=== lucasvo can't wait til this stupid apt is done with upgrading | ||
ogra | heh | 12:05 |
lucasvo | ogra: distrowatch must be a big + for pressed cds in dapper? | 12:07 |
ogra | not really ... | 12:07 |
lucasvo | ogra: why? | 12:07 |
ogra | are we still in top 100 ? | 12:07 |
ogra | i didnt look for some weeks | 12:08 |
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ogra | hmm, actually 67 in the 3 months overview | 12:09 |
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ogra | but not even listed for the 1 month statistics | 12:10 |
loogaroo | is this a bug: if you install sabayon in breezy (without creating a default profile), /etc/X11/Xsession does't work longer | 12:12 |
ogra | works here | 12:12 |
ogra | did you edit that file before installing sabayon ? | 12:12 |
loogaroo | could be | 12:12 |
ogra | that might be it ... | 12:13 |
loogaroo | did you create a profile for your user? | 12:13 |
ogra | note also that sabayon doesnt work on thin clients | 12:13 |
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ogra | nope, i tested sabayon for inclusion and found out it doesnt work, so i didnt include it :) | 12:13 |
ogra | it must work on thin clients to include it by default, else its useless ... | 12:14 |
ogra | but its principle collides with our ltsp | 12:14 |
loogaroo | ok | 12:15 |
=== jinty [n=jinty@115.Red-80-24-9.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #edubuntu | ||
ogra | it runs xnest which doesnt work through ssh tunnels ... | 12:15 |
ogra | i see no way to make that work ... :( | 12:16 |
ogra | (i'd very much love to include it in the next release) | 12:16 |
loogaroo | hmm | 12:17 |
loogaroo | we, have some time left, for dapper | 12:18 |
ogra | not much though | 12:18 |
ogra | upstream version freeze is deadline for new stuff | 12:18 |
ogra | and my personal ocus is on keeping the edubuntu metapackages working and to improve ltsp ... so i dont have much time left for other development | 12:20 |
ogra | *focus | 12:20 |
loogaroo | are you again searching for new helpers? | 12:22 |
ogra | i'm always searching for helpers :) | 12:23 |
loogaroo | :) | 12:23 |
loogaroo | we, talked yesterday on #ltsp if you can't remember, btw | 12:24 |
ogra | ah, yes | 12:24 |
loogaroo | ogra, do you use vmware for edubuntu development? | 12:27 |
ogra | nope | 12:27 |
ogra | real hardware | 12:27 |
ogra | Yagisan does a lot with vmware | 12:28 |
loogaroo | vmware 5 has pxe support | 12:28 |
ogra | he also tests the isos with it (at least he did that last release) | 12:28 |
ogra | ahm, nice | 12:28 |
ogra | -m | 12:29 |
loogaroo | have ubuntu something like a mentors-project, too? | 12:30 |
ogra | we have MOTU | 12:30 |
ogra | (masters of the universe) | 12:30 |
ogra | its similar to mentors | 12:31 |
ogra | but more team oriented | 12:31 |
ogra | since we dont have personalized packages in ubuntu, everyone can work on everything he likes | 12:31 |
ogra | technically everyone can submit packages to http://tiber.tauware.de/, where they get reviewed by MOTU and get sponsored uploads | 12:32 |
gand | How to install phpbb EasyMod on ubuntu: http://area51.phpbb.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?sid=&f=19&t=21527 | 12:33 |
ogra | gand, ah, you found the solution to your user problem then ? | 12:34 |
ogra | nice :) | 12:34 |
gand | yrs :) | 12:34 |
gand | yes:) | 12:34 |
gand | and then share what I learn :) | 12:34 |
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ogra | cool | 12:34 |
ogra | : | 12:35 |
ogra | :) | 12:35 |
loogaroo | ogra, thx, I will have a look on it | 12:35 |
ogra | loogaroo, feel invited to #ubuntu-motu as well :) | 12:35 |
gand | I've set a phpbb board for a teacher group sharing FOSS on Italian school | 12:36 |
ogra | thats very nice :) | 12:36 |
gand | lombardia.homelinux.org/forum is running on edubuntu machine :) ones you help to set up | 12:37 |
ogra | wow | 12:37 |
=== Burgwork [n=corey@S010600131016cf6f.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #edubuntu | ||
Burgwork | ogra, you awake still? | 01:23 |
ogra | Burgwork, partially | 01:23 |
Burgwork | ogra, my company is interested in making TeachersPet work on multiseat boxes | 01:23 |
ogra | nice | 01:24 |
ogra | http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/bzr-archive/student-control-panel-0.1/ | 01:24 |
ogra | there is my bzr archive | 01:24 |
ogra | its far from being complete or anything | 01:24 |
ogra | http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/edubuntu/student-control-panel_shot.png | 01:25 |
Burgwork | ok | 01:25 |
ogra | you can easily replace the top graphics with a company logo | 01:25 |
Burgwork | where is that tool going to be as of Dapper? | 01:25 |
Burgwork | and is there anything in the design that needs to be rethought to handle multiseat instead of ltsp? | 01:26 |
ogra | i hope the three basic finctions, logout, start apps for selected students and mke vnc connection to the currenly selected student work ... | 01:26 |
Burgwork | I didn't see anything | 01:26 |
ogra | the grabbing of the login connections must be handled differently | 01:26 |
Burgwork | yep | 01:27 |
ogra | one guy already made a gentoo port :) | 01:27 |
Burgwork | but the fundamental design is not different | 01:27 |
ogra | nope | 01:27 |
Burgwork | ok. we are just in the preliminary stages of looking at what we can do, so no promises yet | 01:28 |
ogra | if you look at the code of http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/bzr-archive/student-control-panel-0.1/student-control-panel all thats needed is an adjustment of the poll_userlist function | 01:29 |
ogra | its trivial to change that for other implementations | 01:29 |
ogra | and its not my highest priorty, so any help will be welcome | 01:30 |
Burgwork | I might even have enough python vodoo to make that work | 01:30 |
ogra | so just bzr get it ;) | 01:30 |
Burgwork | my time is about to get very very tight, due to other non-work Ubuntu stuff, but I will try | 01:31 |
ogra | if you run into probs, just ping me | 01:32 |
Burgwork | ok | 01:32 |
Burgwork | ogra, just a gui comment. It might be better to move the logout student button to beside the takeover student one | 01:35 |
Burgwork | and at the bottom, have a logout all and takeover all button | 01:35 |
ogra | thats not how it works ;) | 01:35 |
Burgwork | oh | 01:36 |
ogra | the logout button logs out *all selected* students | 01:36 |
Burgwork | hmm | 01:36 |
ogra | be it only one or all | 01:36 |
ogra | so it applies to the list on the left ... | 01:36 |
Burgwork | how often is the teach going to logging out only a subset of students? | 01:37 |
ogra | the same will happen with the execute button | 01:37 |
Burgwork | s/teach/teacher | 01:37 |
ogra | you can just ctrl-a them ... | 01:37 |
Burgwork | yes | 01:37 |
ogra | but the logic is that the takeover button only applies to the currently shown student, and the other buttons allpy to the list on the left | 01:38 |
Burgwork | I don't know enough about how teachers would actually use the tool to make a good judgement | 01:38 |
Burgwork | the reason I say move the buttons over is that then it is clear exactly what student you are affecting | 01:38 |
ogra | so the optical distinction is content vs list | 01:38 |
ogra | or list vs content to put it in the appropriate order | 01:39 |
ogra | try the app and you will see what i mean ... | 01:40 |
Burgwork | yes, I think I understand your thinking | 01:41 |
Burgwork | I wish I knew how teachers actually would use it | 01:41 |
ogra | yes, me too :) | 01:41 |
ogra | i think if you have two students that misbehave and play an online game against each other, its nice to select just these two and kick them out ;) | 01:42 |
Burgwork | yes | 01:42 |
ogra | that was my initial idea ... | 01:42 |
Burgwork | but at the same time, I am worried about the multiple selection thing | 01:42 |
Burgwork | because the side only shows one | 01:42 |
ogra | the last selscted one ... | 01:43 |
Burgwork | ugh | 01:43 |
Burgwork | let me mock up my idea and post to edubuntu-devel | 01:44 |
ogra | i wont add any more buttons, but i want the teacher to be able to kick students selective | 01:44 |
Burgwork | get some more opinions | 01:44 |
ogra | i wont have the time to work on the gui ... i'm happy if i get the backend done before UVF (which is less than 4 weeks) | 01:44 |
Burgwork | ouch | 01:44 |
Burgwork | again, I might be able to muster my meager pygtk skills to do that | 01:45 |
ogra | surely you can do that, but it wont happen if no gui guru steps up and integrates all the autouipdating of the gui right | 01:45 |
Burgwork | yep | 01:46 |
ogra | and i will in no case add a "populate userlist" button or something differently weird ;) | 01:46 |
ogra | just to circumvent a usability issue i can solve as well n the next release :) | 01:46 |
Burgwork | that is crack | 01:46 |
ogra | that is what all teacher tools do today | 01:47 |
Burgwork | I have never seen one | 01:47 |
Burgwork | I should start looking | 01:47 |
ogra | i havent found one without such buttons :) | 01:47 |
ogra | look at controlaulas at gnomefiles.org | 01:47 |
ogra | its a horribly bloated but very powerful gui | 01:47 |
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ogra | sadly its 100% written in gambas | 01:48 |
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Burgwork | yes | 01:48 |
ogra | which i'll never touch and we wont have it in ubuntu main ever ... so no option... | 01:48 |
ogra | and then there is the ancient teacher tool .... in tkinter .... | 01:49 |
ogra | and a port of it in gtk1 .... | 01:49 |
Burgwork | controlaulas looks like a mess | 01:49 |
ogra | and i think i also saw a port to gtk2 ... | 01:49 |
Burgwork | what about teachertool, the k12ltsp one? | 01:49 |
ogra | thats the tkinter one ... | 01:50 |
ogra | with a populate button for *every* list | 01:50 |
ogra | s-c-p is mainly based on it ... but without most of the crack | 01:50 |
Burgwork | are there screenshots for that somewhere? | 01:51 |
ogra | i.e. i adopted the backend, made it work with our ltsp but added automation where possible ... | 01:51 |
ogra | http://www.grawert.net/TeacherTool.png | 01:52 |
Burgwork | ugh | 01:52 |
ogra | ever button pops up another list (with its own populate list button indeed) | 01:52 |
ogra | or weird dialogs | 01:53 |
loogaroo | how can I use a serial mouse on the thinclients? | 01:55 |
ogra | loogaroo, i fear that doesnt work ... i had several users that tried it, but it didnt work for them and i have no serial one to test | 01:56 |
ogra | in breezy its not implemented http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuLtsConfParams but the patch we got for dapper didnt seem to work either :( | 01:57 |
ogra | i had someone here who tried to backport the patch ... | 01:57 |
ogra | loogaroo, you can look at http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/bzr-archive/ltsp/fixes/debian/ltsp-client.ltsp-client-setup.init | 01:58 |
loogaroo | ok | 01:59 |
ogra | there are lines for X_MOUSE_DEVICE and X_MOUSE_PROTOCOL | 01:59 |
ogra | try to put them into /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/init.d/ltsp-client-setup and add the options to your lts.conf file | 01:59 |
ogra | but i doubt it will work | 02:00 |
loogaroo | I will try this tomorrow | 02:06 |
loogaroo | thx, and good night | 02:07 |
ogra | night | 02:08 |
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pc22 | hi ogra | 02:44 |
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freelove | hi ogra:) | 05:15 |
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pc22 | hello | 05:49 |
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lucasvo | hello | 08:27 |
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manu_ubu | Hello | 08:32 |
juliux | hhi | 08:34 |
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irvin | what's the agenda for the meeting later? | 11:21 |
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bimberi | ping ogra or ogra__ | 12:08 |
bimberi | (having some issues requiring an op in #ubuntu) | 12:10 |
bimberi | nvm, Seveas to the rescue :) | 12:15 |
JaneW | hi guys, I think I am going to have to miss the meeting... | 12:22 |
JaneW | I seem to have a stomach bug or something :( | 12:23 |
JaneW | I am going to lie down, and will hopefully manage to come back otherwise please either | 12:23 |
JaneW | 1) Handle the meeting in my absence or | 12:23 |
JaneW | 2) We could reschedule for same time , same place tomorrow? | 12:23 |
ogra | JaneW, i think we can lrun it in absentia .... | 12:25 |
ogra | JaneW, i invited some of the edubuntu-fr guys that seem to run a completely separate project with own CD etc, i'd like to clearify and coordinate a bit with them... | 12:29 |
lucasvo | Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have | 12:38 |
lucasvo | requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable | 12:38 |
lucasvo | distribution that some required packages have not yet been created | 12:38 |
lucasvo | or been moved out of Incoming. | 12:38 |
lucasvo | The following information may help to resolve the situation: | 12:38 |
lucasvo | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 12:38 |
lucasvo | cupsys: Depends: poppler-utils but it is not going to be installed | 12:38 |
lucasvo | xpdf-reader: Depends: lesstif2 but it is not installable | 12:38 |
lucasvo | E: Broken packages | 12:38 |
lucasvo | what's wrong, I am just updating from breezy to dapper | 12:39 |
ogra | the c++ transition .... | 12:40 |
ogra | install poppleer-utils and remove xpdf-reader | 12:40 |
lucasvo | hu? | 12:40 |
lucasvo | remove xpdf? | 12:41 |
ogra | the libs underneath have changed ... if you run apt-get upgrade apt would have to uninstall stuff ... | 12:41 |
ogra | try installing poppler-utils ... | 12:41 |
lucasvo | conflicts with xpdf-utils | 12:41 |
lucasvo | but I am removing this | 12:42 |
ogra | xpdf is pretty dead, we use evince everywhere | 12:42 |
ogra | evince is far advanced and uses lots of the xpdf internals to render pdf | 12:42 |
ogra | YIPPIE !! | 12:43 |
ogra | http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/daily-live/ | 12:43 |
ogra | it exists !! | 12:44 |
lucasvo | ogra: I don't need it anyway:D | 12:44 |
lucasvo | ah it is install cd | 12:45 |
lucasvo | I thought live cd | 12:45 |
ogra | its the liveCD | 12:46 |
lucasvo | ah it is | 12:47 |
ogra | but its broken ... | 12:48 |
ogra | i was just told ... | 12:48 |
=== lucasvo will get a new server for xmas :D | ||
ogra | yay | 12:49 |
lucasvo | but not one of these:( www.opteronics.com/quad-opteron-server.htm | 12:55 |
ogra | who needs quad cpus anyway | 12:55 |
lucasvo | someone who doesn't has heating in house :D | 12:56 |
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ogra | edubuntu meeting or not ? in #ubuntu-meeting .... | 01:00 |
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littlepaul | hi mhz | 02:10 |
mhz | littlepaul: hi | 02:11 |
=== mhz in a meeting ending in 5 minutes | ||
littlepaul | k | 02:11 |
mhz | littlepaul: re | 02:12 |
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ogra | littlepaul, are you working on german documentation ? | 02:12 |
kjcole | mhz, still here, but getting ready for work as usual... | 02:13 |
mhz | kjcole: any chances Abiword .html or OOO.html work for your puroposes? | 02:13 |
flint | getting coffee... | 02:13 |
ogra | we are curretnly trying to coordinate a bit between the dfferen languages ... there are lots of things thatmight be done in es or fr that you could grab ... as well as the opposite for them | 02:14 |
=== ogra too ... | ||
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irvin | i missed the meeting | 02:14 |
jsgotangco | it seems so | 02:14 |
kjcole | For *MY* purposes, anything would work. plain text would work. But the advantage of Lore (and other stuff) is the ability to auto-build indexes, tables of contents, etc. | 02:14 |
=== jsgotangco as well | ||
mhz | irvin: but you'll be able to read logs | 02:14 |
irvin | i'm reading it right now | 02:15 |
littlepaul | ogra, right; may I send you an email - I think you should take a look over the things | 02:15 |
mhz | kjcole: moin does that too :p | 02:15 |
ogra | i'll put up notes later the day | 02:15 |
ogra | littlepaul, sure :) | 02:15 |
jsgotangco | hmm | 02:15 |
littlepaul | mhz, setcam allready talked and emailed with you as I read | 02:15 |
mhz | indeed, nice person | 02:16 |
kjcole | Lore comes with some nice style sheets, and an ability to generate good-looking LaTeX output as well. But I'm not the one committed to it. jelkner likes it, and I said "Looks easy. Fine." | 02:16 |
mhz | hehehehe | 02:16 |
mhz | okis | 02:16 |
mhz | any screenshots of the user interacting? | 02:16 |
ogra | kjcole, as i said, if we have a way to convert its all fine | 02:16 |
flint | btw when I said 12 degrees F this morning I misread. it is -12 degrees F.... | 02:17 |
ogra | cosy | 02:17 |
Yagisan | G'day mhz | 02:17 |
jsgotangco | grr | 02:17 |
kjcole | flint, hell freezes over on a regular basis when you're in that part of the world. (Been there, done that, for 20 years. It drove me south.) | 02:17 |
mhz | kjcole: jsgotangco: any good KISS app. that lets real newbies to docbook/xml start generating such code? | 02:18 |
Yagisan | The riots moved closer to my flat last night | 02:18 |
mhz | Yagisan: hey!!! good news? | 02:18 |
kjcole | jsgotangco must be in vermont... ("this thing is freezing at the moment") | 02:18 |
mhz | Yagisan: oooops! I can't understand why those riots? | 02:18 |
Yagisan | some wankers were shooting at the christion primary school, and burned down a church | 02:18 |
ogra | why did he grr ? | 02:18 |
littlepaul | ogra could you explain what is exactly broken on the livecd? | 02:19 |
ogra | littlepaul, nothing i hope | 02:19 |
mhz | :) | 02:19 |
ogra | http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/daily-live/20051214.1/ should be fine for testing now | 02:19 |
littlepaul | ok | 02:20 |
Yagisan | mhz: In a nutshell, islamic extremists have provoked *every* other ethic group to take revenge on them | 02:20 |
kjcole | mhz, dunno. My sense of the little docbook I saw was that it was easy to get started, difficult to get sophisticated, and that the Ubuntu folks had their own set of prerequisites in addition to the basics. | 02:20 |
mhz | ogra: remember last time I tried rsyncing in order to avoid re-downloading all again? (it did not wrok at all :( ) Any tips this time? | 02:20 |
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littlepaul | Yagisan, the only white guy in his "bario" *G* | 02:20 |
kjcole | mhz, I found a reasonably good introduction somewhere on the web, and kept the URL somewhere. Will try to pass that on. | 02:20 |
ogra | mhz, hmm, works here ... but for an initial download you wont gain anything anyway | 02:21 |
Yagisan | littlepaul: Yes, I *am* the only white guy here. | 02:21 |
mhz | sure, ogra | 02:21 |
mhz | Yagisan: sorry to hear that. I always thought AU was not into racist stupid sheeps | 02:22 |
Yagisan | littlepaul: the church that was burnt down was for the pacific islanders, the school was asian | 02:22 |
kjcole | mhz, the lore documentation, was short and simple. | 02:22 |
=== mhz wonders what would white extremist feel when they realize they are minority | ||
Yagisan | mhz: It's actually rampaging islamic groups | 02:23 |
kjcole | yagisan, my wife's from Australia, and has family in Sydney and the Blue Mountains. She hasn't been home in a long time but was a bit amazed by the news coming out of there. | 02:23 |
Yagisan | I'm in sdyney | 02:23 |
Yagisan | the curch that was burnt down, you could see it burning from my flat | 02:24 |
littlepaul | Yagisan, :/ | 02:24 |
Yagisan | s/curch/church | 02:24 |
kjcole | Her dad's in... Darlington? (I forget. near the university. 10 minute walk, I think.) | 02:24 |
mhz | kjcole: I guess you are right but remember I am just a moin admin and far from being coder, so my only near 'commands' experience is the command line interface, not tags. So if you happen to have 2 or 3 screenshots of how a user interacts with Lore.. would be excellent. | 02:24 |
Yagisan | kjcole: Probably darlinghurst. Anyway, the mob is from lakemba,punchbowl and bankstown | 02:24 |
kjcole | mhz, Easy. Will do. | 02:25 |
Yagisan | kjcole: your wife may remember what gettos those places are | 02:25 |
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mhz | kjcole: thank you very much | 02:25 |
Yagisan | I feel odd, that I have to arm myself, just to go to the shop | 02:26 |
littlepaul | very bad :( | 02:26 |
kjcole | Yagisan, She wouldn't. She didn't grow up in Sydney. She knows Hobart. (When we met she teased "I'm not Australian. I'm Tasmanian." To which I responded "Tasmaniac is more like it.") | 02:26 |
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Yagisan | yesterday an 11 month old child was attacked because it was white ! | 02:26 |
Yagisan | I'm glad my kids aren't white | 02:27 |
kjcole | Yagisan, but her dad moved to Sydney, her sis moved to the US and then back to the Blue Mountains. | 02:27 |
kjcole | Yagisan, but she says there've always been "issues" with some of the aboriginal community. Now something new. | 02:28 |
mhz | Yagisan: i am truly sorry | 02:28 |
jsgotangco | that's so sad | 02:28 |
kjcole | Yagisan, rough. Much sympathy. | 02:28 |
Yagisan | the thing that is really annoying, is all the white people get called racists for defending themselves | 02:29 |
Yagisan | yet, we can clearly see on tv | 02:29 |
Yagisan | we have white, black, and yellow people | 02:29 |
Yagisan | all getting revenge | 02:30 |
Yagisan | and yet, only one colour is racist ??? | 02:30 |
Yagisan | WTF ? | 02:30 |
littlepaul | ... | 02:31 |
=== mhz wouldn't know what to do to even start finding solutions | ||
kjcole | Yagisan, and when their children are old enough, they'll join the fray and continue the cycle, as they will have had family injured or killed. | 02:31 |
kjcole | Although not necessarily ideal, the best attempt I'v seen at dealing with stuff like this was South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission. | 02:32 |
Yagisan | I know. And it all stared because some idiots decided that because most of us are non-islamic, they can do what they like to us | 02:32 |
=== ealden [n=ealden@] has joined #edubuntu | ||
kjcole | I'm an "out" atheist myself. And I worry about where the US is going with regard to religious zealotry from any religion. | 02:33 |
Yagisan | then some more idiots decided, that beating the shit out of the first group was the best solution | 02:33 |
ogra | jsgotangco, was that grr before you left for us ? | 02:34 |
jsgotangco | my client froze and was only stuck in one channel | 02:34 |
jsgotangco | =) | 02:34 |
ogra | ah, k, i was already worried :) | 02:34 |
Yagisan | then the first group decided to get revenge for the beating they got, and starts burning down churches, and attacking children | 02:34 |
jsgotangco | =) | 02:34 |
=== jsgotangco is editing AsianBusinessTour pages | ||
kjcole | jsgotangco: I thought you were perhaps visiting vermont, with -12 F temperatures. (You said your system was "freezing") | 02:35 |
Yagisan | I'm also an atheist, by better half is a buddhist/shinto | 02:35 |
Yagisan | s/by/my | 02:35 |
jsgotangco | -12 F jesus christ | 02:35 |
mhz | jsgotangco: just to cheer up, finlsand is colder | 02:36 |
=== jsgotangco enjoys the lush equatorial weather | ||
kjcole | jsgotangco: Fortunately I'm further south. (The -12 was a Flint report, as he's new to that area.) Still the temperatures here in DC are expected to be +24 F to +32 F. So, below or at freezing all day today. | 02:37 |
=== Yagisan "enjoys" the smell of something burning | ||
=== Yagisan wishes he had already moved to Tokyo | ||
mhz | ogra: jsgotangco: any chances/ideas we can avoid creation of these kind of wiki pages: aLEXsANCHEZsECO? | 02:39 |
ogra | mhz, we cant ... | 02:39 |
ogra | its a wiki | 02:39 |
mhz | that should read: AlexSanchezSeco | 02:39 |
jsgotangco | nope | 02:39 |
kjcole | Well, running late. Time to go pretend to work. | 02:39 |
mhz | kjcole: :) | 02:40 |
jsgotangco | unless you like to be a wiki nazi *grin* | 02:40 |
Yagisan | I think we already have wiki nazis, don't we ? | 02:40 |
ogra | cao kjcole | 02:40 |
ogra | *ciao even | 02:40 |
kjcole | Ta-ta all. | 02:40 |
Yagisan | kjcole, see ya | 02:41 |
mhz | jsgotangco: not at all but this is not a wiki for you to play with, it's a wiki to share 'info' related to ubuntu | 02:41 |
Yagisan | mhz: there isn't a difference. | 02:41 |
mhz | ? | 02:41 |
jsgotangco | mhz, i think its just a matter of setting ground rules and letting people know. why not spearhead an ubuntu-wiki school just like what the motu does | 02:41 |
jsgotangco | i'm pretty sure people will like to attend that | 02:42 |
Yagisan | it's a wiki, it can be abused because of that very fact | 02:42 |
mhz | Yagisan: if so, why stopping wiki spammers? | 02:42 |
mhz | wikis have that freedom nature to share data | 02:43 |
jsgotangco | mhz, we know its a social issue not a technical one | 02:44 |
mhz | but that does not mean anyone can wiki whatever they want (porno, mp3, advertising, etc) | 02:44 |
jsgotangco | a technical solution can easily be circumvented i'm sure you're very aware of that | 02:44 |
mhz | yup | 02:44 |
Yagisan | yep, we need people to keep the wiki clean | 02:44 |
mhz | jsgotangco: so do you know of any draft of wiki ground 'rules'? | 02:45 |
Yagisan | and to fix things like cAPS lOCK impaired people | 02:45 |
jsgotangco | i believe mdke made some... | 02:45 |
Yagisan | :) | 02:45 |
jsgotangco | but our favorite barrister seems to be busy lately... | 02:45 |
spacey | ogra, still interested in willow? | 02:46 |
mhz | hmm, okis. I hope I can help as soon as I can read that draft | 02:46 |
spacey | since it depends on multiverse? | 02:46 |
Yagisan | all the best tools are in multiverse ;) | 02:46 |
mhz | :) | 02:46 |
spacey | Yagisan, thats not true :p | 02:46 |
ogra | spacey, i'm not sure it really needs the profiler | 02:46 |
ogra | we can probably patch it out ... | 02:46 |
spacey | ogra, hmhm i'm busy like crazy here. I don't think i'll be able to hack much code, especially since im not into python yet | 02:47 |
ogra | but currently my focus is on the CDs, flight 2 is at the door, the isos need testing | 02:47 |
ogra | i'll look into it... i'll package it anyway | 02:47 |
Yagisan | spacey: yeah, some of the best ones don't even get packaged :( eg libdvdcss | 02:48 |
=== Yagisan notes most of his multimedia packages had to come from multiverse | ||
ogra | Yagisan, you just use the wrong media then :P | 02:49 |
Yagisan | ogra: bah, I like my MPEG4 | 02:49 |
spacey | Yagisan, i got that package installed:P | 02:50 |
spacey | seveas has it in his repository | 02:50 |
=== Yagisan backported xvidcore from dapper for the amd64 speedups | ||
Yagisan | spacey: I run my own third party repo too, no surprises for guessing what is in it | 02:51 |
Yagisan | s/surprises/prizes | 02:51 |
spacey | ;p | 02:52 |
=== mhz /me bbl | ||
flint | I am taking the term wikinazis and imortalizing it. you guys are good. very good.... | 03:01 |
jsgotangco | i'm just following the footsteps of the original word playing nazi at the moment | 03:02 |
Yagisan | flint: immortalising :-P | 03:03 |
=== Yagisan goes looking for matching uniform, to go with my bad taste - perhaps something prince harry style, before I'm lynched. | ||
Yagisan | "Here lies Yagisan, lynched for making bad taste jokes on IRC at 1 in the morning, RIP" | 03:06 |
=== juliux [n=juliux@ubuntu/member/juliux] has joined #edubuntu | ||
flint | Yagisan, you are a god to me, admitedly a Tutonic Norse god, but a god none-the-less! Thanks for this great contribution to the language of sarcasism.. | 03:07 |
=== Yagisan is humbled and honored to be considered a god by someone, and yet wonders why his kids think they are superior to him. | ||
jsgotangco | haha | 03:14 |
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flint | Yagisan, jsgotangco I am gonna cause trouble somewhere else for a while. Thanks and bye... | 03:59 |
=== flint [n=flint@69-164-122-221.sbtnvt.adelphia.net] has left #edubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
jsgotangco | later | 03:59 |
=== vincenzio [n=vmarks@adsl-065-015-231-005.sip.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #edubuntu | ||
=== jsg_ [n=jsg@] has joined #edubuntu | ||
lucasvo | http://pastebin.com/463746 < apt-get upgrade doesn't seem to work | 04:15 |
Yagisan | lucasvo: please don't force install on errors | 04:17 |
ogra | -f means --fix-missing ;) | 04:18 |
lucasvo | Yagisan: I just tried to update from breezy to dapper | 04:18 |
ogra | but dont expect KDE stuff to work ... | 04:18 |
Yagisan | aptitude is a better choice for fix missing | 04:18 |
lucasvo | ogra: it is not kde stuff, it is removing my edubuntu stuff! | 04:18 |
ogra | the c++ libraries underneath have been transitioned | 04:18 |
ogra | so the kde apps might cause probs until everything was rebuilt against the new ones | 04:19 |
lucasvo | dubuntu-desktop edubuntu-server eog evince evolution evolution-exchange evolution-plugins gedit gnome-app-install gnome-cups-manager gnome-utils gpaint gthumb gtkhtml3.8 hotplug hplip-base kdelibs4c2 kiosktool kmessedwords libarts1c2 libboost-python1.33.0 libcupsys2-gnutls10 libgnomecups1.0-1 libgnomecupsui1.0-1 libgnomeprint2.2-0 libgnomeprintui2.2-0 libgtkhtml3.8-15 libgtksourceview1.0-0 libkcal2a libkdeedu1 libkdepim1 libkleopatra0a libmimelib1a li | 04:19 |
ogra | ither take the risk of a dist-upgrade or wait aome days | 04:20 |
lucasvo | http://pastebin.com/463755 | 04:20 |
ogra | libarts1c2 and kdelibs4c2 changed their name afaik | 04:21 |
ogra | kdelibs4c2 will get removed, kdelibs4c2a will get installed etc ... | 04:23 |
ogra | if there are packages relying on them but are not rebuilt yet they will only get removed until the new packages are there | 04:23 |
ogra | edubuntu-server depends on postgresql8.1 the old one depeneded on 8.0 | 04:24 |
lucasvo | ogra: so I first need to install postgresql8.1? | 04:27 |
ogra | to keep the edubuntu-server metapackage, yes ... | 04:27 |
ogra | but you can install edubntu-server afterwards as well ... | 04:28 |
ogra | no matter which order you take ... just wanted to point out that this errors are not worrying | 04:28 |
lucasvo | ok | 04:29 |
lucasvo | and why is edubuntu desktop being removed as well as edubuntu? | 04:29 |
lucasvo | ehm I mean evolution? | 04:29 |
lucasvo | I quite like the website design of ubuntu-fr | 04:34 |
ogra | edubuntu-dsktop isnt removed ... | 04:35 |
ogra | as i said before, either take the risk and dist-upgrade or wait | 04:35 |
lucasvo | Unpacking replacement kontact ... | 04:36 |
lucasvo | Errors were encountered while processing: | 04:36 |
lucasvo | /var/cache/apt/archives/kdepim-kresources_4%3a3.5.0-0ubuntu2_i386.deb | 04:36 |
lucasvo | E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 04:36 |
=== mhz [n=mhz_chil@pc-252-84-215-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu | ||
lucasvo | hi mhz | 04:37 |
lucasvo | mhz: where can I find you pgp key? | 04:37 |
mhz | lucasvo: hi | 04:37 |
mhz | w8 | 04:37 |
mhz | lucasvo: here http://www.tecnocimiento.cl/MauricioHernandez or | 04:39 |
mhz | https://launchpad.net/people/mhz | 04:39 |
mhz | there | 04:39 |
mhz | lucasvo: please use the 7... key | 04:40 |
lucasvo | why is there Seahorse and Gnomepgp? | 04:42 |
mhz | ? | 04:42 |
lucasvo | there are two similar apps installed on ubuntu | 04:42 |
mhz | oh, i use none of those, so i cant answer :) | 04:42 |
lucasvo | I don't like the fact that ubuntu is using it's own keyserver :( | 04:43 |
Yagisan | lucasvo: I prefer seahorse myself | 04:43 |
Yagisan | lucasvo: ??? | 04:43 |
lucasvo | Yagisan: gnomepgp has old gtk toolkit and ugly design :D | 04:44 |
lucasvo | Yagisan: keyserver.ubuntu.com | 04:44 |
Yagisan | ok | 04:45 |
lucasvo | they should implement a feature to import plaintext keys... | 04:46 |
Yagisan | goodnight all | 04:48 |
jsgotangco | night | 04:48 |
jsgotangco | i gottta sleep too | 04:48 |
mhz | night jsgotangco | 04:49 |
=== Yagisan [n=jamie@60-240-87-69-nsw-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has left #edubuntu [] | ||
=== JaneW [n=JaneW@dsl-146-148-187.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #edubuntu | ||
mhz | Yagisan: i got this compaq presario 1800 for client-server edubuntu demo. To my surprise... it does not boot from eth :( | 04:51 |
lucasvo | Processing was halted because there were too many errors. | 04:54 |
lucasvo | dpkg --reconfigure -a gives me a whole bunch of errors... :( | 04:54 |
lucasvo | mhz: got your key, but when I pressed on your signature in evolution, it just crashed, you must be something like an evil :D | 04:55 |
=== jensp [n=jens@p508B2175.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #edubuntu | ||
mhz | lucasvo: :D | 04:55 |
mhz | lucasvo: weired | 04:56 |
mhz | very weired | 04:56 |
lucasvo | are they actually doing anything with evolution or are they just writting more feautures/bugs? | 04:56 |
mhz | that doesn't happen to me | 04:56 |
jensp | hi, is it possible to migrate from Ubuntu to Edubuntu without having to boot from CD? | 04:56 |
lucasvo | mhz: I don't know but evolution crahses all the time | 04:56 |
mhz | jensp: yes | 04:56 |
lucasvo | jensp: edubuntu is just a package in apt | 04:56 |
mhz | oh, then maybe it is your evolution (mine works perfectly) | 04:57 |
mhz | lucasvo: I386 OR PPC? | 04:57 |
lucasvo | i386 | 04:57 |
lucasvo | evolution is crap, it crashes when only one mailbox file is corrupt | 04:57 |
mhz | hmm, breezy? | 04:57 |
lucasvo | mhz: yes | 04:57 |
lucasvo | but at the moment there isn't any evolution on my pc, it got lost during upgrade to dapper :D | 04:58 |
mhz | tried kmail or thunderbird? | 04:58 |
lucasvo | k??? waaa | 04:58 |
=== jensp [n=jens@p508B2175.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #edubuntu | ||
lucasvo | jensp: edubuntu is just a package in apt | 04:58 |
lucasvo | jensp: you can install it using synaptic or apt | 04:58 |
jensp | fsck I hate Mirc :( | 04:58 |
jensp | nice, thanks | 04:58 |
=== jensp [n=jens@p508B2175.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #edubuntu ["Wer] | ||
mhz | boo | 04:58 |
lucasvo | "Wer das liest ist dohv" | 04:59 |
lucasvo | not nice | 04:59 |
mhz | lucasvo: exactly! | 04:59 |
jsgotangco | good night | 04:59 |
lucasvo | good night jsgotangco | 04:59 |
lucasvo | /boot/initrd.img-2.6.12-10-386 was been altered. Cannot update. | 05:00 |
lucasvo | should I care? | 05:00 |
mhz | indeed | 05:03 |
lucasvo | mhz: so what should I do? | 05:05 |
mhz | I just dont know why you got that in 1st place | 05:05 |
lucasvo | maybe it is because I once tried to install initng | 05:05 |
mhz | isn't there somehing like apt-get fix broken something? | 05:06 |
lucasvo | http://pastebin.com/463829 | 05:12 |
lucasvo | mhz: apt-get -f install | 05:12 |
lucasvo | but it doesn't work | 05:13 |
mhz | hmmm | 05:13 |
=== mhz reading | ||
lucasvo | I mean it produces this error | 05:13 |
lucasvo | kdelibs4c2 has been renamed to kdelibs4c2a | 05:13 |
lucasvo | so one should correct that | 05:13 |
lucasvo | anybody here who could correct that? | 05:16 |
lucasvo | mhz: what were you reading? | 05:16 |
mhz | about etherbooting :) | 05:17 |
mhz | and apt | 05:17 |
mhz | lucasvo: sorry I can be of any help ATM | 05:18 |
mhz | cant | 05:18 |
=== |H8|L-a-s-e-r [n=NNSCRIPT@] has joined #edubuntu | ||
|H8|L-a-s-e-r | what is the default root passwd? | 05:20 |
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lucasvo | re | 05:21 |
|H8|L-a-s-e-r | re? | 05:22 |
|H8|L-a-s-e-r | lucasvo? | 05:22 |
lucasvo | |H8|L-a-s-e-r: hi | 05:22 |
|H8|L-a-s-e-r | hi | 05:23 |
|H8|L-a-s-e-r | what is the default root passwd? | 05:23 |
lucasvo | |H8|L-a-s-e-r: no passwd | 05:23 |
lucasvo | just sudo su | 05:23 |
lucasvo | and you are root | 05:23 |
lucasvo | |H8|L-a-s-e-r: sudo passwd | 05:23 |
lucasvo | |H8|L-a-s-e-r: is used to set a rootpw | 05:24 |
|H8|L-a-s-e-r | but i havent set any passwd | 05:24 |
|H8|L-a-s-e-r | aha... first time ? | 05:24 |
lucasvo | you don't need any rootpw | 05:24 |
lucasvo | just use sudo | 05:24 |
|H8|L-a-s-e-r | k | 05:25 |
=== thundr [n=thundr@66-168-50-185.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #edubuntu | ||
lucasvo | ogra__: now my X isn't working anymore after reboot :( | 06:17 |
lucasvo | ogra__: all my X packages have been held back | 06:17 |
lucasvo | and I don't know how to reinstall them without X | 06:18 |
|H8|L-a-s-e-r | installed edubunto, but havent give a root pass yet how to ? | 06:19 |
lucasvo | |H8|L-a-s-e-r: as I said, if you want to set a rootpassword(even if you don't need it) just type sudo passwd in a commandline | 06:20 |
juliux | ogra__, congratulation | 06:24 |
juliux | ogra__, very cool to hear that linus will use edubuntu for his daughter | 06:24 |
lucasvo | too bad that my school doesn't have problem with money and that they don't have to care about free software and can buy as many Xserver and G5 as they want :( | 06:27 |
lucasvo | it would be almost impossible to install edubuntu there | 06:27 |
juliux | lucasvo, lol | 06:27 |
juliux | lucasvo, what kind of school it is? | 06:27 |
lucasvo | at least it is unix | 06:27 |
lucasvo | juliux: public school in zurich | 06:27 |
juliux | lucasvo, oh | 06:28 |
lucasvo | something like a collegepreps school | 06:28 |
lucasvo | but if you go to this school you have unrestricted access to university and eth in CH | 06:28 |
juliux | cool | 06:29 |
lucasvo | juliux: but maybe elementary school I was in will install it | 06:29 |
lucasvo | hm, my dhcpserver isn't working anymore :( | 06:36 |
lucasvo | I don't get any IP on the ltsp client anymore | 06:36 |
juliux | lucasvo, the dhcp server is runing? | 06:37 |
|H8|L-a-s-e-r | apt-get install php ?? | 06:45 |
|H8|L-a-s-e-r | dosen't that package exist? | 06:45 |
lucasvo | juliux: yes | 06:50 |
lucasvo | |H8|L-a-s-e-r: apt-cache search php | 06:50 |
juliux | lucasvo, hm | 06:50 |
lucasvo | |H8|L-a-s-e-r: there you have to choose severals | 06:50 |
lucasvo | juliux: even gives out IP adresses | 06:50 |
lucasvo | |H8|L-a-s-e-r: for apache you need: libapache2-mod-php4 | 06:51 |
lucasvo | php5 - server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (meta-package) | 06:51 |
lucasvo | is the php package | 06:52 |
|H8|L-a-s-e-r | how to choose servers? | 06:52 |
lucasvo | ogra__: who was the guy with xubuntu? | 06:52 |
lucasvo | |H8|L-a-s-e-r: what do you need php5 for? | 06:52 |
|H8|L-a-s-e-r | to apache | 06:52 |
lucasvo | ok, so install libapache2-mod-php5 | 06:52 |
lucasvo | and php5 | 06:52 |
|H8|L-a-s-e-r | apache2 installed | 06:53 |
|H8|L-a-s-e-r | but dont find php5 | 06:53 |
|H8|L-a-s-e-r | sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 | 06:53 |
|H8|L-a-s-e-r | cant find that package ;) | 06:54 |
lucasvo | hm, ok in that case install libapache2-mod-php4 && php4 | 06:54 |
|H8|L-a-s-e-r | can't find... | 06:54 |
|H8|L-a-s-e-r | hmm | 06:54 |
|H8|L-a-s-e-r | can i update the package list or something? | 06:54 |
juliux | sudo apt-get update | 06:55 |
lucasvo | |H8|L-a-s-e-r: do you have universe enabled? | 06:55 |
|H8|L-a-s-e-r | dont know.. | 06:55 |
lucasvo | |H8|L-a-s-e-r: sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list | 06:55 |
|H8|L-a-s-e-r | source list ? | 06:55 |
juliux | libapache2-mod-php5 is in main | 06:55 |
lucasvo | |H8|L-a-s-e-r: there you should uncomment the lines with universe | 06:55 |
|H8|L-a-s-e-r | where do i find the mirrors ? | 06:55 |
lucasvo | juliux: ah, ok | 06:55 |
juliux | and php5 also | 06:55 |
lucasvo | |H8|L-a-s-e-r: have you feed from internet enabled? | 06:56 |
|H8|L-a-s-e-r | dont know ;) | 06:56 |
|H8|L-a-s-e-r | can connect to the internet | 06:56 |
juliux | |H8|L-a-s-e-r, can you past /etc/apt/sources.list? | 06:56 |
|H8|L-a-s-e-r | it's alot of text... | 06:57 |
lucasvo | |H8|L-a-s-e-r: but not here | 06:57 |
lucasvo | use pastebin.com | 06:57 |
|H8|L-a-s-e-r | k | 06:57 |
juliux | or paste.ubuntuusers.de | 06:57 |
lucasvo | juliux: any idea why I don't get any IP adress? | 06:57 |
juliux | lucasvo, sorry no | 06:58 |
|H8|L-a-s-e-r | http://pastebin.com/463963 | 06:58 |
juliux | |H8|L-a-s-e-r, you dont have activate any source | 06:58 |
juliux | |H8|L-a-s-e-r, uncomment line 2,3 | 06:59 |
lucasvo | # | 06:59 |
lucasvo | # deb http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-backports main restricted universe multiverse | 06:59 |
lucasvo | # | 06:59 |
juliux | |H8|L-a-s-e-r, and than run sudo apt-get update | 06:59 |
lucasvo | # deb-src http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-backports main restricted universe multiverse | 06:59 |
lucasvo | remove # there | 06:59 |
juliux | lucasvo, pls no backports | 06:59 |
juliux | lucasvo, he should use line 2 and 3 | 06:59 |
|H8|L-a-s-e-r | k | 06:59 |
juliux | lucasvo, that should be enough | 06:59 |
lucasvo | juliux: you are right | 07:00 |
juliux | |H8|L-a-s-e-r, only remove the # in line 2 and 3 | 07:00 |
lucasvo | strange | 07:00 |
lucasvo | it can't be dns error | 07:01 |
lucasvo | I mean dhcp | 07:01 |
juliux | lucasvo, look at /var/log/ | 07:01 |
lucasvo | because I get an IP on the machine with ubuntu livecd | 07:01 |
|H8|L-a-s-e-r | first line is this | 07:01 |
|H8|L-a-s-e-r | deb cdrom:[Edubuntu 5.10 _Breezy Badger_ - Release i386 (20051012)] / breezy main restricted | 07:01 |
juliux | |H8|L-a-s-e-r, add on this line a # | 07:02 |
lucasvo | |H8|L-a-s-e-r: if you don't want to put in CD everytime you install packages and if you have constant internet connection, you can uncomment this line | 07:02 |
|H8|L-a-s-e-r | k | 07:03 |
|H8|L-a-s-e-r | thz | 07:03 |
=== plume [n=mpl@62.12.131.lpoy.fi] has joined #edubuntu | ||
plume | I just installed Edubuntu (amd64) : ok, but vmlinuz that comes with is also amd64 and all my thin clients are i386 | 07:15 |
plume | where can i download the vmlinuz/initrd for i386 | 07:16 |
plume | ? | 07:16 |
plume | (first time i use a irc, please don't shout on me) | 07:17 |
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lucasvo | plume: ehm, there is some page in the wiki | 07:29 |
lucasvo | plume: I'll look for it | 07:30 |
lucasvo | plume: I think this will only work with dapper | 07:31 |
lucasvo | plume:I don't know | 07:32 |
lucasvo | plume: ask ogra :D | 07:32 |
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zhx | hello | 07:52 |
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zhx | i need a real ubuntu evangelist | 07:57 |
zhx | edubuntu, specifically | 07:57 |
Burgwork | zhx, what sort and why? | 08:02 |
zhx | well, i work with a computer company in town that runs a program called computers4kids | 08:03 |
zhx | that takes old donated systems and donates them to needy families | 08:04 |
zhx | we currently load windows 98 (volume license) on them, and ive gotten the board to consider ubuntu or edubuntu as an alternative | 08:04 |
zhx | these are generally going to school aged kids, and i think edubuntu would be infinitely superior for this purpose | 08:05 |
zhx | over win98, that is | 08:05 |
Burgwork | yes it probably would | 08:05 |
Burgwork | where does the edubuntu evangelist come into the picture? | 08:05 |
zhx | well, i need a couple pointers on really selling this to the board | 08:06 |
zhx | "not windows" isn't going to go over well | 08:06 |
zhx | i'm also not familiar with ubuntu's compatibility with dialup modems | 08:06 |
Burgwork | so you need to sell value to the board | 08:06 |
Burgwork | dialup modems is kind of crappy | 08:06 |
zhx | it seems linux has come a long way in that regard | 08:06 |
zhx | but im still worried | 08:06 |
Burgwork | some of them work but they are a pain to configure | 08:06 |
zhx | most of these families, if they have internet connection at all, will be dialup | 08:06 |
zhx | yeah thats what i was worried about | 08:06 |
zhx | thats going to be a major hurdle | 08:07 |
Burgwork | I recognize that | 08:07 |
Burgwork | however, I don't consider it a deal killer | 08:07 |
Burgwork | people only need to configure their modems once and they use the machine every day for other things | 08:07 |
zhx | the modem in this one seems to have installed fine | 08:07 |
zhx | i dont really have a means to test it here... | 08:07 |
zhx | yeah, i think edubuntu is great for school aged kids | 08:08 |
zhx | ive been checking it out for a couple days now | 08:08 |
Burgwork | here is the value I would pitch to the board (I do sales, in case you care) | 08:08 |
zhx | ha okay | 08:08 |
Burgwork | -virus free | 08:08 |
Burgwork | -easy to setup | 08:08 |
Burgwork | -designed for kids | 08:08 |
Burgwork | do you currently do support for the machines you hand out? | 08:09 |
zhx | i dont think so | 08:09 |
Burgwork | here is the feedback I have heard about putting Linux on donated machines | 08:09 |
zhx | ok | 08:09 |
Burgwork | usually about 50% come back and get windows on them | 08:09 |
zhx | oi | 08:09 |
zhx | thats the other thing i was afraid of | 08:09 |
zhx | still, 50% | 08:10 |
zhx | haha | 08:10 |
Burgwork | but that is fine, because the other half keeps their linux | 08:10 |
zhx | yeah | 08:10 |
Burgwork | and I consider that a net win | 08:10 |
zhx | definitely | 08:10 |
zhx | i believe very strongly in what ubuntu is doing | 08:10 |
zhx | and thats why ive been on their case about adopting it | 08:10 |
Burgwork | I would say this "Lets offer Ubuntu first and if then they want Windows, we give them 98" | 08:10 |
Burgwork | because both have their places | 08:11 |
zhx | mmhmm | 08:11 |
zhx | thats the other thing im concerned about | 08:11 |
Burgwork | sadly | 08:11 |
zhx | these are generally very low end machines | 08:11 |
zhx | our cpu "cutoff" is 400mhz | 08:11 |
zhx | ubuntu should run fine on 400mhz, right? | 08:11 |
Burgwork | is that the lowest end or the highest end? | 08:11 |
zhx | lowest | 08:11 |
Burgwork | that should be fine | 08:12 |
Burgwork | not speedy but it will work | 08:12 |
zhx | i think we generally do 128mbs ram | 08:12 |
zhx | this particular system has 192 | 08:12 |
zhx | 677mhz cpu | 08:12 |
zhx | and it seems to run just fine | 08:12 |
Burgwork | 128 is going to grind a little with OO.o but that is about it | 08:12 |
Burgwork | and when dapper comes out, xubuntu should be in main | 08:12 |
Burgwork | and edubuntu is already considering doing a lowend version for xubuntu | 08:13 |
zhx | any sort of timeframe? | 08:13 |
Burgwork | Dapper will be released April 2006, unless the world ends | 08:13 |
zhx | haha | 08:13 |
zhx | oh yeah thats right, 6 month releases | 08:14 |
Burgwork | (K)(Ed)Ubuntu is released on a six month schedule | 08:14 |
zhx | well as it stands, i'm presenting this idea to the board first thursday of jan | 08:14 |
zhx | so far im very impressed with edubuntu | 08:14 |
zhx | i already have them offering several open source utilities on our win98 boxes | 08:15 |
zhx | firefox, thunderbird, openoffice, etc | 08:15 |
Burgwork | the thing that will sell them is value and pain, not features | 08:15 |
zhx | well pain is what im worried about with dialup modems | 08:15 |
Burgwork | find out what they would like to do better and then offer the features of edubuntu to solve those | 08:15 |
Burgwork | hence creating value | 08:15 |
zhx | see, im not sure how our windows 98 license currently works | 08:16 |
zhx | apparently we're allowed to install this on as many machines as we please | 08:16 |
Burgwork | you probably have to give away the machines for free | 08:16 |
Burgwork | and you can install as many as you like | 08:16 |
Burgwork | you can probably also get win 2k licenses as well | 08:16 |
zhx | mmhmm | 08:16 |
zhx | im also worried the board will think people will be alienated | 08:17 |
Burgwork | where do you live? | 08:17 |
zhx | wyoming | 08:17 |
zhx | oh, US | 08:17 |
Burgwork | I live in Canada, don't worry | 08:17 |
zhx | ha | 08:17 |
zhx | i really have to sell them on ubuntu's ease of install for us | 08:18 |
zhx | and ease of use for the end user | 08:18 |
Burgwork | but in order for them to consider Ubuntu, it must be better than what they have and solve some of their problems | 08:18 |
zhx | we really HAVE no problems with win98 is the...problem | 08:19 |
Burgwork | as long as it does that, minor issues like modems will not become major issues | 08:19 |
Burgwork | maybe not | 08:19 |
zhx | i just believe that edubuntu will do more for the type of people we're giving these to | 08:19 |
zhx | families with young kids | 08:19 |
Burgwork | so talk to some people that have just got the machines and ask them what they want to be better | 08:20 |
zhx | right now, the machines we give out dont really have any applications with "creativity" or "education" in mind | 08:20 |
Burgwork | exactly | 08:20 |
zhx | well, | 08:20 |
Burgwork | Pain can also include things they would like to do better | 08:20 |
zhx | i would assume 9 out of 10 people are using these boxes for email, light web surfing | 08:20 |
zhx | word processing | 08:20 |
zhx | you can do that sufficiently on either platform | 08:21 |
Burgwork | yes, but feature parity will never win them over | 08:21 |
RichiH_ | shouldn't there have been a live cd last weekend? | 08:21 |
Burgwork | RichiH_, no idea | 08:21 |
RichiH_ | Burgwork: it was a rhetorical question, there should ;) | 08:22 |
=== RichiH_ would want to have one in the next few days so he can mail it for Xmas | ||
zhx | right, which is why i have to sell them the idea that "ubuntu is better than windows" | 08:22 |
zhx | keep in mind i work for a microsoft business partner | 08:22 |
ogra__ | RichiH_: yes, but it was delayed some days, the first daily build (yet untested) came out today | 08:22 |
zhx | so the fact that theyre considering this is unreal | 08:22 |
Burgwork | zhx, I am lucky, I sell Linux for a living | 08:22 |
ogra__ | RichiH_: note that this is in heavy development, it might or might not work | 08:23 |
RichiH_ | ogra__: bleh | 08:23 |
RichiH_ | ogra__: but ok, i will take what i can get | 08:23 |
ogra__ | RichiH_: what do you expect after 1 month of development in a development release ? | 08:23 |
RichiH_ | personally, i prefer vanilla ubuntu, but an edubuntu might be good for my sister's daughter | 08:23 |
RichiH_ | ogra__: being used to debian, not much ;p | 08:24 |
ogra__ | exactly ... | 08:24 |
ogra__ | the current image will nothave edubuntu themes yet... and if it has the same bugs the install cd has, its nothing to give to a child yet ... | 08:25 |
ogra__ | i.e. gamin is totally broken ... so the menu doesnt work | 08:25 |
ogra__ | network cards dont come up by default | 08:25 |
ogra__ | there might be language issues | 08:26 |
ogra__ | etc etc | 08:26 |
ogra__ | its really only a test build, we will release in april ... | 08:26 |
Burgwork | zhx, if you want me to help you sell this to the board, feel free to contact me. corey.burger@gmail.com | 08:27 |
zhx | definitely, will do | 08:27 |
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zhx | anyway, that was my lunch break | 08:31 |
zhx | thanks for your time | 08:31 |
Burgwork | zhx, np | 08:32 |
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juliux | ogra_test, ogra__ which nick has daniel stone? | 08:41 |
ogra_test | daniels | 08:42 |
juliux | ogra_test, thanks | 08:42 |
mhz | ogra_test: can I bug you with one question? | 08:48 |
mhz | juliux: hi | 08:48 |
juliux | hi mhz | 08:48 |
mhz | ogra__: I really need to show Edubuntu in a TV (the guy who would lend me the projector couldnt do it) | 08:49 |
mhz | I can only see the teminals (Fx) but no GUI. the cui I get is terribly awful | 08:50 |
mhz | cui = gui | 08:50 |
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mhz | However, D.S.L live cd looks just perfect on TV | 08:50 |
mhz | ??/ | 08:50 |
mhz | I need some hints please, ogra_test and ogra__ and juliux and everyone :) | 08:50 |
John_at_LMi | Good afternoon. I too, am looking some help with Edubuntu. | 08:51 |
John_at_LMi | For starters, a link for documentation. I've installed as workstation, logged in, and have a non-working mouse and no idea of how to even open a shell window. | 08:52 |
John_at_LMi | Anyone else here and looking in besides mhz? | 08:54 |
mhz | John_at_LMi: hi | 08:54 |
mhz | John_at_LMi: did you check the EdubuntuInstallNotes in the wiki? | 08:55 |
mhz | IIRC one guy also had some issues with mouse and were already solved | 08:55 |
mhz | but I may be wrong | 08:55 |
John_at_LMi | Good afternoon, mhz. I did check there, but found nothing like you describe. I'll look again now. | 08:55 |
mhz | John_at_LMi: be patient with the wiki, it has too much info, so try searching using the 'text'btton | 08:56 |
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John_at_LMi | I'd also like to know if i'm the only one trying to use this for a single family with a single child, vs. setting up a lab. | 08:59 |
mhz | John_at_LMi: nope, you are not alone | 09:08 |
mhz | Edubuntu can be many things | 09:08 |
mhz | it's just a matter of good taste :) | 09:08 |
lucasvo | plume: /w 12 | 09:09 |
lucasvo | sorry | 09:09 |
lucasvo | my ltsp isn't working anymore after update to dapper | 09:10 |
lucasvo | * Starting rpc mountd... [fail] | 09:11 |
mhz | lucasvo: I have not tested dapper yet | 09:11 |
mhz | that sounds like NFS not working | 09:12 |
lucasvo | mhz: yes | 09:12 |
mhz | IIRC, during todays meeting ogra mentioned sthg about nfs bugs | 09:12 |
mhz | :( | 09:12 |
lucasvo | ogra_test: do you know hot to get nfs on edubuntu working? | 09:13 |
lucasvo | lucasvo@lama:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-common start | 09:13 |
lucasvo | * Starting nfs statd... [fail] | 09:13 |
lucasvo | lucasvo@lama:~$ | 09:13 |
lucasvo | how an I debug ? | 09:13 |
lucasvo | *can | 09:13 |
ogra_test | hi all | 09:13 |
ogra_test | John_at_LMi, are you using a serial mouse ? | 09:14 |
ogra_test | mhz, did you try lower resolutions for the gui ? | 09:14 |
ogra_test | lucasvo, look in /var/log/daemon.log | 09:14 |
lucasvo | John_at_LMi: I had the same problem :D | 09:14 |
ogra_test | lucasvo, with the workstation version ? i doubt it | 09:15 |
lucasvo | John_at_LMi: can you do modprobe psmouse on the client? | 09:16 |
lucasvo | ogra_test: yes | 09:16 |
ogra_test | John_at_LMi, to get a terminal window, try alt+F2 | 09:16 |
ogra_test | and type gnome-terminal at the prompt | 09:16 |
ogra_test | lucasvo, really ? i thought that was in ltsp ?? | 09:17 |
ogra_test | on a normal desktop psmouse usually loads fine | 09:17 |
lucasvo | ogra_test: no it was ubuntu ltsp | 09:17 |
ogra_test | thats what i maen | 09:17 |
ogra_test | mean | 09:17 |
lucasvo | edubuntu-server I mean | 09:18 |
ogra_test | the normal desktop doesnt have this prob | 09:18 |
lucasvo | not the ltsp package | 09:18 |
ogra_test | oh, so not on the client ... | 09:18 |
lucasvo | ogra_test: it was on the ltsp client | 09:18 |
ogra_test | yes, thats a known prob, but it doesnt happen on the desktop normally ... | 09:19 |
lucasvo | ah, I didn't read the "workstation install" | 09:19 |
lucasvo | ogra_test: I can't find anything in /var/log/daemon.log | 09:19 |
ogra_test | there was some race condition in the hardware detection of the client at boot ... | 09:19 |
ogra_test | lucasvo, there must be *anything* from the nfsd or statd | 09:20 |
ogra_test | is your portmap running already ? | 09:20 |
lucasvo | ogra_test: yes | 09:21 |
ogra_test | how does your /etc/exports look like ? | 09:22 |
ogra_test | /opt/ltsp *(ro,no_root_squash,async) | 09:22 |
lucasvo | /opt/ltsp *(ro,no_root_squash,async) | 09:22 |
ogra_test | this line should be in there (only one time) | 09:22 |
lucasvo | yes it is there only one time | 09:23 |
ogra_test | did you tra starting nfs-kernel-server ? | 09:23 |
ogra_test | try even | 09:23 |
lucasvo | install: cannot create regular file `/opt/ltsp/pkg_cache/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts': No such file or directory | 09:23 |
lucasvo | install: cannot create regular file `/opt/ltsp/data/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts': No such file or directory | 09:23 |
lucasvo | Removing `local diversion of /sbin/start-stop-daemon to /sbin/start-stop-daemon.distrib' | 09:23 |
lucasvo | ^^ when I do ltsp-build-client | 09:23 |
lucasvo | ogra_test: yes I did | 09:23 |
ogra_test | eeek | 09:23 |
ogra_test | dont build the chroot if you upgrade | 09:24 |
ogra_test | just do a sudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386/ apt-get diest-upgrade | 09:24 |
lucasvo | http://pastebin.com/464196 | 09:24 |
ogra_test | s/diest/dist | 09:25 |
lucasvo | ogra_test: I deleted the chroot | 09:25 |
lucasvo | but _only_ the i386 | 09:25 |
ogra_test | taht doesnt matter | 09:25 |
ogra_test | the /proc filesystem is still in /proc mounts for the chroot... | 09:26 |
ogra_test | so all installing happens in the main system | 09:26 |
lucasvo | huh? | 09:26 |
lucasvo | I don't understand | 09:26 |
ogra_test | you cant just wipe the chroot | 09:26 |
lucasvo | ehm, so what is with nfs? | 09:27 |
ogra_test | you have to chroot into it first and unmount /proc and /sys | 09:27 |
lucasvo | when I do what? | 09:27 |
ogra_test | so if you run the build client script then, it tries to build a complete new system in / instead of /opt/ltsp | 09:28 |
lucasvo | ogra_test: really? | 09:28 |
ogra_test | yep | 09:28 |
ogra_test | did your screen flash while building the chroot ? | 09:28 |
lucasvo | what building chroot? | 09:28 |
ogra_test | ltsp-build-client | 09:28 |
lucasvo | lucasvo@lama:~$ sudo ltsp-build-clientlucasvo@lama:~$ sudo ltsp-build-client | 09:29 |
lucasvo | no it didn't | 09:29 |
ogra_test | ok, you might be lucky... but that was very dangerous ... | 09:29 |
lucasvo | NOTE: Root directory /opt/ltsp/i386 already exists. This might lead to problems. | 09:29 |
John_at_LMi | re. It was a PS/2 mouse, now i'm trying a serial mouse. I rebooted, hoping there was some auto-detect. | 09:30 |
lucasvo | ^^ what's the problem? | 09:30 |
ogra_test | never try to build a chroot on top of another | 09:30 |
lucasvo | ogra_test: I am not in chroot | 09:30 |
ogra_test | lucasvo, ltsp-build-client is | 09:30 |
John_at_LMi | found the terminal window, after finding ALT+F1 by mistake. :) | 09:30 |
lucasvo | aha | 09:30 |
John_at_LMi | so: I'm simply trying to make a mouse work. Is there some discovery/troubleshooting tool? | 09:31 |
lucasvo | ogra_test: building failed because of crappy connection... so I redid without deleting | 09:31 |
ogra_test | John_at_LMi, no, that wiont help, seems you really have the same problem lucasvo had, even if i never saw that in workstation installs | 09:31 |
John_at_LMi | i notice there's no /dev/mouse. | 09:31 |
ogra_test | there doesnt need to | 09:31 |
John_at_LMi | modprobe psmouse: i'll try that now. | 09:31 |
ogra_test | put the word psmouse into the file /etc/modules | 09:31 |
ogra_test | that will solve it | 09:31 |
John_at_LMi | ogra: i'll try that now. | 09:36 |
lucasvo | John_at_LMi: it is the same but it add's the module permanently | 09:37 |
lucasvo | John_at_LMi: so if modprobe works, it should work as well | 09:37 |
ogra__ | you need to restart X after modprobing ... | 09:38 |
lucasvo | John_at_LMi: ctrl+alt+backspace | 09:38 |
ogra__ | thats why i generally dont give that advice, its just wasting time | 09:38 |
lucasvo | ogra__: ehm so what isn't working with my nfs :P | 09:39 |
ogra__ | because you completely wiped your system ? | 09:39 |
lucasvo | ogra__: I didn't | 09:40 |
John_at_LMi | restarting now. | 09:40 |
lucasvo | how can I find out? | 09:40 |
ogra__ | running the build-client script on top of an exisiting chroot usually does that | 09:40 |
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lucasvo | ogra__: so how can I find out, reboot? | 09:40 |
ogra__ | try it, do you have another machine for the worst case ? | 09:41 |
lucasvo | ogra__: mr. livecd :D | 09:41 |
ogra__ | oki | 09:41 |
lucasvo | and a second machine | 09:41 |
ogra__ | might be that you land at ldm now | 09:41 |
lucasvo | lol | 09:41 |
lucasvo | ok | 09:41 |
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lucasvo | ha it didn't! | 09:47 |
lucasvo | * Starting rpc mountd... [fail] | 09:47 |
lucasvo | ogra__: now, what should I do? | 09:48 |
John_at_LMi | so, ogra: first, thank you. | 09:48 |
John_at_LMi | 2nd, i still have no mouse. :) | 09:48 |
John_at_LMi | what i did: first, modprobe psmouse. | 09:48 |
lucasvo | John_at_LMi: try lsmod | grep psmouse | 09:48 |
John_at_LMi | then, looked at /etc/modules, and saw that psmouse was there already. | 09:48 |
John_at_LMi | so i restarted. | 09:48 |
lucasvo | John_at_LMi: what is in your Xorg.conf? | 09:49 |
lucasvo | ogra__: rm -rf /opt/ltsp/i386 | 09:49 |
John_at_LMi | i'll try lsmod, and look at the Xorg.conf | 09:49 |
lucasvo | ogra__: ltsp-build-client | 09:49 |
ogra__ | lucasvo: first chroot to /opt/ltsp/i386 and unmount /proc and /sys | 09:50 |
lucasvo | John_at_LMi: http://pastebin.com/464227 < there should be something like this in you /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 09:50 |
ogra__ | then you can run the command again | 09:50 |
lucasvo | sudo mkdir /opt/ltsp/i386 | 09:51 |
John_at_LMi | lsmod | grep psmouse gets me: psmouse 26116 0. | 09:51 |
ogra__ | nope | 09:51 |
John_at_LMi | without the period. :) | 09:51 |
ogra__ | John_at_LMi thats fine | 09:51 |
lucasvo | ogra__: but I did :( | 09:51 |
ogra__ | lsmod|grep mousedev | 09:51 |
ogra__ | should give you a similar line | 09:51 |
John_at_LMi | that gives me: 10912 1 | 09:52 |
John_at_LMi | or rather "mousedev 10912 1" | 09:52 |
ogra__ | fine | 09:52 |
John_at_LMi | afk to look at Xorg.conf | 09:52 |
ogra__ | and you are sure the mouse works ? | 09:53 |
lucasvo | ogra__: I accidentaly deleted the chroot, how can I build a new one/ | 09:53 |
lucasvo | ? | 09:53 |
ogra__ | just make the dir /opt/ltsp | 09:53 |
ogra__ | the rest is done by the build-client script | 09:53 |
lucasvo | so I MAY run build-client without being in chroot? | 09:54 |
ogra__ | nope | 09:54 |
ogra__ | just run it with sudo on the server | 09:54 |
lucasvo | nope? | 09:55 |
ogra__ | the chroot is the dir /opt/ltsp/i386, you cant be in it if it doesnt exist | 09:55 |
lucasvo | ok | 09:55 |
lucasvo | ogra__: I will set up a lab with fvwm and ltsp for testing purpose... | 09:57 |
lucasvo | ogra__: what would I have to do? | 09:57 |
ogra__ | install fvwm instead of gnome | 09:58 |
lucasvo | ogra__: can't I install both? | 10:01 |
lucasvo | ogra__: will it automatically work on clients as well? | 10:01 |
ogra__ | you can, but you have to pick a default | 10:01 |
ogra__ | you can leave gnome in place, but have to select gnome explicitly in gdm to make it work on the server | 10:02 |
ogra__ | yup | 10:02 |
=== ogra__ goes liveCD testing | ||
lucasvo | xbox360 would be quite a good ltsp server :P | 10:08 |
lucasvo | and cheap | 10:08 |
John_at_LMi | re: xorg.conf was set to use a psmouse, and i was trying a serial mouse. | 10:10 |
John_at_LMi | :) | 10:10 |
John_at_LMi | so. | 10:10 |
lucasvo | John_at_LMi: and working with ps2 mouse? | 10:10 |
John_at_LMi | also it seems my original ps mouse was a dud. | 10:10 |
John_at_LMi | and now, i'm using a different ps mosue, it works. | 10:10 |
John_at_LMi | so, thank you. | 10:10 |
lucasvo | John_at_LMi: no problem | 10:10 |
lucasvo | John_at_LMi: I don't know exactly what you mean wiht: | 10:11 |
lucasvo | is it reasonable to set up a lab for only two pc"? | 10:11 |
lucasvo | I am using ltsp with one server and 1 client and I think it is worth | 10:11 |
Burgwork | lucasvo, YES | 10:11 |
Burgwork | oops | 10:12 |
lucasvo | Burgwork: np | 10:12 |
Burgwork | lucasvo, I did mean that you but I didn;t mean to shout | 10:12 |
Burgwork | lucasvo, you might also want to consider multiseat with the new Xorg in dapper | 10:12 |
lucasvo | Burgwork: you mean it is worth | 10:12 |
lucasvo | multiseat? | 10:12 |
Burgwork | one machhine, two monitors, two users | 10:13 |
=== lucasvo would like to have a jackpc | ||
lucasvo | Burgwork: hm, cool | 10:13 |
lucasvo | Burgwork: any additional hardware needed? | 10:13 |
Burgwork | http://blog.chris.tylers.info/index.php?/archives/14-Multiseat-X-Under-X11R6.97.0.html | 10:13 |
lucasvo | Burgwork: thanks | 10:18 |
Burgwork | lucasvo, np | 10:18 |
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ogra_live | hmm, looks like we have a liveCD | 10:29 |
lucasvo | ogra__: cool | 10:29 |
ogra_live | no artwork yet and its all en_US | 10:29 |
ogra_live | but the rest seems fine | 10:30 |
ogra_live | oh, and it doesnt detect my widescreen lappie ... only 1024x786 | 10:30 |
lucasvo | ogra_live: where can I change to teens artwork? | 10:30 |
spacey | how do you build that ltsp client chroot on normal ubuntu box | 10:30 |
spacey | there was a ltsp-build-client script? | 10:30 |
lucasvo | spacey: apt-get install edubuntu-server | 10:30 |
lucasvo | and then run ltsp-build-client I think | 10:31 |
spacey | but i'm afraid that will pull in the whole mess :P like dhcpd etc. | 10:31 |
ogra_live | yup | 10:31 |
spacey | i couldn't find the script with dpkg -S | 10:31 |
lucasvo | spacey: if ls /opt/ltsp/i386/ gives some output, don't try it first delete | 10:31 |
spacey | :P | 10:31 |
lucasvo | spacey: it is some ltsp package | 10:31 |
spacey | i'm sure it doesn't :) | 10:32 |
ogra_live | spacey, ltsp-server | 10:32 |
ogra_live | that comes without dhcpd | 10:32 |
ogra_live | but make sure to install openssh-server too | 10:32 |
spacey | thats already installed ofcourse ;) | 10:32 |
spacey | easy to build a dapper chroot on breezy? :) | 10:32 |
spacey | should be | 10:33 |
ogra_live | nope | 10:33 |
ogra_live | you should try the dapper ltsp packages then | 10:34 |
spacey | yeah i mean ltsp client chroot on breezy server | 10:34 |
lucasvo | is AMD Au1550 ltsp compatible? | 10:34 |
ogra_live | as bonus it has multiarch and themeable ldm <( | 10:34 |
spacey | ltsp client dapper chroot | 10:34 |
ogra_live | you can specify the target dist in ltsp-build-client, might or might not work | 10:35 |
ogra_live | i'm not sure if it installs all the default packages | 10:35 |
lucasvo | ogra_live: so far I don't have any problems with dapper | 10:35 |
ogra_live | lucasvo, look at kernel.org, not sure if its supported by linux | 10:36 |
spacey | ah good | 10:36 |
spacey | i'll give that a try | 10:36 |
spacey | should be fun to play with | 10:36 |
ogra_live | ok, now amd64 testing.... | 10:37 |
ogra_live | brb | 10:37 |
=== ogra__ [n=ogra@p5089E294.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu | ||
lucasvo | ogra__: seems towork with kernel 3.4 | 10:42 |
lucasvo | -1 | 10:42 |
lucasvo | ogra__: but I didn't find it on kernel.org | 10:43 |
lucasvo | and I am too lazy to download kernel source :D | 10:43 |
lucasvo | kernel-source-2.4.27 < when I tyoe sudo apt-get install kernel-source it downloads 2.4 | 10:44 |
ogra__ | sure, ubuntu doesnt use kernel-* packages | 10:50 |
lucasvo | ogra__: Sound currently not supported < is written under LTSP Term 140, why? | 10:51 |
ogra__ | and we dont support 2.4 in any form | 10:51 |
ogra__ | because there might be no drivers i guess | 10:51 |
ogra__ | ok, going on with testing | 10:51 |
lucasvo | hm, ok | 10:52 |
lucasvo | and do you know anything about the HP t5505? | 10:52 |
spacey | hm /etc/ltsp/ltsp-build-client.conf doesn't exist.;( | 10:54 |
spacey | should it? | 10:54 |
spacey | ogra__, ? :o | 10:55 |
lucasvo | spacey: it doesn't exist on my machine :D | 11:00 |
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spacey | since the ltsp-build-client checks if it exists | 11:01 |
lucasvo | ogra_live: I don't know what I should do with my nfs :( | 11:01 |
lucasvo | * Starting nfs statd... [fail] | 11:01 |
lucasvo | and there isn't any logentry | 11:02 |
ogra_live | and connections surely dont work _ | 11:02 |
ogra_live | ? | 11:03 |
lucasvo | ogra_live: of what? | 11:03 |
lucasvo | I can't start nfs | 11:03 |
lucasvo | andthe client says no IP address | 11:03 |
lucasvo | which is not true | 11:03 |
ogra_live | you need an extra option in the dhcpd.conf | 11:04 |
lucasvo | /etc/export is correct | 11:04 |
lucasvo | ogra_live: I have | 11:04 |
lucasvo | it was working with the same dhcpd.conf already | 11:04 |
ogra_live | next-server ... | 11:04 |
lucasvo | filename "/ltsp/pxelinux.0"; | 11:04 |
lucasvo | option root-path "/opt/ltsp/i386"; | 11:04 |
ogra_live | dhcpd changed | 11:04 |
lucasvo | huh? | 11:04 |
ogra_live | you need the next-server directive | 11:05 |
lucasvo | ogra_live: any howto on the internet? | 11:05 |
ogra_live | with the ip of the nfs server behind it... | 11:05 |
ogra_live | just add it above filename | 11:05 |
ogra_live | nxet-server yourip; | 11:06 |
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lucasvo | ogra__: ok | 11:06 |
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lucasvo | ogra__: silly, I still don't get any IP | 11:08 |
agente87 | hello | 11:08 |
lucasvo | hi agente87 | 11:08 |
agente87 | i need some help, somebody who has installed edubuntu? | 11:09 |
lucasvo | agente87: almost everybody | 11:09 |
agente87 | jajajja | 11:09 |
lucasvo | just ask | 11:09 |
lucasvo | I mean everybody here | 11:09 |
agente87 | i have installed edubuntu in my classroom | 11:09 |
lucasvo | agente87: with ltsp? | 11:09 |
agente87 | that my problem | 11:10 |
lucasvo | agente87: did you install edubuntu-server or only workstation? | 11:10 |
lucasvo | agente87: what? | 11:10 |
agente87 | i want to install a server | 11:10 |
agente87 | but i dont know how | 11:10 |
lucasvo | agente87: sudo apt-get install edubuntu-server | 11:10 |
agente87 | so easy? | 11:10 |
lucasvo | http://wiki.edubuntu.org/LTSPServerSetup | 11:11 |
spacey | someone has an example dhcpd.conf for me? (can put it on pastebin?) | 11:11 |
spacey | he doesn't want to generate it because its not on the same machine;x | 11:11 |
lucasvo | http://pastebin.com/464376 | 11:12 |
spacey | hah | 11:12 |
spacey | its on that link | 11:12 |
spacey | as well :P | 11:12 |
spacey | great | 11:12 |
lucasvo | spacey: :D | 11:12 |
lucasvo | agente87: first do sudo apt-get install edubuntu-server | 11:12 |
lucasvo | agente87: then sudo ltsp-build-client | 11:13 |
lucasvo | agente87: this may take several minutes | 11:13 |
lucasvo | agente87: ah yes, and you have to set up your clients: | 11:13 |
agente87 | what can you do with the server and the clients? | 11:14 |
lucasvo | agente87: read this: http://www.ltsp.org/documentation/ltsp-4.1/ltsp-4.1-en.html#AEN618 | 11:14 |
agente87 | ok | 11:14 |
lucasvo | agente87: a server is where all the users log in(you need about 128MB per client logged in on the server) | 11:15 |
lucasvo | so it should be powerful | 11:15 |
lucasvo | the clients are only running a minimal linux which start up a graphical desktop and loggs into server | 11:15 |
agente87 | 128MB RAM or HDD? | 11:16 |
lucasvo | RAM | 11:16 |
lucasvo | so if you have 10 clients you should have about 1.5 GB Ram on the server | 11:16 |
agente87 | wow, too much for my server | 11:17 |
lucasvo | agente87: but: you only need 64MB ram on the client | 11:17 |
lucasvo | no disk on the client, no CD drive | 11:17 |
lucasvo | ... | 11:17 |
lucasvo | only floppy or special network card | 11:18 |
agente87 | i am changing from Windows Xp to edubuntu | 11:18 |
lucasvo | agente87: do you have one user per child? | 11:19 |
lucasvo | agente87: or do you have one user per machine? | 11:19 |
lucasvo | at the moment? | 11:19 |
agente87 | one user per machine | 11:19 |
lucasvo | ah, in that case you don't need ltsp | 11:19 |
lucasvo | of course it would be better but you would also need better hardware on the server | 11:19 |
agente87 | yes, my server isn't good | 11:20 |
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away | ||
agente87 | i have a very usefull program | 11:21 |
agente87 | windows based | 11:21 |
lucasvo | agente87: if you want to use existing hardware, you can just install normal edubuntu-workstation on every client, but you will not be able to have one user per child | 11:21 |
lucasvo | but you could mount a shared directory where every child has it's own folder over nfs | 11:22 |
lucasvo | which would then be on every client | 11:22 |
agente87 | over nfs? | 11:22 |
lucasvo | agente87: network file system | 11:22 |
agente87 | with samba? | 11:22 |
lucasvo | nfs is something like samba | 11:23 |
lucasvo | yes | 11:23 |
lucasvo | agente87: you are now using samba? | 11:23 |
agente87 | how can i control the clients? | 11:23 |
agente87 | yes, i think | 11:23 |
lucasvo | you can't :D | 11:24 |
agente87 | jajajja | 11:24 |
lucasvo | what do you want to control? | 11:24 |
lucasvo | you can use vnc for remote login | 11:24 |
agente87 | yes something like vnc | 11:25 |
agente87 | i using now a program called Edebenet | 11:25 |
lucasvo | an other option would be, to sell your hardware and buy 1 powerfull server and several clients | 11:25 |
agente87 | it a public schooll we can't sell hardware | 11:26 |
lucasvo | agente87: hm, you could try to find a more powerful server, than you could use ltsp :D which would make it a LOT easier | 11:27 |
lucasvo | agente87: http://www.disklessworkstations.com/cgi-bin/web/200031.html?id=WMUUwaqQ < these small boxes are powerful enough for one client | 11:27 |
lucasvo | agente87: or you can just use old hardware, people throw away, I am using it and for clients it is ok | 11:28 |
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agente87 | really amazing | 11:28 |
lucasvo | agente87: depends on how flexible you are | 11:29 |
shmooz | hey there, ive got this ASUS-X motherboard A7V400-MX with an amd sempron 2200 | 11:29 |
lucasvo | shmooz: I have a very similar combination :D | 11:29 |
shmooz | I put in the edubuntu install disc and I get this error pretty quickly.. | 11:29 |
lucasvo | which one? | 11:30 |
agente87 | i'll try to stole some Pentiums I | 11:30 |
shmooz | Your CPU does not support Long Mode. Use a 32 bit version | 11:30 |
lucasvo | hm | 11:30 |
shmooz | any ideas | 11:30 |
shmooz | sempron is only 64 bit isnt it | 11:30 |
lucasvo | shmooz: -> #ubuntu-kernler or #ubuntu would be a better help | 11:31 |
lucasvo | shmooz: no it isn't | 11:31 |
shmooz | I figured the floating point co-processor maybe | 11:31 |
lucasvo | shmooz: it is similar to amd64 but it is 32 | 11:31 |
agente87 | have you downloaded the 64bit version? | 11:31 |
agente87 | lucasvo | 11:31 |
lucasvo | ah that may be the problem:D | 11:32 |
lucasvo | agente87: yes? | 11:32 |
shmooz | In the past 3 weeks. I installed edubuntu with the same disc on a sempron 2500 ans sempron 2600 | 11:32 |
agente87 | sorry | 11:32 |
shmooz | no problem | 11:32 |
shmooz | yes | 11:32 |
lucasvo | shmooz: so 64bit? | 11:32 |
lucasvo | shmooz: you have 64bit working on sempron? | 11:33 |
shmooz | yes it is edubuntu 64 and same with the two semprons I installed in past couple weeks | 11:33 |
shmooz | so that yes to all the past 6 questions ;^) | 11:33 |
lucasvo | afaik sempron is only 32bit | 11:33 |
lucasvo | shmooz: as it says in sempron datasheet, it is only 32bit | 11:34 |
lucasvo | http://www.amd.com/us-en/Processors/TechnicalResources/0,,30_182_739_11683,00.html < AMD Sempron Product Data Sheet | 11:35 |
lucasvo | agente87: what hardware do you have in school? | 11:35 |
agente87 | i have 25 PIV 2,4 256 RAM and 40 GB HDD | 11:36 |
agente87 | and no server | 11:36 |
agente87 | i'm using one of them as a server | 11:36 |
agente87 | what do you think? | 11:37 |
shmooz | sorry ive been at amd to try and confirm about 32 bit sempron | 11:37 |
agente87 | have you tried with the i386 version? | 11:37 |
shmooz | ok check this http://www.amdcompare.com/us-en/desktop/SideBySide.aspx?opn=SDA2500DUT3D&opn=SDA2500AIO3BX | 11:38 |
shmooz | it seems that the sempron 2500 is available as 32 bit and 64 bit | 11:38 |
shmooz | while the sempron 2200 is only 32 bit | 11:39 |
shmooz | i tried a 32bit Kubuntu which mostly installs but chokes on xwindows or kde and does not come up with gui | 11:40 |
shmooz | using aptitude to try and update things also chokes on kernel image update | 11:40 |
agente87 | sorry i think i can't help you | 11:41 |
shmooz | the kubuntu disc is about 3 to 6 months old so I think it is basically choking on completeing the global update | 11:42 |
=== spacey gonna boot in pxe now *hopefully* | ||
spacey | brb | 11:45 |
shmooz | so basically I have to download the latest 32 bit edubuntu iso and burn a new one. | 11:45 |
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spacey | ah didn't work | 11:56 |
spacey | thinclient failed on "mounting /root/dev on /dev/.static/dev" and "mounting /dev/ on /root/dev" and target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init | 11:56 |
spacey | hmmm | 11:56 |
lucasvo | agente87: re | 12:04 |
agente87 | lucasvo: are you there? | 12:05 |
lucasvo | agente87: in that case, you can a) buy a new server for ltsp and waste super-high-power p4 as clients or b) you can install it like you have installed windows | 12:05 |
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