dilinger | jbailey: is there any docs for hooks and scripts, or am i reading the shell? :) | 12:07 |
dilinger | s/for/for creating/ | 12:07 |
jbailey | There's a HACKING file in there. | 12:09 |
jbailey | It doesn't tell you much, though. Feel free to improve it. =0 | 12:09 |
dilinger | hehe, ok | 12:10 |
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zul | heylo | 01:00 |
jbailey | Heya Chuck | 01:07 |
zul | hey jeff how is it going? | 01:16 |
jbailey | In a conforming program, this register contains a function pointer | 01:17 |
jbailey | %edx | 01:17 |
jbailey | that the application should register with atexit(BA_OS). This | 01:17 |
jbailey | function is used for shared object termination code [see Dynamic | 01:17 |
jbailey | Linking in Chapter 5 of the System V ABI] . | 01:17 |
jbailey | zul: This is what I'm reading a tm. | 01:17 |
jbailey | I'm not sure if I'm doing well or doing poorly. =) | 01:17 |
zul | sounds exciting...im going crazy the project i was working on went live yesterday | 01:17 |
zul | 4 hospitals...fun fun...but its calming down | 01:17 |
zul | re-installing ubuntu on my server | 01:18 |
zul | another 14 hospitals will be joining in 3 months | 01:18 |
jbailey | Nice! | 01:47 |
zul | stressful though | 01:52 |
zul | but more time for ubuntu now | 01:53 |
zul | brb...need to check on the servers though | 01:59 |
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zul | meh.. | 02:13 |
zul | i love it when a standard is not followed | 02:17 |
BenC | standards are for pussies | 02:31 |
zul | thanks.. | 02:31 |
zul | BenC: get_wireless_stats have changed so alot of external network cards are going to get the a message like in bug #20498 | 02:33 |
zul | im going to see if upstream has the changes if not make a patch.. | 02:33 |
BenC | ok | 02:33 |
zul | if i could only spell | 02:35 |
BenC | that message is harmless | 02:35 |
BenC | I get it with my rt2500 driver aswell, and it is working fine | 02:35 |
zul | hmm...then it must be something else | 02:36 |
zul | im going to fix it anyways | 02:36 |
BenC | wish hostap had a usb interface | 02:36 |
BenC | hostap_{cs,pci} seem to be doing well replacing prism2 versions | 02:37 |
zul | i swear to god everytime i open something the guinea pig thinks its going to be feed | 02:37 |
BenC | lol | 02:37 |
zul | it even has a big fat ass carrot that its chewing on.. | 02:41 |
zul | fabbione: you are up early | 02:44 |
fabbione | zul: yeah we have a meeting in 15 minutes | 02:45 |
zul | oh goody | 02:45 |
zul | BenC: did anyone try the linux-image-server-lowend yet? | 02:49 |
BenC | not that I know of | 02:52 |
zul | heh lets try it | 02:52 |
fabbione | BenC: are you planning to rename them, don't you? | 02:53 |
BenC | yeah, already done in git | 02:53 |
fabbione | ok | 02:54 |
fabbione | i will start testing them on the next upload | 02:54 |
fabbione | not that i have -bigiron | 02:54 |
fabbione | but well | 02:54 |
BenC | it should boot on common 686 hardware, but it's not optimal | 02:54 |
BenC | I need to do comparable amd64 images too | 02:54 |
fabbione | we will need server images for all arches mostlikely | 02:55 |
fabbione | i mean.. if there is a reason to have them | 02:55 |
zul | BenC: it boots at least | 02:55 |
BenC | ppc doesn't need them, and ppc64 supports everything it can | 02:56 |
BenC | sparc64 doesn't need it, and neither does ia64 or hppa, that I know of | 02:56 |
fabbione | perfect | 02:56 |
BenC | maybe a -server for each one, but that's about it | 02:56 |
fabbione | that's great | 02:56 |
BenC | just with HZ=100, and all preempt disabled | 02:57 |
fabbione | yeah | 02:57 |
fabbione | that's what i was thinking about | 02:57 |
fabbione | we need to talk with Benh soon | 02:57 |
fabbione | he is preparing some patches for quad-g5 | 02:57 |
fabbione | that's not actually supported in the standard kernels | 02:57 |
fabbione | that's something people will want to use with dapper | 02:57 |
=== calc [n=ccheney@ip70-185-4-246.ma.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel | ||
calc | fabbione: wrt udev and sysfs root block detection is there a place to note which drivers are broken? | 03:14 |
calc | fabbione: i noticed you mentioned something about udev in your report | 03:15 |
fabbione | calc: ???? | 03:15 |
fabbione | no i think you are confusing things around a bit | 03:16 |
calc | yaird builds its initramfs and includes drivers based on the data in sysfs | 03:16 |
calc | ah ok | 03:16 |
fabbione | no it's a completely differnt thing | 03:16 |
calc | ok | 03:16 |
fabbione | in short | 03:16 |
calc | was just noting that some drivers don't work with sysfs detection since they don't register with sysfs properly | 03:16 |
fabbione | assume you install on a USB stick | 03:16 |
fabbione | that you move around | 03:16 |
fabbione | the device changes name | 03:17 |
calc | ah cool | 03:17 |
fabbione | so be able to mount root and the rest | 03:17 |
fabbione | without binding to a specifc device name | 03:17 |
calc | so it uses a magic id on the root block that is contained in the initramfs? | 03:17 |
fabbione | no, we will use new udev properties | 03:18 |
fabbione | like /dev/disc/by-uuid/ | 03:18 |
fabbione | or /dev/disc/by-lable | 03:18 |
fabbione | label | 03:18 |
fabbione | that are symlinks to the real device name | 03:18 |
fabbione | and they are generated at boot | 03:19 |
fabbione | so you have a unique way to identify them | 03:19 |
fabbione | even if the device changes names | 03:19 |
calc | cool | 03:19 |
calc | label sometimes could break if not unique, eg putting another / in to copy old data from | 03:20 |
calc | iirc redhat used to just use "/" or something for root which caused issues | 03:20 |
fabbione | no we are not going to use LABELS everywhere | 03:21 |
fabbione | we are targetting uuid | 03:21 |
fabbione | if uuid is not available, then generate a pseudo uuid strlen(LABEL) | 03:22 |
fabbione | and use that one | 03:22 |
calc | ok | 03:23 |
calc | sounds good | 03:24 |
fabbione | BenC: if you have time can you gimme access to your sparc? | 03:29 |
fabbione | if you can just enable the account and sudo i will take care of the rest myself | 03:29 |
BenC | I'm having problems punching a hole through this damn satellite modem :/ | 03:29 |
fabbione | ah | 03:29 |
fabbione | if you have a linux gw in the middle, just use redir and tell me the non standard port | 03:29 |
fabbione | it doesn't need to be 22 ;) | 03:30 |
BenC | I have a static IP, but It's all private network inside (NAT), and there doesn't seem to be a way to tell the modem to port forward | 03:30 |
fabbione | BenC: ok.. we can work on that easily | 03:31 |
fabbione | i can run a vtun server instance here and we can play private tunnels | 03:31 |
BenC | don't understand the point of allowing me to get a static IP if it wont let me get connections | 03:31 |
BenC | not sure how well that will work over this hellish latency | 03:31 |
BenC | hold on | 03:31 |
fabbione | it works pretty well.. latency isn't an issue and vtun does his job of re-establishing connections if it dies | 03:32 |
fabbione | sure | 03:32 |
BenC | ok, how do we setup vtun? | 03:33 |
fabbione | i will prepare the configs and send it to you... | 03:34 |
BenC | installing vtun package now | 03:34 |
fabbione | it's very simple | 03:34 |
fabbione | i will be server and you client | 03:34 |
BenC | ok | 03:34 |
fabbione | since you are the one that needs to make holes in the modem | 03:34 |
BenC | right | 03:34 |
fabbione | i don't remember all the details right now. | 03:34 |
fabbione | i will have to check them again | 03:34 |
fabbione | but that's basically how it works: | 03:34 |
fabbione | server listen on tcp port | 03:34 |
fabbione | client connect to server, auth, etc. | 03:35 |
fabbione | if everything matches they run an ifconfig on a tun device | 03:35 |
fabbione | that's it | 03:35 |
fabbione | pvt networks | 03:35 |
fabbione | what address space do you use at home? | 03:35 |
fabbione | because we need to avoid clashing | 03:35 |
BenC | | 03:36 |
fabbione | ergh.. ok | 03:36 |
fabbione | i have the same net here | 03:36 |
fabbione | so if i use a would be ok for you? | 03:36 |
BenC | make my network :) | 03:37 |
BenC | yeah | 03:37 |
fabbione | that's just for the p2p | 03:37 |
fabbione | once we can ping the tunnel, i can jump via it to the sparc directly or something | 03:38 |
BenC | staying up to get this configured? | 03:59 |
fabbione | yeah | 04:00 |
fabbione | why not | 04:00 |
fabbione | let me file a bug and let's do it | 04:00 |
BenC | ok | 04:00 |
mjg59 | Oh rock | 04:06 |
=== mjg59 has working hotswap on a SATA laptop | ||
mjg59 | BenC: After getting comments from -ide, I may have some patches for you... | 04:09 |
BenC | sweet | 04:09 |
mjg59 | BenC: Also, this should work on any of the libata PATA drivers | 04:09 |
mjg59 | Hence my interest in them :) | 04:09 |
jbailey | Anyone here know where the userspace setup code is for a new process on powerpc? | 04:09 |
BenC | crt0.o, or do you mean task creation in the kernel? | 04:10 |
jbailey | Task creation in the kernel. On ppc, crt0.o's first function seems to get started with %r7 set incorrectly. | 04:10 |
jbailey | Troubleshooting a klibc segfault. | 04:11 |
BenC | let me look... | 04:11 |
jbailey | Thanks. | 04:11 |
fabbione | BenC: 192.168.0.something would be ok for you? | 04:12 |
jbailey | To make life more fun, I'm on a ppc64 kernel with a 32 bit userspace klibc. | 04:12 |
fabbione | instead of | 04:12 |
=== jbailey wonders if he should try a 32bit kernel, too, just to prove it. | ||
fabbione | i forgot i have allocated .0.0/24 for p2p and tunnels :) | 04:12 |
BenC | nah, my network looks like internet->> | 04:12 |
fabbione | ok | 04:13 |
fabbione | no problem | 04:13 |
BenC | between my sat modem and AP is | 04:13 |
fabbione | 192.168.2. it is | 04:13 |
BenC | I'd change, but I have 12 systems on | 04:13 |
fabbione | that's all right | 04:13 |
fabbione | don't worry | 04:13 |
zul | night guys | 04:22 |
BenC | good night zul | 04:25 |
jbailey | BenC: Setting up VPN to your farm? | 04:25 |
BenC | yeah, fabbione wants to reach out and touch a cow | 04:25 |
fabbione | zul: night | 04:26 |
fabbione | BenC: yeah i am almost done | 04:26 |
jbailey | You should remind him that your cows are better poker players than he is. You had to practice with *someone* out there. | 04:26 |
jbailey | g'n zul =) | 04:26 |
BenC | fabbione: even logged into a machine that was colo'd in a barn? :) | 04:26 |
BenC | lol | 04:26 |
fabbione | ahahha | 04:26 |
BenC | just 30 feet from your shell, is a steaming cow pie | 04:27 |
fabbione | lovely | 04:27 |
fabbione | i love cows :) | 04:27 |
fabbione | BenC: mail with config is on the way | 04:28 |
BenC | ok | 04:28 |
fabbione | time for a smoke :) | 04:29 |
jbailey | BenC: I need to go pass out. Can I catch up with you tomorrow on the %r7 weirdness? | 04:30 |
BenC | yeah | 04:30 |
jbailey | Cool, thanks. | 04:30 |
BenC | good night | 04:30 |
jbailey | g'n all. =) | 04:30 |
fabbione | night jeff | 04:34 |
fabbione | BenC: got the mail? | 04:36 |
fabbione | yup | 04:38 |
fabbione | the tunnel is up | 04:38 |
BenC | tag, you're it :) | 04:38 |
BenC | sparcbuildd is the user | 04:39 |
fabbione | ping | 04:39 |
fabbione | PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. | 04:39 |
fabbione | 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1127 ms | 04:39 |
fabbione | 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=993 ms | 04:39 |
fabbione | is the tunnel terminated on the e3k? | 04:39 |
BenC | yeah | 04:39 |
BenC | ssh directly to iy | 04:39 |
fabbione | perfect | 04:39 |
fabbione | testing now | 04:39 |
fabbione | are you running iptables on that machine? | 04:40 |
BenC | no | 04:40 |
BenC | I can't ping you anymore | 04:41 |
fabbione | neither can i | 04:41 |
fabbione | hmm | 04:41 |
fabbione | there it is | 04:42 |
fabbione | connection is shaky | 04:42 |
BenC | ok, restarted it | 04:42 |
fabbione | seems to work now | 04:42 |
BenC | latency really sucks on this sat | 04:42 |
fabbione | no problem.. i can live with that | 04:42 |
fabbione | yes i am in | 04:43 |
BenC | 1500ms ave | 04:43 |
BenC | cool, your chroot is thee | 04:43 |
BenC | create chroots in /org/chroots/ | 04:43 |
fabbione | ok | 04:43 |
BenC | 222G free, so plenty of room | 04:43 |
fabbione | do i have sudo access? | 04:43 |
fabbione | perfect | 04:43 |
fabbione | way too much | 04:43 |
BenC | yeah | 04:43 |
BenC | if the vtun is down, it will mean I am debugging :) | 04:44 |
fabbione | thanks dude | 04:44 |
fabbione | sure | 04:44 |
fabbione | that works for me | 04:44 |
BenC | np | 04:44 |
fabbione | i feel your IRC pain ;) | 04:45 |
BenC | good thing is I started using xchat instead of ssh'ing to a shell and using bitchx | 04:46 |
BenC | that did suck | 04:46 |
fabbione | oh yeah | 04:46 |
fabbione | i remember when ops.l.o was constantly under attack | 04:46 |
fabbione | i could barely ssh to it | 04:46 |
BenC | yeah, that got ugly for awhile | 04:47 |
fabbione | i know.. | 04:47 |
fabbione | our ISP was cool tho | 04:47 |
fabbione | they managed to block the attack at core routers level | 04:47 |
BenC | nice | 04:47 |
fabbione | let's start to test the toy with gcc-3.4 :) | 04:49 |
BenC | burn it up :) | 04:49 |
fabbione | oh i will | 04:49 |
fabbione | eheh | 04:49 |
BenC | ccache is installed, so try to bind mount it | 04:50 |
fabbione | oh nice | 04:50 |
BenC | /org/ccache is my cache | 04:50 |
fabbione | where do you store the ccache? | 04:50 |
fabbione | hmm | 04:50 |
fabbione | there might permission problems | 04:50 |
BenC | anyway to share it? | 04:51 |
BenC | ah, just make your own and bind mount it :) | 04:51 |
fabbione | right | 04:51 |
fabbione | but i am sure how that can help you | 04:52 |
fabbione | there is quite high pkt loss | 04:53 |
fabbione | vtun is starving again | 04:53 |
fabbione | let see if it can come up again by itself | 04:55 |
BenC | may need to put a ping check script on it to restart when it dies | 04:56 |
fabbione | vtun should be able to notice that itself | 04:56 |
fabbione | that's why i want to wait a bit | 04:56 |
fabbione | it has a 60 sec timeout | 04:56 |
fabbione | actually | 04:57 |
fabbione | i forgot to add it to the configs :/ | 04:57 |
fabbione | can you add: | 04:58 |
fabbione | timeout 60; | 04:58 |
fabbione | in the session part? | 04:58 |
fabbione | and restart vtun please? | 04:58 |
fabbione | interesting | 05:03 |
fabbione | it comes up.. | 05:03 |
fabbione | but it looks like it dies very very fast | 05:03 |
BenC | ok | 05:04 |
fabbione | here is up again now | 05:06 |
fabbione | did you touch anything? | 05:06 |
BenC | restarted it | 05:06 |
fabbione | ok | 05:06 |
BenC | added the timeout too | 05:06 |
fabbione | let see if that helps | 05:06 |
fabbione | it seems more stable now | 05:25 |
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CataEnry | hi :) | 10:26 |
CataEnry | bye | 11:43 |
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nomed | hi all | 01:28 |
nomed | i would post an issue about tg3 module | 01:28 |
nomed | there are some cards that don't work .. | 01:28 |
nomed | what's strange is that using an hoary kernel this issue is not present | 01:29 |
nomed | it really seems a breezy-dapper issue .. | 01:29 |
nomed | even using a vanilla kernel there aren't problems | 01:29 |
crimsun | you'll need to file a proper bug report with a lot more detailed info | 01:30 |
nomed | what info will you need .. | 01:31 |
nomed | ? | 01:31 |
nomed | do you apply any patch to that module ? | 01:31 |
nomed | and what can be the reason for which using hoary kernel this issue is not present and even using a vanilla kernel? | 01:32 |
nomed | it happens just with breezy and dapper kernels .. | 01:32 |
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CataEnry | hi :) | 02:46 |
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zul | morning | 03:03 |
jbailey | Heya Chuck! | 03:14 |
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dilinger | jbailey: do i get whipped with some form of wet pasta for using _log_msg in an initramfs script? | 03:47 |
dilinger | i just want to spit out some information to the user, but w/out any warning/being/done/etc prefix | 03:48 |
jbailey | Eh, depends if you'd like the whipping or not, I guess. | 03:48 |
jbailey | I don't see any real problem with it. If it's in the initramfs it should be generally safe to use. | 03:48 |
=== infinity whips dilinger. | ||
dilinger | jbailey: cool, ok | 03:52 |
infinity | dilinger : Other than the fact that users think is "icky" or even "scary" to see a _msg without an _end_msg, I don't care. | 03:52 |
dilinger | infinity: please use clean pasta, not the stuff i've already doused w/ cheese or spaghetti sauce | 03:52 |
jbailey | What about pesto? | 03:53 |
infinity | Spaghetti sauce stings when it gets in the cuts. | 03:53 |
dilinger | that green stuff never comes out of your skin | 03:53 |
infinity | dilinger : I'd be inclined to say that if it's informational, but the user doesn't really NNED to know it's happening (with a success or failure), it should be guarded in a VERBOSE check. | 03:54 |
infinity | s/NNED/NEED/ | 03:54 |
infinity | Same goes for all init scripts, really, nothing special about initramfs. | 03:55 |
dilinger | doesn't _log_msg do that implicitly? | 03:55 |
dilinger | if [ "$quiet" = "y" ] ; then return; fi | 03:55 |
infinity | Oh, so it does. | 03:58 |
infinity | I really should rewrite that stuff to look like the LSB things in Debian/Ubuntu. | 03:59 |
infinity | I only boot with usplash these days, so I forgot the tty output is different. | 03:59 |
dilinger | jbailey: btw, i dunno if you've already seen it, but makx has some good documentation in his initramfs tree | 04:00 |
jbailey | dilinger: Ah, handy. Perhaps the new initramfs-tools maintainer will see fit to merge those in. | 04:01 |
jbailey | *ahem* | 04:01 |
=== jbailey hides. | ||
dilinger | jbailey: i dunno, i hear he's real negligent about updating his packages. you should take them over. | 04:01 |
dilinger | ;p | 04:01 |
jbailey | ACtually, hmm. | 04:01 |
jbailey | Don't you have main upload rights? | 04:01 |
infinity | I'm planning on making a date with Max next week to run down our diffs. | 04:01 |
infinity | But I'd be happy to have dilinger in on it. | 04:02 |
infinity | We've worked passably well together in the past. :) | 04:02 |
makx | :) | 04:02 |
mjg59 | infinity: VGA16FB? | 04:03 |
dilinger | jbailey: me? depends on elmo | 04:03 |
infinity | mjg59 : How do you feel about trying to squeeze the world into 350px vertical? | 04:03 |
jbailey | dilinger: No, it depends on the techboard. | 04:03 |
dilinger | jbailey: i revoked my old key and had Clint ask to get my new one in the keyring (for debian, not ubuntu) | 04:03 |
dilinger | for ubuntu, no | 04:04 |
infinity | mjg59 : Either he's insane, or I'm insane, but Kamion's informed me that the VGA 25-line screen is 640x350, not 640x400. | 04:04 |
mjg59 | He's pretty much right, but is there any compelling reason to do that? | 04:06 |
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infinity | If we're looking for maximum compatibility... | 04:07 |
mjg59 | The problem isn't that we're using a non-standard screenmode, the problem is that we're overflowing 128K | 04:07 |
infinity | I'm fairly certain 640x400 should work all over, but if it doesn't, I don't want to do this switch twice. | 04:07 |
mjg59 | All the symptoms (bottom 80 lines missing, bottom 80 lines overlap top 80 lines, so on) seem to match the 128K issue | 04:08 |
infinity | I agree on that point. | 04:08 |
infinity | And I /think/ we'll solve all that with 400px. | 04:08 |
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infinity | But, I really, really hate being wrong. | 04:08 |
infinity | A whole lot. | 04:09 |
infinity | Shame I do it so often. | 04:09 |
infinity | Anyhow, I'll just bite the bullet and patch shit together tomorrow and see if it at least boots on the one VGA card I have here in the house. | 04:09 |
infinity | (Yes, a total of one, WHAT A GREAT TEST) | 04:09 |
infinity | Not counting the laptop, since laptop displays will force pretty much anything on your screen without complaint. | 04:10 |
mjg59 | It's genuinely a 3 line patch | 04:10 |
mjg59 | You can just grab the timing data out of modedb.c | 04:10 |
infinity | Yeah, I know. | 04:10 |
infinity | I've been suffering overload. | 04:10 |
infinity | But I also have mdz breathing down my neck about this one, so I need to just do it and get it tested. | 04:10 |
mjg59 | Heh, ok | 04:10 |
infinity | Meh. | 04:12 |
=== infinity puts another sticky on his desktop and WRITES ON IT IN ALLCAPS. | ||
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=== infinity -> bed. | ||
fabbione | BenC: ping? | 04:15 |
fabbione | BenC: unping.. ttyl | 04:18 |
BenC | ok | 04:18 |
mjg59 | Hngh. | 04:44 |
mjg59 | (Also: hngh) | 04:45 |
mjg59 | Consensus seems to be that I should put this in ACPI rather than in SCSI | 04:45 |
mjg59 | So, is there any way that I can write a module that will be (a) loaded after scsi, and (b) loaded before any scsi hosts? | 04:46 |
mjg59 | It seems that it's not acceptable for scsi to have any dependency on the module concerned | 04:46 |
BenC | sounds like a job for initramfs | 04:57 |
Mithrandir | mjg59: have it depend on scsi and load it in the initramfs, yes. | 05:10 |
mjg59 | Mithrandir: That works for our case, but it doesn't work in general | 05:31 |
mjg59 | Which means it wouldn't go upstream | 05:31 |
Mithrandir | true | 05:32 |
mjg59 | Hmm. I guess I can do /this/... | 05:51 |
crimsun | hey, neat. My external cdrw no longer floods printks | 06:07 |
mjg59 | ARGH. | 06:07 |
mjg59 | No I can't. | 06:07 |
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lamont | BenC: new gnu-efi uploaded to debian last night, new elilo imminent. | 07:02 |
lamont | once those hit ubuntu, you should be good to go for playing with initramfs | 07:02 |
BenC | new elilo means initramfs support? | 07:02 |
mdz | so given a git tree, how do I roll it back to an older revision? | 07:02 |
BenC | sweet | 07:02 |
BenC | mdz: git-checkout <commitish> | 07:02 |
mdz | lamont: why does elilo need to know the difference between initrd and initramfs? | 07:03 |
BenC | where commitish is a commit sha1 id | 07:03 |
lamont | mdz: elilo had a bug in how it handled the image. didn't matter for initrd, fatal for initramfs | 07:03 |
BenC | mdz: apt-get install git- git-core | 07:03 |
mdz | BenC: mjg59 has asked me to try an older 2.6.15 with HOTPLUG_CPU and see how long ago suspend broke | 07:03 |
lamont | specifically, it passed in NUMPAGES*sizeof(PAGE) instead of the true byte-length of the image. | 07:04 |
mdz | what would be a good value for commitish to start with? | 07:04 |
BenC | mdz: hold a sec | 07:04 |
BenC | mdz: git-log | 07:05 |
BenC | and look for "Linux v2.6.14" | 07:05 |
BenC | use that commit to start | 07:05 |
BenC | if it works, then you can use git-bisect to find the commit that broke it | 07:05 |
BenC | if you need help with git-bisect, let me know, it's pretty easy once you start it | 07:06 |
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zul | heylo | 07:10 |
mdz | mizar:[...ce/tmp/mdz/linux/ubuntu-2.6] git-checkout 741b2252a5e14d6c60a913c77a6099abe73a854a | 07:11 |
mdz | git checkout: you need to specify a new branch name | 07:11 |
BenC | hey chuck | 07:11 |
BenC | did you get the git-core? | 07:11 |
zul | hey ben | 07:11 |
mdz | yep | 07:11 |
BenC | ... | 07:11 |
mdz | ii git-core 0.99.9k-1 stupid content tracker | 07:12 |
BenC | git-branch mdz_test 741b2252a5e14d6c60a913c77a6099abe73a854a | 07:12 |
mdz | usage: git checkout [-f] [-b <new_branch>] [<branch>] [<paths>...] | 07:12 |
BenC | git-checkout mdz_test | 07:12 |
mdz | ok | 07:13 |
BenC | git-checkout HEAD to revert back | 07:13 |
mdz | that modified by working tree? | 07:13 |
mdz | s/by/my/ | 07:13 |
BenC | no, just adds a pointer | 07:13 |
BenC | the checkout will change the files though, but not commit any changes | 07:13 |
jbailey | lamont, mdz: initramfs' are sensitive to garbage at the end of the image, initrd's (cramfs') are not. This is why initramfs doesn't work when loaded from xfs on ppc as well - yaboot bug. | 07:13 |
mdz | I did the checkout | 07:13 |
mdz | so my working tree should now be at 741b2252a5e14d6c60a913c77a6099abe73a854a? | 07:14 |
BenC | check Makefile to make sure it is correct | 07:14 |
BenC | yes | 07:14 |
BenC | should be 2.6.14 instead of 2.6.15-rc5-ubuntu1 | 07:14 |
mdz | VERSION = 2 | 07:14 |
mdz | PATCHLEVEL = 6 | 07:14 |
mdz | SUBLEVEL = 14 | 07:14 |
mdz | EXTRAVERSION = | 07:14 |
mdz | NAME=Affluent Albatross | 07:14 |
BenC | success! | 07:14 |
mdz | hmm, I don't have a debian/ dir though | 07:15 |
mdz | where can I get one which is likely to work with this tree? | 07:16 |
BenC | I don't use the debian dir for that | 07:17 |
BenC | just do a config and build out of the main directory | 07:17 |
BenC | make-kpkg if you want to do packaging though | 07:18 |
g47o | sudo :b | 07:20 |
=== chuck_ [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c2-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel | ||
chuck_ | dang it | 08:32 |
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=== chuck_ is now known as zul | ||
fabbione | whoo ooo | 09:07 |
fabbione | gcc-3.4 build | 09:07 |
zul | on sparc? | 09:08 |
fabbione | yup | 09:08 |
fabbione | first package on Ben's e3k :) | 09:08 |
fabbione | hmm crap | 09:10 |
fabbione | the vpn died... | 09:10 |
fabbione | BenC: i think as soon as there is no traffic the vpn dies.. that's pretty weird, but workaroundable with a slow ping | 09:11 |
fabbione | let see if it restarts automatically | 09:11 |
jbailey | BenC: Are you on direcpc? | 09:12 |
jbailey | direcway, sorry. | 09:12 |
fabbione | session in timeout | 09:15 |
fabbione | but it's not coming up | 09:15 |
fabbione | damn | 09:15 |
fabbione | BenC: can you please restart vtun and start a ping to my ip? | 09:23 |
fabbione | it looks like they did change something in vtun code.. it didn't use to timeout this way | 09:23 |
fabbione | and the connection is good.. have been connected all day till i did stop top | 09:24 |
BenC | jbailey: yeah | 09:27 |
BenC | same thing | 09:27 |
BenC | fabbione: yeah, hold a sec | 09:27 |
fabbione | thanks | 09:27 |
fabbione | it's up now | 09:27 |
BenC | fabbione: you can use screen if you want to keep the session good | 09:28 |
fabbione | i am not sure that helps | 09:29 |
fabbione | i think it needs to feel traffic on the tunnel | 09:30 |
fabbione | but it's strange. never had this problem with vtun before | 09:30 |
fabbione | it died again... BenC: do you usually have bw problems at this time of the day? | 09:35 |
fabbione | i wonder if it's just normal pktloss | 09:35 |
fabbione | Dec 8 21:27:47 trider-g7 vtund[4460] : Connection reset by peer (104) | 09:41 |
BenC | no, everything is usually fine | 09:57 |
BenC | I'm getting pings from you still | 09:58 |
BenC | ping -i 5 | 09:58 |
BenC | still going, ave 2200ms | 09:58 |
BenC | I think it's latency | 09:58 |
BenC | oh, wow, stopped the ping and it said %48 packets lost | 09:59 |
fabbione | yeah i think it did recover now | 10:00 |
fabbione | i am pinging both sides | 10:00 |
fabbione | and uploading gcc to chinstra | 10:00 |
fabbione | +p | 10:00 |
fabbione | how much outgoing bw do you have? | 10:00 |
BenC | 2mbs | 10:04 |
BenC | oh, no, | 10:04 |
BenC | about 15k/sec | 10:04 |
fabbione | ah ok | 10:05 |
fabbione | that explains :) | 10:05 |
fabbione | i was watching some 100K/sec pics | 10:05 |
fabbione | peaks | 10:05 |
fabbione | and slowly dieing to 15 | 10:05 |
fabbione | i thought i was doing something wrong | 10:05 |
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BenC | how big is your upload? | 10:31 |
BenC | that's what's going to hurt me | 10:31 |
fabbione | it's gcc-3.4 debs | 10:31 |
BenC | * Ping reply from BenC: 11.90 second(s) | 10:32 |
fabbione | it's still uploading | 10:32 |
fabbione | yeah i can feel that on the tunnel too | 10:32 |
fabbione | pings are at 5secs | 10:32 |
BenC | for future uploads, can you schedule them for past 10pm, my time? | 10:33 |
fabbione | sure.. | 10:33 |
BenC | thanks | 10:33 |
fabbione | if you want i can stop it | 10:33 |
BenC | nah, finish it up, it's ok | 10:33 |
fabbione | it's not much left tho | 10:33 |
fabbione | ok | 10:33 |
BenC | mjg59: can you look at #10279 please? | 10:37 |
BenC | mjg59: let me know if this should be fixed or not | 10:37 |
BenC | this dw7000 router has some stupid NAT | 10:40 |
fabbione | linksys? | 10:40 |
BenC | it acks my tcp connections immediately when connect to something, and then waits to send me a RST if it fails | 10:40 |
BenC | the satellite router | 10:41 |
fabbione | yeah what brand is that? | 10:41 |
BenC | so if the connections timeout, it always seems like a connection refused | 10:41 |
BenC | hughes | 10:41 |
fabbione | never heard.. | 10:41 |
fabbione | did you check if they have new software? | 10:41 |
BenC | hughes does most of the directv/direcway hw | 10:42 |
BenC | it auto updates itself | 10:42 |
BenC | it's the satellite modem/router, I can do nothing with it | 10:42 |
fabbione | ah | 10:42 |
BenC | runs vxworks, and is locked up nice and tight | 10:42 |
fabbione | crap | 10:42 |
zul | later | 10:44 |
fabbione | BenC: can i use the sparc or do you need to test today? | 10:46 |
fabbione | today (as in your day) | 10:46 |
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jbailey_ | BenC: If you get bored sometime soonish, do you feel like chasing the %r7 setup bug on ppc? | 10:58 |
fabbione | meh | 11:00 |
fabbione | libstdc++6-dbg_3.4.5-1ubuntu3_sparc.deb 84% 7496KB 2.5KB/s - stalled -Read from remote host chinstrap.ubuntu.com: Connection reset by peer | 11:00 |
BenC | fabbione: build away | 11:10 |
BenC | jbailey_: if you can email me more information, I can look into it | 11:11 |
jbailey_ | BenC: Sure. Unless you happen to know where task setup is done off hand, and I can just dig. | 11:11 |
jbailey_ | I'm pretty certain I know exactly what the problem is. | 11:11 |
BenC | probably in some assembly | 11:12 |
jbailey_ | Certainly. The comment in the klibc file says that %r7 isn't used on Linux, despite the fact that it's int he ABI. | 11:12 |
BenC | so some .S file in arch/powerpc/ or arch/pcc/ | 11:12 |
BenC | that's about as close as I can get right now :) | 11:12 |
jbailey_ | So I think what's happening is that in order to be clever, they've stuff the address to chain to in there instead. | 11:12 |
jbailey_ | Easy enough, except that klibc is trying to honour it. | 11:12 |
jbailey_ | *lol* | 11:12 |
jbailey_ | 'kay. I'll dig in there. | 11:12 |
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fabbione | BenC: ok. thanks. | 11:17 |
fabbione | good night guys | 11:17 |
fabbione | BenC: if the upload still bothers you, just kill the scp | 11:17 |
fabbione | no phear :) | 11:17 |
BenC | ok | 11:17 |
fabbione | cya in a few hours | 11:17 |
lamont | Dec 8 15:36:56 localhost kernel: [4296210.923000] usb 4-4.2: new full speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 123 | 11:37 |
lamont | Dec 8 15:36:59 localhost kernel: [4296213.956000] usb 4-4.2: device descriptor read/64, error -110 | 11:37 |
lamont | wth does that mean? | 11:37 |
=== lamont wonders if maybe visor support is better in 2.6.15 | ||
lamont | BenC: any thoughts on why the palm TX and the kernel USB subsystem (2.6.12-9-686) only likes each other once? | 11:44 |
BenC | nope | 11:51 |
BenC | seen errors like that, but never understood why | 11:51 |
jbailey | BenC: ABI problem solved. Linux doesn't follow the SysV ABI. | 11:54 |
BenC | ah | 11:54 |
jbailey | <galak> jbailey: have seen the following: | 11:55 |
jbailey | <galak> Contrary to what is stated in the Registers part of chapter 3 of the System V Application Binary Interface PowerPC Processor Supplement there are no values set 79 | 11:55 |
jbailey | <galak> in registers r3, r4, r5, r6 and r7. Instead the values specified to appear in all of those 80 | 11:55 |
jbailey | <galak> registers except r7 are placed on the stack. The value to be placed into register r7, the 81 | 11:55 |
jbailey | <galak> termination function pointer is not passed to the process. 82 | 11:55 |
BenC | interesting | 11:56 |
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