\sh | elmo: please sync doodle , drpython from unstable, dropping ubuntu changes, thx | 12:07 |
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=== LaserJock_ is now known as LaserJock | ||
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\sh | elmo: please sync exiv2 , fluidsynth , fsh , gdal , geos , gdome2-xslt , gendameng from unstable, dropping ubuntu changes, thx | 01:18 |
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\sh | elmo: please sync xchat-systray , gpib , rubber from unstable, dropping ubuntu changes, thx | 02:00 |
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=== mdke smacks ozamosi- | ||
mdke | bad! | 02:24 |
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mdke | jbailey__, with a clean breezy source, the debdiff is over 8MB :) | 02:26 |
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mdke | ozamosi, DUDE! | 02:29 |
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psusi | oh my... anyone else notice that the download window in firefox in dapper is broken now? | 05:03 |
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seth_k|lappy | psusi, yep, i was wondering if it was just me. but it's broken on both my dapper boxen | 05:06 |
infinity | Yeah, it's definitely not just you guys. I've just not gotten around to irritating Diziet about it. | 05:10 |
infinity | And before you go deleting your profile to see if that helps, it doesn't. | 05:10 |
LaserJock | hmm, I guess I use wget too much. I haven't noticed it | 05:11 |
=== r0bby [n=wakawaka@guifications/user/r0bby] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
infinity | Yeah, I usually copy links from my web browser and paste them in terminals too. | 05:17 |
infinity | There are times, though, when that's not feasible.. (like downloads started from Javascript) | 05:18 |
infinity | Or HTTP redirects, or, or... | 05:18 |
LaserJock | yeah, I hate that | 05:19 |
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zakame | elmo: hi, please sync lostirc from Sid, ok to override Ubuntu changes. Thanks! :D | 07:41 |
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Mithrandir | gnnr, I hate how nautilus _sucks_ over ssh connections. | 08:57 |
Mithrandir | sits there consuming vast amounts of CPU and bandwidth. | 08:57 |
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tseng | Mithrandir: sshfs is cool | 09:41 |
tseng | Mithrandir: hm oh, not gnomevfs | 09:41 |
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Tm_T | sshfs is very good | 09:59 |
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pef | elmo: hello, ca, you help me with an upload problem ? | 11:17 |
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fabbione | something in the last initramfs broke usplash on ppc | 11:56 |
hara | uhum uhum uhum | 12:00 |
hara | i don't want to register to report a bug | 12:00 |
hara | is it okay to report it here? | 12:00 |
hara | not a big bug | 12:00 |
fabbione | hara: nope.. you need to report it on either bugzilla (if the pkg is in main) or launchpad (if universe) | 12:01 |
fabbione | here it will pass unseen | 12:01 |
hara | uhh, how do i know where it's from? | 12:01 |
jpatrick | hara: apt-cache show <pkg name> | 12:02 |
hara | ahh, okay, it's universe | 12:02 |
hara | thx | 12:02 |
raphink | so it has to be reported on malone ;) | 12:03 |
sivang | hara: why don't you want to register on launchpad? | 12:04 |
raphink | pb is : to report on malone, one needs to be registered on LP | 12:04 |
fabbione | raphink: LP doesn't spam people with ads or so | 12:04 |
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raphink | fabbione: that's entirely right | 12:04 |
fabbione | raphink: it sends the bare minimum related to what you do in LP | 12:05 |
fabbione | so i see very little problem with it | 12:05 |
raphink | yes I know that fabbione ;) | 12:05 |
=== sivang agrees | ||
hara | okay i registered to launchpad, waiting for the confirmation mail | 12:05 |
fabbione | ops | 12:05 |
sivang | ah, cool :) | 12:05 |
fabbione | raphink: that was for hara | 12:05 |
fabbione | sorry | 12:05 |
raphink | oh ok | 12:05 |
raphink | hara: this way it'll be faster next time you need to report a bug :) | 12:05 |
sivang | hara: when you add some contributions, LP makes it easier for you to track activities. You can now also create all sorts of content and suggestion for Ubuntu. | 12:06 |
=== HiddenWolf [n=HiddenWo@136.183.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
=== sivang thinks we really need the "Report A Bug" LPI item enabled already... | ||
=== raphink thinks it's not easy for basic users to report bugs | ||
=== \sh just feels stupid now...because he reads a documentation and the behaviour described doesn't work | ||
=== raphink hates documentation | ||
hara | i've used linux for about 8 years and never reported bugs... | 12:08 |
\sh | fabbione: you don't have an amd64 and you are not running an i386 pbuilder environment on it? | 12:08 |
raphink | hara: good you're doing it now | 12:09 |
sivang | hara: that's a shame, reporting bugs when using linux is a inter-national sport :-) | 12:09 |
hara | or maybe not, still haven't received the mail | 12:09 |
hara | sivang: i am sooo bad explainer that you can't believe, that's why i haven't reported | 12:10 |
sivang | hara: ah I see, well - I understand that. I sometimes also feed that bad that I think of not reporting something, but then, I would never get improved if I don't practice :) | 12:10 |
hara | even more because of english is not my native language... and linux is english... | 12:10 |
sivang | hara: neither for me English is not native, worse my native lang is RightToLeft, and even not of latin ancestry, you get the idea :) | 12:11 |
hara | my only contribution to linux is a driver information for v4l | 12:11 |
hara | okay | 12:11 |
sivang | if you check Ubuntu Code of Condut, you'd see that there are no small contributions. Everybody counts. | 12:12 |
hara | sure | 12:12 |
raphink | hara: so after 8 years using lost of distros, you come to help channels, ask for help, fixes a bug and don't get back? | 12:12 |
raphink | hara: is that your view on how linux works and improves ? ;) | 12:12 |
hara | raphink: no no no. i'd like to report bugs and so on, it's just that i explain things sooo badly that people have hard time understanding what i'm saying | 12:13 |
hara | i'm sort of an topic killer | 12:13 |
hara | still waiting for the mail from launchpad... | 12:14 |
sivang | hara: let's make a deal, whenever you have something, and you open a bug in either bugzilla / malone (LP) please CC me on the bug report, and I will triage it and possibly provide more info and explenation if I see they're needed, deal? :-D | 12:14 |
hara | huh? don't scare me away ;) | 12:15 |
sivang | sorry if I did, that was not the intention. | 12:15 |
hara | lol | 12:15 |
sivang | But I hate to see important bugs that can suggest imrpoved quality get lost ;-) | 12:16 |
hara | i see your point | 12:16 |
hara | still waiting for the mail from launchpad... | 12:24 |
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mpt | sivang, I thought LPI was going to be used for bug reporting too, but apparently that would result in too many bug reports | 12:39 |
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fabbione | \sh: ? | 12:52 |
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=== Tm_T is wondering who's Irssi package maintainer | ||
dholbach | Tm_T: in ubuntu we have the concept of team maintenance | 01:38 |
Tm_T | aah | 01:38 |
Tm_T | anyway, 0.8.10 is out | 01:38 |
Tm_T | :) | 01:38 |
Tm_T | long over 2 year waiting is over ;) | 01:38 |
dholbach | you could do some hardcore testing to it and maybe file a wishlist bug | 01:39 |
mdke | hey there dholbach | 01:39 |
dholbach | hey mdke | 01:39 |
infinity | dholbach : We're already shipping 0.8.10 release candidates anyway, so I'm sure someone will get around to rolling a new version. | 01:40 |
Tm_T | irssi-text/unknown uptodate 0.8.9+0.8.10rc5-0ubuntu4 | 01:40 |
dholbach | Tm_T: ^ | 01:40 |
mdke | dholbach, i've been making a package of ubuntu-docs for breezy-updates with some translations and a nicer firefox/epiphany home page | 01:40 |
Tm_T | infinity: I thought so :) | 01:40 |
dholbach | Tm_T: you can't say we're much behind :) | 01:40 |
Tm_T | dholbach: I'm not saying at all, actually I'm very pleased how uptodate we've been | 01:41 |
mdke | dholbach, you wanna have a quick look at it to make sure it's alright? | 01:41 |
infinity | Tm_T : If you really want to, file an "enhancement" bug in bugzilla and assign it to "adconrad@ubuntu.com" and I'll personally bump the version tomorrow. | 01:41 |
infinity | Tm_T : But if I didn't do, it someone else would. :) | 01:41 |
dholbach | mdke: could you put a source package online? | 01:41 |
dholbach | mdke: so we could check the debdiff | 01:41 |
mdke | the debdiff is absolutely huge I'm afraid | 01:41 |
dholbach | mdke: :/ | 01:41 |
mdke | you can see it all at http://doc.ubuntu.com/debs/breezy-updates | 01:42 |
mdke | it's 8.5MB | 01:42 |
Tm_T | infinity: I'll try to do that later, been busy testing apps and reproducing crashes ;) | 01:42 |
mdke | ;) | 01:42 |
dholbach | mdke: mdz will want to review it for breezy-updates | 01:42 |
mdke | dholbach, yeah I know | 01:42 |
=== dholbach cries silently | ||
mdke | heh | 01:42 |
mdke | sorry, it's a lot of lines of translations | 01:42 |
dholbach | mdke: it'd be great, if we could fix that pt_BR bug | 01:43 |
Tm_T | infinity: anyway, thanks :) | 01:43 |
mdke | dholbach, i have no idea how to fix that | 01:43 |
dholbach | *nod* | 01:43 |
dholbach | mdke: i'll look at the debdiff later | 01:44 |
=== sivang lols at mpt's previous comments about the LPI "Report A Bug" item :-) | ||
mdke | tank yew | 01:45 |
dholbach | de rien | 01:45 |
mdke | you won't say that when you see the debdiff | 01:45 |
dholbach | we'll see :) | 01:46 |
mdke | the problem is that all the translations are part translated and part english | 01:46 |
mdke | but even the english bits go into the debdiff, making it huge | 01:46 |
=== fabbione hits radeon with a cluebat | ||
fabbione | did anybody ever managed to get dual head out of a radeon card on a powerbook? | 01:50 |
Treenaks | fabbione: is it an M9 or M10/ | 01:50 |
Treenaks | ? | 01:50 |
=== mpt [n=mpt@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Treenaks | fabbione: those are weird | 01:50 |
sivang | wb mpt | 01:50 |
fabbione | 0000:00:10.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV350 [Mobility Radeon 9600 M10] | 01:51 |
Treenaks | fabbione: M10 | 01:51 |
Treenaks | fabbione: I've only got mine to do mirroring | 01:51 |
fabbione | Treenaks: mirroring would be fine | 01:51 |
fabbione | can i see your config? | 01:51 |
fabbione | actually mirroring is exactly what i am looking for | 01:52 |
Treenaks | fabbione: I nuked it (reinstall) | 01:52 |
fabbione | except i can't get to work that either | 01:52 |
fabbione | ok | 01:52 |
=== fabbione offers a human sacrifice to st. google | ||
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juliux | hi all | 01:57 |
fabbione | Treenaks: ehhh i got dual head now.. | 01:59 |
fabbione | time to get clone to work | 01:59 |
mdke | jdub, in the last week or so there has been a massive increase in the amount of spam going to list owners and lists in general: any idea why? | 01:59 |
=== ogra didnt recognize more spam than usual to edubuntu-devel ... but a ton of overflown gmail accounts that resulted in bounce messages | ||
mdke | oh yeah we had one of those too | 02:02 |
Treenaks | ogra: an _overflowed_ gmail account?! WTF? | 02:03 |
mdke | but in general, on ubuntu-it the spam has been massively increased, both coming via -owner and via the list itself | 02:03 |
Treenaks | mdke: same in -nl | 02:03 |
=== mdke nods at Treenaks | ||
ogra | Treenaks, mails come back with "out of space" messages | 02:03 |
mdke | i've heard the same from another locolist admin | 02:03 |
Treenaks | ogra: we were just discussing that song on #ubuntu-nl.. | 02:03 |
ogra | lol | 02:04 |
sivang | mdke: I've been reciving LOTS of spam emails ever since my loco list was created.. | 02:05 |
=== ogra kicks MOM | ||
mdke | the lists moved server last week didn't they? | 02:05 |
=== ogra boggles on the new xscreensaver changelog in debian ... | ||
ogra | WTF? "* Build-depend on autotools-dev." | 02:07 |
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=== Pygi [n=mario@83-131-247-130.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
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=== \sh is stucked | ||
Pygi | hehe | 02:21 |
\sh | I should give back my upload rights...I'm not able to understand any computer anymore | 02:21 |
Pygi | hehe, what happened? | 02:21 |
\sh | ok...g-wrap build-deps on guile-1.6-slib | 02:22 |
\sh | guile-1.6-slib depends on slib | 02:22 |
\sh | and slib installs via apt-get install cleanly but tries to remove guile-1.6-libs | 02:22 |
\sh | apt-get -s install guile-1.6-slib tells me that slib is not installable... | 02:23 |
\sh | so where is the logic...guile-1.6 rebuild? but why, when guile-1.6-slib only install dep on slib | 02:23 |
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Pygi | heh, dependency hell | 02:24 |
Pygi | tried installing gnucash? It does use G-wrap | 02:27 |
\sh | Pygi: i'm merging g-wrap... | 02:27 |
Pygi | yup, I understand.. | 02:28 |
\sh | so i'm stucked | 02:31 |
=== hunger [n=hunger@p54A62AAC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Pygi | hm, I'll take a look at it now | 02:32 |
sivang | anybody has an idea if /usr/bin/notify-send supports callbacks / actions from the notification balloon ? | 02:33 |
\sh | Pygi: use the debian package of g-wrap :) | 02:34 |
Pygi | sh: I just did it, and no problems emerged | 02:34 |
Pygi | heh, but not debian ones :P | 02:34 |
\sh | Pygi: pbuilder build g-wrap? | 02:34 |
\sh | Pygi: use the debian source of g-wrap...and build it in a dapper pbuilder | 02:34 |
Pygi | hehe, guess what happened | 02:35 |
Pygi | I installed it, and now when I want to remove it it says that it isn't installed :/ | 02:35 |
\sh | great | 02:37 |
\sh | jbailey__: your cdbs is assimilated by da b0rk | 02:43 |
ogra | \sh, didnt Riddell take oer cdbs ? :P | 02:44 |
ogra | *over | 02:44 |
Pygi | I need to take over the Anjuta :) hehe | 02:44 |
\sh | well...actually it doesn't matter who broke it...but actually there are only a hand full of people, who are cdbs specialists...and believe when I'm saying this: I'm not one of them.. | 02:45 |
\sh | but somebody has to fix it.. | 02:45 |
slomo_ | Pygi: good idea :) i wanted to play with 2.0 anyway ;) | 02:45 |
Pygi | with \sh's permission, or whoever's permission I need, I'll take over the anjuta package :) | 02:45 |
Pygi | slomo_, have you tried the 2.0 series? | 02:46 |
slomo_ | oh wait... | 02:46 |
\sh | Pygi: whoever said, that you need my permission to do anything in ubuntu..HE IS WRONG | 02:46 |
slomo_ | in debian/experimental there is already 2.X | 02:46 |
=== slomo_ tries it | ||
Pygi | well, whose permission do I need :) | 02:46 |
Pygi | I can't just take over the package from "someone" | 02:47 |
ogra | Pygi, you need to bcome a motu first | 02:47 |
Pygi | oh, yes, the MOTU thingy... | 02:47 |
slomo_ | Pygi: maybe it's not necessary to fight with anjuta anyway ;) | 02:47 |
\sh | Pygi: we don't have something like "maintainership" or "indiviual packages" like debian...we are working in teams | 02:47 |
ogra | and iirc seb128 was planning in brezy already to bring 2.0 in | 02:48 |
Pygi | ogra: ah, well, ok then | 02:48 |
ogra | Pygi, if youre a motu, you can just care for it | 02:48 |
Pygi | well, you see, I ain't a motu :) | 02:48 |
ogra | no need to "greb it from someone" ;) | 02:48 |
ogra | *grab | 02:48 |
slomo_ | ogra: hmm, i'll try the experimental version and talk to him later :) | 02:48 |
=== tuhl [n=tuhl@p5498B86D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
tuhl | hi all | 02:49 |
tuhl | when will we get openoffice 2.0? | 02:49 |
tuhl | final | 02:49 |
ogra | with dapper | 02:49 |
Pygi | Last thing I tried to do for Ubuntu didn't go very well... I speaked with Kamion about helping to code the UbuntuExpress, he said no problem, I can help, and no word from him in a long time :/ | 02:49 |
Pygi | firefox 1.5stable also with dapper I think | 02:50 |
ptlo | Pygi: don't be shy, you're advocating ubuntu in croatian schools | 02:50 |
ogra | Pygi, just grab the bzr source and offer your patches to him | 02:50 |
Pygi | ogra: kk, I'll try | 02:50 |
ogra | i.e. in a bzr branch online he can inspect ... | 02:50 |
Pygi | ptlo: hehe, no comment | 02:50 |
\sh | Pygi: well you read the specs..you know bzr...start :) don't wait for people coming to you :) | 02:51 |
Pygi | :) | 02:51 |
tuhl | ogra: no backporting for breezy? | 02:52 |
ogra | unlikely | 02:52 |
mdke | maybe in breezy-backports? | 02:53 |
ogra | but ask on the ubuntu-backports list ... ther was a thread already iirc | 02:53 |
\sh | pitti: wake up and fix cdbs :) | 02:53 |
ogra | \sh, fix it yourself :P | 02:53 |
mdke | on a sunday as well! harsh | 02:53 |
\sh | ogra: never...I never touch cdbs... | 02:53 |
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Pygi | \sh: may I ask what's wrong with cdbs? | 02:54 |
\sh | ogra: my name is not voldemort :) | 02:54 |
ogra | its cdbs :) | 02:54 |
slomo_ | \sh: reverting the last change should be enough for now | 02:54 |
dholbach | ogra: go home | 02:54 |
dholbach | *gnarf* | 02:54 |
ogra | dholbach, blblbl :P | 02:54 |
\sh | Pygi: it's mysterious black magic....akbra kadavra | 02:54 |
dholbach | poor cdbs is broken | 02:54 |
\sh | hihi | 02:55 |
Pygi | well, it'll get fixed eventually...sooner or later :) | 02:55 |
\sh | apt-get source cdbs | 02:55 |
=== sivang takes \sh and hide away .oO(I hope nobody will know we broke it ;-) ) | ||
Pygi | sivang: heheh | 02:56 |
\sh | slomo_: and only in gnome packages right? | 02:56 |
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dholbach | \sh: no | 02:56 |
slomo_ | \sh: not yet sure... raphink told me it also broke for some kde stuff | 02:56 |
jpatrick | .pot files | 02:56 |
\sh | ok...so we have to people who did harm to cdbs | 02:57 |
\sh | 1. riddell | 02:57 |
dholbach | not only stuff with pot files | 02:57 |
ogra | wasnt that fixed recently ? | 02:57 |
\sh | 2. pitti | 02:57 |
slomo_ | \sh: and i have a package which only uses the autotools class and breaks ;) | 02:57 |
\sh | great... | 02:57 |
ogra | "Don't remove whole po/ directory in kde.mk.in, only .pot files in it" | 02:57 |
pitti | \sh: meh? what's broken} | 02:57 |
ogra | last changelog from Riddell ^^ | 02:57 |
pitti | \sh: I only changed gnome.mk | 02:57 |
\sh | pitti: meh...make install target doesn't get executed sometimes | 02:58 |
raphink | slomo_: yes it seems, since Riddell changed the pot stuff in cdbs on the 6th.... seems to me at least. I dropped a not about this on my kyamo package's page on review | 02:58 |
raphink | REVU | 02:58 |
\sh | pitti: gtkmathview that is | 02:58 |
pitti | \sh: that's nothing I touched | 02:58 |
raphink | s/not/note/ | 02:58 |
\sh | pitti: but it's reproducable... | 02:58 |
slomo_ | pitti: and gnome-mk-update-pot (at least sometimes but for one package always) goes in a infinite loop | 02:59 |
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pitti | slomo_: ok, that sounds like my breakage - which build log? | 03:00 |
dholbach | try to build anything with cdbs :) | 03:00 |
\sh | or...not pitti or riddel are to blaime...no...cdbs started to live it's own life in the ubuntu archive...it happend once on the enterprise | 03:00 |
pitti | dholbach: sure, I uploaded it without any testing, since testing is for wimps | 03:00 |
ogra | hehe | 03:00 |
dholbach | pitti: i didn't blame you... honestly. something else might have broken it. | 03:01 |
pitti | dholbach: ok, so the current version loops with any gnome package? | 03:01 |
slomo_ | pitti: none yet... a package which isn't uploaded yet... gst plugins base 0.10... i can mail you the buildlog if you want it | 03:01 |
dholbach | make install seems to be broken with packages not using gnome.mk as well | 03:01 |
\sh | pitti: I don't blame you either...I know how hard it is..but you know..we need always someone to blame..,( | 03:01 |
\sh | eh :) | 03:01 |
pitti | \sh: sure, nevermind, but I need to reproduce it to fix it | 03:02 |
\sh | pitti: make install issue...gtkmathview from unstable | 03:02 |
pitti | I have 0.4.32ubuntu9 | 03:02 |
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pitti | \sh, dholbach: ok, so I try to build gtkmathview 0.7.5-2 with cdbs 0.4.32ubuntu9. Is that right? | 03:03 |
\sh | 0.4.32ubuntu9 | 03:04 |
\sh | yes | 03:04 |
\sh | and the version of gtkmathview is also right | 03:04 |
\sh | well...I just recreated my pbuilder chroot...and building this package again..lets see | 03:05 |
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dholbach | stuff built nicely with cdbs yesterday | 03:05 |
dholbach | hrm | 03:05 |
dholbach | and it was the same version | 03:06 |
dholbach | weird | 03:06 |
ogra | gremlins .... | 03:06 |
zyga | hey guys | 03:06 |
pitti | Hi zyga | 03:06 |
\sh | dholbach: you build stuff yesterday..with the same cdbs version ..and today it doesn't build nicely ? | 03:06 |
zyga | working on sunday? | 03:06 |
dholbach | \sh: i just looked at buildlogs | 03:07 |
pitti | zyga: trying to avoid it :) | 03:07 |
zyga | steer clear from the keyboard ;-) | 03:07 |
\sh | "Computer, please save and secure Program Data Startime 20051211 under Filename cdbs and protect it with a complicated encryption" | 03:08 |
=== pitti beats the proxy of his ISP to death - build dep download stuck at 16% | ||
\sh | pitti: a proxy? | 03:09 |
pitti | \sh: transparent one, I can't circumvent it | 03:09 |
zyga | \sh: good luck on finding a new job, it takes some guts to stand up to the manager like that :) | 03:09 |
\sh | zyga: to be honest...it was stupid...but for me it was the correct way...anyways..if I don't find a job latest in january...well...I have to find a bridge with wifi connection | 03:12 |
=== Danten [n=danten@h162n11c1o1049.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #Ubuntu-devel | ||
\sh | pitti: it's not telekom right? | 03:12 |
pitti | \sh: no, http://www.fbn-dd.de | 03:13 |
pitti | (works now, btw) | 03:13 |
zyga | \sh: wifi with a bridge, could be ... rare | 03:14 |
ogra | hostap ;) | 03:14 |
zyga | \sh: when being in danger of being fired make sure to plant traps in the production system ;-) | 03:14 |
\sh | zyga: the bridge must be near a university :) | 03:14 |
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zyga | ah, my first im client has just logged in :-) | 03:15 |
\sh | zyga: well there is no need...I just resigned :) and our security officer was telling anybody in the company: "This guy will destroy our network" and I honestly don't know what drugs he was using | 03:16 |
Pygi | :/ | 03:16 |
zyga | \sh: what were you doing? I only jammed the production server with something that essentially was a nice for(;;) fork() but the whole network! | 03:16 |
\sh | zyga: actually..i didn't do anything..I left my company laptop and all passwords etc. in the company...I just wrote my resignation and I just walked home :) | 03:17 |
\sh | zyga: I called my colleague and told him that..and that he should remove all my accounts from the servers... | 03:18 |
\sh | zyga: what he did after I called him..so I can't do and I won't do anything :) | 03:19 |
slomo_ | \sh: i can reproduce the cdbs make install problem with 4 packages now... in fact all packages i tried to compile lately ;) | 03:19 |
\sh | slomo_: on i386 or amd64...I have it on amd64 :) | 03:19 |
\sh | not tested on i386 :) | 03:19 |
slomo_ | \sh: x86 | 03:19 |
slomo_ | \sh: seems like i'm a bug-magnet currently :) everything i touch is broken in some way | 03:20 |
\sh | slomo_: not only you :) I have some packages who are waiting for daniels and a fixed xauth :) | 03:21 |
slomo_ | pitti: does "Deep recursion on subroutine "main::SubstituteVariable" at /usr/bin/intltool-update line 878, <CONF> line 64647." say something to you? that's probably the cause of the infinite loop in gnome-mk-update-pot | 03:23 |
pitti | make: *** Keine Regel vorhanden, um das Target install, | 03:24 |
pitti | bentigt von binary/libgtkmathview0c2a, zu erstellen. Schluss. | 03:24 |
pitti | aah | 03:24 |
pitti | do you guys mean this? | 03:24 |
pitti | slomo_: never heard about that one | 03:25 |
slomo_ | pitti: yes, exactly that :) | 03:25 |
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\sh | pitti: thats it | 03:26 |
slomo_ | pitti: the other one happens with http://people.ubuntu.com/~seb128/gst0.10/gst-plugins-base0.10/ (gtk-doc-tools, python-xml are missing from B-D there) | 03:27 |
=== \sh is bbl..need to find something to eat and some tobacco.. | ||
slomo_ | \sh: good luck :) | 03:29 |
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sivang | c'ya all, be back later. | 03:36 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | is there a recomended method for debuging suspected udev problems? i asked in ubuntu a few hours ago (probalby 5) and havnt got a response, so i thought i might try here | 03:55 |
ogra_ | Kamping_Kaiser: just file a bug and wait until the udev maintainer answers | 03:56 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ok. thanks ogra_ | 03:56 |
mdke | does anyone know how to limit planet to aggregating specific categories in a feed? i can't find anything in the examples/ folder | 04:00 |
spacey | depends on the blog i guess | 04:00 |
spacey | if the blog has a rss per catogory | 04:01 |
mdke | well say, an rss feed with <category> tags | 04:01 |
tseng | mdke: i think the blog engine would have to offer a feed for that category | 04:01 |
spacey | but thats not as flexible | 04:01 |
mdke | tseng, ah damn | 04:01 |
spacey | then it would be crap to select like 2 cats | 04:01 |
spacey | mdke, well you can always hack it in yourself :P | 04:02 |
mdke | spacey, i've only read the introductory chapters of A Byte of Python so far... | 04:02 |
mdke | i wondered if it was already in there | 04:02 |
spacey | mdke, while i was setting up planet i didn't encounter it | 04:03 |
spacey | in the docs | 04:03 |
spacey | to be sure you should poke on of the devs | 04:03 |
mdke | there are docs? | 04:03 |
spacey | uh | 04:03 |
mdke | aside from the examples and the INSTALL/README | 04:03 |
spacey | readme at least | 04:03 |
mdke | heh the readme is 10 lines or so | 04:04 |
spacey | :D | 04:04 |
mdke | i'll poke em | 04:05 |
mdke | jdub, *poke* can planet aggregate single categories in a feed with more than one category? | 04:05 |
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\sh | mdke: if your blog can create category rss feeds sure (e.g. like s9y( | 04:14 |
tseng | \sh: nice plug | 04:15 |
zyga | how do I get my blog hooked up to the planet? | 04:15 |
\sh | zyga: ping or mail jdub and be a member | 04:15 |
zyga | jdub: around? | 04:15 |
\sh | tseng: it's default behaviour of s9y :) | 04:15 |
spacey | \sh, yeah but if he wants to add two cat. then the person would show up two times in the subscribers list, no? | 04:20 |
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\sh | spacey: well..first of all...subcats are this what he wants and selecting cats to include into the feed.. | 04:21 |
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mdke | zyga, planet ubuntu is broken right now so you can't get added :/ | 04:30 |
mdke | \sh, i meant a single rss feed with more than one category | 04:30 |
\sh | mdke: hmm...so your blog should have the possibility to select categories to include in one feed | 04:31 |
mdke | \sh, ? | 04:31 |
mdke | most blog software does that... | 04:31 |
mdke | i want to know, can planet separate out the categories? | 04:31 |
\sh | mdke: I don't think so | 04:32 |
\sh | mdke: and many blogs can't select categories to include in one special feed | 04:33 |
mdke | \sh, the situation I'm talking about is where the blog software produces a *single* feed with multiple categories | 04:33 |
\sh | mdke: s9y can't do that either, but that's why I do sub categories and let create s9y a feed | 04:33 |
Kamping_Kaiser | thanks ogra_, i filed a bug on it. i will wait for a responce. thanks and bye all | 04:33 |
mdke | am i being unclear? :( | 04:33 |
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\sh | mdke: linux.blogweb.de | 04:33 |
\sh | mdke: see the right pane.. | 04:34 |
\sh | mdke: e.g. Desktop is a parent category..when you subscribe to this feed, all subcategories of this parent will be included into one feed | 04:34 |
mdke | \sh, dude, i'm talking about aggregating blogs which _don't_ do that | 04:34 |
mdke | which have a single feed, with more than one category in | 04:34 |
\sh | mdke: ok..planet can't select cats from one single feed..not that I know off..so you should work around it on your side :) | 04:35 |
mdke | \sh, as I said before, I don't know python, but I will see what I can do | 04:36 |
\sh | mdke: what blog software do you use? pybloxom? | 04:37 |
zyga | hmm, whenever I come in things start to break down | 04:37 |
mdke | \sh, planet is in python | 04:37 |
mdke | zyga, it's been broken for several months, but hopefully it will be fixed soon | 04:37 |
\sh | mdke: yes...but planet is an aggregator...and subscribes to feeds .. so your blog should do what you want :) not planet :) | 04:37 |
mdke | \sh, no i disagree, in an ideal world planet would have this feature | 04:38 |
mdke | anyway, I'm not doing this for my blog, which doesn't have categories | 04:38 |
mdke | i want to include many people's blogs into a planet which do have categories (generally running wordpress) | 04:38 |
\sh | mdke: but the world is not ideal :) and planet is has some other serious bugs...and when I have time I have to check it, how to fix it | 04:39 |
mdke | \sh, that is why I was asking if it does it already | 04:39 |
zyga | hmm | 04:39 |
zyga | isn't there some 'stock' planet software we could use? | 04:40 |
mdke | zyga, it's not the software that is broken on planet ubuntu | 04:40 |
zyga | so what is? | 04:40 |
\sh | mdke: you can try out one s9y planet aggregator plugin :) | 04:40 |
mdke | zyga, the synching process between jeff's archive, where he amends the configuration, and the webserver | 04:41 |
zyga | amends? | 04:41 |
mdke | modifies | 04:41 |
zyga | ah | 04:41 |
zyga | communication problems? | 04:41 |
zyga | (personal communication) | 04:41 |
mdke | no, i don't think so | 04:41 |
zyga | ah | 04:41 |
zyga | so technical stuff | 04:42 |
mdke | something wrong with bzr i think | 04:42 |
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\sh | hmmm | 04:50 |
mdke | \sh, out of interest, which feeds from your blog get aggregated to planet ubuntu? | 04:51 |
\sh | mdke: the whole one | 04:51 |
mdke | oh right | 04:52 |
\sh | mdke: all..but if I give another feed of another parent cat...it uses the special feed | 04:52 |
mdke | ok | 04:52 |
mdke | how come you include "Real World" to planet ubuntu? | 04:53 |
\sh | mdke: planet.ubuntu.com -> right pane -> second paragraph :) | 04:53 |
\sh | Planet Ubuntu is a window into the world, work and lives of Ubuntu community members and developers. | 04:53 |
mdke | ah | 04:54 |
\sh | i think it's different then planet.gentoo.org where on the main planet is only gentoo orientated stuff...and on planet.gentoo.org/universe or something like this, is everything | 04:55 |
mdke | ok | 04:55 |
mdke | because I noticed some other people just include [tech] posts and such | 04:56 |
sistpoty | I've got some kernel/init? probs with 2.6.15-7 with module hpt366... what is needed for a bug report? | 04:56 |
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\sh | mdke: like daniels ? | 04:57 |
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\sh | mdke: i think it's a matter of the tagging and category system of their blog software... | 04:57 |
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mdke | sure | 04:58 |
mdke | i guess people choose whether to include specific linux related categories or everything | 04:59 |
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\sh | mdke: well...I think ubuntu is more then only linux.... | 05:02 |
\sh | mdke: I have to say, that ubuntu developed more then just to be technical...it has changed people completly in their views sometimes... | 05:02 |
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\sh | and jabberoo hit again the cdbs bug | 05:04 |
HiddenWolf | \sh, agreed. I've never encountered a community that works together so well, and so friendly. | 05:08 |
HiddenWolf | \sh, guess it hits a nerve with people in an age where individualistic consumption is the norm. | 05:09 |
\sh | HiddenWolf: well..it hit at least me :) | 05:12 |
HiddenWolf | \sh, a bit of a sanctuary full of like-minded people, isn't it? | 05:12 |
\sh | HiddenWolf: to be honest, i don't know...but the idea behind the whole thing touched me...sometimes it's hard to be compatible with the CoC but well...time will tell :) | 05:14 |
HiddenWolf | \sh, got spanked for the language in that blog post, did you? ;) | 05:15 |
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\sh | HiddenWolf: no...I spanked myself | 05:15 |
\sh | HiddenWolf: but sometimes it's better to let everything out...and after all..I had some comments, which were more nasty then the "f" word | 05:16 |
HiddenWolf | \sh, I understand, and I don't blame you. | 05:16 |
\sh | HiddenWolf: and when I write about some people, I don't expect others to bash them more...at least they don't know the people | 05:16 |
\sh | HiddenWolf: I blame myself :) but I'm working on it :) | 05:16 |
HiddenWolf | \sh, That comes with being popular. People will take up for you, even if it's not apropriate. | 05:17 |
\sh | HiddenWolf: I learned the lesson :) | 05:19 |
=== ogra [n=ogra@p5089D34A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
HiddenWolf | \sh, so you got rid of frustration, grew as a person, and got wiser to boot. | 05:19 |
\sh | HiddenWolf: well...got rid of the frustration yes...grew as a person, I can tell...this I will know later, when I'm standing in front of the holy court :) | 05:20 |
\sh | I can't tell even | 05:20 |
ogra | grumble ... | 05:21 |
HiddenWolf | *chuckle* Don't wait for that, just do what is best. :) | 05:21 |
\sh | HiddenWolf: well..I | 05:21 |
\sh | 'm merging now :) | 05:21 |
HiddenWolf | \sh, it's sunday. don't work yourself out. | 05:22 |
\sh | HiddenWolf: well..for the next couple of weeks it will be sunday all the time :) | 05:22 |
HiddenWolf | take my word for it, keep your rhythm. | 05:23 |
\sh | HiddenWolf: well...if i'm feeling burned out..nobody will see any upload in a couple of months :) but right now...I'm fresh, and ready to work :) | 05:25 |
=== ogra [n=ogra@p5089D34A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
GnuKemist | \sh, good morning... ;) | 05:28 |
GnuKemist | ogra, good morning to you too... ;) | 05:28 |
ogra | hi | 05:29 |
GnuKemist | ogra, what's new? | 05:29 |
nekohayo | am I dreaming or GST 0.10 is in dapper? :) | 05:29 |
ogra | a lot of breakage in ltsp ... | 05:30 |
=== ogra cant get the keymaps to work ... | ||
GnuKemist | ogra, ouch... | 05:30 |
ogra | seems its an xorg bug | 05:30 |
GnuKemist | ogra, anyone else experiencing the same? | 05:31 |
HiddenWolf | nekohayo, it's in, but it's only a first version. Don't know if any programs use it already. | 05:31 |
slomo_ | nekohayo: it is, yes... but currently there are absolutely no plugins and no program using it ;) | 05:31 |
nekohayo | I see | 05:32 |
=== hunger sighs. | ||
ogra | GnuKemist, i doubt anybodz plays with ltsp currently | 05:32 |
hunger | box does no longer boot... any ideas what might be causing it this time? | 05:32 |
nekohayo | actually I realized there are only 1-3 modules of gst that are 0.10, the rest is still 0.8.11 | 05:32 |
GnuKemist | ogra, I know a few Brazilians who are... I could drop them a line | 05:32 |
=== hunger only gets a black screen, nothing happens at all. | ||
ogra | but: "(WW) Couldn't load XKB keymap, falling back to pre-XKB keymap | 05:33 |
ogra | " might affect non ltsp setups too in flight 2 | 05:33 |
ogra | seems rather like general xorg breakage | 05:33 |
GnuKemist | wish I could be more of help | 05:34 |
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ogra | test flight 2 if its out :) | 05:36 |
HiddenWolf | ogra, that'll be this week? | 05:37 |
ogra | hopefully | 05:37 |
ogra | but no promises | 05:37 |
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HiddenWolf | ogra_, pending the boot-sequence being debugged nicely? | 05:48 |
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sivang | hmm, I dist-upgraded now to latest kernel, and certrinly the new udev. everything works :) | 05:54 |
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hunger | sivang: I only get a black screen... box no longer boots. | 06:07 |
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hunger | sivang: Before the latest upgrade I could no longer burn CDs. | 06:08 |
sivang | hunger: ah, I think I have that as well - minor glitch :) | 06:08 |
sivang | hunger: are you on x86 ? | 06:09 |
hunger | sivang: Yes (using the latest linux-686 image). | 06:09 |
sivang | hunger: as in 2.6.15-7-686 #1 SMP PREEMPT ? | 06:10 |
hunger | sivang: I already changed the permissions on the cdrom/cdrw so that group cdrom can write to it. Didn't fix it. | 06:10 |
sivang | hunger: probably not a permissions problem..:-/ | 06:10 |
slomo_ | hunger: hi... what's the state of the xen 3.0 packages? | 06:11 |
hunger | sivang: linux-image-2.6.15-7-686 version 7.9 | 06:11 |
hunger | slomo_: Trying to build a as ubuntu-like as possible kernel of version 2.6.15. | 06:11 |
hunger | slomo_: Xen has the merge-tree that comes close, but there are still lots of bugs to get it to build. | 06:12 |
hunger | slomo_: I do not see xen in ubuntu before it is part of the vanilla kernel. | 06:13 |
slomo_ | hunger: sounds promising :) | 06:13 |
slomo_ | hunger: oh :/ | 06:13 |
hunger | slomo_: It would be easier if upstream were a bit more responsive wrt. their linux-merge repository... | 06:14 |
hunger | slomo_: They are lagging behind both the tree of linus and the patches submitted for their own tree on their ML:-( | 06:14 |
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ogra | slomo_, same prob as low latency audio kernel... we wont have more than one kernel image in the distro ... whats not upstream and in the ubuntu kernel must be maintained separately | 06:21 |
ogra | so bad luck for low latency audio as well as XEN until linus adopts it | 06:21 |
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hunger | ogra: Suse, redhat and intel are teaming up to get xen support into vanilla:-) Let's see how long linus can resist. | 06:30 |
ogra | hehe | 06:30 |
HiddenWolf | hunger, quite long, quite possibly. He's stubborn as hell. :) | 06:31 |
hunger | ogra: Even though there is not much happening in the repossitory used to prepare the vanilla patch:-( | 06:31 |
ogra | i think thats what linus sees too | 06:32 |
hunger | ogra: I suspect that much work is done internally. | 06:32 |
ogra | but they should make it public fo linus .... | 06:32 |
hunger | ogra: Xen isen't all that open:-( People do a lot of communications/developments done in a group that is not publicly visible. | 06:33 |
ogra | thats bad | 06:33 |
hunger | ogra: The bonus and bane of having everybody close together. | 06:33 |
HiddenWolf | ogra, happens in any project. People getting together form the best ideas, and when everyone is close, there is little reason to document and publish. | 06:34 |
ogra | there is reason, as you can see :) | 06:35 |
ogra | if the work would be public and easy to follow, linus would probably already have adopted it .... who knows | 06:35 |
=== HiddenWolf chuckles | ||
Treenaks | sounds Reiserish | 06:36 |
HiddenWolf | Treenaks, exactly | 06:36 |
=== ogra *shudders* at the mentioning of reiser | ||
HiddenWolf | ogra, can't be that bad, surely? | 06:38 |
ogra | reiser is crap ... | 06:38 |
ogra | trading speed for stability is not the answer ... | 06:38 |
HiddenWolf | Isn't it the other way around? | 06:39 |
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ogra | ?? | 06:39 |
ogra | you mean reiser is stable but slow ? | 06:39 |
HiddenWolf | Hm, no, I read you wrong. | 06:39 |
ogra | heh | 06:40 |
ogra | ok :) | 06:40 |
HiddenWolf | ogra, "trading stability for speed" | 06:40 |
HiddenWolf | ogra, "trading a chicken for a cow" you get the cow, give the chicken. | 06:40 |
ogra | err, yes, my bad :) | 06:40 |
HiddenWolf | Then again, it's a filesystem, how unstable can it be? | 06:41 |
Treenaks | HiddenWolf: don't underestimate that :) | 06:41 |
HiddenWolf | if it's not solid, people won't use it. one should hope. | 06:41 |
HiddenWolf | Outside of the gentooish crowd. | 06:42 |
Treenaks | HiddenWolf: l33t g4m3rs (the gentoo type) only care about speed. not about stability | 06:42 |
HiddenWolf | Treenaks, I sincerely doubt that anyone serious about gaming would even bother with linux. | 06:42 |
ogra | HiddenWolf, suse included the first reiser in a highly unstable state as the default fs ... | 06:42 |
HiddenWolf | ogra, That's suse. ;) | 06:43 |
ogra | if you trust your distributor you are fucked in this case ... | 06:43 |
HiddenWolf | Treenaks, that leaves the 14-year-olds. :) | 06:43 |
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wasabi__ | Yeah we need ZFS. | 06:44 |
ogra | HiddenWolf, i've seen company admins trusting suse back then ... they had hard times :) | 06:44 |
\sh | lol | 06:44 |
ogra | ...or even lost thier jobs if the backups didnt work | 06:44 |
\sh | I just heard a good joke | 06:44 |
\sh | "oh..it's starting kubuntu...and now a bluescreen...why doesn't it work?" | 06:44 |
HiddenWolf | ogra, any company sysadmin should be knowedable enough to know what he's installing. :) | 06:45 |
wasabi__ | In a world filled with Windows, I totally disagree. | 06:45 |
HiddenWolf | wasabi__, notice the should | 06:45 |
ogra | HiddenWolf, guys who just switched from windows ... they had MCSE ... and just learned about linux | 06:45 |
Treenaks | HiddenWolf: RFC-something SHOULD ? :) | 06:45 |
wasabi__ | In the Windows world you don't need to know anything to get the job done. | 06:45 |
HiddenWolf | ogra, still, anyone with half a brain shouldn't blindly trust what he's not familiar with. | 06:46 |
hunger | ogra: Even MCSEs should and usually do know what they are doing:-) | 06:46 |
wasabi__ | Which is good or bad depending who you are. ;) | 06:46 |
=== wasabi__ is now known as wasabi | ||
ogra | wasabi__, you need the MCSE multiple choice test to get into the job ;) | 06:46 |
hunger | ogra: Usually they stay away from linux because they can not do a multiple choice exam on that;-) | 06:47 |
wasabi | Yeah. | 06:47 |
ogra | HiddenWolf, they *payed* for the OS, it must be good and well tested | 06:47 |
wasabi | I hate to say it, but Windows isn't as bad as ya'll think. | 06:47 |
HiddenWolf | ogra, paid, and yes. But that same thing applies to XP. ;) | 06:47 |
wasabi | I am quite happy with my work network, all Windows. | 06:47 |
ogra | HiddenWolf, sure :) | 06:47 |
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=== hunger agrees with wasabi. Windows has done lots of catching up in the last couple of years. | ||
HiddenWolf | wasabi, I die without middle click pasting and multiple workspaces. | 06:48 |
HiddenWolf | otherwise, I can deal. | 06:48 |
wasabi | ... that is hardly a bit deal. | 06:48 |
wasabi | big | 06:48 |
HiddenWolf | wasabi, for me it is. :) | 06:48 |
hunger | In fact Active Directory is nicer than any linux-solution out there IMHO. | 06:49 |
wasabi | Uh huh. | 06:49 |
wasabi | Agreed. | 06:49 |
HiddenWolf | wasabi, specially with an IE without tabbed browsing. | 06:49 |
wasabi | I have done a lot of recent work just trying to get a proper Linux Kerberos/LDAP setup on a client to do what AD does. | 06:49 |
wasabi | Pain in the freaking ass. | 06:49 |
HiddenWolf | wasabi, and on a 17" at school, as opposed to my 24" at home. ;) | 06:49 |
=== ogra watches \sh spamming -changes | ||
=== HiddenWolf looks at \sh | ||
hunger | HiddenWolf: Bashing windows for IE? | 06:49 |
\sh | lol | 06:50 |
\sh | elmo just woke up :) | 06:50 |
\sh | elmo: THX :) | 06:50 |
wasabi | I think Firefox 1.5 does full Kerberos auth now, so it's pretty usable on a corporate network. | 06:50 |
hunger | HiddenWolf: You can get firefox for windows, you know? | 06:50 |
ogra | seb128, i just noticed that my first login attempt in gdm seems to always fail on boot ... i suspect a race condition somewhere ... | 06:50 |
HiddenWolf | hunger, not bashing. but in the two years I've been at university, I sat in the computer lab maybe 10 times. | 06:50 |
HiddenWolf | hunger, I know, but not at my university. ;) | 06:50 |
seb128 | ogra: autologin, ldap, nfs, local.. ? | 06:51 |
ogra | seb128, local | 06:51 |
seb128 | autologin? | 06:51 |
ogra | seb128, i guess something in the bootprocess is there to late | 06:51 |
wasabi | Does pam have a way to signal a drop down box? | 06:51 |
ogra | nope | 06:51 |
ogra | manual | 06:51 |
wasabi | or multiselection of some sort? | 06:51 |
ogra | seb128, just a default setup | 06:51 |
hunger | HiddenWolf: Blame that on the admins at your uni. | 06:51 |
HiddenWolf | hunger, it's perfect for others, but it's enough to drive me home. :) | 06:51 |
seb128 | ogra: learn to type correctly your password maybe :p | 06:52 |
ogra | seb128, second attempt is fine | 06:52 |
hunger | HiddenWolf: In fact I fully understand using IE instead of FF in a corporate setting. | 06:52 |
ogra | :P | 06:52 |
seb128 | yeah, learn to type it correctly from the first time :) | 06:52 |
ogra | seb128, i tried it several times, its reproducable | 06:52 |
hunger | HiddenWolf: IE can get locked down... try that with mozilla:-( | 06:52 |
seb128 | change debug to true to gdm.conf and look on the gdm logs maybe | 06:52 |
HiddenWolf | hunger, when did this turn into a debate? ;) | 06:52 |
ogra | yup, will do | 06:52 |
slomo_ | btw, is someone still having the liferea crash? it disappeared for me ;) | 06:53 |
seb128 | epiphany can be locked :) | 06:53 |
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=== ogra goes trying | ||
HiddenWolf | seb128, yeah, but epiphany lacks the community and the marketing. :( | 06:53 |
akurashy | hmm a little help, i get this weird thing while compiling latest xmms, GTK+ >= 1.2.2 not installed - please install first , when i check synaptic nothing with "GTK+ is there | 06:53 |
wasabi | I love Epiphany. | 06:54 |
seb128 | HiddenWolf: it's the GNOME browser, it has the community | 06:54 |
slomo_ | akurashy: is libgtk1.2-dev installed too? | 06:54 |
wasabi | I should rewrite my link mime readahead in a proper python epiphany extension. | 06:54 |
HiddenWolf | seb128, true, but they're not as vocal. :) I have high hopes tho. | 06:54 |
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akurashy | slomo_, gah, stupid thing, nop it wasn,t i stay to see if i get any other errors :), thanks! | 06:55 |
seb128 | HiddenWolf: if people take decisions according to the marketing rather than the quality of the product that's not the product fault imho | 06:55 |
HiddenWolf | seb128, basic fact of life. There is too much info out there to know it all. If the product is not brought to attention, it's not used. | 06:56 |
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HiddenWolf | seb128, that's not the products fault, but it's reality. | 06:56 |
seb128 | HiddenWolf: I use epiphany and I'm happy to use it | 06:56 |
seb128 | HiddenWolf: people can keep using firefox and complain about it if they like, I don't really care | 06:57 |
HiddenWolf | seb128, it has my vote too. :) | 06:57 |
=== desrt scrolls up to find out if this is a 'change the default' discussion | ||
HiddenWolf | desrt, no, it came out of bashing IE | 06:57 |
desrt | ok. so we know IE ought not to be the default | 06:57 |
desrt | but what about ephy? :) | 06:57 |
HiddenWolf | seb128, but as long as people think there is only IE and Firefox, they won't use epi, that's the biggest problem it's facing today. | 06:58 |
robtaylor | i feel a bit stupid.. can someone tell me how to switch off image loading in epiphany? | 06:58 |
akurashy | slomo_, still the same error | 06:58 |
HiddenWolf | robtaylor, #ubuntu, shame on you! ;) | 06:58 |
desrt | robtaylor; it's very likely that you can't :) | 06:59 |
robtaylor | HiddenWolf: oops! thought i was in #g-h for a moment :/ | 06:59 |
robtaylor | desrt: i've a sneaking suspicion that that could be the case .. | 06:59 |
desrt | robtaylor; ephy, being a gnome app, means that it only offers preferences that people actually use | 07:00 |
robtaylor | desrt: hmm, when i'm on GPRS, its definitly a pref i want to use ;) | 07:00 |
desrt | unfortunately "people actually use" is a fuzzy term so sometimes people get hurt :( | 07:00 |
desrt | $/bit? | 07:00 |
desrt | if you can't find the option you should (reasonably) file a bug... if you can convince them that there's a real use for it..... | 07:01 |
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ogra | seb128, hmm, doesnt happen anymore ... but i had it four times in a row before ... | 07:24 |
seb128 | weird | 07:24 |
seb128 | keep the debug maybe | 07:24 |
seb128 | so if it happens again .. | 07:24 |
ogra | yup, will do | 07:24 |
ogra | gdm just restarted, it didnt mon about wrong passwrod or something ... thats what bothered me | 07:25 |
ogra | *moan | 07:25 |
mdke | dholbach, around? | 07:25 |
dholbach | mdke: yes | 07:26 |
dholbach | mdke: didnt look yet | 07:27 |
mdke | dholbach, no, i wanted to ask something else | 07:27 |
mdke | dholbach, if you have a couple of minutes, can you join #ubuntu-doc? | 07:27 |
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jpatrick | who reviews MainInclusionReports? | 08:14 |
\sh | mdz and kamion and? | 08:16 |
ogra | only pitti | 08:16 |
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\sh | only pitti? | 08:18 |
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ogra | mdz promotes the packages to main after they show up in anastacia, Kamio does that if mdz isnt around ... | 08:18 |
ogra | the reviews are mostly security related | 08:19 |
\sh | s/mdz and kamion and\?/only pitti/ | 08:19 |
jpatrick | because Riddell asked me to write one for my ksplash-engine-moodin : http://wiki.kubuntu.org/MainInclusionReportKSplashMoodin | 08:19 |
ogra | mdz/Kamion will only look at the review results and probably at the rationale | 08:19 |
\sh | strike wtf | 08:19 |
ogra | jpatrick, look at UbuntuMainInclusionQueue , the procedure is described there | 08:19 |
\sh | Security: No security incidents (the program is quite new). | 08:19 |
jpatrick | \sh: well yeah | 08:19 |
\sh | this means the app is quite untested? | 08:20 |
=== ogra goes cooking | ||
jpatrick | ogra: I added it there | 08:20 |
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jpatrick | It was recently uploaded (2 weeks ago (I think) to universe) | 08:20 |
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\sh | well...i'm drinking beer .. but I don't work while i'm drinking beer | 08:24 |
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dilinger | hm | 08:47 |
dilinger | is ubuntulinux.org and ubuntu.com down? | 08:47 |
jpatrick | looks like it | 08:49 |
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Znarl | Yes, fixing it now. | 08:50 |
HiddenWolf | Znarl, what happened? | 08:50 |
Znarl | Hardware failure it looks like. | 08:50 |
Znarl | OK, it's back. | 08:53 |
dilinger | great, thanks | 08:54 |
\sh | hmmm...sounds like mcgyver.."I need a pen, a chewing gum and some salt" "what do you want to do with it?" "well, fixing ubuntu.com" ,) | 08:54 |
Znarl | ...and a penny too this time, exactly \sh! | 08:55 |
\sh | Znarl: A "I kick the machine" didn't help? | 08:56 |
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maswan | Znarl: thought you might be interested in this, and perhaps have some comments: http://www.acc.umu.se/~maswan/2005-12-10/2gbit-freesoftware.html | 09:11 |
Znarl | Thanks maswan, looks interesting. | 09:14 |
maswan | Znarl: was thinking of "publishing" it more widely after I get OK to use the graphs from stats.sunet.se | 09:15 |
HiddenWolf | The 42TB total network traffic over the week around the Breezy release shown in this last graph is equivalent to about 70 thousand cd-images. We estimate that about 10-15 thousand cd-images were downloaded during the first day. | 09:17 |
HiddenWolf | wow | 09:18 |
maswan | HiddenWolf: there, slightly updated to include a 100k iso figure too | 09:22 |
HiddenWolf | impressive | 09:23 |
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hyperactivecrond | err... how stable is dapper? | 09:47 |
hyperactivecrond | oops wrong channel | 09:47 |
Pygi | hehe | 09:48 |
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mdke | seb128, hiya, are you seeing this strange password dialogue in dapper? http://mdke.org/epiphany.png | 10:23 |
mdke | or anyone | 10:25 |
seb128 | mdke: nop | 10:26 |
seb128 | mdke: ask on #epiphany on irc.gnome.org if you want | 10:26 |
mdke | hmm | 10:27 |
mdke | seb128, i only started seeing it after the new firefox came in... | 10:27 |
seb128 | mdke: that probably comes from firefox | 10:27 |
mdke | seb128, that is what I thought but I couldn't see any bugs about it | 10:28 |
sivang | mdke: I'm checking as well | 10:28 |
sivang | bah, I Need a page where I didn't yet ask to remember the password for | 10:28 |
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mdke | seb128, i don't see it in firefox though, the dialogue looks fine | 10:30 |
sivang | mdke: I get it as well, but what's wrong about it ? | 10:30 |
sivang | (I was sure that was epiphany's version for that same dialog) | 10:30 |
mdke | see the & signs? | 10:30 |
mdke | in the middle of the words? | 10:30 |
sivang | mdke: ah right | 10:30 |
mdke | you see em too sivang ? | 10:31 |
sivang | yes | 10:31 |
mdke | ah good | 10:31 |
mdke | ok i'll file the bug | 10:31 |
czr | first off, thans all for a great distro. I've been recommending it for almost everyone that considered using linux at home. but I also have a question: does anyone here know the place to check what extra patches goes into ubuntu stock kernels? I need to check whether it has ext2online-patches | 10:31 |
sivang | I mistook them for valid chars :) | 10:31 |
seb128 | mdke: don't | 10:32 |
mdke | seb128, it's filed already? | 10:32 |
seb128 | mdke: no, but I don't want to be flooded by upstream bugs when not required, I'm pinged them on IRC | 10:32 |
seb128 | if they know about this no need to flood bugzilla.ubuntu | 10:32 |
sivang | czr: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelGitGuide <== you might find that useful | 10:33 |
czr | sivang, thanks | 10:33 |
mdke | seb128, you're sure it is upstream? I'm happy to look in gnome bugzilla | 10:33 |
sivang | mdke: if it's not filed upstream, go ahead and file it but if it us, I guess a reference would suffice.. | 10:33 |
seb128 | mdke: I'm speaking with them on IRC, a min, and like 99% of the software bugs that's an upstream issue yep | 10:33 |
czr | sivang, the wiki says that I shold get git-core from dapper, is it a good idea? breezy is good enough for me :-) | 10:34 |
mdke | ok i'll come and join in | 10:34 |
sivang | mdke, seb128 : is this on g-h ? | 10:34 |
sivang | czr: I've never actually tried that, you might have luck using git-core from dapper :) | 10:34 |
czr | well, last time I started used multiple repos like this I ended up with quite funny system, but thanks for the links, I'll try to get git somewhere | 10:35 |
sivang | czr: np, just make sure you have fully working backups and all the blah before funking your system :) | 10:36 |
czr | sivang, nah, I'll just get git from somewhere else. just borked my main system couple of days ago, don't want to go trough the whole mess again :-) | 10:37 |
czr | sivang, this is the first time I'm using ubuntu myself, been using debian for far too many years. ubuntu is delightfully nice | 10:37 |
seb128 | sivang: no | 10:38 |
czr | sivang, also git seems to be also in breezy/universe, so I'll just install it from there | 10:38 |
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sivang | czr: you seem to know what you're doing - rock on, and I will make sure to forward your nice comments to those who deserve the nice feeedback :) | 10:41 |
sivang | czr: you can also join #ubuntu-kernel, and find there a happy bunch that will welcome any contribution or bug reporting etc. | 10:42 |
czr | sivang, nice, thanks. I was playing with online resizing on ext3s on top of LVM2 | 10:42 |
czr | sivang, the problem seems to be that ubuntu kernel does not support this (RHEL4 does) | 10:42 |
sivang | czr: ah I see, well if you think this should be included in the ubuntu tree I guess the ubuntu kernel development mailing list would be a good place to start discussing it, if you like. | 10:44 |
sivang | czr: why do you need it ontop of LVM2 ? | 10:44 |
sivang | (I mean, if you alrady have online resize without it) | 10:45 |
czr | sivang, so that I can resize LV underneath first and then ext2 on top of that online | 10:45 |
czr | ext2online doesn't work for me. says that 'kernel problem' or smt similar | 10:45 |
czr | but I haven't traced the root cause yet, so that's why I'm asking all these questions | 10:46 |
czr | RH only managed to get this working in the newer versions of RHEL4, was missing from there as well for a long time | 10:46 |
sivang | czr: well, try to ask over the #u-k , I think I reached the point where I can no longer help :) | 10:46 |
czr | will do/did that already :-) thanks for your help | 10:47 |
ajmitch | czr: unless you're using warty, I'd say the kernel does have online resizing capabilities | 10:47 |
czr | ajmitch, breezy with 2.6.12-10-386 | 10:47 |
ajmitch | iirc they went into 2.6.10 | 10:48 |
czr | LV resize works just nice, as it should | 10:48 |
czr | ext2online doesn't unless I umount the filesystem first, which is counter productive in this case | 10:48 |
=== ajmitch has used it in the past on an ext3 fs | ||
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czr | ajmitch, with LVM or raw partitions? | 10:49 |
ajmitch | LVM | 10:49 |
czr | weird | 10:49 |
czr | ext2online: resizing to 524288 blocks; resize failed while in kernel; invalid argument | 10:50 |
czr | going from 1G to 2G (so there shouldn't be problem that requires running ext2prepare) | 10:51 |
ajmitch | fun | 10:51 |
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czr | I'm running pretty vanilla rig too, nothing fancy | 10:51 |
czr | ajmitch, in your opinion it should work? should I post a bug about this then? | 10:52 |
sivang | czr: what package are the resize / ext3 tools in? | 10:52 |
ajmitch | ext2resize, in universe | 10:53 |
czr | yes | 10:53 |
sivang | ajmitch: ah I was sure we had soemthing in main, ok. | 10:53 |
lifeless | meh they should be main surely. | 10:53 |
lifeless | in terms of support, and doesn't the installer use em ? | 10:53 |
czr | universe/main :-) | 10:54 |
=== sivang had the same idea. Apparetnly thinking wrong. | ||
czr | lifeless, why should installer use them? | 10:54 |
czr | parted can do it when fs:es not mounted | 10:54 |
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czr | hmm, can someone check the git version in dapper? | 11:00 |
czr | seems that the wiki-instructions don't work for the version in breezy/univ | 11:01 |
czr | oh heh. git = GNU Interactive Tools ;--) | 11:01 |
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mdke | jdub, around? | 11:34 |
jdub | yeah | 11:34 |
mdke | jdub, heya :) do you know if planet supports filtering an rss feed with more than one category so as to display just a specific category? | 11:35 |
jdub | it's easier to just get a category feed | 11:35 |
jdub | most producers do that | 11:35 |
mdke | jdub, ok | 11:35 |
mdke | so it doesn't, but it doesn't need to? | 11:36 |
jdub | depending on what it produces, keyword filtering can work | 11:36 |
mdke | jdub, what's the config look like for that? | 11:36 |
jdub | filter = blah | 11:37 |
mdke | thanks :) | 11:37 |
mdke | jdub, next question: have you noticed an increase in spam through the mailing lists? a number of list owners (including myself) have noticed | 11:37 |
mdke | last week or so | 11:38 |
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jdub | probably | 11:41 |
jdub | it moved hosts, so the config may not have been fully moved, or perhaps it was made less tough just in case | 11:41 |
mdke | that's what I was thinking might be the reason | 11:41 |
elmo | no, that's not the reason | 11:41 |
elmo | the exim config on esperanza is more strict than the one on rince | 11:42 |
elmo | there's been a global (AFAICT) increase in spam recently, it's far more likely to be that | 11:42 |
mdke | oh | 11:42 |
mdke | i just get a lot through from -owner and to the list | 11:42 |
jdub | elmo: was /etc/mailman copied or reconfigured? | 11:43 |
elmo | copied | 11:44 |
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lifeless | elmo: yay | 11:49 |
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