
=== pitti [n=pitti@ubuntu/member/pitti] has joined #ubuntu-boot
infinityWho understands udev/rules.d?07:56
fabbioneKeybuk :)07:57
infinityRight, but he's not around.  Anyone else? :)07:57
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fabbioneguys who remember how to disable archive copier?12:24
fabbionefrom install cd/dvd boot prompt?12:24
fabbioneKamion: thanks12:25
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makxhmm latest initramfs-tools remved the code surounding ${resume}12:56
makxconfig file setting this param will noop.12:56
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KeybukMithrandir: do you still have a T42?02:24
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infinityKeybuk : Oh, I was looking for you earlier.03:06
KeybukI'm here now, what's your pleasure?03:07
infinitya) Do I even need that in the new world order?03:08
Keybukalmost certainly03:08
infinityb) Do I need anything OTHER than that (ie: something to make hotplugging work?)03:08
Keybukit'll need rewriting though03:08
Keybukif the ltmodem drivers correctly advertise what things they hook for, you don't need anything for hotplug03:08
infinityc) If I only need the above, is there any way to get it into udev itself, so I don't have to worry about sticking it in lrm-common, or some other odd place.03:08
Keybuksure, I can stick those in udev03:09
infinityHow does it advertise?03:10
infinityMODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, ltmodem_pci_ids);03:10
infinity(ltmodem_pci_ids is a big struct with a mess of PCI IDs)03:10
Keybuksounds reasonable03:10
Keybukdoes "modinfo ltmodem" list a bunch of alias lines?03:10
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Keybuk(ltserial seems to)03:11
infinityYeah, it's ltserial that has the table..03:11
infinityI assume ltmodem gets loaded from ltserial or something.03:11
infinityNot having the hardware makes it difficult to actually test these theories. :)03:11
Keybukyeah, ltmodem depends: ltserial03:12
Kamioninfinity: wow, does that even work? KERNEL== not KERNEL= surely ...03:12
infinityKamion : It works for the driver maintainer on Debian.03:12
infinity(As of sometime this summer)03:12
Kamionmaybe he has no udev rules after it ;)03:12
infinitySo... "maybe"?03:12
KeybukKERNEL="ttyLTM[0-9] " will return true <g>03:12
Keybuk(and change the kernel-assigned make for any following udev rule :p)03:13
Keybukthat should be03:13
KeybukKERNEL=="ttyLTM[0-9] *", SYMLINK+="modem"  (in 40-permissions.rules)03:13
KeybukKERNEL=="ttyLTM[0-9] *", MODE="0660", GROUP="dialout"  (in 60-symlinks.rules)03:13
Keybukuh, reverse the filenames and get me more coffee <g>03:14
infinityCool.  If you can put it in udev proper, I'll be a happy camper.03:14
infinityOut of curiosity, though, how should I do it (and at what order in rules.d) if I had to do it myself?03:14
Keybukthose two rules03:15
Keybuk00-19 is anything really critically important to go first (ie. WAIT_FOR_SYSFS type things)03:15
Keybuk20-39 assigns names03:16
Keybuk40-59 assigns permissions03:16
Keybuk60-79 adds symlinks03:16
Keybuk80-99 runs programs03:16
Keybukusually pick low+5 (ie. 25, 45, 65, 85, 95 [for modprobe calls] ) for custom rules03:16
Keybukthe idea is that it makes /etc/udev/rules.d/50-*.rules the perfect place for user rules03:17
Keybukthey can't override names we assign, but can assign their own03:17
Keybukthey can override permissions, symlinks, programs, and can do things like options="last_rule" and stuff03:17
KamionKeybuk: oh yeah, thanks for the pcmciautils change, I'd been meaning to do that03:21
KamionKeybuk: do you have a bzr branch for that?03:21
Keybukno :p  I don't have bzr on my laptop at the moment03:23
Kamionok, I'll just merge it then03:24
KeybukI fixed the /dev permissions bugs06:45
Keybukit was debhelper being "helpful"06:45
jbaileyYeah, it does that. =)06:50
KeybukI want them all to be 0600 by default, so people can't toy with them <g>06:53
Keybukdebhelper thought they should be 064406:54
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Kamionhmm, weird, now udev on the live CD doesn't want to create /dev/hd*11:34
Kamionor sd*11:34
Kamionah, there's /dev/sd* now after udevplug -Bpci11:39
Kamiondouble-ah, iz hw-detect's fault11:48

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