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LaserJocktheCore: hi06:53
theCoreLaserJock, hi06:55
theCoreLaserJock, i rethinked about the hello packages as examples, and i now think it's a good idea06:56
theCoreLaserJock, pretty sure about that06:57
theCoreLaserJock, they quite complete examples06:57
theCorethey are*06:58
theCoreLaserJock, have you started something ?06:58
theCore(Did you begin something?) <-- it is clearer like that ;)07:01
LaserJocktheCore: no, I worked on the outline some more. I am going to email the ubuntu-motu list to get feedback on our outline.07:01
LaserJockbut right now I have some real life work to do and I am up for membership tomorrow morning at the CC meeting.07:02
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theCorei understand07:03
jsgotangcohi all07:03
LaserJocktheCore: did you want to start on something07:03
LaserJockhi jsgotangco07:03
jsgotangcowhat's up dudes?07:04
jsgotangcorob1, ping?07:04
LaserJockjsgotangco: no much, we were discussing the Ubuntu Packaging Guide07:04
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theCoreLaserJock, the outline is coming very well07:12
theCoreLaserJock, yes07:13
theCoreLaserJock, so where i can start ?07:16
LaserJocktheCore: at the beginning?07:18
LaserJocktheCore: are you going to work in XML?07:18
theCoreLaserJock, yes07:19
LaserJocktheCore: How about doing the Introduction?07:19
theCoreLaserJock, okay07:20
theCoreLaserJock, we start from scratch ?07:20
LaserJocktheCore: yes, I think it would be easier if we did07:24
LaserJocktheCore: you don't have to do it perfectly. Just give it a rough draft07:24
theCoreLaserJock, okay07:25
theCoreLaserJock, do we make the guide in multiple file ?07:34
theCoreLaserJock, or in a single one ?07:34
bhuvanjsgotangco, ping07:37
bhuvanwe're not receiving mails in ubuntu-doc-commits mailing list07:37
bhuvanis it wise to add it to cc agenda ?07:37
jsgotangcobhuvan, i don't know how its setup at the moment but jdub is the one managing all the ubuntu lists...07:38
jsgotangcoi can ask hem07:38
bhuvanfwiw, the problem exists since dec 0207:39
jsgotangcoahh i was out of the country then07:39
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LaserJocktheCore: sorry, I was working on something else. what do you think? I would think that eventually we will need multiple files but right now it is probably easier to do just one.07:51
theCoreLaserJock, it's what i thinked07:52
rob1if you choose multiple files, use xincludes07:53
theCorerob1, i all ready use it07:55
theCoreright now, i'm making the placeholders for the guide07:57
LaserJocktheCore: ok, I gotta get to bed. Email me what you have done when you feel like it. good luck ;-)07:58
theCoreLaserJock, cya later08:00
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dholbachany objections on me doing another docs upload now?08:43
dholbach(to dapper)08:43
jsgotangcoload up the crack machine!08:44
dholbach1626 lines of changes since last time08:45
dholbachyou guys rock08:45
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jsgotangcodholbach, i've been slacking08:51
dholbachcome on08:52
dholbachyou've been busy08:52
dholbachand rocking korea business world :)08:52
jsgotangconot on docs side :(08:53
=== dholbach hugs jsgotangco
jsgotangcoyeah i got good emails from it08:53
dholbachi just read the dvdrip part from the new docs08:53
jsgotangcooh that looks bad08:53
dholbachcould you please have an eye on the docs and if you find stuff that developers could make easier, by applying a patch, PLEASE let us know08:54
dholbachwrite a quick bug report08:54
dholbachmaybe even refer to your documentation08:54
jsgotangcodholbach, make me resist from installing the Xandros box set that was given to me..hehe...08:54
dholbachi don't want to be an asshole, but no user should have to do stuff like "sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/dvdrip.desktop"08:55
dholbachso please file bug reports for that stuff :)08:55
jsgotangcooh missing desktop items?08:55
dholbachthat's something i found in the docs08:55
dholbachand i saw more stuff that we could automate/make easier08:55
jsgotangcothat's crack08:55
dholbachi highly appreciate what you all do08:56
dholbach30,2M doc upload ;)08:56
dholbachi hope mdke_ helps me soon to write a quick script that weeds out the stuff not needed in the docs, i get form svn :)08:57
dholbachit's up :)09:07
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WaterSevenUbdholbach, mdke said he was planning to release new ubuntu-docs via -update. Could this http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=18050 be solved also in the -update? not sure if the problem lies in the ubuntu-docs package.02:12
jsgotangcoplan to release?02:14
dholbachWaterSevenUb: afaik we have no fix for 18050 yet02:14
dholbachand updates to -update must be really really really really safe updates02:14
WaterSevenUbdholbach, ok.... thx :-)02:15
WaterSevenUbjsgotangco, way of speaking... #rosetta-users #ubuntu-translators mdke's mail.02:15
WaterSevenUb#-> mailing list.02:15
WaterSevenUbdholbach, this seems to be a broken link... easy to solve though...02:16
jsgotangcoits really hard to push -update02:18
jsgotangcoitll have to go with pitti's acid test02:18
jsgotangcounless -docs is a universe package02:18
dholbachmdz' acid test02:18
jsgotangcoas well02:18
=== jsgotangco has rested fully
jsgotangcoalthough i'm afraid i'll be flying agian next week02:19
jsgotangco(hope not)02:19
dholbachwhat is it next week?02:19
jsgotangcooh its work related...in brisbane...02:19
jsgotangcohopefully andy fitz is in town :)02:19
jsgotangcohow far is romania from berlin?02:20
jjessemorning :)02:23
jsgotangcomorning jjesse :)02:25
jjesseprobablly not morning where you are at jsgotangco 02:25
jsgotangcowell in a few hours it'll be morning :)02:26
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WaterSevenUbdholbach, when you click in System, Help, those strings and links that appear for FAQ guide are in what source package? I've looked into ubuntu-doc source and the links are ok...02:34
dholbachhm, they should be there02:35
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jjesseLaserJock: did they vote on you when i was gone?03:53
jjesseLaserJock: if not you are working on the packaging guide?03:53
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LaserJockjjesse: no and yes04:04
jjesseLaserJock: ok i had to remember what i was supporting you :)04:08
LaserJockjjesse: np04:10
jsgotangcomgalvin, ping?04:18
mgalvinjsgotangco: pong04:18
jsgotangcomgalvin, how's things? i arrived yesterday...04:19
mgalvingoing good, cool, i read you blog, sounds like it was fun04:19
jsgotangcomgalvin, very...04:23
jsgotangcoafter 6 years i finally get to see snow again04:24
mgalvinit snowed a few times here this week ;)04:24
jsgotangcoyeah although the next day i hated it again04:25
jjessecongrats LaserJock 04:28
jjesseit is snowing every day this week 04:29
LaserJockthanks for all your support guys04:29
jsgotangcowell the day after it snowed, i remembered why i didn't like it at all in the first place04:29
mgalvinLaserJock: congrats04:30
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LaserJockok, so who do I need to talk to about getting svn commit access?05:06
LaserJockjsgotangco: really, for the doc team repo?05:15
LaserJockdo one of you need to do it?05:15
jsgotangcoi can send elmo an email requesting for it...elmo will just need your gpg key so he can setup the account and send you the details05:18
Belutzjsgotangco, !!05:19
LaserJockjsgotangco: that would be great, he already has my gpg key perhaps05:19
jsgotangcoBelutz, hi, how did your debian conf go?05:20
Belutzjsgotangco, hi, finally, i did the talk about edubuntu05:22
Belutzjsgotangco, and it's not that scary as i thought :p05:22
jsgotangcoBelutz, well you're empowered to do so...05:22
Belutzjsgotangco, and some of the audience ask a lot about edubuntu and willing to help to develop edubuntu05:22
jsgotangcoBelutz, so well, jdub hinted on an asian tour...05:23
Belutzjsgotangco, asian tour? when?05:23
jsgotangcoBelutz, im going to list down big conferences in the region so i'll need your help05:23
jsgotangcoand make a sane schedule at least05:23
Belutzlet me know what should i do05:24
jsgotangcoBelutz, the key is to duplicate Badger Badger Badger Tour05:24
jsgotangcoand make an easy route to go with....05:25
jsgotangco(it can be pretty hard to fly from jakarta then go to mumbai after 2 days)05:25
jsgotangcothen go back to syndey05:26
Belutzjsgotangco, is there any sponsor for this event?05:26
jsgotangcowe'll flesh it out further by next year05:26
jsgotangcoBelutz, its still very early to tell...05:26
jsgotangcoBelutz, the idea just sprang up after the hard planning we did for seoul05:27
Belutzjsgotangco, i see, by the way, how's korea?05:27
jsgotangcopretty good05:27
jsgotangcohave you seen my blog?05:27
Belutzjsgotangco, the that is also posted in p.u.c ?05:27
jsgotangcoi hanged out with a guy from Xandros and the project leader of firefox05:28
Belutzyes i've read that :)05:28
jsgotangcoBelutz, the new one? :)05:28
jsgotangcoBelutz, the organizer flew us in business class we're not complaining05:29
Belutzjsgotangco, yes the new one :)05:30
jsgotangcoits not in-depth but gives you an idea how big it was and the potential market05:31
jsgotangcothey payphone thing was fun05:32
Belutzhmm how do i upload the slides? i don't have a space05:32
jsgotangcoxandros just won't show up05:32
Belutzyeaaa the payphone is cool05:32
jsgotangcoBelutz, i know you can upload to the wiki but i don't know how05:32
Belutzjsgotangco, hmm i see, i already upload some of the pics into flickr05:33
Belutzthe breezy cd's are gone in less than 10 minutes :p05:34
Belutzi haven't upload the crowd in our booth05:35
jsgotangcoedubuntu laptop whoaaa05:37
Belutzit's mine ;)05:38
Belutztoo bad i don't have that "ubuntu sticker on laptop" :p05:38
jsgotangcomine doesn't either..its either the gnu sticker from stallman or a firefox sticker05:40
jsgotangcoi'll add you as a flickr contact =)05:41
Belutzwell i got a debian conference sticker, but i want the ubuntu one to be the one sticking on my laptop :p05:41
Belutzjsgotangco, ok :)05:41
=== jsgotangco sees pretty people in graduation dinner pics
Belutzlol :D05:42
Belutzthey are my classmates05:42
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MadpilotBurgwork: pink06:36
Madpilotping, even...06:36
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BurgworkMadpilot, pong06:50
MadpilotBurgwork: morning06:54
Burgworksalut mdke_ 06:58
Madpilotnot here - that CC meeting started at 0600 my time :P06:58
mdke_ah crap06:58
mdke_forgot about that06:58
mdke_did LaserJock get through ok?06:58
=== mdke_ reads, good
MadpilotI dragged myself out of bed, wanted to see what the CC meetings were like before I subject myself to the Membership grilling sometime in the new year07:00
mdke_Madpilot, i was thinking recently perhaps we can get together with rob1 and have a quick meeting about some things on the desktopguide07:00
mdke_i want to do some writing on it but I really want to get a couple of general policy things clear in my head07:01
Madpilotmdke_: sure - maybe mail the list so we can arrange a time?07:01
=== mdke_ nods
Madpilotmdke_: where are you located, timezone-wise?07:02
=== mdke_ clicks on Burgwork 's link, tentatively
Madpilotthat's easy to remember, then ;)07:03
BurgworkMadpilot, feel sorry for the man, he lives in london07:03
Madpilotnah, there are far worse places07:03
mdke_canada for one07:04
mdke_everyone has two halves to their head07:04
mdke_i saw it on south park07:04
Madpilotsure, south park = gospel truth :P07:04
mdkethey have some accurate things about british people too07:05
mdkeok -> home07:07
mdkeWaterSevenUb, no, i don't think we can fix that in an -update. It's language updates only I think.07:08
mdkeWaterSevenUb, apart from the fact that I don't have any idea how to fix it at all07:08
mdkejust read the portugese!07:08
mdkeok -> home07:09
WaterSevenUbmdke, yeah.. I've been looking to the source of ubuntu-docs and I can't find anything wrong.07:26
WaterSevenUbmdke, perhaps something with yelp.07:26
jjesseare we at the point that the desktopguide is set enough to copy and start changing for kubuntu?07:31
Madpilotat least in the common-tasks.xml, there are still a fair number of sections that just have "To be written." in them...07:33
jjessewell if the have to be written,then they might be distro specific?07:34
jjesseits been awhile since i looked at the desktopguide07:34
Madpilotit's fairly Gnome-specific07:35
jjesseso if those parts are gnome-specific then i can start going after them in a kde way07:39
jjessesorry for the delay that's what you get when the boss shows up :)07:40
Madpilotcertainly the parts I've re-written are pure Gnome - Synaptic, Nautilus, Serpentine, etc etc...07:41
jjessei sent rob1 a question via emailthe other day haven't heard back 07:41
Madpilotjjesse: mdke was talking about an IRC meeting for desktop guide; we should organize a time thru the mailing list07:42
jjesseMadpilot: i would be intereseted in that07:42
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Anoophi anybody there?09:46
mdkeAnoop, hello09:47
Anoophi i have a prob with ubuntu09:47
mdkeAnoop, what sort of problem?09:47
Anoopbe patient with me and i will explain this serious prob i am having09:47
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mdkeAnoop, if it is related to documentation, I can help09:47
mdkeAnoop, otherwise, you need #ubuntu09:47
Anoopi installed breezy badger on a toshiba satellite m-45 s355 laptop09:47
Anoopnot documentation09:48
Anoopso i should join 3ubuntu09:48
Anoopsorry #ubuntu then09:48
mdkeyeah they will help you out09:48
Anoopthanks u very much09:48
mdkegood luclk09:49
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bshumatehow do i use the role attribute of the emphasis tag in the context of Ubuntu documentation?11:48
mdkehi bshumate 11:48
mdkei don't know, but I can point you to a guide that does11:48
=== mdke digs through his bookmarks
mdkebshumate, it should be somewhere in here11:50
mdkemaybe that is useful too11:52
mdkeactually, probably way more useful11:52
bshumaterockin...i am really getting into the Docbook...and viewing in Yelp is so much better than guessing at what the XML ends up rendering as....thanks!11:53
bshumateahh, so the role attribute is a generic thing then it appears...i thought maybe the contents of role would be used in a manner specific to ubuntu.  boy have i got a lot to learn...11:55
mdkebshumate, sounds like you're doing fine to me11:56
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