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theCore | it is quiet today ... | 04:19 |
Madpilot | very | 04:20 |
LaserJock | yes | 04:20 |
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=== SdPlissken whistles | ||
theCore | huh? | 05:01 |
=== theCore listen to what SdPlissken has to say ... | ||
theCore | as everyone SdPlissken has nothing to say ... | 05:26 |
LaserJock | pretty quite | 05:28 |
LaserJock | quiet I mean | 05:28 |
Kingbahamut | lol | 05:33 |
Kingbahamut | its still quiet | 05:33 |
Madpilot | Kingbahamut: I noticed that you've switched the gwos wiki over to CC-PD - is that going to be the permanent license? | 05:37 |
Kingbahamut | aye it is Mp | 05:38 |
Kingbahamut | in accordance with discussion on mdke and myself | 05:38 |
Kingbahamut | why do you ask mp? | 05:39 |
Madpilot | you're ahead of the official docs, then - I don't think there is a final decsion as to licencing for them... :( | 05:39 |
Madpilot | just curious | 05:39 |
Kingbahamut | I try to be as acommodating as possible Madpilot | 05:39 |
Kingbahamut | may not always work the way I want it to | 05:39 |
LaserJock | I think I'm going to have to GPL the Ubuntu Packaging Guide | 05:41 |
Kingbahamut | hmmmm, why? | 05:42 |
LaserJock | I don't like doing it but it is the way it has to be | 05:42 |
LaserJock | because all of the Debian docs are GPL | 05:42 |
Kingbahamut | seems viable then | 05:42 |
Kingbahamut | Ive rarely understood the relationship between Debian and certain documentation | 05:43 |
LaserJock | I don't get why they don't use GFDL | 05:44 |
LaserJock | other than maybe they package their docs, but that shouldn't matter | 05:44 |
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LaserJock | anybody running dapper? | 06:26 |
Kingbahamut | not yet | 06:27 |
Madpilot | nope | 06:27 |
Kingbahamut | will be on my CPx test lappy by weeks end though | 06:28 |
LaserJock | hmm, yelp isn't working for me | 06:32 |
LaserJock | well, I'll try my breezy chroot | 06:36 |
LaserJock | hmm, works fine in my chroot | 06:40 |
LaserJock | must be dapper | 06:40 |
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rob1 | LaserJock_, I am | 09:15 |
rob1 | Burgundavia, do you have ops in #ubuntu? | 09:27 |
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robitaille | rob1 Burgundavia is probably in bed :) (and has been IRC idle for 31 hours...) | 09:30 |
rob1 | yeah | 09:31 |
rob1 | I need one of the #ubuntu ops to remove a couple of bans | 09:31 |
robitaille | I think some of the Ubuntu developpers have ops... | 09:32 |
rob1 | I think they are all sleeping | 09:32 |
robitaille | pitti is around | 09:32 |
Madpilot | bob2 was around a little while ago, in #ubuntu & -offtopic | 09:32 |
rob1 | he is marked as away currently | 09:32 |
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jjesse | morning :) | 02:40 |
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jsgotangco | hey all | 04:46 |
jjesse | monrning jsgotangco | 04:55 |
jsgotangco | hey jjesse how's things? | 04:57 |
jjesse | surviving | 04:58 |
jjesse | moved from an older as/400 to a new one over the weekend and it didn't go smoothly | 04:58 |
jsgotangco | ouch i can imagine, they are unpredictable beasts | 04:58 |
jsgotangco | i wonder though why move to a new system, an as/400 lasts forever | 04:59 |
jsgotangco | heh | 04:59 |
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jsgotangco | good night | 05:46 |
mdke | night | 05:46 |
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LaserJock | rob1: still around? | 07:04 |
mdke | lo LaserJock | 07:04 |
LaserJock | hi mdke | 07:05 |
LaserJock | mdke: you run dapper? | 07:05 |
mdke | LaserJock, yes, although not right now | 07:05 |
LaserJock | yelp/gnome-help won't start for me. I was wondering if it was just me or if it was a real bug | 07:06 |
mdke | will try this evening | 07:07 |
mdke | up to date? | 07:07 |
LaserJock | almost | 07:08 |
mdke | ok i'll check when I get home and ping you :) | 07:09 |
mdke | gtg now | 07:09 |
LaserJock | k, cya | 07:10 |
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mdke | LaserJock, works here | 09:04 |
jjesse | pardon the stupid question: ive never really used yelp, but does the anouncement mean that before today you couldn't print a help page? | 09:07 |
mdke | jjesse, yep :) | 09:07 |
jjesse | that sounds like something that should be available from the beginning doesn't it? | 09:07 |
mdke | yep | 09:08 |
jjesse | wow | 09:08 |
mdke | yelp is a bit sucky | 09:08 |
LaserJock | mdke: so on your dapper gnome-help starts fine? | 09:09 |
mdke | LaserJock, yes | 09:09 |
LaserJock | well, that's odd | 09:10 |
LaserJock | ok, well it works in my dapper chroot so it must be some local config | 09:11 |
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mpt | jjesse, fyi, you also can't search :-) | 09:19 |
jjesse | wow that really sucks | 09:19 |
LaserJock | but it displays docbook! very slowly | 09:20 |
Burgwork | jjesse, yelp is very much a neglected child | 09:22 |
jjesse | but documentation should be the killer for an open source project | 09:22 |
mpt | yes, those highly-trained highly-paid volunteer writers can kick MSDN's behind | 09:26 |
mpt | ;-) | 09:26 |
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