
czrDido-, mkdir /mnt/fat32; then: /dev/hdb5 /mnt/fat32 vfat user=1000,noexec 0 012:00
njanshogun_, there are examples in /etc/grub/menu.lst12:00
njanshogun_, basically you want a line with a 'chainloader' entry to the windoes partition12:00
ompaulshogun_, applications accessories terminal12:00
alanleclechalexissoft ???12:00
erUSULMrBlowtatoes, jack is an audioserver (more advanced) as it is esd, arts or polypaudio. you can not make an audioserver use another audioserver it makes no sense use one or the other.12:00
czrAlvi1, seems that your pam configuration is broken. when did this happen?12:00
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njanshogun_, if you run fdisk /dev/yourharddisk and type p and hit enter, do you have an NTFS or fat32 partition listed?12:00
sexualpotatoeshow do i uodate to firefox 1.5?12:00
shogun_one sec12:00
ompaulshogun_, sorry  >>sudo fdisk -l <<12:00
czrAlvi1, /etc/pam.d/ should contain both su and sudo -files12:01
gnomefreaksexcopter8000m, you dont through ubuntu12:01
Alvi1czr: well, I was emerging various things, and while compiling, I decided to emerge another thing, and it didnt work12:01
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shogun_should I do that in terminal?12:01
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njanshogun_, yes.12:01
ompaulshogun_, yes12:01
MrBlowtatoesi am triyn gto use Muse, it is lookign for ALSA, i'm triyng to set it up to use aRts, but to run 'muse config' i have to have jack audo server12:01
JazzCrazeddoes nebody kno if i can install breezy to a sata raid 1 as hdb with a pata drive as hda?12:01
czrAlvi1, then you have broken pam in the process :-)12:01
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sexualpotatoesgnomefreak why not?12:01
czrAlvi1, check for those files first though12:01
gnomefreaksexualpotatoes, you cant upgrade to 1.5 with breezy12:01
njanshogun_, you'll probably have to do it using sudo (ie. sudo fdisk /dev/yourharddisk // p // enter)12:01
czrAlvi1, what do you mean by 'emerging'?12:01
B7su4Seveas, ?12:01
Storkmehelp, i chmod'ed my /var/ to 777 and now i can't use the "su" or "sudo" commands (it says "sudo: /var/run/sudo/ writable by non-owner (040777), should be mode 0700")12:01
UbugtuIt has been said that Seveas, is msttcorefonts fixed again, B7su412:01
njanshogun_, where yourharddisk is probably /dev/hda or /dev/sda12:01
sexualpotatoesgnomefreak how?12:01
alanleclechqui est tu alex ??12:01
Seveas!forget Seveas12:01
erUSULMrBlowtatoes, then use jack not arts12:01
UbugtuI've never heard of Seveas, Seveas!12:01
gnomefreaksexualpotatoes, from my understanding its not stable enough to be used in ubuntu12:02
Seveas!forget Seveas,12:02
UbugtuGotcha, Seveas.12:02
Alvi1pam.d contains su and sudo12:02
Goldfishsudo fdisk -l /dev/yourdisk <--- -l will print out the partition tables without any command prompting12:02
ompaulnjan, fdisk -l is not fdisk /mount/foo :-) it does anything that is there12:02
MrBlowtatoesum, i can't12:02
starbrandhell, 1.0.7 isn't stable enough in ubuntu.12:02
czrStorkme, fix premissions on /var/run/sudo/12:02
B7su4Seveas, ?12:02
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shogun_fdisk: invalid option -- 112:02
shogun_Usage: fdisk [-b SSZ]  [-u]  DISK     Change partition table12:02
shogun_       fdisk -l [-b SSZ]  [-u]  DISK  List partition table(s)12:02
shogun_       fdisk -s PARTITION           Give partition size(s) in blocks12:02
shogun_       fdisk -v                     Give fdisk version12:02
shogun_Here DISK is something like /dev/hdb or /dev/sda12:02
czrStorkme, you should never open up /var like that12:02
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shogun_and PARTITION is something like /dev/hda712:02
shogun_-u: give Start and End in sector (instead of cylinder) units12:02
shogun_-b 2048: (for certain MO disks) use 2048-byte sectors12:02
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %shogun_!*@*] by Seveas
Nathan1987anybody kno why ubuntu cant fine my windows machine thru samba12:02
SeveasNEVER paste in here12:02
Goldfishshogun: You need a dash in front of the "l".12:02
njanompaul, Goldfish that works; didn't know fdisk had a parameter for that :)12:02
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sklavHey guys is it possible to get windows media player fro mac os X to work under linux?12:02
andy50newb here, can someone tell me where the profile folder is for thunderbird so I can copy an existing one ?12:02
ompaulshogun_, I Gace you a command12:02
alanleclechalexis soft??12:02
MrBlowtatoesmuse needs jack and alsa apparently12:02
Dido-czr i want it in /mnt/187 i've created such folder12:02
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gnomefreakshogun_, use pastebin please to plaste12:03
Storkmeczr, how? i can't use sudo to chmod it12:03
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andy50Nathan1987: you have to use the IP address not the machine name12:03
MrBlowtatoes...why is it so hard to get a dang midi program /me sighs12:03
czrDido-, then replace the /mnt/fat32 in the commands I sent you before with /mnt/18712:03
UbugtuIt has been said that pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl or at http://ubuntu.pastebin.com, crouton_12:03
SeveasMrBlowtatoes, timidity?12:03
MrBlowtatoesdidn't work12:03
N6REJompaul, nope, I get the gdm , login, music, and blank brown desktop12:03
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czrStorkme, you need to boot the system into rescue state12:03
Nathan1987thx andy.....edit in smb.conf?12:03
Dido-czr .. yeah, i was writing about that thanks ;)12:03
MrBlowtatoesi tried about 5 diffrent ones12:03
Nathan1987im very fresh12:03
Storkmeczr, how?12:03
ompaulshogun_, I Gave you a command >> sudo fdisk -l<< I also gave you pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl <---- to paste in it is a url for a web site12:03
UbugtuI don't have a clue, Seveas.12:03
UbugtuRumor has it xhangs is login in text mode, remove .Xauthority and .ICEauthority from your homedir, Seveas12:03
MrBlowtatoesand i needd more than just midi12:03
Seveas^-- N6REJ12:03
czrStorkme, I'm not sure what the recommended way in ubuntu is12:03
JormundgandThat reminds me - is it possible to get the login music without turning on the sound daemon?12:03
Storkmei'll google12:04
czrwhat is the recommended way of booting ubuntu into single user runlevel?12:04
andy50Nathan, I was talking about using places, find server to mount a folder12:04
Seveasczr, rescue mode from grub menu :)12:04
czrStorkme, wait a sec12:04
czrah, ok12:04
Nathan1987ok no worries12:04
Alvi1czr: /etc/pam.d/ contains both su and sudo, what now?12:04
N6REJSeveas, tnx, I'll try that.12:04
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Goldfishczr: I think that is what recovery mode is. Hit esc during boot up to get the prompt.12:04
erUSULMrBlowtatoes, you always need alsa (the audio drivers) then in the upper layer you have either esd or arts or jack or nothing12:04
czrstorkme, read what seveas and goldfish wrote :-)12:04
gnomefreakSeveas, we give up on ubotu all together?12:04
=== czr uses init=/bin/sh :-)
MrBlowtatoeshow do i get alsa?12:04
Storkmealright, i'll try that12:04
andy50can someone tell me where the profile folder is for thunderbird so I can copy an existing one ?12:05
ompaulN6REJ, that is more than you had when you joined this channel iirc - now you need to go to a terminal and >>killall nautilus<<12:05
Goldfishczr: YOu only have about 3 seconds to catch the option.12:05
Seveasgnomefreak, no, I just don't know where he is on when he comes back12:05
Seveasso I put the temp bot in :)12:05
gnomefreakahhhhh ok12:05
czrGoldfish, storkme was the interested party in this cae12:05
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czrAlvi1, what did you mean by 'emerging'?12:05
Seveas(which is quite a sucky bot, so I hope ubotu returns soon)12:05
gnomefreak:) wasnt sure if you ran ubotu or not12:05
Alvi1czr: I used "emerge glib"12:06
sklavso nobody able to answer?12:06
Storkmemight i ask, is ubuntu server installation like normal but command line only?12:06
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MrBlowtatoesand jack won't start, i keep egtting could nto connect errors12:06
czrAlvi1, emerge? on ubuntu?12:06
sklavcan media player for osx work under linux?12:06
erUSULMrBlowtatoes, you have alsa it is the sound driver stack ythat comes with the kernel12:06
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Alvi1czr: yes, it's possible12:06
MrBlowtatoesthen why won't it work?12:06
Alvi1czr: and stable12:06
Dido-czr it doesnt work, i rebooted it's not mounted ;[[12:06
varsendaggerczr, emerging is like our apt-get feature or synaptic for gentoo12:06
ompaulsklav, some of us are busy so may not see your question, ask again in a little bit12:06
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gnomefreakAlvi1, not by default it shouldnt be12:06
czrI know what emerge is12:06
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czrjust didn't know that ubuntu supported it12:07
varsendagger--- sorry12:07
erUSULMrBlowtatoes, try killall arts and then jackd &12:07
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Alvi1gnomefreak: emerge returns no errors at all12:07
eruinczr, ubuntu doesn't support it ;p12:07
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czrDido-, you don't need to reboot to test /etc/fstab12:07
sklavthanks ompaul that is why im asking it again ;)12:07
ompaulsklav, I would very much doubt that - however I know little or nothing of ppc12:07
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czreruin, I thought so :-)12:07
czrAlvi1, I don't support gentoo, shoo :-)12:07
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GoldfishWell, I think this would be gentuu12:07
sklavompaul, i just assumed it is is osx which has some similarities it just might12:07
eruinbloody ricers ;)12:07
Alvi1czr: it's not emerge, it's sudo and su12:07
gnomefreakAlvi1, if no errors what is wrong than?12:07
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ompaulSeveas, is there a binary compatible thing that works with ppc bins?12:07
czrAlvi1, it's not sudo nor su. your PAM is broken12:07
davidwinter_hi all, does anyone know how I can install 'libmime-base64-perl'12:07
JormundgandWhat is the correct pronunciation of "Ubuntu"?12:08
Seveasompaul, for what?12:08
MrBlowtatoeswhat is the arts thing called?12:08
varsendaggerStorkme, yeah ubuntu-server is cli12:08
Dido-czr anyway.. any ideas ? ;[12:08
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Alvi1czr: how do I fix my PAM?12:08
czrAlvi1, and I've never been able to break it in ubuntu, so it's not an ubuntu problem12:08
UbugtuSomebody said ubuntu is an easy-to-use GNU/Linux desktop distro based on Debian. http://ubuntu.comhttp://ubuntuforums.org [3] http://wiki.ubuntu.com. It means 'Humanity to others'. see !awards, varsendagger12:08
Storkmemight i ask, is ubuntu server installation like normal but command line only?12:08
gnomefreakAlvi1, su is not active by default in ubuntu either12:08
czrAlvi1, try unemerge? ;-)12:08
sklavSeveas, i was wondering if mdei palyer pluggins for osx would work on ubunut12:08
Seveassklav, -ENOCLUE12:08
MrBlowtatoesi don't think i have arts in the first palce, or soemoen todl me that it came wioth KDE, i don't know, i'm just trying to get a synth/midi thing going on sence i can use fruity loops, heh12:08
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ompaulSeveas,  sklav is asking about running the media player from within OS X in ubuntu but I would doubt if any real work has taken place there12:08
erUSULsklav, i do not think so12:08
czrDido-, let's try this: sudo mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt/18712:08
Storkmemight i ask, is ubuntu server installation like normal but command line only?12:08
varsendagger--- i thought ubotu had the pronuciation to12:09
czrDido-, tell me if that works first12:09
sklavi i was hopping12:09
Seveasompaul, I wouldn't have a single hint of a clue12:09
SeveasStorkme, correct12:09
varsendaggerStorkme, yeah12:09
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MrBlowtatoesstrokme , i have a server installation, and i use KDE12:09
Ivanhow do u run mplayer in fullscreen??12:09
sklavthere is a greek radio station feed from greece i wanted to hear and they no longer broadcast in realplayer :(12:09
ompaulSeveas,  me in same club :)12:09
Alvi1*cries* stupid PAM12:09
czrAlvi1, probably you have overwritten some system criticial files that PAM uses12:09
UbugtuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel12:09
=== Goink [n=bai@port130.ds1-hj.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasPAM anderson?12:09
erUSULMrBlowtatoes, run jackd12:09
czrAlvi1, it's not PAMs problem. it's you and your emerge12:09
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JazzCrazedhas anybody installed breezy to a sata raid 1 setup?12:10
GoldfishWould scanning /var/log/auth.log for sudo operations help uncover what happened to PAM?12:10
sklavJazzCrazed, yes but sata using intel ih5 chipset12:10
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czrit might goldfish12:10
ompaulsklav, there is a protocol called smtp this combined with imap/pop or something else can help in cases such as yours :-)  [ehh drop them a mail you must have a domain name for them I imagine :) ] 12:10
monachoiI've got a problem installing PostGreSQL12:10
N6REJSeveas,  so far its just sitting there with the panel that loads the modules.12:10
JazzCrazedsklav: is it possible to have sata raid and regular pata ide at the same time?12:10
varsendaggerhoever was asking aobut midi https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo12:10
monachoiI'm trying to downgrade from 8.0 to 7.412:10
Alvi1czr: just one question, I'm emerging something at the moment while in su, could that be why?12:10
monachoibut when I install it12:10
Alvi1while in root*12:10
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monachoithere are no config files present in /etc/postgresql12:11
czrAlvi1, I don't support gentoo12:11
sklavJazzCrazed, yes but you need to setup the bios12:11
oblibI'm looking for the script that checks Suspend2 on startup. Where would I look? I runs very first thing after loading the kernel12:11
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=== gnomefreak thinks its a password issue :(
czrAlvi1, sorry to be anal, but IMHO gentoo users should fix their own problems12:11
sklaveach mobo is different on how it works12:11
JazzCrazedsklav: the bios seems to acknowledge it just fine12:11
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rowanhello its me12:11
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GoinkYes, JazzCrazed. I have done it twice, once using a real harware raid, once using Linux sofware raid12:11
JazzCrazedsklav: my breezy install, however, freezes on the grub install12:11
gnomefreakczr, lol12:11
sklavbios by default will use ide as master12:11
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sklavin your case you might want sata12:11
sklavto be master12:12
erUSULMrBlowtatoes, install qjackctl to control jackd12:12
gnomefreakapt-get is not any less unstable than emerge12:12
Ivanany 1 how do u run mplayer in fiullscreen12:12
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MrBlowtatoeshow do i do that?//12:12
JazzCrazedsklav: i added a 3ware raid controller to my computer and intended to use it as slave/secondary wuteva12:12
N6REJgotta run for a bit :(12:12
czrDido-, did it work?12:12
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JazzCrazedretaining the pata drive12:12
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JazzCrazedas hda12:12
sklavare you installing grub on mbr?12:12
JazzCrazedwas intending to, yes12:12
lewixhow can I install azeurus ?12:12
varsendaggerIvan, -f or -s 312:12
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lewixon breezy12:12
JazzCrazedi have w2k on the pata drive12:12
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sklavi know 3 ware is well supported12:13
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varsendagger-s 3 will give you a window that you can scale12:13
ompaul!tell lewix about java12:13
sklavtry googling as im not sure on your setup12:13
JazzCrazedit seemed to be...everything was fine up until grub12:13
sklavin my case its intergrated12:13
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monachoianybody have any problems installing PostGreSQL and not being able to get the packages to generate config files ?12:13
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Dido-czr yep it works12:13
GoinkUsing 3ware controler will make the RAID look like normal SCSI drive12:13
nosralboocan someone explain to me how to set up a server on breezy badger?12:13
JazzCrazedgoink: right, i got that far12:13
MrBlowtatoeshrm, i'm more to useing synths than samples, that link doesn't give any info, just tells me to get timidity and soem samples12:13
=== gnomefreak has to ask but java has something to do with a bittorrent app.?
czrDido-, can you pastebin your fstab?12:13
erUSULMrBlowtatoes, sudo apt-get install qjackctl12:13
Fujoorhey guys, im making a server install of ubuntu on a 199 mhz 32 mb ram, u think it will work?12:13
MrBlowtatoesi got that already12:13
Fujooror am i way over my head?12:13
raveneyehi, any amarok guru around?12:14
ompaullewix, you will need java I got a bot to tell you how to do that if you need more info then >>/msg ubugtu synaptic<< it will give you more info12:14
JazzCrazedgoink: right now my pata is showin up as hda, and the sata raid is showin up as sda12:14
MrBlowtatoesit won't connect12:14
Dido-czr no, it's on another pc12:14
croutonFujoor: it'll be fun12:14
czrraveneye, no, but I also have amarok problem :-)12:14
oblibwhere do I find startup scripts? What runs before the stuff in /etc/rc0.d?12:14
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sklavi had amorok working12:14
sklavbut i needed to install mp3 package12:14
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GoinkSounds right, what is the problem then?12:14
GoldfishFujoor: I built a laptop with ubuntu. Has celeryonion 433. Started 128M ram. Bumped it up to 512M. RAM is verrrryyy good to have.12:14
raveneyeczr, is it crashing all the time?12:14
czrDido-, uhm :-). replace user with uid12:14
sklavif not all it did was skip threw the list12:14
JazzCrazedgoink: the install halts with grub12:14
nosralboohow do I make a server on ubuntu12:14
ompauloblib, to manage that install "bum" boot-up-manager and use it to control stuff12:14
czrDido-, then do umount /mnt/187 to get rid of the current mount12:15
czrDido-, then do mount /mnt/187. no need to reboot12:15
croutonnosralboo: boot from CD and choose 'server' when booting...12:15
Fujooroh it just says killed and a tries to read from the cd over and over12:15
JazzCrazedgoink: it makes the partitions just fine, i get past all the user setup stuff...but once it reaches installing grub, it gets stuck at 0%12:15
Pauls74462when you install Ubunut on a computer that also runs windows can you have access to both hard drives from linux & windows?12:15
czrraveneye, hmm, for me it kind of works, but it's taking 40-50% of CPU12:15
Xenguynosralboo: there's a 'server install' option when first installing12:15
nosralbooso I have to reinstall12:15
czrraveneye, on a 2GHz pentium 4 :-)12:15
nosralbooyea I knew that, but I thought maybe12:15
kittyfjunhow do i see/stop services from the command line?12:15
nosralbooI could do it without doing that12:15
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czrraveneye, so I stopped using it for a while12:15
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ompauloblib, cos you want /etc/init.d/ and playing in there you can kill the box so make sure first you have a live CD to reclaim your machine12:15
croutonnosralboo: server is a very stripped down version. the standard ubuntu install has a lot of packages suitable for desktop use and so forth.12:15
GoldfishPuals74462: Windows doesn't really have drivers to read linux partitions. However, linux can read windows partitions.12:16
Octane_anyone know how to decactive the alarms on gkrellm?12:16
gnomefreakFujoor,  is it going to be used as a server?12:16
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czrkittyfjun, /etc/init.d/* = services, /etc/init.d/service stop|start|status12:16
raveneyenothing here, czr ; it crashes, that's it12:16
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czrraveneye, breezy?12:16
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Fujoorgnome: actually i thought of installing a light wm, icewm or something?12:16
croutonblackbox. :)12:16
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GoinkDo you have a BIOS raid on pata_12:16
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nosralboocrouton: hmm alright thanks12:16
XenguyFujoor: I've been liking xfce4 lately12:16
raveneyeczr, yep12:16
Storkczr, big problems :\12:16
raveneyeczr, kio (Scheduler): FATAL: BUG! _ScheduleJob(): No extraJobData for job!12:16
ompaulFujoor, install xubuntu - it uses sfce very light weight and very functional12:16
czrraveneye, I think it might be the same problem. what is your setup?12:17
oblibompaul, I just want to change a script a little bit. will bom tell me where the script is? (suspend2)12:17
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raveneyethis is what I get12:17
gnomefreakXenguy,  too heavy i think for 32mb ram12:17
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warrengi plugged in a usb-camera but it didn't create a /dev/video, any suggestions?12:17
czrraveneye, yeah, it's broken at least on my system (hogging CPU), don't know how to fix it though :-(12:17
ompauloblib, no if you want to break things they live in /etc/init.d/12:17
Xenguygnomefreak: hrm, yeah, need the lightest possible then12:17
Fujoorompaul: thought of that, but i dont think xubuntu is light enough, do you , it only has 32 mb of ram12:17
pete__i am having a problem installing vmware, can anyone help?12:17
czrStork, ?12:17
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czrpete__, what is the problem?12:17
pete__it tells me i need gcc version 3.4.512:17
Storkczr, i loaded it up in recovery and did "chmod -R 0700 /var/" and now it only loads without any gui12:17
pete__and i have 4. something12:18
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raveneyefollowed the guide, long time ago, czr, and now it has decided no to work anymore12:18
ompaulFujoor, ehhhhhhhhh I am not sure that I would use that machine :-) seriously though I would be building something from scratch for that12:18
czrpete__, can you install and older version?12:18
JazzCrazedgoink: no, the pata is just goin in to IDE 112:18
Dido-czr i rewrote my fstab and send it yo you on private12:18
JazzCrazedit's master on IDE 112:18
gnomefreakFujoor, if you want to run a desktop i would go with something like blackbox or fluxbox but thats even iffy12:18
chrisx1Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0c45:602a Microdia Meade ETX-105EC Camera12:18
chrisx1 <- how can i use/install that?12:18
pete__czr i have the rpm of 3.4.5 downloaded12:18
pete__but i don't know what to do with it.12:18
raveneyeno reinstalling, reconfigurin, no nothing, czr12:18
ompaulFujoor, check out www.distrowatch.com for lightweight distros12:18
czrStork, because you use -R! never use -R without thinking what it does first12:18
Fujoorompaul: like a clean debian install? i tried to install dsl but it cant find my network card12:18
czrDido-, didn't get it. you identified to nickserv?12:19
Storkczr, oops12:19
gnomefreakdamnsmalllinux :)12:19
oblibompaul, Do you know where the stuff is that gets run before /etc/init.d or so? It's the very first thing run, before modules are loaded and everything12:19
GoinkHave you used LVM on you boot partition?12:19
ompaulFujoor, your maybe a bit bigh there :)12:19
Storkczr, what can i do then?12:19
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czrStork, about what?12:19
pete__czr, ?12:19
Ubugtuczr, is it crashing all the time, pete__12:19
Storkczr, about my non-gui problem12:19
Fujoorompaul: bigh or high?12:19
guido_i'm the king of the world! i beat four-in-a-row!!! Yes, Yes, please, thank you.. you can stop cheering an clapping now!12:19
ompauloblib, what exactly do you want to play with? name the file12:19
pete__i need help with vmware / gcc.12:19
guido_an = and12:19
ompaulFujoor, h12:19
czrStork, ah, you should revert the rights on each directory under /var to their original states12:19
pc22ano mmorpg that is good with ubuntu?12:20
Storkczr, oh god12:20
chrisx1 how can i use/install Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0c45:602a Microdia Meade ETX-105EC Camera12:20
JazzCrazedgoink: not that i kno of...do u kno how i could verify that?12:20
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Storkczr, i'd sooner just re-install ubuntu :P12:20
ompauloblib, what exactly do you want to play with? what do you want to adjust - then I might have some idea12:20
czrStork, indeed :-)12:20
czrStork, next time, don't use sudo ;-)12:20
gnomefreakFujoor,  look at specs for damn small linux distro i wanna say 32 is the lowest ram for that distro12:20
Storkczr, heh, good plan12:20
Fujooroh when im here, i might justaswell ask, whats the difference between grub or lilo?12:20
czrStork, why on earth would you want /var to be world-accessable?12:20
qt2Can someone tell me what the "Enterprise Volumn Management system" does?12:20
pete__can anyone help me with a gcc / vmware problem.12:20
oblibompaul, I installed suspend2, which requires recompiling the kernel. I need to find the script that tells the box whether it's coming back from hibernation or not12:20
Dido-czr i resent it to you, now u should received it12:20
chaumurkypete__: try export CC=gcc-3.412:21
UbugtuI don't have a clue.12:21
czrDido-, I did, commented back already12:21
croutonboo ubugtu12:21
UbugtuNo idea!12:21
GoinkGo to  another console and try vgdisplay  -v12:21
pete__chau in terminal?12:21
oblibompaul When I come back, my X session is corrupted and I just want to restart it12:21
croutonhttp://evms.sourceforge.net ?12:21
pete__k i did it12:21
UbugtuI don't know, gnomefreak.12:21
pete__nothing happens?12:21
pete__do i try to reinstall vmware now?12:21
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XenguyFujoor: grub is more powerful; lilo is more lean12:21
chaumurkythen in the same terminal session yes12:21
JazzCrazedgoink: could i be runnin lvm on a windows box?12:21
gnomefreak:( he dont even like snacks12:22
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Dido-czr may this time i didn't got it ? tell me here pls12:22
JazzCrazedthe pata drive has w2k installed on it12:22
Fujoorxernguy: but they do the same job?12:22
czrqt2, it's a 'better' LVM. LVM2 fixes most of the problems in LVM1, so not many people are using EVMS. requires kernel patches anyhow12:22
chaumurkyit just sets a variable vmware needs to build12:22
=== gnomefreak brb
XenguyFujoor: yep12:22
czrDido-, replace the text user=1000 with text uid=100 in fstab12:22
Fujoorxenguy: thank you12:22
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MrBlowtatoeshow do i get jack working erUSUL12:22
XenguyFujoor: yw12:22
qt2czr, so it's okay if i disable it?12:22
GoinkNo, it's a Linux thing (Linux Volume Management)12:22
ompauloblib, no idea - however maybe >>dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg<< may help12:22
qt2czr, what's LVM do, anyway? :P12:22
JazzCrazedgoink: oh i thot it stood for logical volume management :)12:22
JazzCrazedgoink: ok, well then that answers that...no lvm12:23
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czrqt2, unless you're using EVMS, yes12:23
czrqt2, a stock ubuntu install doesn't use it, so you're safe12:23
croutonqt2: it allows logical volumes to be created that span multiple physical drives, for example.12:23
oblibompaul Don't have that package installed12:23
czrevms != lvm. btw12:23
Xenguyqt2: makes it easier to resize partitions later on12:23
qt2ah, i see.12:23
croutonsupersedes lvm2, no?12:23
Dido-czr i did, mount -a, and i still dont have access to write ..12:23
ompauloblib, ehh did you cut and paste?12:23
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pete__can i send you my error message? and you can try to help me?12:23
windowmakercan somebody help me with this problem i'm having with my nvidia drivers? it doesn't start X/GDM and it gives me this error message http://pastebin.com/45895612:23
GoldfishUbugtu LVM is Linux Volumn Management, used for creating logical disk partitions on top of physical ones.12:23
UbugtuGot it!12:23
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chaumurkyhow'd you go pete__ ?12:24
oblibompaul It's a server install, to be used for MythTv12:24
pete__same error chau12:24
pete__"/usr/bin/gcc" version "4.0.2". This configuration is not supported and VMware12:24
pete__Workstation cannot work in such configuration. Please either recompile your12:24
pete__kernel with "/usr/bin/gcc" version "4.0.2", or restart /usr/bin/vmware-config.plwith CC environment variable pointing to the "gcc" version "3.4.5".12:24
chaumurkypost error12:24
Maxthe ubuntu wiki for telnetd should advise that the 'netkit.inetd' package should be installed.12:24
GoinkLVM is realy great, but grub will nnot boot from a LVM partition. LILO works fine.12:24
=== Xenguy admits mythtv sounds pretty cool...
ompauloblib, okay - server installs no X so how did you have X I am now lost12:24
chaumurkygo: sudo apt-get install gcc-3.4 g++-3.412:24
qt2How about gdomap? seems lsomething DCOM-esqe... o.O;12:24
JazzCrazedgoink: hmm...the pata drive isn't lvm, but still grub fails to install12:24
chaumurkythen go export CC=gcc-3.4     then try again12:25
=== ompaul heads to bed work in the morning
Goldfishoblib: Are you building a backend MythTV server, for your tuner cards, etc? Checkout mine ---> http://www.mindspring.com/~gregturn/right_turn/id9.html12:25
oblibompaul - apt-get install xserver. When I run startx, it goes to my window manager12:25
chaumurkyall in the same terminal - that's important12:25
GoinkWhat do you have on the pata?12:25
JazzCrazedgoink: i've moved the 3ware raid up above the pata drive in bios for boot order...i'll see if that does nething12:25
JazzCrazedgoink: the pata has w2k12:25
amiasis it possible to rollback to breezy from dapper ?12:26
JazzCrazedgoink: i decided to add ubuntu by gettin a couple sata drives and a 3ware card for raid setup, with the intention of dual booting12:26
oblibGoldfish, front and back12:26
Chris_Tuckeris there a way to convert a .so to a .o?12:26
chaumurkyamias: very difficult12:26
Goldfishoblib: How do you plan on doing that with a server-only install?12:26
GoinkTry booting from the 3ware and install grub on the 3ware drives12:26
ompauloblib, that is not what I would have done - install full ubuntu then you get a working X and you can play with suspend and all sorts of stuff - then you can fix your myth tv12:26
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amiaschaumurky: how do you do it ?12:26
oblibGoldfish, is the glowy guy in the upper left?12:26
windowmakeris anybody able to help me get X working with my Nvidia drivers? it gives me this error: http://pastebin.com/45895612:26
JazzCrazedgoink: i'm hopin that's wut'll happen now that i reversed the 3ware and the pata in boot order (3ware first)12:26
JazzCrazedgoink: thx for ur help so far12:26
GoldfishChris_Tucker: I think you mean converting a dynamic library to a static one. That would be a .so to a .a.12:26
ompauloblib, I have to sleep or I will not make any money tomorrow and I need to eat :-)12:26
oblibompaul thanks12:27
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Siph0nif ubuntu freezes, is there neway to see what went wrong without rebooting?12:27
chaumurkyI can't. Someone else may be able to but it's easier to re-install, beleive me!12:27
Chris_TuckerGoldfish, no, i mean a .o from a .so12:27
varsendaggeroblib, what do you need help with12:27
chrisx1 how can i use/install Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0c45:602a Microdia Meade ETX-105EC Camera12:27
chrisx1and use it12:27
oblibGoldfish, I had it working until I installed suspend212:27
qt2i'm going through the startup stuff, disabling things that arent needed for the desktop.12:27
pete__hey chau12:27
UbugtuYes, yes! Yes indeed. Who would have thought it, eh, chaumurky12:27
pete__i got past that error now it wants to know12:27
pete__hat is the location of the directory of C header files that match your runningkernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] 12:27
GoldfishChris_Tucker: I have no idea what are talking about.12:27
oblibvarsendagger, I installed suspend2 and can't get it to restore my X12:27
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gnomefreakSiph0n,  if it freezes how are you going to do anything? including type a command in?12:27
Goldfishoblib: What is suspend2?12:27
chaumurkyahh, what do you get when you type in uname -r12:27
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atchimnickserv identify mypass12:28
oblibGoldfish, a software suspend prog. It hibernates the computer12:28
Chris_TuckerGoldfish, i have a .c that wont compile, but i have a ready .so thats just fine and already done by someone else with the same kernel12:28
chaumurkygo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.12-10-38612:28
amiasmy /var/lib/dpkg/status is peppered with random charecters , anyone know how to regenerate it ?12:28
pete__i wont be able to do it in same terminal12:28
pete__since it's asking me a question12:28
oblibGoldfish, Do you just turn it on and off every time, or leave it always on?12:28
varsendaggersorry i ahve no ideas12:29
Goldfishoblib: On all the time. How else will it record my TV shows that during the day while I'm at work, or alternate showings at 2:00am?12:29
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chaumurkyyou have to cancel that - CTRL C12:29
nosralboocan anyone tell me how to work apache 2? I downloaded with synaptic and now what do I do? lol12:29
pete__says 13 permission denied/12:29
UbugtuIt has been said that apache is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP or, for Ubuntu server information, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/installation-custom, crouton12:29
oblibGoldfish, where did you get the sweet case?12:29
gnomefreakpete__,  use sudo12:29
chaumurkyas long as you satey in the same terminal you wont have to do the export again12:30
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MaFiaBoYUbotu is back :p12:30
Goldfishoblib: newegg.com It is an Antec, cost about $100 USD. P.S. I have another hard drive. Took awhile to find the same coolermaster 3 HDD heatsink.12:30
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MaFiaBoYsort of... :p12:30
pete__k dling those files.12:30
chaumurkysorry, yes, use sudo12:30
JormundgandAnyone have any experience getting sound to work in Flash movies in Firefox 1.5 in Ubuntu?12:30
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gnomefreakMaFiaBoY, he is where?12:30
Xappei'm trying to accomplish a dual head setup with fglrx. usually, wich monitor is referred to as the first? (the one connected to the vga connector or the one connected to the dvi connector using a dvi-->vga adaptor)12:30
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oblibGoldfish, looks like I need to read your page. I'm having major headaches too. Mythmusic keeps freezing on me.12:30
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MaFiaBoYgnomefreak > here12:30
Ubugtuhmm... apache is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP or, for Ubuntu server information, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/installation-custom, MaFiaBoY12:31
amiasXappe: the one with screen 1 in its screen section12:31
defendguinany idea when the new broadcom wireless drivers might get ubuntu packages?12:31
gnomefreakMaFiaBoY,  thats not ubotu12:31
MaFiaBoYwell, it's the same12:31
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pete__i got those headers12:31
Comrade_Vladimiranyone know a good mp3 player that also plays video for 200usd or less12:31
Xappeamias: yes, but how do I tell wich connector scrren1 is?12:31
pete__should i try to install again?12:31
shanonxIf Im using OpenOffice Impress... is  there anywhere to get like clipart type stuff?12:31
Goldfishoblib: I've had my own share of headaches when I upgraded to AMD64 back in April. glibc had a thread lock bug didn't get solved for six months. Finally started working again back in October.12:31
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gnomefreakMaFiaBoY, not even close ubotu knew more12:32
MickMcMackHmmz, my flash player does not seem to work. :(12:32
gnomefreak:( miss ubotu12:32
Seveasgnomefreak, I manually imported ubotus databse into this one :)12:32
gnomefreakSeveas,  alright ty12:32
chaumurkyif you need to do this again at some stage there's a good howto in the forums outlining all of these steps12:32
Xappeamias: don't want to burn my monitors, so I have to be sure :)12:32
pete__me chau?12:32
pete__ubuntu how to install vmware?12:32
MaFiaBoYbut, why the hell do I have this nick ?12:32
pete__can i have the link??12:32
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amiasXappe: its very hard to do that , are they fixed frequency ?12:33
chaumurkyin the forum search vmware howto ;-)12:33
MickMcMackCould my sound, or lack thereof cause Flash Player to not work?12:33
MrBlowtatoeswhat are the process that have to be runnign in order for the OS to work?...linux is usieng ALOT of resources all the sudden12:33
chaumurkyit's pretty easy to find - I needed to several times and that's how I did it12:33
pete__YAY it's working i think12:33
MrBlowtatoesuseing the process table, is there a way to obly show the processes that cna be killed?12:33
Goldfishoblib: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16811129162 <--- Antec overture case.12:34
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Xappeamias: well, what do you mean?12:34
HymnToLifeMrBlowtatoes > every process can be killed12:34
MrBlowtatoesthe OS won';t function12:34
Xappeamias: i'm quite a newbie when it comes to monitor setup12:34
pete__ty so much chau12:34
pete__it's installed.12:34
pete__now i need to figure out how to install xp pro on it :-)12:34
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UbugtuSomebody said checkinstall is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CheckInstall, gnomefreak12:35
amiasXappe: unless you have a fixed frequency monitor (old , sun worksation) it will turn itself off before any damage occurs12:35
chaumurkyhave you ised vmware before?12:35
MickMcMackAnyone? >_>;;;12:35
Xappeamias: ah, ok12:35
erUSULMrBlowtatoes, root can kill any process. btw i've been testing jackd here a while and you will need lsm-realtime module for your kernel and everything12:35
pete__no chau.12:35
UbugtuWish I knew!12:35
SeveasHymnToLife, that's not true, try for instance to kill ksoftirqd/1 :)12:35
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MrBlowtatoeswhat will i need?12:35
JormundgandAnyone have any experience getting sound to work in Flash movies in Firefox 1.5 in Ubuntu? The FIREFOX_DSP trick worked for Ubuntu's version of
HymnToLifeSeveas > I don't have it :p12:36
chaumurkyvery straightforward. create a new VM in the menu then pop the install cdrom in the drive and start the VM.you'll see a BIOS screen and off you go!12:36
SeveasHymnToLife, /0 then :)12:36
HymnToLifei only have ksoftirq/012:36
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Seveastry to kill it :)12:36
GoinkAnybody else running ubuntu on a dual core athlon64?12:36
Xappeamias: but how do I tell wich monitor connector is the primary one?12:36
HymnToLifeno, thanks :p12:36
pete__where are the ubuntu forums at?12:36
Seveaseven with kill -9 that's impossible12:36
HymnToLifewhat exactly it is ?12:36
HymnToLifeis it*12:36
Ubugtuhmm... forums is http://www.ubuntuforums.org, crouton12:36
JazzCrazedgoink: no dice with 3ware above the pata ide in boot order...install still freezes on grub installation12:36
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chaumurkyalso have a look in http://ubuntuguide.squarecows.com/doku.php12:37
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SeveasHymnToLife, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/558112:37
HymnToLifethanks :)12:37
chaumurkyoh yeah, pete here too https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation12:37
GoinkJazzCrazed, strange. I have used 3ware without a hitch, must be something else...12:38
MrBlowtatoesyeah, useing LMMS , i'm gettign NO sound while useing ALSA12:38
Seveasit's the softirq daemon, a kernel thread that schedules the bottom halves of interrupt handlers that use softirq's or tasklets as bottom half12:38
pete__chau, which type of internet connection should my vm have?12:38
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HymnToLifeanyway, it takes 0 bytes of memory so I don't think it's this one who slows down MrBlowtatoes' comp :p12:38
chaumurkybridged to start with12:38
JazzCrazedgoink: mebbe i just can't use sata raid and a pata ide at the same time12:38
chaumurkyit will have it's own IP12:38
JazzCrazedfor grub that is12:38
MickMcMack" ** (swfdec-mozilla-player:11946): WARNING **: No GConf default audio sink key and esdsink doesn't work12:38
MickMcMackCould not create audio sink " I get this when Firefox tries to start Flash Player/12:38
MrBlowtatoesi have 192mb RAM btw, heh12:38
MickMcMackHow can I stop it from trying to start audio?12:39
MrBlowtatoeslots of things slow me down on linux [though with windows i barely used half of that] 12:39
JormundgandMickMcMack: Set up an audio sink that works. I installed ALSA and OSS emulation.12:39
GoinkJazzCrazed, That should not be a problem at all. But you might try pulling the ide cable out an redoing the installation12:40
MickMcMackJormundgand, NO audio works. At all.12:40
erUSULMickMcMack, you do not have esd running12:40
JazzCrazedgoink, yea, i'll try that...thx again12:40
winterborneAnybody here got FastCGI working with Rails and Apache2?12:40
Ubugtutest is Failed., cafuego12:40
occyanyone know how to resize a window in Gnome to be a specific size?  like, I want to set my chat window at say 800x60012:40
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GoinkJazzCrazed, That will ensure that the installer places everyting on the 3ware12:40
erUSULMickMcMack, run it 'esd' in a terminal12:40
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chaumurkyNo news pete? Sounds like good news!!12:41
GoldfishI think the geometry argument is a standard X setting for any window. Don't use it ever...12:41
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MickMcMackerUSUL, command not found.12:41
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erUSULMickMcMack, install it12:41
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erUSULMickMcMack, or polypaudio sudo apt-get install esd12:42
varsendaggerMickMcMack, what are you trying to do?12:42
GoinkAnybody else using a  dual core? I am having loads of timing issues with it.12:42
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MickMcMackvarsendagger, get flash player to work.12:42
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MickMcMackvarsendagger, if I can get sound working too, that's a big plus.12:42
varsendaggerare you using firefox?12:43
MickMcMackvarsendagger, yessir.12:43
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varsendaggerjust a sec12:43
varsendaggerdo you use the Command line?12:43
chaumurkyhello ubotu...12:43
ubotuStop poking me!12:43
cortexgood morning everyone12:43
ubotuHi, chaumurky!12:43
UbugtuI have no idea.12:43
cafuegopiece of shit perl12:43
erUSULMickMcMack, install esd as i told you12:44
GoldfishSo, is ubugtu happen to be ubotu's half-brother?12:44
Storkhi, how can i connect to a remote computer running ubuntu (like the vncviewer but for the command line)12:44
MickMcMackerUSUL, is that libesd0 ?12:44
=== ubotu pokes chaumurky with a ruler
Ubugtuhmm... poke is microphone), chaumurky12:44
amiasStork: ssh12:44
GoldfishStork: ssh12:44
UbugtuI don't have a clue!12:44
ubotuI haven't a clue, chaumurky12:44
ubotuwell, ! is what you add before a sentence to talk to me12:44
Ubugtu! is what you add before a sentence to talk to me, chaumurky12:44
ubotuUbugtu: I give up, what is it?12:44
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %chaumurky!*@*] by Seveas
Seveas!unload infobot12:45
UbugtuThe operation succeeded.12:45
ubotuSeveas: What?12:45
=== fishhead [i=why@unaffiliated/fishhead] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
=== Stork [n=alex@81-86-115-45.dsl.pipex.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
JazzCrazedgoink: after installin successfully, i'd presumably be able to plug the ide drive back in, right?12:45
=== shogun_ [n=shogun@] has joined #ubuntu
erUSULMickMcMack, the package is esound12:45
=== nosralboo [n=griffin@71-34-42-47.mpls.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
Goldfish!Who is still there?12:45
ubotuGoldfish: what are you talking about?12:45
=== cortex [n=cortex@] has left #ubuntu ["A]
cafuegoSeveas: I have no idea why ubotu is behaving this badly, no odd logs...12:45
erUSULMickMcMack, sudo apt-get install esound12:45
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel.12:45
MickMcMackerUSUL, sec...12:45
Seveascafuego, freenode hickup earlier12:45
ubotuSyntax error in line 1, Seveas12:45
=== Ubugtu [n=bugbot@ubuntu/member/seveas] has left #ubuntu ["Seveas"]
nosralboocan someone IM me and tell me how to use apache 212:45
GoinkJazzCrazed, Yes, just keep the 3ware at the start of the boot chain12:45
cafuegoSeveas: He ought to auto reconnect, though.12:46
croutonhey folks, anyone using the fglrx driver but are stuck with Mesa?12:46
MickMcMackerUSUL, installed.12:46
ubotuHymnToLife: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about12:46
Seveasyeah, ubugtu should too, but doesn't12:46
JazzCrazedgoink: right...cool, thx12:46
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %HymnToLife!*@*] by Seveas
MickMcMackerUSUL, does it need any configuring?12:46
=== cafuego blames perl
ubotuAll work and no play. Please don't play with me in the channel; experiment with me in /msg12:46
GoinkJazzCrazed, that way you should be able to boot windows from grub12:46
erUSULMickMcMack, no afaik12:46
Seveasubugtu is python :)12:46
JazzCrazedgoink: i'd obviously have to edit menu.lst if i ever wanted to do dual boot, right?12:46
=== Sapmelas [n=mrx@ti541210a080-1677.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
MickMcMackerUSUL, the error hasn't gone away.12:46
ubotuwell, fglrx is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto12:46
Seveasbut blaming perl is always right :)12:46
=== cafuego blames the 'p' in LAMP then.
varsendaggerSeveas, what was going on with the ubotu and ubungtu?12:46
Seveasvarsendagger, ubotu was missing12:47
=== cafuego SHOULD just rewrite ubotu in php
=== erUSUL thinks that Seveas is wiser for choosing python over perl
=== _victor [n=victor@85-57-2-192.mal1.adsl.uni2.es] has joined #ubuntu
JazzCrazedgoink: right now my priority is at least being able to mount the pata drive and access its files12:47
JormundgandAnyone have any experience getting sound to work in Flash movies in Firefox 1.5 in Ubuntu? The FIREFOX_DSP trick worked for Ubuntu's version of
erUSULMickMcMack, run it type esd in a terminal12:47
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varsendaggerMickMcMack,  listen to Jormundgand12:47
GoinkJazzCrazed, that should work as soon as you plug the cable back in12:47
=== P8ntKid [n=jon@pcp0011206865pcs.salsbr01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
JazzCrazedgoink: sounds good...thx a ton12:48
MickMcMackvarsendagger, it's ALL sound that doesn't work.12:48
=== Gardin [n=Johan@2-1-3-28a.asp.sth.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu
MickMcMackvarsendagger, not just flash sound.12:48
croutonanyone using fglrx with a Radeon 9100?12:48
MickMcMackerUSUL, with esd running, I still get the same error.12:48
GoinkJazzCrazed, Dualboot needs a little setup, but just follow the grub docs12:48
=== MarcN [n=marc@dsl.wildcat.mv.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== Gardin [n=Johan@2-1-3-28a.asp.sth.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu
erUSULMickMcMack, and other sound? have you tried rhythmbox?12:49
croutonnosralboo : hit the forums or the wiki, somebody has to have done a setup like what you want to do12:49
nosralboook thanks12:49
raveneyehi, anyone else with a breezy crashing amarok?12:49
JazzCrazedgoink: i have another machine that is setup with dual boot ubuntu and xp, with xp on hda...u think i'd be able to copy the xp section of menu.lst?12:49
erUSULMickMcMack, have you btw closed ff and open it again12:49
=== d__k [n=d__K@dsl081-235-131.lax1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
MickMcMackerUSUL, yep - I closed FF, ran esd in one term, ff in another and got the same sound error.12:50
MickMcMackAnd no, no sound works.12:50
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=== chaumurky [n=mainacco@203-214-141-96.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
MrBlowtatoescan someone help me get unrar-nonfree working? it still won't install12:50
GoinkJazzCrazed, if the partition numbering is the same, yes. Anyway, it is safe even if it fails12:50
erUSULMickMcMack, :( run gstreamer-properties and chec conf12:50
Comrade_Vladimirwhat channel should i go to to talk about mp3 playerws12:51
=== iicaptain [n=mainacco@203-214-141-96.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
JormundgandAnyone have any experience getting sound to work in Flash movies in Firefox 1.5 in Ubuntu? The FIREFOX_DSP trick worked for Ubuntu's version of 1.0.7. (I'll keep asking until I get a response. =P)12:51
ubotusomebody said coc was the Ubuntu Code of Conduct, to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere. You can find the Code of Conduct at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/conduct/12:51
=== lightbright [n=truth@122.b.001lg.syd.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
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=== eksajm [n=simon@c-e9df71d5.010-75-73746f13.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
GoinkJazzCrazed, but you should read the grub docs on how to browse to the boot device you need,   that will come in handy some day12:52
eksajmhello =)12:52
MickMcMackerUSUL, no such command as gstreamer-properties12:52
=== Goldfish draws up a cold beer, and slides it down the bar to lightbright.
eksajmwhen i start adept i get a "provide root pass" and i do but it says it is wrogn password12:52
eksajmanyone else have this problem12:53
=== Goldfish sends round 2 to eksajm.
lightbrightGoldfish: i dont drink alcohol, but a grape juice would be good :)12:53
JazzCrazedgoink: i will...i did actually read them a while ago when i was setting up grub for a mepis/xp dual boot, but have neglected em since ubuntu install seems to do fine on its own; but i'll refresh myself :)12:53
=== felor [n=felor@bea13-1-82-228-105-196.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
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=== HymnToLife [n=_mfb@dyn-213-36-154-229.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb qjeieVib!*@* *!*@84-217-138-222.tn.glocalnet.net *!*@p508B6CC4.dip.t-dialin.net %HymnToLife!*@*] by Seveas
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb %chaumurky!*@* %shogun_!*@* %quadra!*@* %orkin!*@*] by Seveas
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb %Kels!*@* %Kelsey23!*@* %morgania!*@* %*!*@host86-140-155-173.range86-140.btcentralplus.com] by Seveas
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %*!*@] by Seveas
=== Goldfish runs to the end of bar, intercepting the beer, and replacing it with a cold grape juice.
erUSULMickMcMack, what!? 8|12:53
=== bobubu64 [n=bobubu64@ppp-15-133.25-151.libero.it] has joined #ubuntu
eksajmanyomne else haveing problems with adept?12:54
HymnToLifethanks Seveas :p12:54
Comrade_Vladimirwhat channel should i go to to talk about mp3 playerws12:54
GoinkJazzCrazed, good luck on the install!12:54
=== Jormundgand congratulates Goldfish with transferring momentum from the beer to the grape juice so efficiently.
=== thierry [n=thierry@modemcable175.142-201-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
XenguyComrade_Vladimir: I use xmms FWIW12:54
Comrade_Vladimirthe chabnnel12:55
=== Danten [n=danten@h114n4c1o1049.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #Ubuntu
MickMcMackerUSUL, you told me to run gstreamer-properties, there are no gstreamer-anything commands.12:55
HymnToLifeXenguy > he was merely talking about ipod-like devices I think12:55
XenguyHymnToLife: ahh12:55
Comrade_Vladimirone that plays mp3s as well as mp3s12:55
Comrade_Vladimiri wish the mrobe 500 played vids12:55
JormundgandAnyone have any experience getting sound to work in Flash movies in Firefox 1.5 in Ubuntu? The FIREFOX_DSP trick worked for Ubuntu's version of 1.0.7, and the people in the two #firefox channels just told me to go here.12:56
=== mrgumble [n=mrgumble@p54867FBA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasJormundgand: please stop repeating the same question. If someone knows, (s)he will answer. You can try posting on the mailing list too.12:56
MickMcMackerUSUL, more fun; I apt-get'd gstremaer-alsa and now I can't run "esd" - it tells me: /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy12:56
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JormundgandSeveas: I'd rather avoid it scrolling up and out of peoples' chat/memory buffers, and mailing lists are just slower chatrooms.12:57
SeveasJormundgand, then you'll get kicked out very quickly, repeating is very annoying12:57
=== iicaptain [n=mainacco@203-214-141-96.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
=== sc [n=sc212212@client-82-2-128-115.manc.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #ubuntu
GoldfishJormundgand: I don't think I know the answer now, nor 30 seconds ago, nor 1 minute, nor....12:57
erUSULMickMcMack, but it should be. try System>Preferences>[multimedia selector or something]  (i have spanish version)12:58
natexanyone have a gimp 2.3.5 package?12:58
=== locomorto [n=loco@unaffiliated/locomorto] has joined #ubuntu
JormundgandThen we enter a Clinton-style debate over the nature of "repeating". If it's periodic every half-hour or so then it's just making sure people don't forget there's an outstanding question and exposing new people to it. Repetition every few seconds is, I agree, annoying.12:58
=== jcole [n=jcole@48.sub-70-199-247.myvzw.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
=== gnomefreak closes eyes
MickMcMackerUSUL, where would I find that?12:59
JormundgandHowever, since you insist, I shall stop.12:59
eksajmheyguys, what program du you sue to unrar .rar files?12:59
=== Oceansblue [n=rlundahl@gw.library.xwi.xmission.com] has joined #ubuntu
bob832this is probably a "bad" question, but, i just install apache but what directory is the actual html files stored in?12:59
HymnToLifewinrar through Wine12:59
FrdPrefctapt-get install unrar12:59
Seveas(pacakge unrar-nonfree)12:59
Xenguybob832: /var/www/01:00
Goldfishbob832: Probably /var/www. It is part of the configuration in /etc/apache201:00
chaumurkystill blocked??01:00
chrisx1_yer its /var/www im messin with apache atm01:00
=== dufus [n=squire@213-162-107-186.squire570.adsl.metronet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
erUSULMickMcMack, in the menu System>Preferences>[somethin about multimedia] 01:00
JormundgandMultimedia Systems Selector?01:00
eksajmSeveas, hum i used it in gentoo, but "unrar" is not availbile in the apt get thingy,  and unrarfree doesnt work01:00
bob832alright, thanks01:01
Seveaseksajm, unrar-nonfree is in multiverse01:01
erUSULSeveas, do you know in what package comes gstreamer-properties (or how to find out) ?01:01
ubotuwell, repos is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) see also !easysource01:01
eksajmSeveas, which means?01:01
Seveas!find gstreamer-properties01:01
vaxarendoes anybody now why i cant use any of the admin programs (as a normal user, i have not tryed root) under gnome? it asks for a password and it doesnt mather if i give it my pass or the root password, nothing just happens01:01
Seveaseksajm, it means you need to enable multiverse in sources.list01:01
Seveas!tell eksajm about sources01:02
=== soundray [n=soundray@dsl-217-155-44-246.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
eksajmSEJeff, thx01:02
HymnToLifenormally it should work with your user password vaxaren01:02
chrisx1_How Do i find my "groupname"01:02
eksajmvaxaren,  i have the same problem!01:02
=== windowmaker [n=windowma@c211-28-123-72.eburwd3.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
=== _null is now known as _eins
=== ClayG is now known as xClayG
=== csdcsdcsdc [n=scdsc@c-66-177-234-195.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Goldfishchrisx1_: type id, type groups01:02
SEJeffchrisx1_: groups username01:02
=== Laney [i=laney@prodigy.orion-hosting.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
vaxarenHymnToLife, that is what i thought too :)01:02
=== csdcsdcsdc is now known as ClayG
MickMcMack!tell me about gstreamer-properties01:03
vaxareni youst installed it01:03
gnomefreakwhat is th -H for in sudo -i -H ?01:03
HymnToLifevaxaren > try running sudo disks-admin from a terminal01:03
windowmakerhi guys, i recently just installed my nvidia drivers, and games that require opengl or sdl type rendering are working great, but i can't get sound or music to work in tuxracer =(01:03
Seveasgnomefreak, it resets the $HOME variable01:03
gnomefreakSeveas,  ok ty01:03
Seveasgnomefreak, sudo -i is the shortcut for sudo -sH01:03
vaxarenHymnToLife, ok01:03
ClayGmsg MemoServ LIST01:03
=== Goldfish [n=gregturn@user-0calf26.cable.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu ["Time]
=== Lupraki [n=denverth@] has joined #ubuntu
vaxarennothing happens, it only returns to the command line01:04
vaxarenif i try it again it doesnt even ask for a password... :)01:05
=== MickMcMack sulks.
=== Ubugtu [n=bugbot@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #ubuntu
erUSULwindowmaker, you may have to kill esd before running the game01:05
HymnToLifethe second one is normal01:05
HymnToLifethe first obviously isn't01:05
windowmakererUSUL: is doing that safe? i ermember when i used to use KDE, i killed arts and it never came back01:05
windowmakererUSUL: i've also tried using ALSA, that didn't fix the problem either01:06
UbugtuError: You don't have the admin capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.01:06
ubotucafuego: What?01:06
ubotucafuego: Did you get hit by a windmill?01:06
=== Ubugtu [n=bugbot@ubuntu/member/seveas] has left #ubuntu ["cafuego"]
cafuegoubotu: yes01:06
ubotuYes, yes! Yes indeed. Who would have thought it, eh, cafuego?01:06
erUSULMickMcMack, i'm lost i thought that gstremaer-properties was installed by default in ubuntu but you do not have it :(01:07
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poningruubotu: botsnack01:07
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poningrudont ever leave01:07
erUSULwindowmaker, check if you actually have esd running (ps ax | grep esd)01:07
lightbrightanyone know hoe to edit a VOB file?01:08
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pete__VOB=dvd file?01:08
=== squire [n=squire@213-162-107-186.squire570.adsl.metronet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
HymnToLife> avidemux01:08
chaumurkylightbright, the video or the meta info?01:08
HymnToLifepete__ > yes01:08
mxxlLoL :|01:08
=== thoron [n=petri@dsl-hkigw8-fe13f800-213.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
thoronCan I take bugzilla package from debian?01:09
cafuegolightbright: convert into editable format, edit, recode back into vob.01:09
poningruthoron: what you mean?01:09
=== poningru beats cafuego with a large trout
sinizzlit makes an evil monster called gelguen come out of the earth01:09
thoronponingru, Where I can get bugzilla package for Ubuntu?01:09
poningruthats for taking ubotu away >:(01:09
=== nosralboo [n=griffin@71-34-42-47.mpls.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegoponingru: You are mistaken.01:09
nosralboohow do I check my ip in with terminal?01:09
Xenguynosralboo: ifconfig01:09
zelevwhi guys...i can't play dvds...i followed the instructions on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats ...where else can i look for help? thank you.01:09
=== poningru hands cafuego an icepack
gnomefreaknosralboo, ifconfig01:10
windowmakererUSUL: http://pastebin.com/45898201:10
ubotuI guess dvd is "DVD playing is possible in ubuntu, some DVDs may require libdvdcss2, which is available on http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl   See also !libdvdcss2"01:10
poningruthats for creating the bot :)01:10
cafuegoponingru: ubotu went away because freenode broke.01:10
nosralbooit doesn't work01:10
soundraythoron, it's in universe.01:10
poningrucafuego: oh ic01:10
cafuegoponingru: I had to manuaklly restart 'im to get him back online.01:10
nosralbooI have tried ipconfig01:10
zelevwerUSUL: thanks01:10
nosralbooand nothing happens01:10
Xenguynosralboo: sudo?01:10
cafuegonosralboo: 'ifconfig'.01:10
=== gnomefreak brb reboot :(
thoronsoundray, what is universe, I am new to ubuntu, sorry I haven't read anything yet.01:10
cafuegonosralboo: ipconfig is a windows tool.01:10
HymnToLifenosralboo > iFconfig01:10
erUSULwindowmaker, you have it running you will have to kill it for some games to have sound01:11
ubotufrom memory, repos is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) see also !easysource01:11
chaumurkyipconfig - that caught me too back in the day...01:11
nosralbooi'm stupid01:11
nosralboosorry you guys01:11
thoronOk, "You can enable the universe component by editing the file "/etc/apt/sources.list" after installing Ubuntu."01:11
nosralbooI thought that was a P01:11
nosralboonot an f01:11
=== Shadowline [n=shadowli@ppp-70-226-82-229.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
windowmakererUSUL: but will it come back? because when i killed arts when i used to use KDE, artsd never came back01:11
chaumurkynot stupid - catching up, that's all01:11
uboturepos is, like, totally, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) see also !easysource01:11
=== cafuego suggests picking a better font ;-)
soundraythoron, you've got it.01:11
erUSULwindowmaker, you will have to run it manually after playing01:12
=== MickMcMack slaps the "omniscient" bots.
windowmakererUSUL:  thanks01:12
chaumurkyyeah, like totally LOL!01:12
cafuegoMickMcMack: ow!01:12
=== soci0path [n=KevinSpe@] has joined #ubuntu
=== lee_ [n=lee@80-195-255-24.cable.ubr01.dudl.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
MickMcMackcafuego, sorry. :(01:13
=== steigweis [n=steigwei@p508790F3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
erUSULwindowsrefund, np01:13
MickMcMackcafuego, I am just bitter.01:13
MickMcMackcafuego, like an old person, BITTER. :(01:13
=== Knowerrors [n=stormsur@Node150-175-53-66.1dial.com] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegoMickMcMack: old people are like good coffee. Strong and bitter.01:13
=== ipricku [n=pr1r@rrcs-24-136-126-104.nyc.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
MickMcMackcafuego, I am not old in years, only in spite and cynicism. :(01:14
iprickudoes anyone know a good website editing program... kinda like frintpage i guess...01:14
=== Aegir [n=richard@d220-238-52-188.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Subhumanipricku, like wysiwig?01:14
cafuegoipricku: try 'nvu'01:14
nosralboook I have another question, why is it that when I try to connect to my apache server, I get "Connection Refused Error"01:14
erUSULipricku, nvu01:14
iprickucool ty01:15
iprickuty all01:15
cafuegoipricku: But when it comes to 'good" even 'cat' is better than frontpage.01:15
=== nickrud [n=aias@ppp-70-251-209-62.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@adsl-144-154-33.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
iprickucat?... ill check that out too01:15
chaumurkycat sure uses less resources...01:15
cafuegoand cat has a better chance of producing compliant html.01:15
iprickuand i can get these thru add apps?01:15
soundrayipricku, cat is already on your system.01:16
chaumurkyapart from pebcak01:16
=== MickMcMack suggests pico!
iprickuoh ok01:16
=== windowmaker [n=windowma@c211-28-123-72.eburwd3.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
windowmakererUSUL: mmh, that worked, how do i start esd again?01:16
=== Subhuman suggests learning vim and using a real editor :P
=== poningru suggests emacs
soundrayipricku, enter 'man cat'01:16
=== Knowerrors [n=stormsur@Node150-175-53-66.1dial.com] has joined #ubuntu
soundrayipricku, not much in the way of wysywig or specialized html features :)01:16
MickMcMackponingru, did you just mention the forbidden editor? :O!01:16
chaumurkyoh oh... .here we go.....01:17
nosralboowhy can't I connect to my apache server? I have entered the ip and my php file into the browser, and I get the error "The connection was refused when trying to connect to XXX.XXX.X.X01:17
Xenguy!start an editor war01:17
ubotugedit is better than xemacs.01:17
erUSULwindowmaker, run esd in a terminal01:17
=== MickMcMack takes up arms against the VIMfidels.
=== MickMcMack chuckles at his own pun. :(
soundray!start an OS war01:17
ubotusoundray: Bugger all, i dunno01:17
Subhumanlol NOTEPAD!11!01:17
=== miyavi [n=miyavi_j@modem9-as2.mendoza.uolsinectis.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu
=== cafuego loads MickMcMack up with bomb.el
chaumurkylet's not get VIMdictive...01:17
Subhumanbut seriously, its a editor, use what your used to.01:17
nosralboowhy can't I connect to my apache server? I have entered the ip and my php file into the browser, and I get the error "The connection was refused when trying to connect to XXX.XXX.X.X01:18
Subhumanbut vim is the best in the end :P01:18
windowmakererUSUL: i did that, it made some funny noises, but now other noises aren't working and the tuxracer sounds still work aha01:18
chaumurkyoh, I love that word, best...01:18
=== [m] [n=Mohammed@] has joined #Ubuntu
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cafuegoThe best editor is the one you can work comfortably with.01:18
poningrunosralboo: make sure you have read permission01:18
chaumurkyit's the best word in the universe - and multiverse01:18
nosralbooi do01:18
[m] hi all01:18
erUSULwindowmaker, you can run it while other apps are using alsa (tuxracer)01:18
nosralboodoes it have to do with my router settings?01:18
poningrunosralboo: no the browser01:18
chaumurky[m] hi.01:19
Xenguycafuego: tho it still pains me to watch brilliant sysadmins use pico ;-)01:19
poningrunosralboo: hmm it might01:19
Xenguycafuego: (I know one)01:19
poningrucan you ping the thing?01:19
chrisx1_anybody know about virtualhosts on apache2?01:19
Subhumanlol @ pico01:19
=== erUSUL --
erUSULVI has two modes: the one in which it beeps and the one in which01:19
erUSUL it doesn't :P01:19
MickMcMackSubhuman, pico is good for some things. :O01:19
=== psi [n=psi@c-b17e71d5.015-127-6c756c1.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
chaumurkyrather VIMinous comment!01:19
soundrayI'll stick with joe01:19
=== loorni [i=kumiseta@addr-82-128-203-6.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu
SubhumanMickMcMack, mehi cant talk , i used it for ages until i got into vi/ vim :P01:19
=== Pauls74462 [n=Paul@adsl-68-89-204-3.dsl.tulsok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
windowmakererUSUL: no i can't01:19
varsendaggerchaumurky, didm't you get banned>01:20
MickMcMackSubhuman, so did I.01:20
psiMy Breezy install hangs while loading the "ide-generic" module. any ideas?01:20
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chaumurkyahem you need me to leave?01:20
[m] i am a Mandriva user and i like it very much as i have changed from freebsd to it i want to know what special in Ubuntu that makes it no popual distribution?01:20
psiit's during the hardware detection01:20
=== carl [n=carl@adsl-71-132-15-77.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
varsendaggerno no01:20
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MickMcMackSubhuman, I had to force myself to learn vi/m only for the syntax highlighting.01:20
chaumurkyI man helpful - just made a booboo with bot 'sall01:20
Xappeanyone using dual head with fglrx?01:20
SubhumanMickMcMack, well I tried vi, and was like "why cant i type :(" so i used pico and nano, until i was enlightened about the "i"nsert mode :D01:20
Xenguyclue = ?01:21
carlanyone here use cedega?01:21
=== fadedsun [n=FadedSun@cpe-66-67-220-23.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
MickMcMackSubhuman, I know your pain. :D01:21
ubotuprobably 90% of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and YOU decide? <hint>01:21
soundraypsi, is it a SATA system?01:21
psisoundray: yes01:21
HymnToLifelol, nice one :p01:21
varsendagger[m] , ubuntu is awesome you should install it and then get a problem and come back here and see how helpful everyone really is01:21
MickMcMack!ask protocol01:21
ubotuMickMcMack: I give up, what is it?01:21
carldoes anyone use cedega ?.Does it work well01:21
soundraypsi, SATA support is a bit patchy in places. Do you know which chipset you have?01:21
=== Xenguy begins inserting random bits of verbal nonsense...
=== debbie [n=debbie@ppp-70-249-51-110.dsl.tulsok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI guess cedega is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Cedega and for a list of working games see http://cedegawiki.sweetleafstudios.com/index.php?title=Main_Page or #cedega or http://www.frankscorner.org/01:21
MickMcMackcafuego, tell ubotu about the ask protocol!01:21
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=== The_Isle_of_Mark [n=mark@pcp0012216617pcs.richmondhill.ga.savannah.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Xappeok, then. I can't figure out if the vga or dvi connector is referred to as primary when setting up dual head with fglrxconfig01:22
=== ozstrike [n=willmine@ACD5EFF6.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
Subhumanhmm, im new to this channel, so what is ubotu? some kind of bot?01:22
psisoundray: no, not really. i run debian on this machine, though.01:22
=== dash-backuping [n=dashinho@WLL-27-pppoe087.t-net.net.ve] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel.01:22
chaumurkyleave bot alone01:22
=== Hoxzer_ [n=niko@a84-230-177-215.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
varsendaggeryeah listen to chaumurky01:22
debbiehow can you get linux to show other hard drives you have on computer01:22
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=== felor [n=felor@bea13-1-82-228-105-196.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuHymnToLife: Wish i knew01:22
=== The_Isle_of_Mark pokes ubotu with a sharp stick
Xenguydebbie: sudo fdisk -l01:23
carlanyone here know if you can install ati drivers thru cedega?01:23
=== DiRtY_SpArTaN[aw [n=dirtyspa@adsl-144-37-182.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
ozstrikedoes 32bit ubuntu work on an Athlon64 system?01:23
chrisx1_how do i rename file in terminal?01:23
chaumurkybot is bait01:23
The_Isle_of_Markozstrike, yes01:23
rixthubotu: no cedega is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Cedega and for a list of working games see http://www.transgaming.org/gamesdb or #cedega or http://www.frankscorner.org/01:23
ubotuokay, rixth01:23
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HymnToLifeozstrike > yes01:23
chaumurkyme take bait01:23
Xenguychrisx1_: mv01:23
qt2sudo apt-get --purge remove $(deborphan) <- is this safe to do?01:23
erUSULozstrike, yes01:23
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=== MickMcMack wants ubotu to know the ask protocol. :(
chaumurkyget caught01:23
chaumurkyhave scar01:23
[m] varsendagger: i feel that mandriva gives me more pakages on it's cds and ubuntu is only one cd is it enough?01:23
Pauls74462where do you do the sudo fdisk -l at?01:23
chaumurkyme taste bad01:23
soundraypsi, well. it's possible that SATA isn't the problem then.01:23
chrisx1_ty Xenguy01:23
chaumurkyget thrown back01:23
windowmakerozstrike: yes, but i'm not sure if you would want to.... after all, the CDs are for free!01:23
=== MickMcMack eats chaumurky .
psisoundray: and, iirc, i've run earlier versions of ubuntu01:24
pete__hey chau01:24
Xenguychrisx1_: yw01:24
carlanyone here know how to install ati drivers?01:24
pete__im installing xp pro on vmware :-)01:24
varsendagger[m] ,  you can get any package you want01:24
kittyfjunteh whole init thing has be baffled01:24
The_Isle_of_Markwindowmaker, some problems with libs on 64 just yet01:24
dash-backupingA question, I have a dual boot system with windows and gentoo. I am planning on wiping everything up and install ubuntu and windows. Do I have to particionate first on a knoppix live cd or something?01:24
eksajmi just did: apt-get install samba, will that make a samba server start every time i start the computer?01:24
The_Isle_of_Markkittyfjun, http://wiki.debianhelp.org/pmwiki.php/DebianHelpPages/DebianInitScripts01:24
erUSUL[m] , if you are comfortable with mandriva stick with it01:24
ozstrikeive heard its harder to get codecs and drivers installed for a n00b with the 64 bit version01:24
=== cvt [n=cvt@pcp08899240pcs.hcksrd01.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
debbiehow can you copy information from you windows to linux01:25
Pauls74462I'm running from tyhe livd cd can I download programs you linus and run them?01:25
eksajmozstrike, i think you have to emulate 32bits01:25
Subhumandash-backuping, i had a similiar setop, and no, install windows first01:25
varsendagger[m] , i've used OS other than debian and i will not use them unless they have apt-get or emerge, that is why i like them01:25
=== cary [n=cary___@user-12hcv7n.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
HymnToLifeyou certainly hve less software available with the 64bits version installed01:25
kittyfjunIsle: ty01:25
chaumurkypete, when you have it all installed use vmware's  pause/suspend button. very nifty01:25
HymnToLifeand the performance gain is very little01:25
soundraypsi, when I installed, I had to use noapic as a kernel boot parameter. That one often helps when booting recent machines.01:25
pete__ok chau01:25
HymnToLifeso better install the 32 bit version, I say01:25
=== sexualpotatoes [n=mike@ny-lackawannacadent4-2d-23.buf.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
carlis there a installer so i dont have to do anything fancy. to get ati drivers on my ubantu01:25
Subhumandash-backuping, and then install unbuntu, itll divide the space up for you, or let u do the partition tables01:25
The_Isle_of_Markkittyfjun, np :)01:25
ozstriketis why I recommended the 32 bit version to my friend01:25
windowmakerThe_Isle_of_Mark: 64-bit cpus are a waste of time at the moment, unless you're running a server01:25
sexualpotatoeshow do i get msfonts the wiki info is outdated01:25
varsendagger[m] , that is something that is nifty about debian and ubuntu01:26
pete__apt-get owns01:26
chaumurkyI'd better go do something with the day. buy guys.01:26
eksajmif i apt-get install samba will i get a samba server started every time i start the computer?01:26
Subhumanyes it does.01:26
varsendaggerpete__, yeah buddy01:26
chaumurkybuy heaps.... bye.01:26
pete__apt-get is really the best thing since air.01:26
=== brugo [n=brugo@catv-56657ded.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #ubuntu
The_Isle_of_Markwindowmaker, yep, but it has become the mainstream with AMD...it is their future devel track..good in ways bad in others01:26
Pauls74462will windows fonts work with Unbuntu?01:26
MickMcMackwindowmaker, 64bit PC's are most definately NOT a waste of time.01:26
=== felor is now known as skateinmars
psisoundray: ah, i'll give it shot01:26
varsendaggerpete__, i've heard that emerge is good01:26
caryhas anyone else had continuous checksum errors trying to install from CD? i know both cd rom drives work and the disks are burnt at 1x just in case, and the installer loads fine on another machine, but it REFUSES on this box. any help?01:26
pete__hmm varse, emerge?01:27
sexualpotatoesit say they will01:27
BlueDevilPauls74462: yes01:27
Siph0nis there neway to see my local ip address? i know the one from online... but how bout the one from my lan?01:27
=== psychocat [n=v3l@dhcp-66-212-215-75.myeastern.com] has joined #ubuntu
carlCan anyone tell me or show me a good guide wihtout going insane how to install ati drivers on ubantu01:27
varsendaggerpete__, it is apt-get for gentoo01:27
The_Isle_of_MarkSiph0n, ifconfig01:27
HymnToLifeSiph0n > ifconfig01:27
Subhumancary, check the cd is clean01:27
pete__i prefer ubuntu01:27
varsendaggerme to01:27
Subhumanvarsendagger,  gentoo uses portage01:27
=== holycow [n=a@S0106000fb51e6051.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
windowmakerMickMcMack: for a desktop they are (at the moment) but by the time here is anough software for them, and it's a bit more supported then it'll be great01:27
carysubhuman, i just burned it01:27
Subhumanvarsendagger,  which is supposed to be very good.01:27
soundrayeksajm, you get to pick whether samba runs as a demon or "on demand".01:27
MickMcMackwindowmaker, raytracing on a 64bit system is a dream.01:27
varsendaggerSubhuman, is that a BSD derivitive or how does that work?01:27
Pauls74462blue how do I get acess to my windows fonts?01:28
[m] varsendagger: ok i will try ubuntu hope it 's better. i need stable system and light01:28
Subhumancary, have u tried dumping an iso from the cd and checking the md5 for it?01:28
eksajmsoundray, kk how do i pick?01:28
BlueDevil!tell sexualpotatoes about msfonts01:28
nosralboocan someone tell me how to enable port forwarding so that  I can access my server remotely?01:28
carlanyone have a ati video card here?01:28
thoronsoundray, daemon, not demon. ;)01:28
=== Ivan [n=ivan@h143n1fls32o831.telia.com] has left #ubuntu []
qt2sudo apt-get --purge remove $(deborphan) & # apt-get --purge remove $(deborphan -a | awk {'print $2'} | grep ^py) <- is this safe to do?01:28
Subhumanvarsendagger, umm, its like a copy of the ports system yes, but its built from scratch. in python i think.01:28
varsendagger[m] , if you wnat to you can install the ubuntu server if gnome seems a little too heavy and use something like fluxbox01:28
carysubhuman, i tried MD5it on my mac on the image, but i am sort of checksum retarded. how would i check the md5 etc01:28
soundrayeksajm, it'll probably ask you, if not, you can 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure samba'01:29
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soundrayeksajm, or maybe samba-common -- not sure.01:29
eksajmthx mate01:29
eksajmill try that01:29
Siph0nHymnToLife and The_Isle_of_Mark, thanx :)01:29
carysubhuman, by the way, i have even redownloaded the iso from the ubuntu site to make sure i have a clean iso01:29
sexualpotatoesi have ati01:29
carloh okay01:29
varsendaggerSubhuman, cool, i had an extra partition and i gave up on gentoo   i'll have to try it down the road01:29
The_Isle_of_MarkSiph0n, np man01:29
carlhow do you isntall the drivers for it01:29
sexualpotatoesbluedevil, it doesn't work ;)01:29
=== Dewi [i=dewi@203-206-23-131.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
HymnToLifebtw, anyone know a good DVD-ripping app ?01:29
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qt2sudo apt-get --purge remove $(deborphan) & sudo apt-get --purge remove $(deborphan -a | awk {'print $2'} | grep ^py) <- is this safe to do?01:29
qt2sorry for posting it twice, fixing some typo :E01:29
psisoundray: does that mean typing "linux noapic" at the boot prompt? it didn't make a difference01:30
HymnToLifeI use dvd::rip but its avis are crappy quality01:30
BlueDevilsexualpotatoes: why?01:30
soundraythoron, seriously, isn't demon and daemon equivalent?01:30
Subhumancary, i mean like from the burned cd, i noticed that, and it was the actual cds that sucked, so i bought better ones and it worked fine01:30
eksajmsoundray, dows inetd mean it is on demand?01:30
=== Rev-Marc [n=Rev-Marc@cpe-065-184-139-240.ec.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
=== Pastor-Marc [n=Rev-Marc@cpe-065-184-139-240.ec.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
varsendagger[m] , the help you can get in this chat room is unreal compared to any other place i've looked01:30
carlpotatoes do you remember how you installed your ati display drivers01:30
soundraypsi, yes.01:30
Subhumanvarsendagger, gentoo can be a bitch to install, a few hours of work at least.01:30
soundrayeksajm, yes.01:30
varsendagger--- including #debian01:30
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carysubhuman, i am willing to try it out, but i have no idea how to do it01:30
eksajmkk thanks ;)01:30
soundraypsi, nolapic is another one you can try.01:30
HymnToLifegentoo is the ultimate geeky distro01:30
=== le7r33 [n=greggy@ppp-70-132-140-52.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
sexualpotatoesvluedecial all is unabled01:31
=== nanophobic [n=nanophob@ip70-162-104-171.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
BlueDevilsexualpotatoes: what's the error/problem?01:31
carlwow this is tech support at its best01:31
sexualpotatoescarl, i didn't do you wan to get in gnome or 3d accel?01:31
=== Pauls74462 [n=Paul@adsl-68-89-204-3.dsl.tulsok.swbell.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
Dewihmm. First boot of my breezy installation on a toshiba laptop, and it seems to have stopped on "starting hotplug subsystem"... the live CD worked okay. Any idea what I can do?01:31
Subhumancary, do u have access to windows box yes?01:31
=== Kaiser_Sleeps is now known as Kaiser_Away
soundraypsi, another weird problem I had fixed itself when I set the BIOS to re-read the configuration.01:31
le7r33What is the laptop model?01:31
=== sake [n=sake@207-224-196-83.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
carysubhuman, i have a couple of machines here running os x and a couple running windows (win2k and winxp)01:32
sexualpotatoesbluedevil, no install canidates i have multiverse open01:32
soundraypsi, sorry can't remember the exact name of the option.01:32
[m] varsendagger: what do you mean with unreal?, Mandriva chat room is good and many pepole has helped me in many ways01:32
Subhumancary, if so, just go into like a burning application like nero, and click create image or  something like that, and save one from the burned cd, then check that iso with the md5.01:32
sexualpotatoescarl left01:32
sakeanyone know a good p2p prgram for ubuntu?01:32
HymnToLifesake > buy CDs01:32
pete__sudo apt-get install limewire01:32
Subhumansake, i use a DC++ clone01:32
soundraypsi, something about ESD configuration I think.01:32
carysubhuman, yes, but its teh "check that with the md5" thing i am clueless on how to do01:33
le7r33Use Azureus01:33
Subhumanwhich is good, so is limeiwre.01:33
Subhumanoh right i see01:33
pete__sudo apt-get azureus01:33
=== cakey [n=cakey@pool-64-223-231-45.port.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
sakelimewire will run??01:33
soundraypsi, but you can probably tell I'm fishing in the dark...01:33
pete__need to install java first01:33
Subhumanill send u the link to a good windows md5 checekr01:33
pete__for limewire and azureus.01:33
Subhumanin linux itz command line app.01:33
varsendagger[m] , i've tried to get help in #debian and also #fluxbox, they have both helped some but there is a real sence of community01:33
nanophobicisn't azureus a bit bloated?01:33
eksajmSubhuman, what do you use?01:33
pete__azureus is very good01:33
Pastor-Marchow do I install adobe Reader? when I try to run it the way it says I says it can not create a dir....01:33
sakewell i dont think a link would do much now cuz im downloading the newer version of ubuntu right now01:34
=== steigweis [n=steigwei@p5087AFF6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
HymnToLiferun it as root Pastor-Marc01:34
varsendagger[m] , can i explain how the apt-get system works?01:34
thoronsoundray, no, demon is devil and daemon is internal voice.01:34
psisoundray: no luck with nolapic either. thanks anyway. i'll dig around some more.01:34
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=== webster__ [n=w00t@c-66-176-149-126.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
BlueDevilsexualpotatoes: what does "apt-cache show msttcorefonts" output?01:34
nanophobicanyone uses radeon 7500?01:34
Subhumancary, http://www.toast442.org/md5/ use that01:34
carysubhuman, thanks01:34
Pastor-MarcI tried logging in as ROOT and was told root logins not allowed01:34
=== ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@pool-71-103-202-127.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Subhumaneksajm, a DC++ clone, i forget the name, ill go find it01:34
[m] varsendagger: please, i don't know what is apt-get means?01:35
nanophobicapt = aptitude01:35
thoronsoundray, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daemon_%28mythology%2901:35
ubotuit has been said that apt is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AptGetHowTo/ or http://www.debian.org/doc/user-manuals#apt-howto01:35
soundraythoron, maybe we need to go back to DOS terminology and call them TSR's :)01:35
sakeone more question is there really a big difference between 5.04 and 5.10??01:35
varsendaggerPastor-Marc, we use sudo01:35
chaumurkysake: yes, quite.01:35
nanophobicrealplay ESD problem is resolved in 5.10 i guess01:35
soundraysake, I found that it's much more polished. Hardware support is massively better, too.01:36
chaumurkymuch bett HW support01:36
eksajmPastor-Marc, or su01:36
sakeso i guess iuts good im getting 5.101:36
Subhumaneksajm, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76643, that explains how to install it, dc++ is quite tricky to set up first time through, but very nice once its set up01:36
Pastor-Marcok  I went to the dir it is in (the install script) and tried sudo install and it said not enough peramiters01:36
eksajmokey thanks mate01:36
soundraythoron, thanks for the link.01:36
varsendagger[m] , lets say you wanted to install a tetris game?  what would you do using mandriva?   you would go to their website and then search for tetris01:36
=== bpuccio [n=brian@ool-457afde7.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dewihow do I get a more detailed display during boot? all I see is <name> [ OK ]  , <name> [ OK ]  ... how do I get more detail?01:36
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MrBlowtatoescan someone help me get unrar-nonfree working? it still won't install01:37
sakeand is there any way i could get steam to run??01:37
Subhumancary, so grab the md5 and check it with that, if the md5 file and the file are in the same folder with the same filename, it should jus drag and drop and check.01:37
czrdoes anyone know of any handy small gtk application that monitors host availability based on pings and such?01:37
BlueDevilMrBlowtatoes: what's the problem?01:37
kittyfjunsafe tog et rid of exim4?01:37
The_Isle_of_MarkDewi, hit tab01:37
MrBlowtatoesi get package not foudn error01:37
cafuegokittyfjun: Yes.01:37
DewiThe_Isle_of_Mark: does nothing01:37
MrBlowtatoesand my osrces.list is not emssed up01:37
MrBlowtatoesnothign is commented01:37
nanophobicdoes anyone find graphics rendering in ubuntu sluggish?01:37
=== sophie_ [n=sophie@ip062.195-51-69.Sogetel.net] has joined #ubuntu
MrBlowtatoesand everyhting is universe/multiverse01:38
DewiThe_Isle_of_Mark: I'm already out of the graphical screen and into text, but this has even less detail than the graphical one did01:38
BlueDevilMrBlowtatoes: you have universe/multiverse enabled?01:38
[m] varsendagger: i usually use the rpmdrake and have some online ftp added in my list01:38
nanophobicyou could viritually paint by dragging windows around the desktop :(01:38
cafuegoMrBlowtatoes: Did you typo in sources.list, like you do on here?01:38
Subhumannanophobic, no, you sure your drivers are correct?01:38
=== hd420 [n=hdiwan@c-69-181-3-188.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
pete__sudo apt-get install rar01:38
pete__did you do that?01:38
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nanophobicit's ati01:38
HymnToLifeMrBlowtatoes W don't forget to run sudo apt-get update before01:38
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hd420I'm in dpkg hell here :(01:38
pete__sudo apt-get install rar01:38
pete__do that.01:38
sakehas anyone had an issue with slower internet connection??01:38
The_Isle_of_MarkDewi check your logs then :)01:38
MrBlowtatoesi ahve updated and installed 50 other apps sence then01:38
le7r33anyone useing e17?01:38
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DewiThe_Isle_of_Mark: and how do I get to those if the system will not boot?01:38
varsendaggerif you wanted to do it ubuntu style you would type in the terminal  (or use synatpic search ) apt-cache search tetris  and then you would be able to look at some of the packages and then apt-get install  <package>01:38
Subhumannanophobic, i have a nvidia card, but until i installed the correct nvidia drivers mine was sluggish.01:38
Hoxzer_somebody here has got gmailfs work?01:39
varsendagger[m] , does rpm drake work the same way01:39
carysubhuman, working on trying to dump an image from the disk. any suggestions on what app to use for that?01:39
Subhumannanophobic, might be worth looking around for. the ati drivers.01:39
The_Isle_of_MarkDewi, failsafe?01:39
Deterministthis is annoying. i'm trying to create an icon that links to my home folder but i cant find a way to link to it. what would the URL be for my home folder to give to the icon?01:39
nanophobicsubhu, mine's old ati radeon 750001:39
Subhumancary, nero if youve got it01:39
MrBlowtatoesPackage rar is not available, but is referred to by another package.01:39
MrBlowtatoesThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or01:39
MrBlowtatoesis only available from another source01:39
DewiThe_Isle_of_Mark: what's that?01:39
nosralboohow do I set up a static ip in linux?01:39
sakeever since i switched to ubuntu from windows i have noticed that my connection speed has dropped significantly01:39
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varsendaggerwhat is gmailfs?01:39
pete__that is odd sake, mine got faster01:39
JormundgandI on the contrary noticed a general increase.01:39
le7r33gmailfs is fixed01:39
le7r33i dont beleave you can use it anymore01:39
HymnToLifeSubhuman > Nero can't create ISOs I think01:39
carysubhuman, the comp im using has something like nero smart start but i cant find a place where to save an image, only copy disk etc01:39
Deterministnosralboo, system->administration->network->pick a device01:39
The_Isle_of_MarkDewi, when you first see grub loading, hit esc and pick failsafe..I think that is it01:39
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Subhumanvarsendagger, it allows u to use the gmail area as like ftp01:39
pete__me too jormundgang01:40
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[m] varsendagger: what do you mean the same way? which way?01:40
Hoxzer_le7r33: or do you beleave you are cheating me?01:40
SubhumanHymnToLife, is does as ive used it to check burned cds before.01:40
nifelsekii can't get load_fw_ar5523 to work --> error is main(164): usage: load_fw_ar5523 <firmware file> [<vendor ID> <product ID>] 01:40
HymnToLifeoh ok, I must have missed it then :p01:40
Dr_Acemasternosralboo: go to system, admin, networking01:40
iprickuok i got another question... what about a program like fireworks??? whats kinda the same01:40
JormundgandI do however need to get sound working in FF 1.5's Flash player plugin.01:40
sexualpotatoesi am trying to enable multiverse and universe throw synaptic put it isn't saving any chyanges when i click ok01:40
iprickuthanks in advance01:40
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HymnToLifeJormundgand > The Gimp01:40
varsendagger[m] , can you type rpm search package and then jsut install it?01:40
BlueDevilMrBlowtatoes: apt-cache search unrar01:40
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cafuegonifelseki: Well, use it as specified. Find a firmware file and look up the vendor id and product id (they're in 'lspci')01:41
MrBlowtatoesi have done that and tried everything01:41
HymnToLifeoh no, that one was for ipricku01:41
cafuegovarsendagger: No, you don't use rpm (at all!) on Ubuntu.01:41
iprickuoh really... gimp does that????01:41
BlueDevilMrBlowtatoes: post your sources.list01:41
DewiThe_Isle_of_Mark: hmm. that's strange. got through it fine on second boot01:41
nifelsekicafuego: yep.. did it but it's still outputting it01:41
varsendaggercafuego, i do01:41
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DewiThe_Isle_of_Mark: perhaps ubuntu automatically skips stuff that crashed last time?01:41
[m] varsendagger: yes i can use urpmi and install the pkg i want01:41
ubotuwell, pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org01:41
The_Isle_of_MarkDewi try it a few times, could be a hardware problem01:41
MrBlowtatoescrono@Knoppix:~$ apt-cache search unrar01:42
MrBlowtatoesunrar-free - Unarchiver for .rar files01:42
Subhumancary, well in nero burning rom, itz recorder save track i think01:42
Subhumanim not sure, im not in windows atm01:42
SeveasMrBlowtatoes, knoppix?01:42
varsendagger[m] , cool  i just think that that deal is the coolest thing since sliced bread01:42
MrBlowtatoesi got unrar-free it don't work01:42
sakepete_ do you think its cause im using 5.04??01:42
DewiThe_Isle_of_Mark: and then it skipped installing all packages because "there was a problem"01:42
Subhumancary, google will help you more than i can here01:42
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MrBlowtatoeshostmask is knoppix01:42
amiasdoes dpkg use scrollkeeper when its doing package management01:42
Seveaswhy? :)01:42
The_Isle_of_MarkDewi check the logs01:42
cafuegoamias: no01:42
MrBlowtatoesbecasue i didn't chnage the defaulkt01:42
Seveasthe default is not knoppix..01:42
MrBlowtatoesi jsut click ok01:42
varsendagger[m] , could you intall gnome with it?01:42
MrBlowtatoesit was for me01:42
nifelsekicafuego: i typed --> load_fw_ar5523 /etc/ndiswrapper/ar5523.bin 2001:3a 0301:42
MrBlowtatoesduirng installation01:43
pete__sudo apt-get install rar01:43
pete__do that blowtatoes01:43
BlueDevilhaha :)01:43
Seveasthen it's not an ubuntu cd01:43
JormundgandThe problem is that I can't find any configuration files which relate to which sound system is used by the Flash plugin.01:43
MrBlowtatoesthat don't work pete01:43
digitsI really really like the dapper bootsplash! :)01:43
pete__it does..01:43
MrBlowtatoesit was01:43
SeveasMrBlowtatoes, bullshit01:43
MrBlowtatoesi downaldoed it from the ubuntu site01:43
carysubhuman, thanks man. not trying to be a tool and not search for stuff. ill move to the other machine and try to figure this mess out. thanks01:43
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cafuegoMrBlowtatoes: 'sudo apt-get install unrar-nonfree'01:43
pete__it does work01:43
SeveasUbuntu cd's don't have 'knoppix' as hostname01:43
MrBlowtatoesdoesn't work01:43
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MrBlowtatoeswell, it was the default when i insatlled01:43
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BlueDevilMrBlowtatoes: post your sources.list01:43
Subhumancary, no problems man, we all need the help sometimes.01:43
MrBlowtatoesmaby form past installation01:43
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cafuegoMrBlowtatoes: If you can't be arsed giving useful error messages,w e can't be arsed helping you.01:44
SeveasMrBlowtatoes, in your chat client: /exec -o cat /etc/issue01:44
BlueDevil!tell MrBlowtatoes about pastebin01:44
MrBlowtatoesi have given the error messages, you all ignored it01:44
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HymnToLife!tell HymnToLife about pastebin01:44
HymnToLifethat rocks01:44
cafuegoMrBlowtatoes: "<MrBlowtatoes> doesn't work"  is NOT a useful error message.01:44
varsendaggerSeveas, what would that do that you just told MrBlowtatoes01:44
nanophobicSubhuman, I think I found something here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2614801:44
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MrBlowtatoesi didn';t say that either01:44
SeveasUbuntu 5.10 "Breezy Badger" \n \l01:44
Seveas^-- that (on a breezy system)01:45
[m] varsendagger: i know it was not hard when i switched to linux from windows, but i really want to have a good recomendation to switch from a linux dist. to another, i am just amaized ubuntu is no. dist. in distwatch for 12 monthes WHY? what is there more..01:45
MrBlowtatoesPackage unrar-nonfree is not available, but is referred to by another package.01:45
MrBlowtatoesThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or01:45
MrBlowtatoesis only available from another source01:45
MrBlowtatoesfor the second time...01:45
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %MrBlowtatoes!*@*] by Seveas
SeveasNO PASTING01:45
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HymnToLifeno caps ;)01:45
The_Isle_of_Markpaste paste paste lol01:45
cafuegoMrBlowtatoes: Then you do NOT have universe anbled properly.01:45
BlueDevilMrBlowtatoes: do you want help?01:45
gnomefreakis there a periodic table app for ubuntu?01:45
Seveascafuego, multiverse :)01:45
Jormundgandgnomefreak: GPeriodic.01:46
nifelsekiwhat's wrong with this: root@ubuntu:/etc/ndiswrapper# ls01:46
nifelsekiar5523.bin  athfmwdl  neta5agu01:46
nifelsekiroot@ubuntu:/etc/ndiswrapper# load_fw_ar5523 /etc/ndiswrapper/ar5523.bin 2001:3a0301:46
nifelsekimain(164): usage: load_fw_ar5523 <firmware file> [<vendor ID> <product ID>] 01:46
nifelsekiroot@ubuntu:/etc/ndiswrapper# lsusb01:46
nifelsekiBus 003 Device 005: ID 2001:3a03 D-Link Corp. [hex] 01:46
nifelsekiBus 003 Device 001: ID 0000:000001:46
nifelsekiBus 002 Device 003: ID 046d:08b2 Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Pro 400001:46
chaumurkyseveas how does '/exec -o cat' work? Is that an IRC thing?01:46
nifelsekiBus 002 Device 002: ID 046d:c03d Logitech, Inc.01:46
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gnomefreakty Jormundgand01:46
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Seveasgnomefreak, gperiodic - periodic table application01:46
cafuegoCan you tell it's the weekend yet? ;-)01:46
varsendagger[m] , debian is a really good distro, and we are finally getting some periotic updates, i don't know01:46
BlueDevildon't you people _EVER_ read the topic?01:46
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DewiI am dual-booting ubuntu and windows XP. How can I remove grub and restore the boot areas to the standard windows ones?01:46
varsendaggerhey guys what is so cool about ubuntu?01:46
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gnomefreakty Seveas ] 01:46
varsendaggerhere's another thing, i got mplayer running in like five minutes01:47
cafuegoDewi: run 'fdisk /mbr' from within windows.01:47
linkdits easy to use and combinaes the power of the apt package management withthe power of linmux!01:47
SeveasLOL! while searching for periodic table i found this: mencal - A menstruation calendar01:47
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varsendaggerSeveas, ha ha01:47
croutondamn fglrx driver... keeps freezing01:47
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The_Isle_of_Marklol @ mencal01:47
Seveascrouton, use the latest from ati.com01:47
BlueDevilSeveas: need it? :)01:47
Dewicafuego: so if I rewrite the windows MBR using that method, and delete my ext3 partition, that's ubuntu totally gone?01:47
cafuegonifelseki: 'load_fw_ar5523 /etc/ndiswrapper/ar5523.bin 2001 3a03'01:47
JormundgandSeveas: Install it XD01:47
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Dewicafuego: (don't panic, I'm installing another one)01:48
cafuegoDewi: it won't delete Ubuntu.01:48
cafuegoDewi: Well, deleting the partition will :-)01:48
Dewicafuego: but if I delete my paritions as well...01:48
Dewicafuego: I just want to give the ubuntu installer the same state it had originally (xp with a gap on disk after it)01:49
Rev-MarcI downloaded the AdobeReader RPM can I install it in Ubuntu?01:49
cafuegoDewi: *nod* Then yes. (though there is no need to trash the MBR as well)01:49
SeveasRev-Marc, no01:49
cafuego!info acroread01:49
ubotuacroread: (Adobe Acrobat Reader: Portable Document Format file viewer), section multiverse/text, is optional. Version: 7.0.1-0.0.ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 22263 kB, Installed size: 53192 kB01:49
SeveasRev-Marc, apt-get install acroread01:49
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natexdoes Dapper Drake use gimp 2.3.x?01:50
Dewicafuego: if I leave grub on the MBR, I am worried that the installer will think I want 2 ubuntus01:50
Seveas!info gimp dapper01:50
Rev-MarcSeveas that will install AdobeReader?01:50
ubotugimp: (The GNU Image Manipulation Program), section graphics, is optional. Version: 2.2.9-3ubuntu2 (dapper), Packaged size: 2709 kB, Installed size: 7644 kB01:50
SeveasRev-Marc, yes01:50
varsendaggerRev-Marc, yeah they way Seveas told you is beter but you can use alien aswell01:50
Seveasvarsendagger, no you can't01:50
le7r33Is anyone useing fluxbox?01:50
varsendaggerle7r33, i am01:50
Seveasalien-ed acrobat reader rpms are broken01:50
Rev-Marcwhat is alien?01:51
varsendaggerSeveas,  why not?01:51
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SeveasRev-Marc, something you should avoid like the plague01:51
varsendagger- i believe you01:51
Seveasalien-ed acrobat reader rpms are broken <-- varsendagger01:51
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Rev-Marchahaha :)01:51
le7r33varsendagger idea why the background will not stay when i restart the system?01:51
Naxconcan someone in here help me install ubuntu?01:51
varsendagger--- shows how little i know01:51
Seveas!tell Naxcon about anyone01:51
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varsendaggerhow are you setting it up?01:51
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cafuegoNaxcon: Insert CD, boot, wait.01:52
Naxconok, well i basically need to know how to boot from the cd on my windows 98 system01:52
varsendaggerare you editing the init file or what?01:52
SeveasNaxcon, insert cd, boot, maybe fix bios to boot from cd01:52
Dewicafuego: sigh. it appears that ubuntu broke windows XP anyway... it's hanging when I try to boot it.01:52
le7r33humm no i set it off comandline01:52
cafuegoDewi: Ubuntu doesn't break XP.01:52
Dewicafuego: (sometimes)01:52
varsendaggerwhat command did you give it01:53
le7r33fbsetbg -l01:53
Naxconok. im not big on computers here... so i have no idea what your talking about when you say bios01:53
SeveasDewi, XP does not need Ubuntu to break ;)01:53
cafuegoDewi: Only if told to do so by $USER, not automagically by itself.01:53
lightbrightSeveas: hello :)  hope all is good01:53
ChousukeUbuntu can break XP.01:53
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digitsI have this small error, Rhythmbox doesn't want to play MP3... gimma a hint will ya'? :)01:53
lightbrightcafuego: hi :)01:53
Dewicafuego: its version of "dual booting" isn't so successful01:53
ubotuwell, mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats01:53
Dewicafuego: booting XP from grub is causing it to crash during boot01:53
Rev-MarcSeveas thank you very much it worked great01:53
JormundgandUbuntu broke my XP. After I installed Ubuntu XP ceased to exist. =P01:53
Chousukewhen the user is clueless or when you do the right thing and mkfs.ext3 the windows partitions.01:54
Seveascafuego, there have been several occasions where Ubuntu triggered a stupid virusscanner to break windows01:54
cafuegoDewi: Works fine on all dual-boot boxen here.01:54
varsendaggerok you'll hve to edit you .fluxbox/init file if you wnat the background there premenently01:54
Dewicafuego: that's cool.01:54
lightbrightJormundgand: ubuntu didnt destroy your XP, the user did01:54
varsendaggeri'll give you aht cod in just a sec if you want it01:54
Rev-Marchow do I set AdobeReader to be default?01:54
HymnToLifedigits > sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8mad01:54
cafuegoSeveas: So that's the virusscanner breaking XP, not Ubuntu ;-)01:54
tuxuser19I have a problem in installing Ubuntu;how to create swap and root mount point at a time?01:54
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Dewiwell, XP is crashing during boot. It just stops. It was working yesterday.01:54
Naxconplease, someone tell me how to boot from the cd.......01:54
cafuegoDewi: Boot it in safe mode01:55
Seveasmv /proc/self /dev/bed && sleep 6h01:55
Seveasg'night everyone01:55
lightbrightJormundgand: ubuntu didnt destroy your XP, the user did, in this case that user is YOU :)  during install you get an option which you obvsiously didnt chose right!  thats why its important to read first carefully01:55
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Rev-Marcmy XP was doing that so I installed Ubuntu!!!01:55
seth_Dewi, everything that breaks was working yesterday01:55
digitsHymnToLife, ubotu: ok, was wondering about th mad gstreamer... didn't think on that mp3 is non-free, to used to opensource codecs ;P01:55
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lightbrighttuxuser19: allow ubuntu do create all that for you01:55
le7r33varsendagger Know the exact line that needs to be edited or would i need to add a line?01:55
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lightbrightDewi: why use XP when you have Ubuntu? :)01:56
Comrade_Vladimirhey no ops!01:56
=== cafuego goes to rewite the office and shuts down all machines
tuxuser19if I select "use this area as "ext3 file system" and select "/" mount point I cant select swap at that time....what I have seen is we can only select swap or mount point one at a time but not 2 at a ttime01:56
Dewilightbright: well, ubuntu doesn't work for starters01:56
cafuegoComrade_Vladimir: Yes, they're here. Just not opped.01:56
Dewilightbright: but also there's a lot ubuntu cannot do01:56
lightbrightDewi: ubuntu works great!  its user error01:56
varsendaggerok if you see somehting that looks like this:    session.screen0.rootCommand:01:56
Dewilightbright: like I haven't had much luck with WPA yet01:56
lightbrightDewi: what cant Ubuntu do?01:56
nanophobicDewi, like what?01:56
Comrade_Vladimirthen theyre not ops01:56
varsendaggertell me what it sais after it ok01:56
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lightbrightDewi: whats WPA?01:56
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Dewilightbright: wireless security01:57
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varsendaggerit can't toast my bread in the moarning01:57
cafuegoComrade_Vladimir: Well, troll for a while and try 'em...01:57
Dewilightbright: for my lan01:57
=== cafuego gives up and goes away
le7r33iits blank01:57
lightbrightDewi: ah ok im not sure I dont use that sorry01:57
amiasmy touchpad is really slow since i upgraded to dapper01:57
tuxuser19lightbright:I have a partitioned hard disk so I have to do it manually by selecting the partitions01:57
Comrade_Vladimiryea yea01:57
lightbrightcafuego: have a nap ;)01:57
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nickrudNaxcon, if your computer is ignoring the cd, you need to get into your bios (probably by hitting del key multiple times during bootup) and looking for something that controls 'boot order' or the like.01:57
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SeveasDewi, -> wiki.ubuntu.com/WPAhowto01:57
varsendaggerok add somehting like this: fbsetbg -f /home/dustin/backgrounds/FightClub-Wallpaper.jpg01:57
Seveasit's pretty easy01:57
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lightbrighttuxuser19: yeah I done it myself and it was easy for me, worked great01:57
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varsendaggerSeveas, go ni nite01:58
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DewiSeveas: yeah, well, perhaps I'll return to that after ubuntu stops failing to install01:58
Dewione thing at a time!01:58
varsendaggerle7r33, is that working?01:58
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le7r33hold goign to restartx01:59
le7r33check your pm's01:59
nanophobicany one has sluggish rendering problems?01:59
tuxuser19lightbright:so what is the solution?I want to select swap & mount point at the same time and on my hard drive...if i use the option "use this area for swap" I cant  go for the "mount point option"01:59
le7r33joy it works01:59
ocho53how can i unblock ports to the outside world?01:59
Dewicafuego: incidentally, I'm pretty sure the only way to restore the windows MBR is to use a windows CD and run "fixmbr" from the reocvery prompt... fdisk doesn't exist in winXP01:59
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Comrade_Vladimirsomeone with a lot of mp3 player exp go to #xmms and help me02:00
pawelocho53: what do you mean?02:00
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varsendaggertuxuser19, you have to set aside a portion of your harddrive for Swap that can't be used for anything else02:00
vilefridgeI've installed fluxbox and lost the package update manager that I had with Gnome.  How do I install this on Fluxbox?  (the red icon at the top right-hand corner of the screen that would inform me of library updates)02:00
ocho53pawel: i can't get an ftp server to accept connection from anyting but localhost02:00
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paganiniI have a kind of a weird GNOME question.02:01
varsendaggervilefridge, i think you may have to run the updates by had02:01
varsendaggerthere is also a program called fbpanel02:01
Siph0nis there a graphical c++ compiler for ubuntu?02:01
tuxuser19varsendagger:the thing is I want to setup everything in my /dev/hdb4...i have set a side 20GB for that-for ubuntu...is it possible to install mount point(/) and swap area in the same /dev/hdb4?02:02
pawelocho53: so you are actually blocking incoming connections.02:02
paganiniYou know how you can set a GNOME panel to not expand itself? When I do that, I get two little walls, one on each end of the panel. They're like spacers, or something. Is there any way I can get rid of them? They look really stupid, because I have my panel set to be ransparent.02:02
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nanophobicsip0n, you mean IDE?02:03
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Rev-MarcWhen I follow the Ubuntu-HowTo and try to install Java, I use"sudo apt-get install java-package java-common" and it says it can't find "java-package" help please02:03
le7r33varsendagger Idea on how to skin Nautilus so it dont look like shit?02:03
vilefridgevarsendagger: is there something command-line based i can type to check for package updates?02:03
roy_anybody in here know what to do about "sudo gedit file" taking a long time to open gedit?02:03
nickrudpaganini, those are called hide buttons, you can hide them in the preferences02:03
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=== sexualpotatoes [n=mike@ny-lackawannacadent4-2d-23.buf.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
varsendaggertuxuser19, you'l have to repartition that02:03
Siph0nnanophobic, sure yea :)02:03
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ocho53pawel: i didn't think so. searching the ubuntu website states basically "there is no firewall 'cause by default ubuntu dosen't accept connection from anything but localhost on lower ports"02:03
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varsendaggerle7r33, i use xfc so i don't know02:03
paganiniHey Nickrud, I already told it to hide the hide buttons. These little guys are where the hide buttons were, but nothing happens if you click on them.02:03
varsendaggeryou can checkout the fluxboxwiki for making it prettier02:04
tuxuser19versendagger, means set separate partition for swap in /dev/hdb4 by making a 1 mb space some thing like that?02:04
varsendaggervilefridge, sorry i don't know02:04
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varsendaggertuxuser19, yeah02:04
nickrudpaganini, ok, I see what you're talking about; I think those handles are there so you have *something* of the panel to grab; either to move, or get the panel menu.02:05
varsendaggeri'd use soemthing like 256 or better for your swap space02:05
paganiniOK, so I may be doomed.02:05
varsendaggerswap is your memory02:05
tuxuser19varsendagger, is it possible to do that during installation?i have gone thru the installation options but i cudnt see any any easier way to do that?02:05
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pawelocho53: to be honest with you, I have never had Ubuntu on a server, only desktop. However, as I thought that you have it all block for some reasons and wanted to help you sort it. But I really don't know if Ubuntu does it by default.02:05
Rev-MarcWhen I follow the Ubuntu-HowTo and try to install Java, I use"sudo apt-get install java-package java-common" and it says it can't find "java-package" help please02:05
paganiniFailing that, is there any way to make the panel actually transparent? Like, say, a MAC OSX panel so that your windows don't disappear when you move them behind it?02:05
lightbrighttuxuser19: sorry i didnt undesstand your questrion02:06
nickrudwhoo, and the panel remembered to put all the buttons back where they were when I unexpanded :)02:06
HymnToLife!tell Rev-Marc about repos02:06
ocho53pawel: thanks anyways02:06
nanophobicsiph0n, i've tried a few IDE's for GNOME, but i always found old school method faster :P02:06
nanophobicthere's one gbuilder02:06
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nickrudpaganini, no, transparencies in X aren't handled really well yet02:06
zandaahello all02:06
pawelocho53: np.02:06
varsendaggertuxuser19, yeah you can delete the partition that you ahve and then make a new partition that is 256 or whatever (mb and then use the rest for ubuntu02:06
zandaacan I ask you one quick question???02:06
paganiniThanks for the info02:07
=== rmbrain [n=dylan@ppp-68-251-66-186.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
varsendaggerzandaa, yeah02:07
pawelzandaa: how quick? :)02:07
zandaavarsendagger, do you know how to make a script which executes terminal commands?02:07
Siph0nnanophobic, k thanx, im just really new to linux, thought an ide would be easier :) ill check it out thanx02:07
rmbrainis the security of the linux platform really due to the small market share?  please no biased answeres02:07
vilefridgevarsendagger: thanks!02:07
=== JRlinux [n=JRlinux@gw02.applegatebroadband.net] has joined #ubuntu
pawelzandaa: you better go fast, otherwise it's going to be an average. ;)02:07
zandaapawel, I need a script to execute a terminal command, so I can play DVDs without trouble each time02:07
nanophobicSiph0n, try this link http://gbuilder.sourceforge.net/02:07
nanophobicif you use kubuntu, you might give kdevelop a try02:08
florg_Siph0n: Anjuta or Kdevelop3 are alternatives02:08
Siph0nnanophobic,  k will do, thanx again :)02:08
zandaapawel, for if I don't use that certain command play-back will be slow and stressfull02:08
tuxuser19varsendagger,what is the best way to partition a hard drive in linux? any easy application available02:08
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pawelzandaa: what do you run before you play it?02:08
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Siph0nflorg_,  k ill look at those too, thanx :)02:08
mwetuxuser19: cfdisk02:08
zandaapawel, uhm... hold on I'll look it up02:08
tolkanis anyone around that can help me with the apt sources.list for ubuntu distrobuition?02:08
BlueDevilSiph0n: you can try eclipse too02:09
zandaapawel, hdparm -d1 -X34 /dev/hdb/02:09
mweyeah eclipse rocks02:09
HymnToLife!tell tolkan about repos02:09
florg_eclipse for C/C++?02:09
Siph0nBlueDevil, thanx! sweetness02:09
mweit needs a plugin though02:09
BlueDevilSiph0n: yw02:09
Dewidoes swap have to be on a logical drive (inside an extended partition?)02:09
tolkanHymnToLife,  ??02:09
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mweDewi: no02:10
HymnToLifesee your pms02:10
BlueDevilit needs a plugin for PHP too02:10
=== oggah [n=oggah@1-1-2-20a.um.um.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu
varsendaggertuxuser19, i would recomend about 1 mb for boot and then a certian percentage for home and then the rest for everything else02:10
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BlueDevili don't want to have to learn a new IDE for every new language :)02:10
oggahHi, anyone knows how to install ATI drivers? (Radeon 7500) on a IBM Thinkpad T41. Laptop.02:10
ubotuhmm... ati is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=1002:11
nanophobicoggah, i think they are installed by default, aren't they?02:11
nanophobicwhat version are you using ? (Ubuntu version)02:11
HymnToLifevarsendagger > what's the point in having /boot in a separate patition ?02:11
zandaananophobic, in 5.10 my ATI Radeon 9250 works great by default02:11
HymnToLifeI never understood it :/02:11
=== sexualpotatoes [n=mike@ny-lackawannacadent4-2d-23.buf.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
varsendaggertuxuser19, i'm not sure how much you should use for home02:12
=== sake [n=sake@207-224-196-83.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
nanophobiczandaa, i think support for older cards like 7500 is limited02:12
oggahnanophobic, nopes. im using 5.10. nopes. cant see any ATI Radeon in xorg.conf02:12
sexualpotatoescan anyone post there sources.list with multiverse and universe open?02:12
tolkanHymnToLife, Okay however lets say a new versoin of software is released, is there a place to update the piece of software without downloading the source? For example, Breezy suports 1.0.7676 for Nvidia drivers, they released the newer drivers, is there a deb package for them on any repos?02:12
zandaananophobic, ah ok... I thought I could help anyway02:12
mweHymnToLife: I'm not a believer in seperate /boot partitions either02:12
sakeanyone help me update from 5.04 to 5.10???02:12
varsendaggerHymnToLife,    just incase you ahve another os come in and mess with stuff in your mbr  and what not02:12
pawelzandaa: add it to /etc/hdparm.conf.02:12
zandaapawel, ok thanks02:12
varsendagger--- i'm jsut talking aout of my butt02:12
nanophobiczandaa, oggah: Breezy recognized my 7500 and installed the required drivers02:13
nickrudHymnToLife, it used to be because the loaders couldn't read past the 1024'th(?) cylinder of a drive; now it's to make raid and the like easier02:13
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pawelzandaa: so it will be start every time system loads.02:13
mweHymnToLife: I guess some people likes to have their kernel images and bootloader config on a seperate partition02:13
sakeanyone help me update from 5.04 to 5.10???02:13
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HymnToLifetolkan > maybe not in the repos but you should find a .deb somewhere02:13
varsendaggeri honestly don't know why but for some reason i haven't done it in the past and i had wished that i did it02:13
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zandaapawel, thanks very much... my dvd freezes if I don't and I forget a lot...02:13
varsendagger--- i really don't know why  thought02:13
oggahnanophobic, straange. but I did a xubutu-desktop install. and not a default ubuntu install.02:13
sakeanyone help me update from 5.04 to 5.10???02:14
tolkanHymnToLife,  would it be in the unstable repos or dapper repos by any chance?02:14
BlueDevilsake: modify sources.list (hoary -> breezy), apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade02:14
HymnToLifetolkan > dunno02:14
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varsendaggertolken what are you looking for?02:14
=== whyameye [n=whyameye@ip68-102-30-153.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakubotu tell sake about upgrade02:14
HymnToLifebut I think for nvidia drivers, the best place to look would be the nvidia website02:14
whyameyewhat does it mean when I get this message: "Warning: no locale found: /usr/local/share/locale/qjackctl_en_US.UTF-8.qm"02:14
oggahnanophobic, yeah. after the 'server' minimal install..02:15
oggahxubuntu is some kind of lite version02:15
pawelzandaa: # echo command_line { hdparm -d1 -X34 /dev/hdb/ } >> /etc/hdparm.conf02:15
oggahmaybe it depends on that.02:15
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ubotuThe guide to upgrading to breezy (5.10) is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade02:15
gnomefreaksake the pm ubotu sent you is a very good walkthrough on upgrading to breezy02:15
zandaapawel, is the echo really needed?02:15
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varsendaggerxubuntu is to xfce as kubuntu is to kde02:15
nanophobicaah i see02:15
tolkanvarsendagger, i'm looking for the deb for Nvidia 1.0.8174 drivers02:15
gnomefreakanyone ever get wmii?02:15
zandaavarsendagger, you running xubuntu?02:16
HymnToLifeI'm asking again, does anyone know a good DVD to DivX app ?02:16
varsendaggeri'm running ubuntu server with fluxbox02:16
gnomefreakubotu tell tolkan about nvidia02:16
BlueDevilflux rocks02:16
HymnToLifeI use dvd::rip but it makes crappy Dives compared to the app I used in winblows02:16
sexualpotatoesanyone know where to find a sources.list that is default except for opening up multiverse + universe02:16
tolkanvarsendagger, HymnToLife also do you think lets say when Gaim 2.0 comes out where will i be able to find the deb package ? or will i have to wait a lengthy period of time for?02:16
varsendaggertrue story02:16
ssdd534help... xmms crashed and wont open... i now get a error about libpixmap.so.. any ideas?02:16
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pawelzandaa: no it's a command that will apply this setting to hdparm.conf or it will rather type it to the file instead of displaying it.02:16
sakecall me stupid, but im totally lost with those instructions02:16
zandaavarsendagger, ah ok... I'm running XFCE4 instead of gnome, works real well02:16
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=== gnomefreak loves xfce desktop :)
zandaagnomefreak, cheers... same here02:17
HymnToLifetolkan > most likely someone will build it and it will be available on the gaim website02:17
CaptainMorganany suggestions or links for hooking up thinkpad wireless? under System/Administration/Networking Wireless ath0 is active and states it's connected.. but I don't get hooked up..02:17
gnomefreaksake give me a min and ill help you02:17
sakealright thanks02:17
CaptainMorgani never could get madwifi to work correctly either......02:17
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sexualpotatoesanyone know where to find a sources.list that is default except for opening up multiverse + universe????02:17
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ssdd534help... xmms crashed and wont open... i now get a error about libpixmap.so.. any ideas?02:17
BlueDevilsake: do you know how to upgrade windows?02:17
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HymnToLife!tell sexualpotatoes about repos02:17
varsendaggeryou can go to google and search for  apt-get  and there is a way to search unofficial repos02:17
sakeyeah, windows u just download and install02:18
nanophobicoogah, do an lsmod; do you see "radeon" in your list?02:18
=== varsendagger thinks wat gnomefreak said was ironic
zandaasake, I believe the same works for Ubuntu02:18
BlueDevilssdd534: it may be that xmms' lock file is still in place, check ~/.xmms for it02:18
oggahnanophobic, wait. Ill try.02:18
gnomefreaksake ok ready?02:18
gnomefreaklol varsendagger02:18
gnomefreakzandaa,  not really02:18
zandaagnomefreak, why not?02:18
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CaptainMorganwhen I try to change the default device from eth0 to ath0... it never stays on ath002:19
gnomefreakzandaa,  you dont just go to a site and download it to upgrade02:19
oggahnanophobic, nope. no radeon in the list! :|02:19
oggahits a radeon mobile card.02:19
oggahon a laptop..02:19
zandaagnomefreak, ah ok... I see now02:19
nanophobicalso try lspci02:19
ssdd534BlueDevil, what is the file called?02:19
gnomefreaksake open a terminal up and type: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list02:19
sakegnomefreak: im ready02:19
pawelzandaa: did it help?02:19
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Comrade_Vladimirhes in #xmms02:19
BlueDevilssdd534: it should have lock in the filename02:20
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zandaapawel, I already set it for this session, gotta end and start a new session to try, hold on02:20
zandaapawel, brb02:20
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oggah0000:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M7 LW [Radeon Mobility 7500] 02:20
ssdd534BlueDevil, i dont see anything with lock.... everything in here is right (i think :/ )02:20
gnomefreaksake when its open change everything that says hoary to breezy just backspace the word and type it in02:21
oggahis drivers installed for my gfxcard?02:21
BlueDevilssdd534: you can post the error in pastebin if you want02:21
=== webster__ [n=w00t@c-66-176-149-126.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
BlueDevilgnomefreak: you serious? :)02:21
=== zandaa [n=zandaa@84-105-216-35.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
sakek ill tell you when thats done02:21
sexualpotatoeswhat is america's country code?02:21
Shtickbash: make: command not found02:21
Shtick   :-( why must it be broke02:21
ubotuit has been said that pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org02:21
varsendaggervilefridge,  are you over in fluxbox?02:21
zandaapawel, I'm starting it up now02:21
gnomefreakBlueDevil,  yes :)02:21
CaptainMorgannobody wanna help the ole Capt out?02:21
BlueDevilgnomefreak: you sadist!02:21
oggahnanophobic, does this mean driver for my gfx card is installed?02:21
mwewhy not just sudo sed -i 's/hoary/breezy/g' /etc/apt/sources.list? :)02:22
gnomefreakthats me :)02:22
zandaapawel, seems to have worked... thanks :P02:22
BlueDevilmy point exactly :)02:22
nanophobictry reconfiguring X02:22
nanophobicand see if you see "ati" in the list of drivers to select02:22
gnomefreakmwe, im asssuming hes very new to this02:22
nanophobic^^ for oggah02:22
mwegnomefreak: you're probably right02:22
zandaapawel, without those instructions my play-back would make Linux freeze etc.02:22
sakegnomefreak: is it spossed to say "deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-updates main restricted"02:23
gnomefreakmwe,  i figure if i tell him that way he doesnt learn it02:23
BlueDevilgnomefreak: it's likely he'll have a typo afterwards02:23
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gnomefreaksake in that you would take the word hoary out and put breezy in its place02:23
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nanophobicoggah, use dpkg -reconfigure xserver-xorg (given you're in 5.10)02:23
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oggahnanophobic, k. ill try it out.02:23
BlueDevilat least tell him to use search and replace, if not sed :)02:23
mwegnomefreak: yeah. I shouldn't interfere anyway :)02:24
gnomefreakBlueDevil,  good point02:24
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BlueDeviljust trying to help :)02:24
gnomefreakmwe,  its  a support chat feel free to interject02:24
sakek and what about at the very top, would i change the 5.04 to 5.10??02:24
ssdd534BlueDevil, i posted it02:24
pawelzandaa: it might from time to time, even Linux. but it is still far easier to troubleshoot if it does.02:24
BlueDevilssdd534: paste the link02:24
shiQPeHi, I'm trying to install UBUNTU on a PowerBook 1400c. however, I can not get it to boot from CD. I Put the CD in, try the "control, option, shift and delete" buttons but it will not boot from CD. Instead, it runs the HD and just displays a floppy drive with a question mark.02:24
gnomefreaksake does it say cdrom in it anywherE?02:24
zandaapawel, what do you mean??? all those errors??02:24
gnomefreakput a # infront of it02:25
sakedeb cdrom:[Ubuntu 5.04 _Hoary Hedgehog_ - Release i386 (20050407)] / hoary main restricted02:25
pawelzandaa: yes. freezing.02:25
gnomefreaksake put a # infront of it02:25
ardchoilleshiQPe: is the CD the first boot device in BIOS?02:25
zandaapawel, ah ok02:25
sakewhere exactly02:25
=== nosralboo [n=griffin@71-34-42-47.mpls.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
shiQPeard, how do I get into bios?02:25
shiQPeI'm a Mac newbie, forgive me.02:25
gnomefreakat the very start of that line02:25
oggahnanophobic, gosh. im off to sleep. gonna fix this driverproblem some day =)02:25
oggahthanks for help anyway.02:25
zandaaardchoille, it doesn't have to be first boot device, on some motherboards it gives like "press [F11]  for boot menu"02:25
BlueDevilssdd534: do "ls -l /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.4.0/engines/libpixmap.so"02:26
gnomefreakyou want it to read #deb cdrom: .......02:26
nosralboocan somone tell me how to enable port forwarding on port 80 for my actiontec, so I can run an apeche server02:26
ardchoilleshiQPe: when you power on the computer, there should be a note on which key to press to enter BIOS.. it is usually the DEL key or maybe F102:26
nanophobicoggah, np it's resolvable i think .. try configuring X later02:26
amiasmy alps touchpad is really slow since i upgraded to dapper02:26
ardchoillezandaa: ah, ok02:26
zandaanosralboo, what's this actiontec you're talking about?02:26
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=== Cityismine [n=Cityismi@d207-216-158-240.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
nosralbooactiontec router02:26
gnomefreaksake let me know when all the hoarys are out and breezy in their place02:26
djk_ /whois Ivann02:26
zandaanosralboo, do you have a guide for that?02:26
nosralboolol this sounds really stupid02:27
nosralboobut I don't know where it is02:27
sakegnome what all would i change in this line "[Ubuntu 5.04 _Hoary Hedgehog_ - Release i386 (20050407)] "02:27
amiasi tried speeding it up in gnome-mouse but it always goes back to zero speed02:27
zandaanosralboo, try and search on on the manufacterer's website, mostly they have em online02:27
Cityisminewhat's the most popular windows manager, the one that's used by most people?  Is it WindowsMaker?02:27
gnomefreakhold on sake i will do this for you02:27
=== sexualpotatoes [n=mike@ny-lackawannacadent4-2d-23.buf.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
ssdd534BlueDevil, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/558402:27
nosralbooalright thanks a bundle02:27
zandaanosralboo, no prob02:27
Shtickbash: make: command not found02:27
Shtick anyone know whats Im doing wrong?02:27
shiQPeThere is BIOS with a Powermac 1400c?02:27
nanophobicxfce is the best :D02:27
pawelzandaa: I mean all the problems, Open Source pays its users for testing and development by providing this software. :) I love it this way, troubleshooting is a pleasure, as long as you are allowed to.02:27
sakeok thanks02:28
=== Torez [n=Torez@cpc1-blac4-3-1-cust128.manc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
zandaapawel, ah I see... if you have to use Windows Support helpdesk... they put like asian women on the telephone who don't know shit about computers02:28
pawelnanophobic: tell them about it, the developers. :)02:28
BlueDevilssdd534: do "ldconfig -v" no need to paste the results02:28
TorezCan someone tell me how to get DNSMasq and IPMasq? apt-get tells me package not found.02:29
=== paganini does more messing with GNOME panel
BlueDevilssdd534: then do "ldd `which xmms`" and paste the result02:29
nanophobicpawel. hehe02:29
paganiniIs there any way to change the number of pixels of padding between the edges of the icons and the edges of the panel?02:29
gnomefreakok sake i want you to take everything out of that page all together just highlight it and hit backspace02:29
funkyHatdoes anyone know is IRC TCP only?02:29
theCoreCityismine, the most populars desktop managers are KDE, and GNOME02:29
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BlueDevilssdd534: actually, don't do the ldd02:30
gnomefreakafter your done with that take what is here and paste it into that file http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/558502:30
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pawelzandaa: yeah, exactly. plus all the closed source. it is like driving a car and not being able to look on the engine.02:30
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zandaapawel, hehe nice comparison there02:30
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daakuanyone know if its possible to use freetype to render fonts in xterm (using -fa) but disable anti aliasing? (i want to use a truetype font without aa)02:30
gnomefreaksake on that page look at bottom and paste that text into that file02:31
=== HymnToLife is listening to Hold On To Your Dream (Acoustic - Live in Helsinki) by Stratovarius
zandaafunkyhat, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IRC < that should state all of the things you need to know about IRC02:31
funkyHatcheers zandaa02:31
ssdd534BlueDevil, is that it?02:31
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zandaafunkyhat, no prob02:31
ubotuI haven't a clue, HymnToLife02:31
zandaaan IRC bot which doesn't have a clue about IRC XD priceless comedy02:31
HymnToLifesure :p02:31
ardchoillezandaa: ROFL!02:32
nanophobicany suggestions for secure but really light browsers? other than firefox?02:32
zandaaardchoille, ROFLCOPTER!!02:32
nanophobicfor Ubuntu?02:32
HymnToLifenanophobic > opera ?02:32
sakegnomefreak, k i did it02:32
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shiQPeardchoille: neither DEL or F1 worked.02:32
theCorenanophobic, w3m02:32
zandaananophobic, mozilla?02:32
shiQPeardchoille: I can not get into Bios02:32
nanophobicmozilla is bloated :(02:32
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BlueDevilssdd534: do "mv .gtkrc .gtkrc.bad"02:32
pawelzandaa: but that is the honest true. we always need the control of what we own. we are humans.02:32
gnomefreaksake good now hit save than close that file02:32
gnomefreaksake in the terminal type: sudo apt-get update02:32
theCorenanophobic, epiphany is a great browser02:33
shiQPeardchoille: The system runs, and loads up and all I see is a flashing "Floppydisk with a question mark" - But this PowerMac does not have a Floppy drive.02:33
ShtickAnyone know why on my liveCD the make command works fresh off the disk but on this new install it isn't recognized?02:33
zandaapawel, yes... though I still have to run windows sometimes though <_< stupid applications I can't get to work on linux02:33
ardchoilleshiQPe: There is no info at all about how to change the boot device???02:33
HymnToLifezandaa > same here02:33
zandaaShtick, maybe you're missing libraries etc.02:33
shiQPeardchoille: The screen is black, then goes Grey and displays the Floppy Disk.02:33
nanophobictheCore, but isn't epiphany similar to firefox in terms of memory usage and all; only the UI part is diff i think02:33
squirehow do iI install firefox 1.5 on my new 5.10 installation please?02:33
ssdd534BlueDevil, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/558602:33
ardchoilleshiQPe: carefully place that computer in the dust bin (just kidding)02:33
gnomefreaksake let me know when you get back to command prompt if everything went good or any errors02:33
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HymnToLife!tell ssdd534 about firefox02:34
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ubotuBlueDevil: I give up, what is it?02:34
zandaaHymnToLife, hehe... it's the truth, once you got vital software on a windows system... the system can't be removed02:34
pawelzandaa: well, me too, many people do. but this will change very soon, when the Internet becomes faster and you will no longer need hard drive.02:34
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BlueDevildamn :)02:34
gnomefreaksquire, i dont advise it02:34
sakeok, so did i even have to do the download??02:34
shiQPeapt-get install firefox02:34
shiQPein terminal02:34
zandaapawel, no longer need a hard drive??? what kinda crock is that?02:34
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH!, gnomefreak02:34
shiQPeopera > firefox02:34
theCorenanophobic, maybe, but I find epiph faster than firefox02:34
pawelzandaa: the future.02:34
Shtickzandaa any idea where these missing libraries ran off too and how I can get them back?02:34
sakegnomefreak: its done02:34
ubotugnomefreak: Syntax error in line 102:34
gnomefreaksake everything ok no errors?02:35
zandaaShtick, I don't know... it depends on the software you try to compile if I'm correct02:35
sakeno errors02:35
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BlueDevilubotu firefox1.5 is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion02:35
ubotuokay, BlueDevil02:35
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Shtickzandaa ok thanks02:35
ubotusomebody said firefox1.5 was at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion02:35
sakeso what now02:35
gnomefreaksake type: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:35
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steven_Laptop? how can I burn a movie on my harddrive so I can burn it later?02:35
pawelzandaa: who needs it when you can have all your date round the clock and wherever you are.02:35
zandaapawel, I still want a HD in the future... archiving, software installation, backups, something to fall back on when the internet is down?02:35
CityismineAre the results on this page wrong??  http://xwinman.org/vote.php02:36
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gnomefreaksake after you type that sit back relax its gonna be a while02:36
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sakedo i want to continue? yes right?02:36
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gnomefreakjust type y sake02:36
sakek i just wanted to make sure02:36
=== ssdd534 yells at xmms
itouchedpussyhey there fellow ubnutu users, i touchde shaved pussy this morning!02:37
ardchoilleCan anyone update ubotu?02:37
HymnToLifexmms stinks :/02:37
=== gnomefreak forgot if the command to add to a command is -y
BlueDevilssdd534: weird, did you install a theme or something while xmms was running?02:37
itouchedpussyguys? you guys listening?02:37
itouchedpussydid you read what i said?02:37
ssdd534i tryed plain a wma and GDM died02:37
BlueDevilwe don't care02:37
itouchedpussyi said i touched SHAVED pussy this morning02:37
pawelzandaa: backup? what for? someone will be doing it for you? software? do you still like never ending software updates? I do not think so. :)02:37
gnomefreakardchoille, BlueDevil  just added the firefox command to him02:37
itouchedpussyas opposed to hairy pussy02:37
HymnToLifeitouchedpussy > no ones gives a damn about what you said...02:37
itouchedpussyHymnToLife: sif!02:37
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gnomefreaksake everything running?02:38
zandaapawel, I do like never ending software updates... it gives me something to do when I'm bored :D02:38
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BlueDevilitouchedpussy: go touch it again :)02:38
djk_ardchoille: update to what?02:38
sakeyeah, did i even have to do the download earlier?02:38
rixthitouchedpussy, wow, I did too02:38
itouchedpussyHymnToLife: everybody knows that linux user don't touch much pussy in their life.... now i ahve to switch to windows =(, or maybe BSD02:38
rixthExcept I actually did ;)02:38
itouchedpussyrixth: really?02:38
itouchedpussyrixth: is your name thomas?02:38
rixthitouchedpussy, totally.02:38
ardchoilledjk_: "irc info as at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Relay_Chat"02:38
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ssdd534BlueDevil, i tryed plain a wma and GDM died after i restarted GDM it wouldnt run02:38
squiredamn, i have no firefox at all now :(02:38
pawelzandaa: yeah, especially when you run gprs. 8-)02:38
gnomefreaksake, not really but now you have a breezy cd for backup if you downloaded it and burnt it02:38
BlueDevilssdd534: did you try rebooting?02:39
sakei didnt burn it02:39
zandaapawel, what would I need that for?02:39
kenichihi there02:39
HymnToLifeitouchedpussy > now that you mention it... The last time I touched some was a short while before switching to linux02:39
itouchedpussyyou must be that thomas guy who was raping that girl, and got a dislocated jaw02:39
sakeim out of blank cd's02:39
zandaahiya kenichi02:39
=== sexualpotatoes [n=mike@ny-lackawannacadent4-2d-23.buf.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
ssdd534BlueDevil, not yet...02:39
gnomefreaksake its ok you wont lose it02:39
ssdd534guess i will now02:39
kenichihi zandaa02:39
zandaahow you been kenichi?02:39
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shiQPeHi, I'm trying to install UBUNTU on a PowerBook 1400c. however, I can not get it to boot from CD. I Put the CD in, try the "control, option, shift and delete" buttons but it will not boot from CD. Instead, it runs the HD and just displays a floppy drive with a question mark.02:39
sakeatleast i didnt waste an hour02:39
kenichizandaa: fine. and you?02:39
djk_ardchoille: mmh, i don't really see the point in that hehe, but sure.02:39
BlueDevilssdd534: i thought of suggesting cleaning /tmp, but that would screw up things...02:39
itouchedpussyeverybody! rixth got a dislocated jaw beacuse he turns a girls pussy!02:39
gnomefreaksquire, let me guess you attempted to get the new ff1.5 for ubuntu?02:39
kenichizandaa: its already really late here ;)02:40
rixthitouchedpussy, huh?02:40
ardchoilledjk_: oh, well if there is no point, then nm :)02:40
zandaakenichi: I'm also fine, got my DVD play-back working by just installing xine <_<02:40
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ssdd534bb in 5 reboot02:40
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itouchedpussyrixth: dont' try to hide it02:40
rixthI didn't rape anyone???02:40
kenichizandaa: very good02:40
squirei've downloaded ff1.5 to desktop02:40
crodubuntu printing problems!!!!!02:40
pawelzandaa: I do not know that what you would need that for. but I need it, quite often, even for updates.02:40
itouchedpussyrixth: i was there, remember the long haired guy who also used linux, and he videotaped you getting your jaw dislocated?02:40
rixthYou wouldn't have printing problems if you touched shaven vagina ;)02:40
HymnToLife!tell squire about firefox1.502:40
squireunpacked to opt/firefox02:40
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mwesquire: then you removed ff1.5 and forgot to sudo dpkg-divert --rename --remove /usr/bin/firefox02:40
zandaapawel, what is gprs then???02:41
gnomefreaksquire, it is not recommended to use ff1.5 in ubuntu its not stable enough for ubuntu02:41
ardchoilleitouchedpussy: I hope someone kicks you from this channel. Your posts are not related to helping anyone with the mighty Ubuntu. If you were in my channel, yo'd have been kicked by now02:41
crodwhen I try to print to the networked printers the ouput comes at an angle!!02:41
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zandaakenichi, yes indeed, I also had to do a fresh install yesterday <_< messed up my linux pretty bad02:41
squiregnomefreak oic02:41
BlueDevilsquire: opt/firefox?02:41
itouchedpussyrixth: read what ardchoille said02:41
crodNE1 Knows about that??02:41
rixth!ops please kick itouchedpussy02:41
uboturixth: Syntax error in line 102:41
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BlueDevilsquire: there should be a leading /02:41
squirei thought 1.0.6/7 had a mem leak on linux02:41
KnowerrorsAnybody here that uses Gmail in FF have problems with the compose window not have auto wordwrap?02:41
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itouchedpussyjust beacuse i get along with ladies better than the average linux user =(02:41
squireff1.5 is supposed to be a lot faster/stable02:41
HymnToLifeit is02:42
pawelzandaa: oh, are you shitting me? :-) General Packet Radio Service -- mobile Internet.02:42
gnomefreaksquire, they will backport it when its stable enough for ubuntu02:42
zandaapawel, never heard of it.... I have now though :P02:42
ben_underscorehi all02:42
squireyeah, sorry i missed the / in my message02:42
heinzanovawhat is the root password on a default install of Ubunto so I can stop having to sudo everything I am trying to work on?02:42
SCMarkhow do I change xchat so that it automativally doesn't show join/part messages when I join a channel?02:42
ardchoilledjk_: Thanks :)02:42
zandaapawel, I haven't been following technological stuff for a long time02:42
ben_underscorewhy does ubuntu take so long to bring up wireless interfaces ob boot?02:42
HymnToLife!tell heinzanova about sudo02:42
BlueDevilheinzanova: root pass is disabled02:43
squirei'm totally new to ubuntu02:43
pawelzandaa: oh dear, where have you been for the last 5 years? :)02:43
sakegnomefreak: do you know about how many files it has to get??02:43
djk_ardchoille: although i suppose that people who use irc know what irc is..02:43
BlueDevil!tell heinzanova about rootsudo02:43
gnomefreaki use it on my windows disk and works great but i have heard nothing but horrer stories for ff1.5 on ubuntu02:43
zandaapawel, with my head under gigantic pressure02:43
Shtickanyone here running hamachi Im having trouble with the install02:43
gnomefreaksake i would say somewhere around 600 or so02:43
ardchoilledjk_: Good point02:43
sakeoh wow02:43
zandaapawel, let's just say the last 5 years haven't been too carefree02:43
pawelzandaa: now this is getting scarry.02:43
sakeim only at 9602:43
zandaapawel, don't worry about it02:44
gnomefreaksake if you scroll back up it should tell you how many to be upgraded/installed/removed02:44
BlueDevilsake: get a drink :)02:44
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pawelzandaa: I don't. :-)02:44
zandaapawel, ok, why's it scary then?02:44
sakei was gonna run to taco bell haha02:44
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croddoes ne1 know about printing from ubuntu to a networked printer???02:44
squireis it easy to set up kde alongside gnome btw?02:44
gnomefreaksake you got time02:44
pawelzandaa: actually it was getting quite interesting. :-)02:44
TorezHelp please, when I try and set mode for my wireless to Ad-hoc, it has no effect. Mode stays at auto in iwconfig..02:44
BlueDevilcrod: yes, we do :)02:44
HymnToLifesquire > yes02:44
zandaapawel, you think so <_<02:44
sake693 total02:44
gnomefreaksake you have atleast 1 and 1/2 hrs02:44
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kenichidoes anyone know how to make modprobe changes static?02:44
crodBlueDevil would you give me a hand02:45
squirethanks hymntolife02:45
pawelzandaa: sort of creepy story. ] :->02:45
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BlueDevilcrod: i'll try02:45
sakegnomefreak: ok will u still be on??02:45
gnomefreaksake when its done reboot and that should be it ;)02:45
zandaapawel, ah... it's not that amusing nor entertaining, it's been 5 years worth of crap and sorrow02:45
BlueDevilcrod: using gnome?02:45
sakeok thanks sooo much02:45
gnomefreaksake im not sure but someone here can help if anything happens02:45
zandaa<_< and now I can't even eject my DVD drive02:45
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gnomefreaksake not a problem02:45
ssdd534BlueDevil, thanks the reboot did it02:46
=== gnomefreak steps out for smoke
sakewill my passwords and files be there still??02:46
BlueDevilssdd534: yw02:46
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BlueDevilsake: yes02:46
BlueDevilsake: everything will be as it should02:46
pawelzandaa: so that's what it's all about in the life.02:46
sakeok well ill be back on if i have any more questions02:46
pawelzandaa: :-)02:46
zandaapawel, how you mean?02:46
=== funkyHat_ is now known as funkyHat
BlueDevilbad habbit, using \n as punctuation :(02:46
pawelzandaa: crap and sorrow.02:47
zandaapawel, exactly02:47
kenichidoes anyone know how to make "modprobe bttv" changes static?02:47
zandaaO_O, almost 3 AM o_O02:47
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crodBlueDevil: can you read the dialog window02:47
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pawelzandaa: but sometimes you just wake up for few days and think that everything is going better.02:47
HymnToLifeyeah zandaa :/02:47
regeyaok.  i have my epson r800 working thanks to turboprint.  or I did.  all I did was, well, I have my printer up to do sharing, and my wife was printing from a Win98se machine and freaked out about a print job she sent to it.  I calmly shut off the printer.  I've restarted the printer, restarted cupsys, even restarted the computer, and the printer will not respond.  I've had this happen before on another printer but I don't reme02:47
regeyamber what I did.02:47
pawelzandaa: but then you stress and think it's shit again.02:48
regeyathank god I don't have this problem with os x machines running cups, or else I'd go mad.02:48
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BlueDevilkenichi: /etc/modules02:48
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zandaapawel, well.... it's kinda like that, I feel shit in the morning when I have to go to school, and when I come home I'm quite relaxed and nothing's wrong02:48
BlueDevilcrod: what dialog window?\02:48
smhi all.. keys on my keyboard have stopped working.. where would I find a script to reduce lcd brightness ?02:48
alekzhi, how can i configure a serial mouse is ubuntu doesnt detect it ?02:49
BlueDevilsm: how are you typing here?02:49
crodI opened a dialog windown with xchat with you... you don't see it02:49
smsome keys02:49
BlueDevilcrod, no02:49
paweljrattner1: yes?02:49
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crodI'll past it here02:49
kenichiBlueDevil: and how do i have to add the lines?02:49
gnomefreakubotu tell crod about pastebin02:50
BlueDevilkenichi: with a text editor, or with cat02:50
polfhello. can you recommend a stand-alone partition manager? (open-source for linux filesystems)02:50
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kenichiBlueDevil: just with modprobe bttv ...02:50
crodI installed all the cups drivers for the printers and even compiled the hpijs etc....02:50
crodcrod still the output comes out not aligned with the page!!02:50
crodcrod BlueDevil: are you there?02:50
kenichiBlueDevil: yeah, i mean how do the lines have to look?02:50
Mabus06is it possible to make an email address without using a free email service,  but still have it free? (even if its ugly like, something@reallylonghostname.dyndns.org or something)02:50
BlueDevilcrod: define not aligned02:50
=== avb is back
BlueDevilkenichi: the names of the modules, one per line02:51
smwhat I mean is, where do I find the config for hardware key events ? I'd like to reduce brightness even though that key has stopped working02:51
SCMarkhow do I make HP printing not start at boot?02:51
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varsendaggerMabus06, what are you talking about?02:51
=== avb spent a day configuring freeBSD 6 and at the end found that acpi suspend to ram is still not works
B_166-ER-Xok.... i have some REALLY fucK'ed up problems, my pc wasnt booting...ireset..then it booted but said 'Inode 65551 has illegal blocks  /; unexpected constistemcy ; run fsck manually...ect..ect.. i did the fsck, it had LOADs of errors, and now its done, my pc boot 1 time in 3...and his very unstable (like,  ask him to close session and it froze..)02:51
zandaagotta go, cya'lls later02:51
crodBlueDevil: is like if you put a page with the text on top of the blank page but at an angle02:52
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polfI know there is a iso you can download with partition manager tools. and you can burn in and boot it with your computer. anyone know the name of this program?02:52
polfits opensource based.02:52
Mabus06varsendagger, well say I had sample.dyndns.org as a domain that links to my computer, how would I make an email address at webmaster@sample.dyndns.org02:52
whyameyeisn't there some sort of patch command so I can change one line of a config file from a batch script?02:52
varsendaggerohh i don't know02:52
crodBlueDevil: part of the text at the top, does not even appear on the page02:52
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SCMarkalso where is a log of everything that scrolls by when I boot?02:52
HymnToLifeMabus06 > ru a POP or IMAP server on your comp02:53
heinzanovaI just edited my /etc/X11/Xorg.conf to have my higher resolution my moniter runs, and I saved the file, how do I get it to show up in the list of resolutions in the system > preferances > screen resolution so I can select it?02:53
smSCMark: dmesg02:53
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crodBlueDevil: is that clear for you?02:53
Mabus06HymnToLife, not asking for a 6 month course on it, but perhaps you could link me to some documentation? (unless its easy, then maybe you could tell me how)02:53
HymnToLifeMabus06 > I dunno, I never did it02:53
mweheinzanova: for one you probably gotta restart X and gdm02:53
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heinzanovamwe, and how would I do that sir?02:54
BlueDevilSCMark: update-rc.d -f hplip remove02:54
SCMarksm: dmesg is a bit too detailed.  I just want to be able to hit pageup and scroll up to see what just started02:54
HymnToLifebut since incoming mail servers are either POP or IMAP, I think it's the right thing to do02:54
SCMarkBlueDevil: thanks02:54
BlueDevilSCMark: yw02:54
mwehenriquemaia: log out. then press ctrl+alt+f1 to get to the console. then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart02:54
HymnToLifeheinzanova > Ctrl+Alt+Backspace02:54
crodBlueDevil: Have you ever heard or seen something like that?02:55
mwehenriquemaia: or simply reboot02:55
BlueDevilcrod: yes, but that's odd02:55
mkyb14firefox keeps killing my cpu ... how would one update the firefox 1.5?02:55
BlueDevilcrod: are you sure the printer is not malfunctioning?02:55
crodBlueDevil: I agree. odd02:55
Mabus06Can anyone help me to get my windows/linux network up? It's not a simple one liner question I can pose, I need somebody knowledged to help.02:55
ubotusomebody said firefox15 was see the wiki at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion for information on how to install Firefox 1.5 from mozilla.org02:55
HymnToLife!tell mkyb14 about firefox1.502:55
crodBlueDevil: NO. Printer is OK. When I print from XP or another Unix machine it prints OK02:56
senectus does anyone know how to reset the gnome profile so it set's it back to "factory default" ??02:56
BlueDevilcrod: are you using gnome?02:56
crodBlueDevil: YES02:56
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ubotuA list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) - Create your own sources.list at http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic02:57
BlueDevilcrod: not sure then, I don't remember how gnome printing dialog/options look02:57
nekostarthis fucking xchat is the lose02:57
BlueDevilcrod: does that happen when printing from any application? or just a specific one?02:57
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senectus does anyone know how to reset the gnome profile so it set's it back to "factory default" ??02:57
crodBlueDevil: from any02:57
nosralboocan someone here tell me how to redirect my router ip to my server???02:57
crodBlueDevil: Here is another Q02:58
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nosralbooI am using apache02:58
BlueDevilsenectus: "rm -rf ~/.gnome" then logout/login02:58
nosralbooi have port forwarding enabled02:58
SCMarkBluedevil: is there some way to list what services are started at boot time?02:58
techrushcan someone point me to a tutorial on how to setup ubuntu to dual boot with windows ?02:58
slashx1896its not letting me watch movies that are on the interent,02:58
nosralbootechrush all you do is install it02:58
BlueDevilsenectus: not sure though02:58
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ubotudualboot is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo02:58
slashx1896i only can watch ones that i download02:58
Mabus06Can anyone help me to get my windows/linux network up? It's not a simple one liner question I can pose, I need somebody knowledged to help.02:58
nosralbooand install grub02:58
senectusBlueDevil, done that didn't work02:58
techrushok thanks02:58
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crodHow do you set an environment variable BEFORE launching an application in gnome?02:58
nosralboocan someone here tell me how to redirect my router ip to my server???02:59
Mabus06nekostar, read the CoC if you haven't yet02:59
HymnToLifeMabus06 > what exactly do you want to do with your network ?02:59
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mwenosralboo: it depends on what kind of router you have02:59
Mabus06nosralboo, type in your browser, and there should be dynamic dns settings somewhere02:59
polfhow do I remove the start-loader? some command in windows I think?02:59
nosralbooand I need to set it for02:59
varsendaggerwhat is the deal with
Mabus06errr, wait? does your IP change or no?03:00
Mabus06HymnToLife, just basically printing...03:00
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nosralbooi have it set for
Mabus06HymnToLife, but file sharing would be nice too03:00
BlueDevilSCMark: ls -l /etc/rc2.d/S??*03:00
crodGNOME question: how to launch an application BUT set an environment variable first03:00
Mabus06ok well then.. that nosralboo :P03:00
nosralboono, because thats a lan ip03:00
nosralbooI need to make it so it redirects me to my server03:00
nekostarwhats your problem Mabus0603:00
Mabus06No.. I mean type that in your address if that's what your router is03:00
techrushnext years race will be quinn vs young03:00
Mabus06nekostar, with what?03:00
nosralboobut what do I do then03:01
kineticespany southamericans here?03:01
amiascrod: run a shell script which exports the var and launches the app03:01
nekostarno clue03:01
techrusher wrong channel03:01
nosralboois it a wan ip address? mabus06?03:01
Mabus06nosralboo, are you at your router settings page yet?03:01
nosralbooI have an actiontec03:01
HymnToLifewell, I'm goin to bed03:01
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HymnToLifesee you guys03:01
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crodamias: and launch the script... ok that will work03:01
BlueDevilcrod: you run the app like this: "ENV_VAR=value application"03:02
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crodBlueDevil: THat's a clean solution!! thanks03:02
BlueDevilcron: no need to export the ENV_VAR03:02
crodBlueDevil: no ";" between value and application??03:02
BlueDevilcrod: no ;03:03
regeyason of a diddly.03:03
mweBlueDevil is right. no ;03:03
shiQPeHi, I'm trying to install UBUNTU on a PowerBook 1400c. however, I can not get it to boot from CD. I Put the CD in, try the "control, option, shift and delete" buttons but it will not boot from CD. Instead, it runs the HD and just displays a floppy drive with a question mark.03:03
shiQPeHi, I'm trying to install UBUNTU on a PowerBook 1400c. however, I can not get it to boot from CD. I Put the CD in, try the "control, option, shift and delete" buttons but it will not boot from CD. Instead, it runs the HD and just displays a floppy drive with a question mark.03:03
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B_166-ER-Xhow do i burn an audio cd based on mp3 files , on ubuntu ? (witch k3b or else)03:04
gilgaladshiqpe:  Don't you hold down 'c' to boot from a cd on a mac?03:04
Dewidoes my / partition need the "bootable flag" set to true?03:04
Mabus06nekostar, if you meant what is my problem because I told you to read the CoC, my problem is you said a four letter word that you would know not to say if you read the CoC03:04
mweshiQPe: don't repeat like that03:04
regeyano not only can I not get the printer to respond, I ran 'cancel' as root, am being prompted for root, and it's not accepting my root password (yes, I have a root password set.)03:04
mweDewi: I believe not03:04
nekostardeal with real life man03:04
nekostaror go to gentoo03:04
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regeyaso um03:05
tlhivhi folks ... anyone here use X+Composite with Gnome?03:05
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tlhivtrying to set the default transparencies for specific (not all) windows that open03:06
senectusif I log into gnome it gives me a mouse and a brown screen.. that's it, any ideas on how to fix it?03:06
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BlueDevilsenectus: tried reinstalling gnome?03:07
senectusBlueDevil, yes made no difference03:07
steven_Laptop? what do I use to burn a movie on my harddrive so I can burn it later?03:07
polfstrange, the partitionmanager doesnt recognize the partitions ive made for ubuntu. it just seems to recognize the whole disk as one partition.03:07
SCMarkwhat does the K or S in front of RC scripts mean?03:07
B_166-ER-Xhow do i burn an audio cd based on mp3 files , on ubuntu ? (witch k3b or else)03:07
BlueDevilSCMark: S=start, K=kill03:07
regeyaSON OF A DIDDLY.03:08
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gilgaladB_166-ER-X: use Serpentine audio cd creator, which comes with ubuntu03:08
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navareHello from Germany. Anyone got time to help me with Alien?03:09
gilgaladnavare: alien file.rpm03:09
nekostarso then03:09
ubotusomebody said coc was the Ubuntu Code of Conduct, to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere. You can find the Code of Conduct at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/conduct/03:09
SCMarkBlueDevil: and what if later on I decide I want to print on an HP printer.  How would I readd that script?03:09
nekostarshow me where it says no swearing03:09
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mweyou need sudo alien file.rpm, I believe03:09
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navaregilgalad thats not my Problem ... i show it to you.03:10
gotchai have a question about installing software. Can someone help?03:10
nekostarmwe, for me it was sudo alien -d -i file.rpm03:10
nekostarask away gotcha03:10
BlueDevilSCMark: you know about "man" right?03:10
gotchathe lime wire version for linux03:10
SCMarkBlueDevil: yeah03:10
nekostaris not in the official programs03:11
gotchathis is my first shot at linux, and am trying to figure it out.03:11
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BlueDevilSCMark: update-rc.d hplip defaults03:11
gotchaso it wont work?03:11
nekostarone sec man lets make it much easier for ya03:11
mwenekostar: really? for the atidrivers.rpm I needed no options to alien03:11
gotchalol thanks03:11
nekostarmwe, i put the options in myself.. -i is auto install03:11
navaresudo perl alien.pl ati.rpm (only got source code of Alien) gives me an error says i need RPM O.o03:11
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SCMarkBlueDevil: cool beans03:11
KenseyI installed wpa_supplicant and got it to work.  That's the good part.  But now I can't connect to any wlan but my own.  That's the bad part. :)03:12
nekostarnavare, there is a package for alien03:12
nekostarsudo apt-get install alien03:12
mwenekostar: yeah. I just looked up the options. makes sense03:12
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gilgaladI thought alien came with ubuntu03:12
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maneyIs there anyone who has a clue how to do anything about printer configuration in Ubuntu if the half-assed abilities of gnome-cups-manager don't do the job?  I started out just trying to get sane user-visible printer names...03:12
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nekostargotcha, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8029503:12
nekostarthat is for BREEZY only03:13
seth_maney, I find the regular cups web browser interface to be better than the gnome thing03:13
nekostarwelcome to the stunned club03:13
amiasmaney: mabye the webbased cups interface might help03:13
Kenseydo I have to kill wpa_supplicant to make my laptop connect to an unsecured wlan, or just tell wpa_supplicant not to scan for ssids?03:13
maneyseth_k: that's a harsh condemnation of gnome-cups-manager, isn't it?  :-(03:13
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navarewow thank you nekostar that worked. thanks very much. Hopfully i can install ATI Driver now.03:13
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nekostarnow unless someone else wants to tell me something about how swearing is fucking not allowed then i got anime....03:14
nekostarits all good navare ppl help me03:14
nekostari learn i pass on03:14
nekostarwe help u u learn pass on...03:14
nekostarconsider ideling :)03:14
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mkyb14_i can't see my windows network to stream mp3's to my linux box... and this is a fresh install.  any ideas?03:14
gilgaladnavare: Doesn't the ati drive have a graphical installer, why are you using the rpm?03:14
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nekostar-tiredness +proper spelling/punctuation03:14
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gilgaladmkyb14_: try going to 'Places->Connect to server' and typing in the computer name03:15
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zpierreskidoes anyone know how to install squidguard on ubuntu03:17
shinucan k3b not read the info about previous sessions on reqritable media?03:17
mkyb14_says that it can't display... i choose windows share and typed the name in.  what about all the other fields.. iv'e done this before just don't know why i can't do it now on this new install03:17
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gilgaladmkyb14_: try installing smbclient and seeing if you can connect with that03:19
gilgaladsudo apt-get install smbclient03:19
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zpierreskihi, does anyone know how to install squidguard on ubuntu breezy?03:19
mkyb14_apt-get install smbclient?03:19
gilgaladsmbclient //<ip address>/share03:19
yurihi.. I'm having a bit of trouble setting up bittornado so that it is in the green. Currently I cannot receive connections. Can someone tell me how to set up a static ip, as that seems to be what I need03:20
mkyb14oh crap... earlier i accidently changed to a hoary sources.list... where can i get the breezy one !!03:20
croutonyuri: may be your firewall if you have one03:20
bob_How do I stop whatever from opening the CDRW drive when i stick a CD in so I can use cdrecord? :|03:20
yuricrouton: fw isnt running03:20
navaregilgalad i tryed to install it with ATI Installer but i got errors. (i use 64 bit version it seems ATI Installer is not working for that Version)03:20
croutonyuri: hardware router? linksys?03:20
gilgaladmkyb14: just change hoary to breezy03:20
yuricrouton: Dlink 62403:20
mkyb14ati drivers aren't working for 64.. try fglx03:20
gilgaladnavare: ah, ok03:20
croutonyuri: make sure you're forwarding the correct ports03:21
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mkyb14thats what i had to do for 6403:21
=== bob_ gets Really Really Angry!!!
gotchathanks man03:21
bob_I hate ubuntu!!!03:22
gilgaladI got to go, cya guys later03:22
croutonbob_ what happened03:22
bob_Error trying to open /dev/hdd exclusively (Device or resource busy)... retrying in 1 second. - that's what happens when I try to burn a CD03:22
bob_with cdrecord03:22
bob_the gnome CD burning interface wont work03:22
DRAGON_Ultrause k3b03:22
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zpierreskican anyone help me out with installing and running squidguard?03:23
croutonis it possible to use the ATI fglrx driver from their website on a custom kernel?03:23
bob_I just want to burn an ISO to a CD... is that so hard?03:23
korhalfbob_, no, gnomebaker03:23
mkyb14_shouldn't i just beable to "browse network" and see the windows machines?03:24
DRAGON_Ultragnomebaker works good too03:24
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bob_so why can't I just cdrecord dev=/dev/hdd foobar.iso03:24
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SCMarkBluedevil: how do I start bootlogd on boot? update-rc.d bootlogd defults does not work.  I get: System startup links for /etc/init.d/bootlogd already exist.03:25
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Kensey_wpa_supplicant blocks any unsecured APs.  weird.03:26
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maneyI've forgotten - is there some hoop besides the access permissions in cupsd.conf that I have to jimmy to get the CUPS admin interface to work?03:26
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mkyb14whats the apt name for smb so i can install it?03:27
polfI got a problem, did install ubuntu tonight. resized my ntfs-partition with xp on. and made one partition for ubuntu, and another for swap.03:27
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mkyb14ha i already have the smb client... so how do i use that to find my windows network seeing as the default windows share isnt' working03:28
jackmacokcmkyb14: samba03:28
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polfI got a problem, did install ubuntu tonight. resized my ntfs-partition with xp on. and made one partition for ubuntu, and another for swap. now, I want to reinstall ubuntu, and the best way is to format the ubuntupartition in installer? but, no partitions is shown there, whats wrong?03:28
LoPMXanyone know good free games?03:28
croutonin general or for linux?03:29
mkyb14ok i installed samba and the smbclient..... how do i use this to connect to my windows machine to stream mp3s03:29
The_Isle_of_Markmkyb14, open your home folder and type in the address bar smb://<windows machine name or IP address>03:29
polfIs there any partition manager I can use in ubuntu?03:29
polfand like.. erase the ex3 partitions.03:30
jackmacokcpolf: qtparted or gparted03:30
kittyfjuncan i force apt-get to install even with a missing dependency?03:30
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mkyb14i don't have an address bar03:30
The_Isle_of_Markhow about in computer?03:30
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croutonugh... how are you supposed to install linux-restricted-modules if i compile a custom kernel from kernel.org?03:31
Naxconwill someone please tell me how to boot from the cd to install ubuntu?03:31
jackmacokckittyfjun: try sudo apt-get install package -f03:31
mkyb14you need the live cd03:31
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The_Isle_of_Marknaxcon ninsert cd, boot pc :)03:31
croutonNaxcon: insert CD and reboot?03:31
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alekzhow can i comprees a file to a tar.bz2 ?03:31
Naxcon\that doesnt work03:31
polfyou have to change bios priority.03:31
Naxconhow do i do that?03:31
croutonalekz - tar cjf03:32
SCMarkhow do I start the bootlogd on bootup?03:32
polfand make CDRom priority one.03:32
The_Isle_of_MarkNaxcon check your system bios to make sure it is booting from cdrom first03:32
alekzthanks crouton03:32
brennerMabus06: ping03:32
Naxconhow do i do that?03:32
Naxconi dont even know what bios is03:32
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croutontar -cjf outputfile.tar.bz2 sourcefile... i think03:32
polfNaxcon, at startup. press F1, or DEL button03:32
croutonmaybe source and output is switched03:32
owner989im trying out XFCE03:32
polfand enter biossettings03:32
owner989but when i play videos in mplayer the mplayer menu doesnt appear03:32
Naxconok, just a sec, ill try that out03:32
Kensey_how do I make my wireless card connect to an unsecured AP with wpa_supplicant active?03:32
sethkcrouton, no, you were right the first time03:32
The_Isle_of_Markmkyb14, applications, system tools, applications menu editor03:33
polfNaxcon, yeah. just reboot computer and press DEL button (I think)03:33
sethkcrouton, tar cvjf tarfilename sourcefile [more source files] 03:33
polfat startup..03:33
The_Isle_of_Markmkyb14, and change it to have an address bar in nautilus03:33
croutonsethk: whew, i don't do it enough to remember all the time. ;)03:33
sethkdelete is typical but other keys are used as well03:33
sethkthere should be a message on the screen when you boot telling you to enter setup03:33
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sethksetup means setup BIOS; BIOS means basic input output system03:34
regeyaok.  i have my epson r800 working thanks to turboprint.  or I did.  all I did was, well, I have my printer up to do sharing, and my wife was printing from a Win98se machine and freaked out about a print job she sent to it.  I calmly shut off the printer.  I've restarted the printer, restarted cupsys, even restarted the computer, and the printer will not respond.  I've had this happen before on another printer but I don't reme03:34
regeyamber what I did.  any ideas on why turning off the printer and turning it back on would cause CUPS to throw errors once a second like "E [10/Dec/2005:20:34:45 -0600]  SLPReg of "tp0" failed with status -20!03:34
sethkwhich isnt really what the bios is, but I can't hel that.  :)03:34
The_Isle_of_Markmkyb14, nautilus is to linux what explorer is to windows03:34
mkyb14i dunno how to do that03:34
owner989turboprint is junk because it prints a huge color banner on each page03:34
BlueDevilSCMark: then it means bootlogd is started at boot03:34
regeyanautilus is to GNOME what explorer is to windows.03:34
sethkregeya, is it a USB printer?03:34
regeyaowner989: if you pay for it, it stops printing the banner.03:35
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regeyasethk: yes.03:35
sethkregeya, did you reboot the machine it is connected to?03:35
owner989i got my canon printer working with the canon japan ip1500 drivers03:35
mkyb14how do i do that to nautilus03:35
sethkregeya, I know that doesn't make much sense, but it sometimes works03:35
regeyasethk: see above...yes.03:35
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sethkregeya, the only time I've seen that, I fixed it by upgrading to a newer kernel.  I don't know of a reason that could survive a reboot03:36
The_Isle_of_Markmkyb14, until you figure it out, from a console type nautilus smb://<windows computer name or IP address>03:36
SCMarkBlueDevil: then I should have the file /var/log/boot and I don't.  I think it found the script: S99stop-bootlogd instead03:36
sethkregeya, but I did have one that seemed to work (well, did work) for a long time, but it turned out to be only a random thing03:36
yurican someone recommend a BT client other than bittornado or azureus?03:36
regeyasethk: neither does anyone else on Earth, apparently.03:36
sethkregeya, it would fail maybe 10, 15 times in a row, then work for a bunch of times03:36
owner989theres the original bittorent client yuri03:36
regeyabah.  this sucks.03:36
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nekostaryuri, why dont you like either of those clients?03:37
owner989but i think azureus is the best03:37
sethkregeya, anyway it went away when I got newer USB drivers on the kernel side03:37
nekostaryou could run windows///03:37
Naxconok, i figured out the bios and it started installation. but i got an error saying network autoconfiguration failed03:37
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kittyfjunyuri: bitcomet03:37
nekostarthe original client is total crap03:37
nekostarso is bitcomet03:37
owner989agreed neko03:37
polfOk, If I want to remove ubuntu, got it installed on a 4gig partition beside winxp. (dual-boot) and also got a 1gb swap-partition. how do I erase these partitions, and merge them with the ntfs?03:37
yurinekostar: I'm used to using bitlord in win2k... I dont have to set any ports or or static ip it just works03:37
nekostarif your running windows run utorrent03:37
owner989azureus is the best03:37
kittyfjuni agree03:37
owner989even though its java03:37
kittyfjunaz is best...03:37
techrushthe plugins rock03:37
nekostarthen you go get your bitlord03:37
techrushand lots cool functions03:37
nekostarb/c thats a pos app sowwie03:38
yurikittyfjun: does bitcommet have a linux version?03:38
mkyb14ha it asks for my windows password and when i type it in with the correct group etc... doesn't work.  lol all i want to do is listen to my music :(03:38
Nameeaterwhat do I need to share internet with a windows box that has the connection?03:39
=== WhyvasLT [n=poop@mctnnbsa29w-156034029186.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
The_Isle_of_Markmkyb14, try places>>network server03:39
polfIf I want to remove ubuntu, got it installed on a 4gig partition beside winxp. (dual-boot) and also got a 1gb swap-partition. how do I erase these partitions, and merge them with the ntfs?03:39
brennerpolf: without reinstalling windows, you'd need a partition mgr i would think03:39
esjtrying to make ubuntu work with xen guest domains and colinux.  I need to extract a partition from a partitioned file image.  So far, I've tried a half a dozen different ways document on the net and all of them fail.  Usually by telling me I have a missing superblock.  I'm stuck, any ideas?03:39
mkyb14yea i've done that before... then it says windows network.. i click that and nothing shows after that. and i have like 8 computers on this network.03:40
Naxconwhile installing ubuntu, i got an error saying network autoconfiguration failed...what does that mean?03:40
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esjnetwork on a configuration failed usually means that your DHCP server did not hand back a response in time03:40
polfbrenner, yeah.. or maybe I can erase the partitions in ubuntu itself?03:40
croutonNaxcon - means you don't have network cable connected, or couldn't get dhcp lease03:40
owner989it means you have no internet setup naxcon03:40
The_Isle_of_Markmkyb14, when you put in the username, you might have to put in machinename\username03:40
Naxconoh, it has to be connected to the internet? dang, this computer isnt hooked up the network and i have no way of adding it03:41
polfbrenner, the strange thing is. the partitionmanager in ubuntuinstall doesnt recognize any ext3 or ntfs partitions. just se the whole disk as one part.03:41
owner989you dont have to be connected to the internet naxcon03:41
mkyb14AH ok so it found my network finally, but when i click my computer says that contents can't be displayed... the folders are shared... so were like 90% there lol03:41
yurican someone just tell me how to set up a static ip?03:41
esjyuri: yes03:41
esjwait a minute for me to grab an example03:41
mkyb14contents can't be displayed03:41
owner989ubuntu will install03:41
owner989without an internet connection03:41
Naxconwhy isnt it working then03:42
brennerpolf: that *is* strange03:42
esjis there a handy paste site?03:42
croutonyuri: sudo ifconfig eth0 static <ip address> netmask <netmask> gateway <gateway address> (i think)03:42
esjexamples about six lines and I don't want to flood03:42
ubotusomebody said paste was please use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ or #flood to paste large amounts of text03:42
owner989whats not working naxcon03:42
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Naxconduring installation it stops and says network autoconfiguration failed03:43
owner989it should continue installing03:43
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croutonnaxcon - just tell it to continue installtion03:43
owner989or press control-c03:43
owner989when it does that03:43
mkyb14because there's no internet for you naxcon... just skip that and you can set it up later03:43
Naxconok, ill try that, just a sec03:43
esjis an example of a static net connection03:43
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yuricrouton: what do I put in the ip address/netamsk.gateway? anything?03:43
esjyuri: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/558803:44
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croutonyuri: here's an example: sudo ifconfig eth0 static netmask gateway
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croutonyuri: not guaranteeing that will work, but it should set you on the right path03:44
Naxconwhen it says partition disks...which option should i select?03:44
esjhaxcon: the simple as you can get away with03:44
mherweghi all! how do i get a list of all installed packages in a form so that i can automatically install the same on a differnet system (amd64->i386)?03:45
esjsorry, speech recognition errors galore this evening03:45
gotchaanother question... is there anyway to setup my buttons for browsing as they were in windows? Like my back button goes back a page?03:45
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tuxuser19does ubuntu doesnt ask for root password during installation? 'coz i have installed ubuntu breezy & havent seen any option for root password03:45
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esjwhen setting up your disks, I've found that the installer usually doesn't do complicated installs right.  Especially if you make mistakes and go back to redo things03:45
yuriesj: how do I use this?03:45
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vittoriowow, alot ppl in #ubuntu. is ubuntu already so much popular than fedora?03:46
owner989naxcon it depends do you want to dual boot that computer03:46
mkyb14no but it's getting there.  plus the packaging system is superior03:46
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esjyuri: put it into your /etc/network/interfaces03:46
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Naxconjust want ubuntu on here03:46
Falstiustuxuser19: ubuntu doesn't have a root password by default.  It uses sudo for everything.03:46
owner989if you only want ubuntu you can chose to erase the entire hard drive03:46
Mabus06Can anyone help me setup my network? When I type my Windows username and password in when I try to go to the network servers, it just prompts me again. I'm SURE it's the right username and password, case sensitive and everything, any help?03:46
owner989that works well03:46
Naxconok thanks03:46
owner989it will auto partition it03:46
esjyuri: then you want to customize it to your local environment03:46
pepsimsg Foxy hi03:46
thewayofzenhas anyone else experienced problems with the audio and video  of a video clip being out of sync.. it seems like totem is horribly out of sync.. mplayer is sometimes fine but not always and xfmedia player will at times be the only one that has a chance.  IS THERE A FIX?!?03:46
owner989thewayofthezen i had the same problem03:47
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thewayofzenowner989,  did u fix it?03:47
tuxuser19Falstius,so i have to type in sudo passwd to assign myself as a root?03:47
proxosido anyone have experience on making firefox flash compatible if your comp is AMD6403:47
thewayofzenxfmedia isnt capable of doing true full screen to my knowledge.. which is frustrating03:47
Falstiusthewayofzen: you can use the + and - keys in mplayer to adjust the timing03:47
brennerthewayofzen: you install totem-xine?03:47
Falstiustuxuser19: you would type sudo su to open a root terminal.  It will ask your for your user password.03:47
owner989in mplayer options i changed the video output to xv and audio output to sdl03:48
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thewayofzenbrenner,  no.. should i?  i figured mplayer would be sufficient03:48
polfanyone using E17=03:48
polfwhat about that WM03:48
yuriesj: what do name the file?03:48
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yuriesj: what do I*03:48
brennerthewayofzen: if you wish...you're probably right. if it's happening with mplayer also, it might be something else03:48
esjyuri: the file is /etc/network/interfaces03:48
esjit should be on your system already03:49
mkyb14arr still a no go with samba.... shows windows network but after clicking it nothing shows03:49
brennerthewayofzen: but no harm in trying03:49
owner989totem is junk i think03:49
thewayofzenbrenner, i installed the w32codecs as per ubotu  and such..03:49
owner989its unstable and the interface is horrible03:49
esjmkyb14: did you set up the SMB passwords?03:49
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brennerthewayofzen: *nod*.  a lot of people seem to have problems fixed by using totem-xine rather than the default gstreamer backend though03:49
mkyb14no.  this is a fresh install03:49
esjyou need to set up SMB passwords independent from the system passwords03:50
mkyb14i've done this before but it's giving me problems this time with this install03:50
mkyb14never done that before03:50
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brennerthewayofzen: i'd try it.  you can always switch back03:50
esjI always have to do it03:50
esjI've never had Sambo work without doing it03:50
esjI've never had samba work without doing it03:50
owner989thewayofzen try my suggestion03:50
owner989change audio ouput in mplayer to sdl03:50
owner989in preferences in mplayer03:51
mkyb14so how do i do it then03:51
yuriesj: do I just paste it anywhere into the file?03:51
b1f30anybody know what's up with amarok not being able to play streams? it just keeps buffering over and over03:51
esjyuri: you replace your current eth0 definition03:51
mkyb14old password? never set one up03:51
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cozhello all03:52
owner989amarok is also junk03:52
b1f30seems so03:52
cozwhat are some of the choices for firewalls03:52
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yuriesj: ok i did that, now what?03:52
mkyb14machine rejected the (anonymous) password change: Error was : Account disabled.03:52
mkyb14Failed to change password for mkyb1403:52
vittoriodoes upgrading ubuntu work well, like debian? or is it a better advice to do a fresh install03:52
owner989blf30 are you playing audio streams03:52
cozfirestarter ok any other?03:52
esjmkyb14: you need to create a new SMB password using smbpasswd.  you then use that password from the Windows side03:52
_jasonvittorio, works well03:52
b1f30owner989: i'm attemtping to03:52
rob1coz, thats the best tool03:52
owner989i would use xmms its the best audio stream player03:52
mkyb14did you see the error i just posted?03:53
cozOk any other that may be more complex?03:53
esjyuri: you probably should reboot because the /etc/networking restart trick doesn't work03:53
brennerowner989: butt-ugly interface though.  tried bmp?03:53
shinuwhat options do i have to add to compile k3b without installing kde? >_>03:53
owner989bmp is nice and its based on xmms03:53
cozOk thanks03:53
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vittoriocool, looks like i should switch to ubuntu (from fedora)03:53
mkyb14if you want to get crazy with your mp3 player use wine and then winamp.. but xmms is the same03:53
esjmkyb14: you need to do it as root on the machine running Samba.03:53
b1f30xmms still wins...03:53
mkyb14i did03:53
nickrudshinu, apt-get build-dep k3b , I think03:53
esjthat's really crazy03:53
mkyb14ok sudo03:54
mkyb14ok that's done and in doing that i did??03:54
rob1mkyb14, why would you want to run winamp in wine?03:54
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shinunickrud: cool ill try that03:54
mkyb14because it's fun to mess with things03:54
owner989i can run windows media player 9 in wine03:54
owner989but it only plays videos reliably03:54
mkyb14i play call of duty in it.03:54
owner989mp3s crash03:54
nickrudshinu, just apt-get install k3b, it will get you there faster :)03:54
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SCMarkwhat is atd used for on my system?03:55
shinunickrud: i need some options from the newest version :/03:55
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esjI can still use help with extracting partitions. any suggestions of what to do or where to look?03:55
nickrudok, then my first answer will serve, i guess03:55
mkyb14esj .... changing the password does what for me with samba03:55
esjchanging the password makes the right password available to Windows for logging in to your Samba server03:56
mkyb14how do i make peoples names in red when i'm replying?03:56
shinunickrud: yup thanks :D03:56
esjUNIX passwords and samba passwords are really separate namespace is03:56
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mkyb14but i want to connect from this computer to my windows machine03:56
owner989mkyb14 if you mention their names it appears in red to them03:56
mkyb14oh ic03:56
esjI understand.  It's a laudable goal but it's not an easy one03:56
mkyb14thank you owner98903:56
mkyb14was that red/03:57
owner989yes mkyb1403:57
esjI have a very low opinion of the quality of Samba because it takes far longer to make it work right in any package should03:57
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mkyb14well what would someoe use to accomplish my goal?03:57
esjyou can literally waste weeks trying to get features to work03:57
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owner989what is your goal mkyb14?03:57
esjactually, I use a commercial package called webdrive03:57
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esjit lets me access files on any UNIX box that I have an ssh account03:58
mkyb14to use xmms to acces my windows machine which has 1.2 terabytes of music so that i can stream it03:58
Falstiusif you disable all security, samba is easy ;)03:58
bshumateesj: if you can write better software than Samba, then your opinion might actually count for something03:58
The_Isle_of_Markmkyb14, sorry I had to leave for a while03:58
owner989i think xmms can read from ntfs partitions03:58
esjbshumate: I have.  Just in commercial arenas03:58
Falstiusmkyb14: is it all flak?  .wav?03:58
mkyb14yes but accessing it is the key here03:58
The_Isle_of_Markmkyb14, ok so you are getting the password prompt from the windows machine, right?03:59
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mkyb14no mp3's03:59
tiglionabbithello ubuntu people03:59
FalstiusI can't imagine that much mp303:59
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mkyb14yes i am getting prompted03:59
The_Isle_of_Markmkyb14, does the windows machine have a password set?03:59
mkyb14but it's shady.. sometimes othertimes it just laggs03:59
mkyb14yea for my account etc03:59
The_Isle_of_Markmkyb14, what share permissions are on the windows shared folder?03:59
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tiglionabbitI would like to do some programming in C and use OpenGL.  Anybody know what packages I need to set up to get opengl working on ubuntu?04:00
mkyb14fore read only04:00
mkyb14simple file sharing04:00
esjThe_Isle_of_Mark: if he is using the standard ubuntu Samba configuration, he needs to add a password in the Samba password file04:00
regeyabah.  I just tried to run /usr/bin/enable raw on my machine, and I'm getting 'enable: Operation failed: client-error-forbidden04:00
Rage__tiglionabbit: What do you mean work?04:00
brennertiglionabbit: start with freeglut3-dev04:00
The_Isle_of_Markmkyb14, temporarily give network users access to the share...read write...it is just for a minute04:00
esjit's the same problem that gave me grief in Horry and there is even a bug registered for it04:01
mkyb14i used to just share the folders like i normally would in windows then go to network server in ubuntu and access it with out a hitch.,.. now i'm hitting a brick wall04:01
Rage__tiglionabbit: There are ogl lins installed by default but they are mesa software ones.04:01
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mkyb14ok done04:01
rob1is anyone else getting an md5sum mismatch on the dapper universe repo Packages.gz and Sources.gz currently?04:01
tiglionabbitRage__: What I mean is, I'm quite new to opengl and have only done it in visual studio on windows before =P04:01
The_Isle_of_Markdoes it work now?04:01
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mkyb14no, my prompt isn' accepting my password... and it's all correct04:02
tiglionabbitanyone know of a good linux-specific starter guide?04:02
foobaranyone using an ubuntu box as a server?04:02
tiglionabbitI'd read nehe, but it's quite windows-specific04:02
vittorioconsidering switching to ubuntu. is it simple to install vmware on ubuntu? using fedora a rpm -Uvh .. did the job04:02
psusifoobar, I am04:02
Rage__tiglionabbit: listen to brenner then. As for getting h/w accelleration working - KILL OFF x and install xorg-driver-fglrx for ATI or the nvidia on for them.04:03
theCorefoobar, me04:03
tiglionabbitRage__: oh, yeah, I mean compiling software, not running graphical programs =P04:03
The_Isle_of_Markmkyb14, what are the folder permissions, specifically04:03
foobarpsusi && theCore: impressions? any problems thus far, or has everything worked out nicely?04:03
psusifoobar, everything worked out nicely04:03
theCorefoobar, ubuntu is great for me04:03
mkyb14i have simple file sharing enabled on windows with R/W04:03
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lordluclessUsing tar is there a way to exclude a subdirectory of a directory listed to be archived? In otherwords, I want to archive everything in a directoy *except* for one paticular file?04:04
psusiI even set it up so I remotely administer it with vnc, like a windows terminal server04:04
brennertiglionabbit: doesn't nehe provide linux-orientated tutes too?04:04
foobaralright, thanks guys, just needed a few opinions04:04
mkyb14the damn propmpt won't take the password and it's correct04:04
psusilordlucless, take a look at the --exclude parameter04:04
The_Isle_of_Markmkyb14, it probably isnt a password issue04:04
bshumatemkyb14: what do the logs say ?04:04
mkyb14mkyb14 / WORDGROUP / password04:04
tiglionabbitbrenner: does it?  I see a thing on setting it up in solaris, but then it goes straight into "#include <windows.h>"04:04
mkyb14where the logs at?04:05
lordluclessta. Ive been looking through the documentation, but was daunted by the number of options :P04:05
cyphasewhy would who, users, and top all show 3 users on, when there are more?04:05
bshumatemkyb14: /var/log/samba/log.smbd04:05
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cyphaseand a user who isn't logged on anymore04:05
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ThugRenHey So how is everyone doing?04:06
Haggedoes the amd64/sparc/ppc versions of ubuntu have all (or mostly all, and amd64 specifically) packages that x86 as?04:06
mkyb14  Copyright Andrew Tridgell and the Samba Team 1992-200404:06
mkyb14[2005/12/10 18:47:46, 0]  printing/pcap.c:pcap_cache_reload(149)04:06
mkyb14  Unable to open printcap file /etc/printcap for read!04:06
mkyb14[2005/12/10 18:47:46, 0]  printing/pcap.c:pcap_cache_reload(149)04:06
mkyb14  Unable to open printcap file /etc/printcap for read!04:06
mkyb14that over and over04:06
regeyaOkay.  Does anyone know why cups' command line utils aren't accepting my root password?  and yes, most definitely I have a root password enabled, okthxforasking04:06
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brennertiglionabbit: hmm, must be thinking of something else.  heard of the redbook?04:06
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bshumatecyphase : utmp/wtmp corruption? mayhaps ye been pwned?04:06
The_Isle_of_Markmkyb14, are you using breezy?04:07
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cyphasebshumate, i haven't been pwned :)04:07
ThugRenHey so how hard is the apache to setup on the ubuntu breezy i386?04:07
tiglionabbitbrenner: hmm, yes.  Is that available on the internet?04:07
Falstiusthugren, very easy04:07
bshumatemkyb14: that obviously has nothing to do with your authentication issue - there are other logs in /var/log/samba that are specific to the client ip...check those04:07
=== regeya wants a couple of F**kital tablets, pls
cyphasebut utmp/wtmp corruption..04:08
cyphasehow do i fix that?04:08
Siph0ntiglionabbit, usually at the bottom of the tutorials on nehes site is the source code for different OS's/programming languages04:08
brennertiglionabbit: yep, quick search should bring it up.  asking in #opengl for resources might be another good idea if you're just starting04:08
mkyb14k one sec04:08
ThugRenI am just play with live i386 on my laptop. I am Thinkings it pretty kewl..04:08
bshumatecyphase: just ribbin' ya mon!04:08
Siph0ntiglionabbit, yea the red book is in the topic in opengl04:08
tiglionabbithehe, yep, just noticed04:08
bshumatecyphase: does sound mighty fishy though ;-)04:09
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ThugRenI am a bit confused if I should setup the kubuntu or ubuntu for my apache webpage?04:09
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tiglionabbit<- ThugRen ...  what's the difference?04:09
owner989it depends if you need a gui04:10
owner989they both do the same thing04:10
brennertiglionabbit: back to compiling.  it depends on what includes and libraries you use/link to.  start with freeglut3-dev.  if thinks don't compile with that, you probaly need a few more dev packages (iirc, probably X related ones)04:10
ThugRenAny one have a good recommendations for use the kubuntu or ubuntu..04:10
FalstiusThugRen: for the server it is irrelevant04:10
The_Isle_of_MarkThugRen, do you like kde or gnome?04:10
mkyb14i have no idea what i'm looking at here04:10
ThugRenWell The K has a Kde and the un is agnome04:10
The_Isle_of_Markmkyb14, post it at ubuntu.paste.nl04:11
brennerThugRen: exactly. depends on the user's preference04:11
ThugRenI don't knwo I am so tourn about which one i like,04:11
bshumatemkyb14: is there a log corresponding to the ip of the machine you are attempting access from?04:11
owner989you would have to try both thugren to make a decision04:11
mkyb14yea... there's nothing in it04:11
mkyb14i'm attempting to connect to log.
The_Isle_of_MarkThugRen, then try them both out and see what you like. Either way it should be moot since servers generally dont run window managers04:12
mkyb14nothing within it04:12
owner989why the log. before it04:12
mkyb14that ubuntu link is dead04:12
mkyb14that was the file name04:12
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bshumatemkyb14: bummer.  did you say this was something previously working ok?04:12
ThugRenthe Isle of mark.. I am just wonder which one is easy to set up..04:12
The_Isle_of_MarkThugRen, both are equal I'd say04:12
owner989but a server can run a window manager04:13
ThugRenapache server04:13
mkyb14well i can see the windows network, click it and get "mshome and workgroup" click workgroup for my machine and it says that not all of the contents can be displayed04:13
owner989xfce would be the lightest on resources, thats a third alternative04:13
ThugRenYea.. This is True..04:13
The_Isle_of_Markright, owner989 but why? why waste resources?04:13
Trashcani agree with monk04:13
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shinunickrud: its alive!!04:14
bshumatemkyb14: ok but is this first-time setup, or was it previously working?04:14
mkyb14first time.04:14
shinunickrud: actually still in the 'make' stage :P but its working :D04:14
mkyb14fresh install04:14
Trashcansomebody was having a problem with their server once, it would die every 10 minutes, but when they looked at it it was fine. Turns out they had an OGL screensaver enabled.04:14
=== drshasta19 installs ati drivers
Trashcanbetter just not to have that stuff on the server at all04:14
Nameeaterhow can i share internet from a windows box to my ubuntu box?04:15
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cyphasehow do you prevent 1 kernel module from loading and make sure that another one does load?04:16
Nexinarushelp, for some reason when i play avi videos in vlc or totem, they are black and white04:17
nickrudshinu, good to hear :)04:17
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b1f30cyphase: in /lib/modules, search for the module, and rename it to module.ko.orig or some siimilar convention04:17
The_Isle_of_Markmkyb14, I just setup a share and used it..worked fine...I think you have an issue on the windows side04:18
cyphaseisn't there a config file you can use?04:18
mkyb14xp pro?04:18
cyphasemodprobe or hotplug or something?04:18
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b1f30cyphase: you could use modprobe in a boot script to remove the module04:19
The_Isle_of_Markmkyb14, yes, and I set up the share on windows to allow network users to change files, and no password is needed as well04:19
nickrudthere's /etc/hotplug/blacklist.d , but I admire b1f30's forcefullness :)04:19
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SEJeffnickrud: Thats called a hack04:19
The_Isle_of_Markmkyb14, that is my two cents, I hope it helps...gotta run wife needs help with our baby04:20
SEJeffhack == bad04:20
brennerwould /etc/modules be relevant?04:20
durtwhats the difference between blacklist and blacklist.d?04:20
mkyb14k thanks04:20
mkyb14dinner time as well04:20
nickrudforce is usually because you don't know the right way, just a way ;P04:20
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Dewiare there knowledge bots here?04:20
Dewi(like in #debian)04:20
SEJeffdurt: a directory ending with .d normally means it contains a list of files that will be loaded. Think of it as an includes directory04:20
varsendaggerhey how do i change a color photo to black and white?04:20
varsendaggerwith gimp04:21
ubotu[ubuntu]  an easy-to-use GNU/Linux desktop distro based on Debian.  http://ubuntu.com http://ubuntuforums.org http://wiki.ubuntu.com. It means 'Humanity to others'. see !awards04:21
SEJeffDewi: That is the bot04:21
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DewiTrashcan / SEJeff : thxxx04:21
durtoh oops - its a directory04:21
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varsendaggerany ideas?04:22
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varsendagger#gimp is dead and i am too lazy04:22
brennerimage > mode > grayscale04:22
ubuntu_system error04:22
St_Neurioncan someone help me with my problem? I closed VLC while it was playing a movie and now the audio is still running. What command in the terminal will make me terminate that audio?04:22
nickrudvarsendagger, a quicky is image->mode->grayscale04:22
ubuntu_Accsess Denied04:23
_jasonSt_Neurion, see if it's really dead: ps aux | grep vlc04:23
ubuntu_System Overide04:23
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St_Neurionubuntu   27418 11.8  9.0 143912 46640 ?        Sl   17:51  11:09 wxvlc04:23
St_Neurionubuntu   28705  0.0  0.1   3768   712 pts/0    S+   19:25   0:00 grep vlc04:23
=== Bales is now known as UltraVi01
ubuntu_Accsess Granted04:24
drshasta19varsendagger, check the image settings...04:24
St_Neurionwhat now jason?04:24
UltraVi01does the internet run slow on ubuntu with anyone else?04:24
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djk_St_Neurion: then either kill 27418 or kill wxvlc04:24
drshasta19varsendagger,  in the "image" menu04:24
_jasonSt_Neurion, guess you can kill wxvlc: killl 2741804:24
ubuntu_Runing IP Nabber04:24
drshasta19you should be able to switch from RGV or CMY to gray04:24
St_NeurionARIGATO GOZAIMASU _jason04:24
_jasonwhat does that mean? thank you?04:25
ubuntu_Denying Nuke.exe04:25
j1bhello all04:25
djk__jason: arigato does afaik, not sure what the other word means..04:25
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SCMarkhow do I know if I use lvm or not?04:26
ubuntu_Accsess to jlb systems Granted04:26
_jasonubuntu_, ?04:26
Trashcanwtf ubuntu04:26
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croutonSCMark: are any of your partitions marked as LVM?04:26
j1bok ubuntu04:26
j1byou have access to my system?04:26
djk__jason: yea it does..04:26
j1bprove it  lol04:27
ubuntu_System BOTS Loaded04:27
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_jasondjk_, ah ok thanks.  I've heard the arigato but never the second word04:27
Trashcanyeah, he ran his nuke.exe on your linux box04:27
frogzoocan xmms be made to play cds?04:27
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Trashcanhe haxed your wine04:27
mahangu_if i make a symlink can i click it in nautilus?04:27
djk__jason: i just checked some japanese-english translation site :)04:27
mahangu_like a shortcut for win32?04:27
_jasonmahangu_, yes iirc04:27
mahangu__jason, what's the command to create a symlink, so i can refer the man page?04:28
ubuntu_Exit Radom Chat04:28
_jasonmahangu_, ln -s04:28
grayln -s04:28
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brennerfrogzoo: it can by default iirc04:28
mahangu_guys, will ln -s /media/hda8 work?04:29
_jasonmahangu_, you can right click on files in nautilus and "make link" as well04:29
frogzoobrenner: wierd, can't find how04:29
_jasonmahangu_, should, try it :)04:29
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brennerfrogzoo: check out the prefs for the cd audio plugin04:29
mahangu__jason, i hate opening nautilus, im just trying to find an easy way to save files to a fat disk in OOo04:29
frogzoobrenner: thx04:29
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mahangu_oh yeah04:30
mahangu_it works04:30
=== mahangu_ thanks gray and _jason
brennerfrogzoo: you should then be able to add the dir it lists there thru the usual way04:30
frogzoobrenner: gotcha - in business, thx04:31
brennerfrogzoo: bmp seems to have a nice feature: you can add a cd easily thru add > add cd04:31
j1bcan anyone tell me how to register my nic?04:31
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frogzoobrenner: cool, sounds like I'll check it out - thx again :)04:31
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_jasonubotu, tell j1b about register04:32
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cmddoes breezy support nfo client side mounting ?04:32
zenHow can I play a DVD rental?  I tried to find libdvdcss but it isn't in the repo, even with the universals04:32
nickrud!tell zen about restricted04:32
grayzen: install EasyBreezy and it will install them along with other stuff http://dev.realistanew.com/easybreezy/easybreezy0.33-alpha.tar.gz04:33
j1bREGISTER shitlips04:34
brennernickrud: nice.  that page has been spiffed up since i last saw it04:34
j1bdid that work?04:34
=== tuxuser19 [n=Sravan@72.190.dsl.mel.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
_jasonj1b, no04:35
cmdHow do I get client side NFS working? I believe I got the server up on another PC.... Not sure what to download (if anything) for the client... Anyone know?04:35
j1boh no, no everyone knows my password to everything in my life.. what to do, what to do04:35
tuxuser19how to make the root work in ubuntu breezy? i heard that some "sudo" stuff we have to do??04:35
_jasonj1b, change it :)04:35
j1bbut I use 'shitlips' on everything04:35
_jasonj1b, /msg nickserv register password <-- proper way04:35
j1b258 separate accounts04:35
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j1boh nooooo04:36
j1bthanks _jason04:36
_jasonj1b, for future reference you'll want to do those commands in the server window... so in case you mess up, people won't see your mistake04:36
j1bhey you guys, puleeeeze forget that you saw my password04:36
j1bthanks again jason04:36
bshumatetuxuser19: you heard of this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo04:36
_jasonj1b, this channel is logged and the logs posted online, I would change your password04:36
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zengray, it didn't help me04:37
j1bok, thanks. I'lll change my password on amazon yahoo hotmail and all that too04:37
graydid u install it?04:37
zengray, yes04:37
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j1bas well as my bank, which is american national bank of texas04:37
tuxuser19whats the command at consoel >sudo su??? 'coz im ina rush now...sorry :)04:37
j1bbecause those are all shitlips too04:38
j1boh man04:38
_jasonj1b, lol now we know you aren't being serious...04:38
wizatcomputerj1b:  telling people what your passwords are for isn't a good thing :/04:38
grayzen, hmm, what media player you using04:38
Trashcan!tell tuxuser19 about sudo04:38
zengray, I've tried gXine, Totem, and VLC04:38
j1b_thanks _jason04:38
j1bi wans't serious04:38
sambagirlhi i am trying to stream with VLC and would request someone use VLC to try to play the stream so i can see if it works?04:39
_jasonsambagirl, what is it a stream of04:39
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sambagirlaudio testing first04:39
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j1bso don't you guys try shitlips on ebay or amazon or my bank or anything else, ok?04:39
zengray, I also tried ogle04:39
_jasonsambagirl, it works04:40
=== techrush starting the ubuntu installer for the 1st time
sambagirlhow is quality?04:40
sambagirlis ok?04:40
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techrushsee how this likes my laptop04:40
techrushthe live cd plays nice :)04:40
sambagirlok the test is for it to play the next song i think.04:40
_jasonsambagirl, sounds good, is there a a way to get a more quantitative assessment?04:40
j1bi will paypal anyone 2 dollars and 11 cents if they can help me get DVD's to play on ubuntu04:40
j1bi promise04:40
j1bany takers?04:41
La_PaRCaubotu tell jlb about RestrictedFormats04:41
sambagirlsure i can help you JlB04:41
sambagirluse VLC04:41
sambagirlvlc plays everythign04:41
_jasonsambagirl, some skipping going on... and now nothing D:04:41
sambagirlon all platforms04:41
j1bapt-get install vlc?04:41
sambagirlno snound ?04:41
sambagirlno sound?04:41
La_PaRCaj1b, see the message from ubotu04:41
Nameeatersambagirl: what sort of connection are you on?04:41
_jasonsambagirl, it stopped, I reconnnected and now it is playing again04:42
ThugRenHey So that ubuntu don't have the apache in the app's list.. So I am going to have to get the Apache installed manually..04:42
La_PaRCaubotu tell j1b about RestrictedFormats04:42
_jasonsambagirl, off again :/04:42
Nameeaterwhat sort of upload speed?04:42
ThugRenUnless I use the kubuntu..04:42
sambagirli dont know04:42
bshumatestep 1: place a dvd player connected to a television on top of your ubuntu computer, step 2: dvd is now playing on ubuntu04:42
La_PaRCaThugRen, um, Im sure apache is there04:42
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rambo3ThugRen jusr search wiki.unumtu for apache04:42
sambagirlis it playing now?04:42
_jasonsambagirl, ok I think this is a new song now04:42
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sambagirlnext i will try video04:43
sambagirlafter this song04:43
j1bsambagirl, when I apt-get vlc, this message occurs:04:43
ThugRenAaaaa,, I can always install it.. ;)04:43
j1bThe following packages have unmet dependencies:04:43
j1b  vlc: Depends: libmodplug0c2 (>= 1:0.7-4.1) but it is not installable04:43
j1bE: Broken packages04:43
=== BlueEagle [n=blueeagl@ti541210a080-13687.bb.online.no] has joined #Ubuntu
sambagirlgosh this was not easy to make work :)04:43
ThugRenIt can't be that hard..04:43
_jasonsambagirl, is this brazilian?04:43
ThugRenor can it..04:43
bshumatesambagirl: after video, host a session of Windows Live! ;-)04:43
jeenyusnoboarderanyone famillia with easybreezy?04:43
sambagirlwindows live? what is that/04:44
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Kaiser_Awayjeenyusnoboarder: remotely04:44
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jeenyusnoboarderwell, i used it to install04:44
jeenyusnoboarderand it says it isntalled to applications system04:44
owner989jeeny isnt that the new automatix04:44
jeenyusnoboarderbut its totally not there04:44
jeenyusnoboarderim trying to get avi, mpeg, mp3 and all that jazz04:44
jeenyusnoboarderso i can actually use my box04:44
ThugRenI must say I do this this Ubuntu..04:44
bshumatesambagirl: i was j/k-  it's MS horrid new web-based windows...the Google killah! *snicker*04:44
Kaiser_Awayjeenyusnoboarder: /join #easyubuntu04:44
jeenyusnoboarderthank you04:44
Kaiser_Awaytell them04:44
owner989that guy ripped off the original maker of automatix, there was an argument on the forums04:44
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ThugRenIt's a pretty descent and stable..04:45
owner989now the original developer has left ubuntu04:45
ThugRenAnyone have anyproblem with the Kubuntu..04:45
djk_owner989: link?04:45
Kaiser_Awayowner989: sticky complex issue that one04:45
techrushok im having an issue with the installer...04:45
bshumateThugRen: Ubuntu is *quality*04:46
andy50why when I install some new programs they don't get added to the applications menu ?04:46
sambagirlnow i see if it goes to the next song or dies.04:46
techrushi have an existing swap and 2 existing ext3 partitons that id liek to install to04:46
techrushbut its saying i need to define a root partiton04:46
sambagirlubuntu is excellent04:46
_jasonsambagirl, i'll do it in a bit if no one else has a minute... gonna go get laundry04:46
rambo3you can enable debian menu , and all programs are there04:46
sambagirlok _jason04:46
ThugRenI must say that kde engine still locks up..04:46
andy50rambo3 how do I do that ?04:46
j1bok ok.  3 dollars.  paypalled to you.  just help me.04:47
ThugRenbshumate.. I would have to Highly agree Ubuntu works ASSUME!!04:47
La_PaRCaj1b, check out the RestrictedFormats page04:48
techrushhow do i install it though lol04:48
ThugRenFrom the Live CD..04:48
La_PaRCaubotu tell j1b about RestrictedFormats04:48
j1bLa Pa, where is the ResForm page?04:48
drshasta19where can i download module-assistant ?04:48
rambo3andy i think it was sudo apt-get install menu menu-xdg , search google or wiki04:48
techrushim on the partion disk section of the installer and im stuck..04:48
La_PaRCaj1b, ubotu just msgd you about it04:48
techrushplz help :(04:49
drshasta19i do sudo apt-get install module-assistant and i get a message saying it can not be found04:49
andy50ok thanks04:49
ThugRenI am still debating which one to use as a sever   tho. kubuntu, edubuntu, or straight ubuntu04:49
j1bthanks La Pa, i got the page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats04:49
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j1bThug, kubuntu04:49
j1bthats my op.04:49
=== Comrade_Vladimir [n=andrew@70-97-141-111.dsl1.glv.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
j1bunless you are doing a straight up server install04:49
j1bmy server is kubuntu04:50
ClayGWhat type of server?04:50
j1bits a dell poweredge, garage edition04:50
andy50why do some apps not install to the gnome menu ?04:50
j1bsorry, i'll shut up now04:50
zenany clue how to play a DVD?04:50
ThugRenweb,files, ftp and odd apps04:50
ClayGThugRen: interesting you should say that, I just set up a web server with kubuntu04:51
La_PaRCaubotu tel zen about RestrictedFormats04:51
ubotuBugger all, i dunno, La_PaRCa04:51
sambagirlsomeone owes me $2.11 usd04:51
La_PaRCaubotu tell zen about RestrictedFormats04:51
zenLa_PaRCa, that doesn't really help04:51
ClayGbut I see little diff, a web server just send plain text files (for the most part) for the viewers browser to interpret04:51
techrushok can someone at least point me to an installer tutorial on the web ?04:51
j1bi have to get a dvd to play first, sambagorilla04:51
La_PaRCazen, how come?04:51
j1bthen i'll pay04:51
ubotuit has been said that restrictedformats is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats Most of the formats listed here have been replaced by !FreeFormats04:52
La_PaRCaj1b, did the wiki help?04:52
ClayGjk sg04:52
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sambagirlshould video be streamed as ogg too?04:52
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j1bLa_Pa  i'm reading it now04:52
j1bi'm sure it will04:52
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zenLa_PaRCa, A few reasons:  The apt-get line calls for packages that don't exist for an AMD64 user and even then it won't work for totem-xine--which I have to use because gstreamer doesn't work on AMD64 yet04:53
La_PaRCazen, what seems to be your problem?04:53
zenLa_PaRCa, I've enabled every repo, so that isn't a problem04:53
_jasonsambagirl, ok, you test it yet?04:53
La_PaRCazen, makes sense, the codecs wont work with amd6404:53
La_PaRCazen, have you tried installing vlc?04:53
sambagirli'll do it now hold on04:54
zenLa_PaRCa, Yes, but if I try to open a DVD it just sits there and doesn't do anything04:54
sambagirlthere it goes video04:54
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La_PaRCazen, um, then youll have to install libdvdcss2 by hand04:55
zenLa_PaRCa, where is it available04:55
La_PaRCazen, look at the comment by goatboy04:56
_jasonsambagirl, it's not streaming very well.  I get parts for a few seconds but it just stops04:56
sambagirlok let me change something brb04:56
=== GerardX [n=gerardx@116.Red-213-96-17.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #Ubuntu
zenLa_PaRCa, where?04:57
La_PaRCahttp://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1103.html <-- third comment04:57
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La_PaRCaj1b, where are my three buckaroos?04:57
sambagirlif you transcode video what should the bitrate be for internet streaming?04:58
techrushok installing now!04:58
sambagirlcleaning it _jason04:58
techrushdoes ubuntu use synaptic as a package manager ?04:59
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_jasontechrush, yes04:59
drshasta19here is what i get after typing sudo module-assistant a-i fglrx : E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?04:59
ClayGyou have synaptic running04:59
drshasta19what is going on ?04:59
frogzoosambagirl: at a guess, 128kbps - ish - depends on your upstream mostly I'd spose04:59
drshasta19i do04:59
ClayGor another instance using apt-get04:59
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ClayGclose the other instance, "is another process using it?"04:59
owner989djk im not allowed to pm because im not a registered id05:00
nomasteryoda|wman, kubuntu is so good05:00
ws008alguien k hable espanol05:00
drshasta19how do i do that ClayG  ?05:00
frogzooowner989:  /msg nickserv register (iirc)05:00
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.05:00
ClayGdrshasta dou have the synaptic open, as well as in console doing *any* type of apt-get command?05:00
durtexcept kubuntu crashes constantly...05:01
drshasta19i have one console opened05:01
ClayGdo you have synaptic up as well05:01
djk_owner989: ah okay..just register your nick then ;)05:01
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ws008clayg tu hablas espanol como te llamas?05:01
ClayGnada chilliando05:01
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ws008oh yo julian05:02
ws008d donde eres?05:02
ClayGI thought read that como estas instead05:02
drshasta19synaptic ?05:02
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ClayGBut I dont speak Spanish, sorry I just dated my share of spanish women, lol sorry05:02
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pete__i seem to have misplaced my garbage can, can anyone help/05:02
ClayGdrshasta19: if you have synaptic running, you cannot apt-get anything in console they use the same "stuff"05:03
_jasonpete__, elaborate05:03
linkdyour garbage? we're talking about ubuntu still right?05:03
shuveb-homehi, is threre a way i can disable ESD at startup?05:03
bit16hola todos en este canal ubuntu05:03
ClayGYou must choose one or the other05:03
drshasta19so how do i close all that?05:03
pete__i deleted it from bottom tray05:03
zenLa_PaRCa, Ok, I tried it but the .sh errors on me.  Says C compiler can't make executables.05:03
pete__and i donot know where it is now05:03
_jasonpete__, you can add it, just right click and go to "add to panel"05:03
durtim going to deport all of you05:03
ClayGdrsashta, do you see the word synaptic as the bottom of the screen , perhaps next to the word xchat?05:03
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ClayGif you do right click it and select "Close"05:03
La_PaRCazen, um, try installing build-essential using synaptic05:04
pete__how do i add it to desktop so i can simply drag things into it?05:04
drshasta19i dont have any of that05:04
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drshasta19ClayG i am trying to install my ati drivers05:04
drshasta19and i get this error after i type sudo module-assistant a-i fglrx05:05
drshasta19a blue screen appears05:05
drshasta19and says05:05
zenLa_PaRCa, Ok, but I manually installed everything it said and I could think of:  gcc, g++, gawk, fakeroot, and debhelper05:05
ClayGThe simplest and least confusing way to get what we need done is for you to logout and log back in, dont do anytrhing except use xchat then I can give you the next step05:05
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_jasonpete__, applications menu -> system tools -> configuration editor: /apps/nautilus/desktop/home_icon_visible05:05
drshasta19ok thanks i do that05:05
_jasonpete__, oops, I meant trash visible not home, but you should see it there05:05
ClayGwhen you log back in, dont click anything but xchat05:05
La_PaRCazen, can you paste the whole error to pastebin?05:05
ClayGor alternatively just try to apt-get05:05
ClayGAFTER re-logging in05:06
sambagirltry now _jason05:06
j1bok, who wants to help me05:06
j1bget this dvd shit working05:06
j1bi'll pay05:06
sambagirlUSE VLC05:06
j1btell me how much05:06
sambagirlit works jlb05:06
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beej_yes, vlc05:06
beej_vlc, gogogogogogogo05:06
j1bVLC wont install05:06
beej_in ubuntu?05:07
sambagirlit's alreayd installed05:07
zenLa_PaRCa, After installing build-essential it built.  Now I'll see if it works05:07
beej_vlc for GTK?05:07
beej_i had to install it05:07
beej_in breezy05:07
sambagirlit works05:07
beej_using apt-get05:07
sambagirlworking _jason or to dark?05:07
j1bok, where is the executable05:07
j1bvlc isnt installed05:08
_jasonsambagirl, the video is working but the sound isn't... starts for a second and stops and repeats05:08
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j1band wont install05:08
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j1bhelp me and i'll pay05:08
La_PaRCaj1b, um, do you have all the repositories enabled?05:08
j1bi believe05:08
La_PaRCaand why wont it install?05:08
=== techrush boots into ubuntu for the 1st time
Knowerrorsanybody tell me how to resolve gpg key errors?, like what pub key server to use?05:08
La_PaRCaj1b, what is the exact error message?05:08
beej_techrush, <3 ubuntu you will05:08
sambagirlbut the video works? :D05:08
j1bi The following packages have unmet dependencies:05:09
j1b  vlc: Depends: libmodplug0c2 (>= 1:0.7-4.1) but it is not installable05:09
j1bE: Broken packages05:09
_jasonsambagirl, yep working pretty good actually05:09
j1bthat is the message I get when attempting to install vlc05:09
La_PaRCaj1b, apt-get install -f vlc05:09
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La_PaRCaj1b, I mean, apt-get -f install vlc05:09
j1bLa Pa, i tried that05:09
j1bsame message05:09
zenLa_PaRCa, No joy still, unfortunately05:09
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sambagirlyes yor right no audio05:10
vilefridgeI'm having trouble with a startup script.  If my mind serves me correctly.. it looks like it's exiting before the script executes because it can't find the "Source function library" in /etc/init.d/functions or /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions   See: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5589    What is the appropriate directory to point it to?  Thanks! :)05:10
beej_are you using synaptics manager or just apt-get05:10
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j1bThe following packages have unmet dependencies:05:10
j1b  vlc: Depends: libmodplug0c2 (>= 1:0.7-4.1) but it is not installable05:10
j1bE: Broken packages05:10
drshasta19ClayG i just logged back and something came on on the top asking if i wantd to install updates, do you think that is the cause of my conflict?05:11
tristan_Can anyone tell me if there is a specific system file in which I can specify programs to automatically load when GNOME starts, or if there's a good program to take care of startup processes?05:11
La_PaRCaj1b, sudo apt-get -f install05:11
ClayGupdates aren't a confilct05:11
KnowerrorsSeveas: Im getting a W: GPG error: http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl breezy-seveas Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY05:11
drshasta19the error message says that maybe i need to add somethign to source.list05:11
ClayGfrom me?05:11
KnowerrorsSeveas: how do I fix that please?05:11
ClayGon irc or on your system?05:11
drshasta19on my system05:11
j1bLa_Pa, i just did that,  zero zero zero...05:11
ClayGcan you paste what it says if it's short <1 or two lines>05:12
_jasonKnowerrors, see the homepage of seveas' repo for instructions05:12
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drshasta19it appears on a blue screen05:12
drshasta19after i type05:12
ClayGand have you made changes <any> to your etc/apt/sources.list?05:12
ClayGa blue screen?05:12
drshasta19yes i did05:12
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beej_tristan_, it should be05:12
beej_hold on05:12
floridakidi just got umbuntu working05:12
ClayGare you using kde or gnome?05:12
sambagirlrebooting _jason05:12
beej_system, prefrences, sessions05:12
La_PaRCazen, try rebooting?05:12
drshasta19that i can select <ok> by pressing the tab key05:12
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zenLa_PaRCa, won't hurt I suppose05:12
drshasta19i can do a print screen if you want to05:13
Knowerrors_jason: thx05:13
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ClayGWell without seeing the actual error I'll take a guess and say something isn't right in your sources.list you have made changes to this before so you know how to locate it05:13
tristan_beej_, thanks!05:13
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sambagirl_jason maybe the CIA was blocking it :D05:13
drshasta19ill check it again05:13
_jasonsambagirl, ha maybe05:13
floridakidhey what can i do on umbuntu that is worth while05:13
ClayGI have had MANY problems with using NON ubuntu repos in there05:13
zenLa_PaRCa, It has been a frustrating day.  Windows died, refused to reinstall after probably two dozen attempts, etc, etc, etc05:13
ClayGI have been warned 3 times and it took all 3 to learn my lesson05:13
drshasta19could i use your list?05:13
drshasta19ok thanks05:14
ClayGI'll paste it on a pastebin05:14
La_PaRCazen, dont worry... we will get it working. I bet we are more helpful than any windows forum!05:14
floridakidwell what is there to do on umbuntu05:14
cehlateI know like 8 people that ordered that mass of free ubuntu CDs05:14
drshasta19huh sure... pastebin?05:14
_jasonfloridakid, what is umbuntu?05:14
cehlateand are just going to toss them out05:14
floridakidubuntu my bad05:14
cehlatesome guerilla marketting.. seems like a waste05:14
_jasonfloridakid, plenty, are you new to linux?05:14
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beej_floridakid, what ISN'T there to do?05:15
beej_well, play tron for one05:15
beej_go play tron05:15
floridakidcan u chat with me privatly05:15
ClayGoh you may have to manually take out the line numbers if you copy and paste it in yours05:15
vilefridgewhats tron? :P05:15
ClayGno problem05:15
shogun_yes so I have a problem05:15
shogun_how do I install nero 7 for linux?05:16
ClayGtron's the bomb05:16
beej_yeah, like the movie05:16
cehlatetron is half an electron05:16
frogzooshogun - no preludes, just  state your problem pls05:16
cehlatelame ass movie05:16
cehlatemade no sense05:16
sambagirlok try again please _jason05:16
cehlateok, I saw it for like 10 min once05:16
shogun_when I open the .deb file, it says the archive doesn't handle that format05:16
j1btron was great05:16
beej_off-topic, but, has anyone played rez?05:16
cehlateand some fat computer guy was foaming at the mouth trying to explain it05:16
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j1bbrings me back to the 80's when i see it05:16
j1bit was brainless though05:16
frogzoocehlate: j1b off topic - enough spame here as it is05:17
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cehlateI'm not oblivious to computers, but maybe I should have seen it in the 80's05:17
cehlateoff topic05:17
cehlatesince when is irc so regulated05:17
beej_i beat level 5 on rez tonight, it was f*****g amazing05:17
drshasta19well Clay05:17
drshasta19i get the same error message...05:17
cehlatewhat made tron so good?05:17
_jasonsambagirl, now it's lagging.  Starts for a second then just stops cold05:18
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mahangu_what KDE player supports ipods?05:18
cehlatejust looked cheesey05:18
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peter_hi all new to linux so im baffled lol05:18
drshasta19apparently i still have a process using my ressource...05:18
zenLa_PaRCa, Seems to work after the restart.  Thank you.05:18
drshasta19maybe if i reboot the computer...05:18
zenpeter_, It will pass, trust me.05:18
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croutonzen: eventually. ;)05:19
ClayGsometimes stopping x doesn't really stop all process's05:19
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shogun_can anyone help me, I cannot open nerolinux.deb05:19
peter_how do you save wallpapers05:19
shogun_and install it05:19
ClayGthis becomes apparent when you get caught up in that firefox-profiles crap, logout, login then it still happensd05:19
zenClayG, on a sidenote, I've never figured out how to kill x by itself--makes installing some video drivers difficult05:19
cehlatetron had Jeff Bridges05:19
ClayGkill x?05:20
La_PaRCaj1b, did you figure it out?05:20
beej_peter_, just like in windows05:20
cehlatemaybe it is worth giving another look05:20
_jasonpeter_, from a website?  right click-> save image as05:20
ClayGa process or x all together05:20
drshasta19i reboot05:20
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drshasta19and log back on05:20
peter_thanks dude this is well better than windows05:20
beej_yeah it is05:20
beej_<3 ubuntu05:20
drshasta19apparently what causes it to lock is sudo module-assistant update05:20
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ClayGpeter_: I was a windows user for years, no going back. only if i need to do stuff on my cellphone05:20
shogun_so how do I install files with .deb format05:20
zenA wonderful note about nVidia drivers on 5.10 i386, I have to recompile them every time my friend starts his machine or it won't start x right05:20
drshasta19after that it says it updated infos for 68 pkg05:20
ClayGhm that explains it05:21
croutonzen: wtf?05:21
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frogzooshogun_: dpkg -i *.deb05:21
drshasta19so you know what it is?05:21
zencrouton, Yeah, that's my thought too.05:21
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ClayGyou couldn't apt-get because the "updater" was apt-getting at the time, i guess it got hung05:21
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croutonzen: something not linking correctly?05:21
ClayGkeep this in mind, i've been using linux for 2 weeks and I'm a newb05:21
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peter_im getting used to it .it took me ages working out how to burn iso files to disk like 4 hrs lol05:21
j1bcan anyone send me a link to a good sources.list for breezy badger, i just got one for hairy beaver and it doen'st work05:21
ClayGbut I would be dollars to donuts this is the cause05:22
_jasonubotu, tell j1b about easysource05:22
zencrouton, I don't know.  It works fine if I recompile it each time.  3D works and everything, until the next boot.05:22
Dewihow can I get ubuntu to re-probe the pointing devices available? at the moment I have to reboot every time I plug or unplug a mouse....05:22
croutonhairy or hoary? haha05:22
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feugan3333Hi all. I'v installed gcc (3.4) but the symbolic link for cc points to /usr/bin/gcc which does not exist. Anyone know what the problem is?05:22
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ClayGfunny you say that j1b , i just did that for him05:22
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croutonzen: what's the error if you don't recompile?  X won't start?05:22
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shogun_ok so I did that command05:22
vilefridgeI'm having trouble with a startup script.  If my mind serves me correctly.. it looks like it's exiting before the script executes because it can't find the "Source function library" in /etc/init.d/functions or /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions   See: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5589    What is the appropriate directory to point it to?  Thanks! :)05:22
shogun_and, it says I need superuser privilege05:23
peter_clayg and all ill chat to you all tom morning no doubt05:23
zencrouton, Right.  X fails to start--says it can't find any supported nvidia hardware.05:23
frogzooj1b: you probably just need to change the line in your repo from hoary to breezy - but should be breezy by default on breezy - where are you getting these repo lists from?05:23
ClayGtake care peter_05:23
ClayGI'll be here05:23
hectorCHello... I'm using Ubuntu Breezy and after installing kubuntu-desktop I get "Unable to open USB device "usb:/dev/usb/lp0": Permission denied" when I try to print (it was working well before) any help? thanks in advance!05:23
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j1bi make them up myself05:23
j1bcuz i'm a rebel05:23
croutonzen: wow.... maybe you need to modprobe whatever nvidia module is necessary?05:23
croutonrather than recompile on each reboot05:23
beej_hey people, got any problems for me? i'm 100% bored05:23
ClayGhahaa j1b that has screwed me many of time05:23
shogun_ok, I did the command dpkg *.deb and it says I need superuser privilege05:24
j1bcmon, 10 bucks to whoever can help me play full metal jacket on this box05:24
beej_jib, winex05:24
_jasonshogun_, use sudo dpkg05:24
frogzooshogun_: sudo dpkg -i x.deb05:24
croutonbeej: yeah, help me get MythTV working with an ATI card, svideo out, and LIRC05:24
La_PaRCaj1b, ill help you via private message05:24
_jasonubotu, tell shogun_ about sudo05:24
feugan3333beej_: can't get the cc command to work after installing gcc-3.405:24
zentime to watch my movie :)05:24
beej_crouton, mythbox05:24
ClayGaeon flux?05:24
j1bbeej, tell me why drinking and driving is illegal, yet the bar i was at before my arrest has a huge parking lot...05:24
ClayGI need to get off my but and get that05:24
croutonbeej: nice try. :)05:24
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beej_crouton, <305:25
hectorCanyone coul help me with a printing problem?05:25
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ubotuprobably 90% of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and YOU decide? <hint>05:25
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beej_jlb, why do we have drive-through liquor stores?05:25
j1bbeej: i give up, why?05:25
feugan3333Can somebody who has gcc-3.4 installed please tell me if the cc command works?05:26
beej_i dunno, i was hoping you'd know05:26
drshasta19alright Clay it works now05:26
La_PaRCaj1b, dude, need help? talk to me!05:26
drshasta19but i get another error...05:26
hectorCubotu: if you are saying that to me, I already posted the question... that was the first thing I did05:26
ubotuI think you lost me on that one, hectorC05:26
j1bthe first one i saw was in NC05:26
=== Danten [n=danten@h160n2c1o1049.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #Ubuntu
durtdrinking and driving isnt illegal where i live...05:26
beej_durt, where you live??05:26
vilefridgedurt, where's that?05:26
j1bdurt!!! where is that?05:26
drshasta19build of package fglrx-kernel-source failed05:26
beej_YES, those crazy canucks.05:26
techrushubuntu up and running now time to configure my wireless05:26
beej_feugan3333, cc works here05:26
Dewidoes anyone know where hotplug logs to?05:27
tritiumnot awesome at all05:27
croutonyou gotta drink and drive if you want to stay warm up there05:27
beej_too lazy to look up, did you install it??05:27
tritiumdrunk drivers kill05:27
j1bLa Pa, seriously, can yo uhelp me05:27
La_PaRCaj1b, yeah, send me a private message05:27
j1byou're right tritium, mad sober drivers only get worse when drunk05:27
hectorCHere it is again: I'm using Ubuntu Breezy and after installing kubuntu-desktop I get "Unable to open USB device "usb:/dev/usb/lp0": Permission denied" when I try to print (it was working well before) any help? thanks in advance!05:27
j1bsorry for being insensitive05:27
feugan3333beej_: please do a "which cc" for me05:28
tritiumj1b, please don't joke about it05:28
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shinudoes anyone know if there are any plans of updating the k3b package anytime soon?05:28
shinuthe one in the repos is pretty old05:28
tritiumshinu, yes, when dapper releases05:28
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beej_bah, just download it and do it yourself <305:29
shinutritium: ah... dapper this, dapper that >_>05:29
Dewiis there some way to "trigger" hotplug?05:29
shogun_alright so when I tried to unpack nerolinux I got an error whilst it was processing05:29
Dewiwhen I plug in this mouse, seemingly nothing happens at all05:29
beej_feugan3333, any luck?05:29
vilefridgeI'm having trouble with a startup script.  If my mind serves me correctly.. it looks like it's exiting before the script executes because it can't find the "Source function library" in /etc/init.d/functions or /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions   See: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5589    What is the appropriate directory to point it to?  Thanks! :)05:29
shogun_lol, I just noticed, theres 666 people in here05:29
=== pete__ [n=pete@c-24-131-71-233.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuPh'nglui Mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'Lyeh Wgah'nagl Fhtagn05:30
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j1btritium: sorry05:30
beej_bot, if mem serves correctly?05:30
La_PaRCaj1b, ok, what is your problem?05:30
pete__i was wondering, how to change "weather report" to my city?05:31
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beej_pete__, is it desklet, or the tray weather thing?05:31
cafuegopete__: You could 1) move to the correct city or 2) Change the preferences.05:31
beej_bah, just move, it's easier05:31
fmasihi i like to know if enny one uses acer_acpi module or acerhk module to have wifi whorking in an acer leptop or enny other one05:31
pete__cafeguo, i see no option to change settings.05:31
feugan3333beej_: No. I have /usr/bin/cc which is a symbolic link pointing to /etc/alternatives/cc which is also a symbolic link pointing to /usr/bin/gcc which I don't have :-)05:31
=== tritium suggests the first ;)
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beej_feugan3333, so, you've installed it.05:32
cafuegopete__: right click it05:32
pete__the panel options come up05:32
beej_that's some weird stuff05:32
tritiumpete__, you have to click on the applet itself05:32
cafuegofeugan3333: sudo apt-get install build-essential05:32
_jasonpete__, you missed :)05:32
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pete__no i didn't.05:32
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vilefridgeDoes everyone pretty much stick with Gnome or KDE?05:32
pete__i cant click on it05:32
beej_pete__, they took my city OUT in latest gnome panels05:32
cafuegoAnd why is that?05:32
shogun_Hello, I'm having an error when I try to unpack nerolinux, here is the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/45913805:33
pete__i'm talking about the one from add to panel05:33
pete__i can't find how to change it to my city.05:33
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fmasienny one usa a brodcom BCM94318 wifi card or similar ?05:33
feugan3333cafuego: thanks a lot :-)05:33
pepsiwhere can i find some info on Super, Hyper, Meta, Alt, AltGr, Compose, etc...05:33
tritiumwell, I can't configure the clock applet to start weeks on Sundays05:33
cafuegopete__: Right-click it, choose Prefernces, then click the Location tab.05:33
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cafuegopete__: I *just* did that and it works fine.05:34
ErniePantussois there an asterisk package for ubuntu?05:34
feugan3333cafuego: Why does gcc-3.4 not have a dependency on build-essential?05:34
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owner989lol im using enligtenment05:34
cafuegofeugan3333: Coz userspace isn't built with gcc 3.405:34
owner989interesting gui05:34
cafuegofeugan3333: it's assumed that people who want to build a kernel can read docs ;-)05:35
pete__where do i find more desklets?05:35
techrushwireless up in 2 minutes flat05:35
techrushubuntu is polished05:35
tysonCan someone help me get a broadcom wireless driver installed using the instructions in the wiki? I am having a problem adding the driver to ndiswrapper05:35
techrushim liking it so far05:35
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tritium!info asterisk05:35
ubotuasterisk: (open source Private Branch Exchange (PBX)), section universe/comm, is optional. Version: 1:1.0.9.dfsg-1 (breezy), Packaged size: 1061 kB, Installed size: 2992 kB05:35
=== Dr_Willis [i=willis@12-222-81-183.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu
beej_does build-essential come with latest gcc, or prior v3 release?05:35
hectorCIs there any other option for support beside this IRC and the Forums in Ubuntu?05:35
tritiumdid you catch that, ErniePantusso ?05:35
pete__where do i find more ubuntu desklets?05:35
Dr_Willisthe wiki :P05:36
frogzoobest nntp news reader would be?05:36
cafuego"Please press one if you're having problems with Outlook" [1]  "beep ... beep ... beep ..."05:36
tritiumhectorC, you can buy support as well05:36
Dr_Willispete__,  you mean more 'gdesklets' ?05:36
cafuegofrogzoo: The one you prefer. try a few and see.05:36
La_PaRCabeej_, apt-cache show build-essential05:36
feugan3333cafuego: Userspace binaries build with gcc-4.0?05:36
frogzoohectorC: man pages ?05:36
pete__yes willis05:36
cafuegofeugan3333: Indeed.05:36
pete__cute little programs :-)05:36
Dr_Willispete__,  try the gdesklets homepage05:36
beej_La_PaRCa, thanks, I'm coming from Fedora Core (yum)05:36
pete__gdesklets.com ?05:36
Dr_Willispete__,  also try the "gnome look" web site..05:36
fmasityson maby i can help you i just did that right know05:36
hectorCwell, It seems that nobody want to helo me with a printing problem, that's why I'm asking05:36
Dr_Willisgoogle is good also :P05:36
hectorCwants to help05:37
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Dr_WillishectorC,  and the problem is?05:37
Dewiif I edit grub's 'menu.lst', is there anything else I have to do to make my changes take effect?05:37
hectorCI've posted it twice05:37
frogzoocafuego: atm, I'm running pan - what else is worth the trouble of installing?05:37
Fr0Gsi put a network card in my ubuntu machine how do i check if its connected at 10mbit or 100?05:37
Dr_WillishectorC,  well excuse me for just entering the channel.05:37
hectorCI'm using Ubuntu Breezy and after installing kubuntu-desktop I get "Unable to open USB device "usb:/dev/usb/lp0": Permission denied" when I try to print (it was working well before) any help? thanks in advance!05:37
j1bLa Pa,05:37
frogzooFr0Gs: ethtool05:37
tysonthanks fmasi05:37
j1byou helpy me? no?05:37
tritiumhectorC, don't assume it's that people don't _want_ to05:37
Dr_WillisHmm. interesting.05:38
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s4f3_m0d3the step "configure a multiseat system" failed05:38
s4f3_m0d3can the os install still work properly or should i stop?05:38
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Dewiis there anything I can do to make ubuntu realise I have plugged in a mouse?05:38
Fr0Gsfrogzoo wheres that tool?05:38
fmasityson lets do that in private msg so its easy to read stuff05:38
j1bok, i'll overhaul anyone's transmission who can help me fix dvd playback05:38
beej_Dewi, is it plugged in all the way?05:38
tysonfmasi, np05:38
j1bany linux guru's with a brooken trans?05:38
tritiumDewi, usually it does05:38
Dewibeej_: it's a laptop05:38
frogzooFr0Gs: from the command line, just 'sudo ethtool ethx'05:39
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Dewibeej_: I have touchpad, I want mouse, so I plug it in... nothing happens05:39
Dewibeej_: but if I boot with mouse in, mouse works and no touchpad05:39
Fr0Gssudo: ethtool: command not found05:39
Dewiso basically to change pointing device I have to reboot05:39
Dewiapart from that, it works05:39
beej_Dewi, that might be a BIOS thing05:39
DewiI'm not sure what I need to trigger05:39
Dewito make it switch05:39
Dr_WillisDewi,  thats odd...05:39
beej_unless it worked with ...other operating systems05:39
vilefridgeI'm having trouble with a startup script.  If my mind serves me correctly.. it looks like it's exiting before the script executes because it can't find the "Source function library" in /etc/init.d/functions or /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions   See: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5589    What is the appropriate directory to point it to for Ubuntu 5.10?  Thanks! :)05:39
p2servertry TOTEM-XINE for dvd playback05:39
DewiI've tried restarting hotplug, does nothing05:39
Dr_WillisDewi,  Mine works for both.05:39
Dewibeej_: it works with other operating systems05:39
beej_i'm assuming you mean microsoft ones?05:40
beej_so, we know it'05:40
frogzooFr0Gs: it's in the 'ethtool' pkg, would you believe?05:40
beej_we know it's not a bios problem05:40
j1bthe problem with linux (vs. windows) for me anyway, is that when I am working on resolving computer issues, i start drinking beer05:40
pete__Dr_willis i downloaded a desklet, how do i install it?05:40
j1bthe longer it takes, the more beer i drink05:40
Dr_WillishectorC,  that sounds like a permission issue.. but not sure what sets the permisions for the dev/usb/lp stuff.05:40
Dewibeej_: unless the mouse and touchpad are using different modules...05:40
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Dewibeej_: but then I wonder why both dont' work at once05:40
fmasihi i like to know if enny one uses acer_acpi module or acerhk module to have wifi whorking in an acer leptop or enny other one ???05:40
Dr_Willispete__,  now is the time to read the docs for 'gdesklets' :P05:40
j1band sometimes linux things take longer05:40
beej_and knowing linux, by the time you've fixed it, you're quite drunk.05:40
Dr_Willispete__,  since i dont use them05:40
pete__willis where do i find these05:40
tlhivanyone here using Gnome + XcompMgr + Transset(-df)05:40
tritiumfmasi, s/enny/any05:41
beej_Dewi, I don't think they use different modules...05:41
j1band lets face it, no one gets smarter after 17 beers05:41
Dewifmasi: I have intel wireless working, kind of05:41
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beej_YES WE DO!05:41
j1bi always get things fixed05:41
Dr_Willispete__,  most likely - the gdesjkets have a pull down menu, and some sort of load/configure item.05:41
fmasitritium miss tiped sorry :)05:41
j1bbut sometimes it takes 2 sessions05:41
Dr_Willispete__,  try the gdesklets homepage perhaps?05:41
tritiumfmasi, twice?  ;)05:41
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Dewibeej_: can I unload / reload the kernel module in some way/05:41
beej_Dewi, have you looked at the Linux on Laptops page?05:41
j1bi'm not knocking linux, believe me05:41
Dewibeej_: nope05:41
frogzooanyone know how to integrate gtkwifi into the task bar?05:41
Dewibeej_: but I will05:41
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j1bi had a lot of fun setting up a wireless laptop05:42
frogzooDewi: rmmod05:42
beej_check it out, for your specific book. helped me with sound probs. good luck!05:42
fmasitritium i am very tired so i start miwing all languages in my brain05:42
hectorCanyone with a working usb printer in Ubuntu breezy could please tell me what is the ouput of:  ls -l /dev/usb05:42
Dewiwireless works for me, but not properly on boot05:42
tritiumfmasi, :)05:42
p2serverthe blind and the kapitalist uses Windows - Blind kapitalists uses Windows XP - Qualified human beings run on linux.05:42
smokiewhats up bitches and hoes?05:42
Dewiit brings the interface up without running the "pre" steps05:42
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mat__hey guys05:42
mat__i was wonderingt if i could get some help05:42
pete__Willis i do have a question, anyway to change my pc's name, it is my ip-address05:42
smokiewhy the fuck is everyone so nerdy?05:43
j1bwhatever money i saved by switching to a FOSS operating system (vs. buying a copy of winXP)05:43
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frogzoomat__: please don't spam 3 lines just to ask 1 question - just ask05:43
tritiumsmokie, stop that now05:43
beej_smokie, because.05:43
j1bhas been offset by additional beer expenditures05:43
cafuegosmokie: Please be a troll elsewhere.05:43
j1bbut its been fun05:43
beej_smokie, it gets you laid in ways you wouldn't believe05:43
La_PaRCaj1b, figure it out yet?05:43
j1bso i wont switch back05:43
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smokieoh boy...someone talk to me please05:43
beej_about what05:43
j1bLa_Pa, i'm waiting for you05:43
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pete__anyone know how i can change my pc name?05:43
j1bi'm still broke05:43
beej_pete__, network options05:44
cafuegopete__: edit /etc/hostname05:44
beej_that works too05:44
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La_PaRCaj1b, send me a private message and we will work there05:44
hectorCis there anyone using a USB printer in Ubuntu Breezy?05:44
smokiehow the fuck does it get you laid.....fuckin bitches...lol05:44
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beej_i'm assuming that was smokie, lol05:44
cafuegohectorC: Yes, but via windows XP samba...05:44
frogzoopete__: change /etc/hostname & /etc/hosts05:44
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j1bLa Pa, i tried05:44
j1bnow I know why you didn't get it05:44
beej_hectorC, I don't even have a printer05:44
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=== theway [n=theway@modemcable122.94-37-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
pete__how do i do that05:45
j1bi'm not 'registered'05:45
beej_=] 05:45
mat__i just installed on a secondary hd and I need to be able to boot into xp but no prompt gies me that option05:45
La_PaRCaj1b, ah ok05:45
j1borwellian hoss shit05:45
SoulPropagatio1is it possible to change your background with a command, i.e. gnome-set-wallpaper /path/to/image ?05:45
Dr_WillisI dont even have a printer hooked up either.. well its a network printer.05:45
frogzooj1b:  /msg nickserv register ####05:45
j1bi refuse to register05:45
beej_SoulPropagatio1, why do that?05:45
hectorCanyone know what are the normal permissions for a printer device in Breezy?05:45
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Dr_WillisSoulPropagatio1,  yes. several programs can do that.. theres even wallpaper randomizer scripts out.05:45
frogzooj1b: then no ubotu for you :p05:45
tritiumj1b, you can't query if you don't05:45
La_PaRCajoin #j1b-dvd-spam05:46
SoulPropagatio1beej_: so i can right-click on an image and have it open with gnome-set-wallpaper or whatever.05:46
cafuegoj1b: And I'm not changing ubotu to accept queries from non-registered users.05:46
SoulPropagatio1Dr_Willis: what's the command?05:46
mat__can anyone help me05:46
beej_SoulPropagatio1, it should do that automatically05:46
La_PaRCaj1b, join #j1b-dvd-spam05:46
j1bdammit i feel like such an outcast05:46
beej_mat__, is XP installed on the other HDD?05:46
tritiumj1b, you can do something about that...05:46
thenuke_j1b: I feel like you could get lost of something05:46
Dr_WillisSoulPropagatio1,  off hand i can think of... esetroot, bbsetroot, xv, xsetroot, and proberly a dozen other programs that can do that.05:47
tritiumbe nice, folks05:47
frogzoomat__: just ask your question - leap in05:47
thenuke_j1b: lost ..or.. something  I meant to say05:47
j1bok La Pa, i did it05:47
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beej_mat__, you there?05:47
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mat__how do i private message05:48
beej_you'll have to edit your /etc/grub.conf to have it boot to the windows parition05:48
mahanguanyone use their ipods with banshee or gtkpod?>05:48
tritiumbeej_, /boot/grub/menu.lst05:48
frogzoomat__: you don't - peeps prefer to stay in channel05:48
beej_tritium, never knew that!05:48
s4f3_m0d3mat__, you type /msg (username) (message)05:48
frogzoobeej_: /boot/grub/menu.lst05:48
qt2God, i'm a moron, i installed firestarter on a remote ubuntu box that i was using remote desktop on and didnt alow vnc connections, is there anyway i can regain access to the box without having physical access to it?05:48
p2servercan i use net use ? on linux05:48
beej_i just edited grub.conf manually05:49
Dr_Willisp2server,  care to rephrase that.05:49
tritiumqt2, did you install openssh-server, and did you allow that through the firewall?05:49
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frogzooqt2: you're asking - can you get to a box, with an active firewall that's keeping you out - u guess...05:49
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qt2frogzoo, heh, yeah, i fured, but it was worth a shot asking ;)05:49
beej_qt2, technically, yeah, but good luck. no physical access is difficult.05:49
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p2serverDR willis like "net send 'ip' orso05:50
qt2tritium, lol, i didnt allow anything through the firewall, my connection died before i got the chance.05:50
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tritiumqt2, oops ;)05:50
beej_qt2, nmap it05:50
Dr_Willisp2server,   Huh? how about you tell us what you are trying to do.05:50
frogzooqt2: I hope it's in the same state :)05:50
=== nickrud notes to not install firestarter on remote machines ;)
qt2frogzoo, which state would that be...?05:51
beej_INSANITY except not05:51
fr500is gstreamer 0.10 gonna be backported or something?05:51
qt2beej_, alraedy tried, with the -P0 option, it just sits there.05:51
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frogzooqt2: I mean, inside the state boundary - geographic state that is05:51
beej_qt2, get physical access05:51
beej_or someone with it05:51
frogzooqt2: if it's in a different country, that will be pretty tough...05:52
qt2beej_, eah, i plan on it, was jsut hoping for a way to recover earlier. :P05:52
p2serveropening windows message's on a windows machine, lke an exclamation05:52
beej_yeah, good luck dude05:52
qt2frogzoo, noep, it isnt, it's actually accross the continent in british columbia, i'm over here in maine.05:52
frogzoooh shit05:52
qt2it'a friends ubuntu box, i was etting some stuff up for her while she was out at a convention.05:52
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qt2stupid me, eh? ;)05:53
p2serveron windows cmdline " net send You're Pc is hacked, watch out "05:53
beej_so, no ssh, no vnc, no nothing?05:53
frogzoooh noes - oh well, lesson learnt05:53
beej_p2server, ?05:53
tritiumqt2, ask your friend to get physical access to it, assuming she's closer to it05:53
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Siph0nneone know a program that can read .chm files?05:53
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frogzoop2server: there's a smbmsg - or something like05:53
ubuntu_i have ubuntu live cd, can i mount my old debian box to it? so i can run my dual boot loader05:54
Dewibeej_: even if I restart gdm and remove/re-add module "psmouse" it still stays on the touchpad when I want to use the cord mouse05:54
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Dewibeej_: so maybe it is a bios thing :/05:54
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p2serverokeej i will look for smbmsg05:54
FushiI thought it was net msg :o05:54
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fr500has anyone installed trac 0.9 succefully?05:55
syntaxxxi have ubuntu live cd, can i mount my old debian box to it? so i can run my dual boot loader05:55
tritiumyes, syntaxxx.  please don't repeat05:55
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frogzoop2server: found it - 'smbclient -M'05:55
syntaxxxtritium, oh sorry.. how?05:55
qt2tritium, it's her local pc, so yeah, i will. Was jsut trying to see if there was a way ot get access to it otherwise, soi didnt lose a few hours ^.^;05:55
beej_Dewi, check it out05:55
degobahey i got a quick question.. when i minimize an application it dissapears off the screen.. Any idea what i did and how i cn fix it?05:56
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beej_degoba, did it go to another desktop?05:56
tritiumqt2, that's a relief05:56
frogzoodegoba: me thinks you need to reduce vertical adj of your screeen05:56
beej_that as well05:56
tritiumsyntaxxx, is it a breezy live cd?  can you use System->Administration->Disks?05:57
beej_away, bbl05:57
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syntaxxxtritium, yes a live cd05:57
Dewiokay, here's a strange one: I can boot ubuntu but I cannot *reboot* into ubuntu. It hangs during hotplug start, every single time.05:57
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Dewibut on a cold boot, works05:58
syntaxxxtritium, i can use it.. do i need to enable the hda3 which is my extended 3?05:58
qt2beej_, pretty much, i'm pretty sure everything is blocked. since i didnt set up any "accepts"05:58
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qt2if only i had chenged that "whitelist" to "blacklist" ;)05:58
tritiumsyntaxxx, only you know which filesystem you have debian on05:58
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syntaxxxtritium, yeah it is ext3 then how can i run my loader?05:59
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=== qt2 raises an eyebrow...
tritiumsyntaxxx, once it's mounted, you can run it06:00
Siph0ni saw some libraries in the synaptic package manager for chm files... but still dont know which program to read them in?06:00
qt2What's gdomap by the way?06:00
syntaxxxtritium, ok thanks06:00
frogzooDewi: google for your USB devices & see if it's a known problem06:00
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degobawhen i minimize apps they look like they just go right to the trash06:00
Dewifrogzoo: it's ps/206:00
Dewifrogzoo: er I mean, I have no usb devices06:00
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syntaxxxtritium, i mount /dev/hda3 /debian then go to /debian/sbin and try typing ./lilo it says it no such file or directory06:01
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navaronedegoba...you can always draga nd drop trash to top panel...away from taskbar...:)06:01
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frogzooDewi: but you still have USB on board? so there's the USB controller06:01
feugan3333cafuego: Any idea why I can't update cc using update-alternatives?06:01
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degobalol i got rid of trash bin.. apps are minimizing to right hand bottom corner..06:02
frogzooDewi: in that case, google against your mobo06:02
degobaoff screen or something06:02
drshasta19ClayG, thanks a whole lot, buddy, it all works fine now yooohooo my ati card works!06:02
skonHi I'm trying to install libqt3-mt-dev via apt-get and it says I need to get other packages but when I try to get those, it says I cant06:02
Dewifrogzoo: it's not usb, it's something else, but I don't know how to get a list of what hotplug is actually doing06:02
Dewifrogzoo: I dunno where it logs to, I can't find anything06:03
frogzooDewi: /var/log/messages06:03
feugan3333skon: what other packages, apt-get should automatically get those for  you.06:03
=== navarone points to additional 256mb dimm in machines and smiles
=== pete__ points to vmware and smiles
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=== bshumate points to his ten-thousand shares of Apple and smiles
skonSays I need libgl1-mesa and libglu1-mesa but when I try to install those, it says it is a virtual package provided by libgl1-mesa-dev and libglu1-mesa-dev06:04
=== syntaxxx is now known as syntaxx
navaroneAny advice on heatsink/fan combo for athlon processor?  I gotta get new one soon...06:04
shogun_hi, I have a problem, I can't select windows xp to boot when I boot up, how do I add it?06:04
La_PaRCagod oh god, how I hate fixing my mp3 tags by hand06:04
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frogzoonavarone: off topic - but XP-90 + panaflo06:05
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=== navarone goes to the offtopic corner and looks sheepish
cehlatedoes it really matter if your not overclocking?06:05
glickexcuse me is there anyway i can findout what physical filesystem a file or directory is on?06:05
frogzoocehlate: there's the noise factor & that's pretty much it06:05
navaronecehlate...it's the noise of bearings drying...and lubing spindle has been done06:06
drshasta19skon, i may say a msitake but try sudo apt-get -f install06:06
drshasta19not sure, though...06:06
croutonglick: what do you mean?06:06
frogzooglick: mount - will show mounted file systems06:06
navaronealthough its worth another try06:06
glicki guess stat -f does it06:06
Siph0nbtw: for anyone else who cares, there is a chm viewer i found on the ubuntuforums :)06:07
cehlateyeah, though I thought newer computer throttle down the fan06:07
syntaxxtritium, hello?06:07
feugan3333skon: I don't get any problems. Try doing an "sudo apt-get update" first.06:08
navaronecehlate...my rig is four yeasrs old...long in the tooth by todays standards06:08
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FushiHey when I start X I just get a screen with a bunch of lines, anyone know what the problem may be?06:08
navaroneFushi, what video card and such are you using...?06:09
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navaronechaumurky, congrats for quiting...,<s>06:10
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Overclocked_486Can anyone help me with two questions?06:11
croutonquite possibly, if we knew what the questions were06:11
chaumurkynavarone: 9 months06:11
La_PaRCaOverclocked_486, who are you? and What are you doing here?06:11
croutonand how overclocked is the 486?06:11
La_PaRCaOverclocked_486, there you have your two questions. thank you, come again!06:11
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navaronechaumurky, nice...you'll have a better winter...lol06:12
chaumurkysummer (Australia ;-)06:12
FushiIt's an intergrated card, intel :x06:12
Overclocked_486one: /dev/dsp is reported as being busy. how can I free it up to reboot esd?06:12
navaroneweell...you'll still...ummm...have a bettter winter tho06:12
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Overclocked_486two: How do I reset gdm as the default display manager?06:12
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chaumurky'spose I forgot about that quit message!06:13
viscountis it safe to remove ubuntu-desktop ?06:13
chaumurkyprobably time to change it06:13
navaroneOverclocked_486, at login screen click session and choose gnome06:13
=== glick loves pythong
navaronegdm...? hmmm06:13
chaumurkyviscount: generally yes, it's just a meta-package06:13
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viscountchaumurky: thats what i figured it was, thanks06:14
Overclocked_486navarone: I choose a GNOME session every time, i just don't want to see "kubuntu" splashed across my screen every boot06:14
navaroneOverclocked_486, you have kde installed?06:14
Dr_Willisbut removeing it - wont matter much :P06:14
viscountpython is great06:14
Overclocked_486navarone: yes06:14
pete__Overclocked, you mean the login, or the actual startup?06:14
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bshumateyou're onto something there, glick!  a racy bikini for a comedy troupe-inspired programming language!  PYTHONG!06:14
Overclocked_486pete__: startup06:14
Dr_WillisOverclocked_486,  that was part of the kubuntu-desktop that got installed.. not "gdm"06:14
pete__Overclocked, not sure you can change that.06:14
Dr_Willisit changed your boot up splash screen.06:14
skonI have my problem with apt-get in the pastebin http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5592 could someone please take a look?06:15
=== beej_ is back (gone 00:17:59)
Dr_Willisperhaps reinstalling ubuntu-desktop will change it back.06:15
viscountbshumate: a thong would at least be better than no pants at all06:15
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beej_viscount, whoa, hello06:15
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Overclocked_486so should I just ditch KDE? It says that KDM was started over gdm on boot.06:15
beej_ah, everyone knows GNOME is better anyways! =p06:15
glicki was just telling my friends in #python that python gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside06:15
bshumateseriously, these could be sold!  have the little snake guy embroidered on em ala izod...06:15
Dr_WillisOverclocked_486,  do what you want. :O i have kde and gnome both and i boot up to GDM06:15
Overclocked_486i'll try reinstalling ubuntu-desktop.06:16
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chaumurkythat is sooo geeeky bshumate:06:16
Dr_WillisOverclocked_486,  i got the whole splash screen disabled. :P i dont see any of the fancy Ugly logos06:16
Overclocked_486anyone got any ideas on the /dev/dsp logo?06:16
viscountbeej_: amen brotha ;)06:16
navaroneOverclocked_486, try Sytem/preferences/Splashscreen and disable06:16
Overclocked_486*question, not logo. stupid work.06:16
FushiHow do you remove gnome?06:16
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beej_who would want to do such a thing!06:17
chaumurkyoh oh...06:17
beej_or, in this channel's case, such a thong?06:17
liableevery sane person? :P06:17
pete__gnome owns.06:17
beej_=] 06:17
=== MMond [n=Mond@adsl-64-108-132-49.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
chaumurkyxfce4 ownz06:17
FushiYeah, it's owning my computer06:17
beej_now now, no GUI wars, distro wars are bad enough06:17
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, xfce is a lightweight Desktop Environment that uses GTK. to install, "sudo apt-get install xfce4" or "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". http://www.xfce.org/06:17
beej_and yeah, XFCE is pretty awesome too.06:17
navaronechaumurky, I am thinking of doing xubuntu install06:17
ubotufluxbox is, like, forked off blackbox and is found at http://fluxbox.sourceforge.net or the new blackbox, with antialias, better menu, etc.06:17
Fushithanks :)06:18
skonCould anyone help me with installing a package?06:18
beej_X Fedora Core Envrionment if memory serves06:18
beej_skon, go ahead06:18
FushiBut like can I get rid of gnome, from taking up space? lol06:18
viscountubotu: got any docs on how to get xfce up and running handy, I wouldnt mind trying it out06:18
ubotuI'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about, viscount06:18
skonTake a look at the pastebin http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/559206:18
Overclocked_486/dev/dsp is reported as being busy. how can I free it up to reboot esd?06:18
Dr_WillisFushi,  this is linux - do what you like.06:18
viscountubotu: bot?06:18
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel.06:18
chaumurkyxubunu installs are nice for old PIII 500's06:18
feugan3333skon: The packages in your repository seem to be broken. Try another repository or try again later. You are executing the commands correctly.06:19
croutonp3 733s too06:19
=== Fushi goes to rm -rf /
beej_Overclocked_486, use alsa06:19
Fushitakes that evil gnome! :o06:19
skonOkay thanks06:19
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Dr_WillisFushi,  now look at all the free space!06:19
drachenblut_hey all06:19
Overclocked_486beej_: Then none of the GNOME apps have sound.06:19
Fushiw00t :D06:19
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beej_Overclocked_486, WHAAAAA?06:19
beej_i've never seen that happen, on a multitude of linux boxen06:20
Overclocked_486beej_: yup.06:20
beej_in depth?06:20
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pete__beej is the plurar of box, boxen?06:20
fr500who would be interested in testing a mono based pptp client (M$ VPN)06:20
beej_yes, yes it is.06:20
MMondwell anyways, hi - I tried Ubuntu (first time trying linux) .. sometime ago. I failed. But I learned my lesson -- forcing things like GNOME on a 6 year old laptop - so I'm back, hopefully everything will work out this time. I've a problem though - a lot seems to be gone.. I'm now on shell, and for example, if I "apt" - I get back "bash: apt : command not found"06:20
MMondNow being that I can't do much . . . what would be a good place for me to start06:21
skonMMond: sudo apt-get06:21
beej_fr500, why does everyone type "MS" "M$?"06:21
beej_i never found it funny, or interesting, or...anything, tbh06:21
Overclocked_486beej_: emu10k1 chipset sound card, ESD gives me sound in GNOME apps, alsa / oss do not.06:21
MMond"bash: sudo: command not found"06:21
skonbeej_ M$ - MicrSoft is money06:21
fr500beej_, because of the money :p06:21
beej_yeah, but still06:21
mrkojebeej_,  I presume because they don't like Microsoft06:21
beej_have any of you PAID for MS software?06:21
fr500beej_, i thought you might be interested :p06:21
=== Ej25goddess [n=ubuntu@sjs-130-65-212-126.sjsu.edu] has joined #ubuntu
fr500beej_,  i did once06:21
mrkojebeej_,  Not really...06:21
viscountI have once06:21
skonMMond: you need to enable your sudo account - look it up on the Ubuntu starter guide06:21
mrkojebeej_,  It's just too easy not oo :(06:22
Dr_Williswhen bill gates in an interview says "Dont ask why Windows costs so much.. ask why it dosent cost more!"06:22
beej_yeah, sadly06:22
Ej25goddessgreetings all :)06:22
beej_Dr_Willis, they're a company06:22
viscountbut I've also bought linux distros, how many here have actually purchased a distro?06:22
beej_they need to make money somehow06:22
=== Kingbahamut [n=bahamut@c-24-98-229-28.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
MMondskon: Do be aware, that I am on root (getting something like root@(none):~ $"06:22
Ej25goddessive neveer purchased one06:22
Ej25goddessthank god06:22
beej_viscount, i have06:22
Ej25goddesssince ive never stutck with one more than a month06:22
beej_linspire, for my mother06:22
Dr_Willisor when MS one week says "You (the world) need to make a cheap PC for the masses" - then the NEXT week says "cheap pc's are promoting windows piracy" :P06:22
MMond#* =s06:22
skonMmond: K then just do apt-get install <package>06:22
viscountbeej_: heh, cool, i bought suse once06:22
chaumurkyI paid for a Mandrake subscription once..06:23
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beej_yes, but then again, they're...making lots of money, which is probably more than we can say06:23
MMondskon: "bash: apt-get: command no found"06:23
s4f3_m0d3viscount, you're insane06:23
mrkojeviscount,  you what? Purchased a linux distro? Eeeek!06:23
viscountmostly i ran debian which you cant buy even if you want to, but now ubuntu06:23
beej_free cds ftw!06:23
skonUhh are you running ubuntu?06:23
MMondYes sir06:23
skonDid you select to use the apt package manager when you installed it ?06:24
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Ej25goddessSo I just attempted to install a copy of ubuntu on my desktop06:24
mrkojeviscount,  I remember when Suse was trying to sell their "server" edition. What a load of crap.... you can download all the server software you'll ever need06:24
mrkojemaybe they still are trying that stuff06:24
MMondYes, and as a matter of fact . . . before everything went crazy, I downloaded . . . well, lots of stuff06:24
Ej25goddesswhich has xp on it, and I am planning on dual booting06:24
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MMondToo much, being that this laptop is 6 years old06:24
chaumurkyEj25goddess: 'attempted'? didn't work?06:24
mrkojeI think most companies now just sell their "SUPPORT"06:24
KeithWeissharis the dvd version of ubuntu worth the download06:24
Ej25goddesscorrect :P06:24
Ej25goddessthe cd I burned is corrupt aparently06:25
bshumatemrkoje: now novell, the largest linux company in the world, tries that crap06:25
KeithWeissharhow big is the dvd iso06:25
skonWell download apt....I don't know why it's not on your system already06:25
MMondPut GNOME on it and everything -- hadn't realized the whole perspective, kinda new to Linux, sorry =\06:25
viscountmrkoje: yeah, suse's really not that good, if I ever install a suse*novell distro again i think  i'll go with the novel deskop edition at least its gnome06:25
mrkojebshumate,  Well it's retarded either way....06:25
beej_bah, that's what i hate about the linux community, don't get me wrong, i'm all about open source, etc, but companies do need to make money06:25
bshumateand of course, they do pretty terribly at it06:25
Dr_WillisKeithWeisshar,  its an install an a live cd.. so its handy.06:25
chaumurkyahh, should md5 check the image 1st06:25
MMondskon: Heh . . . how do I download apt?06:25
viscountNOT to say suse is BAD06:25
chaumurkythen verify the burn06:25
Dr_WillisKeithWeisshar,  its an install AND  a live cd.. so its handy.06:25
beej_hell, if you were bill gates, you wouldn't complain about anything, you'd have all the money you'd need06:25
beej_with cheese06:25
Ej25goddessyeah, guess you have to mess up once bbefore you check your work :D06:25
viscountits really not that bad at all..06:25
KeithWeisshari only have the cd version of ubuntu06:25
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skonLol no idea...I'm relatively new to Nix as well but I never had a problem with apt - it was install by default06:25
KeithWeissharit's an install cd only06:25
mrkojeI don't see how people that know about Linux in the first place pay money for the "enhanced" versions of linux.. come on06:26
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MMondskon: yep, thank you for the time though06:26
Ej25goddessmany smart peopel do strange thinks mrkoje06:26
mrkojeI can see companies buying the Red Had support services.... but why are you going to pay for a CD with Apache on it?06:26
viscountmrkoje: actually i just felt like throwing a little money at novell if you really must know06:26
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MMondNow, someone else take a stab? I'll give a kiss to anyone who attempts06:26
bshumatemrkoje: it is because management are afraid and must get "support" and the "free stuff doesn't come with support"06:26
croutonbecause that cd has support attached to it06:26
Dr_WillisI bought the box/disrots for the manuals mainly :P06:26
chaumurkyIEj25goddess: I spent the last 6 moths trying to get my brner to work - stuffing around with DMA , ide-scsi etc - to find out the burner was stuffed....06:26
bshumatemrkoje: experience big business environments enough, and you'll see for yourself06:27
beej_BAH, all this *nix vs windows stuff, it makes me do the lol.06:27
viscountoh hell yeah, the suse manual is fantastic, about an inch and a half thick, and chalk full of goodness06:27
Ej25goddessI just got this burner from a client06:27
pete__beej, i know the answer06:27
Ej25goddessher daughter walked into it while it was open06:27
pete__ubuntu install with vmware xp pro06:27
pete__works great.06:27
Ej25goddessand smacked it off its track06:27
Ej25goddessI pulled it aapart and fixed it, and havent had problems so far burning copies of windows06:27
KeithWeissharwhat's the command to boot as live dvd06:27
mrkojebshumate,  I'm not knocking support... I'm knocking paying for a server edition with which you get no support... your just paying or the cd with servers on it06:27
viscountKeithWeisshar: you're just trying to boot up a live cd?06:28
chaumurkyEj25goddess: fuguratively speaking, no one ACTUALLY copies Windows...06:28
MMondI have a CD inserted in at the moment . . . could I perhaps download apt from that? But how could I . . . any ideas, please?06:28
KeithWeissharwhat is the boot: command to boot as live on the dvd version06:28
Ej25goddessI just want to learn lniux06:28
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KeithWeissharor install06:28
Ej25goddessI havent never been patient with it long enough to learn much of it06:28
Ej25goddessI have always been a windows/beos girl06:28
=== earldude1 [n=rickbman@c-67-177-47-57.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
chaumurkyIsuggest ghost that windows install to DVD and blow it away - bet way to lean Linux!!06:29
Ej25goddesswindows being what I work with and beos being my friely crush06:29
croutonhear hear to BeOS06:29
Ej25goddessbeos rules!06:29
Ej25goddess:: looks around ::06:29
=== Dr_Willis has a moment of silence for BeOS
Ej25goddess:: hopes she isint going to get eaten alive ::06:29
croutonwhere's the channel now?06:29
mrkojehear hear!06:29
feugan3333MMond: I think you need to do a fresh install.06:29
viscountKeithWeisshar: dont know, try hitting F3 when you are at the bios stage.. have you set your comp so that the CD will boot?06:29
Ej25goddessnow I get to reinstall the windows!06:29
viscountwhat was so great about BeOS anyway06:29
JairunCalothwhat is the command to uninstall a program?06:29
bshumatemrkoje: so-called "server editions" do actually feature support which is not provided in the free versions, such as for high-end server hardware, clustering, failover, HA, etc. etc. that is "too hard" and "resource intensive" to roll by hand...06:29
Ej25goddessbeos = very very very very fast06:30
Ej25goddessvery stable06:30
croutonviscount: it did a lot of things quickly and well06:30
Dr_Willisviscount,  amazingly fast.. and decent file system.06:30
chaumurky"Ej25goddess: now I get to reinstall the windows!" why?06:30
croutonbut it wasn't a network OS, unfortunately, until right at the end.06:30
Dr_Willisplus it had some very cool 'extra' features06:30
mrkojebshumate,  ok06:30
bshumatemrkoje: plus you must understand, foolish MBAs are driving big business to spend money, and they do not understand tech the way we do.06:30
MMondfeugan3333: I tried, I got nasty errors all over . . . from the way things look, I thought it'd be a lot easier to tweak things around a bit . . . ridding of a few things here and there, and then continuing thereof06:30
Ej25goddessbecause my failed ubuntu intall killed it06:30
croutonif only BeOS played well with VMWare06:30
Ej25goddessand a windows repair didnt fix the issue06:30
earldude1I just installed Ubuntu Breezy Badger 5.10 and I can't figure out how to install PHP5 with the synaptic packager.  Anyone?06:30
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KeithWeissharis the dvd iso over 4gb06:30
chaumurkyno, no, just the boot entry - you can fix that06:30
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KeithWeisshari only have windows me and can't have a single file more than 4gb06:31
mrkojebshumate,  thats true... you also have to factor in that the mba's think they have to throw money at the problem so in some cases why not use it?06:31
coaguhm, what woudl the package name for glib be?06:31
Ej25goddesswould you like to help me with that?'06:31
mrkojebshumate,  and get the support?06:31
feugan3333MMond: What sort of errors? Its going to be difficult to fix a system that does not even have apt.06:31
croutoncoag: glibc?06:31
coagdoesnt seem to be06:31
croutonEj25goddess: need help with what?06:31
=== viscount cant wait for reiser4
chaumurkyfdisk /FIXMBR06:31
croutoncoag: do an apt-get search glib06:31
Ej25goddessrestorinig my windows install06:31
Ej25goddessthat I just killed with a failed ubuntu install06:31
coagcrouton: i did, to no prevail06:31
MMondSecondly, there are some things on the harddrive I would like to save . . . this is my utmost priority, any ideas at all whatsoever on how I could begin to manage this thing . . . keep in mind, that it seems I don't have a lot of 'programs,' don't know how I could network, or anything of the sort . . . I've a floppy drive, but even since I began, I couldn't use it -- but I didn't mind it so I looked over it06:32
Ej25goddesscorrupt disc = t eh suck06:32
chaumurkyboot to the XP disk and get into console mode then enter the above command06:32
=== mrkoje Throws a big box of ubuntu discs at Ej25goddess, which knock her/him out
croutoncoag: try search glibc06:32
bshumatemrkoje: exactly, and management most often thinks that if all this money was spent, it must be good...i have seen it all too often- where a "free" solution which is technically superior loses out to a costly piece of crap because of business politics06:32
pete__in console, sudo apt-get install php506:32
earldude1yes pete?06:32
mrkojebshumate,  oh ya!06:32
viscountMMond: can you sum up your problem in 1 sentance06:32
Ej25goddessbrb in one second06:32
chaumurkyEj25goddess: c'mon let's fix this06:32
earldude1Pete: that's ALL I have to do???!!!!  it's that easy??06:32
Ej25goddess let me pee06:32
mrkojebshumate,  It's crazy i know.. but hey.. what can you really do about it right? Argue and get canned?06:32
Ej25goddessthen we shall06:32
croutonEj25goddess: ... what you need windows fer? ;)06:32
Ej25goddessand I apreciatte this :D06:32
pete__i am not an expert earl, but i'm guessing so.06:32
viscountquick someone poke her in the belly!06:33
Ej25goddessfor games06:33
pete__ubuntu is very good.06:33
earldude1ok, I'll give it a shot.  Thanks Pete...06:33
MMondfeugan3333: To be entirely honest, I'm not sure myself. To start, I think bad harddrive . . . physically, any ideas on what I could do with this? I know that this thing, being more than 6 years old isn't the best to put Ubuntu on -- but I'm doing so because I'm 'starting' with Linux =)06:33
coagcrouton: nothing comparable06:33
=== tyson [n=tyson@34-60-178-69.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu
croutoncoag: weird, i know it exists06:34
MMondviscount: I can try, but I don't think I'll get far enough. Sorry. :( I think I've too many problems for them to be all nicely packaged in one sentence06:34
cehlatehow did they come up with the name ubuntu?06:34
=== tyson is now known as Jackal24
viscountMMond: well if your hd dies there is not much you can do enless you want to spend a lot of money to salvage it professionally06:34
mrkojeMMond,  I am using, right now, Breezy on a 6 year old laptop... HP Omnibook with a 6gb hdd06:34
cehlateyou can try tossing the drive in the freezer for 20 min06:34
cehlateand then trying to pull the data out06:34
viscountMMond: have you tried going in with a rescue CD and mounting the disks?06:34
cehlateif the board isn't fried06:34
croutoncoag: try libc606:34
pete__harddrivers are painfully cheap now a days people...06:34
cehlateand don't buy a cheap ass drive06:34
Jackal24i set up my wireless connection with ndiswrapper, and it shows up, but it won't connect to the network06:34
pete__250gig for like 50$06:34
cehlateif you love your data06:34
=== milksteak [n=milkstea@60-234-138-71.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
coagcrouton: says i already have the newest of this06:35
=== viscount agrees with pete__ about HD's being dirt cheep now a days.. common ppl
mrkojepete__, where the hell is that deal at?06:35
MMondviscount: Excuse my utter ignorance, but, a rescue CD?06:35
coagbut i am getting an error on a ./configure, let me get you the info06:35
cehlatethose $50 maxtors do break down06:35
pete__i'm sure on newegg06:35
pete__or tigerdirect06:35
pete__hold on ill find one06:35
mrkojepete__, ok06:35
=== beej_ is away: the internet is serious business
MMondmrkoje: 4 gb harddrive . . . I think more than 6 years old really, - I beat you by far ;)06:35
=== KeithWeisshar [i=KeithWei@pool-70-111-236-113.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu []
cehlateif you are shopping at newegg get a hitachi06:35
coagconfigure: error: You need glib 1.2 or later to build this plug-in.06:35
viscountMMond: no prob, Im a little new to ubuntu myself so Im not sure if but normally install disks such as the ubuntu install disk also have the ability to run as a rescue disk, can anyone clarify for me?06:36
coag*** The glib-config script installed by GLIB could not be found06:36
mrkojepete__, I check tigerdirect and even zipzoomfly but I don't think I have seen one that cheap.06:36
coagthose two errors06:36
mrkojeMMond,  eh... hope it works for ya06:36
pete__maybe i was exaggerating a bit06:36
=== Ej25goddess has returned
pete__but you can get some insane deals.06:36
cehlateget a hitachi for like $80 at newegg06:36
cehlatenot one of those $50 compusa rebate deals06:36
=== viscount pokes Ej25goddess in the belly just for good measure.
Ej25goddessso crouton has an idea on how to avoid a full reinstall06:36
mrkojepete__,  lol... ya but I agree.. hdd are cheap now unless of course you want a 10k raptor from wd06:37
=== Ej25goddess fights you off with her rock hard ab muscles
chaumurkywho's cruton?06:37
pete__is an ok deal.06:37
croutoni'm crouton06:37
=== crouton is me
MMondmrkoje: I hope so too, although first and foremost, I'm concerned of a few files that are in that I do really very want to be saved. Thank you for the well wishes06:37
croutonnot a cretin, mind you06:37
earldude1I'm a newB with Linux.  One thing I've wondered about is, since we these slick distros that take us right to the xwindow:Gnome/KDE desktop, I worry that I'm not really going to learn true LINUX, which is what I REALLY want to do.  I HATE the fact that MicroSUCK always HIDES everything from the user.   By using Ubuntu/Mandriva/Fedora/etc. are we essentially being shielded from earning linux?  Or, how can I REALLY LEARN what's under t06:37
=== rincewind1013 [n=rince@ppp-70-248-33-184.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
coagcrouton: you see the errors?06:37
=== benb1 [n=ben@wrbs-ip-nas-1-p271.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
=== viscount nurses his bent poking finger and retreats to the nearest mens only club for reinforcements.
=== bshumate just bought a 250GB Maxtor new for 39.98 from a place called "PriceRightHardDrives"
chaumurkyso Ej25goddess: you need to get into 'recovery mode' from the windows cd06:38
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Jackal24can someone please help me installing my wireless connection06:38
pete__WD is ok.06:38
croutonearldude1: if you've decided to get down and dirty with linux, go get slackware.  nothing holding you back from the ugliness deep down. :)06:38
mrkojeMMond,  well here is what I have learned... don't give in to just reformatting and making do with the loss of files. Give it time and you will find a solution to getting those files off.06:38
croutoncoag: yeah, still trying to figure it out06:38
bshumatebut then a dude told me he'd break my neck if i didn't buy extra sata cables and mounting rails!06:38
Jackal24lol @ bshumate06:38
cehlateyeah does that 200 gigger have fluid bearings06:38
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Ej25goddesscrouton can I PM you?06:38
cehlateall my WD drives have gotten noisy w/ age06:38
Ej25goddessbtw croutons are my favorite part of any salad06:38
cehlateand I just lost a 100 gigger06:38
Ej25goddessthat and the dressing06:38
=== rob^laptop is now known as rob1
croutonEj25goddess probably not, i'm not registered on freenode06:38
Ej25goddesseverything else is crap.06:38
chaumurkydon't need me to help Ej25goddess?06:39
viscountMMond: i agree with him, once you find out how easy it is to save your data you'll be a lot happier, figure out how to use a rescue disk then mount your disks manualy then save your data.. if its worth it.06:39
Ej25goddessid love both of your help :D06:39
croutonshe can use all the help she can get, i might not have the answers.06:39
Ej25goddessif your wiilliing06:39
croutoncoag: glib-1.2?  hmm06:39
Ej25goddessi just iinstalled windows yeesterday06:39
drshasta19what is the command to install gtk with apt-get ?06:39
Ej25goddessso a reinistall really isnt a big deal at all06:39
pete__sudo apt-get install gtk ?06:39
drshasta19because apt-get install gtk+ does not work...06:39
Ej25goddessi have everythtinig backed up and whatnot06:39
chaumurkyyeah, but this is a good trick to know06:39
coagcrouton: nope :/06:39
drshasta19pete_ i tried that :)06:39
MMondmrkoje: Last I touched this laptop, was 3 months ago -- the break-down took place somewhere about that time . . . did go madly all about for help, things don't seem to be going that well. For the few files that are in there, I'm just sometimes compelled to go to a PC store and blissfully free my worries, but I thought I'd give it my all before I do06:39
cdubyaJackal24, what's the problem06:40
Ej25goddessok so you want me to go to the recovery console?06:40
croutoncoag: how about libglib-1.2?06:40
earldude1crouton: what do you mean by the ugliness, can you clarify, do you mean that it gets too ugly with linux in general or with slackware distro?06:40
coagcrouton: nope06:40
mkyb14i set a password for samba and yet i still can't login to my windows machine for shared files?  like my windows password etc isn't working06:40
mkyb14any ideas06:40
chaumurkyyeah, I'm goi nt through this in a vmware session to refresh myself...06:40
Jackal24cdubya, i installed my wireless using ndiswrapper, but I can't connect to anything06:40
croutonearldude1: slackware lets you tinker with the bare minimum, no glitz unless you add it yourself06:40
cdubyaJackal24, you follow the wiki docs?06:40
Ej25goddessso yes, recovery console?06:40
=== cehlate is now known as HarryBolles
Jackal24cdubya: yes06:41
chaumurkyyou're in?06:41
croutonearldude1: you can do it with any linux distro, but Slackware's philosophy is let the user do anything they want06:41
bshumatecoag: libgtk / libgtk1.206:41
cdubyaJackal24, what kind of card06:41
mrkojemkyb14,  do you have a software firewall running on windows?06:41
earldude1crouton: and so is it hell trying to deal with what I've heard referred to as "Dependancies" in slackware?06:41
Jackal24cdubya: exact same one as in the wiki06:41
croutoncoag: so you *do* have libglib-1.2 installed?06:41
chaumurkygo fdisk /FIXMBR at that console06:41
=== encompass [n=encompas@dsl-hkigw7-fe0df900-146.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
coagcrouton: umm no06:41
mrkojemkyb14, I find that 8-9/10 times everything has to deal with firewalls and restrictions/permissions06:41
coagE: Couldn't find package libglib-1.206:41
croutonearldude1: Dependencies are part of the linux experience...06:41
Jackal24cdubya: i can see it in the network console thing and it can see the APs around here, but when enable it, i can't ping anywhere06:41
croutoncoag: try installing that and giving your plugin a go?06:42
encompassIs there a good plce to look to purchase webcams that will work with linux/ubuntu?06:42
HarryBollespart of the linux experience06:42
mrkojeEveryone that wants to really learn Linux and networking must know about firewalls, restrictions and persmissions!06:42
HarryBollesI like the ring of that06:42
cdubyaJackal24, are you getting a good IP?06:42
coagcrouton: E: Couldn't find package libglib-1.206:42
HarryBollesmaybe they should call it linux xp06:42
Jackal24cdubya: how do i check?06:42
cdubyaJackal24, ifconfig06:42
bshumatecoag: take the dash out06:42
mrkojeHarryBolles, what the heck you talking about LinuxXP06:42
Ej25goddessshould I go to the recovery console?06:42
pete__now i like that deal.06:42
Jackal24cdubya: i will check it and come back.06:43
earldude1crouton: so does slackware in essence let you hang yourself?06:43
cdubyaJackal, does it show up as ath0 or wlan0?06:43
croutoncoag: libglib1.2, sorry. no dash06:43
coagbshumate: thanks06:43
=== GTroy [n=galen@70-57-162-112.spkn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
HarryBollesXP = experience06:43
coagcrouton: that is already installed06:43
croutonearldude1: absolutely.  Any distro will do that.06:43
bshumatecoag: same for libgtk1.206:43
chaumurkyit will identify a windows install and yiou get to a C:\ promt06:43
feugan3333XP is a mind numbing experience06:43
Ej25goddessim there06:43
coagbshumate: i wasn't the one that needed gtk06:43
chaumurkyok. go fdisk /FIXMBR06:43
HarryBollescalling something part of the "experience" says nothing with substantitive06:43
pete__only xp i use is on vmware06:43
bshumateoh- doh06:43
GTroyhey guys, how do get ubuntu to recognize my hitachi 2nd (slave) hard drive?06:43
=== slashx1896 [n=slashx@pcp03325591pcs.waldlk01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
coagcrouton: ./configure still doesnt work06:44
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HarryBollesdon't buy that western digital from newegg06:44
HarryBollesget one with fluid bearings06:44
mrkojepete__, that wd 250gb sata looks nice!06:44
Ej25goddesscomand is not recognized06:44
slashx1896im having problems vewing clips from websites that arnt downloaded... ive had this problem for a while06:44
earldude1crouton, so can a guy really learn linux with ubuntu, or will I always just be a master of Gnome?06:44
pete__mrkoje i think it does.06:44
HarryBollesthey age much better06:44
croutonGTroy: what do you mean 'recognize'... can the BIOS see it?06:44
slashx1896can someone PLEASE help me..06:44
mrkojepete__,  two of them with a raid might be really nice06:44
GTroydidn't check with bios06:44
chaumurkyhuh? that's odd. hang on.06:44
GTroyknew I forgot something06:44
pete__mrkjoje, maybe so06:44
croutonearldude1: yeah, ubuntu is a great starting place because you can run with it from the get-go, and delve deeper as you gain experience.06:44
feugan3333coag: You need tell us what error you're getting.06:44
Ej25goddessfixmbr worked06:44
coagfeugan3333: need me to repaste it then?06:45
slashx1896anyone? pleae06:45
chaumurkyahh. if that's done you're finished.06:45
feugan3333coag: sure06:45
croutonearldude1: unless you prefer working through things from the very beginning.. like slackware or other distros06:45
coagconfigure: error: You need glib 1.2 or later to build this plug-in.06:45
coag*** The glib-config script installed by GLIB could not be found06:45
chaumurkyreset the computer with the CD removed06:45
=== waltermh [n=dmk@cpe-67-9-173-200.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
waltermhhi all06:45
earldude1crouton: but I won't have to change distros when I want to "dig deeper"?  I really like how ubuntu just works...06:45
cdubyaslash1896, what kind of clips06:45
slashx1896any kinds06:45
mkyb14i disabled the windows one, and set the permissions for the share to control all06:45
mrkojewaltermh,  you from austin?06:45
slashx1896from all websites06:46
croutonearldude1: not at all, you can change window-managers and do all kinds of CLI work without changing distros.06:46
mrkojewaltermh,  Im right up the road from you in Belton06:46
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earldude1what is the definition of CLI?06:46
cdubyaslashx1896, I use the mplayer plugin for FF.....works great.06:46
waltermhi am new to austin, so i dont know what belton is06:46
croutoncommand line interface06:46
fr500earldude1, you can do anythin you want, all you might break is you package database06:46
slashx1896how can i install it?06:46
fr500earldude1, command line interface06:46
mrkojewaltermh,  ok about 20 min north of Round Rock06:46
slashx1896il see if that fixes my problem06:46
earldude1right on06:46
HarryBollesdoes anyone actually run off the live cd full time?06:46
HarryBollesit was slow as molasses when I tried06:47
chaumurkyEj25goddess: how's it go?06:47
coagfeugan3333: see my paste?06:47
mrkojeHarryBolles,  are you kidding06:47
waltermhoh, thats far up, i am south austin06:47
feugan3333coag: What are your trying to install, I'll give it a try.06:47
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coagxmms infopipe06:47
pete__Harry if i was to go somewhere for the weeknd with only windows i'd run off it06:47
Ej25goddessit tdidnt help06:47
cdubyaslashx1896, if memory serves, just make sure to have universe and multiverse enabled, then do a sudo apt-get install mplayer.....06:47
fordZHow I proceed to make LiveCD works in my iMac G5?06:47
Ej25goddessit still says error loading operattiinig system :(06:47
=== fordZ is now known as ford
waltermhdid you go to the linucon convention this year?06:47
feugan3333coag: Do you have a link?06:47
chaumurkyoh dear06:47
cdubyaslashx1896, that's if memory serves....06:47
=== fr500 just woke up after a whole day of compiling banshe, libvisual, ifolder, trac and installing
cafuegoford: The iMac G5 isn't proeprly supported yet by the Breezy LiveCD.06:47
HarryBollespete, why not just use windows for the weekend?06:47
slashx1896il use synaptic06:47
fr500so earldude1 you can do anything :p06:47
bshumateford: boot yer mac whilst holding C06:47
pete__Harry because i hate it06:48
bshumateor not ;-)06:48
HarryBolleshate is a strong word06:48
mrkojeEj25goddess: Try reading a support website about instructions on Windows problems... this is a Ubuntu support channel06:48
pete__the obvious? it sucks06:48
HarryBollesdoes not compute06:48
=== ford is now known as fordZ
chaumurkyi really thought it was fixmbr06:48
HarryBollesI've been using linx for a long time and that does not compute06:48
Ej25goddessim only fixing my windows so i can burn a new ubuntu disk o.o06:48
slashx1896threes alot of mplayers06:48
Ej25goddessI was trying to figure out why my ubuntu install didnt work also06:48
slashx1896686 586 38606:49
HarryBollesthere is no reason to use a live cd for "just a weekend"06:49
=== jackal24 [n=tyson@34-60-178-69.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu
slashx1896custom, docs, fonts06:49
HarryBollesit is painfully slow06:49
slashx1896theres a whole bunch06:49
chaumurkyyeah, red herring I guess.06:49
jackal24lo        no wireless extensions.06:49
jackal24eth0      no wireless extensions.06:49
jackal24wlan0     IEEE 802.11g  ESSID:off/any06:49
jackal24          Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.462 GHz  Access Point: 00:00:00:00:00:0006:49
jackal24          Bit Rate:54 Mb/s   Tx-Power:25 dBm06:49
mrkojeEj25goddess, nice :)06:49
cdubyaslashx1896, are you using apt/06:49
jackal24          RTS thr:2347 B   Fragment thr:2346 B06:49
chaumurkyjust get that Ubuntu on!!06:49
jackal24          Power Management:off06:49
jackal24          Link Quality:100/100  Signal level:-10 dBm  Noise level:-256 dBm06:49
HarryBollesjust a nice preview06:49
jackal24          Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:006:49
MMondrunning fsck - hehe, what's the command to have it be "yes" to fix all, so I won't have to get my pengiun that punches the "y" key every 3 seconds06:49
croutonEj25goddess - PM me the question again, I just can't respond06:49
slashx1896im using synaptic, whats the code for terminal?06:49
jackal24          Tx excessive retries:1  Invalid misc:4108   Missed beacon:006:49
jackal24sit0      no wireless extensions.06:49
cafuegojackal24: STOP PASTING06:49
slashx1896sudo apt-get install mplayer?06:49
croutonjackal stop pasting06:49
mrkojejackal24,  knock it off... don't flood the channel06:49
Ej25goddessits ok, ,Ill just reeinstall06:49
chaumurkyyou'll get banned...06:49
ubotuI guess paste is please use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ or #flood to paste large amounts of text06:49
cdubyaslashx1896, yeah, try that.....06:50
waltermhi am doing a net install of kubuntu from a cd, i am asking in here since its probably not a kubuntu specific problem, and i couldnt get an answer in there, hope its not out of place, anyways, i got as far as choosing the kernel in the base install then it gives an error trying to install initrd-tools, any way to get past that?06:50
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heinzanovaI edited my /etc/X11/xorg.conf to accomidate my second moniter, so I can run dual displays, and x is having a problem when I restart the gdm it throws and error at the definition of my second moniter, would anyone mind giving me a little help?06:50
=== vilefridge [n=eric@d142-59-237-149.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ej25goddessSo II am going to download a new ubuntu image, what should I use to check iit with the md5 file06:50
vilefridgeubotu, tell vilefridge about symlinks06:50
cdubyaJackal24, if you need to paste stuff that's more than a couple of lines, use the pastebin that's listed in the topic.06:50
jackal24will dp06:50
feugan3333coag: Did you install xmms-dev06:50
cdubyajackal24, that looked like a printout of iwconfig.....not ifconfig06:51
ubotumethinks mplayer is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto  For compiling, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3106106:51
slashx1896that helps06:51
coagfeugan3333: that probably fixed it06:51
feugan3333coag: Well I suggest you do so, its in the instructions in the INSTALL file06:51
cdubyaslashx1896, yeah06:51
coagfeugan3333: i should have read that, no?06:51
HarryBollesjackal's paste is up06:51
jackal24pasted ther06:51
rraajjHello! What do I do when it says "Kernel Panic not syncing" on boot?06:51
shogun_Can anyone help me? I can no longer boot with Windows XP06:51
feugan3333coag: Yip :-)06:51
chaumurkyEj25goddess: there's a checker you canget from here http://www.brandonstaggs.com/filecheckmd5.html06:52
feugan3333rraajj: you panic06:52
jackal24oh, i guess i will try that one :)06:52
fr500shogun_, insert a windows cd, reboot, start the console and type fdisk /mbr06:52
chaumurkyfeugan3333: LOL06:52
rraajjfeugan3333: Lol.06:52
shogun_problem is06:52
mrkojefeugan3333, lol06:52
slashx1896sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer06:52
mrkojefeugan3333, whatever... had to jump on the bandwagon06:53
HarryBolleswhy did they call it ubuntu06:53
shogun_I no longer have a windows cd, I re-wrote the one I had with ubuntu06:53
=== GTroy [n=galen@70-57-162-112.spkn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
cdubyaslashx1896, that it? I couldn't remember the package name.....06:53
fr500shogun_, if you really wanna boot xp from grub all you need to tye it rootnoverify (hd0,1) and then chainloader +106:53
shogun_because it was a CD-RW06:53
ubotuubuntu is, like, an easy-to-use GNU/Linux desktop distro based on Debian.  http://ubuntu.com http://ubuntuforums.org http://wiki.ubuntu.com. It means 'Humanity to others'. see !awards06:53
slashx1896yeah thats it06:53
HarryBollessounds primal and african06:53
Ej25goddessthanks for helping me with that06:53
mrkojeHarryBolles, its some african thing06:53
cdubyajackal24, did you paste it?06:53
Ej25goddessand ignoring my lack of linux knowledge06:53
HarryBollesyeah, he pasted it alright06:53
regeyawhy are you called HarryBolles06:53
bshumateHarryBolles: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/meaning-of-ubuntu06:53
fr500shogun_, the (hd0,1) may vary if it's another hdd and/or partition06:53
ubotumethinks awards is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ubunturocks06:53
GTroyok I might need a walk through, I've got a 2nd hard drive installed what do I do next to use it?06:53
drshasta19any idea of any good 3D game on Linux?06:53
=== ViViD [n=ViViD@c-67-160-125-239.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
chaumurkyEj25goddess: sorry it didn't work *embarraced*06:53
cdubyaHarryBolles, I saw several, but thought perhaps that was an error.....06:53
shogun_can you give me some more clear instructions, I am a linux noob, so do you want me to go to terminal?06:53
HarryBollesnice word ubuntu06:54
GTroymount, or... partition to ext3?06:54
mrkojedrshasta19, there is always unreal tournament06:54
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Ej25goddessim just reinistallinig06:54
HarryBollestoo bad it can't be translated06:54
croutonGTroy: what position is it?  Primary slave?06:54
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fr500drshasta19, that free wolfenstein game06:54
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GTroycrouton: slave06:54
drshasta19mrkoje, can i dowload a demo version? i jsut wana try my ati06:54
GTroyprimary slave06:54
La_PaRCarats, I still cant get soldat to work with wine06:54
fr500drshasta19, enemy territory i think06:54
HarryBollesit probably really means, "kill all those white mother***"06:54
Ej25goddessis it possible to do something like an ubuntu + myth tv setup?06:54
MMondOkay . . . I think I have everything . . . but, uhm, I don't have apt. How can I download apt?06:54
chaumurkymmm beer oclock is 5 minutes away :-)06:54
croutonGTroy: so it's /dev/hdb.. do a fdisk /dev/hdb and see if there are any partitions on it06:54
slashx1896its still not working06:54
GTroygot it06:55
bshumateoy...uncouth, mon!06:55
drshasta19fr500 thanks a lot :)06:55
slashx1896it plays 1 second of the video then freazes06:55
HarryBollesyeah mon06:55
GTroyunable to open06:55
HarryBollesI heard lots of ubuntu developers smoke marijuana06:55
HarryBollesis that true?06:55
GTroycrouton: so it sees it's there06:55
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fr500drshasta19, www.happypenguin.org06:55
cdubyaslashx1896, what kind of video is it? real player, wmp......?06:55
chaumurkysure, we know!!06:55
croutonGTroy: unable to open means it didn't see it...06:55
shogun_fr500, what do I do to do that?06:55
HarryBollesubuntu killed my dog06:55
GTroyooh not good06:55
feugan3333HarryBolles: don't believe everything you hear06:55
croutonGTroy: do a dmesg | grep hd and see if it displays that drive06:55
GTroybios saw it06:55
chaumurkypuppy linux??06:55
fr500shogun_, do you have a prompt when you turn on the pc that says press esc to show the menu?06:56
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slashx1896cdubya: not sure..06:56
bshumateHarry: I was gonna say, you look like someone killed your puppy...06:56
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regeyahumanity to others....killed your dog.06:56
chaumurkyis dsl a dog?06:56
MMondHow to download apt . . . this seems like weird math problem06:56
HarryBollesit is true though.. these lots these linux people are commie potheads06:56
cdubyaslashx1896, got a url06:56
croutondamn small linux06:56
pete__going to bed06:56
chaumurkyon a 486 it is....06:56
slashx1896videos from there06:56
chaumurkyyeah, I know ;-)06:56
GTroyusage: grep [option] ....pattern [file] ....06:56
HarryBollesI'll throw a chair to prove it06:56
chaumurkystill a dog on a 48606:56
=== HarryBolles is now known as StevenBalmer
MMondI do have the disc in, internet so far as "hooked," how do I download apt!?06:56
bshumatewow...original too!06:57
=== StevenBalmer hurls a chair at pete__
_Gray_apt is already installed06:57
shogun_pressing esc brings me to boot menu, then I can choose my one HD but for some reason I have 3 partitions now instead of 2, I made 1 just for windows, and another one for ubuntu, then I had a 3rd partition that was only 300mb made by ubuntu installer and thats what I am now, I messed up =/06:57
MMondNot for me06:57
croutonGTroy: "dmesg | grep hd" should work06:57
pete__hey now steven, i wasn't gone yet06:57
pete__that's not nice.06:57
StevenBalmeroops sorry, no headshots06:57
jackal24ok i pasted the ifconfig to that site06:57
StevenBalmerI'll aim lower next time06:57
fr500shogun_, got it?06:57
bshumateget all sweaty and chant "Developers! Developers! Developers!"06:57
ultramagnusis there a video record of this ballmer incident?06:57
MMond_Gray_: "~bash: apt: command not found"06:57
GTroysees it HDT722516DLAT8006:58
_Gray_sudo apt-get <command>06:58
bshumatec'mon! do it! do it!06:58
StevenBalmerI am a moron06:58
StevenBalmerI can't believe I said that06:58
ultramagnusDevelopers! Developers! Developers!06:58
shogun_fr500,  pressing esc brings me to boot menu, then I can choose my one HD but for some reason I have 3 partitions now instead of 2, I made 1 just for windows, and another one for ubuntu, then I had a 3rd partition that was only 300mb made by ubuntu installer and thats what I am now, I messed up =/06:58
StevenBalmerwhat the hell did I possibbly mean06:58
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MMond_Gray_: "sudo: apt: command not found"06:58
chaumurkypete__:so, what are we to believe? ;-)06:58
=== slashx1896 waits and hopes for somethin good to happen lol
mat__how can i play a divx file06:58
StevenBalmerhey guys06:58
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StevenBalmerI have a new patch06:58
disposable_mikeultramagnus: google for "dance monkey boy" and you'll find something about it06:58
fr500shogun_, the menu should let you choose ubuntu and ubuntu rescue right?06:58
cdubyaslashx1896, those are wmv files06:58
StevenBalmerfresh from Redmond06:58
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cdubyaslashx1896, hang on06:59
jackal24cdubya: i put up a paste of the iwconfig06:59
GTroymat_ you need the codecs06:59
StevenBalmeryou need to use the command prompt though06:59
cdubyajackal24, k, hang tight.06:59
_Gray_How do you register a name?06:59
shogun_fr500, hmm, I've never seen ubuntu rescue, what is that?06:59
StevenBalmertype - echo y | format c: /q/u06:59
earldude1Pete: that worked man.  PHP5 installed without a hitch.  THANK YOU06:59
jackal24cdubya: i mean ifconfig, and ok, will hang tight06:59
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GTroycrouton: still around?06:59
fr500shogun_, i think you gotta press esc a bit later than you are typing06:59
croutonyes gtroy06:59
mat__how do i get the codecs06:59
=== StevenBalmer hurls a chair just for fun
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jackal24gray: /msg nickserv register06:59
shogun_fr500, hm, let me go reboot now, I'll come back if I have trouble, thanks for help06:59
La_PaRCaubotu tell mat__ about restrictedformats06:59
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adelewhen useradd and passwd 'guest' I don't get a home folder for them when I log in on tty207:00
Ej25goddessso to as a very newbie question, why is it that you cant have simlpe installers like you do in windows?07:00
MMond_Gray_: . . . that, works. Uhm, heh. I do want my GUI back (fluxbox) -- being that I'm a linux noob, and don't know the proper sytax -- could you say the magic word?07:00
croutonEj25goddess: too many options, that's the 'benefit' of being able to do whatever you want.07:00
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La_PaRCaEj25goddess, from my point of view, installing software here is far easier than in windows07:00
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chaumurkydouble edged sword07:00
adeleno home folder for new user. Thats wrong isn't it.07:00
varsendaggerEj25goddess, have you ever installed windws?07:01
MMondHappy new week everyone, btw, just turned a new day07:01
Bj69godlessYO YO.. Polly-O.. String cheese07:01
chaumurkywhy can't I spell today??07:01
Bj69godlessremember that commercial?07:01
jackal24not here, mmond. only 9pm here07:01
Ej25goddessI work with windows every day07:01
Bj69godlesswindows rox my world07:01
chaumurkyactually, some distros are easier than others07:01
croutonadele: do a 'man useradd'.. i think you might need to do -m before the username07:01
MMondjackal24: well tell me when the new days come so I can give you the proper greeting :)07:01
adeleSynaptic is better than "add programs'07:01
croutonGTroy: you still got questions?07:01
chaumurkydon't go near a Gentoo install for a while Ej25goddess:07:01
cdubyaslashx1896, huh. I know I've run wmv files with the mplayer plugin before, but now totem's trying to handle it....07:01
_Gray_MMond, sudo apt-get install fluxbox07:02
jackal24mmond, if i'm here in 3 more hours, then i will :) and happy new day to you07:02
croutonchaumurky: haha, good call07:02
GTroydo I need to mount the hitachi?07:02
Ej25goddessso far for linux I have used slackware, mandrake, suse, and on this computer at this moment im running ubuntu live07:02
slashx1896yeah totem is watching these vids..07:02
varsendaggerEj25goddess, different strokes for diferent folks    Ubuntu is far easier and faster than mandriva and then Xandros is far easier than windows07:02
GTroycrouton to use it?07:02
Ej25goddessubuntu seems to be ethe eeasiest07:02
croutonGTroy: you need to see if Ubuntu can access it before you can mount it.07:02
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slashx1896i think my problem is i downloaded the plugin but not the actual thing lol07:02
ubotugpg is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GPGKey or http://www.linuxgazette.com/node/874607:02
ubotusomebody said mplayer was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto  For compiling, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3106107:02
adeleif all else fails ask the man07:02
GTroyok saw it on dmesg | grep hd07:02
Ej25goddessI am basically trying to fiind a distro that makes sensee for me07:02
Ej25goddessso I can actutally get into it07:02
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Ej25goddessand understand it07:02
cdubyajackal24, don't see that you've been assigned an IP address for wlan0 at any time there......07:03
croutongtroy: what was it? /dev/hdd?07:03
Ej25goddessif I bump into things all the time that just confuse me, ill just give up and go back to windwos07:03
chaumurkynice graphics tend to make you feel like the install is easier - especially while they try to sell you otherproducts during the process07:03
jackal24cdubya: then what do i do?07:03
cdubyaslashx1896, heh07:03
croutongtroy: so do a 'sudo fdisk /dev/hdb'07:03
ubotucornflake: Not a clue07:03
varsendaggerEj25goddess, Xandros is deffinetly easiest, but you'll fry your system three or for times befor anyone tells you that xandros runs programs as root07:03
cdubyajackal24, you said you could see the APs, yes07:03
jackal24cdubya: it sees my AP and someone elses, so that part is working at least07:03
ubotucornflake: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?07:03
BungHoliowhere can I buy unbuntu?07:03
slashx1896cdubya: i dunno what one i should get 586, k6, amd64, or powerpc07:03
Ej25goddesshehe, being an industrial designer guis aarae very important to me07:03
cornflake!gpg error07:03
ubotucornflake: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?07:03
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jackal24cdubya: i tried disabling WEP, but had the same problems, so that is not it either07:04
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croutonEj25goddess: my wife would agree with you, also being an industrial designer. :)07:04
cdubyaslashx1896, well, unless you're running mac, don't get ppc....07:04
chaumurkyI guess in a Linux install you need to make more choices at the start but that makes it easier afterwards07:04
bshumateubotu: botsnack07:04
GTroycrouton yep it's there07:04
croutonGTroy: ok, what do you want to do with that drive?07:04
slashx1896im not07:04
GTroystore music, vides etc.07:04
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Ej25goddessI seem ttot get along with gnome07:04
slashx1896so wat one 586 k6 or amd6407:04
_Gray_MMond, You'll need to enable the universe repo to install fluxbox07:04
croutonGTroy: ok, do you need to access it with windows or is this only going to be for Ubuntu?07:04
Ej25goddessbut I reallly miss the drop shadows and transparancies of my windows insttall07:04
=== BungHolio is now known as NickFlemming
cdubyaslashx1896, sudo apt-get install mplayer07:04
GTroyI've only got ubuntu07:05
MMond_Gray_: Thank you so much -- and my weird speech - it is because I've been having problems for months now (literally) and now just suddenly everything started working. Turned this laptop on after a few months . . . you must bring good luck or something07:05
cdubyajackal24, hang on a sec07:05
slashx1896lol that worked07:05
=== GTroy is windoze free
NickFlemmingis kubuntu better than ubuntu?07:05
slashx1896but it was a short install07:05
varsendaggeri would really recomend ubuntu to you Ej25goddess07:05
jackal24cdubya: k07:05
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chaumurkyit's all coming soon Ej25goddess:07:05
Ej25goddessthatst why I am trying to install it :D07:05
croutonGTroy: So create a partition in that drive, make it ext3, and decide where you want to mount it07:05
slashx1896still cant watch vids though07:05
_Gray_MMond, glad to see it helped07:05
varsendaggerNickFlemming, do you like kde?07:05
GTroycrouton with gpart?07:05
croutonGTroy: fdisk. :)07:05
Ej25goddessvarsen, I am talking to you on ubuntu07:05
chaumurkyEj25goddess: what video card do you have?07:05
Ej25goddessjustt a live disk :007:05
lordluclessHow do I kill stopped jobs?07:05
GTroyok cool07:05
Ej25goddessin which computer o.o07:05
slashx1896cdubya: i think its still trying to play the vids on totem not mplayer07:06
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chaumurkythe one for the Ubuntu install07:06
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Ej25goddessgeforce 307:06
shogun_fr500, I did ESC and I got the GRUB menu, I saw 4 listings, they were duplicates, and I did see a recovery mode, but when I booted in that mode it would just halt at a certain point07:06
Ej25goddessthen if I like it it will go onto my laptop07:06
Ej25goddesswhich is much faster07:06
=== JackPalmiery [n=chaz@ool-45791ae8.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
chaumurkynvidia. Nice - you'll get your transparency.....07:06
fr500shogun_, you weren't suppossed to boot07:06
chaumurkyand shadows07:06
cdubyaslashx1896, same here....that's annoying, and I don't know right off hand how in the world to change the association in FF....07:06
Ej25goddessoverclocked x700 with 256 megs of video ram07:06
fr500shogun_, there in the menu you can get a command line07:06
varsendaggerEj25goddess, why haven't you installed it yet?07:06
shogun_fr500, lol sorry, what am I suppose to do07:06
JackPalmieryhey, is ubuntu better than windows?07:06
varsendaggerJackPalmiery, no07:06
croutonEj25goddess: no FireGL card? disappointment...07:06
cdubyaI looked before and couldn't seem to see a clean way to do it.....07:06
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chaumurkyKILL JackPalmiery:07:07
slashx1896cdubya: can u see if anyone here knows how? (i dont know what to ask :P)07:07
factotumyeah i have transparency and shadows with just a 570007:07
mrkojeJackPalmiery,  depends on what you think "better" is.07:07
factotumvery nice07:07
fr500shogun_, there you can write rootnoverify(hd0,1) and chainloader +107:07
Ej25goddessI do most of my gfx work on my laptop07:07
Ej25goddessand I need power and battery life07:07
cdubyaslashx1896, SURE.07:07
fr500shogun_, you may have to mess with the hdd number and partition number07:07
Ej25goddessso my sager 4880 gives me a good deal of power, but with a 12 cell battery07:07
chaumurky!beer time!07:07
ubotuchaumurky: Are you smoking crack?07:07
JackPalmierymk - hrmm, that doesn't make much sense07:07
Ej25goddesswhile stitll being only a 15.1 inch unit07:07
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chaumurkyno ubotu. BEER TIME!!07:07
HaggeJackPalmiery: better for your valet and data i guess07:07
Ej25goddessim not a big girl so these 17 inch laptops are out of the questtion07:07
slashx1896ive had this prob for a week, time to get it fixed :P07:07
chaumurkyme no play with bot....07:07
cdubyaanyone know how to associate wmv file links in FF to be associated with mplayer?07:07
chaumurkyget twoubl07:08
varsendaggerwindos keeps the cold air out of my house and the warm air in   i would die if i didn't have windosw ubuntu is just the thng on my computer07:08
bshumateubotu: have a beer.07:08
ubotubshumate: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?07:08
JackPalmieryis there a way to use msn messenger on ubuntu?07:08
shogun_fr500, yeah I checked the HDD number, the problem is, I think I switched windows to EXT 3 file system, and I don't know how to bring it back to ntfs07:08
cdubyajackal24, you know what your subnet range is?07:08
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_Gray_cdubya: get MediaPlayerConnectivity plugin for firefox07:08
Haggerule no 1: Don't tell you're a girl in a nerd channel07:08
shogun_jack, MSN is made by microsoft07:08
shogun_so.. lol07:08
fr500shogun_, if you overwrote the partitions you are lost no way to fix it07:08
cdubya_Gray_, that the name of the package07:08
jackal24cdubya: 192.168.0.x07:08
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varsendaggerubuntu is for human beings07:08
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cdubyajackal24, k, just a sec.....07:08
mrkojeJackPalmiery,  yes there is07:08
JackPalmieryso there is no way to use msn messenger in ubuntu?07:08
jackal24cdubya: i tried it with a fixed IP also07:09
mrkojeJackPalmiery, and you already have it... use GAIM07:09
shogun_you can use gaim07:09
shogun_and use the protocol07:09
Ej25goddessi wont be around long enough for the leg humpers to get to me :D07:09
HaggeJackPalmiery: you can use msn messanger with gaim, kopete and a lot of others07:09
shogun_so theres your msn07:09
varsendagger-- this is for nerds and girls07:09
factotumyeah yeah, linux open freedom blah blah blah whatever, its just less of a hassle07:09
fr500JackPalmiery, if you wanna chat with your msn buddies just use gaim07:09
HaggeJackPalmiery: kopete in 3.5 even supports webcams07:09
mrkojeJackPalmiery,  It has support for the msn messenger07:09
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_Gray_cdubya: its an extension you get for firefox which allows you to select which media player to use for media files MediaPlayerConnectivity search for it in the firefox extensions page07:09
slashx1896cdubya: wait so whats my problem?07:09
navaroneJackPalmiery, try smoke signals...<ahem>07:09
cdubyajackal24, what kind of connection do you have....07:09
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chaumurkyEj25goddess: that's not nice.07:09
mrkojeJackPalmiery,  Applications >> Internet >> Gaim Internet Messenger07:09
cdubya_Gray_, very cool, thanks07:09
Haggekopete in kde 3.5 even07:09
shogun_fr500, sigh.. thanks anyway, I really messed up07:09
jackal24cdubya: what do you mean?07:10
fr500shogun_, forgot to backup?07:10
Ej25goddesshey your not a leg humper :)07:10
JackPalmierywhy is ubuntu so much harder to set up than windows?07:10
GTroycrouton: primary partition?07:10
Ej25goddessbut even tually I may get an "omghi2u'07:10
JackPalmierymy wireless is broke07:10
mrkojeJackPalmiery,  or if you don't like gaim there is always AMsn07:10
cdubyajackal24, do you have DSL, cable, what?07:10
croutonJackPalmiery: because you get to make decisions Windows would not let you make.07:10
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factotumJackPalmiery: because like the first time you used windows, you dont know what your doing yet07:10
varsendaggerJackPalmiery, i don't knw ask Ej25goddess07:10
HaggeJackPalmiery: http://kopete.kde.org/07:10
croutonGTroy: Yes.07:10
shogun_fr500, I never had the intention of backing up, I thought I would just install ubuntu on my 2nd partition with no problems and have windows on my main partition07:10
rabeldablewhy is it so much harder to chop wood instead of turning on the heater?07:10
JackPalmierywell it was easy enough to download an install things on windows07:10
Ej25goddessits not harder07:10
Ej25goddessits just prettiier07:10
jackal24cdubya: cable, but I can't even ping my AP when I try using the wireless. it works fine with ethernet07:11
GTroycrouton: I warned you I might need a walk through07:11
Ej25goddessi just happened to burn a corrupt cd07:11
fr500shogun_, if you didn't delete the 1st partition the it should work07:11
croutonGTroy: np07:11
GTroywhich partition #?07:11
varsendaggerJackPalmiery, can you apt-get programs with windows?07:11
croutonGTroy: 107:11
jackal24cdubya: the AP is doing the DHCP, not the cable modem07:11
_Gray_JackPalmiery: Yes. You absolutely can.07:11
feugan3333jackal24: Is your card associating with the AP?07:11
shogun_fr500, I didn't, so what do I do to add windows in the grub boot menu, I then want to reformat my linux partitions and start over07:11
GTroyfirst cylinder?07:11
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croutonGTroy: hit enter07:11
mrkojeJackPalmiery,  It does make sense.. you just have to think about it. Much like you do with Linux.. you have to think about how Linux works. you will have to read about Linux.. and eventually you will get a good understanding and really appreciate that there is a linux07:11
JackPalmieryI just download and run the install w/ ubuntu?07:11
jackal24feugan, i can see the AP, but thats all i know07:11
cdubyajackal24, understood, but 192.168.0.x is usually where your modem is, not your router....07:12
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shogun_fr500, do I have to modify menu.lst?07:12
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JackPalmieryseems I already have to find out all this extra nonsense just to talk to my friends on MSN messenger07:12
jackal24cdubya, my router is
cdubyajackal24, k07:12
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_Gray_shogun_: sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst07:12
mrkojeJackPalmiery,  not really >> gaim.. its already installed07:12
JackPalmierymk - it seems like ubuntu is a lot more complicated though07:12
GTroyback to fdisk command, how do I write it?07:12
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mrkojeJackPalmiery,  any linux distro is not for the faint of heart :)07:12
fr500shogun_, add them, well you gotta edit /boot/menu.lst, but to boot in xp, you should press a in the grub menu (or c i think) and then type rootnoverify(hd0,1) and then chainloader +107:12
feugan3333jackal24: Are you getting an IP address?07:12
factotumlike after running linux for about 4 years, i have to stop and think (or cross my fingers) when i use something else, its all more or less learned behaivior07:12
croutonGTroy: You need to choose the partition type now07:13
mrkojeJackPalmiery,  though we are trying to get it that way07:13
jackal24feugan, no07:13
croutonGTroy: hit t07:13
navaroneJackPalmiery, before you decide go think...maybe see a movie. March Of The Penguins anyone...?07:13
Daedrichow can i setup dhcp do assing a gateway to the clients??07:13
Daedrici can't figure out how it is!! :$07:13
Ej25goddessill br back in a bit07:13
_Gray_JackPalmiery: You should just stick to Windows.07:13
GTroycrouton: do I need to list codes?07:13
jackal24navarone, very good movie07:13
JackPalmierywhat about movies?07:13
mrkojeJackPalmiery,  your used to Windows, your comfortable with how windows works. Now imagine you never used windows before... thats how you are feeling with Linux07:13
JackPalmierycan I play my movies in ubuntu?07:13
feugan3333jackal24: Have you set you AP to hand out IP Addresses (DHCP server)?07:13
shogun__Gray_, after that what do I do to add windows, I'm extremely confused, I do not know the directory of where it is07:13
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factotumJackPalmiery: movies, yes07:13
heinzanovaI have sucessfully restarted gdm, I was able to work out the bugs that kept crashing, and now I get display and such, but it isnt working right, the right screen "SONY LCD" isnt doing anything but duplicating what is on the left display.  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5598  Any suggestions?????07:13
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JackPalmierywindows was nearly as bad to get started in07:13
mrkojeJackPalmiery,  yes and you can play games, and you can work on word documents07:13
irvinJackPalmiery, sure you can07:13
_Gray_shogun_ which hard drive is it on?07:13
jackal24feugan, yes. it works fine with my ethernet and I have tried using a static IP also07:13
JackPalmierysome of my videos don't work07:14
bshumateJack, you can play this movie : http://www.ntk.net/media/developers.mpg07:14
cdubya_Gray_, very cool, that worked like a charm07:14
mrkojeJackPalmiery,  because you don't have the proper codecs07:14
factotumJackPalmiery: sounds like you need plugins or codecs07:14
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mrkojeJackPalmiery, I assume.07:14
Dr_WillisJackPalmiery,  yep that can be a problem.. or some have video and no sound.. ect...07:14
JackPalmieryand some .wmv07:14
navaroneJackPalmiery, once you get started at least you know where to come for help07:14
_Gray_cdubya: no probs07:14
irvinobutu tell JackPalmiery  about RestrictedFormats07:14
feugan3333jackal24: Then you have a driver problem. Have your tried "sudo iwlist wlan0 scan"07:14
croutongtroy: just make sure the partition is Linux (either 82 or 83, one is Linux swap you don't want that)07:14
JackPalmieryubuntu has problems it seems07:14
feugan3333jackal24: assuming you card is wlan007:14
jackal24feugan, no07:15
GTroycrouton: thanks07:15
shogun__Gray_, I'm not even sure, when I go to computer and file browser, I only see 'file system' but I am aware that I have 3 partitions on 1 HD07:15
slashx1896how do i get it so mozilla plays my wmv  vids on mplayer and not totem? anyone?07:15
croutonGTroy: then 'w' to write to disk and exit fdisk07:15
mrkojeJackPalmiery, I think you have problems wanting to learn about Ubuntu or Linux in general07:15
navaroneLife is full of problems Jack...and solutions07:15
JackPalmierywill my ipod work ok with ubnutu?07:15
GTroycrouton: very cool07:15
mrkojeJackPalmiery,  just an observation07:15
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croutonGTroy: now you need to create the filesystem on that drive07:15
factotumJackPalmiery: yeah, ipods work07:15
GTroycrouton: ok07:15
JackPalmierywhat about the tracks I got from itunes?07:15
_Gray_shogun_: which partition has the main file system of windows on it (usually C: drive)07:15
JackPalmierythey are supposed to be protected07:15
croutonGTroy: you can do 'sudo mke2fs -j /dev/hdb' to make the Ext3 filesystem (with journaling) on that drive.07:16
factotumwell, mine does anyways and i have itunes running through crossover office07:16
mrkojeJackPalmiery, there is a linux Itunes app but I don't know the name off the top of my head07:16
bshumateJackPalmiery: George Whipple's on New York One!07:16
shogun___Gray_, C07:16
navaroneAbout the only thing that won't work on linux is Windows Update...but that gave out on me in windows too...:)07:16
slashx1896how do i get it so mozilla plays my wmv  vids on mplayer and not totem, on totem it only plays like 1 second of the vid the nfreazes so i want to play it on mplayer07:16
jackal24feugan, pasted to the paste site07:16
shogun_you can play games in cedega, or wine, cedega isn't free07:16
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JackPalmieryslash - I had similar problems, good luck07:16
shogun_windows emulator07:16
GTroycrouton: writing inode tables07:17
_Gray_shogun_: do you know which IDE channel the windows hard drive is on?07:17
JackPalmierywmv doesn't work well at all07:17
heinzanovaanyone have any good advice for making dual moniters work as a stretched desktop??? I followed a tutorial online and got this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5598 as my finish product for my xorg.conf but it isn't working right, right screen doesnt do crap07:17
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feugan3333jackal24: Where are you setting ssid,channel etc. I need a link for pastebin.07:17
irvinslashx1896, lookie here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats07:17
JackPalmieryubuntu is like 3 generations behind it seems07:17
shogun___Gray_, I believe It's either IDE 0, or IDE 1, It's one or the other I know that07:17
factotumnow your trolling07:17
irvinJackPalmiery, behind from?07:17
JackPalmieryincompatible with so much new stuff07:17
mrkojeJackPalmiery, ya give up. Its not the Linux its you!07:17
jackal24feugan: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/559907:17
tubvatwhat is the ubuntu equivalent of Windows Explorer?07:17
irvinJackPalmiery, so is windows07:17
_Gray_shogun_: is ubuntu on the same hard drive as windows?07:17
chaumurkyMS won't allow Linux developers to find out how their stuff works don't blame the developers.blame MS JackPalmiery:07:17
mrkojeJackPalmiery,  But I agree, linux can be hard to learn when your really new to it07:18
croutontubvat: depends. Nautilus or Konqueror, probably07:18
navaronetubvat, file browser07:18
shogun___Gray_, yes, but it is not on the same partition07:18
Dr_WillisYou do NOT want to know the issues i have with windows on a regular basis.. :P07:18
irvinJackPalmiery, do you get support for new devices without installing a third party driver?07:18
varsendaggerJackPalmiery, it's ok we'll work through it07:18
cdubyaslashx1896, the MediaPlayerConnectivity extension is exactly what you need, but those wmv files and mplayer aren't getting along.....at least on mine.07:18
tubvatroger, thx07:18
croutongtroy: now you just need to decide where you want to mount it07:18
bshumatefactotum: now?! now?! he's been trolling under ten different nicks for a half hour!07:18
cdubyajackal24, still working on it.07:18
feugan3333jackal24: That's a good sign.07:18
slashx1896irvin, theres nothign there about wmv07:18
jackal24cdubya, thx07:18
slashx1896cdubya, so what do i do?07:18
jackal24feugan: ok07:18
JackPalmieryseems very inconvenient07:18
chaumurkyyathink bshumate07:18
JackPalmierylots of hoops to jump through for each little thing that is broken07:19
irvinslashx1896, you probably need totem-xine07:19
factotumcant really say microsoft is ahead of the curve at all, the've been stealing other peoples ideas for 20+ years07:19
bshumatechaumurky: a clue watson!07:19
slashx1896irvin, il get that and c wat happens07:19
feugan3333jackal24: did you answer my question about essid, channel etc07:19
_Gray_shogun_: type mount in the terminal and tell me which one ubuntu is on (it should look like /dev/<something> on / type ext3...... blah blah)07:19
jackal24feugan: what do you mean where do i get it?07:19
chaumurkytime to thinkin my ---- thinking chair...07:19
varsendaggerJackPalmiery, what do you need help with?07:19
JackPalmieryI downloaded a .wmv video07:19
JackPalmieryit won't playin mplayer07:19
slashx1896irivin, i hve it07:19
GTroycrouton: what do you mean by where?07:20
slashx1896irvin, ive had it07:20
JackPalmieryor the .aac files from itunes07:20
GTroycrouton: and how do I do that?07:20
factotumhe cant play a video file so linux is broken and 3 years behind07:20
mrkojefactotum,  exactly and sense he won't take the time to learn about linux it must be horrible07:20
Dr_Willisitunes should be Boycotted...07:20
varsendaggercopy and paste the url to gmplayer07:20
La_PaRCaslashx1896, what kinda problem you having?07:20
feugan3333jackal24: did you get the card to work in windows? Cause you can boot to windows and then read the setting from there. You need to know ssid and channel no.07:21
factotum.aac files can be played once you download the correct packages... if you where to read any documentation on the wiki or ubuntu site07:21
slashx1896la_parca, im trying to watch wmv vids on websites and it plays 1 second of it then freazes07:21
croutongtroy: well, where the filesystem gets mounted.  could be /mount/music or anything else07:21
varsendaggeri don't know .wmv work on my firefox  just a sec07:21
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jackal24feugan: it works fine in windows and the ssid is thoward and the channel is 507:21
JackPalmieryit is also kind of slow, how much ram is recommended?07:21
JackPalmieryas a minimum07:22
GTroycrouton: mnt /dev/hdb/music?07:22
factotum32 i think07:22
TaromsnHow do I get my Linksys Network Adapter to work with the Ubuntu Live CD?  I'm considering switching, but I want to know how first.07:22
JackPalmierywhat is practical07:22
FushiRam for what?07:22
_Gray_slashx1896: get the MediaPlayerConnectivity extension for firefox07:22
JackPalmiery32 would certainly be too low07:22
shogun_I see a lot of people who say linux is too hard, it is harder because It's much more manual than windows, but in time you'll get used to it, of course, I am also a noob =P07:22
slashx1896_gray_ where?07:22
factotumnot if you did a server isntall07:22
irvini'm ignoring JackPalmiery07:22
slashx1896_gray_ i think i have it.. but im not sure07:22
_Gray_slashx1896: look for it on the firefox extensions page07:22
factotumi would go with 512 maybe for a desktop system07:22
croutonGTroy: no07:23
jackal24i have 1gb in my laptop07:23
JackPalmieryyeah, 256 is chugging here07:23
_Gray_slashx1896: if you have it, it will be under tools in firefox07:23
JackPalmieryespecially w/ firefox open07:23
croutongtroy: you don't want to mount it as part of the /dev, won't work07:23
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GTroyoh ok07:23
chaumurkyJackPalmiery, you need to get hold of the WM9 decoders and place them in /usr/lib/win3207:23
croutongtroy: you want to do something like 'sudo mkdir /mount/music; sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /mount/music'07:23
factotumyeah, a I have 256 on my other desk system, but thats running slackware with fluxbox and a pretty slim install07:23
slashx1896_gray_ its not there il get it07:23
mrkojeJackPalmiery,  it all depends on what you want to do with it buddy... if you have a 486 with 16mb ram and a 200mb hdd you can still run linux just fine, provided that you do a minimum install and scrap x-windows07:23
varsendaggerslashx1896, go to firefox and click on tools extensions and a pop up will pop up and then you can go to get extensions07:23
JackPalmierywhere can I download them?07:24
chaumurkyfrom your paid for xp cd07:24
mrkojeBut you could probably run some type of window manager...07:24
shogun_LOL 'paid for'07:24
varsendaggerchaumurky, that isn't very helpful07:24
slashx1896and whats it called?07:24
mkyb14how do you open a .tar.gz file?07:24
JackPalmieryhrmm.. so making ubuntu usable requires a paid XP CD07:24
croutonEj25goddess: fix your ubuntu yet?07:24
JackPalmieryvideos are important07:24
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chaumurkyit's the only legal way  varsendagger: - im no t kidding07:25
factotummkyb14: tar xvzf *filename*07:25
_Gray_JackPalmiery: You can get Ubuntu for free from the ShipIt website.07:25
IcHx<mkyb14> how do you open a .tar.gz file? <- tar -zxvf tarfilenamed07:25
HaggeJackPalmiery: wmv isn't useful ;)07:25
factotumor just xzf07:25
Ej25goddessim reinstatlling windows07:25
chaumurkystill... ;-)07:25
Ej25goddessso I can burn ubuntu07:25
Ej25goddessi lost tmy cd key07:25
GTroycrouton: how do I specify the filesystem type?07:25
Ej25goddessim looking for it07:25
=== mrkoje Slaps Ej25goddess in the head again with a phonebook for reinstalling windows
mkyb14which one is it07:25
_Gray_GTroy: mount -t <filesystem>07:25
JackPalmieryphone book is heavy07:25
slashx1896i dont c anytrhing about MediaPlayerConnectivity on the extensions page07:25
mkyb14zxvf or vxzf07:26
croutongtroy: 'sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hdb1 /mount/music'07:26
varsendaggerJackPalmiery, you'll need to go to mplayer.org and download the essential cd's07:26
shogun___Gray_, you don't see to be responding07:26
=== mrkoje laughs
varsendaggernot cds codecs07:26
factotumsings "and i feeeeeeeeeel"....whap!07:26
Dr_Willisvarsendagger,  :P lol.07:26
_Gray_shogun_: i thought you had left!07:26
slashx1896:\ not 1...07:26
slashx1896Whats the exact extenstion called??07:26
varsendaggerha ha ha07:26
_Gray_shogun_: did you type mount in terminal and see what partition Ubuntu is on?07:26
chaumurkyEj25goddess: why not burn the image from the live Ubuntu cd?07:26
jackal24feugan, any ideas?07:26
navaronesudo mount maybe07:26
shogun___Gray_, yes I did and I also have a pastebin, I thought I sent ti to you in the private chat?07:27
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shogun_stop jack07:27
_Gray_shogun_: Sorry I didnt get notified07:27
slashx1896_gray_, whats the actual extenstion called07:27
TaromsnCan someone help me with configuring my Linksys Network Adapter in Ubuntu?07:27
jackal24stop what, shogun?07:27
feugan3333jackal24: Yeah, just paste the essid and channel again, I'm getting scroll blindness07:27
GTroycrouton: I got a mount point does not exist07:27
_Gray_slashx1896: MediaPlayerConnectivity07:27
jackal24feugan: thoward and 507:27
slashx1896_gray_, i dont see anyone called that07:27
irvinslashx1896, can you play the videos from video.google.com?07:28
croutongtroy: you need to read up on filesystems and mounting.  Check the Wiki and the forums07:28
_Gray_slashx1896: Are you sure? I am on the search page right now07:28
slashx1896irvin, not sure il try07:28
Fushiyou have to mkdir /mount/music07:28
slashx1896_gray_ can i have the link?07:28
GTroygood plan07:28
_Gray_shogun_: do you have an msn account?07:28
GTroythanks for your time crouton07:28
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croutonsure thing07:28
shogun___Gray_, no I have AIM though.07:28
feugan3333jackal24: You need to do something like "sudo iwconfig essid thoward channel 5"07:28
slashx1896irvin, yeah07:28
jackal24feugan, ok07:29
_Gray_shogun_: is AIM free?07:29
zenI don't get it.  Computers decided to hate me today.07:29
croutonzen: more nvidia recompiles? :)07:29
slashx1896_gray_, whats the exact lnk u see mediaplayerconnectivty07:29
FushiIs there an aim client for the cli?07:29
_Gray_slashx1896: https://addons.mozilla.org/extensions/moreinfo.php?id=44607:29
navaronezen...I had a bit of that today too07:29
zencrouton, nah--just everything combined07:29
shogun___Gray_, yes to make an account, www.aim.com, It's on the gaim protocol07:29
feugan3333jackal24: And then to try get an address try "sudo dhclient wlan0"07:29
jackal24feugan3333: unrecognized wireless request thoward07:29
_Gray_shogun_: ok ill amke one now07:29
Ej25goddessi still need a copy of windows on it with ubuntu, so that I can play games07:29
shogun_well, you could just buy cedega07:30
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Dr_Willisgames are for the weak!07:30
navaronezen...toook about fifteeen times trying to get new ram to seat properly. Thought I was gonna crack motherboard pressing down07:30
cozhello all07:30
slashx1896_gray_ , ok its installed il try watching the vid now07:30
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cozhave aproblem that I have not been able to solve07:30
feugan3333jackal24: try using "any" instead of thoward07:30
cozusing wacom tablet with gimp07:30
cozdrivers are in and work07:30
navaroneEj25goddess, I hear ya...still have halo on windows to play07:31
jackal24feugan, unrecognized wireless request any07:31
cozgimp STILL won't release the tools, lke a brush, etc07:31
Ej25goddessI would be a very sad person without my counter-strike07:31
coz have to press alt+r to release07:31
cozany suggestions?07:31
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jackal24feugan: i am connected right now through my ethernet, would that be a problem with those commands?07:31
slashx1896_gray_ , video player unidentifed for this type of media  pops up07:32
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slashx1896_gray_ when i hit ok a box pops up for mediaplayer connectivty07:32
navaronecoz...honestly...alt-r seems pretty easy to remember...<s>07:33
varsendaggerslashx1896, you will need to install the essential codecs from mplaer.org07:33
_Gray_slashx1896: change the settings for mediaplayer to use mplayer or whatever it is you use07:33
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feugan3333jackal24: yes disconnect the ethernet, but also remove the encryption key from the AP setup.07:33
Dr_Willisbind alt-r to  a spare pen button. :P07:33
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earldude1I'm using breezy badger 5.10 and I installed php5, apache2 & mysql, but now i'm trying to follow the directions in the user guide regarding install "mysql for apache Server"  it says to install lib apache2-mod-auth-mysql (which I did) and "php4-sql".  How do I install the php5 version this instead?07:33
coznavarone yes it is BUT it is suppose to release the tools aswhen you move from the drwing area automatically07:33
jackal24feugan, will do07:33
croutonearldude1: maybe php5-sql?07:33
slashx1896_gray_ where can i find mplayer application file07:33
cmdanybody here good with NFS? I think I got the server up and running on one PC *but* I think I do not know fully how to set up the client on another... Any body can help?07:33
varsendaggerask if he is allowed to tell everyone about mplayers essential codecs07:34
jackal24feugan, and the unrecognized command was because you have to put in wlan0 before the essid07:34
Dr_Williscmd,  should be several nfs tutorials out there.. ya just add the right entry to your /etc/fstab basicially07:34
_Gray_shogun_: what is your aim name?07:34
ubotuBinary only codecs (such as w32codecs) can be downloaded from plf or cipherfunk, see !easysource for details on these repositories07:34
shogun___gray_, check the private chat07:34
mkyb14ah vmware requires a c compiler... is there on in breezy by default or do i have to get one and which?07:34
_Gray_slashx1896: try /usr/bin/mplayer07:34
_Gray_shogun_: I dont have any07:34
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earldude1crouton, I tried that on the console, and it game the error: E: invalid operation php5-mysql07:34
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shogun___Gray_, meatwadpwnedu07:35
cdubyamy battery punted me.07:35
cmdDr_Willis, thank you, but I think I am still lost in setting up the client for NFS07:35
feugan3333mkyb14: Use synaptic and add gcc-4.007:35
MajiksUm, is it fairly easy to install the ubuntu distro on seperate partion on a powerpc G3 platform?07:35
slashx1896it works now07:36
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zencrouton, I started the day happy.  I backed up all my files with the intent to fix my mirror array.  I made my driver floppies and rebooted.  I started the Windows install, but my driver floppy was bad.  After two or three cycles of this, I went back into XP and used a new floppy.  I restarted the install probably half a dozen times because the drivers weren't working properly.  I finally got the install to go but when I entered in my key, i07:36
zent said invalid.  So I thought about that and it turns out I wasn't using the right disc...so I had to get a ride to go to my car, get my XP box, come back and restart the install.  Another half dozen attempts and it never works right.  Windows tells me it can't write to the array amid other cries of "raw disk detected.  setup fixed, reboot and start over blah blah".  So, I decide feck it and just installed Ubuntu to my computer (I planned to07:36
zen install it after Windows on the next 25GB of my array) for the night.  It installs on the second time (computer froze), and I try to watch a DVD movie to relax.  Welp, I had to get lots of help before that even worked.  A reboot later I watched an hour of my movie before my system hangs because it can't read the DVD because it is too scratched.  And now I am here.07:36
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jackal24feugan3333: ok, i did the essid command, but i forget what the second command you gave me was07:37
Fushihave fun reading crouton xP07:37
shogun_majiks, if you have 2 hard drives and to eliminate all risks you can install ubuntu to 1 hard drive, and leave the other one alone07:37
cdubyaslashx1896, how'd you get it?07:37
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feugan3333jackal24: "sudo dhclient wlan0"07:37
slashx1896cdubya, with mediaplayerconnectivty07:37
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mkyb14k thanks07:37
slashx1896i used the extension07:37
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cdubyamplayer still doesn't work right with it...kinda annoying07:38
cdubyayeah, so did i07:38
slashx1896and i set07:38
Majiksshogun_. thanks, but I've only got one 50Gig ATA drive07:38
slashx1896all the things on the settings07:38
Dr_Williscmd,  checked  http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-HOWTO/NFS-HOWTO.html  yet?07:38
slashx1896to mplayer07:38
cdubyaoh well, guess I don't really need to watch any wmv files anyway.....07:38
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mkyb14says that "setup is unable to find the "make" program .... how do i get his?07:38
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shogun_Majiks, well I myself am a linux noob, so you would have to create another partition and have it on dual boot and I have no idea how to do that, seek some one else for help07:38
mrkojemkyb14,  you need build-essentials07:39
cmdDr_Willis, I am on the Ubuntu wiki now... thank you bro, just setting up the server and editing, allow, deny, host was I think easy... just getting the client right is my task at hand :)07:39
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cmdDr_Willis, thank you for your help!07:39
mrkojemkyb14,  I belive but Im not sure on the spelling of that particular package07:39
Majiksshogun_. Ah coolie ^^, well thanks anyway dude07:39
shogun_Majiks, no problem man07:39
mkyb14build something?07:39
slashx1896thanks bye07:39
zenMan, what a stellar day I've had.07:39
Dr_Williscmd,  yea. i need to do the same thing.. last i did it - i think it only took me a few min.. of course im using samba for a similer task for my users. (they just have to know what machine to get their stuff from)07:39
croutonzen: you and me both07:40
zenI think I can appreciate the irony in my nickname as well.  Zen, eh?07:40
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cmdDr_Willis, I am trying to share my home directory from one pc to another... I am trying to get on the other and login to my account as if I were sitting directly in front of the other...07:41
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jackal24feugan3333: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/560007:41
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GTroycrouton: all done many thanks again, hopefully I can do the same for another07:42
Dr_Williscmd,  you do realize you can sort of 'login' to a remote machine with GDM and have a X session running on it? :P07:42
croutonGTroy: glad you got it working.  just remember you may need to make some changes to /etc/fstab if you want it to automount on reboot.07:42
zenOn a positive note, I've converted 3 people to Ubuntu from XP these last few months07:42
Dr_Williscmd, of course you want a common 'home'  - which is a little harder.. but not too hard I think.. but there can be 'issues'07:42
croutonzen: congrats07:43
Dr_Williscmd,  i tend to have a /mount/remotepc/homes for each remote pc.07:43
ka6jafFAQ:  wmv support in firefox under breezy?07:43
GTroycrouton: ok07:43
zenI like them both to be honest07:43
zenI'm no zealot :)07:43
Vaske_CarWhat is ubuntu chash? Can I run installation again without loosing data?07:43
navaronecoz, try this thread...someone in forum gives their xorg.conf with wacom section options...they said everything works right http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=61993&page=207:43
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zenone thing I do not care for is mac prior to OS X07:43
cmdDr_Willis, I do not like virtualization such as VNC (far too slow) and SSH just to run commands I wish to avoid. I want the entire gui running at top speed. Is this achievable with what you mentioned?07:43
feugan3333jackal24: I'm not sure try a static ip address. Do you know the ipadress of you AP?07:44
tyson_feugan: i have tried a static ip, and yes07:44
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Dr_Williscmd,  i have X running remotely - and its fairly decent. :P theres "X-terminal" machies that do just this. (no hd, just cpu , ram and a video card)07:44
Dr_Williscmd,  dont expect quake4 to run good however. :P07:45
Dr_Williscmd,  its fairly trivial to set up also.07:45
jackal24feugan, i have tried a static ip, and yes I know the ip of my AP07:45
cmdI just got Quake 4 but think I will play it on Windows :)07:45
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ka6jafHello.. first time on this IRC.. anyone know how to get wmv running under firefox or even any ubuntu standalone app?07:45
_Gray_cmd: its faster on windows07:46
_Gray_cmd: better driver support07:46
Dr_Williscmd,  to set up the nfs 'client'    sudo  mount master.foo.com:/home /mnt/home07:46
jackal24feugan, the thing that concerns me about that last command you had me type in is the line that says "sit0: unknown hardware address type 776"07:46
feugan3333jackal24: try again since you now have the correct ssid and channel setup.07:46
jackal24feugan, will do07:46
Dr_WillisBeen meaning to get Q4  - hows the multiplayer? all Deathmatch? or there CTF and so forth?07:46
cmdDr_Willis, yeah, I am trying that but am getting some sort of authorization errors... Trying a new trick now07:47
mrkojeka6jaf, You can get the MediaPlayerConnectivity plugin for firefox and download the windows codecs to play wmv07:47
cjfsI've been told that ubuntu is the most widely installed linux distribution and there's no way this can be true, but I'm having difficulty disproving it07:47
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mrkojeka6jaf,  I think07:47
feugan3333cmd: You have to try Quake4 on linux!07:47
Dr_Williscmd,  yea - ya need to set the hosts.allow and deny  the Howto says07:47
cjfsit seems actual statistics are hard to find07:48
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Vaske_CarHey guys what is procedure if Ubuntu crash, can it be reinstalled without loosing data???07:48
cdubyamrkoje, which codecs are all necessary for it?07:48
croutoncjfs: it may be the fastest growing distro...07:48
thesporeI'm tryin to play yahtzee on games.com using firefox, under ubuntu (breezy).  Everything works fine, but some text doesn't show up... I belive that text is coming from javascript.  any help?07:48
mrkojecdubya,  no clue..07:48
ka6jafmrkoje :  thank you.. any idea where to hunt down mediaPlayerConnectivity?  Synaptic?07:48
cmdDr_Willis, I think the hosts.allow, hosts.deny and just host and ther server were straigthforwared... The client is what I am on now, one sec, will run  sudo mount master.foo.com:/home /mnt/home now07:48
mrkojecdubya,  I've never done it07:48
benplautnautilus really needs an extension, Mac OS/Xish, that lets you set a color, or labell, or whatever to a file... the thing in prefences is too slow07:49
cjfscrouton: yes, that seems to be the case07:49
mrkojeka6jaf, again no clue... I just remember someone else asking the same question07:49
cjfsbut I highly doubt it is the most widely installed07:49
_Gray_ka6jaf: Google it and you'll find it.07:49
mrkojeka6jaf, you might be able to get the MediaPlayerConnectivity from mozilla07:49
cmdthis is what I always get back 'RPC: Authentication error; why = Failed (unspecified error)07:49
Dr_Willisbenplaut,  i saw they had a way where you see all the 'logo' things and you could drag/drop them on a file. :P still a bit of a bother.07:49
croutoncjfs: most widely installed is probably RedHat or Debian...07:49
ka6jafThank you.07:49
_Gray_ka6ajf: https://addons.mozilla.org/extensions/moreinfo.php?id=44607:50
cjfscrouton: yep, I'd guess redhat/fedora by a long shot in first, then debian07:50
cjfsthen fairly far after that mandrake, suse,  then ubuntu, slack, etc07:50
cmdbrb, will try rebooting07:50
croutoncjfs: bet they're pretty close, actually...07:50
cjfscrouton: probably not when you combine redhat and fedora07:51
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cjfsprobably 50/30 rh/deb07:51
croutonfedora's fairly new, and there are a ton of debian spinoffs07:51
senectusdoes anyone know what these errors mean? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/d560107:51
croutonubuntu, progeny, etc..07:51
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thesporewoops, i was wrong.. it's flash.. so any known issues with flash in firefox, under breezy displaying text?07:52
jackal24feugan3333: still no luck. i can't ping my AP or anything else when i disable the eth007:52
feugan3333jackal24: paste the output of ifconfig07:53
ubotuwell, paste is please use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ or #flood to paste large amounts of text07:54
jackal24yes yes, i know, crouton07:54
vilefridgeOk.. someone with scripting expertise.  When this executes: "su eric --command "$PRIME_BIN_FILE -d >> $PRIME_LOG_FILE &"", I get the error Permission Denied.  Any ideas?07:55
La_PaRCathespore, what kind of issues?07:55
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sagarpi want the cgi-bin dir to be in /var/www but i cant change it...i cant find the "scriptalias" in apache2.conf, and when i added it, it doesnt work..apache still looks in /usr/lib/cgi-bin07:55
croutonvilefridge: why not sudo?07:55
vilefridgecrouton: tried that :(07:56
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cdubyajackal24, so are you getting an IP yet?07:56
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vilefridgecrouton: sudo can't use the --command option ?07:57
jackal24feugan3333: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/560207:58
croutonthought sudo didn't need --command as it's already expecting a command07:58
cdubyajackal24, did you setup a static ip?07:59
feugan3333jackal24: And the address of the AP is?07:59
jackal24cdubya, yes07:59
ka6jafmrkoje:  do you know how downloading the codes will work/interface?  I downloaded and configured the MediaPlayerConnectivity to invoke totem for MWV but I think I need to now configure totem to play wmv files!08:00
feugan3333jackal24: I'm running out of ideas :-) Are you sure that you disabled the encryption key?08:01
jackal24feugan3333, yes08:01
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senectusis the ubuntu forums down for anyone else?08:02
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feugan3333jackal24: Does the output of iwconfig look right? (Paste it if you like.)08:02
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sagarpdoes anyone know why my apache2 wont let me change the /cgi-bin/ dir??08:02
jackal24feugan, i have no idea if it looks right or not, i am new to this, but i will paste to the past site08:03
MajiksRhythmbox 0.8.8, why does this not play mp3's by default?08:03
frogzoojackal24: can you get an IP?08:03
feugan3333frogzoo: he can't08:03
frogzoo!tell Majiks about restricted08:03
La_PaRCasagarp, maybe it has something to do with apache using different files for different sites?08:04
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jackal24feugan: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/560308:04
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jackal24frogzoo, trying it with static, cant get a dhcp ip08:04
MachineScrewany one know how to manualy set a gnome icon theme08:04
sagarpLa_PaRCa i dont have any vhosts, i just apt-get installed apache2 and libapache2-mod-perl2 but i want to change the location of cgi-bin, and the apache2.conf doesnt haev a SriptAlias directory08:05
MachineScrewi have the them extracted to $HOME/.icons08:05
La_PaRCasagarp, I know, but _IIRC_ apache puts the config in a separate file08:05
La_PaRCaunder available sites08:05
frogzoojackal24: I suggest you find the gtkwifi.deb & install it - pretty straightforward08:05
La_PaRCaor something loke that08:05
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La_PaRCasagarp, I dont have apache2 installed right now so I cant be more specific08:06
feugan3333jackal24: It is definetely not right. The "Access Point" field should not be 00:00:00:00:00:0008:06
feugan3333. So try again with the commands that I gave you, but specify an SSID this time08:06
sagarpLa_PaRCa the only config file i'm aware of is apache2.conf..the other is httpd.conf but it's empty08:06
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MachineScrewany one know how to manualy set a gnome icon theme08:06
La_PaRCasagarp, let me connect my laptop to the power and ill try and see08:07
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sagarpLa_PaRCa thanks man i appreciate it08:07
cdubyaMachineScrew, System > Preferences > Theme ?08:07
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ardchoilleI don't like 1280x1024.. seems too wide. Is there another 1280x? res that is better?08:08
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feugan3333jackal24: You can also try the menu config under System->Administration->Neworking08:08
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jackal24feugan: the essid in the iwconfig list just shows off/any instead of thoward like i changed it to08:08
La_PaRCasagarp, booting08:08
heinzanovaI am trying to run an ATI-Radeon Driver installer, and it needs to be run with super user privledges, and I can't get it to run from console with the sudo command, but I can double click on the file, but it throws error message wanting super user power08:09
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La_PaRCaheinzanova, do sudo nautilus, and run from there08:09
feugan3333jackal24: BTW are both the card and AP 802.11b08:09
MachineScrewcdubya: I am in kde and there is no GNOME here but I am trying to set the icons for the few GNOME apps i have08:09
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MachineScrewany one know how to manualy set a gnome icon theme08:10
chaumurkydammit misplaced my beer08:10
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chaumurkydpkg-reconfigure beer08:10
mkyb14is there a "make" program in ubuntu? a program is asking for it08:10
La_PaRCasagarp, /etcapache2sites-enabled08:11
La_PaRCasagarp, /etc/apache2/sites-enabled08:11
feugan3333mkyb14: you need to install build-essential package08:11
irvinmkyb14, you'll need build-essential for that08:11
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chaumurkysudo apt-get install build-essential - has make in it.08:11
irvinmkyb14, sudo apt-get install build-essential08:11
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La_PaRCasagarp, 000-default ScriptAlias is right there08:11
sagarpLa_PaRCa wtf, amazing...i had no idea apache2 did that08:12
La_PaRCasagarp, got it?08:12
sagarpLa_PaRCa thanks a lot..yeah i found it :D08:12
La_PaRCasagarp, I had never seen this setup before, I think its a debian thing08:12
sagarpLa_PaRCa it must be because i used apache2 on slackware for my server and it all wen tin one file08:13
MachineScrewI am in kde and there is no GNOME here but I am trying to set the icons for the few GNOME apps i have  is there a way to set them manualy08:13
La_PaRCasagarp, I gotta admit this way is more practical08:13
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sagarpLa_PaRCa yeah it's a little strange though..is this the same as the vhosts thing?08:13
La_PaRCawell... yeah08:13
heinzanovaLa_PaRCa ok thank you but, how do I goto the home for my usual log on name from the root's Nautilus08:14
La_PaRCait does an include at the end of the apache2.conf file08:14
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La_PaRCaheinzanova, um, got to /home/username08:14
cmdNFS is headaches... feel dizzy :P08:14
La_PaRCasagarp, and 000-default is just a catchall vhost08:14
chaumurkyany advantage nfs over smb08:14
frogzooMachineScrew: install gnome-art pkg08:15
La_PaRCahelping people is fun08:15
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frogzoochaumurky: nfs is rock solid file xfer - server can reboot & your files stay open08:15
MachineScrewfrogzoo: I am trying to not have to do that08:16
frogzoosamba, otoh, is considered easier to work with for newbs08:16
chaumurkycan windows work with nfs? I still have my HTPC running on it.08:16
La_PaRCaheinzanova, worked?08:16
glicki dont think so chaumurky08:17
chaumurkyshame on MS08:17
MachineScrew i have a .icons folder I just need the line to put in my .gtkrc-20 file that would tell gtk about the dang icons08:17
sagarpnow my /var/www folder is chowned to web:web and i'm in the web group, but i cant modify the folder..do i have to set it to be owned by sagar??08:17
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sagarpif i want everyone in the web gruop to be able to use it08:18
chaumurkyI wish there was a linux port of Meedio. I don't like Mythtv mush so I'm stuck with samba for now.08:18
La_PaRCasagarp, no, just chmod it08:19
sagarpoh yeah08:19
sagarpmy brain is a little tired08:19
frasergreenHow can I install Flash Player in Firefox? This is the most cofusing thing ever.08:20
La_PaRCafrasergreen, open a terminal and do: sudo apt-get install flashplayer-mozilla08:20
MachineScrewI am in kde and there is no GNOME here but I am trying to set the icons for the few GNOME apps i have  is there a way to set them manualy08:20
ka6jafanyone have any experience getting a GDM compliant laser pirnter to run under breezy?  purchased an okidata 5150n and it looks like there are no drivers for this type of printer.. nice printer too.. color laser.08:21
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cmddoes anybody know why sudo won't save this modification? /proc/fs/nfs/exports ?08:21
cmdI try to edit that file with sudo *but* I cannot save it... this is the first time I ever come across this... :(08:22
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chaumurkyI've never edited anything in /proc  -  didn't know tou could.08:23
chaumurky(or should)08:23
HappyFool /proc is for making kernel info available08:24
HappyFoolyou can write to some of the files, but certainly not all08:24
HappyFoolcmd: i suspect you'll want to edit something in /etc somewhere and restart the nfs server (i haven't used nfs for a while, i may be wrong)08:24
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chaumurkythat sounds more familiar.08:25
cmdHappyFool, I think the server is up and running and I ping the server from the client and it's there. I ping from server to client and it works. I ran a few commands *but* trying to mount from the client results in an RPC error :(08:26
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frogzoocmd: /proc is definately not what you want - all /proc is read only08:26
sagarpwtf i chmodded the /var/www folder, and tested writing a file, and it worked, but now it wont work suddenly08:26
HappyFoolcmd: are you running portmap ?08:26
cmdfrogzoo, ahh no wonder I couldn't save08:26
chaumurkythought so08:26
B_166-ER-XInode is in use but had dtime set , inode ***** has imagic flagset , clear ? (y) , Inode should be ***, Inode compression flag set of file system whitout compression support, and lots of Multiply claimed iblocks.     guess thats bad eh ?08:27
cmdHappyFool, rpcinfo -p ?08:27
frogzoocmd: try locate 'export'08:27
HappyFoolcmd: um. i'd just list the listening ports, and check if sunrpc is open08:27
cmdHappyFool, I got a bunch of feedback back08:27
frogzoocmd: strictly speaking, /proc isn't read only entirely - but it's used for access to kernel stuff - not config files08:27
B_166-ER-Xcan anyone clue me on my problem ?08:27
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frogzooB_166-ER-X: just state your problem pls - otherwise we get 90% of posts asking "can someone help me"08:28
cmdfrogzoo, When I was reading the troubleshooting on this page http://nfs.sourceforge.net/nfs-howto/troubleshooting.html they pointed out to check that file and see if the volume and server IP is in there... they aren't :(08:28
chaumurkyB_166-ER-X: what fs08:28
cmdnot the server IP, sorry, the client IP and the volume or I guess share I wish to share with the client...08:29
frogzoocmd: ah, i c - well your export hasn't worked properly then08:29
B_166-ER-Xfrogzoo,  i did, 5 line over my question08:29
cmdfrogzoo, I ran exportfs -ra I believe...08:29
B_166-ER-Xmy pc froze, ask me to fsck , when i do it it gives me :  Inode is in use but had dtime set , inode ***** has imagic flagset , clear ? (y) , Inode should be ***, Inode compression flag set of file system whitout compression support, and lots of Multiply claimed iblocks.    ect...08:29
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frogzooB_166-ER-X: that's bad - unless you're an expert - just run 'fsck -a' & cross your fingers08:30
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cmdfrogzoo, when I run exportfs -ra, I get can't open and can't lock etab :(08:31
B_166-ER-Xi think its a hardware problem, but i dont know WHAT08:31
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cmdwhen I look at etab it seems to be filled with the correct information though :|08:31
chaumurkyyou using a journalling fs?08:31
frogzooB_166-ER-X: run memtest for a bit maybe08:31
B_166-ER-Xfrogzoo,  did that, 0 error on my memory08:32
frogzooB_166-ER-X: what's your vid card? what were you doing @ crash?08:33
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B_166-ER-Xfrogzoo,  i have a geforce2, but the problem does not seem video related, and it freeze moslty randomly, started after i added a cd burner08:34
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B_166-ER-Xfrogzoo,  on windows, or ubuntu (2 hd's) i have some errors08:34
frogzooB_166-ER-X: sounds like you might have a power problem08:34
B_166-ER-Xand xmemtest does not give anything08:34
oskudeis it possible to set individual xorg.conf igurations for different users ?08:35
frogzooB_166-ER-X: can you swap out the PSU?08:35
B_166-ER-Xthats power supply ?08:35
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andrew_Whats the difference between cron and anacron?08:39
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senectusdoes anyone know why when I log into gdm all I get is a brwon background and a cursor that I can move but no right click (no icons or gnome-panels) but if I create a new user and log it in there will be no issue's at all?!?!08:40
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=== Madpilot [n=bburger@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
cmdWhy does NFS have to be so hard? This really makes no sense... I cant make no sense of it. It is supposed to be a standard or something isn't it?08:41
ClayGI need a new PSU speaking of whitch08:41
ClayGsounds like one doesn't it08:42
ClayGbut not really08:42
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ClayGas far as cross platform08:42
ClayGSamba(SMB) is more of a "standard"08:42
Kamping_Kaisernfs is a standard08:42
Kamping_Kaiserbut you need SFU to run it on Windows08:42
ClayGis nfs natively supported by win08:42
Kamping_Kaiserand i don't know how well it works08:42
hussamanybody here uses clamav?08:42
hussamI made a cron job to scan /home at midnight and the next day, I didn't find any log to know what happened?08:43
ClayGWell now, I guess I can't say that08:43
senectusis ubuntuforums.org down?08:44
ClayGbecause smb isn't natively supported by nix, but you can use samba to access it08:44
smocmd, I had fun with it lately too.  standard doesn't seem to mean easy08:44
HappyFoolhussam: where did you send the output to? by default cron should mail the output to the user who's cron job it is08:44
Madpilotsenectus: not for me08:44
ClayGcmd what are you having a problem with as far as NFS?08:45
liamsenectus: that has happened to me and several other people08:45
senectusMadpilot, hmmm I can ping and resolve it but not access it :-(08:45
senectusliam, what has ubuntu forums or my browns screen problem?08:46
cmdClayG, I think I got it08:46
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linuxboyhi, when I open http://www.kingkongmovie.com/ and click "Enter the site" my firefox closes08:46
ClayGanyone know a good wiki web script?08:46
liamsenectus: actually both, no I check ubuntuforums.org08:46
hussamHappyFool: I didn't specify anything. here is the cron file contents: 00 00 * * * root /usr/bin/clamscan -r /home08:46
cmdIn the official tutorial (I believe might be outdated) it mentions to enter a few things into deny to try and be safe so I did that. I just commented everything I put into my deny and on the client I connected with no problems08:47
cmdI think08:47
Gethttp://pastebin.se/2027 <- I get this error when I try to compile a simple c++ program, whast's wrong?08:47
GHey, any channel ops around atm?08:47
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smolinuxboy; there's quicktime embedded in the front page.  I'd suspect you've got something trying to load itself as a plugin to handle it, and failing badly08:48
cmdam going to restart X... I think I need tooo08:48
senectusdoes anyone know why when I log into gdm all I get is a brwon background and a cursor that I can move but no right click (no icons or gnome-panels) but if I create a new user and log it in there will be no issue's at all?!?!08:48
HappyFoolhussam: do you have postfix or some other mail program installed ?08:48
linuxboysmo: what quicktime stuff whould I get? w32codecs?08:48
YukiIkyutaGet, show us the program?08:48
hussamHappyFool: yes postfix and I checked /var/mail/hussam. It has some mails but nothing about clamav08:49
frogzoo!tell linuxboy about restricted08:49
liamsenectus: all the people I know who had this brown screen prob re-installed.  I created a new user, becuase all methods yielded no results08:49
HappyFoolhussam: hmm. and root's mail is sent to hussam? (check /etc/aliases)08:49
GetYukiIkyuta, http://pastebin.se/202808:50
liablesenectus: try removing your .gnome dir (which will delete all saved configs)08:50
HappyFoolubotu is taking the weekend off08:50
HappyFooloh, he's back08:50
ubotuHappyFool: Do they come in packets of five?08:50
HappyFoolsenectus: also .gnome2 and .gnome2_private08:50
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frogzooGet: I'm guessing you've got incompatible header files, or the proggy won't compile on your platform08:50
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rob_psenectus:  Does, "cat /var/log/gdm/:0.log" yield any clues?  Have you messed with the permissions of your home dir, etc?  What did you do right before the problem started exhibiting itself?08:51
YukiIkyutaGet, what line are you using to compile it?08:51
hussampostmaster:    root08:51
hussamclamav: root08:51
HappyFoolGet: did you install build-essential ?08:51
smolinuxboy: not sure (my desktop isn't linux, so I haven't run across that)08:51
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hussamHappyFool: that's what I have in /etc/aliases08:51
fatehazeThis is a little offtopic, but does anyone know how to run Nethack in x11?08:51
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YukiIkyutafatehaze, you could run it in a terminal?08:51
fatehazeI mean the graphical version08:51
GetHappyFool, nope :( I do it now08:52
fatehazeI have it but dunno how to run it08:52
graigis there a distro alot like ubuntu that doesn't have all sort of sound problems? or is that just a common linux problem?08:52
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frogzoofatehaze: -> google08:52
Getthx HappyFool08:52
YukiIkyutagraig, ubuntu is like ubuntu without sound problems. :)08:52
frogzoo!tell graig about sound08:52
fatehazeNo dice08:52
fatehazeWouldn't be asking if I could find it on my own08:52
mrkojeEasyBreezy rocks08:53
linuxboysmo: thanks anyway. I'll see what I can find regarding quicktime08:53
hussamHappyFool: so yes, it does have root : hussam08:53
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=== frogzoo cheers for fatehaze
YukiIkyutafatehaze, try `xnethack'!08:53
ka6jafok.. I got WMF files to work under firefox:  downloaded xine, downloaded some funky codecs for wmf, downloaded and configured the MediaPlayerConnectivity plugin to use xine... and wellah, good as my windows machine.. it even plays www.kneedragging/lights08:53
fatehazeThanks Yuki08:53
HappyFoolhussam: if you do     'echo hello|mail -s test root'   does the mail end up in your inbox?08:53
frogzoofatehaze: nethack-qt ?08:53
mrkojeka6jaf:  get the EasyBreezy script!08:53
TeddCan anybody help me?08:54
YukiIkyutafatehaze, nethack in X is not as good as the terminal one.08:54
ka6jafwhat is easybreezy script?08:54
mrkojeka6jaf,  it works wonders... I just did it and have support for pretty much everything including MS TT fonts08:54
TeddI'm trying to extract a file to my home folder. It's a .tgz08:54
YukiIkyutaTedd, ask your question and we'll see. :)08:54
YukiIkyutaGo on ..08:54
mrkojeka6jaf,  hold on I will get you the link08:54
hussamHappyFool: bash: mail: command not found08:54
frogzootedd - pls don't ask for help - just leap in & ask08:54
hussamHappyFool:but I have postfix08:54
TeddYeah, I know. Force of habit.08:54
HappyFoolfatehaze: there's something called 'falconseye' in the repositories (i may have spelt it incorrectly). otherwise try 'apt-cache search nethack'08:54
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frogzooTedd: tar -zxf *.tgz08:55
HappyFoolhussam: standby08:55
TeddAnd I've been here like 20 times too. Anyway moving on. I'm trying to extract a .tgz to my home folder. Home as in the file system, with the /usr folder in it.08:55
HappyFoolhussam: install the mailx package08:55
vbgunzthe world has fallen a part08:56
YukiIkyutavbgunz, it happens.08:56
vbgunzYukiIkyuta: :P08:56
frogzoovbgunz: which part?08:56
MadpilotTedd: that's not technicially your home folder, but if you just add "sudo" in front of the command that frogzoo gave you, it'll work there08:56
TeddMadpilot:  thanks08:56
mrkojeka6jaf,  http://robotgeek.org/blog/easybreezy/08:56
Swedish_Chefdamnit. for some reason i can't get printing to work at all in ubuntu!08:56
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Swedish_Chefeverything is configured correctly as far as i can tell08:57
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Swedish_Chefcorrect driver, pointing to the right network printer, correct port08:57
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, printing is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters or http://www.linuxprinting.org08:57
Swedish_Chefthe printers.conf matches a working one from gentoo and fedora08:57
coj# semarang08:57
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vbgunzfrogzoo: I am cmd. I was trying to work with NFS. Anyhow, I finally got the client to connect and it had to do with being overzealous with my servers hosts.deny file... Anyhow, When I mounted /home/vbgunz onto clients /home/vbgunz, I lost control of my home directory on the server... I think I have to log out :P08:57
Swedish_Cheffrogzoo: i read those, and i've gotten printing working before on several distributions, usually by editing the files myself. but for some reason i can't fathom, cups is failing silently08:58
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Swedish_Chefand running it in debug2 isn't offering me any more insights08:58
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frogzooSwedish_Chef: nothing in /var/log/messages?08:59
hussamHappyFool: Ok I installed that and I ran: 'echo hello|mail -s test root' and it did end up in /var/mail08:59
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TeddGrrr. Has anyone successfully installed regular AIM client on Ubuntu?08:59
TeddGAIM is giving me FITS with stuff I need.09:00
mrkojeTedd, whats wrong with Gaim?09:00
TeddFirst, the direct connect.09:00
TeddI need that.09:00
mrkojeto send files back and fourth?09:00
Teddmrkoje: Yes.09:01
Teddhave you installed aim?09:01
ka6jafIs that the same as Automatix?09:01
mrkojeTedd,  the direct connect feature should work fine with Gaim09:01
TeddHasn't yet. I've tried quite a bit.09:01
mrkojeka6jaf,  It is similiar but actually better because it doesn't install a root user09:01
hussamHappyFool: what do I do next?09:01
mrkojeka6jaf,  and it backs up your sources.list file then restarts it09:01
mrkojeTedd,  My bad.. I haven't used Gaim with AIM proto.. just msn and yahoo.09:02
ka6jafI just spent a frigging WEEK trying to do what that script promises to do!09:02
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TeddSo has anybody gotten AIM working?09:03
earldude1has anyone here setup wordpress on ubuntu?09:03
mrkojeka6jaf,  exactly! It was pretty much automatic too... make sure you are using a default theme... I ran into problems using my custom theme09:03
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earldude1Has anyone here setup WordPress on Ubuntu?09:04
DeMoNSeEdam i the only one who has probs with the systray feature for X-chat, i click on my multimedia player and xchat dies09:06
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ka6jafI am going to try it..   alpha kind of scares me though.09:08
ubotui guess bts is bug tracking system, or bugzilla, see https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/09:08
liableDeMoNSeEd: ^^ check it.09:09
Madpilotka6jaf: EasyBreezy is a derivitive of Automatix, which has been around for a while; EasyBreezy fixes some of the issues Automatix was known to cause.09:09
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mrkojeMadpilot, Ka6jaf, I just ran the EasyBreezy alpha... worked great...09:10
mrkojeHowever, it didn't do the wmv thing for me :(09:11
senectusrob_p HappyFool liable liam01, sorry guys I stepped away for a snack. I've already done rm -rf ~/.gnome* ~/.gconf* that had no effect09:11
ka6jafIf I disappear from here, it's because I am running easybreezy and it killed me!   wish me luck.09:11
=== BigKahuna [n=ian@cm147.sigma200.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu
BigKahunaWhy does K3B not allow me to burn at full speed. My drive is 40x but I can only get 8x in k3B09:11
senectusrob_p, the "cat /var/log/gdm/:0.log" gave me all sorts of stuff.. I'll post it to a site for you to read hang five09:11
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DeMoNSeEdmnothing there about systray, anyways, it's no biggie i guess, my last question, i just installed breezy...i was wondering if FF 1.5 is available somewhere09:12
sdudeHello, can I install ubuntu 5.10 using its LiveCD?09:13
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irvinsdude, not with breezy09:13
no1wantdthisnamehave to install ff1.5 manually09:13
DeMoNSeEdwill it eventually be on breezy repos?09:13
irvinsdude, probably with the next version you can09:13
sdudeirvin shucks :(09:13
no1wantdthisnamedapper has 1.509:13
sdudeirvin ok then looking to the future, thanks09:13
ka6jafmrkoje, how do I run easybreezy?  do I download the rdf file?  Where is the script!?  I am on the https://launchpad.net/products/easyubuntu/ page09:13
no1wantdthisnamebetter to just install manually though09:14
no1wantdthisnamedapper has problems09:14
linuxboyanyone have any luck getting quicktime working under firefox ?09:14
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ClayGanyone here use wiki's alot?09:14
ClayGdifferent ones?09:14
DeMoNSeEdthanks everyone09:14
linuxboyws008: please don't do that09:14
ardchoilleIn nautilus, when you click on "Go->Clear History", does anyone know which files (s) that clears?09:14
ws008god night09:14
linuxboyws008: its like flooding09:14
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irvinClayG, which wiki's do you mean?09:15
MadpilotClayG: I've used the Ubuntu wiki - running MoinMoin - and Wikipedia - Mediawiki - both...09:15
ClayGwell I want to put a wiki on my webserver09:15
ClayGbut i dont know which is the best to use09:15
ClayGbecause i dont frequent them09:15
Kamping_Kaiserlinuxboy: it is flooding09:15
mrkojeka6jaf, just a second09:15
senectusrob_p, the outut you asked for http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/d560409:15
ClayGi know that mostpeople dont know the software running a particular site, but if you could give me a few sites names that are easy to navigate09:15
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ClayGi was gonna use the one that ubuntu used but was told it wasn't that hot09:15
mrkojeka6jaf, I downloaded the alpha.... from there I just tar -xvzf and ran the ./EazyBreezy09:15
ClayGwhat about what wikipedia use?09:15
MadpilotClayG: Mediawiki09:16
ardchoillemediawiki, i believe09:16
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ClayGahh that's what they yse09:16
ClayGthat is what I was looking into grabbing09:16
sdudebye everyone09:16
ClayGappreciate it guys09:16
cafuego!info mediawiki09:16
ubotumediawiki: (website engine for collaborative work), section universe/web, is optional. Version: 1.4.10-1 (breezy), Packaged size: 1899 kB, Installed size: 7356 kB09:16
ka6jafdid you have to sudo tar?09:16
MadpilotClayG: the Wikipedia project built MediaWiki, I think (oh, and please don't use ENTER as punctuation...)09:16
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ka6jafI don't see where I can download the alpha.. I am really newbie to some of this stuff..09:17
frogzooka6jaf: not usually, no - only if you need root write perms09:17
irvin!info dokuwiki09:17
ubotudokuwiki: (a standards compliant simple to use wiki), section universe/web, is optional. Version: 0.0.20050218-6 (breezy), Packaged size: 341 kB, Installed size: 3468 kB09:17
ka6jafwhat the heck is this:  Download RDF Metadata09:17
mrkojeka6jaf,  here is a link to the  easyUbuntu part     http://placelibre.ath.cx/keyes/index.php/2005/10/27/65-easy-ubuntu-24-beta09:18
WaynezHi, have downloaded ISO for 5.10, but installing base system fails with lots of errors retrieving files.  Any ideas please?09:18
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Kamping_KaiserWaynez: bad disc?09:19
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ClayGhappened to me on an older computier alot09:19
ClayGfor some reason ubunut would fail when installing packages towards the last half09:20
ClayGand kubuntu would work, dont ask why09:20
hussamHappyFool: so after I installed mailx, it should send mail the next time the cron job is ran, right?09:20
Waynezbrand new disc, but could be faulty i guess.   Installation through to partitioning, etc works09:20
Kamping_KaiserClayG: did you use a burned ubuntu cd? or pressed?09:20
ClayGburned both09:20
Kamping_Kaiserhm. strange09:20
Swedish_Chefapparently ghostscript is segfaulting09:21
ClayGI would think stranger if they were pressed09:21
ka6jafthat link worked... ok.. off to tar-land!09:21
Swedish_Chefcups's error_log says that the process is dying with "The renderer command line returned an unrecognized error code 16777215."09:21
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WaynezKamping_Kaiser, do u think poss that part of disk corrupted?  Shall I just try re-burning09:22
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Kamping_KaiserWaynez: try reburning at 8 times or so. something quite slow09:23
Kamping_Kaiserit will often fix cd install problems09:23
Kamping_Kaiseralso check your iso is ok before burning09:23
WaynezThanks for that...will try it...cya09:23
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irvincheck the MD5 checksum09:23
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FedjaHi, i`ve got a question - How do I remove Ubuntu Completely?09:24
irvinFedja, the entire ubuntu desktop?09:25
FedjaTried out - didn`t helped, GRUB still left09:25
Fedjano, entire system09:25
no1wantdthisnameand install with what?09:25
MadpilotFedja: just reformat the drive09:25
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FedjaBut GRUB still leaves here09:25
aMMgYrPI'm having trouble getting my video out to work on my nvidia card on breezy, what up with that?09:26
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FedjaI tried out deleting the ubuntu partitions and the reformating, but GRUB was still here09:26
smoFedja; don't remove grub; you'll end up unbootable.  simply replace it with something else09:26
Kamping_Kaiseran xp cd can recover the mbr to a Windows one09:27
Kamping_Kaiserdunno, i havent needed to, but you go into rescue mode and type fixmbr or someting09:27
Fedjaok... i`ll try out, Thanks09:28
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Swedish_ChefAHA! ubuntu doesn't install the foo2zjs drivers automatically09:29
Swedish_Chefthough it will set up printing and say it's using them09:29
Swedish_Chefproblem solved :)09:29
smothere's a package in ubuntu named 'mbr' .. very useful if you plan on removing the system.  it installs a very basic mbr that simply chainloads the first patition marked bootable09:29
irvinSwedish_Chef, foomatic drivers?09:29
Swedish_Chefirvin: yes09:30
irvinfunny, i got them installed by default09:30
Swedish_Chefi thought mine were installed too09:30
Swedish_Chefuntil i checked09:30
Swedish_Chefp   foo2zjs                         - Support for printing to ZjStream-based pr09:30
Swedish_Chefthe reason why cups was erroring out was because it couldn't find the driver to use :/09:31
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irvinSwedish_Chef, hmm.. i think not all foomatic drivers are installed by default09:32
Swedish_Chefwell, the package wasn't installed09:33
Swedish_Cheffor me at least09:33
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senectusn00b question here, I'm trying to make a new home dir for my account because I've fubar'd my old one.. what permissions do I do to make it work?09:34
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Kamping_Kaisersenectus: 700 at least09:35
Kamping_Kaiserpreferably 70109:35
Kamping_Kaiser(1 is for apache)09:35
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irvinsenectus, i assume you're not in X?09:35
irvinsenectus, man adduser09:36
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Mabus06Hey, how do I get a webcam to work with ubuntu? I plugged it in the USB drive, but how do I check... for instance, what model it is?09:36
Kamping_Kaiserare any of the devs around? what's a good method to use debuging problems with ubuntu? i have access to lots of ubuntu systems, and we get problems that can happen on 15 boxes in a few weeks. what's the best way to try and debug them?09:36
irvinMabus06, lsusb09:36
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senectusirvin, nono, I already have a user account I just want to rename my old home dir and remake a new one named the same as the old one09:37
MadpilotKamping_Kaiser: have you asked in #ubuntu-devel?09:37
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a1exbonjour tlm09:37
Kamping_KaiserMadpilot: no, i wasnt sure if it counted as a -devel question09:37
irvinsenectus, better log out of X and try doing it on the console only.09:38
smosenectus: keep it simple? look at your current home's permissions and clone them?09:38
Mabus06err, does aim even have webcam features? if not is there a way I can test to see if my webcam works easily?09:38
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Mabus06By aim I mean GAIM09:39
senectussmo, yeah but I don't know _how_ to do that :-P09:39
Kamping_Kaiserv2 should, but 1 doesnt09:39
MadpilotKamping_Kaiser: I'm not sure either ;) the worst they'll do is tell you to come back here...09:39
irvinsenectus, ls -l /home09:39
senectussmo, whats the cmd for setting the permissions09:39
Kamping_KaiserMadpilot: i prefer not to be told off by the devs ;)09:39
irvinsenectus, chmod09:39
HappyFoolsenectus: try 'ls -lA' or 'ls -lA $HOME'09:39
Kamping_Kaiserwhat's wrong with ls -dh?09:39
senectussmo the ls -la says drwxr-xr-x senectus senectus09:40
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smosenectus: that's 755 in octal .. so create a dir, chmod 755 dir, chown senectus.senectus dir, and it should be good to go  (you should beable to find 1001 explanations of the octal permissions on the web if you need them)09:41
=== Tedd [n=tedd@pool-162-83-219-44.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
TeddIs there ANY way to get AIM running?09:41
aMMgYrPwell in synaptic there should be an Aim install module09:42
aMMgYrPor a Gaim install module09:42
aMMgYrPor a Kopete install module09:42
HappyFoolgaim is installed on normal ubuntu by default09:43
TeddGAIM is normally installed nd is giving me fits09:43
TeddI need AIM, or Trillian.09:43
Kamping_KaiserTedd: wine?09:43
aMMgYrPthere is an AIM for linux, but is no where as easy as gaim?09:43
aMMgYrPwhats the gaim issue u are having?09:44
aMMgYrPif its the interface, its actually really easy to get used to, kinda like tabbed browsing :D09:44
aMMgYrPunless you are having connection issues09:44
TeddTrillian's out, WINE failed me.09:45
TeddKamping_Kaiser: WINE failed me.09:45
Kamping_Kaiserthen your out of luck09:45
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senectussmo thanks..09:45
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TeddThere must be SOME way to get AIM running.09:49
TeddFor some reason the .deb on AIM.com won't download.09:49
TeddCan anybody do me a favor09:50
TeddTry to download the .deb of AIM from AIM.com09:50
TeddIt won't work for me09:50
TeddMy browser freezes09:50
binarydigittry a different browser09:50
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GNAMRUMORS of problems about firefox 1.5 in dapper09:50
GNAMany info?09:50
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defianceTedd, why not use Gaim?09:51
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TeddFirst, I don't like the interface. Second, I've always been partial to Trillian. Third, the direct connect feature won't work.09:51
Ej25goddessI'm back :)09:51
TeddDirect connect is a BIG thing for me.09:51
Ej25goddesstedd are you talking about gaim?09:51
TeddEj25goddess: You got it.09:51
Ej25goddessyeah thats the same issue I have been having09:52
TeddI'm trying to get AIM.09:52
TeddIt's the issue everyone has.09:52
Ej25goddessI love it other than the lack of connecting09:52
TeddThey never coded it the right way, I think.09:52
TeddI like it too, I'd just strongly rather have AIM.09:52
Ej25goddessI asumed it was just me since I figured they wouldnt include broken features in a program release after release09:52
Ej25goddessso I finally have my windows back togther09:53
Ej25goddessI am re-downloading ubuntu09:53
TeddNope, you're in the majority.09:53
Ej25goddesslets see how it goes this time.09:53
Ej25goddessdoes it ever work for people?09:53
mrkojeTedd,  You could try to install AIM in WINE....09:53
Teddmrkoje: read up. Already tried.09:53
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Mabus06How come when I search for a package that was reccomended, spca5xx, it doesn't show up in synaptic?09:54
mrkojeTedd, Well I am betting it can be done through Wine.. you just need to know how to use wine09:54
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TeddIf you could get it working I'd happily eat the egg on my face and the crow that laid it.09:54
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TeddUntil then, I seem like I'm shit out of luck.09:54
shogun_Is there allowed to be off topic talk in this channel?09:55
shogun_omg a soviet russia joke09:55
shogun_I used to live in russia09:55
mrkojeTedd,  Goto  http://www.AIM.com  front page shows AIM for Linux Version 1.509:55
Teddmrkoje: It freezes when I download it.09:55
Ej25goddessin soviet russia, russia lives in you!09:55
TeddEj25goddess: Is that so?09:55
shogun_Ew, why would you want to use that?, just use gaim man09:55
Ej25goddessactually no, I lied, my apologies09:55
TeddEverybody needs to stop saying that.09:55
shogun_You can turn the buddy icons off so your buddylist isn't giant09:56
=== Ej25goddess sits in the corner
TeddEj25goddess: I am very upset.09:56
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mrkojeTedd,  What more can you ask for? A native port of AIM from AOL!09:56
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mrkojeTedd,  If it freezes.... download it from a different computer.... try that09:56
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TeddUnless you are willing to drive some-amount of miles, fix my computer and endure perverted jokes if you are a girl, stay in that corner till I leave.09:56
shogun_Tedd, you can turn off the buddy icons so they are not giant09:56
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Teddshogun_: I know. Look, I'm just very partial to AIM.09:57
mrkojeTedd,  The AIM from AOL even has a deb package what more could you ask for holy cow09:57
shogun_Tedd, your best bet is to download WINE and use aim on it09:57
Teddshogun_: READ. I've tried already :)09:57
shogun_are you sure you followed the procedures right?09:57
mrkojeshogun_,  why?! Why use WINE when AOL has already released a native port for linux and specifically ina  deb09:57
shogun_are you new to ubuntu?09:58
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Teddmrkoje: I'm about to try from a different browser.09:58
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shogun_mrkoje, I was suggesting it to him, not myself09:58
shogun_mrkoje, I'm saying if he complains over the linux port09:58
shogun_mrkoje, since the version is quite old.09:58
mrkojeTedd,  Honestly.. I have been reading your request for help for 3 hours now! That is the best you could ever ask for... it a goddamned deb!09:58
defianceJesus christ, that's a fricking hilarious discussion to read.09:58
Teddmrkoje: Had you read the part where I said "I'm trying to"? Get off my back for chrissakes.09:59
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shogun_tedd, if you complain over foolish things like that, you shouldn't be using linux09:59
mrkojeTedd,  sorry.. I didn't mean to come across like that :) lol09:59
TeddIt's just a preference for God's sakes. If I can get AIM running, I will. If not, no big. I wait a few weeks and I can my laptop with AIM if I need it.10:00
shogun_thing is, there is a theme to make your gimp look exactly like aim10:00
shogun_I don't know where it is, you can try googling it10:00
shogun_oops I mean gaim lol10:00
YukiIkyutashogun_, gimp?10:00
shogun_It even changes the sounds so it sounds like AIM10:01
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shogun_the only thing you can't do I guess is direct connect with people who have regular AIM10:01
drshasta19i jsut dropped the external hard disk...10:01
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defiancedrshasta19, ouch >_<10:01
drshasta19dam it!10:01
FujitsuDropped as in took off, or dropped as in down?10:01
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drshasta19it is not mine !!!10:01
Ej25goddessSo here is my next Ubuntu question10:01
drshasta19dropped on the floor10:01
Ej25goddessI have anubuntu live CD, it works on my laptop, but not on my desktop10:02
FujitsuAhh. Not good, drshasta1910:02
drshasta19no no good10:02
Ej25goddessonce it gets most of the way though its setup10:02
drshasta19it does not spin anymore...!10:02
Ej25goddessthe screen goes black10:02
shogun_this is so ridiculous, I installed ubuntu, accidently wrote over my windows partition, now I'm dling windows to reformat AGAIN, and install ubuntu on another partition10:02
shogun_what a waste of 6 hours10:02
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Ej25goddessshogun that just happened to me ;D10:02
drshasta19why bother with windows?10:02
shogun_I need to play games10:02
defianceEj25goddess, what videocard have you got?10:02
FujitsuI 'gree with drshasta1910:02
Ej25goddessgeforce 310:02
drshasta19thx Fujitsu  :)10:03
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shogun_linux drivers BLOW10:03
Ej25goddessI suspect though, it has more to do with my moniter10:03
shogun_thats the thing10:03
TeddWoot! AIM.deb done :D10:03
shogun_I have a geforce 6800GT10:03
TeddHad to install IE through Crossover Office to do it.10:03
Ej25goddess1920 x 120010:03
defianceEj25goddess, well it probably sets the wrong refreshrate10:03
drshasta19well ... i dont know how i'm gonna tell my friend that his disk does not work anymore...10:03
Ej25goddessfor an lcd?10:03
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defianceOr resolution10:03
shogun_lcds don't have refresh rates lo10:03
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Fujitsu3 Linux vs. 1 Windows computers here. That last Windows computer is holding onto its current OS since a certain parent doesn't want to be Windows free... >:-(10:04
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dipanyonw know how to list the hardware in Mac OS X ?10:04
Ej25goddessany ideas?10:04
shogun_stop being so microsoft anti, if any other corp had that power, they'd do the EXACT same thing10:04
TeddEH? Damnit. It gets to 99 and then dies on me.10:04
drshasta19i just switched from fedora to ubntu on my laptop10:04
YukiIkyutadip, we're not an OSX support channel.10:04
shogun_I don't like microsoft either, but I still use it10:04
drshasta19and i am done configurin the ati card, i am very staisfied with it10:04
dipYukiIkyuta: really10:05
dipYukiIkyuta: since when10:05
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mrkojedrshasta19,  what ati card do you have?10:05
Fujitsushogun_, that is why no corporation should have that power! Open Source doesn't suffer from such an issue!10:05
defianceEj25goddess, have you tried doing an install?10:05
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mrkojedrshasta19,  I am about to (in the future) install ubuntu on a machine with an x70010:05
YukiIkyutadip, since we were an Ubuntu support channel.10:05
Ej25goddessI tried an install, and I had a corrupt cd10:05
mrkojedrshasta19,  thing is there is a deb with the drivers and then there is an ati package from their website10:06
Ej25goddessso the install failed10:06
GNAMproblem of open source is that linux kernel may became a commercial software at any moment.10:06
dipYukiIkyuta: amazing10:06
drshasta19i used the ati package10:06
Ej25goddessand it ate my windows install too10:06
GNAMas an example.10:06
dipanyone know how to list the hardware in Mac OS X ?10:06
YukiIkyutadip, I thought so too.10:06
drshasta19it took me awhile but it works now10:06
mrkojedrshasta19,  the full 60mb one?10:06
Ej25goddessso I just reinstalled windows10:06
Ej25goddessand redownloaded ubuntu10:06
drshasta1970.5 Mb :)10:06
mrkojedrshasta19,  it was easy enough you use?10:06
shogun_Fujitsu, They made a good OS, it happens to be the most popular, you don't give away free food, you buy it, and a company makes it, what is tehre people going to hate on Coke now too? It's one of the leading corps in america, Windows is a good product, It gets buggy because hackers target it since It's the most POPULAR OS10:06
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drshasta19mrkoje, yes10:06
mrkojedrshasta19,  now if I could only find a driver for my stupid onboard cmedia cmi9880 card10:07
drshasta19mrkoje, i had to update a few stuffs thoug10:07
drshasta19ha :)10:07
YukiIkyutashogun_, admittedly, there are many more bugs to target.10:07
mrkojedrshasta19,  update what?10:07
shogun_Fujitsu, regardless, I don't like some of microsofts actions, but oh well It's not going to affect me10:07
drshasta19my apt list :)10:07
GNAMYukiIkyuta in ubuntu? I agree10:07
mrkojeoh ok10:07
Danarshogun_, uh, it doesn't "get buggy" because hackers target it... it's made buggy, and hackers target those bugs...10:07
YukiIkyutashogun_, hackers targetting software doesn't *make* the software more buggy, it simply tests it more rigourously. Also, it may affect you.10:07
FujitsuIt doesn't get buggy because hackers target it! Windows 2000 crashed (think Stop Message) on bootup at the first public demonstration.10:07
GNAMstop talking about old windows versions.10:07
mrkojeanyone know about linux cmedia drivers? Specifically cmi9880?10:07
Ej25goddessMy windows installs have always been fine unless I did something to them :D10:08
FujitsuWindows 98's excellent USB support was exhibited when a scanner was plugged in on stage. It promptly BSODed.10:08
shogun_ok, I am sure if hackers cared enough, they could do the same exact things to linux, but they do not care since it's not nearly as popular10:08
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defianceHeh, same here10:08
YukiIkyutashogun_, also, Microsoft is a registered `monopoly' in several countries, including the US, India, recently South Korea.10:08
shogun_I really don't care lol, an OS is an OS to me10:08
defianceI can't understand peoples problems with spyware and stuff10:08
defianceI never get those problems.10:08
YukiIkyutashogun_, I'm sure they couldn't.10:08
Madpilotthere's #ubuntu-offtopic for OS-bashing, everyone...10:08
Danarshogun_, if you say so10:08
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shogun_my friend is only 16, and he just bought $3000 worth of microsoft shares with his own money lol10:09
Ej25goddesscan anyone recomend a site to get 1920 x 1200 pixel wallpapers otehr than deviant art?10:09
YukiIkyutashogun_, .. so?10:09
Danarshogun_, wow... :/10:09
mrkojeAh hah! Found it!  www.alsa-project.org10:09
alex_extremeI'm doing an OEM install of Ubuntu on this computer I have built, which I plan to sell. I am testing it at the moment, and I noticed the floppy drive doesn't work when I double click it in Nautilus10:09
shogun_hes a good programmer too lol, so you would think hes anti-microsoft10:09
feugan3333shogun_: shame poor guy10:09
alex_extremeI get this: give UDI is not a mountable volume10:10
alex_extremeany ideas?10:10
YukiIkyutashogun_, ..? why? Several people who are good programmers waste their talent like that.10:10
mrkojeshogun_,  I guess it was better then google... he would have only gotten 6 shares10:10
Ej25goddessuh, shogun, even if he hated microsoft he would buy the stock that he thought would make him money10:10
IcHxdoes anybody uses kubuntu here???10:10
shogun_He doesn't care, he'll make money from it in like 2 months, unless microsoft gets farked over with the xbox 360s being recalled10:10
Danarxbox 360, and google too10:10
Madpilotshogun_, Ej25goddess, YukiIkyuta: #ubuntu-offtopic is nice and quiet...10:11
shogun_google is becoming more and more like microsoft though10:11
Danarhow's that?10:11
tiglionabbitshogun_: google actually makes things though10:11
defianceAnyone have any serious supportquestions?10:11
shogun_I do sort of10:11
tiglionabbityou mean microsoft is becoming more like google...  sort of?10:11
Fujitsudefiance, it would appear not.10:11
Ej25goddesscan anyone suggest why ubuntu live doesnt want to display after going though the normal text setup?10:11
Ej25goddessmy live cd works on my laptop10:12
Ej25goddessbut not on my desktop10:12
shogun_where can I download a list of commands for ubuntu?10:12
FujitsuEj25goddess, sounds like a video card issue.10:12
Ej25goddesssomeone mentioned something about referesh rates10:12
tiglionabbitEj25goddess: graphics cards?10:12
shogun_for terminal10:12
DanarEj25goddess, try changing the resolution?10:12
Ej25goddesshow can I do that as its setting up?10:12
DanarEj25goddess, try CTRL-ALT-+10:12
feugan3333shogun_: That would be a list of linux commands, and beleive me you don't want to know all of them.10:12
Danarcycles through available resolutions10:12
Ej25goddesswhen shoudl I do that?10:12
defianceEj25goddess, when X has started10:13
tiglionabbitEj25goddess: that will only work while the gui is running10:13
Danarwhen you see nothing... or whatever10:13
Ej25goddessI cant get into the gui o.o10:13
ubotufrom memory, cli is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicCommands or http://www.linuxcommand.org/ or http://www.tuxfiles.org10:13
shogun_feugan3333, lol I just want a list for the most useful commands you should know for linux10:13
Madpilotshogun_: see ubotu just above ^^^10:13
DanarEj25goddess, what do you mean it doesn't want to display?10:13
DanarEj25goddess, does it go to a black screen when x starts?10:13
tiglionabbitEj25goddess: what do you get?  If you press control-alt-F# (some F key below 7) you get a text terminal, right?10:13
shogun_madpilot, arigato10:13
Ej25goddessand my moniter says there is no signal10:13
Danarright, so maybe that resolution doesn't work. try ctrl-alt-+10:13
tiglionabbitoh that's not good10:13
Ej25goddesshere Ill get on my laptop10:14
shogun_Any one know how I can get into some sort of process manager thing?10:14
Ej25goddessthen walk though it10:14
YukiIkyutashogun_, `top'10:14
defianceEj25goddess, alrighty-10:14
Ej25goddessone moment Ill be back10:14
YukiIkyutashogun_, arigatou*10:14
feugan3333shogun_: Search google and you will find lots, for example http://www.freeos.com/articles/4414/10:14
tiglionabbitshogun_: there's a gui one under applications -> system tools -> System monitor10:14
Danarshogun_, in a terminal you can use 'ps -ef' to see everything10:14
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batahello everybody.10:15
shogun_thanks everyone10:15
bataI have an ALSA - related question10:15
bataI've been searching the forums and the net for the past 6 hours10:15
batadoes anyone know how to enable multiple-channel mixing in ALSA?10:16
shogun_do they plan on fixing the problem with # in sources.list file? with the next release10:16
defiancebata, have you read the docs on www.alsa-project.org ?10:16
batasome of them10:16
shogun_It's really annoying how I have to keep on modifying it10:17
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tiglionabbitshogun_: what problem?10:17
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tiglionabbitshogun_: #s are comments.  You can use synaptic or the 'add programs' thingy to edit your repository list if you don't want to touch that file10:18
batai will try reading some more10:18
shogun_tiglionnabbit, does synaptic come with ubuntu, or do I have to download it?10:18
batait appears to be a fairly difficult problem.10:18
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batashogun_, it comes with ubuntu10:18
Madpilotshogun_: System menu - Admin - Synaptic10:19
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defiancewb ej25goddeses10:19
ej25goddesessorry for the delay I had to install xchat ton this computer10:20
defianceej25goddeses, boot the desktop-machine and wait for the screen to go blank10:20
ej25goddeses:: boots thet machine ::10:20
shivyGood Morning to yall chatters, having fun troubleshooting ?10:20
defianceej25goddeses, when it does, try ctrl+alt+plus and see if it makes any difference.. if not, then it's not a resolution-problem.10:20
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defianceej25goddeses, (plus = numerical plus)10:21
tiglionabbitone thing ej25goddeses could do is switch to terminal and run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg", and accept the default options but change the resolutions listed so it chooses a lower one10:21
shivyi had that problem hehehehe figured out I had to add a shift key10:21
tiglionabbitadd a shift key, what do you mean?10:22
defiancetiglionabbit, yup, but its easier to see if it really is a res-problem first. :P10:22
shivyctrl alt shift +10:22
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shivyif your not using the numerc plus10:22
tiglionabbitoh, yeah, because + is above the =10:22
shogun_So, overall I've been hearing that ubuntu and fedoracore are the best distros10:22
Danarshivy, you should be able to just hit it repeatedly, rather than having to use shift10:22
Danarand cycle through any available resolutions10:22
tiglionabbitshogun_: lets not get into this "best" thing10:22
queuetueHello.  I've set up an ssh key with an empty passphrase to allow me to log into a remote server in a script.  This procedure works fine from an OSX box and a RH box, but when I try it under Ubuntu (Breezy), ssh asks for a passphrase -- for a key that does not have one.  Am I doing something wrong ... or is ubuntu's ssh broken in some way?10:22
Danarno, use the + on the numpad10:23
shivyI discoverd with enlarging a terminal --ctrl alt shift + to enlarge and ctrl alt - to shrink10:23
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tiglionabbitqueuetue: don't leave an empty password!  People could be watching your hostname right now and will break into your machine10:24
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=== rraajj is away: MP crappery.
tiglionabbitunless I don't know what you mean by an "ssh key"10:24
queuetuetiglionabbit: You might want to re-read what I said.  Obviously I don't have an empty password.10:24
HappyFoolan empty passphrase is only useful if you can get at the id_rsa file10:24
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shogun_haha, this is pretty ridiculous, I erased a CD-RW containing windows xp, to replace it with ubuntu, then I accidently replaced my windows partition with ubuntu, and now I'm dling windows again to do it all again lol10:24
ej25goddesesimi mam bootetd and mmy scsreen is blank10:24
defianceej25goddeses, okay, try ctrl + alt + plus10:24
defiancea few times, and see if the screen wakes up.10:25
HappyFoolqueuetue: tried ssh -vv ?10:25
shivyim making a beautifull data disk for all my music/picture crap, Still need to figure out how to make it writable for me users ... chmod i did .. but doesnt help much .. :(10:25
shivyeven chowned it10:25
HappyFoolqueuetue: i have quite successfully used ssh on ubuntu; i suspect the error is yours ;)10:25
ej25goddesesits not waking up10:25
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defianceej25goddeses, okay, try ctrl + alt + F1 then10:25
queuetueHappyFool: Please stop trying to help me.10:25
EnforsI just installed postfix, but by acident I exited it's configuration program that automatically started when I installed it. How do I start that configuration program again? I tried removing and reinstalling postfix with apt-get hoping that would trigger the postfix config program, but it didn't.10:26
ej25goddesesnow im iin the console :)10:26
melonipoikahi all, anyone knows how to resize ext3 partition? i hae tryed gparted, qtpart, from ubuntu, from live cd, from windows... and no way... could you please help me?10:26
shivyI LOVE ctrl-alt-F110:26
tiglionabbitshivy: to set permissions for the CD writer, go to system -> admin -> users and groups10:26
defianceej25goddeses, ahh, good.10:26
ej25goddeseswhere to from here?10:26
Danarej25goddeses, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:26
queuetueDoes anyone else know why a passphrase-less ssh key would require a passphrase under Ubuntu?10:26
defianceej25goddeses, now log in on that console, and try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:26
defiancedoh :P10:26
shogun_shivy, try using http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/ for that partition problem10:26
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ej25goddesesshould i login as root?10:27
Danarbut then, you don't need the 'sudo'10:27
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shogun_alright later10:27
YukiIkyutaEnfors, dpkg-reconfigure postfix10:27
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tiglionabbitmelonipoika: the partition must not be mounted at the time.  I haven't done this but I'm pretty sure it works10:27
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tiglionabbitjust select size or resize from any of those apps10:27
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melonipoikatiglionabbit, i have tryed that, from the live cd, but the option to resize cannot be selected10:28
Danarej25goddeses, when it gets to the resolution part, enable the four lowest ones, then start X and try cycling through them again10:28
linuxboyI got this strange problem. I go to the King Kong page. And my firefox crashed. But if I remove the flash player packages, then go there again firefox downloads flash and then works. No problem. What is the difference between the 2 flash plugins?10:28
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queuetuelinuxboy: Some closed-source incompatible bug?10:29
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Danarej25goddeses, if it still doesn't work, then either it doesn't like your video card, or it's something else10:29
linuxboyqueuetue: they should be the same plugin10:29
melonipoikagparted is complaining about features in the partition that are unsuported10:29
melonipoikasorry, parted i mean10:29
Mabus06Help!! I am in recovery mode right now but when booting normally it freezes at login screen10:29
shivyFriday at work: Shivy got a call rom customer " Hi my router doesnt seem to work anymore can I reset it by unplugging the power cable ? " " shivy respond : yeah sure " " hears some noise " ok here it goes ....POEF !! ...aaah its on Fire ! " "shivy respond : i think you got the wrong cable ! "10:29
ej25goddeseswhat should I tell it is my "bus identifiier"10:29
Danarej25goddeses, you should be able to leave that10:30
Mabus06can someone give me some directions as to how to find out what my problem is more specifically, so you guys can help me easier?10:30
Danarej25goddeses, leave it what it is, or use blank10:30
queuetuelinuxboy: And they probably both have the same bug.10:30
linuxboyqueuetue: no. the one works, the other doesn't10:30
shivyshe put back the wrong cable10:30
shivypoor zyxell10:30
shivyshe killed it10:30
queuetuelinuxboy: Then I would suggest they are not the same version.  But since source is unavailable...  I would suggest you not support the MPAA or Macromedia. :)10:31
Mabus06can anyone offer advice? this is a rather serious issue...10:31
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shivyhit us Mabus10:31
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=== Mabus06 hits us
linuxboyqueuetue: by avoiding all flash thing? bah!10:31
ej25goddesesok I gave it all of my moniters settings10:31
queuetueI've set up an ssh key with an empty passphrase to allow me to log into a remote server in a script.  This procedure works fine from an OSX box and a RH box, but when I try it under Ubuntu (Breezy), ssh asks for a passphrase -- for a key that does not have one.  Am I doing something wrong ... or is ubuntu's ssh broken in some way?10:32
feugan3333Mabus06: we can't help unless you ask your question.10:32
ej25goddesesnow im back at the command prompt10:32
queuetuelinuxboy: Flash is a pox on the Internet. :)10:32
Mabus06I already did...10:32
ej25goddeseshow do I get into gnome?10:32
linuxboyqueuetue: it is. Pity lots of people use it10:32
defianceej25goddeses, now do /etc/init.d/gdm restart10:32
Mabus06It freezes at login screen, how do I find out why so you guys can help me better?10:32
frogzooej25goddeses: usually just boot & login10:32
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queuetuelinuxboy: nple because people install it.  If they didn't, then no one would use it.10:32
ej25goddesesI am running a live distro, wouldnt it looses these seettings if I rebooted?10:32
Mabus06I'm using irssi on recovery mode right now... :(10:33
shivyej25: I think so10:33
linuxboyqueuetue: so blame windows. still doesn't help me10:33
defianceej25goddeses, yes it would. type what I said. :P10:33
mexphey got a pb... hope someone can help: i upgraded to breezy, and as a result got two pppoe connections fired up simultaneously (at startup). how do I delete one of them?10:33
feugan3333Mabus06: Try switch consoles with ctrl alt F110:33
shivyej25: Try doing a sweet sweet install of a breezy badger ..t will better your life10:33
tiglionabbitMabus06: I think I've heard this issue before..   Could be graphics hardware, but I'm not really sure.  Check the forums  ( http://ubuntuforums.org )10:33
Mabus06feugan3333: nope, that does not work in a normal boot... its frozen in the true sense of the word10:33
ej25goddesesit said startiing gnome display manager [fail] 10:34
queuetuelinuxboy: Sure it does - send a letter to the MPAA telling the you have no interest in installing flash - or going to see their overblown productions until they stop suing their customers.10:34
Mabus06tiglionabbit: it will be rather hard to browse the forums with lynx...10:34
defianceej25goddeses, then you got a setting wrong10:34
shivyrestart gdm10:34
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tiglionabbitMabus06: no other computer?10:34
ej25goddesesthen ill retry it10:34
linuxboyqueuetue: and they will jump because one lonely linux user does that?10:34
feugan3333Mabus06: What was loading when it froze?10:34
GNAMauauua another victim of dist-upgrade10:34
drshasta19hey how do i remove evolution ?10:34
queuetueNo one knows about blank assphrases in ssh?10:34
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Mabus06feugan3333: it was at the login screen, cursor flashes for a second then it freezes10:35
shivyapt-get remove evolution10:35
queuetuelinuxboy: No, because all of us do.  But "all of us" requires you, too.10:35
GNAMwhen SMART became official ubuntu packet manager?10:35
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drshasta19ok thanks10:35
feugan3333Mabus06: It's most likely then a graphics driver issue.10:35
linuxboyqueuetue: ok, you can start. Send them a mail10:35
queuetuelinuxboy: I do, every week.10:35
tiglionabbitGNAM: official?10:35
shivyor actually ' sudo -c apt-get remove evolution '10:35
Danarej25goddeses, what does dmesg|tail say?10:35
Mabus06feugan3333: I made no graphics changes except installing a few new packages to get my webcam to work, that's the only thing close I can think of10:35
linuxboyqueuetue: I don't see flash dissapering off the net10:36
Mabus06feugan3333: I don't remember the exact names of the packages, how do I find out what was most recently installed?10:36
GNAMsmart and synaptic same author10:36
GNAMso no problem.10:36
tiglionabbitGNAM: who cares about official.  Aptitude, Synaptic, and Apt-get are still there for using10:36
queuetuelinuxboy: And you won't - not as long as you keep working against my efforts. :)10:36
linuxboyqueuetue: what about production companies that make videos in flash? aren't they where the money is10:37
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ej25goddeseswhats dmesg|tail do?10:37
queuetuelinuxboy: I don't know - I've never seen one, since I don't install flash.  But they don't have any of my money.10:37
ejofeewhere do i find kernel-source?10:37
linuxboyI got this strange problem. I go to the King Kong page. And my firefox crashed. But if I remove the flash player packages, then go there again firefox downloads flash and then works. No problem. What is the difference between the 2 flash plugins?10:37
Danarej25goddeses, dmesg shows system messages, | directs the output to another command, tail displays the last 10 lines10:38
HappyFoolejofee: it's linux-source-2.6.1210:38
ej25goddesesiti says thaaat utf8 is not a recommended IO chaarset for FAT filesystems10:38
queuetuelinuxboy: How is this  aporblem?  There are obviously two versions of the flash plugin - the newer one fixes a bug that used to crash.  Why are you concerned about this, if you have the fix?10:38
feugan3333Mabus06: well you could use "apt-cache search xxx" where xxx is any keyword like "webcam"10:38
ejofeeHappyFool: ohh, you people got me! :)10:38
linuxboyqueuetue: I don't want your help10:38
Danarej25goddeses, o.O10:39
HappyFoolejofee: it's possible you really want linux-headers-386 (or -k7 or similar)10:39
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queuetuelinuxboy:  Too bad you already got it. :)10:39
ej25goddesesi feel the sasme way10:39
Mabus06okay I only have one console, feugan3333, so brb10:39
ejofeeHappyFool: i need it as compatible as possible to the default one so as to install the nvidia driver10:39
tiglionabbitlinuxboy: dunno, but asking again probably wont help you.  I've read that an older version crashed when the color depth wasn't set to 24 bits, and such stuff, but uh, now that it's upgraded, why do you need to care?10:39
Danarej25goddeses, have you been writing to a windows partition from linux?10:39
=== feugan3333 was about to tell Mabus06 about virtual consoles
HappyFoolejofee: afaik for that you need the right linux-headers package10:40
linuxboytiglionabbit: yes. thats a per user hack. Not a real fix10:40
ej25goddesesI have a windows partitiion10:40
ej25goddesesand I have a live linux cd in it10:40
HappyFoolejofee: you're aware of the ubuntu packaged drivers?10:40
Danarej25goddeses, have you accessed it from linux?10:40
robotgeekhi, i was trying to setup a breezy chroot using debootstrap, but the apt-get update fails with a gpg error. i solved the issue with a include=gnupg --resolve-deps, it this a bug?10:40
tiglionabbitlinuxboy: hack?10:40
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ej25goddesesnope, I havent gotten iin the gui, and I wouldnt knwo how to do anythinig from a comand prompt10:40
shivyi deleted my windows10:40
frei cannot install it any more :(10:40
ejofeeHappyFool: it's my first day with (k)ubuntu10:40
tiglionabbit=}  me too, but now I have roommates asking me to play online RPGs with them10:41
ejofeeHappyFool: no, i am not10:41
Danarej25goddeses, ok, well either way you can ignore it for now. might not pose a problem anyway, and shouldn't interfere with loading linux10:41
shivyto much windows at work already10:41
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HappyFool!tell ejofee about nvidia10:41
Danarej25goddeses, any other messages?10:41
ubotuI guess windows is unnecessary, everything runs in Linux. Choose your emulator: Cedega, Wine, VMware, Qemu, Xen, CrossOver Office or find an !alternative, or what you remove to make room for kubuntu10:41
queuetuetiglionabbit: WOW, at least, works under ubuntu - my wife plays it.10:41
ej25goddesessome crap about bluetooth, but this system doesnt have any bluetooth devices10:41
queuetuetiglionabbit: You need to get cedega, though.10:41
HappyFoolejofee: also take a look at help.ubuntu.com10:41
Danarheh, i wish everything ran in linux10:41
tiglionabbitqueuetue: nifty.  Hmm, perhaps I should subscribe10:41
robotgeekhmm, this is weird. i am on my laptop, firefox/lynx doesn't connect to the internet. however, i am on irc from the machine. what gives?10:42
tiglionabbitI haven't been able to find a buildable version of wineX in my random tries10:42
Danartiglionabbit, google cvscedega10:42
defianceIt's Cedega nowadays.10:42
ejofeeHappyFool: and, btw, is it true ubuntu doesn't include mc (midnight commander)?! i find it nowhere, which surprises me unpleasantly :(10:42
tiglionabbitDanar: that's what I mean10:42
tiglionabbitlast time I did that it had problems10:43
Danartiglionabbit, first result in googling cvscedega: http://winecvs.linux-gamers.net/index.php/Main_Page10:43
Danartiglionabbit, there's your answer ^10:43
GNAMwindows and ubuntu in vmware or ubuntu and windows in vmware? that's the question10:43
tiglionabbitthat's exactly what I did before10:43
fremh does that gnome-bluetooth packet not exist in ubuntu ?10:43
Danartiglionabbit, WFM10:43
HappyFoolejofee: no, it is in. it's in the 'universe' repository. are you a Debian user by any chance?10:43
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tiglionabbitDanar: what?10:44
Danartiglionabbit, WFM = Works For Me10:44
queuetueGNAM: You will be happier with windows under a linux host than linux under a windows host.10:44
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tiglionabbitwell, I'll try running the script again then10:44
Danartiglionabbit, try profile 010:44
queuetueGNAM: A linux host should never have to be rebooted except kernel upgrades.  That windows host will need to be rebooted a few times a day. ;)10:45
GNAMyes but about drivers ;)10:45
ej25goddesesok im back10:45
=== Danar almost misses rebooting... wait, no i don't. :)
ej25goddesessorry about that10:46
queuetueGNAM: If vmware takes care f you, no problem.  If they don't, then ... well, then buy better supported hardware. ;)10:46
ej25goddesesso danar, any other ideas?10:46
mexpquestion here... can someone help... got two ppp interfaces on one dsl-connection, routing gets confused. how to remove/disable/delete one of them?10:46
Danarej25goddeses, no other messages from dmesg?10:46
tiglionabbitDanar: still fails, I'll paste the result10:46
ej25goddesesnothing related to video10:47
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feugan3333mexp: I think there is a config file under /etc/ppoe but I can't check cause I don't use ppoe10:47
shivyyou gotta love chmod :)10:47
tiglionabbiter wait10:47
queuetueI've set up an ssh key with an empty passphrase to allow me to log into a remote server in a script.  This procedure works fine from an OSX box and a RH box, but when I try it under Ubuntu (Breezy), ssh asks for a passphrase -- for a key that does not have one.  Am I doing something wrong ... or is ubuntu's ssh broken in some way?10:47
Danartiglionabbit, shouldn't have failed so soon...10:47
runeviis there a 'proper way' to upgrade Ubuntu 5.10 to the latest kernel?10:47
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Danarrunevi, synaptic should work fine10:48
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feugan3333runevi: what do you mean "latest" kernel?10:48
runeviDanar: I mean to the latest kernel from kernel-org, does ubuntu package them?10:48
Danarrunevi, oh. well you could add kernel.org to the sources.list10:48
ej25goddesesso danar, if I were to try an install rather than a live cd10:48
feugan3333runevi: Not unless you'd like to be stuck with a broken system10:48
ej25goddeseswould have hteese same issues?10:48
tiglionabbitDanar: http://pastebin.com/45928210:49
Danarej25goddeses, possibly.10:49
queuetuerunevi: If it's packaged for ubuntu, then "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"  - if it isn't, then I would not suggest shoehorning it in - join the effort to package it instead. :)10:49
runeviMy problem is quite simply that my SATA controllers became supported in 2.6.13 ;)10:49
estersis there an 64bit macromedia flash player ?10:49
runeviand 5.10 ships with 2.6.1210:49
Danarej25goddeses, best to see why it's doing it first10:49
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shivyapt-get install coffee-1.1210:49
ej25goddeseswell I guess I willl pick this up tomorrow10:49
ej25goddesesI have someone calling me to bed10:49
runeviqueuetue: Well, the box won't use its 7 SATA-disks before I get myself a newer kernel ;D10:50
ej25goddesesthank you for all your help10:50
estersgod damn it10:50
ej25goddesesI really apreciate it10:50
tiglionabbitesters: unfortunately no, macromedia sucks10:50
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robotgeekhmm, this is weird. i am on my laptop, firefox/lynx doesn't connect to the internet. however, i am on irc from the machine. what gives? restarting the router doesn't help10:50
ej25goddesessleep well, and thank you again10:50
esterstiglionabbit, i know :/10:50
esters32bit fagets10:50
tiglionabbitesters: actually, you can grab some open source flash players and compile them on your machine, but they wont run much new stuff10:50
Danartiglionabbit, go to ~/.WineCVS and run 'make clean' and try again10:50
queuetuerunevi: The stock kernel is not meant to be run, unfortunately.  These days, it needs to be tuned for a specific distro - either by the Debian/Ubuntu maintainers, or by you, but "stock kernels" are really no longer appropriate.10:51
tiglionabbitDanar: there's no makefile there10:51
iram_runvei: I had similar issue with my ide raid controller.  nobody seems to be interested in helping people figure out how to use a newer kernel10:51
runeviqueuetue: Except for slackware. ;D10:51
mexpfeugan3333: checked the files in /etc/ppp but couldn't find anything related10:51
tiglionabbitDanar: oh, /sources/winex10:52
esterstiglionabbit, i used synaptic package manager to download packages keyword flash10:52
queuetuerunevi: Even for slackware, if you ask Linus.10:52
Danartiglionabbit, do you have a ~/winex directory?10:52
tiglionabbitI mean ~/.WineCVS/sources/cvscedega/winex10:52
tiglionabbitmade clean there, I'll try again now10:52
feugan3333mexp: you check pppoe_on_boot ?10:52
Danartiglionabbit, try again after 'make clean' if not, try 'make uninstall' and try again10:52
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alpqueuetue: lots of people happily use stock kernels or hand patched kernels every day10:52
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runeviqueuetue: Ohwell10:52
iram_runevi: the solution i chose was to spend 30 bucks on a new ide controller10:53
runeviiram_: Uhm.10:53
queuetuealp: If you say so, then it must be true for you.10:53
mexpfeugan3333: yes, it only refers to dsl-provider file10:53
runeviiram_: I just bought _two_ new controllers, to have my 7 sata-disks on ;)10:53
tiglionabbitDanar: same problems10:53
runeviiram_: And SATAII-300, with NCQ/TCQ are quite expensive. ;D10:53
feugan3333queuetue: Where did you hear that stock kernels are not appropriate?10:53
queuetuerunevi: You might have checked for ubuntu support before. :)10:54
esters80GB samsung SATA2 and NCQ costs 40LS it's about 80$10:54
queuetuefeugan3333: The Kernel developers mailing lists.10:54
mexpfeugan3333: and there's only one connection there10:54
runeviqueuetue: Well, I usually use SuSE ;)  And SuSE drivers are shipped with the cards. ;D10:54
runeviqueuetue: But I decided to give Ubuntu a go.10:54
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estersrunevi, in LV sata 2 and NCQ HDD aren't so expensive10:55
shivyno suse10:55
feugan3333queuetue: I'll take your word for it, but I still find it hard to beleive.10:55
shivytoo much background services and a crappy kde10:55
runeviesters: It's not _that_ expensive, $250 or something for both controllers.10:55
Danartiglionabbit, make uninstall, and follow the directions here as precisely as you can: http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wfsection/article.php?articleid=4510:55
shivyi tried running that on my laptop10:55
shivyand it crashed over and over10:56
iram_runevi: this thread might help http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=84174&highlight=kernel          Like I said, I gave up and just bought new hard ware10:56
shivyubuntu is much sweeter for me cpu10:56
runeviesters: iram_ Thanks.10:56
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estersrunevi,  why do you need controllers if you have an moBo which supports sata2 & NCQ10:56
estersor you don't :)10:56
feugan3333mexp: I'm not sure. But it's there somewhere if you look hard enough :-)10:56
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estersyesterday i installed kubuntu 64bit 5.1010:57
runeviesters: It's an old mobo ;)  The mobo is for a Duron 1300 ;)10:57
estersi think gnome looks better10:57
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mexpfeugan3333: yeah... tried already for some HOURS to find it...10:58
estersKDE is more like doggy on the search bar and uselles RAM using10:58
estersrunevi, i se nForce or KT old chipset?10:58
Danartiglionabbit, also, doing this might help: sudo apt-get install gcc-3.410:58
Danarexport CC10:58
runeviesters: Not sure, it's a kt7a-raid mobo10:59
estersRAID mobo?10:59
tiglionabbitI just did a yes | sudo rm -r * in the source directory, to make sure it actually updates my source10:59
runeviesters: it's the name of the mobo :)10:59
esterswhat brand?10:59
estersis it?10:59
runeviesters: abit, i think11:00
defianceabit is teh shizznitz.11:00
runeviyup, abit.11:00
estersi have an Shuttle KT266A mobo11:00
esters@ my second home11:00
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estershere i have Asus A8n-sli Deluxe11:00
tiglionabbitokay that was bad, now it thinks I should have the source there...   *deletes the whole tree*11:00
senectuscan I re-install without formatting?11:01
estersbut i think you can take a look on Biostar 6100-m9 which support Sata 2 and NCQ i think11:01
senectusinstall over the top of what I had?11:01
runeviesters: Basically, it's an old box which I want to use as a disk-server, so I bought 7 SATA-II disks, 2 nice controllers, and put it all in. :)11:01
esters7x25=175W of PSU11:02
tiglionabbitah, it's actually getting new source this time.  So that's what I should have done--  delete the whole tree so it starts fresh11:02
estersi have only one 200gb segate barracuda11:02
runeviesters: The PSU in that box is 580W, so that shouldn't pose a problem. :)11:03
Madpilotsenectus: install/reinstall what?11:03
estersrunevi, hehe11:03
runeviesters: I'm more worried about the cooling ;)11:03
esters12fan should do the trick11:03
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runeviesters: Well, yes, but I also need fans directly on the disks.11:03
defianceOpterons for teh win!11:03
estersbarracuda's normal temp. is about 50~*11:03
tiglionabbitfuck, same error11:04
runeviesters: That's no good, you shorten their lives with that high a temp.11:04
esterswhen i putted 12cm FAN normal temp ir about 37~4011:04
tiglionabbitDanar: it still duzn't work, same output even with new source =[11:04
melonipoikahi, anyone can tell me how to turn off jounalling with tune2fs? i could't find i in the man page...11:04
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melonipoikahi, anyone can tell me how to turn off jounalling with tune2fs? i could't find i in the man page...11:04
robotgeekmelonipoika: no need to repeat11:05
estersi should propose to buy samsung's HDD's default temp about 20C :)11:05
melonipoikauy, soory11:05
Danardid you execute 'CC=gcc-3.4' and export CC?11:05
melonipoikait was a mistake11:05
feugan3333melonipoika: may I ask why11:05
Danartiglionabbit, before running the script?11:05
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tiglionabbitoops, I didn't export11:05
melonipoikayes, to resize partition wijt parted11:05
estersrunevi, you are using ubuntu?11:05
locomortoIs it possible to change the ctrl-alt-backspace bind to something else?11:05
estersat the moment?11:05
runeviesters: Complete ubuntu-newbie, but yes.11:05
robotgeeklocomorto: yes11:05
runeviesters: Started using ubuntu yesterday11:05
locomortorobotgeek: Where would I change that?11:05
estersrunevi, GL11:05
runeviesters: It'll probably work out.  Used to admin a few debian servers earlier.11:06
estersoh that's good11:06
estersi'm a gamer,playing games like counter-strike for 4 years11:06
melonipoikafeudan3333, i read that turning it off you change the filesystem to ext2, and then i can use parted. Then i will turn in on again11:06
melonipoikai'm not sure if i'm right11:07
runeviesters: Ah :)  I'm one of those sysadmin types, who have been sysadmining the least .. heh .. 7 years.11:07
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runevithe last.11:07
robotgeeklocomorto: you can do it in two ways. one from the gconfeditor gui, System Tools -> Configuration Editor11:07
esterson debian based systems or GAY windows?11:07
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runeviesters: never been a windows admin.11:08
robotgeeklocomorto: or gconftool-2 -t str --set /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_9 "<Control><Alt>Delete"11:08
robotgeeklocomorto: gconftool-2 -t str --set /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_9 "gnome-system-monitor"11:08
runeviesters: But debian/redhat/suse/freebsd/openbsd/netbsd/solaris11:08
estersgreat experience there runevi11:08
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feugan3333melonipoika: I've never that but you best backup your data first.11:08
ejofee"In the Software Sources dialog that comes up, click the Add button." -- no such dialog comes up! what happens?11:09
locomortorobotgeek: Nono11:09
runeviesters: I _still_ hate twiddling with the kernel in distros i'm not familiar with ;D11:09
robotgeeklocomorto: that will launch the gnom-esystem-monitor11:09
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locomortorobotgeek: I want to change the one that kills X11:09
Lockewhats a good video player? need to play a WMV and totem isn't wanting to be nice11:09
defianceLocke, mplayer/vlc11:09
feugan3333 s/never/never heard/11:10
LockeVLC is HORRIBLE11:10
defianceBut you need the w32codecs to play WMV11:10
estersxine-ui Locke11:10
defianceLocke, I think it's quite nice.11:10
defianceUgh.. xine is slow. >_<11:10
defiancemplayer for teh win11:10
robotgeeklocomorto: okay, one sec. /etc/xmodmap.conf , keycode 22 for me11:10
runevidefiance: Is there trouble with the w32codecs in combination with amd64?  Didn't get wmv to work as I'm used to ..11:10
estersbut VLC is universal player for both win and linux11:10
defianceI haven't even found the w32codecs, but I've only searched in the reps.11:10
[darkfire] w32codecs is in the reps11:11
LockeI have the w32 codecs installed11:11
defiance[darkfire] , in what rep?11:11
estersrunevi, don't know i'm now jusing 64bit ubuntu but i use VLC to watch video files11:11
[darkfire] make sure your mutiverse reps are on11:11
robotgeekubotu: tell defiance about w32codecs11:11
chris_dxAny one available to answer newb ?11:11
defiance[darkfire] , they are.11:11
robotgeekchris_dx: right place, ask away11:11
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ajmitch[darkfire] : no, w32codecs is not in multiverse11:12
ajmitchhi pitti11:12
estersrunevi, you're from norway?11:12
defianceThanks robotgeek11:12
[darkfire] well then i dont know11:12
[darkfire] I edited my sources.list file and added more reps11:12
Ghey ajmitch your an op here right?11:12
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chris_dxJust install ubuntu 5.04 1st time with new lcd monitor. Can't get higher than 640 resolution.11:13
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ajmitchG: on a bad day11:13
joedjchris_dx: i had to enter my hsync/vsync and resolutions into xorg.conf manually11:13
esterschris_dx, i have a simmilar problem11:13
Gajmitch, got a moment?11:13
[darkfire] chris_dx: I had that probelm to11:13
[darkfire] joedj is correct11:13
ale3hscan anyone giv me instructions how to install rhythmbox 0.9.2 ??11:14
ajmitchG: you can ask general questions in here, I just try & keep the peace if something goes wrong :)11:14
khabcould someone give me a hand with getting X running with with my ATI 200M?11:14
queuetueI've set up an ssh key with an empty passphrase to allow me to log into a remote server in a script.  This procedure works fine from an OSX box and a RH box, but when I try it under Ubuntu (Breezy), ssh asks for a passphrase -- for a key that does not have one.  Am I doing something wrong ... or is ubuntu's ssh broken in some way?11:14
Lockehow well do Linksys wireless NICs work with Ubuntu?11:14
robotgeekubotu: tell Locke about wireless11:14
robotgeekLocke: try to locate your card on that page11:15
Gajmitch, it's not general ubuntu, it's in regards to a couple of bans that are affecting wide groups of people...11:15
ajmitchG: such as?11:15
Gajmitch, such as *!*@*.tor.* is taking out some toronto users....11:15
chris_dxjoedj: Where do i locate that file11:15
[darkfire] ale3hs: it should be be in "add application"11:15
joedjchris_dx: /etc/X1111:15
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feugan3333ubotu: tell feugan3333 about wireless11:16
Lockewell i've heard a few rumors that Linksys works horrible, i just wanted to know if anyone had a little firsthand experience11:16
esterschris_dx, you have putted ignore on PM's ?11:16
senectusMadpilot, uh.. ubuntu of course :-)11:16
khabcan someone help me please? i am unable to get X running on my laptop with a Radeon 200M i am using version 5.10 X86_64 Version11:17
estersmm ATI drivers11:17
ale3hs[darkfire] , yea but its rhythmbox 0.9.111:17
khabya i;ve been trying to get it going for about 4 hours now11:17
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chris_dxesters: What are PM's?11:19
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[darkfire] chris_dx: private message11:19
[darkfire] chris_dx i sent you one with the a partial xorg.conf listing11:19
khabsoo can someone please help me?11:20
ale3hscan somebody giv me a link that explains how u write scripts to install debs to ubuntu?11:20
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feugan3333khab: what driver are you using?11:21
Alexale3hs: the script to install a deb? add the words 'dpkg -i file.deb' into a file, newline, again, newline, again..11:21
robotgeekale3hs: check the bash scripting guide at www.tldp.org11:21
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khabright now the defualt one that ubuntu installs but X won't even load11:21
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ale3hsAlex, robotgeek ok11:21
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dpuppquestion: if im going to install totem-xine, is it ok to remove totem? or totem-gstreamer?11:22
vbgunzWhen will Linux natively become the best gaming OS ever?11:23
Alexvbgunz: When consoles die out?11:23
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Alexvbgunz: It may well be the best gaming OS evaaaaaaar, as UT 2k4 seems to run better for me on Linux than it does on 'XP, but you're really not supplying even one criterion to judge 'best' by ;)11:23
vbgunzAlex: imho, computer is far better than any console. I have a PS2 and an XBox... PC is just better... or maybe its the games I like 1sPS11:24
dpuppshould i remove totem before installing totem-xine?11:24
chris_dx[darkfire] : I have manual for monitor do i need to change your sample conf to match anything in manual?11:24
Belutzdpupp, no, it will remove totem-gstreamer automatically11:24
AlexFPS are much better with a mouse in my opinion, but.. theoretically, any of the consoles are 'better' gaming OSes? ;()11:24
dpuppok thanks belutz11:25
[darkfire] chris_dx: no11:25
PHR023Nanyone knows of a good fat32 partition recovery program running on linux? I accidently deleted mine about 60Gigs of it.11:25
[darkfire] no good11:25
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Alexvbgunz: Although for what it's worth, I own all consoles and still play most of my games on the PC :)11:26
smoPHR023N: you deleted the partition, or the files within it?11:26
vbgunzPHR023N: don't write to that disk anymore until you find a way to recover from it... Any kind of writing could permanently destroy the data on the disk... Make sure you get a good read only util that can extract the data...11:26
matidHi. Anyone here with some experience with Rosetta?11:27
PHR023Nvbgunz: which rpog shoulh I used to read11:27
vbgunzAlex: the last best console game I played was Resident Evil 4... Other than that, yeah I love the PC. I just find myself booting into Windows when I want to play a game11:27
[darkfire] phr023n: you need a program to rewrite the fat table11:27
Alexvbgunz: Haha, yeah, I've been playing that lately. Finished it on easy, gone back on hard.. jeez..11:27
Belutzmatid, you could ask rosetta related questions in #launchpad11:27
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vbgunzPHR023N: not sure... :(11:27
ardchoillehow do I add a user to a group?11:28
vbgunzAlex: 1 to 10 how would you rate the new RE4?11:28
smoardchoille: adduser username groupname  .. nice and easy11:28
PHR023N[darkfire] : can u suggest a prog?11:28
vbgunzAlex: I would rate it about an 8 1/2, maybe 9 :)11:28
ardchoillesmo: thanks11:28
Alexvbgunz: I'd say about an 8, really enjoyed it. The targeting still weirds me out, and I still poop myself when a snake jumps out of a box :(11:28
smoardchoille: using sudo or root, of course11:29
chris_dx[darkfire] : Okay i've changed conf file. Do i just reboot for changes to take effect?11:29
Alexhey ardchoille :)11:29
vbgunzAlex: haha, I couldn't avoid a single snake in the box on that game... I got a bit freaked as Ashley with no weapons and flash light in the dark... Other than that, the game was very dynamic... definitely the best RE4 and i played them all :)11:29
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[darkfire] chris_dx:yes or press ctrl+alt+backspace11:30
Alexvbgunz: I found the original for the PS1 in a cupboard the other day. But back to your question.. many games do indeed run native on Linux, and do it aalot better than you'd expect :)11:30
ardchoillesmo: won't adduser username groupname set the primary group to groupname?11:30
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vbgunzAlex: Can Quake 4 run on Linux? I think someone said it could...11:31
cmugit can11:31
matidAnyone here with some experience with Rosetta?11:31
PHR023Ni'm really hopeless here11:31
vbgunzPHR023N: one sec11:31
Alexardchoille: usermod -G the-new-group-you-want-them-to-be-added-to username  <-- works too11:31
cmugvbgunz, ^11:31
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Alexvbgunz: http://zerowing.idsoftware.com/linux/quake4/11:31
vbgunzcmug: Quake 4 can?11:31
PHR023Nvbgunz: i've just read something about fixdisktable11:32
vbgunzPHR023N: Can you access the disk from another Windows PC?11:32
cmugvbgunz, yes11:32
PHR023Nvbgunz: yes i can11:32
vbgunzPHR023N: wasn't keeping up with your problem... did you delete the files on the disk?11:32
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[darkfire] phro23n: http://www.thefreecountry.com/utilities/partitioneditors.shtml11:33
ardchoillesmo: I think the proper way to do that is usermod -G groupname username11:33
PHR023Nvbgunz: nope i accidetly changed the partition table11:33
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[darkfire] phro23n: they have a list of good programs opensource, free, and paid11:33
ardchoilleAlex: yeah, thanks11:33
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smoardchoille: adduser's worked for me for more years than I can count, so I've stuck with it.  there's always more than one way to skin a cat tho :)11:34
peter_hi all im new to ubuntu11:34
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chris_dx[darkfire]  & others: Thanks for the help, Is it the same procedure for ubuntu 5.10?11:34
emurzsorry for the mistake11:34
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vbgunzPHR023N: I have a utility that will recover deleted data from a disk... It doesn't need to run from Windows, it can run on boot up... I might have to upload it if you want it11:34
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PHR023Nvbgunz: well i got an ubuntu running from another hdd11:35
vbgunzAlex: thanks for that Quake 4 link, in your opinion, does it run better on Linux than on Windows?11:35
ardchoillesmo: yes, but using "adduser bob admin" would mean that any file bob creates would be of group admin, right?11:35
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peter_is there updates that i might need?11:36
vbgunzPHR023N: this utility does not work on Linux. It runs on PC boot up *though* maybe there is an option to run it from within Windows though I do not know for sure...11:36
Seveaspeter_, if you enable the updates and security repositories, you get them automatically11:36
PHR023Nvbgunz: that better then :)11:36
martin__Do any of you guys have any advice for setting up wireless devices?11:36
Alexvbgunz: Haven't tried Q4, but Ut2k4 ran alot better on Linux than Windows, so you'd best try it :)11:36
[darkfire] Phro23n: http://www.cgsecurity.org/index.html?testdisk.html11:36
peter_thank you seveas11:36
smoardchoille: I don't believe so.  unless sticky bits dictate otherwise, you create files matching the uid and gid listed in /etc/passwd.  adduser name group just adds you to the list of users in a group's entry in /etc/group11:37
vbgunzIf when you lost the data, you no longer wrote to the disk, you have a very good chance if not a great chance with saving the data11:37
martin__No matter what I do I can not get my wireless card to work11:37
[darkfire] PHRO23N: testdisk runs on linux or win. I can recover any kind of file table11:37
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vbgunzAlex: sounds good, I will try it then, I cannot see why Linux just wouldn't perform better with the same game on the same pc VS Windows...11:37
ubuntu_hi all11:37
martin__I have installed the firmware and modules fine but no matter what I do I can not connect to my router11:37
ubuntu_Damn my windows crached11:38
martin__are there any good network tools that I can use11:38
Storkhi, i'm having problems compiling SQUID proxy server. here's the errors i get in a paste: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/560811:38
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Storkany ideas?11:39
vbgunzPHR023N: that link [darkfire]  sent you looks good. Try that!11:39
peter_i just pluged my eaterhnet lead in and got straight on to the net,it does not come up with my bt server name though but no the less im still chating and surfing the web11:39
feugan3333martin__: Have you entered the correct essid and channel in System->Administration->Networking ?11:39
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vbgunzam tired11:39
[darkfire] I have a question11:39
PHR023Nvbgunz: but theres thousands of files in subdir? i'd prefer recovering the whole partition11:40
vbgunzneed sleep :O11:40
peter_so my router works11:40
dpuppcan someone tell me how to uninstall libdvdcss2? i tried: sudo dpkg -r libdvdcss2_1.2.8-1unofficialubuntu3_i386.deb but that gave: dpkg: you must specify packages by their own names, not by quoting the names of the files they come in. c11:40
[darkfire] How would i set up a proxy server11:40
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Storkhi, i'm having problems compiling SQUID proxy server. here's the errors i get in a paste: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/560811:40
vbgunzPHR023N: I have to look for the app, one sec, it is about 60 mb or so11:40
vbgunzone sec11:40
[darkfire] PHRO23N: testdisk recovers the whole partion not just files11:40
feugan3333Stork: There is a squid package11:40
martin__I set those with iwconfig11:41
PHR023Nvbgunz: i'm patient enuff :)11:41
Toma-dpupp: whats the package name?11:41
martin__i did not know you could do that graphically11:41
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^rubixcubedpupp, dpkg -r libdvdcss211:41
wdhStork, and one time asking is more then enough11:41
^rubixcubeyou only need the package name11:41
feugan3333martin__: Now you know :-)11:41
dpuppToma- good question. the file name is libdvdcss2_1.2.8-1unofficialubuntu3_i386.deb i found it on the forum...11:41
PHR023N[darkfire] : if thats the case i think i'll try it..11:41
martin__I can only see setting for essid key and wep but not channel info11:42
dpuppthanks ^rubixcube :) that worked.11:42
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PHR023Nvbgunz: i'm still waiting for yours too :) just in case11:42
[darkfire] How can i setup a proxy server, does any one know?11:42
vbgunzPHR023N: oh, it's small :P it's only 2.911:42
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feugan3333martin__: I think it is autodetected, but if it does not work then you may need to use iwconfig11:43
munzirhi sirs, For those in Coutries with DST (summer time) do they need to set their linux systems manually or would it be automatic?11:43
PHR023Nvbgunz: how do i get it from you...?11:43
vbgunzbut you need Windows to run it the first time. It will bascially create the boot up disk for you... Do you have access to another Windows PC?11:43
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PHR023Nvbgunz: yes i do11:43
joedjmunzir: automatically, in general11:43
smofor dvdcss, install libdvdread3, then look in /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/  the maintainer has a shellscript to fetch libdvdcss for you11:44
vbgunzPHR023N: I will upload it somewhere and link you11:44
[darkfire] vbgunz: you can use dcc send if your not behind a strong firewall11:44
feugan3333PHR023N: also look at http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Partition/recovering.html11:44
PHR023Nvbgunz: thats very helpful of you... godbless11:44
peter_is it worth me using ubuntu on my main pc as well? or is it best to keep xp on one computer ?11:45
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matidAnyone here with some experience with Rosetta?11:45
[darkfire] peter_: it may be nice to have a winodws pc around, but i dont11:45
feugan3333peter_: I depends on how well you know linux and what you need to do11:45
Viper12unless you're playing a TON of win-only games......why in hell would you need any other operating system?11:45
peter_that question goes out to anyone lol11:46
vbgunzPHR023N: no problem, I hate Windows... I don't mean to bash it but my main reason for leaving it as my main working OS was because I always lost information to it because a system file always ended up deleted... I know the feeling of losing your stuff and being anxious on getting it back... one sec11:46
smopeter_: that depends entirely on what you use each of them for.  in your position, I'd probably keep both until you're comfortable with which will do what you need better11:46
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munzirjoedj: thanks a lot.11:46
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Madpilotpeter_: I've been Windows-free for more than 6 months now - I don't need it at all, your computer needs might differ...11:46
peter_sounds good to me all11:46
joedjmunzir: there are ways to configure it incorrectly, of course :)11:46
[darkfire] peter_: you can go windows free and use wine11:47
dukebodyi want to compile a pascal file but i get an error: module/unit interface 'crt' could not be imported. Could somebody help me?11:47
peter_im just concerd about the inter net conection because i use a bt router but obviosly cant load the disc on to linux11:47
Madpilotpeter_: you can also dual-boot a computer - have both Ubuntu and XP (or any other combo) installed, and choose which to boot into when you start the machine11:47
vbgunzPHR023N: uploading now11:47
joedjdukebody: i have _no_ idea, but that sounds suspiciously like a windows library11:48
munzirjoedj: does this has anything with the Hardware Clock being utc or not?11:48
PHR023Nvbgunz: my hearts beating, praying like hell11:48
peter_now this linux is sounding good to me all the time lol11:48
drcodeany one know good opensource pdf to html ?11:48
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vbgunzPHR023N: it will work, this partition of information that you last was in fat or ntfs?11:48
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PHR023Nvbgunz: fat3211:48
feugan3333peter_: I don't know of any router's that are windows only11:48
dukebodyjoedj, yes it could be but it is aviable for linux i think?11:48
joedjmunzir: no, just to do with how you set your timezone, really11:49
[darkfire] peter_:routers are os independent11:49
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smocrt was dos, wincrt was windows .. so I'd be very surprised if there isnt' a crt unit for linux, but i'd have no idea where to look (I haven't touched pascal since college)11:49
PHR023Nfeugan3333: thanks for the url ill try give it a read :)11:49
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feugan3333PHR023N: no problem11:50
peter_well it works on ubuntu but i dont know if im suposed to use the install disk i just pluged the ethanet lead in my laptop and it works fine11:50
feugan3333peter_: you don't need the install disk then :-)11:50
dukebodyi looked into http://www.gnu-pascal.de , smo , and found something, but i can't install it, i get an error11:50
munzirjoedj: so is there any reason that favors hwclock to be set as UTC? I always see this recommendation in linux11:50
peter_wayhay lol11:50
smopeter_: given BT's track record, I'd try their software only if nothing else works.  if it's working with out it, stay without it11:50
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feugan3333dukebody: I thought gcc had a pascal module11:51
joedjmunzir: i believe either is fine11:51
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dukebodyyes feugan3333 , gpc11:51
peter_well all thanks for the help im off to have a look around my new o/s :O)11:51
vbgunzPHR023N: got an error in vmware on the ftp, will try to upload again through Ubuntu11:52
PHR023Nvbgunz: no harm I'll wait :)11:52
munzirjoedj: ok thanks again and I won't believe all that I read next time ;)11:53
PHR023Ni've done nothing but tryng to recover for the last 6 hours..11:53
joedjmunzir: i vaguely recall that other OSs (windows in particular) and linux wouldn't play nicely if you had it set the other way; perhaps that's the reason for the recommendation11:53
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vbgunzPHR023N: sent you a private message11:53
PHR023Nvbgunz: thanks !!! hope one day i can help you too :)11:54
munzirjoedj: actually the recommendation say use UTC unless you are dual booting with windows then use localtime.11:54
[darkfire] Does anyone know how to setup a proxy server?11:54
joedjmunzir: yeah =P11:54
vbgunzPHR023N: no problem, I know the feeling, am glad to help!11:54
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feugan3333[darfire] : for firefox ?11:56
PHR023Nthanks very much for the rest of you too...11:56
PHR023Ngod how i envy this channel...11:56
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[darkfire] feugan3333: I don't want to use a proxy server, i want to be a proxy server.11:56
[darkfire] I need something like what AnalogX made.11:57
Fujitsusquid would do the trick?11:57
PHR023Nsome channels just ignore people with stupid newbie questions.. :)11:57
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[darkfire] PHR02n: Well ther are a lot of noobs in linux, but yours wasnt a noob question.11:58
feugan3333PHR023N: This one does too, only the questions need to be really stupid :-)11:58
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Kaiser_Meetinghi Hobbsee. see you later ;)11:58
Hobbseehey Kaiser_Meeting11:58
aeon17xThe noob situation in Linux isn't as bad as Windows though, which is comforting.11:58
Kaiser_Meetingin a meeting ;)11:58
[darkfire] ahh windows users11:59
feugan3333What's the start button anyways?11:59
[darkfire] The classic It wont take my password11:59
PHR023Nfeugan3333: lol11:59
[darkfire] Answer: The caps lock is on11:59
feugan3333Where is the any key?11:59
soundrayfeugan3333, the big round one on the front of your computer11:59
[darkfire] All hail the 3 finger salute12:00
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PHR023Nthis really cheer today... after losing almost my entire 3 years of work12:01
[darkfire] PH023N: You need to start having a backup routine12:01
PHR023Nmybe i'll try to learn to use a SAN disk sooner than expected12:01
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PHR023Nor just create one using an old hardware with new hdd12:02
otep[darkfire] : what do you use for backups?12:02
soundrayPHR023N, I came in late -- how did you lose your work?12:02
vbgunzPHR023N: yeah, completely agree with [darkfire] , I make about 8 backups a day... About 3 hours ago, I needed my last backup bad :( Restored in only a couple of minutes :)12:02
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[darkfire] otep: since i keep all my files in one folder i just copy it to a usb drive12:03
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PHR023Nsoundray: i accidently changed the partition table while trying to resize ext2 partition using cfdisk12:03
otepaaah i do too. i also try to keep cd/dvd copies.12:03
soundrayPHR023N, do you know about programs that reconstruct a partition table?12:04
[darkfire] PHRO23N: Always defrag before resizeing partions12:04
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stephankparted can restore partitions if you haven't formatted them yet12:04
PHR023Nsoundray: have u got any suggestion?12:04
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soundrayPHR023N, give me a minute.12:04
dukebodycan somebody help me with "play" command?12:04
PHR023Nwhats a good backup prog on linux?12:05
otepPHR023N: mondo? havent actually tried it yet, tho12:05
PHR023Nvbgunz: 100kbit remaining :)12:06
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vbgunzPHR023N: cool :)12:06
soundrayPHR023N, the rescue thing I used in the past was gpart. It goes through your disk and finds data structures that look like partition boundaries, and uses that to "guess" what the correct partition table must have looked like.12:06
ubotuGooooooooooooooooooooooooodmorning #ubuntu! It looks like another beautiful ubuntuous day, may humanity be with you and your problems be solved :)12:06
chrisx1_hey when i got to some website firefox closes12:06
chrisx1_any ideas?12:06
Seveaschrisx1_, don't go to that site anymore?12:07
aeon17xWhat website?12:07
chrisx1_i want to12:07
PHR023Nsoundray: that sounds good :)12:07
vbgunz!ubotu welcome back beotch!12:07
ubotuvbgunz: What?12:07
ubotuvbgunz: I give up, what is it?12:07
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Seveas!bot abuse12:07
ubotuI heard bot abuse is a bannable offense12:07
soundrayPHR023N, but it's important to stop using that disk immediately for anything that might write to it.12:08
Seveaschrisx1_, works fine here12:08
chrisx1_closes on mine12:08
Seveascompletely blank site though :)12:08
chrisx1_ur got 1.5 tho Seveas12:08
Seveasno, I run stable software12:08
dukebodycan somebody help me with "play" command? i want to play a sound but a error told me my device is busy12:08
Seveasno just-released-stuff-with-lots-of-bugs12:08
DanarSeveas, uh, how's 1.5 unstable?12:08
vbgunzdukebody: try killall esd12:08
Seveasdukebody, esdplay12:08
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SeveasDanar, quite a few bugs already12:09
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Danarmore stable than previous versions12:09
aeon17xI'm getting redirected.12:09
PHR023Nsoundray: i ve done that :) thanks12:09
[darkfire] seveas: yes 1.5 has bugs, but its better than 1.0712:09
ToniKi need help about updating unubtu 5.04 to 5.1012:09
ToniKhow do i do it?12:09
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GNAMfresh install ToniK.12:10
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ToniKthat's what i thought12:10
PHR023Ngpart eh? what about dependencies should it be okay on a newly installed hoary?12:10
aeon17xToniK: insert Ubuntu 5.10 CD and follow the instructions.12:10
chrisx1_bbl again12:10
ToniKthanks anyway12:10
soundrayToniK, I did it with apt-get12:10
aeon17xToniK: it'll take a while though, and you have to restart afterwards.12:10
ToniKi have the Free install CD12:10
SeveasGNAM, nonsense12:10
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Seveasyou never need a fresh install12:10
ToniKand i have already installed the 5.04 version12:10
SeveasToniK, pop in the cd, it will use it for upgrading12:11
ToniKand still using it12:11
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ToniKalthough i'm still a linux rookie12:11
soundrayToniK, substituted all "hoary" occurrences in /etc/apt/sources.list with "breezy", apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade.12:11
dukebodySeveas, esdplay did not work12:11
GNAMfresh install is polish and I'm able to reconfigure my system in minutes12:11
Seveasdukebody, lsof /dev/dsp12:11
libbnis this a good thing to follow? http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/pub/a/linux/2000/06/29/hdparm.html12:11
[darkfire] Gnam: you will lose all you files though12:11
PHR023Nive got to quit for a few minutes to run windows to try the prog vbgunz just send me... i'll be back to tell you guys of the outcome12:11
SeveasGNAM, you're too windows-minded12:11
[darkfire] Gnam: some people have actual information on it they cant lose12:12
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GNAMupgrading a so is utopia.12:12
dukebodykillall esd did not work, vbgunz12:12
Seveaslibbn, sounds alright12:12
SeveasGNAM, bullshit12:12
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libbnSeveas: yeah, but i read somewhere that it could be bad for your drive to run this. but im not sure where i read it12:13
PHR023Nsoundray, vbgunz , [darkfire]  and others ave been much help thanks again :)12:13
PHR023Nbye :)12:13
freelovewhere do i get limewire?12:13
soundrayPHR023N, good luck.12:13
Seveaslibbn, you can reduce your hd's life if you use it improperly12:13
dukebodySeveas, no process appears after lsof /dev/dsp12:13
[darkfire] PHRO23N: good luck12:13
Seveasdukebody, weird, then play should work12:13
freelovewhr can i get michael jackson's song who is it??12:13
Seveastry esd & && esdplay12:13
Seveasfreelove, not in here12:14
[darkfire] www.allofmp3.com should have it12:14
libbnSeveas: you altered it ?12:14
Seveas[darkfire] , NOT in here12:14
soundraylibbn, hdparm is a low level tool. In principle, you can use it to wreck your disk, and you won't have anyone to sue.12:14
[darkfire] hmm ok12:14
PHR023Nthank i'm sure i'll nedd all the luck i can get :)12:14
ToniKthank you all12:14
freelovejust asking;).....12:14
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vbgunzdukebody: try killall esd &12:15
libbnsoundray: well, we all enable dma on the disks, but why not take the extra step? our disks do run I/O 32 for sure. and so is our controller. so why not tell it to use it?12:15
[darkfire] Does anyone know how to setup a proxy server?12:15
vbgunzdukebody: listen to Seveas, he knows more than me!12:15
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Seveas[darkfire] , apt-get install squid && read_documentation12:15
soundraylibbn, exactly, that's what I do too, and I've never had a problem.12:15
libbnsoundray: just enable dma or do u enable IO mode also?12:16
soundraylibbn, and I got a tenfold increase of the hdparm -T benchmark on most disks where I tried it.12:16
libbnwhats ur -tT right now ?12:16
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soundraylibbn, I don't mess with PIO settings. Not necessary on modern ATA/SATA drives.12:17
dukebodyesd: ALSA lib pcm-dmis.c ... unable to open slave12:17
libbnsoundray: why not? it still runs 16 bit then?12:17
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encompassis there a program that can check the links of a website?12:18
soundraylibbn, 130 MB in  3.01 seconds =  43.24 MB/sec (-T)12:18
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[darkfire] seveas: what diretory is squid documentaion in12:18
soundraylibbn, no, 32bit support is turned on.12:18
linux_n00b_eHey guys, morning! :012:18
encompasswell about 1 pm in finland12:19
linux_n00b_eI could use a little bit of assistance.12:19
libbnTiming cached reads:   636 MB in  2.01 seconds = 316.62 MB/sec12:19
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nalioth_zZz[darkfire] : /usr/share/doc/   holds many wonderful things12:19
libbnTiming buffered disk reads:  138 MB in  3.14 seconds =  43.91 MB/sec12:19
Seveas[darkfire] , package squid-doc12:19
libbnwith only dma on12:19
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Seveashmm, no, squid does not have a separate doc package :)12:20
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Seveasso /usr/share/doc/squid should do12:20
linux_n00b_eI just installed Ubuntu on my box and after it asked me to take the disk out of my drive, the GRUB tried to re-boot.12:20
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linux_n00b_eHowever on re-boot I got an error 2 message. anybody know what that means?12:20
[darkfire] hmm all there is a changelog12:21
kcngany1 still use 56k modem here?12:21
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Astxistkcng, yes12:21
encompasskeng ask a better question12:21
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Shadowpillarquestion, how do I build debian packages the correct way?12:22
linux_n00b_eDoes anyone know what an Error 2 message on the GRUB loader means?12:22
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kcngi cant see the modem connection statistics window on my ubuntu, is there one?12:23
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encompassI would google that, have you?12:23
encompassor man grub12:23
gnaskDa*n .. im having real trouble with my TV-out .. i tried to follow every instruction i could find in the ubuntuforums.. but they all left me with a corrupt xorg.conf and a x-server that wont start.. :( doesnt anyone have a working tv-out via a nvidiacard ? .. i could use a correct configures xorg.conf that i can modify to suit my devices..12:23
[darkfire] sevas: malioth_zZz: thanks it was squid --help, it gives command line options12:23
encompassthere are much better ways to find simple answers like that12:23
soundraylinux_n00b_e, it can't find your kernel.12:24
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soundraylinux_n00b_e, can you drop to the grub shell by hitting 'c'?12:24
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linux_n00b_eOh... I don't know, let me see. Just hit the 'c' key?12:25
VINTAGEcan you play games on ubuntu?12:25
soundraylinux_n00b_e, when the grub menu is displayed.12:25
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Nikusanhey all I'm using ubuntu breezy installed kubuntu-desktop. now I want to remove it and all ~140 packages that it installed, is there an easy way to remove them all in one shot?12:25
[darkfire] vintage: freecive is all you need12:25
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soundraylinux_n00b_e, you may have to hit Esc during boot.12:25
[darkfire] vintage: mame is a arcade system emulatore12:26
VINTAGEwhats mame?12:26
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VINTAGEso i can play all windows games12:26
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VINTAGEon ubuntu/12:26
VINTAGEwith mame12:26
linux_n00b_eNope, it won't let me in. Guess, I'll try running the installer again. Thanks...12:26
soundraylinux_n00b_e, better luck next time.12:27
[darkfire] Vinatage: Mame is aracade machine emulator not windows.12:27
linux_n00b_ethanks soundray ;)12:27
oskudeVINTAGE, yup, but windows is not yet a arcade system :)12:27
gum5h03whts the deal with rhythmbox not playing .mp3's from the default config? I had to dl xmms to get my tunes to play. Rhythmbox doesn't recognize them as "valid streams" ?12:27
dukebodyVINTAGE, for windows games try Cedega :?12:27
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VINTAGEi dont know anything12:27
VINTAGEabout linu12:27
VINTAGEive seen it ones12:28
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VINTAGEbut windows XP is driving me crazy :D12:28
cmuglinux? is that something eatable?12:28
toonsygum5h03: get gstreamer mad plugin in universe12:28
oskudecmug, yes, if you print it out :)12:28
Seveas!tell VINTAGE about enter12:28
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dukebodyVINTAGE, i switched to linux since 1 week or less, you will love Linux!12:28
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VINTAGEcan someone kick those bots dammit :D12:29
HerbY2is there an easy way to change the boot drive. Right now I boot from sdb1 and would like to change it to sda1.12:29
Seveasgum5h03, mp3 is patent encumbered so we can't support it by default12:29
SeveasHerbY2, install grub on sda1 and instruct your bios to boot from there12:29
dukebodyVINTAGE, cedega is a "emulator" for Windows games, it seems to be a good program but i can't install it12:29
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ubotufrom memory, cedega is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Cedega and for a list of working games see http://www.transgaming.org/gamesdb or #cedega or http://www.frankscorner.org/12:30
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gum5h03ah i see12:30
VINTAGEk thnx12:30
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VINTAGEis that the only way (yet) for me to play windows games on linux?12:30
Seveashttp://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/5594 <-- lol!12:31
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HerbY2Seveas, what I mean is that I would like to physically change the harddrives. So sda becomes sdb and sdb becomes sda.12:31
Viper12it is currently the 'best' way to....but wine (standard) works for some games.12:31
SeveasVINTAGE, yes, wine does not really support any games12:31
dukebodyVINTAGE, i bet that but i don't really know12:31
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SeveasHerbY2, switch the drives, boot from live cd and reinstall grub12:31
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HerbY2Seveas, I'll give it a try12:32
Madpilotgood night/morning/whatever, all... need sleep...12:32
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SeveasHerbY2, the install cd has the 'rescue' boot option with which you can reinstall grub too12:32
Viper12there is also the free version of cedega, usually known as cvs-cedega.12:32
Seveasthere also are linux-based games :)12:32
[darkfire] When i started using ubuntu. I thought i was just great. But now with the brushed OSX theme and icons for gnome it just looks awsome12:32
gum5h03is there a wine port for this distro?12:32
Seveasxmoto, supertux, pingus, planetpenguinracer, pioneers12:32
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nalioth_zZzgum5h03: of course12:33
HerbY2Seveas, Ok.12:33
Seveasgum5h03, apt-get install wine ;)12:33
defianceTrigger13, ey btw, your debs, are they configured with ./configure --with-usplash?12:33
defianceErr, oops.12:33
soundraySeveas, should we tell HerbY2 about fstab as well?12:33
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Astxistdoes anyone know why ubuntu bugzilla takes an ungodly amount of time to load a bug report?12:33
Seveassoundray, good call12:33
gum5h03thx again12:33
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SeveasHerbY2, you need to change the file /etc/fstab too12:33
Seveasotherwise things will go pear-shaped12:33
Seveassame for /boot/grub/menu.lst12:34
mimosaalguien que hable espaol?12:34
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.12:34
libbn9.5 MB/sec increase i got when setting flag -c3 /dev/hdb hmmm.... this wont damage my disk will it?12:34
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ubotukemik: Not a clue12:34
ubotukemik: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?12:35
libbnsoundray: ?12:35
dukebodyyo mimosa12:35
soundraylibbn, if it hasn't already, it is very unlikely that it will...12:35
HerbY2Seveas, Ok , that shouldn't be a problem.12:35
kemikSeveas:  it's just a matter of apt-getting postfix?12:35
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oskudeif someone wants to compile gvidcap1.1.4pre2 on breezy. ask me, i have it working.12:35
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libbnsoundray: so what u say? if u do something wrong with hdparm and screw up the disk, it will be noticed directly? like it dies and so on?12:36
Seveaskemik, postfix is installed by default12:36
[darkfire] How do i bridge network cards?12:36
Seveasoskude, write it down on the wiki :)12:36
Shadowpillarhow do I create a .deb package?12:36
soundraylibbn, I think it's possible to do that to your disk with hdparm, if you're really unlucky.12:36
soundraylibbn, another risk is filesystem corruption.12:37
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oskudeSeveas, yup, but i need complete list of depencies and im too lazy to wipe my system :) (didnt log my doings so well ;)12:37
libbnwell. it wasnt so big deal in increase. so ill let it be with dma only12:37
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ShadowpillarSeveas: how do I go about making a .deb?12:37
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mimosaquuieres charlar?12:38
mahangui can mount my ipod shuffle, but i cant write to it on ubuntu12:38
mahanguon debian i can12:38
mahanguwhat's the deal?12:38
oskudeShadowline, easiest way is using "sudo checkinstall" instead of "sudo make install"...12:38
soundraylibbn, but I feel that the risk is negligible. It's a personal decision,  though.12:38
mahanguim trying mount /dev/sda1 /media/ipod -t vfat -o rw,users12:38
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oskudeShadowline, but for "good" debian package making you gotta do some reading... forgot where :)12:38
soundraylibben, all my important stuff is backed up one way or another.12:39
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mahangudoes anybody know why my ipod is being mounted read only?12:39
[darkfire] mahango: do system->adminstartion->disks12:39
Seveasmimosa -> #ubuntu-es12:40
Shadowpillaroskude: prob is, checkinstall isnt entirely reliable for making distributable .deb's only for local installs, and I know all about that12:40
libbenanyone in here think enabling pimode to 32 bits is a disaster on the disk?12:40
mahangu[darkfire] , yeah i see it12:40
Shadowpillaroskude: I'm talking about making a proper .deb file12:40
Shadowpillaroskude: dep tracking and whatnot12:40
oskudeShadowline, yup, i wanted once to do that to... was too much reading for me :)12:41
mahangu[darkfire] , what do i do there?12:41
oskudeeeeh, ment Shadowpillar :)12:41
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[darkfire] mahangu:do you see your ipod12:41
mahangu[darkfire] , yes12:41
mimosaquieres hablr?12:41
mahangu[darkfire] , it mounts, i can read off it, i cant write to it12:41
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mahangumimosa, do /join #ubuntu-es12:42
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HymnToLifeuestion : how do you insert ASCII character on Linux12:42
HymnToLifelike in windows you type Alt+the ASCII code12:42
Shadowpillaroskude: where were the docs that you read up on?12:42
SeveasHymnToLife, <ctrl><shift><unicode number>12:43
[darkfire] mahangu: click on your ipod an go to partions12:43
HymnToLifethanx Seveas12:43
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mahangu[darkfire] , yes, im there12:43
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[darkfire] mahangu: does it say accessible12:43
oskudeShadowpillar, that was on debian (year ago, or so)... but i recall seeing about ubuntu debs in the wiki...12:43
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sledhi, I have a Swiss-German keyboard layout, but if I press alt gr + 7 it shows me a  instead of  |  - how can I fix this?12:43
mahangu[darkfire] , yes12:43
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sledon windows, I always got a |  :/12:44
Astxisthas anyone else here had gam_server eating alot of memory in Ubuntu Breezy?12:44
[darkfire] mahangu: what is the filesystem for it12:44
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mahangu[darkfire] , fat12:45
mahanguit's an ipod12:45
[darkfire] mahangu: it should automatically mount12:45
mahangu[darkfire] , it _does_. i just can't write to it12:45
mahanguit mounts as chmod 70012:45
[darkfire] mahangu: change the chmod then12:46
primo|ubuntuIs there a keyboard shortcut to open a terminal?12:46
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Seveasprimo|ubuntu, you can make one :)12:46
primo|ubuntuThat was my next question :)12:46
Seveasprimo|ubuntu, system -> prefs -> keyboard shortcuts12:46
leagrishi all12:47
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mahangu[darkfire] , syntax?12:47
soundraysled, Ctrl-Shift-7-C12:47
HymnToLifeSeveas > it thre something like Windows' character table where you an see all possible characters and their Unicode number ?12:47
soundraySeveas, thanks for the tip, that's really cool :)12:47
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[darkfire] mahangu: mahngu where is your ipod mounted12:47
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sledsoundray, uhm is there an easier way? because I have to use | very often :/12:48
leagrisI'd like your opinion on the last comment for this bug http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=15324 Needless to say I feel quite sad about how it has been ruled.12:48
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mahangu[darkfire] , /media/ipo12:48
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dockanehi all. i would like to know, if there is any faq about using non-latin fonts (in my case arabic) with ubuntu. i need to install a desktop system which is capable of switching between latin an arabic. my motherlanguage is german, btw12:48
[darkfire] mahangu: in root chmod 777 /media/ipod12:48
gum5h03nice lil distro guys, looking forward to playing with it12:49
primo|ubuntuhmm, i had hoped by setting it to ctrl-shift-t it would open a new window unless one was already open... guess not12:49
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soundraysled, give me a minute...12:49
leagrisThe bug is about SATA hard freeze un current Breezy. It has been identified and I am affected by this bug12:49
oskudeHymnToLife, Applications->Accessories->Character Map ?12:49
leagrisBut the dev team is not willing to fix this for current Breezy12:49
mahangu[darkfire] , chmod: changing permissions of `/media/ipod/': Read-only file system12:50
HymnToLifeI'm an idiot, I missed it :p12:50
HymnToLifeThanks oskude :)12:50
oskudeHymnToLife, you welcome :)12:50
leagrisHow about ont fixing a critical blockig bug and saying. Sorry poor Breezy user. Fuck yourself with another distro that work ok or wait till we release the next ubuntu :(12:50
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mahanguSeveas, any idea why my ipod is being mounted as read only? debian mounts it alright12:50
Seveasmahangu, because ipods are evil12:51
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mahanguSeveas, thanks12:51
[darkfire] mahangu: should i intrest you in a PSP12:51
Seveasmahangu, sorry, I don't have an ipod so don't know it12:51
samppaI'm having problems with gam_server. It takes too much of my memory and cpu12:51
j813Hi guys, how can I add another Linux OS in Grub? What can I do during installing this other OS so that it will use the existing Ubuntu Grub? Thanks :)12:51
nlindbladwhat would you say is a good way to start contributing to the community/project?12:51
samppasome 400 megabytes of memory .(12:51
ubotuI guess contribute is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/participate12:51
Seveas^-- nlindblad12:52
mahanguill boot in to deb and try this out12:52
nlindbladI'm interested in your opinions12:52
Seveassamppa, kill it12:52
samppaI kill it all time12:52
Shadowpillarj813: yes you can12:52
Seveas!no contribute is at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate12:52
samppaIt restarts always12:52
ubotuokay, Seveas12:52
Shadowpillarj813: just dont have the other OS install grub12:52
Shadowpillarj813: then in ubuntu, add the grub entry for that OS12:52
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j813yup I did, but how can i add it in the Grub?12:53
[darkfire] Does anyone know how to bridge network cards?12:53
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leagrisShould I give my opinion as a omment on bugzilla for this http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=15324 or shoud I keep it all about technical issue ?12:53
Seveasj813, sudo some_editor /boot/grub/menu.lst12:53
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runeviUh, what's the point of this continously running process:12:53
runevi/bin/dd bs 1 if /proc/kmsg of /var/run/klogd/kmsg12:53
Seveasleagris, bugzilla is not for opinions12:53
j813OK, TY, let try it. :)12:53
Shadowpillarhere's a way to spread ubuntu: geocaching12:53
Seveasrunedude_, the point is not to run klogd as root12:53
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runeviSeveas: .. uh .. why not?12:54
leagrisSeveas, another more appropriate place to discuss opinion on bug treatment ?12:54
Seveasrunevi, in Ubuntu, everything that does not absolutely have to be run as root, does not run as root12:54
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Seveasleagris, ubuntu-devel@lists12:55
runeviSeveas: I don't see why the kernel is considered non-trusted. ;)  I mean, if the kernel is compromised, root is compromised  ..12:55
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soundraysled, have you tried Alt-1 or AltGr-1?12:55
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Seveasrunevi, klogd isn't the kernel12:55
runeviSeveas: It logs the kernel.12:56
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Seveasit's a userspace process12:56
runeviSeveas: If one is afraid of klogd being exploited, it has to be done with input from the kernel.12:56
Seveasnot a kernel thread12:56
Seveasrunevi, which is not at all impossible to do without hacking into the kernel12:56
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ShadowpillarSeveas: any links that show how to build packages?12:56
runeviSeveas: Okaaay?12:56
sledsoundray, lol that's funny if I press AltGr-1 it shows me a |, but there's a  on my keyboard12:57
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leagrisSeveas, can you tell where I can find the dev liste to subscribe ?12:57
sledand if I press AltGr + 7 it shows me a , but there's a | on my keyboard :D12:57
Seveasleagris, http://lists.ubuntu.com12:57
Briki have a problem with my X system , when i reboot my Window manager and i try a new session...or i wanna go to a Term, doing CTRL+ALT+Fx my monitor will black...and remain so....12:57
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SeveasShadowline, wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU (follow links from there)12:57
Briki must reboot...12:57
runeviSeveas: I fail to see how that should be accomplished?12:57
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Briki have this problem from my upgrade12:58
dockaneis there anybody inhere using ubuntu in arabic ?12:58
soundraysled, you can swap them back using xmodmap, but I can't give you the detail.12:58
sledsoundray, thanks a lot! :)12:58
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Seveasrunevi, 1) you end your machine an illegal packet over the network interface 2) the kernel logs that data as being illegal 3) externally given data is being sent to klogd12:58
andrew_I just rebooted my ubuntu machine, and gnome now comes up in 640x480 and the tool in the Systems menu for changing the resolution doesnt list any alternatives. Before the reboot it was in 1024x7678. Anyone know what causes that?12:58
ShadowpillarSeveas: any links that show how to build packages?12:58
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runeviSeveas: I've not ever seen the kernel print the content of the packages to klogd , only the kernel error.. but okay?12:59
Seveasrunevi, the cisco web admin is an excellent example of how this can be exploited, no doubt that a similar trick is possible with klogd12:59
Seveasrunevi, iptables -J log :)12:59
Seveasit's really far-fetched12:59
Seveasbut probably possible12:59
runeviSeveas: People that log that much should be shot in the first place. ;D12:59
andrew_Nobody knows about my screenres problem?01:00
Briksomeone had problems with GNOME from the upgrade ... i have an NVIDIA01:00
soundrayandrew_, patience!01:00
runeviSeveas: The reason I'm asking is that my disk seems to be active every .. 10 seconds or so, without any activity from me .01:00
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runeviSeveas: And I'm trying to hunt down what is writing constantly01:00
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soundrayandrew_, your monitor cable may have come loose, so it doesn't read the DDC signal.01:00
HymnToLifeandrew_ > you certainly did something whrong tht involves the xorg.conf file01:01
gum5h03runevi: try downloading lsof and see what files r being accessed01:01
Seveas!tell andrew_ about fixres01:01
andrew_If I re-jiggle it, will the options change in the resolution tool automagically, or do I have to regenerate them?01:01
sunshine82im tryin to grt my webcam workin i need to check the make file because im gettin an error when i try and make01:01
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runevigum5h03: Already done that.01:01
andrew_ta Sev01:01
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sunshine82i have a ame group cu-98a webcame01:01
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sunshine82it suppose to use a dvio nw802 driver but it not workn01:02
andrew_HymnToLife, I havent touched any x conf files, so unless its something some program did, it probably aint that01:02
oskuderunevi, are you running hoary ?01:02
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runevioskude: No, breezy01:02
freelovehow do i get the gnome panel down like this? http://kde-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=26449&file1=26449-1.jpg&file2=&file3=&name=nuoveXT01:02
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HymnToLifeubotu is more knowledgeable than me01:02
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ubotuI haven't a clue, HymnToLife01:02
ubotuit has been said that fixres is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:03
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FallenHitokirihi what is the name of the xorg-devel pakages?01:03
RarjHi, Is there any way of Installing Ubuntu 5.10 from a Live CD ?01:03
oskuderunevi, ok, i have still hoary on my notebook, and i have to kill a process on every boot, thats writing on my hd every 2sec or so...01:03
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HymnToLifeRarj > no01:03
runevioskude: Which one?01:03
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oskuderunevi, sec01:03
SeveasFallenHitokiri, there are a lot01:03
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RarjOk... I cant seem to mount the HDD and even the USB drive is not recognised :(01:04
FallenHitokiriSeveas: i run configure on a kde-theme an get: X.. configure error: can't find x includes01:04
oskuderunevi, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=89385 read the last post01:04
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sunshine82based on this page http://nw802.sourceforge.net/faq.html  im suppose to fix this file http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5609 but i dont know the guy who created the driver say it was baase on 2.4 kernel but im on 2.601:04
SeveasFallenHitokiri, you need the kde development packages...01:04
Seveas!info kde-dev01:05
sunshine82any ideas01:05
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runevioskude: Ah, it's that pretty new nasty 'hald' thing.  Ohwell.  Dead it will be.01:05
beastHi all01:05
SeveasFallenHitokiri, kde-devel that is01:05
freelovehow do i bring a gnome panel at the bottom? :(01:05
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Seveasfreelove, click on another panel, select new panel, drag the new one to the bottom01:05
runevioskude: Hmf, it still writes all the time.01:06
freeloveSeveas: th:)01:06
FallenHitokiriSeveas: nice.. i only get: broken pakages if i run apt-get install kde-devel. (i have kde 3.5 installed with the deb-mirror from kubuntu.com)01:06
oskuderunevi, roger01:06
beastis there any1 that can help me with some questions on ubuntu and a windows network before i download it? Pls01:06
Subhumanfreelove, yes, or jus right click the panel u want at the bottom, click properties, then in the drop down select "bottom"01:06
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Seveasah, that's probably the proble, ask in #kubuntu what to do now01:06
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FallenHitokiriSeveas: okay thanks01:07
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beastup to now i have only used windows 2003 server. can i create a domain with ubuntu01:08
eXistenZhello, I think one of the programs has messed up with my libs, and now I get this error: http://pastebin.com/459357 when I try to open some programs, can anyone help me?01:08
andrew_Thanks, first option in that howto fixed it. A bit bizarre01:08
adeleI can only ever see the 1 computer in my Samba workgroup. What tools can I use to trouble shoot?01:08
adeleany ideas?01:08
adeleusing webmin01:08
odie5533Are Intel Processors better at running multiple programs than AMD?01:08
Subhumanodie5533,  no AMD are better at multitasking01:09
adelewhy a domain?01:09
Subhumanodie5533,  intel are better at running single programs faster01:09
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Seveasodie5533, is an apple better than an orange in fruityness?01:09
Subhumanbut itz only slight from what i have seen01:09
beastit is what i am used 201:09
Seveasit's complete nonsense that one is 'better' than the other in this respect01:10
odie5533Seveas: I'd have to disagree, oranges are much fruitier01:10
sunshine82i would like to move some  files from the desktop to a folder01:10
SubhumanSeveas, you can see in benchmarks that AMD handle multiple programs better.01:10
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sunshine82i know it mv but i dont know how to type it01:10
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odie5533Then... is Sun Java slower on Ubuntu than on Windows?01:10
Subhumani always go  for AMD anyway cuz there more power for your money.01:10
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SeveasSubhuman, more heat too01:11
defiancemore heat?01:11
defianceOn an amd? XD01:11
Seveasamds produce more heat per MHz01:11
defianceVersus P4's? Prescott!?01:11
GostieI've just installed ubuntu and I'm wondering how I can enable the root account?01:12
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frogzooin nethack-qt the display is all wrong @ 1200x800 - any ideas to set it up properly?01:12
defianceHaha, well, P4's are less effective per mhz.01:12
SubhumanSeveas, but thats nothing,01:12
oskudesunshine82, are you in Terminal ? Applications->Accessories->Terminal ?01:12
Rarjcan anyone tell me how to get my HDD mounted under Ubuntu Live 5.10 ?01:12
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Seveasdefiance, I disagree, but let's keep it at that and stop bing off-topic01:12
=== defiance nods.
adelea domain for a subnet?01:12
=== Rarj waits
SeveasRarj, mount /dev/your_drive /path/to/mountpoint01:12
zandaaI had a really weird coincidence yesterday or the day before O_O....01:12
gum5h03runevi: did u figure out what that process was doing? i had to step away01:12
SeveasRarj, or system -> admin -> disks01:12
sunshine82oskude im in terminal01:13
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Rarjyes, i tried the disks option.... all the partitions come up as inaccessible01:13
zandaaSeveas, guess what... I was on Windows, on MSN, changed my display picture to Tux, and my case temperature dropped a few degrees (weird coincidence ey?)01:13
=== okay slaps IcHx around a bit with a large trout
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Seveaszandaa, freaky :)01:13
oskudesunshine82, what do you want to move and to where ?01:14
zandaaSeveas, I know.. it was cool though01:14
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sunshine82oskude do i put the one it from first or the one it goin to first eg. mv (where the files are)(where the files are goin)01:14
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hawkingThe bastille package in repositories is for debian sarge and doesn't work properly in ubuntu breezy...where should i report that?01:14
zandaaTux pwns all computers!!!01:14
adeleGostie 'sudo passwd root'01:14
Subhumanzandaa, my cpu runs 57C no matter what i do :P01:14
Seveashawking, nowhere, using packages from debian on Ubuntu is totally unsupported01:14
oskudesunshine82, mv (this) (there)01:14
Gostiecheers adele01:14
zandaaSubhuman, hehe I've installed a new cooler too, so that helps a lot01:14
hawkingSeveas : sad isn't it?01:15
zandaaSubhuman, but it's my case temp, not my CPU temp01:15
Seveashawking, no01:15
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adeleanyone had samba workgroup problems?01:15
sunshine82oskude ok what the location of the desktop01:15
eXistenZHow can I know the packages I recently installed?01:15
Seveashawking, use the ubuntu package01:15
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oskudesunshine82, "~/Desktop"01:15
hawkingSeveas : is there an ubuntu package for bastille?01:15
Seveas!info bastille01:16
oskudesunshine82, "~/" shows allways to your home directory01:16
Subhumanzandaa, I'm still running the lame factory fan/heatsink, I would get a better cooler, but next year ima probably upgrade all my stuff.01:16
ubotubastille: (Security hardening tool), section universe/admin, is optional. Version: 1:2.1.1-11 (breezy), Packaged size: 357 kB, Installed size: 1504 kB01:16
Seveasso yes...01:16
Rarjin the disks option, all partitions come up as inaccessible01:16
zandaaeXistenZ, go into synaptic package manager, schoose Status, and then in the list there should be the option "installed"01:16
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hawkingSeveas : thx01:16
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eXistenZzandaa, I need the packages I Installed recently01:16
oskudesunshine82, the complete path would be "/home/yourusername/Desktop/"01:17
zandaaeXistenZ, ah sorry I misunderstood you there for a moment... I dunno where it shows the date of installation for packages01:17
SeveaseXistenZ, ls -lt /var/lib/dpkg/info01:17
Rarjeven formatting doesnt work01:17
Seveaspiping it through less may help :)01:18
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Rarjany ideas anyone ? :)01:18
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primo|ubuntuis there a nickserv command to retrieve a list of valid nick characters?01:19
sunshine82oskude cool i got it move to the folder im just tryin to figure out how to fix the nex problem01:19
adeleSeveas thats kewl01:19
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Rarjis there any way i can do a low level format for my HDD ?01:20
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hawkingSeveas : there is no ubuntu package for bastille here is the explanation of the ubuntu package : "...This package has been specifically modified to work for01:20
hawkingDebian GNU/Linux.01:20
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Useful-low level? You mean just formatting your drive, Rarj?01:20
zandaahow do I do a total removal of a program I installed with apt-get?01:21
Rarjim on a laptop01:21
Rarjyesterday i tried installing debian sarge01:21
Rarjand the filesystem went kaput01:21
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sunshine82oskude i need to check if this is correct /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build01:21
Rarjnow i get an GRUB error 1501:21
oskudezandaa, apt-get --purge remove <package>01:21
Useful-certainly rarj, there are many filesystems you can use01:21
zandaaoskude, thanks a lot01:22
Rarji tried the ext3, it said it couldnt mount the partition01:22
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beastis it worth it to install ubuntu as a server on a windows network?01:22
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gum5h03rarj sounds like you have an MBR issue01:22
zandaaI installed this thing called 'ack' it should be a kanji code converter, but I can't start the program01:22
Useful-Rarj: you tried formatting it or just mounting it?01:22
oskudesunshine82, type "uname -r" in the terminal and it shows your kernel version01:22
Rarjand now on ubuntu Live, all partitions come up as inaccessible01:22
jpjacobsRarj, yes, if you mean putting zero's all over the drive, use dd if=/dev/zero of=(your hd) , but it will take a while (oh don't do this on a mounted drive)01:22
sunshine82oskude this is the make file http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/560901:23
Rarji had a dual boot of XP and SUSE01:23
Rarjnow i cant boot01:23
Seveashawking, apt disagrees with you: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/561001:23
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jpjacobsbut think twice, it is very irreversible ;)01:23
Rarjerror 15 Grub loader01:23
Rarjubuntu doesnt mount the hdd or the usb flash drive01:24
oskudesunshine82, i would leave that line like it is and try...01:24
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zandaaRarj, I think that's gonna need a total wiping of the HDD if I hear that....01:24
defianceRevellion, XD01:24
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sunshine82oskude i know my kernel that not the problem the problem is the driver for my webcam was created for 2.401:24
Revelliondefiance: :)01:24
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NikusanAny changes I try make to my applications menu using smeg dont work, smeg lets me move icons around, but they dont actually move. And it wont let me delete any icons. anyone know why?01:24
oskudesunshine82, well, then you need kernel 2.401:25
zandaais there a program that can display tv-tuner data???01:25
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Rarjexactly, thats what im planning to do.... (hdd format)01:25
gum5h03rarj, go download dban from sourceforge01:25
gum5h03it's a forensic data destroyer, very low level01:25
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sunshine82oskude i corrected the first two lines i made sure those two files where in the folder butr i need to figur outt the last line because im gettin a new error01:25
jpjacobsRarj, see  http://www.gentoo.org/doc/de/grub-error-guide.xml01:25
SeveasNiklasH_1ork, not moving around -> bug in gnome-menus01:25
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Rarjthanks :)01:26
zandaaSeveas, are you aware of any software that can be run on Ubuntu to display TV-tuner input?01:26
oskudesunshine82, i have build some programs and i have NEVER messed with makefiles....01:26
hawkingSEveas : although the program gives the error "ERROR:   System is not running a stable Debian GNU/Linux version. Setting to 3.0" twice01:26
Seveaszandaa, mythtv01:26
zandaaseveas, just through repos?01:26
Seveashawking, right01:26
Seveaszandaa, yup01:26
Rarjwhere will it save the dban file on a live system, if the HDD cant be mounted ?01:26
Rarjram ?01:26
oskudesunshine82, do you have experience with makefiles, or compiling ?01:26
Rarjswap ?01:27
Seveashawking, that should still work on Ubuntu01:27
gum5h03dban is a live cd01:27
NikusanSeveas, is there any way I can work around it?01:27
sunshine82oskude there is a way for it to work on 2.6 the person who created the driver started to figure it out but he gave up i guess or ran out of money01:27
hawkingSeveas : it gives a bunch of errors when you try to apply the configurations01:27
sunshine82oskude ive got this far ok i just need to fix one more thing and it would work01:27
oskudesunshine82, well, i can only try to help track your errors, post on pastebin01:27
Seveashawking, and what's the error you get when trying the sarge deb?01:27
SeveasNikusan, no01:28
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gum5h03reboot laptop, put in dban, run the data destroyer, intstall ubuntu after the data has been wiped01:28
zandaaSeveas, I got problem http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/561201:29
jpjacobsgotta go, Rarj good luck with the disk01:29
Rarjthank you01:29
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Seveaszandaa, sources.list on the pastebin please01:30
sunshine82oskude this is the last error i got when i placed the files the make file need ed into the foder it was directed to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/561101:30
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sunshine82oskude you see it now have an error created nw802.c01:30
zandaaseveas, where is the sources.list again?01:30
sunshine82oskude you see it now have an error created nw802.o01:30
zandaaseveas, found it01:31
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zandaaSeveas, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/561301:31
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beastis there anywhere i can go for very basic help?01:31
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oskudesunshine82, did you "patch" the 2.4 version of this "nw802" or are you trying to compile the "normal" 2.4 version ?01:32
sunshine82oskude yea i patch the one that suppose to make it work on 2.6 but it doesnt01:33
sunshine82oskude http://nw802.sourceforge.net/news.html01:34
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oskudesunshine82, what compiler version (gcc) do they recommend in their readme or so (breezy standard is 4.0)01:34
adelehow do I get a channel list again?01:34
hawkingSeveas : have a look http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/561401:35
sunshine82oskude i dont understand the question01:35
kemiksetting up a  mailserver is a mystery01:36
oskudesunshine82, ill try to find, sec...01:36
Oetzihi can anyone tell me where I can find a good samba-cups howto?01:36
hawkingSeveas : how can i rename the swap? It usually said this --> Rename the swap file to allow Bastille01:36
hawking to make desired file modifications.01:36
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j813guys is it safe to add another line in "Menu.lst" for my other Distro? Can I put it on the end of the document? :)01:37
Loevborganyone have a clue why my gnome menus ("Appliactions") aren't localized to German?01:37
oskudesunshine82, did you get that source code from CVS ?01:37
smoj813; perfectly fine .. just put it outside of the large loud warnings about automagical configuration01:38
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sunshine82oskude yea01:38
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etraini need some help with (home networking) to be able to share folders with my windows machine and i'm having no luck in the forums01:39
sunshine82oskude this is there readme file http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/561501:39
oskudesunshine82, well, CVS != stable... and its pretty old too01:39
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ejofeeis there any how to page on adding sources to adept (or synaptic, apt-get)01:40
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psychocatis there a way to clear apt-get from packages that are having trouble being installed?01:41
psychocatejofee: what are you trying to do?01:41
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psychocatis there a way to clear apt-get from packages that are having trouble being installed?01:42
sunshine82oskude any ideas01:42
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ejofeepsychocat: it's my first day on ubuntu; i could find no gaim-silc and i remember i heard a few weeks ago that ubuntu had something like "the multiverse". i want to add that.01:42
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BlueDevilubotu: tell ejofee about repos01:42
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oskudesunshine82, its a long shot, but try gcc-3.401:43
ejofeebtw, do you people think i will find silc on ubuntu?01:43
psychocatejofee: all you have to do is edit /etc/apt/sources.list as root.  uncheck the repositories for multiverse and universe01:43
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BlueDevilejofee: yes01:43
ejofeeit seems ubuntu is somehow silc-free, and i really don't know why01:43
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estershello there01:43
ejofeepsychocat: which touches another problem: why can't i access root?01:43
psychocatejofee: then sudo apt-get update and then upgrade01:43
estersi have a problem with mozzila FF01:44
psychocatejofee: use sudo01:44
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esterswhen i enter a page01:44
estersit closes01:44
ejofeepsychocat: thank you01:44
ejofeeBlueDevil: thank you01:44
psychocatejofee: np :)01:44
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sunshine82oskude ok it installed how do i use it01:45
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psychocatesters: try running from terminal or konsole and see what error you get, then post it to the pastebin01:45
ubotuwell, easysource is For an easy to use custom sources.list configurator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic01:45
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esterspsychocat, ok01:45
oskudesunshine82, AFAIK, in best case "export CC=gcc-3.4" (or was it "export cc=gcc-3.4")01:46
psychocatis there a way to clear apt-get from packages that are having trouble being installed?01:46
sunshine82oskude i type it into terminal it done what nex01:47
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oskudesunshine82, then you try to build again01:47
sunshine82oskude so hw far back do i go01:48
ejofeepsychocat, BlueDevil: the sources listed on http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic, are they all, that is, is this the best reference i could use?01:48
sunshine82oskude do i http://nw802.sourceforge.net/news.html01:48
sunshine82oskude again01:48
BlueDevilthey cover pretty much everything, you can find additional repos using google01:49
Rarj dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda gets me permission denied01:49
oskudesunshine82, "make clean" and "make" should be enough01:49
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BlueDevilRarj: do you want to wipe the disc?01:50
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psychocatejofee: I agree with bluedevil01:50
sunshine82oskude well i did that make clean and make im gettin the same error the nw802.o is error01:50
BlueDevilRarj: sudo it01:50
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oskudesunshine82, then you could try "Switch gcc link to gcc-3.4" in here http://pastebin.com/45933501:51
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sunshine82oskude the is something wrong with that file nw802.c do u want to have a look01:52
ejofeepsychocat, BlueDevil: btw, any idea at all why i can't find gaim-silc among all of the 17 000 packages?01:52
sunshine82oskude how do i switch gcc link to gcc-3401:52
oskudesunshine82, OMG, i know like nothing about c :)01:52
oskudesunshine82, sudo mv /usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/gcc.backup01:52
oskudesunshine82, sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-3.4 /usr/bin/gcc01:52
oskudesunshine82, and the make all like it was "sudo mv /usr/bin/gcc.backup /usr/bin/gcc"01:53
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oskudesunshine82, and to make all like it was "sudo mv /usr/bin/gcc.backup /usr/bin/gcc"01:53
bonvenondoes anyone know if Apple AirPort Express can be used for 802.11g at 54Mbit?01:54
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oskudesunshine82, but before you undo that link, try "make clean" and "make" again01:54
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psychocatejofee: sudo apt-get install gaim-silc01:55
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oskudesunshine82, but if that doesnt help, i dont know more...01:55
sunshine82oskude waht was that pastebin thing for01:55
oskudesunshine82, forget that01:56
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qt2might someone be able to suggest a nice DARK skin for bmp? :301:56
=== MickMcMack bites several people all at once.
psychocatis there a way to clear apt-get from packages that are having trouble being installed?01:56
Rarjhow do i change from a normal user level to root without logging off ?01:57
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ubotuit has been said that udev is a server used in Ubuntu (and other distros) that manages device nodes01:57
sunshine82oskude well iv done all the sudo commands u gave then make clean make it still doesnt work have i forget to do something01:57
MickMcMackRarj, why do you want to be root?01:57
Rarjwanna do a format on the HDD, gives me access denied01:57
MickMcMacksudo -s01:58
oskudesunshine82, dunno, over my head then...01:58
johndarkhorseubotu: tell Rarj about sudo01:58
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MrFartshey, any postfix gurus ?01:59
Kamping_Kaiserwhere is a good place for information on udev? any ideas?01:59
oskudesunshine82, sec.... telephone...01:59
ejofeeany way i could use debian sources?02:00
ejofee(hope i didn't ask anything wrong)02:00
_nano_anyone uses Xfce?02:00
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hmpedersenBack :)02:00
zandaa_nano_, yes I do02:00
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_nano_zandaa, could you get the sensors working? I use inspiron 5100, and I can't seem to get them work :(02:01
odie5533I noticed a great speed decrease when switching from windows to ubuntu. Is there anyway to speed up or ubuntu or is speed the cost of open source?02:01
zandaa_nano), which sensors??02:01
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_nano_zandaa, temperature (the one you could add in the panel)02:02
zandaa_nano_, which sensors?? are you talking about the desktop or something else?02:02
Seveasejofee, no you should not02:02
SeveasUbuntu has all packages that are in debian02:02
_nano_zandaa, yeah for the desktop02:02
zandaa_nano_, I can't even seem to add anything to the panel02:02
topyliodie5533: it's the prize of unix design :)02:02
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Seveasodie5533, speed decrease?02:03
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zandaa_nano_, found the add item option02:03
_nano_zandaa, well you could add stuff by right clicking on the panel02:03
topyliodie5533: also, the major desktops are genuinely big and heavy02:03
zandaa_nano_, hardware sensors right?02:03
_nano_zandaa, yes02:03
ejofeeSeveas: i can't find gaim-silc :((02:03
odie5533Seveas: I can run 30 java applications on windows, and only about 3 on ubuntu02:03
ejofeeSeveas: what is the difference between universe and multiverse?02:03
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zandaa_nano_, it says no sensors selected02:04
Seveasejofee, free vs non-free02:04
odie5533Seveas: there also seems to be a general speed decrease over all applications02:04
ejofeeand if they are different, why do i find "universe multiverse" together?02:04
_nano_zandaa, yes that's what I get02:04
Seveasejofee, apt-get source the package and use dpkg-buildpackage02:04
zandaaok, hold on, gonna try somthing02:04
hmpedersenThe only problem i have with ubuntu, is that latest flash for linux is 7.. And some of the sites i visit frequently uses flash 8..02:04
_nano_zandaa, the temperature display applet in Gnome works though02:04
oskudesunshine82, ok, im bak02:04
_nano_zandaa, it's just xfce i guess02:04
Seveasejofee, that's just java being its crappy self02:05
oskudesunshine82, did you get the same error as before the new link of gcc ?02:05
BlueDevilhmpedersen: you'd have the same problem with any other distro02:05
ejofeeSeveas: (you said: "apt-get source...") are you talking about me using debian sources, or about gaim-silc?02:05
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hmpedersenBlueDevil: Yeah.. But still.. It's the -only- problem i have..02:05
zandaa_nano_, maybe it is... have you looked to find a XFCE support site or not???02:05
Seveasejofee, in this case debian sources, gaim-silc seems to be missing from Ubuntu02:05
BlueDevilhmpedersen: in that case, you're happy :)02:05
hmpedersenBlueDevil: heh.. Yeah :)02:06
ejofeeSeveas: any idea why? like some general rules as to which debian packages are not to be found in ubuntu?02:06
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hmpedersenBlueDevil: and ofcourse the fact that my bank is refusing to offer netbanking to anything but windows systems :P02:06
ejofeeSeveas: ("why" = "why gaim-silc is not found in ubuntu")02:06
BlueDevilhmpedersen: you mean anything but IE :)02:06
_nano_zandaa, lemme check02:06
Seveasejofee, in the case of gaim-silc: no idea02:07
hmpedersen"Windows is the only safe system.. Allowing any other systems to logon to our system, would be a security risk!"02:07
Seveasejofee, is it in debian unstable and if so: for how long?02:07
ejofeeSeveas: and no general rules as to which ones are ignored by ubuntu?02:07
gnomefreakwhat is the difference between gaim and gaim-silc?02:07
ejofeeSeveas: oh, i see. thanks.02:07
zandaahmpedersen, they don't know how wrong they are02:07
BlueDevilhmpedersen: you can fake the user-agent to look like IE's02:07
hawkinghow can i configure grub so that the password of it will always be the root password?02:07
Seveasejofee, only the ones that are FTBFS on ubuntu and not yet fixed :)02:07
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Seveashawking, not02:08
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odie5533Seveas: is there anyway to speed up java?02:08
LoPMXhile, does anyone here own an intel gma 900?02:08
dashinhoThis is probabbly not the best place to ask but... what's better fat32 or ntfs?02:08
ejofeegnomefreak: gaim-silc is a very secure irc protocol which is not included in the original gaim package (it is included in the windows version, instead)02:08
BlueDevilodie5533: yes, new proc, more mem02:08
Seveasodie5533, yeah, by throwing it out and using things written in a better language02:08
hawkingseveas : no way to do that?02:08
gnomefreakoh ok ty02:08
odie5533Seveas: whats a better language? :)02:08
Seveashawking, no, there is no way to sync grub with /etc/shadow automatically02:08
ernie_dash-ntfs is slightly more advanced02:08
alpodie5533: you might get performance enhancements running it with ikvm and the mono runtime02:09
ejofeegnomefreak: yw (you might want to try gaim-silc / silc, as it's quite revolutionary)02:09
BlueDevilodie5533: c# ahahaha02:09
odie5533BlueDevil: I just bought another 512mb of ram and no increase02:09
Seveasodie5533, C, C++, C#, hell even python is faster02:09
hmpedersenZandaa: I agree..02:09
hmpedersenBlueDevil I've tried..02:09
odie5533Seveas: do you do any programming yourself?02:09
oskudesunshine82, you also know that the source code is 17months old ?02:09
zandaahmpedersen, hehe.02:09
gnomefreakejofee, is it a plug in for gaim to let you run irc from gaim?02:09
Seveasodie5533, quite a bit :)02:09
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odie5533Seveas: which programming language do you find yourself using the most?02:09
gnomefreakC :(02:10
Seveasand C comes close after that02:10
topylignomefreak: gaim supports irc out of the box02:10
SeveasC is good02:10
hmpedersenAt the moment i'm attempting to transfer 2 dvd's full of christmas music to this computer from a large server.. (A server which doesnt have lan)02:10
gnomefreaktopyli, than why the plug in in ubuntu for gaim?/02:10
hmpedersenWhy is it, some people insist on using  pinnacles instantwrite? It -demands- to cut the mp3 fles to 8 chars!!02:11
gnomefreakC is confusing the crap out of me02:11
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zandaahmpedersen, I don't like any of pinnacle's burning software... just doesn't work right for me02:11
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ernie_seveas- how is python for a first language to learn on?02:11
Seveasernie_, excellent02:11
topylignomefreak: you mean gaim-irchelper? it just adds some more irc-specific options into the preferences dialog02:11
hmpedersenzandaa: I don't like pinnacle in general! I worked with their flamin software in videoediting for 2 years!02:12
ejofeegnomefreak: you could put it that way, yes. it's not irc, though. it's rather an innovation to the irc protocol (irc-INcompatible)02:12
gnomefreaktopyli, yeah that is it and ohhhh ok didnt know that02:12
ernie_does ubuntu come with python by default?02:12
gnomefreakernie_, yes02:12
Seveaslots of thing Ubuntu uses are written in python02:12
Subhumanernie_, python is a great language to learn02:12
Seveas(update-{manager,notifier}, gnome-app-install to name a few)02:12
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Subhumanernie_, intuitive syntax, powerful, and nice to code in02:13
Seveasernie_, you can create a palindrome checker in 3 lines :)02:13
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ejofeewhy does synaptic say some of my sources are duplicate? is it because some are "universe" and some others are "universe multiverse"?02:13
whyameyewhen I run xemacs I get: Warning: Missing charsets in String to FontSet conversion Warning: Unable to load any usable fontset, then the font in the program looks like crap. SUggestions?02:13
ejofeedoes "universe multiverse" include "universe"?02:13
ernie_is python ok to use on an older machine?02:14
Seveasernie_, how old?02:14
ejofeecan i safely remove "universe" or add "multiverse" to those lines?02:14
Seveasejofee, yes, and multiverse :)02:14
=== gnomefreak uses pythoncard but its too confusing for me they tell you to use the terminal with the >>>>> and they tell you to use card and card doent have the >>> so i gave up for now
ernie_400 mhz amd k6-2 old02:14
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topyliejofee: yes. i just add them all to the same entry02:14
sunshine82oskude i know02:14
Seveasernie_, that'll do02:14
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Seveashttp://www.kaarsemaker.net/home#guid65 <-- python++02:14
samppaejofee: Remember to sudo apt-get update always when you have modified sources.list :)02:14
Spee_DerGood morning everyone.02:15
oskudesunshine82, you could ask on the mailing list of the program02:15
ernie_seveas et all thanks02:15
queuetueI've set up an ssh key with an empty passphrase to allow me to log into a remote server in a script.  This procedure works fine from an OSX box and a RH box, but when I try it under Ubuntu (Breezy), ssh asks for a passphrase -- for a key that does not have one.  Am I doing something wrong ... or is ubuntu's ssh broken in some way?02:15
ejofeeSeveas, topyli, samppa: so wherever i find a source line ending in "universe" i can safely add "multiverse", right?02:15
gnomefreakSeveas, do you have one of those in english by chance?02:16
Seveasejofee, yeah02:16
oskudesunshine82, dont forget to do "sudo mv /usr/bin/gcc.backup /usr/bin/gcc"02:16
oskudesunshine82, so that all is like it was...02:16
ejofeesamppa: oh, i think this is what i forgot! i always was running synaptic / reload immediately after changing the config file (but shouldn't this do the same?)!02:16
Seveasgnomefreak, it's just one python thing, the 3-line palindrome checker. Shows a few of the nicenesses of python02:16
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ejofeeSeveas: thanks again.02:17
gnomefreakoh ok ty02:17
hmpedersenZandaa: Is gnomebaker any good?02:17
samppaejofee: I don't know about Synaptic, I don't remember does it do "apt-get update" while running02:17
Kamping_KaiserSeveas: should i ask about fixing (suspected) udev issues here or -devel  or -bugs?02:17
Rarjhi again people...02:17
zandaahmpedersen, never heard of gnomebaker before, what is it?>02:17
samppaejofee: But I suggest doing the update manually when you have made changes to sources.list02:17
SeveasKamping_Kaiser, depends on the issues, what's the problem/have you searched bugzilla?02:17
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HymnToLifehmpedersen > sure it is02:18
ejofeesamppa: right. thank you.02:18
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HymnToLifezandaa > a CD burning app02:18
Kamping_KaiserSeveas: i have bugzilla open. the problem is the floppy device is not being created properly. only /dev/fd is being made, not /dev/fd002:18
gnomefreakzandaa, gnomebaker is a cd/dvd recorder with a gui interface02:18
zandaahmpedersen, I have yet to burn a CD under linux02:18
Kamping_Kaiseron an up to date systems02:18
hmpedersenHymnToLife: Thanx.. i installed it a few days ago.. Havent tried using it yet02:18
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HymnToLifefor me it works just fine02:18
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hmpederseni havent had anything to write to disc yet :P02:19
ejofeewhat downloader does apt-get use and can it be set to use rsync?02:19
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zandaahmpedersen, I've lately only used windows to burn discs02:19
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runevi-terra... the pains of only one monitor . :-)02:19
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gnomefreakzandaa, i find it easier to burn them in linux :)02:20
zandaagnomefreak, why's that?02:20
ejofeeany way i could use fuzzy package names in apt-get and still have them recognized (like "apt-get install uificatio" installing "gaim-guifications")?02:20
hmpedersenzandaa: Ive never had a working linux distro before i found ubuntu..02:20
zandaahmpedersen, me neither02:20
Kamping_Kaiserejofee: you would need some *'s02:20
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topylizandaa: i also think it02:20
hmpedersenubuntu even identifies my dvd writer perfectly.. (usb)02:20
topyli's easier to just burn stuff with the file manager02:20
zandaatopyli, and why is that?02:20
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gnomefreakzandaa, its just less stuff to deal with like with windows xp burner its alot of searching and drag and dropping in nero well to burn iso isnt the easiest thing k3b wohooo very easy02:21
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topylizandaa: it would be horrible to have to launch a monster like nero just to make a simple data disk02:21
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zandaagnomefreak, I've only used nero before02:21
ejofeeKamping_Kaiser: please explain "you would need some *'s"02:21
hmpedersenIve never used anything but nero..02:21
zandaatopyli, I've got no problems with nero, it works nice and simple02:22
ejofeeKamping_Kaiser: ohhh02:22
ejofeeKamping_Kaiser: stupid of me02:22
oskudesorry for off-topic, is there something "better/more used" than "partimage" ?02:22
hmpedersenYeah.. Nero is nice, easy and simple :)02:22
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ejofeeKamping_Kaiser: forget i ever asked that02:22
topylignomefreak: the easiest way to burn an iso must surely be right clicking the iso in nautilus and choosing "burn"02:22
gnomefreakzandaa,  yes it does but ever try burning an ISO image with nero?02:22
ejofeeKamping_Kaiser: must have been in a hurry02:22
poningruoskude: yeah gparted02:22
zandaagnomefreak, yes... just recently in fact, worked like a charm02:22
gnomefreaktopyli, ive never tried that lol02:22
poningruoskude: there is also qtparted02:22
BlueDeviltopyli: yeah, when it works :)02:22
poningruoskude: I would use gparted02:23
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poningruoskude: what are you trying to do?02:23
whyameyeis there a shell command like "wait" where I can wait a number of seconds?02:23
hmpedersenI burned plenty of isos with nero recently.. easy as.02:23
gnomefreakzandaa,  but in nero you have to change the settings and everything02:23
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smowhyameye: sleep n (where n is .. number of seconds)02:23
hmpedersengnome, u have no reason to change the settings..02:23
zandaagnomefreak, really??? I didn't need to change any settings.....02:23
HymnToLifegnomefreak > nope02:23
whyameyesmo: thanks!02:23
HymnToLifenero rulez02:23
ejofeeKamping_Kaiser: and, honestly, i wasn't expecting apt-get was supporting "*'s"... :)02:23
zandaahmpedersen, I guess we've got the same oppinions concerning Nero :P02:23
oskudeponingru, i use partimage, but i just wanted to know if theres something "better"...02:23
gnomefreaknope? i had to to burn iso02:23
ltibor65Hi Guys! Why cannot read my computer the floppy disk in Ubuntu? What reason?02:24
hmpedersenzandaa: Yeah.. And Hymn too :)02:24
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Kamping_Kaiserejofee: regex expansion is done by the shell, IE bash02:24
zandaagnomefreak, what version were you using then?02:24
runevi-terraHum.  I really hope sensors output is wrong.02:24
topylignomefreak: and the easiest way to make an audio cd would be dragging some audio files to a serpentine window and choosing "burn"02:24
gnomefreakzandaa, 5.5 i think02:24
eyezdk!help ntsf02:24
runevi-terraIt claims my 2.5V is 0.46V02:24
hmpedersenThats old..02:24
poningruoskude: gparted is a little better I guess02:24
zandaagnomefreak, maybe that's why... I'm using version 6.0 which came with my DVD drive02:24
seliniumHymnToLife, and i assume you paid for your copy of nero? :)02:24
ubotueyezdk: Wish i knew02:24
ejofeeKamping_Kaiser: well, many apps refuse regex expansion02:24
HymnToLifeof course O:)02:24
ubotuntfs is, like, totally, the filesystem used in Windows 2000 and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions02:24
seliniumHymnToLife, lol02:25
gnomefreakzandaa, maybe thats why i have 6.0 and 6.6 here but no need to install them :)02:25
eyezdkahhhh  thx m8t02:25
Kamping_Kaiserejofee: yes, some like globbing ;)02:25
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zandaagnomefreak, I see02:25
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hmpedersenright.. not only does it take ages to burn with pinnacle.. It allso doesnt close the disc, so i cant read it!02:26
zandaadarnit... my XFCE dock froze O_O02:26
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oskudeponingru, is "qparted" a "qt" application ? i need console version... (dont need x in my rescue cd)02:26
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BlueDeviloskude: yes, qt app02:26
poningruoskude: oh yeah those are both X based02:26
hmpedersenThen there is only the hour long grind of transferring the files trough my mp3 player :( (30 transfers)02:26
poningruoskude: then there is nothing better02:26
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zandaahmpedersen, why's that? what kinda MP3 player you got?02:27
ejofeewhat downloader does apt-get use and can it be set to use rsync?02:27
topylioskude: how about good old parted. qparted is just a front end for that anyway02:27
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Kamping_Kaiserwhat's the differnece between udev and udev-udeb?02:27
HymnToLifeoskude > there is parted which is command-line02:27
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smoKamping_Kaiser: udebs are used by the installer .. I don't believe they're intended for any other use02:28
hmpedersenzandaa: a nice mp3 player.. Reads SD cards.. But i only have a 256mb card..02:28
Kamping_Kaisersmo: ok thanks.02:28
oskudeare we all talking about same kind of programs, i use this http://www.partimage.org/  (i though parted is only for partitioning, not for backup)02:28
Kamping_Kaiser*will search it in bugzilla as well then*02:28
zandaahmpedersen, ah... I have an iPod O_O02:28
navareHello and a good Day to you all. I got a really dumb Question but i simpli dont know it.02:28
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hmpedersenBut i just found out.. I installed nero on the server a few months ago when i had to make backup and got tired of pinnacle..02:28
navareHow can i Delet a file?02:29
HymnToLifeclick on it and hit delete :/02:29
navareIts a root file02:29
Jormundgandnavare: Open a terminal, sudo rm <filename>02:29
HymnToLifethen do it as root, if you know what you're doing02:29
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aeon17xBe VERY careful using rm as root.02:30
navarethank you Jormundgand.02:30
JormundgandYou're welcome.02:30
ltibor65Hi ubotu! Can you help me? I cannot read the floppy drive.02:30
HymnToLifebe VERY careful doing ANYTHING as root :p02:30
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel.02:30
smoI hate to sound judgemental, but if you're not sure how to delete, are you sure you should be removing things owned by  root?  most of them are there for a reason02:30
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hmpedersenBe very carefull -using- root!02:30
Jormundgand"oh no, I just saw that there were loads of useless files taking up space in /bin."02:31
lilo_booterhaving a problem with my laptop - the physical resolution of the display is 1280x800, but i can't seem to get X to use that - 1024x768, 800x600 and 640x480 are the only options listed though only 1280x800 is defined in xorg.conf - flglrx drivers installed - anyone have any ideas on this?02:31
navareHm i want to delet libint.10.a cuz i got an error with it if i load it with xorg.conf since ive installed ATI Drivers02:31
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KorpiosI'd strongly suggest aliasing basic commands e.g., "rm" as "rm -i" as root02:31
HymnToLife!tell lilo_booter about fixres02:31
johndarkhorseHymnToLife: please dont use "root". we use sudo here (for superuser duties)02:31
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HymnToLifejohndarkhorse > that's the same, isn't it02:32
hmpedersenJormundgand, allmost a classic.. Just like back in the DOS days, a guy comes into the store and complains his computer doesnt work anymore.. He'd been trying out the games on it, and deleted those that didnt work.. Including 'Commander'02:32
Korpios(actually, I'd suggest aliasing "rm" as "rm -i" for *any* user)  :-)02:32
topyliJormundgand: "lots of commands i never use like bash"02:32
johndarkhorseHymnToLife: "root" is something other distros use, we do not have a root account enabled by default here02:32
esterssudo rm -rf / and your problems will wanish...with your files02:32
smohmpedersen; I've seen similar happen on windows .. there's hundreds of files just hanging around taking up space02:32
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Jormundgandhmpedersen, topyli: You got it.02:32
HymnToLifejohndarkhorse > I know that, thank you02:32
ulissehello tribe!02:32
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lilo_booterHymnToLife, thanks - have seen that though - didn't help - ddcprobe doesn't list 1280x80002:33
Rarjdd-ing a HDDsure takes time !!02:33
poningruulisse: hello02:33
HymnToLifefunny, my 280800 was reognized out of the box on my laptop02:33
defianceHeh, the first thing I do on a fresh ubuntu-install is sudo passwd root so I can use 'su'.02:33
ulisseI'm using beagle on breezy, sometimes i have multiple instances of mono (~15) that slows down the machine...02:33
hmpedersenHow many in here use Ubuntu on their laptops?02:33
runeviKorpios: You'll never _learn_ if rm is aliased to rm -i02:34
navare/libGL error: drmMap of sarea failed02:34
navare/ i get that error when i run fgl_glxgears02:34
navare ... but if i load libint10.a XServer dont load it gives me an error "Duplicate bla bla found X Server cant start" =(02:34
ejofeei hope you don't mind me retrying: what downloader does apt-get use and can it be set to use rsync?02:34
ejofeei hope you don't mind me retrying: what downloader does apt-get use and can it be set to use rsync?02:34
poningrudefiance: how did you do that?02:34
BlueDevilRarj: i hope it's not your boot hdd :)02:34
lilo_booterhmpedersen, am trying..02:34
defianceponingru, sudo passwd root ? just as that.02:34
ubotuI guess apt-get is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AptGetHowTo/02:34
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leagrisSeveas, as you kindly recommanded, I posted the bug update issue on ubutu-devel@list. Thank you again. I did my best to write it open minded and not looking as rant or trol.02:34
poningrudefiance: no dude your toungue sticking out thingie02:34
defianceoh, lmao02:34
defiancealt gr+ p02:34
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=== poningru curses foriegn keyboards
RarjBlueDevil, im live on Ubuntu 5.10, dd-ing the whole drive02:35
johndarkhorseponingru: use the character palette panel applet02:35
topyliulisse: beagle is like that. after running beagled for a few hours it gets pretty useless02:35
=== MickMcMack curses non-English everythings.
Korpiosrunevi: if "learning" is forever losing an important file, most people have done that far too many times in their lives already :-)02:35
BlueDevilRarj: wiping out windows? :D02:35
ulissetopyli, so it is a known issue...02:35
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hmpedersenIve never had a laptop that would run linux before..02:35
navareanyone got a ATI (Xxxx) too and using Unbuntu for 64 Bit AMD?02:35
Rarjactually LOL02:35
hmpedersenLast time i had a laptop, ubuntu didnt exist (to my knowledge)02:36
runeviKorpios: I heard a story about a redhat consultant that did an "rm *" and expected the -i to be set. :)  It wasn't ;D02:36
j813wat the command in FSTAB to mount other ext3 Partitions? Thanks02:36
gnomefreakubuntu has only been around since 200302:36
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HymnToLifelmao runevi02:36
topyliulisse: it just isn't ready for mortal users yet02:36
ulissetopyli, but it sometimes doesn't happen at all after a lot of hours, and other times it happens just after the boot...02:36
=== Hanganfs [n=asd@h34n1-m-rg-gr100.ias.bredband.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
lilo_booterhmpedersen, have been running linux on my laptops for years - varying degrees of success, but generally always usable02:36
Korpiosrunevi: lmao, I never automatically assume it's set; I have it set to save myself if I slip02:36
hmpedersenahh.. then it -didnt- exist 4 years ago when i had my old laptop (identical to this one)02:36
runeviHymnToLife: Never start depending on interactive mode. :D02:36
Hanganfshello people i got a quick question02:36
vbgunzanyone know of a better bit torrent client? Something that would preferably open up new torrents in one window across multiple tabs?02:36
HymnToLifeI'll remember that runevi :p02:37
Hanganfswhat does ubuntu best read from ntfs or fat32?02:37
runeviKorpios: Anyays, I would just be frustrated if -i was set when I clean out spool directories with thousands of files. :D02:37
BlueDevilvbgunz: azureus?02:37
=== avalost [n=om@cpe-066-057-204-044.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakHanganfs, feel free to ask and if we know we will answer02:37
Korpiosrunevi: truncating a rm wildcard a bit too short is *not* fun :D02:37
ulissetopyli, ok, i'll survive killing some monos when the machine slows down... thanks!02:37
HymnToLifeHanganfs > afaik, it's the same02:37
poningruvbgunz: many just go into synaptic and search for torrent02:37
vbgunzBlueDevil: dunno, will look02:37
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poningruvbgunz: dont use azureus02:37
ubotude is, like, Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu und Kubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de resp. #kubuntu-de02:37
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poningruit sucks02:37
Rarjid love to switch to Gnu/linux completely, but i play games on WinXP02:37
avalostare there breezy packages for firefox 1.5 anywhere?02:37
Korpiosrunevi: well that's why I always assume I need to set -f where necessary02:37
runeviKorpios: I've never done too large bloopers with rm yet .:)02:37
ubotuVa a #ubuntu-fr et #kubuntu-fr pour aide et discussion en francais02:37
aeon17xRarj: it's okay.02:37
gnomefreakavalost, no02:37
poningruavalost: no02:38
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vbgunzponingru: thats what I mean. Maybe someone has an opinon and I would just like to hear'em02:38
=== avalost compiles
HanganfsHymnToLife: ok, thanks. cause i have some data i have to backup before i switch ubuntu and i was wondering what file system i should back it up too02:38
poningru!tell avalost about firefox1.502:38
runeviKorpios: It'll happen sooner or later though.  8 years without a blooper with rm .. :D02:38
joedjvbgunz: you can easily do that with one of the console clients like bittornado and gnome-terminal or konsole too, or you can use screen02:38
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BlueDevilubotu: tell avalost about firefox1.502:38
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topyliulisse: most of those processes are actualy useful. one might be opening and indexing your pdf files, while another one is monitoring your gaim logs, and so on.02:38
runeviKorpios: Done some blooper with dd though ;D02:38
vbgunzjoedj: skill level is low... need spinach...02:38
topyliulisse: they are just badly leaking memory or whatever, i don't understand beagle's innyrds02:38
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Korpiosrunevi: oh boy, I've done those too :)02:39
joedjvbgunz: pressing ctrl+shift+n in an xterminal should open a new tab02:39
hmpedersenI never did get skype to work on this laptop.. The moment the one im talking to says something, skype disables all sound..02:39
Hanganfsand the only ones i know of that windows can create is ntfs or fat3202:39
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gnomefreakHanganfs, fat16 still also02:39
vbgunzjoedj: actually, it opened a new window for me02:39
Hanganfshehe yes that as well02:39
gnomefreakdepending on what version you use02:40
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Hanganfsbut i have 90gb to backup and fat16 is not sufficient for that02:40
ubotulimewire is, like, first you need !java, then download the http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and unpack it. Then just run the runLime.sh file. Voila.02:40
hmpedersengnomefreak: no fat16 for xp..02:40
Hanganfscan ubuntu read from ntfs without problem?02:40
Rarjanyone know how to make a USB drive bootable ?02:40
joedjvbgunz: well, that's annoying ;) maybe there's something in the menu. i use Konsole, where it works02:40
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vbgunzjoedj: I think I got it02:40
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gnomefreakhmpedersen, no they use fat32 instead02:40
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs02:40
HymnToLifeHanganfs > yes02:40
Hanganfsthanks for the help :)02:40
vbgunzjoedj: I used shift+ctrl+t02:40
dylan_im trying to install firefox 1.5, i did everything the ubuntu wiki told me, but whenever i try to make symlinks, ln tells me that the file or directory already exists?02:40
BlueDevilRarj: yes, there's a utility from HP for that02:40
hmpedersengnomefreak: i know :) well.. my xp has -never- bothered with fat32. only ntfs :P02:41
hmpedersengnomefreak: (i work with large video files)02:41
vbgunzjoedj: how can I use the terminal to download a torrent? What command am I looking for?02:41
gnomefreakhmpedersen, i used to use ntfs cause it handles the packages nicer02:41
poningrudylan_: then you are good to go02:41
poningrudylan_: try running firefox 1.5 now02:41
gnomefreakim running xp with fat32 on other drive02:42
joedjvbgunz: the command i use is 'btdownloadcurses' (though i create a shorter alias for it). to get it, sudo apt-get install bittornado02:42
hmpedersengnomefreak: You know.. a 10 minute video sequence being edited takes ntfs.. the files are +4gb..02:42
dylan_poningru, whenever i click Applications > and go to Firefox it opens 1.0.702:42
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dylan_not 1.502:42
topylivbgunz: ptdownloadcurses for example02:42
gnomefreakthey fixed the unstablity of ff1.5 yet?02:42
poningrudylan_: which wiki did you go to?02:42
BlueDevildylan_: did you do the divert?02:42
ubotuI guess firefox1.5 is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion02:42
dylan_BlueDevil, i dont know02:43
dylan_BlueDevil, can you help me?02:43
dylan_poningru, i went to that one02:43
=== hmpedersen mumbles to self: ofcourse.. 10 minutes video requires hours of recording first.. no wonder it takes +4gb files..
=== senectus [n=senectus@] has joined #ubuntu
BlueDevildylan_: did you run this: "sudo dpkg-divert --divert /usr/bin/firefox.ubuntu --rename /usr/bin/firefox" ?02:43
senectuswhat is the permissions on everyone elses .mozilla folder??02:44
=== iRgeoe [n=ioiieh@pc06.bialdi.bacau.rdsnet.ro] has joined #ubuntu
ejofeewhat downloader does apt-get use and can it be set to use rsync? (i hope you don't mind me insisting)02:44
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dylan_BlueDevil, ill do that n see02:44
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dylan_BlueDevil, dpkg-divert: `local diversion of /usr/bin/firefox to /usr/bin/firefox.ubuntu' clashes with `local diversion of /usr/bin/firefox to /usr/bin/firefox'02:44
hmpedersenejofee, oh.. sorry.. did you say something?02:44
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senectuswhat is the permissions on everyone elses .mozilla folder?? I've stuffed mine I think02:45
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runeviHm.  Aptitude has minesweeper integrated.  Can it send email yet?02:45
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BlueDevildylan_: do "dpkg-divert --list|grep firefox" and pastebin02:45
runevi.. and does it have a kitchen sink? :D02:45
ubotupastebin is, like, totally, a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org02:45
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poningrusenectus: it should be 70002:46
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poningrurunevi: what are you talking about dude?02:46
grogoreoI'm just trying to install LimeWire using this http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch03s06.html#id2529193 and have finished it, but it wont start. I have manually ran the RunLime.sh file and in the CLI it says:   Loading LimeWire:    Exception during runtime initialization     java.lang.NullPointerException          <<No stacktrace available>>02:46
dylan_BlueDevil, i removed the old diversion..i messed up on the old one02:46
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runeviponingru: I'm making fun of minesweper in aptitude, and the old adage that every app with suffer feature creep until it can send email / has a kitchen sink installed ;D02:46
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runevi.. with/will02:46
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hmpedersenAnyone in here superstitious?02:46
poningrurunevi: rofl gotcha02:47
ejofeehmpedersen: what downloader does apt-get use and can it be set to use rsync? (i hope you don't mind me insisting) :P02:47
dylan_BlueDevil, when you do ln -s, which directory comes first?  source?02:47
BlueDevildylan_: man ln02:47
ulissetopyli, I know that some processes can be useful, but sometimes i need to use my pc... I'll try shutting down beagled at all, instead of killing.02:47
hmpedersenejofee, sorry i dont know.. I don't think anyone can answer you, as they would have..02:47
gnomefreakubotu tell ejofee  about apt-get02:48
=== podator [n=podator@Mix-Rennes302-1-2.w193-250.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
poningruejofee: try the mailing list02:48
=== zandaa [n=zandaa@84-105-216-35.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuapt-get is, like, at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AptGetHowTo/02:48
zandaahow do I install a plugin into GAIM?02:48
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dylan_BlueDevil, I GOT IT!! i had to rm the /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/firefox file and ln -s my /opt/firefox/firefox to /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox ... simple02:48
hmpedersenzandaa, where do you -find- plugins for gaim?02:48
topyliulisse: yes, it might be best to shutdown beagle cleanly with beagle-shutdown, then start beagled again after a little while02:49
zandaahmpederson, at the gaim website http://gaim.sourceforge.net02:49
BlueDevildylan_: actually you screwed things up02:49
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dylan_BlueDevil, then why does it work?02:49
ejofeeponingru: thank you02:49
ejofeehmpedersen: right, thanks :)02:49
ejofeegnomefreak: thanks02:49
poningruejofee: sorry we couldnt be of more help02:50
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gnomefreakdylan_,  just because something works doesnt mean it works correctly ;)02:50
gnomefreakejofee, yw02:50
j813anyone know wat the command in FSTAB to mount other ext3 Partitions? Thanks02:50
BlueDevildylan_: reinstall firefox 1.0.7 and see if it does work anymore02:50
ejofeezandaa: if it's a builtin plugin, you just check it. otherwise, "apt-get install gaim-*"02:50
poningrudylan_: baah just leave it alone02:50
poningruif it works leave it alone02:50
hmpedersenzandaa, thanx..I'll just try figure out an answer to your question..02:50
ejofeeponingru: why, np, you've already been of much help02:50
smoj813; pretty much the same as the existing ones.  replace the first item to point to the right device, and the second to where you want it mounted02:51
zandaaejofee, I don't think the plugin I wanna use is in repos, I'll check though02:51
ejofeezandaa: which plugin02:51
ejofeezandaa: which plugin?02:51
BlueDevildylan_: that divert had a purpose02:51
gnomefreakzandaa, what plug-in is it?02:51
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dylan_BlueDevil, i dont know how i did it wrong02:51
zandaaejofee, guiifications, it gives graphical notice of people signing in etc02:51
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ejofeezandaa: it IS02:51
ejofeezandaa: i know what it does02:51
BlueDevilponingru: when he comes back saying that firefox stopped working, you be the one to help him02:51
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ejofeezandaa: i use it too02:51
zandaaejofee, thanks... I get confused by the sounds of GAIM02:52
ejofeeapt-get install gaim-guifications02:52
ejofeezandaa: apt-get install gaim-guifications02:52
ejofeezandaa: well, it's not *quite* "GAIM". it's either Gaim or gaim. :P02:52
BlueDevilpurists! :P02:52
zandaawhat does GAIM, Gaim gaim, g41m or whatever matter???02:53
ulisse!info beagle02:53
poningruBlueDevil: sure will02:53
ubotubeagle: (Desktop search tool), section universe/gnome, is optional. Version: 0.1.1-0ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 836 kB, Installed size: 3100 kB02:53
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ari_stresszandaa, linux differentiate capitalization02:53
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topylizandaa: you can select when gaim notifies you with sounds. for example my gaim is silent until something very special happens :)02:53
ejofeezandaa: by either Gaim or gaim they want to prove they didn't mean it to be an acronym!02:53
zandaaari_stress, but it doesn't matter if you talk about it which spelling you use02:54
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j813smo: thanks, like this?>  dev/hda8               /media/example                  ext3    defaults        1 102:54
topylizandaa: i also use guifications because my speakers are often off02:54
{{CORONA}}hi apt-get seems to throwing out this error: segmentation faulty tree 50 % can someone help02:54
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smoj813; you'll want a leading / on the /dev, but otherwise, spot-on02:54
ejofeezandaa: they want it like a stand-alone name. they hate "aim" being taken as "aol instant messenger"02:54
j813smo: oh ya sorry02:54
zandaatopyli, ah ok... I use headphones often, but the sounds are confusing02:54
ejofeezandaa: (and i do, too, as i don't particularly like aol)02:55
HymnToLifethen why did they call it gaim in the first place ?02:55
poningruwhat are we arguing?02:55
BlueDevillack of inspiration :)02:55
j813smo: its safe to add it anywhere in fstab?02:55
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zandaaejofee, ah now I see02:55
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topylizandaa: use some non-confusing sounds then! :)02:55
ejofeeHymnToLife: well, that's another question ;)02:55
TorezCan someone please explain to me why my screen resolution is hugely bigger than my screen, and I have to scroll around?!02:56
zandaatopyli, can't find em02:56
smoj813: not sure actually.  I always add to the end02:56
poningruTorez: change it?02:56
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topylizandaa: you couild configure gaim to fart whenever i say something :)02:56
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ejofeeHymnToLife: maybe because "gim" sucks and "g" must stand for gnome / gtk?02:56
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TorezI've tried changing, I've even reinstalled Ubuntu, and still I'm stuck with this.02:57
j813smo: thanks02:57
BlueDevilgoim :)02:57
kakeican any one pls tell me why when i try to install ubuntu i get http://img369.imageshack.us/img369/7008/ubuntu0352kt.jpg02:57
HymnToLife"gim" is kewl :p02:57
zandaatopyli, but farts are disgusting02:57
poningru!tell Torez about resolution02:57
RarjHi. i just formatted my HDD .. want to add 3 partitions, can anyone help ?02:57
ejofeeHymnToLife: actually, "maybe because "g" must stand for gnome / gtk and "gim" sucks?" :)02:57
=== ale3hs [n=ale3hs@cpc1-port4-5-0-cust38.cos2.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
poningruTorez: that should help02:57
topylizandaa: oh well, i'd prefer being associated with some other sound anyway :)02:58
poningruTorez: oh btw by low they mean everything is huge02:58
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BlueDevilTorez: force the resolution you want by using the "Virtual" option in xorg.conf02:59
smokakei: my first guess would be a corrupt disk.  incomplete & invalid format look rather forboding02:59
kakeismo the disk was sent by ubuntu =(02:59
topylizandaa: in the preferences -> sounds dialog, you can tick what events you want to be assosiated with sounds, and which sounds02:59
zandaatopyli, you know if I can list packages in terminal using apt-get? (you know like packages that start with gaim-)02:59
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topylizandaa: apt-cache search gaim02:59
thoreauputiczandaa: apt-cache search gaim02:59
zandaaah ok03:00
ale3hsbasically I want to remove some programs like kdevelop that I installed.. I try to do that by "add aplications" but when I am try to remove it, it says that other application depending on it, that is some weird coz I just installed it.. and it happens almost in every package I have installed.. so plz how I remove things???03:00
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poningruale3hs: try using synaptic03:00
Rarjhi. im using cfdisk... can i have 2 pri parts 1 for ntfs and 1 for linux ?03:00
poningruale3hs: system->administration->synaptic package manager03:00
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ale3hsponingru, I will try, but I dont see any differece03:01
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leshaste how do you comment out a line in /etc/fonts/fonts.conf ?03:01
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topyliale3hs: well, if other packages depend on it, they will simply be removed03:01
BlueDevilzandaa: if you want to list installed packages, use dpkg -l 'gaim*'03:02
ale3hsponingru, topyli yea true.. some stupid that u cannot do that in add application option03:02
TorezAccording to this, I have no xorg.conf..03:02
zandaabluedevil, thanks, I was talking about the packages available on repost03:02
BlueDevilTorez: ls -l /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:03
topyliale3hs: you can't? that is certainly a usability bug you should reporty03:03
leshasteany idea how to get rid of this error when I start firefox "Fontconfig error: "conf.d", line 1: no element found" ?03:03
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ale3hstopyli, when i try to remove TOTEM it says that will remove ubuntu-desktop as well... what is ubuntu desktop??03:03
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smozandaa: I believe you're looking for apt-cache.  apt-cache search gaim found me gaim-guifications, and apt-cache policy gaim-guifications told me it's in universe03:04
ale3hstopily, i said I cannot remove from add aplication option but I can doit from synaptic03:04
topyliale3hs: it's just a meta-package that depends on the default set of ubuntu apps. it's not needed after installation03:04
zandaasmo, I already found it with help from some other people, thanks though :D03:04
BlueDevilale3hs: it's a metapackage that depends on all packages that constitute the desktop system03:04
zandaaale3hs, what are you looking to do?03:04
topyliale3hs: yes, i understand that. i still say it's a bug.03:04
=== gnomefreak says to self this had better work :(
TorezSo hopw do I use the virtual option in this file?03:05
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zandaagnomefreak, what up?03:05
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smozandaa: sorry, I didn't notice (I'm at work, so intermittent)03:05
Rarjhow do i choose reiserfs in cfdisk ?03:05
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gnomefreakim attempting ff1.5 :(03:05
zandaasmo, it's ok03:05
hmpedersenIs tere -any- way to chmod -everything- inside a folder? Including subfolders and files in those03:05
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BlueDevilgnomefreak: it works :)03:05
ernie_i am just playing with aliases in ~/.bashrc... i learned how to make agi an alias for apt get install, could i put a line in the there that would allow me to make an alias for a program as well. so i could type "api bass" for example instead of apt-get install beneath-a-steel-sky?03:05
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rambo3chmod 700 *03:05
zandaagnomefreak, for some reason the FF I got installed closes when I want to look at certain pages03:05
rambo3or sub dirs /*/*03:05
gnomefreaki just had to reinstall ubuntu so i wont lose nothing if i have to do it again03:05
topylihmpedersen: chmod -R03:05
BlueDevilernie_: yes03:06
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ale3hsBlueDevil, topyli thanx .. zandaa trying to remove all these packages I dont need.. gee ubuntu comes with a lot packages in default installation without asking u to choose... thats a bit annoying03:06
TorezHow do I use Virtual?03:06
zandaaale3hs, that's what the developers think is usefull etc.03:06
hmpedersenthanx topyli03:06
zandaaale3hs, so your problem is solved then?03:06
topyliale3hs: well, they choose sane defaults that would enable most people do what they mostly want to do on a computer03:06
gnomefreakale3hs,  they are "most popular" packages03:06
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ernie_Blue Devil could i just put alias bass = "beneath-a-steel-sky"?03:06
topyliale3hs: if you're not happy with them, you change them03:07
gnomefreakok here we go lets see if i can do this :(03:07
BlueDevilTorez: you add the Virtual x,y where x,y define the virtual resolution you want to use03:07
ale3hszandaa, yea ..thanx03:07
zandaajust a quick question, is it normal to not be able to take screenshots in XFCE4?03:07
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Torezso just add "Virtual 1280, 960" Anywhere in Xorg.conf?03:07
samppazandaa: With which tool are you trying to get screenshots?03:08
dpuppanyone know how to make conky draw to double buffer instead of single? i have the option set but its saying Conky: failed to set up double buffer. Drawing to single.03:08
zandaasamppa, not any tool, just by pressing print screen on my keyboard03:08
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zandaasamppa, it should work right?03:08
mrtwisterhi. excet punbb, any other forums have integration with txp?03:08
hawkingIs there a way to get a list of my all installed packages and save them to a text file?03:08
=== gnomefreak gonna yell
ale3hsbtw a small problem, when I try run galeon it says --> (galeon:10083): WARNING **: I could not load the bookmarks file, will load the default bookmarks from /usr/share/galeon/default-bookmarks.xbel.03:08
ale3hsINTERNAL ERROR on Browser End: JavaPluginFactory5 init - no agent?03:08
ale3hsSystem error?:: No such file or directory03:08
zandaahawking: dpkg -l '*'03:09
gnomefreakBlueDevil, it DOESNT work03:09
zandaahawking, I believe that's it03:09
kakeismo the disk was sent by ubuntu =(03:09
kakeican any one pls tell me why when i try to install ubuntu i get http://img369.imageshack.us/img369/7008/ubuntu0352kt.jpg03:09
samppazandaa: I don't know should Print Screen work in XFCE4. If you want to take shots, try out scrot (apt-get install scrot). It is used from a terminal -> open your favourite terminal and type "scrot". It has also many options (scrot --help).03:09
zandaasamppa, k will do03:09
Torezso just add "Virtual 1280, 960" Anywhere in Xorg.conf?03:09
zandaasamppa, is it also able to just paste it in memory?03:10
zandaahawking, did it work?03:10
hmpedersenTopyli, thanx.. Finally i got that trash cleared out..03:11
hawkingnot exactly03:11
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gnomefreakBlueDevil, i moved the settings file to desktop and downloaded the tar now its telling me it cant find it im at the point trying to move it to opt03:11
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topylihmpedersen: you couldn't empty trash?03:11
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rubemhi there03:12
rubemhow to create a user?03:12
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egytrackhow i can set webserver apache with php support ?03:12
topylihmpedersen: it happens sometimes when you build a package for example and root-owned files are moved to trash03:12
Loevborgrubem, use the gui system/administration/users03:12
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hmpedersentopyli, some file deep inside the folders i had deleted was copyprotected (allso no delete)03:12
rubemegytrack. http://ubuntuguide.org/03:12
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rubemLoevborg, thank you03:13
johndarkhorserubem: system > admin > users and groups03:13
hmpedersenI had deleted a folder full of music03:13
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hmpedersencopied from a cd..03:13
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topylihmpedersen: then i just do "sudo rm -rf .Trash/* "03:13
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johndarkhorserubem: please dont recomend ubuntuguide, use help.ubuntu.com instead03:13
emurzHello, where can I find information on how to add multiverse repositories?03:13
Loevborgrubem, you're welcome03:13
topylihmpedersen: no typos allowed :)03:13
thoreauputicrubem: please don't recommend that site03:13
johndarkhorseubotu: tell emurz about repos03:13
ernie_is there a command to have to have apt-get install autoresume if it loses connection due to time out?03:14
BlueDevilgnomefreak: can't find the downloaded tar?03:14
johndarkhorseernie_: it will pick up where it left off, if you issue the same command03:14
rubemthoreauputic - This site is perfect!03:14
hmpedersenThanx topyli, Ill make a shortcut for that line, so i dont have to type it :)03:14
thoreauputicernie_: just retype your original command and it will pick up where it left off03:14
ernie_john- i know, but i would like to automate it.  it drops off a lot03:14
gnomefreakno it downloaded to desktop and when i went to cd it to opt it said no such ....03:14
thoreauputicrubem: no it isn't03:14
topylihmpedersen: make an alias in your .bashrc if you like03:14
rubemthoreauputic: the instruction are simple and easy03:15
ernie_john- my ethernet card appears to only be partially supported03:15
smorubem: past tense, unfortunately.  from what I gather a lot of it is dangerously outdated03:15
johndarkhorserubem: some of the instructions are also destructive to breezy03:15
thoreauputicrubem: it's out of date and breaks people's systems03:15
topylihmpedersen: alias force-empty="sudo rm -rf $HOME/.Trash/*"03:15
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BlueDevilgnomefreak: tar.gz or tar.bz2?03:15
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gnomefreaktar.gz but im starting over now03:16
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DartanHey all...anybody here know much about usb on ubuntu?03:16
rubemthoreauputic, johndarkhorse, smo - But it is only the repositorie instructions that are "wrong", aren't?03:16
LoevborgDoes anyone know how to have closing a laptop's lid trigger a suspend-to-disk?03:17
DelTreeis there anyone to tell me how I could customize install/powerpc/vmlinux of the liveCD ?03:17
johndarkhorserubem: help.ubuntu.com has the same info, if not more info that is safe for ubuntu usage03:17
topylirubem: a lot of the instructions on ubuntuguide are just plain incorrect03:17
gnomefreaknow im getting an can not stat signons.txt03:17
thoreauputicrubem: unfortunately a lot of the other stuff is bad too - the sound advice for instance03:17
ale3hskubuntu is released from the same team as ubuntu??03:17
BlueDevilgnomefreak: (cd ~/Desktop && tar zxvf firefox-1.5.tar.gz -C /opt/)03:17
thoreauputicale3hs: yes, more or less03:17
johndarkhorseDelTree: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallCDCustomizationHowTo03:18
thoreauputicale3hs: kubuntu is just ubuntu with KDE03:18
BlueDevilgnomefreak: with sudo03:18
rubemthoreauputic, johndarkhorse, smo - hum. ok... but at least the apache+php info is correct03:18
zandaasamppa, how do I take a screenshot of a specific window using scrot?03:18
gnomefreakok blue i will try ty03:18
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rubemthoreauputic, johndarkhorse, smo - why they keep that information?03:18
DelTreejohndarkhorse: does not speak about the kernel...03:18
thoreauputicrubem: there are better guides now - like help.ubuntu.com03:18
ernie_is there a way to verify your sources list?  I keep adding lines here and there so i can install various programs or codecs.  Could someone potentially put some malware on one of those servers and just call it win32_codec or something?03:18
johndarkhorserubem: ubuntuguide is a private web page, not anything to do with us03:18
=== gnomefreak brb need smoke while redownloading tar
kakeican any one pls tell me why when i try to install ubuntu i get http://img369.imageshack.us/img369/7008/ubuntu0352kt.jpg03:18
thoreauputicrubem: it was an independent effort - not official03:18
DelTreejohndarkhorse: and I said *live* CD...03:19
johndarkhorseernie_: no. the repositories require authentication to put stuff into03:19
topylirubem: i don't even know who "they" are. it's certainly a ubuntu authorized page03:19
johndarkhorseDelTree: the same link with "live" instead of "install" will work03:19
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DelTreeI'm getting mad...03:19
ale3hsthoreauputic, when I had linux QT wasnt open sourced.. and it was shit.. but still as I see in screenshots no much improvement03:19
kakeiany command to when i install ubuntu tell him where to start installing ? like..... linux /partition/03:19
thoreauputicale3hs: that's material for a flamewar :)03:20
AndyRany brits here see/hear/feel the explosion?03:20
johndarkhorseDelTree: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveCDCustomizationHowTo03:20
TorezFFS WILL SOMEONE ANSWER MY QUESTION: Do I just add Virtual anywhere in the Xorg.conf file?!03:20
rambo3ale3s true that , thats why i dont use kde03:20
ernie_johndarkhorse: but if someone has me put www.malware.com into my sources, and i was unaware, then is there any other verefication?03:20
ale3hsthoreauputic, what u mean?? that gtk users and qt users are rivals or smth??03:20
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yatesyTorez: thats really not going to get you any answers03:20
thoreauputicTorez: don't shout, and watch your language please03:20
johndarkhorseTorez: if nobody knows your answer, you won't get one no matter what you say03:20
samppazandaa: scrot -s03:21
johndarkhorseTorez: we are all volunteers here, not omnipotent on this stuff03:21
samppazandaa: use that command and then click the window03:21
zandaasamppa, k thanks03:21
TorezNobody seems to know much around here. I have been trying for days to get simple answers out of people in here. It's rare, but once or twice I get a half-bothered answer, then that's it, people leave me in the dark again.03:21
zandaasamppa, I can also combine it with -d 5 right/03:21
thoreauputicale3hs: it's kind of traditional to argue about KDE/Gnome ;)03:21
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samppazandaa: I don't know, have a try03:21
thoreauputicTorez: sorry to hear it03:21
emurzis it safe to enable all the repos. in http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2325 ?03:21
TorezNeedless to say, I'm now very annoyed. Ubuntu has proved it has power, but so far has only shown me it's middle finger.03:21
hmpedersentopyli: How exactly? I dont know much about linux yet/anymore03:22
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thoreauputicTorez: your annoyance is your problem, don't blame volunteers for it03:22
ernie_Torez- there is high demand, look at how many people are asking questions currently.  usually someone will try and answer i find if i am just patient03:22
topylihmpedersen: just edit your .bashrc file and add the alias. my .bashrc for reference: http://siltala.net/comp/dot-bashrc03:22
zandaasamppa, it seems a delay isn't necessary when using -s, because it waits for input03:22
Rarjhi. can anyone advise me on cfdisk ?03:22
TorezI have gotten NOWHERE with Ubuntu over the past few days. I've tried and tried, looked for guides, they've been no help, and I've repeatedly come back here.03:22
DelTreejohndarkhorse: just what I thought... speaks only about the .cloop...03:23
ale3hsthoreauputic, I am curius to see somewhere statistics how many ppl they got gnome and how many kde..03:23
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rambo3stop whining03:23
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gnomefreakemurz,  yes but i never tried the last ones the hoary ones so that i dont know the rest are fine03:23
hmpedersenthanx topyli03:23
TorezIt's fair enough that you're all volounteers, and I think that you're doing a good job, but what annoys me is I ask a question, someone tells me HALF of something, then that's it, no matter what I do, nobodoy ever continues to help.03:23
thoreauputicTorez: have you looked at  wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation  ?03:23
smoTorez; Section screen, subsection display .. you'll usually find Depth in there, Virtual belongs there too.  fwiw it was shown in the third google result for 'xorg conf virtual'03:23
NiLzis there any good documentiation on what fonts do I need to install03:23
NiLzsomehow the fonts look different in breezy than they were in hoary03:23
NiLzweb pages etc03:23
NiLzI have all the basic fonts like Arial, Verdana etc installed03:24
NiLzand bitmapped fonts enabled03:24
TorezYes. The Wiki has helped me sometimes, but not all the time.03:24
zandaaTorez, I've been having the same kinda thing when I first began, you just gotta have patience is what I've learned03:24
Toma-Torez: what are u complaining about?03:24
erUSULNiLz, maybe msttcorefonts?03:24
ernie_does anyone know if there is an ubuntu certification effort?03:24
egytracki could not install php4 i got eror03:24
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thoreauputicTorez: you should subscribe to the mailing list as well03:24
emurzgnomefreak, I enabled everything except for the hoary03:24
poningruernie_: what do you mean?03:25
oggahHello, I got a quite big problem. I installed Ubuntu Hoary yesterday on my laptop. Dual-boot with winxp. (on same Harddrive). I created a partition, 4Gb with ubuntu on. And another, 1Gb as a swap. The rest of the harddrive is dedicated to winxp. (ntfs). I would like to remove ubuntu completley. When I enter the ubuntuinstallation, where you can edit partitions, it doesnt recognize any partitions at all. Just a single drive. Partition magic in win03:25
NiLzerUSUL: installed..03:25
erUSULTorez what is your problem? Ask or shut up this is a support channel03:25
thoreauputicTorez:  http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-users03:25
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gnomefreakemurz,  thats fine save and run sudo apt-get update03:25
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poningruoggah: just use your windows install cd03:25
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poningruit will get rid of it03:26
ernie_poningu- if there is any sort of online courses or anything being considered so that techs could say they are "Ubuntu certified" or something03:26
hrishihow do I get the source for the kernel on Breezy? The kernael is 2.6.12-10-386 but package kernel-source-2.6.12-10 is not available03:26
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Kamping_Kaiserdrop the  -1003:26
TorezerUSUL, I have asked. I asked yesterday too. And the day before that. I get half an answer, then I'm left in the dark. I appreciate full well that this is a free service, and there's a lot of requests, but if I wasn't left half-helped over the past few days, I would be fine.03:26
samppaoggah: Do you have WinXP installation disk? Use its partition tool, it will show ext3 and reiser partitions as "Unknown".03:26
Toma-hrishi: have you enables the source repos?03:26
thoreauputichrishi: look for linux-source03:26
oggahponingru: you saying I have to reinstall windows? :o03:26
poningruernie_: oh yeah that doesnt exist yet but its in the works iirc03:26
zandaasamppa, thanks for showing me scrot, I'll get used to it eventually03:26
topylihrishi: that's the debian kernel. linux-source is the ubuntu one03:26
poningruoggah: no03:26
Toma-Torez: i havent heard your question yet.03:26
oggahsamppa: Ok!03:26
oggahponingru: k03:26
erUSULTorez, i still do not know what your problem is03:26
poningrujust put put in your windows cd it will have the option of taking back that partition03:26
ernie_poningru- thanks03:26
gnomefreakBlueDevil,  i pasted the output and it doesnt look good let me know when you want to see it if you want to see it03:27
TorezAnyhow, I don't wanna get into an argument over this, so thanks for the answer.03:27
poningruernie_: hold on there is a webpage with this stuff03:27
thoreauputic!tell Torez about ask03:27
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oggahponingru: sounds good. Will try that. just put in the CD and reboot?03:27
smohrishi: if you're trying to build against your running kernel, you need the linux-headers- package to match your running kernel.  if you want to build the whole deal, linux-source-2.6.12 is what you want03:27
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emurzgnomefreak, which is better, xemacs or emacs21?03:27
BlueDevilgnomefreak: what's the link?03:27
samppaoggah: Remove the Ubuntu partitions, reboot, go to CD's recovery console and run command "fixmbr". It will then replace Grub with Windows' boot loader.03:27
BlueDevili was away03:27
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gnomefreakBlueDevil, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/561703:27
samppazandaa: :)03:27
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poningruernie_: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/partners/certification/03:27
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ernie_anyone recomend a network card that they know works well with linux?03:28
Toma-Torez: whats your problem?03:28
gnomefreakemurz,  i used emacs21 never used xemacs but i dont think there is a big difference03:28
baroslwhat is useful for editing binary files?03:28
proxosianyone here03:28
johndarkhorseubotu: tell ernie_ about hardware03:28
poningruoggah: yeah basically03:28
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gnomefreakBlueDevil,  i figured as much thats why i asked firtst03:28
hrishismo: trying to learn from the new LDD3 book. so I guess I need both the headers and the source of ht kernel I am running03:28
oggahponingru: If I dont have any winxpCD03:28
proxosiknow how to make firefox flash compatible (me on amd 64)03:28
poningruthoreauputic: what did you do?03:28
Toma-ernie_: wifi or ethernet?03:28
poningruproxosi: not possible03:28
thoreauputicaccidentally kicked someone :)03:28
poningruamd64 doesnt have flash03:28
hrishitopyli: thanks will give that a shot03:28
poningruthoreauputic: XD03:29
proxosihow about firefox java compatible?03:29
gnomefreakthoreauputic,  i didnt see him leave lol03:29
proxosithere was a site.. but for some reaosn i cant make it03:29
poningruproxosi: there is 64bit java iirc03:29
hrishithoreauputic: thanks03:29
proxosican u guide me..03:29
proxosiwen i follow the steps03:29
proxosiit doesnt work03:29
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=== DelTree begins to wonder if there's any wqay to change any other file than filesystem.cloop on that f.... livecd...
djk_poningru: java yes, no plugin for 64 though03:30
topyliproxosi: there's a 64 bit gnu flash, but it's not very good03:30
poningruoggah: you have to get a http://www.sysresccd.org/ and use gparted to delete the ubuntu partition and merge it to ntfs03:30
thoreauputicegytrack: ah - sorry about that :)03:30
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egytrack_thoreauputic , ok03:30
poningrudjk_: oh did not know that03:30
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egytrack_thoreauputic , i just got diconnected03:31
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thoreauputicegytrack: I kicked you accidentally :)03:31
gnomefreaklol@he knows lol03:31
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xubuntui'm new03:31
poningruxubuntu: hi03:31
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egytrack_ok then , yes i was diconnected then join and kicked .. but anyone answer me ?03:32
proxosibtw how you set a certain file associate with another pgram03:32
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xubuntui have hear that here the connected people know so much about ubuntu03:32
poningruegytrack: what was your question?03:32
egytrack_i'm trying to install php03:32
egytrack_i use this sudo apt-get install php403:32
ubotumethinks lamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP, one of the standard internet server installations. Installing LAMP in Ubuntu is fairly straightforward. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP03:32
egytrack_and i get this eror03:32
oggahponingru: thanks!03:32
egytrack_Reading package lists... Done03:32
egytrack_Building dependency tree... Done03:33
egytrack_E: Couldn't find package php403:33
gnomefreak!info php03:33
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uboturepos is, like, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) see also !easysource03:33
egytrack_so , what's the proplem with this eror .03:33
xubuntucan i talk with someone on private window to ask a question???03:33
zandaaxubuntu, hit me03:33
poningruegytrack: hmm thats weird03:33
chloubshello , in wich package is /sbin/init (sorry for my english)03:33
johndarkhorsexubuntu: if you ask in here, you'll get a better response03:33
rambo3did you enable universe repos in apt03:33
poningruegytrack: try php503:33
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gnomefreakxubuntu,  if you ask in room you get a better responce03:34
Jormundgand!info php403:34
johndarkhorsegnomefreak: get out of my head, please :)03:34
ubotuphp4: (server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (meta-package)), section universe/web, is optional. Version: 4:4.4.0-3 (breezy), Packaged size: 1 kB, Installed size: 24 kB03:34
zandaajohndarkhorse & gnomefreak, that on the other hand is also true03:34
gnomefreakjohndarkhorse,  sowwy03:34
poningruegytrack: oh true do you have universe enabled?03:34
shanonxanyone know where i can get the libvisual0 dependancy?03:34
poningruxubuntu: ask in here03:34
zandaaxubuntu, just in the channel here03:34
xubuntuah ok03:34
poningruno to individual people03:34
xubuntuthank you03:34
BlueDevilgnomefreak: sudo bash -c '(cd ~/Desktop && tar zxvf firefox-1.5.tar.gz -C /opt/)'03:34
egytrack_sudo apt-get install php503:34
egytrack_Reading package lists... Done03:34
egytrack_Building dependency tree... Done03:34
egytrack_E: Couldn't find package php503:34
poningruegytrack: also I would use php503:34
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o johndarkhorse] by ChanServ
poningruegytrack: dude you gotta enable universe03:35
BlueDevilgnomefreak: make sure /opt exists prior to running that03:35
zandaadoes anyone know if Gaim has webcam support for MSN?03:35
gnomefreakBlueDevil,  with the )?03:35
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uboturepos is, like, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) see also !easysource03:35
egytrack_it's dosn't work by the way03:35
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o johndarkhorse] by ChanServ
emurzgnomefreak, can I download the packages of debian to ubuntu safely?03:35
poningruegytrack_: ?03:35
xubuntumi probles is that i can't insert a init script on xubuntu03:35
_jason!info php503:35
ubotuphp5: (server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (meta-package)), section web, is optional. Version: 5.0.5-2ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 1 kB, Installed size: 20 kB03:35
xubuntuhow can i do??03:35
BlueDevilgnomefreak: yes, with the ()03:35
KindredHi, I have a usb drive (fat32) I want to be able to write to but it says it's owned by root.  It seems I have to chmod (will this work with fat32?), but should I be trying for /media/usbdisk or dev/sda1 (or whatever it is.. I forget)? And will this cause any problems if I want to also use a different usb device (mp3 player) later on, or will the permissions be the same.  Hope this kinda makes sense..  I just want to do it correct03:35
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gnomefreakemurz,  ubuntu packages should have most of the debians packages if not if you get the .deb package use dpkg to install it03:35
Kindredsorry, that seemed like an essay. :|03:35
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erUSULxubuntu, make the script executable place it in /etc/init.d/ and add it with rc-update.d03:36
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gnomefreakbrb gotta see if i have opt :(03:36
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erUSUL!tell Kindred about windowsdrives03:36
xubuntui did to create the S and K files and it don't work... ???03:36
BlueDevilerUSUL: rc-update is on gentoo :)03:36
xubuntuwhat can happend?03:36
poningruKindred: dude it should automount03:36
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poningruKindred: follow that link that ubotu gave you03:37
SirKillalotwhich package do I need to be able to include <gtk/gtk.h>?03:37
Kindredthanks, reading :)03:37
johndarkhorseSirKillalot: libgtk*-dev03:37
zandaaponingru, does it automatically give you proper rights for the USB stick??03:37
poningruzandaa: yes03:37
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SirKillalotjohndarkhorse, thanks, I'll try that out03:37
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poningruif you just plug it in it will give you rw access03:38
gnomefreakBlueDevil,  what did i do?03:38
BlueDevilgnomefreak: huh?03:38
gnomefreakblue that listed a bunch of ff files03:38
BlueDevilgnomefreak: you unpacked firefox1.5 into /opt/firefox03:38
gnomefreakthe last one says firefox/removed-files03:38
hmpedersenNeroLinux looks interesting..03:38
SirKillalotjohndarkhorse, it still says gtk/gtk.h no such file or directory...03:39
gnomefreakBlueDevil,  where do i go from here? or is it done?03:39
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SirKillalotjohndarkhorse, do I have to change the path to gtk-*/gtk.h?03:39
BlueDevilgnomefreak: no it's not done03:39
xubuntuhelp!!... i must do a init script to run vncserver03:39
SirKillalot* is the version03:39
thoreauputicSirKillalot: what are you compiling?03:39
gnomefreakno need to link plug ins? or anything like htat?03:39
SirKillalotthoreauputic, own project03:39
emurzgnomefreak, I need the latest version of kdevelop, 3.3.x , in the repos there is 3.2.x . Is it quite safe to download the .deb package from the official website?03:39
xubuntui did a update-rc.d vncserver defaults 9503:39
poningrugnomefreak: what are you trying to do?03:39
BlueDevilgnomefreak: you did save your profile, right?03:39
xubuntuit creates the K95 and S95 files03:39
poningru!tell gnomefreak about firefox1.503:39
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xubuntubut it don't kork...03:39
proxosibtw how you set a certain file associate with another pgram03:39
gnomefreakyeah i think that was the ff settings file on desktop03:40
xubuntuhelp please...03:40
thoreauputicSirKillalot:  apt-cache search libgtk | grep dev might help03:40
gnomefreakponingru,  that didnt work thats why im asking BlueDevil03:40
poningrugnomefreak: what part didnt work?03:40
gnomefreakeverything after downloading ff1.503:40
SirKillalotthoreauputic, I already own all the packages :(03:40
shanonxanyone know where i can get the libvisual0 dependancy?03:41
_jasonproxosi, right click on the file -> properties -> open with03:41
topyliproxosi: right click, choose properties, change it in the open with tab03:41
xubuntui musto go lunch now i'll be back03:41
SirKillalotthoreauputic, look:03:41
xubuntuthanks for all anyway03:41
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SirKillalotroot@nerd:/home/caglar# locate gtk.h03:42
BlueDevilgnomefreak: "cp ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla.bak" just to be sure03:42
hmpedersenHow do i connect to remote desktop?03:42
erUSULxubuntu, read what i said03:42
xubuntuyes u tray it03:42
xubuntuit don't work03:42
xubuntui must go now03:42
xubuntui back sunny03:42
gnomefreakblue cp: omitting directory /home/boxerboy/.mozilla03:42
gnomefreakBlueDevil, thats good or bad?03:43
BlueDevilgnomefreak: bad03:43
erUSULxubuntu, no need to create the s and k files update-rc.d03:43
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erUSUL will do it for you03:43
os2machmpedersen: you must use an app like kdrc it's in the internet folder by default03:43
johndarkhorseegytrack_: please see the /topic about pasting (and the other info is good to read also)03:43
BlueDevilgnomefreak: my bad03:43
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BlueDevilgnomefreak: "cp -R ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla.bak" just to be sure03:43
gnomefreakrut ruh can i get it back?03:43
proxositopyli: thanks03:43
gnomefreakthat command just gave me a prompt03:44
emurzCan anyone help me identify the problem with this program: http://pastebin.com/459478 ?03:44
BlueDevilthat's ok03:44
gnomefreakgoodie :)03:44
egytrack_thank you johndarkhorse ..03:44
BlueDevilyou can do a ls -l ~/.mozilla.bak03:44
BlueDevilit should list a bunch of files03:44
hmpedersenoh.. just checked the clock.. Must go rest..03:44
gnomefreakok ill try03:44
egytrack_dose anyone made a video tutorial for ubuntu system ?03:45
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poningruegytrack_: actually yes there are03:45
GNAMvideo tutorial auasduas03:45
egytrack_really , where i can found it ?03:45
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gnomefreaktotal 8 than it justs lists the premissions and stuff only 2 lines after total 803:45
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JormundgandSo how do I get sound working in Firefox 1.5's Flash player plugin?03:46
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BlueDevilgnomefreak: something *.default and plugins.* ?03:46
poningruegytrack_: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=525305232699406712503:46
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BlueDevilJormundgand: install sdl with alsa support03:46
poningruegytrack_: there are only two made03:46
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gnomefreakBlueDevil,  nope i got at very end of lines appreg on line 1 and firefox in blue on second line03:47
BlueDevilgnomefreak: pastebin03:47
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gnomefreakBlueDevil,  you want everything from the first command? that listed a bunch of files?03:47
BlueDevilgnomefreak: no, just that last ls03:48
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hawkinghow can i get a list of my packages that I've installed so far?03:48
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purplefeltangelhow do i reinstall my sound drivers from scratch?03:48
_jasonhawking, you can get a list of everything installed with: dpkg -l03:48
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gnomefreakBlueDevil,  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/561803:49
mephis1987i have sth to ask03:49
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mephis1987i have installed ubuntu03:49
mephis1987and cant find the place to type linux command03:49
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egytrack__poningru , i got disconnected .. where is the tutorial you was saying and is it free to download ?03:49
shanonxDoes anyone know where I can find the libvisual0 dependancy?03:50
BlueDevilgnomefreak: that's ok03:50
_jasonshanonx, is that a package name?03:50
johndarkhorsemephis1987: applications > accessories > terminal03:50
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johndarkhorsemephis1987: or hit alt-f203:50
gnomefreakBlueDevil,  ok so i can go on to the make default part on that wiki?03:50
shanonx_jason: yes.. it is a dependancy for "Lives" the video editor.03:50
BlueDevilgnomefreak: now do "cd /opt/firefox/plugins/ && sudo ln -s /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/* . && sudo rm libtotem_mozilla.*"03:50
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gnomefreakBlueDevil, im at a /opt/firefox/plugins prompt03:51
interobreezy is current stable, right?03:51
erUSULhawking, dpkg -l | cut -d ' ' -f 303:51
gnomefreakintero, yes very03:51
BlueDevilgnomefreak: it's ok03:51
interognomefreak: thanks alot03:52
_jasonshanonx, possibly: libvtk4-dev or libvtk4c2-- not sure03:52
purplefeltangelhow do i reinstall my sound drivers from scratch?03:52
gpledwhy does username/password not work for cups?03:52
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gnomefreakintero, yw03:52
hawkingerusul : thx :)03:52
BlueDevilgnomefreak: now do "sudo dpkg-divert --divert /usr/bin/firefox.ubuntu --rename /usr/bin/firefox && sudo ln -s /opt/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/firefox"03:52
shanonx_jason: k thanks.03:52
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Rarjdoes ubuntu support network install ?03:52
poningruRarj: ofcourse03:52
ubotuponingru: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?03:53
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gnomefreakits added the local diversion im assuming thats good03:53
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JormundgandInstalling SDL with ALSA support had no effect.03:53
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BlueDevilgnomefreak: now do "firefox" :)03:53
poningruRarj: ^^^03:53
Rarjim planning to install it of an usb03:53
nifelseki_does anyone know how to use ndiswrapper with usb wireless atheors apdapters..?03:53
BlueDevilJormundgand: did you restart the browser?03:53
JormundgandBlueDevil: Yes.03:54
gnomefreakty BlueDevil  let me try this ( will my old icons work for new firefox?03:54
Rarjthanks poningru03:54
BlueDevilgnomefreak: what old icons?03:54
mephis1987is there any short key for Firefox?03:54
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mephis1987if i want to open a new tab in Firefox03:54
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gnomefreakblue the one next to the help icon in gnome03:54
mephis1987open a link in a new tab03:55
BlueDevilmephis1987: ctrl-t03:55
gnomefreakBlueDevil,  i got error :(03:55
eXistenZgnomefreak, Did you have a look at that link?03:55
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poningru!networkinstall is <reply> Install without a cdrom, recommended for people with broadband https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/Netboot03:55
ubotuponingru: okay03:55
BlueDevilgnomefreak: pastebin03:55
ubotuthanks poningru :)03:55
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gnomefreakBlueDevil, ok03:55
Oetzihi anyone an idea of samba and cups?03:55
mephis1987is it ctrl - f4 for closing a teab?03:55
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Oetzii have the following problem03:55
poningrumephis1987: its ctrl+w03:55
Dr_WillisOetzi,  they have worked rather well for me in the past.03:56
gnomefreakBlueDevil, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/561903:56
BlueDevilmephis1987: think so03:56
gnomefreakeXistenZ, what link?03:56
poningrubut yeah ctrl+f4 works as well mephis198703:56
shanonxhow do you update your apt-get sources?03:56
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poningrushanonx: what do you mean? when upgrading from hoary to breazy?03:56
egytracksorry guys i got disconnected again .. and i lost what you say about video tutroial ?03:56
gnomefreakshanonx,  after you make changes run sudo apt-get update03:56
poningrugnomefreak: you sure firefox is closed?03:57
Oetzieither windows machine is not telling cups that job is done or cups is not reacting on that03:57
shanonxponingru: no I mean after I add a source how to I update the cache or whatever?03:57
cyberpc|nuxjaurai besoin d une petite aide jai une quick03:57
purplefeltangelhow do i reinstall my sound drivers from scratch?03:57
johndarkhorseubotu: tell shanonx about apt-get03:57
gnomefreakoops goo point :( brb03:57
Oetziso i have to remove job manual03:57
mephis1987wow thanks a lot03:57
poningrushanonx: just refresh03:57
eXistenZgnomefreak, here it is: http://pastebin.com/45949003:57
johndarkhorsecyberpc|nux: anglais ice, s'il vous plait03:57
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ubotuVa a #ubuntu-fr et #kubuntu-fr pour aide et discussion en francais03:57
cyberpc|nuxah sorry03:58
BlueDevilgnomefreak: "sudo apt-get install libstdc++5"03:58
thoreauputiccyberpc|nux: je t'ai deja dis d'aller a #ubuntu-fr - c'est un canal anglais ici03:58
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poningrushanonx: the command is apt-get update03:58
egytrackpoingru , sorry i don't know where i can get the tutorial video you say there is a video tutorial ...03:58
purplefeltangelhow do i reinstall my sound drivers from scratch?03:58
psimy mouse sort of locks up for a split second every now and then. it's a bit annoying, any ideas?03:58
poningruegytrack: oh doh03:58
shanonxponingru: thanks.03:59
poningruhold on03:59
johndarkhorseshanonx: ubotu sent you a private message with info03:59
OetziDr_Willis: to you know the problem?03:59
BlueDevilpsi: SiS video card?03:59
poningruegytrack: only two were created03:59
shanonxjohndarkhorse: thanks too that site will help in the future.03:59
psiBlueDevil, nvidia03:59
johndarkhorseshanonx: help.ubuntu.com is the main site03:59
gnomefreakfirefox 1.0.7 is still running by default when i clicked that link03:59
gnomefreakok installed03:59
BlueDevilpsi: with accel drivers?03:59
poningrugnomefreak: make sure firefox is closed when you do all of this03:59
psiBlueDevil: yes04:00
purplefeltangelhow do i reinstall my sound drivers from scratch?04:00
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johndarkhorseubotu: tell purplefeltangel about repeat04:00
JormundgandBlueDevil: I installed SDL with ALSA support, no change to the browser.04:00
Dido-Hi! I want to play mp3 so I was reading about the Restricted Formats and I followed the instructions, I run "sudo dpkg -i w32codecs_20050412-0.0_i386.deb" but I get Package gstreamer0.8-plugins is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or04:00
Dido-is only available from another source04:00
gnomefreakok firefox 1.5 runs with the firefox command04:00
eXistenZgnomefreak, were you able to spot the problem?04:00
egytrackthanks poningru ..04:00
poningruegytrack: np04:00
johndarkhorseDido-: you may have not enabled your repos properly04:01
nifelseki_does anyone know how to use ndiswrapper v1.7 with usb wireless atheors adapters..?04:01
gnomefreakeXistenZ, not on that link04:01
BlueDevilgnomefreak: you have to set firefox as default in Preferences -> Preferred Applications in the System menu04:01
mephis1987i use ubuntu 5.10 , do u think it can replace Windows04:01
poningrumephis1987: yes ofcourse04:01
_jasonmephis1987, yes04:01
gnomefreakok ty so much BlueDevil  and poningru04:01
DelTreehow are the files http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-source-2.6.12/*.udeb built ?04:01
Jormundgandmephis1987: If I didn't, I wouldn't be using it. =P04:01
Dido-johndarkhorse, actually i've never enabled anything, what means this "repos' ;] 04:01
thoreauputicmephis1987: lots of people here have migrated from windows04:01
Dr_Willismephis1987,  for my work - it just about has.. depends on what you are going to do.04:01
mephis1987is there any softwares that can read pdf files04:01
psiBlueDevil, are the accelerated drivers known to cause problems like that?04:01
poningruit can do so much more than replace windows it will go beyond windows04:01
_jasonmephis1987, plenty04:01
poningrumephis1987: evince04:02
BlueDevilJormundgand: do you use esd?04:02
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poningrumephis1987: it should be installed be default04:02
thoreauputicmephis1987: evince is installed by default and reads pdf04:02
JormundgandBlueDevil: no.04:02
johndarkhorseubotu: tell Dido- about repos04:02
mephis1987u mean openoffice ?04:02
DelTreedoesn't look like http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-kernel-di-powerpc-2.6/ does more that 2.6.804:02
johndarkhorseDido-: enable universe and multiverse repositories04:02
poningrumephis1987: no04:02
erUSULmephis1987, evince, acrobat reader, xpdf ...04:02
poningru!info evince04:02
ubotuevince: (Document (postscript, pdf) viewer), section gnome, is optional. Version: 0.4.0-0ubuntu4 (breezy), Packaged size: 588 kB, Installed size: 2732 kB04:02
BlueDevilpsi: no, i thought you used a low end card with shared memory04:02
_jasonmephis1987, I wouldn't just install ubuntu alone.  You should dual boot for a few weeks and then decide04:02
johndarkhorseDido-: ubotu sent you a private message with info04:02
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mephis1987i have dual boot04:03
BlueDevilJormundgand: cat /bin/bash > /dev/dsp04:03
Dido-johndarkhorse,  yes thanks ;)04:03
poningrumephis1987: if you double click on a pdf file it should open up evince04:03
mephis1987but i recently interested in linux04:03
JormundgandBlueDevil: And that will do what?04:03
thoreauputicmephis1987: I suggest reading help.ubuntu.com04:03
oggahponingru, Hello. its me again. the guy with the partitionsproblems.04:03
xubuntui'm back04:03
poningruoggah: yeah whats up04:03
BlueDevilJormundgand: you should hear crackling noise in the speakers04:03
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xubuntuerUSUL: i tell u what i did04:03
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thoreauputic!tell mephis1987 about docs04:03
poningrumephis1987: does it not open pdf files?04:03
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thoreauputicmephis1987: try that URL too that ubotu just sent you04:04
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mephis1987i m reading it04:04
xubuntui did a file named vncserver04:04
oggahponingru, Ive tried the sysrescueCD. and started up qtparted. (run_qtparted) all it recognizes it a disk called /dev/hda. and when I click it. It says. "critical error during ped_disk_new".04:04
mephis1987thanks all of you04:04
JormundgandBlueDevil: Nothing.04:04
mephis1987i like this distro04:04
thoreauputicmephis1987: no worries - enjoy Ubuntu :)04:04
oggahim getting worried :o04:04
BlueDevilJormundgand: any error message?04:05
JormundgandBlueDevil: No.04:05
poningruoggah: why didnt you run gparted?04:05
JormundgandJust hanging there until I Ctrl-C'd it.04:05
poningruqtparted is not so stable04:05
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BlueDevilJormundgand: do any other mmedia apps produce sound?04:05
oggahponingru, how do I start qparted?04:05
JormundgandBlueDevil: Yes, rhythmbox plays.04:05
erUSULxubuntu, have you used /etc/init.d/skeleton as a guide?04:05
mephis19871 more thing04:05
mephis1987i have downloaded  x-unikey-0.92.i386.ubuntu04:06
johndarkhorseoggah: alt-f2 > gksudo qtparted04:06
mephis1987how can i installed this04:06
BlueDevilJormundgand: on breezy?04:06
JormundgandBlueDevil: yes.04:06
poningruoggah: same way you started qtparted04:06
poningrujust type in gparted instead04:06
mephis1987it has .deb extension04:06
oggahrun_qparted < llike that.04:06
poningruits gparted not qparted04:06
mephis1987how can i install this programme?04:06
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BlueDevilJormundgand: "ps axww|grep esd"04:07
psihuh. in what repository is zsnes?04:07
psiapparently not universe04:07
poningrumephis1987: in a terminal dpkg -i whatever.deb04:07
oggahponingru, probalby I will be back. :) thanks.04:07
poningruoggah:  also http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=31334804:07
JormundgandBlueDevil: 9289 pts/1    R+     0:00 grep esd04:07
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Dido-johndarkhorse,  is it ok if i enable everything04:07
thoreauputicmephis1987: as you 've written it it doesn't look like an ubunut/debian package - what is it?04:07
hollywoodbgnome menu isn't showing new apps anymore... it was working fine, I use synaptic to add about 8 games, no show04:08
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poningruhollywoodb: sometimes they dont add themselves to the menu04:08
_jasonhollywoodb, not all games have menus but you can try 'killall gnome-panel' to refresh it04:08
BlueDevilJormundgand: what sound sink is rythmbox using?04:08
gnomefreakthe plugins i have in repos can be used with ff1.5?04:09
poningrutry what _jason said04:09
mephis1987i have tried04:09
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poningrugnomefreak: yes04:09
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poningrugnomefreak: did you add the symnlinks?04:09
xubuntuinto there is a command line: /usr/bin/vncserver04:09
JormundgandBlueDevil: How would I find that out? I can tell you what is selected as audio sink in Multimedia Systems Selector (ALSA) but...04:09
mephis1987but it says require superuser privilege04:09
poningruthen it should be good to go04:09
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crouton_howdy folks04:09
hollywoodbponingru: _jason: yeah, i've logged out & killed the panel, not even smeg shows 'em, common games too04:09
poningrumephis1987: oh doh my mistake04:09
thoreauputicmephis1987: use sudo04:09
BlueDevilJormundgand: that's ok04:09
xubuntuskeleton like a guide04:09
poningrumephis1987: add a sudo in front of that command04:09
xubuntui try04:09
thoreauputic!tell mephis1987 about sudo04:09
poningrusudo dpkg -i whatever.deb04:09
crouton_anybody hit the 'no ide-mod, ide-probe-mod, ide-detect' issues on installation?04:09
mephis1987ok , thanks04:10
_jasonhollywoodb, they probably don't have menus, you should just create your own04:10
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bluefox83maybe someone here knows..what setting do you use for xorg.conf if you are using an LCD monitor?04:10
psii have really awful desktop responsiveness under load. what might cause that?04:10
webheadHi all, I'm having a problem installing ubuntu on my laptop (sony vaio VGN-FS315s) the installer always exits during the base install with a message that the installation to /target/ failed, when I try to check /target/var/log/bootstrap.log it doesn't exist04:10
mephis1987it asks me the password but i cant type anything?04:11
Dr_Willisbluefox83,  which setting are you refering to?04:11
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poningrubluefox83: no need to change settings, unless the resolution is messed up04:11
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psi(it's a not a slow computer)04:11
bluefox83i keep getting a serious error04:11
_jasonmephis1987, you just don't see it typing, but you are04:11
JormundgandBlueDevil: Anything else?04:11
bluefox83Dr_Willis: the ones telling xorf which type of monitor you are using..04:11
poningrumephis1987: even though you are typing it the terminal doesnt display it for security reasons04:12
thoreauputicmephis1987: that's a feature, not a bug :)04:12
mephis1987oh , i see ,sorry to ask dumb questions , but i am really newbie here04:12
poningruactually many reasons not just security04:12
Dr_Willisbluefox83,  the 5.10 install saw both of my differnet lcd's on my 2 machines and set them up just find.04:12
poningrumephis1987: thats ok04:12
BlueDevilJormundgand: dpkg -l '*libsdl*'|egrep '^.i.*'04:12
Dr_Willisoops Fine.04:12
thoreauputicmephis1987: that's OK - we are here to help :)04:12
BlueDevilJormundgand: pastebin04:12
LoPMXwhy do i love ubuntu?04:12
poningruwebhead: hmm04:12
Dr_Willismephis1987: that's OK   - we are used to it.. Most of us have done WIndows Support in the past.04:12
mephis1987oops, it says no such file or directory04:12
bluefox83Dr_Willis: i'm using debina and the folks in #debian are gabbing about playing doom instead of helping people with problems...04:12
JormundgandBlueDevil: No need, only two results.04:13
BlueDevilLoPMX: 'cause you're a geek :P04:13
mephis1987i put the file in home/myname/desktop04:13
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poningrumephis1987: make sure you cd to that folder first04:13
thoreauputicbluefox83: #debian is a different world :)04:13
poningrucd /home/myname/Desktop04:13
Dr_Willisbluefox83  - so what is not set right - how about that04:13
LoPMXBlueDevil, i guess...04:13
webheadponingru: ideas, suggestions ?04:14
mephis1987i already put it in desktop folder04:14
bluefox83nevermind..i'll figure it out on my own...04:14
poningruwebhead: still looking04:14
Dr_WillisIf you need modelines.. thers a 'x modeline generator' web site - that has helped me in the past.04:14
poningruwebhead: just googling around04:14
JormundgandBlueDevil: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/562104:14
kart0ffelhello, i am trying a custom-install of ubuntu, but i cannot install xdm or icewm. "sudo apt-get install xdm" says there is no package to install, same for icewm04:14
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LoPMXargh, Ruby, PHP, Apache does not run so fast on Windows04:14
hollywoodb_jason: they already have .desktop files in /usr/share/gnome/apps/*/*/,04:14
ubotuSyntax error in line 1, egytrack04:14
kart0ffeldo i have to update somekind of "portage tree"?04:14
ubotuwell, lamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP, one of the standard internet server installations. Installing LAMP in Ubuntu is fairly straightforward. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP04:14
LoPMXthat's why i moved my development environtment to ubuntu... and now, i don't even boot windows... y? ;] 04:14
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hollywoodb_jason: /usr/share/gnome/apps/Internet/Internet/ggz-gnome.desktop (think the 'Internet' directory redundancy could be a problem?)04:15
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BlueDevilJormundgand: that looks ok04:15
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poningruwebhead: I cant really find anything so sorry due04:15
BlueDevilLoPMX: what do you develop in?04:15
_jasonhollywoodb, possibly, try fixing it04:15
thoreauputickart0ffel: yes, you need to run sudo apt-get update ( and probably edit your /etc/apt/sources.list )04:15
amiashas anyone experienced gdm theme corruption in dapper drake ?04:15
kart0ffelor do i have to "unlock" these packages?04:15
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poningrukart0ffel: whats wrong?04:15
gainhelp postgresql :(04:16
LoPMXBlueDevil, u mean?04:16
thoreauputic!tell kart0ffel about apt-get04:16
BlueDevilLoPMX: language, IDE04:16
poningrukart0ffel: there is a -desktop prepended to it04:16
poningruhold on04:16
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gaininstalacion postgresql?help04:16
ubotuWish i knew, poningru04:16
LoPMXBlueDevil,  ah, currently Ruby (using Ruby on Rails), and IDE, for rails - RadRails, for PHP, Zend Studio04:16
thoreauputic!info icewm04:16
ubotuicewm: (wonderful Win95-OS/2-Motif-like window manager), section universe/x11, is optional. Version: 1.2.22-2ubuntu2 (breezy), Packaged size: 632 kB, Installed size: 1656 kB04:16
=== encompass [n=encompas@dsl-hkigw7-fe0df900-146.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
BlueDevilJormundgand: have you tried running no other app than firefox and see if flash has sound?04:17
kart0ffel"sudo !icewm" or what?04:17
thoreauputickart0ffel: you need at least the universe repo04:17
JormundgandBlueDevil: All I have open now is X-Chat and Gaim, neither of which use sound. Firefox is still silent.04:17
thoreauputic!tell kart0ffel about sources04:17
kart0ffelhm, what is that?04:17
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thoreauputic!tell kart0ffel about docs04:17
hollywoodb_jason: ok, the others have /usr/lib/menu/<package> entries, but it doesn't look like .desktop files were created from them04:17
BlueDevilJormundgand: fuser -v /dev/dsp04:17
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thoreauputickart0ffel: read your personal messages from ubotu04:18
encompassare there prebuilt packages for java in ubuntu?04:18
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BlueDevilJormundgand: lsof | grep dsp04:18
kart0ffelthoreauputic: thanks, i read it standby ;)04:18
JormundgandBlueDevil: /dev/.static/dev: Permission denied04:18
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BlueDevilJormundgand: with sudo04:18
webheadponingru: can I do a net-install from the installer menu ?04:18
gnomefreakJormundgand, use sudo04:18
_jasonhollywoodb, I'm not sure exactly how the menu uses those files so you may be better off asking the channel, sorry04:18
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mephis1987have use cd command to move to Desktop04:18
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mephis1987and use sudo command to install04:19
ubotuit has been said that javadebs is Sun Java debs packaged for breezy are at http://www.giannaros.org/public/breezydebs/ To install these, open a terminal, cd to the directory you downloaded them to, and type "sudo dpkg -i filename.deb"04:19
LoPMXhmm, ubuntu could go a step further and start to unify linux world04:19
JormundgandBlueDevil: Neither of those gave any output.04:19
mephis1987but it says command not found04:19
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gnomefreakthank you Blue-Omega  i forgot about java :(04:19
BlueDevilJormundgand: try running firefox from command like, see if it outputs any errors04:19
LoPMXdon't you think that ubuntu could start developing it's own desktop environment?04:20
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thoreauputicmephis1987:  type the whole thing  - sudo dpkg -i <packagename> where <packagename> is what you are installing04:20
JormundgandBlueDevil: No errors.04:20
BlueDevilLoPMX: no04:20
LoPMXBlueDevil, why?04:20
BlueDevilJormundgand: not just starting it04:20
oggahwhen I run gparted with the sysrescuecd it says, when im going to view the partitions. "Unable to align partition properly, probalby because another partition tool generated an incorrect partitiontable.." gosh. this doesnt seem very good.04:21
encompassthanks for the help guys,04:21
gnomefreakBlue-Omega,  thank you again for help with ff everything works great with it except same issue ive had with every version no midi support04:21
psii think i might have localized my problem: heavy cdrom usage cause unresponsiveness. why might that be?04:21
BlueDevilJormundgand: go to a flash site04:21
JormundgandBlueDevil: I did.04:21
amiashas anyone got banshee to play mp3's in dapper ? i have gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse04:21
encompassman, I really have a hard time handling all the newbies here...04:21
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BlueDevilgnomefreak: yw04:21
gnomefreakBlueDevil, not Blue-Omega  sorry04:21
thoreauputicpsi: do you have DMA set on your CD ROM ?04:21
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ubotuI heard midi is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8736 or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo04:21
egytrackis there a server package for ububtu like lamp , already setup [ apache2 - php - mysql - phpmyadmin - with control panel ] 04:21
gnomefreakBlueDevil, been there done that :(04:21
amiasit just goes through my libaray complaining about application/x-id3 not being handled04:22
ubotufrom memory, lamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP, one of the standard internet server installations. Installing LAMP in Ubuntu is fairly straightforward. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP04:22
SirKillalothow can I change CFLAGS with anjuta?04:22
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kart0ffelthoreauputic: ubuntu says deb is an unknown command04:22
gnomefreakBlueDevil, its something ive been working on for a long time now04:22
gnomefreaklet see if #ff can help :(04:22
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thoreauputickart0ffel: deb isn't a command04:22
BlueDevilSirKillalot: is anjuta worth a try?04:22
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psithoreauputic, i'm not sure. how do i check?04:22
bobn_Hey, what about Perl in LAMP?  I object!04:23
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kart0ffelthoreauputic: i read it in the docs u sent me04:23
vitadrinkerhallo zusammen04:23
SirKillalotBlueDevil, anjuta is the best04:23
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SirKillalotmy opinion04:23
thoreauputickart0ffel: I strongly suggest you read  help.ubuntu.com04:23
BlueDevilbobn_: P stands for PHP/Perl/Python04:23
kart0ffelthoreauputic: it should be used to put ubuntus archives in the sourcelist04:23
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thoreauputickart0ffel: no, you have misunderstood04:23
BlueDevilSirKillalot: thanks, i'll give it a run, i'm using eclipse04:24
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mephis1987oh ,here is my problem : mephis1987@Mephis:~/Desktop$ sudo dpkg -i x-unikey-0.92.i386.ubuntu.deb04:24
mephis1987Selecting previously deselected package x-unikey.04:24
mephis1987(Reading database ... 57539 files and directories currently installed.)04:24
mephis1987Unpacking x-unikey (from x-unikey-0.92.i386.ubuntu.deb) ...04:24
mephis1987dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of x-unikey:04:24
mephis1987 x-unikey depends on libstdc++5 (>= 1:3.3.4-1); however:04:24
mephis1987  Package libstdc++5 is not installed.04:24
mephis1987dpkg: error processing x-unikey (--install):04:24
mephis1987 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured04:24
mephis1987Errors were encountered while processing:04:24
thoreauputickart0ffel:  read the help.ubuntu.com URL for help understanding the system04:24
mephis1987 x-unikey04:24
mephis1987pls help04:24
ubotupastebin is, like, a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org04:24
BlueDevilmephis1987: use pastebin04:24
gnomefreakmephis1987, please dont paste in here use pastebin please04:24
thoreauputicmephis1987: do *NOT* paste inhere!04:24
SpacyI have a question04:24
kart0ffelthoreauputic: i dont want to read the whole manual. it is just one step i have to understand04:24
SirKillalotBlueDevil, could u please try to compile a standard gtk2 program using anjuta?04:25
gnomefreakspacey, go for it04:25
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Spacywhat is your root password when you install Ubuntu04:25
=== spacey goes
johndarkhorseubotu: tell Spacy about root04:25
gnomefreakspacey,  your user password is used with sudo04:25
Spacyis it04:25
spaceyis it04:25
BlueDevilSirKillalot: installing now..04:25
_jasonmephis1987, install libstdc++504:25
Spacyi tryed that04:25
kart0ffelthoreauputic: where can i finde the sources.list?04:25
mephis1987i try that04:26
thoreauputickart0ffel: remove the # marks from the "universe" lines in /etc/apt/sources.list04:26
kart0ffelthoreauputic: and is "nano" already installed?04:26
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defiancenano comes from the cd yes.04:26
gnomefreakspacey, there is no su in ubuntu04:26
defianceand is installed.04:26
thoreauputickart0ffel: use the nano editor - sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list04:26
defiancegnomefreak, there is.04:26
defianceI use it.04:26
defianceCause I dislike sudo.04:26
thoreauputickart0ffel: yes it is installed04:26
spaceygnomefreak, please say spacy instead of spacey04:26
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spaceyi'm someone else04:26
spaceyand you highlight me like crazy :)04:26
kart0ffelthoreauputic: thanks04:26
gnomefreakdefiance,  not by defaullt04:26
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Spacywell thank you all04:26
Spacyand yes he is04:26
defiancegnomefreak, uh, yes?04:26
johndarkhorsedefiance: if you are in #ubuntu please advise with ubuntu usage in mind04:26
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gnomefreakoops didnt know there were 2 of u04:27
defiancejohndarkhorse, yes, of course, I know, but I'm just saying.04:27
mephis1987pastebin mephis1987@Mephis:~/Desktop$ sudo dpkg -i x-unikey-0.92.i386.ubuntu.deb04:27
mephis1987Selecting previously deselected package x-unikey.04:27
mephis1987(Reading database ... 57539 files and directories currently installed.)04:27
mephis1987Unpacking x-unikey (from x-unikey-0.92.i386.ubuntu.deb) ...04:27
mephis1987dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of x-unikey:04:27
mephis1987 x-unikey depends on libstdc++5 (>= 1:3.3.4-1); however:04:27
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mephis1987  Package libstdc++5 is not installed.04:27
Spacygreat minds think alike04:27
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mephis1987dpkg: error processing x-unikey (--install):04:27
mephis1987 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured04:27
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thoreauputickart0ffel: after you edit the sources.list you need to run   sudo apt-get update  before installing icewm  etc04:27
_jasonheh at least he put pastebin in the beginning04:27
ubotuwell, root is rumour has it, that root is disabled in Ubuntu, actually this means there is no password set for the root account, use sudo when you need admin access, you can read all about it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo04:27
kart0ffelthoreauputic: yeah, i think that was the problem ;)04:28
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johndarkhorsemephis1987: the pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl04:28
_jasonmephis1987, pastebin means you actually go the pastebin site and paste there04:28
psithoreauputic, nope. i'm not using dma. hopefully that's the problem.04:28
thoreauputicmephis1987:  type /topic  in your IRC client and read what it says04:28
mephis1987sorry , but i dont know how to use pastebin04:28
ubotu[pastebin]  a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org04:28
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thoreauputicpsi: you need to use hdparm to set it then04:28
Knight_LordHow can i get my TV out working on my acer 4001 WMLi?04:29
johndarkhorsemephis1987: visit that URL and it will all come clear04:29
BlueDevilSirKillalot: so, what do you want me to try?04:29
JormundgandBlueDevil: So any ideas on getting sound to work in Flash in Firefox 1.5? I remember changing the FIREFOX_DSP option in /etc/mozilla-firefox/mozilla-firefoxrc but the Firefox people say that's an addon by Ubuntu.04:29
thoreauputicmephis1987: you just paste your stuff into the box on that URL and tell us the link04:29
amiasaaaha , apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad04:29
Spacygood call by ubotu04:29
Spacyi just read that04:29
SirKillalotBlueDevil, just create a new gtk2+ project, and try to compile it and report pls04:30
amiasdoes anyone have a working gdm on dapper drake ?04:30
kart0ffelthoreauputic: it works :) thank you for support04:30
SirKillalotI didn't manage that, strange04:30
thoreauputickart0ffel: no worries :)04:30
gnomefreakSpacy,  use sudo and your password is your user password04:30
mephis1987here my link04:30
psithoreauputic: a massive improvement. thanks a lot.04:31
mephis1987this room has rules04:31
psithoreauputic, does that stick upon a reboot, or do i need to enter it somewhere?04:31
thoreauputicmephis1987: try sudo apt-get install libstdc++504:31
_jasonmephis1987, did you install libstdc++5 like I suggested?04:31
mephis1987how can i follow the rules?#04:31
vbgunzhow can I find out all of ubotu's commands?04:31
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webheadhow do I do a net-install ?04:31
mephis1987i m installing this04:31
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thoreauputicpsi: /etc/hdparm.conf04:31
Spacythanks again guys see yeah04:32
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel.04:32
Kyralwebhead: I think if during the normal install if it detects a live Internet Conn it will automagically download the packs offa the net04:32
mephis1987is it in administration/add application?04:32
gnomefreakvbgunz, they are listed on that site04:32
mephis1987the  libstdc++5?04:32
johndarkhorseubotu: tell vbgunz about factoids04:32
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vbgunzthanks fellas!04:33
johndarkhorseubotu: tell gnomefreak about factoids04:33
Knight_LordHow can i get Tv out working on my laptop?04:33
Kyralmephis1987: You're better off just doing "sudo apt-get install libstdc++504:33
webheadKyral: apparently it selected my CD as a source, though there is a connected and configured internet conn04:33
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gnomefreakjohndarkhorse,  i know how to use him :)04:33
_jasonmephis1987, you can use the command thoreauputic suggested or you can search for it in synaptic04:33
Knight_LordIs it a xorg.conf thing?04:33
Kyralwebhead: Then I was wrong lol04:33
amiasKnight_Lord, there is a driver for ati tv out04:33
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thoreauputicmephis1987: just type sudo apt-get install libstdc++5  in a terminal04:33
Knight_Lordamias ah, so i need to change the driver in my xorg.conf?04:33
bluefox83how do i check my resolution?04:34
=== gnomefreak is only one that ever feeds him and he still makes fun of me sometimes :(
thoreauputicmephis1987: synptic has a search function as _jason says04:34
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gnomefreakgood point johndarkhorse04:34
thoreauputic!good bot04:34
Knight_Lordamias what's the name of the driver?04:34
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amiasKnight_Lord, dunno , never tried it but there is an atitvout package04:35
xubuntui back04:35
xubuntuit not works04:35
BlueDevilSirKillalot: make: no target specified and no default target04:35
gnomefreakwhat doesnt work?04:35
xubuntui try with the example script and not work!!04:35
xubuntuwhat happend??04:35
Knight_Lordamias thanks a lot04:35
kenichiis anyone familia with tv cards under ubuntu?04:35
thoreauputicxubuntu: pleas ebe specific about your problem04:35
_jasonxubuntu, you probably need to be a little more specific04:35
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mephis1987uhm i should try synptic first04:36
amiasKnight_Lord, np , let me know if it works04:36
xubuntugnomefreak: i try to  make a init script to run vncserver on system startup04:36
amiaskenichi, a bit , what sort of card04:36
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xubuntui explain04:36
kenichiits a bt878 card04:36
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kenichiand i already know what "cardnumber" it has04:36
xubuntui did a script with the example escript in init.d04:36
xubuntuthen i do update-rc.d vncserver defaults 9504:37
amiaskenichi,  can you get the bttv module loaded ?04:37
xubuntuthen the K95 and S95 files begin created04:37
kenichiamias: and i already know how to make the card work, but not how to make the changes static04:37
JormundgandAnyone have any bright ideas for getting sound working in Firefox 1.5's Flash plugin? The sound hardware itself is not the problem.04:37
xubuntui reboot04:37
amiaskenichi, you need a good ariel to get a usable signal04:37
xubuntubut the vncserver is not runnigup04:37
xubuntuwhat i did wrong??04:37
_jasonubotu, tell xubuntu about enter04:38
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eXistenZwhen firefox 1.5 will be added to ubuntu?04:38
gnomefreakeXistenZ, it will be a while04:38
amiaskenichi, set the module parameters in /etc/modutils04:38
thoreauputiceXistenZ: not until next release04:38
kenichiamias: sorry, im not a native speaker, so whats an "ariel"?04:38
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BlueDevileXistenZ: in dapper04:39
JormundgandThe aerial is the bit of metal that receives signals.04:39
amiaskenichi: antenna , the thing that recieves the signals for the tuner04:39
xubuntuhow can i do??04:39
kenichiamias: ah, i see04:39
kenichiamias: even leo didnt know what ariel is ;)04:39
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thoreauputicxubuntu: why do you need vncserver running on boot? It gets called when you try to connect anyway04:40
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xubuntuno it not04:40
amiaskenichi, did you get it to work with tvtime ?04:40
kenichiamias: i will check modutils04:40
slashx1896can i get video9 for my psp on linux?04:40
BlueDevilxubuntu: use x11vnc04:40
xubuntuthoreauputic: it not runs anyway04:40
kenichiamias: yeah, it works with tvtime04:40
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xubuntuBlueDevil: xllvnc??04:40
thoreauputicxubuntu: excuse me - I ran it here on my network and it didn't need any special tweaking04:40
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BlueDevilxubuntu: standalone vnc server04:41
xubuntuthoreauputic: how u installed it?04:41
_jasonthoreauputic, I had to open up port22 for ssh, is it similar for vino?04:41
slashx1896Anyone know? i want video9 i had it on xp, now i wanna get it linux.. for me psp04:41
thoreauputicxubuntu: you just run vncviewer04:41
amiaskenichi, cool  tvtime is a very nice tv viewer , the tvtime-command tool is v nifty04:41
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kenichiamias: but first i have to "rmmod bt878" then "rmmod bttv" and then "modprobe bttv card=54 tuner=23"04:41
slashx1896can i just download it normmaly?04:41
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thoreauputicxubuntu: I think you are confused - vino is perhaps what you are looking for04:41
BlueDevilslashx1896: what's video9?04:41
psiwhere is zsnes? i can't find it in universe.04:41
xubuntuthoreauputic: i run vncviewer and connect is refused04:41
slashx1896bluedevil, its a program for psp, to so u can put vids on ur psp04:42
gnomefreaksudo update-alteravtives --config java is the write command to change used version of java right?04:42
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amiaskenichi, so you do options bttv card=54 tuner=2304:42
lysisis there a way to "roll back"?04:42
psignomefreak, yes04:42
thoreauputic_jason: I haven't tried ssh with vnc - I use freenx or ssh -X mostly04:42
slashx1896bluedevil, can i dl the version i did on xp on linux?04:42
xubuntuthoreauputic: if i execute vncserver on console04:42
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kenichiamias: yes04:42
gnomefreakpsi,  did i spell it right?04:42
xubuntuthoreauputic:the vncservice runs04:42
xubuntuthoreauputic:and then i can connect04:42
psignomefreak, no update-alternatives04:42
xubuntuthoreauputic:if not the connection is refused04:42
lysisi was curious about all of the desktops (kubuntu-desktop xubuntu-desktop and edubuntu-desktop) and edubuntu-desktop broke my computer. :-/04:43
kenichiamias: where do i have to add these lines? and do they have to look like in that file?04:43
xubuntuthoreauputic: i whant to execute vncserver file on startup04:43
_jasonthoreauputic, yep, I use freenx as well but I think xubunu wants to run the vnc client provided with ubuntu and I'm not sure if he needs to open port22 like I had to for ssh and freenx04:43
lysisi did a complete uninstall of edubuntu-desktop and it's still messed up.  gnome is all messed up.  it deleted some of my session loader files.04:43
xubuntuthoreauputic:to get remote desktop acces04:43
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slashx1896its a .exe... so i prob cant get it can i?04:43
Davethewavewhat's an exe04:43
thoreauputicxubuntu: vncviwer works fine with vino - I don't even have vncserver here04:43
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hollywoodbslashx1896: you could try it with wine04:43
Davethewavemight be able to use wine04:43
xubuntuBlueDevil: explain me about xllvnc04:44
BlueDevilxubuntu: it's x11vnc not xllvnc04:44
Kumohi, could anybody help me finding the gdesklet channel?04:44
BlueDevilxubuntu: brb. smoke04:44
xubuntuthoreauputic: and where i can get vino?04:44
thoreauputicxubuntu: it's installed by default04:44
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thoreauputicxubuntu: run vino-preferences to see04:45
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xubuntuBlueDevil: ah the X1104:45
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johndarkhorseKumo: you are here04:45
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Dido-Which if these should I try to run sound editing programs (e.g. sound forge) : wine, cedega, vmware ?04:45
gnomefreakok im lost now after i change it to new java now it tells me when i do java --version that could not create java virtual machine? what am i missing here?04:45
Davethewavekumo not sure try gentoo-spark ... it has the word gdesklet in the topic :P04:45
johndarkhorseDido-: why run any of those? use audacity in linux04:46
KumoDavethewave: I'll see thanks04:46
Dido-johndarkhorse, i've been using those windows programs for years, i dont want to change04:46
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thoreauputicxubuntu: also see Applications - Internet - terminal server client04:47
johndarkhorseDido-: then if you can afford vmware, use it04:47
slashx1896i dont se e anywhere there on how to use wine04:47
Kumojohndarkhorse: if there isn't I'll ask here anyway, thanks04:47
Dido-johndarkhorse, what do you mean if i can afford it?04:47
johndarkhorseslashx1896: www.winehq.org04:47
slashx1896im there04:47
kenichiamias: can you tell me, where to add those lines?04:47
Davethewaveit has documentation 0.o04:47
slashx1896the how to is installing it not using.04:47
slashx1896uh il check...04:47
Davethewaveon using04:47
gnomefreaktry man wine04:47
Davethewaveyou just wine nameofexe.exe04:47
Davethewavein a console :p04:48
Davethewaveat the location04:48
raphaelkenichi: /etc/modprobe.d/bttv works for me04:48
johndarkhorseDido-: i'm probably forgetting that vmware has a free-to-use version now, (it's only been recently they've had it)04:48
=== gnomefreak will brb before i become a nutcase
johndarkhorsegnomefreak: too late  :)04:48
DavethewaveI already am04:48
slashx1896wait so what do i type in? sudo wine (name of file).exe04:48
eXistenZhow can I install skype04:49
johndarkhorseslashx1896: dont use sudo04:49
ubotuwell, skype is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SkypeHowto/ Breezy deb: http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl04:49
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kenichiraphael: i habe no bttv file at that location04:49
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villerwhere's the trash folder located?04:49
johndarkhorseviller: ~/.Trash04:49
Davethewavealso make sure you are in the directory of the exe you want to run04:49
slashx1896so just wine (name of file).exe04:49
raphaelkenichi: If I remember correctly, I created it04:49
slashx1896command not found.. probbaly dont even have it installed lol04:49
johndarkhorseubotu: tell slashx1896 about wine04:50
Davethewaveoh, have to install it first ;)04:50
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johndarkhorseslashx1896: you have a priv msg04:50
slashx1896i know04:50
kenichijust a file with the name bttv and one line in it?04:50
kenichimodprobe bttv card=54 tuner=2304:50
Davethewaveslashx1896 you should be able to type in apt-get install wine04:50
kenichiraphael: thats all?04:50
kenichiraphael: that would be nice and easy...04:50
villerjohndarkhorse: OMG it's fucking stuffed! :D04:50
slashx1896davethewave: ;) yea thats workin lol its installin rite no04:50
thoreauputicOK time to sleep... good night all04:51
raphaelkenichi: no - "options bttv card=..."04:51
johndarkhorseviller: please respect us with your language choices04:51
slashx1896thoreaputic: wat time is it where u r? lol04:51
kenichiraphael: ah, ok. i will give it a try04:51
gnomefreakjohndarkhorse, your right too late :(04:51
slashx1896thoreaputic: i just woke up an hour ago04:51
villerjohndarkhorse: sorry04:51
thoreauputicslashx1896: nearly 3AM04:51
slashx1896its 11 am here04:51
raphaelkenichi: look at any oter file in /etc/modprobe.d for examples04:51
=== gnomefreak says screw #firefox :(
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thoreauputicslashx1896: it's a big world out there , son  ;-)04:52
Davethewavealmost 8 here04:52
slashx1896i know lol04:52
=== thoreauputic retires from the fray finally
slashx1896davethewave, it worked04:52
_jasongnomefreak, have you tried #firefox channel on the mozilla server-- more ppl there generally04:52
slashx1896davethewave, its installing usin wine04:52
Davethewavecool beans04:52
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Davethewavedoes ubuntu get the latest version of wine?04:53
gnomefreak_jason, i dont think i have the mozilla server :(04:53
wijhow do i change locale settings ?04:53
Davethewaveor does it need to be added to the repository04:53
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kenichiraphael: well, lets see if it works...04:53
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villerhi again :)04:54
gnomefreak_jason,  that server isnt in x-chat would it be irc.mozilla.net by chance?04:54
villerif I want to open the file browser form the terminal, what do i have to type?04:54
wijwell hi04:54
slashx1896davethewave: the install worked but the terminal had some errors in it04:54
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factotumviller: i think its nautilus04:54
DelTreehow to build the -di kernel modules ???04:54
slashx1896and when i said to run video9 after installation it didnt run04:55
gnomefreakfactotum, it is04:55
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gnomefreak*should be04:55
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villerfactotum: nautilus opens nautilus :D04:55
BlueDevilgnomefreak: what's wrong with #firefox? :)04:55
Davethewaveslashx1896, there are problems with wine, not everything will work :( there's also a wine channel at #winehq04:55
Davethewavewhich I'm in there too04:56
DelTreehow is kernel-image-2.6.12-9-powerpc-di built ?04:56
villerok i worked it out04:56
BlueDevilDelTree: you want the config used?04:56
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gnomefreakBlueDevil,  i wanted to know if there was a secret to getting embedded midi files to play in it i have tried moxplugger and everyother thing out there that i know of04:56
zygacan anyone recommend a good text mode mail client?04:56
gnomefreaktimitiy included04:56
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BlueDevilzyga: mutt04:57
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gnomefreakzyga, sendmail is good but not easiest to set up04:57
DelTreeBlueDevil: no... well, maybe that also... but what I don't find at all is the command(s) used...04:57
zygaBlueDevil: mutt has the usability of a japanese hand granade04:57
zygaI want to get away from mutt04:57
DelTreeBlueDevil: make-kpkg makes the usual kernel packages... but the -di ones ???04:57
BlueDevilzyga: another one would be pine04:57
zygaBlueDevil: pine does not seem to be in the repository, am I right?04:58
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BlueDevilzyga: seems so04:59
zygaAFAIK it's a license issue04:59
gnomefreakcan someone do me a favor with FF can you go to www.freewebs.com/joeboxernc and tell me if you hear music please04:59
BlueDevilDelTree: don't know, x86-64 here04:59
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bluebloodHey, what packages do I need to compile stuff?04:59
_jasongnomefreak, irc.mozilla.org04:59
DelTreeBlueDevil: do you know how it's done on x86 ?05:00
bluebloodchecking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables05:00
_jasonblueblood, build-essential05:00
zygablueblood: apt-get build-dep the-package-you-want to build05:00
kenichiraphael: yeah, great. that worked like a charm05:00
KumoDavethewave: gentoo-sparc is dead thanks anyway05:00
DelTreeBlueDevil: I guess the problem is the -di, not the arch that much...05:00
zygablueblood: otherwise, install build-essential05:00
bluebloodok, trying that05:00
gnomefreakcheckinstall is helpful too05:00
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gnomefreakty _jason05:01
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_jasongnomefreak, np05:01
hcatlinmorning... how does one install a debian package?05:01
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raphaelkenichi: cool - tough I am not sure /etc/modprobe.d is the right (ubuntu-blessed) place to put modules options in05:02
zygahcatlin: dpkg -i package.deb05:02
zandaado perl scripts standardly work on Ubuntu?05:02
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_jasonzandaa, yes05:02
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kenichiraphael: but it works05:02
gnomefreak_jason, its not right atleast its telling me its misspelled :(05:02
zandaa_jason, where can I get xmms plugins???05:03
amiaskenichi, /etc/modprobe.d should be fine05:03
raphaelkenichi: agreed - I just never found a clear doc on the topic05:03
_jasongnomefreak, it should be in the topic of the #firefox channel here, that's where I found it05:03
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_jasonzandaa, I don't know05:03
gnomefreakok ty _jason05:03
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zandaa_jason, ok thanks anyway05:04
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JormundgandAnyone know how I can get Flash to play sound in Firefox 1.5?05:04
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zandaaubotu: tell Dido- about mp305:05
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n0dlwhenever i try to make clanlib (after the ./configure step) i get this error: http://pastebin.com/45952605:08
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Lerferzi duunno05:08
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Zugotwhich repository is the multiverse?05:09
gnomefreak_jason, ty i found it i was typing it wrong :(05:09
_jasongnomefreak, :)05:09
n0dldoes anyone know where i can find a packaget with this header? xf86vmode.h05:09
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gnomefreakubotu tell Zugot  about sources05:10
_jasonZugot, multiverse is multiverse05:10
pizuxis someone know about a xmame beta ?05:10
_jasonn0dl, x11proto-xf86vidmode-dev05:10
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pizuxor a repo source05:10
Zugotgnomefreak: i see it in my sources.list... wonder why i can't find the flash plugin in it05:10
n0dl_jason: thank you05:10
_jasonn0dl, installing the 'apt-file' package will let you search for files in packages05:10
gnomefreakZugot,  open synaptic and try a serch for mozilla it should get listed05:11
n0dlalright thanks05:11
_jasonZugot, pastebin your sources.list please05:11
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_jasonZugot, did you run 'apt-get update' after modifying sources.list?05:12
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Zugot_jason: http://pastebin.com/45953405:13
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Zugot_jason: yeah... i was just wondering where the flash plugin was.  it doesn't match the documentation (or maybe i typed something wrong)05:13
LoPMXis there any opengl window manager?05:14
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egytrack_how i could end task , is there a Taskmanager ?05:14
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_jasonZugot, add " multiverse" to lines 20,21,36,3705:14
_jasonZugot, do you see the problem?05:14
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egytrack_i need to close task dosn't respond05:14
Zugotok.. updating now05:14
gnomefreakZugot,  you dont have multi universe enabled you have the backports enabeled05:14
_jasonegytrack, run xkill in a terminal and click on the window05:15
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navare_Hello can you help me activate AGP 8x for my ATI Card? (sorry for my bad english)05:16
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egytrack_thanks jason05:16
_jasonegytrack, np05:16
egytrack_how to install vmware tools ?05:17
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egytrack_i have rpm file need to install it how i could install it ?05:17
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taxmanhello all05:17
Zugot_jason, thanks05:17
_jasonZugot, np05:17
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Rarjhi all05:18
_jasonegytrack, you could use the alien command (you'll need to install the alien package), but it won't always work.  You should always try to find it in the repositories first05:18
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navare_fglrxinfo gives me no errors i got the X800Pro installed but with no AGP Suport .. or any other Motherboard Function (32Bit DMA)05:18
taxmanso what do I need to do to discover and connect to a wireless network?05:18
Siph0nneone having problems with the new firefox? like if i try and open a .html file it says that firefox is already open and to close it first?05:18
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gnomefreakwhat is the name of that package build-dev? for compiling?05:18
gnomefreaki have build-essentials already05:19
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ironmchow do I take a screenshot with Ubuntu05:20
Siph0nor does neone know how to fix that Chrome registration error from firefox? :)05:20
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gnomefreakSiph0n,  give us the link please if there is one05:20
esterssystem-take screenshot ironmc05:20
egytrack_i need to install vmware , can it work with alien ?05:20
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_jasonironmc, under your system menu, or press the Prnt Scrn button05:20
ironmcthanks again05:20
estersan FF error terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'05:20
esters  what():  St9bad_alloc05:21
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esterswhy FF is so buugy on 64bit ubuntu?05:21
Zugoti'm getting ready to try wireless load balancing....  my neighbor has a wifi network and i have a wifi network... it would be nice to have 8Mb/s down05:21
_jasonSiph0n, is that for firefox 1.5?05:21
fishdishWhich Enlightenment did Breezy have again: I'm planning to build Ubuntu on a handheld prototype05:21
_jasonSiph0n, did you use the wiki?05:21
fishdishR16 or DR17?05:21
fishdish(most likely R15 or R16)05:22
egytrack_i need to install this file on desktop VMwareTools-5.5.0-16958.i386.rpm05:22
Siph0n_jason, what u mean? i just saw a thread on the forums, and followed that05:22
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_jasonSiph0n, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion has some info on your problem in 'notes'05:22
gnomefreakubotu tell egytrack_ about alien05:22
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Siph0n_jason,  thanx :)05:22
vir_beagle is nett :)05:22
Zugoti hate filesystems which succomb to fragmentation05:22
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Siph0n_jason, think it worked, thanx! :)05:23
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gnomefreakok i got build-ess. checkinstall what is the one im missing to compile a program?05:24
gnomefreak-program +source code05:24
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egytrack_i have also the source code05:24
fishdishGuus; do you know any channel / forum where they do development cooperation or where they deal secondhand computers / infrastructure? It associateswith my other Ubuntu project, in the same branch of my small company. I'm also helping some schools in Ghana to build an LTSP network.05:24
_jasongnomefreak, the dependencies?05:25
johndarkhorsegnomefreak: join #ubuntu-offtopic and we'll help you compile05:25
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egytrack_dose anyone compile vmware tools ?05:25
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egytrack_to use with ubuntu ?05:25
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fishdishI have curretly some 200 P3 workstations, of which majority will go in these schools, the rest as Ubuntu worstations for students in finnish polytechnics. But, i'm afraid i'm unable to satisfy the demand.05:27
n0dlhow do i use apt-file? i tried following the syntax on the man page but it keeps on giving me an unknown option error?05:27
_jasonn0dl, apt-file search filenamepattern05:28
n0dlalright tahn05:28
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Dr_Acemasteris there somewhere in ubuntu that shows you the amount of memory you have?05:30
Dr_Acemasterlike computer properties in windows05:30
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meepyfunny, I booted windows because I had to do some photoshop, I could not get wine to work with PS, so I booted windows. First thing that smacked my face was explorer crashed, so I booted linux again :)05:30
_jasonDr_Acemaster, ram memory?05:30
Dr_Acemaster_jason: yes05:30
_jasonDr_Acemaster, free -m05:31
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_jasonmeepy, that's windows' way of welcoming you back :)05:31
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meepyProbably :)05:31
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meepywhats up maro_?05:32
maro_trza mi zainstalowac tlena na UBUNTU05:32
meepyNo thanks?05:32
_jasonmaradong, what language is that?05:32
rosenYay ! ... Finally got Ubuntu up and running ! ... now it's just the updating part05:32
MickMcMackDr_Acemaster, cat /proc/meminfo05:32
_jasonmaro_, country, where are you from?05:32
maro_widze ze nikt tu nie znam normalnego jezyka05:33
maro_to spadam05:33
MickMcMackLooks like Poland.05:33
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_jasonhrmm is there a polish channel?05:34
MickMcMackNo, there's an English Channel though. It's between Southern England and Northern France.05:34
rambo3just kidding05:35
mevvisQ: or this source.list is normal?
rosenIs this the correct channel to ask for help with issues ? .. I will probably run into quite some troubles tonight while configuring a linux system for the first time ;)05:35
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_jasonrosen, yes05:35
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MickMcMack!ask protocol05:35
ubotuMickMcMack: Syntax error in line 105:35
MickMcMackDAMN YOU BOT!05:36
rosenGoodie ... I'm updating the system now, and afterwards I'll run Automatix to get the basic functions I'm used to ... anything else I should be aware that needs doing ?05:36
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rosenbesides figuring out how this linux thing works of course ;)05:36
JormundgandAnyone have any idea how I should get Flash movies to play sound in Firefox 1.5?05:37
meepyInstall the plugin?05:38
_jasonJormundgand, close firefox, close all things playing sound, then open firefox and see if flash has sound05:38
meepyDon't it ask for it05:38
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meepyDon't it ask if you want to install the plugin?05:38
JormundgandI installed the plugin. I can see the video but no sound.05:38
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_jasonrosen, I would recommend not using a script.  It will take you longer to get set up but you will get the basics down and it will make the more complex stuff a lot easier to tackle05:38
navare_Hello again. Anyone here has AGP activated?05:38
MickMcMackAGP is like, so last year.05:39
johnwwhat application plays .mid (midi) files?05:39
Jormundgand_jason: No change.05:39
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rosen_jason, hmm I had thought about that but at the moment I dont even have a grasp of even the basics and I'd like to get stuff like the firefox plugins and msn/skype/dvdburning running asap so ... well I guess I could try but I dont even know where to begin05:40
_jasonJormundgand, ok, it's strange because that works for me but I have seen a lot of people with the same problem.  Try installing esound-clients.  I don't know if any of this will help you though05:40
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Jormundgand_jason: I'm not using esd.05:40
_jasonJormundgand, ah05:40
johnwwhat application plays .mid (midi) files?05:41
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mevviskmid or smth05:41
_jasonmaro_, /j #ubuntu.pl05:41
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avalostjust need the plugins05:41
_jasonaww maro_ left... I found the polish channel05:41
avalostanyone know of a linux equivalent to fruityloops etc?05:42
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amiasavalost, its not as good by a long way , it is a start though05:43
factotumman I dont know what it is, i thought I was going to switch OS's and just go on my mary way. Just cant help tinkering with stuff!!05:43
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jackmacokc_jason, i prefer beep-media-player05:43
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_jasonjackmacokc, ?05:44
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avalostamias, you've tried it?05:44
amiasavalost, a few months a go . it was very alpha . it should be better by now05:45
factotumto print to a printer (hp photosmart) on a windows machine I need the packages ______,____05:45
factotumany takers?05:45
avalostamias, know any alternatives?05:45
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factotumfrom this linux desktop05:45
amiasavalost, rosegarden is pretty stable , alhough its more like cubase than floops05:45
factotumI have cups and samba as of right now05:46
Davethewavethink it has something to do with cups ... or somethin05:46
factotumnow im in system>administration>printers05:46
factotumclick new printer05:46
nickrudJormundgand, have you tried either of the fixes at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#head-832969c4301548599ecbe6393e2682a4e343af6705:46
avalostamias, I want somethign that will be relatively easy to learn..05:46
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amiasfactotum, can you use samba to mount shares on the box with the printer ?05:47
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factotumand now Im looking at a blank uri field, but dont know the sytax of what to type05:47
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factotumamais: you mean mount as a remote filesystem?05:47
amiasavalost, there are no easy to use music packages that are anygood IME05:47
factotumI dont have anything in my fstab as of right now, but I think i can get to it through nautilus but as an empty directory05:48
amiasfactotum, yes , as a test of wether your samba network is working05:48
_jasonubotu, pl is <reply> Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu.pl05:48
ubotu_jason: okay05:48
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linkinhelp apache2 installed but in firefox doesnt show anything on localhost05:49
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ernie_is LMMS avail in the repositories?05:50
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Jormundgandnickrud: Neither fix had any effect.05:50
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factotumamias: well, i went through places>network server and now I am in windows network, but closed the username password box and have a blank directory because of course I didnt log in. I tried as a user from the windows box but didnt take it05:50
nickrudJormundgand, oh well, I wondered05:50
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navare_Anyone can get me a hind a Forum link or something about activating AGP please? im new to Linux and dont now how to activate it since Board Driver only install Audio and Network.05:51
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factotumso it looks like i have a network active, but there arent any users on it05:51
factotumfrom my guess anyways05:52
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factotumi havent activly configured or setup anything regarding this, just know that I have the apps installed05:52
f10wI have a little problem, I tried to change my keyboards layout from 'keyboard preferences', but it had no use. Layout seems to be still the same old :S05:52
MWettendorffAnyone here that knows how i can install phpmyadmin__05:52
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linkinhello everybody i need help: apache2 is running but when i try to put localhost on firefox doesnt show anything05:52
ernie_how secure is Ubuntu by default?05:53
mevvisapt-cache search myadmin05:53
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zandaaernie_, I think it's pretty secure05:53
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Davethewavepretty secure I thinks05:53
f10wI have a little problem, I tried to change my keyboards layout from 'keyboard preferences', but it had no use. Layout seems to be still the same old :S05:53
joshmo23MWettendorff: do "sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin"05:53
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ernie_zandaa- is there anything u need to do to disable default root users etc?05:53
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MWettendorffjoshmo23> thanks05:54
zandaaernie_, I don't know about that05:54
factotumalright, im gonna hold of on this for now and read up a bit more on samba configs05:54
zandaaernie_, I'm the only user on this comp so05:54
Davethewaveas far as I know, there is no root in ubuntu05:54
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ernie_zandaa- no prob05:54
Davethewaveunless you enable it05:54
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zandaaDavethewave, there isn't a root account, but sudo....05:54
ernie_dave- thanks05:54
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zandaacan anyone help me set up a LAMP?05:55
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egytrack_dose any one know a free pdf open magazine like tux and o3 ?05:55
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f10wI have a little problem, I tried to change my keyboards layout from 'keyboard preferences', but it had no use. Layout seems to be still the same old :S05:55
bluebloodhumm, can anyone send me the example smb.conf please? Don't know why, but I don't seem to have it05:55
Davethewaveernie_, also if your net goes through a router it may be blocking outside unsolicited connections05:55
phiz__zandaa: do you have a specific question about it?05:55
rosenIs there an easy way to connect to another computer on the network .. I only know the internal IP addy and I'm pretty sure it' a windows sharedfolder05:55
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zandaaphiz__, well on the Ubuntu wiki page it says I have to secure my MySQL accounts etc... and that isn't working05:56
amiaszandaa, check the bulb , plug it in , switch it on , if it doesn't work check bulb and fuse05:56
DavethewaveI have not yet been able to get samba to work right, I follow the samba docu to the letter but it fails to work05:56
zandaaamias, aren't we funny <_<05:56
phiz__zandaa: are you getting any error message in particular?05:57
amiasDavethewave, loaded cifs module ? installed smbfs package ?05:57
lysiszandaa, isn't that what you were referring to?05:57
zandaaphiz__, well... mysql says there's no such thing etc.05:57
zandaalysis, what you talking about?05:57
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lysiszandaa, LAMP :)05:58
lysiszandaa amias, aren't we funny <_<05:58
amiaszandaa, LAMP means many things , given your grammer that was the most correct05:58
zandaalysis, LAMP is short for Linux Apache MySQL PHP05:58
linx_alright... i have a external drive with a vfat filesystem it won't let me write to it tho... wat is the mount command i need to u05:58
linkinapache 1.3 or apache2 is not working well on my ubuntu05:58
amiaszandaa, or Linux Apache Mod Perl05:58
lysislinx_, did you set it up in fstab yet?05:59
zandaaamias, that's also a possibility05:59
linx_when i hot plug it it auto mounts05:59
linx_so im guessin fstab knows it05:59
phiz__zandaa: paste the error message you are getting if it is only one line05:59
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lysislinx_, it's auto mounting but you can't write to it?05:59
zandaaphiz__, can't right now... dinner's ready.... don't have time05:59
amiaslinx_,  have a look at /etc/fstab and look for the line corresponding to it and replace ro with rw05:59
lysislinx_, sudo -s and make sure that file system is chmod 77705:59
phiz__ok bye!06:00
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linx_k 1 sec06:00
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lysisamias, ahhhh!!!!! genius i never thought of that . . .  can you set NTFS with RW instead of RO?06:00
zandaaBBL all06:00
amiaslysis, no ntfs is read only at the moment06:00
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lysisamias, that's cool. i don't have it anymore on my system anyway.   100% ubuntu. :)06:01
amiaslysis, thats more like it :)06:01
linkincan everyone why firefox is not seeing my documentroot of my apache206:01
kemik100% ubunt?! that means no Starcraft!06:01
lysisamias, i just have little things i need to get tweaked, but for the most part i'm loving it.06:01
f10wCan somebody please help me. I wanna change my keyboards layout, but it doesn't work if I change it at 'keyboard preferences'.06:01
rosensimple question ... how do I connect to an ip address from ubuntu ?06:01
amiaslinkd, and does lynx see the same ?06:01
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kemiklinkin:  is apache2 running ?06:02
lysiskemik, i don't like starcraft.  i play enemy territory and america's army ON ubuntu.  native installers so i'm not use WINE or any emulators06:02
rudiznice wallpapers: http://www.joejoe.biz/joejoe/walls/index.php?spgmFilters=06:02
linx_no its not in fstab06:02
linkinkemik, yes i did ps auz | grep apache06:02
kemiklysis:  nice.. too bad the ATI drivers sucks hard for me ... cant do anything graphical as it is06:02
amiasrosen, too simple , what protocol do you want to connect with ? http|ftp|ssh|samba|etc......06:02
MWettendorffjoshmo23: i have now been running the sudo command.. but how do i start phpmyadmin ubuntu?? and is there a way, that i can run it from a windows pc also??06:02
kemiklinkin:  and you're tryng to access the page with http://localhost/ ?06:02
lysiskemik, i'm using a radeon 9550.06:02
Dido-Is it possible to creat shortcut for my /mnt/187 on my desktop ?06:02
kemiklinkin:  because /var/www is most likely root06:02
linkinof course form firefox06:02
kemiklysis:  im on a 9600 and something's fishy06:03
rosenAmias , I'm not sure how he set it up but I'm guessing it's just a shared windowsfolder06:03
=== Zugot_ [n=bryan@pcp08891046pcs.gambrl01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kemiklinkin:  tried telnet localhost:80 ?06:03
amiasrosen, sounds like a samba share06:03
f10wCan somebody please help me. I wanna change my keyboards layout, but it doesn't work if I change it at 'keyboard preferences'.06:03
lysiskemik, if I myself can get enemy-territory and america's army to play then you shouldn't have any problems.06:03
ernie_anyone know what i would do with the comix-2.2.tar.gz once i have downloaded it?06:03
LoPMXwhere can i find any xvid / divx codecs?06:03
rosenAmias, in XP I could connect simply by doing a Run <ip-address>06:03
joshmo23MWettendorff: I think there is phpmyadmin for windows, but to run it from ubuntu try just running "phpmyadmin" in terminal06:03
kemiklysis:  i played doom3 in hoary.. but there's something wrong with the breezy drivers06:04
amiasrosen , Places -> Connect to Server06:04
lysiskemik, have you installed FGLRX properly?06:04
kemikuhm, yeah.. should hae06:04
ernie_the readme tells me to run a python script, but wouldn't the file need to be extracted first?06:04
MWettendorfff10w: on your pannel, add the keyboade indikator06:04
amiasanyone have a working gnome-keyboard-properties in dapper drake ?06:04
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linx_usbfs on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw)06:05
MWettendorffjoshmo23: oki.. tkanks again.. i might return if i have more questions..06:05
linkinkemik, name or service not found06:05
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lysiskemik, run glxgears -printfps06:05
joshmo23ok :)06:05
lysistell me what fps you get.06:05
rosenAmias yeah that's what I have been trying but it wont work ... I'll keep trying though... maybe I missed something06:05
rosenamias getting alot of new inputs right now so.... ;)06:05
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linx_amias usbfs on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw)06:06
bluebloodhumm, can anyone send me the example smb.conf please? Don't know why, but I don't seem to have it06:06
lysiskemik, i can peak at 1915fps on my crappy 9550, so you should peak over 2000 technically.06:06
amiaslinx_, looks good06:06
linkinkemik, i did a nmap from another computer and the http is open06:06
MWettendorffjoshmo23: "phpmyadmin" in the terminal dosent work.. sais. bash: phpmyadmin: command not found06:06
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linx_amias y doesn't it work then o.O06:07
joshmo23MWettendorff: try searching for it from the bar up top > places > Search for files06:07
sethkMWettendorff, do locate phpmyadmin, see if it is there, to start with06:08
amiaslinx_, usbfs is not your drive , its a magic filesystem that describes your usbdevices06:08
sethkMWettendorff, if it is there, it isn't in the path.  Of course, if it isn't there, then ... it isn't there.06:08
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beej_now THAT'S a leave message06:08
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linkinkemik, i try ps aux | grep apache and it is running06:09
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linx_amias it says vfat in properties thats how i got that06:09
beej_anyone like to listen to my shoutcast server?06:09
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=== runevi wants kernel-2.4.14 for Breezy.
Zugot_damn linux and its route based load balancing06:10
amiaslinx_: use the paste tool to show us your fstab06:10
linkinkemik, but telnet couldnot resolve localhost06:10
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MWettendorffsethk: i ran sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin, and it said 0 updatet, 1 newly installed,.. but it also had 2 more lines06:10
linx_# /etc/fstab: static file system information.06:10
SEJeffrunevi: Why would you want a 2.4 kernel?06:10
linx_# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>06:10
linx_proc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       006:10
linx_/dev/hda1       /               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       106:10
linx_/dev/hda5       none            swap    sw              0       006:10
linx_/dev/hdb        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       006:10
linkinkemik, i also try to ping from antother computer and it work06:10
linx_/dev/fd0        /media/floppy0  auto    rw,user,noauto  0       006:10
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runeviSEJeff: Gaggh.  Wrong number06:10
=== runevi wants kernel-2.6.14 for Breezy.
=== runevi wonders who he needs to bribe
MWettendorffsethk: coud not get lock.. and unabel to lock download dir06:11
SEJeffrunevi: Ha. I use dapper... 2.6.15 atm06:11
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JormundgandI need an excuse to burn a CD.06:11
MWettendorffsethk: how do i fix that??06:11
runeviSEJeff: Well, I need it semi-stable, as it's my new server .. but the drivers I need wasn't included before 2.4.13 ;)06:11
sethkMWettendorff, is it possible that synaptic is still running?06:12
SEJeffrunevi: Well it would require changes to other packages like udev, initramfs-tools, etc06:12
linkinkemik: still there?06:12
SEJeffrunevi: www.kernel.org :)06:12
sethkMWettendorff, if all else fails, reboot.  There could be a lock file that wasn't cleaned up.  It could possibly be cleaned up by a reboot, although possibly not.06:12
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runeviSEJeff: Does Ubuntu implement 'cloneconfig' such as suse? :)06:12
sethkMWettendorff, If you are up to it technically, I would run strace on the app and see what file it fails to lock.06:12
beej_rebooting fixes almost all!06:12
sethkMWettendorff, if you don't want to deal with that, reboot and erase everything in tmp  (rm -fr /tmp/*)06:13
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SEJeffrunevi: I'm not sure. Download the new kernel sources, type make oldconfig and it will use the previous one06:13
sethkMWettendorff, of course, be VERY VERY careful with any rm -fr command.06:13
sethkMWettendorff, I prefer to do this:06:13
linx_amias u there?06:13
seliniumMWettendorff, sudo pkill synaptic  to kill synaptic06:13
runeviSEJeff: ah, oldconfig.06:13
sethkMWettendorff, cd /tmp; rm -fr $(pwd)/*   then hit the tab key, and the shell should replace $(pwd) with /tmp/06:14
akonkwa_i cant get the letter " p " or "o"  to work on my keybord. Can anyne hel p?06:14
runeviSEJeff: Anyways, another thing that annoys me with breezy.  It installs 2.6.12-9, but when I do an apt-get install kernel-source I only get 2.6.11 as the newest option06:14
JormundgandClean your keyboard.06:14
seliniumMWettendorff,   and ps -C synaptic   to see if it is running06:14
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sethkMWettendorff, what selinium said is a good idea.  If synaptic isn't in fact running, it will do nothing but harm nothing06:14
beej_yes, you can put keyboards in the dishwasher!06:14
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runeviSEJeff: You see .. I've got the patches I need to get into the kernel .. so it would be enough for me to have the current source for ubuntu06:14
MWettendorffsethk: well.. im a 3 day old n00b with this OS.. have only been playing around in windows.. so any sugestion that you might have, woud be great06:14
SEJeffrunevi: Well ubuntu has a git tree on kernel.org that you can pull down06:15
sethkMWettendorff, start with selinium's suggestion about killing synaptic.  Then try the install again.  Worst thing that happens is the same thing, but it won't hurt anything and won't take very long06:15
runeviSEJeff: I'm not that good ;)06:15
SEJeffrunevi: http://groups.google.com/group/linux.kernel/msg/5cdc9c4d583846fe06:15
MWettendorffsethk: oki.. i try06:16
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=== beej_ is away: they call me milk, 'cause I do your body good.
runeviSEJeff: But I would be Very Satisfied if I could just get the sources my 2.6.12-9 kernel (breezy) was compiled with, + the configuration .. so that I could patch it up and so forth .06:17
sethkMWettendorff, tell us what happens06:17
hmpedersencould some1 send me link to the ubuntu deb for skype, please?06:17
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egytrack__why the name egytrack 2 times here in names ?06:18
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MWettendorffsethk: i think it actural install it this time06:18
redhitsi nead some help06:18
redhitsanybody here?106:18
SEJeffrunevi: the config should be located in /boot. Try ls /boot/config-`uname -r`06:18
sethkMWettendorff, good, that means synaptic was still running and had the directory locked.06:18
runeviSEJeff: Found that .. but I still need the 2.6.12-9 sources it was compiled from ..06:18
lysisredhits, what you need?06:18
redhitsI am haivign a problem with my main board sound card....06:19
lysisredhits, if you didn't notice, there's a LOT of people here . . .06:19
lysisredhits, what's the problem?06:19
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redhitsI got an VIA 823x06:19
redhitssound card06:19
redhitsand it's not working06:19
MWettendorffsethk: BUT, when i run "phpmyadmin" from the terminal it sais the same thing06:19
Davethewaveredhits, is it enabled in BIOS? do you have another soundcard plugged in pci?06:19
lysisredhits, did you look to see if it's compatible?06:19
sethkMWettendorff, tell me again what it says?06:19
linx_lysis wat is the command to chmod it06:19
redhitsit's working okay06:19
redhitsin the Windows06:19
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lysisredhits, that tells me nothing about linux compatibility.06:20
redhitsJust that ... I don't got the driver for ubuntu ... what should I do ?106:20
MWettendorffsethk: bash: phpmyadmin: command not found06:20
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sethkMWettendorff, ok, I would do this.  Run sudo updatedb06:20
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sethkMWettendorff, that updates the file location database.  After that completes (it takes several minutes), do locate phpmyadmin06:20
lysisredhits, if ubuntu doesn't configure it automatically, i would assume it's not a supported card.  i would search for a solution on google, because this will NOT be an easy thing for you to fix.06:20
sethkMWettendorff, there is another way to do it but it takes just as long and this is a better option06:21
SEJeffrunevi: Tell me if this command works: sudo apt-get install linux-source-2.6.12-9. I'm running dapper and the repos are different06:21
lysisyou could always just buy a soundblaster 5.1 or audigy.  those have amazing support.06:21
sethkMWettendorff, I have to go for a bit but others will help you and/or I'll be back in a while06:21
amiasredhits, i had one of those in a desktop machine , it just installed and detected fine06:21
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MWettendorffsethk: i wil try your sugestion.. and thanks for you help06:21
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amiasredhits, can lspci see it ?06:21
Davethewaveredhits,  it could be also possible that you have two soundcards, and it is attempting to use the one you aren't plugged into with speakers06:21
DavethewaveI did that once :)06:22
redhitslspci ?!06:22
ernie_lysus audigy work well with ubuntu?06:22
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redhitsI only got 1 sound card06:22
ernie_oops lysis06:22
amiasredhits, its a shell command that will list all the pci devices in the system06:22
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redhitsI only could find until now06:22
lysisernie_, i have an audigy LS (one of the original audigy's without firewire) and it works awesome.06:22
redhitssound drivers06:22
redhitsfor windows 95...06:22
redhitsfor my VIA 823x06:22
=== flohwer [n=flohwer@dslb-084-057-065-176.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #ubuntu ["...]
ubuntlerhello, i have already installed ubuntu (customed) and now i am using icewm. but i have got one big problem: my mouse does not work. ubuntu does not recognized it...it is an old pc and an old mouse (seriell). what can i do, to make it work?06:23
Whistleranybody knows a program for programming pic micro controllers using pascal06:23
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SEJeffrunevi: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/2.6.14_Vanilla will likely help you out06:23
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acetechdoes anyone know where the C header files matching my kernel are in Ubuntu?06:24
MWettendorffsethk: i have just locatet the phpmyadmin.. and it is there, using 2 dir06:24
ubuntleri think ubuntu does not have any drivers for old mices06:24
redhitsI think yes06:24
redhitsI got06:24
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redhits---> 0000:00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235/8 237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 50)06:24
f10whow can i extract tar.gz files?06:24
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ubuntlerit is no usb-port and no ps2-port06:24
ubuntlerit is even older06:24
exosysthey guys. have finally reinstalled ubuntu (after an incident with the dapper repos! lol) and was wondering if anone can solve my problem?06:24
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MWettendorfff10w: did you get your keyboard to work???06:25
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La_PaRCaacetech, linux-headers-$(uname -r)06:25
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chrisx1whats the release for dapper called?06:25
f10wMWettendorff: yes, that inicator helped me, ty.06:25
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acetechla_parca, thanks... let me try a search06:25
runeviSEJeff: Booting the box. ;)06:25
MWettendorffsethk: but when i run the command again.. it sitll sais it..06:25
redhitsamias : ?!06:25
ubuntleranyone here, how know how to get old mices work with ubuntu?06:26
runeviSEJeff: I'll try as soon as it's booted and ready06:26
SEJeffrunevi: good luck :)06:26
exosystI am trying to use wireless under ubuntu (in fact using it right now, out of the box). The problem is I cant view webpages nor update my repos. But i can use IRC and GAIM! any help?06:26
runeviSEJeff: Well, I'll nag you here if it doesn't work ;D  (if that's okay by you ;)06:26
MWettendorfff10w: NP.. i had the same problem my self..06:26
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chrisx1whats the release for dapper called?06:26
nlindbladare the kernel-images compiled with the same GCC-version that is provided?06:26
linx_would this allow me to read/write on the disk /dev/hda1       /media/windows  vfat    iocharset=utf8,umask=000   0       006:26
SEJeffrunevi: Thats fine. I'm going to go fix lunch so just PM me whenever06:26
f10wCan somebody tell me how can i extract tar.gz files?06:26
ernie_exo- might be a router issue06:26
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SEJefff10w: tar -zxvf file.tar.gz06:27
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exosysternie_ ya think? why would it just block web and FTP?06:27
acetechla_parca, i show i already have them installed, but don't know the location.  should i link it to /usr/src/linux/include?06:27
ernie_exo- i thought i read something about manually selecting your DNS06:27
f10wSEJeff: ty06:27
SEJefff10w: tar -jxvf file.tar.bz206:27
JormundgandAnyone know anything about getting sound to work in Flash in Firefox 1.5?06:27
La_PaRCaacetech, if you wanna know the location of the header files just use dpkg -L06:27
exosystyeah? from what? lol06:27
SEJeffJormundgand: Are you on breezy?06:27
JormundgandSEJeff: Yes.06:27
SEJeffJormundgand: Not supported :)06:28
acetechla_parca, sweet... thank you for the pointer06:28
runeviSEJeff: Great. :)06:28
ernie_exo - i will see if i can find the webpage again06:28
JormundgandSEJeff: I know, but that doesn't mean you can't help. The Firefox people just tell me to ask here.06:28
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exosystcheers ernie_06:28
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hmpedersenHow do i add a gpg key to apt?06:28
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akonkwa_i cant get the letter " p " or "o"  to work on my keybord. Can anyne hel p?06:28
MWettendorffanyone that can help me with gettting phpmyadmin to run?06:28
Jormundgandakonkwa_: Clean your keyboard. It's not Ubuntu at fault.06:29
SEJeffJormundgand: Sorry, I run ff 1.5 on dapper and it works for me... but if you don't know the internals of linux very well, don't try it out06:29
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JormundgandSEJeff: Thing is that there's an annoying bug in 1.0.7 which despite much heckling was never fixed, and I have to use 1.5 to avoid it.06:29
SEJeffJormundgand: sorry06:30
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binkshello all can someone tell me if an epson r220 printer will work under ubuntu and what i can use to print onto dvdmedia cheers06:30
=== Manny [n=chris@p549681D0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
La_PaRCaJormundgand, um... you have a problem with flash sound?06:30
JormundgandLa_PaRCa: Yes.06:30
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La_PaRCaJormundgand, have you checked out the wiki?06:30
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JormundgandLa_PaRCa: Nothing helpful since it doesn't cover 1.5.06:31
Mannyis the ATI Radio Mobility 7500 graphics card known to work on a TP with Breezy?06:31
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coldDoes anyone know why the gui package manager reports problem convosating with su?06:31
doogluscold: did you just make up a word?06:32
La_PaRCaJormundgand, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats under flash issues... see if that solves your problem06:32
runevigaggh.. packetloss to kernel.org :-(06:32
JormundgandLa_PaRCa: Didn't help when I tried it before.06:32
=== Zdra [n=zdra@242-236.243.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
lysiscold, are you running something else as root?06:32
=== theblue [n=theblue@pcp04402293pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
theblueHi all.06:32
La_PaRCaJormundgand, ah ok. Then I am out of ideas ;)06:32
theblueHow do I change the tty1-6 font in Breezy back to what it was in Hoary?  ncurses doesn't render right anymore.06:32
MannyI'm specifically referring to fglrx06:33
colda couple of applications come up under ps aux with uid 006:33
doogluscold: try "sudo" instead of "su" maybe?06:33
redhitsHow I can find wich devie it's using ubuntu for Sound Ouput?!06:33
runevias long as I can 'sudo bash' i'm  happy with ubuntu's lack of root ;D06:34
thebluerunevi: sudo -s does that too.06:34
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runevitheblue: Ah, thanks. :)06:34
=== u19809 [n=u19809@cable-62-205-105-245.upc.chello.be] has joined #ubuntu
Davethewavecan also enable root, although it isn't recomended06:34
colddooglus its the gui package manger keeps reporting that problem, su from the shell works06:34
redhitsnobody could help me?!06:34
Davethewaveredhits, I would personally suggest a cheap PCI soundcard, soundblaster compatable06:35
=== dominatora [n=dominato@p54BDC276.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Dido-why are you guys so "not recommending" root always when you mention it06:35
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mkyb14eh how would one recompile the kernal with gc 4.0.2 ... vmware won't run unless i do06:36
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redhitswhat the xxxx could I do ?06:36
redhitsi just detected that06:37
redhitsit's using my WebCam06:37
u19809 hi all, does anybody around here use the Microsoft wireless optical desktop 1000 ?06:37
redhitsfor sound output...06:37
redhitshow I can change that ?!06:37
theblueDido-: Because, from what I've heard, its a security hole.  Attackers always try to crack the root account.06:37
Davethewaveredhits, have you checked the sound-mixer? I forget where it's located in Ubuntu06:37
redhitsHow I can change my sound device? Ubuntu it's using my USB WebCam for output sound!!!!06:37
theblueDido-: And when they see there's none, only a bunch of others, they usually say, "Hell with this, I'm not bruteforcing every one of those!"06:38
gimmulFHow hard do you guys think it is getting my midi interface running (connected thru printer port) in ubuntu?06:38
elwoodredhits, and works?06:38
mkyb14click on the speaker in the upper right06:38
defiance`redhits, we heard you the first time.06:38
Davethewaveelwood redhits needs to know where the sound mixer - device selector is06:38
nickrudtheblue, if they know it's an ubuntu machine, they can home in on users in the admin group06:38
gimmulFi want to connect a midi synth to it and record in ubuntu06:38
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thebluenickrud: True, but that's just what I've heard.06:38
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Dido-theblue, but on way or other you root pass is same as user's pass ;)06:39
acetechcan someone point me to a how-to on compiling a kernel in ubuntu?06:39
redhitselwood :  no my webcam only got a microfone input....06:39
theblueDido-: Honestly, I don't know why its recommended against.06:39
JackJoLowI'm having a small problem with my wireless adaptor.  The kernel module is loaded (airo) but I can't seem to connect it to a device.  I added "alias eth1 airo" to the modules.d/alias file, but still no luck...Any ideas?06:39
nickrudseems to me that sudo's real point is slowing down the admins :)06:39
u|qoshey guys, how can i find out via console which files are larger than 500MB?06:39
theblueDido-: Though I'm guessing the same reason why you should install sshd rather than telnetd.06:40
soundrayu|qos, use find06:40
amiasu|qos,  ls -lhS | head   # will tell you which are the biggest files06:40
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u|qossoundray, on the whole harddisk, not only in the current dir.06:41
theblueDid anyone understand what barosl's quit message was?06:41
redhitsit's still telling me ---> Could not open resource for writing...daam06:41
techrushi added a script id like to run on boot to rcS.d but its not running when i boot06:41
techrushhow can i make it execute on boot ?06:41
soundrayu|qos, find / -size +500M06:41
cameronhow can I upgrade to the new relase without reinstalling?06:41
theblueHow do I change the tty1-6 font in Breezy back to what it was in Hoary?  ncurses doesn't render right anymore.06:41
thebluecameron: Open up /etc/apt/sources.list06:42
thebluecameron: Anywhere it says "warty" or "hoary", change it to "breezy"06:42
acetechcan someone point me to a how-to on compiling a kernel in ubuntu?06:42
thebluecameron: Like "hoary-security" becomes "breezy-security"06:42
thebluecameron: Wait, I'm not done yet.06:42
thebluecameron: Then, sudo apt-get update06:42
thebluecameron: And to finish it off, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade06:43
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cameronthanks a lot06:43
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thebluecameron: No problem at all.06:43
exosystI am trying to use wireless under ubuntu (in fact using it right now, out of the box). The problem is I cant view webpages nor update my repos. But i can use IRC and GAIM! any help?06:43
HymnToLifeubotu > kernel06:43
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HymnToLifedoesn't work06:43
ernie_exo- sorry i lost the webpage06:43
tlhivanyone know how to make transset or transset-df force all newly created windows of a certain type (e.g. gnome-terminal) to have a particular transparency level?06:43
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exosystok, cheers ernie_ anyone else ideas?06:44
zandaahi all06:44
soundrayexosyst, could the problem be something other than wireless? Firewall? DNS lookups?06:44
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zandaaphiz__, you still there?06:44
Spee_DerI think I may have found part of the problem with the keyboard going to sleep and no waking up in Ubuntu 5.10 Breezy.06:44
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Xenguyu|qos: another line for finding large files (run as root, from the root dir) -> ls -lR | sort +4nr |less06:44
exosystsoundray it may be the DNS but i have no idea how to check! i assumed it'd work as under windows it was fine06:44
=== bigbootay [n=bigboota@HSE-Montreal-ppp135912.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
theblueexosyst: System>Administration>Networking>DNS06:45
ompaulacetech,  ""ubotu unfortunately, kernel is disabled in my configuration"" << that is the reply what do you want to know about the kernel06:45
redhitsDoes anybody have stormpay? I will pay him 15 USD if he will install the sound for me!!!!!!!!06:45
ernie_exo- i think some routers dont like Linux when it comes to DNS06:45
theblueredhits: 15 what USD?06:45
theblueredhits: cents or dollars?06:45
johndarkhorsetheblue: united stated dollars06:46
ernie_exo- i understand that IPv6 can also cause timeouts06:46
thebluejohndarkhorse: I know, I know.06:46
oggahlol. I did it, after like 2 days of hacking. erased a incorrect installed ubuntu, formatted ext3-partitions, and fixed mbr. alot of work. finally found a partition manager which could format the ex3partitions. now I have to merge them with the NTFS =)06:46
redhits15 USD06:46
exosystthats odd. my DNS says which i think is standard. I cant even get to the config page to changethe settings. its odd as hell, esp as IRC and GAIM works06:46
acetechompaul: i found what i was looking for @ https://wiki.ubuntu.com//KernelBuildpackageDetailedHowto06:46
theblueexosyst: What's your router?06:46
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theblueDo an lspci, out of curiousity.06:47
theblueAt the terminal.06:47
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soundrayexosyst, you could try adding your ISP's DNS server in /etc/resolv.conf06:47
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exosyst0000:00:0a.0 Network controller: RaLink Wireless PCI Adpator RT2400 / RT246006:47
=== henriquemaia [n=henrique@cb-217-129-170-53.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu
soundrayexosyst, before the router's line.06:47
ernie_exo can you ping www.honda.com ?06:48
u|qossoundray, sorry but for (int i=0; i<arr.sizeof(); i++) {06:48
u|qos arr[i] =arr[i+1] ;06:48
u|qossorry, was an mistake06:48
exosystI can ping just fine. and i dont know what  the ISP's DNS address is06:48
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theblueredhits: Can you /msg me what you want me to do?06:48
oggahone thing I can tell you all. never install linux beside Windows.06:48
Storkhow can i unzip .rar archives in ubuntu?06:48
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oggahthe partitions gets fucked up.06:48
zandaaoggah, really???06:48
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DjLinXcan someone help me set up my external drive?06:48
u|qossoundray, your command didnt work ... did u check it?06:48
soundrayoggah, plenty of people have managed.06:49
oggahyeah. keep away from dual-booting as much as possible. buy a harddrive and run linux on it alone.06:49
soundrayu|qos, be more specific than "didnt work"06:49
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Storkhow can i unzip .rar archives with ubuntu?06:49
XenguyThere is no problem dual-booting on the same hard drive06:49
exosystin resolv.conf i just have: Belkin, then nameserver
=== Luiz [n=sunrise@20150112126.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #Ubuntu
oggahwell, ive had quite much problem with dual-booting. the computer acting strange =)06:50
hmpedersenDoes ne1 know how to add a key with apt-key add -?06:50
kyncaniDjLinX: should work as soon as you plug it in i think06:50
theblueUh oh.06:50
=== jareth_ [n=x@ip56521d94.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
oggahafter running linux, and booting up in windows it starts to detect hardware etc. acting strange.06:50
u|qossoundray, your command find / -size +500M didnt worked ... can u check it?06:50
oggahbut thats my experience. if you havent had any problems. fine..06:50
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u|qossoundray, sorry didnt read it ... mom06:50
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techrushi have a script i want to run on boot where can i put it so it will run ?06:51
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dooglustechrush: /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh should call it06:51
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koharski /etc/rc2.d/ i think06:52
koharskinot to sure06:52
u|qossoundray, very strange ... on one of my machines it runs, on the other it says "invalid argument near -size"06:52
shadikkaI'm having an extremely annoying problem.06:52
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shadikkaMy GNOME won't use any other resolution than 64x480.06:52
La_PaRCashadikka, using the i810 chipset?06:53
koharskiI dislike gnome06:53
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DjLinXcan someone help me set up my fstab for my external drive with full permissions?06:53
shadikkaThis seems to be because of "No Device sections found matching blahblah" when starting..06:53
soundrayu|qos, you probably added a space after the +06:53
shadikkaLa_PaRCa, nope, Radeon06:53
koharskimaybe try the VESA driver ?06:53
amiasshadikka, try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg then restart x06:53
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mephis1987i come back06:53
mevvissudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:54
shadikkaamias, ok, I think I've done that but let's see if I've just been a moron once for a while again ^06:54
GostieI'm trying to enable the root account on ubuntu using "sudo root passwd" but it tells me that sudo can't look up my computer using gethostbyname()" can anyone help?06:54
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dooglusGostie: just "sudo passwd"06:54
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=== Gostie feels stupid
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DjLinXkyncani it does but i don't have permission to write to it06:54
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mephis1987after i have installed a software06:55
amiasGostie, it cant resolve your hostname06:55
dooglusGostie: "sudo passwd root" would work, too, but you don't need the "root" argument06:55
mephis1987how can i run it06:55
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mephis1987where is it located?06:55
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Gostiestill same reply06:55
navaronemephis1987, what package?06:55
dooglusGostie: what does "hostname" tell you?06:55
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jareth_xmms refresh06:56
navaronemephis1987, try x-unikey in termoinal06:56
magminihi guys06:56
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redhitsHow the fxxx comes that ubuntu see my sound card ..... my sound card type...etc, but when i wouldl like to open a melody file it's keeping telling me .... "Can't open resource for writing"?!06:56
kyncaniDjLinX: i think this is adressed in the ubuntu faq (previously known as ubuntu guide)06:56
binksanyone seen a cups driver for an epson r22006:56
magminineed help on the Real Player 10 Gold installation06:56
amiasdooglus, i don't think its an invoction problem , sounds like he has borked his network and sudo isn't working06:56
navaronemelody ?06:56
dooglusamias: yes.  but "sudo root passwd" was never going to work...06:56
Gostiehostname gives me "ubuntu" - the name of the comp06:56
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Zdraanyone know when the nvidia driver 1.0-8174 will be available in dapper ?06:57
dooglusGostie: check /etc/hosts.  you should have an entry for with your hostname in it06:57
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, ubuntuguide is an unofficial guide written by community members. It is not guaranteed to be up to date, or to work. There is an official guide, at http://help.ubuntu.com which is preferred.06:57
amiasdooglus, true , there where other correct versions06:57
mephis1987it says command not found06:57
=== eric [n=eric@ip-161.net-81-220-45.lyon.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu
magminieverytime i double click on RealPlayer10.bin files, it always said "achieve type not supported"?06:57
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runeviThis is a really simple question .. how do I set my domainname under ubuntu? :)06:57
dooglusmagmini: in a terminal, type "bash RealPlayer10.bin" in the right directory06:58
koharskiHeres my problem: I just did a server installation of ubuntu, and installed xserver-xorg, some xfonts, xdm and fluxbox. Then a made an alias so that startxdm did "sudo telinit3" and kill xdm did the opposite. now if I type startxdm or even sudo telinit 3 my computer does nothing. It just says "now loading xdm" or something and freeses untill I press enter.06:58
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Gostiepermission denied apparently06:58
navaronemephis...go to synaptic at bottom left click status...then click "installed" above that...find your package and right click to see "properties/installed files" should give an indication of where it is06:58
dooglusGostie: ls -l /etc/hosts   -- what does that show?06:59
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hawkingI wrongly deleted the menu.lst file in my grub directory :/ how can i get it back06:59
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techrushthanks dooglus06:59
navaronekoharski maybe you have to press ctrl-alt-f7 to get to desktop. Idk if it should do that automatically06:59
koharskiI tried, it's just blamk07:00
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mephis1987sorry , what is synaptic07:00
mettallicatBringing up ADSL link. Connected!07:00
mettallicat/etc/init.d/adsl-init: line 32: echo_success: command not found07:00
navaronemephis1987, are you using gnome?07:00
koharskia package manager for X07:00
mettallicathow can i solf this07:00
Davethewavesynaptic is the package manager07:00
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mephis1987i have just installed Ubuntu07:00
mephis1987i used Gnome07:00
zandaahelp, it won't automount my card reader07:00
navaronemephis1987, it is in System/Administration/Synaptic07:00
mephis1987i see it now thanks07:01
koharskiok, well I guess I have to fix this on my own.07:01
mephis1987thanks all of you07:01
Gostie"-rw-r--r-- l root root <date> <time> /etc/hosts"07:01
koharskithis is a complicated problem :?07:01
dooglusGostie: so you can read it.  use "sudo gedit /etc/hosts" to edit it07:01
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j2daoshhows it going people?07:01
mephis1987oh , i see it now , but how can i run it07:02
magminiwhat is "bash"? look like?07:02
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amiasj2daosh, my keyboard is too slow07:02
mettallicathow can i solv this /etc/init.d/adsl-init: line 32: echo_success: command not found07:02
koharskibash is the terminal07:02
dooglusmagmini: bash is a command shell.  it looks like text.07:02
j2daoshi have a quick question because im new to linux and i cant seem to find the answer on google or throught the man07:02
koharskiperss ctrl-alt F1 to see it07:02
magminii have my terminal open07:02
dooglusj2daosh: ask :)07:02
j2daoshthank you :)07:02
mephis1987i can see the softwares in synaptic07:02
j2daoshi have 3 hard drives on my desktop07:02
mephis1987but how can i run it?07:03
j2daoshthey are mounted07:03
Gostiesudo still unable to lookup07:03
j2daoshbut i dont have access to them07:03
j2daoshsays i dont have permission07:03
koharskido you know where they are mounted?07:03
dooglusGostie: aah, of course...  what does "grep ubuntu /etc/hosts" show you?07:03
j2daoshnot a clue07:03
=== pete__ [n=pete@c-24-131-71-233.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
La_PaRCaj2daosh, are they windows drives?07:03
magmininow it show "root@ubuntu:-#.... what i should do...07:03
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j2daoshunfortunately yes...07:04
koharskij2daosh: sudo chown user:user /blah/yoursrve/07:04
Gostieshows me nothing07:04
j2daoshthey are ntfs07:04
dooglusGostie: that's the problem then.07:04
koharskithat changes it a bit07:04
La_PaRCaj2daosh, ntfs or fat32?07:04
magminii have RealPlayer download in my desktop...07:04
dooglusGostie: you need to be root to edit /etc/hosts - and you need to edit /etc/hosts to be able to become root...  chicken and egg situation.07:04
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j2daoshntfs... i heard that it has a problem recognizing windows partitions but i managed to see the contents of one of my drives once07:04
dooglusGostie: I think you'll need to boot into rescue mode and fix /etc/hosts from there.07:05
j2daoshi dont remember how i managed to do it because it as 5 am after a 13 hours shift at work... but i know it happened once07:05
mephis1987how can i run a package in synaptic section ?07:05
Gostiefair enough07:05
mephis1987pls help07:05
j2daoshor maybe i just dreamed it lol... but i could have sworn i got into it once07:05
=== shadikka [n=shadikka@dsl-jklgw3-fe13df00-67.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
LoPMXhmm, are there any problems? i manage to read ntfs partitions without any problems07:05
dooglusmephis1987: you need to install the package first, then you'll be able to run it.  use synaptic to mark the package for installation, then 'apply'.07:05
shadikkaI still can't get X to start in other than 640x480.07:05
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zandaaj2daosh, it is possible to see the contents of NTFS drives07:06
j2daoshwhich would be nice if i could get back into it because that is where all my mp3 and files and stuff is07:06
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navaronej2daosh, you can read ntfs but not write to it07:06
Davethewavedoes ubuntu have sax2 or similar?07:06
shadikkaI get the same "(WW) No suitable Device instances found blahblahblah"...07:06
j2daoshlol how do i go about seeing it ?07:06
nlindbladapt-get install nvidia-glx07:06
La_PaRCaj2daosh, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions07:06
magminidooglus, i still can get the RealPlayer10GOLD.bin files to execute07:06
zandaanavarone, there are libraries in development to do that though07:06
nlindbladanything else I need to do?07:06
j2daoshoh i dont need to write to it... i just wanna be able to use the files07:06
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shadikkaAnd I reconfigured xserver-xorg a few times and tried quite a few things...07:06
nlindblad(I've changed xorg.conf)07:06
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dooglusmagmini: in terminal, run "bash ~/Desktop/RealPlayer10GOLD.bin" (or whatever the correct path is)07:07
mephis1987it s already installed07:07
kidHello. O07:07
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mephis1987i have clicked the applied button07:07
dooglusmephis1987: which package?07:07
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shadikkaI'm getting slightly annoyed, since my Windows lags like hell (M$...) and my Ubuntu gives me 640x480 >_____<07:07
JackJoLowCan anyone help me get my wireless network card working?07:08
mephis1987i have installed it07:08
koharskiwhat package can I install to get x-windows?07:08
mephis1987but after installing07:08
mephis1987it does nothing07:08
shadikkaIt flashes the 1280x960 resolution a bit and then changes to 640x480.07:08
La_PaRCakoharski, xserver-xorg07:08
mephis1987how can i run it?07:08
La_PaRCakoharski, or ubuntu-desktop07:08
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shadikkaI feel embarrassed...07:08
koharskisoes ubuntu-desktop have gnome and junk?07:08
amiasshadikka, sounds like your monitor config is not right07:08
hmpedersenHas anyone got skype to work on breezy?07:08
shadikkait works now ^^;;07:08
La_PaRCakoharski, xserver-xorg will lead to just x server, now window managers or anything07:09
dooglusmephis1987: which repository did you find x-unikey in?07:09
shadikkaIt just didn't want to keep the resolution in the start, changing to it works fine..07:09
mettallicathow can i solv this /etc/init.d/adsl-init: line 32: echo_success: command not found ?07:09
dooglushmpedersen: I have, yes.07:09
hmpedersendooglus: how?07:09
koharskiyeah, I allready have xserver-xorg and fluxbox, but they don't work07:09
dooglushmpedersen: I downloaded it from skype.com and installed it.07:09
koharskiI have xdm too07:09
shadikkaah... this is nice \o/ something works..07:09
navaronemephis1987, I did not tell you to run it from synaptic I gave you instructions to find where files are installed and therefore find the correct executable to invoke07:09
u|qosi want to check via ps -C "<process name>" if there is a process... but it cant be found. the process is named "hamachi start" if i am searching it via ps "aux" ...07:09
hmpedersendooglus: whenever sound is transmitted from other end, skype shuts down all sound on my computer07:09
mephis1987oh , i dont know07:10
mephis1987it says X Input for Vietnamese07:10
mephis1987X-Unikey is a input method module supporting Vietnamese07:10
mephis1987on Linux platform. This package also includes the GTK207:10
mephis1987front-end for your convenience.07:10
magminidooglus, Ok, now it say "Permission denied".07:10
shadikkaBTW, are there any means to change from GNOME to KDE without reinstalling Kubuntu to this?07:10
amiasmettallicat, open /etc/init.d/adsl-init  in a text editor , go to line 32 , look at whats being done , sound likes its just telling you it was ok , in which case you could chop of the offending bit of code07:10
mjrshadikka, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop07:10
nickrudshadikka, apt-get install kubuntu-desktop07:10
dooglusmagmini: what does "ls -l ~/Desktop/Real*.bin" show you?07:10
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navaronemephist...go to Installed files in the packages properties07:10
shadikkaThanks ^_^07:10
navaronemephis1987, right click for properties07:10
mephis1987i have installed this package07:10
amiasmettallicat, that probably won't do your installation much good07:10
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j2daoshok... just tried the fstab thing07:10
mephis1987and then?07:11
JackJoLowI'm trying to get my wireless network card working (aironet 340).  I have the kernel module installed but I can't seem to get it listed in the network device list.  No wlan0.  Any ideas?07:11
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j2daoshit said that there are no useable windows/mac partitions found07:11
mettallicatamias, adsl is up but that command do not exist07:11
navaronemephis1987, loook for where the files went...try to find name in /bin...or similar07:11
j2daoshthat means im screwed huh?07:11
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kismetHi all which packages on ubuntu contain the man for printf?07:11
La_PaRCaj2daosh, um, not quite... its weird though that it doesnt see them07:11
La_PaRCaj2daosh, unfortunately, I gotta skip. Maybe someone else can help you!07:12
nickrudmephis1987, you can do dpkg -L | grep bin to find executables in an installed package07:12
j2daoshyeah... well it says they are already in etc/fstab07:12
magminidooglus, it show "/root/Desktop/RealPlayer10GOLD.bin"...07:12
nickrud*dpkg -L <package> | grep bin, I mean07:12
mephis1987let me try this07:12
kyncanikismet: manpages-dev i think. But you may consider installing build-essential07:12
j2daoshits just that it cant do nothing with it07:12
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La_PaRCaj2daosh, ah ok07:12
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La_PaRCaso, they probably are mounted but have the default optiones07:13
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kismetkyncani, I've already installaed build-essential07:13
La_PaRCaj2daosh, can you paste the contents of /etc/fstab to the pastebin?07:13
j2daosh::shrugs:: lol u know more then i do07:13
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j2daoshi dont know what u mean lol07:13
kyncanikismet: manpages-dev it is then :)07:13
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kenichiive got a problem here07:13
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La_PaRCaj2daosh, open the file named fstab thats inside /etc/ and paste the contents to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org07:14
kenichiwith my tv card.07:14
j2daoshhow do i paste to there?07:14
exosystbah. i still dont get it. i even disabled ipv6 on the offchange that'd work07:14
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kismetkyncani, thank you!07:14
kyncanikismet: ;)07:14
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j2daoshlol im a retard07:14
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exosystSo Ubuntu wireless guys, please help! i am off to london soon and would love wireless to work!07:14
Dido-I added some new programs from Add Aplications, and now I want to remove some but I can't run Add Aplications again.. when I click it nothing happends, any ideas?07:15
u|qosi want to check via ps -C "<process name>" if there is a process... but it cant be found. the process is named "hamachi start" if i am searching it via ps "aux" ...07:15
kenichieverything is working fine so far with my tv card, but my sound is buzzing. but when i minimize the window, buzzing is gone07:15
j2daoshand yeah la... they are all set to default07:15
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kenichianyone got a clue07:15
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redhitsyou people won't belive me07:16
j2daoshok i posted it07:16
redhitsI unpluged07:16
redhitsmy webcam07:16
redhitsand the sound07:16
redhitsit's workiong now07:16
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magminidooglus,   there is a command which written like this " chmod +x RealPlayer10GOLD.bin" what is the +x mean?07:16
exosysti can ping www.google.com fine, but i cant even wget the index file. Yet GAIM and IRC still work! what is so different?07:16
linkinhello, i have a problem i did apt-get install apache207:17
pete__those change the permissions of the file07:17
pete__chmod a+x07:17
Dido-I added some new programs from Add Aplications, and now I want to remove some but I can't run Add Aplications again.. when I click it nothing happends, any ideas?07:17
j2daoshhow will i know if someone has answered my question? do a search for my name or something?07:17
linkinit seems to be running fine but when i try localhost from firefox i get nothing07:17
chrisx1linkin, you know how to use virtual hosts on apache2?07:17
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kenichij2daosh: just wait for an answer... ;)07:17
j2daoshbut do i get an email or something?07:18
linkinchrisx1, is supposed to be in default right?07:18
j2daoshwhere would i look for an answer lol07:18
chrisx1linkin, what do u mean?07:18
_jasonj2daosh, on the forums you mean?07:18
exosystj2daosh when someone sends you a message, most IRC clients light it up in red07:18
j2daoshyeah... la just had me post my fstab...07:18
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linkini tried in firefox http://localhost/07:18
kidI've a problem - I'm on complete CLI, -- on a very low memory laptop. I had all sorts of things on it before.. openoffice, things not really needed -- anyone know how I could have it list the major things with apt-get? Would like to remove some now07:18
linkinmy Documentroot is var/www/apache2-default07:19
j2daoshdont know why or what im supposed to do now but im making the assumption that someone will look and tell me what im doing wrong... but how will i know when someone has told me what im doing wrong?07:19
magminipete: when i type that command on terminal, it always said " chmod: cannot access "RealPlayer10GOLD.bin" : No Such file or directory????07:19
chrisx1linkin, restart apche207:19
scenestarkid: open synaptic and start get rid of things07:19
Dido-I added some new programs from Add Aplications, and now I want to remove some but I can't run Add Aplications again.. when I click it nothing happends, any ideas?07:19
kidscenestar: I don't have GUI07:19
La_PaRCaj2daosh, wait a sec07:20
_jasonkid, you can list all the packages with dpkg -l and if you want you can add a pattern so dpkg -l *mplayer* for example07:20
La_PaRCalet me take a look07:20
linkini restarted like this sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart07:20
kidWell I do have Fluxbox, but the things are on the menu are not executed on click07:20
chrisx1linkin, mines different!:s07:20
kid_jason: yep, thanks07:20
j2daoshok... its named josh... if that helps lol07:20
linkinchrisx1: sorry i did not understand that07:21
tritiumlinkin, you can also use "sudo invoke-rc.d apache2 restart"07:21
chrisx1linkin i have to type sudo /usr/sbin/apache2ctl restart07:21
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j2daoshya know... its really nice what u guys/girls are doing07:21
La_PaRCaj2daosh, ok, you have 3 ntfs partitions07:21
tritiumchrisx1, you should not need to do that07:21
j2daoshlike u wont be able to find someone to help you with windows stuff.07:21
linkinok i will try that07:21
Dido-I added some new programs from Add Aplications, and now I want to remove some but I can't run Add Aplications again.. when I click it nothing happends. I've tried to kill gnome, any ideas?07:21
La_PaRCanow, in the /etc/fstab file, for those 3 partitiones, change defaults with: nls=utf8,umask=022207:21
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_jasonj2daosh, I started following your conversation a bit late but I am guessing you pastebinned something?  In that case you need to tell us the url07:22
La_PaRCaj2daosh, after you do that, unmount and remount the partitions07:22
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chrisx1tritium, you dont know about virtual hosts on apache2 do ya?07:22
dooglusmagmini: you downloaded the file as root, apparently.  you shouldn't be running browsers as root.07:22
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dooglusmagmini: the +x argument to chmod makes the file executable07:22
tritiumchrisx1, no, I don't run web servers07:22
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dooglusmagmini: it shouldn't be needed07:22
chrisx1tritium, ah k07:23
dooglusmagmini: and I asked you to run "ls -l" on the file - that should show the permissions.07:23
La_PaRCaj2daosh, got that?07:23
linkinit doesnt work07:23
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Dido-I added some new programs from Add Aplications, and now I want to remove some but I can't run Add Aplications again.. when I click it nothing happends. I've tried to kill gnome doesn't work, any ideas?07:23
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linkinchrisx1, firefox don't display anything07:24
j2daoshi think but lemme run it by you again07:24
dooglusmagmini: personally I wouldn't run anything from those guys at Real corp as any user, but certainly not as root!07:24
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_jasonDido-, use synaptic07:24
szronikIs there anything I need to know/do before replacing my NIC with a new one I'd just bought?07:24
kyncaniDido-: logout/login and try again ?07:24
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linkintritium, i install it from apt-get it supposed to work nicely on default?07:25
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j2daoshim gonna go to /etc/ and vi fstab... at the ntfs partitions im gonna change the settings to nls=utf8, umask=0222, then save it... right click the drives on the desktop... go to unmount and then remount them again?07:25
dooglusj2daosh: that's right.07:25
La_PaRCaj2daosh, yeah07:25
La_PaRCaremember that to edit fstab you need to use sudo07:25
j2daoshand i remount them by right click the drives on the desktop or will they be gone after that?07:25
_jasonDido-, you can also try 'gksudo gnome-app-install' in a terminal and see if you get an error message07:25
tritiumlinkin, which?  apache2?  there should be the default apache page until you setup your own07:26
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La_PaRCaj2daosh, they will be gone after that, you will have to go to sistem->admin->disks07:26
j2daoshso i have to do "sudo su vi fstab"?07:26
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La_PaRCaj2daosh, nah, just sudo vi fstab07:26
pete__can anyone tell me how to make azureus the default bittorrent client?07:26
j2daoshwhat do you mean by going to the disks thing though?07:27
j2daoshis that a directory?07:27
j2daoshor do i run the mount "drive name" and to that location?07:27
La_PaRCaj2daosh, its a menu under gnome07:27
smopete__; right-click a torrent and find 'open with' .. I believe there's a tickbox in there that'll let you make your selection the default07:27
pete__ty smo.07:27
j2daoshoh... lol07:27
linkintritium, how should i setup apache then?07:27
La_PaRCaj2daosh, actually07:28
La_PaRCalets do all command line07:28
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La_PaRCajust edit it07:28
La_PaRCaafter you edit, unmount07:28
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j2daoshsorry this is the first time im really used linux... decided to just install it lol07:28
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GostieI'm using the live cd to edit the root password. Can someone talk me through it since I know very little?07:28
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La_PaRCathen run in the console: sudo mount /media/hda107:28
La_PaRCathen run in the console: sudo mount /media/hda507:28
La_PaRCathen run in the console: sudo mount /media/hdb107:28
chrisx1!tell Gostie about root07:28
tritiumlinkin, it is setup for you.  Now you just need to add your own pages07:28
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chrisx1Check pm Gostie07:28
_jasonj2daosh, you probably want to use an editor other than vi if it is your first time07:28
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La_PaRCa_jason, hehe07:29
redhitsI am back07:29
redhitsgot anather problem07:29
j2daoshok lemme give that a try real quick07:29
redhitsif I would like to download a software like Yahoo Mesenger for example, which package should I choose?07:29
linkincorrect i have my own in var/www/apache2-default07:29
redhitsthe debian one?!07:29
masta_can someone help me unbusy my OSS?07:29
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linkini did a test.html07:29
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scenestardoes anyone know if my asus a6k will function properly under hoary?07:29
linkini doesnt work07:29
scenestari allready tried the boot cd07:29
scenestarit worked fine07:30
chrisx1redhits, try gaim07:30
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scenestaralthough the cardreader was dead07:30
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La_PaRCaredhits, ubuntu comes with a yahoo messenger client, its called gaim07:30
j2daoshwait... where do i put that info la?07:30
j2daoshunder options dump or pass?07:30
tritiumlinkin, did you place it in the /var/www directory?  did you edit your apache config files?07:30
j2daoshor type07:30
ubotuplease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying. Write in complete sentences and keep your replies and questions on one line if possible. Thanks!07:30
La_PaRCaj2daosh, under options... replace default with what I said07:31
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linkini didnt edit apache config files they are by default07:31
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redhitsbut i was talking in general ?07:31
redhitswhat should I download?07:31
tritiumlinkin, you'll need to edit them to suit your needs07:31
masta_can someone help me fix my sound device?07:31
pete__does anyone know where azureus installs too with apt-get on ubuntu?07:31
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La_PaRCaj2daosh, ONLY for the ntfs partitions07:31
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chrisx1redhits, sudo apt-get install gaim07:31
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La_PaRCapete__, dpkg -L azureus07:32
ubotuI heard azureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AzureusHowTo07:32
masta_can someone help me fix my sound?07:32
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pete__so in firefox, where do i point it so azureus opens the torrents?07:32
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tritiumpete__, please read that wiki page07:33
linkintritium, should i modify /etc/apache2/sites-available/default?07:33
iobossi have  a problem whit java, i think, becouse i can't install borland and i have this message error: Can't load library "/cod/Unix/Linux/Linux/resource/jre/lib/i386/libjava.so"07:33
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tritiumlinkin, read the docs in /usr/share/doc/apache2 if you need to learn how to configure it07:33
ltibor65Hi everybody! I cannot read the floppy disk in Ubuntu. I don't know why. Can somebody help me?07:33
La_PaRCaj2daosh, hows it going?07:33
linkinthanks tritium07:33
tritiumlinkin, sure.  Good luck.  I'm heading out now...07:34
j2daoshis it nls=utf8, umask0222 or is it nls=utf8,umask0222... with no space between the 2 options?07:34
iobossi have found this page, but i don't understand what i can do.. :(http://lists.alphanet.ch/pipermail/gull/2004-August/003315.html07:34
j2daoshi just dont wanna mess nothing up07:34
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iobosshelp.. :(07:34
La_PaRCaj2daosh, nls=utf8,umask=022207:34
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j2daoshno space07:34
n0dlhas anyone here ever compiled pingus07:35
tritium!tell j2daosh about enter07:35
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La_PaRCaj2daosh, brb07:35
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kidI just reinstalled fluxbox ... at least I've GUI working, but upon any click -- nothing is executed, and I'm getting things like "gnome-terminal: error while loading shared libraries: libXrandr.so.2: cannot open hared object file: No such file or directory" -- my main priority is to get Synaptic working - any words?07:35
pete__where is the azureus wiki page?07:35
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ubotuazureus is probably a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AzureusHowTo07:35
tritiumpete__, ^^^07:35
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n0dli just compiled a lib07:35
j2daoshhey what is this thing about ! to override?07:35
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ltibor65Ubotu, why cannot I read the floppy in Ubuntu?07:36
ubotuWish i knew, ltibor6507:36
_jasonj2daosh, you're using vi aren't you :P07:36
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j2daoshlol yeah07:36
zandaaanyone ever heard of the game Glest?07:36
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j2daoshits the only one i know07:36
ubotuhmm... synaptic is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto07:36
pete__where do i find the wiki page07:36
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_jasonj2daosh, did you manage to edit it ok?  use nano if you aren't comfortable with vi07:36
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_jasonMarkStone, ask a question first :)07:37
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ltibor65Ubotu, but what problems can it with it? Mount problems?07:37
ubotuparse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, ltibor6507:37
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_jasonltibor65, ubotu is a bot07:37
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j2daoshyeah i got it all set... its just when i went to save and exit it gives me this error thing about "e45: readonly option is set (add ! to override)07:38
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel.07:38
n0dli just compiled clan lib a dependency of pingus but for somereason i keep on getting an error telling me  Clanlib/core.h is not found07:38
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j2daoshdoes that mean i have to do like a shift zz !07:38
ltibor65What is a bot?07:38
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_jasonj2daosh, :wq will save it and quit07:38
_jasonj2daosh, you used sudo right?07:38
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pete___jason where do i find out how to make azureus the default for torrents07:38
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ltibor65Nobody help me?07:39
j2daoshit still says readonly option is set07:39
ubotu[lirc]  at http://www.lirc.com07:39
j2daoshthe :wq didn't work07:39
MHobbit!ubotu cedega07:39
ubotuwell, cedega is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Cedega and for a list of working games see http://www.transgaming.org/gamesdb or #cedega or http://www.frankscorner.org/07:39
=== [Chaos|Krieger] [n=krieger@thinkinsoft.org] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"]
_jasonpete__, sorry, I don't use azureus.  Have you right clicked on a torrent -> properties -> open with?07:39
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pete__yes jason but, i need to have it the default Bt in Firefox07:39
_jasonj2daosh, that usually means you didn't open it using sudo07:39
n0dlwhy do ig et this error even after i compiled clanlib?07:40
j2daoshi did sudo vi fstab..07:40
smoj2daosh, what did it do when it didn't work?07:40
j2daoshill exit and do it again07:40
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XappeI need a howto for installing lirc on breezy (to enable use of my hauppage wintv pci remote). are there such howtos? tried googling and searching the forums but without any greater success07:40
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_jasonpete__, when you click on a .torrent does firefox prompt you at all?07:42
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fredd__bonsoir tout le monde07:42
ubotuVa a #ubuntu-fr et #kubuntu-fr pour aide et discussion en francais07:42
pete__ye jason07:43
rosenBonsoir fredd__07:43
pete__wants to open it with gnome-bttorrent07:43
fredd__Hi everyone ;)... better ?07:43
=== Ethan [n=user@AMontsouris-152-1-4-36.w82-123.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
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_jasonpete__, isn't there a drop down menu to choose something else?07:43
kidOkay, just this then: on x, if I try to click and execute something, I'm getting this (for example) on the reflective virtual window: /usr/bin/leafpad: error while loading shared libraries: libXrandr.so.2:cannot open shared object file: No such file or dir07:43
shogun_how do I go in my trash bin in ubuntu?07:43
pete__but i don't know where azureus is..07:43
_jasonpete__, do you know the terminal command for it?07:43
j2daoshdid it but i cant unmount07:43
_jasonpete__, do you have a menu item for it?07:43
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pete__yes jason07:44
fredd__I have a question about the software "rights" ... I mean their rights to modify files etc...07:44
j2daoshbut when i go to the disks under administration it says accessible and lets me view the contents of the drive....07:44
rosenis there some way I can make Ubuntu search for an alternative driver for my midi input ? .. Output is going allright but my mic wont work07:44
fredd__For example with Azureus when it needs to auto-update07:44
j2daoshhow do i unmount from a commandline?07:44
pete__azureus %U ?07:44
_jasonpete__, go to the applications menu editor under system tools and check out the properties, you should find it07:44
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_jasonj2daosh, umount07:45
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pete___jason is it07:45
pete__azureus %U07:45
_jasonpete__, probably, I don't use azureus though.  Try it and see, won't hurt anything07:45
j2daoshok do i do a umount /etc/hda1?07:45
j2daoshdo i need any arguements to it?07:45
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_jasonj2daosh, iirc. you don't need any args07:46
=== peter_ [n=peter@host86-138-38-202.range86-138.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
pete__jason how do i edit gnome-bttorrent07:46
j2daoshok i tried doing umount hda1 and it says its not mounted according to mtab07:47
j2daoshwhats that jive about?07:47
peter_well hi all07:47
shogun_ok why does it make my .iso files when I download them into .tpb?07:47
_jasonpete__, umm what do you mean?07:47
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pete__so i can change it07:47
=== Mitja [n=Mitja@cpe2-25-116.cable.triera.net] has joined #ubuntu
pete__to be the gnome-btt default07:47
dooglusj2daosh: you should do "umount /dev/hda1"07:48
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dooglusj2daosh: no, no, no.  wrong.07:48
peter_just got back on line but id like to know when i download stuff does it have to be compatible with ubuntu? and how do i open and install it ?07:48
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dooglusj2daosh: you should "umount /media/mountpount1" or wherever you mounted it07:48
matidHi. Is there anyone familiar with Rosetta?07:48
_jasonpete__, didn't you just want to use the drop down menu in the firefox prompt to choose azureus?  let me go find a .torrent so I can see what you are seeing07:48
j2daoshi never mounted it... lol the install did07:48
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peter_ok jason ty07:49
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Subhumanj2daosh, well if you dont want it to mount on boot u need to edit it out of the etc/fstab file07:49
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shogun_Can somebodyu please tell me why my .iso files turn into .tpb when I download them?07:49
kineticespneed help07:49
j2daoshdamnit... how do i add my username to a group that can do what root can do without being root?07:49
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kineticespwhat is the default administrator name?07:49
Subhumanj2daosh, just put "sudo" before the command which u wan to run as root.07:49
nickrudj2daosh, you already are: you're in the admin group, which let's you use sudo07:49
shogun_you can do what root can do with 'sudo'07:49
j2daoshi wanna add myself to a group that can mount and unmount and add users and all that07:49
_jasonpeter_, you use synaptic (in system -> admin) to install things usually (it is the best way and easy too)07:49
amiasj2daosh,  i dont think you really want that07:50
dooglusj2daosh: you'll need to "sudo visudo" if you want to do that.07:50
shogun_Can somebodyu please tell me why my .iso files turn into .tpb when I download them?07:50
lfopis there a risk when doing merges, split disks? is there a risk the disk will go crazy?07:50
peter_thank you jason :O)07:50
Subhumanj2daosh, you just do "sudo umount /media/hd"whatever" "07:50
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matidIs there anyone familiar with Rosetta?07:50
kineticespi was trying to modify the sources.list file but i cant07:50
Davethewaveno, who is Rosetta?07:50
peter_jason does anything i download have to be ubuntu programs ?07:50
dooglusj2daosh: I added this line to the sudoers file to let me run some stuff without a password: chris    chrislap = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/id,/bin/mount,/bin/umount,/usr/bin/eject,/sbin/shutdown07:51
j2daoshok... got them unmounted... now i have to remount them... so im gonna do a "sudo mount /media/hda1" ??07:51
nickrudkineticesp, try sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list , that should work07:51
gnomefreakkineticesp,  sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list07:51
kyncanishogun_: because they are _being_ downloaded (just a thought)07:51
rosenis there some way to get a different driver than what Ubuntu chose to manage my midi inputs ? .. Its a silly onboard card and the rest of the midi works just fine except the mic07:51
rosencan't live without my mic :O07:51
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matidDevethewave: Ubuntu translation tool07:51
dooglusj2daosh: just "mount -a" should do it07:51
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Subhumanj2daosh, no, u do a sudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/hda1"07:51
_jasonpeter_, by download, I assume you are thinking of just downloading a program from a web site you find.  In most cases, there will be something available in the repositories (through synaptic) that will do the job for you.07:51
j2daoshwoot woot!!!07:51
shogun_kyncani, I closed the torrent thing and the format didn't change07:51
j2daoshi love you guys07:52
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dooglusSubhuman: it's in his fstab, so what he suggested will work07:52
Subhumanj2daosh, any time :P07:52
peter_thanks jason07:52
=== gnomefreak brb maybe bash head in till make works :(
dooglusj2daosh: we love you too07:52
j2daoshthank you so much for helping me out07:52
kineticespwhy cant i edit it in the graphic enviroment?07:52
j2daoshlol well keep that love platonic doog07:52
shogun_kyncani, after I finished downloaded it07:52
_jasonubotu, tell peter_ about synaptic07:52
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kyncanishogun_: well, check the size and md5sum to know for sure07:52
Subhumandooglus, I suggested to edit the fstab07:52
Belgainhi there, quick question: when using the Ubuntu LiveDVD, is there any way to install extra packages from the DVD rather than from the online repositories?07:52
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zenany clue how to make linux see a mirror as one drive w/ nForce3's raid abilities?  you have to use a special driver on windows because it exports as two drives otherwise...same in linux, it sees two different drives07:52
Belgaini don't see the DVD listed as a repository in Synaptic...07:52
=== carlossaatana [n=arttu@a81-197-170-22.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudkineticesp, the file is owned by root, and you must use super user priviledges to edit it.07:52
dooglusSubhuman: once it's in your fstab you don't need to specify the device when mounting any more.07:52
kineticespim super noob.. i installed ubuntu yesterday07:53
pete___jason im just trying to make azureus default for ff torrents07:53
dooglusBelgain: so add the DVD as a repository in synaptic07:53
pete__but im having a hard time07:53
Belgainhow do i do that?07:53
_jasonpete__, one sec07:53
carlossaatanai also installed ubuntu yesterday07:53
kineticespive looked everywhere to find the terminal07:53
Subhumandooglus, what do you mean? ive always un/mounted drives with u/mount /dev/path /path/to/mount ?07:53
kineticespbut cant fin it07:53
bclkineticesp, they moved it to accessories in 5.1007:54
nickrudkineticesp, apps->accessories->terminal07:54
Subhumankineticesp,  applications accesories terminal;07:54
Subhumanlol nvm :P07:54
dooglusSubhuman: you can just "mount /path/to/mount" if /path/to/mount is in your fstab07:54
dooglusSubhuman: it will look at your fstab to find out what device to mount there, and the options to use07:54
peter_well the page helped ty07:54
bclkineticesp, IMHO they should have at least left it as a right click on the desktop context menu.07:54
Subhumandooglus, ahh i see, well I've always only had to mount stuff that ive added, so ive never tried it like that, thanks for teaching me something new :P07:55
zenBelgain, the DVD should be the first repo source by default07:55
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nickrudbcl, you can install nautilus-open-terminal to get that functionality back07:55
zenBelgain, check your /etc/apt/sources.list07:55
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gnomefreakbcl, thats not an option unless you install one that goes there07:55
peter_been on this all day so im getting used to some of the stuff now like adding wallpapers and stuff07:55
dooglusSubhuman: also "mount -a" will mount *a*ll the stuff in fstab that is automatically mountable07:55
bclnickrud, true but its annoying to get used to something and then have it changed in an upgrade.07:55
kassie_kasselmanHi all, I'm a newbie in Linux. I am using Ubuntu. I would like to get the Apache and maybe something like exim for mail running. I have downloaded XAMPP for linux, seeing that i have used it on windows os and was working 100%. I would like to start using Linux to run all these apps on. Wilol someone be so kind in helping me getting this up and running...07:55
_jasonpete__, in a terminal: which azureus07:55
nickrudbcl, no kidding.07:56
bcl5.10 doesn't work right for me anyway so I'm going back to 5.0407:56
pete__which ?07:56
Belgainit is on a hard drive install, but not when booted wiht the liveDVD, and i'm not seeing it as an option when showing all repositories...07:56
dooglusBelgain: I'm not sure.  I don't often use synaptic.  you can "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" to edit the file directly.07:56
_jasonpete__, yes :)07:56
gnomefreakif you right click in in menu and add it to launcher it will stay on the launcher pad07:56
bclcdrom write from desktop is broken and xine now segfaults.07:56
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pete__im there07:56
Belgainwhat line do I need to add to the sources.list file for the DVD repositry?07:56
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zendooglus, By default the DVD will be the top source in the sources.list--shouldn't need any editing07:56
pete__now what do i do jason?07:56
kyncaniBelgain: use apt-cdrom i think07:56
_jasonpete__, it will tell you where the azureus binary is.  Now, when you click on a .torrent, you get the firefox prompt.  It should say "open with".  Next to it there is a drop down menu.  Click that, and select "other" if it doesn't list azureus.  Then just anvigate to the azureus binary.  I think that will work.07:56
amiashow can i test if my kernel has inotify support ?07:57
j2daoshok im back... lol now my sound dont work... how can i extract the driver from the windows side of my comp so linux knows its there?07:57
pete__jason i don't see the azureus binary i see the things i've downloaded07:57
amiasj2daosh, that wont work07:57
crimsunamias: if you're using the default Breezy kernels, they do.07:57
kyncaniamias: check /boot/config*07:57
_jasonpete__, which told you where it was07:57
j2daoshthat sucks07:57
=== blanky [n=blanky@pool-71-104-140-211.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
pete__ahh ok.07:57
j2daoshhow do i add a soundcard?07:57
crimsunj2daosh: plug it in.07:58
seife`what u guys think about Novell SuSE Linux?07:58
j2daoshits an onboard soundcard...07:58
j2daoshits already in lol07:58
amiascrimsun, sorry , should have said , i'm running dapper , with 2.6.15-7-k7 #1 SMP PREEMPT07:58
Subhumanseife`, i used it before ubuntu, itz okay, bit bloated, but quite user freindly07:58
dooglusBelgain: is there a line in sources.list about the dvd?07:58
crimsunamias: grep NOTIFY /boot/config-$(uname -r)07:58
dooglusBelgain: zen said that it should be there already.07:58
theblueI used to use SuSE.07:58
_jasonpete__, so then: File System -> bin -> azureus07:58
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pete__jason you are sexy07:58
crimsunj2daosh: so cat /proc/asound/cards07:59
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dooglusBelgain: by the way,you do realise that if you install stuff while booted from the live DVD it won't survive a reboot, don't you?07:59
_jasonpete__, heh np07:59
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kassie_kasselmanHi all, I'm a newbie in Linux. I am using Ubuntu. I would like to get the Apache and maybe something like exim for mail running. I have downloaded XAMPP for linux, seeing that i have used it on windows os and was working 100%. I would like to start using Linux to run all these apps on. Wilol someone be so kind in helping me getting this up and running...07:59
j2daoshok... i did that... lol now what?07:59
matidIs there anyone familiar with Rosetta?07:59
amiascrimsun, aah cheers . I was looking for /proc/config07:59
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runeviHumpfh.  Next time I'm going to compile a kernel I'll do more work disabling all the things I don't need.  ;)07:59
psycodethere's something weird going on with my package sources... how come it cant find the package wxpython?08:00
blankyfamily guy you here08:00
=== karl__ [n=travis@dialup-228-143.crln.waymark.net] has joined #ubuntu
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ubotublanky: I don't know, could you explain it?08:00
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel.08:00
Subhumanubotu doesnt know ftp??08:00
ubotuSubhuman: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?08:00
blankyhaha, he's stupid08:00
amiasrunevi,  thats the easy bit , keeping the bits you do need and will need next week/month is harder .08:00
psycodecan someone please check for me if he can find wxpython2.5.3 in his sources?08:00
=== milksteak [n=milkstea@60-234-138-71.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
kyncanipsycode: it's not, you must have the name wrong08:01
blanky5.10 breezy badger right?08:01
Davethewaveubotu is awsome08:01
ubotuDavethewave: No idea08:01
j2daoshok... it knows the card isthere... do i need to change the int type to value 0x1?08:01
Subhumanblanky,  yeah08:01
ubotublanky: I give up, what is it?08:01
ubotublanky: What?08:01
=== beej_ is back (gone 01:44:21)
blanky!tell blanky about ftp08:01
beej_ok, ubuntu doesn't come pre-installed with htop??08:01
psycodekyncani, weird, how about wxpython? (i'm not having the name wrong)08:01
=== chem415 [n=marc@dsl081-050-207.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #Ubuntu
cornflakewut do i do if i get a gpg error?08:02
runeviamias: Well, I don't need support for isdn, 90% of the sound stuff, 90% of the video stuff, and so forth ;D08:02
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kyncanipsycode: i think you do, as apt-cache search wxpython  would tell you08:02
blankyfamilyguy, ubuntu breezy badger 5.10 right?08:02
runeviamias: So.. next time, i'll do a tad more work on it ;D08:02
=== Mitja [n=Raw_Eate@cpe2-25-116.cable.triera.net] has joined #ubuntu
mkyb14arr i have a few programs that are asking for me to tell them where the mozilla layout library's are for wine.  anyone know where they are?08:02
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=== beej_ is away: sudo apt-get install lunch
familyguyI'm guessing you put an exclamation mark in front of a query towards the bot?08:02
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blankyfamilyguy: yes, but I'm asking you if it's breezy badger 5.1008:03
j2daoshhow do i make ubuntu recognize my sound card?08:03
psycodekyncani, yeah i know it's not there, but its odd since im almost positive its been there before, and its a really usable python extension....08:03
kidokay, what might be causing this: -bash: /usr/bin/X11/startx: No such file or dir :'s08:03
j2daoshor how do i reinstall it or something?08:03
blankyj2daosh: it doesn't work right now? sound I mean08:03
familyguyIs what breezy badger?08:03
chem415Hi Guys, im having a pickle of a time upgrading from hoary to breezy.08:03
kassie_kasselmanHi all, I'm a newbie in Linux. I am using Ubuntu. I would like to get the Apache and maybe something like exim for mail running. I have downloaded XAMPP for linux, seeing that i have used it on windows os and was working 100%. I would like to start using Linux to run all these apps on. Wilol someone be so kind in helping me getting this up and running...08:03
chem415Can I post my error message08:03
blankyj2daosh, waht sound card08:03
j2daoshi looked in the device manager and it see it there but i get nothing08:03
blankyfamilyguy, I mean the version of ubuntu, you have the latest one right08:03
_jasonubotu, tell chem415 about pastebin08:03
j2daoshits a ati920008:03
mkyb14open a private channel with whom your talkting to and post it08:04
j2daoshoh nevermind08:04
j2daoshdumbass me08:04
blankywtf, ati9200 sound card? or is that the motherboard08:04
chem415_jason: thanks08:04
j2daoshits a v8235?08:04
blankyI think they make ati mobos08:04
blankyah oky08:04
kyncani!tell chem415 about ask08:04
j2daoshlol sorry08:04
mkyb14video card is your 920008:04
=== eXistenZ [n=emurz@bzq-218-83-226.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
mkyb14arr i have a few programs that are asking for me to tell them where the mozilla layout library's are for wine.  anyone know where they are?08:04
blankyfamilyguy, go here http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/FTP_Server08:04
bclj2daosh, your video card should work fine with the default drive. Try it without installing the ati one first.08:04
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j2daoshac 9708:05
=== Mitja [n=Raw_Eate@cpe2-25-116.cable.triera.net] has joined #ubuntu
mkyb14my 9800 didn't so i have to install the fglx drivers08:05
mannanyone here can teach me how to install amsn at ubuntu????08:05
j2daoshvia tech08:05
crimsunj2daosh: if you see the sound card in the output of /proc/asound/cards, then just use System> Preferences> Sound to select the one you prefer, then restart any apps that use sound08:05
blankymkyb14, what's your problem08:05
mannpvt pease08:05
zandaaI can't get on http://www.ubuntu.com O_O08:05
bclmkyb14, my 9250 works better with the open driver than with ati's.08:05
blankyj2daosh, so it's ac 9708:05
amiasmann, do you mean setting up MSN chatting ? if so try gaim08:05
_jasonzandaa, don't worry, neither can i08:05
blankyzandaa, www.ubuntulinux.com08:05
j2daoshthats the thing though... in the sound part under preferences it doesnt give me any cards.08:05
mkyb14wine, using steam to get HL installed is asking for mozilla layout library's08:05
ubotumethinks gaim is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GaimHowto/08:05
mkyb14and i have no clue where they are08:06
j2daoshits like nothing is there08:06
crimsunj2daosh: give me the output on pastebin08:06
blankymkyb14, what how-to are you using08:06
blankyfamilyguy, did you get my link?08:06
crimsunj2daosh: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl08:06
ubotuzandaa: I don't know, could you explain it?08:06
zandaatoo bad08:06
j2daoshwhere do i get the output?08:06
kassie_kasselmanHi all, I'm a newbie in Linux. I am using Ubuntu. I would like to get the Apache and maybe something like exim for mail running. I have downloaded XAMPP for linux, seeing that i have used it on windows os and was working 100%. I would like to start using Linux to run all these apps on. Wilol someone be so kind in helping me getting this up and running...08:06
kassie_kasselmanHi all, I'm a newbie in Linux. I am using Ubuntu. I would like to get the Apache and maybe something like exim for mail running. I have downloaded XAMPP for linux, seeing that i have used it on windows os and was working 100%. I would like to start using Linux to run all these apps on. Wilol someone be so kind in helping me getting this up and running...08:06
kassie_kasselmanHi all, I'm a newbie in Linux. I am using Ubuntu. I would like to get the Apache and maybe something like exim for mail running. I have downloaded XAMPP for linux, seeing that i have used it on windows os and was working 100%. I would like to start using Linux to run all these apps on. Wilol someone be so kind in helping me getting this up and running...08:06
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mkyb14heh when it's during the finishing part of the install for steam its asking for the library's... i'm not using a howto08:06
zandaablanky, ubuntulinux.com doesn't seem to be working08:06
mkyb14kassie_kasselman, don't spam the channel please08:07
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j2daoshfor the proc/asound/cards?08:07
blankymost likely maintenance, comon you wont die without it for a minute08:07
kassie_kasselmanis there someone that can help me08:07
zandaablanky, yes I will.......08:07
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mkyb14be patient and someone will try and help you when they are done08:07
blankykassie_kasselman, shut the **** up, dont spam08:08
blankyzandaa, what do you want me to do08:08
_jasonzandaa, enjoy08:08
zandaablanky, there's nothing you can do about it08:08
blankyexactly :)08:08
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kyncanikassie_kasselman: you should first get a apache howto|manual for linux i tink08:08
blankylol cached, hey jason where've you been08:08
blankyfamilyguy, you okay?08:08
j2daoshok i posted the cat output for the /proc/asound/cards08:08
mkyb14blanky, no clue on the library's then?08:09
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blankyoh sorry, what how to are you using again? the one on linux-gamers or winehq.org08:09
mkyb14but it's asking for mozilla layout librarys... wtf is that08:09
zandaahm... <_< I can't get flash to work....08:09
blankymkyb14, i know dude, you have to frickin listen08:10
crimsunj2daosh: ok, I'll get to it in a sec, I'm on the phone08:10
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blankywhere are you reading the instructions from on how to install steam with wine, or are you just doing it on your own08:10
familyguyI get an error: Couldn't find package proftpd08:10
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blankymkyb14, http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wfsection/article.php?articleid=1708:10
familyguyFrom this line.08:11
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blankyfamilyguy, what command08:11
familyguysudo apt-get install proftpd08:11
blankycouldn't find it? wow...hold on08:11
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familyguyIt gets to 'building dependecy tree' before giving the error.08:11
j2daoshcrimsun... im gonna paste another output to that one... i ran esd and it gave me all the crap ur about to see08:11
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bclgotta love it: bare metal to gui login in under 15 minutes.08:12
mkyb14i'll try that , bb in a few mins08:12
lfopanyone experience freebsd faster than ubuntu with same window manager?08:12
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blankyfamilyguy, click this link and then listen to my instructions http://pastebin.com/45980108:12
blankyis it open yet?08:12
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blankygo to console and type sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list08:13
blankyis it open?08:13
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CarlFKduh.  how do I tar/zip all the files in a dir tree?08:13
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n0dldoes anyone know what ldconfig is?08:14
n0dlor where ld.so.conf is located?08:14
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j2daoshmanaged to get the recorder working i think08:14
blankyfamilyguy, delete your sources.list and copy the thing I gave you into it08:14
ruiwenhi does anyone know about using remote desktop to let people remotely view my desktop?08:14
blankyfamilyguy, no wait listen08:14
j2daoshi had to sudo chmod 777 dsp in the /dev directory08:15
j2daoshnow if only i could get the sound working lol08:15
blankyyou have sources.list open, so do CTRL-A delete, then copy and paste what's in the link I gave you08:15
rosencan someone tell me what OWA is ?08:15
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ompaullfop, ever compare an apple to and orange with no skin on ?08:15
familyguykeep the line numbers?08:16
j2daoshok i need some decoders for mp3's... where do i find them at?08:16
blankyno, no line numbers08:16
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lfopanyone experience freebsd faster than ubuntu with same window manager??08:16
ompaulrosen, is it something dodgey >> Outlook Web Access  << ?08:16
blankydont do ANYTHING after08:16
ompaullfop, ever compare an apple to and orange with no skin on ?08:16
blankytell me when you're done08:16
_jasonn0dl, apt-file will answer your second question08:16
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mkyb14blanky do you know of any good install guides for vmware..08:17
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mkyb14i had issues with thatone too08:17
blankymkyb14, hold on08:17
Paul^finally, wine is working08:17
ompaulifop not a fair question you need to do it for yourself - we can get different results depending on what is loaded on each box08:17
crimsunj2daosh: there's only one card listed08:17
mkyb14wine works, just asks for a lot of wierd crap08:18
blankymkyb14, http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=vmware+in+ubuntu&btnG=Google+Search08:18
familyguyIt doesn't look like the one in the link, the spacing is unaligned, (#)'s are all over the place, should I fix it?08:18
kyncanilfop: <troll> no, i think ubuntu is way faster </troll>08:18
crimsunj2daosh: I thought you said you have multiple08:18
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Paul^uhh.. well, it's working one, way, not the other way around, i can only see what i say but i can't see what others say :/08:18
blankyfamilyguy, are you dont08:18
blankyfamily guy, man hold on08:19
blankygo on gaim08:19
lfopompaul, yeah. but im asking your experience in your case. if there is any case where people have tried both systems.08:19
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crimsunj2daosh: "yeah"? to which, single? multiple?08:19
Oblivion^is this a known problem in wine, that i can't see what others are saying in mIRC under wine?08:19
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blankyfamilyguy, go on gaim08:19
mannanyone here can teach me how to install xmule ???08:19
mannpvt me08:19
crimsunmann: open a Terminal, then type, sudo aptitude install xmule08:19
Davethewavethink irc is crashing08:19
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crimsunmann: make sure you have the universe repository enabled08:19
j2daoshwhat do i need to get in order to listen to an mp3?08:19
ruiwenhi does anyone know about using remote desktop to let people remotely view my desktop?08:20
Oblivion^uhh that was weird08:20
ompaulifop well I have not - nor have I interest - but if it is important you really need to define what is running, hack kernels and do all sorts of other stuff to tune them - out of the box they will be similar08:20
j2daoshjuke peg i mean?08:20
kyncaniubotu is dead !08:20
primo|ubuntuI have a problem: Whichever user I log in as has root access over gnome apps. However root does not, nor do sudoers. Have I misconfigured something?08:20
Oblivion^can i run photoshop under wine?08:20
varsendaggerwhat do i use to listen to .ram files?08:20
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Oblivion^varsendagger: realplayer08:20
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varsendaggerOblivion^, use gimp08:20
-NickServ(NickServ@services.)- This nickname is owned by someone else08:20
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-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu-server] Ubuntu Server Discussions (development and support)08:20
mkyb14oh yea.  it was saysing that i have to recompile my kernal with gcc 4.0.2  and that 3.5 isn't compatible08:20
mkyb14dunno how though08:20
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switch_what the hell08:21
Oblivion^varsendagger: photoshop is much more powerfull than gimp, i've used photoshop for over a year in windows08:21
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ubotufrom memory, ! is what you add before a sentence to talk to me08:21
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bclmkyb14, for vmware just install the vmware tar distribution.08:21
ompaulswitch_, that is a network split08:21
johndarkhorseompaul: netsplit took ubotu08:21
johndarkhorsevarsendagger: realplayer08:21
ompauljohndarkhorse, he back :-)08:21
varsendaggerOblivion^, yeah ok08:21
crimsunj2daosh: did you answer my question?08:21
crimsunj2daosh: so you only have one card?08:22
Oblivion^varsendagger: but *can* photoshop be run with gimp?08:22
j2daoshyeah only one card08:22
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mkyb14i did, but it said that i needed gcc so i installed it thengetting this error.08:22
mkyb14Your kernel was built with "gcc" version "3.4.5", while you are trying to use08:22
mkyb14"/usr/bin/gcc" version "4.0.2". This configuration is not supported and VMware08:22
mkyb14Workstation cannot work in such configuration. Please either recompile your08:22
mkyb14kernel with "/usr/bin/gcc" version "4.0.2", or restart /usr/bin/vmware-config.plwith CC environment variable pointing to the "gcc" version "3.4.5".08:22
crimsunj2daosh: do system sounds not work normally?08:22
ompaulifop as I was saying I have not - nor have I the interest to do so - but if it is important you really need to define what is running, hack kernels and do all sorts of other stuff to tune them - out of the box they will be similar but tuning a couple of things could start a real race08:22
j2daoshim getting realplayer now and im gonna see wether i can play an mp308:23
ompaulifop as I was saying I have not - nor have I the interest to do so - but if it is important you really need to define what is running, hack kernels and do all sorts of other stuff to tune them - out of the box they will be similar but tuning a couple of things could start a real race08:23
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ltibor65How can I listen to midi files in Ubuntu?08:23
mkyb14wtf, 500 popele just sighned off08:23
ompaularr ifop gone08:23
j2daoshi dont think it is working though because i have yet to hear a single sound come from this thing and when i try to record a voice thing and play it back it says i dont have a writer08:23
bclmkyb14, no its just asking you to install the version of gcc that was used to compile the kernel. No need to recompile it.08:23
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mkyb14but i can't get around it... i run the sudo  /usr/bin/vmware-config.pl08:24
j2daoshwhat the hell... i cant open a .bin file08:24
bclmkyb14, do a sudo apt-get install gcc-3.408:24
mkyb14and it quits after that08:24
primo|ubuntuBreezy Badger problem: Whichever user i log in as has root access over gnome system apps, such as users-admin. However root does not, nor do sudoers.08:24
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j2daoshi cant install realplayer... why is that?08:24
kidI've warty - would like to update to 5.04, I think it is? What would be the short command for that again? :s08:24
=== xtr [i=01928375@S01060012174cc0e1.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #Ubuntu
=== #ubuntu [freenode-info] If you're at a conference, please contact freenode staff to make sure we've made special allowance for many users coming into our network from a single internet address ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#gettinghelp ). Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked, except to network staff, services and participating registered users ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )... Thanks!
pepsioh my08:24
=== deter_ [n=deter@] has joined #ubuntu
ltibor65How can I listen to midi files in Ubuntu?08:24
crimsunj2daosh: paste the output from amixer onto pastebin08:24
j2daoshoh well08:24
kidI've warty - would like to update to 5.04, I think it is? What would be the short command for that again? :s anyone, please?08:24
bclmkyb14, you may also have to install the kernel source08:24
kyncani!tell ltibor65 about midi08:24
rosenI got a wierd message while configuring Evolution.. Could not find Exchange Web Storage System.08:24
ompauldeter_, where one irc server stops talking to others08:24
rosenIf OWA is running on a different path, you must specify that in the account configuration dialog... I have no idea what that means08:24
j2daoshfuck it... i will have to eat something and then come back and try to figure it out08:24
mkyb14? how08:25
ompaulifop as I was saying I have not - nor have I the interest to do so - but if it is important you really need to define what is running, hack kernels and do all sorts of other stuff to tune them - out of the box they will be similar but tuning a couple of things could start a real race08:25
primo|ubuntuBreezy Badger problem: Whichever user i log in as has root access over gnome system apps, such as users-admin. However root does not, nor do sudoers.08:25
ompaulj2daosh, language please08:25
TopazwormIs this the right place for ubuntu help?08:25
j2daoshthank you all for trying to help me out :) it was very much appreciated08:25
deter_ompaul, i'm an old dalnet user, trust me, i know netsplits :)08:25
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=== rod [n=rod@HSE-Ottawa-ppp241731.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
rodhey anyone around?08:25
mkyb14gcc-3.5 package not found08:25
ompauldeter_, begs the question why the question mark? :-)08:25
=== andre_r [n=freddy@p54B8C53D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunmkyb14: install build-essential, linux-headers-$(uname -r) and gcc-3.408:26
TopazwormIs this the right place for ubuntu help?08:26
deter_ompaul, never seen one on freenode, that's all :)08:26
rodi have a .deb package, i'm not familar with ubuntu, how do you install the package??08:26
ompaulrod, 690 users in the channel so maybe :)08:26
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crimsunTopazworm: see the topic08:26
mkyb14did build essentials already, so the headers then08:26
ompaulrod, where did you get the package08:26
crimsunmkyb14: and gcc-3.408:26
rodompaul: it's skype08:26
=== coz [n=coz@c-24-3-171-43.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Topazwormhmm so i just ask away?08:26
mkyb14thought it was 3.5?08:26
coz serious problem got error message "Fialed to run /usr/bin/synaptic as user root08:26
cozcoz child terminated with 1 status08:26
ompaulrod, you can't install any .deb and expect it to work08:26
blankywhere do I go to configure ssh08:26
theblueTopazworm: Yup.08:26
crimsunmkyb14: no, it's gcc-3.408:26
theblueTopazworm: Just ask away./08:26
ompaul!tell Topazworm about ask08:26
rodompaul: if it doesn't work or if it does, is not my question08:26
theblueTopazworm: But please look in the wiki before you ask. http://wiki.ubuntu.com08:27
theblueThat was so cool!08:27
primo|ubuntucoz: does it run as your normal user?08:27
rodall i want to know is what command to issue to install a .deb package08:27
djk_rod: sudo dpkg -i nameofthe.deb08:27
Topazwormok well first time ive used linux/ubuntu. and im having some teething problems08:27
cozno it doesn't08:27
rodthanks djk08:27
theblueTopazworm: Welcome, then!08:27
=== vilefridge [n=eric@d142-59-237-149.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
primo|ubuntuhmm, then your problem is different then mine~08:27
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Topazwormi think i have screwed up my firefox..08:27
vilefridgeIs there a special command to use to copy & paste text from Xterm?  I can't seem to copy or paste..08:27
cozhow do run yours as normal user?08:27
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varsendaggerTopazworm, yeah what is up, you can also just hang and get some good ideas08:27
rodmuch thanks djk_ works perfectly.... I am now using skype hehe08:28
mkyb14crimsum, it's asking What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running08:28
mkyb14kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] 08:28
mkyb14and that path doesn't exist08:28
crimsunvilefridge: highlight with your primary mouse button, paste with the middle08:28
varsendaggervilefridge, you can select it and use your middle mouse button08:28
djk_rod: you're welcome :)08:28
Topazwormnot knowing what to do, i tried to install 1.5 over the one already installed. It failed and now i cant run firefox. Ive tried removing it best i can and reinstalling but nothing!08:28
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crimsunmkyb14: /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build08:28
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Davethewavewelcome back ubotu08:28
primo|ubuntucoz: whichever user i sign in as has root access to gnome apps, such as users-admin. however root, and sudoers do not.08:28
mkyb14that's the path?08:28
theblueTopazworm: Are you on a seperate machine/08:28
cozis there a chown -R root command08:28
crimsunmkyb14: yes08:28
Topazwormim on the one now08:28
varsendaggeryeah what crimson said08:28
rosenCan someone tell me what type of server and what servername hotmail uses for incomming mail ?08:28
theblueTopazworm: Then how are you in here?08:29
deter_can i send anyone a file? i wanna test my upload rate, just upgraded my net connection :D08:29
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theblueTopazworm: I see...08:29
Topazwormi can geto nthe net fine08:29
Topazwormjust firefox08:29
vilefridgevarsendagger, crimsun: thanks!! =)08:29
ompaulrod, the command you want is >>dpkg -i foo.deb<< but if it does not work or does something you can't deal with then really I think you will find that I am justified in my question, if it works straight off you are lucky :-)08:29
theblueTopazworm: Oh!08:29
theblueTopazworm: I'd try uninstalling and reinstalling firefox.08:29
theblueTopazworm: Get into a console, and type this:08:29
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rodompaul: only have 2 dependencies to solve.  libqt and libstdc++08:29
Topazwormit said i was using version 1.0! so i thought wayyyy old and tried to install 1.508:29
rodso I'm no worse for wear08:29
theblueTopazworm: No, no, no.08:29
mkyb14crimsun, nope that's not ti08:29
kyncanideter_: don't you have a ftp server somewhere ?08:30
rodjust have to install a few more things08:30
theblueTopazworm: When 1.5 comes into APT, you can install it without worry.08:30
deter_kyncani, newp :P08:30
theblueTopazworm: But don't do it right from firefox.08:30
deter_kyncani, if i did, i wouldnt bother people asking08:30
rodi dunno ompaul, I guess you always assume that anyone asking questions is a moron....08:30
theblueTopazworm: So now go to the console and type: sudo apt-get remove mozilla-firefox08:30
Topazwormok is that the root terminal u want me to open?08:30
theblueTopazworm: No, just the regular one.08:30
theblueTopazworm: Then sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox08:30
=== chem415 [n=marc@dsl081-050-207.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #Ubuntu
Topazwormim sorry...where is the regular one. im so new to this its given me a noseblees08:31
ompaulrod, you have no idea how many times that question has saved new users from damaging their box08:31
theblueTopazworm: Applications>Accessories08:31
theblueTopazworm: Don't worry, we all went through that stage.08:31
rodompaul: yeah that's dandy if you're worried about damaging your box08:31
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theblueTopazworm: That's how we got here.08:31
kidhm, how do I view operating system specifications on term again?08:31
slideArg, my dvdauthor is crashing, has anyone used it lately?08:32
=== purplefeltangel [n=purplefe@CPE0050bfffe781-CM014120014776.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
Topazwormive done what you said but it asks for a password. but wont let me type anything. accept press enter08:32
pete__i tried to install the dvdripper using apt-get but it doesn't show up in my applications/sound and video any ideas?08:32
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_jasonTopazworm, you just odn't see it typing but you are08:32
ardchoilleanyone know if there is an irc chan for tomboy? their site is down08:32
kyncanideter_: well, go ahead then :)08:32
_jasonTopazworm, that way no one can count how many characters your password has08:33
theblueTopazworm: Its not supposed to let you see your typing.08:33
bclpete__, do you mean dvdrip? Run it from a terminal.08:33
theblueTopazworm: Just type your password and hit enter.08:33
rodompaul: i mean, is only an intel system after all08:33
mkyb14What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running08:33
mkyb14kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] 08:33
mkyb14dunno where it is08:33
pete__bcl whats the cmd?08:33
bclpete__, dvdrip08:33
pete__ok, it loads08:33
blankypete__, !automatix08:33
bclpete__, assuming you installed dvd::rip08:34
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ubotu[automatix]  crap08:34
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pete__yes bcl itloads08:34
blankylol, they changed the stuff08:34
pete__but how do i add it to the applications list.08:34
joannyare you french08:34
Topazwormhmm ive done that. and if i try to run it, at the bottom taskbar thing is shows "Starting firefox web browser" then after a few seconds...nothing08:34
rodanyone know where i get libqt or libstdc++5 using apt-get?08:34
SEJeffWhere do you report bugs for packages not in the ubuntu bugzilla or launchpad.net?08:34
ubotuVa a #ubuntu-fr et #kubuntu-fr pour aide et discussion en francais08:34
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runeviSEJeff: Okay, new kernel installed.08:34
chem415hi i just posted http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/562808:34
runeviSEJeff: And the new kernel found my sata disks.08:34
chem415thanks in advance for any assistance08:34
runeviSEJeff: BUT .. it screwed up the display. ;)08:34
SEJeffrunevi: Did it work?08:34
runeviSEJeff: Luckily this is a server, and I don't need no freaking graphics.08:35
SEJeffrunevi: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:35
roddjk_ does ubuntu use grub?  if yes do u know where the conf file is located?08:35
runeviSEJeff: It doesn't have x installed. ;)08:35
purplefeltangelumm can firefox 1.5 be installed? :/08:35
JormundgandCould I get some indication of the stability of dapper?08:35
bclrod, qt ought to be in the repository. apt-get install qt?08:35
SEJeffrunevi: Well that doesn't matter :)08:35
runeviSEJeff: It screwed up the _console_ graphics.08:35
rodbcl kk tks08:35
blankywhat's the easiest way to set up ftp on ubuntu08:35
Mazokurod apt-cache search libqt/libstdc++08:35
SEJeffrunevi: ouch. that sucks08:35
BlueDevilubotu tell purplefeltangel about firefox1.508:35
runeviSEJeff: But I can ssh into it. :)08:35
runeviSEJeff: So it _really_ doesn't matter.08:35
rodi just didn't know the names.  see i'm originally a solaris d00d08:35
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purplefeltangelbluedevil: thx08:36
rodtrying debian to broaden my spectrum08:36
BlueDevilpurplefeltangel: np08:36
blankywhat's the easiest way to set up ftp with ubuntu?08:36
mkyb14where are the C header files that match my kernal source located?08:36
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SEJeffrunevi: You should post something in the forums if you get everything working. I'm sure there are others with the same problems08:36
djk_rod: yes, it uses grub, and the conf file is in /boot/grub/menu.lst08:36
runeviSEJeff: I think it's the matrox frame buffer device that is screwed up08:36
rodtks again08:36
bclrod,  grub is in /boot/grub08:36
Oblivion^blanky: sudo apt-get install vsftpd08:36
runeviSEJeff: Well, I can't be bothered with the graphics.08:36
blankyvsftpd, thanks08:36
runeviSEJeff: As I don't need it.  I'll only ssh to it ever in any case.08:36
=== _Gray_ [n=_Gray_@CPE-60-225-56-12.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
mkyb14eh i use proftpd08:37
BlueDevilmkyb14: do you have the kernel source installed?08:37
rosenis there a way to move a running program to another unbuntu desktop ? ... there's 4 of them so might aswell take advantage of it ;)08:37
=== fzoy [n=fzoy@APointe-a-Pitre-104-1-15-77.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
mkyb14i think so... what's the apt command08:37
rodtks, editing menu.lst now :)08:37
blankymkyb14, do you know a how to on it? i cant find it08:37
Oblivion^i like vsftpd better :)08:37
bclmkyb14, did you install the kernel source (linux-source package I think).08:37
BlueDevilrosen: yes08:37
mkyb14dunno what's the apt name08:37
rosennevermind *blush*08:37
runeviSEJeff: Now, is there any nice way to partition the disks, now that they're detected?  I've never done the more .. cool .. things from the command line when it comes to raid and linux ;)08:37
Oblivion^proftpd i think?08:37
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rodi think the biggest hurdle with this is trying to figure out where everything is08:37
rosenBlueDevil, I found it ... as usual just as I had given up and asked for advice :O08:37
bclncftpd is best, but not open.08:37
_Gray_rosen: right click the title bar and select move to workspace08:37
bclfree for non-commercial use though.08:38
=== phishead [n=xtra@38-2.200-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
phisheadhey guys..im trying to install ubuntu 5.10 but its not able to detect a cd-rom on my ibm thinkpad.  The Live CD booted fine and ran fine.  Suse also installed fine.  Any ideas?08:38
=== bobubu64 [n=bobubu64@ppp-245-132.25-151.libero.it] has joined #ubuntu
BlueDevilrosen: no harm done :)08:38
SEJeffrunevi: I use fdisk or cfdisk. I've been meaning to try parted, but haven't yet08:38
mkyb14kernal source package i install how?08:38
ompaulrod, try running "apt-cache search $foo"  then choose the place btw you need universe enabled  - /boot/grub/menu.lst like any other linux distro08:38
=== Mathias [n=Mathias@rob92-1-81-57-201-92.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
runeviSEJeff: Hm, mdadm should be enough :)08:38
rosenthanks anyways BlueDevil and _Gray_08:38
Oblivion^i'm trying to install zsnes but it says i don't have libsdl. i've installed everything with sdl in it though08:38
SEJeffrunevi: Meh, software raid?08:38
ubotuVa a #ubuntu-fr et #kubuntu-fr pour aide et discussion en francais08:38
runeviSEJeff: Well, of course. :)08:38
blankyi installed vsftpd, now what08:38
mkyb14blanky what are you trying to do, just setup ftp?08:39
Oblivion^blanky: edit /etc/vsftpd.conf (if i recall correctly)08:39
runeviSEJeff: Hardware raid is so painfull if the controller dies, and you can't get a new one with the same chipset anymore08:39
SEJeffrunevi: I use hardware raid on lvm. 3ware hardware plays nicely with linux08:39
ompaulrod, s/place/package08:39
phisheadany ideas?08:39
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etnoyis there a way to discreetly display information in gnome, like in ratpoison?08:39
uboturumour has it, en is Queen's English Speakers; Essex inhabitants who may all go to #ubuntu-uk - anyone from the Island of Great Britain is also welcome.08:39
blankymkyb14, im just trying to set up ftp :|08:39
runeviSEJeff: Well, last hardware raid I used professionally lasted for 6 years .. and then the controller died.08:39
chem415so would anyone like to take a stab at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/562808:39
mkyb14i use proftpd... the base install creates an account with your ubuntu log and pass08:39
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runeviSEJeff: .. and the supplier didn't have any more of those :-/08:39
SEJeffrunevi: That is the standard where I work. Raid 5 on lvm08:40
mkyb14so you dont' have to mess with the config08:40
etnoyfor example, I want to have a line of text in the corner that shows which song I'm playing in MPD that shows up when I press a key on my keyboard08:40
blankymkyb14, seriously?08:40
runeviSEJeff: So, I prefer software raid :)08:40
blankyso i just log in with my normal login info for ubuntu08:40
mkyb14yea i have it setup so i can access my webserver08:40
SEJeffrunevi: And you should know when your hardware is going out of support :) it's called SLA08:40
Oblivion^vsftpd creates an account for every user on the system except root, it uses pam for the accounts08:40
Oblivion^or something :$08:40
chrisx1hey xmms has like hung tyin to read an error of my ntfs drive08:40
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runeviSEJeff: Well, yes - but that is provided that the bosses care. ;)08:40
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mkyb14blanky, install the package via apt.  then go to another machine and login with the ip (lan) etc and use your ubuntu L/P08:41
chrisx1i cant run anything08:41
aidaciao a tutti08:41
runeviSEJeff: They cared _After_ the crash :D08:41
chrisx1how can i kill xmms08:41
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!08:41
chem415ps axuw08:41
purplefeltangeli did mv something and now the terminal just has > . . . what's going on? :/08:41
durtkillall xmms08:41
phisheadanyone know where to download some linux cd-drom drivers to try with the ubuntu install?  its not detecting my cdrom in my ibm thinkpad08:41
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etnoychrisx1: killall -9 xmms08:41
SEJeffchrisx1: killall xmms08:41
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mkyb14i primaraly use ubuntu as my webserver so i've dealt will all the issues etc of getting http, ftp, ssh etc running08:41
chrisx1Umm The fact i sed i cant run "anything"08:41
BlueDevilchem415: you can try using archive.ubuntu.com instead of us.archive.ubuntu.com, see if that works08:41
etnoychrisx1: the -9 makes it "kill", literally08:41
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etnoythen CTRL-ALT-BKSP08:42
SEJeffphishead: You don't "download drivers" in linux.08:42
aidahow are you?08:42
Oblivion^i'm also using it as a webserver, but i've now installed it on my work pc too08:42
chrisx1nm dne it08:42
pete__i cannot seem to get my microphone to work can anyone help?08:42
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etnoychrisx1: that will kill X and allow you to re-login08:42
chem415BlueDevil: ok trying now08:42
ompaulchrisx1, can you ssh in from another box08:42
phisheadSEJeFF: well i need to do something cuz the setup won't detect my drive08:42
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Oblivion^pete__: try running alsamixer08:42
SEJeffphishead: Network install08:42
mkyb14yea im' trying to get vmware or wine to work correctly so i can play steam... DOD source08:42
vilefridgeI'm having a problem doing a Make for CDemu.  I'm a newb and have no idea where to start.. can someone take a look (third post down) http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6953008:42
_Gray_chem415: use the sources.list from here http://www.psychocats.net/linux/sources.php08:42
phisheadhow do you do a network install with ubuntu?08:42
phisheadi didn't see the option in setup08:42
=== Madpilot [n=bburger@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
pete__ok ive got alsa mixer open in terminal08:43
pete__how do i adjust the front mic08:43
taxmanwhat package does wlanctl-ng come in? Googling got me nothing08:43
phisheador an ftp install like suse had08:43
_Gray_chem415: its guaranteed to work just make sure to run sudo apt-get update after you edit your sources.list08:43
mkyb14phishead go to system>admin netowrking08:43
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Oblivion^pete__: then see if there is a bar for front mic of whatever and adjust it08:43
phisheadon the install cd?08:43
Madpilotmorning, everyone08:43
pete__i see the bar08:43
gnomefreakgm Madpilot08:43
mkyb14blanky did that work08:43
pete__but i don't see how to adjust it08:43
SEJeffphishead: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/Netboot?action=show&redirect=NetbootInstall08:43
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Oblivion^pete__: well, use your arrow-keys08:44
lucasvoI have a problem with my evolution, it crashes all the time and it uses about 250MB...08:44
Oblivion^i use thunderbird08:44
mkyb14use thunderbird08:44
_Gray_lucasvo: try using thunderbird?08:44
gnomefreaklucasvo, thunderbird is more stable08:44
lucasvo_Gray_: ha ha08:44
kyncanilucasvo: or sylpheed ?08:44
Oblivion^does anyone know how to set thunderbird as the default mail client by the way?08:44
_Gray_sudo apt-get install mozilla-thunderbird08:44
=== kenichi uses thunderbird too
purplefeltangelwhy si terminal just displaying >?08:44
pete__oblivion still nothing08:45
SEJeffphishead: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2493&postcount=2 or you can try this08:45
nabucodorho chiso per sbaglio08:45
rosencan thunderbird use hotmail accounts ? .. I can't seem to get evolution to do that08:45
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Oblivion^pete__: pfoo, it's not muted or something?08:45
BlueDevilpurplefeltangel: you have an uneven " or '08:45
lucasvook, if I would like to use thunderbird, how can I move my mail to thunderbird without a working evolution?08:45
_Gray_hotmail doesnt support pop i dont think08:45
nabucodordevo abilitre il 3d nvidia sulla mia MB?08:45
gnomefreakOblivion^,  yes go to system>prefferences>perffered apps. and click on mail tab and set it to thunderbird08:45
pete__olivion i have decise set to alsa08:45
purplefeltangelrosen: hotmails can't be used on clients unless they're paid08:45
pete__mic volume turned up08:45
pete__yet in sound recorder nothing but static.08:45
Oblivion^gnomefreak: thanks08:45
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pete__and i know the mic works..08:45
BlueDevilpurplefeltangel: bottom line: the command is incomplete and it waits for more imput08:45
gnomefreakOblivion^, yw08:45
kenichiOblivion^: System -> Preferences -> Preferred Applications08:45
rosenI need a new emailhost >.<08:45
phisheadSEJeff:  hmmm this sounds like its going to be a lot of work :)08:45
purplefeltangelbluedevil: argh; i put in a ' at the end by accident; what do i do to end it08:46
blankymkyb14, so you select standalone or inetd08:46
Madpilotrosen: gmail will do pop308:46
taxmansorry to repeat but what package does wlanctl-ng come in? Googling got me nothing08:46
SEJeffphishead: Read the second url I gave you08:46
durti managed to get my yahoo account working in thunderbird, but the gmail account gives me "bad vibes"08:46
chem415_BlueDevil & _Gray_ i tried your two suggestions with the same results.  It keeps erroring out on the Packages.gz from http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy-security/main/binary-i38608:46
rosenMadpilot, that needs an invitation though right ?08:46
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mkyb14depends... are u going to use this as seriously a ftp server or just personal.  i chose standalone bc i only access it08:46
purplefeltangelrosen i can give you an invite08:46
gnomefreakdurt, gmail is very easy to set up what problems are you having?08:46
Madpilotrosen: they might have dropped that, but if you need one I"ve got them...08:46
Kindredmy usb drive does not automount after I unlug it then plug it back in, i'm not really sure where to start looking for the problem.. any ideas? :|08:46
chem415_i also tried apt-get -f update for giggles08:46
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chem415_err install08:46
ubotuhmm... network-install is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/Netboot?action=show&redirect=NetbootInstall08:46
kidwhen using screen, how do I view help? Ctrl+A then ? . . . or what?08:46
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mat__i need help installing kubuntu08:47
mkyb14blanky, did you see what i just posted?08:47
runeviSEJeff: niiiiice. :)08:47
runeviSEJeff: Now I just need to figure out how to disable that 'spare' device. ;)08:47
=== rosen ponders
purplefeltangelbluedevil: what should id o to end the command? :S08:47
taxmanmat__: tell us what you need08:47
mat__i installed ubuntu then downloaded the package throu that synaptec thing but I am still in gnome08:47
BlueDevilpurplefeltangel: put another '08:47
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varsendaggerhow do i get Realplaer to run?08:47
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pete__i still cannot get my mic to work..08:47
purplefeltangelbluedevil: will the thing i just did work or do i need to do it again?08:47
blankymkyb14, you there08:47
_Gray_varsendagger: type realplayer in terminal08:47
pete__do i want ossmixer or alsa mixer,08:48
purplefeltangelbluedevil: and it was a move directory; will the new directory have a ' on the end?08:48
pete__also realtek or intel?08:48
Oblivion^how can i get the right libsdl for zsnes? i've tried just about everything but it won't work :(08:48
blankymkyb14, i installed base install, chose inetd08:48
mkyb14i just posted it08:48
phisheadim just confused why the so called distrib that could rival windows can't even find my cdrom drive lol08:48
blankythen i log in with my login info for ubuntu?08:48
blankyor do i append ftp to the end of my username08:48
taxmanmat__: does kde show up as an option on the login screen?08:48
BlueDevilpurplefeltangel: depends on the exact command08:48
blankyi keep trying to connect and it keeps saying connection refused08:48
mkyb14blanky, yes it's whatever your login / pass is for ubuntu08:48
_Gray_mat__: click on sessions at login screen08:48
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mat__i might need to check again08:48
phisheadnow it detects it08:48
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rosenpurplefeltangel and Madpilot, I'll have to get back to you on that one.. I got so much to configure I think i'll wait with that for later.. Thans for the offer though08:48
mat__i didnt loook closely08:48
mkyb14if you want to disable anon that's something different08:48
purplefeltangelbluedevil: "mv .mozilla .mozille.ubuntu'08:48
purplefeltangel" (ysee i typoed it.)08:48
durtgnomefreak: oh wait never mind: my yahoo one is the one that gives an error message that says " sending password didnt succeed: negative vibes." it used to work though08:48
phisheadSEJeff:  thats screwed up..just rebooted and tried again.08:49
_Gray_blanky: do you have a router? if so you have to forward ports for ftp08:49
mat__i assumed it would boot kde by default so i will check that out08:49
blankyOH YEAH!08:49
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blanky_Gray_, THANKS!08:49
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BlueDevilpurplefeltangel: it shouldn't have a ' at the end08:49
purplefeltangelbluedevil: i know, i typoed it08:49
taxmanok, failing that, is there a general way to search what files are in which debs?08:49
mkyb14blanky, i run my website out of my home and use proftpd when at school etc to upload new things.  but i primarly use vlc .. and connect using tight vlc.  makes life so much easier08:49
purplefeltangelbluedevil: did it go through or not?08:49
Madpilotrosen: np08:49
_Gray_taxman: you can see what packages are in them using synaptic08:50
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blanky_Gray_, what is the router address agin,
BlueDevilpurplefeltangel: check to see if the directory is named .mozille.ubuntu08:50
chem415_hehe i guess i need the security packages hu08:50
_Gray_blanky: routers sometimes have different addresses08:50
mkyb14blanky: to find your ip in terminal type netstat -rn08:50
HobzHas anybody here had experience with dual booting ubuntu and XP?08:50
JormundgandI still don't have any sound in FF1.5's Flash.08:50
chem415_if i want to upgrade from hoary to breezy :P08:50
blankynevermind, i got it08:50
Hobzor any experience with dual booting in general08:50
BlueDevilpurplefeltangel: if you entered a ' and then enter, it should have gone through08:50
taxman_Gray_: but does that help me if I'm looking for a specific one, wlanctl in this instance?08:50
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Madpilot!tell Hobz about dualboot08:50
blankyunless ubuntu has a firewall, my router has it's ports open08:51
taxmanHobz: yes, it is straighforward. install XP first, then ubuntu08:51
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Oblivion^!tell Oblivion^ about dualscreen08:51
purplefeltangelbluedevil yeah it got named to a bunch of random crap08:51
Oblivion^!tell Oblivion^ about dual screen08:51
Sneaky_Bastardof course it has a firewall - it has IP Tables08:51
MHobbitubuto tell Oblivian^ about dual scren08:51
blankymkyb14, im trying to connect from my own computer, it's possible right? just type localhost for the address08:51
MHobbit!ubuto tell Oblivian^ about dual scren08:51
ubotuMHobbit: I give up, what is it?08:51
_Gray__Gray_: what is wlanctl?08:51
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mkyb14blanky: uh never tried that one.  yea if it's local either do localhost or  same thing   . i have a lan so i use my linksys number
BlueDevilMHobbit: the bot is ubotu not ubuto08:52
Sneaky_Bastardwide/local area network control program ?08:52
Hobztaxman, I did that.  I put a 50 meg /boot partition at the beginning of my drive, then the NTFS partition, then a fat32 partition and then the / and /swap partitions08:52
blankymkyb14, also, i chose inetd, is that alright or should i have chosen standalone08:52
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mkyb14either is ok08:52
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BlueDevil!dual screen08:52
ubotuparse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, BlueDevil08:52
MHobbitBlueDevil: I know, it was just a typo.08:52
HobzI think I fucked the MBR over, because it's giving me an "Error loading operating system" error08:52
pete__can anyone help me i have tried everything and my mic wont work08:52
taxman_Gray_: airsnort wants it. I dunno what it is08:52
mkyb14blanky you can always edit the config and choose the other one, no biggie08:52
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blankywhatever address i type in; localhost/,, and my real external ip, doesnt work, connection refused08:53
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purplefeltangelwhy won't Galeon start? :/08:53
blankyi think it's cause i chose inetd?08:53
durtthunderbird wont actually get my gmail messages - there are new messages (ive checked w/ opera), but thunderbird wont download them08:53
mikonianHow can I change the Gnome Bittorrent ports?08:53
mkyb14are you doing this from terminal or a gui client08:53
Oblivion^taxman: wlanctl sounds like something to set up your wlan with08:53
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RSJdurt: Check your POP settings in Gmail08:53
gnomefreakdurt, you have to change settings in gmail to allow pop08:53
moebiushi, could anybody tell me what this error means? and maybe how to avoid it? --> /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.6' not found, i'm using a precompiled debian package over an ubuntu08:53
blankytried both, mkyb1408:53
taxmanOblivion^: yeah, I'm assuming, but I can't figure out how to get it08:53
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mkyb14uh what gui client are you using?08:54
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taxmanit's aparrently not in wireless-tools, Oblivion^08:54
Oblivion^taxman: apt doesn't have it?08:54
blankyi also tried ftp localhost in terminal08:54
pete__finally got itto work.08:54
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durtive set that all up: it used to work a few weeks ago, and it works with opera mail, just not with thunderbird08:54
taxmanOblivion^: how do I tell if I don't know the exact package name?08:54
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_Gray_moebius: sudo apt-get install libstdc++508:54
Oblivion^taxman: pfew, i don't know, google it? do apt-cache search wlanctl?08:55
mkyb14blanky: hmm didn't refuse me... did you type port # in?08:55
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gnomefreakdurt, pop.gmail.com is the server and the ports are incomming i think its 991 and outgoing is 58708:55
taxmanOblivion^: other problem is ubuntu is on the laptop with no internet till I get the wireless workin08:55
Josh43can anyone tell me hot to make a small script that does this:  "mount /media/floppy0;mv part021.rar /media/floppy0;umount /media/floppy0", Wait for any key, " mount /media/floppy0;mv part022.rar /media/floppy0;umount /media/floppy0", wait for any key, do part 23, etc08:55
ardchoillethis may be a silly question, but how does one contact the Ubuntu devs?08:55
Oblivion^taxman: ah, thats bad.. i'll google it for you08:55
sethkJosh43, readline waits for a return08:56
_Gray_durt: its 995 for pop make sure ssl is enabled and 587 for smtp make sure tls is enabled08:56
mkyb14blanky: i type this in  :  /  21  / username  / password  <enter>08:56
_Gray_durt: the servers are pop.gmail.com and smtp.gmail.com08:56
mikonianHow can I change the Gnome Bittorrent ports?08:56
Oblivion^taxman: uhh but, if you don't have internet, how come you're on ubuntu chat?08:56
moebius_Gray_, it's already installed: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 18 2005-11-06 13:31 /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.5 -> libstdc++.so.5.0.708:56
moebius-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 737496 2005-09-16 11:24 /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.5.0.708:56
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kidstartx doesn't seem to be in its dir, how could one possible install x then?08:56
Sodkigood evening08:56
taxmanOblivion^: I can handle google :) try the apt-cache search for me please08:56
durtok let me try that thanks08:56
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mikonianHow can I change the Gnome Bittorrent ports?08:56
Oblivion^taxman: ok08:56
_Gray_ardchoille: they sometimes are on this channel08:56
mkyb14blanky: works?08:56
taxmanOblivion^: two computers :)08:56
blankydoes anyone know where the ssh configuration file is? for the ssh server08:56
Oblivion^taxman: heh08:56
blankymkyb14, yes :D thanks buddy08:56
sethkJosh43, sorry, read08:56
Josh43sethk; ok, perfect, that helps alot - now I just need to know how to make it loop and count up by 108:56
sethkJosh43, readline is another language08:57
moebiusblanky, /etc/ssh/sshd_config08:57
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mkyb14blanky what do you need the ssh for?08:57
mikonianHow can I change the Gnome Bittorrent ports?08:57
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sethkJosh43, read for ksh/zsh/bash  :)08:57
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Josh43sethk, ok, good thing you told me08:57
blankyto connect to my pc through command line when im away...haha08:57
ardchoillewell, if there is an Ubuntu dev team member in this channel right now, can you please pm me? I have an idea to enhance this awesome distro :)08:57
mkyb14blanky: if your looking to install ssh for remote control 'sudo apt-get install ssh'08:57
Sodkii have a PC which has no network connection, and i have to install "linux-sources" on it. since that package is not a simple *.deb, how can I install linux-sources?08:57
_nano_does anyone use xfce?08:57
purplefeltangelcan someone recommend a GUI web browser other than galeon, konqueror, or firefox? it doesn't have to be amazing; just any one i can use to look at the ubuntu wiki page while i'm updating firefox08:57
blankymkyb14, i know, already did08:57
blankymkyb14, but i want to configure it08:57
Oblivion^taxman: but you say airsnort wants it, if you install airsnort via apt shouldn't it automatically download wlanctl too?08:57
Josh43_nano_; ask in #xubuntu :)08:57
gnomefreak_nano_, yes08:57
mkyb14for what08:57
sethkJosh43, if I'm doing something with loops I usually use python, it's a bit clunky in a shell script, although it isn't difficult08:58
blankyi dont know...haha08:58
mkyb14try whereis08:58
_nano_oh ok Josh thanks :P08:58
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blankylike set the password08:58
Sodkipurplefeltangel, links08:58
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bayramich suche webcam treiber fr logitch ich benutze ubuntu bitte helfen08:58
runeviAnyone with experience with mdadm and raid5 here?08:58
_Gray_purplefeltangel: epiphany08:58
taxmanOblivion^: I had to install it by dling the deb and using dpkg -i. It installed with no complaints08:58
mr_hankywhere is the howto for getting mp3 support on rhythmbox?08:58
Madpilotardchoille: you can file bugs at bugzilla.ubuntu.com in the "enhancement" category if you want08:58
Oblivion^taxman: it gives nothing for wlanctl, but on wlan it gives linux-wlan-ng for wireless prism2 cards, ap-utils for accespoint stuff08:58
mikonianHow can I change the Gnome Bittorrent ports?08:58
mkyb14blanky: cd /etc/ssh08:58
kyncaniSodki: use apt-zip ?08:58
Oblivion^taxman: ah08:58
=== eXistenZ [n=emurz@bzq-218-83-226.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
_Gray_purplefeltangel: sudo apt-get install epiphany08:58
ompaulardchoille, go here get an account and write it up https://launchpad.net/ it is for that08:58
ardchoilleMadpilot: oh, it's not a bug.. I haven't found any bugs.08:59
sethkJosh43, you can say  for ((i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1 ))08:59
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sethkJosh43, do08:59
taxmanOblivion^: that may be it, I'll try that08:59
kidWhat was that program for a GUI browed? w2..something?08:59
ardchoilleompaul: thank you08:59
sethkJosh43, then the loop, one command per line08:59
_Gray_purplefeltangel: sudo apt-get install epiphany-browser08:59
Josh43sethk; is it possible to just do a single command line? like regex (never used regex, but from what Ive seen..)08:59
sethkJosh43, then the single line, done08:59
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sethkJosh43, it is a single command line.  The number of physical lines is irrelevant08:59
Oblivion^taxman: good luck08:59
_nano_gnomefreak, did you manage to get the hardware sensors working?08:59
sethkJosh43, the extra lines just let you leave out some of the semicolons08:59
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gnomefreak_nano_, what hardware sensors?09:00
_nano_gnomrefreak, for showing cpu temperature on the panel09:00
purplefeltangel_gray_ thank you09:00
mkyb14ok i got some house work to do, see you guys later09:00
gnomefreak_nano_,  never wanted it :)09:00
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priichpurplefeltangel, have you tried dillo ? It's not the best or have a complete feature-set but it is wicked fast09:00
Sodkikyncani, is apt-zip a part of ubuntu? because that's the only PC i have with ubuntu09:00
_nano_gnomefreak, :(09:00
purplefeltangelpriich i'll try it but i dont want to have like 5000 million browsers; im just trying to reinstall firefox09:01
pete__how come all m videos are very washed out coloring?09:01
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Josh43setsethk; would I do then "mv part[i] .rar" ?09:01
kidWhat is the name of the browser that can be run on cli, anyone?09:01
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djk_kid: lynx?09:01
Subhumankid,  lynx, links209:01
Josh43kid: lynx09:01
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kyncanikyncani: yes09:01
Subhumanlinks2 is prob better than lynx imo09:01
kyncanikyncani: i mean, you will have to download this one09:02
taxmanOblivion^: I don't get it. I have wlan-ng, but not wlanctl. Googling just comes up with a lot of people that have it, but nothing I can find tells where to get it09:02
kidI thought it was something like.. w23 or had some name like that, but I'll try that too09:02
_Gray_purplefeltangel: heres a script that automagically installs firefox 1.5 easily http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=99004&highlight=Firefox+1.509:02
kyncanikyncani: i don't know if it's on ubuntu's install c09:02
purplefeltangel_gray_ thats ok09:02
djk_kid: w3m09:02
Sodkikyncani, thanks09:02
Josh43sethk; would I do then "mv part[i] .rar" ?09:02
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kyncaniSodki: .. i just wrote to myself, didn't i :)09:02
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sethkJosh43, you can do that, as long as part[i]  resolves to a string09:03
zandaais there a way to open *.rar files on Ubuntu/09:03
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sethkJosh43, which it does by default09:03
djk_zandaa: unrar-nonfree09:03
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kidyes, thanks djk_09:03
pioursalut tou le monde09:03
djk_kid: no problem09:03
Josh43sethk; ok, so I have for (i) incrementing, then how do I pull the 'i' variable into the commandline?09:04
zandaadjk_, ok09:04
Matthewmy ubuntu installation cd AND the live cd can't see the partition setup on my hard drive. but last night i used gparted to delete one of the partitions (it could see them then just fine)09:04
Matthewi had a 20GB partition created by phoenix recovery software09:04
mr_hankywhere is the howto for getting mp3 support on rhythmbox?09:04
Matthewi deleted it, then uninstalled the recovery program09:04
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Matthewwindows disk manager sees the empty space09:04
sethkJosh43, you can say something like    while (i > 10)     or   for (i = 0; i < 10; )      (I left out the third part of the for statement, since you said you are already incrementing i, for some reason)09:04
freemanenwill howl be in dapper?09:04
Matthewbut now in ubuntu it just sees 1 80GB drive as "unallocated"09:05
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_Gray_mr_hanky: get automatix it can install codecs to play mp3s and alot of other handy stuff http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6656309:05
soldierssglalguien me lee09:05
beej_mr_hanky, just use xmms, i say09:05
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soldierssglalguien hbla hispano09:06
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Matthewany suggestions to make the partitions (which windows can see) "visible" to ubuntu?09:06
sethksoldierssgl, try ubuntu.es09:06
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Madpilot!tell mr_hanky about mp309:06
_Gray_Matthe: edit your /etc/fstab09:06
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dabaRIs there a proper(suggested) directory to install TomCat into, and is there a user that should run that server?09:06
Josh43sethk; for ((i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1 )){mount /media/floppy0;mv part(this is where I need numbers 1-125).rar /media/floppy0;umount /media/floppy0;read }09:06
taxmanok real dumb question, where can I find a list of breezy pacakges on the web where I can dl the,?09:06
coaghttp://pastebin.com/459873 im trying to setup my xorg.conf for dual monitors but it's not working09:06
Matthewgray - can i do that from the install cd? or the live cd?09:06
Madpilot!tell taxman about repos09:07
Madpilottaxman: also, you can search packages.ubuntu.com09:07
_Gray_Matthew: both. the command is sudo nano /etc/fstab09:07
Subhumantaxman, System / admininstation / synaptic pacage manager and look around there09:07
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taxmanMadpilot: thanks09:07
sethkJosh43, you don't usually use curly braces that way in a shell script, but it might work.09:07
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Matthewgray  - is it obvious what to do? (commented-out), or can you tell me what to type?09:08
MWettendorffis there a FTP server in ubuntu? and how do i install it??09:08
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Oblivion_afkMWettendorff: sudo apt-get install vsftpd09:08
[darkfire] Mwettendorff: Yes09:08
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Josh43sethk; yeah, I'm used to php ;) the last part of the equation then is how do I fill in the value for 'i' (from the for loop) into 'mv partXX.rar'?09:08
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[darkfire] Mwettendorff: You can use the built in one09:08
sethkJosh43, you can just do  mv part*.rar09:08
rosenI think Gftp is part of Ubuntu right ?09:09
Josh43sethk, I wish.. I'09:09
sethkJosh43, if there is only one file by that name on the floppy, you don't need to specify the name09:09
_Gray_Matthew: do you know which partitions the hard drives you want to see are on?09:09
[darkfire] Mwettendorff: Places->Connect to sever09:09
Oblivion_afk[darkfire] : huh, is there a built in one?09:09
[darkfire] *server09:09
yo2luxi have an OPL3 YAMAHA sound card, but ubuntu 5.10 don't see this card by default? What need to do to start the sound ? please help me a bit09:09
MWettendorffOblivion_afk: is that easy to admin??09:09
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Josh43sethk, I'm moving 125 files from the linux box to a floppy, then from the floppy to a laptop09:09
sethkJosh43, use multi-volume tar09:09
purplefeltangelhow do i get the panel icon for firefox to be the actual browser icon and not the globe thingy?09:09
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Matthewgray - i have one hard drive. i deleted an (approx) 20 GB partition last night, and then used GPARETED (with the live-cd) to make a new ext3 partition.09:09
Oblivion_afkMWettendorff: i find it pretty easy. it may be a bit of a wrestle with the config at first, but it's pretty ok, and safe too09:10
varsendaggeria ma using fluxbox how do i get a screensaver09:10
MWettendorff[darkfire] : is is not a client im looking for.. it is a server, so i can upload my webpages from my windows PC09:10
Matthewgray- but then i uninstalled the recvery software so i didn't know if that messed it up09:10
_Gray_Matthew: and you want to be able to see it?09:10
Matthewgray- according to windows, it's still parted09:10
Subhumanpurplefeltangel, google "easyubuntu" , its an app to help u set ubuntu up, and it has options to get ff to display itz real icons09:10
SEJeffJosh43: Put your script as is on www.pastebin.com with bash formatting09:10
ubotuI heard mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats09:10
Matthewgray - yes.09:10
runeviSEJeff: yikes.. hope my box survived that.  Just pulled the plug on it, due to it being _Far_ to hot. ;)09:10
runevi.. while creating the raid ;D09:10
purplefeltangelsubhuman: ok09:10
Matthewgray - currently the whole hard drive says "unallocated space"09:10
Josh43sethk, Yes, doing that; I have 125 files now - I'm trying to make it so I dont have to run the mv command 125 times09:10
Oblivion_afkMWettendorff: the accounts are the same as your ubuntu accounts, same home, username and password.09:10
sethkJosh43, you can't use a crossover cable and transfer machine to machine as on a network?09:10
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SEJeffrunevi: *cough* watercooling09:10
yo2luxwhat need to do to start my sound card in ubuntu?09:10
MWettendorffOblivion_afk: oh..do you have time to take me trough the setup??09:10
_Gray_Matthew: do you know where it was located (like /dev/hda1 /dev/hda2 etc)09:10
sethkJosh43, be a lot quicker and easier if both machines have ethernet09:11
Josh43sethk, Trust me, this is my /only/ option09:11
Oblivion^MWettendorff: sure09:11
Matthewgray - yes, it is /dev/hda209:11
runeviSEJeff: I'll ned to add another fan for the disks09:11
Matthewhda1 should be the windows partition.09:11
sethkJosh43, ok, it should work, but of course you'll be feeding floppies for quite a while09:11
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_Gray_Matthew: do you have AIM?09:11
Matthewgray yes.09:11
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Oblivion^MWettendorff: have you installed the package?09:11
_Gray_Matthew: add Gray051209:11
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yo2luxsorry guys but anyone answer my question :( ?09:12
MWettendorffOblivion^: sounds good.. Im doing thesudo command right now09:12
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Oblivion^MWettendorff: ok :)09:12
cfuerstjoin #valug09:12
MWettendorffOblivion^: it is done09:12
mikonianHow can I change the Gnome Bittorrent ports?09:12
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mikonianHow can I change the Gnome Bittorrent ports?09:12
Oblivion^MWettendorff: now, edit /etc/vsftpd.conf09:12
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Oblivion^MWettendorff: it's actually really obvious what to do09:13
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Josh43sethk, Exactly.. that's why the script09:13
cfuerst\msg NickServ IDENTIFY ubuntu09:13
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Josh43SEJeff, http://pastebin.com/45989209:13
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Josh43SEJeff, Tho, honestly; I've never made a bash script before :)09:13
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uboturepos is, like, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) see also !easysource09:14
yo2luxi have an OPL3 YAMAHA sound card, but ubuntu 5.10 don't see this card by default? What need to do to start the sound ? please help me a bit09:14
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Jakkorjust a quick question where is the iso in the Live CD download??  I cant seem to find anything to burn as an image.. i see the .bin but no .cue ect?  Please and thank you09:14
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MWettendorffOblivion^: oki.. i will look at it..09:14
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Oblivion^MWettendorff: i'll be right back, my server is doing stuff it shouldn't do. 2 minutes09:15
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MWettendorffOblivion^: sure09:15
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MadpilotJakkor: you burn the entire ISO as a unit09:15
wjbanyone else having a problem with ubuntuforums.org?09:15
SCMarkanyone know how to make xchat automatically not show join/part messages?09:16
Oblivion^omg, that explains the 'no route to host' errors,, i forgot to take out the ubuntu cd before shutting it down yesterday XD09:16
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JakkorOk i extracted and burned everything to CD (b/c i could not find a cd image file...) and then i put the CD in and it gave me the splash screen and nothing else09:17
topyliJosh43: it shows. that's not a script :)09:17
Raskallanyone with experience with the hp laserjet 1020 in ubuntu here? I am going to buy a laserprinter now and can only find hp lj 1015 and 1022 in the list of the add printer wizard.09:17
yo2luxwhat need to do to start my sound card in xfce? my dmesg see my card: OPL3-SA3 Sound Card, but in xfce i don't see the card and sount not work :(09:17
SEJeffJosh43: http://pastebin.com/459900 Maybe this would work better?09:17
Raskallis the 1020 compatible with the 1015?09:17
topyliSCMark: right click a tab and choose09:18
thewayofzen*question*  followed the guide  here ->  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75400  to try and get videos at music.yahoo.com to play.  did everything in the thread imaginable and still having no luck.  when the window pops up to allow me to watch the video it freezes when the progress bar reaches 50%  anyone able to get this working?09:18
SEJeffJosh43: If you come from a programming background, I *highly* suggest the Advanced Bash Scripting Guide: http://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/09:18
SCMarktopyli: I know how to do that.  I just hate hating to do it every time I open a channel.  I was wondering if there was a setting or preference I could set to always not show them09:18
SCMarker. get rid of one of those hates09:19
topyliSCMark: oh. dunno, i haven't used it for a while :(09:19
Oblivion^MWettendorff: back09:19
MWettendorffOblivion^: hmm.. the only thing i can see that i need to chance is: anonymous_enable09:19
ssamJakkor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BurningIsoHowto09:19
Oblivion^MWettendorff: could well be, just change it and do /etc/init.d/vsftpd restart09:19
Oblivion^MWettendorff: also, are you running behind a router and do you want to be able to access it from the internet?09:20
vodnikhello, i am rather a linux newbie (have it installed for about a month) and I am still wandering how it is supposed to work when running KDE applications in GNOME and the other way around. do I have to have both KDE and GNOME installed completely? I tried that and still KDE applications print out lots of stuff although they almost dont crash. I am using Ubuntu and therefore GNOME primarily09:20
MWettendorffOblivion^: so far, only lan access..09:20
=== ubotu chops RSJ in half with a free Solaris 7 CD, courtesy of johndarkhorse
Josh43SEJeff, that looks like that would work great - would moving to cp instead of move break the script tho? and last q: how can I make it pause after each file09:21
pete__i installed firefox 1.5 now everytime i load it it tells me about failures in the chrome ?09:21
RSJI'm not even talking in this channel!09:21
pete__anyone help?09:21
topylihow would i enable LVM in order to steal some space from a partition for another?09:21
Oblivion^MWettendorff: then there's no problem. i had that problem, with passive port ranges, because there is nothing about passive port ranges in the config by default09:21
djk_vodnik: no, just the required libs..09:21
Oblivion^MWettendorff: well, then you're all set09:21
Josh43RSJ, Now you are09:21
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MWettendorffOblivion^: did the restart thing, and it sais: Unable to open pidfile09:21
RSJI suppose that's true09:21
Oblivion^MWettendorff: uhh.. that's not supposed to happen >.<09:22
pete__can anyone help me with a firefox problem?09:22
Madpilotvodnik: KDE apps should run fine in Gnome, and vice versa - they do for me09:22
_Gray_pete__ what sort of problem09:22
ubuntu_can some1 help me with cd burnig from ubuntu? if its available09:22
MWettendorffOblivion^: start-stop-daemon: Unable to open pidfile `/var/run/vsftpd/vsftpd.pid' for writing: Permission denied (Permission denied)09:22
empeeehey guys..im using vmware in ubuntu..how can i stop modules from loading automatically? Such as when i plugin in a jump drive..vmware says it cant use the device because its already in use by the linux module..09:22
pete__i recently installed 1.5 but now when i start it09:22
pete__it yells about some failure in chrome ?09:22
_Gray_Thats a error with GNOME09:22
SCMarksweet I found out how to automatically get rid of join/part messages09:22
Oblivion^MWettendorff: ah wait, you have to do sudo /etc/init.d/vsftpd restart09:22
Madpilotubuntu_: there's lots of CD burning options in Ubuntu - what do you want to burn?09:22
pete__gray how do i fix it?09:23
J`vodnik, yes, they do. but i have prblms although.. so i avoid them.. you can try to install kubuntu-desktop09:23
MWettendorffOblivion^: how do i chance the homedir to the www folder?09:23
_Gray_pete__: you'll have to wait till Dapper or ff1.5 gets backported09:23
MWettendorffOblivion^: oh. yea.. i forgot.. al the commands usualy have sudo infront..09:23
pete__k gray thx09:23
SEJeffJosh43: sleep 10 will make it sleep 10 seconds09:24
MWettendorffOblivion^: and how can i set the users? and passwords?09:24
topylipete__: you're using a theme or an extension that's not compatible i suppose09:24
Oblivion^MWettendorff: uhh well.. you SHOULD be able to do that somewhere.. by default you have an ftp account for each user that has the root dir in the homedir of the user09:24
SEJeffJosh43: add something like this on a line09:24
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SEJeffJosh43: echo "Pausing..." && sleep 1009:24
Oblivion^MWettendorff: the users are the same as your linux users09:24
pete__nah topyli09:25
pete__i wasn't using anything09:25
Josh43SEJeff, hrm.. normally I would say great, but I can't babysit it :( Is there any way to wait for input?09:25
_Gray_pete__: its normal it doesnt break anything09:25
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pixelmonkeydoes anyone here use Tomboy and notice that spellcheck isn't working in breezy?09:26
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MWettendorffOblivion^: hmm.. then i haev to add more users.. oh, well.. just hope they never figure out that they can log on the server with that..09:26
aSt3raLis there anyway to make ubuntu recognize a usb network adapter?09:26
SEJeffJosh43: http://pastebin.com/459922 Try this out09:26
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chrisx1Any1 Know How To Setup Apache2 For Use Of My Website?09:27
ardchoillew00t! I have registered a new bounty for nautilus scripts :)09:27
_Gray_aSt3raL: Ubuntu has trouble with usb because they mostly use proprietary drivers09:27
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MWettendorffOblivion^: how did you mean that i chance the homedir to /var/www??09:27
topyliaSt3raL: generally they are a pain and nearly impossible to get working with linux. get a real one says i09:27
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aSt3raLi have a linksys wusb854g ver409:28
SEJeffaSt3raL: One of my buddies got one working using ndiswrapper. Install ndisgtk from universe and try it out09:28
Oblivion^MWettendorff: well, i have a different setup, i changed the document root of my apache to /home/paul/www09:28
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Josh43SEJeff, Ahhh - Perfect :)09:28
SEJeffaSt3raL: Many of those use the broadcom chipset which doesn't have native linux drivers09:28
SEJeffJosh43: Glad to help :)09:28
Oblivion^MWettendorff: but you could make a user with /var/www as homedir or something09:28
aSt3raLyeah i got the builtin network adapter to work with ndiswrapper09:29
ssamthere will be broadcom drivers in dapper09:29
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aSt3raLbut i get a bunch of errors when i do the same thing with the usb one09:29
MWettendorffOblivion^: i will try that09:29
KurtKrautHow can I kill this processes ? kill -9 is not working:  7348 ?        Zl     0:30 [xine]  <defunct>09:29
SEJeffssam: There will be broadcom drivers when they are in the mainline kernel... They just did a 0.1 release and aren't ready for the kernel yet09:29
chrisx1Oblivion^, Do You Know How To Setup Apache for nameservers for my website?09:29
SEJeffssam: They might be in the release after dapper09:29
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Oblivion^chrisx1: you want to use apache for updating a nameserver?09:30
ssamSEJeff, i though the drivers might make it, there are a few people on the forums using them09:30
chrisx1Oblivion^, I Have A Site But I Want To Use My Ubuntu Box As Its Server09:30
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SEJeffssam: I use dapper. Dapper includes the 2.6.15 kernel. The lead developer posted on the linux kernel mailinglist that they weren't ready for kernel inclusion yet and lack some features09:31
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linuksoHas anybody here got w32codecs? I just wonder where xine expects to find the codecs...09:31
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vodnikdjk_ yes, but why then the applications seem not to work properly - is it because they are somewhat buggy themselves (or their versions included in ubuntu) or because they are run in gnome - for example when I installed khelpcenter, it an be runned only from terminal, when i try to open it form a KDE application, it wont start, kontrol does not have anything in it (so it is useless since i cannot configure anything through it)... not mentioning09:31
vodnikkhelpcenter not being able to build index for search09:31
ssamSEJeff, ok, sorry09:31
lennard_I have a problem with nvidia driver - when i install it , my monitor doesn't get any image - I tried dpkg-reconfigure but it doesnt help.  (its a new flatscreen, nvidia worked fine with my old crt screen)09:31
Oblivion^chrisx1: ah, but you have a domain, and you want to point that to your ubuntu box09:31
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Oblivion^chrisx1: you should run BIND then, but i don't know much about that09:31
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linuksoforget it, I found it...09:32
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beej_bah, that didn't work09:33
SEJeffssam: http://lkml.org/lkml/2005/12/4/9009:33
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beej_sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg09:33
_Gray_lennard: did you edit xorg.conf to change "nv" to "nvidia"09:33
DjLinXis anyone familiar with installing steam thru cedega here?09:33
beej_DjLinX, I did it on fedora core 409:33
vodnikJ`yes, i would love not to use them, but I love krusader so much (could be a killer application for me, luckily it runs somewhat file, only the plugins are not working very well and I did not find a way to change default file types handlers yet either...)09:33
Oblivion^DjLinX: i'm still trying to install cedega. you don't happen to have some pointers?09:33
_Gray_DjLinX: you can get it running on wine i have it running on my box09:33
lennard_Yes, i get the same problem - no image, but i can hear my fan speeding down, so the driver is working, its just not getting trough to my screen.. or something09:33
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DjLinXoblivion^ pm me09:34
vodniklinukso: yes, i got them, wait a minute, i will post you a link09:34
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beej_DjLinX, installing steam?09:34
DjLinX_Gray_ is it good on wine?09:34
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DjLinXbeej_ im gettin an eror09:34
_Gray_DjLinX: it works perfectly for me09:34
beej_have you read transgaming's latest news about it? i haven't since I stopped using fedora09:34
DjLinXbeej_ it installs09:34
beej_DjLinX, what error09:35
Oblivion^DjLinX: ok, but i'll have to register my nick first i see..09:35
taxmanok this is wierd. linux-wlan-ng is supposed to have wlanctl, but I have that package installed and I don't have wlanctl09:35
DjLinXbeej_ but when it goes to lauch steam it says...09:35
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_Gray_DjLinX: go here to get help on getting steam on wine http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wfsection/article.php?articleid=1709:35
SEJefftaxman: dpkg -L linux-wlan-ng | grep ctl09:35
DjLinXbeej_ Could not execute the external program(new line) C:09:35
SEJefftaxman: Maybe it *is* installed but not in your $PATH09:35
DjLinXbeej_then dir to steam09:36
taxmanSEJeff: problem is my ubuntu computer has no network09:36
taxmanSEJeff: locate didn't find it either09:36
SEJefftaxman: Try that command09:36
beej_hmm, i think that happened to me once...09:36
beej_let me loo09:36
SEJefftaxman: I didn't say use locate. Try that command09:36
taxmanSEJeff: will do, just a sec09:36
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MWettendorffOblivion^: aint there any dockumentation on that ftp server??09:37
DjLinXbeej_ k09:37
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B7su4i downloaded peerguardnf-1.5beta.i386.deb, does anyone know how to install it?09:37
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lennard__Gray_, any thoughts?09:37
xangel36im new to this so can someone help me?09:37
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_Gray_lennard_ did you install the nvidia drivers through apt-get/synaptic?09:38
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Subhumanxangel36, wats your problem?09:38
hyperactivecrondhave you all seen the "how to install ubuntu" guide in maximumPC?09:38
MillenniumgroupB7su4 dpkg -- peerguardnf-1.5beta.i386.deb09:38
Millenniumgroupor dpkg -i file.deb.09:38
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xangel36i want to know how to install aplicatios i downloaded from softpedia09:39
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_jasoncan anyone recommend a hex editor that will allow me to copy the actual hex?  (I'm using ghex2 and it's not letting me :/)09:39
_Gray_xangel36: youre better off using synaptic09:39
hyperactivecrond...what this isn't good enough to be on the main ubuntu page?09:39
hmpedersenBah! "Your operating system must be Windows 98 SE or newer to browse our archives!" as if breezy isnt newer than 98 se!09:39
moebiusis there any version of libstdc++ in ubuntu 5.10 that support GLIBC 3.4.6?09:39
beej_DjLinX, did you buy a transgaming account, or are you using the free one (winex)09:39
_jasonhmpedersen, get the user agent switcher for firefox09:39
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xangel36ok but is the command alien -i (aplecation name) usefull becuase for me it does not wor09:40
_Gray_lennard_: did you install nvidia drivers through synaptic/apt-get or the binary from nvidia website?09:40
hmpedersen_jason: where would i find that?09:40
_jasonhmpedersen, it's an extension, should be on the mozilla firefox extensions page09:40
SEJeffxangel36: sudo alien -i packagename09:40
vodnikby the way, is there an easy way to tell some program which icon it should use?09:40
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hmpederseni forgot to tape the program, and i pay $5 a month to be able to get to the archives..09:40
xangel36yeah that09:40
=== hyperactivecrond is re-converting to ubuntu (again)
xangel36does that work?09:41
thrice`hyperactivecrond: converting from?09:41
fooballHi. Could someone sort one tiny problem out? I enabled the multiverse like instructed and refreshed the data but packages like java-package and acroread etc are not available for me.. What is wrong here?09:41
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B7su4Millenniumgroup, that command did not work09:41
thrice`hyperactivecrond: why's that?09:41
taxmanSEJeff: ok, I apparently didn't have linux-wlan-ng installed. I just had files that made me think I did. I need to read more docs :) thanks09:42
DjLinXbeej_ i got it off of torrent09:42
hyperactivecrondthrice`, because...09:42
Millenniumgroupthen you typed it wrong09:42
Millenniumgroupdpkg --install file.deb09:42
Millenniumgroupdpkg --install blablbllbalblab.deb09:42
beej_as I read09:42
ssamSEJeff, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9986109:42
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DjLinXbeej_ so im guessin its the real one but with no acc09:42
chrisx1sorry power cut09:42
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beej_yeah, as far as I remember, you had to have a transgaming account to get the files you needed for steam, etc09:42
fooballI'm following the 5.10 starter guide and things on it just do not work about installing Java and others :/09:43
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DjLinXi had it working last time i installed it tho09:43
SEJeffssam: Something that works and something that is officially supported by the ubuntu foundation AND canonical are 2 entirely different things09:43
beej_try the CVS version, it's free, and there's an auto install script from linux-gamers.net09:43
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SEJeffssam: Thats cool to know though but I don't think that will be in dapper officially as even the guy who wrote it says it's not production ready yet09:43
beej_DjLinX, i've gotta run, sorry I couldn't be of more help09:43
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=== beej_ is away: This 'internet' you speak of, is it serious business?
chrisx1i need to find someone who can help me with apache209:44
czrhmm. are there any ubuntu developers present on this channel?09:44
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fooballno one can / is willing to help me? :(09:44
zandaaanyone know a good peer to peer file sharing program on Ubuntu?09:44
DjLinXbeej_ np09:44
chrisx1zandaa, gtk-gnutella09:44
SEJeffssam: You are right though, I just found it with grep09:45
zandaachrisx1, thanks09:45
ssamSEJeff, i guess we'll just have to see. ubuntu include a few non mainline drivers (ralink), but it requires them to take resposibility09:45
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fooballcan anyone even read me? :(09:46
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Sneaky_Bastardnobody can read you09:46
ssamfooball, hello09:46
fooballJust wondering wether those faqs and documents on help.ubuntu.com are just outdated and lie completely09:46
Madpilotfooball: by far the easiest way to install Java is just to download it from Sun's website...09:46
JormundgandI solved my Flash sound problem by removing Firefox 1.5. =P09:47
Madpilothelp.u.c should be fairly up to date...09:47
ubotujavadebs is, like, Sun Java debs packaged for breezy are at http://www.giannaros.org/public/breezydebs/ To install these, open a terminal, cd to the directory you downloaded them to, and type "sudo dpkg -i filename.deb"09:47
fooballI know that fakeroot route actually, done it many times earlier. Just that can't apt-get install java-package09:47
hmpedersen_jason: thanx.. but..09:47
hyperactivecronderr... how stable is dapper?09:47
SEJeffMadpilot: That is the easiest way by far09:47
_jasonhmpedersen, didn't work?09:47
fooballsimply the Multiverse packages are like ALL missing although I enabled multiverse09:47
=== Matthew [n=ubuntu@adsl-69-152-206-204.dsl.fyvlar.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
hmpedersen_jason: no.. it seems it allso requires ms mplayer 9 :(09:47
Matthewgray. :v) i'm back09:47
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_jasonhmpedersen, lol09:48
SEJeffhyperactivecrond: If you aren't ok with the linux internals and like to file lots of bug reports, don't use dapper09:48
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zandaachrisx1, for some reason gtk-gnutella won't connect09:48
ssamhyperactivecrond, the base is ok, but i have no X at the moment09:48
Matthewgray i'm in linux under live cd09:48
B7su4Millenniumgroup, gave me an error09:48
hmpedersenAnd since my router is dead, that means i cant boot my windows box and watch it..09:48
hyperactivecrondaah no x09:48
chrisx1zandaa, Get the latest deb from sourceforge09:48
ssamhyperactivecrond, you could try a daily live cd09:48
Matthewgray under gparted it says "unallocated" 76gb for the only partition09:48
SEJeffhyperactivecrond: I am running xchat in dapper right now. But dont' use it if you don't know how to fix things09:48
_jasonhmpedersen, can you link me?  maybe we can outsmart it09:48
zandaasourceforge, ok09:48
hmpedersenand i will NOT wait till tomorrow when they send it again09:48
fooball:( E: Couldn't find package java-package09:48
_jasonhmpedersen, or is this not a public thing?09:48
ubotuI guess javadebs is Sun Java debs packaged for breezy are at http://www.giannaros.org/public/breezydebs/ To install these, open a terminal, cd to the directory you downloaded them to, and type "sudo dpkg -i filename.deb"09:49
MillenniumgroupB7su4 which is?09:49
SEJefffooball: ^09:49
hmpedersen_jason i doubt you'll understand much.. its danish09:49
Matthewgray under windows, though, it says two partitions - one 71 gb windows, one 20-something gb unknown09:49
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hmpedersenIts a pay-service..09:49
Madpilot!tell fooball about javadeb09:49
_jasonhmpedersen, oh09:49
fooballSEJeff: yesyes. now what about the acroread and ~50 of the other packages I want to install next from _multiverse_ ?09:49
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hmpedersenoh well09:49
fooballand keep automatically updated naturally09:49
_Gray_!tell _Gray_ about mp309:50
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hmpedersenAtleast i found something ive needed for long :)09:50
MillenniumgroupI don't know your setup but in order to install .deb you got a few choices like dpkg --install file.deb09:50
Millenniumgroupdpkg -i file.deb.09:50
andrew_Something odd happened to my ubuntu box last night. For some reason, mysqld shut down, and now I cant get it back up again09:50
=== Fujitsu [n=Fujitsu@c211-28-179-31.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
B7su4 sudo dpkg --install peerguardnf-1.5beta.i386.deb09:50
B7su4dpkg: error processing peerguardnf-1.5beta.i386.deb (--install):09:50
B7su4 cannot access archive: No such file or directory09:50
B7su4Errors were encountered while processing:09:50
B7su4 peerguardnf-1.5beta.i386.deb09:50
andrew_Ive had a look through the syslog files, but cant find anything about what caused it09:50
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Madpilotfooball: Multiverse will be updated when Dapper is released09:51
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chrisx1Is Bind For Nameservers On Websites?09:51
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MillenniumgroupB7su4, you spelled it wrong or the file doesn't exsist09:51
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Millenniumgroupuse tab to get the full name like peer (press tab) in the directory09:51
fooballMadpilot: well, would be nice if it worked at least for once for just installing stuff then.09:51
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hyperactivecrondB7su4, CaSe SensiTIVity is important09:52
andrew_Can anyone help me track down the problem?09:52
B7su4Millenniumgroup, i am an idiot...i forgot to cd Desktop/09:52
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fooballseems nothing works on this shit. back to fedora, at least their faqs and documents DO NOT BLATANTLY lie about how it is possible to install certain software. bye09:52
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Millenniumgrouplol your not an idiot, good luck with peer guardian :)09:52
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B7su4Millenniumgroup, it said setting up peerguardian...that means it is installed?09:53
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neosublimeI'm new to ubuntu, and I want to have my wife's slow computer atostart an X session with my system... where do I add X -query <my-system>?09:53
Millenniumgroupyeah, type it peerguardian and it should start09:53
=== Jhair [n=jhair@p54A3DEB9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
hmpedersen_jason: perhaps u could help me with another problem i have, since u know so much about firefox :)09:54
chrisx1What Is Bind?09:54
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ardchoilleHas the new ideas section been taken out of the launchpad.net ?09:54
hyperactivecrondardchoille, look in the wiki09:55
_jasonhmpedersen, lol I swear all I know is user agent switcher :)  but you can ask and I'll give it a shot09:55
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ardchoillehyperactivecrond: ah, good idea. Thanks09:55
BlueDevilneosublime: you could write an init script and add it to run in runlevel 209:55
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hyperactivecrondnp ardchoille  but look under HowToParticipate09:55
B7su4Millenniumgroup, says command notfound09:55
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hmpedersen_jason: heh.. you dont know how to make firefox accept ed2k:// as valid urls? (and perhaps even to make them open in amule)?09:55
neosublimebut I don't want to log into the local system.. I want the X session to be automatic, so she will just login like she normally does09:56
_jasonhmpedersen, I don't, but I have seen a tutorial on the forums for doing that with gaim links which may be similar, let me see if I can find it09:56
hmpedersenbeen asking around here every now and then, without anyone knowin..09:57
zandaait's disappointing to see that most of the programs for Ubuntu don't support 64-bits PCs :(09:57
pete__screaming!, mother fuckers they left me broke and bleading09:57
chrisx1What Is Bind?09:57
hmpedersenoh.. evenin zandaa :)09:57
zandaahmpedersen, evening:P09:57
_jasonhmpedersen, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81926&highlight=gaim+link+firefox read that through but of course change it for emule, let me know if you get it to work09:57
=== magi [n=magi@76.Red-83-34-224.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
hmpedersen_jason thanx :)09:57
JhairHi, on an AMD64 environment  I want to open my pdf files using Acroread which runs inside a 32-bit chroot. I want to do it from Nautilus. Nautilus has the "Open with Other Application"->"Use a custom comand", but I don't know how the command line should be so that the name of the selected file in Nautilus is opened (I use the dchroot -d acroread command, which shows Acroread with no files opened).09:58
=== Goshawk [n=Goshawk@host154-107.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
JhairAny ideas on this? Thanks.09:58
neosublimeI'm new to ubuntu, and I want to have my wife's slow computer atostart an X session with my system... where do I add X -query <my-system>?09:58
neosublimewithout loginig in09:58
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BlueDevilJhair: try %f09:59
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pete__i recently downloaded a desklet, i was wondering if anyone can help me install it?09:59
BlueDevilneosublime: init scripts09:59
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chaumurkyneosublime: the entries yoiu need are in /etc/gdm/gdm.conf09:59
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MWettendorffhow can i add the /var/www to my own homefolder??10:00
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Plughneosublime: It can be configured via the GUI tools10:00
chaumurkyautologin true and add the username to the line below.10:00
BlueDevilMWettendorff: ~/public_html10:00
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chani_why does acpi suck so hard on my laptop?10:01
neosublimewhat gui tools10:01
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MWettendorffBlueDevil: ?? please explain.. ( total n00b here )10:01
JhairBlueDevil, thanks for your suggestion. I got from Acroread "There was an error opening this document. No such file or directory" with 'dchroot -d acroread %f'... I will try with %s now, I think some programs use that10:01
Bill__Does anyone have a moment to help me get mod_python working on my ubuntu home server?10:01
BlueDevilchani_: b0rken bios? :)10:01
BlueDevilMWettendorff: you want to be able to host a web page on your account?10:02
lightbrightchani_: maybe its sleepy10:02
emil!macromedia flash player10:02
ubotuI haven't a clue, emil10:02
Plughneosublime: Using the menus at the top of the screen its System --> Administration --> Login Screen Setup. The stuff you want is in there. You can do auto log in for a given user but have a slight delay before auto log in so you can have log in as a different user (if neccessary) for administration.10:03
BlueDevilJhair: you can try with xmessage %s %F %f etc to actually see what's expanded10:03
JhairUgh, that didn'n work neither I tried with quotes also (the file I am trying has spaces on it)10:03
JhairBlueDevil, great idea I will do that10:03
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BlueDevilPlugh: that's not what he wanst10:04
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zandaachrisx1, <_< the gtk-gnutella that's on sourceforge, is for i386 only, not for amd6410:04
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phoulHello i just installed lg-all from synaptic and im wondering where it put all the issues..10:04
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HobzWhen i'm installing ubuntu after XP, should I put /boot on the MBR or somewhere else?10:04
neosublimegot it... but I want her system to auto X -query <my-sys> without starting up a local Xsession on her system. basicly just a terminal10:04
djk_Hobz: doesn't matter.10:04
CorrosionXHey anyone here knows a way to run Ubuntu from within Windows (like as an emulator, my linux is on another partition)10:04
B7su4anyone know how to activate peerguardian?10:04
MWettendorffBlueDevil: i want to be abel to jump to that dir, when i log in to the FTP ( vsftpd ) so i can upload the pages that im going to test, before i upload them to my real host on the net.. I also have 5 other users on the network, that has to be abel to do the same10:04
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zandaaCorrosionX, I don't think that's possible10:04
phoulWhere did lg-all save the issues to10:05
chrisx1zandaa, no idea then10:05
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chrisx1any1 help with bind please10:05
zandaa<_< frickin stupid.........10:05
CorrosionXzandaa: i had a knoppix live cd boot from within windows once, i think with QEMU10:05
BlueDevilneosublime: i'll say this for the last time: use an init script!10:05
zandaaCorrosionX, rlly?10:05
CorrosionXyup any knoppix live cd can do that i think10:05
zandaaany other good Peer to Peer file sharing programs for 64-bit pcs?10:06
phoulCmon somone must know where LG stores th issues10:06
neosublimegot it...10:06
neosublimethanks guys10:06
CorrosionXzaanda: what you haven't given up on 64bit yet? :)10:06
Doriomanneosublime: The gui would be under system configuration >login screen setup10:06
pete__hi i need some help installing desklets?10:06
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zandaaCorrosionX, it's the only frickin PC I got <_<10:06
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defiance`a quick question10:06
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phoulCMon guys10:06
phoulAnyone know10:06
BlueDevilMWettendorff: and what's the problem?10:06
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defiance`why doesn't my locale work?10:07
rambo3why dont you use locate or find10:07
CorrosionXzandaa: amd64?10:07
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phoulLinux gazzet10:07
zandaaCorrosionX, yeh10:07
phoulWhere does it store the issues10:07
BlueDevilDorioman: man, you don't know what you're talking about10:07
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CorrosionXzandaa: yeah i got that too but i finally decided to use i386 because i couldn't get anything working in amd6410:07
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defiance`http://pastebin.com/459983 <-- Can anyone help me solve that?10:07
rambo3it should be in /usr/share /g*10:07
zandaaCorrosionX, how you do it then?10:08
doogluswhy do people have a separate /boot partition?  what's the point?10:08
CorrosionXzandaa: reinstall ubutun i386 and forget you have a 64bit processor :)10:08
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pete__can anyone help me install gdesklets?10:08
BlueDevildefiance`: try export LOCALE=C10:08
nekostareh thats right i wanna get rid of the desklets10:08
phouldoes anyone know10:08
defiance`BlueDevil, still get the same error.10:08
chrisx1How Do I Untar Something?10:08
CorrosionXuntil the day we can finally get some support (no 64bit drivers for anything)10:08
zandaaCorrosionX, nvm..... don't feel like losing all I've set up already <_<10:08
MWettendorffBlueDevil: the problem is when i log in to the FTP (using a difrent PC) i end in the /home/username/ folder.. and i it to jump directly in to the /var/www folder10:09
defiance`BlueDevil, apt complains aswell.. It's been like this since I dist-upgraded from hoary to breezy.10:09
phoulAnyone know where the linux gazzet holds its issues?10:09
BlueDevilphoul: you installed by package?10:09
CorrosionXzandaa: yeah that's what i thought... then I spent more time trying to make everything work... i lost even more time there10:09
rambo3phoul i just answerd you10:09
zandaaCorrosionX, I've got a lot set up already10:09
phoulBlueDevil, i installed from synaptic the file called lg-all10:09
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chrisx1How Do I Untar Something?10:09
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rambo3right klick on it and untar10:09
CorrosionXbut since everything is available in i386 you just sudo apt-get install everything you need and you're up and running10:09
doogluschrisx1: tar xf <something>10:09
ompaulchrisx1, tar xvf food.tar10:10
phoulrambo where tho10:10
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BlueDevilphoul: i expect that's a metapackage10:10
CorrosionXzandaa: we got played man10:10
zandaaCorrosionX, I can tell....10:10
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BlueDevilphoul: dpkg -L <one specific issue>10:10
pete__can anyone help me install desklets?10:10
MWettendorffBlueDevil: i dont want to be abel to see all th e folders of my root10:10
phoulblue i got it from synaptic10:10
chrisx1how do i unpack a gz then?10:10
pete__yea gray i have the files10:10
pete__i donot know what to do now.10:10
BlueDevilMWettendorff: what do you want then?10:10
_Gray_pete__: sudo apt-get install gdesklets gdesklets-data10:11
B7su4anyone know how to activate peerguardian?10:11
starlaI just suddenly can't log into gnome in any way possible.  not even in failsafe gnome. it says "your session lasted less than 10 seconds..." and advises me to log in to failsafe terminal to try to fix the problem but I don't know where the problem might be10:11
doogluschrisx1: gunzip <something>10:11
CorrosionXzandaa: but just backup your home dir, you'll keep most crucial prefs and documents10:11
starlacan someone help me try to resolve this?10:11
BlueDevilphoul: then synaptic told you it's gonna install more packages, right?10:11
MWettendorffBlueDevil: i only want to see the /var/www folder.. and the users own homefolder10:11
_Gray_pete__: you dont need any downloads they are all in synaptic10:11
phoulblue no10:11
zandaaCorrosionX, <_<......10:11
doogluschrisx1: if it's a .tar.gz or a .tgz, just "tar xf <something>" will do it10:11
phoulIt just installed them and left it10:11
lightbrightzandaa: why not do as I doo, backup your whole hard drive to another hard drive?10:11
CorrosionXzandaa: then it's really easy to install everything you need with just a couple of commands with i386 files, cause nothing is missing and everything is compatible10:12
pete__ok gray i am runniong that10:12
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pete__how do i get them in synaptic?10:12
zandaalightbright, I don't have another HD nor the money to buy one10:12
BlueDevilMWettendorff: if the ftp server chroots, it's gonna be hard10:12
_Gray_chrisxl: tar.gz requires tar -xvzf <file>10:12
lightbrightzandaa: what country do you live in?10:12
zandaalightbright, The Netherlands10:12
_Gray_pete__: what do you mean? you want to use synaptic not apt-get?10:12
dooglus_Gray_: no true.  v means verbose, and is optional.  z means gzipped and again is optional.10:12
pete__gray i did apt-get10:12
lightbrightzandaa: why are you broke living in Netherlands? there is so much opportunity there10:12
phoulI cant find them dammit10:12
oxez_Hey, I checked /var/log/auth.log and I received over 5000 login attempts since last week from attackers. From what I see they have not gained access to my box. However I see this line: Dec 11 12:39:01 localhost CRON[2264] : (pam_unix) session opened for user root by (uid=0). 'CRON', I guess that's crontab doing a daily job?10:13
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pete__it's done gray10:13
pete__what do i do now/10:13
_Gray_dooglus: using v is better to check for errors and i thought it was for a gzipped file?10:13
zandaalightbright, <_< can't get a job because of the busy frickin school life10:13
dooglus_Gray_: the - is also optional, and means that the 'f' has to go last.  it's better not to use it IMHO.  "tar xf" is easier to remember, and always works10:13
MWettendorffBlueDevil: well.. i had hoped that i coud place a form of link in the Homefolder, that is directet to the /var/www10:13
ompauloxez_, yeap10:13
_Gray_dooglus: yeah i guess so lol to each his own10:13
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pete__k gray i typed gdesklets10:13
pete__now what?10:13
_Gray_pete__: it should be installed10:13
oxez_ompaul: ok thanks :p From december 7 to today, I have a lot of failed login attempts, that's sad10:13
phoulWill anyone help me please10:13
Trebordodunder iwconfig my wlan0 essid is set to "off/any" when I try and change it nothing happens.  Can anyone help me with this?10:14
phoulI need to find these10:14
lightbrightzandaa: when I was at school. I was working part time as well. and there are thousands of kids from your country just as busy in school as you, yet work part time as well10:14
pete__k gray, how do i run desklets?10:14
hmpedersenFinally got it working :)10:14
_Gray_pete__: did a icon appear in the system tray?10:14
hmpedersenThanx _jasn10:14
dooglus_Gray_: v fills the screen with stuff - it's easy to miss errors as they scroll off the screen quicker.  and tar doesn't need you to tell it the file is gzipped - it can tell for itself by checking the file's magic number10:14
pete__i think so yes10:14
lightbrightzandaa: making excuses all your life will keep you broke and unsuccessful10:14
hmpedersenThanx _jason *10:14
ompauloxez_, you should check your crontab for the entry and chase it back then if something bad happens you know what it is10:14
hypn0phoul: u installed lg-all?10:14
BlueDevilphoul: synaptic told you what packages it installed10:14
pete__yes it did gray10:14
zandaalightbright, I'm not making excuses, you don't even know how my school life is <_<10:14
Trebordodunder iwconfig my wlan0 essid is set to "off/any" when I try and change it nothing happens.  Can anyone help me with this?10:14
oxez_ompaul: yes I will, thanks :)10:14
phoulBlue no shit10:14
starlacan someone help me figure out what the problem is if ubuntu tells me "your session lasted only less than 10 seconds. if you haven't logged yourself out it could be an installation problem or out of disk space. log into one of the failsafe sessions to try to fix it"10:14
phoulhypn0, yes i did10:14
zandaalightbright, or my regular life for that matter.10:14
BlueDevilMWettendorff: does your ftp daemon chroot?10:14
_Gray_pete__: you can configure gdesklets now to your liking10:14
lightbrightzandaa: jhow many hours a week do you watch television?10:14
_Gray_dooglus: thanks for that info.10:15
zandaalightbright, I don't watch TV10:15
lightbrightzandaa: jhow many hours a week do you watch television? and / or play your xbox or ps2?10:15
ompaulphoul, language please - we like to be G rated10:15
zandaalightbright, don't have a XBOX or PS2 either10:15
lightbrightzandaa: so you telling me in the last month you never watched tv even for 5 mins?10:15
zandaalightbright, maybe 5 mins to catch the news or whatever10:15
lightbrightzandaa: how many hours a day do you sleep?10:15
dooglus_Gray_: same goes for bzip2ed files too.  the 'j' is optional10:15
zandaalightbright, I dunno10:15
B7su4anyone know how to activate peerguardian?10:16
lightbrightzandaa: roughly10:16
phoulhypn0, i installed lg-all10:16
zandaalightbright, about the normal 8 hours or less10:16
FujitsuTV _is_ bad.10:16
_Gray_dooglus: i always used the j what a waste..... lol10:16
hmpedersen_jason, u there?10:16
hypn0r they in /usr/share/doc/lg-issueXX/ phoul ?10:16
dooglus_Gray_: heh10:16
MWettendorffBlueDevil: yea i think so. i can send you the conf file, so you can see it10:16
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lightbrightzandaa: well I sleep for 6 hours and so can you!  8 is too much!  so thats a saving of 14 hours a week you can invest into part time work!  Then you can save for a  hard drive and backup Ubuntu :)10:16
lockheadwas it: ./configure; make; make install?10:16
_Gray_dooglus: i already setup aliases anyways lol10:16
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lockheador make install; make?10:17
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richard_zandaa; i find school demanding enough to not work10:17
lightbrightzandaa: are you trying to tell me that for 16 hours every single day of the year, you do school work?10:17
BlueDevilMWettendorff: vsftpd?10:17
zandaalightbright, right.... so I guess you don't know my day to day life...10:17
richard_zandaa; i have to work all summer and save so i can take off during the school days10:17
richard_zandaa; so i agree with you10:17
MWettendorffBlueDevil: yes. that is the ftpserver i have installed10:17
zandaarichard_, I've got work enough for school as it is10:17
lightbrightrichard_: zandaa is just making excuses for being broke :P10:18
lightbrightzandaa: are you trying to tell me that for 16 hours every single day of the year, you do school work?10:18
zandaalightbright, no I'm not...10:18
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pete__how do i install10:18
doogluszandaa, lightbright, richard_: this is really off-topic.  can you take it to #ubuntu-offtopic ?10:18
phoulin usr/share/doc there are foldures for each issue but if i open up the foldure theres no issue in it10:18
lightbrightzandaa:  you said you sleep for 8 hours so that means you are claiming that for 16 hours every single day of the year, you do school work!   Is this what you expecting us to believe?10:18
itzNeed a direct connect client to my ubuntu. One that most hubs allows...10:18
lightbrightdooglus: ok np10:18
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zandaadooglus, will do10:18
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richard_dooglus; ok10:18
zandaalightbright, I end this discussion here on my part.10:19
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phoulhypn0,  in usr/share/doc there are foldures for each issue but if i open up the foldure theres no issue in it \10:19
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pete__how do i install lmsensors/10:19
BlueDevilMWettendorff: sorry, not familiar with it; besides, ftp is evil :)10:19
hmpedersenwell.. time to go get a wee bit o sleep..10:19
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JhairBlueDevil, hm. it was easier as a though, acroread $1 works. I am sure other applications need a %-modifier to make them work10:20
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BlueDevilJhair: glad to hear it :)10:20
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czranyone here using amarok with breezy?10:20
gnomefreakpete__,  did you try sudo apt-get install lmsensors?10:20
eksajmhey guys i have a question about dhcp.10:20
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_Gray_czr: why use that when u can use rhythmbox :P10:20
eksajmmy router can reserve a internal ip, why doesnt this work for me10:20
pete__yes gnome.10:21
MWettendorffBlueDevil: oh.. you are proberly right.. but i had no problems with the setup if it was on a 2003 server.. have done that many times.10:21
czr_Gray_, because I like amarok more?10:21
eksajmi get different internal ips allt he time10:21
ompauleksajm, that is dhcp for ya10:21
eksajmdoes the hostname change for my ubunto box10:21
eksajmcause ot works for all other OSs10:21
_Gray_czr: makes sense lol i never really got into amarok10:21
Madpilotpete__: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SensorInstallHowto10:21
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BlueDevilMWettendorff: you could try webdav10:21
CorrosionXamarok is great, it's better than most windows jukebox apps10:21
_Gray_your motherboard has to support hardware sensors10:21
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czr_Gray_, the problem with amarok in breezy is that it sucks a lot of CPU or just dies (for other people)10:21
MWettendorffBlueDevil: and that is??10:22
eksajmompaul, well my router works for other computers10:22
eksajmbut why not for this.10:22
gnomefreakahhhhhhhhhh lm-sensors10:22
_Gray_thats why i dont liek it its a system resource hog compared to others10:22
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eksajmdoes ubuntu change some variable in the name every time?10:22
Josh43czr; think alot of that is amarok's default theme10:22
bob832eksajm:  i have noticed the same thing with my router however, I am not sure why10:22
czr_Gray_, you missed the point. it sucks CPU on breezy10:22
ompauleksajm, you are getting different ips for your linux box?10:22
CorrosionXanyone been able to make an Intel Pro Wireless card (ipw2200) work on Ubuntu?10:22
B7su4anyone know how to activate peerguardian?10:22
czrJosh43, nah, was using the same exact theme in debian, was quite ok10:22
_Gray_czr: thats why i dont use it.....10:22
eksajmompaul, not for all linux boes10:22
eksajmjust the one with ubuntu10:22
czrwell, I'm using xmms for now, but it really sucks :-)10:23
eksajmbob2, did you manage to fix it?10:23
bob832eksajm:  no i have not10:23
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eksajmbob2, okey ;//10:23
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czrI don't mean xmms per se sucks, just when you have 10000+ music it doesn't quite hack it10:23
Josh43czr; I dunno - I took ouy the non-scrolling background in the sidebar theme and had no more problems10:23
ompauleksajm, that is not bob 2 is is 83210:23
doogluseksajm: it's possibly that the dhcp client isn't telling the dhcp server what hostname it wants to be known as10:23
eksajmdooglus, how do i fix it?10:23
Josh43czr - agreed.. what I really want is musikcube for linux10:23
czrJosh43, hmm. maybe it's just me then10:23
eksajmis it just to look trough every config file i have?10:24
CorrosionXi still don't get why there's no Winamp for linux10:24
BlueDevilMWettendorff: an extension to the HTTP protocol10:24
zelevwhi guys...I've tried everything in:https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and still cannot get to play dvds...can anyone help?  runnung ubuntu 5.1010:24
czrCorrosionX, ask winamp?10:24
zandaazelevw, what's up?10:24
Josh43CorrosionX, xmms is almost exactly the same thing10:24
doogluseksajm: what I did was tell my router to only assign IP addresses from to and then told ubuntu to use static address
gnomefreakCorrosionX, WIN amp   the letters WIN stand for windows :(10:24
_Gray_zalevw: try automatix? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6656310:24
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zelevwzandaa:  i cant play dvds10:24
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doogluseksajm: so basically dodged the issue by using an unused static ip10:24
eksajmdooglus, oh.10:24
eksajmcan i do that?10:24
zelevwgray: thanks10:24
zandaazelevw, have you tried xine?10:24
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zelevwgray: i'll try that10:24
eksajmwell that is kind of .. ghum smart actually10:24
CorrosionXjosh43: except for cool features yeah10:24
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eksajmill try that10:25
ProN00bis there any tool i can open xml files with and view them like a list ?10:25
zelevwzandaa> no...i'll install it10:25
MWettendorffBlueDevil: oh. i see10:25
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ompauleksajm, generally a router hands out ips on a first come first served basis, you need to look at the way it is set up10:25
CorrosionXthere lacks a media library in xmms at the very least10:25
doogluseksajm: sure, if your router is happy with keeping some addresses aside.  you wouldn't want the router giving the ip you use to another machine10:25
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zandaaCorrosionX, exactly10:25
kidIf I'm doing "tar cfv test.tar" - and I get back "tar: COwardly refusing to create an empty archive," what option need I add? searched, can't seem to have much luck10:25
Josh43CorrosionX, Cool features: Juk or Amarok :)10:25
lightbrightCorrosionX: why dont you write on then?10:25
CorrosionXzelevw: i heard Easy Breezy will install everything you need for that10:25
czrkid, you need to list the directories you want tar to read10:25
eksajmdooglus, no but my router is kidn of smart, and only uses the first numbers if they are availible10:25
lightbrightCorrosionX: why dont you write one then?10:25
_Gray_zelevw: select the AUD-DVD option and multimedia codecs if you want.10:25
doogluskid: what are you trying to do?  tar c Creates an archive.10:26
czrkid, after those other options. if you want tar to start from the current directory, add ' .'10:26
peter_god im smoking like a trooper sat here reading this lot lol10:26
CorrosionXlightbright: that's what every linux geek says when you complain about lack of features :)10:26
doogluseksajm: so in the network properties, select 'static' instead of DHCP10:26
eksajmdooglus, fixed-adress 192-.168..; in dhcpclient.conf file?10:26
_Gray_CorrosionX: easybreezy is joined with easyubuntu and easybreezy was a fork of automatix10:26
lightbrightzandaa: you claim there lacks a media library in xmms, so why dont you write one then instead of complaining?10:26
MWettendorffBlueDevil: i think i have found a way to do it..  just have to read a litel bit more10:26
ompauleksajm, so it is a router issue cos your getting ip the giving of ip is what you are arguing about10:26
doogluseksajm: don't run a dhcp client at all...10:26
zandaalightbright, I'm not complaining, and I'm not that great kinda programmer10:26
eksajmompaul, no its not. since it works with all other computers10:26
eksajmdooglus,  okey10:26
lightbrightCorrosionX: no, every geek and loser complains about stuff, instead of doing something about it :)10:26
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zandaalightbright, just get off my back will ya10:27
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eksajmill try it, dooglus10:27
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czrlightbright, complaining is much more fun when you know that you could fix it, but rather not ;-)10:27
kidGot it now, thanks guys10:27
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lightbrightCorrosionX: Why focus on the problems?  why not find a remedy?  as Henry Ford said "Dont find fault, find a redemy"10:27
peter_just do what i did just plug your eathernet lead in and turn your router on10:27
Flying-Penguinis there bluetooth linux software out there? (I have to connect to my wireless headset through a usb divise)10:27
lightbrightczr: hehe ;)10:27
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doogluskid: by the way, don't search, just read the manual: "man tar"10:27
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lightbrightzandaa: well unless you can write better , dont complain!  Ubuntu is the #1 linux distro for a reason10:28
czrdoes anyone know where ubuntu-developers hang out?10:28
zandaalightbright, #1?10:28
lightbrightczr: some hang here10:28
phisheadhey guys wifi is working with my ubuntu box when wep is disabled but when i enable it and enter the key i never get an ip.  Can someone help me out?10:28
dooglusczr: #ubuntu-devel10:28
lightbrightzandaa: yes #=number10:28
djk_czr: wild guess here, but #ubuntu-devel ? ;)10:28
czrthanks dooglus10:28
lightbrightczr: Seveas is a great developer and lovely person10:28
ompauleksajm, it is not ubuntu's fault that the router gives it some ip you just happen not to like, I suggest you install etherreal if you own the network and read the traffic calls to the router and and back and see what actually happens if you discover that there is a problem with what Ubuntu is doing then file a bug10:29
zandaalightbright, I know #=number <_< I just didnt know it was tha #110:29
lightbrightczr: and Seveas is very very patient and helpful.10:29
peter_i think this unbuntu is the dogs since i got it yesterday i cant get off it lol it beets xp anyday10:29
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Matthewwhen i type sudo cfdisk (on the live cd) this is what i get -   FATAL ERROR: Bad primary partition 1: logical partitions overlap10:29
Matthew                          Press any key to exit cfdisk10:29
czrlightbright, why isn't seves on ubuntu-devel then? :-)10:29
lightbrightczr: he is not here either today10:30
gnomefreakubotu tell Matthew about paste10:30
czrah, I see. I've chatted with him though10:30
lightbrightczr: maybe he is on a break :)  bathing in hawaii10:30
MWettendorffBlueDevil: it was actural real easy.. just had to add one line to the vsftpd.conf file..10:30
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eksajmompaul, well it migt be something in a config file, but i am totaly sure it is not the router. i have had that router for a year and it has never failed,. works with every computer and every os, but fials in ubuntu10:30
czrlightbright, hope so :-)10:30
joshiis there option for10:30
n0dlhow do i burn data onto a cd and how would i adjust the speed10:30
joshi'ls' so it shows dirs first then files?10:30
MWettendorffBlueDevil: only problem now, is that i dont have access to my /home dir, only the /var/www10:31
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_jasonJosh43, i think default is all abc order10:31
n0dlcan someone help me?10:31
phisheadso any help with the wifi wep?10:31
lightbrightczr: :)10:32
djk_n0dl: the easy way is by using k3b, difficult way would be using cdrecord,cdrdao,mkisofs,growisofs in cli10:32
_jasonbah sry Josh4310:32
lightbrightn0dl: I use gnomebaker10:32
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dooglusjoshi: that's a good question.  I don't think there is though.10:32
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lightbrightn0dl: sudo apt-get install gnomebaker10:32
dooglusjoshi: you could write a shell function to do it that way though pretty easily10:32
Madpilotn0dl: Nautilus - the file manager - burns data CDs nicely. Just drop a blank CD into your burner and an option window should pop up10:33
wang_does anyone have xp product keys10:33
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joshidooglus: want to teach me? or give some link where i can read about it?10:33
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smowang_: painfully off-topic10:33
djk_wang_: wrong channel :p10:33
ciushello all10:33
dooglusjoshi: I'll see what I can knock up.  Just a mo.10:33
joshithnx =)10:34
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lightbrightjoshi: sudo gedit ~/.bashrc10:34
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triple5hello all10:35
lightbrightjoshi: I use this: alias ll='ls -lh'10:35
dawngrimmI'm trying to install NVidia I'm on breezy badger getting segmentation faults even with glxinfo. help!10:35
ompauleksajm, why not install ethereal - network traffic analyzer then watch what is happening then come to me with what is happening :-)10:36
_jasonjoshi, lol sorry about before I was eating and only caught the second line of your question :)10:36
triple5Is there anybody with experience how to get the menu in gnome to work for the admin tasks?10:36
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sambagirlis ethereal in synamptic?10:36
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_jasontriple5, what admin tasks?10:36
_jasonsambagirl, yes10:37
sambagirlthanks jason10:37
triple5I want to use synaptic, users-admin, etc etc from the menu10:37
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ompaulsambagirl, universe10:37
LoPMXcan i install dapper packages to breezy?10:37
lightbrightsambagirl: hello :)10:37
_jasonLoPMX, if you want to probably break your box10:37
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kakeiwhats the program to view the photos from a camara10:37
Madpilotkakei: gThumb does that10:37
chaumurkyLoPMX: you can't easily go back....10:38
lightbrightkakei: Xsane?10:38
ompaulsambagirl, do this in a terminal>> apt-cache search ethereal << then do this >> apt-cache policy ethereal << you may learn a useful set of steps :-)10:38
joshii need 'ls' option that gives directories first then files... ls -lh wont do that =)10:38
=== DUNFreak [n=lucas@modemcable079.98-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
jeffrocan anyone tell me how to map a network drive10:38
_jasontriple5, aren't those things already in the menu?10:38
LoPMXwhat for? ;] 10:38
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MWettendorffhow do i make a dir writeabel++10:38
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triple5_jason when I am clickin on synaptic I will get a little window asking for password10:38
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lightbrighttriple5: whats your password?10:38
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Madpilottriple5: just enter your own user's PW10:38
triple5I enter the password, but it just disappears, the synaptic doesn't start10:38
dooglusjoshi: something like http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5629 is a start.10:39
lightbrighttriple5: try to load it from CLI instead10:39
ompaullightbright, no responsible admin ever asks that questoin10:39
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dooglusjoshi: you just need to copy-paste that into your .bashrc file.  then 'lls' will act like the ls you want10:39
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triple5what i CLI?10:39
_jasontriple5, the terminal10:39
triple5I can use the terminal from root10:39
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lightbrighttriple5:  sudo synaptic10:39
_jasontriple5, are you entering the correct password?  it should be your user password10:39
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kakeiany similar program like gphoto for kubuntu10:40
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lightbrighttriple5: load terminal and type:  sudo synaptic10:40
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lightbrighttriple5: then synaptic will work10:40
triple5but the sudo doesn't work either...10:40
_jasontriple5, you have to use your user password10:40
lightbrighttriple5: hehe you running Ubuntu? :P10:40
triple5I mean this last method10:40
ciushello again10:40
chris_dx_jason: I'm having the same issue with synaptic package manager10:40
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ciusdarn connection10:40
triple5ye ubuntu10:40
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lightbrightchris_dx: load terminal and type:  sudo synaptic10:40
_jasonchris_dx, you are entering your user password?10:40
lightbrightthen enter password, then synaptic will load10:41
triple5I am entering user password10:41
alvaro_i can't configure my wifi card10:41
triple5but synaptic doesn't start10:41
jabrawhat is the fastest way to determine if a machien is running ubuntu. I am writting a script.10:41
dooglustriple5: what if you run "sudo id" and then type your user password.  what happens?10:41
ciuswould anyone happen to know why a game running in fullscreen mode at 800x600 on a second monitor whose resolution is 800x600 doesn't take up the entire screen?10:41
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WatersofhellHello all10:41
_jasontriple5, chris_dx in a terminal: sudo echo hi, does it say hi to you?10:41
lightbrighttriple5: reinstall ubuntu and this time DONT remove anything :P10:41
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triple5dooglus, after sudo id nothing happens10:42
triple5it doesn't ask for password10:42
lightbrightdooglus: what the id switch do?10:42
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dawngrimmI'm trying to install NVidia I'm on breezy badger getting segmentation faults even with glxinfo. help!10:42
doogluslightbright: id is a command.10:42
joshidooglus: i tryed you given link... didnt work10:42
doogluslightbright: it tells you your ID10:42
dooglusjoshi: what happened?10:42
MWettendorffwhat is the command to make a dir writeabel???10:42
joshidooglus: it says that command was not found10:42
gnomefreaktripplet type in the password and it will say hi10:43
lightbrightdooglus: cool, I didnt know that command10:43
dooglustriple5: nothing at all?10:43
dooglusjabra: something like: grep -qi ubuntu /etc/lsb-release && echo ubuntu || echo not ubuntu10:43
_jasonMWettendorff, sudo chmod -R +w directory ?10:43
alvaro_how can I configure my wifi card?10:43
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_jasonMWettendorff, only use sudo if you need it10:43
chris_dx_jason: error message: chrisdx is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.10:43
dooglusjoshi: run a new bash shell.  type "bash" in an existing terminal, or run a new terminal.10:44
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triple5nothing at all dooglus10:44
_jasonchris_dx, is this your first account or did you create it after installing ubuntu?10:44
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soldieruk400guys i was told how to install java before but me being of the stupid veriaty have forgot how to do it .any ideas ?10:44
dooglusMWettendorff: -R will recursively change everything inside the dir too.  be careful.10:44
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MWettendorff_jason: oki. How do i see if it worked??10:44
jeffroCan anyone tell me how to map a network drive?10:44
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gnomefreakubotu tell soldieruk400  about javadebs10:44
_jasonMWettendorff, ls -l, see if you have write permissions10:45
joshidooglus: ok.. it works on with bash10:45
triple5hey, can anyone tell me how to highlight the lines that address me in gaim? do I have to use xchat for that feature?10:45
soldieruk400ty gnomefreak10:45
sambagirlwhat was name of ethernet package i ask about i forget the name ;)10:45
joshidooglus: is it possible to run without need to switch to bash?10:45
gnomefreakyw soldieruk40010:45
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chris_dx_jason: I performed expert install, I chose a root pass and created a user with another pass.10:45
doogluschris_dx: you need to be in the admin group to use sudo.  run "grep ^admin /etc/group" to see which user(s) that includes10:45
phyberoptixi installed fluxbox and now my sound doesnt work10:45
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dooglusjoshi: it will work in every shell you open from now on.10:45
joshilemme try10:46
dooglusjoshi: you only had to run bash that time because you were using an old shell - it had already read your old .bashrc10:46
joshiyes yes.. thnx.. it works =)10:46
MWettendorff_jason: thanks10:46
dooglusjoshi: you'll notice that "lls -l" won't work, for instance.10:46
triple5grep ^admin /etc/group doesn't give me a result, I have to make a group admin?10:46
dooglusjoshi: but what I've given you is a good start at making something better...10:47
ubotuit has been said that javadebs is Sun Java debs packaged for breezy are at http://www.giannaros.org/public/breezydebs/ To install these, open a terminal, cd to the directory you downloaded them to, and type "sudo dpkg -i filename.deb"10:47
chris_dx_jason: grep ^admin /etc/group <= me either10:47
dooglusmwe: /etc/group you mean?10:47
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triple5chris_dx: we are are on the same problem, I also installed advanced without admin user...10:47
joshidooglus: but lls -l works :D10:47
dooglusjoshi: it doesn't list directories first though - or if it does, you're lucky :)10:48
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hypn0is that javadebs link the one that should be used for java, dvd and w32codecs?10:48
mwedooglus: right. I thought it was a typo, but /etc/group it is indeed. sorry10:48
dooglusjoshi: "lls -l" is strict alphabetical order10:48
dylan_is there a way to adjust printing speed?10:48
jabradooglus: ya something liek that10:48
joshicorrect... =/10:48
dylan_my printer seems slower than it is on Windows10:48
jabrasource /etc/lsb-release would do just fine10:48
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Mabus06I'm booted in recover mode now... how can I find out what packages were most recently installed, so I can remove them?10:48
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gnomefreakHypn i get the java from there nothing else but i dont know10:48
dooglusmwe: do you see output from that grep if you use /etc/group then?10:49
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hypn0in 510 starter guide, says to download java from sun10:49
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DUNFreakHey, does anyone know how to fix a "Partition Table Error #114" problem? I didn't have this in PQ-Magic before I installed Ubuntu... now i can't do anything with my partitions10:49
gnomefreakhypn0,  than download it from sun but the deb is alot easier to install10:49
dawngrimmI'm trying to install NVidia I'm on breezy badger getting segmentation faults even with glxinfo. help! please!10:50
dashinhoAfter installing ubuntu what should I do (add extra repositories? update? something ?)?10:50
DUNFreakof course gparted is out of the question, I don't want to lose 40 gigs of data.10:50
dooglusDUNFreak: *carefully* (!)10:50
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triple5dooglus: I have been trying to find out abou this admin group for days..., can you tell me about the implementation?10:50
dooglusDUNFreak: first thing I would suggest is backing everything you want up to a spare HD or DVD or whatever.10:50
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dylan_[darkfire] , is there a way to adjust printing speed in ubuntu?10:50
dooglustriple5: basically, sudo is set up to allow anyone in group admin to use it.  that's all.10:50
techrushis gnome-look.org down for everyone ?10:50
DUNFreakUnfortunately, I don't have much space to backup anything. This is my only HDD. I hate this.10:50
dooglustriple5: if you "sudo visudo" you'll see how that's done10:51
_jasonchris_dx, triple5 I think you will have to login as root and then go to System -> administration -> users and groups and and give your user priveleges for admin tasks10:51
_jasonchris_dx, triple5 or visudo would work too10:51
joe_alfwhat's the package name for c/c++ debuger10:51
dooglusDUNFreak: it's only 8 DVDs isn't it?10:51
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DUNFreakYeah but with no DVD burner, I'm scr*wed10:51
Madpilottechrush: yes, it's down for me too10:52
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dooglusDUNFreak: got a friend with some spare disk space?10:52
NightwindGood After noon is there any place that I can read the instructions on networking between Ubuntu and Win XP?10:52
priichhypn0, yes, you could get the java package from sun aswell. However it is in .bin and you will probably have to use fakeroot to turn suns .bin file into a .deb package. In this case a kind soul has already done this for you.10:52
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DUNFreakI wish. HEh.10:52
alejandro_alguien habla espaol10:52
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.10:52
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DUNFreakIf gparted could resize a partition, at least... but it can't do that with ntfs10:52
sambagirlethereal is not fun is like taking science class10:53
DUNFreakI have 10 gigs free on the partition, by resizing a few times I could manage.10:53
dooglusDUNFreak: ntfsresize can resize ntfs partitions.10:53
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triple5dooglus: I have seen sudoers, but it doesn't include anyone but root10:53
DUNFreakis that available through apt-get install ntfsresize ?10:53
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Mabus06I'm booted in recover mode now... how can I find out what packages were most recently installed, so I can remove them?10:53
dashinhoAfter installing ubuntu what extra things should I do (add extra repositories? update? or something?)?10:53
lightbrightdooglus: how can I totally remove all games from menu and hard drive?10:54
mjrDUNFreak, and parted can and will use ntfstools if available10:54
dooglustriple5: that's odd.  in breezy?  or what?10:54
triple5is there a way to install that admin ubuntu specific feature  in breezy10:54
pete__how long has the latest ubuntu been out for?10:54
triple5yeah breezy10:54
Madpilottriple5: did you do a regular Breezy install?10:54
Madpilotpete__: since mid-October10:54
doogluslightbright: you can't unless you're willing to get rid of the ubuntu-desktop meta-package10:54
pete__so it's new :-)10:54
C-KeenI am using hoary hedgehog on a g3 ibook and I am trying to setup a dual head xorg config. I got to the point where the external CRT actually shows a clone of the screen but the colors look somewhat dark. increasing the brightness on the CRT does not help. Any clues where to look for a solution? thank you10:54
pete__i'm loving it so far.10:54
lightbrightwhats the  ubuntu-desktop meta-package?10:54
priichDUNFreak, if it is a dynamic volume then it will be tricky.10:54
lightbrightpete__: 8weeks I think10:55
dooglustriple5: can you pastebin your sudoers file?10:55
triple5I did the advanced install because on the CD it said if you do regular it would erase the whole hard disk10:55
DUNFreakpriich, dynamic volume?10:55
triple5I didn't wanna risk10:55
doogluslightbright: it's a package that defines what the ubuntu desktop system contains - and it includes some gnome games10:55
triple5what is pastebin?10:55
DUNFreakdashinho, just go System - Administration - Synaptic Package Manager10:55
doogluslightbright: it doesn't do much at all and isn't needed.  it's useful when upgrading to dapper, 'cos its the mechanism through which new packages get added10:55
lightbrightdooglus: if I remove that, it will remove all games and what else?10:56
doogluslightbright: but if you're sticking with your current version, you don't need it.10:56
lightbrightdooglus: im using breezy10:56
lightbrightdooglus: whats dapper?10:56
doogluslightbright: no, it won't remove the games - it's the other way around.  removing the games will take ubuntu-desktop with them.10:56
triple5dapper is the next release10:56
doogluslightbright: dapper is the version after breezy.  currently in development.10:56
lightbrightah i better keep it then for I will of course upgrade to dapper next year10:56
chrisx1Hey I Have A Problem With Bind Configureing It For my Domain Anybody help please?10:57
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lightbrightdooglus: thanks for your time10:57
doogluslightbright: I would suggest using a package called 'debfoster' to get rid of the games - debfoster is good at removing 'orphaned' packages that you no longer need.10:57
Oblivion^does anyone know a tool for mounting cd images? i need one to mount exotic formats like mdf/mds, ccd/cue, bin and all those10:57
lightbrightdooglus: ah ok ill install it now :)  sudo apt-get install debfoster ?10:57
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doogluslightbright: first time you run debfoster it will ask you a bunch of questions about whether to keep certain packages or not.10:57
doogluslightbright: yes.10:57
lightbrightok ty10:57
soldieruk400i downloaded a file using firefox brouser and my file has gone on to the desk top how do i open it now ?10:57
dooglustriple5: pastebin is:10:57
ubotusomebody said paste was please use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ or #flood to paste large amounts of text10:57
priichDUNFreak, don't worry about it. It's most likely not.10:58
DuDE27can i somehow get rid of that ugly brown background image while the gnome splashscreen is shown?10:58
lightbrightdooglus: do I say keep everything?10:58
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triple5I'll go to flood ...10:59
Goshawka very strange problem: checking for C++ compiler default output file name... configure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables11:00
NightwindIs there a simple way to network between Unbuntu and Windows, if so where would I find the instructions?11:00
doogluslightbright: it's really up to you.  first off I would tell it to keep ubuntu-desktop.  that will stop it asking too many questions.  the only things it will ask about after that are things you've installed yourself.  you should decide if you still want them or not.11:00
Goshawkg++-4.0 and gcc-4.0 installed11:00
priichOblivion^, those are most likely just regular ISO files11:00
_jasonGoshawk, install build-essential11:00
dooglusdoes anyone know whether the ubuntu-nl.org pastebin is official or not?  the -nl makes me think not, but the branding looks official11:00
Oblivion^priich: no, they aren't, ccd is from clonecd and mds is from alcohol, they contain extra information about data positions and such11:00
chrisx1Hey I Have A Problem With Bind Configureing It For my Domain Anybody help please?11:01
Goshawk_jason, it's going to installe libc6-dev11:01
Oblivion^priich: they are the images of my games11:01
triple5oops, dooglus, I just pasted it in #flood11:01
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lightbrightdooglus: ok it finished, but it doesnt ask me about games11:01
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doogluslightbright: one other thing - instead of saying "n" to debfoster, say "p" - that means "not only do I not want this package, but I don't want anything that it is depending upon either"11:01
Goshawk_jason, solved thanks :D11:02
_jasonGoshawk, np11:02
doogluslightbright: it didn't ask about games because you said 'y' to ubuntu-desktop.  so "sudo debfoster -ubuntu-desktop"11:02
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lightbrightdooglus: ok11:02
chrisx1Hey I Have A Problem With Bind Configureing It For my Domain Anybody help please?11:02
dooglusto remove that.  then it'll ask you about games - and a bunch of other stuff.11:02
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doogluslightbright: you probably want to keep everything apart from the gnome-games or whatever it's called11:02
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triple5dooglus: i have now pasted it to pastebin-nl.org11:03
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JonasNormanDoes anyone know how to program a bash script to accept case-INsensitive responses?11:03
doogluslightbright: we did it in 2 steps so that you know that everything it asks about this time is "official" stuff.11:03
lightbrightdooglus: ok11:03
DUNFreakhmn. I get a message that I'm trying to apply an operation on a busy device... 'course linux is running on the same hard-drive, but the partition was not accessed... why is it telling me this? :(11:03
DUNFreak(sorry, that was in gparted)11:03
dooglustriple5: can you "sudo"?11:03
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dooglustriple5: looking at the file you pasted, I'd guess not...11:04
sambagirlhow can i increase the tiny fonts in gaim?11:04
dooglustriple5: did you edit that sudoers file at all?  it really should have a line mentioning 'admin' in it11:04
dylan_i have an external hard drive....when i go to copy files to it, my computer complains that the disk is read only...how do i change that?11:04
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dooglustriple5: at the end, add:11:04
dooglus# Members of the admin group may gain root privileges11:05
dooglus%admin  ALL=(ALL) ALL11:05
SpentCasingi need a chat client like kopete or gaim, with webcam support any ideas please?11:05
mephis1987sorry , i cant do this command    $sudo apt-get install  gcc  xlibs-dev libxft-dev11:05
dooglusmephis1987: drop the $11:05
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DUNFreakok let me rephrase that (just for clarity): I installed ntfstools and started GParted. I tried to resize /dev/hda5 , which is an NTFS partition inside an extended partition. I get a message saying an operation was applied to a busy device. wtf?11:05
dooglusDUNFreak: the device is mounted?  umount it.11:05
priichOblivion^, ahh sorry. You needed the TOC information files aswell. I figured you wanted to mount the mdf part to watch a movie or similar. In this case with games i can't really help.11:06
dooglusJonasNorman: you can pass the response through "tr A-Z a-z" to make it all lower case...11:06
Oblivion^priich: ok, thx anyway11:07
DUNFreakdooglus, actually it's not mounted as this moment11:07
Flying-Penguinhow do I start bluez?11:07
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triple5dooglus, I haven't done the sudoers yet, I never tried... thanks a lot, that was the solution for me.... finally, I should have looked into the sudoers before... but thought I just have to add myself to the group of sudo... that wasn't right eh.11:07
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mephis1987i get 1 problem    sudo apt-get install xlibs-dev libxft-dev11:07
dooglustriple5: what I don't understand is how you're able to use sudo at all with a sudoers file that looks like yours.11:07
mephis1987it says cant find this package11:07
dooglustriple5: or did you set the root password already, before the sudoers got messed up?11:08
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dylan_dooglus, how do i change the status of a read only drive to be able to write, as well?11:08
rarrrwhen you hold your mouse over a sound file it starts playing, which bit of software is in control of that? I've found a small but annoying bug with it11:08
dooglusdylan_: what kind of filesystem?  you can't (or shouldn't at least) write NTFS11:08
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dooglusrarrr: nautilus, I'd guess11:08
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dylan_dooglus, FAT32 because i can read and write to and fro Linux and Windows, but I dont mind11:09
mephis1987I cant do this command  sudo apt-get install  xlibs-dev libxft-dev , it says cant find this package11:09
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triple5well I guess I could start the sudo and it would first ask for the password and then find out I am not in the sudoers, maybe because I am in the group sudo...11:10
dooglusdylan_: you should be able to mount FAT32 read-write without a problem.11:10
DUNFreakmephis1987, try looking for the packages in Synaptic11:10
zelevwhey! automatix fixed all of my problems...THANK YOU.11:10
=== Rev-Marc [n=Rev-Marc@cpe-065-184-139-240.ec.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
_jasonmephis1987, which package, both?11:10
dylan_dooglus, i even tried formatting with GParted, no avail11:10
_jason!info xlibs-dev11:10
ubotuxlibs-dev: (X Window System client library development files transitional package), section oldlibs, is extra. Version: 6.8.2-77 (breezy), Packaged size: 63 kB, Installed size: 160 kB11:10
dooglusdylan_: could you "grep -i fat /etc/fstab" for me and tell me what it says?11:10
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Flying-Penguinhow do I install bluez? how do I start bluez? damnit help me11:10
DUNFreakmephis1987, have you activated all the repositories?11:10
mephis1987those 2 package arent in synaptic11:10
mephis1987what is that?11:10
dylan_dooglus, nothing came up11:10
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mephis1987sorry , i am new in ubuntu11:11
Rev-Marcmy USB Flash drive is mounting as a "Read Only Disk" which renders it usless to me how do I correct this?11:11
mephis1987this is my first usage11:11
DUNFreakmephis1987, try editing the source.list file:11:11
dooglusdylan_: how are you mounting this fat drive?11:11
zelevwdoes anyone know how to play multiple region dvds? i'm using ubuntu 5.1011:11
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DUNFreaksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list11:11
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_jasonmephis1987, they are in main, hrmm.  Post the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list11:11
dylan_dooglus, it automounted....its an external HD11:11
dylan_dooglus, i use it for backups11:11
DUNFreakand uncomment any line that has a # behind it and looks like a web address :)11:11
dooglusdylan_: oh I see.11:11
DUNFreakThen you need to save the file, quit, and run: sudo apt-get update11:12
priichOblivion^, i guess you could try wine and run the windows version of daemon-tools or alcohol 120%.   Ugly but it could work.11:12
dooglusdylan_: is it mounted now?  If so, what does "mount | grep -i fat" tell you?11:12
Rev-Marcmy USB Flash drive is mounting as a "Read Only Disk" which renders it usless to me how do I correct this?11:12
dooglusRev-Marc: I think you've got the same problem as dylan_ - maybe I can help you both.11:12
dylan_dooglus, /dev/sdf1 on /media/usbdisk type vfat (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,quiet,shortname=winnt,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=077,iocharset=utf8)11:12
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mephis1987deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 5.10 _Breezy Badger_ - Release i386 (20051012)] / breezy main restricted11:13
mephis1987## Uncomment the following two lines to fetch updated software from the network11:13
mephis1987# deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main restricted11:13
mephis1987# deb-src http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main restricted11:13
mephis1987## Uncomment the following two lines to fetch major bug fix updates produced11:13
mephis1987## after the final release of the distribution.11:13
mephis1987# deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-updates main restricted11:13
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mephis1987# deb-src http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-updates main restricted11:13
mephis1987## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'universe'11:13
DUNFreakmephis dont flood lol11:13
_jasonmephis1987, do NOT paste here11:13
mephis1987## repository.11:13
mephis1987## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu11:13
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org11:13
mephis1987## team, and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as to11:13
mephis1987## your rights to use the software. Also, please note that software in11:13
mephis1987## universe WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the Ubuntu security11:13
mephis1987## team.11:13
mephis1987# deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy universe11:13
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mephis1987# deb-src http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy universe11:13
mephis1987## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'backports'11:13
mephis1987## repository.11:13
mephis1987## N.B. software from this repository may not have been tested as11:13
mephis1987## extensively as that contained in the main release, although it includes11:13
mephis1987## newer versions of some applications which may provide useful features.11:13
mephis1987## Also, please note that software in backports WILL NOT receive any review11:13
Subhumanmephis1987, !! stop it!11:13
mephis1987## or updates from the Ubuntu security team.11:14
mephis1987# deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-backports main restricted universe multiverse11:14
mephis1987# deb-src http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-backports main restricted universe multiverse11:14
mephis1987# deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-security main restricted11:14
mephis1987# deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-security main restricted11:14
JormundgandGotta love lack of ops.11:14
alexwillmerhe's already hit paste he can't stop11:14
mephis1987# deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-security universe11:14
DUNFreakSubhuman, he cant stop until it finished11:14
mephis1987# deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-security universe11:14
mephis1987here is it11:14
mephis1987where should i paste ?11:14
Subhumantell mephis1987 about pastebin11:14
mephis1987pastebin ?11:14
_jasonmephis1987, /topic11:14
DUNFreakmephis1987, uncomment all the lines that start with deb11:14
mephis1987i know11:14
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mephis1987i should go to this11:14
dooglusdylan_: what does "id" tell you?11:15
mephis1987very sorry11:15
DUNFreake.g. remove the # in # deb http:...11:15
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_jasonmephis1987, do what DUNFreak was saying ^11:15
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dylan_dooglus, uid=1000(dylan) gid=1000(dylan) groups=4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),25(floppy),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),104(lpadmin),105(scanner),106(admin),1000(dylan)11:15
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phoulWhy when i try to go onto gnome-look.org or kde-look.org it says my connection is refused...11:15
rubemhi there11:15
mephis1987here is my link http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/563111:15
Goshawkcan i create a ubuntu envirorment in /home/ubuntu-x86 with debootstrap and chroot in it when i want to build x86 programs (i'm on ubuntu x86_64)?11:15
_jasonphoul, I can't access them either, they are probably down11:16
dylan_dooglus, should i try a reboot?11:16
rubemhow can I install kde in ubuntu? I've 5.10 instaled and want to change de window manager11:16
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zelevwdoes anyone know how to play multiple region dvds? i'm using ubuntu 5.10...thank you11:16
dooglusdylan_: no, not worth it.11:16
dylan_dooglus, i think its strange that this wouldve all of a sudden just happened11:16
phoulthanks _jason how long do they stay down for?11:16
rem__I installed apache and php5 and mysql .. but when I want to open a .php file from my browser it wants to download it or open it with gedit ...what am I doing wrong ... ?11:16
dooglusdylan_: what does "ls -ld /media/usbdisk/" tell you?11:16
_jasonphoul, ?11:16
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Chris_Tuckerwhats a command line printer config'r?11:16
mephis1987yes , i paste it and here is my link http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/563111:16
phoulyes jason?11:16
_jasonphoul, I have no idea how long they will be down for11:16
dylan_dooglus, drwx------  5 dylan dylan 16384 1969-12-31 18:00 /media/usbdisk/11:16
phoulohh okay11:17
dooglusdylan_: looks like you have write access...11:17
rubemhow can I install kde in ubuntu? I've 5.10 instaled and want to change de window manager11:17
dylan_dooglus, um, no11:17
dooglusdylan_: what about "touch /media/usbdisk/mynewfile.txt"" ?11:17
rem__apt-get install kde I guess ..11:17
Subhumanmephis1987, all the single #, remove them and save.11:17
Subhumanthe double ##, leave them11:17
ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu+KDE, not a fork ; see http://kubuntu.org and you can go to #kubuntu for KDE-related help, or install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ; ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/breezy/11:17
Chris_Tuckerwhats a command line printer config'r?11:17
mephis1987are you sure?11:17
mephis1987let me try11:17
rem__I installed apache and php5 and mysql .. but when I want to open a .php file from my browser it wants to download it or open it with gedit ...what am I doing wrong ... ?11:18
Subhumanand then save, and do "sudo apt-get update" in the console11:18
dylan_dooglus, touch: cannot touch `/media/usbdisk/Firefox_wallpaper.png': Read-only file system11:18
rubemsaik0, ubotu - yes, but I have instaled all the applications that I wanted in the ubuntu 5.10, and I don't want to install kubuntu11:18
dylan_dooglus, brb11:18
Chris_Tuckerwhats a CLI app that configures a printer for use with lpr?11:18
DUNFreakmephis1987, check it out http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/563211:18
DUNFreakmodified your own paste for the correct thing11:19
saik0rubem, so you want a KDE environment using mostly GNOME apps?11:19
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SubhumanDUNFreak, I told him the correct lines to uncomment, i think he will have got it by now.11:19
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DUNFreakSubhuman, just making sure11:19
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SubhumanDUNFreak, no probs.11:20
mephis1987should i paste your code and save in my file ?11:20
Rev-Marcmy USB Flash drive is mounting as a "Read Only Disk" which renders it usless to me how do I correct this?11:20
saik0rem__ have you installed libapache2mod-php5?11:20
rem__dunno lemme check ..11:20
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mjrRev-Marc, it shouldn't, unless it's in NTFS format, in which case you need to change the filesystem11:21
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Rev-Marcit is reported as vfat11:21
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rem__libapache2-mod-php5 i guess ...It is installed yea11:22
vilefridgeIs anyone aware of a burning app that will write a bin/cue compilation?  I can't see any bin/cue options in graveman :(11:22
rubemsaik0 - is it possible?11:22
rem__should you put the .php file in the www root ? i have it in a subfolder ..11:22
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rubemsaik0 - because lot's of distros alow it11:22
Rev-Marcmjr it is reported as vfat11:22
rem__Havent messed with that in a while ... :P11:22
saik0rubem, yes. but it's a really bad idea. because you're loading up all the libraries both depend on into RAM/swap11:23
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rem__how do you send a comment to one person ... ?11:23
DUNFreakhmn. And now, I still havent fixed my own problem... I the ntfs drive is unmounted, I open GParted and try to resize it, and it doesn't let me (operation on a busy device, it sais). Any ideas, anyone?11:23
=== rem__ wonders ... :P
mephis1987i got it11:23
dooglusRev-Marc: what do you see from "mount | grep -i fat" please?11:23
mephis1987thanks all11:23
rubemsaik0 - ??? but i'll use only one per time11:23
DUNFreakour pleasure mephis198711:23
dooglusrem__: /msg rem__ like this11:23
rem__k thxc11:23
dooglusrem__: but you have to be registered with nickserv before you're allowed to do that11:24
saik0rem__ Have you restarted apache after installing it. and no php files should be parsed no matter where in the web folder they are11:24
Rev-Marc/dev/sda1 on /media/PUBLIC type vfat (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,umask=000)11:24
rem__I think I did..but ill restart it to make sure ...11:24
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Rev-Marcdooglus /dev/sda1 on /media/PUBLIC type vfat (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,umask=000)11:25
dooglusRev-Marc: thanks.  looks ok to me.  I wonder what the problem is.11:25
=== squire [n=squire@213-162-107-186.squire570.adsl.metronet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Rev-Marcdooglus me too11:25
dooglusRev-Marc: does "sudo mount -o remount,rw /media/PUBLIC" fix it?11:25
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saik0rubem. If you're using KDE and running gnome applications then both sets of libraries will be loaded. same thing would happen if you ran GNOME and ran KDE apps11:25
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Rev-Marcdooglus hold one please I will try11:25
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rem__when I installed php5 it installed apache2 ..but I see apache 1.33 is still there too...is that a problem ?11:25
priichrem__ : Have you added     AddType application/x-httpd-php .php            to your httpd.conf ?11:25
DUNFreakdooglus, do you have any ideas on my problem? Don't wanna pry, but you seem to be the guru here ;)11:25
rubemsaik0 - hum...11:26
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rubemsaik0 - that makes sense...11:26
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rubemsaik0 - the same will happen if I usew blane, fluxbox... rigth?11:26
dooglusDUNFreak: I didn't see your problem.  I thought you were answering questions, not asking them, so I kind of filtered you out a bit :)11:26
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Rev-Marcdooglus it says I do not have permission when I try to copy a file to it11:27
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DUNFreakI was talking about the NTFS partition being unmounted in GParted, but it still says that I'm trying to apply an operation on a busy device if i try to resize it.11:27
saik0rubem, Yes. if you used fluxbox and still used something like, say nautilus then as far as memory usage is concerned you may as well be running full blown GNOME11:27
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omegHi guys11:27
bob832hi omeg11:27
DUNFreakNo clue how an unmouted device can be busy though :P11:27
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saik0rem__, I have no idea what would happen if you ran both apache 1 and 2...I've never been inclined to find out11:28
omegI finally fixed a major screen problem in Ubuntu 4.10 that was holding me back from using it on this old laptop11:28
dooglusRev-Marc: two commands: 1)  "id"    2) ls -ld /media/PUBLIC"11:28
omegIt works fast and good now11:28
dooglusRev-Marc: (without that last quote, of course)11:28
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omegI had a question: how much slower would 5.04 and 5.10 be compared to 4.10?11:28
Rev-Marcdooglus Error while copying to "/media/PUBLIC". and You do not have permissions to write to this folder.11:28
aSt3raLanyone use RaConfig2500?11:28
dooglusDUNFreak: I don't know about that - I've not had to mess with partitions much, thankfully.  It scares me!11:28
pug_I just uncommented the repository lines from /etc/apt/sources.list, but Synaptic says it can't "stat" things and won't show them11:28
omegBecause I only tried the Live 5.10 and it was unusably slow. The Live 4.10 was slow, too, but usable.11:28
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omegSo I'm not sure if I should upgrade.11:28
active-matrixhi are there any games on ubuntu11:28
pug_active-matrix, yes11:29
active-matrixsudo apt-get install games11:29
aSt3raLi get the message 'Session management error: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed11:29
alexwillmeractive-matrix: yes, look in the Games menu11:29
active-matrixohh i see it but are there any flight games11:29
aSt3raLand then it pops up a dialog that says device driver not found11:29
DUNFreakdooglus, darn.11:29
dooglusRev-Marc: what does "mount | grep -i fat" show now?  did it change?11:30
alexwillmeractive-matrix: specific is good see, try flightgear11:30
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triple5aSt3raL: do you enter a command as root that opens a gtk window11:30
saik0omeg, IN a LiveCD environment you are using a ramdisk. which will obviosly cut the amount of RAM you can use for applications significantly. Not to mention files are loaded off a CD-ROM/ LiveCDs will always be alot slower11:30
Rev-Marcdooglus hold please I am a slow typist11:30
omegAny of you guys know if 5.04 or 5.10 are (much) slower than 4.10?11:30
=== nightwind [n=nightwin@adsl-68-89-136-51.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
aSt3raLtriple5: thats what i did yes11:30
rem__ok I uncommented AddType application/x-httpd-php .php11:30
rem__    AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps in httpd.conf, restarted apache...but still same ..11:30
active-matrixwill i install new games with sudo apt-get install games11:30
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triple5aSt3raL: the first error message is normal,  it basically is becuase it isn't meant to be launched as root, do is as sudo11:31
aSt3raLhow do you do it as sudo?11:31
Rev-Marcdooglus that last command came back "/dev/sda1 on /media/PUBLIC type vfat (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,umask=000)"11:31
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alexwillmeractive-matrix: yes, but that won't include flightgear, apt-get install flightgear11:31
dooglusRev-Marc: what about "id"?11:31
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triple5aSt3raL: sudo <command>11:32
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omegsaik0: yes, Live CDs are always slow. But the 5.10 Live was unusably slow, and the 4.10 Live was "just slow".11:32
active-matrixhow do i know which games i can install with apt-get install11:32
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triple5aSt3raL: what do you want to do?11:32
alexwillmeractive-matrix: have you used synaptic (Package Manager) yet?11:32
rem__thx anyway for help :)11:32
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Rev-Marcdooglus id came back "uid=1000(marc) gid=1000(marc) groups=4(adm),20(dialout),21(fax),24(cdrom),25(floppy),26(tape),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),104(lpadmin),105(scanner),106(admin),1000(marc)"11:32
aSt3raLget a network adapter to work11:32
ZondeRhi, i'd like to watch a .mov movie with totem but it does not work, "i might need to install the corresponding plugin". can someone help me?11:32
active-matrixyes but there are no games in there11:32
dooglusRev-Marc: ok, and "ls -ld /media/PUBLIC"?11:33
saik0omeg. I thought you were comparing an installed 4.10 system to a Live 5.10 system.11:33
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alexwillmeractive-matrix: in bottom left choose Sections, look in Games and Amusements11:33
triple5rem__ you have to put the correct file root into the php.ini11:33
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ericzhey, can someone help me out? how can i have a different wallpaper for each workspace (like 1/2/3/4 in the pager)?11:33
aSt3raLok now i did it with sudo and it just says device driver not found11:33
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omegNo, I'm not. I wonder, though, if comparing Live CDs is a good way of figuring out how much they differ in speed.11:33
triple5aSt3raL: which network adapter?11:33
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omegOtherwise I'll just keep on using 4.10. It's not bad, and it's fast.11:34
Rev-Marcdooglus (ls -ld /media/PUBLIC) came back "drwxrwxrwx  14 root root 16384 1969-12-31 19:00 /media/PUBLIC"11:34
aSt3raLlinksys wusb854g11:34
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ryanpgcan someone point me to a detailed howto for building a kernel for ubunut?11:34
ericzis there  a way to have different wallpapers for each workspace??11:34
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dooglusRev-Marc: I don't get it.  what if you try to "touch /media/PUBLIC/myfile.txt" ?11:34
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active-matrixi installed11:34
active-matrixmatrix@ubuntu:~$ flightgear11:35
active-matrixbash: flightgear: command not found11:35
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active-matrixhow do  i run it11:35
triple5aSt3raL: whatis wusb854g?11:35
rem__make menuconfig for ex for kernel build ..11:35
ericzactive-matrix, "fgfs" [flight gear flgiht simulator, i think] 11:35
alexwillmeractive-matrix: dunno, never played it, only heared of it11:35
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aSt3raLits a linksys usb wireless network adapter11:35
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Rev-Marcdooglus (touch /media/PUBLIC/myfile.txt) came back "touch: cannot touch `/media/PUBLIC/myfile.txt': Read-only file system"11:35
hedonickactive-matrix: read the manuals how to fly first (maybe I'm stupid but it's not easy :)(11:35
ericzhow can i have a different wallpaper for each of the workspaces on my desktop???11:36
active-matrixfgfs: indirect_vertex_array.c:1359: __indirect_glTexCoordPointer: Assertion `a != ((void *)0)' failed.11:36
active-matrixAvbruten (SIGABRT)11:36
triple5aSt3raL: okay, with what command do you try?11:36
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dooglusRev-Marc: that's the same dylan_ was seeing.11:36
dooglusRev-Marc: but I don't know why.11:36
ryanpgericz, are you running gnome?11:36
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alexwillmeractive-matrix: I'm guessing you don't have 3d acceleration configured11:36
Rev-Marcdooglus me niether11:36
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dooglusRev-Marc: is there any kind of hardware write-protect switch?11:36
ryanpgericz, well afaik there is no way11:36
alexwillmeractive-matrix: what video card do you have?11:37
active-matrixso how i install that sudo apt-get install 3d11:37
ericzi found this program "Wallpapoz" or something, but it will only change my wallpaper on a single workspace every few minutes11:37
active-matrixnvidia geforce11:37
ericznot what i want11:37
alexwillmeractive-matrix: one sec11:37
SirKillalotanyone can help me using pthread.h with anjuta? it always says "undefined reference to `pthread_create'"11:37
SirKillalotthoug I include the header file11:37
NaxconIm trying to install a driver for my SMC Wireless USB Network Adapter on Ubuntu and it keeps giving me messages saying permission denied. Can anyone help me out with this?11:37
HuNaBKuhow can i get back the OS menu when start my machine??11:37
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DUNFreakdooglus, I'm thinking something though. Since PQMagic gives me a partition table error #114 (no clue what this is, docs don't mention it), maybe the table is corrupted in some way, that might explain. Is there a way to recreate the partition table without losing all my data?11:37
aSt3raLi use RaConfig250011:37
SirKillalotI do have to link the libs, right? how do I do that?11:37
hmpedersenwhats a good free antivirus for ubuntu?11:37
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DUNFreaksome kinf of table checker or error repair?11:37
Rev-Marcdooglus when I clicked on unmount it came bake "umount: only root can unmount /dev/sda1 from /media/PUBLIC11:37
Rev-Marceject: unmount of `/media/PUBLIC' failed"11:37
dooglusRev-Marc: "sudo umount /media/PUBLIC" (note, no 'n')11:38
mephis1987another problem11:38
mephis1987mephis1987@Mephis:~/xvnkb$ make11:38
mephis1987bash: make: command not found11:38
ryanpgericz, Wallpapoz is supposed to do what you want11:38
mephis1987its say command is not found11:38
_jasonmephis1987, install build-essential11:38
mephis1987when i try this11:38
rem__Whether to allow the treatment of URLs (like http:// or ftp://) as files.11:38
rem__allow_url_fopen = On should be On or Off in php.ini ?11:38
ericzryanpg: i can't figure out how11:38
dooglusDUNFreak: "sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda" will list the partition table - you can check for overlapping partitions that way.11:39
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HuNaBKuhow can i get back the OS menu when start my machine??11:39
dooglusDUNFreak: as for rewriting it - I wouldn't without a backup.11:39
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mephis1987in synaptic?11:39
SirKillalotanyone here who is familiar with anjuta IDE?11:39
_jasonmephis1987, sure11:39
ryanpgericz, sorry haven't used it11:39
saik0HuNaBKu is it hidden or did another OS eat your MBR?11:39
holycowthe stumbleupon extension for fox is fun11:39
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yurihello... just wondering how I can install rarlinux from source and use it with archive manager?11:39
ericzryanpg: i'll play with it and figure it out i guess..11:40
alexwillmeractive-matrix: look in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, in the section Device what is the driver?11:40
dooglusholycow: more fun is changing peoples stumble preferences when they're not looking.  my brother-in-law is currently stumbling for various islam and scientology pages :)11:40
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saik0yuri, you can install rar and unrar-nonfree from apt, both will be used by file-roller11:40
ryanpgericz, well good luck11:40
holycowdooglus, rofl, how do you do that?11:40
_jasonyuri, if rarlinux is for opening rar files you may want to look at the packages in the repos: rar or unrar-nonfree11:40
dooglusholycow: I went to his house...11:40
holycowoh 'your brother' haha11:40
[vENoM] where can i download the last version of Ubuntu ?11:40
dooglusholycow: pretty low-tech11:40
HuNaBKuok, i recover my win OS you know format and i lost my menu11:41
holycowdooglus, you devilish type person you11:41
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HuNaBKuhow can i get back?11:41
priichEhrm. Google is giving me a 403 error claiming my machine to be virus infested.11:41
holycowhehe thats kidna funny :)11:41
foampeacehow do you mount an iso ?11:41
dooglusholycow: I'm wondering how long it'll be before he converts to islam.11:41
DUNFreakok nevermind that. Anyone have any idea why DVD playback might be choppy on any player?11:41
saik0[vENoM] : http://www.ubuntulinux.org11:41
holycowor scientology11:41
holycowor makes up a combinational religion of the two11:41
[vENoM] thanks11:41
active-matrixection "Device"11:41
active-matrixIdentifier"NVIDIA Corporation NV11 [GeForce2 MX/MX 400] "11:41
dooglusor both?11:41
holycowthat would be 'fd' up :)11:41
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mephis1987thanks all11:41
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alexwillmeractive-matrix: what is the Driver?11:41
mephis1987all of you help me a lots11:41
Rev-Marcdooglus why is trying to use my USB drive and also my compactflash so difficult?11:42
_jasonmephis1987, now just help others when you know the answer :)11:42
saik0DUNFreak, you need to enabble DMA on your DVD reader11:42
zandaaany way to convert an AVI with no sound to a GIF?11:42
alexwillmeractive-matrix: one sec11:42
triple5Rev-Marc... it shouldn't be difficult11:42
holycowtrip, YOU'RE WELCOME11:42
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zandaadma is, like, totally, Direct Memory Access/Addressing. A method of transferring data from one memory area to another without having to go through the central processing unit. It makes your hard disks run faster :-).  DMA from the ubuntu wiki guide https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DMA11:42
dooglusRev-Marc: I don't know what the problem is.  for some reason ubuntu's saying that the device is mounted read-only, even though the "mount" command shows it is "rw"11:43
ryanpgericz, I just installed wallpapoz and it works just fine how you want it to, did you read the README?11:43
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dooglusRev-Marc: it's not about file permissions or umasks - it's saying "read-only filesystem"11:43
alexwillmeractive-matrix: ok, "nv" is the open source nvidia driver without 3D acceleration11:43
Rev-Marcdooglus I am going over to my wife's computer (Iput Ubuntu on it to) and try it11:43
_jasonRev-Marc, you can't touch a file either?11:43
foampeacehow do i mount a .iso?11:44
ericzryanpg: it works, but all my workspaces have the normal wallpaper..11:44
triple5Rev-Marc: dooglus: I know that there is a problem with the automount,11:44
active-matrixso i will not be able to play those 3d acceleration games11:44
dooglusRev-Marc: I'm going downstairs for a cigarette.  good luck.  I'll be back in a bit no doubt.11:44
HuNaBKuok, i recover my win OS you know format and i lost my menu11:44
HuNaBKuhow can i get back?11:44
mjrfoampeace, mount -o loop -t iso9660 /path/to/foo.iso /media/cdrom11:44
mjr(mmh, add sudo to that)11:44
ericzryanpg: i put a different wallpaper for 1/2/3/4 and it stays the same..11:44
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foampeacemjr: thanks11:44
alexwillmeractive-matrix: the binary only 3D accel driver is "nvidia", it's in the package nvidia-glx11:44
ryanpgericz, did you save, exit and start daemon_wallpapoz.py?11:44
ericzryanpg: i put 2 wallpapers for workspace 1, and set it to change every 1 min, and that works fine11:44
DUNFreaksaik0, great, thanks a lot!11:44
ericzryanpg: of course11:45
ryanpgericz, sorry... no ideas11:45
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yurihow do I expand my repositiories? I already slected the options in synaptic11:45
saik0DUNFreak, sure11:45
dooglusfoampeace: mount -o loop -t iso9660 file.iso /media/iso11:45
NavireUbuntu woking good with LTSP on floppy boot?11:45
pete__in ubuntu, how do i see all the running windows?11:45
holycowdooglus, i'm curious, has your brother actually noticed anything? mentioned any difference?11:45
holycowlol that whole idea has me fascinated11:45
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lightbrightroot kit hunter found something in: /dev/.initramfs-tools.  Whats /dev/.initramfs-tools exactly?  anyone know?11:45
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doogluspete__: windows don't run, processes do.  you can list all processes with "ps -ef".  you can get a window list in gnome if that's what you're after.11:46
holycowit reminds me of the old cubicle gag where every week you move someones walls inwards by an inch11:46
alexwillmeractive-matrix: /msg alexwillmer <your text> for us to move to a private chatroom11:46
dooglusholycow: I've not spoken to him since.  I really don't know :)11:46
dooglusholycow: it's my sis's husband anyway.11:46
pete__dooglus how do i get a window list?11:46
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active-matrixi allready pm you mr.alex11:46
holycowlol in that case, can you setup a restricted account on his box for us?11:46
doogluspete__: right-click on a bit of empty space on a gnome panel, click 'add to panel' and then 'window list'11:47
holycowit would be fun to let us test drive his preferences11:47
pete__oo ty.11:47
doogluspete__: or "window selector".  I think "window list" is the thing you see at the bottom of the screen normally.11:47
yuri"rar" and "unrar-free" wont work with apt-get11:47
pete__ty googlus.11:47
_jason!info rar11:47
uboturar: (Archiver for .rar files), section multiverse/utils, is optional. Version: 3.30-2 (breezy), Packaged size: 239 kB, Installed size: 488 kB11:47
mephis1987i got another problem11:48
ardchoilledoes Ubuntu recognise *any* usb device at all?11:48
_jasonyuri, enable multiverse11:48
mephis1987here is the link http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/563411:48
HuNaBKuhow can i get back the OS menu when start my machine??11:48
_jasonubotu, tell yuri about repos11:48
yuri_jason: i already did11:48
ardchoilleI have gone through 3 mp3 players and 7 usb mem sticks and Ubuntu doesn't recognise anything11:48
mephis1987i m trying to install a programme , but i got problem with make command11:48
czer323I've had issues with my "add applications" not running.  It'll authenticate and then nothing happens.  I've used apt to remove and reinstall the gnome-app-install, but this hasn't resovled the problem.  Any ideas?  All I've done since installing is update and add the ubuntoo backport updates.  Changed to the 686 kernel with nvidia.11:48
_jasonyuri, are you sure?  can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list?11:48
aSt3raLwhat does this mean?11:49
aSt3raLinsmod: error inserting 'rt2500.ko': -1 File exists11:49
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czrardchoille, can you insert an usb memory stick, then dmesg and paste the _whole_ dmesg into pastebin? I can take a look11:49
mephis1987it says http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/563411:49
yuri_jason: one sec... i'll compare11:49
ryanpgardchoille, are you running breezy?11:49
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Rev-MarcI just tried it (my USB Drive) on my wife's computer (Running Ubuntu) and got the same errors11:50
ardchoilleczr: yes, hold on..11:50
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ardchoilleryanpg: yes, Ubuntu 5.1011:50
pete__does anyone know how to make it so azureus doesn't ask me where to save each file?11:50
mephis1987hix , no one answer me ?11:50
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lightbrightanyone here every suffered heart palpitations?11:50
czraSt3raL, do lsmod | grep rt250011:50
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pete__does anyone know how to make it so azureus doesn't ask me where to save each file?11:51
czraSt3raL, might be that the module is already loaded in kernel so it doesn't make sense loading it again11:51
ryanpgardchoille, I've had trouble with removable devices also... there's a debugging page somewhere, I'll try to find it11:51
NaxconIm trying to install a driver for my SMC Wireless USB Network Adapter on Ubuntu and it keeps giving me messages saying permission denied. Can anyone help me out with this?11:51
sethkczer323, get a root prompt and try running the app from the command line.  That way you'll get error messages.  This is only for testing, not to fix the problem.11:51
czraSt3raL, also, use modprobe module_name instead of instmod11:51
ompaullightbright, please if you want chatter go to #ubuntu-offtopic11:51
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JonasNormananyone know how to require a user to press 'return' to continue in a bash script11:51
czrJonasNorman, read11:52
pete__does anyone know how to make it so azureus doesn't ask me where to save each file?11:52
sethkJonasNorman, put on a line by itself, read11:52
ryanpgardchoille, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingRemovableDevices11:52
sethkJonasNorman, that will wait for a line, which can be just enter.  waiting for a single character is difficult in a shell script.11:52
czer323sethk> Traceback (most recent call last):11:52
czer323  File "/usr/bin/gnome-app-install", line 41, in ?11:52
czer323    from AppInstall import AppInstall11:52
czer323  File "/usr/lib/gnome-app-install/AppInstall.py", line 30, in ?11:52
czer323    import gtkmozembed11:52
czer323ImportError: libgtkembedmoz.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory11:52
ardchoilleczr: here is the output of dmesg: http://rafb.net/paste/results/gVmr0739.html11:52
sethkJonasNorman, if you really need to do that, use a different language.11:52
ompaulpete__, if someone knew they would tell you - so those who do know may tell you in a while if not wait 20 mins and ask again11:52
triple5Rev-Marc: it doesn't automount?11:52
aSt3raLdamn this is frustrating11:53
czrardchoille, ok, give me a sec11:53
ardchoilleryanpg: thank you11:53
dhofstraoh man, i completely borked my sudoers file, and now sudo 's password doesnt work anymore...I'm in big trouble eh?11:53
sethkczer323, well, you have to installed mozilla development11:53
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aSt3raLit still says device doesnt exist11:53
_jasondhofstra, that's why you use visudo11:53
sethkczer323, or it might be called mozilla embedded,11:53
ompaulczer323, ehh if your going to paste use paste.ubuntulinux.nl this is not the place to paste11:53
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ryanpgardchoille, sure... I don't know if it'll help you... it's more about filing a bug :(11:53
dhofstra_jason  I did use visudo11:53
triple5aSt3raL: device is a different thing... from module11:53
_jasondhofstra, what did you do?11:53
czrardchoille, unfortunately your dmesg is filled with keypress-messages11:53
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czrardchoille, did you insert a memory stick?11:53
czer323seth> I definately installed firefox 1.5, would that have caused my issues?11:53
saik0pete__. Theres a default save directory in the options if you just look. But more importantly, Azuereus is not Ubuntu, try reading the user manual, if thet fails try #azureus! And please, please dont spam the channel.11:53
czer323ompaul> sorry.11:53
ardchoilleczr: yes11:53
czrardchoille, hmm. give me a sec11:54
yuri_jason: thanks man, it worked. I just hada  nasty sources.list11:54
sethkczer323, it may have, yes, by uninstalling the older mozilla development library11:54
dhofstra_jason tried copying a working config to allow 1 user to access one bin as root without needing password11:54
sethkczer323, but I have firefox installed and don't see it, and firefox is installed in the default installation.11:54
ompaulczer323, np, you don't have to add a > after a name I see my name I read your comment no more work for either of us :-)11:54
pete__saiko, i only see where to save the .torrent files.11:54
czrardchoille, pastebin contents of /var/log/dmesg11:54
sethkczer323, try reinstalling any packages with either mozilla or firefox in the name.11:54
czrdhofstra, use suid for that11:55
saik0pete__, well I offer the same advice....Look...and read the manual11:55
czrdhofstra, but be careful with suid:ed programs. sudo is better way11:55
aSt3raLif anyone wants to try and help me let me know11:55
pete__where do i find this manual?11:55
triple5aSt3raL: stay focussed, relax, it is the real linux world, we gotta work from the beginning11:55
holycowaSt3raL, just ask dude11:55
mirakwhy does sudo reask a password if run a sudo from another command shell but in the same X ?11:55
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aSt3raLok https://wiki.ubuntu.com//Rt2500WirelessCardsHowTo/11:55
holycowwhat trip said11:55
czer323sethk, I'll use the synaptics and search for firefox then and reinstall probably 1.07.  Wish me luck. ;)11:55
aSt3raLi did all that11:55
czraSt3raL, do you have a device that the driver can drive?11:55
sethkaSt3raL, the module is trying to write to a file, and the file already exists.  You have to locate and delete the file.11:55
Spee_DerGood evening everyone.11:55
mirakwhy does sudo reask a password if run a sudo from another command shell but in the same X ?11:56
czrsethk, modules never write into files11:56
Naxconubuntu keeps saying i dont have permission to do stuff...does anyone know whats going on?11:56
JonasNormanczr and sethk, thanks11:56
sethkczr, not even remotely true.11:56
_jasonubotu, tell Naxcon about sudo11:56
czrsethk, give me one example when a module writes into a file11:56
ardchoilleczr: http://rafb.net/paste/results/u1x5AS43.html11:56
[darkfire] After runing my computer for a while my harddrive starts blinking like crazy and the computers slow say down. Why is that?11:56
aSt3raLyes i have the device plugged in11:56
sethkczr, many modules write into their own logs in the /var/log tree11:56
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ompaulpete__, http://azureus.sourceforge.net/doc/Azureus%20User%20Guide.htm11:57
czrsethk, give me one example please11:57
ubotupriich: Are you on ritalin?11:57
_jasondhofstra, maybe you can use a livecd to mount your drive and edit the file?  haven't tried this but I think I've heard it works11:57
sethkczr, several of the power management modules, for one11:57
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sethkczr, the kernel portion of cups, for another11:57
dhofstra_jason.... GREAT IDEA11:57
czrsethk, there is no kernel portion of cups11:57
alexwillmersethk: that's syslog, the modules send messages to klogd, which forwards them to syslog, AFAIK11:57
sethkczr, the kernel portion of iptables, with some options set11:57
czrsethk, the modules don't write into files. klogd or syslogd is the program that does11:57
sethkczr, that's sophistry.11:58
topylignome-look.org is down?11:58
_jasondhofstra, np, hope it works11:58
czrsethk, no it's not because it is very much related to the error11:58
sethkczr, but kernel modules don't use programs, they use services11:58
sethkczr, and a service is just a library11:58
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triple5 sethk: adn czr are you still helping Astral?11:58
topylianyone got the gperfection bmp/xmms theme?11:58
czrsethk, I'm sorry but you're wrong11:58
egytrackwhere i can found the trash ?11:58
alexwillmersethk: you are wrong11:58
sethkczr, look at the code, you'll see that I'm correct.  Just trace any syslog call through.11:58
sethkalexwillmer, sorry, but I've traced through kernel calls, that write to logs, so I know I'm not wrong.11:59
czrsethk, I've written kernel modules and read the code for past 11 years. I don't need to read it any more to say that you're wrong.11:59
pete__ty paul, found what  i was looking for.11:59
sethkalexwillmer, I port the kernel for aliving, believe me.11:59
sethkczr, not to say so, no.  just to be correct.  you can say anything you like.11:59
alexwillmersethk: the module is in kernel space, it sends a message, the disk write happens in user space11:59
czrsethk, we can continue this discussion in #kernel if you like12:00
egytrackwhere is the trash [ files i have delete ] 12:00

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