
\shRiddell: is there no other possibilty to extract the .pot files without having automake and autoconf build-deps?12:21
\shRiddell: because even ksynaptics breaks when doing the patches and additional rules for this12:23
Riddell\sh: you shouldn't need automake/autoconf 12:23
\shwell...the build tells me something else :*12:23
\shwhen I apply the patch directly into the debianized source tree...it complains about missing automake1.6 and wants to recreate configure bla12:25
\shRiddell: it runs the first time configure...and then when it's in building target...12:28
\shmake[1] : Entering directory `/tmp/buildd/ksynaptics-0.2.2'12:28
\sh*** Creating configure.files12:28
\sh*** Creating acinclude.m412:28
\shcd . && /bin/sh /tmp/buildd/ksynaptics-0.2.2/admin/missing --run aclocal-1.612:28
=== amu detects keyword love match for ksynaptics
\shamu: it's the touchpad configuratio utility :)12:38
\shsame shit different way12:41
\shI apply the patch...it runs configure...and after that...it wants to recreate all auto* stuff12:41
\shRiddell: any solution to avoid this?12:51
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Riddell\sh_away: you may need to set AM_MAINTAINER_MODE03:01
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Diablo-D3insert final fantasy victory music here.07:15
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Diablo-D3so far on dapper, theres only one thing broken08:36
Diablo-D3and it takes a whole 1:27 to start my laptop =(08:37
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sebasRiddell: Could you close this one: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=18237 ?11:37
sebasThe fix is in our svn.11:37
Diablo-D3launchpad is fucking useless11:42
Diablo-D3what the fuck!11:49
mornfallRiddell: i guess there was no response from mdz12:03
Riddellmornfall: not yet :(12:04
Riddellsebas: marked as PENDINGUPLOAD 12:05
sebasRiddell: Ok.12:06
sebasI'll just add a patch which fixes two more services.12:06
sebasOr do you want it mailed?12:07
Riddellsebas: no, it'll get fixed whenevr guidance makes its next release :)12:09
sebasRiddell: Ok.12:10
sebasThe next release will probably have displayconfig working for single head setups and add a bunch of usability fixes to the modules.12:10
sebasAnd a nice dialogue showing the usage of your diskspace :)12:11
sebasWhen does dapper freeze?12:11
Riddellhttp://wiki.kubuntu.org/DapperReleaseSchedule January 19th 12:11
viviersfRiddell, whats up with dapper kubuntu + network tool12:11
viviersfis knetworkconf gonna get fixed12:12
viviersfor you gonna use gnome-system-tools ?12:12
Riddellviviersf: knetworkconf is pretty high priority to fix12:12
viviersfso you gonna fix it ?12:12
Riddellsebas: that's upstream version freeze12:12
viviersfcos the bigest problem Riddell is 12:12
viviersfthat it doesnt put the gateway into the file12:12
viviersfand thats mostly it12:12
viviersfif that was fixed id be happy12:13
Riddellviviersf: yes, I'm planning to look at it this week or next12:13
viviersfRiddell, if you can this week plz :P12:13
Riddellyeah, but fixing kpdf is alas more important just now12:13
viviersfi would like to release impi12:14
viviersfwith a working knetworkconf12:14
viviersfand removing gnome tools12:14
viviersfbut cool12:14
viviersfdrop me an email when you fixed it plz12:14
Riddellapt-cache rdepends kdelibs4c2   groovy12:16
Tonio_hi all, viviersf,  Riddell 12:31
viviersflo Tonio_ 12:31
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RiddellamU: about?03:01
Riddellor anyone with a powerpc?03:01
Riddellmornfall: mvo's new update-notifier popup http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/update-notifier/lala.png03:01
freeflyingRiddell: hi03:05
freeflyingI'using ppc now03:05
Riddellfreeflying: ooh, fancy testing the flight-2 candidate?03:05
freeflyingRiddell:  ok03:06
Riddellfreeflying: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/20051214.1/dapper-live-powerpc.iso03:06
Riddellfreeflying: and  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily/20051214.1/dapper-install-powerpc.iso03:06
jjesseis it for i386 as well riddell?03:07
jjessecause i can test that03:07
freeflyingI'm downloading daily livecd now03:07
Riddellfreeflying: thanks03:07
freeflyingit's seems too slow for me  :(03:07
Riddelljjesse: I've already tested i386 although more testing is always welcome03:08
freeflyingRiddell:  it;s need about 14 hrs03:08
jjesseoh ok i can play around with it today as well03:08
jjessebtw did you see wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperFlight203:09
Riddellfreeflying: we might have to release before that but it'll still need testing so keep downloading if you can03:11
Riddelljjesse: that's quite impressive03:11
freeflyingRiddell: right03:13
jjesseRiddell: i agree think we should do a KubuntuDapperFlight2 ?03:18
Riddelljjesse: it would be nice but I don't have time to do any more than proofreading and I'm not sure what we'd put in it03:20
jjesseRiddell: ok i might have sometime today to wip something up and i'll let you know03:22
Riddelljjesse: would be lovely03:22
Riddell"all new libstdc++ mt allocator!"03:22
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verwilstRiddell: do we have an update notifier popup for kde too in dapper? ;)03:32
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Riddellverwilst: mornfall is working on one03:33
mornfallverwilst: it's not popping up so far03:34
mornfallverwilst: and i'm not sure i want it to03:34
mornfallone of the things i hate *most* about windows is the update popup03:35
verwilstwhat will it do then?03:35
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verwilstmornfall: ? :p04:35
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mornfallverwilst: wha?05:32
verwilstmornfall: the update notif thingy05:33
verwilsthow do you 'envision' it?05:33
mornfallverwilst: what's with it?05:33
mornfallif it was for me, it's done :)05:33
verwilstif it won't be a popup thingy05:33
mornfallsits in systray as a green thingy if up to date, and as a exclamation thingy when not up to date05:33
verwilsti've been missing that ;)05:34
mornfalltooltips says up to date or how many upgradable packages05:34
mornfalla passive popup could maybe work, or maybe not05:34
mornfalli'll see05:35
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Riddellhi lucasvo 05:40
lucasvocan you please fix the dependencies for  kiosktool and synce-kde ?05:40
Riddellkiosktool decided to randomly break last night when I uploaded, I'll investigate why05:41
lucasvoThey both have wrong entry for kdelibs4c2 on dapper05:41
verwilstmornfall: is it planned for dapper?05:42
mornfallverwilst: yes05:43
verwilstw00t safe05:44
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verwilstgoing home!05:51
verwilstsee ya05:51
Riddellcheereo verwilst 05:52
Riddellhi jansen 05:52
Riddelllucasvo: synce-kde uploaded, keep an eye on http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/s/synce-kde/05:52
lucasvoRiddell: danke05:54
lucasvoRiddell: oh that was german. thank you05:55
alleeRiddell: kontact (kmail) any showstopper in flight2-tobe release?  No ==> then I'll install test it05:58
author-psilucasvo: (verplappert sich oft :) )05:58
allees/no/yes/ argl05:58
Riddellallee: pardon?05:59
Riddellallee: I applied the patch that upstream recommended05:59
alleeRiddell: you asked for testers of today dapper CDROM.  I have to replace a 80 GB disk with a 100 GB an grumble about replacing breezy with dapper.  But Kmail is essential06:00
alleeokay I take that kmail has no showstoppers.  So breezy has to go.06:01
Riddellallee: shouldn't have any06:01
Riddellbut I can't guarantee it... this is kamil06:02
alleeRiddell: ;)06:02
alleeI can work around anything but mutt instead of kmail is really stressing the nerves ;)06:03
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jjesse_the daily build of dapper (flight 2) live cd works fine w/ no issues06:55
jjesse_is that kde 3.5 on it?06:55
Riddelljjesse_: that is kde 3.506:58
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jjesseok working on some notes07:02
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Riddellwelcome along dholbach :)07:26
dholbachcan somebody proof-read/enhance/fix/add-bling-factor to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/Draft?07:26
dholbachwe really need it to fix up universe bugs ... and the desktop team and the kubuntu team as well :)07:26
Riddelldholbach: can I edit?07:27
dholbachwe want this to be the best bug day ever07:27
dholbachand the next one even better :)07:27
RiddellI think we need to bottle dholbach and sell it as a motivation tonic07:30
dholbachit's being together with vuntz07:30
dholbachthat helps ;)07:31
Riddellvuntz?  who is vuntz?07:31
dholbachvincent untz07:31
dholbacha gnome-desktop-team-ubuntu-rock'n'roll-community-french-hat-wearing-hacker07:32
Riddelldholbach: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/Draft  grammer checked, spelling corrected, kubuntu paragraph added07:33
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dholbachRiddell: merci beaucoup07:36
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seth_kthanks for the krusader stuff Riddell 08:01
seth_kglad to know there was a weird problem and not just me being incompetent :)08:01
Simeis anyone using nvidia's video drivers here? (and the agp support from nvidia?)08:21
=== Sime has been working on a X configuration utility.
Riddellnot I08:23
RiddellSime: maybe people in #kubuntu do08:23
SimeRiddell: i'll give it a go. I'm trying to work out agpgart and kernel modules loading issues.08:24
SimeRiddell:  I sent most of sunday blowing up my other computer with the help of nvidia's driver. :-)08:25
Riddellfun :)08:26
=== Riddell spots http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/dapper/flight-2/
dholbachRiddell: you have a kubuntu related bug page or something?08:31
dholbachon the wiki?08:31
dholbachsomething, that could be on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/TeamSpecifics and maybe should be in the bug day announce?08:32
tvoSime: I am (at least nvidia's video drivers, would have to check whether I'm also using the agp support from nvidia)08:33
Simetvo: run lsmod and look for a apg*08:34
Simetvo: agp*08:34
Simetvo: if you are using the nvidia agp stuff you would probably know it. It is a real pain to get setup.08:34
tvoSime: no agp in output of lsmod, so I'm only using binary drivers..08:35
Simetvo: you are using AGP and not PCIe?08:37
tvoSime: yeah08:37
Simetvo: yeah AGP?08:37
tvoSime: yeah AGP :)08:37
Simetvo: lsmod really doesn't list agpgart or something?08:38
Riddelldholbach: a very short section on https://wiki.kubuntu.org/HelpingKubuntu08:38
tvoSime: no, I already wondered where it went when running lsmod..08:38
Simetvo: odd, very odd08:38
dholbachRiddell: you want to link it fom the bugs/teamspecifics page?08:39
Simetvo: maybe your Xorg is not accelerated.08:39
Simetvo: it is possible to not use AGP.08:39
tvoSime: if Xorg isn't accelerated, then OpenGL isn't accelerated too, right?08:39
Simetvo: true08:40
Simetvo: there is probably a message in /var/log/Xorg.0.log from the driver about AGP.08:40
tvoSime: then I guess that's pretty much impossible, have been running+developing an OGL based RTS last few weeks08:40
tvounless my processor is really ultra fast in software rendering..08:41
Simetvo: maybe AGP only makes difference when transferring large textures... :-/08:41
Simetvo: this blog has some interesting and hard to find info: http://www.ramikayyali.com/08:42
Simetvo: i'm working on a config tool for Xorg. Which is why I'm interrorgating (sp?) you.08:42
tvono problem08:43
Riddelldholbach: done08:43
dholbachRiddell: ROCK!08:44
tvoSime: hm, there are (recent) agpgart messages (no errors) in syslog..08:44
dholbachadded the page to the announce08:44
sebasSime: lsmod has " agpgart                34792  2 nvidia,amd64_agp "08:44
Simesebas: that is linux agpgart. I don't know if it is better or worse than the one from nvidia. It is certainly a lot easier to use though.08:45
sebasOow, I thought you were after agpgart, not nvagp.08:45
SimeI'm just curious to know what people are using and whether supporting nvidia's module is necessary.08:46
sebasmiro.sebas(~): grep -i nvagp /etc/X11/xorg.conf                                                                  20:46:2308:46
sebas    Option      "NVAgp" "0"08:46
sebasThat might have a reason I don't want to remember :>08:46
Simemaybe the drivers work fine with the standard kernel module08:47
SimeNVAgp = disabled.08:47
SimeNVAgp 008:47
Simesebas: have a look at that blog link.08:47
tvoapparently, I can't find any errors in syslog or Xorg.0.log08:47
Simetvo: it doesn't say anything?08:47
=== sebas looks.
sebasSime: I'll try nvidia-agp.08:51
tvoSime: it just says http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/46415208:51
Simesebas: let me know if the performance is better/worse, and also stability08:51
Riddellanyone having kpdf problems on breezy with KDE 3.5?08:51
tvoI'll try too08:51
sebasYup, if I get it to run in the first place.08:51
tvoRiddell: I don't have any problems with it08:52
Simetvo: is there an  Option      "NVAgp" line in you /etc/X11/xorg.conf?08:52
tvoSime: no08:52
Simetvo: it must be defaulting to 3 : use any agp support (try AGPGART, then NVIDIA's AGP)08:55
tvoSime: apparently, and agpgart is compiled in the kernel.. or it would have been listed by lsmod?08:56
Simetvo: the default kernel uses a module.08:56
Simetvo: in breezy08:56
sebasSime: glxgears report with agpgart 3875 fps, with nvidia-agp 5075.08:57
tvostrange, because there is no module, but yet there is output..08:57
sebasSo it works, and it's a lot faster.08:57
Simesebas: well, ... a fair bit faster. ;-)08:58
Simesebas: did you hack your hotplug and module files?08:58
tvois the NvAgp line the only thing to change to enable it?08:58
sebasYup, otherwise it would use agpgart automatically.08:58
sebasIn fact, it used nvidia-agp despite NVAgp 0 in xorg.conf.08:59
Simebut you might have trouble loading the nvidia agp module.08:59
Simesebas: BTW, are you using PyWireless? http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=2863709:00
sebasI didn't09:00
sebasWhy would I have trouble loading the agp module, when it's only disabled in xorg.conf?09:01
Simethe nvidia agp module might not want to load if the linux one is already loaded.09:01
sebasOw, but I blacklisted it and rebooted (something held amd64_agp, so I couldn't unload that).09:03
Simetja ja.09:03
Simethat 's the trick09:03
=== sebas admits being lame, though.
sebasI'll just try an OpenGL game, see if it's stable.09:04
SimeI'm trying to work out if displayconfig should manage the blacklist file too.09:04
Simetuxracer makes a fairly good stress test.09:04
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tvoSime: I'll test nvagp sometime soon, just don't feel like restarting x atm and it isn't going to work on a second x..09:06
Simetvo: fair enough.09:08
Simei'm going downstairs.09:08
sebasFWIW, no crash.09:09
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Riddellkat package needs an update, any volunteers?10:52
dholbachcome on kubuntu developers: this is your first step to the kubuntu wall of fame! more enthusiasm! :-)10:55
seth_k|lappyI'm out and on the road and things until tonight (done with fall semester of uni today) but if you can wait till then I'll do it tonight :)10:55
seth_k|lappyRiddell, you made me gun-shy with that krusader package and its scary bugs though :P10:55
dholbachseth_k|lappy: that's a challenge, get cracking on it! :)10:56
Riddellthey're not all as bad as krusader :)10:57
dholbachseth_k|lappy: after all, it's fun and you can always whack upstream :)10:58
dholbach... which reminds me...10:58
seth_k|lappywell then if you can wait till tonight (tomorrow for you) I'll deliver you a happy purring Kat10:58
=== dholbach needs to follow up on a bug report
alleedholbach: well, I assume we all test the kubuntu flight2 CD, no time for packages ;)10:58
dholbachdo both :)10:59
=== seth_k|lappy likes packaging terribly much, too bad I'm rather slow at it
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:Riddell] : Flight 2 out || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDapperGoals || http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu
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dholbachseth_k|lappy: you'll become faster over the time, don't worry :)11:00
dholbachgood night everybody11:13
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raphinkRiddell: are you there?11:37
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