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jaramillois there a way to get kde 3.5 right now on kubuntu ?12:24
jaramillohow ;o ?12:25
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Judaxgo to kubuntu.org, there is a blurb with the package location to put in sources.list and you will be set12:26
michaelhello everyone! I'm new in kubuntu, after 8 months of Ubuntu... what kind of thing is the 'journal' feature in kontact??12:26
Judaxkind of like a note-taking facility12:27
Judaxbut a little more, as you can tag people to it, etc.12:27
Judaxjaramillo: you find it?12:28
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michaelhmm... but there's also a 'notes' feature :)12:28
Judaxjaramillo: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-35.php12:28
Judaxmichael: yeah, but that notes is just the little sticky note thing12:29
Judaxmichael: journal is more related to meetings, events, calls etc12:29
Judaxmichael: have fun12:30
jaramillodeb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde35 breezy main12:30
Judaxjaramillo: that should do it12:30
jaramillothx dude ;-)12:30
Judaxjaramillo: you know where to put that?12:30
Judaxjaramillo: cool, have fun, 3.5 is nice I like it alot12:30
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trothanyone here ever tried klik?12:36
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jaramilloJudax: 12:38
Judaxjaramillo: yes12:38
jaramillodude, im getting this error: W: Couldn't stat source package list http://kubuntu.org breezy/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/kubuntu.org_packages_kde35_dists_breezy_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)12:38
jaramilloi just pasted the line in sources.list ;o12:38
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jaramillo(that happens when i open synaptic)12:38
kkathmanjaramillo: why not wait a few days till the packages become available in the main repos?12:39
zorba64jaramillo: apt-get update first12:39
Judaxdo apt-get update12:39
Judaxopps, zorba64 got it12:39
kkathmanKDE 3.5 isnt quite prime time yet...will be soon though :)12:40
Judaxjaramillo: you get riddell's gpg key?12:40
=== Delvien [n=dm@cpe-65-31-24-117.insight.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
kkathmanhey Delvien :)12:40
DelvienI love it when i get a call saying my cable is going to be shut off12:40
djk_Delvien: you get a call?12:41
jaramilloshould i upgrade through synaptic or just old-fashion console `apt-get upgrade`12:41
Judaxworking ok for me so far, superkaramba is spitting trouble when trying to use the "new stuff" thing12:41
kkathmanhey there djk_ :)12:41
Delviencouldntpay the bill, been out of work for 2 months12:41
naliothjaramillo: use "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" from a terminal12:41
djk_shit, i just get a red-blinking modem ..12:41
zorba64jaramillo: whatever suits you - either will work fine12:41
djk_kkathman: yo there :)12:41
kkathmanahh...another pioneer going the 3.5 route...lol12:41
jaramillok, upgrading. Thx guys ;D12:42
kkathmanrofl...good luck :)12:42
Delvienwhat are the improvments of 3.5?12:42
kkathmanDelvien: not really that much...its a minor release12:42
Delvienjust graphical?12:42
kkathmansome of the "enhancements" are actually nuisances12:43
Judaxwhich ones?12:43
kkathmangraphical..not really much at all12:43
kkathmanits a transitional release to prepare for 412:43
JudaxDelvien: they have a visual brief at kde.org12:43
=== kkathman awaits the infamous Konqueror problems and the automount issues
kkathmanand the icons12:44
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Judaxhehe, yeah I have read some about the automount problems so far12:44
kkathmanabout 50% install it and then go back to 3.4.3 :)12:45
JudaxI have not stuck in a USB pen drive or CD/DVD yet to try it out12:45
kkathmanJudax: well if you like 3-4 screens popping up all at once automatically then you'll love it12:45
Judaxyeah, that is a blast12:46
kkathmanor watching some of the main k-apps die or crash :)12:46
JudaxI find the new pager and kicker stuff kind of useful, for now12:46
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trothi love kde3.5, fixed alot of graphical bugs for my system12:46
kkathmanI dont use the kicker anyway12:46
Delvienhow is Dapper?12:47
=== Judax is not that brave yet
kkathmanDelvien: very rough right now12:47
Delvienso does 3.5 have transparencies or whatever?12:47
kkathmanDelvien: transparency for what?12:48
kkathmanmost of the k-apps were held back Delvien so they dont take advantage of the 3.5 framework yet12:49
kkathmana few apps did retool tho...quanta did for instance12:49
kkathmanbut like kontact, kopete...some of the staples didnt12:50
kkathmanof coure those arent k-core12:50
Delvienfinally got my Vmware working with networking, now i gotta crack windows XP to be activated EVEN THOUGH I OWN THE COPY !12:50
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kkathmanDelvien: if you know someone that works at a computer repair (or sells computers) they can give you a number to get through quickly12:51
kkathmanmy son's computer had to just all of a sudden be reactivated for some reason12:52
Delvienkkathman my father is an IT guy, idk if he knows 12:52
kkathmanhe did it and it was fine12:52
kkathmanstupid M$12:52
Delvienkkathman i went to activate it and the microsuck phone-bot said it could not be activated12:52
kkathmanyah idiots12:53
kkathmanthat way they can CHARGE you to activate12:53
kkathmanits a nice gambit12:53
JudaxDelvien: I have had that happen, if the hash changes like 3 times then they make you call12:53
Delvieni say they can screw themselves12:53
kkathmanbut the hash shouldnt change unless your config does12:54
Judaxbut they gave me no trouble on the phone just gave me a code, but it was like a freakin 128 char code, it was crazy12:54
Delvienjudax no wonder people DL and crack it :P12:54
Delvienno point in paying for something so shitty12:54
Judaxdid any hardware change?12:55
kkathmantypically you can get away withi minor things...like adding drives or NIC cards, etc12:56
Judaxbut there is some threshold you eventually hit and have to call the freaks12:57
kkathmanyah...I just call my hardware guy and he goes and gets me a new key12:57
djk_anyone want a winkey, real cheap :p12:58
Judaxhe prob has corporate licenses and those install disks dont activate?12:58
djk_corp disks just install and never do anything afterwards iirc.12:58
kkathmanJudax: nah...he calls this number...and puches a few numbers...it spouts a key back...he hangs up and gives me the key12:59
Judaxthats nice12:59
Delviennow its not asking to activate, what the hell12:59
Delvieni hate it12:59
kkathmanyah he also meets or beats any internet price on any hardware component too01:00
Delvienattack of the show is on ! yay01:00
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Delvienoh , there its now asking for me to activate01:01
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kkathmanwell ya got 30 days at least01:01
Judaxyou see how now they are only letting you download certain software if you have an 'authentic' copy?01:02
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Judaxand you have to let them run a damn activex script to verify you are authentic01:02
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kkathmanhi seth_k|lappy :)01:03
seth_k|lappyhi kkathman :) how are you tonight01:03
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djk_yea or just use ff or wine or whatever to ignore that Judax 01:03
kkathmanfine seth_k|lappy and you?01:04
seth_k|lappymuch better now that the new fglrx drivers are in dapper and I can run at 1400x1050 again kkathman :P01:04
Judaxdjk_: you can get the stuff dl'd if you use wine or ff?01:04
djk_Judax: yea, although they might have fixed that now.. was pretty much on every site a few months ago when they started that authentication crap01:05
kkathmanwow thats tiny resolution :)01:05
kkathmanI run at 1280 x 1024 and thought that was small :)01:06
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chaoticgeekhello all01:06
seth_k|lappykkathman, my other machine runs at 1680x1050 :P01:06
Judaxdjk_: ah, ok, thx01:06
kkathmanhey chaoticgeek :)01:06
seth_k|lappyhi chaoticgeek 01:06
seth_k|lappysomething we can help you with chaoticgeek?01:06
Delvieni have succesfully activated my copy of windows....01:07
Delvienall i had to do is enter my Key, which it didnt ask me for the first 3 times i tried it01:07
djk_Judax: just search a little bit for that, you'll find plenty of "tutorials" and programs for that01:07
JudaxDelvien: woot01:07
Judaxdjk_: ok, thx01:08
Delviennow if only i could put Linux to sleep and run vmware fully, to get rid of windows drive altogether :)01:08
Delvienthe onlything that would touch my HDD from microsoft is vmware virtual drive with winxp on it01:08
djk_did win95 support scsi?01:09
Delvienwith alot of work01:09
DelvienALOT of work01:09
DelvienLike you might as well start writing software to make a new OS 01:09
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djk_an extra fat32 partition would have been just as swell.01:10
djk_and you wouldn't have the drawbacks of vmware...01:10
djk_of course you'd still have win :p01:10
Delvienwell i already have windows installed , but i dont want it 01:11
Delvienwas doing some cracking and got a virus :( its laggy, but still plays games well ( i think better than when it was a fresh install)01:11
Delvienvirus is gone , but damage is still there01:11
djk_don't blame it on the virus 01:12
joshs\join #perl01:12
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Delvienwell its not malware01:12
djk_but seriously, does anyone know if win95 supported scsi?01:13
Judaxdjk_: google says yes01:14
Judaxmost common SCSI adapter cards will be identified just fine01:15
Judaxby hardware setup01:15
Judaxfrom Windows 95 SCSI FAQ01:15
Delviendjk_ i remember my parents having a 2gb scsi drive under windows 95.01:15
djk_Judax: thanks, might buy an old p2-450 with 8gb scsi hdd from my uni to play old, old games.01:16
Judaxdjk_: cool, games are the only reason I keep a copy of xp around01:17
Delviengotta love vmware01:17
djk_Judax: the games i want to play don't run in xp or 2k or 98.. they need either real dos or 95.01:18
kkathmannever tried vmware01:18
kkathmanisnt that commericial?01:18
JudaxI see01:18
djk_had vmware with win98, took 2 hours to install, another hour for 2 games, neither worked, tossed it away01:19
djk_kkathman: yes01:19
kkathmanthought so....evil!01:19
djk_kkathman: although you can often find an older version of vmware in pc-magazines for free01:19
=== kkathman brings out silver bullet and garlic
djk_kkathman: you can use qemu, an OSS vmware clone..01:19
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kkathmannot sure I have any reason, unless it would let me adequately run Photoshop01:19
kkathmanhey there Knowerrors :)01:20
Judaxyou guys tried cedega (sp?)?01:20
KnowerrorsCan anybody tell me how to send a fax using kde?01:20
Knowerrorskkathman: fixed my gtk qt engine problem :)01:20
=== kkathman thinks you'd need some fax software and a modem line
djk_Judax: i haven't but it's supposedly pretty good.01:20
kkathmanahhh good deal Knowerrors :)01:20
Knowerrorsgot the modem line :) just need fax app01:21
Judaxdjk_: I worry about performance hit though01:21
kkathmanwell Im out to dinner for a while..cyall later :)01:21
seth_k|lappyKnowerrors, kdeprintfax01:21
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Knowerrorswill that send any file?01:21
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djk_Judax: i guess best would be to try it out..01:22
Judaxdjk_: yeah, just not motivated to do that lately01:23
seth_k|lappyKnowerrors, yep01:24
seth_k|lappyKnowerrors, it just asks for an input file (picture, document, anything it can read)01:24
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Delvienanyone know any free file hosting?01:26
seth_k|lappypermanent or temporary?01:28
seth_k|lappyputfile.com will let you do 25MB files01:28
djk_Delvien: rapidshare.de01:28
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djk_rapidshare has 12gb/s :) and 100mb/file01:29
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Knowerrorsthx seth_k|lappy 01:32
robotgeekseth_k|lappy: hey01:32
seth_k|lappyhi robotgeek 01:33
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Knowerrorshow do you crop/trim in Krita?01:34
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seth_k|lappythere's a button about 3/4 the way on the right of the top bar01:34
seth_k|lappyso do a normal marquee select then click that button01:35
djk_anyone know of an azureus.deb for breezy?01:40
DelvienShadow the Hedgehog = WORST idea for a sonic game EVER.. he holds a gun lol.. 01:40
bornxbackwardsis the kubuntu package really different from ubuntu?01:41
djk_bornxbackwards: it has kde, ubuntu has gnome01:41
Knowerrorsfound it "tool/crop" thx01:41
bornxbackwardsdjk_, so if I install kde on ubuntu i'll have the exact same thing?01:42
djk_bornxbackwards: you'll install kubuntu-desktop, but yes01:43
bornxbackwardsokay, thanks01:43
LeeJunFanDelvien: sonic the hitman.01:45
DelvienLeeJunFan the only good sonic is 1 and 201:45
LeeJunFanDelvien: yeah, the good ole days.01:46
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KnowerrorsIs there any way to extract a pdf in kde? (I think Gimp does this, but Krita won't) and I don't have Gimp installed01:47
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_klaatuI need help with KDE and Evolution.  Anyone feeling magnanimous?01:56
_klaatuAs in, the program doesn't start, or connect to my OWA server.01:59
BigKahunaWhat is the preferred tv application for KDE? TvTime is not compatible with my tuner card so Im looking for an alternative01:59
neoncodeHey I have a tv tuner card. But I have no idea if linux has detected it... is their any way to tell?02:00
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BigKahunaneoncode, System -> Info Centre02:03
BigKahunaneoncode, Select PCI (presuming its a PCI tuner card) you should be able to see if Kubuntu has recognised your card.02:04
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neoncodeBigKahuna: Thanks, I don't actualy know what vendor it is or any specs about it but I see a "video Broadcast Decoder" I think that's a safe bet02:07
neoncodewhat programs can I use to accsess it?02:08
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Knowerrorsseth_k|lappy: I get this when I try to use kdeprintfax "/bin/sh: /usr/bin/fax: No such file or directory"02:13
Knowerrorswhats up here, will my modem not fax?02:13
seth_k|lappyKnowerrors, you'll need the fax tools installed02:14
lwizardlcan someone hwlp me with a guide for installing nvidia drivers in kubuntu02:14
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Knowerrorsseth_k|lappy: which package is that?02:14
seth_k|lappylet me find it02:14
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seth_k|lappyKnowerrors, looks like package "efax" in universe02:17
_ubuntuDoes anyone know why my ethernet 1.5mb connection is INCREADIBLY slow in kubuntu linux? I'm using a linksys router and I got my connection from a satellite, but my windows partition is just fine02:17
seth_k|lappyare you using konqueror or firefox?02:17
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seth_k|lappymake sure your DNS servers are set correctly in SystemSettings > Network Settings > Domain Name System (tab)02:18
_ubuntuI also have a gentoo partition and I use firefox there. I have the same problem with gentoo.02:18
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seth_k|lappyyou'll want to set them to your ISP's DNS, not the router's DNS02:18
_ubuntuhmm, ok let me look02:18
seth_k|lappya lot of linuxes will set your router as the dns server02:18
seth_k|lappyand that's slow02:19
_ubuntuhow do I find out my ISP's DNS?02:19
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seth_k|lappythe easiest way is to check your router's status page02:19
_ubuntuok let me see..02:19
seth_k|lappyit should tell you the IP of the router and the nameservers it's using from your ISP02:19
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_ubuntuit says is the DNS 102:21
_ubuntuwhich is exactly what's in Network Settings02:21
seth_k|lappyok, so that's not the issue then02:21
_ubuntuhmm. strange that it only happens in linux02:22
seth_k|lappynext try is disabling ipv602:22
seth_k|lappyone sec and I'll find you a walkthrough02:22
seth_k|lappyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4 @ _ubuntu 02:23
_ubuntumy default gateway should be the ip adress of my linksys router, correct?02:23
seth_k|lappycorrect sir02:24
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_ubuntuseth_k|lappy: Well, lets see. I'm running off of the kubuntu livecd. is there anyway to not have to restart?02:25
lwizardlwhat is binutils?02:25
Knowerrorsseth_k|lappy: well installing efax got me farther, now I get: 02:25
seth_k|lappy_ubuntu, hmm... I don't think so :(02:25
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Knowerrors/etc/efax.rc: line 63: paperconf: command not found02:25
seth_k|lappy_ubuntu, but there are apparently lots of reports of this working02:25
KnowerrorsError: PAGE="" not valid. can't read file /home/flow/Documents/JoshDocs/jobapplication1.ps.00102:25
seth_k|lappyKnowerrors, it's trying to convert your postscript file using paperconf but can't find it02:26
_ubuntuseth_k|lappy: well, i'll try it in gentoo and see what happens.02:26
seth_k|lappyjust install paperconf02:26
seth_k|lappy_ubuntu, ok. Make sure in Firefox that you also go to about:config02:26
seth_k|lappyand set disableipv6 to TRUE02:26
manuI have just install kubuntu, and when i try to do package manager, and that's always say password wrong ... but i give it the good password02:26
manusomeone have a idea ?02:26
seth_k|lappymanu, it wants your user password... that's the one you're giving it?02:27
Knowerrorsseth_k|lappy: can't find that package, another name perhaps? :)02:27
_ubuntuYou know, I've become sick of having to compile everything from scratch in gentoo. I'd really like to switch to a debian-based distro like kubuntu but i'm afraid that packages won't be up to date. gentoo is great with having new packages out in portage FAST.02:27
Knowerrorskubuntu is most up to date Debian around02:27
manuseth_k|lappy: I try with user password and nothing better02:27
Ruso25hmm, I can't find eclipse or nethack in Adept, where can I find more kubuntu software repositories? is it a good idea to use them?02:28
seth_k|lappyKnowerrors, libpaper-utils02:28
Knowerrors_ubuntu: if you look at kde.org, kubuntu is one of like 3 distros that first released kde 3.502:28
_ubuntuI've noticed with my old kubuntu install (pre- 5.10) packages were fairly out of date...02:28
_ubuntuOfcourse KDE is updated02:28
seth_k|lappy_ubuntu, then run devel version :P that's what I do02:28
manuseth_k|lappy: i try with root password and user password and nothing better02:28
_ubuntuI'm talking about other random lesser known packages in the repository02:28
seth_k|lappyRuso25, you just need to enable universe02:28
seth_k|lappyRuso25, both those apps are in universe02:29
_ubuntuseth_k|lappy: run devel version? devel apt sources?02:29
Knowerrors_ubuntu: if you want lesser known stuff, just add multiverse/universe, and maybe add the plf ubuntu repos, and backports02:30
seth_k|lappy_ubuntu, the devel version is called "dapper" and will be released in april 06. It has pretty much the bleeding edge versions of everything02:30
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seth_k|lappy_ubuntu, for stability, when a version of Ubuntu is released it only receives security updates from that point forward. Then development continues in the next version only.02:30
Knowerrorsseth_k|lappy: will test fax again, got to log offline to use modem, brb02:31
manuwhat's for a fucking thing, is someone use package manager, and it's ok, I download the latest one and it doesn't go right02:31
Ruso25seth_k|lappy: thanks!02:31
manunobody to help me ?02:31
robotgeekwhoa...the crash handler crashed in dapper, kubuntu. lol02:31
seth_k|lappyRuso25, cheers02:32
robotgeekit's just opening new windows. lol02:32
seth_k|lappymanu, language please.02:32
seth_k|lappymanu, are you clicking on the menu item in the menu?02:32
seth_k|lappyor running from CLI02:32
_ubuntuseth_k|lappy: ok, lets take a random file i remember to be WAY out of date. wesnoth. can you tell me what version of wesnoth your apt repositories has?02:32
seth_k|lappysure, one sec02:32
seth_k|lappyVersion: 1.0.1-1ubuntu202:32
seth_k|lappyin Dapper02:33
manuseth_k|lappy: sorry for language02:33
seth_k|lappynp manu02:33
manuseth_k|lappy: yes i choose it inside the menu02:33
lwizardlcan someone help me with nvidia drivers02:33
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_ubuntulwizardl: what's up?02:33
seth_k|lappymanu, you are choosing Adept? Or Kynaptic02:33
manuI choose nothing by default I have adept02:33
_ubuntuseth_k|lappy: that's MUCH better. version 1.0.2 came out recently, and with wesnoth you need the newest version to play on the server, but that's great! I have renewed faith.02:34
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manuseth_k|lappy: i have a problem with su even with kynaptic02:36
_ubuntudo you think I could just use straight-up dapper drake? 02:36
seth_k|lappy_ubuntu, I use it on two computers02:36
_ubuntuis it stable?02:37
_ubuntuI mean really stable. I've gotten sick of fixing things in gentoo... and waiting for long compiles.02:37
lwizardl_ubuntu: i can not get nvidia drivers to work02:37
seth_k|lappyhmm, define stable :P It's obv. the development version so some things break. _ubuntu, a better choice for you might be to wait until backports comes online02:37
seth_k|lappylwizardl, what have you done to try to get them to work?02:37
_ubuntulwizardl: in dapper? 02:37
seth_k|lappylwizardl, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx && sudo nvidia-glx-config enable02:38
seth_k|lappyboom, done02:38
=== Ruso25 is now known as angasule
_ubuntunow that sounds easy!02:38
seth_k|lappyworks in dapper too; /me is using nvidia drivers on one computer and fglrx drivers on another, both in Dapper02:38
_ubuntuseth_k|lappy: you seem to be knowledgable. are you a dev?02:38
=== _ubuntu is now known as vblanton
seth_k|lappy_ubuntu, I package backports and do a bit of other random packaging02:38
manuseth_k|lappy: you have no idea about my problem with kynaptic and adept ?02:38
seth_k|lappymanu, no02:39
lwizardlok how do i restart x02:39
seth_k|lappyvblanton, yay! you have a name02:39
=== puckman [n=gerard@dynamic-62-56-26-127.park-s46b.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
seth_k|lappylwizardl, close your running applications, then CTRL + ALT + Backspace02:39
vblantonactually, it might be more reasonable to do my first name like you did02:39
manuseth_k|lappy: ok, so i can delete kubuntu02:39
=== vblanton is now known as vlad_b
=== seth_k|lappy bets he wasn't running KDE 3.5, oh well
=== lwizardl [n=james@c-67-177-148-13.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
vlad_bseth_k|lappy: you could have told wizard to just log out and log back in..02:40
vlad_bseth_k|lappy: it effectively restarts X02:40
seth_k|lappypsh, not as fast :P02:41
seth_k|lappythe linux version of the 3-finger-salute02:41
lwizardlok what was that command again to install nvidia02:41
=== sambagirl [n=jazzy@c-24-99-180-216.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
seth_k|lappylwizardl, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx && sudo nvidia-glx-config enable02:41
lwizardlgoing to make a note on it02:41
vlad_bno, but it's usability-centric because it makes sense02:41
lwizardlit worked02:41
seth_k|lappygood :)02:41
vlad_bcongrats wizard02:41
vlad_bby the way, wizard, you can log out and log back in and X will restart in between. Ctrl + Alt + Backspace was the fast way, but logging in and out can be done as well.02:42
vlad_bim outa here. thanks for you help seth02:42
seth_k|lappycheers vlad, hope to see you around02:42
lwizardlthanx vlad_b 02:42
vlad_bOh, last Q. Is there a way I can shrink my gentoo rieserfs partition to make space for a kubuntu partition and keep my /home partition for both distro's?02:43
=== [Relic] [n=[Relic] @adsl-68-254-165-6.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
vlad_bdoes the kubuntu/ubuntu partitioner during the install process have this ability?02:44
vlad_bi'll let you ponder on that one...02:45
vlad_buntil next time02:45
Hobbsee_awayvlad_b: with manual partitioning, yes02:45
=== Knowerrors [n=stormsur@Node101-175-53-66.1dial.com] has joined #kubuntu
teprrrhello, can anyone help me with this problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=539669#post539669 ?02:46
Knowerrorsseth_k|lappy: It sent, but 5 pages turned into 110 pages! any ideas why?02:47
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, gpgerr is a GPG-related error that sometimes occur when accessing the Ubuntu archives; it can usually be solved by typing "sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/*Release*" (without the quotes!) in a terminal02:47
seth_k|lappyKnowerrors, LOL! no idea!02:47
Hobbseeoh, hang on..02:47
teprrrHobbsee, didn't help02:48
Knowerrorsseth_k|lappy: I stopped it after 8 pages, unfortunately the fax Im sending to closed at 502:48
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Hobbseeteprrr: i realised that when i finished reading your post lol02:48
Hobbseei have no clue, sorry02:49
teprrrokay :P02:49
Knowerrorsseth_k|lappy: can a rich text file have a jpg inserted in it?  Maybe that messed it up02:49
seth_k|lappyKnowerrors, again, I've never really used it, so i can't say :(02:50
seth_k|lappy(it = faxing)02:50
Knowerrorsok, didn't know, from how you were giving hints though ya had :)02:50
=== seth_k|lappy is a good Googler :P
drumlineeluciv: did that work for you?02:54
=== shwelter [n=shwelter@24-107-115-98.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
[Relic] how do you track down what is running the HD every 5 seconds and either delay it or shut it down completely?02:58
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vblantonumm seth, are you still around?03:01
Hobbsee[Relic] : try "top" in console03:02
vblantonok, i'll state my quesiton again. for some reason I get slow internet in linux on my ethernet 1.5mb connection and I can't figure out why! everything works fine in windows, but not in kubuntu and gentoo.03:04
vblantonI have disabled ipv6 to no avail and I have checked my DNS server03:04
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KnowerrorsAnybody know good online free fax service?03:05
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vblantonseth i need you...03:08
vblantonseth_k|lappy, you in da house??03:08
seth_k|lappyvblanton, here03:09
vblantonhey :)03:09
seth_k|lappyipv6 didn't change things either eh :(03:09
seth_k|lappyyou installed kubuntu that fast03:09
vblantongetting rid of ipv6 didn't do much.. any other suggestions?03:09
seth_k|lappyand disabled ipv6?03:09
vblanton(I am now in my gentoo install)03:09
vblantonmaybe my router was telling my its DNS address?03:10
vblantonand not my isp's...?03:10
=== seth_k|lappy knows nothing about gentoo, does it even handle ipv6 the same way. vblanton, no... the DNS server addys in your router should be the ones entered in Network Settings. The router's DNS server === the IP of the router.
vblantondo ISP's generally have static DNS adressess?03:11
vblantonoh ok03:11
=== Massacration [n=thiago@201-1-71-238.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu
Massacrationam ia blcoked?03:12
vblantonlet me check the gentoo irc on how to disable ipv603:12
vblantonMassacration, i see you03:12
Massacrationcould someone help me03:12
[Relic] xorg is the only thing that seems to be constantly running03:13
vblantonwhatsw up>03:14
Massacrationthe problem with kubuntu03:14
Massacrationthat i reallt cant solve03:14
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Massacrationplay two sounds in two different programs at the same time03:15
Massacrationhow can i do that?03:15
seth_k|lappyMassacration, oy. that should be easy. /me has sounds coming from Firefox, Gaim, and Konversation right now03:15
Massacrationive been trying for a long time03:15
vblantonwhat 2 programs?03:15
seth_k|lappyMassacration, fresh install?03:16
vblantoni have sounds coming from amarok, kde-notifications, a movie, firefox.. etc... all is well03:16
Massacrationive updated from 5.0403:16
Massacrationto 5.1003:16
Massacrationnow updating kde to 3.503:16
Massacrationbut th sound system dont play 2 sounds at the same time03:17
Massacrationwhich ss should i use?03:17
=== sambagirl [n=jazzy@c-24-99-180-216.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
seth_k|lappyMassacration, I use artsd->alsa03:17
Massacrationnow i using alsa03:17
vblantonholy moly!03:17
vblantonseth_k|lappy, my internet is FAST when rsync'ing03:17
seth_k|lappyvblanton, oy... is it just laggy? just the first click lags and then download is normal?03:18
seth_k|lappytry downloading a file and seeing if you get good speeds03:18
vblantonseth_k|lappy, no, downloading files go around 2.5k/s03:19
seth_k|lappymeh, vblanton :( imo try #ubuntu03:19
seth_k|lappythey know more about general workings of Ubuntu; I'm more KDE-specific03:19
unistdI'm using gnome and trying to install kubuntu, but the package kamera is broken and I dont obtain to install your packages03:20
unistdwhat repositories I can to use for install kubuntu?03:21
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Knowerrorswhats best fax system to use with kdeprintfax? Efax, Hylafax, mgetty-sendfax?03:21
seth_k|lappyunistd, the same repository holds packages for Kubuntu and ubuntu.03:21
vblantonKnowerrors, sorry, never sent faxes03:22
vblantonKnowerrors, you could try asking at #kde03:22
unistdseth_k|lappy, but when I try install kubuntu-desktop, it say that I need of package kamera, but this not install03:22
Knowerrorsyup, in there now waiting for response03:23
seth_k|lappyunistd, try reloading your repository info03:23
unistdI do this03:23
seth_k|lappyunistd, also, what archive are you using? IIRC us.archive.ubuntu.com is having issues right now03:24
vblantonseth_k|lappy, :( no help on #ubuntu...03:25
vblantonthey just mentioned ipv6...03:25
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unistdhttp://pastebin.com/446906 my source.list03:27
seth_k|lappyvblanton, what sort of speeds do you get with wget03:27
=== Massacration [n=thiago@201-1-71-238.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu
seth_k|lappyif only a browser is slow, it's just gotta be ipv6. did #gentoo tell you how to disable it?03:27
unistdseth_k|lappy, what repositores are you use?03:28
vblantonseth_k|lappy, 2.4 kb/s 3kb/s....03:28
=== kkathman-away is now known as kkathman
seth_k|lappyunistd, archive.ubuntu.com (main archive)03:28
vblantonseth_k|lappy, its not only browsing...03:28
seth_k|lappyunistd, take out the "us."03:28
seth_k|lappyunistd, us repo is having issues03:29
seth_k|lappyvblanton, bah :(03:29
kkathmanhey peeps03:29
seth_k|lappyi'm fresh out03:29
unistddeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com main archive ?03:29
seth_k|lappykkathman help vblanton :P we've tried disabling ipv6 and checking dns server entries, no go03:29
seth_k|lappyunistd, no03:29
kkathmanwhats up?03:29
seth_k|lappyunistd, http://pastebin.com/44690803:29
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seth_k|lappykkathman, his net connection is super slow03:30
seth_k|lappyexcept when using rsync03:30
kkathmanI have a rather large margarita in me...so I'll try :)03:30
seth_k|lappywget, konqueror, everything else is extra slow03:30
kkathmanwhat kinds of setting do we have?03:30
seth_k|lappyipv6 = off03:30
seth_k|lappydns servers = set to his ISP's (same as in Windows; Windows works fine)03:30
unistdseth_k|lappy, ok, wait03:30
vblantonseth_k|lappy,  I just downloaded a file from ftp.kernel.org and it went at 200kb/s, like it should.03:31
vblantonit seems that ftp and rsync is fast03:31
vblantonbut http isn't..03:31
kkathmanDNS settings ok?03:31
vblantonthis is really strange..03:31
vblantonkkathman, I have DNS settings same as my linksys router tell me I should...03:32
=== dave_ [n=bobo@cpe-24-90-132-254.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
kkathmanvblanton: are you using dhcp or static?03:32
vblantonreally strange03:33
seth_k|lappythe margarita will be good for kkathman's brainpower03:33
kkathmanyou said you investigated the ipv6?03:33
vblantonThis didn't *just happen*. I recently got fast internet.03:33
=== dave_ is now known as Glin|Jol
=== Ruso25 [n=angasule@] has joined #kubuntu
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vblantonkkathman, yes, i disabled it in /etc/modules.d/aliases03:34
kkathmanhmm that seems like it should be ok03:34
kkathmanhold on03:34
kkathmanvblanton: are you using a gateway or direct to the net?03:35
seth_k|lappyhe has a router03:35
kkathmanyou set the gateway right?03:35
vblantonthe gateway is my linksys routers ip03:35
kkathmanbut you set that ip in your net settings?03:35
kkathmanok..heres a tip.. once you set that ip setting for the gateway, you must reboot to make it stick03:36
kkathmanits a bug03:36
vblantonbut, it was that ip originally. i didn't have to change it03:36
kkathmannow I dont know if that rectifies it03:36
kkathmantheres no other err checking goin on or set right?03:37
vblantonnot that i know of..03:38
vblantoni'm actually booted into my gentoo system right now, trying to figure it out from here03:39
kkathmanvblanton: can you double check your /etc/network./interfaces and be sure there is a line in there that says "auto eth0" and another that has iface eth0 inet dhcop...and be sure other things are NOT there03:39
kkathmani.e. references to other eth devices03:39
=== DShepherd [n=DShepher@port0247-ace-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #kubuntu
Kaiser_AwayDHCP (fwiw)03:41
Kaiser_Awayhi DShepherd03:41
DShepherdis kde in the repositories?03:41
kkathmanDShepherd: no03:42
DShepherdwill it be?03:42
kkathmani'd wait a few days and it should be there soon03:42
DShepherdok.. 03:42
kkathmanright now its only on the testing server03:42
vblantonkkathman, yes.. i could... but im in gentoo :(03:42
vblantonkkathman, and I currently only run kubuntu from a live-cd :(03:43
kkathmanhmm I dunno...unless your NIC is just odd03:43
vblantonkkathman, I wanted to switch back to kubuntu again but I wanted to test it out on the livecd, and I still had the network problem so.. i hoped I could find info here03:43
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kkathmanwell, the live CD kinda is restricted a bit03:44
kkathmanso I cant make any guarantees, honestly03:44
unistdHow I see what files have a package installed?03:44
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fatejudgerwere do you report Kubuntu specific KDE 3.5 bugs?03:46
DShepherdunistd your package manager should have a filter that says, "installed" 03:46
vblantonkkathman, but why would it be only the http protocol>?that's what doesn'y make sense03:46
kkathman1 sec03:46
unistdDShepherd, with rpm is 'rpm qlp package', and on ubuntu?03:47
drumlinewhere are the firewall configs for kubuntu?03:47
DShepherdyour using ubuntu or kubuntu?03:47
DShepherddrumline: not you.. I mean unistd03:48
DShepherdunistd: your using ubuntu or kubuntu?03:48
=== Massacration [n=thiago@201-1-71-238.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu
Massacrationhi everyone03:49
unistdDShepherd, ubuntu03:50
Massacrationhow can i install firefox 1.5 in my kubuntu?03:50
=== vblanton dies is utter desperation
=== vblanton dies in utter desperation
DShepherdsynaptic <- try that one03:50
DShepherdunistd: synaptic <- try that one03:50
Massacrationi using adpet03:51
Massacrationand it shows that iti will install firefox 1.07 not 1.503:51
MassacrationI would like to install open office 2.0 too but i cant03:52
DShepherdMassacration: firefox 1.0.7 will not be in the packages for breezy03:53
DShepherdMassacration: well not that I know of03:53
robotgeekMassacration: there's not buch difference in the 1.9.xx and oo 2.003:53
LjL!tell Massacration about Firefox1.503:53
Massacrationok thanks03:54
Massacrationany good games for kubuntu?03:55
DShepherdMassacration: frozen bubble maybe 03:55
Massacrationalready installed03:55
Massacrationany other?03:55
kkathmanok back03:55
DShepherdMassacration: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion <-- IF you want to install Firefox 1.503:56
=== vblanton has killed himself because he is forced to use windows now that his internet is crap in linux..
MassacrationWhats the best way to play 2 or more sounds at the same time with good performance03:57
kinfoi don't understand.03:58
Massacrationmy kubuntu cant play sound in two different running programs at the same time03:58
kkathmanMassacration: one thing at a time03:58
DShepherdvblanton: ashes to ashes, dust to dust03:59
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vblantonsaid the reaper to the farmer04:04
=== Devilman [n=cappe@host3-7.pool8257.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu
Devilmannon si puo andare avanti cos'04:08
vblantonpor favor uno dos tres?04:08
vblantonhehe, just kidding around..04:08
vblantonoops.. i got devilman to leave!04:09
LeeJunFanvblanton: haha04:09
vblantonhey LeeJunFan your here too?04:09
kkathmanLeeJunFan:  can you help him?04:09
vblantonkkathman, he has been, in ubuntu !04:09
vblantonto no avail.. :(04:10
=== MikeStyle [n=mike@ip68-8-150-30.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
MikeStylehi guys, im trying to configure vmware workstation 5.5 and it asks me this :What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running04:10
MikeStyle kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include]                               and i have no idea where it is04:10
LeeJunFanvblanton: yep... you would think he would have been eldiablo, not devilman. hehe04:10
vblantonim.. off to test knoppix04:10
vblantonuntil again!04:10
=== mgorbach [n=mgorbach@d108.willets01.swarthmore.edu] has joined #kubuntu
mgorbachHow do i change what starts on boot in kubuntu??04:10
vblanton.. or whatnot04:10
mgorbachisnt there a script of some kind?04:10
EmmesHEMIi had the same question mgorbach, there was just an article on madpenguin (lost it) about this great gui in ubuntu where you could turn off pcmcia, printing etc04:16
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=== Tweek [n=mcassils@wnpgmb01dc6-41-154.dynamic.mts.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
EmmesHEMIi think it was for 5.10 though, i didn't see an equavalent in dapper04:17
=== PPPoE [n=mcassils@wnpgmb01dc6-41-154.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #kubuntu
PPPoEthere we go04:17
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knoppixguess who i am...04:20
knoppixoh, good to meet you PPPoE.04:20
PPPoETHanks, you to04:20
MikeStylecan ANYONE help?04:20
sambagirli was told to use adept updater but i dont see this undre system. 04:20
knoppixLeeJunFan, you still around?04:20
LeeJunFanany change?04:21
vblantoni'm now in knoppix, if you didn;t guess04:21
PPPoEMikeStyle: It depends what you need help with, I can recommend a good fried shrimp recipe04:21
vblantonand I realised somethin04:21
vblantonmy firmware is version 1.0, when 4.3 or something is out now...04:21
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MikeStylePPPoE, i already said my problem04:21
vblantonperhaps I should update the linksys firmware ? :)04:22
PPPoEprobably before I got here04:22
MikeStylehi guys, im trying to configure vmware workstation 5.5 and it asks me this :What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running04:22
MikeStyleMikeStyle  kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] 04:22
vblantonLeeJunFan, think it'll do the trick?04:22
LeeJunFanvblanton: sure wouldn't hurt, still don't see how it would treat windows any different though.04:22
MikeStylei have no idea where the C header files are04:22
sambagirli wanted to update konversation and i was told to use adept updater to do all my kubuntu updating but i dont see this under system.04:22
=== ClayG [n=scdsc@c-66-177-198-248.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
vblantonLeeJunFan, no, but maybe unix ipv4 implementaion is different and.... well, i don't know. it's worth a try04:23
LeeJunFanvblanton: yeah, only one way to find out.04:23
PPPoEI do have a question myself though. For all intents and purposes I'm a newbie. I just installed Kubuntu 5.10 and in KDE the network settings pannel extends past the bottom of my screen. Unfortunately this display only goes up to 1024x768 and the window seems to have a fixed length longer than 768. Any ideas?04:24
sambagirlGet an Amiga computer and change frequency to 57mhz and run the Amigaone on PPC :)04:25
LeeJunFanPPPoE: hold ctrl and click anywhere in the window to move the whole window.04:25
LeeJunFanPPPoE: maybe it's alt.04:25
LeeJunFanPPPoE: alt.04:25
PPPoEThanks, that works04:26
=== LeeJunFan misses his amiga.
=== [Relic] [n=[Relic] @adsl-68-254-165-6.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
PPPoEalthough its still kind of annoying that the window wont resize04:26
LeeJunFanamiga's that is.04:26
EmmesHEMIi'm with you PPPoE04:27
PPPoEA few others04:27
PPPoEIs it normal to be completely incapable to use the "su" command from a terminal?04:27
EmmesHEMIthere are a lot of windows that don't resize right in the  "system" area04:27
LeeJunFanPPPoE: yes04:27
LeeJunFanubotu: tell PPPoE about sudo04:28
PPPoEsudo is fine04:28
PPPoEbut sometimes I like su04:28
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LeeJunFanPPPoE: you can do everything with sudo you can with su04:28
PPPoEyes but i have to keep typing sudo, and like most geeks i'm laz04:28
MikeStyleomg can anyone tell me where my C HEADER FILES are located?!?!?!?04:28
LeeJunFanPPPoE: you can edit /etc/sudoers so you don't need a passwd also - how lazy is that? :)04:29
PPPoEhaha yea, I'm not about to go that far04:29
angasuleMitja: /usr/include although mine looks eerily empty04:29
angasuleerr, MikeStyle, I mean04:30
MikeStyleThe header files in /usr/include are generally for C libraries, not for the04:30
MikeStylerunning kernel. If you do not have kernel header files in your /usr/src04:30
MikeStyledirectory, you probably do not have the kernel-source package installed. Are yousure that /usr/include contains the header files associated with your running04:30
PPPoEok i've got one more04:30
angasuleMikeStyle: what are you doing?04:31
MikeStyleangasule, configuring vmware workstation 5.504:31
PPPoEOn the "sharing" pannel the "file sharing" section seems to not work at all. I click the "administrator mode" button and all seems well, but everything is disabled04:32
PPPoEHave I missed something?04:32
angasuleah, no idea about that, MikeStyle 04:33
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LeeJunFanMikeStyle: sudo apt-get install linux-headers04:33
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ClayGIs there a good read for samba out there on the net? I've followed a few from ubuntuforums and the guide but I cannot get it to work04:33
PPPoEThe ubuntu wikki helped me get samba working under ubunutu, now I just have to do the same in kubuntu04:34
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PPPoEand although I can already see my desktop from the latop, the other way around isn't working just yet04:34
MikeStyleLeeJunFan, E: Package linux-headers has no installation candidate04:35
ClayGthis might be a silly question 04:35
ClayGbut can samba be used to also share between linux systems?04:35
LeeJunFanMikeStyle: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`04:36
ClayGand thanks for the wiki idea btw- that is the one place I hadn't looked04:36
LeeJunFanMikeStyle: should install the right ones for the kernel you are running right now.04:36
MikeStyleLeeJunFan, thank you04:36
LeeJunFanyou're welcome.04:36
PPPoEAny clue about my sharing pannel? 04:37
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sambagirlafter i do this apt-get update && apt-get upgrade do i have to reboot the computer after if finished?04:41
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Kaiser_Awaysambagirl: use dist-upgrade04:42
Kaiser_Awayand you only have to reboot if you upgrade the kernel04:42
sambagirlwhat od you mean? i already do that other thing.04:42
Kaiser_Awayif you upgrade Kubuntu, restart Kubuntu, otherwise it's mostly ok04:43
sambagirlis to late now?04:43
sambagirlit finished already04:43
Kaiser_Awayapt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade04:43
sambagirli already did that.04:43
[Relic] still got something runing the HD every roughly 5 seconds and still can't track down what it is  :(04:43
sambagirlso i must reboot? i dont understand?04:44
Kaiser_Awaythe easy thing is to reboot04:44
EmmesHEMIquestion, when you type &&, can you do that one one line in konsole, or does that indicate "do it twice"04:44
Kaiser_Awaybut if you apt-get upgraded don't blame me if it breaks.04:44
sambagirlis somethign wrong with what i did?04:44
sambagirlapt-get update && apt-get upgrade04:44
Kaiser_AwayEmmesHEMI: && means 'if the first command exits with 0 status'04:44
sambagirlthat is what i was told to do04:44
Kaiser_Awaysambagirl: i disagree, but ok04:45
EmmesHEMIexcellent, thank you04:45
sambagirlnow i am really confused04:45
sambagirlor i guess i should say konfused04:45
Kaiser_Awaysambagirl:I'll try to explain04:45
sambagirli will try it tomorrow 04:46
Kaiser_Awaywhen you run 'apt-get upgrade' it upgrades packages that are installed already04:46
Kaiser_Awaywhen you run 'apt-get dist-upgrade', it resolvs dependancies and tries to make sure everything works still04:46
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Kaiser_Awaywhen upgradeing version -> newversion dist-upgrade is especialy important04:46
sambagirlall i wanted to do was update the konversation thing and a guy from argentina said do the adept updatter and i did not see it so someone else say do this apt-get update && apt-get upgrade and now i have a dilema04:48
Kaiser_Awaylol. i see04:48
sambagirlif i turn off the computer it might not restart now.04:48
Kaiser_Awaysambagirl: i always swear by dist-upgrade, but other people are fine using upgrade. i think upgrade is wrong.04:49
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sambagirlbut you kontradicting you say you swear by upgarde then you say you thinking upgrade is wrong.04:51
Kaiser_Awayno, i sware by *dist-upgrade*04:51
sambagirlwell i will reboot and see what happens.04:51
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LeeJunFandist-upgrade is okay until you do it on a server and it updates your kernel, you forget about that until you reboot from remote and it doesn't bring up your WAN T1 driver. heehe.04:55
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LeeJunFandamn konqueror is turning on access keys automatically on me.04:56
Kaiser_Awaylol. ouch04:57
LeeJunFanodd, somehow it was because of the DVD I was watching in xine.04:57
ClayGTell me something , in Xchat where is the option to autojoin channels upon connect?04:59
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ClayGscratch that04:59
sambagirlyou needing help with your samba clayg>? :D05:00
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LeeJunFanVista To Be Updated Without Reboots: and in other news, MS is only 14 years behind linux.05:01
PPPoEI'm needing help with my samba :D05:01
LeeJunFanPPPoE: what exactly are you trying to do with it?05:02
ClayGYou needing help with your bachata sambagirl?05:02
[Relic] are there any problems with installing to a new HD then simply mounting a directly copying from HD to HD all the files I need?   I can't stand this continous HD pulsing so I think I will go back to 5.04 as long as I can transfer over the data w/o problems05:02
ClayGYou know it's only two steps and a hip-pop, right?05:02
sambagirlmore then that :D05:03
LeeJunFan[Relic] : problem is installing grub, you can rsync the files over to preserve permissions.05:03
sambagirlanyway it works05:03
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sambagirlthanks for all the konfusion05:03
PPPoESimple share between kubuntu and XP, the kubuntu side works fine, but on the XP machine it cannot see the linux box at all. I'm suspecting its something with the xp machine though....05:03
[Relic] LeeJunFan,   SCSI, I can ID the drives for which starts first05:03
[Relic] and I can install one w/o having the other in  :)05:04
LeeJunFanPPPoE: have you got them both set to the same workgroup? on XP try opening exploder and put \\[ip of linux] \ in the address bar.05:04
PPPoEI do, and if I use the IP I can access this computer05:04
PPPoEthe workgroups are both set to "home"05:04
ClayGhow do you find out the private ip?05:04
LeeJunFan[Relic] : yeah, but you still have to install grub on the new drive. Not really hard, just don't forget to do it.05:04
PokerFacePenguinClayG: ifconfig05:05
ClayGThank you PokerFacePenguin 05:05
[Relic] I wish I could find a way of tracking down what is causing this at such frequent intervals but I can't seem to find anything that will tell me the most recently editied file on the drive05:05
[Relic] LeeJunFan,   full install takes care of grub05:05
LeeJunFanPPPoE: so what isn't working? just that XP doesn't see the linux machine in network places?05:05
PPPoECorrect, and with that it refuses to connect to any shares05:06
LeeJunFan[Relic] : man find.05:06
PPPoEThis is one of those "I had it working and it just sorta broke" things05:06
LeeJunFanPPPoE: they are probably fighting over who is the browsemaster.05:06
ClayGIt's not //?05:06
ClayGI'm trying that now, it just sits there and does nothing05:07
PPPoEhm, how is that fixable?05:07
LeeJunFan[Relic] : find / -mtime 1 will show all files modified in the last 24 hrs.05:07
ClayGsomeone said there is a program called swat that is a gui for gnome for samba05:08
ClayGbut running it just executes and does nothing05:09
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LeeJunFan[Relic] : or you could touch a file with a specified date and find / -newer [touched file]  will find all files modified since that time, you may also want to use -atime, but it may be turned off in your mount options.05:10
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LeeJunFanswat is for configuring samba, it's quite powerful, it's a service you access on port 991 (I think), you have to set it up in inetd or xinetd depending on which you run.05:10
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ClayGthe sad thing is when i goto places/network folders05:12
ClayGthere is an icon and it says windows network05:12
ClayGbut when i click it nothing comes up05:13
PPPoEThat i find is usually caused by the workgroup name being incorrect05:13
ClayGI was suspecting that05:14
PPPoEat least it has been for me, each time its happened05:14
ClayGthat is changes through smb.conf no?05:14
ClayGchanged i mean05:14
PPPoEbut if you follow my advice you may get a one way sharin system :)05:14
LeeJunFanPPPoE: 'man smb.conf' then type '/local master \(G\)05:15
ClayGone way is better than noway05:15
ClayGand on the xp computer, you remember how you change the workgroup there also?05:15
PPPoEmy computer05:15
PPPoEand its on one of the tabs05:15
PPPoErather... control pannel, system, then on one of the tabs05:16
[Relic] wonder how long this will take :(05:17
ClayGwhy you trying to goto sleep?05:17
[Relic] trying to find what is running05:18
LeeJunFan[Relic] : top doesn't give any clues?05:21
ClayGDoes this look right? http://hostdestroyer.com/paste/view.php?id=605:21
[Relic] not really05:22
PPPoEso it sounds like i need to turn this function off05:22
LeeJunFanClayG: looks good to me.05:23
LeeJunFanPPPoE: I think that's probably it, you said that you can see the linux machine in IE if you do the \\IP\05:23
[Relic] how do you shut down a program from shell?05:24
LeeJunFanAnd you can get into the XP system from linux?05:24
LeeJunFan[Relic] : what program?05:24
[Relic] find05:24
LeeJunFankillall find05:24
LeeJunFanPPPoE: then it's probably that the linux machine is the master browser, but windows thinks it is. so  you can either force linux to win the election by setting the os level high, or tell linux not to be local master.05:25
[Relic] xorg, konsole and init are what are at the top of the list05:26
PPPoEJust told it to not be the master.. i think. I gotta reboot to see if that worked05:27
LeeJunFanPPPoE: here I have linux set as master by having os level = 90, and preferred master = yes05:27
LeeJunFanPPPoE: you may also have to reboot windows to get it to have another "browse master election"05:28
LeeJunFanPPPoE: reboot windows after linux is back.05:28
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PPPoEI was just looking in smb.conf05:29
PPPoEand the workgroup name section is completely blank05:29
brodelhow can I make sure my system is up to date with patches and stuff? 05:29
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LeeJunFanPPPoE: then that's probably the real problem.05:30
arcanistheroguehey, im having a problem upgrading to kde 3.505:30
PPPoEI wonder how that happened05:30
arcanistheroguei got a broken dependence05:30
arcanistherogueit is called "kdeaddons"05:31
arcanistheroguei cannot start KDE because of hte lack of it05:31
LeeJunFanbrodel: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:31
LeeJunFanarcanistherogue: is that what failed install or is that what something else depended on?05:32
LeeJunFanarcanistherogue: do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, not apt-get upgrade if that's what you did.05:32
arcanistherogueLeeJunFan, well it couldnt install it when i followed the instructions to update KDE, and now when I use apt i get errors of broken depencdencies05:32
arcanistherogueLeeJunFan, Dist upgrade will do that?  im on 5.1005:33
PPPoE be back in a minute05:33
LeeJunFanarcanistherogue: it should do a better job removing crap packages that are not in new kde.05:33
arcanistheroguewill i have dapper thne?05:33
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LeeJunFanarcanistherogue: no.05:33
arcanistherogueoh ok05:33
arcanistheroguelemme try that05:33
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arcanistherogueeh i got another error05:34
arcanistherogueapparently, this thing "kdeaddons" depends on konq-plugins, which cannot be found05:34
arcanistherogueoh i think i know whats wrong05:34
arcanistherogueit says its because i have konq plugins 3.4.305:34
arcanistherogueif i remove that then install, will that go to 3.5?05:35
LeeJunFanarcanistherogue: probably.05:35
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arcanistherogueactually, now i cant do anything with apt O_O, the unmet dependencies give me an error every time05:35
LeeJunFanarcanistherogue: wait a sec.05:35
LeeJunFanI have konq plugins here on 3.5.005:36
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LeeJunFanwhat I don't have is kde-addons05:36
LeeJunFanarcanistherogue: I have only one addon package - kdeaddons-kfile-plugins05:36
arcanistheroguewhen i try to remove it it says kde depends on kde addons05:37
arcanistherogueoh my god this is messed up >_<05:37
LeeJunFantry running dist-upgrade again. I had to run it twice.05:37
arcanistheroguestill not working, i get hte dependency error every time05:38
arcanistheroguei put -f in there05:38
arcanistherogueand i got another error05:38
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arcanistherogue trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/kde3/konqsidebar_metabar.la', which is also in package metabar05:38
LeeJunFanwell, konq plugins should be found. as I have it.05:38
LeeJunFanah, get rid of metabar.05:39
musikhda1 is owned by root, group is root.....how do i make it rwx for myself? its fat3205:39
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arcanistherogueach!!!! every time i do anything with apt i get hte dependency error O_________O05:39
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arcanistheroguemusik, there was a guide on ubuntuguide.org05:39
musikarcanistherogue: on changing file ownership?05:39
LeeJunFanarcanistherogue: I think metabar is now included in kde, which is why you get the conflict.05:40
arcanistheroguemusik, yeah, but its mounting hard drives so you can read and right05:40
arcanistherogueLeeJunFan, k05:40
musikarcanistherogue: i can read hda1, but cant seem to write to it.....how t fix this?05:40
arcanistherogueis it NTFS?05:41
arcanistherogueyou can only write to fat32, ext3, ext2, and a couple others, which NTFS is not on that list05:41
jesusfishanyone here have any issues with amaroK starting?05:41
musikits FAT3205:41
arcanistheroguewell then05:41
arcanistheroguethe guide will say05:42
musiki dont hear sounds in gaim:(05:42
LeeJunFanarcanistherogue: dpkg -r metabar05:42
arcanistherogueLeeJunFan, actually im going to uninstall all kde packages, i did "sudo kynaptic" and im removing them05:42
arcanistherogueLeeJunFan, when i reinstall them hopefully itl fix05:42
arcanistheroguei just removed the broken package05:43
LeeJunFanarcanistherogue: just remember to get rid of metabar first.05:43
arcanistherogueand now its continuing the update05:43
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PPPoEwhy does this clock keep defaulting to UTC05:49
kkathmanset it otherwise05:50
PPPoEi have 5 times05:50
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kkathmanwhat version of kubuntu?05:51
PPPoE5.10 I believe05:51
kkathmanand are you on its default kde?05:51
kkathmanor did you "upgrade" to 3.5?05:51
PPPoEHavn't upgraded anything yet05:51
kkathmanahh ok05:51
PPPoEfresh install05:52
kkathmanwe are talking about the clock in the kicker right?05:52
PokerFacePenguinPPPoE: sudo base-config             it fixed mine05:52
PPPoEit's strange, I go into date/time settings. Set it to central and hit apply. the clock changes to the correct time and then switches back after closing the window05:52
PokerFacePenguinPPPoE: was having same problem05:52
kkathmanPPPoE: but did you set the timezone?05:52
kkathmanyou have to set both05:52
PPPoEyes, i set the timezone to central05:53
kkathmanI set mine to America/Chicago05:53
PPPoEI'm using american/grand forks I believe05:53
PokerFacePenguinPPPoE: and when u set it in the bios even....it changes back due to NTP....trust me...use sudo base-config and your problems will disappear05:53
PPPoEnorth dakota05:54
PPPoEPoker I'm giving that a try now05:54
kkathmanI set mine way back in warty and never changed it through 2 upgrades :)05:54
PokerFacePenguinPPPoE: u only need to do the timie part, dont continue thru any of the rest of it05:54
PPPoEthen restart after?05:54
PokerFacePenguinnot required05:55
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PPPoEhmm k.. one moment05:55
PokerFacePenguinit asks you if your clock is UTC or GMT05:55
PokerFacePenguinwindows sets bios time for local...let your bios stay UTC and set your zone correctly with sudo base-config for the zone you are in....then local will be right05:56
PPPoEthere we go05:56
PPPoEall fixed05:56
PPPoEnow I just have to set it back to 24 hour clock and i'll be happy05:56
PPPoEThanks Poker05:57
kkathmannice solution PokerFacePenguin :)05:57
PokerFacePenguincant take credit for all of it...happened to me too about a week ago05:57
PPPoEK i've decided that KDE is completely messed05:57
kkathmanthats the nice thing...you experience...learn, and teach others :)05:58
PokerFacePenguinkkathman: yep, its all about sharing and community05:58
PPPoEI'm finding a lot of the configuration panels are broken. I didn't have issues like that with gnome05:59
PPPoEand although editing text files works fine, I like when things work, even if I don't use them05:59
kkathmanI suggest you make sure and update....there are significant fixes that came out after the install disk06:00
=== kkathman has no problems whatsoever with config files or text file creation
PPPoEI think I updated06:00
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kkathmanPPPoE: I've used the heck out of KDE and have found very few issues at all...nothing is bug free, but its really pretty clean06:01
kkathmanmaybe there's something I can help you with to get you through some of the initial things you are experiencing06:02
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kkathmanor of course. you can go back to gnome at any time provided you have not removed it06:03
PPPoEkkathman: Overall I like KDE better, there just seem to be some little things that don't work how I'd expect them to06:04
PPPoEif at all06:04
kkathmanlike what...maybe I can help06:05
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brodelafter doing the dist-upgrade KDE says it's at 3.5 RC1. That seem right to you?06:07
kkathmanbrodel perhaps...depends on what your repos are set to06:07
PokerFacePenguinanyone know how I could start a bash script and have it named in konsole....konsole help pages say you can start a konsole with --name parameter but I cannot figure out how to have this open by default from a script.06:07
brodelhow can I get firefox upgraded to 1.5? I thought that would of been one of the things that got updated once I did it.06:08
kkathmanbrodel: I just downloaded it from the firefox site06:08
kkathmanremove the other version and untar, set a symlink and go06:08
brodelI've never got anything to install without aptitude or apt-get.06:09
brodelalways fails at some seemingly simple point.06:09
PPPoEkkathman: just for example - how the network settings screen is not resizeable for a 1024x768 screen, or how the sharing settings panel doesn't seem to work at all 06:09
kkathmanbrodel:  its pretty easy, download...untar 06:09
kkathmanPPPoE: resizable...it sizes ok for me at 1280 x 102406:10
kkathmanand the sharing settings will work, once you have certain things installed and running06:10
PPPoEIt's lenth dimension minimum is higher than 768... unfortunately this laptops screen only displays that resolution.... I realize the limitation is really the laptop but realisticly speaking they could have done it differently06:10
kkathmanPPPoE: you might check the wiki on those things..there is a world of help there :)06:10
PPPoEWell.. I have samba up and running already06:11
kkathmanbrodel: I can almost guarantee you can mess up the firefox install :)06:11
PPPoElike I said, I just like when things work :) I will be checking out the wikki, i havn't spent much time with it yet06:11
brodelyeah I'll bet I can too06:11
brodeltoo tired to bother tonight.06:11
kkathmanPPPoE: for instance...I have 4 winboxes and 3 linux boxes on my network and I share freely between all systems06:11
kkathmanbrodel:  lol06:11
kkathmanbrodel: honest you just remove the old version, take out the entry in /usr/bin, then set a symlink to the install location06:12
kkathmanand it runs like a top06:12
brodeldon't know what a symlink is either. that like a shortcut?06:13
kkathmanbrodel: ya...I untar the package in my home directory under a subdirectory. Then I just set a symlink (pointer) to it in /usr/bin06:13
PPPoEI've got to check out my windows box to see if it can see this laptop 06:14
kkathmanthat way, if I back up stuff...I just back up my home06:14
PPPoEhopefully it was just the workgroup name06:14
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kkathmanPPPoE: it does make it easier if everyone is on the same workgroup06:14
PokerFacePenguinPPPoE: /home partitions rule... :)06:14
PokerFacePenguinno place like /home06:15
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brodelI've come to terms with the fact that I am going to have an XP box around the house. No matter how much I don't want it.06:15
kkathmanbrodel: yah me too Im afriad06:15
lwizardlbrodel: thats what i've known for awhile :(06:16
lwizardlbrodel: just do like me and don't have it hooked to the internet06:16
brodelxbox 360 HAS to have it to stream media to it.. so I am screwed. It didn't look like I was going to find a good solution for my PDA synching anyway.06:16
kkathmanbut they can peacefully coexist quite nicely06:16
kkathmanbrodel: there's an new project to put linux on the Xbox36006:17
brodelthat'll be a while06:17
kkathmankinda kewl06:17
brodelfree60 you mean?06:17
kkathmanyou must have been on the list btw since last year to get one this soon :)06:17
brodelI got mine at launch at midnight06:18
brodelI've been on the list since March06:18
brodelright behind the store manager hehe06:18
kkathmanyeah thought so06:18
brodelfriend of mine is playing it right now. 06:18
kkathmanno way anyone is going to get them for Xmas...I think M$ does that on purpose :)06:18
brodelYeah. They did.06:18
brodelThey do it to make it seem much more in demand.06:18
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brodelIt stays in the media and everyone sees it and says wow that thing must be great.06:19
kkathmanthere are people that bought 5 or 6 and are now selling them on ebay for $2000 a pop06:19
PokerFacePenguinany konsole gurus know how i can start a bash script and pass off konsole parameters to it to make it behave like i want?  ie. --name property06:19
brodelI was gonna do that, but MS called the store and took my name off the list of one. They said only one per person. 06:19
kkathmanway outa my league PokerFacePenguin, did you ask in #ubuntu?06:20
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brodelI think I might pre-order the PS3 early so I can get it when it comes out in case the same type of thing happens.06:20
brodelI don't care to play the PS306:20
brodelso I wont mind parting with it.06:20
PokerFacePenguinkkathman: not yet....thought since they arent really running konsole it was more pertinent here06:20
lwizardlanyway to import my fonts from windows xp?06:21
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PPPoE_hmm still only shows the desktop when looking at workgroup computers in windows06:22
brodeltoo afraid to delete firefox. Took me long enough to get flash working on it.06:22
kkathmanPPPoE: what happens when you go to a konsole and do an smbtree ?06:23
kkathmanwell I dont use FFox anyway06:23
PPPoE_It actually only lists the desktop06:23
kkathmanbut I have it to test web sites I develop06:23
brodelI like all my extensions06:23
kkathmanPPPoE: then you dont have anything configured for samba06:24
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PPPoE_back into smb.conf it is06:24
kkathmanbrodel: ya...I untar thnah06:24
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demon71can anyone help with Ipod problem?06:25
kkathmanPPPoE: actually all you need to do is create a mountpoint in the /media directory, chmod it to 77706:26
PPPoE_thats it?06:26
naliothlwizardl: you can put any truetype fonts you like in ~/.fonts   <<<< may have to create this directory06:26
kkathmanthen create an smbcredentials file06:26
robotgeekPokerFacePenguin: i think you can set name/term title/whatever in xterm. so it must be possible to do that in konsole06:26
naliothPokerFacePenguin: can you ask your question in a different manner? i'm not following you06:26
kkathmanedit your fstab....and mount06:27
PokerFacePenguinrobotgeek: i want to have a script that executes and tails -f filename, but i want its titlebar to say x06:27
robotgeekinstead of say, bash or whatever06:27
PPPoE_hmm ok06:28
kkathmanPPPoE: try this..it may help:  http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/SMB-HOWTO-8.html06:28
robotgeekPokerFacePenguin: no, i dunno how to do that. sorry06:28
demon71Help with sound card....06:28
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=== PokerFacePenguin furiously reading man pages :P
lwizardlnalioth: can you explain more please06:28
DjGerhardtgotta noobish question here06:29
DjGerhardtcould anybody tell me how I could do an IP block whois? I can't remember the command06:29
naliothlwizardl: any file ending in .ttf is supposedly a "True Type" font, you can search your windows partition and copy all of the .ttf files you find into your ~/.fonts or /home/Your_user_name/.fonts   directory06:30
demon71CODE:"E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)06:30
demon71E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?"06:30
demon71whats it mean?06:30
PPPoE_one moment06:31
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kkathmandemon71: usually means you are trying to run a command and you arent root...use "sudo" in front of the command06:31
demon71i did06:32
kkathmantrying to dpkg -i  ??06:32
demon71even when im in root it has the same error06:33
LeeJunFandemon71: do you have a package manager open like adept, or synaptic?06:33
demon71yeah, adept..06:33
LeeJunFandemon71: that's why.06:33
kkathmanyah that was my next question....or if he still was running it on another konsole06:33
demon71so i need to exit that?06:33
kkathmanif its done06:33
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demon71you guys are genius's06:35
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kkathmanLeeJunFan is a genius06:35
kkathmanso is nalioth06:35
demon71You guys know much about unmountin ipods?06:36
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lwizardlok i'm a newb when it comes to (k)ubuntu i'me used to mandrivia so please excuse the newbie questions :)06:40
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lwizardlhow can i register java system wide. i'm trying to load a java app and its giving me errors06:41
kkathmannot a problem...all of us are/were noobs 06:41
kkathmanyou might have to install java06:41
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs06:41
DjGerhardtI figured it out, nvm06:42
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lwizardlkkathman: for this app i have to use an older version06:42
kkathmanlwizardl: see the above post06:42
kkathmandunno then06:43
ClayGusing samba , my winxp system can see my ubuntu system, but when clicked i get an error saying it is no accessiuble06:43
ClayGYoumight not have permission to use this network resource06:43
ClayGany ideas?06:43
kkathmanClayG: http://ubuntuguide.org/#sambaserver06:44
kkathmanthats an older ref...but should still work06:44
ubotufrom memory, ubuntuguide is an unofficial guide written by community members. It is not guaranteed to be up to date, or to work. There is an official guide, at http://help.ubuntu.com which is preferred.06:45
kkathmanyes I know robotgeek :(06:45
ClayGahh this is the one i followed06:45
ClayGit didn't work06:45
kkathmanbut I happen to know for a fact that this entry is correct..its what I used for my system06:45
ClayGwell for mine it did not work06:46
robotgeekkkathman: hmm, okay :)06:46
lwizardlin term isn't it cd.. to go back a dir06:46
kkathmanrobotgeek: and that help page is worthless basically06:46
robotgeekhttp://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch07.html#sect-samba-server this?06:46
kkathmanpretty much the same thing :)06:47
robotgeekkkathman: hmm, okay. i never had to do samba, so i dunno :)06:47
demon71got another question... I get no audio when i play DVD's or CD's or any audio for that matter..06:47
musikdoes the new kopete let me see webcams?06:48
=== kkathman goes to his corner and stays quiet a while
robotgeekkkathman: i did that cause it was what everybody did with ubuntuguide, no offensee :) 06:49
ClayGman, ihave security = share and everything06:51
ClayGI can't see the windows computer from my linux one either06:51
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demon71Please help with ipod ejecting/disconnecting problem....06:57
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_studentno,i have a name07:24
_studentwho r u?07:24
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_ajwhat in the world07:27
_charissehow bout u?07:27
_charisser u still there??????????????????????07:28
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_ajthat was odd07:31
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Riddellhello hu07:34
Riddellhumboldt: 07:34
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Riddelljust saying hi :)07:36
kkathmanhowdy Riddell :)07:36
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Riddellhi kkathman 07:39
=== Riddell likes to be friendly to his users
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ClayGanyone know the command to show free space on your hard drive?07:43
Kamping_Kaiserdf -h is nice07:43
kkathmanhey there Kamping_Kaiser ::) wb07:43
Kamping_Kaiserhi kkathman :)07:44
Kamping_Kaiserwhs up?07:44
ClayGVery nice07:44
ClayGThank you07:44
=== Kamping_Kaiser has mate over :O
ClayGIf I want to share a folder using samba, can it be placed inside my /home/myname/?07:44
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ClayGor is there a better/public place07:44
Kamping_Kaiseryou can share any directory with samba07:44
ClayGto create a directory that will be like a backup?07:44
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Kamping_KaiserI'm not sure what you wdant to do07:45
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kkathmanits just an access point...not really a backup07:46
ClayGi want an older computer to act as a fileserver/backup for 2 other computers07:46
ClayGon a small peer2peer network07:46
ClayGnot limewirep2p-type07:47
kkathmanI do that currently07:47
kkathmanyou just have to have them mounted as shares07:47
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ClayGhow is that done?07:48
kkathmanand the smbcrendials set so your boxes can autheticate07:48
kkathmanauthenticate I mean07:48
kkathmanI think we gave you a link earlier07:48
ClayGYes 2 links07:48
ClayGOh did you mean those links contained information on mouting samba shares?07:49
ClayGI must have missed that07:49
kkathmanyes they did07:49
ClayGOk, I'll reread07:49
kkathmanit really is nothing more than creating mountpoints an creating a credentials file07:49
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ClayGI am now scanning the whole file07:51
ClayGYes I see, the mounting part is not in the samba area07:51
kkathmanClayG I can dump out my smb.conf file and my fstab if that will help07:51
ClayGit is in another section, sorry about that07:51
ClayGdont think so, didnt you look earlier and say it lookedok?07:51
kkathmanI'll put them both in a pastebin07:51
kkathmanthat will give you examples07:51
ClayGbut i think this is what im lookinmg for07:52
ClayGsudo mount // /media/sharename/ -o username=myusername,password=mypassword07:52
ClayGok 07:52
ClayGand if you can check this out07:52
ClayGSamba Config File - smb.conf07:52
ClayGdont know if this tells anything07:53
ClayGsudo testparm results 07:53
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kkathmanlooks like you got the right idea07:54
kkathmanthen just add the mounts to the fstab07:54
kkathmanand do a sudo mount -a && mount07:55
=== Kamping_Kaiser grumbles about ppl who mount hdds/shares in /media/
kkathmanwith it being in the fstab your mounts will come up everytime you boot07:55
kkathmandont grumble :)07:55
kkathmanit works :)07:55
Kamping_Kaiserthat's not the point :)07:56
kkathmanis there a better place to mount a samba share that works that you have experienced?07:56
Kamping_Kaiserit doesnt 'work better', I'm just a believer in putting that stuff in /mnt/07:56
kkathmanoh that works too I suppose07:57
Kamping_Kaiserand keeping /media/ for my media devices....07:57
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kkathmanthat makes sense07:57
kkathmanI just folliowed some instructions07:57
kkathmananyway Im out and going to bed07:58
Kamping_Kaiserheh. it's not an issue, it's just how i do it07:58
Kamping_Kaiserlater mate07:58
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ClayGit's the first way i've seen it also07:59
ClayGin /mnt07:59
ClayGi just figured ubuntu did it differently lol07:59
=== Kaiser_Away makes 'back in my day' comments
Kaiser_Away'back before my day'08:00
ClayGthe "days"08:00
ClayGno experience in nix back in the days but I'll talk about line noise, zmodem, and New User Passwords till the cows come home08:01
Kaiser_Awayi only got into linux recently, but i have used oldish versions08:01
Kaiser_Awaybbl. eating, getting drink, and may be back when merry :)08:01
ClayGhave fun08:01
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demon71can anyone help with Sound issues or direct me somewhere that can?08:20
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jbueler does anyone have any good apps for creating DVD back-ups?09:13
jbueleri'm new to linux and don't know what I should be using?!09:14
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hussamanybody using openoffice.org2 1.9.129 sees this bug. Sometimes when I insert a picture, resize it, save as .doc and exit, after I reopen the file, the picture gets unresized.09:25
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flosofthey everyone09:56
flosoftI got a question ... how do I remote connect to the login screen?09:57
flosoftlike remote logon?09:57
flosoftis it possible via Windows?09:57
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Hobbseeflosoft: yes, i recall it';s possible09:58
ubotuHobbsee: Do they come in packets of five?09:58
Hobbseethe program is called putty, and it's done by ssh, but more than that i dont know09:58
ubotu[ssh]  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SSHHowto09:58
flosoftwell I do not mean putty ... I mean like rdp protocol or vnc09:58
zynthere's a kde program for it09:59
zynkrdc - KDE Remote Desktop Connection09:59
flosoftkde remote ... but not simple vnc when you are logged in ... but already starting @ the login screen09:59
zynit supports vnc and rdp09:59
flosoftbut I need a server10:00
flosoftu know @ the login screen10:00
flosoftyou got the option of remote logon10:00
zynhave you tried K -> Switch User -> Start new session?10:01
flosoftwell that is local10:01
flosoftI need the logon via remote10:01
zynbut there is a session type menu, which allows you to select a remote login10:01
flosoftthe advantage of an RDP server is that you can set up the resolution etc.10:01
flosoftand I need that type of server10:02
flosoftan RDP server10:02
zynahh... that i don't know how to do :/10:02
zynhave you asked google? :P10:02
PokerFacePenguinflosoft: u can tunnel most anything over ssh10:02
flosoftyes :p10:02
flosoftyeah well .... I already use ssh10:02
flosoftbut that is to basic for the things I need ... I really need to access the KDE UI10:03
PokerFacePenguinflosoft: what about freenx10:04
flosoftPokerFacePenguin: well that is a distro10:05
flosoftI need the server for my kubuntu10:05
PokerFacePenguinflosoft: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FreeNX10:05
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PokerFacePenguinflosoft: howto in the forums http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=97277&highlight=freenx10:12
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PokerFacePenguinflosoft: did u look at the forum?  it looks to me like it is exactly what you are lookin for.  Fast RDP remote KDE capable installable on kubuntu10:32
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ubotuWhen a program or configure script asks for "X includes", you should probably install the following packages: xlibs-dev   xlibs-static-dev   x-window-system-dev10:53
ubotufatejudger: Are you on ritalin?10:56
Hobbseefatejudger: kde-devel?10:56
fatejudgerHobbsee: no, I'm trying to compile this program that uses QT10:57
fatejudgerHobbsee: I had no idea that you needed so many libraries and headers to compile a QT program10:58
Hobbseefatejudger: which program?10:58
fatejudgerHobbsee: a program I wrote10:58
Hobbseeso true, kde-devel and xincludes definetly seems to help10:58
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fatejudgerHobbsee: didn't Hoary already have most of these packages installed?10:58
Hobbseefatejudger: got no idea - i never compiled anything under hoary10:58
fatejudgerhow could you not compile anything?10:58
fatejudgeryou have to compile stuff10:59
fatejudgercompiling is fun10:59
fatejudgerHobbsee: they probably needed more space for useless media players11:00
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fatejudgerHobbsee: and BloatedOffice11:01
Hobbseein hoary?  easy, i didnt know how to compile11:01
fatejudgerI thought you were a programmer Hobbsee11:01
fatejudgerI can'11:01
fatejudgerI can't stand OpenOffice.org11:01
fatejudgerI started using KOffice a couple months back and haven't looked back11:01
Hobbseefatejudger: nah, i'm not - can compile a few things, still learning - but i cant write programs or anything like that11:02
fatejudgerwhy do you use Linux then?11:02
Hobbseefor fun11:02
Hobbseei do compile bits and pieces now though11:02
Hobbseeand so i dont have to bother with all the antivirus and firewalls and windows updates and all those other really annoying things about windows11:02
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Hobbseeoh, and the virtual desktops, of course11:04
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ubotuSyntax error in line 1, fatejudger11:07
ubotukde is, like, totally, A powerful, free desktop environment for UNIX. IRC: #kubuntu #kde ; install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ; ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/breezy/11:07
ubotufatejudger: Did you get hit by a windmill?11:08
robotgeekfatejudger: apt-cache search kde | grep dev11:08
Hobbsee!info kde-devel11:08
ubotukde-devel: (the K Desktop Environment development files and modules), section universe/kde, is extra. Version: 5:44ubuntu2 (breezy), Packaged size: 7 kB, Installed size: 40 kB11:08
robotgeekHobbsee: :)11:09
fatejudgerthey don't have the packages!11:09
Hobbseefatejudger: hoary doesnt?11:09
fatejudgerI use KDE 3.511:09
Hobbseefatejudger: they're there...11:10
fatejudgerI'm looking in Adept11:10
Hobbseesarah@sarah:~$ apt-cache search kde-devel11:10
Hobbseekde-devel - the K Desktop Environment development files and modules11:10
Hobbseekde-devel-extras - extra development applications for use with KDE11:10
Hobbseesearch for them instead?11:10
fatejudgerthey're there11:11
fatejudgerthey just can't be installed11:11
Hobbseewhy cant they?11:11
fatejudgerthere's some unmet dependencies11:11
Japsuwonder if ordinary debian can be upgraded to (k)ubuntu11:11
Hobbseefatejudger: install the dependancies as well11:11
fatejudgerJapsu: no11:11
fatejudgerHobbsee: that's what it's trying to do11:11
Hobbseefatejudger: easier to do via apt-get11:11
Japsuright... not that I was going to try, there was just another guy on another channel that was using debian unstable, and someone said to him he'll get kde 3.5 when the others are getting kde 4.0 :)11:12
fatejudgerHobbsee: installing kdelibs-dev11:12
fatejudgerHobbsee: I'm gonnna run out of space soon11:13
Hobbseefatejudger: make more space?11:13
fatejudgerI'm still pissed they took out the partition viewer in Konq11:13
Hobbseeoh, is that where id' seen it previously!11:13
Hobbseei thought it'd gone missing somewhere!11:13
BigKahunais avi playback supported out of the box or do I need to install MPEG codecs?11:13
BigKahunaIm sure it work straight away on a previous installation.11:14
robotgeekBigKahuna: sudo apt-get install vlc 11:14
robotgeekor sudo apt-get install totem-xine11:14
BigKahunarobotgeek, Kaffiene?11:14
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robotgeekBigKahuna: i think you can choose the engine in kaffeine11:15
fatejudgerrobotgeek: yeah, seriously11:15
jojuxhi there11:15
fatejudgerrobotgeek: why would you recommend shitty ugly players like those?11:15
robotgeekfatejudger: well, i know that they work. plus, they work well. 11:15
fatejudgerrobotgeek: does that make them any less ugly?11:16
jojuxi have some trouble with bluetooth, the kbluetoothd icon in systray is not showing up. And while connecting with Konqueror/Remote Places to my mobile phone, the pin dialog isnot showing up.11:16
robotgeekfatejudger: i don't care if it's ugly. i need it to play the video11:17
fatejudgerrobotgeek: you can still play the video with Kaffeine11:17
fatejudgerrobotgeek: and get better integration with KDE11:17
robotgeekfatejudger: hmm, i don't really use kde, so i dunno about the second part11:17
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jojuxany hints ?11:18
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fatejudgerrobotgeek: umm, why are you here then?11:18
robotgeekfatejudger: cause there's other problems for ppl , other than kde which i can solve. 11:19
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j-linuxI am using Ubuntu 5.04.  I am going to reinstall with 5.10.  I'm not sure whether to download Ubuntu or Kubuntu.  I am going to have both KDE and GNOME on the computer but run XFCE.  Is there any difference whether I download Ubuntu or Kubuntu if I am going to run XFCE anyway?11:37
j-linuxI'm not sure whether Kubuntu is significantly different from Ubuntu, or if it is just regular Ubuntu with KDE installed and not much different than if I took Ubuntu and installed KDE on it...11:38
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flosofthow do I enable movie preview?11:47
flosoftso that when I go with my mouse over a movie that it plays in preview?11:47
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The_VoxI don't think that can be done11:48
flosoftand with audio?11:48
flosoftcuz I had that a long time ago with SuSE11:48
The_Voxaudio can be activated11:49
flosoftso that it plays in preview when I go over it?11:49
The_Voxopen a konqueror window, go to View/Preview and select Audio files at the end of the list11:49
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flosoftcool thx :)11:50
PokerFacePenguinflosoft: curious if the link to the forum helped ya11:51
flosoftyes it did :)11:51
flosoftI am going to try it later11:51
flosoftbut I am having a problem with the new KDE :S11:51
PokerFacePenguinflosoft: good deal....lots of interesting reading on the nx protocol huh11:51
flosoftit is freezing from time to time11:52
flosoftand then it loads @ 99% CPU11:52
flosoftespecially konquerror11:52
PokerFacePenguinflosoft: sounds like the old kaffiene problems... :P11:52
flosofty kaffeine?11:53
PokerFacePenguinkaffiene used to do that to me11:53
=== The_Vox hates kaffeine...
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flosoftwell it seems to be something with the soundserver11:53
flosoftbut I use amarok or xine11:54
PokerFacePenguini use amarok too, but it likes to flake every now and then11:54
The_Voxartsd on 3.5 sucks planets through capillary straws, I had to disable the damn thing11:55
LeeJunFanThe_Vox: what's wrong with yours? mine seems to be okay.11:59
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The_VoxLeeJunFan: lockups and 100% CPU use at random intervals....mainly when amarok or xmms run for over a few mins and I get an icq msg that makes noise12:01
LeeJunFanThe_Vox: hrm, mine is okay, here, both on amd64 and 386 versions.12:02
flosoftyes The_Vox ... same problem here12:03
The_VoxLeeJunFan: my problem was on a 386....I'm installing amd64 tomorrow12:03
flosoftbut only with 3.5 ... not with 3.5RC and the betas12:03
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flosoftwhere do I see what soundserver i use?12:04
metaleki'm using kubuntu under ppc anybody could help me with sources.list?12:04
The_Voxflosoft: if you are using kde and haven't messed with the sound system, you are running artsd12:05
flosoftwell I messed :p12:05
flosoftin the beta b412:05
flosoftbut I see artsd in top12:05
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michaelmy first stupid question of the day: is there no way to see my history in konqueror?12:06
flosoftbut in Kcontrol > Sound > Sound System > Hardware: select the audio device: 12:06
The_Voxflosoft: just disable the stupid thing in the control center thingy12:06
flosoftthere is Advanced Linux Sound Architecture12:06
flosoftand in amarok i use xine engine12:07
flosoftif that matters :S12:07
LeeJunFanif you guys wanna check your arts config against mine it's here http://pastebin.com/44711612:07
The_Voxthanks, LeeJunFan :)12:08
LeeJunFanhope it helps.12:08
michaelah, seems I needed F9 for the sidebar, problem solved12:08
The_VoxLeeJunFan: is that on the 386 or the 64?12:08
LeeJunFanThe_Vox: the 64, but it's the same /home dir12:09
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The_VoxLeeJunFan: k12:10
flosoftmy system has a big problem12:10
flosoftthe soundserver is killing all :S12:10
flosoftI changed now from alsa to oss12:11
The_Voxmmm....I don't have the -a alsa part...that may be it12:12
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The_Voxflosoft: from LeeJunFan's config...he has an -a alsa part in it that I don't have in my config12:13
The_Voxflosoft: and I'm using alsa, so...that may be why it's locking up on me12:13
flosofti use alsa 212:13
flosoftwhere is the alsa config file?12:14
The_Voxflosoft: what he pasted is not for alsa's config, but for artsd config12:14
flosoftbut where is that?12:14
flosoftno on my system12:15
flosoftow ok12:15
flosoftthx vox12:15
The_Voxand the file from LeeJunFan is on that url12:15
The_Voxcompare yours to that one and see if there's any differences12:15
LeeJunFanflosoft: basically go to soundserver config, hardware tabe, and set alsa as your audio device.12:15
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flosoftgot that12:16
The_Voxok, I'm gone...I'm gonna test that change tomorrow after installing kubuntu-64, LeeJunFan, thanks for the help12:16
LeeJunFanThe_Vox: no prob, 64bit rules, and chrooting is fiarly easy too for 32 bit :)12:17
flosoftthe F value and the S value is different :s12:18
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flosoftand s12:18
The_VoxLeeJunFan: I just got a 64bit about...7hr ago :) Just transplanted my kubuntu HD from my old x86 to this...but tomorrow I'm installing anew :)12:18
LeeJunFanThe_Vox: I just did too, had to install a chrooted 386 for a few things to work right though that won't run in 64 bit.12:19
flosofthttp://pastebin.com/447121 any one see a problem?12:19
LeeJunFanflash being one.12:19
The_VoxLeeJunFan: what things?12:19
The_VoxLeeJunFan: flash dies on 64? good! :)12:19
LeeJunFanflosoft: not really.12:20
=== The_Vox hates flash...
LeeJunFanThe_Vox: yeah, macromedia only offers a 32bit linux version, so you gotta install a mini 386 distro chrooted inside your amd64 install.12:20
LeeJunFanbookmark the site I'm about to give you before you go in case we don't talk again soon.12:20
The_VoxLeeJunFan: k :)12:21
LeeJunFanThe_Vox: that site makes setting up a chroot easy, you may find other things you need it for if you need vmware for instance.12:21
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The_VoxLeeJunFan: vmware doesn't run on 64?12:22
LeeJunFanThe_Vox: perhaps newest 5.5 version does but older didn't/doesn't.12:22
LeeJunFanThe_Vox: you can do it with the chroot environment fine though..12:23
The_Voxk, thanks for the tip...I actually do use vmware a lot for work12:23
LeeJunFanflosoft: how did you get your buffer size in arts set to 8192? I can't get mine to adjust to that level.12:23
LeeJunFanThe_Vox: I finally got around to getting my needed apps to work with wine, I dumped vmware before I went 64 bit.12:24
flosoftLeejunFan: just set it to maximum12:25
flosoftcan that be the problem?12:25
LeeJunFanflosoft: you don't have your output set to 16bit either. Under hardware quality.12:25
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The_VoxLeeJunFan: I do R&D consulting for one company that uses nothing but windows for their work (they do HVAC control), which means I have to have windows vmwared several times to do simulations and other crap12:25
LeeJunFanflosoft: it's hard to say, artsd can be finiky if something just isn't right. I just can't even get my GUI to set my buffer as high as yours.12:25
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The_Voxok, now that I've been saved from headaches tomorrow, I can go sleep in peace lol!12:26
LeeJunFanThe_Vox: ah, yep. I do like vmware, very neat app, just didn't like the fact that for me I had 2 apps I needed windows for and had to give up gigs of HD space for XP :)12:26
LeeJunFanThe_Vox: gnight.12:27
The_Voxthanks for the help and the heads up :)12:27
The_Voxarioshi ba all12:27
LeeJunFanflosoft: I've got mine set to about 1/2 way for the skip prevention.12:27
LeeJunFanThe_Vox: yer welcome.12:27
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LeeJunFanflosoft: only other thing I can think of with arts is that if you have it set for realtime priority you need to sudo chmod +s /usr/bin/artswrapper12:31
LeeJunFanin order for realtime prio to work, but without it chmodded it should still just run OK at lower prio.12:32
flosoftwell I have put it at lower priority12:32
flosoftnow it is worse12:32
flosoftso I'll put it back12:32
LeeJunFandid you set it for 16bit?12:33
LeeJunFanonly differences I see between yours and mine would be my buffer (skip prevention) is about 1/2 way, I have start soundserver with realtime checked (and sudo chmod +s /usr/bin/artswrapper), and I have mine set to 16 bit.12:34
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LeeJunFanAnd I have my custom sampling rate of of 44100 checked.12:35
skamanhi! Anyone experiencing freezes with kopete?12:35
LeeJunFanskaman: mine is fine.12:36
LeeJunFanskaman: I'm using msn, yahoo, aol, icq, and jabber with mine.12:36
skamanwhen I try to set up the video device X freezes12:36
skamanmine works good too12:36
skamanbut..when I try to set up the video device X freezes12:36
LeeJunFanskaman: it could be a driver problem with your cam, mine works okay.12:38
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LeeJunFanskaman: do you have libpt-plugins-v4l and xserver-xorg-driver-v4l installed?12:39
flosoftwell x freezes here 212:40
LeeJunFanas soon as you click on devices?12:40
flosoftno constantly12:40
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LeeJunFanflosoft: you mean nothing to do with kopete? :)12:41
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flosoftI thought it was arts12:41
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flosoftbut it seems not to be arts either12:43
flosoftI think it is  xorg12:43
EddieXWhy does hotplug start when i pass the nohotplug=yes during boot?12:44
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wabblethink you have to remove it like this -> sudo update-rc.d -f hotplug-net remove12:46
wabbleand to add it again you do -> sudo update-rc.d hotplug-net start 41 2 S . stop 89 0 6 . 12:46
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flosoftdoes anyone know what the process kio_imap4 is?12:48
wabblesome kind of mail thing?12:48
flosoftyay :p12:48
flosoftI could of have guessed that12:48
flosoftbut is it a KDE thing?12:49
EddieXwabble, That is not possible when i cant boot the system12:49
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wabbledo a google :p12:49
wabbleEddieX: have you tried the rescue mode boot option?12:49
LeeJunFanflosoft: it's the kde imap handler, I think kmail uses it.12:49
wabblefrom grub12:49
EddieXwabble, I will try that now.12:50
EddieXWhat function does this hotplug script have ?12:50
wabbleEddieX: ok, good luck :)12:50
wabbleEddieX: networking i think, on off detection?12:50
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wabblebut not sure12:50
wabbleor maybe thats ifplugd12:50
EddieXwabble, Hmm i dont think so.. i think it has to do with all the usb stuff..12:51
EddieX"hotplug" when you insert/remove devices... right?12:51
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wabblemaybe, you would be better off doing a google for it if no one else here knows than me telling/speculating 12:51
EddieXbrb i will try rescue mode12:51
wabblei think so atleast12:51
LeeJunFanEddieX: I don't think nohotplug is a viable boot option.12:52
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EddieXLeeJunFan, Ok, i know it was before :)12:54
LeeJunFanEddieX: there is a bit of hotplug stuff you can edit in /etc/default/hotplug, but of course you'll need to start in single/rescue mode to get there if you can't boot otherwize.12:55
LeeJunFanEddieX: I just did egrep -R nohotplug /usr/linux/Doc and didn't find any mention of it.12:55
EddieXLeeJunFan, It seems that the hotplug is alright. I think it has to do with my nic module12:55
LeeJunFanEddieX: maybe it's hotplug-net12:56
EddieXPerhaps. 12:56
EddieXLinux drivers arent always nicely done :)12:56
wabbletry these two..12:58
wabblesudo update-rc.d -f ntpdate remove12:58
wabble sudo update-rc.d -f hotplug-net remove12:58
LeeJunFanEddieX: there's also more hotplug doc in  /usr/share/doc/hotplug12:58
wabbleremoves time and network12:58
EddieXLeeJunFan, The doc won?t help me with this. Thanks anyhow :)12:59
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EddieXIs there a kernel boot option to disable sound/alsa ?01:00
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LeeJunFanEddieX: ALSA=no should do it.  ALSA    ALSA sound support is enabled.  - from kernel-paramaters.txt in /usr/src/linux/Documentation01:03
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EddieXLeeJunFan, Indeed. I have figured it out now. I watched the source for my audiocard... it is the problem01:05
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electuZhi junFan..01:06
LeeJunFanelectuZ: hello.01:06
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electuZjunFan: do u know me?01:06
flosoftLejunFan: I found the problem I think ... since i killed the kio_imap4 ... the system uses no more cpu and runs stable01:06
LeeJunFanelectuZ: can't say that I do.01:06
flosoftI think there is a bug :S01:06
capricorn_tmhello .901:06
LeeJunFanflosoft: hrm, odd.01:06
LeeJunFanflosoft: do you use imap for you e-mail?01:07
EddieXI must say that the support here was really quick and good!01:07
EddieXNow my system is up n running :)01:07
capricorn_tmI have a question on KDE 3.5, anyone can help?01:07
LeeJunFanflosoft: I have kio_imap4 running here.01:07
flosoftwell mine was not only running one process01:08
flosoftbut 801:08
flosoftor so01:08
LeeJunFanflosoft: doh, only one here.01:08
electuZor .01:09
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capricorn_tmSo none can help me for a second? just have a quick question01:11
LeeJunFancapricorn_tm: just ask, if anyone can help you they will.01:11
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capricorn_tmOkay, thanks. I installed .5, everything seems allright. But it was supposed to run superkaramba natively and I cannot find it noway01:12
capricorn_tmWhat should I do? install it manually?01:12
thejascoGood Morning (Ciao a tutti)01:12
LeeJunFancapricorn_tm: yeah, I don't have it on here by default. has to be specifically selected for installation.01:12
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capricorn_tmI see..... Did you already install it? because as I tried to do it, i had a lib error and did not seem able to fix it01:13
LeeJunFancapricorn_tm: sorry, I don't use it.01:14
capricorn_tmokay, thanks anyway :)01:15
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capricorn_tmthanks Leejunfan, gotta go :)01:16
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markcanyone know of info/docs how to boot from a USB device ?01:16
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LeeJunFanmarkc: not personally - perhaps some of these links would be helpful? http://www.google.com/search?q=ubuntu+boot+usb&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-801:18
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markcLeeJunFan> great, thanks... I was looking for kubuntu specific but this will do01:19
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LeeJunFanmarkc: here's one: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20522&highlight=usb+boot01:19
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LeeJunFanmarkc: pretty much anything kubuntu applies with ubuntu and ubuntu is likely to turn up more info, I find more crap on google I need just by searching 'ubuntu [what I need] '01:20
markcLeeJunFan> yay, that looks good :-)01:20
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adairtonBom dia!!!!01:21
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hunikaraphink: hello01:24
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hunikaraphink: how are you?01:24
raphinkfine thanks :)01:24
hunikaraphink: I am fine too01:25
hunikaraphink: My Kubuntu works fine01:25
hunikathanks to you01:25
raphinkgood :)01:25
hunikaraphink: there are in kubuntu unnecesary files that i can delete? Like temp files in windows 01:25
raphinktemp files are deleted at each reboot01:26
hunikaraphink: I see01:26
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raphinkwhat kind of unnecessary files would you like to remover ?01:28
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hunikaraphink: I don't know01:29
hunikaraphink: Just sometimes I delete a lot of files in windows01:29
hunikaraphink: from regisrty and so onj01:30
hunikaraphink: and i thought that in linux exists too01:30
raphinkthat doesn't seem necessary01:30
raphinkwhy do you need to delete these files in windows?01:30
hunikaraphink: I don't need, I simply delete for freeing up space01:31
raphinkyou can use kleansweep if you want01:31
raphinkthat's a linux utility to remove files that are not used01:31
hunikaraphink: In windows when you uninstalled programs still remain those files in regisrty which you can delete01:31
=== LeeJunFan frees up space in windows with mkfs.ext3
hunikaI see01:32
raphinkyou can uninstall program with the --purge option in linux01:32
hunikaI understand01:32
hunikaI have wine but I can't run a lot of windows applications!01:32
raphinkwhat's the use?01:33
LeeJunFanI know in windows you usually have to delete all the temp files in c:\documents and settings\username\Local.... \Temp01:33
raphinkwhat kind of window app do you need?01:33
hunikaIt is a dictionary for windows Macmillan Essential Dictionary01:33
hunikaCorel Draw suit 1201:33
hunikathese are the most important for me01:34
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djk_hunika: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?appId=44001:40
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EddieXAnyone using a Xpress 200 chip from ati?01:45
hunikadjk_: The page does not exits01:47
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BigKahunaHow to work with KDM themes on Kubuntu?01:58
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disasterblasterhi all01:58
BigKahunaKubuntu doesn't seem to have a 'default' installation of KDM.01:58
disasterblasteris it possible to download a minimal cd, and install kubuntu via internet?01:59
disasterblaster(like debian user? )01:59
BigKahunaKubuntu installation is only 1 CD anyway.02:00
disasterblasterBigKahuna, yes, but 600Mb. isn't 50-100 Mb installation cd ?02:00
BigKahunaNo I guess not, but if your going to be using a CD anyway, why not 600Mb?02:01
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DHGEhello can anyone of you reprodice this:02:02
disasterblasterBigKahuna, only to know. i would want to install minimal, and everything up-to-date via internet (like debian)02:02
DHGEi try to print from konq 3.5 -> konq crashes02:03
BigKahunadisasterblaster, Oh I see, well I'm not sure about the minimal install. I was looking into installing Ubuntu on an old machine that didn't have a CD rom and I recall find some kind of net boot image, gimme a second and I'll see if I can find it again.02:05
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BigKahunaAlso not sure what exactly you would like to be up-to-date...02:05
disasterblasterBigKahuna, very thanks...02:06
BigKahunaNewest app releases (e.g. Firefox 1.5) are not in the Ubuntu repos yet, including the backports.02:06
disasterblasterBigKahuna, i mean install every package newest version..if i install cd, i have to apt-get upgrade later...02:06
disasterblasterBigKahuna, ahh..:(02:07
disasterblasterBigKahuna, so is unuseful to do this..isn't it ?02:07
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danishi! can anyone help me to find a program please?02:09
disasterblasterdanis, like ?02:09
danisnvu ... is instalable in kubuntu ?02:09
disasterblasternvu? what is it ?02:10
danishtml edition 02:10
BigKahunawell I guess it depends exactly what packages you want to be the most current. Some may be in the repos some may not. If you go for the minimal install you could still dowload and install tar balls of the latest apps, kinda takes away the simplicity though.02:10
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danisor another program like this ..02:10
disasterblasterBigKahuna, if i find a package into debian repository (not ubuntu) is it installable anyway ?02:11
BigKahunadisasterblaster, I'm not sure.02:11
danisi need to edit html so i can get out from winguss !! :'(02:12
disasterblasterBigKahuna, :( :( :( ok thanks02:12
BigKahunaI just checked the netboot thingy, not really what your looking for. Install a minimal version without the need for a CD drive and then connects to the internet to complete the install. It will just grap what packages are currently in the repos though.02:13
danisthankssssssssssssssssss !!02:13
ubotunetboot is, like, a method of installing Ubuntu over a network. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/Netboot02:13
danisand another thing..... i have a pppoe conection ...02:14
BigKahunadanis, kde-apps.org02:14
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daniseach..... 02:14
danissome time.... like one hour ...02:15
danismi connection fell down ...02:15
danisfirst mi konkeror stop working... and then all mi connection02:15
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hugelmopfIs anybody else experiencing very slow loading/rendering of webpages in Konqueror? (as compared to Firefox)02:18
hunikaraphink: ?02:19
hunikaraphink: I have a small question02:19
hunikaraphink: Can I run mac software on kubuntu?02:20
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hugelmopfI am not sure, whether it has to do with my network settings, or whether some Konqueror/KDE setting is messed up, but Konqueror takes up to 30 seconds to load/display some simple webpages, which Firefox display pretty much right away.02:20
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Ahmuckhow do you create a boot floppy for kubuntu ?02:37
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^rob^anyone tryed to run dreamweaver in linux  - with wine?02:41
socketbindmy friend tried it with crossover02:41
^rob^i have a funny storry to tell02:41
socketbindhe says it works perfectly for him02:41
^rob^it seems DRW needs MDAC - the kit readme is in html and give a link to dl mdac....02:41
socketbindit's a file around 5 megs named MDAC_TYP.EXE it should install perfectly as far as I remember02:42
^rob^Microsoft - say - you need to run genuine windows please download this keymaker and auth yourself with that generated key02:42
^rob^after wine started that generator - and gived to MS the key 02:43
^rob^i've seen biiig on the browser02:43
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^rob^i use ubuntu02:43
socketbindhaha billy has a soft spot for penguins02:43
socketbindbtw that was on slashdot lately02:43
socketbindfunny thing is I downloaded MDAC components thousands of times and I never needed to go through this genuine advantage stuff02:44
socketbindI clicked on download button and sayonara02:44
socketbindwell whatever, it should install perfectly02:44
socketbindbut I wonder if DRW would install on a simple wine02:44
socketbindI've only seen it running in crossover02:45
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socketbinddid you managed to install mdac?02:46
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socketbindafter downloading it?02:46
socketbind^rob^: http://frankscorner.org/index.php?p=dreamweavermx check this out02:46
^rob^another one02:47
^rob^i have tryed now - after downloading mdag02:47
^rob^mdac - to run - wine mdac_setup.exe02:47
^rob^say - This application can not be installed on this OS.02:47
^rob^opened IE02:47
^rob^and run it from there02:47
^rob^instead download i pressed RUN02:48
^rob^and it has been installed!02:48
socketbindwell I'm reading frank howto for this, and you gonna need a bunch of stuff for this02:49
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socketbindin the end you managed to install DRW?02:49
^rob^socketbind: TY 02:50
^rob^drw it is installed02:50
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^rob^but when i start it - i see only the logo02:50
^rob^then nothing.02:50
^rob^i'll read that link02:50
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socketbindunder crossover it's dead simple to install it but it's commercial02:50
^rob^i guess i have no Windows Scripting Host02:51
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^rob^it works02:59
^rob^i had to tell to use that native dlls02:59
^rob^scr56en :)02:59
^rob^socketbind: ty man03:01
^rob^i have to go now03:01
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markcI have installed ubuntu onto a drive, added the kde3.5 sources, how do I upgrade to kde 3.5 ?03:08
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hugelmopfmarkc: have you installed ubuntu or kubuntu?03:10
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markchugelmopf> yes, a fresh breezy onto an external USB drive, I've chrooted into it, updated the ubuntu packages, added http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde35 to sources.list... fine, but installing , say, kmail (doesn't seem to be a kde meta package) wants to install 3.4 something03:12
markcthere used to be a kubuntu-desktop package (I think)03:13
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hugelmopfmarkc: yes, that should still be there. you might have to update your lists (e.g. with "apt-get update" on the command line)03:14
markcdone that03:14
hugelmopfafter adding the kde35-line to sources.list?03:14
markc  kmail: Depends: kdelibs4c2 (>= 4:3.4.3-1) but it is not going to be installed03:15
markcdeb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde35 breezy main03:15
hugelmopfthat is ok03:15
hugelmopf>= 3.4.3-1 means also 3.5 :-)03:15
hugelmopfwhich package manager do you use right now?03:15
hugelmopf(apt directly, aptitude, synaptic, adept, ...?)03:15
markcI think kdelibs4c2 is 3.4.3... kdelibs4 is for 3.503:16
markcno gui yet03:16
hugelmopfkdelibs4c2 is on version 4:3.5.0-0ubuntu0breezy1 here, so that should be ok.03:16
markcI've installed the ubuntu installer onto an external hard drive, which won't boot... do I am chrooted into it... no gui03:17
hugelmopfmight want to try aptitude if you want something a bit more gui but still on the command line03:17
hugelmopfbut for me you look set up ok. does "apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" not work?03:18
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markcheh, I'm stuck in aptitude...03:21
hugelmopfyou mean you cannot quit? (using "q" or the menu)03:21
markcbah, control-c outathere...   kubuntu-desktop: Depends: kamera but it is not going to be installed03:22
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markcdeb http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main universe multiverse restricted03:22
markcdeb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde35 breezy main03:22
markcthose are my 2 listed sources03:22
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brodelI did a dist-upgrade last night and now I have two kernel choices during boot. Is there a file I can edit to get rid of that? I just want it to boot into the newer one.03:23
markcbrodel> it's handy to have a backup kernel to boot on, the first default one should boot anyway03:25
hugelmopfmarkc: looks fine. kamera-3.5 should be in the kubuntu.org repository03:25
hugelmopfi wonder why apt-get doesn't automatically pull it into the installation. can you check that it is actually available with "aptitude search kamera"?03:25
markcbrodel> if it's a grub boot then it'll be /boot/grub/menu.lst03:25
markc  kamera: Depends: libgphoto2-2 (>= 2.1.6-1ubuntu6.1) but it is not going to be installed03:26
hugelmopfbrodel: you could deinstall the kernel, that you don't want.03:26
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hugelmopfbrodel: after booting into the new kernel of course! ;-)03:27
markc(>= 2.1.6-1ubuntu6.1) but 2.1.6-1ubuntu6 ... they both look the same to me so the >= is faulty!03:28
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hugelmopfmarkc: let me check, which one I have03:29
brodelI just wanted the menu to look a bit cleaner, but if you guys think I might want to keep it there, then maybe I should.03:29
brodelIf I didn't have XP on the same laptop I wouldn't want to see that menu at all.03:29
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hugelmopfbrodel: whenever you verified, that the new kernel works fine (for a few days), it's fine to remove the old kernel package with your package manager ("adept" in your case, i guess).03:30
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markcbrodel> if you play around with any of the newer kernel or module setting and stuff things up then you can still boot on the older kernel03:31
hugelmopfmarkc: you need the breezy-updates source as well.03:31
hugelmopf$ apt-cache policy libgphoto2-203:32
hugelmopf  Installiert:2.1.6-1ubuntu6.103:32
hugelmopf  Mgliche Pakete:2.1.6-1ubuntu6.103:32
hugelmopf  Versions-Tabelle:03:32
hugelmopf *** 2.1.6-1ubuntu6.1 003:32
hugelmopf        500 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de breezy-updates/main Packages03:32
hugelmopf        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status03:32
hugelmopf     2.1.6-1ubuntu6 003:32
hugelmopf        500 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de breezy/main Packages03:32
brodelpastebin dude03:32
markchugelmopf> ah!... yes, commented out a few lines lower!03:32
hugelmopfsorry, didn't expect it to come out like this ;-)03:32
hugelmopf<- not been on IRC for a looong time.03:33
markcyes, another libgphoto came thru... looks like the same version though03:33
brodelwhat is the "recovery mode" in the options? That kind of like safe mode for XP or something?03:33
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markcyes, there we go... kubuntu-desktop underway :)03:34
hugelmopfbrodel: afaik it will boot you into a single root prompt, where you can check your system, in case it doesn't boot anymore.03:34
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markcI *really* tried using the default Gnome desktop for 1/2 hour... I *hate* it !03:34
markcwoops. amd I in #kubuntu... yes, cool :)03:35
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brodelahh ok. Nothing I would know how to use anyway. Thanks hugelmopf 03:35
hugelmopfmarkc: I don't hate Gnome, i even think, that the Ubuntu crew really did a good job in integrating it. But i consider it more of a newbie desktop, as i haven't been able to customize it to my needs as nicely as KDE.03:36
markchugelmopf> I actually got angry and frustrated... the brown theme didn;t do anything for me... it came from disks that were sent to me for free though, so I thought I should at least give the default gnome a try03:39
markchugelmopf> when I signed up fore the disks I specified kubuntu in the comments... didn't work03:39
markchugelmopf> I just wonder if canonical are doing the right thing foisting ubuntu onto so many folks when kubuntu is so much better... IMSHO03:40
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hugelmopfmarkc: I don't know if you have read Mark Shuttleworth's announcement concerning Kubuntu. Looks like it is going to be a "first class citizen" in the Ubuntu world soon.03:41
markchugelmopf> I mean, I won't be giving copies of these disks to anyone03:41
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markchugelmopf> I read something a awhile ago saying it was no going to be dropped, at least, "upgrading" it to full front row seats is good to hear03:42
markchugelmopf> props to Riddel et al03:42
hugelmopfmarkc: http://www.kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-commitment.php03:43
markchugelmopf> thanks03:43
markchugelmopf> ah right, okay so they were just offloading all the old ubuntu CDs then :)03:44
markcand I hope a combined livecd installer is next, with a full graphical installer... that'll nail kubuntu as numero uno, in my view03:46
markc'scuse me raving I got 1/2 an hour to kill waiting for 400mb of kde to come thru03:48
hugelmopffrom my point of view it is numero uno for the desktop/laptop by far. debian + almost all hardware configured automagically + up-to-date packages (especially KDE) ... what can you get more? ;-)03:48
markca single CD to give to newbies that they can try out and if they like it then go ahead and install03:48
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markcand a friendlier graphical startup so they are not so shell shocked (win newbies that is)03:49
hugelmopfyou are right, and this is the plan for the next release :-)03:49
hugelmopfbut i could imagine kubuntu being integrated more tight. i do see the need for a separate live/installer cd, but apart from that I don't see the need for the split of forums, wiki, webpage, ...03:50
markcyes, I agree, all else is top nothc... expecially debian packaging having to go near Dbeian proper03:50
hugelmopfi mean, it is just another install option, not a different system?03:50
markcwithout having to go near Debian proper03:51
markchugelmopf> what, ubuntu and kubuntu of a CD?... perhaps a DVD03:52
markcon a CD03:52
hugelmopfnono, I said I _do_ see the need for a separate installer (as long as it is going to be only one CD), but not the rest of the splitting.03:52
markcah right03:53
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aromanI installed kde3.5. Is there any way to make Konqueror tabs behave more like Firefox/Mozilla tabs? ie. When I middle click an url link it should open in a new tab, and when I middle click a tab, it should close it? Thanks in advance.03:55
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markcaroman> Settings > Web Beahviour and look at the advanced button03:57
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aromanmarkc: I've been there, but I didn't find any setting which would remotely seem to do what I want :(03:58
markcaroman> Open links in new tab instead of window ?03:59
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markcaroman> doesn't your MMB open a link in a new tab? mine does04:01
aromanmarkc: there is an "Open popups in new tab instead of in new window", but the problem is that "middle clkicking" won't open in a new tab, but in a new window ;(04:01
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markcaroman> hmm, maybe there is another setting somewhere, I'll have a look, I vaguely remember seeing something about MMB04:02
brosiowhen will make a kubuntu version with 3.5 ?04:02
aromanok nevermind I've got it... it's weird04:02
aromanbrosio: when 6.04 comes out04:03
brosioa long time to wait :D04:03
markcaroman> ah there it is, in the next panel under Tabbed Browsing04:03
aromanmarkc: yes04:03
sorush21hi guys my Kubuntu Pc is faliling to boot after cecking battery state, now the hdd is working and I'm not sure what its doing, I don't have a battery on my pc and I'm talking to you from a laptop. Could someone tell me how I can enable and disable daemons from the command line in the recovery mode?04:04
aromanthe only thing is that I would like tabs to close when I middle click on them... Is there an option like that?04:04
markcaroman> so does your MMB work as expected now ?04:04
aromanmarkc: ^ almost...04:04
markcaroman> I didn't realize FF allowed to close tabs with MMB, that's cool04:04
markcaroman> hmm, not by default, must be a setting in prefs04:05
jesusfishanyone have issues with amaroK crashing on startup?04:05
aromanmarkc: you need to disable the feature that makes firefox paste an url in the tab you click on (contentLoadURL I think in about:config)04:05
aromanjesusfish: run it from a Konsole and show the output04:06
jesusfisharoman: I did, doesn't show much04:06
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aromanjesusfish: that's not helpful, paste the output into a paste site and post the link...04:06
jesusfishamaroK: [Loader]  Starting amarokapp..04:07
jesusfishamaroK: [Loader]  Don't run gdb, valgrind, etc. against this binary! Use amarokapp.04:07
jesusfishamaroK: [Loader]  amarokapp probably crashed!04:07
jesusfishthat's it for that one04:07
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jesusfishand if I run amarokapp, it just segfaults04:08
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aromanjesusfish: what amarok do you have? :S04:08
aroman[loader]  ? what?04:09
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aromanrun gdb amarokapp04:09
jesusfisharoman: 1.3.1 and 1.3.504:09
aromanthen at the gdb prompt tyle run04:09
jesusfisharoman: did that too, it doesn't show much04:09
aromanhow can you have 2 versions installed?04:09
jesusfisharoman: as in I tried both versions04:11
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markcjesusfish> does strace amarok give you any clues?04:13
jesusfishmarkc: naw, it was pretty useless too04:13
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burepeWhen I use the gui to change the samba settings and I hit the administrator mode button and it lets me sign in, but i can not alter anything. I was told  this is a problem with breezy. I have hoary, butI had a harddrive problem and I used the install disk to reformat the drive and when I did it, by accident for a while it started installing and I turned off the computer. Then I restarted the comp and it seemed to be fine. But now I have th04:15
burepee administration problem. So I am wondering, could  this install starting mistake have installed some Breezy file and be what is causing me this administration mode problem?04:15
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markchow do I get a /etc/mkinitrd/mkinitrd.conf (in breezy) ?04:23
burepeI am trying to access my linux shared folders from a windows machine and when I click orn 04:25
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burepeon the folders is brings up a username and password dialog, but none of my usernames and passwords work. 04:26
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burepeMy button to do Administration mode in the gui doesn't work either. Is there  a way to fix this in the command line?04:27
sorush21hi guys my Kubuntu Pc is faliling to boot after cecking battery state, now the hdd is working and I'm not sure what its doing, I don't have a battery on my pc and I'm talking to you from a laptop. Could someone tell me how I can enable and disable daemons from the command line in the recovery mode?04:27
sorush21I need to reset my init to its normal how do i do that?04:28
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markcsorush21> if you start from recovery then you should be in single user mode and no daemons are started... however, ps aux will show all processes, just kill the number in the 2nd column04:30
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markcsorush21> /etc/init.d/<daemon> stop would be better though04:30
reagleBRKLNKubuntu 5.10 tries to automount sda1 *and* sda http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=4d0816337600dc509d3bf4fda94ea31b&p=539325#post53932504:31
sorush21markc: my bot doesn't fully get compeleted04:31
reagleBRKLNUnlike most problems where folks have trouble with the automount, I have too much of a good thing. I have an external single primary partition ext3 formatted usb drive. (At one point I had formatted it without a partition even (just the whole disk) and perhaps that confused it?) Can I tell automount not to worry about /dev/sda and just focus on /dev/sda1?04:31
markcsorush21> rc-update del <daemon> (I think)04:31
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rvly question, i installed my (kubuntu, which is debian based right?), with dutch language. If i compile programs now04:31
rvl          (./configure, make etc) my gcc gives all the error messages in Dutch. I don't want this. If i get error04:31
rvl          messages, and i want to look them up on the net, i have to translate them and i don't know if my translation is04:31
rvl          the right one. So how can i get my english locale back?04:31
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sorush21why is my boot failing ?04:33
markcrvl> dpkg-reconfigure locales04:33
rvltnx markc04:33
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markcsorush21> there should be some kind of errors, or describe what happens and where you get up to in the boot sequence04:34
aromanburepe: did you run smbpasswd -a <youusername>04:35
aromanand then at the password prompt enter your WINDOWS password?04:35
sorush21markc: I get upto and paste the cecking battery state and its ok, however initializing random number generator fails, and that is as far as I get up to in the boot04:36
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nickv111On my Kubuntu install, sound works, but I cannot play OGG files with amaroK or xmms04:36
markcsorush21> battery, on a desktop ? ... if so then maybe your motherboard battery is cactus04:36
nickv111It's really weird. No sound is emitted when I attempt to play my ogg files04:37
markcnickv111> and mp3 do play ?04:37
nickv111Let me try to find some mp3 files.04:38
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markcnickv111> a wav file... anything else to compare04:38
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bhnanickv111: is gstreamer08-vorbis installed?04:38
markcnickv111> have you started kmix and turned up the master and PCM volumes ?04:39
nickv111markc: Yes04:39
bhnanickv111: is gstreamer08-vorbis installed?04:39
nickv111bhna: Yes04:39
markcdpkg --get-selections | grep gstremer04:39
nickv111bhna: it's the newest version04:40
nickv111Sound works, but I don't have mp3 support anyways04:40
nickv111My music will not play with amaroK, xmms, or ogg12304:40
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jesusfishanyone know how to get the KDE 3.5 dev packages installed?04:46
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nickv111Any suggestions? I honestly have no idea why this doesn't work04:46
nickv111I just tried playing it with xine, and that didn't work, either04:47
=== nickv111 sighs
rebuggerset gstreamer in your media player04:50
rebuggerstart adept and install gstreamer0.8-mad04:50
burepearoman, I did that but it still isn't working04:50
rebuggerthen start your mediaplayer and try playing the mpg3-file04:50
rebuggerthat should work04:50
burepearoman, this is to access the linux shares from a windows comp right?04:50
rebugger(or you install gstreamer0.8-plugins - then you have all gstreamer-plugins installed)04:51
bl3ssingis anybody from springfield, N.J.?04:51
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jesusfishwhy would the kde dev packages depend on fam?04:52
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jesusfishbeing as Kubuntu uses gamin04:52
jesusfishand pretty much every kde package uses gamin04:53
nickv111rebugger: I already have gstreamer0.8-plugins installed04:55
nickv111Okay, I just tried playing an mp3, and the same thing happens04:55
rebuggerand you have set gstreamer in amarok as default?04:56
nickv111I can't understand why, but whenever I play music, there is no sound. Movies work fine04:56
nickv111rebugger: Yes04:56
rebuggertried to reinstall gstreamer0.8-plugins?04:56
bl3ssingnickv111, you can reinstall the greamer plugins04:57
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bl3ssingand ... not only, but ... try to use the xmms to listen to any music. This is the best (my opiniion)04:57
_ajwell make sure you have like mpg123 and sox installed 04:57
nickv111bl3ssing: I have.04:57
bl3ssingI had the same pbs ... and now it is ok. :-)04:57
sorush20guys what happens if I partition my hdd so that every directory has its own partition ?04:57
nickv111rebugger: You mean, like an apt-get remove && apt-get install?04:57
bl3ssingnickv111, have you tried sudo killall artsd? 04:58
rebuggeryeah, i dont know if adept supports "reinstall"04:58
bl3ssingand than ... loading the xmms for listening the music? or any other one ....?04:58
nickv111I'm not using adept04:58
rebuggerso try remove&install04:59
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hugelmopfisn't it weird to have amarok use the gstreamer-plugin on a kde-system, and not arts directly?05:02
hugelmopf(i was assuming that you are using amarok to try playing your audio files)05:03
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EruantalonWarning: Firefox may crash: http://gamesarcade.net/fire/fire.asp <-- Can you access this page and play the flash game? Firefox crashes at my box. 05:05
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MenZa`how do I run a script? I downloaded a theme, and it says I have to run an "install.sh" script - what command do I need?05:05
Eruantalonbut you are probable going to need to do chmod +x install.sh first05:06
MenZa`just navigate to it :\?05:06
Eruantalonyou navigate to the right path then execute the script with: ./install.sh05:06
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rebuggerMenZa`:  firefox 1.5 works05:07
MenZa`you're telling me that.. why?05:07
MenZa`I'd assume it does :S05:07
rebuggerups, wrong nick05:07
Eruantalonrebugger: Was that for me?05:07
rebuggerEruantalon:  yeah05:07
MenZa`heh ;)05:07
rebuggerEruantalon:  was for you05:07
rebuggerworks with ff1.505:08
EruantalonCan you actually play an whole game?05:08
EruantalonMaybe thats what I need.05:08
EruantalonThough I think my problem is with flash itself.05:08
rebuggermom, i'll test05:08
rebuggerupdate your flash05:09
EruantalonFirefox just dissappears here, no crashing or anything its just gone. Happens quite often with flash sites. Pretty annoying now that there are all these flash ads everywhere05:09
rebuggerflush your firefox-cache05:09
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nickv111Same problem after reinstalling gstreamer0.8-plugins05:10
nickv111When I play a song, I get this in the bottom-left hand corner of amaroK: "GStreamer: Error"05:10
hugelmopfnickv111: which player are you using and have you tried a different backend then gstreamer?05:10
nickv111hugelmopf: I am using amarok, and no05:10
rebuggerreinstall gstreamer0.8 completely?05:10
Eruantalonrebugger: What is the easiest way to upgrade flash on kubuntu?05:11
hugelmopf"apt-get install amarok-arts" and switch to the arts backend, maybe that helps?05:11
MenZa`Eruantalon: check the link, I get problems running the script :\05:11
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rebuggerwith firefox? hm, download the flash-package an run the script - then set your firefox-plugin-dir to the flash-dir05:11
EruantalonI really can't stand when I can't just apt-get something05:12
Eruantalonrebugger: thanks anyway05:12
rebuggerno problem05:12
hugelmopfrebugger: is there any reason for nickv111 to keep using gstreamer, instead of arts? (given he is using KDE)05:13
EruantalonMenZa`: It seems that the script is running just fine, but you are having some other problem with the script. That I wouldn't know anything about05:13
rebuggerhugelmopf:  no - no reason05:13
EruantalonI don't even know what you are trying to install05:13
nickv111rebugger: Same thing05:13
nickv111I'm getting the same problem05:13
rebuggerwith arts?05:14
nickv111hugelmopf: That didn't help. So, I suppose the problem is not gstreamer05:14
nickv111rebugger: Right05:14
nickv111Using arts didn't make any difference05:14
rebuggertry arts-backend just like hugelmopf suggested05:14
rebuggerdo you have mpg123 installed?05:14
nickv111rebugger: I do now05:15
rebuggerso have you tried "mpg123 song.mp3"05:16
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nickv111rebugger: Yes05:16
nickv111rebugger: No sound output05:16
hugelmopfnickv: do you have any other application running, that would use your audio?05:16
nickv111hugelmopf: No05:17
rebuggerhm, and there is really no problem with your sound?05:17
nickv111rebugger: No, because I can play movies with sound no problem05:17
rebuggerwhat are you using? alsa?05:17
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nickv111rebugger: Yes05:17
JakubS_nickv111: mplayer?05:17
markcnickv111>  this might help diagnose your problem http://alsa.opensrc.org/aadebug05:18
nickv111JakubS_: Doubtful. I have tried amarok, xmms, mpg123, ogg123, and xine, so I doubt mplayer will make a bit of difference05:18
JakubS_nickv111: i just wondered what do you use for watching videos with audio05:19
nickv111JakubS_: xine05:19
hugelmopfnickv111: if you go to "system settings" - "sound & multimedia" and disable to sound system and then reenable it... does it give you any errors?05:19
hugelmopf^^ the sound system05:19
JakubS_then check what output is it using05:19
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nickv111hugelmopf: No errors05:20
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markcnickv111> does kmix run at all ?05:21
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nickv111hugelmopf: However, if I click "test sound", it doesn't echo any sort of sound05:21
nickv111markc: Yes. It's running right now05:21
markcnickv111> and master AND pcm are up ?05:21
libbenis there any benchmark for linux ? i wanna test my passive cooling on my grafix card05:21
nickv111markc: Yes.05:22
EruantalonHow can I tell which version of flash firefox is using?05:23
markcnickv111> running jackd -d alsa as root should give some errors... it's pretty sensitive to  the audio setup05:23
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Zeuszhello 2 all05:24
markcEruantalon>  about:plugins05:25
ZeuszI downloaded a linux game from happypenguin.org05:25
nickv111markc: "cannot load driver module alsa05:25
Zeuszand I don't know how to install it05:25
Zeuszit's a .run file05:25
Zeuszwhat is the command?05:25
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markcnickv111> so if you lsmod | grep snd... do you get anything ?05:26
markcnickv111>  lynx -dump http://alsa.opensrc.org/aadebug.txt | sh 05:26
bhnaZeusz: open the konqueror in the directory. press F4. type in the console ./run05:26
libbenanyone knows of any benchmark program for graficks card05:27
nickv111markc: Yes. All my sound modules05:27
nickv111markc: Mind you, sound plays fine with movies05:27
markclibben> glxgears ?05:27
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Zeusz./run ?05:28
libbenmarkc: well, i need something to stress it. i need the card to be maxxed. i have removed the fan on it and putted a vga heat pipes on it instead05:28
libbenso its passiv cooling05:28
libbenno fans on it05:28
libbeni need to stress it to see if the card gets warm05:28
Eruantalonmarkc: Why is flash listed twice? IS that because i have two versions installad that overlap each other05:28
markcEruantalon> not sure, I have only -> Shockwave Flash 7.0 r2505:29
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EruantalonIs that the old version?05:30
Zeuszit's not working05:30
Eruantaloni have r25 and r6105:30
Zeuszi'm in the console05:30
markclibben> I think glxgears winds the gfx card quite a bit05:30
Zeuszin the game's directry05:30
Eruantalon61 is the one i downloaded from Macromedia just now05:30
Zeuszthe game is named army.run05:30
hugelmopfZeusz: what about entering "./army.run"05:30
Zeuszit says command not found05:31
markcnickv111> if you try xmms then you can switch between OSS and ALSA output drivers... perhaps the video program only uses OSS05:31
libbenmarkc: what was it to type for the fps to show05:32
hugelmopfZeusz: which files are shown in that directory (with "ls")?05:32
nickv111markc: Why would it be that xine doesn't play sound with my oggs or mp3's, then?05:32
hugelmopfZeusz: maybe you have to "chmod +x army.run" first05:32
nickv111markc: It's the same setup05:32
markclibben> they show up in the console05:32
libbenyeah but u need to type something these days05:32
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libbenjust glxgears doesnt put a output of ur fps anymore05:32
markclibben> mine shows -> 4631 frames in 5.0 seconds = 926.200 FPS05:33
libbenwell. mine doesnt =) and i have the newest install. so maybe ur outdated =)05:33
libbeni think u need to type glxgears -thisisnotabenchmark!05:34
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markclibben> oh, I'm on gentoo trying to install kubuntu05:34
libbenooh =) then that explains it.05:35
markclibben> or -v 05:35
markclibben> well, I'm trying to install kubuntu on an external USB drive... I'm keeping the gentoo install05:35
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libbenwell, after u succeed with that u will waste gentoo anyway =) atleast we hope so =)05:36
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markclibben> maybe not... I used to run dapper and I could not get kde3.55 AND mythtv installed so I switched to gentoo05:37
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libbenglxgears -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark05:38
libbenis the new command =)05:38
markcsigh, time to boot on that drive and see if that external !@#$% drive will boot kubuntu... see ya's05:39
NeoFax12Anyone know where I can get festival for Breezy?  It was included in the RC's, but not the final.  Nor is it in the repositories. 05:39
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hugelmopfNeoFax12: festival is in breezy for me05:40
NeoFax12Did you get it from the CD?05:41
hugelmopfi don't know. CD or internet, not sure.05:41
NeoFax12If so, then why isn't it in the apt repositories?05:41
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hugelmopfit is in my apt repository, even in breezy/main05:41
hugelmopfwhat does your "apt-cache policy festival" say?05:41
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NeoFax12It states it is in archive.ubuntu.com.  Weird.  When I open adept, it does not show up.05:45
hugelmopfAll state filters activated?05:46
hugelmopfand also all easy tag filters05:46
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_menzahere's a question you probably don't hear a lot in here05:47
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_menzaWhat's the standard game mode for Solitaire in the Solitaire game :\?05:47
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kkathmanhey PokerFacePenguin :)05:50
hugelmopfNeoFax12: did you find it? i just installed it, very funny that thing. had not seen it before :-)05:51
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MenZa`What's the standard solitaire gamemode :o?05:52
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NeoFax12hugelmopf: Thanks!  It is working great now.  Do you know where I can get other voices?05:55
hugelmopfNeoFax12: a few speakers are available via Adept as well, did you see them?05:56
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NeoFax12hugelmopf: In adept I don't even see festival at all.  I just did sudo apt-get install festival.  I could probably just open the Packages file on my HDD and browse through them.05:58
hugelmopfyou must have some filters activated in Adept, if you don't see it. you can also try aptitude on the commandline...05:58
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hugelmopfNeoFax12: "aptitude search fest" should also give you a pretty complete list05:59
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kkathmanhi hussam06:00
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NeoFax12hugelmopf: Thanks again!  You are just a well of knowledge.  You would think I would be too.  I have been using Linux since 1999.06:02
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lambertoqualcuno dall'italia?06:04
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ZeuszI'm back06:05
Zeuszwhich is the command for a run file?06:05
Zeuszmy file is named army.run06:05
LeeJunFanZeusz: chmod +x army.run && ./army.run06:06
hugelmopfZeusz: you might have to make it executable ("chmod +x army.run") and then you can probably run it directly ("./army.run")06:06
MenZa`  I've installed the "3dchess" pack using adept, but how do I run it?06:08
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PokerFacePenguinkkathman: hey, had stepped away06:09
hugelmopfMenZa`: It does not show up in the KDE menu? You should at least be able to run it with Alt-F2 + 3dchess, does that work?06:10
MenZa`Doesn't work.06:10
=== MenZa` slaps hugelmopf
hugelmopfuno secundo06:12
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hugelmopftry 3Dc06:13
MenZa`Oui ;)06:13
hugelmopfAlt-F2 + 3Dc06:13
MenZa`works now06:13
MenZa`how do I get it in the kmenu?06:13
MenZa`Menu editor perhaps06:13
hugelmopfyes, if you find it06:14
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MenZa`nope, it's not found there06:18
hugelmopfthen you have to use kmenuedit to add it manually06:18
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libbenanyone heard anymore on the Oxygen icon pack?06:19
MenZa`hugelmopf: it's not in either of them06:19
hugelmopfMenZa: I meant, you will have to add it manually with the help of kmenuedit. You rightclick on the category where you want it (probably Games) and add the new item.06:21
MenZa`Oh, okay06:21
l3mi'm trying to setup a cvs repository using CVSD. Everything seems to work fine, except that when i want to checkout, i get "Cannot Access /project/CVSROOT", "No such file or directory". There is however a /project dir in the chrootjail-root, the dir is in cvsd.conf and i ran cvsd-buildroot... any ideas ?06:21
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vblantonhello kubuntu folks!06:24
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vblantonis LeeJunFan around?06:25
epRight click, Create New...   How do I get Odt (OpenOffice) text document to appear on the menu?06:26
vblantonhmm, i can't remember..06:27
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jrj123Where can I get info on upgrading from Kubuntu 5.04 to 5.10, given that I have a 5.10 Install CD ??06:50
ubotuThe guide to upgrading to breezy (5.10) is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade06:50
sampanjrj123  see the link ubotu posted :)06:51
hugelmopfjrj123: is it important for you to use the CD, or are you on a fast internet connection?06:51
jrj123Thankee.  I was looking for a pointer to something written.  Lemme look.06:51
jrj123I only have a slow dialup connection (using it now), so i would prefer to do a base upgrade using the CD, which I specifically burned for the purpose, then upgrade further patches online.06:52
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hugelmopfok, then you will have to add the CD to your apt repositories. I guess the easiest way is to use "apt-cdrom add"06:53
jrj123Unrelatedly -- I might switch, later, to Debian, but for now I'll stick with Ubuntu / Kubuntu.06:53
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hugelmopfjrj123: which package manager are you using?06:55
jrj123(The change would be because I seem to be installing a lot of stuff from Universe, which I understand doesn't get support beyond that it's simply provided from Ubuntu Official Sources, e.g. security fixes / bug fixes, so ... as long as I'm going to do that, I might as well go to Debian.)06:55
jrj123Aptitude.  I tried the default KDE GUI one, but I had problems with it -- unsure if it was (l)user error, program inadequacies, or both.06:56
jrj123I'm finding aptitude working well for me.06:56
kkathmanaptitude doesnt always work well06:56
hugelmopf@ debian/ubuntu: it depends, on what you are using it for. (K)ubuntu is great for the desktop and laptop, while Debian is great on the server.06:56
kkathmanthere are some bugs in it06:57
kkathmanapt-get is probably more reliable for you06:57
hugelmopf@ aptitude: to me it seems better than the GUI one provided with Kubuntu 5.04 (Kynaptic?), but in 5.10 there is a new one (Adept), which seems a lot better then Kynaptic.06:57
kkathmanhugelmopf: kubuntu is debian basically but kubuntu has a KDE shell...on a server you dont need that so straight ubuntu without the gnome would work very well for a server06:58
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jrj123I haven't had a serious problem with aptitude yet, IIRC.  The only concern is that, somehow, very occassionally I'll hit some keystroke which makes aptitude think i want to ** UNINSTALL ** many many packages on the system -- this freaked me out at first, but I've learned to work around it manually.06:58
kkathmanyes thats a serious bug...also, aptitude for some reason cant access all package in the repos06:59
hugelmopfkkathman: I know that, as I just installed Kubuntu here, after using Debian (AMD64) for a while. I just find, that Kubuntu is a lot more suitable on the laptop, which was not meant to say, it is not good on the server.06:59
jrj123I suppose if I'm going to need to do a dist-upgrade tho, I might be better off using apt-get (or whatever) rather than aptitude for *that*, at least.06:59
kkathmanmany times I have tried aptitude to install and it doesnt find a package, yet apt-get will06:59
kkathmanhugelmopf: it works well on a desktop too (kubuntu)07:00
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jrj123kk: Huh.  I haven't had aptitude not find a package for me yet.  Tho ... I'm sticking solely with ubuntu-specific repositories, not trying to add on debian-specific reporitories as well.07:00
wotanI have problems with the touchpad in my laptop07:01
wotananyone with the same problem?07:01
hugelmopfjrj123: the best procedure for you might be "apt-cdrom add", add the new breezy lines as in the Wiki, "apt-get update" "apt-get dist-upgrade"07:01
hugelmopfprobably you can leave the new breezy lines out at first, as the cd should be able to cover its dependencies?07:02
hugelmopfwotan: which problems?07:02
wotanwell, it works correctly07:02
wotanbut I can't use the horizontal srolling07:02
wotanfor instance07:02
jrj123Is there an easy command-line way to find out how many packages I currently have installed from Ubuntu Universe, as opposed to Ubuntu Main?07:03
wotanand I can't drag icons with double-click and drag07:03
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hugelmopfwotan: is it a synaptics touchpad?07:04
wotanin a toshiba satellite07:04
jrj123hugel: I'd agree, leave the new breezy lines out at first because otherwise I just bet it'll try to do half the dist upgrade using online files, and I don't want to risk that during the dist-upgrade.  Initial upgrade from locally mounted repositories (e.g. CD) _only_!07:04
hugelmopfwotan: i have not seen any ubuntu install, where the touchpad did not work, so i am a bit surprised. have you had a look at your /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?07:04
wotanyes, but I don't know what options I should set07:05
GNAMKONQUEROR is way better than firefox07:05
GNAMbecause it supports sftp07:05
GNAMthis list my last discover07:05
kkathmanGNAM no07:05
hugelmopfwotan: want to paste the touchpad section of your xorg.conf in http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/ ?07:06
kkathmanKonq has alot of rendering problems on some pages that Firefox can render with ease07:06
wotanhugelmopf: i've just done it in pastebin.com: http://pastebin.com/44740007:06
hugelmopfkkathman: you can still use firefox for these. i don't have the impression these are so many pages07:07
kkathmanbrowsers tend to be very personal issues...you use what you are comfy with :)07:07
kkathmanI personally dont use Konq for anything07:07
jrj123I can't wait until I can run IE 5 on my new Kubuntu system.  Then, I'll be able to do *everything*!  That will be DA BOMB!!!07:07
kkathmanbut thats what linux is all about...choice07:07
wotanhugelmopf: it's the default config, I didn't change anything07:08
kkathmanGOD why would you want to run IE !!!07:08
kkathmankinda defeats the purpose :)07:08
hugelmopfwotan: i see. try to add the ZAxisMapping option just as it is in the configured mouse thing. should give you scrolling07:09
jrj123KK: Not just IE, but IE *** 5 ***.  Because getting to use IE 4 would be just too much to hope for...07:09
wotanok hugelmopf07:09
kkathmanANy IE is evil07:09
GNAMjrjl23 I can't wait until I can run konqueror in windows07:09
kkathmanGNAM you can07:09
GNAMnot stuff of nerds07:09
GNAMi want an official port.07:09
jrj123GN: I bet you can do that now if you use ... I forget the name of it, but ... cygwin.07:10
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kkathmanits official..Konq is cross platform07:10
jrj123See if you can run it using cygwin.07:10
hugelmopfwotan: you will have to restart your x-server for changes (logout/in)07:10
jrj123Hug: Logout, or reboot?07:10
kkathmanim not saying you wouldnt have to work at it :)07:11
jrj123Yes, you could restart the x server w/o rebooting, but, unless you need 24/7 uptime, why screw with it?  Go the MICROSOFT way!07:11
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hugelmopfjrj123: i thought logging out should be enough, but probably you are right. restarting the x-server is a lot easier then rebooting though.07:12
kkathmanI'd prefer NOT to go the microsoft way, thank you07:13
kkathmanfor anything!07:13
hugelmopfwotan: close all programs, logout of KDE, go to the console (Ctrl-Alt-F1), login and do "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart". this should restart your x-server07:13
hugelmopfafter the changes to xorg.conf07:13
jrj123KK: It's only TRULY the MS way if you have to reboot 5 times in a row.07:14
wotanhugelmopf: yes, i know, but I'm doing other things :)07:15
pussfelleronly 5 times? 07:15
jrj123Hug: Well, what I'm thinking is, if you need to update / restart the X server, that's independent of log in / out.  You could switch to another virtual terminal, log in on a console tty mode, and do a kill -HUP I suppose.  But, for something that fundamental to normal usage, unless you have some reason to care, rebooting is prolly quicker / easier / safer for most normal people, non sysadmin types.07:15
brosioexist a mirror with mozilla1.5 ?07:16
kkathmanjrj why not just do a kdm stop and restart :)07:17
jrj123Ubuntu-specific mirror? I'd assume mozilla.org would have binaries if a final has been released yet, but they'd be linux general targeted.07:17
jrj123KK: Because, on my own, figuring that much out would take longer than a reboot, to be honest.  And, I'm not massively computer illiterate, like many normal people would be.07:18
hugelmopfbrosio: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion ?07:18
dawynnanyone have experience with sound recording in linux?07:19
jrj123Okay, it liked the apt-cdrom add.  I'll wait for the rest until I've closed all my currently open apps.07:19
jrj123I don't like the default kde terminal app in 5.04.  It's just not as stable as putty under windows seemed to be.  I get stray characters on my screen sometimes when I ssh.  And I don't like having to go to the menu to copy.07:20
jrj123Tho, the stray chars could be ssh-related, not terminal app related.07:21
hugelmopfi'll be gone in a second, so you'll have to help wotan out, when he returns ;-)07:21
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brodelwhen I try to open a rar file using ark I get a message "The utility unrar is not in your PATH.Please install it or contact your system administrator." How do I "install it"?07:23
jrj123brodel: One sec on that Q.07:25
dawynnbrodel -- check synaptic (or whatever you use to install packages).  Look for unrar-nonfree.07:25
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dawynnbrodel: you *could* use unrar-free, but it is way out-dated.07:26
wotanit doesn't work yet07:26
dawynnDoesn't work with recent versions of rar.07:26
jrj123brodel: Okay.  Use your favorite package manager to look for "unrar" package.  Add / install it.07:26
brodelok. I installed unrar and unrar-nonfree07:26
brodelanything else I need to do?07:27
dawynnbrodel: try to use ark on the archive again.07:27
brodelI did. Same thing. :\07:27
dawynntry exiting ark and restarting it.07:27
brodeldo I need to tell ark where to look?07:27
brodeldid that too (unless it's still running and I don't know about it)07:28
jrj123brodel: Do "which unrar", see if it's found.07:29
jrj123You should onlu need unrar _or_ unrar-nonfree, I assume they're functionally equivalent.07:29
brodelI did that at the terminal.. didn't give me anything.07:29
jrj123Do a "whereis unrar".07:29
brodelI installed one.. didn't work.. so I tried the other07:30
brodel sudo whereis unrar07:30
jrj123Did your package manager actually install the package successfully?  What manager are you using?07:31
brodelI used aptitude. It's served me well for everything else I've installed.07:31
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jrj123What is in your $PATH variable?  Maybe you're missing an important directory.07:31
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brodelhow do I find that out?07:32
flosofthey everyone07:32
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jrj123echo $PATH07:32
flosofthow do I enable APM?07:32
jrj123I get this from a whereis unrar, after installing it:  unrar: /usr/bin/unrar /usr/share/man/man1/unrar.1.gz07:33
jrj123Try doing ls -l /usr/bin/unrar07:34
dawynntry 'dpkg -l unrar-nonfree' or 'dpkg -l unrar', depending on which one you have installed.  Tell use what version.07:34
brodells: /usr/bin/unrar: No such file or directory07:34
jrj123Okay, you don't have it installed.07:34
brodeloh. I see why.. 07:35
jrj123Use aptitude, make sure it says unrar is actually installed.  You might want to uninstall and reinstall it.07:35
brodelNo candidate version found for unrar-nonfree07:35
brodelNo packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed.07:35
brodelI didn't see that in the blur of text07:35
brodelthe first time anyway07:35
dawynnWhat flavor of linux / ubuntu are you using?  Breezy has unrar-nonfree07:36
brodelthat's what I'm using kubuntu 5.10. 07:36
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flosofthow do I enable APM?07:36
libbenhow do i enable wines register? aka regedit07:37
dawynnbrodel: do you have the universe / multiverse repositories enabled?07:38
jrj123dawynn: What's a multiverse repository?07:39
uboturepositories is, like, How to add repositories:  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto See !sources for example sources.list07:39
brodelI enabled something a while back. If I check using adept, will that tell me what aptitude uses too? Do they all use the same?07:39
dawynnI'm not quite sure what's a multiverse -- except in the Michael Moorcock sense :-)07:39
jrj123No, I know what a universe repository is, I added it already, just dunno what multiverse means.07:39
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brodelI have universe07:40
flosofthow do I enable APM?07:40
dawynnlooks like the rar stuff is in the multiverse.07:41
dawynnrar, unrar-nonfree.07:41
dawynnwhich makes me think that multiverse is much like the Debian non-US label.07:42
brodeldo I want the backports one?07:42
brodelthat's the only one I see that I can enable that has multiverse07:42
dawynnSo, brodel -- update your /etc/apt/sources.list to include the multiverse.  Everywhere you have universe, add ' multiverse' to the end of the line.  Then 'sudo aptitude update' to get the extra repositories.07:43
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brodelthat worked. :D07:44
brodelwell it's installing this time..07:44
dawynnjrj123, the Debian non-US stuff was reserved for things that were questionably legal in the US.  Like encryption type of things.  Maybe that's what Ubuntu is doing with multiverse.07:45
jrj123dawynn: Ya, I know about non-US.  Encryption and patent-encumbered.07:45
dawynnI take it back.  After looking a little deeper into Multiverse (using Synaptic), I think I understand a little better.  Hold on.07:46
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dawynnMain is the actual supported repository.  Restricted is supported, but only useful for certain computers.  Using for computers that don't need the components in Restricted could damage your PC>07:47
dawynnUniverse is non-supported, but still free.07:47
dawynnMultiverse seems to handle stuff that isn't really totally Debian-style-free.07:48
dawynnExamples: certain compression systems that may not have a totally free license, system emulators, etc.07:49
brosiowhy i don't have an kcontrol icon on kde3.5 i miss something ?07:50
dawynnthe abuse sound effects, and nonfree portions of BSD-games are in multiverse.  you get the idea.07:50
dawynnOk, what's the nicest way to turn off a sound server?  I'm in KDE, so I'm guessing its arts.07:51
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angasuleadept won't start, I don't get an error, it just starts loading... and nothing happens, I see a few instances of kdesu when I do a "ps -A", maybe there are previous instances of kdesu running adept that didn't close properly?07:54
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jesusfishanyone know how to get the KDE 3.5 dev packages installed?07:55
_janI'm looking for someone who has experience with setting up WLAN WPA-TKIP07:57
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l3mbrosio: you should have kcontrol, but anyway, you won't need it, since kubuntu has systemsettings instead...07:57
l3mubotu: tell jesusfish about kde3.507:58
jesusfishl3m: I have the KDE 3.5 packages07:59
jesusfishl3m: but the dev packages won't install07:59
l3msorry, misread07:59
l3mjesusfish: what error do you get? 07:59
jesusfishkdelibs4-dev depends on libfam-dev08:00
jesusfishfor whatever reason08:00
jesusfishbeing as Kubuntu uses gamin08:00
dawynnSo, where do we get the kde3.5 packages?  Can I just add something to sources.list?08:00
EmmeNightNightthe upgrade wednesday or so completely eliminated my wireless card.  iwconfig shows no wlan0 not does ifconfig, it was there and working fine before.  Any ideas how to get it back?08:00
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kkathmandawynn: I'd suggest wating untill it is released to the standard repos :)08:01
dawynnAny idea when it might hit the backports?08:01
l3mubotu: tell dawynn about kde3.508:01
kkathmandawynn: should be there in a few days08:02
jesusfishl3m: I just wanna build amaroK 1.3.6 packages, but I can't08:02
angasuleI killed kdesud (the kdesu daemon, I guess), and now it works, but I'd like to know what went wrong in the first place08:03
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libbenanyone knows how to enable regedit in wine?08:05
jesusfishl3m: and to install fam, I need to remove gamin, and that will take most kde apps with it08:05
EmmesHEMIi do see it in the PCI list in KInfoCenter, just not anywhere else08:05
l3mjesusfish: hmm dunno. 08:05
l3mjesusfish: maybe file a bug, since gamin should provide libfam or other way round, so that you can switch them.....08:06
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EmmesHEMIsorry, using dapper, should have said that..08:09
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hugelmopfwotan: did you get your touchpad to work?08:13
wotanno, :(08:13
hugelmopfany changes?08:14
brosiol3m: i have only system08:14
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brosioand there isn't anythig like kcontrol08:14
wotanno, I added that, but it doesn't work08:15
l3mbrosio: you don't need that08:16
l3mbrosio: in your kmenu, there's an entry "system settings"08:16
l3mbrosio: click on kmenu. read all the entries. it's there08:17
l3mnot in a submenu08:17
hugelmopfwotan: does "dmesg | grep Synaptics" tell you anything important?08:17
brosioon system i have only printer managment and wallet08:17
brosiobelive me i don't have it :D08:17
brosioi what to known because...08:17
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epWhat's the simplest way to upgrade from Qt 4.0,0 to 4.0.1?08:19
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MenZa`in the control unit, where can I find where I active/deactivate the mac os-ish topbar?08:20
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MenZa`Nevermind, found it.08:20
willehow could i enable universe under the repositories list.....08:20
hugelmopfwille: Have you tried the "Manage repositories" option of "Adept"?08:21
epRight click, Create New...   How do I get Odt (OpenOffice) text document to appear on the menu?08:22
wotanhugelmopf: no, it doesn't appear anything08:22
willeyes but i dont know how culd i enable universe..08:23
willebecause im trying to install amule..08:23
ubotu[repos]  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) see also !easysource08:23
MenZa`ep: I'd like to know too :o08:23
hugelmopfwotan: that's strange.i pasted a different configuration suggestion into your pastebin, want to try that?08:24
epWe get a big enough lobby... and someone will answer!08:24
wotancan you give me the url again?08:24
hugelmopfwille: it's as easy as adding the word "universe" to the Components section (which includes e. g. "main") in the "Manage Repositories" dialog.08:25
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djk_ep: there should be an entry already, but if there isn't, right click, edit menu. the command for OOo2-Writer is    ooffice2 -writer 08:25
hugelmopfwotan: http://pastebin.com/44749808:25
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MenZa`djk_: where is "Edit menu"? I can't find it :o08:26
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djk_MenZa`: when you open the Kmenu and rightclick08:27
epme either:)08:27
MenZa`When we right click, create new, "OpenOffice 2 Writer"08:27
MenZa`That's what we want :o08:28
MenZa`at least me08:28
MenZa`and I'm guessing ep want the same :o08:28
djk_MenZa`: okay, as i see it, you don't have an OO2Writer entry in your KMenu ?08:28
MenZa`No, not the Kmenu08:28
MenZa`On right clicking on e.g. the desktop08:29
epor in konq file browser08:29
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djk_ep: MenZa`: ah,..mmh, i never use the desktop or konqui..so not really sure.08:31
=== musashiden [n=musashid@pool-162-84-52-136.sal.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
epI've got  an OO2Writer entry in KMenu | Office | OpenOffice.org2 Writer   This is not the same menu that pops up when you right click the desktop (or right click in kong)08:32
musashidenhmmm, how do i upgrade from hoary to breezy without having to burn breezy into a CD?08:33
ubotuThe guide to upgrading to breezy (5.10) is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade08:33
musashidenthank you kkathman08:33
MenZa`The OOo2 splash I downloaded is awesome08:33
stupendo44how can I record a sound that I am playing?08:34
MenZa`ep: Lemme show you08:34
MenZa`ep: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=2973708:35
epI hope the state of Massachusetts approves ODF for state documents08:37
MenZa`awesome :o08:38
MenZa`where can I get "moodin"?08:38
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MenZa`now I just need to know how to install it08:40
stupendo44ep: it's not looking good on that... Some hotshot just took the wheel and isn't pro-OSS08:40
stupendo44ep: I think he fired the other guy or something08:41
epsad they've railroaded the Mass. IT director.  Political stops being pulled.   Grassroot support needed!08:42
stupendo44ep: yup...08:42
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stupendo44ep: I'm nowhere near ther08:42
LeeJunFanone thing decides politics - money, no amount of whining in the world will make it any different.08:43
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MenZa`I'm compiling a moodin pack08:44
MenZa`in the instructions, it tells me to navigate to the dir it's in, then ./configure followed by 'make'08:44
MenZa`make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.08:44
MenZa`What do I do now :\?08:44
LeeJunFanthe savings for switching to open source have to outweigh the bribe MS will make.08:44
MenZa`LeeJunFan: besides, OOo is better than MSOFFICe08:45
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MenZa`So it's not just the fact that it's OS08:45
musashideni wonder how long does it takes to upgrade :/08:46
MenZa`Anyone care to help me install this pack?08:46
epIts not about Open Source, its about open file formats.  Its about leveling the playing field. 08:46
MenZa`http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/5344 <- That's the install manual which I'm having problems following08:46
MenZa`ep: my bad :p08:47
Tm_Thow many of you would like to see flatout2 in linux?08:48
djk_what is flatout208:48
MenZa`ubotu: moodin is a ksplash engine which can be found here: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=25705 and instructions on installing can be found here: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/534408:48
ubotuokay, MenZa`08:48
ubotuI guess moodin is a ksplash engine which can be found here: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=25705 and instructions on installing can be found here: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/534408:48
Tm_Tdjk_: car race game08:48
djk_Tm_T: well then.. okay? i guess ;)08:49
Tm_Tdjk_: then mail to them and tell you are ready to buy that game (and others) if you they will be released to linux: bugbear@bugbear.fi08:50
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chaoticgeekhi all08:50
djk_Tm_T: uhyeah, i'm ready to "buy"..08:51
MenZa`psh, there's a reason I got linux08:51
djk_MenZa`: you didn't get laid and needed an excuse?08:51
djk_...worked for me...08:51
MenZa`Well, I thought I'd discover the wondrous world of *nix08:52
musashidenthis channel is akward :\08:52
MenZa`and Ubuntu was where I started08:52
jazwechi..please i have a problem..i have game in *.mdf file and i want to mount it to use with cedega08:52
jazweccould anybody tell me how08:52
MenZa`musashiden: I'm usually on 36 channels, if you think this is awkward, I recommend you not sticking your nose too far out08:52
chaoticgeekawakward does not discribe us08:52
MenZa`jazwec: #cedega08:52
MenZa`try talking to them :P08:52
MenZa`I always wanted to try cedega08:53
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MenZa`For the past 3 days08:53
musashidenMenZa`: whats the most akward channel this whole irc network has?08:53
MenZa`Well, I'm only on things such as openoffice, wordpress, gnome, kde etc.08:53
stupendo44jazwec: basically, you can't08:53
MenZa`On irc.ausirc.net08:53
MenZa`That's weird08:53
stupendo44jazwec: you have to convert it to an iso, and I haven't found anything that will do it08:54
musashidenheh, i recommend you stay away from irc.deltaanime.net, the ircops in there are douchebags08:54
jazwecstupendo44 i found a program named mdf2iso but i dont know how to run it :)08:54
stupendo44jazwec: mdf is a alcohol 120% file, I believe. which doesn't run on linux even using wine08:55
stupendo44let me take a quick look, I'll see if I can help you otu08:55
jazwecstupendo44 http://mdf2iso.berlios.de/08:56
angasulethere is a program that can convert mdf files to iso, I tried it and it didn't work08:56
stupendo44jazwec: looks like from the website that it has to be compiled08:56
stupendo44jazwec: or not08:56
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stupendo44jazwec: the website appears to be having trouble08:58
stupendo44jazwec: go to the console and run the program without switches. What does it say08:59
stupendo44long outputs put on pastebin08:59
djk_mmh, couldn't one use ctrl+i for italic in OOo?08:59
jazwechere you can download it: http://osdir.com/Downloads+index-req-viewdownloaddetails-lid-765-ttitle-mdf2iso.phtml08:59
jazwecstupendo44 how can i run it without switches? im linux-beginner09:00
stupendo44djk_: should be able to09:00
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stupendo44jazwec: just without any options. just like "mdf2iso". switches would be like --help or something09:00
MenZa`"I've got something, and it goes thumping like this - all you need, is my uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss.... I've got something and it goes thumping like this - all you need is my uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss... Uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss baby"09:00
djk_stupendo44: right, thought i had dreamt it. either way, i can't anymore but can't remember what i changed.09:00
stupendo44djk_: you're on kubuntu?09:01
stupendo44djk_: check the shortcuts, if there is any. can't remember09:01
djk_stupendo44: they're fine.09:01
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MrGreenIs sk98lin supported in kubuntu?09:03
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jazwecstupendo44 just write: mdf2iso to console?09:03
jazwecor i have to use some command09:03
stupendo44well, you need to load a console first09:04
stupendo44then just type mdf2iso and hit enter09:04
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stupendo44MrGreen: not sure09:06
stupendo44never used it, what is it09:06
MrGreennetwork module09:07
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MrGreenis there a netcardconfig in kubuntu?09:08
sorush20guys how do I find out here a manual for mondo backup has gone to ?09:08
stupendo44MrGreen: you can check ubuntu, that kind of thing would be either, I think09:08
MrGreenok thanks 09:08
MrGreenI'm d/l kubuntu atm 09:08
stupendo44jazwec: what'd you get so far?09:08
MrGreenjust wanted to check if I could get network running09:08
MrGreenbeen told that kubuntu rocks!!!!09:09
stupendo44I like it09:09
stupendo44especially with new kde3.509:09
MrGreenapt-get update ?09:09
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stupendo44it's not in official, but should be in kubuntu 6.0409:09
MrGreen..... 09:10
MrGreend/l 5.10 atm09:10
stupendo44there's a repo for it. it's easy enough09:10
MrGreenI'll read up09:10
MrGreenthanks ;-)09:10
brosioa repository with windows media codec ?09:11
stupendo44jazwec: you still there?09:11
stupendo44brosio: I think w32codecs has all that09:11
jazwecstupendo44 yeah,,,im trying to use it..but i doesnt work09:11
brosiostupendo44: where i can fount it ?09:11
stupendo44jazwec: what are you getting09:11
stupendo44I got it finally09:11
jazwecstupendo44 i want to do iso or cue from that mdf file09:12
stupendo44jazwec: right...09:12
stupendo44brosio: can't remember exactly. I think videolan repo has it. and there another one. or you can find the standalone deb with google09:13
hugelmopfbrosio: i think this one: "deb ftp://ftp.free.fr/pub/Distributions_Linux/plf/ubuntu/plf/ breezy free non-free"09:13
stupendo44jazwec: which file did you download09:13
stupendo44from the website09:13
hugelmopfbrosio: yes, i actually am pretty sure about the above line^^.09:14
EmmesHEMIusing dapper.  the upgrade wednesday or so completely eliminated my wireless card.  iwconfig shows no wlan0 nor does ifconfig, it was there and working fine before.  Any ideas how to get it back?  i do see it in the PCI list in KInfoCenter, just not anywhere else09:14
stupendo44jazwec: download this: http://download.berlios.de/mdf2iso/mdf2iso_0.3.0-2_i386.deb09:14
jazwecstupendo44 http://freshmeat.net/redir/mdf2iso/54376/url_deb/mdf2iso_0.3.0-2_i386.deb 09:14
stupendo44jazwec: I'll walk you through it09:14
stupendo44jazwec: can I pm you?09:14
jazwecyeah i have it :)09:14
hugelmopfEmmesHEMI: which wireless card?09:15
EmmesHEMIhugelmopf dlink DWL-520+09:16
EmmesHEMIworked great since dapper flight 1 was released09:17
hugelmopfEmmesHEMI: you happen to know which chipset it uses?09:17
EmmesHEMIthen one of these updates wacked it09:17
EmmesHEMIwhen i have had probs before, it still showed wlan0 in iwconfig09:18
EmmesHEMIi just kept wacking away at it until it started09:18
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EmmesHEMIodd it is not listed at all except as a pci device09:18
EmmesHEMIpicked it up right away on the install "Configure the network"09:18
hugelmopfwhat about "sudo modprobe acx_pci" and "iwconfig"?09:19
hugelmopfcan you see it then?09:19
EmmesHEMIFATAL: Module acx_pci not found.09:19
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hugelmopfermmm... look in /lib/modules/`uname -r`/drivers/net/wireless/acx/ ... is there acx_pci.ko?09:20
EmmesHEMI$ iwconfig09:20
EmmesHEMIlo        no wireless extensions.09:20
EmmesHEMIeth0      no wireless extensions.09:20
EmmesHEMIsit0      no wireless extensions.09:20
hugelmopf"ls /lib/modules/`uname -r`/drivers/net/wireless/acx/"09:21
EmmesHEMIfrom konsole?09:21
Tallia1Kubuntuisn't there for kde a terminal similar to the quake style? always active and appear/disappear when i press a defined key?09:22
hugelmopfsorry, mispasted. yes from konsole the following: 09:22
hugelmopf"ls /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/acx/"09:22
seth_k|lappyTallia1Kubuntu, kuake09:22
seth_k|lappyI use it, Tallia1Kubuntu 09:22
EmmesHEMIjoel@GODZILLA:~$ ls /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/acx/09:23
EmmesHEMIls: /lib/modules/2.6.15-5-386/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/acx/: No such file or directory09:23
hugelmopfTalllia1: try yakuake, i think it is newer then kuake?09:23
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hugelmopfEmmesHEMI: maybe there is something like an extra package providing that module? I am not running Dapper myself, so you'll have to do the footwork yourself. Try searching for "acx" in Adept.09:25
musashidenhey um, iam getting an error while upgrading from hoary to breezy09:25
Tallia1Kubuntuseth_k|lappy: 09:25
Tallia1Kubuntuseth_k|lappy: tnx09:25
Tallia1Kubuntuseth_k|lappy: is that on repositories?09:26
EmmesHEMIthank you hugelmopf09:26
kkathmanmusashiden: what errors?09:26
musashidenErrors were encountered while processing:09:26
musashiden /var/cache/apt/archives/perl-base_5.8.7-5ubuntu1.1_i386.deb09:26
musashidenE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)09:26
EmmesHEMIhmm  in /lib/modules/2.6.12-9-386/kernel/drivers/net/wireless there is an acx09:26
kkathmandid you update your sources.list and do a sudo apt-get update?09:27
EmmesHEMIguessing from what i have seen of linux so far, i can't drag and drop this to make it work?09:27
kkathmanwell it seems that I had some of those, but mine had to do with locale's09:27
hugelmopfEmmesHEMI: no09:27
Tallia1Kubuntui want to ask you all another thing. I just transferred from italy to canada, and now my system clock is still in italy.. is there an elegant way to manage this and have the right time settings?09:27
musashidenwell it is showing some locale errors09:28
hugelmopfEmmesHEMI: the module will have to match your kernel version _and_ it has to be compiled with the same compiler (at least in first sub-version) as the kernel09:28
kkathmanthose are ok09:28
seth_k|lappyTallia1Kubuntu, both kuake and yakuake are in the repos, try whichever you like09:28
musashidenany idea on how to fix this then?09:28
kkathmanmusashiden: has the install aborted?09:29
hugelmopfEmmesHEMI: Should you be running Dapper if you don't know basic things to fix your system?09:29
seth_k|lappyTallia1Kubuntu, just right click clock & change time zone09:29
musashidenkkathman: yes09:29
EmmesHEMIno i should not09:29
seth_k|lappyhonesty :)09:29
Tallia1Kubuntuseth_k|lappy: but all my files have rome timezone!!09:29
EmmesHEMIhowever, i am using the experience to learn09:29
musashidenand my webpages have stop working! X_X09:29
Tallia1Kubuntuseth_k|lappy: which is the shortcut to open the terminal 09:30
EmmesHEMIwindows sysadmin (no flames necessary) trying to take the plunge into linux09:30
musashidenhey kkathman, let me show you the error, go to #paste09:30
kkathmanmusashiden: it looks as if your apt-get update didnt work09:30
EmmesHEMIlearned windows by breaking it, 5.10 was not breaking09:30
hugelmopfEmmesHEMI: I am not complaining, just trying to help ;-) don't take it offensive, please.09:30
EmmesHEMIno offense at all! i appreciate it09:31
kkathmanmusashiden: please dump your sources.list in kubuntu.pastebin.com09:31
musashidenkkathman: webpages stop working for me09:31
EmmesHEMIfreely admit linux noob, thought my other skills would transfer a bit better09:31
musashidengo to #paste so i can show it to you09:31
hugelmopfEmmesHEMI: I don't know, why the acx driver module is not included in Dapper's default kernel (which seems to be 2.6.15)09:31
EmmesHEMIi will post on the forum and see if anyone replies09:32
hugelmopfdid you find any package with that name?09:32
EmmesHEMIdid a synaptic search (they had to take away adept last week)09:32
EmmesHEMIacx:  no results09:32
Tallia1Kubuntuseth_k|lappy: i founded the shortcut09:32
musashidenkkathman: hello?09:32
hugelmopfEmmes: sorry, can't help there, if Google is not revealing anything. Glad that 5.10 didn't break anything for you ;-P09:34
musashideni hate it when this happens, someone just leaves in the middle of the conversation >_>09:34
kkathmanI asked you to please paste your sources.list09:34
musashidenyou dont listen! my websites stoped working!09:35
musashidennothing works exept irc09:35
kkathmanand please be grateful, we dont get paid for this yanno09:35
musashideniam greatful, but you are not listening to me right now09:35
kkathmanare you able to get to your sources.list?09:35
kkathmanplease copy those and I will go to your #paste09:36
musashidenthats what i said09:36
kkathmani mean09:36
musashidenbut you need to join first09:36
kkathmanyes I know09:36
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kkathmanmusashiden: I need your sources.list please, not the errors09:39
musashidenkkathman: ok09:39
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kkathmanmusashiden:  I already see your problem..you forgot to comment out the cdrom line.09:41
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kkathmanremove that line, and re-do your sudo apt-get update, and do the dist-upgrade again09:41
kkathmanthat should it.09:42
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musashidenstill getting the same error :/09:42
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hugelmopfmusashiden: mind pasting your error again in #paste?09:43
musashidenthe error or my source list?09:43
hugelmopffirst the error please09:43
musashidenjoin paste09:44
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jatosI need some help with samba09:49
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jatosI have set it up as a domain server and set the login script variable under global to logon.cmd, which I have placed in the netlogon dir09:50
jatosbut when I log on at on a win 98 laptop logon.cmd is not processed09:51
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jatosthis is reall stopping domain logins from working correctly09:52
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libbenhow can i check my cpu tempature?09:56
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hugelmopfacpi -t09:58
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cb_How do I get my DWL-g510 d-link wireless interface working?09:59
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sorush20guys I keep getting kate crashes any help ? http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/534809:59
libbenNo support for device type: thermal09:59
libbenNo support for device type: thermal09:59
libbenhugelmopf: No support for device type: thermal09:59
libbensorry for the double post =)09:59
hugelmopflibben, then I dont know.09:59
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hugelmopflibben: have you "modprobe thermal"?10:02
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MenZa`Is it possible to get amaroK to play .wma files :\?10:06
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MenZa`says w32codecs isn't in the repos10:07
Kamping_Kaiser!tell MenZa` about w32codecs10:07
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MenZa`ubotu's just a bit slow, Kamping_Kaiser 10:07
hugelmopfMenZa`: "deb ftp://ftp.free.fr/pub/Distributions_Linux/plf/ubuntu/plf/ breezy free non-free"10:07
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MenZa`that's the deb?10:08
MenZa`deb ftp://ftp.free.fr/pub/Distributions_Linux/plf/ubuntu/plf/ breezy free non-free10:08
hugelmopfhas w32codecs10:08
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MenZa`hugelmopf: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/534910:09
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hugelmopfMenZa`: you forget the "apt-get update"?10:10
lwizardlcan someone help me with getting my mouse to work right10:10
MenZa`hugelmopf: nope10:11
hugelmopfMenZa`: you are on AMD64?10:11
MenZa`of course10:11
hugelmopfwell, try to guess what the "32" in w32codecs tries to tell you? ;-P10:11
MenZa`w64 codecs :\10:12
hugelmopfyou should remove the line I gave you above, as it will keep giving you these error messages otherwise.10:12
hugelmopfis there even windows64?10:12
MenZa`Windows XP 64bit10:12
hugelmopfofficial and working?10:13
MenZa`So, I can't play .wma files then?10:13
MenZa`Yeah, it is10:13
MenZa`Never tried it though10:13
hugelmopfyou could try the videolan client, it has some codecs of its own10:13
MenZa`videolan in the repos?10:13
MenZa`seems not10:14
MenZa`ah, vlc10:14
hugelmopfin universe10:14
MenZa`I always speak of it as vlc10:14
MenZa`I have vlc iirc10:14
hugelmopfit comes with a few video codecs, but i don't know about audio10:14
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MenZa`     deb http://download.videolan.org/pub/videolan/debian sarge main10:15
MenZa`     deb-src http://download.videolan.org/pub/videolan/debian sarge main10:15
MenZa`I can just add in those :P10:15
MenZa`(They're for Debian, so I guess they're compatible?)10:15
hugelmopfwhy don't you use the one in universe?10:15
MenZa`I guess10:15
MenZa`just unquote the universe debs?10:16
MenZa`they are unquoted10:16
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hugelmopfdon't you already find "vlc" in your package manager? this is all i was talking about.10:16
MenZa`oh right10:16
MenZa`sudo apt-get install vlc is working now10:16
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lwizardldididn't work today10:21
lwizardlwrong window10:21
hugelmopflwizardl: what is the problem?10:21
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MenZa`hugelmopf: nope, doesn't come with a .wma codec :o10:21
lwizardli have a 5 button wheel mouse10:21
lwizardlbrowser back, browser forward, wheel, left button, right button10:22
lwizardlbrowser back button is doing paste10:23
lwizardlbrowser forward is bringing up a copy/select all/find window10:24
MenZa`hugelmopf: I stated my question at ubuntuforums.org - let's hope someone knows for sure :o10:28
hugelmopflwizardl: you haven't stated the problem yet, but sorry, i don't have any experience with 5-button-mice10:29
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MenZa`lwizardl: Who fabricated your mouse?10:30
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PokerFacePenguinMenZa`: sounds like one of those trackballs10:30
MenZa`Well, if it's e.g. Logitech, he should check if someone did a linux version of whatever their software, and same with MS10:31
MenZa`if not, try the mouse config in the control centre.10:31
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lwizardldid that10:31
MenZa`then I don't think it can be helped to be honest10:33
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lwizardlMenZa`: the mouse configure screen only shows a 2 button wheel mouse10:39
lwizardlbut the mouse works correctly in mandriva10:39
MenZa`There must be some sort of configuration tool or something to get then..10:39
MenZa`Try the wiki10:39
MenZa`and http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/10:40
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sorush20guys I've just rebooted the computer and when I go the the storage media I can't see that my hdd's are mounted they are hidden any what I can make them appear again. this is a fresh install of kubuntu and on the initial boot up all the storage devices including the hdd's partitions were are present.10:41
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lwizardlhmm seems gnome has option https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ManyButtonsMouseHowto?highlight=%28mouse%2910:42
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MenZa`GDI I love Tab Mix Plus firefox extension <310:43
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hugelmopfsorush20: i don't quite get, what you are trying to do?10:45
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stupendo44I'm trying to add a printer that I have connected to the parallel port, but it's saying invalid uri. What's the uri for the lpt port10:45
sorush20I'm trying to be able to see the icons of the mounted file systems that I have 10:45
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sorush20I was able to see it in the last boot but now I can't see it can some one help please?10:47
hugelmopfok. are you sure, they are already mounted?10:47
MenZa`What filesystems are they?10:49
hugelmopfrightclick on your desktop and choose the configure-option (i am on a german desktop, so i don't know the exact translation). under the section "behaviour" (?) you can choose, which device symbols are supposed to show up on your desktop: mounted things, unmounted things, etc.10:49
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, mount is the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive. For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or http://tinyurl.com/bly9f10:49
=== jrj123 [i=jrj@01-068.190.popsite.net] has joined #kubuntu
hugelmopfdoes that help, sorush20?10:49
ubotumethinks windowsdrives is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions or see http://tinyurl.com/bly9f10:49
hunikaHello Everybody10:49
MenZa`lo hunika 10:50
hugelmopfhowdy jrj123, got 3.5 now?10:50
MenZa`We need http://tinyurl.ubuntu.com/?number10:50
stupendo44I'm trying to add a printer that I have connected to the parallel port, but it's saying invalid uri. What's the uri for the lpt port?10:50
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=== dell500 [n=dell500@12-216-244-28.client.mchsi.com] has joined #kubuntu
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MenZa`stupendo44: I searched the wiki, but couldn't find anything11:01
MenZa`sorry :o11:01
stupendo44MenZa`: thanks for trying11:01
hugelmopfstupendo44: are you in the CUPS http interface or in kprinter?11:02
stupendo44probably kprinter11:02
stupendo44through system settings11:02
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=== EmmesHEMI [n=emmeshem@65-78-66-50.c3-0.eas-ubr1.atw-eas.pa.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu
hugelmopfstupendo44: you might want to try http://localhost:63111:07
hugelmopfoops, seems like this is disabled under (k)ubuntu11:07
stupendo44I got to it, but I can't login11:08
hugelmopfsame here11:08
=== Zeep [i=michael@] has joined #kubuntu
=== dnipro [n=cb@lns-bzn-6-82-250-185-209.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
EmmesHEMIquestion.  when kubuntu starts, it starts pcmcia, printing and a host of other things.  Is this controlled by some kind of file that can be edited?  Not a laptop and have no printer, so neither is needed...11:09
hugelmopfstupendo44: it should probably show your printer port in the list (under parallel), but it doesn't, right?11:09
=== dnipro [n=cb@lns-bzn-6-82-250-185-209.adsl.proxad.net] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete]
hugelmopfEmmes: there are different runlevels11:10
hugelmopfthe normal "multi user" runlevel is 211:10
stupendo44well, I haven't added it yet...11:10
stupendo44so it shouldn't show, right?11:10
stupendo44what can I check?11:10
hugelmopfEmmes: and in /etc/rc2.d/ you can create/delete links, which point to services und /etc/init.d11:10
EmmesHEMIthanks both11:11
hugelmopfthey are called SXXservice, S meaning to load them and XX is the order they are ordered11:11
hugelmopfstupendo44: is the printer hooked up yet?11:11
EmmesHEMIdidn't want to use the "services" word.  everyone would know my propensity for windows...11:11
=== sombra [n=sombra@fantasmas.aac.uc.pt] has joined #kubuntu
hugelmopfwell, I used it b/c I guessed you know what i mean by that ;-) i guess here you'd call them daemons. but not everything in there is actually a daemon/service, some are just tasks that need to be run on startup/shutdown11:12
hugelmopfbtw... the runlevel 0 is shutdown and 6 is reboot11:13
hugelmopfstupendo: i am not an expert in parallel printers, as i don't even have a parallel port on my laptop :-(11:14
hugelmopfwhen i last used a parallel printer, it worked pretty easily both with the kprinter as well as the CUPS interface11:14
sombrai cannot get ATI drivers to work... can anyone help about this?11:15
EmmesHEMIsimply delete files like s19cupsys s19hplip and s25bluez-utils?11:16
hugelmopfor rename it to .S19cupsys11:17
=== kalenedrael [n=kalene@c-24-34-72-14.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
EmmesHEMIeven better11:17
hugelmopfand it won't get started11:17
EmmesHEMIif i were to make a directory called "unused" and drug them to there, would that also do the same thing?11:17
hugelmopfthere is something like rc-update i believe11:17
EmmesHEMIor does the os recursively look through the tree11:18
=== EmmesHEMI sees yet another dead linux system in future..
=== boga [n=judith@CPE000ea67e7181-CM001371885222.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu
=== MrGreen [n=MrGreen@] has joined #kubuntu
MrGreenjust installed kubuntu but can I use lilo to boot it?11:19
hugelmopfwhy  do you want to?11:19
MrGreenwell I'm used to lilo11:19
brodelwhat's a good ftp client for KDE?11:19
brodelI used gftp before I switched to KDE.. it was ok. Just need the basic stuff.11:19
MrGreenall I get atm is busybox ;-(11:20
lwizardlwhats the best sftp client11:20
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hugelmopfMrGreen: if you choose "expert" installation, you can choose lilo i believe11:21
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MrGreenemmm so I have to reinstall again?11:21
bogawhat's the best way to get the latest Kde 3.5?11:21
hugelmopflwizardl: tried konqueror yet? sftp://user@host:~/dir/11:21
ubotukde3.5 is probably http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-35.php11:22
hugelmopfsorry, that is sftp:/user@host/dir11:22
brodelI can just try gftp I guess11:22
MrGreenis kubuntu configured to use grub then by default?11:22
hugelmopfsorry... first one was right i believe11:22
hugelmopfMrGreen: yes, it should have installed grub during the installation process. didn't it?11:23
bogaubotu, after adding the sources, what do I do?11:23
ubotuboga: Did you get hit by a windmill?11:23
djk_hugelmopf: there's a question whether or not to install grub during installation isn't there11:23
djk_it's been a while..11:23
MrGreenI put no11:23
MrGreenhang on 11:24
hugelmopfhmmm, ok. you might be able to install or dpkg-reconfigure grub now then11:24
MrGreenI did let it install grub ... but I got erro 1711:24
MrGreenon boot11:24
hugelmopfbrodel: why don't you want to use konqueror for your FTP needs?11:24
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hugelmopfbrodel: or use kate directly on remote files, in case you want to edit some files on a server?11:25
MrGreenreal shame I was looking forward to using kubuntu11:25
hugelmopfMrGreen: is the package grub installed?11:25
MrGreenI'll check11:25
brodelI wanted an actual client that has a place for me to type in the username and password. I don't want to have to remember the syntax to enter it into the URL.11:26
brodeljust want something I can use quickly.11:26
brodelgftp worked though11:26
MrGreengrub-install ?11:26
djk_brodel: you could just check adept for whatever ftp clients the repos offer..11:26
MrGreenI'll read up ... 11:26
MrGreenbeen a while since I used grub 11:27
=== MrGreen likes lilo
hugelmopffirst check your /boot/grub/menu.list11:27
hugelmopfin case it is not correct yet, try "update-grub"11:27
=== Cheapy [n=chpalert@londonderry-cuda1-68-234-71-44.lndnnh.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu
MrGreenlooks ok11:28
MrGreenthanks for your elp11:28
=== fatejudger [n=fatejudg@c-67-169-146-139.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
hugelmopfbrodel: i think gftp is the best choice for that need. although i do like konqueror, as i have a mighty filemanager as ftp-client. it also remembers addresses and usernames/passwords, so it should not be less comfortable than gftp?11:29
hugelmopfbrodel: at least give it a try: ftp://ftp.yourhost.com and it will ask you for a username/password, which can be saved. than you can turn on split mode for your window (Strg-T i believe) and you have a nice ftp-client.11:30
hugelmopf^^ Strg-Shift-T that is11:31
=== reagleBRKLN [n=reagleBR@] has joined #kubuntu
reagleBRKLNin 3.5, where did the nifty control panel options for privacy go where when can flush caches and delete cookies etc all in one "clean up"11:32
hugelmopfbrodel: then you can even save it as a View-Profile and you are set.11:32
MenZa`where can I get Macromedia Flash player for 64-bit architecture?11:34
MenZa`oh shite11:35
MenZa`any alternatives?11:35
hugelmopfit ain't there ;-)11:35
hugelmopfnot any serious ones. look for gplflash, which might work on one or two sites in the net11:35
hugelmopfbut it still lacks a _lot_ (at least last time i tried it)11:35
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MenZa`better than nothing I daresay11:36
hugelmopfi didn't find a single flash site, where it worked, to be honest11:36
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=== Wesselaar [n=Jan@ip503ce8a4.speed.planet.nl] has joined #kubuntu
hugelmopfyou can still install a 32bit chroot, install a firefox and flashplayer there and use that.11:37
hugelmopfi am quite new to (k)ubuntu, but i have been using debian amd64 for quite a while before, and this was the only way there.11:38
LeeJunFanyeah, it's not very hard.11:38
reagleBRKLNthere's a picture of the kcm privacy module here even http://www.reallylinux.com/docs/kdeintro.shtml can't find it in 3.5!11:39
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MenZa`checking for C++ compiler default output file name... configure: error: C++ comp                       iler cannot create executables11:42
MenZa`no compilers come with kubuntu?11:42
MenZa`just gonna install g++ then11:43
MenZa`Still can't create executables11:43
MenZa`am I doing something wrong?11:43
hugelmopfyou might want to install build-essential, i think that should cover what you need11:45
MenZa`hugelmopf: yep, I was told in #ubuntu ;)11:46
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