBrownman> are you using Breezy?12:32
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Hybridx0i will try with grub12:32
JohnQPublicThanks Mustard!12:32
Hybridx0thanx :)12:32
BrownManNavarone, I have no idea....I'll come back later gotta eat now.12:32
GNAMlet me explain topic12:32
_jasonHybridx0, yw :D12:32
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GNAMi must wait firefox 1.5 in dapper repo12:32
GNAM... one week?12:32
ProtectYaNeckwhere can I find instructions do create a dual boot installation (xp/ubuntu)?12:33
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ProtectYaNeckdo = to12:33
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Leoniknow i have another partition for my... "stuff"12:33
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Leonikawesome thanks man12:33
_jasonubotu, tell ProtectYaNeck about dualboot12:33
ProtectYaNeck_jason, thank you12:33
_jasonProtectYaNeck, yw12:33
aaargprotectyanecK: check out this movie...explain it all12:33
navaroneProtect> this url gives you a rundown...it's fora  laptop install but should let you get idea http://www.crhc.uiuc.edu/~mjmille2/howtos/dual-boot-linux-and-windows/12:34
aaarg12 mins....goes through whole thing12:34
ProtectYaNeckaaarg, haha, I just watched that, but I wanted something I could print12:34
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aaargheh, guess lots of people read digg12:34
ProtectYaNeckI just visited it for the first time today12:34
maikerugonna go do homework...whee12:34
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navaroneCaptainMorgan> wipe your boots...lol12:35
tylerfor some reason i keep getting errors when i try to install the mp3 codec.. any idea why?12:35
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_jasontyler, what are the errors12:35
mwetyler: what erros?12:35
tylermwe, E: Couldn't find package gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse12:36
tylerI have all repos installed.12:36
tylerAny clue why?12:37
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mwetyler: I don't know. I installed the w32codecs deb from the url suggested in !mp3, had no problems12:37
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats.12:37
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_jasontyler, pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list12:37
tyler_jason, whats pastebin?12:37
ubotuhmm... pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl or at http://ubuntu.pastebin.com12:37
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tyleroh ok hang on12:38
ubotuBinary only codecs (such as w32codecs) can be downloaded from plf or cipherfunk, see !easysource for details on these repositories12:38
now3dmozilla-mailnews fix!  https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/mozilla/+bug/325012:38
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_jasonmwe, !w32codecs is what you are looking for I believe but he asked about gstreamer package12:38
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tylergimme one second.  my FF is wayyyy slow for some reason in linux12:39
mwe_jason: yeah that's it12:39
tylerdo you guys have any idea why my FF is so slow? random question sorry12:40
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levanderThere's some way to boot into single user mode from the grub menu, like there used to be with lilo?12:40
_jasontyler, you can try disabling ipv6, that helped me.  Go to about:config and change network.dns.disableIPv6 to true12:40
mweI didn't encounter any complaints installing the package from that url though12:40
unistdWhere I found source repositories?12:41
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KasperTechHi. I need help with the ipw2200. It's extremely urgent.12:41
_jasonubotu, tell unistd about easysource12:41
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tyler_jason, sorry, how do i go to about:config?12:41
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levandertyler: in the firefox location box, just type it12:42
navaronetyler> type "about:config" in firefox addressbar and scrool down to network.dns.disable.ipv6...right click it and toggle it to tru12:42
KasperTechThe ipw2200 keeps restarting and killing my internet, how do I fix it?12:42
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logical_markHey where is php.ini found?12:43
_jasontyler, you are missing multiverse, add multiverse to the end of lines 19 and 2012:43
silent_screamis there any command from console that lower/raises the volume?12:43
mustard5KasperTech, have you read the wiki entry on wireless for that model?12:44
Xenguysilent_scream: aumix12:44
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Xenguysilent_scream: (worth a try)12:44
navaronesilent scream> type aslamixer and enter...use arrow key sto move and raise or lower volumes12:44
KasperTechmustard5: D'you have a link? I've tried the http://ipw2200.sf.net - but it failed :S12:44
tylerk, ill do that.12:44
mustard5KasperTech, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards12:44
tyler_jason, doesn't seem like changing the value made anything faster.. any other ideas?12:44
tyler_jason, my internet is very fast in windows12:44
navaronetyler you have to restart ff12:44
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mustard5KasperTech, look for you card model in the list and see the notes12:45
silent_screamXenguy, nothing happened12:45
tylernavarone, i did12:45
Steewencan someone tell me how good computer i have to have to be able to install Ubuntu 5.10? im thinking about trying it on an old laptop12:45
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Xenguysilent_scream: it may not be installed (also what navarone said)12:45
KasperTechmustard5: Thanks a million.12:45
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mustard5KasperTech, np..I hope it works for you :)12:45
_jasontyler, ff1.07 was generally slow for me, ff1.5 is a lot faster but I would not recommend you install it yet.  You can try some other browsers like Epiphany and Galeon which are available in the repos.12:45
KasperTechMe too. And merry Christmass to you mustard5.12:45
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tyler_jason, i have 1.5 :(12:46
silent_screamnavarone i don't mean that12:46
tyler_jason, maybe il check them out12:46
tyler_jason, ok, i added multiverse after universe on 19 and 20, saved the file, and ran the command in terminal again.  Same error12:46
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tylerE: Couldn't find package gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse12:46
Xenguysilent_scream: what output do you get -> which aumix12:46
tyler_jason, maybe restart?12:47
_jasontyler, run: sudo apt-get update12:47
levanderAfter I've already booted, how do I switch into single-user mode?12:47
navaronesilent scream do you get any sound at all?12:47
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silent_screami mean a simple command from console like "volume_up" for example, that raise the volume12:47
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navaronesilent scream I dunno12:47
Xenguysilent_scream: dunno; aumix is as low-level (ncurses-based) as I've gone w/ sound12:47
engintechcan someone help with installing my new flat panel12:47
angel_What command do I have to type in the terminal window to open Synaptic?12:48
Xenguyangel_: that, lowercase ?12:48
engintechi have hoary 5.4 and read ubuntu forums for this lcd but all fixes from wiki don't work12:48
navaroneangel> Synaptic is not a termianl program12:48
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ProtectYaNeckanyone know of direct connect hub software that I could run on ubuntu?12:48
Xenguynavarone: yeah, but it can be invoked from the command-line12:48
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angel_Xenguy> how?12:49
os2macdoes any one know when firefox will be updated in the repositories?12:49
mweit wont12:49
navaroneangel...probably sudo Synaptic...?12:49
tyler_jason, updating.12:49
tyler_jason, success!12:49
Xenguyangel_: open a terminal and type (no quotes) 'synaptic'12:49
engintechdefault reconfig settings from xserver-xorg give me 640x480 only.  If I enter the Horiz & Vert ranges of my monitor, I get a "Cannot display this mode" error from the flat panel12:49
lampshadeWhats up #ubuntu?12:49
Xenguyangel_: does that work?12:49
engintechit is a dell 1905fp12:49
os2macmwe: why12:49
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engintechif I boot into kubuntu 5.10 i have no issue with resolution.12:50
tyler_jason, its downloading codecs etc. thanks for all of your help guys12:50
_jasontyler, np12:50
mweos2mac: because the ubuntu policy is to keep programs at the same releasy in every release.12:50
engintechi tried copying xorg.conf from kubuntu into hoary, but it doesn't work.12:50
angel_Xenguy> it works... it's sudo synaptic... thanks :)12:50
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jojoman02is there any way to skin gmplayer (if not, why not?)12:50
Xenguyangel_: yw12:50
tylerDoes anyone know of any good java editors other than eclipse?12:50
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mweos2mac: if you enable backports you'll new version of some desktop programs though12:50
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engintechplease help!12:50
jojoman02the scroll area and buttons and what not (not that gui)12:51
kjdisCan I just change my sources.list to get the absolute latest pkgs?12:51
lampshadetyler:  The built in netbeans one that comes with Java is pretty cool.  Also vim.12:51
os2maccan you cut and paste them to me... I may have already done that.12:51
tylerlampshade, whats vim?12:51
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The_Isle_of_Markvim lol12:51
Xenguytyler: a powerful, but highly complex text editor12:51
stormzenAnyone here happen to know Smoothwall?12:51
mweos2mac: anyway for firefox there is a great guide in the wiki12:51
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The_Isle_of_Markvim is the best editor ever. I like it better than emacs. Yah, I said it12:52
ubotuit has been said that firefox15 is see the wiki at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion for information on how to install Firefox 1.5 from mozilla.org12:52
lampshadetyler:  You can make it do backflips for you once you get used to it12:52
tylerXenguy, more complex than Eclipse?12:52
XenguyThe_Isle_of_Mark: I use it every day, on gnu/linux and other OS's too :-)12:52
lampshadeI use it on windows too-- the win version of VIM.  It is awesome++12:52
The_Isle_of_Markyep I use it exclusively...even when in an x window environ12:52
Xenguytyler: vi is the original Unix editor; Vim is vi on steroids.  To answer your Q, apples and oranges really12:53
Xenguylampshade: that's what I use at work12:53
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lampshadesee everyone cool uses vim :)12:53
tylerXenguy, i see.12:53
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tylerXenguy, is it possible to install JSDK + NetBeans through SPM?12:53
The_Isle_of_Markbut tyler it is NOT an ide12:53
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Xenguytyler: dunno (not really a Java guy)12:54
opnsrcI downloaded the latest firefox version and for some reason I can't compile it under ubuntu12:54
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opnsrcI had Kanotix and Redhat linux once and I didn't have problems compiling stuff. For some reason, I can't compile anything under Ubuntu12:54
Stormx2opnsrc: sudo apt-get install build-essential12:54
LjLopnsrc: i suppose you have build-essential installed?12:54
opnsrcI installed all the compiler stuff from spm12:54
kjdisBreezy doesn't have new enough pkgs for me, do I go to dapper?12:54
mweopnsrc: why would you bother compiling it yourself?12:55
opnsrchow else am I supposed to use it?12:55
Stormx2mwe: its not in the repos yet.12:55
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Hobbseekjdis: not unless you want lots of breakage12:55
Stormx2opnsrc: use what?12:55
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mwebut the binaries can be downloaded from mozilla.org12:55
Xenguyhah, there is an entry for 'Vim' in Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vim_%28text_editor%2912:55
LjLopnsrc: "apt-get build-dep firefox" should get you all the deps you need to compile it12:55
tylerAnyone know if its possible to install the Java SDK with NetBeans through SPM?12:55
mweno reason to compile it yourself12:55
LjLopnsrc: unless they've added some more deps in the new version12:55
kjdisI need libstdc++ newer than 4.0.1, that's only thing I want12:55
Stormx2Xenguy: So?12:56
lampshadehttp://channels.lockergnome.com/linux/archives/20051025_using_firefox_15_with_ubuntu_510_quick_howto.phtml also looks pretty good tutorial on firefox haven't tried it yet though12:56
XenguyStormx2: yes12:56
opnsrcit says12:56
opnsrcE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)12:56
opnsrcE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?12:56
LjLopnsrc: yes. that's "sudo apt-get build-dep firefox"12:56
booi just installed cvscedega, how do i open it12:56
opnsrcsorry, I just used copy and paste12:57
opnsrcI shoulda figure12:57
mweI still don't get why you would compile firefox when you can dl the binaries from mozilla.org, but that's just me ...12:57
Stormx2opnsrc: Close synaptic12:57
opnsrc1.5 is no longer beta12:58
opnsrcit is closed12:58
MickMcMackmwe, there are no AMD64 binaries. :(12:58
Stormx2opnsrc: or aptitude, or add applications, or update manager12:58
mweMickMcMack: I see12:58
opnsrcall of that stuff is closed12:58
LjLStormx2: no, he simply wasn't root12:58
Stormx2LjL: ....damnit12:59
opnsrcok it's done12:59
opnsrcnow I should be able to compile firefox right?12:59
LjLopnsrc: hope so12:59
engintechanyone familiar with setting up a dell 1905fp on a preinstalled version of hoary!?12:59
LjLopnsrc: don't forget to use checkinstall12:59
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Hobbseeopnsrc: er, why do you want to compile it?12:59
opnsrcOk, how do I get it to work otherwise01:00
mweMickMcMack: and the 32bit version would be slow on amd64, i take it? you can run 32bit binaries on that can't you?01:00
opnsrcI want the newest version of firefox01:00
LjLopnsrc: ubotu has sent you a link01:00
Hybridx0is there any reason why i would not want to install grub into the MBR?01:00
BrownManHi, I'm trying to put a splash screen but I do not have the wizard in System/Preferences/SplashScreen01:00
Hobbseethe binaries on mozilla site are close to it, i think01:00
opnsrcthe wikipeida site has 1.0.701:00
opnsrcI want 1.501:00
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MickMcMackmwe, I just tried, and it wont run. Although, it should. :s01:00
ubotusomebody said firefox1.5 was unspported in breezy but if you would like to install (at your own risk) Firefox 1.5 from mozilla.org see the wiki at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion01:00
opnsrcI clicked the link, it's 1.0.701:00
mweMickMcMack: aw01:00
Hobbseeopnsrc: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion01:00
Hybridx0is there any reason why i would not want to install grub into the MBR?01:00
LjLopnsrc: no, it's not...01:00
Homerpeople are lost without an APT package01:01
navaroneHYbridx0> I didn't and installed on floppy...but I had bad experience with mandrake (3 versions)01:01
opnsrchold up01:01
XenguyHybridx0: don't if you are dual-booting01:01
booi just installed cvscedega, how do i open it01:01
LjLopnsrc: and, by the way, that's not the wikipedia site ;)01:01
Hybridx0im tri-booting01:01
Stormx2boo: 'cedega' ?01:01
opnsrcoh sorry01:01
Stormx2Hybridx0: Me too.01:01
YouCeyEany apt package for ff 1.5?01:01
opnsrcsomeone sent me a link via msg01:01
booyes, but the free version01:01
XenguyHybridx0: otherwise I believe MBR is the best place01:01
boocvs cedega01:01
opnsrcto a wikipedia site about firefox01:01
lampshadeHybridx0:  tribooting right on01:01
Stormx2YouCeyE: No01:01
BrownManI'm trying to put a splash screen but I do not have the wizard in System/Preferences/SplashScreen01:01
Stormx2YouCeyE: /topic01:01
Hobbsee!tell YouCeyE about firefox1.501:01
Hybridx0lol :)01:01
lampshadeput the firefox info in the topic01:01
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LjLopnsrc: that was an Ubuntu Wiki site, not a Wikipedia site -- at least, the one ubotu sent you01:02
HobbseeHybridx0: mine's a tripple boot too, GRUB is on the MBR, no problem01:02
Homerhow do I install programs without an APT package???!!01:02
Hybridx0xenguy so the mbr is a good place for tri-booting?01:02
YouCeyEk thanks01:02
LjLHomer: it depends01:02
qu1damHello, can somebody help me set up wine? I am having trouble.01:02
LjLqu1dam: what with?01:02
mweHomer: yeah noone seems to be able to install anything that they can't get through synaptic these days :)01:02
Stormx2mwe: incorrect01:02
XenguyHybridx0: I think that is the opposite of what I said previously...01:02
Stormx2mwe: Very very incorrect.01:02
BrownManCan someone help me put a splashscreen?  I'm trying to put a splash screen but I do not have the wizard in System/Preferences/SplashScreen01:03
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Hybridx0Xenguy: i didnt understand ur answer01:03
Stormx2mwe: Of course you can compile in ubuntu. It would be a terrible OS if you couldn't.01:03
Hybridx0Xenguy: what would u reccomend i do then?01:03
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booanyone? how do i open cvs cedega =/01:03
LjLStormx2, mwe: and i think it's actually made easier than in many other distributions01:03
XenguyHybridx0: I'm not an expert with GRUB, all I recall is that if you are dual (or more) booting with other OS's, then I don't think you want GRUB/Lilo on the MBR...01:03
Homerstorm: you can but who wants the inconvience01:03
Stormx2boo: 'cedega'01:03
jbloudg20does anyone knwo if I am able to use some sort of toolbar plug in which will allow me to have my currently playing song displayed on my lower toolbar?01:03
Hobbseeboo: try in #cedega01:03
mweStormx2: you got me wrong. I mean nobody seems to know howto install anything that isn't in synaptic these days01:03
XenguyHybridx0: you should seek other opinions on this :-)01:03
Stormx2Homer: No-one. hense why there are 17,000 packages in the repos.01:04
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Stormx2mwe: Oh, right ;-)01:04
XenguyHybridx0: I just wanted to warn you what *not* to do01:04
Hybridx0Xenguy: thanks, i will/ and i have heard a few objections to dual booting with mbr01:04
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hawke_has the behavior of lsb_release changed intentionally?01:04
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XenguyHybridx0: google is your friend (in this case a good dose of patience helps too, to find the correct instructions)01:05
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navaronePeople having to compile every bit of software for linux would be like expecting anyone to build their own cars or anything else. Soem people can do it...but not everyone has the skill, patience or time. I haev installed some .debs manually, but , so far, compiling still eludes me...<2 cents>01:05
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Stormx2navarone: To be fair, a lot of distros do work off compiling01:05
Hybridx0Xenguy: yes, and i am in no hurry so i will consider every possible way01:05
Stormx2navarone: And most of the time you only need to run 3 commands to compile.01:05
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Hybridx0Xenguy: thanks anyway :)01:06
Red-Soxhow do you select everything in nano?01:06
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navaroneStormx> no doubt...but the average user is not looking for that level of immersion01:06
XenguyHybridx0: np01:06
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Stormx2navarone: Thats why apt is so handy ;-)01:06
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mwenavarone: compiling is usually like ./configure && make && sudo checkinstall, done01:06
jbloudg20i'd like for the info to be displayed here: http://img222.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot11ec.jpg01:06
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Stormx2And why ubuntu is so popular.01:06
Leonikok:  I am looking for a linux distro that i can install onto a server.  I am only using terminal, and I want to be able to choose what apps get installed on it.  If I can't do that, I want a distro that doens't install anything and I can install the things I need.  What's the best distro for this?  unbiased please01:06
navaroneStormx> exactamundo...<staightens leather jacket>01:06
pygrammeris there any reason why I'd get dpkg errors when apt-get install'ing asterisk?01:06
XenguyLeonik: I'd use Debian01:07
pygrammersupposedly the "homedir already exists"01:07
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pygrammerbut i hadn't created one other than my own01:07
pygrammerso I don't understand that error01:07
Stormx2Leonik: There is a server install of ubuntu.01:07
Leonikwhat about one that i odnt have to worry about updating each thing individually01:07
Leoniki was going to just use ubuntu01:07
navaroneLeonik> whe  installing ubuntu you can specify "server" for server install01:07
Leonikbut i hate the user and group thing thats such a hassle01:07
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XenguyLeonik: Ubu (server install) is probably quite fine too01:07
pygrammerSetting up asterisk (1.0.9.dfsg-1) ...01:07
pygrammeradduser: Warning: The home dir you specified already exists.01:07
Stormx2Leonik: Same in windows and linux.01:07
pygrammerHome directory `/var/lib/asterisk' already exists.01:07
pygrammeradduser: No more than two names.01:07
YouCeyE/usr/local/firefox/firefox-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libmozjs.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory01:07
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pygrammerso, /var/lib/asterisk already exists, but why?01:08
ubotumethinks paste is please use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ or #flood to paste large amounts of text01:08
Leonikbesides ubuntu what would be a good option?  bsd? red hat?01:08
Stormx2Leonik: lots of servers run off red hat01:08
XenguyLeonik: god no01:08
pygrammeri don't think i'd installed asterisk before...and if i had, it wouldn't be to /var/lib/asterisk01:08
gpledany word on when a new firefox for ubuntu is coming out?01:08
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Stormx2gpled: When it turns up in dapper01:08
mwethe user and group "thing" is really one if the things that makes *nix safe01:08
pygrammerbut .... Errors were encountered while processing:01:08
pygrammer asterisk01:08
YouCeyElibmozjs.so .. where can i get it01:08
XenguyLeonik: IMNSHO Ubu (server only) or better, Debian (stable tree)01:08
pygrammercan anyone help? supposedly it installed01:08
pygrammerbut the error doesn't make me feel very good01:08
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pygrammerin my not so humble opinion :)01:09
Stormx2pygrammer: Open synaptic and see if its broken01:09
XenguyQuest-Master: in my not so humble opinion ;-)01:09
Stormx2I'm off to bed01:09
Leonik but you cant specifiy everything for ubuntu... the thing is it installs SSH and Samba and all that stuff and i donno how to configure it01:09
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Stormx2Night all!!01:09
Leonikand the ftp client01:09
pygrammerStormx2: can't01:09
Quest-MasterXenguy: Ah :)01:09
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pygrammeri'm not running X on the server ;)01:09
Leoniki want to be able to install it and configure it to what i want01:09
Stormx2pygrammer: Aptitude then01:09
XenguyLeonik: server install should be minimal01:09
pygrammerI don't know how to use aptitude01:10
navaronemwe> i know what the commands are...and I have installed the build essentials and the like but still get no satisfaction...but I am not eager for bleeding edge or complete system customization. I just like being away from the MS trough of slops...<s>01:10
XenguyLeonik: you have to explicitly choose the 'server install' when first installing (haven't done this myself, only heard of it)01:10
pygrammerStormx2: doesn't say it's broken...01:10
Xenguypygrammer: there's a wiki page IIRC01:10
pygrammerXenguy: for what?01:10
Red-Soxhow do you copy everything in nano?01:10
Xenguypygrammer: aptitude01:11
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angel_Can someone suggest a very light image viewer?01:11
Leonikkkk thanks01:11
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mweangel_: display from imagemagick01:11
gpledRed-Sox: is nano like vim?01:11
pygrammerXenguy: well, I sorta figured it out -- but it doesn't say anything about it being broken01:11
pygrammerso I assume it's not01:11
Red-Soxgpled: dunno01:11
pygrammerXenguy: but the error didn't make me feel very good -- why would it error if it worked?01:12
Xenguygpled: nano is simple; vim is complex01:12
angel_mwe: is it avaiable in the repos?01:12
pygrammerXenguy: it seems to work, but i don't know if it's set up right01:12
mweangel_: yeah01:12
Xenguypygrammer: what error?01:12
angel_mwe: Thanks I'll try it :)01:12
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mweangel_: apt-get install imagemagick (it is spelled like that yes) :)01:12
pygrammerXenguy: I pasted it above01:12
pygrammerHome directory `/var/lib/asterisk' already exists.01:12
Xenguypygrammer: sorry, supper calls :-)01:13
pygrammerthought i was gonna get some help :P01:13
Chris_in_the_ukhey, can anyone give me a hand sorting my telnet out? - i'm trying to telnet to myself on a "server" installation of ubuntu 5.10 and i can't seem to get it to work01:14
gpledhmm, looks like nano is pico which is wordstart :)01:14
navaronewow...deafult Firefox is a emory hog isn't it...it's at like 122mb now with one site open...ouch01:14
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iustini am new to linux, i handled mostly but i want to know where do i find ubuntu gnome themes and a program similar with dc++ for file sharing01:15
jbloudg20nobody knows how to display othe song information in my toolbar?01:15
mwenavarone: yeah it's using alot of memory01:15
pygrammernavarone: yep - that's why I have 2gb :)01:15
navaronepygramer> only 256 here...<s>01:15
mwepygrammer: so you can run firefox? :)01:15
pygrammermwe: yeah! :P01:15
pygrammerit's a Firefox-only computer01:15
pygrammerI have one for every use01:15
matrix-ubuntu-cscan i remove iptables and install ipchains?01:15
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pygrammerI have one for running Apache w/ PHP01:16
pygrammerone for Apache w/ Python01:16
pygrammerw/ Perl, etc.01:16
pygrammerfor Opera, for XMMS, etc01:16
gpledif i apt-get, does that mess up synaptic?01:16
pygrammeri could do some serious clustering :)01:16
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mweyeah :)01:16
dribblepygrammer: setting up lam-mpi isn't bad01:16
Chris_in_the_ukcan anyone help with telnet?01:16
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pygrammerdribble: I wish :(01:17
gpledChris_in_the_uk: what do you need to know?01:17
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mweChris_in_the_uk: make sure you have a telnet server running and that you don't have a firewall blocking the port01:18
Chris_in_the_ukgpled: i'm new to linux and trying to follow an online guide (http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_setup_ubuntu_5.10_p4) and i've got to the bottom of the page.  It tells me to telnet to myself to check i've set up ssh correctly etc and the last line i get is "Escape character is ^] "01:18
Chris_in_the_ukmwe: i'm telnetting to localhost01:19
doubleaOk. I can hear and see the dvd menus now, but there's no functionality. What do I need to get the navigating to work as well?01:19
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mweyeah, and the error you get is what?, Chris_in_the_uk01:19
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matrix-ubuntu-cs i installed ipchains sudo apt-get install ipchains how do i remove iptables01:19
gpledChris_in_the_uk: i would telnet
angel_is it possible to install GoogleEarth in Ubuntu?01:20
mwematrix-ubuntu-cs: running a 2.2 kernel?01:20
Chris_in_the_ukhow do i quit the telnet client?01:20
MickMcMack^] 01:20
Chris_in_the_uki just did that01:20
Chris_in_the_ukno response01:20
MickMcMackControl + ] 01:20
gpledtry quit and exit too01:20
ardchoilleI plugged an iriver mp3 player into my box, what do I need to look for to be able to know where to drag and drop my mp3 files?01:20
navaronedoublea> have you installed the dvdcss package?01:20
gpled^ = control01:21
Chris_in_the_uki managed to quit :)01:21
Chris_in_the_uki've reconnected using the loopback IP01:21
matrix-ubuntu-cs i installed ipchains sudo apt-get install ipchains how do i remove iptables01:22
LjLmatrix-ubuntu-cs: perhaps "apt-get remove iptables"?01:22
matrix-ubuntu-csand make ipchains get to work01:22
transgressis there a way to set firefox 1.5 that is untar'd to my home directory as the default browser?01:22
doubleaYes I have.01:22
Chris_in_the_ukthe tutorial tells me to type "ehlo localhost" but the server responds "invalid command"01:22
transgressflock has a check if it's the default browser option, and it works... but the ff 1.5 doesn't...01:22
lampshadeisn't iptables like a new ipchains?  or something aren't they based off of eachother? or something01:22
gpledmatrix-ubuntu-cs: you should be using iptables01:22
LjLmatrix-ubuntu-cs: anyway, i'm not sure what you're at, but i think ipchains is *deprecated* in favor of iptables..01:22
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gpledChris_in_the_uk: you testing mail server?01:22
transgressisn't there a new replacement for iptables in the linux kernel now?01:23
Chris_in_the_ukgpled: yes01:23
lampshadeisn't it helo localhost?01:23
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mwematrix-ubuntu-cs: ipchains wont work with any newer kernels01:23
gpledlampshade: it can be01:23
lampshadefor like direct telneting into mail?01:23
lampshadecan it be both?01:23
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lampshadenot that I'm doing anything with mail servers right now just curious.01:23
Chris_in_the_ukhttp://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_setup_ubuntu_5.10_p4 - take a look just slightly more than half way down01:24
gpledChris_in_the_uk: try ehlo test.com01:24
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Chris_in_the_ukgpled: should i be typing this at the blank prompt or the telnet> prompt?01:24
LjLHELO? at the "blank prompt", i.e. inside the telnet session01:25
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Nuclear-BRhello guys, I need to dl RAR, not unrar neither rar-free, in which repository i could find it?anybody know?01:25
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LjL!info unrar-nonfree01:25
ubotuunrar-nonfree: (Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)), section multiverse/utils, is optional. Version: 3.4.3-1build1 (breezy), Packaged size: 83 kB, Installed size: 216 kB01:25
Chris_in_the_ukthat's what i've been doing, and getting no response01:25
gpledChris_in_the_uk: telnet 25  most of the time.  25 is to hit your mail server01:25
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Chris_in_the_ukwell i'm telnetting to port 2501:25
gpleddid it say anything on the screen?01:25
delltonyhi i'm trying to play deuce bigalow (dvd) on my laptop and for some reason it will not play in kaffiene i have libdvdcss2 installed anything else i should check to see if its missing?01:26
Chris_in_the_uki'm expecting something like "220 sever.example.com ESMTP Postfix (Debain/GNU)" when i connect, but i don't get any message like that01:26
Chris_in_the_ukwhen i type a command, i get no response, just a new line01:26
transgressanyone... how do you change the default browser?01:26
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Ep|phanydoes anyone know a good ftp viewer?01:26
transgressEp|phany: gftp01:26
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redguyftp *viewer* ?01:27
transgressredguy: i'm assuming he means client.01:27
gpledChris_in_the_uk: are you using postfix?01:27
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Chris_in_the_ukand it is running01:27
mwenavarone: you mentioned your firefox used about 128mb of ram with one page open?01:27
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Chris_in_the_uki just tried starting it again and got a fail because it was already running01:27
lampshadeI also second gftp01:27
snorksEp|phany: ncftp... no problem, thank me later01:27
LjLmwe: that's similar to what mine's using -- that's VM size01:27
gpledand you typed: telnet 25 ?01:27
navaronemwe...yeah it was at 122mb..i had browsed maybe one or two pages and was idling on one page(tab) open01:28
mweLjL: mine seems to be using only about 30MB01:28
Ep|phanyheh ill try it out snorks01:28
Nuclear-BRproblem is, i dont have the multiverse repository, how do I add it?01:28
snorksto set disk quotas in smb, do i have to use LDAP for that?01:28
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LjLmwe: mine's *resident* size is about 30MB01:28
gpledChris_in_the_uk: do you know how to stop postfix?01:28
Chris_in_the_uksomething like /etc/init.d/postfix stop?01:28
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Chris_in_the_ukyes :)01:29
gpledChris_in_the_uk: that looks correct01:29
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mweLjL: please explain what that means, if you don't mind01:29
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Chris_in_the_ukit's stopped01:29
opnsrcIs there a deltree equivalent in ubuntu01:29
gpledok, now start it01:29
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snorksopnsrc: -r01:29
DShepherdNuclear-BR: http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/faqguide-all.html#addinguniverse <-- try that01:29
delltonycan someone help me please ?01:29
opnsrcI tried installing the new firefox version using those instructions (copy and paste), no luck01:29
opnsrcNow I want to remove /opt/firefox01:29
navaronemwe> are you using 1.5?01:29
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LjLmwe: just type "ps aux", there's a "VSZ" column and a RSS" column01:29
snorksopnsrc: aka rm -r (which stands for recursive) whatuwanttoremove01:29
DShepherddelltony: it depends01:29
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snorksnp. take care with it01:29
mweLjL: yes what the vm?01:29
Hobbseeopnsrc: on that wiki page, it also tells you how to remove firefox 1.501:29
Chris_in_the_ukok, gpled, restarted it01:30
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Nuclear-BRDShepherd, thanks01:30
LjLmwe: the vm size is the amount of total memory, including swapped memory. resident size is only physical memory. that's my understanding of it at least01:30
gpledChris_in_the_uk: now try telnet 2501:30
levanderSomebody can tell me how to get into single user mode after I've already booted ubuntu?01:30
DShepherddelltony: yes, But you only know if you ask :)01:30
opnsrcWell it didn't even install01:30
DShepherdNuclear-BR: np01:30
Chris_in_the_ukgpled: tried, same response01:30
matrix-ubuntu-csthis is a file for redhat but when can i get it for ubuntu lokkit-0.50-21.8.0.src.rpm01:30
delltonyi did ask ;) but ill ask again :)01:30
snorkslevander: single user mode?01:30
opnsrcI have no idea what it did, gave me an error and said need some help01:30
boowhats the command for unzipping .tar files?01:30
delltonyhi i'm trying to play deuce bigalow (dvd) on my laptop and for some reason it will not play in kaffiene i have libdvdcss2 installed anything else i should check to see if its missing?01:30
opnsrcor you need help01:30
opnsrcis what it told me01:30
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mweLjL: I see01:31
iustinwhat`s the equivalent for dc++ (direct connect)? plz01:31
levandersnorks: e.g., the inittab run levels01:31
snorksopnsrc: ?01:31
navaronedelltony> ahve you tried mplayer?01:31
booiustin they have dc++01:31
levandersnorks: there's a command to switch run levels, don't remember it01:31
opnsrci forgot the exact words but it said something like that01:31
gpledChris_in_the_uk: type helo test01:31
delltonylet me try it01:31
boodoes anyone know the command for unzipping .tar files01:31
snorkslevander: hm. isnt that01:31
snorkslevander: give me a sec01:31
Chris_in_the_ukno response01:31
LjLboo: "tar -x -f filename.tar"01:31
gpledChris_in_the_uk: thats not good01:31
YouCeyEhi.. how can i install debian from ubutu using debootstrap01:31
LjLboo: and anyway, you'll probably want to *untar* tar files ;)01:31
Chris_in_the_ukgpled: b*gger :(01:32
opnsrcI figure I'll try to stick in a knoppix CD, compile it with that (on my Ubuntu HD), boot Ubuntu and run it01:32
DShepherdboo: 'man tar' for more info01:32
gpledChris_in_the_uk: do you know where your postfix log is?01:32
opnsrcKanotix *01:32
Chris_in_the_ukgpled: give me 2 minutes01:32
gpledthink it is /var/log/maillog01:32
opnsrcI never had problems compiling stuff under Kanotix01:32
caravena_boo: "tar -xf filename.tar"01:32
delltonynope not playing01:32
mweLjL: that's funny, cause "free" reports zero swap used, though ps aux reports 89MB for FF, vm and about 30MB rss01:32
LjLlevander: i think "telinit" is what you want01:32
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opnsrcanywho, thanks01:33
snorkslevander: i think runlevel?01:33
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LjLmwe: then i suppose my understanding of it is wrong. but, now that i think of it, VM size probably also includes shared libraries01:33
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snorkslevander: or telinit01:33
Chris_in_the_ukgpled: where is it likely to be? postfix was installed using default setup01:34
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levandersnorks: 'man runlevel' says runlevel just reports the run level01:34
winstonhow to install xine or mplayer on breezy?01:34
LjLlevander: telinit01:34
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_jasonubotu, tell winston about mplayer01:34
LjLlevander: http://docs.pld-linux.org/runlevels.html01:34
levanderi think it's like LjL said, telinit, thanks snork and LjL01:34
gpledChris_in_the_uk: /var/log/maillog01:34
navaroneChris he suggested /var/log/maillog01:34
Chris_in_the_ukcheers guys01:34
snorkslevander: i did this at school not long ago :/ i mean it was runlevel01:35
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navaroneChris...tip tip and all that rot...<lol>01:35
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gplednavarone: lol01:35
Murrlinhow would I go about setting 'open with'/mime types?01:35
czrhello all. just installed ubuntu 5.10 and noticed that the partitioning tool displays misleading info01:35
mweLjL: yeah im a bit confused now though since ps -eo size,cmd|grep firefox reports 55MB :) that's three different reportings. heh01:36
Murrlini.e. I'd like totem-xine to be called when clicking on avi files01:36
Chris_in_the_ukgpled: found it, /var/log/mail.log01:36
LjLmwe: that's why i stopped trying to find out how much memory my processes ate long ago01:36
czrit said that ubuntu does not current support booting if either / or /boot is on LVM. I put / on LVM and it boots just fine. /boot is a regular partition (for GRUB)01:36
gpledChris_in_the_uk: does it look like postfix started ok?01:37
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mweLjL: heh, yeah01:37
Chris_in_the_ukgpled: no :P01:37
silent_screamhow can i copy a file from linux to windows?01:37
LjLsilent_scream: you mean different computers, or the same computer?01:37
gpledSilencer: scp01:37
snorkssilent_scream: mount either partition in either OS01:37
winston_jason E: Couldn't find package mplayer-58601:37
Chris_in_the_ukgpled: there's about 8 and a half pages of errors and the machine's only been running half a day!01:37
navaronemwe> I've heard people say that linux uses all avaialble physical memory before swap is that correct?01:37
_jasonwinston, have you enabled mutliverse and universe?01:37
czrnavarone, not true with 2.601:38
silent_screamLjL the same01:38
mwenavarone: afaik, yes01:38
gpledsilent_scream: woops wrong way. ftp01:38
winston_jason no, how?01:38
LjLsilent_scream: is your windows filesystem fa32 or ntfs?01:38
czrit might start swapping before if it decides that there are old pages that can be swapped and there is pressure for more cache memory01:38
silent_screamno there is a program01:38
snorkssilent_scream: ifs something lets you mount linux partitions. But you can't write to it01:38
_jasonwinston, it's the second step in that guide01:38
silent_screamLjL ntfs01:38
czrnavarone, but it is rare.01:38
gpledChris_in_the_uk: you ever use pastbin?01:38
steigweisdoes anybody use photoshop and dreamweaver under linux? and how?01:38
mwenavarone: "free" will show if any swap is used. mine reports zero swap used01:38
Chris_in_the_ukgpled: no, sorry01:38
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gpledChris_in_the_uk:  hold01:38
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snorkssteigweis: try vmware for linux01:38
LjLsilent_scream: then you shouldn't copy from linux to windows, as ntfs should only be mounted read-only in linux. write support is rather dangerous currently01:38
snorkssteigweis: vmware.com01:39
steigweissnorks: thanks? have you tried that?01:39
czrsteigweis, you'll end up running a full windows under linux with vmware01:39
LjLsilent_scream: you could create a small fat32 partition to exchange data. or, you could use a windows utility to take files from your ext2 (linux) filesystem01:39
snorkssilent_scream: boot into windows, mount your linux partition with following app: <will find it for you in a sec> then copy files01:39
silent_screamLjL no. imean when i am in windows to get the file from linux. there is a program doing that01:39
snorkssteigweis: no, but i plan to in the xmas vacations01:39
Chris_in_the_ukgpled: could it not be working due to relatively low ram?01:39
steigweisczr: with an up-to-date sytem. is that fast enough?01:40
navaronesilent scream> you can make a shared aprtiton in fat32 to move files between os's...but it required a little planning before install...or careful partitioning after the fact01:40
czrsteigweis, I've been using vmware for many years now01:40
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czrsteigweis, it's fast enough for my needs ;-)01:40
steigweisczr: so you have linux and windows the same time01:40
_jasonSilencer, explore2fs01:40
LjLsilent_scream: google for "ext2 windows". you'll find more than one option01:40
czrsteigweis, no. I run other stuff under vmware. I don't use windows01:40
silent_screamthanx _jason01:40
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czrbut I've run windows under vmware at other locations01:40
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cozhello all01:40
_jasonsilent_scream, np01:41
czrsteigweis, runs better in vmware than on hardware (windows that is)01:41
cozhas anyone used the defrag utility from synaptic?01:41
snorkssilent_scream: http://uranus.it.swin.edu.au/~jn/linux/ext2ifs.htm01:41
steigweisczr: aha, you dont have to run windows under vmware to rum ps..01:41
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czrsteigweis, you have to. I don't have to since I don't use ps :-)01:41
steigweiscrazy shit01:41
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snorkssteigweis: i merely gave you an option :P I have no idea if there's a native version for linux of those apps01:42
steigweisok, i will have a look...01:42
snorkssteigweis: or lets use the word ported01:42
winston_jason thanx01:42
LjLcoz: no, and i'm not sure it's really recommended using... especially on an ext3 filesystem. i'm not sure, but do search for further information before you try to use it01:42
czrsteigweis, vmware workstation is the version suitable for you01:42
_jasonwinston, yw01:42
czrsteigweis, the other ones are meant for server use01:42
czrsteigweis, they are also much more expensive than workstation. you can get 30 day eval for all of them though01:42
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cozI would like to but so far I have found three defrag utilities for linux each are more complicated to use than i w ould like or am used to01:42
steigweisok, thanks.. so there is no disadvantage left on linux01:42
cozi was hoping someone here does some testing of some of the apps to be sure they are ok01:43
czrsteigweis, technically you'll still be running windows though, just trough vmware ;-)01:43
pinkisntwellwhen are we gonna get firefox 1.5.0 on the repositories?01:43
cozI do some testing but this one has me stumped01:43
snorkswhich is best01:43
LjLpinkisntwell: why, who said we are going to? ;)01:43
_jasonubotu, tell pinkisntwell about ffbackport01:43
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transgressthey have to put ff into whatever the next version of ubuntu is before they backport it i believe01:44
Siph0nwhats a good ftp program to use? im tryin to use gftp, but everytime i download or upload it closes the program...01:44
transgressSiph0n: wtf did you do to it?01:44
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FooWaterCan anyone point me to instructions on getting Ubuntu Linux to work with a wireless network card connecting to an Apple Airport Express using WPA?01:44
MickMcMackSiph0n, try konqueror. :)01:44
snorkshows running a DC with AD in wmware on a linux comp using smb with ldap to simulate AD?01:44
Chris_in_the_ukanyone got any idea how to install a TEXT ONLY browser on ubuntu 5.10 installed as a server?01:44
czrdoes anyknow know whether ubuntu will have enterprise hardware drivers at any point? or is cheaper hardware the target for ubuntu?01:44
navaroneChris>apt-get install lynx01:45
HobbseeChris_in_the_uk: use elinks or lynx01:45
czrsnorks, what would you run DC and also simulate it at the same time?01:45
snorksTo see what happens01:45
czrsnorks, vmware runs any OS on a virtual machine01:45
Chris_in_the_ukcheers navarone and hobbsee01:45
snorksczr: Yes. I would like to see it01:46
czrsnorks, please rephrase what you want to run then. it doesn't make much sense to me :-)01:46
steigweispinkisntwell: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion   try that to install the latest ff! it is very easy and ff 1.5 is 1000 times faster than the implemented crapfox on ubuntu01:46
snorksczr: Its not supposed to make sense01:46
czrsnorks, touche :-)01:46
snorksczr: I would also like to activate dhcp on same netid juts for fun01:46
pinkisntwellok will do, thanks01:46
czrsnorks, go and download vmware workstation and get the 30 day eval license from vmware.com01:46
LjLChris_in_the_uk: well, yet another suggestion as for text browsers: links2 (it's also got a graphics mode)01:46
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opnsrcOk I figured out what's wrong01:47
czrsnorks, and have your windows install CDs handy01:47
snorksopnsrc: What is wrong, sir?01:47
snorksczr: hehe yep :)01:47
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opnsrcWhen I run Kanotix (or other distributions of linux) and I extract firefox from firefox-1.5.tar.gz to the firefox directory01:47
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opnsrcthere is a file called firefox01:47
czrsnorks, if you ever end up building large enterprise virtual server systems, stick with vmware ;-)01:47
snorksczr: We made (the teacher) a legit win server 2k03 vmware image today. Sucks we can't take it home01:48
opnsrcNow normally I can double click that file and it runs perfectly01:48
pinkisntwelland people, i get some problems with my sound in ubuntu. with most programs (media players) it works, but with games it mostly doesn't (xmame, zsnes, quake3)01:48
czrsnorks, just use the "real" version (ESX)01:48
oblibhas anyone used a parallel port scanner with Ubuntu?01:48
_jasonubotu, tell opnsrc about enter01:48
opnsrcBut under Ubuntu it asks me if I want to run it, display or run in terminal01:48
snorksczr: I have not heard of that.01:48
czrsnorks, well, as I said, I don't need windows for anything, so I don't really feel the pain01:48
Biscuitian_WarheHow can I do a multiple cd install on WINE?01:48
opnsrcNo matter what I click it doesn't run01:48
SpAwNhello i installed ubuntu yesterday....everything works except the sound....ive read alot of threads on ubuntu forums and still havent had any luck.....ive tried so manythings but nothing works...only kinda sound is the beep that my computer makes...nothing in the speakers...ive messed with the also and oss but neither do anything....i also read that  Installing polypaudio and replacing esound as your sound server also seems to work..01:48
SpAwNbut when i use synaptic it says there is no packaged called polypaudio..i also know that my sound card is working as i have sound if i boot to windoze. has anyone else had this prob and found a solution?01:48
czrsnorks, spend some 500k$ on storage (SAN), spend some 200k$ on blade server, spend some 100k$ on vmware, then you have ha/failover-whatever01:48
czrblade servers even01:49
snorksczr: If I was a gamer or a musician I'd like windows. But I  quit gaming, and I don't have any electric guitars laying around, so :p01:49
opnsrcso how do I make it run?01:49
czrsnorks, I use xbox for gaming ;-)01:49
DShepherdpinkisntwell: you can manually iinstall it if you cant wait for dapper01:49
_jasonopnsrc, you followed everything in the wiki guide correct?01:49
czrsnorks, and music-wise I feel your pain. I've still to find good software that will work for my needs01:49
snorksczr: I use my CCNA book for gaming currently... working on my bachelor in network adm and security01:49
opnsrcit gave me an error01:49
_jasonopnsrc, what error?01:50
opnsrcthe thing is I don't want to go through all this every time I want to run an application01:50
czrsnorks, what kind of net adm?01:50
snorksczr: im still in my first year01:50
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DShepherdpinkisntwell: nm01:50
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opnsrcI want it to work Just like it works with Kanotix and other distributions of linux01:50
opnsrcI double click the application, it runs01:50
opnsrcis how I want it to work. How do I fix that?01:50
snorksczr: im not sure what you mean by that question... whatever the job I apply for requires?01:50
bimberiSpAwN: polypaudio is in the universe repository01:50
pinkisntwellok about ff, my problem now is the sound01:50
czrsnorks, np :-). ah, I thought you were working on some network management software ;-)01:50
bimberiubotu tell SpAwN about repositories01:50
_jasonopnsrc, oh you are just asking about that functionality in nautilus, let me see if I can find that option01:50
SpAwNbimberi, this is my 1st time using a linux with apt-get01:51
snorksczr: No :) I'm doing bachelor of network management and security, and I plan to top it off with a masters01:51
czrsnorks, because that's my hobby nowadays, that's why I asked01:51
Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: Why not use ALSA? Its fairly easy to compile.01:51
SpAwNahh k01:51
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SpAwNBiscuitian_Warhe, umm well i have that selected and it doesnt give me sound01:51
snorksczr: Ah, that is interesting. Got any url or something so I can look at it some time?01:51
bimberiSpAwN:  also there's a couple of wiki pages about soudn issues ...01:51
Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: What verison of Ubuntu?01:51
SpAwNmy puter seems to see my card01:51
czrsnorks, build a L2-transparent NAT:ting firewall with custom linux distro, that will teach you a lot ;-)01:51
bimberiubotu tell SpAwN about sound01:51
_jasonopnsrc, in nautilus, edit _> preferences -> behavior.  Under "Executable Text Files" change that to run when clicked01:51
SpAwN( Operating System ) Linux Ubuntu 5.10 - breezy Kernel: 2.6.12-9-686, GNU/Linux | Xorg: 6.8.2 | IRC CLient: X-Chat v.2.4.401:52
snorksczr: heh, i still need to master cisco wildcars (!#%@!#@)01:52
czrsnorks, nothing complete/worth showing yet. as I said, it's a hobby. not sure whether I will open source it.01:52
Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: Did you run alsaconf?01:52
snorksczr: wildcards01:52
opnsrcno, the thing is it asks me what I want to do with it and one option is run. Even when I click run it does nothing01:52
Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: What kind of card is it?01:52
matrix-ubuntu-csunknown host hote.com01:52
matrix-ubuntu-csmatrix@ubuntu:~$ ping www.hote.com01:52
matrix-ubuntu-csPING home.plugnet.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.01:52
SpAwNand i made sure it was unmuted and turnd up01:52
czrsnorks, IOS is ok once you get used to it :-) just need practice with real environments01:52
oblibhas anyone used a parallel port scanner with Ubuntu? Anyone know about xsane in general? I need a backport and don't know how to install it01:52
opnsrcwill this fix that?01:52
SpAwN0000:00:1e.2 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corp. 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 03)01:52
SpAwNit came with my dell dimension 840001:53
LjLoblib: i do know something about sane (not xsane in particular), but i have a usb scanner01:53
snorksczr: I feel I master most of the CCNA requirements when it comes to equipment, but wildcards is just a little hard01:53
Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: What came up when you ran alsaconf?01:53
Siph0nKonqueror isnt an ftp client tho, right?01:53
LjLSiph0n: yes it is01:53
snorksczr: off head that is... can always cheat01:53
Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: Was there hdaintel by any chance?01:53
czrsnorks, CCNA didn't have wildcards when I did it01:53
czrsnorks, so I wouldn't know :-)01:53
Siph0ni got it, but dont see how its an ftp client :)01:53
snorksczr: Ah ok :-)01:53
czralthough I think I'll do CCNP after new year01:54
SpAwNBiscuitian_Warhe, actualy i dont think i did01:54
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oblibLjL, I take it that it worked off the bat for you?01:54
SpAwNi used alsamixer01:54
_jasonopnsrc, this would stop it from asking you.  You should follow the wiki to get firefox to work.  The wiki guide basically sets up you profile directory correctly and makes the firefox command run the new version.01:54
Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: Could be a little start. Lol.01:54
czrotherwise my CCNA expires soon, not that I need it for anything01:54
czrCCNA is pretty worthless IMHO01:54
SpAwNalsaconf: command not found01:54
Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: You gotta configure the card first.01:54
snorksczr: Well, think subnetting (or maybe reverse subnetting) with extensive use of block sizes. Again, it's easy if you wanna cheat01:54
snorksczr: if there is such a word01:54
doubleaI now uninstalled the dvdcss package. It didn't have any effect on anything01:54
czryou mean CIDR?01:54
snorksczr: It's hard to explain01:54
Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: Did you try compiling the alsa-utils/alsa-lib/alsa-driver?01:54
LjLSiph0n: uh... i'm missing something here. you definitely *can* use ftp servers from konqueror, can't you?=01:54
doubleaStill no functionality on menus.01:55
Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: Or installing alsautils in Synaptic01:55
opnsrcOk, but, there is a file inside the firefox directory named firefox. When I double click this file firefox 1.5 should automatically run (it does with other distributions of linux)01:55
LjLoblib: no, it didn't. i had to compile and install a third-party driver01:55
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czrSiph0n, Alt+F2: ftp://name.of.ftp.server/path01:55
czror just write that into any address field in KDE/konqueror01:55
Siph0nbut how do i set passive mode?01:55
opnsrcI don't want it such that every program I extract I need to go to a wiki page and type all this stuff. I want it such that I double click it and it runs, just like under kanotix01:55
oblibLjL, oh good. I have source for the driver I need (I think). Do I just run the make script and pray?01:55
SpAwNno Biscuitian_Warhe should i do both01:55
SpAwNor one or the other?01:55
czrSiph0n, good question. check kde control center setup01:55
snorksSiph0n: I really really recommend ncftp01:55
opnsrcor Redhat or anything else01:55
LjLoblib: it depends on the driver i suppose01:56
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czrSiph0n, I'm not sure if you can, but that's the place where it should be if it's possible01:56
Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: Try Synaptic way first. Else, try good ol fashioned compiling :D01:56
transgressi like gftp compiled without gtks upport myself01:56
_jasonopnsrc, it runs fine for me.  Try running that command in a terminal and see what it says.01:56
oblibLjL, what is the command you use to scan?01:56
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czrI use mc for ftp stuff, but I'm silly anyway01:56
Siph0nk thanx01:56
LjLoblib: scanimage, usually. but xsane works as well, and i sometimes use Kooka from here (my scanner is networked)01:56
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Biscuitian_WarheWow. Im glad I got this Serial modem. Linuxant really stunk.01:57
czrcaravena_, add / before the command ;-)01:57
snorkscisco flashbacks01:57
oblibdo you have to pass it a parameter to tell it how to find the driver?01:57
opnsrcbash: firefox: command not found01:57
czrsnorks, most other vendors use similar interfaces nowadays for managed network stuff01:57
opnsrcNow under my kanotix CD it just runs01:57
opnsrcno problem01:57
LjLSiph0n: control center / internet / connection preferences has an option01:58
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aedeshas anyone used cupsaddsmb? its asking for a pass but I don't know which pass I need to give it01:58
lampshadeanyone running centrino with the default ubuntu 5.10 distribution or live cd?  Got a quick question for you.  Just wondering if that particular version of the ipw2200 driver supports monitor mode (Since I know the drier does now but I'm not sure it made Ubuntu in time)01:58
_jasonopnsrc, ./firefox01:58
opnsrc./firefox-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory01:59
opnsrc(btw, thanks)01:59
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LjLopnsrc: sudo aptitude install libstdc++501:59
Biscuitian_WarheAnyone know anything about WINE?01:59
snorksczr: without wildcards, how did you set a certain range of IP addresses to permit/deny in cisco ACLs?01:59
LjL!tell Biscuitian_Warhe about anyone01:59
=== Biscuitian_Warhe goes bleh.
opnsrcThere it goes02:00
czr192.168.1.0/ for example02:00
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opnsrcNow it runs. FINALLY!!!02:00
opnsrcThanks so much02:00
czrthat will always work, although it is a bit tedious. I prefer using CIDR: in that case02:00
czranyhow, ipv6 uses same notation02:00
oblibLjL, do you have to pass it a parameter to tell it how to find the driver?02:00
doubleaWhat do I need to play dvd with dts audio?02:01
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_jasonopnsrc, yw... dinner time now, cya02:01
czrfor 'netmak'02:01
czrmask even :-)02:01
LjLoblib: no, but i do have to edit /etc/sane.d/dll.conf02:01
opnsrcK, enjoy02:01
opnsrcthanks _jason and everyone else02:01
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czrdoublea, a dts decoder?02:01
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czrdoublea, in software obviously02:01
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snorksczr: Thanks for pointing out stuff I really need to work on :) Have some kind of exam 16th dec02:01
navaronedoublea> did mplayer work?02:02
Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: How's it coming along?02:02
czrsnorks, get a prep book for CCNA if you're feeling shaky02:02
logical_markHey guys what do I install for DVD Playback. I looked on UbunutGuide.org but the package it refrences dosn't exist anymore in the repositories02:02
bimberiubotu tell logical_mark about dvd02:02
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czrsnorks, sybex had a decent one. just make sure the prep book is not out of date wrt the CCNA exam numbers02:02
Biscuitian_Warhelibcss Somthing.02:02
snorksczr: I have the latest sybex ccba study guide02:02
czrI'm sure it explains how to use CIDR-notation then02:03
oblibLjL, my device is listed in dll.conf, but it is commented out. Does that mean that I just have to uncomment it?02:03
snorksczr: it's not a ccna tho, it's a self-made exam in my school about general networking and some cisco management02:03
tylerIf i download nvidia-glx through SPM, are those the best possible nvidia drivers available for ubuntu? Because the ones on the nvidia site are way larger...02:03
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snorksczr: however, I still want to ace it02:03
czrsnorks, ah. then I really don't know whether the prep book helps. do you get CCNA certification from the school then?02:03
LjLoblib: yes. and if i were in you, i'd comment out all the rest, just to be sure02:04
czrsnorks, or are you taking the 'cisco academy' thingy?02:04
Biscuitian_WarheWhat are the best ATI drivers.. I can seem to get acceleration...02:04
snorksczr: Neither02:04
tylerIve got my ccna :P02:04
tylerexpired actually02:04
doubleanavarone, nope. I can watch the movies but the menus and navigation don't work.02:04
LjL!tell Biscuitian_Warhe about ATI02:04
snorksczr: I'm from norway. We can do 2 years here, which are fully accredited at Univ. of Glamorgans' Bachelor of Network Management and Security02:04
snorksczr: then 3rd year is in Wales02:04
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builderhow would I reference stdin from a shell script? in other words if I want to do `cat myfile.txt | my-script.sh`, how would I reference the input from my-script.sh?02:05
tylerAre the nVidia graphics drivers at nvidia.com better than the nVidia-glx drivers from the SPM?02:05
czrsnorks, right. good for you :-)02:05
oblibLjL, I run xsane plustek_pp:/dev/lp0 and it reports I/O error. Do you know if there is a problem with that? Is lp0 the parallel port, or does Ubuntu use /dev/parport?02:05
czrsnorks, just do something useful with your time. don't leave it at CCNA :-). ccna is too common to be of any use02:05
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snorksczr: So these 2 years holds no nationalized tests. Just stuff to prepare us for year 302:05
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LjLbuilder: can you rephrase that? i'm not sure what you mean. your "my-script.sh" takes input from stdin? and you want to do what?02:05
snorksczr: errr. international02:05
navaronedoublea> i got dvd working for playback two nights ago...did not try any of the dvd menus tho...just played start to finish without looking for chapters02:06
czrsnorks, how long is the program if one wants to do masters?02:06
LjLoblib: i suppose lp0 should be fine. try scanimage instead of xsane, though02:06
snorksczr: 4 years if you wanna spend year 4 doing nothing but masters. Most, however, chose 5 years02:06
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LjLoblib: "scanimage -L" in particular, and also, "sane-find-scanner"02:06
czrsnorks, heh ok. I'm on my 9th year at school ;-)02:06
oblibscanimage: setting of option --br-x failed (Invalid argument)02:06
snorksczr: A nice thing is that MI5 recruits master-doers from that univ02:06
czrdidn't go there for 5 of them though now02:06
vbgunzdoes gtk-gnutella work any more?02:06
czrwhat is so nice about MI5?02:06
snorksnot sure. but it excites me02:07
navaronevbgunz...yes...i was using it today02:07
czrsnorks, you need to get a life ;-)02:07
LjLoblib: try giving it "-l 1 -t 1 -x 1 -y 1"02:07
oblibsane-find-scanner (and I assume scanimage -L) doesn't search the parallel port02:07
vbgunznavarone: what version do you have?02:07
czralthough don't ask me about it, I've not seen life for many years :-)02:07
oblibThey both default to findign my TV card and scanning images from the TV02:07
snorksthe nailing hackers in a secret service type of way just fascinates me. like on TV02:07
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navaronevbgunz> .95.402:07
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snorksczr: hehe02:08
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doubleanavarone, dvd-playback worked straightaway without menus. And now the dts-sounds seem to be a problem02:08
LjLoblib: scanimage -L should list all the devices that are supposed to be correctly set-up and working02:08
mzinzHow do i get my home, computer, and other icons on the desktop?02:08
vbgunznavarone: I have 95.4 stable... But am told it is an old version. I am doing simple searches and nothing is returning...02:08
czrsnorks, it's not that exciting. especially if you're using wrong terminology ;-) (hacker = computer enthusiast, cracker = people who crack into other ppls' systems)02:08
navaronevbgunz...it gives me same message at bottom...but no problem searching02:08
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vbgunznavarone: :(02:08
snorksczr: Well, I was a loser at my previous schools. You know thos common high schools and stuff. Didn't interest me at all. But networking really makes me shine02:08
mzinzDoes anyonek now how to make icons appear on desktop?02:08
navaronevbgunz...how many ultrapeers you have connected?02:09
vbgunznavarone: it was never like this02:09
LjL!tell mzinz about desktop-icons02:09
czrsnorks, and if this would have been a channel not related to unix/linux anyway, I would have let the 'hacker' pass ;-)02:09
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vbgunznavarone: pref is connect to 3 *but* I think only one is connected02:09
czrsnorks, wait until you start thinking about queue-theory in QoS. that will make you wish that you would have been more interested in math before :-)02:09
jonathonhello i need some help working out my java02:09
czrsnorks, networking is quite fun at the start02:09
snorksczr: Well, I've tried saying cracker in real life. And people are like "what?". So I've stopped02:09
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vbgunzbut the host is
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navaronevbgunz> I default to 4 ultras...adn i usually wait for them all to connect before doing any searches02:10
czrsnorks, you need to select the correct word depending on who you say it to :-)02:10
snorksczr: But I'm well aware of it02:10
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vbgunzsomething is wrong, why am I not connected...?02:10
czrsnorks, good :-). we need to educate people ;-)02:10
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czralthough I've long ago given up on educating people02:10
czrbut you're still young ;-)02:10
matt__hey, can anyone help with setting up a wifi card?02:10
jonathoni installed java then i installed limewire and it says there is no java but when i type java -version in the console it says02:11
jonathonts installed02:11
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mzinzLjL, I can't find the apps directory?02:11
navaronevbgunz...go to Gnutella-net tab and clear all the cahces at bottom right that may help02:11
czrurgh. 5.10 is still using xf86?02:11
snorksHow will I know if they know enough to be taught the difference between hacker and cracker?02:11
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czrsnorks, if you speak to people on a linux-related channel, that is a big clue :-)02:11
navaronevbgunz> sry...Gnutella Net/Hostcache02:11
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vbgunznavarone: I cannot clear anything... they all seemed to be cleared already02:12
LjLmzinz: it's not a directory. you should run the GConf Editor and change some keys. those are keys02:12
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snorksczr: #ubuntu, sure?02:12
mzinzLjL, ohh02:12
czrsnorks, #ubuntu has something to do with linux, I think ;-)02:12
navaronevbgunz> how many connecting currently?02:12
snorksczr: you get my point02:12
jonathonyo anyone got limewire installed/02:12
czrsure, and you get mine :-)02:12
mzinzLjL, wheres the editor at? sorry02:12
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vbgunznavarone: I never messed with this app before but just once and it seemed to work perfectly.... Now though, nothing different and it seems not to be connected at alll... I couldn't clear the cache either :(02:13
ericI have reinstalled firefox twice through Synaptic and it still WILL NOT start, I get the following error even if I uninstall firefox rm -fr ~/.mozilla and reboot and reinstall firefox: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/528802:13
matt__Trying to get either a prisim3 USB WiFi or broadcom PCMCIA adapter working.02:13
matt__any tips?02:13
erichas anyone ever seen that error?02:13
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Biscuitian_Warheeric: Why not just compile it or d/l it from mozilla.org?02:13
czrah, I thought that 5.10 was broken. but nay, it is I who is broken02:13
navaronevbgunz> hmm..try shutting down gnutella and restarting...<?>02:14
=== czr digs into xf86config
ericBiscuitian_Warhe, cause its easier to mange and upgrade packages through mozilla02:14
ericAnyone got any other ideas02:14
mzinzI have a dell inspiron 5150 laptop.  Where in the SPM could I find drivers for my wireless network card?02:14
ericBiscuitian_Warhe, i meant easier to manage and upgrade packages through synaptic and apt get02:14
vbgunznavarone: I just did that... I could have sworn remember seeing a whole list of servers under GnutellaNet Connections but nothing is in there at all anymore... Is that right?02:14
jonathonis it my imagination or does gnome run alot quicker than kde02:14
LjLmzinz: i'm not sure where it is in the menus, but run "gconf-editor" from a shell02:15
Biscuitian_Warheeric: True.. but where's the "Linux Thrill".. Lol02:15
mzinzLjL, k02:15
LjLmzinz: if that doesn't work, then you don't have it installed, in which case, "sudo aptitude install gconf-editor"02:15
navaronevbgunz> I have five connections...my own and 4 ultrapeers02:15
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oblibLjL, so I commented out all the other drivers and it says no scanners found02:15
Biscuitian_Warhejonathon: KDE = Special effects which in turn = Lower memory02:15
vbgunznavarone: your own is*?02:15
snorksczr: I haven't used vmware very much, but how good is it?02:15
ericBiscuitian_Warhe, i meant easier to manage and upgrade packages through synaptic and apt get02:16
ericI have reinstalled firefox twice through Synaptic and it still WILL NOT start, I get the following error even if I uninstall firefox rm -fr ~/.mozilla and reboot and reinstall firefox: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/528802:16
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navaronevbgunz...no...my own is my ip address...02:16
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mzinzI have a dell inspiron 5150 laptop.  Where in the SPM could I find drivers for my wireless network card?02:16
czrBiscuitian_Warhe, all the effects can be disabled which make kde faster than gnome though02:16
jonathonis c better than c++?02:16
LjLoblib: i dunno :(02:16
czrsnorks, it is good02:16
=== fangorious [n=fangorio@cpe-66-25-38-48.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
snorksczr: Thanks :) Just the answer I wanted02:16
czrsnorks, best virtualization software for x8602:16
SpAwNBiscuitian_Warhe, i have alsa-utils installed but i still cant use alsaconf02:16
czrsnorks, except for fringe cases02:16
vbgunzhmmm... I know my IP but the one in my list starts with* I thought that IP represented me... man, I really feel ambushed :P02:16
czrsnorks, if you'd want to run linux under linux, then probably uml or xen might be enough02:17
Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: Did you do it through Synaptic? Or did you try compiling yet?02:17
snorksczr: the vmware client for linux, it's good aswell?02:17
rjekAnybody familier with random X server crashes under Breezy AMD64 that didn't occur under Hoary?  I'm using the closed NVIDIA drivers, as the free ones cause screen corruption (I've not tried using them long enough to see if they also crash.)  Windows doesn't fail on the same hardware.02:17
czrsnorks, but setting them up requires quite a lot of tinkering. vmware is simple and easy02:17
SpAwNi used synaptic02:17
oblibLjL, thanks for trying02:17
czrsnorks, err, not vmware client. just vmware :-)02:17
fangoriousdoes having 'map eth1' in the 'mapping hotplug' section of /etc/network/interfaces mean eth1 will be brought up when the hotplug system is loaded at boot?02:17
LjLsnorks: it's not a client. i think it's as good as the one for windows anyway02:17
SpAwNso i should download it tar.gz02:17
mzinzLjL, i checked all of the boxes but there still isn't anything on my desktop.  I double checked also.02:17
SpAwNany idea whats it called or where i can dl it02:17
=== battlecry [n=battlecr@c-67-185-89-241.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
czrsnorks, runs better on linux than on windows because windows is unstable anyway (based on my 6 years vmware experience at least)02:17
oblibAnyone know what the default parallel port is called in Ubuntu? /dev/lp0 or /dev/parport?02:17
vbgunznavarone: maybe uninstalling it?02:17
navaronevbgunz> does it show your ip address in preferences/network?02:18
snorksczr: Ok, nice :-)02:18
vbgunznavarone: no02:18
LjLmzinz: hmm... i don't actually have Gnome installed, so i wouldn't be sure :\02:18
vbgunznavarone: put my ip[ in there and force it?02:18
navaronevbgunz...what options you have set in network?02:18
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czrI've run production windows-boxes inside vmware on top of linux so that they don't trip over all the time. even windows is almost rock solid that way ;-)02:18
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mzinzIs there a simple way to enable my wireless card?02:19
vbgunznavarone: listen port 54771 and udp checked... everything else, well nothing else checked02:19
redeemananyone here using snd-usb-audio?02:19
Chris_in_the_ukhey guys, looking for help with a postfix on ubuntu 5.10 error - the error log is here http://pastebin.com/445620.  Any ideas, give us a shout02:19
Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: Hold on.02:19
SpAwNBiscuitian_Warhe,  k np02:19
LjLmzinz: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/faqsection_view?section=Using%20Ubuntu  <--- this says it's actually /apps/nautilus/general02:19
quackerHmmm... what do you guys recommend for a console port comm program  for Ubuntu (to connect to DTE like routers and external modems)?02:19
rjekquacker: minicom works for me.02:19
navaronevbgunz...hmmm..my listen port is different but I don't think that's an issue02:20
rjekquacker: There's a GNOME GUI thingy too, but I forget its name.02:20
czrhmm. there was a simpler one. minicom is a modem control program really02:20
vbgunznavarone: maybe uninstalling it will help? I only used it once before *but* now it is acting as if something is really messed up...02:20
czralthough I must confess I end up using minicom too because I forget the other sw name all the time ;-)02:20
Biscuitian_WarheGet the tar.gzs for alsa-driver, alsa-lib, and alsa-utils.. should all be 1.09x02:20
Red-Soxhow does ubuntu pay the bills?02:20
mzinzLjL, thanks.  maybe i just need a restart.  there is no /apps/nautils/general directory btw, heh02:20
SpAwNah thanks alot Biscuitian_Warhe02:20
navaronevbgunz> in gnutella net tab in preferences are you set to auto configure mode?02:20
Biscuitian_WarheRed-Sox: Day jobs?02:21
Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: Still gotta get through the compiling though.. Lol02:21
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vbgunznavarone: yes :(02:21
vbgunznavarone:  I am going to try reinstall02:21
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LjLmzinz: yeah i suppose you should definitely try restarting X02:21
vbgunznavarone: I hope that works02:21
navaronevbgunz...okie...good luck02:21
czrRed-Sox, canonical and volunteer work of debian and other projects02:21
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Red-Soxczr: what about the ShipIt CDs?02:22
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Biscuitian_WarheAnyone have any trouble installing xorg-driver-fglrx.02:22
czrRed-Sox, I'd imagine canonical pays for them. although I don't really know. look for people who actually work for canonical02:22
czrRed-Sox, shuttleworth has a lot of money :-)02:22
Biscuitian_WarheIt gives me an error about clashing with diversion of libGl.so.102:22
Red-Soxczr: i dont have the money to make a generous donation, I only have $10, but I can donate that02:22
Red-Soxczr: im just a kid ;)02:23
czrRed-Sox, you can donate your time then. help writing documentation or helping people02:23
ubotusomebody said ati was at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=1002:23
Red-Soxczr: im not nearly expeirenced enough, iv been giving out CDs, if that helps02:23
Biscuitian_WarheRed-Sox: I know the feeling..02:24
czrRed-Sox, I'm not the right person to answer these questions though02:24
Red-Soxczr: i suppose I could write documents... wikis about stuff i know about02:24
czrRed-Sox, wikis are a simple start02:24
Red-SoxBiscuitian_Warhe: are you in 7th grade too02:24
Biscuitian_WarheRed-Sox.. No, 9th, but I was once in the 7th. :-P02:24
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Red-SoxBiscuitian_Warhe: yes, i c02:25
snorksRed-Sox: Just don't stop/give up02:25
vbgunznavarone: don't get it, I uninstalled/restarted gtk-gnutella and still have problems with it... I really don't get it. It worked once for me just fine... now, problems :(02:25
Red-Soxsnorks: no chance of that02:25
snorksRed-Sox: I'm older than you, and I wish I started at your age02:25
vbgunznavarone: on your front tab "gnutella connections tab" do you see a list of connections or only one?02:25
=== Kayde [n=kayde@CPE-143-238-154-144.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Red-Soxsnorks: started what>02:26
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Red-Soxducky_: hello02:26
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snorksRed-Sox: Linux.. networking. Developing an interest for that sort of things. And stay away from games02:26
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snorksRed-Sox: Especially MMORPGs02:26
Biscuitian_WarheI wish I started younger.. I can't believe I once believed in Windows.02:26
Kaydei need help w/th ubuntu02:26
Biscuitian_WarheKayde: Thats a good start.02:27
z3r0xhi guys02:27
snorksRed-Sox: But don't forget to be your age :)02:27
niggpieThe default bittorrent client is downloading extremely slowly (like <1kb/s).  How do I change it's default port to the one I've opened up in the router?02:27
SpAwNhmm i still get checking for kernel version... The file /usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h does not exist. ...im pretty sure i installed the right kernel-source...in synaptic now i dont even see the same version as when i do uname -a ...and i need this to compile :/02:27
navaronevbgunz> I have connections listed...as a matter of fact I am dl'ing songs as we type02:27
n0dlhow do i mount a dvd r?02:27
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Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: Did you install the headers?02:27
Red-Soxsnorks: games... oops! im building a gaming computer as we speek er... speak*02:27
Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: There on your Breezy Disk.02:27
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z3r0xI have a little problem. I installed an irc bot at home on my server but I can't connect over DCC from outside. The bot is working it is connecting to the channel. Does anybody know what port I have to open?02:27
vbgunznavarone: :(02:27
navaronenodl> it should automount when you insert in drive02:28
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vbgunznavarone: good for you though ;)02:28
SpAwNhmm i need ..umm kernel headers?02:28
snorksRed-Sox: Just stay away from everquest and world of warcraft and games like that02:28
n0dlnavarone, even if i am using xfce?02:28
Kaydei have a problem-i have uzzy stuff at bottom of ubuntu screen02:28
navaronevbgunz> where are you in world?02:28
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Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: Yeah.02:28
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vbgunzFlorida America02:28
crschmidtIf you're going to format a 300GB drive, which will store about 30GB of mp3s and about 270GB of movies... what filesystem do you use?02:28
Kaydecan i show screen shot?02:28
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Red-Soxsnorks: i have never heard of them... i play arcade games and also some spacey-type games02:28
snorksRed-Sox: Excellent :)02:28
navaronenodl...no idea about xfce...but it installs fstab editor...maybe you can get the drives to mount there02:28
Kaydecan some1 assist me ?!02:29
Biscuitian_WarheRed-Sox: Yes, be careful of MMORPGS.. life sucking they are...02:29
SpAwNhmm synaptic says i already have them installed02:29
existancei have a pci and an agp graphics card/ monitors for them.  I can only get a display on the PCI one, how can i make the AGP the primary?02:29
Biscuitian_WarheKayde: Whats the problem.02:29
n0dlwhat does this mean? mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdd02:29
Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: Did you ever compile anything else?02:29
crschmidtn0dl: you probably want to mount /dev/hdd<number>02:29
Biscuitian_Warhen0dl: What are you trying to mount?02:29
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SpAwNi have yes02:29
SpAwNon mandriva02:29
snorksRed-Sox: I spent 5 years playing EverQuest, I was in a guild (clan) that is now the best in the world. It screwed my "education" over. Luckily I'm doing an interesting education now02:29
Red-Soxi dont think ill be playing any02:29
n0dlBiscuitian_Warhe, a dvd r02:29
Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: No I mean on this current system.02:29
SpAwNive compiled several programs02:30
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SpAwNohh no02:30
Biscuitian_Warhen0dl: Can't help you there.02:30
SpAwNi havent been ablt to02:30
existancei have a pci and an agp graphics card/ monitors for them.  I can only get a display on the PCI one, how can i make the AGP the primary?02:30
Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: Hold on a tick.02:30
navaronevbgunz...try disabling the udp option and see if that helps02:30
Kaydewarhe...private chat02:30
Red-Soxsnorks: i will stay away, i want to go to William and Mary and study law, world of warcraft wont get me there02:30
niggpieI'm using the default Bittorrent client for Ubuntu.  Can someone tell me what port it is using by default?  How can I change this port?  I can't seem to find the option anywhere.. please help! :)02:30
The_Isle_of_Markexistance check that your primary card is agp in thew bios02:30
snorksRed-Sox: Good! You passed the exam. Good luck with lawschool02:30
Biscuitian_WarheKayde: Why? Why not ask your question out to all of us?02:30
SpAwNi just reinstalled the headers..let me try again...i think it upgraded them or somthing02:30
existanceThe_Isle_of_Mark, it is in Windows, so shouldn't it be here?02:31
n0dlcrcshmidt how do i check which number my hdd is?02:31
Red-Soxsnorks: what exam?02:31
SpAwNcrap nope...still same error02:31
snorksRed-Sox: The exam of telling me the correct answer02:31
n0dlcrcshmidt i mean my dvd rom is?02:31
czrsnorks, http://koltsoff.com/wtf2.png02:31
vbgunznavarone: I just completely unstalled it again... the first time reinstall picked up on all the old settings... So I really cleaned it out this time02:31
czrthe window in middle is vmware running ubuntu 5.1002:31
crschmidtn0dl: oh, you're trying to mount a DVD, you probably want some kind of other magic02:31
Red-Soxsnorks: oh, lol, i thought you ment the college application02:31
Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: You any good with a terminal?02:31
n0dlmagic what?02:31
SpAwNi know my way around02:31
Kaydecos noone listening02:32
SpAwNnot a expert02:32
The_Isle_of_Markexistance no. If windows is set to have it as primary, it is software02:32
n0dldoes anyone here know how to mount a dvd?02:32
Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: Alrite, pop in the breezy disk, and navigate to the pool folder on it.02:32
Kaydelookat scfreen shot...02:32
navaronevbgunz...yeah...uninstall config files as well02:32
existanceThe_Isle_of_Mark, mm, i'll go check then02:32
Kaydefuzzy at bottom of screen02:32
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Kaydecant read02:32
SpAwNk one sec Biscuitian_Warhe02:32
Biscuitian_WarheKayde: Try your AutoSet button on your monitor.02:32
Kaydeits a laptop02:33
vbgunznavarone: hmm.. the connection is the same... the only thing now I see different is the port is now 4676602:33
Kaydeand it dosnt have02:33
SpAwNBiscuitian_Warhe, k im there02:33
vbgunzwhat port do you have instead of represting yoursef;? 127*, 192* or a public IP address?02:33
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Red-Soxsnorks: i dont think i would be allowed to play games like that anyway02:34
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Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: Alrite, cd to main/l/linux-source-2.6.1202:34
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snorksRed-Sox: because of parental guidance?02:34
Kaydeis there a auto select driver?02:34
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navaronevbgunz...I have my dynamic ip used.02:34
Red-Soxsnorks: yes, sir02:34
Kaydeor somthing to auto do it?02:34
jason0_I'm trying to install ubuntu on a resized windows partition, however it won't seem to take it. When I resize a partition it says unusable. I have 3 partitions windows, fc4, and now ubuntu, any ideas?02:34
vbgunznavarone: ok02:34
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snorksRed-Sox: Well they are rather non-violent. But that is about 0,001% of the damaging part02:35
Biscuitian_Warhejason0_: A partition table can only have 4 primary partitions.02:35
snorksRed-Sox: They steal time. And lots of it.02:35
Red-Soxsnorks: oh, what do I know?02:35
jason0_Biscuitian_Warhe: Interesting... So that is per drive then, correct?02:35
Red-Soxsnorks: time is a good thing ;)02:35
Biscuitian_WarheKayde: Im not sure there...02:35
Red-Soxrohan: hi02:35
SpAwNBiscuitian_Warhe, k02:35
Biscuitian_Warhejason0_:Yeah, it is.02:35
snorksRed-Sox: I'm glad you don't, really :) You can play them once you're a lawyer02:35
IRCslothis it possible to tell ubuntu dpkg to ignore a package? The update tool it trying to update a custom package with a vanilla package from the repos02:35
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Kaydeit worked on wondows xp etc02:35
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czrBiscuitian_Warhe, technically a classic pc partition table can have only 4 partition entries02:36
Red-Soxsnorks: lol02:36
Red-Soxsnorks: not in my office ;P02:36
Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: Now, sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-2.6.12-9-386_2.6.12-9.23_i386.deb02:36
czrBiscuitian_Warhe, if a partition type is 5, it means that there is another partition table to be read starting from the location of this partition on disk :-)02:36
snorksRed-Sox: Hehe. Once you're done with education and got a job is what I meant.02:36
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Red-Soxsnorks: i know02:36
vbgunznavarone: your gnutella hostcache... in your list do you have numbers OR 0's all around the board on that screen?02:37
snorksRed-Sox: Name some of the games you play. Of course you know02:37
Biscuitian_Warheczr: You mean Youcan have more partition tables on a hdd?02:37
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czrBiscuitian_Warhe, technically. blame dos 2.1 for mucking up all the terminology02:37
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benkong2where is the boot splash located in breezy?02:37
Red-Soxsnorks: i enjoy pac-man, battlezone II, galaga, dig dug02:37
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snorksbenkong2: wild shot, maybe /boot/grub. i have no idea02:37
Red-Soxsnorks: and star wats battlefront II02:38
bimberiIRCsloth: in synaptic you can "Lock Version" a package (via the Package menu).  I'm not totally sure what it does but it does look promising for what you want :)02:38
czrBiscuitian_Warhe, a partition table can only fit 4. ever. hence if you have 'extended', it actually means that the extended ones are listed in another partition table02:38
navaronevbgunz> I have 100 regular host, 48% ultrapeers and a few bad hosts in cache02:38
Biscuitian_Warhebenkong2: Search for Usplash02:38
snorksbenkong2: I was wrong02:38
KaydeIS there and auto dectect functions on this>??02:38
IRCslothbimberi: thanks a lot02:38
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jason0_So if I use the installer to resize an existing ntfs partition on another drive I should be okay? Is it going to screw up my existing grub config?02:38
Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: It working out for you?02:38
SpAwNill pasting in pastebin02:39
vbgunznavarone: nothing can get me more upset than this :( No real reason why it should not work yet it acts retarded...02:39
benkong2Biscuitian_Warhe; snorks; thanks there is no splashimage line in menu.lst so i want to add one but i don't know where the current one is loading from02:39
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czrresizing ntfs fails sometimes even with commercial tools02:39
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SpAwNBiscuitian_Warhe,  http://pastebin.com/44565402:39
bimberiIRCsloth: np :)02:39
Biscuitian_WarheNo one likes NTFS.02:39
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jason0_czr: Ive had luck in the past.02:39
SpAwNyea use vfat02:39
Red-Soxsnorks: do you know any of them?02:39
SpAwNntfs is no good02:39
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czrjason0_, indeed02:39
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snorksRed-Sox: No, only know the names. I only played mmorpgs02:40
Kaydec-mon is there another chat i can get tech help w/th?02:40
Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: Oh sorry dude, my bad.02:40
czrKayde, what's your problem?02:40
Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: Lemme get you the other thing first.02:40
navaronevbgunz> I will give you url to install phex...it si client for gnutella that runs in java...if you have java installed already it will work fine. It is a bit more user friendly than the basic gnutella-gtk02:40
SpAwNwrong version?02:40
Red-Soxsnorks: exactly how old are you?02:40
SpAwNahh k02:40
snorksRed-Sox: 2102:40
vbgunzmy gnutellanet connections is completely empty, my hostcache is 0's all around the board... It isn't even like I use gtk-gnutella but only once... Never configured it or anything... this shouldn't be happening...02:40
snorksRed-Sox: saying 22 would be more correct02:40
Kaydemy monitor is fuzzy i have a laptop02:40
Red-Soxsnorks: oh, okay,02:40
snorksRed-Sox: you?02:40
Red-Soxsnorks: i am 1202:40
SpAwNKayde, probly the refresh02:41
Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-2.6.12-9_2.6.12-9.23_i386.deb02:41
czrKayde, you have an external monitor connected to a laptop? or you mean the built-in flat screen of laptop?02:41
Kaydeive restarted it 5 times02:41
SpAwNi had that prob with this puter02:41
Kaydebuilt-in flat screen of laptop?02:41
ubotufrogzoo: What?02:41
vbgunznavarone: thanks, I'll take the url and if worse comes to worse will check it out, although I wuold like to keep gtk-gnutella02:41
sethkKayde, as SpAwN said, some laptops do weird things if the refresh isn't set to 6002:41
Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: Just a little dependecy thing.. I forget the thing all the time.02:41
snorksRed-Sox: you'll have about 9 years of hands-on linux experience compared to me, if you don't give up :) I find that very cool02:41
Kaydeit is set to 60mhtz02:41
SpAwNahh now i can install the 1st thing right?02:41
snorksRed-Sox: when you reach my age I mean02:41
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Biscuitian_WarheKayde: Try jumping it up a bit02:41
sethkKayde, I doubt it, but it may be set to 60 hz  :)02:41
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Red-Soxsnorks: i dont really have an alternative to linux02:41
Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: Yeah02:41
czrKayde, the screen of laptop. you can normally also connect another monitor to laptops. that's why I ask02:42
snorksRed-Sox: Ah. Lawschool... legit win xp copies. Gotcha02:42
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czrKayde, set where?02:42
Kaydeyea ...is=i know, i have norm laptop02:42
_jasonRed-Sox, 12... bah wish I hadn't wasted so much of my time on windows and installed linux like you at the age of 1202:42
sethkKayde, we're talking about the vertical, now, not the horizontal02:42
SpAwNyea Kayde i had to add 2 lines to my xorg.conf02:42
benkong2how can i turn dma on in breezy? hdparm -d1 done as root says permission denied02:42
Kaydeit is 60mhtz02:42
sethkbenkong2, use sudo02:42
Red-Soxsnorks, _jason: I am boycotting windows for several reasons ;)02:42
sethkKayde, no, it isn't02:42
SpAwNhmm i had the 2 lines written donw some where02:42
germancitoplease tell me how to get rid of the hda1 and hda7 links on my Deskyop02:42
sethkKayde, there is no such thing as _any_ video setting in the  mhz range02:42
Kayde we're talking about the vertical, now, not the horizontal??? i am confused02:43
Biscuitian_WarheYeargh. I can't install the xorg ati drivers bcuz of the nvidia ones.. and I can't get rid of the nvidia ones.. yeargh.02:43
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snorksRed-Sox: You fascinate me02:43
SpAwNthere like Vertrefrsh and Horizrefrsh....02:43
sethkKayde, I think you are talking about the card's clock frequency02:43
guru54_lol snorks02:43
sethkKayde, which is irrelevant02:43
benkong2sethk; how do i make it permanet?02:43
Red-Soxsnorks: why?02:43
snorkswell he does02:43
navaronevbgunz...yeah gnutella-gtk is nice...although i have nota  clue how to use the filters yet02:43
sethkbenkong2, it's very odd that it isn'02:43
sethkbenkong2, it's very odd that it isn't the default02:43
czrkayde, what happens if you comment both of the frequency lines in the config? and also, did it work before?02:43
guru54_i know many kids like him snorks02:43
sethkbenkong2, see if it works, first02:43
_jasonRed-Sox, *cough* if only you were a yankees fan too02:43
SpAwNBiscuitian_Warhe, they both installed fine thanks02:43
dpupp-awaybenkong2: sudo hdparam -d1 /dev/cdrom002:43
benkong2sethk; ok02:43
dpupp-awaybenkong2: sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/cdrom002:43
Kaydei am confused! and yes it worked on Windows XP pro02:43
Red-Sox_jason: lol, 2004 world champs02:43
ubotunvidia is probably at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia, or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5736802:44
sethkbenkong2, many cds don't do dma02:44
vbgunznavarone: I got your message, thanks! If gtk-gnutella insist on acting up, I'll check the alternatives although I really would like to keep it :(02:44
Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: Alrite, extract the alsa folders, do the driver first, then lib, then utils02:44
snorksRed-Sox: Because you've discovered the path of true inner peace at the age of 12. It's fascinating02:44
czrbenkong2, some cdromd/dvdroms are broken with dma btw02:44
Red-Soxsnorks: oh, i see02:44
czrbenkong2, if your system freezes, don't set dma on the drive again02:44
benkong2sethk no this is for /dev/hda02:44
SpAwNBiscuitian_Warhe, 10-402:44
SpAwNwill do now02:44
guru54_i started tearing apart and rebuild computers in 4th grade with my uncle and he taught me cobol snausages02:44
snorksRed-Sox: However, I fear windows vista will be good :/02:44
Biscuitian_WarheSpAwNL Roger Roger.02:44
sethkbenkong2, then why were people saying /dev/cdrom?02:44
navaronevbgunz...I have both installed...no need to drop one for the other...try phex and if it suits your needs you needn't tinker with gnutella-gtk any further02:44
czrkaybe, windows xp uses different drivers. I meant that if it worked before in Linux or not :-)02:44
czrkayde, sry02:45
Agrajagsnorks: oh don't worry about that02:45
snorksczr: your thoughts of windows vista ?02:45
Kaydeit works on knoppix3.8.202:45
guru54_only think that surprises me about you Red-Sox is that you are choosing law over a computer field02:45
Red-Soxsnorks: im not like the other kids, but I think it is a bad thing, I mean, I have lots of friends and everyone likes me, its just that im different, and I see that, and Im not sure if its good :/02:45
czrsnorks, I don't think about windows. I have interesting stuff to think about.02:45
Kaydeit works on knoppix3.8.202:45
snorksczr: lol, like a bot reply02:45
czrkayde, aha. that is good02:45
SpAwNbah i STILL get the same error02:45
Biscuitian_WarheRed-Sox: You remind me so much of me at that age.. Lol02:45
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Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: Whats the error?02:45
Agrajagguru54_: that's good, the world needs IP lawyers that want to defend the GPL02:45
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czrkayde, where did you try to edit the frequences? (or did you edit them anywhere)?02:45
luisitoanyone here uses the aluminum alloy themes?02:46
czrsnorks, but it is true :-)02:46
Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: Oh wait, go to that folder, and rename the sources  thing to linux02:46
sethkRed-Sox, it isn't good and it isn't bad, it's just you02:46
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czrmy ex gfs did mention that I'm not human02:46
guru54_only think is Agrajag is that ever person i know in law i hate02:46
sethkRed-Sox, don't worry about it, and just be what you are.02:46
SpAwNchecking for kernel version... The file /usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h does not exist.02:46
SpAwNPlease, install the package with full kernel sources for your distribution02:46
SpAwNor use --with-kernel=dir option to specify another directory with kernel02:46
SpAwNsources (default is /usr/src/linux).02:46
vbgunznavarone: I am really upset but a bit relieved... gtk-gnutella doesn't work on my other system either... Maybe it has something to do with my router? It is the only thing *but* PCs have in common *but* the router didn't seem to mess with gtk before...02:46
sethkRed-Sox, I've been that way for 40 years longer than you, so trust me.  :)02:46
Kaydei clicked: System, preferences, screen resoulution02:46
Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: Its just not looking in the right place.. Lol02:46
Red-Soxguru54_: well... Im a good argurer... or however you spell that, anyway, I am very interested in it02:46
snorksRed-Sox: Same here. Whereas my friends likes to waste money on alcohol and cigarettes and "having fun", I often have to say no because I spend my money on an education. And sometimes that makes me feel bad. But in reality, I'm He-Man compared to them02:46
SpAwNwell where is it located?02:46
gallonegro_does openoffice word.. does it have options for tabs?02:46
Kaydei clicked: System, preferences, screen resoulution02:47
czrKayde, did you change resolution?02:47
snorksczr: But really :/02:47
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guru54_lol snorks02:47
WildPenguinSpAwN, Nvidia driver?02:47
Red-Soxsnorks: well, good for you02:47
czrsnorks, I don't think about it. it doesn't contain anything interesting02:47
SpAwNumm no alsa02:47
Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: Go to usr/src02:47
Biscuitian_WarheAnd tell me what you see02:47
SpAwNi have NO sound!!!!!!02:47
guru54_i need to stop spending 10 bucks ever weekend on whiskey lol snorks02:47
czrkayde, can you change the resolution back, if that helps?02:47
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snorksRed-Sox: In what way do you feel you're different?02:47
czrKayde, or has the screen always been fuzzy in ubuntu?02:47
Kaydeit dosnt help02:47
SpAwN2 folders and 2 archive02:47
benkong2snorks; ok it works now is there a place where dma param can be passed on boot so that they are loaded with each boot?02:48
czrkayde, does the resolution at least change?02:48
SpAwNalsa-driver.tar.bz2     linux-headers-2.6.12-9-38602:48
Kaydei installed ubuntu 10 min ago...02:48
czrkayde, ah. ok02:48
existancecan i have nvidia and ATI drivers at the same time?02:48
SpAwNand theres a alsa-driver folder too02:48
Kaydei installed ubuntu 10 min ago...---and ive tried all resolutions02:48
Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: Rename linux-headers one to linux02:48
benkong2in gentoo i an use /etc/conf.d/rc and put them there and they are loaded02:48
Biscuitian_WarheThere try again02:48
Biscuitian_Warheexistance: So far.. for me.. no. Lol02:48
navaronevbgunz...I am not an expert in routers...but perhaps your router is dyanmically blocking traffic it thinks it unrequested...<?>02:48
snorksbenkong2: Hm, are you sure you're supposed to talk to me? I didn't help you yet :/02:48
czrkayde, do the resolutions actually change when you try them?02:48
Kaydeubuntu has not worked  in the 10 min02:48
existanceBisuitian_Warhe: h,,02:48
SpAwNwhats the command to rename a whole dir?02:48
existanceBisuitian_Warhe: hmm rather02:48
guru54_Red-Sox, dont start partying, im only 18 and im already tired of it, waste of money and waste of good health02:48
benkong2snorks; sorry my bad /me /*sighs02:48
Red-Soxsnorks: i dunno, its kinda hard to explain er... well... im, um... like... i feel like i think differently, my brain works differently, im not like everyone else02:48
sethkSpAwN, mv02:48
rsbuntucan i install additional program off line?02:48
oxezSpAwN: mv 'old dir' 'new dir'02:48
czrKayde, oi?02:49
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Red-Soxguru54_: okay02:49
Kayderesolutin=on ---wen screen smaller it workes but,02:49
sethkSpAwN, in unix a directory and a file are treated the same way w.r.t. names02:49
snorksRed-Sox: Haha you just own02:49
snorksRed-Sox: I'm so on your level02:49
Kayderesolutin=on ---wen screen smaller it workes but,io can see much oin my screen02:49
Red-Soxsnorks: i dont understand02:49
existancewhere is grub installed to?02:49
guru54_lol Red-Sox quick question you look at something complicated and you can just tell how it works02:49
navaroneRedSox> maybe you're like Einstein...but with tamer hair hopefully...;)02:50
existanceahh, i'm an idiot02:50
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SpAwNhmmwhich should i rename... then newer one? linux-headers-2.6.12-9-386 linux-headers-2.6.12-902:50
snorksRed-Sox: Today I got a ride home from a friend. And his girlfriend was there. And she was yabbing away, and I was like "OH MY GOD she is stupid" inside me... it's as if I'm alot smarter than them. And I think in other ways aswell02:50
czrKayde, sounds like a bug in XFree86 graphics driver02:50
Red-Soxguru54_: that sounds exactly right, like in math i can figure out short cuts to make it easier02:50
Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: Yeah02:50
snorksRed-Sox: I can't really talk about that here02:50
czrKayde, knoppix uses much newer X server (the program that sends the graphics update commands to display)02:50
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snorksRed-Sox: Maybe if we both lived in Amsterdam and this wasn't #ubuntu02:50
Kaydewat do i do?02:50
czrKayde, ubuntu for some reason uses very old version02:50
Red-Soxsnorks: lol02:50
czrKayde, let's ask :-)02:50
Kaydeddat sux02:50
Red-Soxnavarone: i doubt it02:50
guru54_yea Red-Sox its logic, you have a logical brain02:50
czrdoes anyone know how to upgrade xorg on ubuntu?02:50
czr5.10 seems to be carrying still xf8602:51
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Red-Soxguru54_: that sounds good, I think I like that02:51
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czrKayde, there are reasons for that02:51
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SpAwNahh sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Biscuitian_Warhe its compiling and it worke02:51
czrKayde, but in your case they're the wrong reasons ;-)02:51
SpAwNthanks a whole bunch02:51
navaronesnorks> I think there are all kinds or intelligence...analytical, emotional...even physical. I think intelligence is just the ability to adjust to new stimuli and process it02:51
czrKayde, give me a sec, I'll google a bit02:51
Kaydeso ubuntu it will never work!02:51
Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: Woot. I'll stay here till you have sound a blaring though :)02:51
czrKayde, it will work if we replace the X server with a proper version02:51
Red-Soxsnorks: are you going to college?02:52
czrKayde, it might not be simple though02:52
SpAwNthanks bro02:52
Kaydeuh oh...02:52
=== existance [n=existanc@cpe-68-201-255-172.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
czrKayde, give me a moment, I'll check first02:52
Kaydeim not very good at pc's02:52
snorksRed-Sox: I'll give you an example ok? A friend tried to fix his step-machine. You know, one of those workout machines. A nut had fallen off a screw. He couldn't fix it02:52
existanceuh... i just installed nvidia drivers, why can't I go to a higher resolution than 1024 x 768?02:52
Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: Anytime.02:52
guru54_Red-Sox, it will help in life, you can logically see why someone did that they did to make something happen or build something02:52
snorksRed-Sox: I tried, turned the nut the other way (since some screws are reversed) and it worked02:52
Biscuitian_Warheexistance: Is it in your xorg thingey?02:52
Red-Soxsnorks: oh, i see02:52
snorksRed-Sox: I'd say university02:52
Kaydeexistance uh... i just installed nvidia drivers, why can't I go to a higher resolution than 1024 x 768? --i have same prob02:53
existanceBiscuitian_Warhe, not sure, i just followed the instructions at the website :/02:53
snorksRed-Sox: And that really fascinated him, and he started calling me "the fixer"02:53
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Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: After this, im formating this drive and poof up to breezy.02:53
guru54_snorks, you mean a left thread ;)02:53
Red-Soxguru54_: is that why i am good at puzzles?02:53
Red-Soxsnorks: lol02:53
snorksguru54_: Probably, don't know the english word for it02:53
Toma-Kayde: becuase you havent added the higher display res. to the display section of your xorg.conf02:53
Red-Soxsnorks: y'know what?02:53
snorksRed-Sox: No, tell me02:54
KaydeToma- Kayde: becuase you havent added the higher display res. to the display section of your xorg.conf  how?02:54
czrBiscuitian_Warhe, xorg thingy? in 5.10?02:54
czrhmm, why don't I have xorg?? I have xf8602:54
SpAwNi just unstalled it...i like it so far02:54
Biscuitian_Warheczr: Yeah, it was the new xorg when I had breezy...02:54
sethkKayde, or because it doesn't think your monitor can display it02:54
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Red-Soxsnorks: i had my first dream... er... two nights ago, and everyone said that was weird, is it?02:54
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Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: Hows it going?02:54
Kaydeok...it could on win XP02:54
sethkczr, probably an older version02:54
czrBiscuitian_Warhe, well I have 5.10 and it has xf86. just installed it02:54
czrsethk, older version of 5.10?02:54
SpAwNi mean installed02:54
Biscuitian_Warheczr: Look on the disk for xorg.02:54
Toma-... Kayde find the part that says "section "screen"", find the depth youre using and add the resoultion u think your monitor can do02:55
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sethkczr, no.  it may have some utilities with xf in them, but it is xorg02:55
guru54_yea Red-Sox, since you use logic to solve a problem,  theres a good chance why you like computers, they run off of logic02:55
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Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: Yeah.. i was wondering there.. Lol.. hows the compiling coming?02:55
SpAwNwell i ran into a snag...i ran ./configure then make...and got a error02:55
czrsethk, xdpyinfo | less says XFree8602:55
Kaydeok ty tona02:55
cenopeci dunno what is going on buy my ubuntu is going to hell02:55
Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: Give me the line it spit out02:55
drapelykanyone have some freetime to help me setup a blog on my webserver?02:55
Red-Soxguru54_: oh, i see, it takes logic to build one, I know than (as Red-Sox builds a computer)02:55
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czrBiscuitian_Warhe, apt-cache search xorg comes up with nothing too02:55
snorksRed-Sox: It's not weird, it just not normal according to social experience. Maybe you have dreamt before, and didn't know it was a dream. How can you define something, if you don't know how ?02:55
existancewhat do the dump and pass columns mean in /etc/fstab?02:55
cenopecfirst i could not mount my floppy now i cant mount my optical02:55
cenopecwhat the hell02:55
sethkczr, indeed, so what?02:55
Red-Soxsnorks: ah, what a good point02:56
Biscuitian_Warheczr: I mean manually look in the disk files.02:56
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cenopecwas there something wrong with the update02:56
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Agrajagexistance: dump means whether or not it gets backed up to tape by dump02:56
Agrajagwhich isn't really used any more02:56
navaronecenopec> did you try "sudo mount /dev/fd0" ?02:56
Biscuitian_Warhedrapelyk: I'd love too. But High School is SO LIFE SUCKING!02:56
MagicFabwhat software is used for ubotu ?02:56
czrsethk, so you mean that it is xserver-xorg even if it says xfree86?02:56
snorksRed-Sox: Well don't get me wrong. I was a bit blunt saying it wasn't normal :/ I don't know how to talk to a 12 year old without perhaps saying something wrong. But you seem down to earth02:56
Agrajagpass means on which pass it is mounted, 0 goes first, then everything with a 1, then everything with a 2, etc02:56
SpAwNBiscuitian_Warhe,  http://pastebin.com/44567802:56
snorksRed-Sox: If I screw up it's not intentionally02:56
existanceAgrajag, cool, thanks02:56
drapelykBiscuitian_Warhe I don't understand02:56
Red-Soxsnorks: you cant screw up if you are telling the truth02:56
guru54_snorks, none of us are normal02:57
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czrxserver-xfree86 4.3.0.dfsg.1-6?02:57
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snorksRed-Sox: I think quantum physics would interest you. It would put the world in a totally different perspective02:57
sethkxorg split from the xfree86 source.  Many of the things with it still say xfree02:57
snorksRed-Sox: Or perhaps make it all clear to you02:57
guru54_snorks, i like quantum physics02:57
nvezerm, SpAwN ..02:57
snorksguru54_: same02:57
cenopecnavarone: yeah everything02:57
nvezapt-get install gcc ?02:57
Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: Open up Synapic, and search for gcc-3.4, and d/l install that.02:57
existancewhats the prefix for a bash script?02:57
Toma-SpAwN: what and why are you compiling that?02:57
AgrajagSchrodinger's cat is dead02:57
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snorksguru54_: Red-Sox should watch "what the !#% do we know"02:57
Red-Soxsnorks: i like quantum physics, it is not offered at my grade level, but I read about it all the time02:57
SpAwNi have no sound02:57
Biscuitian_WarheSpAwN: Breezy uses gcc 4.0, and for the oddest reason nothing likes it.02:57
guru54_snorks, i own it02:57
corvaxim interested in making a debian package from a tar.bz2 source file02:57
existanceSchrodinger's cat is not dead02:57
SpAwNand am trying to instal them manualy02:57
Toma-SpAwN: dont.02:57
czrhmm. what is 5.10 codename?02:57
Agrajagexistance: FILTHY LIAR02:58
corvaxthe file is here02:58
Toma-czr: breezy badger02:58
Agrajagczr: warty was 4.1002:58
czrToma-, thanks02:58
snorksRed-Sox: Hehe, I hereby sentence you to the most fascinating 12 year old boy I've ever met02:58
nvezJust use "sudo apt-get install gcc", SpAwN02:58
existanceAgrajag, clearly i'm correct :P02:58
czrahhahh. that explains the xfree8602:58
sethkSpAwN, there are packages for the older gcc versions02:58
Toma-SpAwN: compiling and installing alsa wont do anything02:58
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guru54_lol snorks02:58
The_Isle_of_Marklol @ argraj02:58
czrI wonder how that ended up on my system. I used netbase install iso02:58
Agrajagexistance: don't make me open that box02:58
Biscuitian_WarheToma-: He needs the alsa-utils.02:58
The_Isle_of_Markor whatever02:58
AgrajagI'll do it... hey it's empty, wtf02:58
existanceAgrajag, unfortunately, you are too.  I'm going to go explode now.02:58
snorksguru54_: What you mean own it? You have the movie? Or are you owning at quantum physics?02:58
Toma-what for?02:58
SpAwNToma-, i was told its worth a shot02:58
guru54_i finally committed to computer science and got accept to a college snausages02:58
Biscuitian_WarheToma-: Trying to configure a card on ALSA.02:58
guru54_snorks, i have the movie02:58
SpAwNim desperat for sound now so ill try anything02:58
Red-Soxsnorks: whoa... Im honored02:58
Biscuitian_Warheexistance: Don't make me eat that box...02:59
sethkSpAwN, better to try something that might work02:59
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Toma-the alsa script at startup works as alsaconf02:59
nvezwhy just not02:59
cenopecguru53_: where you gonna go02:59
existanceBiscuitian_Warhe, boxes aren'02:59
nvezapt-get install alsa02:59
nvezor that doesnt work?02:59
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drapelykanyone have some freetime to help me setup a blog on my webserver?02:59
existanceBiscuitian_Warhe, boxes aren't so good on the digestive system02:59
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Toma-SpAwN: what card do you have?02:59
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SpAwNalsa-base is already the newest version.02:59
Red-Soxsnorks: i like to read about quantum physics, nuclear science, and World War II03:00
SpAwNits the card that came with my dell dimension 840003:00
Red-Soxsnorks: and linux ;)03:00
guru54_cenopec, im going to Southern Illinois University of Edwardsville as i get a great discount and have a uncle 15mins from campus im going to live with03:00
snorksRed-Sox: A tip based off of my personal experience is to stay extremely critical to social information. Commercials and crap. It's brain-nuking at its best. Here's a scenario. A hospital lacks money to house all their patients in their own bed. A football stadium expands for over 3 mill $. Where is the logic?03:00
maxialguien habla espaol ????03:00
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Red-Soxsnorks: i think linux is the most complicated of the four03:00
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ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.03:00
navaroneguru54...sweet...nice to have family to support you03:00
existancewhat's the file that gets called at startup?03:00
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guru54_yea will be nice on the finances03:01
Toma-SpAwN: what does "lspci | grep audio" return?03:01
snorksRed-Sox: Does your parents know you're smart?03:01
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maxihi ,,,03:01
SpAwNroob@sMoKiNgDoPe:~/Desktop/alsa-driver-1.0.9rc4a$ lspci | grep audio03:01
SpAwN0000:00:1e.2 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corp. 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 03)03:01
Red-Soxsnorks: wow, i never thought of that, but consider this, there are millions of people eating very seldemly, but you and I eat three times a day, that to lacks logic03:01
guru54_SIUE also has some awsome professors, i have worked with them, and all their equipment is amazing03:01
Red-Soxsnorks: i guess, if you call me smart03:02
jason0_Trying to resize existing partition, when I input the new size, it just goes to a blue screen. The machine hasn't stalled, but it doesn't appear to be doing anything.03:02
jason0_Is this normal?03:02
Beelzebub1234why am i getting a      this cd does not have ubuntu      error?03:02
snorksRed-Sox: Maybe they don't want to bombard their cells with stimulative neurons, to live longer03:02
Toma-SpAwN: and its not getting loaded on boot?03:02
snorksRed-Sox: :P Well. Food makes us old and brittle03:02
SpAwNwell it hink it loads at boot03:02
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SpAwNbut there is no sound whatsoever03:03
cenopecguru54_: hope ya do well man03:03
Red-Soxsnorks: food = good03:03
Toma-SpAwN: try this, "lsmod | grep ac97_codec"03:03
Red-Soxsnorks: i think ;)03:03
Toma-dont paste the command aswell back in the chan plz ;)03:03
maxihi Red-Sox03:03
SpAwNroob@sMoKiNgDoPe:~/Desktop/alsa-driver-1.0.9rc4a$ lsmod | grep ac97_codec03:03
SpAwNsnd_ac97_codec         83932  1 snd_intel8x003:03
SpAwNsnd_pcm                88840  4 snd_intel8x0,snd_ac97_codec,snd_pcm_oss03:03
SpAwNsnd                    54884  10 snd_intel8x0,snd_ac97_codec,snd_pcm_oss,snd_mixer_oss,snd_pcm,snd_timer03:03
ubotumaxi: NO SPEAKE ENLISH!03:03
snorksRed-Sox: Well yes of course :) It contains important stuff. But it's ultimately what brings us down aswell03:03
drapelykAll: could anyone help me get MySQL working with PHP4.3+?03:03
guru54_Red-Sox, coming from someone who had a 4.0gpa and high state/act scores yet by my junior year in HS fell to a 2.6gpa and rankked in the 75% of my class, do your homework no matter how easy and bogus it is, even if you can teach the class and argue the teacher out of his or her job03:03
snorksRed-Sox: In the rules of quantum physics at least03:03
Red-Soxmaxi: um... hi, do I know you?03:03
guru54_cenopec, thx03:04
Toma-SpAwN: ok, its getting loaded. the recompiling and installing process would have done nothing. ;)03:04
maxiI , speake Spanish03:04
navaronesnorks...if we all stop eating and breathing at least hospital beds will become available sooner...<s>03:04
ubotunvidia is, like, at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia, or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5736803:04
SpAwNwelli think im gonna give it shot anyways who know03:04
snorksnavarone: hehe03:04
maxiWhere do yo From ? (Red-Box)03:04
Red-Soxguru54_: yes, i do, though i dont have a 4.0 gpa accumulated over the years, 3.803:04
Toma-SpAwN: does this command make a sound? "cat .Xclients >> /dev/dsp"03:04
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Red-Soxguru54_: i have gotten two B's i believe03:04
Veinosi'm new to linux, first time i install that :\ how do i log in the root user !?03:04
maxiWhere do you From ? (Red-Box)03:05
Agrajag!tell Veinos about rootsudo03:05
Red-Soxmaxi: why?03:05
guru54_Red-Sox, im talking about later grade school is bogus and they will tell you that, HighSchool is all that matters03:05
SpAwNroob@sMoKiNgDoPe:~$ cat .Xclients >> /dev/dsp03:05
SpAwNbash: /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy03:05
Biscuitian_WarheVeinos: su in a terminal can do it03:05
AgrajagBiscuitian_Warhe: no it can't03:05
Toma-SpAwN: now we're getting somewhere.03:05
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Red-Soxguru54_: oh, i see, right now i am preparing for high school, right?03:05
Veinosok thanks03:05
Biscuitian_WarheAgrajag: It will in a terminal?03:05
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AgrajagBiscuitian_Warhe: no it won't.03:06
AgrajagNot in ubuntu.03:06
Milk_howdy folks!03:06
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snorkshi Milk_03:06
guru54_Red-Sox, yea if your HS offers Honor classes look into it03:06
nemikwhen you ./ install bin apps, where do you usually do it? is /usr/share a good place?03:06
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maxiMy english , is not good03:06
neoplasticitydoes anyone know the command to show what services are running on your computer?03:06
Agrajagnemik: I usually put them in /opt03:06
jcarrDapper Dan?03:06
Toma-SpAwN: whats not making sound? xmms?03:06
guru54_Red-Sox, my HS didnt and i got bored quickly with the bullcrap they where teaching03:06
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snorksneoplasticity: ps aux03:06
nemikthanks agrajag03:06
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DapperDanps aix03:06
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SpAwNno boot sound no mucis no movies03:06
existanceuhh, what should I do if i installed the nvidia driver as per the website but i still can't get the right resolution?03:06
SpAwNno error sounds03:06
DapperDancuz I loves aix03:06
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Red-Soxguru54_: i am already taking High School credits, and next year i will take honors03:06
jasongrieveswhat about AIX03:07
ScreaminIkeJust got my ubuntu shipment03:07
DapperDanI LOVES IT!03:07
Milk_snorks, :)03:07
Toma-SpAwN: try "killall esd" then play something in xmms03:07
xiO_I'm getting the 'killed killed killed' error when trying to install ubu5.1. ctrl+alt+f3 shos everything fine but last line is insmod .....isofs.ko  , and I don't see anything useful in /var/log  . Anyone have more ideas?03:07
DapperDanAIX is my precous03:07
ScreaminIkerunnin it LIVE on a public terminal03:07
AgrajagI have some old AIX books in my cubicle, the last guy left them there03:07
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guru54_Red-Sox, nice im actually taking college classes for my senior year lol HS ran out of classes for me and i tested out of state ones03:07
jasongrieveslol im working on AIX here at IBM03:07
ScreaminIketryin to work up the nerve to pass out all my extras03:07
Agrajagjasongrieves: oh it's all YOUR fault is it03:07
jasongrievesAgrajag lol03:07
SpAwNToma-,  nope03:08
Milk_I got an odd one here... I accidentaly changed the orentation of my top menu bar the other night, and how changing it back (to top) it defaults to the middle center of the screen, If I expand it, it goes to the top and stays untill I restart X the next time..03:08
snorksRed-Sox: Out of curiosity, what did you dream about?03:08
Milk_any ideas?03:08
jasongrievesAgrajag hey AIX is good at some stuff03:08
Toma-SpAwN: is xmms saying device busy?03:08
Agrajagjasongrieves: oh I've never used it03:08
Red-Soxguru54_: cool, the middle school is letting me go ahead in the classes that I am real good at, and they let me take classes with the 8th grade HS credit guys03:08
guru54_snorks, what kinda question is that?03:08
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jasongrievesAgrajag you probably never will :)03:08
snorksguru54_: an out of curiosity-question?03:08
ubotujasper: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about03:08
drapelykAll: could anyone help me get MySQL working with PHP4.3+?03:08
maxiubotu como hago eso ?03:08
ubotuI don't know, maxi03:08
Agrajagmy job so far involves one linux box and one windows one, running opennms and a jabber server. my job is incredibly boring.03:08
guru54_snorks, in what reference03:09
ubotuI guess w32codecs is binary only codecs that some call evil., and they're available from http://giannaros.org/public/breezydebs/03:09
Red-Soxsnorks: *cough* um... nevermind that *cough*03:09
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SpAwNit says please chck that the sound card i configured and that i have the correct output plugin and that no other program is using the soundcard03:09
calcAgrajag: sleep03:09
AgrajagI'm about to ask for them to give me more work03:09
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guru54_snorks, like just dreaming or what do you want to do with your life03:09
Agrajagcalc: oh I do, every morning, it just doesn't feel right, you know?03:09
monteiroanyone knows the keys combination to make EOF in bash ?03:09
jasongrievesdoes ubuntu build hte damange and fixes extensiosn into X?03:09
calcAgrajag: heh03:09
snorksguru54_: If he dreamt about the solution to world peace I'd wanna hear about it.03:09
guru54_lol snorks03:09
Agrajagmonteiro: ctrl-z03:09
jaspermonteiro: try Ctrl+D?03:10
Agrajagwhat am I saying03:10
Red-Soxsnorks: im  embarrassed03:10
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Agrajagit is D03:10
guru54_snorks, there is no solution03:10
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Agrajagsee, I didn't get my nap this morning, and this is what happens03:10
monteirojasper : tks , you're right :)03:10
guru54_snorks, you would have to end the human race to gain peace03:10
navaroneguru54> yes there is...we all move to mars...<s>03:10
snorksguru54_: Well there ARE, but only for a short moment. exactly03:10
durtor at least the non-white races...03:11
Red-Soxsnorks: i can tell you if you REALLY want me to, but you must PM me03:11
snorksguru54_: grotesque. replace everyone with smart people, till the smart people gets mad at eachother. then you have it going again03:11
snorksRed-Sox: No need :)03:11
KaydeI got 2 go soon!03:11
Red-Soxsnorks: phew! thank you, thank you, thank you03:11
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snorksRed-Sox: Now you just make me feel bad :/03:11
Toma-SpAwN: just as a little note, compiling and installing another set of alsa drivers is going to be very dodgy.03:11
guru54_we should just join #red-sox Red-Sox , snorks03:12
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Agrajagguru54_: or #ubuntu-offtopic03:12
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Red-Soxguru54_: is it a real channel?03:12
jasongrievesdoes ubuntu build hte damange and fixes extensiosn into X?03:12
Agrajagjust to keep it out of #ubuntu03:12
Agrajagjasongrieves: I think so03:12
mjrjasongrieves, seems to03:12
SpAwNhmm well i dont know what else to do03:12
biscuit_SpAwN: You still here? Dialup isn't perfect.03:12
calcjasongrieves: i see DAMAGE but not FIXES03:13
mjrat least my Hoary default X server has them03:13
mjrcalc, it's XFIXES03:13
Toma-jasongrieves: fixes? i know it has the damage extensions..03:13
biscuit_SpAwN: Anything go wrong?03:13
jasongrieveshow can I probe03:13
calcmjr: ah i see it now03:13
mjrjasongrieves, xdpyinfo lists the extensions03:13
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calcjasongrieves: yea xfixes is in there03:13
SpAwNnot yet....its still compiling03:13
existancewhy can't i change the permissions of a directory I created in / ?03:13
jasongrievesah thanks, been a while03:13
Toma-*sigh* i cant wait to say "i told you so"03:13
biscuit_SpAwN: Alrite, *Crosses fingers hoping we had the same problem.. Lol03:13
[LV] z1ng3rhi. can anybody help me on setting this permission on folder? drwx-wx--T03:13
jasongrievesAgrajag you dont have an old P series box do you?03:14
AgrajagP series?03:14
[LV] z1ng3rplz03:14
jasongrievesAgrajag get some old AIX disks and have some fun :)03:14
Agrajagoh, no no03:14
jasongrievesIBM power chpis03:14
SpAwNwell if i cant get this sound to wokr i can always go back to mandriva03:14
AgrajagAll I have access to at work is a cheap Dell03:14
existancezlng3r, try this site http://catcode.com/teachmod/chmod_cmd2.html03:14
existancewhy can't i change the permissions of a directory I created in / ?03:14
AgrajagTrying to make a usable system out of it03:14
KaydeSO noone can help wth screen fuzz?03:14
durtman chmod03:14
Dr_Willisscreen fuzz?03:14
Toma-Kayde: you've set the wrong screen resolution.03:14
sethkKayde, did you ever figure out what your frequencies are?03:15
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[LV] z1ng3rdurt tnx a lot :E03:15
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Kaydeyes! 60htz03:15
jasongrievesAgrajag i stll am trying to figure out how they are selling a #300 dollar laptop03:15
existancewhy can't i change the permissions of a directory I created in / ?03:15
sethkKayde, and the resolution you are using?03:15
jasongrievesAgrajag their right above us in Round Rock Texas03:15
sethkexistance, you probably need to use sudo03:16
Agrajagjasongrieves: who is?03:16
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jasongrievesAgrajag main Dell HQ03:16
Dr_Willisexistance,  its not a mount point is it?03:16
existanceDr_Willis, kinda .. :/03:16
Kayde800x600 is fuzzy, 640x480 isnt03:16
jasongrievesguy across the apt. works for them, i work at IBM, good laughs03:16
existanceDr_Willis, well, yea actually, that means i can't change it?03:16
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[LV] z1ng3rcan anybody help me on setting this permission on folder? drwx-wx--T03:16
Dr_Willisexistance,  kinda? :P is it mounting a WIndows partition?03:16
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existanceDr_Willis, yup, good guess :P03:17
Kayde800x600 is fuzzy, 640x480 isnt03:17
matt__hey, can someone help with installing a package I've downloaded?03:17
existance[LV] z1ng3r, try this site http://catcode.com/teachmod/chmod_cmd2.html03:17
Dr_Willisexistance,  you need to set the 'umask=' option to be what you need.03:17
[LV] z1ng3rexistance tnx03:17
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xiO_I'm getting the 'killed killed killed' error when trying to install ubuntu 5.1. looking in /var/log/syslog it shows process '/sbin/debian-installer' erroring/exiting. anyone know why this would happen?03:17
dpupp-awayso if i wanted to try KDE in ubuntu, what do i need to do?03:17
Dr_Willisexistance,  type "!ntfs" and read the bots message03:17
evilXhow  i do to repair my splash screen03:17
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existanceDr_Willis, will do03:18
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matt__I have the deb file in my home directory, but the synaptic package manager doesn't seem to work with individual files, only repositories.03:18
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sethkmatt__, right, you use dpkg03:18
xiO_dpkg -i debname.deb ?03:18
evilXhow  i do to repair my splash screen??03:19
dpuppsethk, and how would you remove it?03:19
Kayde800x600 is fuzzy, 640x480 isnt My Refresh rate is: 60Hz or 58Hz no diff03:19
biscuit_SpAwN: Hows it coming?03:19
Toma-xiO_: bad install media?03:19
matt__cool beans :) thanks.03:19
existanceDr_Willis: i already edited fstab to put it at /(directory)03:19
Toma-Kayde: what monitor is it?03:19
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matt__will that take care of any dependencies as wel?03:19
xiO_Toma: cd checks out with md5..?03:19
Dr_Willisexistance,  did you use the 'umask' option?03:19
Kaydetoshiba satelite laptop mionitor03:19
sethkdpupp, remove what?03:19
SpAwNim on the utils and i ran configure03:19
Toma-xiO_: tried the "check media" part of the install?03:19
existanceDr_Willis, nope, never heard of it :/ decently new to unix fs03:19
SpAwNthenm i went to use make and got this roob@sMoKiNgDoPe:~/Desktop/alsa-utils-1.0.9rc4a$ make03:20
SpAwNmake: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.03:20
xiO_toma: yeah, A-ok03:20
dpuppsethk you were saying how to install a deb... how would you uninstall a deb ?03:20
navaronematt__> you have to cd to home directory...or wherever deb file is first in termianl03:20
Kayde800x600 is fuzzy, 640x480 isnt My Refresh rate is: 60Hz or 58Hz no diff,  toshiba satelite laptop mionitor03:20
AgrajagKayde: did you try any other resolutions? A lot of laptops use 1024x768 natively03:20
sethkdpupp, not sure, do man dpkg03:20
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LjLdpupp: you can use apt-get for that03:20
Kaydeit dosnt have that option03:20
evilXhow  i do to repair my splash screen??  help03:20
Agrajagand anything else will be scaled and look ugly03:20
dpuppsethk. ok thanks.03:20
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Kayde 1024x768 isnt in the option03:20
existanceDr_Willis, still reading the article in !ntfs so i might find it :), i don't  really want to do it the auto way though03:20
Dr_Willisexistance,  the 'issue' is that windows partitions cant have the same 'permissions' set as a normal ext2/3 filesystem. The Mount/fstab options are used to set them at mount time. and they dont change afterwards03:20
biscuit_SpAwN: Try make depend03:21
=== buddy [n=buddy@cpe-65-24-42-51.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dpuppi want to try KDE. what do i need to do? im currently using ubuntu 5.10 gnome.03:21
redeemananyone here using snd-usb-audio?03:21
SpAwNahh i just saw this "configure: error: this packages requires a curses library03:21
SpAwN" any idea?03:21
funkyHatmatt__, it won't take care of deps, but if there are any issues it will tell you, then you can use synaptic/apt to fix them and finish installing03:21
sethkSpAwN, install ncurses03:21
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Dr_Willisinstall a curses library :P03:21
SpAwNahh k03:21
Toma-SpAwN: you need the ncurses-dev03:21
buddyis there a program in ubuntu that will allow me to see vnc servers. I have connected to my ubuntu machine with a windows machine but cant find a program to view other machiens from my ubuntu one03:21
existanceDr_Willis, looks like its fmask and dmask03:21
evilXhow  i do to repair my splash screen on gnome??  help03:21
SpAwNah k thanks03:21
jasongrievesWARNING: Couldn't find the DAMAGE library. Check config.log for details03:22
existanceDr_Willis, there's  a file_umask for Apple systems though03:22
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navaroneexistance> I have prob with windows partion I use for p2p shares...I cannot write directly to the shared folder...hoever I can createa  new folder ther and transfer files there and then transfer again to shares thru windows03:22
Dr_Willisexistance,  i normally set umask, and uid and gid, depending on what i want to do.03:22
jasongrievesdrat my debian skills03:22
jasongrieveswhere do extensions go?03:22
Toma-SpAwN: if youre serious about screwing your system, try this first, "apt-get build-dep alsa"03:22
gparentWhere does linux mount shared folders from Windows ?03:22
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gparentI tried Mnt, didnt work.03:22
Toma-and alsa-lib03:22
evilXhow  i do to repair my splash screen on gnome??  help03:22
navaronegparent...maybe in /media03:22
Agrajagbuddy: Applications > Internet> Terminal Server Client03:22
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mjrjasongrieves, you probably want libxdamage-dev03:22
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quackergparent, /media/03:22
jasongrievesmjr, ah, probobaly03:22
buddyAgrajag: Thank you03:22
gparentLet me check my VMWare settings03:23
SpAwNaallright Toma- ill try that right after03:23
navaronegparent...is it set to automount?03:23
existancenavarone, the other day someone said you couldn't write to ntfs, only read... you can write to it?03:23
biscuit_SpAwN: I gotta kinda go now. :/03:23
gparentWhere do I see that option?03:23
Natdigga_alright...I've been on ubuntu for 3 days now just enjoying the software that came with it...so what do you all suggest I do now...I'm ready to get my hands dirty!  :)03:23
evilXhow  i do to repair my splash screen on gnome??  help03:23
existanceDr_Willis, how do you use umask? I don't see it in this article03:23
SpAwNbiscuit_, thanks for ya help so far03:23
quackergparent, then they're not mounted03:23
Toma-SpAwN: it'll install all the packages you need to build alsa-base... do it before03:23
redeemangparent: it doesent just mount automatically03:23
FuzzyGhostI was wondering if anyone would be able to help me with a Nvidia problem.03:23
SpAwNill figure it out :D03:23
KaydeAny help or do i try a diofferent place?!03:23
drapelykAll: could anyone help me get MySQL working with PHP4.3+?03:23
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SpAwNohh Toma- got ya03:23
navaroneexistance...no writing to ntfs can lead to corruption. I use a fat32 partition for sharinf files between os's03:23
Toma-SpAwN: actually, forget it. ill take no part in this murder.03:23
gparentThen how do I mount it?03:23
existanceDr_Willis, granted it goes in the fstab entry, i mean what = what permission03:23
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redeemandrapelyk: just install it, but you should get php 503:23
biscuit_SpAwN: Alrite, you should be able to get it. Lol. If you need anything drop a line to biscuitian.warhead@gmail.com.03:23
existancenavarone,i see03:23
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biscuit_SpAwN: Later dude.03:24
SpAwNahh thanks bro03:24
Kayde800x600 is fuzzy, 640x480 isnt My Refresh rate is: 60Hz or 58Hz no diff,  toshiba satelite laptop mionitor  Can someone help or should i go somewhear else?03:24
drapelykredeeman: ok, I'm trying to install a blog solution on my webserver03:24
evilXhow  i do to repair my splash screen on gnome??  help03:24
redeemangparent: you gotta install smbfs, then you can mount using the mount command, but you can also just use the gnome network browser to browse the network03:24
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Kaydefuzzy asin stuffed03:24
drapelykredeeman: I've got Apache2 installed, I need to get MySQL and I guess PHP5? running03:24
Toma-evilX: what do you mean repair?03:24
SpAwNToma-, apt-get build-dep alsa doesnt install anything for me anyways03:24
=== dpupp backs up his data ... im going on a noob expedition into: how much junk can you throw at ubuntu before it seizes working.
Toma-SpAwN: try alsa-base instead of alsa03:25
redeemandrapelyk: php is a matter of simply being installed, mysql aswell, since it starts itself when you install03:25
The_Isle_of_Markanyone have any idea when the ucp test is coming out?03:25
drockoWhen i installed ubuntu it partitioned off my entire physical drive as an LVM volume. i would like to make another partition that is not in the LVM. is it possible to resize a physical volume?03:25
drockoin LVM that is03:25
drapelykredeeman: so there is no configuration?03:25
Sionideofftopic: anyone here watch desperate housewives?03:25
redeemandrapelyk: there shouldn't be03:25
evilXi install a splashy thing.. to change the image when the unbuntu its monting the sistem03:25
drapelykredeeman: k, do you know why i'm not seeing PHP5 when I "apt-cache search PHP"?03:26
SpAwNwell Toma- what exactly does this install and how might it help my no sound?03:26
evilXbut doest work03:26
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redeemandrapelyk: don't use captive php03:26
jasongrievesmjr, good call, i just noticed fixes libs were there03:26
SpAwNim not used to ubuntu or gnome so pls bear with me03:26
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redeemandrapelyk: besides, it might be called mod_php03:26
afabiandpupp, what have you got in mind?  Compiling perl and installing it in /usr?03:26
jasongrievesno damage03:26
Toma-SpAwN: if you'd been listening to me, its going to do nothing.03:26
drapelykredeeman: I don't understand03:26
redeemandrapelyk: apt-cache search php03:26
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theblueHi all.03:26
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drapelykredeeman I did03:27
Toma-evilX: click System > Preferences > Spplash Screen and change it back03:27
evilX i uninstalling splashy thing , i reboot and the original splash bar does work03:27
SpAwNlol i say that command doesnt work and u give me the right one...then i ask what i installed and u say that?03:27
redeemandrapelyk: not PHP, php03:27
drapelykredeeman: ok03:27
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FuzzyGhostWould there be a less busy time I could come back, or an e-mail I could send the question too?03:27
durt[LV] z1ng3r: if you havent figured it out yet, its 173003:27
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Toma-well you seemed hellbent on installing these compiled drivers when its got nothing to do with the drivers at all03:27
boohey what is a cpkg file?03:27
KaydeHELP me: my laptop monitor, when on Win XP it works, on ubuntu it dosnt-its squiggly in bottom corner of screen, on 800x600  my refresh is 60hz when i lower my resolution it stuffes again03:27
drapelykredeeman: still just php php3 and php403:27
thebluedkman: This is a response.03:27
redeemandrapelyk: okay, i guess php5 is in universe/multiverse then, but php4 should work too03:28
SpAwNwell i biscuit was helping me03:28
gparentI dunno03:28
gparentI cant find it in network03:28
gparentIts odd03:28
SpAwNhe has the same prob as me he was saying03:28
=== SpAwN sighs
SpAwNoh well03:28
Toma-SpAwN: he doesnt know what he's talking about03:28
KaydeHELP me: my laptop monitor, when on Win XP it works, on ubuntu it dosnt-its squiggly in bottom corner of screen, on 800x600  my refresh is 60hz when i lower my resolution it stuffes again, exept 640x480 it workes03:28
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drapelykredeeman: am I to assume that php4 is the newest 4?03:28
booHelp: does anyone know what a .cpkg is03:28
SpAwNwell doh!03:28
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afabianKayde, X can usually do just about anything that WinXP can, as far as driving monitors goes.  (3D acceleration is a different story, may need nvidia or ati and their proprietary drivers).  Try Googling on your laptop's model number and see how others have configured X for it.03:28
LjLbob: a klik package iinm03:29
Toma-Kayde: http://disjunkt.com/linux-toshiba-m40x/ scroll down to "Setting-up X"03:29
redeemandrapelyk: i think it's relatively new, atleast you can be certain there are no security problems03:29
donaldQuestion: I`m having trouble understanding the installation of Plugger from their websight....is there a more in debpth location for nubies??03:29
Dr_WillisDont you normally want to run a LCD at its "designed" res.  anything Higher/Lower can look blury03:29
drapelykredeeman: ok, the blog I am trying to install uses 4.3+03:29
redeemandrapelyk: you should be able to see what version once you apt-get install it03:29
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afabianDr_Willis, yeah.  Usually called the 'native resolution.'03:29
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redeemandrapelyk: but you could uncomment those repos in sources.list and get php5 (i believe its there)03:30
Dr_Willisafabian,  yea thats the term :P03:30
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yatesytft/lcd screens don't go higher than their native res :P03:30
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drapelykredeeman: ok, I see php4-mysql, if i'm going to be using MySQL should I just get that?03:30
drapelykredeeman: and if so do I need php4 also?03:31
theblue!tell dkman about hoary03:31
Toma-Kayde: HOWEVER, make sure its the right monitor for your laptop. is it a m40x?03:31
yatesyyes, the former would just be a module03:31
SpAwNToma-, is there anything else you would suggest i try?......cuz im pretty clueless as of right now03:31
redeemandrapelyk: i think so, but im not completely sure03:31
existanceis it possible to have one monitor on an ATI card and another on Nvidia in ubuntu?03:31
rebortcan anyone help me with a longstanding keyboard problem?03:31
redeemandrapelyk: i gotta go, you should ask someone else in here03:31
drapelykredeeman: ok, thanks a bunch03:31
reborti describe it in detail http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1647903:31
redeemanexistance: it is in all linux distributions03:31
Toma-SpAwN: ask these lovely people how to figure out how to see whats using your /dev/dsp. something has been laoded and is "plugging" up the sound system03:31
existanceredeeman: how would i go about doing it then, when i install ATI drivers it uninstalls nvidia, and vice versa03:32
Toma-the drivers are fine.03:32
redeemanToma-: fuser -v /dev/dsp will tell03:32
luisitohey! what is that Ubuntu Linux 6.04 Flight 1?03:32
Toma-there u go SpAwN ^^03:32
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SpAwN sudo fuser -v /dev/dsp03:32
SpAwN returened nothign03:32
redeemanexistance: linux-restricted-modules gives you nvidia kernel module and ati kernel module, then all you gotta install is xorg-driver-fglrx and nvidia-glx03:32
FuzzyGhostI'll just ask:  I am using a 64mb (don't know if it's GeForce or TNT, what have you) and it used to work with the 3d accel. in the last version of Ubuntu.  I gathered the drivers and ran the config command, but it won't work.  Quake3 gave a library/module version mismatch error; glxgears gives this error:03:32
Toma-same here....03:32
FuzzyGhostXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".03:32
FuzzyGhostError: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual03:32
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aSt3raLim downloading ubuntu-5.10-install-i386.iso03:33
aSt3raLis there only one install disc?03:33
redeemanexistance: if the standard will uninstall eachother, you might need to pass some arguments to apt-get03:33
Dr_WillisaSt3raL,  yep.03:33
redeemanaSt3raL: yes03:33
navaroneSpawn did you turn off the sound server startup in System/Preferences/Sound?03:33
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=== redeeman gone
KaydeToma- Kayde: HOWEVER, make sure its the right monitor for your laptop. is it a m40x?--I dont know03:33
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aSt3raLwhere can i get a list of packages that come with the install?03:34
SpAwNnavarone, no i didnt its set to load at boot03:34
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Toma-Kayde: is there a little sign on the laptop saying what model it is?03:34
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rebortanyone have ideas about the keyboard issue03:34
navaroneSpawn...try disabling it and see what happens03:34
jhbramlettpork rules03:34
donaldQuestion: Could i please get some help with installing Plugger.03:34
existanceredeeman, i don't see a linux-restricted-module for ATI03:34
FuzzyGhostasteral, the system comes with Synaptic, a package manager03:34
navaroneSpawn> and I would think you'd need to reboot...or amybe restart x03:34
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SpAwNk i unchecked start at start up?should i log out or rebbot?03:34
SpAwNahh k03:35
jhbramlettpork is oink-a-delic03:35
existanceredeeman, i already installed linux-restricted-modules-686 for the nvidia driver03:35
FuzzyGhostIf you don't want to apt-get in terminal just use Synaptic.03:35
Toma-i gtg. cyas03:35
alekzanyone knows what is gnome-pty-helper process for ?03:35
calcits there to use memory03:35
Kaydeps223a-59084 that is the model03:35
jhbramlettso, does it jack with the apt system when one builds and installs from tarballs (sources) ?03:36
aSt3raLfor a laptop that has xp and slackware installed, and i want to get rid of slackware and use ubuntu, should i format the linux partition from xp or the install program?03:36
calcjhbramlett: if you install into /usr it will03:36
aSt3raLand ideas on that?03:36
rebortmy keyboard doesnt work!03:36
calcjhbramlett: install into /usr/local or /opt03:36
=== SpAwN [n=void@pool-70-22-157-152.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
SpAwNno sound03:36
KaydeToma- Kayde: is there a little sign on the laptop saying what model it is? ps223a-59084 that is the model03:37
rebortslam bang crash loud noise03:37
jhbramlettit seems like a pain sometimes to get everything you need in .deb format03:37
aSt3raLalso whats a good size for the partition to install ubuntu and swap file partition?03:37
calcaSt3raL: minimum for ubuntu is about 2GB03:37
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SpAwNbut i can now select oss as a audio output03:37
calcaSt3raL: swapfile depends on the system03:37
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SpAwNand i hear a little click when i do the sound test...no sound...but it makes a little crackel sound03:38
SpAwNit didnt do this b403:38
aSt3raL5gb for ubuntu and 1gb for swap file sound good?03:38
calcaSt3raL: that should be plenty yea03:38
Dr_Willis1 gb is a little huge. :P03:38
aSt3raL500mb better?03:38
Dr_Willisunless you know you will be needing that much swap03:38
jhbramlettif you actually ever use 1gb swap, your system will be sucking air03:38
Dr_WillisI normaly set a 512mb swap. :P03:39
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Dr_Willisbut it rarely gets used.03:39
calcaSt3raL: if you want to hibernate you need roughly 1.3x your memory for swap (iirc)03:39
aSt3raLthats all the questions i have for now ill be around later though :p03:39
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eternalistDr_Willis, I think i saw something with your name on bash.org03:39
donaldQuestion: Could i please get some help with the installation of Plugger....their websight doesn`t do much for a nubie.03:40
eternalistDr_Willis, this is it i think > http://bash.org/?33342503:40
Dr_Williseternalist,  :P03:40
jhbramlettubuntu is my first debian-ish distro but, I have to say, it's pretty nice03:40
FuzzyGhostI think I'm just going to downgrade.03:40
Dr_Williseternalist,  Yep. :P03:40
EpixAnyone know of a USB device that handles audio inputs? Something like a Firepod but USB. Its gotta work on ubuntu!03:40
FuzzyGhostThanks anyway.03:41
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DapperDanis firefox 1.5 availble in ubuntu?03:41
Dr_Williseternalist,  i wonder what happened to that Force feedback mouse..03:41
DapperDancan I just update and install?03:41
eternalistDr_Willis, haha03:41
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Dr_Williseternalist,  it was sort of a gimicky mouse.03:41
SpAwNi wonder why mandriva is the only linux that my sound actualy works on03:41
Dr_Willisit would 'vibrate' when moving over icons and so forth.03:41
AgrajagDapperDan: not until Dapper comes out03:41
KaydeI HAVE TO GO, thanks 4 ur help...but none of it realy helped ty anyway :)03:41
calcDapperDan: not yet03:42
AgrajagBreezy has 1.0.703:42
calcdapper has 1.5rc303:42
Agrajagcalc: no it doesn;t.03:42
DapperDanI w ill download it03:42
DapperDanand install it myself!03:42
Agrajagit has 1.0.703:42
DapperDandamn it03:42
calcVersion: 1.4.99+1.5rc3.dfsg-1ubuntu303:42
donaldI have to go as well....thanks for all the help.03:42
calcsure looks like 1.5rc3 to me03:42
Agrajagcalc: where is that from?03:42
calcFilename: pool/main/f/firefox/firefox_1.4.99+1.5rc3.dfsg-1ubuntu3_amd64.deb03:42
calcdapper amd6403:42
Agrajagcalc: oh ojh dpaper03:43
Agrajagsee this is what happens when I don't sleep03:43
calcAgrajag: hehe03:43
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jhbramlettcheck this: I got breezy running pretty well on a 300mhz PII  - 64 mb ram laptop03:43
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jhbramlett(server type install, xfce windows manager, dillo web browser)03:44
jhbramlettruns fast03:44
=== coz [n=coz@c-24-3-171-43.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cozhello all03:44
cozproblem here03:45
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coz For some reason several things fro uninstalled03:45
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cozen_US:en    LC_ALL    en_US.UTF-803:45
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cozhow do I reinstall these?03:45
navaroneSpawn...in System/Preferences/Sound waht sound device does it say it is using? I am using a sb live and it says "CA0106"03:46
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morphixjhbramlett: i have ubuntu running on my other p4 & also my old old celeron 366mhz 192mb ram lol runs perfect on both.03:46
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SpAwNnavarone,  intel ich603:46
jhbramlettfirefox runs too slow for my system tho03:46
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calcfirefox eats ram like candy03:47
Varangerdoes someone know what's the difference between .bashrc and .bash_profile ?03:47
navaroneSpawn> Any other option ind rop down?03:47
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daniel_si have just installed ubuntu and the display is shifted to the right be about 5 pixels - any suggestions on how to fix this? i have tried using 'xvidtune' to no avail03:47
SpAwNnavarone,  nope03:47
calcits currently using over 300MB on my system, usually its much higher03:47
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SpAwNonly that one03:47
jhbramlettthis crazy dillo browser is super-fast (but very limited functionality)03:47
jhbramlettdillo ram footprint is like 350kb03:48
morphixjhbramlett: there must be something wrong.. cause i can do everything on the celeron 366mhz that i can do on the p4..03:48
morphixand firefox runs smooth for me on both.03:48
jhbramlettI only got 64 mb ram03:48
calcjhbramlett: yea 64mb ram would be painful with firefox03:48
MickMcMackmorphix, you wouldn't be able to do any raytracing on that 366 though, would you?03:48
durtfirefox 1.5 is still slow on 512mb ram03:48
morphixmake a larger swap partition03:48
DelvienOk i have this vmware-instal.pl how do i run it???????03:48
morphixMickMcMack: i dont even know what that is.03:49
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theCorejhbramlett: use epiphany over firefox03:49
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cozwhen installing something the terminal says that three things are missing and must be reinstalled03:49
jhbramlettI also run ubuntu on a two-dual-core x86_64 machine with 2+ gb ram (with raided fast sata2 drives).......... that works well too.03:49
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theCorejhbramlett: epip got all the feature of firefox but it's way faster03:49
cozLC_ALL     en_US:en     en_US.UTF-803:49
navaroneSpawn> uninstall polaudio and install esound03:49
jhbramletthmmmm.... I'll check it out03:49
SpAwNnavarone, i already have03:50
cozI tried polyaudio it screwed things up for me but it really sounded good03:50
SpAwNive read alot of threads and tried alot of thing03:50
cozanyone know how to reinstall these three missing elements?03:50
calci don't have speed problems with firefox on my system, it just uses huge amounts of ram03:50
SpAwNi cant even find polyaudio in synaptic03:51
XiCillinanybody know how to play dvds in mplayer? every time i go to the device it just opens up to the files instaed of playing htem03:51
=== LMX2 [n=LMX@h204n1c1o1124.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
Agrajagyou mean polypaudio?03:51
cozpolyaudio isn't in synaptic03:51
navaroneSpawn> this thread may help http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-75581.html03:51
jhbramlettepiphany requires gnome? (I'm running the smaller, faster xfce)03:51
SpAwNmaby i should uninstall esd and install polypautio03:51
Varangerdoes someone know what's the difference between .bashrc and .bash_profile ?03:51
morphixopenbox ;)03:52
daniel_sVaranger: i think bash_profile is run whenever you start a terminal03:52
navaroneLook for the Beastboy entry03:52
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Varangerdaniel_s: and .bashrc ?03:52
=== existance [n=Bob@cpe-68-201-255-172.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
navaroneMaybe you have to do complete removal of the polyaudio thingy...<?>03:52
daniel_sbashrc is run when bash is executed is some other way - e.g. if you write 'bash <command>'03:53
Epixis there anything that will do this?03:53
XiCillinanybody get dvd's to run in mplayer? without it opening it up as a directory?03:53
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daniel_si have just installed ubuntu and the display is shifted to the right be about 5 pixels - any suggestions on how to fix this? i have tried using 'xvidtune' to no avail03:54
SpAwNyea navarone i read that and when i went to uninstall polyp....i looked in synaptic and it wasnt installed and esd was already installed?03:54
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navaronehmmm...maybe you need polypaudio then...<shrug>03:54
SpAwNill give it a go03:54
=== MickMcMack stabs Ubuntu.
MickMcMackDAMN YOU!03:55
MickMcMackUbuntu just installed the jdk1.4.2 over my 1.5 installation.03:55
XiCillindaniel_s try auto adjust on your monitor03:55
MickMcMackAnd it will not go away!03:55
SpAwNwell ill brb03:55
daniel_sXiCillin: its on a laptop so no auto-adjust available afaik03:56
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jasongrievesjoin #ubuntu-accessibility03:56
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SoulPropagationwhere do i put mplayer codecs03:56
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jasongrievesthat's what happens when ur working until 9 PM03:57
parvexdisculp'en alguien save si hay msn para ubuntu03:57
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ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.03:57
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SoulPropagationparvex: que ubotu habl03:58
pygrammerhey, how can I fix my network initialization?03:58
pygrammerwhen ubuntu was installed, somehow my two NICs weren't configured right (wireless and right)03:58
deangCan anyone suggest a good, and appropriate, text based adventure for my 7 year old?03:58
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MickMcMackUbuntu KILLED my Java. :|03:58
pygrammerand lo doesn't even initialize correctly03:58
pygrammerit's mapped to nothing03:58
pygrammerso it doesn't know itself :P03:59
parvexmm gracias03:59
parvexnecesito ayuda03:59
pygrammerand eth1 isn't initialized eiter03:59
parvexquieron un msn03:59
parvexpara ubuntu03:59
pygrammerso i'm wondering how i'd set that up ... i can't find the appropriate files03:59
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pygrammeri want dhclient to do it on boot-up03:59
SoulPropagationparvex: /join #ubuntu-es03:59
SoulPropagationes canal en espanol03:59
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SoulPropagationparvex: comprende?04:01
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SpAwNwell i installed polypaudio and still have no sound04:02
SpAwNthis stinks i dont want to go back to mandriva yet....i realy wanted to try ubuntu04:03
Dr_WillisYou have unmuted the sound mixer? :P04:04
cenopechow do i mount my optical drive04:04
cenopecin terminal04:04
SpAwNwell i have unmuted everything i think04:04
DapperDanCrouching python Hidden elephant - python.projects.postgresql.org04:04
SoulPropagationcenopec: sudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom04:04
cenopecsudo mount /dev/04:04
DapperDan"LAMP" is overated. I use LAPP... and sometimes LARP!04:04
eternalistLAMP's the shiz04:04
zackSpAwN: http://www.nabble.com/Bug-339589:-ftp.debian.org:-Please-remove-polypaudio-t569920.html04:05
Dr_WillisLARP? -04:05
DapperDanI've found LAPP and LARP to be better ;)04:05
eternalisthow about WIMP04:05
eternalistWindows IIS Mysql and PHP04:05
DapperDanLinux, Apache, Ruby, Postgresql04:05
=== darkgamer20 [n=rajiv@adsl-67-127-59-113.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_Willisthats reminds me of getting smacked with a wooden sword by a large amazon.04:05
eternalistRuby is so underrated eh04:05
Dr_WillisLive Action Role Playing. :P04:05
=== clint- [n=clint@adsl-64-108-36-112.dsl.peoril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
cenopechow do i open the cdrom drive from terminal04:06
darkgamer20I would really like to thank the Ubuntu community for making such a great distribution! THANK YOU!04:06
Dr_WillisWe are getting way too many anacronams these days04:06
navaroneSpawn are you ona  alptop?04:06
SoulPropagationwhere do i put mplayer codecs04:06
clint-hi all04:06
SpAwNa dell dimension 840004:06
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jsubl2navarone: /usr/lib/win3204:06
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badmacktuckhello all04:07
SoulPropagationjsubl2: i'm not navarone : )04:07
clint-I'm back with ubuntu as well.. hardware detection works awesome, on this Acer Aspire 3610, 3613 WLCi actually. but going to edit /etc/fstab04:07
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clint-I have 4 operating systems on my notebook... :)04:08
badmacktuckare php and mysql installed in breezy by default? if not what are the packages called?04:08
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SoulPropagationclint-: have fun04:08
navaroneSpawn...in System/Preferences/sound does it have anyhting about external amplifier? The thread I read involves a laptop with that as a prob...but maybe it is in yours as well...<s>04:08
clint-i do :-)04:08
dpuppwow... kde looks nice.04:08
aedeshas anyone used cupsaddsmb?  I'm getting a WERR_ACCESS_DENIED04:08
SpAwNno nothing about external04:09
navaroneSpawn> in the volume control rather...sry04:09
=== yuri [n=yuri@CPE00119552786e-CM014270032311.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
dpuppwhat are files that end in ~ for example: todolist~04:09
jhbramlettwow epiphany is fast on a low resources machine04:09
darkgamer20is there a ubuntu HCL?04:09
=== knopf [n=sf@pcp0011065771pcs.columb01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
SpAwNstill nothing about external04:09
dpuppor 404.htm.txt~04:09
knopfhi. how can I install a specific package? I need to install gcc-3.4.404:10
knopfapt-get install gcc-3.4.4 does not work04:10
navaroneSpawn> maybe in edit/prefernces in volume control?04:10
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yurihi. I need some quick help if someone wouldn't mind. I have a .TTF font file. what directory do i put it on so that openoffice would see it?04:10
dpuppis it save to delete files ending in filename.txt~04:10
clint-sudo apt-get install gcc-3.4.404:10
SpAwNahh i see it04:11
SpAwNi selected it04:11
clint-first update though..04:11
knopfclint, it says: couldn't find package04:11
clint-1 sec04:11
knopfclint, even after an update04:11
navaroneSpawn uncheck the external thingy04:11
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SpAwNallright i just unchecked it04:11
SpAwNthe way it orignaly was04:12
=== VR^ [n=vr@98-111.200-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
badmacktuckanybody know about breezy and php/mysql?04:12
navaroneSapwn here is the thread http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?s=&postid=1951256#post1951256   <--- bb002 entry04:12
knopfclint, ah i see, it only has gcc-3.304:12
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SpAwNallright thanks navarone04:12
navaroneDunno if it will help04:12
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SpAwNi hope it does04:13
darkgamer20is there a ubuntu HCL?04:13
navaronebtw Spawn...did you try the alsamixer in terminal to see if volumes were muted?04:13
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clint-I'm working with eding my /etc/fstab04:14
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clint-kind of busy right now.. someone will help ya though04:14
SpAwNyes i did navarone04:14
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clint-k.. anyone know how I can work in the GUI with editing configuration files?04:17
SoulPropagationclint-: gedit04:17
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djk_kdesu kwrite for example..04:17
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djk_eh, gksu gedit if you're using gnome.04:18
Villaanyone ever try to run ubuntu an an IBM iSeries?04:18
clint-that will let me make changes?04:18
clint-and save them04:18
clint-I took and copied what knoppix had, and I tought myself a couple things.. wanting to mount ntfs.. and dvd.. and other things :)04:19
djk_yes, you'll be able to make changes and save them.04:20
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rebortcan anyone take a look at http://nanocrew.net/2005/09/01/compiling-vlc/#comments04:20
reborterrr nevermind that...04:21
rebortthis: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1647904:21
cornflakedoes anyone know how to downgrade a system?04:21
morphixis there a way to change the default highlighted os choice in GRUB?04:21
morphixso instead of being default highlighted on ubuntu i can make it another.04:21
cornflakemorphix, yes... try man grub04:22
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djk_rebort: hehe, nice bug.04:24
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clint-k now , this is messed up, asking me to enter password to unlock keyring04:25
oblibTrying to work my parallel port scanner and I get this error:scanimage: open of device plustek_pp:/dev/lp0 failed: Error during device I/O04:25
oblibAny help?04:25
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blackraven14250I'm trying to run updates, but what is the sudo password set to as default? I've entered what I have for root about 6 times already, and blank, and it won't work.04:27
=== somegirl [n=somegirl@c-24-21-12-109.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
SpAwNdamn well im just about out of ideas to get sound working04:27
clint-your user password Black_Hat04:27
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clint-yeah.. I systems get locked up sometings. .what another good thing you can sometimes do is..  su -04:27
VarangerI have installed wine (sudo apt-get install wine)04:27
Varangerhow can I configure it ??04:28
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clint-did that. but asked for keyring04:28
VarangerIf I install winesetuptk, it wants to uninstall wine04:28
navaronesry spawn...me too04:28
clint-VMware or win4lin.. or codeweavers04:28
cenopeccan someone please help me04:28
clint-Wine isn't all that great yet.. :-)04:28
cenopecmy comp is going to hell04:28
SpAwNyea i think imma go install a diff distro ........:(04:29
cenopecmy floppy light is always on, but does not work and i cant mount it04:29
clint-what you want it for04:29
SpAwNi realy wanted to use ubuntu too04:29
navaroneSpwan...you can get a pci card and disable onboard sound04:29
clint-I know.. I chose ubuntu because of its great hardware support04:29
cenopeci cant mount my cd rom anymore as well, but that gives no response04:29
SpAwNyea im not gonna go but another sound card if this one works04:29
_jasondoes anyone know how to enable auto-repeat on mouse buttons? (similar to how when you hold down a letter on your keyboard it repeats instead of just one letter appearing)04:29
clint-I use others.. Its the laptop.. its a punk. and new being...04:29
SpAwNi dont got the income too04:30
navaroneI hear ya Spawn04:30
=== Villa is now known as PorcupineTree
PorcupineTreedo we see ubuntu getting a newer version of GhostscriptESP soon?04:30
navaroneSpawn...but SB live is like 40 bucks Canadian at staples04:30
SpAwNwell i might try somthing else if i find it....but umm thanks everyone for ya help04:30
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clint-I have Xandros , Linspire 5.0, FreeBSD 6.0, PC BSD, Mandriva 2006 screwed up my network, Fedora Core 4 had synaptic touchpad problems,  PHLAK, Mandrake 10.0 was first.. Red Hat 9 is worthless.. Fedora Core 1 is outdated..04:30
=== james_ [n=james@6532127hfc127.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
SpAwNhehe yea04:31
SpAwNwell it works in xp and mandriva04:31
clint-tried Suse 10.0 but it had an error.. and I wasn't happy about that either, but I might give it another try04:31
blackraven14250clint-, i don't get what you mean.04:31
SpAwNso ill just use one of them i guess04:31
navaroneokay...best stay with that then...maybe wait for better support in new realease04:31
clint-well I run more than 1 on this notebook04:31
clint-Windows XP Professional, Xandros Business 3.0, which I stripped.. and Ubuntu.. and also .. PC BSD04:32
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Varangerclint-: what's the difference between Hoary's wine and Breezy's wine?04:32
clint-your asking the wrong person.. :-)04:32
cenopecsome one please help me i dontknow what to do04:32
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badmacktuckanyone here know how to setup mysql on a breezy box?04:33
natdiggaWhat's a free windoze emulator I can install easily?04:33
blackraven14250does anoyne here know what the default password is for sudo and gksudo?04:34
james_cenopec-don't yell04:34
SpAwNwell im gonna go reinstall a diff os....i appreciate the help and hopfully ill get back in here when i can my sound to work on ubuntu :D pz out04:34
=== weshays [n=weshays@adsl-69-109-11-71.dsl.renocs.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
cenopecjames_: well no one will help and i cant use any periphs right now04:35
=== Ycros [n=Ycros@c211-30-252-204.thorn1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Blissexcenopec: describe your problem...04:35
cenopeck first my floppy drive will not work, the light is on, but when i try to mount it in the terminal and in browser window, neither seems to work04:36
cenopecin terminal nothing happened and no new command prompt apears it just doesnt do anything04:36
clint-lmfao I just saved my fstab :D04:37
clint-now all partitions on my notebook gettin mounted automatically :D04:37
cenopecnow my dvdrw is pulling the same thing04:37
Blissexcenopec: try the 'dmesg' command to see if it says something like error messages...04:37
clint-and I did this myself.. gksu gedit didn't work worth crap04:37
clint--> sudo gedit04:37
=== iRonWindows [n=Ron@cpe-024-163-059-005.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
clint-brb all04:37
jason0_I'm installing ubuntu right, I've gotten to the grub part. I already have fc4 and windows on /dev/hda1, but it only lists XP. I'm assuming its not safe to install grub?04:37
clint-I am going see if this works :D04:37
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clint-install Acronis Disk Director Suite 9 bud04:38
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cenopecseems like mostly I\O errors04:38
clint-thats what I use, and I run over 5 operating systems*04:38
cenopecbut there are tons04:38
JaZyLNXhow can i search for a process i started i need to do it through command so i can kill it( i'm the user who started it)04:38
iRonWindowshere's a weird issue... I just installed Breezy Badger, and there is nothing to config a wireless card... ndiswrapper does its thing, but wlancfg just hangs (or maybe i'm not patient enough)04:38
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jason0_anyone else?04:39
iRonWindowsi had to apt those btw04:39
cenopecany idea?04:39
clint-use Acronis Disk Director Suite 9!!!04:39
clint-be back all04:39
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lampshadeJaZyLNX:  ps -A | grep programname04:39
cenopeccould it be a hardware error, ie, bad ide cable?04:39
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chapiumwhats the name of that account management software04:41
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chapiumsorry, thats wrong04:41
JaZyLNXtecknogod or dvs here?04:41
chapiumits similar to quicken04:41
JaZyLNXthanks lampshade04:41
Amaranthchapium: gnucash04:42
chapiumthe gnu equivalent to quicken/ms-money04:42
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chapiumcouldnt think of it for the life of me04:42
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chapiumis gnucash not in the ubuntu repos?04:43
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iRonWindowsi read about that "windows wireless driver" app, how do I install that without a network connection?04:43
chapiumseems like it would be of all things that are actually in ther04:43
clint-k.. that didn't work. .erm04:43
jsubl2!find gnucash04:44
ubotuUbuntu Package Listing of 'gnucash' (3 shown): gnucash ;; gnucash-common ;; gnucash-docs.04:44
alekzif i install ssh server what else i should do to users can access my server?04:44
clint-anyone know how I can mount my ntfs paritition. hda1 etc. which Has my music on it. and books I like to read.. dam fstab didnt' work.. argh04:44
chapiuminsterstingly its not in the add application thingy04:44
jason0_clint-: d/l the ntfs kernel modules.04:45
clint-how I go about doing that04:45
jsubl2chapium: use synaptic04:45
clint-there should be a way right. to get into root, and then enable in Disks options. where it says . incessible. thats bs04:45
chapiumjsteidl, i'm trying to stick to one package manager04:45
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jsubl2clint-: sudo modprobe ntfs04:46
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Amaranthchapium: apt-get, aptitude, and synaptic all use the same backend04:47
chapiumhmm, ok04:47
insipidit really necessary to chroot for certain binaries such as cageda when using the amd64 kernel?  doesnt the 32-bit libraries suffice?04:47
chapiumwhy would the ubuntu team hide it?  I wasn't aware of any politics04:47
clint-nothing happens04:47
chapiumand its stable enough for fedora04:47
insipidAmaranth, dpkg i presume?04:48
jsubl2clint you need to install linux-restricted-`uname -r`04:48
clint-chapium, , we all just have to work together04:48
Amaranthinsipid: yep04:48
chapiumclint-, no magic bullet yet i suppose04:48
clint-k... just tell me what apt to install04:48
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clint-well I tried using the knoppix fstab. configuration had.   :-)04:49
natdiggaQuestion...I can't run edubuntu in the same install as breezy 5.10 ubuntu?04:49
clint-its amazing,, Xandros, Linspire, Knoppix.. gee you systems are ma fav :D04:49
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insipidSynaptic is quite an impressive GUI...04:49
clint-but not so dam great for my laptop hardware detection :-)04:49
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clint-hey I did the gksu gedit, but it ask for a keyring04:50
oblibTrying to work my parallel port scanner and I get this error:   scanimage: open of device plustek_pp:/dev/lp0 failed: Error during device I/O04:51
oblibAny help?04:51
chapiumi noticed ubuntu installed gnome-bittorent by default.  Is it used in any special way by the distribution?04:51
Kaydeubuntu problem with toshiba satellite ps223a 59084 laptop-screen has vertical fuzzy lines04:51
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snorksHow does drivers work in vmware?04:52
chapiumsnorks, i'm using vmware right now, what do you mean?04:52
snorksLike, directx and graphic card drivers, if installed on a vmware machine running windows XP04:52
snorkschapium: I don't quite get it04:52
snorkschapium: Is it another resort than Cedega?04:52
snorkschapium: If one is a gamer?04:53
La_PaRCahey kinds04:53
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snorksa linux computer running windows xp in vmware is what i mean04:53
chapiumsnorks, vmware probably wont enable any high end games since its such a resouce hog04:53
chapiumsnorks, supposedly starcraft works in it though04:53
snorksthanks chap :)04:53
oblibanyone used MythTV in Ubuntu?04:54
snorksi will use it for other issues though04:54
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chapiumsnorks, thats all i know, haven't tried it myself :D04:54
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snorkschapium: You gave me exactly what I wanted to know04:54
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snorksWhat version should I buy if I wanna test windows xp clients up against smb/ldap solutions?04:55
chapiumsnorks, one thing is for sure.. vmware uses quite a bit of ram.  You can configure how much though04:55
snorksvmware workstation?04:55
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chapiumsnorks, i'm using the player actually04:55
somedudeubuntu is a word from south africa or something n stuff04:55
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snorkschapium: I need to create the "images"04:55
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chapiumsnorks, i'll get you a liink in 5 seconds for that04:56
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jimmyhendsdoes ubuntu install sshd04:58
JaZyLNXyou can always apt-get it04:58
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JaZyLNXbut i beleve it does04:58
rebortdjk_: you know anything about the bug?04:59
chapiumjimmyhends, i think i remember having to enable it04:59
thoreauputicjimmyhends: not by default - install openssh-serer04:59
FireRabbitare the images used for the official ubuntu cds avaliable online somewhere?04:59
clint-so this?04:59
clint-apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-2.6.12-9-k7?04:59
rebortits been plaguing me for a long time04:59
reborti havent been able to use gnome04:59
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rebortdjk_: i really cant seem to solve it a few things that sometimes worked to fix the problem no longer do. and why would they only sometimes work I wonder.05:00
rebortthat's the strangest thing05:01
clint-k.. well it looks like Suse Linux 10.0 now05:01
clint-cya you all later... :)05:01
KaydeWTF is Gedit?!05:01
clint-bye bye ubuntu :-)05:01
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KaydeWTF is Gedit?!05:01
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rebortKayde: a text editor05:01
Kaydehow do i acces?05:01
rebortwhat clint- ?05:01
clint-its a graphic user interface to edit config files Kayde .. etc.05:01
rebortaccess what?05:01
nicholaspaulAm i the only one who has trouble installing WINE from the repositories?05:01
rebortgo to programs>accessories>gedit05:02
clint-I am leavin... ty05:02
rebortprograms>accessories>text editor rather05:02
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JaZyLNXor just run05:02
rebortsuse is pretty nice clint-05:02
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Kaydei dont have05:02
clint-I'll let you all know how Suse goes on my laptop .. :-)05:02
clint-ty rebort05:02
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rebortyou dont have gedit?05:02
nicholaspaulrebort - how is suse on ppc?05:02
clint-I like it too05:02
JaZyLNXyou don't have run app?05:02
clint-I don't just use 1 OS05:02
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JaZyLNXinstall it05:02
Kaydeits not under accesorys05:03
clint-Windows XP Pro, Xandros Business 3.0, PC BSD, etc05:03
nicholaspaulAnyone here any good using WINE?05:03
Sonny_Wertzikanyone here get quake 4 demo to run?05:03
JaZyLNXuse apt to get it05:03
rebortnicholaspaul: never used it on ppc05:03
clint-see ya though05:03
nicholaspauloh ok rebort.05:03
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thoreauputicKayde: open a terminal and type   gedit   (it's installed by default, unless you have Kubuntu05:03
rebortnicholaspaul: or x86 for that matter but a few friends have really liked it05:03
nicholaspaulkayde - sudo apt-get install [nameofprog] 05:03
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JaZyLNXuse synaptic Kayde05:03
JaZyLNXjust search for gedit05:03
JaZyLNXand install05:03
nicholaspaulrebort. oh ok . i'm looking for something that is better supported on ppc05:03
rebortdjk_: you know anything about that bug? ahhhh05:04
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rumpleforcould anybody help me with a small C language program?05:04
JaZyLNXyeah rumplefor05:04
rebortnicholaspaul: what are your problems with ubuntu ppc?05:04
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JaZyLNXc or c++?05:04
rebortruminator: maybe05:04
rumpleforjust C05:04
rebortrumplefor: maybe,05:04
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Trashcanwhat's the problem?05:04
Trashcanbtw, #ubuntu-offtopic05:04
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insipidwhen working with a package manager i cant resolve archive.ubuntu.com05:04
rebortcan anyone help me with http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1647905:05
insipidfor example after reloading synaptic05:05
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rumpleformy program doesnt work.05:05
ulinskiegot a q.  how can I turn of the animation when I am minimizing my window so that my system will run faster?05:05
aedeshas anyone here ever setup a shared printer via samba?05:05
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Trashcanrumplefor: join #ubuntu-offtopic05:05
rebortulinskie: that is in gnome?05:05
insipidis archive.ubuntu.com down?05:05
rebortits up here05:06
insipidi wonder why i cant resolve it05:06
rebortdoes it resolve in firefox?05:06
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insipidoh wait a second check this out.. haha.. http://.archive.ubuntu.com/dists/breezy/Release.gpg: Could not resolve '.archive.ubuntu.com'05:07
insipidnotice how that . is there, i bet that is the problem...05:07
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insipidinteresting considering that was left untouched, i let the installer handle all that05:07
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reborti really want gnome back, anyone for http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=16479?05:07
rebortremove that ? from the end...05:07
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ulinskiegot a q.  how can I turn of the animation when I am minimizing my window so that my system will run faster?05:08
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rebortulinskie: do you use gnome?05:08
Varangerhow can I make a iso file with dd ? dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/archivo.iso ??05:09
sethkulinskie, wrong question.  first question is:  is the animation still running when you minimize the window?05:09
sethkulinskie, and the answer is highly likely to be:  no05:09
ulinskieyes I am running gnome05:09
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rebortulinskie: i think you can with kde ill check for gnome...05:09
ulinskiethe animation still runs when I minimize my window05:10
insipidalso... another thing that i don't understand.. i can su root then insert password and everything works nicely.. however i cant sudo <blah blah> because when i insert the root password it tells me Sorry, try again.  However, the password I insert IS the root password and it DOES work when using the su command05:10
sethkulinskie, how do you know that?05:10
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sethkinsipid, use your password, not the root password05:10
ulinskieit produces a frame sequence of the window sized when I minimize the window05:10
thoreauputic!tell insipid about sudo05:10
insipidoh that sounds safe, everyone gets superuser privs05:11
Pabloerr... can someone help please05:11
Pablo Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 2.2.2) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation!05:11
xkahninsipid: no.05:11
rebortPablo: sure, i'll try05:11
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thoreauputicinsipid: no, only the first user05:11
xkahninsipid: only people in the "admin" group.05:11
chapiumisnt it only the first user specified?05:11
sethkinsipid, it of course isn't at all safe.  However, you can set sudo up properly with the visudo command05:11
rebortPablo: what are you trying to compile?05:11
sethkchapium, I think that's the default, yes.05:11
rebortwhy do you need qwireless?05:12
chapiumso it might be wise to create a new user outside of the admin group for general usage?05:12
xkahnactually, can someone test something for me?05:12
rebortPablo: there are newer, better programs I think05:12
Pablorebort, I wanted to try it out before I put it on my ipaq05:12
xkahncan they create a test user05:12
Pablowhat is better?05:12
sethkchapium, yes, I think that's prudent05:12
me_I've recentlry intalled ubuntu on an older computer at home but the sound isn't working.  Can anyone in here help me find out if/how I can get sound working?05:13
xkahnAnd then run: su -i -u thetestusertheycreated05:13
xkahnAnd see if X applications work?05:13
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xkahnlike gedit?05:13
Pablorebort, have you used qwireless before?05:13
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rebortPablo: no, only kwifimanager05:13
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rebortPablo: you need the qt2 dev libraries05:13
Pablolet me tryit05:14
insipidalright its still problematic: http://archive.ubuntu.com/dists/breezy/universe/binary-amd64/Packages.gz: 404 Not Found [IP: 80] 05:14
chapiumso another small question:  why can't gnome-games be removed?05:14
reborttry http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy/universe/binary-amd64/Packages.gz insipid :)05:14
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rebortPablo: I don't know if those libraries are available in synaptic05:15
thoreauputicinsipid: yes I get a 404 too05:15
Pablorebort, will qt3 not work?05:15
P8ntKidHow do you extract a tar.bz2 file?05:15
reborti'm not sure, it may05:15
me_Is it possible to turn .deb files into .rpm files?  I've heard of this before.  Here is the site with and rpm driver for my sound card:  http://www.linuxant.com/drivers/riptide/install.php?PHPSESSID=7552ba17f2c586e820c224456c39861905:15
thoreauputicP8ntKid:  tar xvjf <file>05:15
PabloI will get qt205:15
me_sorry, rpm into deb05:15
reborttry getting those05:15
La_PaRCame_, use alien05:15
La_PaRCame_, man alien05:16
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Pablothen come back if I have a problem... thanks rebort05:16
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rebortPablo: i'm not sure where you'dget those05:16
rumpleforo crap i orgot to sroll down!05:16
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xiO_anyone know why my ubuntu 5.1 would fail with a repeated "Killed" command referring to debianconf?05:16
insipidrebort:  this is in my sources.list deb http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy-backports main restricted universe multiverse05:17
me_La_PaRCa - is alien available for ubuntu?05:17
insipidi should add /ubuntu?05:17
rebortinsipid: in mine too05:17
La_PaRCame_, yeah05:17
thoreauputic!info alien05:17
ubotualien: (install non-native packages with dpkg), section admin, is optional. Version: 8.53 (breezy), Packaged size: 112 kB, Installed size: 288 kB05:17
rebortdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-backports main restricted universe multiverse05:17
chapiumi think i see why gnucash is hidden in ubuntu05:18
chapiumperhaps it has to do with it not being gtk2 yet?05:18
rebortPablo: search qt3 in synaptic, look at the results05:18
insipidrebort, appreciate it... interestingly enough this was how it came by default.. i did not change anything in the installer05:18
xiO_during install, that is05:18
rebortinsipid: backports isnt in the installer, it may have been from automatix or something05:18
rebortid really love to fix http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=16479 if anyone can help05:19
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twidgetWhat does this mean? "Adding client to server's list failed, CORBA error: IDL:omg.org/CORBA/COMM_FAILURE:1.005:20
twidgetAdding client to server's list failed, CORBA error: IDL:omg.org/CORBA/COMM_FAILURE:1.005:20
reborttwidget: what were you trying to run05:20
chapiumtwidget, what program?05:21
twidgetOS boot05:21
twidgetSomething about GNOME config cannot be saved05:21
ulinskieanybody knows the ans. to my question?05:21
reborttwidget: i don't really know, corba is something gnome uses for some low-level purpose i think05:21
reborttwidget: does everything work05:22
rebortulinskie: what was your ?05:22
twidgetrebort, seems to. Net connection seems really slow. I don't know if there's a connection.05:22
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ulinskiehow can I take the animation off when I minimize my window05:22
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rebortare you using that computer now?05:23
rebortulinskie: in gnome, i dont think you can05:23
P8ntKidthoreauputic: When i did that, it cluttered up my home folder with files :( how to I make it so it makes its own folder?05:23
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ulinskieoic... thanks05:23
me_ok, I just installed alien.  I'm gonna download the rpm sound driver and see it gets the sound to work.05:23
thoreauputicP8ntKid: oh, that means the guty  who made the file buggered it up05:23
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rumpleforoops srry05:24
thoreauputicP8ntKid: best to untar in /home/you/tmp or similar05:24
rebortulinskie: launch gconf-editor, go to /apps/metacity/general and check reduced_resources05:24
P8ntKidthoreauputic: How did I do that?05:24
thoreauputicP8ntKid: that's really irritating when the person who makes the tarball doesn't tar the directory properly05:25
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thoreauputicP8ntKid: it wasn't you, unless you created the file05:25
P8ntKidthoreauputic: Yep.05:25
P8ntKidthoreauputic: Lol, no it wasnt me.05:25
rebortulinskie: that work for you?05:26
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thoreauputicP8ntKid: complain to whoever made that tar.bz2 then05:26
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thoreauputicP8ntKid: no tarball should spray files all over your directory like that05:26
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P8ntKidthoreauputic: Could i do something like "tar -xvjf <filename> /home/jon/foldernamehere"?05:27
rebortP8ntKid: yeah im pretty sure you can05:28
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thoreauputicP8ntKid: you can direct the output, yes - I forget the option - maybe -d (check the man page)05:28
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Villawhat font is gaim using for the list of contacts?05:28
defendguinany plans to get firefox 1.5 for breezy?05:29
Villaspecial chars show in gaim but not in licq05:29
Villaso I need to figure out what font gaim uses05:29
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jbroomesambagirl: rcvd05:29
slewit works sambagirl05:29
SumoJimDoes anyone know how to "expand repositories" for hoary hedgehog?05:29
sambagirlthank you05:29
thoreauputicP8ntKid: i just move the tarball to /home/me/tmp before untarring (in case of these problems)05:29
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P8ntKidthoreauputic: Ok.05:30
gp_aaronis gnomebaker installed by default on ubuntu 5.10 installs05:30
Dr_Willisgp_aaron,  dont think so05:30
P8ntKidthoreauputic: Thanks.05:30
thoreauputicgp_aaron: no05:30
gp_aaronthomhash: it's included in the repo right :|05:31
thoreauputicP8ntKid: no worries :)05:31
thoreauputic!info gnomebaker05:31
ubotugnomebaker: (application for CD/DVD creation in the GNOME desktop), section universe/gnome, is optional. Version: 0.4.2-1 (breezy), Packaged size: 359 kB, Installed size: 1240 kB05:31
P8ntKidWell, its time to upgrade to breezy now.05:31
thoreauputicin universe05:31
insipidokay, is it possible to install 32 bit libraries with a 64 bit kernel package so i can apt-get install xwine... or will i need to debootstrab05:31
insipiddebootstrap even05:31
gp_aaronthoreauputic: ok, i don't use ubuntu though so it's all good05:31
gp_aaroni just have a non-geeky friend who does05:31
dpuppomg! these sounds are driving me crazy! i dont need sound for minimizing or maximizing a window.. or closing or opening a window... how do i turn those off in kde?05:32
dpuppi feel like im playing with a fisher-price toy!05:32
kismeti want command-line control of my linux machine from my windows machine on my home network: telnet? what am i looking for here? no GUI needed05:32
gp_aarondpupp: install gnome05:32
=== jasongrieves chuckles
thoreauputicdpupp: heh - I know what you mean - there's an option in kcontrol somewhere05:32
gp_aaronkismet: you want to ssh into your linux box05:32
Dr_Williskismet,  use 'ssh' and 'puty.exe'05:32
dpuppgp_aaron, i have gnome also installed.05:32
gp_aaronkismet: google for putty.exe05:32
Dr_Willisor is it 'putty.exe'05:32
jasongrievesi think the KDE task bar needs to lose about 30 pounds05:33
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thoreauputicdpupp: maybe ask in #kubuntu05:33
gp_aaronthe best ssh client for windows05:33
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dpuppah! true!05:33
dpuppmy mad.05:33
Dr_Williswinscp is also handy for windows->linux transfers and stuff.05:33
kismeti've got putty.exe, I want sshd? what's the package name?05:33
Villawhat font will display all the crazy chars that people use in their handles and etc05:33
gp_aaronkismet: openssh05:33
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gp_aaroni think..05:33
SumoJimDoes anyone know where I could look to find information on expanding my repositories? Aside from the forums?05:33
Villasome people make their name so crazy and licq don't display them correctly but gaim does05:33
gp_aaronit is on any other distro05:33
Villawhat font does gaim use05:33
jrattner1SumoJim, go to wiki.ubuntu.com and type repositories05:34
thoreauputicopenssh-server (for sshd)05:34
jrattner1ubotu, tell SumoJim repositories05:34
gp_aaronVillathe default one setup in gtk05:34
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, repos is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) see also !easysource05:34
jrattner1thoreauputic, ahhh thank you05:34
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cosimo321hello all05:35
rebortsomeone give bug 16479 a try at http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=16479 please!05:35
botbuilderfinally got ubuntu on my old comp05:35
cosimo321 I just installed kubuntu and need ot enable the repositories how do i do that?05:35
botbuilderTo do it I connected my hard drive to the new comp and installed on to it05:35
botbuildernow it won't boot05:35
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kismethey, i've got a nutty idea - why not dump standard .conf style, and use XML configuration files, that can then easily be fiddled with using a GUI05:35
thoreauputicrebort: that's a nasty one (i looked but I have no idea what the answe is, sorry)05:36
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botbuilderit says "ACPI: unable to locate RSDP"05:36
botbuilderthen freezes on "Loading, please wait"05:36
rebortthoreauputic: i havent been able to use gnome for about 2 months05:36
thoreauputickismet: that has often been suggested :)05:36
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botbuilderand this is booting with "noapic noacpi"05:36
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ArafangionHow do I change hte default editor?05:37
gp_aaronkismet: i like the .conf setup05:37
ArafangionI don't see any set environment variable, such as EDITOR.05:37
flankkbotbuilder, apic?05:37
botbuilderflankk - some other guy suggested it05:38
thoreauputicArafangion:   update-alternatives --config editor05:38
Arafangionfami: Just ask in the damn channel.05:38
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botbuilderits probably not even a param05:38
botbuilderor arg05:38
famiArafangion: it is off channel05:38
Arafangionthoreauputic: Most systems use a standard environment flag.05:38
botbuilderhe must have just spelled acpi wrong05:38
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Arafangionfami: Why is it off channel?05:38
thoreauputicArafangion: I'm aware of that05:38
flankkbotbuilder, well it won't work if you spell it wrong..05:39
thoreauputicArafangion: try my suggestion05:39
Arafangionthoreauputic: Thanks :)05:39
famiArafangion: not ubuntu things05:39
botbuilderflankk - lol05:39
Arafangionthoreauputic: Now, how does a specific user set it up?05:39
Arafangionthoreauputic: Non-root.05:39
thoreauputicArafangion: AFAIK you can run that command as a user05:40
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botbuilderflankk - same error if its only "noacpi"05:40
botbuilderThis comp works fine with windows05:40
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ArafangionUsing `/usr/bin/vim' to provide `editor'.05:40
Arafangionupdate-alternatives: unable to make /etc/alternatives/editor.dpkg-tmp a symlink to /usr/bin/vim: Permission denied05:40
thoreauputicArafangion: ah, no sorry05:40
thoreauputicArafangion: right I just did the same :)05:41
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botbuilderbut whenever I try to do the linux install or linux itself it doesn't get anywhere05:41
erichello guys05:41
thoreauputicArafangion: looks like it's global05:41
Arafangionthoreauputic: Why doesn't ubuntu like the standard way?05:41
ericnice to be here in irc05:41
kismetwow, that was so easy, thanks for the openssh suggestion05:41
thoreauputicArafangion: I don't know - I guess you could set it up in ~/.bashrc ( I haven't tried)05:41
botbuilderYeah, if i ever get my server running I'm just going to leave it under the desk with a power cable and an ethernet cable ;)05:42
flankkbotbuilder, you edited your grub menu.lst or used the grub terminal?05:42
erichow can i setup my dsl to run on ubuntu?05:42
botbuildergrub terminal i believe05:42
botbuilderI hit e, then e again, added stuff, hit enter, hit b05:42
Arafangionthoreauputic: It's just wierd that ubuntu's done so much work to do something in their own special way, when we already had EDITOR05:43
botbuilderi wonder if safe mode would make a difference05:43
aedes!info cupsaddsmb05:43
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thoreauputicArafangion: I think you'll find it's a Debian thing actually05:43
flankkbotbuilder, turn of ACPI in your BIOS, if at all possible, and edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst and append 'ro noacpi quiet' to your 'kernel' line.05:43
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gp_aaronis the debian gui installer released yet?05:44
botbuilderholy shite05:44
botbuildersafe mode did it >:)05:44
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botbuilderflankk - ok i'll do that, thanks05:44
SumoJimThanks jrattner1 and ubotu for the reference on expanding my repositories!!! I got it to work and I really appriciate it!!!05:44
DelvienAnyone know how to install something from a .PL File?05:45
PokerFacePenguin.pl is a perl extension05:45
botbuilderWait, safe mode just gives mne debugging of the prob05:45
botbuilderLooks like one of the disk drives05:45
DelvienPokerFacePenguin how do i run it then?05:45
Arafangionthoreauputic: Doubt it.05:45
=== Arafangion checks.
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PokerFacePenguinchmod +x filename then ./filename while u are in the directory....hope u trust it05:46
Arafangionthoreauputic: Looks like you're correct, just Debian uses vim by default, so I didn't notice it.05:46
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DelvienPokerFacePenguin its VMware.05:46
Arafangionthoreauputic: And I prefer vim, so when I went onto ubuntu... :)05:47
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thoreauputicArafangion: I noticed when I installed mc it changed from nano to mcedit (no idea why)05:47
me_do .deb packages execute on ubuntu?05:47
thoreauputicArafangion: the priorities are set in the packages evidently05:48
sklavme_, you must use dpkg05:48
PokerFacePenguinlike i said, it is a perl script....make it executable with chmod +x filename then you can run it (assuming correct permissions etc etc)05:48
Arafangionthoreauputic: defaults really should be environment variables.05:48
me_sklav, does alien turn rpm's and deb's into dpkg?05:48
Arafangionme_: No.05:49
botbuilderflankk - how can i edit menu.lst when i can't even get to the command line?05:49
sklavme_, .deb is a bedian / ubuntu package05:49
thoreauputicArafangion: heh - file a bug ;-)05:49
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sklavyou need to install it05:49
Arafangionme_: rpm's and deb's are packages. dpkg is a package *manager*05:49
Arafangionthoreauputic: :)05:49
sklavdpkg -i packagename.deb05:49
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tiglionabbitzomg firefox 1.5 is out, when is it getting packaged?05:50
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Arafangionme_: I strongly advise you to avoid installing non-ubuntu packages, unless you have absolutely no alternative.05:50
me_so can I install a .deb file in ubuntu if I use the package manager?05:50
flankkbotbuilder, I didn't notice that you said you couldn't get to the command line.  Explain.  Can you boot successfully, or just not find the terminal button under Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal ;)05:50
thoreauputicArafangion: I think you can still do export EDITOR=vim  or whatever ( haven't tried it )05:50
Arafangionme_: Yes.05:50
Arafangionthoreauputic: Probably.05:51
botbuilderflannk - i can't boot at all05:51
zuentiglionabbit: /topic05:51
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tiglionabbitgosh darnit05:51
botbuilderflankk i mean05:51
me_arafangion, I'm getting no sound.  I need the driver, it's only available in rpm or tarball.  http://www.linuxant.com/drivers/riptide/downloads.php?PHPSESSID=8133c36dd3cabebf1dd20fbef70e78e605:51
carthikme_ it might create problems when upgrading to breezy+1 for one....05:51
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thoreauputicpeter@prospero:~ $ export EDITOR=vim05:51
thoreauputicpeter@prospero:~ $ echo $EDITOR05:51
zuentiglionabbit: get it yourself from mozilla website.05:52
flankkbotbuilder, that's another problem altogether.  You need to state the exact error that stops booting.05:52
ywchonghi, does anybody here have a success wireless netgear wg311v2 installation guide?05:52
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thoreauputicArafangion: so you could put that in .bashrc I gues...05:52
botbuilderWell in normal mode there is no error05:52
tiglionabbitzuen: but there's no way to get a deb package for it then--05:52
botbuildersafe mode is more informative05:52
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alekzwhere can i find a really complete repositories list ?05:53
botbuilderi mean recovery mode05:53
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=== botbuilder is used to windows as you can prolly tell
Arafangionthoreauputic: Yes, but it the /etc/alternatives seems pointless.05:53
botbuilderhdb: cache flushes not supported05:53
me_if anyone in here has any suggestions on how I can get the sound driver to work on my ubunto installation I would be greatful.  The link to the site with the driver is here:  http://www.linuxant.com/drivers/riptide/downloads.php?PHPSESSID=8133c36dd3cabebf1dd20fbef70e78e605:53
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thoreauputicArafangion: it's used for lots of other things too - but in fact if you type editor as a command you should get whatever you set as alternative05:54
botbuilderhdb : task_no_data_intr: status = 0x51 {DriveReady SeekComplete Error}05:54
botbuilderhdb: task_no_data_int: error = 0x02 {TrackZeroNotFound}05:55
sklavme_, try the rpm alien will convert it to deb there is a switch on how to do it or get the tar.gz and follow the instruction usually listed in a file called README or INSTALL05:55
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botbuilderide: failed opcode was: 0xde05:55
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sklavbotbuilder, are u using hdparm?05:56
botbuilderthen it says lostinterrupt at 30 second intervals05:56
botbuildersklav - I don't think so05:56
sklavwhat type of drive?05:56
thoreauputicArafangion: what really confused me was that " sudo visudo " gave me nano instead of vi/vim (weird)05:56
botbuilderdepends on which one causes it05:56
botbuilderOne is pretty brandless the other is an old Hp cd writer05:56
sklavwell you said hdb so that is proimary controller slave05:57
botbuilderthe hard drive is a dell 4gb05:57
botbuildernoidea what the hard drive is05:57
botbuilderit just 'is'05:57
sklavok the error you are gettign is probably related to your hp cd writer05:57
ajmitchthoreauputic: because you expected vi* to really point to vi*? :)05:57
botbuilderi'll disconnect05:57
sklavi had similar error when 1 of 2 options05:57
thoreauputicajmitch: strangely enough, yes ;)05:57
sklav1 the cd drive is dieying05:58
ajmitchthoreauputic: I can't imagine why.. :)05:58
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thoreauputicajmitch: totally unreasonable, I know *grin*05:58
sklavor 2 the cdrom you have in it is corrupted or defective05:58
botbuilderno cdrom in it05:58
flankksklav, er.. highly doubtful.. I have an HP dvd640 with no issues.. and that error is disk drive related.05:58
sklavhe said hdb05:58
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flankksklav, so?05:59
sklavhi hard drive is hda05:59
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sklavhdb is the cdrom05:59
sklavi had similar error05:59
Arafangionajmitch: it's how it got it's name.05:59
sklavin the past with my cdrom it was flaky05:59
flankksklav, omg.05:59
ajmitchArafangion: I know ;)05:59
botbuilderhmm that didn't do it05:59
derekany way to format a fat32 partition as ext3 while running the live cd?05:59
botbuilderI think its the generic one05:59
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flankkbotbuilder, 'cat /etc/fstab' and paste me the lines with 'hdb' in them.05:59
me_ok, I just installed the .deb version of the driver.  Now is the moment of truth.  I hope this gets the sound to work.05:59
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Arafangionajmitch: Infact, it appears that the current manpage still states that it looks for vi first.06:00
Arafangionajmitch: Bug!! :)06:00
flankkbotbuilder, oh yeah.  You can't even boot.06:00
sklavbotbuilder, did you boot with cdrom inserted?06:00
sklavand then remove it?06:00
botbuilderflankk - where am i supposed to enter that if i can't bot?06:00
botbuildersklav - I've already got ubuntu on the hard drive06:00
ajmitchArafangion: see the following sentences..06:00
botbuilderI plugged the hard drive into my windows computer06:00
botbuilderand installed with that ^_606:00
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sklavand then you switched the drive?06:01
flankkbotbuilder, so you have one or two hard drives in this computer?06:01
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Arafangionajmitch: Yes, makes specific mention to EDITOR or VISUAL, but makes no mention of /etc/alternatives.06:01
botbuilderwell, it thinks i have two06:01
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botbuilderone is a zip drive though06:01
botbuilderI never use it so I'll unplug it06:01
botbuilderAll disk drives except floppy unpluged now06:02
botbuildersame prob06:02
botbuilderwait no06:02
botbuilderits gotten farther now06:02
flankkbotbuilder, you installed ubuntu to your floppy!?06:02
botbuilder'error inserting fan'06:03
ajmitchArafangion: I've spent a bit long on debian systems for it to bother me :)06:03
insipidanyone here running the amd64 kernel?06:03
thoreauputicArafangion: VISUAL isn't set by default either, it seems06:03
botbuilder'error inserting thermal'06:03
botbuilderboth acpi errors06:03
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botbuilder /dev/hdc1/ doesn't exist06:03
botbuilderalthough I appear to be on some command line now06:03
flankkbotbuilder, you're not turning it off properly at boot time then.  First turn it off in your BIOS, then disable it at the grub prompt properly.06:04
insipidim trying to understand what gentoo and suse do that Ubuntu does not.. they do not have to chroot into a 32 bit environment to use 32 bit applications.. however on ubuntu it is necessary06:04
insipidim not sure how their kernel packages differ06:04
botbuilderflankk - oh, probably06:04
botbuilderi havent been doing the arguments for a while06:04
botbuilderasthey seemed to make no difference06:04
flankkbotbuilder, if you got a prompt, then login, 'vim /boot/grub/menu.lst' and do what I mentioned earlier..06:04
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Arafangionthoreauputic: Indeed.06:05
KaydeHow the heck do i acess my Xorg,conf file?06:05
KaydeHow the heck do i acess my Xorg.conf file?**06:05
ArafangionKayde: xorg.conf you mean?06:05
poofyhairsudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:05
poofyhairthat command06:05
thoreauputicArafangion: so you can set the variables yourself if you wish, but Debian/Ubuntu doesn't seem to do it by default...06:06
Kaydeive tried it06:06
poofyhairbe carefu06:06
Arafangionthoreauputic: Just pointless to spend all that time patching software to a non-standard setup.06:06
poofyhairsudo kwrite /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:06
poofyhairhave a nice day06:06
botbuilder"ALERT! /dev/hdc1 doesn't exist. dropping to a shell"06:06
derekPlease, is there any way to format a fat32 partition as ext3 while running the live cd?06:06
sethkderek, sure, mke2fs -j06:07
thoreauputicArafangion: remeber that update-alternatives applies to many other apps as well ( like x-www-browser IIRC)06:07
tiglionabbitbotbuilder: apparently you've unmounted your root partition, which was on a cd?06:07
flankkbotbuilder, you didn't edit more than I told you to in the /etc/fstab, did you ;P06:07
Arafangionthoreauputic: So, use environment variables!06:07
botbuilderi havent edited anything06:07
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botbuildertiglion - perhaps...06:07
dereksethk, what's that? and how to reach the fat32 partition here firstly?06:07
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botbuilderdunno how though06:08
sethkderek, you don't "reach" it.06:08
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tiglionabbitbotbuilder: unless you actually have 3 hard drives in there...   hdc is usually the other things06:08
sethkderek, you just get a shell, and do mke2fs -j /dev/hdXX06:08
sethkderek, the XX depends on the drive and partition06:08
thoreauputicArafangion: in Debian there are several "sensible-*"  things (like sensible-browser)  - I personally find that terminology rather affronting06:08
Arafangionthoreauputic: Though, X11 stuff probably should use xml resources or something equally complex.06:08
sethkderek, suppose it is the second partition of the first drive, then it is /dev/hda206:08
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insipidman is that really such a difficult question... i cant get anything on google06:08
drapelykAll: this is a noob question, but How do I unzip a .zip file in Ubuntu?06:08
Arafangionthoreauputic: You do any coding?06:08
botbuildertiglionabbit: hmm.  ah it goes hda hdb hdc then06:08
thoreauputicArafangion: hehhe - maybe you should use Slackware ;-)06:08
sethkderek, assuming IDE drives, of course06:09
Arafangiondrapelyk: 'unzip' is the program that unzips .zip files.06:09
Kaydecommand not found06:09
thoreauputicArafangion: no, only little bash scripts etc06:09
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dereksethk, yes, IDE06:09
Arafangionthoreauputic: I quite like slackware, but I really like automatic dependency management.06:09
drapelykArafangion: so... apt-get install unzip ?06:09
dereksethk, how do I list all the partitions?06:09
Arafangiondrapelyk: Should do it.06:09
drapelykArafangion: thanks!06:09
jordanhi ppl06:09
Arafangionthoreauputic: My other desktop is a linux-from-scratch-derived system, that I made myself :)06:09
carthikdrapely, install "unzip" and then you an use the archive manager to unzip the .zip by right clicking on it06:09
sethkderek, for a drive, you do    fdisk -l /dev/hda           for the first,    fdisk -l /dev/hdb    for the second, etc.06:09
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Arafangionthoreauputic: I plan to install KDE 3.5 onto it :)06:10
flankkArafangion, Slackware has that too.. you just have a *choice* of pagage management applications..06:10
botbuilder"Cannot read /etc/fstab no such file or directory"06:10
Arafangionflankk: Yes, but nothing beats debian in maturity and stability.06:10
tiglionabbitunless you have a very minimal install, unzip should be on there already.  Just use the "Archive Manager" accessory06:10
botbuilderI tried to mount boot ;p06:10
thoreauputicArafangion: ah, hence your insistence on traditional methods ;)06:10
carthikdrapely, while you are at it, install "rar" for unraring .rar files too :)06:10
Arafangionflankk: Heck, I *downgraded* sid to stable the other day.06:10
jordanhow do i install java enviorment plugin on linux???????????? plz any106:10
jimmyhendswhats the command in ubuntu to find out what network ip its using06:10
dereksethk, what's -l for?06:10
sethkderek, list06:10
Dr_Willisjordan,  thers no need for all the ???'s06:10
tiglionabbitjordan: please don't talk that way.  Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java06:10
sethkjimmyhends, ifconfig06:11
ubotujavadeb is, like, Sun Java debs packaged for breezy are at http://www.giannaros.org/public/breezydebs/06:11
flankkArafangion, Slackware is more mature and equally as stable as Slackware..  but I've always found slapt-get to be a bastard child. :)06:11
carthikubotu tell jordan about java06:11
jordanok thx06:11
flankkArafangion, Debian is ... Slackware06:11
Arafangionflankk: I'm sure that slack is just as good as slock.06:11
Dr_WillisTip #1 - check the wiki first befor even asking  anything.  LOL.06:11
dereksethk, ok06:11
flankkArafangion, or the other way around.. damn I need a coffee.06:11
KaydePoofyhair, command not found06:11
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Arafangionflankk: Heh :)06:11
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thoreauputicno no , slack can't compare to slack !06:11
Arafangionflankk: Debian and slack both make a fine server, but I just feel that debian rules in terms of keeping a system up-to-date in a very reliable fashion.06:12
flankkI've just started the worst distro war eva.06:12
afabianI don't get it.  That is, tacking fancy package management onto Slackware.  That's like.. the point, that it doesn't do that.  Ah well. =)06:12
flankkTime to construct a mobius strip.06:12
=== drumline [n=drumline@adsl-69-228-33-36.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
KaydeHow do i access my xorg.conf in ubuntu?06:12
Kaydeplease guve script06:12
jimmyhendssethk: didnt work06:12
Dr_Willisflankk,  then cut it in half.06:12
KaydeHow do i access my xorg.conf in ubuntu? please tell me06:12
afabianKayde, sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:12
sethkjimmyhends, that doesn't tell me what you did wrong06:12
derekfdisk -l /dev/hda06:13
derekCannot open /dev/hda06:13
jimmyhendscommand not found06:13
flankkDr_Willis, lol.  How can they be linked!06:13
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sethkderek, you need to either be root or use sudo06:13
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sethkderek, for any administrative command06:13
thoreauputicKayde: or better, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:13
vbgunzjust curious about dapper drake so I downloaded the nov 30th build on another pc. When trying to install by simply pressing default I quickly am presented with a gray screen, "debconf..., debconf..., pt>" it seems to be stuck on this screen... I cannot enter a command as I am not at the pt> prompt... How do I bypass it?06:13
afabianKayde, might want to try something less drastic first, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg or some such.  .. I know Debian is touchy about locally modified xorg.confs.06:13
dereksethk, this is a live cd06:13
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sethkjimmyhends, you can either use sudo, or give the full path06:13
Dr_Willisflankk,  i rember some tricks with cutting them - that did all sorts of neat things.06:13
torusI can't mount mount my USB CF reader, though it automounted in the past...06:13
jimmyhendsive just installed it i dont know06:13
Arafangionafabian: Debian is not really that touchy about locally modified xorg confs.06:14
AlbertEin_ZaYahi, is it possible to boot the ubuntu installation disk from grub ?06:14
sethkjimmyhends, usually /sbin/ifconfig06:14
afabianArafangion, it won't modify them anymore if the MD5 changes, and you have to do some 'hackish' things to convince it to work again.06:14
Arafangionafabian: Just like any other .conf06:14
sklavlater guys06:14
sklavim off06:14
flankkDr_Willis, I once made a quite large one and split it so many times that it turned into a gigantic linked ball of shredded paper.06:15
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dereksethk, how to display the sizes of the partitions?06:15
sethkderek, the same way06:16
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sethkderek, it will show the number of blocks.06:16
sethkderek, each block is 512 bytes06:16
carthikderek, if you are using Breezy, use the disks tool: System -> administration -> disks06:16
dereksethk, i see06:16
derekcarthik, no, hoary06:16
__learner__Ubuntu does not recognize my usb keyboard, its strange because it does not work, but the multimedia keys do.06:16
sethkderek, or what carthik said works also, of course06:16
__learner__what do you think about it?06:16
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sethk__learner__, just play CDs?06:17
logical_markHey, what is a good FTP Server that will use a mySQL backend for authentication?06:17
vadersorry wrong chan06:17
__learner__change volume06:17
__learner__open browser06:17
__learner__those things.06:17
__learner__very weird.06:17
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__learner__but the commom keys dont work06:17
=== Arafangion bashes his head against the computer's endianness issues.
sethk__learner__, you might toggle the state of compatibility mode for usb keyboard in the machine's BIOS06:18
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__learner__but it works on windows, and works on grub too.06:18
sethk__learner__, then what I said is correct06:19
__learner__I ll check it, tx.06:19
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sethk__learner__, it's a PITA, because you may have to toggle it back to get control in grub06:19
sethk__learner__, but it frequently works.06:19
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sethk__learner__, now, you can reconfigure the kernel to get around the problem, but that's a bit complicated06:20
brandoncan someone point me to the ubuntu way for configuring artwiz fonts?06:20
pussfellerlogical_mark: i think proftpd can, and maybe pure06:20
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__learner__tx for the help! Ubuntu comunity is very great!06:20
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__learner__just the best!06:20
logical_markpussfeller: Yeah I ma looking at pure-ftpd, but I cannot find any documentation on how to set it up using mysql...06:20
__learner__thanks a lot06:20
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logical_markpussfeller: ... even though I know it will do that06:21
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torusMy USB CF reader wouldn't mount, please help!06:22
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Dr_Willistorus,  unplug/plug it back in and check dmesg output?06:24
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torusDr_Willis ,It says : Attached scsi removable disk sdc at scsi4, channel 0, id 0, lun  006:26
torus usb-storage: device scan complete06:26
Asazukecould someone explain to me how to install python-mode in emacs? i have the file, just dont know where to put it, or what to do as far as configuring emacs06:27
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drumlineAnyone use that ext2fsd package on SF?06:27
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Dr_Willistorus,  try a 'sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdc'     see if it sees the thing. and if so Mount them somwehere. :P06:27
Dr_Willistorus,  is this a 7-in-one kind of reader?06:28
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thoreauputicAsazuke:  sudo apt-get install python-mode   didn't do it for you?06:28
torusDr_Willis, no06:28
Asazukethoreauputic: lemme try that, thank you for the response06:29
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thoreauputicAsazuke: always best to try something like apt-cache search <foo> | grep <bar> to see id it's available :)06:30
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Asazukethoreauputic: i just didnt even think about installing it through the package manager, it is now working, thank you06:31
thoreauputicAsazuke: no problem :)06:32
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KaydeHow do i access my xorg.conf in ubuntu? please tell me06:32
frogzooKayde: sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:32
thoreauputicKayde: we already did, several times06:32
Pablolocate xorg.conf?06:32
KaydeHow do i access my xorg.conf in ubuntu5.4 yea but its wrong 106:33
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Kaydeyes pablo06:33
frogzooKayde: locate is a command06:33
thoreauputicKayde:  what is wrong? the file isn't there or what?06:34
Kaydethese are the thingy ive tried :sudo kwrite /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:34
Kaydesudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:34
Kaydesudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:34
Kaydedpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:34
Kaydenone work...06:34
Kaydethe file isnt there06:34
thoreauputicKayde: define "work"06:34
frogzooKayde - are u sure you're running ubuntu :)06:34
Kaydethe file isnt there...it opens but the screen is blank06:34
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PokerFacePenguincat /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:34
jknifei just saw there is a eubuntu lol06:34
thoreauputicKayde: what error do you get from  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  ?06:35
mrkojeKayde: What did you do delete the xorg.conf file? It has to be there...06:35
blankywhat's eubuntu?06:35
Kaydei didnt delete it06:35
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jknifeelightenment for ubuntu... kinnda like kubuntu06:35
Kaydeturopatic...thats auto, wrong 106:35
frogzooKayde: what do you get for 'ls -l /etc/X11/xorg.conf'    ?06:35
Kaydeill try it06:35
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thoreauputicKayde: what are you talkingabout? that's the standard method for configuring xorg in debian distros06:36
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insipidis debootstrapping changing the linked kernel?06:36
Kaydeit just some crappy vidio card thingy06:36
NoUseKayde what?06:36
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Kaiser_AwayKyynara: what does your log say failed?06:37
frogzooanyone had any luck configuring Evolution client to connect to Exchange?06:37
Kaydecommand not found...for some others are blank06:37
foobarI just had to reinstall ubuntu because the "automated kernel upgrade" (which I think is complete bullshit) fucked up, has anyone else had problems with the 2.6.12-10 kernel (which apparently automagically installed itself)?06:38
thoreauputicKayde: which command is not found? Be specific if you want help06:38
mrkojeHas anyone heard of the 855resolution package?06:38
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PokerFacePenguinfoobar, wasnt the old kernel still there?06:39
Kaydei just want the proper ubuntu 5.4 xorg.conf file so i can add higher resolution06:39
frogzoofoobar: I upgraded from hoary to breezy, including 2.6.12 (I think) & it just worked06:39
thoreauputicfoobar: no problem at all here06:39
mrkojefoobar: you should have been able to just rollback to the old kernal if you were having problems06:39
thoreauputicKayde: you aren't even listening are you ?06:39
KaydeI am!06:39
Kaydenone work!06:39
insipidcmon guys.. nobody seems to know what the **** bootstrapping is but they feel obliged to tell me my conception of bootstrapping is wrong06:39
thoreauputicKayde: so answer the question06:39
Kaydethe xorg.conf file is empty06:39
frogzoothoreauputic: I think Kayde is listening, just very early steps for him/her06:40
mrkojefoobar: but I am having no problems... and the kernal doesn't just install it self, it asks you if you want to install it06:40
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thoreauputicfrogzoo: he/she hasn't answered questions I asked several times06:40
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rumpleforAnybody willing to brush up on a little C? need a little help06:40
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frogzoorumplefor: see #c06:40
wowoemensdhow do i go about extracting a .bin file in ubuntu?06:41
insipidokay i guess intelligent questions are not for this channel.. this channel must be a substitute for the man pages only06:41
rumpleforfrogzoo: ty06:41
torusHow do I mount my HDD MP3 player (IAudio X5) ? please help...06:41
NoUsewowoemensd sh ./file.bin06:41
drapelykAll: can anyone help me get php working with Apache2?06:41
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NoUsetorus google is probably a better place to look for that06:41
mrkojedrapelyk: Whats going on?06:41
NoUse!tell drapelyk about php06:41
PokerFacePenguindrapelyk, php4 and apache2-mpm-prefork06:41
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botbuilderLast post I've got some thumbnails of my prob06:42
wowoemensdNoUse: when i try to do sh ./file.bin, i get an error that says cannot execute binary file06:43
torusNoUse, no, I have a general problem with my USB devices06:43
wowoemensdeven after i did a chmod on it06:43
wowoemensdto make it executable06:43
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PokerFacePenguinwowoemensd, is it executable...like a script?06:44
frogzoowowoemensd: 'file xxx' ?06:44
PokerFacePenguinanswered that06:44
wowoemensdit is a kvcd06:44
drapelykAll: am I to replace "user" with my username or is it a command itself?      sudo bin/mysql_install_db --user=mysql06:44
wowoemensdi'm trying to extract the mpeg out of it06:44
NoUsetorus what kind of general problem?06:44
torusNoUse , they wouldn't automount, though dmesg recognizes them...06:45
rebortis anyone able to help with http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1647906:45
frogzoodrapelyk: u probably want to create a user "mysql"06:45
drapelykfrogzoo: for the system?06:46
NoUsetorus you're in gnome?06:46
kriiiileany tip on how i change resulution cant pick 1280 in the system / settings / resulotion06:46
torusNoUse, yes06:46
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ubotumethinks resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:46
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frogzoodrapelyk: yes, so mysql can run as the 'mysql' user06:47
carthiktorus, can you mount it using $pmount /dev/sda1 (0r sda2) ?06:47
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drapelykfrogzoo, I'm not doubting, but I would like to know why it is good to do that?06:47
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drapelykfrogzoo, so I have to log in as that user to change those settings or?06:47
frogzoodrapelyk: well the daemon has to execute as someone, but preferably not a user, and certainly not root06:48
feenixCan someone help me get an ftp server setup?06:48
mt_holden_sshow to i set my display resolution in ubuntu?06:48
NoUsetorus are you sure it is a mass storage device? some HDD mp3 players don't use that protocol, they use proprietary transfer methods06:48
drapelykfrogzoo, so you pick a not used username06:48
frogzoodrapelyk: no, I think the install script will chown all your files to mysql, but maybe the user needs to exist first06:48
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frogzoodrapelyk: u got it06:48
drapelykfrogzoo, so i'm an idiot... I don't know how to make a new user06:49
torusNoUse, it is a Mass Storage Devices and it automounted on my friend's Ubuntu...06:49
frogzooman useradd06:49
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mt_holden_sshow do i set my display res06:49
NoUsetorus you running breezy?06:49
drapelykuseradd mysql?06:49
thoreauputic!tell mt_holden_ss about resolution06:49
frogzoomt_holden_ss: system-> preferences-> screen resolution ?06:49
feenixCan someone help me get an FTP server setup, preferrably sftp?06:49
NoUsefeenix sftp isn't really FTP by the strict definition, sftp comes with the ssh server06:50
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thoreauputicfeenix: sftp is part of the openssh-server package06:50
torusNoUse, yes06:50
frogzoodrapelyk: sure06:50
NoUsetorus does an icon appear in "Computer" in gnome?06:50
toruscarthik, pmount doesn't work06:50
feenixIs that in synaptic?06:51
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mosey(Hello all!)06:51
thoreauputicfeenix: yes06:51
frogzooanyway to extend my battery life on a lap top?06:51
mt_holden_ssany wireless internet suppot, is it possible?06:51
torusNouse, no06:51
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torusNoUse, no06:51
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thoreauputicfrogzoo: turn the brightness down ;)06:51
frogzoomt_holden_ss: absolutely - best support's on Breezy - my ipw2200 worked out of the box06:51
NoUsetorus well then I guess you're left to running mount /dev/sda1 /media/mp3 or wherever you want to mount it06:51
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ubotuwifi is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto06:52
mt_holden_ssmmm do i have to restart my computer when i apply the wireless settings06:52
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AlbertEin_ZaYahi, does someone know if it's possible make grub boot the ubuntu cd installation ?06:52
mt_holden_sscan u tell me where i can get the support with wireless net?06:52
nicholaspaulanyone know where i'd find the kernel source code for ppc?06:52
frogzooAlbertEin_ZaYa: you could just burn the live cd ?06:53
carthiktorus, what did dmesg say, did it say anything ueful at all? the number after p (p1 p3 etc) correspond to the number after sda. So try sudo mount /dev/sd1 /media/usb/ or similar, where, the /media/usb directory should exist already06:53
NoUsenicholaspaul there is only once kernel source code, it compiles on all the diff architechures06:53
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thoreauputicnicholaspaul:  apt-cache search linux-source06:53
ArafangionWhat's a good voice/video chat system for linux?06:53
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mike__hi all06:53
carthikmt_holden_ss, you dont have to restart the computer for that06:53
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nicholaspaulthx NoUse, thoreauputic06:53
AlbertEin_ZaYafrogzoo, i cannot access my bios, so i cannot make my pc to boot from cd, but i have grub installed, i want to make grub boot the cd to reinstall ubuntu and fix some problems i'm having06:54
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carthikmt_holden_ss, if your wireless interface is eth1, then sudo ifdown eth1 will disconnect wireless and sudo ifup eth1 will bring it up again06:54
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PokerFacePenguinmy usbkey mounts in on /media/usbdisk by default06:54
Madpilotmt_holden_ss: there's really only a few reasons to ever restart a Linux computer, and adding wireless isn't one of them06:54
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stephansin ubuntu, where is the authentication utillity (so that I can set up my machines to authenticate to AD)?06:54
carthikmt_holden_ss, sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces is the file to edit, if you need to change details rearding the wireless conenction06:55
stephansLike in fedora06:55
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NoUsestephans I'm not sure ubuntu has that utility06:55
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nicholaspaulthoreauputic - that gives me a bunch of numbers...um.. what am i looking at?06:56
AlbertEin_ZaYadoes anyona have a idea about how to do that?06:56
bimberiArafangion: maybe give gaim-vv a try - http://blog.mypapit.net/2005/09/gaim-vv-gaim-with-webcam-and-voice-support.html - good? no idea :)06:56
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thoreauputicnicholaspaul: what are you wanting to do? compile a kernel or install drivers or what/06:56
bimberihi thoreauputic :)06:56
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feenixOk not to be a bother, but installed the open ssh server and I tried to execute sshd and it says to re-exec with absolute path, but I do a find * | grep "sshd"06:57
thoreauputicbimberi: hi :)06:57
nicholaspaulthoreauputic - i'm trying to run make , and instal ural linux drivers for a RT2500 wifi usb stick06:57
feenixand nothing comes up06:57
thoreauputicnicholaspaul: you probably only need headers for that06:57
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bimberifeenix: did you install via apt-get (or synaptic)?06:57
thoreauputicnicholaspaul:  sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)06:57
carthikfeenix, /etc/init.d/ssh restart (or start or stop) will work06:57
frogzoofeenix: either 'which sshd' or locate sshd06:58
carthikfeenix, all services will have scripts there....06:58
bimberifeenix: it should have started by default (but see carthik otherwise)06:58
jonathonhey guys im having trouble getting my wifi card to work anyone can help?06:58
Kaydeok guy's, I need to find a way for fixing my laptops screen i know this might be annoying u, but i cant for the life of me figure out how to fix the squiggly lines on my laptop screen...06:58
carthikfeenix, next time, you can try $dpkg -L <package name> -- to see the files that were installed when you installed a <package name> package06:58
frogzooKayde: is this an old laptop? are you sure it's not a driver problem?06:59
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thoreauputicnicholaspaul: the command  uname -r  will tell you what your kernel is: the command I gave will get the needed kernel headers06:59
carthikjonathon, ask06:59
Lunzhi I am having a problem with the time changing everytime I log into Ubuntu can anyone help me?06:59
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Arafangionbimberi: I'm biased against gaim, but perhaps it's improved in the recent years.06:59
Kaydeit worked on knopix 3.8.206:59
Arafangionbimberi: I'll look into it, thanks :)06:59
feenixThanks. I need to generate keys06:59
PokerFacePenguinjonathon, is the wifi card supported?  Have you looked at ndiswrapper?06:59
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Kaydeit workes on knopix 3.8.2 and winXP06:59
nicholaspaulthoeauputic. I think its installing now.06:59
bimberiArafangion: np :)07:00
jonathonyes i have the wifi card properly configured in ndiswrapper and i modprobe and iwconfig finds it07:00
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jonathonstill i cant use it...07:00
carthikLunz, check if /etc/timezone has the right timezone07:00
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PokerFacePenguinjonathon, have you given it an ip?07:00
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jonathonno but my router has dhcp07:01
factotumis samba required to have access to a printer on a winxp machine or just cups?07:01
Lunzcarthik: ok I'll have a look, I better log into Ubuntu. brb07:01
PokerFacePenguinjonathon, then sudo dhclient interfacename07:01
Surb-How do you configure what resolutions X will use?07:01
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factotumive been scouring google and a few forums about it, but dont really know what i need07:01
jonathonits doing dhcp discover and not finding anything07:02
Kaydedamit these lines realy tickme off, wat should i look it up as?07:02
PokerFacePenguindid it stop looking yet?07:02
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factotumalright, im lying, ive been at band practice for the last 3 hours and my ears are ringing but...07:02
carthikfactotum, afaik, winxp does not use the cups(common unix printing system) - so i should think samba is needed07:02
bimberifactotum: i think you only need smbclient, which is installed by default.  Using it for printing is configured via System -> Administration -> Printing07:02
factotumalright, I have unix print enabled on the xp box, but not sure after that07:03
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feenixI can't remember how to generate the initial keys for ssh07:03
drapelykAll: What is the default groupname?07:03
factotumjust the ip, network info and the like07:03
thoreauputicfeenix:  ssh-keygen -t dsa07:03
carthikSurb-, in the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf -- or you can use the tool $sudo pkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -- keep the refresh rates of the monitor handy07:03
carthikSurb, that should be dpkg-reconfigure up there07:03
jonathonpokerfacepenguin yes it found nothing says no DHCPOFFERS recieved07:04
SurbOkay, thanks.07:04
PokerFacePenguinjonathon, if it isnt finding it, try assigning it a static ip and netmask, and dont forget to route add default gw yourgatewayip07:04
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rumpleforany help welcome at http://rumplefor.pastebin.com/44583007:04
HowieQuestion: Can someone help me with the installation of Plugger as their home page instructions are confusing to me as a newbie.07:04
carthikjonathon, does "$sudo iwlist scanning" report any wireless nets around you>?07:04
jonathonok i check07:05
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jonathonyes it detects my AP07:05
michelini am new to this room07:05
PokerFacePenguinjonathon,  it is an ip problem then most likely07:05
Kaydeok...wat is a good start on my screen, will i need a new driver? i am TOTALY new to linux..07:06
SCMarkhow do I mount something so that it is writeable to my logged in user?  Is there an option for the mount command?07:06
carthikjonathon, please paste your /etc/network/interfaces files at this site: http://rafb.net/paste/07:06
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factotumheh, there is something to be said about completely switching over, never knew i could have fun for an entire evening just customizing my desktop..im such a dork07:06
SCMarkIf I mount something using sudo to my /mnt directory it becomes owned by root:root and I can't write to it07:06
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Elementi am new,everyone.07:07
carthikSCMark, try mounting it with pmount without the sudo07:07
Kaydehi element07:07
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FujitsuElement, Hi.07:08
DRAGON_Ultrahey element07:08
Elementi never use IRC,this is my first time07:08
Kaydesame :)07:08
michelinI need some help07:08
FujitsuElement: Welcome.07:08
Fujitsumichelin: What?07:09
factotumwhat can i do to find out what version a package is at before installing? I want to check out fluxbox07:09
SCMarkHere is the mount command I was using before:  mount -t smbfs "// 1" /mnt/nslu2/ -o username=marko07:09
michelinI am using Ubuntu a07:09
factotumsome apt-get command?07:09
thoreauputicfactotum: apt-cache policy fluxbox07:09
carthikjonathon, as you can see that has no mention of the wireless interface. what is the name of the interface again? eth1? or ra0 or something?07:09
factotumthank you sir07:09
Elementi just use ubuntu07:09
SCMarkdoes pmount support smbfs?07:09
sampanfactotum, apt-cache show <package>07:09
michelinand i want to know why UBUNTU doesn't support RPM07:09
thoreauputicfactotum: it's at 0.9.12 in breezy IIRC07:09
feenixI generated my keys and saved them to the same place it was saying it could load them from (/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key) or DSA, I did both. But I'm still getting errors07:09
ElementRPM is for red hat07:10
factotumwow, last i used it was .1.14 or something like that07:10
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Fujitsumichelin: DIfferent distributions use different package managers, and Ubuntu happens to use the .deb format.07:10
FujitsuRPM is Red Hat.07:10
DRAGON_Ultraand for suse07:10
factotumwas considered stable at the ttime i think07:10
PokerFacePenguinjonathon, sending  you my script that sets my ip to
thoreauputicfactotum: that's the old "stable" branch07:10
jonathonok great07:10
carthikmichelin, because anything that is an rpm is also a deb07:10
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blankyhow can I force to unmount a cd even if it's busy07:10
carthikmichelin, and becuase there is "alien"07:10
Fujitsublanky: You can't, really.07:10
jonathonoperation isnt supported07:10
carthikblanky, pumount -l blah blah07:11
thoreauputicblanky:  sudo umount -l /dev/cdrom07:11
DRAGON_Ultrause a big hammer07:11
PokerFacePenguinjonathon, u gotta accept it looks like07:11
FujitsuIt generally means that there is a terminal/file manager window open in some subdirectory.07:11
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michelinso what about using RPM in UBUNTU07:11
factotumalright, going to try this out, be back in a bit hehe07:11
michelinI mean how to use RPM07:11
jonathonno i accepted it still failed07:11
thoreauputicmichelin: don't07:11
jonathonim not registered user tho07:11
Kaydedose anyone know about having squiggly lines at the bottom of the page for ubutu 5.04?07:11
feenixgetting a "could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key" and the next line is dsa07:11
carthikjonathon, okay wlan0 it is then.... one sec07:11
Elementit can change RPM to DEB07:11
blankyman i cant eject my cd it keeps saying it's busy even though it's not07:11
PokerFacePenguinah....i'll cut and past then....one sec07:11
thoreauputic!tell michelin about synaptic07:12
frogzooblanky u can't you need to kill the process uses the filsystem - eg fuser -k07:12
Maniquihi, this is my first time connected to the internet from my fresh ubuntu linux!07:12
thoreauputicmichelin: check your pm from ubotu07:12
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Maniquifirst question: how do I install Firefox 1.5?07:12
MadpilotManiqui: welcome to the Light Side, then ;)07:12
blankyfuser -k ?07:12
FujitsuManiqui: It is fairly simply.07:12
SCMarkcarthik: how do I get pmount to mount a smbfs type network drive?07:12
frogzooManiqui: check the banner07:12
Maniquithanks Madpilot!07:12
Elementwelcome Maniqui07:12
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Fujitsufrogzoo: It can be done manually easily.07:13
PokerFacePenguinifconfig eth0 netmask
Maniqui"No Firefox 1.5 in Breezy until after it appears in Dapper."07:13
PokerFacePenguinroute add default gw
Maniquiwhat does it means?07:13
frogzooFujitsu: skill depending... :)07:13
PokerFacePenguinjonathon, those two lines should do it07:13
Maniquithanks to all07:13
Kaydedose anyone know about having squiggly lines at the bottom of the page for ubutu 5.04? it dosnt go like that when resolution is set at 640x48007:13
PokerFacePenguinsubstitute your interface07:13
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Fujitsufrogzoo: It is very simple...07:13
Maniquiso, no FF 1.5 for Ubuntu?07:14
carthikjonathon, also, you can edit your /etc/network/interfaces to add the wlan0 interfaces thusly : http://rafb.net/paste/results/9FgK3Y18.html07:14
FujitsuManiqui: No _package_ yet, but it can be done manually.07:14
frogzooFujitsu: it depends - some folks come to ubuntu from doze, & have never seen a CLI07:14
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thoreauputicManiqui: not until someone backports it07:14
PokerFacePenguinjonathon, and possibly your gateway too...depends on your network07:14
PunzillaHi, I was Lunz before... I had a problem with the time in Ubuntu changing from my hardware clock.  I have checked the /etc/timezone and it is Correct... being the australian one.07:14
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factotumokay, thats a first, fluxbox responds slower than gnome as far as launching and opening apps...wierd07:14
carthikjonathon, after editing the file thus, do a $sudo ifdown wlan0 and then a $sudo ifup wlan007:14
frogzooManiqui: either figure out how to build/install yourself - or just wait until they build a package07:14
carthikjonathon, that should work for you...07:15
ManiquiI dont understand. I have downloaded a .tar.gz for linux that is for FF 1.507:15
SCMarkSo I tried to use smbmount to mount a network drive, but I get the following error: smbmnt must be installed suid root for direct user mounts (1000,1000)07:15
SCMarksmbmnt failed: 107:15
FujitsuManiqui: See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion07:15
thoreauputicPunzilla: if you are dual booting windows, you might have selected UTC time in the installer07:15
carthikPunzilla, okay - has it screwed up the time again?07:15
Maniquiaaaah, ok!07:15
ManiquiI will check that07:15
frogzoobesides, all the plugins will break on 1.507:15
KaydeI am appresiating the help...I know i might be ticking u off but i am a newb and I learn slowly07:15
Punzillayeah I think I did... is there a way how to change this... I do have dual booting.07:15
FujitsuKayde: That's fine.07:15
nicholaspaulthoreauputic: thx for helping . i jsut got booted.07:15
thoreauputicPunzilla: try re-running   sudo base-config and changing the answer to that question07:16
carthikPunzilla, do a $sudo ntpdate ntp.ubuntulinux.org07:16
Kaydewat is a good site for linux drivers>?07:16
factotumKayde: dont feel bad, anytime I want to feel like that, i wander into the #freebsd channel07:16
thoreauputicnicholaspaul: no worries :)07:16
FujitsuKayde: They are normally built in.07:16
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Kaydeohh so how do i fix?>07:16
kriiiileif i took swe as language the comand fixes etc wont work ?07:16
Punzillacarthik, I have tried doing a ntp update from the GUI in the main screen.07:16
Punzillathat didn't seem to work.07:16
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nandemon1ihi ppl07:16
thoreauputiccarthik: ntpdate won't fix the underlying problem07:16
FujitsuKayde: What is the issue?07:17
PunzillaI might try it from the command line07:17
Kaydedose anyone know about having squiggly lines at the bottom of the page for ubutu 5.04? it dosnt go like that when resolution is set at 640x48007:17
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carthikPunzilla, if you use windows and linux on the same computer you will have problems since windows likes to change the time by changing the hardware clock to whatever you timezone time is.. i think... seen this once before07:17
Punzillaok thoreaputic.. I might give it a go thanx07:17
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Maniquimmmmph, this is not like in Windows that I doble click in a .exe, and voil, the program is installed...07:17
thoreauputicPunzilla:  run   sudo base-config07:17
FujitsuKayde, what type of squiggly lines?07:17
nicholaspaulthoreauputic: :) i'm still having trouble tho. Now it says that theres an  Error inserting ural.07:17
Kaydei have screen shot07:17
thoreauputicPunzilla: only change the time answer - leave the rest alone07:17
ManiquiI think I will hate linux during some time... jeje07:17
FujitsuLet me see, Kayde.07:17
Punzillakool i'll give it a go07:18
MadpilotManiqui: best way to install stuff is thru Synaptic07:18
Maniquiok! I have read a little about Synaptic07:18
nandemon1iFor some reason Evolution is suddenly crashing each time I try and run it.. had worked fine.. but it gives me this from term: (evolution:16984): camel-WARNING **: camel_exception_get_id called with NULL parameter.07:18
thoreauputicnicholaspaul: sorry I've forgotten what the trouble was ..07:18
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carthikManiqui, it is easier than in windows - you dont have to go hunting for the files - you dont have to click, you dont have to wonder what else will gte installed and where... all you have to do is type $sudo apt-get install foobar07:18
MadpilotManiqui: someone might have sent this to you already, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto07:18
nandemon1ialso this: (evolution:16984): Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_gc_set_foreground: assertion `GDK_IS_GC (gc)' failed. Any Ideas?07:18
Maniquibut Linux isnt for my mom, isnt it?07:18
Kaydefujitzu, im sending it07:18
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kriiiileif i have swe language the fixvidresolution wont work since i cant find the files ? or im i doing something wery wrong ?07:19
Maniquithanks all for helping me (/me very newbie)07:19
carthikManiqui, my dad loves it :)07:19
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FujitsuKayde, directly to me?07:19
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FujitsuBecause if so, it won't work. I don't have the appropriate ports open.07:19
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Maniquione question: where do the programs get installed? I want to do the things in the right way from the beginning07:19
carthikjonathon, did things work out fine?07:19
Kaydeis that how?07:19
FujitsuYou can use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl to post it, Kayde.07:19
carthikManiqui, you dont have to make that decision for the most...07:19
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carthikManiqui, it you install using synaptic or apt-get the programs get installed in the correct locations....07:20
FujitsuManiqui: The wiki gives all the instructions you need... I hope.07:20
Maniquiok. I'm asking because the wiki says:  Install it to /opt/firefox:07:20
FujitsuIf you have issues, I will be able to clarify, I am sure.07:20
FujitsuManiqui: That is fine.07:20
kriiiilethink i will reinstall if anyone else dont have any tips on the language problem .07:21
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Maniquiso, /opt/ is like "program files" in Windows?07:21
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thoreauputictime to go ... later all :)07:21
FujitsuManiqui: Sort of. Not system-standard software.07:21
nandemon1iManiqui: completly diff.. I wouldnt try and compare it..07:21
carthikopt == optional Maniqui07:21
TYLERhow do i install ubuntu if i cannot boot from cd rom.. i need a ubuntu boot floppy...07:21
TYLERpls help07:21
feenixOk I still need some help getting this ssh server up... It isn't taking the keys I created07:21
Kaydedid that work?07:21
FujitsuTYLER: OK... Wait a sec.07:21
nandemon1iSo no one has had issues with Evolution just dying on breezy?07:22
Kaydei can hardly figure it out...07:22
jonathonDamn didnt help at all07:22
Maniquicool. thanks all again. I'm trying to make my head on linux... I still need to hear that "click" inside my head07:22
FujitsuKayde: You should have to give me an address or something.07:22
torusI can't get my HP Deskjet 710C to print , though Ubuntu recognizes it, please help!07:22
nicholaspaulwell, my help has gone... anyone here good with ppc wifi deiver installation?07:22
carthikManiqui, things that users install manually go in /opt/ or /usr/local/bin/07:22
TYLERFujitsu, how can i installubuntu if my pc is noyt cd rom bootable?07:22
Fujitsufeenix: Are the permissions set properly?07:22
FujitsuTYLER: I am working on it.07:22
jonathonhey cathrik do u know of any resources which explain the folders better? and what is opt? mena07:23
nandemon1iTYLER: check out netboot07:23
PokerFacePenguinjonathon, when you do ifconfig does it have an ip?07:23
nandemon1ijonathon: look for a standard linux / unix filesystem howto / doc07:23
Kaydefujitzu...it worked??07:23
TYLERnandemon1i, i cannot....07:23
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jonathonyes it has an ip07:23
TYLERmy pc is 233 mhz dell shit07:24
jonathoni just assigned it one07:24
TYLERonly floppy boot07:24
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TYLERi got ubuntu cdrom  but cannot install it07:24
nandemon1iTYLER: maybe u can get it to install from a harddisk via usb boot drive or some such?07:24
PokerFacePenguindid you add the route?07:24
feenixI don't know. It just says it can't read my keys... I've ran it as sudo and I get the same error07:24
jonathonthis is ridiculous it will just be quicker for to reinstall fucking linux with my network cord plugged in07:24
ElementTYLER:ok,it can work on ubuntu07:24
carthikjonathon, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome should explain that, among other things07:24
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Elementyou can copy ISO to harddisk,then install it from the harddisk07:25
PokerFacePenguinif you dont have your default gateway set it will never find how to get out....sudo route add default gw yourrouteraddress07:25
jonathongrrrr why things must be so difficult07:25
TYLERElement, oh really... i did....07:25
FujitsuTYLER: http://linux.simple.be/tools/sbm07:25
TYLERbut how do i boot it...07:25
jonathondone and done penguin07:25
YukiIkyutaFujitsu, took you long enough.07:25
Elementbut it need three files07:26
TYLERrestart pc.. will be in windows already07:26
PokerFacePenguinjonathon, should be an entry that says default when you issue a route command07:26
FujitsuTYLER, that will let you boot from a CD.07:26
jonathonim beginning to think its a firewall problem of some description07:26
carthikjonathon, i know it can be frustrating at first, but things WILL work, now if you know that - you will get to the end of it -- a humble suggestion, please try to see and understand what's going on, so you can troubleshoot better :)07:26
feenixI don't know. It just says it can't read my keys... I've ran it as sudo and I get the same error07:26
TYLERFujitsu, what u mean?07:26
FujitsuYukiIkyuta: I couldn't quite remember it...07:26
TYLERstart in win98se.. den..???07:26
FujitsuTYLER: That site will let you create a boot disk to boot the CD-ROM.07:26
KaydeFujitsu-did it work?07:26
TYLERFujitsu, whats the addie?07:26
feenixFujitsu: I don't know. It just says it can't read my keys... I've ran it as sudo and I get the same error07:27
Fujitsuhttp://linux.simple.be/tools/sbm, TYLER.07:27
YukiIkyutaTYLER,  http://linux.simple.be/tools/sbm07:27
carthikhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome : Maniqui you may find that interesting as an intro to ubuntu :)07:27
jonathonhow can i configure my firewall and see what ports are activated/denied07:27
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Fujitsufeenix: What are the permissions on the keys?07:27
jonathonactually bugger it im reinstalling07:27
torusI can't get my HP Deskjet 710C to print , though Ubuntu recognizes it, please help!07:27
WSon 5.10 have any of you had problems with video speed being too fast?07:27
FujitsuKayde: Found it, wait a sec.07:27
WSvideo and flash I believe07:27
FujitsuKayde, is it on all programs, or just the desktop?07:28
Kaydeit is07:28
carthiklater folks.07:28
FujitsuAll programs?07:28
PokerFacePenguinsome people just arent cut out for troubleshooting :P07:28
feenixFujitsu: -rw-r--r--07:28
FujitsuYukiIkyuta, look at this: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/i528907:28
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Kaydeyea it is fujitzu07:28
Fujitsufeenix: That is the issue.07:28
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PokerFacePenguini'd bet ten bucks he didnt have a default route07:28
Fujitsufeenix: They must be -rw-r--r--07:28
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FujitsuWithout that extra -07:29
Kaydeits isnt like that with lower resolution-its like dat on all programs07:29
feenixFujitsu thats what they are...07:29
FujitsuOK, again, read-write for user only.07:29
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FujitsuNot for group or world.07:29
FujitsuKaydeL Very odd that a screenshot should capture that!07:29
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FujitsuWhat video card, Kayde?07:29
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TYLERFujitsu, help me..07:30
Kaydei dont know,07:30
FujitsuTYLER, what?07:30
Kaydehow do i find out?07:30
YukiIkyutaTYLER, ?07:30
TYLERYukiIkyuta, i need a ubuntu boot disk..07:30
TYLERwhere to get it07:30
FujitsuKayde: System->ADminstration->Device Manager, I believe.07:30
YukiIkyutaFujitsu, nice capture.07:30
YukiIkyutaTYLER, did you see the previous message?07:30
FujitsuTYLER: The CD-ROM is bootable07:30
YukiIkyutaTYLER, create this disk: http://linux.simple.be/tools/sbm07:30
FujitsuYukiIkyuta: That is by Kayde...07:30
TYLERFujitsu, my cd rom is NOT bootable!!!!!07:31
YukiIkyutaTYLER, it doesn't matter!07:31
FujitsuTYLER: Yes it is, just your BIOS doesn't like it...07:31
YukiIkyutaTYLER, the boot disk here (http://linux.simple.be/tools/sbm) will allow you to boot from it anyway.07:31
kriiiileis yast possible to install on ubuntu?07:31
YukiIkyutaFujitsu, impressive.07:31
YukiIkyutaKayde, it wouldn't be an nVidia graphics card, would it?07:31
FujitsuYukiIkyuta: Surprising that a screen capture would get that, when it affects everything!07:31
Maniquisomething has gone wrong07:31
cyphasewhat's the syntax to indicate the local network?07:31
FujitsuKayde is checking.07:31
Kaydewhich 1 is it? i dont know07:31
Maniquinow i cannot start Firefox07:31
FujitsuManiqui, what?07:31
cyphase172.16.1.0/24 or something07:32
Kaydehow do i find wich 1 it is?07:32
FujitsuManiqui: I know what is wrong.07:32
YukiIkyutacyphase, that is one possible local network.07:32
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cyphasei know07:32
YukiIkyutaDepends on your setup.07:32
cyphasebut it;s mine :)07:32
Maniquiwhen I clic in the icon, it appears a new window in the bar and it says "Starting Firefox" and then close07:32
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FujitsuManiqui, in synaptic, install libstdc++5.07:32
YukiIkyutaWellark, that is syntacitcally correct, yes.07:32
Kaydehow do i find wich 1 it is?07:32
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Maniquiok, thanks Fujitsu!07:32
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FujitsuManiqui, I will add the further instruction to the wiki... But you just need to install that...07:33
YukiIkyutaFujitsu, show me some of your work?07:33
KaydeHow do i know which one the vidio card is07:33
FujitsuKayde: It should say Radeon, or GeForce, nVidia, or ATI...07:33
FujitsuThose are the ost common.07:34
Lunzhi... I tried doing the adjust base config line.. all it asked me was whether my hardware clock was correct... and I put yes.  This didn't change the time...07:34
FujitsuKayde: Are you on a notebook or desktop?07:34
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Lunzalthough, when updating the ntp, that worked... so it should be ok, thanks both for your help.07:34
FujitsuKayde: OK.07:34
FujitsuCould be an Intel, then...07:34
Kaydei thinks its cyber 952507:34
FujitsuLook for something about AGP, then look at the child of that node. That should be the card.07:35
Kaydeit has something called cyber 9525..that it??07:35
FujitsuKayde: Yes.07:35
YukiIkyutaFujitsu, ie. Wiki entries.07:35
FujitsuNow... I know nothing about that card. Anybody else got any experience with it + Ubuntu?07:35
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ManiquiFujitsu, I see that there are versions? higher than libstdc++5.07:36
FujitsuYou need libstdc++5.07:36
Maniquilike libstdc++6.07:36
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RancidLMhey all.. is there a way to compile my kernel with the exact same settings as the pre-compiled one here.. ? with the exception that i compile it to suport 1gb of ram?07:38
Maniquiit ask me also to install gcc-3.3-base07:38
Maniquido I push the button without fear?07:38
FujitsuManqui: Do it...07:38
Kaydedamit :-( so noone can help me?07:38
Maniquii did it07:38
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ManiquiI still think that linux is not for my mom... :)07:39
Maniquibut time will tell me...07:39
FujitsuManiqui, does it work?07:39
YukiIkyutaFujitsu, I must be off ..07:39
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ManiquiFirefox could not install this item because of a failure in Chrome Registration07:40
ManiquiPlease, contact the author... bla07:40
FujitsuManiqui, that's fine. You should get two or three.07:40
SCMarkanyone know how to mount a smbfs with write permissions?07:40
FujitsuSCMark: Yes.07:40
LunzIs there a way to make Ubunti automatically recognise my Windows Partition on Bootup?07:40
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Kaydefujitsu, Toshiba Satellite 4090XCDT using Trident Microsystems Cyber 9525    that is all information07:40
FujitsuSCMark, it will do it if you have permissions properly07:40
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FujitsuLunzL Yes.07:40
FujitsuLunz: Is it NTFS?07:40
SCMarkFujitsu: what will do it?07:41
FujitsuSCMark: You need permissions on the Windows box to write.07:41
PokerFacePenguinLunz, /etc/fstab07:41
pbransfordOK, im installing lightthpd, and I want to use SSL so I (not necesarily others) can securely connect with it.07:41
FujitsuLunz: Have you got it mounting successfully now?07:41
Maniquithanks Fujistu! it is now working!07:41
pbransfordim sure i can set the server up07:41
Maniquiall this was "magic" for me07:41
pbransfordbut i have no idea how to work openssl07:41
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Maniquilinux is obscure!07:41
pbransfordcan anyone help me out with that?07:41
Lunzwell I have to run the "disks" section before I mount it properly07:41
SCMarkI've tried all sorts of options with the mount command and it always tells me that I don't have permission07:41
mrkojeSCMark: You know how to mount the windows share?07:41
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FujitsuManiqui: You wil learn how to use it.07:41
cdubyaLunzL, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions07:41
FujitsuLunz: OK.07:41
SCMarkbeen using the following: sudo mount -t smbfs "// 1" \/mnt/nslu2/ -o username=marko07:42
SCMarkat the prompt for the password I enter in the correct password and I still don't have permission07:42
Maniquithanks Fujitsu. I have no doubt I will...07:43
Lunzbye bye07:43
SCMarkI tried adding the -o uid=1000 and the -o gid=1000 options and that doesn't help07:43
FujitsuSCMark, don't have the backslash befor /mnt/nslu207:43
RancidLMcan any one here help me with compiling a kernel?07:43
FujitsuRancidLM: Sure!07:43
Maniquifinally, last question: best resourse to learn how to use terminal for very very newbies? or should I start learning linux from another lesson?07:43
mrkojeSCMark:   try   ~# sudo mount -t cifs -o password=****** // /media/createfiletomountto07:44
FujitsuManiqui: Good question.07:44
redhookSCMark: you using xorg?07:44
bimberiubotu tell Maniqui about cli07:44
mrkojeSCMark: modprobe cifs07:44
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Fujitsu!tell Maniqui about cli07:44
SCMarksudo modprobe cifs outputs nothing07:44
redhookManiqui: google the bash manual07:45
Fujitsu-t smbfs, don't you mean!07:45
Maniquiwhat? what are you going to do to me? oh no!07:45
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redhookFujitsu: cifs works07:45
mrkojeFujitsu: cifs works for me!07:45
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FujitsuCommand Line Interface.07:45
redhooki.e. a bash shell07:45
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bimberiManiqui: you should have received a /msg from ubotu with a couple of links07:46
RancidLMFujitsu: im running the pre-built 2.6.12-10-686-smp kernel.. but id like to re-compile it to allow high memory 1gb+  (right now its compiled for 800mb)  so is there a way to keep the kernel kernel settings but just modify the ram part?07:46
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mrkojeSCMark: You have installed smbfs package right?07:46
SCMarkmrkoje: yes07:47
Maniquiyep! thanks! I'm reading! thank you all very much. This is my "first" day at linux. Well, I have installed Ubuntu 4.x few months ago, but I have a wi-fi card with RT2500... so I couldnt connect07:47
Kaydewhat is the "console"?07:47
FujitsuRancidLM: Install the i686 kernel, to replace the i386.07:47
FujitsuKayde: The terminal.07:47
SCMarkI can mount and get files off the drive, I just can't write to it07:47
dli_RancidLM, the config is in /proc/config.gz or /boot/config* files07:47
Fujitsuuboto tell Kayde about cli07:47
ManiquiNow, I'm in Ubuntu 5.1 and online, so it will be easy to learn07:47
Kaydehow do i get to it?07:48
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FujitsuManiqui: Command line is the way to go, definitely...07:48
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RancidLMFujitsu:  it is the i68607:48
FujitsuKayde, Application->Accessories->Terminal.07:48
Maniquiubotu... is a robot?!07:48
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MadpilotManiqui: yes07:48
FujitsuRancidLM: It should work.07:48
FujitsuManiqui: Yes.07:48
Madpilot!tell Maniqui about ubotu07:48
mrkojeSCMark: Thats not a linux problem, that sounds like a you haven't enabled "Users can change files" in windows problem07:48
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KaydeTerminal isnt in accesorys07:48
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Kaiser_AwayKayde: try system tools07:49
KaydeApplication->Accessories->Terminal--its not under accesorys07:49
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MadpilotKayde: which version of Ubuntu are you running07:49
mrkojeSCMark: Try right clicking the share on the windows box and check the box that says "Enable users to change my files"07:49
tonyyarussoOnce I've installed a font for the system in fonts:///, do I need to do something extra to enable them for Firefox?07:49
FujitsuRight click on the desktop, launch console, Kayde.07:49
Kaiser_AwayKayde: applications -> system tools07:49
RancidLMFujitsu: dmesg | less only shows 80007:49
FujitsuRancidLM: Very odd.07:50
tonyyarussoAlso, what is the real path of the fonts:/// location anyway?07:50
SCMarkmrkoje: I know that's not the problem.  I configured samba on my nslu2 to be able to write to it.  If I boot into windows it works07:50
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Madpilottonyyarusso: the fonts:/// thing is automagical - it just works ;)07:50
SCMarkmrkoje: It is samba running on an nslu2, not on a windows machine07:50
cool_guyhello ppl07:50
RancidLMFujitsu: not really.. my lug showed that this just means that it wasn't compiled for 1gb+07:50
tonyyarussoMadpilot: Nice thought, but it's not right now.07:50
cool_guydo ne of u know lilo well over here?07:50
FujitsuHello cool_guy.07:50
FujitsuI know LILO fairly well.07:51
RancidLMFujitsu: the only thing is iv never compiled a kernel.. just watched some one doo it briefly at my lug07:51
Maniquii'm really scared... command lines... robots... this is retro.future...07:51
FujitsuManiqui: Heh07:51
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ManiquiFujitsu, what do you mean with "Command line is the way to go, definitely..."?07:51
Kaiser_Awaylol Maniqui07:51
frogzoocool_guy: moved on from lilo - the pain, the pain07:51
FujitsuManiqui: Command line is much more powerful than GUI. I much prefer CLI.07:51
Maniquiall is done by command line?07:51
Maniquino more clic?07:51
cdubyaSCMark, just curious, but did you try to connect to it via the Connect to Server client....07:51
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mrkojeSCMark: you don't need to use samba then.. you should be able to use nfs07:51
ManiquiHey, I'm from the days of MS-DOS, I'm not afraid of not clicking anymore07:52
FujitsuManiqui: Good old DOS...07:52
Madpilottonyyarusso: sightly more seriously, I don't actually know, and I don't use it myself - I just put fonts in /.fonts07:52
Kaydehow do i do this? i use gedit Open console07:52
KaydeType: cd /boot/grub07:52
KaydeUse your favorite text editor to load menu.lst07:52
KaydeLook for following entry (this is default entry for up-to-date Hoary):kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.10-5-386 root=/dev/hda1 ro quiet splash07:52
KaydeAdd vga=791 at the end of this line07:52
KaydeSave it ??07:52
Maniquibut I used DOS to type: monkey.exe, and then I were playing with Guybrush07:52
ManiquiI cannot understand the fun of using cli07:52
nmsais there a way to upgrade Hoary  mysql to 4.10; my current mysql is 4.0.2307:52
frogzooKayde: grub-install /dev/hda or whatever07:52
Kaiser_AwayKayde: don't flood07:52
tonyyarussoMadpilot: Additionally, some show up when viewing fonts:/// as root that I can't see as others.  Do you know why?07:53
SCMarkmrkoje: It works if I go to the address smb://marko@nslu/disk 107:53
MadpilotManiqui: you can do a lot of Ubuntu's admin with the GUI tools - sometimes the command line is just faster07:53
Kaiser_AwayManiqui: 'fun' isnt usualy part of UNIX administration :)07:53
FujitsuSCMark: Are the permissions set on the mounting directory correctly?07:53
Kaiser_Away(or cheap rippofs admin)07:53
SCMarkmrkoje: but when I do this the directory is not mounted locally07:53
Maniquiaj. but are you chatting right now from the cli?07:53
Maniquii'm using GAIM07:53
cdubyaSCMark, that's why I was asking if you'd tried the connect to server...figgered it might work using smbclient....07:53
Kaiser_AwayManiqui: same07:54
cool_guyi got the new distro of ubuntu 5.1007:54
cool_guyn i installed it on the sys along with win xp07:54
Fujitsucool_guy, OK.07:54
cool_guynow i installed lilo on the ubuntu installed drive07:54
Fujitsucool_guy, why?07:54
cool_guyn now i can boot only linux n not windows07:54
Kaiser_AwayManiqui: for example to change permissions recursively you have to use a cli, Gnome wont do it (that i have seen)07:54
cool_guywat can i do?07:54
deFryskcool_guy, why lilo ?07:54
Maniquisorry if I ask dumb questions, but I think that the cli has a limit. Or dou you browse and cook from the cli?07:54
cool_guylinux directly gets booted when i start the system07:54
mrkojeSCMark: I see, but even connecting with SMB, you still don't have write access.07:55
SCMarkFujistu: yeah I checked the permissions of the mounting directory.  When mounting the device with the -o uid=1000 then my current user is granted ownership of the directory07:55
cool_guyman i didnt know:)07:55
tonyyarussoMadpilot: I have them in .fonts too.07:55
Maniquiyou mean to change permission for various files?07:55
cool_guyi didnt want the grub to load the os07:55
Kaiser_AwayManiqui: of course cli has a limit, it's horses for courses07:55
Kaiser_AwayManiqui: yeh07:55
deFryskcool_guy, why not ?07:55
Maniqui(sorry for my english, i speak spanish natively)07:55
cool_guyinstead i wanted to put lilo on the linux drive n boot linux from windows options07:55
Fujitsucool_guy: Run 'sudo grub-install (hd0)' to install GRUB.07:55
sampanmaniqui, both GUI and CLI have limits -- but each has advantages.  and yes, some of us -are- chatting from cli :)07:55
Kaiser_Awaythat's ok mate. :)07:55
cool_guyso where do i install grub?07:55
SCMarkmrkoje: I only get write access when I type manually smb://nslu/DISK%201 into the location of a nautilus window07:56
Fujitsumaniqui: Recursively means it goes down the directories, changing all files in its path.07:56
vbgunzhello everyone... anyone know how to get around a fakeroot problem? I am installing a package from Debian and was given a command with -rfakeroot... *but* I have no idea what that is? The error is "command not found"... help?07:56
Maniquithanks all, time to sleep. 4am in buenos aires. It was nice to learn from all you.07:56
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deFryskcool_guy, read Fujitsu 's message07:56
Fujitsucool_guy: See my message a minute ago...07:56
SCMarkmrkoje: control+L07:56
Kaiser_Awaygood luck Maniqui. have fun07:56
frogzoocool_guy: grub-install /dev/hdx07:56
Madpilottonyyarusso: if they're in .fonts, they should work - which app isn't working?07:56
Maniquii will be here soon again07:56
FujitsuManiqui, have fun07:56
tonyyarussoMadpilot: Firefox.07:56
SCMarkmrkoje: but getting mount to mount it with correct write access has yet to work07:56
Maniquithanks Fujitsu, for help me installing FF 1.507:57
cool_guythanx mate:)07:57
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FujitsuKayde, I am sure this problem can be fixed at some point.07:57
frogzooKayde: people have tried to help you - please mind your manners07:57
mrkojeSCMark: Did you try mounting it with cifs?07:57
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SCMarkmrkoje: yeah.  When I did that then I didn't have permission to go into directories that were not owned by the user I was logging in as.  It was as if I logged in as a guest07:58
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SCMarkmrkoje: even though I specified the correct username and password07:58
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pramzanyone else use gtkwifi ?07:59
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pramzi <3 gtkwifi :)07:59
FujitsuHi derek_07:59
derek_anyone running xp with dualboot?07:59
SCMarkmrkoje: I used: sudo mount -t cifs -o password="mypassword" "// 1" /mnt/nslu2/ -o username=marko -o uid=1000 -o gid=100007:59
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derek_hey Fujitsu07:59
Fujitsuderek_ previously, yes,07:59
Madpilottonyyarusso: I don't run FF myself - check it's font configs over, I guess07:59
cdubyaderek_, yep07:59
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FujitsuWhat is the issue, derek_?08:00
frogzooderek_: only about 1/2 the people here - still need to run Doom somehow :D08:00
derek_For some reason, winxp is recognising the ext3 partitions and showing it all as D:\08:00
derek_but its going crazy as it can't understand it08:00
cool_guyguys doesnt the grub change the mbr08:00
derek_but I don't know why it even recognised the non windows partition08:00
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Fujitsucool_guy, yes.08:00
Fujitsuderek_: Odd.08:00
jnymowhats better for a hosted server? freebsd or debian?08:00
FujitsuUbuntu boots fine?08:00
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derek_cool_guy: i had a problem during installation with grub.. it couldn't write to mbr08:01
Kaiser_Awayjnymo: depends what you want it to do08:01
cool_guywhat happens if i uninstall lilo?08:01
frogzooderek_: definately wierd - not typical08:01
cool_guywill i get back the windows option?08:01
Kaiser_Awayjnymo: i have had hosting on both08:01
derek_Fujitsu: i haven't installed ubuntu yet. (i'm at the stage of windows at the moment)08:01
derek_cool_guy: yes08:01
tonyyarussoMadpilot: You wouldn't happen to know the file path for that, would you?  (I'm guessing not, but it's worth a shot.)08:01
frogzoocool_guy: no need to uninstall - grub will just overwrite the mbr08:01
Fujitsuderek_: that would do it.08:01
jnymoKaiser_Away: a webpage or two.. plus some java08:01
derek_frogzoo: yeah :(08:01
Fujitsuderek_: It hasn't been properly formatted yet. Install Ubuntu and it should go away...08:01
mrkojeSCMark: I'm sorry, I'm kinda at a loss with this one08:02
derek_everything is so damn slow now on windows as it tries to read the linux partition all the time08:02
Kaiser_Awayjnymo: in that case it wouldnt matter. i'd go with the Debian server myself (because i understand it better)08:02
Madpilottonyyarusso: doesn't FF dump all it's configs into about:config or something like that?08:02
Fujitsuderek_: When it is properly formatted, it should not be seen by Windows.08:02
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Fujitsuabout:config, yes.08:02
SCMarkmrkoje: thanks for the help though.  I'll look into cifs a bit more08:02
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FujitsuSCMark: I am sure it will work...08:03
frogzooderek_: who partitioned the disk - let me guess, xp ?08:03
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mrkojeSCMark: This is going to  bug me now, I might have to recreate the problem on my redhat machine with smb... see if I can get it to work...08:03
derek_Fujitsu: well i did that earlier.. ubuntu installation didn't work as it froze at grub installation stage.. (firstly it wouldn't write to mbr for some reason,  then when i  chose to install it on a floppy, it froze to death.. leaving me no option than to hit "reset")08:03
qt2err, does anyone here use qtorrent?08:03
derek_frogzoo: no, ubuntu installationdisk08:03
tonyyarussoMadpilot: Maybe.08:03
viviersferm does any1 know why my user doesnt read bash settings from within X, but it does via console ?08:03
mrkojeSCMark: Maybe go over your smb config too08:03
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Fujitsuderek_: Odd. Try to delete and recreate the partition.08:04
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derek_Fujitsu: in windows?08:04
frogzooderek_: what's the drive? IDE? LBA enabled in bios ?08:04
jnymoKaiser_Away: thats why I initially went with debian.. but someone else suggested freebsd.. And I'm wondering how I should weigh the two08:04
Fujitsuderek_: it sounds like tha MBR has gone dodgy at some point...08:04
dli_viviersf, in ~/.bashrc ?08:04
derek_frogzoo: IDE08:04
viviersfdli_, yes, :(08:05
Kaiser_Awayjnymo: if you want your rfcs implemented before the ink is dry use freebsd08:05
derek_frogzoo: I don't know about "LBA enabled in bios ?"08:05
frogzooderek_: one & only disk? & jumpered as master ?08:05
Kaiser_Awayif you want 10 year release cyle use Debian, but this is -offtopic08:05
viviersfdli_, it doesnt even read the settings /etc :/08:05
dli_viviersf, do you have .bash_profile ?08:05
derek_frogzoo: one disk plugged. dunno about jumper setting08:05
viviersfdli_, yep08:05
viviersfdli_, i doesnt want to read those files08:05
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frogzooderek_: you need to go into the disk detect in the bios & enable LBA - & you need to check it'sjumpered as master or there will "trouble"08:06
frogzooderek_: you got a CDRom on the same channel?08:06
jnymoKaiser_Away: what do you mean by that?08:06
dli_viviersf, maybe, it's not running bash08:06
derek_frogzoo: just looked. the jumper is on the 2nd pin from the side of the ide plug08:06
bimberiRancidLM: still there?08:06
Kaiser_Awayjnymo: we should talk about this in #ubuntu-offtopic08:06
qt2uhm, the version of qtorrent in synaptic seems to be missing a bunch of features....08:06
derek_frogzoo: no not on the same channel, cd rom drive is on  the other cable08:06
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tonyyarussoMadpilot: Yes, it does.  But I don't know how to edit things like that.08:07
vbgunzDo I need "SUDO" for dpkg-buildpackage?08:07
frogzooderek_: usually the drive has markings showing which pin is master & which slave08:07
derek_frogzoo: yeah.. i can't look at it right now.. its hidden inside.. i could take a look at the rear side though (using a torch) :)08:08
mcadoryderek_: look up on manufacturer's website.  probably got documentation there.08:08
derek_frogzoo: for what I know, the jumper is set on auto-detect08:08
frogzooderek_: the default setting is usually master, so that should be ok - just make sure the bios can detect the drive ok08:08
Madpilottonyyarusso: neither do I - sorry - I use Opera full time, and FF only to check websites08:08
RancidLMbimberi: yip08:08
vbgunzDo I need "SUDO" for dpkg-buildpackage?08:08
derek_frogzoo: bios has already detected it, hasn't it? that's why I'm here08:09
RancidLMbimberi: yup08:09
Fujitsuvbgunz: Probably not...08:09
derek_i'm mean,  that's why I could install windows and reach here08:09
bimberiRancidLM: do you actually see "Warning only 896MB will be used." in dmesg | less ?08:09
vbgunzFujitsu: thanks08:09
Fujitsuderek_, true.08:09
frogzooderek_: uh oh - bad plan - Linux is much fusser about obeying the IDE spec that doze is - I'd really recommend taking another look at the jumpers08:09
vbgunzAnyone know what -rfakeroot is?08:09
derek_now why the heck is windows trying die-hard to readthe ext3 :((08:09
derek_frogzoo: i see08:10
hyphenatedvbgunz: -r is to specify the command to use to get root permissions when using dpkg-buildpackage08:10
Fujitsuderek_, chances are the installer did something odd along the line, and Windows is being too curious.08:10
hyphenatedvbgunz: now I'll let you go right ahead and guess what 'fakeroot' is and does :-)08:10
RancidLMbimberi: i just tried to dmsg again but its not there no more.. but yes.. i think that is the error08:10
RancidLMbimberi: would i have to reboot to find out?08:10
derek_Fujitsu: yea.. wonder what's going on08:10
vbgunzso instead of using -rfakeroot for a Debian package, I instead use sudo/08:10
hyphenatedvbgunz: nope, you use -rfakeroot08:11
hyphenatedvbgunz: the end result will be a .deb file08:11
=== qt2 blinks.
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tonyyarussoMadpilot: All right.  Thanks though.08:11
rixth192.168.*.* address should be rpivate only, right?08:11
hyphenatedvbgunz: you will be able to use dpkg -i blahblah.deb after it's all built08:11
qt2wtf is with all the + and - ? o.O;08:11
=== Fujitsu asks what is in qt2's eyes
vbgunzhyphenated: oh... funny, I get returned "command not found" :(08:11
hyphenatedvbgunz: so install it08:11
tonyyarussoMadpilot: Actually, let's see if those fonts will display with Opera.  I have that too.08:11
Fujitsuqt2, where?08:11
vbgunzhyphenated: thank you... sudo apt-get install fakeroot?08:11
qt2i think my xchat is fecked up or something o.O;08:11
frogzooderek_: you could try deleting the linux partitions (heresy, I know)08:11
qt2<Fujitsu> +qt2, where? <- example.08:12
hyphenatedvbgunz: worth a try, innit?08:12
viviersfdli_, it is running bash, its just not wanting to run it from say xterm / konsole / gnome-term08:12
vbgunzhyphenated: :)08:12
qt2every line has a + o.O;08:12
Fujitsuqt2: sound like it is almost reading it raw!08:12
Fujitsuqt2: + starts most raw messages.08:12
vbgunzhyphenated: thank you very much for the enlightenment!08:12
bimberiRancidLM: i guess so.  I'm running the standard 686-smp kernel on a 2GB server and it says  "1663MB HIMEM available." and "896MB LOWMEM available"08:12
=== qt2 asks what is in qt2's eyes
qt2<Fujitsu> + <- raw indeed...08:12
tonyyarussoMadpilot: Yep, that's a go.  So now all I need is a FF specialist.08:12
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bimberiRancidLM: cat /proc/cpuinfo shows the full 2.4 GB (sorry - 2GB was wrong before)08:12
bimberiRancidLM: er, cat /proc/meminfo that is :)08:13
qt2Fujitsu, any idea what might be causing it?08:13
hyphenatedbimberi: you had me worried for a second :-)08:13
RancidLMbimberi: that would make sence.. cuz that adds up.. .. i dunno maybe i have been missled08:13
qt2it doesnt seem to be happening on other servers...08:13
tonyyarussoAnyone know how to edit the font configuration for Firefox?  I'm having trouble getting it to recognize newly installed fonts.08:13
derek_frogzoo: after deleting?08:13
bimberihyphenated: me too :)08:13
hyphenatedbimberi: I don't want to imagine how big that CPU would be! ;-)08:13
derek_frogzoo: well then if I set the partitions up again during linux installation, won't windows recognise it again?08:14
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frogzooderek_: check you're jumperd as master, bios has drive set as LBA, & reinstall08:14
mrkojevbgunz: was it you telling me about pptp-linux the otherday?08:14
RancidLMbimberi:  MemTotal:      1036088 kB08:14
Fujitsuqt2: N oidea.08:14
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RancidLMbimberi: hrrm that seems to be correct08:14
bimberiRancidLM: as i understand it, you would see "Warning only 896MB will be used." in dmesg08:14
vbgunzmrkoje: pptp-linux? I do not believe so...08:14
derek_frogzoo: reinstall what? win or nix?08:14
nemiki get this error when trying php, why is that? Unknown: failed to open stream: Permission denied in Unknown on line 008:14
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mrkojevbgunz: alright, your name looked familiar...08:14
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cdubyatonyyarusso, the fonts you've installed don't come up at all in the font selector menu after restarting FF?08:15
vbgunzdamn... my cd is locked... I have no option to eject the cd... what is the workaround?08:15
frogzooderek_: oh, reinstall ubuntu - if you can get the install to work, grub will let you boot xp no probs08:15
Fujitsuvbgunz: What do you mean?08:15
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frogzoovbgunz: fuser -k08:15
geneo93well time for dapper08:15
RancidLMbimberi: do you know if theres a way i can enable the use of my sawp space.. i have room there.. but its never used.. im just thinking if my rams in a jam.. swaps around...08:15
Fujitsugeneo93: Do you dare?08:15
vbgunzFujitsu: I press eject, it doesn't eject... I have no option to unmount it either...08:16
derek_frogzoo: k.08:16
NoobieDoobieDoWOW. Something is Majorly wrong.  I just installed this OS two days ago (30gb drive) and it's 94% full.  Yesterday it was like 80something percent.  I'm not downloading _anything_.08:16
GTroyanyone advise using dapper?08:16
frogzooRancidLM: mkswap & swapon08:16
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derek_frogzoo: what's the lba thing btw?08:16
GTroyover breezy?08:16
vbgunzfuser -k will eject it?08:16
reignguys, i put another network card in my breezy machine, and it also isnt detecting08:16
qt2Fujitsu, suppose its time to reconnect then, eh?08:16
reignheres a lspci08:16
Fujitsuvbgunz: Have you right clicked on the icon on the desktop, and clicked eject.08:16
reign0000:00:0a.0 Ethernet controller: Linksys NC100 Network Everywhere Fast Ethernet 10/100 (rev 11)08:16
reignSubsystem: Accton Technology Corporation: Unknown device 121608:16
reignControl: I/O+ Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV+ VGASnoop- ParErr- Stepping- SERR+ FastB2B-08:16
reignStatus: Cap+ 66MHz- UDF- FastB2B+ ParErr- DEVSEL=medium >TAbort- <TAbort- <MAbort- >SERR- <PERR-08:16
reignLatency: 64 (63750ns min, 63750ns max), Cache Line Size: 0x08 (32 bytes)08:16
reignInterrupt: pin A routed to IRQ 1008:16
Fujitsuqt2: Perhaps.08:16
frogzooNoobieDoobieDo: du -sk /var08:16
reignRegion 0: I/O ports at de00 [size=256] 08:16
bimberiRancidLM: no i don't, I just sit back and let the kernel handle that for me - it knows best :)08:16
reignRegion 1: Memory at effffc00 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=1K] 08:16
reignExpansion ROM at effc0000 [disabled]  [size=128K] 08:16
reignCapabilities: <available only to root>08:16
MadpilotGTroy: see the topic - if you've got to ask, the answer is probably "no"08:16
frogzooreign - no spam please08:16
sean_How do I view my ntfs drives ( I got into fstab, but I don't know the command line)08:16
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Madpilot!tell reign about pastebin08:16
vbgunzFujitsu: thats what I mean... I don't have an icon nor is it panel with my other disk :(08:16
FujitsuHello again, NoobieDoobieDo.08:17
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tonyyarussocdubya: Correct.08:17
Fujitsuvbgunz, have you tried in the console?08:17
NoobieDoobieDo834200  /var08:17
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frogzoo!tell sean_ about ntfs08:17
vbgunzFujitsu: I am not sure of the commands I need to eject08:17
reignso, can anyone help me with this ?08:17
RancidLMthnx bimberi and frogzoo08:17
cool_guyguys is there no kde in ubuntu?08:17
Fujitsuvbgunz, sudo eject /dev/cdrom08:17
bimberiRancidLM: np :)08:17
Fujitsucool_guy, that is kubuntu08:17
frogzoovbgunz: eject should just work, unless you have procs accessing the CD, fuser will show which procs08:18
WildPenguincool_guy, just install the kubuntu package08:18
cool_guywhen will tat be realesed08:18
cool_guyi mean released08:18
Urthmoverumount \dev\cdrom    vbgunz08:18
sampannoobiedoobiedo  sounds like a runaway log file or something ... someone in #kubuntu had that and it was the .xession-errors file08:18
vbgunzok, will try everything08:18
FujitsuUrthmover: /dev/cdrom!08:18
cool_guykubuntu is an os rite?08:18
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derek_frogzoo: what's the lba thing btw?08:19
vbgunzeject /dev/cdrom worked!08:19
GTroyMadPilot: no, I have no problems with ubuntu other than wanting to try dapper08:19
Fujitsucool_guy: A variant of ubuntu08:19
bimbericool_guy: kde is there, installing kubuntu-desktop gives you a kubuntu setup08:19
sethkcool_guy, no, kubuntu is a distribution08:19
Fujitsuvbgunz: Good, vbgunz!08:19
vbgunzFujitsu: thank you very much for tha6t!08:19
cool_guyi havent got it:(08:19
sethkcool_guy, it's ubuntu but with kde as the default desktop08:19
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frogzooderek_: it's a way for the bios to access large drives08:19
GTroyMadPilot: and wanted to know others exp.08:19
geneo93if you want to keep gnome just add kde08:19
derek_frogzoo: k08:19
cool_guyhow can i ask for it?08:19
vbgunznow I am putting the cd back in the tray... trying again (Dapper Drake Flight 1)08:19
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vbgunzahh, this time it worked, nice :)08:20
sethkcool_guy, not sure what you mean.  You can download the CDs08:20
frogzoo!tell cool_guy about kde08:20
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sethkcool_guy, or do you mean you have ubuntu installed and you want to add kde?08:20
tonyyarussocdubya: Scratch that.08:20
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tonyyarussocdubya: I hadn't restarted.08:20
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bimbericool_guy: what's your situation, have you just recently installed?08:20
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cdubyatonyyarusso, did that help at all once you did?08:21
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tonyyarussocdubya: Yep.  Isn't it nice when it's that simple?  (If humiliating.)08:21
cool_guyi got the 5.10 version of ubuntu08:21
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cool_guybut i dnt have kde in it08:21
cool_guywat will i do08:21
cdubyatonyyarusso, it's too often that way for me.....:)08:21
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Fujitsucool_guy: kubuntu is a seperate project, however downloading kubuntu-desktop from Synaptic will get DE.08:22
qt2someone mind doing a /me for me, so i can verify my client is reciving in raw mode?08:22
=== Fujitsu tests qt2
=== sampan does /me for qt2
bimbericool_guy: you might only have the ubuntu CD enabled as a repository ...08:22
cool_guycan i ask them to send 1 cd for me jus like ubuntu?08:22
qt2thanks ^.^;08:22
bimberiubotu tell cool_guy about repositories08:22
=== GTroy qt2 here?
Fujitsuqt2, how is it?08:22
qt2its... raw. :P08:22
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Fujitsuqt2: Standard 5.10 XChat?08:22
tonyyarussocdubya: I think for many.  Thanks for the help!08:23
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detAnyway to dpkg-buildpackage and force a different gcc version?08:23
cdubyatonyyarusso, np08:23
qt2Fujitsu, hm?08:23
FujitsuWhat version of Ubuntu are you running?08:23
crimsundet: set it before debian/rules is invoke, e.g., CC=gcc-3.4 . In some instances, you'd set it in debian/rules itself.08:24
bimberidet: (madly guessing) export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-3.4  (if gcc-3.4 is installed, and assuming that's the version you want)08:24
mcadoryanybody else have weird messages from atd?08:25
mcadoryin dmesg08:25
crimsunmcadory: example?08:25
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mcadorycrimsun: [4323616.489000]  atkbd.c: Use 'setkeycodes e02a <keycode>' to make it known.08:28
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qt2Fujitsu, apparently, its not raw, but rather something called "CAPAB IDENTIFY-MSG"08:29
Fujitsuqt2, how did you fix it?08:29
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qt2Fujitsu, no clue. :P08:30
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FujitsuBut it works now?08:30
crimsunmcadory: known issue, nothing to really worry about08:31
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mcadorywhere can I find more info?08:31
crimsunmcadory: lkml archives, google, etc.08:31
ICE9when I try to search for mplayer using apt-cache It doesn't find it08:31
ICE9what can I do08:31
crimsun!info mplayer-58608:32
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ubotumplayer-586: (The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux), section multiverse/graphics, is extra. Version: 1:1.0-pre7cvs20050716-0.1ubuntu9 (breezy), Packaged size: 3670 kB, Installed size: 7928 kB08:32
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crimsunICE9: that should answer your question08:32
ICE9how  about for 68608:32
ICE9amd 6408:32
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Fujitsuuboto tell ICE9 about repositories08:32
flabbyWhen I goto System>Logout is a script executed or is it a binary?08:32
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crimsunthere is none for 686 (-686 is a metapackage that depends on -586)08:32
Fujitsuubotutell ICE9 about repositories08:33
FujitsuAren't I terrible.08:33
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ubotucrimsun: I give up, what is it?08:33
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crimsun!info mplayer-amd6408:33
rixthIP addresses and should be within MY network eh?08:33
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FujitsuICE9: Do you know how to add multiverse?08:33
Fujitsurixth: Depends.08:33
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vbgunzwhen you sudo dpkg -i anynew.deb... does apt continue to update it?08:33
Fujitsuvbgunz: Yes08:34
ICE9I don't08:34
vbgunzFujitsu: thank you again!08:34
Fujitsuubotu tell ICE9 about repositories08:34
rixthFujitsu, I have one computer connected to my router. My IP is, router is Where would 1.100 & 1.200 be coming from?08:34
FujitsuWho knows. They are not on your network, rixth.08:34
FujitsuWhere have you seen them?08:34
FujitsuThey must be on your network, but they shouldn't bee.08:35
qt2Fujitsu, nah, i'm still getting stuff in the same way.08:35
rixthI found them using nmap.08:35
Fujitsuqt2: Very odd. Normal Ubuntu XChat?08:35
Fujitsurixth: Any other devices on your network?08:35
rixthFujitsu, nope. No wireless cards either.08:35
qt2Fujitsu, yep, apparently xcaht added support for hte feature that freenode came uo with back in 2.4.008:35
qt2Fujitsu, thing is, i dont know how it got turned on, and i dont know how to turn it off.08:36
rixthI scanned both IPs (ports 5-100). 1.200 has FTP, SSH and Web. 1.100 has finger.08:36
Fujitsurixth, use a web browser to go to .20008:36
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qt2Fujitsu, basically, this thing puts a + beside the line of text if a nick is regged, and a - if it isn't.08:36
rixthFujitsu, I have.08:36
FujitsuWhat is it, rixth?08:36
vbgunzman I love Ubuntu when it just works...08:37
rixthFujitsu, could it be hardware at my ISP?08:37
geneo93i see kane stole my nick08:37
sean_My NTFS drives are mounted, but they still won't let me in....08:37
ICE9k I have no check marks by mine at all08:37
vbgunzsupport is awesome... if I ever become a multi-millionaire I will definitely give a million or more to it08:37
ICE9which one do I get08:37
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Fujitsurixth, traceroute it.08:38
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derek_vbgunz: what kind of support?08:38
kane_geneo93: unless that's a lame attempt at humor that i'm not getting, please go register your nick if you feel so strong about it08:38
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gee_cee0guys, does anyone know how to open a .c file that i used gcc on?08:38
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rixth 2 (  83.382 ms  80.526 ms  79.556 ms08:38
rixth 3 (  80.880 ms  83.416 ms *08:38
zcat[1] gee_cee0: use vi ?08:38
rixthHmm. It is ISP stuff.08:39
derek_gee_cee0: vi file.c08:39
FujitsuIt is, rixth.08:39
rixthWell, it seems to be.08:39
derek_gee_cee0: to just read it: cat file.c08:39
vbgunzderek_: the support in here, the forums and all around... even other channels, everyone is just frigging cool... I am so happy I switched to Linux... In 60 days I know more Linux users than in 10 years on Windows... I feel at home and the OS is great!08:39
gee_cee0no i meant open as executable08:39
kane_rixth: it is indeed.. their dns shouldn't be resolving it though08:39
derek_vbgunz: k :)08:39
Fujitsurixth, they certainly shouldn't be using such IPs.08:39
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gee_cee0to execute it?08:39
rixthYes. I will notify them.08:39
kane_rixth: according to the RFC at least08:39
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ICE9can anyone help me08:39
vbgunzderek_: :)08:39
FujitsuIt is completely forbidden, in fact.08:39
rixthkane_ yeah. Thats was puzzled me.08:39
FujitsuICE9: Yes.08:39
gee_cee0how to execute a gcced .c file?08:39
derek_vbgunz: yeah. We should support the open source community.08:40
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ICE9don't have any checkmarks in repositories08:40
cdubyagee_cee, ./exe_file_name    ?08:40
gee_cee0ah ok ill try it08:40
ICE9do I add them then if so what do I add?08:40
FujitsuICE9: Check the multiverse repositories...08:40
vbgunzderek_: I hope one day I will be able to give a few million out... I would definitely sleep better :)08:40
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Fujitsuvbgunz: If only I had some large amounts of money...08:40
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gee_cee0ah ok thanks cdubya08:41
derek_vbgunz: you can support in non-monetary ways too08:41
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cdubyagee_cee0, np.08:41
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Fujitsuderek_, true. Like giving support on this channel!08:41
vbgunzFujitsu: don't we all... we just need to stop wishing and start working on it... Time is an investment much like money... I've invested my time and am hoping it comes back to me soon :)08:41
Madpilotvbgunz: order a load of ubuntu CDs from ShipIt, and start evangalizing friends, neighbours and innocent bystanders! :D08:42
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derek_Fujitsu: yes. and the developers can help in the development08:42
vbgunzderek_: I know there are other ways... I gave out some CDs and am still waiting on Breezy to come in... I just don't think it is coming... Don't wish to order again though...08:42
vbgunzMadpilot: yup, I did that :)08:42
FujitsuI know! Get thousands of CDs, and bomb your capital city down with them from a helicopter!08:42
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cdubyathat's one way to do it....08:43
reignok guys, please can you help me with this, heres my nic lspci08:43
vbgunzanyone live in Orlando Florida? I would like to start up a club or join one for that matter..08:43
Fujitsuderek_: I am probably going to attempt to help with dev at some point.08:43
shriverI wonder what the tech desk at my college would do if I handed them a big box of Ubuntu CDs.08:43
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Fujitsushriver: Perform your username without the first r.08:43
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derek_Fujitsu: great! ..and I being a graphics professional, could prolly help with the graphic design part08:44
Fujitsu...and then throw them back at you.08:44
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FujitsuEverybody should do everything they can to help Open Source!08:44
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Madpilotvbgunz: ask google about lugs in your area?08:44
Fujitsureign: What is the issue?08:44
shriverI really need to work on the tact in which I deliver said CDs to my friends08:44
cdubyaheh, Fujitsu, pushing it everyplace I can....08:44
ICE9still nothing08:44
reignsun is releasing everything they have, opensource now08:44
FujitsuSame here, cdubya.08:44
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Fujitsureign: I noticed that.08:44
reignFujitsu the problem is, it's not being detected08:45
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Madpilotshriver: yeah, saying "Here, this is better than that MS crap you've inflicted on yourself" somehow doesn't win converts, does it?08:45
reigni have no eth008:45
Fujitsushriver: I am not too good with it, either.08:45
ICE9I upgraded too08:45
cdubyaFujitsu, if only folks weren't so scared...08:45
vbgunzMadpilot: Lugs? Sounds interesting, would really like to join up with a club, I'll probably go fanatic though... I am so into Linux... (*%$ing incredible... Really is...08:45
cdubyaat least that's what I find.....08:45
ICE9there just not showing up08:45
sean_Is there any way to sign into the GUI as administrator?08:45
Madpilotvbgunz: lug = Linux User Group08:45
ptlosean_, no08:45
vbgunzMadpilot: thanks bro!08:45
Fujitsureign, it apparently doesn't know it is a NIC... Maybe you need to load some kernel module...08:46
ptlosean_, the ubuntu policy is that you use everything as an ordinary user, and become admin *only* when you need it08:46
sean_How can I access my NTFS partitions???08:46
reignFujitsu , could you tell me how ?08:46
Madpilotsean_: mount them08:46
Fujitsureign: First, we need to find out what the module for your card is.08:46
cdubyavbgunz, http://www.linux.org/groups/usa/florida.html08:46
derek_sean_: are they mounted?08:46
Madpilot!tell sean_ about ntfs08:46
sean_I mounted so as to let everybody have access, but every time I try access08:46
sean_it says I have no permission08:46
frogzooreign: apparently the tulip driver will most likely work - I would assume therea  tulip pkg08:46
vbgunzcdubya: hahaha... I got butterflies in the stomach... I love it :D08:46
Fujitsusean_: You need to make sure you have umask=0222 added to the options in fstab. That is the problem08:47
rixthI'm now scanning 192.168.1-255.1-255. See what else is there.08:47
cdubyavbgunz, :)08:47
ICE9got it now thx guys08:47
Madpilotsean_: you might need to chown the directorie syou mounted the drives to?08:47
Fujitsurixth: Probably not advisable, but your ISP shouldn't be doing it anyway.08:47
vbgunzwow, found one group right in my area!08:47
FujitsuMadpilot, the issue is the lack of umask.08:47
rixthFujitsu, I'm not DOING anything wrong. I could sai I was simply scanning my own network.08:48
rixthNot my fault they put their shit on it.08:48
Fujitsurixth: Exactly.08:48
sean_do I put the umask after the fmask and dmask?08:48
Fujitsusean_, you already have them? Odd.08:48
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FujitsuPut it before.08:48
reignFujitsu: ok let me see if i can find one, ill let you know when i have one08:48
FujitsuIt should work with just the fmask and dmask.08:48
cdubyavbgunz, cool.08:48
sean_I know08:48
rixthFujitsu, holy moly! There are over 150 internal IPs used!08:48
Fujitsurixth, it would normally be very evil to do such a thing, and would get you in trouble, but if they are using internal addresses, as you say it is their problem.08:49
FujitsuOrporg: Hi.08:49
sean_well, I just added the umask, and it says line 6 and 7 are bad08:50
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aftertafsean_:  post your fstab to a pastebin08:50
vbgunzcdubya: :)08:50
OrporgIf it's ok, I'd like to ask for a hand with my installation.08:50
FujitsuOrporg, that's fine!08:50
OrporgThank you.08:50
cdubyavbgunz, get out and play....;)08:50
kane_rixth: as long as you dont have a crazy happy-go-sue ISP you'll be fine :)08:50
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aftertaf!tell sean_ about pastebin08:50
OrporgIt's been a long time since I used IRC so please bear with me.08:50
aftertafhehe Orporg ;)08:50
FujitsuOrporg, don't worry!08:51
derek_vbgunz: is the 'vb' for visual basic? ;)08:51
OrporgEssentially, Ubuntu is crashing during the installation.08:51
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rixthkane_ Filling law suits isn't easy in NZ :)08:51
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FujitsuOrporg, what is the error?08:51
kane_rixth++ # living in a sane country08:51
vbgunzcdubya: thanks bro, I owe you one for that link... I hope the club is active... doesn't need to be big08:51
rixthHehe :)08:51
aftertafOrporg:  at what point? any errors?08:51
cdubyavbgunz, NP.....get involved.....and like Fujitsu said, keeping pushing OSS......08:51
vbgunzderek_: no, vb is my first two initials (Victor B. Gonzalez)08:51
OrporgA kernel panic.  The installer crashes at the following message:  Kernel panic - not syncinc: Attempted to kill init!08:51
derek_vbgunz: ok08:52
aftertafOrporg:  and this happens at what point in the install?08:52
OrporgAnd then bites it at the number: [4294669.433000] 08:52
Fujitsusean_, a comma, not a space!08:52
vbgunzderek_: I get asked that a lot though... :)08:52
OrporgThis occurs right after I hit enter at the "boot:" prompt08:52
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FujitsuOrporg, strange!08:52
cool_guyguys i installed wine08:52
cool_guyn y is it so slow08:52
Fujitsucool_guy, running what?08:52
cool_guyi mean its very slow08:52
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OrporgI obtained Ubuntu by downloading the ISO image and burning it to CD.08:53
cool_guywindows emulator08:53
FujitsuWhat are you running, cool_guy?08:53
aftertafOrporg:  right!! ok.   can you test the cd on another pc?08:53
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OrporgUnfortunately, no.  This is the only machine I can risk this on.08:53
sean_it's still saying I don't have permission in gui08:53
OrporgI built this by hand though, so I can rip things out if necessary08:53
aftertafsean_:  ro,auto,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 umask=022208:53
cool_guywindows emulator08:53
zcat[1] I suggest getting theultimatebootcd and trying some diagnostics.08:53
Fujitsucool_guy, what in Wine!08:53
deFryskcool_guy, running what on wine ?08:53
aftertafsean_:  you need to put a comma between dmask and umask....   ro,auto,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000,umask=022208:54
FujitsuOrporg, it won't do anything destructive unless you tell it do.08:54
cool_guyi tried to run a flash game08:54
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zcat[1] kernel panic == TARFU08:54
cdubyasean, this is what I used, not sure if it will help....    /dev/hda1       /media/windows  ntfs    nls=utf8,umask=0222 0       008:54
Fujitsucool_guy, some things will run fine, outers won't...08:54
OrporgWell, the only other two machines I have is the PC I'm using now and my iBook (bless it!).  I need both of them running at the moment.08:54
aftertafOrporg:  might be worth reburning the cd at low speed...   and do you have any very recent hardware?08:54
zcat[1] Orporg: the machine you're installing to.. will it run any other OS?08:55
saik0Could anyone familiar with mpd help me configure it. It wont play anything. (trying to use alsa)08:55
sean_no, I fixed the comma and it still didn't work08:55
sean_will try the other line08:55
aftertafsean_:  on both lines.....08:55
OrporgThe hardware in the Linux machine is fairly old:  1 Ghz Celeron, 10 gig hard drive.08:55
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aftertafOrporg:  ok. not a compat issue then..... how much memory?08:56
OrporgI haven't tried another OS.  I don't have any copies of Windows lying around that I can boot from.08:56
Sneaky_Bastardis regular Ubuntu using ARTSD for sound ?08:56
OrporgIt has 1 stick of 256 SDRAM and another stick of 128 SDRAM.08:56
Sneaky_Bastardif so, is it possible to use something else and have KDE sound apps still work ?08:56
saik0Sneaky_Bastard, esd08:56
reignFujitsu: the tulip driver was removed08:56
=== zcat[1] suspects misconfigured hardware .. definately try booting something. I'd suggest theultimatebootcd
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OrporgWell, it will boot from a badly damaged MS-DOS 6.2 floppy08:57
Sneaky_Bastardwell I see artsd running in KUbuntu, sot hat must be one of the differences08:57
zcat[1] that's a start.. DOS doesn't ask much of the hardware though..08:57
saik0Sneaky_Bastard, yes, KDE uses artsd08:57
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shriverSneaky_Bastard: ARTSD is the default sound daemon for KDE, esd for Gnome08:57
ptloSneaky_Bastard, artsd is KDE's sound daemon. GNOME uses esd as the sound daemon (and regular Ubuntu is GNOME based)08:57
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OrporgThe ultimate boot cd?08:58
aftertafOrporg:  try just on 128 or on 256, could be faultyish memory08:58
saik0I'm not sure if "GNOME" uses esd08:58
reignFujitsu , they say the driver can be found here http://www.kernel.org/ , im not sure which one is right...08:58
zcat[1] it's a cd full of diagnostic stuff, about 180M total IIRC.. free download.08:58
OrporgWon't Ubuntu not run with so little memory?08:58
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FujitsuOrporg: I have run it on 128, and the installer on 64!08:58
sean_tried nls=utf8,umask=0222.... didn't work08:58
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OrporgHow does it work?  I'm a Linux retard, I'm afraid.08:59
Fujitsusean_, what does it say now.08:59
frogzooOrporg: should be able to install with 256Meg I'd guess08:59
aftertafOrporg:  it can with 128... obvisously better with more, but this is for testing purposes.08:59
zcat[1] Umm.. ubcd has a memory tester. Slightly better than just guessing/swapping things at arndom..08:59
FujitsuOrporg: We all have to start somewhere!08:59
Kaydeok, all i need help w/th is: how to acess menu.lst through root08:59
saik0Orporg, ubuntu should boot fine, it's GNOME thats gonna give you hell08:59
derrickwhey don't anybody know of a good AIM client that can run in the console? i'm not sure how that would work, exactly, but i would love one for this old laptop i found in my closet08:59
sethkzcat[1] , nah, guess, and better yet, guess the same thing over and over even if it doesn't work.08:59
derrickwer, doesn't anybody*08:59
FujitsuKayde, sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst08:59
derrickwwow that was a hickish typo08:59
sean_I click on media/windows and it says I don't have permission08:59
OrporgWhere do I get this lovely CD?08:59
zcat[1] I think it's untimatebootcd.org .. I'd have to check :)09:00
OrporgWell, I was really looking forward to using GNOME.... I've had it with Slackware09:00
Fujitsusean_, have you tried to remount it?09:00
aftertafderrickw:  or run a lightweight WM on it. i do on mine and its fine09:00
jcainesean_, have you tried checking your user permissions?09:00
sean_remounted.... how do I check permission (it should be full access, but...)09:00
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aftertafOrporg:  1st reburn at low speed the iso...  2nd try with alternate RAM modules09:01
cdubyasean_, ls -l /media/windows09:01
frogzooOrporg: you could try reburning the iso - but select mode one and "burn at once" instead of multisession09:01
zcat[1] another option; set the BIOS back to defaults..09:01
derrickwaftertaf - it's a pretty old laptop, and the track ball barely works, plus i'm going to use it to run some small servers, and i don't want the wm to crash it09:01
Madpilotsean_: are you down in your root directory? the "File System"?09:01
zcat[1] check that drives are definately jumpered correctly09:01
aftertafderrickw:  hehe ok. how much mem & proc speed?09:01
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OrporgIt did do "disc at once" when it burned.  It was the only option for an ISO file.09:02
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OrporgI did when I stuck them in.  The hard drive is set for "single" and is alone on the Primary master.  The CD-ROM drive is set for "master" and is alone on the Secondary master09:02
derrickwaftertaf - i'm not sure; the power supply is dysfunctional and i wasn't able to salvage it without risking serious injury. it's an armada 737009:02
MadpilotOrporg: burning in XP?09:02
OrporgYes.  With Easy CD Creator09:03
sean_In terminal I am, and it lets me access them, but in gui, it won't09:03
zcat[1] http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/ ;-)09:03
OrporgI found it.  Thank you09:03
MadpilotOrporg: have you read this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BurningIsoHowto09:03
Fujitsusean_, how are you using the gui to do it?09:03
derrickwapt-get is amazing09:03
aftertafderrickw:  it is :)   try apt-get moo09:03
sampanmoo ?09:04
frogzooOrporg: check ur burning mode 109:04
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sean_applications/accessories/file browser09:04
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aftertafsambagirl:  try it ;)09:04
floppyearsI just got a new 320GB hdd09:04
OrporgNo.  I looked for documentation on the Ubuntu website but it seemed very sparse.09:04
zcat[1] If it gets as far as a boot: prompt it's probably an OK burn..09:04
FujitsuRemember, 'This APT has super-cow powers!'09:05
Fujitsufloopyears, hello.09:05
floppyearswhat's the best way to partition it ?09:05
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aftertaffloppyears:  nice :)09:05
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Sneaky_BastardShiver: any other Sound daemon besides artsd that works for KDE ?09:05
floppyearsare there any limitations in ext3 regarding partition size?09:05
sampanlol "have you mooed today"09:05
aftertaffloppyears:  depends on what you want to do with it....09:05
cdubyasean_, have you tried to connect using Places > Connect to Server?09:05
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Fujitsufloppears, I don't believe so.09:05
frogzoozcat[1] : not if it doesn't like the layout - hence why mode 109:05
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saik0Sneaky_Bastard, why would you WANT another sound daemon?09:05
floppyearsaftertaf: I don't have many plans. I will probably keep some music and video files as well as my linux09:06
Madpilotderrickw: when you mount the partitions, you should mount them to a directory in your user directory... the media/etc stuff is system level09:06
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LaptopSwordhey hello all09:06
FujitsuHello LaptopSword.09:06
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deFryskhey LaptopSword09:06
sean_I just opened connect to server... what do I do from there?09:06
aftertaffloppyears:  a new install or not?09:06
Madpilotderrickw: sorry, not for you09:06
frogzooLaptopSword: curious nic ....09:06
LaptopSword2 systems on atm09:06
qt2hm, why does thre seem to be a lot less in the breezy synaptic than there was in the hoary synaptic? :o theres only about 17k in breezy when thre was like 36k in hardy.... am i jsu tmissing some source.list stuff?09:06
reignFujitsu, apparently the tulip driver is in the kernel source that i downloaded09:06
cdubyasean_, change the service type to Windows share....09:06
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LaptopSwordi have something maybe a bug or something09:06
crimsun36k? in Hoary? um, no...09:06
floppyearsaftertaf: I know that having one huge partition is a bad idea, I'm just wondering how many should I have and what sizes09:07
aftertaffloppyears:  in that case you're free to play...09:07
FujitsuOK, reign.09:07
sethkLaptopSword, don't send it over irc09:07
frogzooqt2: multiverse repos?09:07
LaptopSwordwhen i connect my psp to my pc it crashes :(09:07
cdubyasean_, do you know the share name you want to connect to and the IP of the box?09:07
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LaptopSwordand i dunno why :(09:07
reignFujitsu, by telling you that... it means i dont know what to do next :P09:07
aftertaffloppyears:  true.... make 2 partitions and dont use all the free disk space yet if you dont need to.09:07
floppyearsaftertaf: ok, thanks09:08
cdubyasean_, it's a windows box on the same network?09:08
FujitsuIs tulip not in the Ubuntu kernel?09:08
aftertaffloppyears:  and get yourself a 2nd swap and put  em in raid for better perfs :)09:08
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floppyearsaftertaf: hehe, thanks09:08
zcat[1] /lib/modules/2.6.12-10-686/kernel/drivers/net/tulip/tulip.ko09:08
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FujitsuI thought so.09:08
reignFujitsu, i dont know09:08
sean_there's nothing in there....09:08
Fujitsureign, sudo modprobe tulip in a terminal.09:09
OrporgI'm downloading the ultimate boot CD now.... I hope that tells me something.09:09
sean_If I'm in terminal as su, I can view everything, but only in terminal....09:09
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cdubyasean_, what's the IP of the box you're hitting?09:09
reignreturned nothing ?09:09
FujitsuNow have a look for eth0.09:09
sean_I don't know....09:09
frogzooLaptopSword: maybe install ethereal will give you a clue09:09
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cdubyasean_, or NetBIOS name for that matter....09:09
LaptopSwordfrogzoo what's ethereal?09:10
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reignnope nothing09:10
FujitsuLaptopSword, a protocol/Ethernet analyser.09:10
frogzooethereal is a packet sniffer09:10
sean_it's a diffent partition on the same HD....09:10
LaptopSwordi don't need that?09:10
Ce_Dreakucan anyone help me instaling a Hp dekjet 3745 printer in Ubuntu?09:10
cdubyasean_, ah09:10
ubotusaik0: Not a clue09:10
Fujitsureign, check the details for the card again...09:10
reignok, sec09:11
frogzooreign - the driver might like some options, irq etc09:11
LaptopSwordit's a full system lockup when i open the connection from the psp to my pc09:11
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Fujitsufrogzoo, it might.09:11
sean_How can I change access rights so anybody can open it.... umask didn't seem to work.... any other options?09:11
FujitsuHello, shadukan.09:11
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shadukani  am a fun of debian and just switched to ubuntu09:11
reignFujitsu, looks the same09:11
frogzoosean_: chmod a+r filename09:11
shadukanlike the look and feel of it09:12
Fujitsushadukan, good.09:12
LaptopSwordarf need to go tho09:12
crimsunsean_: what type of filesystem?09:12
LaptopSwordbbye all09:12
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shadukanbut i have a pc ata home with no internet connection09:12
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shadukanproblems paying the big pay09:12
Fujitsureign, odd. I don't know anything about these linksys cards.09:12
gnugeekAny software like Google Earth on ubunt?09:12
gnugeekAny software like Google Earth on ubunt?09:12
shadukanand i want to download and install extra packages09:12
gnugeekAny software like Google Earth on ubuntu Linux?09:12
shadukancan download updated and extra packages and burn them to a cd09:13
Fujitsushadukan, yes.09:13
gnugeekanyone here09:13
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crimsunsean_: what's the output from ''mount|grep ntfs''?09:13
saik0gnugeek, holy hell calm down09:13
Fujitsugnugeek, no, but Google Earth runs in Wine.09:13
cdubyasean_, does it show up on the desktop?09:13
gnugeekIts not running in cedega09:13
Fujitsuubotu tell gnugeek about wine09:13
Ce_Dreakucan anyone help me instaling a Hp dekjet 3745 printer in Ubuntu?09:13
Fujitsugnugeek, it is meant to run in Wine.09:13
sean_it shows up on desktop09:14
FujitsuCe_Dreaku, I can try.09:14
insipidwhen i try to run an application such synaptic using the gnome laucher it asks me for the password, i type it and nothing happens... does this mean something is wrong in my sudoers file?09:14
shadukanbut the thing i am afraid is that i may need extra packages to meet depencies and i will have problem09:14
saik0gnugeek, cedega forked from wine long ago. wine <> cedega09:14
gnugeekshould i do, apt-get install wine xwine09:14
shadukancan anyone estimate the size of full packages ?09:14
shadukantry synaptic instead...09:14
gnugeekI've  installed cedega 509:14
FujitsuWhat do you mean, shadukan?09:14
cdubyasean_, what does ls -l /media/windows say?09:14
crimsun''apt-cache show package'' has a size.09:15
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Ce_DreakuFujitsu, please join #ce_dr09:15
reignFujitsu: the reason im using this card, is because my realtek card wasnt being detected either09:15
shadukanif i want to install  for example php5 i will need php libraries09:15
shadukancrimsun i thought of that...09:15
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Fujitsushadukan, yes. YOu will need to work out the dependencies.09:15
crimsunshadukan: then use apt-get -s09:15
sean_outcome of mouunt|grep09:15
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Plazmawhere do we report a user on irc who is being offensive and so forth on a certain channel?09:15
crimsunPlazma: Ubuntu-related channel?09:16
Hobbsee#freenode maybe?09:16
crimsunPlazma: then report it to whomever is in charge of that channel09:16
shadukani will give it a hank09:16
Hobbseeah ok09:16
shadukanciao from greece09:16
=== Rasta [n=RASTA@adsl-ull-144-156.46-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
gnugeekwine and cedega sucks?09:16
Plazmacrimsun, so only the person in charge of the channel can do anything about it?09:16
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gnugeekanything native for09:16
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cdubyasean_, I see that, but can you post the outcome of ls -l /media/windows for curiosity.....09:17
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crimsunPlazma: no, but that's the standard escalation procedure. Beyond that you'd have to ask in #freenode.09:17
qt2err, someone mind putting up a "full" sources.list for breezy on pastebin for me?09:17
gnugeekI believe it WONT WORK on WINE09:17
Plazmaok. thanks09:17
Fujitsugnugeek, I believe that many people have got it working. Check the Applications Database on winehq.org09:17
crimsunsean_: none of your NTFS partitions are mounted with umask=02209:17
=== Kayde [n=kayde@CPE-143-238-154-144.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
gnugeekwhat is ubot's command args?09:18
gnugeekwhat are^09:18
sean_outcome of ls -l /media/windows09:18
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crimsunsean_: remount them with umask=02209:18
crimsunsean_: you don't need fmask,dmask09:18
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel.09:18
sean_022? I was told 022209:19
crimsunsean_: either.09:19
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Plazmaman it wont let me type in freenode09:19
crimsunPlazma: that channel is muted by default09:19
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sean_didn't work09:20
crimsunsean_: what didn't?09:20
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cdubyasean_, what's the outcome of ls -l /media09:20
insipidim having problems with sudo when i issue commands with sudo.. nothing happens after i put in password09:21
cdubyasean, umount /media/windows, then mount it again after you do what crimsun suggested and see if that works....09:21
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Plazmacrimsun, so how do i get ahold of somone in there if im muted09:21
AAARRRGGGHHHHoutcome of ls -l /media09:21
insipidinsipid@gimli:/etc$ sudo man sudo09:21
insipidinsipid@gimli:/etc$ sudo nano09:21
AAARRRGGGHHHHStill can't access drives from gui09:21
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cdubyasean_, you're trying to get to the files on the windows share, but you don't have any permissions....root owns it....09:22
crimsunPlazma: message an ircop09:22
AAARRRGGGHHHHhow do I change that???????09:22
=== AAARRRGGGHHHH is now known as Sean_
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Plazmahow do i know if there an ircop or not09:22
Sean_How do I make it so root doesn't own my ntfs exclusivly09:22
gnugeekubotu tell gnugeek about wine09:22
crimsunSean_: you need to umount all of the following /media/windows, /media/hda1, /media/hda509:23
Plazma!ubotu tell gnugeek about cedega09:23
cyphase"In a shocking turn of events, a graffiti artist, on retainer from Sony, 'tagged' Sysinternals headquarters this evening with two $ signs, rendering the building and all of it's employees invisible to the naked eye."09:23
cdubyacrimsun, chown -R sean:sean /media/windows ?09:23
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crimsunPlazma: there are. They have freenode/staff cloaks09:23
crimsuncdubya: no09:23
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Madpilotcyphase: :D09:24
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crimsunSean_: sudo umount /media/hda5 /media/hda1 /media/windows09:24
frogzooreign: try this - add 'alias eth0 tulip' in /etc/modules.conf09:25
zcat[1] not that the grafiti artist will make much out of it after they recoup his advance on the spray paint..09:25
Sean_just did.... still nothin in the gui09:25
crimsunSean_: mount|grep ntfs09:25
cyphasezcat[1] , good one :D09:25
Sean_now I can open hda1 and hda5, but it doen't show anything and all three have red x's on the folders09:25
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crimsunSean_: they're not unmounted then09:26
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crimsunSean_: what's the output from the ''mount|grep ntfs'' command now?09:26
Sean_/dev/hda1 on /media/windows type ntfs (ro,noexec,nosuid,nodev,fmask=0111,dmask=0000)09:26
zcat[1] does 'umount -a -t ntfs' do anything?09:27
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crimsunSean_: sudo umount /media/windows09:27
aftertafwhy not use seveas's automunt script guys?09:27
crimsunaftertaf: because we have to first fix the incorrect mount options used09:27
FujitsuWe really need to get that installer to configure NTFS partitions properly for Dapper, same with disks-admin09:27
Fujitsudisks-admin sucks.09:27
=== Fujitsu rewrites disks-admin
cdubyaI followed the wiki instructions verbatim and it worked like a charm.09:28
frogzooping reign09:28
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cdubyaevery time I boot the ntfs mounts ready....09:28
Sean_they are all unmountes09:28
crimsunFujitsu: you're better off spending your resources in parted.09:28
crimsunSean_: did you edit /etc/fstab?09:28
Sean_take them out of fstab as well?09:28
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crimsunSean_: if so, paste it onto pastebin09:29
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FujitsuWhat is wrong with parted? Parted won't help new users mount NTFS properly!09:29
crimsunSean_: no, we'll need to fix what's wrong in /etc/fstab first09:29
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crimsunFujitsu: no, but it's relevant to manipulating ntfs partitions using libntfs.09:29
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Sean_my current fstab09:30
FujitsuAll good, I think, Sean_...09:30
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=== qt2 sighs and pokes his sources.list
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FujitsuAdmittedly I just used defaults,umask=0222, but that is just me.09:31
crimsunSean_: did you really intend to mount /dev/hda5 over /dev/hda1's mountpoint?09:31
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cdubyayeah, I wondered about that....09:31
frogzooSean_: hda1 & hda5 have the SAME mount point /media/windows09:31
crimsunFujitsu: those are the correct options.09:31
=== Fujitsu wonders what is wrong with qt2's sources.list
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Sean_now fixed09:32
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Sean_But even tryiong to access hda1  and hda5 from file browser said I had no permission09:33
Sean_as root owned it09:33
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crimsunSean_: now change the options for those two ntfs partitions to read defaults,umask=022,nls=utf809:33
aftertafSean_:  you need to have read perms on the mountpoints too.09:33
zcat[1] Umm ? hda1 and hda5? You should be trying to access /media/windows or something, not the raw disks?09:34
Sean_well, how do I add read perm?09:34
crimsunzcat[1] : assuming /media/windows/hda[15]  exist, what he has is fine09:34
zcat[1] ahhh.. ok09:35
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Sean_Soirry, I've stated this before but win user/linux noob09:35
zcat[1] /media/windows is a+rwx ?09:35
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crimsunSean_: do you have a 'users' group?09:35
reignFujitsu, do you know more about the RTL8139 cards ?09:35
zcat[1] or something appropriately permissive?09:35
KaydeI am still having the same problems-=fuzzy screen at the botom of screen on 800x60009:35
Fujitsureign, yes.09:35
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reigni can put that card back in ?09:35
reignit also did the same09:35
Kaydei tried fixing, but not work09:36
Fujitsureign, RTL8139s are what I use.09:36
kestasKayde, have the problem on windows?09:36
Kaydei tried fixing, but not work09:36
frogzooreign: think you need 'alias eth0 tulip' in /etc/modules.conf09:36
Sean_yes, I have a users group09:36
kestasKayde, souonds like a driver problem09:36
Kaydeno kesta09:36
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Sean_all options are selected09:36
KaydeI mean yes09:36
kestasKayde, do you know how to try vesa/vga driver?09:36
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Kaydenope, im a newbi09:36
crimsunSean_: ok. You can replace the entire "noauto,ro,..." string with just "umask=022,nls=utf8"09:36
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kestasKayde, open a shell as root09:37
kestassudo sh09:37
kestasno wait09:37
kestaseven better09:37
Sean_will this make drives readable for all?\09:37
crimsunSean_: and contents of fstab now?09:37
kestassudo nano -w /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:37
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Kaydei know hoe to open as root, but shell?09:38
reignfrogzoo /etc/modules  ?09:38
Kaydei know hoe to open as root, but shell?09:38
kestasgo down to where it says Driver in Section "Monitor"09:38
kestasand change Driver "blah" to Driver "vesa"09:38
kestasremember what blah is09:38
Kaydewat is the acess name?09:38
kestasaccess name?09:38
Kaydelike... how do i get into it?09:38
frogzooreign: add the line 'alias eth0 tulip' to /etc/modules.conf & retry modprobe09:39
kestashoo boy09:39
kestasI dont have time for this, sorry09:39
Kaydeu bet09:39
Kaydesry same said as well09:39
Kaydeif u find goos site, email it 2 me09:39
frogzooreign: or is it just /etc /modules these days?09:39
reigntheres no /etc/modules.conf09:39
reigntheres a /etc/modules09:39
frogzooreign: yep, that will do - give it a go09:40
Sean_contents of fstab09:40
Kaydebashibazooka@gmail.com  email me good stuff on how we u get time :-)09:40
FujitsuJust modules these days... What is the world coming too?09:40
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crimsunSean_: looks good. Now make sure /media/windows/hda1 and /media/windows/hda5 exist, then mount them09:40
reignok added09:41
frogzoormmod tulip; modprobe tulip09:41
reignok done09:41
reignnothing returned09:41
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reignstill no eth009:42
frogzooifconfig eth0 up    ? no dice?09:42
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Madeyeguys, i'm getting new laptop, so I'm little confused buyer now heh, which you think is best for ubuntu and linux in general? IBM thinkpad, Toshiba Satelite, Fujitsu siemens.09:43
=== Hoxzer [n=niko@dsl-hkigw2-fe10de00-26.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Sean_well, I'll be damned...it worked09:43
FujitsuHaha. A false beep...09:43
Fujitsusean_, good!09:43
crimsunMadeye: thinkpads are excellent. I can vouch for the X41-252709:43
NoobieDoobieDoMadeye, There is a website that covers Linux on Laptops09:43
cdubyaSean_, cool09:43
kestasMadeye, Im using an Inspiron 2200, works great with 5.10 in every way09:43
reignERROR while getting interface flags : no such device :(09:43
Sean_I think the main problem was that I never unmounted them09:43
=== cdubya pats crimsun on the back....
kestasMadeye, not good for gaming though, the gfx card isnt good at 3D accel, but other than that its perfect09:44
=== Fujitsu applauds crimsun
=== wezzer_ [i=wezzer@ZMKDXCVI.dsl.saunalahti.fi] has joined #ubuntu
=== Fujitsu makes NTFS easier to do...
Sean_Now I have to figure out how to install drivers and I'll be happy09:44
crimsunwhat drivers?09:44
cdubyaMadeye, Toshiba Satellite A55, Breezy works great.09:44
Madeyekestas,  inspiron is dell, isn't it?09:44
FujitsuMadeye, yes.09:44
OrporgOk, I downloaded the ultimate boot CD and am now running Memtest 86+09:44
Sean_drivers for my vid card09:44
oskudeMadeye, try these http://tuxmobil.org/     http://www.linux-laptop.net/09:44
FujitsuOrporg, OK.09:44
kestasMadeye, yup but Ive found the support excellent unlike what you hear09:45
zcat[1] I'd expect an IBM to be good with linux.. also dell are usually good.09:45
frogzooFujitsu: - when does /etc /modules get read ? whenever a module loads, or at boot only?09:45
Sean_I also want to install programs....09:45
kestasI can C&P some support logs if you like, theyre very good09:45
OrporgBut I don't know how to intepert the results09:45
crimsunSean_: what video card?09:45
aftertafOrporg:  if it says Argh! busted to helland back.... probably means not good ;)09:45
Fujitsufrogzoo, bootup I think, although I can't be sure. Most of my hardware Just Works(tm).09:45
FujitsuReboot just to be safe, I think.09:45
Sean_my nvidia 6600 gt09:45
reignok ill erboot09:45
frogzooreign: mebbe give it a reboot & x fingers09:45
crimsunSean_: have you read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto ?09:45
FujitsuOrporg, can you describe the results.09:46
Madeyekestas,  it's 12.1!09:46
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kestasMadeye, whats 12.1?09:46
crimsunSean_: that page has links. Follow the instructions.09:46
OrporgIt's just running now.  Well, at the bottom half of the screen colmuns of numbers are running by.  It's white text on a red background09:46
kestasI got a tax rebate, so I got it cheap :)09:46
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=== TreeStump [n=frank@ppp170-212.lns1.per1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== zcat[1] is having hell with nvidia drivers. Tried to follow the wiki guide, glx won't work. Tried again, now glxdemo, mplayer, xmms etc all segfault!!
kestasbut Im not sure how the price compares09:47
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cdubyaI gotta call it a night. Good night everybody.09:47
Madeyekestas, screen09:47
mrkojegood night09:47
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kestasMadeye, aah, well I also got it with a coupon for free 14" screen09:47
zcat[1] no idea where to even start tracking this down. If reinstalling all the packages doesn't work I AM going to reinstall ubuntu from scratch09:48
TreeStumpdid u install the drivers via synaptic?09:48
OrporgIs the red a Bad Thing?09:48
kestasMadeye, perhaps they still run the 14" coupon deal, not sure, you should be able to get it with 14" though09:48
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TreeStumpzcat[1] :did u install the drivers via synaptic?09:49
zcat[1] Yeah, but upgraded from hoary. nvidia broke, had to switch to nvidia-legacy and that's when glx stopped working09:49
qt2is 17k packages the standard amount for a "full" sources.list?09:49
zcat[1] I think I still have some of the old nvidia drivers and/or libs screwing stuff up..09:50
reigndamn, rebooted, no such luck09:50
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iustinwhere may i read about installing a .deb (i`m new to linux and the program i want is not in the repository)09:51
frogzooreign: modinfo -p tulip09:51
zcat[1] what program? It's probably in multiverse or backports or something..09:52
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reignnothing returns09:52
iustinand heroes 3 (from 3do)09:52
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frogzoolsmod |grep tulip    ?09:52
reigntulip 45088 009:53
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frogzooreign: at this point, everything suggests the tulip driver doesn' t support the card I'd say09:54
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reignoh great :/ heh09:54
Fujitsureign, yes. There must be a driver for it _somewhere_...09:54
reignnow, if i put in my RTL8139 card09:54
FujitsuIt will work fine.09:55
reignthat card doesnt work either09:55
frogzooreign: any better info on the h/w than what lspci can give? ie - pull the board09:55
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FujitsuRTL8139s work fine!!!!!09:55
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reignFujitsu, i know it's supposed to09:55
reignbut it doesnt09:55
frogzooreign: ooooh.... well that throws a different light on things09:55
reigni had warty on and it worked fine09:55
FujitsuWhat chip, A, B, or C?09:55
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reignas far as i know09:55
FujitsuIt does throw a different light. Any other hardware not working?09:55
reignnot that i know of so far ....09:56
FujitsuInsert the 8139, and see what lspci tells us, and check if you have networking...09:56
reigni havent really checked for anything but the nic09:56
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reigngimme a sec, need smoke break09:56
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OrporgCan someone give me a hand interperting the results of this memory test?09:58
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frogzooOrporg: usually it's just pass/fail09:59
nauseaboyhey folks09:59
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frogzooif error count != 0 - then you have a problem10:00
OrporgYes, but the documentation for this program says that it runs indefinitely.  It won't give me a "pass/fail" result.10:00
NoobieDoobieDohi nauseaboy10:00
chapeaurougegot an issue.. enabling Section        "Extensions"10:00
chapeaurouge      Option "Composite" "Enable"10:00
chapeaurouge EndSection10:00
chapeaurouge, and X won't start.. signal 1110:00
frogzooOrporg: just leave it run a few passes - no errors, then youe probly ok10:00
nauseaboyhows everyone doing10:00
OrporgThe results I have here is as follows:  WallTime: 0:17:45.  Cached: 318M.  Test: Std.  Pass: 0.  Errors:173,000 roughly.10:01
FujitsuHi nauseaboy.10:01
OrporgI assume that's a very Bad Thing?10:01
FujitsuQuite a bad thing indeed!10:01
FujitsuIt could be wrong, but maybe not.10:01
frogzooOrporg: that suggests a slight problem, yes10:01
FujitsuHave you tried booting with just one board of RAM?10:01
frogzooOrporg: can you adjust the memory timings in bios?10:02
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OrporgI can, yes.  I have it set to what I believe is "auto."10:02
nauseaboythat looks nasty10:02
frogzooOrporg: would definately be trying just one stick10:02
FujitsuHave you tried booting the machine in an OS other than Ubuntu Installer and MSDOs 6.22?10:02
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FujitsuMost definitely, the 128 appears to be the safest.10:03
OrporgI have this set in the BIOS: "Dram Timing by SPD: Enabled."10:03
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frogzooOrporg: don't worry about mem timings yet - just test 1 stick at a time10:03
OrporgAll righty, let me crack this baby open.10:03
FujitsuGood luck.10:04
nauseaboyand godspeed10:04
=== intelikey [n=root@0-1pool91-4.nas23.houston4.tx.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
OrporgI yanked the stick that's double height10:04
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frogzoooh Fujitsu, it seems you specify irq's in /etc/modules like so 'options tulip irq=9'  - takes me back10:05
crimsunno, please don't do that.10:05
crimsun/etc/modules is the deprecated way10:05
crimsunyou should use /etc/modprobe.d/tulip instead10:05
frogzoocrimsun: & the rec'dd way is?10:05
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crimsunthat file should contain the options line10:06
frogzooah i c, many thx10:06
OrporgI wonder if maybe this double height stick is PC-66 and doesn't like a 100Mhz bus....10:06
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valleservus mander10:07
frogzooOrporg: surely this memory worked once upon a time?10:07
valleviva linuxkurs10:07
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vallehey deftiges glied10:07
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alexander_ja glied10:07
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johannesi geh iats frozen bubble10:07
intelikeyhmmm deprecated=the way people have learned to do things,  :/10:07
ubotuit has been said that de is Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu und Kubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de resp. #kubuntu-de10:07
defftigesGliedget in di mando net af die eier10:07
reignwell, cant get my rtl8139 card right now, it's in another pc10:07
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frogzooreign: do you know the irq for the card?  maybe try 'options tulip irq=9' or similiar10:08
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reignirq 1010:08
johannes\join #esfbrixen10:08
OrporgIt did.  But this machine is cobbled togther from multiple dead relics.  I can't be 100% sure of most of its origins10:08
valle\join #esfbrixen10:08
intelikey!  \ = /10:08
ubotuparse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, intelikey10:09
valleservus mander10:09
frogzoocrimsun: points out these config lines belong in /etc/modules.d/tulip - not /etc/mocules10:09
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frogzooreign: what I just wrote10:09
intelikey /join #esfbrixen10:09
reignfrogzoo theers no /etc/modules.d10:09
reigntheres a modprobe.d10:09
frogzooreign: sry /etc/modprobe.d/tulip10:10
reignbut not modprobe.d/tulip10:10
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crimsuncreate /etc/modprobe.d/tulip10:10
mrkojewhats a good proxy server?10:10
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reignok and in the file i put ?10:11
intelikey localhost.localdomain10:11
frogzooreign echo -e 'alias eth0 tulip\noptions tulip irq=10' > /etc/modprobe.d/tulip10:11
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Fujitsumrkoje: squid10:12
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reignok done10:12
frogzoomrkoje: apache does the job adequately too for a small setup10:12
frogzooreign: now reboot I guess10:13
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penguinzdrdoes amaroK have cause problems in GNOME?10:13
reignk rebooting..10:13
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OrporgHot damn!  The installer came up!10:14
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mrkojefrogzoo: I didn't know I could use apache as a proxy10:14
mrkojefrogzoo: I might have to read into that...   will look into squid too.10:14
FujitsuOrporg: Good!10:14
OrporgYou folks rock!  Thank you!10:14
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=== frogzoo woots for orporg
mrkojefrogzoo: What I am looking at doing is just setting up a simple proxy so my ssh group can can create a tunnel with putty and route web traffic to client computers10:15
OrporgNow I just hope I can get my wireless card to work....10:15
frogzoomrkoje: there's a proxy module for apache - disable by default10:15
=== Fujitsu congratulates frogzoo
=== Fujitsu loves Ubuntu
OrporgWireless ESSID.....10:15
=== Fujitsu eats dinner.
FujitsuOrporg, it should work.10:15
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=== mrkoje should be going to sleep but I guess im a "onlineaholic" so says a news story on digg.com
frogzooFujitsu: testing the memory was someone else's idea - can't member whose though10:16
OrporgIt wants a wireless ESSID.  I have WEP enabled, could that hose things?10:16
frogzooOrporg: maybe you want gtkwifi   ?10:17
frogzoooh, dumb idea - youe only installing so far10:17
reignno luck frogzoo10:17
frogzoook, not happy :(10:17
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Fujitsu_dinnerOrporg, it is all easily accessible from the GNOME network configuration tool.10:19
Fujitsu_dinnerWEP is fine, easy to set up.10:19
OrporgIs there any way to find my ESSID through Windows or my iBook?10:20
OrporgNevermind.  I'd have to change my WEP key anyways as I don't have it written down.10:20
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frogzooreign: usually I'd suggest another card, only we know that won't help10:21
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reignyeah, it's strange that the 8139 card works in warty but not breezy10:21
reignor at least on my pc10:21
OrporgI read that the Ubuntu community was the main strongpoint of the distro.  I can see why.10:22
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frogzooreign: do you know the io address ?10:22
reignhmm no10:22
OrporgYou have my deepest gratitude10:22
crimsunOrporg: depending on the filesystem, yes. You can use ext2fsd, for instance, to mount your /10:22
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frogzooreign: I think that line might supposed to be 'options tulip io=0x6100,0x6200  irq=10' give it a go maybe10:24
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OrporgWow, this installer is better than the DOS installer....10:24
aftertafOrporg:  you're on your way now ?? its working? cool :)10:24
OrporgWell.... it was formatting my hard drive.  And now it's sitting at a blue and gray screen.  I assume it's thinking about something.  I hope.10:25
zcat[1] ubuntu's installer needs work. it's pretty ugly10:25
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OrporgBut the hard drive is making a weird... clicking noise.  Like a monitor switching on and off.10:26
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OrporgUgly, schmugly.  The installer works.  That's what matters.10:26
Madpilotzcat[1] : short of disaster, you see it exactly once, when you first install... pretty installers shouldn't be a priority...10:26
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Mabus06does anyone know how to put "doom3 +set s_driver oss" in a shorcut? I tried putting it in the "command" part of the shortcut, but it does not work. It only works if I type it in the terminal manually.10:27
tristanMabus06 : can't you put it in bash_aliases?10:28
Mabus06huh, tristan ?10:28
tristanI assume you launch the doom3 either with terminal or with the menu, right?10:28
OrporgIsn't GNOME going to run like a dead snail with only 256 megs of memory?10:29
zcat[1] do bash aliases do anything to gui shortcuts?10:29
frogzooOrporg: the 1gig celly is also a problem10:29
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tristanI think that if he lauch doom3 by typing doom3 in terminal he could modify bash_aliases to make it : alias doom3='doom3 +set s_driver oss'10:30
tristanElse he could modify the shortcut using smeg, no?10:30
Mabus06Just the terminal, tristan. If I link to it via a shortcut (like in the menu), the sound does not work.10:30
zcat[1] he doesn't want to type it in a terminal though..10:30
reignheh, still no luck frogzoo10:30
=== battlecry [n=battlecr@c-67-185-89-241.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
quittewhat is the latest ubuntu?10:31
frogzooreign: now's a good time to pull the card & read the part numbers on the chipset10:31
ptloquitte, Breezy Badger (5.10)10:31
quitteptlo thanks10:31
zcat[1] frogzoo: isn't lspci easier?10:31
=== qt2 [n=qt2@pool-64-223-227-146.port.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
quitteptlo uhm is that unstable?10:32
tristanMabus06 : if you modify the command unsing smeg it doesn't work?10:32
frogzoozcat[1] : does lspci just pull the strings from the bios? or does it interpret ?10:32
ptloquitte, no, that's stable and supported release10:32
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frogzooie does it 'guess' what the hardware is ?10:33
quitteptlo what is unstable?10:33
ptloquitte, current unstable version is called Dapper Drake10:33
quitteptlo ok thanks a lot10:33
intelikeyMabus06 ' echo "doom3 +set s_driver oss" > start.doom ;chmod 7 start.doom '  and make your shortcut to start.doom10:33
zcat[1] umm.. not sure.10:33
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frogzoozcat[1] : k, cos Im not sure I trust lspci completely10:34
ptloquitte, np. btw dapper is highly unstable at this point and you shouldn't try it unless you're willing to devote much time & energy to development :) dapper (6.04) will be released in april 200610:34
zcat[1] it's never let me down yet :)10:34
tristanBtw, anyone has trouble with smeg? As for me I cannot run it as myself and need to be root and it doesn't apply the modification even though it appears saved when I relaunch smeg10:34
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quitteptlo: i just want the xorg sources of it10:35
zcat[1] smeg edits the kde menus? it might not do anything if you're using gnome..10:35
ptloquitte, why?10:35
ptlorumors go, x.org in dapper is currently pretty broken (or was a day or two ago)10:35
reignfrogzoo : thats a lspci of it -> http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/44586410:35
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=== Fujitsu_dinner is now known as Fujitsu
quitteptlo i hope it is already fully modularized. im trying to port debian to sh3 and monolithic is too big to handle on such a slow system10:36
tristansmeg edit also the gnom menu I think10:36
=== Fergy [n=Fergy@a82-92-232-156.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Fujitsureign, how ar you going?10:36
reignbad dude :/10:37
reigni can get the rtl8139 card back in a bit10:37
ptloquitte, x.org 7 should be fully modularized, use autotools and other good stuff, yeah10:37
frogzoowow - pastebin is totally slow - dunno if that a good or bad sign10:37
=== uny [n=christop@p5481E564.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
syndicatecan someone help me to install opera? i've downloaded the .deb package  ubuntu onto the desktop. when i run apt-get install opera_8.51-20051114.6-shared-qt_en_etch_i386.deb10:37
syndicate from the desktop as root it says E: Couldn't find package opera_8.51-20051114.6-shared-qt_en_etch_i386.deb10:37
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quitteptlo great. so dragon uses xorg7 finally?10:38
Fujitsusyndicate: sudo dpkg -i <packagename>10:38
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syndicatethanks Fujitsu10:38
FujitsuNo problem, syndicate.10:38
ptloquitte yes10:38
ptloquitte, btw the community is still not decided if it's a duck or a dragon, and mark is keeping his mouth sealed :)10:39
intelikeysyndicate 'dpkg -i file.deb '10:39
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intelikeyoh Fujitsu hehhe i didn't see your post...10:39
frogzooreign: dmesg |grep eth0    ?10:39
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OrporgThank you guys.  I'll log off now.  Can I come back if I run into any more problems?10:40
reignfrogzoo: k sec10:40
frogzooOrporg: there's always someone here10:40
intelikeyOrporg no this is a one time deal10:41
quitteptlo should be duck imho. dragon makes me think of kde10:41
frogzoolol intelikey10:41
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reignnothing at all frogzoo10:41
intelikeyhe was gone anyway.....10:41
=== vhaarr [n=vidar@145.80-203-0.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu
syndicatenow i've got two dependency problems (e.g. Package libqt3-mt is not installed.10:42
syndicate) Any chance of 'automatically' updating these?10:42
ptloquitte http://linux.blogweb.de/archives/127-Dapper-Drake-Duck-or-Dragon.html ;-)10:42
Fujitsusudo apt-get install <packagename>10:42
syndicatethanks again10:43
tristanSo, nobody has trouble with smeg xcept me10:43
=== NoobieDoobieDo [n=NoobieDo@adsl-69-151-247-41.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
intelikeyhow about a noobie snack ?10:44
vhaarrI'm having some problems with my wireless card in Dapper. I've read countless pages on the wiki and ubuntuforums.org, but they all assume that the 'wlan0' interface actually exists. Mine doesn't.10:44
syndicateit's complaining again that it can't find the file. very strange as the file is definately in that directory10:44
vhaarrThe card is listed in lspci, lshal, etc, though.10:44
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intelikey!tell syndicate about repos10:45
FujitsuWho was offering the noobie?10:45
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NoobieDoobieDoHow about bringing me a Doobie ?10:45
=== jeff_ [n=jeff@adsl-68-22-200-111.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
NoobieDoobieDoPerhaps I`ll be here.10:45
frogzooreign: what mobo is this on, btw ?10:46
intelikey NoobieDoobieDo [n=NoobieDo@adsl-69-151-247-41.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net]  has joined  <----<intelikey> how about a noobie snack ?10:46
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NoobieDoobieDoWhat snack are you offering ?10:46
syndicatethanks intelikey10:46
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intelikey!tell NoobieDoobieDo about root10:47
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syndicate!tell syndicate about root10:47
NoobieDoobieDowhy are you telling me this10:48
intelikeycause you didn't catch the pun eariler.10:48
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tiglionabbitnoobiedoobiedoo, where are you, we've got some work to do now.  Oh when we've got a mystery to solve oh noobiedoo get ready for your act, don't hold back.  Because you know when you come through you're gonna have yourself a noobie snack-- that's a fact!10:49
intelikeyi kinda figure if a guy has to explain his joke more than once, he might as well change the subject....  anyone for a smoke ?10:50
frogzooreign: what turns up in dmesg when the tulip driver loads?10:50
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reignfrogzoo : it's a GA 7IXE4 F7 board10:51
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RancidLMany one here get gtkpod cvs working in ubuntu ?10:51
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mrkojeintelikey: on my way...10:52
reignand erm, nothing turns up10:52
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reignwith dmesg10:52
reigni just shut it down and changed the slot10:52
reignalthough i doubt thats going to help10:52
frogzooreign: dmesg doesn't report the tulip driver at all?10:52
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frogzoomodprobe tulip - then dmesg10:53
reignk sedc10:53
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reignwhats it dmesg |grep tulip ?10:54
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frogzooreign: actually, I want it all - best is 'dmesg | less' then use '/ to search on ulip10:54
reignso.. dmesg | less /A tulip ?10:55
frogzoodmesg | less10:55
intelikeythe / is the search key in less10:55
reignok then10:55
reignoh i see10:55
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reignpattern not found10:56
intelikeyless is more than more, cause; well more is less than less.10:56
frogzooinsmod tulip ; dmesg10:56
frogzoomore should be taken and shot :)10:56
flankkless is more or less more ;P10:57
reigninsmod cant raed 'tulip'10:57
reignno such file or dir10:57
intelikeyactually i don't know why ub uses more.    ln -s more less   or   alias more=less10:57
drumlineI hate more10:58
drumlineless is better10:58
drumlinemore or less10:58
intelikeyi think i just said that.10:58
frogzoolocate tulip.o10:58
=== vhaarr wants his wlan0 interface back.
reigntheres a tulip.ko10:59
frogzoopeeps is there a tulip package  - can someone pls check ?10:59
intelikeyapt-cache search tulip10:59
reign/ before modules11:00
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frogzoook, this is wierd - you have the module but can't install it ... that a real file, not a symlink?11:01
intelikeyls -l /lib/modules/2.6.12-9-386/kernel/drivers/net/tulip/tulip.ko11:01
Raskallwill a server machine with a 64-bit AMD Sempron 2800+ cpu 1.6 GHz give lower, same, or higher performance with 64-but ubuntu than a 32-bit pentium 4 3GHz system?11:02
Raskall(oh, the disk on the new system is SATA-150 7200 RPMS, while the disk on the old P4-system has 5400 IDE disk)11:03
sethkRaskall, impossible to answer in general, since it depends on what you do, but in most cases the 3 ghz system will kill it.11:03
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sethkRaskall, but 5400 is important for disk intensive apps11:03
sethkRaskall, but you can always put the better drive into the p4 system.11:03
Raskallsethk: the server is samba file/print for 5 users plus webserver for 15 virtual apaches with an average of 100 page loads a day11:03
reignthe real tulip.ko file is in /net/tulip/ ?11:03
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sethkRaskall, then both of those machines are many times more powerful than necessary11:04
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Raskallsethk: the problem is that my current server (the p4) is borrowed and I have to return it. I have ordered the other system.11:04
Raskallfor replacement11:04
[gen2] Nikianyone has good guides for learning modelling11:04
sethkRaskall, it should be more than adequate11:04
[gen2] Nikiand any idea if theres good open soruce software for that?11:04
frogzools -lL /lib/modules/2.6.12-9-386/kernel/drivers/net/tulip/tulip.ko11:04
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sethk[gen2] Niki, all the software modeling things in the universe (not just in linux) stink11:05
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JohnCopehi all11:05
reignyeah that returns a file11:05
Raskallsethk: hope so. The only difference between the two is that I probably occasionally will use the server as a workstation too11:05
sethk[gen2] Niki, not that I'm opinionated or anything.  :)11:05
sethkRaskall, you've got plenty of headroom, I wouldn't sweat it.11:05
[gen2] Nikiah11:05
tyler_whats the best p2p software for ubunut?11:05
[gen2] Nikido i have a choice if i want to try ait anyways?11:05
[gen2] Niki^11:05
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reignubernut :D11:06
sethk[gen2] Niki, I don't know of anything worthwhile in linux.11:06
Raskallsethk: I know.. I was just curious if I was trading down or gaining performance with my new server.11:06
JohnCopei've installed ubuntu 5.10 (great work!!); totem can't play any video format; witch packets do i have to install?11:06
crimsunJohnCope: "any" is rather extreme11:06
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crimsunJohnCope: surely you can play at least a few?11:06
JohnCopecrimsun, mpg can't for sure :)11:07
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frogzooreign: oh, my bad 'insmod tulip'11:08
crimsunJohnCope: you probably want to install gstreamer0.8-plugins and gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse11:09
frogzooreign: no, scratch that - already done11:09
[gen2] Nikihow to correctly configure ubuntu nivida drivers!?!11:10
[gen2] Nikii given correectr syncs into the number11:10
[gen2] Nikibut gnome still doesnt fit to the monitor11:10
=== sean_ [n=sean@c-24-21-241-156.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
crimsun[gen2] Niki: "correectr syncs into the number"?11:10
ubotuit has been said that nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia, or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5736811:10
[gen2] Nikiwth do you mean?11:10
sean_All I want to do is copy and paste files within the file structure, but I don't have permission....11:10
[gen2] Nikii configured like i did it on gentoo11:11
JohnCopecrimsun, thank a lot :)11:11
[gen2] Nikiwth is wrong with that11:11
[gen2] Nikigentoo is alot easier to configure =/811:11
sean_how do I give myself permission as I can't login as root11:11
crimsun[gen2] Niki: this isn't Gentoo. What do you mean by "correectr syncs into the number"?11:11
crimsunthat just doesn't make any sense at all.11:11
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[gen2] Nikimisstype11:11
[gen2] Nikifreak11:11
[gen2] Nikii said11:11
[gen2] Nikii entered the correct monitor sync numbers in the config -.-11:12
tyler_whats the best p2p software for ubunut?11:12
crimsunwhere in the cofig?11:12
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[gen2] Nikix.org config -.-11:12
crimsun[gen2] Niki: so paste your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and /var/log/Xorg.0.log onto http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl11:12
intelikeyyou mean xorg.conf11:12
[gen2] Nikiiam on windows currently.11:13
[gen2] Nikifor gaming11:13
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crimsunok, so when you return in Ubuntu, paste them onto that Web site.11:13
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[gen2] Nikianother annoying shit11:13
[gen2] Nikii sometime need ssh and so on11:13
[gen2] Nikiso i installed it11:13
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[gen2] Nikiand ubuntu put everything in autostart11:13
cosimo321morning all11:14
[gen2] Nikiit takes centurys now -.-11:14
_max_Having some problems with 5.10, iv just installed it, configured proxy etc, i uncommented the stuff in /etc/apt/sources.list and ran 'apt-get update' but i get (111 connection refused) from all the hits.11:14
cosimo321has anyone here used polypaudio?11:14
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crimsun[gen2] Niki: you mean sshd?11:14
crimsuncosimo321: yes11:14
=== reign cries as he grinds his teeth against his NIC
frogzooreign: can you paste lspci here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/11:14
cosimo321crimsun how did it go for you?11:14
[gen2] Nikiyes11:14
[gen2] Nikisshd11:14
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crimsuncosimo321: fares better than esd on this machine but certain doesn't work across all arches.11:14
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cosimo321That's what i found I like the sound it had but it pretty much screwed up other things11:15
crimsun[gen2] Niki: simply starting sshd inflates your boot time drastically? That's pretty difficult to believe.11:15
cosimo321is there a workaround for some the problems?11:15
crimsuncosimo321: what sort of problems?11:15
cosimo321I found that it would not play sound in some apps11:15
crimsun[gen2] Niki: a more explicit quantification would really help11:15
[gen2] Nikieh crimsun11:16
cosimo321had problems with totem-xine as i recall11:16
[gen2] Nikimany other deamons too11:16
cosimo321also midi11:16
[gen2] Nikilike wesnoth and so on and so on11:16
[gen2] Niki-.-11:16
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crimsun[gen2] Niki: wait, so sshd is just one in a line of culprits, correct?11:16
frogzooreign: URL ?11:17
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[gen2] Nikiculprits?11:17
sean_Is there a way to make it so I as a user can do anything as long as it prompts me for root password?11:17
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reignfrogzoo: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/529211:17
crimsun[gen2] Niki: what's not clear?11:17
[gen2] Niki*opens english <-> german dic"11:17
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reignSubsystem: Accton Technology Corporation: Unknown device 121611:19
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sethkreign, it isn't in the PCI number to name translation table in the kernel.11:22
ligI am very new to ubuntu (actually anything linux) and have installed it on my laptop.  I want to get my wireless card working and have been following this page - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SetupNdiswrapperHowto .  All has gone well so far but I now am hitting a wall at step 6 "make deb".  I get an error while it is running.  at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/5293 you can see everything that is displayed after i try to run the "make".  I am unsure exac11:22
ligtly what is causing the problem. Any hints, links or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.11:22
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reignso basically it's not mapped to a device type ?11:23
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crimsunpastebin.ubuntulinux.nl is having mysql problems, apparently11:23
sethklig, I get an error trying to view that page.  Put it on a different pastebot11:23
sethkcrimsun, yes, I see the same thing.11:23
ligsethk, k11:23
frogzoowell reign, it's definately NOT a driver problem - read this post here http://www.linuxquestions.org/hcl/showproduct.php?product=52 - show's your card works with tulip on 5.10 - so its something else11:24
sethkreign, the kernel doesn't know what it is, so it can't map it.11:24
stockanyone in here know if xen has stability issues at all?11:24
sethkreign, but it may not actually mean anything11:24
sethkreign, because there is a table used by lspci, and it isn't necessarily as up to date as the one used by the kernel11:24
lignew pastebin - http://pastebin.com/44597011:24
sethkreign, so what I said first may be wrong.  It only means that lspci doesn't know what it is.11:25
=== onispawn [n=onispawn@209-33-199-202-dsl.infowest.net] has joined #ubuntu
reignreading post sec11:25
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crimsunlig: the problem is in the debian/control file11:25
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sethklig, looks like you are building on an amd64 but using an i386 package and it is barfing on that, although it shouldn't11:25
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reignoh yeah i read that frogzoo11:26
frogzooreign: right at the bottom - so were back to where the other card wouldnt work either11:26
reignso if it's not a driver problem, what could it posibally be ?11:26
sethklig, although if there happens to be an amd64 version, use it.11:26
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frogzooreign: heres what to do - do a clean boot - then post the whole dmesg11:26
sethkreign, the card is not recognized by the O/S?  What do you see?11:27
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sethkreign, frogzoo has a good suggestion, do that to avoid some confusion11:27
frogzoosethk ifconfig eth0 up fails11:27
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sethkfrogzoo, I'd run the admin/network dialog and see if the thing is recognized, as a first step, I think.11:27
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sethkfrogzoo, although of course dmesg will tell you that if you know how to read it, but I'm not sure lig does.11:28
frogzoosethk insmod tulip fails too...11:28
sethkfrogzoo, that's odd.  Using a stock kernel?11:28
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frogzoosethk and there no mention of tulip in dmesg neither - bad11:28
crimsunlig: it's actually straightforward to fix11:28
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onispawndoes anyone know the command to get rid of the reserved space for the super user on a filesystem?11:28
sethkfrogzoo, if it never sees the card, then yes, that's bad news.11:28
frogzoosethk: good question - reign - this breezy stock kernel?11:28
sethkonispawn, you don't want to do that.11:28
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onispawnsethk: yes I do11:29
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sethkonispawn, no, you don't.11:29
reignyeah standard install from newly recieved breezy badger cd11:29
frogzooonispawn: u want tunefs11:29
sethkonispawn, why in the world do you think you do?11:29
crimsunlig: use your text editor of choice to change the Architecture: line in debian/control for the ndiswrapper-utils package to read "i386 amd64"11:29
onispawnsethk: because Im doing something special11:29
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frogzoosethk on big disks, the 5% overhead is a bit much11:29
reignill brb , smoke11:29
crimsunlig: then rebuild it11:29
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sethkfrogzoo, dangerous to reduce it.11:29
frogzooeven on a 200GB disk? really ?11:30
sethkfrogzoo, if metadata operations run out of space seriously nasty things will happen.11:30
sethkfrogzoo, I think so, yes.  For one thing the space needed by a full fsck is proportional to the size of the partition.11:30
bob_4_a_daywhat is we setting with tune2fs ?11:30
frogzoosethk: but how big are these ops, not 10GB at a time, surely?11:30
=== lampshade [n=42zeros@69-23-135-186.cable.inebraska.com] has joined #ubuntu
reignbtw, using the live cd, fails to find a driver too11:31
lampshadeHow do you use wap with the live cd?11:31
=== lig goes to do as crimsun suggested
crimsunlampshade: do you mean WPA?11:31
sethkfrogzoo, that's hard to answer as it depends on the actual state of the file system.  But if you have 190 gigs of data, 10 gigs of scratch for an fsck is certainly not obviously too large11:31
tyler_whats the best p2p software for ubunut?11:31
lampshadeor for that matter with iwconfig?  is it even possible?  and yes WPA.  I assume it is possible but the manpage just speaks about wep11:31
bob_4_a_dayoh the percent reserved ?11:32
crimsunlampshade: you'll have to install the wpasupplicant package11:32
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=== frogzoo goes back to retune some file systems...
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bob_4_a_dayheh i set that to 1% on everything11:32
lampshadecrimsun: so not possible with live cd.. :(11:32
bob_4_a_dayor even 0% on some things11:32
crimsunlampshade: no, because wpasupplicant is a universe package11:32
sethkfrogzoo, Certainly, I would never reduce it unless for some odd reason I absolutely positively have to have that space and can't clean anything old out.11:32
frogzoosethk: iirc the manpage for tunefs mentions that 5% might be overkill for large file systems11:33
sethkbob_4_a_day, dangerous.  Do you really have all your file systems 95%+ full?11:33
sethkfrogzoo, might.  Might means might not.11:33
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lampshadethat's kinda silly actually, that's such a huge feature to have missing from a livecd :(  yar.  Why is it universe?  GPL issues or Ubuntu people haven't had time to get it into the main repos or?11:33
frogzoopoint taken11:33
sethkfrogzoo, and unless you are at 100% full, why reduce it?11:33
bob_4_a_daysethk it seems to me it would only be dangerous it i did11:33
tyler_whats the best p2p software for ubunut?11:34
frogzooazureus emule11:34
sethklampshade, I imagine the latter, support for the newer encryption standard is fairly recent.11:34
crimsunlampshade: because wpasupplicant has only recently begun to be anything close to stable.11:34
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sethkbob_4_a_day, but there's absolutely no justification for doing it when you don't need to.  And when you do need to, it's dangerous.  ==> don't do it.11:34
matrix-ubuntu-chi all what is this cannot determine eth dst addr11:35
matrix-ubuntu-cpossibly missing arp cache entry11:35
bob_4_a_dayah "want to" is all the justification i need sethk,  it is my box after all :)11:35
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sethkbob_4_a_day, sure, but don't advise other people to do it.11:36
bob_4_a_daysame reason for not having swap11:36
frogzooaaarghhh... no swap11:36
onispawnhaha. anyways thanks for the info11:36
bob_4_a_daysethk ok.   and you don't tell them not to.11:36
sethkbob_4_a_day, I will tell them not to, because I have a reason.11:36
sethkbob_4_a_day, and it is not the same as not having swap11:36
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sethkbob_4_a_day, you can add swap as a regular file in the file system if necessary.11:37
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bob_4_a_daythen if they are asking how to then i will tell them how because i have a reason11:37
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frogzoobob_4_a_day: as long as you let them know its not recommended - but sethk has a point11:37
tyler_whats the best p2p software for ubunut?11:37
frogzootyler_: azureus + amule11:37
sethkbob_4_a_day, ok.  But mucking around with file system metadata with no good reason is a sure way to get into trouble.11:37
bob_4_a_dayfrogzoo i didn't say he didn't.11:38
tyler_is amule p2p or torrent11:38
Br|cetyler_: torrent is indeed p2p11:38
frogzootyler_: amule is p2p11:38
tyler_frogzoo, thansk11:38
reignk im back11:38
reignany ideas ,frogzoo,sethk11:39
=== mllr [n=mllr@CPE-24-163-128-160.new.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bob_4_a_day"a sure way to get into trouble"  that is your opinion.  i do not agree with it.   i have never had trubble on an ext2/3 fs with the reserve set to 1%    have you ?11:39
frogzooreign: that the live cd wont detect is majorly interesting - reboot & post complete dmesg will be interesting11:39
reignso reboot, then jus dmesg ?11:39
sethkbob_4_a_day, surely you realize that you never having had trouble with it is meaningless.  How many years have you run your ext2/3 partitions?11:39
sethkbob_4_a_day, not that it matters, really.11:39
frogzooreign: dmesg > /tmp/a - then paste /tmp/a yup11:40
sethkbob_4_a_day, and, no, if you research it, you'll see that "sure way to get into trouble" is not my opinion, it's a fact.11:40
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bob_4_a_dayif you have tested and you have trubble then you have a point, otherwise    meh11:40
frogzoosethk: bob_4_a_day I think the point is that most of the time, you want need that 4%, so why free it up anyway?11:40
bob_4_a_dayfrogzoo i agree.11:41
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frogzoothen once your disk is 95% full, you have to ask yourself if the risk is worth it11:41
sethkfrogzoo, once it is 95% full, not once it reports 95% full.  :)11:42
IRCMonkey999will firefox 1.5 not be available until 2006 april?11:42
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IRCMonkey999why cant i see am or pm in my system tray clock?11:44
frogzooprobably though a disk that is over 95% full will start having fragmentation problems I would think11:44
matrix-ubuntu-cpossibly missing arp cache entry why i get this error11:44
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bob_4_a_daybesides that if it is a root process that fills the hd it ignores the reserve anyway.11:45
bob_4_a_dayit is reserved for 'root'11:45
frogzoobob_4_a_day: so dont run your daemons as root :)11:45
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Jerka^Ok, here's a newbie question. If I type "program x" in a terminal, program x starts, but it occupies the terminal window so I can't use it again until I exit program x. I know there's some way to avoid this, but how?11:46
bob_4_a_dayyeah like 'dont install as root' isn't it ?11:46
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frogzooJerka^: nohup program &11:46
IRCMonkey999why am i unable to see am, pm on my system tray clock? this happens only in my login11:47
matrix-ubuntu-chi all what is this cannot determine eth dst addr possibly missing arp cache entry11:47
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bob_4_a_dayJerka^ or 'openvt -- program x ' and let it have another controlling vt11:47
frogzoomatrix-ubuntu-c: pls describe your network hardware configiration11:48
Jerka^OK, thanks guys.11:48
matrix-ubuntu-cmy network is usin pppoe internet connection11:48
frogzoomatrix-ubuntu-c: did you run pppoeconf    ?11:48
matrix-ubuntu-cyes i am surfin11:49
matrix-ubuntu-cbut when i run a software i get that message11:49
frogzoowhich program?11:49
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dpuppis there 1 media player that does it all and does it good? dvd playback and encoded media with dual audio tracks and subtitles? ....11:50
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matrix-ubuntu-cmatrix@ubuntu:~$ arp -a11:51
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matrix-ubuntu-cwhy arp -a shows nothing11:51
IRCMonkey999dpupp: i think vlc + all plugins, or mplayer...11:51
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dpuppthe only thing i can think of is VLC. i got VLC... plugins? as in win32? or are there more than just that?11:52
bob_4_a_dayhehhe i just checked the tuning on this / fs and noticed it is one of the ones that i set the reserve = 0% on  :)    Reserved blocks uid:      0 (user root)11:52
reignfrogzoo, sorry it's taking long, gotta put a damn flash disk in to get the file11:52
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IRCMonkey999ubotu: tell dpupp about media formats11:52
frogzooreign: cool11:52
soundrayI received my Ubuntu CDs today. Waited circa three weeks. Very nice: each install-live pair is in a cardboard sleeve.11:53
IRCMonkey999ubotu: tell dpupp about restricted formats11:53
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IRCMonkey999why cant i see AM, PM on my system clock? anyone have this problem?11:54
frogzoomatrix-ubuntu-c: whats the command youe using to start nmap?11:54
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tyler_how do i install video codecs in ubuntu?11:54
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frogzoo!tell tyler_ about restricted mpeg dvd11:55
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tyler_frogzoo, i didn't get a tell.11:55
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frogzootyler_: you need to authenticate to nickserv11:55
soundrayIRCMonkey999, set it to 24 hours. That way, there can be no mistake, and you're conforming to international open standards.11:55
ubotuBinary only codecs (such as w32codecs) can be downloaded from plf or cipherfunk, see !easysource for details on these repositories11:55
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tyler_frogzoo, ok11:56
ubotuhmm... w32codecs is binary only codecs that some call evil., and they're available from http://giannaros.org/public/breezydebs/11:56
tyler_frogzoo, how do i do that, im used to gamesurge11:56
frogzoo!restricted mpeg dvd11:56
ubotufrogzoo: I don't know, could you explain it?11:56
raphinkhmm seems ubotu is in vacation11:56
ubotuI heard dvd is "DVD playing is possible in ubuntu, some DVDs may require libdvdcss2, which is available on http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl   See also !libdvdcss2"11:56
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ubotufrogzoo: I don't know, could you explain it?11:56
ubotufrom memory, restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats. Most of the formats listed here have been replaced by !FreeFormats11:56
raphinkubotu: hello11:56
ubotuwhat's up11:56
aftertaf /msg ubotu11:56
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IRCMonkey999soundray: but why cant i see AM or PM in 12 hour format. This is only in my login, in other logins its fine.... :(11:56
tyler_dpkg: error processing w32codecs_20050412-0.0_i386.deb (--install):11:56
tyler_ cannot access archive: No such file or directory11:57
tyler_Errors were encountered while processing:11:57
tyler_ w32codecs_20050412-0.0_i386.deb11:57
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ubotuwell, paste is please use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ or #flood to paste large amounts of text11:57
tyler_ok, sry11:57
frogzootyler_: you need to download the file first11:57
aftertafbob_4_a_day:  w00t?11:57
tyler_frogzoo, im stupid, thanks11:57
bob_4_a_dayaftertaf ?11:57
frogzootyler_: 1st time for everyone11:58
aftertafbob_4_a_day:  are you root?11:58
tyler_frogzoo,  :)11:58
aftertafbob_4_a_day:  just considering your user id...11:58
bob_4_a_dayircing as root is just asking someone to hack your box11:58
frogzooIm root atm - please send me a dcc11:59
bob_4_a_dayaftertaf i know i set it.11:59
aftertafhehe :)11:59
soundrayIRCMonkey999, I think it's a bug then. Have you logged out and in again after changing to 12h format?11:59
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tyler_what gnome website can alter the top and bottom bars?12:00
reignfrogzoo http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/529412:00
IRCMonkey999soundray: yes... i even restarted... :-|12:00
topylityler_: what do you mean. no website can alter my panels12:01
bob_4_a_dayyou can set the user mask to anything you like for most irc clients.   some networks balk at things like *  or .  but you can set it to anything.12:01
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bob_4_a_dayi just perfer to set mine to 'root' it kinda has a nastalga(!sp)  about it.12:02
reignis that what you asked for frogzoo ?12:03
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phiqtionnalioth: busy?12:03
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bob_4_a_dayaftertaf hehhe also that is a proxy  i'm not even in that state.12:05
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frogzooreign: getting closer "PCI:UnabletoreserveI/Oregion#1:100@de00fordevice0000:00:09.0"12:07
jdky_hi, im trying to put 5.10 in my new computer but I wasn't able to resize a ntfs partition with gparted using the live cd. i could select the options but nothing happens after I apply the action. any help??12:08
matrix-ubuntu-canyone who can solve my little problem12:08
frogzooreign: can you try changing the irq=11    ?12:08
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Kamping_Kaiserjdky_: you can try using the partitioner in the installer, i don't know anythng about gpartd12:08
frogzoojdky_: resize your ntfs partition from within windows12:09
jdky_Kamping_Kaiser: can i resize a ntfs partition with the instaler?12:09
frogzoojdky_: no, absolutely not12:09
Kamping_Kaiserjdky_: i think so12:09
Kamping_Kaiseryou sure frogzoo?12:09
reignchange irq to 11 ?12:09
jdky_is it possible to do it in windows?12:09
Kamping_Kaiserand frogzoo Windows wont resize partitions, you have to get 3rd party software12:09
reignin that modprobe.d folder ?12:09
frogzooreign: yep, & reboot - just to c12:10
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soundrayIRCMonkey999, I've worked it out: it is in fact a bug.12:10
ligOk - did as crimsun suggested and editted the control file so that amd64 was added... still had an error saying " current build architecture amd64 does not appear in package's list (i386)12:10
lig".  downloaded the amd64 driver for the wireless card, placed it in the windows_drivers directory under HOME and removed the originally downloaded driver.  Still the same error "current build arch...".  Current ouput when I try to build is located at - http://pastebin.com/445994.  Any other ideas or suggestions for what to do to get my wireless card up and working?12:10
frogzooKamping_Kaiser: to resize, youd have to rewrite the file system - & so far, linux cant do that12:10
IRCMonkey999soundray: wooooooo :-)12:10
Kamping_Kaiserfrogzoo: i heard it resizes fine, but desont write files12:11
soundrayIRCMonkey999, if you set the clock format string in gconf, it ignores %p, which according to man strftime should be replaced with a.m. or p.m. appropriately.12:11
jdky_yes me too, has anyone used gparted to resize a ntfs partition?12:11
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reignk rebooting12:11
IRCMonkey999soundray: anything i can do to make it come back?12:11
IRCMonkey999soundray: perhaps edit gconf?12:11
soundrayIRCMonkey999, report a bug. Don't ask me how, though...12:11
IRCMonkey999soundray: me am a noobie....12:11
frogzoojdky_: well, half your luck - if it breaks, you get to keep both pieces12:12
IRCMonkey999soundray: thanks....12:12
soundrayIRCMonkey999, no gconf is fine. It's the panel applet that's buggy, I think.12:12
matrix-ubuntu-ccannot determine eth dst addr12:12
matrix-ubuntu-cpossibly missing arp cache entry  what does this mean folks12:12
jdky_frogzoo, sorry but i dont get what you just said12:12
Kamping_Kaiserjdky_: don't blame him, in short ;)12:13
frogzoomatrix-ubuntu-c: whats the command you use to start nmap ?12:13
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jdky_ok, ill find a way12:13
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matrix-ubuntu-csudo nmap -v slashdot.rg12:13
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jdky_i saw something about this in the forums, ill check12:13
jdky_thanks a lot for the help12:13
reignk frogzoo, still no card in network settings list12:15
bob_4_a_dayah lunch time.  bbiab12:15
frogzooreign: I have a cunning idea - mv /etc/modprobe.d/tulip xtulip  ; then move the nic to a different pci slot12:16
frogzooand reboot12:16
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os2macis shipit offering Kubuntu now?12:16
Kamping_Kaiseros2mac: not untill dapper (i hear)12:17
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OrporgIf it's not too much trouble, I'd like a hand getting my network connection going, please.12:17
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soundrayI need xpdf to scroll faster when I roll the mouse wheel. How can I configure this please?12:19
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=== lig figures it is late here... will try again another day... patience is a virtue and docs are a godsend
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Kamping_Kaisero_0 docs, crap12:20
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Kamping_Kaiseri was supposed to be leraning12:20
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reignfrogzoo, i have actually just moved the card12:20
reignto another slot12:20
frogzooreign: oh, does lspci still show it as irq 10 ?12:21
OrporgI believe my card and stuff is running ok, but I can't seem to connect to the Internet12:21
frogzooOrporg: do you use dsl? sudo pppoeconf12:22
soundrayOrporg, what kind of internet connection?12:22
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reigndec ill check12:22
OrporgI'm using wifi12:23
reignno as irq1112:23
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OrporgI have both a Mac and Windows machine running off this access point at the moment without a hitch12:23
frogzooOrporg: have you configd the if ?12:23
OrporgI went through the "Networking" thing under Administration.  I gave it the name of my network as well as the WEP key12:24
OrporgIt says the connection is active.  Oh, and the access point hands out IPs with DHCP, so I told it that12:24
soundrayOrporg, can you ping the Mac and the Windows box?12:24
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frogzooOrporg: so you should see an ip addy with ifconfig ?12:24
termoHi there, I'm having problems with my mouse: I just installed (k)ubuntu and my problem is that after a while my mouse freezes. Which can be solved after switching to console.12:25
termoI have googled, and found that this might be a kernel bug12:25
termoCan anyone confirm this. So far I have found nog solution while STFW.12:26
frogzooreign: what happens when you 'insmod tulip' now ?12:26
OrporgNope.  I have it set to DHCP and those fields are grayed out12:26
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soundrayOrporg, who are you replying to?12:27
frogzooOrporg: after you close the gui, open a terminal & type ifconfig12:27
topylisuppose i had a star wreck xvid file here. how would i go about making a VCD?12:27
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reigninsmod: can't read 'tulip': no such file or directory12:27
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OrporgCommand not found12:27
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OrporgYes it is12:27
sorush20good Morning?12:27
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soundraytermo, possible workaround: configure X (xorg.conf) to use sw_cursor.12:27
sorush20Good Morning12:27
vbgunzhow do I make another text editor the default text editor? I wish to trade out Gedit for SciTE... Anyone know how to do this?12:28
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topylithere must be a two-click gnome tool for that. i'm surprised it's not in the nautilus context menu :)12:28
gnomefreakis there something i need extra to run chmod?12:28
nandemonaihi ppl12:28
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frogzooreign: can you paste 'lsmod'12:28
OrporgOk, I have a screenfull of numbers.  No packets have been sent between the access point and the computer12:28
topylivbgunz: set the EDITOR and VISUAL variables in your .bashrc12:28
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reignnot really, but tulip is listed in insmod12:29
stockvbgunz, export EDITOR to the editor you want12:29
vbgunztopyli: thanks12:29
davixhow do I run openrpg on ubuntu?12:29
sorush20guys whawt is the battery status checking package, I'm running a PC without a battery but accidently installed the battery checking program, it just stops responding at boot and Kubuntu will not boot fully what is the package name so that I can apt-get remove it?12:29
ubotusorush20: Not a clue12:29
stocktoo slow12:29
topylivbgunz: VISUAL controls only X editors, EDITOR means console too12:29
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ubotusorush20: Do they come in packets of five?12:29
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vbgunztopyli: thank you!12:29
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gnomefreaksorush20,  the battery thing is for laptops it lets them know the status of battery12:30
frogzooreign: rmmod tulip ; insmod tulip12:30
nandemonaione simply question for everyone, what media player do you use in ubuntu under gnome?12:30
termosoundray: thanks, I will have a look at that.12:30
vbgunztopyli: gedit was not found in .bashrc... Am I looking for something else in there?12:30
topylinandemonai: depends on the media. :) rhythmbox, mplayer12:30
topylivbgunz: gedit is the system-wide default, hence not defined in your .bashrc12:31
sorush20gnomefreak: I just need to know the package name and so that I can remove it from the computer, I have a pc not a laptop and it doesn't have a battery so it hangs on checking for the battery any help please?12:31
nandemonaiI'm trying to pick one to stick with..12:31
reignrmmod removed the module12:31
reignbut insmod says it cant find the file12:31
reign@ frogzoo12:31
gnomefreaksorush20,  you can remove it from synaptic12:31
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vbgunztopyli: sorry I wasn't clear :( I meant to get rid of Gedit and replace it with SciTE... Is this possible?12:31
topylivbgunz: just add a line like this: export VISUAL=favorite-editor12:31
soundrayIs there any way to configure the wheel-scrolling speed?12:31
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topylivbgunz: you want to uninstall gedit altogether?12:32
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jsteidlhas anbody allready packaged banshee-0.9.12 for ubuntu?12:32
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vbgunztopyli: export VISUAL=SciTE12:32
nandemonaiI find rhythm box and banshee buggy.. xmms is ok but i generally like something more ituney..12:32
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vbgunztopyli: no, Leaving Gedit in is fine12:32
jsteidlnandemonai: banshee is kinda itunee ;)12:33
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topylivbgunz: yes, if SciTE is really the filename of the binary, and it's in your path12:33
sorush20gnomefreak: you misunderstood, the boot up hangs at that batter stage can someone help please?12:33
nandemonaijsteidl, yeah I have probs with it crashing alot12:33
sorush20gnomefreak: all I need to find out is the package name so that I can remove it12:33
vbgunztopyli: yes, do I also add on the %U?12:33
gnomefreaksorush20,  if its hanging because of that program go into synaptic find it and remove it12:34
topylivbgunz: i never did :)12:34
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xoredcan someone help me with the proftpd conf : http://channels.debian.net/paste/paste . I still cannot login with ftpnormal. Why ?12:34
vbgunztopyli: thanks, do I have to restart something or maybe log out once this is done?12:34
jsteidlyep, 0.9.7  is kinda strange to use, but thats the reason i was asking for 9.12, it is said (propagted by the maintainer :)) that it has improved alot.12:34
topylivbgunz: just start a new shell, like a new gnome-terminal and test away12:34
gnomefreaksorush20, thats the good thing about synaptic if you dont know the name of it you can still locate it there12:35
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topylivbgunz: gnome of course has its own idea about "defaults" :\12:35
vbgunztopyli: added the line but not sure how to "test away" :P12:35
OrporgI typed in "iwconfig" and it told me something interesting:  No wireless extensions.12:35
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topylivbgunz: well, EDITOR is usually started by scripts and such...12:36
gnomefreaksorush20, there is more than one battery status program so its gonna be hard for anyone to say its this one or that one ccause it would all be guesse12:36
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topylivbgunz: try "$VISUAL file.txt" :)12:37
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_max_Iv just installed Kubuntu 5.10, i configured proxy's and i can use konqueror to browse the web, however i uncommented the sources in /etc/apt/source.list and ran apt-get update, and it left me with allot of (111 connection refused)12:37
_max_anyone have any idea what could be wrong?12:37
gnomefreaksorush20, im assuming you installed it through synaptic if not when you get to command line hit the arrow up button to togle through your commands that you have used and find it12:38
vbgunztopyli: neither $VISUAL file.txt OR VISUAL file.txt does anything when tried in the console...12:38
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IRCMonkey999_max_: do u have any proxies installed?12:38
vbgunzhold up12:38
topylivbgunz: hrm. what does "echo $VISUAL" print?12:38
vbgunztopyli: one sec12:38
IRCMonkey999_max_: i've had that problem because of the proxies12:38
IRCMonkey999_max_: especially some annoying little anonymous proxy12:39
reignfrogzoo: modprobe tulip says : unknown param 'io'12:39
sorush20gnomefreak: is there a way that I could list the packages and find out what it is ?12:39
IRCMonkey999_max_: i removed that and then it was fine12:39
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OrporgAnd when I used "iwscan" there were no scan results12:39
vbgunztopyli: it echos nothing...12:39
frogzooreign: k, remove the io spec & try again12:39
frogzooreign: wierd modprobe can find tulip, not insmod12:39
_max_im running through the company proxy.12:40
sorush20gnomefreak: I'm using kubuntu so I think its one of the kubuntu packages12:40
_max_i have to enter the proxy to get online :)12:40
topylivbgunz: then the variable is not set. try "which SciTE"12:40
vbgunzit works12:40
_max_it worked fine through the proxy running Debian 3.1 though12:40
vbgunzI had to restart the terminal12:40
reignlol now it says unknown 'irq'12:40
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vbgunztopyli: it now says scite12:40
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topylivbgunz: yes, .bashrc is sourced only on a new shell12:40
reigndmesg says12:40
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vbgunzI just don't like gedit because it doesn't open up some files in which scite can12:41
topylivbgunz: or explicitly with "source .bashrc"12:41
reignlinux tulip driver v ....12:41
vbgunztopyli: gotcha, thanks for that tip!12:41
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IRCMonkey999_max_: i'm a noobie to linux.... it happened 2 days back to me12:41
reignacpi : pci interrupt blah blah -> irq 1112:41
aftertaf!start an editor war12:41
ubotunano is better than xemacs.12:41
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xoredwhy does a USER have to has a shell to login into proftpd ?12:41
reignpci: unable to reserve i/o reguin blah blah12:41
vbgunzmaybe I should log out topyli?12:42
gnomefreaksorush20,  im not really sure of the command i know ls lists files but thinking only file in home dir.12:42
frogzooyep, thats the problem12:42
aftertafxored:  cos it uses a unix user account to let you log in?12:42
reigndo io available12:42
xoredaftertaf: but than, this user could login with ssh too, isnt it that way ?=12:42
aftertafxored:  yes...12:42
gnomefreaksorush20, seeing is you dont know where it is is just making it that much harder on you do you have something against synaptic?12:42
xoredaftertaf: and that should be OK ?12:42
topylivbgunz: naah. VISUAL and EDITOR are used much less often than you'd think12:43
frogzooreign: couple of things - remove the lines we added in /etc/modules12:43
xoredaftertaf: sorry, is there a other way, is this server jsut trash ?12:43
aftertafxored:  strong passwords.....   and make it to only members of the ssh group can login via ssh.12:43
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frogzooreign: then we need to work on getting the options passed in /etc/modprobe.d/tulip12:43
topylivbgunz: you'll see that for example when you click a text file in nautilus, it will probably open in gedit12:43
sorush20gnomefreak: what?12:43
vbgunztopyli: oh? :( It seems when I try opening text files, they open in Gedit instead of Scite....12:43
xoredaftertaf: or better choose another server ? what would you do. How can i restrict only users which are in SSH to connect to SSH ?12:44
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topylivbgunz: gnome doesn't care much about shell defaults12:44
vbgunztopyli: you use KDE/12:44
aftertafits in sshconfig file i think12:44
gnomefreaksorush20,  do you know what directory the application you are trying to get rid of is?12:44
topylivbgunz: not since KDE 1.2 :)12:44
vbgunztopyli: I hear that...12:45
aftertafxored:  or run the ftp server in a chroot12:45
vbgunztopyli: :)12:45
soundraysorush20, could the package you want to remove be klaptopdaemon?12:45
xoredaftertaf:  i just dont want the suer to have login with SSHl, thats just stupid12:45
aftertafxored:  look in the sshconfig file for the server then.....12:45
gnomefreaksoundray, it could very well be but he doesnt know what its called :(12:45
topylivbgunz: try to find a key in gconf-editor that sets the defaults for different mime types12:46
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vbgunztopyli: ok12:46
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soundraysorush20, try 'sudo apt-get remove klaptopdaemon'. If it's not installed, it'll tell you.12:46
reignfrogzoo : modprobe.d/tulip too ?12:46
vbgunztopyli: file-roller, mail and evolution mime types only :(12:47
twilighthi. I'm on dapper, kernel 2.6.15. Now system in without hotplug, (it's ok, i've read something about this in HarwareDetection Page on wiki). but...now...my wlan0 (depending by ndiswrapper) is down.."ndiswrapper -l" give me the "driver present, hardware present"..any ideas?12:47
gnomefreakhim not knowing the name i gave him synaptic to try and find it and get rid of it but hes dead set agianst it :(12:47
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frogzooreign: sent you an im12:47
reignoh soz12:47
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vbgunztopyli: am looking into gedit in gconf12:48
vbgunztopyli: maybe something there...12:48
frogzooreign: the thing now is to get the options in /etc/modprobe.d/tulip correct12:48
xoredaftertaf: cannot find anything to configure the "group" permission for login in /etc/ssh/sshd.conf . What whould there be ?12:48
Mabus06How do I make a shortcut with "doom3 +set s_driver oss" in a shortcut? I tried putting it in the "command" part of the shortcut with smeg, but it only works if I type it in manually at terminal. Any ideas?12:48
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gnomefreaki dont need to be cded to the dir.  to use dpkg. i can use dpkg from anywhere and it should work right?12:49
vbgunztopyli: :( no gedit default options and no scite either in gconf...12:49
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tim_workdoes anyone know how to get ffox 1.5 installed via apt? Is there a repo somewhere with it?12:50
Mabus06read topic tim_work12:51
Mabus06"no firefox 1.5 in breezy until after it appears in dapper"12:51
soundrayMabus06, sudo echo -e \#\!/bin/sh \n doom3 +set s_driver oss >/usr/local/bin/doom ; sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/doom12:51
tim_workMabus06: ah thanks12:51
_max_hmm... i switched network to one that doesn't use a proxy and apt works fine... i mean i can browse the internet with the proxy network.. doesn't apt use the same proxy config?12:52
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_max_since apt seems to use http?12:52
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soundrayMabus06, you should then be able to call 'doom' from anywhere.12:52
aftertaftwilight:  what page is that hardware dapper on?12:53
aftertafxored:  i did it with webmin, i cant remember what the option is in the config file....12:53
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IRCMonkey999Mabus06: what does "until after it appears in dapper" mean? wont it be out until april 2006?12:54
balorWhats the Ubuntu dev channel?12:54
gnomefreakwhy doesnt dpkg work on a deb :(12:54
aftertaf_max_:  you need to set apt up for proxy12:54
ubotuaftertaf: I haven't a clue12:54
Mabus06IRCMonkey999, I don't know, I just know how to read the topic. *shrugs*12:54
Mabus06soundray,  bash: /usr/local/bin/doom: Permission denied12:54
soundrayMabus06, you forgot to sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/doom12:54
topyliIRCMonkey999: it probably means there will not be a backport before dapper has sources from which to backport :)12:54
Mabus06soundray, you told me to do the first command first though... okay12:55
aftertaf_max_:  make a new file called apt.conf in /etc/apt12:55
gnomefreakthis is about to piss me off. ok to install .deb you dpkg -i <file>.deb?12:55
Mabus06soundray,  chmod: cannot access `/usr/local/bin/doom': No such file or directory12:55
IRCMonkey999topyli: and how soon will that be.... approx. ;)12:55
tjackomanhey! what xorg driver do you recommend for laptop with ati radeon mobility graphics?12:55
YukiIkyuta|awy_max_, APT can also use FTP.12:55
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aftertaf_max_:  and put this in it : Acquire::http::Proxy "";12:55
topyliIRCMonkey999: it's possible there will never be a backport because firefox easily causes a dependency hell and you'll end up backporting half the system12:55
aftertaf_max_:  change addr & port ;)12:56
YukiIkyuta|awy_max_, you can also set the proxy up in Synaptic.12:56
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IRCMonkey999topyli: :-o12:56
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twilightaftertaf, i've read this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareDetection12:56
aftertaftwilight:  thx12:57
topyliIRCMonkey999: RC3 seems to be in dapper, so the final should arrive there soon. we'll see then if backporting is feasible12:57
GNAMAPACHE 2.2.0 OUT!12:57
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IRCMonkey999topyli: oh ok...12:58
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GNAMNew features include Smart Filtering, Improved Caching, AJP Proxy, Proxy Load Balancing, Graceful Shutdown support, Large File Support, the Event MPM, and refactored Authentication/Authorization12:58
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IRCMonkey999anyone knows a good common lisp IDE for ubuntu linux gnome ?12:59
soundrayMabus06, slight modification, watch the double backslash: 'sudo -i ; echo -e \#\!/bin/sh \\n doom3 +set s_driver oss >/usr/local/bin/doom ; chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/doom'12:59
topyliIRCMonkey999: here's how i installed 1.5: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79283&highlight=firefox+1.512:59
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Hobbsee!tell IRCMonkey999 about firefox1.501:00
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topyliIRCMonkey999: sorry, here it is: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion01:00
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Mabus06soundray, doom is in /usr/local/games/doom01:00
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_eliphas!wiki mp301:00
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gnomefreakok anyone how do i get linux yo use java 1.5 instead of defaul for ubuntu 1.4?01:00
Mabus06soundray, rather, /usr/local/games/doom301:00
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IRCMonkey999ubotu: dance for me... ;)01:01
soundrayMabus06, don't worry about that.01:01
ColdWindgnomefreak, you can download it from PLF repostories01:01
topylignomefreak: update-alternatives --config java01:01
balorgnomefreak, The ununtu default is gcj not the Sun JVM an is only at 1.401:01
IRCMonkey999thanx topyli , Hobbsee01:01
soundrayMabus06, you just want a shortcut, don't you? The script /usr/local/bin/doom that we're creating fulfils that function.01:01
gnomefreakColdWind,  its down loaded and installed but when i java -version it still gives me the 1.401:01
HobbseeIRCMonkey999: no problems01:01
Mabus06soundray,  when I type in the command you give me it has a > thing on the line, looks like it's awaiting input for something...01:02
ColdWind#deb ftp://antesis.freecontrib.org/freecontrib/mirrors/ubuntu/plf/ breezy free non-free01:02
ColdWind#deb-src ftp://antesis.freecontrib.org/freecontrib/mirrors/ubuntu/plf/ breezy free non-free01:02
_max_aftertaf : that worked :) thanks!!!!01:02
IRCMonkey999any suggestions for a good common lisp IDE for ubuntu linux gnome ? i'm noobs to both linux and lisp01:02
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ubotu[apt_proxy]  for Apt via a http proxy, make a file called apt;conf in /etc/apt and put this in it...     Acquire::http::Proxy "http://PROXYADDRESS:PORT";01:02
ColdWindJava 1.5 is on these repos01:02
_max_now for the next question... Somehow on every machine iv installed Kubuntu on the konsole puts a small "pipe" like symbol to the far left.01:02
topyliIRCMonkey999: emacs is probably best for that01:03
_max_on each and every line.. anyone know what does this? aterm and xterm work fine..01:03
IRCMonkey999oh ok...01:03
soundrayMabus06, you probably pasted one of the quotes. Just copy the stuff between the quotes. Make sure you don't introduce any linebreaks.01:03
brenner_max_: that's an applet for the open windows iirc01:03
soundrayMabus06, Ctrl-C to get away from the > prompt01:03
topyliIRCMonkey999: since emacs basically is nothing but a lisp interpreter :)01:03
xoredaftertaf: http://channels.debian.net/paste/1204 . What is wrong. Why i cannot override the LOGIN option later, whats wrong ?01:03
gnomefreakColdWind,  even with my java repo 1.5 still isnt on there its 1.401:03
IRCMonkey999topyli: :)01:03
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_max_free~brenner: it seems more like a artifact or bug since it doesn't _always_ appear and it looks ... wierd..01:04
ColdWindgnomefreak you need to change the simbolic links on /usr/bin, it should be made with dpkg-divert01:04
_max_it looks like its screwd up teh font since some letters are really hard to read.01:04
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ColdWindthe simbolic links are pointing to gcj (I think)01:04
mwegnomefreak: topyli told you what to do.  sudo update-alternatives --config java01:04
brenner_max_: oh, probably not that then ... screenie?01:04
gnomefreakthey are01:04
vbgunztopyli: it is official... logging out won't help anything...01:05
sorush20guys I need to fix the apt-get get I type in sudo apt-get install or remove -f but I keep getting temprary failure resolving archive.ubuntu.com01:05
aftertafxored:  argh, for the ftp access, i dunno01:05
gnomefreakmwe,  i know i have it typed wait for update to finish01:05
ColdWindmwe, I didn't know that way, it seem a good alternative ;)01:05
sorush20this is because i'm not connecte to the internet yet but if I can't connect how can I fix the problem?01:05
_max_brenner : changing theme from "black and white" to "vim" fixed it..01:05
mweit should take about half a second01:05
gnomefreakonce i dpkged it it had an update than i will run the command01:05
_max_seems its just rendering the font thats used in "black and white" theme thats being renderd wierd.01:06
soundraysorush20, are you still trying to remove that battery thing?01:06
Mabus06soundray right, I got past that problem but now when I type "doom" it still dosen't work (the sound doesn't work, and I have to reboot for it to work even if I type it in the prompt"01:06
brenner_max_: oh, sorry. must've missed the start of your thread.  i didn't know you were talking about terminals :)01:06
redguyanyone knows of a good movie subtitling program for linux?01:07
redguyall I could find is some sourceforge projects... :/01:07
_max_and last but not least.. Does anyone know a mail client that can work as a replacement for Outlook, being able to add meatings that are sent via the server? so if someone calls me to a meeting at 15.00 it will add the meeting to my calendar and warn me 15 minutes ahead?01:08
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_max_Mozillas thunderbird was supposed to get a beta for that in sunfire in november but doesn't seem to have happend.01:08
sorush20soundray: yes, but there seemes to be a problem with apt-get , I need to fix it using -f but I can't access the internet since ubuntu hasn't loaded yet01:08
balor_max_, Evolution01:08
soundrayMabus06, I can't help you with doom3, but if you find a working way to call it from the commandline, you can edit /usr/local/bin/doom accordingly afterwards.01:08
soundrayMabus06, you've got the shortcut that you asked for :)01:08
_max_balor : is that an addon for thunderbird or a seperate mail client?01:08
Mabus06soundray, not really..01:09
Mabus06soundray, worked the same way if I put it in the "command" part of the shortcut01:09
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balor_max_, it's a mail client for Linux.  It's pretty good, sponsored by Novell01:09
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Mabus06soundray, doom3 is a SH file that calls another file which is probably the game (doomx86 or something)01:10
balor_max_, http://www.novell.com/products/desktop/features/evolution.html01:10
soundraysorush20, do a 'dpkg --remove klaptopdaemon', if that's the package you want to get rid of.01:10
soundrayMabus06, so?01:10
balor_max_, this is more useful http://www.gnome.org/projects/evolution/01:10
Mabus06soundray, so is the way I could change that file to make it run with those commands maybe? I find it strange that my command works in the command line but not in a shortcut.01:11
_max_using KDE though so hope it works with kde aswell ;p01:11
_eliphas!wiki mp3 codec01:12
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soundrayMabus06, are you saying that if you run 'doom3 +set s_driver oss' from a terminal, everything works okay?01:12
Mabus06soundray, yes01:12
gnomefreakubotu tell _eliphas  about mp301:12
tristanMabus06 : then  modify with smeg the command that launch your doom301:12
gnomefreak_eliphas,  read what ubotu sent you01:12
soundrayMabus06, and when you run 'doom', it doesn't?01:12
Mabus06yes soundray01:13
Mabus06tristan, tried that before I came here.01:13
tristanrun smeg, choose the doom3 shortcut and click to edit the command that is launched when you click on it01:13
soundrayMabus06, what does 'which doom' give you?01:13
Mabus06soundray, same thing that putting "doom3 +set s_driver oss" in a shortcut does. Doom 3 with no sound.01:13
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Mabus06oh, which doom01:14
Mabus06ones econd01:14
intelikeyMabus06 if you can't seem to affect the point and click shortcut in a way that pleases you.  put your command line options in a script and shortcut the script.     'echo "runthis  -withthese options " > script.sh ;chmod 7 script.sh '   and make a short cut to script.sh01:14
soundrayintelikey, that's what we've been trying.01:14
mweMabus06: did you type the full path in the shortcut?01:14
mweMabus06: or just doom?01:14
Mabus06in what shortcut?01:14
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Mabus06When I type "doom3 +set s_driver oss" in the terminal everything works fine01:15
sorush20I'm still having the same problem01:15
soundraysorush20, what have you tried?01:15
Mabus06if I type "doom" it runs, but with no sound01:15
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Mabus06Same if I put "doom3 +set s_driver oss" in the command part of the shortcut (same thing as editing through smeg, tristan).01:16
derek_If Grub fails to install on the MBR and the floppy, which other option should I go for?01:16
balorderek_, your disk is fecked then or you're on a Mac01:17
Mabus06intelikey, didn't soundray say we already tried that?01:17
derek_balor: I'm running windoze on this disk01:18
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intelikeyhumor me01:18
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Mabus06intelikey, try msging me the contents and I can save it01:18
_eliphasgnomefreak, thanks mate01:18
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_eliphassorry was ready the wik about it01:19
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gnomefreak_eliphas,  no problem01:19
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_eliphasI had a memory blank01:19
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Mabus06somebody told me that gnome != linux. What IS linux then?01:19
_eliphassetting up a new pc at work01:19
_eliphasand suddenly black hole .... how to enable mp3 already01:19
soundrayMabus06, strictly Linux is just the kernel.01:19
djk_Mabus06: linux is the kernel ;)01:19
intelikeylinux is the os    gnome is the desktop environment01:19
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intelikeyxorg is the gui01:20
Mabus06so how do you "use" linux then? like tty1 and stuff?01:20
mt_holden_sscan some one help me, i want to access my linux partition from windows, i can access my windows partitipn right now01:20
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soundrayMabus06, mostly it's the programs you are running that 'use' Linux.01:21
intelikeyif you boot ubuntu you use linux for everything that you do in ub\01:21
Mabus06intelikey, the transfer failed, can you message me the contents so I can save it myself?01:21
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soundrayMabus06, show intelikey the contents of /usr/local/bin/doom01:22
intelikeydoom3 +set s_driver oss01:22
intelikeybe sure to chmod it to 75501:22
brennermt_holden_ss: http://uranus.it.swin.edu.au/~jn/linux/explore2fs.htm01:22
soundrayintelikey, that is precisely what we've created on Mabus06's machine already.01:22
sorush20how can I find out what are being loaded up at start up and how can I enable and disable them from loading at start up?01:22
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brennermt_holden_ss: last time i used it though, copying directories was rather tedious01:22
intelikeyand it runs from the commandline but not from the click methood ?01:23
EtnaRossofirefox1.5 hot to?01:23
gnomefreakok now if i can set robocode up :(01:23
soundrayintelikey, exactly.01:23
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Mabus06intelikey, /usr/local/bin/doom = #!/bin/sh01:23
Mabus06 doom3 +set s_driver oss01:23
soundrayintelikey, it's as if it ignored the parameters when called from a script.01:23
intelikeyin a browser dubble click the file01:23
intelikeythat file /usr/local/bin/doom01:24
gnomefreakanyone ever use robocode on ubuntu?01:24
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Mabus06yes intelikey01:25
mt_holden_sswat about putting files from linux to my xp partition, it wont let me01:25
mt_holden_ssu all from australia?01:25
Kamping_Kaisermt_holden_ss: no writing to ntfs01:25
intelikeyand is works or not Mabus06 ?01:25
gnomefreakits a .jar file and i try to run it java robocode-setup-1.0.7.jar  not run it install it01:25
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Mabus06intelikey, not... that's my problem01:25
derek_balor: sorry, accidently closed the window01:25
Kamping_Kaisermt_holden_ss: qute a few are, but lots from the states01:26
soundrayintelikey, it runs doom3, but without sound, right Mabus06?01:26
derek_balor: so why do you think the disk is not right?01:26
brennermt_holden_ss: open explore2fs, then open windows explorer, then drag and drop01:26
tristanYes. OK, for those who remember my trouble using smeg, I found what was the trouble01:26
Mabus06yes soundray, intelikey01:26
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intelikeyfrom the command line you can type  '/usr/local/bin/doom'  and it does work ?01:26
intelikeysomething smells fishy01:26
tristanMy .config in my /home/myname was only in root permission so it seems that smeg couldn't update my menus01:26
Mabus06intelikey, haven't tried that, but "doom3 +set s_driver oss" does work01:27
soundrayintelikey, no, what works from the command line is doom3 +set s_driver oss01:27
gnomefreakeven the bot dont know jar :(01:27
Mabus06which is the contents of /usr/local/bin/doom01:27
mt_holden_ssoh so i didnt have to delete wat i just did01:27
intelikeyMabus06  '/usr/local/bin/doom '01:27
mt_holden_ssdoesnt matter i am gunna re-boot into windows and re-download01:27
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intelikeyand make sure the script will start it correctly.      'always exec a script before you call it finished....'01:28
Mabus06intelikey, once the game launches without sound, even if I close the program again I have to reboot in order to get it to work by typing "doom3 +set s_driver oss" again.01:28
Mabus06else even that command will make it run with no sound01:28
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vbgunzsoundray: you played doom3 on Linux and on Windows?01:29
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soundrayvbgunz, no, neither.01:29
intelikeyso test the script from the command line.   by typing  '/usr/local/bin/doom '   and if it works then it should work from the 'point and click'  thingy01:29
vbgunzsoundray: oh01:29
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Mabus06intelikey, "should work"... what good is that? :D01:29
vbgunzintelikey: you played doom3 on Win and Lin?01:30
Mabus06I played it on both, and on xbox01:30
intelikeyif it wont work from the command line it should not work from the point and click thingy either....01:30
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Mabus06well it doesn't work from the point and click thingy, doesn't that say something already?01:30
raz879I-N-T-E-L-I-K-E-Y: hi01:31
Mabus06ok brb, I'll try it intelikey, but if it doesn't work I have to reboot probably01:31
intelikeyyeah says you are tired of messing with it.01:31
soundrayMabus06, I suspect doom3 is messing with your sound devices or something.01:31
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soundraysorush20, how are you getting on?01:32
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Mabus06soundray, yes it is working from the command line01:33
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intelikeyMabus06 you typed it in terminal and it works ?01:33
soundrayMabus06, does it work if you enter doom after Alt-F2?01:33
intelikeyor console ?01:33
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intelikeythere is a differance in terminal and console01:34
Mabus06intelikey, the script works if I type it in the terminal, but not from a shortcut. Same with the command itself that the script runs.01:35
intelikeyterminal or console ?01:35
Mabus06Although, neither work after trying it from a shortcut. I have to reboot in order for the command to work.01:35
Mabus06So should I reboot before trying it from alt-f2 (is that console?)01:35
intelikeythat is console01:35
soundrayMabus06, instead of rebooting, try killall doom301:35
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Mabus06soundray, I tried killall doom3 -v and it said no doom3 process killed01:36
intelikeysudo that01:36
soundrayMabus06, since doom3 is just a shell script, you might have to kill Doom 3 by another name.01:36
Mabus06oh ok01:36
soundrayMabus06, find out with ps ax01:36
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intelikeyi bet its leaving some sound app running......01:37
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soundrayintelikey, isn't there some trick with lsof?01:37
markyits all in english here?01:38
Mabus06soundray, doom 3 is a shell that calls doom.x8601:38
Mabus06killall doom.x86 kills nothing01:38
Mabus06same with killall doom01:38
soundrayYeah, marky, for German, /join #ubuntu-de01:38
intelikeyyeah lsof would probably find it if you had a clue what to look for01:38
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markyhow do i make this?01:39
soundrayMabus06, killall doom.x86 ?01:39
Mabus06killall doom.x86 kills nothing01:39
soundrayMabus06, sudo killall doom.x86 ?01:39
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intelikeyMabus06 'ps ax |grep doom'01:39
soundrayMabus06, 'doom' in terminal - sound?01:39
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intelikeyor better yet paste you ps ax01:40
Mabus06 8788 pts/0    R+     0:00 grep doom01:40
Mabus06that's all that's outputted01:40
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Mabus06haven't tried, soundray... I'd have to reboot to try it anyway01:40
soundrayMabus06, I think you've managed to kill it.01:41
Mabus06or if I did I can't remember01:41
Mabus06soundray, I haven't killed anything01:41
soundrayMabus06, there might still be a process hogging the sound device.01:41
Mabus06I already tried all this before01:41
Mabus06it seems to be the shortcut that has the problem01:41
intelikeythat's what i said/   paste your     ps ax01:41
Mabus06paste my ax01:42
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soundrayintelikey, not here.01:43
intelikeyno    ps ax01:43
mbn18where i can set the locale ?01:43
mbn18i mean not thrugh the shell01:43
raz879hi, sorry to bother u guys, im new to linux and i've tried playing with it.. is there any possible way to upgrade from  one version to the other without reinstalling everyting?01:43
raz879and not loosing all the custom things u've done?01:43
ubotu[paste]  please use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ or #flood to paste large amounts of text01:43
soundraymbn18, when you login via gdm.01:43
Mabus06not in here I take it01:43
Mabus06oh right, pastebin01:43
ubotupaste is, like, please use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ or #flood to paste large amounts of text01:43
Mabus06that was px ax intelikey01:44
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intelikeyi see three linst of it.01:44
brennerraz879: i assume you mean hoary to breezy?01:44
intelikey BitchX: Auto-ignoring Mabus06 for 10 minutes [MSG flood] 01:44
Mabus06read that01:45
Mabus06if auto-ignore means he can't hear me right now, can someone else tell him "http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/5296"01:45
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intelikeyit only ignored your /msg01:46
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derek_Can GRUB be installation be left during the base installation and installed sometime else?01:47
intelikeyhave you tried killing esd01:47
derek_ok. If I don't install any bootloader, how can I boot into Linux?01:47
intelikeyderek_ if you can boot ub from another boot loader you don't need grub at all01:47
derek_will booting from the installl-cd boot the installed linux??01:48
gnomefreakderek_, bootlader doesnt get installed it gets placed01:48
raz879hi, brenner, umm didn't get what u mean.. i mean every distribution releases new versions of their software from time to time, how01:48
raz879or would it be possible to install linux as an upgrade?01:48
raz879im just starting to learn linux..01:48
reignanyone know how to give a network card a specific io ?01:48
intelikeyderek_ no it will boot the installer01:48
derek_gnomefreak: during the installation it said "installation"01:48
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soundrayreign, depends on the driver.01:49
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intelikeyMabus06 'sudo killall esd '   and run  '/usr/local/games/doom'  from the terminal.   not the console.01:49
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brennerraz879: well, i'm not sure if you mean upgrading your entire distribution, or just individual applications01:49
soundrayreign, if the driver supports it, it's usually insmod io=0x300 or similar.01:49
soundrayreign, sorry, insmod drivername io=0x30001:50
Mabus06no such file or directory soundray01:50
derek_so how will I run linux if I don't install a bootloader?01:50
soundrayMabus06, when you do what?01:50
Mabus06soundray, "/usr/local/games/doom"01:50
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soundrayMabus06, /usr/local/bin/doom is where you saved it.01:51
raz879brenner: i mean upgrading from one version to another.. lets say version 4 to version 5..? if i run version 5 setup again, would it overwrite all the things i've done in version 4?01:51
soundrayMabus06, should be in your path, so just 'doom' is enough.01:51
Mabus06soundray, that's what he told me to run01:51
intelikeyderek_ you can boot the installer and when it gets to the setting up partitions step    alt+f2  and  run mount /dev/yourubpartition.. /media ' and chroot /media grub-install   if needed.01:51
Mabus06intelikey, that is01:51
soundrayMabus06, sorry confuse, who is he?01:51
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intelikeywell where ever that script you made is....01:52
Mabus06soundray, intelikey.... join #doom301:52
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Mabus06okay, will do intelikey01:52
derek_intelikey: /dev/yourubpartition ..you mean "/" ?01:52
intelikeythe device node.01:53
derek_yea, where "/" will be mounted?01:53
derek_cuz I'll be creating a separate partition for /home01:53
intelikeyfdisk -l  will tell you which partition number / is on.01:53
Mabus06intelikey, /usr/local/bin/doom is where the script is, and it works if typed in the terminal01:53
brennerraz879: ok, you mean individual apps i guess ... depends how you upgrade, but yes, files will usually get overwritten, *but* your old config files may still be servicable01:53
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brennerat least, in my experience they mostly have been01:54
derek_intelikey: /dev/yourubpartition -- by this you mean mount "/" ?01:54
derek_intelikey: /media -- ?01:54
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intelikeyMabus06 are you sure that if you open nautilus and up arrow to / and enter that /usr folder and then the /local folder and then the /bin folder and dubble click the file doom that it does not work ?01:55
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sorush20is there any way that I can enable or disable boot up daemons from the command line?01:56
Mabus06intelikey, am I "sure"? no, never tried it01:56
intelikeyderek_    the mount command works like this.   ' mount /dev/hda5 /media '   where  hda is the first hard disk on ide and #5 is a partition number    /media is a mount point  "folder or direstory"01:57
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soundraysorush20, I'd like to help, but you don't respond when I ask you questions.01:57
Mabus06intelikey, it does work01:57
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intelikeyMabus06 that was what i asked you to do when we first started this.01:57
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Mabus06intelikey, oh well I don't remember what I tried, but pretty much anything works except the shortcut01:58
MartySkitchI'm having problems with tightvnc and fluxbox - when I open a xterm in then vncviewer the host computer's memory is completely used up.  Using Breezy but same setup works great on Hoary01:58
sorush20soundray: I'm ready to resopodn01:58
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intelikeyMabus06 it doesnt to click on the script in nautilus  you say ?01:58
nati've a pb with my network interface01:58
Mabus06intelikey, it does I said01:59
soundraysorush20, have you booted your machine now?01:59
raz879brenner: ic.. thanks! :)01:59
intelikeythen drag and drop that thing to your desktop and be done with it.01:59
natwhy i don't have a defalut ip of in my lo01:59
natand how can i add it ?01:59
sorush20yes Ive loaded the recovery kernel and I'm at the terminal command line as root..01:59
intelikeythat was where i started an hour ago.01:59
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natbecause for the moment i ve to put it every time i switch on my pc02:00
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derek_alt+f2 takes to the shell?02:00
brennerraz879: yw02:00
soundrayintelikey, are you referring to sorush?02:00
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intelikeyno Mabus06 soundray02:01
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sorush20soundray: I keep trying to fix the apt-get install -f but I get the message that the linux image has to be removed, which is not recommmended so I'm not going to remove the information.02:01
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soundraysorush20, leave apt-get aside for now.02:01
soundraysorush20, do you know which package you want to remove?02:01
intelikeyderek_ yes02:02
derek_If I want to use only the Partitioner of Ubuntu Install02:02
derek_Can I?02:02
sorush20soundray: no I don't I do know that the daemon fails to load fully or even just fail since it hangs and computer freezes ..02:02
derek_(I got the live cd)02:02
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Mabus06got it working now. thanks intelikey, soundray02:02
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intelikeyderek_ then use the live cd my all means it will make it easier on you.02:03
soundraysorush20, do you know which daemon that is?02:03
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intelikeyMabus06 your'e welcome.  sorry if i chewed on ya.02:03
ZoZo-Hello, how can you change access on a mounted ntfs disk from root to another user? =)02:04
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Mabus06intelikey, nope, no bite marks02:04
dortoi get this error when ubuntu starts: "GDM could not write to your authorization file. This could mean that your home directory could not be opened..."02:04
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dortohow do i fix that?02:04
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derek_intelikey: how can I use the "partitioner" ?02:05
intelikeybut i do get edgy when someone says 'no it didn't work'   'no that don't work'   and then an hour later i find out they never tried it.02:05
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intelikeygkparted  i think it's called derek_02:05
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derek_let me reboot using the live cd02:05
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intelikeyi hope he knows what he's doing.02:06
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soundraysorush20, sorry, were you saying something while I popped out for a minute?02:06
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sorush20soundray: yes I think I don , and also it hing I know what your saying.. however all i can see is that *Checking battery state... OK, then the system freezes.. I think its another daemon that is failing02:06
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soundraysorush20, can you find any error messages in /var/log/syslog around the time of the freeze?02:07
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sorush20soundray: I'll check now02:09
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intelikeysorush20 can you boot that box to safemode/recovery/single or something like that so you can access the files and use grep ?      if so  'grep -Hie"Checking battery state" /etc/rcS.d/* '  and tell us what is posting that message then we will see about skipping the folling process.02:10
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ZoZo-How do you edit /etc/fstab so that any user can mount and umount a hdd?02:11
=== intelikey isn't sure if he's in linux or not.
R0bNycHello , how can i get kde 3.5 on ubuntu/kubuntu breezy?02:11
intelikeyZoZo-  add  user  to the line02:11
wickedpuppyR0bNyc, kubuntu comes with kde02:11
soundrayintelikey, he has booted the recovery option and that works.02:11
R0bNycwickedpuppy, yes i know02:11
ZoZo-intelikey, How? ;D02:11
R0bNycbut not kde 3.502:11
soundrayintelikey, he is checking /var/log/syslog right now.02:11
intelikeyexample; /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom auto defaults,users,noauto,ro,codepage=850,umask=0 0 002:11
quackerR0bNyc, I believe you'd have to deinstall kde-base, etc., and compile it from src.  =(02:11
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soundrayintelikey, can I leave sorush20 to you? I have to go.02:12
intelikeyerrrr that should be user not users02:12
R0bNycquacker, i already did that on gentoo .. emerge -uD world lol02:12
quackerman apt-get02:12
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quackerman dpkg02:12
quackerman debconf02:12
soundrayintelikey, please :)02:12
intelikeysoundray yeah not sure i can fix him but i'll try02:12
quackerThose are your tools.02:12
sorush20intelikey: soundraythanks,02:12
sorush20intelikey: Iam in the recovery mode I will be going what you just said.02:12
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soundrayintelikey, thanks. sorush20, good luck...02:13
quackerNo emerge, rpm, or yam on Ubuntu, AFAIK.02:13
BigKahunaDoes anybody have a TV tuner card working with breezy? I'm not looking to set up MythTV but would like to be able to watch TV with my TV tuner card. I have a hauppauge PVR150 which apparently is not compatible with TvTime.  Any suggestions as to what else I can use?02:13
eeaaxxis it possible to upgrade hoary to breezy using only the installation CD?02:14
lillpelleBigKahuna: I have a Hauppauge card, works well with mplayer02:14
intelikeyeeaaxx no02:14
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quackerBigfrans, check out the V4L website (Video for Linux) -- I'm afraid you'll hvae to search the web for it as I don't have the site memorized (you might try v4l.com |~.org)02:14
BigKahunalillpelle, You just became my new best friend.02:14
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intelikey!upgrade to breezy02:14
ubotuintelikey: I don't know, could you explain it?02:14
eeaaxxintelikey: just reinstall it?02:15
quackerAlso the DRI project and Gatos have thirdpaarty capture drivers from some cards (like my Radeon All-In-WOnder)02:15
BigKahunalillpelle, What hauppauge card do you have?02:15
intelikeyyes or if you have fast inet upgrade via apt-get02:15
lillpelleBigKahuna: I think xawtv and zapping do also work, but since I can watch and record with mplayer (and mencoder) I stay with them02:15
ubotuThe guide to upgrading to breezy (5.10) is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade02:15
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lillpelleBigKahuna: I am not sure, a pretty old one, maybe 5 years old02:15
BigKahunalillpelle, you are using the IVTV driver I presume?02:15
eeaaxxubotu: ok02:16
ubotueeaaxx: Wish i knew02:16
sorush20intelikey: how can I get out of vim?02:16
quackerErrr, sorry BigKahuna, I called you Bigfrans02:16
intelikeysorush20 :q02:16
BigKahunaquacker, No worries, thanks for the tip.02:17
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intelikeyor [esc]  :!q02:17
lillpelleBigKahuna: I am not sure about driver. I have not choosen anything explicitely. Just installed mplayer and using mplayer... can give you the (long) command line private...02:17
gnomefreak#java=no help they never heard of their own programs :(02:17
BigKahunaquacker, You have a hauppauge card installed?02:17
dortowhat do i need to do to fix this error:  "GDM could not write to your authorization file. This could mean that your home directory could not be opened..."02:17
BigKahunalillpelle, Did the ubuntu installation automatically config the card for you?02:17
gnomefreakdorto,  what was the command you used?02:18
dortocan i edit /etc/inittab to boot into console and then create a new user? can i boot into console when home directory is not writable?02:18
dortognomefreak: i got that error when ubuntu started02:18
lillpelleBigKahuna: yes, it must have... I am just using the same command line as I did in Fedore Core 4... so it must have worked directly...02:18
quackerBigKahuna, I've got an original ATI Radeon AIW02:18
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intelikeydorto you can boot to console by adding single to the grub boot command02:19
quackerAnd, no, it's not installed on Ubuntu (yet) -- on my todo list for before the holidays.02:19
intelikeydorto you can remove the symlink to gdm in /etc/rc2.d if you always want to boot to console02:20
quackerI found a good howto writeen by a user that claims to have done it using the DRI Project's capture driver and bookmarked it though.02:20
sorush20get out of vim02:20
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dortointelikey: when grub bootloader comes, i need to press e and type 'boot single'?02:21
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intelikeydorto yes02:21
dortointelikey: will it be able to boot even if my home directory is unwriteable as the error above says?02:21
intelikeyor edit the boot line then just boot02:21
intelikeyyes single is root not your home user02:22
dortooh, good02:22
dortothx intelikey :)02:22
dortowill reboot now02:22
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svakshahi all02:23
intelikeymethinks sorush20 rebooted to get out of vim02:23
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svakshathe resolv.conf file gets rewritten ever half hour, can some one help with this02:24
ZoZo-How come I cant copy files from a windows ntfs disk to my linux disk ? =(02:24
gnomefreaklol intelikey02:24
sorush20intelikey: how did you know I rebooted?02:24
quackersvaksha, install a cacheing DNS proxy if you want more control of name resolution02:24
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neurocytesvaksha, are you using dhcp?02:24
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sorush20also In the error log I get the message that kdm fireup is failing02:24
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quackerwhat is kdm fireup?02:25
svakshayes, dhcp.. the problem persists even after editing /etc/network/interfaces address, netmask and gw02:25
sorush20intelikey: what was the last thing you said I should do?02:25
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derek_intelikey, can you help with partitioning now? I'm running ubuntu live02:25
=== gnomefreak :X
intelikeysorush20 can you boot that box to safemode/recovery/single or something like that so you can access the files and use grep ?      if so  'grep -Hie"Checking battery state" /etc/rcS.d/* '  and tell us what is posting that message then we will see about skipping the folling process.02:25
quackeryou can use shorewall or firestarter if you're looking for an easy to use 'personal firewall' UI.02:25
intelikeythat ^02:25
quackerBastille if you want something more 'concise'.02:26
intelikeyderek_ sure  what are you wanting to do ?02:26
allison_1984I need some help with the format type ? anyone :)02:26
brennerZoZo-: where are you trying to copy to?02:26
gnomefreakquacker,  last i heard shorewall was no where near easy :(02:26
intelikeytell me the desired end and we'll see if we cant find a way to get there02:26
ZoZo-brenner, From a mounted ntfs disk to /home/zozo/desktop02:26
quackersvaksha, what exactly is the problem -- what is it that is not working?  Are webpages not resolving,02:26
derek_intelikey, I would like to set up the partitions for ubuntu install here02:27
neurocytesvaksha, you need to tweak your /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf02:27
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quackergnomefreak, I have it and you know how lame I am!02:27
testmachinejust edit02:27
gnomefreakfirestarter is a good gui for the iptables02:27
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testmachineits not tweaking its just edditing02:27
quacker(I prefer Bastille-interactive though)02:27
intelikeyok derek_ to you have any unallocated disk space ?02:27
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quackerAll these things are just iptables wrappers anyhow.02:27
gnomefreakhell im still trying to figure out sendmail :(02:27
svakshaneuro: what entries do i put there02:27
ttfhi all - can anybody tell me what kind of boot loader ubuntu is using on their livecd's?02:27
intelikeygkparted  i think is the partitioner02:27
brennerZoZo-: my guess is you need to tweak the mounting settings for the ntfs partition02:28
Toma-can you make metacity windows snap to edges?02:28
derek_intelikey, yes.. plus I'd like to drop some partitions and used the total free to create appropriate partitions02:28
frogzoohey reign any luck ?02:28
ZoZo-brenner, Even if I just want the information from the disk?02:28
gnomefreakquacker, i though shorewall was its own firewall it didnt use the iptables in kernel02:28
=== quacker cheques
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intelikeyok derek_ is it ide drive ?02:28
allison_1984which format is the best to retrieve a partiton that is ntfs....extended 2/ extended 3/ reiserfs / swap ?02:28
sorush20intelikey: I've just typed that command in  I don't know what to read there are log success messages and other messages.02:28
williihello all trying to use command sudo alien --to-deb driver-ipn2220- in breezy badger the driver is there I know here is what I get andy108@heis:~$ cd /etc/dffd02:28
williiandy108@heis:/etc/dffd$ sudo alien --to-deb driver-ipn2220-
williiSorry, try again.02:28
derek_yes intelikey02:28
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williiFile "driver-ipn2220-" not found.02:28
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frogzoowill nuff with the spam already02:28
gnomefreakwillii,  dont paste in here02:29
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spolawhat are some of the better p2p clients i need if i want to download stuff ?02:29
gnomefreakubotu tell willii about paste02:29
williisorry about that02:29
frogzoospola: azureus is excellent - emule v good02:29
intelikeysorush20 we are looking for the filename in /etc/rcS.d/ that spits out that message.02:29
spolafrogzoo, thx02:29
brennerZoZo-: *nod* think so.  someone told  another guy to do that when he couldn't copy stuff over. i could be wrong though02:29
allison_1984I want to grab back a partition that has been assigned for windows to ubuntu !02:29
neurocytesvaksha, depends on what you want it to do (or not do)02:29
Toma-spola: what network do you want to connect to?02:29
quackerSHOREWALL(8)                                                                                                                        SHOREWALL(8)02:29
quacker shorewall - the Shoreline firewall, an iptables based firewall02:29
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allison_1984which format is the best to retrieve a partiton that is ntfs....extended 2/ extended 3/ reiserfs / swap ?02:30
quackergrrr -- stupid klipboard02:30
ZoZo-brenner, If I dont have any clue at all how to tweak the mounting settings.. What should I do then ? ^02:30
gnomefreakquacker,  ok maybe it does use the kernels iptables than02:30
frogzoooooh.. rude words in kanji02:30
intelikeyderek_ ok then in a terminal type 'sudo gkparted /dev/hda '    and see what it does.02:30
gnomefreakor has its own set i dont know scared to use it02:30
=== quacker needs a good tr shellscript for taking out carriage returns, tab stops etc.
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spolaToma-, well i have nicotine now which basically has everything i want, but my gf wants to listen to mainstream stuff so i need something popular :p02:30
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allison_1984I need some help with the format type ? anyone :)02:31
Toma-spola: gtk-gnutella or limewire is an exellent option02:31
allison_1984spola > love nicotine ...  :)02:31
intelikeysorush20 did you find it ?02:31
claesA little question. Anyone tried Fedora Directory Server on ubuntu?02:31
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brennerZoZo-: i'm no expert on it myself :-/ chuck your /etc/fstab output onto the pastebin i guess as a start02:31
derek_sudo: gkparted: command not found02:31
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sorush20intelikey: I think its the hotplug subsytem that is failing not the battery cecking status, because the battery check gets and OK at the end of it..02:31
quackerallison_1984, I highly recommend you use Ext3 and nothign else unless you have a special purpose in mind02:31
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sorush20intelikey: I think I need to fix the hotplug system02:32
spolad i need some extra repositories for azureus, gtk-gnutella and limewire  ?02:32
=== gnomefreak tempted to agree 100% with ext3 :)
frogzooallison_1984: quacker ditto - - ext302:32
ZoZo-brenner, Okay.. Ill see if I can do anything :p Another thing though.. To get access to /home/zozo/D, that is mounted with root, with my ordinary user.. How should I do then..? A friend told me to do chmod 777 /home/zozo/D but that did not work neither =/02:32
quackerAnd stay away from ReiserFS like the plague in any case -- it's still significantly unstable.  I and several people I know have lost entire partitions because of it.02:32
allison_1984quacker > I want that partition to be able to store media files..instead of the /home file ......02:32
=== frogzoo thinks losing an entire partition looks like carelessness :)
intelikeyok you can comment out that section sorush20 if it is in the same file,  else  "rm /etc/rcS.d/*hotplug "   and boot and see what happens.02:33
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gnomefreakwho lost a partion and how?02:33
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derek_intelikey, sudo: gkparted: command not found02:33
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quackerallison_1984, you can put anything you want on most filesytsems.  What are you trying to do -- change the mount point (what it's root directory is called in the filesystem)?02:33
brennerZoZo-: hang on, you can't even get access to the dirs in /home/zozo?  maybe that's causing the ntfs copy failure02:33
allison_1984frogzoo > well I am getiing it back to Ubuntu !02:33
frogzooallison_1984: unless you have very special needs - ext3 (and you're not running a server, so ext3 it is)02:33
ZoZo-brenner, Cant get access to it with zozo.. Only with root..02:34
williihow to make breezy badger 5.10 more secure on a unsecure wireless network?02:34
intelikeyderek_ ok do  'sudo cfdisk /dev/hda '   it should be on the live cd.02:34
allison_1984quacker > /dev/hda502:34
quackerallison_1984, there are several optimizations you can make if you intend to write very large files02:34
gnomefreakubotu tell willii about wpa02:34
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allison_1984quacker > what's the best according to you ?02:34
quackerallison_1984, that is not your mount point -- that is the name of the device as seen in Linux.02:34
frogzoowillii: install firestarter install tripwire turn off unneeded services02:34
brennerZoZo-: then yeah, something to do with chmod or chown.  i don't really know. :-/  time to defer to other people.  sorry02:35
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allison_1984quacker > so what should I be doing ?02:35
quackerallison_1984, You can choose anything (directory name) you want and mount it anywhere underneath root02:35
derek_FATAL ERROR: Cannot seek on disk drive02:35
derek_                          Press any key to exit cfdisk02:35
ZoZo-brenner, Thanks alot with the help anyway :)02:35
allison_1984quacker > should I also indicate a mount point to /boot ?02:35
cyhatchspola: Try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76700 ?02:35
intelikeyallison_1984 what is in   /dev  is the device node    the mount point is listed in /etc/fstab02:35
derek_intelikey, a moment ago I was running windows on the same disk02:35
ZoZo-How do I "chown" so I get access with my normal user on a root mounted hdd/map please?02:35
sorush20intelikey: could you give me the command line again please?02:36
allison_1984quacker > mount point is the point of access..if I understood correctly ?02:36
williithanks frogzoo I take a look at that02:36
quackerallison_1984, you don't have to, but you can -- again it's up to you.  Will you be installing GRUB, LILO, ELILO, SILO, or MBR in the master boot record?02:36
quackerallison_1984, yes02:36
intelikeyderek_ yes  hda is the disk with all the partitions on it.02:36
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derek_intelikey, why that fatal error?02:36
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intelikey"rm /etc/rcS.d/*hotplug "02:36
frogzooquacker: lilo? the pain... the pain....02:36
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intelikeyfatal error ?02:37
derek_FATAL ERROR: Cannot seek on disk drive02:37
derek_                          Press any key to exit cfdisk02:37
intelikeyhmmm ok02:37
quackeri.e. $ mount -loop -iso9660 /dev/sdb /media/cdrom -ro02:37
williigeneral point here I was in a new internet cafe in central london uk and they had breezy badger on all computers  wow02:37
intelikeyderek_ 'sudo fdisk -l '   and find out what the address is.02:37
allison_1984quacker > the thing is I have a dual boot and I had formatted this partition with ntfs on windows....now I want to utilise it with the Ubuntu OS .....02:37
quackermounts your second SCSI device using the ISO 9660 filesystem at the  _MOUNT_POINT_ /media/cdrom02:38
derek_sudo fdisk -l02:38
derek_Unable to seek on /dev/hda02:38
allison_1984quacker > I have grub in the mbr02:38
quackerallison_1984, GRUB is a really good bet then02:38
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allison_1984quacker > I run ubuntu almost exclusively now !!02:39
brennerwillii: awesome02:39
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quackerThe Debian Sarge (Ubuntu Breezy) installer script for GRUB will scan all the storage devices it can find for other OSes and add them to a bootstarp menu which it will create in /boot/grub/menu.1st02:39
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jdky_hi, does anyone know if it is possible to uninstall gnome bittorrent without uninstalling gnome-desktop?? it seems that its not possible02:40
intelikeywow derek_ that looks like the kernel on the live cd is not reading your hdd correctly.          derek_ you can do the partition work from the installer cd.  (assuming it works correctly)   just boot it and select "manuel partitioning"02:40
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allison_1984quacker > I am in the disks manager menu02:40
derek_intelikey, select where?02:40
intelikeysorush20 progress ?02:41
Toma-jdky_: gnome-desktop is just a meta-package. wont remove gnome or anything else at all02:41
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spolathank you cyhatch02:41
FontPolicequick question : where do the init scripts log to?02:41
snorksHow come Ubuntu doesn't have make?02:41
intelikeyderek_ when it askes about partitioning ?    it will ask erase entire disk , or manuel partitionling02:41
jdky_Toma, ok, that sounds good, could you explain me more of  this please02:41
ZoZo-How do you give access on a partition to another user from root? chown something ? :S02:41
quackerYou can edit it with a text editor, and before doing that you can edit the arguments it passes by escaping the GRUB boot sequence by pressing 'p' (if you have a password) or 'e' to edit and following the instructions thereafter.  This is done to test boot arguments without changing the file GRUB reads them into memory from (menu.1st) to make sure they won't *#^$ your machine.02:41
Toma-jdky_: just use synaptic to remove it02:42
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podgeOh, I would also like to know how to do that...02:42
derek_intelikey, okay.. but after finishing that step.. (that is after writing the changes to disk), it starts copying the files , which I don't want at the moment02:42
intelikeyFontPolice /var/log/dmesg i think.    type 'dmesg'02:42
jdky_yes, i mean can you explain me the meta package thing02:42
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quackerallison_1984, are you using he installer partitioner, or qparted from the Live CD?02:42
intelikeyderek_  can i ask why ?02:42
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allison_1984quacker > can I send you a screen shot ?02:43
sorush20intelikey: no progress I don't know how to stop hotplug subsystem from loading02:43
derek_intelikey, cuz I have to do something on it then in windows before installing linux02:43
intelikeyderek_ see i'm not getting a clear picture of what you are trying to do.02:43
Neo^i need help with winetools02:43
quackerjpg or png okay -- no bmps please02:43
jdky_Toma, could you what a metapackage is?02:43
allison_1984quacker > I am in the disks manager/ partitions02:43
quackerDCC is fine02:43
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Juhazjdky_, meta package is a package that doesn't contain anything, but depends on bunch of other packages as an easy way of installing them all02:43
Toma-jdky_: well, the meta package 'says' it depends on a whole bunch of other packages, like gnome-applets, gnome-file-manager, but they dont depend on it.02:43
=== freemanen [n=freemane@c83-248-208-28.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
derek_intelikey, I got some ext3 partitions which I want to delete first02:43
FontPolicehow about when you run them after you boot?02:43
Neo^apt-get cant find it and i have enable all repositories02:43
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FontPoliceto restart a service or something.02:43
afd_hi! I'm looking for cdemu ubuntu package, or a tool that does something similar (mount bin/cue cd images)02:44
quacker(TYVM for asking first -- you might noit believe how lame some people can be when asking for help -- hehehe)02:44
jdky_Juhaz and Toma, thank you for the help02:44
intelikeysorush20 i told you to remove the symlink in /etc/rcS.d/02:44
aftertafNeo^:  apt-cache search wine02:44
Toma-firefox 1.7?02:44
intelikeyderek_ you can do that from the setup disk like i said02:44
quackerallison_1984, what do you intend to do with the new Ubuntu install?  (video editing?)02:44
intelikeyit will give you free reign over all partition work derek_02:45
derek_intelikey, but then it starts installing which I don't want :)02:45
allison_1984quacker > I am already on it...just loving it.....02:45
sorush20intelikey: what is the command for it sudo rm /etc/rc5.d/*hotplug02:45
snorksIf you issue an install with ./install blabla, how do I uninstall it?02:45
intelikeysorush20 yes02:45
snorksLet's say the vmware player02:45
allison_1984quacker > been 5 days...and not looking back02:45
Neo^aftertaf,  this is what i was using .. sudo apt-get install wine winetools  winetools02:46
Toma-snorks: dont. use 'checkinstall' instead of make install02:46
frogzoook I'm stupid - how do I get gtkwifi to run in my gnome taskbar?02:46
allison_1984quacker > in fact switched from Suse....got so many headaches there !!02:46
factotumwhat does checkinstall do? create a package?02:46
quackerZoZo-, chown :<groupname> -R /* then add then the  user to the group (dirty solution)02:46
aftertafNeo^:  what does the search show you?02:47
snorksToma-: I never used "make install" only "./install".02:47
Toma-snorks: or, see if the make file contains a make uninstall option02:47
intelikey<derek_> intelikey, I got some ext3 partitions which I want to delete first <---- <intelikey> derek_ you can do that from the setup disk like i said <--- and i asked you why you didn't want it to install after the partition work was done....  but now you say --><derek_> intelikey, but then it starts installing which I don't want :)02:47
spolahmmm i still can't find azureus in synaptic even after following the guidelines from the wiki. i uploaded my sources.list here: can someone please take a look to see whats missing ? (i did "select" sun's java instead of gjc's)02:47
sorush20intelikey: I keep getting no such file or directory02:47
spolawhoops :-) http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/530302:47
podgeHi folks. Just wondering, how do I change permissions on my ntfs partations permissions so that non-root users can access it?02:47
quackerallison_1984, I'm asking why you want optimization for large media files.02:47
Toma-well snorks, ./install is a program specific install. read the readme for that program02:47
Neo^aftertaf,  .. lots lol02:47
snorksToma-: ok02:47
intelikeysorush20 you can check /etc/rc2.d also  it may be in there too02:47
frogzoo!tell spola about azureus02:47
Neo^<---kinda new to this stuff02:47
snorksA lot of your braincells02:47
aftertafahh. try grp tool on the end with a pipe ;)02:47
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quackerYou might consider making a RAID if you actually intend to do video editing.02:47
snorkswrong channel02:48
freemanenwhat is udev?02:48
frogzooalso, you need the multiverse repo02:48
aftertafNeo^:  apt-cache search wine |grep tools02:48
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SirKillalothi, I cannot mount my CDrom drive anymore, there is an error, and if I "dmesg | tail" I get this:02:48
aftertaffreemanen:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareDetection02:48
SirKillalot[4296647.703000]  end_request: I/O error, dev hdc, sector 6402:48
SirKillalot[4296647.703000]  isofs_fill_super: bread failed, dev=hdc, iso_blknum=16, block=1602:48
SirKillalot[4296647.983000]  VFS: busy inodes on changed media.02:48
ZoZo-quacker, Thank you.. I'll see if it works after it changed ownership on every file :p02:48
intelikeyif there is no S##hotplug then hotplug shouldn't be starting at boot. sorush2002:48
sorush20intelikey: its no where rec1 2 3 4 5 .d02:48
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frogzooSirKillalot: pls don't spam here - usse pastebin02:48
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aftertafintelikey:  sorush20   dapper or breezy?02:48
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intelikeysorush20 you did a 'ls /etc/rcS.d/ '  ?02:49
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Neo^that done nuffin02:49
pulveranyone know where to find cool ubuntu bootsplash screens?02:49
aftertafNeo^:  then you dont have the package available......02:49
frogzooSirKillalot: have you tried rebooting?02:49
intelikeyiirr breezy aftertaf02:49
aftertafNeo^:  do you have uni/multiverse?02:49
Toma-pulver: the default one is cool enough :D02:49
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aftertafintelikey:  ah. with 2.6.15 ?02:49
snorksWhich gcc to get?02:49
aftertafNeo^:  weird.... firget wine then it sux ;P02:49
Neo^and enabled backports02:49
Toma-snorks: what are you compiling?02:50
quackerZoZo-, understand that chowning entire partitions is not recommended if you are running executeables off of them that need their own groups (like the 'media', 'printers' or 'cdrom' groups taht are made by some implementations of gnome)02:50
snorksToma-: I got asked for gcc during vmware player install02:50
derek_intelikey, "and i asked you why you didn't want it to install after the partition work was done.." - derek_ intelikey, cuz I have to do something on it then in windows before installing linux - derek_ intelikey, I got some ext3 partitions which I want to delete first02:50
frogzoosnorks: the stock synaptic one probly unless u have special needs02:50
quackerBut you can 'chain' groups by using groupedit02:50
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Toma-snorks: gcc-3.402:50
pulverToma-: lol yea its cool enough just would try something else02:50
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snorksToma-: First I didn't have make, and now I don't have gcc02:50
ubotufrogzoo: Are you on ritalin?02:50
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quackerand you can define aliases in yoiur sudoers list too02:50
Toma-snorks: you actually baught vmware?02:50
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ZoZo-quacker, Just trying to get access on them so I can copy them from the ntfs partition to the linux partition..02:50
snorksToma-: No02:50
joachim-nis there a way to use shred recusively on directories?02:50
pulversomething more blue02:50
frogzoosnorks: just install build-essential02:51
intelikeyderek_ yeah looks like an impass02:51
ZoZo-quacker, But.. What if that did'nt work?02:51
snorksfrogzoo: that's the exact word to apt-get?02:51
quackerZoZo-, jsut use dd (or parted | gparted  |qparted) as root02:51
intelikey<derek_> intelikey, but then it starts installing which I don't want :)02:51
derek_intelikey, sorry, "impass"?02:51
snorksfrogzoo: was that yup for me02:51
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snorksfrogzoo: ?02:51
frogzooyup yup02:51
intelikeythat was a bump of the mouse.... sorry.02:51
sorush20intelikey: aftertaf i'm using breezy02:51
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quackerdd if=targetpath/file of=destination02:52
derek_anyway, I think I'll try the install cd again02:52
derek_salut nico02:52
derek_nico, est-ce que tu es le dessinateur?02:52
sorush20intelikey: shoudl I do a ls /etc/rc5.d/ now?02:52
snorksfrogzoo: thank you02:52
reignfrogzoo, you back ?02:52
allison_1984quacker > file transfer is taking eons !02:52
frogzoohi reign how's it going?02:52
derek_nico_, est-ce que tu es le dessinateur?02:52
intelikeysorush20 yeah look for anything with hot in it's name   :)02:52
ubotuVa a #ubuntu-fr et #kubuntu-fr pour aide et discussion en francais02:52
quackerANd ZoZo- you will need FUSE (Files under uSerspacE) as well as NTFSTOOLS02:53
quackerubotu, tell ZoZo- about ntfstools02:53
quacker(I wrote that entry -- heh)02:53
=== quacker puffs out his little-feathered-chest
quackerfusermount ++02:53
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quackerallison_1984, do hdparm02:54
snorksfrogzoo: How come I could use ./install xxxxxx before, but not after I installed build-essential?02:54
quackerIf everything looks normal,then it's just a large file relative to your controller I/O rate02:54
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frogzoosnorks: permission prob? do you need root access?02:55
intelikeysnorks does ./install exist ?02:55
BigKahunaanyone know when firefox 1.5 will be added to the repos?02:55
reigngood thanks frogzoo02:55
reignyourself ?02:55
Toma-BigKahuna: it wont02:55
allison_1984quacker > what next ?02:55
Toma-for a while02:55
snorksintelikey: I just used it, but the installer asked for GCC, so I apt-get build-essential02:55
frogzooreign: let's take this off channel - it will go easier methinks02:55
quackerZoZo-, ntfstools is available by installing ntfprogs (i.e. $ apt-get install ntfsprogs)02:55
snorksfrogzoo: It worked first. The second time, issuing the exact same command, doesn't work02:56
quackerallison_1984, I dunno -- where are you?02:56
ZoZo-quacker, Ahh so I dont need to compile it myself... Perfect as I dont have a clue howto :D02:56
frogzoosnorks: maybe it's already installed?02:56
allison_1984quacker > right here ! :)02:56
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Toma-snorks: read the official documentation for it02:56
snorksfrogzoo: Not when I had to cancel it because it didn't find gcc02:57
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frogzooreign: did you fix your problem?02:57
intelikeysnorks all i was asking that for is to point out that ./ means the present working dir.   if the file is not in ./ then ./file wont work.   but you would get a BASH: ./file does not exist message.02:57
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frogzoosnorks: you'll need to redo make config etc - because probly the old makefiles are looking for a diff version gcc02:57
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snorksintelikey: Yep. I'm in the directory, and vmware-install.pl is the file I used ./install on. It worked the first time02:57
quackerZoZo-, I gave tyou the package installer command (in the parentheses "("; ")", respectively )02:58
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ZoZo-quacker, Yea, thank you :)02:58
Toma-snorks: youre ment to run ./vmware-install.pl02:58
intelikeysnorks what error you get ?02:58
Toma-not install02:58
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quackerZoZo-, you might have to sudo it if you don't have a root shell or login console02:58
snorksToma-: Thanks. Lol02:59
snorksintelikey: It's fixed02:59
Toma-snorks: log into your account on vmware.com and read the offical documentation :)02:59
snorksToma-: Don't need account for vmware player :/ But I'll consider making one. Thanks for the tip02:59
intelikeynow fess up and tell us about 'pebcak'03:00
quackerZoZo-, 'ntfsprog' not ntfsprogs -- sorry03:00
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frogzooreign: I'm wondering how you fixed your problem?03:00
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esculapiusdo you know how to configure03:01
snorksToma-: If an install gets interrupted, has it installed whatever prior to point of interrupt?03:01
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esculapiusethernet modem03:01
frogzooethernet modem????03:01
ZoZo-quacker, ntfsprog did not work but ntfsprogs did.. But now I cant find it :D03:01
frogzooesculapius: I think you want pppoeconf03:01
intelikeycable modem ?03:01
Toma-snorks: depends. afaik, if the vmware-install script stops, nothing gets installed03:02
quackeroops -- I better change the wiki03:02
Toma-its all done at the end03:02
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snorksToma-: Ok, it has :/ There's a /vmware in /etc now03:02
frogzooanyone know the procedure to install gtkwifi ?03:02
snorksToma-: Is there a way to uninstall it again? After that I'll read and not bug you again03:03
Toma-run it again with all the right gcc options03:03
intelikeyok it's all yours.03:03
LunzHi, has anyone successfully installed skype on their Ubuntu system???03:03
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Toma-snorks: dont bother uninstalling, just install it again over the top but with the proper gcc03:03
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Toma-Lunz: yep03:03
quackerubotu, forget ntfstools03:03
ubotuquacker: i forgot ntfstools03:03
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LunzI've tried and failed Toma03:04
quackerubotu, ntfstools are a suite of tools that aim to provide full NTFS support under Linux right in the kernel. Included are ntfsmount (depends on FUSE); ntfsfix; and ntfsresize, etc... The Debian (~.deb) package is named ntfsprog and provides libntfs.  ntfstools are now integrated with parted. Cf  the developers, Linux-NTFS Project at http://www.linux-ntfs.org/; also  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NTFSReadWrite?highlight=%28ntfs%2903:04
ubotuokay, quacker03:04
LunzI've got it going, but my contacts wont load03:04
quackeroops sawwy03:04
Toma-Lunz: whats so hard about "sudo apt-get install skype"?03:04
snorksToma-: Do you know a keyword I can google to read up on that or?03:04
quackerone more time03:04
LunzI'll give that a go.03:04
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Toma-snorks: "vmware player ubuntu host"03:04
quackerubotu, ntfstools are a suite of tools that aim to provide full NTFS support for Linux right in the kernel. Included are ntfsmount (depends on FUSE); ntfsfix; and ntfsresize, etc... The Debian (~.deb) package is named ntfsprogs and provides libntfs.  ntfstools are now integrated with parted. Cf  the developers, Linux-NTFS Project at http://www.linux-ntfs.org/; also  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NTFSReadWrite?highlight=%28ntfs%2903:04
ubotu...but ntfstools is already something else...03:04
frogzoo!tell snorks about skype03:04
quackerubotu, forget ntfstools03:04
ubotui forgot ntfstools, quacker03:04
snorksToma-: Since I have no idea how to point to a correct cgg03:04
snorksToma-: gcc03:04
Toma-Lunz: you are using the ubuntu package from the repos right?03:05
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quackerubotu, ntfstools are a suite of tools that aim to provide full NTFS support for Linux right in the kernel. Included are ntfsmount (depends on FUSE); ntfsfix; and ntfsresize, etc... The Debian (~.deb) package is named ntfsprogs and provides libntfs.  ntfstools are now integrated with parted. Cf  the developers, Linux-NTFS Project at http://www.linux-ntfs.org/; also  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NTFSReadWrite?highlight=%28ntfs%2903:05
Toma-snorks: "export CC=gcc3.4"03:05
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ubotu_jason: Not a clue03:05
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_jasonquacker, use "is" not "are"03:06
roberto_anyone can give me a list of repository ??Thanks :-)03:06
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quacker_jason, 'ntfstools' are plural03:06
frogzooroberto_: -> synaptic03:06
LunzHey Toma..03:06
uboturumour has it, repositories is How to add repositories:  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto See !sources for example sources.list03:06
_jasonubotu tell roberto_ about easysource03:06
Lunzthe error message that I get is " skype: Depends: libqt3c102-mt (>= 3: but it is not installable"03:07
Lunzthat's what I don't understand.03:07
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_jasonquacker, i know but ubotu didn't remember it.  Wasn't sure if it accpeted "are" but I guess it does.  Try starting it with a "no".  ubotu, no ntfstools are...03:07
Lunzit is this set of library files which are preventing me to install skype on my ubuntu03:08
Lunzcould there be any way around it?03:08
quacker_jason, NM, I just did it in #ubuntu-offtopic, and it worked  =>03:08
Toma-!info libqt3c102-mt03:08
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_jasonquacker, yep seems to be working now03:08
Lunzevent not found is the response when typing in that03:09
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Toma-Lunz: try getting libqt3-mt instead03:09
matrix-ubuntu-chow do i remove one nic card that i have eth0 and let my eth1 be there03:09
Toma-!info libqt3-mt03:10
ubotulibqt3-mt: (Qt GUI Library (Threaded runtime version), Version 3), section libs, is optional. Version: 3:3.3.4-8ubuntu5 (breezy), Packaged size: 3213 kB, Installed size: 9036 kB03:10
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allison_1984quacker > thanks for the info03:10
LunzI've typed in "!info libqt3-mt" and it hasn't found the event... though I'm going to install the file in synaptic pacakge manager.03:11
greatjoneshello, how do i update ubuntu? do i have to burn a cd with the .iso image and then reinstall the OS?03:11
Toma-Lunz: yeh... the !info thing was just for the irc channel.... not a command03:11
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Toma-greatjones: it'll be the easiest way03:11
osfameronhi, anyone know how I can get Sound Juicer to rip at full speed?03:11
osfameronIt only goes 1.2x, the drive can handle 10x or more03:12
Lunzooh whoops.. ok didn't know that!03:12
Toma-osfameron: you may need to enable dma03:12
greatjonesthank you toma - will i lose the data i created on my hd?03:12
snorksToma-: Where do I define which GCC to use? I have found the documents for the installation03:12
osfameronToma-: ooo, cool03:12
Toma-greatjones: did you make a seperate /home partition when you first installed?03:12
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Lunzyeah Toma those libraries have already been installed.03:12
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!lilo:*! A small regional server has lost connectivity; affected users, 19503:12
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greatjonesi'm not sure, toma - i used the default Ubuntu settings03:13
Jowihello all03:13
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Toma-snorks: "export GCC=gcc-3.403:13
Toma-arrr woops03:13
Toma-snorks: "export CC=gcc-3.4"03:13
snorksToma-: It doesn't say anything after that + it doesn't work :/03:13
Toma-greatjones: id say you would loose it all :S unless you back it up to cd or something03:13
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Neo^how can i test my repsitories ?03:14
Toma-snorks: it wont. just compile it again03:14
quackerallison_1984, did you set your clustersize with the 'useage' option in the Installer's partitioner?03:14
greatjonesok thank you toma. i wish ubuntu had an automatic update function like windows has03:14
quackerset it to 'large files'03:14
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deltrongreatjones: it does03:14
LunzI thought it did greatjones.03:14
Toma-greatjones: oh, you can. its just a little messy03:14
quackerYou might also try setting it to 'synchronous' i/o transfer mode03:14
deltronthere's auto-apt03:15
greatjoneshow do i perform an automatic update?03:15
allison_1984quacker > no...I am gonna look up some forums.......03:15
deltronor cron-apt03:15
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quackerallison_1984, you were going to send a screenshot too...03:15
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allison_1984quacker > lol...it ain't going......03:15
allison_1984quacker > stuck at 0%03:16
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quackerallison_1984, in general, if you have contiguosus files over 1GB, you want to use the largest cluster size possible.03:16
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Jowigreatjones: In theory, you can add "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade (or dist-upgrade)" as a cron-job for root03:16
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quackerI don't believe that Ext3 FS supports 64K clusters yet, but I'm sure it does 4K at least,03:17
allison_1984quacker > are you talking about the installation ?03:17
greatjonesJowi - so there is no simple way to do it? i.e., there is no "button to push"?03:17
deltron64K clusters seem like a waste of space03:17
osfameronToma-: when I make those changes to hdparm.conf to enable DMA, do I have to reboot or is there a way to stop/restart just one service?03:17
quackerallison_1984, I'm talking about the partition where you will write large media files03:17
frogzoomatrix-ubuntu-c: probly just 'ifconfig eth0 down' - or disable the i/f in /etc/network/interfaces03:18
frogzoomatrix-ubuntu-c: or just disable the nic from the network panel03:18
Toma-osfameron: run "sudo hdparm -d 1 /dev/harddrive_dev_entry03:18
osfamerongreatjones: I have a button in my status bar in top right03:18
reignsoz, dude can you still help me ?03:18
greatjonesJowi - i am looking for the easiest way to update ubuntu, hopefully retaining my data.03:18
osfamerongreatjones: it-s a red circle, it comes up when there are pending updates03:18
frogzooreign: yes, you keep disappearing - would you mind if we take this off channel?03:18
reignyea sure03:18
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reignsorry, im just at work, keep getting a bit busy03:19
quackerAlso, you have more than one hard disk drive of the same speed and on separate ATA controllers (three or more would be optimal), I would seriously consider using RAID level 003:19
allison_1984quacker > its about 15G....windows ntfs filesystem....I want to be able to access the disk..03:19
osfameronToma-: sure, it was already set to on, the wikipage on DMA suggests then checking that it's enabled in hdparm.conf (which it wasn't)03:19
Toma-osfameron: i see...03:19
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greatjonesosfameron: i don't have a red button here. i'm trying to update ubuntu to the latest version, which I think is 5.10 (??) mine is, if i'm not mistaken, version 5.0403:20
quackerIf you opt to do this, you will need to identical partitions... uh, ntfs?!?  I thought you said you wanted to read/wrie large media files, not access ntfs.03:20
snorksToma-: build-essential didn't give me gcc-3.4. That's why the export thing didn't work. Anyway, now it worked, but I get asked for this: What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running03:20
snorksToma-: Where does Linux store that?03:20
Toma-snorks: now you need to install the kernel headers. :S03:21
quackerNTFS support in Linux is best provided by an emulator which uses the original (M$'s) ntfs drivers together with VFS.03:21
snorksToma-: ugh03:21
osfamerongreatjones: oh, I see.  That's the general system updater, not the Hoary->Breezy upgrade.03:21
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Toma-snorks: /lib/modules/kernel-number/kernel ...iirc.03:21
osfameroneeek!  101 pending updates, I have been rather naughty03:21
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allison_1984quacker > sorry...I lost you......O...o......03:21
Jowigreatjones: well, to add a cron job is not hard. "sudo su" to get a root prompt. Then "crontab -e" to add a scheduled job. "man crontab" for help. it is pretty straightforward. That is for automatic updates. But it seems to me as if you wish to update your ubuntu version. I advise you to follow the guide for that. Remember that it is not possible to update windows from 2000 to XP in an easy way either.03:21
greatjonesosfameron: is that's what's called the "ubuntu update manager"?03:22
ubotuJowi: I don't know, could you explain it?03:22
ubotusomebody said breezyupgrade was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade03:22
quackerntfstools is good for copying, resizing, shrinking and moving ntfs partitions but accessing individual files is still a reall big PAIN.03:22
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quackerallison_1984, you never said anything about NTFS -- ALL you asked about was 'large media'.03:22
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greatjonesjowi: i'm not so much worried about what version of ubunui i have as i am worried about having my software up to date. so that's the easiest way to do it?03:23
allison_1984quacker > I have the option thru disks manger in Ubuntu to format the partition......to either extended2/3/reiserfs/xfs/swap........03:23
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osfamerongreatjones: yeah, you can open it from System->Administration as well03:24
Jowigreatjones: yeah, if you don't plan to upgrade to breezy (hoary still have some months left in it and will recieve plenty of updates) make a crontab job out of it. For example, make the upgrade command run once per week or something like that.03:25
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greatjonesosfameron: thank you03:25
allison_1984quacker > just wanted to know.....what format was the best...sorry...my mistake....tho I thought I did mention ntfs.........03:25
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greatjonesjowi: thank you03:25
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ZoZo-quacker, chown nor chmod works to get rights on /home/zozo/D what can I do then ? =/03:26
quackerZoZo-, are you root?03:27
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ZoZo-quacker, "zozo" aint root, I mounted it with root and cannot change rights =/03:27
quackeruhhh....  I mean are LOGGED IN as root03:28
ZoZo-quacker, Yea03:28
quackerThen you should be able to do anything unless you mounted -ro03:28
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ZoZo-But not with zozo ?03:28
ZoZo-I mounted -t ntfs03:28
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quackerwhat, 'zozo' the directory, or 'zozo't he user account?03:29
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ZoZo-zozo the user account03:29
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snorksToma-: But you gotta agree with me though? How does a noob know about the directory of C header files that matches his running kernel, or how does a noob google/man it?03:30
quackerZoZo-, it depends if you have administrative priveleges.  In Ubuntu, the default user is automatically added to the sudoers file.03:30
allison_1984quacker > ntfs day for you today !03:30
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Toma-snorks: vmware isnt for noobs snorks03:30
Toma-snorks: vmware is basically a developers tool for debugging systems. not emulating windows to play counterstrike03:30
ZoZo-quacker, Can I make the user zozo "root" or give him the same priveleges ?03:31
snorksToma-: I disagree. Installing software without apt-get/emerge isn't for noobs03:31
quackerheh -- I struggle with it myself quite a bit since I'm and IT &* T consultatnt; and people are ALWAYS asking about it here.  (It's always NTFS day here.)03:31
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snorksToma-: I know about vmware in Windows03:31
quackerI consider it worth the trouble for every windows luser I can help to emancipate from the Evil Empire...03:31
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allison_1984quacker > lol....03:31
ZoZo-Haha :D03:31
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snorksToma-: I use it on a daily basis03:32
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allison_1984quacker > well....I am gonna format it to extended 3 then .......and just start dumping my music files there.....03:32
snorksToma-: And the counter-strike thing was offending03:32
snorksToma-: Thanks for all your help thus far03:32
ZoZo-Maybe I really should install windows again.. :p03:32
allison_1984ZoZo > nice try !03:33
ZoZo-I just feel like a pain in the ass for everyone with my alltime newbie questions allover :D03:33
Toma-itll be mostly the same process03:33
allison_1984ZoZo > I am a nOOb too....03:34
butcherbirdSeveas, unbann me man, Im getting tired of using proxy servers03:34
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Siph0nnewbs unite :)03:34
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allison_1984SiphOn > you make us sound like zombies.... ;-)03:34
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Siph0nallison_1984, lol.... nah......03:35
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ZoZo-Argh.. This is stupid.. Why doesnt it work =(03:35
ZoZo-quacker, Cant you like connect to my computer ? ;D03:35
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MickMcMackquacker, the Evil Empire, eh? :)03:36
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jvaihey every1.. gm, i use squid proxy servr, & firestarter, why i dl'ed squid, i have no idea, do i really need it?03:36
allison_1984ZoZo > hit your question again...03:37
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ZoZo-allison_1984, I try to give the user zozo rights to /home/zozo/D with "chown zozo:zozo /home/zozo/D" and "chmod 777 /home/zozo/D" but none of those works.. Tried with -R too but that didnt work neither =(03:38
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jvaiwhat r the benefits of using a proxy?03:38
IRCMonkey_Wow, IRC worked this time03:38
BooZeehow can I read the local mail (like root@local)03:38
quackerMickMcMack, CanEHjun, eh?03:39
JowiZoZo-: try to use "sudo chown -R zozo:zozo /home/zozo/D"03:39
allison_1984ZoZo > r u on a network / or r u talking about a new partition ?03:39
matrix-ubuntu-cdoes ppp got arp03:39
ZoZo-Jowi, Doint now03:39
Mabus06If I set the videoram higher, would it make games run better? I have 1gig of ram and I think I can spare some.03:39
allison_1984ZoZo > there you go ....03:39
ZoZo-allison_1984, A new partition that I mounted with root03:39
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allison_1984ZoZo > I was just on the verge of mounting a new partition too......03:40
quackerZoZo-, I charge $24-35/hour for remote assistance (unless it's something technically sexy taht I;ve never done before and want to test on someone else's boxen first) -- heh03:40
ZoZo-Damn ;D03:40
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matrix-ubuntu-c whereis arp03:40
matrix-ubuntu-carp: /usr/sbin/arp /usr/share/man/man8/arp.8.gz /usr/share/man/man7/arp.7.gz03:40
matrix-ubuntu-chwo do i install arp03:40
brennerMabus06: an onboard card? a laptop i assume?03:41
Mabus06brenner, an onboard card yes. Nope, not a laptop.03:41
frogzoomatrix-ubuntu-c: I don't see the need for arp for ppp03:41
ZoZo-Jowi, And that did not work neither =(03:41
quackerAfter all, opens source developers and their downstream technicianen must manger too.03:41
ZoZo-allison_1984, I mounted my with "mount -t ntfs /dev/hda2 /home/zozo/D03:41
=== quacker has to eat
BooZeequestion - how can I read the local mail (like root@local) ?03:41
ZoZo-quacker, What if I buy you dinner then ? ;D03:41
brennerMabus06: it's not worth it imo, just buy a seperate card, upgrading the mboard if necessary.  but i guess it depends on what sort of games03:42
JowiZoZo-: NTFS can not put user flags like that03:42
allison_1984ZoZo > and you have files already on that partition ?03:42
frogzooBooZee: probly 'sudo mail' will do it03:42
quackerZoZo-, you'd save money if you jsut paid my fees (min. 1/2 hour)03:42
BooZeefrogzoo: is that the only way?03:42
ZoZo-Jowi, It worked yesterday.. :S03:42
frogzoowhaaat??? there's no 'mail' in ubuntu03:42
Mabus06brenner, what do you mean "not worth it, buy a separate card"... I don't want to buy any new hardware, that costs money where I'm from..03:42
=== quacker likes his Atlantic lobster very fresh (and lives in the midwest!).
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BooZeefrogzoo: and what if I want to check another user's mail ?03:43
MB|Can0nAny idea why CC=gcc-3.4; export CC doesnt work ?  It doesnt change it to 3.4, just keeps it on 4. I have installed the right packages03:43
=== Mabus06 lives in Halifax, where there's tons of lobster
ZoZo-quacker, I wonder.. It's soooo much to fix here ;D Like my sound drivers too :p And to get mplayer and make that work :p03:43
ZoZo-allison_1984, Yea, had that partition on a windows install03:43
frogzooBooZee: su03:43
quackerZoZo-, you will learn much, young padawan, before you are through.03:43
Jowishopping time. bbl03:43
mahanguisnt cedega int he repos?03:43
frogzooBooZee: but if you're the mail admin - you can go straight to /var/spool/mail ;)03:43
quackerhint: crimsun is the ALSA guru here.03:44
djk_mahangu: cedega costs money..03:44
MickMcMackI thought you could get the Cedega source free?03:44
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djk_MickMcMack: no.03:44
MickMcMackIt's just the prepackaged binaries that they charge for? :s03:44
MB|Can0nThere is a cvs-cedega and wine can handle games almost aswell as cedega =)03:44
MickMcMackHmmz, my bad.03:44
brennerMabus06: well, most onboard cards are to put it simply: crap for games03:44
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mahangudjk_, oh right, so there is no other FOSS way to play directx games under Linux?03:44
quackerZoZo-, diners enroute probably takes credit card payments over the telephone -- hah!03:44
djk_MB|Can0n: wine doesn't have directx9 support does it?03:45
brennerMabus06: but like i said, depends on the game03:45
rlanglyhey guys -- so is Ubuntu like the up and coming distro folks are moving to now?  I'm normally a Slackware guy, but I ordered the CD's from ubuntu yesterday.  I'm anxious to try it out, but what does it offer that other distros don't have?03:45
jvaihey, is having squid proxy & firestartr, beneficial? do i even need squid?03:45
MB|Can0ndjk_: Dont know03:45
quackerZoZo-, are you trying to change the permission on an NTFS filesystem?!03:45
mjrdjk_, it does have some support, not fully functional yet03:45
ZoZo-quacker, Yea..03:45
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quackerchown WILL NOT work on ntfs03:45
allison_1984rlangly > get ready  to wait.....03:45
ZoZo-Damnit.. Why dont I have any irl friends that knows linux ? .p03:45
djk_mahangu: FOSS? i don't speak abbreviation..03:45
rlanglyallison_1984, how do you mean?03:46
quackersorry, I didn't connect the two03:46
ZoZo-What works on ntfs ? :p03:46
mahangurlangly, there are lots. id download the iso03:46
frogzoorlangly: mostly it's the ease of install - most recent h/w just works - & the packages are reasonably stable03:46
mahangudjk_, Free and Open Source Software03:46
quackerman ntfstools03:46
allison_1984rlangly > just download it from a mirror03:46
oKtosiTe_No1Viking: you're welcome!03:46
ubotuit has been said that restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats. Most of the formats listed here have been replaced by !FreeFormats03:46
djk_mahangu: wine.03:46
ZoZo-quacker, When I do apt-get install ntfstools it stands it's already installed.. But I cant find it :S03:46
allison_1984rlangly > I ordered mine...but someone told me...prolly three months to get it mailed to me03:46
jvaiso, having a proxy, has no security enefits03:46
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rlanglyIt'll be probably after Christmas before I  can mess with it anyway, but I'll download it if the CD's haven't arrived by the time I want to work with it.  Myconnection is fast, so would only take an hour or so to get it.03:47
mahangudjk_, wine and directx?03:47
frogzooallison_1984: 3 weeks is more typical, i believe03:47
rlanglyallison_1984, ahh, I'll download it then.  Just heard the CD's are really groovy lookin'.03:47
frogzooallison_1984: actually, depends on what you have ordered03:47
MB|Can0nAny idea why CC=gcc-3.4; export CC doesnt work ?  It doesnt change it to 3.4, just keeps it on 4. I have installed the right packages03:47
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allison_1984rlangly > I downloaded mine..and its running like a dream03:47
rlanglydoes Ubuntu support rpm, apt-get, or all the above?  Just curious.03:47
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frogzooMB|Can0n: will only work if the makefiles use CC03:48
allison_1984Frogzoo ? I ordered the 3 cds pack...minimal03:48
djk_mahangu: like mjr just said, it has some support, not fully functional yet. i know it works with older games.03:48
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frogzooallison_1984: 3 weeks & x fingers03:48
MB|Can0nIt does, I get [4389888.711000]  osslinux: version magic '2.6.12 386 gcc-4.0' should be '2.6.12-10-386 386 gcc-3.4'03:48
djk_mahangu: but i doubt something like civ4 would work in wine, albeit.. civ4 doesnt seem to work on windows either :p03:48
allison_1984Frogzoo >  like maybe four weeks ago and no news as yet03:48
mahangudjk_, Counter Strike? :)03:49
quacker"This compatibility was achieved in the Wine way by using the original Microsoft Windows ntfs.sys driver. It emulates the required subsystems of the Microsoft Windows kernel by reusing one of the original ntoskrnl.exe, ReactOS parts,...."03:49
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quackerZoZo-, ntfstools are called by parted and directly at the command line -- id you *read* the Wiki that ubotu sent youi?03:50
frogzooMB|Can0n: which gcc-3.403:50
jvaii cant keep my firewall up while on the company's network, i get mail thru pop03:50
djk_mahangu: never played that :) apparently seems to work according to http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?appId=87103:50
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MB|Can0nfrogzoo: /usr/bin/gcc-3.403:51
brennerrlangly: it's deb based03:51
jvai& all the xp workstations here have sp1, only03:51
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jvaido i need squid also?03:51
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frogzooMB|Can0n: did you remake 'make config' after the install  ?03:51
MB|Can0nAfter I installed gcc-3.4 ?03:51
quackerrlangly, yes, and rpm is supported through the apt-get 'translation' package for Debian, 'alien'.03:51
frogzooor ./configure or whatever03:52
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MB|Can0nUhm.. I just run ./oss-install03:52
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frogzooMB|Can0n: nope, I'd start from square 103:52
aftertafweekend :)03:52
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MB|Can0nfrogzoo: Explain a little, what square 1 ?03:52
rob_pjvai:  What are you trying to accomplish?03:53
frogzooMB|Can0n: what are you building?03:53
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frogzooMB|Can0n: kernel ?03:53
quackerjvai, you shouldn't have to take your whole firewall down just to let POP (TCP port 110) through03:53
jvaii want a fastr browsing experience, on my p3/486mhz/thinkpad03:53
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jvaitho it's mad fast now03:53
MB|Can0nfrogzoo: 2.6.12-10-38603:53
frogzoojvai: ff 1.0.7 is nice03:54
jvaido i ned squid proxy?03:54
jonathonhey anyone got any experience with samba? i can see other samba shares on the network but even tho i shared a file i cant see it anywhere03:54
quackerjust add your POP3 server to your firewall's ACL on port 110.03:54
jvaii have ff 1.0703:54
frogzoojvai: so what's the prob?03:54
quackerjvai,  do you even read the answers people are giving you?!03:54
frogzooMB|Can0n: no, start again, what are you trying to compile?03:54
jvaii have squid on here, if i dont need it.. i'll ghost it03:54
BlueDevildoes anyone know of a voice conferencing program for linux similar to TeamSpeak?03:55
jvaii want to knw if it's beneficial03:55
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snorksBlueDevil: maybe ventrilo?03:55
trappistjvai: if you didn't set it up on purpose you don't need it03:55
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djk_BlueDevil: isn't there a Linux-TeamSpeak2-client?03:55
MB|Can0nfrogzoo: Im trying to compile OSS so I can have music and hopefully, hardware mixing03:55
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jvaino1 answer earlier03:55
quackerjonathon, check the permissions on the fileshare03:55
BlueDevildjk_: yes, but it uses OSS, not ALSA03:55
frogzooMB|Can0n: OSS = open source software?03:55
rob_pjvai:  A local caching proxy would have the ability to speed some things up (like frequently requested data from same site, etc.) significantly if configured properly.03:56
quackerjvai, any proixy is abig waste of time unless you *need* a proxy03:56
thenukefrogzoo: maybe like open source sound or somthing :)03:56
MB|Can0nfrogzoo: http://www.opensound.com/ =)03:56
snorksopen sound systems03:56
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thenukeopen sound system to be exact..03:56
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quackerif you just want to cache pages so they load faster (as rob_p suggest) then get wwwoffle or something lightweight -- squid is a monster of the deep,not to mention as big security hole if not confed properly03:57
BlueDevilsnorks: ventrilo doesn't have a linux client :(03:57
som1guys.. when i use bash and try to cvs checkout and it asks me for a password and its wrong and i ctrl+c to get outta there i cant see what im writing and when i click enter or something it doesnt write on another line.. and it works fine with csh03:57
theD3viLBlueDevil, there is teamspeak203:57
eeaaxxwhen i tried to upgrade hoary to breezy, the firefox browser does not have fonts?03:58
jvaiok.. *uninstalling squid*03:58
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jvaii also set ff's cache to 003:58
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quackerwwwoffle can be set to accept remote connections as well or using tcpwrapper or inetd03:58
BlueDeviltheD3viL: i know, but it uses OSS and doesn't work with aoss; even with OSS doesn't work sometimes03:58
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som1i use cvs 1.12.9 and bash-3.00.16(1)-release03:58
jvaiok.. i was on the assumption that proxy = security03:58
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frogzooeeaaxx: I'm guessing you didn't preinstall the metapackages? ubuntu-base & ubuntu-desktop ?03:59
quackerjvai no03:59
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som1who should i report this stuff to ? :)03:59
jonathonquacker what permissions where?03:59
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theD3viLBlueDevil, buy a soundblaster soundcard for 10-20$03:59
BlueDevilfor what?04:00
MoianaHi there! Does anybody know of a way to install tetex 3.0 on ubuntu?04:00
BlueDevilthis works just fine04:00
quackerThat is one reason they are set up, but you the understand what you are doing.  A proxy server is *not* the same as a firewall, althoughit can provide *some* of the same functions.04:00
jvai*squid* is ghost, on my box04:00
theD3viLBlueDevil, that you can play oss and oss04:00
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theD3viLBlueDevil, without any aoss04:00
quackerjvai, are you <shudder>) running an Internet node?04:00
BlueDeviltheD3viL: oss apps lock /dev/dsp; another soundcard would behave the same04:01
quackerjonathon, what question, where?04:01
BlueDevilbesides, the soundcard does hardware mixing04:01
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jonathonquacker my smb isnt working so well04:02
jvailol.. noo, but when i'm @ work. i use this notebook as a workstation, but i cant function w/ my firestartr on!, so, using the proxy @ work*automaticly* we have a rh server facing the outside04:02
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frogzooany hints on how I get the gtkwifi applet into the menu bar?04:02
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quackerjonathon, are you on two connected machines RN?04:03
frogzoojvai: you just need to reconfigure firestarter to allow your mail through04:03
jvaii had proxy set to *automatic* on ff & network settings04:03
jonathontwo computers on a router04:03
jvaioooo ok @ frog04:03
brennerMoiana: any specific reason why you need t3?04:04
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quackerjonathon, what UI for the Samba host (the machine with the files on it)?04:04
jonathonwhats UI mean?04:04
frogzooUI= user interface04:04
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jonathonim using gnome04:04
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quacker(U)ser (I)interface (i.e. KDE, Gnome, Xcfe, virtual terminal...)04:05
contradictorybenwhat controls the look of the menu fonts in VLC?04:05
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jonathonbefore i start bothering u im going to restart and try one thing first04:05
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contradictorybene.g. many menu entries have !D after them (presumably instead of an ellipse)04:05
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NgBlueDevil: not true, a soundblaster live supports many applications opening /dev/dsp :)04:06
Ngas do some other cards04:06
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Ngsuch hardware mixing is like golddust in soundcards though, *still* :(04:06
jvaii have my fonts set to *best contrast/RGB/greyscale* it looks nice, & clear04:06
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strider_I'm getting a failed to construct test pipeline for 'XWindows (X11/XShm/Xv)' error while starting totem04:07
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strider_which is the default sink04:07
strider_Any ideas?04:07
quackerubotu, UI is (U)ser (I)interface (i.e.X-windows  KDE, Gnome, Xcfe (GUIs--(G)raphical (U)ser (I)nterface(s)) console, virtual terminal (CLIs--(C)ommand (L)ine (I)nterface(s))...)04:07
ubotuquacker: okay04:07
quackerubotu GUI is see 'UI'04:07
ubotuokay, quacker04:07
jvairesolution on fonts set @ 96 d.p.i04:07
quackerubotu CLI is see 'UI'04:07
ubotu...but cli is already something else...04:07
jvaion gnome04:07
ubotuI guess cli is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicCommands or http://www.linuxcommand.org/, or http://www.tuxfiles.org04:08
brennerstrider_: mine's set to xwindows (no sv)04:08
Ngstrider_: generally that one is. Try the No Xv one though, it might be that your graphics card drivers can't do xv04:08
ubotuNo idea, quacker04:08
ubotuwell, samba is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SettingUpSamba or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently04:08
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strider_ah just got the ati 8.19.10 drivers.04:08
contradictorybenso e.g. the first VLC menu item is "Quick Open File!D" ... why is this?04:08
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strider_I'll try the ati one04:09
HowieQuestion: I am trying to setup Plugger on Ubuntu Linux V-5.04 couild someone help me please. I find the Plugger websight confusing to a new Linux user.04:09
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strider_and no xv and simple sdl works fine04:09
frogzoowhat's the difference between xv & simple sdl ?04:09
eeaaxxanybody knows how to solve my problem in firefox?04:09
frogzooeeaaxx: maybe try installing ubuntu-base & ubuntu-desktop04:10
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eeaaxxfrogzoo: i'll try04:11
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brennereeaaxx: or tell us exactly what you mean by "no fonts"04:12
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eeaaxxbrenner: it means, there are no fonts only underscore is viewed04:14
brennereeaaxx: where? in the menus? in the webpages themselves?  see what i mean?04:15
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johnnyhello evreyone04:15
HowieIs there a howto script somewhere that explains in detail how to setup Plugger on Ubuntu V-5.04.04:15
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eeaaxxbrenner: menus, webpages04:16
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occycrimsun, hey... is there a default char limit on the topic of a channel?04:17
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brennereeaaxx: do as frogzoo suggested first...do other apps act the same way?04:18
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deltronoccy: yeah04:18
occydeltron, hmm04:18
occyk thanks04:18
deltronnot sure what it is here04:18
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deltroneach irc server is different04:19
deltronerr network04:19
CityismineHey I just installed firefox, but it doesn't show up under system tools, I'm kinda new to ubuntu, can someone help me out04:19
frogzooCityismine: it's under internet04:19
eeaaxxbrenner: ill try. thanks04:19
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contradictorybendoes no-one know how to make vlc look nice with ubuntu?04:19
CityismineI meant firestarter, not firefox, sorry04:19
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brennercontradictoryben: it's gtk1 based isn't it?04:20
occySo there is no way to get Firefox 1.5 without messing up your system?  as I see FF is dependant upon ubuntu-desktop04:20
frogzooCityismine: logout & back in04:20
kana01i need help04:20
deltronguten tag04:20
erUSULkana01, ask04:20
kana01english or french plz04:21
frogzoooccy: what you going to do about all the  plugins that will break? or just keep ff1.5 in your local dir04:21
contradictorybenbrenner: i'm using the ubuntu package ... it seems to have multiple interfaces (e.g. wxwidgets) but I _assume_ it's basically gtk04:21
kana01im new in ubuntu and in linux04:21
occyfrogzoo, all the plugins?  what else is there besides flash?  heh04:21
kana01i wouldl ike install winex04:21
occyfrogzoo, and flash doesn't work?04:21
brennercontradictoryben: yes, but gtk1 is butt-ugly (e.g. xmms), while gtk2 is purdier (e.g. bmp)04:21
frogzoooccy: gxine, realaudio for starters04:21
kana01how to do that?04:21
kana01plz help me04:22
vaporhey guys.. i've installed upower.. (similar to splashy) and tests with $ upower startup | shutdown worked fine. but on booting oder shutting down, i'm just in verbose mode. i can't see any bootsplashpicture. anybody an idea how to fix it?04:22
contradictorybenbrenner: there must be ways to make gtk look nice... or at least output the correct characters04:22
erUSULkana01, use synaptic. search for it and mark for instalation. finally press aply04:22
brennercontradictoryben: and if it *is* gtk1, you just have to wait till they port it to gtk204:22
CityismineIs there any other way to update the menus, maybe through command line??04:22
frogzookana01: open synaptic & install pkgs wine & xwine04:22
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occyfrogzoo, heh, have never used those.04:22
vapor*or shutting down04:22
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brennercontradictoryben: you were getting !D characters right?04:23
blankycan i fsck the drive im running on04:23
kana01ok i teste thanks erUSUL and FROGZOO04:23
rob_pCityismine:  killall gnome-panel04:23
deltronkana01: install xwine04:23
blankyI keep getting CRC errors when un-rarring a file (cylic redundancy check)04:23
frogzooblanky: no - file systems have to be unmounted to fsck04:23
blankyso i should do it from a live cd, got it04:23
djk_frogzoo: xwine is just a GUI for wine04:23
erUSULCityismine, smeg04:23
frogzoodjk_: yup, that's why you need wine as well04:24
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djk_frogzoo: she asked for wineX04:24
kana01i don't have wine and xwine04:24
djk_or he04:24
kana01when i search i can't find04:24
erUSUL!tell kana01 about repos04:24
johnnycan some one give me a name of a good linux firewall04:24
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djk_kana01: you'll need to edit your /etc/apt/sources.list ..04:24
kana01!tell erusul04:24
djk_johnny: iptables04:24
BooZeeI got a problam with flash!!04:24
kana01im noob in ubuntu04:25
erUSULkana01, you need to add all repositories see the msg ubotu send you04:25
frogzoodjk_: you are right, hmm.. time to turn in04:25
djk_johnny: yes04:25
luis_hi everybody04:25
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djk_frogzoo: hehe :)04:25
deltronhi dr. nick04:25
luis_any dapper user around?04:25
johnnydjk_: is that the name of the firewall or isit the actualy iptables?04:25
twilightluis_, yes04:25
kana01have you got msn?04:25
erUSULjohnny, firestarter i personally use firehol both are "front-ends" to iptables04:25
kana01for explain me plz ?04:25
djk_johnny: it's the actual iptables... firestarter and bla are just frontends ;)04:25
deltronluis_: you're a brave man if you wanna use dapper ;)04:25
BooZeeI can't see text inside flash! (for an example - when right clicking on a movie, and going to the settings - I can see only the pics and no text!!)04:26
luis_twilight, got problems with HAL?04:26
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djk_kana01: are you interested in wine or winex?04:26
erUSULkana01, have you read what ubotu told you?04:26
twilightluis_, no. I've problems with udev04:26
trappistjohnny: I use ipkungfu04:26
brennerdapper = next release?04:26
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kana01im french04:26
ubotuVa a #ubuntu-fr et #kubuntu-fr pour aide et discussion en francais04:26
kana01and i wan't test ubuntu04:26
luis_i've trying, but to no avail04:26
luis_no soundcard, but it shows in the device manager04:27
erUSULkana01, i'm spanish... ;)04:27
kana01and erUSUL have you got msn?04:27
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kana01hola :)04:27
twilightluis_, kernel?04:27
twilighttry with the 2.6.12-604:27
twilightluis_, 2.6.15-6, sorry04:28
CityismineDo I need a firewall??  Cause my router crashed, and now I'm plugged directly into my dsl modem04:28
luis_latest newest shinest twilight04:28
kana01im in synaptic04:28
kana01what i have to do?04:28
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deltronedit the sources to add universal04:29
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luis_twilight, 2.6.12-9-68604:29
twilightluis_, many things are changed..hotplug will be replaced by coldplug/udev/kernel features04:29
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luis_twilight, that is what apt-get gives me04:29
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erUSULkana01, open Configuration-->Repositories04:29
luis_yeah, i've been reading so04:30
erUSULkana01, mark all the repositories04:30
kana01where is configuration??04:30
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twilightluis_, sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.15-6, and try it04:30
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luis_twilight, what bothers me is that dapper sees the card04:30
kana01erusul im in private chat with you04:31
twilightluis_, less /etc/sndstat . is all ok?04:31
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rob_pCityismine:  That's debatable.  Some see the need, others don't.  Ubuntu doesn't have any 'Net facing daemons by default (no servers configured to listen on the external interface).  However, there's something to be said for layered security.  Depends on how much you're willing to be inconvienenced by running a local firewall on your box.04:31
=== Brendon [n=Brendon@c-66-176-5-194.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kouweon a new installation of ubuntu with freeNx on it, is a firewall protecting the ports?04:32
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clarkeefreeNx ?04:32
mjrkouwe, no04:32
twilightluis_, sorry.../dev/sndstat04:32
luis_twilight, /etc/sndstat: No such file or directory04:32
clarkeewhy woudl that block anything04:32
mjrthere's no firewall on by default04:32
arnduckyrob_p do netstat -tnl04:32
clarkeeif you want a firewall, get FireStarter04:32
clarkeesynaptic has it04:32
kouwemjr, ok but in my config i have port 8888 but i cant ocnnect on it04:32
kouweand when i try 2 connect on 22 with knx it says something with no sshd04:33
djk_clarkee: there already is a firewall..iptables :p04:33
arnduckyUbuntu listens on port 631 (UNIX print services) if you have cupsd or lpd installed04:33
erUSULkana01, freenode blocks priv msgs04:33
rob_parnducky:  Ok... nothing!04:33
clarkeedjk_: :p silly04:33
luis_twilight, /dev/sndstat: No such device04:33
kana01erusul do you speak french?04:33
twilightso..this could be a problem luis_04:33
arnduckyIt also listens on 22/23 sshd/telnetd04:33
luis_twilight, the volume applet is greyed out04:33
rob_parnducky:  Not by default!  Only if you install those servers.04:34
luis_twilight, The volume control did not find any elements and/or devices to control. This means either that you don't have the right GStreamer plugins installed, or that you don't have a sound card configured.04:34
arnduckyAnd of course, 135, 137, and 139 (sambad)04:34
kana01!tell kana01 about repos04:34
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twilightluis_, /dev/dsp exists?04:34
kouwein my node i have this -> SHD_PORT=8888 <- so i want to connect with Knx to port 888804:34
erUSULkana01, no sorry :( only galician, spanish and english04:35
arnduckyarnducky, rob_p my pint is that most users will have at least one of those services, perhaps without realizing that they open Net facing ports04:35
rob_parnducky:  Again, *IF* you install those servers... in which case, you'd possibly benefit from a local firewall in the instance that you wanted finer granularity over who can access the services.04:35
kana01have you got MSN??04:35
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luis_twilight, nope04:36
arnduckyYou are prompted to install these things by tonnes-0-GUI-scriptlets when setting up a Breezy04:36
ZoZo-Hehe.. How can you install a windows over a ubuntu install..? :)04:36
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johnnyi downloaded firestarter and it dose not work?04:36
twilightluis_, i believe that 2.6.15-6 fix the problem04:36
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arnduckyrob_p, look at Ubuntu's services manager -- they *ARE* built-in, (at least with ubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-desktop); some may not be turned on.04:37
ThePyromaniacjohnny you have to run it each time you want it to load, put it in the startup list04:37
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johnnyit came up with this error "Failed to execute child process "firestarter.sh" (No such file or directory)"04:37
luis_twilight, linux-image-2.6.15-604:37
luis_ package cannot be found04:37
ThePyromaniacguys, how can i get Rhythmbox to be able to edit IDV tages?04:37
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johnnyhow do i put it in the start up list?04:38
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arnduckyrob_p, IMO, *every* desktop user can benefit from a 'local firewall' (firewalls do not only filter/block incoming ports).04:38
jvaijohnny. uninstall/reinstall, but thru synaptic04:38
twilightluis_, you/re on 386?04:38
arnduckyBut I'm just a paranoid duck... heh...04:38
rob_parnducky:  Some of those servers are installed by default (such as postfix) however, they are configured to listen on local loopback only.  You have to specifically configure them to listen on the external interface.04:38
twilightluis_, linux-image-2.6.15-6-38604:38
ThePyromaniacjohnny go System -> Administration -> Services04:38
rob_parnducky:  While I happen to agree with you, many are to easily flustered by having to deal with one.  As I said in my initial comment, some see the benefit, others don't.04:39
arnduckyrob_p, and that conf is doen first time somebody says, 'hey I want my laptop to print' or I need to share a file, or if they're simply curious and start clicking on admin tools.04:39
johnnyk, thanks04:39
erUSULThePyromaniac, use easytag04:40
ThePyromaniacjohnny System -> Prefferences -> Sessions04:40
ThePyromaniacthen its on Startup04:40
arnduckyrob_p, if you agree with me then help me spread the gospel of security -- heh.  Encourage poor intimidated lusers, support, and ej00fikate.04:40
ThePyromaniacerUSUL that never works for me, says its not allowed04:40
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arnduckybesides, firestarter is no harder than TPF ((T)iny (P)ersonal (F)irewall) for WinBLOWs04:41
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jvaido u have to inable "universe" to use firestartr?04:41
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luis_twilight, downloading...04:41
erUSULkana01, ??04:41
jvaii have universe repositories04:41
|Kouwe|all the freeNX howto's are saying that i have a SSHD and it should also be in init.d but i cant reach it... Where is it?04:41
johnnywhat shall i do for start up command should i do this "firestarter -a"04:42
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jvailol.. is tpf the default fw in sp1 for xp?04:42
ThePyromaniacjohnny look in the menu editor, whatever it is in there04:42
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jvaijust type firestater in the terminal, press enter04:42
arnduckyjvai,no they ripped off their own04:42
=== Delvien [n=dm@cpe-65-31-24-117.insight.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ThePyromaniacgksudo /usr/sbin/firestarter i used to use04:43
arnduckyerr 'code' their own f/w that is04:43
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johnnywhere is the menu editor?04:43
=== BlueEagl1 [n=blueeagl@ti541210a080-13424.bb.online.no] has joined #Ubuntu
ThePyromaniacyou'd have to use sudo with either, then it asks for password on login04:43
|Kouwe|all the freeNX howto's are saying that i have a SSHD and it should also be in init.d but i cant reach it... Where is it?04:43
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ThePyromaniacis it su -password instead or sudo?04:43
arnduckyWho knows what M$ steals from other hackers on a daily basis when the source is secret, obfuscated, or released under strict NDAs04:43
opnsrcI try to run an MP3 file and it says, Totem could not play 'file ... (the name of the file)' Audio Codec 'MPEG1 Layer 3 CBR' is not handled04:44
opnsrcHow do I fix it?04:44
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|Kouwe|sudo su ThePyromaniac04:44
arnducky(the fact they 'stole' DOS in the first place has been well documented and a leopard doesn't change it's spots)04:44
johnnywhere is the menu editor04:44
ThePyromaniacstil asks for a password04:44
opnsrcM$ is stupid04:44
|Kouwe|your user password04:44
ThePyromaniacjohnny just firestarter will load it04:44
arnducky|Kouwe|, tuen it on04:44
arnduckyerr tuen=turn04:45
opnsrcM$ only got to the top by stealing and patenting prior art04:45
|Kouwe|how amducky04:45
ThePyromaniac[kouwe]  the point is i want the command to give it the password04:45
opnsrcthat they never came up with04:45
arnduckysshd in Ubuntu runs as a 'service' --heh.  ( rob_p and I wer *just* discussing that)04:45
ThePyromaniaci dont want to put it in the popup box or type it in seperatly04:45
opnsrcIE: with the menus for IPOD. APPLe came up with those menus, M$ simply took them and patented them afterwards04:45
erUSUL|Kouwe|, which sshd04:45
arnducky|Kouwe|, got kde?04:45
opnsrcM$ is too stupid to come up with their own ideas04:45
arnduckyman init.d04:45
johnnyso i just type in firestarter and the -a to start it up on startup and thats it04:45
opnsrcthey steal ideas from others and patent them04:45
johnnyi can get into menue editor then?04:46
ThePyromaniacbut you can understand that if someone has a good feature you just "borrow" it, people have been doing thatfor years04:46
opnsrcM$ flat out steals it04:46
opnsrcThey don't "borrow" it04:46
opnsrcthey patent it04:46
|Kouwe|arnducky: yes kde04:46
opnsrcThey steal it and patent it04:46
jvaii'm tryin to set up my gyrl's xp/home box, "as close to unbuntu as possible".. i have spybot s&s, w/ tea timer wrapped around ie, i have her logging in a limited account, fw'd, OO2, on there04:46
ThePyromaniacha! firestarter doesnt work when you type that04:46
K_Dallasopnsrc, one side of problem is us patent office! how on earth they accept a patent for double-clicking :)04:46
|Kouwe|arnducky: this is what my suse says when trying to connect04:46
|Kouwe|The remote host (xxx:22) could not be reached, or it does not have a running SSH daemon04:46
opnsrcEven though they didn't even come up with the feature in the first place04:46
ThePyromaniacgksudo /usr/sbin/firestarter does :p04:46
arnduckyor just use KDE-button --> Utilities --> Services04:46
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opnsrcI have no clue04:46
opnsrcand menus for the IPod04:46
kana01erUSUL help me plz04:46
johnnyhow do i start it then?04:46
opnsrcEspecially coming from M$, who didn't even come up with those menus04:47
erUSULopnsrc, #ubuntu-offtopic exist for a reason ;)04:47
ThePyromaniacput gksudo /usr/sbin/firestarter in the sessions startup04:47
opnsrcpeople were talking about the topic04:47
=== K_Dallas had to patent command-line many years ago ;)
ThePyromaniachowever how can i pass a command the password?04:47
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jvaiok johnny, the gui for firestarter should b in *applications-->system tools*04:47
arnducky|Kouwe|, ?04:47
erUSULkana01, i 'm trying. have you enabled repositories in synaptic??04:47
opnsrcAnywho, how can I fix this MP3 player problem?04:47
ThePyromaniacjvai yes but he wants autoload04:47
jvaiit should have prompt'd u for a password04:47
kana01i don't understand04:47
kana01what is the repositorie04:48
ThePyromaniacjvai how do we stop it askign for password too, lol04:48
=== Jowi [n=johan@bgn92-4-82-238-212-88.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
ThePyromaniaci thought i saw something like su -password command04:48
Jowihello all04:48
johnnyits not there04:48
johnnyfor some strange reason i reinstalled it twice04:48
kouwearnducky, command for the services?04:48
kouweand check/start sshd04:48
opnsrcwhat program plays MP3's in Ubuntu that I can install?04:49
opnsrcor is there one already installed but is just not the default player?04:49
ThePyromaniacopnsrc you using gstreamer?04:49
jvaiwhen u do it....  but then it would leav it open "for any1 that access that box, the power to tamper w/ it"04:49
=== ColdWind [n=coldwind@81-202-56-60.user.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu
deltronopnsrc: totem04:49
erUSULthey are web sites in wich there are packages for installation if you enable them you can isnstall thing from it.04:49
opnsrcno totem04:49
arnduckykouwe, I already said -- scroll back04:49
opnsrcI'm using Totem04:49
jvai?? @ johnny04:49
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opnsrcIt says it needs an Audio Codec04:49
deltronxmms, vlc04:49
arnduckyor /etc/init.d/sshd start04:50
erUSULkana01, read this web page https://wiki.ubuntu.com//AddingRepositoriesHowto04:50
ThePyromaniacopnsrc gstreamer0.8-mad04:50
kouweyes and it isnt present04:50
kouwein the init.d filder04:50
opnsrcwait, so totem is for Movies and gstreamer is for Mp3's ?04:50
opnsrcBecause I had Gstreamer and it didn't play movies04:50
arnduckykouwe, I told you to use KDE04:50
erUSULkana01, is in english but very clear with screenshots04:50
kouweyes i am now on my KDE interface04:50
ThePyromaniacgstreamer does EVERYTHING04:50
arnduckyUtilities --> Services04:50
ThePyromaniacwhat movies didnt play?04:50
kouwe(dutch version)04:50
opnsrcand for some reason my OS doesn't want me to have both at once04:50
kouwebut i aint seeing any services04:50
=== kevin [n=kevin@61-217-195-11.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu
jvaiw/ totem i can play everything but dvd's & wmp files04:51
ThePyromaniacopnsrc gstreamer is like a backend type thing. totem uses gstreamer04:51
arnduckyIf it's not there, then all I can suggest is using aptitude to find and install it04:51
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opnsrcoh ok04:51
ThePyromaniacjvai it can play dvd's too :D04:51
ThePyromaniacjust go into synaptic and type gstreamer and the filetype04:51
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ThePyromaniacit does AVI's if you wrestle hard enough04:51
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jvaii cant play blockbuster's dvds04:51
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ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, dvd is "DVD playing is possible in ubuntu, some DVDs may require libdvdcss2, which is available on http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl   See also !libdvdcss2"04:52
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jvaimines play avi files effortlessly04:52
arnduckykouwe, did you CLICK ont he KDE 'Start Buttun', scroll up to the 'utilities' menu looking for 'services'04:52
jvailibdvdcss, is.. the end of the rainbow.. i vcant find it04:52
=== _mindspin [n=mindspin@p54B2D108.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
arnduckyerrr or the 'Start Button' would werk two!04:52
Jowithere should even be a gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse that installs all codecs04:52
kouwearnducky, nope sorry not there :(04:53
arnduckytry right clicking on kicker and choosing configure04:53
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arnducky(maybe it's isntalled but unchecked)04:53
kouweill check it04:53
ThePyromaniacso... how can i pass the root password to a command without typing it seperatly?04:53
kana01its ok04:53
arnduckyAlso do $ apt-cache search sshd04:54
erUSULThePyromaniac, you shouldn't04:54
arnduckyor Synaptic --> Search....04:54
ThePyromaniacerUSUL is there no way?04:54
erUSULkana01, have you enabled the repositories??04:54
kouwenope, aint int the menu editor either04:54
windowsrefundThePyromaniac, look into ssh keys with that use the command= attribute and do not have passphrases04:55
opnsrcI just decided to apply all those gstreamer plugins so I don't get any more of those problems04:55
kouwearnducky, cant u check the shortcut in your menu editor and then ill try that command?04:55
arnduckyThePyromaniac, whyever would yoiu want to do that?  su, sudo, gksu, et. al. protect you from typing your root pw in plaintext04:55
jvaiopen up firestarter, click on "help"  to go to firestarter's homepage, the answers r there04:55
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kana01now i active all?04:55
contradictorybenis libiconv bundled with some other ubuntu package?04:55
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ThePyromaniacarnducky well when i log in i have firestarter autoloading. therefore when it asks me for a password to load that is time when stuff could be going through04:56
ThePyromaniacso if it loads it without asking me it saves valuable seconds04:56
ThePyromaniacbut i see you're point so nevermind04:56
erUSULkana01, you are trying to install wine, right? now press reload and then search for wine04:56
rob_pkouwe:  Launch it manually with, "sudo services-admin" at the command prompt.04:56
kouwesudo: services-admin: command not found04:56
kana01i have find and i have install04:56
=== Howdy125 [n=Howdy125@c-24-19-253-236.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
opnsrcIt works, thanks04:57
windowsrefundanyone else here excited about gnubuntu?04:57
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arnduckyKDEPanel --> Configure Panel --> Menus (Tab) --> Edit Kpanel (button)04:57
kana01now if i want play to cs what i have to doing???04:57
jvaiwhen i'm out of office(ethernet) i switch to wifi @ home & cafe's.. firestarter starts automaticlly,04:57
rob_pkouwe:  Oh... KDE... :-)04:57
jvaii ca ntoggle from wired /wireless04:57
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arnduckyThePyromaniac, I'd make a sudoers entry04:58
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erUSULkana01, so you haave installed wine, winex successfully?04:58
kouwerob_p, yes indeed. arnducky not present04:58
arnduckythen any account can run it at any time, not just at startup04:58
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kana01no just wine and xwine04:58
kana01i don't have winew04:58
arnduckykouwe, did you do that apt-cache search ?04:58
erUSULkana01, i do not know never used wine my self, sorry. You can google around a bit for a how to.04:59
trappistit's called cedega these days04:59
ThePyromaniachmm, i downloaded the xwine package and it says "Error doesnt work, you must install it"04:59
kouwemaybe i need to install sshd? because its not on the system04:59
kouwearnducky, nope lets try?04:59
XiCillinautomatix is awesome04:59
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arnduckycopy paste it from here (in your scroll buffer)04:59
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kana01now how i use windows exe?04:59
trappistkana01: wine filename.exe04:59
kana01in the terminal?05:00
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kouwearnducky, apt-cache search aint working05:00
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arnduckyDo you mean it returns a null string, or do you mean you get an error?05:00
kouweerror :/05:00
windowsrefundwhat's automatix?05:01
kouwein dutch about a pattern...05:01
romanyHi everyone. Sorry if it's off topic, but is possible to run Skype on ubuntu ppc? My guess is not.05:01
arnduckylike bash: apt-cache: command or file not found05:01
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Kamping_Kaiserno it's not05:01
Kamping_Kaiserromany: no it's not05:01
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kouweapt-get is working bot search aint05:01
arnduckytry $ sudo apt-cache search sshd05:02
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romanyKamping_Kaiser: Is there VIP besides GnomeMeeting that you would recommend?05:02
jvaiquestion: is unbuntu w/ the default/untouched iptables as secure as xp w/ their native fw?05:02
Jowiromany: Maybe you can mail the skype developers and request that they make a linux ppc binary download available...05:02
arnduckymaybe the suid bit is not set for some s7ooP1t reason...   =P05:02
Kamping_Kaiserromany: i don't use voip at all, so no i cant05:02
kouweits finding something openssh-server05:02
_jasonjvai, more secure, ubuntu doesn't even run any services to make you vulnerable05:03
erUSULarnducky, btw apt-cache does not need sudo...05:03
romanyJowi: I sure will, and I guess I won't be the first one :)05:03
_jasonjvai, (by default)05:03
kana01THX FOR ALL05:03
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kana01its okay for me05:03
arnduckyerUSUL, it sholdn't, but it didn't work for the guy until he sudoed it05:03
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Trinityhello!!! i need help - my hp 3940 prints so slow in ubuntu, eventhough my setting are draft, what will i do to speed up the printin05:03
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skulridhi ppl05:04
=== arnducky does almost alll his admin chores from a root console, so he has no clue what will actually run as UID 1000+
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jeremywhitinghi everyone, anyone know how to disable gnome's mouse cursor preferences and just go back to the default X ones?05:04
arnduckykouwe, try searching for 'ssh' with Synaptic05:04
skulridI used automatix to install audio and video codecs, but my mp3 files still dont play...wath can I do??05:05
jeremywhitingthe gnome ones always fade to white over time (usually takes a couple hours, but when done, the cursor is virtually invisible05:05
Trinityhello!!! i need help - my hp 3940 prints so slow in ubuntu, eventhough my settings are draft, what will i do to speed up the printing05:05
ubotuI heard mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats.05:05
uboturumour has it, avi is Video for Windows. For more info http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats05:06
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kouwearnducky, synaptic not present05:06
arnduckyhow did you manage to install KDE on Ubuntu without Synaptic?05:06
arnducky(ubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop pull it as their default pacakge manager)05:07
Jowikouwe: sudo apt-get install ssh05:07
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kouweUnable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?05:07
gimmulf_Now im tired of this amd64 crap, will switch back to 32bit version...05:07
Jowikouwe: that will give you openssh-server and openssh-client05:07
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arnduckykouwe,  he needs openssh-server, (if it's not already installed)05:07
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kouwewell normally its installed in /etc/openssh?05:08
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kouweor something..05:08
arnduckykouwe, $ apt-get install openssh-server05:08
kouwesame thing again :( - Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?05:08
arnduckyIf it says  "...cannot... already installed... "05:08
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Jowikouwe: apparently you already have either synaptic or aptitude running already. close either of those apps and you will be able to install again (dpkg, aptitude, synaptic all use a lock to say that they own the process at the moment)05:09
katador nuevo usuario de ubuntu saluda05:09
arnduckykouwe, check to make sure you don't have another instance of apt-get, dpkg, synaptic, aptitude (or whatever) running05:09
katadorwrite spanish05:09
z3r0_dI don't have my machine handy to check... does the usual package sources have a package for opengl acceleration on 3dfx [voodoo]  cards?05:09
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.05:09
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kouwesamething again.... ps -aux then05:10
arnduckyps -C apt-get05:10
katadorwrite spanish05:10
rebortcan anyone take a look at http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1647905:10
kouwenone arnducky05:10
arnduckyx is just for proxesses without a controlling tty05:10
katadorwrite spanish05:10
bolrod"spanish  s-p-a-n-i-s-h... spanish"05:11
trappistkatador: /join #ubuntu-es05:11
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arnduckykatador, /JOIN #ubuntu-es05:11
jeremywhitingrebort: what about it?05:11
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ubotuit has been said that spanish is Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda05:11
bolrod/join #2,000,spanish-ubuntu05:11
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_jasonrebort, lol that's strange, I don't know too much about this but what keyboard do you have?05:11
rebortjeremywhiting: can you help me solve it?05:11
hoguejsI have troubles exporting variables... I do 'export CVSROOT=/cvs' then I close terminal, open it again and when I do 'echo $CVSROOT', there's nothing. What's wrong?05:11
kouweaptitude was running arnducky05:11
arnduckyaptitude ?!?05:12
rebort_jason: Microsoft Natural, the ergonomic one split in the middle05:12
arnduckyWhyever did you start it?05:12
Dr_Willishoguejs,  thats how it works.05:12
kouweopenssh already isntalled ;)05:12
Dr_Willishoguejs,  it exports it to the 'child' shells05:12
arnduckyI knew it!05:12
rebort_jason: xfce and kde set up the keyboard fine05:12
kouwenow what....05:12
hoguejsoh... is there a way to make it permanent?05:12
=== romany just emailed Skype re PPC version, holding his breath now
Dr_Willishoguejs,  set variables in your .bashrc or .bash_profile05:12
hoguejsAh, ok, thank you!05:12
Dr_Willishoguejs,  and a read of a few bash 'beginner' tutorials would come in handy.05:13
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hoguejsok, i'll do that!05:13
Jowihoguejs: the export is only valid for the current terminal/tty/session you have open. you can make it permantent by either set it in the way Dr_Willis said or in /etc/environment05:13
Dr_Willishoguejs,  also the 'advance bash scripting guide' is  a MUST read also.05:13
jeremywhitingseems like your keyboard is borked05:14
hoguejsI'll google that, thanks!05:14
jeremywhitingor maybe not in all the way?05:14
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Dr_Willisdont ya want export CVSROOT="/cvs"    also ?  actually dont ya really mean '/home/username/cvs'05:14
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Milenniumgrouphoguejs, http://tldp.org/LDP/BashBeginnersGuide/html/index.html. (not sure if that's the one you want) but it's great05:14
jeremywhitingor that the keyboard setting is wrong in X and needs to be the pc104 one05:14
ryanpghi all... anyone familiar with the dapper development process around? I read on the dapper-changes ml "Accepted xorg-server 1:0.99.2+cvs.20051025-3 (source)   Daniel Stone" but when looking at http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper I see the same version of X that's in breezy, why the descrepancy?05:14
arnduckykouwe, I'm almost stumped, but you can try the shotgun approach: $ apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade05:15
johAnyone here got sound in flash?05:15
Milenniumgroupis it possible to get DD5.1 in linux at all? just a question05:15
mazLeejoh:what's up with yourOS?05:15
arnduckyYou're sure you didn't find it in /etc/init.d/?05:16
rebortjeremywhiting: the keyboard works fine in everything else05:16
bolrodwhy does irssi use 106 MB!! of virtual memory... ?05:16
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_jasonrebort, you can probably remap them to the appropriate keys, but there is probably just a configuration setting that needs to be changed.  I think remapping is done with "setkeycodes"05:16
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daajehHello all05:16
kouwearnducky, could it be my freenx that aint working well...05:16
jeremywhitingrebort, so set it to pc105 in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf if that's the one that works right for you05:16
arnduckyI dunno whut freenx is even05:16
jeremywhitingit was probably detected wrong during install or something05:16
johmazLee: I get no sound in breezy/firefox/flash05:16
skulridis there any key shortcut to desktop??05:16
jgrieves_awaycan i create a .profile to set environment variables?05:17
kouweback 2 other pc :)05:17
arnduckykouwe, echo $PATH05:17
reborti'll try both of those ideas05:17
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daajehWhy it shows when I'm reading a non-text English page in a site a squares in between the fots?05:17
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mazLeejoh: Do PC sound in other apps?05:17
rebortjeremywhiting: doesn't gnome override xorg.conf kbd input settings?05:17
arnducky     $ dudo sshd05:17
arnduckyerr sudo too05:17
johmazLee: yes.05:18
rebortmy xkblayout and xkbvariant are both dvorak, is this right?05:18
johmazLee: Can flash use alsa for sound?05:18
=== xota saluda!
daajehDoes anyone know?05:18
jeremywhitingrebort: and that bit about dvorak not using the right keys is expected, some programs use the keycodes to detect input instead of the X or Gnome keyboard input events05:18
jgrieves_awaya .profile in my home directory of course, say to set PATH?05:18
mazLeejoh: of course05:18
arnduckykouwe, what does your path variable say?05:18
jeremywhitingso they use the normal layout05:18
jeremywhitingI don't know actually05:18
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rebortjeremywhiting: gnome always worked before with dvorak05:18
|Kouwe|sshd re-exec requires execution with an absolute path05:18
Jowijoh: see this05:18
jeremywhitingbut if they match, you shouldn't have a problem05:18
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ubotuflash is probably at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats05:18
mazLeejoh: maybe re install the plugins05:19
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pinkisntwellhow can I edit panels? the taskbar is taken by apps and I can't click on it05:19
johmazLee: what's the FIREFOX_DSP (/etc/mozilla-firefox/mozilla-firefox value for alsa? "alsa"?05:19
rebortjeremywhiting: be back in a second...05:19
jgrievesa .profile in my home directory of course, say to set PATH?05:19
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johmazLee: which plugins?05:19
Jowijoh: a fix for your problem is in the link (look for flash and sound fix)05:19
jeremywhitingyes, but mutt, or whatever prog you used that didn't understand dvorak was probably not using the gnome keyboard, just keycodes from bios or something05:19
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johJowi: which link?05:20
ubotuwell, flash is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats05:20
Jowithat one :)05:20
johJowi: thank you05:20
arnduckyThere is a sudoers argument that allows you to let sudoers set paths, butt he defualt *should* work -- it should default to root environment when sudo is run without a -u argument05:20
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Myk3hey all05:20
Jowihy Myk305:20
nox-HandIs it possible to, in Ubuntu, Kubuntu or whatever, install a package that allows one to read ones Windows partition? Would make it easier to move my docs to my Ubuntu05:20
Jowihy = hi05:20
=== Trackilizer [n=gsg@p54AED324.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
byt0rhey ubuntu people05:21
arnduckyKouwe_, WTF kinda krazy Ubuntu system have you got there, anyhow?!  Hahaha!05:21
Myk3anyone chating?05:21
_jasonnox-Hand, you mount ntfs partitions and read them05:21
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Jowi!tell nox-Hand about windowsdrives05:21
mazLeejoh: do you install the plugins by yourself or05:21
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mcphailis anyone using Skype on 64 bit breezy?05:21
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arnduckymcphail, I hav abuddy running it on an amd64 laptop with breezy05:22
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Xamuskhas anyone here implemented successfully an ltsp environment with ubuntu?05:22
nox-HandI shall have a look05:22
nox-Handbe back when tried05:22
mcphailarnducky: do you get errors like this "/dev/dsp-1: Device or resource busy05:22
arnduckymcphail, he may have had to install it with 'linux32' though05:22
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johmazLee: I don't think so...05:22
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arnduckymcphail, not my laptop -- read what I said05:22
byt0ri know nothing much about usplash, so...  if i kill usplash (uninstall) am i going to screw my system at all?  i just want a text based boot, not graphical.  do i need to reconfigure anything after uninstalling usplash?05:23
mazLeejoh: www.macromedia.com05:23
mcphailarnducky: yes - i'm using this already. It happens when i close some skype-out calls and stops me from connecting to anyone else05:23
arnduckykouwe, 'ahaa'?!?05:23
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arnduckyskype is buggy05:23
freemanenhow do see that kernel version you use?05:23
arnduckyAnd since they don't probvide source...05:23
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johmazLee: well, it's in the archives.05:24
mcphailit feels more like and esd problem...05:24
byt0rfreemanen - uname -a05:24
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arnducky(don't worry though -- it's even buggier in WinDOH!s)05:24
Jowimcphail: i heard there is a newer version of skype that correct that problem. look in the forums (ubuntu or skype forums)05:24
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heanolwhat's the kernel version on 5.10?05:24
mcphailJowi: i just downloaded it today - i assume there's no cvs version???05:24
arnduckymcphail, have you tried using a sound daemon or SDL mod instead of direct drivers?05:24
mazLeejoh: do you try to re setup the archive05:24
arnduckycrimsun is definitely the person to ask, BTW05:25
rebortno go on that jeremywhiting05:25
mcphailarnducky: how would i go about that?05:25
Xamuskin the ltsp boot, everything works fine, except that somehow the xorg.conf file is overwritten, and the settings (specially mouse ones) aren't loaded right05:25
johmahangu: why re-setup the archive?05:25
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arnduckymcphail, you could try aRTs05:25
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rebortwhy does my ketween o and [ start rhythmox laying in gnome05:25
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mcphailarnducky: cheers. Time to roll up my sleeves and experiment05:26
Jowimcphail: yeah i know. there is something wrong with that .deb. I don't remember where i found it. I think if you search for the current version you have in either skype or ubuntu forums you should be able to find it.05:26
luis_twilight, a BIG thank you, Kudos, man05:26
arnduckyeither aRTs for ALSA or aRTs for OSS or esound05:26
Dr_Willisrebort,  you mean your "P" key starts rythm box playing?05:26
rebortDr_Willis: yes05:26
twilightluis_, ; )05:26
rebortno modiers on that05:27
nox-HandHow do I get full root access? I need root, not sudo05:27
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rebortas in not with alt, crtl, win05:27
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Dr_Willisnox-Hand,  you will now be asked WHY you need it.05:27
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luis_twilight, jezz man i digged the forums05:27
jesseman_nox-Hand: sudo passwd root05:27
Jowi!tell nox-Hand about root05:27
jesseman_nox-Hand: set the root password, then use su05:27
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jesseman_nox-Hand: voila, root05:27
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Dr_Willisand then be told how to do it without etting root password. :P05:27
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mahangujoh, WHAT?05:28
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nox-Handbecause my Windows partitions are already mounted, but wrongly. And need to be root to unmount them05:28
freemanenwill it comes any news with dapper this weekend?05:28
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Jowinox-Hand: you do not need root for that05:28
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johmahangu: hm?05:28
Jowinox-Hand: sudo umount /media/windows (or which path you used)05:28
Dr_Willisif they are on the desktop - the user should be able to right click and unmount them also.05:29
nox-HandJowi: This is what it tells me when I right-click on the drive and select unmount volume: umount: only root can unmount /dev/hda1 from /media/hda105:29
vittommyhi all05:29
reborti havent een ale to use gnome or 3 months ecause o this05:29
Dr_Willisbe sure all programs/processes accessing the mounted drives are closed out also.05:29
mahangujoh, i didnt say anything?05:30
joh< mahangu> joh, WHAT?05:30
Jowinox-Hand: yeah, do it from a terminal with the command i just gave you. that will solve it05:30
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mahangu<joh> mahangu: why re-setup the archive?05:30
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nox-HandJowi: I will try05:30
vittommyi've an azalya on mobo soundcard that stop my hotplug! i block it from the bios and all work correctly...05:30
johmahangu: oh, sorry, wasn't to you :P05:30
vittommyno ideas?05:30
EvilPaddyIs there a way I can a deb of the latest PHP 5.1.x - I dont want to compile from source05:30
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ubotuwell, hardware is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport05:31
nox-HandJowi: Right! They are gone. I shall not try to mount them again with the link 'ubotu' bot gave me05:31
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nickrudrebort, I'd guess that you've mapped P to rhythmbox in metacity; you can check by starting apps->system->config editor, and going to /apps/metacity/global_keybindings and looking a the run_commands05:32
Jowivittommy: you can try to add pci=noacpi in /boot/grub/menu.list for the kernel you try to boot. that *might* be the cause.05:32
zcookHi all.  I've got a quick sendmail question05:32
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nox-HandJowi: Got these errors:05:33
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cmg_I'm trying to send mail with mailx and its not working.. what do I need to be running?  sendmail?05:33
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rebortnickrud: no, i didnt :) i checked that long ago when the rolem started05:33
nox-Handerror: libhal_device_get_property_type: org.freedesktop.Hal.NoSuchDevice: No device with id /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/block_3_105:33
nox-HandIgnoring /dev/hda1 - already in /etc/fstab05:33
rebortnickrud: that key is seen as XF86AudioPlay05:33
nox-Handerror: libhal_device_get_property_type: org.freedesktop.Hal.NoSuchDevice: No device with id /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/block_3_605:33
zcookI guess it doesn't really have to be sendmail related.  It's just that local apps like to send mail to localhost.  How can I configure sendmail or anything else that gets local e-mail from apps to just send it off to an external server?05:33
nox-HandIgnoring /dev/hdb1 - already in /etc/fstab05:33
nox-HandNo usable windows/mac partitions found05:33
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absenthis anyone able to point me in the direction of a wireless how-to for Breezy?05:33
zcookThings like apache and php all have to send mail to a static IP.  So I'd like something else which can just forward mail to a domain to intercept that mail, and send it along.05:33
nox-HandJowi: /ect/fstab?05:33
nickrudrebort, I mentioned it because I'd done something similar once :)05:34
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absenthI'm looking for a soup to nuts (this is how it all works) type site.05:34
zcookAnybody have any ideas?05:34
cmg_zcook.. do you know what I need to run to get mailx working?  does that use sendmail?05:34
EvilPaddyIs there a way I can a deb of the latest PHP 5.1.x - I dont want to compile from source05:34
Jowinox-Hand: etc/fstab contain all drives that are mounted at boot, or at a later time. give me the line with the drive you want to from "sudo fdisk -l"05:34
zcookI've got no idea, sorry :(05:34
rebortnickrud: thanks r trying05:34
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vincentmxhow do you remove usplash?05:35
cmg_zcook.. what do i need to run to be able to send mail?05:35
nox-HandJowi: sudo fdisk -l? I am using some script found on: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions05:35
nickrudrebort, you could always blow away .gconf & .gconfd, and start over :005:35
nox-HandJowi: The drives I wish to mount are called hda1 & hdb1 right now05:35
zcookapt-get install sendmail05:35
Jowinox-Hand: we'll try to solve it manually. "sudo fdisk -l" and give me the info of the two drives05:36
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rebortnickrud: i could... i think i will05:36
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=== xester good morning
nickrudrebort, assuming it's truly a gnome problem, of course05:36
nox-Hand/dev/hdb1               1        3602    28933033+   7  HPFS/NTFS05:37
nox-Hand *** /dev/hdb2            3603        4865    10145047+   5  Extended05:37
nox-Hand/dev/hdb1               1        3602    28933033+   7  HPFS/NTFS05:37
nox-Hand/dev/hdb2            3603        4865    10145047+   5  Extended05:37
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nox-Handthere, those two are the ones05:37
absenthdoes anyone know of a good "wireless on breezy" how-to?05:37
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rebortnickrud: i elieve it in a gnome oem05:37
Jowinox-Hand: add this to /etc/fstab: /dev/hdb1      /media/windows  ntfs    defaults,user,noauto,umask=000  0       005:38
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Jowinox-Hand: you will not be able to mount hdb2 since it is an extended partition and does not contain a filesystem by itself.05:38
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EvilGurui have just looked at system monitor05:38
EvilGuruand I seem to have 10 copies of apache 2 running05:39
rob_pzcook:  Postfix should do what you want.05:39
EvilGurueach taking up 20 odd mb05:39
EvilPaddyIs there a way I can a deb of the latest PHP 5.1.x - I dont want to compile from source05:39
EvilGurui compiled it05:39
EvilGurunot all that hard05:39
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zcookI don't really want to run an e-mail server on this machine.  I just want a global 'forward all e-mail to this domain'05:39
stratovariushow to format a decive in fat32?05:39
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nox-HandJowi: That is okay, I will just go into Windows and move all relevant files to correct drive.. Should I not delete this line from /etc/fstab: /dev/hda1       /media/hda1     ntfs    defaults        0       0?05:39
zcookWould that be a pretty quick setup with postfix?05:39
cristian23__Hello, I need to get my pc in "soft off"  mode instead of poweroff, so I can use wake on lan. /sys/power/state only supports standby, disk and mem, (S1, S3 and S4) but not S5 (soft off). Any ideas?05:40
Jowinox-Hand: need to leave in about 10 minutes. yeah, you can replace that line with the one i gave you or remove it totally if you wish05:40
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rebortno luck with that...05:40
Kouwe_arnducky: sorry i had to go. but thnx man for helping me!05:40
rob_pzcook:  I wonder if procmail could do that for you.  I know Postfix is capable and fairly easy to setup to do that.05:40
byt0ris there an easy way to rename mounted usb drives?  mine apparently don't have volume labels so they show up on my desktop as "37.3 GB Volume" , etc.05:40
doubleaHow can I change the default character-set I'm using.05:40
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nox-HandJowi: Right, shall I just save and then?05:41
Kouwe_but now, how do i use apt-get for installing -> libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.305:41
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zcookrob_p, can you give a bit of instruction?  A quick how-to?05:41
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nox-HandJowi: Will this make me able to write on the drive also?05:41
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firecracker2k3Hi guys, I have got everything I need working now, but i cant get 3d acceleration working, I have installed the drivers but does not work, any ideas?05:42
cmg_does anyone know how to send email from the command line?  On solaris I use mailx, but its not working on my Ubuntu box05:42
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Jowinox-Hand: I don't actually know, since i have never used a ntfs drive before. "sudo mount -a" will make it up to date.05:42
rob_pzcook:  I've got  15 minutes so, yeah.05:42
Kouwe_someone plz, how do i use apt-get for installing -> libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.305:42
firecracker2k3oh the drivers are the xorg fglx ones05:42
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sladenvincentmx: remove 'splash' from the boot parameters05:42
zcookAwesome, thank you rob_p05:42
nox-HandJowi: I get this error when attempting to open HDD:You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "hdb1".05:43
ktogiasI apt-get installed glabels, it freezes when I try to insert an image into a project... Has anyone face such a bug in glabels package? (breezy)05:43
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cmg_does anyone know how to send email from the command line?  im trying mailx, but the mail doesn't get sent05:43
BockBilbocmg_, telnet localhost 2505:44
nox-HandJowi: Whoops, that was the old drive. Forget about that--05:44
rob_pzcook:  When you install Postfix, I think it gives you a "mail" command which is handy for sending mail from the command line too!05:44
Jowinox-Hand: did you add the "umask=000" to the fstab then?05:44
skulridI need help instaling programs...05:44
cmg_BockBilbo, what would that do?05:44
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firecracker2k3anyone able to help05:44
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BockBilbocmg_, obiously you enter to your postfix instalation smtp server05:44
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skulridi just have here quake 2, I read the readme file but I dont have a clue of waht to do. can anyone help me plz05:45
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nox-HandJowi: Yes. The error was for the second HDD, my mistake. But cannot find the one we just tried to mount? Where can I then find the drive?05:45
EvilPaddyIs there a way I can a deb of the latest PHP 5.1.x - I dont want to compile from source05:45
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BockBilboif you know the basics of the smtp protocol, youll be able to send an email05:45
yuvalhi! I'm getting a ld: Relocatable linking with relocations from format elf64-x86-64 (/usr/lib/libsicuuc.a(ubidi.ao)) to format elf32-i386 (gdi32.Cy68pa.o) is not supported when trying to build the source deb on ubuntu brezzy amd64, did anyone managed to get passed this  ?05:45
cmg_BockBilbo, i removed postfix and installed sendmail to see if that would work.. im totally clueless about MTA's05:45
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BockBilbodoesnt matter05:45
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cmg_BockBilbo, all I want to do is to be able to send email from a script.. like with mailx05:46
BockBilboboth are smt servers05:46
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Jowinox-Hand: sudo fdisk -l will give you all the disks you have :) I need to go now, good luck05:46
nox-HandJowi: Cheers! THanks for all the help!05:46
nox-HandJowi: :-D05:46
Jowinox-Hand: no probs, c u05:46
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cmg_BockBilbo, any help on how to do that?05:47
BockBilbowell, i havent done such an script05:47
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BockBilboi once did a java mail program which managed with the smtp protocol05:47
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cmg_i just want a command line mail program.. like mailx.. to work05:48
BockBilbocant help you with that05:48
BockBilboi use thunderbird, lol05:48
cmg_k thanks05:48
BockBilboand if i ever want to send an email from command line i use telnet05:48
OceansblueWhat is the best way to convert .wav to .mp305:48
BockBilbogood luck05:48
BockBilboOceansblue, i use sound converter for that05:48
opnsrcIf I use SPM and I hit Reload and then I hit mark all upgrades and then I hit apply will it automatically update everything that needs to be updated?05:48
eruindoes anyone know whether hotplug is no longer needed in kernel 2.6.15?05:48
OceansblueWhat is the name of the program to install05:49
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opnsrcOr that has an upgrade?05:49
BockBilbo"Sound Converter" i believe05:49
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opnsrc(or basically a newer version)05:49
nox-HandHey! Can anybody else help me mount a Windows disk to Ubuntu? With read/write rights05:49
rob_pzcook:  Ya there?  I'm assuming you've already installed Postfix by now.05:49
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Dr_Willisnox-Hand,  is this a ntfs partition?05:50
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cmg_rob_p,   do you know how to send email from the command line.. my mailx won't send05:50
nox-HandDr_Willis: Yes05:50
Dr_Willisnox-Hand,  you DONT want to mount them Read/Write.05:50
Dr_Willisnox-Hand,  unless you want to risk total data loss.05:50
zcookStill here.  Getting postfix.05:50
OceansblueI see it05:51
nox-HandDr_Willis: Okay, how do I mount it readable?05:51
rob_pzcook:  If I recall, the default Ubuntu install is configured to listen on local loopback only.  This is what you want unless it will collect mail from other hosts on your LAN.05:51
zcookrob_p Nope.  Local only.05:51
ufkhiya, how can i do that i'll see all of the output from the init scripts? cause it seems that when my system boots i need to press Return a cupple of times for stuff to keep on running05:51
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nox-HandDr_Willis: At the moment I can only see the drive but the contents is 'unreadable' according to properties05:51
rob_pcmg_:  If you have Postfix, use the, "mail" command.05:51
cmg_rob_p, does that work with sendmail as well?05:52
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rob_pzcook:  Good!  Now, open your main.cf file and add, "relayhost = some.external.mail.server".05:52
Dr_Willisnox-Hand,  odds are they auto-mounted with the wrong permissions. You need to unmount them and correct the fstab entry05:52
Dr_Willisnox-Hand,  type "!ntfs" and read the bots message05:52
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rob_pcmg_:  I don't use sendmail but I imagine it would.05:52
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cmg_rob_p, ok thanks05:53
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trappistsame concept with sendmail.  different syntax.05:53
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skulridppl waht can I do to open DEB fileS?05:53
nox-HandDr_Willis: I shall try05:53
nox-HandDr_Willis: Will write back results. Cheers!05:54
Dr_Willis"Dont Try, Do" :)05:54
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Alexnox-Hand:  "Do, or do not. There is no try."05:54
Dr_Willisskulrid,  you mean 'open' or install?05:54
AlexThat's an alias for some strange reason05:54
jgrievesAlex you ask the impossible05:54
=== jgrieves wakes up
nox-HandAlex: Right.. My bad ;-)05:54
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=== Dr_Willis often wonders if the Ubuntu install - should pop up a FAQ on the first login that answers 90% of all these FAQ's :P
skulridDr_Willis u see, i got here some win32 codecs from the ubunt site, but cant open/instal it (.deb)05:55
Alexjgrieves: Just get yer frickin' X-Wing out of my swamp!05:55
nox-HandDr_Willis: Should I then delete the disk entry in /etc/fstab? Before using this script?05:55
jgrievesAlex but I wanna go to tache station to pick up some power converters!  It just isn't fair05:55
rob_pzcook:  I have to run but the configuration file for Postfix is located in /etc/postfix.  It's main.cf.  There are many how-to's on the 'Net regarding the numerous configurations that can be achieved using Postfix.  Anyway, I think you'll be about there if you open that config file and add the relayhost parameter.  Good luck... I'm off!05:56
Dr_Willisnox-Hand,  i say yes.05:56
zcookThank you so much rob_p05:56
rob_pzcook:  np :-)05:56
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nox-HandDr_Willis: Okay! Will try05:56
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nox-HandAlex: Sorry, DO05:56
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Alexjgrieves: Now be quiet and clean up, I can't reach those shelves, I'm 2ft tall! :p05:57
cmg_anyone know what else I need to do to get mail working.. I have postfix installed, but mail i send doesnt go anywhere05:57
skulridDr_Willis help?05:57
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nox-HandDr_Willis: Got some errors: error: libhal_device_get_property_type: org.freedesktop.Hal.NoSuchDevice: No device with id /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/block_3_105:58
nox-Handmkdir: cannot create directory `/media/0 GB Disk (hda1)': File exists05:58
nox-HandAdded /dev/hda1 as '/media/0 GB Disk (hda1)'05:58
nox-Handerror: libhal_device_get_property_type: org.freedesktop.Hal.NoSuchDevice: No device with id /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/block_3_605:58
nox-HandAdded /dev/hdb1 as '/media/0 GB Disk (hdb1)'05:58
nox-HandNTFS drives will be mounted read-only!05:58
nox-HandAll windows and mac partitions will now be mounted every time you boot05:58
nox-HandYou do not need to reboot, the partitions are mounted now too05:58
=== psi [n=psi@c-b17e71d5.015-127-6c756c1.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_Willisskulrid,  :) dident bother to check the wiki eh?  ya use 'dpkg -i whatever' to install thiungs05:58
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airoxcmg_: checkout the log files.05:58
psihow might i force my external tft monitor to run in 60 Hz, instead of 75 Hz?05:58
Ngthat winmac fstab script needs to be made a lot less stupid about names ;/05:58
airoxthere should be some information to get the problem into the next level05:59
Dr_WillisNg,  i was thinking that also.05:59
theD3viLpsi, why do you want that? :|05:59
cmg_airox, which log?05:59
airoxcmg_: mail.* in /var/log/ afaik05:59
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nox-HandDr_Willis: Do not think that matters much. The drive is there. Just gotta delete some double entry's. Got three of the same drive..? ;-)05:59
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NgtheD3viL: tft monitors don't really have a refresh, so its standard to run them at 60hz06:00
psitheD3viL, it produces better display quality06:00
skulridDr_Willis lol ill try06:00
pinkisntwellwhy is the desktop on ubuntu so big? can i make it smaller? icons and everything?06:00
Dr_Willispinkisntwell,  do you mean to say your desktop "resolution" is low?06:00
airoxpinkisntwell: change your resolution. it's somewhere in the menu preferences or much alike06:00
pinkisntwelli can't, it won't go higher06:00
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Ngpinkisntwell: you may need to install a graphics card driver - do you know what kind you have?06:01
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psioh, and i'm running on an ibook. that's why i said "external".06:01
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Dr_Willisnow is the time the "Fix your X configuration" stream to start up. :P06:01
deuce`I'd like to be able to connect to my Ubuntu machine like I can do with Remote Desktop on Windows XP.  Is VNC what I need to try to set up?06:01
pinkisntwelli do have a driver working and configured06:01
=== ben_ [n=ben@cpc1-hem14-5-1-cust175.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
gimmulfIs there anything to think of before i install Ubuntu Breezy 32bit on amd64 machine?06:01
pinkisntwelli can't go over 1024x768 in ubuntu, though i can in windows06:01
Dr_Willisdeuce`,  i find 'tightvnc' works very well.06:01
Ngdeuce`: System->Preferences->Remote Desktop06:01
nox-HandDr_Willis: OH SWEET! The script even added my extended partition. Better than I could hope for! :-DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD06:01
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Ngdeuce`: that will let you configure the built-in vnc server06:01
Dr_Willisgimmulf,  i use 32bit on all my amd64 machines.06:01
nox-HandDr_Willis: THANKS A LOT :-)06:01
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neighborleepinkisntwell,you sure you have your 3d driver installed ?06:02
gimmulfDr_Willis:  no problems?06:02
Ngpinkisntwell: in that case you probably need to tell X about your monitor's refresh rates, it may be defaultiing to low, safe values and therefore denying the higher modes06:02
Dr_Willisgimmulf,  Nope.06:02
nox-HandRight, I shall now go away BYEEE!06:02
gimmulfDr_Willis:  ok thanks06:02
pinkisntwellNg: refresh has nothing to do with size06:02
neighborleepinkisntwell, then you prob. need to edit xorg.conf to add in higher resolutins06:02
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=== scanwinder [n=scanwind@CPE-60-224-192-21.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Ngpinkisntwell: you might think that :)06:03
Ngpinkisntwell: I know better :)06:03
NgX will test all the possible modes it thinks it can use and reject those that don't fit into what it thinks your hardware is capable of, which includes monitor refresh rates06:03
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pinkisntwellNg: ok, so how do I do that?06:04
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Nglook in /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see the modes it tried and why it rejected them06:04
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skulridDr_Willis i think it instaled, but the mp3 wont play _06:04
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pulverhey is there an easy way to configure firewall in ubuntu?06:05
Dr_Willisskulrid,  type !mp3 and see aht the bot says06:05
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skulridyah I know non free stuf06:05
Dr_Willispulver,  "Firestarter" is a neat tool.. proberly a dozen others.06:05
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pulverDr_Willis: k thanks06:06
johnnydose any one know how to start up firestarter on startup?06:06
linuceroplease i need help06:06
skulridin fact i meant "mpg" files, but anyway the site says: The Codecs" support playing MPEG-1, -2 & -4, DivX, Quicktime, Real Media 8 & 9, Windows Media Video 9 and many other formats.,06:06
linucerohow create direct acess to trash???06:06
skulridbut my videos wont play06:06
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snorksWhy the !#% won't firefox show some pages, but just closes down?06:06
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johnnywhats a good firewall that is fairly simply to use06:07
linuceroin what directory is the trash? bin home?06:07
neighborleepinkisntwell, cif your monitor can handle higher than 1024 and its showing as a higher than that resolution IN xorg.conf,, then you will be able to switch TO it06:07
_jasonjohnny, firestarter06:07
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johnnyi downloaded firestarter but its all wierd on my box i installed it twice and it dont work well the konsole dose but the gui verstion cant be found06:08
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deuce`Ng: For the VNC server, what port does it listen on?  I need to configure my router to let connections through to that port.06:08
pinkisntwellxorg.conf has higher resolutions but "screen resolution" proggie won't let me use them06:08
Ngdeuce`: 5900 I believe06:09
neighborleejohnny, it prob. just hASn't updated itself yet in the  menus..run from console for now or logout/in to see it in the menus...;-)06:09
neighborleepinkisntwell, what card is this06:09
pinkisntwellit's been like this since i installed ubuntu06:09
pinkisntwellgeforce fx 520006:10
pinkisntwelli know that higher ressolutions work in windows06:10
Ngpinkisntwell: did the x log show anything useful?06:10
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johnnybut i cant see it atall in system tools06:10
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neighborleepinkisntwell, ok  well then if all is fine there..then make double sure your refresh rates are ok for your monitor06:10
RustyJamesis there a Program in ubuntu that configures the things in the xorg.conf? like SaX in SuSE?06:10
pinkisntwell(II) NVIDIA(0): Not using default mode "1280x1024" (hsync out of range)06:10
NgI told you it would be monitor refresh rates :)06:11
snorks op06:11
snorks] \06:11
Ngyou need to put a couple of lines in the Monitor section of the xorg.conf that list the vertical and horizontal refresh ranges of your monitor06:11
johnnyany idear on how to get it working?06:11
opnsrcWow, Abiword is very nice on Ubuntu06:11
opnsrcWell in general06:12
snorksDoes anyone else have the problem with Firefox killing itself?06:12
opnsrcIt's nice06:12
neighborleeNg, im sure its alread there..they are just out of range is all06:12
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Ngneighborlee: possibly, in which case he needs to put the correct values in06:12
neighborleeexacctly what I told him ;-)06:12
NgX tends to default to quite conservative values for such things06:12
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Ngneighborlee: I too also suggested this some time earlier06:13
neighborleepinkisntwell, do you know how to go about doing that   ?06:13
neighborleeNg, ah ic06:13
snorksDoes anyone else have the problem with Firefox killing itself? Please go to tv2.no and click the red button in the top somewhere called "Program". If your Firefox doesn't kill itself, please tell me which version you use.06:13
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trappistpinkisntwell: he's still back at the hotel06:13
pinkisntwelland he sent us along as a surrogate band06:14
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johGoddamn, I've tried everything and cannot get the sound in flash to work :(06:14
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Drgbhi everyone06:14
johnnymt firestarter comes up with this error when i try to start it"Error spawning shell process: Failed to execute child process "firestarter.sh" (No such file or directory)06:14
afabiansnorks, it's crashing.  I have core files to prove it.06:14
johnnyFailed to start the firewall06:14
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Drgbi need to run m4a files on my ubuntu os06:14
Drgbcan you help me?06:14
afabian64 megabyte core files, even.06:14
johnnyany idears on how to fix this06:14
snorksafabian: You can't show that page either?06:14
Ngsnorks: seems to work on in 1.506:14
eternalistDrgb, what's an m4a file?06:14
pussfellerits apples thing06:15
afabiansnorks, I didn't look.  I know Firefox 1.07 has a crashing problem on Breezy.  It happens to me at least once a day, and others mention it.06:15
Drgbeternalist, it's an audio format created by apple06:15
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pussfellerDrgb: you need to read restricted formats on the wiki06:15
snorksafabian: Thanks for sharing06:15
NgDrgb: chances are mplayer will play it if you can't make anything else do it06:15
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eternalist!tell eternalist about restricted formats06:15
DrgbNg, are you sure mplayer does?06:15
alex1hello, can someone give me a good package link for updates ?06:16
snorksafabian: I get all mad and want to cuss in a channel that doesn't approve it and life's just hard06:16
lsuactiafneris there a reliable way to write to windows xp or to move data from ext3 to ntfs?06:16
Dr_Willisalex1,  care to rephrase that.06:16
pussfelleramarok plays em if you have gstreamer faac or whatever its called06:16
_jasonsnorks, afabian: yeah ff1.07 likes to segfault a lot (it was usually plugin related for me).  If you don't like the other browsers like epiphany or galeon then you could try firefox1.5.  It hasn't crashed once on me.  Unfortunately it's not packaged and not officially supported yet.06:16
johnnydose anyone here  no how i can fix my firestarter?06:16
ubotu[sudo]  the command to get superuser privileges, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo06:16
Dr_Willislsuactiafner,  there i the IFS thing for XP that lets it read/write to Ext2/3 partitions.06:16
NgDrgb: if it has faad support, yes06:16
ubotuskulrid: I don't know, could you explain it?06:17
pinkisntwellcan't I just make gnome draw everything smaller?06:17
NgDrgb: mplayer -ac help | grep faa06:17
rraajjsnorks: The TV guide page? It seems to load fine for me.06:17
alex1i mean to add it in the repository06:17
pussfellerlsuactiafner: or try e2fs explorer06:17
_jasonjohnm, does running "firestarter" in a terminal do anything?06:17
pussfelleror what ever its called06:17
rraajjsnorks: I'm using 1.0.7 from mozilla.org.06:17
ubotuDebian is "the rock upon which Ubuntu is founded"; see http://www.debian.org Thank You Ian and DEBra Murdock! 1994 Vers. 0.9.  Debian and Ubuntu http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship/06:17
lsuactiafnerand how do i write to ntfs?06:17
lsuactiafnerfrom linux?06:17
Dr_Willissnorks,   tv2.no pogram button crashes my firefox even. version 1.5 under windows XP.06:17
Dr_Willislsuactiafner,  you do NOT want to write to a ntfs from within Linux.06:17
pussfellerthat is not working yet, except experimenatlly and i guess not consistently06:17
lsuactiafnerwhat version of windows runs on fat32 then?06:18
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pussfellerwin2k will06:18
lsuactiafnerwin2k it is06:18
pussfellerand 98/me06:18
alex1can someone give me plz a good package source (for repository) ?06:18
snorksDr_Willis: Beats me. It's not supposed to be like that, since that page gets alot of hits, they'd fix it in a jiffy.06:18
pussfellerwont xp run on fat?06:18
=== lsuactiafner proceeds ro burn copies for friends also.
snorksDr_Willis: So it's firefox06:18
misfit_toypusling, yes xp will run on fat06:18
Dr_Willislsuactiafner,   or use http://www.fs-driver.org/   to let xp read/write   ext2/3 partitions06:18
pussfelleri have heard alot of issues with the new firefox06:18
Dr_Willissnorks,  possibially :P06:19
afabianlsuactiafner, I believe they all will.  It takes some convincing to get Windows XP to do it; the installer doesn't offer to do it, but it will install on FAT32 and run flawlessly.  WinXP artificially limits the partitions to 32 GB, but will use them up to any legal size.  (I believe FAT32 can technically do 128 GB.)06:19
Kouwe_how do i use apt-get for installing -> libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.306:19
neighborleepinkisntwell, GOTO: 'run as different user' and type in 'gedit' with root password and find the lines that show the horizontal and vertgical sync range and make sure they match those specs for your monitor...06:19
ufkok i have a hugh problem in my ubuntu system, when i start X even if i just start gdm and don't even put the username and password, after 10 to 15 seconds my system just freeze and i have to reboot the computer. any ideas?!06:19
rraajjsnorks: Is it supposed to show me a TV guide?06:19
Dr_Willisufk,  what is your videocard/cpu?06:20
=== refuze2looze [n=amit@DSL199-203-67-30.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
pinkisntwellin in xorg.conf06:20
ufkAMD moblue sempron, and sec the computer is rebooting i don't remember the gfx card06:20
pussfelleri have my 250 gig hg formatted with fat and its all one partition06:20
afabianI run Windows XP on FAT32 since Linux is my primary platform.  Full, worry-free RW on my Windows partition far outweighs the advantages of NTFS.06:20
neighborleepinkisntwell, yes06:20
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ufkAMD Mobile sempron06:20
=== xjonex [n=jone@dsl-roigw1-fe8ede00-5.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
pinkisntwellit doesnt have any refresh rates06:21
alex1can someone give me plz a good link to add it in the repository (i mean packages)06:21
Dr_Willisufk,  let me guess ati mobiltiey x200 or similer. :P06:21
hoguejsI want to restart my inetd service but there's no 'inetd' file in /etc/inet.d/. Is there anything I must install first?06:21
_jasonubotu, tell alex1 about easysource06:21
lsuactiafnerafabian : is it stable?06:21
=== xored [n=xored@dslb-084-056-235-131.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
xoredhow to open chm files ?06:21
Kouwe_how do i use apt-get for installing -> libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3 - someone?06:22
neighborleepinkisntwell, they should be there somewhere ...i've never heard of a install without them ;(06:22
ufkHP Pavilion, yeah and it's some kind of an ati radeon card.06:22
pussfellerchm files are windows help files :)06:22
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pinkisntwellnope, can't see them06:22
pinkisntwellwhat should i look for?06:22
Dr_Willisufk,  theres a thread about them in the forums. Theres a few 'issues', for a start. check the x config, and either use the 'no hwacell' option , or set the 'radeon' driver to be 'vesa' (i think)06:22
afabianlsuactiafner, yeah; it's "supported" even, since Windows XP offers to upgrade over Win2k without converting.  You haven't done something "totally bizarre" in some ways if you have to hit MSFT support.06:22
Dr_Willisufk,  i got a COmpaq V2311 and had to do some tweaking..06:22
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Ngneighborlee: most default installs don't have them06:22
ufkk thanks i'll try that06:22
Dr_Willisufk,  the actual ati drivers Did work however.. with 3d support.06:22
neighborleepinkisntwell, you'd see a couple lines..one hori. and another  vert. with numbers like: 31-107 as such06:22
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neighborleeNg, beyond weird..mine always have06:22
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snorksrraajj: yes06:23
Dr_Willisufk,  also check your clock.. if its running at x2 normal speed theres a grub/boot option needed to fix that.06:23
Ngneighborlee: well, they don't have to, indeed it's better if you don't and it can use EDID or DDC to read them06:23
rraajjsnorks: Well, it displays fine. Firefox didn't crash.06:23
pinkisntwellno such lines in my xorg.conf06:23
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pussfellerafiak the only thing ntfs adds is extending permissions on your files06:23
ufkDr_Willis: aahm.. how do i check that?06:23
snorksrraajj: some have the problem, some not. opening it in a new window worked for me06:23
neighborleeNg, is this something new ?06:23
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Dr_Willisufk,  its like 'nolsapci' or somthing similer. for the clock issue, or somthing.06:23
snorksrraajj: as in rightclick and open in new window06:23
afabianlsuactiafner, you just lose every advantage of NTFS.  They're significant.  Speed, security, better fault-tolerance... so, it works as well as any FAT32 system ever did. ;)06:23
Dr_Willisufk,  get X working first. :P the see if the clock flys by.06:23
rraajjsnorks: Oh, I see. Well, I clicked it directly, and it loaded fine.06:24
Ngpinkisntwell: find the Monitor section of your xorg.conf and add a line in with: HorizSync X-Y     and another with: VertRefresh X-Y    (where X and Y are the appropriate values in each case)06:24
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Ngneighborlee: nope06:24
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oblibAny MythTV users with Breezy here?06:24
pinkisntwelloh well06:24
neighborleeNg, odd i've never heard anything about such a thing ;-)06:24
rraajjsnorks: I guess you should try out the 1.0.7 direct from Mozilla.06:24
deuce`Ng: So far so good with VNC.  Now, is this connection encrypted at all, or do I need to run it through some sort of tunnel to do that?06:24
Ngdeuce`: it is not encrypted. If you want it to be you could not forward port 5900 and instead use an ssh tunnel to access it06:24
pinkisntwellcan you help me with sound instead? sound doesn't work with quake3 xmame or zsnes, thought it works with media players06:25
afabiandeuce`, VNC encrypts only the password.  The rest is unencrypted.  SSH tunneling is a good idea.06:25
alex1help me plz, i wrote apt-get update and then it wrote:06:25
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alex1Reading package lists... Done06:25
alex1W: GPG error: ftp://cipherfunk.org breezy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 4CF19C3233BAC1B306:25
alex1W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems06:25
ufkerr.. before the X problem, my system usually doesn't boot! it get stuch on starting hotplug subsystem06:25
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neighborleepinkisntwell, http://www.arl.wustl.edu/~mgeorg/linuxOnLaptop/xorg.conf.html < like there06:25
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HowieQuestion: Could someone please help with getting streaming audio on the net to work in the browser??06:25
afabianufk, some systems don't like hotplug.  you can disable it by sending some parameter or another to the kernel.06:26
_jasonHowie, have you tried using the mplayer plugin?06:26
Howie_jason, no i have not....where can it be found....it seems that a plugin is missing.06:27
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ufkcan i remove lvm?06:27
Kouwe_can anyone please help me install these libs with apt-get "libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3"06:27
Dr_Willisufk,  the 'noapic, noapci, nolapic, (or was it nolapci?) options may help there as well.06:27
Dr_Williswell i gota run bbl06:27
pinkisntwellok, any help with the sound?06:27
ufkohhh.. acpi=off, yeah i'll try that06:28
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Howie_jason.....will the Plugger plugin work??06:28
_jasonHowie, I don't know what the Plugger is06:29
ufkacpi=off is working! i can boot my system!06:29
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oblibAny MythTV users with Breezy here?06:29
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mcphailIs it possible to detach a process from /dev/dsp without killing that process?06:29
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Howie_jason....i`ll try and find the one you suggested....thanks.06:29
_jasonubotu, tell Howie about mplayer06:30
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neighborleekouwe, http://www.arl.wustl.edu/~mgeorg/linuxOnLaptop/xorg.conf.html < and 'search' under contents of packages and it willl tell you what to apt-get install ( or synaptic)06:30
Kouwe_ok :) thnx neighborlee06:30
neighborleekouwe, darn history LOL06:31
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neighborleekouwe, wait06:31
Kouwe_ok ok ;)06:31
neighborleekouwe, http://packages.ubuntu.com/06:31
Howie_jason....thanks a lot....U must have access to a genit....many thanks.\06:31
Kouwe_ok im there06:31
neighborleekouwe, sorry bout that ..;0006:31
Kouwe_kubuntu 5.1, breezy right?06:31
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_jasonHowie, you need to install mplayer, and then install the plugin.  The package name for the plugin is  mplayerplug-in06:32
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neighborleekouwe, yup06:33
neighborleekouwe, I could have just told you what package it wants but this will help you in the future06:34
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Kouwe_yes ok06:34
Kouwe_but now i have this website, on wich 'name' should i search/install with apt-get (sorry never worked wit a deb based thing before)06:35
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neighborleekouwe, there is a new app that allows you to search from console but atm I dont recall what it is...06:35
ufkok the gfx card is a radeon Xpress06:35
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ufkin which section do i add the HwAccel option?06:35
Kouwe_hmmm ok06:35
ufkin the xorg.conf06:35
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MFenis it possible to install permanently from the livecd or is that a misnomer?06:36
Kouwe_now i have this file, how can i install it?06:36
neighborleeufk, I think its under szame section as your video driver is ...atm I cant look06:36
neighborleeMFen, fAik its not possible atm06:36
neighborleeMFen, work in progress I think..;-)06:37
Millenniumgroupdpkg --libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2_2.95.4-22_i386.deb06:37
MFenneighborlee: but the dvd is a combo thing, right?06:37
ubotudeb is probably To install a deb: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb06:37
neighborleekouwe, either from  console or with snaptic by searching for 'libstdc++'06:37
neighborleeMFen, yes06:37
rossclarkartist /msg nickserv set unfiltered on06:37
Millenniumgroupor add -i06:37
_jasonkouwe, is that package not in the repos?06:37
neighborleeMFen, wait I think its already here..pretty sure thre is a dvd-installer thats also a liveDVD06:37
Millenniumgroupwtf...can anyone see my text?06:37
_jasonMillenniumgroup, yes...06:38
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Millenniumgroupah lol :D06:38
neighborleeMFen, I think..I only just got a dvd burner so thats from memory ;-000006:38
neighborleeMillenniumgroup, yes I see you06:38
Millenniumgroupcool :)06:38
neighborleeon sorry I see jason replied..;-)06:38
MFenneighborlee: alas, i only have the live cd, not the dvd06:38
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neighborleeMFen, then yeah yu must wait for the liveCd/installer unlesss you go with the liveDVD(installer ?)06:39
rambo3Ati doesn't care about linux people.06:39
MFenrambo3: ok konye06:39
neighborleerambo3, I thought they just made a nifty new installer06:39
neighborleegotta run..cu l8r all06:39
Hoxzer_how do I restart X with the command?06:40
Hoxzer_how do I restart X?06:40
ufkdo i need to do Option "HWAccel" "off" or .. "0"? both doesn't start x.06:40
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rambo3there are many ways ro testart x06:40
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Hoxzer_:D teststart sounds funny but tell me06:40
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rambo3i have freezing problem with ati drivers , every 10 seconds it freezes for about 0.2 seconds. I installed ati drivers no mesa in fglrxinfo . ubuntu : 2.6.12-9-386 ,and hyperthreading is disabled06:40
Kouwe_thnx al neighborlee _jason Millenniumgroup , its working :)06:41
_jasonHoxzer_, ctrl + alt + backspace06:41
_jasonkouwe, yw06:41
Hoxzer__jason: command...06:41
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Hoxzer_I can't use ctrl+alt+backspace vai shell06:41
_jasonHoxzer_, oh must have missed that in your repetition...06:41
rambo3 i think it was  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart06:41
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marco__hola a todos06:43
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Hoxzer_Jason: worked06:44
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rambo3my bad i had 3ddesktop running in the background and it mad it freeze :) stupid06:45
ufkhow can i stop ubuntu from trying to get the time from an ntp server at boot time?06:45
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pussfelleranyone using xine? does it play mp3 with libmad installed? mine doesnt06:46
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raghuufk: edit /etc/ntpd.conf or something similar06:46
svk_frankufk: edit the /etc/rc.d structures06:46
ubotuI guess ati is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=1006:46
pussfellerxine plays all my movies fine, but not mp3s, which is odd, since avis use mp3 as a backend frequently06:46
trappistufk: sudo update-rc.d ntp remove06:47
pussfellerits a conundrum06:47
MFenheh. anyone know how to determine what eisa/isa devices are plugged into the system?06:47
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MFeni've got kind of an old computer here and ubuntu doesn't have a driver for the network card, which is 3com06:47
ufkthanks alot, didn't ubuntu had update-rc.d. nice06:47
ufkdidn't know...06:47
MFeni figure i can install the driver myself, but it'll be easier if i can figure out what the chipset it06:47
svk_frankufk: up use that update-rc.d06:47
Polibiowhen I press the Help icon above, it doesn't work, what can I do?06:48
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raghutrappist: he wants to disable not to remove06:48
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pussfellerMFen: you can poke around  in /proc06:48
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trappistraghu: all that does is take it out of the boot scripts.  it doesn't uninstall anything.06:49
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PolibioI have just installed Ubuntu, but the Help icon doesn't work, what may happen?06:49
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mdkedoes anyone know a battery maintenance program for laptops?06:49
MFenpussfeller: it's been a while since i had to look for isa devices. where in proc would they be?06:49
raghutrappist: ok cool...:)06:50
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trappistMFen: check out isapnptools06:50
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MFentrappist: hmm. i guess i'll have to fully install the system for that06:50
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MFen(i was trying to do this during the install, but oh well)06:50
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trappistMFen: you're sure the driver isn't there?06:51
MFentrappist: no way to know until i know what the chipset is :)06:51
johnnyanyone know of a good firewall paart from firestaqrted06:51
trappistjohnny: ipkungfu06:51
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QRZjohnny:  Ubuntu-firewall is nice... although it's command line only.06:52
johnnydose ubuntu havea built in one??06:52
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_jasonjohnny, someone mentioned shorewall before but I've never used it06:52
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trappistMFen: try 3c51506:52
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QRZjohnny:  It has the capability built-in however, it usually requires an app to configure it for you (such as firestarter) unless you want to learn iptables syntax.06:53
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MFentrappist: no go. 3c59x installed though.06:53
johnnylol would ipkungfu work then instead?06:53
MFeni don't know if that means anything.. a lot of drivers don't check that hard to see if the hardware is present06:53
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QRZjohnny:  It should but I've never used ipkungfu so I can't comment on it.06:54
trappistMFen: I've never heard of an unsupported 3com card in linux, so I've got $5 that says the driver's there.  I just checked and ubuntu builds all 3com drivers as modules.06:54
svk_frankcan I use deb packages from the sid of debian in ubuntu (breezy)?06:54
johnnyok good i did download firestarter but it didnt work06:54
trappistjohnny: ipkungfu works pretty nicely06:54
ufki read the ati wiki from ubuntu, i apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx, it doesn't install the module fglrx, only the xorg driver, any ideas?06:54
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QRZjohnny:  What didn't work about it?06:54
Polibiohow can I reinstall *Help* in Ubuntu?06:54
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johnnyit comes up with this Error spawning shell process: Failed to execute child process "firestarter.sh" (No such file or directory)06:55
johnnyFailed to start the firewall06:55
svk_frankjonny: check out firewall builder it is really nice06:55
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arneolavcan anyone tell me what package to install if i want to install kubuntu06:55
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QRZjohnny:  Did you configure it properly?  I think it's all gui-based so configuration should be fairly straight-forward.06:55
johnnyyeh but for some reason the gui app didnt install so i can only use it command base06:56
johnnyand when i go to start it that eoor comes up06:56
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dudehow do i install restricted formats ?06:56
_jasonubotu, tell dude about restricted06:56
QRZjohnny:  I see.  Wierd... well, if you aren't afraid of the command line, there's Ubuntu-firewall.  It provides a nice firewall and has features such as NAT routing and port forwarding if you need.06:57
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_jasonPolibio, did it get uninstalled?06:57
johnnylol i love the command line my best linux feture :)06:57
QRZjohnny:  Then try it out  --> http://rob.pectol.com/content/view/14/29/06:58
johnny:) thx QRZ06:58
Polibio_jason, I don't know, it tries to open the help window but it can't.06:58
QRZjohnny:  Just make sure you completely remove firestarter.06:58
gimmulfHi, what Ati drivers should i get for my Ubuntu 5.10 breezy (im going to run big screen) having an X800Pro card06:58
_jasonPolibio, do you have the package "yelp" installed?06:58
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QRZjohnny:  Having more than one active firewall configurator causes problems!06:58
_jasonPolibio, you can try reinstalling yelp, it's the help viewer I believe06:59
johnnyok i see06:59
Polibio_jason, when I write "yelp" in the console I guet the following:06:59
Polibioyelp: error while loading shared libraries: libgtkembedmoz.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory06:59
Polibiohow can I reinstall yelp?06:59
XiCillinwhat is the windows key called in ubuntu?06:59
XiCillinim trying to make it a shortcut to the mneu06:59
_jasonsearch for it in synaptic, right click -> reinstall -> apply07:00
Polibiook, I'll try, thanks07:00
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trappistjohnny: all the cool guys use ipkungfu.  I say that mostly because I wrote it, but it's true anyway.07:00
trappist!tell johnny about ipkungfu07:01
rebortcan anyone hel me with http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1647907:01
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Alex_BO2well...i know that it isn't the right channel...but i have not found a right one... i have a question about paypal.well, if there is anyone who can help me, i will be grateful.07:01
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QRZtrappist:  I'll have to check out ipkungfu then!  I've heard about it but haven't looked at it yet.07:02
trappistQRZ: big new release coming soon :)07:02
johnnylol sikk you wrote it07:02
QRZtrappist:  Nice!07:02
johnnywell i think i use ipkungfu then07:03
trappistjohnny: /join #ipkungfu for all the support you can eat07:03
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QRZtrappist:  Does it support port forwarding to multiple hosts?07:03
johnny:) nice one dude!!07:03
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trappistQRZ: not the same port to multiple hosts of course, but yes07:04
QRZtrappist:  Actually, I've just joined #ipkungfu... will hang out in there for a while :-)07:05
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[wb] NoliteLinuxhi all07:05
[wb] NoliteLinuxI've just installed Ubuntu after some 10 years of Windows usage...07:06
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johnnytrappist: i will defenatly check out your chat tonight since ive only been using linux for 2 days now and i really need to secure my box07:06
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[wb] NoliteLinuxcan anyone tell me where to find information on how to get better screen refresh rates? Mine is locked at 60Hz for some reason (was using 85 under windows) and now the screen is kinda flimsy07:07
johnnyim off now people07:07
[wb] NoliteLinuxappreciate any help07:07
trappist[wb] NoliteLinux: edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:07
johnnybye bye07:07
hoguejsis it possible that there isn't a inetd daemon on ubuntu?07:07
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tanek[wb] NoliteLinux:  or just check out system->prefrences->screen resolution07:08
Stormx2I need to reset my printer driver to its default settings, how would I go about this?07:08
Nghoguejs: no07:08
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[wb] NoliteLinuxtanek,  it's locked there07:08
Nghoguejs: inetd and xinetd are available07:08
[wb] NoliteLinuxcan only choose 60hz @ 1024x76807:08
hoguejsNg: do I need to install/setup something?07:08
Nghoguejs: install inetutils-inetd07:09
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[wb] NoliteLinuxIm trying trappist 's advice07:09
hoguejsNg: ok, i'll try that, thanks!07:09
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xkahnHmm...  I have a printer connected to my ubuntu box.07:09
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xkahnI'd like to share it with other linux hosts on my network.07:09
xkahnHow do I do that?07:09
Nghoguejs: I installed it earlier as it goes and I noticed that it didn't include an inetd.conf, but they're fairly easy to construct and you generally don't want anything that's in the default one07:10
_tuxi did chmod -R 600 <myhomefolder> and now i cant log in! plz help!07:10
[wb] NoliteLinuxHm... I can't alter any of the text in that document trappist07:10
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trappist_tux: that was a bad, bad idea07:11
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trappist[wb] NoliteLinux: you have to do it as root: sudo <editor> /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:11
PolibioI have reinstalled yelp, but it still not work07:11
Polibioany help?07:11
trappist_tux: you're probably going to have to boot into single user mode to fix it07:11
[wb] NoliteLinuxhuh... how do I do it as root, thought I "was" root when I logged in? o.O07:12
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trappist[wb] NoliteLinux: you access the root account via sudo.  sudo lets you run individual commands as root.07:12
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[wb] NoliteLinuxlooking07:12
_jasonPolibio, does yelp now run at least?07:12
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trappist[wb] NoliteLinux: linux security would suck if you did everything as root.07:12
Stormx2I need to reset my printer driver to its default settings, how would I go about this?07:12
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Polibio_jason, it is the same error than before: yelp: error while loading shared libraries: libgtkembedmoz.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory07:13
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_jasonPolibio, let em find out what package owns that, one sec07:13
[wb] NoliteLinuxtrappist, hm... ok... thanks... really is some stuff for me to learn here I suppose07:13
trappistah an error message!07:13
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hoguejsNg: yes... I made the .conf earlier. I was just wondering why there wasn't any daemon to restart :)07:14
trappistPolibio: do you have firefox installed?07:14
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[wb] NoliteLinuxerr... I recon sudo is a program of some kind, I'm running Ubuntu... how could I find that program/run it?07:14
Polibiotrappist, yes07:14
=== _jason taps backspace several times :D
trappist_jason: apt-file search libgtkembedmoz.so07:14
Polibioversion 1.507:14
eternalistIs steam working for anyone else by any chance?07:14
eternalistits not connecting for me07:14
trappistPolibio: that could be your problem.07:14
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[wb] NoliteLinuxd'oh... You know I'm running Ubuntu since this is THE ubuntu channel... lol07:15
_jasonPolibio, did you leave firefox 1.07 installed?07:15
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Polibio_jason, not sure, let me check07:15
trappist[wb] NoliteLinux: in the console07:15
gimmulfCould someone send me the Ati driver installer? i cant get into X and the driver is on a ssl site which links wont support07:15
_jasontrappist, thanks, didn't know that... was doing which and then dpkg07:15
_tuxtrappist: single user mode? plz explain......07:15
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[wb] NoliteLinuxis there any webpage explaining how to use the console as sudo?07:15
ufkok.. acpi=off boots my system just fine. the problem is that i can't load X! if i use ati driver, linux stuck even before i can write the user and password in gdm, if i use the vesa driver, the computer freeze after it finished loading the gnome-panel, any ideas?07:16
trappist_tux: at your grub prompt press 'e' then type 'init=/bin/bash' and hit enter.  that should get you to a root prompt.07:16
trappist!tell [wb] NoliteLinux about sudo07:16
[wb] NoliteLinuxmaybe I should upgrade my graphics drivers for Linux.. hm..07:16
Polibio_jason, I deleted Firefox 1.0707:16
trappist[wb] NoliteLinux: what video card07:16
ufksomeone told me i can add something to the grub boot menu that may fix it, but i can't scroll back and see what it is, any ideas?07:16
trappistPolibio: firefox 1.07 provides the file that's missing07:16
_jasonPolibio, when you installed firefox1.5, did you use the wiki guide?07:16
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Polibio_jason, I tried to use a guide, but 1.07 was always back at the end, so, I overwrite it07:17
PokerFacePenguinufk, what card u got?07:18
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_jasonPolibio, I'd recommend you remove your current install, reinstall 1.07 and then follow the wiki guide if you really want firefox1.507:18
ufkati radeon Xpress on an amd Mobile Sempron HP Pavilion07:18
Polibiook _jason thanks07:18
_jasonPolibio, the guide has worked fine for many people, try it one more time and take it a little slower07:18
_jasonPolibio, np07:18
PokerFacePenguinufk, its in the cheatcodes on a knoppix cd....i usesd to have to do that...something=radeon07:18
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PokerFacePenguincant remember exactly07:19
[wb] NoliteLinuxtrappist, thanks for the Wiki07:19
=== [wb] NoliteLinux is going to update the graphics drivers for Linux now
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x_orIs there a way to install Ubuntu into a currently live linux system?  I remember gentoo could do something like this, you do a change root and then build from within that.  I have an old laptop without a CD ROM that has a really old version of linux on it.07:20
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eternalist!tell eternalist about radeon07:21
eternalist!tell eternalist about ati07:21
ubotuPokerFacePenguin: Wish i knew07:21
trappisteternalist: /msg ubotu radeon07:21
ubotuhmm... ati is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=1007:21
trappisterr ati07:21
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djk_eternalist: you can use /msg ubotu foo07:22
eternalisttrappist, i know it told me lol07:22
trappistubotu rocks07:22
ubotutrappist: Are you smoking crack?07:22
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eternalistI followed this exact guide07:22
eternalistand X hung on a black screen07:22
[wb] NoliteLinuxhow do I run a ".RUN" program?07:22
trappist[wb] NoliteLinux: sh filename.run07:23
[wb] NoliteLinuxyeah07:23
MFentrappist: you're probably right that the driver will be available07:23
PokerFacePenguinufk, xmodule=radeon at the boot prompt07:23
MFen3c59x doesn't seem to be working though07:23
[wb] NoliteLinuxbut how do I know where that file is placed through the console? I've put it on the desktop07:23
trappistMFen: I doubt it's a 3c59x chip07:23
Millenniumgroupquick question: are there online games in the synaptic manager, any examples?07:24
trappist[wb] NoliteLinux: you should have a Desktop directory in your homedir07:24
[wb] NoliteLinuxI do07:24
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MFentrappist: any idea how i can figure out what it is?07:24
trappist[wb] NoliteLinux: should be there07:24
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MFeni just tried discover --enable-all all , and there's no network card listed07:24
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Stormx2I need to make my printer work peoples of earth!07:24
[wb] NoliteLinuxhm..07:24
trappistMFen: it's been years since I dealt with isa hardware, and I don't remember much about it :( but I do remember isapnptools coming in handy07:24
trappist[wb] NoliteLinux: cd Desktop;ls07:25
svk_frankOh, yea baby isa with (IRQ's and DMA's) there is the fun :)07:25
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WammyHow is Ubuntu's support for PCI IDE cards?07:26
MFeni just tried every single 3c* driver. only 3c509 and 3c59x installed, and neither one gave me an eth0 device07:26
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trappistWammy: your card either is or is not supported.  what card is it?07:29
Wammywell im lookin into buying one07:29
trappistMFen: did I mention isapnptools?07:29
hoguejshey, I'm looking for the name of the popular CVS app... is doesn't have 'cvs' in it. anyone knows?07:29
trappistWammy: good!  find out about compatibility first, buy second :)07:29
trappistyeah svn07:29
Alexhoguejs: (probably)07:30
AlexEvenin' trappist07:30
MFentrappist: small problem. it's not on the cd.07:30
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hoguejsI had something longer in mind... like a noun07:30
trappistMFen: that does present a problem.07:30
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trappisthoguejs: its proper name is subversion07:30
Wammytrappist, so which is recomended?07:30
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bkwBus 004 Device 003: ID 03f0:2b17 Hewlett-Packard is that /dev/usb/lp3?07:30
owner989setmode +x  owner98907:30
hoguejsoh, that's it!07:30
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trappistWammy: I dunno, I don't use one, but I can say stay away from highpoint07:30
MFentrappist: but i have a usb drive here.07:31
nascaroncan anyone help me with enabling the sound of my internal speaker?07:31
trappistMFen: any usb ports on that ancient beast?07:31
trappistWammy: I had bad experiences with an onboard highpoint controller07:31
owner989do you know if you leave a canon usb printer on it causes errors07:31
MFenoddly, yes. it seems to be only the ethernet card that's old07:31
owner989but if its turned off then ubuntu installs07:32
MFeneither that or it's broken, but i doubt it because there are activity lights flashing07:32
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trappistMFen: check dmesg07:32
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Wammyalso, if a mount a new drive via mount /dev/hdd /something07:33
Wammywill it auto-mount on boot?07:33
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MFenEISA: probing bus 0 at eisa.0.  .. Detected 0 cards.07:33
Agrajagno, you need to add it to /etc/fstab07:34
Wammyah thats where it is07:34
villerwhat command deletes a folder?07:34
Wammycouldnt remeber the name07:34
Wammyhow do i add items to be started on boot?07:34
trappistviller: rm -rf to delete it and its contents recursively07:34
Wammylike back in the way it was /etc/rc.local (or something similar)07:34
bluefoxicyDoes anyone know if the Linux kernel has priority-inheriting semaphores yet?07:34
trappistWammy: your init scripts are in /etc/init.d07:34
MillenniumgroupRedirecting the output of a null command = in english what does it mean? Rederiecting the output of a zero value or???07:35
trappistWammy: I would sudo apt-get install bum && sudo bum07:35
Wammywhat is bum?07:35
trappistgui init configurator07:35
Burkguys, I installed 5.10 version from original cd. how do I switch to dapper drake? should I add some repositories or change the active ones? thanks07:35
trappistI come from a chkconfig world and would rather use bum than mess with update-rc.d etc.07:36
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rambo3its some much easyer in text mode07:36
Wammyalso what is the latest version?07:36
Wammy5.10 ?07:36
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Hoxzer_rambo3: fix my tvout problem :D07:36
MFenBurk: change the active ones, but only if you're sure.  it's very hard to go back, and almost impossible to go back cleanly07:36
_candybanHi guys07:36
StRhi all07:36
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StRare there packages for firefox 1.5 already?07:36
[wb] NoliteLinuxhm... Im getting sick of using swedish... gonna try to change that language in Ubuntu07:37
_candybanJust wondering ... is e17 already in breezy?07:37
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somealgen habla erspaol?07:37
Stormx2I fixed my printer :D yay07:37
Burkmmm...well I'm not sure I want to change...maybe I just add some repositories...for instance, I cannot find the right repository for mplayer :(07:37
_tuxtrappist: thanks:)07:37
_candybanBurk: try nerim07:37
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trappist_candyban: e17 is going to ship with duke nukem forever07:38
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_tuxtrappist: once i am root, what then? how to fix what ive messed up?07:38
Wammyhow would i add my new drive to /etc/fstab?07:38
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Wammywhat Option do i set to it?07:38
eternalistStupid ATI card wont work07:38
owner989burk just use easy ubuntu07:38
owner989to get mplayer07:38
_candybantrappist: Bummer :(07:38
trappist_tux: step one: chmod 755 /home/whatever07:38
owner989eternalist use easy ubuntu program07:38
owner989thats how i installed ati drivers07:39
Burkok, tnx, I'll try07:39
asfrahi, I have some problems mounting my cd-rom, i just get "unable to mount device, probably no media in device". What could i check, i'm prietty sure it's not a hardware problem..07:39
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owner989thats the link07:39
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trappist_tux: NOT -R07:39
ufkhow can i install firefox 1.5?07:39
_tuxtrappist: ok..then......?07:39
Mabus06ufk, see /topic07:39
_candybandeb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ unstable main07:39
trappist_tux: once you've done that you should be able to log in normally, but a lot of stuff is still going to be broken.  let's see what we can fix...07:40
_candybanBurk That was for you ... appearently it's marillat ... Just remembered "nerim" :)07:40
eternalistowner989, whats that, where do i get it from?07:40
Wammytrappist, when adding my new drive (mounted via 'mount /dev/hdd /dir' ) to /etc/fstab what would i set for <opts> ?07:40
eternalistowner989, did you used to get black screens when following those guides? X just hangs for me, doesnt launch anything07:40
trappist_tux: find /home/whatever -type d -exec chmod o+x {} \;07:40
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trappistWammy: defaults unless there's some reason to put something else.  what filesystem is it/07:40
owner989eternalist http://placelibre.ath.cx/keyes/index.php/2005/10/27/65-easy-ubuntu-24-beta07:41
trappistWammy: defaults should be fine07:41
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asfraChanServ, hi, I have some problems mounting my cd-rom, i just get "unable to mount device, probably no media in device". What should i check? i'm prietty sure it's not a hardware problem07:41
_candybanBurk: It also has decss (conveniently packaged)07:41
owner989eternalist are you saying startx doesnt work at all?07:41
trappistasfra: try another disc07:41
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Hoxzer_Are you ready ....07:41
Hoxzer_shutup and dance07:41
_tuxtrappist: thx..what will that do?07:41
Hoxzer_maybe I shouldn't sing here07:41
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trappisttransgress: it will give you permissions to the folders inside your homedir07:42
trappist_tux: that should fix 98% of what you broke.  now reboot normally and think REALLY REALLY hard before using chmod -R in the future.07:42
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trappist_tux: what I said to transgress was meant for you07:42
owner989eternalist, are you here07:42
asfratrappist, of course i have done that :) even new ones doesn't work07:43
lukasinkhello, i booted up my computer this morning but when I tried to log in with GDM it gave me an error saying that it could not write to the authorization file07:43
lukasinkany suggestions?07:43
trappistasfra: do you have more than one optical drive?07:43
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eternalistowner989, thats correct07:44
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eternalistowner989, i use GDM on startup, and it doesnt show up, X just hangs07:44
_tuxtrappist: thanks:).......actually i was trying to make my home folder inaccessible to another user (my bro:)......07:44
owner989eternalist are you using windows right now then07:44
eternalistowner989, no, i switched back to the ati driver, not using fglrx07:44
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trappist_tux: yeah I've made a similar mistake.  just chmod 750 (NO -R) and make sure he's not in the same group as you07:45
_candybanCan anyone access www.enlightenment.org (is it just me or is something wrong with their page)?07:45
derrickwhey is anybody familiar with cedega? i'm having a problem with it. i'm trying to install ragnarok online, and when i try to run it under cedega, nothing happens. if i recall correctly, the ragnarok installer is a self-extracting exe, and i don't think cedega knows what to do with it. any ideas?07:45
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owner989so you know about sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:45
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trappistderrickw: self-extracting exes can be unzipped.  try unzipping and running cedega against the extracted installer.07:46
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ufkok it seems that when i start gnome it freeze my X, afterstep and xfce4 works fine. any ideas why?07:46
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owner989the weird thing is that the packaged ati driver doesnt work for me but the fglrx driver does07:46
Stormchaserhi! 2 questions: Where can I get tge free ttf pack ( the one with ms sans serif, verdana, arial,...), and the 2nd: How can I set my screen resolution to 75 DPI istead of 95?07:46
derrickwtrappist - what should i use to unzip an exe?07:46
trappistStormchaser: sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts07:47
trappistderrickw: unzip :)07:47
owner989but i would try that easy ubuntu program eternalist07:47
Stormchasertrappist: Thanks :)07:47
owner989because it worked for me07:47
=== viller [n=viller@84-50-173-57-dsl.rgu.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu
_tuxtrappist: got it.....thanks:)07:47
Wammyanyone here use a PCI IDE card?07:47
derrickwoh nice, there is an unzip command. i have been trying to use the terminal for as much as possible to help learn it lately anyway. i was actually thinking about building a linux from scratch distro so i could learn what i'm doing better, but then i don't know if i could use apt-get and it's such a nice feature07:48
seaprincehello, everyone. I am new comer here.07:48
villeri want to copy contents of a folder to inside of another folder07:48
StormchaserPackage msttcorefonts is not available, but is referred to by another package. <-- Aw. Damn :/07:48
=== mathias [n=mathias@tvsurf-habscht1-096.pt.lu] has joined #ubuntu
villerhow do i do that? i can only copy the whole folder07:48
owner989i have a PCI-E card wammy07:48
Mabus06what's the default folder to install things?07:48
trappistderrickw: there's dfs (debian from scratch)07:48
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owner989/home/ mabus07:48
Faravidhmm i just checked wiki for ubuntu disk space requirements and it says it takes 2.2 gigs, how come breezy badger (single cd) doesn't fit with normal install to 3.2 gigs, also tried over 4.2 gigs with LVM (2 disks) - no fit, failes at the packages copy, says /var is full (used automatic and manual, yes i enabled emptying disks)07:48
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derrickwtrappist - that would include apt-get?07:48
Wammyowner989, bah! :) im looking into expanding my computer's support for IDE drives.07:48
mathiasWhen installing Ubuntu, the root password is not asked????07:49
villeri want to copy contents of a folder to inside of another folder07:49
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derekmathias, no07:49
owner989ubuntu doesnt use root mathais07:49
derrickwmathias - the root password is the first user's password07:49
Wammysince i used a cheapo computer to start, now i dont feel like reinstalling onto other hardware07:49
owner989use sudo07:49
trappistderrickw: I assume so07:49
Faravidmathias, use sudo command to run stuff requiring root permissions07:49
_tuxtrappist: i had noticed that my desktop icons became all red! when i made that mistake.......07:49
lukasinkhello, i booted up my computer this morning but when I tried to log in with GDM it gave me an error saying that it could not write to the authorization file07:49
=== JzE [n=jze@a84-231-30-102.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
asfrais there an ubuntu wiki?07:49
villeri want to copy contents of a folder to inside of another folder07:49
lukasinkanyone got any ideas?07:49
=== orbx [n=orbx@cpc5-hem12-6-0-cust34.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
orbxwhat type of partition does windows need to install on?07:49
quitte_lukasink: maybe out of diskspace?07:49
trappistviller: cp -R folder1/* folder2/07:49
owner989ntfs or fat32 orbx07:49
owner989but ubuntu can only write to fat3207:50
quitte_orbx type b07:50
lukasinkquitte_: i know for sure that's not the problem07:50
villertrappist: is the * mark needed?07:50
mathiasBut is there no root user???07:50
owner989thats right mathias07:50
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Mabus06what's the default folder to install things?07:50
owner989you use sudo and the your user password07:50
trappistviller: without the * it will copy the directory itself, rather than its contents07:50
derrickwtrappist - i would love to build a simple debian distro for this old laptop i found in my closet and stick a wireless card in it, use it as a wifi console comp. and then i could go into coffee shops and use lynx. unfortunately, the laptop is eight years old and i can't get a power supply to make it work for less than $7007:50
Wammy(off topic) but does OS X read ext2/3 fs?07:50
villertrappist: but i don't need it for folder2?07:50
ChousukeWammy: There's a driver for Panther07:51
trappistviller: no07:51
ChousukeWammy: None for Tiger AFAIK.07:51
=== feross [n=feross@69-172-135-82.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Wammyhrm, youd figure it read it07:51
Faravidso, could someone help me with the space problem, shouldn't over 4 gigs be enough for default install of ubuntu?07:51
Mabus06what's the default folder to install things?07:51
Wammynow linux does read HFS and HFS+?07:51
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orbxquitte_ > why?07:51
trappistviller: the shell will expand * to mean the contents of that folder, so your command says "copy everything in folder1 into folder2"07:51
quitte_lukasink: do you own the .Xauthority file in your home07:51
quitte_orbx thats the partition tybe for vfat07:51
Mabus06come on this isn't a hard question, I'm just getting ignored here... where's the default folder that things are normally installed to?07:51
quitte_orbx: dont know for ntfs07:51
villertrappist: i understood, thank you07:52
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orbxquitte_ > i will try that, i need for xbox 360 media center ;)07:52
lukasinkMabus06: the binaries are usually installed to /usr/bin07:52
owner989Mabus06, /home/username07:52
trappistMabus06: it doesn't work like that.  most apps have many components that get installed into their appropriate locations.07:52
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Mabus06thank you lukasink07:52
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mathiasThanks a lot07:52
x_orI'm trying to install Ubuntu on an older Sharp laptop with an external CDROM.  I cannot determine the CDROM driver needed during installation.  Googling for CD-CE01 doesn't help; anyone have clues on how I can determine what module is needed?07:53
MenZa`does anyone have a clue why I can't sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop ?07:53
gimmulfWhen i do sudo apt-get install gcc-3.4 it says: E: Package gcc-3.4 has no installation candidate  ... hmm?07:53
RiddellMenZa`: what does it say when you do?07:53
MenZa`Riddell: can I paste two lines here :P?07:53
trappistMenZa`: I don't think any of the ops are looking - sneek one in07:54
MenZa`hold on07:54
=== anatole [n=ZOMG@dsl5400A06E.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu
owner989do you people prefer kde or gnome07:54
lukasinkquitte_: there is not Xauthority file07:54
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MenZa`the following packs will be removed: kubuntu-desktop07:54
trappistlukasink: .Xautority, not Xauthority07:54
MenZa`0 is upgraded, 0 is re-installed, 0 is uninstalled and 4 aren't upgraded.07:54
Riddellowner989: there is no answer to that question07:55
bluefoxicyAnyone know how to get apt to give a list oft upgradable packages07:55
MenZa`Continue? Y07:55
owner989its an opinion riddell07:55
trappistMenZa`: hit enter.07:55
Riddellowner989: exactly07:55
Strag0Hello, i'm having two problems using 5.10. One is that I installed 5.10 on a machine with 3 other drives (NTFS). The drives are mounted but I can't access them (root is the owner). I can "Browse" them in Diskutil07:55
MenZa`trappist: I did, obviously07:55
trappistMenZa`: what's the problem?07:55
Strag0Disk manager, but I can't modify anything. =X any clue how to fix that?07:55
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Faravidhow come ubuntu doesn't fit 3,2gb drive, using the single cd install07:55
MenZa`trappist: well, my idea is to re-install it from scratch07:56
MenZa`(just kubuntu-desktop)07:56
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MenZa`but I can't, since it's not removed.07:56
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owner989strag0 http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#mountunmountntfs07:56
trappistMenZa`: maybe you misunderstand, kubuntu-desktop's purpose is to have many dependencies that install when you install it.  it depends on them, not the other way around, so they won't get removed when you remove it.07:56
lukasinkquitte_: the only file that starts with an X in my home directory is xsession-errors which is an empty file07:56
=== bluefoxicy stabs synaptic and apt over and over
MenZa`trappist: oh?07:56
gimmulfhmmm E: package gcc-3.4 has no installation candidate   <--- Should i install gcc-4.0 instead?07:57
MenZa`can I reinstall it somehow?07:57
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Strag0Owner989: Thank you!07:57
quitte_lukasink: .X notice the dot07:57
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MenZa`'cause I really killed it trying to install kde 3.507:57
owner989that guide is good strag07:57
owner989i had the same problem07:57
trappistMenZa`: reinstall what?  kubuntu-desktop and all its dependencies?07:57
Maniquihi. yesterday I has been helped to install FF 1.5 in my fresh Ubuntu. I'm very newbie to Ubuntu and Linux.07:57
ManiquiI have installed it manually.07:57
MenZa`trappist: exactly.07:57
bluefoxicybluefox@icebox:/tmp$ apt-cache show upgrades07:57
bluefoxicyW: Unable to locate package upgrades07:57
bluefoxicythat didn't work, hummm. . . .07:57
lukasinkquitte_: that's including the .07:57
Strag0My other issue is that my "Add Applications" program has stopped working. It gives me a password prompt but then nothing opens! Any ideas on why?07:57
ManiquiNow, I didnt understand why I needed to install it in a "hard" way07:57
bluefoxicyapt-cahce dumpavail spito ut too much.07:57
Maniquiand not simple by using Synaptic07:57
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XiCillinanybody know how long it would take to upgrade hoary to breezy?07:58
=== steven_ [n=steven@cpe-67-11-145-203.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Maniquisomeone have given me an explanation, but I think I didnt understood it.07:58
trappistMenZa`: sudo apt-get install --reinstall $(echo $(apt-cache depends kubuntu-desktop | grep : | cut -d: -f2))07:58
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@adsl-144-142-153.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
MenZa`trappist: all of that in one line?07:58
bluefoxicyManiqui:  FF 1.5 isn't packaged yet.07:59
MFentrappist: joke's on me07:59
Maniquiwhat does it mean, bluefoxicy?07:59
steven_Hi everyone, does anyone know how to switch your default movie player plugin for firefox.  I ran into an error trying to play a gif (totem failed) and so I just installed mplayer, but can't figure out how to make it the default.07:59
MenZa`trappist: thanks dude :D07:59
MFenit was a 3c905, pci. and it wasn't seated properly.07:59
quitte_lukasink ls -a? files with dot are hidden07:59
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bluefoxicyManiqui:  the 1.5 package in the unstable ubuntu version uninstalls the english language translation of Ubuntu, which leaves half of the apps running with all buttons and menus saying [] [] [] [] [] [] [[] ] []  instead of anything meaningful07:59
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trappistMFen: awesome!07:59
MenZa`trappist: it reinstalls it completely right?07:59
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lukasinkquitte_: i am using ls -a08:00
trappistMenZa`: *shrug* I've never quite done it that way, but that's the idea08:00
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MenZa`thanks :P08:00
MFentrappist: as soon as i rebooted it was working. ubuntu wins again :)08:00
bluefoxicyManiqui:  In Ubuntu, when something is released, they package it up and make sure it works.  After about 6 months, they freeze everything they have working and make a release of Ubuntu; at this point they can pretty much guarantee the system works08:00
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MenZa`It's downloading all sorts of stuff that looks kde-ish08:00
bluefoxicyManiqui:  so, that release of ubuntu gets only minor fixes for bugs that break shit, until 6 more months go by, and all the new shit gets rolled back out in another release.08:00
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MenZa`..wait, that means I should close konversation08:01
MenZa`brb in xfire08:01
=== hoasd [n=jose@238.Red-80-59-106.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
bluefoxicyManiqui:  your choices are to move to Dapper for FF1.5, in which case you're likely to suddenly find that X doesn't start and you can't log in; or wait until April and have a whole slew of new shininess that will just work08:01
=== MenZa` [n=MenZa@0x50a1605a.kd4nxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
hoasddoes someone can help me with a RT2500 chipset for wireless that breezy doesnt recognize08:01
Maniquibluefoxicy, I think I dont get it yet... I can make my head around what you are explaining. Do you mean that FF 1.5, shouldnt work fine in Ubuntu 5.10?08:02
=== adjacent [n=scott@cpe-024-088-072-106.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
MarcNManiqui: drapper's X is causing me some problems just this week...08:02
gimmulfShouldnt dh-make be in respitorys? or is it dh-make-perl???08:02
adjacentanyone used skype?08:02
bluefoxicyManiqui: Afirmative.08:02
MFenbluefoxicy: or add the dapper deb-src line, apt-get source, and backport it yourself08:02
lukasinkhoasd: i have a card with that chipset and it works fine08:02
MFenand hope that works.08:02
adjacentam i safe installing the debian package w/ dpkg?08:02
owner989is there any benefit to using dapper08:02
gnomefreakif im not mistaken dapper comes with FF1.0.7 and you can get 1.5 from additional sources but as bluefoxicy  said it is not stable and should not be run under ubuntu08:02
bluefoxicyMFen:  Heh :)08:02
MarcNManiqui: If I boot with a 2nd monitor connected to the notebook => no X.  Removing the 2nd monitor and reboot is okay.08:02
Maniquibut... I *can* install FF 1.5 perfectly in my WinXP that is from year 2000?08:02
hoasdi updated today my hoary to breezy and i dont know why it didnt install that card08:02
gnomefreakowner989,  the people that would need to use dapper are people that are helping test it08:02
bluefoxicygnomefreak:  Dapper appears to have 1.499+somebiglineoflettersandnumbers08:02
Maniquibut isnt FF 1.5 stable?08:03
hoasdit is supossed to work fine08:03
hoasdbut i am no idea why it didnt...08:03
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bluefoxicyManiqui:  It's stable, it's just not integrated with the current system yet.08:03
gimmulfShouldnt dh-make be in respitorys? or is it dh-make-perl? Please help08:03
gnomefreakManiqui,  not for linux its not08:03
MenZa`Maniqui: Yes it is08:03
Faravidcould anyone ask my super simple question please? (already asked twice, noone answered) :\08:03
MenZa`At least for windows08:03
hoasdand i am driving craezy my self trying to make it work08:03
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gnomefreakwhen it is stable enough to use in ubuntu they will backport it08:03
lukasinkhoasd: and it doesn't show up in the network settings ?08:03
MarcNManiqui: you could download the FF 1.5 binary in tar format and unpack it to ~/firefox and just run ~/firefox/firefox08:03
hoasdlukasink is there anyway that i can reinstall the network system?08:03
gnomefreakgm nalioth08:03
hoasdit doesn't08:03
naliothgnomefreak: howdy08:04
phoenix_atlanti1Does anybody know how I can determine "limits" (like open file limit) of a running process?08:04
bluefoxicyManiqui:  In most Linux distributions, the idea of updating programs as they come out is left behind; instead, the different programs are tried out and worked together until we're sure they all work, then a new verrsion of the distro is released.08:04
karolislhow do you install codecs from totem? where to get them?08:04
cdubyasteven_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9171508:04
hoasdmaybe reinstalling the network system will reinstall the card08:04
owner989faravid run advanced install08:04
Maniquithanks. I still trying to understand. I have installed FF 1.5 in linux, with the help of some guys in this nice chat.08:04
owner989and deselect some packages08:04
lukasinkhoasd: hmm08:04
bluefoxicyManiqui:  this prevents things like updating libpng on a "Stable" system one day and finding that Firefox, Gnome, Gaim, and Gimp all suddenly crash constantly.08:04
karolislhow do you install codecs from totem? where to get them?08:04
hoasddid u install the breezy or updated from hoary?08:04
karolisl*for totem08:04
ubotuBinary only codecs (such as w32codecs) can be downloaded from plf or cipherfunk, see !easysource for details on these repositories08:05
gnomefreakManiqui, that is fine we are not telling you cant use it but from experence we tell you its not advised08:05
=== bluefoxicy thinks there's a backports source. . .
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bluefoxicygnomefreak:  I have 1.5 installed to my /home directory ;)08:05
lukasinkhoasd: how did you upgrade via apt-get or re-installed from the CD?08:05
adrianocIs this normal to have in a syslog? and What does it mean? It seems thatr my syslog is about 1.5mbs08:05
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adrianoc Jan 13 06:18:06 worm kernel: atkbd.c: Unknown key released (translated set 2, code 0xe4 on isa0060/serio0)08:05
skorai think w32codecs can do it.08:05
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hoasdlukasink via apt-get08:05
gnomefreakok fine im not adivsing it08:05
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Faravidowner989, k, will try if that works, weird thought that it didn't even fit to 3,2gb with server install and apt-get install kubuntu-desktop08:06
bluefoxicygnomefreak:  how in the fuck do I get a list of upgradable packages08:06
gnomefreakeither way i have heard alot of bad things about it already and its been out for all of what a week?08:06
bluefoxicygnomefreak:  they show in synaptic but no way to get a flat list in console08:06
gimmulfShouldnt dh-make be in respitorys? or is it dh-make-perl? Please help08:06
Maniquiaaaah, ok... I find hard to understand this new logic... do you mean that simple installing FF 1.5 in Ubuntu 5.10 could screw up everything? that's a new concept for me08:06
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bluefoxicygnomefreak:  time is a factor, btw, before uptade-manager decides to apt-get update for me08:06
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=== bluefoxicy is TRYING to get a snapshot of all the packages he DIDN'T upgrade
gnomefreakbluefoxicy,  the list of breezy and breezy backports as well as dapper and hoary and warty are at packages.ubuntu.com08:07
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bluefoxicygnomefreak:  current install base on this machine08:07
bluefoxicygnomefreak:  I have dapper's source, upgraded gnome and everything, didn't upgrade anything havingto do with X or Firefox08:07
gnomefreakbluefoxicy, it all depends on what packages you think should be upgradable08:07
gimmulfShouldnt dh-make be in respitorys? or is it dh-make-perl? Is dh-make-perl an replace for dh-make or?08:07
bluefoxicygnomefreak:  trying to take a snapshot of what's left08:07
skorabluefoxicy, i know what you mean, crap i forget how to do it.08:07
ManiquiI mean, trying to do a generalization: if you install simple applications in Ubuntu, they can "interact deeply" in the stability of my system? (excuse my english)08:07
skorait's some extra option in apt-get08:07
bluefoxicyManiqui:  yeah08:08
skoraor aptitude.08:08
skorai'd check man, sry can't help.08:08
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gnomefreakbluefoxicy, you upgraded gnome gnome is a part of X :(08:08
bluefoxicygnome is as much a part of X as Firefox is a part of X08:08
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=== skora hasn't used ubuntu in a few months, came home from college, and is trying to figure out why his net connection wont work !
lukasinkhoasd: I found the old wiki page for hoary for setting up the rt2500 drivers08:09
lukasinkhoasd: the page is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com//Rt2500WirelessCardsHowTo/08:09
bluefoxicyskora:  http://rafb.net/paste/results/8sjcBh16.html is the closest I can get, it's a hell of a lot more than al ist :(08:09
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gnomefreakbluefoxicy,  i think gnome is more of a part gnome needs X to run (most current is always better) like you cant run gnome 2.12 on X from 3 years ago FF will run on any version of X08:09
Maniquiok bluefoxicy. So, the general advise in linux is "not to stay up-to-date with the last program releases but to stay with what you have and wait 6 months" ?08:10
bluefoxicyManiqui:  it depends on how often your distro releases.08:10
skorafoxblueicy - isn't that what you want ? a list of pkg's not updated ?08:10
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bluefoxicyskora:  I want a list of packages08:10
gnomefreakwant most current packages for dapper i would assume its still apt-get upgrade or apt-get dist-upgrade08:10
cdubyawhat's the package name for glib on breezy?08:10
bluefoxicyetc etc08:10
bluefoxicynot a bunch of output about what apt would do08:11
MenZa`ubotu: dk is Ubuntu diskussion paa dansk kan foeres i #ubuntu-dk08:11
ubotui already had it that way, MenZa`08:11
hoasdlukasink i just found out that the upgrade didnt work... well i upgraded throuh the automatic upgrade system i think is from synaptyc and i was cheking in apt-get a dist-upgrade and it didnt instal anything08:11
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Tony_SidawayAs long as your system is stable, who cares if it's twelve months "out of date"?08:11
bluefoxicyManiqui:  you'll figure it out after running for a while08:11
Stormx2Tony_Sidaway: Use a Mac II then ;-)08:11
gnomefreakTony_Sidaway,  because its not supported that far yet08:11
hoasdit has been all day downloading things and instaling them, and apt-get seems or not updated or something wrong08:11
bluefoxicyTony_Sidaway:  it can be a factor, especially with graphics apps and word processors et al, where you get things that have new features you need.08:12
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lukasinkhoasd, do you have high speed internet?08:12
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Maniquithanks, bluefoxicy. I will go to the Ubuntu side and play there a while.08:12
Tony_SidawayStorm2, as it happens I do have a pre power-mac system around here somewhere.  Why do you ask.08:12
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hoasdlukasink i have broadband08:12
cosimo321hello guys08:12
gnomefreaki think its currently 6-8 months after that the next version will need to be installed for support packages but with dapper come aprilish will be suppported for 18 months08:12
skorahi cosimo32108:12
cosimo321I just uninstalled kubuntu and reinstalled ubuntu08:13
cosimo321I have a question08:13
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bluefoxicy 14:13:17 up 84 days,  1:37,  5 users,  load average: 0.40, 0.35, 0.4208:13
=== skora is slightly envious
cosimo321in synaptic there is an app fo sorts that allows you to view and download splsh screens, themes etc, and i cannot remember what it is called08:13
lukasinkhoasd: Well, I have always just re-installed fresh for upgrades08:13
cosimo321 if anyone knows I would appreciate knowing08:13
Tony_Sidawaybluefoxicy, I cannot agree that word processors need to be kept up to date.  I've got a copy of Word II for Windows, and it contains every single function I need in a word processor.08:13
gnomefreakcosimo321, gnome-art08:13
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owner989do you like kde or gnome better cosimo08:14
cosimo321Is that it?08:14
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lukasinkhoasd: i've never had to do too many ugly hacks to get ubuntu the way i like it so it was never a big deal08:14
gnomefreakcosimo321, yes08:14
cosimo321Let me check08:14
=== skora has a longest uptime of about 2 weeks
gnomefreakthere maybe more but thats the one i use08:14
svk_frankactually per your wordprocessor you need to be able to edit uml08:14
hoasdlukasink ok... i will still try... thanks a lot08:14
bluefoxicyTony_Sidaway:  I had abiword up to 2.0, it crashed semi-commonly up to 2.208:14
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lukasinkhoasd: no problem08:14
vladuz976what command shows me directory sizes?08:14
Tony_Sidawaybluefoxicy, Abiword sucks hugely.  Don't use unstable applications.08:15
bluefoxicyTony_Sidaway:  between 0.6 and 2.0 it crashed if you pasted anything; except in 2.0 it managed to not crash if you pasted things without a newline in them.08:15
cosimo321Thanks I think you were right I am installing it now I will get back to you if it isn't08:15
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bluefoxicyTony_Sidaway:  Gnome 2.14 will use much less memory than 2.1208:15
iguanadirectories: du -h08:15
owner989gnome is less bloated than kde08:15
bluefoxicyTony_Sidaway:  and ANYTHING would be an improvement over OpenOffice.org's ugly as fuck Writer interface.08:15
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owner989konquerer is too slow to use as an everyday browser08:15
steven_cdubya, thanks for the thread info regarding the firefox plugins.  I tried that and it worked.08:16
Tony_SidawayWell software that doesn't fall over is always better than software that does, so I'd probably stick with my ancient copy of Word II.08:16
trappistowner989: konqeror is faster for me than firefox08:16
owner989thats strange trappist08:16
Chousukekonqueror is quick.08:16
=== praseodymium [n=praseody@cp293763-a.roose1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
owner989it ran slowly for me08:16
redguyfor me as well08:16
praseodymiumhow do I install irssi on ubuntu?08:16
trappistsudo apt-get install irssi08:16
gnomefreaki find links faster even in gaphical form08:17
owner989firefox is as fast as IE08:17
bluefoxicyowner989:  agreed.  KDE is a bloatfuck; I had 400M of memory usage for having Gimp, Firefox, Thunderbird, xmms, gaim, and xchat open for 2 weeks straight, only things open when measured; switched to KDE, ran the same apps, after a few days it had eaten my 768M of RAM and moved about 600M into swap.08:17
Chousukesudo apt-get install irssi-text08:17
Chousukeowner989: faster :P08:17
derekpraseodymium, its already installed08:17
Chousukeor well.08:17
AgrajagI think irssi is in the bae install08:17
trappistpraseodymium: sorry, irssi-text08:17
trappistwhich is stupid08:17
bluefoxicybrb restarting gnome08:17
owner989kde has many useless features bluefox08:17
Chousukeso does GNOME :)08:18
gnomefreakpssssst owner989  FF is much faster than IE and alot safer/stable even :)08:18
Tony_Sidawayis fvwm2 still around?  Nice lightweight window manager.08:18
Chousukebesides, some people consider those KDE features useful08:18
owner989i used ff in winxp as well08:18
ChousukeKDE/Gnome battles are pretty stupid.08:18
gnomefreakTony_Sidaway, yes its in synaptic08:18
praseodymiumtrappist: yeah its dumb08:18
Maniquilast question: for my windows system, I have a partition for the OS, and some partitions for documents, downloads, music, etc. Should I have something similar for Ubuntu?08:18
gnomefreakhell even opera is faster than IE08:18
owner989gnome is the king GUI08:18
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Tony_SidawayIf you have bloat problems (particularly on older hardware) it's always a good idea to ask if you really need Gnome.08:19
praseodymiumgnomefreak: 'even' opera?08:19
=== bluefoxicy [n=bluefox@pcp0012069148pcs.whtmrs01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Stormx2One thing which annoys me about gnome is how you can't tell where the current location of the icon for a launcher is located08:19
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gnomefreakyep opera is much faster than a IE08:19
ManiquiI mean: different partitions: one for the OS (Ubuntu) and one or some for documents08:19
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praseodymiumgnomefreak: yeah. but why 'even opera'?08:19
gnomefreakconcidering opera is prolly the heavest browser linux has08:19
aaarggnomefreak: opera is reportedly the faster browser08:19
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owner989you can run IE6 under wine08:20
Chousukeopera is quite lightweight :/08:20
owner989it works08:20
derekPeople, I plugged in another harddisk. WOuld it have got mounted automatically?08:20
praseodymiumso then "hell even opera is faster than IE" makes no sense08:20
=== xota re!
Chousukeowner989: Why would you wany that?08:20
praseodymiumas opera is the fastest browser08:20
gnomefreakChousuke,  yes opera is very heavy compared to FF08:20
Chousukegnomefreak: hell no08:20
derekre xota08:20
owner989you could have the rare website that is IE only08:20
Chousukeopera runs much better on machines with less RAM08:21
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praseodymiumbut there is firefox portable, but no portable opera :)08:21
Stormx2Not for me08:21
mwelike my netbank08:21
Stormx2In windows, IE is fastest08:21
Stormx2purely because it is built in to windows.08:21
ChousukeStormx2: fastest because it doesn't even support anything :P08:21
Tony_SidawayIE-only websites are *so* 1999.08:22
Stormx2Chousuke: Yep08:22
gnomefreakStorm2 FF is faster in windows than IE08:22
owner989if you enable http pipelining in firefox it is faster than IE08:22
mweum not for me. It loads faster because parts are preloaded, but once it's running FF is quite a bit faster than IE for me08:22
aaargits fastest to load and get virii/spyware, not to render sites08:22
Stormx2gnomefreak: Not on my system08:22
Stormx2gnomefreak; FF is bloaty on my system08:22
gnomefreakStormx2,  hack FF to run faster than08:22
Stormx2gnomefreak: Wouldn't know how08:22
gnomefreakyou have to change 5 lines i think and poof FF speeds up08:22
Stormx2gnomefreak: On windows I use K-Meleon. Fastest of em all08:23
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trappistmy ff is slow because I have a zillion plugins.  features slow things down.  if you want fast, go lynx.08:23
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gnomefreaki never heard of that08:23
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gnomefreaklinks2 for me:)08:23
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janekhas any1 been able to install ATI drivers on ubuntu08:23
derekI plugged in another harddisk. Would it have got mounted automatically?08:23
trappistk-meleon is cool08:23
owner989lynx is text only trappist08:23
Stormx2gnomefreak: its gecko/mozilla based, 100% customizable (it runs of text files) and lightening quick08:23
ubotuati is, like, at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=1008:23
trappistowner989: yep.08:23
Wammyderek no08:23
mwejanek: yes08:23
Tony_Sidawaylynx is pretty good except for form entry.08:23
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derekWammy, ok. How do I access it then please?08:23
Wammyderek, check the Disk programs under System08:23
Maniquisorry for insist: is it recommended to have different partitions (one for Ubuntu OS and one for "linux" documents, audio, volatile stuff)? I do that for my MS Windows system: one partition for the OS and various partitions for docs, audio, downlaods, etc.08:23
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phr3xHi, does anyone know the url for the breezy backport repositories?08:24
Wammyor System Management08:24
Stormx2Maniqui: yes08:24
Wammythere is one that is called Disks08:24
owner989maniqui thats your choice08:24
Wammyshows you all the disks you have08:24
tylerquestoin: whats the best torrent client for ubuntu?08:24
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Stormx2Maniqui: I have a windows partition, a linux partition, and a "Media" partition08:24
Wammyit should let you create partitions there08:24
gnomefreakubotu tell phr3x  about sources08:24
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janeki've dl the drive from ati site, it sys to type ./atidriver.run but I get error no such file or directory08:24
derekWammy, "Removable Drives & Media"?08:24
trappistManiqui: I just keep one separate partition for 'data' so I don't have to worry about it when reinstalling08:24
Wammytry on the other menu08:24
skoratyler, there's azureus, bittorrent itself,08:24
phr3x## Backports08:24
phr3xdeb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted08:24
phr3xdeb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted ( i tried using those and replacing hoary with breezy, but it didn't work )08:24
owner989it depends on how big your harddrive is08:24
ManiquiStormx2, wich filesystem use your Media partition?08:24
Tony_SidawayManiqui, on a small system I run everything in one partition, with one extra swap partition.08:24
tylerskora, can i get that through SPM, or do i need to DL08:24
derekWammy, k08:24
mweManiqui: some people like loads of partitions. personally I have just one large one08:24
gallonegro_were do i add new fonts08:25
gnomefreakphr3x,  please dont paste and read the pm you got from ubotu08:25
Stormx2Maniqui: FAT32 (XFAT)08:25
spaceyphr3x, ubotu is wrong08:25
spaceytoo bad08:25
Stormx2Maniqui: i really recommend using FAT for sharing08:25
spaceyphr3x, just search on the wiki08:25
derekWammy, there's this option "Computer" under Places08:25
gnomefreakphr3x, mirrormax backports dont work and havent for a while08:25
Stormx2spacey: ubotu is never wrong.08:25
=== CameroonLoser [n=roel@82-169-125-4-kpn.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Wammyno, go to another meny08:25
spaceyStormx2, mirrormax is bad08:25
Wammyafter that08:25
bluefoxicyoh sweet.08:25
spaceyand offline08:25
owner989fat32 makes a good partition to share between ubuntu and windows08:25
phr3xokay, thanks dude :)08:25
bluefoxicyFregging sweet08:25
derekWammy, System doesn't have "Disks"08:25
gallonegro_were do i add new fonts?08:25
tylerDoes anyone know if I can get Azereus through SPM?08:25
bluefoxicyso much less memory used @.@08:25
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Wammyi cant remeber the menu name08:26
Wammyone sec.08:26
Stormx2bluefoxicy: Hmm?08:26
mweif you need to store files larger than 4GB fat32 can't handle it08:26
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Maniquiok, I jsut wanted to know if in Ubuntu/Linux, it applies the same logic of have the OS in one place and the volatile information in other... Because, for sure, I bet I will reinstall Ubuntu more than once08:26
derekWammy, System>Administration has 'Device Manager'08:26
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gnomefreakext3 rules :)08:26
=== hondje [n=hondje@c-67-164-180-126.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Wammytry that08:26
=== MrKennie [i=Beer@unaffiliated/mrkennie] has joined #ubuntu
Wammymy install has an extra one there that is Disks08:26
=== bluefoxicy is only using about 253 megs of ram to run gnome2, firefox 1.5, thunderbird, rhythmbox, gaim, xchat, and gnome terminal! :D
owner989gnome is ext3 better than reiserfs08:26
tylerIs KDE just another GUI, similar to GNOME?08:27
derekWammy, i'm running hoary08:27
Wammytry that08:27
bluefoxicyowner989:  xfs I like.08:27
gnomefreaktyler, i think it is but you can search it in there08:27
Wammyshould give you a list of hard disks08:27
Tony_SidawayIf you need contiguous files bigger than 4GB, I give up.  The End of the World is Nigh. :)08:27
Wammyfind out what /dev it is08:27
trappisttyler: yes08:27
bluefoxicytyler:  yeah.  It uses a lot more memory XP08:27
tylergnomefreak, i didn't see it.  I'll just DL from the site.08:27
gnomefreakowner989,  my opion yes from what i hear its alot better08:27
bluefoxicyTony_Sidaway:  DVD images, 4.9M08:27
Stormx2How do I find out what icon a certain launcher is using (gnome)08:27
Wammythen you can make an ext3 (or your choice of filesystem) on that /dev/08:27
Wammythen mount /dev/... /Dir08:27
Stormx2Tony_Sidaway: Try liking anime >.>08:27
gnomefreaktyler, gbittorrent is good08:27
tylerbluefoxicy, why are KDE files offered in SPM if I run GNOME? Does it just not try to see what I have?08:27
bluefoxicyTony_Sidaway: 4.9G sorry. Dual-layer uDF images would be 8.4 (9.8 if it was a full size dl)08:27
tylergnomefreak, thanks :)08:28
Tony_Sidawaytyler, Gnome was started as a free alternative to KDE, which at that time was under a non-free license.08:28
MrKennieI'm having trouble with dibusb locating firmware. Where does ubuntu expect dvb firmware to live?08:28
tylerTony_Sidaway, ohh08:28
bluefoxicytyler:  what is spm?08:28
derekWammy, ... it just shows that there's a slave drive connected and its physical properties08:28
tylerbluefoxicy, Synaptic Package Manager08:28
Wammyim not sure how else to find it08:28
derekWammy, do you know the cli way?08:28
Tony_Sidawaytyler, both are good.  Each has its fans.08:28
Wammyno :/ didnt try08:28
Maniquithe final question: can I access to the data in my NTFS partitions? More than 5 GB of mp3s that I would like to enjoy while learning Ubuntu08:28
tylergnomefreak, I didn't see that in package manager, should it be there?08:28
bluefoxicytyler:  oh, they're offered because they're there.  You can install KDE from synaptic if you want; there isn't a separate kde/gnome ubuntu package database, though there should be.08:28
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trappisttyler: you can install kde packages all day long, and even run them.  it's not going to hide them from you just because you use gnome.08:28
bluefoxicyTony_Sidaway: KDE is an impediment to progress.08:28
owner989you can read but not write to NTFS partititons maniqui08:28
tylerbluefoxicy, oh okay i get it08:29
ManiquiI know I can mount NTFS partitions. But right now, all my NTFS are "locked"08:29
derekPlease can someone tell me how to use a slave drive I plugged in?08:29
MrKennieor more to the point. Where does it expect any firmware?08:29
trappistManiqui: linux lacks ntfs write support08:29
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gnomefreakgbittorrent is there just cant remember the name they use for it click on search and type in bittorrent and you should get all that are avilable08:29
bluefoxicyTony_Sidaway:  It uses the Qt toolkit, which interacts differently with the user than the more commonly used GTK+; in a mixed environment you have twice as much crap loaded in memory.08:29
owner989there is captive ntfs08:29
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Stormchaserowner989: not quite... That was  case in early 2.4 kernels08:29
owner989but its not safe08:29
gallonegro_were do i add new fonts?08:29
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Maniquiok, Dont want to write, just want to read.08:29
owner989from what i hear08:29
gnomefreakatleast the ones your sources allow you to have08:29
bluefoxicyTony_Sidaway: Not to mention file and print dialogs that look vastly different and confuse the lower end of non-technical users.08:29
owner989reading is fine maniqui08:29
ufkhiya. when i try to run kde or gnome my computer freeze, fluxbox, afterstep, xfce4, enlightenment, everything else works just fine. any ideas why?08:29
ManiquiThansk everyone in this chat, you are very helpful08:29
trappistManiqui: oh, then you just need to mount with the 'uid=1000' option or 'umask=000'08:30
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owner989maniqui hows that there's a slave drive connected and its physical properties08:30
owner989* jsteidl has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))08:30
owner989tyler bluefoxicy, Synaptic Pa08:30
ManiquiI have a command line written in a paper that says: "unmask=0222"08:30
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ubotuit has been said that ubuntuguide is an unofficial guide written by community members. It is not guaranteed to be up to date, or to work. There is an official guide, at http://help.ubuntu.com which is preferred.08:30
aruI would like to know why I cannot update, every time I click install on the update program a progress box opens then closes but never installs anything08:30
bluefoxicyTony_Sidaway:  KDE would be fine if it was written in gtk+ or gtkmm or whatever, the same shit everything else is written in.08:30
mweManiqui: umask08:30
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Maniquiumask! that was the problem...08:30
tylergnomefreak, were you thinking of qtorrent?08:31
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owner989gnome is written in a faster programming language08:31
gnomefreaktyler hold on a min il look08:31
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bluefoxicyowner989:  True that, though I have better arguments than C/C++ jabberwocky  :)08:31
hoasddoes someone what package install the wireless of breezy?08:31
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hoasdi have a wireless card i want to use but i need breezy dependencys08:32
Maniquiwow! ubotu gives that answer whenever you write something with "ubuntuguide"?08:32
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Stormx2Back, thunderstorms keep cutting my internet08:32
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StormchaserNOT MY FAULT!08:32
tylerHey random question: Whats the theme website where you can cahnge the style of the top and bottom bar?08:33
gnomefreaktyler its called gnome-btdownload08:33
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tylergnomefreak, ok, thanks again :)08:33
tylergnomefreak, how could you tell?08:33
gnomefreaktyler yw08:33
gnomefreakcause i have it :)08:33
caturOKwhereis ld.so.conf at ubuntu 5.10 version08:33
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mwecaturOK: /etc08:34
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Stormx2tyler: gnome-look.org?08:34
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gnomefreaktyler also if you click on it it will give you description08:34
caturOKi don't08:34
caturOKat hoary08:34
caturOKhave ld.so.conf08:34
tylerStormx2, yeah :)08:34
aDre|itahello :)08:34
mwecaturOK: just make one if you need it08:34
tylergnomefreak, like how it is already installed, haha.08:34
tylergnomefreak, apparently it comes with breezy08:34
jcaineHey all - anyone have problems with Totem movie player stopping DVD playback with "Audio device in use?" error message?08:34
gnomefreakboth sites are good but only one comes with  not having to go to site08:34
caturOKbrezy it confused me08:34
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caturOKi like hoary08:35
tylergnomefreak, is breezy just the version of Ubuntu?08:35
gnomefreaktyler yes it did if you click on applications and internet it says bittorrent08:35
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gnomefreaktyler yes its a code name for version 5.1008:35
tylergnomefreak, which version is hoary08:36
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iguanafor DVD the best is "xine"08:36
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caturOKbetter 5.0408:36
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caturOKi have try 5.1008:36
mwetyler: it the year and month of the release08:36
tylermwe, oh, cool08:36
caturOKso conflic08:37
tylermwe, how can i tell which version i'm running real fast08:37
caturOKnot stabil i thing08:37
=== gnomefreak gets a kick out of 5.04 being 2005 april and 5.10 is 2005 october :)
penguinitushello all...I getting an error trying to apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx (5 lines, ok to post here?)08:37
gnomefreak5.10 is ver stable08:37
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owner989dapper is debian sid right08:37
mwepenguinitus: don't paste in the channel08:37
gnomefreakPenguinitus use pastebin08:37
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tyleroo whats GTK+? applying to themes08:38
gnomefreakubotu tell penguinitus about paste08:38
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gnomefreaktyler i dont remember what it stands for sorry08:38
penguinitusok, posted in pastebin08:39
tylergnomefreak, what is it though08:39
gnomefreakpenguinitus,  you have to give us the link after you paste and send it08:39
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gnomefreaktyler not sure if i remembered what it stood for i could tell you08:39
korhalfowner989: It worked man08:39
iguanawhen is going to be available the new version of Ubuntu? Has it name?08:39
korhalfowner989: i was jus tplaying wolf et no problem08:39
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penguinitusoh...I'm an idiot08:39
Juhaztyler, huh?08:40
=== MenZa` [n=linux@0x50a1605a.kd4nxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
eternalistiguana: it will be called Drapper Drake or something like that, coming out sometime in april.08:40
owner989korhalf did you try easy ubuntu08:40
gnomefreakiguana, dapper is the ubuntu thats in development08:40
zcat[1] dapper will be the next version (6.04) ?08:40
eternalistowner989: yeah and it worked man08:40
gnomefreakyes zcat[1] 08:40
mweiguana: 6.04, dapper 2006, april08:40
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owner989cool eternalist :D08:40
gnomefreakdapper drake :)08:40
eternalistowner989: thanks, plus i got realplayer working which i wanted to do anyway with 0 effort lol08:40
tylerJuhaz, i'm on gnome-look.org and theres a section called GTK 1+ and 2+, I was wondering what it was08:40
=== gnomefreak steps out for smoke
penguinitusI posted in #pastebin (correct? it didn't give me a link)08:40
owner989yea it also installs all the codecs08:40
eternalisti know, its perfect08:41
eternalistand it makes ubuntu start with num lock enabled08:41
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eternalisti dont know why, but that always bothered me and i kept turning it on myself lol08:41
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
ufkare there any ubuntu packages for gmplayer?08:41
mwepenguinitus: no paste at the url suggested by !pastebin08:42
ubotu[pastebin]  a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl or at http://ubuntu.pastebin.com08:42
djk_ufk: yes.08:42
penguinitusok here it is, it's been so long; forgive me ;) - http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/530708:42
gnomefreaketernalist, i set it to come on on boot up because i cant stand having to type a long bunch of numbers and say oh hell that damn cap locks08:42
ufkdjk_: where?08:42
=== gnomefreak still steppin gout
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owner989easy ubuntu installs mplayer as well08:42
owner989thats a pain to install for many too08:42
eternalistyea, i got mplayer working fine tho08:42
eternalistits just some of the new wmv codecs dont play properly08:43
ufki still don't understand how to install it08:43
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boteinIs somebody here how know how to preseed?08:43
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eternalistQuake 4 torrent almost done :)08:43
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eternalisti wanna see how the demo plays08:43
tylerim in love with q408:43
ufkis there any nice gui for apt-cache search? :)08:43
eternalistufk: yes, synaptic package manager08:43
Juhaztyler, more or less everything, the buttons, menus and other widgets that make up apps.08:43
Sammiok, can anyone point me to a tutorial on adding a dvdrw drive after the initial install (been running for 6mo)?08:43
tylerJuhaz, ok, thanks08:44
gallonegro_were do i add new fonts?08:44
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djk_ufk: some repo.. i don't use them anymore so i can't tell you which one i saw it in.08:44
mwepenguinitus: it seems the two pacages are conflicting, you can only have one, since they both provide fglrx08:44
zcat[1] Sammi: plug it in. Be amazed. Stuff like that usually just works.08:44
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Sammizcat[1] , Yeah, that's usually how it works.. but not this time08:45
zcat[1] bugger :(08:45
owner989penguinitus you should try easy ubuntu to install the fglrx driver08:45
Sammiya :(08:45
PokerFacePenguinSammi, it got mount points?08:45
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penguinitusmwe: I kinda thought that, but I have no idea which package is conflicting with it, I had something else installed like flgx-driver or something which I removed with apt get, but still getting the error08:45
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ufksyanptic is nice :) thanks08:45
lsuactiafner[ 5247.225804]  NTFS-fs error (device sde1): ntfs_end_buffer_async_read(): Buffer I/O error, logical block 0xa46a53.08:45
tylerJuhaz, whats the difference between v2 and v1?08:45
korhalfufk, no problem08:45
lsuactiafneris it a hardware error or software?08:45
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gnomefreaki really wish they wouldnt put easy infront of linux cause for a newbie nothing about linux is easy at first08:45
SammiPokerFacePenguin, i dont know.. you mean fstab? or something else?08:45
mwepenguinitus: it says which in the error08:45
eternalistgnomefreak, true, but it SHOULD be08:45
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eternalistgnomefreak, you can't expect people to try something that'll be hard lol08:46
nox-HandOh no.. Firefox shut down, but the sound I was streaming in my 'mplayer mozilla plugin' is still running.. Got any idea how to make it stop?08:46
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nox-HandBeen running for about 5 min..08:46
gnomefreaketernalist, your right it should be but than it would be called mircocrap :(08:46
eternalistnox-Hand, kill the mofo08:46
gallonegro_non one knows how to add new fonts?08:46
[koji] is it ok to use /home partition of another distro?08:46
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eternalistgnomefreak, it doesn't need to be difficult to be good.08:46
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arnduckyI'm having trouble copying the contents of my /dev/sda (a 1 GB extreme compact flash card) to a hard drive.  Is there a way to force this with dd or something?  Gparted seems to stall at at '0m 1s left', and AFAIK, it uses dd.  I want a bit-for-bit copy of the original.08:46
Samminox-Hand, open the process manager, and kill mplayer08:46
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zcat[1] was quite surprised when I got my mp3 player; plugged it in, got halfway through opening a terminal so I could start digging through dmesg and figuring out what I might need to modprobe.. and hell, it was sitting on the desktop already!08:46
penguinitusmwe: well, when i try to uninstall it, it says it's not installed08:46
PokerFacePenguinSammi, yeah, if it doesnt have a mount point, its not gonna work..../etc/fstab might have to be edited...mountpoints are listed in /media08:46
mwepenguinitus: you have fglrx-driver and are trying to install xorg-driver-fglrx08:46
gnomefreaketernalist, no it doesnt i agree and linux isnt really all that hard its just at first glace its like OMG what am i doing :(08:47
nox-HandUhhm, where is the process manager.. ('noob at some of this linux stuff' at work)08:47
zcat[1] but it doesn't _always_ work like that..08:47
eternalistpenguinitus, i recommend using Easy Ubuntu, i just tried it, and my drivers work fine for my ati card08:47
owner989linux has improved over the years08:47
penguinitusmwe: well supposedly, but like I said I removed it via apt-get remove08:47
Juhaztyler, gtk 1.x is very old and not used by many apps any more, xmms probably being the most common08:47
owner989now the network setup is a breeze08:47
tylerJuhaz, oh ok08:47
eternalistgnomefreak, yea, and you try to teach people some shell commands, heck, they think DOS is complex, imagine the linux CLI08:47
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mwepenguinitus: but the diversion is still there08:47
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SammiPokerFacePenguin, I have cdrom (link) and cdrom0, which points to my existing one.. I'm thinking I need to duplicate everything, which is why I was hopeing for a tutorial08:47
gnomefreaketernalist, lol08:47
penguinitusmwe: maybe I need to dpkg purge to remove all configuration files (completely remove?)08:47
eternalistgnomefreak, im serious, at my school, i type netstat in a dos prompt and people think im hacking08:48
tylerJuhaz, would this be hard to install? The DL button doesn't even work, haha http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=3112808:48
penguinitusmwe: ? but I can't remember the command (if that indeed is what I need to do)08:48
nox-HandSammi: Uhhm, where is the process manager.. ('noob at some of this linux stuff' at work)08:48
Sammieternalist, you are, just not being malicious ;)08:48
zcat[1] right now I have totally screwed up glx though.. nothing works (glxgears, mplayer, xmms all segfault) bloody annoying08:48
gnomefreaketernalist,  they dont know any better lol08:48
mwepenguinitus: try sudo dpkg-divert --rename --remove /usr/share/fglrx/diversions/libGL.so.1.208:48
eternalistSammi, lol :)08:48
penguinitusmwe: but not to keep going with, I can give easy ubuntu a shot as you suggested08:48
Samminox-Hand, menu > system tools > process manager (I think)08:48
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penguinitusmwe: point me to the link?08:49
gnomefreaketernalist, it took me 2 years to teach g/f about ipconfig in DOS now im gonna have to teach her ifconfig :(08:49
eternalistgnomefreak, hahaha08:49
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nox-HandSammi: System monitor. Cheers.. Pointed me the right direction. Could not remember where it was..08:49
zcat[1] ifconfig? what's wrong with dhcp?08:49
necroforestdoes Ubuntu have a default root password? I can't get in root, don't remember setting a root password during install, and tryed all of my normal passwords.08:49
mwepenguinitus: what. you must be confusing me with someone else. I didn't suggest that08:49
eternalistgnomefreak, i think windows has winipcfg for a graphical version, which is probably easier to teach08:49
caturOKhow to my samba no answer password08:49
Samminox-Hand, yay!08:49
eternalistcaturOK, pardon?08:49
owner989penguinitus http://placelibre.ath.cx/keyes/index.php/2005/10/27/65-easy-ubuntu-24-beta08:49
gnomefreaketernalist,  never knew that08:50
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penguinitusmwe: oh, my bad, using another chat client - a little harder to read08:50
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PokerFacePenguingnomefreak, write a script, stick it on the taskbar/panel and let her click it.. :P08:50
Sammieternalist, that's win9x only08:50
caturOKi want my sharing folder not show a password08:50
eternalistSammi, oh i see08:50
zcat[1] necroforest: use sudo, and it prompts for your user password..08:50
eternalistgnomefreak, lol nvm, Sammi corrected me08:50
nox-HandSammi: Ahhh. The sweet sound of silence.. ;-) Someone mentioned something called 'Easy Ubuntu' Does that have a site?08:50
owner989penguinitus it was me that suggested easy ubuntu08:50
arnduckymy calculations show that the file transfer should take only  11m 10s  aprox but it goes on and on and on and on....08:50
Sammignomefreak, XP has a better tool anyways :)08:50
penguinitusthanks for the help, I have a couple things to try now08:50
Roman27I have a question about writing a wiki doc and everyone is just idling in #ubuntu-doc.  Can someone help me in here?08:50
gnomefreakPokerFacePenguin,  i sent her the source code for hello world and she about flipped she couldnt read it in C08:50
eternalistWhat the hell? the demo is 339 of 32108:50
eternalistshould i just kill it?08:50
arnduckyIs there a way to force-copy this partition?08:51
gnomefreakSammi, ipconfig is same as ifconfig only one for dos other for unix08:51
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necroforestdoes Ubuntu have a default root password? I can't get in root, don't remember setting a root password during install, and tryed all of my normal passwords.08:51
PokerFacePenguingnomefreak, then a bash script that renews her ip or whatever should b no prob08:51
=== SteveW [n=SteveW@HSE-Toronto-ppp3479042.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
owner989necroforest, ubuntu only uses sudo08:51
owner989and the password is your user password08:51
ubotuI heard root is rumour has it, that root is disabled in Ubuntu, actually this means there is no password set for the root account, use sudo when you need admin access, you can read all about it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo08:51
Sammignomefreak, yeah, that I know, but i mean win9x had winipcfg, which is better than ipconfig, but winxp has the repair button, which is far easier than both (for windows)08:51
gnomefreaknecroforest, your user password is the "root" password and ubuntu doesnt really have a root08:52
mweubotu: tell necroforest about root08:52
arnduckyThe cancel button doesn't even stop the transfer -- I think it's a *#%$ing gparted bug and nothing is actually happening08:52
caturOKif i use smb:///08:52
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caturOKthe pop up is show it08:52
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SteveWmwe, my hd is raid, do i need to do something special during partitioning?08:52
necroforestok thanks08:52
caturOKauthentication required08:52
arnduckyOkay, how about this QUESTION: has anyone else had problems with gparted?08:52
gnomefreakSammi,  im glad i havent had to deal with windows xp in about a year thank god08:52
necroforesti was trying su08:52
dr34mc0d3rhow (command line) do i set the time and date - i didnt set it correctly on install?08:52
mwenecroforest: if you really want a root prompt you can use sudo -i or set a root password with sudo passwd root08:53
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eternalistanyone else have a problem with the bittorrent download of Q4? it jus tkeeps going, its passed the limit, its at like 110% right now08:53
caturOKhow to disable that08:53
Sammignomefreak, lol, yeah - always a breath of releif when you are done with it08:53
alex1hello all, question: i wanted to configure and the output was :checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables,08:53
alex1what should i do?08:53
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Juhaztyler, I don't think that one is even real, just concept art08:53
arnduckyCould it be because I am trying to copy the flash card onto the same drive / is mounted on?08:53
eternalistSammi, gnomefreak, What's wrong with Windows XP ? :)08:53
gnomefreakSammi, it is but i might have to install windows over libranet for the java classes :(08:53
Sammieternalist, kill the client, and reload the torrent, pointing it at the data you already have; it'll repair and continue08:53
Obi-1ubotu : not true.. i got to enable the root graphical loggin08:53
ubotuNo idea, Obi-108:53
tylerJuhaz, yeah, me too08:54
eternalistSammi, i did that already, i think its corrupt.08:54
tylerJuhaz, whats metacity?08:54
Sammieternalist, hrm.. that shouldn't matter...08:54
caturOKany idea08:54
mweSteveW: the array has a seperate device file, doesn't it. I don't use raid, but I don't think you have to do anything special, but you should ask someone else to be sure08:54
gnomefreaketernalist, its slow its full of securtiy flaws the whole system is read by M$ for the most part whenever they decide to look08:54
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gnomefreakeverything you do on windows is sent to m$ office :(08:55
eternalistgnomefreak, i didnt know about the latter part.08:55
alex1hello all, question: i wanted to configure and the output was :checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables,08:55
alex1what should i do?08:55
SteveWnoob! my hd is raid, do I need to do something special during setup?08:55
eternalistSammi, well it wont continue with the installation, it verifies integrity and tells me the sums are diff08:55
Obi-1ubotu first: sudo passwd root .. change password for root08:55
ubotuObi-1: I give up, what is it?08:55
owner989whats better openoffice or koffice08:55
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eternalistowner989, whichever one allows you to do your work faster.08:55
caturOKi run this at nautilus ---> smb:///08:55
mweowner989: oo has more features08:55
Obi-1ubotu second: change the gdm.conf file08:55
ubotuObi-1: Do they come in packets of five?08:55
caturOKand why samba always ask password08:55
owner989we cant use koffice in gnome anyway08:56
Sammieternalist, but, I mean: toss the torrent client at it again, it should repair anything, unless the origional is corrupt08:56
gnomefreakowner i perfer openoffice but i think ive only used koffice 1 time and didnt see much difference08:56
caturOKand i give my correct password08:56
Juhaztyler, the gnome window manager, in theme sense, metacity theme affects the title bar and window borders08:56
mweowner989: of course you can use koffice in gnome08:56
caturOKbut always fail08:56
eternalistSammi, yeah, im telling you, i kill it, let it review the file and go back to its place, then it starts downloading more than what it is lol08:56
necroforestopenoffice is nice08:56
caturOKwhy that is happen08:56
owner989we can but its a kde app08:56
necroforestmuch better than its predessecor, staroffice08:56
Obi-1ubotu enable root login08:56
ubotuI haven't a clue, Obi-108:56
gnomefreakk-office in gnome you still have to install kdebase08:56
tylerJuhaz, okay cool.  Which would I get that can change the top and bottom bars? (Apps/places/system etc)08:56
eternalistSammi, it says time remaining 3 seconds, then it gets to 0, then goes back to 3 seconds08:56
SteveWmwe, do you know anyone i can awk?08:56
mweso what if you have the ram to load the kdelibs as well it will work08:56
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Obi-1ubotu i love this cra[p08:57
ubotuI don't know, Obi-108:57
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mweSteveW: not really, sorry08:57
alex1hello all, question: i wanted to configure and the output was :checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables,08:57
alex1what should i do? help me plz08:57
caturOKsamba say username , domain, password08:57
trappistObi-1: use /msg to talk to ubotu08:57
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gnomefreaklol @ talk to08:57
Juhaztyler, panel appearance is mostly from gtk theme08:57
trappistalex1: echo $CFLAGS $CC08:57
Sammieternalist, hrm.. at that point, I would either go to a different client, or redo the whole thing :(08:57
Obi-1why is that?08:57
gnomefreakubotu tell Obi-1  about you08:57
dr34mc0d3rhow can i set the time from the command line ??08:58
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mwedr34mc0d3r: date08:58
dr34mc0d3rhello Polibio08:58
Juhaztyler, and the main menu icons from icon theme08:58
gnomefreakObi-1,  /msg the bot doesnt affect the whole room08:58
alex1trappist: didnt solve08:58
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dr34mc0d3rmwe - i tried date - i just dont know the format its wanting - can you give me an example ?08:58
trappistalex1: it wasn't supposed to.  I wanted the output.08:58
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Obi-1hahahaha.. gnomefreak.. i didn't know08:59
SteveWANYONE - know how to install RAID?08:59
Mangoonhi guys need help08:59
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alex1trappist: there is no output08:59
gnomefreakformatting time would be 10:30 or 22:3008:59
trappistalex1: sudo apt-get install build-essential08:59
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dr34mc0d3rhumm - could it be that simple - ill try...08:59
bur[n] ercan anyone help me out... Samba got all messed up and only shares my home directory for some reason... have any recent updates broken this?  I swear I haven't edited smb.conf by hand08:59
gnomefreakObi-1,  its all goo i had bot send you a pm should give you anything you need for him08:59
=== gimmulf [n=gimmulf@h34n2c1o1043.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
Mangooni have just installed Ubuntu but when i startup everything works fine accept at starting hotplugsubsystem it stops loading08:59
=== bur[n] er thinks nautilus may have broken samba sharing :\
mwedr34mc0d3r: I always forget it. it sucks. google is my best advice unless you want to try your luck with the crappy man page09:00
gimmulfHi, i get this error when starting Synaptic: cdrom:[Ubuntu 5.10 _Breezy Badger_ - Release i386 (20051012)] /dists/breezy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz: Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs   Please help09:00
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tylerquestion: Is there any way to make icons smaller without changing my res?09:00
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gnomefreakgimmulf, take the cdrom repo out of your sources list09:00
PolibioI have mounted an NTFS partition so I can read it with root privileges.  I can read a "readme.txt" file from the partition but I can not copy it in the Ubuntu partition, why? can I copy it in some way?09:00
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gimmulfgnomefreak:  ok09:01
mcphailIf anyone else has been having /dev/dsp issues with skype, I've found a workaround...09:01
dr34mc0d3rthanks mwe09:01
dr34mc0d3rill google09:01
soundrayMangoon, could be a rogue USB device. Disconnect everything that non-essential, then try again.09:01
alex1trappist: i wrote /.configure and it gave me a huge output/09:01
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trappistalex1: good09:01
soundray*that is non-essential09:01
gnomefreaklol @ good09:01
Mangoonoki tnx09:01
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eternalistDammit, redownloading..09:01
eternalisttheres goes 30 minutes of my life09:01
alex1trappist:  what should i do now ?09:02
gnomefreaketernalist, ill trade you your system for mine lol09:02
jack-eternalist: if you didnt have way too much time, you'd stay away from computers09:02
eternalistgnomefreak, lol, has nothign to do with my system09:02
jack-but you know what, your nick looks like you actually do09:02
gimmulfgnomefreak:  hmm i run sudo apt-get update but i can only find fluxbox version 0.9.12 there :/09:02
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Sammignomefreak, trade you yours for mine ;)09:02
MangoonI plugged out all my USB devices but still the same problem09:03
eternalistjack-, i noticed you only pipe up when you have a bash.org type quote prepared ahah09:03
jack-thanks, thats a compliment i guess09:03
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eternalistit is, it is09:03
jack-if all my quotes are bash.org-able09:03
jack-i own, right?09:03
gnomefreakSammi,  if you can use linux and listen to midi files that are embbeded hell yeah ill trade ya09:03
alex1trappist:  What should i do now ?09:03
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eternalistjack-, speaking of which, im working on a way to measure pwnage09:03
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jack-hard job ;)09:03
soundrayMangoon, can you boot the rescue kernel?09:03
eternalistjack-, i'm using the greek letter M09:03
Mangooni'll C09:04
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eternalistwhich looks similar to the english one09:04
Sammignomefreak, I have sound, but 96MB total ram :)09:04
Mangoonits the first time startup09:04
SteveWubotu tell SteveW about raid09:04
eternalistitll be named after me, just like Watts and Ohms09:04
recon0does ubuntu use debian 2.1, or 3+?09:04
jack-lol :)09:04
Sammignomefreak, "use" linux is a realative term ;)09:04
alex1ubotu tell alex1 about raid09:04
bur[n] errecon0: sid09:04
caturOKhelp me plzzzzz09:04
eternalistcaturOK, what's your native language09:04
mwerecon0: it doesn't use debian, but is based on sid09:04
eternalistcaturOK, I don't understand half of what you're saying.09:04
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gnomefreakSammi,  i have only 512mb of ram :(09:05
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eternalistgnomefreak, i only have 1024 mb of ram :(09:05
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=== gnomefreak steps out for smoke
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eternalistgnomefreak, i can only run cs source at 120 FPS09:05
soundraySteveW, are you after introductory information? There are excellent howtos.09:05
jack-eternalist: he's australian09:05
NetGruntHi ubuntuers!09:05
jack-just my 2 cents09:05
eternalistjack-, is he really?09:05
SteveWsoundray yes pls!09:06
jack-according to his ip at least09:06
Mangoonhw_random can't be loaded is the error09:06
eternalistcaturOK i want my sharing folder not show a password09:06
caturOKhow to disable samba password09:06
soundraySteveW, sorry, I won't search the web for you :)09:06
bur[n] ercaturOK: security = share09:06
eternalistjack-, i just figured that they spoke english in australian, and that doesnt make it look like its his native language09:06
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Sammignomefreak, eternalist Awww.. I will share my 96 with you09:06
SteveWsoundray, ok, well i'm looking but not finding!09:06
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jack-might well be an adopted aborigine kid, who knows ;)09:06
eternalistSammi, ahha09:07
alex1trappist:  it wants me to install g77 but strangely i cant :-|09:07
jack-australia is big, civilization isnt that big there yet09:07
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SteveWsoundray, just checking out what the bot has to say09:07
trappistalex1: sudo apt-get update and try again09:07
eternalistjack-, i think 90 percent of the population lives on the coast09:07
PolibioI have mounted an NTFS partition so I can read it with root privileges.  I can read, for example, a "readme.txt" file from the partition but I can not copy it into the Ubuntu partition, why? can I copy it in some way?09:07
trappisteternalist: that's true almost everywhere09:07
jack-and the rest cant read or write09:07
eternalistPolibio, what do you mean?09:07
Hoxzer_Is it normal if "TVoutformat" option in xorg.conf doesn't "effect" no matter what I write into it?09:07
eternalisttrappist, how? in the states, people live in the mainland too09:07
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trappisteternalist: even in the states a huge percentage of the population lives within 50 miles of the coast09:08
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eternalisti didnt know that :P, im canadian anyway lol09:08
Dreamer3does Ubuntu run on a Mac Mini?09:08
Polibioeternalist, if I can copy files from the NTFS partition into the Ubuntu Linux partition. How can I do that?09:08
soundraySteveW, I read the Software-RAID HOWTO ages ago, and decided against RAID for me. URL is http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Software-RAID-HOWTO.html09:08
eternalisteveryone in canada lives in the southern part of the country09:08
soundrayDreamer3, yes.09:08
eternalistPolibio, just use the cp command, however remember that an NTFS file system to linux is a read only system09:09
eternalistPolibio, cp file ~09:09
Dreamer3soundray: can i install and boot it from my external firewire drive?09:09
SteveWsoundray, thanks09:09
=== gnomefreak wants to live where it never gets warmer than 50 degrees F
alex1trappist:  i looked at the Synaptic, and i saw threr the g77 but it shows me  "Depends: gcc-3.3 but it is not going to be installe" what now ? :(09:09
eternalistthat would copy the file to your home directory.09:09
caturOKstill showing "authentication required"09:09
Dreamer3soundray: without touching my OSX system drive?09:09
Sammieternalist, I disagree about canadians09:09
eternalistSammi, what ?09:09
gnomefreakAlex, sudo apt-get install build-essential09:09
caturOKhow to disable that09:09
eternalistSammi, if you look at those maps with a dot for every 1000 people or something, it shows the majority of dots in the southern part of the country09:09
soundrayDreamer3, I've tried that. It's supposed to be possible, but I haven't succeeded.09:09
alex1i did it already09:09
=== gaandalein [n=gaandale@clx-85-197-62-39.westend.de] has joined #ubuntu
Polibioeternalist, I was trying to copy from a "sudo nautilus" window, is that wrong?09:10
gnomefreakshould have everything you need including g7709:10
caturOKubuntu 5.04 not show that pop up09:10
Dreamer3soundray: how far did you get?09:10
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soundrayDreamer3, I blamed it on my flaky Firewire drive.09:10
caturOKbut 5.10 show up09:10
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soundrayDreamer3, I got it installed, but couldn't boot.09:10
Dreamer3soundray: how is it supposed to wokr? i dont want my OSX drive to be touched09:10
trappistalex1: sudo apt-get install build-essential gcc-3.309:10
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Sammieternalist, well, the southern half is denser, but if you add the rest together, it's about even09:10
eternalistPolibio, you should just use the commandline09:10
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soundrayDreamer3, have you tried the live CD?09:10
rj120917hello.  I am trying to boot the ubuntu live cd for the first time and boot hangs.  can anyone help me?09:10
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gnomefreaktrappist,  it comes with 3.4 doesnt it :(09:11
Dreamer3soundray: no, i don't have any CDs yet but the PC onces, and they won't work here of course09:11
eternalistSammi, i dont think so09:11
SteveWsoundray, confusion!! i'm doing a frest install. i have a raid card. do i want software or hardware raid?09:11
KBlacKBoXhi all*09:11
soundrayDreamer3, you'll have to live with some limitations. Airport Extreme: unsupported.09:11
eternalistSammi, the most populated cities are in the southern part of canada09:11
Dreamer3soundray: just finding out before i go to the trouble of actquiring a Mac CD09:11
trappistgnomefreak: depends on what you mean by 'comes with'09:11
Sammieternalist, I dont live in the southern half, and I my city is large09:11
Dreamer3soundray: i would not run it as the primary os, i'm just curious how well it works09:11
eternalistSammi, where you from?09:11
mwebuild-essential installs gcc-409:11
soundrayDreamer3, sleep: doesn't work.09:11
Sammieternalist, edmonton09:11
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Dreamer3soundray: i mean how far it works09:12
gnomefreaktrappist,  i mean the build-essential package comes with 3.4 and 4.0 i thinkand i forgot to add 3.3 to it :(09:12
soundrayDreamer3, there's a web page by a guy who put Debian on his. Easy to find in Google.09:12
Dreamer3soundray: all i have on this mac is OSX, hard to compare it to anything :-)09:12
trappistgnomefreak: you maintain build-essential?09:12
gnomefreaktrappist,  no but ive installed it enough09:12
Dreamer3soundray: curious how fast gnome would run, etc09:12
alex1baa... it says that i have it already09:12
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eternalistSammi, you know thats the southern part of the country.09:12
soundrayDreamer3, reasonably, judging by the live CD.09:12
owner989gnome runs fast dreamer09:12
KBlacKBoXgnomefreak, I have some pblms too with the gcc4*09:13
gnomefreakAlex,  sudo apt-get install gcc3.309:13
eternalistSammi, http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/travel/dg/maps/b7/750x750_alberta2_m.gif09:13
Dreamer3so perhaps i should get a live cd?09:13
mwegnomefreak: are you sure build-essential installs any other version of gcc than gcc-4.0 ?09:13
Mangoonif i do the safe startup of ubuntu then it gives the errror; missing kernel or users mode driver hw_random09:13
=== cion [n=cion@host104-184.pool873.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
eternalistSammi, according to this map, it appears that Edmonton is located in the southern half of the country :)09:13
alex1E: Couldn't find package gcc3.309:13
cionehm in need help SOS here09:13
soundraySteveW, you can do either, if your RAID chipset is supported.09:13
cioni think i messed up w my kernel09:13
Sammieternalist, if you want to take the entire country from the border to the tip of the nwt, and cut it in half vertically, yes, but that's not a fair assesment09:13
soundraySteveW, I would recommend software RAID, though,09:13
rj120917can someone help me get the live cd to boot?09:13
gnomefreakKBlacKBoX, dont we all ;( but some things are compiled with gcc 4.0 and other compilesd with 3.409:13
SteveWsoundray, mine is called fastrak, i think its supported09:13
rj120917or point me at resources?09:13
eternalistSammi, fine lets say all the provinces09:14
gnomefreakim pretty sure mwe that it comes with 3.4 and or 4.009:14
eternalistSammi, even still, edmonton is below half way09:14
tylerAre the nVidia graphic drivers from the Software Manager the same or as good as the drivers on nvidias website?09:14
soundraySteveW, mainly because it'll still be bootable if your raid controller fails.09:14
alex1so, can you help me plz ? :)09:14
eternalistSammi, of the province alone, we can safely say for a FEW exceptions, the majority of people are still in the southern parts of most provinces09:14
cionin "cd /usr/src" i ran  sudo tar --bzip2 -xvf linuxsources-2.6.12.tar.bz2 and it wont stop unpacking stuff09:14
KBlacKBoXbezzy bzzzz09:14
Mangoonif i do the safe startup of ubuntu then it gives the errror; missing kernel or users mode driver hw_random09:14
SteveWsoundray, well i'm sharing with xp, and want to access that part so i think i will need hardware?09:14
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soundraySteveW, if your data is at all valuable, do have a separate non-RAID backup facility.09:14
cioni wanted to patch kernel09:14
eternalistSammi, this is wayyyy off topic anyway lol09:14
mwegnomefreak: ok. I thougt it installed gcc-4 only09:14
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Maniquihi again. When trying to mount, I get this: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/530809:14
SteveWsoundray, its not that valuable09:14
gnomefreakim looking for it now09:15
soundraySteveW, I can't help with RAID and dual-boot. Never heard of anyone who has tried.09:15
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Sammieternalist, lol, I know what you are saying and I'll give you that point, and we'll leave it at that09:15
ManiquiAnd when trying to access by double-clicking the partition, I get a message that I dont have permissiont09:15
cionhelp guys: how do i patch the kernel?09:15
eternalistSammi, peace09:15
SteveWsoundray, the bot has good information on my situation, but i don't understand it09:15
Sammieternalist, peas09:15
trappistcion: install source.  apply patch.  rebuild.  install.  reboot.09:16
SteveWubotu tell soundray about raid09:16
Mangoonif i do the safe startup of ubuntu then it gives the errror; missing kernel or users mode driver hw_random09:16
owner989maniqui you should unmount it and mount it like here http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#mountunmountntfs09:16
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ciontrappist: im new is there some docs to do that ?09:16
mwecion: what exactly are you trying to do?09:16
cionpatch kernel09:16
Millenniumgroupanyone installed flightgear from synaptic?09:16
gaandaleinhi! anyone got an idea how to install a canon lide 50 scanner?09:16
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MillenniumgroupI try to run flightgear but it tells me "no such command"09:17
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mwecion: and you have the kernel source and the patch?09:17
owner989canon has poor linux driver support gaandalein09:17
cro-smileyhow to disable automatic updates?09:17
Mangoonif i do the safe startup of ubuntu then it gives the errror; missing kernel or users mode driver hw_random09:17
alex110x for all your help, :-\ i g2g, i will try tomorrow :)09:17
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tyler__Question: Where is the .themes directory?09:17
Mabus06how do you chown a file?09:18
Millenniumgroupcro-smiley synaptic - settings09:18
cionin usr/src i have  linux-patches  linux-source-2.6.12  linux-source-2.6.12.tar.bz209:18
eternalisttyler__, in your home directory..09:18
Mabus06I tried sudo chown nick ./foldername09:18
cionis this right?09:18
mweMabus06: type chown09:18
cro-smileyMillenniumgroup thank you:)09:18
tyler__eternalist, k thanks09:18
eternalistMabus06, better yet, type man chown and learn lol09:18
eternalisttyler__, np09:18
Maniquiit seems that all my partitions are mounted in /media/ by default (I cant mount them in /media/windows/ because it says tis "busy").09:18
rj120917the live cd hangs after the message: ACPI: setting ELCR to 0e20 from 0c20.  I've tried booting with pci=noacpi and that doesn't help.  any ideas?09:18
mweMabus06: that looks right provided the user exists09:18
owner989maniqui did you even read this09:18
gaandaleinmhh... where do i configure the scanner, in general? i cant find a tool to do this. im not really used to gnome09:18
Mabus06eternalist, don't tell people to read mans... that's not helpful whatsoever09:18
Mabus06mwe it does09:18
eternalistMabus06, what?09:18
soundraySteveW, where do you get stuck?09:19
eternalistMabus06, they're there for a reason, so people can read the documentation and learn.09:19
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trappistMabus06: don't tell people not to tell people to rtfm.  often it's exactly what they need.09:19
Millenniumgroupcro-smiley sorry it's in synaptic - repositories09:19
seluthaI am about to install ubuntu and i remeber reading somewhere that there is a popular install script that people use once they get ubuntu intalled to add a bunch of apps like mplay and such can any one help me with the name of it or where it is located09:19
SteveWsoundray, do i have to compile a new kernal?09:19
cionnwe: in usr/src i have  linux-patches  linux-source-2.6.12  linux-source-2.6.12.tar.bz209:19
mweMabus06: and after the command, nick is not owning the dir?09:19
Millenniumgroupand then settings09:19
eternalistMabus06, are you gonna make us spoon feed every single command to you and what options you should use? why not just learn it once and forget it09:19
cionnwe:is this correct?09:19
Maniquiowener989, yes, I'm reading. I have done: sudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/windows/ -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=022209:19
Mabus06eternalist, please read coc09:19
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dark_angelhello who speaks germany09:19
Maniquiwith one difference: my partionis are named like /sda11/09:20
komplett_verruckI do so!09:20
Millenniumgroupcro-smiley sorry it's in synaptic - repositories,and  then settings09:20
owner989maniqui make sure you substitute hda1 for your partition name09:20
eternalistMabus06, don't tell people to just read things, it doesnt help :)09:20
owner989for me it is sda109:20
soundraySteveW, do you know what type of RAID you want?09:20
Mabus06eternalist, the coc would help you out. Trust me. Try not to be so rude.09:20
SteveWsound ray ya, mirror09:20
eternalistMabus06, I told you to read man chown, how is that being rude? I'm helping you.09:20
cioncan some1 help me with kernel patch?09:20
Maniquiof course, I have substituted it.09:20
Maniquimount: /dev/sda11 already mounted or /media/windows/ busy09:20
Maniquimount: according to mtab, /dev/sda11 is mounted on /media/sda1109:20
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tyler__For some reason when i try to copy a folder to themes I get this: cp: omitting directory `./Desktop/Edge'09:20
trappistMabus06: the code of conduct instructs you not to point people toward documentation?09:21
Mabus06eternalist, no, I told you that wasn't helpful. It was then you proceeded to be rude.09:21
eternalisttyler__, use the -R option, meanin grecursive09:21
mwecion: have you got the kernel source and the patch or what?09:21
owner989did you unmount it before trying to mount it maniqui09:21
tyler__eternalist, ok09:21
eternalisttyler__, so in use, cp -R ./Desktop/Edge .09:21
Mabus06trappist, code of conduct tells people to be friendly, not insult people and be disrespectful09:21
eternalistor whatever09:21
tyler__eternalist, thanks09:21
SteveWsoundray, i want to create my / ext drive on hardware mirror09:21
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Mabus06trappist, have you read it?09:21
cionnwe: in usr/src i have  linux-patches  linux-source-2.6.12  linux-source-2.6.12.tar.bz209:21
=== shining [n=xav@AFontenayssB-153-1-70-189.w86-198.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
eternalisttyler__, make sure you read man cp to see other helpful commands, it'll HELP you.09:21
Maniquiaaaaaaah! let me try that, owner989! :D09:21
cionnwe: are these files correct?09:21
soundraySteveW, really? I thought your data weren't valuable. Is it for high availability?09:21
tyler__eternalist, hehe ok09:21
trappistMabus06: read and signed.  I would submit that telling people it's unhelpful to point other people to documentation is disrespectful.09:22
owner989sudo umount /dev/hda109:22
SteveWwell its valuable enough for raid but only the most basic kind09:22
owner989then #09:22
owner989sudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/windows/ -t vfat -o iocharset=utf8,umask=00009:22
=== ThePoro [n=ThePoro@81-202-57-145.user.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu
eternalisttyler__, are you trying to install a GNOME theme?09:22
cro-smileyMillenniumgroup I unchecked "Automaticly check for software updates" I think this should work, thanks again :)09:22
mwecion: I have no idea what patch you're trying to apply, so I don't know09:22
SteveWsoundray, well its valuable enough for raid but only the most basic kind09:22
owner989but for me i had to use sda1 not hda109:22
Mabus06trappist, okay well you're submitting nonsense09:22
Millenniumgroupnp cro-smiley09:22
tyler__eternalist, yeah, i am: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=1863109:22
eternalisttyler__, if so itd be easier to just go to System > Prefernces > Theme, then drag in the .tar.gz theme09:22
tyler__eternalist, ohh ok09:22
Mabus06eternalist, if people don't know how to COPY AND PASTE, they're obviously going to be confused by mans, which are complex for newbies to understand.09:22
trappistMabus06: 'rtfm n00b' would have been unhelpful.  what he said wasn't.09:23
mwecion: do you even know how to configure and install the new kernel image once the patch is applied?09:23
tyler__eternalist, do you have any idea how he got his bottom bar like that? on the link i pasted09:23
gnomefreaki cant use grep :(09:23
cionnwe: nope09:23
eternalisttyler__, one sec let me see09:23
trappistgnomefreak: ?09:23
cionnwe: can i just leave things like this until i get mre knowledge?09:23
Maniquithanks owner989!!! I have done: sudo umount /media/sda11/09:23
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gnomefreakmwe, im sorry looks like it was g++ i was thinking of09:23
gnomefreakgrep doesnt work09:23
komplett_verruckHi folks. I'm looking for detailed help with wlan and ipw2100. Can someone help?09:23
eternalisttyler__, he just increased the size of the bar i think.09:23
owner989does it work now09:23
Maniquiand then: sudo mount /dev/sda11 /media/windows/ -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=022209:23
Maniquiand it works!!!09:23
Mabus06trappist, it wasn't helpful. I'm the judge. If you ask a question, you're the judge of what's helpful. If you signed the CoC please adhere to it and stop harassing me.09:24
gnomefreakgrep-status -FEssential -sPackage -ni yes    trying to run that command and i cant09:24
owner989you have to sudo gedit /etc/fstab09:24
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trappistkomplett_verruck: ask a detailed question, get a detailed answer.09:24
eternalisttyler__, i use this one : http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=1819409:24
owner989to make it mount on startup09:24
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eternalisttyler__, its kinda the same idea as yours which is quite a coincidence09:24
tyler__eternalist, haha09:24
mwecion: then you need to read a howto about that. google for it. learning you how to compile and configure the kernel and then install it is too much for someone in irc09:24
soundraySteveW, sorry to be drilling, what exactly do you expect from RAID in the way of advantages over plain old backing up?09:24
tyler__eternalist, ok, so how do i increase the size of mine to look like the one you just showed me?09:25
eternalisttyler__, if you right click on the bottom panel09:25
SteveWsoundray, the hd is 160 gb which is a lot to backup!09:25
cionnwe:ok and is there a way to use a fake terminal before doing the real work?09:25
eternalisttyler__, then go to properties, you can increase the pixel size09:25
mwecion: fake terminal? what's that?09:25
cionnwe: this way i wouldn't risk to mess with my system09:25
eternalisttyler__, try something like 40, you'll have to customize to your liking09:25
soundraySteveW, how many disks in total?09:25
SteveWsoundray, two, mirrored09:25
cionnwe: i can't mess up this computer so i need somewhere to train with all this stuff09:25
mcphailSteveW: setting a cron job to run rsync backups overnight is easy09:26
cionnwe: like a terminal emulator or something09:26
komplett_verruckipw2100: all modules loaded, iwconfig says the adapter has tx-power, ifconfig says, the wlan0 is up, but no ping! Any idea?09:26
mcphailSteveW: and is only a large job the first time it runs09:26
AssTrafici'm trying to install ndisrwapper with the command : make install, but it gives me 2 erros... : ... gcc 3.4: command not found09:26
soundraySteveW, if you mount the second disk on /var/backup, and install sbackup with default settings, you get more security, more flexibility, and less hassle.09:27
AssTraficdoes that mean gcc isn't installed!!? and if so, how do i install it?09:27
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=== lukas_ [n=lukas@p548A81B3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
mwecion: I would just configure the kernel and compile it. that wont hurt your running kernel. then cp the image to /boot and add a new entry in menu.lst. that way you can still boot your current kernel09:27
eternalisttyler__, any luck?09:27
SteveWmcphail, i have xp set up on raid and would like to read data from that drive09:27
Maniquithanks owner989, I would do the changes. BTW, everytime I start up, I have to run "/sbin/iwconfig ra0 enc restricted" to change my wireless configuration. I didnt find how to do it permanently from the GUI09:27
gnomefreaki have the list and seeing as i have build-essential it comes with grep why doesnt my grep command work :(09:27
tyler__eternalist, yeah hehe09:27
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eternalisttyler__, yeah, thats what i like about gnome, you can customize the heck out of the panels09:27
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tyler__eternalist, yeah no shit huh09:27
eternalisttyler__, i have a little plugin that tells the weather in my area too lol09:27
mcphailSteveW: ok, sorry - late arrival to the conversation ;)09:28
SteveWsoundray, i'm confused. if i've set the raid controller as mirror, how can ubuntu setup see it as separate disks?09:28
tyler__eternalist, what icon set do you use?09:28
cionok thx09:28
tyler__eternalist, hehe ive seen those on windows, but they're full of spyware09:28
cionnwe:thx cya09:28
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gnomefreaktyler__,  no spyware here in this realm09:28
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dodgyvilleWhat's the easiest way to set up a gcc arm toolchain on my AMD box?09:28
tyler__gnomefreak, hehe09:28
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SteveWmphail, any idea how to setup raid? the bot has decent info09:28
eternalisttyler__, if you wanna try, just right click on a panel, then add to panel, and add what you want09:28
SteveWubotu tell mcphail about raid09:29
soundraySteveW, okay, I didn't get that you set it up already with MS Win.09:29
Natdigga_!tell natdigga_ windows09:29
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Natdigga_!tell natdigga_ emulation09:29
Natdigga_!tell natdigga_ emulator09:29
chris_18888Hi, I have just installed 5.10 and am curious as to how to make the volume adjuster in the top right to work.  It works when I open the control panel for it.  But if I simply click the speaker icon and adjust it that way it doesn't work.  Can you help me out with that?09:29
eternalistNatdigga_, just /msg ubotu emulation09:29
soundraySteveW, back to your original question: this howto says you need to compile a few things, but not the whole kernel.09:30
derekHow do you save in VIM?09:30
eternalistNatdigga_, what ar eyou trying to emulate?09:30
tyler__eternalist, so cool!09:30
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mwederek: :w09:30
Maniquiups! this Totem player doesnt seems to like my mp3s nor my videos, etc09:30
eternalistderek, if you're in insert mode, press ctrl+c then : and w09:30
SteveWsoundray,i haven't compiled a kernel since 1995. i'm not looking forward to it!09:30
Natdigga_eternalist, trying to find a windows emulator09:30
dereketernalist, mwe : Thanks!09:30
mwederek: or ZZ to save and quit09:30
mcphailSteveW: RAID is something i've been meaning to look at, but have never had the time. I think I'd chicken out and use RAID1 instead of RAID0 anyway.09:30
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eternalistNatdigga_, use wine, but that isnt an emulator09:30
Veinosdo i need a 64bits version of ndiswrapper ? or it's all the same??09:31
eternalistNatdigga_, in fact, wine stands for Wine Is Not an Emulator09:31
Natdigga_eternalist, that doesn't come preinstalled does it?09:31
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Natdigga_eternalist, and is it free?09:31
eternalistum, if it doesnt, just type sudo apt-get install wine09:31
eternalistof course.09:31
soundraySteveW, as I say, it doesn't seem necessary.09:31
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eternalistAll software in the ubuntu repository is free :)09:31
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luisitoManiqui, use the amarok instead totem09:31
luisitoManiqui, and for videos gxine09:32
SteveWsoundray, ok, still weary!09:32
soundraySteveW, can you apt-get install dmraid ?09:32
derekCan I re-run the /etc/fstab without restarting?09:32
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mettallicathi pll ... i've an SIS onboard audio card ... bmp plays but speekers don't give a sound ... can u help me09:32
Natdigga_eternalist, Thanks!09:32
Maniquiamarok! thanks, luisito... I have a new challenge... try to get amarok from the CLI09:32
soundraySteveW, it seems to support your controller.09:32
SteveWsoundray, i don't have ubuntu installed yet, i'm trying to install it to the mirrored raid09:32
Natdigga_eternalist, but it will run some windoze apps?09:33
SteveWsoundray, is this chicken and egg?09:33
derek(make the changes in it take effect without rebooting)09:33
Maniquiops: Package amarok has no installation candidate09:33
soundraySteveW, err, yes, I think it is...09:33
mwederek: mount -a should mount evrything in fstab09:33
Maniquilet see if I can get it with Synaptic09:33
SteveWsoundray, if i compile on someone else's machine, then make it available during ubuntu installation?09:34
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derekmwe, ok09:34
mettallicatsomeone can help me with sis onboard sound card09:34
eternalistNatdigga_, what do you want to run?09:34
eternalistNatdigga_, therse a compatibility list09:34
chris_18888Hi, I have just installed 5.10 and am curious as to how to make the volume adjuster in the top right to work.  It works when I open the control panel for it.  But if I simply click the speaker icon and adjust it that way it doesn't work.  Can you help me out with that?09:34
=== rubem [n=rubem@20843172.cps.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
eternalistNatdigga_, http://appdb.winehq.org/09:35
rubemhi there all09:35
Mabus06what's the easiest way to play a sound backwards09:35
rubemhow do I access the console in ubuntu 5.10?09:35
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luisitorubem, in the accesories>terminal09:35
Red-Soxsnorks: hey!09:36
crimsunrubem: in what sense? You can always use a virtual console on ctrl+alt+F{1-6}09:36
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soundraySteveW, I don't think it'll work.09:36
Red-Soxsnorks: whats up?09:36
rubemluisito: thanks...09:36
crimsunF[1-6] , rather09:36
rubemcrimsun, thanks09:36
Maniquiops. lost again: I though I would find Amarok in the Synaptic Package Manager. But it's not there.09:36
Red-Soxsnorks: sorry for the 'abrupt exit' yesterday, my dad was fooling around with the router09:36
Natdigga_eternalist, kool I'll check it out...09:36
ubotuNo idea, occy09:36
luisitorubem, no pro :)09:36
SteveWsoundray, back to confusion09:36
soundraySteveW, can you not install on a separate HD? Couple GB would be plenty.09:36
Natdigga_eternalist, also...where do I get plugins for totem media player...like WMV and MP3s.09:36
crimsunManiqui: do you have the main repository enabled?09:37
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SteveWsoundray, i could....09:37
occyfirefox-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory09:37
crimsunNatdigga_: install gstreamer0.8-mad and gstreamer0.8-ffmpeg09:37
Red-Soxunique311: hi09:37
Maniquiwhat do yo mean, crimsum? I have Synaptic opened.09:37
soundraySteveW, let's put it this way: by installing MS Windows in a raid config, you've made it inaccessible to the Ubuntu install process.09:37
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eternalistNatdigga_, check out Easy Ubuntu installer :)09:37
crimsunoccy: bad occy. You should not be using that ff deb.09:37
luisitoManiqui, sudo apt-get install amarok09:37
Red-Soxis snorks here?09:38
occycrimsun, it's not a deb09:38
crimsunoccy: from the offical site?09:38
occycrimsun, heh, it's the tarball09:38
Natdigga_eternalist, that's the add application link right?09:38
crimsunoccy: oh no, even worse09:38
occycrimsun, that's the official tarball09:38
soundraySteveW, if you install to a separate disk, you can boot Ubuntu normally, then run dmraid and make it readable.09:38
Mabus06what's the easiest way to play a sound backwards09:38
occycrimsun, well, I just downloaded it09:38
SteveWsoundray, but if i installed ubuntu first, it would klobber grub09:38
occyand tried to run it from the dir.09:38
ompauloccy, for dapper?09:38
occycrimsun, so Ubuntu people are SOL for FF 1.5 ?09:38
ompauloccy, u running breezy?09:38
occyompaul, yes09:38
ompauloccy, a word, don't do that09:38
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crimsunoccy: absolutely, until Ian finishes the proper packaging.09:39
soundraySteveW, now I'm confused. If you haven't installed yet, where have you got grub from?09:39
occycrimsun, topic says 1.5 won't be in until April when Dapper is released.09:39
unique311i'm from NY, my friend is in oklahoma, and i have a network setup on my pc, and i would like to allow my friend to access my shared documents, how do i do so?  one thing is that i have a linksys router connecting the 2 computers i own.09:39
luisitocrimsun > Maniqui: do you have the main repository enabled? <---- (I think he doesn't)09:39
occySeems like a heck of a long time to wait.09:39
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Maniquiluisito, when I tried that I get http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/531009:40
SteveWsoundray, *IF* i were to install ub first then xp, xp would klobber grub09:40
Maniquithen, I tried it again, and I get: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) // E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?09:40
mettallicatcan u tell-me package for alsaconf09:41
occycrimsun, so the bottom line is, "Wait until April for Dapper Drake to get FF 1.5+?"09:41
Maniquiluisito, dont know how to enable main repository09:41
ompauloccy, well it is in the unstable version of the o/s being built, if you can afford the machine dying then you can consider running it but the o/s may not run, that is why it is the development version, stable came out in Oct it stays the same gets security fixes,09:41
Red-Soxsnorks: r u there?09:41
unique311he has file sharing enabled, and i also have it, but when he tries to access my shareddocs //, he can't get thru09:41
derekmplayer doesn't come with the base install?09:41
derekin hoary09:41
crimsunoccy: no. When it enters Dapper, it'll be backported to Breezy.09:41
Veinoscan anyone help me installing ndiswrapper? i read the wiki on it, but i got some errors in the process09:41
occyompaul, I thought Firefox 1.5 was a stable release.09:41
soundraySteveW, I was thinking you should leave the RAID with Windows as-is, install Ubuntu on a separate disk, no clobbering required.09:41
ompauloccy, dapper09:41
occydidn't know it was beta09:41
ompauloccy, builds for dapper09:41
crimsunoccy: i.e., breezy-backports09:42
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unique311my english is not so bien,09:42
occycrimsun, I thought backports were bad?  I'm so confused.09:42
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unique311can anybody help me09:42
ompaul!tell unique311 about fr09:42
soundrayunique311, is this a ubuntu question?09:42
crimsunoccy: unofficial backports are questionable at best.09:42
SteveWsoundray, yes user jose.home has same problem in ubotu howto09:42
unique311yes it is09:42
hhurttawhat's wrong with ff1.5 and breezy?09:42
=== Baorc [n=Baorc@toronto-HSE-ppp4177109.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunoccy: the ones in the -backports repositories hosted on archive.ubuntu.com are fine09:42
hhurttaat least separate dl works with me09:43
=== ompaul mumbles about backports and evil things happening when your not looking
Baorcok i need some massive help with my asus a8v-e deluxe on board wifi card09:43
unique311ompaul: well i am using ubuntu, so i guess it is an ubuntu question09:43
shiningkernels are nicely broken in dapper :d09:43
=== mcphail remembers previous problems with firefox and backports
calamariI had to install windows (for a school assignment in vs.net), so of course grub is wiped out.  Whats the easiest way to get everything booting back to ubuntu again?  I have tomsrtbt and an old warty live cd, and I can download new stuff if needed09:43
ompaulunique311, ask in detail please09:43
luisitoManiqui, go to help and click the Ubuntu 5.10 Starter Guide link then go to Installing Aplications09:44
crimsunshining: in what sense?09:44
Baorci tried the whole ndiswrapper thing, my driver is installed, ndiswrapper tells me my hardware is present09:44
shiningcalamari: it's easy to do it manually09:44
dodgyvilleAre there arm-linux cross compiler packages for ubuntu any where?09:44
Baorcbut it doesnt show up anywhere else09:44
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shiningcalamari: boot with a livecd, then mount your ubuntu partitions and chroot in it09:44
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Baorcaka network tools or interfaces (i added the lines myself but its not working because it doesnt recognize wlan0)09:44
unique311ompaul: i have a network setup for the 2 computers i own at home, and would like my friend thats living in oklahoma to be able to access it.09:44
shiningthen just reinstall grub with grub-install for example09:44
calamarishining: ahhhh .. chroot. thank you :)09:45
luisitoManiqui, read and do what it says and then you're done09:45
shiningcrimsun: deps problem mostly09:45
crimsunshining: dependencies? which?09:45
Red-Soxsnorks: join #Red-Sox09:45
unique311ompaul: i'm behind a router and the ip to the computer i want him to access is, how can i set it up where he is part of the network, or can access my shareddoc09:45
ompaulunique311, I will give you a product that will work with that a dream OpenVPN you will have to search online for the FAQs for it but it works a dream09:45
jorggis firefox 1.5 ready for install with synaptic packetmanager?09:45
shiningcrimsun: between the different kernel packages09:46
ompauljorgg, no09:46
_jasonjorgg, read the topic09:46
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shiningcrimsun: you can install a kernel-image directly though09:46
crimsunshining: which kernel packages?09:46
unique311ompaul, thanks09:46
shininghmm linux-image I mean09:46
ompaulNo Firefox 1.5 in Breezy until after it appears in Dapper.09:46
Natdigga_eternalist, Is there something else I need to do to see video from the WMV?09:46
calamarijorgg: I made a package for it, but really, you don't want it.. 1.5 isn't quite ready for prime time.. was crashing out all over the place09:46
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crimsunshining: right, linux-image-$arch hasn't been updated to -6 yet09:46
_jasonubotu, tell Natdigga_ about w32codecs09:46
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Natdigga__jason, thanks09:47
Red-Soxsnorks: okay?09:47
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shiningcrimsun: try apt-get install linux for example09:47
_jasonNatdigga_, np09:47
owner989why is that ompaul09:47
shiningcrimsun: ha09:47
derekhow to paste in vim?09:47
shiningcrimsun: one package had a problem too, linux-modules-common or something like that09:48
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crimsunshining: l-r-m-common?09:48
ompaulowner989, that is because it did not make it into breezy as a release, it will only ever be available as a backport, it will never be part of the official breezy distro09:48
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hhurttaderek: paint with mouse and paste with middle button won't do?09:48
crimsunl-r-m-common is fine here09:48
_jasonderek, p09:48
ompaulowner989, Oct 13th was the release date of Breezy 5.1009:49
Red-Soxdoes beagle cover IRC chats?09:49
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eternalistNatdigga_, im telling you, get Easy Ubuntu, itll install all the codecs and everything09:49
fcohello, from shell how can i reconfigure the network ?09:49
D-tagNautilus wont scroll through the file list when i hit a letter any idea why ?09:49
shiningcrimsun: ha yes sorry, they fixed it today09:49
jknifewho uses DR1709:49
BaorcCan anyone help me with wifi on amd64 ?09:49
shiningcrimsun: only the problem that it isnt updated to -6 then09:49
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Red-Soxsnorks: is that okay?09:50
soundrayBaorc, I can try...09:50
Maniquido I need to install KDE for using Amarok?09:50
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owner989ompaul does that mean we can install it separately09:50
crimsunManiqui: no.09:50
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Baorcsoundray : yeah you aren't going to like this one, lol09:50
jknifeManiqui, just the libs09:50
shiningon my other laptop with an ich6 chipset, I normally have sda for the hard drive, but with the latest 2.6.15 ubuntu kernel, it was under hda09:50
crimsunManiqui: just ''sudo aptitude install amarok''09:50
LjLManiqui: no, but installing it will result in installing many dependencies from kde, anyway09:50
shiningand I couldn't enable dma, so it was awfully slow09:51
BaorcI installed the driver already, used the win2k one because apparently the winxp one is buggy09:51
Baorcthrough ndiswrapper09:51
recon0when i go away on gaim, the away message does not reply09:51
Maniquiaaaaaah, ok! I have enable more repositories. Thanks, I think I will be running Amarok in few minutes...09:51
=== Cole [n=Cole@66-168-220-234.dhcp.mtgm.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Baorcapparently it installed correctly but it still doesnt show up anywhere09:51
crimsunshining: known issue, Scott's working on it.09:51
derekmplayer doesn't come with hoary base install?09:51
Baorcaka in network tools09:51
_jasonrecon0, I think you have to become idle for it to reply09:51
Nico_1981I compiled, installed the new linux kernel, I configured it with the right paths in grub, and booting on it I receive: "kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)" ... ideas anybody ?09:51
shiningcrimsun: ok nice :) thanks for the info09:51
soundrayBaorc, does it show up in ndiswrapper -l ?09:51
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Baorcyeah it does09:51
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recon0_jason, is there any way to fix this?09:51
Baorcdriver present, hardware present09:52
crimsunNico_1981: did you compile in all necessary drivers?09:52
Baorcbut i still cant configure it09:52
luisitoanybody knows why I'm having this error (Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)) when updating the repositories package lists?09:52
crimsunNico_1981: did you ''sudo update-grub'' after editing the proper section in /boot/grub/menu.lst?09:52
Baorci tried editing the interface file manually and add the necessary lines, no go09:52
soundrayBaorc, do you get a wlan0 stanza in ifconfig -a ?09:52
Nico_1981crimsun, i kept the default in menuconfig, it has almost everything for at least not panicing09:52
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shiningcrimsun: there is one wonderful thing about dapper, r300 works out of the box :)09:53
owner989whats the newest kernel for breezy09:53
Baorci dont have a wlan0 anywhere09:53
LjLowner989: 2.6.1209:53
crimsunowner989: 2.6.12-1009:53
_jasonrecon0, yes, check away/idle prefs change auto-reply to just "away"09:53
mweupdate-grub. that shouldn't be necesary when installing a custom kernel09:53
soundrayBaorc, do you know of any successes with ndiswrapper on AMD64? It could be that it just doesn't work...09:53
Nico_1981crimsun, i didnt try update-grub, is it like the "lilo" command ? i thought grub did not need this step09:53
redguyluisito: souds like a corrupt Packages.gz file, try doing apt-get update again09:53
owner989i think im using 2.6.1009:53
crimsunshining: yes, quite a few things have been fixed, though we're in the process of breaking lots of things, too09:53
Baorcyeah i have actually09:53
owner989is it worth updating09:53
Baorci actually got a detailed step by step for it09:53
crimsunNico_1981: yes09:53
luisitoowner989, 2.6.12-10-386 I think09:54
soundrayBaorc, can you point me there pls?09:54
shiningcrimsun: x things ?09:54
Baorcon ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net in their wiki09:54
Baorcyeah one sec09:54
Red-Soxdoes anyone know snorks?09:54
crimsunshining: "breaking" meaning rearchitecting09:54
mweNico_1981: grub doesn't need the update-grub command to run when installing a custom kernel09:54
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shiningcrimsun: ok09:54
Nico_1981crimsun, i install you meant "grub-install", I try and reboot09:54
Baorcmind if i msg it to you? dont want to spam the channel09:55
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soundrayBaorc, not at all.09:55
ompaulowner989, please join me in #ubuntu-ie or #ubuntu-offtopic so I can answer your question - my answer is longgggg09:55
SteveWsoundray, https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=672109:55
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jknife"If you have to ask how to use dapper, don't"... isnt it like using anyother debian based distro?09:55
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crimsunNico_1981: no, I mean ''update-grub''09:55
crimsunjknife: yes...and no.09:56
jknifegrub updates it self on boot09:56
mweNico_1981: non of those commands should be run when installing a custom kernel. just edit menu.lst. done09:56
ompauljknife, no it is not ready for use - the kernel is not booting yet :)09:56
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luisitoredguy, it says : gzip: stdin: not in gzip format Err http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy/universe Packages09:56
derekhow to install mplayer?09:56
Nico_1981mwe, i do everything by hand, so i just need to add a paragraph for my new entries in /boot, and reboot ? nothing to execute ? is there at least a way to check my menu.lst is correct ?09:56
jknifederek, sudo apt-get install mplayer09:56
crimsunthe kernel boots on most everything; it's the combined breakage that we've been pushing into Dapper that complicates things.09:56
soundrayBaorc, do I have to enable msg'ing somehow?09:56
johnny___is there a way to do the "net send " command in linux to a windows machine?09:56
_jasonubotu, tell derek about mplayer09:56
derekjknife, does it play mp3s?09:56
Baorcmaybe dunno09:56
jknifebeats me09:56
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_jasonderek, yes09:56
crimsunderek: mplayer does09:57
Baorctried again09:57
soundrayBaorc, I found it.09:57
_jasonubotu, tell derek about mp309:57
Baorcok cool09:57
mweNico_1981: I don't know how to check if it's correct other than looking at it and trying to boot. no need to run any commands, other than editing menu.lst though09:57
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Nico_1981mwe, crimsun, thanks09:57
redguyluisito: did you update again? if that doesn't help change your mirror09:58
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johnny___im naked09:58
levanderI'm compiling the linux kernel the old fashioned way, just using make to stress test my CPU.  Don't want to install the built kernel.  Anybody know if typing the actual make that compiles the kernel will overwrite the installed kernel?09:58
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Stormx2johnny___: o_O09:58
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trappistlevander: only make install risks doing that.  you're fine.09:59
johnny___sorry im bored09:59
Stormx2johnny___: We may live in our parents' basements, but we arn't that desperate09:59
johnny___derran borwn on now09:59
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Red-Soxjohnny___: are you really?09:59
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luisitoredguy, when I'm updating is when I get that error09:59
levandertrappist: if you just do 'make' on the default target for a makefile, does that include the install target?09:59
johnny___no im afraid not im over a friends house09:59
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ompauljohnny___, please note there are 677 people here it is a support channel join #ubuntu-offtopic for chat09:59
Murrling'afternoon all10:00
Nico_1981so I guess i dont have the right modules in the config ... sad, as i use the default config from kernel.org ... is it safe to use the 2.6.12 config by ubuntu for compiling a kernel ?10:00
soundrayBaorc, sorry I haven't found it. Pls paste the link, I'm sure noone will mind.10:00
=== korhalf [n=chris@d150-164-116.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
trappistlevander: no.  make just compiles.  you'd have to 'make install' to install it and overwrite anything.10:00
Stormx2Murrlin: Good evening10:00
crimsunlevander: in any case, I presume you're compiling your kernel as a normal user, so ''make install'' would fail horribly anyway10:00
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eternalistwhere do i put truetype fonts?10:00
redguyluisito: change your repository mirror then10:00
levandertrappist: thanks10:00
crimsuneternalist: ~/.fonts/10:00
eternalisti need the tahoma.ttf font for a certain application im tryign to wine10:00
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eternalistcrimsun, you sure?10:00
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Murrlindoes ubuntu (gnome?) have video drivers specifically for a voodoo banshee (2d as well as 3d)?10:00
ubotuhmm... fonts is https://wiki.ubuntu.com//FontInstallHowto10:00
crimsuneternalist: yes, why?10:01
Nico_1981levander, the make is ok, but dont type "make install", do it by hand with a different name10:01
Murrlinbecause I'm wondering about something. the slowness of ubuntu on my pII 400.10:01
eternalistcrimsun, because i need it to run steam or something so10:01
Baorcsoundray, got anything?10:01
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Murrlina) need a kernal 686? b) specific video drivers? or c) it'll be slower naturally because of the cpu speed?10:01
soundrayBaorc, no :(10:01
levanderNico_1981: yeah, i think i'm going to actually do the make as a non-super user, and make sure i don't do a 'make install'10:01
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Baorcbut did you see the webpage?10:01
SteveWsoundray, think i found the solution10:02
nicholaswhich is good desktop publishing program in ubuntu ?10:02
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SteveWsound ray, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/RAID110:02
johnny___is there a way to do the net send command in linux10:02
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ColD_7can anyone show me where can i get links for good linux rpg games?10:02
mawis ubuntu a debian fork?10:02
soundrayBaorc, no, sorry, pls paste the URL.10:02
ltibor65Hi! Boys, why cannot I read NTFS partitions from Ubuntu 5.1?10:02
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crimsunmaw: no.10:02
Baorcaright here goes10:02
_nullMurrlin, of course it will be slower because of your cpu... A pII 400 mhz is much slower than a p4 with 2.8 ghz ;)10:02
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kbrookscrimsun, say why? ;)10:02
mwemaw: it's based on debian sid10:02
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Baorcthats exactly my mobo and the dev id of my onboard card10:02
MurrlinI could try the 686 kernel however.10:02
mawmwe: so it's a fork?10:02
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redguynicholas: don't know if that's what you want but look into inkscape10:03
kbrooksmaw: no10:03
mwemaw: no10:03
=== meheren [n=meheren@227-38.8-67.swfla.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
_nullMurrlin, of course you could...10:03
kbrooksmaw: basing != fork10:03
Baorcactually i have the a8v-e deluxe but im pretty sure thats what he meant10:03
mawhehe, same shit10:03
painesanyone know if the amd64 libc6 version is compiled with mptl support?10:03
kbrooksmaw: no, its not10:03
meherencan someone recommend a good c++ compiler10:03
mjrpaines, yes, it is10:04
crimsunmaw: no, it's not the same. Mark Shuttleworth addresses this question on his wiki page; go read it first. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarkShuttleworth10:04
painesmjr, how do you know ?10:04
mjrpaines, umm, if you mean "ntpl" :)10:04
redguymeheren: g++ ?10:04
flickerflyWhat's the state of digital video on Ubuntu? Can it be done by someone without a video geek degree?10:04
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ltibor65Crimsun, why cannot I read NTFS partition from Ububtu?10:04
mehereng++? ok thx10:04
soundrayBaorc, are you sure this guy is running amd64?10:04
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crimsunltibor65: did you mount it correctly?10:04
meherenapr0get install g+++?10:04
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crimsunmeheren: no, ''sudo aptitude install build-essential''10:05
Baorcactually good point, dunno but im pretty sure that board is 64, i cant back it up though..10:05
meherenapt-get install G++?10:05
=== DarkO [n=chatzill@cmb26-16.dial-up.arnes.si] has joined #ubuntu
mjrpaines, well, for example how the threads are arranged in /proc and show/don't show in ps, but I did check it more thorougly too some time back10:05
maw"Is Ubuntu a Debian fork?" "Yes, Ubuntu is a fork"10:05
nicholasvideo geek degree :)10:05
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soundrayBaorc, he may just have done the plain i386 install, inspite of k8.10:05
johnny___dose any one know a good network/hacking talk on freenode?10:05
Baorcthen holy crap where can i find something for that because ive been trying stuff for like a week with a shitload of different things10:05
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mjrpaines, ah, found it; getconf GNU_LIBPTHREAD_VERSION10:06
soundrayBaorc, don't start swearing just yet...10:06
eternalistcrimsun, i dont have a .fonts directory10:06
Baorci heard about amd64 having troubles with wireless and to just install the plain i386 install10:06
eternalistDoes anyone know where to put the tahoma.ttf font?10:06
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ltibor65I installed Ubuntu, I see the Windows harddrives on the desktop, but cannot read.10:06
painesmjr, ahhhh.thx man10:06
existanceAre there any in-depth tutorials for Unix/Ubunut anyone would recommend?10:06
painesmjr, didn't know of getconf10:06
soundrayBaorc, it may be that you just have to get a 64bit Windows driver to feed ndiswrapper with.10:06
crimsuneternalist: then create one, and put the font there, then run ''sudo fc-cache -fv''10:06
Baorcwhich i would have...10:06
owner989ltibor65 read http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#mountunmountntfs10:06
mwei'd put tahoma.ttf in /dev/null10:06
existanceltibor65, did you mount them?10:06
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derekhow can i find out how large mplayer would be before downloading/(installing)?10:07
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ubotump3 is, like, a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats.10:07
existanceltibor65, do you know which partitiosn they are?10:07
Baorci downloaded all the drivers for all the windows for my mobo, so just installing it with ndiswrapper, it should appear in network tools?10:07
DarkOIs 64 bit Breezer faster then i386?10:07
Stormx2derek: In synaptic, mark as install, then go to "apply changes". The dialog box will tell you10:07
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painesDarkO, yes10:07
existanceltibor65, do you know which partitions they are though?10:08
soundraySteveW, "At least root partition should not be on RAID1"...10:08
mjrDarkO, generally, a bit. Probably not visibly except in computation-intensive jobs10:08
ltibor65I can read fat32 and other linux partition, but ntfs not.10:08
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SteveWsoundray, what does that first statement mean10:08
sorush20hi guys10:08
SteveWsoundray, does it mean, "you should put the root not on raid, but if you want to, here's how you do it"?10:09
sorush20I've still not sorted out my ubuntu problem..10:09
existanceltibor65, can you paste your /etc/fstab file to www.pastebin.com?10:09
DarkOThanks  paines and mjr! I'm allready downloading 64 bit version.10:09
eternalistcrimsun, do you know why when i try to type in the steam login, it starts typing outside of it, like it types in my terminal and stuff10:09
eternalistcrimsun, i cant type inside10:09
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cdubyanicholas, I'm a bit late back, have you checked into scribus?10:09
slewwhat do i need to do to get k3b to burn mp3s? says unsupported format. =[10:09
crimsuneternalist: come again?10:09
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El_Cheanyone here has gotten a vpn to work if the rules of the vpn requires a windows antivurus and a windows firewall program10:10
sorush20is there a way that I could disable different services daemons from the command line in the recovery mode?10:10
ltibor65How do I make it?10:10
Red-Soxsnorks: kay?10:10
Baorcaright off to try the other drivers.10:10
mweSteveW: I seem to remember racing conditions and having to use an initramfs to use raid on /. I might be wrong though10:10
soundraySteveW, whatever it means, it says "make the raid1 in the partitioner", which means these are not the instructions for a RAID that's already set up.10:10
derekStormx2, k10:10
existanceIs it possible to have an extended desktop where one monitor runs off an ATI card while the other is a PCI Geforce card?10:10
eternalistcrimsun, im trying to run Steam, and i try to typ ein the login, but it types outside, like it isnt acceptin gmy keystrokes10:10
Baorcthanks soundray10:10
soundrayBaorc, the drivers you've downloaded aren't necessarily 64-bit.10:10
crimsuneternalist: no, do it in a Terminal10:10
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crimsuneternalist: Applications> Accessories> Terminal10:10
soundrayBaorc, esp. since you said you used win2k ones (?)10:10
SteveWmwe, what do you mean racing conditions10:11
existanceIs it possible to have an extended desktop where one monitor runs off an ATI card while the other is a PCI Geforce card?10:11
SteveWmwe, check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/RAID110:11
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oxezeternalist: run wine in a 'desktop' , see winecfg10:11
eternalistcrimsun, nevermind, i set a profile to run it in a virtual desktop because it wont take focus10:11
eternalistoxez, thx lol, i figured it out10:11
Simirahow do I print a page in b/w on a colour printer?10:11
ltibor65# /etc/fstab: static file system information.10:12
ltibor65# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>10:12
ltibor65proc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       010:12
ltibor65/dev/hda8       /               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       110:12
ltibor65/dev/hda1       /media/hda1     ntfs    defaults        0       010:12
ltibor65/dev/hda5       /media/hda5     ntfs    defaults        0       010:12
holycow*uh oh*10:12
ltibor65/dev/hda7       /media/hda7     ext3    defaults        0       210:12
ltibor65/dev/sda1       /media/sda1     ntfs    defaults        0       010:12
ltibor65/dev/sdb1       /media/sdb1     ntfs    defaults        0       010:12
ltibor65/dev/sdb5       /media/sdb5     vfat    defaults        0       010:12
mweSteveW: like the driver is needed to use raid, but the driver resides in the kernel on a raid fs10:12
eternalistltibor65, oh yea keep the flod coming baby10:12
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ltibor65/dev/sdb6       /media/sdb6     ntfs    defaults        0       010:12
ltibor65/dev/sdb7       /media/sdb7     ntfs    defaults        0       010:12
ltibor65/dev/hda6       none            swap    sw              0       010:12
eternalistuse pastebin.com10:12
existanceltibor65, don't paste in here10:12
ltibor65/dev/hdc        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       010:12
ltibor65/dev/hdb        /media/cdrom1   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       010:12
ubotupastebin is probably a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl or at http://ubuntu.pastebin.com10:12
ltibor65/dev/hdd        /media/cdrom2   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       010:12
ltibor65/dev/fd0        /media/floppy0  auto    rw,user,noauto  0       010:12
oxezwow stop10:12
holycowsomeone ban him10:12
mweSteveW: see the problem?10:12
qt2horray, i fixed my "raw mode" irc problem :310:12
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jasongrievescan someone tell me if their gdm user is disabled by default10:12
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svk_frankdoes ubunut have XEN in Universe ?10:12
existanceltibor65, use www.pastebin.com and then tell us the link10:12
jasongrievesi can't rmeember if I enabled mine or if ubuntu has it disabled10:12
SteveWmwe, i'm confused10:13
qt2ltibor65, use pastebin or nomorepasting from now on.10:13
janekhow do I setup dualmonitor in ubuntu10:13
existanceIs it possible to have an extended desktop where one monitor runs off an ATI card while the other is a PCI Geforce card?10:13
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johnny___is there a program to chekc what ports ahve been blocked10:13
mweSteveW: that's why it's not to easy to use raid on / iirc10:13
Simirahow do I print a page in b/w on a colour printer?10:13
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mjrexistance, yes, shouldn't be a problem. I'm not sure if 3d acceleration would work, tho.10:14
soundrayexistance, you can do stuff like that in X in principle.10:14
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soundrayexistance, you'll have to hack on your xorg.conf, though.10:14
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existancesoundray, i'm decently new, is that something I shouldn't attempt for a while?10:14
janekcan someone help with installing ATI video drivers10:14
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psusiI'm trying to figure out how to make daily incremental backups... I found tar has a --newer-mtime option that looks like I should be able to use to backup only files that changed10:14
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cdubyaSimira, what kind of printer?10:14
jasongrievesmjr do you have a free minute/10:14
Simiracdubya : HP Deskjet 355010:14
SteveWstevew, ya. but the installer has an option for filetype "physical volume for RAID" whatever that means10:15
johnny___can some one help me?10:15
mjrexistance, I wouldn't recommend it for the faint of heart, no10:15
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mjrjasongrieves, yeah, why me? ;)10:15
cionhow do i check my kernel version?10:15
psusionly when I use it, tar prints a line for every file it is NOT backing up because it is old, and it seems to add every directory to the archive even though it contains no newer and thus backed up files10:15
psusianyone have any sugestions on how to clean that up a bit?10:15
mweSteveW: you could do it with a seperate /boot partition that is not in a raid array or use an initfs. But again I might be wrong, it's quite some time since I read about it10:15
janekI've followed the instructions on ATI site, but still can't install10:15
jasongrievesmjr because you helped yesterday, could you tell me what shell user gdm is using on ur ubuntu?10:15
holycowhey, on a system where there is only one account ... if you chmod 600 their dir .... you can no longer write to it of course.  how does one change the dir back to say 755?  a live cd perhaps?10:15
DarkOcion - uname -a10:15
existancemjr, mmm, i guess i'll wait a week and see how pissed i get at having one monitor10:15
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soundrayexistance, I'd suggest you search the web - there are reports and howtos on dual monitor setups like that. If you feel up to it, do it.10:15
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Maniquiit wasn just: "install amarok and play your mp3 files!". I needed to install some plug-ins, etc... now listening to Yello! thanks!10:16
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jasongrievesexistance there are lots of posts aobut it10:16
mjrjasongrieves, /bin/false10:16
existancesoundray, i'll look around10:16
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svk_frankIs there anybody working on a package for ubuntu for xen ?10:16
jasongrievesmjr, great, does it have a random password ?10:16
johnny___Can someone help me plz?10:16
Simiracdubya : any idea?10:16
mjrexistance, neither of the cards supports two monitors on its own?10:16
Maniquiaaaaah, linux is hard, but when you are beeing helped and you discovery something, it's a nice feeling10:16
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ciondark0 u sure?10:17
luisitoredguy, can you paste your sources.list in the paste bin please?10:17
mjrjasongrieves, no, it has no valid password10:17
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jasongrievesmjr, thanks, helps a lot10:17
slewjohnny___, whats up?10:17
Stormchaser!tell cion about u10:17
cdubyaSimira, not on that particular model, but on the Z22 I use on my lan here, I just opened the print admin and right-clicked to properties, then clicked on Advanced and there was an open to change to b/w10:17
DarkOcion, yes in terminal window or console, just type  uname -a10:17
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Stormchaserdammit! wrong chan :/10:18
cdubyaSimira, System > Administration > Printing10:18
johnny___say your connected to a server and that server blocks out certain ports such as irc is there away i can find out what other ports are blocked aswell?10:18
cionmust kernel always be compiled?10:18
cdubyaSimira, right-click printer > Properties10:18
eternalistAnybody want to help me write a Equation to calculate Pwnage of a given object?10:18
trappistjohnny___: nmap10:18
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eternalistitll be named after me and use the greek letter 10:18
cdubyaSimira, then check to see if there's an Advanced tab10:18
sethkSimira, you can install one instance of the printer with color set, and another instance with b+w set10:18
Simiracdubya : yes, I didn't think of that. Thanks!10:18
eternalisttherefore a micro of that unit will be a 10:18
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DarkOcion, yes but it is compiled by your distribution vendor10:19
cdubyaSimira, sethk is right....good suggestion10:19
soundrayjohnny___, yes, you'd have to do a port scan. But unless it's your machine, don't do it - you'll make yourself very unpopular.10:19
cionDark0 what u mean i got ubuntu by myself10:19
=== feross [n=feross@69-172-135-82.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
DarkOcion, with it you've got compiled kernel too. I don't understand what do you mean.10:20
fcohow can i modify ubuntu configuration without X server ?10:20
soundrayfco, edit the relevant files in /etc/10:20
ompaulfco, do you mean turn off X?10:20
cionDark0: i was told to compile kernel but my comp just goes fine, is that necessary? i downloaded linux-686 package and uninstalled linux 38610:21
DarkOcion, you can compile your version and configuration of kernel by yourself10:21
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Maniquithere is a icon in the tray that says that there are 37 packages to update... should I update?10:21
fcoompaul, no.. i've not installed X10:21
Red-Soxsnorks: okay?10:21
johnny___but i dont inderstand10:21
ciondark0 ok where do i get ubuntu info for that?10:21
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trappistcion: if it ain't broke, tweak it10:21
ompaulcion, you need to nothing see trappist's comment10:21
fcoi ask if there is a shell interface to modify configuration...10:21
ciontrappist sorry?10:21
DarkOcion, no you don't have to compile kernel, unless you want different version or kernel configuration (drivers etc)10:21
trappistcion: it's a joke, mostly10:21
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trappistfco: in linux almost all configuration is in text files10:22
ompaulfco,  your question is far to vague10:22
ciontrappist oh ok sorry my english is poor10:22
cionDark0 if i compile kernel my laptop will run better?10:22
trappistcion: not really, no10:22
Simiracdubya : didn't seem to work for the evince pdf printout, though10:22
Veinoshey, i'm trying to edit a file (control.modules) i've change the permission to read and write, but i can't save it10:22
ciontrappist oh ok good news thx10:23
cioncya all10:23
psusiI'm trying to figure out how to make daily incremental backups... I found tar has a --newer-mtime option that looks like I should be able to use to backup only files that changed10:23
psusionly when I use it, tar prints a line for every file it is NOT backing up because it is old, and it seems to add every directory to the archive even though it contains no newer and thus backed up files10:23
mariahi, how can I install new hardware, a wireless lan card for example10:23
trappistVeinos: are you the owner of that file?10:23
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psusianyone have any sugestions on how to clean that up a bit?10:23
DarkOcion probably not10:23
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jasongrievesVeinos are you using sudo gedit control.modules10:23
jasongrievesor your fav/ text editor10:23
johnny___if i port redirected port 6667 through 80 would it mess up my webbrowsing?10:23
jasongrievessudo nano control.modules10:23
Veinosnot the owner, but i change the permission for others to write it10:23
=== calamari [n=calamari@ip68-105-130-108.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
mariahi, how can I install new hardware, a wireless lan card for example10:23
calamariyay.. back in ubuntu :)10:24
soundrayfco, is there something specific that you'd like to configure?10:24
Veinosisn't that enough?10:24
cdubyaSimira, sorry, what were you trying to print?10:24
fcoompaul, the initial configuration is in a text interface.. there is a similar interface for post configuration ?10:24
ompaulmaria, if you have bought it you may need to use ndiswrapper (to do so >>/msg ubotu ndiswrapper<<)10:24
calamarinoice thing about my ff1.5 package is that it was easy to get back to 1.0.7 .. hehe10:24
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Simiracdubya : a pdf from evince10:24
fcosoundray, yes the network interfaces for example10:24
jasongrievesVeinos sorry you'll have to get some other help, i gotta run10:24
mariathx ompaul, ill try that out10:24
ompaulfco, depends on the program, in a lot of cases as has been said the config is in txt10:25
=== spine [n=spine@c-65-34-211-150.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
soundrayfco, good example. You use an editor, eg. nano, and open /etc/network/interfaces10:25
jasongrievesVeinos you need to be in the group/owner fora file/folder or set the permission for writing for all users otherwise10:25
ompaulfco, in /etc/ or the users home directory for non system wide configs10:25
cdubyaSimira, did you happen to go ahead and try sethk's suggestion and create two different instances of the printer......10:25
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soundrayfco, the syntax of the file is documented in man interfaces.10:25
Veinosit worked, with sudo gedit... i jsut thought changing the permission would solve the problem :\10:25
fcoompaul, soundray, ok Thanks10:25
Simiracdubya : it's not possible, as I can't rename the printer, I think... I'm still working on it10:26
levanderDoes a 'make clean' remove everything that has been built when you do a 'make' with the linux kernel sources?10:26
trappistVeinos: files aren't just readable and writable - they're readable and writable for the owner, the owner's group, and/or others10:26
jasongrievesVeinos be careful with modifying system files w/ permissions10:26
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jasongrievesVeinos you dont want to give all users write access to say xorg10:26
johnny___can i net send to a windows computer using linux???????10:27
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levanderThe damn kernel HOWTO has been taken down off tldp.org while they're writing a new one, and I can't find good doc.'s.10:27
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cdubyaSimira, double click on New printer, then set the name to be something unique, like HP_ModNum_BW.....10:27
Veinosjason, i believe you, but i don't know what xorg is :)10:27
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cdubyaSimira, then make that one set by default to B/W10:27
jasongrievesVeinos xorg.conf, controls hwo your X server behaves10:27
trappistjohnny___: sudo apt-get install linpopup10:27
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Veinostrapist: yah i understand that, but what amI as default user? other?10:27
adamw_!listkeys print10:27
ubotuFactoid search of 'print' by key (5 shown): print ;; printing ;; printer ;; network printing ;; printers.10:27
jasongrievesVeinos in your case control.modules could be "written" by any user on the system if oyu gave it 777 permissions10:27
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johnny___ah i had to download it no wonder why it didnt work10:27
ubotuprint is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters or http://www.linuxprinting.org10:28
jasongrievesVeinos or any user who got illegal access10:28
cdubyaSimira, then make sure to set your other to color and remember which one you're spooling to when you send the pdf...;)10:28
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DarkOjohnny____, smbclient -M user "message" or something like that - check man page of smbclient10:28
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piedoggiewhich package do I need to install for mkinitrd?10:28
jasongrievesVeinos sudo allows to be "root" to edit something10:28
trappistpiedoggie: initrdtools iirc10:28
Veinosnot scared of hackers for now... since i'm trying to make my wireless to work :)10:28
Simiracdubya : Ubuntu doesn't allow me to manually name printers. It's just "producer - model"10:28
jasongrievesVeinos and then back to your user when its closed10:29
jasongrievesVeinos i dont blame you :) just fying10:29
trappistpiedoggie: initrd-tools10:29
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Ep|phanydoes anyone know a good program to hide my ip?10:29
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trappistEp|phany: from whom10:29
mariaompaul, how can I get your information to work? do I have to type it in a terminal?10:29
Ep|phanyno just to hide it on the interent kinda10:29
trappistEp|phany: you have to connect through a proxy to do that10:30
_jasonEp|phany, use a proxy10:30
ompaul!tell maria about ndiswrapper10:30
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ompaulmaria, try the card first incase it has native support then you just click on System - Administration - Networking10:31
Stormx2How do I copy all files in a directory to another directory?10:31
Ep|phanyare there any program that grabs proxys randonmly and like a separate gui10:31
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sethkStormx2, cp -av10:31
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sethkStormx2, for example,   cp -av /x/y/z/. /a/b/.10:31
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sethkStormx2, or, to the current directory, cp -av /x/y/z/. .10:31
BaorcAright still no luck with AMD64 and wireless...10:31
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sethkstock, note the dots, they are part of the command10:31
Veinoswhatever command i do, it ends with errors :(10:32
sethkStormx2, sorry stock, I meant storm2, the dots are part of the command10:32
BaorcCan anyone help me with this (AMD64 + wireless10:32
sethkStormx2, the v part just means verbose, but I like to use it and see what's happening10:32
Veinos(Baorc): i,m in the same situation :(10:32
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Baorcyeah its annoying, what mother board do you have?10:32
cdubyaSimira, just tested it and I added an identical printer and the print manager just assigns the second instance with a -1 in it's name to keep it unique10:32
mariaompaul, the card appears, but how can I configure the hardware to ensure it works? It's market as not configured..10:32
Ep|phanyhow do i use a proxy wirth mozilla10:32
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_jasonEp|phany, edit -> prefs -> general -> conneciton settings10:33
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!lilo:*! Hi all. Please be aware that we've resolved a number of issues resulting in spurious clonebot bans on Tor users. Freenode supports Tor, and you should feel free to use it while you're here. Thanks!10:33
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johnny___is ther a peogram like neo trace but for linux10:33
DarkOWhat is general support for 64 bit drivers in Breezer?10:33
amparo_pzzisome program to pass avi to vcd?????10:34
mcphailLjL: well done on the howto10:34
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ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs10:35
LjLmcphail: thanks, i saw you added some info too10:35
levanderNobody has seen instructions on how to copy the partitions that contain your linux system to another disk, and then to run that system off the other disk have they?10:35
eternalistIs there a utility similar to PowerStrip for linux10:35
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matty66morning all10:35
mariaompaul, how do I know it has native support?10:35
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ompaulmaria, try it10:35
eternalistMeaning, is there a utility where you can press certain keycombos to get a higher gamma10:35
eternalisti know on windows, i can press Ctrl+alt++ or - to get a higher gamma or lower10:36
Nico_1981levander, i have found sth that may interest you: in kernel config, you can type a suffix to add to the kernel version name (like
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eternalistsometimes i need to adjust the brightness, and i find it handy to do it that way10:36
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lord_drachenbluthey all10:36
trappisteternalist: I use a gamma plugin for gkrellm10:36
levanderNico_1981: that is cool, i'll do that next time10:36
eternalistdoes it accept keyboard shortcuts?10:36
Nico_1981levander, with this you may be able to use make install10:36
eternalistand whats it called?10:36
levanderNico_1981: that documentation I wanted on the linux kernel Makefile, you type 'make help' and all the doc.'s are there10:37
johnny___is there a program for linux that is like neo trace10:37
Nico_1981levander, it is in config > general setp > local version10:37
Stormx2What should I do once i've accidently deleted all content in my /usr/share/pixmaps directory?10:37
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lord_drachenblutanyone got a few to try to help me figure out a small problem10:37
trappisteternalist: it's called gkrellm-gamma and I don't think it takes keyboard shortcuts but it's quite handy.  if you know of a console app that will adjust gamma you could map keys to it10:37
Veinoswhat does it means when i have a big X in the up right corner of the icon of a file?10:37
matty66hi all, i'm really new to linux and ubuntu, i'm trying to set up apache on it; i type "./configure prefix=/usr/local/apache2" and i get the error message "configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH" i have very little idea what i'm doing, can anyone help me past this error please?10:38
Veinosit's a .gz10:38
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trappistmatty66: sudo apt-get install build-essential10:38
Stormx2Seriously like, could someone tar up their /usr/share/pixmaps folder...10:38
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trappistmatty66: but why not just sudo apt-get install apache210:38
lord_drachenbluti'm trying to get a usb headset to work with ubuntu and not sure what i need to do to get it up and running10:38
administratorso how is everyone doin10:38
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_jasonStormx2, what happened10:38
eternalisttrappist, yes, xgamma, but thats a lot of work lol10:38
trappistStormx2: it's 9MB10:38
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matty66trappist: i've never heard of "sudo apt-get install apache2" it hasn't been in any of the instructions i';ve read anywhere, what does it do?10:39
mjrStormx2, well, you could check /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.list files to see what packages install files into the pixmap directory, and reinstall those packages10:39
Stormx2_jason: I managed to copy some files accidently into /usr/share/pixmaps/./ And I went and did rm -rf /usr/share/pixmaps/./ and it deleted everything. Joy.10:39
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trappistmatty66: it installs apache210:39
Red-Soxsnorks: ?10:39
johnny___is there a program on linux that is a trace route bu plots the servers on a map????????10:39
trappistStormx2: well done10:39
_jasonStormx2, heh could be worse :D  I'll tar mine up for you, do you have an email address? pm me10:39
Stormx2trappist: I know >.>10:40
urbanfox[loyal] johnny___, xtraceroute10:40
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BaorcAnyone got any luck installing wireless on AMD64?10:40
urbanfox[loyal] it's not in the ubuntu reps10:40
matty66trappist: i'll try it, but any idea how to fix the other issue?10:40
Mabus06how can I make an image to be used for an icon that isn't a rectangle... ie: say it's a circle, it wouldnt have white corners showing up on the icon10:40
trappistmatty66: yeah, the thing I said before sudo apt-get install apache210:40
lord_drachenblutguess knows the answer10:40
Stormx2Mabus06: Transparency?10:40
Mabus06Stormx2, uh, sure10:41
trappistMabus06: it would have to be a rectangle with transparent corners10:41
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Mabus06Stormx2, what program can I do this easiest with?10:41
trappistMabus06: gimp10:41
Stormx2Mabus06: The GIMP10:41
luisitoanyone please paste your sources.list in pastebin for me to check something, thanks10:41
mjrStormx2, apt-get --reinstall install $(grep ^/usr/share/pixmaps /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.list | cut -d : -f 1 | sed s:/var/lib/dpkg/info/:: | sed s:.list$:: | sort -u10:42
Stormx2mjr: O_O ok10:42
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johnny___where would i get xtraceroute from10:42
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mjrStormx2, "should" reinstall all packages that have pixmaps installed ;)10:42
trappistStormx2: www.linuxkungfu.org/tmp/pixmaps.tar.bz210:42
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mjroops, lacking a ")" right at the end10:42
Stormx2mjr: That just got me to a bash prompt.10:42
matty66trappist: thanks, i'll go try it10:42
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shachafI can't get X to work using the ATI drivers (card is Radeon Xpress 200M) on Ubuntu 5.10. X aborts with signal 4 (SIGILL), but I can't see any (EE) lines. I do see 'Skipping "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libfb.a:fbmmx.o":  No symbols found'. Has anyone else had this problem?10:42
mjrStormx2, yeah, see above10:43
Stormx2mjr: With a little ">"10:43
Stormx2trappist: Thanks :D10:43
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Mabus06Stormx2, so how can I make the gimp turn all the white pixels to be transparent? I'm spankin' new to gimp.10:43
dvhow do i get ubuntu to act as a nat gateway?10:43
gimmulF|GoAGNESHow do i install newest Firefox?10:44
Mabus06read /topic10:44
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trappistdv: www.linuxkungfu.org/files/scripts/ics10:44
odatanyone have any problems with lcd screens when starting up your computer10:44
Stormx2Mabus06: Use the "magic wand" and select the white, then go Select > Invert, then Copy, Then Paste as new image10:44
Mabus06(you can't I think, gimmulF|GoAGNES )10:44
gimmulF|GoAGNESMabus06:  I meant is it ok installing it manually?10:45
gimmulF|GoAGNESworking fine e.t.c ...10:45
odatwhen is start up ubuntu the splach screen while ubuntu is loading is off to the left and not centered   not sure how to fix this10:45
_jasongimmulF|GoAGNES, yes works fine for me but it's unsupported so you do it at your own risk10:45
urbanfox[loyal] odat, is this a laptop?10:45
mwegimmulF|GoAGNES: there is a wiki. it works fine10:45
gimmulF|GoAGNES_jason: java works?10:45
ubotu[firefox15]  see the wiki at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion for information on how to install Firefox 1.5 from mozilla.org10:45
gimmulF|GoAGNESmwe:  where's it?10:45
_jasongimmulF|GoAGNES, yes10:45
odatUrbanFox, no its a desktop10:45
dvtrappist, thanks10:45
urbanfox[loyal] odat, oh, then I wouldn't know... but check if your BIOS has a display stretch option or something like that10:46
urbanfox[loyal] and enable it10:46
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urbanfox[loyal] that fixed it on my laptop at least10:46
yingHello, everybody. I have just finished the ubuntu installation and when I tried to install kdevelop3, it reported that there was unmet dependencies. Anyone has an idea? thanks.10:46
odatUrbanFox, did you have the same symptom?10:47
SteveWsoundray, i tink i got it figured out10:47
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johnsie2kis firefox 1.5 worth the update?10:47
SteveWsoundray, i wasn't setting the software raid up under a primary partition10:47
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DarkOjohnsie2k, sure is!10:48
theD3viLDarkO, why ?10:49
DarkOFaster,new futures, better popup blocking ...10:49
johnsie2kbut i cant apt get it right?10:49
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cdubyajohnny___, sudo apt-get install xt10:49
johnny___nice one dude :)10:50
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_jasonjohnsie2k, right10:50
mariaompaul, you're my hero!! Ubuntu installed the card and I only had to insert the correct key for the wlan-encryption. That was it. Just great, I really start to love Ubuntu and now I'm ready to forget all about $indows =D10:50
cdubyajohnny___, it will be kinda buried in the applications menu, though...hang on10:50
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ompaulmaria, I am no hero, but thanks all the same, you did the work :-)10:51
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cdubyajohnny___, Applications > Debian > System > xt10:51
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Techie_dudei need to set up my printer and i can't get it to work......any help10:52
Techie_dudecan some one please help?10:52
=== xychix gaat bier doen
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cdubyaTechie_dude, what's the problem10:52
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_jasonubotu, tell Techie_dude about print10:53
johnny___no woz i just open it from konsole10:53
Techie_dudei tried to print a page ant it just wont work10:53
shachafI can't get X to work using the ATI drivers (card is Radeon Xpress 200M) on Ubuntu 5.10. X aborts with signal 4 (SIGILL), but I can't see any (EE) lines. I do see 'Skipping "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libfb.a:fbmmx.o":  No symbols found'. Has anyone else encountered this problem, and if so, how did they solve it?10:53
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johnny___hello any pedo's here?10:53
trappistjohnny___: what?10:54
cdubyaTechie_dude, what kind of printer?10:54
Ep|phanyare there any anomity programs for ubuntu10:54
johnny___lol not me dont worry friends stole my laptop10:54
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mariaompaul, I wouldn't have done it without your help.. I'm so happy to know I can get the help I need right here! Linux is just great and that's all thanks to you guys!! Kiss to all of you. cu10:54
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johnsie2kwhat is the best java?10:55
trappistompaul: man I'm jealous10:55
nassCould someone help me with ATI drivers ? I read all I found, but it still does not work10:55
Techie_dudedarn my printer isn't even on the list10:55
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odatwhen starting up ubuntu the splash screen while ubuntu is loading is off to the left and not centered   not sure how to fix this10:55
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_jasonTechie_dude, check linuxprinting.org, that list is just created by users10:56
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jonnythey folks I have a question10:56
shachafnass: What card are you using?10:56
jonnytWhat would happen if I try and cp a file thats currently downloading?10:56
nassI use ATI mobility radeon 900010:56
jonnytwill it copy where its up to? or become garbled?10:56
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shachafnass: I'm having trouble getting this Radeon Xpress 200M working, too.10:57
_jasonjonnyt, copy where it is up to10:57
Mabus06how can I check what broswer I'm using? (versoin, specifically)10:57
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trappistmetzen: help => about10:57
shachafnass: What error message does X give?10:57
jonnyt_jason, what if its a large file 300Mb/750 downloaded, and you then copy10:57
trappistMabus06: help => about10:58
jonnytbecause its gonna take a long time to copy10:58
jonnytand by the time its near done some more would of downloaded10:58
nassshachaf, it says that kernel driver version does not match....10:58
nass(about fglrx)10:58
adjacenthmm. when attempting to install eclipse, apt wants to install mozilla-browser. i have firefox, how do i use that to meet the dependency?10:58
ubotuI heard nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia, or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5736810:58
shachafnass: You're using ATI's drivers?10:58
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_jasonjonnyt, i'd suggest you try it, but I've done it on ~100mb size files and it just copies what it is up to.10:58
nassyes, I tried the ones with ubuntu, and the latest from ATI, none work10:59
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jonnytthanks jason10:59
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ompaultrappist, why?10:59
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shachafnass: What version of the drivers, 8.19.10?10:59
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NapoI have upgraded my machine from hoary to breezy and now my nvidia driver are very very slow10:59
nassshachaf, yes11:00
trappistompaul: there's like 3 chicks on the whole internet using linux, and you got one lovin all over you11:00
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Techie_dude...what is the command to unpack tar.gz files?11:00
urbanfox[loyal] Techie_dude, tar xvzf file.tar.gz11:00
trappisttar zxf file.tar.gz11:00
shachafTechie_dude: "tar -xzvf".11:00
SeveasTechie_dude, tar zxf filename.tar.gz11:00
trappistgot that covered I gues11:01
ompaultrappist, :-)11:01
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nassshachaf, kernel module is said to be 8.16.2011:01
nassat x server startup....11:01
=== cafuego wibbles mildly
shachafnass: Do you make a .deb, or install directly?11:01
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nassdirect install, automatic11:02
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johnny___i try to scan a site in xtrace it shows the site up but dosent plot it up on the map11:02
shachafnass: Hmm, I've had better luck with making .debs.11:02
shachafnass: Try that, maybe it'll work.11:02
Stormx2*sigh* gettings my icons back..... sloowly11:02
anavimwhat terminals support copy/paste, besides gnome-terminal and konsole?11:02
nassshachaf, yes, but which version ? moreover, the list is too big and don't fit in my screen.....11:02
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jeffisageekok i have a question...is there a way to upgrade to firefox 1.5 via synaptic?11:03
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Techie_dudeand how do i do a ppd.gz file11:03
trappistStormx2: didn't I give you a giant stack of icons?11:03
_jasonjeffisageek, /topic11:03
trappistTechie_dude: gunzip11:03
shachafnass: From the list, choose Ubuntu if you can see it.11:03
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ompauljeffisageek, that was a no11:03
shachafnass: It's the last option.11:03
Plaguedanyone use vsftpd?11:03
jeffisageek_jason, thanks :D11:03
jeffisageekneed to learn to read11:03
Stormx2trappist: Yep, but I have some apps you didn't have. Only a couple.11:04
trappistaight then11:04
=== [A] ndy80 [n=wettreyw@host224-139.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
nassthere seems to be several version for ubuntu, I can only see the upper aprt of the first11:04
=== trappist deletes the temp file
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shachafnass: The last option is 5.10.11:05
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shachafnass: So just press the down arrow until you get there, I guess.11:05
shachafnass: Then <SPACE><ENTER>.11:05
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shachafnass: By the way, did you ever get horizontal lines on the screen after starting X?11:06
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nassno, never11:06
shachafnass: Hmm.11:07
nassand the keyboards shortcuts do not work11:07
shachafnass: Keyboard shortcuts?11:07
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shachafnass: What do you mean?11:07
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mp3guyis there a way to print screen in xfce?11:07
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Otiswhy does gcc -v show version 4.0 even after I've done apt-get install gcc-3.4 ?11:07
trappistmp3guy: import -window root file.png11:07
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Otisdo I have to uninstall gcc-4.0 altogether ?11:08
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airoxOtis: change gcc symlink to direct to gcc-3.4.11:08
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trappistOtis: export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-3.4 or use update-alternatives11:08
theCorehow do i make a backup of my GPG private key?11:08
Stormx2All my icons are back.11:08
Otisairox: that shounds like a good idea11:08
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trappisttheCore: cp11:08
airoxOtis: do what trappist suggeste11:08
cafuegotheCore: copy ~/.gnupg to a safe location.11:08
Otistrappist: thx for the tip11:08
Techie_dudeand what command do i use with install files11:08
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SeveastheCore, cp ~/.gnupg/secring.gpg /path/to/backup11:08
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nassshachaf, space - enter11:09
cafuegonote SAFE location11:09
Red-Soxsnorks: hi11:09
BaorcI got troubles with AMD64 and wireless, can anyone help?11:09
Veinosi installed ndiswrapper, and my wireless driver, when i check it with -l, it says; invalid drivers!11:09
Veinoswhat can i do??11:09
=== mumblesatccna [n=admin@cpc2-bror1-6-0-cust74.bmly.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
BaorcVeinos, what did you use to install the drivers&11:09
Techie_dudewhat command do i use with .install files11:09
Red-Soxmumblesatccna: hi11:09
shachafnass: Hmm.11:09
trappistBaorc: you've been saying that all day.  you might have better luck asking an actual, specific question.11:09
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=== stijn [n=stijn@d54C181DF.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
Baorcok trappist : drivers for my wireless are installed but it wont show up in network tools11:10
Red-Soxstijn: hi11:10
Baorcbasically can't configure it and it doesn't show up anywhere11:10
shachafnass: It looks like you can run this script on the command line.11:10
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Baorcwlan0 is non-existant11:11
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Veinosbaorc, did you check if the drivers are properly installed?11:11
alekzhow can i set a connection using a wireless device if is connected by usb ?11:11
Veinoswhat is your card?11:11
Baorcyeah i did11:11
Siph0nneone here have a NEC dvd burner?11:11
Baorcits an onboard Asus A8v-e deluxe, its a marvell card11:11
mumblesatccnanetworke died11:11
Baorcndiswrapper -l gives : driver present, hardware present11:12
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Techie_dudeDoes anyone know what command i use with .install files11:12
Siph0nK3b says my dvd is buring at 4-6X, and its an 8X dvd burner.... ne reason? :)11:12
Siph0ndvds are 8x also11:12
Siph0nlol i think11:12
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nassshachaf, I'm trying from command line11:12
Siph0nk yea11:12
Siph0nactually its a 16x burner11:12
Veinoscan't help ya, i know nothing :) just trying to get those drivers working first11:12
Veinosif i get further, i'll let you know11:13
Baorcwhich card do you have?11:13
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shachafnass: Try ./ati[...]  --buildpkg Ubuntu/5.10.11:13
shachafnass: (If you're running 5.10.)11:13
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trappistBaorc: I don't think ndiswrapper works on amd6411:14
Baorcive seen some successes11:14
Baorcbut not with the same card11:14
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trappistsomebody correct me if I'm wrong, but it wants to use win32 (as in 32 bit) drivers11:14
Baorcthey were broadcomm cards or something11:14
nassmake: dh_testdir : commande introuvable11:14
nassmake: *** [configure]  Erreur 12711:14
Techie_dudeI can't make odds from ends out of this driver thing.....is there a way i can configure my lexmark x75 fom the computer itself11:14
Baorcoh i gave it 32bit drivers11:14
nassshachaf, it does not work neither11:14
=== alej [n=aeroflot@84-72-178-125.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu
Baorcand i also tried with my 64bit ones11:14
Baorcboth installed correctly11:15
yinghello, I have just finished the installation of ubuntu 5.10, and tried to install kde. But it reports some problems on dependency. Anyone can help me! thanks a lot11:15
=== blackraven14250 [n=raven@pcp0011385599pcs.ebrnsw01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
shachafnass: Did you install the .debs?11:15
Veinosi got a broadcom on 64bit ubuntu and can't install the drivers ;(11:15
shachafnass: Is the error different?11:15
Baorci tried them at different times, but they still wouldn't show up in network tools or wouldnt be added anyways11:15
nasshow I get the .debs ?11:15
BaorcVeinos : this is for you http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2568311:15
aleji just installed ubuntu on a pII, but it loaded my machine with gnome..and is to heavy for it, how can i uninstall all gnome?11:15
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alejis there a clean way of doing it?11:16
BaorcVeinos : also check this out http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-78442.html11:16
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Ribsalej: Do a 'server' install, then you'll get a prompt a little else, you can install what you want from there.11:16
shachafnass: Running the script with "--buildpkg Ubuntu/5.10" should generate them.11:16
mjralej, if you're not too short on disk space, just install a lighter alternative and use it instead11:16
Natdigga_ok.  I downloaded wine now what do I do to use it :)11:16
=== mrkoje [n=mrkoje@cpe-24-242-43-177.hot.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
shachafnass: Are you running 5.10, by the way?11:16
blackraven14250I accidentally configured grub to boot from the wrong partition, how can I change is permanently?11:16
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nassshachaf, yes, 5.1011:17
alejoke, but its installed already11:17
Techie_dudeBaorc: is there a way i can configure my lexmark x75 printer with ubuntu without having to install drivers11:17
yingHello, anyone hear me?11:17
alejso i shall reinstall all?11:17
Veinos(Baorc): thanks, i'll checkthis out11:17
shachafnass:nass: Are the .debs generated when you run the script?11:17
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nassshachaf, but the script hangs and does not generate .debs11:17
alejor is there a way to just wipe gnome?11:17
Veinoseven though i think i being there before :)11:17
Ribsalej: That's the easiest way I can think of11:17
alejRibs, ok, thnk11:17
Ribsalej: you could apt-get remove everything...11:17
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Ribsbut I dunno how many packages gnome has11:17
nassmake: dh_testdir : commande introuvable --> error 27*11:17
BaorcTechie_dude : I don't think I'm the guy to be asking that, I helped Veinos because I have the same problem and have been researching for weeks on this subject, so I wouldn't know11:17
alekzanyone has a repository to get firefox 1.5 ?11:18
nassmake: dh_testdir : commande introuvable --> error 127 (excuse)11:18
Baorcsorry, lol11:18
Baorcbut if I had to take a guess, I would say no11:18
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shachafnass: Hangs?11:18
alejRibs, everything named gnome  from the dpkg -L list?11:18
shachafnass: It just takes a while, did you ^C it?11:18
nassno, it stops by itself !11:19
shachafnass: And ls doesn't show any .debs?11:19
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mjralej, apt-get remove libgnome2-0 should remove most of the gnome stuff (since most of it depends on it), if you really want to remove it11:19
gimmulF|GoAGNESWtf, i copied .mozilla-thunderbird/ from my last ubuntu installation and now replaced the new .mozilla-thunderbird/ dir with my backup after a clean installation but it wnt start11:19
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nassno, nothing11:20
alejmjr thanks11:20
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cdubyaTechie_dude, wish I could help, but I've found, just as in my case (have an x3300 series on an OS X box that I'd like to spool to), but I don't have the drivers, nor will there be likely....11:20
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blackraven14250excuse me, does anyone know how to change grub to boot from a different partition, and make the change permanent?11:21
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Ribsblackraven14250: sudo nano -w /boot/grub/menu.lst11:21
Ribsor use gedit if you prefer11:21
ashley3452hi, can somone help me out please. I want to track down where a deamon(nvtvd) is being started from, should I used a big grep or is there a better way ?11:21
RibsYou'd need to read up on grub-speak tho11:22
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RibsI'm a little rusty myself11:22
blackraven14250ok, i've been editing it manually, think it's about the same?11:22
Paradossowhat font do you use in terminal?11:22
connhi, does anyone here use freenx? How can I made the server change the fonts to 96x96dpi (it's set to 75 by default)?11:22
Ribsblackraven14250: The method I gave you is editing manually11:23
Ribssaving the file wll make the changes permanent, as you wanted.11:23
calamariblackraven: default         011:23
blackraven14250i mean, i've been editing it manually from within grub, so it won't save changes11:23
nassshachaf, It was debhelper missing..... now it goes further..... working on it11:23
calamariblackraven14250: I'm pretty sure changing that 0 to the correct entry is what you want11:23
shachafnass: Oh, right, I forgot that I installed those packages.11:23
=== Baorc [n=Baorc@toronto-HSE-ppp4177109.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ashley3452hi, can somone help me out please. I want to track down where a deamon(nvtvd) is being started from, should I used a big grep or is there a better way ?11:24
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nassshachaf, and fakeroot...... how I get it ?11:24
=== Fergy [n=Fergy@a82-92-232-156.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Ribsnass: sudo apt-get install ...11:24
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shachafnass: fakeroot, debhelper, build-essential, make, module-assistant, gcc-3.4.11:24
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Red-Soxsnorks: r u there?11:24
trappistashley3452: if you didn't start it manually, grep -r nvtvd /etc/init.d11:24
shachafnass: apt-get install fakeroot, debhelper, build-essential, make, module-assistant, gcc-3.4.11:24
nassRibs, thx. I realised it was easy only after asking.....11:25
maxialguien habla espaol11:25
=== luisito [n=luisito@94sosua109.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu
shachafnass: Oops, sudo apt-get, sorry.11:25
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.11:25
PokerFacePenguinblackraven14250: if you want to, u can make it boot a different partition by default by moving it to the top of the list as well (when editing the menu.lst)11:25
blackraven14250thankls alot ribs, gonna see if it works now11:25
maxicomo me conecto a ubuntu-es11:25
=== ashley3453 [n=ashley@222-153-255-240.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
trappistmaxi: /join #ubuntu-es11:26
ashley3453testing .11:26
luisitowhy in breezy the mail command doesn't work?11:26
ashley3453can anyone here me,...11:26
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jesseman_ashley3453: you mean hear ? :)11:26
_jasonashley3453, I can read what you are typing11:26
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hlenashley3453, you can find out which package owns the binary, then see which script it's got installed11:27
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ashley3453thanks guys, this client greys out my text, makes it look like its not actually being sent11:27
shachafashley3453: What client?11:28
levanderHow damn long does it take to compile the kernel?  It's been running half an hour on a dual processor, pentium iii 550 already.11:28
hlenashley3453, dpkg -S $(which nvtvd)11:28
luisitothe mail command was eliminated?11:28
yingexcuse me, anyone hear me??11:28
=== WhyvasLT [n=poop@fctnnbsc15w-156034065173.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
navaroneashely> xchat greys your text so that you see what you have types previously11:28
Red-Soxying: what did you say?11:28
eternalistET is the shiz11:28
eternalistwhat are cool games ar efor linux i wonder11:28
ashley3453hlen,  nvtv: /usr/sbin/nvtvd is the response, but i kinda already knew that11:28
shachafnass: Is it working?11:28
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hlenashley3453, dpkg -L nvtv11:29
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ashley3453where woul i alter the command line paramters for that daemon ?11:29
nassshachaf, yes, I've got the .deb11:29
ashley3453ahhh got ya11:29
nassanother stupid question...... the .deb, how do I install it ?11:29
levandernass: 'dpkg -i <filename>.deb'11:29
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yingthanks. It is the first time I am here, just to make sure others can see me. I have just installed ubuntu5.1 but is unable to install KDE due to some dependency problem, do you know why?11:30
navaronenass...cd to directory it was downloaded to and in terminal type sudo dpkg -i <name>.deb11:30
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mr_daemonhell there. Does anyone has any experience with Maxtor OneTouch drives?11:30
mr_daemon.... hello.11:30
mr_daemonNot hell.11:30
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ashley3453hlen, thanks for your help11:31
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hlenashley3453, sure thing11:31
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luisitonobody knows nothing about what happened to the mail command!?11:31
=== Orporg [n=orporg@ip-69-54-134-36.client.bct.org] has joined #ubuntu
nasslevander, navarone thanks11:31
=== markVisiting [n=mark@d5-183.rb4.clm.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
hlenluisito, you probably don't have your smtp setup right11:31
navaronenp nass11:31
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mr_daemonI was actually wondering if anyone got the said OneTouch button on the front of the drive to work...11:31
paul__I'm following a howto on installing Mythtv on Ubuntu and running into a problem compiling the ivtv drivers for Hauppage PVR-350. Is there some GCC version weirdness I should know about?11:32
nassshachaf, which .deb should I install ? I installed only xorg-driver-fglrx_8.19.10-1_i386, that's enough ?11:32
shachafnass: I installed all of them.11:32
ashley3453damn ok thats not actually gonna fix my problem11:32
Red-Soxsnorks: hi11:32
ashley3453does anyone know much about nvtv and tv out ?11:32
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luisitohlen, it isn't that. Is that the mail command doesn't exists when I write it in the terminal11:33
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nassshachaf, done. I reboot to give it a try, and report back here !11:33
nasimutois there a command line utility which can load a string to paste ?11:33
nasimutoi.e i run a command and after running it i can paste something anywhere in X11:33
luisitohlen, that's not right11:33
paul__I did apt-get install build-essential and apt-get install linux-headers-386 but when I type make in the ivtv directory I get errors like this: make[1] : gcc-3.4: Command not found11:33
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shachafnass: Why reboot?11:33
PokerFacePenguinluisito: i run breezy, and CLI mail works for me11:33
nassshachaf, there's an other way ?11:34
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shachafnass: I don't see why a reboot would be necessary.11:34
OrporgCan someone help me get my WiFi network working with Ubuntu please?11:34
hlenluisito, try ``whereis mail''.. maybe you need the mailx package?11:34
luisitoPokerFacePenguin, hmmm, then I don't have it.... so strange...11:34
navaronenass...you only need to restart x server11:34
markVisitingI'm on breezy/badger and I can't get cups-pdf to work. I have the cups-pdf.conf file installed. I get a 'failed to set file mode for PDF file' error in the cups-pdf_log file. Anyone know the magic?11:35
ashley3453Orporg, possibly whats wrong with it atm ?11:35
nassnavarone, that's cool..... just need to learn how !11:35
shachafnavarone: X isn't working for nass (or me).11:35
luisitohlen, lets see...11:35
OrporgI'm not sure.  The card seems to be detected and working fine and I have my WEP key and other goodies configured.  I just can't seem to connect to the Internet11:35
ispikedwhen I try to access my shared samba files on this linux box from windows, I get prompted for a password. my password for my user on the linux box doens't work.11:35
navaronenass...try typing startx at terminal prompt11:35
nassshachaf, yes, it is, but not with ATI proprietary drivers11:35
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navaronenass...okay...then restart x after closing programs11:36
ashley3453i would suggest checking the IP address settings then11:36
ashley3453do you have a router with dhcp ?11:36
shachafnass: I thought you said it didn't.11:36
nassnavarone, but how to do that ?11:36
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shachafnass: I must have misunderstood you.11:36
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Red-Soxsnorks: u there?11:36
OrporgThe IP is set to DHCP, which is how my access point hands them out11:36
navaronenass...i already told you ctrl-alt-backspace11:36
shachafnass: You're running from X?11:36
ashley3453can you ping your access point11:36
OrporgNo, I tried11:37
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nassshachaf, yes, from X. navarone oops, didn't se, sorry11:37
luisitohlen, no, I don't have it..11:37
tk401hello all11:37
ashley3453then perhaps you are not set up at the wifi layer11:37
hlenispiked, you need to setup your samba accounts. `man mksmbpasswd' and `man smbpasswd' will help you11:37
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tk401can someone help with grub please?11:37
hlenluisito, apt-get install mailx?11:37
ashley3453how sure are you that the key is correct11:38
ispikedhlen: you're sure it's not something with the folder permissions?11:38
luisitohlen, it should be in /bin by default I think, right?11:38
OrporgQuite.  I used the same key on a Windows XP machine and my iBook and it worked11:38
hlenispiked, no. if you've set it up right, it could be *shrug*11:38
tk401i have kubuntu dapper drake installed on hda1 with grub in the MBR and I have breezy on hda3, but it want grub to load from menu.lst on hda3 not hda111:38
OrporgThe access point also broadcasts its ESSID, which isn't being picked up.  I put it in manually and still no good11:38
ashley3453so in netwroking your card is configured and active11:39
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OrporgAnd I looked at the Ubuntu wiki and surprisingly, it looks as if this card is supported right out of the box.11:39
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ashley3453i can't recall what i had to do to get my card to work, but i think i had to compile modules and stuff, if yours is supported out of the box, you shouldnt have to do that11:40
yingOrporg: I have the similar problem minutes ago. And it does work after I deactive the wired ethe card.11:40
OrporgUbuntu certainly found out a lot about it.  It does detect its maker and model perfectly.11:41
OrporgI don't have a wired card in there as well.  Just the wireless11:41
ashley3453yes is the wifi set as the gateway ?11:41
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ashley3453nvm , must be11:41
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PokerFacePenguinOrporg: i would set a static ip on it and add a default route and test it that way11:41
ispikedhlen: alright. I got it setup for me. any reason /home/me is shared, too? I didn't tell it to do that.11:41
OrporgI don't think the access point will hand out static IPs11:42
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hlenispiked, i think [homes]  is shared by default in your smb.conf file.11:42
OrporgAnd if I turn off DHCP it'll bollocks up the rest of the machines using it11:42
ispikedhlen: is there a way to get this setup so people don't have to login?11:43
tk401can someone help with grub please?11:43
PokerFacePenguinOrporg: if you are using private addressing with your router, then you probably arent handing out the entire range of possible ips....set it outside of the dhcp lease pool11:43
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shachafnass: Nass, I think I got it working.11:43
hlenispiked, probably. i have no experience with that though11:43
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nassshachaf, yes !!!11:44
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shachafnass: Try running "fglrxconfig".11:44
nassI think it is still not good for me11:44
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OrporgI have no idea what you're talking about, sorry.  It's a pretty simple access point.11:44
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nassfglrxinfo says : OpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org11:44
OrporgI know it can't do MAC address filtering11:44
PokerFacePenguinOrporg: is it finding the AP?11:44
shachafnass: fglrxconfig, not fglrxinfo.11:44
Sannetk401: better describe your problem, so anybody who knows hoe to help can just jump in :)11:44
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JptrDuohey when's Firefox 1.5 and OOo 2.0 stable (not beta) gonna be in breezy backports?11:44
shachafnass: Do you have that?11:44
yingOrporg: r u able to ping the router?11:45
Mabus06To anyone who's interested; Firefox 1.5 is signifigantly faster than the old version. However, it makes the layout of many pages very screwy. And they say they improved popup support, but on this one site I never used to get popups, and now I do so...11:45
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OrporgNo, not as far as I can tell.  And I can't ping it.  I even used the "iwconfig" scan thing.  Nothing turned up11:45
nassshachaf, yes11:45
OrporgI'm using said access point with mIRC right now, so I know it's working11:45
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PokerFacePenguinOrporg: sudo dhclient  in a terminal window11:45
tk401please help with GRUB: i have kubuntu dapper drake installed on hda1 with grub in the MBR and I have breezy on hda3, but it want grub to load from menu.lst on hda3 not hda111:45
JptrDuoheh that's they get for majorly redoing CSS11:45
shachafnass: Run that, and it'll make another xorg.conf.11:45
SanneMabus06: in what way does Firefox 1.5 makes pages layout screwy?11:45
PokerFacePenguinoh, its not recog..nvrmnd11:46
shachafnass: Make a backup of your old one first.11:46
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Mabus06Sanne, there are buttons in this one page I frequent. They now all overlap each other.11:46
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OrporgAll right11:46
OrporgI am getting a string of data that seems to continually update itself11:46
SanneMabus06: usually those effects are due to crappy HTML, as Firefox is one of the most standards compliant browser. Can I have a look at the page?11:46
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hlentk401, what i'd try to do is let grub use hda1 and merge the relevant sections from (hda3)/path/to/menu.lst to (hda1)/path/to/menu.lst. but that's me.11:47
Mabus06Sanne, actually no, you can't. The buttons appear after the login screen and it takes up to 2 days to get your account verified.11:47
vaschello. i was trying to compile alsa following the instructions here: http://www.planetamd64.com/index.php?showtopic=11465&st=0&p=110775&#entry11077511:47
nassshachaf, I don't think it'll help, because there is still the same message in xorg.log : Kernel Module version does *not* match driver.11:47
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gimmulF|GoAGNESWhats the best way installing java?11:47
SanneMabus06: oh, bummer. I'm interested because I'm a webdeveloper myself and am supposed to know about those things ;)11:47
vascbut i get this error: "You don't have the compiler that your kernel was built with installed11:48
vasc". btw i am using kubuntu breezy here.11:48
_jasonubotu, tell gimmulF|GoAGNES about javadebs11:48
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tk401hlen: thank you, dapper drake setup already did that, but since i use breezy mainly, i wanted to take advantage of automatic grub menu entries for new kernels11:48
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OrporgIt says: No working leases in persistent database - sleeping.11:48
OrporgAnd No DHCPOFFERS received.11:48
PokerFacePenguinOrporg: what does ifconfig say?11:48
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gimmulF|GoAGNES_jason:  dpkg -i on all thoose packages?11:49
_jasongimmulF|GoAGNES, no11:49
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Mabus06Sanne, I could show you the source code for that page but it's in PHP so I don't know if the part that's causing the error is viewable to me or whatever11:49
OrporgFor wlan0 it says: Link encap: Ethernet. Scope: Link, etc.  And no packets have been exchanged.11:49
JptrDuoAnyone have any idea of when Firefox 1.5 is gonna be in backports, unless the packages from mozilla.com will seamlessly integrate their available install into apt/dpkg?11:50
PokerFacePenguinOrporg: does it say up?11:50
ispikedhlen: do I need to run any command to update changes I made to smb.conf? restart the server possibly?11:50
_jasongimmulF|GoAGNES, just the jre11:50
_jasongimmulF|GoAGNES, unless you want the sdk... then you would do that11:50
SanneMabus06: you could just do a page/save as in firefox and paste the html you will get from that somewhere. I would be very grateful.11:50
gimmulF|GoAGNES_jason:  that instals into firefox also?11:51
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_jasongimmulF|GoAGNES, it should11:51
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PokerFacePenguinOrporg: type route in a terminal window and see if you have routes to the router.11:51
_z_hello. i'm using hoary and just noticed something weird on mount: it seems "/dev" is mounted on "/.dev", anyone know what this might be?11:51
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SanneMabus06: or even simpler: view page source, and paste that.11:51
hlenispiked, yes11:51
Mabus06Sanne, yeah was gonna do the view source and pastebin11:51
hlenispiked, killall -HUP smbd11:51
SanneMabus06: cool, thanks :)11:51
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qt2-2does google video work with the current version of firefox packaged with ubuntu? x.x;11:51
PokerFacePenguinOrporg: sounds like dhcp not sending you an ip....could be router needs a reboot...mine hoses up like that sometimes11:52
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JptrDuoI believe awhile ago google video was Windoze only, havent followed it for awhile tho11:52
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_jasonqt2-2, google video uses a flash player as long as flash works, it should work11:52
Comrade_Vladimirwhat type of file system does ubuntu run on fat32?11:52
evertoni'm trying to install the "task-c-devel" package, but I couldn't find any server that has got this... could anybody help me? Do anybody know the line that I should write in sources.list do get it?11:52
hlenispiked, i assume you've used testparm(1) already11:52
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OrporgI actually ended up pulling the power and plugging it back in.  So it got a reboot11:52
ispikedhlen: that didn't feel to gracefull.11:52
qt2_jason, i know trat much, but it plays about have a second of video, no audio, and then jsut stops.11:52
ispikedhlen: my internet closed off for a second.11:52
shachafnass: Hmm.11:52
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_jasonqt2, strange, I've viewed videos fine with it... is your flash player ok otherwise?11:53
qt2_jason, i can use the bar to seek and it'll pick up playing for another 1/2 a second, and it'll do the same thing, and stop again11:53
nassshachaf, still here ?11:53
JptrDuoqt2: are you using the macromedia installer or some OSS flash thing?11:53
qt2_jason, hm, any way i could test to see if flash is broken?11:53
OrporgI'm pretty sure DHCP isn't handing out an IP to Linux11:53
PokerFacePenguinOrporg: wait a min or two and issue the sudo dhclient wlan011:53
qt2JptrDuo, i hoinestly dont remember ^.^;11:53
_jasonqt2, do other flash things work ok?11:54
JptrDuoif firefox installed it "automatically" it's probably macromedia11:54
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=== Comrade_Vladimir Doubts this channel
OrporgIt's trying to discover again.  But nothings happening.11:54
tk401does anyone know how to change the /boot partition that grub uses?11:55
_jasonqt2, how did you install flash?11:55
qt2_jason, dont remember, i tihnk it was with easu ubuntu or something.11:55
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qt2_jason, in about:plugins, flash is listed twice though.11:55
Comrade_Vladimiri tried it with fat32 and ntfs which is it11:55
ubotuit has been said that flash is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats11:55
qt2one being libflashplayer.so, and the other being libflash-mozplugin.so11:55
ispikedhlen: will sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart work, too?11:55
trinidadanyone here have an i810 chipset working with breezy?11:56
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Mabus06Sanne, http://pastebin.ca/3216911:56
qt2hm :/11:56
Black_Hatguys ive got a question11:56
OrporgOnce again.  No IP discoveries11:56
SanneMabus06: thanks, looking now.11:56
Black_Hatim running ubuntu on my ibook...11:56
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs11:56
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JptrDuotrinidad: i810 what? video? audio?11:56
Black_Hatcan i run ndiswrappers since its ppc?11:56
shachafnass: X is working for me, and I think it's with the ATI drivers.11:56
trinidadJptrDuo, video11:56
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shachafnass: How would I find out?11:57
trinidadJptrDuo, with a 1905fp delll lcd11:57
hlenispiked, yes11:57
JptrDuoi810 stuff works fine for me but it's not by any means gonna be as great as a dedicated video card since it's onboard11:57
navaroneComrade> Linux runs on ext2, ext3, reiser...fat32 and ntfs are windows file systems...although linux can access both. However ntfs will be read only in linux11:57
erUSULBlack_Hat, no11:57
JptrDuobut mine's fine for planetpenguinracer (new tuxracer) and stuff11:57
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Mabus06Sanne, it's the "show all" and "hide all" buttons that overlap. If you find something please let me know so I can forward it to the admins.11:57
PokerFacePenguinOrporg: that is why i would set a static ip....is the network running private addressing behind the router?  ie. 192.168.x.x11:57
nassshachaf, test with glxgears, you'll see if 3D acceleration works (ATI drivers) or not11:57
OrporgI don't know how to find out.11:58
trinidadJptrDuo, thats good to hear!  Everywhere I've read, there are problems with the i810 chipset and hoary with an lcd11:58
PokerFacePenguinOrporg: is it home or work lan?11:58
johnny___how do find the diffrents rooms in irc11:58
johnny___isit possible11:58
trinidadI have hoary and recently upgraded the monitor to an LCD 19" dell11:58
_jasonqt2, hrmm I have mplayer-plugin playing "google video" in about:plugins... maybe that would help you.11:58
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alejso i decided to leave gnome and its 200megas, but i will like to avoid it from launching after boot, what file do i have to edit to remain in console?11:58
trinidadlike many, it is not working11:58
JptrDuodoes it say the same stuff about breezy?11:58
erUSULjohnny___, /list11:58
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OrporgHome.  The setup is as follows:  The DSL modem to goes a router.  An Ethernet cable snakes a long way to the access point.  The access point then broadcasts wireless signal.11:59
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navaronejohnny> in xchat go to windows/channel listings and refresh...you can alos filter the channels if you are looking for a particular one. Type in name and press enter in the "regex" field11:59
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trinidadi have googled hi and low and have found nothing pertaining to breezy, however, iI did find that it mentions xorg having the issue but not hoary in particular11:59
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johnny___im in console11:59
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trinidadhowever, i have kubuntu 5.10 on another partition and it seems to work fine11:59
shachafnass: glxgears is smooth for a second, and then it stops being smooth.11:59
trinidadI'm currently upgrading to breezy 5.10 as we speak11:59
trinidadhoefully all goes well12:00

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