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jameshspiv: I'm pushing a fix for bug 485202:21
UbugtuMalone bug #4852: Cannot add a comment to a bug using only the keyboard (with epiphany) In: launchpad (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: James Henstridge, Status: Accepted https://launchpad.net/bugs/485202:21
spivjamesh: Thanks!02:23
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stublifeless: I'm creating the next production config. Is there an consensus yet on the 'double slash after the hostname means absolute path' issue?03:29
lifelessstub: yes, that is bogus. its %2f that makes it absolute03:29
lifeless // was never legit03:29
=== stub vomits
lifelessthis has swayed my case hugely :)03:30
stubIs there a bzr command that does 'cat .bzr/parent' ?03:34
lifelessapi branch.get_parent()03:41
stubBug 577503:42
UbugtuMalone bug #5775: viewing magic file only way to determine default pull location In: bzr (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: New https://launchpad.net/bugs/577503:42
lifelessstub: not sure thats a bug03:43
lifelessstub: whats the use case03:43
stubMe wanting to know what 'bzr pull' is going to do03:43
lifelessthen I suggest the bug report would be better with that context :)03:45
lifelessi.e. 'I cannot tell what bzr pull is going to do'03:45
jameshlifeless: I suppose the whole "//" vs. "/%2F" thing could be avoided for the Launchpad supermirror by making all users' home directories the root directory03:50
jameshso sftp://host/foo is the same as sftp://host/%2Ffoo03:50
lifelessjamesh: yes. we could do that03:51
lifelesspqm is going down after the current merge04:11
=== ..[topic/#launchpad:lifeless] : PQM is being upgraded, patience please! | launchpad.net | developer meeting: Thur 15 Dec, 1200UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Channel logs are here: http://tinyurl.com/72w39
dilysMerge to devel/launchpad: [r=BjornT]  add missing breadcrumbs for Souyz pages (r2914: Dafydd Harries)04:18
stublaunchpad will be going down in 10 mins, which will also put the wiki's into read only mode. Estimated down time is 45 mins.04:26
spivjamesh: That's precisely what the launchpad supermirror does.04:38
jameshspiv: cool.04:39
spivjamesh: Or rather, the current working dir upon login is the root of the virtual filesystem.04:42
jameshspiv: So both interpretations of "sftp://host/foo" are the same, which is good04:42
spiv"home directory" is a possibly confusing term for the supermirror sftp server :)04:42
spivIt doesn't do anything clever with ~, so e.g. "cd ~" will fail.04:43
jameshwell, sftp doesn't have a "cd" command, right?04:43
spivThe openssh client does, not sure about the protocol level.04:44
jameshwhat the client does is different to what happens over the wire04:44
spivI'm not as familiar with what happens over the wire, though :)04:45
spivBut you appear to be right, at glance.04:45
jameshI didn't see anything about changing directories in the spec :)04:45
spivSo, pretend I said "stat ~" rather than "cd ~" ;)04:46
spivAnyway, "foo" and "/foo" are the same as far as the supermirror sftp is concerned :)04:47
jameshI think you refer to the starting directory as "", actually04:50
lifelessIIRC wire level considers ~ to be abomination04:50
lifelessbut foo is  ~/foo04:50
lifelessand .. is ~/foo/..04:50
jameshlifeless: is the pqm upgrade for moving it to another box?04:56
stublifeless: Would rewriting sftp://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/foo to sftp://stub@chinstrap.ubuntu.com/foo be the responsibility of config manager, or an external tool that produces a munged config that is then passed to config manager?05:04
lifelessI think that that might be a useful feature for config manager05:05
spivstub: Or echo -e "Host chinstrap.ubuntu.com\n User stub" > .ssh/config  ;)05:07
stubspiv: Doesn't work for bzr yet, because paramiko doesn't support it05:07
lifelessstub: paramiko can use openssh05:08
lifelessbut there is a general issue05:08
stubit can? .ssh/config meets my current use cases then if you are prioritizing features05:08
lifelessconfigs need to be changed, to be able to list multiple locastions that *might* be aliased, along with some verification means05:11
lifelessthen we can list the local address in  pqm as an alias to the official location, and the revid (either the tip we should get, or a prefix we once saw)05:12
lifelessmaybe overxmas05:12
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lifelessjamesh: do you know the revid that your patch was merged in in?05:13
stubProduction is live, with new layout05:18
lifelesswow thats, different05:29
jameshlifeless: you mean the redirection() one?05:29
lifelessjamesh: the openssh using patch05:30
lifelessid, not revno ;)05:30
jameshlifeless: you probably want a newer version though.  there was an error in fixing a merge conflict when mbp merged my branch05:32
jameshperhaps john@arbash-meinel.com-20051130145503-95fed0de893c86a1 (the revision after, which includes John's fixes)05:33
lifelessstub: ^^^ to get bzr using sshd05:35
lifelesserm ssh05:35
stubThis is for production rollouts - I'll wait until the patch filters through.05:36
lifelessso I've been thinking05:38
lifelesswhy not build the tree on chinstrap and rsync it outwards05:38
lifelessbetter for security anyway05:39
stublifeless: I thought pulling signed revisions straight from the RCS would be better for security. Building the tree on chinstrap and rsyncing worked well though when I did it that way last week. This week cm.py update did the trick happily.05:55
lifelessstub: well if we push from chinstrap we can disable ssh *from* galapagos to chinstrap05:56
lifelessso the vector of compromise launchpad, then attack inwards is reduced05:56
stubI see06:00
jameshthe new layout looks really weird until you reload the CSS06:01
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lifelessstub: ping07:08
stublifeless: pong07:08
lifelessshould we run the lp tests as amd 64 or i386 ?07:09
lifelesswe have chroots for both07:09
stubI think amd64 would be good - production systems tend to be moving in that direction and we are more likely to get glitches on that architecture we need to be aware of than i38607:10
lifelessok. When I get pqm grokking dchroot commands, I shall make that happen :)07:11
bob2bah stub08:02
bob2I'm still getting LP junk08:02
lifelesswhat on?08:04
bob2epiphany-browser at least08:09
lifelessyay nessus08:13
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matidAre the changes or launchpad that I've noticed today a bug or is it just a little redesign?08:20
lifelessI think you may need to reload the css08:21
lifelessit is meant to look different, but not weird08:21
matidMaybe, 'cause my IS a bit weird...08:21
jameshmatid: if it appears that everything is squeezed into a thin column on the left, do a shift+reload08:24
matidNo, that's not the problem08:25
matidThat's how it looks like08:25
jameshmatid: that's the new design08:25
matidIs the column on the right supposed to be highlighted?08:25
jameshmatid: there are still some changes being made (e.g. making the first box in the left column a bit more dynamic)08:26
matidjamesh: I'd say that the left column is ok, but the white highlight on the right just doesn't look good08:27
jameshmatid: the exact styling will probably change a bit08:27
jameshmatid: the idea is that the tabs along the top of pages have been moved to the menu on the right08:27
jameshand the stuff that was in the menu on the right is now a "submenu" of the selected tab08:28
jamesh(although it isn't a tab anymore ..)08:28
matidjamesh: was the previous design considered less usable?08:28
matidjamesh: 'cuase I find this one a bit hard to navigate08:28
matidjamesh: Or maybe I'm just used to previous one08:29
jameshmatid: the details of the changes, including some of the rationale, can be found here: https://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/NewPageLayout08:29
matidjamesh: BTW - is this change releated to upgrading Launchpad or is it just design change?08:31
jameshmatid: it is related to upgrading Launchpad, in the sense that this is the first production rollout since the redesign was merged.08:33
matidjamesh: Oh, ok08:33
lifelessmatid: it weirds me out08:33
lifelessmatid: but I figure we give it 3-4 weeks08:34
matidjamesh: Just one more question, 'cuase you seem to know quite a lot about launchpad ;)08:34
matidjamesh: When is the karma updated?08:34
=== jamesh thinks mpt needs to do a little more CSS tweaking
jameshmatid: once a day, but I'm not sure what time08:34
lifelessand we should get keybuk and the other architects of the new design to give feedback/etc08:34
matidjamesh: I already know that, but anyway, thx for help08:34
SteveAlifeless: yes, but, when this design has completely landed08:35
SteveAthere's still more to do08:35
SteveAjamesh has some work pending, and so does mpt08:35
lifelessSteveA: of course. thats why I said 3-4 weeks :)08:36
jameshSteveA: do you have some time to talk about the site map stuff a little?08:37
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jameshSteveA: one of the issues I noticed was that some of the interfaces I wanted to check for in traversed_objects were not getting added.  This was because only types with registered Navigation classes ran the code path that appended things to traversed_objects08:50
jameshI'm not sure if that means the hook needs to be placed elsewhere, or to register an empty navigation class for the interface08:50
lifelessSteveA: anyone getting pqm errors08:56
lifeless*all*: anyone getting pqm errors please forward them to me08:56
SteveAjamesh: the hook actually needs to go elsewhere, but i'm surprised it doesn't work in the navigation class08:57
SteveAwhich empty Navigation class would be needed?08:57
jameshSteveA: it does work in the navigation class08:57
jameshSteveA: one of the subpillars mpt listed for products was "milestones"08:57
jameshand IMilestone has no Navigation class, so I couldn't check to see if a milestone had been traversed08:58
SteveAi see08:58
SteveAcan you add a Navigation for IMilestone then, but mark it XXX for me to remove when i've done the other refactoring08:58
jameshfor the cases where things work, they work quite well08:58
SteveAthat's good08:58
jameshSteveA: I also ran into one subpillar whose only page is a view too: the "branches" subpillar for products09:01
jameshthere are content objects for branches, but they sit under the owner person in the URL space09:02
jameshIt is possible that the subpillar should be removed though, since it duplicates a facet link09:03
SteveAso, this is a subpillar for a collection of branches09:04
SteveAthat is represented by a page that displays that collection09:04
SteveAcan we get the sitemap landed without that "branches" map item, and add it later if we still need it?09:05
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jameshsure.  I've got a few minor changes to make, and I'll stick it up on the review page09:07
SteveAi guess you could make it work for a page, if that turned out to be important09:17
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sivangMorning, my favorite channel :)09:31
=== stub goes for a swim
salgadodon't we have a meeting now?10:01
lifelessjamesh: you are about to get a test failure10:01
lifelesssalgado: yes10:01
lifelesslets DoIt10:01
lifelessreviews meeting10:01
lifeless    *10:01
lifeless      Roll call10:01
lifeless    *10:01
lifeless      Agenda10:01
lifeless    *10:01
lifeless      Next meeting10:01
jameshlifeless: do you want a copy of the email?10:01
lifelesswow that pastes bad. I shall fix for the next meeting10:01
lifelessjamesh: please10:01
lifelessSo, whos a reviewer, or interested, and here ?10:02
BjornTi'm here10:02
lifelessI appear to be10:03
BjornTlifeless: did you see that i added a proposed item on ReviewerMeetingAgenda?10:03
lifelessahha, I needed a reload.10:03
lifelessone second10:04
lifelessSteveA: are you 'here' ?10:05
lifelessBjornT: thats on the agenda for today.10:05
lifelessright. so we have jamesh, BjornT, salgado, me.10:06
lifelessnext meeting - same time, one week ?10:06
BjornTi won't be here next wednesday, i'll be flying to sweden10:06
lifelessBjornT: thats fine10:07
lifelessthese are best effort anyway10:07
lifelessok. BjornT your topoic10:07
BjornTso, the general queue still (since the last meeting) seems to be a place where branches get dumped until some of the reviewers is nagged to review it.10:08
BjornTthat defeats the purpose of the general queue, since you're way better off putting your branch in the reviewer's queue directly, no need to let it rot in the general queue first.10:08
BjornTi think we either need to get rid of the general queue, or find a way of getting it processed quicker. i would prefer the latter.10:08
BjornTfor example, lifeless, as head of the review team, could daily move branches from the general queue to a suitable reviewer. this would make it more obvious for the reviewer that he has some branches to review.10:08
lifelessI committed to doing what I had percieved kiko as doing, which was directly nagging, but I've not been around *at the right time* as people to be effective at that10:08
lifelessso your suggestion works for me, if you guys will 'own' your own queues, I'm happy to schedule stuff from general to you.10:09
lifelessjamesh, salgado - opinions ?10:09
BjornTi think actually moving the branches to queues will work better than just nagging.10:10
jameshlifeless: okay.10:10
salgadothat sounds reasonable, but I can see some cases where we may need to reject (not review) some of these assigned branches10:10
salgadofor instance, if you're on a tight deadline, like I was some time ago with shipit10:11
lifelesssalgado: that will make it explicit which is better than the catch all10:11
lifelessso lets do two things.10:11
salgadoI don't expect that to happen often, but wanted to raise the point10:11
lifelessif you are busy, put a /!\ I am busy, queue closed except for prior arrangement10:12
lifelessin your queue10:12
lifelessthat will tell me, and anyone else, that you are busy.10:12
lifelessand if everyone is like that, its an obvious problem :)10:12
lifelesssecondly, if you have to reject something, put it in a new queue I'll create called 'needs reassignment' with an explanantion10:13
lifelessI can imagine several: too busy, feel uncomfortable reviewing the specific code touched etc10:13
lifelesssalgado: does that fit ?10:14
salgadoyes, I think so10:14
lifelessjamesh, BjornT - objections ? thoughts ?10:14
jameshlifeless: sounds okay.  What about the case of branches that a particular reviewer is best qualified to review, but are assigned to someone else?10:15
jameshjust coordinate with the other reviewer to take over?10:15
lifelessjamesh: yeah, common sense applies for 'normal' issues.10:16
BjornTlifeless: sounds good to me10:16
lifelessplease tell me about specialities like that.10:16
lifeless*both when you reassign*10:16
lifelessand when you realise they exist.10:16
lifelessI ask this because one of the things we need as a team is a certain degree of cross training, so that we dont have areas of code suddenly unreviewable when one person is unwell10:17
lifelessor busy10:17
lifelessso I may assign outside of the specialities deliberately, for small reviews to built knowledge.10:17
jameshsounds sensible10:17
SteveAlifeless: hello10:17
lifelessSteveA: hi.10:17
SteveAwhat's up?10:17
SteveAi'll be working on malone stuff with brad10:18
lifelessSteveA: reviewers meeting, was wondering if you where here for it ;)10:18
SteveAnot really10:18
lifelessok, read the minutes then :)10:18
lifelessso thats the last agenda item10:19
lifelesswe have time if theres new business, otherwise doom-it-twill-be10:19
lifelessoh, I'll be allocating items daily10:19
lifelessas a 'todo item' in my task list10:19
lifelessmeeting over, thanks for playing10:21
=== carlos [n=carlos@71.Red-83-53-49.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #launchpad
jordicarlos: so translation uploads is merged, will it show up in the next updatE?10:33
carlosjordi, is it?10:33
carlosjordi, I'm fighting with PQM 10:33
bradbstub: around?10:34
carlosbecause it's rejecting the merge10:34
jordii dunno10:34
carlosjordi, If I'm able to get it merged before tomorrow... it should land next week10:34
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lifelesscarlos: see topic11:11
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carloslifeless, well, the rejects come from more than one week ago11:13
carloslifeless, most of them conflicts with the other merges11:13
carloslifeless, and now, because problems with pqm that I suppose you are fixing now11:13
lifelessjamesh: ping11:19
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SteveAdaf: https://launchpad.net/projects/launchpad, go to the "specifications" menu, and get an oops page!11:23
SteveAdaf: can you add that to your list to look into?11:23
SteveAon https://launchpad.net/projects/launchpad/+specs, i'm logged in11:26
SteveAbut i see no traceback11:26
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jblacklifeless: ping11:33
jblack> Right. They *should not use rsync to push*. But the place they are11:33
jblack> specifying is done via *rsync syntax*.11:33
jblackI'm very confused now. 11:33
lifelesstell me where you are at11:33
jblackRsync is dangerous. Its safe. No, its actually dangerous. But its not rsync at all, just rsync syntax.11:33
lifelesstwo cases11:34
lifelessmany use cases11:34
lifeless1 use case is 'making a mirror of something someone else works on'11:34
lifelessrsync is safe for this, but it will TRASH local data. by design.11:34
jblackOk. I think I get you now.11:35
jblackspecify that we're using rsync. Here's the places you need to be careful? 11:35
lifelessanother use case 'copy a tree from A to B'. rsync will preserve trees - it wont corrupt or anything. But it will overwrite data without warning.11:35
lifelessone specific case is 'publishing a branch'. Rsync is particularly bad for this, because its easy to overwrite a remote branch without warning using rsync directly.11:36
lifelessbzrtools has a rsync-under-the-hood 'push' plugin11:36
jblackyup. I use it11:36
lifelessthat kicks in when you specify a branch using rsync syntax rather than url syntex.11:36
lifelessso we want people to use that rsync-using-bzrtools-push plugin11:37
lifelessrsync syntax; not using rsync directly.11:37
lifelessthe bzrtools plugin is safe because it checks the revision-history first.11:37
lifelessunconfused now ?11:38
jblackYup. clear as a bell.11:38
lifelessjamesh: ping11:39
SteveAhi stub 11:41
SteveAi sent you email11:41
SteveAalso, brad and i want to work on the whiteboard stuff  in 4-5 hours11:42
stubSteveA: The lpnotification branch is still in your review queue11:42
SteveAoh, poo11:42
SteveAcan you put it into someone else's ?11:42
SteveAi'm working with brad this week11:42
SteveAmaybe bjorn or jamesh can look at it?11:43
stubSure. General or are you designating a victim?11:43
lifelessstub: does it need someone specific ?11:43
stublifeless: Nope.11:43
lifelessstub: please put it in any empty queue, or in the shortest non empty queue11:44
=== ddaa [n=ddaa@nor75-18-82-241-238-155.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #launchpad
stublifeless: punted to your queue11:45
lifelessheh. b'stard11:45
ddaahey lifeless11:49
ddaacould you remind me when I can find the bzr branch to make launchpad to like11:49
ddaahey stub11:49
ddaadid sending you the email to ask for the db access for bzrsyncd was the right way to get it?11:50
stubSure. I just was incompetent and forgot.11:51
stubBah... can't find the email now :-(11:52
ddaaWant me to forward it again?11:52
lifelessstub: can you forward me the pqm failure you had11:53
lifelessddaa: /home/warthogs/archives/robertc/bzr/importd11:53
stublifeless: I don't recall a PQM failure recently... you thinking of someone else?11:54
jameshlifeless: pong11:54
lifelessjamesh: got that failure yet ?11:55
jameshlifeless: no11:55
stubCan't find bzrsyncd in my mail archive. Please resend.11:56
stubddaa: ^^^11:56
stubI've got roberts emails11:56
jameshlifeless: the last pqm message I've received was from yesterday11:58
lifelessstub: you should have had mail from balleny12:00
lifelesselmo: ping - help needed 12:00
stublifeless: Nope. No mail.12:00
lifelessstub: garh12:01
lifeless5/7 pqmjobs tested on balleny have failed12:01
lifelessand neither you nor jamesh have recieved email12:01
Znarllifeless : Can I help you?12:03
lifelessZnarl: please12:03
lifeless5 emails should have been sent from pqm on ballent12:03
lifelessin the last 10 hours12:03
lifelessbut noone has recieved any AFAICT12:03
lifelessI need to track them down for starters.12:03
stubddaa: Haven't seen that email yet. I'm receiving messages from other sources though.12:04
=== ddaa checks his mailqueue
ddaaha ... ha...12:04
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ZnarlDec 14 09:55:36 balleny postfix/smtp[30173] : 48088201D1B: to=<stuart@stuartbishop.net>, relay=none, delay=3198, status=deferred (connect to mail4.bur.st[] : Co)12:05
lifelessZnarl: thats a good start! thanks12:05
ZnarlLooks like our fault, give me a minute to fix this.12:05
=== cprov [n=cprov@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
=== stub goes hunting for crap on rice
cprovmorning all12:09
=== SteveA + brad --> lunch
ddaastub: _really_ sent12:11
cprovlifeless: hi, is there anything wrong with PQM ? is is processing a job of mine from yesterday 12:20. Is it blocked ?12:14
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matsubaragood morning!12:16
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jameshcprov: he's been moving it to its own machine12:17
cprovjamesh: uhm, ok then, PQM has a better home now ...12:20
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lifelesscprov: /topic12:27
lifelessstub: please forward me that email :)12:27
lifelessddaa: ping12:30
ddaalifeless: pouet12:30
jameshlifeless: no pqm mail yet12:30
cprovlifeless: ok12:30
lifelessand, to save replying to a bunch of emails, I wanted to chat quickly about private branches12:30
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lifelesswe (Mark and I and various others) explicity considered private branches throughout Sao Carlos12:31
lifelessin that we wanted graceful degradation when branches aren't accessible, such as being behind a firewall12:31
lifelessbut we did not want a 'checkbox to make it private' as that really suggests the wrong thing to users12:32
lifelessthats not explicitly stated as we spent a huge amount of time talking branches over 5 different ways, all the way through to the last week12:32
lifelessso only the end result really got written up - sorry.12:33
ddaalifeless: I'm listening12:34
lifelessddaa: thats the key12:34
=== mpt [n=mpt@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
lifelessI'm sure that raises questions and corollaries for you12:35
mptGoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders12:35
lifelessso lets talk those through12:35
lifelessstub: jamesh: Znarl is kicking the mail queue12:37
lifelessas soon as you get a pqm error please forward it to me12:37
ddaalifeless: I'm still listening.12:38
lifelessddaa: I've said my bit12:39
salgadolifeless, do you want my failure message too?12:39
lifelesssalgado: that would be great12:39
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ddaaokay, first thing (in order in the mail) is branch pulling12:40
lifelessZnarl: ping12:41
Znarllifeless : Yep?12:41
lifelessstub: * Installing PL/PythonU12:41
lifelesscreatelang: language installation failed: ERROR:  could not access file "$libdir/plpython": No such file or directory12:41
ddaathere are some provisions for error reporting, though I consider them incomplete (I would like something like access to error logs through the librarian)12:41
lifelessZnarl: thats a missing launchpad dependency on balleny12:42
ddaabut in the short term they are just not implemented12:42
lifelessZnarl: probably I missed saying 'and the DatabaseSetup wiki pages requirements12:42
ddaashort term, I think any error in jblack cronscript should send error spam to launchpad-errors12:42
lifelessZnarl: can we get that pages pre-reqs in the base os, and in both chroots ?12:42
lifelessthe base is of immediate importance12:42
ddaathen, switch to something more "compact" when it's implemented12:42
Znarllifeless : ok.12:43
ddaalifeless: is there a disagreement on that?12:43
lifelessZnarl: now if possible, as I'm trying to get pqm moved:)12:43
lifelessddaa: thats fine with me, but that does not prevent using lp for our branches w/ james's script.12:43
lifelessit just means spam.12:44
ddaathat's not right for me as I'm concerned that this spam could make the error reporting unusable. But let's worry about this issue when it becomes a practical issue.12:44
lifelessif anything I think that that is just motivation to get the error reporting implemented12:45
ddaamotivation is not the critical resource, time is12:45
ddaaLet's move on.12:46
carlosgrrr the poor I/O performance is killing my laptop12:47
ddaaI do not think it would appropriate to have a branch page that reads "0 revisions" for private branches. Instead it should read "private branch" or something that clearly means that no data is expected to appear on that page, ever.12:47
ddaaBut I guess you would call that "polish".12:47
carloslifeless, I got an error from PQM that I think is related to its setup, do you want it to debug the new installation?12:48
ddaalifeless: do we have agreement on that issue?12:48
carlosit comes from an old request I sent yesterday12:48
lifelessone sec, EADMIN12:48
lifelessddaa: I think that that is a separate issue.12:50
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lifelessI think that that revolves around whether launchpad should 'understand' having private branches, or just 'accomodate' them12:51
lifelesswe took 'accomodation' as the strategy in brazil.12:51
lifelesscarlos: no12:51
ddaaI think that will lead to confused people. But I guess it's not considered important.12:51
lifelessddaa: I think there are other ways of showing it12:52
lifelessi.e. 'no reading succeeded in the last year'12:52
ddaathat can means essentially one of two things:12:52
ddaa1. the branch is private, nothing to do12:52
jameshlifeless: mailed you the PQM failure message: createlang: language installation failed: ERROR:  could not access file "$libdir/plpython": No such file or directory12:53
ddaa2. there's a typo in the URL, the owner should be notified12:53
ddaa3. there's a bug somewhere, the admin should be notified12:53
lifelessjamesh: thanks12:53
lifelessddaa: exceptions that we do not understand -> admin.12:53
jameshlifeless: should I resubmit, or wait til things are up and running again?12:53
lifelessfailures that we report to the system (see previous discussion) -> user via the branch message thread & error status12:54
ddaaI'm happy get admin notifications for all errors, as the amount of typoed URL should stay quite low.12:54
lifelessddaa: you are trying to force this towards explicit statements about private branches12:54
ddaaI'm not trying to force anything.12:54
ddaaI'm exposing the issues I see.12:55
ddaaAnd I have not noticed a proposal that would address them.12:55
lifelessI think directly mailing you on every branch that fails to mirror would be counterproductive12:55
lifelessI'm not trying to address them as you present them, I'm trying to put them into the context we looked at them in s.c., where they matter less.12:56
lifelessjamesh: waut12:56
lifelessjamesh: wait12:56
ddaalifeless: does that mean that those issue will to be considered under another perspective? That would muchly reduce the scope of this discussion.12:57
lifelessddaa: so, case 1 if lp accomodates it is simply that users solve connection failed errors themselves, and admins only deal with exceptions - new forms of errors12:58
ddaaso, everybody that registers a private branch should be nagged to death about expected pull failures?01:00
ddaaI guess that's not what you mean.01:00
lifelessyou only need to nag on transitions01:00
lifelesspass -> fail01:00
lifelessfail -> pass01:00
lifelessso right at the start, they will get 'mirroring failed' once, and never get a 'service restored'01:01
ddaaDoes that mean that pull attempts will be performed, and fail, after the initial "mirrorring failed", using e.g. the exponential delay strategy, without producing any feedback?01:03
ddaaand without requiring any user intervention01:04
lifelessthat was the concept01:04
ddaaMh... okay, that bit is starting to make sense.01:04
lifelessthere will be feedback on the error status on the branch object01:04
lifelessbut no emails need be sent01:04
ddaaSo, on the broader issue:01:05
stubAnyone know how to switch on my tv out?01:05
ddaathe choice is to provide exactly as much private branc support that is needed for Launchpad development?01:05
ddaaAnd not be bothered about the fact that disclosure policy of Launchpad is quite unique, at least in my experience.01:06
lifelessddaa: right01:07
lifelessddaa: we can only usefully design for the use cases direct clients of the programmers have01:07
lifelessanything else is speculation01:07
lifelesssmart speculation, but speculation01:07
ddaathat's why I suggested getting requirements from the business people, now that we have some.01:07
lifelessdid that, 'mark', in sao carlos01:08
ddaaso, the final thing is that I think your argument about "private sftp is fine" is a bit at odd with reality...01:09
=== carlos wonders why did we have a meeting in a city with his name... IRC beeps too often since then....
ddaabut I guess that would be classified as pedantry.01:09
lifelessanonymous sftp01:09
ddaayes, anonymous sftp01:09
lifelessnot private sftp01:09
lifelessanonymous sftp is sane and meaningful01:09
ddaais that actually used out there?01:09
lifelesssame as anonymous ssh is useful for some cvs servers these days01:09
lifelessand yes, pedantry01:10
lifelessok the last 7 failed branches are retrying now01:11
lifelessthat should take use through to my morning01:11
lifelessI'm going to try and stay up for this01:11
salgadocprov, who's supposed to know what are the titles and descriptions of the dbschema items that are needed by MirrorManagement01:12
lifelesstomorrow I'll be working on performance improvements.01:13
ddaalifeless: do we have a spec out there about the error reporting logic we just discussed?01:13
lifelessbut I'm hitting 'beat' now.01:13
lifelessddaa: I thought ...Telemetry was about it01:13
lifelessddaa: but we can do one up.01:13
cprovsalgado: Kinnison, me, you ;) are you about to start the implementation ?01:13
ddaalifeless: my immediate concern is that I think that deserves at least one (probably several) entries in in the BazaarTaskList.01:14
lifelessddaa: will it work with the current stuff being rolled out? however verbosely and non clearly ?01:14
ddaaThe immediate issue (cannot use sftp URLs) does not, but the future new and improved error reporting does.01:14
ddaalifeless: I have no visibility on the branch pulling code.01:15
salgadocprov, yes, I already started. would you list all dbschema classes with their respective items (including the title and description for each item)?01:15
lifelessddaa: yes, but you do on the api it needs (exposed via xml-rpc in theory. We need a service for it soon!)01:15
ddaalifeless: I do not see any reason for it not to work once the urls are in the database.01:16
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lifelessddaa: ok01:16
lifelessddaa: so immediate thing, is to add a 'support sftp://' registration task.01:16
ddaaBut getting them there is going to require a small, but non-trivial amount of work.01:17
ddaaNot something I can comfortably promise before the end of the week.01:17
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lifelessddaa: and there should already have been one on the error reporting in the registry from the supermirror, so there should be no task list changes there01:17
lifelessddaa: thats ok, perhaps I or jamesh can do that. surely its easy to s/http/http|sftp/01:17
ddaanot that easy01:18
ddaaI expect that will requier a new pl-python procedure and new vocabulary. But maybe the required bits are already there.01:18
ddaaI'm not sure if vocabulary is the right term though...01:19
ddaaanyway, not a big task for somebody familiar with launchpad internals.01:19
=== ddaa does not see any task list item about error reporting
cprovsalgado: adding them to the spec01:22
lifelessddaa: well, that should be added to - because regardless of form, the SM needs to be able to tell LP that its succeeded or failed to mirror01:23
salgadocprov, great. thank you!01:23
lifelessnight all01:23
ddaasure, but the task list is only for well specced task that I'm confident can be implemented in the order of one week.01:24
ddaaso far, this error reporting thing is quite fuzzy to me01:24
lifelesswell its not immediate any which way01:26
=== ddaa sticks that into "unresolved issues"
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dafmpt: did you get my mail?01:41
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dafjamesh: still around?01:50
salgadocprov, did you finish editting the spec? I have some questions that I want to add there01:57
salgadolifeless, should I send my merge request again or pqm isn't ready yet?01:58
cprovsalgado: not yet, but i can save now 01:58
salgadocprov, no need to, I can wait01:59
cprovsalgado: too late, it's already saved 02:00
mptdaf, I got your question that is answered by <https://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/LaunchpadCapitalization>, which I'm implementing right now, but I did not get your list of headings you want changed02:01
jameshdaf: yeah02:01
jameshfor a bit02:01
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dafjamesh: ok, I just want to know what you think about my comment to bug 546102:03
UbugtuMalone bug #5461: redirects should canonicalise URLs In: launchpad (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: James Henstridge, Status: Fixed https://launchpad.net/bugs/546102:03
dafjamesh: if you think it's a good idea, I might hold off on landing my bug-2230 branch02:03
=== carlos [n=carlos@71.Red-83-53-49.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #launchpad
SteveAdaf: i think we should leave the status as it is02:05
SteveAdaf: if you're using the status field, then you need to understand what you're doing02:05
jameshdaf: I don't think it's that big a deal.  There are about 3 codes that might be appropriate: 301 (Moved Permanently), 302 (Found) and 307 (Temporary Redirect)02:06
dafok, in that case I'll land it02:06
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=== carlos -> lunch
carlossee you later02:11
salgadoKinnison, cprov, I added some questions to the MirrorManagement spec. would one of you guys answer then for me?02:12
Kinnisonsalgado: I can do my best02:16
mptbradb, ping02:19
Nafallo-ENOKIKO :-P02:20
Nafallocan someone add a sourcepackage to dapper for me? :-)02:20
dafmpt: thanks, that page answers my immediate question02:22
dafmpt: I haven't compiled that list yet02:22
dafmpt: I'll send it to you as soon as I have02:22
salgadoKinnison, great. thank you. :)02:23
Kinnisonsalgado: cprov will try and help too02:23
cprovsalgado: I'm on it 02:23
LarstiQI see the rollout has made it, very nice!02:24
Kinnisoncprov: star02:24
mptdaf: good good02:25
mptjamesh, what can I do with an OOPS-CODE?02:28
mptwhere do I look it up?02:28
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bradbmpt: pong02:34
mptbradb, about bug 97702:35
UbugtuMalone bug #977: Commenting on bug should add you to the CC list In: malone (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Brad Bollenbach, Status: Accepted https://launchpad.net/bugs/97702:35
mptwould you be ok with that being adjusted to "... unless you're already subscribed to the product/package/whatever"?02:36
SteveAmpt: for production, chinstrap:/srv/gangotri-logs/2005-12-1402:36
SteveAthat's today's oopses02:36
mptbradb, because I don't want to get two copies of every bugmail just from being subscribed to the launchpad project (for example)02:36
mptthanks SteveA 02:36
SteveAthe oops filename has a number, related to the time it occured02:36
SteveAthen a dot02:36
SteveAand then the OOPS code02:37
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SteveAfor staging, there is a parallel directory structure02:37
SteveAthere is an rsync job running every 10 minutes or so02:37
SteveAthat copies recent oops reports onto chinstrap02:37
bradbmpt: That seems pretty reasonable. I'm not in the right mode to think about how to clearly communicate that in the UI, but suggestions welcome.02:38
SteveAmpt, brad: why should this matter?02:41
SteveAsurely we're doing a set() operation on recipients?02:42
SteveAso we send one mail out to each02:42
mptoh, hmm02:42
mptthat's true02:42
=== mpt is just used to getting two copies of many bugmails already
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bradbSteveA: It matters when the team has an email address.02:43
bradbIf that's not the case, then yes, it'll be set()ified into just one email being sent to that person02:44
SteveAyou mean when the team has an email address that is a list?02:44
mptthat's a catch-2102:45
SteveAthat's not our problem, really02:45
SteveAif someone is subscribed to a list, and also individually02:45
mptbecause once WhateverSubscriptions are implemented, teams won't *need* to have e-mail addresses that are lists02:45
SteveAthat's the same as with anything else02:45
SteveAso, no problem02:45
bradbSteveA: It could be our problem. A few people at UBZ mentioned not wanting to get duplicate bugmail in this scenario.02:46
bradbThe UI could be smart enough to say "you're already getting notifications about changes to this bug"02:46
SteveAlet's wait until all these changes land02:47
SteveAand then see02:47
SteveAwhat do you think mpt?02:47
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bradblifeless: Can you add:02:48
bradb  sourcecode/bzrtools02:48
bradb  sourcecode/testresources02:48
bradbto .bzrignore in rocketfuel?02:48
lifelesswe should not be ignoring subtrees02:48
lifelessthat will interact badly as subtree support comes onine02:48
mptSteveA, I agree that it's not our problem, but we're causing the problem as long as WhateverSubscriptions aren't implemented02:49
mpt(and last I checked it wasn't specced yet)02:49
SteveAwhat exactly is WhateverSubscriptions?02:49
lifelessthis is because the behaviour for current revision will change with upcoming bzrs02:49
bradblifeless: hm, ok02:50
SteveAlifeless: is there any sense in ignoring now, and unignoring when we bzr improves to get subtree support?02:50
mptSteveA, being able to subscribe to a product, or a package, or a project, or a distro, or a distro release02:50
bradbmpt: InitialBugContacts is step one of that.02:51
mptindeed it is02:51
SteveAthen i think we're fine.  IBC will land soon.02:51
SteveAthere is one outstanding issue for kiko and me and brad to sort out02:52
lifelessSteveA: I really dont think thats a good idea02:52
mptSteveA, for example, I'm subscribed to launchpad-bugs@ and get two copies of bugs that I'm explicitly subscribed to. If I could subscribe to the Launchpad project instead, launchpad-bugs@ would no longer be necessary, and I would no longer get duplicate bugmails.02:53
mpt(two copies of bugmails for bugs, rather)02:53
salgadocprov, dude, variable names can't start with a number, can you fix the items of MirrorSpeed while you're answering those questions?02:53
cprovsalgado: ok ... crying  child right ONE instead on 1 ...02:54
cprovbecomes funny for 128 ;)02:55
lifelessstub: around ?02:55
stublifeless: yes02:55
lifelesserror with newpqm02:55
Kinnisoncprov: S1K S1M S256K02:55
lifelessforwarded to you, I think its pgsql related  - but its definately an area you have fiddled heaavily with02:56
lifelesscan you check it out ?02:56
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salgadocprov, did you rename DistributionMirror.mirrortype to DistributionMirror.content?02:56
cprovKinnison: ok  and clarity is somewhere far from here 02:56
cprovsalgado: thinking about it, just now 02:57
KinnisonI know hungarian sucks, but it solves the issue02:57
stublifeless: OperationalError: FATAL:  Ident authentication failed for user "importd"02:57
stubI thought my wildcard entries would be fine :-(02:58
stubI'll fix it in a mo02:58
lifelessah, I missed that line. that makes it clear though :)02:58
salgadocprov, well, the spec doesn't have mirrortype anymore, and it had 30 minutes ago02:58
cprovsalgado: did you already create the tables ?02:58
salgadocprov, yes03:00
salgadotables, database classes, interfaces03:00
cprovsalgado: if yes, I can change they back, but I think 'content' is better concept then 'type' ... you can rename it now or leave it to the future :(03:01
salgadoso, please let me know if you change anything in the spec, as it's approved and I already started implementing03:01
salgadoI agree with you content is a better name, I just want to know about the changes you make03:01
salgadoso I can keep the code consistent with the spec03:02
salgadocprov, I have no clue as to what the items in MirrorStatus should be, and the spec doesn't mention anything related to possible statuses03:04
salgadocprov, same for the dbschema used in MirrorDistroArchRelease.pocket03:05
cprovthe changes are kind of last minutes, and I've just saved because you need to add your questions03:06
salgadooh, okay. sorry then03:06
cprovsalgado: pocket is PackagePublishingPocket 03:07
cprovsalgado: MirrorStatus is comming, as your unresolved issues,  just one min03:08
salgadocprov, another question: why is there a status column in both MirrorDistroArchRelease and MirrorDistroReleaseSource, if we already have that column in DistributionMirror?03:10
cprovsalgado: DRM has no status IIRC.03:12
cprovsalgado: DM, sorry03:12
salgadothat's right. my mistake03:13
cprovsalgado: MDAR and MDRS have status because we control them separately03:14
salgadocprov, MirrorProbeRecord.datetime is not a very good name. do you have any suggestion?03:15
cprovdatecreated, I think03:15
cprovsalgado: if you agree I can fix it from my draft03:15
salgadodatecreated is okay, I guess03:16
Kinnisondatecreated is the launchpad-style :-)03:20
SteveAalthough, it is usually a date and time03:21
SteveAso "whencreated" would be more accurate.  nonetheless, we use "datecreated"03:21
stublifeless: postgres auth on balleny should now be fine03:23
cprovsimply "created" sounds better, but as you mentioned LP-style is "datecreated", which is ok too03:23
SteveA"created" sounds like a boolean03:23
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KinnisonSteveA: If only we'd bothered putting ?s on the end of boolean column names, etc03:24
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cprovSteveA: xiiii, yes .. 03:24
SteveAcreated_question_mark ?03:24
SteveAlike that band, therapy_question_mark03:25
=== cprov runs for lunch ...
KinnisonSteveA: More like FooBarRecord."created?"03:25
cprovsorry, MM spec is up03:26
SteveAKinnison: is_created or was_created is a common pattern03:28
KinnisonSteveA: boo hiss03:33
=== Kinnison runs the campaign-for-fewer-underscores
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kikohey there04:32
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carlosthe new pqm machine is missing the unzip command04:45
carloslifeless, ?04:45
carlosmy merge failed (again) because that04:46
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lifelessZnarl: ^^^04:48
SteveAcarlos: oh?04:48
SteveAshould unzip be in the launchpad dependencies package then?04:48
lifelessthat should be documented somewhere yes04:48
SteveAwe should be using the launchpad dependencies package for this stuff04:48
SteveAnot relying on docs04:48
SteveAbut on the package04:48
lifelessanyhoo, it seems its all a matter of attracting admin attention now04:48
SteveAwhat about the package04:49
Znarllifeless : OK, adding.04:49
lifelessSteveA: I'm worried about pqm now the package per se04:49
lifelessZnarl: I'm crashing, its 3am04:49
kikoballeny huh?04:49
lifelessI've baby sat enough I think04:49
kikocongratulations lifeless 04:49
SteveAthe package should be in malone, for bugtracking it04:49
kikoindeed it should04:49
SteveAit should also be in the launchpad project in launchpad04:49
SteveAso that we can file bugs on it04:49
kikoI'll do that later today.04:50
carlosSteveA, https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileFsioey.html04:50
SteveAthanks kiko04:50
lifelessZnarl: can you please honour any like requests that come up tonight?04:50
Znarllifeless : Ok, I'll keep an eye out for more complaints.04:50
lifelessZnarl: stevea or kiko should vet anything04:50
kikolifeless, I vet you going to bed!04:50
lifelessbut if they say 'aye' then stash it in the chroots and base too please.04:50
lifelessZnarl: thanks a million.04:50
lifelesskiko: :)04:50
lifelesskiko: its happening, ELYNNE for starters.04:50
carlosSteveA, is not launchpad directly but hct04:50
Znarllifeless : OK, I'll run requests past stevea or kiko if I'm unsure of anything.04:51
kikookay now that you smiled I'll take that back04:51
SteveAwe need linux-31337rutekit on balleny please04:51
lifelessZnarl: sweet, thanks04:51
kikoSteveA, who owns launchpad-dependencies?04:51
Znarl...or maybe just kiko, not stevea.04:51
kikoyeah, who is that impostor SteveA anyway04:52
kikoI only trust it's him if he says "root kit" in lithuanian!04:52
dafstrange: I submitted a request to PQM, and it seems the mail was delivered, but it hasn't landed and it's not still in the queue05:00
kikodaf, I think lifeless has moved it to a new box -- can you retry?05:01
kikoI don't know if pqm.ubuntu.com has been updates05:01
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dafmy next door neighbour wants to talk to me about using Rosetta for PledgeBank, so I'm going to go over for a cup of tea05:02
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=== cyberix feels a bit launchpad blind
carlosdaf, dude, which kind of neighbours do you have? 05:19
mptIn what way, cyberix?05:19
cyberixI'd like to write a feature request for Metacity. Can I do this somewhere in Launchpad?05:19
mptcyberix, not really05:20
cyberixOk. So I'm not really blind. Just in the wrong palce.05:20
kikompt, he could write a distro spec on that.05:20
mptcyberix, Launchpad doesn't host feature specifications itself. That's usually done on a wiki.05:20
carlosI need to go out for two - three hours, see you later!05:20
cyberixWell, I could use 1EUR and create a bounty ;-P05:21
mptcyberix: Once you have the spec written up somewhere you could link it to the Metacity product (or the Ubuntu distribution, as kiko suggested)05:21
mptbut the former won't be useful if the Metacity maintainers aren't using Launchpad :-)05:21
carlosmpt, well, kiko pointed to a distro spec05:22
kikoso he could use the Ubuntu wiki.05:22
cyberixThere is no "social machine" to throw the bugs forward?05:22
carlosI suppose the metacity maintainer would point upstream to that spec ;-)05:22
kikocyberix, oh, there is!05:22
kikocyberix, you can point bugs to an upstream product as well05:22
kikoand you can link bug reports05:22
mptcyberix, there's no way of automatically reporting the bug in the upstream bug tracker, if that's what you mean05:24
mptand bugs are not the same thing as specifications :-)05:24
kikosocial machine can mean many things :)05:24
=== cyberix would really prefer to have an insanely easy bug/feature-bounty system.
=== cprov has another PQM failure due missed zip pkg and wonder if anyone is responsible to fix it
mptIt bothers me that specifications and bug reports are separate things05:25
cyberix"Pay for a feature/bugfix"-option in help menu. Along "translate"05:25
mptand that bug reports and bounties are separate things, even05:26
kikoI see05:26
cyberixthe translate-option is a great step towards community work.05:26
mpthmm, bugtrackers-portlet-details.pt is smelly05:27
kikoit smells of cheese05:27
=== mpt changes the heading to something less tendentious
cyberixIn future I'm hoping to see similar ways of supporting, by giving money. For those who don't have the time or knownledge.05:27
LarstiQcyberix: didn't Znarl already fix that?05:28
LarstiQcyberix: tabcompletion snafu05:30
cyberixThe pay system should not be only easy, but almost "too easy".05:31
cprovLarstiQ: AFAICS, not yet :(05:31
cyberixLike the software that recommends you stuff at Amazon.05:31
LarstiQcprov: hmm, thought he did05:31
Znarlcprov : I thought I did too.05:31
cyberixSo that every teenager starts to support Ubuntu :-)05:31
LarstiQcyberix: like, money should roll out of your pocket by itself? ;)05:31
cyberixLarstiQ: You got the idea.05:32
cyberixThe International money transfers are already a very big problem.05:33
mptDeposit $20 in your Launchpad account, then offer 50 cents for this bug, 50 cents for that one, 50 cents for the other ...05:33
cyberixmpt: Something like that.05:33
cprovZnarl: ehe, It could be only effective in the n+1 job ...  let's see what jamesh's job get05:33
SteveA50 cent bugs?  lends a whole new meaning to drive by debugging.05:33
cyberixSteveA: Ofcourse multiple users could donate to a bug they think is important.05:33
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cyberixI might pay 5 or even 10 euros (if it was very easy) to someone who fixed the one bug in Gnome-terminal that irritates me most.05:35
Hieronymusxkeyboard-config has no translations, but there are translations in the source. How can I upload them?05:35
cyberixmpt: Ofcourse the ease of deposit is also a problem.05:35
cyberixmpt: Teens don't have credit cards.05:36
kikocyberix, why don't you offer the bounty on irc.gnome.org, on #gnome or some other related channel?05:36
mptI didn't get a credit card until I was 2705:36
cyberixkiko: Because it is not this one case that matters05:36
kiko(mpt, that's not something you need to go about saying in public)05:36
cyberixkiko: It is the general ease of Supporting Ubuntu by paying.05:36
cyberixkiko: And free software in general05:37
kikocyberix, I understand05:37
salgadocprov, what do you think of renaming DistributionMirror.primary* to DistributionMirror.official*?05:37
cprovcan someone help me to sort the last PQM failute -> https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileHXlOYa.html05:37
cyberixkiko: I might still ask about the bug there. So thanks for the address. Didn't know they have own irc-network05:38
cprovsalgado: not so good, because these names do not reflect what those fields are 05:38
kikocyberix, yeah, hey all hang out in here05:39
salgadocprov, really? what those fields are then? 05:39
cprovsalgado: "primarycandidate" explicit means "This mirror is official CANDIDATE and it can be tweaked by the onwer" ... doesn't it05:39
kikocprov, the error is known, just retry -- Znarl has install zip now.05:40
cprovsalgado: "primaryapproved" mean some LP-ENTITY has approved it 05:41
cprovkiko: ok, thx05:41
cprovsalgado: "official" state is the AND combination of both05:41
cprovsalgado: is it clear ?05:41
cprovsalgado: even a good/complete mirror could not be "official", if the onwer doesn't agree with it  05:43
kikoZnarl, could you add deb-src lines for all releases and pockets in drescher's sources.list, and re-run apt-get update?05:43
salgadocprov, yes, I understood how to check if a mirror is official or not. my concern was that the names primarycandidate and primaryapproved are far from good05:43
SteveAsalgado: is there a way to edit wiki names in launchpad?05:44
mptSteveA, what was the better name you came with for "Translation Perms"?05:44
salgadoSteveA, yes, /people/$person/+editwikinames05:44
SteveAsalgado: is it in a menu?05:44
SteveAi couldn't find it05:44
Znarlkiko : Can you create an RT request please?05:44
cprovsalgado: maybe official[candidate,approved]  would make more sense associated with "official" property05:45
SteveAmpt: remind me what they mean... it's about whether the translations need to be done by some team, or whether anyone can do them?05:45
kikoZnarl, I needed that right away or not at all :)05:45
mptSteveA, yes05:45
SteveAso, it is the policy for accepting translations.05:45
Znarlkiko : Right away is fine, but I still need you to create an RT request.05:45
kikookay, cool.05:46
kikoI just don't want to bother you if you are too immediately busy 05:46
salgadoSteveA, no, it's in the portlet below the menu05:46
SteveAi see05:46
Znarlkiko : Elmo makes me dust the data centre racks if I do work without RT requests being created.05:46
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SteveAit's "below the fold"05:46
SteveAand i didn't notice it05:47
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SteveAsalgado: with the new layout, it would be better on the LHS05:47
SteveAbecause the actions menu is so long now05:47
kikoZnarl, and I can't disagree with him. rt issue filed.05:48
SteveAsalgado: want me to file a bug for that, or can you just do it?05:49
SteveAor, brad can do it on his vilnius-fixes branch05:49
dafLaunchpad doesn't see mto be generating tracebacks05:50
SteveAsalgado: i want to encourage you to ask either me, or mpt, about UI issues05:50
dafhow long until James' error reporting stuff lands?05:50
SteveAsalgado: mpt and i should be talking enough so that we're consistent05:50
SteveAdaf: landed already05:50
kikodaf, can I hear a recording of your fiddling?05:51
kikoI didn't think you had a musical bent05:51
SteveAsee chinstrap:/srv/gangotri-logs05:51
SteveAthen by date05:51
SteveAfilenames inside there are time-in-day.oopsid05:51
stubdaf: I think it landed today05:51
SteveAbut, developers should still be seeing TBs when logged in05:52
SteveAso, there's a bug there05:52
dafI am logged in05:52
salgadoSteveA, right, so what should I do with all those links that are on that portlet? I think placing then on the overview menu won't be good, as it'd make us have almost 20 links there05:52
SteveAsalgado: we should just put that "edit" portlet on the left, not on the right05:52
kikoit needs balance05:53
SteveAthen it would be much more visible05:53
salgadoSteveA, but then, shouldn't we move the 'Edit GPG Keys' and all others to that portlet?05:53
salgadoI mean, all others that are related to edit something related to that person05:53
SteveAthat would add 7 items to the menu box05:54
SteveAgiving a total of 1505:54
SteveAthat may be too many.  try it out with the box on the right, and see how that works for you05:54
SteveAthat's a simple change, and easy to make05:54
SteveAmaybe show that screen to someone like johan, and ask him to change the wiki name.  see if he sees how. 05:55
salgadoactually it'll add only 605:55
SteveAif that isn't obvious to him, then we should move it into the menus05:55
SteveAsalgado: i see... gpg and ssh keys are repeated05:56
SteveAso maybe only 505:56
SteveAyeah, it adds 505:56
dafkiko: fiddling?05:57
salgadoyes, only 505:57
kikodaf, I'm just chuckling at your activity report ;)05:57
SteveAsalgado: okay, do it.  into the menu!05:57
dafkiko: heh, oops05:58
kikoBjornT_, excellent work on the gpg debugging, way to go06:02
salgadodoes pqm's email address changed?06:06
kikothat's not english!06:07
kikocprov, I think we should try and fix the publisher ourselves.06:07
salgadothe email address I should use to request a merge changed?06:08
cprovkiko: you're looking very optimistic today06:09
cprovkiko: I'm won't be afraid to face it if you have a plan ;)06:09
kikocprov, can we try first just adding a friggin DAR?06:10
kikootherwise I'll look at the code with you06:10
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cprovkiko: ok, creating an empty DAR for breezy-autotest 06:11
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kikomatsubara, bug 5788 is a dupe of the wrap-urls-bug06:20
UbugtuMalone bug #5788: Branch URLs can easily be too wide for new layout In: launchpad (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: New https://launchpad.net/bugs/578806:20
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mptkiko, marked it06:23
=== Kinnison 's wrists start to ache
KinnisonI forgot to unsuspend workrave this morning, didn't I?06:24
=== Kinnison urghs
SteveAstub: can i get that whiteboard report tomorrow sometime?06:25
salgadoSteveA, any idea why the "Overview" menu is collapsed when you go to the "+edithackergotchi page? (the same happens for the +editemblem, in case of teams)06:30
=== salgado reads bugmail of bug 5787 and realizes he wasn't the first one to notice that problem
UbugtuMalone bug #5787: wrong menus on edit hackergotchi page In: launchpad (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Dafydd Harries, Status: New https://launchpad.net/bugs/578706:35
SteveAsee that bug06:36
SteveAprobably a facet zcml thing now registered06:36
salgadoapparently the generalform don't expect a facet in its declaration06:37
dafooh, https://launchpad.net/errors gives me an oops06:39
SteveAdaf: we don't want that any more06:40
SteveAit should give 40406:40
SteveAwe use chinstrap etc. for that now06:43
SteveAsalgado: oh?  that's interesting.  it's also a bug on generalform.06:43
SteveAsalgado: best assign the bug to me then...06:44
dafbug 578906:48
UbugtuMalone bug #5789: /errors page should be removed In: launchpad (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: New https://launchpad.net/bugs/578906:48
salgadoSteveA, did you have a look at that patch I sent you thursday (and re-sent yesterday)? 06:49
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SteveAsalgado: you chose to set menu.request in _nearest_menu but in the other place that returns an application menu06:54
SteveAthis should be more symmetrical06:54
SteveAiow, set it in the place that returns a facet menu, not in _nearest_menu06:54
SteveAthis aspect of the menus system hasn't been tested06:55
SteveAi don't see a 'request' attribute in the appropriate menu interface06:55
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salgadoSteveA, right. I think I can fix this. I was most concerned with that XXX I left there, which I have no idea how to properly solve it06:57
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SteveAthat XXX has no date or owner06:58
salgadowell, that's because I don't plan to merge this code with it there06:59
SteveA+            # XXX: Need to stick the view's predefined params here too, so we 06:59
SteveA+            # get the advanced form with the right values selected.06:59
SteveAthat's the one?06:59
SteveAwhy are you using a view class to do the redirect, and not a redirection() in the navigation?07:01
SteveAi guess07:01
SteveAbecause you only want to do so sometimes07:01
SteveAsalgado: i can't really help here.  i don't know what the issues are, and i haven't seen the UI in action.07:01
salgadoexactly. only when I get an advanced query parameter07:01
SteveAcan you get a sample server set up at async, so i can try it out?07:02
SteveAor give me a branch to look at (although i won't look until next week)07:02
salgadoSteveA, http://async.com.br:8082/products/firefox/+bugs07:05
salgadoSteveA, actually, http://async.com.br:8082/products/firefox/+bugs-critical07:05
salgadoSteveA, that's a pre-defined search, which shows only the critical bugs07:06
salgadoI want that when you click on "Advanced...", that you get to the advanced search, and "Critical" is the only value selected in the Severity widget07:07
SteveAsalgado: mail these details to me and i'll look this evening, when brad has gone07:09
salgadoSteveA, I have a patch that moves those "hidden" links into the menu. it's almost trivial; would you review it?07:12
salgadoSteveA, mailed it to you07:18
SteveAsalgado: it is good.  one comment.07:22
SteveAleave in the empty metal slot div for the right portlets07:22
SteveAmark and i were going through a phase of i'd remove the empty ones, and he'd re-add them and so on07:22
SteveAwithout realizing it07:22
SteveAso we talked it over at UBZ, and decided to leave them in as a placeholder in general07:23
salgadoI see. I'll remember that from now on07:23
SteveAsalgado: maybe you'd like to add the 'facet' attr to the zcml for generalform?07:23
SteveAit isn't too hard.07:23
SteveAyou can see the tests in the system doctests, and the code to do it in the webapp/metazcml.py07:24
SteveAthere is a mix-in interface for specifying the zcml schema07:24
SteveAand then you just need to handle it, couple of lines of code there07:24
salgadookay. /me looks07:25
salgadoSteveA, one question, though. I can only see a facet in the zcml declaration of pages that are not in the overview facet07:26
salgadoIOW, I don't see why only the edithackergotchi and editemblem pages need this07:26
mptthose two pages should be merged anyhow07:27
mpta person's hackergotchi is equivalent to a team's emblem07:27
SteveAsalgado: the page-setup code doesn't even look for a facet higher up in the zcml07:28
SteveAas a workaround, you can set the __launchpad_facet__ attribute (i think that's it)07:28
SteveAin the init method07:28
SteveAto the appropriate facet07:28
SteveAmaybe it is __launchpad_facetname__07:28
SteveAyou'll find it in the facets code07:28
SteveAyes, that's it07:29
SteveA __launchpad_facetname__07:29
SteveAthat would be a quick workaround to fix the bug07:29
SteveAwithout having to fix generalform too07:29
=== salgado would prefer the quick workaround in order to go back to MirrorManagement
salgadois it a problem if I do that, SteveA?07:30
SteveAno problem07:30
SteveAplease file a bug on general form, though07:30
salgadowill do07:30
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niemeyerHeh.. GvR has been googled..07:41
SteveAas in?07:45
niemeyerGood for us.. looks like he'll have more time for Python07:46
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SteveAniemeyer: got a URL about that?07:51
salgadoSteveA, I added the rightportlets placeholders and did that workaround to fix the issue with generalform. want me to send the patch again?07:53
SteveAsalgado: is kiko around?07:54
SteveAsalgado: no need.  r=me07:54
niemeyerSteveA: Nope.. it's in the PSF list, which has no open archive IIRC07:54
salgadoSteveA, kiko went out with cprov, I think07:56
salgadohe's not here, that I'm sure07:56
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kikoI'm here07:57
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=== bradb heads off, later
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SteveAhey mpt 08:43
stickmanis account registration working?08:44
mptho SteveA 08:45
SteveAi just had a call with mark08:45
SteveAand kiko (for some of it)08:45
SteveAand mark said that launchpad is looking pretty nice in the UI, and commended the work you've done of late08:46
mptWhat does Mark think of the new layout?08:46
mptoh, good08:46
salgadostickman, it should be. did you have any problems?08:47
stickmani never receive a confirmation email.  not sure what's going on.08:47
salgadostickman, the confirmation emails can take some time to arrive, in some cases. when you tried to sign up?08:50
stickmani've tried multiple times over a period of several weeks. and with two different email addresses.08:50
salgadostickman, is it possible that the emails got caught in a spam filter?08:52
stickmannope.  checked there.  one account has not filtering at all.08:54
salgadokiko, we don't have access to the bounced emails yet, do we?08:56
LarstiQstickman: hmm, should surely have had it by now then08:56
SteveAkiko: ?08:57
stickmanwait.  tried another email and got something.08:57
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stickmanok. registered now.  thanks all.09:00
salgadostickman, you're welcome09:02
carlosdaf, hi09:04
stickmani'm relatively new to ubuntu so i figured i'd check it out.  09:05
salgadocprov, I added another question to the MirrorManagement spec:  What is DistributionMirror.pulsesource and who's allowed to change it?09:12
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mpthome time for mpt09:35
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kikoSteveA, I received no answer on that yet. :-(10:25
kikoI think I'm going to msg Znarl 10:25
=== sivang hi(s) the channel. arrived at home at last
sivangdaf: when you have time, I'd appriciate comments on my remaining remarks inline RFS10:32
sivangjblack: what's needed in order to fininsh the rocketfuel-get script?10:33
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=== jordi works on some important mail about rosetta. :)
LarstiQsounds important :)11:38
jordiopenoffice considering rosetta officially11:39
LarstiQstill considering though?11:39
jordithey want two features11:40
jordinot too difficult11:40
mdkepretty hot11:40
mdkedon't you have firefox and mailman too now?11:40
jordimailman yes, not firefox11:41
jordiunless I'm totally out of date :)11:41
jordicarlos: are you sure this is talking about the global l10n project, or just the British team?11:42
jordior whatever team, I mean11:42
carlosjordi, he says is the coordinator of the global l10n team11:42
carlosjordi, I don't see any reference to a concrete team...11:42
=== jordi googles the name.
=== carlos -> bed
carlossee you tomorrow11:43
carlosjordi, do you need anything from me?11:43
jordicarlos: I am fearing this is not the whole openoffice11:44
jordibut Esperanto.11:45
mdkethat would be a catch anyhow :)11:45
carlosjordi, just ask him directly ;-)11:45
jordimdke: we'd have Kurdish and Esperanto. :)11:45
mdkecarlos, if you have time tomorrow can you have a look at my mail to rosetta-users about the po's we download from rosetta and send back through xml2po?11:46
jordifrom the first read it sounds to me like he's just a translator11:46
jordino coordinator11:46
jordithe coordinator for just a translation team11:46
carlosmdke, sure, I have it in my queue, sorry for not answering it earlier...11:46
mdkecarlos, no problem, i wasn't sure how busy you were :)11:47
mdkecarlos, no massive rush11:47
carlosmdke, as an advance, I think those are Rosetta bugs11:47
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carlosat least the duplicate problem is a know problem11:47
carlossee you tomorrow!!11:47

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