lifeless | LarstiQ: not yet. but you can validate by hand | 12:04 |
LarstiQ | ok | 12:04 |
=== LarstiQ hasn't used it yet, but the NEWS file led him to think it worked | ||
sivang | LarstiQ, jblack : ok thanks, I'll make sure to check it up tomorrow - night :) | 12:09 |
=== sivang is now known as sivang_away | ||
kiko | anyway | 12:37 |
kiko | nightie night | 12:37 |
LarstiQ | night kiko | 12:39 |
LarstiQ | how is determined when to do a new rollout? specifically, when does the spiffy new navigation go live? | 12:40 |
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kiko | LarstiQ, stub is the man to ask for that -- I think it goes live tomorrow, but maybe not | 12:41 |
LarstiQ | ooh, nice | 12:41 |
kiko | congrats BjornT -- it landed | 12:42 |
LarstiQ | kiko: it's decided on a per case basis? | 12:42 |
kiko | LarstiQ, no, but we're moving to bi-weekly IIRC | 12:42 |
LarstiQ | ciao! | 12:45 |
LarstiQ | daf: did you progress on that negative graphwidth problem? | 12:52 |
daf | LarstiQ: yes, Aaron merged a patch from me | 12:56 |
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LarstiQ | daf: good, then it will make it's way to eventually | 01:08 |
daf | no, it's a bzrtools bug | 01:22 |
daf | so the next bzrtools release will fix it | 01:22 |
LarstiQ | daf: ah, Aaron just posted something to the list that looks similar, but in bzrlib/ | 01:29 |
LarstiQ | anyway, he's on it | 01:29 |
jamesh | don't you hate it when your merge fails on completely unrelated tests? | 01:43 |
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lifeless | jamesh: yes | 02:12 |
lifeless | jamesh: is that still happening ? | 02:13 |
jamesh | lifeless: my branch failed in one of the person merge page tests | 02:17 |
jamesh | passes locally | 02:17 |
=== Nafallo_away is now known as Nafallo | ||
lifeless | damn | 02:34 |
lifeless | are you running postgresql 8 or 7.4 ? | 02:34 |
jamesh | lifeless: I am running PG 8.0 | 02:37 |
lifeless | I'll bet thats it | 02:38 |
jamesh | My change doesn't touch any database code | 02:39 |
jamesh | It adds a feature to one of the navigation helper classes that is only exercised in a doctest | 02:40 |
lifeless | yes | 02:41 |
lifeless | but you may be tickling a bug that only shows in 7.4, for instance | 02:41 |
lifeless | does it fail every time there ? | 02:41 |
jamesh | I'm not sure | 02:43 |
jamesh | I've submitted it for merge again, but it is #4 in the queue | 02:43 |
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jamesh | lifeless: it looks like nothing has been merged to rocketfuel since Saturday | 04:47 |
jamesh | (and there were deffinitely a number of things queued yesterday) | 04:48 |
lifeless | I have to go shopping now | 04:48 |
lifeless | will look when I return | 04:48 |
jamesh | thanks. | 04:48 |
=== stub buggers off apartment hunting - back in a few hours | ||
lifeless | jamesh: revno 2910 | 06:26 |
lifeless | landed monday 23:36 | 06:26 |
lifeless | wem 2909 | 06:26 |
lifeless | *erm* 2909 | 06:26 |
jamesh | lifeless: that wasn' | 06:27 |
jamesh | t there earlier today | 06:28 |
lifeless | jamesh: ok, then its still working | 06:28 |
lifeless | thats 11am - 9am for you | 06:28 |
lifeless | (and 36 minutes) | 06:28 |
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fabbione | hey guys | 06:34 |
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carlos | morning | 08:37 |
jamesh | hi carlos | 08:46 |
carlos | How is that pqm is so slow? | 08:47 |
carlos | I sent my request about 10 hours ago and it's still running tests | 08:48 |
carlos | and when I sent it there was only one request running tests | 08:49 |
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bradb | labas | 09:12 |
BjornT | labas rytas bradb. my branch finally landed yesterday. | 09:14 |
bradb | BjornT: yeah, i saw that, cool :) | 09:16 |
SteveA | hallo | 09:20 |
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=== SteveA checks out email | ||
sivang | morning SteveA | 09:23 |
SteveA | labas, sivan | 09:24 |
SteveA | spiv: hello | 09:26 |
SteveA | jamesh: hi. is the UI stuff working out okay? | 09:27 |
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bradb | BjornT: Do you remember why you had to change bugnotifications.txt and 10-mark-bug-as-duplicate.txt for your changes? I'm trying to make sense of the conflicts I have in those files. | 09:34 |
BjornT | bradb: yes, i removed the ubuntu(upstream) task from bug 1, which resulted in getting less bugmail | 09:37 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug #1: Microsoft has a majority market share In: Ubuntu, Severity: Critical, Assigned to: Mark Shuttleworth, Status: Accepted | 09:37 |
jblack | what? | 09:37 |
bradb | BjornT: Ah. What made you want to remove that test data? | 09:37 |
jblack | I mean, true. | 09:38 |
jamesh | SteveA: yeah | 09:38 |
BjornT | bradb: mostly to make it easier for me to test things. and since such a task doesn't make much sense, i thought it'd be better to remove it | 09:40 |
sivang | SteveA: labas is 'Hello' in russina/lithuanian ? | 09:40 |
bradb | ok | 09:40 |
SteveA | sivang: in lithuanian | 09:41 |
carlos | stub, hi, around? | 09:42 |
stub | carlos: yes | 09:42 |
carlos | stub, did you see kiko's email about missing cron outputs? | 09:42 |
stub | yes | 09:43 |
carlos | do you have time to have a look at it? | 09:43 |
stub | no idea wtf is happening there. maybe getting filtered out on the mailing list or something | 09:43 |
carlos | I know the cron scripts are being executed | 09:44 |
carlos | so either is a local mail problem in that server | 09:45 |
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carlos | or as you suggest the mailing list is filtering out the emails | 09:45 |
SteveA | sivang: privet | 09:45 |
SteveA | sivang: privet in russian, or zdrastvetya | 09:45 |
carlos | stub, could you change the destination email to be my email address to discard the mailing list problem? | 09:45 |
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SteveA | jamesh: did the subpillars turn out to be all content objects? | 09:56 |
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jamesh | SteveA: One of them ("Release series" for products) doesn't seem to have a corresponding page | 10:07 |
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jamesh | the rest look okay | 10:07 |
jamesh | SteveA: That's probably okay if that item is not a link | 10:08 |
sivang | SteveA: this family of languages has some many words to describe a term :) | 10:08 |
jamesh | (just highlight it if a ProductSeries is being viewed | 10:08 |
jamesh | Actually, Product -> Branches is also an interesting case | 10:12 |
jamesh | The only thing under /products/foo is /products/foo/+code, which is a view. The actual pages for branches (which have content objects) are under /people/branchowner/+branch/... | 10:13 |
stub | carlos: emails should be going direct now to both of us. | 10:15 |
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carlos | stub, ok, thanks | 10:26 |
stub | carlos: yup - looks like mailman or something else in our mail system is eating the messages | 10:33 |
stub | carlos: In fact, I don't see anything from gangotri :-/ | 10:34 |
carlos | stub, how do you now it? I didn't get any email... | 10:34 |
stub | I got emails. That indicates it is the canonical email systems eating the messages (I used your address, but a direct email address for me) | 10:35 |
carlos | ok | 10:37 |
stub | elmo: Message id from gangotri got to me (direct gangotri to my mail provider), but that same message appears to have been eaten when going to the error-reports mailing list and carlos' address | 10:37 |
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SteveA | jamesh: do you think there would be a problem with making this channel -R now ? | 10:59 |
jamesh | SteveA: probably not | 11:01 |
=== mode/#launchpad [+o SteveA] by ChanServ | ||
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bradb | BjornT: When you say "an attribute doesn't return anything", do you mean that the Attribute's documentation should be changed from "Return the number of ..." to just "The number of ..."? | 11:06 |
BjornT | bradb: yes, exactly | 11:06 |
bradb | ok | 11:06 |
=== mode/#launchpad [+o jamesh] by SteveA | ||
=== mode/#launchpad [-o SteveA] by SteveA | ||
SteveA | jamesh: would you do it please? i have no idea how to drive irc. | 11:07 |
=== mode/#launchpad [-R] by jamesh | ||
jamesh | just typing "/mode -R" in the channel should do it | 11:10 |
carlos | What's the -R for? | 11:10 |
jamesh | carlos: +R is a freenode-specific channel flag that is equivalent to making the channel moderated but giving all users registered with nickserv voice | 11:11 |
jamesh | we had it turned on when someone was spamming the channel with some bots | 11:12 |
carlos | so non registered people will not be able to join/chat here? | 11:12 |
carlos | ok | 11:12 |
carlos | I see | 11:12 |
jamesh | carlos: they were able to join, but not chat | 11:12 |
jamesh | should probably have turned it off earlier | 11:12 |
carlos | SteveA, the link to the last meeting's summary is a broken link, do you have it done? | 11:17 |
SteveA | carlos: i have *some* of it done | 11:17 |
carlos | ok | 11:18 |
carlos | I will wait then | 11:18 |
jblack | daf: ping | 11:29 |
jblack | sivang: ping | 11:29 |
=== mode/#launchpad [-o jamesh] by jamesh | ||
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daf | jblack: pong | 11:33 |
jblack | daf: I've got some bzr/lp docs that I've been working on. I hear that you may be working on that too | 11:33 |
daf | yes | 11:33 |
jblack | I hear sivang may be working on it as well. | 11:34 |
daf | though I doubt there'd be much overlap with what I've already done | 11:34 |
jblack | What are you doing? | 11:34 |
daf | yes, Sivan has volunteered to help | 11:34 |
daf | so far, I've been working on the PythonStyleGuide and the LaunchpadHackingFAQ | 11:34 |
daf | Sivan has been working on the RocketFuelSetup | 11:34 |
jblack | So close, but not the same thing. Maybe it would be useful to join forces. | 11:35 |
jblack | Ok. Sivang and I have been working on the same thing | 11:35 |
daf | yes, let's | 11:35 |
daf | ah, right | 11:35 |
jblack | Ok. I'll send an email via the launchpad list proposing it. | 11:35 |
carlos | SteveA, hi, do you have some minutes to help me with some browser code? | 11:36 |
daf | jblack: have you been working on the wiki or just offline? | 11:36 |
jblack | I've been working on the wiki pages offline | 11:36 |
daf | ah, right | 11:36 |
jblack | And I think its done. | 11:36 |
daf | we also took a look at PQMSetup, but didn't touch it yet | 11:36 |
jblack | I've got PQMSetup here as well | 11:37 |
daf | cool | 11:37 |
jblack | I think thats done as well, but I haven't tested the new script. | 11:37 |
jblack | Anyways, stevea asked me to carbon the launchpad list. | 11:38 |
daf | I'm willing to be a guinea pig -- I have a change I need to land | 11:38 |
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jblack | Ok. I'm done reviewing | 11:41 |
jblack | There's just one problem. | 11:41 |
jblack | RocketFuelSetup has, as per lifeless, an rsync from rocketfuelbuilt. | 11:41 |
jblack | but my understanding is that the lp policy is that there's only one branch per machine, in ~/ubuntu | 11:41 |
daf | I'm not sure I follow | 11:42 |
daf | you mean that each LP hacker only has one branch checked out? | 11:42 |
jblack | As I understand it, yes. There's some policy that launchpad branches are supposed to be in ~/ubuntu | 11:43 |
daf | is this policy documented anywhere? | 11:43 |
daf | I haven't heard about it before | 11:43 |
jblack | <shrugs> | 11:43 |
SteveA | ??? | 11:43 |
SteveA | that makes no sense to me | 11:43 |
SteveA | why should there be any policy about how many branches i'm using? | 11:43 |
SteveA | the "baz switch" command, and its workflow, has been very useful | 11:44 |
jblack | It doesn't make sense to me either. When the supermirror rush came back around, I had to put this off to the side. | 11:44 |
ddaa | well... it's not really a policy, but I've seen it assumed in sever "handy" scripts provided by people. | 11:44 |
SteveA | and so i've often only needed one branch for development | 11:44 |
SteveA | i certainly do not have my code in ~/ubuntu | 11:44 |
daf | grr | 11:44 |
daf | bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: s | 11:44 |
SteveA | i don't put my working trees in my home directory | 11:44 |
SteveA | why should i want to back up my working trees? | 11:44 |
jblack | SteveA: I hope you understand better why I didn't put them up in a public place yet or post them to a mailign list. | 11:45 |
SteveA | i don't understand that better | 11:45 |
SteveA | you can publish docs as works-in-progress | 11:45 |
SteveA | and in doing so, these issues come to light earlier | 11:46 |
SteveA | rather than coming to light only near the end | 11:46 |
SteveA | we need to share status updates, progress updates, and works in progress | 11:46 |
lifeless | daf: the checkouts not the branaches, under baz | 11:46 |
SteveA | that's why we have "working branch" on specs and bugs | 11:46 |
lifeless | daf: mark altered the rocketfuel setup to have ~/ubuntu/launchpad ages back now | 11:46 |
daf | lifeless: I thought checkouts were branches :) | 11:47 |
daf | lifeless: anyhow, any idea about my "Not a branch" woes? | 11:47 |
lifeless | daf: whats sthe command line | 11:47 |
daf | bzr pull | 11:48 |
daf | I've tried the // thing | 11:48 |
carlos | SteveA, problem fixed. Don't worry | 11:48 |
lifeless | daf: ok, we generally dont pull from chinstrap directly because its still dog slow | 11:49 |
lifeless | daf: but you probably have a need for s | 11:49 |
daf | oh, so I should just rsync? | 11:49 |
daf | eww eww eww | 11:49 |
daf | ok | 11:49 |
jblack | lifeless: I'm a bit under the gun. I need to post something. | 11:49 |
lifeless | jblack: dude, why haven't you been updating the wiki as you go ? | 11:49 |
lifeless | jblack: Release Early, Release Often. | 11:49 |
jblack | Lets take a step back. I'm feeling teamed up on and a bit bullied. | 11:50 |
jblack | Thats not an open way for me to talk. | 11:50 |
daf | lifeless: that doesn't work either -- I'll just rsync it | 11:50 |
jblack | My primary concern was that I didn't want to get anybody's setup messed up with the scripts before they were looked at by at least a second person. I was hoping you. :) | 11:51 |
lifeless | jblack: ok | 11:51 |
lifeless | I just popped back to see your comment about being under the gun | 11:51 |
jblack | Ahh. | 11:51 |
jblack | Yeah. Apparently this whole time I should have been more open on the launchpad list. | 11:52 |
carlos | daf, I suppose it's an stupid question... but I suppose you are inside a launchpad tree, right? not inside the dists one... | 11:52 |
jblack | Um, actually... | 11:52 |
daf | carlos: yeah -- I think it's just bzr's sftp support being silly | 11:52 |
carlos | ok ;-) | 11:53 |
carlos | stub, what's the status of staging? is the db mirror being update once per week? | 11:53 |
stub | carlos: Not yet - the DB hasn't been synced still due to ongoing gina testing. | 11:54 |
LarstiQ | daf: sftp urls are fluxing a bit, but with jbailey's new debs, it should at least work | 11:54 |
carlos | stub, any ETA? | 11:54 |
daf | LarstiQ: I'm using jbailey's snapshots | 11:54 |
stub | carlos: When kiko, mdz and Kinnison are happy with the results I'm afraid. Hopefully we are getting close and we can go back to normal next week. | 11:55 |
LarstiQ | daf: tried with %2fhome instead of /home? | 11:55 |
daf | yes | 11:55 |
carlos | ok | 11:55 |
carlos | stub, thanks for the info | 11:55 |
LarstiQ | daf: bah | 11:55 |
stub | carlos: Are you blocked? I can set up a new production db mirror for your exports if so | 11:55 |
carlos | stub, pitti is asking me for new language packs | 11:56 |
carlos | stub, so that would be a good solution, if it does not causes you too much pain | 11:56 |
stub | I'll kick off the restore. Should be ready tomorrow. | 11:57 |
carlos | stub, ok, thanks | 11:57 |
carlos | I suppose it will be asuka but with another db name, right? | 11:57 |
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lifeless | jblack: so - you have a concern about the difference between your docs and rocketfuel setup w.r.t. branches on disk ? | 12:07 |
lifeless | jblack: shall we talk that through, or do you want ot get your docs up on the wiki and we can both look at it together ? | 12:08 |
jblack | I've mailed them to the list. | 12:08 |
jblack | But I can put them on the wiki to. Hold. | 12:08 |
lifeless | back in 4-5 | 12:09 |
lifeless | back | 12:13 |
stub | carlos: Yes - launchpad_carlos on asuka | 12:14 |
lifeless | jblack: I've realised how late it is | 12:19 |
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matsubara | good morning! | 12:19 |
lifeless | how about I help you with that test issue, then I can do a once over review of the ones in your email first thing tomorrow ? | 12:19 |
jblack | Ok. they're on the page. | 12:21 |
jblack | and on the list | 12:21 |
lifeless | thanks | 12:21 |
jblack | such as they are. | 12:21 |
lifeless | longest journey, first step, sortof thing | 12:22 |
lifeless | so, I realise I left you hanging with that unittest question. | 12:22 |
carlos | stub, ok, thanks | 12:22 |
jblack | Almost. I just need to get a link on frontpage | 12:22 |
lifeless | been a bugger the last two days, with the fridge dying, finding a replacement, and restocking. | 12:22 |
=== SteveA and brad --> lunch | ||
jblack | lifeless: Ready when you are | 12:24 |
lifeless | ok | 12:24 |
lifeless | is it lp or bzr ? | 12:24 |
lifeless | or ??? | 12:24 |
jblack | is what lp or bzr? | 12:24 |
lifeless | 22:19 < lifeless> jblack: I've realised how late it is | 12:25 |
lifeless | 22:19 < lifeless> how about I help you with that test issue, then I can do a once over review of the ones in your email first thing tomorrow ? | 12:25 |
jblack | Yeah, sure | 12:25 |
jblack | I caught that. | 12:25 |
jblack | Oh, you mean both tomorrow? Sure | 12:25 |
lifeless | so is the unittest question, unittesting in lp-related code, or in bzr relted code ? | 12:25 |
lifeless | no, test thing now, should be just showing you the trick | 12:26 |
jblack | Bzr related code. | 12:26 |
lifeless | ok. #bzr ? | 12:26 |
jblack | sure | 12:26 |
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mpt | Gooooooooooooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders! | 12:32 |
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jamesh | hi mpt | 12:33 |
sivang | jblack: pong | 12:36 |
sivang | morning mpt :) | 12:36 |
jamesh | mpt: got time for some questions w.r.t. the site map code? | 12:36 |
mpt | jamesh, sure | 12:37 |
jblack | sivang: I emailed the launchpad list and updated the wiki with the rocketfuel and pqm docs that I've been working on. | 12:37 |
=== mpt wonders how horrible "assignee:" is as a search operator | ||
mpt | sivang, you're hacking Launchpad now? | 12:37 |
jblack | They're not production quality, one of them isn't even done. :( | 12:37 |
sivang | jblack: cool, so it should be less ambigious to try and setup up RF Now? :) | 12:37 |
jblack | actually, probably more at this exact moment. | 12:37 |
jblack | But its gonna get better. | 12:37 |
carlos | mpt, I'm doing big changes to the translation form so please, don't touch it (just in case you have it planned) | 12:38 |
jamesh | mpt: I've got the main pillars part of the site map working, so e.g. it highlights "Distributions" when you are under /distros | 12:38 |
mpt | carlos, are you splitting it up into macros? | 12:38 |
jamesh | (actually, when you have traversed IDistributionSet) | 12:38 |
carlos | mpt, I'm implementing PoMsgSetPage | 12:38 |
carlos | mpt, yes | 12:38 |
jblack | One of the two is in really good shape. The other one is in good shape for the first 1/2 or so, at which point you can see where I left off to take care of other stuff. | 12:38 |
mpt | jamesh, great | 12:38 |
carlos | mpt, and | 12:38 |
mpt | carlos, cool, that'll make it easier for me to hack later | 12:38 |
jamesh | mpt: If I'm viewing IDistributionSet (the /distros page), as opposed to viewing an actual distro, should any sub pillar links be shown? | 12:39 |
jamesh | mpt: and if so, what should they point at? | 12:39 |
carlos | and includes the other | 12:39 |
mpt | hummmm | 12:39 |
jamesh | that's my first question. | 12:39 |
sivang | mpt: I try to help where/when I can :-) | 12:39 |
mpt | jamesh, I suppose all the subpillars should be visible but unclickable | 12:39 |
sivang | jblack: I'll take a quick look at RFS now, have you submitted your changes already? | 12:40 |
jblack | I have | 12:40 |
jamesh | The second one is that some of the subpillars you listed, such as "release series" don't have pages related to them as a set | 12:40 |
jamesh | but do for individual items in the set | 12:40 |
jblack | I also put up a rosetta page on the front page. its not exaustive, but it covers the more common ops. | 12:40 |
mpt | jamesh, so that would be sometimes active, but always unclickable | 12:41 |
jamesh | mpt: okay. | 12:41 |
mpt | I'm not saying any of this is a good idea! :-) | 12:41 |
jamesh | mpt: and a third question: for Products -> branches, the only page is /product/xxx/+code | 12:42 |
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mpt | but if we're going to show subpillars, I think that's probably the best way | 12:42 |
jamesh | once you click on a branch, you are under /people/xyz/+branch/xxx/branchname | 12:42 |
kiko | hey there | 12:42 |
kiko | jamesh, thanks dude -- I'll look at this right away | 12:42 |
jamesh | which puts you outside of the product pillar | 12:43 |
mpt | I see | 12:43 |
jamesh | kiko: cool. My guess as to why your anchor wasn't in the focus chain was because you didn't set href | 12:43 |
mpt | jamesh, so Branches is functinally the same as the Code facet? | 12:43 |
kiko | jamesh, but I did -- look at the patch I sent | 12:44 |
mpt | functionally, even | 12:44 |
jamesh | kiko: I never saw your version of the patch | 12:44 |
kiko | jamesh, you didn't get my email?! | 12:44 |
=== kiko cries | ||
jamesh | mpt: the problem is that while the list of branches for a product lives underneath the product in the URL space, the pages for actual branches are under the person | 12:45 |
jamesh | kiko: ah. found it now. It had no subject :) | 12:46 |
mpt | jamesh, so Branches will only be the subpillar for one page per product | 12:46 |
mpt | that's ok | 12:46 |
kiko | jamesh, I forgot -s, apologies | 12:46 |
jamesh | kiko: n/p | 12:47 |
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kiko | fala cprov | 12:52 |
cprov | kiko: yo | 12:52 |
kiko | what's the dogfood story? | 12:52 |
kiko | and hey Kinnison? | 12:53 |
carlos | kiko, seems like there are some problems with the mail server that's why we are not getting the Rosetta's email reports | 12:56 |
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kiko | carlos, sheeeet | 12:57 |
carlos | kiko, seems like only the emails outside work | 12:59 |
kiko | I see. who researched this for you? | 12:59 |
kiko | hey stub | 12:59 |
kiko | hey Kinnison? | 01:00 |
stub | Yo | 01:00 |
kiko | thanks for doing the gina run | 01:01 |
kiko | there were no packages in dapper-* foo :) | 01:01 |
=== kiko should start using his brain more | ||
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kiko | hey SteveA | 01:08 |
SteveA | hi kiko | 01:08 |
kiko | how's tuesday? | 01:08 |
SteveA | not so bad | 01:08 |
kiko | mine's okay too | 01:08 |
kiko | mild headache | 01:08 |
SteveA | good to hear | 01:08 |
SteveA | except for the headache part | 01:08 |
sivang | jblack: just saw the email on lp ml, I also think it'd be better to put the wiki doucments on the wiki tagging is "WIP" , it's easier to view and comment that way | 01:11 |
cprov | kiko: so .. every thing is accepted and proccesed in DF ... wil run publisher | 01:12 |
kiko | cprov, you are THE MAN | 01:12 |
cprov | kiko: uhm .. first need to merge Kinnison's fixes for publisher ... | 01:13 |
cprov | 10 min | 01:13 |
sivang | jblack: do you know if python-profiler is still needed? daf noted he thinks it's obsolete | 01:13 |
salgado | hi SteveA. did you have a look at the patch I sent you thursday? | 01:14 |
sivang | jblack: would you prefer follow up to the mailing list, or comment inline the wiki page? | 01:15 |
kiko | stub, so Kinnison's going to kick off another publisher run | 01:15 |
SteveA | salgado: no i didn't. i'm having lunch with brad, but keep hassling me after lunch, or re-send the email so it is at the top of the queue. | 01:17 |
daf | sivang: I think keeping things on the wiki would be best | 01:17 |
Kinnison | kiko: So the incorrect assumption is that hoary-backports has the same tasks as hoary | 01:17 |
daf | sivang: feel free to add notes about things that are in doubt | 01:17 |
Kinnison | kiko: The question is, is the archive right, or is my assumption more correct? | 01:17 |
salgado | SteveA, okay, I'll re-send it | 01:17 |
SteveA | thanks! | 01:18 |
sivang | daf: ok, I prefer that approach as well. | 01:18 |
carlos | kiko, stub discovered the problem | 01:18 |
daf | sivang: great | 01:18 |
daf | sivang: thanks for fixing my typo, by the way | 01:18 |
dilys | Merge to devel/launchpad: Update the homepage's list of products: a) change the heading to say "Featured Products" given that's what they are (and not a calculated list of projects, as the old title seemed to imply) and b) to list Bazaar-NG instead of baz. rs=mark (r2910: kiko, Christian Reis) | 01:18 |
kiko | Kinnison, the archive is right, for all purposes | 01:18 |
Kinnison | kiko: personally I believe that I made the correct assumption and that it's a bug in our archive, *but* I might be wrong | 01:18 |
kiko | jesus christ | 01:18 |
kiko | that took 12 hours to merge | 01:18 |
kiko | Kinnison, I think this following | 01:18 |
kiko | we need to track the archive for these packages | 01:19 |
kiko | I mean, the extra-overrides for warty/hoary/breezy are by definition the ones in the archive | 01:19 |
kiko | we can't second-guess them (in particular because they want to change them) | 01:19 |
Kinnison | mmm | 01:19 |
kiko | now | 01:19 |
kiko | FOR DAPPER | 01:19 |
kiko | the plot thickens | 01:20 |
kiko | because they will need to have a way to add said E-O | 01:20 |
kiko | and at the moment the only way is generating this file | 01:20 |
kiko | and plugging it into the publisher | 01:20 |
kiko | which is bad | 01:20 |
Kinnison | Aye | 01:20 |
kiko | do we have a plan for that? | 01:21 |
Kinnison | There are some specs on putting EO into the database | 01:21 |
carlos | mpt, Hmm, I'm having a problem with the translation form split | 01:21 |
carlos | mpt, When I do a submit on the main form ( how can I 'forward' the submit to the pomsgset's view? | 01:22 |
carlos | I need that to render the input errors... | 01:22 |
Kinnison | kiko: I've updated it to have separated EOs for hoary-backports | 01:26 |
kiko | Kinnison, should it be separate for all pockets I wonder? | 01:26 |
Kinnison | kiko: I'm gonna go and get lunch now, and buy some wood for a door, get a fuse or two, that kind of joyful thing | 01:26 |
kiko | I think by definition they need to | 01:26 |
kiko | because it's a policy decision to modify them | 01:26 |
Kinnison | kiko: the change I made was separate for all pockets, falling back to using those out of main if there is no file for the pocket | 01:26 |
kiko | I see | 01:26 |
kiko | and you generate E-O for all pockets? | 01:27 |
=== Kinnison nods | ||
kiko | should be okay then | 01:27 |
=== Kinnison will be back later | ||
Kinnison | hopefully it'll be a good way through publishing by then | 01:27 |
kiko | Kinnison, I'm going to call rob to get him to make you send activity reports! | 01:27 |
Kinnison | drescher:/tmp/publog3 is the log | 01:27 |
Kinnison | kiko: *grin* I have them to send, I'll do 'em when I get back from town, mmkay? | 01:28 |
kiko | I hear rob doesn't fuck around | 01:28 |
sivang | daf: hehe, you're most welcome :) | 01:28 |
kiko | yeah | 01:28 |
sivang | Kinnison, kiko : lol | 01:30 |
Kinnison | kiko: He doesn't? I shall have to tell him to do so | 01:30 |
=== Kinnison -> Lunch, while you lot work that one out | ||
=== sivang ROTFL heavily | ||
kiko | ouch | 01:30 |
kiko | you get what you pay for | 01:30 |
sivang | daf: would you think it would be good to have a very small, not more then a dozen words description of ConfigManager, or is there a wiki page that we can link to from there? I have a rough idea what it is now, but when I first read ove rthe RFS page it bothered me to have installed something I don't really understand why I need. Note, that this comes out of relative ignorace in RCS systems probably :) | 01:32 |
daf | hmm | 01:32 |
daf | how about: make ConfigManager a link to a wiki page that has a short description of what it does? | 01:33 |
mpt | carlos, that doesn't sound possible -- most people will be translating ten strings at once, and you can't submit to ten URLs at once | 01:33 |
carlos | mpt, then we cannot do the split... | 01:34 |
sivang | daf: right. I mean, not that the reason for installing it is not clear, but for someone new - it would be good to have. | 01:34 |
carlos | mpt, the split is only possible with read only chunks | 01:34 |
carlos | mpt, from what you just said me... | 01:34 |
mpt | carlos, what are you talking about? Malone bug listing use macros, with checkboxes and all | 01:34 |
carlos | hmmm | 01:34 |
mpt | but the submission still goes to a single URL | 01:34 |
mpt | why do you want to submit to multiple URLs? | 01:34 |
carlos | then what I'm using is not called a macro or I'm doing something wrong | 01:35 |
mpt | perhaps | 01:35 |
kiko | carlos, what's wrong? | 01:35 |
carlos | mpt, I'm using from the page template a "pomsgset/@@+pomsgset-translate" call | 01:36 |
kiko | humm | 01:36 |
carlos | mpt, that gets the page, the given pomsgset and uses the pomsgsetview | 01:36 |
carlos | to render that part of the page | 01:36 |
carlos | kiko, mpt do you follow? | 01:36 |
mpt | yep | 01:37 |
carlos | mpt, I suppose that's not the way to use a macro, right? | 01:37 |
cprov | Znarl: ping | 01:37 |
carlos | because in this case the context and the view change for that concrete part of the pagetemplate | 01:37 |
Znarl | cprov : What's up? | 01:37 |
kiko | carlos, have you looked at the way malone's macros are done? | 01:38 |
carlos | not really | 01:38 |
kiko | then I suggest you do so | 01:38 |
carlos | kiko, any page you recomend me? | 01:38 |
kiko | yes, one moment. | 01:39 |
carlos | ok | 01:39 |
cprov | Znarl: hi, could you please create the /srv/ directory in mawson (as suggested in new style LP config) ? it's kind of boring to patch the config every time ;) | 01:39 |
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Znarl | cprov : Done | 01:41 |
cprov | Znarl: you're star, thx | 01:41 |
kiko | carlos, look at | 01:42 |
carlos | kiko, ok, thanks! | 01:42 |
kiko | and then look at {distro,} | 01:43 |
kiko | which use it | 01:43 |
kiko | and look at the zcml that registers it | 01:43 |
kiko | shouldn't be too painful | 01:43 |
kiko | and of course ask me if you need any help | 01:43 |
carlos | ok, thanks | 01:43 |
sivang | daf: there, is that ok what I did with ConfigManager? | 01:44 |
cprov | kiko: publishing in progress, let's see | 01:47 |
kiko | rock on cprov | 01:47 |
carlos | kiko, it's more or less what I have but without changing the context and the view | 01:48 |
carlos | kiko, and it solves the submit problem I have | 01:48 |
carlos | thank you | 01:48 |
kiko | right | 01:48 |
kiko | don't change context or view | 01:48 |
kiko | a macro is just a reusable bit of template | 01:48 |
sivang | daf: anyway, more comments will follow later. I gotta attend to some job stuff now .. | 01:48 |
carlos | I looked at the wrong example that change them | 01:48 |
carlos | and it only works for read only chunks | 01:49 |
cprov | kiko: ahh, btw, did you already get a error in 30-merge-people pagetest from PQM ? how did you manage to solve it ? requested again ? | 01:49 |
carlos | cprov, I got it | 01:49 |
carlos | this morning | 01:49 |
carlos | I resent my request after checking in in my local computer again (and all worked) | 01:50 |
carlos | waiting for PQM | 01:50 |
kiko | cprov, it's not solved, and there's a bug filed on it which stub doesn't want to fix | 01:50 |
=== kiko runs | ||
carlos | kiko, does it means that my merge will fail again? | 01:50 |
carlos | :'( | 01:50 |
kiko | no | 01:50 |
kiko | but it's random | 01:51 |
carlos | kiko, dude, TranslationUploads is ready to be merged since two weeks ago!! | 01:51 |
carlos | oh | 01:51 |
carlos | I hope it works now then... | 01:51 |
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kiko | carlos, cprov, well, add your pain to bug 3425 | 01:51 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug #3425: Mysterious failure of pagetests/foaf/30-mergepeople.txt In: launchpad (upstream), Severity: Minor, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: New | 01:51 |
kiko | salgado, how's MM going? does it look nasty? | 01:52 |
cprov | kiko: sure .. aditionally it's the problematic "glibc corrupted" branch which I can't test properly in my local machine ... horrible odd ! | 01:53 |
kiko | cprov, have you tried doing a shelve and then unshelving in a different branch? | 01:54 |
cprov | carlos: at least I'm not the only unlucky person around ;) | 01:54 |
kiko | no, we are legion | 01:56 |
cprov | kiko: it would be a big overhead for the minimal changes cointained in this branch, it is already formally "retired", just tried the easiest way first, if it doesn't work I will do what you suggested, migrate the changes to a fresh branch | 01:56 |
kiko | yeah | 01:56 |
kiko | ok | 01:56 |
kiko | make clean ; make might fix it | 01:56 |
kiko | hmm, btw.. | 01:56 |
cprov | kiko: already tried .. didn't work | 01:58 |
kiko | jamesh, ping? | 01:59 |
kiko | cprov, you need to make distclean /inside/ sourcecode/pygettextpo | 01:59 |
kiko | I am going to fix that but I need some help from jamesh | 01:59 |
cprov | kiko: uhm good idea | 02:00 |
cprov | kiko: rebuilt, hope it works, thx | 02:04 |
kiko | enjoy | 02:04 |
kiko | cprov, can I abuse your hospitality and invite you to a long lunch today? we need to get rid of recycleables and I need to get mac mini memory. I'll buy you lunch :) | 02:05 |
kiko | salgado, MM looks gnarly! | 02:08 |
daf | sivang: I've added my own comments | 02:08 |
=== carlos -> lunch | ||
carlos | see you later | 02:08 |
kiko | laterox | 02:09 |
cprov | kiko: I'd say it's not a the worst deal of the week (until now, tuesday). I'm in ;) | 02:09 |
kiko | cool | 02:09 |
kiko | jamesh, mailed you a diff to pygettextpo, try and land it sometime | 02:10 |
=== cprov is 7th on PQM list (very sad) and wonders if we can speed up the lazy guy | ||
kiko | moving it to balleny | 02:12 |
daf | where can we see the queue? | 02:12 |
kiko | | 02:12 |
daf | aha | 02:12 |
kiko | daf, what do you make of carlos' comments on bug 1681? | 02:13 |
cprov | bright technology advance of the last century, web-servers | 02:14 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug #1681: Viewing a translation page fails in unix2newlines In: launchpad (upstream), Severity: Major, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: New | 02:14 |
daf | looks like it's a bit out of date, though -- the first merge already happened, didn't it? | 02:14 |
daf | kiko: I read it late last night and didn't understand it at all -- I'll take another look now | 02:15 |
cprov | kiko: rebuilt pygettext didn't help too, same error, poor life | 02:15 |
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salgado | kiko, do you think I should put it on hold? | 02:21 |
=== niemeyer wonders what would be the type of a tagfile.. text/plain? | ||
niemeyer | message/rfc822? | 02:23 |
kiko | salgado, no, I think we need to move on with it | 02:23 |
kiko | daf, heh | 02:23 |
kiko | salgado, if we don't it will fuck us over soon | 02:23 |
daf | kiko: reply sent now | 02:25 |
StevenK | Can I beg someone to make my address work? I've heard that the virtual alias table script is down for refactoring. | 02:38 |
spiv | StevenK: elmo is the person you need to beg, I think. | 02:41 |
Znarl | StevenK : Send a request to, if you like. | 02:42 |
StevenK | I talked it over with Kamion first, he thought here, due to the script being down. | 02:43 |
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daf | I seem to recall that there's a way of getting an instance of a view class for a context object | 02:50 |
daf | but I can't remember what it is | 02:51 |
salgado | daf, zope.component.getView(context, pagename, request) | 02:52 |
daf | salgado: awesome | 02:52 |
daf | salgado: what's 'pagename'? | 02:52 |
salgado | daf, the name of a page for which the view class you want is registered | 02:53 |
kiko | carlos_, daf: two questions. a) who's going to handle bug 1681? b) what do you make of bug 5626? | 02:55 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug #1681: Viewing a translation page fails in unix2newlines In: launchpad (upstream), Severity: Major, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: New | 02:55 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug #5626: Cannot translate strings with plural form In: rosetta (upstream), Severity: Major, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: New | 02:55 |
daf | a) carlos b) we need to reproduce it | 02:56 |
=== BjornT [n=bjorn@] has joined #launchpad | ||
kiko | BjornT, bradb: I'd like to pose the question asked in bug 2965 openly. What does it mean to mark a public bug as a duplicate of a private one? | 02:58 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug #2965: Malone fails to display a bug publically if one of its duplicates is private In: malone (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Diogo Matsubara, Status: Accepted | 02:58 |
kiko | bradb, wth are you sending HTML mail? | 03:01 |
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mpt | bradb, BjornT, kiko, check out | 03:05 |
BjornT | kiko: good question. as it is now, i don't think it's something special to mark a public bug a duplicate of a private one, it should stay private. in the example, the bug itself isn't private information, but the traceback in bug 3438 is. | 03:06 |
daf | interesting | 03:06 |
Ubugtu | Error: I cannot access this bug | 03:06 |
daf | bit of a mess, though | 03:06 |
kiko | that's a mess indeed | 03:06 |
BjornT | kiko: it gets more complicated if we want to display the duplicate bugs' comments, though, not sure what the plans for that are. | 03:07 |
kiko | I guess the data is indeed interesting | 03:07 |
kiko | BjornT, well, I think you mean "should stay public" above | 03:07 |
kiko | and is that the right solution? | 03:07 |
kiko | I guess we can say we push off allowing optional change in visibility when we get around to DuplicationNG, right? | 03:07 |
BjornT | kiko: ah, yes, public | 03:08 |
mpt | kiko, BjornT, is there a spec for better duplication? | 03:08 |
kiko | DuplicationNG is where we allow some workflow being added to the duplication process | 03:08 |
kiko | not yet | 03:08 |
mpt | should there be one now? | 03:08 |
kiko | but there will be | 03:08 |
BjornT | kiko: yes, i think so. | 03:09 |
kiko | not now, I don't think | 03:09 |
kiko | I mean, unless BjornT is dying to dive into duplication -- I thought he was going to fix the TT :) | 03:09 |
BjornT | kiko: i think i'll stick to the TT for now :) | 03:10 |
kiko | smart move | 03:10 |
mpt | What's the TT? | 03:11 |
kiko | ticket tracker | 03:11 |
mpt | ST! | 03:11 |
kiko | what effah | 03:11 |
mpt | you and your non-existent "status whiteboard" and "ticket tracker", I dunno | 03:12 |
daf | ST? | 03:14 |
kiko | suppoht trackeh | 03:14 |
bradb | kiko: Damn, that must be gmail. | 03:15 |
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kiko | bradb, gmail is converting your reviews mail to html? | 03:16 |
kiko | wtf | 03:16 |
daf | should the displaynames of distributions in the sampledata be capitalised? | 03:17 |
=== kiko looks at mpt | ||
SteveA | daf: that's an interesting point | 03:17 |
kiko | I believe I fixed them in production | 03:18 |
SteveA | should the displaynames of distributions even contain CodeNames at all? | 03:18 |
kiko | I think the answer is yes, ftr | 03:18 |
SteveA | check this out: | 03:18 |
daf | SteveA: code names? | 03:18 |
kiko | CodeNames? | 03:18 |
kiko | that's a release | 03:18 |
kiko | not a distro | 03:18 |
SteveA | The Breezy Badger overview | 03:18 |
SteveA | yes | 03:18 |
kiko | daf, I believe the answer to your question is yes | 03:18 |
kiko | SteveA, do you think the number is more appropriate? | 03:19 |
kiko | or is this a gsvname? | 03:19 |
kiko | :) | 03:19 |
daf | ok, in that case I'll change the data | 03:19 |
kiko | daf, check out the naming in production | 03:19 |
SteveA | so, the official answer to the question "isn't the name breezy / warty / firey kinda silly and unprofessional?" is "that's just a code name for when it is in development. the real version number is 5.10 or whatever" | 03:19 |
bradb | kiko: argh, yeah, I guess it's gmail. their default message entry is an RTF text extry | 03:19 |
mpt | what SteveA said | 03:19 |
SteveA | and yet, look at that page. it says 5.10 in just one place | 03:19 |
=== bradb drapes paper bag over head | ||
mpt | I think the only reason for Launchpad knowing the codename is that the number may change while the codename should not | 03:19 |
SteveA | in the hierarchy | 03:20 |
kiko | it's a gsvname | 03:20 |
SteveA | seriously in that ONE place | 03:20 |
mpt | so the codename can be used for URLs | 03:20 |
mpt | e.g. if Ubuntu 6.04 becomes 6.05 by mistake, it'll still be /distros/ubuntu/dapper | 03:20 |
Ubugtu | Ubuntu Bugzilla bug #6: gdb package contains non-free GNU FDL documentation Product: Ubuntu, Component: gdb, Severity: normal, Assigned to:, Status: RESOLVED, Resolution: NOTWARTY | 03:20 |
SteveA | i mean, i'm a professional linux person, say. and i ask "what is the URL to the ubuntu 5.10 home page in launchpad?" | 03:20 |
Ubugtu | Error: Could not parse XML returned by Ubuntu Bugzilla bugzilla: not well-formed (invalid token): line 88, column 76 | 03:20 |
mpt | Ubugtu, shut up | 03:20 |
SteveA | the answer is... .../ubuntu/breezy | 03:20 |
daf | I think there's a case to be made that the URLs should use version numbers too | 03:20 |
mpt | The case against rests. | 03:21 |
SteveA | we should emphasize the version number | 03:21 |
SteveA | and we should deemphasize the code-name | 03:21 |
Nafallo | SteveA: and what is the url of the archive? :-) | 03:21 |
daf | I agree | 03:21 |
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Nafallo | breezy isn't named 5.10 in sources.list ;-) | 03:21 |
SteveA | i'd be interested to hear what jdub and jbailey think | 03:21 |
mpt | Nafallo, that's because it's an URL, which is what I've been saying and nobody's listening | 03:21 |
bradb | kiko: Also, I don't think the system can infer anything special about a public bug being marked a dup of a private one, or vice versa. | 03:21 |
kiko | bradb, okay. | 03:21 |
kiko | SteveA, I think this is really something we should listen to the distro about | 03:22 |
daf | Nafallo: good point | 03:22 |
Nafallo | mpt: yea, I understood you correctly when you want to keep the codename? :-) | 03:22 |
SteveA | kiko: it is definitely a problem that nowhere on that page does it say what the 5.10 in the hierarchy means | 03:22 |
daf | SteveA: let's ask them | 03:22 |
kiko | I don't even know that breezy is 5.10 :) | 03:22 |
Nafallo | codenames is for marking things (url, things that should not change) while the releasename is for marketing :-) | 03:23 |
Nafallo | that's my POV :-) | 03:23 |
daf | in the meantime, I think whether the codenames are capitalised or not is separate to when they are displayed | 03:24 |
SteveA | the level of emphasis the code name gets in URLs etc is not something we can change without much deliberation, consultation etc. | 03:24 |
SteveA | but i do think we should make more of the official version number in the soyuz UI | 03:24 |
SteveA | and in other portlets | 03:24 |
mpt | agreed | 03:25 |
kiko | BjornT, so what's the name of the spec you're working on next? and do send in your activity reports | 03:25 |
jamesh | kiko: looking at your javascript, it seems that you were still hanging the click event handler off the <legend> element. In mine, the events hang off the generated <a> element | 03:25 |
kiko | jamesh, I see. why does that make a difference? "race conditions" between the handlers? | 03:26 |
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jamesh | kiko: in both your patch and mine, you end up with <legend><a>...</a></legend> | 03:27 |
carlos | daf, yes, there is a way to do that | 03:27 |
jamesh | kiko: I guess the anchor consumes the click event, so it doesn't bubble up | 03:27 |
carlos | daf, forget my message, lag, lag, lag... | 03:27 |
kiko | jamesh, it actually does bubble up but it's slow and causes errors. | 03:27 |
kiko | weird. | 03:28 |
kiko | jamesh, and the focus chain issue? that one stumps me. | 03:28 |
jamesh | kiko: I've got no idea. | 03:28 |
kiko | yeah. | 03:28 |
kiko | jamesh, with my considerations, I'd be okay with merging. have you done any IE testing, or should we just wait for bug reports? :) | 03:29 |
jamesh | the anchor seems to be in the correct position in the focus chain when I was testing it | 03:29 |
kiko | hmmm. | 03:29 |
BjornT | kiko: at the moment i'm fixing bugs in the email interface. but i plan to start on soon | 03:29 |
jamesh | kiko: haven't tested it on IE yet (the evt.returnValue bit is an attempt at IE compatibility) | 03:29 |
kiko | okay, cool | 03:30 |
kiko | jamesh, I have access to an IE instance, I'll test later if you like | 03:30 |
BjornT | kiko: and yes, i have been slacking with sending activity reports, i'll make sure to send them in soon. | 03:30 |
kiko | okay just this once | 03:30 |
kiko | next time around, TOMMY GUN ACTION | 03:31 |
jamesh | kiko: sure. I'll commit what I have, along with fixing the indent nits in that file | 03:31 |
jamesh | there seems to be a mix of different styles in that file | 03:31 |
kiko | that file is horrible | 03:31 |
=== jamesh wonders if there is a javascript mode for emacs | ||
kiko | SteveA, bradb, BjornT: | 03:32 |
bradb | kiko: interesting. | 03:33 |
mpt | bradb, | 03:33 |
bradb | mpt: yeah, that looks good, on a quick glance | 03:34 |
bradb | It'll be a long while before I get to implementing though, I imagine | 03:34 |
bradb | I'm out of coding this week. Also, IBC was approved for landing, but must be delayed slightly, because explicit subscriptions are amazingly STOOPID. | 03:35 |
kiko | bradb, a change in requirements? I thought we had agreed that these would be explicit.. | 03:35 |
bradb | kiko: Yes, and it's amazing that we all made that huge of an oversight. :) | 03:36 |
bradb | SteveA and I talked with kamion earlier to confirm my fears. | 03:36 |
bradb | kiko: Basically, if you sub to a pkg, you would only get bugmail from all bugs opened /after/ you subscribed. Not the bugmail from bugs opened a month ago, or three minutes ago. | 03:36 |
bradb | And, when you unsubscribed from that pkg, you'd keep getting all those bugmails. | 03:37 |
daf | oh, that is broken | 03:37 |
daf | the thingy does the right thing | 03:38 |
SteveA | daf: i'll review that spec once you've done it | 03:38 |
daf | great, I'll let you know | 03:38 |
bradb | Luckily, it doesn't mean I have to rewrite the whole thing (i.e. all the UI and the underlying APIs should be mostly solid, just the implementation of a couple callsites needs to be changed and some tests updated a bit), but the changes + spec updating (which I've started already) will take a bit of time to sort out. | 03:38 |
=== mpt upsets matsubara by adding a Malone AcidSearch channel to Safari in 0.5% of the time it took matsubara to write the Malone search channel for Firefox | ||
=== bradb & # doc writing | ||
kiko | bradb, can you give me a phone call? | 03:46 |
kiko | bradb, I think the spec is right. | 03:46 |
kiko | hmmm | 03:46 |
=== kiko thinks | ||
kiko | is this only related to the package bug contact? | 03:48 |
kiko | or to all distribution bugs? | 03:48 |
kiko | SteveA, can you poke bradb? | 03:48 |
SteveA | he's focused on writing some docs | 03:49 |
SteveA | can this wait a few minutes? | 03:49 |
kiko | no | 03:50 |
kiko | unless these docs have nothing to do with the subject matter above | 03:50 |
SteveA | you know the price of taking someone out of a state of flow? | 03:50 |
SteveA | demarco and lister, 1996 | 03:50 |
SteveA | he is working on different docs now | 03:51 |
kiko | okay | 03:51 |
kiko | well tell him no changes until the approver OKs the changes | 03:51 |
kiko | and I saw no email on this subject | 03:51 |
kiko | which disappoints me somewhat | 03:51 |
SteveA | which subject? | 03:51 |
SteveA | package bug contacts? | 03:51 |
kiko | the subject discussed above. | 03:51 |
kiko | right. | 03:51 |
kiko | a change to the IBC spec | 03:52 |
SteveA | so, brad and i talked with kamion and stub today. the next step will be to publish the conclusions to this on the list. | 03:52 |
kiko | okay | 03:53 |
kiko | I'll comment when I see them | 03:53 |
SteveA | kiko: we should encourage the distro team to join launchpad-users | 03:54 |
kiko | sure | 03:54 |
SteveA | or at least gmane it | 03:54 |
SteveA | it should be in gmane too | 03:54 |
carlos | kiko, SteveA Am I supposed to join launchpad-users? | 03:55 |
carlos | I'm a bit overloaded atm and I'm not sure I will be able to follow that list... | 03:55 |
kiko | carlos, I guess. nothing is happening there yet. it's this week's todo for me :) | 03:55 |
carlos | ok | 03:55 |
SteveA | kiko: item for thursday's meeting? devel team joining or gmaneing launchpad-users | 03:55 |
SteveA | i think the devel team members should at least be able to read it easily, and threaded, when needed | 03:56 |
SteveA | maybe the mail archives are enough | 03:56 |
SteveA | the list deserves more exposure though | 03:56 |
kiko | SteveA, no need for item, I agree on gmaning and I will post to warthogs | 03:56 |
kiko | yeah | 03:56 |
kiko | it is on this week's todo | 03:56 |
SteveA | okay, cool | 03:56 |
kiko | not off the radar | 03:56 |
SteveA | thanks | 03:56 |
kiko | thanks | 03:56 |
kiko | I have a report to write | 03:57 |
=== kiko takes the medicine | ||
kiko | ddaa, what was your pybaz landing this week useful for? | 03:58 |
ddaa | hu... ha | 03:58 |
kiko | mpt, nice addition to the spec | 03:58 |
jamesh | kiko: you asked people to use email at the meeting | 03:58 |
kiko | ddaa, last week | 03:58 |
jamesh | :) | 03:58 |
kiko | VF | 03:58 |
ddaa | kiko: that's an helper for the scripts that want to disable the twisted-based process spawning. | 03:58 |
ddaa | Which is enabled automatically if the twisted module is loaded | 03:59 |
ddaa | but does not work if a reactor is not running. | 03:59 |
kiko | I see | 03:59 |
ddaa | There are a few bits of code around that does something like | 03:59 |
ddaa | from pybaz.backends.forkexec import PybazSpawningStrategy | 04:00 |
ddaa | pybaz.backend.spawning_strategy = PybazSpawningStrategy | 04:00 |
ddaa | that could be replaced by: | 04:00 |
ddaa | pybaz.backend.force_forkexec() | 04:00 |
kiko | I see | 04:01 |
mpt | kiko, which spec? | 04:03 |
kiko | mpt, the MaloneSearch spec | 04:04 |
mpt | kiko, addition? I've written the whole thing, and not finished yet | 04:04 |
kiko | BjornT, oh! it's unfortunate that we spec'd the name "supporter" in TTOE -- it should be supportcontact, I think | 04:04 |
kiko | mpt, the syntax for advanced queries | 04:05 |
mpt | ah | 04:05 |
mpt | I'm adding some more task-specific operators now | 04:06 |
mpt | This spec could really do with a table for checking off when individual sentences have been implemented | 04:06 |
mpt | but Moin doesn't like those kind of tables | 04:07 |
dilys | Merge to devel/launchpad: allow redirection() to be used as a descriptor in Navigation classes, r=SteveA (r2911: James Henstridge) | 04:07 |
jamesh | yay | 04:07 |
BjornT | kiko: hmm, yeah. i haven't implemented that part yet, though, so we could easily change it. | 04:07 |
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch | ||
kiko | BjornT, we should -- look at IBC and let's try and stay consistent. update the spec if you think it's a good idea, otherwise, email! | 04:08 |
kiko | BjornT, so this is just the first part of TTOE, right? | 04:08 |
BjornT | kiko: yeah, i'll wait until the IBC discussion has settled and will update the spec after that. it makes sense to have it resemble bug contacts as much as possible, especially since we won't have package/distribution subscriptions for a while. | 04:10 |
kiko | BjornT, I'm only raising a concern for the database field name, not anything else. | 04:11 |
=== BjornT_ [n=bjorn@] has joined #launchpad | ||
=== bradb & # doc writing, really | ||
=== Ahsan123` [n=Xpl0iter@] has joined #launchpad | ||
Ahsan123` | help me | 04:19 |
kiko | we can try | 04:19 |
Ahsan123` | i login with my launchpad account see | 04:19 |
Ahsan123` | Welcome to The Launchpad | 04:19 |
Ahsan123` | Launchpad is a collection of services for projects in the open source universe. You can register your project, and then collaborate with the open source community on translations, bug tracking and code. | 04:19 |
Ahsan123` | Search for products: | 04:19 |
Ahsan123` | now where i can click for getting free cd | 04:19 |
kiko | Ahsan123`, | 04:20 |
Ahsan123` | help me | 04:20 |
Ahsan123` | It's so quiet in this channel, the mice run... ~~ (,,> ~~(,,> ~~(,,> | 04:20 |
kiko | visit that link, it's where you order CDs | 04:20 |
Ahsan123` | after login | 04:20 |
Ahsan123` | ? | 04:20 |
Ahsan123` | then what is this i login there | 04:20 |
kiko | Ahsan123`, visit -- that's where you should go | 04:21 |
Ahsan123` | ook wait after login where i can clikc? | 04:22 |
kiko | just type in that URL | 04:22 |
Ahsan123` | ok let's chk | 04:23 |
Ahsan123` | can u tell me kiko bro | 04:23 |
Ahsan123` | they really send cd if they really send cds they send in how much days | 04:23 |
kiko | yes, we really do send CDs. | 04:24 |
kiko | they usually take up to two months to be delivered. | 04:24 |
Ahsan123` | The email address and password do not match. | 04:25 |
Ahsan123` | what is this | 04:25 |
Ahsan123` | i reg my username and password | 04:25 |
Ahsan123` | by | 04:25 |
Ahsan123` | y they ask this | 04:25 |
Ahsan123` | wtf | 04:25 |
Ahsan123` | Sorry, you don't have permission to access this page. You are not logged in. | 04:27 |
Ahsan123` | VG)=- | 04:27 |
Ahsan123` | seee | 04:27 |
Ahsan123` | Your Host/Proxy/Nick/IdentD Is Black Listed And Is Not Allowed To Join Channel. | 04:28 |
Ahsan123` | hey | 04:30 |
Ahsan123` | now what can i do | 04:31 |
kiko | what seems to be the problem? | 04:31 |
jamesh | Ahsan123`: you should be able to enter in the same email address/password combination on as on | 04:31 |
jamesh | they use the same user database | 04:31 |
Ahsan123` | means | 04:32 |
Ahsan123` | if i took this email | 04:32 |
Ahsan123` | and i also took the same password | 04:32 |
Ahsan123` | rite | 04:32 |
jamesh | when you registered, you should have been sent an email | 04:34 |
jamesh | in that email there are instructions on activating the account (this is to verify that the email address is correct) | 04:34 |
Ahsan123` | yeh but | 04:34 |
Ahsan123` | they send me link | 04:34 |
Ahsan123` | i took the password | 04:35 |
Ahsan123` | and given name etc etc | 04:35 |
Ahsan123` | when i login on they ask this Sorry, you don't have permission to access this page. You are not logged in. | 04:35 |
jamesh | what is your launchpad user name? | 04:37 |
Ahsan123` | | 04:37 |
Ahsan123` | ops sorry | 04:38 |
Ahsan123` | | 04:38 |
Ahsan123` | this new one | 04:38 |
jamesh | okay. It looks like your email address has been confirmed | 04:39 |
jamesh | so you logged in using "" as the username, and whatever your password is as the password? | 04:39 |
Ahsan123` | but i login where | 04:40 |
Ahsan123` | | 04:42 |
Ahsan123` | see i login | 04:42 |
jamesh | yep. | 04:43 |
jamesh | I can type in my email address/password there, and I can place orders | 04:43 |
SteveA | bug 3516 | 04:44 |
Ubugtu | Error: I cannot access this bug | 04:44 |
=== Ahsan123` aims...........Fire's the Glock.....PocK!....One round in the Head of Ubugtu....."Killed that Tango Fuck!" | ||
Ahsan123` | lol | 04:47 |
Ahsan123` | | 04:47 |
Ahsan123` | xhk | 04:47 |
Ahsan123` | when i login | 04:47 |
Ahsan123` | this next page was opened | 04:47 |
Ahsan123` | any body herE ? | 04:50 |
Ahsan123` | Ahsan123` you there? | 04:50 |
Ahsan123` | Are you still alive Ahsan123` ? | 04:50 |
Ahsan123` | * Timer 1 activated | 04:50 |
Ahsan123` | * Timer 2 activated | 04:50 |
Ahsan123` | * Timer 3 activated | 04:50 |
Ahsan123` | * Timer 4 activated | 04:50 |
Ahsan123` | * Timer 5 activated | 04:50 |
Ahsan123` | * Timer 6 activated | 04:50 |
Ahsan123` | * Timer 7 activated | 04:50 |
Ahsan123` | are you ignoring me Ahsan123` ? | 04:50 |
Ahsan123` | You must be lagging Ahsan123` Helloooooooo!! | 04:50 |
Ahsan123` | Woooo 39 sec ping reply WoW! | 04:50 |
Ahsan123` | you better do something about that lagg Ahsan123` | 04:50 |
Ahsan123` | Sorry, you don't have permission to access this page. You are not logged in. | 04:50 |
Ahsan123` | Helloooo!! ARGH! | 04:51 |
Ahsan123` | hehehehe Gotcha! | 04:51 |
jamesh | Ahsan123`: don't expect instant replies here. | 04:51 |
Ahsan123` | y | 04:52 |
jamesh | Ahsan123`: I don't know why you would be getting that error. | 04:52 |
jamesh | Ahsan123`: do you have cookies disabled, maybe? | 04:52 |
=== sbtqx [n=antispam@] has joined #launchpad | ||
Ahsan123` | no | 04:52 |
sbtqx | [none] [freenode-connect (freenode@freenode/bot/connect) VERSION] | 04:53 |
sbtqx | Logging in... | 04:53 |
=== sbtqx LoRa | ||
=== mode/#launchpad [+o SteveA] by ChanServ | ||
Ahsan123` | 2 | 04:55 |
=== sbtqx [n=antispam@] has left #launchpad [] | ||
Ahsan123` | k | 04:55 |
Ahsan123` | bye | 04:55 |
Ahsan123` | Bye Bro | 04:56 |
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara | ||
SteveA | kiko-fud: please ping when you're back from fud | 05:20 |
=== mode/#launchpad [-o SteveA] by SteveA | ||
=== eruin [n=eruin@unaffiliated/eruin] has joined #launchpad | ||
=== sivang is concerned by how logs look like after Ahsan123`'s visit here. | ||
=== sivang suspect that's not real output, or is it? | ||
sivang | anyway, shame I can't stay long. will come back alter when home. | 05:37 |
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sabdfl | Kinnison: ping | 06:44 |
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Kinnison | sabdfl: yo | 06:47 |
sabdfl | Keybuk: ping | 06:57 |
carlos | mpt, dude, the translation form looks like crap with the new launchpad page layout (not related to specific changes to the form) | 07:11 |
kiko | carlos, because it's too wide? | 07:11 |
carlos | the portlets are overlapped with the content and they took too much space | 07:12 |
carlos | kiko, yes | 07:12 |
ddaa | THE WALLS ARE CRUSHING ME!!! | 07:12 |
kiko | yeah, that's one of the problems with this new layout -- the portlets are a tad wider | 07:12 |
carlos | kiko, The form split is done | 07:13 |
SteveA | mpt can apply a 2 column layout to pages that really need it | 07:13 |
kiko | carlos, rock and roll! | 07:13 |
kiko | wow | 07:13 |
kiko | carlos, the template must be so much simpler now | 07:13 |
carlos | kiko, and at the same time I did some code improvements to the view class so it's now a real view class | 07:13 |
kiko | beautiful | 07:13 |
carlos | carlos@aragorn:~/Work/Canonical/PoMsgSetPage/lib/canonical/launchpad/templates$ wc -l | 07:13 |
carlos | 245 | 07:13 |
carlos | carlos@aragorn:~/Work/Canonical/PoMsgSetPage/lib/canonical/launchpad/templates$ wc -l | 07:13 |
carlos | 286 | 07:13 |
kiko | nice! | 07:14 |
carlos | Instead of the old: 529 | 07:14 |
carlos | anyway, I think I found a way to do it in a way that the context changes | 07:15 |
=== ddaa head is hurting trying to think about inactive objects | ||
carlos | kiko, instead of handling the form submission inside the POFileView, when I create the POMsgSetView, I give it the request as the argument | 07:15 |
carlos | kiko, so the own POMsgSetView could handle the form submission | 07:16 |
kiko | hmmm | 07:16 |
carlos | specific for the msgset we are interested on and ignore the others | 07:16 |
carlos | right? | 07:16 |
kiko | so POFileView delegates the request to POMsgSetViews | 07:16 |
kiko | ? | 07:16 |
carlos | right | 07:16 |
kiko | hmmm | 07:17 |
carlos | only the parts related with the pomsgsets | 07:17 |
kiko | sounds interesting, let's see what your reviewer thinks of that design :) | 07:17 |
carlos | ok ;-) | 07:17 |
carlos | I think I'm over for today. Time to do some housekeeping tasks... | 07:18 |
carlos | see you! | 07:18 |
carlos | kiko, and thanks for your help | 07:18 |
kiko | sure, happy to help | 07:19 |
cprov | BjornT_: ping | 07:20 |
BjornT_ | hi cprov | 07:22 |
cprov | BjornT: I'm just fighting with lp: formatter as you suggested in your review, partially sorted already, sorry for the unnecessary noise. | 07:24 |
cprov | BjornT: again ... the point is state/lp:NEEDSBUILD doesn't seem to work as you suggested | 07:27 |
BjornT | cprov: really? what's wrong? | 07:27 |
cprov | BjornT: TraversalError: 'NEEDSBUILD' | 07:29 |
BjornT | cprov: ah, sorry. i meant you to use state/enumvalue:NEEDSBUILD | 07:29 |
cprov | BjornT: AFAIKS from the it only works for person ... from a request | 07:29 |
cprov | BjornT: oohhhh MUCH clear now ;) let's see | 07:30 |
cprov | BjornT: still not working | 07:34 |
cprov | BjornT: lp:BuildStatus maybe ? as suggest doc/tales.txt | 07:36 |
cprov | nop | 07:37 |
BjornT | cprov: no, if you look further down in tales.txt you see an example of using enumvalue. what error do you get? | 07:38 |
cprov | state/enumvalue:NEEDSBUILD is the right thing to do | 07:38 |
cprov | KeyError: 'enumvalue' | 07:39 |
kiko | cprov, are you sure state is an enum? | 07:40 |
cprov | kiko: as far as a dbschema is a enum, yes | 07:40 |
BjornT | cprov: hmm, maybe you have some error in the template code? | 07:41 |
cprov | or maybe it receive None sometimes ... | 07:42 |
kiko | right | 07:42 |
cprov | BjornT: that's actually an overkill fact, No specific state, i.e., "All", is mapped on empty variable and there is no such feature when you use dbschema map, it doesn't make to have an "ALL" dbschema entry | 07:50 |
BjornT | cprov: right. it seems that enumvalue isn't actually used in our templates, so keep the code as it is, it seems that enumvalue isn't working properly... | 07:51 |
=== BjornT goes to file a bug | ||
cprov | BjornT: fair enough, thanks anyway | 07:52 |
BjornT | cprov: well for All, you could check for None. but as i said, keep it as it is. sorry for causing you trouble ;) | 07:52 |
cprov | BjornT: it wasn't a troube, at least remains the hopeness of a way to do those jobs clearer than they are . | 07:54 |
=== Kinnison heads out to the hardware store and then to see a film | ||
Kinnison | ciau | 07:59 |
cprov | Kinnison: see you | 08:01 |
=== sivang is back | ||
sivang | kiko: I see your report on the mailing list, I feel some of those could be compiled to form some sort of "Launchpad News" on the main page or something? I mean, it would be nice to show the user community how things has advanced :-) | 08:18 |
kiko | sivang, see the LaunchpadWhatsNew spec | 08:19 |
sivang | oh right | 08:20 |
sivang | daf: I've added more comments to RFS, will be waiting your clarifications. | 08:31 |
cprov | BjornT: another detail about your review, just identified it now. You suggested to move the setupBuildList method call to class initialize() instead of a template call. It's really fine from the clarity point of view, but it decreases the performance drastically, since it's initialized all the time for several pages that shares the same view. What do you think ? | 08:39 |
BjornT | cprov: ah. you definitely shouldn't call the method for templates that don't need them. ok, leave it as it is then, there will be better infrastructure to deal with these kind of things later. | 08:46 |
sivang | kiko: your responses to shipit users feedback can be hilarious at times :) | 08:46 |
kiko | what did I say this time? | 08:46 |
mpt | I'm going home before I fall asleep | 08:47 |
mpt | tchau | 08:47 |
sivang | mpt: byr | 08:47 |
mpt | byr? | 08:47 |
sivang | mpt: don't ask, had along day at work :) | 08:47 |
sivang | (I'm home now) | 08:47 |
=== mpt [] has left #launchpad [""] | ||
sivang | kiko: are you sure you want me to paste it in here? | 08:48 |
sivang | (are there any shipit users in the crowd? ;-) | 08:48 |
cprov | BjornT: good, rolling changes back then ... :( | 08:48 |
kiko | heh | 08:48 |
=== kiko laughs at salgado | ||
sivang | kiko: you talked about alternative dimensions there :) | 08:49 |
kiko | heh | 08:49 |
=== lamont [] has joined #launchpad | ||
=== sivang leaves email backlog for a while (some good laughs) and gets back at finishing RF setup. | ||
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dilys | Merge to devel/launchpad: [trivial] fix (Deactivating milestone results in "Oops" (r2912: Brad Bollenbach) | 09:04 |
sivang | I wonder if anybody can help on that, checking out RFS I see there the instructions to sign pqm's key. It also tells me to make sure the key matches the fingerprint and id on the wiki page. SHouldn't it be placed somewhere immutable , or this is not issue having imported the key from chinstrap ? | 09:04 |
=== jinty [] has joined #launchpad | ||
cprov | kiko: take a look at | 09:25 |
kiko | cprov, did it work? :) | 09:27 |
cprov | kiko: looks like you can run your compare script against pool | 09:29 |
kiko | sounds pool | 09:29 |
kiko | :o) | 09:29 |
cprov | kiko: looks like, sources seems to be there, but last word comes from the comparator | 09:30 |
cprov | kiko: what ?! | 09:30 |
kiko | wanna run it with me? | 09:30 |
kiko | roll down | 09:30 |
cprov | kiko: we still having some anoying error from the binaries absence | 09:30 |
=== cprov going | ||
lifeless | morning | 09:48 |
sivang | morning lifeless | 09:50 |
sivang | night all.. | 09:55 |
=== cprov leaves | ||
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dilys | Merge to devel/launchpad: [r=BjornT] fix ( causes a RequestExpired) (r2913: Brad Bollenbach) | 11:54 |
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=== mdke_ [n=matt@ubuntu/member/mdke] has joined #launchpad |
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