_kriss | somebody here, who can tell me, why i can't install kde 3.5 ... apt-get says some packages are rejected or something like that ... ? | 12:04 |
kkathman | _kriss: well thats normal actually | 12:05 |
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kkathman | because alot of kde apps arent ready for 3.5 yet basically | 12:05 |
kkathman | there's really no need to upgrade to 3.5 at this time...its a transitional release anyway | 12:06 |
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_kriss | thank you, but what means "transitional release " | 12:06 |
_kriss | ? | 12:06 |
kkathman | _kriss: it means that they fixed a few buggies and made a few changes, but the REAL changes and features will be in 4.0 | 12:07 |
djk_ | is there a list of what has been updated? | 12:07 |
kkathman | in fact, you may find things dont work as good, or at all when you go to 3.5 | 12:07 |
kkathman | djk_: Im sure kde.org has release notes :) | 12:07 |
djk_ | kkathman: no no, i meant kubuntu packages.. | 12:08 |
kkathman | ohh hmm..I dunno.. as far as i know none have | 12:09 |
_kriss | ok, thank you ,for this info ... my problem is, that in kde 3.4.3 my kmail or kontact is buggy ... it crashes the whole day .. | 12:09 |
kkathman | thats why several were held back | 12:09 |
kkathman | _kriss: thats your implementation because kontact works fine for me under 3.4.3 | 12:09 |
djk_ | kkathman: well, there's a new kernel and things like that.. instead of checking adept for what's upgradeable i'd prefer a wiki-page or something | 12:10 |
_kriss | hmm, i thought so already ...... maybe it has something to do with imap/ssl ..?? | 12:11 |
_kriss | ok, i can live with that ... thank you @ll for the infos about kde3.5 ..bye | 12:12 |
kkathman | djk_: did you upgrade to the new kernal? | 12:14 |
djk_ | kkathman: na | 12:14 |
kkathman | ahh it was ok...not much of a change actually that I could tell | 12:15 |
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djk_ | is there a prog that will show me the CMOS for a function? | 12:20 |
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lwizardl | can i have a detailed folder view that with also list he bitrate of mp3's ? like in windows | 12:21 |
angasule_ | I changed the network settings to manual, set the ip to, but then it won't pay attention to the gateway, it forgets what I input | 12:22 |
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angasule | I can't set the gateway, for some reason it ignores the address (doesn't even save it) | 12:32 |
kkathman | angasule: happened to me...switch to dhcp, but the gateway in..save and reboot | 12:33 |
kkathman | the reboot makes it stay | 12:33 |
kkathman | or it did for me | 12:33 |
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angasule | but I can't use dhcp, because than I won't get the same address | 12:34 |
angasule | s/than/then/ | 12:34 |
angasule | with dhcp the gateway is autodetected (that's how I'm here now :) ), but if I tell it to use a static ip, it doesn't work | 12:34 |
angasule | what I did was to tell the dhcp server to start assigning ips from, since right now this is the only computer using the dhcp server, that's ok, but really... it should be fixed | 12:35 |
kkathman | angasule: if you have a dhcp the ip absolutely gets auto assigned | 12:36 |
kkathman | but you need to put in the gateway, at least I did. | 12:36 |
angasule | kkathman: that's my point, I don't want to use dhcp, but without dhcp, I have to write the gateway, and it doesn't work | 12:37 |
manveru | kkathman: it's on part of the dhcpd to assign ips ... afaik you can give it a mac-address2ip-address mapping | 12:37 |
kkathman | then I had to reboot to get it to "stick" which I believe IS a bug | 12:37 |
angasule | ah, with dhcp, the gateway is autodetected | 12:37 |
kkathman | is it right tho? | 12:37 |
angasule | manveru: yes, if you have a decent dhcp server, I have a crappy adsl modem that happens to sort of work as a router | 12:37 |
kkathman | I assume the DNS is correct | 12:37 |
angasule | my ISP sucks, I've been without access to wikipedia for over a week | 12:38 |
manveru | angasule: well, i have only a crappy switch standing here... haven't found out yet how to give myself a fixed ip | 12:38 |
angasule | they got a new range of IPs, and they broke teh internet | 12:38 |
kkathman | lol. | 12:38 |
djk_ | wikipedia is pretty slow anyway.. | 12:38 |
angasule | manveru: me neither, unless I don't use dhcp | 12:39 |
angasule | djk_: I have no access to it whatsoever, and probably other sites, too, but I use wikipedia often, so it bothers me (I'm using the google cache for now) | 12:39 |
manveru | angasule: i solved the problem quite elegant... i just leave my computer on :) | 12:39 |
angasule | hahaha my computer is in my room, and summer is coming | 12:40 |
kkathman | lol manveru :) | 12:40 |
angasule | 30C with the computer off, with the computer on it's insane | 12:40 |
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manveru | hmm, i heat my room with 3 computers | 12:40 |
manveru | it's handy in winter... but DEADLY in summer | 12:40 |
angasule | oh, yeah, in winter I love my computer heh | 12:40 |
angasule | not to mention the noise, it reminds me of when I flew to europe and I had a seat right behind the root of the wing, next to the engines | 12:41 |
djk_ | you're all just wussies :p | 12:41 |
manveru | lol | 12:41 |
mjung__ | Hi has anyone a recent Kubuntu CD here in Cape Town South Africa? | 12:41 |
nalioth | anyone know if you can burn a bootable image from k3b? | 12:41 |
angasule | mjung__: I bet! | 12:41 |
manveru | nalioth: i'm _so_ sure you can | 12:42 |
angasule | nalioth: yes | 12:42 |
djk_ | nalioth: yes | 12:42 |
kkathman | uh yes | 12:42 |
kkathman | hehe | 12:42 |
kkathman | I'll go along with everyone :) | 12:42 |
mjung__ | angasule: great is there a way of getting one. | 12:42 |
manveru | lol | 12:42 |
angasule | hehehe | 12:42 |
djk_ | kkathman: good choice :p | 12:42 |
nalioth | can someone help me find the key? | 12:42 |
manveru | nalioth: you lost it? | 12:42 |
angasule | mjung__: you can have my breezy badger CD, if you come pick it up at my house | 12:42 |
angasule | it's a bit out of the way, though, 5km from downtown Bahia Blanca, which is 700km south of Buenos Aires, Argentina :) | 12:43 |
mjung__ | Sounds great I am in edgemead how can we connect? | 12:43 |
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angasule | have you searched for a LUG (Linux User Group)? | 12:43 |
nalioth | i can't seem to find the option to check, to get a bootable image | 12:43 |
manveru | mjung__: http://dot.kde.org/1132969824/ | 12:44 |
angasule | nalioth: if the image is bootable, the CD will be bootable | 12:44 |
nalioth | i'm making an image from a folder full of things | 12:44 |
mjung__ | angasule: I know the SLUG people and I know CLUG | 12:44 |
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angasule | mjung__: and no one there has a breezy badger CD or broadband to download it? | 12:45 |
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mjung__ | The SLUG meetings are currently not happening and the CLUG is also finished for the year. Plus it is on tuesday nichts and I can never go on tuesday nights. | 12:46 |
manveru | nalioth: well - and you just have to make a bootable image from it... | 12:46 |
manveru | mjung__: there is shipit for south-africa... right? | 12:46 |
angasule | mjung__: don't they have email lists? you could email them asking for a CD | 12:46 |
Riddell | mjung__: you could go to the canonical office and ask for one :) | 12:46 |
nalioth | manveru: yes. how? | 12:47 |
manveru | mjung__: https://shipit.ubuntu.com/ sign up there, and order some | 12:47 |
manveru | nalioth: well... erm... that's a good question :) | 12:47 |
manveru | until now i only used already made images... | 12:48 |
slow-motion_ | n8 | 12:48 |
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mjung__ | shipit will not give me Kubuntu. Concerning the mailing list I thought trying here first. | 12:49 |
mjung__ | Riddell: what is the canonical office??? | 12:50 |
manveru | mjung__: but installing kde on ubuntu is no hard thing | 12:50 |
nalioth | manveru: i was thinking there was a setting on k3b | 12:50 |
manveru | mjung__: you install one package wich takes care of all | 12:50 |
J` | manervu, not hard? | 12:50 |
manveru | nalioth: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Bootdisk-HOWTO/cd-roms.html | 12:51 |
J` | so, i install only kubuntu-desktop, thats all ? | 12:51 |
nalioth | J`: it's as simple as "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" | 12:51 |
manveru | nalioth: i guess that's most minimal | 12:51 |
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manveru | J`: exactly | 12:51 |
J` | yeah, 20 minutes i tried | 12:51 |
nalioth | manveru: i've been there, and other places uncle google has shown me | 12:51 |
J` | and there were some dependencies problems | 12:51 |
manveru | J`: like? | 12:51 |
angasule | http://www.canonical.com/contact | 12:51 |
nalioth | J`: ah, well. if there are any non ubuntu pkgs on your system, that can happen | 12:52 |
angasule | hahaha I like their address: "1 Circular Road " | 12:52 |
mjung__ | my ubuntu is still the unstable release of 5.10 I would have to download some 400+ packages. I am on an South African ISDN connection = meaning slow and unreliable plus expensive. | 12:52 |
Riddell | mjung__: http://www.freedomtoaster.org/?q=node/20 | 12:52 |
J` | checking.. | 12:52 |
mjung__ | So I thought a Fresch Kbuntu disk would do the trick. | 12:52 |
angasule | Isle of Man, umh, I don't think that's new Cape Town | 12:52 |
hugelmopf | where do we report bugs for the KDE 3.5 packages (running on breezy)? | 12:52 |
Riddell | hmm, no kubuntu on toaster | 12:52 |
manveru | kubuntu is nowhere... | 12:53 |
manveru | it's planned for dapper though | 12:53 |
J` | kubuntu-desktop: | 12:53 |
J` | Depends: dbus-qt-1 but it is not going to be installed | 12:53 |
J` | Depends: kdebase but it is not going to be installed | 12:53 |
J` | Depends: kdepim but it is not going to be installed | 12:53 |
J` | Depends: konq-plugins but it is not going to be installed | 12:53 |
J` | Depends: kynaptic but it is not going to be installed | 12:53 |
J` | Depends: ubuntu-quickguide but it is not going to be installed | 12:53 |
J` | Depends: x-window-system-core but it is not going to be installed | 12:53 |
J` | seems like i have mess smth up | 12:53 |
manveru | J`: yeah - you did indeed | 12:53 |
manveru | !pastebin | 12:54 |
ubotu | it has been said that pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl or at http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | 12:54 |
J` | thank you, manveru | 12:54 |
Riddell | mjung__: Durbanville | 12:54 |
manveru | however, let's try to solve it | 12:54 |
Riddell | mjung__: canonical office is there | 12:54 |
J` | than it must do smth with my 120minutesBefore ubuntu upgrade to 5.10 | 12:54 |
manveru | J`: try to 'sudo apt-get install kdebase' | 12:54 |
J` | trying.. | 12:55 |
manveru | should give you an error | 12:55 |
J` | sudo apt-get install kdebas | 12:55 |
J` | damn | 12:55 |
Riddell | mjung__: e-mail janew@hbd.com and ask if they'll burn you a copy that you could pick up | 12:55 |
J` | E: Couldn't find package kdebas | 12:56 |
manveru | kdebase | 12:56 |
J` | i always forget that in terminal ctrl+C doenst work | 12:56 |
hugelmopf | can anybody shed some light on "gamin vs. fam" in kubuntu... which one is supposed to be used? | 12:56 |
manveru | hugelmopf: ?? | 12:56 |
J` | oh, i cant even paste 0_O | 12:56 |
manveru | J`: you can - but use the pastebin | 12:57 |
hugelmopf | manveru: fam and gamin seem to conflict (libgamin0 and libfam0), but I have packages in my repositories which need one, and others need the other. | 12:57 |
J` | yes, i will | 12:57 |
mjung__ | Riddell Thank you very much I will do that. otherwise the Freedomtoastes might just do. Thanks to all. | 12:58 |
manveru | !info libgamin0 | 12:58 |
ubotu | libgamin0: (Client library for the gamin file and directory monitoring system), section libs, is optional. Version: 0.1.5-0ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 31 kB, Installed size: 112 kB | 12:58 |
nalioth | J`: have you shown us your sources.list (using a pastebin)? | 12:58 |
manveru | hugelmopf: i guess that's a matter of choice | 12:59 |
manveru | hugelmopf: i would use libfam0 - since i like the name better ^^ | 12:59 |
djk_ | nalioth: i think you may want to use xcdroast to create a bootable cd. | 01:00 |
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J` | nalioth, my source list is ok so far; | 01:00 |
J` | manveru, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/453277 dependencies prblm | 01:00 |
hugelmopf | manveru: i just noticed, that almost all packages (including KDE 3.5) depend on libgamin0, _but_ kdebase-dev pulls libfam-dev into the boat, which depends on libfam0. Thus kdebase-dev is uninstallable | 01:01 |
eriksti | does the KUDOS howto on adding extra repositories work, or is it outdated? | 01:01 |
manveru | hugelmopf: well, kde3.5 is not in officially yet - right? | 01:01 |
hugelmopf | manveru: that's why i was asking earlier, where to file bugs against it? | 01:01 |
manveru | no idea - probably the bugzilla of (k)ubuntu? | 01:02 |
hugelmopf | i wanted to check here, whether it is ok to file bugs against the "unofficial" KDE 3.5 packages. | 01:02 |
manveru | J`: ok, so march on - try 'sudo apt-get install kdebase-kio-plugins' | 01:03 |
manveru | hugelmopf: i don't think that it will be of much use - but who knows? | 01:03 |
manveru | hugelmopf: maybe you just stepped in in a bad moment while they where changing the deps... | 01:03 |
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J` | manveru, marching : http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/453281 | 01:04 |
hugelmopf | manveru: might be of use to dapper-development. | 01:04 |
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manveru | J`: ok, go on, pick one and try installing it | 01:05 |
manveru | J`: until you come to some fatal error | 01:05 |
J` | fatal? and than what? | 01:07 |
J` | i tried to dbus-1 | 01:07 |
J` | got this far - http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/453287 | 01:07 |
J` | the question is - is it ok that there are so much to be removed? | 01:08 |
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manveru | J`: i see - now we're close | 01:10 |
manveru | J`: it is... if you really want to get rid of gnome | 01:11 |
hugelmopf | the brokeness seems to be fixed in dapper already... kdelibs4-dev does not depend on libfam-dev anymore, but on libgamin-dev. | 01:13 |
J` | manveru, sometimes i feel like i do. But on kubuntu.org i read that i can swith between desktops before session. | 01:13 |
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manveru | J`: well, normally one can - not sure what causes this brokenness though.... | 01:13 |
J` | well, i think i will go sleep now, 4.5 hours left till waking up; I have suspicious on my this evenings clumsy upgrade. I have noticed some other problems too. I`ll try to solve another day. Thanks a lot anyway. | 01:17 |
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djk_ | Hobbsee: gday mate | 01:46 |
Hobbsee | gday djk_ | 01:46 |
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lwizardl | how do i find where a folder is? | 01:51 |
lwizardl | err file | 01:51 |
djk_ | locate foo | 01:52 |
Hobbsee | i only found out about locate recently - it's very useful! | 01:52 |
lwizardl | nothing listed | 01:52 |
djk_ | just recently installed? | 01:53 |
lwizardl | i used the kde manager to install it | 01:53 |
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lwizardl | says to find my core file called mlnet | 01:54 |
triode | ? | 01:54 |
djk_ | run sudo updatedb and locate mlnet again.. | 01:55 |
lwizardl | did | 01:57 |
lwizardl | nothing found still | 01:57 |
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yudi | how to create xyz.tar.gz from folder xyz ? | 01:58 |
lwizardl | i'm starting to wonder about these apps that adept installs | 01:58 |
lwizardl | first apollon doesn't work, then java doesn't work, and now kmldonkey doesn't work | 01:58 |
djk_ | yudi: man tar will help ;) | 01:58 |
Hobbsee | yudi: in konq, right click on the folder, compress as... | 01:59 |
djk_ | or that.. | 01:59 |
triode | installing a usb sound card how? | 01:59 |
Hobbsee | lol | 01:59 |
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yudi | i was on remote at the moment (ssh).. how to do it with command? | 01:59 |
Hobbsee | bah, i've got no idea lol - man tar | 02:00 |
Hobbsee | !tar | 02:00 |
triode | ? | 02:00 |
djk_ | it's pretty simple and there's already an example in man tar .. | 02:01 |
jdb | can any one answer a dumb question | 02:02 |
djk_ | no | 02:02 |
jdb | sweet | 02:02 |
triode | sure | 02:02 |
triode | lol | 02:02 |
yudi | ok, it's worked now.. | 02:02 |
jdb | y can i acces my root | 02:02 |
jdb | my password doesn work | 02:03 |
neoncode | Will kubuntu run on 256 MB of RAM? | 02:03 |
djk_ | read your messages jdb.. | 02:03 |
triode | yes | 02:03 |
djk_ | neoncode: yes. | 02:03 |
neoncode | djk_: Thanks | 02:03 |
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triode | Tascam US-224 USB sound device kubuntu how? | 02:04 |
manveru | triode: 1) plug-in 2) pray | 02:05 |
triode | pray=didn't work :) | 02:05 |
manveru | too bad :) | 02:05 |
triode | so, it should just work? | 02:05 |
manveru | i don't think so | 02:06 |
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triode | I've read that you can make it work, but I've followed the procedures and it doesn't work for me | 02:06 |
manveru | but without alsaconf i'm really beaten how to configure it | 02:06 |
os2mac | sources! | 02:06 |
triode | ? | 02:06 |
os2mac | trying to invoke ubotu | 02:07 |
djk_ | !sources | 02:07 |
ubotu | A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) - Create your own sources.list at http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic | 02:07 |
djk_ | os2mac: the ! goes in the front.. | 02:07 |
os2mac | !sources | 02:08 |
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neoncode | djk_: Will it run on a 900MHz Pentium III? | 02:08 |
djk_ | neoncode: yes | 02:08 |
os2mac | trying to find out about the dapper sources for /etc/apt/sources.list | 02:08 |
triode | ive run it in a 500MHZ pIII | 02:08 |
manveru | !dapper | 02:08 |
ubotu | The 6.04 version of Ubuntu will be called the "Dapper Drake" release. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperDrake | 02:08 |
djk_ | neoncode: i have it running on a laptop p3 500MHz with 128MB | 02:08 |
triode | if I could make my sound interface work with kubuntu I'd be able to dump windows :o | 02:09 |
manveru | triode: however, you should just keep searching for 'alsa "tascam us-224"' and you might end as a lucky man :) | 02:09 |
triode | That's what I've done | 02:09 |
triode | and I've found a few ways of doing it | 02:09 |
manveru | what have the instructions been? | 02:10 |
triode | but neither worked for me | 02:10 |
triode | i'll fetch the urls | 02:10 |
os2mac | so what is the sources.list string ? | 02:11 |
triode | http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/doc-php/template.php?company=Tascam&card=US-428.&chip=EZUSB%2C+FPGA&module=usb-usx2y | 02:11 |
triode | http://www.langerland.de/ | 02:12 |
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triode | http://www.wlug.org.nz/TascamAudioInterface | 02:14 |
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manveru | triode: ok, that's quite a bit | 02:15 |
chaoticgeek | hello | 02:15 |
triode | I have tried even complete reinstall of kubuntu and still no luck | 02:16 |
manveru | triode: but i fear i cannot help you just now - need to finish some work asap | 02:16 |
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triode | :( ok, no prob. | 02:16 |
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chaoticgeek | what do I have to install to compile programs? | 02:16 |
chaoticgeek | I can not remember | 02:17 |
manveru | triode: maybe you can check back with the guys in the #ubuntu channel | 02:17 |
Hobbsee | chaoticgeek: build-essential | 02:17 |
jsubl2 | triode: http://alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/index.php?vendor=vendor-Tascam#matrix | 02:17 |
chaoticgeek | thanks | 02:17 |
Hobbsee | no problems | 02:17 |
Hobbsee | might be build-essentials | 02:17 |
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jsubl2 | well the snd-usb-usx2y.ko exist in dapper.. don't know about breezy don't have one of those | 02:20 |
triode | jsubl2 thanks, I tried that and it didn't work, I don't know what i'm doing wrong | 02:20 |
triode | i'm using breezy | 02:20 |
jsubl2 | find /lib/modules -name snd-usb-usx2y\* | 02:20 |
triode | I have downloaded the live version of dapper to try, but it didn't work there either | 02:20 |
chaoticgeek | there finnaly got my lil brothers computer up and running | 02:21 |
jsubl2 | triode: run that find command above and see if you have the kernel module | 02:21 |
triode | ok | 02:21 |
triode | it returns: /lib/modules/2.6.12-9-686/kernel/sound/usb/usx2y/snd-usb-usx2y.ko | 02:22 |
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Hobbsee | all right, i'm off to go get the new glasses - see you all in a bit! | 02:22 |
triode | :) | 02:23 |
jsubl2 | triode: see on that web page the section starting with # ALSA portion | 02:26 |
triode | ? | 02:26 |
jrattner1 | How can i make a program autostart with KDE | 02:27 |
jrattner1 | ? | 02:27 |
jsubl2 | triode: /join #kubuntu-offtopic | 02:27 |
triode | ok | 02:27 |
vectoralpha | i know in redhat you use chkconfig | 02:28 |
vectoralpha | try man chkconfig and see if you get anything | 02:28 |
vectoralpha | o | 02:28 |
vectoralpha | er | 02:28 |
vectoralpha | you want it with kde | 02:28 |
jrattner1 | i want the program to start with my session | 02:28 |
vectoralpha | jrattner1 i'm pretty sure thats in kcontrol, let me check really quick | 02:29 |
jrattner1 | thanks | 02:29 |
vectoralpha | jrattner1 okay, i haven't done this before, but i'm pretty sure how you can get it to work | 02:31 |
jrattner1 | ? | 02:31 |
vectoralpha | jrattner1 do you have a shortcut to the program easily available | 02:31 |
jrattner1 | yeh | 02:31 |
vectoralpha | copy that shortcut into /home/$youruser$/.kde/Autostart/ | 02:31 |
jrattner1 | and it will work? | 02:31 |
vectoralpha | should | 02:31 |
vectoralpha | give it a shot | 02:32 |
jrattner1 | ok will do brb | 02:32 |
vectoralpha | k | 02:32 |
=== sophie_ [n=sophie@ip062.195-51-69.sogetel.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jrattner1 | nope | 02:36 |
jrattner1 | i dont have a shortcut available | 02:36 |
sophie_ | hello all I hope your kubuntu boxes are stable and doing well | 02:36 |
manveru | jrattner1: just leave the program open when you logout | 02:37 |
jrattner1 | manveru, its a daemon i want to start with every session | 02:37 |
vectoralpha | sophie_ recompiling as we speak | 02:37 |
sophie_ | vectoralpha: recompiling what | 02:37 |
vectoralpha | jrattner1 do you have any experience w/ shell scripts | 02:37 |
vectoralpha | jrattner1 kernel-2.6.12 | 02:37 |
vectoralpha | er | 02:37 |
jrattner1 | yes but were overlooking the easy solution | 02:38 |
vectoralpha | sophie_ kernel-2.6.12 | 02:38 |
jrattner1 | theres an easier one | 02:38 |
sophie_ | vectoralpha: I ha ve a question intalling gcc package should install developpement including ainsi headers | 02:38 |
vectoralpha | sophie_ not 100% sure, but it should.., why, what are you trying to do? | 02:38 |
sophie_ | For some reason gcc is present but no headears installed in /usr/include/ | 02:38 |
vectoralpha | hm | 02:38 |
sophie_ | vectoralpha: trying to compile my own crap | 02:39 |
sophie_ | I just did a fresh install from hoary to breezy | 02:39 |
vectoralpha | sophie_ try just getting build_essential | 02:39 |
jsubl2 | if you know a program in the repositories that has similiar dependencies you get do -- apt-get build-dep programname | 02:39 |
vectoralpha | sophie_ its a pretty straightforward newb way to do it | 02:39 |
vectoralpha | jrattner1 what is the daemon? | 02:40 |
jrattner1 | network manager | 02:41 |
jrattner1 | nm-applet | 02:41 |
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vectoralpha | jrattner1: is that the command that usually gets it running? | 02:41 |
sophie_ | vectoralpha: im not a newbie I just forgot you need to install buildtool | 02:41 |
jrattner1 | vectoralpha, yes, you type nm-applet to start it | 02:42 |
sophie_ | vectoralpha: tks for the help just resolved my problem | 02:42 |
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vectoralpha | sophie_ not calling you a newbie, i still consider myself one.., no offense | 02:42 |
vectoralpha | jrattner1 make a text file, name it whatever.sh just type nm-applet in it, save it, and put it in the autostart folder, it probably accepts scripts | 02:43 |
jrattner1 | ok | 02:43 |
vectoralpha | sophie_ personally, this is my first rebuild, i've been w/ nix solid for a year, and on server configs for about five years | 02:44 |
vectoralpha | sophie_ sorry i couldn't help more | 02:44 |
sophie_ | vectoralpha: no offense taken maybe Im espressing myself a litle blunt | 02:44 |
vectoralpha | sophie_ its okay, hope you have happy build days ahead | 02:44 |
sophie_ | vectoralpha: well you did help me it help me remember i ha to install buildtool which install the appro headers while gcc does not install the, | 02:45 |
vectoralpha | sophie_ i'm glad.., what are you planning on building anyhow? | 02:45 |
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poimen | ok I have this strang eproblem | 02:46 |
sophie_ | vectoralpha: bin2iso small apps that convert bin images to iso | 02:46 |
poimen | when I install mandriva I do linux noapic and eavry thing works ok :) | 02:46 |
vectoralpha | sophie_ sounds like fun stuff | 02:46 |
sophie_ | poimen: do u have a problem with your keyboard | 02:46 |
sophie_ | poimen: just kidding | 02:46 |
vectoralpha | sophie_ that was cruel | 02:46 |
vectoralpha | lol | 02:47 |
poimen | but when installing kubuntu I do noapic and I wont load | 02:47 |
poimen | It freeze when the linux reconize my sd reader | 02:47 |
vectoralpha | sophie_ yay!, i'm so excited, the build finished with no errors | 02:47 |
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poimen | if I do llinux noapic acpi=off I loads and install very well but I dont get my usb ports or my sd reader to work | 02:48 |
poimen | btw : sophie_ sorry! english is not my first leanguage mine is spanish | 02:49 |
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vectoralpha | poimen: i'm not all too familiar with your problem, and sorry for commenting on your english also..., why are you even messing with noapic | 02:49 |
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sophie_ | poimen: why r u turning off acpi motherboard does not support it | 02:50 |
poimen | well I dont kwon if I dont do noapic not even mandriva will load the installer / kubuntu needs both to get to load the installer | 02:52 |
poimen | but I mean does acpi has to do something with my usb or sd reader? | 02:52 |
sophie_ | poimen: what motherboard or computer brand are you using | 02:52 |
vectoralpha | sophie_ brb, rebooting into freshly compiled kernel | 02:52 |
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sophie_ | vectoralpha: good luck | 02:53 |
vectoralpha | sophie_ ty | 02:53 |
poimen | hp m7170n | 02:53 |
sophie_ | vectoralpha: why r u compiling youtr own | 02:53 |
vectoralpha | sophie_ rivafb conflicts with nvidia drivers | 02:53 |
vectoralpha | sophie_ i did a successful rebuild earlier, but had some nic problems | 02:54 |
vectoralpha | anywho, i'll be back..., hopefully sooner before later | 02:54 |
sophie_ | vectoralpha: rivafb is compiled in kernel not has a module weird | 02:54 |
sophie_ | vectoralpha: good luck again | 02:54 |
vectoralpha | sophie_ i thought it was weird too, and thanks again, cya | 02:55 |
poimen | brb | 02:56 |
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poimen | back | 02:59 |
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vectoralpha | sophie_: same very strange networking problem, mind if i probe you for ideas? | 03:02 |
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vectoralpha | sophie_: you still around? | 03:12 |
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neoncode | you do you get konqueror to sort numbered files properly? like 1.jpg,2.jpg,3.jpg and so in instead of 1.jpg,10.jpg,11.jpg? | 03:44 |
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PPPoE | Bah! i feel like such a noob | 03:48 |
PPPoE | How can I go about installing firefox 1.5? | 03:48 |
PPPoE | I thought it was as simple as untaring the tar file and running the binary, but i'm getting some nice error messages | 03:48 |
bimberi | !firefox15 | 03:48 |
ubotu | firefox15 is probably see the wiki at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion for information on how to install Firefox 1.5 from mozilla.org | 03:48 |
PPPoE | Mucho-de-appreciatio | 03:49 |
PPPoE | or something like that | 03:49 |
bimberi | PPPoE: np :) | 03:49 |
bimberi | PPPoE: that is - noa problemo :P | 03:50 |
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vectoralpha | how might i go about figuring out what driver my nic is currently using | 03:52 |
PPPoE | lol | 03:52 |
jsubl2 | vectoralpha: dmesg|grep eth | 03:53 |
vectoralpha | ty | 03:53 |
vectoralpha | jsubl2: that put out what looks like card model and mac addy..., i am looking to find what driver or rather kernel module it is using, i did a kernel rebuild and things went all flukey with my nic, works for a few seconds and then stops entirely, wanted to see if it was running off of a different module | 03:55 |
jsubl2 | www.google.com/linux == google the card model should lead you to the driver.. | 03:57 |
vectoralpha | i'll work on that | 03:58 |
vectoralpha | ty | 03:58 |
jsubl2 | vectoralpha: sometimes you get lucky.. like the output from mine says both -- forcedeth.c: Reverse Engineered nForce ethernet driver. | 03:58 |
ClayG | I can connect to my other machines with ip but not with hostname, any ideas? | 04:01 |
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jsubl2 | ClayG: how many other machines.. dns issue or what | 04:02 |
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PPPoE | bimberi: would you be able to recommend any good reading about optimization of kubuntu? | 04:03 |
jsubl2 | faq in /topic is a good place to start | 04:04 |
jsubl2 | kde faq 2nd place | 04:04 |
=== bimberi concurs with jsubl2 (and wipes the sweat off his brow) | ||
PPPoE | thanks | 04:06 |
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ClayG | jsubl2: there are 4 machines on a small peer-to-peer type network | 04:22 |
ClayG | I access them with ssh - l clayg | 04:23 |
ClayG | but I rather just call them up by name | 04:23 |
jsubl2 | for just 4 you could add them to the /etc/hosts file | 04:24 |
thoreauputic | ClayG: if you use static addresses, put them in /etc/hosts | 04:24 |
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kkathman | hey seth_k :) Wassup tonight? | 04:32 |
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seth_k | hi kkathman, I just took the plunge and went from Dapper KDE 3.5rc1 to Dapper 3.5.0 | 04:33 |
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seth_k | only lost a few things, like kdebluetooth | 04:33 |
seth_k | so I'm rebuilding those myself right now | 04:34 |
seth_k | and I had a microbiology lab final tonight, so i'm glad that's over ;) | 04:34 |
seth_k | how about you? | 04:34 |
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kkathman | seth_k: I could help you with that microbio final ... thats what my degree and master was in :) | 04:38 |
kkathman | but glad you got through it :) | 04:38 |
kkathman | wish you luck on your rebuilding :) | 04:38 |
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seth_k | kkathman, ooh, you could've written my final thesis thing for me ;) | 04:39 |
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nrdb | Hi I am having trouble getting kaffine to play a DVD I get a message (Error invoking "dvdnav_get_next_block". What does this mean? | 04:45 |
convey | flyingmayo: Thanks! | 04:45 |
convey | + | 04:45 |
convey | /////****-**************************** | 04:47 |
convey | *9-1401///////////////////////////////////////////1*/0777777777777777777777777777 | 04:48 |
bimberi | convey: take that coffee mug off the keypad :P | 04:48 |
convey | 4444*4*/33336 | 04:48 |
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nrdb | I would like to play DVDs, I think I need to install libdvdcss, how do I do this? | 04:48 |
robotgeek | nalioth: problems! | 04:49 |
convey | ++++++++++111.1111111113. | 04:49 |
robotgeek | ops!! | 04:49 |
convey | 001/-1401///////////////////////////////////////////1*/0777777777777777777777777777*/200000000000000000000000022222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222220000--------0000000*------**/-+6-.0000000-------------------8888888888 | 04:49 |
convey | 001/-1401///////////////////////////////////////////1*/0777777777777777777777777777*/200000000000000000000000022222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222220000--------0000000*------**/-+6-.0000000-------------------888888888801 | 04:49 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o seth_k] by ChanServ | ||
convey | ...............0 | 04:49 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [+b %convey!*@*] by seth_k | ||
robotgeek | phew | 04:49 |
robotgeek | seth_k: what took you so long :) | 04:49 |
seth_k | hi convey, we ask that you don't paste into the channel. Please visit http://kubuntu.pastebin.com and do your pasting there, then link to it :) | 04:50 |
seth_k | convey, I'll unquiet you in a sec, after the buffer clears. | 04:50 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o nalioth] by ChanServ | ||
BlueEagle | convey: Nice. | 04:50 |
ClayG | thoreauputic: I looked in there and I saw a bunch of ip | 04:50 |
Knowerrors | hey all, can anybody help with this http://www.kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=2088.0 ? | 04:50 |
ClayG | but dont see where to add the host name | 04:51 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [+b %*!*@24-75-162-178-st.clspco.adelphia.net] by nalioth | ||
bimberi | ubotu tell nrdb about dvdcss | 04:51 |
thoreauputic | ClayG: yes, that's normal | 04:51 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [-o nalioth] by ChanServ | ||
seth_k | nalioth, ? | 04:51 |
thoreauputic | ClayG: just add lines for your machines | 04:51 |
ClayG | http://hostdestroyer.com/paste/view.php?id=20 | 04:51 |
ClayG | where would i add them? | 04:51 |
robotgeek | nalioth: hmm, i did not know seth_k was an op :) | 04:51 |
ClayG | I tried adding one directly above the first ip and it didnt work, that link is a pastebin of my hosts file | 04:51 |
nalioth | we learn new things every day | 04:51 |
robotgeek | :) | 04:52 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [-b %convey!*@*] by seth_k | ||
ClayG | I much rather be able to ssh into them by host name | 04:52 |
thoreauputic | ClayG: you just add them like : hoary | 04:52 |
nrdb | bimberi: what does that mean? | 04:52 |
ClayG | can I see you hosts file? | 04:52 |
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bimberi | nrdb: you should have a /msg from ubotu | 04:52 |
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thoreauputic | ClayG: my hosts file has hundreds of entries, i use it to block ads :) | 04:53 |
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=== mode/#kubuntu [+o nalioth] by ChanServ | ||
=== robotgeek stole the same tip from nalioth | ||
=== mode/#kubuntu [-o seth_k] by ChanServ | ||
chope | hi, just adjusted the clock and now i cannot use sudo, it gives timestamp too far in the future, what could i do? | 04:54 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [-b %*!*@24-75-162-178-st.clspco.adelphia.net] by nalioth | ||
nalioth | convey: whatever that was, please dont do it again | 04:54 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [-o nalioth] by ChanServ | ||
ClayG | ? | 04:55 |
chope | no ideas? | 04:55 |
bimberi | chope: try booting into recovery mode, then "touch /etc/sudoers" (a bit of a guess tho) | 04:55 |
robotgeek | chope: restarting should be enough | 04:56 |
thoreauputic | ClayG: you just put the IP address, a space, and the host name | 04:56 |
robotgeek | chope: or try this "sudo -k" and try again | 04:56 |
thoreauputic | on the same line | 04:56 |
ClayG | ok | 04:56 |
thoreauputic | ClayG: mine are directly below the line | 04:57 |
chope | thank you all people ill try to reboot.. sudo -k didnt work | 04:57 |
ccc_ | when i use ctrl+f (find text) in firefox the computer beeps when the letters i type doesn't match (also when my nick is highlighted in xchat), that annoying hardware boot up beep. how do i disable that in kde? | 04:58 |
thoreauputic | ClayG: one line per host, of course | 04:58 |
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nrdb | ubotu: Thats seems to have installed libdvdcss ok, now kaffeine has a blank screen and is using all available cpu power. | 04:59 |
ubotu | I think you lost me on that one, nrdb | 04:59 |
thoreauputic | ccc_: xset b off | 04:59 |
seth_k | nrdb, ubotu is just an IRC robot, it can't help you unless someone tells it what to do. | 04:59 |
nrdb | ubotu: The other window that opened I couldn't post to. | 04:59 |
ubotu | nrdb: No idea | 04:59 |
ClayG | hey thoreauputic thanks that did it, got dual support this time | 04:59 |
ClayG | hah | 05:00 |
ccc_ | thoreauputic: does that turn it off for good or only for the current session? | 05:00 |
thoreauputic | ccc_: but that's temporary - you could put it in .kde/Autostart in it's own file I guess | 05:00 |
thoreauputic | or add it to any script you have in there... | 05:01 |
ccc_ | thoreauputic: ah ok, thanks. so there no setting for this in kcontrol or so? | 05:01 |
thoreauputic | s/it's/its | 05:01 |
nrdb | what application should I use to play DVDs? Kaffine? | 05:01 |
thoreauputic | ccc_: there might be - I haven't looked, frankly | 05:01 |
seth_k | nrdb, yeah, that's the best choice | 05:02 |
nrdb | seth_k: Kaffine is using all available cpu power and is slowly allocateing all memory!!! | 05:05 |
seth_k | nrdb, you tried to play a DVD? | 05:05 |
nrdb | seth_k: It is when I try to play a DVD. | 05:05 |
seth_k | Just press CTRL + ALT + Escape and click on it to kill it. Are you using the gStreamer engine, or the Xine engine? | 05:05 |
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nrdb | seth_k: fortunatly it seems to free everything when I close it. No idea what engine how do I find out? | 05:06 |
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seth_k | nrdb, if you don't know, then you'll be using the gstreamer engine. That should be fine... libdvdcss2 + gstreamer = working kaffeine, in my experience | 05:07 |
seth_k | nrdb, did you follow ubotu's guidelines on installing libdvdcss2? | 05:08 |
ccc_ | thoreauputic: thanks, added a little script | 05:08 |
thoreauputic | ccc_: yep, that should do it :) | 05:08 |
nrdb | seth_k: Yes I ran the script recomended. | 05:08 |
seth_k | hmmm | 05:09 |
thoreauputic | ccc_: I prefer xscreensaver so I add that in ~/.kde/Autostart and turn off the KDE screensaver | 05:09 |
seth_k | nrdb, are you using Ubuntu Hoary, or Ubuntu Breezy? | 05:09 |
nrdb | seth_k: Breezy, I downloaded the install iso a few days ago. | 05:10 |
seth_k | Bah :P Unfortunately I've only ever heard of the Hoary version of Kaffeine exhibiting this issue. Could you run this command in a terminal for me? | 05:11 |
seth_k | kaffeine -v | 05:11 |
seth_k | you can just paste the output here; it should only be 3 lines | 05:11 |
nrdb | seth_k: "Qt: 3.3.4" "KDE: 3.4.3" "Kaffine Player: 0.7" | 05:12 |
seth_k | nrdb, may I suggest upgrading to KDE 3.5.0. Kubuntu packages are available from the link in this channel's topic. It includes Kaffeine 0.7.1 which may solve your issue. | 05:13 |
ccc_ | thoreauputic: nice :) | 05:13 |
seth_k | ah ha, nrdb, I think this will fix your issue. This is from the 0.7.1 changelog: | 05:14 |
seth_k | * Added a README to explain how to build the -dbg packages, and to note a workaround for the 100%-CPU bug. | 05:14 |
seth_k | nrdb, installing 0.7.1 will switch you to gStreamer by default, and eliminate the 100% CPU bug :) | 05:16 |
nrdb | seth_k: I ran the "Adept Updater" again it updated only 1 file libapr0 | 05:16 |
seth_k | nrdb, you'll have to follow the instructions in this link: http://tinyurl.com/dlrf9 | 05:16 |
seth_k | nrdb, if you need any help figuring out those instructions just ask | 05:17 |
seth_k | I need to go grab supper real quick, but others will know how to upgrade to KDE 3.5 | 05:17 |
seth_k | or I'll be back in 20 minutes. | 05:17 |
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nrdb | seth_k: that is on its way, 10 new, 77 updated. | 05:21 |
seth_k | nrdb, great :) | 05:22 |
seth_k | you'll want to restart KDE after that upgrade | 05:22 |
seth_k | and hopefully you'll be good to go! | 05:22 |
=== ccc__ [n=ccc@c-bc0f70d5.015-28-6c6b7010.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu | ||
vectoralpha | anyone ever have strange network problems after a kernel rebuild? | 05:23 |
ClayG | What are some good sites if one wants to become skilled in the command line? | 05:24 |
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nrdb | seth_k: this is going to take an hour or more. thanks for the help. | 05:25 |
vectoralpha | ClayG http://www.perpetualpc.net/srtd_commands_rev.html | 05:25 |
vectoralpha | that one is okay | 05:25 |
ClayG | Thanks, checking it now! | 05:25 |
vectoralpha | ClayG: maybe http://www.ss64.com/bash/ that too | 05:26 |
seth_k | cheers nrdb, please come back sometime if you're still having issues, but I hope this helps you :) | 05:26 |
ClayG | I want to become a monster in it, I want to be able to do anything without relying on x | 05:26 |
ClayG | After all they say X eats away at the brain, right? | 05:26 |
vectoralpha | anyone have issues with network card after kernel rebuild.., works for a few seconds and then stops....? | 05:27 |
seth_k | no, that's X as in ecstasy ;) | 05:27 |
seth_k | vectoralpha, nope (just so you don't feel ignored) | 05:27 |
vectoralpha | ClayG: decent idea..., i configured my server all in command line | 05:27 |
vectoralpha | seth_k: thank you, i'm all warm and fuzzy now | 05:27 |
thoreauputic | ClayG: http://linuxcommand.org/ | 05:27 |
ClayG | Yes , that's another thing. It would be great to be able to ssh in and configure everything in cli | 05:28 |
ClayG | I actually dont like the way cli looks, as in the letters it deserves something strong, like a symbol | 05:28 |
seth_k | unfortunately ClayG, grandma doesn't want to learn CLI, so ubuntu won't focus on it much :P | 05:29 |
vectoralpha | seth_k i used to use mepis, was switching to kubuntu b/c i wanted something that was a bit easier to clean up, had to rebuild b/c of the rivafb module..., nvidia official driver didn't like it, anywho, yea, i keep getting funny network problems, and I miss my tri-mon http://vector-alpha.com/other/upload/files/ss.jpg | 05:29 |
nrdb | ClayG: maybe using a ncurses display. | 05:29 |
thoreauputic | seth_k, depends on which grandma ;-) | 05:29 |
ClayG | grandma doesn't want to learn cli? 100 percent of the guide gives instructions on with cli commands | 05:29 |
thoreauputic | grandma learnt CLI on UNIX before you were born, probably ;-) | 05:30 |
ClayG | haha right | 05:30 |
ClayG | or teletype | 05:30 |
ClayG | er | 05:30 |
=== kkathman thinks grandma taught ClayG everything he knows | ||
thoreauputic | or even punchcards | 05:31 |
ClayG | thanks | 05:31 |
vectoralpha | hey kkathman | 05:31 |
kkathman | hey I did punchcards...yer getting too close there thoreauputic :) | 05:31 |
kkathman | howdy vectoralpha how did things go? | 05:31 |
thoreauputic | *Real* granmas configure their bootloaders with patch cables | 05:31 |
kkathman | thoreauputic: and boot with binary switches :) | 05:31 |
nrdb | I did punch cards in school way back when. | 05:31 |
ClayG | I wish my gramma was skilled | 05:32 |
sproingie | grandma grew up using manual typewriters in a world that expected her to be a secretary. she can deal with typing | 05:32 |
thoreauputic | kkathman: absolutely :) | 05:32 |
ClayG | she asks me to fix her computer, it's running slow | 05:32 |
ClayG | then she complains that stuff is missing | 05:32 |
vectoralpha | kkathman: no luck, i think it was a problem with a nic module.., so i ripped out some more of those and am rebuilding again, i should just find an official driver and patch that in, but its a dang davicom card and they always have problems | 05:32 |
ClayG | it's a never ending battle | 05:32 |
ClayG | If you fix a computer for a family member you are the tech for life, and anything that goes wrong is your fault | 05:32 |
=== kkathman wishes that he had had word processing to do his thesis...all he had was eraseable paper or liquid paper | ||
vectoralpha | kkathman: nic driver module | 05:32 |
kkathman | ahh ok...good luck vectoralpha... Howz the studying goin? | 05:33 |
=== thoreauputic wrote his thesis in longhand | ||
kkathman | lol thoreauputic :) | 05:33 |
vectoralpha | kkathman..., very funny, first exam is on wednesday, second on friday, i have some time:) | 05:33 |
thoreauputic | but not with a quill pen ;) | 05:33 |
=== robotgeek is using latex right *now* | ||
kkathman | well I did that too, until a prof said it needs to be typed :) | 05:33 |
=== sproingie wrote his thesis on clay tablets | ||
kkathman | rofl sproingie :) | 05:34 |
sproingie | i'm sure some wiseacre will have painted theirs on the cave wall | 05:34 |
kkathman | cuneiform? | 05:34 |
thoreauputic | sproingie: over-rated - a chisel and stone suffices | 05:34 |
thoreauputic | ;) | 05:34 |
sproingie | thoreauputic: yeah but correcting a typo in stone is a bitch | 05:34 |
kkathman | ROFL | 05:34 |
thoreauputic | hahah | 05:34 |
vectoralpha | nice one | 05:34 |
kkathman | no amount of liquid paper fixes that screwup :) | 05:35 |
vectoralpha | kkathman third kernel rebuild.., i am really beginning to hate this | 05:35 |
kkathman | vectoralpha: yeah but think of the experience you are getting :) | 05:35 |
vectoralpha | kkathman, that does keep me striving for more | 05:35 |
kkathman | vectoralpha: Ive never compiled a kernel...you've done in 3 times in one day! | 05:35 |
vectoralpha | lol | 05:36 |
vectoralpha | kkathman hope you never have to | 05:36 |
kkathman | me too | 05:36 |
vectoralpha | if kubuntu devs would have just had rivafb as a seperate module, and not built into the kernel, all would be good | 05:37 |
vectoralpha | i should probably report this on bugzilla, or put it somewhere as a suggestion | 05:38 |
=== bimberi [n=bimberi@CWPP-p-203-54-191-138.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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=== vectoralpha waits for his kernel to build, or was it for lead to turn to gold? | ||
seth_k | mmm tacos | 05:40 |
seth_k | my arteries, they thank me | 05:40 |
kkathman | vectoralpha: well you keep that up, you'll be advancing to gentoo in no time | 05:40 |
kkathman | course you'll need dual opterons to compile :) | 05:41 |
vectoralpha | heh | 05:41 |
vectoralpha | kkathman i've been running a server for years, and a primary desktop for over a year.., never had to rebuild | 05:42 |
kkathman | trading sanity for insanity is not a good sign, vectoralpha :) | 05:42 |
=== seth_k neither | ||
vectoralpha | at least i'll have lots of friends | 05:43 |
kkathman | but then again people say I suffer from insanity..and I tell them it isnt true..I enjoy every second of it | 05:43 |
=== vectoralpha claps | ||
kkathman | ^5s vectoralpha :) | 05:43 |
vectoralpha | kkathman its funny, i put the build on a shell script running on tty1, so when it finishes it writes a bunch of garbage to my desktop on tty7 to let me know its done.., cheap little visual indicator | 05:45 |
kkathman | very nice :) | 05:45 |
vectoralpha | kkathman http://vector-alpha.com/other/upload/files/ss.jpg was my desktop on mepis..., and what it should look like when i get the nvidia driver and twinview back in...., plus a third crt on a pci card... | 05:46 |
vectoralpha | compile finished!! | 05:47 |
=== vectoralpha jumps for joy | ||
kkathman | yay I hope it all works :) | 05:50 |
vectoralpha | me too | 05:51 |
vectoralpha | time to go check..., ttyl | 05:51 |
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=== CruNcher [n=lulu_lol@dslb-084-058-141-219.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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=== vectoralpha [n=vectoral@r73h76.res.gatech.edu] has joined #kubuntu | ||
vectoralpha | ar, same kernel, same build options, and it decides to start loading a different network card driver which messes everything up | 05:58 |
vectoralpha | any clues? | 05:58 |
kkathman | weird | 05:59 |
kkathman | do you have more than one in the box? | 05:59 |
vectoralpha | nope | 05:59 |
kkathman | on the mobo? | 05:59 |
vectoralpha | nope | 06:00 |
kkathman | ohh its a nic card...pci? | 06:00 |
vectoralpha | its a newer driver for the current, but it only works for about 40 seconds | 06:00 |
vectoralpha | pci | 06:00 |
kkathman | arrgggh one of those...a netgear maybe? | 06:00 |
vectoralpha | nope, worse..., davicom | 06:00 |
kkathman | hmm.. bummer...usually linux has a bit of a prob with NIC cards that need their own driver | 06:01 |
kkathman | netgear is infamous | 06:01 |
vectoralpha | i really just need to get another nic | 06:01 |
vectoralpha | but do you have any ideas how i might migrate this module that works to the other kernel? | 06:01 |
kkathman | if you have an option ... try finding a buddies card...put it in and reboot...see what happens | 06:02 |
vectoralpha | or for that matter, how i might figure out what module it is | 06:02 |
vectoralpha | i'm sure it would work | 06:02 |
kkathman | oh wow you'd also have to ask like RIddell or crimsun...etc | 06:02 |
kkathman | they might know | 06:02 |
kkathman | or maybe naliioth | 06:02 |
vectoralpha | hm | 06:02 |
kkathman | those guys are closer to the internals | 06:03 |
flyingmayo | what does lspci say about your davicom nic? | 06:03 |
vectoralpha | they're all probably afk right now, aye? | 06:03 |
kkathman | like I said...try find a buddie's plug and play card (i.e. no driverload) and remove yours and put that one in...see what happens | 06:03 |
vectoralpha | flyingmayo this is on the working kernel..., but 0000:02:03.0 Ethernet controller: Davicom Semiconductor, Inc. 21x4x DEC-Tulip compatible 10/100 Ethernet (rev 31) | 06:04 |
kkathman | if that works.. just get another nic card...some places you can get them for $5-10 | 06:04 |
vectoralpha | i may just end up doing that | 06:04 |
vectoralpha | 'd be nice if i could get this to work tho, its fine on the stock kernel | 06:04 |
kkathman | flyingmayo had a good point | 06:04 |
kkathman | what happens if you do an lspci and the konsole...does it see it? | 06:05 |
vectoralpha | yep, well.., i just pasted it, but it works in the other kernel too | 06:05 |
vectoralpha | it will activate, pick up dhcp and work for about 40 seconds | 06:05 |
kkathman | yeah thats a bugger | 06:07 |
vectoralpha | i have no idea why | 06:07 |
flyingmayo | vectoralpha: any syslog errors being thrown when it dies? | 06:07 |
vectoralpha | i'd have to check | 06:07 |
=== Flammia [n=anthony@S01060013d40e0099.su.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Flammia | good morning | 06:09 |
flyingmayo | Flammia morning | 06:11 |
Flammia | is thee a function in KDE to end a on-responsive program, similar to CAD in Windows?? | 06:12 |
Flammia | *non-responsive | 06:12 |
kkathman | hiya Flammia :) | 06:13 |
Flammia | xine refuses to close when I press the X widget :( | 06:13 |
Flammia | lol... takes a while for you guys to start responding... must be my scintillating conversation :P | 06:13 |
flyingmayo | Flammia: ah, I typically use konsole to issue a killall <application> | 06:14 |
flyingmayo | but I'm sure that's not the only way | 06:14 |
Flammia | so... inth is case... sudo killall xine ? | 06:14 |
flyingmayo | should work | 06:15 |
Flammia | well... song's almost over... let's see if it closes itself :P | 06:15 |
Flammia | wow.. that command closed it expeditiously | 06:16 |
Flammia | thanks, mayo | 06:16 |
vectoralpha | flyingmayo having some trouble finding any errors for it insyslog | 06:16 |
vectoralpha | fylingmayo in syslog* | 06:17 |
flyingmayo | vectoralpha: so wierd that it works for a few seconds. I seen plenty of nic fail after a kernel recompile but they fail from the "get go" | 06:18 |
=== flyingmayo thinks | ||
vectoralpha | flyingmayo this is what i get in the good kernel "0000:02:03.0 Ethernet controller: Davicom Semiconductor, Inc. 21x4x DEC-Tulip compatible 10/100 Ethernet (rev 31) | 06:18 |
vectoralpha | " and this is what i get in the bad kernel "[4294691.749000] eth0: Davicom DM9102/DM9102A rev 49 at 0001d800, 00:80:AD:79:ED:57, IRQ 19." | 06:18 |
seth_k | vectoralpha, you're using the Ubuntu kernel source to compile... right? | 06:19 |
vectoralpha | seth_k got it off of the ubuntu repositories, and its booting fine..., i am assuming that it was the ubuntu source | 06:20 |
=== evilmegaman [n=evilmega@c-67-181-43-124.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
seth_k | vectoralpha, ah, yep | 06:21 |
evilmegaman | how do I shut down X and start it up again? | 06:21 |
seth_k | vectoralpha, I've seen people try to go to kernel.org and get the kernel there | 06:21 |
evilmegaman | I want to go into console for a second | 06:21 |
flyingmayo | evilmegaman: ctrl+alt+bkspace | 06:21 |
seth_k | evilmegaman, you can either just log out, or press CTRL ALT Backspace | 06:21 |
evilmegaman | No | 06:21 |
seth_k | evilmegaman, choose Console Login in KDM | 06:21 |
evilmegaman | I mean I need to work in plain old console :) | 06:21 |
evilmegaman | oh | 06:22 |
evilmegaman | Thanks :) | 06:22 |
seth_k | np | 06:22 |
vectoralpha | seth_k would you recomend that I try that or stick with the ubuntu repository | 06:22 |
seth_k | vectoralpha, nooooo, don't get a vanilla kernel :) | 06:22 |
seth_k | that's why I asked, to make sure you were using Ubuntu's kernel source | 06:22 |
vectoralpha | seth_k ty, wasn't particularly wanting to do that | 06:22 |
kkathman | yah you need to stick with ubuntu and dont mix stuff :) | 06:22 |
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vectoralpha | seth_k, any ideas...., as i said, works in stock kernel.., what I am in right now, and dies in rebuilt | 06:23 |
seth_k | vectoralpha, I have zero experience with custom kernels, sorry :( | 06:23 |
vectoralpha | seth_k thanks for the help tho | 06:24 |
angasule | how can I force konqueror to always maximize new windows? | 06:24 |
flyingmayo | vectoralpha: let me back up a min. Are you recompiling the kernel to solve a specific problem? recreation? ; ) | 06:25 |
=== volcomstnboi [n=volcomst@host-69-145-68-234.bln-mt.client.bresnan.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
vectoralpha | flyingmayo to dump the rivafb module so that i can install stock nvidia driver | 06:25 |
seth_k | angasule, first open it to the size you want. Then Settings > Save View Profile | 06:26 |
flyingmayo | vectoralpha ah ok. thought perhaps we could just tackle the initial problem, but sounds like a new kernel is necessary | 06:26 |
=== kkathman wonders if vectoralpha tried ubuntu with native nvidia support first? | ||
vectoralpha | kkathman, card is too new | 06:28 |
angasule | thanks | 06:28 |
kkathman | but I just thought you might try it...I have a quite new mobo with an nvidia card...and ubuntu found it and installed just fine | 06:28 |
seth_k | kkathman, but he needs dual screen support | 06:29 |
seth_k | xinerama and all that | 06:29 |
kkathman | ahhh I didnt see that | 06:29 |
kkathman | sorry | 06:29 |
vectoralpha | seth_k xineramma.., funny story about that, you know how it isn't supposed to support hardware rendering..., well, when you use twinview as a single monitor with the driver taking of the first two displays it still takes hardware rendering, i only had to turn on xineramma for the third monitor to be there | 06:30 |
vectoralpha | seth_k with the driver taking care of* | 06:30 |
vectoralpha | i should just swipe someones nic | 06:31 |
vectoralpha | i'd swap it with the one in my server, but i KNOW that davicom and fedora core 1 are unhappy with eachother..., i tried it before | 06:31 |
seth_k | or buy a $10 linksys or d-link or something :P | 06:32 |
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=== Hobbsee_ [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-118-222.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Flammia | Hobbsee... are you always online around this time?? | 06:36 |
vectoralpha | i really don't feel like taking a 1.5 mile treck in the middle of atlanta tomorrow morning | 06:37 |
vectoralpha | i probably should just get it over with | 06:37 |
Hobbsee_ | Flammia: ah, yeah, more or less | 06:38 |
Hobbsee_ | i come and i go | 06:38 |
=== thoreauputic [n=prospero@ubuntu/member/thoreauputic] has joined #kubuntu | ||
vectoralpha | seth_k linksys is usually good w/ linux drivers? | 06:41 |
Flammia | Hobbsee_: and since when is there an underscore on your name?? | 06:41 |
Hobbsee_ | hmm... | 06:41 |
Hobbsee_ | it's my other nick | 06:41 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell vectoralpha about wireless | 06:41 |
Flammia | there's a fake Hobbsee in here!! | 06:41 |
Hobbsee_ | must need ghosting | 06:41 |
Flammia | drive out the impostor!! | 06:42 |
Flammia | hmm... odd | 06:42 |
vectoralpha | nalioth nic, eth, not ath | 06:42 |
Flammia | I just used a USB key on my linux machine, and it now refuses to be "safely removed" from my Windows machine | 06:42 |
Hobbsee | didnt realise it had left my old login there | 06:42 |
nalioth | vectoralpha: i'm sorry? | 06:42 |
Flammia | does anyone know the root/cause of the problem, and whether it's salvageable?? | 06:42 |
Hobbsee | Flammia: aaah! i was wondering why it wasnt beeping at hobbsee... | 06:42 |
vectoralpha | nalioth not wireless | 06:43 |
Flammia | Hobbee... lol... left the client on overnight, did we?? | 06:43 |
nalioth | vectoralpha: ah, then you have no troubles | 06:43 |
=== Hobbsee reclaims her rightful nickname | ||
vectoralpha | i have a linksys wireless card working fine on my laptop | 06:43 |
Hobbsee | Flammia: nope, i closed it when i went and had lunch | 06:43 |
=== Flammia doesn't get it | ||
vectoralpha | nalioth the trouble is with my current davicom on a rebuilt kernel, works for about 40 seconds, and the cuts out, any ideas? | 06:44 |
vectoralpha | nalioth and then it cuts out* | 06:44 |
Flammia | Hobbsee: any suggestions on my USB problem?? | 06:45 |
Hobbsee | Flammia: sometimes the clients dont quite exit properly, so you have to use ghost to get rid of the other nickname - Hobbsee was idle for around an hour, the time that i was gone - there's no one else using this laptop | 06:45 |
Hobbsee | Flammia: which OS is windows? | 06:45 |
Hobbsee | *version | 06:45 |
Flammia | XP | 06:46 |
Flammia | test | 06:47 |
Flammia | am I still connected?? | 06:47 |
flyingmayo | ya | 06:48 |
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Hobbsee | Flammia: just remove it anyway - XP copes fine | 06:48 |
Flammia | well, that's the problem... it didn't cope fine | 06:49 |
Hobbsee | it didnt? what'd it do? | 06:49 |
Flammia | the stick is no longer remembering changes made to it... anything moved/deleted/added isn't changed after removing it | 06:49 |
Hobbsee | hmmm | 06:49 |
Flammia | I think it may be because I'm not removing it safely, but it doesn't give me the option to do so :S | 06:50 |
dissed | what app should i use for unpacking rars? | 06:51 |
=== _jon [n=jon@cpe-69-133-3-15.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Flammia | dissed: open adept and filter for " rar " | 06:53 |
Flammia | you'll find one | 06:53 |
Flammia | er, sorry... just "rar " | 06:54 |
nalioth | dissed: use 'unrar-nonfree' | 06:54 |
=== kkathman is now known as kkathman-zzzz | ||
_jon | I installed Kubuntu 5.04 and want to upgrade. I changed all the repositories from hoary to breezy, but it won't let me udgrade the packages. | 06:57 |
flyingmayo | _jon what kind of an error are you seeing? | 06:58 |
seth_k | _jon, did you do "sudo apt-get update" before upgrading? | 06:58 |
flyingmayo | _jon _jon: is there traffic ahead? | 06:59 |
_jon | It keeps telling me that the version installed conflicts | 06:59 |
_jon | Yes, I have updated the source list. | 07:00 |
=== manveru [n=manveru@simmu2-75-244.utaonline.at] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nalioth | _jon: i suspect you've installed non ubuntu pkgs somewhere along the line | 07:00 |
_jon | Just qjoypad and the winehq.com wine repository. | 07:01 |
_jon | Removing qjoypad now. | 07:02 |
_jon | No change, the only thing that doesn't conflict is wine and libwine. | 07:03 |
_jon | I manually edited sources.list to point to breezy instead of hoary packages. That's right isn't it? | 07:04 |
seth_k | yes, it is. | 07:04 |
_jon | Hmmm... | 07:05 |
=== hussam [n=hussam@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dissed | nalioth: where can i find nonfree, can only find free | 07:06 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell dissed about repos | 07:06 |
nalioth | dissed: enable universe and multiverse repos | 07:06 |
dissed | i did | 07:06 |
_jon | I'm going to try uninstalling wine since that is from a non-ubuntu repository. | 07:07 |
_jon | No change. Almost every installed package shows as upgradable, but having conflicts. Should I try forcing version on all packages in synaptic? | 07:09 |
Hobbsee | did you do a sudo apt-get upgrade or a sudo apt-get distupgrade? | 07:11 |
thoreauputic | _jon: no - try sudo apt-get remove --purge wine | 07:11 |
_jon | Hobsee, I tried both. I had upgraded in the hoary repo after breezy came out. | 07:12 |
thoreauputic | _jon: and stay away from non-ubuntu repos unless you know exactly what you are doing | 07:12 |
=== Hobbsee mutters about people who dont spell her name right, or dont use tab completion, so that konversation doesnt flash when my name occurs... | ||
_jon | Well, I've been running Slackware since 99 or so. | 07:13 |
=== vectoralpha [n=vectoral@r73h76.res.gatech.edu] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== _jon apologizes to Hobbsee. | ||
Hobbsee | apology accepted _jon | 07:13 |
Hobbsee | :) | 07:13 |
thoreauputic | _jon: ah OK, well you know how to fix things then I guess :) | 07:13 |
=== vectoralpha sighs | ||
vectoralpha | i'm making the 1.5 mile walk to office depot tomorrow morning :( | 07:13 |
_jon | I'm just not used to apt-get and its dependancy system. I'm used to keeping a system current from source. Which can really be a pain at times. | 07:14 |
flyingmayo | <shudder> | 07:15 |
thoreauputic | _jon: the --purge option removes config files as well as packages | 07:15 |
_jon | That's how I removed wine. | 07:16 |
_jon | Will upgrading in the hoary repository after breezy comes out make it difficult to switch to breezy packages? | 07:16 |
thoreauputic | _jon: ah OK - you're way ahead of me ( not difficult I admit ) | 07:16 |
vectoralpha | flyingmayo i've given up entirely, i installed the official drivers, and no go for launch..., time to kick the davicom | 07:22 |
flyingmayo | suxor | 07:22 |
flyingmayo | you're positive you have the right driver, right? | 07:23 |
_jon | flyingmayo, what are you trying to get working? | 07:23 |
flyingmayo | _jon vectoralpha has recompiled a kernel and is having trouble with a davicom nic | 07:24 |
flyingmayo | < a minute uptime and then it dies | 07:24 |
flyingmayo | as I understand the situation | 07:25 |
_jon | That's really odd. When I've recompiled a kernel, the device either works or doesn't and I compile again. | 07:26 |
=== alexandre [n=alexandr@AStDenis-105-1-30-20.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
flyingmayo | _jon heh, ya zactly what I was saying earlier. very wierd stuff to sputter out after working initially | 07:27 |
alexandre | hello | 07:27 |
alexandre | quelqu'un parle | 07:28 |
alexandre | franais ? | 07:28 |
=== b0nn [n=deviant@222-154-15-149.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #kubuntu | ||
alexandre | J'aurai besoin d'aide !!! | 07:28 |
b0nn | hey all, Im having trouble with kubuntu filling up my hard drive | 07:28 |
flyingmayo | hmm, something tells me alexandre just cursed the lot of us | 07:29 |
thoreauputic | flyingmayo: he didn't wait long enough to be told about #ubuntu-fr | 07:30 |
b0nn | (the problem is it fills the partition up ) | 07:30 |
thoreauputic | b0nn: how big is the partition ? and which one? | 07:31 |
b0nn | 10 G / | 07:31 |
thoreauputic | b0nn: that should be plenty | 07:31 |
b0nn | 11G 9.8G 560M 95% / | 07:31 |
thoreauputic | the default install is only around 2 G or less | 07:32 |
b0nn | Its the second time this has happened, the first time I didnt realise until I was trying to write a .txt to disk | 07:32 |
_jon | vector, did you compile as module or built-in? | 07:32 |
b0nn | thoreauputic: My partition should be at ~5 G | 07:32 |
b0nn | I tried deleting some files, but there was bo change to df | 07:33 |
thoreauputic | b0nn: is this a fresh install ? souinds like something is dumping core or you are getting a huge file generated for some reason | 07:33 |
b0nn | last time .xsession-error was HUGE | 07:33 |
b0nn | but even deleting it wouldnt clear | 07:33 |
flyingmayo | b0nn I've also seen where logrotate fails or was never working and /var/log sucks up the whole partition. Might be worth doing du -hs /var/log | 07:33 |
thoreauputic | b0nn: OK sop it's something erroring out - check to see what it is | 07:34 |
b0nn | this time, Ive stopped the problem by stopping syslogd, klog, and kio_audiocd | 07:34 |
b0nn | Ive looked in /var/log and nothing > 1G | 07:34 |
thoreauputic | b0nn: sounds like curing the disease by removeing the symptoms - what is causing this should be your question | 07:35 |
b0nn | er.. that is my question | 07:35 |
thoreauputic | b0nn: so what was in .xsession-errors ? That might be a clue | 07:36 |
b0nn | this time.. nothing | 07:36 |
b0nn | its only 21 M this time, | 07:36 |
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thoreauputic | that's still very big for an error file | 07:37 |
b0nn | 007: Unknown, unrecoverable error reading data | 07:37 |
b0nn | a few thousand lines of that | 07:37 |
b0nn | I'll grep -v that :) | 07:37 |
thoreauputic | ugh | 07:38 |
b0nn | kbluetoothd: HciSocket::open() | 07:38 |
b0nn | kbluetoothd: Bind failed: No such device | 07:38 |
b0nn | and I have no bluetooth devices | 07:38 |
thoreauputic | my .xsession-errors is only 8k | 07:38 |
flyingmayo | b0nn have you run anything like unto: find / -size +100M | 07:39 |
b0nn | yeah | 07:39 |
b0nn | thats how I found .xsession error the first time | 07:39 |
b0nn | -rw------- 1 deviant deviant 21M 2005-12-08 19:38 .xsession-errors | 07:39 |
b0nn | -rw------- 1 deviant deviant 0 2005-12-05 15:48 .xsession-errors-:1 | 07:39 |
flyingmayo | b0nn hmm, has to be more | 07:39 |
b0nn | -rw------- 1 deviant deviant 21M 2005-12-08 19:38 .xsession-errors kio_audiocd | 07:41 |
b0nn | oops wrong mouse button :\ | 07:41 |
Flammia | I'm hving trouble with a lack of audio in .mpeg files... anyone know what I need to do about that?? | 07:45 |
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seth_k | night peoples :) | 07:46 |
flyingmayo | seth_k night | 07:46 |
seth_k|away | flyingmayo, no... he just said "does someone speak french? I'm going to need help!" | 07:46 |
seth_k|away | (re: your earlier line ;) ) | 07:47 |
flyingmayo | ah, gotcha. ya didn't think he was mad | 07:47 |
flyingmayo | was just funny | 07:47 |
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b0nn | ./sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/0000:01:00.0/resource1 | 07:49 |
b0nn | ./var/log/syslog | 07:49 |
b0nn | ./var/log/kern.log | 07:49 |
b0nn | ./var/log/messages | 07:49 |
b0nn | just to prove me a liar those four files are all +100M | 07:50 |
b0nn | er | 07:50 |
b0nn | I found those with # find -size +100M | 07:50 |
b0nn | but #ls -alh gives -rw-r----- 1 root adm 1.1G 2005-12-08 19:25 syslo | 07:51 |
b0nn | g | 07:51 |
b0nn | ah nm.. | 07:51 |
b0nn | and the first one is 128M | 07:52 |
b0nn | Im going to reboot, last time that cleared it | 07:53 |
Flammia | Which packages should I get from adept to allow .mpeg playback?? | 07:56 |
Hobbsee | !mpeg | 07:56 |
ubotu | Hobbsee: Not a clue | 07:56 |
Hobbsee | hmmm | 07:56 |
Hobbsee | !multimedia | 07:56 |
ubotu | multimedia is, like, totally, for codecs, http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch03.html#sect-music-and-movies ; and for applications, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserGuideMultimedia | 07:56 |
Hobbsee | probably has the links | 07:57 |
Flammia | awww, thanks Hobbs | 07:57 |
Flammia | thanks, ubotu! | 07:57 |
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b0nn | :-) | 07:59 |
Flammia | hmmm... thinks those links are slightly aimed at Ubuntu users | 07:59 |
b0nn | still full | 07:59 |
flyingmayo | b0nn what does this reveal | 07:59 |
flyingmayo | du -hs /home | 07:59 |
b0nn | ? | 07:59 |
flyingmayo | and the same for /var | 07:59 |
b0nn | 4.4G /home | 08:00 |
flyingmayo | is this a multi-user box? | 08:00 |
Hobbsee | Flammia: substitude synaptic for adept, and use the search function | 08:00 |
Hobbsee | or just use apt-get | 08:00 |
b0nn | single user | 08:00 |
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b0nn | 3.7G /var | 08:00 |
b0nn | du -hs /home/deviant/ | 08:01 |
b0nn | 4.4G /home/deviant/ | 08:01 |
Flammia | Hobbsee: I'm doing the instructions for restricted formats right now | 08:01 |
flyingmayo | b0nn: the size of home is of course totally dependent on what you're putting in there. lots of media etc? As far as /var that seems a tich large to me unless you're running db's or something | 08:01 |
Hobbsee | cool | 08:01 |
b0nn | no databases | 08:02 |
b0nn | yeah I think home is about right ( a few wavs) | 08:02 |
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flyingmayo | b0nn: I'd dig around in /var. du 'ing everything in there. shouldn't take more than a couple mins to find where the bulk of that 3.7 gigs is sitting. | 08:05 |
b0nn | heh.. you read my mind | 08:05 |
b0nn | log is 3.3 G | 08:06 |
flyingmayo | ls -latrSh /var/log | 08:08 |
b0nn | which is syslog (1.1G) kern.log(1.1G) and messages(1.1G) | 08:08 |
flyingmayo | sooooo, we're looking at logrotate issues eh? | 08:09 |
b0nn | nope | 08:09 |
b0nn | there are 8 syslog files | 08:09 |
b0nn | 6 gunzipped | 08:10 |
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b0nn | and only 3 kern.log* and 3 messages* | 08:10 |
flyingmayo | and they're all fat like the current syslog kern.log and messages? | 08:11 |
flyingmayo | all the rotated files that is | 08:11 |
b0nn | no | 08:11 |
b0nn | -rw-r----- 1 root adm 1005K 2005-12-06 06:37 kern.log.0 | 08:11 |
b0nn | -rw-r----- 1 root adm 5.8K 2005-11-29 20:22 kern.log.1.gz | 08:11 |
Flammia | sweet... that fixed worked... thanks again, Hobbsee and Ubotu!! | 08:12 |
b0nn | tail messages | 08:12 |
b0nn | Dec 8 20:11:39 slack kernel: [4295675.045000] atkbd.c: Unknown key released (translated set 2, code 0xaa on isa0060/serio0). | 08:12 |
flyingmayo | b0nn: hmm, that's a ton of logging for a since session. | 08:13 |
b0nn | yeah, im going to paste what I think is the problem to a pastebin | 08:13 |
b0nn | oh shit | 08:17 |
b0nn | Dec 8 19:25:19 slack kernel: [4339885.937000] ide: failed opcode was: unknown | 08:17 |
b0nn | Dec 8 19:25:19 slack kernel: [4339885.938000] hdd: packet command error: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error } | 08:17 |
b0nn | is that a full drive error, or a dead drive error? | 08:18 |
flyingmayo | b0nn hard to tell | 08:20 |
flyingmayo | b0nn probably a dying disk though | 08:20 |
b0nn | I grepped 19:25 | 08:20 |
b0nn | and those messages went back to 17:19:25 | 08:20 |
b0nn | over 2 hours worth of that message, no wonder its 1.1G! | 08:21 |
flyingmayo | heh | 08:21 |
flyingmayo | commence backups!!! | 08:22 |
b0nn | hehe | 08:22 |
b0nn | can I borrow a HDD :) | 08:22 |
flyingmayo | gmail my friend | 08:22 |
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flyingmayo | ; ) | 08:22 |
b0nn | indeed, I was just thinking email servers | 08:23 |
b0nn | hmm I just deleted 2.2G and it hasnt shown up in df | 08:29 |
flyingmayo | ...................... | 08:29 |
flyingmayo | the devil? | 08:30 |
flyingmayo | maybe? | 08:30 |
b0nn | I belive the technical term I am looking for is f*ck!!! | 08:30 |
b0nn | right lets see if it comes back after a reboot | 08:31 |
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b0nn | :-) | 08:36 |
b0nn | I have 2.8 G free | 08:36 |
b0nn | now... why did df require a reboot before that would show | 08:36 |
flyingmayo | gonna have to google that one | 08:37 |
LeeJunFan | b0nn: filesystem errors? when you rebooted it probably fsck'ed. | 08:37 |
b0nn | as an exp. I just deleted a 400 M folder, and df showed it correctly | 08:37 |
LeeJunFan | b0nn: I've had that happen on systems where I've filled up a partition to the max, doesn't show until remount/fsck. | 08:38 |
b0nn | good point | 08:38 |
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b0nn | night all | 08:57 |
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nrdb | Hi I am trying to get Kaffeine to play a DVD, I have installed libdvdcss and upgraded to KDE 3.5. | 09:07 |
Chousuke | How does it fail? | 09:08 |
nrdb | Chousuke: Uses all the cpu power and slowly consumes all the RAM. | 09:09 |
Chousuke | ouch. | 09:09 |
Chousuke | tried with other players? | 09:09 |
nrdb | Chousuke: according to 'kaffeine -v' it is version 0.7 | 09:10 |
Chousuke | nrdb: That wasn't what I asked, but it's good to know. | 09:11 |
Chousuke | have you tried with xine or mplayer or totem? | 09:11 |
Chousuke | to see if this is a kaffeine-specific bug. | 09:11 |
nrdb | Chousuke: they aren't installed by default and I haven't tried to. | 09:11 |
Chousuke | nrdb: You should test with them | 09:12 |
Chousuke | install xine or something and try. | 09:12 |
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Chousuke | hm, hmm. | 09:13 |
Chousuke | kaffeine seems to use xine as a backend by default | 09:13 |
Chousuke | can you change the backend? | 09:13 |
nrdb | Chousuke: mplayer isn't available how about okle | 09:15 |
Chousuke | try. | 09:15 |
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Chousuke | just about anything not kaffeine will do :) | 09:15 |
Chousuke | also when debugging, run kaffeine from the terminal so you can see more of what's going on. | 09:16 |
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Chousuke | or well. not exactly debugging. :P | 09:17 |
nrdb | Chousuke: okle returned with an error after displaying the DVD menu "FATAL[ogle_audio] : failed opening the oss audio driver at /dev/dsp" | 09:19 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell nrdb about sound | 09:20 |
Chousuke | hmm | 09:20 |
Chousuke | ubotu: tell me about sound | 09:20 |
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linux_n00b_e | Does anyone know how to get the trashcan to show up on the desktop? | 09:25 |
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nrdb | Hi I have managed to get okle to play DVDs, but when I insert a DVD kaffiene & Konqueror start, how can I change the so only okle starts? | 09:51 |
manveru | nrdb: there should be a menu in kcontrol (something with connected devices or similar) | 09:52 |
manveru | afaik there is a setting for autoplay in there... | 09:52 |
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mth`MAW | Hello | 10:34 |
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CyberOdin | Hello, I am trying to get the sources for kdenetwork-3.5. Unfortunatly the command >> apt-get source kdenetwork=4:3.5.0-0kubuntu0breezy1 << did not work. Are there any apt based sources for kdenetwork-3.5.0? | 10:59 |
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paines | hi | 11:04 |
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Spum | Heya | 11:04 |
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Spum | Err, i've just got (another) speedtouch usb 300 modem - does kubuntu support me using PPPoE(?) with it, or the modem at all? | 11:05 |
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Tm_T | usb... nnnooooo | 11:07 |
Spum | Eh? | 11:07 |
Tm_T | ;p | 11:07 |
Tm_T | usb modem, you mean old style dialup? | 11:07 |
Spum | no | 11:07 |
Spum | P | 11:07 |
Spum | P | 11:07 |
Spum | P | 11:07 |
Spum | o | 11:08 |
Spum | E | 11:08 |
Spum | as mentioned | 11:08 |
Tm_T | hey, try to behave | 11:08 |
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aeon17x | Spum: pppoeconf | 11:08 |
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Tm_T | and oh, usb modems are not that well supported | 11:08 |
Spum | Try to be civil to me then.. What use is "USB..noooo ;-P" to me? | 11:08 |
Spum | aeon17x, that comes with kubuntu right? | 11:08 |
aeon17x | I think so. | 11:09 |
=== Tm_T doesn't understand usb modems | ||
Spum | Then my point is made | 11:11 |
Tm_T | yu :) | 11:11 |
Tm_T | I know they're not well supported in linux, so I try to avoid them | 11:12 |
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Tm_T | "normal" adsl modem is too easy, just plug rj45 cable | 11:12 |
Tm_T | but, I know sometimes there is not other choice | 11:13 |
Spum | I know that this one is the most supported | 11:13 |
Spum | in fact, they actually have manufacturer-created drivers for linux | 11:13 |
Tm_T | aah | 11:13 |
Tm_T | then, good luck, I hope you get it working | 11:13 |
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Spum | me too ;-) | 11:14 |
Tm_T | aye | 11:14 |
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paines | Spum, kubuntu has an speedtouch package, but i don't know what it does exactly. | 11:15 |
Spum | Oh? | 11:15 |
Spum | Is it possible to do it with a liveCD | 11:16 |
Spum | :-/ | 11:16 |
paines | Spum, it says it in an userspace driver for alcatel speedtouch usb adsl modems | 11:16 |
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paines | Spum, i don't think so, cause the speedtouch packge is in the universe repos, so it doesn't come on livecd | 11:17 |
Spum | :-/ | 11:17 |
Spum | Ok, so how would i dualboot kubuntu with an existing windows partition | 11:17 |
paines | Spum, well install it. the installer will install a boot manager where you can choose between win and linux | 11:18 |
CyberOdin | anybody in here who knows why it is possible to recieve the sources of kdelibs-3.5 via apt, but not for kdenetwork-3.5? | 11:19 |
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bdmp_ | I got a file shared on my network, but when i click on it from an windows computer it says I don't have permission. The other file I have shared is fine. Any suggestions? | 11:21 |
paines | CyberOdin, you get kdenetwork3.4 sources installed ? | 11:21 |
CyberOdin | paines: yea it downloads kdenetwork *3.4* but I am running a 3.5 system. So I am wondering why I could download the sources for kdelibs-3.5 but not for kdenetwork-3.5 | 11:23 |
paines | CyberOdin, same here. very strange | 11:23 |
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CyberOdin | paines: Actually I need Zeroconf support, which is the reason why I need the sources. Even the command >> apt-get source kdenetwork=4:3.5.0-0ubuntu0breezy1 << does not work | 11:25 |
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monad | hello... having (what could be hardware) problems on a new machine with newly installed kubuntu. now trying to do a new setup, having probs with partitioning (why oh why wouldn't they include fdisk in the installer) | 11:31 |
monad | when i chose "manual partitioning" i get three options: configure software RAID, configure LVM and guided partitioning. however, none of these options leads anywhere and there seems to be nothing to partition | 11:33 |
monad | is this what i feared and my disk just shredded itself? | 11:34 |
jpatrick | monad: try manual partitioning | 11:34 |
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monad | jpatrick: these are the options i got after chosing manual partitioning | 11:35 |
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monad | jpatrick: i had kubuntu running on this (university) machine, then had a look at the machine two days ago and got loads of I/O errors etc... i suspect the disk is actually melted | 11:36 |
monad | otherwise there should be "something" to partition | 11:37 |
jpatrick | :/ | 11:38 |
monad | was a new one | 11:39 |
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jpatrick | monad: it shows nothing at all? | 11:44 |
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wangweilin | hi everybody , can somebody help me ? I am using Kubuntu and need a Kernel-Config (.config) is there a place to download the standard config ? plz answer | 12:29 |
crimsun | /boot/config-$(uname -r) | 12:29 |
wangweilin | thx | 12:30 |
crimsun | np | 12:31 |
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Kejk_PL | I found a bug in KDE 3.5 - when I change file permition in konqueror it raises Error Message with file name. | 12:35 |
Kejk_PL | Is it known? | 12:35 |
jpatrick | Kejk_PL: yep | 12:36 |
Kejk_PL | jpatrick: do U know when it'll be solved? | 12:36 |
jpatrick | no... | 12:37 |
Kejk_PL | jpatrick: heh, OK, thanks anyway | 12:37 |
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andrzej | jest tu ktos z Polski? | 12:40 |
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cgrah | hallo, erstmalig kubuntu gestartet , jetzt problem bei drucker via usb , drucker wird erkann, aber nachher habe ich unter canon das modell nicht in Auswahl--- canon i850 -- jemand ne Ahnung | 01:02 |
Kamping_Kaiser | !de | 01:02 |
ubotu | it has been said that de is Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu und Kubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de resp. #kubuntu-de | 01:02 |
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shmoolik | hello | 01:09 |
shmoolik | and good morninggy | 01:09 |
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paulo | hello | 01:13 |
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dawynn | Anyone know the ins and outs of sound in Kubuntu? | 01:17 |
flyingmayo | dawynn what problem are you having? | 01:17 |
dawynn | Having trouble recording. I can hear just fine -- just can't record. | 01:17 |
dawynn | Gramofile tells me that something has /dev/dsp locked down -- but I have no idea what. | 01:18 |
flyingmayo | is arts running? | 01:18 |
dawynn | I use KDE, but the system sounds are shut off. | 01:18 |
dawynn | How can I tell for certain whether arts is running? | 01:18 |
dawynn | I did notice that root owns /dev/dsp, and other users do not have access to read or write the file. Which made me wonder whether that's the right file -- since I can hear. (Neverwinter Nights sound works fine) | 01:21 |
dawynn | BTW, I have tried as much as possible to strip everything out that had to do with OSS -- tried (as far as I could tell) to make this a strictly ALSA machine. | 01:21 |
dawynn | Where possible, I've also chosen packages specific to ALSA over packages specific to ARTS or JACK. | 01:22 |
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LeeJunFan | dawynn: likely arts is using /dev/dsp, before you start your recording software issue the command artsshell suspedn | 01:23 |
LeeJunFan | suspend | 01:23 |
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dawynn | Oooh. Thanks. Gramofile's behaving a little better now. | 01:25 |
LeeJunFan | the soundserver will remain suspended until something uses arts to try to play sound again, of course if you have gramofile open at the time it won't be able to get /dev/dsp itself. you can also setup your soundserver settings to suspend arts after 1 second of no use. | 01:27 |
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_enrique | necesito ayuda con el k3b | 01:29 |
_enrique | i need help to burn cd in k3b | 01:29 |
_enrique | data cd | 01:29 |
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dawynn | Gramofile didn't complain about something else using /dev/dsp. But for some reason -- its still not picking up the sound coming through the 'line' input. Kmix shows the volumes are up on 'line', and its the only thing set to record. Why no record volume? | 01:30 |
dawynn | _enrique: what's up? I've burned a few of those. Its a drag-and-drop operation. Where are you having problems. | 01:31 |
_enrique | I have some dirs that hava files on mp3 | 01:32 |
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dawynn | _enrique: OK -- you open up a data project and drag the files or folders down to the project window. | 01:35 |
_enrique | yes | 01:35 |
_enrique | but when I try to burn that send me and error | 01:35 |
dawynn | what error? | 01:36 |
_enrique | about filenames, 64 bits and iso-9660 | 01:36 |
dawynn | Would you have any filenames that might conflict if they were made all upper case and possibly shortened? | 01:37 |
_enrique | first, syas about short the files to 64 bits | 01:37 |
_enrique | and then stopt the recor | 01:40 |
_enrique | d | 01:40 |
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_enrique | sorry about my english | 01:40 |
arafat | hi all! is there a kde tool to zoom into the desktop, i.e. magnify certain areas of the current desktop? | 01:40 |
arafat | xzoom does not work properly... | 01:41 |
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dawynn | _enrique: maybe you could copy the files to another location and shorten the names? Sounds like its having trouble with very long file names. | 01:42 |
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_enrique | yes | 01:43 |
_enrique | but... all files? | 01:43 |
_enrique | how many characters? | 01:43 |
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_enrique | i don't hvae problems with vcd and music cd | 01:45 |
nikkia | _enrique: you could always enable the extended joliet option | 01:45 |
nikkia | yes, its non-standard, but *most* systems will read them | 01:46 |
_enrique | yes i did | 01:46 |
nikkia | _enrique: no, the extended joliet option on the advanced page, its the first option in the list, allows 128 character filenames | 01:46 |
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_enrique | mmmm | 01:46 |
_enrique | where? | 01:46 |
nikkia | or 125 or whatever it is | 01:46 |
jpat|away | nikkia & _enrique hola | 01:46 |
_enrique | hola jpat | 01:47 |
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nikkia | ah, 103 characters | 01:47 |
nikkia | _enrique: open the burn dialog, then go to 'advanced' | 01:47 |
notech | hi,when i do apt-get install x applications,for some it asks me to insert Kubuntu cd,how could i continue installing from internet? | 01:47 |
nikkia | the first checkbox in the list should be 'allow 103 character joliet filenames' | 01:47 |
_enrique | ok | 01:48 |
nikkia | but as i said, you have to bear in mind that is non-standard... windows machines without any CDR software installed will likely fail to see those files | 01:48 |
_enrique | notech : you have to edit sources.list from /etc/apt/sources.list and comment the line about cd | 01:49 |
nikkia | altho i can't say i've ever had any problems with that, i think XP should be ok regardless, just older versions of windows have a limited joliet implementation unless you add one of the cdr packages *shrug* | 01:49 |
dawynn | notech: use your favorite editor as root user to edit '/etc/apt/sources.list'. Put a '#' sign in front of the line that references the CD. | 01:49 |
_enrique | nikkia: I'm there | 01:49 |
notech | thanx | 01:49 |
_enrique | don't worry | 01:50 |
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_enrique | nikkia: theres some other soft to burn? | 01:50 |
shmoolik | hello i have just installed Opera | 01:50 |
_enrique | do i have to reinstall k3b? | 01:51 |
shmoolik | but i can't java thingys at opera.... | 01:51 |
shmoolik | what can i do about it ? | 01:51 |
nikkia | _enrique: don't you have that option in k3b ? | 01:51 |
_enrique | shmoolik: I think that firefox is better | 01:51 |
_enrique | yes | 01:51 |
_enrique | in advanced | 01:51 |
jpatrick | _enrique: I prefer Konqueror | 01:51 |
_enrique | as yo say | 01:51 |
_enrique | hi jpatrick | 01:51 |
shmoolik | firefox is very slow on my machine | 01:51 |
nikkia | _enrique: then just enable it, its a per-project setting so it will only affect that disc | 01:52 |
_enrique | opera its much big | 01:52 |
jpatrick | shmoolik: tried the new Konqueror? | 01:52 |
shmoolik | yeah i have | 01:52 |
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shmoolik | i have installed the 3.5 ver | 01:52 |
nikkia | there's probably some where you can set it permantly, but i just enable it whenever k3b complains about files being too long | 01:52 |
_enrique | nikkia: do i have to close and reopen k3b? | 01:52 |
nikkia | _enrique: no, its a project setting | 01:52 |
_enrique | mmmmm | 01:52 |
nikkia | _enrique: just tick it, then burn that project | 01:52 |
_enrique | ok I try again | 01:52 |
nikkia | unless you have *really* long filenames (more than 103 characters is insane) it should be ok now :) | 01:53 |
shmoolik | jpatrick: the problem with Konqi is that i can't c my Unevarcity pages with it | 01:53 |
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jpatrick | shmoolik: why not? | 01:53 |
nikkia | and you do know that when k3b says the burn failed with the filenames being too long, it didn't actually do anything to the disc, so you haven't wasted a disc :) | 01:53 |
shmoolik | don't know .... i guess they have to much java on them | 01:53 |
jpatrick | nikkia: that happened to me once :P | 01:54 |
_enrique | damm... | 01:54 |
_enrique | nikkia: no.. | 01:54 |
shmoolik | Opera is really grate | 01:54 |
shmoolik | its just that i dont' know how to enable jave on it.... | 01:55 |
_enrique | java..... | 01:55 |
_enrique | mmmmmm | 01:55 |
_enrique | from preferences | 01:55 |
jpatrick | Have you enabled Java in Konq? | 01:55 |
nikkia | rather annoyingly, there are a couple of situations where k3b gives up after starting, if you select to burn on the fly, which is one reason never to use burn on the fly :) | 01:55 |
shmoolik | yeah ihave | 01:55 |
nikkia | but i don't believe the filenames too long is one of those situations, it normally checks the filenames before it starts writing anything | 01:55 |
_enrique | jej | 01:55 |
shmoolik | java test works really fine jpatrick | 01:55 |
shmoolik | but it don't have a good hebrew support and lots of other thingys | 01:56 |
_enrique | nikkia: k3b says me that mkisofs send me an error code 1 | 01:56 |
_enrique | and stops burn... well dont stars... | 01:56 |
nikkia | _enrique: do you have mkisofs installed ? :) | 01:56 |
_enrique | mmmmmm | 01:56 |
_enrique | mmmmm | 01:57 |
_enrique | I don't know | 01:57 |
nikkia | k3b doesn't use it always, so its not a dependancy afaik | 01:57 |
_enrique | sorry I minute | 01:57 |
nikkia | (it normally uses growisofs) | 01:57 |
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kay | Joho | 01:59 |
_enrique | ikkia: I have installed mkisofs | 02:00 |
kay | what is the status of kdesdk in dapper? | 02:01 |
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_enrique | I surrender | 02:02 |
_enrique | I will re-install k3b | 02:02 |
_enrique | and i have to go | 02:03 |
_enrique | by all and thanks nikkia | 02:03 |
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jpatrick | morning kkathman | 02:04 |
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kkathman | morning jpatrick :::) | 02:07 |
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shmoolik | how can i install amarok 3.5.7 ? | 02:08 |
jpatrick | amarok 3.5.7? | 02:09 |
shmoolik | 1.37 | 02:09 |
kkathman | !info amarok | 02:09 |
shmoolik | sorry | 02:09 |
ubotu | amarok: (versatile and easy to use audio player for KDE), section kde, is optional. Version: 2:1.3.1-0ubuntu4 (breezy), Packaged size: 5191 kB, Installed size: 13888 kB | 02:09 |
kkathman | hmmm guess you'll have to get the source and compile it, or possibly a deb | 02:09 |
jpatrick | shmoolik: add `deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-1.3.7 breezy main` to your /etc/apt/sources,list | 02:10 |
kkathman | 1.37 ??? | 02:10 |
kkathman | wow thats an old version | 02:10 |
jpatrick | 1.3.7 | 02:10 |
shmoolik | thanks | 02:10 |
jpatrick | kkathman: 1.3.7 is the lastest | 02:10 |
kkathman | in the repos | 02:10 |
kkathman | or so it says | 02:10 |
jpatrick | 2:1.3.1 is the package | 02:10 |
Tm_T | nnno | 02:10 |
kkathman | gotcha | 02:11 |
jpatrick | kkathman: & shmoolik: more info see: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.3.7.php | 02:11 |
Tm_T | that's the one in "main" repositories | 02:11 |
kkathman | but normally that usually represents the version of the software | 02:11 |
Tm_T | kkathman: it does | 02:11 |
kkathman | so would be newer than 1.3.7 yes? | 02:11 |
Tm_T | 1.3.1 in ubuntu repositories | 02:11 |
Tm_T | and that's oold | 02:12 |
jpatrick | it's not 2 [dot] 1.3.7 | 02:12 |
Tm_T | and 1.3.7 in kubuntu repositories | 02:12 |
jpatrick | it's 2 [colon] ... | 02:12 |
kkathman | ahhh sorry read that wrong | 02:12 |
kkathman | very early here | 02:12 |
kkathman | and cold | 02:12 |
kkathman | hehe | 02:12 |
kkathman | well in any case...you have to compile from source or get a deb | 02:12 |
kkathman | lol | 02:13 |
jpatrick | http://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.3.7.php | 02:13 |
jpatrick | deb^ | 02:13 |
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kkathman | well Im off to do a net demo..be back later.. | 02:13 |
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shmoolik | did firefox 1.5 have ubuntu deb packages? | 02:14 |
dawynn | Considering that firefox 1.5 is only in Debian's Experimental libraries at this time, I doubt that even dapper was 1.5 packages. | 02:17 |
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kkathman-away | shmoolik: just download firefox from their web site, install it in your home directory (by untarring), then create a symlink to your /usr/bin | 02:19 |
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shmoolik | kkathman-away: thanks man | 02:20 |
shmoolik | i m sorry if i m asking stuped thingys | 02:20 |
shmoolik | i m kinda new and i don't want to brake my pakage tree | 02:20 |
shmoolik | ln /home/shmoolik/firefox-1.5/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/ this will make the trik ? | 02:23 |
jpatrick | yes | 02:24 |
kkathman-away | yep | 02:24 |
shmoolik | thanks | 02:24 |
shmoolik | can i ask one more little thingy | 02:24 |
shmoolik | i have a problem with konqi | 02:24 |
kkathman-away | you will need to remove the current firefox file in /usr/bin before you do your symlink | 02:25 |
kkathman-away | I would install your firefox in your home directory | 02:25 |
kkathman-away | that way if you ever have to back up, you dont have to relink | 02:25 |
shmoolik | evry time i try to open a link for dl some thingy *( like karmba theme ) konqi don't dl it to my DT but opnes it on KATE | 02:26 |
kkathman-away | the symlink will make it so allyou need to do is type "firefox" | 02:26 |
shmoolik | kkathman-away: okay i will do that now | 02:26 |
=== kkathman-away is awaiting his party to get to the conf call/webex | ||
kkathman-away | I'd install firefox first, before removing the firefox file in /usr/bin tho | 02:27 |
kkathman-away | just to make sure it all works | 02:27 |
shmoolik | it works :) thanks | 02:27 |
kkathman-away | kewl | 02:27 |
kkathman-away | just make sure its 1.5 :) | 02:28 |
shmoolik | i have :) | 02:28 |
kkathman-away | good | 02:28 |
kkathman-away | excellent | 02:28 |
shmoolik | and i can feel it! firefox 1.0.x don't move on my machine | 02:28 |
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shmoolik | can u help me with my konqi problem? | 02:30 |
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sorush20 | guys how do I get kmail to add all email adresses to contacts with out having to do it manually? | 02:36 |
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xst | I have installed the mozilla-plugin-vlc package but it uses the wrong audio device as default (and therefore I hear no sound). If I run vlc from the command line the correct audio device is used. How can I configure which audiodevice to be used for the firefox-vlc player? | 02:54 |
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_nino | hi all | 03:02 |
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simone_ | sorry for disturbin, but I can't connect to the internet with my cell phone via kppp... i use to do it on mepis, on Kubuntu I can with exactly the same configuration... do you have any idea what's the error? | 03:20 |
simone_ | *i can't* :-) | 03:21 |
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Tm_T | 7kick silence let other speak | 04:05 |
Tm_T | whoops | 04:05 |
jpatrick | :/ eh...? | 04:07 |
Tm_T | ;) | 04:08 |
Tm_T | you know, I kicked, or tried to kick silence away | 04:09 |
Tm_T | and I succeeded, you soke one word \o/ | 04:09 |
Tm_T | spoke even | 04:09 |
Tm_T | "word" | 04:09 |
Tm_T | uff, I need more coffee | 04:09 |
Tm_T | carry on ;) | 04:10 |
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Stele | mmm, coffee | 04:12 |
Stele | mmm, beer | 04:14 |
Stele | mmm, crack | 04:14 |
Stele | sorry got carried away | 04:14 |
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fenoamby | hello | 04:15 |
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fenoamby | when i want to print the test page, i have this message : | 04:16 |
fenoamby | > Unable to open USB device "usb://Canon/i865": no such device | 04:16 |
fenoamby | with TurboPrint driver | 04:16 |
fenoamby | i know i don't have the right for my laser in lp0 and i think it s the same problem with the usb | 04:17 |
lwizardl | how can change what app plays videos by default? | 04:17 |
fenoamby | for lp0, i must write in console : chmod 666 /dev/lp0 | 04:17 |
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reagleBRKLN | in oo2, how to make kprinter available? | 04:29 |
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reagleBRKLN | don't think i would need to delete the installed ML-4500 (default printer) from CUPS first...? | 04:32 |
_ganymed | halllo | 04:34 |
_ganymed | for when is the next kubuntu release scheduled? | 04:35 |
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jpatrick | _ganymed: April 6 | 04:36 |
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_ganymed | :( | 04:47 |
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lwizardl | how can change what app plays videos by default?its set as kaffine i want it to be vlc | 04:51 |
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_jaspreet | Hi All | 04:54 |
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_jaspreet | i'm new to breezy | 04:54 |
_kay | welcome :) | 04:54 |
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_jaspreet | i'm trying to use mail command its giving me the message: bash: mail: command not found. Any ideas how this can be rectified? | 04:55 |
freelove | in kde 3.5, i dont see anything when i open storage media.....plz help! | 04:57 |
_kay | i think you need to install some mailer, by default you won't have one _jaspreet | 04:57 |
_jaspreet | thanks _kay. So can you recommend a simple mailer? | 04:58 |
_kay | sudo apt-get install mail will give you the mail program | 04:58 |
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freelove | in kde 3.5, i dont see anything when i open storage media.....plz help! is this a bug? | 04:58 |
_kay | And well, I think, both postfix and exim are ok | 04:58 |
_kay | Ubuntu prefers one, but I forgot which, the setup is automatic and same questions for both | 04:58 |
_kay | _jaspreet: I have postfix installed | 05:00 |
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jamuir | anyone had any success getting the kubuntu installer to detect an sata hard drive? | 05:01 |
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_kay | jamuir: should work afaik | 05:02 |
_jaspreet | Actually in my other machine i have a mail program installed. When i do which mail I get /usr/bin/mail | 05:03 |
MenZa` | Whats the tool where you can connect to your linux drive from an NTFS one called+ | 05:03 |
_jaspreet | I would like the same setting for my new machine, but i'm not sure how to do it. | 05:04 |
jamuir | _kay: unfortunately, it does seem to. I'm using the breezy amd64 install cd. | 05:04 |
_kay | _jaspreet: just install mailx | 05:04 |
MenZa` | amd64 is shit, I know that myself | 05:05 |
_kay | jamuir: Well, I think my SATA controller on my amd64 is detected | 05:05 |
MenZa` | no w32codecs D:' | 05:05 |
_jaspreet | oh cool! many thanks _kay. Your help is much appreciated!!!!!! IT WORKS....!!!!! | 05:05 |
jamuir | _kay: what mother board did you have? | 05:05 |
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_kay | jamuir: K8S8 | 05:06 |
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_kay | Something from this Asus rebranding... | 05:07 |
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_kay | _jaspreet: You are welcome :) | 05:07 |
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KuBU | hola | 05:08 |
jamuir | _kay: I have an asus k8v (via chipset) and a maxtor sata hdd. I've read elsewhere that sometimes sata is a problem... | 05:08 |
KuBU | ando buscando un cliente de soulseek para kubuntu , alguna sugerencia? | 05:08 |
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_kay | jamuir: Indeed, which is why I didn't buy SATA drive at the time, because it was all a bit too new then | 05:09 |
jpatrick | KuBU: #kubuntu-es | 05:09 |
_kay | jamuir: But these days, with Breezy I would think it works | 05:10 |
KuBU | thanxs patrick | 05:10 |
jamuir | _kay: that seems to be the concensus -- breezy shouldn't have any problem with sata. but unfortunately, the installer can't see it. | 05:12 |
KuBU | anyone knows some soulseek client for linux? | 05:12 |
jamuir | _kay: is there an option I can give to the installer that might help it see my sata hdd? | 05:12 |
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hunika | Hello everybody | 05:14 |
jamuir | Anyone know of an option I can give the breezy amd64 installer to detect my sata hdd? | 05:15 |
_kay | jamuir: I installed last with Hoary, and that may well be my last for years :p | 05:15 |
_kay | jamuir: I only update since, and at the time, I had / on PATA | 05:15 |
_kay | so, bye... | 05:16 |
jamuir | _kay: ok. I thanks anyway... | 05:16 |
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slow-motion | hallo | 05:19 |
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woddf2 | Haldo | 05:21 |
woddf2 | How do I change K Menu icon size? | 05:21 |
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woddf2 | Haldo | 05:24 |
woddf2 | How do I change K Menu icon size? | 05:24 |
evilmegaman | how do I install the regular nvidia driver? It say I need gcc 4.0... | 05:24 |
Tm_T | you mean icons in menu? | 05:24 |
woddf2 | Yes | 05:24 |
Tm_T | evilmegaman: why you don't use ubuntus package? | 05:24 |
evilmegaman | Because it's old :( | 05:25 |
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evilmegaman | Tm_T, any ideas? or do I have to use the ubuntu package? | 05:26 |
jpatrick | woddf2: http://www.kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=558.0 | 05:26 |
Tm_T | woddf2: well, I think your menu font size defines it | 05:26 |
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Tm_T | evilmegaman: I do have idea | 05:26 |
evilmegaman | :) | 05:26 |
Tm_T | evilmegaman: in Konsole: "sudo apt-get build-dep nvidia-glx" | 05:27 |
woddf2 | Thanks | 05:27 |
evilmegaman | okay | 05:27 |
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evilmegaman | Tm_T, what does that do exactly? | 05:27 |
Tm_T | woddf2: there's not much point to... aah he's gone | 05:27 |
Tm_T | evilmegaman: it gets all needed packages to build nvidia-glx package | 05:28 |
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evilmegaman | :) thanks Tm_T | 05:28 |
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boga | How di I install KDE headers for Kubuntu with KDE3.5? I just did an apt-get dist-upgrade and these headers no longer eist! | 05:29 |
Tm_T | boga: apt-get install kde-devel | 05:29 |
jpatrick | or apt-get install kdelibs4-dev | 05:29 |
Tm_T | that too | 05:29 |
boga | Ok thankx | 05:29 |
Tm_T | I like to get all devel stuff once ;) | 05:29 |
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boga | Tm_T: which is the source? Packsge kde-devel cannot be found! | 05:31 |
Tm_T | off | 05:31 |
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Tm_T | boga: do what jpatrick said, it's smaller and simpler way ;) | 05:31 |
Tm_T | and it was supposed to be kde-dev ;) | 05:32 |
Tm_T | I think | 05:32 |
Tm_T | not sure though | 05:32 |
boga | It seems I have broken stuff! How to fix? | 05:33 |
jpatrick | boga: post it on http://kubuntu.pastebin.com | 05:34 |
freelove | in kde 3.5, i dont see anything when i open storage media.....plz help! | 05:39 |
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freelove | :( | 05:43 |
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freelove | how do i register my nick? | 05:48 |
dissed | anyone who can help me i cant find unrar nonfree although i added the repositories | 05:49 |
Tm_T | /msg Nickserv help register | 05:49 |
Tm_T | I think that's good way to get help | 05:49 |
jpatrick | dissed: multiverse | 05:49 |
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dissed | i added that | 05:50 |
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dissed | cant find it anyway | 05:51 |
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jpatrick | dissed: done `sudo apt-get update` ? | 05:51 |
dissed | yep | 05:51 |
jpatrick | :/ | 05:51 |
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_nacho | HY | 05:53 |
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dissed | jpatrick: what should i write, apt-get ??? | 06:02 |
jpatrick | sudo apt-get update | 06:02 |
dissed | but to download unrar nonfree | 06:03 |
dissed | tried using adept and synaptic | 06:03 |
dissed | !easysource | 06:04 |
ubotu | somebody said easysource was For an easy to use custom sources.list configurator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic | 06:04 |
freelove | in kde 3.5, i dont see anything when i open storage media.....plz help! | 06:05 |
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ninHer | hi all | 06:13 |
Tm_T | hullo | 06:13 |
brosiooz | http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/454203 | 06:18 |
brosiooz | i get this when i connect my webcam to my pc | 06:18 |
brosiooz | whith debian it works perfectly | 06:18 |
brosiooz | :\ | 06:18 |
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fenoamby | hello | 06:23 |
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fenoamby | i have a problem with my printer : no such device (usb port) and i must do in console chmod 666 /dev/lp0 for my laserjet | 06:24 |
fenoamby | i use TurboPrint driver and Kubuntu 5.1 french | 06:25 |
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douglas | I can't seem to mount a usb external hard drive? | 06:34 |
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douglas | Anyone? | 06:45 |
Flying_Eagle | fenoamby, why dont you use the laserjet-drivers from hp? | 06:46 |
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douglas | When I plug in an external usb drive sometimes I can't mount it because it doesn't exist in /dev/sd* ? | 06:48 |
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hanarker | helo | 06:54 |
hanarker | there is some italian that can help me? | 06:54 |
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hanarker | c ' nessuno? | 06:56 |
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fenoamby | Flying_Eagle: no problem for my laserjet (just a problem of acces between user and root) | 07:00 |
fenoamby | but the more important is for my inkjet | 07:02 |
Insom- | is it possible to enable/disable monitors in X without restarting X? | 07:05 |
Insom- | kind of sucks to restart X to use the tvout or opengl features | 07:06 |
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xris | anyone else having trouble with the new amarok package? | 07:11 |
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chx | anyone running on a rotated display? | 07:18 |
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che_benway | hi. having trouble getting administrator access. someone mentioned a bug. anyone know how to fix it? | 07:20 |
insanekane | che_benway: what bug ? | 07:21 |
seth_k|lappy | che_benway, the fix is in breezy-updates repo | 07:22 |
che_benway | insanekane: well, the whole story is this. I want to change my settings to configure my ethernet card. | 07:22 |
angasule | che_benway: are you from argentina? | 07:22 |
angasule | seth_k|away: is that the bug that makes kdesu stick around for a while? | 07:22 |
seth_k|lappy | che_benway, you can alternatively update to kde 3.5 | 07:22 |
che_benway | no. Dominican. Living in London | 07:22 |
seth_k|lappy | angasule, no, it's the one that makes the password for systemsettings not stick | 07:23 |
seth_k|lappy | imo | 07:23 |
angasule | che_benway: ah, I wondered about the 'che' :) | 07:23 |
che_benway | the thing is I can't access the net on the pc in question | 07:23 |
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che_benway | cause I need administrator access to configure the eth card | 07:23 |
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seth_k|lappy | ah | 07:23 |
seth_k|lappy | just use terminal? | 07:23 |
seth_k|lappy | sudo ifup eth0 | 07:23 |
che_benway | any idea how to do it in console? | 07:23 |
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Logi | I'm running kubuntu on a laptop and occasionally there is a grey box with blue border and text saying my screen has changed state, when it hasn't. Which program is that? Where do I look for its settings to try to fix this? | 07:24 |
che_benway | seth_k|lappy: ok. will try that. need to run downstairs though. be back | 07:25 |
seth_k|lappy | che_benway, if you need to set static IP, sudo ifconfig eth0 address && sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth0 | 07:25 |
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che_benway | seth_k|lappy: thanks | 07:28 |
seth_k|lappy | afternoon robotgeek :) | 07:29 |
robotgeek | seth_k|lappy: hey | 07:29 |
seth_k|lappy | che_benway, did that work? | 07:31 |
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xris | no one else having issues with the new amarok? mine won't play (tries to but I get a brief gstreamer error) | 07:31 |
seth_k|lappy | xris, 1.3.7? | 07:32 |
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xris | seth_k|lappy: yeah | 07:36 |
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xris | perhaps I'm missing packages somewhere.. using ubuntu with the kubuntu kde 3.5 and amarok repositories added.. are there kubuntu-specific repositories for general stuff? | 07:37 |
seth_k|lappy | xris, um... you're using non-ubuntu amaroK packages? | 07:37 |
seth_k|lappy | or the Kubuntu ones | 07:37 |
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xris | using kubuntu packages. ubuntu doesn't have the new amarok | 07:37 |
seth_k|lappy | yeah, was what I meant... ok, from 1.3.whatever to 1.3.7, the default engine switched from xine to gstreamer | 07:38 |
seth_k|lappy | so you'll need to get the gstreamer plugins | 07:38 |
seth_k|lappy | for the media you wish to play | 07:38 |
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seth_k|lappy | for MP3s, that's gstreamer0.8-mad | 07:38 |
xris | already have them | 07:39 |
seth_k|lappy | hmmm | 07:39 |
xris | I've been using the gstreamer library the whole time. | 07:39 |
xris | something about "failed to negotiate xxx channels" | 07:40 |
xris | like maybe my soundcard is messed up | 07:40 |
xris | wish that error would stay on the screen longer | 07:41 |
vectoralpha | seth_k: put in a new nic this morning, now all is well | 07:41 |
seth_k|lappy | vectoralpha, yay! | 07:42 |
vectoralpha | seth_k i am about to melt my old davicom...., i should see what I can get for it on ebay | 07:42 |
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che_benway | seth_k|lappy: no it didn't | 07:45 |
seth_k|lappy | che_benway, okay... are you sure that the NIC works with Ubuntu at all? | 07:45 |
che_benway | seth_k|lappy: it has before. and it works with win xp | 07:46 |
brosiooz | when i try to download a them with superkaramba it crashes with this error: Please check the permission on /tmp/kde-alex/ i've diff the permission with my firends that has it and works perfectly anyone could help me or known if i miss something ? | 07:46 |
xris | yeah, just made sure I have all of the new amarok packages installed... something just doesn't work with my output device | 07:46 |
che_benway | seth_k|lappy: so ifup should activate the NIC, right? | 07:47 |
seth_k|lappy | che_benway, right | 07:48 |
seth_k|lappy | ifconfig eth0 shows it if has an IP assigned to it | 07:48 |
che_benway | seth_k|lappy: ok. will give it another try and tell you what comes up, is that ok? | 07:48 |
seth_k|lappy | sure | 07:48 |
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che_benway | seth_k|lappy: ok. back in 2 mins | 07:49 |
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ClayG | is dalnet always down? | 07:51 |
Robdor | Anybody had any problems in Breezy where amarok doesn't scan into the collection all of the mp3 files of an smb mounted drive? | 07:52 |
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che_benway | seth_k|lappy: back | 07:53 |
seth_k|lappy | ok | 07:53 |
che_benway | seth_k|lappy: got the following message | 07:53 |
poimen | burning the kubuntu 64 cd :) | 07:53 |
seth_k|lappy | che_benway, if it's very long don't paste it here | 07:53 |
che_benway | seth_k|lappy: /etc/network/interfaces:4:misplaced option | 07:54 |
seth_k|lappy | ah, okay :) | 07:54 |
che_benway | seth_k|lappy:ifup: couldn't read interfaces file | 07:54 |
seth_k|lappy | kdesu kate /etc/network/interfaces | 07:54 |
seth_k|lappy | what does line 4 say? | 07:54 |
brosiooz | when i try to download a them with superkaramba it crashes with this error: Please check the permission on /tmp/kde-alex/ i've diff the permission with my firends that has it and works perfectly anyone could help me or known if i miss something ? | 07:54 |
vectoralpha | seth_k|lappy any ideas on how i might fix a very dumb issue concerning kde resetting my desktop preview & pager options | 07:55 |
che_benway | seth_k|lappy: i think its the netmask: | 07:55 |
seth_k|lappy | brosiooz, run kbuildsycoca | 07:55 |
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seth_k|lappy | che_benway, you might try commenting out the line with a # and saving the file, then trying again | 07:56 |
seth_k|lappy | sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth0 | 07:56 |
gibarian | hello everyone....I'm havng trouble with my network config... | 07:56 |
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seth_k|lappy | I gotta run, back later | 07:56 |
che_benway | seth_k|lappy: thanks. later | 07:56 |
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brosiooz | anyone could help and not run away ? :) | 07:56 |
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gibarian | the network setup wizard in kcontrol doesn't keep my default gateway, and I always have to do it manually when starting up...any ideas where to add that? | 07:57 |
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verb | when installing kubuntu does it ask you to put in a user/pass that you will later need to log in with? | 08:01 |
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lwizardl | hi | 08:07 |
verb | lo | 08:07 |
sampan | verb, yes. you will be asked to create a username and password | 08:07 |
verb | hm | 08:07 |
verb | thing is | 08:07 |
verb | i don't remember doing it | 08:07 |
verb | and now it's installed | 08:07 |
verb | i can't get in | 08:07 |
verb | anything i can do other than a total re-install? | 08:08 |
lwizardl | i have my laptop hd hooked up to my desktop computer if i wanted to install kubuntu to the laptop hd how how i go about it | 08:08 |
sampan | if you have a linux live cd, you should be able to boot it up and see what the username is in /home/ and then re-write the password file | 08:09 |
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verb | thanks for your help | 08:10 |
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lwizardl | i have my laptop hd hooked up to my desktop computer if i wanted to install kubuntu to the laptop hd how would i go about it | 08:20 |
vectoralpha | does your laptop have a cdrom drive? | 08:20 |
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vectoralpha | lwizardl o, your laptop hd | 08:22 |
vectoralpha | lwizardl why not just slap the hd back in the laptop and install? | 08:22 |
lwizardl | vectoralpha: can't boot from cd | 08:22 |
vectoralpha | ah, what joy | 08:22 |
vectoralpha | lwizardl how is the hd connected? | 08:23 |
lwizardl | usb | 08:23 |
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frank23 | how easy/hard is it to go back to kde 3.4 if you install kde 3.5? | 08:24 |
vectoralpha | hm, see if you can boot the the cd on your main desktop and choose the usb hdd during the install process rather than playing with your primary hd | 08:24 |
vectoralpha | frank23 why would you want to do that? | 08:24 |
lwizardl | i can try this | 08:24 |
lwizardl | *that | 08:24 |
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frank23 | vectoralpha: if there are bad bugs in kde 3.5 | 08:25 |
poimen | what command should i use to download all the packages from apt-get without installing? | 08:25 |
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vectoralpha | frank23 have you just tried uninstalling the package, and installing the old package? | 08:26 |
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frank23 | vectoralpha: I haven't installed kde 3.5 yet | 08:26 |
vectoralpha | o | 08:27 |
vectoralpha | frank23 i don't have any problem with it..., its pretty stable | 08:27 |
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frank23 | vectoralpha: I just want to know if it's easy to revert top kde 3.4 | 08:27 |
vectoralpha | frank23 can't be too difficult..., its all package based | 08:27 |
frank23 | vectoralpha: ok | 08:27 |
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frank23 | vectoralpha: is the kaffeine in kde 3.5 stable? | 08:29 |
Flosoft | yes | 08:30 |
Knowerrors | Hey all, I think my permissions are screwed up somehow, some changes won't stick in system settings unless I launch it as sudo, anyone know about this? | 08:30 |
pagux | u | 08:30 |
pagux | hi friends | 08:31 |
pagux | i have kubuntu 5.10 0n my laptop | 08:32 |
pagux | is safe 2 upgrade to kde 3.5 ...is it stable ? | 08:32 |
_ganymed | pagux: how is it running?mine is a bit slow.... | 08:32 |
LeeJunFan | that's more of an opinion. | 08:33 |
Knowerrors | pagux: Im running it now, there are problems with 3.5 still | 08:33 |
frank23 | Knowerrors: like what? | 08:33 |
LeeJunFan | pagux: I have a couple problems like mailing the contents of a page or printing a webpage from konqueror. Other than that it seems okay. | 08:33 |
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LeeJunFan | pagux: sound preview on icons still doesn't work. | 08:33 |
Knowerrors | frank23: like removable media not being handled right | 08:34 |
Kibouu | anyone using kompmgr? | 08:34 |
frank23 | Knowerrors: are there workarounds? | 08:34 |
Knowerrors | not that Ive found, though not everyone that went to 3.5 has my problem | 08:34 |
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jpatrick | frank23: there are | 08:35 |
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pagux | how 2 upgrage 3.5 ....do i have 2 add new repo ? | 08:35 |
jpatrick | pagux: yes | 08:36 |
ganymed_ | how does one upgrade to 3.5. there are no (k)ubuntu packages, yet, are there? | 08:36 |
frank23 | jpatrick: Knowerrors I feel like trying kde 3.5 anyways | 08:36 |
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frank23 | ganymed_: look at the topic | 08:36 |
frank23 | superkaramba is now part of KDE. That's nice | 08:37 |
Knowerrors | frank23: try if you want, Im looking at going back to 3.4.3, until they fix things | 08:37 |
Knowerrors | maybe... today is my deadline for fixing this, been almost a week since I upgraded | 08:38 |
Knowerrors | heres what Im going through http://www.kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=2088.0 | 08:38 |
frank23 | Knowerrors: Is the removable media thing the only problem you have? | 08:38 |
Knowerrors | pretty much, also some things others are having that are more minor, and are known errors ;) | 08:39 |
frank23 | I didn't know there were kubuntuforums outside of ubuntuforums | 08:40 |
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jpatrick | frank23: you didn't? | 08:42 |
frank23 | I just assumed kubuntu users would flock to the official kubuntu forums | 08:42 |
pagux | i think better wait for month or two bfore upgrading ;-) | 08:42 |
frank23 | jpatrick: hmmm it seems these are official too | 08:43 |
jpatrick | frank23: they are | 08:43 |
Knowerrors | I would wait for 3.5.1, and I wish I had | 08:44 |
ganymed_ | is there anybody who can say anything about performance with kde/kubuntu? i have a latency of at least half a second or more for things that should come right out of the memory. everything is very "stciky" somehow. | 08:44 |
ganymed_ | is this qt related? | 08:44 |
frank23 | ok... If it ain't broke, don't fix it. It's hard to listen to that advice but I think I will. | 08:45 |
Knowerrors | can anyone tell me how to disable root? | 08:46 |
pagux | disable root ? | 08:46 |
pagux | use jail shell | 08:46 |
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pagux | my wifi wep is not working ....... | 08:47 |
pagux | is there any extra package i need to install ? | 08:47 |
Knowerrors | I mean disable the root password | 08:48 |
pagux | i dont think so its possible ...... | 08:49 |
pagux | why would you want 2 do that ? | 08:49 |
kevman | I'm trying to change my DNS server, but when I edit it in KDE control panel, it tells me I "must enter an alias first!" and now I don't have ANY DNS. | 08:49 |
kevman | Can anyone explain to me what its moaning about? | 08:50 |
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jpatrick | Knowerrors: sudo passwd -l | 08:50 |
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jpatrick | Knowerrors: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SudoRoot | 08:51 |
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jpatrick | no it's https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo | 08:52 |
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Knowerrors | jpatrick: after doing sudo passwd -l , things still aren't right with systemsettings, so still a permission problem somewhere | 08:56 |
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Knowerrors | settings won't stick in systems settings/storage media | 08:57 |
digits | Anybody know if there's any good KDE desktop to blog clients? | 08:57 |
Knowerrors | this may be causing my removable media problem jpatrick | 08:57 |
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jpatrick | digits: I don't understand | 08:57 |
jpatrick | Knowerrors: does it display an error? | 08:58 |
digits | jpatrick: well, like desktop client for blogging | 08:58 |
pagux | what pakages one needs to install to get wep working ? | 08:58 |
digits | jpatrick: famous windows one is w.bloggar | 08:58 |
Knowerrors | Error: "/var/tmp/kdecache-flow" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0. Link points to "/var/tmp/kdecache-root" | 08:59 |
jpatrick | Knowerrors: don't sudo a GUI | 08:59 |
jpatrick | ever | 09:00 |
Knowerrors | well, I tried kdesu, and that brings it up as root | 09:00 |
jpatrick | kdesu <kapp> | 09:00 |
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Knowerrors | which is weird since I just disable root, I though | 09:01 |
Knowerrors | thought | 09:01 |
Sysma | Ciao | 09:02 |
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pagux | what pakages one needs to install to get wep working ? | 09:02 |
Sysma | Is there any who speak Italian here? | 09:03 |
pagux | si | 09:03 |
Sysma | Ciao paguz | 09:03 |
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Sysma | una domanda se la sai... | 09:03 |
pagux | ciao mio amico | 09:03 |
Sysma | Come faccio ad accedere come root su Kubuntu? | 09:03 |
jpatrick | Sysma: `sudo` | 09:04 |
Sysma | (direttamente dal login) | 09:04 |
Sysma | (quello grafico) | 09:04 |
Sysma | (kde) | 09:04 |
jpatrick | Sysma: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo#head-797f71be2ea5d51919a264ebf59107e669f37ba7 | 09:05 |
Sysma | ho gi abilitato root con una pass (passwd root) | 09:05 |
Knowerrors | jpatrick: I think Ive really wrecked things by having root enabled for a while and doing things like kdesu kcontrol | 09:05 |
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jpatrick | Knowerrors: I never enable root.... | 09:06 |
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Knowerrors | jpatrick: yeah, well I had it enabled for a while, and gotta figure how to fix things now | 09:07 |
pagux | usi il sudo | 09:07 |
pagux | usi jailroot | 09:07 |
pagux | i got intel 815 chip set my resulution is too low | 09:08 |
jpatrick | pagux: `sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' | 09:09 |
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tomplast | hi guys, can anyone help me with getting started with qt? | 09:10 |
Knowerrors | jpatrick: do you know where I could go and what to check to fix permissions and settings for kde? | 09:10 |
jpatrick | Knowerrors: does it say can't write to config file? | 09:10 |
jpatrick | tomplast: Qt programming? | 09:10 |
tomplast | yes http://www.trolltech.com/ | 09:11 |
tomplast | many applications are made with Qt | 09:11 |
Sysma | jpatrick: thank you for the URL !!! | 09:11 |
tomplast | its for GUI | 09:11 |
Knowerrors | If I run systemsettings from command line, without kdesudo, I get no messages... it just won't save anything I change related to storage media | 09:11 |
tomplast | and stuff like that | 09:11 |
Sysma | grazie pagux | 09:11 |
jpatrick | tomplast: I know that | 09:11 |
tomplast | k | 09:11 |
tomplast | so can you help me jpatrick? | 09:12 |
tomplast | i can't get it to compile corretly :/ | 09:12 |
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jpatrick | tomplast: `qmake -pro && qmake -Makelife && make' | 09:13 |
jpatrick | -Makefile* | 09:13 |
Knowerrors | jpatrick: I can change other settins fine, like color and such, but not /periferals/storage media, and also cant change settings in gtk looknfeel | 09:13 |
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jpatrick | storage requires root? | 09:14 |
tomplast | qmake -pro && qmake -Makefile && make? | 09:14 |
boga | what line do I have to add to my sources.list file to get KDE headers installed? | 09:14 |
jpatrick | boga: they're in universe/main | 09:15 |
crimsun | you need to install kdebase-dev | 09:15 |
brosiooz | which is the default mail server on ubuntu ? | 09:15 |
jpatrick | tomplast: yep | 09:15 |
jpatrick | brosiooz: postfix | 09:15 |
tomplast | jpatrick: i just get the help text :& | 09:15 |
tomplast | :/ | 09:15 |
boga | jpatrick: but what is the line to add? | 09:15 |
jpatrick | boga: it's already there | 09:15 |
boga | Ok | 09:16 |
jpatrick | tomplast: `qmake -project && qmake -makefile && make' | 09:16 |
boga | jpatrick: does this also refer to KDE3.5? That's what I have. | 09:17 |
jpatrick | boga: the new KDE headers are there | 09:17 |
Knowerrors | jpatrick: actually I can change some things in storage media, but it won't let me get rid of (auto-action) I can just switch it from one to another, but not make it go away | 09:17 |
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shmoolik | hello | 09:19 |
jpatrick | shmoolik: hello (again) | 09:19 |
shmoolik | how can i add an lunch icon to my K butten ? | 09:19 |
shmoolik | hello jpatrick nice to c ya agin :) | 09:19 |
Knowerrors | jpatrick: and alot of my default actions are missing, only things showing are open in new window and nothing, the play in kaffeine, kscd, or encode are all gone | 09:19 |
jpatrick | lunch :/ :9 | 09:19 |
jpatrick | Knowerrors: that's for CDs | 09:20 |
Sysma | Goodbye to all | 09:20 |
Knowerrors | jpatrick: right | 09:20 |
shmoolik | Launch :\ | 09:20 |
shmoolik | sorrry | 09:20 |
shmoolik | like in here :) http://www.kde-look.org/content/pre1/32257-1.jpg | 09:20 |
Knowerrors | jpatrick: but for other things, I can't get rid of (auto-action)... and if I launch kdesu systemsettings, the prefs are all differenct for storage media, and all the actions are back | 09:21 |
jpatrick | shmoolik: that's KBFX | 09:22 |
shmoolik | thanks | 09:22 |
jpatrick | dead buggy | 09:22 |
jpatrick | and doesn't support i18n | 09:23 |
jpatrick | shmoolik: a lunch button would be nice tho :) | 09:24 |
tomplast | thanks jpatrick but i get errors like: qt1.cpp:(.text+0x1c): undefined reference to `QApplication::QApplication(int&, char**)' | 09:24 |
shmoolik | how can i stop konquer auto run | 09:24 |
shmoolik | jpatrick: yeah ! | 09:24 |
Knowerrors | jpatrick: kdesu systemsettings kdesu (kdelibs): WARNING: [/root/3.5/kdelibs/kdelibs-3.5.0/./kdesu/client.cpp:102] connect():Connection refused | 09:25 |
jpatrick | tomplast: please put source and output here: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com | 09:25 |
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jpatrick | odd :/ | 09:26 |
tomplast | jpatrick: i tried it again and now its only loading in the console | 09:27 |
tomplast | no output just a new line :/ | 09:27 |
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jpatrick | paste the src | 09:27 |
rikva | What de/encoder should I install to rip mp3's off a cd? | 09:29 |
tomplast | jpatrick: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/454479 | 09:29 |
jpatrick | rikva: lame | 09:29 |
rikva | I mean, I already have the ripping client (audiocd:/) but I can only rip to ogg | 09:30 |
tomplast | jpatrick: and the error message when using make: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/454482 | 09:31 |
jpatrick | wow | 09:31 |
tomplast | =? | 09:31 |
tomplast | if your wowing cause i have only pasted a tutorial then please dont | 09:32 |
tomplast | cause i just want to be able to compile a program made with qt | 09:32 |
jpatrick | tomplast: try to compile: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/454486 | 09:32 |
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tomplast | i get undefined reference to everything :/ | 09:34 |
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jpatrick | :| | 09:35 |
tomplast | i have the include files | 09:35 |
tomplast | and the library files | 09:35 |
tomplast | i have looked at that | 09:35 |
tomplast | :/ | 09:36 |
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tomplast | maybe its all the debian packages that have destroyed my installation :/ | 09:36 |
tomplast | or something :/ | 09:36 |
jpatrick | tomplast: `libqt3-mt-dev' package | 09:36 |
tomplast | just what i was afraid to hear :/ | 09:37 |
tomplast | i have tried to many times | 09:37 |
tomplast | but always there are some conflicting package :/ | 09:37 |
=== jpatrick [n=patrick@47.Red-83-43-120.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
tomplast | maybe i should reinstall kubuntu :/ | 09:38 |
jpatrick | hmm... hit quit by accident :P | 09:38 |
tomplast | :p | 09:38 |
Knowerrors | How do I check user/group privaleges, and what should they be? | 09:38 |
tomplast | thanks jpatrick but i think that i will try to reinstall everything :/ | 09:39 |
Knowerrors | I think I screwed em up by enabling root account | 09:39 |
jpatrick | tomplast: install libqt3-mt-dev | 09:39 |
tomplast | as i said | 09:40 |
tomplast | i cant | 09:40 |
tomplast | conflicting libraries | 09:40 |
jpatrick | why not? | 09:40 |
jpatrick | with? | 09:40 |
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tomplast | everything :xp: | 09:40 |
tomplast | oki | 09:40 |
tomplast | just wait a sec | 09:40 |
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Xemanth^ | is there any packager for mplayer? | 09:40 |
crimsun | a few people work on it | 09:41 |
Xemanth^ | niiice | 09:41 |
poimen | I have a pentium D running kubuntu for amd64 | 09:41 |
poimen | and I tried installing the em64t kernel with smp and It returned with errors what should I do install the amd64 operon smp kernel? | 09:42 |
jpatrick | Xemanth^: if you want https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuPackagingGuide | 09:42 |
ganymed_ | ciao | 09:43 |
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tomplast | oki jpatrick | 09:44 |
Xemanth^ | jpatrick: hmm-m i couldn't even made deb package for debian ^^ | 09:44 |
Xemanth^ | i once tried | 09:44 |
tomplast | lixrender-dev | 09:44 |
tomplast | libxcursor-dev | 09:44 |
tomplast | libxft-dev | 09:44 |
Xemanth^ | i got some weird errors and then i quit | 09:44 |
tomplast | and they wont be installed says synaptic | 09:44 |
Xemanth^ | crimsun: any specific dude :) i tried to goooooogle but :( | 09:45 |
Xemanth^ | ? | 09:45 |
eriksti | Hi.. I'm doing this howto: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26623 ... on the 7th step or something I am suppose to type "make" in "ieee80211-1.0.3", but it finds "/lib/modules/2.6.12-9-386/build/include/config/ieee80211", and even if I answer yes to remove it, nothing happens. I have done this many times and nothing happens. Scared of screwing the whole thing up like I've done before I'd like some advise | 09:46 |
jpatrick | Xemanth^: `apt-cache show mplayer' | 09:46 |
tomplast | i have libxrender1 installed | 09:46 |
tomplast | Depency: libxrender1 (=1:0.9.0-1) but 1:0.9.0-2 will be isntalled | 09:46 |
Flixor- | guys i am printing and my stystem becomes slow | 09:47 |
tomplast | i dont know if thats the correct translation cause im using swedish language | 09:47 |
Flixor- | the proccess parallel is using 50 % cup and the process pnm2ppa something like 18 % is that normal | 09:47 |
jpatrick | tomplast: I'm going to bed now :/ | 09:48 |
tomplast | oki | 09:48 |
tomplast | take care | 09:48 |
tomplast | and thanks for the help jpatrick | 09:48 |
tomplast | sweet dreams | 09:48 |
jpatrick | Ask at the forums or something... | 09:48 |
tomplast | i will |-) | 09:48 |
tomplast | tommorrow or something :P | 09:48 |
tomplast | thanks once again | 09:48 |
tomplast | bye | 09:48 |
jpatrick | night | 09:48 |
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shmoolik | hello does any one here use xbfx? | 09:49 |
Xemanth^ | root@5024wlmi:~# apt-cache show mplayer | 09:52 |
Xemanth^ | W: Unable to locate package mplayer | 09:52 |
Xemanth^ | :| | 09:52 |
Knowerrors | I know youre not supposed to, but I enabled root for a while and think that has caused problems, how do I go about fixing permissions back how they should be? | 09:52 |
Xemanth^ | ok i build from source, but package would have been nicer | 09:52 |
sampan | xemanth^ mplayer -is- in some of the repositories -- i think the PLF ones | 09:53 |
sampan | you can build from source, but if you enable the right repos you shouldn't have to | 09:53 |
sampan | !easysource | 09:53 |
ubotu | well, easysource is For an easy to use custom sources.list configurator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic | 09:53 |
sampan | ubotu's link there will let you build a /etc/apt/sources.list file that will include the PLF repos | 09:54 |
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poimen | someone here running a pentium D with smp enabled? | 09:59 |
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neoncode | Err i'm haveing trouble installing this game called "boson" from the universe repos. | 10:01 |
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vonHalenbach | me too. | 10:03 |
jpgeerets | hi folks | 10:03 |
neoncode | I'm useing adept and wenever i select the package to install it says it's a broken install... any help? | 10:03 |
jpgeerets | someone knows how to convert a dvd9 to dvd5? | 10:03 |
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citydog | hi | 10:04 |
kkathman | hello | 10:05 |
citydog | i need help with Kaffeine | 10:06 |
kkathman | whats happening? | 10:06 |
citydog | i want to play .rmvb file | 10:06 |
kkathman | ?? | 10:06 |
kinfo | what? | 10:06 |
kkathman | dont know what that is | 10:06 |
citydog | can you play divx movie with Kaffeine? | 10:07 |
kkathman | well you'll need to get codecs. I can play them with Totem, so should be able to with Kaffeine | 10:07 |
kkathman | !w32codecs | 10:08 |
citydog | can i use Adept for that? | 10:08 |
kkathman | no | 10:09 |
kkathman | ubotu | 10:09 |
kkathman | one sec | 10:09 |
kkathman | a compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular proprietary | 10:09 |
kkathman | formats not currently supported by free implementations under linux. See | 10:09 |
kkathman | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#head-fda9cc5147253891fe3047263b82d787ab025bba | 10:09 |
kkathman | to install | 10:09 |
kkathman | there ya go | 10:09 |
citydog | thanks | 10:10 |
kkathman | np | 10:10 |
citydog | what's ubotu? | 10:10 |
kkathman | supposedly a bot | 10:10 |
kkathman | ubotu wake up | 10:10 |
ubotu | I haven't a clue, kkathman | 10:10 |
kkathman | !w32codecs | 10:10 |
kkathman | he's supposed to tell you about it | 10:10 |
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citydog | lol, i was confused | 10:10 |
citydog | =) | 10:11 |
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neoncode | is ubotu down or something now? | 10:11 |
kkathman | hes not down, just not answering any questions about w32codecs | 10:11 |
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kkathman | !javadeb | 10:12 |
ubotu | [javadebs] Sun Java debs packaged for breezy are at http://www.giannaros.org/public/breezydebs/ | 10:12 |
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kkathman | see he talks about java | 10:12 |
kkathman | but not about the codecs | 10:12 |
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citydog | interesting... | 10:13 |
citydog | !javadeb | 10:13 |
Xemanth^ | is there any huge unofficial kubuntu repository ? | 10:13 |
ubotu | from memory, javadebs is Sun Java debs packaged for breezy are at http://www.giannaros.org/public/breezydebs/ | 10:13 |
kkathman | Xemanth^: not that I know of | 10:15 |
citydog | what is ubotu? is it free software? | 10:15 |
kkathman | no its an info bot | 10:15 |
kkathman | it has certain tidbits in it | 10:15 |
Xemanth^ | damn, i'm not familiar where i can get all that software which i could find with debian :( | 10:15 |
kkathman | depends on what you are looking for | 10:16 |
kkathman | be sure that your source.list has multiverse and universe enabled | 10:16 |
kkathman | sources.list I mean | 10:16 |
Xemanth^ | hmm-m need to check out, its now in default situation :D | 10:17 |
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Xemanth^ | yeah now i enabled universe and multiverse stuff | 10:21 |
Xemanth^ | and updating | 10:21 |
kkathman | yep that might be better for ya | 10:21 |
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neoncode | Hey flashplayer is realy slow and laggy. I know my PC is cabable of playing things at speed but what's up with this? | 10:34 |
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mth`MAW | hi | 10:40 |
mth`MAW | Hi | 10:40 |
kkathman | hello | 10:40 |
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Citydog | what does it mean when a repository is main or restricted or universe? | 10:44 |
Citydog | *marked as | 10:44 |
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kkathman | Citydog: has to do with mostly how free and open the software is | 10:44 |
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kkathman | main = everything should be free and open | 10:45 |
kkathman | the others...different levels | 10:45 |
kkathman | also had to do with support | 10:45 |
Citydog | i've read that kde 3.5 is out, how can i get it? | 10:48 |
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kkathman | Citydog: you dont need it, and I would not advise installing it | 10:49 |
sampan | citydog, if you do decide to disregard kkathman's advice, you might try actually reading the topic of the channel | 10:50 |
Citydog | i haven't read the new features of 3.5 yet but you guys don't think it's worth the risk to upgrade? | 10:50 |
kkathman | sampan: he wouldnt disregard my advice would he? | 10:50 |
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sampan | kkathman well, i wouldn't disregard your advice ... but...there are always those people who just "have to" touch the stove to figure out that it's hot ;) | 10:51 |
kkathman | Citydog: many people are having problems, and most are reverting back to 3.4.3....and 3.5 is a transitional release before 4.0 | 10:51 |
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kkathman | sampan: true true :) | 10:52 |
evilmegaman | Hi, When I try to install the official nvidia drivers, I get an error saying gcc version is 3.4 but the gcc version I should build it with is 4.0. So I checked what version gcc was and it was 4.0 | 10:52 |
evilmegaman | 4.0.2 to be exact | 10:52 |
evilmegaman | what should I do? | 10:52 |
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Citydog | see that's not so hard to understand... i am still testing [k] ubuntu so i would rather not break the system yet | 10:53 |
sampan | evilmegaman installing the nvidia-glx package didn't work? (is there an advantage to building yourself over just installing the repos' package?) | 10:54 |
Citydog | thanks for the warning thou | 10:54 |
Citydog | any gentoo user here? | 10:54 |
evilmegaman | sampan, I want the newest drivers :) | 10:54 |
sampan | which ones are newest now? | 10:55 |
evilmegaman | From what I can tell, on the discussion about kde 3.5, kde 3.5 is nice except I get errors when I exit it | 10:55 |
Citydog | kkathman: i've lost your w32codec [uboto] response... can you re-paste? | 10:56 |
kkathman | !+w32codecs | 10:56 |
ubotu | I guess w32codecs is a compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular proprietary formats not currently supported by free implementations under linux. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#head-fda9cc5147253891fe3047263b82d787ab025bba to install | 10:56 |
evilmegaman | 8xxx series sampan | 10:56 |
evilmegaman | 8174 to be exact | 10:57 |
sampan | gotcha -- repos is still 7667 iirc | 10:57 |
Citydog | thanks | 10:57 |
evilmegaman | sampan. That's correct. | 10:58 |
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evilmegaman | sampan any ideas what I should do about the gcc version? | 11:01 |
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dissed | is there any way to start autorun some commands when i plug in something to my usb? | 11:02 |
sampan | evilmegaman sorry i don't have any idea about that ... i'm pretty newb on linux tbh | 11:04 |
evilmegaman | :) that's cool sampan | 11:05 |
evilmegaman | thanks anyways | 11:05 |
sampan | if you hang around, eventually someone will have some ideas, i'm sure -- rarely does a question go completely unanswered in here | 11:06 |
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kkathman | nalioth would know the answer to that evilmegaman :) | 11:07 |
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evilmegaman | oh okay kkathman :) | 11:08 |
_anders | hello | 11:08 |
kkathman | hello _anders :) | 11:08 |
nalioth | evilmegaman: what is up? | 11:08 |
_anders | hm.. learning linix :) | 11:09 |
kkathman | excellent _anders :) | 11:09 |
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poimen | hello | 11:18 |
poimen | someone here can helpme setting a smp kernel in a Pentium D 830 proc | 11:18 |
poimen | ?? | 11:18 |
kinfo | what? | 11:18 |
poimen | kinfo : you ask me? | 11:19 |
tygore | I guess I have f***ed up with the sudo. I changed the /etc/hosts file before /etc/hostname and so I have no sudo. stupid me relied on sudo and didn't set a password for root, so I am trapped. (unable to lookup ... via gethostbyname()) | 11:20 |
tygore | is there any cure without the need to recovery mode? | 11:20 |
tygore | I don't have the cd/dvd with me | 11:20 |
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dissed | anyone who could help me get started with filesharing? | 11:22 |
kkathman | dissed: what have you done so far? | 11:22 |
dissed | nothing, i dont know what to do? | 11:23 |
kkathman | what kind of environment do you have that you wish to share files? | 11:24 |
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dissed | i need access to my eth1 from my xbox, and iv set the ip to | 11:24 |
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kkathman | can you ping that address? | 11:25 |
dissed | yes | 11:26 |
dissed | my xbox is | 11:26 |
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kkathman | well you should be ok then...as long as samba is running, which it should be | 11:27 |
dissed | how do i select what to share? | 11:28 |
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kkathman | now are you try to share stuff on your linux box.. .so your XBOX can access it? | 11:28 |
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dissed | im trying to share a few folders on my computer and access them from my xbox | 11:29 |
kkathman | hmmm that could be very tricky, cuz I have no idea how to autheticate you from the XBOX | 11:30 |
dissed | i can do that, but i dont know how to select what to share | 11:30 |
kkathman | you have to set up some stuff on your linux box, and update that to the samba conf. but I dont know how you would log in from the XBOX | 11:30 |
dissed | like a mounted ntfs partition i want to have access to | 11:31 |
kkathman | dissed: its quite a process | 11:31 |
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kkathman | you have to set up some stuff onfirst you need to be sure you have all the samba stuff installed (samba, samba-common, smbfs | 11:32 |
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kkathman | once you install all that... set your smbpassword...using smbpasswd -a | 11:34 |
ccc_ | dissed: went kubuntu i see. :D nice. | 11:34 |
dissed | yep | 11:35 |
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kkathman | dissed: this should walk you through it: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SettingUpSamba?highlight=%28samba%29 | 11:38 |
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djk_ | hey kkathman :) how was the presentation? | 11:38 |
dissed | kkathman: thanks a lot | 11:39 |
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kkathman | djk_: well I got iced in and couldnt get there..so I did a 7.5 hour webex today!! | 11:39 |
kkathman | but it went ok I think | 11:39 |
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djk_ | gday mate | 11:41 |
Hobbsee | gday djk_ | 11:41 |
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Tm_T | Hobbsee: o/ | 11:50 |
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Hobbsee | hey Tm_T | 11:51 |
drbrown | has anyone had any luck installing the mythtv packages?? and if so what do I need to do?? | 11:52 |
dissed | where do i select which workgroup i want to be part of? | 11:52 |
Hobbsee | !mythtv | 11:52 |
ubotu | Hobbsee: I give up, what is it? | 11:52 |
Hobbsee | !info mythtv | 11:53 |
ubotu | mythtv: (A personal video recorder application (client and server)), section multiverse/graphics, is optional. Version: 0.18.1-5 (breezy), Packaged size: 16 kB, Installed size: 64 kB | 11:53 |
Hobbsee | dissed: think it should have picked it up automatically - check in konq, network places | 11:53 |
Hobbsee | it'll pick multiple workgroups if it finds them, and let you select them | 11:54 |
Firetech | the http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-latest/ folder, does it link betas too? | 11:54 |
dissed | got it working, thanks a lot guys | 11:55 |
Firetech | maybe more like "will it linkt to betas too?" | 11:55 |
Hobbsee | Firetech: doesnt look like it | 11:55 |
Hobbsee | why do you want to link to the betas? | 11:55 |
Firetech | Hobbsee: right now, it's kde 3.5.0, I just wondered how the future would be | 11:56 |
angasule | I can't record anything with my microphone (it does work, though), if I mute/unmute from the mixer I get proper feedback in my headphones, but programs don't seem to work | 11:56 |
Hobbsee | Firetech: hmmm | 11:56 |
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Firetech | because I rather stick with stable versions and RCs... | 11:57 |
Hobbsee | if you hit parent directory, there's a whole lot of links on there to the various ones | 11:57 |
Firetech | Hobbsee: I know that | 11:58 |
Hobbsee | cool | 11:58 |
Firetech | I guess the best thing to do is to add it to sources.list and check how it behaves later... | 11:58 |
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Firetech | apachelogger: you here? that's an odd sight. | 11:59 |
apachelogger | I'm free! | 11:59 |
Firetech | free from? | 11:59 |
apachelogger | Firetech: I removed my suse 2 hours ago | 11:59 |
Firetech | apachelogger: congratulations :D | 12:00 |
apachelogger | thx | 12:00 |
apachelogger | :D | 12:00 |
Firetech | are the opensuse guys still too green for you? ;) | 12:00 |
apachelogger | ohhhh yeah ;) | 12:00 |
Firetech | kubuntu has just the right amount of blue ;) | 12:01 |
Hobbsee | gah! horrible green! i hate it! | 12:01 |
=== Hobbsee cannot stand green | ||
apachelogger | blue blue blue | 12:01 |
apachelogger | ah awesome bluness | 12:01 |
apachelogger | though I love green as well | 12:01 |
apachelogger | but just for beer bottles :P | 12:01 |
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