
=== Diablo-D3 [i=diablod3@pool-71-241-202-39.port.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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Tm_Tnice silence here02:05
=== seth_k|lappy makes noise
seth_k|lappygimmie KDE 3.5! gimmie!02:09
Tm_Tback to sleep so be quiet here ;) ->02:09
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Diablo-D3oops wrong window07:40
Diablo-D3thats a music torrent if anyone cares, btw07:40
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Tm_TDiablo-D3: thus said, illegal stuff, right?10:16
Diablo-D3possibly, possibly not10:17
Tm_T... exactly ;(10:17
=== OculusAquilae [n=bastian@p548D0288.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
pefRiddell: hello, I'm working on qt4-x11 merge, is there something special I should care about ?10:32
freeflyingpef: hi10:37
pefhello freeflying 10:37
freeflyingpef:  dose qt4-x11 in debian has qt-immodule patch 10:38
pefI only see 10_qmake_use_qt4_tools 11_launch_assistant-qt4 12_mips_atomic_ops patches10:39
freeflyingpef: it means qt4 has this patch defaultly 10:42
freeflyingamu: ping11:48
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freeflyingraphink:  hi12:54
raphinkhi freeflying 12:55
freeflyingraphink:  have you got my message for you about the kubuntu-grub-splashimage12:55
raphinkwhere did you send it?12:55
raphinkwell then I guess no12:56
raphinkwhen was it?12:56
freeflyingit can not config it correctly in my system12:57
raphinkcan you paste your menu.lst in a pastebin?12:57
freeflyingraphink: I've correctted it manual 12:57
raphinkwhat did you correct?12:58
raphinkwhat was wrong with it?12:58
freeflyingit add the line like this : (hd0, hd1,0)/boot/grub/12:58
raphinkcan you give me your `df -h /boot | grep dev' please ?12:59
freeflying/dev/sda8              19G  3.9G   15G  21% /01:00
raphinkyou boot on a usb drive?01:00
freeflyingno 01:00
raphinkwhat is sda8 then?01:00
freeflyingit's a sata01:00
raphinkhmm ok01:00
raphinkgood to know ;)01:01
freeflyingin my grub it's shall be hd001:01
raphinkgrep sda /boot/grub/device.map01:01
raphinkI already see where the problem is in my script01:01
raphinkI assume the drive is an hd01:02
raphinkthat's the pb01:02
raphinkI'll correct that01:02
raphinkthanks for reporting01:02
freeflyingthere are many users use sata HDD now01:03
raphinkcan you see of something else than hd, sd or ud ?01:05
raphinkI mean it always begins with [a-z] d right?01:05
raphinkor could it be something else?01:06
raphinkor maybe I'll just put [a-z] *01:06
raphinkthat's easier ;)01:06
raphinkok I'm sending you the postinst01:07
raphinkrun a `sudo ./kubuntu-grub-splashimages.postinst configure'01:08
raphinkand see if it works on your system now01:08
raphinkfreeflying: ?01:10
freeflyingraphink: it can do 01:11
raphinkit works?01:11
freeflyingbut my grub is strange 01:11
raphinkwhat do you mean?01:11
freeflyingI have two HDD , one is sata ,the other is pata 01:11
freeflyingI have both installed grub on mbr01:11
freeflyingso in grub ,the sata shall be hd001:12
raphinkthe new script does work, right?01:12
raphinkwhy should it be hd001:13
raphinkdevice.map says it's hd101:13
freeflyingi don't know why01:13
freeflyingI boot my system from scsi01:13
raphinkit doesn't work with hd0 ?01:13
freeflyingso it shall be set to hd0 in menu.lst01:13
freeflyingthe grub only treate as hd0 01:14
freeflyinganyway it can works due to device.map01:15
freeflyingI mean your postinstall01:15
raphinklet me know01:15
freeflyingif you want dermerge works like emerge of gentoo , would you like add some feature like emerge01:17
raphinkyou can do it freeflying if you want :)01:18
raphinkif you feel like adding to it01:18
raphinkI'm gonna take a shower :)01:18
freeflyingbye ,and I shall take a walk with my wife 01:20
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OculusAquilaeRiddell: ping04:55
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mdkeRiddell, hi?05:24
seaLnehe's not been about this weekend05:27
mdkethanks seaLne 05:27
mdkeRiddell, when you come back can you put the svn:external back on for the serverguide? I've been trying a bit but can't for the life of me figure it out. I think we should put it back until we make progress with the "single source" thing. thanks, have fun!05:28
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insanekaneRiddell: is the Ubunutu installer called debian-installer ?07:28
seaLneit is07:32
insanekaneseaLne: is there some documentation on adding new modules to the ubuntu-installer ?07:38
insanekane(or hack existing ones) ?07:38
seaLnenot sure what you mean by modules, but have a look on d.o for more details about it07:40
insanekanehmm, what i mean is, you know, when you install in the expert mode, there are several menu items ... i want to add one to make the correct language selection for my derived distro07:41
seaLnesounds more like you want seeding07:41
seaLneyou can see answers for d-i so probably that would be how you'd change the deafult lang07:42
insanekaneumm no ... seeding is like setting up some debconf "variables" right ? i don't mean that07:42
insanekanei want to provide a proper UI .. just like the partitioner07:42
seaLnebut it already prompts you for a language don't you just need to change the deafult selection?07:43
insanekanethats the installer language i think .. not the final system language07:43
seaLneits the system lang07:43
insanekanehmm ok07:44
seaLneit would be kinda stupid if you said you wanted the installer to be in english then it set the system lang to spanish07:44
insanekanebut anyway, the sources for libdebian-installer is only 360k ... nothing in it to add modules (probably it is called udeb ?) 07:44
insanekaneyeah it would07:44
seaLneudeb as far as i remember are simplified debs that it uses07:45
insanekanei didn't think that way :)07:45
insanekaneseaLne: i think i got it: http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/svn/debian-installer/installer/doc/devel/modules.txt07:48
insanekaneseaLne: hmm, no that was the wrong file07:57
insanekaneseaLne: can the name of the distro also be setup using the preseed ?07:57
seaLnenot sure08:02
insanekaneseaLne: any idea how I could just download the source for the ubuntu installer ? cant seem to find it using apt-cache :/08:03
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sebasAre there breezy packages for Firefox 1.5 around, btw?10:51
seth_ksebas, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96595&highlight=firefox+backport10:59
sebasseth_k: Thx :)11:01
sebasGaaaah, breaks OpenOffice ... :|11:02
seth_kbreaks everything :P11:03
seth_k-> dapper if you want firefox 1.511:03
sebasYeah, but how stable is dapper? 11:04
seth_keh, I'm running it on two machines11:04
seth_knothing wrong right now, and a lot is nice11:04
sebasI mean, it's opened not long ago, so I'd expect hell to break loose on my production box.11:04
seth_klike new fglrx drivers that fix my laptop, and firefox 1.511:04
sebasHm, yeah.11:04
sebasI might aswell just do it.11:05
sebasIt's just replacing breezy with dapper in sources.list?11:05
sebasThx for the input though.11:07
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