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mgalvin | grrr, no combination of [(attachment|inline|display):image.png here] works either :-/ | 12:35 |
mdke_ | [:attachment:image.png here] ? | 12:36 |
mdke_ | the first colon? | 12:36 |
mdke_ | oh no sorry | 12:36 |
mdke_ | scrap that | 12:36 |
mgalvin | i tries like 10-15 different ways to no avail | 12:37 |
mdke_ | you need to link to the address | 12:37 |
mdke_ | as if it were an external url | 12:38 |
mgalvin | the help* says not to do that, but i will anyway since it seems to be the only way to get it to work | 12:49 |
mdke | yeah i think the help is a bit paranoid | 12:49 |
mdke | think/hope | 12:50 |
mgalvin | +1 | 12:50 |
mgalvin | hmm, using the "view" and "get" url makes it show up at the top of the page :-/ | 12:55 |
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mgalvin | seems i can only display them by themseleve on a wiki page | 12:55 |
mgalvin | themseleves | 12:55 |
mdke | hmm | 12:57 |
mdke | example? | 12:57 |
mgalvin | never mind, that doesn't work either it just shows the link | 01:12 |
mgalvin | [https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperFlight2?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=flight2-usplash-big.png https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperFlight2?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=flight2-usplash-thumb.png] | 01:12 |
mdke | gah | 01:12 |
mgalvin | same with [attachment:...png https://...] :-/ | 01:13 |
mgalvin | what about the idea of just storing the images on d|h.u.c | 01:16 |
mdke | okay | 01:17 |
mgalvin | how much bandwidth does it have? | 01:17 |
mdke | lots | 01:17 |
mdke | it's the ram that is the issue ;) | 01:17 |
mgalvin | ah | 01:17 |
mdke | hmm | 01:17 |
mdke | do you want to send me a tar or something? | 01:17 |
mgalvin | i can or you can just grab them from the wiki | 01:18 |
mgalvin | i am not done with them yet | 01:18 |
mgalvin | so maybe i will just send you a tar when i am done | 01:18 |
mdke | ok i'll upload them tomorrow then | 01:18 |
mgalvin | ok, sounds good, back to finishing writing it | 01:20 |
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jsgotangco | robitaille, USERS ARE IDIOTS | 09:22 |
jsgotangco | hehe | 09:22 |
robitaille | I got all sort of comments all day long at work...we're are a mostly KDE shop except me :) | 09:23 |
jsgotangco | vmware are idiots then | 09:24 |
jsgotangco | heh | 09:24 |
jsgotangco | i tried out the image though..its pretty neat | 09:24 |
robitaille | every 6 months or so, I give KDE a try for a while, and everytime I go back to Gnome. Been like that for years. Obviously I'm an idot | 09:24 |
robitaille | I tried VMplayer a few weeks back, but it didn't like my 256meg computer... | 09:25 |
jsgotangco | i got a 2GB desktop, i gave the player 256 and its pretty useful | 09:26 |
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mgalvin | DapperFlight2 is i think mostly all set, if anyone could review it that would be great, thnx | 05:24 |
mgalvin | mdke: how shall I send you the images? | 05:26 |
jjesse | mgalvin: it looks great, i was looking it as you were changing | 05:27 |
mgalvin | :) | 05:27 |
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mgalvin | hmm, does anyone else around have upload access to d.u.c? | 05:49 |
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mdke | mgalvin_away, tar is fine | 06:28 |
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mgalvin | mdke: sent | 07:22 |
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mgalvin | was there ever a consensus on wiki licensing? | 07:56 |
=== mgalvin sees tumble weeds blowing bye ;) | ||
Burgwork | nope | 08:02 |
mgalvin | is it ok for me to stick a by-sa on a page? | 08:09 |
Burgwork | nope | 08:09 |
mgalvin | ok then | 08:09 |
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LaserJock | hi theCore | 08:41 |
theCore | hello! | 08:43 |
theCore | LaserJock, how it's going with the PackagingGuide ? | 08:45 |
LaserJock | well, I worked on the introduction a bit | 08:45 |
LaserJock | but I've been pretty busy with work and such | 08:45 |
theCore | i'm quite busy right now too with some french work ... | 08:48 |
LaserJock | sometime after the 1st of the year there is going to be a MOTU Open Day for people interested in helping the MOTU to get help, mentoring, etc. | 08:50 |
LaserJock | It would be great to have a rough draft of the Packaging Guide to have for them to use and test | 08:50 |
theCore | sure | 08:52 |
theCore | we just need to work on some examples and put explanations | 08:53 |
LaserJock | yep | 08:54 |
LaserJock | "just" ;-) | 08:54 |
theCore | i was thinking that we could have a "testing" reporistory server for the guide, it would make the guide more pratical | 09:01 |
LaserJock | ? | 09:05 |
LaserJock | what do you mean? | 09:05 |
theCore | so the readers could upload their work, and test it as they would use the real ubuntu server | 09:08 |
LaserJock | I think that that is what REVU is for | 09:08 |
theCore | ah, okay ... | 09:09 |
theCore | why my ideas always exist? :| | 09:13 |
LaserJock | that happens to me all the time ;-) | 09:13 |
theCore | some time ago, i though about an open source website project | 09:16 |
theCore | i realized later that was called a wiki | 09:16 |
LaserJock | lol | 09:20 |
theCore | I was kinda disappointed, but at same time I was happy to know that idea was great | 09:21 |
LaserJock | yeah, that happens a lot to me with bug reports | 09:22 |
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mdke | Burgwork, well said :D | 09:55 |
mdke | mgalvin, actually I'm going to upload the images to the svn server, that ok? | 09:55 |
jjesse | wow someone's responding to old messages | 09:55 |
mgalvin | mdke: fine by me, just let me know the url I can use to hit them from the wiki | 09:56 |
mdke | k | 09:57 |
mdke | /ubuntu/images | 09:57 |
mdke | not yet tho | 09:57 |
mgalvin | k | 09:58 |
jjesse | mgalvin: on the page you have the link for flight2 for kubuntu, but none of the screen shots are kubuntu specific | 10:00 |
jjesse | mgalvin: should there be a seperate wiki (kubuntuDapperFlight2)?? | 10:01 |
Burgwork | mdke, about mgalvin and licensing? | 10:02 |
mgalvin | jjesse: Kamion added that in, you can create a kubuntu version if you would like to, i don't use kubuntu and don't have time to do that too | 10:03 |
jjesse | mgalvin: i'll work on it tonight then | 10:03 |
mgalvin | the release it going to be very soon | 10:03 |
mgalvin | ok cool | 10:03 |
Burgwork | jjesse, flight 2 is likely to be out by then | 10:03 |
mgalvin | jjesse: if you do manage to sqeeze it in by then, the doc only covers the flight 1-2 delta, not everything since breezy | 10:04 |
jjesse | mgalvin: i'll see what i can squeeze in | 10:04 |
mdke | Burgwork, yeah :) | 10:16 |
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mgalvin | jjesse: too late i guess :) | 10:18 |
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jjesse | to late for what? | 10:19 |
mgalvin | colin just sent out the announcement | 10:19 |
jjesse | ah just saw it | 10:20 |
jjesse | oh well | 10:20 |
mgalvin | although of course you can still do it | 10:20 |
jjesse | i'll see how this evening comes across | 10:20 |
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mgalvin | mdke: any eta on those images? | 10:37 |
Burgwork | hmm, wonder if jerome is going on this asian business trip | 11:02 |
mdke | damn | 11:15 |
mdke | the damn images haven't arrived mgalvin | 11:23 |
mdke | come back! | 11:23 |
LaserJock | lol | 11:35 |
mdke | my email is playing up again :( | 11:36 |
LaserJock | sweet, I see a new ubuntu-docs just hit debian-changes | 11:37 |
mdke | in dapper yeah | 11:37 |
mdke | breezy one coming tomorrow :D | 11:37 |
LaserJock | cool | 11:37 |
mdke | s/debian/dapper i hope | 11:38 |
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LaserJock | doh, yeah | 11:38 |
mdke | aha | 11:38 |
mdke | mgalvin! | 11:38 |
mdke | get my mail? | 11:38 |
mgalvin | hey mdke! | 11:39 |
=== mgalvin goes to check email | ||
mdke | mgalvin, don't bother | 11:39 |
mdke | the message was: your mail hasn't arrived yet (my mail is crap): upload em yourself to repo | 11:39 |
mgalvin | read it, ok, i'll commit them in just a sec | 11:42 |
mgalvin | any place special they should go? | 11:42 |
mdke | yeah | 11:43 |
mdke | ubuntu/images/ | 11:43 |
mgalvin | mdke: done! | 11:48 |
mgalvin | i gotta run for a few min | 11:48 |
mdke | cool nice one | 11:48 |
mgalvin | be back in about 30 min | 11:48 |
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