
=== mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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LaserJockin general how long does it take from when a package hits dapper-changes until it is in archives.u.c?12:07
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RiddellLaserJock: it enters the build queue on a 5 minute cron job, then it has to wait to be picked by the build daemons which usually doesn't take too long, then it has to build which takes however long then it has to be uploaded which is on a half hour cron job I seem to remember12:14
\shRiddell: amu and I decided to have a hack session now to fix at least all serious kubuntu rc bugs ,)12:16
Robot101mjg59: moo12:18
LaserJockRiddell: thanks12:19
Riddell\sh: excellent12:19
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jdongBTW guys great job on the Dapper artwork :)12:34
mjg59Robot101: Still there?12:39
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Riddelljdong: where's that?12:41
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\shdaniels: tour bug headlines are very weired12:49
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daniels\sh: how so?12:53
\shdaniels: "xvfb font path is screwed, news at 11" 12:53
seb128daniels: BTW, when are you going to fix xnest? vuntz had to downgrade it to make a sabayon demo previous week12:54
danielsseb128: i've fixed it in the server packages I'm working on now12:54
seb128rock ;)12:55
danielsunfortunately it does interesting things to my laptop display12:55
danielsinteresting in the sense of, if I leave this on for long enough, my panel will be totally fucked12:55
seb128don't blame the panel! :p12:55
danielsso it's possibly a net loss12:55
danielsit's always the panel, man12:55
danielsany bug reports involving an lcd -> seb12812:55
seb128iz gtk bog12:55
danielsso yeah, just chasing up what changed in the core to break that12:56
seb128I should give gtk to dholbach ;)12:56
danielsgood plan12:56
seb128speaking of GTK, before going to bed, if anybody complains about a suite of new FTBFS due to GTK stuff12:57
danielscolin may murder you in your sleep12:57
seb128it's fixed with GTK 2.8.9 which I've uploaded to Debian and asked elmo to sync a few hours ago on IRC12:57
seb128but seems he's not around12:58
\shseb128: no excuses12:58
danielsdaniel's tip for tuesday: if you leave your mainly-steel watch on the window sill during a blazing 30degC day, it will probably be really hot when you try to put it on the next day12:59
seb128ah ah :)01:00
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\shwell..I think I will close #1242701:04
danielsdon't close it, just reassign to the kernel where it belongs01:12
\shdaniels: dude...I don't think "laptop gets hot when it's not using USB" is a kernel thing01:14
danielshow could it possibly not be?01:14
\shdaniels: well...my laptop gets hot when it's increasing cpu speed..but this is know by manufacture01:15
daniels\sh: if you read it, you'll note that he says as soon as he plugs something into the USB port, the fans kick in, so the temperature reduces a great deal01:15
danielswhich sounds exactly like badly busted ACPI01:15
\shk...i'll read something about an hw problem...01:16
\sh"If I have all my USB ports free my computer starts getting hotter."01:16
\shwell...lets see what mjg will tell us01:18
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zuljbailey: ping01:57
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Nafalloelmo: please sync grisbi from debian unstable (ubuntu override okey)02:21
mgalvindoes anyone know if we have any current hard numbers of boot speed improvements yet and maybe some of those nice before and after graphs?02:35
Nafallomgalvin: http://www.magicalforest.se/~nafallo/bootchart/ :-)02:37
Nafalloit's not a pure ubuntu-desktop though :-P02:37
mgalvinNafallo: rock! thanks02:40
Nafallonp :-)02:40
mgalvindo you know what the old breezy ~boot time is by any chance?02:40
NafalloI would guess the oldest one + ~10 secs02:42
mgalvinok, thanks, maybe I will just install bootchart on my breezy machine so I can get a graph of that too02:44
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mjg59infinity: YOU HAVE BROKEN USPLASH02:52
mjg59infinity: (It no longer scrolls a big enough area since you moved the status text further out)02:52
infinityErm, really?... It worked here.02:54
infinityDo you have some really long status text?02:54
infinityOh, feh, I was testing with the word "fail", not "failed".  LAME.02:55
infinityAlso, this is the reason why I'm replacing the proportional font with a fixed-width font, so we can right-justify that column and stop guessing where the text might end up.02:56
=== ptlo [n=senko@83-131-64-180.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
infinitymjg59 : But, for now, since we write NOTHING to the edges, why are not just scrolling everything from 0 to 640, instead of guessing where the text will land?02:56
infinitys/are note/are we not/02:57
mjg59Because I thought there might be artwork there02:58
infinitySome frilly laurels or something?02:58
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infinityWell, if we had a proper bounding box for the text, I'd agree that it's all we should scroll.02:58
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infinityBut in the current "write some stuff, and guess that it might end up vaguely thereish" world order...02:59
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mjg59But the status stuff is fairly well constrained02:59
mjg59And normal text is wrapped02:59
infinityStatus is constrained, until you write a long status message.02:59
infinityYou can keep writing status as long as you want, and it just keeps pushing to the right. :)03:00
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infinity"FAILURE failederooney"03:00
infinityYou know someone will do it. :)03:00
mjg59Yeah, but they suck03:00
infinity(But, yeah, I'll just push the scroll are out a few pixels to fix this bug)03:00
infinityarea, too.03:00
infinityUnless you already have.03:00
mjg59Not yet03:02
mjg59I'm writing a website to get me sued instead03:02
infinityKay.  Doing it now, then.03:02
infinityOh, those are fun.03:02
infinityWho's suing you this week?03:02
mjg59http://www.srcf.ucam.org/~mjg59/GPL/ so far03:02
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infinitymjg59 : When you say "contain GPLd code", do you mean "contain someone else's GPLd code", or just "the work is licensed under the GPL by the copyright holder"?03:04
mjg59infinity: If it's not in violation of the GPL, then the latter03:04
mjg59But only the former case is something where there's potential litigation03:04
infinitymjg59 : The latter being a fuzzier area, since it's not ILLEGAL to license your own work incorrectly, just stupid.03:04
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infinity\sh : Thanks for sorting python-kde303:25
\shinfinity: my pleasure...you have now sip4 + pyqt newer then in debian and pykde building with kde3.5 but without kde3.5 api 03:26
infinityGood enough for now.03:26
\shinfinity: well I hope so..and we have now python2.4-qt3-gl which was MIA a long time03:27
SEJeffmjg59: You are suing Linuxant, or you work for them and someone is suing you? I'm confused over what you said and what that website says03:29
mjg59SEJeff: No, nobody is currently being sued03:31
SEJeffDoes the guy that runs gpl-violations.org know about Linuxant? I know a few projects signed over their copyright to him temporarily so he could sue the german companies03:32
mjg59I haven't, no03:32
mjg59But I've contacted the copyright holders03:32
SEJeffOk, you might contact him too. That guy goes for the jugular and has resolved several cases03:33
mjg59Linuxant aren't German, sadly03:33
mjg59They're based in Montreal03:33
SEJeffAre you in CA?03:33
=== zakame prays for the enlightening of Linuxant :/
SEJeffhmmmmm, that makes it pretty hard to open a case against them03:34
infinityUSPLASH IS HATE03:34
mjg59So I'm just hoping they'll threaten me with a lawsuit or takedown notice03:35
SEJeffBut suing them and winning would set a precedence that I don't think exists in northern america03:35
jsgotangcozakame, bleahhh03:35
mjg59infinity: LIES03:35
SEJeff /. here we come :-)03:35
zakamejsgotangco: err, do you want me to lose all hopes of connectivity? :p03:36
jsgotangcozakame, that's not the point03:36
SEJeffmjg59: What did the copyright holders say?03:38
mjg59SEJeff: There may be interesting kernel patches forthcoming03:38
mjg59(of the "oops, was that your business model we just destroyed?" variety)03:38
SEJeffmjg59: I'm guessing to break the linuxant drivers?03:38
infinityOh, duh.  I'm retarded.  (and usplash is hate)03:38
mjg59infinity: YOU ARE HATE03:39
SEJeffinfinity: don't hate03:39
robtaylorwe are all love... ommmm.....03:39
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=== robtaylor hope he will never have to manually rebuild gst 0.10 again...
SEJeffmjg59: If anything serious comes of your page, let me know and I will help you to the best of my ability03:41
mjg59SEJeff: Heh. Thanks :)03:41
SEJeffmjg59: I'm going to take a crazy guess and say that patch you were talking about was from Adrian Bunk. I found something about linuxant and ndiswrapper on lkml03:45
mjg59Nah, that's a different one (that breaks driverloader)03:45
SEJeffmjg59: Found it, thanks03:47
whiprushNEW USPLASH!03:56
whiprushI haven't rebooted yet, is it still a gimp-nightmare? (usplash)03:57
mjg59I love that we ship a splash that I wrote while very drunk and hungover in a dorm room in Helsinki03:57
mjg59whiprush: Nah03:57
whiprushI think you should ship that for a while longer03:57
mjg59So do I03:57
whiprushput the fear of god into anyone daring to use dapper.03:57
jsgotangcoyeah its just awesome03:57
mjg59But infinity changed it03:57
mjg59infinity: HATER03:57
mjg59Don't worry03:58
whiprushmaybe add a "X isn't going to work either dude." on the bottom03:58
mjg59I'll change it next time I do an upload of usplash03:58
zulmjg59: its called quality03:58
mjg59usplash is your guarantee of quality03:59
jdub*cough* should be using X!!! *cough*03:59
mjg59jdub: Hater03:59
mjg59jdub: (0.2 seconds startup time against at least 5)03:59
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infinitymjg59 : <laugh>... I changed it back so Flight-2 would be a bit more "professional" or some crap.  Change it back after Flight-2 is out. :)04:09
infinitymjg59 : I wouldn't oppose a splash-of-the-week until we get new/final artwork.04:09
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fabbionejdub: ping?06:01
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danielsX WORKS07:20
danielsi haven't upload the verson which will probably fuck my panel on i810 if I run it for long enough07:20
danielsi just wanted to make that clear07:20
fabbionedaniels: ?07:21
=== fabbione takes the pipe away from the kid
daniels02:58 < whiprush> maybe add a "X isn't going to work either dude." on the bottom07:21
jsgotangcosurely he was jesting..because of our beautiful usplash07:22
danielsdefinitely in jest, because it's been ages since I've broken X :P07:23
fabbionedaniels: would you be so kind to SMS jdub: "fabbione is waiting for you, or he will make you an offer you can't refuse. kthxbye"?07:23
fabbionedaniels: thanks dude07:25
danielsamazingly my phone knew the word 'testicles' without me having to teach it07:25
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Treenaksnext question: why are you sending messages with the word 'testicles'?07:39
Treenaks+ in them07:39
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danielsTreenaks: i'm trying to communicate with jdub on his level07:52
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janimono TB meeting today?08:10
Pygidon't know08:11
robitaillenone scheduled yet:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoardAgenda08:11
janimolast time it was scheduled some hours before, so I want to get ready08:16
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smurfBah. dh_gconf forgets to add a dependency on a new-enough gconf2.08:21
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infinityUgh, gnome-terminal is completely and utterly hosed.08:45
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smurfinfinity: Happily I didn't upgrade that yet. What does it do, insert "sudo rm -rf /" in front of every statement?08:59
sivang_awaymorning all09:04
Pygimornin' sivang09:04
sivang_awayhey yi 09:05
=== sivang_away can't type this morning
Pygihehe ;)09:05
sivang_awayalso, can't change my nick back for some weird reason09:05
Pygiheh :/09:06
fabbionesivang_away: leave #launchpad, change nick, enter again09:06
fabbioneno idea why that channel is making problems09:06
sivang_awayfabbione: yes, that is it. We need to fix that :)09:06
sivang_awaymaybe close channel, reopen 09:06
sivang_awayanyway - be right back09:07
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sivangah, that's better09:07
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mdkefabbione, because it is +R i think09:16
mdkethey set it because of some huge spam bot attack the other day09:17
mdkesivang, works ok if you register both nicks and link em09:21
sivangmdke: ah ok, I didn't know that. I will try that, thanks.09:23
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mdkesivang, in fact I think just linking them does the job, you don't have to register them separately09:24
sivangmdke: how do you link between nicks?09:27
mdkesivang, /msg nickserv group09:28
mdkechange to your away nick, do /msg nickserv group sivang password09:28
mdkei think09:28
pittieek - how the f*** slipped ffmpeg into main for hoary?09:29
HiddenWolf-NickServ-     LINK       Link your nickname to another09:29
HiddenWolf./msg nickserv link <other-nick>09:30
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pittijdub: we will all go to jail. ^ :/09:30
fabbionepitti: check the dates on the Packages.gz files09:31
mdkeHiddenWolf, heh i was looking at the wrong network09:31
mdkesivang, what he said :)09:31
pittifabbione: hm?09:31
fabbioneApril 7 2005 ?09:31
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pittifabbione: no idea, this is madison on jackass09:32
pittiHi slomo09:32
fabbionepitti: i think it's a known problem..09:32
slomopitti: hi :)09:32
HiddenWolf"pitti: we will all go to jail! -> slomo: Hi :)"09:34
pittiyes - summoning powers ;)09:34
slomopitti: what happened?09:35
pitti    ffmpeg | 3:0.cvs20050121-1ubuntu1 | http://de.archive.ubuntu.com hoary/main Sources09:35
pittislomo: this happened09:35
HiddenWolfFilename: pool/universe/f/ffmpeg/ffmpeg_0.cvs20050918-4ubuntu1_i386.deb09:35
HiddenWolfthat's on my breezy box.09:35
fabbioneHiddenWolf: source != binary09:36
fabbioneHiddenWolf: and hoary != breezy09:36
pittislomo: yes, it's in main only for hoary09:36
slomopitti: i know... i moved it out of main for breezy09:37
slomopitti: it was there only for kino iirc09:37
slomopitti: what's exactly the problem now? we still have ffmpeg in main in xine-lib but it will disappear soon :/  (sorry for stupid questions, i'm still almost asleep ;) )09:40
pittislomo: I was just surprised to see these codecs in main, but OTOH we have libmad in main forever...09:41
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fabbioneelmo: can you please autosync util-linux from debian? thanks09:55
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Pygiwelcome dholbach and sabdfl10:06
=== mvo waves
=== jinty [n=jinty@115.Red-80-24-9.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Tm_Tsucky, no kernel borkage since... 15-510:07
infinitydholbach : Your gnome-terminal update is making me cry. :/10:07
dholbachhey sabdfl and Pygi - hi everybody else :)10:07
Tm_Tworks too well ;(10:07
TreenaksTm_T: we should put up a sign..10:07
infinitydholbach : I had to downgrade.10:07
Tm_TTreenaks: yu10:08
dholbachinfinity: really?10:08
dholbachinfinity: how so?10:08
dholbachit works nice on 3 of my boxes10:08
infinitydholbach : I have a launcher on my panel to launch g-t.  If I try to launch a second instance, the first freezes (and the second never shows up)10:08
infinityThe launcher does "gnome-terminal --geometry=100x37" (don't ask)10:08
infinityNothing terribly odd.10:08
Pygihehe, dholback, remember the most favorite quote of all developers? ;) "It works on my computers" ;) hehe ;)10:09
dholbachPygi: it's all i could do :)10:09
Tm_Tinfinity: I might try that too if I have gnome-terminal installed10:09
Tm_Tas soon as my updates are downloaded and installed, so less than an hour10:10
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dholbachinfinity: i can reproduce it - but the back trace looks weird10:12
infinityAs long as you can reproduce it, I'm happy.10:12
infinityI'll leave it in your capable GNOMEy hands and go back to doing what I do best.10:12
dholbachso that's one of us happy :)10:13
Pygihehe, so dholbach, it does *not* work on your computer ;) hehe ;)10:13
dholbachPygi: i don't use strange geometry options :)10:13
Pygihehe, see? ;) excuses, excuses ;) 10:14
dholbachi'm not awake enough to retort something :)10:14
Pygiheh ;)10:14
PygiIt'll get fixed, eventually ;)10:15
sivangdholbach: you got along with the lpi patches?10:15
dholbachyes, so far so good, but there are still some tarballs left10:16
sivanghi sabdfl 10:16
sabdflhey sivang10:16
=== sivang is sad to see lpint-bonobo slowly, but surely loosing grip into packages ;-)
Pygimornin', mornin' ;)10:18
sivangdholbach: actually it's a good thing, it'd be good to see apps standartize on UIManager10:22
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pittiKamion: odd, there are no debs for gfxboot-theme-ubuntu, just the source package...11:01
seb128pitti: hey11:02
pittihi seb128 11:02
Kamiongfxboot-theme-ubuntu |      0.1.1 |        dapper | source, amd64, i38611:02
Kamionpitti: they're there11:02
seb128pitti: dpkg-reconfigure locales doesn't do anything now, what is the new way of changing locales settings from now?11:02
pittiKamion: ah, ok. I looked at 0.1.0 in universe11:02
Kamionpitti: oh, yeah, I promoted it as you suggested11:02
pittiseb128: just install/remove the according language pack11:02
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seb128pitti: hum, so you force users to install a language-pack to generate a locale?11:03
pittiseb128: ATM yes11:04
seb128pitti: gedit upstream wanted to try a bug on their software with zh_CN, and they probably don't want to install <n>MB of language-pack for this ...11:04
pittiseb128: if you have a good use case how it should be done differently?11:04
seb128dunno how the new locales work11:04
seb128but dpkg-reconfigure locales was nice11:04
pittiseb128: the langpacks ship and install/uninstall the locales now11:04
seb128that really sucks :/11:04
pittiso that we can manage them through rosetta11:04
seb128I've usually 10 locales or so on my box11:05
seb128but I don't want 10 language pack for sure11:05
pittiseb128: hm, but you are not the average case :)11:05
seb128right, but we have non average case upstream using Ubuntu too11:05
pittiseb128: anyway, if you need it, I can invent a way to manually intstall a locale11:05
seb128that would be nice11:06
=== hunger_ [n=hunger@p54A641E9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
seb128I think it's quite common for people testing a bug to want to generate a locale without installing <n>MB of translations for it11:06
pittiKamion: would a locales-all package help you for the installer?11:06
pittiKamion: we wouldn't update locales-all post-release, but at least people could use additional locales11:07
Kamionpitti: not sure yet11:07
Kamionbut quite possibly for build purposes at least; we wouldn't have the installer install it11:07
KamionI've made the installer install the appropriate language pack just after installing the base system, BTW, if you didn't see11:07
pittiah, cool11:08
Kamionprobably need to tweak localechooser some more, but I think it'll do for now11:08
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pittiKamion: does the gfxboot license require us to ship all the SuSE theme stuff? It blows up the deb quite considerably11:15
Kamionpitti: no, it just seemed reasonably useful; we should probably arrange to ship a prebuilt theme rather than the source11:17
Kamioncertainly I think penguins.xcf is unnecessary11:17
Kamion(which is big)11:17
pittiI just wondered about > 1 MB for just the tools11:18
pittiKamion: oh, wait, do we need to ship that deb on the CD?11:18
pittiit just looks like tools11:18
pittinitpick: Suggests: s/kanotix-graphics/gfxboot-theme-ubuntu/ ?11:19
Kamionpitti: no, we don't11:19
pittiKamion: ok, then it doesn't really matter; thanks11:19
Kamionpitti: yeah, that Suggests predates gfxboot-theme-ubuntu, I'll change it11:19
Kamionwhat happens is that the CD build process looks up the gfxboot-theme-ubuntu .deb in the archive and fishes the theme binary out of it, then dumps that in /isolinux/ on the CD11:20
pittibtw, that looks really cool - even with proper keymap support11:20
Kamionyeah, it's an unexpectedly nice system11:21
Kamionelmo: I've NEWed l-r-m, hopefully the right way this time round (i.e. mostly with lisa except where it bitched viciously about stuff in restricted/debian-installer). If that was wrong, let me know what I *should* be doing ...11:29
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pittiKamion: I think I found some potential buffer overflows with malicious dictionaries with overly long entries11:31
Kamionin gfxboot?11:31
pittiKamion: i. e. by tricking sb to run the tools on a malicious theme, you could probably run arbitrary code11:31
pittiunchecked sprintf11:32
pittiinto a statically sized buffer11:32
pittiit's not something that should immediately concern us11:32
pittibut eventually it should be fixed11:32
Kamionok, I think a malicious theme could probably just run arbitrary code anyway :)11:32
Kamionbut sure11:32
Kamioncould you file a bug and I'll have a look?11:32
pittiKamion: no, that's not what I mean11:32
Kamionoh, I see what you mean11:32
pittiKamion: i. e. I compile a theme as normal user in my normal system11:33
Kamionis this in mkbootmsg.c then?11:33
pittiand you give me a malicious theme11:33
seb128if I make nautilus Depending on beagle, will you people try to track me down or something? :p11:33
Kamionseb128: ayup11:33
seb128right, I'll mail ubuntu-devel about it11:33
pittiKamion: line 1935 and ff.; it looks at least suspicious11:33
Kamiondepends on the CD size change probably11:33
seb128is there an easy way to determine how much a package impact on the CD?11:34
seb128like a script doing this11:34
Kamionpitti: hm, yes11:34
Kamionseb128: germinate11:34
Kamionrun it before and after, it has options to look at custom seeds you provide11:34
seb128k, I'll give it a try later, thanks11:35
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pittiKamion: erm, sorry, line 187611:36
pittiKamion: anyway, I'll file a bug11:36
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Kamionyep, thanks11:38
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seb128elmo: could you sync GTK 2.8.9 from Debian?11:45
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pitticarlos: sorry to nag, but is there any ETA when rosetta will export tarballs again? I need to update the langpacks in the near future and would like to test rosetta again11:52
carlospitti, let me ask for the staging status...11:52
carlospitti, seems like the mirror is not being updated...11:54
carlospitti, hmm, it could happen next week, but anyway I will try to move the language pack generation to production so we don't have this problem anymore...11:56
pitticarlos: given the chaos at the breezy release, it would be nice to get the process solid well before dapper release comes in sight11:56
\shhmm..don't we have today TB meeting?12:01
dokoinfinity, lamont: please requeue gcj-4.1 on amd6412:09
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infinitydoko : Building.12:14
\shfirst rule: never go out when you have a cold...it makes things worse12:17
Nafallo\sh: doh :-P12:18
pitti\sh: go swimming, it helps a lot12:18
\shpitti: not with 39 Deg C fever12:18
pitti\sh: ok, right; it helps me when I just have a cold, but no fever (which is the common case)12:19
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\shpitti: I hope it's gone later this week...just before my interview12:21
pitti\sh: with google? I wish you all the best for it!12:21
=== pitti crosses fingers
\sh*no comment* 12:22
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\shpitti: *no comment* 12:23
Kamionwas anyone planning to seed the server kernels?12:24
Kamionthey might fit well in the ubuntu-server seeds12:24
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sabdflKamion: is a usb-boot image very different to a cd-boot live image?12:31
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Kamionsabdfl: well, we don't have any USB live images yet ...12:35
Kamionsabdfl: the way we do USB installation is to stick a netboot image on a USB stick and boot from that12:35
sabdflKamion: would it be tricky to make them?12:35
Kamionsabdfl: there's an alternative method as well if you have large enough sticks:12:36
Kamionsabdfl: a special image with somewhat different sets of kernel modules and a special udeb that looks for an ISO image as a file on the USB stick, loop-mounts it, and then proceeds from there roughly as if it were a CD12:36
Kamionsabdfl: it would be relatively straightforward in the hoary/breezy live CD, although we never actually got round to doing it and it would probably require 1GB sticks which weren't all that common at the time12:37
sabdflare 1gb sticks reasonable now?12:37
Kamionsabdfl: in the dapper simplified live CD, I'm not sure, because we won't be able to take advantage of existing d-i components any more; Mithrandir would know more12:37
Kamion(that simplified live CD hasn't landed yet, but the code's there and it'll land in a couple of days)12:38
sabdflok, i'll ask Mithrandir about it when that is testable12:38
sabdflthanks muchly12:38
Kamionsabdfl: certainly more so than they were12:39
Kamionsabdfl: random local computer store quotes 55 pounds12:39
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infinityseb128 / dholbach : I'm not entirely positive about this, but I thought I should give you fair warning that if you keep breaking ubuntu-desktop, Kamion might do Very Bad Things to you.12:39
KamionI think when we did casper originally it was more like 20012:39
Kamiona lot of people still have 128/256MB sticks lying around, though12:40
seb128infinity: what is broken?12:40
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Kamionit's the usual gnome-{applets,control-center,panel,session,terminal} mess, on powerpc12:41
sabdflerk. i just updated and got the new gnome bits (thanks seb128) is it safe to re-login?12:41
seb128sabdfl: should be yep12:41
dholbachsabdfl: why not?12:41
Kamionsabdfl: we're only talking about uninstallables here ...12:41
seb128Kamion: actually if elmo was doing sync in less than 1 day that would help12:42
sabdflseb128: why?12:42
seb128Kamion: GTK is known to be broken, I've uploaded 2.8.9 to Debian and asked for a sync yesterday and I'm still waiting12:42
sabdflseb128: why no upload direct to ubuntu?12:42
seb128sabdfl: because we have no Ubuntu specific change and we do that to lower the sync work usually12:42
seb128I could make an artificial ubuntu version right12:43
Kamiongtk+2.0 is in sync, it should be autosynced12:43
dholbachsabdfl: and if the upload is broken, we're not the only ones to suffer from it :-p12:43
seb128Kamion: from experimental?12:43
=== infinity slyly admits that he's done manual sync uploads before, when the urgency warranted it, by copying the pseudo-headers from a real sync.
=== infinity will never admit that in elmo's presense.
sabdflmvo: ping12:46
Kamionsabdfl: oh, installation *to* a USB drive12:47
mvosabdfl: pong12:47
Kamionsabdfl: entirely different from installation *from* a USB drive12:47
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sabdflKamion: i thought he was asking about a USB Live12:48
Kamionhe said "installation on"12:48
seb128Kamion: can we get a GTK sync now or should I go with an Ubuntu versionning for it?12:48
KamionI think it's mostly just grub bug fixes and such12:48
sabdflhmm... that would give you the same effect, would it not?12:48
seb128it breaks half on GNOME builds atm12:48
sabdflyou could boot off that installed image off a usb stick and voila? faster than live-cd?12:48
Kamionsabdfl: not if you wanted to keep your changes around, no12:48
Kamiononly if you have no worthwhile data ;-)12:48
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Kamionyou can't save your documents unless you muck around with partitioning on the USB stick12:49
Kamionthere's a valid use case for installation on USB stick, which is different from the (also valid) use case for running USB live12:49
fabbionethat's scary.. some sticks really don't like partitioning12:49
Kamionfabbione: indeed12:49
Kamionseb128: go for an artificial Ubuntu version for now; I'm not doing syncs12:50
lathiati saw someone get bootin gof a usb drive pretty good, main problem was waiting to mount / till the usb storage was detected12:50
lathiatthe whole "waiting for device to settle" thing12:50
Kamionit may well be easier with the new udev, and grub 0.9712:51
lathiati keep reading about this udev new order, is there a good email/page/blog someone wrote up exlaining that?12:51
Kamionpowerpc USB installation is always going to be a bit tricky because finding the Open Firmware path to the device is just plain hard work12:51
Kamionlathiat: http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2005-December/000028.html12:52
lathiathrm must of missed that12:52
ogra_and thre are the ubz specs as well ;) look at launchpad 12:52
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herzi_x41is it possible to use the post-update-note to tell information to other users? which command is needed for that?01:00
mvoherzi_x41: it is, every user who runs update-notifier will see the information01:01
dholbachherzi_x41: ask mvo, you have to deploy a file somewhere01:01
Kamionsabdfl: hmm, rereading, I sort of see what you mean01:01
mvoherzi_x41: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InteractiveUpgradeHooks01:02
Kamionsabdfl: I think that would be something best created by the installer rather than regarding it as a live image, though; the difference between an installed system and a live image is almost precisely that the build process for the latter doesn't attempt to make it bootable on its own without the aid of casper01:02
Kamionand the problems are mostly in making it bootable, so solving those would probably make both cases work anyway :-)01:03
lathiatthere any specs about making xorg configuration regenerate itself if X fails to start and it isnt custom?01:03
ogralathiat, see the head of the file ;)01:04
lathiatwhich file?01:04
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lathiatoh, in dapper?01:05
ogralathiat, in any system ...01:05
Kamionogra: that's about you regenerating it manually, not about it regenerating itself01:05
ograeven in xfree86 there is a description01:05
Kamionit's a very different question01:05
lathiatyes im asking, e.g. you change video card01:05
lathiatx fails to start01:05
lathiatconfig is stock01:05
ograah, k... i missed that, right01:06
lathiattry a standard autodetect01:06
MithrandirKamion: VERY VERY SHINY. :-)01:06
KamionMithrandir: hmm?01:06
MithrandirKamion: the new live cd is so shiny it's not even fun.01:06
lathiatcus i know thats got quite a few people i know stuck for a while01:06
Mithrandirthe menu stuff01:06
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Kamionhooray :)01:06
lathiatanything horribly broken in dapper atm?01:06
Mithrandirwe should make the "loading linux kernel" more slick, though.01:06
Mithrandirit looks like it's from window 2.0 with the window 3.0 colour theme01:07
KamionMithrandir: yeah, noticed a few bugs there. Do you see the console messages showing up at the top of the screen in duplicated green?01:07
pabs3is there an equivalent of http://people.debian.org/~seppy/d-i/level1/POT/ for ubuntu/kubuntu?01:07
MithrandirKamion: my system booted to quickly for me to notice it.01:07
janimoKamion, Mithrandir: so the dapper liveCD will no longer share much code with the installer because that has speed disadvantages?01:07
Kamionpabs3: http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/installer-po/ is sort of there, but I've been talking with Carlos about how to get that moved into Rosetta, so it'll end up there01:07
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aleXL Dunno how 2 xchat... sorry dholbach... d'u know how I can use the spell check f7 to run festival? I'm really green at this...01:08
aleXL within oo2 or txteditor?01:08
Kamionjanimo: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SimplifiedLiveCD01:08
MithrandirKamion: and the live cd shouldn't care that it doesn't see my hard drive. :-P01:08
ograKamion, that'd be great, i had a bunch of people asking in #edubuntu yesterday about translations ...01:08
pabs3thanks Kamion 01:08
KamionMithrandir: huh?01:08
dholbachaleXL: i don't get what you are asking me01:08
MithrandirKamion: for some reason, it doesn't see my hard drive and complains.  Unsure what part of d-i that is, though.01:09
dholbachaleXL: what are you sorry for? 01:09
KamionMithrandir: that would be disk-detect01:09
aleXLporting festival into openoffice for spell checking (dyslexics)01:09
ogradholbach, he wants to use festival alongside with the spellchecking in ooo201:09
aleXLthought i'd knocked you off....01:09
ograaleXL, you need to be a OP to knock people off ;)01:10
dholbachaleXL: you sent a ctcp ping and some time later xchat was out01:10
KamionMithrandir: ok, I see. We could maybe preseed disk_detect/module_select to avoid that01:10
Kamiondisk-detect/module_select, sorry01:10
Kamionor cannot_find maybe01:11
Kamioncould be done by casper-check01:11
aleXLdholbach: pinging's knocking on door, right? CTCP or external?01:11
Kamionprobably doesn't make sense to work on it with simplified-live-cd round the corner though01:11
MithrandirKamion: it'll go away post-flight, so..01:12
MithrandirKamion: anyway, the new live cd works a lot better for me, I think I can get casper working in a little while.01:12
dholbachaleXL: you did a ctcp one, but anyway... sorry, no idea about festival01:12
MithrandirKamion: "boot from first hard disk" should probably clean the screen before chaining01:12
Kamionit doesn't? sorry, I didn't really actually try that much01:14
KamionI think that ought to be syslinux' jobs01:14
Kamionhm, or maybe not, I can see the argument for gfxboot clearing01:14
Kamionbut there's no special case for that option AFAIK01:15
Nafallo*sigh* what's up with gnome today? lots of stuff seems to segfault.01:16
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KamionMithrandir: ah, I see the problem; local_boot in syslinux should probably call gfx_done01:18
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herzi_x41dholbach, mvo: thanks01:21
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herzi_x41mvo: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/update-notifier/+bug/575201:30
MithrandirKamion: yes, I see the text as well, on top.01:31
mvoherzi_x41: thanks01:32
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tsengjdong: do you have a document describing proper backports versioning for people putting stuff in the wild?01:35
Mithrandirfabbione: you're working on boot off usb, aren't you?01:38
fabbioneMithrandir: kinda.. it's blocked by detect root fs atm01:38
Mithrandirfabbione: ook.01:39
Mithrandirfabbione: just got a request about being able to install on USB pen drives and such.  Should I forward it to you?01:39
fabbioneMithrandir: it is possible to install on USB.. 01:39
fabbionethat's not a problem01:39
fabbionethe real issues are:01:40
Mithrandirfabbione: can you boot off it afterwards too? :-)01:40
fabbione- / device might not be there. (reason why there is a spec)01:40
fabbione- if you change position / will never be found (other spec)01:40
fabbioneMithrandir: my MOBO supports boot from USB01:41
fabbioneif his/her mobo doesn't, he can still install on USB.. but it will never work..01:41
fabbioneyou know...01:41
KamionMithrandir: localboot display glitch fixed, thanks01:42
Kamioner, not usplash01:42
KamionKERNEL 640x400 FIXED MY CRAPTOP01:42
MithrandirKamion: \o/01:43
=== Kamion sends eternal gratitude in infinity's direction
Kamionand the best bit is that it landed at almost exactly the same time as we got a video mode selection knob in the bootloader, so people can't even complain that they have less visible screen text in the installer now01:45
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jdong_elmo: can I get an ETA on those backports?01:50
tsengjdong_: do you have a document describing proper backports versioning  for people putting stuff in the wild?01:51
jdong_tseng: upstream~breezy0.x01:52
jbaileyKamion: Is there a TB mtg today?01:52
tsengeh, fair enough01:52
jbaileyKamion: When I looked yesterday, the agenda still had a date from 2 weeks ago, and the /topic didn't mention one.01:52
tsengjdong_: would i be correct in saying that ipod_0.3.5-0filefind.net0_i386.deb is wrong?01:53
jdong_tseng: absolutely that's wrong :)01:53
tsengok, issuing clue01:53
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Kamionjbailey: I don't know; I'm not on the TB01:58
jbaileyKamion: Oh?  Sorry. I thought you were.01:59
Kamionjbailey: discussion yesterday suggested there would be I think, but you'd have to ask sabdfl/mdz/Keybuk01:59
jbaileyTwo of those, anyway. =)01:59
ograjbailey, there is one afaik ...01:59
jbaileyogra: Cool, thanks.02:00
mjg59There is, yes02:00
jbaileyseb128: Ping?02:00
seb128jbailey: pong!02:00
ograhmm, but the agenda needs cleanup ...02:00
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jbaileyseb128: gnome-terminals seem to be hanging on me.  Is there any information I ought to collect for the bug report?02:00
seb128jbailey: dholbach did the update and is on it afaik02:01
seb128he was speaking backtrace with infinity some hours ago02:01
seb128dholbach: ping? :)02:01
dholbachpong :-(02:01
jbaileyAh, cool.  I didn't see the bug when I looked quickly in bugzilla.02:01
dholbachjbailey: there's no bug report yet02:01
dholbachjbailey: what is your usecase?02:01
jbaileydholbach: Jeff Bailey wants to use gnome terminal for more that 90 seconds at a time.02:02
jbaileyOr do you mean steps to reproduce?02:02
=== jbailey hides
dholbachhehe, yeah, do you do anything special?02:02
dholbachlike   --geometry=100x87    in the launcher or whatever infinity uses ;)02:03
jbaileydholbach: No.  I'm lazy. =)  My only customisation is white on black.02:03
dholbachok, will try that too02:03
ograwow, it crashes for me here with the edit profile dialog ....02:04
ograbut the term itself works fine ...02:05
=== jbailey runs everything in screen today. =)
ograhmm, that as a one timer, now it works ...02:05
\shogra: hmmm...did someone removed the "edit profile dialog" because he thought the "idiots" don't need that? *run*02:05
ogra\sh, blblb :P02:06
tepsipakkikamion: should the new installer-initrd be mountable somehow? I haven't figured out how02:06
tepsipakkias a loop-fs02:06
\shogra: anyway...linus is wrong (tm)02:06
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Kamiontepsipakki: no, create a temporary directory, cd to it, zcat | cpio -id02:06
Kamionit's not a filesystem itself02:07
StevenKMmmm, cpio02:07
pittiKamion: could you please approve gtk+2.0_2.6.4-0ubuntu5_source.changes for hoary-updates? it's a security update for the current -updates version that I uploaded long ago02:07
Kamionpitti: I don't generally do -updates, but mdz's away, so ...02:07
pittiKamion: can elmo do that?02:07
pittiKamion: there are no debs, not sure whether the buildds don't see the source until it's approved02:08
StevenKpitti: Are you counting the days until warty stops getting security support? :-)02:09
pittiStevenK: doesn't make much of a difference, at that day dapper support begins :)02:09
Kamionpitti: I'll do it02:09
pittiKamion: thank you02:09
Kamionjust waiting for apt-ftparchive to finish running02:09
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Kamionpitti: done02:13
=== StevenK ponders begging people in #launchpad to fix/add his u.c address
Kamioner, did I not add you to the ubuntumembers team?02:14
StevenKYou did.02:15
jdong_hey, let's make today official bug everyone about everything day!02:15
=== jdong_ starts with Backports :)
Kamionoh, I did02:15
KamionStevenK: it should be semiautomatic, I don't think #launchpad has anything to do with it02:15
StevenKKamion: Apparently the script that generates the virtual alias table is offline due to refactoring.02:15
KamionStevenK: I think it's in the admins' court (Znarl/elmo)02:15
Kamionoh, bleh02:15
StevenKOr so I read in a bug filed against LP.02:16
=== Kamion beats the refactoring monkeys with a "keep it working" stick
tsengjdong_: i sent some guy to backports with the hope he will agressively test and poke mono backports instead of publishing crappy ones on his webspace02:16
StevenKKamion: So I beat up elmo or #launchpad? :-)02:16
tsengjdong_: he has a fairly complete set02:16
KamionStevenK: probably #launchpad then, from what you said02:16
ogratftpd-hpa shows up as ftp service in the service admin tool 02:18
=== tseng gives ogra a carrot
ograit should not say ft service, thats very confusing for users ...02:19
Treenakstseng: no pony?02:19
tsengTreenaks: that wouldnt be very useful in a regex, would it02:19
Treenakstseng: maybe in perl rege02:19
jdong_tseng: yeah, I've talked to him briefly02:20
tsengjdong_: filefind or whatnot?02:20
tsengjdong_: i think he is rolling some of his own stuff as opposed to using dapper02:20
jdong_is elmo extremely busy recently?02:20
StevenKs/ recently//02:20
tsengis he ever not?02:20
jdong_I mean, he's not done any backports builds since the 29th of nov02:21
jdong_and requesters are growing impatient02:21
jdong_In addition, I'm sure some of the packages the versions have chanced since request02:21
KamionAFAIK he's been sucked into writing ftpmaster tools for Launchpad in preparation for it taking over the archive, which is like massive trump-everything-priority02:22
jdong_Kamion: do you see any need/possibility to change the way Backports is being handled?02:23
jdong_i.e. have multiple people be able to push builds02:23
tsengjdong_: if the archive and buildd are controlled by LP it could be done by authorized groups02:24
tsengjdong_: we just need to get there.02:24
tseng"massive trump-everything-priority"02:25
ograaside from that it would be nice to have someone from the BP team who could care for packages ... Mez is seen very rarely recently02:25
jdong_ogra: what would that take?02:26
jdong_MOTU? (here it comes...)02:26
ograjdong_, going the MOTU path to be able to upoad changes and fixes02:26
ograindeed ;)02:26
tsengogra: we cant pull someone with mez's skillset out of our hat02:26
jdong_ogra: I've been seriously considering it02:26
ograjdong_, that would be really cool ...02:26
janimojdong_, go for it, there's a TB meeting tonight02:27
=== zakame [n=zak@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jdong_janimo: what time?02:27
ograsince if you need to do changes to a package to be able to backport, your team has nobody currently02:27
janimonobody knows, but today it is rumored02:27
StevenKI wanted to attend said TB meeting.02:27
jdong_I'll be back like 3PM EST to check up again02:27
jdong_got class right now02:27
ograyes, someone should put a date on the agenda :)02:27
StevenKYes. Someone Should.02:28
jdong_see ya later, guys02:28
ogramjg59, Keybuk ?02:28
StevenKI hope it isn't on at 1am local time like the CC meeting was.02:28
zakameevening all! :D02:28
zakamewhen's the TB?02:28
ograzakame, thats what we're wondering02:28
\shdamn..slept again02:29
StevenK'At some point' is the best we've all come up with.02:29
zakameogra: well, I got news from the wiki that it's not decided yet...02:29
ograzakame, thats not *news* :)02:29
=== StevenK curses his hiccups.
zakameogra: err, right :))02:30
ograStevenK, hey, we already are at the "its today" point at least ;)02:31
=== seb128 [n=seb128@ubuntu/member/seb128] has joined #ubuntu-devel
StevenKIt's today by what timezone?02:31
ograapparently one the TB can bear 02:31
StevenKLike what, GMT-5?02:32
ograall currently available TB members are in europe02:32
StevenKWonderful. Leisurely afternoon TB meeting, meanwhile it's 2am in .au02:32
StevenK.. do I have to attend the TB meeting, like the CC meeting?>02:33
ograthats up to you ...02:33
StevenKWell, it's more with the CC meeting if you don't turn up, nothing happens wrt you. Is it the same thing for the TB meeting?02:34
ograoh, janimo goes for main !02:34
=== zul [n=chuck@ubuntu/member/zul] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ograStevenK, yup02:34
\shogra: xubuntu needs it :)02:35
ograif you want something from the TB, you should show up02:35
=== mhz [n=mhz_chil@pc-252-84-215-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== ogra crosses fingers for janimo
janimoogra, thanks :)02:35
ogratseng, why do you apply to ubuntu-dev ? 02:38
ograyou are already in there02:38
tsengi was in coredev and motu02:38
tsengand noticed everyone else was in ubuntu-dev02:38
ograand coredev is a member of ubuntu-dev02:38
tsengdunno what the difference is02:38
tsengthat explains it02:39
ogracoredev is main, ubuntu-dev is universe (MOTU)02:39
pittidoko: oowriter seems to be broken, it can't find /usr/lib/openoffice2/program/soffice.bin; any idea?02:40
Kamionjdong: multiple people> as tseng said02:41
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=== carlos_ [n=carlos@71.Red-83-53-49.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== StevenK wonders if libwnn6 in Dapper has gone.
dokopitti: oowriter202:45
pittidoko: yes, that's what I mean02:46
thierryseb128 : my malone bug 3947 should be rejected right?02:46
dokoworks for me02:46
pittidoko: it looks for /usr/lib/openoffice2/program/soffice.bin but there is only /usr/lib/openoffice2/program/soffice.bin.real02:46
seb128thierry: correct02:47
=== raphink [n=raphink@gra86-1-82-239-88-236.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
dokopitti: not for me02:49
pittidoko: I'm on amd64, you?02:50
pittidoko: do you have a /usr/lib/openoffice2/program/soffice.bin.real?02:50
pittidoko: if you have soffice.bin, in which package is it?02:50
dokoahh, amd64 -> Mithrandir ;-)02:50
dokoshould be -core02:51
pittiumgeleitet durch ia32-libs-gtk zu: /usr/lib/openoffice2/program/soffice.bin.real02:52
pittiMithrandir: (^ that's a diversion)02:52
pittiMithrandir: but oowriter2 still looks for soffice.bin02:52
Mithrandirthere should be a soffice.bin put in there02:53
Mithrandirdo you have ia32-libs-gtk installed?02:53
pittiMithrandir: no, I haven't02:54
pittiMithrandir: I just aptitude install openoffice.org202:54
pittiso the dependency is missing?02:54
pittiMithrandir: btw, calling soffice.bin.real works just fine here, even without ia32-libs-gtk02:54
=== Valandil [n=chrys@dslb-084-056-101-050.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Simiraany dates for distro-sprint yet?02:58
=== pitti [n=pitti@ubuntu/member/pitti] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Nafallobaah, libopenal0 still wants libsmpeg0c2. rebuild anyone? ;-)03:02
=== Keybuk [n=scott@syndicate.netsplit.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Mithrandirpitti: you probably had it installed in the past and there's a bug in the postrm, then.  Please file a bug.03:04
pittiMithrandir: yes, I clean up my packges from time to time to save bandwidth, and aptitude dependency tracking could have killed it03:06
=== rob^^^ is absolutely astonished that gnome's usability list managed to avoid a massive flamewar from Linus' posting. Kinda makes you feel all warm inside.
Keybukpitti: your sudo test thing was discussed at the last TB meeting, right?  You don't want to discuss it again today?03:12
pittiMithrandir: done03:12
pittiKeybuk: it seems that my argumentation for supporting local sudo configuration didn't find any supporters, so, no03:12
Keybukno you don't want to discuss it?03:13
pittiKeybuk: the current compromise works for the common default case and breaks for customizations, but it is safe to implement03:13
pittiright, I don't plan to discuss it again, unless you want to?03:13
Keybukjust updating the agenda, it was never removed03:13
pittioh, sorry03:13
dokoKeybuk: why is there no python-docutils merge bug report?03:14
Keybukdoko: should there be?03:15
mvoKeybuk: while we are at MoM, the aptitude merge looks a bit odd03:16
dokoKeybuk: last debian version at Sat, 27 Aug 200503:16
dokoso yes03:16
Keybukmvo: looks fine to me03:16
=== carlos [n=carlos@71.Red-83-53-49.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
seb128infinity: could you kick eel2 build?03:17
Keybukdoko: oh, right, no .orig.tar.gz for it03:17
Keybukdoko: elmo's forgotten to fix that, I guess03:17
Keybukdpkg-source: error: file python-docutils_0.3.7.orig.tar.gz has size 625773 instead of expected 67964903:21
=== mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/amaranth] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Keybuklooks like the two origs are different, mom can't process that03:21
=== jimygc [n=jimy@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jimygcgot a question, maybe anyone can help03:22
jimygcI'm programming an app through traditional c. How should I do if I want this app to not be able to have more than one instance on the system?03:23
=== xxMEL0Nxx [n=ivaano@red-corp-] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Gagatanuse a lockfile?03:24
dokoKeybuk: anyway, filing a bug report for those cases would be useful03:24
dokowe just miss these during merges03:24
jimygcI've been reading about semaphores and threads, which loos quite similar to what I need, as I might need as well to pass the first argument from the second one to a function of the first one03:24
jimygcyes gagatan, I've tought on that as well, I'm just asking myself how a proffesional handle this03:25
Gagatanjimygc: e.g. /var/run/<yourappnamelockfile> and test if it exist. You will have a problem with existing lockfiles if your app doesn't clean up 03:25
jimygcand what about of catching the first argument to be passed to a function of the existin instance?03:25
=== jinty [n=jinty@115.Red-80-24-9.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Keybukdoko: what would the bug say?03:27
NafalloKeybuk: "diffrent .orig.tar.gz in debian and ubuntu" ? :-)03:28
KeybukNafallo: then I'd get a hundred questions each week of "what do I do about it?"03:28
dokoKeybuk: new version in debian, but cannot generate a diff due to differing .orig tarball's. please merge manually ...03:28
Keybukanyway, mom doesn't know that03:28
Nafalloyou don't get those already? :-)03:28
Keybukit just knows "cannot generate a diff"03:28
Keybukso you'd get a bug saying "Newer version in Debian that needs merging manually"03:29
Keybukand that would be it03:29
dokoyes, that seems to be ok03:29
Nafalloseems okey.03:29
KeybukI'll look into that for dapper+103:29
=== ryanpg [n=ryanpg@c-24-13-248-42.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Nafallobetter than silence and no merged version :-)03:29
KeybukI can generate a manual list a week before UVF for now03:30
dokoKeybuk: can you give a list of these packages in a short time frame?03:30
ryanpghi all, after a recent update, several gnome apps (alacarte being one) segfault with "gnome_program_init_paramv: assertion `nparams > 0' failed" know issue or "bugworthy"?03:30
Nafalloryanpg: mvo looks in to it atm :-)03:31
Keybukdoko: for main, yes03:31
Keybukthat's easy03:31
dokothat would be nice03:32
mvoNafallo: seb128 has apparently already a solution03:32
Keybukit would be "all outstanding merges" though03:32
Keybukincluding those mom has processed03:32
ryanpgNafallo, mvo cool03:32
Nafalloyay! :-)03:32
Keybukwhich is why I was suggesting doing it when we turn off mom03:32
Keybukso I can filter out those it has processed03:32
dokohmm, I just don't want to miss some updates, if it's too late one week before UVF03:33
Keybukthe list of things needing updates is easy to obtain03:34
Keybukthe list of things that mom has processed that version for is hard03:35
Keybuka rough guess (things mom has never merged) would be:03:36
Keybukbootchart, firefox, libmms, pgtcl, python-docutils, redland-bindings, vim, vino03:37
Keybukat least two of those are indepandantly packaged03:39
Keybuksome of those might be just because mom is still running03:39
KeybukI think vim only appeared today03:39
Keybukmanually grepping that list out03:41
Keybukthe list of things that mom has never processed are: python-docutils and vino03:41
Keybukoh, wait, vino is packaged separately03:41
Keybukpython-docutils is the only one :p03:41
Keybuk(the primary reason I ignore those errors is that they do tend to sort themselves out if you just ignore them)03:42
=== OculusAquilae [n=bastian@p548D1874.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittijbailey: do we still need initrd-tools in main?04:04
jbaileylamont: Do you still need hppa and ia64 to boot, or can we do without that for a week or two?04:04
jbaileylamont: Martin's getting trigger happy. =)04:05
pittiKamion: do you need dash-udeb? the current dash wants dietlibc, but I don't really want another libc in main just for that04:05
pittiKamion: so I'd rather build it against glibc again04:06
jbaileyThere's a dash in klibc as of 1.1.3 as well.04:06
seb128mvo: back. About what?04:07
Keybukjbailey: hmm, do they boot now?04:07
jbaileyKeybuk: Yes.  AFAIK both produced usable dapper CDs.04:07
Keybukif they do, I don't see how we can support them04:07
Keybukbecause they don't boot anything like the real architectures04:07
jbaileyErr, what?04:07
jbaileyelilo's not that weird.04:08
KeybukI assume the initrd doesn't use anything like the same scripts as initramfs04:08
Keybukso the mounting of the root filesystem will be totally different04:08
Kamionpitti: dash-udeb is already in universe04:08
Keybukplus udev won't be setup the same way04:08
Kamionand has been since warty04:08
jbaileyKeybuk: They're still using 2.6.1204:08
pittiKamion: ah, ok; so I'll build it against libc04:08
jbaileyKeybuk: It's the same thing we've had all along.04:08
Keybukjbailey: *blink*04:08
Keybukuh, dude04:08
Keybukif they're using 2.6.12, then they can't boot04:08
Keybukbecause no modules will be loaded04:08
Keybukunless they have everything compiled in04:09
jbaileyRight, no hotplug anymore.04:09
ogra__i'm going mad ... how the hell should i test my isos if i cant brun them to disk ? grrr04:09
pittiogra__: ?04:09
Keybukogra: mount them?04:09
jbaileypitti: Don't demote it to universe, morgue it instead I think.04:09
ogra__pitti: in dapper it doesnt work at all ...04:09
pittijbailey: demote what?04:10
pittijbailey: ah, initrd-tools?04:10
jbaileypitti: initrd-tools04:10
jbaileyRight. =)04:10
pittijbailey: how do I 'morgue' something?04:10
Keybuk"Dear Elmo, ..."04:10
Kamionthe normal English verb is "remove"04:10
pittiah, ok04:10
ogra__pitti: and apparently my only breezy box i have cant convince my dvd writer to blank the media ... worked on my lappie though04:10
jbaileyKamion: I don't think English actually has verbs.  There are just funnily conjugated nouns with implied meaning.04:11
Kamionjbailey: you should learn Lojban. :-_)04:11
jbaileyKamion: (I was actually surprised when I started studying for my GMAT that there is a format English grammar.  I had made it through all of my public education without ever hearing someone mention this.)04:11
pittijbailey: I thought Noam Chomsky totally failed to write down a grammar for English?04:12
pittijbailey: I mean, his hierarchy and his studies of formal languages are invaluable and interesting, they just failed to fulfil his original goal :)04:12
Nafalloogra: works for me. are you using up-to-date dapper or is your /dev/hd? owned by group floppy? :-)04:12
KeybukNafallo: there appears to be a kernel bug wrt dvd writers04:14
ogra__Nafallo: its a usb DVD writer 04:14
ogra__the odd thing is that it doesnt work in breezy either now ...04:14
mvowhat would be a good (and common) 3rd party repository? I'm looking for some to test changes to gnome-app-install04:15
Keybukogra: are you sure that your dvd writer isn't broken? :p04:15
Nafalloopera? skype? people.ubuntu.com? :-)04:15
jbaileypitti: I've never read any of his work.  Neat website, though.04:15
pittijbailey: we already got to know him in the first semester04:15
pitti'Basics of theoretical computer science'04:16
Kamionmvo: http://people.ubuntu.com/~jbailey/snapshot/bzr/ ?04:16
=== mvo slaps forehead
mvoKamion: thanks :) maybe I should have taken a look into my own sources.list before asking stupid^W questions04:17
=== jbailey would be curious to see the logs on that repo.
jbaileyI'd always assumed that noone used it until I broke it one day. =)04:18
mvojbailey: how many angry mails did you get on that day?04:18
pittimvo: do you happen to know the bug number of 'gdm must be reloaded to see new locales'? I can't find it04:19
jbaileymvo: Like 30, and was swamped enough on IRC that I wound up doing that instead of working for most of that day.04:19
pittimvo: ah, 16678 (langpack-selector changelog); sorry04:19
mvopitti: and it's assigned to me04:20
=== mvo cries
Nafallo\sh: dude. ALT+F# works in XChat as well :-)04:20
mvojbailey: haha, nice!04:20
pittimvo: with the change to locales that I'll upload soon you should be able to close it04:20
Kamionok, FWIW, we're switching to SimplifiedLiveCD for Flight 2, 'cos the alternatives are Too Hard04:20
pittimvo: oh, well, it'll still break gdmflexiserver04:20
Kamioninfinity/Mithrandir/me are coordinating that change now04:20
Kamionwell, I'm testing first before we commit to it04:21
Kamionbut it seems likely at this point04:21
=== hunger_ [n=hunger@p54A6028B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
NafalloKamion: time to start testing those cds then? :-)04:21
KamionNafallo: feel free to test the current install CDs, but there is no point at all in testing live CDs yet04:22
\shNafallo: which is the 2nd way of doing something 04:22
=== ogra__ cries
ogra__nothing works :(04:22
pittiogra__: if it helps you, for me neither; the desktop is falling apart into pieces today04:23
ogra__pitti: i'm on breezy currently04:23
ogra__and things that worked on my laptop before i upgraded it to dapper seem not to work on my desktop 04:23
ogra__and i'm out of media, so i need to blank it first 04:24
NafalloKamion: I'm rather okey with my current install but will be happy to try the new livecds :-). any estimation about when a good .iso is made? :-)04:24
ogra__but i only get illegal request errors from cdrecord and dvdrecord04:24
KamionNafallo: no, not yet04:24
Kamionplease don't "are we there yet" right now04:24
Kamiontoo busy :)04:24
Nafallohehe, just tell me when it's time then :-)04:25
Nafalloogra: when I got those I called tech. support and explained that the drive would be totally broken in a couple of days. they sent me a new one right away ;-).04:25
Nafalloogra: but hey! that was Targa/Lidl ;-)04:26
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=== ogra_thin [n=ogra@p5089DB99.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ogra_thinunbelivable ...04:33
ogra_thinn-c-b can blank and write to the disk, cdrecord and dvdrecord both cant04:34
zakameogra_thin: er?04:34
=== ogra_thin yays for gnome
ogra_thinah, my mistake04:35
ogra_thini didnt try growisofs ...04:36
ogra_thinthats what n-c-b apparently uses 04:36
Nafalloah nautilus...04:37
=== jdong_ [n=jdong@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jdong_I see the TB meeting has a time now :)04:48
janimoogra_ can't you use qemu to test the images?04:52
dokoogra_thin ? that's a contradiction ... ;-P04:53
pittiKeybuk: oh, tmpfs for /var/run? Happy package fixing :)04:53
pittiKeybuk: many packages create a /var/run/package and rely on it04:53
pittiKeybuk: I fixed some in the past, but I'm sure that there are more04:53
ogra_thindoko, you mean the nick 04:54
=== ealden [n=ealden@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jdong_would it be a bad idea for me to put the Backports situation up for discussion on the Tech Board?04:56
jdong_that is the right place to bring it up, right?04:57
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pittilamont: xdelta does not really look well maintained in Debian - is it a package we could safely put into main?05:00
Kamionpitti: cupsys-driver-gimpprint fails to install from a current i386 install CD05:01
Kamion"cupsd: Child exited on signal 15"05:01
pittiKamion: ah, it's *only* i386? That might explain why it works for me05:01
Kamioncould be because the locale isn't generated (bug which I'll fix in a moment), but then again maybe not05:01
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KamionI have no idea if it's only i386, haven't tested the others05:01
=== Hieronymus [n=jeroen@cp413115-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittiKamion: I'll try it in a chroot, but I need to create one first, so it'll take me a bit05:07
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zakameelmo: good evening! please sync meld from Sid, overriding Ubuntu changes ok. Thanks! :)05:17
Keybukpitti: yeah, I'm aware of the need for a mkdir -p in a lot of init scripts05:17
pittiKeybuk: I agree to you that it is the right thing to do, though05:17
Keybukwell, it's the only thing to do fwict05:18
Keybukwe need to have somewhere to put pid files05:18
Keybukand we're starting far more things before the root fs is read/write now05:18
Keybukthings like dhcp ;)05:18
jbaileyIs gdm there yet? =)05:19
pittiKeybuk: I already fixed /var/run mkdir for dhcp :)05:19
=== jbailey keeps thinking that it would be interesting to hack gdm such that the box in the middle of the screen got replaced with the usplash_write text window.
=== lfittl [n=lfittl@83-65-243-186.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jbaileyAnd then do your 2-seconds-to-gdm hack.  Watch along there for a while and then it gets replaced with your login prompt.05:20
pittijbailey: ... or with a tail -f /var/log* for the geeks :)05:20
pittilog/* even05:20
jbaileypitti: Right.  For people who want text terminals, it could be an integrated gnome-terminal widget. =)05:20
jbaileyBut something ISTR Linspire doing really well in the demo at Debconf2 was that it was reasonably high res graphics from the beginning as if it were already in X.05:21
jbaileyMac, even.05:21
pittio links: links05:21
pitti   [Reverse-Build-Depends: dictionaries-common] 05:21
pittipeople seem to use all kinds of crazy build deps05:21
HiddenWolfpitti, isn't it obvious, it's used for spellchecking in the changelog ;)05:22
=== HiddenWolf ducks
=== seb128 [n=seb128@ubuntu/member/seb128] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== Hirion [n=hirion@draugr.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
lamontpitti: xdelta is pretty much unmaintained.  there's an xdelta3, totally incompatible with its predecessors, which has never been pacakged.05:24
pittilamont: two ttf font packages need it as a build dep05:24
pittilamont: they have binary patches in debian/ and apply them; pretty crazy...05:25
lamontthat's just plain scary05:25
pittilamont: I already rejected the package, FWIW05:25
lamontpitti: you're welcome to upload it to debian making yourself the maintainer... :-)05:25
=== lamont would reject it for main as well.
pittilamont: no thanks, fabbione already tricked me into becoming an apache 1.3 uploader05:26
=== pitti does not want another crappy package in his DDPO
seb128lamont: hi.did you figure what is wrong with glib? is the suse patch I pointed wrong?05:31
=== eruin [n=eruin@unaffiliated/eruin] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittielmo: can you please sync mysql-dfsg-5.0 into our universe? eventually we want to convert everything to 5.0 and drop 4.0 and 4.105:34
Nafalloelmo: could you sync beecrypt (ubuntu override okey) or will this request have to come from a core developer? :-)05:38
lamontseb128: been slammed with assigned tasks - haven't actually looked yet.05:41
=== lamont heads for the office
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ivoksam... there is one package (kdevelop3) that is blocking whole kde05:51
ivoksit needs only rebuild05:51
ivoksis there any reason not to do that?05:51
Riddellivoks: nope, we just need to politely poke infinity I think05:52
ivoksRiddell: oh, ok05:52
Riddellinfinity: please clear dep-wait on kdevelop305:52
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fabbionehmm i think we can demode dash in universe now06:03
pittifabbione: several packages still depend on it06:03
fabbioneafaik the only reason why it was in main was for initrd-tools06:03
fabbionepitti: uh? i just purged it and only initrd-tools was complaining06:03
Kamionfix hppa/ia64 kthxbye06:03
fabbioneah right06:04
Kamioninitrd-tools is still in dapper for those06:04
pittifabbione: initrd-tools, gcc-4.0, gcj-4.0, linda, localechooser06:04
Kamionoh, stupid localechooser build-dep, I'll kill that with my next upload06:04
Kamionit's only for syntax-checking06:04
Kamionlinda's probably similar06:04
fabbionepitti: not according to apt-cache rdepends.. i don't see gcc or gcj listed...06:05
pittifabbione: I checked with melanie -R06:06
Kamionfabbione: rdepends doesn't list build-deps06:07
fabbioneoh right...06:07
fabbionedamn B-D06:07
fabbionewho needs them anyhow :)06:07
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KeybukKamion: there's no particular reason for initrd-tools to be in main, those ports are broken anyway because they still don't have a .15 kernel06:08
fabbioneKeybuk: hmm yes they do06:08
Keybukthey do?  then jbailey lied06:09
jbaileyKeybuk: In a working state?06:09
fabbionelftp ports.ubuntu.com:/ubuntu-ports/pool/main/l/linux-source-2.6.1506:09
jbaileyI thought they weren't generally working because of non-function initramfs-tools06:09
jbailey(lagging phone)06:09
Keybukno idea, I don't care about either of them06:09
fabbioneit shows me both hppa and ia6406:10
Keybukwe shouldn't have initrd-tools in main06:10
fabbioneKeybuk: i think ia64 is almost fixed06:10
fabbioneor fixed06:10
fabbioneit's only hppa lagging that iirc06:10
fabbionelet's ask lamont when he is back06:10
Keybukthe initrd won't start udev, or mount the root filesystem correctly, etc.06:10
fabbionenew kernel06:11
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persiaCould anyone recommend where I should file a bug on linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15?  It's not registered in Malone.06:12
persiaKeybuk: Thank you.06:13
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ogra__nfs booting is totally broken it seems06:17
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fabbioneseb128, dholbach: ping?06:19
dholbachfabbione: pong06:20
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seb128dholbach: pong06:20
fabbionedholbach: i just finished to upgrade to dapper... and there is a "Network Servers" on my desktop.. it wasn't there before...06:20
fabbionei do i kill it06:20
seb128fabbione: gconftool-2 -t bool -s /apps/nautilus/desktop/network_visible false06:21
fabbioneseb128:  thanks.. is that going to be the default for dapper or are you going to kill it in the pkg?06:22
seb128will be switching with next upload06:22
fabbioneok thanks06:22
dholbachis that too confusing for our users? *duck*06:23
fabbionedholbach: eheh 06:23
pittifabbione: btw, how well does your airport extreme work by now?06:27
fabbionepitti: it doesn't yet06:27
fabbionei managed to see a few pkts going between my AP and the card. that's it06:28
fabbioneright now i am back to breezy because i need a stable laptop for thursday06:28
mjg59Works reasonably for me06:28
fabbioneto make a presentation06:28
mjg59I should grab the latest build and test it again06:28
pittimjg59: but you don't test it on ppc, or do you?06:29
mjg59pitti: Not yet, no06:29
mjg59But other people have had some success on ppc06:29
pittiI'd be interested in getting a sane wireless on the iBook06:29
pittibut it's good to know - up to a month ago, I hadn't even think about the possiblity of buying an AE06:29
mjg59My PPC is my mail server, so I'd prefer not to test experimental drivers on it06:30
mjg59(It's running off USB wireless right now)06:30
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fabbionemjg59: ah that might be why it works for you.. i am on ppc06:34
pittiKeybuk: I want to update libsysfs to 2.0 - will that knowingly break udev?06:35
pittioh, udev doesn't seem to use libsysfs06:35
Mithrandirpitti: it has its own copy, iirc06:35
Keybukpitti: nope, won't affect it at all06:36
pittiKeybuk: out of interest, why does udev use its own copy?06:36
Keybukafaik the version in udev is always newer than the released version06:37
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Keybukor they could be just majorly divergent trees06:38
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ograwoah, thats was an adventure ....06:39
sabdflogra: ?06:40
ograKeybuk, infinity the initramfs cant nfsmount any rootfs in ltsp anymore ? 06:40
ograsabdfl, if you do an i386 install on a amd64 machine that has already a system on it, the existing system isnt in grub ... and chrooting from i386 to a mounted amd64 partition fails with bash exec format errors 06:41
ograwas quite exciting to get into my system again :)06:42
ograKeybuk, did anything change in the nfs code ? i only get rootserver= on the thin clients06:42
ograpitti, thanks for gnome-screensaver :)06:43
pittiogra: you're welcome06:44
pittiKeybuk: oh, libsysfs changes soname - I guess I wait with that until after flight-206:45
pittierm, Kamion ^06:45
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mjg59Robot101: Hello?06:46
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mjg59Robot101: So it turns out that at_console is basically what we want for dbus crack06:47
mjg59Robot101: Suse have a modified dbus that uses resmgr rather than pam_console for that06:47
mjg59So it sounds like the semantics are going to vary06:47
Robot101you're going to pack your dbus full of grade A crack?06:48
mjg59Robot101: That's what I'd like to do06:48
mjg59Now I just need to convince pitti06:48
mjg59pitti: Hello :)06:48
Robot101and drive it across the border out of columbia? :)06:48
mjg59pitti: the at_console security policy in dbus is useless in Ubuntu06:48
pittiright, we don't use pam_console06:48
mjg59How would you feel about helping make it useful? :)06:48
pittiwhat is resmgr?06:49
mjg59pitti: Suse thing that does sort of pam_console stuff, but also rather more crack06:49
pittieven *more* crack than  pam_console? :)06:49
mjg59One of its features is a helper running with access to device nodes. You ask it for a device, it checks if you're authorised, opens it and passes you the filehandle06:50
mjg59I'm not suggesting that :)06:50
Robot101could we just use utmp or something, or am I being dense?06:50
pittihm, that sounds like a replicated kernel permission system06:50
Kamionpitti: yep06:50
Robot101wow that *is* crack06:50
mjg59For a sensible scenario (and to avoid fast user switching fun), we need to know user->vt mappings06:50
pittimjg59: access to devices like acpi stuff?06:50
mjg59pitti: No, like /dev/cdrom06:51
pittimjg59: ah, fgconsole without suid root for X?06:51
mjg59pitti: Uhm. No.06:51
mjg59pitti: I don't really care about the filehandle stuff, we just solve that with groups06:52
=== mvo goes to play hockey
Kamionsurely the filehandle stuff is there to work around the lack of revoke() in the kernel06:52
Kamiongroups aren't a solution to something you might want to revoke later06:52
mjg59Kamion: Not really, since I don't think it actually revokes them06:52
mjg59But it stops you leaving a sgid app to do stuff later06:53
pittiwhy would we want to controll access to /dev/cdrom with something different than a group in the first place?06:53
mjg59pitti: We don't. That's an entirely separate sidepoint (you asked what resmgr did)06:53
pittiah, ok06:53
pittiI'm still a bit unclear about what we are trying to achieve06:53
mjg59We need infrastructure to tie VTs to users06:54
mjg59Then we just change the at_console code in dbus to check that rather than looking for pam_console crap06:54
pittiI don't understand that part; what's wrong with looking at /dev/ttyN?06:54
mjg59pitti: Because that's useless in the X case06:54
mjg59X owns the TTY, and it's running as root06:54
pittiah, ok06:54
mjg59So in the at_console case, we check if the user sending the message is the one who's at the foreground console06:55
Robot101random idea: add an interface on the system bus daemon itself which, security policy permitting, gdm could use to update a cache?06:55
mjg59Then we can switch g-p-m back to using hal for triggering suspend06:55
mjg59Robot101: Seems like unnecessary complexity06:56
mjg59And we don't want to tie it to gdm06:56
Robot101it could be org.freedesktop.DBus.TellTheSystemBusAboutWhoIsAtTheConsole :P06:56
mjg59Easiest thing I've thought of:06:57
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PupenoLI have created a kernel module package with module-assistant (zaptel-module), my problem is that it ends on /lib/modules/2.6.12 instead of /lib/modules/2.6.12-10-686/, any ideas ?06:57
mjg591) Get GDM/KDM/whatever to stick the username in a file 06:57
mjg592) Get the DM to pass that filename to the X server06:57
mjg593) Get the X server to write the VT number it gets in there06:57
mjg59PupenoL: This isn't a support channel, but it's because you're not setting EXTRAVERSION in the build06:58
pittihm, that sounds hackish, but it should work06:59
mjg59Beagle is still broken06:59
PupenoLmjg59: is that an environment variable that module-assistant can pick up ? (I know about the kernel variable, but supousedly module-assistant should work with the packaged kernel, and not a modified one, maybe my own package is the problem).06:59
mjg59PupenoL: No idea, I'm afraid06:59
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mjg59tseng: Around?07:00
PupenoLany other channel you'd recommend ?07:00
pittiKeybuk: do you have an idea why /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward is not controlled by /etc/network/options any more?07:00
pittimjg59: so we would end up with a world-readable, root-writable map X console -> user?07:00
mjg59pitti: Yes07:01
pittimjg59: wouldn't that break sudo and the like?07:01
mjg59pitti: Then the message will be coming from root07:01
mjg59I can't think of a use case that that actually breaks07:02
pitticorner cases, as always07:02
pittisudo -u joe app07:02
pittiI do that pretty often07:03
pittibut not for PM control07:03
mjg59pitti: I think that's an impossible to solve case07:03
mjg59The point of at_console is to say "Is this user on the console"07:03
pittiI agree07:03
pittimjg59: btw, can the output of 'who' be forged in any way?07:03
pitti$ who07:03
pittimartin   :0           2005-12-13 15:0107:03
pittithat looks exactly like what you want07:04
mjg59pitti: No, we need the VT07:04
pittiah, right, ssh -X...07:05
mjg59pitti: Uh, no - :0 doesn't tell us what VT something is on07:05
mjg59And fgconsole gives us a VT number07:05
pittido you actually need the particular VT number?07:05
mjg59Since that's what defines who's on the console07:05
pittimjg59: hm, why not create a suid wrapper around fgconsole then?07:05
pittiah, crap, no07:06
pittijust forget that07:06
mjg59pitti: Because that only tells us what the foreground console, not which X display it is07:06
mjg59tseng: The beagle dependency on firefox isn't tight enough07:06
mjg59** (best:31246): WARNING **: Missing method chmod in assembly /usr/lib/beagle/Util.dll, type Mono.Unix.Native.Syscall07:06
=== mjg59 upgrades mono as well
pittimjg59: hm, so 'who' tells me that 'martin' is at X server :0, and 'ps aux' tells me that there is a local X server for :0 at console vt7; but I guess that's too unreliable?07:09
mjg59pitti: That's based on the command line from X, yeah?07:10
pittias I said, unreliable07:10
pittiworks in the default case, though07:10
pittiand X certainly has a default if no vt is specified07:10
Robot101what if the X server is on a different box to the login session? :D07:10
pittimjg59: btw, I don't question that you have thoroughly thought about that problem, I just like to understand why we can't use the alternatives :)07:11
mjg59Robot101: The user isn't at the console07:11
Robot101mjg59: he is on the X server's machine though07:11
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pittiRobot101: there wouldn't be a local X server with the same DISPLAY07:12
mjg59Robot101: But that's not the machine that the dbus signal would be sent to07:12
Robot101mjg59: assuming you've trunked the system bus over X or something :P07:12
mjg59Robot101: Once that's done, we'll worry about it07:12
pittiRobot101: the existance of an X process with the 'who' display number tells us that this login is local, and the command line tells us the vt07:12
pittioh, phone07:12
mjg59pitti: There's potential raciness07:13
mjg59The user could be on a different vt, but start an X server with arguments that make it look like he's on the foreground one07:13
mjg59If the pids have wrapped around, we could hit that first07:14
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pittimjg59: but then that X server would not run as root (if it's possible to run an X server as normal user at all)07:14
mjg59pitti: X is suid07:14
seb128Kamion: I've uploaded a new evolution-data-server, if you could accept it/promote the new binaries (soname change for 2 libs)07:14
mjg59And you can run it if Xwrapper has been configured accordingly07:14
mjg59Which might be a reasonable thing to do, under certain circumstances07:15
mjg59We can't trust the command line of an unrelated process for security-critical cases07:15
=== Amaranth wonders how a kernel seems to have fallen out of main
Keybukpitti: yeah, it was deprecated in Debian so I decided just to drop it07:19
Keybukpitti: use /etc/sysctl.conf07:19
Kamionseb128: ugh, this is a bad time for soname changes, I'm trying to sort out a CD release07:20
Keybukpitti: I haven't got around to the migration script yet, I have it written, but is gonna upload with the rest of s-b07:20
seb128Kamion: that will be sorted quickly, one lib has not rdepends out of evo, and the other need a few rebuild07:21
Kamion(underlying cause already fixed, that is)?07:22
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Kamionquickly == 30 minutes?07:22
seb128hum, no, new evo following, rather 1-2 hours07:22
seb128I guess that you can block it the time to do the CD07:23
Kamionyeah, I probably will07:23
seb128just trying to get moving on GNOME 2.13.3 because I want to get that done and plugins for gstreamer0.10 uploaded this week07:23
Kamionsure, I've been hammering away at this release for days and just keep on hitting roadblocks :-/07:24
KeybukI hope I'm not responsible for too many of them :)07:24
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shayastrange thing, linux-restricted changelog says fglrx will crash 2.6.15, but I have the exact opposite situation, regular ati driver hangs my t42p, while fglrx works fine (besides for now XV)07:44
dholbachinfinity: if you could give the new gnome-terminal (once it's build) a spin, i'd be happy to hear your feedback07:52
mdkeDiziet, *nudge*07:53
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Dizietmdke: Hello.  Just off for a call of nature.  Back in 2.07:54
Kamiondamnit, installation fails due to the network not coming up and something being wrong with archive-copier (I guess)07:54
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Dizietmdke: Back.07:56
DizietThanks for your mail, which is a nice explanation.07:57
mdkeDiziet, hope that cleared it up a bit07:57
mdkeDiziet, so what is the position on the firefox side, do you know?07:57
DizietSo I think from what you say that BreezyFirefoxStartPageTranslation probably didn't happen.07:58
DizietI haven't looked at it myself (the changes aren't in the ffox package as it happens).07:58
mdkeDiziet, well it certainly didn't happen from the ubuntu-docs side07:58
mdkeDiziet, i guess it's in the firefox language packs?07:58
mdkejbailey, around?07:58
mdkeDiziet, but we could make it happen :)07:59
jbaileymdke: Laggy as always.07:59
mdkejbailey, ok, if you have time, we're having a quick discussion of BreezyFirefoxStartPageTranslation08:00
Dizietmdke: Yes, it could be, but if so then the .html wouldn't be there and it wouldn't find the file.08:00
mdkeDiziet, well shall I just try building a package with the files and see if it works on my system?08:01
DizietI wonder if this is related to http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=20763.  (It seems unlikely, but ...)08:01
Dizietmdke: It seems unlikely to work.08:01
mdkeDiziet, ah right08:01
Dizietff has no machinery for looking first for one file and then falling back to another.08:01
DizietThat's the thing that we ought to do for localised start page in dapper.08:02
jbaileymdke: Is there a summary pag,e or is the discussion here?08:02
DizietSo I would say, yes, please ship the .html files and I may be able to make it work.08:02
mdkeDiziet, but the individual firefox lang packages specify a separate home page i suppose?08:02
mdkespecify/are able to specify08:02
mdkejbailey, yeah, that page on the wiki, i think you wrote it ;)08:02
Dizietmdke: They are supposed to, yes.08:03
DizietBut if the ubuntu-doc doesn't ship them, and they do specify them, then ff is broken in those locales.08:03
mdkeDiziet, so to make it work we'd have to ship the html, then you'd have to alter those firefox langpacks?08:03
mdkeDiziet, well it certainly isn't broken, it works08:03
Diziet(excuse me if I seem a bit distracted; I'm having an spi board mtg <--- just over there.)08:03
DizietBut you don't get a German page, obviously.08:04
mdkeDiziet, no, either it is set to the english page, or it is set to a german page, falling back to the english page if the german one isnt there08:04
DizietNo, there is no fallback.08:04
DizietUnless I'm very confused and it's hidden somewhere.08:04
DizietBut yes you should ship the German page.08:04
DizietIt won't work but at least then it can be made to.08:05
mdkeDiziet, ok, btw it's clear we're still talking about breezy yeah?08:05
DizietErr, um, no!08:05
DizietI think surely that this is too late to fix for breezy.08:05
DizietThe change to the default start location is an incompatible change.08:05
mdkeDiziet, the reason i was asking is that I've been preparing an update for breezy for ubuntu-docs08:05
ograKeybuk, infinity, jbailey, any idea why my thin clients cant find the NFS rootserver anymore in dapper ? i always get rootserver= on booting, NFSROOT is set to auto in initramfs.conf08:06
DizietThat is, if you change that in the langpack but not in -doc then ff breaks.08:06
Dizietmdke: I see.  In that case don't bother shipping the tranlated .html unless it's easy.08:06
DizietI mean, don't bother changing it but don't fork anything to avoid shipping the translated .html.08:06
mdkeDiziet, it's easy, but I won't do it unless there is a chance of you making firefox see them...08:06
DizietNot in Breezy.08:06
Keybukogra: nothing I would have broken08:07
DizietBreezy's ff is already groaning under 50kloc of nightmare patches.08:07
mdkeDiziet, ok great.08:07
DizietThanks, sorry for confusion.08:07
dilingerdilinger@jack:~ $ posh08:07
dilinger*** glibc detected *** malloc(): memory corruption: 0x08065738 ***08:07
DizietCould you c&p this and put it in an email ?  If not I'll do it later.08:07
ograKeybuk, hmm, its quite strange ... since the config of all services is the same as in breezy ...08:07
mdkeDiziet, sure08:07
DizietJust so we have a record of the decision and the reasons.08:07
dilingeri should go make fun of Clint a bit08:07
mdkeDiziet, last thing. for dapper, the new version of the doc isn't translated.08:07
mdkeDiziet, but I can upload some translated html anyway for testing purposes, if you like08:08
mdkewith the old text08:08
mdkethat way, you can see if you can make ff see it in dapper08:08
DizietThat would be very sensible, yes.08:09
mdkeDiziet, ok, thanks v much08:09
DizietWhen you do that file a bug against firefox, P1, to tell me you've done it.08:09
mdkeDiziet, sure ting08:09
DizietI'll try to get it in my next upload then.  Or downgrade the bug if it's too hard :-).08:09
Keybukogra: the right network card module is loaded, right?08:10
mdkedholbach, go ahead and upload [breezy-updates]  ubuntu-docs when you're ready please :D08:10
ograKeybuk, yes, the system bots absolutely fine until it wants to mount its nfsroot from
elmodilinger: at least you can be sure it's posix certified corruption08:12
dilingerelmo: great!08:13
ograKeybuk, and since the nfsroot should be determined inside the intiramfs somewhere if set to auto, it must be a change there thats responsible08:13
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Keybukright, blame infinity ;)08:14
Kamiondamnit, I'm going to have to inflict pure evil on apt-setup again08:15
KamionI was hoping to have got rid of that workaround but apt is too stupid08:15
ograKamion, grub didnt pick up my installed system on my test install here... known ?08:16
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Kamionogra: no, file a bug with a description of your system and with /var/log/installer/partman and /var/log/installer/syslog attached please08:18
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Kamionon grub-installer for now08:19
Mezogra: didnt edubuntu have some sort of "filtering proxy" in it ?08:25
ograi'm deeply looking into willow for the next rlease, but no promises 08:25
Mezogra: was it planned or something08:25
Mezwillow ?08:25
Mezlooking at a program called censornet at the moment - based around debian - but breaks SSH with windows and breaks completely if you apt-get upgrade (cause it was built on woody)08:26
LoevborgAre there instructions somewhere for debugging (and filing bug reports on) suspend-to-disk crashes?08:26
ograMez, it requires a high level of configurtion and the existing solutions even require to keep recent urllists ... we cant take such a maintenance burden ... willow works with bayesian filtering and teachjes itself, so that might be an option fo the latter08:27
Mezhmm sounds confusing08:28
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jbaileyseb128: Is "Shared Libraries" Really  Bibliothques Partages  ?08:47
seb128jbailey: correct08:47
jbaileyIt just seemed like too literal of a translation.08:47
seb128we don't capitalize every word :)08:48
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jbaileyRight, it's not a proper name here. =)08:50
pittiyay my network08:50
PupenoLSorry to bother you again, but I am really lost here...08:50
PupenoLI am using apt-ftparchive to make a repository, I configured it like: BinDirectory "ubuntu/breezy/rs/" { Packages "ubuntu/breezy/rs/Packages"; } and I get the error "E: Could not open file ./ubuntu/breezy/rs/binary-i386/Packages.gz.new - open (2 No such file or directory)". Why is it tring to access binary-i386 ? my packages are not there. Or how can I tell dpkg-buildpackage to store them there ?08:50
pittimjg59: sorry, I got disconnected a while ago08:50
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pittimjg59: btw, Xorg is not suid in dapper08:52
mjg59pitti: X is08:53
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pittiI see08:57
pittimjg59: how would your approach cope with the PID file race?08:58
mjg59pitti: It wouldn't involve pid files08:58
mjg59But I'll need to think about that a little08:59
Keybukmjg59: #ubuntu-meeting08:59
mjg59Keybuk: Sure08:59
mdkeDiziet, ok I've updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyFirefoxStartPageTranslation?action=show, will that be good enough or do you want an email too?09:00
pittimjg59: anyway, I would be fine with the way you proposed, I'm just desperately trying to avoid the big effort that this solution would require09:00
mjg59There's not a lot required09:00
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Kamiondlopen: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/libGLcore.so: undefined symbol: __glXLastContext09:17
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elmoKamion: how careful do I have to be about removing NBS kernel images?09:21
Kamionelmo: go for it, we've finished this week's kernel transition09:22
elmobut in general I should ask?09:22
Kamionnah, we never release CD images when the archive is part-way through a kernel transition09:23
Pygiheh, Kamion, you here? ;)09:24
KamionPygi: yes09:25
Pygiok, so when can I finaly start contributing to the UbuntuExpress? ;)09:25
KamionPygi: I haven't been talking to you about ubuntu-express (now called espresso) because there isn't much to talk to you about yet09:25
Pygiso it's still not in coding phase?09:26
KamionI've been too busy with other stuff like the CD bootloader changes and all the 2.6.15/new-udev work, and work on espresso has only just started09:26
Kamionit's in coding phase, but not in a state where it's useful for anyone else to contribute yet really09:26
KamionI'm working on all the prerequisites, like .debs of various pieces of d-i that Espresso will call09:27
Pygikk, does a new wiki page for the project exists or?09:27
Kamionsome of that's in the archive already; you may have seen espresso-utils and os-prober arrive09:27
Kamionno, I'm adding status updates to the various existing UbuntuExpress/* pages on the wiki09:27
KamionI don't really intend to go through the busywork of renaming all the pages09:28
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KamionI've been completely blocked lately because we haven't had a working live CD to test things on09:28
Kamionwe've been sorting much of that out today, although the result is still very raw09:28
Pygino problem, just please tell me once it's ready for outside contribution09:29
seb128Kamion: how is the CD build going, should we hold uploads for now?09:29
KamionI then have to release Flight CD 2, and only then can I actually get back to Espresso development09:29
Kamionseb128: please hold uploads, yes, I'm trying to figure out why X broke09:29
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Kamionand whether the impact is widespread09:29
Kamiontesting the current install CDs would be appreciated; they aren't final but nearly so09:29
KamionPygi: sure09:30
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ograKamion, X worked here in my recent install 09:30
zuljbailey: you are going to be here later correct?09:30
ograKamion, it doesnt with my thin client with the trident card ...09:30
Pygijust as a thought, anyone here working on fixing the "keyboard layout change" bug?09:31
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Kamion"keyboard layout change"?09:31
jbaileyzul: No, Angie's got a video that I'm helpign with tonight.09:31
PygiKamion: yes09:32
Pygionce you add "Croatian" as your default layout for instance, whatever you do, it refuses to use that layout09:32
Pygichange in xorg.conf, and then restart of X server09:33
Pygiit asks you what layout you wanna use because there is a mixup (use X setting or Gnome), then you choose Gnome and everything works fine from then on09:33
Kamionoh, that I have no idea about, sorry09:33
Pygibut this is not a convinient way for new users09:33
zuljbailey: cool..no problem...i know when im not wanted ;)09:34
janimoelmo, please add jani@ubuntu.com to main uploaders when you have time, I just got approved in #u-m. thank you09:34
elmojanimo: send mail to the address listed in the wiki09:35
=== janimo goes to find that page in wiki
ograUploads ;)09:36
janimoogra, thanks :)09:37
janimohmm, upload@ubuntulinux.org ?09:38
ograyup, i think so ...09:38
ograhmm, then the wiki needs an update 09:39
ograjanimo, would you ? while youre at it ? 09:40
janimoI am editing right now ;)09:40
ograthanks :)09:40
janimoogra, does REVU new package policy apply to main as well?09:43
janimodo I need two MOTUs to endorse packages?09:43
ograjanimo, not really ... 09:43
janimogreat! 09:43
ograbut its more safe if you feel unsure about a package to ask someone09:43
janimonow I won't have any excuse for being slow ;)09:43
janimoyes, the new packs are mostly clones of kubuntu/edubuntu art/doc stuff09:44
janimonothing dangerous ort complicated09:44
ograbut note that new packages always enter universe first :P09:44
janimohmm I didn;t know that09:44
RiddellKamion: are there any plans for a flight-2?09:44
ograthey are staging up through main inclusion reports and anastacia with more or lees manual work of outhers involved09:45
KamionRiddell: working on i09:45
Kamiontesting tonight would be good; I'll build you a new Kubuntu install CD now09:45
ograRiddell, he doesnt even sleep anymore ... or if he does he dreams of gfxboot themes i guess :)09:46
KamionI can assure you my wife makes me sleep09:46
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Mezwhere was that guide for makeing your own livecd ?09:53
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Kamion6501 N   Dec 13 Ubuntu Archive  (  48) Accepted db4.4 4.4.16-1 (source)10:01
Kamionoh you have to be kidding, not another one10:01
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pittiand *of course* it changes log file format again10:02
sivangpitti: what's that ? :)10:02
pittisivang: an evil, incompatible mess of database drivers you don't actually want to know about :/10:03
sivangpitti: that bad?10:04
Pygireally bad ;)10:04
pittisivang: yes, as soon as you have apps that use db transactions, i. e. you cannot build them against the latest db10:04
sivangFailed to fetch http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/universe/binary-i386/Packages.bz2  MD5Sum mismatch10:09
sivangFailed to fetch http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/main/source/Sources.bz2  MD5Sum mismatch10:09
sivangis that known?10:09
jdonglol, deja vu from #u-m :)10:10
sivangjdong: eh, something I am doing wrong?10:10
pittithis kind of mirror breakage is pretty common10:10
jdonglol, nothing, just that mirror breakage was just discussed10:10
sivangah, right :) I though #u-m == #ubuntu-motu10:11
sivangmaybe I should switch mirrors10:12
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seb128Kamion: in fact the new e-d-s is to the archive now, so I should upload the packages that need to be transitionned , right?10:13
Kamionseb128: oh, yes please, I should have asked elmo to hold that in NEW10:13
Kamionsigh, oh well10:13
elmourgh, sorry10:13
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slomo_elmo: please sync lesstif1-1 from debian/unstable... ubuntu changes can be dropped10:21
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greenpenguin13am i the only one that's had their screen resolution change after those updates?10:23
greenpenguin13my screen looks like 800x600 but it says 1280x1024 in xorg.conf10:23
greenpenguin13how odd10:23
Treenaksgreenpenguin13: what does /var/log/Xorg.0.log tell you?10:24
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greenpenguin13(WW) Warning, couldn't open module GLcore10:27
greenpenguin13ah here we are10:28
greenpenguin13(II) NVIDIA(0): Not using default mode "640x350" (vrefresh out of range)10:28
greenpenguin13(II) NVIDIA(0): Not using default mode "320x175" (vrefresh out of range)10:28
greenpenguin13(II) NVIDIA(0): Not using default mode "640x400" (vrefresh out of range)10:28
greenpenguin13(II) NVIDIA(0): Not using default mode "320x200" (vrefresh out of range)10:28
greenpenguin13(II) NVIDIA(0): Not using default mode "720x400" (vrefresh out of range)10:28
greenpenguin13(II) NVIDIA(0): Not using default mode "360x200" (vrefresh out of range)10:28
greenpenguin13(II) NVIDIA(0): Not using default mode "640x480" (vrefresh out of range)10:28
greenpenguin13(II) NVIDIA(0): Not using default mode "320x240" (vrefresh out of range)10:28
greenpenguin13(II) NVIDIA(0): Not using default mode "640x480" (vrefresh out of range)10:28
greenpenguin13(II) NVIDIA(0): Not using default mode "320x240" (vrefresh out of range)10:28
Treenaksgreenpenguin13: DONT PASTE HERE10:28
greenpenguin13and so on10:28
fabbionegreenpenguin13: you want to ask in #ubuntu10:29
greenpenguin13lol sry10:29
sivangguys, this is probably a #ubuntu issue, no?10:29
fabbionethis is not a support channel10:29
Treenaksgreenpenguin13: please please please use #ubuntu and a paste-bin10:29
PygiPenguin, please don't flood 10:29
sivangalso, forums10:29
Treenakssivang: eek?10:30
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sivangTreenaks: hmm, did I say something wrong?10:30
mdkesivang, no10:30
mdkea good suggestion10:30
Treenakssivang: no, but I'm still a bit scared of the forums10:31
Treenaks(but I have that for most forums)10:31
mdkeforums are a good way to get support, better than irc10:31
Treenaksmdke: depends on the forum :)10:32
mdkeand the irc, yes10:32
Nafalloelmo: please sync util-vserver from debian unstable (ubuntu override okey) :-)10:32
sivangmdke: I've had some folks starting to translate some very good stuff there to hebrew :)10:32
sivangthat's why I suggested it10:32
sivangit apepears to have some nice solution for part of the issues10:32
mdkesivang, hebrew translation |= nvidia support, but still, that's cool10:33
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sivangmdke: well, not *about* hebrew translations, but translating to hebrew some support replies there :)10:33
mdkeah i see, cool10:34
KamionRiddell: you have new Kubuntu install CDs - please test10:34
KamionRiddell: let me know if the boot screen looks funny10:34
sivanganyway, I fall asleep for real now..night..10:34
ograKamion, bootscreen was cool for edubuntu bte with yesterdays image10:34
ograespecially being able to install with 1024x786 is very impressing10:35
ograi only had locale probs and a broken install due to the postgres breakage resulting from this10:35
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Kamionogra: excellent; yes I like the easy support for different video modes too, that was a sort-of-unexpected bonus10:36
ograKamion, is the locale prob solved in todays image ?10:36
Kamionthe background is just the usplash image run through 'convert -extent 640x480' at the moment10:37
ogranote that i dont need any manually built ones 10:37
ograi wont test tonight anymore10:37
Kamionogra: solved but I don't think I've built Edubuntu since; it took a while because I didn't notice localechooser FTBFSing10:37
ograKamion, i'm fine with the normal cron job, dont care about me10:37
Kamionnormal cron job's disabled for now actually, I'll just fire off a rebuild for you10:38
ograi'll start my rsyncs before bed and will be fine with testing toimorrow10:38
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RiddellKamion: thanks, downloading now10:47
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jdongaww, why'd the Dapper splash revert?10:50
greenpenguin13i was getting fed up of the old dapper spash :p10:51
ograjdong, because mjg59 had to many offers from art galleries whanting to buy it10:51
jdongogra: oh, I can imagine so :)10:51
McFerguslibavahi-bonjour-howl is already in Dapper ?10:52
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mdkeMcFergus, packages.ubuntu.com10:54
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mdkeMcFergus, no problem!10:54
jdongor madison-lite if you really wanna be up to the minute! LOL10:55
=== Kamion hopes all that e-d-s stuff builds - current livefs builds fail :(
jdongwow, that apt-get dist-upgrade really screwed up my Dapper :)10:55
dholbachjbailey: could you give the new gnome-terminal a spin and see, if your use case works now? :)10:57
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ograKamion, didnt you call for an upload stop ? 10:59
\shelmo: ping10:59
Kamionogra: ideally I'd like safe uploads that don't change package names only at this point10:59
\shelmo: you synced glabels today, but not jabberoo or istanbul...was there an issue with it?11:00
\shinfinity: and thx for debian/dirs :) I missed that really 11:04
jdongany objections to a backport of gedit 2.13.0?11:05
seb128I'm away for ~1hour, will fix the eds issues if there is one then, but everything builds fine for now (evolution-exchange will just need a retry when evolution is built)11:07
ogradoes a .13 version make sense ? 11:07
jdongogra, I asked the same at first, but what could POSSIBLY go horribly wrong with a TEXT EDITOR that one wouldn't notice after a few hours of testing?11:08
dholbachjdong: lots of internal changes, new build-depends - it's the unstable release11:08
Tm_Tany known issues/anything to test with 15-8 kernel?11:08
ograjdong, thats a development package, might have unknown bugs11:08
dholbachfirst unstable release11:08
jdongdholbach: ok, so not a good idea then :)11:08
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dholbachjdong: no, i did the update and there were quite a lot of changes :)11:09
ograjdong, in any case you would have to update it later to a stable version11:09
mdkebut... i thought all backports come from the unstable release11:09
jdongok, thanks for letting me know11:09
jdongmdke: but not necessarily all unstable releases11:09
mdkeisnt that part of the bargain11:09
jdongmdke: i.e. stable package versions hitting Dapper11:09
ograso it would require some maintenance work even if it built finbe for now11:09
mdkejdong, ah sure11:09
jdongmdke: I tend to stay far away from GNOME related stuff in main :)11:10
\shmdke: gnome is following ubuntus release cycle...so 2.14.x will be in ubuntu...so backporting 2.13 is not a good idea ,)11:10
mdke\sh, i don't follow that, but i don't know much about backports anyhow11:11
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jdongok.... CTRL+ALT+BKSP zaps vmware ALONG with the host's X :)11:11
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Nafalloelmo: please sync php4-idn php4-imagick from debian unstable (ubuntu override okey) :-)11:20
jdongelmo: what are all the *-given-back.gz failures in buildLogs?11:21
Nafalloelmo: ...and thanks for util-vserver and co. :-)11:21
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jdongit seems to be happening with more than Backports builds, actually11:24
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jdongdo the buildd admins know about this?11:24
azeemjdong: yes, that's their job11:25
jdongexcuuuuuse me for asking :)11:25
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jcolea floppy image, lol... can som11:56
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jcolehow can i install ubuntu via floppy? i have an old laptop that has no cdrom drive in it... i did an "apt-get source debian-installer" on another machine and trying to figure out how to build a floppy image, lol... can someone please point me to a doc?11:56
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seth_k|lappyjcole, #ubuntu is where you want to ask11:59
lathiatMcFergus: not yet, but will be12:00

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