
mherwegI'll just take my own /opt/ltsp12:04
amumoin 12:05
ograhey amu !!!!12:06
ogramherweg, http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/bzr-archive/ltsp/multiarch/12:06
ogracopy the ltsp-build-client and ltsp-update-kernels to your system ... (/usr/sbin/)12:07
\shhey amu :)12:07
ograthen ltsp-build-client has an --arch i386 option12:07
amuogra: wanna check if you converted to a kde guy, heard you wanna replace gnome, here i'm ;)12:07
ograi'll never convert ;)12:08
ograbut its good to see you here :)12:08
amu:) we'll see  12:08
ograi converted once .... to GNOME :)12:08
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amucheckput the kiosktools a wounderfull thing for edubuntu, especially for schools *g* 12:10
amus/checkput/checkout  12:12
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ograamu, they cant cope with sabayon12:19
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Absortoogra, i upgraded to backported kde3.5 packages. The bug is fixed.12:22
ogragreat :)12:22
ograglad you got it running 12:22
Absortoyes! I'm glad too. 12:23
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Burgworkis there a complete list of applications included in edubuntu on the wiki?12:30
ograyes ...12:30
ogranot on the wiki though 12:31
Burgworkdo I have to cut apart edubuntu-meta?12:31
mherwegcan I use a ISDN card to go online with an edubuntu-server ?12:32
ograthere is a section = EduBuntu specific Software =12:32
ogramherweg, yup12:32
Burgworkogra, cheers12:32
ograBurgwork, thats the desktop part ...12:32
ograthats for the server12:33
Lord_Athurmhz_stuff, !!!!12:34
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Burgworkogra, thanks12:46
Burgworkogra, is there also a list of rejected apps?12:46
ograthere are none 12:46
ograthats the list we worked out with the teachers at the first edubuntu summit ...12:47
ograwe'll have another summit (i hope) for dapper+112:47
ograthe prob is that i'm already at 680MB with this list ... there is not much space left12:48
ograi'd love to drop th ekdeedu stuff if there were some equivlent in gnome ... then i could get rid of the kdelibs and the kde language packs ... they take a hell lot of space12:49
=== Absorto likes kde.
ograAbsorto, yes, but mixing gnome and KDE is not a good idea space wise 12:50
ograamU, is probably building a kedubuntu ...12:51
mherweggood idea12:51
Absortoogra, now that you mention it... how would one go about removing all things gnome now that i've setup kubuntu-destkop?12:52
ograremove th elowest level... i.e. look for libgtk or libgnome ...12:52
ograit will take the depending stuff with it12:53
Absortolet's see...12:53
Absortowhy, that seems about right! removing libgnome2-0...12:56
mherwegAbsorto: how did you install kde ? do you use kdm ?12:58
Absortomherweg, i apt-got kubuntu-desktop. And yes, kdm.12:59
Burgworkogra, we are just talking at work here about including some education software and the lead developer has just about vetoed any kde libs01:00
ograthat gets hard ... kdeedu is a great suite ....01:00
Burgworkhave you looked at childsplay (I haven't, just wondering)01:00
Burgworkhow does it compare to gcompris?01:01
ograits as big as gcompris and aims to be the successor01:01
ograbut crrently i thing gcompris has more contributors ...01:01
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mherwegLTSP became very similar ti lessdisks since MueKow, i did not read the ltsp website & ML for a while 01:09
mherweg/usr/sbin/ltsp-build-client: line 274: debconf-get-selections: command not found01:10
mherwegserios or not ?01:10
ograheh... intresting ...01:11
ogratry to comment line 274 01:13
Absortoogra, is it very difficult to net-boot a thick client? I was thinking i could use nss-mysql to take care of authentication etc. and with a P4 and 256MB ram this clients aren't very thin.01:17
mherwegnow it starts to download everything again :-(  i need some kind of proxy01:17
mherwegAbsorto: knoppix terminalserver is for diskless fat clients01:19
Absortomherweg, i tried that, but its knoppix flavour. A kubuntu flavour would rock!01:19
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ogramherweg, use --mirror file://cdrom if you gont a CD01:20
mherwegtry to use the knoppix technology (unionfs) on top of kubuntu01:20
ograit will be in dapper 01:20
Absortoi think remastering knoppix to make it kubuntu is too much effort...01:20
ograits been highly unstable until some weeks ago01:21
mherwegogra: cool ! thanks - MUCH faster01:21
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mherwegthe terminal is booting to console login:   - but it takes a lot of time, LTSP becomes slower with every Version01:31
ograit becomes faster01:31
ograit *can* only become faster01:31
ograsince we started off with 90sec ;)01:32
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ogramy current setup boots in 61sec ... and for dapper release it will be down to 45sec01:32
mherwegltsp 2.x was the first and the fastest that I know: a kernel , a script, an X-server - nothing more01:32
ograyes, but non upgradeable ...01:33
mherwegi know01:33
ograthe prob in breezy is (as you see on all the error mesages while booting) that we install a normal bases system 01:34
ografor dapper i made a lot of tweaks to make a real minimal system out of it ...01:34
ograindeed you have to pay for a default ubuntu kernel and 100% X autodetection...01:35
mherwegi see01:35
ograas well as hrdware detection in general01:35
ograthe advantage is that you can plug in *every* client into ubuntu ...01:36
ograclassic ltsp boots in less than 20sec01:36
ograbut has a non modular kernel and no X detection01:36
ogracompare http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/edubuntu/breezy-20051113-1.png with http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/edubuntu/dapper-20051205-1.png , thats my work of the last weeks ...01:38
ograwe'll cut down the X detection by about 10 sec and we'll achieve ~15sec from the normal ubuntu bootprocess speedup going on ...01:43
ograand there is still space to optimize more in dapper+101:43
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JayAllenBought a NetGear FA311. Plugged it in. STILL no network.01:58
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paolobHi ogra 03:07
paolobhi mhz03:07
mhzpaolob: hi man03:08
paolobmhz, ogra, I keep having problems with the clients' boot. After "nfs-premount...Done" some client (sometimes a bigger number, sometimes a lesser one) waits a very very long time: 10-15-30 minutes!!!! What could be the reason? what could I do?03:10
=== mhz thinking
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Lord_Athurhow can I umount the cd-rom when the cd is being used for something03:10
paolobLord_Athur: I think you definitely must stop using it.03:10
mhzLord_Athur: usually, you have to make sure the /cd dir is not being used by someone03:11
Lord_Athurusing what?03:11
paolobor kill the program that is using it03:11
mhzthen, you'll be able to umount it03:11
Lord_Athurthen, how can I know what's using it?03:11
mhzhmmm, good question03:11
mhzif you are the only user...03:12
mhzsimply changing to your home dir will do03:12
Lord_Athurand the root03:12
Lord_AthurI work more as root03:13
mhzLord_Athur: you should not do that03:13
mhzesp. if you dont know how to stop and umount your cd :D03:13
Lord_Athurmy user is not in the sudo group03:13
Lord_Athurthis does not allow me to work very well03:14
pc22Lord_Athur u using edubuntu now?03:14
mhzLord_Athur: mounting or umounting is not 'dangerous'03:14
mhzso you could let all users do that03:14
Lord_Athurpc22, no, I am using debian03:14
Lord_Athurmhz, 03:15
Lord_Athurthe terminal told me that only the root can umount the cd-rom03:15
Lord_Athurfrom tomorrow I will not have debian03:17
mhzLord_Athur: then, as root, do this: adduser tu_mismo cdrom03:17
pc22is edubuntu cool?03:17
mhzpc22: indeed03:17
mhzof course!03:17
mhzpc22: edubuntu = Ubuntu + LTSP (modified) + educational apps.03:18
mhzso it is ubuntu03:18
mhzand if you like ubuntu... edubuntu is cool03:18
paolobLord_Athur: fuser /cdrom03:18
paolobmhz: no idea about that delay problem?03:19
mhzpaolob: I was googling about it03:20
mhzbut no ida yet :(03:20
mhzdid you ask the #ltsp guys?03:20
paolobSome client boot quite rapidly, others last very much to get the graphic login. 03:20
mhzand if you change the boot order is the same thing?03:21
paolobmhz: what boot order?03:22
paolobI boot all the clients together03:22
mhzper clients. I mean if you boot #3 , #4,  #5 and then boot all over again #4, #3, #5 ?03:23
mhz(was an example)03:23
pc22mhz whats ltsp?03:23
mhzLinux Terminal Server Project03:24
paolobmhz: is it wrong to boot all the clients together?03:24
mhzpc22: 1 central server (powerful) connected to # of thin old clients (with no HD)03:24
mhzpaolob: mhhh, i dont know, that's why I suggested that option03:25
mhzto find out if the problem still existed in that booting sequence03:25
paolobmhz: tomorrow I'm going to try out booting the clients one at a time03:27
mhzgood idea03:27
mhzor boot group of 2 or 3 at the same time03:27
mhzthe idea is to get a picture of what the possible causes may be03:28
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=== paolob is going to bed
paolobWell, thanks all! Good night!03:34
mhzpaolob: sleep well03:34
mhzcount some sheeps?03:34
paolob:-) Voy a soar con los angelitos :-)03:34
mhzoh de veraas?03:34
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mhzhi all05:40
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mhzhighvoltage: awake?05:53
highvoltagemhz: barely05:54
highvoltagemhz: just arrived at work05:55
mhzI am about to go to bed05:55
mhzand wanted to know if you saw what hno73 did to TOC site? (you helped him?)05:55
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mhzsorry, bad mouse!05:56
highvoltagemhz: sorry, got distracted. no, i didn't help him.06:01
mhzthat url was hard to get06:06
mhzI really think he (they?) did an amzing job06:06
mhzand it's moin! :D06:06
mhzhighvoltage: so, what you think?06:10
highvoltageit looks nice!06:15
mhzhighvoltage: when do you think it will be possible to test/help Drupal for Edubuntu?06:16
highvoltagebut like hno73 said, you can do anything visually, it's just a matter of editing the stylesheets.06:16
mhzand he also did some tweaking here and there06:17
mhzand used some naughty boy tricks :)06:17
mhzhighvoltage: when do you think it will be possible to test/help Drupal for Edubuntu?06:28
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=== highvoltage makes mental note to answer mhz when he's back
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jeffbuntuhi, i've a little problem with evince (edubuntu5.10) it can't open one pdf file ==> evince-thumbnailer take 100%cpu endless (but acrobat can open this file) ?09:29
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ulinskieis there a live cd for edubuntu available for download?09:49
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konfuzedactually just saw an interesting article regarding http://opencd.org which is based on ubunutu plus some extras and you can easily add the edu package to after the primary install10:25
konfuzeduh rather10:25
konfuzeduf you choose to install10:26
konfuzedit also runs ubuntu live cd I suppose10:26
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JaneW**Reminder** Weekly Dev Update meeting in #ubuntu-meeting in 30 mins12:30
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crimsuncrap, I'd better get coffee right now then :)12:41
=== ogra waits for the kino build to finish ...
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janeWhighvoltage: ping -> #ubuntu-meeting please01:14
zakameedubuntu meeting now?01:16
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zakameheya mhz :D01:22
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highvoltagejaneW: pong, been in important meeting02:45
highvoltage(not that edubuntu is unimportant)02:45
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Lord_Athurogra, or ogra_04:39
Lord_Athurwhat's the person that made edubuntu8?04:39
lucasvoLord_Athur: ogra :D04:39
ograedubuntu8 ?04:39
ograwe are only at edubuntu1 yet ;)04:39
Lord_Athurjejeje the number was an error04:39
lucasvoLord_Athur: Shuttleworth04:40
Lord_Athurwhat's that lucasvo ?04:40
lucasvoLord_Athur: the man who pays ogra04:40
lucasvoLord_Athur: canonical?04:40
Lord_AthurI know something about canonical04:41
Lord_Athurbut is  Shuttleworth here?04:41
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Lord_Athurwell i was only searching mhz04:43
Lord_Athurand he is not here04:43
Lord_AthurI'll see in the channel after any minutes04:44
lucasvoldm themes aren't gdm compatible, are they?04:45
ogranot really04:46
ograi mean it uses similar wording for the pics, so GDM themes may work on ldm ... but not the other way around, since i dont use xml files 04:47
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paolobhi ogra 06:37
highvoltagehi ogra and paolob 06:37
paolobYou know, I keeps having problems with the clients' boot06:37
paolobhi highvoltage 06:37
juliuxhi paolob highvoltage ogra 06:37
paolobhi juliux 06:37
highvoltagehi juliux :) (and everyone else)06:38
paolobogra: they have a loooooooooong delay (15-30 minutes!) after executing the script nfs-remount.06:38
highvoltagegeepers, i would've gotten impatient after 10 minutes.06:38
paolobSome client never arrive to present the gui06:38
ograi have no idea, sounds rather like a network thing ...06:38
highvoltagesounds like some kind of lookup not happening, to take a guess.06:39
paolobI think the problem is in the nfs script, in the nfsmount instrccions: I may guess it is expecting something like a IP address.06:39
highvoltagedid you enter a hostname instead?06:39
paolobI saw another strange thing too: the server's syslog reports me that every client, after receiving its IP, negotiates another during the first stages of the boot. Is it normal?06:40
highvoltageetherboot or pxe will request an address.06:41
highvoltageand when linux starts up, it will request an address again.06:41
paolobhighvoltage: but then, what of the two is going to be the client's IP?06:41
highvoltageboth, they should be the same.06:42
highvoltagedhcpd will create a lease period for that client based on the network card's mac address06:42
highvoltageso it will get the same IP address both times when it requests an address.06:42
paolobno, they are different!06:43
highvoltagethat's very, very strange.06:43
paolobI tried with only one client. Syslog shows:06:43
paolobdhcp: DHCPDISCOVER06:43
paolobdhcp: DHCPOFFER
paolobdhcp: DHCPREQUEST
paolobdhcp: DHCPACK
paolobmountd: authenticated mountrequest from for /opt/ltsp/i38606:44
paolobdhcp: DHCPOFFER
paolobdhcp: DHCPREQUEST
paolobdhcp: DHCPACK
paolobdhcp: DHCPREQUEST
paolobdhcp: DHCPACK
paolobWhat does it mean? In particular that 177 from mountd in the middle....06:46
highvoltagei don't know. i wish i could be there to check in person, i haven't seen that before.06:46
highvoltagewas only one client switched on at this point?06:47
highvoltageand do you only have one dhcp server running on the network?06:47
paolobhighvoltage: there was only one client, and the server is one computer.06:49
paolobhighvoltage: the server has a /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf and a /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf . Are there two dhcpd servers?06:50
ogradont touch the latter ....06:52
ograits the generic dhcpd file ...06:52
ograwhat ip did the booted client have in your above example ?06:53
ograapparently mounted the rootfs 06:53
ograso i'd guess the clients ip was the same06:54
paolobogra: that was before the nfs-premount delay06:54
ograthe nfs-* scripts are just empty dummys 06:54
ograthe problem must be somethjing else06:55
paolobogra: but they are there, and are executed! They are in (let me try to remember) /usr/share/......./scripts/nfs-***06:55
ogralook into such a script...06:56
ograand they are not executed from /usr/share ;)06:56
paolobogra: actually I saw the script i have the delay in there06:56
ograits empty ...06:56
paolobI am not on the server, the server still isn't on the internet06:56
ogranone of the nfs-* scripts have any content ...06:57
ograafter the nfs-* scrpts are executed the nfs script is run, but that also only contains one line that matters ...06:58
paolobogra: but I _did_ open the script/nfs file, and it wasn't empty. It called script/nfs-top, then script/nfs-premount, then had a nfsmount <parameters>, and then called script/nfs-bottom06:58
ograread what i wrote06:58
paolobogra: but then what the hell did I see?06:59
ograthe nfs script (note, not the nfs-* scripts) has one valid line, thats just calling nfsmount 07:00
paolobI think that the delay is there07:00
ograthe rest is empty and thought for possible enhancements in the future07:00
ograyes, but that can only be the nfsmount command ...07:01
ograwhich would either indicate a network problem or something being wrong with the nfs server07:01
paolobHow can I get more information on that nfsmount? Syslog doesn't tell me anything till the mount is done. I must understand why it lasts so much07:01
ograyou have the mount attempt in your log above ...07:02
ogramountd: authenticated mountrequest from for /opt/ltsp/i38607:02
paolobActually I could see various DHCPOFFER/REQUEST/ACK with various IP07:02
ograignore that07:02
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ograthe only intresting piece is the mountrequest line07:03
ograor do you run any other dhcp server in the network ? 07:03
paolobogra: but apparently the client doesn't find a valid IP to mount, apparently it tryed many IP before finding the right one07:03
paolobogra: when I installed edubuntu I was in a net with this pc, I think it has a dhcp server... let me see07:04
ogratzhere is only one mount attempt in your log above07:04
paolob~$ ps ax|grep dhcp07:04
paolob 7584 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/sbin/dhcpd3 -q eth007:04
paolobYes I have07:04
paolobbetter, I had when I first installed edubuntu and had it working with a client07:05
paolobnow the server only is connected to its clients07:05
ograthe above looks like you have running two ...07:07
paolobogra: i.e I have two dhcpd server on the same edubuntu server?07:09
ograthat doesnt work 07:09
ogranope, i mean you have two servers running in the net07:09
paolobogra: but the server isn't connected to the net :-)07:11
ograwhat ip does the server have ? 07:14
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paolobI put that address because I think to connect it in the future to a local net where the IP are already in use07:18
ograthats fine 07:18
paolobogra: how can I debug the nfsmount process?07:19
ograthats 07:20
ograhow a normal dhcp handshake looks on n edubuntu http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/548607:20
paolobogra: I can try to bring here a copy of syslog. Or is some better log file?07:24
lucasvogaim is so buggy07:24
lucasvo*crap* !07:24
ograpaolob: you can paste it anywhere 07:25
ograbut i'm running out of time07:25
ograwe have a developer meeting at 3am (my time) today and i have to prepare a lot07:25
paolobogra: anyway it will be tomorrow07:25
ogrause pastebin, as the topic suggests07:26
=== paolob thank ogra and all the other edubuntu developpers
lucasvoogra: 3am? poor ogra :D07:26
ograyup, rotating time ...07:27
paolobbye all07:29
=== Lord_Athur [i=alejandr@pc-30-37-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
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=== Lord_Athur [i=alejandr@pc-30-37-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
Absortohello! say... i just logged into a thin cilent and there's no loopback interface08:41
Absortoi believe that's making things difficult to the portmaper. how come there's no lo?08:41
AbsortoI read /etc/network/interfaces and it's there, but it's down.08:42
=== Lord_Athur [i=alejandr@pc-30-37-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
Lord_Athuranybody know anything about mhz?08:48
ograhe is from chile :)08:49
Lord_Athurbut I had to meet him this morning and he did not call me08:50
Lord_Athurand he is not here08:50
ograhe was shotrly in the edubuntu meeting today and sent his update to the mailing list since he couldnt stay until the end of the meeting08:51
ogradunno what he did during the day08:51
Lord_Athurwhat does the word shotrly mean?08:51
Lord_Athurhas it got a synonim?08:51
ograwas a typo08:51
=== hvanegas [n=hvanegas@] has joined #edubuntu
ograshort ...08:52
=== Gnimsh [i=Gnimsh@] has joined #edubuntu
GnimshJust wondering what the difference is between ubuntu and edubuntu?09:01
ogramainly LTSP 09:01
ograthe educational apps 09:01
GnimshI don't know that is09:02
Gnimshwhat that is*09:02
ograand different artwork09:02
=== TheMafia [n=TheMafia@12-221-115-249.client.insightBB.com] has joined #edubuntu
ograthe linux terminal server project09:02
ograby default the CD installs a terminal server you can use with diskless clients in a classroom09:02
Gnimshoh I see. the artwork does look like its for kids09:02
Lord_Athurogra,will we be able to make our own graphical enviroment for edubuntu?09:04
Lord_Athursomeone with an unique and special artwork09:05
Lord_Athurcan this be possible as an official edubuntu project?09:05
ogranot offical, but thats possible ...09:05
Lord_Athurthen, does edubuntu want to continue with gnome officially ?09:07
Absortohow about edkubuntu?09:07
Lord_Athuredubuntu with kubuntu?09:08
Absortoyeah, perhaps!09:08
Lord_AthurI'd be same to edubuntu with gnome09:08
Lord_Athurkde & gnome are of other projects of ubuntu, It would not be in edubuntu09:09
ogranot officially ...09:09
ograbut feel free to create it ;)09:09
Absortoyeah, i guess you can have it if you really want it. In fact, I do. I installed edubuntu and am enjoying ltsp much. But then installed kubuntu-desktop and am in bliss.09:09
Lord_Athuris there a way to download a version of edubuntu to modify?09:10
ogragrab the iso and modify it09:10
Lord_Athurhaven't you got a wiki page (or a howto) to visit and learn about modifying distros?09:12
ograi gave it to you ... 6 or 8 times in the last 2 weeks ...09:13
ograsearch the wiki, for install CD customization09:13
Lord_AthurBut i am asking about change programs create other delete any applications, change the distro and save the new one in a cd09:15
Lord_AthurBut i am asking about change programs, create other, delete any applications. change the distro and save the new one in a cd09:15
Lord_Athurwhat's that?09:16
ograyou grab the iso and modify it ...09:16
ograadd/remove apps etc09:16
Lord_AthurI will not ask it again 09:17
ograjust read the wiki page any try it ;)09:17
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Lord_Athurjejejei will09:19
AbsortoI have a question! I read in ltsp that you can run apps localy. I don't want to run nis, I want nss-mysql. So, for the time being, I just added a line to my /etc/passwd and created a /etc/shadow with my encrypted password. I then tried to mount /home from the app server and... well, I couldn't find an easy way to do it!09:21
Absortoso i just added a line in ltsp-client-setup, to append the appropiate line in fstab. It worked!09:22
Absortobut I don't understand how. 'cause /etc/exports says nothing about /home! how did it mount it if it is not being exported?09:22
Absortois it more of that ssh tunneling magic?09:23
ogranope... ssh is unrelated 09:26
Absortothen... how does it do it?09:27
ograi'm pretty sure you broke it already with installing KDM09:27
Absortowell... I didn't! but i had to hack a bit.09:27
ograso you wont be using any ssh tunnel anymore ...09:27
Absortooh, yeah, no ssh tunneling anymore09:27
Absortobut... what about the nfs? i don't understand!09:27
ograme neither 09:27
Absortowell, anyways, it mounted /home ro so I had to modify /etc/exports to add rw09:28
Absortobut then, even tho it mounted rw it was terribly slow.09:28
Absortowell, i did this: i chrooted to /opt/ltsp/i386 and apt-got kubuntu-desktop09:29
Absortothen I booted the client and logged in. I added startkde to .xinitrc and ran startx -- :1 09:29
AbsortoI had a terribly slow kde session!09:29
ograyou dont run *any* ltsp anymore09:30
Absortoi suspected the portmap, since I saw some errors on boot09:30
ograyou run a netbooting fullclinet09:30
Absortowell.. yes. I do. Did I just reinvent the wheel?09:30
ograhighvoltage does the same for his thick clients... 09:31
Absortowell... you see, this clients arent quite thin, having pentium 4s and 256 mb ram...09:31
ograbut you need a big client for that 09:31
ograthats not much09:31
Absortoyeah, i have 'em!09:31
Absortowell, it's enough to run kde :)09:31
ograthey will break if you dont add a kind of network swapping09:32
Absortooh, I thought so.09:32
AbsortoI will.09:32
ograthey will just shut down if the 356M are used up09:32
Absortojust shut down? wow!09:32
Absortosound pretty interesting to me :)09:32
ograthe kernel has not enough ram anymore, so it kills the X server09:32
ograwith no warning09:33
Absortojust like that? awesome!09:33
ograi highly suggest you have a look at nbd09:33
Absortook, I'll add some swap, i think that shouldn't be too difficult.09:33
Absortowhat is nbd?09:33
ograit will be slow ....09:33
ograso slow that you will need 1-2 minutes to move the mousepointer from one corner of the screen to the other09:34
ograbut it will not shut down09:34
ogranbd = network block device09:35
ograkernel 2.6 has no other option to swap over the network anymore09:36
Absortobut what about the swapfiles mounted thru nfs?09:38
ogranot anymore 09:38
ograthat was an awful hack to kernel 2.409:38
ogradoesnt work wth 2.609:38
ograthe way to go is nbd ...09:39
ograwe have it in the ubuntu kernel by default ...09:39
ograthe ltsp scripts are prepared to use it09:40
Absortoor I could use local swapfiles...09:43
Absortoperhaps I can mount the fat32 and create a swapfile there?09:45
ograsure, but then you need harddisks  and could make local installs and just mount /home from a cerntral server09:45
Absortotheres no support for swapfiles whatsoever?09:45
ograsure there is09:45
Absortojust not over nfs...09:45
Absortoyeah, i have drives. Its just much easier to admin if they net-boot.09:45
=== francoisb [n=francois@lns-bzn-32-82-254-13-170.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #edubuntu
francoisbBonsoir  tous09:47
francoisbTrying in french first : J'ai install edubuntu dans une ecole de 3 classes avec 3 utilisateurs. Ets il possible de connecter 2 clients avec le meme utilisateur?09:49
francoisbTrying in english : is it possible to use 2 thin client with the same user id?09:51
ograthere is a bug in gnome-settings-daemon which will break the themes ...09:51
ograits solved in the next release of gnome ...09:51
francoisbI've noticed it.09:52
ograso yes, but you have to live without themes on the second login09:52
francoisbI've tried to use Openoffice and the two text opened in the same screen.09:53
ograindeed, its the same desktop ...09:53
lucasvofrancoisb: the same is with gstreamer apps(also totem)09:54
francoisbWil it be corrected?09:54
lucasvois it possible to use same homedir for 2 users?09:54
lucasvofrancoisb: it is quite hard to do it09:54
ografrancoisb: thats no bug09:54
lucasvoone would have to change the whole program, let's say it is not the purpose of the programm to run on two machines with one user09:55
ograif you log in with the same user twice you are logged in to the same desktop twice 09:55
lucasvoone could try to use same homedir for 2 users09:55
ograor a shread folder 09:56
francoisbI thought that different processes would sent to the two IP of the thin clients.09:56
lucasvothere will be problems with chown09:56
ograbut using the same user twice on the same machine gives you the same desktop, thats expected behavior and logical ...09:56
ogranope, everything runs on the server 09:57
ograonly the display is exported to the clients09:57
ograimagine a PC with two monitors, keyboards and mice ... 09:58
ogra(or more than two)09:58
francoisbIt's for pupils aged 7, I don't want to create one user per person.09:59
francoisbSo, I think I'll make one user per client, with a shared folder...10:01
ograsounds sane10:02
=== mherweg [n=mherweg@i577ADC9C.versanet.de] has joined #edubuntu
francoisbAnother question : is it planed to have a preconfigured samba?10:06
ograa samba server ?10:07
francoisbJust to exchange files with a Windows PC.10:07
ograyou can use nautilus as client for a windows PC/network10:08
ograand the samba server is also installed by default 10:08
ograjust configure it with the shared folders admin 10:09
ograit would be a bit pointless to have a preconfigured samba server if you want to integrate it in a windows network .... you need to adjust it anyway to work with the existing net10:10
francoisbInstalled, yes, but there are lines to write  (chmod for a samba folder, create a samba user.)10:11
ograjust use the shares admin tool from the menu10:11
ograno need to touch configs10:11
francoisbAll right, I'll try10:12
ograhave to reboot, bbl10:12
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