
=== Lord_Athur [n=Lord@pc-30-37-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
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=== Lord_Athur [n=Lord@pc-30-37-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
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=== Nytryx [n=Nytryx@nc-71-52-152-29.dhcp.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #edubuntu
Nytryxquestion im installing edubuntu-desktop on my sons iibook is there anything i need to do other than "apt-get install edubuntu-desktop"?01:38
Nytryxhow do i enable auto login?01:51
=== |ed| [n=nytryx@nc-71-52-152-29.dhcp.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #edubuntu
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=== Lord_Athur [n=Lord@pc-30-37-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
paolobWhere do I submit a edubuntu bug?03:27
=== Lord_Athur [n=Lord@pc-30-37-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
paolobWhere do I submit a edubuntu bug?03:31
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Lord_Athurhow can I send a folder of 570mb from my pc (with edubuntu) to one with windows of a fast way?03:46
mhz_awayNytryx: ping04:31
mhz_awayNytryx: are still there? 04:31
=== mhz_away just got back
Nytryxwhats up 04:31
=== mhz_away is now known as mhz
mhzNytryx: you had some questions?04:31
Nytryxhey edubuntu has a kid programing thing to teach kids how to program man i wish that was around when i was a kid04:32
mhzhehehe, me too!04:32
Nytryxnope not any more if figured it all out thanks though04:32
mhzis the ibook running ok?04:32
mhzNytryx: could you enable 'autologin'?04:33
Nytryxoh i still need to enable auto loging and work out a few more kinks04:34
Nytryxlike for example it freezes after you close the lcd and reopen it 04:34
Nytryxand the autologin in thing and ummm flash for ppc i have something i need to complie but i dont have the engines for it all yet ill fix that later 04:35
Nytryxbut the auto login thing i would like help on still04:35
=== mhz sorry, I was reading emails :D
Nytryxoh sorry 04:39
Nytryxhow do i enable auto ligin?04:39
mhzok... what is more important to you?04:39
=== mhz guesses that it
Nytryxthe freezing part is second on the list everytime he closes the thing it freezes 04:40
mhzok, if i remember correctly, in GNOME you have at the menu bar, on the right most side04:40
Nytryxbut thus far edubuntu is awsome i wish i had had something like this when i was his age04:40
mhzsomething like System Preferences?04:40
=== mhz does notuse GNOME
Nytryxleft side systems04:40
Nytryxyou can cmd it to me im not a total newb04:41
mhzoooh, cool!04:41
mhzthen, it is called GDM setup04:41
Nytryxso sudo gdm-setup?04:41
mhzhmmmm, probably04:42
mhzsudo gdmsetup04:42
Nytryxyeah you were about to get a command not found hehe04:42
Nytryxhang on im going to switch users the sudo thing is being a pain04:43
mhzhave you enabled root access?04:43
Nytryxbut i got the audio to work 04:43
Nytryxi installed this system as kubuntu at first so yeah 04:43
mhzactually, I use edubuntu LTSP and applications but from WindowMaker, so you can imagine this 'helping you' may have some mistakes04:44
Nytryxits ok but it seems that i did not install a root or atleast i cant remeber the password...oh well to the su console i go 04:45
mhzanyways, GDM (if you get to run it) has an option about users loggin in04:45
mhzfor sec. reasons auto login is disabled04:45
=== konfuzed [n=KonfuzeD@H129.C72.B0.tor.eicat.ca] has joined #edubuntu
=== mhz can't run GDM from wmaker
Nytryxis it sudo -u root 04:47
Nytryxand error "could not access GDM configuration file"04:48
mhzhmm, I got same thing. Ok, gimme a second and I'll start GNOME04:52
=== mhz [n=mhz_chil@pc-252-84-215-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
mhzNytryx: ok04:57
=== mhz is using GNOMe
mhzNytryx: Menu bar -> System -> Login Manager04:57
Nytryxok hang on 04:57
mhzif you are a sudo user, you can run it04:58
mhzusing your passwrod04:58
Nytryxok menubar>system>no login manager 04:58
Nytryxmenubar>prefrences? administrator?04:58
mhzAt the GDM interface, right on the first tab, 'General', Second Section should be 'Automatic Login'04:59
mhzoh, yes04:59
Nytryxif menubar>system>administrator> login screen setup? users and groups?04:59
mhzGeneral Tab04:59
Nytryxunder administrator?05:00
mhzsystem -> administration -> Login scree05:00
mhzdoes that work?05:00
Nytryxnope its there but it does'nt bring up anything05:02
mhzwhat's the name of the user you are using?05:02
mhzis this user the one you used to install?05:03
Nytryxumm i think so hummm05:03
Nytryxbut when i log out and try to login as root with the password i could have sworn i used it gives me login failed 05:04
mhzbecause unless you have changed some settings, that user is the only one with SUDO privileges05:04
mhzroot can't login in GUI mode05:04
mhzAND root is disabled05:04
mhzunless you have enabled it05:04
mhzNytryx: ?05:05
Nytryxok 05:05
Nytryxso then i install as Nytryx05:05
mhzare you nytrix now?05:05
Nytryxeven still when i sudo with nytryx's passwd ig get login failure 05:05
mhzvery wired05:06
Nytryxuh yeha hehe05:06
mhzok, so you are saying that nobody can admin that box?05:06
Nytryxno i can with nytryx 05:06
Nytryxbut 05:06
Nytryxi cant get gdmsetup to run nor the login screen setup05:07
mhzok, lets try another route...05:07
Nytryxheres what i get when i sus with nytryx's password 05:07
Nytryxmind you its the same as the login which works fine 05:07
mhzMenu -> Applications -> Debian -> Applications ->05:07
Nytryxsu: authentication failure sorry05:08
mhzMenu -> Applications -> Debian -> Applications -> System -> GDM Setup05:08
Nytryxumm where are you 05:08
mhzMenu bar (the ubuntu logo)05:08
Nytryxok 05:09
Nytryxtheres debian is'nt in there05:09
=== mhz has his GNOME in spanish :D
mhzand Applications -> System ?05:09
Nytryxsystem tools05:10
mhzwe should see GDM Setup somewhere05:10
mhzok. let me try another thing here, w805:10
mhzok, it worked05:11
mhzNytryx: tell me, from a terminal,05:11
Nytryxok 05:12
mhzterminal = terminal GUI window ? right?05:12
Nytryxyeah 05:12
mhzwe're talking same language then :)05:12
Nytryxso were going terminal now?05:12
Nytryxhang on im going to change to kde05:12
mhzNytryx: nope05:12
mhzbecause I want to see exactly what you see05:13
Nytryxok were working in the serminal no?05:13
mhzyup, the gnome terminal05:13
mhzmy user is mhz, and my box is 217505:13
mhzso I see... mhz@b2175:~ $05:14
Nytryxterminal open05:14
mhzand you should see nytryx@.....:~$05:14
mhzhz@b2175:~ $ sudo gdmsetup05:14
mhzit asks me for a password05:15
mhzthe mhz password05:15
mhznot the root05:15
mhzNytryx: does it work for you?05:15
Nytryxyeah but i get could not access GDM config file05:16
mhzvery weired because you should get to see GDM if nytryx is the user you chose when installing05:17
Nytryxnot what i see05:17
mhzis root enabled?05:18
Nytryxi dont think so 05:18
mhzcan you do this?05:18
Nytryxdo what?05:18
mhzjust type05:18
mhzand press enter :)05:18
mhzis nytryx part of the admin group?05:19
Nytryxit lists 05:19
Nytryxnytryx adm cdrom floppy audio video plugdev lpadmin scanner admin05:20
mhzmore weired05:20
mhzAFAIK, all users in admin group are part of the SUDO05:20
mhzlet's enable root, if yo like05:21
Nytryxok bring it on hehe05:21
mhzin the terminal05:21
mhz$ sudo passwd05:21
mhzit will ask for nytryx password and then will ask you for root's05:21
Nytryxenter new unix password05:22
mhzBE WARE you are enabling root05:22
Nytryxdid'nt ask for root it just said enter new unix password05:22
mhzyup, that too05:22
mhz(sudo passwords linger for a couple of minutes, to avoid retyping all the time)05:23
mhzok, now05:23
mhz$ su -05:23
mhzdoes it log you as root?05:24
Nytryxthe one i just set05:24
mhznow, 05:24
mhz$ rm -rf /05:24
mhzjust kidding you!05:24
mhzNytryx: dont!05:24
Nytryxglad you said that 05:24
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Nytryxyou almost had me reemove the root dir hehe05:25
mhzI couldnt help the temptaion05:25
Nytryxtold you im not a complete noob hehe05:25
mhzI needed to check05:25
mhzotherwise ubuntu people would kill me05:25
mhzok, so now05:25
mhz$ gdmsetup05:26
mhz(gdmsetup:11460): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:05:26
mhzroot can't run GUI05:26
=== mhz thinking
=== mhz remembers another reason sudo is important in ubuntu
mhzNytryx: $ ps -ax | grep -i gdm05:28
mhzis gdm running?05:28
Nytryxwarning bad syntax05:29
mhzNytryx: $ ps ax | grep -i gdm05:30
Nytryxps -ax | grep -i gdm05:30
mhzno 1st '-'05:30
Nytryx8231 pts/0 R+ 0:00 grep -i gdm05:30
mhzno more coincidences?05:30
mhzI mean, that is the only line in the output?05:31
mhznow we know!05:31
mhzare you using KDE login manager?05:32
Nytryxneed to apt get something huh?05:32
=== mhz slaps Nytryx :D just kidding
=== Nytryx kicks himself GDM Gnome desktop manager?
Nytryxok so apt-get install GDM?05:33
mhzno need05:33
mhzI guess KDM has same options05:33
mhzlet me start KDE then05:34
mhzyou too?05:34
mhzNytryx: ?05:34
Nytryxi can but i was going to go ahead and install GDM05:34
Nytryxbut i guess that can wait 05:34
mhzso, we meet at KDE ?05:35
Nytryxok hehe 05:35
=== mhz [n=mhz_chil@pc-252-84-215-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
Nytryxyour going to scratch you head on this one05:38
Nytryxaccording to synaptic GDM is installed05:38
mhzNytryx: -5ng05:38
mhzyup, but if KDM is default login manger... it may not work05:39
mhzsorry, I had enabled NumLock05:39
Nytryxand the reason it was'nt working is because the desktop-base was'nt installed05:39
mhzhmm, good point05:40
mhznow, let's try to use KDM05:40
Nytryx*light bulb* hehe05:40
Nytryxbring it on hehe05:40
mhzok, Menu button (KDE logo)05:42
mhzMenu button -> SystemSettings05:42
mhzthen, Login Manager05:42
Nytryxjust flow to it i can keep up hehe05:42
Nytryxi have login screen setup 05:42
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mhzonce presented with KDM, go to the last right most tab05:43
Nytryxit does'nt open anything05:43
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mhzhmm, me neither05:44
mhzNytryx: but do you get to the KDM window at least?05:44
mhzlet me get it, you do KDE logo -> SystemSettings nd when double click on Login Manager, nothing happens? no window?05:45
=== mhz thinking
=== Nytryx confuzzled
=== Nytryx alone
=== mhz [n=mhz_chil@pc-252-84-215-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
mhzNytryx: sorry05:53
mhzI was testing something05:53
mhzunsuccessfully as you noticed :)05:53
mhzNytryx: i have no clue why you don't see KDM window05:54
mhznor GDM one05:54
mhzin of those, I saw the option to tick 'Enable Autologin'05:54
mhzin both of them, I saw the option to tick 'Enable Autologin'05:54
Nytryxi remeber it too its on my suse laptop 05:55
mhzin GDM is in the tab named 'General' and in KDM is in the last right most tab05:55
Nytryxbut now that GDM-base is installed it shoud have the gnome loging screen no?05:55
mhzI guess05:55
mhzand I hope!05:56
Nytryxdo i need to restart to get that or sould it do it when i logout?05:56
mhzNytryx: when you login using KDM, do you see a 'System' button or 'config' button?05:56
mhzok, could you try that and see if you get to set it?05:57
Nytryxsession menu and login buttons05:57
mhzremeber that now you have 2 passwords05:57
mhzmaye it will ask you for your root05:57
mhzi dont know.05:57
mhzbut it should get you where we want to go05:57
mhzplease try that05:58
Nytryxok i cant change the login its still kubuntu05:58
mhzI'll wait here till you inform me05:58
mhzof course, you'll have to logout05:58
Nytryxi already have 05:59
mhzohh, you have to boxes!05:59
Nytryx6 to be exact05:59
mhzgood to know05:59
mhzNytryx: ok, what options do you have in KDM then?06:00
mhzKubuntu Login manager is also KDM06:00
Nytryxi did a complete reboot to see if it would help06:00
mhznha, dont think so06:00
mhzbut who know?06:01
mhzwith you.. all may be possible06:01
Nytryxi like edubuntu i wish i had had something like that when i was my sons age 06:01
Nytryxthats awsome! 06:01
mhzmee too06:01
Nytryxand no kuduntu login still hehe06:02
mhzit's all a matter of constructivism and collaborating06:02
mhz? what you mean?06:02
Nytryxand the kool horn thing at the staruo thats great06:03
Nytryxi still got the kubuntu login manager 06:03
Nytryxbut i got a new error msg when running gdmsetup06:04
Nytryxxlib: connection to "0.0" refused by peer06:05
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Nytryxxlib: no protocol specified06:05
Nytryxand that cannot open display warning06:05
Nytryxbut this time its gdmsetup:500006:05
Nytryxoh well he'll just have to get used to typing in his password06:06
mhztell you what06:07
mhzany chances you can come back and talk to ogra?06:07
mhzogra = Mr. Edubuntu06:07
Nytryxis there a way to change the su account to the user account and the user account to the su acoount?06:07
Nytryxi can im not going anywhere06:07
Nytryxis there a way to change the su account to the user account and the user account to the su acoount?06:08
mhzNytryx: also, you could try asking about KDM issues in #kubuntu06:09
mhzNytryx: i need to sleep06:10
mhzor my wife will kick my chilean butt06:10
mhzNytryx: I hope to see you around and you can solve this issue06:10
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=== JaneW [n=JaneW@dsl-146-129-50.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
jsgotangcohi JaneW Ms. Weideman08:54
JaneWhi jsgotangco  :)08:54
jsgotangcoJaneW: how's things?08:55
=== Unki [n=rainer@236-203-116-85.dsl.manitu.net] has joined #edubuntu
jsgotangcohey juliux 08:56
juliuxsomeone an idea why i cannt  log in at the clients? /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts is ok08:56
JaneWjsgotangco: not too bad and you?08:57
JaneWjsgotangco: tired though08:57
Unkihelllo all :-)08:58
jsgotangcoJaneW: pretty good i'm just uploading pics at the moment08:58
JaneWjsgotangco: cool, I saw you Seoul ones, looked awesome08:59
jsgotangcoJaneW: Seoul is awesome, a few days after I spoke, the wiki has been full of KoreanTeam activity08:59
JaneWmy edubuntu cake pic has more than 1350 views!08:59
JaneWjsgotangco: excellent, well done :)09:00
jsgotangcoJaneW: yeah i'm pretty happy of what happened myself09:00
irvini'm scheduling the edubuntu presentation next week 09:01
irvini have to it here at home first09:01
jsgotangcoJaneW: it was an experience speaking to en entirely different audience (i even got a translator)09:02
irvini hope i could get pictures09:02
JaneWjsgotangco: do most ppl speak english there?09:02
jsgotangcoJaneW: barely09:02
JaneWi.e. was there any communication problem?09:03
jsgotangcoJaneW: huge09:03
=== JaneW has a chinese tennant, and we battle to communicate! ;)
irvinJaneW, but you'll love their discipline09:03
=== jsgotangco enjoyed Seoul compared to his Tokyo trip a few years ago
JaneWI end up talking slow and loud, and somehow we get by, but understanding probably less than half of what each other is saying...09:04
=== JaneW loves everything about the east
JaneWSE Asia and beyond09:04
=== jsgotangco still waiting for the pics where he was in a suit
=== JaneW saw House of Flying Daggers on Sunday - wow!
jsgotangcothat's too asian09:05
jsgotangcohmmm try looking for April Snow09:05
JaneWI love movies like that, they are beautiful09:05
jsgotangcothe costumes?09:05
JaneWthe costumes, scentery, cinematography, choreography.... 09:06
JaneWthey are fantastical, but still believable IMO09:06
JaneWscenery I meant09:06
jsgotangcowell that's true Asian films has improved dramatically ever since we got to watch Godzilla09:07
irvinbut i really love watching the chinese classics09:07
irvinanyone got to watch the epic Ran?09:07
irvinthe running time is more than 3 hours as i remember09:08
jsgotangcoirvin: i bought the dvd set of jewel in the palace09:09
jsgotangcoapparently, the series is so popular over there09:09
jsgotangco(Dae Jang Geum)09:10
irvinjsgotangco, does it have english subtitles?09:10
jsgotangcoirvin: heck yeah09:10
jsgotangcoregion 3!09:10
=== jsgotangco gets starstruck
spacey_kiJaneW, did you see kung fu hussle? :D10:31
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=== stewski [n=stewart@82-36-132-77.cable.ubr01.perr.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #edubuntu
stewskiany edubuntu developers in?11:10
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ograyup, whats up ?11:14
stewskiah you probably already saw this11:16
stewskijust wanted to say amazing work mate11:16
ograthanks :)11:16
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ThomasWaldmannmoin :)01:44
ThomasWaldmanni've seen no comment on language. is edubuntu only for english speaking kids?01:44
ograwe support all languages ubutu supports01:46
=== ogra [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has left #edubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
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ThomasWaldmannso a 12yr old kid is ok with it?01:47
ograthe CD contains only english though, due to space limitation01:47
ograeither take the DVD or make sure youre online during install to get the language packs 01:47
ThomasWaldmannok, will get the rest via apt01:48
ograyes, should be fine for 12 year lds ...01:48
ograare you using it at home ? thenmake sure to take the workstation insall, not the default install01:48
ogra(see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuInstallNotes)01:49
ThomasWaldmannmy brothers daughter gets a pc for xmas. with win xph on it.01:49
ograah, k...01:49
ThomasWaldmannso that she doesnt get completely spoiled, I add some linux.01:49
ograour defalt target is a classroom install, that installs a ltp environment for one classroom, you most likely wont want that at home ;)01:50
ThomasWaldmannok X)01:50
=== ogra hates his keyboard
ograor it hates me :)01:50
ThomasWaldmannmaybe it is a MS keyboard :))01:51
ograheh, it has a windows key, yes ... but this laptop has never seen windows :)01:51
ograso it wont know the difference (i hope)01:51
ThomasWaldmannok, dl finished, burning it (amd64 :)02:22
ogragreat :)02:22
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mherweghi everyone. I'd like to install java & flash for firefox on an amd64 system. do I need a 32bit firefox for that ?03:13
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lucasvoogra: ping03:57
ogralucasvo, pong03:57
lucasvoogra: I can'd do loopback ssh on my ltsp client03:58
lucasvolucasvo@lama:~$ ssh -p 2000 lucasvo@localhost03:59
lucasvossh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host03:59
lucasvo^^ on server03:59
ograi had expected that ...04:01
ograit needs to create a key on the client i guess ...04:01
ograwhich is a bit hard on readonly filesystems04:02
lucasvoogra: exactly04:02
lucasvoogra: can I mount it rw?04:02
lucasvoI can't use chroot...04:02
ografind out which dir needs to be mounted rw and have a look at /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/init.d/ltsp-client-setup04:03
ograyou can mount it as tmpfs on top ...04:03
lucasvoogra: I think it would be /root/.ssh04:04
lucasvoogra: why?04:04
ogramounting /root rw isnt good04:04
ogra(security ...)04:04
lucasvoogra: you only need to do it once04:04
lucasvoogra: there should be an option to exchange keys manually04:05
lucasvo(using cp04:05
lucasvoso one could just use it for testing purpose04:05
lucasvohow can I mount /root on top?04:06
ograsee the init script i told you04:06
lucasvo  echo "tmpfs           /tmp    tmpfs   defaults,nosuid,nodev 0 0" >> /etc/fstab04:07
lucasvoogra: you mean this ^^ ?04:07
ogranope, there is a list of rw mounted dirs04:08
lucasvoogra: hm04:08
lucasvoI found it04:09
lucasvocool 04:09
lucasvothanks ogra04:09
ogranp :)04:09
mherweghi all. any ideas how to use java & flashplugins in edubuntu-amd64 ?04:12
ograjava is in universe, forget about flash or learn to set up chroots ...04:13
ograor ask macromedia to offer a amd64 flash plugin04:13
mherwegi already have a i386-chroot04:13
ograthen install firefox, java and the flashplugin there ...04:15
mherwegi also tried to install the 32bit firefox tgz, but it misses some (32bit?)libs04:15
ograhuh ? 04:15
ogratgz ??04:15
ograin a chroot ? 04:15
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lucasvoogra: some little progress04:16
lucasvostill the same error message comes04:16
ogradebootstrp already installs apt-get for you ... just install with it04:16
mherwegnot int the chroot i installed it to /opt/firefox04:16
mherweghow can a user start the firefox fron the chroot ? or schould i move it to the normal root-fs ?04:19
ograno, you need a separate chroot on the server for i386 binarys04:19
ograyou cant just install 32bit software04:19
ograits pretty complicated if you never did it ...04:19
mherwegyes i have that . i tried 2 different approaches04:19
ograthats why i said forget about flach in amd6404:19
mherwegthe school will not be happy without flash04:20
lucasvomherweg: why should a school use amd64?04:20
ograso debootstrap a chroot to install ff, java and flash in it ...04:20
lucasvomherweg: or is it a server?04:21
ogranote that we dont officially support x86 clients on amd64 in breezy04:21
mherweg"you cant just install 32bit software"  oh, i thought the processor can emulate that04:21
ogranope, not if you run a 64bit os04:21
ograeither you run the whole os in 32bit or use a chroot (which emulates a os inside the os)04:22
mherwegso, what can i do now with my firefox inside /var/chroot ?04:22
mherwegi need it for flash and olso for mplayer+w32codecs04:23
ogrause dchroot to run it ... there is a howto somewhere ...04:23
mherwegyes it is an amd64 terminal-server04:23
ograyou want to install illegal software in a school ???04:23
ograw32codecs is highly illegal ...04:24
mherwegeven if they have windows licenses ?04:24
ograw32codecs has about 40 codecs under totally different licenses that make each other illegal ...04:25
ograi wouldnt use it in any office or school ...04:25
mherwegok. i'll tell that to the teacher. thanks for the info04:25
ograi.e. you are not allowed to ship the win codecs together with the real codecs...04:26
mherwegthanks for the "dchroot" hint04:26
ograor the real codecs with the quicktime codecs04:26
ograalso dont use wine ...04:26
lucasvoogra: still the same error comes04:26
ograyou violate the windows licenses if you use win software on a terminal server that is not a windows terminal server04:27
mherweghow can I violate a  windows license if i dont use windows ?04:27
lucasvomherweg: you use software published under a win license04:28
ograif you use windows software that has only single workplaces licenses in wine on a terminal server, you'd need a multiseat licence for it04:28
mherwegok , this part i understand04:29
ograwhich is significantly (100X ?) more expensive04:29
mherwegschools get campus-licenses , i.e. Staroffice04:30
mherweg(i know that i dont need wine for SO, was just an example)04:30
ograStaroffice isnt MS and campus licenses dont apply for terminal servers, not even for windows terminal servers04:30
ograsoftware used on win terminal servers has always a limitation on a certain seatcount for example, they are special04:31
mherwegok. I have another question: how to go online with a  AVM Audiovisuelles MKTG & Computer System GmbH A1 ISDN [Fritz]  Card ?04:31
ograthere is a ISdnHowto on the wiki ...04:33
ograyou need the avm binary drivers, they are in linux-restricted-modules04:33
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
lucasvowarning: remote port forwarding failed for listen port 200004:34
lucasvoogra: is there any firewall on the client?04:35
lucasvoogra: I can't listen on port 200004:35
ograi guess there is more rw stuff needed to open a port ;)04:36
lucasvoogra: oh no04:36
ograbut i have no idea which04:36
lucasvowhat else??04:36
lucasvo? :D04:36
lucasvoI mean /04:36
lucasvoogra: doesn't seem to be true04:40
lucasvoogra: port 65000 worked 04:40
ograsorry phone04:40
lucasvonow, when I try to connect on server to client I get the following:04:41
lucasvodebug1: client_input_channel_open:ctype forwarded-tcpip rchan2 win 131072 max 3276804:43
lucasvodebug1: client_request_forwarded_tcpip: listen localhost port 65000, originator port 5761604:44
lucasvodebug1: channel 1: new [] 04:44
lucasvodebug1: confirm forwarded-tcpip04:44
lucasvodebug1: channel 1: not connected: Connection refused04:45
lucasvodebug1: channel 1: free, nchannels, 204:45
lucasvoogra: any hint?04:51
ThomasWaldmannogra: btw, afaics, installation worked like a charm.04:55
ogralucasvo, nope, sorry04:56
ograi dont know if you need any special options in ssh that might not be compiled in out of security reasons for example04:57
lucasvoogra: any other idea how to run halt on client?05:00
ograyes, from a button in ldm :)05:01
ograthats what i'll add to ldm anyway ...05:01
lucasvoldm is on client?05:02
lucasvoogra: in that case...05:02
ograand runs as root05:02
\shogra: greetings from william .... he follows your development :)05:06
ograoh, great :)05:06
ograis he still at ISH ?05:06
\shogra: yes...he is still at ish :)05:06
\shogra: he's not as stupid as I am...he has no balls :)05:08
mhz\sh: are you sure that 'f...ing' many repated word in your blog is ok for newbies to ubuntu?05:09
=== mhz understands \sh feelings, indeed.
\shmh: I just appologised05:10
=== mhz been there.. still am :)
lucasvo \sh: you have a blog?05:11
\shlucasvo: sadly yes05:11
lucasvo\sh: where?05:11
ogralucasvo, planet.ubuntu.com05:11
mhz\sh: oh, sorry, wasn't following05:11
\shmhz: well...the planet should be a view of the devs and members of ubuntu..even in pain and anger05:11
mhzhehehhe, good point05:12
ograbut its a CoC iolation, so its good you apologised05:12
=== mhz gives a cheer up to \sh~
=== mhz gives a cheer up to \sh!!
mhzogra: heheheheh, CoC iolation!! LOl05:12
ograviolation indeed ;)05:13
mhzsure, but it does sounds good when I 'hear it' in spanish05:13
\shogra: well yes...I have to live with it..if sabdfl wants to remove me...i don't mind :)05:13
ograhe wont ...05:13
mhz\sh: he'll not remove you... errar humanum est!05:13
lucasvooh \sh05:14
\shmhz: he could...or the CC could...and they are right if they would do that...05:15
mhz\sh: we all have our days, you had yours and is it05:15
mhzindeed, but he wont05:15
mhz'i am who I am because of what we all are'05:15
mhzif we dont support you and understand you, we are not helping you05:16
\shmvo just send an email to an old friend of him...a training company for IT stuff...this guy just send an email to me05:19
mhz\sh: see? good things now05:19
\shwell..yes :)05:20
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mherwegogra: are you using willow already ? what do u suggest for my edubuntu 5.10: squidguard or willow ?05:25
ograsquidguard if you have the skills to set it up05:26
ograwillow is still in its testing phase 05:26
ograspacey has seen issues that might be willow related ...05:26
spaceyonly had issues with transparant proxy05:27
spaceyelse it works fine05:27
mherwegok. i did set up squidguard onece before .... too long ago to remember ;-) 05:27
spaceyseems like willow doesn't know which page to get05:27
spaceybut thats just a guess for now05:27
chris_hHi - Does Dr. Geo not work?05:47
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mherwegdid anyone try  dansguardian?06:22
ogramherweg, you need to update the blacklists very regulary 06:22
=== freelove [n=yasser@] has joined #edubuntu
ograits a lot of admin work ... thus the inspection of willow06:23
freeloveogra:  at boot prompt of edubuntu, should i type workstation for a desktop install, so that it does not ask me any geeky LTSP questions during install?06:29
ograsee http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuInstallNotes06:29
Nytryxogra just who i was waiting for you still around?06:36
Nytryxmhz told me you were the edubuntu master06:36
Nytryxwe went round in circles over enabling auto liginin edububtu 06:37
ograhow can i help you ? 06:37
Nytryxlogin 06:37
Nytryxwe tried gdmsetup and kdmsetup and using the gui and got no where 06:37
ograthat only works directly on the server or in a workstation setup, not in ldm06:37
Nytryxi installed kubuntu on an ibook some time ago and recently thought "hey lets give it to my son and put edubuntu on it"06:38
Nytryxok so how would i enable autologin on it?06:38
ograi have no idea about kde, but in gdm it works06:38
Nytryxgdm did'nt work 06:38
Nytryxit does'nt bring up anything 06:39
ograsure i know a good bunch of users who user autologin06:39
ograi dont know if it works with gdm and non gnome desktops though06:39
ograhow did it fail ? 06:39
Nytryxgdmsetup retuens a warning that it cant be displaed06:40
Nytryxits gnome 06:40
ograif you call it from the system menu ? 06:40
Nytryxi changed from kubuntu to edubuntu 06:40
Nytryxstill nothing 06:40
Nytryxcalling from system menu06:40
freelovenews! i'll be doing clean install of edubuntu tomorrow:)....and replace buggy kubuntu:(06:40
Nytryxand from the console06:40
Nytryxi might have todo that too hehe06:41
ograNytryx, hmm, works fine here ...06:41
ografreelove, cool news :)06:41
freeloveogra: i got a "noooooooooooooooooooooooo" in the kubuntu channel:D06:41
Nytryxnot for me hehe i dunno i might just have to do a clean install but i guess its good for hime to learn to type a password to use a computer06:42
ograNytryx, normally gdmsetup works ... at least in ubuntu and edubuntu  ... i have no idea what KDE might modify on the system to make it not work ..06:43
Nytryxits ok 06:43
Nytryxill figure it out later hes playing on it right now 06:43
Nytryxman i wish i had edubuntu when i was his age 06:44
ograheh :)06:44
ograhappy to hear that 06:44
Nytryxorga you one of the desigingers?06:45
Nytryxgreat work and the kids programing tool is awsome i spent some time last night playing with it its awsome im going to have to re do it all over agian for him tonight 06:46
Nytryxi have the umm breezy install disk what do i do to clean install the edubuntu?06:47
Nytryxi did an sudo apt-get install for it the way it is now06:47
ograthats fine ...06:47
ograinstall breezy and apt-get install edubuntu-desktop06:47
Nytryxok thats what i figured i did it for the kubuntu and for edubuntu 06:48
ograafterwards sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-`uname -r` will give you the edubuntu bootsplash if you want it06:48
Nytryxim a KDE lover my self what version of KDE is kubuntu using?06:48
ogra3.4 for breezy by default06:49
Nytryxthey planning a  3.5 upgrade?06:49
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ograthere are backported packages afaik06:49
ogra3.5 is for dapper officially06:50
freeloveive upgarded to 3.5....i dont see storage media:(06:50
freeloveogra: u know how to change bootsplash plz temme!!!!!!!!06:50
crimsunNytryx: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-35.php06:50
ografreelove, i said it above06:50
mherweg  File "/var/willow/willow.py", line 44, in ?06:51
mherweg    import profile06:51
mherwegImportError: No module named profile06:51
ograinstall python-profile from multiverse06:51
freeloveogra: exactly this command - sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-`uname -r`??06:51
ografreelove, yup, after you installed ne of the usplash artwork packages06:52
Nytryxi run suse but i like edububtu and i did the dpkg-reconfigure and  it did'nt work i got an error06:52
ograwhats the exact error ? 06:52
Nytryxhe wanted it back hehe 06:53
Nytryxi log all the chats so ill try it agian later06:53
freeloveNytryx: have u tried suse 10?06:53
Nytryxit was something to the effecct of not installed06:53
Nytryxrunning it on my laptop as we speak freelove06:53
ograNytryx, you need the exact syntax06:54
mherweg python2.4-profiler06:54
ogra sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-`uname -r`06:54
ogramherweg, yup06:54
Nytryxits awsome and w/KDE 3.5 its so smooth 06:54
ogranote there is no willow package yet06:54
Nytryxthanks orga06:54
ograyoure welcome :)06:54
freeloveNytryx: which did u upfrade to kde 3.5? suse?06:55
freeloveNytryx: u mean kde on top of edubuntu?06:55
Nytryxno on suse06:55
Nytryxi run suse my son is running edubuntu and my wife is still stuck in the win32 world hehe06:56
Nytryxorga what the programing lang used in the turtle game in edububtu?06:57
Nytryxahhh 06:57
mherwegport 8000 is used by nasd and willow ;-)06:57
Nytryxmy son likes making the turtle run back and forth hehe06:57
ogramherweg, you can easily change the port06:58
Nytryxbut hes programing yeah!06:58
Nytryxfreelove you a suse guy?06:58
mherwegyes i saw it in the config06:58
freeloveNytryx: i love everthing abt suse........except that its rpm-based...and there are leser packages:)06:58
Nytryxwrong! 06:59
Nytryxhow many inst-sources are you using?06:59
Nytryxjust the disks?06:59
freeloveno no06:59
freelovethe ones which listed there on suse adding sources page........07:00
Nytryxthat one?07:00
freeloveNytryx: i BET there are no packages like blast2, clustalx, etc.......i mean biology packages:)07:00
freeloveNytryx: yes07:01
Nytryxok so you compile them 07:01
ograNytryx, suse has the 17000 packages included ubuntu has ? i doubt that07:01
Nytryxhey i like suse better just me 07:01
ograyou just said its wrong that it has lesser packages ... i dont want to argue about your taste ;)07:02
Nytryxand if i cant find it using yast source fordge is always there 07:02
ograits your choice what you like better :)07:02
freeloveNytryx: suse IS better i guess:) but i wish it were debian-based with bio packages ready to install...i need them for my course....07:02
Nytryxcompile them 07:03
Nytryxor use ubuntu does it have the packages?07:03
freeloveNytryx: how much time does suse 10 take to boot on ur laptop? do u find it snappier than edubuntu?07:03
freeloveNytryx: yes they are all there in the repos.......ubuntu has huge repos:)07:04
Nytryxi've never booted edubuntu on this laptop but comapired to my sons ibook is faster07:04
Nytryxhummm i might change back to ubuntu desktop on one of my other systems 07:04
freeloveNytryx: any rough estimated time?07:04
Nytryxhow long it taks my laptop to boot07:05
Nytryxmabey a minuet 07:05
freelovehmm...i mintute to kdm or usable desktop?07:05
ograthat won tdiffer much from ubuntu/edubuntu breezy ...07:05
Nytryxusable desktop07:05
freeloveNytryx: wow thats pretty fast!07:06
Nytryxive tweaked it so 07:06
ograwe just changed the whole bootprocess and hardware detection system in ubuntu, in dapper it will be ~30sec07:06
Nytryxlike disabling eth0 and only using eth1 07:06
freeloveNytryx: disabled few services i guess?07:06
Nytryxyeah 07:06
freeloveWOOOOOOOOW! great news ogra:D07:06
Nytryxorga is the new ubuntu out yet 07:06
Nytryxi have breezy which by the way im still waiting on my disks07:07
freeloveits ogra not orga;)07:07
Nytryxogra my bad 07:07
ograNytryx, we always release in april and october07:07
freelovewe should keep in touch with ogra for the hottest developments:)07:08
ograthe next one will come in april ... but the next test cd is nar07:08
ograthats not my work :) i only reuse it in edubuntu ;)07:08
Nytryxhumm i might jump on that one for the desktop 07:08
ograKeybuk does our boot speedup stuff07:08
Nytryxi like kde and 3.5 has won me over on this lappy so i would want to stay there 07:09
freeloveok ive to go now.....goodnight all:)07:09
Nytryxnight 07:09
Nytryxogra why did ubuntu go gnome?07:10
freelovei wanna stay for a few sec to get this answer;)07:10
ograbecause its cooler ;)07:10
freelovekde is COOOOOOOOLER;)07:10
Nytryxi think kde is kooler 07:10
Nytryxthats 2!07:10
mherweganother willow question: how ca i set thje admin-password or how can I use pam ?07:10
Nytryxpasswrd 07:11
Nytryxnight 07:11
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ograNytryx, freelove, because of guys like you two we have kubuntu ;)07:11
ograNytryx, one of the reasons is that gnome has a precise predictable release schedule for example ...07:12
Nytryxhehe im going to reinstall kubuntu on my desktop but....... i'm only doing it to see how big the repos are hehe 07:12
mhzNytryx: hi07:12
mhzcould you solve the KDM issue?07:12
Nytryxi have to uncommet the universe in the......07:13
Nytryxhi mhz and nope he woke up before i could get back to it hes playing with it rght now hehe07:13
ograNytryx, exactly 17817 packages (in dapper, might be some 100 less in breezy)07:13
Nytryxok so i uncommet the universe in the /etc/sources.list right?07:14
ogranah, use synaptic, thats far easier :)07:14
ograah, no synaptic im KDE ... 07:14
Nytryxhehe 07:14
Nytryxyeah there is 07:14
ograyes, uncomment them in via commandline then07:14
Nytryxsynaptic is in kubuntu 07:15
ograi thought you have this tool that looks like bugzilla in qt ... 07:15
ograadept was the name i think 07:15
ograah, k07:15
Nytryxnow im going to install ubuntu on my desktop hehe 07:16
Nytryxits going to be kubuntu where can i get the KDE upgrade?07:16
mhzogra: command line is the very best desktop independant environment :D07:16
ogramhz, nothing i'd give my mother ... or a teacher 07:16
Nytryxhehe 07:17
ograand since i'd like to know what our users get, i try to use the gui tools as much as i can07:17
ograso i see the probs and bugs07:17
ograadditionally its nicer for users if you can advise them to use the right tools07:18
Nytryxman im scared i like my suse desktop hehe07:18
ograinstead of the commandline07:18
Nytryxbut then you get the users that like the cmd line and the console 07:18
ograNytryx, nobody wants to convert you, keep it :)07:18
Nytryxno i want more pkgs hehe 07:19
ograall your chioce ;)07:19
mhzogra: indeed07:19
=== ogra has to do some housekeeping now ... bbl
Nytryxwait the pkgs on ubuntu are debian based no?07:19
mhzogra: yesterday night I spent about 45 minutes trying to solve something via GUI, unsuccessfully07:19
Nytryxhumm whats the address of the universe?07:20
mhzNytryx: just  uncomment07:20
Nytryxno no i want to see if i can add that to my yast sources hehe07:20
ograthat is unlikely to work 07:20
ograbecause suzse uses rpm07:21
Nytryxive added deb sources to my suse before 07:21
Nytryxor use alien to convem  th07:21
Nytryxthem or just stick to compiling hehe07:21
mhzNytryx: I have heard of both good and bad expreinces07:21
Nytryxits fun though 07:21
mhzand yes, please do proceed to add them, WE would like such feedback07:22
Nytryxnot something i woud try on my lappy 07:22
ogradeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ breezy universe07:22
mhzNytryx: all repos addresses are listed there in your sources.list07:22
Nytryxthanks 07:22
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Nytryxok well bbl 07:38
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Nytryxok i ment id be right back hehe07:39
=== TOZII [n=TOZII@dialup-] has joined #Edubuntu
TOZIII installed Edubuntu last night on a demo machine while drunk, and 08:03
TOZIII need to know the default login and password.08:03
Nytryxhehe this is going to be fun08:03
Nytryxyou had to set one hehe 08:04
Nytryxtheres a way to reset it 08:04
ograboot in rescue mode08:04
Nytryxyeah 08:05
ograhit esc if you see grub while booting08:05
ograif you are on the commandline do: grep 1000 /etc/passwd08:06
=== mhz is now known as mhz_leaving
ograthins will give you the name of the default user08:06
Nytryxso glad ogra was there for that one hehe08:06
ograthen just type: passwd <the user name you got from the former command>08:07
ograand thats it08:07
ograafter rboot you can log in with the username and the newly set passwd08:07
ogranp :)08:09
TOZIII'm at GRUB. I should pick recovery mode?08:14
TOZIIIt asks for the root password.08:15
ograer, that shouldnt happen08:16
ograexcept you broke it on istall already08:16
TOZIIMaybe I should reinstall.08:17
ograyup, sounds like08:17
TOZIIFriends don't let friends install Linux drunk.08:17
ograthe install takes max 40min, wait with the drinking until its done ;)08:18
mhz_leavinghave you all nice weekedn in case we dont see08:18
ograoh and do you install a home system ? 08:18
ograciao mhz_leaving 08:18
mhz_leavingand if we dont see each other, then we should go to the 'eye doctor' :D08:18
ograTOZII, see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuInstallNotes08:19
mhz_leavingciao ogra, I'm going to a meeting abou tedubunt chielan tour :)08:19
ogracool :)08:19
=== ogra goes back to clean the house
=== TOZII cracks knuckles
TOZIIOk, reinstalling.08:23
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TOZIINow I remember!09:07
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