
carloskiko-zzz, hi, around?12:10
carlosmpt, ping12:10
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=== carlos -> bed
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mptspiv, ping01:10
jblackmpt: There should be an answer from me in your inbox01:19
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mptthanks jblack 01:30
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dilysMerge to devel/launchpad: [trivial]  Fix a unicode issue when generatign shipit reports and add a test for it. (r2883: Guilherme Salgado)02:29
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dilysMerge to devel/launchpad: Fix https://launchpad.net/products/launchpad/+bug/1543 (Filing duplicate source details raises an integrityerror instead of a nice error). r=salgado (r2884: Guilherme Salgado, Diogo Matsubara)04:22
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dilysMerge to devel/launchpad: [trivial]  Be less braindead about binary package publishing. We were only creating one publisher, but we needed one per architecture. This merge had been done about 10 times before but failed because of PQM and our random test failures; it's the final bit that was required for Gina to land (and it's delayed us once more) *sigh* (r2885: Christian Reis)07:50
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janimohello, can teams on launchpad have non-ubuntu members as team members?09:37
janimoup to team admin?09:37
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matsubaragood morning!12:25
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dilysMerge to devel/launchpad: [trivial]  Be less braindead about binary package publishing. We were only creating one publisher, but we needed one per architecture. This merge had been done about 10 times before but failed because of PQM and our random test failures; it's the final bit that was required for Gina to land (and it's delayed us once more) *sigh* (r2886)12:28
siretartyay! :)12:34
kiko-zzzgood morning vietman12:39
kiko-zzzmy god12:39
cprovkiko: morning ... look, PQM is your friend, it spent only 16 hours to proccess your request 12:41
kikocprov, see, that's what I call service!12:42
cprovkiko: heh, "no adjectives" approach12:43
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dilysMerge to devel/launchpad: Unfuck people vocabs by replacing a query that usually took around 5 seconds on production with one that takes in the order of miliseconds. Also do the same for PersonSet.findPerson(). r=stub (r2887: Guilherme Salgado)02:09
kikocool as cool can be02:09
siretartdoes anyone have sample config for cm.py somewhere? I have problems getting it running, and I read you guys use it internally02:23
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lifelesssiretart: there is one in the config manager source02:30
siretartuuh, tricky02:32
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thierry_I think we should set the list of choice in the page of "Link To Other Bugtracker" in alphabetical order (A to Z)03:52
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thierry_while looking at a bounty, we don't see how much money is for this bounty...04:42
zygasince mvo is not around I need someone to run three python scripts on the entire repository04:42
thierry_and someone really should look at https://launchpad.net/bounties/valdis ... 04:43
zygaany volunteers?04:44
thierry_zyga : the entire repository of what?04:48
zygathierry_: packages04:48
zygabasically: find -name "*.deb" | xargs ... (three times)04:48
zygaabout 50MB of uncompressed data as output04:49
thierry_zyga : I'm ready to go04:50
thierry_is it that only line or do I need to get these python scripts from somewhere?04:51
zygathierry_: bzr http://ubuntu.suxx.pl/command-not-found--main04:51
zygaget that04:51
zygathat's the interesting part04:51
zygaI'm not sure how mvo ran them04:52
zygaxargs might be limited to command line length04:52
zygabasically it's okay to >> to three files04:52
zygafinally bzip and send :)04:52
zygaeach file for one script04:53
thierry_k wait a minute...04:53
zygak, if there are any problems just let me know04:53
thierry_bzr: ERROR: unknown command 'http://ubuntu.suxx.pl/command-not-found--main'04:53
zygabzr get ...04:53
zygaor pull04:54
zygaI never remember which is which04:54
zygaokay I've got it04:56
zygabzr branch http://.... your-local-directory04:56
zygathierry_: is it working?04:59
thierry_looks like... working right now05:00
thierry_zyga : still working... it's long!05:11
thierry_zyga : but do you want to have the output in a file or something?05:11
zygathierry_: yes05:11
zygathierry_: run them one after another, they take quite some time to compleate05:12
zygathierry_: be sure to bzip the final files05:12
zygathierry_: (you could log stderr too)05:14
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dilysMerge to devel/launchpad: [trivial]  Make sure a poll option can be added/changed only if the poll is not yet open. (r2888: Guilherme Salgado)05:31
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zygathierry_: how is it going?05:37
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thierry_got the first one done, after that do I launch the second one in an other directory?05:45
zygathierry_: no each one extracts different data, run each on the whole set05:46
zygathierry_: bzip the result and put it somewhere or send to zyga@suxx.pl05:46
thierry_and I put the results in 3 differents files?05:46
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zyga+3 stderrs05:47
zyga(if any)05:47
thierry_zyga : thierry@modemcable050:~$ bzr branch http://ubuntu.suxx.pl/command-not-found--main /home/thierry/test2 >> test_result2.txt05:47
thierry_bzr: ERROR: Target directory "/home/thierry/test2" already exists.05:47
thierry_second launching and I get that05:47
zygawell you already got the binary05:47
zygayou got my branch05:47
zyganow get inside and check out DataExtractor directory05:48
zygarun the three scan-*.py scripts on the debs05:48
zygaso far you've got my branch, not the data result05:48
zygayou need the whole ubuntu repository mirror around05:48
zygaare you sure you know what to do?05:49
zygado you have the mirror of ubuntu repository around?05:49
thierry_what do you mean by around? on my computer?05:49
zygayou need to have each and every deb to be of help to me05:50
thierry_well no! :( !05:50
thierry_sorry I didn't know05:50
zygauh, ok 05:50
zygadon't worry - thanks for your intentions :-)05:50
thierry_:) np05:50
zygafeel free to check the code05:51
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dilysMerge to devel/launchpad: Fix https://launchpad.net/products/malone/+bug/4772 (Allow advanced searching for bugs in FOAF). r=lifeless (r2889: Guilherme Salgado)07:30
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claudeping jordi10:41
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