=== mmolina [n=mmolina@pc-75-4-104-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
erUSUL | zdennis, ??? | 12:00 |
zdennis | dooglus, isn't wipe somethin that has to do with securely removing files? | 12:00 |
zdennis | yes erUSUL ? | 12:00 |
dooglus | zdennis: it's a way of writing random junk over things to wipe them. what did you want to do to your swap space? | 12:00 |
kameron | zdennis i think that's shred, but it could be both. i've never used wipe. | 12:00 |
init | kameron, ah.... | 12:00 |
=== Jettis [n=h0h0@a80-186-63-56.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
erUSUL | zdennis, why would you want to clean up swap? | 12:00 |
init | dr_willis, well, all i want is to be able to see a drive from any computer. be it ftp or otherwise | 12:01 |
kameron | dooglus: it looks backwards to me | 12:01 |
kameron | init: what's that? | 12:01 |
init | what would be the easiest way? fora linux beginner | 12:01 |
dooglus | kameron: you said "ln a b would make b link to a". that's the same as the man page is saying, just replace 'a' with TARGET and 'b' with LINK_NAME | 12:01 |
kameron | init: to mount it? | 12:01 |
czr | dooglus, a is a link to b. but the proper name is symbolic link (or soft link), not link (that's a different thing) | 12:01 |
BooZee | should I remove the old kernel from the system? | 12:01 |
kameron | init: and r/w? | 12:01 |
czr | ah, not -s, so normal links | 12:01 |
zdennis | ok...here's my issue. Say I have Firefox open and 8,000 pages open, and firefox is usijng 500Mb of RAM, 300MB is VIRT | 12:01 |
mwe | dooglus: right | 12:01 |
init | kameron, i was talking about the config you mentioned. i'm sick and dont have time to learn how to configure this drive to work under ubuntu | 12:01 |
kameron | zdennis: how is that an issue/ | 12:01 |
zdennis | I have another application open using 500Mb of memory, and say i Only have 512Mb of memory | 12:01 |
jcole | diesel: i ran into problems trying to do it that way | 12:02 |
zdennis | so part of program B is in swap. I close firefox, and I'd like program B to be moved out of swap | 12:02 |
kameron | init: it's a simple line in your fstab to read/write the drive, and give appropriate permissions. | 12:02 |
czr | the man page should read: ln a b creates a new link with name 'b' that will link to the same inode to which name 'a' already links ;-) | 12:02 |
jcole | diesel: are there any ubuntu floppy install images available? | 12:02 |
erUSUL | zdennis, that's the job of the kernel | 12:02 |
init | kameron, well. you'll have to bare with me. what is an fstab and how do i change this? | 12:02 |
kameron | init: have a search on google or ubuntu.com, i'm sure they'll tell you the line. i don't have my hands on it. i'm actually on windows right now. | 12:02 |
chrisx1 | how do i fix this ,with out rebooting eject: unable to eject, last error: Invalid argument | 12:02 |
czr | zdennis, how did you measure the memory use? | 12:02 |
diesel | jcole: not sure...i can look. What problems did you run into? | 12:02 |
erUSUL | zdennis, you can't force it | 12:02 |
czr | zdennis, VIRT != memory usage | 12:03 |
zdennis | czr, i am running top | 12:03 |
Rage__ | AGH! xv works with the ati driver but not fglrx! ffs. | 12:03 |
czr | look above | 12:03 |
Rage__ | why? | 12:03 |
DjLinX | i installed proftpd and when i type it into a brower i get "Access to the port number has been disabled for security reasons." doesn't anyone know how to fix | 12:03 |
fluvvell | someone was talking ftp servers, anybody familiar with proftpd? I have a question... | 12:03 |
=== redguy [n=mati@add40.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kameron | init: fstab is your file system table. it's at /etc/fstab i believe. i'm really rusty though. "cat /etc/fstab" to view it. you need to add a line there to be able to read/write hfs. but, writing may not be supported by the kernel. i only ever read from an hfs drive. | 12:03 |
zdennis | erUSUL, that sucks | 12:03 |
=== Agiofws [n=AC90CESS@athe730e-2249.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Agiofws | hello | 12:03 |
zdennis | czr, swap space used "234916k" .... total Mem free: "201960k" | 12:04 |
kameron | fluvvell: yep, i've done proftpd server, etc. what's up? | 12:04 |
dooglus | zdennis: which of the 10 programs in swap would you like to be moved out of swap when you close firefox? | 12:04 |
zdennis | czr, it just bugs me that stuff stays in swap when i have open memory for it | 12:04 |
dooglus | zdennis: and how is the kernel supposed to know that? | 12:04 |
fluvvell | kameron: I hardly ever use ftp, but have to now. I installed proftp, but having trouble making it go. /etc/init.d/proftp reports that it must be started from inetd or xinetd. Have made the appropriate file in xinet.d but its not going yet, what now? | 12:04 |
Agiofws | does ubuntu while installation fix a config file that could be used to compile a kernel after the installation ? | 12:04 |
erUSUL | zdennis, why? | 12:04 |
dooglus | zdennis: it's better to have your RAM used as a file cache than to be holding programs that are inactive. | 12:04 |
zdennis | dooglus, i dont care what is moved to memory, it'd just be nice, if i didn't have to close all applications and reopen them for efficient use | 12:04 |
czr | zdennis, stuff is paged back into physical memory when it's used. free physical memory will be used for block caches, so it makes linux faster. if this bugs you you can change the swappiness factor in the kernel | 12:05 |
zdennis | dooglus, that's my point. My program is no longer inactive | 12:05 |
dooglus | zdennis: that's the application's fault. if firefox didn't grow to such excessive size there wouldn't be a problem | 12:05 |
fluvvell | kameron: also im offsite using ssh, not onboard with a gui desktop | 12:05 |
bimberi | Agiofws: ls /boot/config* | 12:05 |
czr | zdennis, it isn't using the pages that are in swap | 12:05 |
dooglus | zdennis: when you try using the program again, it'll get swapped back in. | 12:05 |
=== teasxc [n=teasxc@par69-4-82-226-64-86.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Agiofws | bimberi, are you sure ? | 12:05 |
dooglus | zdennis: you can try playing with linux's swappiness variable and see if that helps | 12:05 |
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czr | zdennis, as long as it doesn't use them, the pages won't swap. linux doesn't swap whole processes at a time, but pages at a time (4 or 8 KiB) | 12:05 |
Rage__ | Heh, no great loss, totem is shite anyhow. | 12:05 |
erUSUL | zdennis, please read a little about virtual memory an OS desing. all os's do the same with vm | 12:05 |
=== funkyHat [n=matt@cpc3-nthc3-3-1-cust65.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dooglus | zdennis sudo bash -c "echo 0 > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness" | 12:06 |
Agiofws | ? bimberi ? | 12:06 |
zdennis | czr, ah | 12:06 |
diesel | jcole, I am not finding a floppy install, but I have used the debian floppy install numerous times and the _base_ install of debian could easily be upgraded to ubuntu | 12:06 |
bimberi | Agiofws: i'm sure there's config files there - yes | 12:06 |
Agiofws | right afer installation ? | 12:06 |
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pluffsy | hello | 12:07 |
pluffsy | I want to make a dual-boot system with ubuntu and macosx. how should I share files between the systems? | 12:07 |
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zdennis | erUSUL, my goal is not to try to solve the problem, i'm not a kernel or os developer nor do i care to be. I am simply saying it would be nice, since I can't do it now. | 12:07 |
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bimberi | Agiofws: when else would they have turned up? | 12:07 |
eobanb_ | pluffsy, there are several ways | 12:07 |
Agiofws | lol | 12:08 |
eobanb_ | are you running 10.3, or 10.4? | 12:08 |
pluffsy | 10.4 | 12:08 |
diesel | Rage__: agreed...I hate Totem | 12:08 |
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Ng | zdennis: the current behaviour is far better :) | 12:08 |
kameron | totem is garbage | 12:08 |
chrisx1 | how do i fix this ,with out rebooting eject: unable to eject, last error: Invalid argument | 12:08 |
zdennis | erUSUL, but i am ok if it doesn't do it, i was just curious if i could do it, and i think the answer is unanimous | 12:08 |
pluffsy | is the hfs-support any good in the kernel now? | 12:08 |
pluffsy | and what about hfs+? | 12:08 |
eobanb_ | yes, it is. | 12:08 |
=== sobersabre [n=bilbo@l192-117-118-8.broadband.actcom.net.il] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pluffsy | or should I install that extension for reading ext3 in macosx? | 12:08 |
eobanb_ | unfortunately only 10.3 can mount ext3 filesystems, as far as i know....the kext doesnt work with 10.4 | 12:08 |
sobersabre | hi | 12:08 |
kameron | chrisx1: specify a device | 12:08 |
chrisx1 | Determinist Hey Mate I Need A Lil Helpcdrom | 12:08 |
=== Ivan [n=crazy_da@h143n1fls32o831.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kameron | chrisx1: example: eject /dev/cdrom | 12:09 |
DjLinX | i installed proftpd and when i type it into a brower i get "Access to the port number has been disabled for security reasons." does anyone know how to fix | 12:09 |
kameron | chrisx1: example: eject /dev/cdrom -t to close it | 12:09 |
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eobanb_ | in any case, hfs support in the kernel is just fine, you should have no problems. | 12:09 |
=== Vatrodux [n=vatrouni@185-80-223-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fluvvell | kameron: on the private chat... | 12:09 |
uber_spaced | what is a good caching nameserver package for ubuntu? | 12:09 |
sobersabre | I've upgraded to kde3.5... and strangely screensaver uses only upper 1/2 of the display. | 12:09 |
chrisx1 | chris@ubuntu:~$ eject /dev/cdrom | 12:09 |
chrisx1 | eject: unable to eject, last error: Invalid argument | 12:09 |
bimberi | Agiofws: This page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCompileHowto describes that file as "the current kernel's config". | 12:09 |
sobersabre | what can cause this problem, ? | 12:09 |
Determinist | chrisx1, shoot | 12:09 |
zdennis | erUSUL, czr, Nz, dooglus, kameron .. i appreciate all of your input and comments though, thx for helping me understand | 12:09 |
Ivan | how du i install a Wireless netcard in ubuntu? | 12:09 |
pluffsy | eobanb: great so just a standard ubuntu 5.10 installation should be able to read and write stable to my hfs partition? | 12:09 |
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uber_spaced | like something that would be able to look up names for computers in an internal network? | 12:09 |
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eobanb_ | pluffsy, yes | 12:09 |
pluffsy | eobanb, any idea how well hfs+ works? | 12:09 |
bimberi | Agiofws: s/that file/such config files/ | 12:09 |
frogzoo | just eject - its set to /dev/cdrom by default | 12:09 |
kameron | zdennis: yeah, no problem. i'm a little wound up here trying to help a bunch of people, bah. | 12:09 |
eobanb_ | quite well....i've just plugged in a firewire drive formatted as hfs+ and it just worked | 12:10 |
eobanb_ | same with ipods | 12:10 |
erUSUL | zdennis, np | 12:10 |
zdennis | kameron, who's got issues, I am good with alot of things...just not kernel/os low-level stuff =) | 12:10 |
czr | zdennis, have fun :-) and remember that VIRT != memory usage | 12:10 |
eobanb_ | and my powerbook's hfs partition | 12:10 |
pluffsy | eoband: ahh just great. thanks :) | 12:10 |
pluffsy | err eobanb | 12:10 |
zdennis | czr, i have that imprinted in my braind now forever =) | 12:10 |
=== erUSUL bed time. wakes up early tomorrow... | ||
czr | zdennis, good, it will get you far in life :-) | 12:11 |
uber_spaced | how do i get the ssh server working? | 12:11 |
Ivan | how du i install a Wireless netcard in ubuntu? | 12:11 |
bimberi | uber_spaced: sudo aptitude install ssh | 12:11 |
eobanb_ | ivan, what is the problem you are having? | 12:11 |
czr | It's actually pretty hard to calculate the memory usage of some process. not even sure that the question makes sense in UNIX | 12:11 |
kameron | zdennis: :P | 12:11 |
Ivan | eobanb i have a wireless netcard i wount start i am using initng to boot ubunut | 12:11 |
chrisx1 | Determinist: pm | 12:12 |
kameron | fluvvell: you around? i'm not getting any messages. | 12:12 |
fluvvell | kameron: im here | 12:12 |
czr | zdennis, the closest metric you should use is RSS(/RES) which tells how much of virtual memory is present in physical memory at the moment | 12:12 |
uber_spaced | bimberi, i get: ssh: Depends: openssh-server but it is not installable | 12:12 |
bimberi | uber_spaced: do you have non-ubuntu repositories enabled? | 12:13 |
Ivan | eobanb do i have to enable wireless connection when i boot with initng? | 12:13 |
czr | zdennis, so RSS should increase when a process gets some of its pages back from swap | 12:13 |
fluvvell | ping | 12:13 |
czr | zdennis, and RSS will decrease normally when pages are swapped to disk | 12:13 |
eobanb_ | Ivan i'm not sure.. | 12:13 |
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sobersabre | hmm/// very very strange things happen to the screensavers in KDe... no IDEA what is with them!!! | 12:14 |
ichigo | hey i have one question and where can i update the ubuntu 5.10 ? | 12:14 |
Ivan | eobanb none of the laps on the card is on | 12:14 |
fluvvell | kameron: lag beguiles the man, computers befumble him | 12:14 |
=== ash_ [n=ash@tardis.mub.unimelb.edu.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kameron | fluvvell haha, what? | 12:14 |
uber_spaced | bimberi, I have univers enabled. | 12:15 |
DjLinX | i installed proftpd and when i type it into a brower i get "Access to the port number has been disabled for security reasons." does anyone know how to fix | 12:15 |
mwe | I though VSZ was just adding data and the stack to the memory needed for the code | 12:15 |
ichigo | i download the update on torrent and i dont see the burner program on this linux | 12:15 |
ichigo | o.0 | 12:15 |
fluvvell | kameron: just trying to get through... | 12:15 |
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kameron | fluvvell: bah, this system is messed. i hate windows. | 12:15 |
bimberi | uber_spaced: that's fine - put your /etc/apt/sources.list on a pastebin (eg. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org ) | 12:16 |
fluvvell | kameron: Im actually using ubuntu strangely enough! | 12:16 |
=== PhilH [n=phil@cpc2-oxfd8-4-0-cust31.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kameron | fluvvell: ORLY?? | 12:17 |
uber_spaced | bimberi, will do. | 12:17 |
lordlucless | Im getting a whole whack of keyboard errors in the kernel logs - Im using a KVM switch. Could that have anything to do with it? | 12:17 |
ichigo | ok | 12:17 |
hmpedersen | Ne1 know someplace to find nice free games that works with ubuntu? | 12:18 |
uber_spaced | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/d5721 | 12:18 |
fluvvell | kameron: how about that proftpd then? | 12:18 |
kameron | lordlucless: i've never had a problem with a KVM acting up in any way. is it a universal type that just port forwards, or does it use fancy drivers, etc? mostly they do not. | 12:18 |
sobersabre | guys... what should I be looking for with my problems with screeensavers with KDE 3.5 | 12:18 |
sobersabre | >? | 12:18 |
mwe | hmpedersen: happypenguin.org | 12:18 |
ichigo | wine is that program allow u play game for free ?? right | 12:18 |
kameron | fluvvell: what was the question again? | 12:18 |
eobanb_ | sobersabre, what problems | 12:19 |
lordlucless | kameron, nah, just bog standard. Its all *working* fine, Im just getting my kernel log flooded with keyboard messages | 12:19 |
kameron | ichigo: not really. it's a program that allows you to run windows programs on linux. you might be thinking of cedega which is an extension of that. | 12:19 |
sobersabre | some of the savers don't work at all, and some take upper half of the monitor ... very very ODD. | 12:19 |
gnomefreak | ichigo, wine allows you to run windows apps in linux (some) | 12:19 |
fluvvell | kameron: he he, I installed proftpd, put an xinetd file in and can't figure out how to start it! Maybe I'm stupid after all | 12:19 |
kameron | lordlucless: that's weird. | 12:19 |
ichigo | ah but i thought wine detect my window game on cd then it will work? o.0 | 12:19 |
kameron | fluvvell you can't start the xinetd file? | 12:19 |
sobersabre | eobanb any ideas ?! | 12:19 |
=== Krhis [n=Krhis@cblcpe-79-205.suite224.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bimberi | uber_spaced: enable (ie. uncomment) the security repositories (last 4 nonblank lines), update and retry | 12:20 |
hmpedersen | mwe, thanx | 12:20 |
eobanb_ | sobersabre, are you using the right drivers for your GPU? | 12:20 |
kameron | ichigo: it's FAR more complex than that. cedega does a better job, but it's not free. | 12:20 |
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ichigo | ooh | 12:20 |
ichigo | alright | 12:20 |
uber_spaced | bimberi, thanks! | 12:20 |
eobanb_ | if you're using the wrong ones then OpenGL ones wont work right | 12:20 |
lordlucless | kameron, mind if I pm you a few lines from the log? | 12:20 |
sobersabre | eobanb I have not touched X. only upgraded to the KDE to 3.5 from kubuntu site. | 12:20 |
bimberi | uber_spaced: not yet, make sure it works first :) | 12:20 |
ichigo | but i need kno else too... umm where can i update 5.10 but i got it on 2.10 | 12:20 |
fluvvell | kameron: no, I've kind of forgotten, its been years since I played with xinetd | 12:21 |
ichigo | also i am download the 5.10 and it dvd | 12:21 |
=== vitopio [n=vitopio@host-84-220-40-214.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sobersabre | I do remember installing libattr and libacl for amarok to compile... could it cause these ?1 | 12:21 |
kameron | lordlucas: i'd say yes, but i have two people having troubles PMing me, i'm not recieving messages. | 12:21 |
=== zenwhen [n=zenwhen@12-222-196-28.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
uber_spaced | bimberi, that fixed it. | 12:21 |
uber_spaced | now, if i could find a caching-nameserver thing that would be great | 12:21 |
kameron | lordlucas: just drop them in ubuntu-offtopic, they probably won't mind. | 12:21 |
eobanb_ | sobersabre, why did you compile amarok? | 12:22 |
uber_spaced | I used to be a red-hat person, switched to ubunto. got my firewall up but need name services. | 12:22 |
lordlucless | ok. Are the people PMing you registered users? This network blocks pms from non-registered users | 12:22 |
fluvvell | uber_space, me too | 12:22 |
kj | hello all.. | 12:22 |
jbroome | uber_spaced: dnsmasq | 12:22 |
uber_spaced | fluvvell, have you found an equivilent to caching-nameserver.something.rpm? | 12:22 |
=== jpoe [n=jpoe@huntersrun-cm-245.usa2net.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bimberi | uber_spaced: great! (sry don't know much about caching nameserers) | 12:22 |
uber_spaced | jbroome, thanks. | 12:22 |
fluvvell | uber_spaced I don't think they have one, I put a full version of bind in, | 12:22 |
bimberi | ^v | 12:23 |
uber_spaced | fluvvell, heh. | 12:23 |
kameron | lordlucas, oh maybe that's it, i really don't know. i don't think i'm registered right now either. i haven't put in pass yet. | 12:23 |
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fluvvell | uberspaced, prolly an overkill but we were doing full dns for a client anyway | 12:23 |
kj | I just updated to breezy this last week. kubuntu is great! but my icons got jacked in ubuntu (gnome).... anyone else seen this after a dist-upgrade from the breezy repos? | 12:23 |
sobersabre | eobanb for pg support. | 12:23 |
uber_spaced | yeah, caching nameserver was kindof sweet; I dont think it was a full-blown bind install; just enough to resolve names. | 12:23 |
kameron | fluvvell: i don't even remember what xinetd files are? man, i'm so rusty. | 12:24 |
=== pitagoras [n=kurumin@201-0-22-97.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sobersabre | eobanb_ are you eobanb or eobanb_ | 12:24 |
sobersabre | ? | 12:24 |
uber_spaced | jbroome, that looks to be pretty sweet; it leads me to believe that DHCP server is running internally... is this true? | 12:24 |
=== chrisx1 [n=chrisx1@spc1-burn2-5-0-cust56.bagu.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jbroome | uber_spaced: it can be if you'd like to use it for dhcp | 12:24 |
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fluvvell | kameron: its ok, philH just got me going in standalone | 12:25 |
sobersabre | uber_spaced what are you talking about ? a wifi-adsl router ? | 12:25 |
uber_spaced | jbroome, is there a doc location for that package? | 12:25 |
bimberi | kj: iirc reselecting a theme in System -> Prefs -> Theme fixes that | 12:25 |
uber_spaced | sobersabre, no, computer w/ 2 network cards doing masq and name services. | 12:25 |
PhilH | ah, you got it :) | 12:25 |
uber_spaced | i dont mind dhcp running on it; makes things kindof easy i guess... | 12:25 |
sobersabre | uber_spaced don't you know what runs where ?!?!?! | 12:25 |
jbroome | uber_spaced: other than a man page and google search, i don't think so. :) | 12:26 |
=== Torez_ [n=Torez@cpc1-blac4-3-1-cust128.manc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kj | thanks bimberi... | 12:26 |
kameron | fluvvell: okay, good. sorry i can't help you too much here. | 12:26 |
uber_spaced | jbroome, thanks; | 12:26 |
bimberi | kj: np :) | 12:26 |
PhilH | Guys, what do i need to do to get DVD burning working under Breezy? | 12:26 |
Torez_ | Yo. I've been scouring around for hours and can't find anything, so I'll ask here. Is there a way I can force Ubuntu to use a certain default gateway? Networking GUI continually reverts back. | 12:26 |
uber_spaced | sobersabre, other distributions have some sort of package documentation repository along with the packages... i was wondering if there was somethign like that. | 12:26 |
u|qos | Rage__: okay ... i read some manuals, the manpage and installed wondershaper. and it works. but i want to manage it for seperate processes ... ftp, samba, etc ... | 12:26 |
humboldt | how can I set an environment var for apache? a persistant one? /etc/environment does not seem to have any effect. Is there something similar or is the only way to edit the ini.d script? | 12:26 |
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uber_spaced | sobersabre, but yes, i do know where stuff runs from where and whatnot. | 12:26 |
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mwe | humboldt: what exactly do you need? | 12:27 |
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kj | bimberi: every thing else has been great. This distro has left fedora in last years dust. | 12:27 |
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humboldt | As I said. I want to set an env for apache. PDFLIBLICENSEFILE=/etc/libpdf-license-key | 12:27 |
TokenBad | stupid damn printer and router..can't get either to work | 12:27 |
Ivan | how do i c the initng boot log | 12:27 |
Ivan | ? | 12:27 |
jbroome | what? | 12:28 |
=== ChaKy [n=chaky@lns02-0274.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PhilH | TokenBad, what's wrong with them? | 12:28 |
fluvvell | kameron: thanks anyway, you cant help everyone - | 12:28 |
TokenBad | well the printer will start to print the test page then stop..but not have anything on the paper | 12:28 |
jbroome | Ivan: dmesg give you what you want? | 12:28 |
sobersabre | uber_spaced are you talking about /usr/share/doc ? | 12:28 |
bimberi | kj: glad you like it | 12:28 |
humboldt | I know I can edit the init.d script and this works fine. but I will have to take care of this on each and every update. | 12:28 |
TokenBad | even though new cartrages | 12:28 |
bimberi | :) | 12:28 |
Ivan | dmesg initNG | 12:28 |
TokenBad | and the router..no idea..no idea how to set the router up under linux | 12:28 |
fluvvell | PhilH, thanks heaps, I was one step off a going system! | 12:28 |
Ivan | !dmesg initNG | 12:28 |
ubotflu | Ivan: What? | 12:28 |
humboldt | mwe: so is there an other method? | 12:28 |
uber_spaced | sobersabre, whatever this distro uses. | 12:29 |
PhilH | fluvvell, heh, no problem | 12:29 |
u|qos | okay ... i read some manuals, the manpage and installed wondershaper. and it works. but i want to manage it for seperate processes ... ftp, samba, etc ... is this possible? | 12:29 |
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sobersabre | hm.. nevermind.\ | 12:29 |
manchine | though i have apache2, libapache2-mod-php4 and php4,firefox still does not recon php files and attempts to dl them. any ideas? | 12:29 |
mwe | humboldt: I'm not sure. I'd put it in the startup script | 12:29 |
Ivan | how do i msg ubutflu | 12:29 |
jbroome | Ivan: /msg ubotflu question | 12:29 |
humboldt | mwe: So be it. | 12:29 |
eobanb_ | sobersabre, i'm both | 12:29 |
PhilH | use /query username | 12:30 |
mwe | humboldt: wait | 12:30 |
jbroome | Ivan: and run dmesg on your machine locallay, not the bot | 12:30 |
humboldt | mwe: what for? | 12:30 |
=== olipaul [n=phendric@host86-134-156-109.range86-134.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
humboldt | mwe: got some new idea? | 12:30 |
mwe | humboldt: I just noticed a /etc/apache2/envvars file. I guess you can put it there | 12:30 |
olipaul | does anyone know what the current state of dapper is? is it usable, basically? | 12:30 |
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humboldt | apache1 | 12:30 |
uber_spaced | anyhow, jbroome , sobersabre , thanks for your help. | 12:31 |
mwe | humboldt: doesn't that have something similar? | 12:31 |
Ivan | sp what do i typ /msg ubitfflu + question | 12:31 |
jbroome | ubotflu: np | 12:31 |
ubotflu | jbroome: What? | 12:31 |
Ivan | where do i use dmsg | 12:31 |
jbroome | crap. | 12:31 |
=== _sebastian [n=sebastia@82-45-40-179.cable.ubr02.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jbroome | Ivan: in a terminal on your machine | 12:31 |
humboldt | mwe: does not look like it | 12:32 |
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myke | what is a good download manger | 12:32 |
myke | ? | 12:32 |
_sebastian | HI I need some help. I have installed Apache and PHP on Linux. got those working. However as for MySQL well. I am trying to connect log in with MySQL administrater, but it won't work. I don't have an actsaul account to log in it seems. and it says MyySQL itelfs owns the permissions for i t. When I try to log in I get this erorr message: | 12:32 |
_sebastian | Ubuntu | 12:33 |
_sebastian | erorr message I am geting is hang on | 12:33 |
Dido-win-clone | If I copy the whole linux drive to a dvd could it work like back up of the system (if I format the drive for example and the if I copy the all the files back)? | 12:33 |
Killer_Smurf | sebatian.... your talking a lamp setup? | 12:33 |
=== blanky [n=blanky@pool-71-104-140-211.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LjL | myke: i use axel, which is a command line tool that can download from multiple mirrors concurrently. it's got a simple KDE frontend too. also, they say prozilla is good, but it's not packaged.' | 12:33 |
olipaul | in ubuntu the fn key can control volume etc, does anyone know what app/deamon is controlling that? | 12:33 |
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_jason | myke, d4x | 12:33 |
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_jason | myke, if you want simple and don't like cli, use a frontend for wget: gwget | 12:34 |
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Torez_ | Ooh, what's SIOCADDRT and where can I edit it..? | 12:34 |
_sebastian | Lamp uhmmmmmm I read about Lamp. Yeah I guess it's a Lamp setup then. well kind of. just downloaded and installed and sorted out with help. Apache and PHP onto my Ubuntu. with a ton of ther programs | 12:34 |
mwe | humboldt: you could look in apachectl to see if it looks for something like that | 12:34 |
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pnoob | HELP need to install GTK+ anyone know how? | 12:36 |
HapyHippy | lo all | 12:36 |
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bimberi | _sebastian: perhaps something here might help - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP | 12:36 |
HapyHippy | n00b help req: when mounting a FAT32 partition I can't get write access, even with sudo | 12:37 |
pnoob | bimberi, can you help me figure out how to inst. some GTK? | 12:37 |
HapyHippy | I even tried turning on sharing in XP, but no difference | 12:37 |
=== winston_ [n=winston@mtl-pppoe-adsl260.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rosen | ok a quickie before bedtime ... how do I erase a file (as root) in terminal ? | 12:37 |
_sebastian | ok MySQL error message I am getting when I try to log in: Could not connect to host ''. MySQL Er Nr. 1130 #HY00Host 'localhost.localdomain' is not allowed to connect to | 12:37 |
MickMcMack | sudo rm file | 12:37 |
MickMcMack | ? | 12:37 |
_sebastian | this MySQL server | 12:37 |
dooglus | rosen: "rm <file>" | 12:37 |
LjL | pnoob: gtk is installed by default in Ubuntu, as it's the engine that runs your whole graphical interface | 12:37 |
pnoob | rosen, you just rm <filename> or sudo rm <filename> | 12:37 |
_sebastian | Check the ping blah blah to see if it is a network problem | 12:38 |
rosen | great :) thanks both of you | 12:38 |
winston_ | how to I get my smtpd to start on boot so I can send mail (does it need config?) | 12:38 |
pnoob | LjL, this is great, how come I don't get anything when I 'which gtk' ? | 12:38 |
PhilH | so, DVD burning under breezy, how do i do this? | 12:38 |
fluvvell | HappyHippy, how are you mounting the drive? | 12:39 |
rosen | mm ... then what if it's a directory ? | 12:39 |
LjL | pnoob: i guess it's because "which" locates commands, and gtk is not a command... it's a set of libraries | 12:39 |
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dooglus | pnoob: because 'which' locates binaries, and gtk is a library | 12:39 |
bimberi | pnoob: try "locate gtk" | 12:39 |
HapyHippy | mount /dev/hda3 /mnt/thisisatest | 12:39 |
rosen | odly enough I dont get the chance to type my root password when I use the gui | 12:39 |
dooglus | rosen: "rm -r" will remove recursively | 12:39 |
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Tybalt | can someone help me | 12:39 |
pnoob | LjL, thanks for the help, so obvious now. | 12:39 |
Krhis | Ask away Tybalt | 12:39 |
fluvvell | HappyHippy, and the folder under /mnt exists right? | 12:39 |
rosen | so .. sudo rm -r <name> | 12:40 |
eobanb_ | Tybalt, what's the problem | 12:40 |
dooglus | rosen: yeah | 12:40 |
HapyHippy | :-) yeah | 12:40 |
HapyHippy | can access np | 12:40 |
MickMcMack | rosen, sudo rm -rf name (doesn't prompt) | 12:40 |
Tybalt | do you happen to try to install maya 7.0 on ubuntu | 12:40 |
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rosen | aaaah | 12:40 |
LjL | pnoob: well, anyway, what do you need to do? | 12:40 |
dooglus | rosen: -f will "force" the removal - it won't ask 'are you sure you want to remove' or anything | 12:40 |
fluvvell | HappyHippy, does mount give an output? | 12:40 |
rosen | sweet relief | 12:40 |
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HapyHippy | in terminal? no | 12:40 |
bimberi | rosen: take extreme care with <name> | 12:40 |
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HapyHippy | IIRC | 12:40 |
HapyHippy | will redo... | 12:40 |
dooglus | HapyHippy: this is a problem that I've seen here 4 times in the last day | 12:40 |
rosen | oh it's gone now ... dead and gone ... such a relief :D | 12:40 |
fluvvell | HapyHippy, you could use -o rw | 12:40 |
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Tybalt | i have rpm's of the maya | 12:41 |
dooglus | HapyHippy: I don't know if anyone found a solution yet | 12:41 |
Tybalt | how do i install it | 12:41 |
fluvvell | dooglus, problems mounting fat32 drives? | 12:41 |
pnoob | LjL, I'm installing some dev/alpha ware and this stuff is required. Figured getting in as deep over my head is a good way to learn fast. | 12:41 |
PhilH | why are you hunting for GTK? | 12:41 |
u|qos | can i limit the vsftpd upload speed for each user individually? | 12:41 |
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dooglus | fluvvell: the problem is that the fat drives get mounted "rw", but cannot be written. attempting to write says "read-only filesystem". any idea? | 12:42 |
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pnoob | LjL, do you build sources under this Ubuntu stuff? | 12:42 |
fluvvell | HapyHippy, silly question number 3: you can read folders in the drive ok? | 12:42 |
xandor | What is the name of the mac OS X for x86 architecture? Does anyone here know? | 12:42 |
pnoob | PhilH, I'm req. to have a certain version of it, that's all. | 12:42 |
=== ubuntud [n=ubuntu@h8441140025.dsl.speedlinq.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HapyHippy | fluvvell - yup | 12:42 |
bogafff | am having a problem with the screen,. its all wobbly and i cant change resolutions | 12:42 |
Tybalt | i have amdx2 64 | 12:42 |
LjL | pnoob: to build sources that use GTK, you don't just need GTK, but also the dev packages of GTK | 12:43 |
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dooglus | HapyHippy: what does "mount | grep -i fat" show? | 12:43 |
Tybalt | and i want to install maya 7.0 | 12:43 |
winston_ | Can anyone help me to get started sending mail? I figure I need to start the smtpd somehow...?!? | 12:43 |
frogzoo | I have just one stoopid windows prog that calls a vxd - so wine wont handle it - the alternative is an emulator - which is the best? vmware/win4lin commercial - qemu, bochs GPL? | 12:43 |
LjL | qemu | 12:43 |
Tybalt | can someone help install | 12:43 |
LjL | !tell pnoob about auto-apt | 12:43 |
Krhis | bogafff, what video card are you using? | 12:43 |
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HapyHippy | /dev/hda3 on /mnt/thisisatest type vfat (rw) | 12:43 |
Krhis | Might need drivers. | 12:43 |
bogafff | sis mobo integrated | 12:43 |
dooglus | frogzoo: win4lin is very good if all you need is windows 98. the win4lin pro thing sucks | 12:43 |
pnoob | LjL, the sources I'm building are not gtk they just run with/on it ... do I still need the unstable packages of gtk? | 12:43 |
LjL | pnoob: the program ubotflu is pointing you to can help finding the dev packages that are required to compile a given program | 12:43 |
bogafff | km400 | 12:44 |
dooglus | pnoob: you need the "-dev" versions of the gtk libs | 12:44 |
LjL | pnoob: you do need the GTK dev packages. i don't think you need any unstable ones, though! | 12:44 |
Krhis | Have you set your montiors H/V in x.org? | 12:44 |
Seveas | !seen cafuego | 12:44 |
ubotflu | cafuego <n=cafuego_@ppp83-238.lns2.mel3.internode.on.net> was last seen on IRC in channel #ubuntu, 1h 15m 49s ago, saying: '!ndiswrapper'. | 12:44 |
=== Phinite [n=SW@s209-121-68-99.bc.hsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Seveas | !help | 12:44 |
bogafff | how to? | 12:44 |
Tybalt | how do i install rpm base packages on ubuntu ? | 12:44 |
Hobbsee | !alien | 12:44 |
ubotflu | alien is, like, a program to convert RPMs to DEBs. Can give problems. Website: http://www.kitenet.net/programs/alien/ | 12:44 |
jbroome | What can we help you with Seveas? :) | 12:45 |
LjL | frogzoo: wine is fastest. qemu comes second, i guess. qemu can become quite fast with the optional "accelerator", but that's closed source (though free) | 12:45 |
frogzoo | Tybalt: typically u dont ... | 12:45 |
fluvvell | HapyHippy, what output does fdisk -lu give? | 12:45 |
eobanb_ | Tybalt, what is the software in question | 12:45 |
Tybalt | Maya 7.0 | 12:45 |
HapyHippy | none | 12:45 |
dooglus | fluvvell: it's mounted already.. | 12:45 |
Tybalt | Alias Maya 7.0 eobanb | 12:45 |
Phinite | I need to do a search replace in vi and insert a newline that will be visible in Windows... how do I do that? | 12:45 |
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Tybalt | on the site of maya it only supports rh & fedora | 12:46 |
pnoob | dooglus, LjL, is there a centralized way of finding the right gtk-dev stuff? | 12:46 |
blanky | blender 3d | 12:46 |
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Krhis | bogafff, looks like you'll need to add your HorizSync and VertSync settings in /etc/X11/xorg.conf. | 12:46 |
frogzoo | thx dooglus, LjL | 12:46 |
Tybalt | so is there a way i can install it ? | 12:46 |
fluvvell | dooglus, good point | 12:46 |
LjL | pnoob: "apt-cache search" i suppose you mean? | 12:46 |
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Krhis | Do you know what they are? | 12:46 |
bimberi | Tybalt: use alien | 12:46 |
Phinite | well, I don't need to do it in vi, I could do it with bash I suppose | 12:46 |
Tybalt | done that | 12:46 |
Phinite | that might be easier | 12:46 |
fluvvell | HapyHippy, what type is your /dev/hda1 | 12:46 |
=== stefan [n=stefan@p54AC97DA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dooglus | pnoob: I would "sudo apt-get build-dep gnome-terminal" or some such. that will install a whole bunch of development libraries. | 12:47 |
rickest | Phinite: :%s/\n/\r\n/ | 12:47 |
eobanb_ | Tybalt, did you try talking to Alias about it? | 12:47 |
HapyHippy | NTFS, and no way I can reformat - works laptop | 12:47 |
Phinite | trying that now rick, thanks | 12:47 |
Quizzer | where can i find a good ssh client for ubuntu | 12:47 |
eobanb_ | Quizzer, apt-get install ssh | 12:47 |
Tybalt | eobanb, not yet | 12:47 |
dooglus | HapyHippy: what do you see if you "ls -ld /mnt/thisisatest" ? | 12:47 |
LjL | dooglus: i would rather use auto-apt if it were for me | 12:47 |
dooglus | LjL: I never heard of it | 12:47 |
Tybalt | how do i use root on ubuntu ? | 12:47 |
bogafff | oi sudo aint working either | 12:48 |
eobanb_ | !sudo | 12:48 |
ubotflu | somebody said sudo was the command to get superuser privileges, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo | 12:48 |
=== BeGu [n=BeGu@cs164149.pp.htv.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HapyHippy | drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 8192 1970-01-01 01:00 /mnt/thisisatest | 12:48 |
Krhis | Tybalt, you can "sudo su" | 12:48 |
LjL | dooglus: apt-cache show auto-apt. it's quite handy, see also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutoApt | 12:48 |
dooglus | HapyHippy: can you write to the FAT drive if you become root first? | 12:48 |
bimberi | Quizzer: openssh-client is installed by default | 12:48 |
=== chemisus [n=chemisus@pcp09463696pcs.ctftmy01.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LjL | Krhis, Tybalt: "sudo -i" is usually better than "sudo su" | 12:48 |
dooglus | HapyHippy: "sudo -s" to become root | 12:48 |
bogafff | i have just installed ubuntu,. maybe i screwed up somewhere? | 12:48 |
=== aqfn [n=daniel@adsl-69-232-45-250.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tybalt | thnx Krhis | 12:49 |
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Krhis | Ah yes. Forgot. | 12:49 |
Krhis | Enjoy. | 12:49 |
aqfn | hi | 12:49 |
pnoob | dooglus, what will this sudo apt-get build-dep gnome-terminal do? | 12:49 |
bogafff | i ll reinstall | 12:49 |
frogzoo | Tybalt: you can do everything mostly with sudo - no need to run root in the gui | 12:49 |
chrisx1 | any1 have any ideas why mplayer doesnt play sound? | 12:49 |
HapyHippy | aha! | 12:49 |
aqfn | is there any way to repair a parition table >? | 12:49 |
Tybalt | yeah sori | 12:49 |
dooglus | pnoob: it will install all the development packages you need to build gnome-terminal | 12:49 |
MickMcMack | aqfn, there should be. | 12:49 |
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Tybalt | been using the su | 12:49 |
frogzoo | !tell chrisx1 about restricted | 12:49 |
Ivan | chrisx1 use -ao oss | 12:49 |
Tybalt | and it doesnt work | 12:49 |
Tybalt | eheheh | 12:49 |
aqfn | how to | 12:49 |
Tybalt | sorry | 12:49 |
dooglus | HapyHippy: if that worked, you should remount the partition, as follows: | 12:49 |
pnoob | dooglus, so I could swap other things in for gnome-terminal?? | 12:49 |
LjL | pnoob: it will install all the -dev packages that are required to compile gnome-terminal. since gnome-terminal is a Gnome (and thus a GTK) application, it will certainly install the GTK dev packages. only problem, it will probably also install a ton of other stuff | 12:50 |
frogzoo | Tybalt: sudo - not su | 12:50 |
chrisx1 | Ivan: where and how? | 12:50 |
diesel | pnoob: yes | 12:50 |
dooglus | HapyHippy: sudo mount -o remount,umask=0 /mnt/thisisatest | 12:50 |
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dooglus | pnoob: sure. | 12:50 |
pnoob | LjL, this other stuff wouldn't cause probs would it ... just be baggage? | 12:50 |
LjL | pnoob: yes | 12:50 |
=== pitagoras [n=kurumin@201-0-22-97.dsl.telesp.net.br] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
MickMcMack | ~testdisk is A program that can help recover lost or damaged partition tables: http://www.cgsecurity.org/index.html?testdisk.html | 12:50 |
MickMcMack | Bah, how do you add a factoid? :( | 12:51 |
LjL | pnoob: if you take note of what was installed, you can just remove it later when you've finished compiling. | 12:51 |
dooglus | ubotu, testdisk is a program blah blah blah | 12:51 |
HapyHippy | done, no feedback and rights are still 755 | 12:51 |
MickMcMack | dooglus, is ubotflu ubotu ? | 12:51 |
dooglus | MickMcMack: I don't know | 12:51 |
dooglus | !paste | 12:51 |
ubotflu | I heard paste is please use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ or #flood to paste large amounts of text | 12:51 |
pnoob | LjL, being a p-noob I doubt I'd know what to remove, huh? | 12:52 |
MickMcMack | dooglus, thanks. :) | 12:52 |
dooglus | ubotflu, testdisk is a program blah blah blah | 12:52 |
ubotflu | dooglus: okay | 12:52 |
frogzoo | ubotflu - lol | 12:52 |
ubotflu | frogzoo: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about | 12:52 |
dooglus | ubotflu, no testdisk is a program blah blah blah | 12:52 |
ubotflu | i already had it that way, dooglus | 12:52 |
MickMcMack | ubotflu, forget testdisk | 12:52 |
ubotflu | MickMcMack: i forgot testdisk | 12:52 |
MickMcMack | ubotflu testdisk is a program that can help recover lost or damaged partition tables: http://www.cgsecurity.org/index.html?testdisk.html | 12:52 |
ubotflu | MickMcMack: okay | 12:52 |
LjL | pnoob: well, "apt-get build-dep gnome-terminal" will *tell* you what is being installed, so that will be what you will (or might) want to remove ;-) | 12:52 |
fluvvell | HapyHippy, looks like the mount is happenning as root with no -o user option | 12:52 |
eobanb_ | !testdisk | 12:52 |
ubotflu | extra, extra, read all about it, testdisk is a program that can help recover lost or damaged partition tables: http://www.cgsecurity.org/index.html?testdisk.html | 12:52 |
eobanb_ | good. | 12:52 |
MickMcMack | !tell aqfn about testdisk | 12:52 |
LjL | pnoob: of course, you can leave it all installed if you prefer. but it might take quite a bit of space, like some hunded megabytes | 12:53 |
=== MickMcMack hands ubotflu a tissue. | ||
aqfn | oo | 12:53 |
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HapyHippy | fluvvell - I must have learned a lot this week, that made sense :p | 12:53 |
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HapyHippy | so other than sudo -s, is there any other work around you know of? | 12:54 |
PhilH | can anyone help me with DVD burning? | 12:54 |
MickMcMack | aqfn, did that help? | 12:54 |
HapyHippy | and how do I go back to normal user? | 12:54 |
skierkegaard | how do i configure a wireless card | 12:54 |
dooglus | HapyHippy: try: sudo mount -o remount,umask=0,uid=1000 /mnt/thisisatest | 12:54 |
LjL | HapyHippy: type exit | 12:54 |
frogzoo | philh just ask your question - leap in | 12:54 |
dooglus | HapyHippy: you just "exit2 to go back | 12:54 |
Krhis | PhilH, What do you need help with? | 12:54 |
dooglus | "exit" | 12:54 |
dooglus | HapyHippy: control-d would do it too | 12:54 |
aqfn | trying | 12:54 |
Tybalt | thnx | 12:54 |
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HapyHippy | dooglus - same result, no feedback, 755 | 12:55 |
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dooglus | HapyHippy: what do you see from "mount | grep -i fat" now? | 12:55 |
lewix | how can I play streaming video ? | 12:55 |
MickMcMack | aqfn, if you have totally borked it, I would recommend using something like the INSERT livecd, that is specially made for system recovery. | 12:55 |
pnoob | LjL, I'm miffed, I ran apt-get build-dep gnome-terminal and got 'unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/) is anotherprocess using it?' | 12:55 |
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mocca | hey | 12:55 |
MickMcMack | pnoob, sudo ? | 12:55 |
frogzoo | lewix: install gxine & restricted codecs | 12:55 |
PhilH | well, i've just burned a DVD+R using K3B, when i try to import the session in K3B it informs me that there are no sessions to import, and gnomebaker gives me an error message | 12:55 |
_jason | lewix, have you tried mplayer? | 12:55 |
pnoob | LjL, shute, I have synaptic on, will try again | 12:55 |
aqfn | ok thanks | 12:55 |
dooglus | pnoob: you need to exit synaptic, apt-get, and anything else like that first | 12:55 |
HapyHippy | /dev/hda3 on /mnt/thisisatest type vfat (rw,umask=0,umask=0,uid=1000) | 12:55 |
zdennis | anyone in the mood to help me setup port forwarding with iptables ? | 12:56 |
skierkegaard | my wireless card is listed as not configured | 12:56 |
skierkegaard | what do i do? | 12:56 |
dooglus | pnoob: you also need to use 'sudo' | 12:56 |
aqfn | my partitions still work, just that the table is shot | 12:56 |
lewix | frogzoo, gxine ? where can I find it + the restricted codecs | 12:56 |
pnoob | dooglus, I DID use sudo, i just had synaptic running by mistake | 12:56 |
frogzoo | !tell lewix about restricted | 12:56 |
lewix | _jason, nope, totem is the one set by default | 12:56 |
mocca | someone can answer me a wlan question? | 12:56 |
dooglus | HapyHippy: what if you "sudo umount /mnt/thisisatest" | 12:56 |
frogzoo | lewix: sudo apg-get install gxine | 12:56 |
_jason | lewix, mplayer works well for me, so you may want to test it out and see | 12:56 |
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dooglus | HapyHippy: and then mount it again: "sudo mount -o rw,umask=0,uid=1000 /dev/hda3 /mnt/thisisatest" | 12:57 |
chrisx1 | any1 have any ideas why mplayer doesnt play sound? | 12:57 |
frogzoo | chrisx1: have you chosen media source? (& turned up the volume/plugged it in?) | 12:57 |
PHR023N | i'm trying to optimize my hdparm for my Seagate 40 GB Model=ST340014A | 12:57 |
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HapyHippy | w00t | 12:58 |
_jason | chrisx1, did you set it to use esd if you are indeed using esd? | 12:58 |
HapyHippy | 777 :-D | 12:58 |
PhilH | the last message from gnomebaker's output is cdrecord: Cannot read session offset | 12:58 |
pnoob | LjL, turns out to be 55 MB ... don't know if I should proceed yet. Are you saying that these packages (for gnome-terminal) will probably overlap well with the other stuff I need to be running for the gtk-dev stuf to work? | 12:58 |
PHR023N | can anyone help? | 12:58 |
chrisx1 | frogzoo: yes was working on other dvds | 12:58 |
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dooglus | HapyHippy: I'm wondering whether it was working already, and you just needed to open a new terminal. I'm not sure. | 12:58 |
pnoob | ALL -- what's the size of ubuntu base install? | 12:58 |
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LjL | pnoob: most probably they will. care if i query you and explain how this stuff works in some more detail? | 12:59 |
frogzoo | pnoob: will fit in 10gb | 12:59 |
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Dido-win-clone | pnoob 1.5gb is the size but on my 2gb hdd it didn't install | 12:59 |
!Md:*! our australian server is disappeared, along with the sponsoring network. maybe we could use another australian server. for more information about sponsoring a freenode IRC server please look at http://freenode.net/ | 12:59 | |
HapyHippy | it def. wasn't when I logged on here. Tried opening and closing terminal, using file browser as well | 12:59 |
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pnoob | frogzoo, that's insanely huge! | 12:59 |
HapyHippy | although I never tried it with option tags before | 12:59 |
frogzoo | Dido-win-clone: the installl likes a lot of space for /var when installing | 12:59 |
chrisx1 | _jason: i choose esd ty it works | 12:59 |
=== roy__ [n=roy@212.Red-83-37-177.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dooglus | pnoob: it fits on 1 CD, so I doubt it's anything like 10Gb... | 01:00 |
_jason | chrisx1, i suppose you are using gmplayer with the gui? | 01:00 |
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frogzoo | pnoob: I just wanted to set an upper figure | 01:00 |
pnoob | LjL, don't understand what you're asking in your 'query' | 01:00 |
HapyHippy | next question (last one for now)... | 01:00 |
chrisx1 | _jason: i get an error | 01:00 |
chrisx1 | and it disables sound | 01:00 |
zim | hi all | 01:00 |
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_jason | chrisx1, who what when where? | 01:00 |
Dido-win-clone | frogzoo is it possible to copy my current installation threr? | 01:00 |
zim | jukst a quick q | 01:00 |
bimberi | pnoob: more like 1.5gb but having seen dido-win-clone's post it must have a high-water-mark over 2gb during the install | 01:00 |
chrisx1 | using mplayer _jason | 01:00 |
HapyHippy | any ideas why, when I connect my wifi to my own router the whole system freezes after a couple of minutes | 01:00 |
roy__ | alguien espaol | 01:00 |
frogzoo | pnoob: actually, I've done a full install inside 4gb no probs | 01:00 |
dooglus | I've been using ubuntu for a year now and it still fits in 5.3Gb | 01:00 |
_jason | chrisx1, mplayer, not gmplayer right? | 01:00 |
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HapyHippy | but if I connect at work, or to my neighbour's wifi all is fine? | 01:00 |
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HapyHippy | Intel 2200BG | 01:00 |
chrisx1 | yes mplayer | 01:00 |
_jason | ubotflu, tell chrisx1 about mplayer | 01:01 |
_jason | chrisx1, read towards the bottom, it will tell you where to setup esd for mplayer | 01:01 |
rickest | I'm installing 5.10 onto an old 4.3GB hard drive (total) as we speak | 01:01 |
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zim | trying to automate somthing | 01:01 |
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chrisx1 | _jason: sound workks now i get error to many video packets in the buffer | 01:01 |
frogzoo | Dido-win-clone: not sure what u mean? | 01:02 |
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chrisx1 | _jason: think i fixed it ty | 01:02 |
_jason | chrisx1, umm ok, what did you do out of curiousity? | 01:02 |
chrisx1 | nope same | 01:02 |
_sebastian | Do I need to start MySQL before I even try and log in as a user? If so how do I start it first? and since I just instaled it do I even have an account? I try to log in and I carn't. and according to this thing I need MySQL started first. | 01:02 |
_sebastian | To do so, start the server, then issue the following commands: | 01:03 |
Dido-win-clone | frogzoo i've installed on other hdd now, could i copy this installation on the 2gb disc (it's 1.7gb~ now) | 01:03 |
_sebastian | /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password' | 01:03 |
_sebastian | /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root -h ubuntu password 'new-password' | 01:03 |
_sebastian | See the manual for more instructions. | 01:03 |
chrisx1 | _jason: sound is working just the buffer | 01:03 |
Kindred | Hi, someone recommended I install a 686 kernel to fix a hardware problem i'm having, I currently have an amd64 kernel so would doing this break software and stuff? I am hesitant to try it because I don't really know the consequences. | 01:03 |
_jason | chrisx1, mind pastbinning the exact output? | 01:03 |
LjL | pnoob: you should have a new window or tab in your irc client with my nickname on it | 01:03 |
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HapyHippy | no ideas? Thanks to dooglus and fluvvell for prob #1 tho :D | 01:03 |
chrisx1 | i told u the output:o | 01:03 |
zim | $hcitool scan returns: 00:00:00:00:00:00:00 phone name | 01:03 |
chrisx1 | _jason: sound workks now i get error to many video packets in the buffer | 01:04 |
=== Goldfish [n=gregturn@user-0calf26.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
frogzoo | _sebastian: sure - you'll need to move everything - including symlinks & device files (cpio/dump - some people have done it with tar) - then you'll need to reinstall grub & you re done | 01:04 |
dooglus | HapyHippy: sorry, no. I only set ubuntu up with wifi once and it went fine. | 01:04 |
chrisx1 | _jason: ill try in console | 01:04 |
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HapyHippy | will try the forums, and pop back here next time I hit a wall (50 says it'll be 15 min tops :p) | 01:04 |
zim | how do i isolate the mac address to use on the next line rfcomm bind 0 macaddress 4 | 01:04 |
_sebastian | lol frogzoo what you on about. Grub has got nothing to do with MySQL | 01:05 |
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warren_ | any ppc people here | 01:05 |
zim | has anyone folowed what i nees | 01:05 |
zim | has anyone folowed what i need? | 01:05 |
frogzoo | Dido-win-clone: sure - you'll need to move everything - including symlinks & device files (cpio/dump - some people have done it with tar) - then you'll need to reinstall grub & you re done | 01:05 |
eobanb_ | warren_, yes | 01:05 |
frogzoo | _sebastian: sry dude | 01:05 |
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chrisx1 | !pastebin | 01:05 |
ubotflu | pastebin is, like, a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 01:05 |
bimberi | Kindred: I'm not an expert on this but i am similarly skeptical. As i understand it you have to be all 32bit or all 64bit (chroot environments aside) | 01:06 |
warren_ | eobanb: when i last got my ppc copy they only sent me a install cd | 01:06 |
_sebastian | wrong person hummmm | 01:06 |
warren_ | eobanb: i heard they have live ppc cds now | 01:06 |
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warren_ | is that true ? | 01:06 |
zim | help :( | 01:06 |
eobanb_ | yes, i think it is | 01:06 |
eobanb_ | !livecd | 01:06 |
ubotflu | livecd is probably useful for playing with or trying out (k)ubuntu without installing it or making any changes to your system. grab one from the download page at http://www.ubuntulinux.org or request via ship-it. | 01:06 |
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wastrel | hi! where do i point my /dev/pilot symlink so pilot-link can see my usb palm? | 01:06 |
zim | lost sole needs some scripting help | 01:06 |
Kindred | bimberi, hm ok thanks. | 01:06 |
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Krhis | Yes, zim? | 01:07 |
eobanb_ | warren_, http://mirror.mcs.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/5.10/ | 01:07 |
Dido-win-clone | frogzoo just copying all files from the drive and reinstalling grub does it ? | 01:07 |
_sebastian | Do I need to start MySQL before I even try and log in as a user? If so how do I start it first? and since I just instaled it do I even have an account? I try to log in and I carn't. and according to the set a MyySQL root password thing I need to have MySQL started first | 01:07 |
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zim | if i get "00:00:00:00:00 freds phone" | 01:07 |
zim | how do i filter that so its just the mac address | 01:08 |
wastrel | mmm zim | 01:08 |
wastrel | it is a good cartoon | 01:08 |
dooglus | _sebastian: "sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start" or some such? | 01:08 |
PhilH | so, any thoughts on DVD burning? | 01:08 |
dooglus | zim: "awk '{print $1}'" | 01:08 |
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pnoob | ALL -- want to get Athlon 64 rocking UBUNTU any mainboard + cpu recommendations? | 01:08 |
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chrisx1 | _jason: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5722 | 01:08 |
_jeff | hey guys | 01:08 |
Krhis | Hi, jeff. | 01:09 |
eobanb_ | pnoob, depends on your price range and needs. | 01:09 |
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pnoob | _jason, and gals!!! | 01:09 |
myke | hello | 01:09 |
Goldfish | pnoob: I recommend an AMD64 processor....heheh. Actually, I have AMD64 3200+ on my mythtv box. | 01:09 |
myke | anyone here use gyach? | 01:09 |
_jeff | i keep getting this error during the configure stage of my installations from source: | 01:09 |
bimberi | Kindred: perhaps the "someone" thought you were currently in the 386 kernel - because 386 to 686 is fine | 01:09 |
_jason | chrisx1, does this happen with other movie files? | 01:09 |
pnoob | eobanb, Willing to build it, so thinking a 150 mainboard and 200 chip should be the limit. | 01:09 |
frogzoo | Dido-win-clone: no - you'll need to copy the file systems - if you just copy, you'll come to grief on the device files & symlinks | 01:09 |
eobanb_ | _jeff, what installations? | 01:09 |
chrisx1 | umm | 01:09 |
Krhis | I have a AMD64 3200+ on this box right now. | 01:09 |
myke | when trying to view webcams i get a error that gyach-webcam is not there | 01:09 |
chrisx1 | _jason: i aint really watched many on here | 01:09 |
pnoob | Goldfish, what's the mainboard? | 01:10 |
n|qos | how do i completly disable wondershaper? | 01:10 |
Ummu | how do I copy the contents of .bin files into a CD? | 01:10 |
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dooglus | zim: did that answer your question? | 01:10 |
_jason | chrisx1, did you set video output to 'xv'? | 01:10 |
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frogzoo | Dido-win-clone: what you want is a backup tool - dump/cpio/or tar - to migrate the file system(s) | 01:10 |
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TokenBad | PhilH, I got it working | 01:10 |
_sebastian | says it is already running hummmmmmm. right i'll try those other commands again | 01:10 |
_jeff | i keep getting this error during the configure stage of my installations from source: | 01:10 |
dr_willis | Ummu, i belive k3b can burn cue/bin files | 01:10 |
TokenBad | it was something really really stupid | 01:10 |
chrisx1 | _jason: what u mean? | 01:10 |
PhilH | cool, how? | 01:10 |
_jeff | checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths! | 01:10 |
zim | yes great | 01:10 |
eobanb_ | _jeff, what are you trying to compile | 01:10 |
zim | ty | 01:10 |
TokenBad | the damn uplink button on the router got pushed in | 01:10 |
myke | anyone | 01:10 |
Ummu | dr_willis: Yes, it can, but I don't want to install all those libraries for k3b | 01:10 |
myke | ? | 01:10 |
PhilH | heh | 01:10 |
Dido-win-clone | frogzoo uh.. i dont understand anything ;[ screw it | 01:10 |
dr_willis | Ummu, time to do some googling then I guess. | 01:11 |
_jeff | eobanb: im trying to compile kmetabar from source | 01:11 |
pnoob | IS there an UBUNTU hardware IRC??? | 01:11 |
_jason | chrisx1, try: mplayer -ao esd -vo xv nameofmoviefile | 01:11 |
TokenBad | now if I can just get the printer to work | 01:11 |
haypo | hi! gam_server is eating a lot of memory and cpu, how can I kill him or configure it to don't notify anything!? (I'm using Kubuntu with KDE 3.5) | 01:11 |
cody | hey,I'm having problems with my ubuntu; for some reason it doesn't seem to update and itt thinks I am not the owner can anyone help me I am confused :S | 01:11 |
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frogzoo | _sebastian: I'm not sure - but it sounds like the mssql daemon runs as a unix user - so set the password (ie /etc/passwd type passwd) | 01:11 |
Ummu | dr_willis: Ok. Would you like to know the result, or shall I just go away? | 01:11 |
PhilH | well, good luck with that | 01:11 |
zim | 00:00:00 foo | 01:11 |
Goldfish | pnoob: I got mainboard http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16813123230 and CPU http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.asp?Submit=Suggested&Description=19-103 | 01:11 |
zim | 00:00:01 foo | 01:11 |
dooglus | haypo: "pkill gam_server" | 01:11 |
zim | 00:00:03 bar | 01:11 |
=== Shachaf [n=Shachaf@c66-235-25-227.sea2.cablespeed.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_sebastian | yes at the moment I got a MySQL that has permissions that belongs to MySQL | 01:12 |
dr_willis | Ummu, i use k3b :P it blows all other toos away for my needs - i DO belive ive seen some cue/bin --> iso converter programs out.. but ive not used them. | 01:12 |
lewix | hey | 01:12 |
dooglus | zim: what are you trying to tell us? | 01:12 |
Goldfish | mysql kicks off as root, and then forks a process to run as mysql. Because root is doing this, it doessn't need any password support. | 01:12 |
dr_willis | Ummu, may want to check freshmeat.net | 01:12 |
Ummu | dr_willis: cdrdao seems to work | 01:12 |
TokenBad | well here is one for you PhilH it went through the proccess of printing the test page all the way to the end | 01:12 |
chrisx1 | _jason: ty works(Y) | 01:12 |
eobanb_ | _jeff, is this what you're talking about? http://packages.ubuntu.com/breezy/kde/metabar | 01:12 |
pnoob | Goldfish, is this a rockin system? | 01:12 |
TokenBad | but nothing at all on the page | 01:12 |
zim | ie it find 3 phone and i want to do the same to all 3 | 01:12 |
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lewix | ltiverse gstreamer0.8-ffmpeg | 01:12 |
lewix | Reading package lists... Done | 01:12 |
lewix | Building dependency tree... Done | 01:12 |
lewix | E: Couldn't find package gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse | 01:12 |
lewix | what's wrong ? | 01:12 |
=== panzer [n=panzer@66-8-223-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zim | bluetooth has some flaws | 01:13 |
_jason | chrisx1, set xv as the default video output in gmplayer using preferences and do the same in the configuration file for mplayer | 01:13 |
dr_willis | Ummu, yea.. im thinking there may be some 'issues' dependng on the bin/cue. conmfiguration | 01:13 |
_jason | chrisx1, that's the output you should be using anyhow | 01:13 |
_jeff | eobanb: yeah, only its been modified a bit | 01:13 |
frogzoo | Goldfish: is it necessary to run mysql as root? or just convenient? | 01:13 |
pnoob | Is there an IRC for UBUNTU HARDWARE??? | 01:13 |
eobanb_ | _jeff, is this what you're talking about? http://packages.ubuntu.com/breezy/kde/metabar | 01:13 |
eobanb_ | okay... | 01:13 |
chrisx1 | _jason: its out of sync | 01:13 |
_jason | pnoob, no | 01:13 |
frogzoo | pnoob: I dont think so | 01:13 |
Ummu | dr_willis: it seems that k3b is a cdrdao frontend, so... it might work | 01:13 |
Goldfish | pnoob: Well, I use it for all my mythtv recording. I records all my shows into a mpeg4 without loading the CPU more than maybe 30%. HDTV decoding pushes it up higher, I don't use it for gaming or doing flashplayer stuff. Pretty good to me. | 01:13 |
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_jason | chrisx1, add the -framdrop switch and see if it goes away | 01:13 |
eobanb_ | is there any reason why you cant use the version in the repository, _jeff ? | 01:13 |
Ummu | dr_willis: but people make frontends for it for a reason. :P | 01:13 |
dr_willis | Ummu, yea.. i just saw cuetools - tools for manipulating CUE/TOC files - also.. | 01:13 |
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_jason | chrisx1, typo: -framedrop | 01:13 |
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eagleye | Has anyone seen malkavain? | 01:13 |
zim | if you "rfcomm bind 0 macaddress 17" on some phones you dont need to pair of auth | 01:14 |
pnoob | Goldfish, ever crash the box? | 01:14 |
_sebastian | since I got rid of previous version formatted of Ubuntu the other day. and been doing Apache and PHP last two days. and now MySQL. I still only got just the default Ubuntu account with some admin pprivildgess. maybe I I | 01:14 |
frogzoo | !last malkavain | 01:14 |
ubotflu | Syntax error in line 1, frogzoo | 01:14 |
dr_willis | Ummu, yep. :P nothing like missing a single option you needed... | 01:14 |
frogzoo | !lastseen malkavain | 01:14 |
ubotflu | frogzoo: Syntax error in line 1 | 01:14 |
_sebastian | should set up an actasul root account is that what you were saying dougless to do? | 01:14 |
Goldfish | frogzoo: There should be some /etc/init.d/mysql boot script. Boot scripts are always run as root. Typically, different applications are configured to run their main threads as somebody else. Like "nobody" for an apache web server. | 01:14 |
eobanb_ | !seen maklavain | 01:14 |
ubotflu | eobanb_: i haven't seen 'maklavain' | 01:14 |
cody | hey,I'm having problems with my ubuntu; for some reason it doesn't seem to update and itt thinks I am not the owner can anyone help me I am confused :S | 01:14 |
eobanb_ | er | 01:14 |
chrisx1 | _jason: its still there | 01:14 |
eobanb_ | !seen malkavain | 01:14 |
ubotflu | eobanb_: i haven't seen 'malkavain' | 01:14 |
dr_willis | cody, are you runnng as the inital user you made? | 01:14 |
wastrel | hi hi, anyone know what USB device i should point my /dev/pilot symlink to so pilot-link can see my palm ? | 01:14 |
zim | you then can do stuff use at commands top do stuff | 01:14 |
dooglus | _sebastian: I very much doubt if you need to set a unix root password - just set a mysql root password | 01:14 |
_sebastian | how to do I do that? | 01:15 |
zim | u can then use at commands to do stuff | 01:15 |
_sebastian | how do I do that? | 01:15 |
Ummu | dr_willis: urgh, thanks for theh elp | 01:15 |
_sebastian | I carn't even log in at the moment | 01:15 |
_sebastian | this is to set up a root password? | 01:15 |
frogzoo | Goldfish: but if you were paranoid, you sometimes can su within the boot script | 01:15 |
dr_willis | Ummu, :P | 01:15 |
_sebastian | there is a thingey I was reading | 01:15 |
_sebastian | two commands I suppoused to put in and | 01:15 |
_jason | chrisx1, it may be the file, there is a way to manually sync it iirc. If your file is an avi you may want to try the -ni option as the error message suggests | 01:15 |
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haypo | no idea? how can I kill gam_server? | 01:15 |
zim | i need to make a script that will test all the phones in the office | 01:16 |
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chrisx1 | _jason: its a dvd. | 01:16 |
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PhilH | Error getting session information. | 01:16 |
PhilH | cdrecord: Warning: Running on Linux-2.6.12-10-k7 | 01:16 |
PhilH | cdrecord: There are unsettled issues with Linux-2.5 and newer. | 01:16 |
PhilH | cdrecord: If you have unexpected problems, please try Linux-2.4 or Solaris. | 01:16 |
PhilH | Error: Cannot gain SYS_RAWIO capability.Is cdrecord installed SUID root? | 01:16 |
_sebastian | yes these commands | 01:16 |
PhilH | : Operation not permitted | 01:16 |
PhilH | cdrecord: Found DVD+ media but DVD+R/DVD+RW support code is missing. | 01:16 |
PhilH | cdrecord: If you need DVD+R/DVD+RW support, ask the Author for cdrecord-ProDVD. | 01:16 |
_sebastian | yes these commands | 01:16 |
PhilH | cdrecord: Free test versions and free keys for personal use are at ftp://ftp.berlios.de/pub/cdrecord/ProDVD/ | 01:16 |
Goldfish | See http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5725 | 01:16 |
_jason | ubotflu, tell PhilH about pastebin | 01:16 |
PhilH | cdrecord: Success. read toc: scsi sendcmd: no error | 01:16 |
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_sebastian | /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password' | 01:16 |
_sebastian | /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root -h ubuntu password 'new-password' | 01:16 |
PhilH | CDB: 43 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 | 01:16 |
PhilH | status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION) | 01:16 |
PhilH | Sense Bytes: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0E 00 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 | 01:16 |
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PhilH | Sense Key: 0x5 Illegal Request, Segment 0 | 01:16 |
blanky | wtf | 01:16 |
PhilH | Sense Code: 0x24 Qual 0x00 (invalid field in cdb) Fru 0x0 | 01:16 |
blanky | shut up | 01:16 |
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frogzoo | PhilH: pls don't paste here - peeps have to share teh channel | 01:16 |
pnoob | Goldfish, that board and CPU are NOT compatible one's 939 and one's 754??? What are trying to tell me? | 01:16 |
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zim | if they are at risk use the phone to text me i can then inform the office | 01:16 |
blanky | !tell PhilH about spam | 01:16 |
Goldfish | pnoob: No, they are both socket 939. | 01:17 |
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blanky | !kick PhilH | 01:17 |
ubotflu | blanky: No idea | 01:17 |
Goldfish | _sebastian: That is not who is running mysql. That is user accounts to access the database. Very different. | 01:17 |
nalioth | PhilH: please read the /topic and don't paste in here | 01:17 |
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frogzoo | pnoob: a 939 cpu can fit ina 754 socket - u just have to push hard enough :p | 01:17 |
PhilH | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/d5723 | 01:17 |
blanky | Hey guys, I'm saying this here on purpose; is kde on ubuntu (kubuntu-desktop) getting any better? it's always sucked no offense | 01:17 |
nalioth | blanky: it's always getting better | 01:18 |
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eagleye | Has anyone seen malkivain? Anyone know if hes been on? | 01:18 |
_sebastian | RIght so how to create a MySQL root password? account | 01:18 |
_jason | chrisx1, note sure, I've never used it for dvd's. It doesn't throw the error though, just out of sync? | 01:18 |
Krhis | XD Yea, it's just the heat sink that might not fit. | 01:18 |
frogzoo | blanky: yes its getting better - yes theres still problems | 01:18 |
pnoob | Goldfish, YOu LiarrR ... go look at the cpu link you sent. | 01:18 |
blanky | nalioth: do you think it has gotten considerably better since say, last month? | 01:18 |
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chrisx1 | no | 01:18 |
nalioth | blanky: probably not "considerably" but then again, perhaps you should ask the experts in #kubuntu | 01:18 |
dooglus | _sebastian: I'll take a look | 01:18 |
Goldfish | http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16813123230 EPoX EP-9NDA3J Socket 939 NVIDIA nForce3 Ultra ATX AMD Motherboard - Retail | 01:18 |
_jason | chrisx1, no, as in it does throw the error? | 01:18 |
dirkson | Hi all- I'm trying to set up dual monitors, but whenever I turn on my compy without having the second monitor plugged in, then plug it in later, Ubuntu makes the second monitor 640x480, instead of the 1024x768 I have specified in xorg.conf. Is there any way to FORCE it to only use 1024x768? | 01:19 |
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blanky | nalioth, I know about #kubuntu, I just didn't want to hear biased things | 01:19 |
blanky | I'll ask em | 01:19 |
nalioth | Goldfish: take that line of chat to #ubuntu-offtopic please | 01:19 |
pnoob | Goldfish, the cpu was 754 | 01:19 |
chrisx1 | _jason: it gives no error | 01:19 |
zim | _sebastian try phpmyadmin great tool | 01:19 |
frogzoo | dirkson: u on ati? | 01:19 |
_sebastian | yes I been using phpmyadmin zim | 01:19 |
dirkson | Frogzoo: Nvidia. | 01:19 |
_sebastian | and I try to log in and stuff | 01:19 |
_sebastian | and I get error message | 01:19 |
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dooglus | _sebastian: do you see any output from "pgrep -l mysql" ? | 01:19 |
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Goldfish | pnoob: I see. That CPU must be out of stock. Sorry. | 01:19 |
zim | ok in the mysql db there is a user table | 01:20 |
_sebastian | MySQL noob. what's pgrep -l mysql? | 01:20 |
frogzoo | dirkson: there a tool for setting res for dual mode - mebbe nvidia have something similiar | 01:20 |
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pnoob | Goldfish, no sweat just thought yu were scranking me. | 01:20 |
Goldfish | pnoob: AMD Athlon 64 3200+ Winchester 1GHz FSB Socket 939 Processor Model ADA3200BIBOX - Retail | 01:20 |
quitit | where is libglade located ? | 01:20 |
frogzoo | quitit: locate libglade ? | 01:20 |
dirkson | Frogzoo: Great idea- I do have a little nvida app, I'd forgotten about it | 01:21 |
pnoob | Goldfish, is this what you have or what? | 01:21 |
nalioth | Goldfish: please join #ubuntu-offtopic for that | 01:21 |
zim | add you password in the root record but change the data type to password | 01:21 |
dooglus | _sebastian: pgrep is "process grep" - it lists processes that are running | 01:21 |
nalioth | pnoob: you and Goldfish please talk about that in #ubuntu-offtopic | 01:21 |
_sebastian | I am a MySQL begginer. What's pgrep -l mysql | 01:21 |
Goldfish | Okay! | 01:21 |
_sebastian | right so that's a command for the shell right? | 01:21 |
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zim | then edit phpmyadmin config so it can access you mysql server again | 01:22 |
frogzoo | _sebastian: yep | 01:22 |
Goldfish | pnoob: Meet me there, okay? | 01:22 |
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pnoob | nalioth, yeah just a noob sorry. | 01:22 |
yodoy | Hey, once I have installed it | 01:22 |
yodoy | how do I start X :O? | 01:22 |
_jason | chrisx1, your best bet is probably google at this point. If I were you I would read man mplayer first and look into the 'autosync' option (you can search a man page by press the '/' and typing 'autosync' then enter). Also, the shortcut keys '+' and '-' are responsible for audio delay. | 01:22 |
frogzoo | yodoy: just boot | 01:22 |
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yodoy | frogzoo, type 'boot' ? | 01:22 |
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johnl | hi | 01:23 |
frogzoo | yodoy: turn on comp - select Ubuntu from grub screen & login | 01:23 |
zim | _sebastian remeber to edit the conf file in phpmyadmin withyour new password | 01:23 |
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chrisx1 | _jason: i used -autsync 20 | 01:23 |
chrisx1 | ty | 01:23 |
chrisx1 | then messed wth =/- | 01:23 |
chrisx1 | cya | 01:23 |
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rosen | can anyone tell me the default location for firestarter ? .. trying to add it to the startup process in 'sessions' | 01:23 |
dirkson | Frogzoo: Unfortunately, it just seems to be a GUI frontend for xorg.conf... Useful in a way, but it doesn't allow me ANY options resolution at all :-/ | 01:23 |
frogzoo | yodoy: gdm starts up by default | 01:23 |
quitit | frogzoo: thanks | 01:23 |
johnl | I broke my breezy installation by installing the dapper kernel to test it. can any one help me? I usually know what I'm doing, but I'm stumped. | 01:23 |
_jason | chrisx1, huh? | 01:24 |
_sebastian | sebastian@ubuntu:/$ pgrep -l mysq | 01:24 |
_sebastian | 10343 mysqld_safe | 01:24 |
_sebastian | 10450 mysqld | 01:24 |
_sebastian | 10526 mysql-admin | 01:24 |
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haypo | found it! write lines like "fsset ext3 none" in /etc/gamin/gaminrc, and then killall -9 gam_server ;-) | 01:24 |
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haypo | thanks for you great help | 01:24 |
haypo | bye | 01:24 |
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aqfn | can FDISK fix partition tables somehow? | 01:24 |
_sebastian | ah kicked out | 01:24 |
dirkson | johnl: In future, rename old kernel something like 'oldkernel.old', and put an entry in grub for it. I'm not enough of a guru to help you know, though :-/ | 01:24 |
_sebastian | ,because I copyed some lines from the shell and put here | 01:24 |
nalioth | _sebastian: please do not paste in here, see the /topic | 01:24 |
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dirkson | johnl: *now | 01:25 |
johnl | dirk: well I used the deb packages, so grub handles all that :) | 01:25 |
dirkson | johnl: Ahhh, ok : ) | 01:25 |
_jason | chrisx1, here this may get you started: http://www.mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/HTML/en/bugs-audio.html#bugs-delay-all | 01:25 |
yodoy | frogzoo, any documentation on dualbooting ubuntu? | 01:25 |
PhilH | So, can anyone at all help me with my DVD burner? | 01:25 |
=== Dethread [n=Dethread@m010f36d0.tmodns.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
poningru | !tell yodoy about dual boot | 01:25 |
poningru | !tell yodoy about dualboot | 01:25 |
frogzoo | johnl: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 01:26 |
quitit | !tell quitit about dualboot | 01:26 |
johnl | frogzoo, tbh it seems to be something to do with udev | 01:26 |
_sebastian | pgrep -l mysq comes up with three MySQL things | 01:26 |
johnl | new dapper kernel pulled in new udev packages | 01:26 |
=== Djrom [n=Admin@dau94-4-82-229-166-160.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
johnl | new kernel didn't boot, so I went back to old kernel (and now old udev) but having serious problems | 01:27 |
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johnl | hotplug won't load firmware for my ipw2200 card | 01:27 |
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marky | hi all | 01:27 |
johnl | mouse modules not loaded | 01:27 |
frogzoo | dirkson: heres how they do it in gentoo - should help http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Dual_Monitors#TwinView | 01:27 |
_sebastian | So how to ceate a MySQL root password? | 01:28 |
_sebastian | someone told me, but hten I got kicked out so all that went bye bye | 01:28 |
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simonvallore | l | 01:28 |
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nalioth | ubotflu: tell _sebastian about logs | 01:28 |
simonvallore | is there a way i can remote destop to linux via a windows xp computer ? | 01:28 |
pnoob | Hey, what are the other IRC channels for UBUNTU? | 01:28 |
_sebastian | oh so there is a IRC chat log. I was wondering if there was or not | 01:29 |
marky | anyone use wireless on ubuntu? | 01:29 |
frogzoo | !channels | 01:29 |
ubotflu | frogzoo: Are you smoking crack? | 01:29 |
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ryan_ | get two linux computer? | 01:29 |
dirkson | Frogzoo: Cool, thanks : ) (My Ubuntu is so messed up you might as well call it gentoo anyway *wink*) | 01:29 |
nalioth | frogzoo: help.ubuntu.com will answer your question | 01:29 |
_sebastian | Marky wireless and any LInux distro. usually a night mare. Hardwired is better | 01:30 |
dooglus | _sebastian: any luck yet? | 01:30 |
rosen | I need to find firestarters 'startup' file so I can add it to the programlist that starts when I boot the computer ... how can I find it when the search option doesnt come up with any results ? | 01:30 |
ryan_ | anyone know something bout bzflag? | 01:30 |
PokerFacePenguin | ryan_: only that it is a game | 01:30 |
ryan_ | lol | 01:30 |
frogzoo | thx nalioth pnoob -> help.ubuntu.com | 01:30 |
PokerFacePenguin | :P | 01:30 |
dooglus | _sebastian: I just installed mysql-server and set the root password, like this: /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password mynewpassword | 01:30 |
ryan_ | hahahaha | 01:30 |
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marky | i've ot it kinda running , it sees the card etc, just wondered what the best apps are , got rader and fwifimanager | 01:30 |
=== Trilom [n=Trilom@pool-70-109-21-225.atl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_sebastian | any luck ? nope all I done is the pgrep -l mysq thing and it came up with three MySQL things. | 01:31 |
dooglus | rosen: all startup scripts are in /etc/init.d | 01:31 |
_sebastian | I think I tryed that command eariler and woudn't work | 01:31 |
_sebastian | i'll try again | 01:31 |
ryan_ | http://www.rainydawg.org/listen/high.m3u good music | 01:31 |
dooglus | _sebastian: tell me what it tells you | 01:31 |
factotum | my folks have a p3 400mHz with 512 ram, would ubuntu w/gnome run any faster than windows xp with firewall and anivirus? | 01:31 |
marky | anyone one know of some cool wifi wireless apps? | 01:31 |
drayen_ | is there a set Ubuntu64 channel? | 01:31 |
nalioth | drayen_: you are in it | 01:31 |
Goldfish | marky: I installed network-manager yesterday. Just what I wanted. | 01:32 |
drayen_ | nalioth, ahh okay | 01:32 |
nalioth | factotum: it will run faster, yes | 01:32 |
marky | network manager | 01:32 |
rosen | dooglus, ah hey again :) ... should I worry about the 'order' ? | 01:32 |
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Trilom | Need help with sound, i have a C-Media PCI card and i have ran XMMS and when i play a song i get a could not open audio error, help please. | 01:32 |
marky | goldfish , where did you get t from? | 01:32 |
ryan_ | anyone know why sound works fine in game then after exit and reopen i get no sound? | 01:32 |
_sebastian | how can I tell you by copying from shell and not getting booted out? | 01:32 |
frogzoo | !pastebin | 01:33 |
ubotflu | rumour has it, pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 01:33 |
factotum | nalioth: thanks, I dont have much experience with head to head performance between the two :P | 01:33 |
nalioth | _sebastian: you were sent a link from ubotflu about where to paste things | 01:33 |
_sebastian | yes I went to that page | 01:33 |
_sebastian | looked like a load of | 01:33 |
_sebastian | ,but ok i'll try it | 01:33 |
dooglus | rosen: these things usually look after themselves. look in /etc/rc2.d/ - it's full of links to /etc/init.d/, and defines what gets 'S'tarted at runlevel 2 and what gets 'K'illed. runlevel 2 is the default level | 01:33 |
frogzoo | _sebastian: paste into pastebin - then post the URL back here so peeps can find it | 01:33 |
nalioth | factotum: default ubuntu needs no firewalls or a/v | 01:33 |
=== Phoul [n=death@37-189-254-84.skylogicnet.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dooglus | _sebastian: you can send me a private message if you like, or use the pastebin | 01:33 |
_sebastian | ok | 01:33 |
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PhilH | factotum, but it might not burn DVDs | 01:34 |
drayen_ | im trying to get JEdit to run in Ubuntu64, but when i try to run it i get an out of memory error... :S | 01:34 |
_sebastian | private message? yes 1 on 1 chat is good. how we do that? I am quite new to IRC really only used it a few times | 01:34 |
rosen | dooglus, allright I'll check it out ... thanks again mister oracle man | 01:34 |
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Phoul | Is there a deb for limewire? | 01:34 |
simprix | Is anyone actually running banshee on dapper ? | 01:34 |
Goldfish | !find network-manager | 01:34 |
dooglus | _sebastian: you need to be registered with nickserv to send private messages. easiest way is probably to join #flood and paste in there | 01:34 |
ubotflu | network-manager: (network management framework daemon), section universe/net, is optional. Version: 0.4.1+cvs20050817-0ubuntu4 (breezy), Packaged size: 295 kB, Installed size: 1384 kB | 01:35 |
factotum | nalioth: yeah i know that, added bonus! Ive just flopped back and forth between linux and freebsd for the last couple years. Windows hasnt been on this system since i built it two years ago. Before that it was only win2k | 01:35 |
ryan_ | ok? | 01:35 |
PhilH | Phoul, limewire works quite well with alien | 01:35 |
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Goldfish | marky: Got it? | 01:35 |
factotum | thats why i was kind of scratching my head on that one | 01:35 |
marky | ubotflu thanks | 01:35 |
ubotflu | gern geschehen, marky | 01:35 |
marky | goldfish, yes thanks | 01:35 |
Goldfish | !botsnack | 01:35 |
ubotflu | thanks goldfish :) | 01:35 |
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frogzoo | marky: ubotflu is a bot - just btw :) | 01:35 |
Phoul | PhilH, whats alien? | 01:36 |
gverig | Anybody knows if xfce supports WM-level keyboard layour switch or do I have to go into xorg.conf? | 01:36 |
ryan_ | anyone know why sound works fine in game then after exit and reopen i get no sound? | 01:36 |
nalioth | ubotflu: tell Phoul about restricted | 01:36 |
bimberi | !limewire | 01:36 |
ubotflu | [limewire] first you need !java, then download the http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and unpack it. Then just run the runLime.sh file. Voila. | 01:36 |
Trilom | Need help with sound, i have a C-Media PCI card and i have ran XMMS and when i play a song i get a could not open audio error, help please | 01:36 |
Phoul | nalioth, i dont have a working JRE | 01:36 |
Phoul | everytime i do it it dont work | 01:36 |
=== HarryB [n=doug@ppp2D28.dsl.pacific.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
frogzoo | !sound | 01:36 |
ubotflu | from memory, sound is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems or http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary | 01:36 |
PokerFacePenguin | !automatix | 01:36 |
ubotflu | hmm... automatix is crap | 01:36 |
_jason | Phoul, have you used the java .debs? | 01:36 |
PokerFacePenguin | lol | 01:36 |
=== redvelvet [n=JWest672@pcp986157pcs.northw01.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Phoul | jason no | 01:37 |
marky | frogzoo lol i'd guessed | 01:37 |
=== DRAGON_Ultra [n=DRAGON_U@adsl-70-232-60-5.dsl.ltrkar.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_jason | ubotflu, tell Phoul about javadebs | 01:37 |
nalioth | ubotflu: tell Phoul about java | 01:37 |
factotum | i really like this distro a lot and am recommending the heck out of it and passing out cd's like mad, but damn i miss my slackware. I feel like im on some sad half-baked distro/OS love triangle. down to 3, but only one system...*violin music* | 01:37 |
=== Jormundgand [n=ubuntu@cpc2-oxfd8-4-0-cust65.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
marky | ubotflu tell marky about shh | 01:37 |
Goldfish | factotum: Slackware, ubuntu, what is the 3rd? | 01:38 |
Jormundgand | How can I add the Network Servers icon to computer:///? | 01:38 |
marky | lol | 01:38 |
factotum | freebsd | 01:38 |
=== wastrel [n=wastrel@HOLMES2.BIO.NYU.EDU] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jormundgand | When I drag it across from the Places menu I get an error about overwriting. | 01:38 |
redvelvet | wow, i got my wireless card to work. | 01:38 |
factotum | or any bsd really | 01:38 |
PokerFacePenguin | factotum: you can always save slack for your usbkey..they have a nice modular thing going on that deal | 01:38 |
Goldfish | I have to run. I'll be back. My mlinux.org meeting awaits. | 01:38 |
=== TokenBad [n=tokenbad@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wastrel | dear people, | 01:38 |
quitit | hmm | 01:38 |
quitit | cant seem to find libglade-config | 01:38 |
wastrel | how do i configure a service to run on boot? | 01:39 |
frogzoo | wastrel: just ask your question - pls no prelims | 01:39 |
factotum | slack...on usb... sorry, drooling. one sec. | 01:39 |
simprix | Is anyone actually running banshee on dapper ? | 01:39 |
frogzoo | wastrel: you need to write a /etc/init.d script & link in the /etc/rcx.d | 01:39 |
arod-- | this may be a lame question, but are there any linux versions of aol | 01:39 |
=== DjLinX [n=linx@dsl51B67FAA.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
coag | wastrel: well in gentoo, rc-update add blah default :P | 01:39 |
_jason | quitit, install libglade0-dev | 01:39 |
frogzoo | arod--: gaim I think support aol | 01:39 |
wastrel | well i don't use gentoo anymore :] | 01:40 |
PokerFacePenguin | arod--: you mean to chat? try kopete or gaim to chat | 01:40 |
arod-- | frogzoo and PokerFacePenguin, i mean for e-mail. | 01:40 |
redvelvet | what is a good mp3 player? | 01:40 |
frogzoo | arod--: no aol support in gaim it seems... | 01:40 |
arod-- | and also, something to stream live music | 01:40 |
coag | redvelvet: i like the Creative Zen Touch | 01:40 |
drayen_ | arod - doesnt AOL have webmail / POP interface? | 01:40 |
PhilH | for AOL mail? | 01:40 |
=== JairunCaloth [n=daniel@71-14-42-161.dhcp.crtn.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lucis | Redvelvet, cowon makes very good ones that support OGG vorbis | 01:41 |
_jason | redvelvet, try Beep Media Player | 01:41 |
coag | redvelvet: if you mean app try xmms | 01:41 |
poningru | redvelvet: try the iaudio stuff | 01:41 |
drayen_ | frogzoo - AOL = AIM | 01:41 |
=== RedRose [n=TheStupi@c-24-1-134-125.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
frogzoo | drayen_: ah | 01:41 |
poningru | redvelvet: as in a software or like an ipod? | 01:41 |
redvelvet | im sorry... i meant a good linux mp3 player | 01:41 |
JairunCaloth | Can someone help me, I need to redo my kernel so it will work with my new video drivers. | 01:41 |
redvelvet | i have an iriver h140 | 01:41 |
coag | redvelvet: xmms is my favorite | 01:41 |
=== ksmurf [n=Killer_S@S0106000c76ba0623.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
RedRose | is there any way from a terminal that i can start an X window(I.E. Gaim)? | 01:41 |
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RedRose | on the main X server? | 01:41 |
JairunCaloth | xmms rocks, you can use winamp skins with it | 01:41 |
lucis | Redvelvet, i like Amorok | 01:41 |
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Phoul | anyone know how to download the debs... | 01:41 |
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lucis | Amarok* | 01:41 |
coag | but there is also Beep media player mplayer, some k one :/ quodliet | 01:41 |
PhilH | beep music player is like XMMS but better | 01:42 |
redvelvet | thats very cool | 01:42 |
coag | amarok is the k one | 01:42 |
kauschovar | amarok rocks | 01:42 |
_jason | Phoul, right click -> save as | 01:42 |
frogzoo | RedRose: yup - 'gaim' - done | 01:42 |
myke | does anyone ever have problems with d4x | 01:42 |
Phoul | God dammit jason | 01:42 |
myke | ? | 01:42 |
Phoul | I know that lol | 01:42 |
PhilH | rythmbox is pretty good, but not exactly what you might call feature rich | 01:42 |
PokerFacePenguin | RedRose: gaim & is probably what u are looking for | 01:42 |
_jason | Phoul, then what's the problem :) | 01:42 |
=== kbrooks [n=kbrooks@unaffiliated/kbrooks] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Phoul | How do i get it working | 01:42 |
Phoul | I have installed a JRE before | 01:42 |
Phoul | And it didnt work | 01:42 |
redvelvet | yes, i just got rythmbox to play mp3's but its just not that great | 01:42 |
kbrooks | !info breezy prozilla | 01:42 |
_jason | Phoul, you dpkg -i it? | 01:42 |
Phoul | Jason | 01:43 |
Phoul | I dont have a deb... | 01:43 |
Jormundgand | Rhythmbox is one of those projects with not a lot of feature but tons of possibility. | 01:43 |
kbrooks | !info prozilla | 01:43 |
_jason | Phoul, ubotflu told you the link where to get it | 01:43 |
lucis | redvelvet, Amarok is for KDE but it looks fine in gnome. it's similar to itunes, lots of features | 01:43 |
PhilH | well, beep music player is my favourite, i like the idea of Rhythmbox, but it just isn't quite there, a bit like Ubuntu really :) | 01:43 |
kbrooks | can someone help me. | 01:43 |
nalioth | kbrooks: ask your question | 01:43 |
kbrooks | !info prozilla breezy | 01:43 |
qt2 | tell you what, linux on this laptop is a pain in the ass to get working. | 01:43 |
nalioth | kbrooks: it isn't there. | 01:43 |
kbrooks | ubotu says it doesnt exist | 01:44 |
frogzoo | kbrooks: no prelims - just leap in pls | 01:44 |
dirkson | Hi all- I'm trying to set up dual monitors, but whenever I turn on my compy without having the second monitor plugged in, then plug it in later, Ubuntu makes the second monitor 640x480, instead of the 1024x768 I have specified in xorg.conf. Is there any way to FORCE it to only use 1024x768? Using an NVidia card if that helps | 01:44 |
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qt2 | the cpu scaling is really messed up. | 01:44 |
kbrooks | nalioth, but it installed for me | 01:44 |
kbrooks | ages ago | 01:44 |
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_jason | Phoul, do you see where to get it? | 01:44 |
nalioth | kbrooks: then you must be blessed, cuz it doesnt exit in breezy or dapper | 01:44 |
frogzoo | dirkson: no luck @ that link? | 01:44 |
=== lucis [n=sam@adsl-70-232-80-225.dsl.ltrkar.sbcglobal.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
wastrel | ok how am i supposed to talk to a device if i never know what the device node is going to be called on the filesystem? | 01:44 |
kbrooks | nalioth, why not? | 01:44 |
kbrooks | why wwas it removed? | 01:44 |
=== OpnSrc [n=OpnSrc@ppp-69-233-105-126.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | kbrooks: i'm not privy to that decision | 01:45 |
wastrel | my usb device was on /dev/ttyUSB0 but now it's on /dev/ttyUSB2 | 01:45 |
=== Shachaf [n=Shachaf@c66-235-25-227.sea2.cablespeed.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
marky | goldfish you here | 01:45 |
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-118-222.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | nalioth, as in? | 01:45 |
OpnSrc | How come I see openoffice.org help fules under synaptic package manager but I don't see openoffice itself? | 01:45 |
Voodoo_Vibe | i only get sound on games but not ina any things on KDE... what could be wrong?? | 01:45 |
frogzoo | wastrel: you've switch USB ports I think | 01:45 |
kbrooks | nalioth, "privy" meaning what? | 01:45 |
=== HarryB [n=doug@ppp2D28.dsl.pacific.net.au] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
marky | i've installed that network thingy but can't find it to run it | 01:45 |
myke | can i get directx working in wine? | 01:46 |
wastrel | frogzoo: i haven't, for one, and for another, still i'm supposed to remember to always plug into the same port? | 01:46 |
wastrel | frogzoo: this is a removable device | 01:46 |
=== Jettis [n=h0h0@a80-186-63-56.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wastrel | is there some wrapper where i can just say "find this in the currently connected usb devices and give me a filename" | 01:46 |
=== ProtectYaNeck [n=ProtectY@dsl-144-028.resnet.purdue.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Phoul | _jason, | 01:47 |
Phoul | Dude | 01:47 |
marky | ubotflu tell marky about network-manager | 01:47 |
=== aggressive [n=aggressi@M2584P015.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
frogzoo | wastrel: I'm no expert - but I think the map files for hotplug should be able to bind a device | 01:47 |
Phoul | PM please... | 01:47 |
coag | wastrel: plug it in and typ dmesg int he console | 01:47 |
_jason | Phoul, just talk here, that way if i lie to you you will know | 01:47 |
coag | and look for anything about USB activity | 01:47 |
Phoul | Uhh okay | 01:47 |
dirkson | Frogzoo: Not really :-/ Gives a lot of info on basic stuff, but I've got the monitor mostly set up.... It's just getting it to actually use the resolution I want, reguardless to whether the monitor cable is plugged in | 01:47 |
wastrel | it's on /dev/ttyUSB3 | 01:48 |
frogzoo | dirkson: you see the mention of dual monitor setup? | 01:48 |
Phoul | jason okay ubotflu said | 01:48 |
wastrel | hm it's on both 2 and 3, but it used to be on 0 and 1 | 01:48 |
Phoul | _jason wants you to know: hmm... javadebs is Sun Java debs packaged for breezy are at http://www.giannaros.org/public/breezydebs/ To install these, open a terminal, cd to the directory you downloaded them to, and type "sudo dpkg -i filename.deb | 01:48 |
Phoul | Now | 01:48 |
Phoul | What do i do with that URL | 01:48 |
=== brasi [n=brasi@adsl-ull-146-146.46-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_jason | Phoul, put it in your browser and press enter | 01:48 |
marky | anyone know how i run network-manager | 01:49 |
marky | ? | 01:49 |
wastrel | ahhh | 01:49 |
Voodoo_Vibe | i only get sound on games but not ina any things on KDE... what could be wrong?? | 01:49 |
wastrel | there was a hung process keeping 0 and 1 open | 01:49 |
coag | Voodoo_Vibe: your KDE apps may not be using the right soundserver or are pointing to the wrong device | 01:49 |
=== Knorrie [n=knorrie@2002:915e:9ab4:0:0:0:0:1] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_jason | Phoul, except that link is timing out for me right now. Strange because I checked it when I sent it to you... I can dcc you the file if you wish | 01:49 |
OpnSrc | n/m | 01:49 |
Voodoo_Vibe | coag: in kinda newb... how do i check that? | 01:49 |
Phoul | jason yes please | 01:50 |
Phoul | its timing out for me to | 01:50 |
wastrel | hot stuff | 01:50 |
frogzoo | !tell marky about network-manager | 01:50 |
coag | Voodoo_Vibe: it's app specific | 01:50 |
wastrel | kk i'm not used to working with usb crap | 01:50 |
=== simonvallore [n=simonval@adsl-70-241-54-45.dsl.tulsok.swbell.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
wastrel | never really used it on my desktop :] | 01:50 |
marky | thank you frogzoo | 01:50 |
Voodoo_Vibe | coag: ok so then i need to alter it in xmms?? | 01:50 |
Jormundgand | How can I add the Network Servers icon to the list of icons in computer:///? | 01:50 |
coag | ahh i can tell you hwo to do that | 01:51 |
coag | :P | 01:51 |
=== _jason is now known as _jason|soup | ||
coag | Voodoo_Vibe: right click on the main xmms window | 01:51 |
coag | and go to preferences | 01:51 |
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coag | Voodoo_Vibe: from there go to plugins and choose output plugins | 01:52 |
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wastrel | coag/frogzoo thx cuties luv you | 01:52 |
coag | Voodoo_Vibe: change the plugin there from OSS to ALSA and you're on your own from there since i don't know your machine | 01:52 |
coag | wastrel: ahhhhhh | 01:52 |
Voodoo_Vibe | coag: OK! Thanx!! | 01:52 |
coag | worked i take it? | 01:52 |
bulio | well | 01:53 |
bulio | I upgraded from warty to hoary | 01:53 |
bulio | I reboot now? | 01:53 |
=== Suentis [n=alan@pcp04368155pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
coag | bulio: you do realize breezy is out now right? | 01:53 |
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bulio | I know | 01:54 |
coag | bulio: yes though, you need to reboot into the new kernel | 01:54 |
bulio | gave me problems, not upgrading to it | 01:54 |
bulio | it ends like this: | 01:54 |
bulio | Setting up openoffice.org-gtk-gnome (1.1.3-8ubuntu2.3) ... | 01:54 |
bulio | root@emachine:/home/bulio # | 01:54 |
bulio | right? | 01:54 |
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bulio | rebooting now | 01:54 |
bulio | wish me luck :) | 01:54 |
RiCON | hello | 01:55 |
=== HymnToLife is away: Sleeping | ||
=== Zugwrack [n=zugwrack@cpe-70-120-176-147.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
RiCON | can i ask troubleshooting questions here? | 01:55 |
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Voodoo_Vibe | coag: got it working now!! BIG thanx!!! | 01:55 |
HymnToLife | RiCON > yes, the place is meant for that | 01:55 |
RiCON | hehe, thx ^^" | 01:55 |
dirkson | frogzoo: Sorry for long pause. Yes, I did. | 01:56 |
RiCON | ok, my problem is this: | 01:56 |
=== Ramphis02 [n=loklo@DialUp-StoDgo67.tricom.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
RiCON | when i go to install ubuntu, it says it's having trouble reading from the cd | 01:56 |
RiCON | files from baseconfig-udeb | 01:56 |
=== HymnToLife is listening to Goodnight Kiss (Live at Budokan) by Dream Theater | ||
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techrush | how can i add an application to the application menu | 01:56 |
RiCON | i already burned 3 isos | 01:56 |
HymnToLife | RiCON > then it is ertainly a bad CD | 01:56 |
RiCON | so it can't be that | 01:57 |
PhilH | techrush, which ubuntu version? | 01:57 |
DRAGON_Ultra | ricon what os you running | 01:57 |
HymnToLife | RiCON > try burning them at lower speed | 01:57 |
RiCON | right now? xp | 01:57 |
RiCON | ok | 01:57 |
DRAGON_Ultra | hmm | 01:57 |
RiCON | 4x low enough? | 01:57 |
=== bcroq [n=bertrand@lns-bzn-51f-81-56-130-182.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
techrush | 5.10 | 01:57 |
HymnToLife | yes | 01:57 |
PokerFacePenguin | RiCON: burn slowly, check md5 checksum matches | 01:57 |
RiCON | checked already | 01:57 |
PhilH | right click on the applications menu | 01:57 |
HymnToLife | it's the speed I burn important stuff generally | 01:57 |
=== greatgazoo [n=Charlie@ool-457002d7.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
techrush | thanks | 01:57 |
RiCON | checked using jigto too | 01:57 |
RiCON | jigdo* | 01:58 |
PhilH | techrush, click edit menus | 01:58 |
RiCON | i'll try burning at 4x then | 01:58 |
HymnToLife | jigdo stinks | 01:58 |
RiCON | lol | 01:58 |
RiCON | i used md5 first :P | 01:58 |
HymnToLife | it is too damn slow | 01:58 |
=== drayen_ [n=drayen@81-1-111-24.homechoice.co.uk] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
whitynz | What do I put in fstab to write to a Fat32 partition? | 01:58 |
=== earldude1 [n=rickbman@c-67-177-47-57.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HymnToLife | !fat32 | 01:58 |
ubotflu | well, fat32 is http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab | 01:58 |
HymnToLife | LOL | 01:59 |
=== xophEr [n=xopher@a84-230-124-206.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
whitynz | cheers | 01:59 |
HymnToLife | ubotflu, THAT's a nick :p | 01:59 |
ubotflu | HymnToLife: What? | 01:59 |
earldude1 | I have a question about Apache2 in ubuntu. in the user guide for setting up | 01:59 |
earldude1 | How do I map URLs to folders outside /var/www/sudo gedit /etc/apache2/conf.d/alias | 01:59 |
HymnToLife | !apache | 01:59 |
ubotflu | somebody said apache was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP or, for Ubuntu server information, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/installation-custom | 01:59 |
earldude1 | oops | 02:00 |
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Zugwrack | I am getting an error when trying to upgrade: It is short ok to past here? | 02:00 |
earldude1 | that question didn't make sense | 02:00 |
Zugwrack | *paste | 02:00 |
earldude1 | let me try again. | 02:00 |
HymnToLife | !pastebin | 02:00 |
ubotflu | extra, extra, read all about it, pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 02:00 |
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=== zblach_ [n=zblach@toronto-HSE-ppp4048761.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
marky | chaps , i'm back i just restarted to see if that "network-manager" ewould turn up in my menu , but no luck, any idea? | 02:01 |
HymnToLife | marky > try running "sudo network-admin" from a terminal | 02:01 |
redvelvet | do any linux media players play mp4? | 02:01 |
marky | ok | 02:01 |
Zugwrack | Ok here is the link: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5726 | 02:01 |
HymnToLife | redvelvet > which kind of mp4 ? | 02:02 |
earldude1 | why does the user guide specify to create a file called "alias" inside the directory /etc/apache2/conf.d/ for mapping folders outside of /var/www? What is the conf.d directory for and how does apache know to look for this alias script? | 02:02 |
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HymnToLife | !tell earldude1 about apache | 02:02 |
redvelvet | hymtolife: the audio | 02:02 |
redvelvet | maybe its m4p | 02:02 |
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=== ToR911 [n=tor@bzq-84-108-27-88.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HymnToLife | redvelvet > hmm, tried vlc ? | 02:03 |
marky | hymmtolife , thats the standard network thingy , i just installed something called "network-manager but i can't find it , and it won't run from terminal | 02:03 |
=== squire [n=squire@213-162-107-186.squire570.adsl.metronet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ToR911 | hello all, how can i change my current language keyboard input? | 02:03 |
Phoul | whats the dp command thingy | 02:03 |
Phoul | I can never remember | 02:03 |
_jason|soup | !deb | 02:03 |
ubotflu | I guess deb is To install a deb: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb | 02:03 |
frogzoo | Phoul: sudo dpkg -i x.deb | 02:04 |
HymnToLife | Debian PacKaGe | 02:04 |
=== bulio [n=bulio@unaffiliated/bulio] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bulio | YAY! | 02:04 |
bulio | warty works :P | 02:04 |
=== HymnToLife applauses | ||
frogzoo | bulio: wtf? upgrade to breezy | 02:04 |
HymnToLife | now you can try Hoary :p | 02:05 |
robertj | hehe, why are you installing warty? | 02:05 |
=== Neurosis [n=Neurosis@h209-139-251-30.gtconnect.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Neurosis | Does anyone know of Linpal? | 02:06 |
HymnToLife | because it's s0 1337 :p | 02:06 |
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Phoul | Selecting previously deselected package sun-j2re1.5. | 02:06 |
Phoul | (Reading database ... 110774 files and directories currently installed.) | 02:06 |
Phoul | Unpacking sun-j2re1.5 (from sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update05_i386.deb) ... | 02:06 |
Phoul | Setting up sun-j2re1.5 (1.5.0+update05) ... | 02:06 |
Phoul | Now what >.> | 02:06 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o nalioth] by ChanServ | ||
=== AgentPeay [n=AgentPea@pcp09930717pcs.tulipgrove.tn.nash.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ToR911 | how do u switch the keyboard input language with a shortcut (like ALT-SHIT) in Windows? | 02:06 |
HymnToLife | !tel Phoul about pastebin | 02:06 |
ubotflu | HymnToLife: Are you smoking crack? | 02:06 |
nalioth | Phoul: please read the /topic | 02:06 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o nalioth] by ChanServ | ||
Phoul | Woops... | 02:06 |
HymnToLife | !tell Phoul about pastebin | 02:06 |
Phoul | Sorry | 02:06 |
_jason|soup | ubotflu, tell Phoul about multijava | 02:06 |
Phoul | I GET IT | 02:06 |
Phoul | jason | 02:06 |
_jason|soup | Phoul, make sure it is using j2re | 02:06 |
Phoul | It set it up and unpacked it | 02:06 |
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Phoul | what do i do now | 02:07 |
josh__ | :/ | 02:07 |
Neurosis | Can someone help me with a make error on Linpal? | 02:07 |
=== rudiz [n=rudiZ_@e189253.upc-e.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | ubotflu: tell Neurosis about paste | 02:07 |
Zugwrack | Ok so how do I flush my cache /var/cache/apt? | 02:07 |
=== Bizzeh [i=bizzeh@host86-137-77-83.range86-137.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
marky | looks like network-manager is buggy | 02:07 |
Bizzeh | hey | 02:07 |
nalioth | Neurosis: see the PM ubotflu sent you and paste your error, please | 02:07 |
marky | can't get it to fire up | 02:07 |
=== Goldfish [n=gregturn@rrcs-24-73-144-154.se.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bimberi | Zugwrack: sudo apt-get clean | 02:07 |
mrkoje | !beer time | 02:07 |
ubotflu | mrkoje: Do they come in packets of five? | 02:07 |
HymnToLife | Zugwrack > sudo rm /var/cache/apt/* | 02:07 |
Bizzeh | i have tried 3 times to get ubuntu to install to a second partition on my drive, WITHOUT it messing with my mbr | 02:07 |
Bizzeh | but | 02:07 |
Bizzeh | it wont | 02:07 |
Zugwrack | bimberi: Thank you | 02:08 |
Neurosis | ok | 02:08 |
bimberi | Zugwrack: np :) | 02:08 |
HymnToLife | Bizzeh > then skip the GRUB install part | 02:08 |
nalioth | Bizzeh: you'll need to make a grub boot floppy | 02:08 |
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Neurosis | pasted | 02:08 |
Bizzeh | can i make grub install to the partition and NOT the mbr? | 02:08 |
nalioth | Neurosis: can you tell us the URL of the pastebin? | 02:09 |
Bizzeh | then i can dd the first 512bytes and make it boot with ntldr | 02:09 |
Ophiocus | how can i make sure my secondary network card runs at startup? | 02:09 |
Techie_dude | i unzipped the java run time package and then ....nothing what do i do to set it up? | 02:09 |
josh__ | Bizzeh: I would install grub on to the MBR if I were you | 02:09 |
josh__ | it is easier | 02:09 |
nalioth | Techie_dude: did you visit hte wiki page for java? | 02:09 |
Neurosis | i did it in the flood channel | 02:09 |
sethk | Ophiocus, the same way you make sure that your primary network card runs at startup | 02:09 |
Zugwrack | Hey nalioth: What up? | 02:09 |
Bizzeh | then i cant boot windows on my main partition | 02:09 |
Techie_dude | no...okay.... | 02:09 |
Bizzeh | cos ntldr is gone | 02:09 |
nalioth | Neurosis: you should let us know so we can be watching | 02:09 |
ptlo | Bizzeh: of course you can, grub can boot windows just fine | 02:09 |
nalioth | Zugwrack: samesame | 02:09 |
Bizzeh | and u need ntldr to chainload, since grub cant nativly boot windows | 02:10 |
josh__ | Bizzeh: No. GRUB will allow you to select between windows and linux | 02:10 |
Neurosis | ok ill paste in the flood channel again | 02:10 |
Ophiocus | sethk, tried that, doing nothing dosent work ;) | 02:10 |
ptlo | Bizzeh: ntldr is located on the windows partition, and grub can load it | 02:10 |
=== benoy [n=benoy@bing85.brandywine.binghamton.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== quacker [n=w00t@S01060030ab077a70.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HymnToLife | unlike windows boot loader... | 02:10 |
nalioth | Bizzeh: my grub boots winXp just fine | 02:10 |
sethk | Ophiocus, I didn't say to do nothing | 02:10 |
josh__ | Partition your master hdd into 2, install linux onto the second partition, and grub should work fine | 02:10 |
benoy | hi, can anyone help me with cache in ubuntu | 02:10 |
Neurosis | pasted | 02:10 |
josh__ | nalioth: same here :) | 02:10 |
sethk | Ophiocus, you didn't "do nothing" about your other network card. The fact that the install program did it for you doesn't make any difference | 02:10 |
Ophiocus | the same way you make sure that your primary network card runs at startup <= nothing | 02:10 |
benoy | I am trying to find a website i visited earlier but I earesed the history | 02:10 |
=== CaptainMorgan [n=CaptainM@londonderry-cuda2-68-170-154-214.lndnnh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CaptainMorgan | yo! | 02:11 |
josh__ | though i have windows ME, which is why I use ubuntu :P | 02:11 |
HymnToLife | in fact, partition it into 4 | 02:11 |
sethk | Ophiocus, no, if you do nothing, neither will run | 02:11 |
Bizzeh | how well does ubuntu support wireless? | 02:11 |
benoy | can I use the cache to find the website? | 02:11 |
nalioth | ubotflu: tell Bizzeh about wireless | 02:11 |
sethk | Ophiocus, you misunderstand what happens during install | 02:11 |
HymnToLife | Windows, /, swap and /home | 02:11 |
CaptainMorgan | depends on your card Bizzeh | 02:11 |
bimberi | !tell Bizzeh about wireless | 02:11 |
Bizzeh | TI card, uses acx111 | 02:11 |
=== warren_ is now known as wnorrix | ||
sethk | Ophiocus, now, you can run the same "nothing" that you ran to configure your primary card, to also configure your secondary card | 02:11 |
Ophiocus | sethk, command or link | 02:11 |
Neurosis | see the paste? | 02:11 |
marky | tell me about wireless aswell | 02:11 |
sethk | Ophiocus, administration/network | 02:11 |
CaptainMorgan | how come after running synaptic, "the following packages were not upgraded: Linux-image-386, Linux-restricted-modules-386" | 02:12 |
CaptainMorgan | why? | 02:12 |
Goldfish | !wireless | 02:12 |
ubotflu | wireless is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards | 02:12 |
Zugwrack | Hmmm...synaptic locked up...said so..I told it to force quit...now the icon for the update monitor has disappeared? | 02:12 |
josh__ | Does anyone here know how to play mp3 files in ubuntu? | 02:12 |
benoy | anyone??? | 02:12 |
CaptainMorgan | josh - noatun | 02:12 |
=== jaawood [n=jared@dsl081-150-248.chi1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HymnToLife | !mp3 | 02:12 |
ubotflu | mp3 is, like, a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 02:12 |
bimberi | !tell josh__ about mp3 | 02:12 |
ElitePete | how can i get a list of all running process's ? | 02:12 |
CaptainMorgan | josh - aromark | 02:12 |
_jason|soup | benoy, try about:cache | 02:12 |
Ophiocus | CaptainMorgan, make sure you have universe repositories , those are restricted packages | 02:12 |
HymnToLife | amarok* | 02:12 |
Goldfish | ElitePete: ps -ef | 02:12 |
Zugwrack | ps -ax | 02:12 |
ElitePete | ty | 02:12 |
bimberi | ElitePete: ps aux | 02:12 |
=== drayen_ [n=drayen@81-1-111-24.homechoice.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
benoy | how do i do that? | 02:12 |
frogzoo | marky: you can /msg ubotflu yourself (if registered) | 02:12 |
CaptainMorgan | ophicous how do know? do i check a box to get universe repos'? | 02:13 |
_jason|soup | benoy, instead of 'www.google.com' put 'about:cache' and press enter | 02:13 |
HymnToLife | !repos | 02:13 |
ubotflu | rumour has it, repos is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) see also !easysource | 02:13 |
benoy | oh ok | 02:13 |
=== chaumurky [n=mainacco@203-214-141-96.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Zugwrack | ElitePete: If you are looking for something specific you can ps -ax |grep <findthis> | 02:13 |
CaptainMorgan | !repos | 02:13 |
Neurosis | nalioth? | 02:13 |
josh__ | :/ | 02:13 |
frogzoo | CaptainMorgan: u can enable repos through synaptic | 02:13 |
Ophiocus | CaptainMorgan, synaptic=>setting=>repositories ,.. simply select everything if you aint sure what you need | 02:14 |
ElitePete | 5749 ? SLl 0:27 xine /home/pete/Desktop/Downloads/Azureus/Doobie Brot | 02:14 |
ElitePete | how do i kill that? | 02:14 |
frogzoo | ElitePete: kill -TERM 5749 | 02:14 |
Zugwrack | ElitePete: kill 5749 | 02:14 |
Goldfish | ElitePete: kill 5749. If that doesn't work, kill -9 5749 | 02:14 |
=== Toma- [n=lin4me@203-59-182-214.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CaptainMorgan | omg.. didn't know about that.. ophiocus.. | 02:14 |
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Zugwrack | What is the name of the package monitoring program? | 02:15 |
HymnToLife | Synaptic | 02:15 |
=== Pupeno [n=pupeno@host102.201-252-3.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
josh__ | yea | 02:15 |
Ophiocus | neither did i, someone told me, now i pass the favor, hope it helps | 02:15 |
earldude1 | what is meant by putting an exclamation mark in the beginning of your comments here? | 02:15 |
josh__ | synaptic is the easiest way to install programs :P | 02:16 |
HymnToLife | !ubotflu | 02:16 |
ubotflu | HymnToLife: I don't know, could you explain it? | 02:16 |
MickMcMack | Synaptic, yuck | 02:16 |
MickMcMack | . | 02:16 |
HymnToLife | well earldude1 it's to tell ubotflu to explain something | 02:16 |
bimberi | earldude1: it requests a response from ubotflu (a bot) | 02:16 |
drayen_ | hey, im trying to get JEdit to run, i installed java via the automatrix, but when i run JEdit from the command line i get GC Warning: Out of Memory! Returning NIL! - any ideas? | 02:16 |
HymnToLife | so we don't have to repeat the same thing over and over again | 02:16 |
Goldfish | !botsnack | 02:16 |
ubotflu | :) | 02:16 |
HymnToLife | !ubotu | 02:16 |
ubotflu | Yep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel. | 02:16 |
=== fdelacruz [n=fdelacru@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MickMcMack | Why is ubotflu ill? :( | 02:17 |
fdelacruz | guys morning | 02:17 |
amonkey | what's a good channel to ask about usb wifi adapters that work well with linux? | 02:17 |
=== bulio_ [n=bulio@toronto-HSE-ppp3948415.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fdelacruz | guys how can I update manually my webmin, rigth now Im using 1.230 I got this when I install using apt-get, I need to upgrade it to 1.250 so that I can install the module of samba and squid | 02:17 |
=== Knowerrors [n=stormsur@Node93-175-53-66.1dial.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CaptainMorgan | of course synaptic is easy... but I couldn't figure out why it wasn't installing certain modules.. | 02:17 |
Zugwrack | fdelecruz: Or evening depeding :-) | 02:17 |
bulio_ | I used pppoeconf to setup my internet connection | 02:17 |
bulio_ | now I put on my router | 02:17 |
bulio_ | sinvce the router handles PPPOE, and the conf is running, it messes up internet | 02:17 |
bimberi | MickMcMack: ubotu's normal server is having connectivity issues :) | 02:18 |
fdelacruz | Zugwrack hi, any idea how can I update my webmin? | 02:18 |
CaptainMorgan | how come after running synaptic, "the following packages were not upgraded: Linux-image-386, Linux-restricted-modules-386" | 02:18 |
bulio_ | how can I remove the pppoeconf config, and run my router? | 02:18 |
CaptainMorgan | still receiving that | 02:18 |
MickMcMack | Ah, thanks bimberi - was just curious. :) | 02:18 |
Neurosis | can someone help me on this make error i get for Linpal? | 02:18 |
=== constantine-xvi [n=andrew@12-208-79-240.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Zugwrack | fdelacruz: Just a sec | 02:18 |
HymnToLife | CaptainMorgan > make sure you hit reload after updating the repos | 02:18 |
=== MickMcMack gives ubotflu some cough-medicine. | ||
=== derekS [n=derekS@cpe-66-108-44-139.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bulio_ | anyone? | 02:18 |
CaptainMorgan | did | 02:18 |
Ophiocus | CaptainMorgan, remember to reload your current repositories after adding them | 02:18 |
HymnToLife | Ophiocus > pwn3d :p | 02:19 |
ToR911 | how do i install firefox 1.5 , so all users could use it? | 02:19 |
bimberi | !tissue | 02:19 |
ubotflu | thanks *wipes nose* | 02:19 |
HymnToLife | !firefox.5 | 02:19 |
ubotflu | HymnToLife: Syntax error in line 1 | 02:19 |
HymnToLife | !firefox1.5 | 02:19 |
ubotflu | I heard firefox1.5 is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion | 02:19 |
Zugwrack | fdelacruz: How about dselect update <filename> | 02:19 |
=== auk [n=scott@h-69-3-181-231.lsanca54.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Zugwrack | fdelacruz: This comes from reading the man page for dpkg | 02:20 |
=== freakazoid3333 [n=matt@pool-151-197-202-183.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
constantine-xvi | ToR911: only way I know is to dl 1.5, and make a link to the 1.5 script where the old one is, rename it, and rename the old one to firefox.old | 02:21 |
Ophiocus | i never get pwn3d , only set back :D | 02:21 |
CaptainMorgan | synpatic telling me it want me to do 'apt-get dist-upgrade' yea right - last time I did that I completely lost X, had to back up everything and I just now reinstalled ubuntu | 02:21 |
fdelacruz | by Zugwrack, k I will try that, thanks | 02:21 |
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earldude1 | !botsnack | 02:21 |
ubotflu | thanks earldude1 :) | 02:21 |
Zugwrack | fdelacruz:np | 02:21 |
earldude1 | wow cool | 02:21 |
constantine-xvi | ToR911: not elegant, but it works | 02:21 |
=== benplaut [n=benplaut@cpe-70-95-146-177.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
earldude1 | kinda cute even | 02:21 |
earldude1 | !botsnack | 02:21 |
Zugwrack | benplaut: Kewl a roadrunner user in HI | 02:21 |
benplaut | Zugwrack: yup :) | 02:22 |
earldude1 | !tell earldude1 about women | 02:22 |
benplaut | ubotflu: still sick? | 02:22 |
ubotflu | benplaut: Are you smoking crack? | 02:22 |
benplaut | nope | 02:22 |
korhalf | I am :) | 02:22 |
mrkoje | !beer | 02:22 |
=== ubotflu pours mrkoje a cold pint of his favourite beer. | ||
=== Zugwrack is jealous...HI...wish I was there and doing some snorkelin' | ||
=== mrkoje thanks ubotflu | ||
sethk | constantine-xvi, ToR911, you can right click the icon, choose properties, and change the invocation command | 02:22 |
constantine-xvi | that too | 02:22 |
benplaut | and it just PMed me: "dpkg knew: sick is cool" | 02:22 |
benplaut | weird... | 02:22 |
constantine-xvi | i like the complex way sometimes | 02:23 |
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=== mcjerry [n=mcjerry@ip68-99-175-230.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
quacker | !crack | 02:23 |
ubotflu | The primary cause of people asking me the wrong things. | 02:23 |
ToR911 | u know, the reason linux never catches on, is that its such a fucking pain to install stuff | 02:23 |
earldude1 | !tell earldude1 about apache2 | 02:23 |
ToR911 | whats wrong with a simple make | 02:23 |
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earldude1 | i thought linux had caught on | 02:23 |
constantine-xvi | im the outcast of outcasts: i use ubuntu, but everyone else in our loose LUG uses gentoo | 02:23 |
bulio_ | can someone help me with a router? | 02:24 |
josh__ | Does anyone here know how to install internet explorer via wine :)? | 02:24 |
Toma- | ToR911: why complain? | 02:24 |
quacker | How can a bot get the flux ?!? | 02:24 |
Toma- | josh__: ...why? i hear it is possible tho | 02:24 |
HymnToLife | flu is REALLY nasty :p | 02:24 |
earldude1 | what the flux? | 02:24 |
CaptainMorgan | ToR911 - I tried to setup my madwifi.. it required kernel 5.10, I dist upgraded and completely fucked my system.. I back everything up, revert back to 5.04 | 02:24 |
ToR911 | toma: cuz its ez | 02:24 |
redvelvet | <--newbie, just downloaded xmms. what is the command to get the thing to configure, then install? | 02:24 |
Ophiocus | josh__, why would you want to do such an atrocity? | 02:24 |
CaptainMorgan | screw that | 02:24 |
Toma- | ToR911: are you complaining because you cant install something? | 02:24 |
HymnToLife | !ie | 02:24 |
ubotflu | rumour has it, ie is Ubuntu Ireland #ubuntu-ie | 02:24 |
ToR911 | i mean, come on i want to isntall firefox, i have to work on it for 20 mins?? | 02:25 |
earldude1 | !apache | 02:25 |
ubotflu | from memory, apache is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP or, for Ubuntu server information, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/installation-custom | 02:25 |
HymnToLife | not this, you stupid bot :/ | 02:25 |
HymnToLife | !msie | 02:25 |
ubotflu | HymnToLife: Bugger all, i dunno | 02:25 |
RiCON | meh | 02:25 |
quacker | josh__, I've tried but it fails, no matter what version -- I think i't because it needs to register some *#$^ing COM++ object using code it can only obtain over t3h intarweb | 02:25 |
josh__ | Ophiocus: So I can use some other programs with wine that need IE. Im not going to use it :P | 02:25 |
RiCON | the cd still gives the same error | 02:25 |
josh__ | ok | 02:25 |
ToR911 | why can't u have a simple install as root commandf | 02:25 |
Toma- | ToR911: youre obviously not using apt-get. | 02:25 |
Neurosis | can someone help me on this make error i get for Linpal? | 02:25 |
ToR911 | yeh tell me how i can in 2 commands install firefox 1.5 | 02:25 |
HymnToLife | josh__ > it is possible, search the forum I remember someone posted a howto about it | 02:25 |
=== orkin\a [n=orkin@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Goldfish | apt-get install firefox | 02:25 |
earldude1 | does using apt-get screw up synaptic in any way? | 02:26 |
Toma- | are you in dire, desperate need of firefox 1.5? | 02:26 |
Ophiocus | josh__, it may be silly of me but, cant those programs be configured to use ff? | 02:26 |
HymnToLife | earldude1 > no, it's the same thing | 02:26 |
ToR911 | gold fish: will that install firefox 1.5 ? | 02:26 |
quacker | Goldfish, ubuntu doesn't support that version yet -- please read the questions | 02:26 |
constantine-xvi | ToR911: download the binary from mozilla.org, untarball, and run the sh script | 02:26 |
RiCON | HymnToLife, sorry to bother, the cd still gives the same error at the same exact place | 02:26 |
constantine-xvi | Tor911: correction: mozilla.com | 02:26 |
ToR911 | i want to install it to all users, not just me | 02:26 |
orkin\a | how come ubuntu makes my system run like an ancient machine, I expected much better performance form ubuntu | 02:26 |
quacker | ./configure; make; make install | 02:27 |
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constantine-xvi | ToR911: and then comes the making link to firefox in location of old firefox | 02:27 |
HymnToLife | RiCON > the I don't know... maybe something wrong in your hardware | 02:27 |
quacker | orkin\a, how much RAM have you got, etc? | 02:27 |
earldude1 | HymntoLife: why then doesn't php5 show up in my Breezy synaptic package manager? I was able apt-get install it, but it wasn't in synaptic | 02:27 |
Toma- | ToR911: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion? | 02:27 |
orkin\a | It's almosty intolerably slow to where it takes me ovfer a minute just to switch between towo apps | 02:27 |
frogzoo | orkin\a: => 512meg ram? | 02:27 |
Toma- | if you cant follow that within 5 mins, you must be doing something wrong | 02:27 |
Toma- | and if you want it all in 2 commands, use && | 02:28 |
RiCON | HymnToLife, what if I try with the DVD version? | 02:28 |
bimberi | josh__: http://sidenet.ddo.jp/winetips/config.html and http://frankscorner.org | 02:28 |
=== Madz [n=Madzke@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Neurosis | can someone help me on this make error i get for Linpal? | 02:28 |
orkin\a | it has a pentium four | 02:28 |
Madz | ! | 02:28 |
ubotflu | Madz: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 02:28 |
frogzoo | orkin\a: surely sounds like mad swapping to me | 02:28 |
HymnToLife | RiCON > dunno, try it out | 02:28 |
orkin\a | and sufficient ram to make windows run quickly | 02:28 |
orkin\a | why cant it make linux run quickly? | 02:28 |
Khisanth | even with a livecd and a p3 it isn't that slow :) | 02:28 |
Madz | haloo | 02:28 |
ToR911 | toms, and u belive this answers my wishes for isntallation to be simple? | 02:28 |
frogzoo | orkin\a: how much ram? | 02:28 |
ToR911 | 15 lines of commands to install one program | 02:28 |
Toma- | ToR911: fine. http://kidsquid.com/programs/ubuntu/firefox-1.5.0-0nonfree1_i386.tar.gz | 02:28 |
=== umberleigh [n=umberlei@host86-139-150-249.range86-139.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
orkin\a | 256meg | 02:28 |
quacker | earldude1, do yoiu hve multiverse and universe? (installing packages directly from Debian repos is NOT RECOMMENDED -- did you manually edit /etc/apt/sources.list ?) | 02:28 |
Madz | Hi! | 02:29 |
Toma- | unpack, run and and itll install a pretty .deb file for you | 02:29 |
earldude1 | HymntoLife: if apt-get is the same as synaptic, why then doesn't php5 show up in my Breezy synaptic package manager? I was able apt-get install it, but it wasn't in synaptic | 02:29 |
Goldfish | Bleeding edge releases and have their risks and costs. If it isn't supported by the repositories yet at ubuntu, you have to take extra steps to get that version deployed. | 02:29 |
Madz | Hi! | 02:29 |
frogzoo | orkin\a: 512meg will make a difference - in your case, I think a great difference - 'top' will show the story | 02:29 |
bulio_ | dammit | 02:29 |
bulio_ | so no one can help me with router and DHCP? | 02:29 |
benkong2 | ubuntu and kubuntu got the same repos? | 02:29 |
bimberi | benkong2: yes | 02:29 |
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HymnToLife | earldude1 > I don't have a damn clue. Still I know for sure they use the same sources.list file | 02:29 |
bulio_ | anyone? | 02:29 |
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Madz | hoy buang | 02:29 |
Toma- | ToR911: the fact is, firefox 1.5 is still a short way off for breezy, because it still needs bug testing with all the ubuntu libs | 02:30 |
earldude1 | ok cool, good enough | 02:30 |
benkong2 | ok saw a post on google about kubuntu repo for kde 3.5 | 02:30 |
umberleigh | hey. how do i check what programs have a file open and release those file handles? something on my machine is using /dev/sequencer but i don't know what | 02:30 |
orkin\a | there is no way ubuntu was meant to only be fast with 5*meg ram | 02:30 |
=== bwlang [n=bwlang@bb-66-55-211-238.gwi.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ToR911 | it amazes me that people that are a bit pro with linux, think that typing about 10 commands to install one program is normal | 02:30 |
=== martianfood [n=martianf@hlfxns0147w-142167196214.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
frogzoo | umberleigh: fuser -k option to kill | 02:30 |
orkin\a | give me a break it was made to be speedy with 256 topo | 02:30 |
ToR911 | toma, is 1.4 stable with ubuntu? | 02:30 |
=== Zugwrack [n=zugwrack@cpe-70-120-176-147.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
orkin\a | but mine isn't | 02:30 |
constantine-xvi | benkong2: check the kubuntu.org page | 02:30 |
Toma- | ToR911: no idea | 02:30 |
umberleigh | frogzoo: thanks | 02:30 |
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earldude1 | I only have TI-994A with 16k of ram and ubuntu works great on it. | 02:30 |
bimberi | !kde3.5 | 02:30 |
ubotflu | rumour has it, kde3.5 is http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-35.php | 02:30 |
Madz | Hi! dEmon | 02:30 |
HymnToLife | orkin\a > did you enable a swap space ? | 02:30 |
quacker | earldude1, that's just ot possible -- unless you manually edited source.list -- perhaps you should look again. Maybe you made a typo when searching or looked in the wrong section? | 02:30 |
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Toma- | ToR911: i ran 1.5 for a while but its kinda crap so i went back | 02:30 |
orkin\a | swap space? | 02:31 |
HymnToLife | lmao | 02:31 |
Mads | ss | 02:31 |
Mads | buang ka | 02:31 |
ToR911 | to 1.0.7? | 02:31 |
earldude1 | quaker: that's possible that I did overlook it... I'm fairly new to it. | 02:31 |
HymnToLife | !swap | 02:31 |
ubotflu | [swap] used to put unused programs out of memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SwapFaq | 02:31 |
nickrud | earldude1, I got one in the closet, thanks for the tip! | 02:31 |
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Toma- | ToR911: yep | 02:31 |
Goldfish | I found php5 in synaptic. Were you searching my Name or some other criteria? | 02:31 |
Mads | crazy! | 02:31 |
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Toma- | if it aint broke, why fix it :) | 02:31 |
orkin\a | I just installed this though | 02:31 |
Mads | dio | 02:31 |
ToR911 | i consider it broke | 02:31 |
earldude1 | I actually threw my ti99 in the garbage back in college. I wish I hadn't now | 02:31 |
quacker | orkin\a, don't get defensicve please. It was a simple question. And no Breezy is not necessarily going to be speedy with 256 MB (128 is actually the minimum requirement just to install). | 02:31 |
=== Harus [n=Snak@mctnnbsa24w-142167033145.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
orkin\a | and i havent had it update all those updates | 02:31 |
Madz | buang | 02:31 |
MasterTsunami | because it has significant upgrades :/ | 02:31 |
Zugwrack | Ok when I run the update manager it keeps erroring on lilypond-data_2.6.3-9~breezy1_all.deb | 02:32 |
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frogzoo | !tell orkin\a about swap | 02:32 |
Zugwrack | Anyone have a clue why? | 02:32 |
Neurosis | can someone help me on this make error i get for Linpal? | 02:32 |
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Hobbsee | Neurosis: what error? | 02:32 |
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ToR911 | btw, what does the ubutu server version have in it? | 02:33 |
Toma- | MasterTsunami: also, if you google firefox 1.5, the top news on it is that is has a DoS exploit | 02:33 |
frogzoo | Zugwrack: is the repo available? | 02:33 |
=== warren_ [n=warren@adsl-69-236-160-64.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
quacker | orkin\a, one thing you can always do is get rid of all the 'fluff' and goto a minimal windows manager like xcfe or even fluxbox. | 02:33 |
Neurosis | Hobbsee , channel flood i can paste it to you. | 02:33 |
nalioth | Neurosis: can you pastebin it please and bring us the URL ? | 02:33 |
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mrkoje | Toma-, it's not a DoS explot | 02:33 |
MasterTsunami | err that's every firefox, and it's not a DoS exploit :/ | 02:33 |
=== lordlucless [n=andrew@ppp22-61.lns2.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Zugwrack | frogzoo: Yep I have enabled all the repos using synaptic | 02:33 |
HymnToLife | ToR911 > the same as the desktop one, minus the GUI | 02:33 |
Hobbsee | Neurosis: yes, use teh pastebin :) | 02:33 |
Toma- | meh. | 02:33 |
ToR911 | no GUI at all? | 02:33 |
Neurosis | ok, ill go get a url | 02:33 |
butcherbird | could someone using nvidia-glx or -legacy paste your xorg.conf please. Just apt-get'd everything and 'nvidia-glx-config enable' and its not working..(breezy) | 02:33 |
mrkoje | Toma-, it eats system resources.... not a DoS though... | 02:33 |
Neurosis | brb | 02:33 |
frogzoo | Zugwrack: point is, maybe the repo is down? | 02:34 |
quacker | orkin\a, what CPU and what other hardware (integrated video chipset, or Intel wifi by any chance?) | 02:34 |
benplaut | Zugwrack: are you in hawaii? | 02:34 |
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josh__ | bye all :) | 02:34 |
Zugwrack | frogzoo: For two days? I haven't seen anything about repos down | 02:34 |
Goldfish | ubotflu tell me about java | 02:34 |
JoeyDay|ubuntu | What's the default root password in Ubuntu? | 02:34 |
Zugwrack | benplaut: No sir..Texas | 02:34 |
=== mak [n=mak@pc-93-213-215-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HymnToLife | ToR911 > nope | 02:34 |
HymnToLife | !server | 02:34 |
benplaut | ah | 02:34 |
ubotflu | Ubuntu 5.10 Server is out! http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2005-October/000042.html | 02:34 |
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ToR911 | hymtolife, console only? | 02:34 |
ToR911 | damn | 02:34 |
benplaut | ubotflu tell JoeyDay|ubuntu about sudo | 02:34 |
frogzoo | Goldfish: just /msg ubotflu qstn | 02:34 |
mak | hi | 02:35 |
JoeyDay|ubuntu | Is there a default root password? I don't recall setting one up during install. | 02:35 |
Goldfish | I can't. My nick isn't registered so it won't let me send private msgs. | 02:35 |
benplaut | JoeyDay|ubuntu: look at what ubotflu just PMed you | 02:35 |
nalioth | JoeyDay|ubuntu: read your PM | 02:35 |
ToR911 | benplaut, tell me too about sudo | 02:35 |
frogzoo | JoeyDay|ubuntu: use sudo | 02:35 |
nalioth | ubotflu: tell Goldfish about register | 02:35 |
Zugwrack | JoeyDay: It uses sudo f | 02:35 |
mak | i need some help with xorg and resources | 02:35 |
benplaut | ubotflu tell ToR911 about sudo | 02:35 |
Zugwrack | *sudo* | 02:35 |
ToR911 | ty | 02:35 |
JoeyDay|ubuntu | Zugwrack: So there isn't a root password at all? | 02:35 |
HymnToLife | Goldfish > then... register it | 02:35 |
Neurosis | Here is the paste bin link - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/d5727 | 02:35 |
mak | anybody can help me? | 02:35 |
Toma- | mak just ask | 02:36 |
HymnToLife | JoeyDay|ubuntu > you can set one | 02:36 |
nalioth | mak: if you ask us a question, probably | 02:36 |
JoeyDay|ubuntu | HymnToLife: How? | 02:36 |
HymnToLife | but you won't need it anyway | 02:36 |
Zugwrack | JoeyDay: It uses your username password and passes it to sudo | 02:36 |
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HymnToLife | JoeyDay|ubuntu > sudo chpasswd root | 02:36 |
butcherbird | JoeyDay|ubuntu, root is disabled, use "sudo command" or type "sudo -i" for a root term | 02:36 |
mak | when i move a window, the cpu usage goes up to 100% | 02:36 |
Zugwrack | so if I want to run apt I would type: sudo apt-get <fileinstall> then it will ask for your password and then run | 02:36 |
nalioth | JoeyDay|ubuntu: read the link ubotflu sent you please | 02:36 |
frogzoo | Zugwrack: pastebin the error - have you checked /var/log/messages? full disk? df -k ? | 02:36 |
JoeyDay|ubuntu | nalioth: I did. | 02:37 |
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nalioth | Zugwrack: sudo apt-get install $PKGNAME | 02:37 |
Toma- | mak: have you got composite extensions enabled or something? | 02:37 |
Zugwrack | frogzoo: don't know when you came in.. I already pasted once..just a sec will do it again | 02:37 |
Hobbsee | Neurosis: pass, no clue sorry | 02:37 |
Neurosis | crap :( | 02:37 |
=== Harus [n=Harus@mctnnbsa24w-142167033145.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
earldude1 | !apache | 02:38 |
ubotflu | it has been said that apache is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP or, for Ubuntu server information, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/installation-custom | 02:38 |
Zugwrack | !pastebin | 02:38 |
ubotflu | pastebin is probably a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 02:38 |
mak | what are composite extensions? | 02:38 |
mak | i've installed nvidia drivers | 02:38 |
Zugwrack | frogzoo: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5728 | 02:38 |
DjLinX | i installed proftpd and when i type it into a brower i get "Access to the port number has been disabled for security reasons." does anyone know how to fix | 02:39 |
Toma- | mak: if you dont know what they are, youre not using them :) (which is good for the moment.) | 02:39 |
Toma- | mak: are the glx drivers forking? | 02:39 |
bulio_ | how do I kill a pppoe conneciton? | 02:39 |
mak | forking? | 02:39 |
Harus | Hey! I'm new to linux, and I am trying to run Kubuntu off of a CD on my mac. How do I do that? I apologize if I have aggravated anyone. | 02:39 |
=== GTroy [n=galen@70-57-162-112.spkn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GTroy | hello guys | 02:40 |
marky | how do i run network-manager guys? anyone know? | 02:40 |
mak | what does forking means? | 02:40 |
Neurosis | Can someone help me with this make error for Linpal? - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/d5727 | 02:40 |
JoeyDay|ubuntu | Do you guys know much about apt-get packages? I'm trying to install a DynDNS client called ez-ipupdate so I can VNC into my Ubuntu machine. | 02:40 |
mak | 3d apps runs ok | 02:40 |
JoeyDay|ubuntu | But apt-get says it can't find the package. | 02:40 |
mak | but 2d things not so well | 02:40 |
Toma- | mak: sorry, i ment working :S | 02:40 |
butcherbird | sudo network-admin, that what u wanted? | 02:40 |
bulio_ | how do I kill a pppoe conneciton? | 02:40 |
mak | yes, they are | 02:40 |
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Goldfish | marky: Go to System -> Preferences -> Sessions, and pick Startup Programs. Then enter a new command line for sudo /usr/bin/nm-applet & | 02:41 |
Toma- | mak: can you put your xorg.conf up on a pastebin? | 02:41 |
bimberi | bulio_: poff ? | 02:41 |
GTroy | where would I find the folder for firefox's public_html, or similar? | 02:41 |
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ZeroIRC | Hello | 02:41 |
Goldfish | marky: I just got that cooking last night. | 02:41 |
mak | ok, give me a minute | 02:41 |
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=== ElitePete [n=pete@c-24-131-71-233.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Toma- | GTroy: public_html? | 02:41 |
bulio_ | more than one pppd running | 02:41 |
somedude | i heard ubuntu was the king of the distro and there are none higher sucka distro should call it sire | 02:41 |
somedude | or something like that | 02:42 |
marky | goldfish hold on yhrn i'll try it | 02:42 |
Zugwrack | nalioth: See my pastebin error: 5729 | 02:42 |
CaptainMorgan | working in a terminal... I get used to have .c files that were colored back.. since installation of the backup data they're now green - the color of .exe... how can I change them to black ? | 02:42 |
GTroy | place where firefox can access this app | 02:42 |
GTroy | does that make sense Toma- | 02:42 |
Toma- | GTroy: not really :D | 02:42 |
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GTroy | hmm | 02:42 |
nalioth | Neurosis: you seem to have dodgy code | 02:42 |
GTroy | I'll past in flood | 02:42 |
mrplant | LOL | 02:42 |
mrplant | I've just read | 02:42 |
GTroy | paste | 02:42 |
mrplant | Windows' history | 02:43 |
Neurosis | what can i do to help it? | 02:43 |
Toma- | somedude: if thats what you want to think, sure. | 02:43 |
mrplant | here it is: | 02:43 |
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mrplant | "It compiles, let's ship it!" | 02:43 |
Zugwrack | nalioth: While I am at it I am guessing that command retrieved the variable information from the cache when it tried to install lilypond-data? | 02:43 |
Toma- | GTroy: cool. | 02:43 |
=== somedude [n=me@pool-141-150-41-126.mad.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
nalioth | Zugwrack: sudo apt-get -f install" | 02:43 |
nickrud | CaptainMorgan, tak a look at them with ls -l ; if the execute bit is set (an x in permissions) chmod -x *.c will fix it | 02:43 |
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kevinix | hi, why is it that i can play any dvd's on gxine and xine, but totem and vlc just lock up? | 02:43 |
ZeroIRC | Can someone please help me. I want to make my self owner, and I did this before with someones help, but I forgot how. | 02:43 |
Zugwrack | nalioth: Ok thanks for the help :-) | 02:43 |
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ElitePete | how do i get alsamixer to save my settings? | 02:44 |
ElitePete | everytime i reboot i have to adjust it. | 02:44 |
marky | goldfish got asfar as sessions and startup programs ~~> add ? then what do i put in there? | 02:44 |
nalioth | Zugwrack: i've not given you any help yet. | 02:44 |
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sklav | hi guys | 02:44 |
nickrud | ZeroIRC, sudo chmod <user>:<user> <file> will make you the owner | 02:44 |
Zugwrack | nalioth: Now it says it can't find the file | 02:44 |
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sklav | im having an issue migrating my ubuntu drive to another pc | 02:44 |
ZeroIRC | nickrud, thanks | 02:44 |
ElitePete | can anyone tell me why alsamixer isn't saving my settings? | 02:44 |
sklav | i have setup the fstab accordingly | 02:44 |
CaptainMorgan | ha.. that's beautiful nickrud - thanks | 02:44 |
=== senectus [n=senectus@203-59-129-223.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sklav | but grub doesnt want to install | 02:45 |
Zugwrack | nalioth: Ok then for the moral support... | 02:45 |
Goldfish | marky: Type in "sudo /usr/bin/nm-applet &" That is so it launches at start up. First, use a terminal and verify the command works. | 02:45 |
senectus | hey does anyone know if there is a text mode browser that supports frames? | 02:45 |
sklav | how can i have grub-install its mbr on the primary slave? | 02:45 |
Toma- | ElitePete: make sure /etc/init.d/alsa-utils is getting run at shutdown.. use update-rc.d to do that, or a boot process manager like bum | 02:45 |
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sklav | senectus, its called links | 02:45 |
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nalioth | senectus: links2 | 02:46 |
sklav | anybody familiar with grub? | 02:46 |
mak | i need help with xorg, it uses up to 100% cpu when i move windows | 02:46 |
ElitePete | Toma-, so type update-rc.d | 02:46 |
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senectus | sklav, excellent that works a treat thanks :-) | 02:46 |
ElitePete | at terminal? | 02:46 |
GTroy | Toma- would I use firefox's extensions folder, or the plugins folder? or wrong with both | 02:46 |
sklav | np | 02:46 |
mak | please someone help me | 02:46 |
Toma- | ElitePete: not quite | 02:46 |
tomodachi | but grub doesnt want to close Ubuntu if that works, start up at gmail.. i hope you get same results | 02:46 |
kevinix | also, how do i make xine my default DVD player? the 'preferred applications | 02:46 |
tomodachi | Ok then for the directions to access UBUNTU" | 02:46 |
kevinix | .. doesn't offer a chance to change this | 02:46 |
Zugwrack | nalioth: It appears that file is failing when trying to unpack...so it could be corrupted somehow? | 02:46 |
Toma- | GTroy: whats the outcome you want? | 02:46 |
sklav | how does one install on the mbr of the hdb? | 02:46 |
tomodachi | how can i save a new pass, is that correct? | 02:47 |
senectus | nalioth, oh.. is there a diff between links and links2 in the ubuntu repository? | 02:47 |
sklav | i want to move this drive to another dedicated pc | 02:47 |
=== Arafangion [n=arafangi@220-245-215-98-act.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tomodachi | its called having two exams back to school with a different name | 02:47 |
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GTroy | Toma- to run a script | 02:47 |
ElitePete | toma-, i'm new to ubuntu can you make it more clear? | 02:47 |
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nalioth | senectus: i believe there may be | 02:47 |
tomodachi | It appears in the config get acquired) what I was answering sipher | 02:47 |
Toma- | GTroy: you want firefox to run a script? | 02:47 |
=== GTroy should have known this long ago | ||
tomodachi | whats the problem was, directory handles and file handles both have their data. | 02:47 |
tomodachi | oh.. is there a really killer gnome desktop? | 02:47 |
nalioth | Zugwrack: that is a possiblity | 02:47 |
GTroy | Toma-yep | 02:47 |
tomodachi | Toma- to run it, it doesnt find it | 02:47 |
tomodachi | i'm new to C++, so I'm probably programming very sloppily | 02:47 |
Arafangion | My laptop crashes whenever I open the screen (ie, get out of standby) while the battery is almost-but-not-quite-flat. | 02:47 |
tomodachi | GTroy should have it good. | 02:47 |
nalioth | Zugwrack: join #kubuntu-offtopic and we'll see about getting you sorted | 02:47 |
tomodachi | My laptop would come from mediawiki itself. | 02:47 |
Arafangion | Is it possible to just get the standby to not resume in that situation? | 02:47 |
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Toma- | ElitePete: 'update-rc.d alsa-utils defaults' | 02:48 |
Arafangion | tomodachi: I would advise you to join #c++ (or ##C++ or whatever) | 02:48 |
senectus | nalioth, ok thanks mate | 02:48 |
ElitePete | Toma-, could you possibly explain it more newby mode for me? | 02:48 |
ElitePete | k. | 02:48 |
mak | Toma- do i send you the xorg.conf?? | 02:48 |
tomodachi | could you explain that I would assume that is prolly opened as a squence overlay the glow | 02:48 |
Toma- | ElitePete: also, run that as sudo | 02:48 |
tomodachi | Toma- do i view? | 02:48 |
ElitePete | ck | 02:48 |
ElitePete | k. | 02:48 |
Toma- | mak: put it on a pastebin | 02:48 |
marky | goldfish do i have to restart for that to work? | 02:48 |
Toma- | ~pastebin | 02:48 |
tomodachi | put it there | 02:48 |
Toma- | !pastebin | 02:48 |
ubotflu | pastebin is, like, a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 02:48 |
tomodachi | pastebin is, like, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) - Create your own laptop or desktop on ubuntu? | 02:48 |
Toma- | tomodachi: what? | 02:48 |
tomodachi | what are you doing | 02:48 |
=== Zugwrack sigh...again my fellow texan to the rescue | ||
=== pvanhoof [n=pvanhoof@d54C18307.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ElitePete | Toma-, it tells me System startup links for /etc/init.d/alsa-utils already exist. | 02:48 |
Goldfish | marky: The sudo command can be run from a terminal in your current session. Putting in the "Sessions" prevents you from having to type that same command every time you login again. | 02:49 |
Toma- | ElitePete: ok. so thats working... | 02:49 |
tomodachi | ok. so I just don't remember the way from arizona! | 02:49 |
kevinix | does anyone else manage to have totem playing back DVD's? | 02:49 |
frogzoo | Zugwrack: try sudo apt-get build-dep lilypond | 02:49 |
ElitePete | Toma- my problem is i need to set my mic to the proper setting each time i reboot (using alsamixer) | 02:49 |
kevinix | only xine/gxine/mplayer work here | 02:49 |
Toma- | GTroy: i have no idea sorry :( | 02:49 |
tomodachi | Toma- my problem is | 02:49 |
marky | goldfish so " network-manager" in terminal will now work? | 02:49 |
tomodachi | goldfish so you suggest cvs to it? | 02:49 |
_jason|soup | kevinix, how about totem-xine? | 02:49 |
frogzoo | Zugwrack: which version of lilypond u running? | 02:49 |
ZeroIRC | nickrud, I tried what you said, and it said { chmod: invalid mode string: `zeroirc:zeroirc' } | 02:50 |
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tomodachi | I tried | 02:50 |
Toma- | ElitePete: so its just the mic thats not getting set? | 02:50 |
kevinix | _jason|soup i'll check | 02:50 |
=== Centaur5 [n=fishman@68-187-79-131.dhcp.stgr.ut.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tomodachi | so its not links2 -g? | 02:50 |
mak | Toma-: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5730 | 02:50 |
Toma- | tomodachi: are you a bot? | 02:50 |
pirx | hi! is there something i need to do to be able to record from alsa devices (with mencoder for instance) in ubuntu? | 02:50 |
ElitePete | yep toma | 02:50 |
tomodachi | dunno | 02:50 |
mak | Toma-: there it is | 02:50 |
Goldfish | tomodachi: cvs? What are you talking about? | 02:50 |
tomodachi | you best check yo'self! | 02:50 |
frogzoo | Zugwrack: common problem - read this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=80901 | 02:50 |
ElitePete | it always defaults to "mic" | 02:50 |
nickrud | ZeroIRC, I assume that's the user on the machine? | 02:50 |
ElitePete | but it needs to be "front mic" | 02:50 |
tomodachi | it always did stand for Tuvalu in the mean time, how do you need? | 02:50 |
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tomodachi | I assume you're not really caring that much | 02:50 |
tomodachi | but it complains of missing depends | 02:50 |
ZeroIRC | nickrud, yea | 02:50 |
Goldfish | marky: That is how I ran it. It will verify if you got it loaded. | 02:50 |
tomodachi | That is what I am there ... =( | 02:50 |
benplaut | Toma-: i think it is | 02:50 |
tomodachi | i think iam gonna redesign your site, heh | 02:50 |
benplaut | Toma-: it was a few days ago, anyway | 02:50 |
butcherbird | i just apt-get'd nvidia-glx-legacy and associated packages but it didnt update my xorg.conf the way the wiki seems to say it will and shouldnt lsmod show a glx module running now? | 02:50 |
tomodachi | i just apt-got mercury, its installed, appearantly, but when I ask waht the difference between "edit" and "create" | 02:51 |
marky | i'll restart and see if i spot anything diferent , brb | 02:51 |
tomodachi | it was still standing up a TCP Socket | 02:51 |
tomodachi | i'll restart my machine, and it | 02:51 |
nickrud | *blush ZeroIRC it's chown not chmod, the command | 02:51 |
Toma- | Seveas: can you please ban tomodachi? | 02:51 |
ZeroIRC | oh, thanks nickrud | 02:51 |
nickrud | ZeroIRC, I'd just done a chmod question, the fingers failed me :) | 02:51 |
tomodachi | I'd just ignore the BIG family started screaming really loud. i didnt during installation? | 02:51 |
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tomodachi | I'd just ignore the BIG family started screaming really loud. i didnt during installation? | 02:51 |
nickrud | !test | 02:51 |
ubotflu | Passed. | 02:51 |
mak | Toma-: have u any idea?, thanks for reading | 02:51 |
ZeroIRC | nickrud, I've had it happen many times | 02:51 |
tomodachi | I've had better UL with bitcomet | 02:51 |
sklav | hey can someone tell me why this is happening | 02:51 |
tomodachi | have u checked mime-types ? | 02:51 |
Toma- | mak still reading | 02:51 |
tomodachi | hey can i add packages to what are you making it look like | 02:52 |
Arafangion | tomodachi: Ask *ONE* question at a time, and stay on topic. | 02:52 |
sklav | ex: grub-install /dev/hdb1 | 02:52 |
sklav | -- /dev/hdb1 does not have any corresponding BIOS drive. | 02:52 |
ElitePete | tomodachi stfu | 02:52 |
Toma- | Arafangion: its a bot | 02:52 |
tomodachi | its a shame to me man | 02:52 |
nickrud | i think so | 02:52 |
tomodachi | i think appending will work | 02:52 |
eobanb_ | tomodachi is a bot? | 02:52 |
tomodachi | no clue | 02:52 |
sklav | but ubuntu is installed and running on hdb1 | 02:52 |
Arafangion | Toma-: Does appear to be a bot. | 02:52 |
ElitePete | Toma-, sorry to bug you but any ideas on my problem? it's easy to fix ... but tedious | 02:52 |
tomodachi | Does appear to be annoyed if all you need to unsubscribe from the CD first and last block of 106 files? | 02:52 |
nickrud | nalioth, I think we have a stray bot here | 02:52 |
tomodachi | sorry to keep track of upload/download ratios as well | 02:52 |
Phoul | Okay when i open limewire its stupidly slow any ideas | 02:52 |
_jason | tomodachi, quit | 02:53 |
eobanb_ | kick it, now. | 02:53 |
tomodachi | insufficient "quit" auth (have 10, need 90) | 02:53 |
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_jason | lol | 02:53 |
kevinix | _jason|soup can't install totem-xine as it conflicts with totem-gstreamer. i can't purge toten-gstreamer as rhythmbox depends on it, and ubuntu-desktop depends on rhythmbox. | 02:53 |
Toma- | tomodachi: quit please | 02:53 |
tomodachi | insufficient "quit" auth (have 10, need 90) | 02:53 |
kevinix | time for aptitude ;) | 02:53 |
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MasterTsunami | tomodachi, shut up | 02:53 |
Toma- | tomodachi: quit tomodachi | 02:53 |
tomodachi | insufficient "quit" auth (have 10, need 90) | 02:53 |
Phoul | _jason, any ideas? | 02:53 |
ElitePete | tomodachi die ? | 02:53 |
tomodachi | beats me | 02:53 |
nickrud | tomodachi, | 02:53 |
MasterTsunami | tomodachi, quiet | 02:53 |
tomodachi | insufficient "talk" auth (have 10, need 40) | 02:53 |
MasterTsunami | :/ | 02:53 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o nalioth] by ChanServ | ||
_jason | kevinix, yeah, totem-xine will replace totem-gstreamer | 02:53 |
eobanb_ | we're in the wrong user class | 02:53 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %tomodachi!*@*] by nalioth | ||
Phoul | _jason, any ideas? | 02:53 |
eobanb_ | thank you.. | 02:53 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o nalioth] by ChanServ | ||
Toma- | tomodachi: youre banned :D | 02:53 |
benplaut | nalioth: thanks | 02:53 |
nickrud | thanks | 02:53 |
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frogzoo | tomodachi: stfu | 02:53 |
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Toma- | thx nalioth | 02:54 |
ElitePete | can ayone help me with a small alsamixer problem ?? | 02:54 |
OpnSrc | Sometimes when i go to the menu editor and change things, it doesn't update | 02:54 |
benplaut | actually, that's comradevi | 02:54 |
OpnSrc | how do i fix it? | 02:54 |
_jason | Phoul, sorry, I was probably still eating my soup when you asked, can you repeat your question? | 02:54 |
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Phoul | Why is limewire stupidly slow when i start it? | 02:54 |
mak | Toma-: i've read on ubuntuforums.org and many people had the same problem with ubuntu 5.04 | 02:54 |
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sklav | is thre a linux recovery option in ubuntu install cd? | 02:54 |
Toma- | ok, ElitePete "amixer set Mic 100" is a handy command that'll set your mic to 100. use gnome startup commands to make it start on boot | 02:54 |
mak | Toma-: it seems to happen on 5.10, too... | 02:54 |
bob2 | sklav: what would it do? | 02:54 |
Toma- | mak: gimme a sec | 02:54 |
TokenBad | ok folks..see if anyone can help here... | 02:55 |
_jason | Phoul, probably because it uses java. I don't use it so I can't really say whether or not that is normal behavior for limewire | 02:55 |
sklav | im trying to install grub on hdb1 | 02:55 |
ElitePete | Toma-, the problem is the mic it wants to use is "mic" but my mic is "front mic" | 02:55 |
TokenBad | I just tried to get my printer to work | 02:55 |
sklav | but i keep getting an error | 02:55 |
Phoul | _jason, what do you use? | 02:55 |
sklav | -- /dev/hdb1 does not have any corresponding BIOS drive. | 02:55 |
TokenBad | and when tried to install driver it recommended | 02:55 |
TokenBad | meaning ubuntu | 02:55 |
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bob2 | sklav: boot installer, proceed through to partitioning stage. alt-f2 to a terminal, resetup grub | 02:55 |
sklav | but im in ubuntu which is installed on hdb1 | 02:55 |
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TokenBad | it gave error of missing asterisk in column 1 | 02:55 |
TokenBad | and errors out | 02:55 |
sklav | bob2, im in ubuntu | 02:55 |
TokenBad | any ideas? | 02:55 |
bob2 | sklav: or use the expert mode and select install grub from the menu | 02:55 |
Arafangion | So, does anybody have any suggestions as to how to troubleshoot my ACPI resume-from-standby bug? | 02:55 |
amonkey | where can i ask about wifi hardware for use with linux? | 02:55 |
Toma- | ElitePete: well change the channel (eg. Mic) to front mic | 02:55 |
Phoul | _jason? | 02:55 |
sklav | im trying to move this hdd to another system | 02:55 |
bob2 | sklav: you've mounted /dev/bha1 | 02:55 |
ElitePete | Toma-, i do but it defaults when i reboot.. that is the problem | 02:56 |
frogzoo | bob2: can you just boot 'recovery' or something ? | 02:56 |
bob2 | amonkey: anything aside from broadcom or TI or acx should be fine | 02:56 |
sklav | but when in the other system nadda happens | 02:56 |
bob2 | frogzoo: not if grub is gone | 02:56 |
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Toma- | ElitePete: id say so... | 02:56 |
sklav | so im trying to install grub on its mbr so that i can modifi it then | 02:56 |
kevinix | i've installed skype via the package on skype.com. i had to dpkg -i --force-all install it as it wanted a libqt3-mt or similar not installable. anyone else experience this? | 02:56 |
_jason | Phoul, I don't use the gnutella network at all | 02:56 |
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frogzoo | bob2: I mean, from the install disk | 02:56 |
Phoul | jason what do you use? | 02:56 |
Phoul | what program | 02:56 |
kevinix | it runs fine, but now apt considers the package broken | 02:56 |
Arafangion | kevinix: That is likely to be a *debian* package. | 02:56 |
bob2 | kevinix: um, don't do that | 02:57 |
_jason | Phoul, for file-sharing all I need is a torrent client and the one provided in gnome suffices for me | 02:57 |
bob2 | kevinix: get the static tarball and use that | 02:57 |
sklav | any idea bob2 how to migrate it to the other system? | 02:57 |
kevinix | Arafangion, no, it says, ubuntu, debian xandros | 02:57 |
ElitePete | Toma-, i just changed it using sudo alsamixer | 02:57 |
bob2 | frogzoo: not that I'm aware of | 02:57 |
ElitePete | maybe that was the problem? | 02:57 |
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ElitePete | that i wasn't using sudo | 02:57 |
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bob2 | sklav: moving a hard disk without a rescue plan is a terrible idea | 02:57 |
OpnSrc | When I change things on the KDE menu editor sometimes it doesn't update | 02:57 |
Toma- | ElitePete: that wouldnt matter | 02:57 |
kevinix | bob2, even though skype.com said it was for ubuntu? | 02:57 |
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bob2 | sklav: have you mounted the disk in the installer yet? | 02:57 |
OpnSrc | and I'll keep trying but it still won't update. How do I fix it? | 02:57 |
bimberi | ubotu tell kevinix about skype | 02:57 |
bob2 | kevinix: indeed | 02:57 |
bimberi | ubotflu tell kevinix about skype | 02:57 |
kevinix | bob2, ok | 02:57 |
bob2 | OpnSrc: #kubuntu | 02:57 |
sklav | im past the installer | 02:57 |
TokenBad | take that as a no | 02:57 |
Arafangion | kevinix: Well, that package (qt) was a strictly debian package. | 02:57 |
ElitePete | Well Toma-, i'm stumped then | 02:57 |
butcherbird | sklav, if u type sudo grub and then root (hd1,0) and then setup (hd1) or whatever hd you want mbr to go to does it work? | 02:57 |
sklav | im installed and running | 02:57 |
benplaut | ln -s ubotflu ubotu | 02:57 |
_jason | Phoul, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing presents gtk-gnutella as an alternative to limewire. Maybe you can try that | 02:57 |
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OpnSrc | thanks | 02:57 |
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Phoul | jason i did | 02:58 |
Phoul | It wouldnt let anything through | 02:58 |
ElitePete | hi _jason any chance you could help me with a small alsamixer problem? | 02:58 |
kevinix | Arafangion, http://www.skype.com/products/skype/linux/ | 02:58 |
CaptainMorgan | nickrud how do I get rid of the same color for text files? | 02:58 |
kevinix | Arafangion, it does state 'ubuntu' | 02:58 |
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bob2 | sklav: blah blah | 02:58 |
kevinix | !skype | 02:58 |
ubotflu | skype is, like, totally, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SkypeHowto/ Breezy deb: http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl | 02:58 |
_jason | ElitePete, doubtful since I don't understand anything about it | 02:58 |
bob2 | sklav: have you mounted the hdb1 yet or not? | 02:58 |
ElitePete | Ok. | 02:58 |
_jason | ElitePete, you are better off just asking your question | 02:58 |
=== tomaj [n=tomaj@c220-239-4-36.belrs4.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ElitePete | My alsamixer does not save my settings, when i reboot i have to set my mics up again. | 02:59 |
sklav | Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83 | 02:59 |
Toma- | mak: try adding 'Load "dri" ' after the "Section "Module"" part | 02:59 |
bob2 | sklav: have you mounted it or not? | 02:59 |
sklav | yes | 02:59 |
sklav | its mounted | 02:59 |
bob2 | sklav: and you chrooted into it? | 02:59 |
Arafangion | kevinix: Looks like they failed to do their research, looks like they've classified ubuntu as "debian" merely because they've both used apt. | 02:59 |
sklav | yes | 02:59 |
sklav | im in it | 02:59 |
Toma- | ElitePete: so what channel do you need turned up on boot? | 02:59 |
sklav | this is what i get now | 02:59 |
sklav | Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83 | 02:59 |
kevinix | Arafangion, it seems so | 02:59 |
ElitePete | i just need it to change from "mic" to "front mic" | 02:59 |
kevinix | bob2, the HOWTO on the wiki is great, thanks | 03:00 |
bob2 | sklav: that output is not very useful without you mentioning what is producing it | 03:00 |
bob2 | kevinix: np, good luck | 03:00 |
Toma- | ElitePete: you wanna rename the channels? | 03:00 |
sklav | ok i typed | 03:00 |
sklav | grub | 03:00 |
sklav | and then root (hd1,0) | 03:00 |
mak | Toma-: ok, it's done | 03:00 |
sklav | and then i get that mesg | 03:00 |
Toma- | mak: now reset X and hope! | 03:00 |
_jason | !enter | 03:00 |
ubotflu | please don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying. Write in complete sentences and keep your replies and questions on one line if possible. Thanks! | 03:00 |
ElitePete | Toma-, i can do that? | 03:00 |
Arafangion | kevinix: Next time when you install something like that, from something that says it's for debian, use the .tar.bz or even the .rpm (And use rpm2cpio, and install that). I would highly recommend you to use checkinstall to produce a generic ubuntu program (with no dependencies, you'll have to manage them yourselves) | 03:01 |
Toma- | ElitePete: not that i know of.. | 03:01 |
mak | Toma-: thanks! | 03:01 |
ElitePete | Toma-, i don't think you understand my problem. | 03:01 |
Toma- | mak: i hope it works too :D | 03:01 |
CaptainMorgan | what's the chmod option for text files ? | 03:01 |
Toma- | ElitePete: i know i dont understand your problem :D | 03:01 |
ElitePete | it's just using the wrong port in alsa mixer, it works fine when i change it. | 03:01 |
Arafangion | CaptainMorgan: Uh? | 03:01 |
butcherbird | sklav, type setup (hd1) to put it on mbr of hdb or setup (hd0) to put on hda | 03:01 |
ElitePete | it starts at Mic, but my mic is located at front mic | 03:01 |
CaptainMorgan | text files without a suffix | 03:01 |
bob2 | CaptainMorgan: those two concepts are unrelated | 03:01 |
TokenBad | ok i need help with ubuntu and printer....help...... | 03:02 |
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bob2 | TokenBad: you need to ask a coherent question first | 03:02 |
Arafangion | CaptainMorgan: What has a suffix got to do with anything? | 03:02 |
Toma- | ElitePete: you have 2 mics? | 03:02 |
CaptainMorgan | omg... vic secret fashion show is on... | 03:02 |
ElitePete | No Toma-, | 03:02 |
ElitePete | it just shows 2 mic ports. | 03:02 |
tomaj | CaptainMorgan, lol | 03:02 |
bob2 | CaptainMorgan: this is not windows; the file extension has no effect on whether something is runnable | 03:02 |
nickrud | CaptainMorgan, nm, vic secret | 03:02 |
Arafangion | kevinix: btw, what is skype like? | 03:02 |
Toma- | ahh | 03:02 |
TokenBad | I have over and over | 03:02 |
sklav | ok | 03:02 |
TokenBad | ok folks..see if anyone can help here... | 03:02 |
Arafangion | kevinix: I'm considering using it for a small business. | 03:02 |
TokenBad | I just tried to get my printer to work | 03:02 |
sklav | says it worked let me try i will be back ;) | 03:02 |
TokenBad | and when tried to install driver it recommended | 03:02 |
Arafangion | kevinix: Mainly inter-office communication. | 03:02 |
TokenBad | meaning ubuntu | 03:02 |
butcherbird | sklav, good luck :) | 03:02 |
CaptainMorgan | well chmod -x *.c changed all .c files to black but it skipped text files | 03:02 |
TokenBad | it gave error of missing asterisk in column 1 | 03:03 |
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Arafangion | CaptainMorgan: Dude, *.c files *ARE* text files. | 03:03 |
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nickrud | CaptainMorgan, the chmod command works for any file; that execute bit it mentioned earlier can be on any file. Just -x the files you want. | 03:03 |
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bob2 | TokenBad: no, this question is useless | 03:03 |
Toma- | ElitePete: so let me get this straight, you want to change the Mic channel to Front Mic channel? | 03:03 |
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bob2 | TokenBad: you need to mention a) the brand and model, b) what happened when you used the normal add printer option from the gnome panel and c) what driver you're trying to install | 03:04 |
CaptainMorgan | but I have a text file - data5 for example - which has no extension | 03:04 |
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CaptainMorgan | it did not change color | 03:04 |
butcherbird | CaptainMorgan, as long as youre able to read those files I wouldnt think it would matter the chmod settings | 03:04 |
bob2 | CaptainMorgan: you told it to touch *.c | 03:04 |
ElitePete | Toma-, i can do it, i'm trying to tell you it just resets to "mic" when i reboot | 03:04 |
CaptainMorgan | my gawd, these women ARE angels.. | 03:04 |
bob2 | CaptainMorgan: data5 does not match *.c | 03:04 |
Goldfish | CaptainMorgan: That command changed every file ending in .c. chmod -x data5 | 03:04 |
bob2 | CaptainMorgan: you're confusing "filename" with "filetype" | 03:04 |
nickrud | CaptainMorgan, also, linux looks at the file directly to figure out what it is, it does not use the extensions to figure it out | 03:04 |
CaptainMorgan | right, bob so how to change it? | 03:04 |
bob2 | CaptainMorgan: C files should never ever be executable | 03:04 |
Toma- | ElitePete: so you need something to either store or unmute and turn the level up on mic at boot? | 03:04 |
TokenBad | bob2 ok | 03:04 |
ElitePete | No Toma-, i just need alsamixer to remember the channel i have it set at... | 03:05 |
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TokenBad | its a epson stylus 740 | 03:05 |
TokenBad | when I did the reg new printer | 03:05 |
Arafangion | kevinix: What is skype like? | 03:05 |
TokenBad | it detects the printer | 03:05 |
TokenBad | and adds it | 03:05 |
bob2 | TokenBad: stop using enter so much, it's ridiculous | 03:05 |
Toma- | ElitePete: itll be some sort of alsactl kung-fu... | 03:05 |
Toma- | or even aliases... | 03:05 |
TokenBad | but when try to print it just sits there | 03:05 |
TokenBad | ok sorry | 03:05 |
JoeyDay|ubuntu | Anybody know how I can install ez-ipupdate on Ubuntu or can point me in the right direction as to where I could find out how? | 03:05 |
ElitePete | Toma-, i donot know kung fu :-( | 03:06 |
bob2 | JoeyDay|ubuntu: wiki./ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto | 03:06 |
Toma- | :~( | 03:06 |
Toma- | 'man alsactl' | 03:06 |
ElitePete | why doesn't alsamixer save my shit? | 03:06 |
ElitePete | ~_~ | 03:06 |
bob2 | do you know what it does? | 03:06 |
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factotum | did you do alsactl store? | 03:06 |
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Toma- | ElitePete: coz alsamixer doesnt save... alsactl does | 03:07 |
JoeyDay|ubuntu | bob2: Thanks. | 03:07 |
ElitePete | store saves the current driver state for the selected soundcard to the | 03:07 |
ElitePete | configuration file. | 03:07 |
ElitePete | so i want to save right now? | 03:07 |
CaptainMorgan | cd: /media/win permission denied what's the chmod option ? | 03:07 |
Neurosis | how may i get images to show in elinks? | 03:07 |
Goldfish | There should be a shutdown link like /etc/rc0.d/K50alsa-util, which stashes alsa stuff to disk before powering off. | 03:07 |
Toma- | ElitePete: id say so.. | 03:07 |
bob2 | CaptainMorgan: that's not a "chmod option" | 03:07 |
ElitePete | then will i have to restore each time? | 03:07 |
bob2 | CaptainMorgan: presumably it's a NTFS or FAT32 filesystem? | 03:07 |
Blake_Seven | I think I have a problem !!! My dell server rebooted and said it loaded a new boot rom. I also have someone on my auth.log trying to get in to sshd. How do I know if my server has a hacker in it ? | 03:07 |
CaptainMorgan | yes | 03:07 |
Toma- | Goldfish: ewww dont screw with links :( | 03:07 |
Toma- | ElitePete: nope. | 03:07 |
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gnomefreak | i meant to ask what is the deal with enter? ubotu says not to use enter | 03:07 |
CaptainMorgan | brb, have to log in as root | 03:08 |
bob2 | CaptainMorgan: stop | 03:08 |
ElitePete | alsactl: save_state:1190: Cannot open /var/lib/alsa/asound.state for writing | 03:08 |
Goldfish | I didn't screw with anything. That was installed by default. If you ain't got it, something ain't loaded right. | 03:08 |
bob2 | don't be so silly | 03:08 |
bob2 | gnomefreak: it's moronic that people type 3 words, hit enter, and type another 3 | 03:08 |
ElitePete | then i did sudo alsactl store and i think it worked? but i got no message | 03:08 |
Toma- | what we need to do, is get the startup script that stores all that to work right, aka, /etc/init.d/alsa-utils | 03:08 |
eobanb_ | bob2, yeah. | 03:08 |
bob2 | gnomefreak: people are presumably capable of composing an entire sentence in their head at once, and typing that out | 03:08 |
CaptainMorgan | well? | 03:08 |
factotum | ElitePete: you usually dont get one | 03:08 |
gnomefreak | Neurosis, elinks is a text browser if you compile it from source might be different but not sure | 03:08 |
Toma- | ElitePete: silence usually means somethings worked :) | 03:08 |
bob2 | gnomefreak: it leads to a) people conversing, b) less irc window scrolling | 03:08 |
ElitePete | ty then guys :-) | 03:08 |
bob2 | CaptainMorgan: why would you login as root? | 03:08 |
bob2 | CaptainMorgan: /msg dpkg ntfs | 03:08 |
Neurosis | awe | 03:08 |
bob2 | CaptainMorgan: let that script do it for you | 03:09 |
gnomefreak | oh ok bob2 ty wasnt sure | 03:09 |
bob2 | CaptainMorgan: it = setup fstab correctly | 03:09 |
Toma- | ElitePete: have you stored it with the settings up? | 03:09 |
Goldfish | Sometimes I have to go reach boot/shutdown scripts to get on the trail of what files these utilities are using to their job. I never edit them. Too risky. | 03:09 |
Goldfish | s/reach/read | 03:09 |
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ElitePete | volume was never the issue, but yes i stored it in working condition | 03:09 |
factotum | why use a scrip when you can learn something? | 03:09 |
factotum | *script | 03:09 |
fushi | CaptainMorgan: Sudo -i I believe changes you to root | 03:09 |
CaptainMorgan | script did nothing | 03:09 |
Toma- | ElitePete: give it a reboot and see if the gods are being favorable today | 03:09 |
gnomefreak | Neurosis, in terminal try typing elinks -g | 03:09 |
derekS | question. i am running the warty livecd as a rescue disk (only livecd avail)... is there an scp or ftp program on it? | 03:10 |
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ElitePete | alright toma | 03:10 |
ElitePete | be right back | 03:10 |
JoeyDay|ubuntu | Hm, ez-ipupdate isn't listed in Synaptic. | 03:10 |
Toma- | good luck | 03:10 |
=== gnomefreak doesnt use elinks that often | ||
Neurosis | ok | 03:10 |
bob2 | JoeyDay|ubuntu: then enable universe | 03:10 |
nalioth | derekS: if there isn't you can install one | 03:10 |
Goldfish | !find ipupdate | 03:10 |
bob2 | derekS: you can install ssh | 03:10 |
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ubotflu | ez-ipupdate: (client for most dynamic DNS services), section universe/net, is optional. Version: 3.0.11b8-8.1 (breezy), Packaged size: 44 kB, Installed size: 256 kB | 03:10 |
bimberi | JoeyDay|ubuntu: enable universe | 03:10 |
butcherbird | derekS, not a server app only client i believe | 03:10 |
bob2 | JoeyDay|ubuntu: wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto | 03:10 |
factotum | wow, my pentium mmx system still has freebsd with fluxbox wee!! | 03:10 |
_jason | Blake_Seven, well: "grep 'Accepted password' /var/log/auth.log" should tell you the last successful logins, make sure they are all you | 03:10 |
factotum | surfing the net with dillo..har har | 03:10 |
Dempa | is there anyway to get dual screens to work with the live-cd and a nvidia card? | 03:10 |
eobanb_ | dillo....wow | 03:11 |
derekS | bob2: i didn't realize i could install things | 03:11 |
Goldfish | Check if your repositories are configured to fetch ez-ipupdate | 03:11 |
Neurosis | unkown option -g | 03:11 |
derekS | lemme try | 03:11 |
gnomefreak | ubotu died again? | 03:11 |
bob2 | Dempa: same way you'd get it working on an installed system | 03:11 |
_jason | Blake_Seven, that's a start as I don't know too much about actually verify your box hasn't been compromised | 03:11 |
Goldfish | !botsnack | 03:11 |
ubotflu | thanks goldfish :) | 03:11 |
TokenBad | so anyone have any ideas? | 03:11 |
gnomefreak | Neurosis, than no its text only | 03:11 |
eobanb_ | ubotu's name is now ubotflu | 03:11 |
Dempa | bob2, ok, thanks | 03:11 |
Neurosis | there a way i can change it? | 03:11 |
=== chishm [n=chishm@202-161-23-1.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kevinix | gosh, gstreamer seems really buggy | 03:11 |
Toma- | whats with the ubotflu? | 03:11 |
gnomefreak | Neurosis, im not sure | 03:12 |
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gnomefreak | ubotflu tell Toma- about yourself | 03:12 |
bimberi | Toma-: ubotu's normal server is having connectivity issues :) | 03:12 |
Toma- | oic | 03:12 |
gnomefreak | !ubotflu | 03:12 |
ubotflu | gnomefreak: I give up, what is it? | 03:12 |
derekS | bob2: apt-get update dies with "E: Method http has died unexpectedly!" | 03:12 |
gnomefreak | :( | 03:12 |
kevinix | how to people here configure the qt fonts (size, font etc)? with qtconfig? | 03:13 |
Toma- | ubotflu: tell me about ubotu | 03:13 |
eobanb_ | !ubotu | 03:13 |
ubotflu | Yep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel. | 03:13 |
Toma- | rad | 03:13 |
eobanb_ | i have no idea why it has a new name now | 03:13 |
gnomefreak | ahhhh still using ubotus commands | 03:13 |
Toma- | bbl. family guy ^_^ | 03:14 |
gnomefreak | i dont think it does i think its in here in place of ubotu while ubotu is having issues | 03:14 |
=== CaptainMorgan [n=CaptainM@londonderry-cuda2-68-170-154-214.lndnnh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== ElitePete [n=pete@c-24-131-71-233.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CaptainMorgan | tyra girl, you got it going on | 03:14 |
ElitePete | Toma-, worked thank you much. | 03:14 |
Toma- | ElitePete: all good? | 03:14 |
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Toma- | awesome :) | 03:14 |
TokenBad | ok let me ask full question again...I have a epson stylus 740 printer...I did the gnome new printer went with what it recommended...and tried to print..and it just sits there...any one know whats up? the printer is good...worked in windows...I just put news cartridges in...both color and black..did the clean nozzles and all that... | 03:14 |
Toma- | np | 03:14 |
CaptainMorgan | what's the default password for root? | 03:14 |
=== Quest-Master [i=HydraIRC@c-24-99-40-24.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ElitePete | i seem to have another issue now though. not related to alsa. | 03:14 |
CaptainMorgan | default | 03:14 |
_jason | ubotflu, tell CaptainMorgan about root | 03:14 |
ElitePete | when i boot up everything works fine, but i get somethign about sensors and it says "FAILED" | 03:15 |
gnomefreak | CaptainMorgan, your user password | 03:15 |
eobanb_ | there is no root.. | 03:15 |
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CaptainMorgan | there is no root?? huh? weird | 03:15 |
gnomefreak | TokenBad, are you setting it up in cups? | 03:15 |
bimberi | yes there is, it just doesn't have a password set | 03:15 |
_jason | CaptainMorgan, there is no root *password*, use sudo... ubotflu's link explains it in more detail | 03:15 |
bob2 | CaptainMorgan: wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo | 03:15 |
eobanb_ | the ubuntu installer needs to show a goddamn text file explaining the basics of package management and sudo....it would cut the number of questions here in half..... | 03:16 |
gnomefreak | ubotflu tell CaptainMorgan about sudo | 03:16 |
bob2 | CaptainMorgan: the ubuntu faq, the wiki and the installer explained it all to you | 03:16 |
TokenBad | gnomefreak, I am not sure what you mean by cups...if you mean buy going to admin then printers then new printer...yes | 03:16 |
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phishead | what player will play quicktime movies? | 03:16 |
gnomefreak | ok TokenBad yes thats what i mean when you go through the screens you see alist of printers is your printer listed in there? | 03:16 |
CaptainMorgan | i know about sudo... not all details.. but of its existence... but - when I first installed linux 6months ago, a root user was automatically created with no password.. | 03:16 |
TokenBad | yes | 03:17 |
=== jeroenvrp [n=jeroenvr@k-uptown.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TokenBad | it auto detected my printer | 03:17 |
CaptainMorgan | dudes - watch the fashion show omg | 03:17 |
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jeroenvrp | hi folks | 03:17 |
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gnomefreak | CaptainMorgan, ubuntu is the only linux distro that ive tried that uses sudo not su | 03:17 |
CaptainMorgan | k | 03:17 |
Sionide | heh | 03:17 |
Sionide | check this out | 03:17 |
Sionide | http://www.zegeniestudios.net/ldc/index.php | 03:17 |
ElitePete | how do i make programs start at boot? | 03:17 |
Sionide | linux distro chooser | 03:17 |
Sionide | i got ubuntu :D | 03:17 |
Comrade_Vladimir | how do i put up a buddy icon in gaim? | 03:17 |
=== Blake_Seven [n=bmurray@cpe-69-200-247-0.nyc.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
phishead | also how do i make a mount command run at startup? | 03:18 |
CaptainMorgan | gisele bundchen wants me | 03:18 |
jeroenvrp | I tweaked my runlevels a bit and now KDM starts ok, but the tty stays at 1 and should switch to 7 | 03:18 |
frogzoo | ElitePete: take a look at the scripts in /etc/init.d & copy - btw default runlevel is 2 | 03:18 |
PhilH | Comrade_Vladimir, from the accounts dialogue | 03:18 |
eobanb_ | !fstab | 03:18 |
ubotflu | the /etc/fstab file lists all drives and partitions but can be easily configured automatically with the winmac_fstab file found here http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab See <partitions>. | 03:18 |
jeroenvrp | how to get my default runlevels back? | 03:18 |
=== Mazin [i=mazin07@adsl-68-73-158-1.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
frogzoo | CaptainMorgan: well make her wait | 03:18 |
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ElitePete | frogzoo isn't there just a folder like windows? | 03:18 |
CaptainMorgan | lol | 03:18 |
ZeroIRC | Ok, one more question people, I can't get php to work. It keeps asking me if I wanna download the file. Now I know there is something I need to put in a .conf file, but can you help me | 03:18 |
ElitePete | i'm not good with heavy tech stuff. | 03:18 |
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Comrade_Vladimir | PhilH elaborate | 03:19 |
gnomefreak | TokenBad, did you install the gimp drivers for it? i know my epson uses gimp drivers | 03:19 |
Mazin | ok, i got a question - if i get KDE /and/ GNOME, how do I switch between the two or choose which one to start with? | 03:19 |
TokenBad | it had stcolor was what it recommended | 03:19 |
TokenBad | but I have tried all 3 | 03:19 |
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deemo | Hey everyone, quick question. I recently changed monitors, however, the settings from my old moniter are aved somewhere because i cant brring the resolution up. any way to do this? | 03:19 |
n0dl | how would i install themes in xubuntu? | 03:19 |
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fushi | Mazin: You cant choose int he session manager? | 03:19 |
deemo | Mazin: at the login screen, you can choose which session to run | 03:19 |
phishead | i tried putting this in my fstab and it didn't work.. "mount -t cifs //servername/share /path -o username=etc,password=etc . | 03:19 |
gnomefreak | TokenBad, than im not really sure why its not working :( sorry | 03:20 |
phishead | how do i make that command run every time i start my machien? | 03:20 |
DjKritical | Does anyone know how to turn automatic updates on automatic mode? instead of telling it to update every day? | 03:20 |
fushi | :x | 03:20 |
Mazin | can i have a certain one default at startup? | 03:20 |
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frogzoo | deemo: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 03:20 |
gnomefreak | n0dl, try www.xfce-look.com or org i cant remember | 03:20 |
TokenBad | when I changed drivers for the printer do I need to reboot computer gnomefreak? | 03:20 |
fushi | Mazin: Yes, once you boot into one it will ask you if you wanna make it the default | 03:20 |
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gnomefreak | TokenBad, i dont think so but you can try restarting atleast X but reboot just to be sure?? | 03:21 |
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phishead | anyone? | 03:21 |
fushi | I dont think you should have to. This isnt windows! :P | 03:21 |
TokenBad | ok whats best way to restart X | 03:22 |
gnomefreak | fushi, sometimes you need to restart X not reboot tho | 03:22 |
fushi | alt+ctrl+backspace | 03:22 |
gnomefreak | best or easiest lol | 03:22 |
drayen_ | i've just upgraded to sun's java, but it seems that ubuntu is still pointing to the java-gcj version, i've tried update-altervative, but the option isnt there... where/how do i make the required changed to use the new version of java? | 03:22 |
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fushi | xP | 03:22 |
smo | Should the installer work in 32Mb ram? curious if my problem's a lomem issue, or hardware | 03:22 |
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eobanb_ | 32MB?? | 03:22 |
phishead | how do I make this command run every time linux starts? mount -t cifs //servername/share /path -o username=etc,password=etc | 03:23 |
gnomefreak | drayen_, update-alternatives :( | 03:23 |
uber_spaced | phishead, put it in your rc.local file | 03:23 |
eobanb_ | smo, i honestly wouldnt recommend using only 32 MB of RAM | 03:23 |
phishead | i have no rc.local | 03:23 |
JoeyDay|ubuntu | bob2: Okay, I think it installed. Where do I find it in my system, now? | 03:23 |
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uber_spaced | hmm. one sec... | 03:23 |
fushi | init.rd, somewhere in there I believe | 03:23 |
eobanb_ | phish you could run it on gnome startup | 03:23 |
fushi | :P | 03:23 |
phishead | eobanb: i tried that..it didn't work | 03:23 |
phishead | but if i run it from a command line it works perfectly | 03:23 |
smo | eobanb_, neither would I, but it's an old laptop .. it'd likely be cheaper to replace it than find parts | 03:23 |
gnomefreak | drayen_, thats the only way im aware of to change default java usage :( | 03:23 |
ZeroIRC | Ok, one more question people, I can't get php to work. It keeps asking me if I wanna download the file. Now I know there is something I need to put in a .conf file, but can you help me | 03:23 |
ryanpg | ugh... ok here's my uber-noob question: where can I find a howto for setting up VLC to play wmv rm and other files? | 03:23 |
ryanpg | isn't there a breezy multimedia howto somewhere? | 03:24 |
fushi | google? | 03:24 |
eobanb_ | smo for such old hardware you might consider a stripped-down debian installation with fluxbox or something like that | 03:24 |
=== deemo [n=deemo@pcp0010512098pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== gnomefreak used linux for a year or so and still never used vlc :( | ||
Comrade_Vladimir | PhilH? u here | 03:24 |
_jason | ubotflu, tell ryanpg about multimedia | 03:24 |
gnomefreak | !vlc | 03:24 |
eobanb_ | ryanpg, read the faq | 03:24 |
ubotflu | methinks vlc is a video/audio player that supports almost everything - See http://www.videolan.org/ for more information (VLC is in the repos) | 03:24 |
eobanb_ | read, the, faq | 03:24 |
uber_spaced | well that sucks, ubuntu has no rc.local | 03:24 |
phishead | i dont see init.rd or rc.local anywhere | 03:24 |
uber_spaced | go fig. | 03:24 |
fushi | smo: make a server install | 03:25 |
deemo | I tried reconfiguring xconf, but it did not help, my resolution is still not able to be changed | 03:25 |
gnomefreak | sorry _jason | 03:25 |
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drayen_ | gnomefreak, in that case is there anyway i can add the sun java to update-alternatives? | 03:25 |
_jason | gnomefreak, for? | 03:25 |
gnomefreak | drayen_, once installed it should be there | 03:25 |
CaptainMorgan | heidi... | 03:25 |
gnomefreak | _jason, using bot at same time | 03:25 |
Comrade_Vladimir | any one know how to add a buddy icon in gaim | 03:25 |
nalioth | drayen_: if you have more than one JVM installed, yes | 03:25 |
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ryanpg | ahh... thanks _jason that's just what I needed, oh and also thanks for helping rather than spouting nonsense or vague info ;) | 03:25 |
gnomefreak | drayen_, did you install it from java website? | 03:26 |
eobanb_ | Comrade_Vladimir, ask in #gaim | 03:26 |
frogzoo | drayen_: did you install jre according to these instructions? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#head-e2ebd70ede0e3eb2117ffbd618d2295dd1540dca | 03:26 |
phishead | i mean it can't be too difficult or unheard of to have a network drive always "mapped" each time you start gnome | 03:26 |
Comrade_Vladimir | cool! i forgot | 03:26 |
_jason | gnomefreak, ah no need to apologize :) | 03:26 |
drayen_ | nalioth, yes. i just installed java via automatrix | 03:26 |
Krhis | Comrade_Vladimir, Tools > Accounts > Modify > Open. | 03:26 |
PhilH | Comrade_Vladimir, i send you a pm | 03:26 |
CaptainMorgan | what do I do to get the icons after installing from synpatic? | 03:26 |
PhilH | Comrade_Vladimir, i sent you a pm | 03:26 |
frogzoo | phishead: just put the commands in .gnomerc | 03:26 |
drayen_ | frogzoo - erm... no :S | 03:26 |
Krhis | Beat you too it, PhilH. | 03:26 |
Krhis | Sorry ^^ | 03:26 |
fushi | :x | 03:26 |
=== zblach [n=zblach@toronto-HSE-ppp4048761.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CaptainMorgan | still can't access the mounted win drive | 03:26 |
frogzoo | drayen_: well there ya go :) | 03:26 |
nalioth | CaptainMorgan: in a terminal "killall gnome-panel" | 03:27 |
gnomefreak | hmm never used that before | 03:27 |
Comrade_Vladimir | i see no pm | 03:27 |
PhilH | Khris, i sent him one ages ago, he didn't seem to notice | 03:27 |
phishead | frogzoo: where's that file located? | 03:27 |
gnomefreak | grrrrrrrr :( | 03:27 |
Krhis | Yes, I saw that he also asked that question some time ago... but I figured some one already took care of it. | 03:27 |
PhilH | Khris, well, i tried ;) | 03:28 |
CaptainMorgan | nalioth.. you - you're good... :) ( Deniro ) thanks | 03:28 |
=== gnomefreak brb | ||
Krhis | So I replied the second time. | 03:28 |
Krhis | ^^ It's cool. | 03:28 |
drayen_ | thanks nalioth... going to take a look at that now | 03:28 |
ZeroIRC | Is anyone able to help me? | 03:28 |
Comrade_Vladimir | okok i see it | 03:28 |
fushi | Question? | 03:28 |
PhilH | ok, so NeroLinux can handle my DVD burner, but none of the FOSS tools can, joy | 03:28 |
nalioth | ZeroIRC: ask your question again, please | 03:28 |
Krhis | He's asking about PHP. | 03:29 |
frogzoo | phishead: ~/.gnomerc | 03:29 |
deemo | Hey everyone, quick question. I recently changed monitors, however, the settings from my old moniter are aved somewhere because i cant brring the resolution up. any way to do this? I tried doing dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but it did no good | 03:29 |
ZeroIRC | Ok, one more question people, I can't get php to work. It keeps asking me if I wanna download the file. Now I know there is something I need to put in a .conf file, but can you help me | 03:29 |
fushi | Hey, what kind of burner in linux can burn iso images for me? Can I do it in gnomebaker? | 03:29 |
aTypical | ZeroIRC, I think you need to tell apache you're using php. I think it's in the httpd.conf file. | 03:29 |
nalioth | deemo: do that again, but use the space bar to deselect the resolutions you "don't" want | 03:29 |
Krhis | I don't have it up and configured at the moment, but did you apt-get php4 or 5? | 03:29 |
phishead | huh? | 03:29 |
=== earldude1 [n=rickbman@c-67-177-47-57.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PhilH | fushi, should be able to | 03:30 |
nalioth | fushi: any of them can burn iso images | 03:30 |
bimberi | fushi: Nautilus (the file manager) can. Right-Click, select Write to CD/DVD | 03:30 |
ZeroIRC | I have everything installed | 03:30 |
ZeroIRC | brb | 03:30 |
Krhis | Try to restart Apache? | 03:30 |
fushi | Thanks | 03:30 |
earldude1 | !botsnack | 03:30 |
ubotflu | thanks earldude1 :) | 03:30 |
eobanb_ | heh. | 03:30 |
earldude1 | np | 03:30 |
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phishead | i still see no .gnomerc | 03:31 |
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smo | fushi, server doesn't seem to work either. the installer simply doesn't get that far | 03:31 |
deemo | nalioth: should i log off and log back on for it to take effect? | 03:31 |
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ZeroIRC | back | 03:31 |
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pldn | can anyone think of why my gtk themes arent being honored by an app being run from within a 32bit chroot? | 03:32 |
_jason | phishead, how are you looking for it? | 03:32 |
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Krhis | How about it, ZeroIRC? | 03:32 |
bulio | if I apt-get upgrade to breezy, will I get any problems? | 03:33 |
Krhis | Try to restart Apache? | 03:33 |
phishead | search | 03:33 |
eobanb_ | phishead, files that start with a . are invisible... ls -a | 03:33 |
phishead | yea but what dir is that one in | 03:33 |
=== starscalling [n=starz@cpe-24-24-137-48.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
phishead | i know ls -a | 03:33 |
Comrade_Vladimir | cbhg | 03:33 |
_jason | PhilH, your home directory, ~ is an alias for it | 03:33 |
Comrade_Vladimir | hmm | 03:33 |
=== Comrade_Vladimir [n=andrew@70-97-141-111.dsl1.glv.ny.frontiernet.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
phishead | its not there | 03:33 |
gnomefreak | bulio, we cant answer that but i can tell you breezy is stable | 03:33 |
ZeroIRC | Krhis, Yea | 03:33 |
=== ablyss [n=ablyss@adsl-215-163-85.aep.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
phishead | im in my home dir..there is no .gnomerc | 03:33 |
Krhis | Still no good? | 03:33 |
ZeroIRC | nope | 03:33 |
ElitePete | greezy isthe shit. | 03:33 |
ElitePete | breezy* | 03:34 |
_jason | phishead, not for me either | 03:34 |
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phishead | do i just create it? | 03:34 |
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gnomefreak | greezy is pretty good but i like breezy better :) | 03:34 |
bulio | when I get home | 03:34 |
gnomefreak | lol | 03:34 |
Krhis | Odd, php4 or 5? | 03:34 |
bulio | ill do the up | 03:34 |
ElitePete | gnomefreak, :-) | 03:34 |
ZeroIRC | 4 | 03:34 |
gnomefreak | bulio, can i make a suggestion? | 03:34 |
ZeroIRC | I havn't added anything in the .conf file | 03:34 |
Krhis | I've got 5 up and running here. No problems. | 03:34 |
ZeroIRC | I'll try 5 | 03:35 |
=== cafuego [n=cafuego_@ppp83-238.lns2.mel3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Krhis | Ok, tell me if it works. | 03:35 |
marcin | hi guys - could someone tell me what is the status of dapper? | 03:35 |
eobanb_ | !dapper | 03:35 |
ubotflu | The 6.04 version of Ubuntu will be called the "Dapper Drake" release. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperDrake | 03:35 |
=== v00d00 [n=machoman@blk-222-153-150.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | marcin, in development | 03:35 |
aTypical | marcels, I'm installing it now and so far no trouble at all. | 03:35 |
gnomefreak | bulio, give or take a few minutes the download of the breezy iso is about the same as the upgrade i would burn the iso so you have it there for backup | 03:35 |
marcin | tritium: I know | 03:35 |
ZeroIRC | Krhis, Nope | 03:36 |
frogzoo | phishead: there isn't one be default - youl need to make one - use a script from /etc/init.d as a template | 03:36 |
marcin | tritium: but I would like to know if it's installable | 03:36 |
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=== ProtectYaNeck` is now known as ProtectYaNeck | ||
Krhis | Let me check something... brb. | 03:36 |
phishead | ok | 03:36 |
ZeroIRC | ok | 03:36 |
eobanb_ | marcin, it's installable, and mostly usable, but i wouldnt recommend it at all for new users nor production use | 03:36 |
marcin | tritium: and for example no seriously broken packages such as xorg | 03:36 |
phishead | ill try it.... | 03:36 |
phishead | thanks | 03:36 |
phishead | also...I'd like to play quicktime movie files...any apps that will do this? | 03:36 |
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee | ||
eobanb_ | !restricted | 03:36 |
ubotflu | restricted is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats Most of the formats listed here have been replaced by !FreeFormats | 03:36 |
tritium | marcin, even if that's currently the case, there's no guarantee that packages won't break in the future, during development | 03:37 |
_jason | phishead, mplayer | 03:37 |
phishead | isn't that text only? | 03:37 |
phishead | i just spent 30 min installing it and there doesn't seem to be a gui | 03:37 |
=== thundr [n=thundr@66-168-50-185.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_jason | phishead, gmplayer then | 03:37 |
earldude1 | is there a better irc client than mirc? I can't cut and paste from inside the IRC channels when they are active and I'd like to be able to do that, etc. | 03:37 |
phishead | lol | 03:37 |
phishead | ok | 03:37 |
_jason | ubotflu, tell phishead about mplayer | 03:37 |
eobanb_ | mirc?? | 03:37 |
fushi | he has the flu?! :P | 03:37 |
marcin | earldude1: there is erc or xchat | 03:37 |
gnomefreak | x-chat, bitchx, there are a bunch of them | 03:37 |
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frogzoo | earldude1: gaim | 03:37 |
gnomefreak | mirc isnt in ubuntu sources :( | 03:38 |
fushi | irssi :) | 03:38 |
eobanb_ | earldude1, a free build of xchat for win32 is available from http://www.silverex.org/download/ | 03:38 |
earldude1 | what's the best? or am I going to get a hundred answers for that? | 03:38 |
eobanb_ | mirc is *proprietary software* | 03:38 |
=== Jettis [n=h0h0@a80-186-63-56.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
amiko | install firefox? | 03:38 |
CaptainMorgan | how do i make /media/win accessible ? | 03:38 |
CaptainMorgan | permission denied | 03:38 |
=== gnomefreak has that link on my site i love it :) | ||
amiko | help install firefox? | 03:38 |
earldude1 | does firefox include a IRC client????!! | 03:38 |
earldude1 | oh | 03:38 |
gnomefreak | CaptainMorgan, use sudo before the command | 03:38 |
frogzoo | !tell CaptainMorgan about ntfs | 03:38 |
eobanb_ | earldude1, is this for windows or ubuntu | 03:38 |
gnomefreak | earldude1, chatzilla | 03:38 |
amiko | ubuntu | 03:39 |
earldude1 | unfortunately, my laptop has windows eobanb_ | 03:39 |
eobanb_ | i'd say xchat is the best | 03:39 |
eobanb_ | http://www.silverex.org/download/ | 03:39 |
gnomefreak | amiko, firefox is installed by default | 03:39 |
earldude1 | ok cool sir | 03:39 |
earldude1 | ty | 03:39 |
earldude1 | or maam | 03:39 |
frogzoo | eobanb_: upgrade to gaim | 03:39 |
earldude1 | whichever | 03:39 |
eobanb_ | frogzoo, what? | 03:39 |
earldude1 | is gaim better than xchat? | 03:39 |
gnomefreak | chatzilla works with firefox on either windows or linux | 03:40 |
amiko | I'm delete | 03:40 |
eobanb_ | personally i dont like gaim for IRC. | 03:40 |
frogzoo | earldude1: gaim > xchat | 03:40 |
ZeroIRC | gaim is pretty good, but it is not a good IRC client | 03:40 |
eobanb_ | right. | 03:40 |
=== hyphenated [n=cgilmour@nzns1.eservglobal.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fushi | irssi pwns xP | 03:40 |
gnomefreak | amiko, use synaptic and install it again | 03:40 |
earldude1 | is chatzilla better than xchat ....consensus? | 03:40 |
eobanb_ | earldude1, you're not going to get a definitive answer here, go try them out yourself | 03:40 |
gnomefreak | earldude1, not for me but depends what you like | 03:40 |
earldude1 | ok fair enough | 03:41 |
eobanb_ | not to mention this is a windows question and this is a linux channel | 03:41 |
fushi | Yeah thats true eobanb :) | 03:41 |
amiko | i'm brasilian | 03:41 |
earldude1 | right. sorry | 03:41 |
_jason | !br | 03:41 |
ubotflu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br (/j #ubuntu-br) para ajuda em portugues. Obrigado. | 03:41 |
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CaptainMorgan | sudo: cd: command not found | 03:41 |
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earldude1 | i've gotta change my handle. it's freakin lame | 03:42 |
_jason | uh oh, is ubotu confused about his/her gender? | 03:42 |
CaptainMorgan | how is cd not found ? | 03:42 |
v00d00 | Q: After I finish installing Ubuntu, I assume when it goes into desktop, it looks like this: http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/2654/linux9zl.jpg Any ideas how to fix, running AMD64+6600GT video(AGP) | 03:42 |
=== gnomefreak was thinking what the country code for putugal was :( but br works lol | ||
_jason | gnomefreak, pt | 03:42 |
=== Ohmer [n=Homer@ip-66-254-43-22.mqdsl.megaquebec.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Centaur5 [n=fishman@68-187-79-131.dhcp.stgr.ut.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | lol oops | 03:42 |
frogzoo | v00d00: driver problem - or xorg.conf problem | 03:43 |
gnomefreak | v00d00, can you get to a terminal? | 03:43 |
dhofstra | wow, installed ubuntu on a k6-2 450 sis chipset and it was slow as hell; just put it on a PII300, and it is very much faster. problem with the sis chipset and 2.6 kernel? or do you think I had something configured wrong... | 03:43 |
gnomefreak | ty _jason | 03:43 |
v00d00 | Sorry, total noob.. but yes I beleive I can get into a terminal (Hitting ALT+CTRL+BACKSPACE right?) | 03:43 |
frogzoo | !tell v00d00 about reconfigure-x | 03:43 |
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amiko | obrigado pela dica. desculpe-me sou novssimo no ubuntu | 03:44 |
gnomefreak | noooooooooo | 03:44 |
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cafuego | dhofstra: No, SiS is just crap. | 03:44 |
gnomefreak | ctrl+F2 | 03:44 |
=== moot_ [n=moot@cpe-065-184-151-250.ec.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dhofstra | cool, thought so , thanks cafuego | 03:44 |
moot_ | hello peeps | 03:44 |
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gnomefreak | wb TokenBad | 03:44 |
v00d00 | alright well I think I can get into terminal, but then what? | 03:44 |
frogzoo | !tell amiko about es | 03:44 |
TokenBad | well changing drivers didn't fix it | 03:44 |
moot_ | i was wondering if proftpd's default install would reject anything but local connections? | 03:44 |
TokenBad | it goes through like its printing the test page..but nothing is on the paper | 03:45 |
frogzoo | v00d00: then run the command ubotflu sent you | 03:45 |
gnomefreak | v00d00, once in terminal type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 03:45 |
_jason | frogzoo, what's up with sending all the portuguese speakers to es, weren't you doing that yesterday too :P | 03:45 |
v00d00 | sweet, that's all? | 03:45 |
frogzoo | _jason: there a portuguses chan? | 03:45 |
tritium | !pt | 03:45 |
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ubotflu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br (/j #ubuntu-br) para ajuda em portugues. Obrigada. | 03:45 |
gnomefreak | v00d00, well thats how you get in to configure it you still have to configure it | 03:45 |
_jason | frogzoo, two, pt and br | 03:45 |
=== merly [n=merly@adsl-65-65-39-232.dsl.fyvlar.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
frogzoo | _jason: ah, well its all greek to me anyhow | 03:46 |
butcherbird | moot_, only ever used vsftpd or pureftpd but default install will accept any connection from that port are u running a firewall? | 03:46 |
merly | can anyone point me to a documentation page about uninstalling ubuntu and restoring MBR without win setup disks? | 03:46 |
_jason | frogzoo, no worries, jsut thought you weren't aware of the portuguese ones | 03:46 |
moot_ | butcherbird: nope... turned it off | 03:46 |
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moot_ | i can log in fine from localhost, but i can't even get a prompt from remote boxes | 03:47 |
v00d00 | gnomefreak: any tip where to go find out what to configure it to? | 03:47 |
butcherbird | ftp doesnt work? | 03:47 |
butcherbird | ah | 03:47 |
moot_ | ^ | 03:47 |
gnomefreak | v00d00, that depends on your hardware | 03:47 |
=== moot_ is now known as moot` | ||
frogzoo | moot_: check sshd is running & connect via that | 03:47 |
butcherbird | on same router? | 03:47 |
v00d00 | gnomefreak: amd64 and nvidia6600GT(AGP) video | 03:47 |
moot` | frogzoo: sshd is fine... i'm on it right now | 03:47 |
=== martianfood [n=martianf@hlfxns0147w-142167196214.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | !nvidia | 03:48 |
ubotflu | [nvidia] at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57368 | 03:48 |
sudhir | finally I established bluetooth connection with nokia 6600 | 03:48 |
cafuego | v00d00: Are you using nvidias closed source driver? | 03:48 |
gnomefreak | v00d00, there | 03:48 |
TokenBad | gnomefreak, you ever hear of that? | 03:48 |
sudhir | plz help me in daling GPRS | 03:48 |
_jason | is it possible for me to login to gdm and fluxbox at the same time? if so, how would I proceed? | 03:48 |
gnomefreak | TokenBad, no i havent not on a local printer | 03:48 |
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v00d00 | cafuego: now idea what I'm using, whatever comes with the install (??) | 03:48 |
v00d00 | gnome: thanks! | 03:48 |
cafuego | v00d00: the free one then. Switch to the one outlined in the link gnomefreak gave you. | 03:49 |
=== gnomefreak brb reboot | ||
sudhir | how do i install modem for 6600 | 03:49 |
v00d00 | awesome! I'll go try that.. thanks guys! | 03:49 |
frogzoo | lol | 03:49 |
=== kleeman [n=richard@ool-44c155e3.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sudhir | hehe | 03:49 |
gimmulf | Is there any good software that shows the current dollar currency in realtime? | 03:50 |
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siriusnova | i cant believe they are remaking Miami Vice :/ | 03:50 |
Krhis | nice quite ^^ | 03:50 |
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merly | if i use cfdisk to delete the ubuntu partitions, and resize the win partition to fill up the whole hd, and mark the win partition as "boot" - will that get the job done? or will i have grub / boot / mbr problems? | 03:50 |
cafuego | merly: You'll want to wipe grub too, yes. | 03:51 |
butcherbird | merly, u will need to boot to win partition using grub then type fixmbr i believe from windows cmd shell | 03:51 |
cafuego | merly: Got a windows boot floppy handy? | 03:51 |
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merly | cafu- i don't but i can get one. :) | 03:51 |
cafuego | merly: With the win floppy, simply run 'fdisk /mbr' after booting from it, that kills grub. | 03:52 |
=== Mabus06 [n=Nick@hlfxns0149w-142177137117.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cafuego | ANy reason you're not expanding Linux and wiping Windows intead? | 03:53 |
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merly | cafu - pinnacle studio plus... thinking i will need the full hd for video.... | 03:54 |
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cafuego | yeah, that eats hd space somewhat nastily | 03:54 |
merly | cafu - i've heard of open source video software but i have trouble believing they are equal. :v\ | 03:54 |
merly | cafu - my FIL gave me the cd for studio and then the upgrade to "plus" for free. | 03:55 |
Razor-X | merly: they aren't, Partition Magic is leagues better than its equivalents, IMO | 03:55 |
cafuego | merly: They're at least as good as pinnacle. | 03:55 |
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Razor-X | merly: of course, in most instances, OSS is as good, if not better than their closed counterparts | 03:55 |
=== cafuego has only ever really worked with Premiere and Final Cut Pro, though. | ||
merly | cafu, razor: mebbe i'll give the OSS video stuff a look. | 03:56 |
Razor-X | merly: also, do you know of tab-complete? | 03:56 |
cafuego | merly: Give it a try... you cna always wipe if it doesn't suit. | 03:56 |
cafuego | merly: 'cinelerra' and 'kino'. | 03:56 |
merly | cafu - you've never used either? | 03:56 |
sudhir | how do I connect GPRS | 03:56 |
cafuego | merly: I used kino to export DV to ogg/theora. it's a tad crashy, though. | 03:57 |
sudhir | installing new modem ? | 03:57 |
cafuego | Well, on amd64 anyway. | 03:57 |
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merly | cafu i don't know what ogg / theora is... | 03:57 |
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merly | cafu - i'm also not so into "a tad crashy" :v) | 03:58 |
cafuego | merly: a free video codec | 03:58 |
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merly | cafu - ! got it. that's cool, I'm interested in those. . . | 03:58 |
cafuego | merly: I don't know how well they run on i386; amd64 support for video has always been shitty. | 03:58 |
alekz | hi anyone has a video ipod running on ubuntu ? | 03:58 |
merly | <--- 64 bit ubuntu | 03:58 |
=== cafuego only wiped it and downgraded to 32bit last night | ||
=== whitelines [n=chatzill@ppp-69-208-151-92.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chris86wm | does the 64 bit ubuntu run well? | 03:59 |
jonmasters | I've got an ipod running ipodlinux, but it's not a video. | 03:59 |
cafuego | merly: Ubuntu amd64 and video are not a great combination. | 03:59 |
cafuego | chris86wm: As long as you don't want video, flash or java. | 03:59 |
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merly | cafu - see, there you go, i'm wiping anyway... | 03:59 |
brownie17 | i keep getting told i need flash 8, how can i get this? | 03:59 |
chris86wm | cafuego, lol | 03:59 |
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merly | cafu - i didn't make a "home" partition. so everything would go, anyway. | 04:00 |
chris86wm | are there any benefits of running the 64bit edition? | 04:00 |
cafuego | chris86wm: For a developer or database system, probably. For and end user, no. | 04:01 |
chris86wm | ah | 04:01 |
sudhir | plzzzzzzz | 04:01 |
merly | cafu - plus, you know, i go the 1280 x 800 display working (with kind help from this room), and I eventually got the rt2x00 wireless to work (thanks to doc page, and building the CVS tarball from serial monkey)... | 04:01 |
sudhir | i need help abt GPRS | 04:01 |
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cafuego | merly: d'oh! I did at least do one of those, so i was only down for half an hour whilst reinstalling. | 04:01 |
sudhir | i got help on ubuntu.org but its not in english , so idnt understand | 04:02 |
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TokenBad | I think the printer don't work right or something | 04:02 |
merly | cafu - procrastinating from studying for finals, i installed / wiped about 6-7 different distros last week. | 04:02 |
TokenBad | cause it saying the printer is busy now and its not | 04:02 |
moot` | ok, i have proftpd running in debug level 9 and i can see messages when I log in from localhost. However, no messages are generated by clients from remote hosts. The firewall is off and other services are receiving traffic normally... where else can i look? | 04:02 |
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rosen | anyone here ? ... and could post how the nessus config should look ? | 04:05 |
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brownie17 | cafuego, is it possible to get flash player 8 for linux yet? | 04:05 |
ZeroIRC | merly, I am procrastinating finals studing also | 04:05 |
chungaroo | i'm having troubling listening to music on purevolume.com through the flash interface | 04:06 |
cafuego | brownie17: I doubt it. Macromedia/Adobe suck. | 04:06 |
rosen | noone have a Nessus.desktop I can have a look at ? ... I'm unsure as to how to write it correctly | 04:06 |
brownie17 | cafuego, agreed. i need it to watch animations on NG these days | 04:06 |
=== CaptainMorgan [n=CaptainM@londonderry-cuda2-68-170-154-214.lndnnh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CaptainMorgan | h | 04:06 |
CaptainMorgan | how do I access /media/win ? | 04:07 |
CaptainMorgan | says Im not the owner.. bull | 04:07 |
ZeroIRC | Hey, anyone in here know who to change the root pass for MySQL? | 04:07 |
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brownie17 | CaptainMorgan, root wil be | 04:07 |
=== _jason [n=jason@dhcp0534.hrn.resnet.group.UPENN.EDU] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cafuego | ZeroIRC: via 'mysqladmin' | 04:07 |
ZeroIRC | cafuego, Thanks | 04:07 |
CaptainMorgan | sudo cd /win returns with sudo: cd: command not found | 04:07 |
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dabaR_ | CaptainMorgan: change the /etc/fstab entry for that partition. The part about defaults, change to defaults,umask=0222 and then umount that partition, then remount it. | 04:08 |
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dabaR_ | cafuego: flu? | 04:08 |
CaptainMorgan | there's two defaults | 04:09 |
CaptainMorgan | defaults and defaults, errors | 04:09 |
CaptainMorgan | errors=remount | 04:10 |
tritium | !enter | 04:10 |
ubotflu | please don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying. Write in complete sentences and keep your replies and questions on one line if possible. Thanks! | 04:10 |
kkathman | ZeroIRC: as root not usuall in msqyladmin...in mysql.. SET PASSWORD FOR 'name@host' = PASSWORD('newpass'); | 04:10 |
ZeroIRC | I got it, thanks though | 04:10 |
CaptainMorgan | enter? | 04:10 |
CaptainMorgan | what? | 04:10 |
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CaptainMorgan | fstab is read only... | 04:11 |
=== os2mac [n=jim@ip68-10-71-214.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CaptainMorgan | how to change ? | 04:11 |
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hybrid | is chntpw on the Ubuntu LiveCD? | 04:11 |
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dabaR_ | CaptainMorgan: you use "sudo gedit /etc/fstab" | 04:11 |
=== VictorI [n=VictorI@c-24-30-126-12.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaR_ | CaptainMorgan: if unsure what to chjange, post the whole file to paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 04:11 |
odat | did anyone see the linus torvald comments today about gnome? | 04:12 |
VictorI | quick question, I only scanned the docs, does ubuntu have a unstable branch for the deb repository? | 04:12 |
CaptainMorgan | # /etc/fstab: static file system information. | 04:12 |
CaptainMorgan | # | 04:12 |
CaptainMorgan | # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass> | 04:12 |
CaptainMorgan | proc /proc proc defaults 0 0 | 04:12 |
CaptainMorgan | /dev/sda2 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1 | 04:12 |
CaptainMorgan | /dev/sda5 none swap sw 0 0 | 04:12 |
dabaR_ | wtheck is up with the URl change anyhow... | 04:12 |
CaptainMorgan | /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 ro,user,noauto 0 0 | 04:12 |
eobanb | dont flood! | 04:12 |
CaptainMorgan | /dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 auto rw,user,noauto 0 0 | 04:12 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o tritium] by ChanServ | ||
CaptainMorgan | oh.. oops | 04:12 |
dabaR_ | ya, no, not here. | 04:12 |
CaptainMorgan | sorry | 04:12 |
eobanb | !paste | 04:12 |
ubotflu | rumour has it, paste is please use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ or #flood to paste large amounts of text | 04:12 |
=== tritium warns CaptainMorgan | ||
dabaR_ | CaptainMorgan: please post there again, to that site, I can not read here well. | 04:12 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o nalioth] by ChanServ | ||
VictorI | sorry to ask this again, but it got killed by the flooder, does ubuntu have a unstable branch ? | 04:12 |
kkathman | uh oh | 04:12 |
JoeyDay|ubuntu | How can I set a process to run on startup in Ubuntu? | 04:12 |
=== CaptainMorgan throws tritium overboard | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %CaptainMorgan!*@*] by nalioth | ||
dooglus | odat: where are they? | 04:12 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o nalioth] by ChanServ | ||
kkathman | CaptainMorgan knows better :) | 04:12 |
kkathman | hehe | 04:13 |
tritium | CaptainMorgan, walk the plank, matey | 04:13 |
dabaR_ | CaptainMorgan: Ill still correct your file on pastebin if you post. | 04:13 |
dooglus | VictorI: if it does, it's called "grumpy" | 04:14 |
VictorI | thank you, ill look for that keyword in the wiki | 04:14 |
jdmpike_ | hello all | 04:14 |
dooglus | VictorI: unless you count "dapper", but that's just the next release. It's currently unstable, but will become stable with time. | 04:14 |
dabaR_ | VictorI: there is the new version that is in development, and that one is unstable. dapper drake. | 04:14 |
VictorI | I just want -current. Like we have with any BSD flavor. | 04:14 |
odat | dooglus, its all over the linux news sites | 04:14 |
=== tritium will unban CaptainMorgan for some free spiced rum | ||
dooglus | VictorI: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrumpyGroundhog | 04:15 |
dooglus | odat: URL? | 04:15 |
dabaR_ | CaptainMorgan: check out posts on pastebin. | 04:15 |
=== AIV [n=oscar@ppp-70-246-54-255.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
warren_ | eobanb: | 04:15 |
warren_ | i burnt the disc | 04:15 |
dabaR_ | CaptainMorgan: /j #dabar | 04:16 |
odat | dooglus, do a search for linux news its on linux today website | 04:16 |
warren_ | but how do i boot it | 04:16 |
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JoeyDay|ubuntu | I just found a "Startup Programs" in session preferences. | 04:16 |
JoeyDay|ubuntu | But that will only run when I actually log in as me, right? | 04:16 |
SilentOutcast | hi has anyone ordered ubuntu in upstate newyork | 04:16 |
AIV | using Synaptic, I installed Apache, how do I find out where it is located? | 04:16 |
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=== merly is looking at cinelerra web page... | ||
moot` | man | 04:17 |
warren_ | how do iset the mac to boot from my ubuntu disk | 04:17 |
tritium | odat, it's really of no consequence | 04:17 |
moot` | this is making me angry | 04:17 |
tritium | warren_, hold down "c" while booting | 04:17 |
moot` | stupid ftp | 04:17 |
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warren_ | oh ok | 04:17 |
warren_ | any thing else / | 04:17 |
odat | tritium, I just think its really crass of him use what i use or your dumb | 04:18 |
tritium | warren_, tap your heels, and repeat "there's no place like home" | 04:18 |
dabaR_ | CaptainMorgan: there is another post there now. | 04:18 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %CaptainMorgan!*@*] by nalioth | ||
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dooglus | did the grumpy groundhog ever get started? or was the idea scrapped in the end? | 04:18 |
tritium | odat, worry not, my friend | 04:18 |
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nalioth | CaptainMorgan: read the /topic please | 04:18 |
dabaR_ | who knows how to set up apache to work with svn? | 04:19 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o tritium] by tritium | ||
odat | tritium, just don't want to see users, developers, or distrubutions to drop gnome | 04:19 |
tritium | don't worry about that | 04:19 |
CaptainMorgan | yea | 04:19 |
cafuego | dabaR: The apache.org docs (use apache2!) | 04:19 |
dabaR_ | no, I wont. | 04:20 |
Grimlord | anyone know if I can get better than 450 fps on an ATI Mobility 9600? | 04:20 |
CaptainMorgan | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5739 | 04:20 |
cafuego | Well, with apache 1.3 it's a pain. Apache2 has it built-in. | 04:20 |
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cafuego | ooh! | 04:20 |
dabaR_ | CaptainMorgan: I wanted the output of running "mount" in a terminal. | 04:21 |
=== Toma- [n=lin4me@203-59-182-214.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
moot` | holy sheet!!!! | 04:21 |
=== cafuego chants the COME UBOTU chant | ||
moot` | muder facker | 04:21 |
moot` | !!! | 04:21 |
ubotflu | [!] what you add before a sentence to talk to me | 04:21 |
cafuego | Come to daddy! | 04:22 |
nalioth | moot`: those exclamations are not helping your situation | 04:22 |
moot` | system is rejecting incoming packets on port 21 | 04:22 |
moot` | no firewall is on | 04:22 |
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moot` | nor iptables | 04:22 |
Toma- | moot`: sure its not your ISP? | 04:22 |
CaptainMorgan | dabar that was the output of a terminal | 04:22 |
cafuego | !test | 04:22 |
moot` | changed proftpd to use port 2600 and it worked immediately | 04:22 |
ubotu | Stop poking me! | 04:22 |
moot` | Toma-: this is all on the local network | 04:22 |
gahan | whats dapper? | 04:22 |
Toma- | moot`: ok | 04:22 |
cafuego | !dapper | 04:22 |
ubotu | The 6.04 version of Ubuntu will be called the "Dapper Drake" release. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperDrake | 04:22 |
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n0dl | can you send me the link on how to install themes in xubuntu? | 04:23 |
CaptainMorgan | gahan you play chess ? | 04:23 |
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Toma- | n0dl: download, copy the theme folder to ~/.themes | 04:23 |
n0dl | Toma- i did | 04:24 |
=== Kickersny [n=Kickersn@cpe-69-205-138-52.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gahan | rhx | 04:24 |
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gahan | CaptainMorgan: nope | 04:24 |
sklav | hey guys im back | 04:24 |
=== Xlylith [n=Xlylith@ip-141-225-net.net2cyber.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sklav | thank you bob2 | 04:25 |
ubuntu_ | hei jatkat nyt saunomaan. | 04:25 |
ubuntu_ | mina tarjoon. | 04:25 |
sklav | i was able to migrate the drive to my other dedicated system | 04:25 |
ubuntu_ | oluttakin on. | 04:25 |
sklav | what up Seveas | 04:25 |
=== Mr_Milenko is now known as Milenko_The_Snow | ||
sklav | so on a side note who read the linus torvalds opinion of gnome? | 04:26 |
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=== Teltariat [n=tekron@h-67-101-199-24.nycmny83.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Milenko_The_Snow | not i | 04:26 |
Teltariat | Hello folks | 04:26 |
Milenko_The_Snow | link? | 04:26 |
Kickersny | I just installed ubuntu and I'm running Sudo for the first time and it asks me for root password | 04:26 |
Kickersny | yet it never asked for it during install... | 04:26 |
sklav | its on linuxtoday | 04:26 |
Teltariat | 'sudo passwd' | 04:26 |
oblib | I am working off a server install, and I would like to know how to get all the acpi stuff that comes in a typical install. | 04:26 |
nalioth | Kickersny: it's not asking for a root pwd, use your user pwd | 04:26 |
sklav | Kickersny, use ur usernames password | 04:26 |
Milenko_The_Snow | type your main password | 04:26 |
=== we0 [n=weo@p5499FC19.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kickersny | awesome, thanks | 04:27 |
nalioth | Teltariat: please dont recommend that | 04:27 |
Teltariat | 'sudo passwd' sets root passwd | 04:27 |
Teltariat | nalioth: works for me :D | 04:27 |
Grimlord | Kick: Type your password not root | 04:27 |
Milenko_The_Snow | sklav: link pls | 04:27 |
Milenko_The_Snow | :) | 04:27 |
nalioth | Teltariat: this is ubuntu, not debian or redhat. we dont have a root account enabled for a reason | 04:27 |
sklav | its on linux today | 04:27 |
moot` | ah | 04:27 |
tritium | Kickersny, I recommend you try to learn to use sudo instead | 04:27 |
moot` | ftp is so much faster than samba | 04:27 |
sklav | www.linuxtoday.com | 04:27 |
moot` | joy | 04:27 |
Teltariat | nalioth: I apologize. | 04:27 |
Milenko_The_Snow | moot`: lies. | 04:28 |
sklav | sudo is sweet now that i got used to it | 04:28 |
Milenko_The_Snow | lol | 04:28 |
moot` | Milenko_The_Snow: :( | 04:28 |
sudhir | where will I get GTK2::TrayIcon ? | 04:28 |
JoeyDay|ubuntu | How do I use Vino in Ubuntu? | 04:28 |
oblib | I like 'sudo bash' myself | 04:28 |
=== benplaut [n=benplaut@cpe-70-95-146-177.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Milenko_The_Snow | aaw | 04:28 |
dabaR_ | ok, that was fun. | 04:28 |
Milenko_The_Snow | my nick isnt complete here | 04:28 |
Milenko_The_Snow | :( | 04:28 |
Teltariat | Can one use any Debian/apt repository for Ubuntu, or no? | 04:28 |
Milenko_The_Snow | Milenko_The_Snowman | 04:28 |
Milenko_The_Snow | lol | 04:28 |
CaptainMorgan | with a folder named -Captain how do you access it ? i tried "-Captain" but it didn't work | 04:29 |
sklav | is it Milenko_The_Snowball? | 04:29 |
Teltariat | I'd like to install things like mplayer, naim, and such | 04:29 |
dabaR_ | it is too long as it is... | 04:29 |
Milenko_The_Snow | Snowman | 04:29 |
Milenko_The_Snow | lol | 04:29 |
Teltariat | (Which aren't available in the official repos) | 04:29 |
Milenko_The_Snow | christmas nick | 04:29 |
Grimlord | anyone got any tricks or links for getting more than 450 fps out of a ati 9600 Mobility? | 04:29 |
sklav | i see | 04:29 |
moot` | Teltariat: read the FAQs | 04:29 |
Milenko_The_Snow | its usually RudolphRedp****r but thats not nice for freenode | 04:29 |
Milenko_The_Snow | :P | 04:29 |
bshumate | CaptainMorgan: try "-Captian" or \-Captian, or something of that nature... | 04:29 |
moot` | adding repositories is one of the first things discussed | 04:29 |
oblib | Grimlord I thougth people could only discern like 30 fps | 04:29 |
tritium | Grimlord, did you follow the ati wiki? | 04:29 |
=== jinkles [n=jinkles@24-205-235-153.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sklav | Grimlord, on nvidia im getting some pretty sweet numbers like 1900fps | 04:29 |
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sklav | have you read the howto ? | 04:30 |
tritium | !tell Grimlord about ati | 04:30 |
sklav | i followed it and it works pretty sweet now | 04:30 |
CaptainMorgan | bshumate nope | 04:30 |
sklav | i dont see what all the bad press is for gnome as of late | 04:30 |
oblib | I am working off a server install, and I would like to know how to get all the acpi stuff that comes in a typical install (the scripts in /etc/acpi). | 04:30 |
sklav | its has gotten pretty sweet | 04:30 |
brownie17 | who knows how to remove operator logos from their nokia phones? | 04:30 |
sklav | brownie17, yyou need to flash it | 04:31 |
nalioth | brownie17: i think you are really really offtopic here | 04:31 |
Kickersny | brownie17, Dremel tool :) | 04:31 |
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Grimlord | Trit: Yes, I used mlomker's tut and it installed great...just seeing realy low rates | 04:32 |
sklav | unless there is ubuntu on the phone ;) | 04:32 |
sklav | Grimlord, have you rebooted? | 04:32 |
tritium | Grimlord, not sure what you're referring to. I suggest you follow the wiki page I had ubotu send you, and please use ubuntu packages | 04:32 |
sklav | after i rebooted i got better fps | 04:32 |
=== Chris_C [n=chris@user-11218jf.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AIV | I typed the following at gnome terminal "user@Ubuntu-Home:~$ sudo apt-get install php4 | 04:32 |
AIV | ", and got the following "Reading package lists... Done | 04:32 |
AIV | Building dependency tree... Done | 04:32 |
AIV | W: Couldn't stat source package list http://us.archive.ubuntu.com breezy/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_universe_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 04:32 |
AIV | W: Couldn't stat source package list http://us.archive.ubuntu.com breezy-backports/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy-backports_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 04:32 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o nalioth] by ChanServ | ||
Grimlord | will do, thank you | 04:32 |
AIV | W: Couldn't stat source package list http://us.archive.ubuntu.com breezy-backports/restricted Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy-backports_restricted_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 04:32 |
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=== JaZy84 [n=cjazinsk@cpe-70-117-206-214.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o nalioth] by ChanServ | ||
bshumate | CaptainMorgan: get into the parent dir, then : cd ./-Captain | 04:33 |
JaZy84 | hey guys i have a question. is there a way to convert ntfs -> any other native linux fs with out being distructive. have 2 drives both at 200 gbs both full and am getteing tired of booting into windows to move files around | 04:33 |
=== AIV [n=oscar@ppp-70-246-54-255.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | JaZy84: only partition magic can do that, but back up anyway | 04:34 |
nalioth | AIV: please read the /topic and don't paste in here | 04:34 |
AIV | I got kicked for pasting? | 04:34 |
AIV | ok, I didnt know | 04:34 |
JaZy84 | what's the likely hood of PM screwing if up? | 04:34 |
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JaZy84 | i don't have a medium to back up to :/ | 04:34 |
nalioth | JaZy84: any time you mess with partitions, you run risks | 04:34 |
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sklav | i just realized my desktop icons are missing | 04:35 |
moot` | JaZy84: I haven't had a problem with it yet | 04:35 |
moot` | but i only use ntfsresize now | 04:35 |
JaZy84 | yeah, i suppose i'll give it a show | 04:35 |
JaZy84 | shot* | 04:35 |
moot` | just send all your important stuff to gmail | 04:35 |
JaZy84 | what linuxfs did you convert too. is one better (less likely to mess up) then another | 04:36 |
sklav | that is a great idea moot` | 04:36 |
Kickersny | how is it that ubuntu can fit all this on one CD whereas SuSE, for example, uses 5? | 04:36 |
Kickersny | it boggles my mind :) | 04:36 |
sudhir | where will I get GTK2::TrayIcon ? | 04:36 |
nalioth | JaZy84: use ext3 | 04:36 |
sklav | Kickersny, ubuntu is basic the 1st cd | 04:36 |
nalioth | sudhir: cpan.org most likely | 04:36 |
JaZy84 | any version of PM? | 04:36 |
oblib | moot`That way Google can read all your stuff too! :) | 04:36 |
Kickersny | sklav, which is all I want on my craptop :) | 04:36 |
nalioth | JaZy84: i'd think the newer the better | 04:36 |
sklav | ah k | 04:37 |
sudhir | thanks let me check | 04:37 |
sklav | i was thinking you were mistified with the 1 / 5 ratio | 04:37 |
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sklav | hehe | 04:37 |
JoeyDay|ubuntu | Wow. I'm SSH'd in. | 04:37 |
JaZy84 | alright thanks for the help guys | 04:37 |
sudhir | nalioth : got it thanks | 04:37 |
sklav | how can one build ubuntu from scratch? | 04:37 |
taxman | dumb q: Is there a verbose boot option like FreeBSD to see the hardware scanning? | 04:38 |
benplaut | ubotu, glad you're feeling better! | 04:38 |
ubotu | benplaut: I give up, what is it? | 04:38 |
benplaut | !botsnack | 04:38 |
ubotu | :) | 04:38 |
sklav | for example specific installs? | 04:38 |
=== duncan_cragg [n=duncan@dsl-212-23-31-158.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
duncan_cragg | hello - is anyone here? | 04:38 |
Kickersny | now if only I could get wifi working... | 04:38 |
Kickersny | nope | 04:38 |
sklav | im looking to create a cdrom like i did for centos | 04:38 |
sklav | but ubuntu instead | 04:38 |
cafuego | sklav: You can do the 'server' install and then add packages as needed. | 04:38 |
sklav | i know but where is the fun ;) | 04:39 |
cafuego | the fun is in spending the saved time in teh pub | 04:39 |
nalioth | sklav: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveCDCustomizationHowTo https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallCDCustomizationHowTo | 04:39 |
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sklav | cafuego, my issue is im not familiar with deb packaging | 04:39 |
=== tritium slides a pint down the table to cafuego | ||
=== advent_linux [n=maxb@219-88-178-219.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sklav | im reading on the motu site to get a clue | 04:40 |
dabaR_ | clues are good to have | 04:40 |
JaZy84 | Kickersny, which wifi card | 04:40 |
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taxman | what would I look for to track down why my wireless card is not recognized anymore. It is again if I boot from the livecd | 04:40 |
=== dderr_ [n=dderr@cpe-70-112-24-97.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JaZy84 | i've had good luck with wifi working out of box | 04:40 |
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Kickersny | JaZy84, Lucent Orinoco WaveLAN | 04:41 |
duncan_cragg | wifi worked for me on my Thinkpad R50e - out of the box | 04:41 |
truz24 | Are there any tools in ubuntu that will convert a pdf to bmp? | 04:41 |
hyphenated | truz24: imagemagick probly | 04:41 |
=== ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@69-162-19-187.stcgpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kickersny | duncan_cragg, this is a laptop which is...getting up there in years :) | 04:41 |
dderr_ | i started installing gimp, then changed my mind, now gimp is unselected, yet I screwed something up and still have about 400 packages waiting to be installed by dselect, how can i fix this | 04:41 |
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duncan_cragg | I only paid 440 for it - $700 or so | 04:41 |
sklav | i want a laptop | 04:42 |
bob2 | dderr_: don't use dselect | 04:42 |
sklav | looking for one that works well in linux | 04:42 |
sklav | aka fully supported | 04:42 |
bob2 | dderr_: also, #ubuntu is not a Debian support channel | 04:42 |
Kickersny | duncan_cragg, I got mine free because it's fux0red | 04:42 |
bshumate | sklav: get a thinkpad man | 04:42 |
ubuntu_ | Just want to say AMAZING work on the Ubuntu Live CD. A friend at work gave it to me and I stuck it in my 2 yr old centrino laptop and it booted up with wireless working perfectly and things looking great. | 04:42 |
sethk | sklav, I've had good results recently with a thinkpad, as duncan_cragg said, also with one from fujitsu and one from dell. I think the IBM is the best of the three. | 04:42 |
sklav | sethk cool i will take your advice | 04:43 |
=== deg0ba [n=matt@70-56-166-75.mpls.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sklav | i was hoping hp would work | 04:43 |
sethk | sklav, of course there are tons of others that I haven't tested. | 04:43 |
sklav | they have an awesome one on special | 04:43 |
sethk | sklav, hp may well work. I hate their keyboards so I ignore them. | 04:43 |
ubuntu_ | sklav: I live and die by the Compaq X1000. Look into it. Not sure what they run now, but they are amazing with big beautiful widescreens etc. | 04:43 |
sklav | i used to work at ibm | 04:43 |
duncan_cragg | anyone here know how to get suspend to work nicely with the R50e? | 04:43 |
ubuntu_ | Get a X1010 off ebay | 04:43 |
ubuntu_ | Probably $500 these days | 04:43 |
ubuntu_ | Maybe a little more | 04:43 |
duncan_cragg | echo -n 4>/proc/acpi/sleep isn't it | 04:43 |
dderr_ | bob2: where you recommend going for dselect help? | 04:44 |
nano | could anyone get the hardware sensors working in xfce for ubuntu? | 04:44 |
Grimlord | sklav: I just did a flawless install on an Inspiron 8600 (except getting the OpenGL tuned). Intel Wireless and all works perfectly | 04:44 |
bob2 | dderr_: are you an experienced dselect user? | 04:44 |
=== phos-phoros [n=phos-pho@CPE-65-26-72-55.we.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dderr_ | somewhat, yeah | 04:44 |
sklav | dselect has an option to cancel | 04:44 |
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=== scott [n=scott@adsl-144-36-145.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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ubuntu_ | How do I get Firefox+sound working for http://ytmnd.com/ | 04:45 |
ubuntu_ | ? | 04:45 |
scott | you need top get the quicktime plugin | 04:45 |
ubuntu_ | The whole site has silly animated images with background sounds | 04:45 |
Mabus06 | I installed the spca5xx drivers google told me to do for my webcam. How do I get it to 'work'? | 04:45 |
ubuntu_ | scott: Link | 04:45 |
ubuntu_ | Actually | 04:45 |
ubuntu_ | I am in Ubuntu live | 04:45 |
ubuntu_ | :/ | 04:45 |
scott | dont have one. search www.firefox.com for it | 04:45 |
scott | oh. that may be a littel different | 04:46 |
=== ViViD [n=ViViD@c-67-160-125-239.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntu_ | How does Live work | 04:46 |
scott | dont know | 04:46 |
bob2 | dderr_: does hitting = on everything in the "things to be installed screen" work well enough? | 04:46 |
sklav | cd | 04:46 |
scott | live works by booting from the disk and using the hardrive as an accessory rather than booting from the harddrive | 04:47 |
=== frank23 [n=frank@modemcable135.248-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntu_ | That's amazing | 04:47 |
=== ejofee [n=ejofee@195-245-89-185.dtcom.ro] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scott | but i have an inquiry of my own. if nobody can help me then i am screwed....see, i forgot the password to my user account | 04:47 |
ubuntu_ | Kudos to the Ubuntu team | 04:47 |
=== hoochiepapa [n=russ@h164.154.213.151.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scott | i feel like a nub | 04:48 |
ubuntu_ | You have root but not the user? | 04:48 |
ejofee | anybody here use shfs(u)mount? | 04:48 |
sklav | scott are u logged in at the moment? | 04:48 |
scott | yes | 04:48 |
sklav | scott, passwd username | 04:48 |
scott | to both questions | 04:48 |
ubuntu_ | Just copy all the settings for the user | 04:48 |
ubuntu_ | Delete him | 04:48 |
ubuntu_ | Then add him again | 04:48 |
ubuntu_ | Setting the new password | 04:48 |
ubuntu_ | That's what I would do b/c it's quick and dirty | 04:48 |
=== Slackwise-- [n=lance@68-186-27-184.dhcp.astr.or.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | wtf | 04:48 |
ubuntu_ | I am sure there is a faster way | 04:48 |
sklav | passwd username as root will fix ur issue | 04:48 |
scott | i assume i need to do the terminal command logged in as a super user? | 04:48 |
scott | yeah | 04:49 |
sklav | yes scott | 04:49 |
scott | thanks | 04:49 |
sethk | as root you can just do passwd username | 04:49 |
ubuntu_ | Yeah | 04:49 |
sethk | no need for any strangeness | 04:49 |
sklav | hehe | 04:49 |
ubuntu_ | $ passwd scott | 04:49 |
sklav | ubuntu_, bad advice heheh | 04:49 |
ubuntu_ | New password: | 04:49 |
ubuntu_ | etc. | 04:49 |
ubuntu_ | sklav: It would have worked | 04:49 |
sklav | yeah | 04:49 |
ubuntu_ | OK | 04:49 |
ubuntu_ | So | 04:49 |
sklav | but groups would be somewhat tweaked if not done well | 04:49 |
ubuntu_ | I have a laptop here running Ubuntu Live | 04:50 |
ubuntu_ | I am hooked now | 04:50 |
tritium | !tell ubuntu_ about enter | 04:50 |
scott | awesome. thanks guys. i dont know all of the terminal commands yet. | 04:50 |
ubuntu_ | scott: One of my favorites is 'rm -rf *' | 04:50 |
nano | lol | 04:50 |
sklav | scott, dont listen | 04:50 |
ubuntu_ | Usually after my 2nd favorite 'cd /' | 04:50 |
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tritium | ubuntu_, please don't do that | 04:50 |
dderr_ | bob2 : where is the "things to be installed" screen in dselect? | 04:50 |
JoeyDay|ubuntu | Anyone know of a way to make sure ez-ipupdater runs at startup? | 04:51 |
ubuntu_ | Add it to the /etc/init.d as a startup | 04:51 |
sklav | dderr_, press spacebat | 04:51 |
sklav | dderr_, press spacebar | 04:51 |
sklav | you will have an options menu with number | 04:51 |
JoeyDay|ubuntu | ubuntu_: Can I add it in there with flags? | 04:51 |
=== Kuyaedz [n=christer@c-24-2-76-178.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JaZy84 | what is a good graphical ftp client | 04:51 |
ubuntu_ | JaZy84, : Filezilla | 04:52 |
JoeyDay|ubuntu | This particular process needs to be running as a daemon, so I need to tack the --daemon flag on there and a --config-file flag. | 04:52 |
Kuyaedz | JaZy84 try gFTP in gnome | 04:52 |
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ubuntu_ | JoeyDay|ubuntu, : You can do whatever | 04:52 |
JoeyDay|ubuntu | ubuntu_: Okay, how do I put it in there? | 04:52 |
ubuntu_ | You make a service | 04:52 |
ubuntu_ | Add it as a service basically | 04:52 |
JoeyDay|ubuntu | I'm completely new to Linux. | 04:52 |
JaZy84 | gftp for some reason isn't listing certain sites.. i try pasv on off still nothing however i know they are open and working (via another machine) | 04:52 |
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JoeyDay|ubuntu | Can you point me to a tutorial or explain the commands for me? Sorry to be such a n00b. | 04:53 |
ubuntu_ | JoeyDay|ubuntu, : I suggest googling 'add service /etc/init.d linux ubuntu' or something similar | 04:53 |
Kuyaedz | JaZy84: odd. I haven't had any problems with gFTP on three machines.. | 04:53 |
JaZy84 | hrm | 04:53 |
ubuntu_ | GFTP is indeed crap | 04:53 |
ubuntu_ | I recommend Filezilla | 04:53 |
ubuntu_ | I don't care for Gnome to be honest | 04:53 |
sklav | likes gftp | 04:53 |
ubuntu_ | And many Gnome apps | 04:53 |
AIV | ubuntuguid.org has the guide for version 5.04 | 04:53 |
ubuntu_ | I agree with Linus | 04:53 |
sklav | ubuntu_, to each their own | 04:54 |
AIV | is there a guide for 5.10, or is it just the same as far as the guide goes? | 04:54 |
Kuyaedz | I don't agree with Linus, but thats for another forum I'm sure | 04:54 |
cafuego | linus is full of shit. | 04:54 |
sklav | but i must say that gnome over the past year has improved | 04:54 |
sklav | its a hell of a lot faster than it used to be | 04:54 |
cafuego | and kde is full of ugly ;-) | 04:54 |
tritium | ubuntu_, please don't start a desktop war, and please use full sentences rather than hitting enter so often | 04:54 |
sklav | and compared to new kde i think its faster | 04:54 |
sklav | as my system is set to dual boot | 04:54 |
ubuntu_ | tritium, : Apologies, ENTER is a habit of mine | 04:54 |
sklav | so same specs gnome faster | 04:54 |
=== nitinshantharam [n=nitinsha@dsl081-034-210.lax1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nitinshantharam | hey guys, how can i jail a specifc sftp user to a specfic directory (not home dir) | 04:54 |
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sklav | i like kde | 04:54 |
ubuntu_ | Speed is only one factor, like everything else in the world | 04:55 |
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sklav | but the last 3 versions have weird icons | 04:55 |
ubuntu_ | I would rather be beautiful and a slow runner for instance | 04:55 |
sklav | they dont resize properly | 04:55 |
ejofee | please give me a link to a latest howto on installing nvidia in ubuntu | 04:55 |
sklav | when changing resolution | 04:55 |
JaZy84 | filezill on apt? | 04:55 |
durt | ubuntu_ : no you wouldn't | 04:55 |
binarydigit | ejofee: goto the forums | 04:55 |
sklav | i would rather be average but freaking fast | 04:56 |
=== Chadza [n=Miranda@pcp0010702372pcs.manass01.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntu_ | Girls don't care about fast | 04:56 |
sklav | look at the olympics | 04:56 |
sklav | $$$ | 04:56 |
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ubuntu_ | No. Drug$$$$ | 04:56 |
ubuntu_ | Then your records get taken away from you | 04:56 |
dderr_ | sklav : im still not finding anything useful for helping me uselect a bunch of stuff | 04:56 |
sklav | ubuntu_, girls dont care about men either you shpould be a shoe if you want attention | 04:56 |
nitinshantharam | hey guys, how can i jail a specifc sftp user to a specfic directory (not home dir) | 04:56 |
sklav | dderr_, 1 sec let me check | 04:57 |
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rosen | ejofee, http://ubuntuguide.squarecows.com/doku.php#hardware | 04:57 |
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Mabus06 | Can anyone reccomend a program I can use webcam in conversations with msn contacts? | 04:57 |
ubuntu_ | JaZy84, : http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=21558&package_id=15149&release_id=377444 LINK TO FILEZILLA DOWNLOAD | 04:57 |
=== WhyvasLT [n=poop@fctnnbsc15w-156034095047.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JaZy84 | ty | 04:57 |
ubuntu_ | Mabus06, : If you do that you should use shotgun mouthwash immediately | 04:57 |
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sklav | dderr_, i dont have dselect installed on my ubuntu system | 04:58 |
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sklav | dderr_, just go to #debian | 04:58 |
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ejofee | rosen: thank you | 04:58 |
sklav | but dont mention ubuntu | 04:58 |
ejofee | binarydigit: thanks | 04:58 |
sklav | say debian stable | 04:58 |
sklav | if asked | 04:59 |
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JairunCaloth | can someone help me with recompiling my kernel? | 04:59 |
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rosen | ejofee, happy to help | 04:59 |
Yuri | hello | 04:59 |
dderr_ | sklav : thx for your help anyways | 04:59 |
ubuntu_ | JairunCaloth, : If you are asking that you shouldn't be recompiling your kernel | 04:59 |
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ubuntu_ | Hi Yuri, tell us about yourself and why you are here | 04:59 |
rosen | bored ubuntu_ ? | 04:59 |
Yuri | a friend is having problems installing ubunt at your travelmate 4151 | 05:00 |
Mabus06 | pardon, ubuntu_ ? | 05:00 |
nano | hehe | 05:00 |
cafuego | JairunCaloth: Why do you think you need to recompile your kernel? | 05:00 |
sklav | ubuntu_, i know how to compile kernels but not on ubuntu | 05:01 |
Yuri | is anyone having the same problem? | 05:01 |
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cafuego | Why would it be any different from any other Linux system? | 05:01 |
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JairunCaloth | I just upgraded to a new video driver, and I'm getting an error when X trys to start saying the kernel driver and the X driver are different. I don't remember the commands to recompile the kernel that I used last time I did this. | 05:01 |
sklav | i have issues with my ubuntu cd on my acer cdrom | 05:01 |
sklav | it keeps rebooting | 05:01 |
sklav | but that is about it | 05:01 |
arod-- | are there any ubuntu ebooks? | 05:02 |
ubuntu_ | Yuri, : Ask Google and then consult us further if you still have questions | 05:02 |
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bulio | guys | 05:02 |
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Yuri | i asked google, ubuntu_ | 05:02 |
bulio | I had problems with X server when I tried upgrding from 4.10 to 5.10 | 05:02 |
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sklav | seriously ubuntu_ you should be on fedora | 05:02 |
bulio | will I have problems going from 5.04 to 5.1? | 05:02 |
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nalioth | bulio: if you've used non ubuntu pkgs, maybe | 05:03 |
coag | bulio: how'd the reboot go? | 05:03 |
bulio | works | 05:03 |
coag | :-P | 05:03 |
coag | yay | 05:03 |
=== mobus [n=mobus@h-69-3-204-48.sfldmidn.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bulio | I'm in 5.04 now | 05:03 |
bulio | I'm gonna go to 5.10 | 05:03 |
cafuego | bulio: You shoudln't have any issues. What video card you got? | 05:03 |
coag | i just went up from that | 05:03 |
coag | to breezy | 05:03 |
mobus | I need the latest sources.list please? | 05:03 |
bulio | ok | 05:03 |
coag | mobus: google google google google | 05:03 |
JairunCaloth | Do I only need to recompile the restricted modules? | 05:03 |
sklav | JairunCaloth, why not install the latest restricted modules? | 05:04 |
sklav | with apt-get? | 05:04 |
JairunCaloth | I did, still the same error | 05:04 |
sklav | do your kernels match? | 05:04 |
Yuri | sklav: but u installed ubuntu @ your travelmate? | 05:04 |
ubuntu_ | sklav: Your comment about Fedore doesn't make sense. Please clarify. | 05:04 |
bulio | Iwheres 5.210 install guide? | 05:04 |
ptlo | for all following the linus vs gnome flame war: http://nat.org/natacity.patch ;-) | 05:04 |
bulio | *5.10 | 05:04 |
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sklav | ubuntu_, fedora hs lately been giving dead end answers | 05:04 |
cafuego | !breezy | 05:05 |
ubotu | The guide to upgrading to breezy (5.10) is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade | 05:05 |
sklav | Yuri, what is the issue | 05:05 |
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bulio | ty | 05:05 |
ubuntu_ | sklav: Please explain. I have been out of Linux politics for a while | 05:05 |
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nano | lol @ linux politics :D | 05:05 |
msims | will it harm anything to reboot in the middle of a fsck ie if the power goes out? | 05:05 |
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sklav | ubuntu_, your last 5 answers have been lets say not for the new commer | 05:05 |
jesi | hey guys, how do i remove a link in bash (ooffice) so when I type that nothing happens | 05:06 |
sklav | Yuri, asked a valid question and you pointed him to google | 05:06 |
Yuri | sklav: when he is installing, your dvd isn't recognized by the system | 05:06 |
Chris-C | howdy | 05:06 |
alekz | hi, anyone has a video ipod here that can help me ? | 05:06 |
sklav | ok | 05:06 |
coag | jesi: man rm | 05:06 |
ubuntu_ | msims: That probably depends on what filesystem you utilize | 05:06 |
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sklav | Yuri, the install cd is not a dvd | 05:06 |
msims | ext3 | 05:06 |
sklav | its a cdrom | 05:06 |
sklav | im hoping the image was burnt on a cdr | 05:06 |
sklav | and not dvd | 05:07 |
Yuri | sklav: installer is on a cd | 05:07 |
sklav | ok | 05:07 |
sklav | the disk is not being detected? | 05:07 |
msims | ubuntu_: and the machine in question is in runlevel 1 | 05:07 |
msims | and fscking / | 05:07 |
Yuri | sklav: but is readed by a dvd | 05:07 |
jesi | coag, i want to remove the link ... | 05:07 |
deque | Is there a specific place to report hardware support regressions in Dapper other than "normal" bugzilla? | 05:07 |
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ubuntu_ | Fucking is good | 05:07 |
Chris-C | can someone tell me how to determine which "level" (stable / unstable / testing) a particular version of an app is in, so I know what repository to activate to get it? | 05:07 |
jesi | coag, not the program | 05:07 |
ubuntu_ | Or rather fscking | 05:07 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o nalioth] by ChanServ | ||
coag | jesi: if it's a symlink | 05:07 |
sklav | Yuri, dvd can read cdrom but not the other way around | 05:07 |
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coag | then still man rm | 05:07 |
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deque | Chris-C, AFAIK, you just have to look | 05:07 |
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sklav | ok lets assume the cdrom is working | 05:08 |
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coag | and look for sumlinks | 05:08 |
coag | symlinks | 05:08 |
sklav | does anything happen? | 05:08 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o nalioth] by ChanServ | ||
sklav | does the ubuntu installer start? | 05:08 |
jesi | ooffice | 05:08 |
jesi | bash: /usr/bin/ooffice: No such file or directory | 05:08 |
Chris-C | I figured there was probably some apt | grep way to do it | 05:08 |
ZeroIRC | Anyone know how I might fix this error? { Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in /var/www/connect.php on line 2 } | 05:08 |
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deque | Chris-C, well, you have to enable the repositiories before apt can tell you | 05:08 |
sklav | ZeroIRC, i had same issue | 05:08 |
jesi | what folder is that link kept in | 05:08 |
jesi | coag | 05:08 |
bulio | when 5.10 is downloading, I dont need to intervene right? | 05:08 |
sklav | apt-get install php-mysql | 05:08 |
msims | so again is it likely to harm anything if the power goes out while I am fscking / (ext3) in runlevel 1 | 05:09 |
bulio | like say yes to anyhting? | 05:09 |
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sklav | but if you using php5 then php5-mysql | 05:09 |
deque | Chris-C, What are you looking for, I might know where it is if it's common-ish | 05:09 |
ZeroIRC | thanks sklav | 05:09 |
cafuego | msims: Yes. | 05:09 |
sklav | i had same issue yesterday | 05:09 |
sklav | ;) | 05:09 |
Chris-C | dosemu v1.2.1 versus v1.2.2 | 05:09 |
cafuego | msims: Because the disk is being used 100% at such a time, the head is more likely to crash into the platter. | 05:09 |
deque | Chris-C, Are you on Breezy? | 05:10 |
coag | jesi: obviosly the link is gone already | 05:10 |
msims | ok thanks | 05:10 |
Chris-C | yes | 05:10 |
coag | ooffice does nothing now | 05:10 |
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jesi | ooffice | 05:10 |
jesi | bash: /usr/bin/ooffice: No such file or directory | 05:10 |
jesi | * how do i remove this link so i dont get error | 05:10 |
sklav | Yuri, u still there? | 05:10 |
msims | It's done | 05:10 |
msims | lets see what got ate | 05:10 |
Yuri | sklav: yes | 05:10 |
dderr_ | sklav : how do you do your package management? I am going to reinstall to clean up the mess | 05:10 |
Yuri | sklav: crying :P | 05:10 |
Yuri | lol | 05:10 |
dderr_ | you use apt? | 05:10 |
deque | Chris-C, My system shows it in multiverse | 05:10 |
coag | jesi: that currently has no link is what that is telling you | 05:10 |
jesi | coag, it does exists that why im getting it | 05:10 |
coag | jesi: no you don't understand | 05:10 |
sklav | dderr_, i use apt- and synaptic | 05:10 |
Chris-C | deque: that's 1.2.1, I'm looking for 1.2.2 | 05:10 |
sklav | on server install i just use apt | 05:11 |
jesi | coag, if i were to type, "blah" i get no command exists | 05:11 |
sklav | with all the tools available its pretty easy | 05:11 |
coag | when you type a command in the terminal it looks to /usr/bin/* for and and goes "wtf" | 05:11 |
sklav | for searching i use apt-cache search packagename | 05:11 |
deque | Chris-C, yeah, I don't see that version in in the standard repos, I'd suggest adding backports and see if it might be in there | 05:11 |
jesi | coag, well let me ask u something else, how do i have ooffice command link to office2 instead | 05:11 |
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coag | jesi: man ln | 05:11 |
Yuri | sklav: it's so strange... other distros like mandriva was installed with success on the notebook | 05:11 |
Yuri | but ubuntu | 05:11 |
coag | you will need the flags ln -sf | 05:11 |
Chris-C | OK thanks | 05:12 |
coag | jesi: for a symlink | 05:12 |
sklav | Yuri, it could be the disk | 05:12 |
Yuri | no... | 05:12 |
sklav | have you tested if it boots up on another system? | 05:12 |
Yuri | this disk worked fine with me | 05:12 |
sklav | ok | 05:12 |
deque | Chris-C, I use dosemu rarely, and the 1.2.1 works for me, so I'm not really the best person to answer that. sry. | 05:12 |
sklav | does the laptop even see it? | 05:12 |
Yuri | and md5 check was ok | 05:12 |
nitinshantharam | hey guys, how can i jail a specifc sftp user to a specfic directory (not home dir) | 05:12 |
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sklav | Yuri sometimes some cdr will not work on particular cd/dvd's | 05:13 |
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deque | nitinshantharam, I _think_ there is a way to do that, have you looked in the man pages for sshd? | 05:13 |
Yuri | hum... | 05:14 |
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msims | hrm nothing is missing but it does think I have a superblock time in the future | 05:14 |
=== msims goes to beat on ntp | ||
Yuri | sklav: i'll try with the media sent by canonical | 05:14 |
sklav | example Yuri my burtned cdrom plays on most of my radios except in my car and in this computers cdrom | 05:14 |
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msims | fixing the clock time should take care of it correct? | 05:14 |
Yuri | maybe it's correct, sklav | 05:15 |
sklav | Yuri, also look on the manufactures website with any issues with the cdrom | 05:15 |
sklav | on travelmate | 05:15 |
sklav | sometimes they have firmware updates that fix issues like that | 05:15 |
wastrel | i want to add a flag for my wifi card kernel module when it boots. how do i do this/ | 05:15 |
Rubin | anyone know why php5 isnt compiled threadsafe in ubuntu? | 05:15 |
sklav | its weird but true | 05:15 |
Yuri | ok, sklav... | 05:16 |
sklav | im not saying that is the answer to your prob | 05:16 |
sklav | but an option | 05:16 |
Yuri | ok... | 05:16 |
deque | I missed the beginning of the conversation Yuri, but it soundsl ike you are having a hard time reading a burn that sohuld be ok? Might also want to try another burn at a lower speed, that often makes picky CD readers cooperate | 05:18 |
deque | I have to do that all the time to get my old iMacs to read discs that I make, I have to burn them no faster than 8x. | 05:18 |
coag | iMac hehe | 05:18 |
nano | anyone uses xfce (sorry the xubuntu channel is dead :( ) | 05:18 |
Yuri | ok deque, i'll try | 05:18 |
nalioth | nano: just ask your question | 05:18 |
coag | you are kidding there is an xubuntu too? | 05:18 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell coag about xubuntu | 05:19 |
coag | what is with ubuntu needing different names for different WM's | 05:19 |
=== merlyTVs thinkx xubuntu wrocks | ||
wastrel | anyone know where to configure boot flags for my kernel module? | 05:19 |
cafuego | The ubuntu isos really don't like to be written at over 8X on cheap media. | 05:19 |
merlyTVs | i use it on a p3 700 | 05:19 |
nalioth | coag: it doesnt. *-desktop installs whole arrays of things to support a WM | 05:19 |
coag | is there a fubuntu | 05:19 |
merlyTVs | coag- i did 24X on some mass-buy "audio" cds. hee hee | 05:20 |
coag | for fluxbox | 05:20 |
sklav | will only burn stuff at 8x now on | 05:20 |
nalioth | coag: you can make one, if you wish | 05:20 |
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coag | nalioth: :P | 05:20 |
sklav | i have a bunch of coasters | 05:20 |
merlyTVs | coag- do a "server" install | 05:20 |
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coag | heh | 05:20 |
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nano | nalioth, could you get the hardware sensors working in xfce ( I use dell inspiron 5100 ) | 05:20 |
coag | nalioth: i just think i'ts silly they seperate them bu actually | 05:20 |
nalioth | nano: do you have "lm_sensors" installed? | 05:20 |
coag | nalioth: oops enter ( it makes sense now keeps the isos smaller to only transport one WM) | 05:20 |
nalioth | coag: xubuntu is meant for older less powerful systems | 05:21 |
=== Mattz0r [n=ubuntu@h-66-167-193-175.atlngahp.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mattz0r | yo | 05:21 |
sklav | i think its time for bed | 05:21 |
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freelove | how many here use InitNG successfully? | 05:21 |
=== cafuego got a box with 220 Ubuntu CDs in the mail yesterday :-) | ||
nalioth | cafuego: you taking ubotu to your install/lan party? | 05:22 |
nano | nalioth, yes, however it fails to "set limits" during startup | 05:22 |
nano | nalioth, in other words i couldn't get it installed properly | 05:22 |
cafuego | nalioth: No, I'm going to give them to a local school | 05:22 |
=== Brendon [n=Brendon@c-66-176-112-43.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | nano: there are other sensor pkgs available, iirc | 05:22 |
sklav | ubotu, tell nano about install party | 05:22 |
Thunderguy | Hey What do I use for .ram files? it's for a school project. | 05:22 |
nalioth | cafuego: cool and good to hear. are you giving some of your time, too? | 05:22 |
=== holy_cow [n=holy@S0106000fb51e6051.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nano | nalioth, what's install party? | 05:22 |
nalioth | Thunderguy: realplayer or helix | 05:23 |
nano | oops that was for sklaw | 05:23 |
Thunderguy | thanks. | 05:23 |
cafuego | nalioth: Yes, but they INSISTED on being invoiced. | 05:23 |
=== advent_linux [n=maxb@219-88-178-219.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | nano: when you take your 200 ubuntu cds and invite 200 people to install ubuntu together | 05:23 |
cafuego | nalioth: So for $1100 they're going to get an Edubuntu setup | 05:23 |
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nalioth | cafuego: great! | 05:23 |
coag | nalioth: why did you refer to it as ubotu | 05:23 |
wastrel | hmm | 05:23 |
Thunderguy | nalioth: anything in the repositories? | 05:23 |
wastrel | i would go to a ubuntu install party in nyc | 05:23 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell coag about yourself | 05:23 |
cafuego | nalioth: Hopefully :-) | 05:23 |
jesi | coag, i figured out problem, i had to open a new terminal | 05:23 |
jesi | coag, :) | 05:23 |
coag | jesi: :) | 05:24 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell Thunderguy about realplayer | 05:24 |
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cafuego | nalioth: My contact there is great, he plonked OOo2 on their systems, then mailed out a .odt document to everyone :-) | 05:24 |
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coag | im sorry | 05:24 |
cafuego | nalioth: ... and was complimented on the upgrade, office suddenly ran much quicker ;-) | 05:24 |
nalioth | cafuego: proof of concept completed, eh? | 05:24 |
sklav | cafuego, care to write an article on a proof of concept | 05:25 |
sklav | and post it on www.speakoutonline.com | 05:25 |
deque | cafuego, where are you? I am an admin for a school district, so I am always looking for case studies to give the higher-ups | 05:25 |
cafuego | sklav: Ugh, sounds like work. | 05:25 |
cafuego | deque: Australia | 05:25 |
sklav | hehe | 05:25 |
sklav | im trying to start a linux promotion site | 05:26 |
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nalioth | deque: google "macedonia ubuntu" | 05:26 |
deque | cafuego, cool. I am in Oregon. I haven't done any Ubuntu roll-outs, but I do have 75-seats worth of Thin-client terminals (K12LTSP) | 05:26 |
=== bimberi_ [n=bimberi@DKPP-p-144-134-117-4.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sklav | ok im going to bed | 05:26 |
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sklav | work tommorow morning bright an early | 05:27 |
Thunderguy | That wiki isn't working.. as a matter of fact google isn't working either. | 05:27 |
deque | nalioth, Heard about that. Haven't looked at the details though | 05:27 |
sklav | i dont know about the bright part but early yes | 05:27 |
Thunderguy | oh it's back up, hrm | 05:27 |
sklav | goodnight guys | 05:27 |
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=== PeaceKeeper [n=AppleBoy@2001:470:1f00:ffff:0:0:0:211] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PeaceKeeper | any ops around? | 05:29 |
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PeaceKeeper | relaying a question from a user that's currently screwed by your tor ban, because it's not quite set right | 05:30 |
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bob2 | ... | 05:30 |
nalioth | PeaceKeeper: what question is that? | 05:30 |
bob2 | also, I am yet to see an actual reason for someone to use tor to come here | 05:30 |
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PeaceKeeper | bophe's not using tor | 05:30 |
PeaceKeeper | Jmax * #Ubuntu Banlist: Tue Dec 13 17:58:06 *!*@*.tor.* ChanServ!ChanServ@services. | 05:31 |
PeaceKeeper | Jmax * wuming (n=myhusky@host66146157c0.dsl.res.tor.fcibroadband.com) | 05:31 |
kkathman | wow thats some ban! lol | 05:31 |
PeaceKeeper | ban should be *!*@tor/session* | 05:31 |
advent_linux | whats tor? | 05:31 |
nalioth | PeaceKeeper: tor has many permutations of its IP | 05:31 |
PeaceKeeper | proxy system | 05:31 |
coag | wow applying this beep mp patch for xmms info pipe is taking forever | 05:31 |
PeaceKeeper | nalioth: not on freenode | 05:31 |
AIV | I am running Ubunti 5.10, I installed Apache via synaptic, and I want to drop a test php file in the right folder, how do I find out where apache installed to? | 05:31 |
cafuego | advent_linux: A trollaganza free-for-all | 05:31 |
bob2 | nalioth: OPN puts them behind /tor | 05:32 |
bob2 | PeaceKeeper: thanks for pointing it out | 05:32 |
PeaceKeeper | nalioth: freenode has a tor list | 05:32 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o bob2] by ChanServ | ||
=== patrick_ [n=patrick@Toronto-HSE-ppp3915080.sympatico.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@*.tor.*] by bob2 | ||
PeaceKeeper | bob2: no problem | 05:32 |
hapie_satoe | charlieS | 05:32 |
alekz | hi, anyone has a video ipod here that can help me ? | 05:32 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@tor/session] by bob2 | ||
advent_linux | cafuego, if you say so, i'll google it | 05:32 |
nitinshantharam | guys how do i jail users using scponly? | 05:32 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o bob2] by bob2 | ||
=== nevyn [n=nevyn@c210-49-218-138.brodm1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cafuego | bob2: I need to sue tor on #gnome to tell them about Linus ;-) | 05:32 |
bob2 | AIV: that has nothing to do with where apache is installed | 05:32 |
bob2 | cafuego: haha | 05:32 |
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cafuego | advent_linux: Basically, an anonymiser. | 05:33 |
bob2 | AIV: make ~/public_html/, go to http://lolcalhost/~username/ | 05:33 |
advent_linux | yep just saw that | 05:33 |
cafuego | advent_linux: Which many people abuse to troll and spam, so it's banned here. | 05:33 |
=== RedGhost [n=bp2626@S0106000c6e212de6.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nevyn | kernel panic at boot on MSI K8 SMP board with 2.6.12-10-amd64-k8-smp | 05:33 |
advent_linux | cafuego, wise move | 05:33 |
PeaceKeeper | anyway, have a good day ladies a gents :) | 05:33 |
nevyn | any pointers should I chase this here or on lkml? | 05:33 |
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bob2 | nevyn: does noapic/nolapic/acpi=off help? | 05:34 |
AIV | bob2, ok, I have installed apache on windows, and normally I drop my pages in the htdocs directory or something like that, and thats what I am wanting to know in linux, I am very new to linux | 05:34 |
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=== tristan_ [n=tristan@vt-williston-cuda1e3-170.sbtnvt.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cafuego | nevyn: Does it also do poo with an x86 k7 smp kernel? | 05:34 |
AIV | bob2, I will try that, thank you | 05:34 |
tristan_ | are there any graphics-related chatrooms? | 05:34 |
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bob2 | AIV: /var/www/ is the documentroot | 05:35 |
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thrice` | anyone get apple trailers working? | 05:35 |
nevyn | bob2: I'll give that a go.. | 05:35 |
bob2 | nevyn: sometimes it takes all 3 options | 05:36 |
wastrel | how do i add boot options to my kernel modules? | 05:36 |
dooglus | AIV: cgi documents go in /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ | 05:36 |
=== cafuego downgraded his amd64 to i386 yesterday. Amazing how stuff "just works" now. | ||
dabaR | How good are the chances that if I install apache2 now (I have apache installed) that no changes whatsoever will be noticed on the outside (people connecting to my server)? | 05:36 |
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AIV | bob2, thank you | 05:37 |
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cafuego | Woo ChanServ! | 05:37 |
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bob2 | dabaR: 0 | 05:37 |
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bsims | Arrgh my ntp server had stopped answering so fsck thinks I have a superblock with a future date... I now have ntp talking to a live server should I be concerned? | 05:37 |
cafuego | dabaR: it should be a seamless transition, unless you run weird modules. | 05:37 |
bob2 | wastrel: what option? | 05:37 |
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cafuego | bob2: chanserv just reenabled the bad *.tor.* ban | 05:38 |
wastrel | bob2: an option for my wifi module to not auto associate | 05:38 |
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grshpr | i'm sitting on a laptop, ibook g3 with ubuntu hoary gnome. i'm about to change to xfce in synaptic, what packages do i need for maximal performance? :) | 05:38 |
nevyn | bob2: it stoped it looping.. :) | 05:38 |
bob2 | yay | 05:38 |
cafuego | grshpr: a kernel, libc6 and bash | 05:38 |
nevyn | bob2: and gave an error "CPU 1 OOPS.. 532 | 05:38 |
bob2 | grshpr: performance is unrelated to that | 05:38 |
cafuego | and boot with init=/bin/bash | 05:38 |
ajmitch | cafuego: use posh, not bash | 05:39 |
ajmitch | it's much better ;) | 05:39 |
dabaR | bob2, cafuego: you obviously can notice how your answers contradict. We all know whose answer has more weight, but -- what then, is it gonna be seamless or no? | 05:39 |
grshpr | bob2: that's true. | 05:39 |
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cafuego | dabaR; if one answer has more weight then the other, it should be clear to you. | 05:39 |
grshpr | cafuego: hm, well ok, that's true, let me put it this way. what packages do i need for it to run? | 05:40 |
dooglus | grshpr: just install xubuntu-desktop | 05:40 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o bob2] by ChanServ | ||
cafuego | grshpr: 'xubuntu-desktop' | 05:40 |
grshpr | what is the difference between xfce and xfce4. | 05:40 |
dooglus | 3 | 05:40 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@*.tor.*] by bob2 | ||
dabaR | I have no modules whatsoever installed. Just apache serving files to the general public. | 05:40 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o bob2] by bob2 | ||
grshpr | dooglus: cafuego: ok. :) | 05:40 |
grshpr | i'll search for that. | 05:40 |
bob2 | dabaR: if you install both, only one will work | 05:40 |
bob2 | by default | 05:40 |
bob2 | dabaR: if you have a complicated config, you will need to port it, afaik | 05:41 |
bob2 | cafuego: it was on the autorem list, it seems | 05:41 |
dabaR | I have nothing customized at all. just serving files from /var/www. so then apache2 will just replace apache? | 05:41 |
bob2 | which I don't understand at all | 05:41 |
bob2 | dabaR: yes, except they will both try to grab port 80 | 05:41 |
grshpr | dooglus: where do i find xubuntu-desktop using synaptic? could not generate any results with search words: xubuntu-desktop and xubuntu. | 05:41 |
dabaR | bob2: apache2 will remove apache, no? | 05:41 |
bob2 | dabaR: no, they do not conflict | 05:42 |
cafuego | !start a shell war | 05:42 |
ubotu | pdksh is far faster, better and less bloated than es! | 05:42 |
dooglus | grshpr: maybe it's only available for breezy then | 05:42 |
grshpr | dooglus: most likely. | 05:42 |
=== TokenBad [n=tokenbad@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaR | can I safely remove apache? it wont do anything weird to my files in /var/www? | 05:42 |
cafuego | dabaR: No, I run apache 1./3 and 2.0 concurrently (both with various vhosts) | 05:42 |
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dabaR | well, it cant anyhow, they are not his. | 05:43 |
TokenBad | man this printer is getting on my nerves | 05:43 |
coag | cafuego: Well i love lmnop! | 05:43 |
grshpr | dooglus: would a upgrade to breezy be easily done without having to remove any of my current information? | 05:43 |
dooglus | grshpr: I see "500 http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy/universe Packages" - so it's in 'universe' for breezy. | 05:43 |
dabaR | Ill just plunge into it, and hopefully be in bed within the next few hours:) | 05:43 |
dooglus | grshpr: it's quite a lot to download. | 05:43 |
grshpr | dooglus: oh, ok, i'll try add that to respitories instead. | 05:43 |
cafuego | dabaR: apache2 has a slightly different config, you'll need to edit /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default to fix the redirect to the docs that's there. | 05:43 |
dabaR | cafuego: I just want it to serve files from /var/www is all. | 05:43 |
dooglus | grshpr: I'm pretty sure that xubuntu-desktop is just an empty meta-package anyway. | 05:44 |
TokenBad | can anyone help me set up this epson stylus 740 and get it to work..everything I have tried so far hasn't worked | 05:44 |
cafuego | dabaR; yes, means commenting a directive in the default config. | 05:44 |
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cafuego | TokenBad: plug it in, tell CUPS to add it. Done. | 05:44 |
TokenBad | cafuego, I did that | 05:44 |
grshpr | dooglus: what does that mean? | 05:44 |
TokenBad | it still don't work | 05:44 |
dooglus | grshpr: just install these, and you'll have the same effect: abiword, acpi, acpi-support, acpid, anacron, apmd, bc, bogofilter, cdparanoia, cdrecord, cupsys, cupsys-bsd, cupsys-client, cupsys-driver-gimpprint, dbus-1-utils, dc, doc-debian, dvd+rw-tools, esound, fetchmail, firefox, foomatic-db, foomatic-db-engine, foomatic-db-gimp-print, foomatic-db-hpijs, foomatic-filters, foomatic-filters-ppds, gaim, gqview, graveman, gs-esp, hal, hotkey-setup, hplip-base | 05:44 |
dabaR | It seems to just work already. | 05:44 |
cafuego | dabaR; Did you kill apache 1.3 and start 2.0? | 05:45 |
coag | cafuego: do i use CUPS to mount a printer that has it's own IP? | 05:45 |
dooglus | grshpr: that's the list of packages that xubuntu-desktop brings in | 05:45 |
cafuego | coag: I do. | 05:45 |
coag | alright | 05:45 |
coag | and graphical tool for htat? | 05:45 |
coag | any | 05:45 |
grshpr | dooglus: well... i need xfce. :) | 05:45 |
dabaR | cafuego: ah. I uninstalled apache... | 05:45 |
dabaR | I have to kill it too? | 05:45 |
dabaR | heh | 05:45 |
cafuego | coag: Yes, System -> Admin -> Printers | 05:45 |
grshpr | dooglus: so, xfce or xfce4? | 05:45 |
cafuego | dabaR; Well, not if it's not running | 05:46 |
dabaR | It was before I uninstalled it. | 05:46 |
dooglus | grshpr: xfce4 is the newer of the two | 05:46 |
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dooglus | grshpr: I'd go for that if I was you | 05:46 |
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arod-- | are there any ebooks for ubuntu? for newbies? | 05:46 |
grshpr | dooglus: ok | 05:46 |
TokenBad | cafuego, any other ideas? | 05:46 |
dabaR | what should I read? | 05:47 |
cafuego | TokenBad: Any chance the printer is broken? | 05:47 |
nalioth | arod--: http://help.ubuntu.com | 05:47 |
cafuego | TokenBad: I had two and they both broke | 05:47 |
=== Shadowline [n=shadowli@ppp-70-226-82-229.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TokenBad | cafuego, it was working till put new cartridges in it | 05:47 |
=== calc_ [n=ccheney@ip70-185-4-246.ma.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wastrel | i want to add "associate=0" to my ipw2200 kernel module on boot- where do i set this? | 05:47 |
grshpr | dooglus: thx m8. | 05:47 |
cafuego | wastrel: ANy file in /etc/modprobe.d | 05:48 |
cafuego | wastrel: Add in "options ipw220 associate=0" | 05:48 |
dabaR | Do I change the /etc/apache2/apache2.conf for making apache serve files from my /var/www dir? | 05:49 |
wastrel | ok added it to /etc/modprobe.d/aliases | 05:49 |
wastrel | thx | 05:49 |
=== bazka16 [n=bazka16@134-43-112.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mabus06 | Can anyone help me to get my webcam to take pictures? | 05:49 |
Mabus06 | I installed what google seemed to point out to be the right drivers, spca5xx | 05:50 |
Mabus06 | It is a usb webcam | 05:50 |
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Poland | how do i play .mp3 on this thing | 05:51 |
Poland | youll have to excuse me, im new to this since today! | 05:51 |
wastrel | Poland: xmms | 05:51 |
=== B-166_ER-X [n=oli@c66.110.147-28.clta.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mabus06 | rhytmbox, Poland | 05:51 |
Poland | it wont play mp3 | 05:51 |
Poland | rhytmbox | 05:52 |
Mabus06 | !mp3 | 05:52 |
ubotu | mp3 is, like, totally, a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 05:52 |
B-166_ER-X | what package do i need to be able to get my photos from my digital cam with Gimp or else ? | 05:52 |
Mabus06 | I don't know, B-166_ER-X, I'd also like to know | 05:52 |
B-166_ER-X | hm | 05:52 |
grshpr | B-166_ER-X: none. | 05:52 |
Mabus06 | grshpr, then how is it done? | 05:53 |
Poland | what about .avi? | 05:53 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell Poland about mp3 | 05:53 |
B-166_ER-X | i already done it, but formatted since | 05:53 |
Poland | should i use vlc? | 05:53 |
grshpr | Mabus06: if you are using usb, you should just be able to browse to your files. a new usb-icon should appear on your desktop. | 05:53 |
nalioth | Poland: you have privat messages with info | 05:53 |
grshpr | Poland: xine is good. | 05:54 |
grshpr | Poland: gxine is you use gnome. | 05:54 |
B-166_ER-X | grshpr, that is, if its not : what do i need | 05:54 |
=== KerPlunk [n=KerPlunk@ool-457a6467.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
grshpr | B-166_ER-X: what do you have? | 05:54 |
=== bimberi_ feels lucky, he plugs in the usb cable from his camera and a nice dialog pops up offering to import the photos | ||
B-166_ER-X | a Kodak DC-5000 | 05:54 |
=== axs [n=andrew@c-24-20-137-137.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
KerPlunk | When new Ubuntu versions are out can you apt-get dist-upgrade to upgrade to them? | 05:54 |
KerPlunk | And will I ever have to reboot? | 05:54 |
grshpr | B-166_ER-X: and what more? | 05:55 |
grshpr | B-166_ER-X: what's the transfer standard? | 05:55 |
B-166_ER-X | USB cable | 05:55 |
bimberi_ | KerPlunk: yes and yes (when you get a kernel upgrade) | 05:55 |
thrice` | KerPlunk: yes; and kernel upgrades require you to reboot in order to take effect | 05:55 |
grshpr | B-166_ER-X: then plug it in the usb and wait for the dialogue (or icon) to pop up on your desktop! | 05:55 |
bimberi_ | KerPlunk: ... which doesn't happen very often | 05:55 |
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B-166_ER-X | grshpr, i Said, that its not working, like it wasnt on my other computer either, i just need to know what is the missing package | 05:56 |
=== bimberi_ is now known as bimberi | ||
grshpr | B-166_ER-X: well... what type of usb is it? do any other usb device work? | 05:56 |
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Poland | gxine i should use then? will that play .mpg and .mpeg? | 05:57 |
B-166_ER-X | YES all other usb worked. | 05:57 |
linkd | Poland: yes gxine will do that | 05:57 |
grshpr | B-166_ER-X: google is now your best friend. | 05:57 |
KerPlunk | I tried to compile Network Manager on my debian sid system...all kinds of weird dbus code...beyond my capabilities. | 05:57 |
KerPlunk | I'm getting pissed because I want Network Manager, heh. | 05:57 |
B-166_ER-X | i had help, here, last time | 05:57 |
grshpr | B-166_ER-X: camera name + usb + ubuntu/linux + package -- search words | 05:58 |
KerPlunk | B-166_ER-X: What do you have plugged in via usb? | 05:58 |
=== d__k [n=d__K@dsl081-235-131.lax1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
B-166_ER-X | nothing for 'now, but i have a usb stick wich is auto detected | 05:58 |
B-166_ER-X | so that works, jsut, not my kodak DC | 05:58 |
KerPlunk | B-166_ER-X: I use "usbmount" (apt-get install usbmount) ... it auto mounts my external hdd, usb thumb drives, and camera...all by default. | 05:58 |
bimberi | KerPlunk: not sure if you're asking, but network-manager is available in ubuntu (universe) | 05:59 |
KerPlunk | bimberi: I know. | 05:59 |
wastrel | what's network-manager? | 05:59 |
bimberi | KerPlunk: k :) (thought you might) | 05:59 |
B-166_ER-X | still not working | 06:00 |
bimberi | ubotu tell wastrel about network-manager | 06:00 |
=== Goldfisch [n=gregturn@user-0calf26.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaR | B-166_ER-X: did you get that drive access fixed? | 06:00 |
B-166_ER-X | dabar_ i'm on another computer now.. | 06:01 |
=== K^Holtz [n=K_Holtz@KIH5005.rh.psu.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
B-166_ER-X | the motherboard is screwed on mine.. | 06:01 |
=== n0dl [n=n0dl@pool-71-104-59-182.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
n0dl | what was the command to search for a file name was it usrname -r? | 06:01 |
bimberi | n0dl: locate <file> | 06:02 |
TokenBad | I went through cups and added my printer, epson stylus 740, but for some reason it will not work...the test print acts like printing but nothing on page, or it just sits there and does nothing..... | 06:02 |
Poland | how do i get gxine? | 06:02 |
Poland | thru terminal? | 06:02 |
Poland | does anyone know how to d/l .nzb files for this? | 06:02 |
=== bulio [n=bulio@toronto-HSE-ppp4051204.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bulio | warty works! | 06:03 |
bimberi | Poland: sudo aptitude install gxine (once you've enabled the universe repository) | 06:03 |
bulio | but on boot I get 3 things about re-loading panels due to problems | 06:03 |
bulio | I click ok | 06:03 |
bulio | I mean Breezy | 06:03 |
B-166_ER-X | any1 knwos how to acess a Kodak Digital camera on ubuntu ? | 06:03 |
=== tvon [n=tvon@dsl093-056-214.blt1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TokenBad | poland | 06:03 |
dabaR | I am refusing connections on port 80. When I try starting apache2 with invoke-rc.d or with /etc/init.d/apache2 I get no output. | 06:03 |
TokenBad | nzb can be gotten with um | 06:04 |
bimberi | Poland: i think klibido can work with .nzb files | 06:04 |
TokenBad | klibido | 06:04 |
TokenBad | yep | 06:04 |
bulio | any idea what it might be? | 06:04 |
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Poland | but klibido doesnt work with mac does it | 06:04 |
Poland | i have a mac | 06:04 |
=== chemisus [n=chemisus@pcp09463696pcs.ctftmy01.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TokenBad | if your running ubuntu it should work | 06:04 |
=== bimberi stops looking for "um" :P | ||
Poland | and really need to start d/l .nzb's | 06:04 |
=== tvon [n=tvon@dsl093-056-214.blt1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
TokenBad | I would do apt-get install klibido | 06:05 |
bulio | how can I tell what ubuntu version I'm running? | 06:05 |
bimberi | bulio: lsb_release -a | 06:05 |
=== xandrix_ [n=xandrix@dsl-132-32.aei.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xandrix_ | i have a problem with my lilo splash screen | 06:05 |
chemisus | whats the bare minimum ram required by unbuntu badger version? | 06:05 |
bulio | says I'm running hoary | 06:06 |
bulio | but I upgrded to breezy | 06:06 |
bulio | odd | 06:06 |
bulio | I did apt-get dist-upgrade | 06:06 |
=== B-166_ER-X [n=oli@c66.110.147-28.clta.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xandrix_ | i use cofee.bmp i hve the right config for it but when i come to boot the pc i see no delay no efault lilo menu all i see is its written lilo 22.6.1 and no prompt nothing and after the timeout i set is done it just boots linux and i cannt chose my other os | 06:06 |
bimberi | chemisus: 128MB (for Gnome) I would say - there are other options for less RAM, like Xubuntu | 06:06 |
=== cyphase [n=cyphase@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
B-166_ER-X | i installed gphoto2, but gimp still doesnt show any option for digital photos | 06:07 |
=== leather_n_luv [n=josh@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu | ||
durt | 64mb works with gnome but it is REALLY slow | 06:07 |
xandrix_ | wold this be easier with grub ????? | 06:07 |
leather_n_luv | how do you make a bootable cd? | 06:07 |
=== rohan [n=rohan@unaffiliated/dabonbon/x-000000001] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaR | B-166_ER-X: You just plug it in, and it should work. | 06:08 |
rohan | nalioth: ok, now i am on many channel | 06:08 |
B-166_ER-X | well, it DOESNT | 06:09 |
nalioth | rohan: so i see | 06:09 |
xandrix_ | you use iso linux and u read a bit | 06:09 |
B-166_ER-X | ..hence my questions | 06:09 |
=== ejofee [n=ejofee@195-245-89-185.dtcom.ro] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ejofee | anything new about silc? | 06:09 |
xandrix_ | does anyone here | 06:09 |
xandrix_ | have lilo with a splashscreen ? | 06:10 |
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TokenBad | I just don't understand this printer stuff | 06:10 |
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=== Mabus06 [n=Nick@hlfxns0149w-142177138225.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bulio | does this mean ubuntu has upgraded? | 06:10 |
bulio | http://pastebin.com/463326 | 06:10 |
=== Ej25goddess [n=puppy@sjs-130-65-212-126.sjsu.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xandrix_ | and another thing on my pc i would see a nce little loading bar n the screen but on my laptop i see the default kernel messages | 06:10 |
xandrix_ | would this be a frame buffer issue ? | 06:11 |
bulio | anoyne? | 06:11 |
orkin\a | will somebody give me a solution to the extreme sluggishness of ubuntu? | 06:12 |
Ej25goddess | I would love to, but I have no idea what I am doing with it either :) | 06:12 |
alekz | hi, anyone has a video ipod here that can help me ? | 06:12 |
ejofee | xandrix_: i think you should adjust resolution from /etc/lilo.conf | 06:12 |
=== tritium [n=tritium@ubuntu/member/tritium] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holy_cow | lilo? | 06:13 |
Ej25goddess | I have been having issues with ubuntu thinking I have two wifi cards, and picking the one that doesnt exsist on startup | 06:13 |
holy_cow | wtf? | 06:13 |
xandrix_ | kk | 06:13 |
Ej25goddess | So I always have to go into the network settings and select the other and actiivate it | 06:13 |
Mabus06 | How do I take pictures with my webcam | 06:13 |
Ej25goddess | does anyone have an idea on how I can make it work all the time/ | 06:13 |
sethk | Ej25goddess, only once. the configuration is saved | 06:13 |
sethk | Ej25goddess, if it is active at shutdown, it will be activated on boot | 06:14 |
ejofee | any silc user here? | 06:14 |
=== chaumurky [n=mainacco@203-214-141-96.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
orkin\a | I would be so happy if I could get ubuntu to process at speedds even close to windows | 06:14 |
Ej25goddess | well, it keeps going into the wrong one when it boots :( | 06:14 |
quacker | ejofee, I enjoy the feel of silk on my *ahem* intimate parts... =P | 06:14 |
sethk | orkin, to process what? It is faster for some things, slower for others | 06:14 |
Ej25goddess | any ideas? | 06:14 |
xandrix_ | brb | 06:15 |
chaumurky | what's up Ej25goddess? | 06:15 |
sethk | Ej25goddess, I just checked on my machine here with two cards. The state at shutdown is recreated at boot. | 06:15 |
holy_cow | orkin, how is it sluggish? | 06:15 |
orkin\a | it's just slower overall, it takes time to get out of screen saver mode, it takes time for the menu to popup when i click up top, iot takes time to switch to different windows, it takes loads of time to run an application | 06:15 |
leather_n_luv | is anyone here familiar with the creation of bootable cd's? | 06:15 |
sethk | Ej25goddess, I'm not sure what you might mean by "wrong", but the behavior I see is consistent and sensible. | 06:15 |
=== DuoMaxwell [n=DuoMaxwe@nwblwi2-l10-811.nwblwi.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sethk | orkin, sounds like you have a video card for which there is no optimized X server. | 06:16 |
holy_cow | or you are runing on like 12 megs ram and are paging all to hell | 06:16 |
sethk | orkin, then it goes into a svga compatible mode that is very slow | 06:16 |
B-166_ER-X | whats the command to list connected usb devices ? | 06:16 |
bimberi | bulio: pastebin your sources.list | 06:16 |
=== navreet [n=navreet@OSH-NAT-213-26.onshore.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
orkin\a | ahh | 06:16 |
navreet | man... after the linus post on /. today, I decided to check out KDE | 06:16 |
sethk | B-166_ER-X, lsusb | 06:17 |
navreet | s0 br0k3n | 06:17 |
orkin\a | how do i get an optimized x server for my video card? | 06:17 |
wastrel | sounds like your hardware accel isn't working | 06:17 |
Ej25goddess | essentially chaumurky, my ubuntu network settinigs keep resetting themselves | 06:17 |
Ej25goddess | it detects two "wireless connections" | 06:17 |
sethk | navreet, depends on the distro | 06:17 |
Ej25goddess | when there is only one | 06:17 |
Ej25goddess | they area called eth0 and eth1 | 06:17 |
wastrel | do glxinfo| grep direct | 06:17 |
B-166_ER-X | also, when running gphoto2 from terminal with get all files, it jsut get 2 photos then says : Please make sure there is sufficient quoting around the arguments. | 06:17 |
B-166_ER-X | 06:17 | |
sethk | Ej25goddess, that's probably just ipv4 and ivp6 | 06:17 |
Ej25goddess | it automatically boots usisng eth0 | 06:17 |
navreet | sethk, (I am talking about Ubuntu... and by being broken, I am talking about relativeness) | 06:17 |
sethk | Ej25goddess, you are doing a network boot? | 06:17 |
Ej25goddess | and I have to go into the settings and select eth1 and activate iit each time | 06:17 |
chaumurky | ahh, the wireless setup. out of my league on that. not doing very well am I? hehe. | 06:18 |
Ej25goddess | no I iama nont | 06:18 |
sethk | Ej25goddess, then it doesn't boot "using" anything | 06:18 |
=== Slackwise [n=lance@68-186-27-184.dhcp.astr.or.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== chaumurky goes and checks /. | ||
Ej25goddess | when it boots, thats the connection it is trying to use | 06:18 |
orkin\a | sethk, how do you suggest I solve this problem? | 06:18 |
sethk | orkin, which video card are you using? | 06:18 |
Ej25goddess | I want it to use the other one, since thats the one that works :D | 06:18 |
=== Qiang [n=Qiang@CPE00112f93a8b1-CM00003964ca63.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
orkin\a | just a secomd l;et me go get o nthe linux comp | 06:18 |
orkin\a | it wil ltake longer than a second it wil ltake foreevver | 06:19 |
bimberi | Ej25goddess: something to try - see if you can determine which module is loaded for the wrong device (dmesg|grep eth) and add that module to /etc/hotplug/blacklist | 06:19 |
sethk | Ej25goddess, I would make eth0 into eth1, and eth1 into eth0. It's a little tricky but it can be done | 06:19 |
Ej25goddess | how would I go about doing that | 06:19 |
navreet | sethk, I couldn't find kcontrol in the menu... artsd was taking up 99% CPU, etc. | 06:19 |
Ej25goddess | I have a lot of windows experience, but almost no linux knowledge | 06:19 |
=== txberiu [n=tga@S0106000f66aeaf64.vs.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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sethk | navreet, that's odd. I've run KDE with ubuntu, and I see only a small problem with a couple of fonts | 06:19 |
txberiu | hey.. my Gnome won't start anymore and deleting all .ICE files didn't help.. any ideas what I can do? | 06:20 |
=== grassh [n=grshpr@ip70-178-191-151.ma.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sethk | navreet, artsd takes less than 1% cpu | 06:20 |
dabaR | txberiu: what error do you get? | 06:20 |
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sethk | navreet, so for some reason your KDE setup isn't right. | 06:20 |
orkin | `ok, now I'm on ubuntu talking to you through x-chat | 06:20 |
grassh | i just installed xfce4 through synaptic... how do I enable it? | 06:20 |
atrolinux | is there a gui for subversion that'll work on ubuntu? | 06:20 |
sethk | orkin, ok, I asked what video card you have | 06:20 |
Ej25goddess | my other quesstion, is swhy my mouse is being goofy | 06:21 |
wastrel | orkin: do glxinfo | grep direct | 06:21 |
Ej25goddess | if move the pointer across the screen | 06:21 |
Ej25goddess | it moves slowly | 06:21 |
Ej25goddess | pauses | 06:21 |
Ej25goddess | then continues | 06:21 |
Ej25goddess | even if I have a constant movement | 06:21 |
txberiu | dabaR: _IceTransTransNoListen: unable to find transport: tcp | 06:21 |
txberiu | dabaR: lots of _IceTrans stuff | 06:21 |
sethk | Ej25goddess, either IRQ Problems or the wrong driver for your mouse | 06:21 |
orkin | direct rendering: Yes | 06:22 |
bimberi | Ej25goddess: clean the wheels that run against the ball (i bet you'll say it's optical :P ) | 06:22 |
dabaR | txberiu: in a dialog box after you try logging in? | 06:22 |
Ej25goddess | its a laptop | 06:22 |
Ej25goddess | :) | 06:22 |
=== Kyral [n=kyral@hamlin-166-21999.hamlin.clarkson.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
grassh | i just installed xfce4 through synaptic... how do I enable it? (sry for repeat) | 06:22 |
txberiu | dabaR: no, after I log in I get a blank screen and the mouse.. I tried running gnome-session by hand and that's when I get the ICE errors | 06:22 |
Ej25goddess | good try though :) | 06:22 |
cdubya | grassh, when you login, select session, then xfce | 06:23 |
bimberi | Ej25goddess: i thought it was quite lateral :) | 06:23 |
sethk | orkin, you should also consider a lower resource desktop, such as fluxbox (there are others as well) | 06:23 |
grassh | cdubya: ok thx | 06:23 |
cdubya | np | 06:23 |
=== Slackwise [n=lance@68-186-27-184.dhcp.astr.or.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== simonvallore [n=simonval@adsl-70-241-54-45.dsl.tulsok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
orkin | i like ubuntu and i know it can run faster on my system just please help[ me figure it out | 06:23 |
=== jgrieves [n=jgrieves@cpe-66-25-129-237.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
simonvallore | Does anyone know how i can see who is connected to my vnc and disconnect them ? | 06:24 |
dabaR | txberiu: try deleting everything in your /tmp folder. Something like sudo rm -r /tmp/* you may get errors about permissions after, let me know. But, I am not 100% sure it will work, but if you dont find a better solution, try that. | 06:24 |
txberiu | dabaR: already tried it, didn't help | 06:24 |
orkin | how do i find out what video card I have | 06:24 |
orkin | or it detects atleast | 06:25 |
=== regeya [n=shane@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaR | Why is my apache2 not restarting itself? | 06:25 |
txberiu | dabaR: I had to restart gdm to get it working but Gnome still wouldn't start | 06:25 |
coag | anyone good with dual monitors here, i have a questionf or you, i have the dual monitors set up in X and working, to some extent, how do i make it so X is running on one monitor and CLI in the other? | 06:25 |
holy_cow | orkin, what sort of system are you running that on? how much ram? | 06:25 |
dabaR | txberiu: tried deleting some folders under ~/.gnome(ish) | 06:25 |
orkin | a dell | 06:25 |
orkin | pentium 4 | 06:25 |
txberiu | dabaR: I was hoping not to lose my settings | 06:25 |
=== regeya laughs at linus's latest rant | ||
orkin | 256mb i htink | 06:25 |
cdubya | heh | 06:25 |
orkin | how do I find out my ram? | 06:25 |
cdubya | yeah, it was kinda funny | 06:26 |
txberiu | dabaR: I get the same thing for a new user with no .gnome dires | 06:26 |
holy_cow | ah okay just curious, i'veonly seen that on old laptops with 32 megs of ram or less | 06:26 |
dabaR | txberiu: ok, then. | 06:26 |
holy_cow | then he is right it must be a vid card issue | 06:26 |
orkin | how do i resolve it | 06:26 |
=== ClayG [n=scdsc@c-66-177-234-195.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cdubya | orkin, the video is prolly onboard, yeah? | 06:26 |
B-166_ER-X | i installed gphoto2, but gimp still doesnt show any option for digital photos, and it makes an error when trying gphoto2 in terminal,m any1 knows how to work this ? | 06:26 |
holy_cow | well you need to make sure you have the right drivers installed for your vid card, what kind of video card do you have? | 06:27 |
orkin | yea | 06:27 |
cdubya | yuck, and lemme guess, and intel integrated....something or other | 06:27 |
coag | i have the dual monitors set up in X and working, to some extent, how do i make it so X is running on one monitor and CLI in the other? | 06:27 |
orkin | idk, htf do i find out | 06:27 |
orkin | ? | 06:27 |
holy_cow | B-166_ER-X, what does gimp haveto do with gphoto2? isn't gphoto2 a standalone app? | 06:27 |
txberiu | dabaR: other ideas? | 06:27 |
simonvallore | Does anyone know how i can see who is connected to my vnc and disconnect them ? | 06:27 |
calc_ | regeya: jdub's take on his blog seems pretty good | 06:27 |
txberiu | how can I uninstall gnome? does it all depend on a lib or something? | 06:28 |
B-166_ER-X | holy_cow, you can technically, use Gimp to get your photos, | 06:28 |
holy_cow | with gphoto? | 06:28 |
B-166_ER-X | already done it on another pc | 06:28 |
=== bronson [n=bronson@pool-68-160-51-248.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holy_cow | why would you do that? | 06:28 |
=== mattyv [n=matt@220-253-26-50.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holy_cow | why not install gtkcam and download the images and then use gimp to edit? | 06:28 |
B-166_ER-X | dang. doenst matter | 06:28 |
dabaR | txberiu: no, not really. | 06:28 |
B-166_ER-X | even Gphoto doenst work now | 06:28 |
cdubya | orkin, what version of ubuntu? | 06:28 |
=== Penguin_ [i=penguin@penguin.thezooclan.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
orkin | 5.10 | 06:28 |
frogzoo | B-166_ER-X: can you script gimp? like, to convert bmp to jpeg, for instance? | 06:29 |
cdubya | orkin, System > Administration > Device Manager | 06:29 |
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B-166_ER-X | dont know | 06:29 |
cdubya | orkin, what does it report for video | 06:29 |
holy_cow | B-166_ER-X, what are you trying to do exactly? | 06:29 |
=== coag :< | ||
coag | I guess all the helpers are a bit busy right now | 06:29 |
B-166_ER-X | I' Trying to GET my %$&$%? pictures of my kodak DC , by usb cable, but it does NOT detect it, and gphoto have an error, altough, a lusb list the kodak dc-5000 | 06:30 |
cdubya | coag, sorry no help here | 06:30 |
orkin | i cant find the video | 06:30 |
thrice` | run top, px aus...see anything stealing a bunch of memory / cpu? | 06:30 |
coag | cdubya: well of course there is! | 06:30 |
coag | cdubya: just all taken up right now | 06:30 |
cdubya | coag, I meant from me...sorry. | 06:30 |
TokenBad | I went through cups and added my printer, epson stylus 740, but for some reason it will not work...the test print acts like printing but nothing on page, or it just sits there and does nothing..... | 06:30 |
sethk | orkin, do lspci | 06:30 |
=== coag sits down in a chair | ||
coag | cdubya: oh it's all good | 06:30 |
cdubya | coag, plenty of help here..... | 06:31 |
cdubya | heh | 06:31 |
holy_cow | B-166_ER-X, try gtkam | 06:31 |
B-166_ER-X | just did it | 06:31 |
B-166_ER-X | does not show photos | 06:31 |
holy_cow | ah | 06:31 |
holy_cow | is yoru cam supported? | 06:32 |
cdubya | orkin, mine's listed quite a ways down....past the audio, controllers, etc...... | 06:32 |
=== holy_cow is now known as holycow | ||
B-166_ER-X | well, i have been able to acess them on another ubuntu breezy PC | 06:32 |
B-166_ER-X | but for now, the motherboard of the other pc is screwed..so.. | 06:32 |
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holycow | ah ... :/ not sure how much that has to do with ubuntu ... | 06:32 |
dabaR | weird. apache2 is not supposed to be ran as root, is it? | 06:33 |
=== dle-- [n=dle@toronto-HSE-ppp3964398.sympatico.ca] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
B-166_ER-X | Bus 001 Device 004: ID 040a:0131 Kodak Co. DC-5000 | 06:33 |
B-166_ER-X | its there.. | 06:33 |
B-166_ER-X | but not quite | 06:33 |
Xenguy | dabaR: that sounds odd indeed | 06:33 |
dle-- | hi Xenguy. | 06:33 |
txberiu | so what lib can I remove to uninstall gnome? | 06:33 |
dabaR | it is under /usr/sbin | 06:33 |
Xenguy | dle--: still up then? :-) | 06:33 |
orkin | 0000:00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corp. 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G] /GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 03) | 06:33 |
orkin | is that it | 06:33 |
dle-- | oh yes. | 06:33 |
dabaR | or some other program is anyhow, apachectl. | 06:34 |
=== kkathman [n=kkathman@h-66-167-142-164.dllatx37.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cdubya | orkin, sounds like the right one..... | 06:34 |
simonvallore | Does anyone know how i can see who is connected to my vnc and disconnect them ? | 06:34 |
B-166_ER-X | holy_cow, i knwo it CAN work, but i dont understand the errors message | 06:34 |
quacker | B-166_ER-X, does you camera have removeable media? | 06:34 |
orkin | ok now how do i fix it | 06:34 |
dle-- | Xenguy: I'm fooling around w/ the latest Opera. Includes IRC now. Quite impresive overall, too. | 06:34 |
=== jbernal [n=jbernal@ip68-227-244-56.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
B-166_ER-X | hm, yes, flash card | 06:34 |
simonvallore | !seen simonvallore | 06:34 |
ubotu | simonvallore is currently on #ubuntu (11m 3s) | 06:34 |
B-166_ER-X | quacker | 06:34 |
simonvallore | !seen ubotu | 06:34 |
ubotu | i haven't seen 'ubotu', simonvallore | 06:34 |
coag | cdubya: google turned up something that smashed my hopes | 06:34 |
cdubya | orkin, one of the guys more video savvy prolly ought to help...... | 06:35 |
cdubya | coag, bummer. | 06:35 |
quacker | If so, you can do what I do and mount the media (in my case compact flash card) and then decode with dcraw | 06:35 |
Xenguy | dle--: I of course hate Opera ;-) | 06:35 |
cdubya | sorry to hear that | 06:35 |
coag | cdubya: http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/archive/index.php/t-751.html | 06:35 |
B-166_ER-X | Please make sure there is sufficient quoting around the arguments. | 06:35 |
=== sudhir [n=sud@221-128-148-140.exatt.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
quacker | B-166_ER-X, You will need to copy the partition first | 06:35 |
Xenguy | dle--: altho I respect it technically | 06:35 |
B-166_ER-X | hee | 06:35 |
B-166_ER-X | looks kind -too- complicated | 06:35 |
orkin | sethk, 0000:00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corp. 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G] /GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 03) is my card | 06:35 |
dle-- | Xenguy: Well, it has some licensing problems. ;) But yes, technically it does many things rather well. | 06:35 |
simonvallore | Does anyone know how i can see who is connected to my vnc and disconnect them ? | 06:35 |
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Xenguy | dle--: unless they just went open-source recently, and I didn't hear about it :-) | 06:36 |
cdubya | coag, sorry to hear that. | 06:36 |
quacker | then you convert the files a few at a time from .RAW format using dcraw (too many and you may hang your machine as decoding is CPU intensive) | 06:36 |
coag | cdubya: thanks for being sympathetic :) | 06:36 |
atrolinux | is there anything that provides for ubuntu what tortoisesvn does for windows? | 06:36 |
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techrush | i ran easy ubuntu to try to setup my 3d card.....now my keyboard is all messed up and i cant login to try to fix it becuase i dont havea u key.....plz help | 06:37 |
durt | yes opera is good | 06:37 |
dabaR | I mean, do I run apachectl as root? It worked that way, and did not when I used no root. | 06:37 |
=== java_4_ever [n=kwunderl@d53-64-50-242.nap.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
techrush | i must have picked the wrong KB config | 06:37 |
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techrush | now my u key makes a 4 | 06:37 |
techrush | :( | 06:37 |
Xenguy | dle--: all browsers have been pissing me off recently actually -- I'm actually contemplating just rampage re-installing :P | 06:37 |
txberiu | apt-get remove libgnome2-common whee | 06:38 |
Khisanth | techrush: sounds like you hit numlock | 06:38 |
=== Atlas is now known as Atlas[ | ||
=== Atlas[ is now known as Atlas[otaff] | ||
orkin | hwo knows how to make video cards stop making my system slow? | 06:38 |
techrush | my laptop doesnt have a numlock | 06:38 |
Khisanth | at least that would be the case on this (laptop)keyboard :) | 06:38 |
tritium | atrolinux: not sure that that does...try apt-cache search subversion, and look for something similar | 06:38 |
B-166_ER-X | quacker, theres gotta be a simpler way, i am able to get the 3 first pics, then it stopp | 06:38 |
nevyn | bob2: no joy :( | 06:38 |
atrolinux | tritium, been doing that, was hoping somebody would have a solution handy | 06:38 |
Xenguy | dle--: but migration is a hassle; still has to been done sometimes | 06:38 |
techrush | i did select the option on easy ubuntu to turn numlock on on boot | 06:38 |
techrush | how do i turn it off | 06:38 |
techrush | :( | 06:38 |
nevyn | I might try a x86 kernel 60% performance boost for the second cpu > 30% performance boost for amd64 | 06:39 |
quacker | B-166_ER-X, sorry, that's how I do it with an Olympus E-300 that's all I know | 06:39 |
bimberi | simonvallore: "ps aux | grep vnc" find out which display it is (eg. :2), then "sudo vncserver -kill :2" | 06:39 |
simonvallore | how do i kill a connection | 06:39 |
simonvallore | i got the netstat on it | 06:39 |
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Khisanth | techrush: you could rerun the program and turn that option off | 06:39 |
Xenguy | simonvallore: kill -9 | 06:39 |
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=== wuming [n=myhusky@host66146157c0.dsl.res.tor.fcibroadband.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
techrush | Khisanth: i cant run any programs becausxe i cant login | 06:40 |
orkin | can anyone helpo me with my video card | 06:40 |
techrush | Khisanth: i need the U key because its in my user name techrUsh | 06:40 |
techrush | :( | 06:40 |
wuming | where does ubuntu better than debian | 06:40 |
bimberi | simonvallore: the sudo vncserver -kill :<display> shoulk kill the connection | 06:40 |
Khisanth | hrm | 06:40 |
techrush | i can see this light on my laptop that indicates numlock is on | 06:41 |
bimberi | *shoud | 06:41 |
techrush | their must be a way to disable it | 06:41 |
bimberi | bah | 06:41 |
Xenguy | wuming: my KISS formula says Ubu/desktop and Deb/server :-) | 06:41 |
calc_ | wuming: desktop integration | 06:41 |
=== dderr [n=dderr@cpe-70-112-24-97.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Khisanth | you could log in from the console | 06:41 |
techrush | i cant login | 06:42 |
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Khisanth | techrush: it has a light for it but no key?! | 06:42 |
techrush | yes | 06:42 |
Siph0n | is there any way to see which packages take up the most space? | 06:42 |
newbc | anyone know if linux has a divx codec | 06:42 |
Khisanth | that is a very odd keyboard | 06:42 |
newbc | sorry ubuntu | 06:42 |
bimberi | !degian | 06:42 |
ubotu | bimberi: Do they come in packets of five? | 06:42 |
bimberi | !debian | 06:42 |
ubotu | Debian is "the rock upon which Ubuntu is founded"; see http://www.debian.org Thank You Ian and DEBra Murdock! 1994 Vers. 0.9. Debian and Ubuntu http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship/ | 06:42 |
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Khisanth | newbc: mplayer should work | 06:42 |
newbc | k | 06:42 |
newbc | thanks | 06:42 |
techrush | oh wait | 06:43 |
techrush | i found the key! | 06:43 |
techrush | phgewwwww | 06:43 |
dderr | can I comment out the cdrom line from apts sources.list file w/out suffering? | 06:43 |
nalioth | dderr: of course you can. | 06:43 |
techrush | i was being dumb sorry for bothering you guys | 06:43 |
dderr | I would like ubuntu to quit asking me for a cdrom | 06:43 |
bimberi | dderr: yes, that's fine | 06:43 |
orkin | plz does anyoine know how I can stop my video card from making my 3whole system slow? | 06:43 |
techrush | was scary for a moment though :) | 06:43 |
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jbroome | dderr: yes, go ahead | 06:44 |
dderr | thx for the help | 06:44 |
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bimberi | dderr: it's a good idea if bandwidth isn't an issue for you :) | 06:44 |
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WebMaven | orkin: it may involve using nipple clamps and holy water. | 06:44 |
simonvallore | is there a way i can view my connections and kill them ? | 06:44 |
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orkin | ok | 06:45 |
Xenguy | simonvallore: netstat or lsof | 06:45 |
Siph0n | if i use Gnome, can i uninstall nething to do with KDE? like kdesktop? | 06:45 |
Xenguy | simonvallore: 'slay' will kill a particular User | 06:45 |
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newbc | anyone know a good divx player besides mplayer, cuz for some reason i cant install it from the add applications menu | 06:46 |
navreet | newbc, gxine | 06:47 |
newbc | ok | 06:47 |
techrush | vlc | 06:47 |
coag | vlc | 06:47 |
jbroome | vlc | 06:47 |
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simonvallore | wtf is lsof | 06:47 |
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thrice` | simonvallore: it'll list processes using stuff....say lsof /dev/dsp will tell ya what's using /dev/dsp | 06:48 |
newbc | k cool installing vlc right now | 06:48 |
newbc | thanks guys | 06:48 |
=== RRubin [n=rubin@CPE-65-29-27-71.mn.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thrice` | will vlc do .mov? | 06:48 |
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dabaR | w32codecs will | 06:48 |
simonvallore | no i mean a remote connection is there anything to view them and kill them | 06:48 |
bimberi | Siph0n: uninstalling libqt3-mt will take out anything KDE. although that will include things like k3b (in case that's important to you) | 06:48 |
=== mattyv [n=vickm78@220-253-26-50.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dderr | so is it ok if i just uncomment all the lines w/ universe in my source.list also? | 06:49 |
=== bur[n] er [n=burner@c-67-173-243-73.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bur[n] er | anyone have a vmware player .deb? | 06:49 |
dderr | i keep screwing up apt, that is why i am asking. | 06:49 |
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thrice` | will vlc recognize w32codecs? | 06:50 |
Xenguy | simonvallore: I believe I know what you meant; tried netstat? | 06:50 |
bur[n] er | thrice`: vlc uses its own libs afaik | 06:50 |
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thrice` | so, vlc wont' integrate to play apple trailers eh? | 06:50 |
Siph0n | lol not that, but i noticed klibido would also go off which i use | 06:51 |
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xandrix_ | howdo i get the default boo splash to work it works by default on my pc but not on my laptop | 06:51 |
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techrush | thier is a mozilla-vlc plugin in the repos | 06:52 |
techrush | i havent tried it yet though | 06:52 |
xandrix_ | *boot | 06:52 |
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CaptainMorgan | how do I put aramark on my comp...it's not listed in the synpatic | 06:52 |
=== thrice` wants SOMEONE to confirm that apple trailers work =| | ||
thrice` | pref. without mplayer | 06:53 |
nicholaspaul | I'm planning on Dual booting Dapper with an existing Hoary install... is there anything I should do before I just install dapper from a CD???? | 06:53 |
bimberi | Siph0n: you can always reinstall klibido afterwards (a bit inefficient i know but probably the easiest way) | 06:53 |
xandrix_ | anyone know how i can get the default boot splash to work in ubuntu it works on my pc but not on my laptop | 06:54 |
techrush | thrice ive gotten them working in another distro...with mplayer | 06:54 |
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thrice` | me too | 06:54 |
Siph0n | nah, got enough space, was just curious really | 06:54 |
viscount | what is the command to switch the default from kdm to gdm? | 06:54 |
nicholaspaul | any dual boot fiends in here? | 06:55 |
xandrix_ | thrice`, do you have the boot splash the default one working ? | 06:55 |
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Siph0n | EVERY time i try dual boot my computer gets messed up.. no matter what other OS... | 06:55 |
coag | nicholaspaul: >.> whose asking? | 06:55 |
nicholaspaul | coag me! | 06:55 |
coag | nicholaspaul: i | 06:56 |
nicholaspaul | coag i want to dual boot hoary and dapper. | 06:56 |
coag | 'm a dual boot fiend | 06:56 |
coag | dapper? | 06:56 |
nicholaspaul | :-) | 06:56 |
nalioth | nicholaspaul: are you causing trouble in here? | 06:56 |
nicholaspaul | coag yea | 06:56 |
xandrix_ | i need a boot splash friend :( | 06:56 |
coag | nicholaspaul: what would dapper be? | 06:56 |
nicholaspaul | NALIOTH... found me...!! hehe! just asking some Ubuntuesqe questions | 06:56 |
nicholaspaul | nalioth hows things nalioth ? | 06:56 |
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nicholaspaul | coag, dapper is the new Ubuntu (in development). The one after Hoary. | 06:57 |
nalioth | nicholaspaul: things are looking up, you can ask me in | 06:57 |
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coag | nicholaspaul: what would dapper be? | 06:57 |
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thrice` | !dapper | 06:57 |
ubotu | The 6.04 version of Ubuntu will be called the "Dapper Drake" release. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperDrake | 06:57 |
nicholaspaul | coag - Dapper is the NEW Ubuntu | 06:57 |
nicholaspaul | thanks thrice | 06:57 |
viscount | nicholaspaul: i believe breezy is the new stable version of ubuntu | 06:57 |
Xenguy | viscount: yes | 06:58 |
nicholaspaul | viscount - yes, but dapper is the new developing breed. | 06:58 |
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viscount | Hoary(old) => Breezy (stable) => Dapper (developer) | 06:58 |
xandrix_ | god how the hell do i get this damn default bootsplash to work lol | 06:59 |
coag | viscount: thank you | 06:59 |
cyphase | i need help before my X server crashes again.. why wouldn't my ATI Radeon 9250 be working in ubuntu? | 06:59 |
nevyn | that's a good question | 06:59 |
cyphase | 3D or now | 06:59 |
bur[n] er | !ati | 06:59 |
ubotu | methinks ati is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 | 06:59 |
nevyn | I have the same problem | 06:59 |
cyphase | not* | 06:59 |
viscount | XandriX: what do you mean? | 06:59 |
coag | nicholaspaul: look into Grub | 06:59 |
nicholaspaul | coag - so have you dual booted with difft distros ? I've only done it with difft OS's | 06:59 |
nicholaspaul | so i need Grub first? | 06:59 |
coag | nicholaspaul: yes | 06:59 |
dderr | does anyone have a history of screwing up dselect or apt. it seems by the time my nvidia drives are installed i've managed to screw everything up | 06:59 |
coag | nicholaspaul: and the entries in gurb for the two kernels should be really similar | 07:00 |
coag | jsut pointing to different kernels | 07:00 |
xandrix_ | so no one knows ... | 07:00 |
=== jessemans [n=jesse@ppp-69-213-249-119.dsl.dytnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
coag | xandrix_: questions scroll up fast in here :/ | 07:00 |
dderr | not sure what i am doing either.. | 07:00 |
nicholaspaul | so after installing grub, the new install should set it up itself? | 07:00 |
nicholaspaul | coag? | 07:00 |
bur[n] er | xandrix_: it doesn't "just work" ?? are you upgrading from hoary? | 07:00 |
sethk | dderr, it isn't too hard to screw up if you know how. | 07:00 |
coag | nicholaspaul: umm | 07:00 |
xandrix_ | bur[n] er, i installed a fresh copy of hoarty | 07:00 |
xandrix_ | *hoary | 07:00 |
xandrix_ | eek breezy | 07:01 |
bur[n] er | xandrix_: u have usplash? | 07:01 |
xandrix_ | typo | 07:01 |
coag | nicholaspaul: im not sure, i've never installed ubuntu without a bootloader | 07:01 |
xandrix_ | yeah i do have usplash and i ment breezy :S | 07:01 |
coag | but i ahve setup grub before i don't think it will do it automagically | 07:01 |
nicholaspaul | when i installed ubuntu over OSX i just installed it, and it setup yaboot itself. | 07:01 |
dderr | sethk: I screwed it up and reinstalled 3 times now | 07:01 |
bur[n] er | xandrix_: no idea... always "just worked" here | 07:01 |
coag | i have no clue what yaboot is but im assuming it's a boot laoder | 07:01 |
coag | !yaboot | 07:01 |
ubotu | coag: What? | 07:01 |
coag | ok | 07:01 |
xandrix_ | yeah but bur[n] er do you use lilo or grub | 07:01 |
viscount | anyone know how to change the default boot manager? | 07:01 |
tritium | dderr: don't even bother with dselect | 07:02 |
bur[n] er | xandrix_: grub | 07:02 |
xandrix_ | see i use lilo | 07:02 |
coag | viscount: install a different one | 07:02 |
bur[n] er | xandrix_: use grub | 07:02 |
xandrix_ | and i need to get it to work with lilo | 07:02 |
bur[n] er | ;) | 07:02 |
dderr | tritium : should i use synaptic? | 07:02 |
bur[n] er | xandrix_: why? | 07:02 |
bur[n] er | grub > lilo | 07:02 |
tritium | dderr: are you using ubuntu, or debian? | 07:02 |
xandrix_ | no im not using grub ive used lilo for 3 years got useto its syntax and its nice bootmenu im not using grub | 07:02 |
xandrix_ | and no grub sucks imo | 07:02 |
dderr | ubuntu | 07:02 |
nicholaspaul | thx for the pointers coag | 07:02 |
coag | nicholaspaul: no problemo | 07:02 |
viscount | coag: no, i have two installed already, right now I am using kdm, i want to switch it to gdm. | 07:02 |
bur[n] er | grub can edit from the menu itself... you need a working booting system for liilo | 07:02 |
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bur[n] er | that alone make grub rule :) | 07:03 |
coag | viscount: that isn't a bootloader | 07:03 |
bur[n] er | not to mention usplash good looking stuff | 07:03 |
xandrix_ | brb gonna test something | 07:03 |
bur[n] er | xandrix_: just learn to change ;) grub is better | 07:03 |
viscount | coag: sorry, i didnt mean to say boot, i meant to say display, | 07:03 |
=== dderr has officially quit using dselect ;) | ||
coag | viscount: ok | 07:03 |
tritium | dderr: I use aptitude, personally | 07:03 |
viscount | Does anyone know how to change the default display manager from kdm to gdm? | 07:03 |
bob2 | remove kdm | 07:04 |
bob2 | install gdm | 07:04 |
bob2 | go have a beer | 07:04 |
bur[n] er | viscount: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm | 07:04 |
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coag | or edit the X init script | 07:04 |
coag | three options right there | 07:04 |
coag | i like bob2's personally | 07:04 |
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coag | bob2: are those instructions for minors too? | 07:05 |
viscount | bur[n] er: thanks thats basically what i needed, but i guess bob2 is right i could just remove kdm. Isnt there a text file somewhere i can just edit to change which display manager gets called at boot? | 07:05 |
varsendagger | all miners drink beer | 07:05 |
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bob2 | coag: ginger beer is often an option | 07:05 |
=== nicholaspaul loves ginger beer | ||
bur[n] er | viscount: dpkg-reconfigure gives a nice lil ncurses thing to just pick one :) | 07:05 |
=== MAPD [n=bzzzzz@dna243-249.satp.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | varsendagger: do what bur[n] er said then, which edits the file | 07:05 |
coag | bob2: root beer ytoo | 07:05 |
coag | now | 07:05 |
varsendagger | coal gold | 07:05 |
coag | i must knock myself out with various sleeping pills | 07:05 |
coag | g'nite | 07:05 |
bob2 | I've never actually seen root beer | 07:06 |
bob2 | it sounds like something I'd lubricate my car engine with | 07:06 |
bimberi | bob2: sarsparilla (sp?) | 07:06 |
=== sam_ [n=sam@h10.68.29.71.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
coag | i laughed when i read lubricate | 07:06 |
viscount | bur[n] er: bob2 thx, done | 07:06 |
varsendagger | ha root beer that is the perfect linux beer | 07:06 |
bur[n] er | bimberi: sarsaparilla | 07:06 |
jenda_zZz | lol | 07:06 |
leather_n_luv | can anyone read this? | 07:06 |
sam_ | hello all | 07:06 |
jenda_zZz | leather_n_luv: yes | 07:06 |
txberiu | leather_n_luv: no | 07:06 |
varsendagger | leather_n_luv, yea | 07:06 |
leather_n_luv | lol | 07:06 |
viscount | leather_n_luv: no | 07:06 |
coag | leather_n_luv: yea | 07:06 |
sam_ | anyone use pyrobot | 07:06 |
bur[n] er | viscount: you'll have to stop kdm and start gdm too... sudo invoke-rc.d kdm stop && sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start | 07:07 |
bob2 | cooper's heritage is the perfect * beer | 07:07 |
leather_n_luv | how do you make a bootable cd? | 07:07 |
varsendagger | waht is pyrobot? | 07:07 |
bob2 | sam_: way simpler if you just ask your question | 07:07 |
bur[n] er | leather_n_luv: download .iso and burn it :) | 07:07 |
bob2 | leather_n_luv: to do what? | 07:07 |
sam_ | python interface for a poinner3 robot | 07:07 |
viscount | bur[n] er: yeah yeah, i'll just reboot | 07:07 |
leather_n_luv | boot five different floppies... | 07:07 |
sam_ | I need to install pyrobot | 07:07 |
bur[n] er | viscount: or that... I like my way better ;) | 07:07 |
leather_n_luv | long story | 07:07 |
XandriX | bur[n] er, can i get nice boot menus with grub ? like in lilo u can have sarge.bmp for exemple | 07:08 |
sam_ | cna seem to do it using ubuntu | 07:08 |
bur[n] er | XandriX: sure can | 07:08 |
bob2 | leather_n_luv: then man mkisofs, el torito is your keyword | 07:08 |
bur[n] er | XandriX: i have a nice lil pic of me snowboarding :) | 07:08 |
CaptainMorgan | breezy is alleged stable | 07:08 |
XandriX | ok then how the hell do i install it lol | 07:08 |
viscount | bur[n] er: i need to adjust my boot up daemons anyway, im trying to slim the system down a little, and im getting into the habbit of turning off my box at night to save juice | 07:08 |
bur[n] er | XandriX: they use .xpm format... which is basically just a .bmp | 07:08 |
leather_n_luv | thanx bob2 | 07:08 |
CaptainMorgan | how do I get aramark the audio player? it's not listed in synaptic ? | 07:08 |
bur[n] er | CaptainMorgan: get universe | 07:08 |
bur[n] er | CaptainMorgan: and it's called amarok | 07:09 |
XandriX | bur[n] er, how do i install grub ? | 07:09 |
viscount | CaptainMorgan: you could try spelling it correctly amarok | 07:09 |
bur[n] er | XandriX: via the ubuntu install cd | 07:09 |
varsendagger | waht all does amorok paly? | 07:09 |
varsendagger | play | 07:09 |
XandriX | well what if i have done apt-get install grub | 07:09 |
bur[n] er | varsendagger: anything gstreamer does (audio only) | 07:09 |
viscount | varsendagger: music ;) | 07:09 |
bur[n] er | varsendagger: or anything xine does (audio only) | 07:09 |
CaptainMorgan | thanks for the enlighs leson - now how do I install it? | 07:09 |
bur[n] er | varsendagger: dependent on if you have amarok-gstreamer or amarok-xine | 07:09 |
sam_ | it's really raining hard here | 07:10 |
varsendagger | does it play real live audio cds | 07:10 |
XandriX | bur[n] er, well what if i have done apt-get install grub | 07:10 |
bur[n] er | CaptainMorgan: find it in synaptic | 07:10 |
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bur[n] er | XandriX: grub-install /dev/hda | 07:10 |
viscount | xine > gstreamer | 07:10 |
bur[n] er | so true viscount | 07:10 |
bur[n] er | gstreamer 0.10 has promise though | 07:10 |
CaptainMorgan | burner you like universe more ? | 07:10 |
viscount | bur[n] er: yeah i wish it was better | 07:10 |
bur[n] er | CaptainMorgan: universe is a set of repositories | 07:11 |
bur[n] er | !universe | 07:11 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, repositories is How to add repositories: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto See !sources for example sources.list | 07:11 |
XandriX | ok well it seems to be doing something lol | 07:11 |
bur[n] er | CaptainMorgan: amarok is in the universe repositories | 07:11 |
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bur[n] er | CaptainMorgan: the latest version is in a seperate repository altogether... www.kubuntu.org has more info | 07:11 |
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viscount | So what does everyone think of Linus and his KDE rant? | 07:12 |
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CaptainMorgan | I tried to install repos's in synaptic where it lists the Software soures... but ever tyime I add it, nothing happnes | 07:12 |
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XandriX | bur[n] er, is it normal that is said a this error is harmless and can be ignored for xfs and now its just doing nothing | 07:13 |
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XandriX | bur[n] er, it just froze | 07:14 |
viscount | Nobody going to bite? Common.. lets throw some fists :) | 07:14 |
bur[n] er | XandriX: uhhhh | 07:14 |
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CaptainMorgan | so i need to edit the sources.list ? | 07:15 |
XandriX | hmm | 07:15 |
bur[n] er | viscount: that subject is so tired... it got too much play on planet even | 07:15 |
XandriX | bur[n] er, ok my hole laptop froze i hadto restart it | 07:15 |
XandriX | manualy | 07:15 |
bur[n] er | CaptainMorgan: yes, which can be done from within synaptic if you want | 07:15 |
bur[n] er | XandriX: doing grub-install ? | 07:15 |
XandriX | bur[n] er, but lilo is still there so that means well it just did nothing | 07:15 |
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XandriX | bur[n] er, yes doing grub-install | 07:15 |
bur[n] er | XandriX: use a livecd to install grub | 07:15 |
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CaptainMorgan | burner, okay to follow the starte guide ? | 07:15 |
viscount | bur[n] er: darn i guess i missed all the fun, so how do you feel about the whole thing? | 07:15 |
varsendagger | what was linus' KDE RANT? | 07:16 |
frogzoo | viscount: I dont see many peeps on Ubuntu having luck with KDE :p | 07:16 |
erick | helo | 07:16 |
XandriX | bur[n] er, maybe beacuz i already have lilo ? | 07:16 |
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erick | i cant log into root why? | 07:16 |
bur[n] er | XandriX: nah, prolly not | 07:16 |
varsendagger | erick we do sudo | 07:16 |
erick | ahh sorry | 07:16 |
frogzoo | !tell erick about sudo | 07:16 |
XandriX | bur[n] er, damnit then its my hd in that laptop actring up again | 07:17 |
bur[n] er | CaptainMorgan: i don't know whaqt the starter guide is | 07:17 |
erick | ngak | 07:17 |
erick | i dont know about sudo | 07:17 |
bur[n] er | viscount: to each their own... i love gnome ;) | 07:17 |
viscount | varsendagger: Linus feels that KDE is the better desktop because GNOME limits too much in the name of keeping things simple for the user. | 07:17 |
varsendagger | sudo blah blah blah <enter> your pasword | 07:17 |
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stravin | he all... I'm havin some troubles for installing imagemagick php module under ubuntu... any php coder around? | 07:17 |
varsendagger | viscount, i agree | 07:17 |
varsendagger | they are both memory pigs | 07:17 |
=== malport [n=malport@adsl-209-30-85-242.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bur[n] er | !sudo | 07:18 |
ubotu | sudo is probably the command to get superuser privileges, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo | 07:18 |
cafuego | viscount: Yeah, Linus also thinks having kids is a good idea - he has no credibility. | 07:18 |
atrolinux | can anybody recommend a good cvs gui for gnome? preferably one with nautilus integration? | 07:18 |
viscount | bur[n] er: yeah i perfer gnome | 07:18 |
frogzoo | viscount: but Linus is an expert linux user - hes about out of touch with the needs & skills of most people | 07:18 |
nicholaspaul | !cvs | 07:18 |
calc | cafuego: exactly, anyone who has kids should be shot ;) | 07:18 |
CaptainMorgan | burner how do I do it for synaptic ? | 07:18 |
calc | cafuego: would solve lots of problems ;) | 07:18 |
cafuego | calc: Too late. | 07:18 |
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bur[n] er | CaptainMorgan: settings -> repositories?? i'm guessing, i always use apt-get and nano to edit the sources.list | 07:18 |
nicholaspaul | calc i think youre joking. | 07:18 |
XandriX | lets hope it works this time bur[n] er | 07:18 |
redbull | my computer cant read .wma why | 07:18 |
erick | any one can help me to build emailserver | 07:19 |
calc | frogzoo: read http://www.gnome.org/~jdub/blog/projects/gnome/1134482448 | 07:19 |
calc | nicholaspaul: of course | 07:19 |
erick | plsss | 07:19 |
viscount | frogzoo: yeah i dont know, he does make a few excelent points that i think the gnome ppl should seriously consider | 07:19 |
nicholaspaul | phew;) | 07:19 |
CaptainMorgan | but with what do you edit the sources list ?' | 07:19 |
bur[n] er | redbull: get w32codecs | 07:19 |
bur[n] er | !w32codecs | 07:19 |
nicholaspaul | calc phew;) | 07:19 |
calc | and linus is not out of touch with a fairly large chunk of userbase | 07:19 |
cafuego | calc: They need to be neutered BEFORE they have kids, THAT would solve the problem. | 07:19 |
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varsendagger | !mplayer | 07:19 |
ubotu | rumour has it, mplayer is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto For compiling, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31061 | 07:19 |
bur[n] er | ubotu: tell redbull about w32codecs | 07:19 |
redbull | bur[n] er, i already have them.. but when i play with Totem i can only hear the voices | 07:19 |
bur[n] er | and linus has a small penis!!! i swear | 07:19 |
varsendagger | CaptainMorgan, any text editor, i like vi | 07:19 |
=== calc think bur[n] er should get back on topic | ||
bur[n] er | redbull: ? | 07:20 |
cafuego | !children is at http://www.vhemt.org/ | 07:20 |
ubotu | cafuego: okay | 07:20 |
CaptainMorgan | no, I mean with what text exactly ? | 07:20 |
=== bur[n] er is just following the crowd, but gets back to topic | ||
XandriX | bur[n] er, it just stays at that stupid xfs warning | 07:20 |
bur[n] er | XandriX: use a livecd to do it | 07:20 |
bur[n] er | XandriX: or the ubuntu install cd | 07:20 |
viscount | Basically what he was trying to say is that every user will have some little thing that they feel strongly about and want to customize, so by limiting the choice you piss of everyone in some small way. | 07:20 |
XandriX | bur[n] er, ok how would i go about doing this with the ubuntu install cd ? | 07:20 |
redbull | bur[n] er, other than that.. when i play movies with totem i can hear the video voices before they happen | 07:20 |
redbull | why is that | 07:20 |
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bur[n] er | kde didn't let me use .svg until 3.5, I'd call that limiting ;) | 07:21 |
viscount | But each person will be pissed off in a different unique way depending upon their personal computer fetish | 07:21 |
cafuego | viscount: Nobody is forcing Gnome users to use Gnome. They're free to switch, so Linus is talking bullshit. | 07:21 |
bur[n] er | redbull: get totem-xine | 07:21 |
CaptainMorgan | concerning amarok, why is it you need to kill a device before you can hear it play ? | 07:21 |
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JL0gik | speaking of customize, I want my ubuntu to thave the same "colorful penguin" bootup as gentoo | 07:21 |
calc | viscount: and some in more than a small way, which is why kde has so many users even though its overall gui doesn't look as nice | 07:21 |
bur[n] er | redbull: it's due to problems with gstreamer lagging I assume | 07:21 |
varsendagger | * i do like how configurable kde is i use fluxbox because when i want to xustomize something i don't have to run around -displays and look and environment crap | 07:21 |
XandriX | bur[n] er, ? ok well botting the install cd | 07:21 |
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JL0gik | anyone know how to do that/ | 07:21 |
redbull | bur[n] er, yea true most of the movies lag even with mplayer | 07:21 |
calc | cafuego: gnome devs themselves have said however that much of what has been attributed to them wanting to dumb down the interface was just due to a lack of manpower | 07:21 |
CaptainMorgan | http://img471.imageshack.us/img471/7664/screenshot7co.png | 07:21 |
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bur[n] er | CaptainMorgan: kill a device? you don't have to | 07:21 |
CaptainMorgan | where to | 07:21 |
viscount | cafuego: i dont think thats very fair to say, im a gnome user, im not switching, but I agree with him on that point | 07:21 |
jesi | hey felllas, im gettin this opera error: ERROR: ld.so: object 'libjvm.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored. | 07:21 |
jesi | ERROR: ld.so: object 'libawt.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored. | 07:21 |
CaptainMorgan | to hear amarok, yes | 07:21 |
nicholaspaul | JL0gik, you want to change login options? | 07:22 |
varsendagger | use autosync 30 with mplayer | 07:22 |
corona | hi does anyone know of a resource or how-to on resizing root partititon? | 07:22 |
XandriX | bur[n] er, so what do i need to do ? | 07:22 |
bur[n] er | redbull: try totem-xine, that worked for me... are they dvds by chance? | 07:22 |
cafuego | calc: I'd call it "elegant simplicity". I quite enjoy the way Gnome doesn't look like the flash absed website with blink tags that KDE does ;-) | 07:22 |
usuario | Please how can take a screenshot in kde without any graphic aplication? | 07:22 |
frogzoo | tell the truth, I cant stand perpetually fiddling with a window manager - by the time its set up the way you want, its upgrade time & start over - the desktop needs to be standardised to a degree | 07:22 |
bur[n] er | XandriX: boot the ubuntu cd, and install grub from there | 07:22 |
redbull | bur[n] er, nop | 07:22 |
calc | cafuego: so the circular pattern ends up repeating itself devs don't want to use something to constricted so the features don't get added, etc so todays thread was actually pretty helpful in getting mindshare of people who don't know gnome very well (most people even many gnome devs from the thread apparently) | 07:22 |
cafuego | usuario: open a terminal, type 'import -window root screenshot.png' | 07:22 |
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XandriX | bur[n] er, in expert mode | 07:22 |
frogzoo | usuario: press "screen print" | 07:22 |
viscount | calc: yeah its funny, but even though I could probably do the things that I want in KDE that I cant do in gnome, I just cant stand the way KDE looks so I put up with the issues with gnome that i have | 07:23 |
calc | cafuego: some what gnome has as "simplicity" is only due to lack of dev time as was mentioned today | 07:23 |
usuario | Thanks | 07:23 |
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redbull | !seen bleh | 07:23 |
ubotu | i haven't seen 'bleh', redbull | 07:23 |
redbull | !seen saik0 | 07:23 |
ubotu | saik0 <n=saik0@adsl-065-007-195-142.sip.mia.bellsouth.net> was last seen on IRC in channel #ubuntu, 1d 19h 50m 28s ago, saying: '_Gray_ GeForce 6800 128 MB'. | 07:23 |
bur[n] er | hey CaptainMorgan, why are you using hoary? breezy is stable | 07:23 |
frogzoo | usuario: then print into gimp | 07:23 |
calc | viscount: i'm in that boat as well | 07:23 |
dderr | if i am giving up on dselect, is aptitude the #1 recommandation (command line is important to me) | 07:23 |
calc | viscount: kde just grates on me (i even maintained it for 2-3 years) heh | 07:23 |
viscount | calc: kde does have some really nice apps though, but imo as a DE is sucks ass pretty hard | 07:24 |
nicholaspaul | JL0gik, I've changed most of my login screens and 'stuff' | 07:24 |
bur[n] er | dderr: apt-get install works for me :) | 07:24 |
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erick | help me to log in root pls! | 07:24 |
erick | i cant install | 07:24 |
tritium | erick: try sudo | 07:24 |
viscount | calc: haha, hilarious | 07:24 |
varsendagger | erick sudo | 07:24 |
dderr | sudo su | 07:24 |
erick | ahhh | 07:24 |
nicholaspaul | erick DO NOT log in to root!! | 07:24 |
erick | ok tnx | 07:24 |
jesi | anyone seen this opera error: | 07:24 |
jesi | ERROR: ld.so: object 'libjvm.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored. | 07:24 |
jesi | ERROR: ld.so: object 'libawt.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored. | 07:24 |
bur[n] er | ubotu: tell erick about sudo | 07:24 |
calc | viscount: i maintained it for Debian up until the time i switched over to ubuntu ;) | 07:24 |
CaptainMorgan | breezy - yea right, I lost X after an upgrade | 07:24 |
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redbull | bur[n] er, i cant get it.. it sais waiting for headers and stops there. | 07:25 |
bur[n] er | CaptainMorgan: did you upgrade while breezy was being developed? or after it was stable? | 07:25 |
bur[n] er | redbull: apt-get update? | 07:25 |
calc | btw is there a way to set a background on a per screen basis in gnome? | 07:25 |
redbull | bur[n] er, yea | 07:25 |
viscount | jesi: it looks like you are prelinking opera, and its complaining that it cant prelink java for some reason, i wouldnt worry, but i also wouldn't prelink opera | 07:25 |
dderr | bur[n] er : other than the fact it doesn't moo, i think aptitues share apts command line interface | 07:25 |
CaptainMorgan | yesterday | 07:25 |
redbull | After unpacking 11.0MB of additional disk space will be used. | 07:25 |
redbull | Do you want to continue [Y/n] ? y | 07:25 |
redbull | 0% [Waiting for headers] | 07:25 |
frogzoo | call me naive, but why cant there be an adaption layer for apps - so the app will run on either gnome or KDE? | 07:25 |
calc | its little things like that annoy me about gnome :\ | 07:25 |
bur[n] er | calc: none i've seen and I looked for it back in gnome 2.8 to no avail | 07:25 |
nicholaspaul | redbull - what? | 07:26 |
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bur[n] er | calc: and the lack of a decent hotkey app like khotkey | 07:26 |
redbull | nicholaspaul, ? | 07:26 |
calc | a very overstretched graphic as a background sucks :\ | 07:26 |
bur[n] er | calc: and the fact that you can't scroll the desktop th change wms ;) | 07:26 |
nicholaspaul | redbull, why are you copy/pasting here? | 07:26 |
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viscount | calc: see.. stuff like that you just dont see in gnome, such a pita | 07:26 |
P8ntKid | How do i run a .sh file? | 07:26 |
redbull | its just 3 lines. | 07:26 |
viscount | P8ntKid: ./shellfile.sh | 07:26 |
bur[n] er | redbull: try packages.ubuntu.org | 07:27 |
calc | bur[n] er: you can scroll virtual windows with the scroll wheel over the panel applet | 07:27 |
jesi | viscount, what do you mean prelink? i just typed opera in the terminal after an install | 07:27 |
frogzoo | P8ntKid: chmod +x s.sh ; ./x.sh | 07:27 |
viscount | P8ntKid: but do $ chmod +x shellfile.sh | 07:27 |
bur[n] er | calc: not the same as the desktop though... i gotta go find the applet :\ | 07:27 |
dirkson | Help? My ability to use ctrl+f1, ctrl+f2, etc has suddenly died. Rebooting does nothing.... | 07:27 |
=== bur[n] er is just nitpicking anyway calc ;) | ||
calc | viscount: i don't believe things like that are left out to dumb down the interface though after seeing the thread today | 07:27 |
bur[n] er | dirkson: ctrl+alt+f1 ? | 07:27 |
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frogzoo | dirkson: ctrl + alt + F2 | 07:27 |
calc | bur[n] er: heh :) | 07:27 |
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P8ntKid | viscount: Its on a CD. I cant change permissions. | 07:28 |
XandriX | bur[n] er, lets hope it works | 07:28 |
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bur[n] er | kde does some things well as does gnome | 07:28 |
calc | i don't use extra screens since i have a 3840x1200 desktop | 07:28 |
viscount | P8ntKid: cp it to your hd | 07:28 |
frogzoo | P8ntKid: cp /tmp | 07:28 |
bur[n] er | XandriX: i assume it will... worked for me many times | 07:28 |
XandriX | bur[n] er, im in xfs does that affect grub that much | 07:28 |
redbull | bur[n] er, any other way to fix this than apt-get ? | 07:28 |
dirkson | Frogzoo and Bur[n] er: I, uh.... I just forgot which buttons to press, didn't I? | 07:28 |
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frogzoo | dirkson: seems so :) | 07:28 |
P8ntKid | viscount: Im trying to install Ut2004 | 07:28 |
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bur[n] er | XandriX: i think grub might have to reside on a different filesystem? can you change /boot to ext3? | 07:28 |
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dirkson | Frogzoo and Bur[n] er: *blushes and runs off* Thanksbye! | 07:28 |
XandriX | ewww ext3 | 07:29 |
XandriX | ill set it to reiser | 07:29 |
bur[n] er | or that | 07:29 |
viscount | calc: no i think its probably 25% missguided developer practise/ 75% not implemented yet | 07:29 |
calc | bur[n] er: i would contend that kde does most things better than gnome except for the desktop experience eg consistency, clutter | 07:29 |
calc | bur[n] er: which is not a small thing | 07:29 |
XandriX | damnit this was so easier with slackware lol | 07:29 |
XandriX | now i haveto reinstall | 07:29 |
XandriX | again :( | 07:29 |
frogzoo | XandriX: grub only likes fs's it knows - check manpage, but ext3 is typical | 07:29 |
bur[n] er | liferea > akregator | 07:29 |
bur[n] er | evolution > kontact | 07:29 |
cafuego | XandriX: No, grun works fine with xfs. | 07:29 |
bur[n] er | gaim > kopete | 07:29 |
bur[n] er | :) | 07:29 |
XandriX | cafuego, not here anyways | 07:29 |
viscount | bur[n] er: aye :) | 07:29 |
XandriX | it just freezes | 07:29 |
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cafuego | silence > troll | 07:29 |
calc | viscount: perhaps, but certainly not the previously widely though 100% misguided developer practice | 07:29 |
calc | erm thought | 07:30 |
viscount | calc: no definitly | 07:30 |
=== bur[n] er silences and reflects on his trollisms | ||
XandriX | cafuego, freezes at grub-install hd0 | 07:30 |
viscount | cafuego: lol | 07:30 |
erick | how to log using sudo | 07:30 |
cafuego | XandriX: Yucky. Any chance you can swithc to ext3 and try again? | 07:30 |
calc | erick: sudo su - ? | 07:30 |
viscount | erick: you dont log in as sudo | 07:30 |
erick | how | 07:30 |
bur[n] er | cafuego: that's what i said to do ;) | 07:30 |
XandriX | cafuego, reiser | 07:30 |
XandriX | i </3 ext3 | 07:30 |
cafuego | XandriX: no, avoid reiser. | 07:30 |
cafuego | XandriX: Like the plague, even moreso than xfs. | 07:31 |
calc | avoid all fs they all lose data :) | 07:31 |
redbull | some1 help ? | 07:31 |
XandriX | god damnit | 07:31 |
bur[n] er | cafuego: why? | 07:31 |
XandriX | i dont wnat ext3 | 07:31 |
bur[n] er | reiser is fast! | 07:31 |
XandriX | screw grub | 07:31 |
erick | what username will i use | 07:31 |
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calc | though ext3 might lose data less than the others since it widely known | 07:31 |
viscount | nothing wrong with reiser | 07:31 |
erick | using sudo | 07:31 |
frogzoo | calc: but the seek times for stone tablets suck | 07:31 |
=== dustin_ [n=dustin@65-100-77-236.blng.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bur[n] er | erick: your own | 07:31 |
cafuego | XandriX: Why would you prefer a less stable fs over a more stable one? | 07:31 |
viscount | just dont use reiser on your /boot part | 07:31 |
bur[n] er | cafuego: speed | 07:31 |
cafuego | viscount: Apart perhaps from the lack of decent repair utils. | 07:31 |
XandriX | reiserfs and xfs are very stable btw | 07:31 |
XandriX | never had any problems with em | 07:32 |
=== bur[n] er has no problems with reiser either on his / | ||
XandriX | i just need to find out howto boot this damn bootsplash in lilo instead of grub | 07:32 |
cafuego | bur[n] er: Both reiser and xfs are SLOWER then ext3 on my machine. Any perceived difference in speed must be imaginary. | 07:32 |
viscount | cafuego: doesnt really need them, does the stuff automagically | 07:32 |
calc | coughs at xfs stability | 07:32 |
calc | then it falls over | 07:32 |
CaptainMorgan | after killall gnome-panel amarok still doesn't have an icon.. why ? | 07:32 |
XandriX | well not here | 07:32 |
bur[n] er | CaptainMorgan: did you run amarok? | 07:32 |
cafuego | viscount: Yes, until the day it doesn't, at which point you're hosed. | 07:32 |
XandriX | here reiser and xfs are always faster | 07:32 |
bur[n] er | CaptainMorgan: what are you expecting? | 07:32 |
frogzoo | the whole deal about speed of filesystems is academic apart from very large, multiuser setups | 07:32 |
calc | xfs and reiser have both had major stability issues in the past | 07:32 |
=== viscount stares hard at xfs and causes it to fall over and catch fire | ||
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bur[n] er | frogzoo: academic? wtf? | 07:33 |
calc | bur[n] er: think ivory tower, etc | 07:33 |
calc | bur[n] er: as in not real world useful | 07:33 |
frogzoo | bur[n] er: if youe only on a single user machine, big deal 5% extra speed off your fs | 07:33 |
viscount | cafuego: (99% of fs hosery comes from hardware failure in which case you could be using god as your fs and it wouldnt save you | 07:33 |
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viscount | 5% is too generous, probably 2% is more like it, but thats a lot actually | 07:34 |
XandriX | all i want is for this damn bootsplash to work with lilo i just want to see ubuntu and the loadingbar i see on my pc | 07:34 |
bur[n] er | 90% of all statistics stated on IRC are made up ;) | 07:34 |
frogzoo | viscount: that when you need hardware raid - with battery backed ram | 07:34 |
calc | i don't recall ever having hardware failures eat my data, but i have had xfs eat my fs | 07:34 |
calc | well sort of eat it | 07:34 |
viscount | frogzoo: *drool* | 07:35 |
cafuego | calc: xfs ate my system twice, reiser once. | 07:35 |
calc | it ate it but i think i got the data back by doing some very odd things, that i still do not understand | 07:35 |
frogzoo | bur[n] er: more like 85% | 07:35 |
bur[n] er | frogzoo: sure ;) | 07:35 |
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dderr | 99% of all people find that using microsoft windows saves them time | 07:35 |
frogzoo | dderr: u killed the channel - happy now? | 07:35 |
viscount | dderr: lol | 07:35 |
bur[n] er | anyone play with vmware player 1.0 yet? | 07:35 |
dderr | hehe | 07:35 |
XandriX | sigh | 07:35 |
redbull | and its trye | 07:35 |
redbull | true* | 07:35 |
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XandriX | no one know howto enable that damn default bootsplash with lilo ? | 07:36 |
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viscount | dderr: i dont know a single windows user who is happy with the speed of their machine after 1 year without a reinstall | 07:36 |
cafuego | XandriX: lilo has different, uglier bootsplashes. Check the manual for the 'bmp' display option. | 07:36 |
HiddenWolf | viscount, plenty, who don't know better | 07:36 |
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XandriX | cafuego, NO! not that | 07:36 |
cafuego | Mind you, if speed is what you want, you ought not be using lilo. | 07:37 |
redbull | viscount, i know a few | 07:37 |
XandriX | cafuego, when u load ubuntu when the kernel is loading and btw on all my boxes here lilo is faster then grub | 07:37 |
cafuego | XandriX: usplash then, not bootsplash. | 07:37 |
XandriX | yeah how do i load it from lilo ? | 07:37 |
frogzoo | dderr: the whole point is that 99% of users just want a glass typewriter - there didnt used to be a distro that did just office apps well - until now | 07:37 |
cafuego | XandriX: Just add "quiet splash" in the append= line | 07:37 |
calc | xfs would show lots of 0'd files but if you booted an older kernel the files showed up as being still there | 07:37 |
XandriX | ok | 07:37 |
ejofee | what is the "path to your kernel directory (where include/linux resides)", in ubuntu? | 07:37 |
calc | i backed it up real quick and converted back to ext3 | 07:37 |
calc | bur[n] er: its basically like vmware with less features | 07:37 |
calc | aiui you can set ext3 to not be reliable like xfs/reiser and get it to go faster too | 07:37 |
bur[n] er | calc: i know | 07:37 |
XandriX | cafuego, do i need to put a vga= line ? | 07:38 |
bur[n] er | calc: i'm hoping someone built it and has a .deb so I don't have to ;) | 07:38 |
viscount | You can almost watch as windows slowsly disintergraits like a piece of rotting fruit. | 07:38 |
CaptainMorgan | nope, amarok still doesn't have an icon | 07:38 |
frogzoo | cafuego: the vga line is for svga res - might be necessary for 1024x768 etc. | 07:38 |
calc | bur[n] er: vmware player can't create vm's at least from what i read | 07:38 |
cafuego | XandriX: Why would you do that? | 07:38 |
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dderr | I just want a good command line, dev environment, browser, window environment, mp3 player, dvd player, dvr, office apps etc | 07:39 |
calc | bur[n] er: so you would need to get one from somewhere or have full vmware anyway | 07:39 |
bur[n] er | calc: it can't... but there are workarounds using qemu to make them | 07:39 |
calc | bur[n] er: ah | 07:39 |
dderr | is that too much to ask | 07:39 |
=== cafuego points frogzoo at the correct person. XandriXwanted to know, *I* know what it's for. | ||
frogzoo | XandriX: the vga line is for svga res - might be necessary for 1024x768 etc. | 07:39 |
bur[n] er | calc: or download prebuilt ones put out by vmware | 07:39 |
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bur[n] er | calc: mostly i just wanna play with it and see it in action if it's usable :) | 07:39 |
calc | bur[n] er: i tested it for a few seconds on xp with vmware 5.5 and it seemed to be fine | 07:40 |
bur[n] er | calc: it also says it can do symantec images... which I wonder if it means it can work with .gho files | 07:40 |
calc | bur[n] er: hmm that would be cool | 07:40 |
calc | didn't know about that | 07:40 |
CaptainMorgan | why ddidn't amarok come with an icon ? | 07:40 |
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bur[n] er | CaptainMorgan: nothing comes with an icon | 07:40 |
bur[n] er | CaptainMorgan: look in the menus... applications -> sound | 07:40 |
CaptainMorgan | huh? | 07:41 |
bur[n] er | CaptainMorgan: or "alt+f2" and type "amarok" | 07:41 |
CaptainMorgan | yea, I know, but I like to place it on a panel.. putting it there and trying to start it always returns a error message | 07:42 |
bur[n] er | CaptainMorgan: i'm assuming by "icon" you mean a launcher on the panel? | 07:42 |
CaptainMorgan | 'icon can't be found' | 07:42 |
ejofee | what is the "path to your kernel directory (where include/linux resides)", in ubuntu? | 07:42 |
ejofee | (somebody must know!) | 07:42 |
viscount | CaptainMorgan: weird, mine has an icon, try restarting the desktop | 07:42 |
ejofee | (so please answer!) | 07:42 |
CaptainMorgan | ctrl alt backspace ? | 07:42 |
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calc | ejofee: install kernel-header package for the kernel you are running | 07:43 |
XandriX | anyone here got kismet working in ubuntu ? | 07:43 |
tritium | ejofee: did you install the sources? | 07:43 |
bur[n] er | CaptainMorgan: in that respect, it does have an icon... try restarting X (ctrl+alt+bkspc) | 07:43 |
erick | how to gain root privileges? | 07:43 |
bur[n] er | erick: sudo | 07:43 |
bur[n] er | erick: how many times we gotta say it | 07:43 |
erick | i cant install | 07:43 |
tritium | !tell erick about sudo | 07:43 |
dderr | erick: type this | 07:43 |
dderr | sudo su | 07:43 |
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ejofee | tritium: sources, no. kernel-headers, yes. is it not enought? | 07:43 |
ejofee | tritium: sources, no. kernel-headers, yes. is it not enough? | 07:43 |
dderr | then type in you password | 07:43 |
erick | sudo su | 07:43 |
viscount | ejofee: have you looked in /boot ;) | 07:43 |
frogzoo | !tell erick about sudo | 07:43 |
bur[n] er | tritium: i think it's lost on erick, i've had ubotu tell erick about 4X now | 07:43 |
ejofee | calc: ok, and...? | 07:43 |
tritium | ejofee: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) | 07:43 |
erick | hahaha | 07:43 |
ejofee | viscount: what for? | 07:43 |
anilkumar | hi | 07:44 |
calc | ejofee: then its linked to by /lib/modules/(uname -r)/build (iirc) | 07:44 |
viscount | ejofee: the kernel | 07:44 |
erick | i new here im sory | 07:44 |
leather_n_luv | can anyone here point me to a web page that tells how to make use of more than one "el torrito" boot, and how to select at boot time? | 07:44 |
tritium | bur[n] er: oh, ok | 07:44 |
frogzoo | erick: read the pm from ubotflu | 07:44 |
erick | ok tnx | 07:44 |
dderr | erick: you know how to get to a console window? | 07:44 |
calc | i'm going to bed, nearly 1am here, bbl | 07:44 |
ejofee | calc: thank you! | 07:44 |
anilkumar | how to disable iptables | 07:44 |
viscount | calc: cyas | 07:44 |
calc | ejofee: it may be named slightly different but it should be under /lib/modules/()/something | 07:45 |
viscount | yeah im out of here too, catch later folks | 07:45 |
ejofee | calc: i see, thanks | 07:45 |
ejofee | thank you all | 07:45 |
calc | ejofee: dpkg -L header package should list what it installed as well | 07:45 |
=== calc gone now | ||
erick | how do i get this window | 07:45 |
dderr | ctrl+alt+F2 | 07:46 |
erick | derr how do i get this console window | 07:46 |
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erick | tnx | 07:46 |
erick | w8 i try | 07:46 |
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=== CaptainMorgan [n=CaptainM@londonderry-cuda2-68-170-154-214.lndnnh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
leather_n_luv | does anyone here have experience in multiple-el torrito boot? | 07:47 |
=== phil__ [n=phil@dsl017-073-218.chi4.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
calc | leather_n_luv: might try asking someone on #debian-boot | 07:48 |
dderr | how I eject a cdrom | 07:48 |
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CaptainMorgan | wtf | 07:48 |
leather_n_luv | thanx calc | 07:48 |
dderr | umount .... | 07:48 |
pnoob | umount works | 07:48 |
calc | dderr: eject | 07:48 |
dderr | not available yet | 07:48 |
=== calc really needs to go to bed, /me stops looking in the channel :) | ||
dderr | my cdrom is flaking out in the middle of an install | 07:49 |
frogzoo | dderr: sudo umount /media/cdrom ; eject | 07:49 |
calc | if the disk is unmounted you can eject it with the button | 07:49 |
tritium | good night, calc :) | 07:49 |
pnoob | how do I set permissions for my whole system so I can install some freshly-built binaries. My make-install shuts down because it can't write to the proper folders. | 07:49 |
=== infamus [n=infamus@65-101-78-156.bois.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
calc | otherwise if you have no button, eg mac you can use eject or paperclip (perhaps?) | 07:49 |
calc | tritium: bye :) | 07:49 |
=== Decadent [n=variemai@ppp21-adsl-230.ath.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
infamus | Ok, I know taking linux off of a system is as easy as using partition magic through WinXP, but i REALLY need to know how to take Grub off of the master boot record.... | 07:50 |
pnoob | I can't get make install to work b/c of permissions error for a whole list of directories. ??? | 07:51 |
frogzoo | pnoob: if you start installing your own binaries, you're going to have problems | 07:51 |
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leather_n_luv | infamus, download Ranish Partition Manager... | 07:51 |
frogzoo | infamus: -> google "restore xp mbr" | 07:51 |
infamus | frogzoo: googling now my liege.... | 07:52 |
frogzoo | :p - lol | 07:52 |
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leather_n_luv | infamus, or try (in cmd in windowz) FDISK /MBR | 07:52 |
frogzoo | leather_n_luv: it keeps changing with different windows releases | 07:53 |
erick | derr im stuck | 07:53 |
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dderr | with what | 07:53 |
erick | ctrl alt f2 | 07:53 |
pnoob | frogzoo, I have no choice abs. have to. How can I globally set permissions or become SU. Like for real become SU?? | 07:53 |
dderr | you have X windows running? | 07:53 |
dderr | kde or gnome | 07:54 |
frogzoo | pnoob: either sudo -s ..... or just sudo make install | 07:54 |
erick | gnome | 07:54 |
pnoob | dderr, you in texas | 07:54 |
leather_n_luv | make a dos boot disk with win9x, put ranish partition manager on it, you can put 'standard' boot code in mbr... | 07:54 |
frogzoo | pnoob: but you're in expert territory & if it breaks.... | 07:54 |
erick | i use gnome | 07:54 |
pnoob | frogzoo, I'll try it. Yeah, I'm building some alpha so I am way in deep. | 07:54 |
erick | still icant install | 07:54 |
leather_n_luv | frogzoo, read my last... ? | 07:55 |
dderr | there should be a console application under applications or something | 07:55 |
infamus | leather_n_luv: once I run FDISK, /MBR what do I do? | 07:55 |
dderr | maybe they call it terminal | 07:55 |
erick | i see it | 07:55 |
frogzoo | infamus: you're done - reboot | 07:55 |
dderr | launch it | 07:56 |
erick | w8 | 07:56 |
dderr | what you trying to do anyways | 07:56 |
leather_n_luv | infamus, it should auto-restore (without verbose) | 07:56 |
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dderr | pnoob: yes | 07:56 |
erick | im here | 07:56 |
infamus | leather_n_luv, kk thx... | 07:56 |
leather_n_luv | infamus, frogzoo is right, reboot | 07:56 |
pnoob | are you derrig? | 07:56 |
infamus | thanks everyone... | 07:56 |
erick | erick@home:~$ | 07:56 |
dderr | pnoob : nope | 07:56 |
dderr | erick : what you trying to do | 07:56 |
erick | install | 07:56 |
dderr | install what | 07:57 |
=== mojo [n=mojo@pcp07851948pcs.wilmsc01.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
erick | ispconfig | 07:57 |
pnoob | dderr, my bad | 07:57 |
dderr | erick from erick@home:$ | 07:57 |
dderr | type | 07:57 |
erick | it needs root privileges | 07:57 |
dderr | sudo su | 07:57 |
=== No1Viking [i=micke@h-83-140-104-3.ip.cust.port80.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
erick | w8 | 07:57 |
dderr | what happens? | 07:57 |
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nalioth | dderr: please dont do that | 07:57 |
erick | asking for pass words | 07:58 |
erick | asking for pass word | 07:58 |
nalioth | dderr: sudo su is redundant. sudo -i will do the same thing | 07:58 |
dderr | type in your pass | 07:58 |
=== Aegir [n=richard@d220-238-52-188.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
erick | w8 | 07:58 |
dderr | nalioth: what is equiv to sudo su - then? | 07:58 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell dderr about sudo | 07:58 |
erick | im in home | 07:59 |
erick | im in home/erick | 07:59 |
erick | wow | 07:59 |
nalioth | dderr: ubuntu has no active root account for a reason, sudo is quite functional for any superuser tasks | 07:59 |
erick | im in root now | 07:59 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell erick about root | 07:59 |
ejofee | what does it mean "shfsmount.c:20:20: error: stdlib.h: No such file or directory"? | 07:59 |
dderr | now what erick | 07:59 |
erick | i see destop | 07:59 |
dderr | you know how to install stuff? | 07:59 |
newbc | i know this sounds dumb but does anyone know of any alarm clock programs | 08:00 |
dderr | newbc: crontab -e | 08:00 |
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newbc | k thanks i will give it a try | 08:00 |
erick | crontad | 08:00 |
erick | crontab -e | 08:00 |
dderr | newbc: that prolly isn't want you want | 08:00 |
tritium | ejofee: it means you don't have libc6-dev installed | 08:00 |
XandriX | to install a .deb fille i use dpkg -i filename.deb right ? | 08:00 |
ejofee | tritium: ohh, how silly of me!! | 08:01 |
dderr | that is a program for doing stuff at selected time | 08:01 |
ejofee | tritium: thank you | 08:01 |
tritium | ejofee: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 08:01 |
dderr | not very user friendly | 08:01 |
newbc | oh | 08:01 |
dderr | newbc: don't waste your time w/ that, i'm just being an ass | 08:01 |
dderr | erick: so where are you at | 08:02 |
erick | im in process of finding my exe | 08:02 |
erick | w8 | 08:02 |
=== phrizer [n=lance@60-234-134-230.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
erick | can i pm u dderr | 08:03 |
dderr | newbc: check this out http://www.linuxlinks.com/Software/ProductivityTools/Timers/index.shtml | 08:03 |
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dderr | erick: i don't know what that means | 08:04 |
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XandriX | anybody here had problems with cedega and ubuntu ? | 08:04 |
=== TotalNewb [n=just_me@adsl-144-74-123.ard.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== _Gray_ [n=_Gray_@CPE-60-225-59-197.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TotalNewb | Does anyone know where I could find instructions for installing Java runtime for Firefox under Breezy? I can't seem to find the web page on how to do the manual install. | 08:05 |
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jbroome | !tell TotalNewb about java | 08:06 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell TotalNewb about javadebs | 08:06 |
TotalNewb | Thanks :) | 08:06 |
_Gray_ | TotalNewb: look at http://www.ubuntuforums.org they have some tutorials i think | 08:06 |
tritium | mitey: you're still muted, in case you were wondering | 08:06 |
leather_n_luv | off-topic... anyone watch jimmy kimel? | 08:07 |
=== robitaille [n=robitail@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | leather_n_luv: how bout asking in #ubuntu-offtopic ? | 08:08 |
leather_n_luv | nalioth, didn't actualy expect the dignification of a response... | 08:09 |
leather_n_luv | lol | 08:09 |
cyphase | did anyone's video card work with 3D out of the box? | 08:09 |
techrush | mine | 08:09 |
techrush | it still doesnt | 08:09 |
techrush | i dont think it ever will | 08:09 |
techrush | lol | 08:09 |
_Gray_ | cyphase: it doesnt install 3d drivers by default i think | 08:10 |
techrush | oh wait...i thought you asked if it DID work | 08:10 |
techrush | my bad | 08:10 |
dderr | nvidia is pretty good | 08:10 |
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cyphase | i did ask if it did work.. | 08:10 |
cyphase | lol | 08:10 |
techrush | er lol | 08:10 |
cyphase | yea, but mine isn't working | 08:10 |
dderr | though no out of the box | 08:10 |
techrush | im tired sorry.... | 08:10 |
=== dirkson [n=dirkson@68.sub-70-218-48.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | cyphase: nvidia? did you follow the wiki page? | 08:10 |
cyphase | so who's nVidia card worked after installing the 3D driver | 08:10 |
dderr | mine | 08:10 |
tritium | many have, cyphase | 08:11 |
cyphase | without to much file editting | 08:11 |
cyphase | editing* | 08:11 |
tritium | cyphase: did you see my question? | 08:11 |
_Gray_ | cyphase: i think its sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx linus-restrticted-modules-`uname -r` | 08:11 |
dirkson | Another question: Whenever I run Synaptic and try to select something, I have about a 50/50 chance of locking up the ENTIRE computer. I can move the mouse, but NOTHING responds. Any clues as to anything to investigate? | 08:11 |
dderr | i'm running 2 monitors so there was a fair bit of file editing | 08:11 |
ejofee | tritium: "insmod: error inserting 'shfs/Linux-2.6/shfs.ko': -1 File exists" HOW DO I remove the older shfs.ko (i guess this is the problem) | 08:11 |
_Gray_ | dderr: yeah twinview is a pain | 08:11 |
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cyphase | tritium, yes, i followed the wiki | 08:12 |
tritium | ejofee: sudo modprobe -r shfs | 08:12 |
cyphase | i think my model isn't supported well.. | 08:12 |
ejofee | tritium: thanks a lot | 08:12 |
techrush | dirkson: i think their is a quirk with synaptic where another window is open behind it that needs input before you can move on | 08:12 |
cyphase | so i want to know, who's card worked *right after* installing the 3D driver, and which model is it? | 08:12 |
leather_n_luv | please help, i can't get midnight commander to compile... | 08:12 |
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_Gray_ | cyphase: me 5200 | 08:12 |
tritium | _Gray_: linux-386, linux-686, etc. depend on their respective linux-restricted-modules, and should be installed for your particular architecture | 08:13 |
dirkson | Techrush: Ahhh, ok. So basically, I just need to make sure nothing is open behind synaptic before I run it? | 08:13 |
=== grizzli [n=chris@adsl-58-119.swiftdsl.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
techrush | i believe its actually a pop up window that pops up BEHIND synaptic sometimes if yo uarent careful | 08:14 |
techrush | i could be wrong and you may be ahving a totally different problem | 08:14 |
=== Dethread [n=Dethread@24-205-238-53.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cafuego | techrush: If there's a hidden window, tab-tab will select it. | 08:15 |
dirkson | How would I fix the pop-up window? | 08:15 |
dirkson | But NO keyboard commands work. Not even ctrl+alt+F1 | 08:15 |
leather_n_luv | cafuego, alt-tab you mean? | 08:15 |
=== Madpilot [n=bburger@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cafuego | yeah, tabwhatever | 08:16 |
cyphase | let me correct myself.. my nVidia card works with 3D.. and then the X server crashes 15-25 minutes in | 08:16 |
AMDXP | #jinzora | 08:16 |
cyphase | the wiki mentioned saomething about disabling RenderAccel.. | 08:16 |
cyphase | but isn't the whole point of 3D driver support the render acceleration? | 08:16 |
sudhir | hi any idea about gobject-2.0 | 08:17 |
tritium | sudhir: please be more specific with your question | 08:17 |
cafuego | cyphase: yes, but that's done via GLX, and RenderAccess doesn't need to be in the cfg file. | 08:17 |
sudhir | I am getting error while installing Glib-1.11 | 08:17 |
cafuego | Accel even | 08:17 |
cyphase | and.. | 08:17 |
sudhir | tritium : I ma installing GPRS | 08:18 |
cafuego | sudhir: Ubuntu has version 1.2 and 2.0. Not 1.11 | 08:18 |
cyphase | when i do the renderaccel thing.. | 08:18 |
cyphase | i get an error saying the X server won't start | 08:18 |
leather_n_luv | is there a home page or wiki about mkisofs? | 08:18 |
cafuego | cyphase: Can you paste that error (or the X log) to the pastebin? | 08:18 |
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sudhir | tritium : I am installing GPRS easy connect installer | 08:18 |
leather_n_luv | !tell leather_n_luv about mkisofs | 08:19 |
cyphase | cafuego, i don't have it, and i just spent 2 hours trying to get another card to work.. | 08:19 |
tritium | sudhir: see cafuego's last message to you | 08:19 |
cafuego | sudhir: Not if it's installing libglib 1.11! | 08:19 |
cyphase | i don't feel like doing it again :) | 08:19 |
=== lucis [n=sam@adsl-70-232-89-54.dsl.ltrkar.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cafuego | sudhir: Then it's doing something BAD | 08:19 |
cyphase | i'll paste it tomorrow if you're still interested | 08:19 |
cafuego | cyphase: Well... | 08:19 |
leather_n_luv | lol | 08:20 |
cafuego | cyphase: X is set to use the 'nvidia' driver? | 08:20 |
cyphase | not now | 08:20 |
sudhir | 1 st it asked Gtk2-trayIcon | 08:20 |
cyphase | now it's just nv | 08:20 |
cafuego | cyphase: and it won't state when you remove all referenves to RenderAccel from the xorg.conf file? | 08:20 |
cyphase | no.. | 08:20 |
sudhir | whiel installing that it asked Gtk2-1.11 | 08:20 |
cyphase | RenderAccel is on by default.. | 08:21 |
=== jmhodges [n=jmh@cpe-71-67-115-45.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cyphase | and the X server starts.. | 08:21 |
sudhir | then it asked Glib1.112 | 08:21 |
cyphase | but it crashes 15-25 minutes in | 08:21 |
lucis | Hey all, I'm trying to install a driver for a video card. the readme instructions are little skimpy, can someone take a look? | 08:21 |
cafuego | cyphase: Does it or does it not run when you remove 'RenderAccel' from the xorg.conf file? | 08:21 |
sudhir | and now it asking Gobject-2.0 | 08:21 |
cyphase | when you add the line to disable RenderAccel to xorg.conf | 08:21 |
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cyphase | it doesn't run | 08:21 |
sudhir | hushhhhhh....... | 08:21 |
tritium | sudhir: ? | 08:21 |
cafuego | cyphase: That's NOT what I'm asking. | 08:21 |
cyphase | ok.. | 08:21 |
=== HymnToLife [n=_mfb@dyn-213-36-160-66.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cyphase | yes, it does run | 08:22 |
cafuego | Ok. | 08:22 |
cyphase | when you remove all refs | 08:22 |
tritium | lucis: which video card? | 08:22 |
cafuego | Does it STILL crash, then? | 08:22 |
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cyphase | lol | 08:22 |
lucis | Tritium: Intel 82845g | 08:22 |
cyphase | yes | 08:22 |
sudhir | to connect my NOKIA 6600 over GPRS, | 08:22 |
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cafuego | cyphase: Do you have Xdamage enabled? | 08:22 |
cyphase | but what do you mean "still"? | 08:22 |
tritium | lucis: doesn't the i810 driver support that? | 08:22 |
cyphase | i don't know.. | 08:22 |
czr | sudhir, I'd be interested in that too | 08:22 |
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cafuego | cyphase: Does it crash after 15-0 mins when the xorg.conf files does not contain RenderAccel ? | 08:23 |
dderr | erick : hows it going? | 08:23 |
cyphase | cafuego, yes | 08:23 |
cyphase | which it doesn't by default | 08:23 |
sudhir | 1st I downloaded CPAN modules | 08:23 |
cafuego | What. crash or contain it? | 08:23 |
jmhodges | ok, during my install ubuntu thought i might have a static networking setup .. bu tit is dhcp.. now, dhclient isnt being run at start up.. how do i change this the "proper way" | 08:23 |
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cyphase | cafuego, it doesn't contain it by default | 08:23 |
sudhir | brb Lunch time | 08:23 |
cafuego | sudhir: Sounds like you've been happily destroying your system. | 08:23 |
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czr | jmhodges, System/Administration/Networking | 08:24 |
jmhodges | oh duh | 08:24 |
czr | :-) | 08:24 |
erick | dderr | 08:24 |
erick | still there | 08:24 |
erick | ?? | 08:24 |
dderr | erick : yep | 08:24 |
=== cafuego ponders cyphases conundrum | ||
=== arrik [n=arrik@12-217-233-148.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jmhodges | i keep imagining some nice command line work.. gui stuff is just too easy :p | 08:25 |
erick | i cant install | 08:25 |
cafuego | cyphase: Does it log anything when it crashes? | 08:25 |
dderr | erick : why not | 08:25 |
erick | bcoz | 08:25 |
cafuego | jmhodges: vi /etc/network/interfaces | 08:25 |
erick | i need to update something | 08:25 |
=== Swedish_Chef [n=razor@pcp09956275pcs.hyatsv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
arrik | can anyone tell me how to set up NetworkManager so i can manage my wifi connections? | 08:25 |
jmhodges | cafuego, hehe | 08:25 |
dderr | update what? | 08:25 |
=== jmhodges does it the easy way | ||
erick | ummm | 08:25 |
cyphase | cafuego, no | 08:25 |
erick | i forgot | 08:25 |
cafuego | jmhodges: See also 'man 5 interfaces' | 08:25 |
cyphase | not that i recall | 08:26 |
erick | but | 08:26 |
cafuego | cyphase: You running anything specifically when it happens? | 08:26 |
cyphase | gnome.. | 08:26 |
cyphase | :) | 08:26 |
erick | why i cant use sudo su in | 08:26 |
cyphase | but no | 08:26 |
=== somebodick [n=guest@APoitiers-155-1-125-140.w86-201.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
cafuego | erick: 'sudo su' is stupid. | 08:26 |
czr | bluetooth isn't supported in breezy? (supported = automatic with some GUI) | 08:26 |
erick | yeh | 08:26 |
cyphase | it crashes with no 3D apps.. | 08:26 |
cyphase | and with 3D apps (neverball) | 08:27 |
somebodick | salu les clanpin | 08:27 |
cyphase | i think.. | 08:27 |
cyphase | it actually lasts longer with neverball open | 08:27 |
cafuego | cyphase: Are you using the prepackaged nvidia driver or did you download and build the one from nvidia.com ? | 08:27 |
cyphase | prepackaged | 08:27 |
jmhodges | ok, next question.. why does gtk-gnutella think my current ip settis is "" | 08:27 |
erick | dderr can u help me with postfix | 08:27 |
cafuego | jmhodges: That's "port 21553 on all interfaces" | 08:28 |
arrik | how do i edit my sources.list in /etc/apt to gain access to more packages? | 08:28 |
=== _Rappy_ [n=hunt-pre@dsl-253-122.monet.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cafuego | !repos | 08:28 |
ubotu | I heard repos is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) see also !easysource | 08:28 |
dderr | erick : prolly not, but feel free to ask questions | 08:28 |
jmhodges | cafuego, well, the only connection its finding is on this same box.. | 08:28 |
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dderr | is pm personal message? | 08:28 |
Madpilot | cafuego: what was up with ubotu's changed nick the last couple of days? "ubotflu"? | 08:28 |
erick | yah | 08:28 |
jmhodges | i've let it up for hours at a time.. and nohting else pops up.. :/ | 08:28 |
somebodick | moi je di il fo bruler les juifs | 08:28 |
dderr | how do i use it | 08:28 |
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cafuego | Madpilot: Running a backup on a different server, ubotus host had no international connectivity due to DDOS | 08:29 |
tritium | !fr | 08:29 |
ubotu | Va a #ubuntu-fr et #kubuntu-fr pour aide et discussion en francais | 08:29 |
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Madpilot | cafuego: messy - glad we had some bot access, anyway! | 08:29 |
somebodick | il fo brul l feuj | 08:29 |
cafuego | Madpilot: You should have seen my pretty 'sudo cp -a' bot installation ;-) | 08:29 |
=== RickLaptop [n=RickLapt@c-67-177-47-57.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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cafuego | somebodick: Please use english if you need to ask questions here. | 08:30 |
cafuego | somebodick: Anders begrijpt niemand er een hol van | 08:30 |
RickLaptop | !botsnack | 08:30 |
ubotu | :) | 08:30 |
cafuego | cyphase: Are you running the optimum kernel for your system? | 08:30 |
yuri | hey guys, the volume is a bit too low in ubuntu. the slider is at max and so is VLC but it's still too quiet. how do i remedy? | 08:30 |
cyphase | cafuego, k7 on an AMD Athlon | 08:31 |
arrik | thanks, got it :D | 08:31 |
czr | yuri, try opening the volume control application and trying the other sliders there | 08:31 |
Madpilot | cafuego: so even messier than I was imagining, then? :P | 08:31 |
cyphase | yuri, there's Master, and there's | 08:31 |
cyphase | PCM | 08:31 |
cafuego | cyphase: Okay.... | 08:32 |
yuri | where is the control program loocated? | 08:32 |
cafuego | Madpilot: The term "ugly-ass hack" comes to mind ;-) | 08:32 |
cyphase | double click the sound icon | 08:32 |
cyphase | in the bar | 08:32 |
=== Kwitschibo [n=Kwitschi@p5480667B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
RickLaptop | !root | 08:32 |
ubotu | methinks root is rumour has it, that root is disabled in Ubuntu, actually this means there is no password set for the root account, use sudo when you need admin access, you can read all about it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo | 08:32 |
=== [caminante] [n=caminant@VA1-1D-u-0566.mc.onolab.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
siriusnova | !sex | 08:33 |
ubotu | No idea, siriusnova | 08:33 |
siriusnova | lol | 08:33 |
cafuego | cyphase: Any heat issues that you're aware of with the card? | 08:33 |
tritium | siriusnova: please don't do that | 08:33 |
siriusnova | :) | 08:33 |
cyphase | nope | 08:33 |
Madpilot | cafuego: like I said, at least it worked - the mess didn't show at our end! | 08:33 |
cyphase | !kick | 08:33 |
ubotu | I haven't a clue, cyphase | 08:33 |
siriusnova | how do we use ubotu? | 08:33 |
RickLaptop | !women | 08:33 |
pnoob | busted | 08:33 |
ubotu | Bugger all, i dunno, RickLaptop | 08:33 |
siriusnova | lmao | 08:34 |
tritium | enough, kids | 08:34 |
Madpilot | !botabuse | 08:34 |
ubotu | You can play with me in /msg without being banned. | 08:34 |
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cafuego | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage | 08:34 |
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Madpilot | !tell siriusnova about ubotu | 08:34 |
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RickLaptop | is /msg a separate channel like #abuntu is? | 08:34 |
siriusnova | whats going to be new in 6? | 08:35 |
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RickLaptop | *ubuntu | 08:35 |
siriusnova | Ubuntu 6 that is | 08:35 |
Madpilot | RickLaptop: no - do /msg <nick> <message> to start a private chat with one other user | 08:35 |
=== bytefoo [n=MasterTs@cpe-24-27-14-19.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
RickLaptop | oh ok | 08:35 |
erick | dderr how to change ipaddress | 08:35 |
RickLaptop | ty | 08:35 |
siriusnova | Anyone here run Ubuntu on a thinkpad? | 08:35 |
czr | erick, System/Administration/Networking | 08:35 |
crimsun | siriusnova: x41-2527 here. | 08:36 |
erick | after that | 08:36 |
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siriusnova | crimsun - how does it run, any install problems? what isn't supported? | 08:36 |
Madpilot | siriusnova: have a look here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam | 08:36 |
czr | erick, are you using dhcp or static IP? | 08:36 |
sudhir | siriusnova : IBM -R52 here | 08:36 |
RickLaptop | hmm | 08:36 |
cyphase | cafuego, what "species" is ubotu? | 08:36 |
erick | ill changing it to staic | 08:36 |
cyphase | (what program are you using) | 08:36 |
erick | ill changing it to static | 08:36 |
=== somebodick is now known as tartouz | ||
dderr | i think that is in /etc/network/interfaces | 08:37 |
czr | erick, select eth0, then press properties, then switch out of dhcp there | 08:37 |
sudhir | anyone here configured GPRS ? | 08:37 |
cafuego | cyphase: "tard" | 08:37 |
erick | im using terminal | 08:37 |
czr | erick, man interfaces and edit /etc/network/interfaces and use ifdown eth0 and ifup eth0 | 08:37 |
dderr | vim /etc/network/interfaces | 08:38 |
=== loorn1 [i=kumiseta@addr-82-128-203-224.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
erick | w8 | 08:38 |
dderr | he is gonna be so lost in vim | 08:38 |
matid | Use nano | 08:38 |
czr | and vim is user friendly after all ;-) | 08:38 |
matid | nano /etc/network/interfaces | 08:38 |
matid | or | 08:38 |
matid | pico /etc/network/interfaces | 08:38 |
=== dell500 [n=dell500@12-216-244-28.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
matid | Depends which name you like more ;) | 08:39 |
cafuego | use $EDITOR and you'll be fine. | 08:39 |
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cafuego | !start an editor war | 08:39 |
ubotu | vim is better than emacs. | 08:39 |
cafuego | nuff said | 08:39 |
matid | Everyone knows that, but it's usable only once you're used to it | 08:39 |
erick | can i use vi here | 08:39 |
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nevyn | hrm... | 08:39 |
cafuego | nevyn: still oopsie goodness? | 08:40 |
erick | dderr | 08:40 |
sudhir | what is command for apt search ? | 08:40 |
nevyn | cafuego: yeah | 08:40 |
czr | sudhir, apt-cache search keyword | 08:40 |
sudhir | thanks | 08:41 |
dderr | vi is fine | 08:41 |
nevyn | cafuego: thought it might be the bios.. but that seems to require booting that other os. | 08:41 |
cafuego | nevyn: Tried a k7 kernel? | 08:41 |
czr | sudhir, and apt-cache show package_name | 08:41 |
nevyn | the dos based bios updater doesn't wanna play | 08:41 |
cafuego | Icky | 08:41 |
nevyn | cafuego: this is opterons so definitly k8 | 08:41 |
=== sorsis [n=sorsis@hoas-fe3ddd00-153.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dderr | erick: open this up also http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/254 | 08:41 |
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nevyn | cafuego: the uniprocessor k8 kernel works | 08:42 |
nevyn | just the smp one oopses | 08:42 |
cafuego | nevyn: Sounds like it might indeed be bios then | 08:42 |
dderr | erick: your host name and dns is prolly ok, don't mess w/ it | 08:42 |
cafuego | nevyn: Actually, try the 2.6.15 one from dapper... | 08:42 |
erick | but | 08:42 |
erick | i need to setup this in static | 08:42 |
dderr | erick: i suspect your gateway is good also | 08:43 |
=== bytefoo [n=MasterTs@cpe-24-27-14-19.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cafuego | nevyn: ... or a vanilla debian smp one. | 08:43 |
sudhir | anyone here configured GPRS ? | 08:43 |
dderr | read section Setting up your IP address. | 08:43 |
dderr | that is a static ip address | 08:43 |
dderr | someone correct me if i am wrong | 08:43 |
erick | ok tnx ddere | 08:43 |
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mojo | anyone real familiar with startup scripts in ubuntu? i have three network interfaces going, and only two start up automatically. Additionally, sharing of the internet won't start until I manually start up Firestarter. Cant iptables or whatever start the firewall rules at startup? Any advice/direction appreciated! | 08:43 |
nevyn | cafuego: via K800T chipset | 08:44 |
Madpilot | mojo: you can set Firestarter to start when Ubuntu/gnome start up | 08:44 |
cafuego | nevyn: That OUGHT to be completely supported | 08:44 |
=== ChaKy [n=chaky@lns02-1064.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mojo | Madpilot: u mean gksudo it? | 08:44 |
Madpilot | mojo: System menu -> Prefs -> Sessions | 08:44 |
czr | then again, it's VIA ;-) | 08:44 |
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mojo | Madpilot: that may work as a hack, but I was hoping there was a cmdline way to get the masquerading to start up | 08:45 |
dderr | erick : your gateway may be differnt | 08:45 |
dderr | this is where your router is | 08:45 |
Madpilot | mojo: AFAIK there's an option in Firestarter, it'll add itself to your sessions | 08:45 |
dderr | for example mine is | 08:45 |
mojo | Madpilot: okay I will poke around in firestarter | 08:45 |
mojo | thx | 08:45 |
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=== n0dl [n=n0dl@pool-71-104-59-182.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
czr | hmm. what is the easiest way to ingrate iptables load on ubuntu startup? | 08:46 |
dderr | is there a good way for erick to find what his gateway and broadcast address it | 08:46 |
chk_m8 | anyone wakeful | 08:46 |
leather_n_luv | uptime | 08:46 |
nevyn | cafuego: ok windows sees the SMP fine | 08:47 |
nevyn | czr: now now they've done better recently | 08:47 |
cafuego | nevyn: Then I reckon I'd try the k8-smp dapper kernel. | 08:47 |
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czr | nevyn, just my IMHO :-) | 08:47 |
n0dl | can someone help me compile naim? | 08:47 |
cafuego | nevyn: just add dapper repo, install linux-image-2.6.15-k8-smp, disable dapper | 08:47 |
dderr | erick: i think your dhcp server (router) needs to know what ips are static, at least it needs to not collide w/ these addressed | 08:47 |
n0dl | it keeps im telling me it cant find a curses library | 08:47 |
cafuego | nevyn: Did wonders for the Mac Mini here too ;-) | 08:48 |
n0dl | how do i fix this? | 08:48 |
nevyn | cafuego: lemme check the bios ver and such first | 08:48 |
chk_m8 | i need some totem help i tryed to follow the guide to make totem plat .WMV but do not seem to be doing it right | 08:48 |
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=== cafuego checks the chicken | ||
n0dl | does anyone know how to compile naim? | 08:49 |
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dderr | erick : u still there? | 08:51 |
n0dl | ... | 08:51 |
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sudhir | anyone here configured GPRS ? | 08:53 |
n0dl | dpes anyone know how to compile naim? | 08:53 |
czr | am I correct to understand that ifup/ifdown will run all the scripts that are in /etc/network/if-down.d/ & if-up.d/ (and the two other dirs)? | 08:53 |
chk_m8 | lick on "Edit" on the menubar, and then on "Preferences" you'll get an dialog with three tabs, make sure the tab called "General" is open and click "Add Proprietary Plugins. >>Add Proprietary Plugins is not there<< | 08:54 |
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=== kestas [n=kestas@ppp169-240.lns1.per1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mojo | czr: looking at firestarter docs it seems that it has an /etc/init.d/firestarter script... but I am still not sure. i guess i need to learn more about my start/stop scripts. i'm hoping i didn't accidentally edit one that is managed and stop it from getting updated or sumthin... | 08:55 |
phlaegel | anybody know if the current rhythmbox in breezy (or backports) has the daap sharing enabled? | 08:55 |
czr | mojo, dpkg -L firestarter | grep /etc/init.d | 08:56 |
czr | mojo, my point was rather how to integrate iptables properly, and I'm not planning on using firestarter | 08:56 |
cafuego | czr: Youc an call 'iptables-save' and 'iptables-restore' via interfaces (5) | 08:57 |
cafuego | !info naim | 08:57 |
kestas | does anyone know where I should go for OS X shell scripting help? | 08:57 |
czr | cafuego, duh. but how to integrate that properly in ubuntu so that when interfaces are coming up the rules are already there | 08:57 |
ubotu | naim: (A console client for AOL Instant Messenger and IRC), section universe/net, is optional. Version: (breezy), Packaged size: 184 kB, Installed size: 472 kB | 08:57 |
cafuego | czr: Check the namepage. it explains. | 08:58 |
mojo | czr: oh, okay. well i am curious here too... just before you wrote on this, i was asking becuse my rules for internet connection sharing don't seem to start until i run firestarter gui | 08:58 |
Chousuke | kestas: man bash | 08:58 |
Chousuke | ;) | 08:58 |
cafuego | eh, manpage. | 08:58 |
=== ColonelKernel [i=ponnet@12-218-155-108.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
czr | cafuego, not it doesn't, I checked it already | 08:58 |
cafuego | n0dl: 'sudo apt-get install naim' | 08:58 |
mojo | czr: but i think my issue is with the masquerading part | 08:58 |
czr | cafuego, that's why I asked how ifup/ifdown behave with respect of /etc/network/if-up.d and if-down.d | 08:58 |
kestas | Chousuke, OS X doesnt use bash | 08:58 |
Chousuke | yes it does. | 08:58 |
erick | dderr, ur right | 08:58 |
dderr | is it working? | 08:59 |
kestas | Chousuke, and there are lots of fucked up differences, like sed -e 's/blah/\n/' does what you'd expect on linux/freebsd, but not on OS X | 08:59 |
erick | dderr, yah | 08:59 |
cafuego | czr: yes, it does. Try reading PAST the first page. Specifically, paragraph one of the "IFACE OPTIONS" section. | 08:59 |
Chousuke | older versions may use tcsh but mine sure has bash. | 08:59 |
=== MAPD [n=bzzzzz@dna243-249.satp.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Chousuke | kestas: sed is not a bash command | 08:59 |
erick | dderr, i change my router | 08:59 |
cafuego | czr: Even more specifically, the explanation for 'pre-up'. | 08:59 |
kestas | Chousuke, right well I said with bash scripting | 08:59 |
erick | dderr, into static | 08:59 |
dderr | good, glad it worked | 08:59 |
erick | dderr, tnx bro | 08:59 |
Chousuke | sed is a separate tool. it has nothing to do with bash scripting | 08:59 |
kestas | Chousuke, it includes all those posix tools | 08:59 |
Chousuke | not really. | 08:59 |
czr | cafuego, sure. but the problem is that I'd like to run firewall rules in before any interface is up (I have multiple) | 09:00 |
Chousuke | you can script those tools with any shell | 09:00 |
kestas | Chousuke, well thats a matter of opinion, but Ive never seen a bash script of any complexity which doesnt use sed | 09:00 |
erick | dderr, my next problem would be the postfix | 09:00 |
czr | and pre-up inside interfaces works only per interface context | 09:00 |
cafuego | czr: So call 'em as 'pre-up' in the stanza for lo. | 09:00 |
Chousuke | kestas: so man sed | 09:00 |
czr | cafuego, hmm. indeed :-) thanks | 09:00 |
dderr | erick : good luck w/ all of that :) | 09:00 |
Chousuke | and learn how the FreeBSD-based sed differs from GNU sed. | 09:00 |
erick | tnx | 09:00 |
=== czr bangs his head against the wall for now seeing that :-) | ||
cafuego | czr: or just write a /etc/init.d/firewall script by hand. | 09:00 |
erick | im using ubunto for 1hr | 09:01 |
=== czr misses /var/lib/iptables ;-) | ||
czr | or rather /etc/init.d/iptables | 09:01 |
cafuego | czr: Yes, want them? | 09:01 |
Chousuke | kestas: basically OS X includes the same tools as most linux distros. just different implementations | 09:01 |
cafuego | czr: I saved mine and sue them happily :-) | 09:01 |
Chousuke | you can install gnu versions if you like. | 09:01 |
czr | cafuego, heh | 09:01 |
kestas | Chousuke, where can you get them? | 09:02 |
Chousuke | via fink or something | 09:02 |
czr | cafuego, I think I'll use the lo pre-up. hmm. however, what is the order that ifup -a will process the interfaces? | 09:02 |
cafuego | czr: ftp://ftp.cc.com.au/pub/users/cafuego/ipt.tgz | 09:02 |
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=== fabien__ [n=fabien@dra38-4-82-240-103-27.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== cafuego put that back on all his Debian machines | ||
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Chousuke | it's probably a bit troublesome to replace all the tools with gnu equivalents thogh. | 09:03 |
Chousuke | though* | 09:03 |
czr | cafuego, I did that for new debians, but I was thinking that ubuntu must have some other way of doing it | 09:03 |
czr | guess not | 09:03 |
cafuego | Chousuke: Not really, fink! | 09:03 |
Chousuke | it might break apple's own shell scripts too. | 09:03 |
Chousuke | cafuego: well, yeah. but then you'd have to make $PATH so that /sw/bin is searched before /usr/bin ;P | 09:04 |
cafuego | Chousuke: That's easy enough, though. | 09:04 |
Chousuke | Hmm. I guess it is. | 09:04 |
Chousuke | I'd just learn to use FreeBSD sed :D | 09:04 |
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cafuego | Just use 'tr' instead. | 09:04 |
Chousuke | but it's freebsd tr! | 09:05 |
=== chaumurky [n=mainacco@203-214-141-96.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Chousuke | actually, it isn't | 09:05 |
Chousuke | seems like it's gnu. | 09:05 |
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dderr | erick : what is postfix, and why you trying to use it | 09:08 |
graig | hi, can anyone record sound properly on ubuntu breezy? | 09:08 |
akumar | I can't record any sound in Ubuntu after a months' effort :( | 09:08 |
erick | i creating email server | 09:08 |
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graig | thats really crappy, they should have updated it or something by now. | 09:09 |
chaumurky | I have recorded from gnomeradio through the line in np | 09:09 |
akumar | The audio properties... I changed them several times.... but no combination records sound :( | 09:09 |
erick | dderr, postfix is for email server | 09:09 |
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graig | the combination i used to use diddn't work, but some other one did, but with really messed up sound. | 09:10 |
dderr | how do i kill X, ctl alt backspace keeps firing it back up | 09:10 |
dderr | even if i'm logged in | 09:10 |
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chaumurky | sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 09:10 |
chaumurky | then run nirc from the tty ;-) | 09:11 |
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chaumurky | (naim) | 09:11 |
dderr | hehe | 09:11 |
dderr | thx | 09:11 |
graig | if i used mabey a different distro could i probably record sound? | 09:11 |
akumar | Graig are you using Ubuntu or Kubuntu? | 09:12 |
chaumurky | who knows? | 09:12 |
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Chousuke | graig: maybe you could tell what's wrong with recording sound so we perhaps have a chance of fixing it | 09:13 |
Madpilot | Has anyone else had a problem with Serpentine burning coasters? I've wasted a whole bunch of CD-Rs with Serp. this week, but k3b burns good audio CDs... same files, same burner, same stock of blanks, same speed settings... | 09:13 |
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graig | when i try to record sound, i go to the line-in slider. it has 2 buttons under it, and i hit record, and toggling audio capture does nothing to record sound.. however enabling the mute lets sound record in audacity, but its all messed up. the levels are wrong, and its at half volume and noisy. | 09:15 |
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graig | any ideas? | 09:16 |
akumar | Graig, I have similar problems! And there are many more like us! Search it in Ubuntuforums.org | 09:16 |
=== Topslakr [n=Topslakr@24-54-42-180.lndnnh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
akumar | Graig I guess you could try a different distro to check it... start your experiment with Kubuntu | 09:17 |
dderr | i am trying to install linux headers, but i don't see my version in aptitude | 09:17 |
dderr | kernal headers | 09:17 |
Madpilot | dderr: which kernel are you running? | 09:17 |
chaumurky | uname -r | 09:18 |
=== pnoob [n=phil@dsl017-073-218.chi4.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dderr | 2.6.12-10-amd64-generic | 09:18 |
newbc | can you play .mov files in linux | 09:18 |
pnoob | how do I tell what my kernel version is? | 09:18 |
yatesy | uname -a | 09:18 |
pnoob | yatesy, thanks | 09:18 |
dderr | how do i determine what header files are actually installed | 09:19 |
Madpilot | !w32codecs | 09:20 |
Madpilot | ...gah | 09:20 |
Madpilot | !tell newbc about w32codecs | 09:20 |
nalioth | Madpilot: !quicktime | 09:20 |
nalioth | Madpilot: micros* doesnt do .mov files | 09:21 |
dderr | hmm, aptitude http://us.archive/ubuntu.com breezy Release.gpg [ERROR] | 09:21 |
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dderr | Temporary failure resolving 'us.archive.ubuntu.com' | 09:21 |
Madpilot | nalioth: I thought all those formats were rolled up into the w32codecs stuff? | 09:22 |
dderr | thst is what happens when i do an update package list in aptitude | 09:22 |
nalioth | Madpilot: micro* doesnt play with mov files | 09:22 |
chaumurky | libquicktime1 - A library for reading and writing Quicktime files | 09:23 |
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dderr | time for bed thx for help everyone | 09:25 |
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kuRupT | ehm can somone help me? i have problems with my nvidia graka.. and wnat ask that the new driver how's release also work for my nvidia geforce 6600 ? http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_1.0-8174.html | 09:27 |
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kuRupT | does it work also for my nvidia geforce 6600 | 09:27 |
chaumurky | doesn't it say on the site? | 09:28 |
mattyv | i hav a kernal image Q as well, since install i have moved to 2.6.12-9-686 from the default 386, then there was an update so im now on 2.6.12-10-686. I want to remove some old entries but not sure what to uncheck in synaptic. Basically i want latest 686 and maybe original 386 for safety...anyone tell what to remove?? | 09:28 |
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kuRupT | Chamwork- i dont know | 09:29 |
GTroy | anyone know what a public_html directory for firefox might be? | 09:29 |
brad_ | i get an error when attempting to follow the proceedure to install the x-org accellerated driver | 09:29 |
brad_ | fpr ati | 09:29 |
brad_ | for* | 09:29 |
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kuRupT | Chamwork- id must be work with all nvidia G.. but i don't know that 100% | 09:32 |
TokenBad | I went through cups and added my printer, epson stylus 740, but for some reason it will not work...the test print acts like printing but nothing on page, or it just sits there and does nothing..... | 09:33 |
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brad_ | when logging imn in text mode (without gdm) how does one remove the message abouy ubutus lack of warrenty etc | 09:34 |
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vega- | i'm using ubuntu breezy with gnome and two monitor (xorg.conf here: http://pastebin.com/463427) and everything works just find, but when switching to KDE my other screen is just blank, any ideas? I would have thought that xinerama etc. is X11 business, not the window managers? | 09:36 |
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vega- | i've tried to fiddle with KDE's control panel and the dual screen settings but it doesn't do anything useful | 09:37 |
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GTroy | anyone want to help me install an app? | 09:38 |
GTroy | the instructions are a bit confusing | 09:39 |
vega- | is the "app" some kind of secret? | 09:39 |
vega- | because otherwise it is kind of hard helping | 09:39 |
GTroy | private wiki | 09:39 |
GTroy | invitation only | 09:39 |
vega- | there are probably a 100 wiki software out there | 09:39 |
GTroy | this isn't the best one then | 09:40 |
vega- | i've been using mediawiki, don't know about the others | 09:40 |
=== xester good morning | ||
osfameron | mediawiki is rather good | 09:40 |
osfameron | and very nice to instsall | 09:40 |
GTroy | have you heard of pmwiki? | 09:41 |
vega- | no | 09:41 |
=== GTroy is the one I'm trying to install | ||
=== topyli [n=juha@dsl-hkigw3-fe23de00-139.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GTroy | vega: I'll post the instructions in #flood if you're willing to give it a try | 09:41 |
osfameron | I think I once installed a pmwiki | 09:42 |
osfameron | long time ago, I had to fix a line of code which was broken :-) | 09:42 |
vega- | GTroy: sorry i'm off to a meeting in a few minutes | 09:42 |
=== GTroy gave it a couple hours last night, and gave up | ||
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osfameron | GTroy: summarize what kind of problems you were having? | 09:42 |
GTroy | how bout you osfameron? | 09:42 |
osfameron | GTroy: I haven't got time to try a whole installation out | 09:43 |
osfameron | but tell me what you were doing and I'll see if I have any ideas :-) | 09:43 |
GTroy | well the instructions say to place the directory in "a location accessible by your webserver" | 09:43 |
sirius|Zzz | anyone here own a thinkpad? | 09:43 |
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GTroy | and I don't know where to put it | 09:44 |
GTroy | tried firefox's extensions with no progress | 09:44 |
Madpilot | GTroy: /var/www - or whereever you've set your Apache install to look | 09:44 |
vega- | are you running your own webserver? | 09:44 |
GTroy | no | 09:45 |
GTroy | no webserver | 09:45 |
osfameron | GTroy: ok, well if this is an installation for work (as I inferred above) your web admin should be able to help you with that | 09:45 |
osfameron | eeeek! | 09:45 |
osfameron | no webserver? | 09:45 |
GTroy | yeah I know | 09:45 |
vega- | where do you plan on installing the wiki then? | 09:45 |
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=== osfameron scratches his head | ||
vega- | it needs a webserver that's for sure | 09:45 |
GTroy | oh, that helps some then | 09:45 |
aztek | how do I change file permissions to my user and not just root | 09:45 |
GTroy | it's not mine | 09:45 |
GTroy | it's a friends wiki, | 09:46 |
osfameron | aztec: chown username file | 09:46 |
Madpilot | aztek: sudo chown - but be careful with it | 09:46 |
vega- | GTroy: well he has to install a webserver first, then install the wiki | 09:46 |
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GTroy | vega: I can't use his webserver? | 09:47 |
tech | \j zamboanga | 09:47 |
vega- | sure | 09:47 |
GTroy | ok cool | 09:47 |
osfameron | GTroy: take a deep breath and explain the setup :-) | 09:47 |
Madpilot | GTroy: of course you can, if you've got enough access to it to do the install... | 09:47 |
vega- | i'm off.. | 09:47 |
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aztek | thanks | 09:47 |
=== GTroy just uses ubuntu for multimedia desktop, and a friend gave an invite to his private wiki | ||
osfameron | GTroy: so he already has a wiki? | 09:48 |
GTroy | yeah | 09:48 |
GTroy | I've got a username and password already setup | 09:48 |
osfameron | ok | 09:48 |
osfameron | and can you log into it? | 09:49 |
GTroy | yeah, but I can't write anything in it | 09:49 |
osfameron | what happens when you try? | 09:49 |
GTroy | just like a webpage | 09:49 |
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Madpilot | GTroy: which wiki is your friend running? | 09:50 |
GTroy | pmwiki | 09:50 |
osfameron | GTroy: is there a hyperlink like "Edit" anywherre on the page ? | 09:50 |
GTroy | hold on lemme check | 09:50 |
GTroy | yeah, basic editing | 09:51 |
GTroy | guess that solves my problem :D | 09:51 |
=== GTroy feels incredibly, incredibly stupid right now | ||
=== GTroy but also grateful | ||
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osfameron | GTroy: no need to feel stupid | 09:52 |
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osfameron | but it is worth thinking about how to ask the question for next time :-) | 09:52 |
GTroy | osfameron: thanks for the help :D | 09:52 |
osfameron | for example, you asked "how do I install the app" and not "I tried to use an existing app and it didn't work" | 09:53 |
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GTroy | yeah, I'm not knowledgeable about wikis | 09:53 |
GTroy | that was a problem | 09:53 |
osfameron | yeah, it's often difficult to know what you want when you're not au fait with the topic | 09:53 |
GTroy | very true | 09:53 |
osfameron | so when you're asking the question just start at the beginning :-) | 09:54 |
GTroy | will do | 09:54 |
=== GTroy knows what it's like, I've helped a person with their wifi | ||
osfameron | GTroy: heh, I could have used your help a couple of days ago then | 09:55 |
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girly_182 | hi blinkerss,,,hello there | 09:55 |
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osfameron | I had to buy a temporary ADSL modem because my router melted | 09:56 |
osfameron | it doesn't have drivers for Linux, so becuase I haven't got time to faff about I'm using gf's iBook | 09:56 |
osfameron | (which is less painful than I thought, but not as nice as ubuntu) | 09:56 |
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girly_182 | .... | 09:57 |
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nevyn | cafuego: what was that source for newer kernels | 09:57 |
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soldieruk400 | how do you register as a user of unbuntu | 10:00 |
osfameron | is that the special edition for vampires? :-) | 10:01 |
soldieruk400 | o and goodmorning all :O) | 10:01 |
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soldieruk400 | lol | 10:01 |
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girly_182 | am i.. | 10:01 |
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soldieruk400 | does anyone in here use kubuntu and is it any good | 10:02 |
nevyn | !dapper | 10:02 |
ubotu | The 6.04 version of Ubuntu will be called the "Dapper Drake" release. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperDrake | 10:02 |
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soldieruk400 | when is that relased ? | 10:02 |
osfameron | I didn't know you could register, certainly don't think you *need* to to get support. Well, you can register with the forums | 10:02 |
xspades | june 06 | 10:03 |
soldieruk400 | cool | 10:03 |
soldieruk400 | will that just be an add on to unbuntu or a compleat install | 10:03 |
xspades | will be the next version afiak | 10:03 |
xspades | ie, breezy is 5.10 | 10:03 |
soldieruk400 | sounds good to me | 10:04 |
Madpilot | soldieruk400: it'll be a complete new version, but you can upgrade an existing version to the lastest quite easily | 10:05 |
soldieruk400 | ive been using this for a few days now makes win xp look crap lol | 10:05 |
=== Trackilizer [n=Trackili@p54AED090.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soldieruk400 | god i luv this linux stuff lol | 10:05 |
DRAGON_Ultra | are you new to linux | 10:06 |
soldieruk400 | i think we should have an option to have what ever o/s we want | 10:06 |
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soldieruk400 | i am new to linux yes | 10:06 |
rochefel | test | 10:06 |
Trackilizer | Hey guys, need your help, just installed Ubuntu on my old PC too and the thing is my old PC onl has an onboard graphics card, i wanted to know where to check the exact name of the card so that i can then look for drivers. | 10:06 |
DRAGON_Ultra | welcome to linux then | 10:07 |
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soldieruk400 | im new myself trackilizer | 10:07 |
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soldieruk400 | thanks dragon_ultra | 10:08 |
soldieruk400 | takes a bit of getting used to but i like it :O) | 10:08 |
DRAGON_Ultra | yes it does but well worth it I think | 10:09 |
DRAGON_Ultra | nite all | 10:09 |
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Trackilizer | i'm not really new to it, i just want to know how to check the exact name of my graphics card | 10:09 |
soldieruk400 | i think it should be in pc world on there pcs lol like mac and xp lol | 10:09 |
soldieruk400 | ok well good look in finding your driver | 10:10 |
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osfameron | Trackilizer: lspci ? | 10:11 |
Trackilizer | osfameron, thanks alot | 10:12 |
Trackilizer | worked like a charm | 10:12 |
Trackilizer | :) | 10:12 |
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soldieruk400 | well all im off to clean up before the wife gets back from school lol | 10:13 |
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jgi | morning all | 10:18 |
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jgi | i'm looking for libhowl0 in ubuntu, but it seems that it's not in the packages repository, do you know where i could find it in the repository ? | 10:19 |
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mattyv | do u hav the extra repos enabled? | 10:21 |
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jgi | mattyv, no | 10:21 |
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Madpilot | !repos | 10:21 |
ubotu | hmm... repos is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) see also !easysource | 10:21 |
chaumurky | /etc/apt/sources.list tells you how... | 10:22 |
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jgi | Madpilot, mattyv, chaumurky : thanks ! | 10:22 |
Madpilot | np | 10:23 |
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=== cdubya loves it when formatting data coming out of dbs doesn't work like it's documented......ugh | ||
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jgi | there is a mention of hoary-extras on this page, is there a "breezy-extras" too ? | 10:26 |
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=== mrzogs is away: Sono occupato lascia un msg quando torno ti rispondo | ||
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mattyv | there is, not sure if anything is in it atm | 10:29 |
mattyv | http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ | 10:29 |
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testmachine | deb http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl breezy-seveas all | 10:29 |
testmachine | thats a big backport too | 10:29 |
testmachine | http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl <- you can see the packages here :P | 10:30 |
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Madpilot | I think the mirrormax.net repos are out of business now? | 10:30 |
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jgi | testmachine, there is no howl package at http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl :-( | 10:31 |
testmachine | fglrx-kernel-2.6.12-10-k7 <- HAH thats what i was looking for | 10:31 |
testmachine | for ages | 10:31 |
testmachine | howl? | 10:31 |
testmachine | i dont know howl | 10:31 |
mattyv | oh ok, is there a new one that isnt in europe? | 10:31 |
viperX | hey guys, I have a quick question. | 10:31 |
viperX | My two-button mouse went out so now I'm using a spare one-button apple mouse. Is there a way to script KDE to accept a keypress + mouseclick as a right click? | 10:31 |
testmachine | http://packages.ubuntu.com/hoary/net/howl-utils | 10:32 |
testmachine | theres a packages | 10:32 |
testmachine | for hoary | 10:32 |
jgi | testmachine, is it a problem to install an hoary package on a breezy ubuntu ? | 10:32 |
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mustard5 | viperX, I'm just testing something now to see if you can do it...one sec | 10:35 |
viperX | Thanks | 10:35 |
unub | why apt-get install fluxbox doesnt work ? says cant package fluxbox | 10:35 |
unub | and i uncomented 2 lines in /etc/sourcec.list | 10:35 |
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xspades | did you run apt-get update after you modified /etc/apt/sources.list? | 10:38 |
hamstah | Hi, how can i recover loss data after a fsck on an ext3 partition? | 10:38 |
unub | xspades, tnx | 10:39 |
unub | forgot.. | 10:39 |
xspades | np | 10:39 |
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mustard5 | viperX, well I'm not sure whether you could do it or not, but this thread might point you in the right direction to work out how you might do it. :) http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79560 | 10:39 |
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viperX | Thanks mustard5 | 10:40 |
mustard5 | viperX, I've been playing with xev trying to work out if you could distinguish a mouse click combined with a keypress, but I'm not sure what I am doing | 10:40 |
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Kazuya | hello | 10:44 |
mustard5 | greetings Kazuya | 10:45 |
Kazuya | mustard5, :D | 10:45 |
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Kazuya | anybody here has problem with firefox 1.5? | 10:45 |
marc`` | what problem? | 10:45 |
mustard5 | Kazuya, what type of problem? | 10:45 |
Kazuya | sometimes if a clink on a link i have my pc getting stopped | 10:46 |
bor | btw, does anyone know the reason why firefox 1.5 isn't yet packaged in dapper? | 10:46 |
Kazuya | sorry for my english | 10:46 |
topyli | all firefox users have a problem. they are using the best browser, which is kind of sad | 10:46 |
topyli | where's a good browser? nowherre | 10:46 |
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mustard5 | Kazuya, are you saying your computer 'freezes'? | 10:47 |
Kazuya | mmm | 10:47 |
Kazuya | yes and not | 10:47 |
mustard5 | Kazuya, cpu goes to 100%? | 10:47 |
Kazuya | i must reset to let it work | 10:47 |
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Kazuya | no | 10:47 |
mustard5 | Kazuya, ah ok | 10:47 |
Kazuya | the screen frezes | 10:47 |
mustard5 | Kazuya, thats pretty serious | 10:47 |
topyli | i get that too sometimes | 10:47 |
marc`` | may be you do not have many of memory | 10:47 |
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Kazuya | 512 m | 10:48 |
Kazuya | on a piv 2400 | 10:48 |
marc`` | and swap? | 10:48 |
topyli | Kazuya: just wait it off. it will pass. some pages are evil for firefox on linux, at least for me | 10:48 |
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mustard5 | Kazuya, does ctrl + alt +f2 allow you to get to terminal when it happens? | 10:48 |
Kazuya | mmm 512 too | 10:48 |
Kazuya | no | 10:48 |
mustard5 | Kazuya, hmmm | 10:49 |
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mustard5 | Kazuya, do you know if the page you are going to contains any java? | 10:49 |
topyli | mustard5: when it happens to me, all i can do is wait | 10:49 |
Kazuya | mustard5, java gives me some problem of cpu | 10:49 |
mustard5 | topyli, my firefox has been giving me grief lately and I'm still on 1.0.7 :) | 10:49 |
Kazuya | but the problem was also an 1.0.7 without the freeze | 10:50 |
mustard5 | Kazuya, k | 10:50 |
Kazuya | :/ | 10:50 |
mustard5 | Kazuya, I'll see if I can google something up | 10:50 |
Madpilot | The problem with Firefox is that it isn't Opera ;) | 10:50 |
topyli | this happens more certainly with multiple tabs open | 10:51 |
Kazuya | thanks mustard5 | 10:51 |
Kazuya | topyli, it freezes also with one tab | 10:51 |
Kazuya | :/ | 10:51 |
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mustard5 | Kazuya, well you are not alone according to google :) | 10:51 |
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topyli | Kazuya: you need a 6000 Mhz machine with 2M of memory i guess. and me too :) | 10:51 |
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Kazuya | lol | 10:52 |
mustard5 | Kazuya, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96976 | 10:52 |
Kazuya | i need a sparcstation :/ | 10:52 |
topyli | Kazuya: we need a mac | 10:52 |
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Kazuya | got already one | 10:52 |
topyli | with linux of course | 10:52 |
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topyli | then we don't have to worry about java :) | 10:53 |
mustard5 | Kazuya, it seems some people are suggesting you create a new profile in that thread | 10:53 |
Kazuya | mustard5, thnks for the link | 10:53 |
Kazuya | yes i'm reading | 10:53 |
Kazuya | :D | 10:53 |
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=== PoW [n=chris@69-169-46-43.anhmca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
topyli | i don't think the thread is describing our problem. i don't have adblock. i think i'll blame flashblock | 10:55 |
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topyli | which is sad, because it's the most useful extension yet | 10:55 |
PoW | I just recently installed ubuntu onto my hdd. Coming from a windows setup, the font seems very blurry and plain ugly to me. Could anyone suggest a way for me to clear up the fonts and have them render smoothly in gnome and other apps such as firefox? | 10:55 |
_nano_ | use freesans font | 10:56 |
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mysterydragon | does anyone have a solution for the problem with the live CD: cannot enter preinstalled session | 10:56 |
mysterydragon | ? | 10:56 |
mustard5 | Kazuya, this might be relevant too http://www.toptechnews.com/news/Firefox-1-5-Security-Flaw-Identified/story.xhtml?story_id=0220028F8FHU | 10:56 |
mysterydragon | I get this error every time | 10:57 |
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hwt | has anyone performed PXE/TFTP/Kickstart installations of ubuntu with success? | 10:57 |
topyli | PoW: install the fonts from our old friend microsoft. apt-get install msttcorefonts | 10:57 |
hwt | is it stable now? | 10:57 |
hwt | and does anyone know where i can find some good documenation on the subject? | 10:57 |
PoW | awesome | 10:57 |
mysterydragon | anybody? | 10:58 |
mustard5 | mysterydragon, hmmm..never heard of that one...I might google that too :) | 10:58 |
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_nano_ | PoW, i think it'd look better than windows fonts now ;) | 10:59 |
topyli | PoW: there are some things they get right. fonts, mice, keyboards :) | 10:59 |
PoW | haha ya | 10:59 |
=== Kazuya [n=kazuya@host55-202.pool8255.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kazuya | ok | 10:59 |
PoW | where's the terminal button/option in gnome anyways | 10:59 |
mustard5 | mysterydragon, what type of system are you running? | 11:00 |
Kazuya | also with epiphany | 11:00 |
topyli | i prefer logitech keyboards and mice though. but they do no fonts :) | 11:00 |
Kazuya | kazuya@kingston:~$ firefox -p | 11:00 |
Kazuya | run-mozilla.sh: Cannot execute /opt/firefox/firefox-bin.pure. | 11:00 |
Madpilot | PoW: Applications menu -> Accessories -> Terminal | 11:00 |
wildman | hello * | 11:00 |
Kazuya | good stuff :/ | 11:00 |
PoW | oh dur | 11:00 |
PoW | msttcorefonts? | 11:01 |
topyli | yes | 11:01 |
PoW | package doesnt exist :( | 11:01 |
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Madpilot | PoW: you need to enable some extra repos | 11:01 |
mysterydragon | Windows XP | 11:01 |
topyli | PoW: it's in universe or multiverse. you have to enable these evil repositories | 11:01 |
Madpilot | !tell PoW about repos | 11:01 |
_nano_ | didn't you find freesans? | 11:02 |
topyli | !info msttcorefonts | 11:02 |
ubotu | msttcorefonts: (Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts), section multiverse/x11, is optional. Version: 1.2ubuntu2 (breezy), Packaged size: 21 kB, Installed size: 164 kB | 11:02 |
PoW | I did | 11:02 |
PoW | find freesans* | 11:02 |
TokenBad | I went through cups and added my printer, epson stylus 740, but for some reason it will not work...the test print acts like printing but nothing on page, or it just sits there and does nothing..... | 11:03 |
mysterydragon | i already googled for it, mustard5, many people seem to have the problem, but i couldn't find a solution | 11:03 |
mustard5 | mysterydragon, yeah..I'm not having much luck either | 11:03 |
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mustard5 | mysterydragon, I've never seen it in her before | 11:04 |
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Kazuya | mustard5, | 11:04 |
=== GNAM [n=giokauno@host86-241.pool80183.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kazuya | can you link me the page of the wiki for firefox 1.5? | 11:04 |
mysterydragon | mustard5: thanks for the help | 11:04 |
GNAM | no firefox 1.5 final in dapper... any chance to have it on final? | 11:04 |
mustard5 | mysterydragon, sorry I couldn't find a solution :) | 11:04 |
GNAM | wiki for firefox? tell me | 11:05 |
mustard5 | !firefox15 | 11:05 |
ubotu | well, firefox15 is see the wiki at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion for information on how to install Firefox 1.5 from mozilla.org | 11:05 |
PoW | which repo(s) should I add? | 11:05 |
GNAM | thanks | 11:05 |
topyli | GNAM: it will be there for sure. it's just a big transition because a lot of stuff depends on it | 11:05 |
Kazuya | tnx ubotu | 11:05 |
=== heatxsink [n=jmioph@c-24-7-127-192.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
No1Viking | Hello: Are there any application to install in ubuntu that works like microsoft publisher? | 11:05 |
testmachine | hm | 11:05 |
topyli | GNAM: that's why i wouldn't hold my breath for a breezy backport either | 11:05 |
testmachine | publisher | 11:05 |
=== HanniS [n=piespy@dslb-084-059-211-089.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nevyn | No1Viking: there's a few.. | 11:05 |
nevyn | scribus | 11:05 |
testmachine | dont know never worked with it | 11:05 |
nevyn | kword | 11:06 |
testmachine | :) | 11:06 |
Madpilot | No1Viking: for desktop publishing? Scribus is great | 11:06 |
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nevyn | inkscape maybe.. but that's more like illustrator | 11:06 |
=== nevyn likes inkscape. | ||
nevyn | and tho it's unpopular I like kword | 11:06 |
Kazuya | i think that my favourite browser will became links2 | 11:06 |
Kazuya | :/ | 11:06 |
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topyli | microsoft publishing? thank $DEITY, no | 11:06 |
nevyn | topyli: it has it's place. | 11:07 |
testmachine | links is great | 11:07 |
testmachine | :> | 11:07 |
=== testmachine loves links and lynx | ||
nevyn | I also like LaTeX | 11:07 |
topyli | nevyn: i'm doing well with latex | 11:07 |
topyli | heh | 11:07 |
nevyn | topyli: but if I'm making a flyer or sales promotion I'd rather do it in publisher than in latex | 11:07 |
topyli | nevyn: do it with scribus | 11:08 |
nevyn | topyli: I'd use inkscape or scribus or kword these days | 11:08 |
nevyn | kword is actually quite nice | 11:08 |
Hobbsee | Kazuya: did you compile it, or grab it from the repositories? | 11:08 |
nevyn | it's quite close to publisher really which I always liked | 11:08 |
Kazuya | Hobbsee, links2? | 11:09 |
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Hobbsee | Kazuya: yes | 11:09 |
Kazuya | apt | 11:09 |
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nevyn | I hated word tho. and hate openoffice about as much they never really worked for me... | 11:09 |
Hobbsee | ah ok | 11:09 |
Kazuya | :) | 11:09 |
will_ | what is the lightest browser under ubuntu ? | 11:09 |
=== alexandre [n=alexandr@213-193-180-142.adsl.easynet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
topyli | nevyn: openoffice tries to suck as much as ms office does :( | 11:10 |
nevyn | topyli: exactly | 11:10 |
Hobbsee | will_: links2, or maybe lynx <-- something text based | 11:10 |
will_ | I've already tried it. A bit tricky for a newbie like me ;-) | 11:10 |
_mindspin | vi | 11:10 |
nevyn | topyli: that said.. excell is good... presenter is ok.. access has it's place but doesn't scale | 11:10 |
nevyn | word is just pure evil | 11:11 |
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nevyn | the problem is that word doesn't work for big documents.. and it's not as flexible as a DTP package (even tho people try to use it as one) | 11:11 |
testmachine | will_: just use firefox | 11:11 |
Madpilot | will_: you could install Opera - it's lighter in some/many cases than FF | 11:11 |
=== alex_laurent [n=alex_lau@213-193-180-142.adsl.easynet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
testmachine | will_: or evolution | 11:12 |
will_ | can I install opera with apt-get? | 11:12 |
testmachine | evolution is standatd in ubuntu | 11:12 |
nevyn | will_: dillo konqueror ? | 11:12 |
testmachine | i think | 11:12 |
Chousuke | evolution is a mail client isn't it | 11:12 |
testmachine | argg | 11:12 |
mustard5 | !opera | 11:12 |
ubotu | Opera isn't in the Ubuntu repositories, but you can always download the latest Opera .deb package from http://www.opera.com/download/ and get then see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OperaBrowser | 11:12 |
testmachine | shit | 11:12 |
testmachine | this other onw | 11:12 |
Chousuke | epiphany is the browser. | 11:12 |
=== GoRoDeK [n=gorodek@p5083FC3D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
testmachine | not evolution | 11:12 |
testmachine | but ehmm | 11:12 |
will_ | I think evolution is heavy... | 11:12 |
nevyn | evolution is the mail client. | 11:12 |
Chousuke | galeon too | 11:12 |
testmachine | yes | 11:12 |
Chousuke | I think epiphany is supposed to replace galeon | 11:12 |
testmachine | this standard gnome browser | 11:12 |
nevyn | galeon used to rock but got screwed by gnome unusability | 11:12 |
testmachine | epiphany ! | 11:13 |
testmachine | that one | 11:13 |
testmachine | i ment | 11:13 |
testmachine | instead of evolution | 11:13 |
testmachine | lol | 11:13 |
Hobbsee | Kazuya: does the one in the repositories have graphics support too? | 11:13 |
Madpilot | Epiphany is pretty cool - it's got some interesting features | 11:13 |
topyli | Chousuke: evolution, in turn, tries to suck as much as MS outlook. it's not doing as well as openoffice though :) | 11:13 |
testmachine | yep | 11:13 |
=== PoW [n=chris@69-169-46-43.anhmca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Chousuke | haha | 11:13 |
Chousuke | OO.org sucks so much :( | 11:13 |
nevyn | outlook has it's place.. but sucks. | 11:13 |
=== topyli uses evolution and doesn't know why | ||
mustard5 | I use Epiphany whenever have I java is involved, because firefox and java don't seem to like each other | 11:14 |
nevyn | Chousuke: that said it opens word docs.. which given the tendancy of people to send them to me... | 11:14 |
Seveas | !sucks is a word you should NOT use in #ubuntu | 11:14 |
ubotu | Seveas: okay | 11:14 |
nevyn | topyli: I'm going to I want stuff like todo's and contacts and stuff I can sync with my phone. | 11:14 |
=== testmachine used evolution | ||
topyli | Seveas: heh | 11:14 |
testmachine | but it sucked indeed | 11:14 |
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bungle | hi | 11:14 |
alex_laurent | Hi guys! Yesterday, when I installed Ubuntu on my work machine, I've had problems with screen resolution that was always 800x600. I've fixed that and it's now 1024x768 by default. But now, on the login screen, the font is really small. Does anybody know how to fix that? | 11:14 |
testmachine | Seveas: sorry for the word | 11:15 |
testmachine | lol | 11:15 |
ys76 | How large will be a complete ubuntu-mirror? - No sources, just the binary packages for warty, hoary and breezy | 11:15 |
topyli | nevyn: me too. but i have a nokia communicator which syncs with "supported PC's". their definition of a "supported PC" is quite narrow | 11:15 |
testmachine | why cant we say sucks | 11:15 |
nevyn | topyli: I find it a sub-optimal solution maybe by the time I work out getting syncml from my phone to linux then kitchensync will be working | 11:15 |
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nevyn | topyli: umm model no? | 11:15 |
j2daosh | hows it going everyone | 11:15 |
soldieruk400 | hey all | 11:15 |
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topyli | nevyn: 9300 | 11:15 |
thundr | you have some spare bandwidth, ys76? | 11:15 |
nevyn | topyli: usb? | 11:16 |
j2daosh | i have a dumb noobie question | 11:16 |
nevyn | topyli: email me a lsusb -v with it pluged in. | 11:16 |
soldieruk400 | finaly found out how to configer my ipod to unbuntu :O) | 11:16 |
topyli | nevyn: i used to have a 9210 and it was old enough to have been cracked by the p3nfs hackers. the new ones are still a mystery | 11:16 |
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mustard5 | alex_laurent, hmm...not sure what controls the font size on gdm login | 11:16 |
ys76 | thundr: Not really, but I don't want to waste bandwidth, so I will setup a lokal mirror | 11:16 |
=== Zdra [n=zdra@70-188.247.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
j2daosh | i dled and installed openssh... i can ssh to myself (testing it) | 11:16 |
topyli | nevyn: now i just transfer stuff with bluetooth. no sync | 11:16 |
j2daosh | how can i connect to it from work? | 11:16 |
nevyn | topyli: if you're using bluetooth and OBEX it may support syncML | 11:17 |
j2daosh | i plan on using nomachine or possibly cygwin | 11:17 |
j2daosh | is there anything i have to do to open the port? | 11:17 |
mustard5 | alex_laurent, have you tried fiddling with the fonts sizes and see if it changes the gdm login font size? | 11:17 |
nevyn | topyli: obex actually specifies a way to get a capabilities list from the phone which nokia seems to honor | 11:17 |
topyli | nevyn: it does, i've seen pages describing syncing between the commie and evolution with syncml and multisync. just haven't had the time to hack on it | 11:18 |
j2daosh | i have it set already at the router... i set my ip on here so it wont change and i have my dyndns addy pointing to this comp... is that all i need? | 11:18 |
PoW | What's a good newsgroup application that supports nzbs? | 11:18 |
alex_laurent | mustard5: I don't know where the font sizes are. | 11:18 |
thundr | ys76, wouldn't grabbing the entire ubuntu binary repos be a waste of bandwidth if you don't use all the programs? Or is this going to be part of a large network? | 11:18 |
alex_laurent | mustard5: Any hint about where to start looking? | 11:18 |
mustard5 | alex_laurent, in your System>>Preferences menu | 11:19 |
topyli | nevyn: go to any linux/opensource fair and you'll see nokia people talking about how much they love free software. then they don't support it on their phones | 11:19 |
testmachine | hmmmm | 11:19 |
testmachine | first time that i see aptitude | 11:19 |
mustard5 | alex_laurent, I have no idea whether they will change the gdm login font size..buts an angle to try | 11:19 |
testmachine | looks pretty nice | 11:19 |
testmachine | too mee | 11:19 |
testmachine | too me | 11:19 |
ys76 | thundr: It is a waste of bandwidth for the first time, it is much nicer. I would like to install Ubuntu on many different Computers at different locations, mostly connected only with a 56k link | 11:20 |
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bimberi | j2daosh: i can get an login prompt via ssh on the machine you're running your IRC client on right now. That might answer your question :) | 11:20 |
bimberi | *a | 11:20 |
alex_laurent | mustard5: The font sizes and faces are precisely the same as another Ubuntu machine I'm using as test and where I don't have that problem. The font size is fine once I'm logged in, though. | 11:20 |
j2daosh | really? | 11:20 |
j2daosh | well answers that question | 11:20 |
testmachine | j2daosh: do it with screen | 11:21 |
j2daosh | hey how do i send u a pm | 11:21 |
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mustard5 | alex_laurent, hmmm k...Its the first time I have seen the issue so I don't have much idea which way to go on this one | 11:21 |
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bimberi | j2daosh: /join #bimberi (if you're having issues with /msg bimberi) | 11:21 |
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mustard5 | alex_laurent, I'm just looking over the gdm manual for hints... | 11:22 |
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thundr | ys76, interesting.. | 11:22 |
topyli | what's the difference between /msg and /query anyway? | 11:23 |
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mustard5 | alex_laurent, well there is a /etc/gdm/gdm.conf file that might be relevant | 11:23 |
alex_laurent | mustard5: Thanks. You might know what file(s) GDM is using for configuration. Is "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" the only file it uses? | 11:23 |
TokenBad | I went through cups and added my printer, epson stylus 740, but for some reason it will not work...the test print acts like printing but nothing on page, or it just sits there and does nothing..... | 11:23 |
mustard5 | alex_laurent, well there is a /etc/gdm/gdm.conf file that might be relevant | 11:23 |
alex_laurent | mustard5: ;-) | 11:24 |
ntumba | Hello everybody. I'm a new ubuntu user. Can anybody help me set up my ipod with gtkpod? | 11:24 |
mustard5 | alex_laurent, I'm just reading it now... | 11:24 |
topyli | !anyone | 11:24 |
ubotu | probably 90% of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and YOU decide? <hint> | 11:24 |
ntumba | Ubotu: was that directed at me? my question is quite clear | 11:25 |
ubotu | ntumba: what are you talking about? | 11:25 |
Madpilot | !ubotu | 11:25 |
ubotu | Yep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel. | 11:25 |
Madpilot | ntumba: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPodHowto | 11:25 |
ntumba | I saw the Ipodhow to. except that my ipod was configured with a mac. the directions are directed at windows configured Ipods | 11:26 |
ntumba | I don't know anything about the comand line and it asks me to do something i don't understand | 11:27 |
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mustard5 | alex_laurent, so what theme are you using for the greeter? | 11:28 |
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alex_laurent | mustard5: It does the same thing with gtk and themed. | 11:29 |
Madpilot | ntumba: anytime you see a command line command you don't understand, try "man <command name>" to bring up a manual page; some of the man pages aren't very good but many of them aren't bad | 11:29 |
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alex_laurent | mustard5: But right now, it's using GTK. | 11:29 |
mustard5 | alex_laurent, k | 11:30 |
mustard5 | alex_laurent, so how did you go about fixing the resolution problem? | 11:30 |
=== GTroy is away: I'm either asleep, or at work | ||
mustard5 | alex_laurent, have you used the pastebin before? | 11:30 |
mustard5 | alex_laurent, I'd like to see your xorg.conf in the pastebin if you could paste it in there | 11:31 |
ntumba | Madpilot: thanks | 11:31 |
alex_laurent | mustard5: I have an Nvidia GeForce board, which apparently doesn't allow X to detect the monitor correctly. | 11:31 |
StarKruzr | can someone tell me why after doing an apt-get upgrade and installing wacom-tools on Dapper, xorg now tells me it can't find my kbd or mouse drivers? | 11:31 |
mustard5 | alex_laurent, k | 11:31 |
alex_laurent | mustard5: So I had to find my monitor model on Google and fill in the HorizSync and VertRefresh correctly. | 11:31 |
mustard5 | ubotu: tell alex_laurent about pastebin | 11:31 |
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mustard5 | alex_laurent, ah ok | 11:32 |
alex_laurent | mustard5: And of course add 1024x768 to the list. | 11:32 |
=== MaFiaBoY [n=_mfb@dyn-213-36-162-184.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mustard5 | alex_laurent, check the PM from ubotu for the pastebin link and paste your xorg.conf in there | 11:32 |
mustard5 | alex_laurent, sounds like it was painful to set up :) | 11:32 |
alex_laurent | mustard5: Right, just a sec. | 11:32 |
=== MaFiaBoY is now known as HymnToLife | ||
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topyli | HymnToLife: that's better :) | 11:33 |
HymnToLife | what ? | 11:33 |
topyli | the nick :) | 11:34 |
alex_laurent | mustard5: I'm in the paste thingy. | 11:34 |
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mustard5 | alex_laurent, ok..paste it in the pastebin...hit send and then show me the URL | 11:34 |
HymnToLife | lol | 11:34 |
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topyli | heh | 11:34 |
silverton | my ethernet device isn't getting activated at boot time, how can I resolve this? | 11:34 |
=== mocca [n=mocca@p85.212.26.66.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
alex_laurent | mustard5: Pasted... | 11:35 |
PoW | How do I uncompress RARed files in ubuntu? | 11:35 |
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mocca | I NEED HELP! :-) | 11:35 |
_nano_ | silverton, check /etc/networks/interfaces | 11:35 |
HymnToLife | !unrar | 11:35 |
ubotu | HymnToLife: Not a clue | 11:35 |
=== ZSiesUe is now known as oexoUQYFas | ||
bimberi | silverton: check in /etc/network/interfaces for "auto eth0" (or whatever) | 11:35 |
PoW | !unrar | 11:35 |
HymnToLife | !rar | 11:35 |
mustard5 | alex_laurent, ok..you should now have a unique URL to paste in here so I can browse to the page | 11:35 |
ubotu | well, rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression#head-32ba956d13d49934f65bf67dd40646653a7a6140 | 11:35 |
=== oexoUQYFas is now known as geeeIEu | ||
mocca | where is the kernel located?? | 11:35 |
mocca | $make -C /path/to/source SUBDIRS=$PWD modules | 11:35 |
mocca | Where /path/to/source is the path to the source directory for the (configured and built) target kernel. | 11:35 |
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alex_laurent | mustard5: Right, it's http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5747 | 11:36 |
mustard5 | alex_laurent, thanks | 11:36 |
silverton | _nano_, what am I looking for? It's listed | 11:36 |
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mocca | hello anybody?! | 11:37 |
mocca | i need to know the kernel location in unbuntu | 11:37 |
silverton | er, nevermind... "auto eth0" isn't there | 11:37 |
_nano_ | silverton, your network settings are stored in the file "interfaces" that is located at /etc/networks/ | 11:37 |
mocca | to do this | 11:37 |
mocca | $make -C /path/to/source SUBDIRS=$PWD modules | 11:37 |
mocca | Where /path/to/source is the path to the source directory for the (configured and built) target kernel. | 11:37 |
NigelS | mocca: as standard it's in /usr/src | 11:37 |
silverton | _nano_, yes, sorry, I know, I didn't finish reading what you had typed | 11:38 |
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mocca | its empty! | 11:38 |
mocca | :-) | 11:38 |
NigelS | mocca: then maybe you should get the source... | 11:38 |
HymnToLife | then download the kernel source pakages | 11:38 |
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mocca | i want to install a wlan driver | 11:38 |
mustard5 | alex_laurent, hmmm..nothing much in there that I can see that might be relevant | 11:38 |
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zoyd | hi | 11:38 |
mustard5 | alex_laurent, it looks a bit sparse in the resolutions section :) | 11:39 |
StarKruzr | can someone give me a hand with this problem with my kbd and mouse drivers under xorg? I'm gonna put my xorg.conf and what startx spits out into the pastebin. | 11:39 |
alex_laurent | mustard5: I know, I've just compared it with this other test machine and it's almost the same. | 11:39 |
mocca | everything is working just need to install the drivers... but i can't figure out where my compiled kernel is located | 11:39 |
zoyd | why does the "Bug Report Tool" start firefox instead of starting bug-buddy? | 11:39 |
topyli | mocca: you sure you have the sources for the same kernel you are running? | 11:39 |
mustard5 | alex_laurent, any differences in the gdm.conf? | 11:40 |
alex_laurent | mustard5: Right. But it took me time to figure out why it didn't switch to 1024 so I only put that to see what happened. I must say the file /var/log/Xorg.0.log was a big help in finding the problem then. | 11:40 |
Astxist | if my usb drivers go all weird and don't want to unmount etc is there anyway to restart the service or whatever it may be called so I don't have to reboot to fix it? | 11:40 |
Astxist | *drives | 11:40 |
_nano_ | is the default ubuntu installation optimized for p4 or do we need to recompile it? | 11:40 |
=== Shinjan [n=ganymed@p54A7E268.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mustard5 | alex_laurent, I think there is a command line way of finding the difference between two text files | 11:40 |
mocca | Where /path/to/source is the path to the source directory for the (configured and built) target kernel. | 11:40 |
mocca | not the source | 11:40 |
alex_laurent | mustard5: Do you know a command to compare 2 files? | 11:40 |
NigelS | mocca: you didn't want your compiled kernel you wanted the kernel source for your current kernel. You can get the source from apt; select the matching package for the kernel you're currently using | 11:40 |
mustard5 | alex_laurent, diff | 11:40 |
PoW | What's a good package to install that will support most video codecs? | 11:40 |
Ng | _nano_: it is somewhat optimised | 11:40 |
alex_laurent | mustard5: You keep doing that! Answering my questions before I ask them! | 11:40 |
PoW | Such as xvid and divx | 11:40 |
=== Kazuya [n=kazuya@host55-202.pool8255.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mustard5 | alex_laurent, man diff for the manual | 11:40 |
alex_laurent | mustard5: ;-) | 11:40 |
Ng | _nano_: enough that there should be no "need" to recompile anything, at least | 11:41 |
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_nano_ | Ng, ok thanks *phew* :D | 11:41 |
mustard5 | alex_laurent, I don't have the files to compare so I'll just have to wait and see how it goes on your machine | 11:42 |
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alex_laurent | mustard5: Thanks. I'm on it. BRB. | 11:43 |
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MaFiaBoY | screw the dialups... | 11:44 |
alex_laurent | mustard5: Nope, no useful difference. | 11:45 |
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alex_laurent | mustard5: Do you think it could have anything to do with the fact that I have 2 heads on my board? | 11:45 |
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mustard5 | alex_laurent, I'm not sure really...I'm off looking at an angle in the ubuntuforums atm | 11:45 |
jdeange2 | ls | 11:45 |
jdeange2 | er, oops | 11:45 |
alex_laurent | mustard5: I should try again, but I think when both screens are connected when I boot up, the font is fine. When I boot up with only 1, the font gets tiny... | 11:45 |
topyli | mocca: i think you're confused. the compiled kernel is in /boot of course. but if you install linux-source-<whatever>, it will bee in /usr/src | 11:46 |
mustard5 | alex_laurent, ah ok | 11:46 |
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jdeange2 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5748 <-- this is the problem I'm having with xorg. | 11:46 |
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jdeange2 | (after upgrading dapper and installing wacom-tools) | 11:46 |
topyli | dapper support is a bit scarce isn't it :) | 11:47 |
M_Cheevy | heya peoples... managed with much blood, sweat and tears to get debian sarge (stable) set up on my sata raid0 array... today my ubuntu disks arrived... I've found the fakeraid-howto in the Ubuntu-Wiki. first question, does it work? second question, is it worth swapping over? | 11:47 |
jdeange2 | it might not even be a dapper problem. | 11:47 |
jdeange2 | it looks like something stupid happened with respect to something changing stuff on my xorg to support the tablet device in my convertible laptop | 11:48 |
jdeange2 | or at least that's what I surmise | 11:48 |
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jdeange2 | new input device, makes all the other input devices go wonky. | 11:48 |
TokenBad | well got the inet speed fixed after installing my router...speed dropped major after put router in..but got it fixed now | 11:48 |
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M_Cheevy | jdeange2: the xorg config is the same syntax as xf86config? | 11:49 |
alex_laurent | mustard5: I've fetched a second monitor for that computer. I'm waiting for it to reboot... | 11:49 |
TokenBad | now if just can get my printer fixed | 11:49 |
mustard5 | alex_laurent, check this thread out http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=23048 | 11:49 |
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NigelS | M_Cheevy: hmm, I think I'd question whether or not fakeraid is ever a good idea. The software element kills most of the performance benefits that you were maybe after | 11:49 |
alex_laurent | mustard5: Do you know if it's possible to take a screenshot from GDM? | 11:49 |
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M_Cheevy | NigelS: I've got two amd 2000+'s the performance hit is neglegible | 11:50 |
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HymnToLife | alex_laurent > System > take screenshot | 11:50 |
mustard5 | alex_laurent, not that I know of | 11:50 |
mustard5 | HymnToLife, he needs a screenshot of the gdm login screen | 11:50 |
jdeange2 | M_Cheevy: AFAIK, which isn't very well. | 11:51 |
HymnToLife | oh | 11:51 |
mustard5 | HymnToLife, np :) | 11:51 |
M_Cheevy | jdeange: afaik? remind me please.... been a while since I irc'd | 11:51 |
HymnToLife | then I dunno either | 11:51 |
jdeange2 | heh | 11:51 |
HymnToLife | M_Cheevy > as far as i know | 11:51 |
jdeange2 | "as far as I know" | 11:51 |
jun | :) | 11:51 |
M_Cheevy | cool | 11:51 |
mocca | ok i don't get it... i am new to this all... so can someone please give me some online support :-) | 11:51 |
olicat | alex_laurent, you could start gdm in an xnest and screen shot it that way | 11:51 |
alex_laurent | HymnToLife: Thanks, but the System menu is not there yet in GDM. | 11:52 |
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M_Cheevy | jdeange2: basically, the input devices section is pretty easy to suss out, the server section is where the devices are activated | 11:52 |
mocca | why is it so hard to just install a driver... | 11:52 |
alex_laurent | olicat: Wow, hm... How do you do *that*?!? | 11:52 |
jdeange2 | M_Cheevy: it claims that there are no such drivers as "kbd" and "mouse." | 11:52 |
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jdeange2 | (if you look in the pastebin you can see that's what it complains about) | 11:53 |
M_Cheevy | NigelS: as for the second part of my question? Is it worth changing over from sarge to ubuntu? it sounds like ubuntu is taking it's own direction | 11:53 |
HymnToLife | why do you want to take a screenshot of the login screen anyway ? | 11:53 |
mustard5 | alex_laurent, I think this thread is showing the direction you need to go http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=23048 | 11:53 |
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mustard5 | alex_laurent, apparently you need to edit an xml file | 11:53 |
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M_Cheevy | jdenage2: you mean complains about missing /dev files? or that X doesn't know of them? | 11:53 |
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alex_laurent | mustard5: I'm reading... ;-) | 11:53 |
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mustard5 | alex_laurent, it recommends you backup the orginal first though :) | 11:53 |
encompass | how do I create a passwordless guest account? | 11:53 |
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jdeange2 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5748 | 11:53 |
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olicat | alex_laurent, install xnest in synaptic. then applications -> system tools -> new login in a nested window | 11:54 |
=== redguy|work [n=matik@acp92.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jdeange2 | (EE) Failed to load module "kbd" (module does not exist, 0) | 11:54 |
wouter | er gebeurt iets, maar wat???? | 11:54 |
encompass | how do I create a passwordless guest user? | 11:54 |
HymnToLife | !de | 11:54 |
ubotu | well, de is Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu und Kubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de resp. #kubuntu-de | 11:54 |
M_Cheevy | jdeange2: okay... I see the two pointer devices..., the keyboard area looks okay.... | 11:55 |
HymnToLife | encompass > I think you cannot | 11:55 |
=== simonvallore [n=simonval@ppp-69-148-40-100.dsl.tulsok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
encompass | no it is possible | 11:55 |
M_Cheevy | jdeange2: ah.. kpd is missing from the modules list... just need to edit the file and toss it in there... | 11:55 |
encompass | I have done it with other distros | 11:55 |
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_nano_ | what are the best methods to reduce processor usage | 11:55 |
encompass | you can make a passwordless root | 11:55 |
encompass | I know that | 11:55 |
HymnToLife | a passwordless root ? | 11:55 |
encompass | yes | 11:55 |
=== Astxist-A [n=komugiub@ppp22DA.dyn.pacific.net.au] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
M_Cheevy | jdeange2: also, you know you're only running in 16 bit mode? | 11:55 |
encompass | not recommended | 11:55 |
HymnToLife | it's the most stupid thing ever :/ | 11:56 |
jdeange2 | not really. | 11:56 |
encompass | there is no such thing as 16bit in linux | 11:56 |
encompass | it has always be 32 or better | 11:56 |
zionn | please point me to the url @ ubuntu which tells how to install fluxbox , i saw it yesterday and i cant locate it today , i know im a retard but damn it im lookin for it for 30 mins cant find.. | 11:56 |
wouter | merry xmas and all that! | 11:56 |
jdeange2 | he means my colors | 11:56 |
jdeange2 | 64K colors | 11:56 |
HymnToLife | 11:56 | |
ubotu | somebody said google was a very popular internet search engine at http://www.google.com - They also run Gmail at http://www.gmail.com as a free E-mail service. | 11:56 |
M_Cheevy | jdeange2: also, it looks like you're not using the nvidia binary driver... | 11:56 |
encompass | oh | 11:56 |
encompass | haha | 11:56 |
=== jdeange2 doesn't know the difference | ||
redguy|work | !fluxbox | 11:57 |
ubotu | fluxbox is, like, forked off blackbox and is found at http://fluxbox.sourceforge.net or the new blackbox, with antialias, better menu, etc. | 11:57 |
M_Cheevy | encompass: I'm looking at his xconfig | 11:57 |
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zionn | the one @ ubuntu with all the steps needed | 11:57 |
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encompass | I s see | 11:57 |
zionn | not the sf one | 11:57 |
encompass | came in halfway | 11:57 |
M_Cheevy | jdeange2: like I said, just edit the modules section to re-add kdm to the list.. your keyboard input device is setup correctly... | 11:57 |
HymnToLife | zionn > have you tried searching the forum ? | 11:57 |
=== nillas [n=nillas@h227n12c1o1049.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HymnToLife | !forum | 11:57 |
ubotu | forum is, like, totally, the ubuntu web forums at http://www.ubuntuforums.org | 11:57 |
jdeange2 | kdm or kbd and mouse? | 11:57 |
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M_Cheevy | whoops, kbd.. and mouse... | 11:58 |
M_Cheevy | yeah, lines 32-43 | 11:58 |
NigelS | M_Cheevy: I really don't know that you get a boost from software raid, there's something offensive about it :) Anyway, yes, I certainly think Ubuntu is worth switching to over Sarge. I guess it's probably more worth doing if the use of the system is principally as a desktop as you get far more recent desktop elements with Ubuntu than you will find in Debian atm | 11:58 |
zionn | yes i did | 11:59 |
jdeange2 | M_Cheevy: I just did that and nothing changed. | 11:59 |
M_Cheevy | jdeange2: did you restart X? | 11:59 |
zionn | got 11 pages containing the word fluxbox | 11:59 |
jdeange2 | X won't start in the first place. | 11:59 |
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jdeange2 | I'm doing startx from the command line. | 11:59 |
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bimberi | !no fluxbox is a lightweight window manager. Installation instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fluxbox. More information at http://fluxbox.sourceforge.net | 11:59 |
ubotu | bimberi: okay | 11:59 |
=== nerdy2 [n=jeff@adsl-68-22-207-234.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
M_Cheevy | jdeange2: okay, back up your existing config. do a apt-reconfigure on the package | 12:00 |
zionn | YES | 12:00 |
zionn | THANX | 12:00 |
zionn | damn it | 12:00 |
jdeange2 | AHA | 12:00 |
jdeange2 | THAT is what I needed to know. | 12:00 |
M_Cheevy | jdeange2: then re-add the lines for your touchpad | 12:00 |
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bimberi | zionn: np :) | 12:00 |
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jdeange2 | um | 12:00 |
jdeange2 | what's apt-reconfigure? | 12:00 |
bimberi | sudo dpkg-reconfigure ? | 12:01 |
HymnToLife | isn't it dpkg-reconfigure ? | 12:01 |
M_Cheevy | jdeange2: I'm an old X head, I always aim to edit the file first... | 12:01 |
jdeange2 | my system has never heard of that command | 12:01 |
jdeange2 | ok | 12:01 |
M_Cheevy | d'oh... it's 0001 here.... | 12:01 |
M_Cheevy | been up since 0900 | 12:01 |
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HymnToLife | :/ | 12:01 |
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bimberi | !ops | 12:01 |
ubotu | Help! seb128, bob2, fabbione, lamont, thom, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic or nalioth | 12:01 |
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mustard5 | FANNY, /join | 12:02 |
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M_Cheevy | no flood bot? | 12:02 |
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michuk | how can I start gnome-terminal with UTF-8 support? (i'm using latin1 by default) | 12:02 |
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michuk | ? | 12:02 |
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otep | eh? | 12:02 |
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HymnToLife | !ops | 12:02 |
ubotu | Help! seb128, bob2, fabbione, lamont, thom, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic or nalioth | 12:02 |
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jdeange2 | yay /ignore! | 12:03 |
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HymnToLife | yes but still* | 12:03 |
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Myrtti | !ops | 12:03 |
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nevyn | !ops | 12:03 |
ubotu | Help! seb128, bob2, fabbione, lamont, thom, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic or nalioth | 12:03 |
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jdeange2 | does that actually *call* the ops? | 12:03 |
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Ng | you only need to do !ops once, it'll trigger all their highlights | 12:03 |
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Madpilot | folks, yelling ops just once is enough... | 12:03 |
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mjr | jdeange2, well, it'll highlight them | 12:03 |
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nevyn | jdeange2: it makes it pink in their window | 12:03 |
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jdeange2 | ah | 12:03 |
mustard5 | jdeange2, they get a nick notification because there nicks have been used in channel | 12:03 |
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Myrtti | well I didn't see the first time, sorry | 12:03 |
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jdeange2 | c'mon boys, pick up the phone | 12:04 |
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Myrtti | /ignore FANNY | 12:04 |
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Myrtti | there we go | 12:04 |
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sorsis | kick | 12:04 |
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jdeange2 | kickBAN | 12:04 |
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Myrtti | ban would suffice | 12:04 |
Alex | ... | 12:04 |
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Alex | !ops | 12:04 |
jdeange2 | or she'll probably just autorejoin and start again | 12:04 |
ubotu | Help! seb128, bob2, fabbione, lamont, thom, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic or nalioth | 12:05 |
M_Cheevy | kick/siteban... | 12:05 |
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jdeange2 | unless it really is a bot | 12:05 |
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HymnToLife | screw xchat | 12:05 |
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HymnToLife | the ignore command is a pain | 12:05 |
jdeange2 | yes, it is | 12:05 |
jdeange2 | why is that | 12:05 |
FANNY | hai | 12:05 |
FANNY | halo | 12:05 |
=== Kamion [n=cjwatson@83-216-156-196.colinw664.adsl.metronet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jdeange2 | why isn't /ignore aliased to something useful by default | 12:05 |
Madpilot | FANNY: go away | 12:05 |
Alex | jdeange2: Define useful | 12:06 |
dj_smilee|work | he's indonesian _ | 12:06 |
M_Cheevy | so, how tough is it to get kde to work in ubuntu? isn't there some kebuntu version? | 12:06 |
mattyv | ignore | 12:06 |
=== eliphas_ [n=eliphas_@host-84-9-255-148.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mustard5 | Madpilot, heh | 12:06 |
HymnToLife | !kuuntu | 12:06 |
nasso | there are way too fey ops in this channel :P | 12:06 |
ubotu | HymnToLife: Syntax error in line 1 | 12:06 |
HymnToLife | !kubuntu | 12:06 |
ubotu | Kubuntu is Ubuntu+KDE, not a fork ; see http://kubuntu.org and you can go to #kubuntu for KDE-related help, or install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ; ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/breezy/ | 12:06 |
_nano_ | !kubuntu | 12:06 |
bimberi | M_Cheevy: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop | 12:06 |
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mattyv | whoops, i hav suddenly learned how to use that cmd, out of necessity | 12:06 |
Madpilot | nasso: actually, there's a bunch, but sometimes... | 12:06 |
northie | anyone running rosetta stone on wine here? | 12:06 |
jdeange2 | Alex: intuitive default behavior | 12:06 |
M_Cheevy | bimberi: so the answer I was after is the integration is pretty easy? | 12:07 |
Alex | jdeange2: /ignore foo ignores them completely? | 12:07 |
_nano_ | !xubuntu | 12:07 |
ubotu | rumour has it, xubuntu is Ubuntu using XFCE instead of Gnome for the desktop. Details here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu | 12:07 |
_nano_ | !ubotu | 12:07 |
ubotu | Yep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel. | 12:07 |
jdeange2 | Alex: /ignore foo ignores foo!*@*.domain.tld | 12:07 |
bimberi | M_Cheevy: yep, you can choose your poison (gnome,kde) at the login screen :) | 12:07 |
FANNY | halo | 12:07 |
FANNY | halo | 12:07 |
FANNY | halo | 12:07 |
FANNY | halo | 12:07 |
FANNY | halo | 12:07 |
FANNY | halo | 12:07 |
FANNY | halo | 12:07 |
HymnToLife | lol bimberi | 12:07 |
FANNY | halo | 12:07 |
FANNY | halo | 12:07 |
Alex | jdeange2: xchat? | 12:07 |
FANNY | join | 12:07 |
jdeange2 | Alex: Yup | 12:08 |
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Mazoku | FANNY don;t flood here | 12:08 |
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M_Cheevy | bimberi: cool... how's nvidia dualview support? setting up multiple monitors easy? | 12:08 |
_nano_ | isn't there a way to bann this fanny nanny? | 12:08 |
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Ng | M_Cheevy: nvidia twinview is great :) | 12:08 |
Xappe | darn, here we go again | 12:08 |
mustard5 | _nano_, eventually yes :) | 12:08 |
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M_Cheevy | _nano_: not unless the bot will do it, or op someone who will | 12:08 |
Alex | jdeange2: Cough.. irssi does it alright ;P. You might want to poke the dev-team, mind. They'd probably be quiet happy for feedback? | 12:08 |
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littlepaul | stop! | 12:09 |
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M_Cheevy | Ng: I know it's great, how well does ubuntu support it? is it easy to configure? | 12:09 |
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viviersf | FANNY, listen stop your shit now | 12:09 |
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denny | /ignore fanny!*@* | 12:09 |
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bimberi | M_Cheevy: i think so but others may know better | 12:09 |
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denny | is the command you all want | 12:09 |
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jdeange2 | I normally use irssi, but xterm doesn't seem to be handling it well | 12:09 |
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pitti | btw, for the xchat users: right-click on FANNY, then Ignore will do; easier than /ignore | 12:09 |
Ng | M_Cheevy: I stuck a quick&dirty guide to setting it up in the wiki... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XineramaMultipleMonitors | 12:09 |
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Madpilot | FANNY: please just die... | 12:09 |
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jdeange2 | screen keeps blanking | 12:09 |
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viviersf | haha @ pickett | 12:09 |
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jdeange2 | turning blue, ironically | 12:09 |
Alex | jdeange2: Tried eterm? | 12:09 |
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viviersf | * pitti | 12:09 |
littlepaul | ping Seveas :) | 12:09 |
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jdeange2 | nein. | 12:09 |
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M_Cheevy | Ng: cool, going there now.. | 12:09 |
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denny | /ignore fanny!*@* all (for x-chat or irssi users) | 12:10 |
jdeange2 | FANNY: no, PART. | 12:10 |
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denny | hrm, wonder if its a bot | 12:10 |
denny | FANNY: part | 12:10 |
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denny | FANNY: leave | 12:10 |
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denny | worth a try :) | 12:10 |
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Sonderblade | the ignore syntax is to complicated | 12:10 |
mustard5 | denny, that did it :) | 12:10 |
linkd | ? | 12:10 |
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linkd | wtf? | 12:10 |
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_nano_ | !fluxbox | 12:10 |
ubotu | methinks fluxbox is a lightweight window manager. Installation instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fluxbox. More information at http://fluxbox.sourceforge.net | 12:10 |
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denny | /ignore fanny!*@* all (for x-chat or irssi users) | 12:10 |
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Astxist | /ignore fanny!*@* CHAN <-for xchat | 12:11 |
Xappe | hmm, can make firefox open on screen :0.0 by default? Seems like it can't have windows open on two screens at the same time | 12:11 |
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linkd | lilo: i dont suppose ur here? | 12:11 |
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FANNY | join | 12:11 |
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Xappe | hmm, two displays I mean | 12:11 |
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juliux | pls kick him and bann him | 12:11 |
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denny | juliux: no ops | 12:11 |
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iTunes | isnt there anything called excess flood on this server ?? |: | 12:11 |
denny | Seveas must be asleep | 12:11 |
linkd | ugh | 12:11 |
Madpilot | juliux: we've got a world record shortage of ops... :( | 12:11 |
denny | iTunes: he's not posting fast enough | 12:11 |
Astxist | it's too slow for a flood I think | 12:12 |
nevyn | it's not fast enough to trigger flood protection | 12:12 |
iTunes | hmm | 12:12 |
=== janimo [n=jani@Home03207.cluj.astral.ro] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
juliux | denny, than contact the freenode people | 12:12 |
jdeange2 | I think he/she is a bot which has a speed limit set on flooding | 12:12 |
denny | juliux: I am the Freenode people :) | 12:12 |
juliux | denny, oh | 12:12 |
iTunes | hmm.. yeah.. | 12:12 |
denny | but I don't have the privileges required to op here :) | 12:12 |
M_Cheevy | Ng: cool, looks pretty much as I'd expect... couple of other tweaks I've seen that might help.... now do the gui display manager tools allow you to set up A) different wallpapers, and B) adjust the alignment of the monitors to one another? | 12:12 |
juliux | denny, not good | 12:12 |
wildman | where are ops when u need 'em? | 12:12 |
jdeange2 | sleeping. | 12:12 |
denny | the high-level network staff are all in the US, they're asleep | 12:12 |
linkd | grrr | 12:12 |
FANNY | join | 12:12 |
Ng | M_Cheevy: no | 12:12 |
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Bateau_ | how can i check if i have breezy or hoary? | 12:12 |
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wildman | jdeange2: hehe | 12:12 |
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linkd | slap them with a european stick | 12:13 |
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FANNY | join | 12:13 |
mustard5 | Bateau_, cat /etc/issue | 12:13 |
FANNY | join | 12:13 |
FANNY | join | 12:13 |
denny | /ignore fanny!*@* all (for x-chat or irssi users) | 12:13 |
nevyn | denny: you can't just kline the pita? | 12:13 |
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Ng | M_Cheevy: you have to tell twinview in the xorg.conf where the monitors are, check the nvidia readme, it has an appendix that covers such things :) | 12:13 |
denny | nevyn: I'm not that godlike, sorry | 12:13 |
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Bateau_ | thanks mustard5 :D | 12:13 |
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wildman | thx denny ! | 12:13 |
FANNY | join | 12:13 |
mustard5 | denny, the help on ignore was very helpful thanks ;) | 12:13 |
M_Cheevy | Ng: okay.. it's been a dream of mine ;)... but here's the link to some tweaks you might find helpful .. http://pwp.netcabo.pt/0150048402/linux/Multiple_Nvidia_Multiple_Head.html | 12:13 |
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dholbach | Seveas: are you awake? | 12:13 |
linkd | at times like this i wish i knew someone with a botnet to get rid of this | 12:13 |
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FANNY | join | 12:13 |
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FANNY | join | 12:13 |
Ng | M_Cheevy: my main monitor died, so I'm back down to one now ;( | 12:13 |
M_Cheevy | Ng: the alignments can be adjusted, it's just a manual process... | 12:13 |
FANNY | join | 12:13 |
Ng | M_Cheevy: but thanks anyway | 12:13 |
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M_Cheevy | Ng: no worries... | 12:14 |
P3L|C4N0 | FANNY, no flood please | 12:14 |
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redguy|work | !ops | 12:14 |
ubotu | Help! seb128, bob2, fabbione, lamont, thom, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic or nalioth | 12:14 |
FANNY | join | 12:14 |
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dholbach | ogra, ogra__: you there? | 12:14 |
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Myrtti | they would've kicked him/her/it already were they here | 12:14 |
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jdeange2 | part! | 12:15 |
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littlepaul | :) | 12:15 |
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M_Cheevy | P3L: it's either a bot or a script gone nuts... | 12:15 |
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denny | /ignore fanny!*@* all (for x-chat or irssi users) | 12:15 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %FANNY!*@*] by Seveas | ||
Sonderblade | i cant compile any gnomeprojects from cvs, make always fails with "cd: somedirectory: File or directory not found" anyone have the same problem? | 12:15 |
Myrtti | and he/she/it would've stopped if understood what we're saying and/or cared | 12:15 |
Ng | denny: "/ignore fanny" is enough in irssi | 12:15 |
mustard5 | thanks Seveas | 12:15 |
M_Cheevy | here we go... | 12:15 |
dj_smilee|work | lol | 12:15 |
redguy|work | thank you Seveas | 12:15 |
Weasel-- | What the bloody hell? | 12:15 |
=== FANNY [n=FANNY@] has left #Ubuntu [requested] | ||
littlepaul | LOL | 12:15 |
jdeange2 | hahahahaha | 12:15 |
alex_laurent | denny: works like a charm, thanks! I had to type the whole thing. | 12:15 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@] by Seveas | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b fanny!*@*] by Seveas | ||
Astxist | \o/ | 12:16 |
thundr | Thanks, Seveas | 12:16 |
juliux | svizzero, thanks | 12:16 |
=== linkd cheers for Seveas | ||
M_Cheevy | cool! site ban the bugger ;) | 12:16 |
jdeange2 | \m/ | 12:16 |
M_Cheevy | 202.159.68.* | 12:16 |
jdeange2 | who knows who else is on that range though | 12:16 |
alex_laurent | mustard5: Hey, I'm back! I've been playing around a bit... | 12:16 |
jdeange2 | this was probably an accident | 12:16 |
Seveas | the idiot was too stupid to spam properly... | 12:16 |
mustard5 | alex_laurent, how did it go? | 12:16 |
dj_smilee|work | its an indonesian netblock | 12:16 |
M_Cheevy | jdeange2: get's the sys admin's attention and the account get's nuked ;) | 12:16 |
denny | yay | 12:17 |
alex_laurent | mustard5: When both monitors are on when X starts, I get normal font size. When only my primary monitor is on, I get small font in GDM... Strange, huh? | 12:17 |
denny | have fun guys | 12:17 |
=== nomin [n=nomin@adsl-68-76-84-51.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mustard5 | alex_laurent, yes :) | 12:17 |
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Ng | alex_laurent: not necessarily that strange | 12:17 |
Ng | alex_laurent: if it's trying to probe the monitors to find out their refresh rates and one isn't on, it may well get confused | 12:17 |
alex_laurent | Ng: Does that prblem sound familiar to you? | 12:17 |
M_Cheevy | alex: dualview? | 12:18 |
alex_laurent | Ng: Right... | 12:18 |
=== JaneW [n=JaneW@dsl-146-165-24.telkomadsl.co.za] has left #ubuntu ["Bye"] | ||
alex_laurent | M_Cheevy: exactly, on an NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200... | 12:18 |
=== Yagisan [n=jamie@60-240-87-69-nsw-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
M_Cheevy | alex: give this one a read: http://pwp.netcabo.pt/0150048402/linux/Multiple_Nvidia_Multiple_Head.html | 12:18 |
=== Kamion [n=cjwatson@83-216-156-196.colinw664.adsl.metronet.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
nomin | I just installed ubuntu for the first time on my computer. I tested it first on an older computer. So far so good. It even recognized mandriva for bootloader. | 12:18 |
M_Cheevy | alex: more than what you're doing but it talks about getting up the fps rates on the nvidia driver | 12:19 |
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nomin | I've got my first triple booter | 12:19 |
=== ne0ne [n=neone@cm232.sigma146.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mustard5 | nomin, :) | 12:19 |
ne0ne | hello ppl | 12:19 |
M_Cheevy | nomin: cool, which ones? | 12:19 |
mustard5 | greetings ne0ne | 12:19 |
nomin | xp, mandriva, ubuntu | 12:19 |
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ne0ne | I needed help regarding broadcom wifi drivers for ubuntu | 12:20 |
M_Cheevy | nomin: using debian (for now), xp, 2k adv srv, and 2003 SBS | 12:20 |
mustard5 | ne0ne, you want a link to a wiki guide? | 12:20 |
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ne0ne | i m not sure whom to talk to | 12:20 |
Seveas | ne0ne, broadcom | 12:20 |
ne0ne | but if u say so yeah :) | 12:20 |
ne0ne | yeah seveas | 12:20 |
M_Cheevy | ne0ne: the wiki is a pretty good place to start.. | 12:20 |
Seveas | they have no linux drivers, so talk to them | 12:20 |
ne0ne | i have an hp laptop with broadcom adapcter | 12:21 |
Seveas | in the mean time, use ndiswrapper to work with it | 12:21 |
Seveas | !ndiswrapper | 12:21 |
ubotu | somebody said ndiswrapper was a way to support Windows wireless drivers, but it is buggy compared to native support. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HowToSetUpNdiswrapper | 12:21 |
ne0ne | ahh yeah i have downloaded ndiswrapper | 12:21 |
ne0ne | but just wanted to check wether its workin properly on ubunty | 12:21 |
ne0ne | sorry ubuntu | 12:21 |
mustard5 | ne0ne, read through the guide and it will show you how to proceed | 12:21 |
mattyv | i can tell u that ndis worked for my broadcom based pcmcia wireless G adapter | 12:21 |
ne0ne | thanx mustard5 | 12:22 |
ne0ne | thanx mattyv, seveas, m_cheevy | 12:22 |
ne0ne | I am an IT student in singapore | 12:22 |
ne0ne | its good to meet all u guys | 12:22 |
=== Soouyp [n=iotbiir@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
momo | someone care 2 help me with a fstab config ? | 12:22 |
mustard5 | ne0ne, good luck :) | 12:22 |
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momo | prv if so | 12:22 |
M_Cheevy | ne0ne: greetings from NZ | 12:22 |
ne0ne | thanx mustard5 | 12:22 |
mustard5 | momo, ask the question in channel | 12:22 |
M_Cheevy | momo: fire away... | 12:23 |
ne0ne | greetings M_Cheevy | 12:23 |
momo | so i got several vfat & 1 ntfs | 12:23 |
momo | pb is how to set up fstab properly | 12:23 |
momo | i mean ... they do mount auto | 12:23 |
momo | except ntfs | 12:23 |
momo | but ... i dont have w access | 12:23 |
mustard5 | momo, there is script you can run that will do it all automatically | 12:23 |
momo | where | 12:23 |
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mustard5 | momo, I'll show you in a tick....but I have to mention some stuff first | 12:24 |
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M_Cheevy | I see a big time caveat coming down the road.... | 12:24 |
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mustard5 | momo, the script is a bit finicky so it wont work if 1. you have entries in your fstab for windows drives already...and 2. your drives are currently mounted already | 12:24 |
mustard5 | ubotu: tell momo about windowsdrives | 12:24 |
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momo | well | 12:24 |
mustard5 | momo, the link the script should be in a PM from ubotu | 12:25 |
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mustard5 | momo, I can walk you through it if you want to join #kubuntu-offtopic | 12:25 |
M_Cheevy | mustard: how good is the ntfs write support, last time I tried it was when it was still experimental... nuked my partition table... | 12:25 |
momo | ok | 12:25 |
Myrtti | bad | 12:25 |
mustard5 | M_Cheevy, I just tell everyone they can't write to ntfs :) | 12:25 |
momo | channel does not exist :s | 12:25 |
mustard5 | ..#kubuntu-offtopic | 12:26 |
=== ruspu [n=henri@a193-229-231-220.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
M_Cheevy | mustard5: safest bet... | 12:26 |
momo | mustard5, got it right now | 12:26 |
nomin | will most packages that work on debian also work on ubuntu? | 12:27 |
=== gus [n=gus@CPE-60-224-157-15.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Madpilot | nomin: that's not recommended - it could well break your Ubuntu | 12:27 |
ne0ne | second thing, I have an older version (5.04) can i upgrade it to the latest 5.10 (coz i ordered 5.10 cdz today) | 12:28 |
=== CaptainMorgan [n=CaptainM@londonderry-cuda2-68-170-154-214.lndnnh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Madpilot | !upgrade | 12:28 |
ubotu | The guide to upgrading to breezy (5.10) is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade | 12:28 |
ne0ne | thanx madpilot | 12:28 |
CaptainMorgan | how do I get the command "crypt" to work ? | 12:28 |
CaptainMorgan | command not found | 12:29 |
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linkd | crypt, id imagine, is a program. so you'd just need to find the program CaptainMorgan | 12:30 |
M_Cheevy | CaptainMorgan: just a shot in the dark, but have you checked in your package manager to see if it's installed? | 12:30 |
nomin | how does ubuntu (canonical) make money? | 12:30 |
linkd | its owner is rich? | 12:30 |
CaptainMorgan | yes cheevy, there's no evidence of one | 12:30 |
joedj | CaptainMorgan: mcrypt | 12:31 |
CaptainMorgan | not a program - it's a command | 12:31 |
=== `23meg [n=23@unaffiliated/23meg/x-000000001] has joined #ubuntu | ||
M_Cheevy | nomin: they were endowed.. the money they haven't spent is earning interest... hopefully faster than they're spending it | 12:31 |
linkd | CaptainMorgan: sudo apt-get install mcrypt | 12:31 |
linkd | or w/e | 12:31 |
jdeange2 | HATES X.ORG, PRECIOUSSSSSSSS | 12:32 |
=== zandaa [n=zandaa@84-105-216-35.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zandaa | darnit!~!!!! | 12:32 |
M_Cheevy | jdeange2: still goofin on the keyboard is it? | 12:32 |
=== PsyberOne [n=psyber@c-24-14-165-171.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zandaa | the GDM can't load because it says it's non-existant O_O | 12:32 |
jdeange2 | and mouse | 12:33 |
CaptainMorgan | nah.. not found | 12:33 |
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CaptainMorgan | still | 12:33 |
Ng | jdeange2: can you put /var/log/Xorg.0.log into a pastebin? | 12:33 |
CaptainMorgan | even after sudo apt-get | 12:33 |
M_Cheevy | jde: and you renamed and did dpkg-recon....? | 12:33 |
joedj | CaptainMorgan: what's ls -l /usr/bin/crypt say? | 12:34 |
=== B|4ckm0r3 [n=blackmor@host89-244.pool80116.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Madpilot | later, all. need sleep. | 12:34 |
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kbrooks | Can someone help me? | 12:35 |
B|4ckm0r3 | hi all!i can't use the nvidia drivers with dapper!if i use them gdm gives this error (can't find nvidia module etcetc) is there something i can do? | 12:35 |
kbrooks | I want to limit bandwith | 12:35 |
Ng | B|4ckm0r3: you can not run dapper :) | 12:35 |
kbrooks | in order to run both irc / dl side by side | 12:36 |
kbrooks | any ideas? | 12:36 |
=== Syruss [n=syrus@ip-194-045.net-194.dhcp.soton.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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=== Syruss [n=syrus@ip-194-045.net-194.dhcp.soton.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
B|4ckm0r3 | Ng: lol!i know but it's not a bug maybe it's just a configuration problem, i know that dapper is unstable but...! | 12:36 |
=== Rainbow-Six [i=blazed@AOrleans-154-1-33-118.w86-199.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Rainbow-Six | hi | 12:36 |
Ng | kbrooks: there's a tool called "tc" that controls the kernel's QoS code to do that kind of thing, but it's pretty complex | 12:36 |
=== StarKruzr [n=jtd@adsl-70-224-39-162.dsl.sbndin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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joedj | kbrooks: you can also modprobe shaper and apt-get install shapecfg | 12:37 |
kbrooks | thanks. | 12:37 |
Ng | shapecfg is for outgoing traffic? | 12:38 |
=== heatxsink [n=jmioph@c-24-7-127-192.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
joedj | years since i used it, i can't remember. i think it might do both directions | 12:38 |
Ng | nope | 12:38 |
Ng | "Incoming traffic may not be limited or shaped using this utility. | 12:38 |
Ng | " | 12:38 |
kbrooks | dang. | 12:39 |
CaptainMorgan | joedj no such file or dire | 12:40 |
=== hob [n=chatzill@host86-144-130-168.range86-144.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nomin | does anyone know when google earth will be available on linux? | 12:40 |
thefish | nomin: it does not run with wine? | 12:40 |
joedj | CaptainMorgan: are you sure you installed mcrypt? it should show up on dpkg -l mcrypt|grep ^ii | 12:41 |
kbrooks | ng: i need a way to reduce the speed of downloads | 12:41 |
CaptainMorgan | no packages found matching mcrypt | 12:41 |
=== Sinistrad [n=strad@ip68-231-27-46.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nomin | I've tried wine on mandriva, I haven't had success with wine yet. | 12:42 |
alex_laurent | mustard5, Ng: I give up for the moment. Nothing I try works for my font size problem on my dual-head NVidia (btw, the second monitor just shows garbage whenever X is up). Argh... | 12:43 |
mustard5 | alex_laurent, sleep on it maybe :) | 12:43 |
nomin | I haven't got one thing to work on wine. I even tried the cedega demo, it installed a game but the game wouldn't execute. | 12:43 |
alex_laurent | mustard5, Ng: Thanks for your patience... | 12:43 |
=== sherwin [n=sherwin@host-202-163-250-249.dhcp.infocom.ph] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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sherwin | hello | 12:43 |
mustard5 | alex_laurent, np | 12:43 |
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sherwin | how do i know if my video uses nvidia drivers | 12:44 |
alex_laurent | mustard5: :-) See you. | 12:44 |
dirkson | Hey all... I'm trying to load an app when my xsession starts, and no matter what I try, GDM just isn't working with me... Any hints? :-/ | 12:44 |
CaptainMorgan | I checked over at LinuxQuestions but can't find it... anybody know how to get my thinkpads scroll button to work? I know it's in the config file but Im not sure how to edit it | 12:44 |
mustard5 | alex_laurent, cya | 12:44 |
Ng | CaptainMorgan: if you install mcrypt, you'll have the crypt command | 12:45 |
nomin | does limewire run on ubuntu? | 12:45 |
CaptainMorgan | ng I tried the apt-get mcrypt - no packages found | 12:45 |
Ng | CaptainMorgan: you'll need to enable the universe repository then | 12:45 |
CaptainMorgan | how ? | 12:46 |
CaptainMorgan | I tried to do that in Systems/Repositioris | 12:46 |
CaptainMorgan | under synaptic.. but what exactly do you check ? | 12:46 |
=== Arlathil [n=darknatu@ip68-226-219-225.lf.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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dirkson | No one has any ideas? Crazy stuff, this... Hard to find info about it on the internet. Don't MOST people need to start at least a COUPLE apps when they log in? | 12:47 |
marky | hi | 12:47 |
=== olemke [n=olemke@iup.physik.uni-bremen.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sherwin | hello | 12:47 |
sherwin | how do i configure my ubuntu to be my internet server? | 12:47 |
=== elijah [n=elijah@CPE-60-224-192-21.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ng | CaptainMorgan: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto | 12:48 |
elijah | whats the best compression program that deals with .rar | 12:48 |
marky | does anyone know about i adjust power settings for my laptop in ubuntu? i did hve a little battery indicator but its dissapered | 12:48 |
alex_laurent | dirkson: How about "gnome-session-properties" in the 3rd tab? | 12:48 |
=== jaco_ [n=jaco@cm145106.red.mundo-r.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HymnToLife | marky > install gnome-power-manager | 12:48 |
Ng | elijah: rar ;) | 12:48 |
Ng | elijah: it's in multiverse | 12:48 |
pottsy | lol | 12:48 |
marky | ok thanks | 12:48 |
`23meg | sherwin, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP | 12:48 |
elijah | thanks | 12:48 |
CaptainMorgan | I mean, what do I do with this ? [URL=http://imageshack.us] [IMG] http://img234.imageshack.us/img234/7895/screenshot0pz.png[/IMG] [/URL] | 12:48 |
HymnToLife | !rar | 12:48 |
ubotu | I guess rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression#head-32ba956d13d49934f65bf67dd40646653a7a6140 | 12:48 |
CaptainMorgan | http://img234.imageshack.us/img234/7895/screenshot0pz.png | 12:49 |
dirkson | Alex: *shakes head* Nope. That works ok in Gnome, but gnome is waay too memory intensive. I'm tinkering with openbox now | 12:49 |
Alex | dirkson? | 12:49 |
Ng | CaptainMorgan: the page says what to do... "Scroll down and enable the Universe repository by ticking the checkbox next to Community Maintained (Universe)." | 12:49 |
dirkson | Alex_laurent: *shakes head* Nope. That works ok in Gnome, but gnome is waay too memory intensive. I'm tinkering with openbox now | 12:50 |
CaptainMorgan | there are no check boxes - check out my pic | 12:50 |
alex_laurent | Alex: he meant me... | 12:50 |
Alex | ah :) | 12:50 |
dirkson | Alex and Alex_laurent: *head spins* | 12:50 |
Alex | dirkson: I was here first ;P | 12:50 |
Ng | CaptainMorgan: then you didn't read the previous instruction... "Click the Settings button at the bottom and tick Show disabled software sources. Then click the Close" | 12:50 |
alex_laurent | dirkson: Isn't there an equivalent in that windows manager? | 12:50 |
CaptainMorgan | ok... well.. it appears they were already checked | 12:51 |
dirkson | alex_laurent: Nope, it's minimalistic. It insists that GDM has a way to autostart stuff. (Seriously minimalistic. It dun' even have a taskbar, man.) | 12:51 |
alex_laurent | dirkson: It's true GDM does show a couple icons in the splash screen when it loads. Theses are things he loads. Mmh... | 12:52 |
sherwin | thanks 23 meg | 12:52 |
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CaptainMorgan | aha... that's the stuff | 12:52 |
Jaymac | hey CaptainMorgan | 12:52 |
borup | dirkson: gdm *does* have a way to autostart stuff - but you have to fiddle with shell scripts | 12:52 |
Jaymac | Did you sort everything out? | 12:53 |
dirkson | alex_laurent: Most places with GDM point me back to ~/.Xsession and /etc/(somestuff)/Xsession, but neither of those seem to really affect anything when I put commands in them | 12:53 |
nomin | Ubuntu was up and running on my pc pretty quickly, it was only 20 minutes to download the updates. | 12:53 |
CaptainMorgan | howdy Jaymac :) | 12:53 |
sherwin | 23meg what i mean is my ubuntu be my internet gateway | 12:53 |
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dirkson | Borup: Oh? Which particular ones, do you know offhand? | 12:53 |
CaptainMorgan | I ended up reinstalling it | 12:53 |
Jaymac | Did you lose all your data? | 12:53 |
CaptainMorgan | backed up everything... | 12:53 |
Jaymac | with Knoppix? | 12:54 |
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CaptainMorgan | fortunately - nah, regular Live | 12:54 |
Jaymac | oh.. nice one | 12:54 |
alex_laurent | dirkson: Maybe in /etc/gdm/ ? Have you had a look there? | 12:54 |
borup | dirkson: should be in /etc/X11/gdm | 12:54 |
Jaymac | Glad to hear you got sorted out ok | 12:54 |
CaptainMorgan | thanks for the help yesterday :) | 12:54 |
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Jaymac | np.. just sorry I wasn't the one to come up with a fix :) | 12:55 |
dirkson | Borup and Alex_laurent: I've looked in most of the files in those two places, but I know I haven't been exaustive yet... Back to the coal mine, I suppose | 12:55 |
Jaymac | did the fresh install go ok? | 12:55 |
borup | dirkson: you should also be able to stick a .xsession shell script in your home dir | 12:56 |
Jaymac | any issues with the ati card? | 12:56 |
CaptainMorgan | fresh install going good... spent most of today and still going reconfiguring everything | 12:56 |
CaptainMorgan | maybe the wifi isn't meant to be on this machine | 12:56 |
borup | are there any iso's of dapper? | 12:57 |
dirkson | borup: .xsession or .Xsession? | 12:57 |
borup | dirkson: .xsession | 12:57 |
nomin | how successful is ubuntu with nvidia drivers? | 12:58 |
Jaymac | very | 12:58 |
dirkson | borup: ok. Lemme see what mind is name | 12:58 |
dirkson | d | 12:58 |
nomin | I have nvidia geforce4. I types 'glxgears' in console and they're moving very slow. there is no data at all being displayed in the console. | 12:59 |
Ng | nomin: glxgears no longer runs as fast as possibe printing fps details | 12:59 |
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Seveas | nomin, glxgears is not a benchmark | 12:59 |
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kbrooks | ng: why? | 01:00 |
nomin | how can I test video acceleration on ubuntu? | 01:00 |
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kbrooks | Seveas, what is it for? | 01:00 |
Seveas | just to test whether glx *works* | 01:00 |
Ng | kbrooks: you'd have to ask the author that, it does have an option to re-enable the old behaviour: -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark | 01:00 |
nomin | I guess I could just try to play a game that needs acceleration. | 01:00 |
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kbrooks | ng: lol? | 01:01 |
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kbrooks | ng: who would add such a long option? | 01:01 |
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Ng | kbrooks: someone who doesn't like their program being used as a benchmark, I guess | 01:02 |
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ne0ne | bye ppl, thanx for the support | 01:02 |
kbrooks | ng:very funny ... not | 01:02 |
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marky | hymmtolife that was it , worked a treat thanks again | 01:02 |
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dirkson | borup: Nope. GDM ignores that file too | 01:03 |
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nomin | I just can't believe I can get a fully functional linux distro, that's easy to use, with support, for free. There's gotta be a catch somewhere. | 01:03 |
Ng | nomin: someone will be along to collect your soul later ;) | 01:03 |
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Sleepwalker | Hi | 01:04 |
borup | dirkson: is it executable? | 01:04 |
kbrooks | nomin, so you cant believe it. ok. | 01:04 |
dirkson | borup: No, no... GDM ERASES THAT FILE. WHAT IN THE WORLD? (Please pardon shouting) | 01:04 |
marky | lol Ng | 01:04 |
Sleepwalker | i need a prog to browse bin files | 01:04 |
dirkson | borup: I, er........ What? | 01:04 |
Xappe | I have a dual head setup. When trying to open firefox on the second display (:0.1), I get an error saying that firefox is already running (it is, on display :0.0). This happens even when using the --display :0.0 option from :0.1 . Suggestions? | 01:04 |
Ng | nomin: if you feel like you should be giving something back, you're welcome to hang around and help others, or write docs, or code, etc. etc. :) | 01:04 |
Sleepwalker | is there something out like iosbuster 4 ubuntu ?? | 01:05 |
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ElitePete | nomin, because open source is great! | 01:05 |
thoreauputic | Xappe: are you prompted to create a new profile ? | 01:05 |
nomin | I like it when things are dummy friendly. Maybe I'll try to make some dummy freindly docs for noobs. | 01:05 |
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Jaymac | nomin: here's how to give something back.. never ever use the word 'noob' again :) | 01:06 |
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marky | lmao | 01:06 |
kbrooks | What is THE BEST WAY to limit download speeds across every program to say, 10 kb/s | 01:06 |
kbrooks | ? | 01:06 |
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Xappe | thoreauputic: no, to close the running firefox or restart my system | 01:06 |
nomin | I actually really good at helping ordinary people understand complex things. I have gotton people that don't know chemistry and math to actually understand it. | 01:07 |
borup | dirkson: odd | 01:07 |
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thoreauputic | Xappe: hmm - odd - I would expect a prompt for a new profile at least | 01:07 |
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kbrooks | What is THE BEST WAY to limit download speeds across every program to say, 10 kb/s? | 01:07 |
kbrooks | Anyone? | 01:07 |
thoreauputic | Xappe: you coud try creating a new profile and see if that works | 01:07 |
joedj | kbrooks: probably that QoS thing someone mentioned earlier, but that probably won't be great either | 01:07 |
dirkson | borup: Here's what my file SHOULD be saying, in its entirety: (Pardon for paste. Not even bit enough for pastebin) exec docker -wmaker & | 01:08 |
dirkson | exec gaim | 01:08 |
_nano_ | !pastebin | 01:08 |
ubotu | pastebin is, like, a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 01:08 |
kbrooks | joedj, do you know? | 01:08 |
dirkson | borup: Formatting's a bit off, but you see what I mean, no? | 01:08 |
joedj | kbrooks: it's hard to limit downstream traffic at the TCP/IP level when lots of devices don't support it, stuff like bittorrent does it at a higher level | 01:08 |
Xappe | thoreauputic: oh, forgot to mention that i'm running ff 1.5, but that should not make a difference? | 01:08 |
kbrooks | joedj, i want to be uniform. | 01:08 |
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Ng | Xappe: try starting the second copy with -ProfileManager | 01:08 |
Myrtti | it could make a difference | 01:08 |
nomin | jaymac, I'll remember that. | 01:09 |
thoreauputic | Xappe: I don't really know to be honest | 01:09 |
Jaymac | Hehe :) | 01:09 |
Xappe | Ng: ok | 01:09 |
kbrooks | joedj, why is it hard? | 01:09 |
Xappe | thoreauputic: ok | 01:09 |
Xappe | i'll try profile manager, and the old firefox | 01:09 |
thoreauputic | Xappe: try Ng 's suggestion - that's what I was thinking too | 01:09 |
dirkson | kbrooks: Something with iptables, I'd wager? Haven't gotten much into it myself. | 01:09 |
borup | dirkson: you may have to start you wm in your .xsession (I don't recall) - but it shouldn't get deleted | 01:09 |
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dirkson | borup: wm? | 01:10 |
joedj | kbrooks: because the remote end just sends stuff as fast as it wants to/can, you need to tell it not to with the IP QoS stuff, but many routers will ignore that info (this was my understanding several years ago, i don't think much has changed) | 01:10 |
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WaterSevenUb | hi | 01:10 |
borup | dirkson: window manager | 01:10 |
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marky | brb , need to move rooms, got to unplug!! | 01:10 |
dirkson | borup: Ah... But it starts fine automatically. I've got that set in the gdm.conf file | 01:11 |
Ng | kbrooks: the easiest solution might be to use a download manager (e.g. d4x) that can limit its own speeds - setting it up in the linux networking code is hard | 01:11 |
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borup | dirkson: I said you might have to | 01:11 |
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MrFarts | hey, does ayone know of any open relay that i can use for testing | 01:11 |
thoreauputic | MrFarts: hah | 01:12 |
Xappe | Ng, thoreauputic: ok, it worked using the profile manager...but it's strange that I cant run in the same profile using the --display option | 01:12 |
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Ng | Xappe: it's not strange, you can't run two copies of the same profile at the same time | 01:12 |
MrFarts | thoreauputic, eh ? | 01:12 |
Ng | Xappe: if you want two copies on two heads you'll need two profiles | 01:12 |
thoreauputic | Xappe: moz and ff are odd like that - they never have liked multiple instances running for some reason | 01:12 |
WaterSevenUb | can someone point me to documentation on how to configure "Insert Video" in Openoffice Impress (using breezy)... if that's possible. ? | 01:13 |
dirkson | borup: Fair enough : ) | 01:13 |
Xappe | Ng: ok, but I was sending all firefoxes to the same display | 01:13 |
thoreauputic | MrFarts: for "testing" eh? Sure.... <grin> | 01:13 |
Ng | thoreauputic: it's not odd, it's because running multiple copies would screw up your profile badly | 01:13 |
MrFarts | thoreauputic, i'm testing some silly perl code | 01:13 |
dirkson | borup: *tests* It may be some odd permissions thing.... Is there a way to change permissions from the comman line? | 01:14 |
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MrFarts | thoreauputic, i want to make sure that the mesage will go through the relay | 01:14 |
Ng | thoreauputic: you'd have two browsers writing to the same history/cache/etc files | 01:14 |
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CaptainMorgan | linuxforums -can't find what Im looking for.. in xorg.conf what do i change for my thinkpad scroll button to function? | 01:14 |
Ng | that way monsters lie | 01:14 |
thoreauputic | Ng: OK :) | 01:14 |
borup | dirkson: chmod 755 ~/.xsession | 01:14 |
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dirkson | borup: Thanks | 01:15 |
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Xappe | Ng, yes...but shouldn't I be able to open a new tab in firefox already running on display :0.0 from :0.1 (still a newbie at dual heading) | 01:15 |
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onkarshinde | Any idea how many days to FF 1.5 in breezy? | 01:16 |
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Jaymac | onkar.. just do it yourself | 01:16 |
Jaymac | there are some good HOWTO's around | 01:16 |
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kbrooks | ng: prozilla cant limit its own bandwith. | 01:16 |
mwe | onkarshinde: it wont be in breezy. maybe in backports some day | 01:16 |
onkarshinde | Jaymac: I wish I could. I am not a developer and don't at all know debian packaging. | 01:16 |
thoreauputic | onkarshinde: never - it would require too many recompiles of stuff that relies on it apparently | 01:16 |
mjr | Xappe, you can write a firefox wrapper script that basically does "exec env DISPLAY=:0.0 firefox $" or something, and then it'll always use the :0.0 firefox | 01:16 |
mjr | $@ | 01:17 |
onkarshinde | mwe: Yup. I meant backports | 01:17 |
andy108 | hello all | 01:17 |
onkarshinde | thoreauputic: bad news | 01:17 |
Sleepwalker | wanna browse bin files how to ?? | 01:17 |
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Jaymac | onkarshinde... | 01:17 |
Jaymac | http://lxer.com/module/newswire/lf/view/45917/ | 01:17 |
Jaymac | EASY | 01:17 |
mwe | onkarshinde: well I have no idea. installing it manually is easy though. just follow the wiki | 01:17 |
kbrooks | mwe: no | 01:17 |
thoreauputic | onkarshinde: of course you can runthe mozilla.org binary - it just won't integrate properly | 01:17 |
kbrooks | mwe: it wont be in bp | 01:17 |
kbrooks | never | 01:17 |
andy108 | is there a good security programme for unencrypted wireless networks? | 01:17 |
mwe | kbrooks: I see. and why not | 01:18 |
pitti | andy108: ssh is the only sane thing | 01:18 |
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kbrooks | i read on distrowatch weekly | 01:18 |
Xappe | mjr: ah, ok...and then add the script to the gnome preferred apps? | 01:18 |
kbrooks | recent one | 01:18 |
asolten | Im sorry if this is a dumb question but how do I delete and copy folders ? | 01:18 |
Sleepwalker | ???? No help ??? | 01:18 |
Sleepwalker | k | 01:18 |
Jaymac | asolten | 01:18 |
Sleepwalker | :( | 01:18 |
Jaymac | sudo rm -r foldername | 01:18 |
pitti | andy108: or IPsec, of course | 01:18 |
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andy108 | thanks is there a howto for ssh with Breezy | 01:18 |
Jaymac | sudo cp /location/folder /newlocation | 01:18 |
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Jaymac | sudo mv /location/folder /newlocation <-- to move file/folder | 01:19 |
pitti | andy108: depends on what you actually want to achieve? | 01:19 |
onkarshinde | By the way. I see no way in hoary to send something over bluetooth to a mobile phone. (I haven't yet updated my dad's laptop to breezy). Does anyone now what to do? I can only receive files. | 01:19 |
asolten | Jaymac, you seem to be here whenever I need you... Thanks ;) | 01:19 |
mwe | kbrooks: isn't that what backports are for, back porting new desktop software from the next release? | 01:19 |
Jaymac | :) | 01:19 |
pitti | andy108: 'security program' is way too fuzzy | 01:19 |
kbrooks | recent one | 01:19 |
Jaymac | in between lectures at the moment hehe | 01:19 |
kbrooks | mwe: just read it. | 01:19 |
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mwe | kbrooks: read what? | 01:20 |
andy108 | OK i mean on individual comperters on unencrpted network | 01:20 |
kbrooks | issue 130, dw weekly | 01:20 |
kbrooks | http://distrowatch.com/weekly.php?issue=20051212#3 | 01:20 |
pitti | andy108: yes, but what do you want to *do* over the network? shell, http, ...? | 01:20 |
Ng | onkarshinde: I think there are some obex ftp tools for doing that | 01:21 |
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@adsl-221-126-204.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | mwe: note this: "Backporting is a sweet way for us to enjoy the hot new things in the Open Source world without compromising stability like running a development/CVS/snapshot release." | 01:21 |
onkarshinde | Ng: Isn't there any GUI thing in hoary? | 01:21 |
Ng | onkarshinde: not as far as I know | 01:22 |
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Ng | backporting is a sweet way to allow impatient people to knacker their machine when they next do a dist-upgrade ;) | 01:22 |
Renski | Has anyone ever tried using an external USB DVD RW/ CD RW drive with Ubuntu? | 01:22 |
kbrooks | mwe: also, see the example below | 01:22 |
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kbrooks | also, this part ... | 01:23 |
kbrooks | " | 01:23 |
kbrooks | Sometimes, there is more to a package than meets the eye -- especially true of Firefox. It's not just a browser (though that's what most people think) -- it's an embeddable HTML rendering library that's used at the core level by a majority of the Linux desktop programs that utilize HTML rendering." | 01:23 |
plichel | hallo | 01:23 |
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Renski | hey | 01:23 |
andy108 | its just for security for each unit no not much shell just yet --but since I shate a unencrypted network with 5 others /plus how can I access my computer via ssh when I am away all the others are XP fans. | 01:23 |
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andy108 | noate but sharet sh | 01:23 |
kbrooks | mwe: backporting firefox would break FIFTY programs | 01:23 |
kbrooks | and/or libraries | 01:24 |
kbrooks | that use it | 01:24 |
andy108 | ok ok the word is share | 01:24 |
plichel | is that an icq client ? | 01:24 |
marky | back | 01:24 |
marky | ;) | 01:24 |
mwe | kbrooks: I see. untarring it yourself breaks nothing though | 01:24 |
pitti | andy108: you have to install 'openssh-server', then you can log into your computer remotely with 'ssh login@yourbox' | 01:24 |
onkarshinde | Ng: Do you know how to use a blutooth enabled GPRS phone as modem? | 01:24 |
kbrooks | therefore: "A part of the Code of Conduct (the core philosophy behind Ubuntu) is to be considerate." | 01:24 |
pitti | andy108: google for an ssh tutorial | 01:24 |
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pitti | andy108: ssh even allows you to run GUI programs remotely | 01:24 |
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andy108 | what the firewall the others are useing on there xp machines | 01:25 |
onkarshinde | plichel: please state your problem correctly | 01:25 |
Bizzeh | hey, when i have 3 partitions on my disk already, 0=windows, 1=blank ext3, 2=linux swap, will ubuntu detect that and let me install to #1? | 01:25 |
andy108 | want to run a postfix server also | 01:25 |
marky | how do i register chaps? so I can ask Ubotflus? question | 01:26 |
Ng | onkarshinde: yes, you need to use rfcomm to bind to the dialup interface of the phone, then that creates a fake serial device you can use to access the phone and get connected | 01:26 |
marky | ubotflu* | 01:26 |
onkarshinde | Bizzeh: It should. In worst case you can manually select the ext3 partition. | 01:26 |
kbrooks | marky, its a bot. | 01:26 |
marky | i know | 01:26 |
Bizzeh | thanks | 01:26 |
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onkarshinde | Ng: Ok. Thanks | 01:26 |
Ng | onkarshinde: http://www.teaparty.net/technotes/blue-gprs.html has some details, you can probably skip the early bits because bluez is installed already | 01:26 |
kbrooks | marky, there are no questions in the bot | 01:26 |
kbrooks | only factoids | 01:26 |
mwe | kbrooks: so I guess one should just keep the old version around and follow the wiki on how to get the new version running. like I did | 01:26 |
sunshine82 | im on breeezy how do i get .mpg files to play | 01:27 |
marky | ubotflu tell kbrooks about register | 01:27 |
kbrooks | marky: no | 01:27 |
marky | that kinda thing | 01:27 |
kbrooks | marky: you don't register with the bot | 01:27 |
kbrooks | ... | 01:27 |
marky | i know that | 01:27 |
Bizzeh | ok, one last thing, if i install grub to mbr, how do i make winxp boot from it, since i cant chainload anymore cos ntldr is suposed to be in mbr | 01:27 |
marky | where do i register i asked | 01:27 |
kbrooks | marky, pms are disabled from unregistered users (freenode server). | 01:28 |
kbrooks | marky: /msg nickserv help | 01:28 |
marky | thanks | 01:28 |
onkarshinde | sunshine82: install totem-xine package | 01:28 |
HymnToLife | Bizzeh > ntdlr is NOT on mbr | 01:29 |
redguy|work | does anyone know if the ubuntu kernel includes the evms patches? | 01:29 |
andy108 | you see at the the moment if you try to trace my isp it traces but times cos of the xp firewall others 4 on network have but with linux there got to be a way around it | 01:29 |
HymnToLife | so grub wil just ask you whether you want to boot ubuntu or winblows | 01:29 |
Mazoku | Bizzeh installer autodetect youre xp if not you can edit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 01:29 |
kbrooks | HymnToLife, say windows | 01:30 |
=== samuli [n=samuli@dsl-lprgw5-fec7f900-40.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | not winblows | 01:30 |
HymnToLife | why ? | 01:30 |
kbrooks | cuz win32 dont blow :P | 01:30 |
sunshine82 | onkarshinde it is inatalled | 01:30 |
HymnToLife | lol | 01:30 |
samuli | fuck u | 01:30 |
onkarshinde | Does anyone know the reason behind default repos (main and restricted) commented out in a clean install? I mean why should new user need to enable repos to get security updates? | 01:30 |
Bizzeh | HymnToLife: because the software's name is windows | 01:30 |
Bizzeh | not winblows | 01:30 |
thoreauputic | samuli: watch it | 01:30 |
Bizzeh | thats why | 01:30 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o thoreauputic] by ChanServ | ||
kbrooks | samuli, how dare you! | 01:30 |
Myrtti | pffft. | 01:30 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %samuli!*@*] by thoreauputic | ||
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onkarshinde | sunshine82: Are you sure it is mpg file? Did you try installing w32codecs? | 01:31 |
marky | man | 01:31 |
kbrooks | thoreauputic, thank you. | 01:31 |
Bizzeh | get mplayer for all your video needs | 01:31 |
Bizzeh | or VLC | 01:31 |
thoreauputic | samuli: I'll remove that in a while - I expect you to behave | 01:31 |
marky | marky is already registered? or did i succeed | 01:31 |
dirkson | borup: Yup. Something is overwriting ~/.xsession every time I login. Changing the permissions, too. | 01:31 |
HymnToLife | VLC rules | 01:31 |
=== aufsaufbremse [n=christia@p508F32D8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bizzeh | so, if i install ubuntu on my hardware, to a second partition, it will detect winxp on my main partition and offer a boot option to both? | 01:32 |
Renski | Has anyone ever used a external USB CD/RW drive with Ubuntu? | 01:32 |
HymnToLife | Bizzeh > yes | 01:32 |
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Mazoku | Bizzeh yeaP | 01:32 |
Bizzeh | very good | 01:32 |
marky | bizzeh yes , it will do a boot loader | 01:32 |
csucsok | hi all | 01:32 |
marky | i'm duel boot xp/ubuntu on a dell d600 | 01:32 |
Bizzeh | ok, ill check out ubuntu on real hardware then | 01:33 |
Bizzeh | ohh, one last thing | 01:33 |
Bizzeh | does ubuntu package the ati drivers for X | 01:33 |
Bizzeh | ? | 01:33 |
marky | yup | 01:33 |
HymnToLife | yes, but they suck | 01:33 |
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HymnToLife | 3D aeleration is plain poor | 01:33 |
marky | this had a radeon 9000m | 01:33 |
Bizzeh | HymnToLife: so do the nvidia ones | 01:33 |
marky | has* | 01:33 |
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onkarshinde | !tell Bizzeh about ati | 01:33 |
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sunshine82 | onkarshinde i got w32 instaaled | 01:33 |
redguy|work | !evms | 01:33 |
ubotu | Wish i knew, redguy|work | 01:33 |
Bizzeh | i just want to be able to measure my framerate in FPS instead of SPF | 01:34 |
redguy|work | gr | 01:34 |
onkarshinde | sunshine82: still enable to play? | 01:34 |
marky | there's a better ati driver? | 01:34 |
sci | quick question: can I share a swap partition between two ubuntu installations? | 01:34 |
Bizzeh | there are unofficial ati drivers | 01:34 |
onkarshinde | redguy|work: what are you searching? | 01:34 |
HymnToLife | lol nice one Bizzeh :p | 01:34 |
marky | sci why would you want 2 installations? | 01:34 |
kbrooks | cool. | 01:34 |
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sci | marky: one for breezy and one for dapper | 01:35 |
marky | sci whats dapper? | 01:35 |
HymnToLife | sci > yes | 01:35 |
redguy|work | onkarshinde: i want to know if I the stocku ubuntu kernel includes evms patches | 01:35 |
HymnToLife | !dapper | 01:35 |
ubotu | The 6.04 version of Ubuntu will be called the "Dapper Drake" release. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperDrake | 01:35 |
csucsok | Can anybody tell me what can be the problem when my ubuntu can't reboot. I can halt it, But when I try to reboot, it says Restarting... and stops. | 01:35 |
sci | HymnToLife: great, thatks | 01:35 |
onkarshinde | sci: you should be able to do it automatically | 01:35 |
Bizzeh | HymnToLife: no one ever gets what SPF means even when its in the same line as FPS | 01:35 |
borup | sci: you you can | 01:35 |
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marky | i think i'm on 5.10 | 01:35 |
HymnToLife | lol | 01:35 |
marky | not even awake yet | 01:36 |
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=== sci goeas to set up dapper | ||
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onkarshinde | redguy|work: But what is evms? | 01:36 |
HymnToLife | !evms | 01:36 |
ubotu | Not a clue, HymnToLife | 01:36 |
Bizzeh | can i do a system recompile in ubuntu? | 01:36 |
Kibou | .. | 01:36 |
onkarshinde | redguy|work: AFAIK, EVMS is already there in breezy | 01:36 |
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onkarshinde | csucsok: is it a laptop? | 01:37 |
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ejofee | any nomachine's nx user here? | 01:37 |
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csucsok | onkarshinde: no It's a desktop computer with sis chipset | 01:37 |
marky | ubuntu when straight on this d600 | 01:37 |
Mazoku | Bizzeh you can do what you want :P | 01:37 |
marky | anyone else using a dell d600 | 01:37 |
onkarshinde | csucsok: May be it is some problem with acpi. Not sure though. | 01:38 |
Bizzeh | getting an amd64 x2 4200 in a few days, im thinkin it would be worth doin a compile to get SSE/2/3 into X, the kernel and GCC | 01:38 |
csucsok | onkarshinde : the precompiled kernel works good. but I compiled a new one | 01:38 |
redguy|work | onkarshinde: evms is the Enterprise Volume Management System, a funky thing I want to try out | 01:38 |
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redguy|work | onkarshinde: where can I check which patches are applied to a kernel? | 01:38 |
onkarshinde | redguy|work: I really don't know | 01:39 |
aufsaufbremse | ls | 01:39 |
HymnToLife | ubotu: evms is the Enterprise Volume Management System, a funky thing redguy wants to try out | 01:39 |
ubotu | okay, HymnToLife | 01:39 |
HymnToLife | I suck | 01:39 |
onkarshinde | csucsok: may be passing acpi=off as boot parameter to kernel will help. Check your existing kernel parameters. | 01:39 |
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csucsok | onkarshinde : My parameters are the same as the ubuntu's | 01:40 |
csucsok | onkarshinde : the only difference is the version of kernel | 01:40 |
Ng | redguy|work: install and inspect linux-patch-ubuntu-2.6.12 | 01:41 |
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ejofee | any nomachine's nx user here? | 01:42 |
csucsok | bye | 01:44 |
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onkarshinde | can anyoen tell me if vorbis streams converted from mpeg (normal vcd movies) take less space and have higher quality? | 01:46 |
HymnToLife | less space than what ? | 01:46 |
HymnToLife | mp3? | 01:46 |
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Chousuke | onkarshinde: it's not possible to improve quality. | 01:46 |
redguy|work | Ng: thanks | 01:46 |
Chousuke | well... actually it is. | 01:47 |
Chousuke | but those are tricks. | 01:47 |
onkarshinde | HymnToLife: No. I am talking about mpeg video and vorbis/theora | 01:47 |
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onkarshinde | Chousuke: what tricks? | 01:47 |
HymnToLife | oh yeah, vorbis videos | 01:47 |
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Chousuke | onkarshinde: like filters. | 01:47 |
Bizzeh | is ubuntu ok with wireless cards? | 01:47 |
Chousuke | onkarshinde: don't ask me | 01:47 |
CaptainMorgan | anybody know how to get scroll button working? | 01:47 |
Bizzeh | spesificly the acx111 | 01:47 |
HymnToLife | I dunno, I never use it, I stick with my old good xvid | 01:48 |
Chousuke | it is however possible to pack video. but it won't improve quality | 01:48 |
Bizzeh | <HymnToLife> I dunno, I never use it, I stick with my old good xvid << i got a free licence from divx on their 10th aniversary give away | 01:48 |
thoreauputic | onkarshinde: I used a tool called ffmpeg2theora that worked well ( and yes, the files were smaller - not sure on quality) | 01:48 |
Ng | onkarshinde: if you're converting from one compressed format to another you will lose quality | 01:48 |
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alp | thomhash: smaller than what? | 01:49 |
Bizzeh | so i use that cos its a lil faster and has better options, and better quality to compression ratio | 01:49 |
thoreauputic | onkarshinde: http://www.v2v.cc/~j/ffmpeg2theora/ | 01:49 |
CaptainMorgan | http://pastebin.com/463565 | 01:50 |
=== onkarshinde hopes movie players will support theora in near future. | ||
LeeJunFan | debmirror question: it says it's "Getting: dists/breezy/Contents-amd64.gz... ok" and I have --getcontents turned on, but yet the file isn't on my local mirror, anyone know why not? | 01:50 |
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nikola | hhh | 01:52 |
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senectus | does anyone here have any experiance with wordpress and php?? | 01:53 |
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CaptainMorgan | php, somewhat | 01:53 |
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=== armine [n=armine@AAubervilliers-152-1-46-229.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #UBUNTU | ||
armine | C & C++ POWA ! | 01:54 |
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=== CaptainMorgan RAWKS! | ||
Bizzeh | C/C++ rock as CGI, just not very manageable | 01:54 |
senectus | CaptainMorgan, I want to change the background colour of the right hand panel here : www.modmeup.net how would that be done? | 01:54 |
Bizzeh | php is easy to manage | 01:54 |
_nano_ | why is my firefox scrolling sluggish compared to windows ? the presence of only one or two mid sized images make the scrolling sluggish. I've inspiron 5100 (P4, 2.66Ghz, ati radeon 7500 ) and use fluxbox with ubuntu | 01:54 |
armine | LoL | 01:54 |
Weasel-- | Ifyou are 1337, show me your gibson. | 01:54 |
armine | :D | 01:54 |
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armine | But c & c++ rocks | 01:54 |
armine | And u now | 01:55 |
mgcross | Hello all....tried the new nvidia drivers using the nvidia install script...don't like them as I can only get 1024x768 working...tried using the nvdia uninstall script and re-installing the synaptic nvidia module, but it complains that the glx module and the kernel module are differant versions....how do I nuke the 8776(?) kernel module so that I can go back to the synaptic version of the nvidia driver? | 01:55 |
armine | who is in MOTUgames team ? | 01:55 |
HymnToLife | Weasel-- > Gibson stinks | 01:55 |
Bizzeh | i can make a c++ cgi binary do something in 1/10th of the time a php script does it, but, the php script uses about 1/10th of the lines of code | 01:56 |
HymnToLife | ESP rules | 01:56 |
mgcross | I like a nice dry Gibson (lol) | 01:56 |
onkarshinde | the restricted formats page says that it may be actually illegal to play DVDs ins some countries. Can anyone explain that? | 01:56 |
Bizzeh | and with apache, CGI sucks, since it has a crap load of overhead | 01:56 |
Bizzeh | onkarshinde: dvds are encrypted | 01:56 |
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Bizzeh | encryption of data is illegal in some countrys | 01:56 |
Bizzeh | thus, dvds are illegal | 01:57 |
Bizzeh | windows and linux are illegal in said countrys too | 01:57 |
armine | PHP is for NET developping, but c++ for application developping : they are SO opposed | 01:57 |
Bizzeh | armine: what you think php is writen in? | 01:57 |
Bizzeh | php is a cgi binary writen in c++ | 01:57 |
mgcross | Bizzeh: playing DVD's using linux is "illegal" too DMCA issues | 01:58 |
onkarshinde | Bizzeh: ahh. So this has nothing to do with mpeg-2 being patented format, right? Is there any listing of countries where dvds are illegal? | 01:58 |
senectus | CaptainMorgan Bizzeh, I want to change the background colour of the right hand panel here : www.modmeup.net how would that be done? | 01:58 |
armine | Bizzeh : Yes, but with php is not possible that binary EXECUTABLE OFFLINE application programming | 01:58 |
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armine | and | 01:58 |
Bizzeh | armine: yes it is | 01:58 |
armine | Each person has his preferences | 01:58 |
Bizzeh | i use php in windows for scripting all the time | 01:58 |
armine | So | 01:58 |
Bizzeh | it has a windows scripting host plug | 01:58 |
Bizzeh | so | 01:58 |
armine | Nice people | 01:58 |
armine | ive to go | 01:59 |
Bizzeh | its posible to exec php | 01:59 |
armine | Bye everybooody | 01:59 |
mgcross | anyone tell me how to nuke the nvidia kernel module put there by the Nvidia Official installer? | 01:59 |
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Bizzeh | onkarshinde: gimme a sec | 01:59 |
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CaptainMorgan | senectus use css - php is server side - I have no idea what your code says right now because php is invisible | 02:00 |
Bizzeh | hmmn, used to have a link to it, cant find it now tho | 02:01 |
mgcross | no one? | 02:01 |
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senectus | CaptainMorgan, css? Man I stopped learning web code back in early jsript days :-P I'm _so_ out of touch! | 02:01 |
nathanj | i was mucking around with my spund mixer and now i have lost all sound any ideas how i can default it all? | 02:02 |
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Bizzeh | those little scripts that say "your using such an isp, runing such a os with such a browser, you are not anonymous on the intenret" ohh, its so hard to rdns the connecting ip and look at the useragent of the browser | 02:03 |
mgcross | um, help? | 02:03 |
CaptainMorgan | css is clean and efficient, not to mention versatile and has a higher probability of showing up in more browsers | 02:03 |
Bizzeh | just connected to same site again, with ie6, with a little user agent mod, and, im not runing "SexOS 0.2" and browser "FireOneOff 1.0" | 02:04 |
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dooglus | Bizzeh: are you arguing with yourself? | 02:05 |
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Bizzeh | no, just ranting in general | 02:05 |
Bizzeh | :) | 02:05 |
Bizzeh | its over now | 02:05 |
dooglus | it's | 02:05 |
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Bizzeh | this is irc | 02:05 |
nathanj | any one help with the soind mixer deaults? | 02:05 |
Bizzeh | people who argue over grammar to that extent, need to be shot | 02:05 |
dooglus | that comma is misplaced. | 02:05 |
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Bizzeh | i will find you, and i will kill you | 02:06 |
dooglus | it's punctuation by the way | 02:06 |
ubuntu_ | Hello,everyone! | 02:06 |
ubuntu_ | I am a new guy of ubuntu,who can help me? | 02:06 |
Bizzeh | im english, im 20, i have lived in england for 20, of the past 20 years.. | 02:06 |
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Bizzeh | i know english | 02:07 |
senectus | what is the colour : #fff ??? | 02:07 |
Bizzeh | its just that this is irc | 02:07 |
Bizzeh | so what does it matter | 02:07 |
Bizzeh | senectus: white | 02:07 |
CaptainMorgan | white or black? | 02:07 |
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Bizzeh | #000 is black | 02:07 |
dooglus | black is #000 | 02:07 |
CaptainMorgan | aye | 02:07 |
onkarshinde | ubuntu_: state problem | 02:07 |
senectus | Bizzeh, so is #90a090 green? | 02:07 |
Bizzeh | black is an absence of colour, white is a mixture of all | 02:07 |
dooglus | senectus: greenish | 02:07 |
Bizzeh | it has more green in it, so yes | 02:07 |
nunod | hello, can anyone tellme if today's daily image is "runable" ? :) | 02:07 |
ubuntu_ | does anyone speak chinese/ | 02:07 |
CaptainMorgan | how do I get my damned scroll buttton to work? | 02:08 |
nathanj | i was mucking around with my spund mixer and now i have lost all sound any ideas how i can default it all? | 02:08 |
dooglus | ubuntu_: yes | 02:08 |
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Bizzeh | senectus: its 3 hexadecimal components fromed RRGGBB (red green blue).. ranging from 00 to ff (0 - 9 then a to f) | 02:08 |
Bizzeh | the higher you get, the more like that colour it will be | 02:08 |
borup | nunod: where did you find an image? | 02:09 |
eth42 | where can I set the udma state of my dvd-drive permanently? | 02:09 |
dooglus | eth42: in /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh | 02:09 |
ubuntu_ | good | 02:09 |
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senectus | Bizzeh, dooglus CaptainMorgan, sweet I figured it out.. thanks guys :-) | 02:10 |
nunod | borup, usual place: http://cdimage.ubuntulinux.org/ | 02:10 |
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Bizzeh | i hate designing, thats why i only ever come up with simple crap like | 02:10 |
Bizzeh | http://www.killallthehumans.co.uk/ | 02:10 |
borup | nunod: duh - thanks | 02:10 |
eth42 | dooglus, thanks | 02:10 |
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nunod | borup, are you going to try it? :) | 02:13 |
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TenPlus1 | Hi folks... can someone help me with a wireless problem ??? | 02:14 |
TenPlus1 | Q,) I have a LinkSYS wifi card installed and Ubuntu see's it ok, it's setup ok but I cant seem to activate it | 02:14 |
borup | nunod: sure - but not untill I go home | 02:14 |
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alynx | anyone playing Wow with wine and Gainward Gforce 6600 GT Power pack 128 MB ? i use the 7667 drivers , and it laggs FPS:10-40 | 02:15 |
andy108 | hello can you tell me which IP address I came from | 02:15 |
alynx | ip andy108 | 02:15 |
andy108 | ok no a number then | 02:15 |
dholbach | andy108: | 02:15 |
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bulio | does this mean ubuntu has upgraded to 5.10? | 02:16 |
bulio | http://pastebin.com/463326 | 02:16 |
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andy108 | ok thanks I trying to set up a remote login for my box but I am on a unencrypted wireless network with 2 others useing XP and the IP addess you have given will trace but time's out cos of a firewall | 02:17 |
eth42 | is there a way to prevent arts from using the dsp device and use esd instead (I always don't get any more sound in Gnome after starting a KDE program) | 02:18 |
TenPlus1 | Q,) I have a LinkSYS wifi card installed and Ubuntu see's it ok, it's setup ok but I cant seem to activate it, any ideas ??? | 02:18 |
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=== Sleepwalker [n=Deltaesk@p54A5F7C9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | bulio, no you did not upgrade | 02:18 |
Sleepwalker | hey :) | 02:18 |
gnomefreak | did you read the guide ubotu gave you the other day? | 02:18 |
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bulio | didn't think so | 02:19 |
gnomefreak | gm Sleepwalker | 02:19 |
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gnomefreak | ubotu tell bulio about upgrade | 02:19 |
Sleepwalker | i wanna mount a ext3 partition in linux,that i can read and write on it but i dont know bout the rest... This is where i am right now : /dev/hda5/home/Linuxext3 | 02:20 |
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bulio | I did that | 02:20 |
bulio | it was installin last night | 02:20 |
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Sleepwalker | and i have to do that in fstab is that correct ?? | 02:21 |
bulio | my sources.list is edited | 02:21 |
gnomefreak | bulio, if you did the very first part of it you should not have gotten those errors | 02:21 |
redvelvet | I installed my wireless last night and it was working fine. now it wont work. I used the windows to linux driver converting tool. any suggestions no getting my netgear wg511u working? | 02:22 |
=== gnomefreak thinks its called the pre-upgrade | ||
bulio | apt-get base-install? | 02:22 |
bulio | could have sworn I did that | 02:22 |
bulio | cap | 02:22 |
bulio | no I did for hoary | 02:22 |
bulio | thanks | 02:22 |
TenPlus1 | redvelvet: dude, I have the same problem, can get my card to turn itself ON... | 02:22 |
ejofee | any nomachine's nx user here? | 02:22 |
gnomefreak | bulio, im not looking at it right now but it should say something along the lines of apt-get install ubuntu-base or ubuntu-desktop | 02:23 |
redvelvet | tenplus1, that sounds like me. its just got one light on? | 02:23 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o thoreauputic] by thoreauputic | ||
bulio | both? | 02:23 |
TenPlus1 | redvelvet, : I dont even have a light flashing... Ubuntu see's the card but cannot turn it on for me to use | 02:23 |
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bulio | sudo apt-get install ubuntu-base ubuntu-desktop? | 02:24 |
redvelvet | hmmm. idk I will have to tinker with it later. I am late for work | 02:24 |
gnomefreak | bulio, your not reading the wiki ubotu gave you | 02:24 |
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redvelvet | peace all | 02:24 |
TenPlus1 | can anyone help me reg. wireless cards ? and how to enable them ? | 02:24 |
bulio | yes I am | 02:24 |
WaterSevenUb | can someone point me to documentation on how to configure "Insert Video" in Openoffice Impress (using breezy)... if that's possible. ? | 02:24 |
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gnomefreak | bulio, the first line of wiki tells you what to install | 02:24 |
bulio | right at the top | 02:24 |
bulio | pre upgrade | 02:24 |
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nathanj | anyone know how to reset teh sound mixer to default? | 02:24 |
bulio | so sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop? | 02:25 |
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bulio | ok | 02:26 |
gnomefreak | bulio, give me a min im trying to open it now | 02:26 |
bulio | ok | 02:26 |
bulio | because wiki code shows both | 02:26 |
gnomefreak | bulio, type sudo apt-get install ubuntu-base ubuntu-desktop | 02:26 |
gnomefreak | yes both | 02:26 |
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gnomefreak | just like i typed oit | 02:27 |
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gnomefreak | it- | 02:27 |
gnomefreak | bulio, after that skip down to the part titled apt-get and do it that way its easier | 02:27 |
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St^Anger^19m | does ubuntu support IceWM? | 02:28 |
_nano_ | why is my firefox scrolling sluggish compared to windows ? the presence of only one or two mid sized images make the scrolling sluggish. I've inspiron 5100 (P4, 2.66Ghz, ati radeon 7500 ) and use fluxbox with ubuntu. For example http://buzz.blogger.com scrolls sluggishly compared to firefox in windows | 02:29 |
bulio | I typed it in | 02:29 |
bulio | can I PM you output gnome? | 02:29 |
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Hoxzer | like lol | 02:30 |
Hoxzer | I followed that guide to get nxserver work :D | 02:30 |
Hoxzer | now I can't get it even to run | 02:30 |
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bulio | gnomefreak: http://pastebin.com/463608 | 02:31 |
nathanj | atm looks like i have to reinstakl ubunut :( | 02:31 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o thoreauputic] by thoreauputic | ||
Hoxzer | or client says it isn't running but it is | 02:32 |
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gnomefreak | bulio, first your sources list should be hoary still (not sure what they are now) second after you run that with hoary repos and you get that error let me know | 02:33 |
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bulio | k | 02:34 |
bulio | atm sources is breezy | 02:34 |
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gnomefreak | bulio, put them back as hoary | 02:34 |
bulio | k | 02:34 |
gnomefreak | than run apt-get update | 02:35 |
=== Sleepwalker [n=Deltaesk@p54A5F7C9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | than run the install for those 2 items | 02:35 |
Sleepwalker | how do i get a folder "linked" 2 the desktop ?? | 02:35 |
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bulio | where can I get hoary's sources.list/ | 02:35 |
TenPlus1 | Q,) I have a Linksys 54g wireless card installed and setup, but it wont activate... any ideas ??? | 02:36 |
HymnToLife | !repos | 02:36 |
ubotu | I heard repos is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) see also !easysource | 02:36 |
gnomefreak | bulio, just change the word breezy to hoary in the sources list | 02:36 |
nathanj | anyone send ,e a default asound.default? | 02:36 |
thoreauputic | Sleepwalker: ln -s /path/to/folder ~/Desktop/linkname I guess | 02:36 |
HymnToLife | right you are thoreauputic | 02:36 |
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thoreauputic | Sleepwalker: but you can drag a folder to your desktop and I think it links by default | 02:36 |
zandaa | <_< is there a 64-bit version of MythTV? | 02:37 |
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nathanj | can someone send a me a default copy of /var/lib/alsa/asound.state | 02:37 |
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Sleepwalker | thoreauputic is that just a link ?? k thought it was the whole folder ;) | 02:37 |
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gnomefreak | Sleepwalker, to move a folder use the mv command | 02:38 |
thoreauputic | Sleepwalker: I think you'll find it's a link | 02:38 |
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thoreauputic | Sleepwalker: hmm - not if you drag it, sorry | 02:39 |
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Sleepwalker | k | 02:39 |
thoreauputic | Sleepwalker: there is a way - hang on | 02:39 |
bulio | gnomefrak: now I get this: | 02:39 |
munzir | Hi sirs, I am running a webserver on which I installed mailman, and another mail server for all he mails @mydomains.com. Now the confirmation message of mailman need to be replied to mylist-request@mydomain.com which wouldn't go where mailman is installed (and had all the aliases) for sure. What am I missing please? | 02:39 |
bulio | http://pastebin.com/463613 | 02:39 |
Sleepwalker | gnomefreak what is the mv command (sorry noob) | 02:39 |
bulio | move | 02:40 |
bulio | mv = move command | 02:40 |
thoreauputic | Sleepwalker: ctrl-shift drag | 02:40 |
olicat | if i want to make a full backup of my whole system, whats the best way to do it? | 02:40 |
thoreauputic | Sleepwalker: makes a link from the desktop to a folder in your home directory | 02:40 |
gnomefreak | bulio, you ran sudo apt-get update? | 02:40 |
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Sleepwalker | thoreauputic worked fine thx !!!!! | 02:41 |
bulio | no | 02:41 |
bulio | whoops | 02:41 |
=== bulio slaps himself | ||
thoreauputic | Sleepwalker: no worries :) | 02:41 |
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gnomefreak | after you change your sources.list you have to run sudo apt-get update | 02:41 |
bulio | ok | 02:41 |
St^Anger^19m | Can i use IceWM on Ubuntu? | 02:41 |
bulio | then the other thing? | 02:41 |
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gnomefreak | yes lets see if apt-get update spits anything out first | 02:42 |
thoreauputic | St^Anger^19m: sure | 02:42 |
bulio | it does | 02:42 |
bulio | all the sources | 02:42 |
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gnomefreak | St^Anger^19m, i dont see why not i think its in the ubuntu sources | 02:42 |
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nathanj | where os the filesystem tree on the ubuntu install cd? | 02:42 |
thoreauputic | !info icewm | 02:42 |
ubotu | icewm: (wonderful Win95-OS/2-Motif-like window manager), section universe/x11, is optional. Version: 1.2.22-2ubuntu2 (breezy), Packaged size: 632 kB, Installed size: 1656 kB | 02:42 |
xandeurus | If I have configured a mail server and I send a mail to aol.com, and they return me a message telling me that my ip is dinamyc and I have to change to static, what can I do to resolve the problem? | 02:42 |
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gnomefreak | bulio, does what? | 02:42 |
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St^Anger^19m | gnomefreak: does IceWM fill you with applications like KDE and Gnome do? | 02:42 |
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bulio | gnomefreak: it got all the sources, as ususual | 02:43 |
bulio | *usual | 02:43 |
bulio | Get:24 http://archive.ubuntu.com hoary-updates/restricted Sources [14B] | 02:43 |
gnomefreak | bulio, any errors? | 02:43 |
bulio | etc. | 02:43 |
thoreauputic | xandeurus: relay it through your ISP | 02:43 |
nathanj | where os the filesystem tree on the ubuntu install cd? | 02:43 |
gnomefreak | St^Anger^19m, i dont use it sorry | 02:43 |
bulio | none that I see | 02:43 |
germancito | hello | 02:43 |
bulio | trying the apt get install now | 02:43 |
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gnomefreak | ok bulio now run sudo apt-get install ubuntu-base ubuntu-desktop | 02:43 |
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thoreauputic | St^Anger^19m: icewm is very minimalist - you just get a window manager | 02:43 |
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St^Anger^19m | thoreauputic: exactly what i want :D | 02:44 |
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St^Anger^19m | thoreauputic: is there any other like it? | 02:44 |
bulio | grr | 02:44 |
bulio | http://pastebin.com/463620 | 02:44 |
gnomefreak | you want a light weight window mangaer with a menu use xfce :) | 02:44 |
thoreauputic | St^Anger^19m: lots - look at http://xwinman.org | 02:44 |
germancito | anyone knows a really good python interpreter | 02:45 |
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gnomefreak | ok bulio run sudo apt-get -f install | 02:45 |
St^Anger^19m | thoreauputic: thanks :D | 02:45 |
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xandeurus | thomhash, you said that I have to call my ISP to reslve the problem, that problem couldnt be, in the file of configuration of the mail server? | 02:45 |
thoreauputic | St^Anger^19m: no worries :) | 02:45 |
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bulio | 1 sec | 02:45 |
zandaa | is there a 64-bit version of MythTV? | 02:45 |
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thoreauputic | xandeurus: I didn't say "call" them - I said relay your mail through your ISP's mail server | 02:46 |
CaptainMorgan | jezzum... there is just much available through synapitc | 02:46 |
thoreauputic | xandeurus: most ISPs block mail from dynamic IPs | 02:46 |
CaptainMorgan | sure, LInux can be frustrating at times.. but how else do you learn? but the real question why would anyone go back to Vindoze when there's all this free stuff | 02:47 |
CaptainMorgan | ? | 02:47 |
gnomefreak | bulio, after running that command run the install ubuntu-base ubuntu-desktop | 02:47 |
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St^Anger^19m | Whats the difference between a Window Manager, and a Desktop? | 02:47 |
=== gnomefreak brb i have to get ready ill be back in a bit | ||
xandeurus | thomhash, how can I do that, because i can understand you | 02:47 |
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CaptainMorgan | Anger, you answered your own question | 02:47 |
HymnToLife | CaptainMorgan > I read a fun story about thas | 02:47 |
thoreauputic | St^Anger^19m: Desktop = window manager + desktop | 02:47 |
u|qos | CaptainMorgan: cause there are also good free apps for windows ... and many (not most) things are by far easier on m$. | 02:48 |
St^Anger^19m | ok so wot does the desktop include? | 02:48 |
xandeurus | thomhash, when you said relay your mail through your ISP's mail server, what do you want say? | 02:48 |
HymnToLife | It's fictional of course but it's the story of a guy who used Linux all his life and switches to Windows | 02:48 |
thoreauputic | St^Anger^19m: window managers don't include stuff like gnome-volume-manager, gnome-settings-daemon etc | 02:48 |
St^Anger^19m | as in...whuy is XFCE a desktop....and IceWM a window manager? | 02:48 |
St^Anger^19m | hmmm | 02:48 |
u|qos | CaptainMorgan: and the most important reason ... there are more devices and hardware supported ... | 02:48 |
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CaptainMorgan | I assume that most here are techies are heart.. which is the reason for the strong lInux following.. maybe non-techies who have careers unrelated to technical prowess choose the easy way.. | 02:49 |
thoreauputic | St^Anger^19m: Desktop Environments have extras - like the ones I mentioned | 02:49 |
nathanj | anyoen able to send me a file from a default install? | 02:49 |
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St^Anger^19m | so if i want something snappy.....and minimilast | 02:49 |
St^Anger^19m | wot do u suggest? | 02:49 |
St^Anger^19m | xfce? | 02:49 |
HymnToLife | !xubuntu | 02:49 |
ubotu | I guess xubuntu is Ubuntu using XFCE instead of Gnome for the desktop. Details here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu | 02:49 |
thoreauputic | CaptainMorgan: I was not atechie until I discovered Linux (in fact I'm still not, really) | 02:49 |
rosen | CaptainMorgan, it is not that much more difficult to install anymore... and with that many people who are willing to help out .... | 02:49 |
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St^Anger^19m | but the xubuntu-desktop already contains stuff i do not want :( | 02:50 |
thoreauputic | St^Anger^19m: it depends - xfce4 is a nice desktop environment with some exras. icewm, fluxbox, windowmaker are smaller but require more configuration | 02:50 |
xandeurus | thoreauputic, when you said relay your mail through your ISP's mail server, what do you want say? | 02:51 |
thoreauputic | *extras | 02:51 |
quacker | CaptainMorgan, I choose Linux also because I'm broke and can't afford $600 just for an office suite, then more money for another 20 applications I'd have to license if I used Windows. | 02:51 |
=== CaptainMorgan knows that state you're in quacker | ||
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St^Anger^19m | quacker: u could have used OOo on windows...i guess u just dont want Windows :) | 02:51 |
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thoreauputic | xandeurus: it sounds like you are trying to send directly from an unauthorised machine: if you send via the ISP mail server the recipient sees the ,mail coming from a recognised source | 02:52 |
quacker | St^Anger^19m, when I started -- they didn't have win32 | 02:52 |
St^Anger^19m | oh ic | 02:52 |
St^Anger^19m | :) | 02:52 |
St^Anger^19m | then xubuntu it is :D | 02:52 |
St^Anger^19m | i like the idea | 02:52 |
quacker | But St^Anger^19m that's only one example -- there are several things that windows does not even support | 02:52 |
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St^Anger^19m | installing it as server...and then doin wot the hell iwant | 02:52 |
quacker | And Debian, etc. | 02:53 |
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St^Anger^19m | quacker: wot other examples? | 02:53 |
xandeurus | thoreauputic, and I cant send mail to aol.com from my email wich I create for the company?, the only way is for the mail wich the company give me | 02:53 |
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quacker | I have a webcam and also an SLR digital cam that either donb't have windows drivers or inadequate file type support | 02:54 |
St^Anger^19m | quacker: that's a bit odd | 02:54 |
thoreauputic | xandeurus: erm - I don't quite follow - but I assume your mail server has to have an mx and be recognised as legitimate | 02:54 |
St^Anger^19m | usually M$ try to have all the support required for this kind of stuff... | 02:54 |
St^Anger^19m | bdw | 02:54 |
quacker | St^Anger^19m, are you trolling for the Evil Empire in here? | 02:55 |
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quacker | pfft | 02:55 |
St^Anger^19m | i read in Paul Thorret's website in wnindows...that on an AMD 3400+ with 2Gb ram its slow!! :) | 02:55 |
xandeurus | thoreauputic, ok men, thanks | 02:55 |
St^Anger^19m | ie the upcoming VIsta | 02:55 |
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St^Anger^19m | quacker: no i'm not trolling!! as if...i've been working hard with ubuntu and i got to like it | 02:56 |
thoreauputic | xandeurus: I mean you can't just run a mail server without making it official and expect big ISPs to recognise it | 02:56 |
quacker | And the Gartner groupis advising enterprise users not to upgrade for another 2-3 years | 02:56 |
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skora | hi, if i want to file a bug for a 'base' program, should i use bugzilla or malone ? | 02:56 |
skora | I forget. | 02:56 |
quacker | Heh -- they used to be in M$ back pocket, but they 'defected'. | 02:56 |
ian_ | Why does K3B not allow me to burn at full speed. My drive is 40x but I can only get 8x in k3B | 02:56 |
thoreauputic | skora: for anything in main, bugzilla | 02:56 |
xandeurus | thoreauputic, and how can I make my mail server official? | 02:57 |
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skora | thoreauputic, thanks. | 02:57 |
Toma- | ian_: have you got dma enabled on the drive? | 02:57 |
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St^Anger^19m | lol | 02:57 |
thoreauputic | xandeurus: I've never doe it - but I believe you need an MX record - someone with more experience might know | 02:57 |
St^Anger^19m | i kept a dual boot for C# code and some games | 02:57 |
thoreauputic | s/doe/done | 02:57 |
St^Anger^19m | but i rarelyp lay anymore | 02:57 |
St^Anger^19m | so its just some C# | 02:57 |
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ian_ | Toma-, I havent enabled so I guess if its not enabled by default, it wont be. | 02:58 |
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xandeurus | thoreauputic, men thanks for your help | 02:58 |
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Toma- | ian_: i see... use a text editor to edit /etc/hdparm.conf | 02:58 |
quacker | ian -- (if DMA is enabled and it's still slow) probably a crappy drivem, i/o controller slow/small bufferspace. K3B is zealous about keeping the buffer full. Also, all burners can only burn as fast as the quality of the media you are using. | 02:58 |
Toma- | theres some documentation on howto within the file | 02:58 |
thoreauputic | xandeurus: you're welcome - sorry I couldn't give you more info: i suggest you google for it | 02:58 |
thoreauputic | nunod: please turn your away script off | 02:59 |
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quacker | Some blanks are not designed to support higher burn rates -- the slowest are no-name brand CD+RW | 02:59 |
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xandeurus | thoreauputic, ok men, but your help was very good :) | 02:59 |
thoreauputic | xandeurus: :) | 02:59 |
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quacker | Also, there are two basic ways to burn -- packet-writing and DOA/TOA | 03:00 |
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Toma- | u nearly done quacker :D | 03:01 |
quacker | St^Anger^19m, did I mention that DVD playback looks much sharper under Linux than in 2K or even XP Media Center of Evil on this hardware? | 03:01 |
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quacker | (I have licenses up to 'Advanced' (hah!) Server 2003, but I only use them for customer support) | 03:02 |
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CaptainMorgan | anybody use Screem ? | 03:03 |
CaptainMorgan | seems like a good program.. | 03:03 |
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skora | i've used screem. good stuff. | 03:03 |
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skora | though its just a personal pref between that and bluefish | 03:04 |
skora | bluefish suited me better | 03:04 |
=== skora shrugs | ||
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vinnie | Quick question, after installing the ati driver packages from breezy on my laptop, i can no longer choose the 1280x800 resolution... it now does 1280x700 something. Tried editing the conf files and running the config again but no luck | 03:05 |
vinnie | Can any1 help? | 03:05 |
rosen | is there an alternative for movie (all movie types) to Xine ? ... I'd like something where I can queue up multiple files ... and if it supported streaming and *.wmv + *.mpeg that wouldnt be too shabby either ;) | 03:05 |
Toma- | rosen: mplayer | 03:06 |
nunod | videolan | 03:06 |
nunod | (vlc) | 03:06 |
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rosen | I'll check it out, thanks | 03:07 |
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bulio | http://pastebin.com/463620 | 03:07 |
bulio | so I ran sudo apt-get -f install | 03:07 |
Toma- | np | 03:07 |
bulio | now what? | 03:07 |
theD3viL | does new totem in backports works well ? | 03:07 |
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bulio | what is wrong here:? | 03:08 |
Toma- | bulio: what does your sources.list look like? | 03:08 |
St^Anger^19m | quacker: wot hardware? | 03:09 |
St^Anger^19m | (sorry i was eating apple pie) :) | 03:09 |
bulio | http://pastebin.com/463656 | 03:09 |
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bulio | thats my problem | 03:09 |
rosen | oh yeah.. by the way, I tried to apg-get libdivx4linux but it doesnt seem to exist anymore.. is there a replacement for this ? | 03:09 |
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bulio | anyone? | 03:10 |
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Toma- | rosen: apt-cache search divx | 03:10 |
bulio | Toma: what should I do? | 03:10 |
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bulio | btw, sources.list points to hoary | 03:10 |
Toma- | bulio: youre root, AND using sudo? why? paste me your /etc/apt/sources.list | 03:10 |
spine_ | does anyone know of repos with security auditing and things like cvs cadega and such? | 03:11 |
Toma- | bulio: and youre using hoary? | 03:11 |
spine_ | breesy | 03:11 |
spine_ | breezy | 03:11 |
bulio | hoary | 03:11 |
bulio | I wanna go to breezy | 03:11 |
Toma- | spine_: google would be youre best option | 03:11 |
Toma- | bulio: ahhh. | 03:11 |
spine_ | tried that. | 03:11 |
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bulio | but I gotta apt-get install ubuntu-base ubuntu-desktop | 03:11 |
spine_ | i dont really grasp the concept of repos much, im still rather noobish | 03:12 |
Toma- | bulio: http://www.noapparentmotive.org/topics/upgradingtobreezy.html | 03:12 |
Toma- | tried following that? | 03:12 |
spine_ | me? | 03:12 |
Toma- | spine_: see your name at the start? :) | 03:12 |
zandaa | hey everyone, how do I set up a mysql server?? (not for webserver use) | 03:12 |
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ian_ | is mpeg-2 the same as .avi? | 03:12 |
rosen | Toma-, ah it's called avifile-divx-plugin now ;) | 03:12 |
Toma- | spine_: you want snort and such? | 03:12 |
spine_ | lol, this stomach flu is got my head up my ass srry | 03:13 |
zandaa | ian_, no it is not if I'm correct | 03:13 |
Toma- | ian_: no. | 03:13 |
gnomefreak | bulio, did the apt-get -f install help? | 03:13 |
ian_ | is .avi any kind of mpeg? | 03:13 |
zandaa | ian_, no it isn't | 03:13 |
Toma- | ian_: no. | 03:13 |
Toma- | ian_: its more related to mp3 | 03:13 |
bulio | no it didn't help | 03:13 |
Toma- | if anything | 03:13 |
ian_ | ok thanks guys, | 03:13 |
zandaa | Toma-, mp3 is mpeg layer 3 audio <_< | 03:14 |
hartsantler | hi, is anybody having wifi troubles in ubuntu, i can't seem to get my to fully work, it only can seem to resolve a host name once, and then after it just fails. | 03:14 |
gnomefreak | still getting the dependency issues? or something else? | 03:14 |
Toma- | zandaa: alot of avis use mp3 for audio | 03:14 |
zandaa | hartsantler, what kinda WiFi card you have? | 03:14 |
zandaa | Toma- ah ok | 03:14 |
Toma- | ;) | 03:14 |
hartsantler | NEC wifi | 03:14 |
spine_ | hartsantler: are you using a linux supported wi-fi card? | 03:14 |
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Toma- | spine_: what security tools did you want? | 03:14 |
bulio | gnomefreak: http://pastebin.com/463656 | 03:15 |
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Tiorione | Salve | 03:15 |
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hartsantler | it has worked in the past, at the public library there is no problem with the wifi, but when i boot at work and use their dhcp it does not work (only resolves once and then fails) | 03:15 |
Tiorione | Qialcuno parla l'italiano qui? | 03:16 |
gnomefreak | bulio, try this sudo apt-get install ubuntu-base | 03:16 |
bulio | gnomefrak: any idea what the problem might be? | 03:16 |
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spine_ | just a good collection of them, say allot of the ones in WHAX | 03:16 |
bulio | alright | 03:16 |
gnomefreak | bulio, i have a few | 03:16 |
ian_ | Toma-, No any good avi to mpeg convertors? | 03:16 |
Toma- | ian_: yes... | 03:16 |
St^Anger^19m | !icewm | 03:16 |
ubotu | St^Anger^19m: No idea | 03:16 |
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Toma- | ian_: avidemux is my favorite | 03:16 |
gnomefreak | bulio, also while your at it paste your sources list in pastebin please | 03:17 |
`Wraith` | Good morning | 03:17 |
hartsantler | ian_ yes avidemux is the best | 03:17 |
Toma- | ian_: also, try looking up transcode and its GUI apps | 03:17 |
spine_ | hartsantler: srry cant help yu with that, thought you might be using ndiswrapper or something of that craft | 03:17 |
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Tiorione | Some one speack italian or spanish? | 03:17 |
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ian_ | ok thanks again. | 03:17 |
skora | !it | 03:17 |
ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 03:17 |
`Wraith` | Can anyone tell me the default root password? | 03:17 |
skora | !sp | 03:17 |
ubotu | skora: I give up, what is it? | 03:17 |
skora | !es | 03:17 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 03:17 |
spine_ | spanish here | 03:17 |
theD3viL | what i need to install for watching movies (short) on internet? | 03:18 |
theD3viL | with mozilla | 03:18 |
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skora | theD3viL, is it quicktime | 03:18 |
Tiorione | GRAZIE | 03:18 |
theD3viL | skora, yes | 03:18 |
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skora | !codecs | 03:18 |
ubotu | Binary only codecs (such as w32codecs) can be downloaded from plf or cipherfunk, see !easysource for details on these repositories | 03:18 |
bulio | gnomefreak: http://pastebin.com/463671 | 03:18 |
bulio | the bottom is sources.list | 03:18 |
`Wraith` | My son and I are using Ubuntu to get familiar with Linux, and we need the root password for some changes to the config | 03:18 |
skora | wraith: | 03:18 |
spine_ | you need to set it | 03:18 |
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skora | it's set up when you installed ubuntu | 03:18 |
spine_ | $sudo passwd | 03:19 |
skora | you can choose it to be whatever you'd like | 03:19 |
spine_ | $ sudo passwd | 03:19 |
linuxgeek2 | `Wraith`, sudo root passwd | 03:19 |
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spine_ | or just passwd, i cant really remember right now, besides im on windoze at the moment | 03:19 |
`Wraith` | hmmm... it asked him to set an account, which he did, but he could not remember it asking him to set the root password. Thanks! | 03:19 |
BlueDevil | `Wraith`: sudo passwd root | 03:19 |
spine_ | no problem man | 03:20 |
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St^Anger^19m | !xubuntu | 03:20 |
ubotu | xubuntu is probably Ubuntu using XFCE instead of Gnome for the desktop. Details here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu | 03:20 |
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bulio | gnomefreak: does it look ok? | 03:20 |
`Wraith` | Got it, thanks! we will do that tonight after school/work | 03:20 |
gnomefreak | ok bulio open synaptic and first click i think its edit your looking for "fix broken packages" and fix them t | 03:20 |
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theD3viL | skora, i dont need source.list i need program | 03:20 |
Toma- | spine_: if you want security tools, there should be plenty of them out there in .deb format that you can (usually) seamlessly install in ubuntu | 03:20 |
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`Wraith` | Take care! | 03:21 |
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bulio | ok | 03:21 |
bulio | gnomefreak: I clicked fix broken packages | 03:21 |
gnomefreak | ok did it say anything? | 03:22 |
bulio | nope | 03:22 |
bulio | I just clicked ix broken packages | 03:22 |
bulio | didn't select anyhting | 03:22 |
gnomefreak | ok close it and run sudo apt-get install ubuntu-base ubuntu-desktop again | 03:22 |
ian_ | Toma-, Is avidemux in the ubuntu repos? | 03:22 |
bulio | still doesn't work | 03:23 |
zandaa | is there something like Mp3Kult for Gnome??? (Mp3Kult is a MP3 management system for KDE using MySQL) | 03:23 |
Toma- | ian_: yep | 03:23 |
ian_ | hmm | 03:23 |
skora | theD3viL, a program to view them in ? | 03:24 |
gnomefreak | bulio, the libs that are unmet one at a time try to apt-get install them let me know what happens | 03:24 |
theD3viL | skora, yes | 03:24 |
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eth42 | when I plug in my usb memory stick, two devices will be mounted automatically -- sda and sda1. sda shows only garbage, while sda1 contains the actual partition. why is sda mounted at all? | 03:24 |
Toma- | ian_: actually, it isnt | 03:24 |
St^Anger^19m | thank god for this distro...its the one which made me give linux more than 1,2,3 tries...and now i'm learning a lottttt | 03:24 |
linuxgeek2 | !upgrade | 03:24 |
ubotu | The guide to upgrading to breezy (5.10) is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade | 03:24 |
ian_ | Toma-, ah ok, I've just downloaded the source anyway. | 03:24 |
Ng | eth42: that sounds like a bug, or perhaps an error in the partition table on the stick | 03:24 |
Toma- | ian_: make sure you dont use "make install" and use "checkinstall" instead! ;) | 03:25 |
skora | theD3viL, oh sry. there's mplayer, xine, totem | 03:25 |
skora | personal pref. | 03:25 |
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skora | or VLC | 03:25 |
ian_ | Toma-, You seem pretty knowledgeable about this stuff, any recommendations for a DVD menu builder? | 03:25 |
eth42 | Ng: fdisk -l just lists the partition and doesn't complain. so perhaps it is a bug. has anyone else experienced it? | 03:25 |
bulio | gnomefreak: http://pastebin.com/463677 | 03:26 |
meuserj|work | ian_, dvdstyler | 03:26 |
Toma- | ian_: qdvdauthor | 03:26 |
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theD3viL | skora, what do you mean i want to? ;) ... hm...totem dont works ill install mplayer | 03:26 |
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Ng | eth42: I haven't heard of that happening - perhaps you could file a bug with ubuntu agains the gnome-volume-manager package? | 03:26 |
Toma- | its the bomb. made my aunty&uncles wedding dvd with it :) | 03:26 |
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ondra | jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj | 03:27 |
skora | theD3viL, there's a few diff pkg's of it. just probably need the standard mplayer one | 03:27 |
gnomefreak | ok bulio go into your sources list and change all hoary to breezy than sudo apt-get update | 03:27 |
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eth42 | Ng: ok. so it is gnome-volume-manager who does the automount? | 03:27 |
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theD3viL | skora, i now what i need...ive just think that totem must work | 03:28 |
Ng | eth42: ish, it's actually pmount that does the mounting, but gnome-volume-manager controls the whole affair | 03:28 |
tear | I got a quite serious bad problem... It sais I have no space left on / | 03:28 |
eth42 | Ng: thanks! | 03:28 |
tear | thing is, it auto fills, if I remove a file it doesn't free space | 03:28 |
theD3viL | skora, and yeah...realplayer in repos dont work | 03:28 |
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skora | theD3viL, im confused on what you're having a problem with now :/ | 03:28 |
Toma- | tear: clear all your logs? | 03:28 |
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hmpedersen | I give up.. I can't get any help in #kubuntu | 03:28 |
bulio | gnomefreak: sudo apt-get update done | 03:28 |
hmpedersen | Anyone here can help me with 2 simple problems? | 03:29 |
theD3viL | skora, realplayer dont works in repo..only that :) | 03:29 |
germancito | #gnome | 03:29 |
germancito | sorry | 03:29 |
gnomefreak | ok bulio not run apt-get dist-upgrade | 03:29 |
bulio | gnow? | 03:29 |
skora | what's wrong with it exactly ? | 03:29 |
bulio | *now | 03:29 |
gnomefreak | yes now | 03:30 |
bulio | gnomefreak: now run it? | 03:30 |
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Toma- | hmpedersen: nobody knows yet. | 03:30 |
tear | Toma-: clearing anything won't help, it won't free space, it's always 0, this happened while working with progranning a program that makes a file, but the file isn't made either so I can't see how that would fill anything, and still, why wouldn't deleting a 200MB file clear any free space? | 03:30 |
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bulio | its getting stuff noew | 03:30 |
skora | install probs, probs during actual playback, etc. | 03:30 |
bulio | *now | 03:30 |
Toma- | tear: could still be sitting in the ram.. | 03:30 |
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gnomefreak | bulio, did it do that the first time? | 03:30 |
Toma- | tear: try ask in #linux | 03:31 |
bulio | no, I followed the guide | 03:31 |
meuserj|work | tear, what filesystem is it? | 03:31 |
hmpedersen | sry Toma, my attention was hijacked by gaim.. First, the only language im able to get in kde is english (i want danish).. Second, im unable to find out how to make gaim and gmail-notifier run at logon.. | 03:31 |
_jason | is it possible for me to login to gnome and fluxbox at the same time somehow? | 03:31 |
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bulio | bbl soon | 03:31 |
bulio | I'll let you know when it is done | 03:31 |
gnomefreak | ok | 03:31 |
tear | meuserj|work: ext3 | 03:31 |
tear | Toma-: any quickguide to how, and I'm in concole mode mo no links please | 03:31 |
Toma- | hmpedersen: to get them to run at startup, make a link of the programs to ~/.kde/Autostart | 03:31 |
iustin | please someone know an easy to use, graphical program for backing up my ubuntu partition? or at least saving my settings (desktop, firefox) ?? | 03:31 |
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Toma- | tear: ive got no idea sorry | 03:32 |
meuserj|work | iustin, install sbackup | 03:32 |
tear | Toma-: OK, thanks anyway | 03:32 |
iustin | thanx... i will try it now, meuserj|work | 03:32 |
tear | meuserj|work: any ideas? | 03:33 |
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hmpedersen | toma, thanx.. | 03:34 |
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Toma- | no prob... as for the locale settings... | 03:34 |
hmpedersen | toma, u know how to find the languages for kde too? Ive searched trough just abou... | 03:34 |
hmpedersen | toma, wasnt supposed to press enter there.. | 03:34 |
Toma- | iirc, click K> Control Centre>Regional settings | 03:35 |
hmpedersen | darn enter.. too close to backspace.. | 03:35 |
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TokenBad | ok folks..lets see...I installed my printer through cups...a epson stylus 740 color. used the recommended driver that cups says...printer gets alll set up..and I clean the nozzles cause I have brand new cartridges that I put in...then I try to print a test page....and the printer will do one of two things..it will either go through the printer proccess...but then have nohing on the printer paper or it will just sit there and not print at all...any id | 03:35 |
TokenBad | eas? | 03:35 |
hmpedersen | toma, yeah.. only language available is english.. Cant get it to install danish | 03:35 |
TokenBad | hmm..it broke it up on it.. | 03:35 |
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meuserj|work | tear, not off the top of my head | 03:36 |
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=== gnomefreak brb | ||
Toma- | hmpedersen: try 'apt-get install kde-i18n-da' | 03:36 |
tear | meuserj|work: OK, I'll think a bit about it | 03:36 |
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Toma- | hmpedersen: then restart kde and check if its there again | 03:36 |
hmpedersen | toma, hmm.. all of a sudden, after my many attempts, it has installed danish.. | 03:36 |
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Toma- | ;P | 03:37 |
hmpedersen | Ill just restart kde.. brb | 03:37 |
iustin | meuserj|work, i clicked back-up in sbackup configuration and now it tells me it run in backround... what does this prog do now? | 03:38 |
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iustin | meuserj|work, i am worried cause i have very little space on this partition | 03:39 |
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meuserj|work | well.. it's backing up all settings in /etc, your home directory (execpt for media files like movies and music), and /var (except for temporary files) to /var/backup | 03:40 |
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hmpedersen | okay.., how many xchat have i running now? | 03:42 |
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meuserj|work | iustin, it also excludes files over 100 MB | 03:42 |
gnomefreak | 1? | 03:42 |
bulio | 11 minutes until it is done the download | 03:42 |
meuserj|work | iustin, so it shouldn't take up too much room | 03:43 |
iustin | yes ... it stopped | 03:43 |
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gnomefreak | bulio, after its done if no errors reboot into the new kernel sould be 2.6.12-10 i think is the newest one for breezy | 03:43 |
Toma- | hmpedersen: what? | 03:44 |
gnomefreak | should even | 03:44 |
iustin | finally i want to save my ubuntu and applications configurations and then e-mail them , format everything and reinstall on all of my hda | 03:44 |
hmpedersen | toma, seems i have 5 gmail notifiers and 5 gaim running now.. 2 i can see, the rest are in background.. | 03:44 |
Toma- | iustin: just make a big tarball of home | 03:44 |
bulio | gnomefreak:what do I do once iyts done downloading? | 03:44 |
iustin | just that? | 03:44 |
meuserj|work | iustin, ok.. then tar up your /var/backup directory | 03:44 |
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Toma- | hmpedersen: oic. youve got it to save the session on log out right? | 03:45 |
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gnomefreak | bulio, read above i just told you sir/maam | 03:45 |
bulio | ok, thanks | 03:45 |
veronique | hello | 03:45 |
iustin | it does save also my progs configuration (like firefox) ? | 03:45 |
hmpedersen | toma, no.. well.. in gnome i set it to never save session.. But havent found that in kde yet.. didnt tell it to save.. | 03:45 |
meuserj|work | iustin, yes | 03:45 |
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iustin | thanks so much | 03:45 |
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Toma- | hmpedersen: hang on, ill log into kde :0 | 03:45 |
iustin | i will try to tar my /var/backup | 03:45 |
Toma- | :) | 03:45 |
veronique | hello | 03:45 |
hmpedersen | toma, thanx | 03:46 |
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veronique | hello | 03:46 |
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gnomefreak | whats a good 2D app to look into space :( i dont know how to word it lol sorry | 03:47 |
Subhuman | hi, ive been running desktop ubuntu on a second box, but i want to use this as a server. worth reinstalling as ubuntu server? or what are the differences? as i have apache ssh and ftp on this machine anyway | 03:47 |
St^Anger^19m | the installer keeps asking me to enter my name and passwords | 03:47 |
=== Toma- [n=lin4me@203-59-182-214.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
St^Anger^19m | over and over | 03:47 |
Toma- | i like kde :( i miss it | 03:47 |
spine_ | 2d space map? google: | 03:47 |
gnomefreak | a gnome version of kstars :) | 03:47 |
spine_ | Gstars? | 03:47 |
iustin | meuserj|work, i`m a newbie but i wanna learn :)) ! can u plz paste here the command line for tar my /var/backup | 03:47 |
gnomefreak | didnt think there was a gstars but ill see | 03:48 |
iustin | meuserj|work, sorry for annoying you! | 03:48 |
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Toma- | ok hmpedersen, open up system settings, user account, session manager and make sure it starts with an empty session | 03:48 |
spine_ | i think u tar ur home and move it to /backup buddy | 03:48 |
hmpedersen | toma, yeah.. thanx.. i just found it a sec ago :) | 03:48 |
gnomefreak | nope no gstars | 03:48 |
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=== gnomefreak brb | ||
Toma- | oic | 03:48 |
meuserj|work | iustin, tar cjvf backups.tar.bz2 /var/backup | 03:48 |
hmpedersen | I'm a lil slow.. | 03:49 |
hmpedersen | thanx :) | 03:49 |
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spine_ | . | 03:49 |
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spine_ | . | 03:50 |
=== LSD-25 [n=monoxyde@24-177-238-026.dhcp.spbg.sc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
St^Anger^19m | why does the installer keep asking me for username and password? | 03:50 |
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LSD-25 | where is the apt-get package list in ubuntu ? | 03:50 |
Subhuman | ? | 03:50 |
Subhuman | /etc/sources.list | 03:51 |
LSD-25 | that has a list of all the possible packages i can install? | 03:51 |
=== LSD-25 isn't very familiar with apt-get... | ||
Ng | LSD-25: synaptic can show you that easily | 03:51 |
Subhuman | LSD-25, no sorry | 03:51 |
Subhuman | /etc/apt/sources,list | 03:51 |
Subhuman | is the list of repositries | 03:51 |
Subhuman | but yeah | 03:51 |
sadpanda | Hello. I'm trying to find a way to "ping" an IP address and a certain port (namely port 80 for HTTP), but I want to be able to use that port's protocol (ie, HTTP), so that I can retrieve any error codes. Ping uses ICMP and netcat uses basic TCP, so even though I can ping port 80, I can't get an error code. Any ideas? | 03:51 |
LSD-25 | NG i only installed console | 03:52 |
Subhuman | system/admininstation/synaptic pakcager manager | 03:52 |
Subhuman | oh LSD-25 | 03:52 |
Ng | LSD-25: aptitude then | 03:52 |
LSD-25 | its a server ;) | 03:52 |
rem_ | apt-cache search | 03:52 |
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LSD-25 | thanks. | 03:52 |
Subhuman | do "sudo apt-get search "string" | 03:52 |
LSD-25 | i'm used to FreeBSD and the ports collection | 03:52 |
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LSD-25 | wanted to try something new. | 03:52 |
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Subhuman | hey LSD-25, wats fbsd like to install and admin? | 03:52 |
bulio | 3 mins left :) | 03:52 |
Subhuman | im thinking of checking out tonight. | 03:53 |
LSD-25 | i love FreeBSD | 03:53 |
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Ng | the freebsd install is quite simple | 03:53 |
LSD-25 | the 5.* and 4.11 are the most stable IMO | 03:53 |
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_nano_ | Ng, what about hardware detection? | 03:53 |
LSD-25 | its great. | 03:53 |
LSD-25 | hardware detection on bsd. | 03:53 |
Ng | _nano_: pass | 03:53 |
LSD-25 | fbsd at least. | 03:53 |
Subhuman | itz lame, im having to shuffle my parititons about as it needs a primary partitioon | 03:53 |
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LSD-25 | Linux can read NFS right? | 03:54 |
LSD-25 | its been 4 years since i used linux. | 03:54 |
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meuserj|work | LSD-25, of course | 03:54 |
Toma- | LSD-25: you mean ntfs? | 03:54 |
LSD-25 | no, NFS | 03:54 |
LSD-25 | FreeBSD file system | 03:54 |
zandaa | how can I change the default application for MP3 files? | 03:54 |
tear | can I reinstall ubuntu from the net without loosing my /home ? | 03:54 |
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zandaa | tear, you could always backup your /home first | 03:55 |
LSD-25 | tear you should always make /home a separate partition for those occasions | 03:55 |
meuserj|work | LSD-25, you mean the Network FileSystem right? RPC and all that? | 03:55 |
Toma- | LSD-25: not networked file system? | 03:55 |
LSD-25 | yeah meepy | 03:55 |
LSD-25 | meuserj|work | 03:55 |
rem_ | dont format your /home at install ... | 03:55 |
meepy | what's up? | 03:55 |
zandaa | how can I change the default application for MP3 files? | 03:55 |
LSD-25 | meepy i didn't mean to put in your nick ;) was trying to get meuserj|work | 03:55 |
bulio | extracting packages now | 03:55 |
LSD-25 | was too lazy to hit tab enough | 03:56 |
bulio | how long does that take? | 03:56 |
meepy | :) | 03:56 |
bulio | when upgrading to breezy | 03:56 |
LSD-25 | Subhuman i just wanted a change, so i decided to go back to my roots with linux ;) | 03:56 |
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hmpedersen | Toma, thanx.. now its working as it should :) | 03:57 |
LSD-25 | Subhuman http://www.obliterates.us/uptime.JPG :) not a problem in the world when i did a shutdown after that.... ran like a champ | 03:57 |
Toma- | hmpedersen: kewl :) | 03:57 |
tear | well I will do that next time, but I doesn't save that much in /home ony thing is my programming, the rest I have mounted a partition for. anyhow, how do I backup the /home I'm in console mode, something scewed my / diskspace totaly | 03:57 |
BlueDevil | does anyone have the same issue with kpdf as I do? see here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5753 | 03:57 |
=== dpupp [n=dpupp@cpe-65-189-185-5.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Penguin_ | hello, Can I disable a usb port with putting it into the blacklist file of hotplug? (its a faulty usb port and I get errors of it every 15seconds, with stopping hotplug, the error messages dissapear to) | 03:58 |
Penguin_ | but I wanna keep hotplug :-) | 03:58 |
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dr_willis | Penguin_, you mean a single port? | 03:59 |
Penguin_ | yes | 03:59 |
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dr_willis | Hmm... that would be interesting... | 03:59 |
dr_willis | a single port out of the 4 or so on the pc is bad eh? | 03:59 |
Penguin_ | I have googeled and searched but cant find a answer | 03:59 |
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Penguin_ | yes, its from the build in cardreader | 04:00 |
markive | Penguin, i'd open the box and disconect it | 04:00 |
meuserj|work | Penguin_, not that I know of.. the only thing you can blacklist in hotplug is a driver.. and I assume that you still want to use the good ports | 04:00 |
tear | how to I reinstall ubuntu without disc? | 04:00 |
Penguin_ | thats the problem, then I disable 4 ports at once | 04:00 |
markive | penguin_ just cut the wires on the faulty one | 04:01 |
Penguin_ | ok gonna try that, thx :-) | 04:01 |
markive | Penguin i'd wait for a second | 04:01 |
markive | Penguin just incase any of these folks might have a software fix | 04:02 |
LSD-25 | how can i make apt-get get packages off the web instead of the cd? | 04:02 |
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trappist | !tell LSD-25 about repos | 04:02 |
Dido- | Hello! I've set up lan network between me and Xp but when I try to connect to the other pc it requests some password and didn't specify one.. what should I do...? | 04:03 |
dashinho | How can I use php on the commandlines as scripts? like: $ php myscript.php... when I try that It can't find php... | 04:03 |
zandaa | Dido- tried leaving it empty? | 04:03 |
markive | Dido leave it empty | 04:03 |
Dido- | zandaa, yes | 04:03 |
zandaa | Dido- weird | 04:03 |
Dido- | i've tried, doesnt work | 04:03 |
trappist | dashinho: sudo apt-get install php4-cli and the command is php4 | 04:03 |
markive | have you got guest account ennabled in xp? | 04:03 |
Toma- | damn, just found a command to help tear :( | 04:03 |
LSD-25 | trappist i'm using console . . . | 04:03 |
LSD-25 | no gui | 04:04 |
Penguin_ | ok I'm still here :) | 04:04 |
gnomefreak | LSD-25, comment out the cdrom repo should be first one in sources list | 04:04 |
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trappist | LSD-25: add some repositories to your /etc/apt/sources.list and remove the cd repository | 04:04 |
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hmpedersen | back | 04:04 |
Penguin_ | gonna ask on the forums to :-) | 04:04 |
markive | penguin good idea | 04:04 |
LSD-25 | "-P | 04:04 |
LSD-25 | thanks | 04:05 |
Dido- | zandaa, and the xp doesn't allow the leave it empty | 04:05 |
Dido- | .. | 04:05 |
markive | penguin thats a hardware problem really | 04:05 |
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Penguin_ | I dont wanna break the whole thing for just an error message :p | 04:05 |
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markive | there must be a way of stoping it | 04:05 |
Dido- | zandaa, any idea how to specify password so i'm sure i'm entering it correct | 04:05 |
Penguin_ | yup, but the weird thiong is that sometimes with a cold boot it works again | 04:05 |
markive | maybe a loose wire | 04:05 |
Penguin_ | if I boot into windows its totally screwed up again | 04:06 |
LSD-25 | how come when i "sudo apt-get search gcc" i get the error "E: Invalid operation search" | 04:06 |
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Penguin_ | I think windows does something really freaky with it :-) | 04:06 |
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markive | i'd unsolder the busted one or just cut if free | 04:06 |
trappist | LSD-25: apt-cache search | 04:06 |
meuserj|work | LSD-25, apt-cache search gcc | 04:06 |
Penguin_ | ok :-) | 04:06 |
LSD-25 | thanks | 04:06 |
meuserj|work | LSD-25, he gave you the wrong command | 04:06 |
hmpedersen | bbl | 04:07 |
meuserj|work | LSD-25, quick tip... if you source /etc/apt/bash_completion, you can bash complete package names | 04:07 |
dpupp | need some help with TVTIME... i dont have permision to make changes to it for some odd reason. it wont even read its own... removing it does not do anything to change when reinstalling. owner is root, permission is 700 ...and i suck at changing permissions :( help please? . | 04:07 |
markive | Anyone know how to put power preferences in the startup so the battery icon is on the taskbar please? | 04:08 |
zandaa | Dido-, I don't have a clue about Win>Lin networking | 04:08 |
markive | i do it | 04:08 |
markive | i have 8 machines here networked | 04:08 |
Dido- | zandaa, any idea how to specify password so i'm sure i'm entering it correct (here on ubuntu) | 04:08 |
markive | 9 now i have this laptop | 04:08 |
dpupp | when running TVtime i get: Reading configuration from /etc/tvtime/tvtime.xml | 04:08 |
dpupp | I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/home/ookami/.tvtime/tvtime.xml" | 04:08 |
markive | i never seem to have a problem | 04:09 |
dpupp | i/o permission denied. | 04:09 |
markive | in ubuntu i just go to places>then network servers | 04:09 |
Toma- | dpupp: have you run tvtime-configure yet? | 04:09 |
gnomefreak | dpupp, use sudo before the command | 04:09 |
dpupp | toma- no i havent. | 04:10 |
markive | how do u keep the battery monitor icon when i remboot chaps? | 04:10 |
meuserj|work | dpupp, it sounds like you don't have permission to read .tvtime | 04:10 |
meuserj|work | dpupp, try this | 04:10 |
Toma- | im watching scrubs thru tvtime right now :D | 04:10 |
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markive | whats tvtime? | 04:10 |
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Toma- | tv app | 04:10 |
dpupp | yeah the directory is locked .... permission 700 | 04:10 |
meuserj|work | dpupp, do you own the dir | 04:10 |
meuserj|work | ? | 04:10 |
markive | toma- is it any good? | 04:11 |
Toma- | markive: the best. | 04:11 |
meuserj|work | markive, it's great.. it's what I use too | 04:11 |
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Toma- | needs recording tho :( | 04:11 |
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=== gnomefreak assuming you need a cable outlet in back of pc? | ||
markive | it has a list of servers inside it? | 04:11 |
dpupp | meuserrj|work, what? .... | 04:11 |
_nano_ | could any one suggest a good blogging client for gnome that's compatible with Blogger. Gnome-blog-post doesn't seem to work properly with blogger | 04:11 |
bur[n] er | dpupp: ls -l... does it say your username | 04:11 |
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Toma- | markive: gnomefreak: its for tv cards only :D | 04:11 |
meuserj|work | dpupp, ls -ld .tvtime | 04:12 |
gnomefreak | ahhhh | 04:12 |
St^Anger^19m | help: why does setup keep asking for username and password when i install as server? | 04:12 |
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markive | now installing | 04:12 |
dpupp | ookami@navi:~$ ls -l .tvtime | 04:12 |
dpupp | ls: .tvtime: Permission denied | 04:12 |
meuserj|work | dpupp, ls -ld .tvtime | 04:12 |
bulio | almost done with installing packages | 04:12 |
meuserj|work | dpupp, the d is important | 04:12 |
Toma- | im off. cyas | 04:12 |
dpupp | ookami@navi:~$ ls -ld .tvtime | 04:12 |
dpupp | drwx------ 2 root root 4096 2005-12-14 09:49 .tvtime | 04:12 |
meuserj|work | dpupp, ok... do this | 04:13 |
bur[n] er | dpupp: u can see it's owned by the user root and in the group root | 04:13 |
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dpupp | why is it owned by root if i installed it? :( | 04:13 |
meuserj|work | sudo chown -R dpupp:dpupp .tvtime | 04:13 |
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meuserj|work | where dpupp is your username | 04:13 |
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meuserj|work | dpupp, you must have run it as root at some point | 04:14 |
dpupp | sudo chown -R ookami:ookami .tvtime | 04:14 |
dpupp | right? | 04:14 |
meuserj|work | yeah | 04:14 |
trappist | if you're ookami | 04:14 |
St^Anger^19m | :( | 04:14 |
dpupp | ok, yeah i install everything using sudo.... its the only way i have seen it to work. other wise, i get permission not allowe.d | 04:14 |
dpupp | ok! there we go. | 04:15 |
meuserj|work | dpupp, right.. but it shouldn't have written your .tvtime files as root unless you accidentally ran tvtime as root | 04:15 |
meuserj|work | dpupp, great | 04:15 |
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dpupp | meuserj|work , thanks :) | 04:16 |
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trappist | actually I think there's something about tvtime... my .tvtime was root-owned too, and I don't think I ever even used it | 04:16 |
dpupp | how does one run a program as root? other than sudo?id like to know so i can avoid that. | 04:16 |
trappist | sudo is how it's done | 04:16 |
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dpupp | ok. | 04:16 |
dpupp | takes note of the chown command. * | 04:16 |
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trappist | I really think it's a tvtime package issue, though | 04:17 |
meuserj|work | dpupp, np | 04:17 |
trappist | confirmed | 04:17 |
kyncani | dpupp: get a root shell with sudo -i | 04:17 |
meuserj|work | dpupp, you probably did it with sudo | 04:17 |
trappist | I just installed tvtime and ran it once as myself, and I have a root-owned .tvtime in my homedir | 04:18 |
trappist | he didn't. or at least, he wouldn't have had to. | 04:18 |
meuserj|work | trappist, really? that's odd.... it must be suid root. | 04:18 |
kairo | Ive on latitude d510 and touchpad dont work for 'click and select'. Look the documentation /usr/share/doc/xorg-driver-synaptics/readme.debian have a refer about kernel module config_mouse_ps2_synaptics. On Ubuntu Kernels this module is not pre-compiled. Possible error? | 04:18 |
dpupp | great! now i get to figure out why its missing channels that are available when under windows :) | 04:18 |
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dpupp | bbl. got some docs to read. Thanks for the help. | 04:18 |
trappist | meuserj|work: doesn't look to be. it couldn't read its own .tvtime, anyway. | 04:18 |
meuserj|work | trappist, very weird..... | 04:19 |
Fast | i'm currently using gentoo on my desktops and frankly haven't got the time to set it up on my laptop, would ubuntu suit me? | 04:19 |
meuserj|work | Fast, definately | 04:19 |
Fast | i'm a big gnome fan too... | 04:19 |
markive | just installed tvtime, click it in applications , boom , worked | 04:19 |
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meuserj|work | Fast, then ubuntu will definately suit you | 04:20 |
St^Anger^19m | help: why does setup keep asking for username and password when i install as server? | 04:20 |
trappist | markive: ls -ld ~/.tvtime | 04:20 |
meuserj|work | Fast, and if you can handle portage, you can definately handle apt | 04:20 |
markive | kairo i think so | 04:20 |
trappist | St^Anger^19m: it's probably asking you for usernames and passwords for various apps | 04:21 |
markive | trappist whats that? | 04:21 |
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meuserj|work | St^Anger^19m, it must be getting stuck somewhere? are you getting an error? | 04:21 |
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trappist | St^Anger^19m: which shouldn't be the same as the system account | 04:21 |
St^Anger^19m | no | 04:21 |
=== VincentMX [n=vincent@c3eea0597.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
trappist | markive: I want to see if it's owned by root | 04:21 |
VincentMX | hi | 04:21 |
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St^Anger^19m | it just keeps goin over it again | 04:21 |
markive | ok | 04:21 |
St^Anger^19m | no error msg | 04:21 |
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VincentMX | how come i can | 04:21 |
trappist | St^Anger^19m: try a better password | 04:21 |
VincentMX | Oops | 04:21 |
kairo | markive: in the end of day I make a recompile kernel for a test. The ubuntu haves a doc for this compilation? | 04:21 |
trappist | St^Anger^19m: just a guess | 04:21 |
VincentMX | how come i can't play MP3? | 04:21 |
trappist | !tell VincentMX about mp3 | 04:22 |
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VincentMX | thnx | 04:22 |
St^Anger^19m | hmm | 04:22 |
St^Anger^19m | ye it's different passwords | 04:22 |
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St^Anger^19m | what an idiot :D | 04:22 |
markive | whats the command? | 04:22 |
trappist | St^Anger^19m: haha | 04:22 |
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trappist | markive: ls -ld ~/.tvtime | 04:22 |
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Poland | so can someone answer me a question | 04:23 |
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trappist | Poland: not until you ask it | 04:23 |
MickMcMack | ~askprotocol | 04:23 |
Corin_777 | why is TOR blocked here? | 04:23 |
MickMcMack | !askprotocol | 04:23 |
trappist | Corin_777: too much abuse | 04:23 |
ubotu | Wish i knew, MickMcMack | 04:23 |
MickMcMack | GRrrrrrrrr. | 04:23 |
Poland | can ubuntu work with an airport extreme card? | 04:23 |
Corin_777 | trappist, from who? | 04:24 |
=== MickMcMack can't remember what the factoid was called. :( | ||
Corin_777 | some people use it just for privacy.... | 04:24 |
trappist | Corin_777: tor users, I guess. I'm sorta new here, but that's what the ops tell me. | 04:24 |
Corin_777 | ok | 04:24 |
trappist | Corin_777: yeah and some people take advantage of the privacy to act like idiots | 04:24 |
Corin_777 | Ops, where are you? | 04:24 |
Corin_777 | Seveas? | 04:24 |
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Seveas | Corin_777, ? | 04:25 |
Poland | because i really need wireless and ive read that ubuntu doesnt even support wireless? | 04:25 |
Corin_777 | why is tor blocked? | 04:25 |
Poland | is that correct? | 04:25 |
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trappist | Poland: if you do lspci does it tell you what chipset the card uses? | 04:25 |
Seveas | Corin_777, too much abuse | 04:25 |
Poland | where do i do that/ | 04:25 |
LSD-25 | what's up with http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/d5754 ? | 04:25 |
St^Anger^19m | trappist: no...its actually looping :( | 04:25 |
Corin_777 | Seveas, from who? how? | 04:25 |
struggler | I allowed synaptic to upgrade apache2 to 2.0.53-5ubuntu5.4 and now apache dies with "apr_thread_create: unable to create worker thread". whenever a connection is attempted, anybody help? | 04:25 |
trappist | Poland: ubuntu has the best wireless support I've seen in any distro I've used | 04:25 |
Seveas | Corin_777, from tor, in here, EOD | 04:25 |
Poland | but with mac? | 04:25 |
nickrud | !ask | 04:26 |
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Corin_777 | EOD? what do you mean "from tor"? from tor users? | 04:26 |
dooglus | Corin_777: "end of discussion" | 04:26 |
trappist | Corin_777: EOD = End Of Discussion | 04:26 |
Poland | 0000:00:0b.0 Host bridge: Apple Computer Inc. UniNorth 2 AGP | 04:26 |
Poland | 0000:00:10.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV250 5c63 [Radeon Mobility 9200 M9+] (rev 01) | 04:26 |
Poland | 0001:10:0b.0 Host bridge: Apple Computer Inc. UniNorth 2 PCI | 04:26 |
Poland | 0001:10:12.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03) | 04:26 |
Poland | 0001:10:17.0 ff00: Apple Computer Inc. KeyLargo/Intrepid Mac I/O | 04:26 |
Poland | 0001:10:18.0 USB Controller: Apple Computer Inc. KeyLargo/Intrepid USB | 04:26 |
Seveas | Corin_777, sigh, they are blocked and it's not going to change. POINT | 04:26 |
Poland | 0001:10:19.0 USB Controller: Apple Computer Inc. KeyLargo/Intrepid USB | 04:26 |
trappist | ugh. | 04:26 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %Poland!*@*] by Seveas | ||
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MickMcMack | Pwnt. | 04:26 |
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dooglus | Corin_777: lots of people come here to spam or flood. if they use TOR you can't ban them, other than by banning all TOR users. | 04:26 |
Corin_777 | hmmmm | 04:27 |
meuserj|work | LSD-25, dependency issue | 04:27 |
Corin_777 | seems unfair | 04:27 |
markive | drwx------ 2 marky marky 4096 2005-12-14 15:18 /home/marky/.tvtime | 04:27 |
Corin_777 | some of us use it for online privacy | 04:27 |
trappist | Corin_777: complain to the abusers. | 04:27 |
Seveas | Corin_777, just as unfair as flooding | 04:27 |
arod-- | i'm trying to stream live music using totem movie player. how can i download the correct codecs? | 04:27 |
Seveas | live with it. | 04:27 |
meuserj|work | LSD-25, just apt-get install perl | 04:27 |
MickMcMack | What's TOR ? | 04:27 |
MickMcMack | O_o; | 04:27 |
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dooglus | Corin_777: you can still use a server that isn't yours for IRCing | 04:27 |
LSD-25 | meuserj|work i've done that :-x | 04:27 |
dooglus | Corin_777: just not a tor one | 04:27 |
Seveas | get yourself an unaffiliated/cloak if you want 'privacy' | 04:27 |
Seveas | MickMcMack, an abusers heaven | 04:28 |
=== MickMcMack fluffles his own cloak. | ||
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MickMcMack | Ah, Seveas, like AOL? | 04:28 |
markive | arod get win32 codecs and use vlc or mplayer instead | 04:28 |
MickMcMack | *chortle* | 04:28 |
Seveas | MickMcMack, :) | 04:28 |
dooglus | MickMcMack: tor is "the onion router" - it's like a bunch of proxy servers or some such | 04:28 |
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MickMcMack | Thanks dooglus. :) | 04:29 |
Seveas | anyway, let's stop being horribly off-topic | 04:29 |
=== MickMcMack slaps self. | ||
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jbroome | what if i run a tor node on ubuntu? :P | 04:29 |
arod-- | markive i only have totem and xmms | 04:29 |
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Corin_777 | dooglus, where can i find details of other servers? | 04:29 |
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markive | arod , download vlc or mplayer | 04:29 |
markive | totem is weak | 04:30 |
jbroome | Corin_777: check out tor.eff.org for more info | 04:30 |
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arod-- | ok im installing vlc now. i tried getting mplayer, it said i had it already. i dont see it though | 04:30 |
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Corin_777 | jbroome, im not asking what tor is... i was the one complaining that tor has been banned.... it was MickMcMack asking what it was... | 04:30 |
Skoal | how do i do a big post? | 04:30 |
markive | type it in run, see if it starts | 04:30 |
Skoal | pastebin? | 04:31 |
Seveas | Skoal, yup | 04:31 |
hmpedersen | great.. finally skype learned to not kill all sound when i try to make a call.. | 04:31 |
jbroome | doh | 04:31 |
Seveas | !tell Skoal about pastebin | 04:31 |
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Corin_777 | dooglus, "you can still use a server that isn't yours for IRCing" - where can i find details of servers? | 04:31 |
hmpedersen | instead now it refuses to call, saying problem with sound device :( | 04:31 |
Skoal | ok i need to know if airport extreme cards work well with ubuntu | 04:31 |
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Seveas | Skoal, they don't. Blame apple/broadcom | 04:31 |
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trappist | Corin_777: I think he means get yourself a shell | 04:31 |
Skoal | they dont at all? | 04:31 |
arod-- | markive vlc works perfect now. thanks | 04:31 |
Corin_777 | trappist, i think he means use a normal proxy... | 04:32 |
Seveas | they don't work at al, stupid broadcom chip | 04:32 |
markive | arod :) glad to be a help | 04:32 |
Ng | I read the other day that someone reverse engineered the broadcom chip used in the apple airport extreme | 04:32 |
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Seveas | Ng, yeah, but that's still very unstable | 04:32 |
Seveas | looks promising though | 04:32 |
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Ng | I picked up an Athereos based netgear the other day, worked perfectly out of the box :) | 04:33 |
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markive | i istill need to find out how I can keep the battery status icon in the taskbar , when i reboot it goes, have to run the app again | 04:33 |
trappist | http://bcm43xx.berlios.de/ | 04:33 |
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Corin_777 | brb | 04:33 |
trappist | Ng: yeah atheros cards are great | 04:33 |
Ng | markive: when you log out or tell it to reboot, tick the "Save current session" box, it should remember the settings | 04:33 |
Seveas | atheros++ | 04:34 |
arod-- | are there any sites I can read up on that have shortcut keys for ubuntu? like how to get to the applications menu for say without using the mouse | 04:34 |
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Seveas | especially if yoiu use the latest drivers (not the restricted-module ones) | 04:34 |
markive | ahh... i seen that , why didn't i think of thagt | 04:34 |
markive | ng nice one brb , then | 04:34 |
Ng | Seveas: I've been meaning to have a play with those - you mean madwifi-ng? | 04:34 |
Seveas | arod--, <alt><f1> | 04:34 |
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Seveas | Ng, no simplt the latest madwifi | 04:34 |
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Ng | ah | 04:34 |
theD3viL | where can i edit my services at startup? | 04:34 |
Seveas | theD3viL, system -> admin -> services | 04:35 |
arod-- | Seveas so i guess it's alot of alt & f buttons? any actual documentation though? | 04:35 |
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theD3viL | Seveas, there are not all | 04:35 |
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Seveas | arod--, the gnome help should have them, system -> prefs -> keyboard shortcuts lists a lot (and you can change them there too) | 04:35 |
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theD3viL | Seveas, oh...yes there are all...what do anacron atd and cron? | 04:36 |
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arod-- | Seveas thanks. | 04:36 |
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testmachine | hm | 04:37 |
Ng | theD3viL: they are for running scheduled jobs - e.g. cron/anacron manage things like rotating logs, updating the database used by "locate", etc. | 04:37 |
Ng | window 27 | 04:37 |
testmachine | i am thinking about testing suse 10.0 | 04:37 |
Ng | erk | 04:37 |
Seveas | theD3viL: scheduling periodic jobs (you want them) | 04:37 |
testmachine | tried suse a few years ago | 04:37 |
St^Anger^19m | hey | 04:37 |
testmachine | didnt like it | 04:37 |
Seveas | testmachine -> #suse | 04:38 |
St^Anger^19m | how can i set up users manually from command line? | 04:38 |
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St^Anger^19m | i have root | 04:38 |
testmachine | Seveas: dont ask support | 04:38 |
Ng | St^Anger^19m: adduser | 04:38 |
St^Anger^19m | control | 04:38 |
Seveas | St^Anger^19m, sudo adduser $some_name | 04:38 |
testmachine | Seveas: just talking shit | 04:38 |
dpupp | can someone tell me what is this command for before i go running it? modprobe SAA7133 | 04:38 |
dpupp | ? | 04:38 |
Seveas | testmachine -> #ubuntu-offtopic then ;) | 04:38 |
testmachine | hehehh | 04:38 |
testmachine | does that chan exist? | 04:38 |
meuserj|work | it inserts the SAA7133 driver | 04:38 |
Seveas | dpupp, it loads the saa7133 kernel module | 04:38 |
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St^Anger^19m | Seveas: it says group some_name doesnt exist | 04:39 |
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St^Anger^19m | PS: username creation in install failed...so i skipped it | 04:39 |
meuserj|work | St^Anger^19m, don't actually use some_name.... | 04:40 |
Seveas | St^Anger^19m, replace $some_name with the name you want... | 04:40 |
St^Anger^19m | meuserj|work: that much i know :D | 04:40 |
St^Anger^19m | Seveas: yes i did | 04:40 |
meuserj|work | St^Anger^19m, only put one name in, because if you put two in, it thinks you are adding a name to a group | 04:40 |
St^Anger^19m | 1 name | 04:40 |
meuserj|work | so you did "sudo adduser blah" | 04:40 |
St^Anger^19m | i just did #sudo adduser $andrea | 04:40 |
dpupp | ok. hmmm. ok i issued the command: modprobe saa7134 but i got no response or info... it just brings me back to the terminal prmopt. there a way to make it verbose so i know whats going on? | 04:40 |
theD3viL | Seveas, when i shutdowning computer there is stoping bluetooth service..and i dont know where dont start it | 04:40 |
meuserj|work | St^Anger^19m, don't put the dollar sign in. | 04:41 |
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Corin_777 | Seveas, am I allowed this proxy? | 04:41 |
St^Anger^19m | dont work | 04:41 |
St^Anger^19m | :( | 04:41 |
Seveas | Corin_777, if it isn't banned: yes :) | 04:41 |
St^Anger^19m | chown was not permitted | 04:41 |
serengeti | hello :) | 04:41 |
St^Anger^19m | for /home/andrea | 04:41 |
serengeti | i've a problem setting up irda on my thinkpad t42 | 04:42 |
serengeti | i installed irda-utils | 04:42 |
meuserj|work | St^Anger^19m, ok... so you are adding a user that already has a home directory. | 04:42 |
St^Anger^19m | can i remove a use first? | 04:42 |
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St^Anger^19m | meuserj|work: yes...trouble is...the install never accepted the user..it kept asking me for it | 04:43 |
serengeti | did sudo modprobe irda irtty_sir sir_dev | 04:43 |
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meuserj|work | are you sure that the user doesn't exist? | 04:43 |
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meuserj|work | grep andrea /etc/passwd | 04:43 |
serengeti | but irdadump shows nothing when I wave my siemens me45 in front of the irda port | 04:43 |
Corin_777 | :D | 04:44 |
serengeti | any clues? | 04:44 |
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St^Anger^19m | meuserj|work: that returned notinh | 04:44 |
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meuserj|work | St^Anger^19m, ls -ld /home/andrea | 04:45 |
dpupp | how do i get detailed information of a TV card that i have installed? | 04:45 |
Seveas | dpupp, lshal / lspci -n | 04:45 |
St^Anger^19m | meuserj|work: /home/andrea no such file or directory | 04:45 |
meuserj|work | St^Anger^19m, ls -ld /home | 04:46 |
St^Anger^19m | btw...i tried to set up home as fat 32 | 04:46 |
meuserj|work | St^Anger^19m, there's your problem | 04:46 |
meuserj|work | you can't do that | 04:46 |
St^Anger^19m | hmmm | 04:46 |
St^Anger^19m | why? | 04:46 |
St^Anger^19m | i need to transfer files | 04:46 |
St^Anger^19m | from win to linux | 04:46 |
meuserj|work | St^Anger^19m, that's probably why it kept erroring in the install too | 04:46 |
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meuserj|work | you can't do that because you need more permission bits in your home directory than fat32 provides | 04:46 |
Seveas | yes, /home on fat32 is a recipe for disaster | 04:47 |
Seveas | the installer actually prevents that now | 04:47 |
St^Anger^19m | Seveas: then the installer should stop it :( | 04:47 |
Seveas | St^Anger^19m, was it a hoary installer? | 04:47 |
St^Anger^19m | i'm on 5.10 | 04:47 |
meuserj|work | St^Anger^19m, make a seperate partition for that | 04:47 |
meuserj|work | dont' try to use your home | 04:47 |
St^Anger^19m | okies | 04:47 |
Seveas | the 5.10 stops it unless you override that | 04:47 |
St^Anger^19m | :D | 04:47 |
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St^Anger^19m | i'll reinstall | 04:47 |
St^Anger^19m | its only a server install anyway :D | 04:47 |
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St^Anger^19m | nothing like reformatting windows :D | 04:48 |
St^Anger^19m | thanks :D | 04:48 |
samppa | Do you think Ubuntu is suitable to server usage? | 04:48 |
samppa | ubuntu-minimal | 04:48 |
VincentMX | yes | 04:48 |
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testmachine | samppa: yes it is | 04:48 |
Seveas | samppa, yes, I use it on quite a few servers | 04:48 |
St^Anger^19m | yes iit is | 04:48 |
testmachine | samppa: perfect | 04:48 |
testmachine | for servers | 04:48 |
samppa | okay :P | 04:48 |
testmachine | i run an asterisk server | 04:48 |
testmachine | on ubuntu | 04:48 |
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testmachine | voip | 04:48 |
St^Anger^19m | but actually i want a minimilast system for xfce ;D | 04:49 |
St^Anger^19m | hence my server install | 04:49 |
remote_ | what does ubuntu use for power management on laptops? | 04:49 |
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VincentMX | testmachine what is this asterisk thing? | 04:49 |
samppa | I've used Debian as a server OS but my / hard disk was broken 2 weeks ago. | 04:49 |
testmachine | VincentMX: its anPBX server | 04:49 |
samppa | Today I will install some Unix to that box | 04:49 |
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VincentMX | can you use it to call to normal phones, testmachine? | 04:50 |
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St^Anger^19m | i'm learning linux with VMware | 04:50 |
remote_ | I am having difficulty charing my laptop batteries | 04:50 |
St^Anger^19m | i hate rebooting | 04:50 |
remote_ | can anyone help me with this? | 04:51 |
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ernstp | anyone running Dapper can find the print option in Gimp? | 04:53 |
HymnToLife | remote_ > I don't think it has anything to do with uuntu | 04:53 |
Jowi | hello everyone. I have a strange mplayer output problem: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5755 | 04:53 |
remote_ | I have two batteries in my Dell 8200 and one of them doesn't seem to be charging one of them | 04:53 |
HymnToLife | Jowi > use VLC :p | 04:53 |
olicat | when vi doesn't let me delete something with backspace, how do i enable it? at the moment i have to go to the start of a word and press delete | 04:53 |
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remote_ | HymnToLife > I can't even see the battery monitor on my session right now, did I mess something up with acpi? | 04:54 |
meuserj|work | olicat, is it nvi or vim? | 04:54 |
Jowi | HymnToLife: probably not possible with freevo i'm afaid. that's the only reason i use mplayer. totem-xine work great for me | 04:54 |
trappist | Jowi: have you tried other video output drivers? | 04:54 |
HymnToLife | remote_ > install the gnome-poower-managaer package | 04:54 |
Jowi | trappist: yep, xv x11 and sdl | 04:54 |
ernstp | Dapper: open a picture in Gimp and try to find print in the menus | 04:54 |
trappist | Jowi: oh, mplayer is messing up your mythtv? | 04:55 |
meuserj|work | Jowi, it looks like a driver issue | 04:56 |
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Jowi | trappist: not mythtv. freevo. :) i included a screenshot in the pastebin | 04:56 |
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trappist | Jowi: yeah that's what I'm looking at | 04:56 |
trappist | Jowi: have you tried another media player, like xine, to see if you get the same results? | 04:56 |
meuserj|work | Jowi, what is the video card? and are you using tvout or vga/dvi? | 04:56 |
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Jowi | meuserj|work: yeah, most likely. only mplayer got the prob. xine, totem vlc are all good. never seen this prob before i tested mplayer. | 04:57 |
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meuserj|work | Jowi, that's odd | 04:57 |
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Jowi | meuserj|work: vga (to lcd) + svideo | 04:57 |
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Jowi | what make it stranger is that only tv-out is affected. the lcd colours are not touched | 04:57 |
jordo23 | Does anyone here have any experience with evolution and exchange? | 04:58 |
zandaa | is there a 64-bit version of MythTV? | 04:58 |
meuserj|work | Jowi, very weird... I have a similar setup and I've never seen anything like that.... | 04:58 |
meuserj|work | is it using xvideo? | 04:59 |
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meuserj|work | try different mplayer video out drivers and see if it turns out differently | 04:59 |
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Jowi | meuserj|work: yeah. no-one seem to know anything about it. its using xv in the screenshot but x11 and sdl is the same | 04:59 |
tapH20guru | what do you guys know about doc.gwos.org? why another doc site? what about docs.ubuntu.com? | 05:00 |
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meuserj|work | Jowi, what's the video card? | 05:00 |
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Jowi | meuserj|work: via cle266 with dri | 05:00 |
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Skoal | so no way to airport extremes? | 05:00 |
meuserj|work | I have no idea..... | 05:00 |
DrBair | I need some newer dev libraries, does anyone know of a repository that would have newer libraries? | 05:01 |
jbroome | doesn't sound like it | 05:01 |
Jowi | meuserj|work: was afraid of that. thanks anyway :) | 05:01 |
ratolesti | does anyone know where i can find irc-chat for mandrake-linux? | 05:01 |
meuserj|work | Jowi, np | 05:01 |
Skoal | does any other linux offer support for airport extremes? | 05:01 |
meuserj|work | Skoal, nope.. no support for that anywhere | 05:01 |
trappist | Jowi: does it happen with all media? | 05:01 |
Skoal | can any other linux do it? | 05:02 |
meuserj|work | Skoal, no | 05:02 |
Skoal | f$ck | 05:02 |
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Skoal | ok... | 05:02 |
Skoal | ok then.....i have another question | 05:02 |
Jowi | trappist: yeah | 05:02 |
napsy | hi. can i set the mplayer audio output to demuxer? | 05:02 |
Jowi | trappist: tested with dvd, mpg and avi | 05:02 |
meuserj|work | Skoal, it's one of the few pieces of hardware that there is absolutely no way to get to work in linux | 05:02 |
Skoal | i have wireless in my house, with a total of 3 computers.....how could i make that work?? | 05:02 |
trappist | Jowi: have you seen http://www.viaarena.com/default.aspx?PageID=22&DSCat=29&DCatType=1 | 05:03 |
Khisanth | if one distro can support a piece of hardware so can others .. | 05:03 |
Skoal | have a small hub and run the wire upstairs to my computer? | 05:03 |
Xappe | Skoal: buy a usb wireless dongle | 05:03 |
Skoal | dongle? | 05:03 |
dpupp | is it possible to get more info than just: 0000:01:07.0 Multimedia controller: Philips Semiconductors SAA7133 Audio+video broadcast decoder (rev 10) | 05:03 |
Skoal | WTF? | 05:03 |
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Skoal | what is that | 05:04 |
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nalioth | ubotu: tell Skoal about wireless | 05:04 |
czr | dpupp, lspci -vv | 05:04 |
czr | dpupp, also lspci -n and use the pci-codes to find out more info using google | 05:05 |
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jbroome | Skoal: it is a wireless adapter that plugs into the USB port | 05:05 |
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jbroome | Skoal: or run an ethernet cable and use that | 05:05 |
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jbroome | ratolesti: i'm sure xchat is available | 05:05 |
trappist | Jowi: or http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=102048 | 05:05 |
jbroome | ratolesti: have fun with urpmi | 05:06 |
Xappe | hehe | 05:06 |
dpupp | can i combine lspci -n -vv ? | 05:06 |
thefish | how do I install a new kernel with apt-get? | 05:06 |
Skoal | well what usb "dongle" would work with mac and still pick up the wireless signal? | 05:06 |
Jowi | trappist: not until now. but it seems like it only enables hardware acceleration. i have no problem with cpu usage or choppy movies... | 05:06 |
HymnToLife | thefish > when a new kernel will be available, you will get an update notice | 05:07 |
trappist | Jowi: there's an mplayer patch for unichrome cards, somewhere in that second link | 05:07 |
Xappe | Skoal: check the ubuntu wiki...there is a list of compatible hardware somewhere in there | 05:07 |
nalioth | Skoal: ubotu sent you a PM with info | 05:07 |
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Skoal | yea i got it... | 05:07 |
Skoal | what about usenet....and downloading .nzb files? | 05:08 |
jbroome | also: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=wireless+usb+linux+PPC&btnG | 05:08 |
nalioth | Skoal: that will tell you what will work and what may not | 05:08 |
Skoal | will that work | 05:08 |
thefish | HymnToLife: thanks, and how do i actually install it then | 05:08 |
HymnToLife | just the same way you update other packages | 05:08 |
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Jowi | trappist: yeah i saw it. patch seem to enable mpeg2/4 acceleration. that's it. unichrome's got no problems. made a custom kernel with via, drm, dri, cle266, xvmc and all. everything works flawless (except mplayer) | 05:08 |
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Jowi | trappist: ...and i use the via xorg driver and xvmc provided by ubuntu. works great. | 05:09 |
thefish | god | 05:10 |
thefish | what is the name of thing smart arse | 05:10 |
thefish | wow i wish i was so clever | 05:10 |
ratolesti | jbroome: yes yes i know | 05:10 |
napsy | how can multiple programs access the sound card? | 05:11 |
trappist | Jowi: try -vo xvmc -vc ffmpeg12mc | 05:11 |
ratolesti | jbroome: but not my PC so have to do something here but not reinstall the system to ubuntu | 05:11 |
ratolesti | jbroome: what id gladly like to do | 05:11 |
napsy | or if i could select the audio device, which would it be in /dev ? | 05:11 |
trappist | napsy: either get a sound card that does hardware mixing or use a sound server like esd | 05:11 |
Seveas | !tell thefish about attitude | 05:12 |
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thegladiator | hi | 05:12 |
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Jowi | trappist: no picture only sound | 05:12 |
ratolesti | so ... does anyone know the IRC server and channel for mandrake-linux??? | 05:12 |
trappist | lame. | 05:12 |
thefish | Seveas: please read the thread mate | 05:12 |
trappist | ratolesti: #mandriva | 05:12 |
ratolesti | ok | 05:12 |
trappist | ratolesti: right here on freenode. | 05:13 |
ratolesti | ok | 05:13 |
ratolesti | trappist: thx | 05:13 |
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thefish | a simple answer would have done, instead of an "i know the answer, and so should you thicko" approach | 05:13 |
Jowi | trappist: got lame | 05:13 |
trappist | Jowi: I meant the situation is lame :) | 05:13 |
trappist | Jowi: I'm fresh out of ideas | 05:14 |
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trappist | Jowi: there's a pretty active #mplayer channel, have you looked there? | 05:14 |
Jowi | haha, ok. thanks for the feedback trappist :) | 05:14 |
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Jowi | yeah, no one wanted to be bothered at mplayer. got no answers last night. will try again though | 05:14 |
Minardi | hello y'all, | 05:15 |
Minardi | I have a question. How can i configure the mouse, the scrolling doesn't work at the moment :( | 05:15 |
Skoal | does anyone know of a wireless "dongle" that works out of the box with mac? | 05:15 |
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Minardi | hello y'all, | 05:15 |
Minardi | I have a question. How can i configure the mouse, the scrolling doesn't work at the moment :( | 05:15 |
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Jowi | Minardi: in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, add this in the mouse Section "InputDevice": Option "Protocol" "ImPS/2" | 05:16 |
Jowi | <new line> Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5" | 05:16 |
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bulio | I'm running breezy now!!!!! | 05:17 |
Jowi | congrats bulio | 05:17 |
bulio | whats the command to see what version you are running? | 05:17 |
bulio | in term | 05:17 |
=== ardchoille thinkg bulio will love Breezy | ||
Amaranth | bulio: lsb-release? | 05:17 |
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DonVincenzo | Is Kdevelop Designer working on your installation ? Mine crash when I launch it | 05:18 |
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meuserj|work | bulio,cat /etc/lsb-release | 05:18 |
Minardi | thanks | 05:18 |
iustin | could someone tell me how can i change my root password? in the installation i`ve type it with caps lock by mistake!? | 05:18 |
Amaranth | meuserj|work: the program lsb-release should do it too | 05:18 |
napsy | guessing that nforcre sound card has a hw mixer :) | 05:18 |
meuserj|work | Amaranth, it actually doesn't for me... | 05:19 |
Amaranth | iustin: you don't set a root password in the installation | 05:19 |
bulio | DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu | 05:19 |
bulio | DISTRIB_RELEASE=5.10 | 05:19 |
bulio | DISTRIB_CODENAME=breezy | 05:19 |
bulio | ;0 | 05:19 |
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iustin | sorry a sudo pwd | 05:19 |
dpupp | when someone tells you to run demsg to find the problem.... what are you suposed to look for? i have a screen full of text... nothing familiar in there. | 05:19 |
Amaranth | iustin: If you want to change your password go to System->Administration->Users and Groups | 05:19 |
bulio | how do I change my root password? | 05:19 |
ardchoille | iustin: the sudo password is your user password | 05:19 |
Amaranth | dpupp: something that looks like an error | 05:19 |
bulio | it is the same as user password | 05:19 |
MickMcMack | How can I check CPU load on Ubuntu? | 05:20 |
Amaranth | bulio: there is no root account | 05:20 |
Amaranth | !sudo | 05:20 |
ubotu | somebody said sudo was the command to get superuser privileges, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo | 05:20 |
samppa | Can I get PHP 5 to Ubuntu from .deb? | 05:20 |
WaterSevenUb | finally managed to install Java Media Framework to be able to play videos in Openoffice Impress... the problem now is that | 05:20 |
Jowi | bulio: "sudo" uses your user password. root is disabled | 05:20 |
dpupp | wow.. that would be just about.....everything. most of it is: [4399204.715000] atkbd.c: Use 'setkeycodes e02a <keycode>' to make it known. | 05:20 |
dpupp | [4399205.029000] atkbd.c: Unknown key pressed (translated set 2, code 0xaa on isa0060/serio0). | 05:20 |
Xappe | Skoal: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards?highlight=%28hardware%29 | 05:20 |
Amaranth | samppa: sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 | 05:20 |
WaterSevenUb | media player plays the MPEGS but when I try to embedd in the presentation | 05:20 |
WaterSevenUb | nothing appears. | 05:20 |
WaterSevenUb | :/ | 05:20 |
samppa | Amaranth: ok | 05:20 |
dpupp | brb... rebooting. this problem is getting wierder and wierder. | 05:21 |
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Xappe | Skoal: i would go for one with a zd1211 chipset... | 05:22 |
JaZy84 | MickMcMack, | 05:22 |
JaZy84 | you can use top | 05:22 |
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JaZy84 | in cmd | 05:22 |
butcherbird | anyone here got framebuffer working in breezy? if i just put vga=731 i get the "undefined mode number" error (geforce 256 card). am i missng something? | 05:22 |
diesel | butcherbird: framebuffer works for me. | 05:23 |
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MickMcMack | JaZy84, thanks. | 05:23 |
MickMcMack | 99.9%. :( | 05:23 |
Skoal | and which one has that? | 05:23 |
MickMcMack | JaZy84, I assume that means both CPU's are working if it is at >50% ? | 05:23 |
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diesel | butcherbird: what resolution are you trying to get working? | 05:24 |
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Dido- | Any other good cd writing program except k3b ? | 05:24 |
HymnToLife | gnomebaker | 05:24 |
rosen | gnomebaker | 05:24 |
butcherbird | dieman, just 1024x768 | 05:24 |
rosen | ...damn ... too slow | 05:24 |
butcherbird | diesel, ^ | 05:24 |
Dido- | 10x ;) | 05:24 |
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Xappe | Skoal: can't remember...A-link according to the link I gave you. Try google, or pricerunner... | 05:25 |
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TokenBad | ok here is a good question...I installed the kde desktop..and went to install printer....when it picked the driver for my printer and I clicked ok...it then told me couldn't install driver cause it didn't exist or I didn't have permission | 05:25 |
nalioth | Dido-: asked for "good" not mediocre. Dido- use them all, keep on using the one you like best | 05:25 |
picasso | hey guys, i'm trying to install a new version of amarok (newer than 5.10 includes) this is what bugtraq (http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=16375) says: 1.3.5 is now on the Kubuntu website for Breezy installs, marking this Fixed. | 05:25 |
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butcherbird | diesel, did u do anything other that vga=whatever in grub? | 05:25 |
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picasso | (1.3.5 is a newer version that i would like to run) | 05:26 |
picasso | how can i install this package? | 05:26 |
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hmpedersen | where would u normally find samba conf? | 05:26 |
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picasso | /etc/samba/smb.conf ? | 05:26 |
hmpedersen | thanx | 05:26 |
picasso | or /etc/smb.conf on a lot of other os' | 05:26 |
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diesel | butcherbird: no, I just added vga=792 to the grub line that specifies the kernel | 05:26 |
Dido- | noirequus, i'd like to use k3b but it doesnt work | 05:27 |
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Anil | anyone on gnoppix? | 05:27 |
picasso | can i install kubuntu packages on ubuntu? | 05:27 |
stieve | hello does somebody know why I can't find my linksys router (WRT54G) in ubuntu? Windows finds it direct | 05:27 |
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diesel | butcherbird: try vga=0x317 | 05:27 |
bullitt | Why would xmms freeze on playing an mp3 file? | 05:27 |
picasso | stieve: cant find it? dont you just point your browser to its ip? | 05:27 |
cremate | what do you mean find the router? | 05:27 |
DrBair | can I theoretically install dapper packages on a breezy system without too much issue or will it result in global destruction? | 05:28 |
funkyHat | bullitt, because it's not using the correct sound output plugin | 05:28 |
picasso | you mean dhcp notw orking? | 05:28 |
bullitt | stieve, try | 05:28 |
eeejay | bullitt, you should upgrade your computer | 05:28 |
diesel | butcherbird: I could even play video using mplayer with my fb | 05:28 |
stieve | in the system=>administration=>networking | 05:28 |
stieve | with the essid | 05:28 |
butcherbird | diesel, show off | 05:28 |
funkyHat | bullitt, try setting the sound server to either alsa or esound | 05:28 |
bullitt | funkyHat, I'm using os | 05:28 |
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diesel | butcherbird: hehe | 05:28 |
cremate | wireless? i assume | 05:28 |
stieve | the essid of my philips router is there but not my linksys | 05:28 |
cremate | using WEP? | 05:28 |
stieve | yes wireless sorry | 05:29 |
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stieve | no WEP | 05:29 |
butcherbird | well going to reboot thx | 05:29 |
stieve | disabled it for testing | 05:29 |
cremate | you should be able to input the SSID and enable eth1 | 05:29 |
bullitt | haha esound it is, thanks funkyHat | 05:29 |
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Dido- | Someone knows what does this mean? | 05:29 |
Dido- | (gnomebaker:28375): Gtk-WARNING **: gtkwidget.c:4205: widget not within a GtkWindow | 05:29 |
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cremate | and it should connect | 05:29 |
cremate | make sure you renable it after inputing the SSID | 05:30 |
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Seveas | Dido-, yeah, it means there's a minor bug in gnomebaker | 05:30 |
Seveas | no big deal if the thing is still working | 05:30 |
LoPMX | are there any quicktime codecs? | 05:30 |
Ng | almost all gtk apps spit out an error or two like that ;) | 05:30 |
bullitt | mmm, pocky | 05:30 |
picasso | http://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.3.7.php | 05:30 |
Seveas | LoPMX, w32codecs | 05:30 |
picasso | can i just add this to my sources.lst ? | 05:30 |
LoPMX | Seveas, what do i play them with? | 05:30 |
Seveas | picasso, no | 05:30 |
stieve | is this a big or something that the linksys essid is not visible in the dropdown of network gonfiguration? | 05:31 |
Seveas | LoPMX, mplayer / totem-xine | 05:31 |
picasso | seveas: is there any way to install on regular ubuntu? | 05:31 |
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Seveas | picasso, yeah, add the correct sources.list entry :) | 05:31 |
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picasso | seveas: i mean the contents of that page | 05:31 |
picasso | not the literal URL | 05:31 |
LoPMX | er Seveas where do i get any w32codecs/ | 05:31 |
picasso | deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-1.3.7 breezy main | 05:31 |
LoPMX | i mean, any official source? | 05:31 |
picasso | and apt-key add kubuntu-packages-jriddell-key.gpg | 05:32 |
diesel | picasso: yes, you can add that | 05:32 |
picasso | ok cool | 05:32 |
Dido- | Seveas, do you know if i could make dvd multi-session and ubuntu read them | 05:32 |
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picasso | soon i'll be syncing with my ipod without crashing! | 05:32 |
Kyral | LoPMX: No there isn't | 05:32 |
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diesel | picasso: what were you using to syn with your ipod? | 05:32 |
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Whistler | Is there any software for sending sms messages with connected motorola cellphone? | 05:32 |
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picasso | diesel: wanted to use amarok | 05:32 |
picasso | amarok crashes a lot but it's such a nice interface :) | 05:33 |
diesel | picasso: If it crashes, who cares about the interface. Have you tried gtkpod? | 05:33 |
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MickMcMack | Is there a way of seeing actual free RAM? | 05:33 |
picasso | diesel: well, just b/c all my music is easily accessible through there | 05:33 |
diesel | MickMcMack: free -h | 05:33 |
LoPMX | ** Message: don't know how to handle video/x-rle, layout=(string)quicktime, depth=(int)32, width=(int)800, height=(int)600, framerate=(double)15.151515007019043Segmentation fault | 05:33 |
picasso | and it's kinda scattered across my filesystem | 05:33 |
MalcolmO | Windows is hosed. Using the Live CD, how do I see C:\ ? | 05:33 |
picasso | but yea i just installed gtkpod. havent tried yet | 05:34 |
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St^Anger^19m | installing xubutnu-desktop :) | 05:34 |
TokenBad | if I don't have a driver that say cups recommends for my printer..do I have to downlod it from a webpage? | 05:34 |
diesel | picasso: I use gtkpod and like the way it works | 05:34 |
MickMcMack | dieman, thanks. | 05:34 |
St^Anger^19m | *xubuntu | 05:34 |
picasso | diesel: cool, i will definitely try it out. | 05:34 |
=== xored [n=godsinc2@dslb-084-056-235-106.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xored | hi, how can i check my CPU temps ( P III ) ? | 05:34 |
TokenBad | anyone? | 05:35 |
dpupp | xored, i use conky for monitoring cpu temps and such. | 05:35 |
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dpupp | xored: http://conky.sourceforge.net/ | 05:36 |
jordo23 | Does anyone know how to hook evolution into an exchange server? | 05:36 |
jordo23 | Does anyone know how to hook evolution into an exchange server? | 05:36 |
Amaranth | jordo23: Please don't repeat yourself. | 05:36 |
xored | thank you | 05:36 |
jordo23 | Does anyone know how to hook evolution into an exchange server? | 05:36 |
xored | are that in tthe reps ? | 05:36 |
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diesel | xored: cat /proc/acpi/thermal/CPU/temp (or something similar to that) | 05:36 |
Amaranth | jordo23: Please stop. | 05:36 |
Amaranth | jordo23: I was going to answer you, but now... | 05:36 |
diesel | xored: conky is | 05:36 |
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jordo23 | Does anyone know how to hook Evolution into an exchange server? | 05:37 |
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xored | diesel: but its not command line based ?! | 05:37 |
stieve | is there a way that ubunut automaticly choose an wifi network like windows does? | 05:37 |
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jordo23 | Hello | 05:37 |
dpupp | oh-oh. ^ | 05:37 |
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diesel | xored: conky is not | 05:37 |
jordo23 | Does anyone know how to hook evolution into an exchange server? | 05:37 |
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cremate | stieve, i told you, you have to input the ssid and then restart eth1 | 05:37 |
diesel | xored: the cat command above is CL-based | 05:37 |
xored | diesel: i have no ACPI dir | 05:37 |
Amaranth | jordo23: Repeating yourself doesn't get you an answer any faster. | 05:38 |
jordo23 | Amatanth: Something was wrong with my irc client | 05:38 |
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Amaranth | jordo23: You want the evolution-exchange connector. | 05:38 |
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_nano_ | !fluxkbox | 05:38 |
ubotu | _nano_: Are you smoking crack? | 05:38 |
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_nano_ | !fluxbox | 05:39 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, fluxbox is a lightweight window manager. Installation instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fluxbox. More information at http://fluxbox.sourceforge.net | 05:39 |
mrkoje | !beer | 05:39 |
=== ubotu pours mrkoje a cold pint of his favourite beer. | ||
diesel | xored: Are you using stock breezy kernel? | 05:39 |
jordo23 | Amaranth: I can get a partial connection, but the calandars and contact lists don't connect. | 05:39 |
xored | diesel: yes | 05:39 |
jordo23 | Amaranth: mail works fine though | 05:39 |
xored | or one second | 05:39 |
Amaranth | jordo23: Dunno about how it works, I think all it does is mail. | 05:39 |
Vale | http://www.codif.altervista.org interessante cliccate | 05:39 |
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Vale | http://www.codif.altervista.org | 05:39 |
meuserj|work | Amaranth, no.. it does everything but tasks | 05:39 |
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xored | diesel: 2.6.8-2-386, but its debian sarge on my server. iam using breezy here on my desktop | 05:40 |
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meuserj|work | jordo23, everything works fine for me.... | 05:40 |
Vale | http://www.codif.altervista.org bellissimo | 05:40 |
Vale | http://www.codif.altervista.org | 05:40 |
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diesel | xored: So you are trying to get the temp on your debian sarge server? | 05:40 |
wdh | jordo23, you already installed the "evolution-exchange" package from synaptic? | 05:40 |
Jormundgand | I'm having trouble installing a mouse theme. I tried putting the folder in both ~/.themes and /usr/share/themes and the mouse preference box only acknowledges "Human" as existing. | 05:41 |
jordo23 | wdh: yeah....works fine....installed the connector too. I can send and receive mail through our exchange server, but the other components do not work (calandar, task list, contacts, etc). | 05:41 |
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xored | diesel: both. First the server, then here | 05:41 |
TokenBad | man what is up with this.....it will not install the foomatic drivers!!! | 05:41 |
thegladiator | diesel, can i copy files within my drives using LIVE ubuntu cd ? | 05:42 |
wdh | jordo23, well.. thats as much as i know about it :P that you need the plugin | 05:42 |
jordo23 | wdh: thanks :) | 05:42 |
diesel | xored: Do you have acpi on your ubuntu machine | 05:42 |
xored | diesel: something similar to "top" would be nice | 05:42 |
diesel | thegladiator: sure | 05:42 |
meuserj|work | jordo23, well, task list won't work, because the evolution-exchange plugin is just a scraper for the exchange web frontend, and it doesn't support tasks. | 05:42 |
xored | diesel: yes, its an AMD64, but the server is an P III | 05:42 |
jordo23 | meuserj: I am more concerned with the calandar. | 05:42 |
singinmatt13 | anyone here have any experience w/ alsa? | 05:43 |
diesel | xored: so can you cat /proc/acpi/... on your desktop? | 05:43 |
xored | one second | 05:43 |
thegladiator | diesel, what about deleting them ? and acessing onother linux file system? | 05:43 |
meuserj|work | jordo23, well.. all I know is it works for me.. If you could give me an error or something.... | 05:43 |
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diesel | thegladiator: yes, you can do that as well | 05:43 |
jordo23 | meuserj: ok...one sec. | 05:43 |
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dream-x | hey, anyone here can help me with a font problem I have in Gnome? | 05:43 |
Vale | http://www.codif.altervista.org pleas | 05:43 |
TokenBad | can anyone please help me with maybe why foomatic is giving me this error when try to install the driver that it don't exist or I don't have permissions to install it..even though going through cups to install it | 05:44 |
Vale | http://www.codif.altervista.org pleas | 05:44 |
TokenBad | ? | 05:44 |
Vale | http://www.codif.altervista.org pleas | 05:44 |
Vale | http://www.codif.altervista.org pleas | 05:44 |
thegladiator | diesel, at present i am on fc4 and the grub.conf was destroyed . for the moment i need to reinstall it before i can install ubuntu | 05:44 |
Vale | its hungry | 05:44 |
Vale | http://www.codif.altervista.org pleas | 05:44 |
xored | diesel: cat /proc/acpi/processor/CPU0/ there is no "temp" in | 05:44 |
MalcolmO | I'm using Live CD and can see my Windows network but not my files. | 05:44 |
thegladiator | diesel, is it posible to restore this information ? | 05:44 |
Vale | http://www.codif.altervista.org pleas | 05:44 |
Vale | i'm hungry | 05:44 |
diesel | xored: what are the contents of that directory | 05:44 |
Vale | http://www.codif.altervista.org pleas | 05:44 |
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Ng | !ops | 05:44 |
ubotu | Help! seb128, bob2, fabbione, lamont, thom, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic or nalioth | 05:45 |
Vale | http://www.codif.altervista.org pleas | 05:45 |
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diesel | thegladiator: yes, using a live cd is a good way to restore grub | 05:45 |
Vale | http://www.codif.altervista.org pleas | 05:45 |
Vale | http://www.codif.altervista.org pleas | 05:45 |
Vale | http://www.codif.altervista.org pleas | 05:45 |
meuserj|work | thegladiator, you shouldn't need to re-install grub.. ubuntu does that at the end of the install... you could also use a live cd | 05:45 |
meuserj|work | someone ban vale... | 05:45 |
Vale | http://www.codif.altervista.org pleas | 05:45 |
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xored | dieman: ; info limit power throttling | 05:45 |
thegladiator | i see | 05:45 |
jordo23 | meuserj: I am trying to reinstall it through apt, but it keeps asking me for the Ubuntu cd....how does one fix this? Edit sources.list? | 05:45 |
thegladiator | is ubuntu installation easy ? | 05:45 |
Jaymac | yes | 05:45 |
thegladiator | i am not used to text baswed installation | 05:46 |
Jormundgand | Ubuntu installation couldn't be easier. | 05:46 |
meuserj|work | jordo23, yeah.. comment out the cd line (should be at the top) | 05:46 |
dream-x | I have this problem with Gnome fonts: after installing kubuntu-desktop and logging in KDE for some times, Gnome fonts are... no longer under Gnome control! | 05:46 |
diesel | xored: within cat /proc/acpi what do you have? | 05:46 |
Jaymac | gladiator.. you basically hit enter a few times and enter your name | 05:46 |
Jaymac | :) | 05:46 |
diesel | thegladiator: very easy | 05:46 |
dream-x | I can't change them, nor their dimension | 05:46 |
meuserj|work | thegladiator, it is text based, but in my experience the easiest installation | 05:46 |
dream-x | does anyone know how to solve this problem? | 05:46 |
arod-- | thegladiator i never installed linux in my life and i did it fine | 05:46 |
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etnoy | is it possible to let rsync read a remote directory with root perms, but only r/o? | 05:47 |
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thegladiator | ok i am going ahead then | 05:47 |
thegladiator | how much time will it take ? | 05:47 |
meuserj|work | etnoy, yeah.... | 05:47 |
thegladiator | 30 minuites ? | 05:47 |
Amaranth | thegladiator: 20-40 minutes | 05:47 |
thegladiator | i am on AMD XP 2800 | 05:47 |
etnoy | I have a backup server that needs to read from a fileserver, but I don't like the idea of giving it root perms | 05:47 |
thegladiator | thanks | 05:47 |
meuserj|work | etnoy, make sure it is mod 600 | 05:47 |
Amaranth | some have got it done in 15 | 05:48 |
thegladiator | Amarnathji :D | 05:48 |
diesel | xored: look for thermal in /proc/acpi | 05:48 |
thegladiator | thats nice | 05:48 |
etnoy | meuserj|work: sure, but that's not the solution I seek | 05:48 |
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Amaranth | it's mostly how fast your CD-ROM drive is, i guess | 05:48 |
meuserj|work | etnoy, give me more details | 05:48 |
thegladiator | achcha | 05:48 |
meuserj|work | etnoy, I think that maybe facl's is what you want | 05:48 |
etnoy | see, I need it to read all files in the /srv and /etc directory, which have all kinds of strange permissions and all | 05:48 |
stieve_ | nope linksys router doesn't work | 05:48 |
stieve_ | im connect to it | 05:48 |
etnoy | meuserj|work: is it some sort of extended acl:s? | 05:49 |
rosen | what should I use to mount an iso image ? .. the equivalent to daemontools in windows | 05:49 |
meuserj|work | etnoy, yes.. and that is exactly what you want... let me see if I can find a good reference... | 05:49 |
etnoy | meuserj|work: I've heard there should be some special thing with rsync | 05:49 |
etnoy | meuserj|work: great | 05:49 |
meuserj|work | etnoy, what filesystem is this on? | 05:50 |
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etnoy | meuserj|work: I think that I mostly would like a soluiton that just snaps in, because if I make a backup and need to recover it, all the perms must be unchanged | 05:50 |
etnoy | meuserj|work: ext3 | 05:50 |
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etnoy | meuserj|work: /srv here has got quite a number of files, and I cannot strip the perms off. The solution I seek is something that allows rsync to read any file on the system, including a file's permission and uid/gid | 05:51 |
meuserj|work | etnoy, http://www.ids.org.au/main/tutorials/acl_howto.php | 05:51 |
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seeds | hello anyone installed azureus in debain or ubuntu? | 05:51 |
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Amaranth | !azureus | 05:52 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, azureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AzureusHowTo | 05:52 |
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meuserj|work | etnoy, acls allow you to add additional users and groups to the permissions.... other than just the one user and one group that is natively available | 05:52 |
rosen | what program should I use to be able to watch an .iso file before I burn it ? | 05:52 |
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jordo23 | meuser: I reinstalled it because it wouldn't start under Gnome, still does the same thing. After clicking on the icon, the starting Evolution box opens, but nothing after that now. | 05:52 |
Mazoku | rosen you can mount .iso file | 05:52 |
Amaranth | rosen: you have to mount it or extract the contents with the archive manager | 05:53 |
christianp | Hi all: does anyone know where can i find boh (in what repository)? | 05:53 |
etnoy | meuserj|work: okay, I'll give that a shot but it is probably not what I seek | 05:53 |
etnoy | meuserj|work: thanks | 05:53 |
diesel | rosen: mount -o loop /path/to/iso /mountpoint | 05:53 |
christianp | i need a tool to create divx from my handycam video | 05:53 |
etnoy | meuserj|work: is all that in the POSIX standard? I don't want to go with rouge solutions | 05:53 |
meuserj|work | acl is POSIX | 05:53 |
etnoy | meuserj|work: okay | 05:54 |
rosen | I think I'll just extract it then ;) ... havent mounted anything yet, and dont want to mess my box up now that I finally got it all up and running ;) | 05:54 |
etnoy | strange I never heard of those "extended perms" | 05:54 |
rosen | thanks guys | 05:54 |
meuserj|work | etnoy, they are VERY useful once you get the hang of them | 05:54 |
Jormundgand | I'm having trouble installing a mouse theme. I tried putting the folder in both ~/.themes and /usr/share/themes and the mouse preference box only acknowledges "Human" as existing. Any help? | 05:54 |
etnoy | meuserj|work: so if I understand it correctly it can extend perms above the rwxrwxrwx? | 05:55 |
etnoy | that actually seems great | 05:55 |
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digitalSurgeon | when are you guys going to fix flash plugin ? | 05:55 |
etnoy | bbl | 05:56 |
meuserj|work | etnoy, yeah.. you can add users and give them seperate perms... you can also set default perms on a directory and all files created inside it will inherit those perms... | 05:56 |
singinmatt13 | Ok, problem, I have alsa-utils installed, but I can't find alsaconf. "locate alsaconf" provides no results, and using the coman tell me that the command is not found | 05:56 |
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TokenBad | can anyone please help me with maybe why foomatic is giving me this error when try to install the driver that it don't exist or I don't have permissions to install it..even though going through cups to install it | 05:56 |
Mazoku | Jormundgand install gcursor it's help you. sudo apt-get install gcursor | 05:56 |
rosen | hmm ... I guess it wont be nessecary ... when I try to copy files from a windowscomputer on the network it halts at 100% .. and when I close the prompt it erases the whole deal.. makes no sense | 05:57 |
meuserj|work | crap.. I need to stop watching this channel and do real work...... | 05:57 |
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seeds | k. i have read like lotsa stuff about installing it | 05:57 |
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seeds | i got java installed but the client still asking for other files | 05:57 |
seeds | dependencies | 05:58 |
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sethk | seeds, specifics? | 05:58 |
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seeds | well with the latest azureus version it was asking for some lib files | 05:59 |
zandaa | hi people, I'm kinda having trouble with sound working in flash (whenever GAIM or something else plays a sound while flash is loading, the sound gets disabled) | 05:59 |
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sethk | seeds, that doesn't help much. If you told us _which_ library files, we might be able to help | 05:59 |
seeds | so i tried an earlier version and now it says my java shold be upgraded | 05:59 |
ninnghizidha | Is there a KUBUNTU-Room too? | 05:59 |
sethk | zandaa, are you running a sound server? | 05:59 |
HymnToLife | !kubuntu | 05:59 |
ubotu | Kubuntu is Ubuntu+KDE, not a fork ; see http://kubuntu.org and you can go to #kubuntu for KDE-related help, or install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ; ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/breezy/ | 05:59 |
=== Davey [n=Davey@77-231.124-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
seeds | now am using an earlier version of azureus | 06:00 |
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sethk | seeds, you'll find, if you have missing libraries, and you change something other than libraries, you won't solve a problem involving missing libraries | 06:00 |
ninnghizidha | thanks a lot, ubotu :-) | 06:00 |
zandaa | sethk, what exactly do you mean? | 06:00 |
sethk | seeds, that's going around in circles | 06:00 |
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sethk | zandaa, it sounds like contention for the sound device | 06:00 |
seeds | it dont ask for those lib files anymore but says that my java must be upgraded | 06:00 |
sethk | zandaa, there is a sound server than manages access by multiple processes to the sound device | 06:00 |
zandaa | sethk, soundserver is enabled | 06:00 |
sethk | zandaa, ok. | 06:00 |
seeds | am using debian sarge | 06:00 |
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zandaa | sethk, and I'm running the ESD sound drivers or whateva | 06:01 |
sethk | seeds, you would have better luck, perhaps, on a debian channel. I know #debian is obnoxious. but ubuntu package management is sufficiently different from debian as to make this sort of question difficult to answer here. | 06:01 |
sethk | zandaa, ok, it was worth checking. | 06:01 |
seeds | k. thnx | 06:02 |
sethk | zandaa, I wonder if something (flash, perhaps) is bypassing the sound server. | 06:02 |
seeds | i have checked the the debian channel without much luck | 06:02 |
zandaa | sethk, it's running a 32-bit firefox on a 64-bit system using the linux32 package | 06:02 |
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sethk | zandaa, that shouldn't be a problem | 06:03 |
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seeds | is ubuntu kinda debian based? | 06:03 |
sethk | seeds, yes, it is | 06:03 |
seeds | k | 06:03 |
Davey | seeds, theres no "kinda" about it :) | 06:03 |
sethk | seeds, but your question is very version/depository sensitive | 06:03 |
zandaa | sethk, ok... what exactly is an rc-file/ | 06:03 |
seeds | ok | 06:03 |
seeds | i have an ubuntu cd | 06:03 |
sethk | zandaa, it's a convention for naming a configuration or script file | 06:03 |
seeds | tried it once | 06:03 |
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seeds | jus the live cd toguh | 06:03 |
sethk | zandaa, for example, .bashrc is the initialization file for bash | 06:03 |
sethk | zandaa, there is nothing special about the files, as I said it is just a convention that some programs follow | 06:04 |
zandaa | sethk, oh wait, I forgot the multiple sound howto written by ubuntu demon | 06:04 |
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zandaa | sethk, I'll try it out now | 06:04 |
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sethk | zandaa, plus, another type of rc file are those in /etc used to start/stop/control the system | 06:04 |
Johnson | hi | 06:04 |
Johnson | can i ask a question | 06:04 |
Weasel-- | sure | 06:04 |
meuserj|work | anyone here use evolution with GnuPG? | 06:05 |
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santi2005 | en castellano | 06:05 |
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Johnson | i downloaded aircrack i have aintell 2200b/g card and i wondered if i can use etheral to capture the packets so wep crack can crack them | 06:05 |
Johnson | is this possible | 06:05 |
Johnson | ? | 06:05 |
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aris | hi people. I had a paper blocked in my printer and had to shut it down to repair it. now, I've deleted the job and reconnected my printer, but it doesn't stop printing crap. how may I flush the // port buffer ? | 06:06 |
santi2005 | alguien que hable castellano | 06:06 |
dpupp | santi2005 #ubuntu-es | 06:07 |
dpupp | ahi te ayudaran en castellano | 06:07 |
mlalkaka | hi everyone. if a user's password expires, and the user logs in (or tries to log in) graphically [through gdm] , how will the user be notified that her password has expired, and how will she be able to change it? | 06:07 |
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MickMcMack | Hi, could anyone explain this: http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/ao1h0556.html ? | 06:08 |
bob832 | aris: are you using CUPS for your printer? | 06:09 |
dpupp | santi2005 unete a #ubuntu-es : /join #ubuntu-es | 06:09 |
mlalkaka | MickMcMack, what's the problem? | 06:09 |
santi2005 | gracias | 06:09 |
MickMcMack | mlalkaka, add up the CPU loads. O_O | 06:10 |
aris | bob832, yes. the job has been removed | 06:10 |
MickMcMack | It comes to 150%. :( | 06:10 |
bill2 | hi, looking for help, just installed mozilla suite, getting error messages, need to install personal security manager, cant find it anywhere? any body know where i can download it? | 06:10 |
mlalkaka | MickMcMack, that's weird. how did one of them close soon after? | 06:10 |
aris | but there is still garbage into lp buffer | 06:10 |
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MickMcMack | mlalkaka, it did that for a good 60 seconds. | 06:10 |
mlalkaka | MickMcMack, do you have two cpus? | 06:11 |
bob832 | aris: if you want to "flush" it, i would recommend restarting it | 06:11 |
Mabus06 | How do I take pictures with my webcam? anybody? | 06:11 |
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MickMcMack | mlalkaka, yessir. But both of them are in use by the top process. | 06:11 |
aris | bob832, i already restarted my printer, but i don't want to restart my computer | 06:11 |
bob832 | aris: try sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart at the terminal | 06:11 |
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thegladiator | diesel, it seems i cant do file transfer , it says only root can do that! | 06:11 |
thegladiator | <on live cd> | 06:11 |
MickMcMack | mlalkaka, if I was only using 100% of one CPU, it would tell me it was at 50% load. Or, that's what it told me on Debian. -_- | 06:11 |
thegladiator | how can switch to tooy ? | 06:12 |
thegladiator | root ? | 06:12 |
thegladiator | can i create a drive name under /mnt in live cd ? | 06:12 |
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thegladiator | how can i loging as root in the live cd ? | 06:13 |
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mlalkaka | MickMcMack, i'm not sure then. if that was how it worked on debian, i would suspect the same behaviour on ubuntu. try it with different programs; does it still happen? | 06:13 |
thegladiator | diesel, you told me it is possible right ? | 06:13 |
bill2 | hi, looking for help, just installed mozilla suite, getting error messages, need to install personal security manager, cant find it anywhere? any body know where i can download it? | 06:13 |
MickMcMack | mlalkaka, it's gone back to normal now. | 06:13 |
diesel | thegladiator: What live cd are you using? | 06:13 |
Corin_777 | Seveas, can you find out why ive been banned from #kubuntu-offtopic? i asked nalioth "why the name change?", now im banned... ??? | 06:13 |
MickMcMack | mlalkaka, I can only assume top was getting itself confused. | 06:13 |
thegladiator | breazer | 06:13 |
diesel | thegladiator: yes, it is possible | 06:13 |
MickMcMack | mlalkaka, but it was v.strange. | 06:14 |
thegladiator | 5.10 | 06:14 |
mlalkaka | if a user's password expires, and the user attempts to log in through gdm, how will the user be notified that her password has expired, and how will she be able to change it? | 06:14 |
mlalkaka | MickMcMack, that is strange | 06:14 |
lucasvo | when I have a file with lot's of packages for apt and I would like to install them, how can I pass the file directly on to apt? | 06:14 |
thegladiator | diesel, when i try to mount a drive it says only root can do that | 06:14 |
lucasvo | I tried apt-get install < file but it didn't work | 06:14 |
diesel | thegladiator: become root by "sudo su" | 06:14 |
diesel | thegladiator: then try mounting | 06:15 |
dooglus | mlalkaka: gdm handles password expiry nicely. | 06:15 |
thegladiator | alright | 06:15 |
bill2 | hi, looking for help, just installed mozilla suite, getting error messages, need to install personal security manager, cant find it anywhere? any body know where i can download it? | 06:15 |
lucasvo | I need to install packages which have been held back(unfortunately X) during update to dapper | 06:15 |
thegladiator | annd can i make a direcotry in mk dir ? | 06:15 |
thegladiator | in /mnt ? | 06:15 |
thegladiator | /mnt/E is possible ? | 06:15 |
snowblink | lucasvo, dpkg? | 06:15 |
dooglus | mlalkaka: you can try it for yourself: use "sudo passwd -e <username>" to make a user's password expire immediately. then try logging in as that user through gdm | 06:15 |
lucasvo | snowblink: I need to downlaod them first | 06:15 |
mlalkaka | dooglus, ok thanks i'll try that | 06:15 |
lucasvo | snowblink: isn't it sth. like apt-get install < file.txt | 06:16 |
diesel | thegladiator: yes | 06:16 |
thegladiator | diesel, there is also one another small issue , i cant acess my ISP site , from where i have to download the connecting client .....the error it says is SSL ver 2 not supported or something | 06:16 |
dooglus | mlalkaka: I just tried it and it worked very well. it said something like "root enforced: you must change your password immediately", then asked for old passwd and new passwd twice. | 06:16 |
thegladiator | mozilla is not opening the page | 06:16 |
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thegladiator | it works in fc4 , knoppix , mozilla | 06:16 |
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bill2 | hi, looking for help, just installed mozilla suite, getting error messages, need to install personal security manager, cant find it anywhere? any body know where i can download it? | 06:16 |
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zandaa | sethk, the howto doesn't work... now flash don't have any sound at all | 06:17 |
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mlalkaka | dooglus, perfect. that's exactly what i was hoping it would do. thanks | 06:17 |
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sethk | zandaa, ok, that's annoying, but it shows we are on the right track. that is, we have to make flash coexist with the sound server. | 06:17 |
zandaa | sethk, no sound at all... not even when ESD or whatever is not in use.... | 06:18 |
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thegladiator | why is my browser saying SSL ver 2 is not supported or something when i browse a site ? | 06:18 |
thegladiator | live cd | 06:18 |
Tired_ | Hello. My hard drive is about to fail, what tool can I use to transfer the whole thing (MBR, bootloader, etc) to a new drive? | 06:18 |
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Seveas | thegladiator, because that site wants to use old crappy ssl2 | 06:18 |
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Seveas | and yor browser only supports ssl3/tls | 06:18 |
sethk | Tired_, dd, if the sizes and geometries are the same | 06:18 |
thegladiator | Seveas, it is my ISP's site | 06:18 |
thegladiator | how can i fix this ? | 06:19 |
sethk | Tired_, if they are not, it is a bit more complicated but not difficult | 06:19 |
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Tired_ | no, it's a different drive | 06:19 |
diesel | thegladiator: enable SSL2 support in your browser | 06:19 |
Seveas | thegladiator, that or kick your ISP | 06:19 |
aris | by complaining at your isp first | 06:19 |
bill2 | hi, looking for help, just installed mozilla suite, getting error messages, need to install personal security manager, cant find it anywhere? any body know where i can download it? | 06:19 |
sethk | Tired_, in that case, you can back up each partition with dd | 06:19 |
thegladiator | where is that option in browser ? | 06:19 |
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sethk | Tired_, and you'll have to set up the partition table manually | 06:19 |
diesel | thegladiator: where have you looked? | 06:19 |
thegladiator | i am on knoppix live cd now since i can log in from ubntu | 06:19 |
JensBru | anyone got some tiime to help me with my wireless connection? | 06:19 |
thegladiator | i havent lookde mozilla , now i am on knoppix | 06:19 |
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sethk | Tired_, then install grub (a boot loader, of which grub is the easiest, to be more precise) | 06:20 |
thegladiator | as i told u i cant conenct to net | 06:20 |
thegladiator | where is this enable SSL 2 support ? | 06:20 |
Tired_ | but that wil preserve my kernel setup and such? | 06:20 |
teroedni | q:Is alsaconf removed from ubuntu? | 06:20 |
thegladiator | only after that i can download the client from my ISP to connect | 06:20 |
thegladiator | and connect to net | 06:20 |
Amaranth | thegladiator: if you can access your ISPs website you're already connected | 06:20 |
sethk | Tired_, yes, if you do it carefully, everything is preserved | 06:20 |
thegladiator | Amarnath, i can acess only ISP site , direct connection | 06:21 |
Tired_ | awesome | 06:21 |
sethk | Tired_, I'm being a bit vague because it depends on how your current drive is partitioned | 06:21 |
Tired_ | thank you. | 06:21 |
JensBru | i performed a 'iwconfig', i see 'lo: no wireless extensions', ext0: no wireless connections, sit0: no wireless connections, eth1: NOT READY! ESSID:off/any | 06:21 |
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thegladiator | from there i shud download cyberoam client | 06:21 |
teroedni | q:Is alsaconf removed from ubuntu? | 06:21 |
nemlah | Hello all | 06:21 |
nemlah | I have a problem confguring my tv card | 06:21 |
Amaranth | !info alsaconf | 06:21 |
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thegladiator | i use a data based connection ...hence i can log in via this client only | 06:21 |
Amaranth | !find alsaconf | 06:21 |
nemlah | apparently this is a problem for the chipset it has | 06:21 |
nemlah | can someone help me? | 06:22 |
Amaranth | thegladiator: firefox should have ssl 2 on already | 06:22 |
nemlah | Hauppauge wintv pci fm | 06:22 |
Tired_ | actually, you're being quite specific. that's exactly the help i needed. thanks a lot :) | 06:22 |
Amaranth | thegladiator: otherwise it's in the preferences | 06:22 |
thegladiator | ok thank you | 06:22 |
thegladiator | in ubuntu live cd | 06:22 |
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thegladiator | it is not supported | 06:22 |
thegladiator | ver 5.10 | 06:22 |
SyL | anybody know the root password in the vmware player version of ubuntu? | 06:22 |
teroedni | teroedni@ubuntu:~$ !find alsaconf | 06:22 |
thegladiator | which FF version is ubuntu using ? | 06:22 |
teroedni | find alsaconf | 06:22 |
teroedni | find: alsaconf: No such file or directory | 06:22 |
nemlah | 1.0.7 | 06:22 |
Amaranth | thegladiator: 1.0.7 | 06:22 |
Tired_ | ok, off to fix it before it really dies.... | 06:22 |
SyL | find linux | 06:22 |
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thegladiator | thank you | 06:22 |
teroedni | qwhy is alsaconf removed? | 06:22 |
Amaranth | teroedni: it's not installed by default | 06:23 |
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nemlah | Someone able to help me with the tv card? | 06:23 |
thegladiator | diesel, so sudo su is the command to become root aint it ? | 06:23 |
teroedni | why not | 06:23 |
nemlah | don't really know where to start | 06:23 |
ubotu | Ubuntu Package/File/Desc Search of 'alsaconf' returned no results. | 06:23 |
diesel | thegladiator: yes | 06:23 |
Amaranth | hrm | 06:23 |
thegladiator | thank you brb | 06:23 |
Amaranth | or maybe it is gone | 06:23 |
aris | thegladiator, sudo -s is better | 06:23 |
thegladiator | sudo -s okay thank you | 06:23 |
zandaa | gotta go, later | 06:23 |
Amaranth | teroedni: Most people don't need it, it would take up space on the CD | 06:24 |
Amaranth | teroedni: use apt-file to find it | 06:24 |
SyL | anybody know the root password in the vmware player version of ubuntu? | 06:24 |
Amaranth | SyL: there is no root account, the vmware user password is vmware | 06:24 |
nemlah | Someone here experienced with tv cards under linux? | 06:24 |
teroedni | amaranth:Gives me nothing | 06:24 |
Amaranth | teroedni: that's odd | 06:25 |
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teroedni | yea:/ | 06:25 |
SyL | Amaranth: so how do I update the packages then? it requires a root password | 06:25 |
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Amaranth | !tell syl about sudo | 06:25 |
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HymnToLife | SyL > nope, it requires YOUR password | 06:25 |
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SyL | and what if I don't know my password? | 06:26 |
HymnToLife | then you are stupid | 06:26 |
Amaranth | HymnToLife: ... | 06:27 |
Amaranth | SyL: the password is vmware | 06:27 |
teroedni | hmm thas a rude robot:/ | 06:27 |
Agrajag | SyL: it's vmware, someone just told you that | 06:27 |
jordo23 | meuserj: I got evolution running again. Again, mail works, but calendar does not. When I try to open the calendar it errors, and states it's quitting unexpectedly. | 06:27 |
HymnToLife | SyL > how do you login if you don't know your password ? | 06:27 |
SyL | HymnToLife: ummm... moron, I didn't install this and if you would have read what I first put then you would know how stupid you really are... | 06:27 |
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jordo23 | meuserj: how do I check which version of the evolution exchange connector I have? | 06:27 |
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SyL | Amaranth: it's not vmware, I've been trying that for 5 minutes | 06:27 |
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Amaranth | SyL: it is in the browser appliance image | 06:28 |
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Amaranth | SyL: if you're using the breezy one i dunnon | 06:28 |
Amaranth | -n | 06:28 |
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Amaranth | SyL: try ubuntu or breezy | 06:28 |
Amaranth | or whatever the user is named | 06:28 |
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SyL | oh nice... | 06:29 |
SyL | it was UbUntU | 06:29 |
SyL | god damn morons... | 06:29 |
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gutsohn | #ubuntu-forum.de | 06:29 |
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jordo23 | meuserj|work: I got it running again. How do I check which version of the evolution connector I am running? | 06:30 |
_mart | is there a way to do a recursive chmod that affects directories only? | 06:30 |
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Ng | _mart: you could do someting like find -type d /some/path -exec chmod 777 \{\} \; but be careful ;) | 06:31 |
Ng | and of course with "/some/path" before "-type d" | 06:31 |
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mauwolff | hi | 06:31 |
mauwolff | just a question: | 06:32 |
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sethk | _mart, find . -type d -exec chmod whatever \; | 06:32 |
_mart | thanks | 06:32 |
mauwolff | my kernel is 2.6.12-10 | 06:32 |
sethk | _mart, substitute a path for ., if you don't want to start in the current directory | 06:32 |
mauwolff | but i cna't find it's headers | 06:32 |
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mauwolff | at synaptic i could only find linux-headers 2.6.12-9 | 06:33 |
sethk | mauwolff, the headers are a separate package | 06:33 |
sethk | mauwolff, you have to do the update of the listing | 06:33 |
JensBru | Guys, i get 'iwconfig -> eth1 NOT READY! ESSID:off/any' . what i need to do to get wireless working? | 06:33 |
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gimmulf_ | !codec | 06:33 |
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ubotu | gimmulf_: I haven't a clue | 06:33 |
gimmulf_ | !codecs | 06:33 |
ubotu | Binary only codecs (such as w32codecs) can be downloaded from plf or cipherfunk, see !easysource for details on these repositories | 06:33 |
mauwolff | ok | 06:33 |
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Corin_777 | Seveas? | 06:33 |
Zugwrack | I believe sudo apt-get linux-headers would select the package for him no? | 06:33 |
Ng | plf? cipherfunk? yet more third party repositories? ;/ | 06:34 |
Amaranth | !info kernel-headers | 06:34 |
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teroedni | ng:either that or none;) | 06:34 |
Amaranth | hrm | 06:34 |
HappyFool | Zugwrack: linux-headers-386 (or -k7 or other architectures) | 06:34 |
WhyvasLT | JensBru, iwconfig eth1 mode auto | 06:35 |
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mauwolff | make sense... the current doesn't have version information | 06:35 |
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Zugwrack | HappyFool: Ok I figured it would know which architecture and kernel version was available on the system and update accordingly... | 06:35 |
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Jemt | Greetings. I have some issues with Firefox. First of all I want the newest version - but it does not contain an installer. Second I don't know how to install mplayer support in firefox 1.5. Can anyone help me? | 06:36 |
Mabus06 | How do I take pictures with my webcam? anybody? | 06:36 |
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Vagabond | hi | 06:36 |
wuming | during the install, it stucks at "Retriving libss10.9.7... 6%" when install base, I tried both normal install and expert install | 06:36 |
xxenon | Mabus06 - gqcam | 06:36 |
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JensBru | WhyvasLT: operation not permitted | 06:36 |
JensBru | need to sudo i guess | 06:36 |
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Seveas | Corin_777, get the hint. | 06:36 |
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WhyvasLT | indeed | 06:36 |
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Mabus06 | thank you, xxenon... I have been here for many hours asking that question again and again | 06:37 |
Amaranth | ? | 06:37 |
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Zugwrack | Greets out to nalioth: | 06:37 |
Seveas | Amaranth, | 06:37 |
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wuming | how can I use ubuntu install cd do a network install? i think my install cd is bad | 06:37 |
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nalioth | Zugwrack: howdy | 06:37 |
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Amaranth | wuming: you can't | 06:38 |
Vagabond | i just installed ubuntu yesterday and am having trouble getting sound to work, any suggestions? drivers or anything of that sort? i've always been a windows user so this is almost all french to me! | 06:38 |
wuming | Amaranth:why? debian works that way, right? | 06:38 |
Zugwrack | nalioth: This morning I got up and had to reboot breezy PPC and when I did it failed and said it couldn't find the drivers directory for video card....wierd...is there a resue boot from cd? | 06:38 |
Seveas | no wuming you need the debian netinstall images | 06:38 |
nemlah | Hey how do i reload a module? | 06:38 |
Amaranth | wuming: no, they have seperate cds too | 06:39 |
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nemlah | modprobe does reloading? | 06:39 |
paulproteus|lapt | nemlah: rmmod first, then modprobe | 06:39 |
Amaranth | Zugwrack: you can boot from a live cd and chroot into your local install | 06:39 |
wuming | Amaranth:since my install cd is no good,, what can i do then? | 06:39 |
Zugwrack | I think you have to unload and reload the drver | 06:39 |
Amaranth | wuming: reburn it, i guess | 06:39 |
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mauwolff | guys, a last one. how do you usualy install mplayer? compiling or use package? | 06:39 |
Seveas | mauwolff, package | 06:40 |
wuming | i see | 06:40 |
Zugwrack | Amaranth: So after boot at the prompt do chroot? Will it prompt for password? | 06:40 |
Mabus06 | xxenon, it gives me error "/dev/video: No such file or directory | 06:40 |
Mabus06 | " | 06:40 |
xxenon | Mabus06 - your webcam is not properly installed, then | 06:40 |
Mabus06 | xxenon, but I installed the drivers google told me to | 06:40 |
wuming | but after reboot, I cannot boot into windows anymore | 06:41 |
wuming | some grub problem | 06:41 |
Amaranth | Zugwrack: boot completely into the live cd, then chroot from a terminal | 06:41 |
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Mabus06 | and when I plug it in, the webcam modules start as some howto said it should if the drivers are working well, xxenon | 06:41 |
nemlah | I tried sudo modprobe tuner type=38 but it failed | 06:41 |
nemlah | unknown parameter type? | 06:41 |
Zugwrack | Vagabond: First thing make sure the volume levels are turned up on the volume...secondly you can try turning up the volume on your external speakers and see if you can see if you hear any sound at all...my PPC version is slight on volume until adjusting the external speaker volume | 06:41 |
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Zugwrack | Amaranth: I understand. Not sure what the process is for doing this? Issue chroot as a command from the prompt? Do I need to specify a path? | 06:43 |
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JensBru | sudo iwconfig eth1 mode auto .. didn't change anything :( | 06:43 |
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Amaranth | Zugwrack: I'm a little fuzzy on the details myself, google or man chroot would probably help. | 06:43 |
Mabus06 | can anyone help me with my webcam troubles? I installed the driver but /dev/video still doesn't work | 06:43 |
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Zugwrack | K..I am at work right now...will check it out after I get home...thanks | 06:43 |
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hey_all | Seveas, sorry to bother you, but my friend Corin wants me to ask you why he was banned, and if there is anything he can to do redeem himself. I think it was you he said to ask.... | 06:45 |
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Fast | whooooohoooo!!! i'm installing ubuntu on a vaio laptop with 1920x1260 resolution - this is going to be SICK!!! | 06:45 |
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bill2 | hi, looking for help, just installed mozilla suite, getting error messages, need to install personal security manager, cant find it anywhere? any body know where i can download it? | 06:45 |
Davey | Fast, cool - I just bought a Samsung 19" LCD :) | 06:45 |
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JensBru | eth1: NOT READY! ESSID:off/any ... anyone ideas? | 06:45 |
Davey | now I just need to get a box to put my ubuntu HDD in :( | 06:45 |
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Mabus06 | can anyone help me with my webcam troubles? I installed the driver but /dev/video still doesn't work | 06:45 |
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Fast | is apt in ubuntu as up to date as debian?? or use the same repositaries? | 06:46 |
rosen | argh .. I accidently removed my wastebasket from the dekstop :O ... how can I get it back ? :| | 06:46 |
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Seveas | !trashdesktop | 06:47 |
ubotu | Bugger all, i dunno, Seveas | 06:47 |
jfletcher | is there a linux program to make basic songs? | 06:47 |
Mabus06 | rosen, click 'add to panel' on any panel to add links to the trash among other things | 06:47 |
aris | Fast, it uses different repositories | 06:47 |
Seveas | !listvals trash | 06:47 |
ubotu | Factoid search of 'trash' by value (2 shown): desktop-icons ;; desktoptrash. | 06:47 |
Fast | is it as recent as gentoo? | 06:47 |
Seveas | !tell rosen about desktoptrash | 06:47 |
rosen | aaaah lovely ! | 06:47 |
Mabus06 | rosen, just right click on a blank panel spot and click 'add to panel' | 06:47 |
bill2 | hi, looking for help, just installed mozilla suite, getting error messages, need to install personal security manager, cant find it anywhere? any body know where i can download it? | 06:47 |
rosen | thanks ! | 06:47 |
Fast | i'm using gentoo on my servers and LOVE it but don't have the time to install it on laptop... need to work ;-) | 06:47 |
rosen | was getting worried there :P | 06:47 |
nalioth | bill2: apt-get install mozilla-psm | 06:48 |
Mabus06 | can anyone help me with my webcam troubles? I installed the driver but /dev/video still doesn't work | 06:48 |
bill2 | thanks | 06:48 |
aris | Fast, nonsense | 06:48 |
bill2 | nalioth | 06:48 |
aris | Fast, what's "as recent as" ? | 06:48 |
aris | Mabus06, which driver/webcam | 06:48 |
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Fast | well... the time between a package being release and masked as stable in the pms | 06:48 |
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Fast | gentoo is pretty quick... i am a bit of a nut and love getting the most recent packages hot off the press | 06:49 |
aris | Fast, well, ubuntu as some packages stable for years that are still masked into gentoo | 06:49 |
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JensBru | anyone can help me with my wireless problem please? it probably little problem | 06:49 |
aris | Fast, and you like unstable desktop i guess | 06:49 |
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nalioth | JensBru: if you ask a real question | 06:49 |
JensBru | because i see the network 3Com by 'lspci' | 06:49 |
Mabus06 | aris, it is a webcam that uses the spca5xx driver, and I followed the howto on the forum | 06:49 |
FarrisG | How do I configure my system to create /dev/sd* nodes for my pci-raid card drives before creating them for my usb drives at bootup? | 06:49 |
aris | Mabus06, ok I can help you | 06:49 |
antgel | does gnome in ubuntu have a tasty ui for handling ipsec/openswan tunnels? | 06:49 |
dpupp | anyone know an alternative to TVtime? i want to make sure its not just TVtime not displaying my missing channels. | 06:49 |
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Fast | aris, never had a major problem with stability | 06:49 |
Fast | if i did i'll just roll back to the previous version again | 06:50 |
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JensBru | nalioth: i execute 'iwconfig'. i get eth1: NOT READY! ESSID:off/any. Using 'lspci', i see the 3com correctly | 06:50 |
Fast | the chance of this causing data losss is pretty slim | 06:50 |
JensBru | Why isn't it ready to use? | 06:50 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell JensBru about wireless | 06:50 |
nalioth | JensBru: see your PM | 06:50 |
JensBru | yeah, i see. thank you nalioth | 06:50 |
Fast | for example, is firefox 1.5 availalbe now on ubuntu? | 06:51 |
Fast | in apt.. | 06:51 |
Fast | and php 5.1? | 06:51 |
erUSUL | Fast, no | 06:51 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell Fast about firefox15 | 06:51 |
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mihkel | Hey | 06:52 |
mihkel | I have lot of questions here | 06:52 |
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mihkel | is anybody listening me>? | 06:52 |
mihkel | is anybody her | 06:52 |
mihkel | e | 06:52 |
mihkel | ??? | 06:52 |
nalioth | mihkel: please be civil. | 06:53 |
nalioth | mihkel: just ask your question | 06:53 |
mauwolff | mihkel: ask and they will answer. cool guys here | 06:53 |
JensBru | nalioth: i've detected using the link the type of network model .. it should work "out of the box" | 06:53 |
mihkel | Ok, I just ceted my ubuntu linux, then i istalled it | 06:53 |
mihkel | Well i downloaded in interent RTCW ET | 06:53 |
mihkel | and i dont know how to install it | 06:54 |
nalioth | JensBru: then you should be able to click on the network icon in the top left and configure it. it may just need to be activated | 06:54 |
mauwolff | mihkel: what is RTCW ET? | 06:54 |
mihkel | Return to Castel Wolfestein Enemy Territory | 06:54 |
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erUSUL | mauwolff, enemy territory | 06:54 |
mihkel | It is a game | 06:54 |
mauwolff | ops, sorry | 06:54 |
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mihkel | ? well | 06:56 |
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mauwolff | mihkel: no games in my comp, sorry | 06:57 |
mihkel | I dont think so that no body knows the answer :D | 06:57 |
arrik | question: i installed NetworkManager to manage my wifi connections, using the synaptic package manager, but i don't know where it was installed to. any ideas on how to run it? | 06:57 |
mihkel | It doesnt mather | 06:57 |
mihkel | file ise | 06:57 |
LabThug | What is the trick to get Breezy to install on a SATA drive? | 06:57 |
mihkel | .run | 06:57 |
mihkel | how can i installit | 06:57 |
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zoyd | r | 06:57 |
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LabThug | When I go with the defaults, Breezy hangs on the disk partitioning | 06:58 |
nemlah | Tvtuner on ubuntu experience anyone? | 06:58 |
teroedni | mihkel:Is it a windows game<--in that case you need to install wine;) | 06:58 |
=== jdier [n=jdier@68-114-246-247.dhcp.fdul.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jdier | anyone running xfce on ubuntu? | 06:59 |
mihkel | No, ET is for Linux too and i downloaded it for linux | 06:59 |
lancer285 | has anyone tried installing the 8174 Nvidia official drivers in ubuntu+ | 06:59 |
mihkel | And it is filename.run | 06:59 |
nalioth | jdier: just ask your question, please | 06:59 |
teroedni | sh in front | 06:59 |
mauwolff | jdier: i do... | 07:00 |
LabThug | Can ubuntu be installed on a SATA drive? | 07:00 |
teroedni | yup | 07:00 |
nalioth | LabThug: sure thing. | 07:00 |
aris | LabThug, yep | 07:00 |
LabThug | what's the trick? | 07:00 |
Davey | since Breezy teroedni ? | 07:00 |
mihkel | How can i install filename.run program? | 07:00 |
jdier | I am running xfce on ubuntu and I have two problems. First, I have lost my desktop. I have my panel and all, but the background has gone brown and I do not have my right click menu. this is not a nautilus thing, as I have already killed nautilus. | 07:00 |
Davey | my boss couldn't get his SATA box to boot Ubuntu | 07:00 |
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JensBru | nalioth: what's the tool that needs to be launched? | 07:00 |
teroedni | davey | 07:01 |
jdier | second problem is that I get a message the the panel is allready running every time the machine comes upl | 07:01 |
teroedni | some chipset work | 07:01 |
=== LabThug can't get Breezy installed on a Dell GX280 with an SATA drive | ||
teroedni | others not | 07:01 |
Davey | teroedni, aaah! | 07:01 |
mihkel | How can i install game on linux? | 07:01 |
teroedni | nvidia is a good bet;) | 07:01 |
JensBru | i see a network tools program; but that isn't it i guess ... | 07:01 |
lancer285 | mihkel, just do ./filename.run | 07:01 |
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nalioth | JensBru: in a terminal, type "sudo network-config" or hit alt-f2 and type 'gksudo network-config" in the field | 07:01 |
Fast | mihkel, check out cedega | 07:02 |
mauwolff | jdier: are you saying that you've lost your gnome wallpaper and rightclick when using xfce? well, that's how it supposed to be | 07:02 |
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Davey | I've found Nvidia and ATI to be about equal quality on Ubuntu... untill you try to run Dual Monitors - then Nvidia is the clear winner | 07:02 |
jdier | No, I have lost my xfce wallpaper | 07:02 |
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jdier | and my right click xfce menu is gong | 07:02 |
jdier | gone | 07:02 |
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teroedni | yea David aggree there | 07:02 |
teroedni | :D bforce 3 is good:D | 07:02 |
mauwolff | jdier: strange... what about remove, update and reinstall it? | 07:03 |
mihkel | lancer | 07:03 |
jdier | mauwolff -> all of xfce? | 07:03 |
mihkel | pleas say it easier | 07:03 |
mauwolff | well, i'm a novice here, but that what i'll do... any other suggestion, anyone? | 07:04 |
teroedni | mihkel ./gamename;) | 07:04 |
mauwolff | jdier: well, i'm a novice here, but that what i'll do... any other suggestion, anyone? | 07:04 |
teroedni | all you need is the ./ in front | 07:04 |
mihkel | in tipe ./filename.run to command | 07:04 |
mihkel | ? | 07:05 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell mihkel about cli | 07:05 |
teroedni | yup | 07:05 |
mihkel | cli? | 07:05 |
LabThug | How do you get Breezy to install on a Dell GX280 with an SATA drive? | 07:05 |
teroedni | the thing your in now;) | 07:05 |
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lancer285 | mihkel, did that work? you may need to do sudo chmod 777 filename.run first | 07:05 |
sethk | LabThug, the main trick is that the hard drives are sda/b rather than hda/b | 07:06 |
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sethk | LabThug, what are you seeing? | 07:06 |
guest__ | zhjnhzj | 07:06 |
guest__ | zhjnhzj | 07:06 |
guest__ | zhjnhzj | 07:06 |
guest__ | zhjnhzj | 07:06 |
mihkel | Lancer, in one forum they sayed same | 07:06 |
guest__ | zhjnhzj | 07:06 |
guest__ | zhjnhzj | 07:06 |
arrik | question: i installed NetworkManager to manage my wifi connections, using the synaptic package manager, but i don't know where it was installed to. any ideas on how to run it? | 07:06 |
guest__ | zhjnhzj | 07:06 |
guest__ | zhjnhzj | 07:06 |
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guest__ | zhjnhzj | 07:06 |
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mihkel | how do i to it | 07:06 |
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LabThug | sethk, it hangs when going into the partitioning mode | 07:06 |
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sethk | LabThug, are you in expert mode or default mode? | 07:06 |
teroedni | mihkel type sudo chmod 775 gamename | 07:07 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %guest__!*@*] by nalioth | ||
LabThug | I tried default first, and expert as well, both hang at the same point | 07:07 |
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sethk | LabThug, on one dell (which wasn't exactly the same model as yours) I had to stop the SATA module from loading during install | 07:07 |
mihkel | Do i have to to it all in comm? | 07:07 |
Seveas | I guess it's that time of the year again | 07:07 |
LabThug | sethk, tell me more :-D | 07:07 |
Seveas | It's raining morons | 07:07 |
Vincent | I would like to create two partitions on the same usb key, is it possible to have it correctly automounted under ubuntu ? | 07:07 |
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sethk | LabThug, it then used hda/b etc. then I had to boot a rescue cd, edit fstab, and change hda to sda, hdb to sdb, etc. | 07:07 |
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sethk | LabThug, then it ran fine | 07:07 |
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LabThug | so you got it to partiton fine? | 07:08 |
sethk | LabThug, let me check which sata that thing uses. hold on a moment | 07:08 |
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ruggy | howdy peoples | 07:08 |
sethk | LabThug, yes, once I figured this part out (which took a long time, as you might imagine) everything went smoothly | 07:08 |
mauwolff | anyone has sucessfully instaled zd1211 wireless dongle in master mode? :) | 07:08 |
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jdier | I jumped to the debian server and was told to run #xfdesktop | 07:09 |
jdier | This brought back my desk top and my menu system | 07:09 |
LabThug | sethk, cool. thanks for the info | 07:09 |
mihkel | Lancer | 07:09 |
mauwolff | jdier: much better solution :) | 07:09 |
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sethk | LabThug, this one is using the Intel ICH6M sata 9aka 82801fbm) | 07:09 |
mihkel | please say what i have to tip in comand... | 07:10 |
mauwolff | jdier: i'll record that | 07:10 |
sethk | LabThug, another solution is to partition first with another distro, then install ubuntu and tell it to use the existing partitions | 07:10 |
Vincent | I reask : I would like to create two partitions on the same usb key, is it possible to have it correctly automounted under ubuntu ? | 07:10 |
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sethk | LabThug, but this doesn't always work in this situation, because you still need to list the partitions and tell it which ones to use | 07:10 |
LabThug | hmmm, might try that | 07:10 |
Seveas | Vincent, yes | 07:10 |
teroedni | minkhel | 07:10 |
sethk | LabThug, and that still might fail. But it did work for me once. | 07:10 |
Seveas | the automounter will mount both | 07:10 |
teroedni | sudo chmod 775 gamenam | 07:10 |
teroedni | ./gamenam | 07:10 |
LabThug | ok, I'll try your suggestions. Thanks! | 07:10 |
_nano_ | where are the icons for applications usually located? (applications installed through apt-get) | 07:11 |
sethk | LabThug, you can gather info by using the distro cd to boot into a shell and running the hardware detection program on the command line. | 07:11 |
Vincent | Seveas: I have created two logical partitions on my usb key: a fat32 and an ext2. But even if in /dev i can see both, when I automount it df only give me the FAT32 | 07:11 |
mihkel | ./et-linux-2.60.x86.run | 07:11 |
TokenBad | can anyone please help me with maybe why foomatic is giving me this error when try to install the driver that it don't exist or I don't have permissions to install it..even though going through cups to install it | 07:11 |
sethk | LabThug, that shows you udev designations for the hard drives, which map to hda/sda/whatever, but the mapping is a bit arcane | 07:11 |
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teroedni | yea | 07:11 |
Seveas | Vincent, that's weird, any clues from dmesg? Can you mount it with pmount? | 07:12 |
sethk | TokenBad, start your web browser as root (e.g., sudo firefox) | 07:12 |
Seveas | Vincent, check /var/log/messages to | 07:12 |
Seveas | o | 07:12 |
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LabThug | sethk, I do appreciate your help, thanks much | 07:12 |
learnfromscratch | i dont want xscreensaver to start during start up.. i dont find an entry for it in rcconf.. i use xfce4... how do i turn it off ? | 07:12 |
Seveas | seth_k, EWW NO | 07:12 |
sethk | LabThug, hope it works out for you. | 07:12 |
Seveas | firefox has some very weird sudo bugs | 07:12 |
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Seveas | and running browsers as root is stupid | 07:12 |
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Seveas | REALLY stupid | 07:13 |
seth_k | Seveas, please don't think that I'd say something like that, it's sethk you mean | 07:13 |
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mihkel | Well i tiped this filename thing, but i haded this thing now... No such file or directory | 07:13 |
aris | Seveas, unuseful i'd say | 07:13 |
Seveas | seth_k, grrr, too confusing :) | 07:13 |
teroedni | mihkel | 07:13 |
aris | it's not more stupid than running it as your main user | 07:13 |
Seveas | aris, no the word is stupid | 07:13 |
sethk | Seveas, absolutely untrue. For several situations you must run the browser as root. | 07:13 |
teroedni | chmod first | 07:13 |
seth_k | Seveas, I know :P | 07:13 |
aris | nope Seveas | 07:13 |
mihkel | yes ter | 07:13 |
aris | sometimes you need it | 07:14 |
Vincent | Seveas: yes dmesg gives me something: http://pastebin.com/463977 | 07:14 |
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Seveas | sethk, give me ONE | 07:14 |
sethk | Seveas, if you can't manage it with firefox there are other browsers, although I've never had a problem doing it. | 07:14 |
Seveas | there is NO sucj situation | 07:14 |
sethk | Seveas, I just did, if you were paying attention. | 07:14 |
aris | because of some hypothetical rule that say you should never log on as root | 07:14 |
wuming | is there anyway to convert ubuntu install cd to DVD, I only have dvd-r here | 07:14 |
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sethk | Seveas, but anyone who would say there is No such situation simply has no clue about the universe of possible situations | 07:14 |
Seveas | sethk, you did not | 07:14 |
Seveas | sethk, bullshit | 07:14 |
sethk | aris, there is no such rule | 07:14 |
nalioth | wuming: it will burn to a dvd-r, it'll just waste the extra spce | 07:14 |
mc__ | hello,what is the root password in ubuntu in the default install? | 07:14 |
sethk | Seveas, no facts, no arguments, so language. very bright | 07:14 |
Seveas | !tell mc__ about root | 07:15 |
sethk | mc__, it is unset in the normal install, set by the user in expert install | 07:15 |
Seveas | sethk, browsers display things downloaded from the web | 07:15 |
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sethk | Seveas, really? | 07:15 |
Seveas | for doing that you don't need root privileges | 07:15 |
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mihkel | Wll teroedni??? | 07:15 |
wuming | nalioth:so it is ok to burn the cd iso to dvd-rw then? | 07:15 |
aris | Seveas, compromising your user account or root it equivalent | 07:15 |
sethk | Seveas, browsers do many many other things as well. check them out. | 07:15 |
teroedni | you did both? | 07:15 |
mc__ | no root?!? what a shit ,ill install sarge again.. | 07:15 |
Seveas | sethk, then you use them wrong | 07:15 |
dr_willis | mc__, may want to check the faq.. its trivial to set. | 07:16 |
sethk | Seveas, ah, the voice of ignorance. read for example the cups documentation. | 07:16 |
Vincent | Seveas: do you have a clue ? | 07:16 |
mc__ | yeah ill do so | 07:16 |
dr_willis | mc__, IF you really need it - its best to read the FAQ and learn to use 'sudo' | 07:16 |
Seveas | sethk, cups webadmin does not need the browser to run as root | 07:16 |
sethk | Seveas, I never said it did | 07:16 |
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Seveas | read the docs | 07:16 |
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mihkel | i dondt know how to do it | 07:16 |
mc__ | i know sudo... | 07:16 |
mc__ | im not new to linux | 07:16 |
nalioth | wuming: it will work fine, just waste the extra space on the dvd-r | 07:16 |
Seveas | mc__, then use sudo to set a root password... | 07:16 |
mihkel | how i do chmod | 07:16 |
lucis | Hey all, can someone tell me how to restore my xorfg.conf file? | 07:16 |
dr_willis | mc__, use sudo and the first users pass - to get root-stuff done. :P | 07:16 |
nalioth | Seveas: Seveas offtopic | 07:16 |
wuming | cool | 07:16 |
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mc__ | i just think its stupid that there is no root in default install | 07:16 |
mihkel | pleas give me the text that i have to write on there | 07:17 |
nalioth | sethk: sethk offtopic | 07:17 |
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nalioth | ubotu: tell mc__ about root | 07:17 |
teroedni | mihkel join #ubuntuforums and i tell you there;) | 07:17 |
sethk | mc__, there is a root. you just have to set the password | 07:17 |
mihkel | i trie to | 07:17 |
mc__ | i understood it already ;) | 07:17 |
sethk | mc__, if you do ps aux, you'll see processes running, owned by root | 07:17 |
aris | the same people code bots that ejects people from chans when they come with irc as root | 07:17 |
mihkel | join #ubuntuforums | 07:17 |
aris | nonsense | 07:17 |
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Seveas | teroedni, don't spam other channels in here | 07:17 |
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xandeurus | I would like to know, with which aplication I can transport the photos of my cell phone to linux | 07:17 |
teroedni | seveas okey for me :P | 07:17 |
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mc__ | it is stupid that you dont have to set the root pw during install,that was what i wanted to say | 07:18 |
teroedni | guess i have to spam here | 07:18 |
freddy | Seveas? | 07:18 |
Seveas | mc__, you can | 07:18 |
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Seveas | freddy, ? | 07:18 |
nalioth | mc__: you can do anything you like with sudo | 07:18 |
teroedni | mihkle you are in terminal right | 07:18 |
dr_willis | mc__, dont start this old argument again. :P you are not going to convince anyone of anything. | 07:18 |
sethk | mc__, it's a defensible choice, and easy to change, so why get upset about it? | 07:18 |
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freddy | if I keep acting like i have acted for the last 45 mins, will you not block me? (i am being honest with you.... a brownie point for that? :D) | 07:18 |
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lucis | I edited my xorg.conf file and rendered X unstartable. Any ideas on how to restore it? | 07:19 |
mc__ | why dont ask it during install? | 07:19 |
RickLaptop | as I understand it, in ubuntu, you can't log in to the GDE as root. I'm trying to move my wordpress folder from my home folder to my /var/www/ folder. It won't let me to it as it says I don't have permissions. How do I accomplish this then? | 07:19 |
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teroedni | type:sudo chmod 775 name of the run filr | 07:19 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@host86-143-26-16.range86-143.btcentralplus.com] by Seveas | ||
Seveas | bann evasion is soooooooo lame | 07:19 |
xandeurus | I would like to know, with which aplication I can transport the photos of my cell phone to linux | 07:19 |
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mihkel | i am on ubuntuservers | 07:19 |
Seveas | xandeurus, depends on the phone | 07:19 |
sethk | mc__, it does indeed ask for it in expert install. So do expert install. | 07:19 |
mihkel | ubuntuforums* | 07:19 |
xandeurus | Seveas, I have a LG vx6000 | 07:20 |
sethk | mc__, or set it after install. it takes all of 20 seconds to do it. | 07:20 |
zionn | are there any hot keys to switch betwen gnome desktops? | 07:20 |
mwe | does someone know how to change the system font size for wine? | 07:20 |
Seveas | xandeurus, then check the lg website :) | 07:20 |
mc__ | yeah ill go now,thank ya for help | 07:20 |
mwe | it's tiny | 07:20 |
Seveas | zionn, you can view/set them in system -> preferences -> keyboard shortcuts | 07:20 |
zionn | thanx | 07:21 |
xandeurus | Seveas, ajaja, hey men but you dont know, any program with I can send the photos of the cell to the system? | 07:21 |
levander | How come even though I haven't done an 'apt-get update' since the last time I did an 'apt-get upgrade', when I do another 'apt-get upgrade' now, it says it's going to upgrade packages? | 07:21 |
Seveas | xandeurus, no, otherwise I would have told you :) | 07:21 |
nalioth | opme | 07:21 |
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Seveas | levander, cron does it for you :) | 07:21 |
xandeurus | Seveas, ok men, thanks | 07:21 |
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RickLaptop | anyone? | 07:21 |
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levander | Seveas: oh, this i did not know, thanks | 07:21 |
plume | hello | 07:22 |
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HappyFool | RickLaptop: use sudo | 07:22 |
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jeppe | hi.all....how i know if someone has hack my computer? | 07:22 |
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Seveas | jeppe, I just did, nice pictures you have | 07:22 |
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jeppe | ok...what pics? | 07:23 |
Amaranth | jeppe: if you haven't installed any servers they can't | 07:23 |
Seveas | jeppe, just kidding, listen to Amaranth :) | 07:23 |
spb | wrong | 07:23 |
jeppe | ok... | 07:23 |
RickLaptop | HappyFool. I guess it's because I'm still a linux newbie so I was trying to drag and drop it from one file manager folder to the other one. So I need to learn to use the CLI for this then is what you are saying | 07:23 |
Amaranth | spb: What ports are open by default in ubuntu? | 07:23 |
Amaranth | spb: (hint: the answer is none) | 07:23 |
spb | Amaranth: the question isn't what ports you have open | 07:23 |
Seveas | sigh | 07:23 |
HappyFool | RickLaptop: you can run the file browser (nautilus) as root | 07:23 |
spb | the question is what applications you run that exchange data with another computer | 07:24 |
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Amaranth | spb: They do it over...ports. | 07:24 |
HappyFool | RickLaptop: Applications -> system tools -> run as different user | 07:24 |
plume | (irc newbie) - I just installed Edubuntu (amd64), it went smooth but vmlinuz/initrd are also amd64 and my thin clients are i386. where can i find the i386 ones ? | 07:24 |
spb | Amaranth: your 'open ports' relate to incoming connections | 07:24 |
RickLaptop | oh. didn't know about that... is nautilus installed with a default breezy install? | 07:24 |
spb | outgoing connections aren't covered by that | 07:24 |
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spb | a web browser is just as easy to exploit as a web server | 07:24 |
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HappyFool | RickLaptop: yeah, it's the thing you're using to drag and drop files usually | 07:24 |
RickLaptop | or is nautilus what i"m actually using..oh ok | 07:25 |
spb | it just requires a slightly different attack vector | 07:25 |
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RickLaptop | cool | 07:25 |
RickLaptop | ty | 07:25 |
Amaranth | spb: That's not the same thing. To get access to your computer they still have to install something that opens a port. | 07:25 |
amm60omy | can someone help me, im having a problem installing Ubuntu | 07:25 |
spb | Amaranth: no they don't | 07:25 |
HappyFool | amm60omy: please be more specific | 07:25 |
Seveas | !tell amm60omy about anyone | 07:25 |
Amaranth | spb: Err, then they need to know exactly what files they want so you will send | 07:25 |
spb | Amaranth: hijack web browser, have it spawn a process that connects to a remote server and listens on that connection for commands | 07:26 |
spb | easily done with netcat and a few pipes, for example | 07:26 |
amm60omy | haapyfool: when im installing the installation freezes at the grub installation | 07:26 |
spb | firewalling is an important part of having a secure system, but it's only one part | 07:26 |
Seveas | spb, sure, give me a real example of that actually working... | 07:26 |
Amaranth | spb: Luckily we're so obscure you won't get random attacks like that. | 07:27 |
amm60omy | Happyfool: I am trying to dual bool Windows XP pro, and Ubuntu | 07:27 |
Fast | is gnome 2.12.2 available yet? | 07:27 |
spb | Seveas: it's been well documented in several places | 07:27 |
Amaranth | Fast: it won't be | 07:27 |
spb | i can dig up links if you really want, but it'll take a while | 07:27 |
Fast | why not? | 07:27 |
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Amaranth | Fast: any security fixes in 2.12.2 will be backported | 07:27 |
TokenBad | what is the force quit command? | 07:27 |
Seveas | spb, i'd appreciate it | 07:27 |
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Fast | ok | 07:28 |
Amaranth | Fast: because 5.10 is stable | 07:28 |
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Seveas | TokenBad, reboot ;) | 07:28 |
Amaranth | Fast: meaning doesn't change | 07:28 |
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Seveas | TokenBad, kill -9 | 07:28 |
TokenBad | I did killall | 07:28 |
TokenBad | but there was another command | 07:28 |
TokenBad | where could click on the program | 07:28 |
Seveas | pkill -9 | 07:28 |
Seveas | kill -9 | 07:28 |
Seveas | xkill | 07:28 |
TokenBad | thats it | 07:28 |
TokenBad | thanks Seveas | 07:28 |
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Seveas | gnome has a panel applet for it :) | 07:29 |
HappyFool | amm60omy: i'm not sure i can help much --- sounds problematic | 07:29 |
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HappyFool | amm60omy: the standard advice is to check if your CD is ok | 07:29 |
amm60omy | Can anyone help me with this, when im installing the installation freezes at the grub installation. I am trying to dual bool Windows XP pro, and Ubuntu | 07:29 |
amm60omy | Happyfool: I just installed it on my brothers computer fine | 07:30 |
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HappyFool | amm60omy: so the CD is probably fine. sorry i can't help more | 07:31 |
amm60omy | HappyFool: Thanks anyways | 07:31 |
amm60omy | Can anyone else help me out?? | 07:31 |
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sethk | amm60omy, in cases like that, I complete the installation skipping the boot loader, and install grub manually | 07:32 |
spb | Seveas: http://www.informit.com/articles/article.asp?p=397660&rl=1 | 07:32 |
amm60omy | sethk: how do i do that? | 07:32 |
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spb | Seveas: page 7 is probably the bit you want, but the whole thing is kinda interesting reading | 07:32 |
sethk | amm60omy, the install let's you skip the boot loader, so that part's easy | 07:32 |
sethk | amm60omy, then you have to boot a rescue cd (or floppy) | 07:33 |
spb | and yes, i know the example there is a windows network, but the attack methods will work just as well on *nix | 07:33 |
zool2005 | can openoffice 2 be installed via apt-get yet? | 07:33 |
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amm60omy | sethk: when do i get the chance to skip the boot loader? | 07:33 |
sethk | amm60omy, installing grub manually is very easy, especially if you can copy (recursively) the /boot directory from another ubuntu install (same version and architecture) | 07:33 |
Seveas | spb, thanks | 07:33 |
sethk | amm60omy, in expert install it is right on the main menu. Not sure on the default install, but I think it is just a prompt. | 07:33 |
albacker | guys how do i see my kernel version.. i cante remember.. :( | 07:34 |
=== XiCillin [n=mike@dpc67142105197.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jordo23 | What is the gnome click/key stroke to kill an app? | 07:34 |
nalioth | albacker: uname -a | 07:34 |
spb | Seveas: sorry, page 6 rather | 07:34 |
nalioth | jordo23: alt-f2 > xkill | 07:34 |
XiCillin | xkill | 07:34 |
albacker | nalioth, thanks | 07:34 |
amm60omy | sethk: ok cool, ill look for it, thank you | 07:34 |
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Seveas | spb, p6 is all windows based stuff which does not apply to Ubuntu | 07:35 |
spb | Seveas: it does | 07:35 |
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spb | Seveas: the specific tools and exploits will be different, but the concepts are the same | 07:36 |
jordo23 | alt +f2 is run app... | 07:36 |
levander | Is there a way to do an 'ls' on a deb repository I have in my sources.list? | 07:36 |
_jason | jordo23, and then you run 'xkill' | 07:36 |
jordo23 | will that kill everything? | 07:36 |
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Seveas | spb, too vague | 07:36 |
spb | the point is that you can easily go from a code execution bug on a system to which you don't have direct access to get a full shell whenever you want it | 07:37 |
_jason | jordo23, that turns your mouse into a one shot killer, you click on a window and it dies | 07:37 |
junpei | ha? | 07:37 |
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Seveas | spb, THAT is true, but rather irrelevant in this case | 07:37 |
spb | Seveas: they got a simple vulnerability on the sql server, to which there was on external access | 07:37 |
spb | (ie no open ports) | 07:37 |
levander | I have the plf repository for ubuntu in my sources.list, but can't retrieve the "hot-babe" package. | 07:37 |
Millenniumgroup | anyone using a newsreader called "ninan"... or does anyone know a way to check if im running java at all on my system? | 07:37 |
amm60omy | sethk: one last thing, does it matter if im installing Ubuntu on a hd with my Windows xp partition | 07:37 |
jordo23 | I am trying to kill the calendar app that runs under the clock... | 07:37 |
spb | they then used netcat and a few pipes to dial out and get a full command shell | 07:37 |
nalioth | levander: hot-babe is available elsewhere | 07:37 |
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mwe | does anyone know how to change the default font size in wine? it's tiny. | 07:37 |
spb | which is exactly what you were saying couldn't be done | 07:37 |
sethk | amm60omy, of course that has to be reflected in the grub configuration file, but other than that, no. | 07:38 |
nalioth | levander: plf is not good to have in your sources.list for every day usage | 07:38 |
levander | nalioth: are you saying it's not available from plf? | 07:38 |
JensBru | nalioth: network-config isn't installed on the system | 07:38 |
levander | nalioth: because there are conflicts with the main repositories? | 07:38 |
nalioth | levander: i have no idea what is in plf, it's not good to use it | 07:38 |
_jason | jordo23, yes? just click click on it | 07:38 |
JensBru | I got network-admin though | 07:38 |
sethk | spb, that's true in theory. It would be interesting to know whether it is logistically credible. | 07:38 |
amm60omy | sethk: ok thank you | 07:38 |
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levander | nalioth: you're speaking from experience, or you've just heard this, what's the source you're basing it on? | 07:38 |
spb | sethk: read the article. it's easily doable | 07:38 |
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jordo23 | _jason: thanks...worked....was lagging for some reason.. | 07:39 |
nalioth | JensBru: sorry, it's "sudo network-admin" | 07:39 |
Seveas | spb, but this uses an sql injection vulnerability | 07:39 |
PupenoL | what virtualization/emulation do you recommend to run Debian inside Kubuntu ? | 07:39 |
spb | Seveas: so? | 07:39 |
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Seveas | that's quite specific | 07:39 |
levander | nalioth: I know some people hate the w32codecs package, is that part of you're reason for not liking plf? | 07:39 |
amm60omy | sethk: could i install someother boot loader?? | 07:39 |
sethk | spb, I know the article. I don't off hand see how that translates into a viable attack. | 07:39 |
spb | Seveas: the particular vulnerability you use to achieve code execution on the target box is irrelevant | 07:39 |
sethk | amm60omy, yes | 07:39 |
Seveas | how would you translate this to getting root accecc in ubuntu via Evolution witha bug? | 07:39 |
nalioth | levander: i'm speaking from my years of experience helping in #ubuntu. non official repo usage causes trouble | 07:39 |
TokenBad | can anyone please help me with maybe why foomatic is giving me this error when try to install the driver that it don't exist or I don't have permissions to install it..even though going through cups to install it | 07:39 |
spb | Seveas: code execution bug in evolution, yes? | 07:39 |
runevi | How do I install opera under breezy? :) | 07:39 |
jeppe | enyone know ...when i could get apt-get / synaptic... New firefox 1.5??? | 07:39 |
albacker | omg, i have gnome and installed amarok [a kde music player] , i closed the program and i still hear the music playing.. i do killall amarok and it doesnt stop :S | 07:39 |
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vehbi | hi | 07:39 |
vehbi | guys | 07:40 |
vehbi | i started to use ubuntu | 07:40 |
_jason | albacker, lol is it a good song at least? | 07:40 |
Seveas | spb, sure, assume you can execute anything you want | 07:40 |
=== corresponder [n=poeses_c@p54AD5BD3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JensBru | nalioth: i receive Gtk-WARNING: cannot open display ..im working in console now tho | 07:40 |
HappyFool | albacker: that a music cd ? | 07:40 |
Seveas | spb, btw, let's move to #ubuntu-offtopic | 07:40 |
corresponder | ole | 07:40 |
levander | nalioth: so, the main reason you don't like it is because it's not official? not based on any specific knowledge of plf itself? I'm afraid of non-official repositories too, but plf looks small... i'll probably remove it from sources.list after i install the two packages i want from it | 07:40 |
McJerry | does anyone know how to get the microsoft mce remote to work? | 07:40 |
albacker | _jason, yeah school of rock, it rox :D | 07:41 |
nalioth | JensBru: that is fine, it should open (or you can alt-f2 > gksudo network-admin) | 07:41 |
TokenBad | Seveas, I tried to install the default recommended driver for my epson stylus color 740 printer | 07:41 |
sethk | levander, if you understand the risks, back up your repository state and go for it. | 07:41 |
_jason | albacker, are you sure the name of the process is amarok? did it actually kill something when you did that? | 07:41 |
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albacker | i solved it, i was doing killall amarok, and in the ps list there was amarokpp, it seems that amarok is just a link to amarokapp ! | 07:41 |
TokenBad | and get an error msg about the file is either missing or I don't have permission to access it...any ideas? | 07:41 |
nalioth | levander: in our experience, non official repos do not take into consideration ubuntu packaging guidelines and usually end up borking a system | 07:41 |
=== JDahl [n=joachim@3E6B71E6.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
levander | sethk: well, actually i'm wondering if nalioth isn't right, i already can't find the hot-babe package they claim on their web page to have in there | 07:41 |
albacker | _jason, that was it :) | 07:42 |
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HappyFool | ello JDahl :) | 07:42 |
jeppe | enyone know ...when i could get apt-get / synaptic... New firefox 1.5?? | 07:42 |
hawk` | hm | 07:42 |
jeppe | im noob.. | 07:42 |
levander | nalioth: you know of a good source for hot-babe, sounds like a neat little piece of software, be fun to try it | 07:42 |
sethk | levander, I tend towards the conservative and, personally, I'd prefer to install from source rather than use an unofficial repository | 07:42 |
jeppe | :D | 07:42 |
JDahl | HappyFool: Hi - long time no see! | 07:42 |
nalioth | levander: you can compile it quickly | 07:42 |
sethk | levander, of course if you back up you can revert, but why risk your package database state, even if the risk is small? | 07:42 |
levander | sethk: nalioth: yeah, i'll just compile, thanks guys | 07:43 |
=== purplefeltangel [n=purplefe@CPE0050bfffe781-CM014120014776.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
albacker | eni@madgeek:~$ firefox -v | 07:43 |
albacker | Mozilla Firefox 1.0.7, Copyright (c) 1998 - 2005 mozilla.org | 07:43 |
purplefeltangel | is there any way to do special characters with the keyboard and not the character map? (like alt+whatever in windows) | 07:43 |
=== jordo23 [n=jmendelb@rrcs-67-52-221-174.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hawk` | can anyone tell me what to do when I for some reason was removed from the sudoers list, root is disabled and I can't seem to login with the root account at the recovery mode either? | 07:43 |
albacker | :S | 07:43 |
=== Thom_ [n=chatzill@g42100.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Thom_ | hi guys | 07:44 |
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corresponder | hi guy | 07:44 |
Thom_ | Nickserv Identify picard | 07:44 |
Thom_ | :P | 07:44 |
Thom_ | lol | 07:44 |
McJerry | hawk' boot to cd and chroot in | 07:44 |
levander | hawk`: you probably borked something, think you gotta boot with livecd and mount your root partition, and edit /etc/passwd off the root partition | 07:44 |
albacker | hawk`, youre screwed up :P | 07:44 |
hawk` | :) | 07:44 |
albacker | hawk`, you cant even su to your root account ? | 07:44 |
Thom_ | whew | 07:44 |
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hawk` | albacker no | 07:45 |
Thom_ | can someone please help me? | 07:45 |
hawk` | but i'll try the livecd | 07:45 |
nalioth | Thom_: yes, change your nickserv pass | 07:45 |
albacker | >nickserv< ghost Thom_ picard | 07:45 |
albacker | :) | 07:45 |
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_jason | hawk`, I think you can use the recovery mode too, but the liveecd method definitely works | 07:45 |
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levander | hawk, make sure the /etc/passwd you edit is the one on the root partition of the system you boot, don't modify the /etc/passwd from the livecd | 07:45 |
albacker | * Thom_ has quit (Nick collision from services.) | 07:45 |
albacker | -NickServ- [Thom_] has been killed | 07:45 |
Thom_ | hello? | 07:45 |
hawk` | levander :) | 07:46 |
evilbulgarian | hi, i keep getting "zone foo.com/IN: refresh: failure trying master XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX#53: timed out" i also get a time out when i do dig @nsprimary testdomina.com but when i do dig +tcp @nsprimary testdomina.com it works, nmap reports port 53 udp as open|filtered can someone please help me trace this problem ISP says that its not blocking any ports? | 07:46 |
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albacker | omg, it was true, i thought he was joking.. | 07:46 |
albacker | albacker >nickserv< ghost Thom_ picard | 07:46 |
levander | _jason: just use whatever you have downloaded | 07:46 |
Thom_ | whats wrong? | 07:46 |
nalioth | Thom_: if you accidentally pasted your real nickserv pass in here, you need to change it quickly | 07:46 |
hawk` | _jason yea, but i have enabled the root, then disabled it with passwd -l root like the ubuntuguide.org says, and it doesnt accept a blank password at the recovery console | 07:46 |
Thom_ | how change? | 07:46 |
albacker | Thom_, i ghosted you.. | 07:46 |
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Thom_ | please tell me how to change :p | 07:46 |
_jason | hawk`, oh ok | 07:46 |
albacker | try changind your password to something else, learn to type the slash / and dont pick such passwords like picard ! :D | 07:47 |
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nalioth | hawk`: first rule: ubuntuguide will break your box | 07:47 |
purplefeltangel | is there any way to do special characters with the keyboard and not the character map? (like alt+whatever in windows) | 07:47 |
albacker | Thom_, /msg help nickserv or nickserv help | 07:47 |
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nalioth | Thom_: /msg nickserv help | 07:47 |
hawk` | nalioth, i'll remember that | 07:47 |
Thom_ | ok :P | 07:48 |
_jason | Thom_, type those commands in the server window so that if you mess up no one sees your password. And pick a better password. | 07:48 |
JazzCrazed | hi all | 07:48 |
_native_ | how can i capture a video thats thru realplayer | 07:48 |
_native_ | ? | 07:48 |
=== markrian [n=Markrian@cpc1-cmbg2-5-1-cust216.cmbg.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Thom_ | i changed it already | 07:48 |
hawk` | and i'll also make a backup sudo user when this is fixed :P | 07:48 |
_native_ | ;p | 07:48 |
HappyFool | first rule of ubuntuguide: don't talk about ubuntuguide | 07:48 |
Thom_ | why cant i use picard? | 07:48 |
JazzCrazed | how do i chmod a folder and all of its files and subfolders? | 07:48 |
Thom_ | lol | 07:48 |
Thom_ | someone of you using daper? | 07:48 |
corresponder | chmod -R | 07:48 |
JazzCrazed | thx corresponder | 07:48 |
Thom_ | does someone use daper? | 07:49 |
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McJerry | Thom_ yes, using dapper here | 07:49 |
corresponder | nope | 07:49 |
_native_ | how can i capture and record video in X? | 07:49 |
McJerry | hawk' did you get in? | 07:49 |
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hawk` | and err, what do I edit in the passwd file? | 07:49 |
Thom_ | McJerry, do you also have the problem that the Aplications menu doesnt work annymore? | 07:49 |
hawk` | McJerry not yet, downloading a livecd | 07:49 |
hawk` | :) | 07:49 |
albacker | Thom_, try this : /msg nickserv help set reset | 07:49 |
_native_ | nevermind | 07:49 |
Thom_ | albacker, i changed it already ;) | 07:49 |
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wuming | why ubuntu is so popular? :) | 07:50 |
albacker | Thom_, try this : /msg nickserv help set password | 07:50 |
McJerry | Thom_ have had a few applications on the applications menu go bonkers....exactly what is your problem? | 07:50 |
markrian | I tried to create an SSH remote location with the "Connect to Server..." menu item in the places menu in Ubuntu 5.10, but when I try to connect to the location I get an error: | 07:50 |
albacker | Thom_, ok :) good for you | 07:50 |
Thom_ | albacker, i changed it already :P | 07:50 |
markrian | Can't display location "sftp://mdf30@www.srcf.ucam.org/home/markrian/public_html", There is no default action associated with this location. | 07:50 |
Thom_ | thankz | 07:50 |
zhx | hello | 07:50 |
albacker | wuming, because its the best out there. | 07:50 |
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Seveas | markrian, ssh:// instead of sftp:// | 07:51 |
Thom_ | McJerry.. it opens.. and then it closes to one tinysquare | 07:51 |
=== VincentMX [n=vincent@c3eea0597.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
VincentMX | hi | 07:51 |
McJerry | markrian, try running the menu item as root and see if it works, if so, is privilege issue | 07:51 |
zhx | was curious if there was a specific edubuntu channel | 07:51 |
Seveas | zhx, #edubuntu | 07:51 |
zhx | of course | 07:51 |
Seveas | :) | 07:51 |
Thom_ | McJerry, i ran and upgrade like 3 days ago and since then it doesnt work annymore | 07:51 |
markrian | Seveas: Okay, but why does the menu item not generate the correct url?! | 07:51 |
zhx | thanks | 07:51 |
markrian | McJerry: why should that matter? | 07:52 |
Seveas | markrian, sftp:// not working is a bug being solved as we speak | 07:52 |
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McJerry | Thom_ I had issues with applications crashing if multiple instances were launched from the application menu, but i reloaded my breezy image then did apt-get dist-upgrade and those problems went away | 07:52 |
markrian | Seveas: was it broken recently? Because I've used that location before with no problems | 07:52 |
albacker | markrian, try www.srcf.ucam.org/~markrian it should work on some servers | 07:52 |
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Seveas | markrian, you use Dapper/ | 07:52 |
Seveas | ? | 07:52 |
surfdue | hello, how do i run a .bin file? | 07:52 |
markrian | Seveas: 5.10, breeezy | 07:53 |
corresponder | ./ | 07:53 |
corresponder | @surfdue: | 07:53 |
Thom_ | hmhmhmhm... | 07:53 |
corresponder | ./go.bin | 07:53 |
Seveas | markrian, in that case a bit less recently :) | 07:53 |
surfdue | k | 07:53 |
McJerry | markrian, misunderstood problem. Did not read other post. sorry | 07:53 |
Thom_ | McJerry ur problem doesnt exaclty match mine.. | 07:54 |
markrian | Seveas: so what might the problem be in my case? | 07:54 |
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Thom_ | well its like they said isnt it :P | 07:55 |
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McJerry | Thom_ last night upgraded more applications and expect 2.6.15-9 to be in synaptec in a few days...or so was told by Ben Collins....it should fix several bugs | 07:55 |
corresponder | come down | 07:55 |
VincentMX | no caps please | 07:55 |
McJerry | CAPS OFF | 07:55 |
sailor | please no caps | 07:55 |
nalioth | l4t: turning off the CAPS will help a bit | 07:55 |
kemik | l4t: great way to get help | 07:55 |
l4t | sry | 07:55 |
=== xkahn chuckles | ||
sailor | no problem :) | 07:55 |
kemik | !skypw | 07:55 |
ubotu | kemik: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 07:55 |
kemik | !skype | 07:55 |
ubotu | skype is, like, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SkypeHowto/ Breezy deb: http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl | 07:55 |
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kemik | follow the howto there l4t | 07:55 |
l4t | ty verry much | 07:56 |
nlindblad | how come I can't gksudo when I've activated my root-account? | 07:56 |
McJerry | Thom_ did you check bugzilla to see if someone has already had same issue? | 07:56 |
kemik | nlindblad: how come you activated the root acct ? | 07:56 |
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Thom_ | McJerry, how? | 07:56 |
kemik | nlindblad: "sudo -i" should be fine.. no need to activate root | 07:56 |
nlindblad | kemik, sudo passwd | 07:57 |
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sailor | got a quick question... i went from the 386 to 686 kernel a month or two ago... everything seems to be working fine now, can i safely uninstall the old 386 packages? | 07:57 |
alfrac | hi | 07:57 |
Seveas | sailor, yes | 07:57 |
nlindblad | kemik, I'm use to having a su-shell for administration | 07:57 |
sailor | excellent, thanks | 07:57 |
nlindblad | not using sudo command everytime | 07:57 |
nlindblad | or is sudo -i like su? | 07:57 |
nalioth | nlindblad: sudo -i = sudo su | 07:57 |
nlindblad | nalioth, okey | 07:57 |
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kemik | nalioth: isnt it sudo su -(l) | 07:58 |
kemik | and sudo -s = sudo su | 07:58 |
nlindblad | any chance I can deactivate it again without messing things up? | 07:58 |
McJerry | Thom_ http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com and search for same issues..... if none found, file bug report....they will respond | 07:58 |
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kemik | sudo -i is the safe choice ... | 07:58 |
nalioth | kemik: sudo su is redundant, there is some danged sudo -$ that does the same thing | 07:58 |
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kemik | nlindblad: sure | 07:58 |
kemik | !rot | 07:58 |
ubotu | kemik: No idea | 07:58 |
kemik | !root | 07:58 |
ubotu | from memory, root is rumour has it, that root is disabled in Ubuntu, actually this means there is no password set for the root account, use sudo when you need admin access, you can read all about it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo | 07:58 |
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nlindblad | thanks | 07:59 |
kemik | nalioth: yes sudo su is redundant but i think it's sudo -s and you shouldnt use thatone | 07:59 |
VincentMX | when i try to burn an audio cd with serpentine, it says the disc usage is only 45 minutes, on an 80 minute cd, and it also says "Disk capacaty exeeded!", what do i do now? | 07:59 |
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kemik | doesnt set all env. variables | 07:59 |
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kemik | which could, potentially, be dangerous | 07:59 |
surfdue | what is breezy defualt python install | 07:59 |
surfdue | 2.4? | 07:59 |
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surfdue | im trying to figure out either python2.4-gtk2 or python-gtk2 ? | 08:00 |
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surfdue | how do i tell what python i have? | 08:00 |
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juliux | hi someon there who can help me with my nx6110 ? | 08:00 |
Thom_ | McJerry, come to think about it.. i installed some KDE things for a game .. could that mess up my menu? | 08:01 |
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_jason | surfdue, you can search man pages like so: 'man python' press '/' 'version' <-- that will give you the answer. Type: python -V | 08:02 |
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ooPo | Is there a nice script somewhere I can drop into /etc/init.d to run svnserve on startup? | 08:02 |
RickLaptop | anyone here know of a good IRC server & channel for apache support? | 08:02 |
McJerry | Thom_ do you have gnome installed as well? You could start gnome to see if problem is the same to narrow down to KDE or not | 08:02 |
nlindblad | hmm | 08:02 |
Thom_ | i only use gnome ;) | 08:02 |
hawk` | burning the livecd now | 08:02 |
nlindblad | not gksudo returns: "We won't need a password, it seems! | 08:02 |
nlindblad | " | 08:02 |
nlindblad | after locking the root-account | 08:02 |
hawk` | what do i need to change to make myself a sudoer again? | 08:02 |
frustraktor | hello,my config:Xubuntu-Desktop-2.6.12-10-k7-OpenGL version string: 1.3.5272 (X4.3.0-8.16.20) | 08:03 |
frustraktor | ,i dont c gl speed in glxgear(fgl_gears work fine),some1 can hlp me plz | 08:03 |
sethk | hawk`, visudo | 08:03 |
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_jason | hawk`, pastebin your current sudoers file | 08:03 |
bulio | how do I setup my speakers in ubuntu? | 08:03 |
Thom_ | McJerry, i use gnome.. but i installed a game.. monopoly something.. and it said it needed some things to install... so it did that automaticly... i dont know if it can mess up... | 08:03 |
bulio | I'm not sure where they are connected | 08:03 |
snowblink | ooPo, man update-rc.d | 08:03 |
bulio | I have them in line in | 08:03 |
_jason | hawk`, never mmind, you can't lol | 08:03 |
hawk` | :) | 08:04 |
_jason | hawk`, I'll pastebin mine, one sec | 08:04 |
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mjr | frustraktor, glxgears -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark | 08:04 |
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markrian | Argh! That sftp/ssh/gnome problem I had was my fault. It's been a long day! | 08:04 |
purplefeltangel | is there any way to do special characters with the keyboard and not the character map? (like alt+whatever in windows) | 08:04 |
frustraktor | i know i always use gl2 to watch films and now i cant :/ | 08:04 |
_jason | hawk`, http://pastebin.com/464069 | 08:04 |
frustraktor | cuz is to sloooooowww | 08:04 |
McJerry | Thom_ i would start a gnome session to see if same problem exist there. Then we will know if reinstalling kubuntu-desktop will fix your problem | 08:04 |
RickLaptop | anyone know of a IRC channel for apache support? | 08:05 |
hawk` | _jason, so your user is called admin? | 08:05 |
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_jason | hawk`, that's the admin group | 08:05 |
mjr | purplefeltangel, gtk/gnome programs allow you to input ctrl-shift-hexcode | 08:05 |
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surfdue | k | 08:05 |
hawk` | oh | 08:05 |
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thegladiator | hi | 08:05 |
hawk` | but how do i define a user? | 08:05 |
hawk` | :) | 08:05 |
thegladiator | diesel, are you there ? | 08:05 |
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Thom_ | McJerry, i am in a gnome session.. it doesnt work with gnome | 08:05 |
hawk` | wonder how i broke it in the first place | 08:05 |
thegladiator | how can i install sun's java ? | 08:05 |
_jason | hawk`, i'd assume the same way root is defined 9read the comment) but I haven't done so myself | 08:05 |
hawk` | was trying to add myself to the ftpgroup | 08:06 |
RickLaptop | :) | 08:06 |
purplefeltangel | mjr thx | 08:06 |
thegladiator | albacker, hi :D | 08:06 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell thegladiator about java | 08:06 |
ooPo | snowblink: ok, that seems to be the question I'd ask next after finding a script to install :) | 08:06 |
hawk` | oh, true | 08:06 |
frustraktor | mjr, i know i always use gl2 to watch films and now i cant :/,cuz is to slow :/ | 08:06 |
hawk` | :) | 08:06 |
beruic | Can anybody help me on how to change the default program for filetypes? | 08:06 |
ooPo | the subversion package didn't come with a startup script to begin with | 08:06 |
albacker | hi thegladiator are you on ubuntu finally ? | 08:06 |
_jason | hawk`, maybe you removed your user from the admin group somehow? | 08:06 |
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thegladiator | thats right :D | 08:06 |
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sintax | Can anyone help me figure out how to install an opera .deb package and if it has deps it will auto get them ? | 08:06 |
albacker | thegladiator, do you like it ? | 08:07 |
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hawk` | hmm | 08:07 |
=== WeeZaLmLV is now known as eopiZaxGK | ||
thegladiator | i wouldnt tak to you otherwise ;) | 08:07 |
hawk` | so maybe i just need to readd myself to that group then | 08:07 |
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thegladiator | :D | 08:07 |
hawk` | what's a correct way to do that? | 08:07 |
hawk` | :) | 08:07 |
thegladiator | its good thanks albacker | 08:07 |
hawk` | usermod -G admin username? | 08:07 |
wuming | after a fresh install, firefox will take a long time to lookup urls, this does not happen in windows, how can i fix? | 08:07 |
Thom_ | McJerry, i just installed some KDE libs | 08:07 |
beruic | sintax: U can have mouse gestures and side panel in Firefox too... | 08:07 |
hawk` | thats what i did when i fucked up anyhow | 08:07 |
hawk` | :) | 08:07 |
frustraktor | some1 have similar problem with bad gl acceleration ?:( | 08:07 |
albacker | thegladiator, now learn about the /etc/apt/sources.list and learn how to use apt, thats what youll need most. | 08:08 |
sintax | firefox sucks, i dont want it | 08:08 |
sintax | dont convince me to use it lol | 08:08 |
beruic | Why? | 08:08 |
sintax | i just wanna know how to install opera | 08:08 |
_jason | hawk`, my guess is you'll need to be a super user to rejoin the group | 08:08 |
RickLaptop | I copied wordpress into my /var/www/folder using Sudo root. But now wordpress doesn't seem to work correctly. I think I have to set folder permissions for it but i'm not sure. Can someone help me with this? | 08:08 |
thegladiator | yep than you | 08:08 |
beruic | I think it's better than opera now, and I used Opera before | 08:08 |
sintax | pshh just tell me how lol | 08:08 |
sintax | i have the ,deb package on my desktop | 08:08 |
hawk` | beruic, personal oppinions dont really matter do they? | 08:08 |
thegladiator | synaptic is al inclusive albacker ? | 08:08 |
sintax | and i tried to dpkg it and it has deps | 08:08 |
hawk` | :P | 08:09 |
thegladiator | all* | 08:09 |
thegladiator | the one you were talking about ? source.list ? | 08:09 |
beruic | If they are well argued :) | 08:09 |
hawk` | imo opera is way better, since it has everything you need without plugins | 08:09 |
hawk` | except an addblock | 08:09 |
sintax | exactly hawk` | 08:09 |
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sintax | now how do i install it ;) | 08:09 |
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frustraktor | sintax, apt-get install opera? | 08:10 |
albacker | synaptic is good too, i use apt myself.. but you can use synaptic too. if you dont have it try running this as root : apt-get isntall synaptic.. and its good to know apt-get .. you might need it. | 08:10 |
sethk | I see many websites that opera cannot display. All of these that I tested recently (a few weeks ago) display properly with firefox. | 08:10 |
albacker | thegladiator, ^ | 08:10 |
Seveas | operas css is bad | 08:10 |
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McJerry | Thom_ did installing KDE libs solve issue? | 08:10 |
sintax | lemme try that | 08:10 |
sethk | Seveas, that's a polite way to say it. :) | 08:10 |
hawk` | sethk, and your point is? | 08:10 |
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hawk` | its the webdesigners fault for not being able to make sites that work crossbrowser | 08:11 |
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sintax | E: Package opera has no installation candidate | 08:11 |
sintax | bleh | 08:11 |
=== nlindblad [n=nlindbla@user179.217-10-120.netatonce.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hawk` | apt-cache search opera | 08:11 |
Thom_ | McJerry, never mind you aint getting the point :) | 08:11 |
sintax | Package opera is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 08:11 |
_jason | hawk`, "If the user | 08:11 |
_jason | is currently a member of a group which is not listed, the user | 08:11 |
_jason | will be removed from the group" | 08:11 |
nlindblad | weird | 08:11 |
_jason | oops | 08:11 |
nlindblad | after disabling the root-account, gksudo prompts but won't do anything after the prompt | 08:11 |
beruic | sethk: I have seen the same with firefox. It's always bad code... | 08:11 |
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sintax | hawk then what lol | 08:12 |
sintax | it scrolled a ton of crap | 08:12 |
beruic | Can anybody help me on how to change the default program for filetypes? | 08:12 |
sintax | i have the deb package on my desktop | 08:12 |
sintax | cant i just install it and let it auto get deps | 08:12 |
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hawk` | sintax, did you get any browser results? | 08:12 |
sintax | i got uhhh, a million things | 08:12 |
hawk` | it should tell you some info about every package? | 08:12 |
sintax | from DEC OS8 images to PDP emulators to shells | 08:12 |
czr | sintax, try apt-cache search browser | grep browser | 08:13 |
hawk` | maybe you could apt-cache search opera | grep browser | 08:13 |
sethk | beruic, it's hard to be precise with the zillions of web sites around. But I found opera unable to display many many common sites. The only such case I've seen with firefox involves deliberately using IE specific code. | 08:13 |
hawk` | :D | 08:13 |
hawk` | czr :) | 08:13 |
McJerry | Thom_ the point is if you have the same problem in gnome and kde, then you may want to check the install log for the game you installed and find out exactly what files it replaced, then do some homework and repair the files that are causing your applications menu problems...... | 08:13 |
sintax | opera isnt in there | 08:13 |
czr | I always wanted an option for apt-cache that would do that :-) | 08:13 |
sintax | omg why cant i just use the package i have on my desktop lol | 08:13 |
czr | seems such a waste to start two processes instead of one | 08:13 |
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czr | hmm. maybe there is an option for that | 08:14 |
sintax | grep isnt liking this output | 08:14 |
beruic | sethk: I agree on the IE and would like to see an example on the Opera issue... | 08:14 |
=== czr shrugs and looks at hawk` | ||
Seveas | czr, man apt-cache | 08:14 |
frustraktor | some1 have similar problem with bad "gl" acceleration ?:( | 08:14 |
rosen | When I try to download files from a windowsuser on my network the transfer stops at 100%, is that a known issue or is it just me having this problem ? | 08:14 |
Seveas | there's an option to only look in name | short_desc | 08:14 |
czr | looking at hawk` is easier seveas :-) | 08:14 |
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=== czr shifts his gaze on Seveas | ||
sintax | ok off topic now | 08:15 |
sintax | :-( | 08:15 |
Thom_ | McJerry, the point is like i told 5 times I DONT USE KDE.. KDE is a fucked up desktop in my oppinion.. well i made a workaround .. so im trying to reboot the system .. seeya in a sec | 08:15 |
gverig | Is there a decent client for online radio/podcasts/etc.? Like iTunes or something | 08:15 |
Seveas | czr apt-cache search -n | 08:15 |
sintax | opera_8.51-20051114.6-shared-qt_en_etch_i386.deb | 08:15 |
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sintax | i cant install that? | 08:15 |
runevi | So, how do I get a java-plugin in firefox? I really need it to see Magnus Carlsen crushing Malakhov i lighting chess in the world chess cup | 08:15 |
czr | thanks Seveas :-), didn't really expect that :-) | 08:15 |
Seveas | sintax, sudo dpkg -i opera-blabla.deb | 08:16 |
sintax | i did that but let me try again | 08:16 |
nlindblad | now I'm locked out | 08:16 |
nlindblad | damn | 08:16 |
runevi | .. Magnus Carlsen, 15 yeaqr old chess wonder, the yougnest ever in the world to get through the qualification rounds in the world championship. Younger than Kasparov, younger than fisher. | 08:16 |
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sintax | opera depends on xlib6g (>= 3.3.6) | xlibs; however: | 08:16 |
sintax | Package xlib6g is not installed. | 08:16 |
sintax | Package xlibs is not installed. | 08:16 |
runevi | Gimme that plugin! ;D | 08:16 |
sintax | cant i make it auto get deps? | 08:16 |
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=== runevi wanna see the chess game!:D | ||
pipeline | sintax: Install the static package instead. | 08:16 |
Seveas | sintax, apt-get install xlibs | 08:16 |
rosen | runevi, http://ubuntuguide.squarecows.com/doku.php#open_source_applications | 08:16 |
Seveas | !tell rosen about ubuntuguide | 08:17 |
Seveas | ubuntuguide is crap | 08:17 |
Millenniumgroup | anyone using ninan? | 08:17 |
=== vicks [n=chatzill@c-d78870d5.037-42-67626719.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | better advise help.ubuntu.com | 08:17 |
nlindblad | anyone having a spare tip for me being locked-out? | 08:17 |
hawk` | err | 08:17 |
rosen | oh but it worked for me ;) ... the flash thing | 08:17 |
McJerry | <Thom_> McJerry, come to think about it.. i installed some KDE things for a game .. could that mess up my menu? So it sounded like you were in KDE, sorry | 08:17 |
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purplefeltangel | \o/ | 08:17 |
hawk` | whats the default livecd root password? | 08:17 |
beruic | Can anybody help me on how to change the default program for filetypes? | 08:17 |
Seveas | nlindblad, recovery mode | 08:17 |
Seveas | hawk`, there is no root pw | 08:17 |
nlindblad | Seveas, according to the wiki I did nothing wrong | 08:17 |
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thegladiator | diesel, are u there ? | 08:18 |
Seveas | nlindblad, I don't know what you did :) | 08:18 |
sintax | trying the static qt package now | 08:18 |
nlindblad | Seveas, I disabled my enabled root-account | 08:18 |
purplefeltangel | /o\ | 08:18 |
thegladiator | i try to give sudo apt-get install fakeroot java-package java-common | 08:18 |
nlindblad | Seveas, it says it's perfectly sane | 08:18 |
thegladiator | but i get an error | 08:18 |
Seveas | nlindblad, that is indeed sane | 08:18 |
runevi | rosen: Doesn't work. | 08:18 |
Seveas | what is the error? | 08:18 |
_jason | thegladiator, what error | 08:18 |
hawk` | Seveas, so how would i su from a livecd? | 08:18 |
rosen | but can't anyone tell me what could cause my downloads (from lan network) to halt at 100% | 08:18 |
erUSUL | beruic, right click the file an open properties | 08:18 |
Seveas | hawk`, same as on the installed system: sudo -i | 08:18 |
Seveas | !tell hawk` about sudo | 08:18 |
hawk` | oh | 08:18 |
beruic | thx | 08:18 |
thegladiator | couldnt find java-pacakge | 08:18 |
runevi | !tell runevi about java | 08:18 |
nlindblad | Seveas, su won't work (logical, it shouldn't), but gksudo and sudo returns nothing when called | 08:18 |
_jason | !info java-package | 08:18 |
Seveas | thegladiator, enable multiverse | 08:19 |
nlindblad | I'll try gksudo -d | 08:19 |
rosen | runevi, I did it yesterday and it worked .. but probably better to use Seveas' url then | 08:19 |
erUSUL | rosenwith wget, ff, ... | 08:19 |
ubotu | java-package: (utility for building Java(TM) 2 related Debian packages), section multiverse/misc, is optional. Version: 0.26 (breezy), Packaged size: 20 kB, Installed size: 308 kB | 08:19 |
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thegladiator | how do i enable multiverse ? | 08:19 |
Seveas | nlindblad, are you in sudoers? | 08:19 |
thegladiator | what is multiverse ? | 08:19 |
Seveas | !tell thegladiator about repos | 08:19 |
nlindblad | Seveas, it's the primary account | 08:19 |
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sintax | sdfsdafsdfsdf | 08:19 |
Seveas | nlindblad, expert/server install? | 08:19 |
nlindblad | Seveas, standard | 08:19 |
runevi | Package j2re1.4 is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 08:20 |
runevi | Package j2re1.4 is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 08:20 |
rosen | I got only tonight to download my backups from our fileserver ... can't anyone tell me what could cause my downloads to halt when they are at 100% ? :/ | 08:20 |
runevi | Sorry about the duplicate | 08:20 |
Seveas | nlindblad, odd, try recovery mode and look at /etc/sudoers | 08:20 |
runevi | ANyone got a clue why? | 08:20 |
runevi | :) | 08:20 |
Seveas | runedude_, enable multiverse | 08:20 |
Seveas | runevi* | 08:20 |
runevi | Seveas: it's enabled. | 08:20 |
Seveas | runevi, then apt-get update :) | 08:20 |
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nlindblad | Seveas, I enabled the root-account and then disabled it since it broke the GUI-administration-applications | 08:20 |
runevi | Seveas: done. | 08:20 |
Seveas | !+info j2re1.4 | 08:20 |
ubotu | Updating ubuntu files... please wait. | 08:20 |
ubotu | j2re1.4: (Blackdown Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition), section multiverse/devel, is optional. Version: (breezy), Packaged size: 21982 kB, Installed size: 58892 kB | 08:20 |
runevi | Seveas: didn't work | 08:20 |
Seveas | runevi, are you on hoary? | 08:20 |
runevi | Seveas: breezy | 08:20 |
Seveas | nlindblad, odd, that should not break | 08:21 |
=== VictorI [n=VictorI@c-24-30-126-12.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
runevi | Seveas: i've got the following in my sources.list: | 08:21 |
runevi | deb http://no.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-backports main restricted universe multiverse | 08:21 |
Seveas | duh, that's just backports | 08:21 |
VictorI | is there any recursive flag to remove gnome? | 08:21 |
_jason | runevi, that's for backports | 08:21 |
Seveas | you did not enable multiverse | 08:21 |
VictorI | gnome and all its dependancies | 08:21 |
runevi | oh .. | 08:21 |
pipeline | VictorI: Apt doesn't do reverse dependencies. | 08:21 |
nlindblad | Seveas, hmm, I'll reboot and see if it's a broken setting or I need to revocer | 08:21 |
nlindblad | br | 08:21 |
VictorI | I just realized I installed ubuntu and not kubuntu.. | 08:21 |
nlindblad | *brb | 08:21 |
pipeline | VictorI: You could remove something fundamental, e.g. glib | 08:21 |
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HappyFool | VictorI: something like deborphan might help | 08:21 |
runevi | .. Exactly what do I need to put into sources.list? I'm not very good with guis. | 08:21 |
pipeline | VictorI: Nearly everything under the damn sun is going to depend on libglib-2.0 | 08:21 |
runevi | :) | 08:21 |
runevi | and the faq's just described gui ways to do it. | 08:21 |
czr | dpkg -l | grep gnome, check the packages and remove them maybe | 08:21 |
Seveas | VictorI, so? Both are essentially the same, just a different set of default packages | 08:22 |
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_jason | runevi, every line you see with universe that doesn't have multiverse, put multiverse | 08:22 |
pipeline | runevi: the sources.list man page is pretty simple | 08:22 |
HappyFool | !tell runevi about sources | 08:22 |
czr | VictorI, you might also try deborphan | 08:22 |
VictorI | glib fine, but I don't need any gnome libs | 08:22 |
hawk` | hmm | 08:22 |
pipeline | VictorI: All of the gnome libraries depend on glib. | 08:22 |
VictorI | I am going totry that. thank you | 08:22 |
runevi | _jason: Thanks! | 08:22 |
sethk | runevi, if you edit the file the format is straightforward. Just ape it | 08:22 |
Seveas | VictorI, to remove gnome: use debfoster to prune ubuntu-desktop after installing kubuntu-desktop | 08:22 |
McJerry | VictorI apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop && apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 08:22 |
Seveas | McJerry, that won't remove gnome... | 08:22 |
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VictorI | McJerry: that will just remove the top level package | 08:22 |
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VictorI | so debfoster and deborphan.. got it | 08:23 |
runevi | Ah, java on its way in | 08:23 |
Vincent | I want to use firestarter, my connection is active, but it tells me that eth0 device is not ready | 08:23 |
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Vincent | what should I do ? | 08:23 |
runevi | Thanks _jason !! :) | 08:23 |
_jason | runevi, np | 08:23 |
hawk` | uh, do i have to mount my local drives manually using a livecd? | 08:23 |
VictorI | also during the install cd process, it never asked me for a root password | 08:23 |
VictorI | is there a default root password?? | 08:23 |
Seveas | hawk`, system -> admin -> disks | 08:23 |
erUSUL | hawk`, yes | 08:23 |
Knowerrors | Hey all, anybody here use mencoder? | 08:23 |
Seveas | !tell VictorI about root | 08:23 |
pipeline | VictorI: By default, ubuntu disables the root accoutn. | 08:23 |
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=== runevi thinks just explaining things the GUI way is very irritating, as in the faqs. The main drawback of ubuntu. | ||
erUSUL | !tell VictorI about root | 08:24 |
pipeline | Knowerrors: If you can't read the man page, you have no business using mencoder. | 08:24 |
Seveas | pipeline, not true, just the password, not the account | 08:24 |
pipeline | Seveas: No password = disabled account. | 08:24 |
McJerry | VictorI default password is random at install | 08:24 |
pipeline | Seveas: You cannot log into the account. | 08:24 |
hawk` | Seveas, for some reason kde doesnt start on the livecd | 08:24 |
hawk` | :P | 08:24 |
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Knowerrors | pipeline: thats a lame ass response | 08:24 |
Seveas | pipeline, not true | 08:24 |
czr | runevi, the gui is the mainback of ubuntu? :-) | 08:24 |
Seveas | disabled account means /bin/false as shell | 08:24 |
VictorI | so how would you then modify the system if ubuntu disables root by default? | 08:24 |
VictorI | go into single user and set it? | 08:24 |
=== nlindblad [n=nlindbla@user179.217-10-120.netatonce.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | VictorI, Ubuntu does not disable root | 08:24 |
MickMcMack | sudo | 08:24 |
runevi | czr: Ubuntu is _Great_, but it would be uncool to have a fork just because of people wanting things explained in a different way. | 08:24 |
czr | victori, use sudo | 08:24 |
Seveas | use sudo | 08:24 |
erUSUL | McJerry, what?? | 08:24 |
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czr | victori, sudo -i or sudo program | 08:25 |
Seveas | VictorI, read the link ubotu gave you | 08:25 |
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McJerry | VictorI either use sudo or sudo passwd root and change root password | 08:25 |
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pipeline | Seveas: That's the opposite, actually. | 08:25 |
oxez | hey how would I display images sizes drectly in nautilus? wihtout clicking anything I'd like sizes of images to be displayed below images | 08:25 |
nlindblad | Seveas, seems like I was removed from sudoers | 08:25 |
runevi | czr: Or for people like me to shun ubuntu because it being to fscking difficult. But faq's just explaining the gui way is _irritating_ | 08:25 |
thegladiator | _jason, i am doing it via synaptic > enabling multiverse , is that the way to do it ? | 08:25 |
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Seveas | nlindblad, then add yourself (or the admin group) again | 08:25 |
_jason | thegladiator, sure, you can do it that way | 08:25 |
pipeline | Seveas: It allows logins, leaving the account with credentials in various system services, and simply prevents you from logging into a shell. | 08:25 |
czr | runevi, the problem in explaining the other way is that it has already been explained in other resources | 08:25 |
hawk` | gah | 08:25 |
pipeline | Seveas: "Locking" an account changes the password to an impossible value. | 08:25 |
hawk` | how do i mount if i can not create a mountpoint? | 08:25 |
nlindblad | Seveas, using the recovery-feature, got it | 08:25 |
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psusi | I've been reading the gnome documentation on nautilus and it mentions several URIs you should be able to view, including start-here:/// and system-settings:/// only they don't work in ubuntu... what gives? | 08:25 |
erUSUL | oxez, write a plugin that does that. i do not know of one | 08:25 |
runevi | czr: Sure, but an ubuntu/debian newbie doesn't know where to look. | 08:25 |
czr | runevi, although I think you can fix the wiki things if you really are that much annoyed by that :-) | 08:26 |
Thom_ | MacJerry, the workaround worked.. thanks for ur help | 08:26 |
Seveas | pipeline, gdm will not log you in, nor wil any sane service | 08:26 |
czr | runevi, google? | 08:26 |
Seveas | pipeline, and locking password only means you cannot login directly but can use sude | 08:26 |
czr | runevi, maybe newbies should stick to guis while they get their bearings | 08:26 |
Seveas | sudo* | 08:26 |
Seveas | or su | 08:26 |
runevi | czr: google gives hundreds of hits, and only a very few that makes sense, is relevant to breezy, and so forth. | 08:26 |
pipeline | Seveas: You can use su with a shell set to /bin/false. | 08:26 |
Thom_ | MacJerry, probably thats why they call it a workaround ;) :P | 08:26 |
runevi | czr: I've been using linux for 9 years, just not debian/ubuntu ;D | 08:26 |
czr | runevi, well, I agree with you. but as someone who writes technical documentation for living, it's a lot of work, duplicated work at that | 08:26 |
czr | runevi, so that might be the main reason for it to be missing | 08:27 |
Seveas | pipeline, not true | 08:27 |
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Thom_ | McJerry, the work around worked thanks for ur help | 08:27 |
runevi | czr: That's an understandable explanation.:) | 08:27 |
Thom_ | McJerry, thats why its a "work" around.. becouse it works :P | 08:27 |
Seveas | pipeline, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5757 | 08:27 |
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czr | runevi, but yes, I agree with you. would be nice that all entries would have both ways. first the GUI and then the text. you are free to contribute ;-) | 08:27 |
runevi | czr: I just hope I won't annoy the hell out of people for asking here while I get familiar with ubuntu instead of Redhat&/SuSE. | 08:27 |
czr | runevi, people here don't get annoyed that easily | 08:28 |
runevi | czr: if you copy-edit me, certainly | 08:28 |
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Seveas | runevi, this channel is meant for questions :) | 08:28 |
runevi | czr: But I'm not a native speaker. | 08:28 |
czr | runevi, if you pay me, certainly :-). neither am I | 08:28 |
pipeline | Seveas: Fool. | 08:28 |
pipeline | Seveas: Read the documentation for su. | 08:28 |
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thegladiator | _jason, still i am getting the same error . i checked main restricted universe multiverse multiverse...from synaptic seettings...and then went back to terminal and gave sudo command | 08:28 |
runevi | czr: Pay you for helping me contribute *cough* ;D | 08:28 |
Jemt | Greetings. How can I specify Firefox as the default browser for Ubuntu? I have removed the out-dated firefox and downloaded the new Firefox 1.5 - but it does not contain an installer | 08:28 |
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surfdue | is tehre ati drivers? | 08:28 |
Seveas | !tell pipeline about coc | 08:29 |
psusi | one should use sudo not su... | 08:29 |
erUSUL | !ati | 08:29 |
ubotu | ati is, like, at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 | 08:29 |
_jason | thegladiator, pastebin your sources.list please | 08:29 |
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czr | runevi, you might ask someone else for that :-) I wasn't one that wanted the text documentation ;-) | 08:29 |
sethk | czr, hey, I get annnoyed __real__ easy. :) | 08:29 |
runevi | czr: ;D | 08:29 |
pipeline | Seveas: I call a spade a spade. Read the info page. What do you think the -s option is for? | 08:29 |
Seveas | but ok, you got me | 08:29 |
czr | sethk, well, I was talking about people ;-) | 08:29 |
_jason | thegladiator, /etc/apt/sources.list | 08:29 |
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pipeline | Seveas: Changing the shell to /bin/false doesn't twiddle any magical bits in the kernel, and does not disable the account. It simply makes it impossible to log in via the login program. | 08:29 |
runevi | sethk: I'll help you set up parks with 18 frontend webservers and 60+ backend webservers, and you'll help me with ubuntu .. deal? ;D | 08:29 |
nalioth | pipeline: let us be civil. | 08:29 |
Seveas | pipeline, passwd -l neither locks anything | 08:30 |
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Seveas | you can do as much as with a shell set to /bin/false | 08:30 |
McJerry | erUSUL after you login with the user account created at install, you can 'sudo passwd root' to change the root password then access the root account if needed. | 08:30 |
czr | runevi, with ip-failovers for applications running in php and using mysql? | 08:30 |
zandaa | can anyone help me solve a problem concerning USB device mounting? | 08:30 |
pipeline | Seveas: On the contrary. It is no longer possible to log into /any/ service by locking the account. "su" becomes the /only/ method to use the account. | 08:30 |
runevi | czr: sure. | 08:30 |
thegladiator | which is the paste bin please? | 08:30 |
thegladiator | !info paste | 08:30 |
czr | runevi, how do you do failover? | 08:30 |
runevi | czr: I think we (my company) does that. | 08:30 |
zandaa | !pastebin | 08:30 |
ubotu | I guess pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 08:30 |
runevi | czr: cisco automatically failovers with sorryserver. | 08:30 |
Seveas | as is setting the shell to /bin/false... | 08:30 |
pipeline | Seveas: Well, unless you have an extremely unusual PAM config. | 08:30 |
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nalioth | ubotu: tell thegladiator about paste | 08:31 |
thegladiator | thanks | 08:31 |
sethk | runevi, actually, I'll gladly trade your 18 servers for what I'm doing at the moment. | 08:31 |
runevi | sethk: You won' | 08:31 |
czr | runevi, yeah, but that assumes all physical servers have equal access to data storage. so one would need to replicate data across servers for this to work. hence my question :-) | 08:31 |
hawk` | ok i'm in, what should i do to fix this mess? | 08:31 |
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runevi | sethk: You won't get the servers, but i'll help you with simiiar setups ;D | 08:31 |
Jemt | Is it possible to change the default browser in Gnome using the Configuration Editor ? | 08:31 |
McJerry | Thom_ I have had to do a few workarounds to get Dapper to work correctly whereas Breezy was working. | 08:31 |
sethk | runevi, I'm porting the O/S to a new platform and chasing an IRQ Problem in the network hardware. | 08:31 |
runevi | czr: ah. Netapps works as a charm as NFS-servers. | 08:31 |
_jason | Jemt, system -> prefs -> default apps | 08:31 |
hajiki | does anyone know what happened to the evolution option to do a reply inline instead of quoted? | 08:31 |
nalioth | Jemt: system > prefs > preferred apps | 08:32 |
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czr | runevi, keeping mysql databases over NFS sounds a bit finicky ;-) | 08:32 |
runevi | czr: I use NetApps as NFS-servers for both the frontends and the backends at the same time. | 08:32 |
thegladiator | _jason, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5758 | 08:32 |
_jason | Jemt, yeah, what nalioth said | 08:32 |
Thom_ | McJerry, lol its my first :O but created it myself so pretty proud | 08:32 |
hawk` | how would i enable the root account again? | 08:32 |
runevi | czr: You don't need the mysql over NFS. | 08:32 |
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sethk | hawk`, you wouldn't. It isn't disabled | 08:32 |
runevi | czr: Just the apache frontends with php . | 08:32 |
czr | runevi, so how do you failover mysql then? | 08:32 |
nalioth | hawk`: not a good idea, but if you must | 08:32 |
sethk | hawk`, you probably mean how do you set a password for the root account. | 08:32 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell hawk` about root | 08:32 |
thegladiator | i went to synaptic settings and followed the instructions given in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto | 08:32 |
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runevi | czr: You mainly use replica-servers. The problem is writes, as those can only be done to the master. | 08:32 |
sethk | is ubotu missing? | 08:32 |
nalioth | hawk`: you can do anything you like using sudo | 08:32 |
czr | runevi, sure, that shouldn't be the big problem. I'm thinking of having frontends without hard disks | 08:32 |
pipeline | Seveas: The important semantic difference between a locked account and an account with a /bin/false shell is that you don't have to be superuser to su to an account with a false shell. | 08:33 |
Jemt | _jason & nalioth > I don't have a 'prefs' folder under 'System' | 08:33 |
hawk` | yea, nalioth, that's what i did | 08:33 |
runevi | czr: But what one usually does is directing writes to the master, and reads to the slaves. | 08:33 |
hawk` | thats why im in this mess | 08:33 |
czr | runevi, indeed. and writes go into one server and that dies and then what :-) | 08:33 |
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_jason | thegladiator, you didn't enable multiverse, add " multiverse" to the end of lines 20,21,36, and 37 | 08:33 |
Knowerrors | Anyway, I do read man pages, but someone had told me mencoder had a gui interface... is there another video recoding/editing program (not kino) with a gui for linux? | 08:33 |
hawk` | i'd just prefer to keep the root account available in case i mess up again | 08:33 |
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I[o] nic | Hey guys. | 08:33 |
runevi | czr: Then you have a slave that have a complete replica -- which you then enable writes on. ;) | 08:33 |
nalioth | Jemt: watch me. go to system > preferences > preferred applications | 08:33 |
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VictorI | ah I got the perfect thing | 08:33 |
McJerry | Thom_ good luck, don't know that I helped, was just trying to get in the general area of the problem | 08:33 |
czr | runevi, hmm. is the replication realtime and atomic wrt transactions? | 08:33 |
runevi | czr: There are cluster solutions for mysql, but those are more expensive. | 08:33 |
Jemt | nalioth: Oh, thought it was in my Configuration Editor :) | 08:34 |
t_acko | I just installed ubuntu hooked up to a dell 2405 lcd and once it loads I get "cannot display mode" from the monitor | 08:34 |
czr | runevi, yeah, steeleye and such | 08:34 |
VictorI | dpkg -l | grep -i gnome | awk '{ print $2 }' ... thank god for awk | 08:34 |
runevi | czr: You use the log-files of one servers, and replicate them to the slaves. | 08:34 |
czr | runevi, just was interested to hear what you do :-) | 08:34 |
ubuntuman | hi does anybody know why i only have 1 /dev/dsp ??? | 08:34 |
t_acko | how can I get to the command line to change res? | 08:34 |
runevi | czr: They're "atomic" as long as your logs aren't truncated. | 08:34 |
runevi | well | 08:34 |
runevi | that was bullshit | 08:34 |
sethk | ubuntulog, because you have only one sound card? | 08:34 |
Jemt | nalioth: Thanks alot ! :) | 08:34 |
runevi | czr: They're "atomic" as there are only _reads_ on the slaves, not writes. | 08:34 |
jdier | I recently had to dump my .config and .cache folders to fluxh out some xfce problems I could not fix on my own. I have a custom desk top menu (the menu that appears when you right click on an empty spot on the desk top, and I cannot remember where I told xfce to use that menu instead of the one in /etc/xdg/xfce4/desktop/menu.xml Does anyone know where to set this? | 08:34 |
Thom_ | McJerry, you helped with the bugzilla it helped to Get an idea how to fix it ;) | 08:34 |
runevi | czr: Just replication. | 08:34 |
Seveas | pipeline, as normal user I can't use su -s to su to dentest (which has a normal password) | 08:34 |
hawk` | uh | 08:34 |
czr | runevi, ok, that sounds much better :-) | 08:34 |
Seveas | dennis@mirage ~ $ su -s /bin/bash dentest | 08:34 |
Seveas | Password: | 08:34 |
Seveas | dennis@mirage ~ $ | 08:34 |
ubuntuman | dont any channel on my soundcard have 1 /dev/dsp normally ? | 08:34 |
thegladiator | gosh | 08:34 |
thegladiator | what is the root password ? | 08:35 |
thegladiator | how do i change it ? | 08:35 |
Seveas | !tell thegladiator about root | 08:35 |
Jemt | thegladiator: Same as your own pass | 08:35 |
runevi | czr: Well, it was closer to the truth ;) To tell you even more truth, i'm not a dba. ;) | 08:35 |
czr | runevi, I need to think about it. it's important for me that transactions are not half-written when replicated | 08:35 |
sethk | ubuntuman, depends on the hardware. as you've discovered. | 08:35 |
runevi | czr: Well, mysql have a problem there. | 08:35 |
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nalioth | ubotu: tell t_acko about xcfg | 08:35 |
thegladiator | not the same as my pass Jemt | 08:35 |
czr | runevi, that's ok, I have also issues, I like writing assembler :-) | 08:35 |
Howdy125 | sudo passwd root | 08:35 |
runevi | czr: We have to do playback of logfiles on various servers several times a week -- but we've got at least 50.. maybe a 100 mysql servers. | 08:35 |
thegladiator | i tried it out by typing the same passeord | 08:35 |
psusi | Jemt: no, root has NO password by default | 08:35 |
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nalioth | runevi: let us watch our language please | 08:35 |
sethk | czr, mysql doesn't properly implement transactions or replication. | 08:36 |
albacker | thegladiator, you set your root password during the installation | 08:36 |
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nalioth | Howdy125: please advise !root and let users choose for themselves | 08:36 |
t_acko | nalioth: thanks you. can you tell me how to get to a command line then? | 08:36 |
runevi | maino82: .. what did i write? | 08:36 |
Howdy125 | nalioth, .. he asked | 08:36 |
sethk | Jemt, no password doesn't mean blank password. It means password never set. | 08:36 |
nalioth | t_acko: applications > accessories > terminal | 08:36 |
czr | sethk, well, transactions the way that mysql implemented them with external engines was ok | 08:36 |
psusi | mysql supports transactions and replications | 08:36 |
t_acko | well I have no video right now | 08:36 |
czr | sethk, just the replication is a bit of a problem (wrt transactions especially) | 08:36 |
runevi | nalioth: .. that was for you. what language was wrong? | 08:36 |
t_acko | which is my prohlem | 08:36 |
t_acko | problem | 08:36 |
nalioth | Howdy125: most users in here who ask are unfamiliar with ubuntu's 'sudo' model, and think they need a root account. they do not. | 08:36 |
t_acko | I guess I need to get into grub and chroot or something but I don't know how | 08:37 |
nalioth | runevi: you mentioned bull droppings in a vulgar fashion. | 08:37 |
sethk | czr, that's basically correct, although I could quibble. But I won't unless you want to get into arcane database theory. | 08:37 |
pipeline | Seveas: No, that's because you set an invalid login shell. You could have used any value in /etc/passwd. No magic bits -- just the "su" configuration file. | 08:37 |
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pipeline | Seveas: most programs do not read /etc/shells :P | 08:37 |
runevi | nalioth: In a reference to what I said one line earlier, as I realized it was .. bull droppings. :) | 08:37 |
czr | sethk, we could do that in private. also, I'm not sure since I'm just researching what is the current situation right now | 08:37 |
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pipeline | Seveas: Hell, most "su" programs don't even read it. GNU coreutils is just a little, uh, weird. | 08:37 |
Howdy125 | nalioth, sometimes sudo doesn't do what su can do .. | 08:37 |
hawk` | ok i just want to add my user to the admin group again, where do i do this? | 08:37 |
hawk` | :P | 08:37 |
ubuntuman | i use a snd-hda-intel | i have compiled the new alsa drivers | but only have 1 dsp | now i can only use 1 programm with sound | my games dont work with sound | 08:38 |
sethk | czr, ok. You might want to look at my SQL engine. It doesn't have replication yet but it has bullet proof transaction processing and crash recover. (cql.com) | 08:38 |
nalioth | Howdy125: i beg to differ. why would the ubuntu devs support something that is lacking features? | 08:38 |
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czr | but I need replication sethk :-), I'll take a look though | 08:38 |
zandaa | can anyone help me solve a problem concerning USB device mounting? | 08:38 |
psusi | hawk`: system->administration->users and groups | 08:38 |
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sethk | czr, as I said, no replication yet, but eventually. | 08:39 |
hawk` | psusi, can't i just edit some textfile? | 08:39 |
mynameis | can some one give a little help with burning an .iso? i followed the wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BurningIsoHowto?highlight=%28iso%29%7C%28burning%29 and i still cant get it to work | 08:39 |
Howdy125 | nalioth, you'll have to trust me on that ... | 08:39 |
hawk` | the gui isnt booting from my livecd | 08:39 |
hawk` | :p | 08:39 |
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psusi | hawk`: sure... you can edit /etc/groups if you want | 08:39 |
hawk` | ah, thanks | 08:39 |
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Seveas | pipeline, so to sum up: when using gnu su, it does not matter :) | 08:39 |
sethk | mynameis, usually you can simply right click on the iso file in a file browser and select "write" | 08:39 |
Howdy125 | nalioth, I didn't advise .. they asked how to .. | 08:40 |
sethk | mynameis, after inserting a blank CD, of course | 08:40 |
VictorI | maybe someone might want to add this to the wiki to uninstall gnome/kde stuff... dpkg -l | grep -i gnome | awk '{print $2 }' | xargs apt-get --purge remove -y | 08:40 |
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kwyjibo | hello | 08:40 |
Seveas | VictorI, won't work | 08:40 |
kwyjibo | i have a problem with charactersets/codepages | 08:40 |
mynameis | sethk, thats the thing i have a blank in there and it mounts it but when i go to wirte it askes for a blank disc | 08:40 |
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sethk | mynameis, if it mounts, it isn't blank | 08:40 |
pipeline | Seveas: It's still an important difference. | 08:40 |
kwyjibo | how do i get both ssh client and ssh server to use the same character set/codepage? | 08:41 |
juliux | is daniel stone here? | 08:41 |
sethk | mynameis, you can't mount a blank disk. If you insert a blank disk, you should get a dialog asking what you want to create (data, photo, music) | 08:41 |
Seveas | s/dpkg -l \| grep -i gnome | awk '{print $2}'/dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall | cut -f 1 -d ' '/ | 08:41 |
pipeline | Seveas: Relying on whether or not a given daemon reads /etc/shells ain't a great idea. | 08:41 |
sethk | mynameis, is it a cd-rw that has been used? | 08:41 |
mynameis | sethk, i get that dialog to pop upp | 08:41 |
Seveas | pipeline, that's true, but on Ubuntu you can rely on it | 08:41 |
ubuntuman | omg only gurus here this goes to fast for me | 08:41 |
mynameis | seth it is just a cd-r | 08:41 |
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sethk | mynameis, ok, then the cd is not mounted. Did you select burn data cd? | 08:41 |
pipeline | Seveas: That is simply not true. | 08:41 |
kwyjibo | i'll take gurus any day | 08:41 |
pipeline | Seveas: e.g. samba doesn't consult your shell value | 08:42 |
hawk` | hmm | 08:42 |
mynameis | sethk, is i right clicked the .iso and went to burn to disc | 08:42 |
hawk` | what groups would the first user of an ubuntu installation be in? | 08:42 |
sethk | pipeline, there are other situations as well. Say, the mail server assuming the user's identity to write to a mailbox file. | 08:42 |
sethk | mynameis, what happens? | 08:42 |
Seveas | pipeline, samba uses a completely separate account database, so locking a password won't help either | 08:42 |
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sethk | pipeline, we can probably think of other cases | 08:42 |
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ubuntuman | who can help me with my soundcard snd-hda-intel ?? | 08:43 |
mynameis | sethk, a new screen opens then i click "ok" and it tells me to insert a blank disc | 08:43 |
_jason | hawk`, my first username is 'jason' and groups returns: jason adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev lpadmin scanner admin | 08:43 |
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pipeline | Seveas: Samba only uses a separate account database when configured to do so. Crude hackery. | 08:43 |
hawk` | ugh | 08:43 |
sethk | mynameis, did you try leaving the disk in there and clicking as if you had put in a new one? | 08:43 |
hawk` | i need to add all those manually? | 08:43 |
Seveas | pipeline, which is the default | 08:43 |
hawk` | seems i removed all my groups | 08:43 |
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psusi | Seveas: how about sshd? | 08:43 |
mynameis | sethk, many time, and i have also ejected the disc and put a brand new blank one in | 08:44 |
psusi | hawk`: why don't you just use the gui like I sugested first? easiest way | 08:44 |
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Seveas | psusi, won't sork in both cases | 08:44 |
hawk` | psusi, becuase it still doesn't work from my livecd | 08:44 |
_jason | hawk`, well depends on what will be quicker... adding amnually ro reading the man page to usermod :/ I don't know or else I'd tell you :) | 08:44 |
ubuntuman | mynameis read my pm to you | 08:44 |
sethk | mynameis, that is odd. Because the system clearly sees the blank (it prompts you). | 08:44 |
psusi | hawk`: why are you booting from a livecd? | 08:44 |
Seveas | ubuntuman, only registered users can send PMs on freenode | 08:44 |
hawk` | _jason, but i'm on the livecd now, so i doubt usermod will edit the right files | 08:44 |
ubuntuman | ok | 08:44 |
sethk | mynameis, two ways to work around it. | 08:44 |
ubuntuman | lol | 08:44 |
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mynameis | ubuntuman, i dont have a pm form you | 08:45 |
sethk | mynameis, first, use cdrecord at the command line. Do you know how to do that? | 08:45 |
_jason | hawk`, well you can just add the admin group and then use usermod | 08:45 |
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benoy | hi everyone | 08:45 |
pipeline | psusi, Seveas : You're right that sshd ignores /etc/shells, but it will use the shell value from /etc/passwd to spawn subshells for scp and sftp. | 08:45 |
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mynameis | sethk, not realy | 08:45 |
hawk` | ah, true | 08:45 |
kwyjibo | anyone, please? | 08:45 |
psusi | Seveas: locking the account will prevent you from logging in with sshd... I don't think setting the shell to false will | 08:45 |
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ubuntuman | @mynamies, install k3b go to extras burn iso to disc this should solve youre problem | 08:45 |
hawk` | but i didn't see a group called admin | 08:45 |
hawk` | :) | 08:45 |
AIV | is there an open source equivelent to VMWare that someone might know of? | 08:45 |
_jason | hawk`, make sure you don't remove yourself from admin again lol! | 08:45 |
sethk | mynameis, is your cd writer hdc? | 08:45 |
pipeline | psusi: Well, you can log in, but you can't do much with a /bin/false shell, if you read me. | 08:45 |
hawk` | _jason, definitely | 08:45 |
psusi | pipeline: by default... but as with su, you can tell sshd ot use a real shell instead of false, can't you? | 08:45 |
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Seveas | dennis@mirage ~ $ scp foon dentest@localhost:foon | 08:46 |
Seveas | Password: | 08:46 |
Seveas | lost connection | 08:46 |
hawk` | :) | 08:46 |
benoy | I am trying to control how my laptop reacts when I close the laptop cover. Can I set it sleep when I close the lid? How do I do this? | 08:46 |
hawk` | that's why i want to enable root again | 08:46 |
mynameis | sethk, not sure | 08:46 |
hawk` | :) | 08:46 |
pipeline | Seveas, psusi: No matter what you tell ssh, it'll spawn a subshell using your /etc/passwd shell. | 08:46 |
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benoy | Can anyone help me? | 08:46 |
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Seveas | pipeline, so setting it to /bin/false is safe there :) | 08:46 |
psusi | pipeline: ahhh... I see | 08:46 |
surfdue | # | 08:46 |
surfdue | fakeroot ./ati-driver-installer-8.19.10-i386.run | 08:46 |
surfdue | # | 08:46 |
surfdue | Choose "Generate distribution specific packages" and "Ubuntu" and the UBuntu version you use | 08:46 |
sethk | mynameis, this is the command for hdc. we can tweak it for others: sudo cdrecord -vv -dev=1,0,0 iso-file-name | 08:46 |
surfdue | i cant find ubuntu | 08:46 |
surfdue | i cant scroll down the menu? | 08:47 |
surfdue | how do i do this | 08:47 |
Seveas | pipeline, several services also look only at your shell and not whether the password is locked | 08:47 |
sethk | mynameis, doing sudo cdrecord -scanbus should show you your cd writer device | 08:47 |
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psusi | stop flooding the channel surfdue | 08:47 |
Seveas | courier and proftpd for instance | 08:47 |
pipeline | Seveas: Yes, but there are indeed use cases where it is not. And why risk it at all when you can disable the account entirely by retaining the default PAM configuration and using passwd -l? | 08:47 |
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thegladiator | _jason, i am messed up it seems | 08:47 |
hawk` | uh | 08:47 |
surfdue | im not, i just need help | 08:47 |
hawk` | is there a default id for the admin group? | 08:47 |
surfdue | sorry | 08:47 |
Seveas | pipeline, I just said that :) | 08:47 |
hawk` | i cant seem to find it at all | 08:47 |
_jason | thegladiator, elaborate | 08:47 |
hawk` | :P | 08:47 |
sethk | hawk`, almost always wheel | 08:47 |
thegladiator | when i start the synaptic after editing ...this is the error W: Couldn't stat source package list http://in.archive.ubuntu.com breezy/multiverse Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/in.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_multiverse_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 08:47 |
hawk` | wheel? | 08:47 |
pipeline | Seveas: "locking" the password sets the the password to an impossible value. | 08:47 |
albacker | thegladiator, good luck | 08:47 |
benoy | can anyone help me with my problem? | 08:48 |
thegladiator | thank you albacker | 08:48 |
pipeline | Seveas: It becomes impossible to gain privileges via any kind of password auth. | 08:48 |
_jason | thegladiator, pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list | 08:48 |
ubuntuman | @ anybody need sound gure that is willing to help me please ?? | 08:48 |
wildhamster | I can't do that Dave. | 08:48 |
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Seveas | pipeline, yes I know, but what if the server does not care (e.g. courier) | 08:48 |
psusi | hawk`: boot from the hard drive in rescue mode isntead of the livecd... that will give you a root shell... then use usermod to add your user to the various groups | 08:48 |
hawk` | psusi, already tried that | 08:48 |
hawk` | but root is disabled | 08:48 |
mynameis | sethk, i just tried that command and it gave me with with some other stuff "No such file or directory. Cannot open '/dev/sg*'. Cannot open SCSI driver. | 08:48 |
mynameis | " | 08:48 |
pipeline | Seveas: Heh, at that point, UNIX isn't good enough any more and you'll have to move onto a more sophisticated security infrastructure. | 08:48 |
Seveas | pipeline, btw: doesn't using ssh keys circumvent this? | 08:48 |
thegladiator | !info paste | 08:48 |
Seveas | (for sshd) | 08:49 |
VictorI | is there grumpygroundhog-security? | 08:49 |
psusi | hawk`: why is root disabled? you disabled it? | 08:49 |
hawk` | i read ubuntuguide | 08:49 |
sethk | mynameis, ok, then you need a different dev= | 08:49 |
Seveas | I mean, for several servers I don't even know my password, since I use keys | 08:49 |
thegladiator | whats the paste again ? | 08:49 |
hawk` | but i already went through this three times, its not solving my problem | 08:49 |
hawk` | :P | 08:49 |
Seveas | thegladiator, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 08:49 |
surfdue | anyone know how i can scroll down this ati os choice? | 08:49 |
psusi | Seveas: iirc, sshd checks the password file to see if the password is locked | 08:49 |
pipeline | Seveas: Good question. I'm not entirely sure. Ssh makes rather sophisticated use of PAM. | 08:49 |
hawk` | what does a default line to add a user to the admin group look like? | 08:49 |
jessemans | !root | 08:49 |
psusi | hawk`: so when you boot into rescue mode, what happens? | 08:49 |
ubotu | I heard root is rumour has it, that root is disabled in Ubuntu, actually this means there is no password set for the root account, use sudo when you need admin access, you can read all about it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo | 08:49 |
=== Seveas tests | ||
pipeline | Seveas: I'm not a PAM wizard -- I try to leave it alone when I can. | 08:49 |
VictorI | which security repo should I use for grumpygroundhog? | 08:50 |
mynameis | sethk, is there a command to see what my cdburner is ie hda, hdd? | 08:50 |
hawk` | psusi, it wont work, trust me | 08:50 |
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pipeline | Seveas: I think that it will fail, but I don't know WHY it will fail. | 08:50 |
psusi | hawk`: unless you did something weird, it will | 08:50 |
sethk | mynameis, you can find that information by running device manager | 08:50 |
hawk` | and i said, trust me, it wont work | 08:50 |
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psusi | hawk`: and if not... then add init=/bin/bash to the kernel command line and you'll boot to a root shell | 08:50 |
hawk` | i dont wanna spend another hour explaining it to another person | 08:50 |
sethk | mynameis, what you'll need is probably dev=ATAPI:1,0,0 | 08:50 |
hawk` | but i can't sudo or anything | 08:51 |
thegladiator | _jason, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5760 | 08:51 |
hawk` | but honestly, that is not my problem | 08:51 |
sethk | mynameis, the other thing you can do is a loopback mount of the iso file, and then use the GUI CD creator thing | 08:51 |
hawk` | i just want to add myself to the admin group in /etc/groups | 08:51 |
ubuntuman | mynameis, use dmesg command to see all devices | 08:51 |
psusi | hawk`: rescue mode has nothing to do with sudo... it doesn't start the gui but just drops you to a root shell | 08:51 |
hawk` | sigh | 08:51 |
hawk` | enough, please | 08:51 |
pipeline | psusi: I thought rescue mode booted the system single-user? | 08:51 |
thegladiator | _jason, did u mean "mutliverse" with quotes ? | 08:51 |
Seveas | Dec 14 20:51:17 mirage sshd[11688] : (pam_unix) authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost=mirage.kaarsemaker.net user=dentest | 08:51 |
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Kyral | no without most likely | 08:52 |
psusi | pipeline: yea... which prompts to you log in as root... which by default requires no password | 08:52 |
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Seveas | using ssh keys + locked pw + correct shell | 08:52 |
surfdue | anyone please?! | 08:52 |
VictorI | anyone have a sample sources.list for grumpygroundhog? | 08:52 |
mynameis | ubuntuman, right now im apt-get k3b | 08:52 |
hawk` | does anyone have a line from /etc/group where a user is added to the admin group? | 08:52 |
hawk` | :) | 08:52 |
_jason | thegladiator, run: sudo apt-get update | 08:52 |
ubuntuman | ok | 08:52 |
Seveas | VictorI, there is no grumpygroundhog | 08:52 |
thegladiator | let me | 08:52 |
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sethk | mynameis, look at the file /etc/default/cdrecord | 08:52 |
sethk | mynameis, it should show you the device | 08:52 |
VictorI | so what is the -current branch for ubuntu then? | 08:52 |
Seveas | hawk`, sudo adduser whoever_you_want admin | 08:52 |
psusi | but if for some reason root has a password you can't remember, then you can allways add init=/bin/bash to the kernel command line and you'll boot to a root shell anyway | 08:52 |
_jason | thegladiator, is there a reason you only have the universe and multiverse repositories enabled and nothing else like main and security? | 08:52 |
Seveas | VictorI, dapper | 08:53 |
Seveas | but it's not always stable | 08:53 |
hawk` | Seveas, not what i was asking for | 08:53 |
thegladiator | _jason, E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 08:53 |
thegladiator | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 08:53 |
sethk | hawk`, you do, if you did a normal install | 08:53 |
VictorI | thats fine. | 08:53 |
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VictorI | I understand | 08:53 |
HappyFool | hawk`: admin:x:106:rory | 08:53 |
Seveas | thegladiator, close synaptic or whatever | 08:53 |
hawk` | thank you HappyFool | 08:53 |
mynameis | cdrom= 0,6,0 | 08:53 |
thegladiator | yep | 08:53 |
_jason | thegladiator, do you ahve synaptic open? | 08:53 |
Seveas | grep: n/etc/group: No such file or directory | 08:53 |
Seveas | lpadmin:x:107:dennis | 08:53 |
Seveas | admin:x:117:dennis | 08:53 |
jessemans | hawk`: i do. the line is "adm:x:4:username" | 08:53 |
thegladiator | yes | 08:53 |
HappyFool | hawk`: there's also an 'adm' group | 08:53 |
thegladiator | i closed it | 08:53 |
_jason | thegladiator, k, try again | 08:53 |
hawk` | adm is the same? | 08:53 |
Seveas | jesseman_, admin, not adm | 08:53 |
mynameis | sethk, says it cdrom= 0,6,0 | 08:53 |
hawk` | sudoers says %admin? | 08:53 |
Seveas | hawk`, no it's not | 08:54 |
jessemans | hawk`: i also have the sudoers line. "sudo:x:27:username" | 08:54 |
hawk` | ok | 08:54 |
thegladiator | _jason, done | 08:54 |
Seveas | adm = for reading logs | 08:54 |
kwyjibo | is anyone going to help me? :( | 08:54 |
Seveas | sudo should NOT be used as group | 08:54 |
ubuntuman | can anybody tell me how to add a second /dev/dsp | 08:54 |
hawk` | :D | 08:54 |
Seveas | admin is for sudo | 08:54 |
jessemans | Seveas: ah, i see | 08:54 |
hawk` | but where are the groups defined? | 08:54 |
surfdue | um the ati menu choices go off my menu | 08:54 |
hawk` | i cant find admin anywhere | 08:54 |
surfdue | how do i move it so i can select them? | 08:54 |
thegladiator | _jason, now can get back to installing java ? | 08:54 |
hawk` | or is it global or something? | 08:54 |
psusi | ubuntu: plug in a second soudn card | 08:54 |
jessemans | hawk`: sudo = admin ? | 08:54 |
surfdue | it is past the top i cant more or x or minimise | 08:54 |
surfdue | heh | 08:54 |
surfdue | kinda stuck :( | 08:54 |
_jason | thegladiator, yes, but I think you should consider enabling the updates and securities repos | 08:55 |
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ubuntuman | psusi, why a second card its a new pc windows also plays sound in many programms | 08:55 |
mynameis | ubuntuman, k3b is istalling now | 08:55 |
VictorI | sudo su (your user password) , then passwd root ... done | 08:55 |
Seveas | brb | 08:55 |
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ubuntuman | mynameis, ok good luck !! | 08:55 |
thegladiator | _jason, ok but can i do it using the settings menu , if yes , why didnt it work with multiverse ? i checked corresponding to that | 08:55 |
sethk | VictorI, you must love to type. :) just do: sudo passwd | 08:55 |
psusi | ubuntuman: you aren't making much sense... you asked how to add a second /dev/dsp... /dev/dsp is the interface to your sound card.. if you want a second sound card, plug one in | 08:55 |
_jason | thegladiator, you only enabled multiverse for backports | 08:56 |
VictorI | sethk, oh well.. your right... | 08:56 |
thegladiator | !info restricted | 08:56 |
hawk` | whats the number for in the /etc/group file? | 08:56 |
kwyjibo | !ping | 08:56 |
ubotu | pong | 08:56 |
juliux | i can someone help me with a xorg problem? | 08:56 |
jessemans | !groups | 08:56 |
ubotu | Syntax error in line 1, jessemans | 08:56 |
jessemans | blah! | 08:56 |
_jason | ubotu, tell juliux about ask | 08:56 |
jessemans | !group | 08:56 |
ubotu | jessemans: Not a clue | 08:56 |
psusi | hawk`: it's the gid of the group | 08:56 |
thegladiator | _jason, i see , i am not sure i saw another multiverse in that menu . does it exist besides this one ? | 08:56 |
jessemans | !botsnack anyway | 08:56 |
ubotu | thanks jessemans :) | 08:56 |
ubuntuman | psusi, when i playes games on my old pc i always had 4 or 5 dsp channels but since i have a new pc i havent, and yes my old pc had only 1 soundcard | 08:56 |
VictorI | well I am fairly impressed with ubuntu, this is how debian should be. | 08:56 |
thegladiator | !info java | 08:56 |
surfdue | whats the latest ubuntu? | 08:56 |
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surfdue | i thought it was breezy? | 08:56 |
jessemans | hawk`: not sure | 08:57 |
hawk` | psusi, that's what i thought, where can i find the gid of admin? | 08:57 |
hawk` | its not in that file | 08:57 |
VictorI | breezy | 08:57 |
oxez | surfdue: it is | 08:57 |
ubuntuman | psusi, this doesnt make sense | 08:57 |
surfdue | whats dapper | 08:57 |
_jason | thegladiator, it should be there now | 08:57 |
surfdue | lol | 08:57 |
thegladiator | how do i get that restricted format page ? | 08:57 |
thegladiator | ok | 08:57 |
oxez | surfdue: the development version | 08:57 |
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psusi | ubuntuman: not sure what you mean by 4 or 5 dsp channels... | 08:57 |
VictorI | just to confirm, is dapper the next release? or its -current/unstable ? | 08:57 |
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oxez | surfdue: this is going to be the next version, in april | 08:57 |
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surfdue | is there a diffrence from breezy or 5.10 | 08:57 |
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juliux | ok i try to activate my vga out at my nx6110 but i only get this error message: kernel: [4296198.983000] video bus notify | 08:57 |
oxez | surfdue: no | 08:57 |
_jason | ubotu, tell thegladiator about restricted | 08:57 |
surfdue | cuase ati says both? | 08:57 |
juliux | with the live cd it works | 08:57 |
VictorI | same thing | 08:57 |
mynameis | ubuntuman, k3b gave me an error such as it needs cdrdao wonder if thats why the gnome way didnt work | 08:57 |
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ubuntuman | psusi, when i play games like enemy-territory i could tell it to use the /dev/dsp for sound | 08:57 |
zandaa | can anyone help me solve a problem concerning USB device mounting? | 08:58 |
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kwyjibo | help please? | 08:58 |
oxez | surfdue: it's Ubuntu Breezy Badger 5.10, where 5.10 = version (October 5th (5.10)), and breeze badger the codename | 08:58 |
ubuntuman | mynameis, ok try downloading it | 08:58 |
oxez | err, Octoboer 2005 | 08:58 |
jrattner1 | oxez, shouldnt it be 10.5 then? | 08:58 |
psusi | hawk`: my admin group is gid: 106 | 08:58 |
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mynameis | ubuntuman, already pass that :) | 08:58 |
oxez | jrattner1: It's Last Digit of Year.Month | 08:58 |
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ubuntuman | mynameis, ok and ?? working ?? | 08:59 |
oxez | jrattner1: I confused myself :P | 08:59 |
jrattner1 | oxez, ah | 08:59 |
psusi | ubuntuman: : yea... and that's what you should do... so what's the problem? | 08:59 |
hawk` | yeh sorry about that, i just didnt see it | 08:59 |
thegladiator | i am trying to install sdk and jre , so what shud be the entry correspondging to this one --------->fakeroot make-jpkg jre-1_5_0_06-linux-i586.bin | 08:59 |
thegladiator | sudo dpkg -i sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update06_i386.deb ? | 08:59 |
hawk` | my vision is becoming blurry | 08:59 |
hawk` | :P | 08:59 |
ubuntuman | psusi, ma sound is the problem | 08:59 |
thegladiator | the file name of sdk is >jdk-1_5_0_06-linux-i586.bin | 08:59 |
psusi | ubuntuman: why? it doesn't work? | 09:00 |
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ubuntuman | psusi, i can only use 1 dsp for eg. xmms but not for the game it doesnt recognize or something | 09:00 |
juliux | has anybody an idea? i dont want to reinstall my laptop | 09:00 |
=== Mitja_ [n=Raw_Eate@cpe2-25-116.cable.triera.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
psusi | ubuntuman: you mean you can't have sound in the game and play xmms at the same time? | 09:00 |
thegladiator | has anyone installed java sdk instaed of jre ? | 09:00 |
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=== icebreaker [n=icebreak@dslb-084-060-160-087.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kwyjibo | help, please. | 09:00 |
ubuntuman | psusi, als if i close xmms i still have no sound in my game | 09:01 |
ubuntuman | psusi, i only hear a little crackle | 09:01 |
psusi | ubuntuman: what if you start the game without xmms running? | 09:01 |
icebreaker | is there a software which can edit password protected pdf files? | 09:01 |
pipeline | thegladiator: the sdk is a superset of the jre --- it includes everything in the jre and then some. | 09:01 |
XiCillin | WHere do i add new mouse icons? | 09:01 |
XiCillin | what direcory? | 09:01 |
ubuntuman | psusi, i started without xmms running | 09:01 |
ubuntuman | psusi, doesnt work | 09:01 |
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thegladiator | yeah pipeline , it does ...but how do i go with the installation ? | 09:01 |
pipeline | thegladiator: The output of make-jpkg may have a weird package name, and that's OK. | 09:01 |
hawk` | aah | 09:02 |
pipeline | thegladiator: run make-jpkg with the jdk ".bin" installer as the argument. | 09:02 |
hawk` | beautiful | 09:02 |
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psusi | ubuntuman: not sure what to tell you then... other than that you are barking up the wrong tree if you think you need a second /dev/dsp | 09:02 |
hawk` | sudo works again | 09:02 |
=== Duvel [n=Jupiler@d515358B0.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hawk` | thanks guys | 09:02 |
hawk` | :) | 09:02 |
kwyjibo | i need to make both ssh client and ssh server speak in the same ascii codepage. can someone help me? | 09:02 |
pipeline | thegladiator: then just install the new package with dpkg and remove the old one. | 09:02 |
thegladiator | pipeline, it goes over my head | 09:02 |
deltron | kwyjibo: I don't know, but awesome name :P | 09:02 |
jiranya | how could i install birt | 09:02 |
thegladiator | could you please clarify again ? | 09:02 |
ubuntuman | psusi, ok but why i could use another /dev/dsp like /dev/dsp2 on my old system and had sound ?? this makes no sense to me | 09:02 |
thegladiator | i am following the instructions from the site given | 09:03 |
jiranya | in eclipse | 09:03 |
kwyjibo | :( | 09:03 |
hawk` | think i'll leave root enabled for now | 09:03 |
=== DJWillis [n=djwillis@82-32-72-123.cable.ubr02.bath.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hawk` | what a farce | 09:03 |
_jason | thegladiator, there are .debs available for java too | 09:03 |
thegladiator | fakeroot make-jpkg jre-1_5_0_06-linux-i586.bin | 09:03 |
thegladiator | sudo dpkg -i sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update06_i386.deb is what the site says | 09:03 |
thegladiator | i see | 09:03 |
psusi | ubuntuman: I'm not sure what you mean on your old system... one sound card = one /dev/dsp | 09:03 |
thegladiator | sun's java ? | 09:03 |
thegladiator | i have the source file with me | 09:04 |
_jason | ubotu, tell thegladiator about javadebs | 09:04 |
_jason | thegladiator, yes, sun's | 09:04 |
thegladiator | i see | 09:04 |
Duvel | !botsnack | 09:04 |
ubotu | :) | 09:04 |
cremate | whats the best way to install java? from apt? | 09:04 |
thommym | Where do I find a gcc bootstrap for Breezy Badger when I don't have net access on that particular machine? | 09:04 |
ubuntuman | psusi, oo no 1 sound card doesnt mean only 1 /dev/dsp | i once had an old Pentium III with only 1 soundcard and had also 4 or 5 /dev/dsps | 09:04 |
cremate | id like the jdk as well | 09:04 |
=== zorba64 [n=zorba64@dsl-210-211-115-140.qld.veridas.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cremate | and the browser plugin | 09:04 |
jiranya | how could i install birt | 09:05 |
jiranya | in eclipse | 09:05 |
=== stuart_ [n=stuart@host81-129-69-226.range81-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
psusi | ubuntuman: that sounds really fscked up... normally each sound card gets one /dev/dsp | 09:05 |
_jason | ubotu, tell cremate about java | 09:05 |
HappyFool | thommym: you need gcc-3.4 ? gcc-4.0 (or similar) is on the install cd | 09:05 |
=== melodramatic [n=cedric@modemcable123.18-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cremate | i know about java | 09:05 |
cremate | !javadebs | 09:06 |
ubotu | javadebs is, like, totally, Sun Java debs packaged for breezy are at http://www.giannaros.org/public/breezydebs/ To install these, open a terminal, cd to the directory you downloaded them to, and type "sudo dpkg -i filename.deb" | 09:06 |
cremate | ? | 09:06 |
melodramatic | hi... is there any skype package in ubuntu? | 09:06 |
ubuntuman | psusi, well i use linux for about 4 years now and never had this problem | i normally used mandrake linux and they really had more than only 1 /dev/dsp | 09:06 |
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_jason | ubotu, tell melodramatic about skype | 09:06 |
thommym | HappyFool: Couldn't find it on the CD that came with a LINUX mgazine I bought... | 09:06 |
sethk | ubuntuman, you are drawing an incorrect conclusion. Yes, there are some unusual multichannel boards that create more than one dsp device. That does NOT MEAN that your machine is not correctly configured. | 09:06 |
NCLife | !javadebs | 09:06 |
ubotu | javadebs is, like, Sun Java debs packaged for breezy are at http://www.giannaros.org/public/breezydebs/ To install these, open a terminal, cd to the directory you downloaded them to, and type "sudo dpkg -i filename.deb" | 09:06 |
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psusi | ubuntuman: weird... I've never seen that... one device should be enough for one sound card | 09:06 |
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Duvel | yes, apt-get install skype :p | 09:07 |
HappyFool | thommym: hmm. standard ubuntu install should have the 'build-essential' and related packages, including gcc | 09:07 |
melodramatic | haaa thx a l ot _jason | 09:07 |
maddash | cls | 09:07 |
ubuntuman | psusi, ok but how can i get sound in my game ?? | 09:07 |
kwyjibo | i need to make both ssh client and ssh server speak in the same ascii codepage. can someone help me? | 09:07 |
napsy | js mam eno sliko | 09:07 |
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MickMcMack | !setting the default window manager | 09:07 |
thegladiator | pipleline > instaed of this what shud i give ? sudo dpkg -i sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update06_i386.deb ? | 09:07 |
ubotu | MickMcMack: Syntax error in line 1 | 09:07 |
surfdue | http://pastebin.com/464176 | 09:07 |
HappyFool | thommym: try installing the build-essential package (using synaptic or apt-get) | 09:07 |
surfdue | pelase help look at the pastebin | 09:07 |
MickMcMack | =_= | 09:07 |
ubuntuman | sethk, how can i get sound in my game with only 1 /dev/dsp | 09:07 |
jrattner1 | What is skype | 09:07 |
MickMcMack | !window manager | 09:07 |
ubotu | MickMcMack: I don't know, could you explain it? | 09:07 |
jrattner1 | ? | 09:07 |
MickMcMack | :| | 09:07 |
=== MickMcMack slaps ubotu | ||
MickMcMack | !wm | 09:07 |
ubotu | Syntax error in line 1, MickMcMack | 09:07 |
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MickMcMack | !fluxbox | 09:07 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, fluxbox is a lightweight window manager. Installation instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fluxbox. More information at http://fluxbox.sourceforge.net | 09:07 |
_jason | ubotu, tell MickMcMack about yourself | 09:08 |
thommym | HappyFool: OK. Have to find deeper then. "find /cdrom -name gcc" I suppose | 09:08 |
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MickMcMack | _jason, I know - I was looking for something in specific. :-\ | 09:08 |
sethk | ubuntuman, the same way everyone else does. I have no idea what you are asking. If there is a configuration parameter asking for the dsp device, tell it /dev/dsp. Otherwise ask a specific question, don't tell use what you've (erroneously) _concluded_ from what you see. Tell us what you see. | 09:08 |
_jason | MickMcMack, you can /msg him | 09:08 |
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_jason | MickMcMack, and if you read the link he sent you, you can search his database | 09:09 |
hawk` | err, now what | 09:09 |
thegladiator | pipeline, could you please enlighthe me on this : thegladiator: then just install the new package with dpkg and remove the old one. ? | 09:09 |
hawk` | usermod: unable to lock password file? | 09:09 |
HappyFool | thommym: you'll have a (small) bit of dependency hell. you've tried 'apt-cache search gcc' with no hits ? | 09:09 |
pipeline | thegladiator: make-jpg will produce a ".deb" format package. | 09:09 |
pirao | hola | 09:09 |
ubuntuman | psusi, i have configured my enemy-terreitory to use the /dev/dsp as sound device but i can t hear anything. i only run enemy-territory | 09:09 |
NCLife | To install these, open a terminal, cd to the directory you downloaded them to.. i dont understand that.. how do i open a terminal? | 09:09 |
pirao | alguien abla espaol | 09:09 |
sethk | hawk`, you left a program running that has the password file open, probably | 09:09 |
pipeline | thegladiator: install that using dpkg. Then open up synaptic and remove the j2re package you created before. | 09:09 |
thegladiator | i see | 09:10 |
sethk | pirao, va a ubuntu.es | 09:10 |
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NCLife | and what does cd to the directory you dl them to means.. | 09:10 |
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hawk` | sethk, that was my thought too, but i just booted 2 minutes ago | 09:10 |
_jason | ubotu, tell NCLife about cli | 09:10 |
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MickMcMack | Is it me, or does Ubuntu not feel the love for enlightenment? O_o; | 09:10 |
sethk | hawk`, Might be a leftover lock file in /tmp | 09:10 |
Dangermouse | What's the best way for me to edit my MAC address on start-up? | 09:10 |
sethk | hawk`, I'd suggest using strace to find out what file it fails to lock, but I suspect you might have trouble doing that. | 09:11 |
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sethk | hawk`, erase everything in /tmp (and it's subdirectories) older than the reboot time. | 09:11 |
Duvel | NCLife, press alt and F2, type xterm, enter, type cd nameofthedirectory | 09:11 |
=== Mitja [n=Raw_Eate@cpe2-25-116.cable.triera.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
czr | dangermouse, use ifconfig to change mac and then learn how the startup process works and add to the network init part the call for ifconfig | 09:11 |
hawk` | sethk i can sudo now so maybe i can use strace? | 09:12 |
czr | Dangermouse, man interfaces, man ifconfig | 09:12 |
hawk` | never heard of it | 09:12 |
hawk` | :P | 09:12 |
Dangermouse | czr, ye I know about ifconfig, was the latter part i wasn't sure of | 09:12 |
czr | interfaces might be the best place to put the call in | 09:12 |
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czr | Dangermouse, that way you could be sure that your eth exists when you're trying to set its MAC | 09:12 |
Dangermouse | ok | 09:12 |
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hawk` | it sounds complicated though, so that's probably what you meant | 09:13 |
hawk` | :P | 09:13 |
NCLife | ok, thanks Duvel.. ive got another question, at this page http://www.giannaros.org/public/breezydebs/ are 4 sun java packages.. which one should i dl? | 09:13 |
sethk | hawk`, then sudo strace usermod .... (whatever you typed before for usermod) ... -o output.strace | 09:13 |
sethk | hawk`, output.strace is just a filename I made up | 09:13 |
wick3d | yay the roockie n00b is here | 09:13 |
sethk | hawk`, make it ~/output.strace, so it ends up in your home directory | 09:13 |
=== henriquemaia [n=henrique@cb-217-129-170-53.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
surfdue | hey | 09:14 |
sethk | hawk`, if it spawns child processes that won't be enough, but start there. | 09:14 |
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wick3d | just installed Ubuntu first time ever with any sort of linux system for me:( | 09:14 |
surfdue | i have linux sources installed on command 'sudo module-assistant build,install fglrx-kernel' it states an error cant find kernal headers how do i fix this | 09:14 |
ubuntuman | psusi, thx 4 youre help sofar | 09:14 |
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aris_ | aaaah | 09:14 |
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corresponder | bbbbbbh | 09:15 |
sethk | surfdue, install the kernel headers. | 09:15 |
Duvel | wick3d, congratulations ;) | 09:15 |
surfdue | k | 09:15 |
aris_ | is there an equivalent to that sun packages for amd64 ? | 09:15 |
theD3viL | WTF is wrong with my fglrx drivers?!?! i get ~250 fps with fgl_glxgears | 09:15 |
aris_ | just spend 30mb download for nothing :/ | 09:15 |
_jason | hawk`, did you sudo usermod? | 09:15 |
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jemt | !tell jemt about w32codecs | 09:15 |
hawk` | sethk, got the output printed on screen | 09:16 |
hawk` | _jason trying t odo that now, saying that the password file is locked | 09:16 |
bulio | if I install a usb 2.0 PCI card | 09:16 |
bulio | will ubuntu recognize it? | 09:16 |
theD3viL | bulio, yes | 09:16 |
_jason | hawk`, oh ok because it gave me that error and I realized I had to use sudo | 09:16 |
jemt | !tell jemt about w32codecs | 09:16 |
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sethk | hawk`, you didn't use -o, then | 09:17 |
bulio | secondly, can I install an external hard drive? | 09:17 |
hawk` | sethk, looks like an o from here | 09:17 |
hawk` | :P | 09:17 |
bulio | I wanna use it as storage | 09:17 |
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bulio | connected via the usb 2.0 | 09:17 |
hawk` | _jason yea tried that, didnt give me an error, but didnt do anything either | 09:17 |
bulio | can I do that? | 09:17 |
_jason | hawk`, what's the exact command you are using? | 09:17 |
FarrisG | I need to reorder my /dev/sd* nodes. What is the quickest, or least messy, way to do this? All that's important is that the drives using my onboard SATA bus and/or PCI-X raid card get assigned /dev/sd* nodes first, and then after that, USB disks get assigned nodes sequentially | 09:17 |
=== chrisx1 [n=chrisx1@spc1-burn2-5-0-cust56.bagu.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sethk | bulio, yes, yes, and yes | 09:17 |
bulio | excellent thanks | 09:18 |
chrisx1 | Seveas: niggah:o wha was that for | 09:18 |
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hawk` | usermod -G a,lot,of,groups hawk | 09:18 |
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_jason | hawk`, strange, ok carry on :) gl | 09:19 |
Seveas | chrisx1, for having a stupid away announce script | 09:19 |
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hawk` | oh | 09:19 |
chrisx1 | umm... | 09:19 |
hawk` | dunno what happened now | 09:19 |
hawk` | but it works | 09:19 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ | ||
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b chrisx1!*@*] by Seveas | ||
hawk` | when i ran the strace as root | 09:19 |
hawk` | :) | 09:19 |
=== MickMcMack watches searcher` flex. | ||
MickMcMack | * Seveas | 09:20 |
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j2daosh | hey everyone | 09:20 |
corresponder | hi | 09:20 |
hawk` | thanks for all your help guys | 09:20 |
j2daosh | how yall doing today? | 09:20 |
hawk` | i'll just log out now and hope nothing more is broken | 09:20 |
hawk` | :) | 09:20 |
_jason | hawk`, ha | 09:20 |
=== Seveas quickly hacks hawk`s pc and breaks things | ||
=== TenPlus1 [n=john@80-195-63-42.cable.ubr03.uddi.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TenPlus1 | Hi folks... | 09:21 |
j2daosh | hey i got 2 questions... how does bit torrent work, and where is a repo for WINE? | 09:21 |
hawk` | sigh | 09:21 |
hawk` | and what i set out to do still doesnt work | 09:21 |
Seveas | j2daosh, 1) see bittorent.com 2) UBuntu multiverse | 09:21 |
hawk` | i've been fixing my errors for two hours | 09:21 |
hawk` | :) | 09:21 |
TenPlus1 | Q.) Ubuntu 5.10 has found my Intel Easy PC Camera ..but.. when GnomeMeeting goes to use it, it stalls the system and a reboot is needed... any ideas ??? | 09:21 |
j2daosh | multiverse? | 09:21 |
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j2daosh | <-- only had linux for 4 days | 09:22 |
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dr_willis | TenPlus1, yep.. i have similer problem with my CreativeWebcam | 09:22 |
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j2daosh | has only had... | 09:22 |
dr_willis | TenPlus1, no idea on a fix | 09:22 |
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TenPlus1 | bummer... | 09:22 |
=== lucis [n=sam@adsl-70-232-58-197.dsl.ltrkar.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | !tell j2daosh about multiverse | 09:22 |
j2daosh | yes... lol tell me :) | 09:22 |
=== lurah [n=lurah@dsl-tregw3-fe38dc00-94.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sethk | hey, my customized initrd is working, finally. :) | 09:22 |
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NCLife | wich one should i dl? -> sun-j2re1.4_1.4.2+09_i386.deb or sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update04_i386.deb | 09:22 |
Seveas | j2daosh, ubotu told you in a private msg | 09:22 |
Seveas | NCLife, neither, they are outdated | 09:23 |
Duvel | !tell me about cron | 09:23 |
neiras | I have been asked to install a Dapper kernel in a Breezy install. Since I don't want to upgrade to Dapper, is this possible? | 09:23 |
NCLife | >.< so where should i dl the sun java from? | 09:23 |
Duvel | !tell me about crontab | 09:23 |
MickMcMack | A Dapper kernel? | 09:23 |
MickMcMack | NCLife, the sdk ? | 09:23 |
stuart_ | Could someone post a link on how to install KDE on Ubuntu | 09:23 |
Seveas | NCLife, I sent you a private message | 09:23 |
neiras | MickMcMack: Yes. A kernel package from the upcoming Dapper release | 09:23 |
Seveas | stuart_, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 09:24 |
Seveas | done. | 09:24 |
=== AleXmaP [n=alex@gri-83-197.Reshall.Berkeley.EDU] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ajmitch | morning | 09:24 |
corresponder | hi | 09:24 |
TenPlus1 | Can someone give me an /etc/network/interfaces setup for a wireless card that works ok ? | 09:24 |
NCLife | thanks seveas | 09:24 |
=== MickMcMack didn't know that there were release specific kernels. | ||
MickMcMack | :s | 09:24 |
juliux | can someon help me with this error message? [4297060.659000] video bus notify | 09:24 |
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NCLife | MickMcMack, no, the jre.. | 09:24 |
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Dangermouse | this seems to work (set mac + use dhcp): iface eth0 inet dhcp \n inet eth0 hwaddr ether <mac> | 09:24 |
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=== [1] bob832 is now known as bob832 | ||
wick3d | is it hard to kompilate the kernel for my specifik hardware in ubuntu? remember ive never ever tried linux in any form | 09:25 |
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Seveas | wick3d, then you should not recompile the kernel | 09:25 |
wick3d | kk | 09:26 |
Seveas | juliux, that's not an error message | 09:26 |
sethk | wick3d, it isn't hard. You might have to ask a few questions. Read a howto, devote an hour or two, and practice on a system that you can stand breaking | 09:26 |
kwyjibo | well. | 09:26 |
wick3d | just seems that the comp is a bit slow compaired to when i had XP on it | 09:26 |
kwyjibo | thanks for ignoring me. | 09:26 |
juliux | Seveas, this is the only message i get if i try to use my vga out | 09:26 |
=== amonkey [n=amonkey@cpe-67-10-75-70.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
juliux | Seveas, with the ubutnu live cd it works | 09:26 |
kwyjibo | for representing the most friendly linux distro, you sure do know how to be unfriendly to people. | 09:27 |
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MickMcMack | kwyjibo, no-one here is payed to answer your questions. :S | 09:27 |
LoppApan | kwyjibo: u sure we are official representatives? | 09:27 |
Seveas | !tell kwyjibo about attitude | 09:27 |
kwyjibo | i have been asking politely and i've not even been acknowledged | 09:27 |
vanten | anyone running the 64 bit version of (k)ubuntu? | 09:27 |
LoppApan | kwyjibo: ask again, maybe this time someone will answer | 09:28 |
Seveas | !tell vanten about anyone | 09:28 |
kwyjibo | :( | 09:28 |
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aris_ | kwyjibo, i've look in 3 windows of logs and didn't find your question | 09:28 |
sethk | kwyjibo, I didn't even see your question. It gets busy here. | 09:28 |
kwyjibo | i've asked it 4 times | 09:28 |
sethk | kwyjibo, nobody is deliberately ignoring you. just ask again. | 09:28 |
kwyjibo | i'll ask: | 09:28 |
_jason | Kwitschibo, probably because no one knows or we just didn't see the question | 09:28 |
_jason | oops | 09:28 |
kwyjibo | i am trying to get my SSH client and SSH server to use the same codepage | 09:28 |
MickMcMack | vanten, I am. | 09:28 |
vanten | Seveas: :) | 09:28 |
kwyjibo | i cannot find anywhere in man pages how to set the codepage on the server side | 09:28 |
Seveas | kwyjibo, then let your client forward the LC_* and LANG variables | 09:29 |
LoppApan | kwyjibo: I'm watching wvil dead here at the same time, a bit distracted so to speak... | 09:29 |
MickMcMack | vanten, *poke* | 09:29 |
lucis | I'm using gnome and want to switch to KDE. What do i need to do? anything special besides uninstall gnome and install KDE? | 09:29 |
Seveas | lucis, no | 09:29 |
sethk | lucis, no need to uninstall gnome | 09:29 |
mjr | lucis, nothing special, just install kubuntu-desktop. Recommend against uninstalling gnome. | 09:29 |
LoppApan | kwyjibo: but Seveas is on to something I think | 09:29 |
kwyjibo | sev: I do not understand how to do that. I am using Putty for win32, ssh'ing to a ubuntu server | 09:29 |
sethk | lucis, a bad idea, actually | 09:29 |
lucis | Alright, thanks. | 09:29 |
vanten | MickMcMack: i'm running gentoo all 64 bit now. a real hassle to get closed source browser plugins to work. like flash player, java plugin,... do they work on (k)ubuntu 64? | 09:30 |
kwyjibo | I have set Putty to use every codepage under the sun | 09:30 |
mjr | (but if you want, try something like sudo apt-get remove libgnome2-common) | 09:30 |
juliux | Seveas, what is it if it is no kernel error? | 09:30 |
Dreamglider | lucis, at login you simply chose to use KDE session instead of GNOME | 09:30 |
Seveas | kwyjibo, ah, don't know how to configure putty for that | 09:30 |
lucis | Thanks, dreamglider, et al. | 09:30 |
kwyjibo | i don't think it's putty that's the problem | 09:30 |
MickMcMack | vanten, they should do, but my sound is borked, so I'm not sure. | 09:30 |
kwyjibo | perhaps if I understood just what determines the server side codepage | 09:30 |
sethk | kwyjibo, does your putty client work with codepages with other servers? | 09:30 |
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Seveas | juliux, a message that to me sounds like a notification and which I can't say anything more useful about, sorryt | 09:30 |
kwyjibo | sethk: i only have this one server | 09:30 |
MickMcMack | vanten, the plugin installs fine, and FireFox picks it up - it just wont play swf's due to my soundserver being totally borked. | 09:30 |
Seveas | kwyjibo, usually the client | 09:31 |
juliux | Seveas, ok thanks | 09:31 |
Seveas | but the locale has to be installed at the server | 09:31 |
sethk | kwyjibo, it's determined by your client requesting it. Why in the world would you assume that the client is not involved? | 09:31 |
kwyjibo | it's like every application on the server looks different | 09:31 |
Dreamglider | wich one required more cpu/ram Gnome or KDE ? | 09:31 |
Seveas | kwyjibo, try on the server: sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales | 09:31 |
sethk | kwyjibo, when you don't know something, investigate, don't make an assumption with no data to back it up. | 09:31 |
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kwyjibo | midnight commander uses one character set....... centericq uses another. elinks uses yet another. | 09:31 |
kwyjibo | it's chaos | 09:31 |
Seveas | kwyjibo, try on the server: sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales <-- | 09:32 |
kwyjibo | ok one second | 09:32 |
djk_ | vanten: there is no java plugin for 64bit.. | 09:32 |
sethk | kwyjibo, that sounds like you have a problem totally unrelated to ssh | 09:32 |
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kwyjibo | ooh | 09:32 |
darksun | where is the option to install dev tools/compilers? | 09:33 |
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kwyjibo | i'm looking through that locale thing, Seveas | 09:33 |
purplefeltangel | can someone help me install SBaGen? | 09:33 |
Seveas | darksun, sudo apt-get install build-essential | 09:33 |
darksun | Seveas, thanx | 09:33 |
vanten | djk_: sure there is, the one from blackdown jre. but i was wondering if some stuff on ubuntu is left 32 bit so the sun jdk 32 could be used or so | 09:33 |
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LoppApan | Seveas: you are active and got an @, you getting paid for this? ;) | 09:34 |
alexissoft | is it possible to upgrade a current breezy installation to dapper ? (i like development distribs :p) | 09:34 |
Amaranth | !info ia32-libs | 09:34 |
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Seveas | alexissoft, yes it is | 09:34 |
alexissoft | cool :) | 09:34 |
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Seveas | alexissoft, but the ubuntu dev. version breaks hard sometimes | 09:34 |
kbrooks | LoppApan, No..... | 09:35 |
vanten | !info ia32-libs | 09:35 |
LoppApan | kbrooks: ok, just good work then | 09:35 |
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purplefeltangel | how do you install a program that is in a .tgz? | 09:35 |
Rubin | !dapper | 09:35 |
ubotu | The 6.04 version of Ubuntu will be called the "Dapper Drake" release. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperDrake | 09:35 |
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Millenniumgroup | hi Rubin :) | 09:35 |
alexissoft | i don't mind :) | 09:35 |
kbrooks | purplefeltangel, depends | 09:35 |
Seveas | !tell purplefeltangel about compiling | 09:35 |
Rubin | hi Milenko_The_Snow | 09:35 |
Rubin | er | 09:35 |
Rubin | hi Millenniumgroup | 09:35 |
kbrooks | Seveas, it depends. | 09:35 |
pipeline | purplefeltangel: You avoid doing so. | 09:35 |
purplefeltangel | seveas, uh, i don't think i'm doing that. | 09:35 |
vanten | Amaranth: and the correct name is ? :) | 09:35 |
Seveas | purplefeltangel, you might have to :) | 09:36 |
Amaranth | vanten: no idea | 09:36 |
purplefeltangel | pipeline: well then what should i do? :/ | 09:36 |
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Dreamglider | i have 8 updates available, but when i klick the update icon nothing happens ? | 09:36 |
pipeline | purplefeltangel: Avoid it? | 09:36 |
Amaranth | !find ia32 | 09:36 |
purplefeltangel | pipeline: but i want this program? | 09:36 |
djk_ | vanten, you're wrong. there is a jre, and a jdk, no plugin. no webstart. | 09:36 |
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Seveas | Amaranth, ubotu is on a 32-bit machine so has no ia32-libs in its cache | 09:36 |
djk_ | vanten: ..for 64bit.. | 09:36 |
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Millenniumgroup | it's all quiet here on the western front sky) tx to you and excalibur :) | 09:36 |
Amaranth | Seveas: oh yeah | 09:36 |
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vanten | djk: tsk | 09:36 |
Seveas | djk_, sun has a 64 bit version of their jre | 09:36 |
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vilefridge | I'm using an Orinoco 8482-WD a/b/g Wifi adapter and the WPA_Supplicant package. It seems like I'm being disconnected every 600 seconds (10 minutes) right on the dot! The downtime is about 5 seconds, before the connection is stable again for another 600 seconds. Does anyone have any idea whatsoever why this might be occuring at 10 minute intervals? | 09:37 |
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Seveas | vilefridge, probably your orinoco driver crapping our | 09:37 |
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Seveas | out* | 09:37 |
djk_ | Seveas: i didn't say they don't. in fact, i said they do. however, i said that there is no javaplugin or webstart for 64bit | 09:37 |
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jemt | Greetings. I have finally decided to make Ubuntu my primary operating system - but i'm still using Windows for .NET development. But I'm in need of a good Antivirus Program. Is suck a program available for Ubuntu ? | 09:37 |
Seveas | djk_, I stand corrected | 09:37 |
djk_ | :) | 09:37 |
kbrooks | jemt, no need | 09:37 |
jemt | such | 09:37 |
Seveas | jemt, clamav | 09:37 |
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Seveas | although it's not too neccessary | 09:38 |
Surak | Hello people. | 09:38 |
jemt | kbrooks: Eh ? Of couse it is needed | 09:38 |
Seveas | jemt, ever heard of mono? | 09:38 |
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neiras | jemt - you have to remember, 99% of viruses out there are not "Computer viruses", they are "Windows viruses" | 09:38 |
jemt | Seveas: Yep :) | 09:38 |
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kbrooks | jemt: no, its not on ubuntu | 09:38 |
vilefridge | Sevas: Thanks, I believe there's an updated driver called madwifi-ng. I'll have to give that a shot =) | 09:38 |
BenUrban | ugh, now i can't log into x | 09:38 |
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lancer285 | Hey guys, anyone have suggestions on a good KVM. I'm gonna need one to switch from ubuntu to Mac | 09:38 |
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Surak | jemt: why do you need a antivirus in linux? will this machine host files for a windows network? | 09:39 |
kbrooks | BenUrban, meh, using ubuntu eh ;) | 09:39 |
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BenUrban | kbrooks: heh, yeah | 09:39 |
BenUrban | you? | 09:39 |
kbrooks | duh. ;) | 09:39 |
thegladiator | _jason, i am trying out to install mp3 , but this is the error i get | 09:39 |
Seveas | vilefridge, maswifi is for atheros, not orinoco | 09:39 |
djk_ | kbrooks: it may not be needed as protection for oneself, but to prevent distributing viruses ;) | 09:39 |
vilefridge | jemt: VB .NET is the only reason Windows is still kicking around on my box too :) Like Seveas said, Clamav is slick! | 09:39 |
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Seveas | vilefridge, ewwwww VB.... | 09:39 |
BenUrban | currently sharing /boot and /home with gentoo | 09:39 |
Seveas | vilefridge, learn python :) | 09:39 |
sethk | lancer285, My IOGEAR USB switch works well with OSX and linux and windows | 09:39 |
vanten | djk: | 09:40 |
Surak | I need help with a smartlink modem. is someone experienced with it? | 09:40 |
vanten | dwarf ~ # equery files dev-java/blackdown-jdk | grep javaplugin.so | 09:40 |
vanten | /usr/lib64/nsbrowser/plugins/javaplugin.so -> /opt/blackdown-jdk- | 09:40 |
vanten | dwarf ~ # | 09:40 |
sethk | lancer285, but my earlier IOGEAR didn't | 09:40 |
vilefridge | Seveas: No way? I'm using madwifi for my orinoco...... right at this moment. | 09:40 |
jemt | I'm quite sure that viruses exists for Linux | 09:40 |
sethk | lancer285, so don't go for an older one. miniview III or later | 09:40 |
shawarma | Has anyone here ever tried converting /boot to RAID-1 ? | 09:40 |
Seveas | vilefridge, hmm | 09:40 |
sethk | jemt, yes, there are a few | 09:40 |
jenda | jemt: most people who switch to GNU/Linux is to avoid viri - non Windows OSes are usually imune to most viri, and Linux is immune to all dangerous ones. | 09:40 |
thegladiator | _jason, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5762 | 09:40 |
jemt | .. And I can't afford data lose | 09:40 |
sethk | jenda, there is one dangerous linux virus around | 09:40 |
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sethk | jenda, although I've only come across it in docs, never in the flesh | 09:40 |
jemt | The data on this machine is pretty important to me and several companies | 09:40 |
jenda | sethk: And it's called MS Windows | 09:40 |
BenUrban | unfortunately i can't paste my Xorg.0.log since i can't start x... | 09:41 |
BenUrban | well i shuoldn't say that | 09:41 |
BenUrban | i can start x | 09:41 |
vilefridge | Seveas: hrmm indeed hahah. I'll look into it (and maybe python hah) later, have to run back to work! Thanks for the help | 09:41 |
sethk | jenda, ok, two then. :) | 09:41 |
BenUrban | but i can't log in | 09:41 |
Surak | jemt: they say that there is one. I'm not aware of. And I use linux since 1993. | 09:41 |
_jason | thegladiator, enable the main repository. I think you didn't have those enabled when I checked before, check. | 09:41 |
jenda | sethk: Mac OS? DOS? | 09:41 |
thegladiator | yep | 09:41 |
sethk | BenUrban, look at the _first_ error in the log file, and tell us what it is. | 09:41 |
=== BenUrban greps for EE | ||
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Gambit- | hey chaps | 09:41 |
sethk | jenda, there is one dangerous email virus that hits linux, although it is of course patched and fixed | 09:41 |
Gambit- | g'bye chaps | 09:42 |
noddaba | Hey guys, need a little help using mdadm to setup a linear array of two drives (originally formatted ext3). I created the array just fine, but I'm not sure if I should run mke2fs on the raid device (/dev/md1) or on the individual devices? | 09:42 |
sethk | jenda, so only old installations are vulnerable | 09:42 |
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jenda | sethk: Of course - a single virus can never live long. | 09:42 |
BenUrban | bah no gpm either | 09:42 |
=== BenUrban instals gpm | ||
hawk` | anyone have any experience with pure-ftpd? | 09:42 |
LoppApan | hawk`: mmm, long ago | 09:42 |
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sethk | jenda, hey, some windows viruses have been around for six, seven years now. :) | 09:43 |
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BenUrban | ah better | 09:43 |
=== BenUrban mouses | ||
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rambo3 | can i install windows virus with wine | 09:43 |
jenda_very_busy | sethk: True - but those are dangerous only until you stop using Winthing | 09:43 |
BenUrban | (EE) fglrx(0): incompatible kernel module detected - HW accelerated OpenGL will not work | 09:43 |
hawk` | ah, nevermind, found it | 09:43 |
jemt | Is clamav just a scanner? | 09:43 |
LoppApan | hawk`: good | 09:43 |
jenda_very_busy | rambo3: j'sec - I'll get you a link | 09:43 |
jemt | I would prefer a shield | 09:43 |
corresponder | rambo3: what should he do to your system? | 09:43 |
BenUrban | that's the only line start starts with (EE) | 09:44 |
Surak | aplay -l does not show my modem. it's a Smart Link Ltd.: Unknown device 2800 - which is stated as available through alsa. I don't know how to proceed, anyway. | 09:44 |
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Surak | jemt: you are looking for horns in a head's horse. | 09:44 |
BenUrban | wtf | 09:44 |
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rudiz | jemt, u can use chkrootkit | 09:44 |
Seveas | BenUrban, then install a correct fglrx module | 09:44 |
Seveas | (hint: if you upgrade your kernel you will need to recompile the module) | 09:45 |
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hawk` | hmm | 09:45 |
MaX | boas | 09:45 |
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vince_ | 0hi | 09:45 |
rudiz | jemt, sudo apt-get install chkrootkit | 09:45 |
BenUrban | Seveas: i haven't changed kernels | 09:45 |
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MaX | hey | 09:45 |
BenUrban | Seveas: and besides, that's not my problem | 09:45 |
hawk` | if i want to add switches to an autostart program, where do i change this? | 09:45 |
BenUrban | i can't log into x | 09:45 |
BenUrban | hmm i should try starting x without gdm | 09:45 |
Surak | does someone use a smartlink modem? or where can I look a channel for it? | 09:45 |
MaX | how can i install my soundblaster creative live 5.1! ???? | 09:45 |
jemt | rudiz: Is that a scanner or a shield? | 09:45 |
jemt | rudiz: And is a 'rootkit' the same as a virus ? | 09:46 |
rudiz | scans for rootkits | 09:46 |
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BenUrban | oh wtf | 09:46 |
lancer285 | sethk, okay thanks! | 09:46 |
jemt | rudiz: Well, I need a shield | 09:46 |
vanten | MaX: open your case and plug it in ;) | 09:46 |
Surak | jemt: none. You are looking for something which does not exist. | 09:46 |
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vince_ | main:rgstereo=0Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". | 09:46 |
vince_ | Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". | 09:46 |
vince_ | Video mode set failed: Couldn't find matching GLX visual | 09:46 |
vince_ | Fatal signal: Segmentation Fault (SDL Parachute Deployed) | 09:46 |
vince_ | *** glibc detected *** corrupted double-linked list: 0xb7c4d938 *** | 09:46 |
vince_ | What's the problem? | 09:46 |
BenUrban | it says X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting. | 09:46 |
jemt | Surak: A shield or the viruses i'm talking about ? | 09:46 |
MaX | vanten, sorry i didn't understand | 09:46 |
Surak | jemt: the viruses. | 09:47 |
Seveas | vince_, the problem is that you paste in here | 09:47 |
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sethk | BenUrban, how are you starting X? | 09:47 |
BenUrban | sethk: this time i tried startx | 09:47 |
sethk | BenUrban, with the default installation an ordinary user can start X. | 09:47 |
Agrajag | jemt: if you want something that will mintor the integrity of everything in your system, you should probably look into something like tripwire | 09:47 |
Surak | jemt: there are commercial anti-virus sollutions for linux. mcafee, freeav.com, etc. | 09:47 |
Agrajag | s/mintor/monitor | 09:47 |
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BenUrban | sethk: this is hardly default | 09:47 |
sethk | BenUrban, that's odd. Is there an X server running already, that perhaps can't be killed because it was started by root? | 09:47 |
BenUrban | sethk: i'm sharing /home with gentoo | 09:47 |
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jemt | The thing is that I have a shared FAT32 partition with all my data on - available in both Windows XP and Linux. And I'm afraid that I might get some Windows viruses via Ubuntu which will execute when I start windows | 09:47 |
=== BenUrban checks | ||
neiras | jemt: a rootkit basically sits between the kernel and user space, and intercepts most calls between them. So as far as your programs know, they are talking to the kernel - but they are actually talking to something malicious. Rootkits can be pretty hard to detect. | 09:48 |
sethk | BenUrban, well, ok. do you have .gnome and/or .kde directories in home set up from gentoo? | 09:48 |
dr_willis | Windows viruses via Ubuntu ? | 09:48 |
BenUrban | sethk: yes, .gnome | 09:48 |
BenUrban | and there is no X running | 09:48 |
aris_ | jemt, don't be afraid about that | 09:48 |
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Surak | jemt: how will they come in through ubuntu? | 09:48 |
sethk | neiras, actually that is a definition of rootkit that has been floating around since the Sony story, but that's not what a rootkit in UNIX has traditionally been | 09:48 |
aris_ | jemt, it's very unlikely | 09:48 |
MaX | how can i install my soundblaster creative live 5.1! ???? | 09:48 |
neiras | jemt: look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rootkit | 09:48 |
Seveas | Surak, mailserver | 09:48 |
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jenda_very_busy | ALL, rambo3: Viri in Linux: http://os.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=05/01/25/1430222&from=rss | 09:48 |
neiras | sethk, sure, but I'm trying to be simple here | 09:48 |
sethk | neiras, a unix root kit loads a series of programs with the same names as common utilities (ls, sh, etc.) but with different behavior. | 09:48 |
jemt | Surak: Downloads perhaps ? | 09:48 |
jenda_very_busy | Very good read | 09:49 |
sethk | neiras, ok | 09:49 |
=== BenUrban wonders what 5.1 factorial is | ||
Surak | jemt: let's assume you download a virus (through email) | 09:49 |
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jemt | Surak: Not that I'm downloading alot | 09:49 |
Seveas | !5.1! | 09:49 |
ubotu | Seveas: What? | 09:49 |
sethk | BenUrban, it isn't. factorial's domain is integers | 09:49 |
jemt | Surak: Might happen, yes | 09:49 |
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Seveas | !5.1*2.2 | 09:49 |
ubotu | 11.22 | 09:49 |
BenUrban | lol | 09:49 |
Surak | jemt: the file will be saved in fat32 partition. | 09:49 |
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BenUrban | sethk: i was being sarcastic btw | 09:49 |
Surak | jemt: this file will not be executed at windows' startup. there will not be anythin in windows registry telling it that. | 09:50 |
BenUrban | but factorial does work for some non-integers | 09:50 |
sethk | BenUrban, I figured that :) | 09:50 |
aris_ | sethk, not always | 09:50 |
MaX | how can i install my soundblaster creative live 5.1! ???? please | 09:50 |
jemt | Surak: Well, sounds right. | 09:50 |
aris_ | sometimes a good rootkit doesn't even leave files on harddisk | 09:50 |
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wick3d | is it possible to listen to a shoutcast radiostation with xmms? | 09:50 |
jemt | Surak: But I will still have a virus lying on my partition | 09:50 |
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dr_willis | MaX, err.. it saw mine and set it up during the install. | 09:51 |
Surak | so, a updated windows antivirus will find it before it is run. | 09:51 |
jemt | - But my Windows antivirus will detect that | 09:51 |
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Seveas | wick3d, my xmms thinks it is :) | 09:51 |
sethk | aris_, the definition of the term is arbitrary, obviously. I'm using the accepted definition in the UNIX system V world for quite a while. Not to say that trojans aren't nasty things. they just have nothing to do with rootkits. | 09:51 |
Surak | jemt: a good windows (and linux) free antivirus is www.freeav.com | 09:51 |
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jemt | Surak: Ok, thanks | 09:51 |
jemt | Actually that one i'm using for Windows :) | 09:51 |
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=== BenUrban mentions that clamav has a linux version as well | ||
aris_ | sethk, nope, i'm saying a rootkit can for instance just be a kernel patch loaded at runtime | 09:52 |
Surak | there's a free version for linux also. | 09:52 |
aris_ | that change the inner working of most syscalls | 09:52 |
silverton | MaX, is the emu10k module loaded? | 09:52 |
sethk | aris_, yes, I know what you are saying, and I'm disagreeing | 09:52 |
M_Cheevy | morning ppls | 09:52 |
djk_ | does someone here use dosbox? | 09:52 |
wick3d | Seveas so how do i set that up? since when i click "tune in" i just get a box asking what prog to use and i cant find sh** on this comp now:P | 09:52 |
chombee | Hi - I was wondering if it was possible to make the fonts look better in text mode - i.e. when X Windows is not running. Fonts look really nice in a GNOME terminal, but horrible in text mode linux | 09:52 |
jemt | Btw - we were talking about e-mails. Is it possible to transfer the mail-folder fra Thunderbird on Windows to Thunderbird on Linux ? | 09:52 |
BenUrban | djk_: me | 09:52 |
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BenUrban | sometimes | 09:52 |
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jemt | - Or even make them share a mail-folder on the shared FAT32 partition ? | 09:52 |
sethk | jemt, sure. the question is whether after you transfer it, will it still work? | 09:52 |
aris_ | the definition of a rootkit is "a kit that permits a hacker to get back to his shell without using the exploit he used to get in" | 09:52 |
jenda_very_busy | djk_: Occasionally | 09:52 |
LoppApan | chombee: framebuffer I think | 09:53 |
djk_ | BenUrban: i've apt-got it but i can't locate the dosbox.conf file... | 09:53 |
sethk | aris_, no, that's not what I have in any documentation. I checked before making my comment. | 09:53 |
=== Thorondor [n=anstei@84-73-60-31.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LoppApan | chombee: set vide mode in grub | 09:53 |
aris_ | thus, it doesn't say if this has to be kernelmode or usermode | 09:53 |
M_Cheevy | well my ubuntu disks have just arrived, right after I finalised my debian install. I'm running on a sata raid and it looks like there is better support for it in ubuntu. Should I go ahead and make the swap? | 09:53 |
LoppApan | chombee: google on that | 09:53 |
MaX | silverton, don't know what that is | 09:53 |
BenUrban | djk_: can't help you there, haven't used it in ubuntu yet | 09:53 |
aris_ | sethk, your documentation lies :) | 09:53 |
LoppApan | chombee: set video mode in grub | 09:53 |
rhoffa | is there an apt-get for any linux ftp program that works wiht the xbox | 09:53 |
sethk | jemt, you want IMAP. Don't try to get imap on the cheap by sharing directories. | 09:53 |
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djk_ | BenUrban: ah okay. | 09:53 |
silverton | MaX, in a terminal, run lsmod, and look for emu10k | 09:53 |
aris_ | the modified ls & such are the first generation of rootkits | 09:53 |
djk_ | jenda_very_busy: can you locate the dosbox.conf file? | 09:53 |
aris_ | easily detectable and noisy | 09:54 |
jenda_very_busy | djk_: I don't think so | 09:54 |
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jenda_very_busy | djk_: I tried before | 09:54 |
jemt | sethk: Well, the case is that I do have IMAP support - but most of my e-mails is located on my Windows installation (Thunderbird) - and I want to keep those too | 09:54 |
stuart_ | Trying to install KDE on ubuntu. # sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 09:54 |
stuart_ | . Error message E: Couldn't find package kubuntu-desktop appears. What have I done wrong? | 09:54 |
silverton | ubuntu should have set it up automatically, there is something in alsamixer that you prolly have to enable, I always have when I have a SB in a nix box | 09:54 |
rhoffa | and anyone know why i can connect to ubuntu server so fast but not efnet | 09:54 |
thegladiator | is ubuntu profitable company ? | 09:54 |
aris_ | it doesn't matter anyway | 09:54 |
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sethk | jemt, email them back to yourself on the imap server | 09:54 |
jemt | are* | 09:54 |
FarrisG | Ok, how about this: How do I keep usb_storage from loading until the system loads the modules in /etc/modules? | 09:54 |
djk_ | jenda_very_busy: mmh, this is interesting.. the conf.file is pretty much the most important part.. | 09:54 |
aris_ | any good rootkit won't be detected by chkrootkit | 09:54 |
=== ablyss_ [n=ablyss@68-190-35-8.dhcp.gwnt.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jemt | sethk: Hmm. There is a couple of hundred e-mails. Would take quite some time | 09:54 |
jenda_very_busy | thegladiator: Ubuntu isn't a company - Canonical is, and I think it's profitable | 09:54 |
sethk | jemt, you don't do it by hand, you script it. | 09:55 |
jenda_very_busy | thegladiator: But maybe it isn't. | 09:55 |
thegladiator | i see , is the owner making something out of this ventuer ? | 09:55 |
djk_ | jenda_very_busy: do you use a graphical frontend to dosbox? | 09:55 |
jenda_very_busy | djk_: I know, but I have no clue... No I don't use a GUI | 09:55 |
Surak | I need help in setting up a smartlink modem in ubuntu. it does not work as stated in docs. | 09:55 |
MaX | silverton, don't have that | 09:55 |
rudiz | there is also http://www.rootkit.nl | 09:55 |
BenUrban | djk_: if you can start dosbox, you can generate a config file... | 09:55 |
jemt | sethk: Yea, might work:) | 09:55 |
jenda_very_busy | djk_: very besy - sorry | 09:55 |
neiras | thegladiator: Who knows, financially - on the other hand, he's sure getting a lot of geek cred :) | 09:55 |
jenda_very_busy | *busy | 09:55 |
Thorondor | evolution keeps crashing on startup, i get these error messages when launching from terminal: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5763 - any ideas? | 09:55 |
djk_ | jenda_very_busy: meh, i can't type a : in dosbox, thus need a gui. | 09:55 |
djk_ | BenUrban: how? | 09:56 |
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silverton | MaX, then type sudo modprobe emu10k | 09:56 |
silverton | or, wait | 09:56 |
silverton | type sudo alsaconf | 09:56 |
BenUrban | djk_: i forget exactly, but you can type help | 09:56 |
thegladiator | :D | 09:56 |
thegladiator | credits , bah :D | 09:56 |
jemt | clear | 09:56 |
chombee | LoppApan - I have to rebuild the kernel? | 09:56 |
sethk | Thorondor, you lost or failed to install some shared libraries. | 09:56 |
M_Cheevy | endowments tend to survive by investing the unspend money.. hopefully the earn more in interest then they spend | 09:56 |
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MaX | FATAL: Module emu10k not found. | 09:56 |
sethk | Thorondor, what did you do to trigger this? | 09:56 |
silverton | MaX, try sudo alsaconf | 09:57 |
LoppApan | chombee: don't know how the standard kernel is built. make menuconfig and chek it out or just try with videp settings and grub and find out | 09:57 |
Thorondor | sethk: i don't know what exactly caused it, but i see that libgail-gnome-module is not installed | 09:57 |
MaX | sudo: alsaconf: command not found | 09:57 |
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MaX | lol | 09:57 |
vanten | djk_: missing sun java plugin is not a problem, konqueror doesnt uses java directly, without plugin | 09:57 |
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sethk | Thorondor, right. Did you upgrade evolution, or change its configuration? | 09:57 |
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M_Cheevy | djk: mainly because sun isn't going to make java completely open source | 09:58 |
silverton | MaX, what version of ubuntu are you running? | 09:58 |
Thorondor | sethk: i don't remember having done that, recently | 09:58 |
MaX | 5..10 | 09:58 |
thegladiator | rm is not part of w32 codecs package ? | 09:58 |
djk_ | M_Cheevy: huh? | 09:58 |
stuart_ | I get the error message "E: Couldn't find package kubuntu-desktop" when I type in "# sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop". Am I doing something wrong? | 09:58 |
silverton | MaX, install alsa-utils and alsa-base | 09:58 |
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vanten | djk_: only flash will be a problem... but i guess it must be possible to install a 32 bit static firefox... | 09:58 |
M_Cheevy | djk: java is from sun. it's not included in the release because of licensing issues | 09:58 |
sethk | Thorondor, Did you upgrade something that might have replaced libraries with newer versions? | 09:59 |
djk_ | M_Cheevy: okay? and...why are you telling me this? | 09:59 |
sethk | Thorondor, there has to be something of that sort going on. | 09:59 |
M_Cheevy | djk: because only now I see your question hinges around 64bit rather than merely the "why" of installing java | 09:59 |
djk_ | M_Cheevy: i never asked a question regarding java.. | 10:00 |
MaX | in Synaptic already installed | 10:00 |
MaX | maybe i did wrong the command | 10:00 |
MaX | how it is? | 10:00 |
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sley | anyone know about flash on amd64? | 10:00 |
Thorondor | sethk: i installed GConf yesterday, could it have to do somethin with it? | 10:00 |
M_Cheevy | djk_: saw "<vanten> djk_: missing sun java plugin" | 10:00 |
thegladiator | my *.rm files are nto being read after i installed w32codecs_20050412-0.0_i386.deb | 10:00 |
thegladiator | any idea ? | 10:00 |
Seveas | wick3d, xmms http://url_to_playlist | 10:01 |
thegladiator | it says real media 8 and 9 in the article as well | 10:01 |
BenUrban | thegladiator: i don't think win32codecs has rm spport | 10:01 |
BenUrban | i could be wrong though | 10:01 |
djk_ | M_Cheevy: vanten was the one asking about java on 64bit, i said that there is no plugin and no webstart for 64bit.. | 10:01 |
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rhoffa | anyone know any ftp linux programs that connect to an xbox | 10:01 |
Seveas | BenUrban, it has | 10:01 |
thegladiator | The Codecs" support playing MPEG-1, -2 & -4, DivX, Quicktime, Real Media 8 & 9, Windows Media Video 9 and many other formats. | 10:01 |
M_Cheevy | djk: maybe I should just wait until my first cup of coffee kicks in.... | 10:01 |
LoppApan | rhoffa: gftp? | 10:01 |
_jason | thegladiator, do .wmv play? | 10:01 |
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thegladiator | lemme check | 10:01 |
rhoffa | is it built in? | 10:01 |
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sethk | Thorondor, yes, it could. | 10:01 |
kbrooks | I HAVE A QUESTION | 10:01 |
kbrooks | I HAVE A QUESTION | 10:01 |
kbrooks | I HAVE A QUESTION | 10:02 |
stuart_ | I get the error message "E: Couldn't find package kubuntu-desktop" when I type in "# sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop". Am I doing something wrong? | 10:02 |
_jason | kbrooks, ... | 10:02 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %kbrooks!*@*] by Seveas | ||
sethk | Thorondor, it's a bug in the package if it does, of course, but it certainly could. | 10:02 |
MaX | silverton, say the command again please | 10:02 |
BenUrban | kbrooks: please don't do that... | 10:02 |
djk_ | M_Cheevy: good idea hehe ;) i know java like i know a bad bowel movement.. and i stay away from both :p | 10:02 |
sethk | kbrooks, we are all happy to hear that. | 10:02 |
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BenUrban | lmao | 10:02 |
navarone | stuart repos are probably down | 10:02 |
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rhoffa | loppapan - is it built in with ubuntu | 10:02 |
korhalf | kbrooks, don't flood, idiot | 10:02 |
shawarma | Seveas: LOL! | 10:02 |
BenUrban | haha@ kbrooks | 10:02 |
LoppApan | rhoffa: u can install it | 10:02 |
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Seveas | korhalf: Please keep the code of conduct in mind when chatting here. You can find it at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/conduct | 10:02 |
M_Cheevy | djk_: (brain flush at that image) | 10:02 |
djk_ | kbrooks: do you still have a question :p | 10:02 |
stuart_ | navarone many thanks, sorry. | 10:02 |
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navarone | np stu | 10:03 |
Mabus06 | damnit | 10:03 |
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shawarma | Could changing the type of a partition mess up being able to boot from it? | 10:03 |
thegladiator | _jason, *.wmv can be played , yes | 10:03 |
korhalf | thegladiator, not true | 10:03 |
sethk | shawarma, absolutely | 10:03 |
=== trout [n=dTrout@d58-105-2-123.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Thorondor | sethk: after installing the libgail-gnome-module package, the first error message went away, but it still crashes. | 10:03 |
rhoffa | do i need to set up anything special to connect to other servers other than ubuntu | 10:03 |
Mabus06 | how do you replace the list of people on the right hand side of xchat? I dropped my keyboard and it disappeared | 10:03 |
korhalf | thegladiator, some ofthe new wmvs give processinput errors and give a green garbled screen | 10:03 |
_jason | thegladiator, what player are you using | 10:03 |
thegladiator | korhalf, which is not true ? | 10:03 |
shawarma | sethk: Are you sure? The contents is unaltered. | 10:03 |
thegladiator | totem | 10:03 |
Seveas | Mabus06, in the preferences | 10:03 |
thegladiator | i see | 10:03 |
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thegladiator | this could be old wmv | 10:03 |
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BenUrban | Mabus06: what disappeared? the keyboard, or the list? | 10:03 |
thegladiator | i am going to install aplyer | 10:04 |
_jason | thegladiator, totem-gstreamer or totem-xine? | 10:04 |
rhoffa | cause i cant connect to efnet | 10:04 |
Mabus06 | the list, lol | 10:04 |
thegladiator | which one should i go for ? | 10:04 |
silverton | MaX, sudo alsaconf | 10:04 |
Seveas | BenUrban, :) | 10:04 |
vanten | sley: i would like to know too, i guess installing a 32 bit static firefox is the only solution | 10:04 |
BenUrban | :) | 10:04 |
thegladiator | default on breezy badger | 10:04 |
thegladiator | gstreamer | 10:04 |
thegladiator | not xine | 10:04 |
_jason | thegladiator, try totem-xine if you like totem. I like mplayer too. | 10:04 |
navarone | Mabus user list maybe hidden...try pull out user list from the right hand side...happened to me once | 10:04 |
trout | hello, noob here. Have a couple of quick questions I can't find the answer to on the net. | 10:04 |
thegladiator | i'd like xine though | 10:04 |
lukus001 | hey guys got a bit of a problem, when i logged in i had a couple of popups say "XYZ" failed to load, this has happened before but this time i accidentally pressed ignore/dont reload instead of "reload" so now i have now window manger shoort cuts at the bottom panel - how can i reload them restarting does nout | 10:04 |
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thegladiator | _jason, from synaptic ? | 10:04 |
M_Cheevy | trout: we're all ears.. ask away | 10:04 |
MaX | silverton, the same :\ | 10:04 |
Seveas | trout, welcome, ask away :) | 10:04 |
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diesel | thegladiator: install xine...it is better than totem anyway | 10:04 |
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silverton | MaX, then I haven't a clue dude | 10:05 |
sethk | lukus001, try a modprobe | 10:05 |
Seveas | lukus001, right click on the panel, select add to panel, select window list | 10:05 |
MaX | thanks anyway | 10:05 |
trout | I have installed a couple of apps, like AntiVIR, but for the life of me I can't find them to check setting etc,,, | 10:05 |
_jason | thegladiator, yeah, the package is 'totem-xine'. It will replace totem-gstreamer. I'll have ubotu send you a link for mplayer if you want to try that as well | 10:05 |
silverton | MaX, try google dude | 10:05 |
_jason | ubotu, tell thegladiator about mplayer | 10:05 |
thegladiator | yep | 10:05 |
sley | vanten: do you know where to get that? The firefox I downloaded had missing 32bit dependencies | 10:05 |
M_Cheevy | trout: ahhh the joy of "where the hell did it go???" | 10:05 |
fre4k | can someone point me to a link/tell me how to downgrade my gcc from 4 to 3.4.5 | 10:06 |
lukus001 | seveas, thanks - worked | 10:06 |
BenUrban | trout: dpkg --filelist is your friend (or is it --listfiles?) | 10:06 |
Seveas | fre4k, sudo apt-get install gcc-3.4 | 10:06 |
lukus001 | sethk, thank you aswell | 10:06 |
Seveas | BenUrban, -L | 10:06 |
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BenUrban | heh | 10:06 |
vanten | sley: dunno, i'll convert this box to ubuntu in a minute. i'll tell you if a find out. | 10:06 |
fre4k | Seveas, will it automatically remove the newer version and then load the older one ? | 10:06 |
Seveas | fre4k, no, but you should use gcc4 on Ubuntuu anyway | 10:07 |
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trout | is that to be typed in terminal? sorry when I said noob, I meant really noob. only with linux for a week! | 10:07 |
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M_Cheevy | trout: yeap, that's a good place to do it... | 10:07 |
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fre4k | Seveas, i'm getting an error msg from vmware that the kernel was built with 3.5 wheras i'm having 4.0 installed | 10:07 |
kwyjibo | i must go. Seveas, you were onto something and I thank you all for your assistance. Hopefulyl I can figure out a solution soon. | 10:07 |
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BenUrban | trout: yes | 10:07 |
Seveas | fre4k, ah, kernel modules | 10:07 |
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Seveas | fre4k, do this before compilng vmware: | 10:08 |
BenUrban | trout: dpkg -L <package> | 10:08 |
Seveas | export CC=gcc-3.4 | 10:08 |
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fre4k | Seveas, sudo export or only export ? | 10:08 |
Seveas | only export | 10:08 |
=== BenUrban wonders how many points he could get for kwyjibo | ||
fre4k | Seveas, okay ... | 10:09 |
Jared | ....i can't figure out how to get java to install......ugh | 10:09 |
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Mabus06 | Seveas, I don't have a preferences menu any more I don't think | 10:09 |
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Jared | and i tried the ubuntu wiki | 10:09 |
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BooZee | how do I install (and uninstall) rpm packages? | 10:09 |
wuming | is there a collection of ubuntu backport? | 10:09 |
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BenUrban | ubotu: tell BooZee about alien | 10:10 |
fre4k | Seveas, its did not work :( | 10:10 |
Jared | BenUrban do you know how to get java to install.......i can't get it to...i tried the instructions on ubuntu wiki | 10:10 |
=== bullitt_ [n=bullitt@ppp-70-251-185-2.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fre4k | BooZee, u could try using alien | 10:10 |
BenUrban | Jared: never tried to install java in ubuntu | 10:11 |
wuming | sudo apt-get install sun-j2re1.5 | 10:11 |
wuming | sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/j2re1.5-sun/bin/java /usr/bin/java | 10:11 |
MaX | silverton, sorry again and try to help me here...i installed gcc to compile C and Assembley but when i compile it says /usr/bin/ld: crt1.o: No such file: Arquive ou diretory not found | 10:11 |
MaX | ... know something | 10:11 |
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Seveas | fre4k, how are you compiling? | 10:11 |
Seveas | wuming, the package should create that link | 10:11 |
silverton | MaX, my knowledge on compiling source, is nil sorry, lol | 10:11 |
sethk | MaX, that should be installed, although that path is not the usual one. | 10:11 |
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Seveas | wuming, otherwise you should use update-alternatives, NOT ln | 10:11 |
MaX | hmm | 10:11 |
MaX | silverton, lol | 10:11 |
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holman | Jared, following the wiki steps you will have java running ok, sure | 10:11 |
MaX | sethk, and how can i put this working?? | 10:12 |
fre4k | Seveas, not doing it directly ...there is a pl script ... all i'm doing is this ....sudo perl /usr/bin/vmware-config.pl | 10:12 |
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MaX | really need | 10:12 |
Seveas | fre4k, ah tight | 10:12 |
Seveas | fre4k, do it this way: | 10:12 |
Seveas | sudo -i | 10:12 |
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sethk | MaX, do you have more than one version of gcc installed? | 10:12 |
Seveas | CC=gcc-3.4 /usr/bin/vmware-config.pl | 10:12 |
fre4k | Seveas, oh.. k | 10:12 |
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Thorondor | when i try to start evolution it crashes. by starting it via terminal, i get ``(evolution:14436): Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_gc_set_foreground: assertion `GDK_IS_GC (gc)' failed'' - what could cause this error? | 10:12 |
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Seveas | http://users.lichtsnel.nl/~seveas/pool/java/sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update06_i386.deb | 10:13 |
Seveas | damn | 10:13 |
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=== trappist watches Seveas's pipe crumble | ||
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BenUrban | Thorondor: gdk_gc_set_foreground was expecting a graphics context object but got something else | 10:13 |
MaX | hmm yes... gcc-3.3 base and gcc-4.0 | 10:13 |
BenUrban | :) | 10:13 |
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MaX | sethk, need to uninstall 3.3? | 10:14 |
dirkson | Say, if I wanted to put a slight pause in a shell script, what command would I use? | 10:14 |
BenUrban | dirkson: sleep | 10:14 |
sethk | MaX, no, that shouldn't be necessary | 10:14 |
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=== BenUrban suggests sleep .5 for a slight pause | ||
Thorondor | BenUrban: ok, this doesn't say much to me. any hints what i could try? | 10:14 |
dirkson | BenUrban: ok, thanks : ) | 10:15 |
BenUrban | or .1 for an even slighter pause | 10:15 |
sethk | MaX, do locate crt1.o | 10:15 |
MaX | hmm ok | 10:15 |
dirkson | BenUrban: Does it need a & behind it? | 10:15 |
BenUrban | Thorondor: heh, never ask a programmer *why* some error message occurs :P | 10:15 |
hajiki | Anyone know what happened to the Evolution option to 'reply inline' instead of Quoted??? | 10:15 |
fre4k | Seveas, i did this ... CC=gcc-3.4 perl /usr/bin/vmware-config.pl ...it still found out that gcc is 4.0 | 10:15 |
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BenUrban | dirkson: that would defeat the purpose | 10:15 |
Seveas | fre4k, hmmmmm | 10:15 |
MaX | warning: locate: warning: database /var/lib/slocate/slocate.db' is more than 8 days old | 10:15 |
fre4k | Seveas, sorry about all the trouble ..i'm a noob at this | 10:15 |
dirkson | BenUrban: Ah, right, so it would : ) | 10:15 |
Seveas | fre4k, export CC=gcc-3.4 | 10:15 |
Seveas | perl /usr/bin/..etc | 10:15 |
=== MikeG [n=gehlm@adsl-68-254-165-200.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fre4k | okay | 10:16 |
trout | ok, so now I found it, how do I get to one of my menus? I tried rightckick on applications <edit menus> and I can see it. I check the little box, but it doesn't come up. DO i need to do this as admin? how? | 10:16 |
MaX | sethk, warning: locate: warning: database /var/lib/slocate/slocate.db' is more than 8 days old ? | 10:16 |
fre4k | Seveas, it still recognises the 4.0 ver | 10:16 |
=== bla|patrick [n=patrick@dyndsl-080-228-221-068.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
navarone | right click on applications? | 10:16 |
sethk | MaX, to be safe, we should fix that. do: sudo updatedb | 10:16 |
bla|patrick | hi | 10:16 |
sethk | MaX, that will take a few minutes to run | 10:16 |
=== rhoffa [n=rhoffa@ip70-162-83-183.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | fre4k, that is really weird, are you using the latest vmware? | 10:17 |
fre4k | let me chk | 10:17 |
Seveas | previous versions had a bug that caused this | 10:17 |
rhoffa | what do i need to open .rars? | 10:17 |
bla|patrick | could someone give a repo that has the nonfree macromedia flash plugin? | 10:17 |
deltron | rhoffa: unrar | 10:17 |
rhoffa | it is saying unknown format or something | 10:17 |
Seveas | rhoffa, unrar-nonfree from multiverse | 10:17 |
rhoffa | a yo its 3030 | 10:17 |
navarone | trout when I do it a gui comes up | 10:17 |
fre4k | Seveas, i'm having VMware-workstation-4.5.2-8848 | 10:17 |
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korhalf | rhoffa, deltron 3030 | 10:17 |
deltron | rhoffa: word | 10:17 |
bla|patrick | all i found until now are links rferring to that gpl project or debian packages :( | 10:17 |
MaX | sethk, done | 10:17 |
=== deltron 3030 | ||
bla|patrick | but i'd like to have breezy stuff | 10:17 |
MaX | did already the locate and nothing | 10:17 |
korhalf | Mastermind | 10:17 |
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Seveas | fre4k, I know nothing about vmware so couldn't tell whether that's the latest one | 10:18 |
korhalf | who fuses the music | 10:18 |
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korhalf | wit no illusions | 10:18 |
deltron | lol | 10:18 |
trout | yes the GUI to edit menus comes up ok, but no changes I make show up? | 10:18 |
korhalf | producin tha blueprints | 10:18 |
fre4k | Seveas, oh... oky i'll with the site | 10:18 |
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deltron | rhoffa: unrar-free is the name of the package | 10:18 |
fre4k | Seveas, thanks for all ur help | 10:18 |
=== korhalf [n=chris@d150-171-64.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
korhalf | thanks. | 10:18 |
rhoffa | haha del d scuba diver wetsuit | 10:18 |
bullitt_ | some fonts have dissapeared in firefox, even when I highlight them | 10:18 |
korhalf | rhoffa, thats from both sides of the mind i think | 10:18 |
rhoffa | im listening to phoney phranchise right now | 10:18 |
orbx | i have ubuntu and windows 2003 installed, but the grub boot loader doesn't detect win 2003. Does anyone know if its possible to add it to the grub? | 10:18 |
fre4k | Seveas, is there anything that i have to undo ... | 10:18 |
rhoffa | brain | 10:18 |
Pluk | fre4k, 4.5 didnt like kernel 2.6.12 here . but 5.0 works ok here with CC-/usr/bin/gcc-3.4 , export CC , vmware-config.pl | 10:18 |
deltron | yup | 10:18 |
navarone | what changes have you made trout? | 10:18 |
korhalf | rhoffa, same thing | 10:18 |
Seveas | fre4k, no | 10:18 |
deltron | that's not 3030 | 10:18 |
korhalf | yea, 3030 is better :) | 10:18 |
rhoffa | yea it is | 10:18 |
deltron | 3030 > * | 10:19 |
rhoffa | it is the same dude | 10:19 |
deltron | completely different project | 10:19 |
rhoffa | yea but future development is like 3030 | 10:19 |
rhoffa | and thats straight del | 10:19 |
deltron | ya | 10:19 |
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rhoffa | haha good to see some del love | 10:19 |
korhalf | okay deltron is not del, deltron is del, kid koala, and automator | 10:19 |
deltron | ever listen to heiroglyphics? | 10:19 |
korhalf | people get it twisted | 10:19 |
deltron | ya | 10:19 |
orbx | i have ubuntu and windows 2003 installed, but the grub boot loader doesn't detect win 2003. Does anyone know if its possible to add it to the grub? | 10:19 |
deltron | dan the automator is freaking amazing | 10:19 |
Seveas | deltron, korhalf -> #ubutnu-offtopic | 10:20 |
trout | under accessories, I have Aegis anti virus installed. It's icon is there but unchecked. SO I check it, but next time I go to application menu it is still not there. I have restarted and re logged on, but no diff. | 10:20 |
korhalf | Dr. Octagon is a good example, | 10:20 |
korhalf | Seveas, k | 10:20 |
deltron | yessir | 10:20 |
rhoffa | yea i got that cd | 10:20 |
rhoffa | dr octangonacolygyst | 10:20 |
korhalf | deltron, rhoffa join offtopic lol | 10:20 |
rhoffa | if everyone knew what was good for them theyd stop listening to all this bullshit on tv | 10:20 |
rhoffa | haha | 10:20 |
rhoffa | alright | 10:20 |
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phlaegel | anybody know if the current rhythmbox in breezy (or backports) has the daap sharing enabled? | 10:21 |
Seveas | it has not | 10:21 |
Seveas | daap is far too experimental | 10:21 |
phlaegel | thought so, thanks | 10:21 |
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FenX | bonjour | 10:21 |
phlaegel | do you know if it will be in dapper? | 10:22 |
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jenda_very_busy | bonjour FenX | 10:22 |
bullitt_ | some fonts have dissapeared in firefox, even when I highlight them, cannot see what is typed | 10:22 |
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deltron | dapper is not fun lol | 10:22 |
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MikeG | crontab question: running crontab with the following... 0 * * * * /usr/bin/sometask ... and I can't get it to execute. Any ideas? | 10:22 |
BooZee | what's the best way to view a mysql database (graphicly, like phpMyAdmin) and run some action on some tables, from linux ? (assuming, ofcourse, that I don't have a phpMyAdmin access to it) | 10:22 |
dr_willis | bullitt_, gettign some font issues here as well.. in firefos they show up messed up.. i select th text then they get drawn right... just started happening today.. oddd... | 10:23 |
navi | can anyone help me with my ipw2200 and wpa? i tried everything i could find now, but still i dont get an ip from our router | 10:23 |
BenUrban | BooZee: why can't you access it with phpMyAdmin? | 10:23 |
Seveas | MikeG, check your mail, cron sends you an e-mail with errors | 10:23 |
BooZee | BenUrban: cuz it's not installed on the server | 10:23 |
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Seveas | BooZee, then install it :) | 10:24 |
BenUrban | i don't think it has to be | 10:24 |
Stork | how can i unzip a .rar file ? | 10:24 |
BenUrban | can't it be used from a client? | 10:24 |
BenUrban | Stork: unrar | 10:24 |
Seveas | it's a simple tarball with php scripts | 10:24 |
BooZee | I can't install things on the server | 10:24 |
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BooZee | it's not my server | 10:24 |
BooZee | it's a shered hosting server | 10:24 |
Seveas | BooZee, can you upload files to it? | 10:24 |
BenUrban | BooZee: then install it on a computer that is yours | 10:24 |
navi | fodo i need to give my key in a hex-dump or in plaintext to /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf | 10:24 |
bla|patrick | ok... where can i ask for repos? | 10:24 |
Seveas | BooZee, pma does not need to be 'installed' it's just a bunch of php scripts | 10:24 |
Seveas | !repos | 10:25 |
ubotu | rumour has it, repos is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) see also !easysource | 10:25 |
MikeG | Seveas, sendmail is not installed | 10:25 |
=== orbx [n=orbx@cpc5-hem12-6-0-cust34.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | MikeG, ah, ok :) | 10:25 |
orbx | when you reboot, what keys do you press to get grub options? | 10:25 |
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BooZee | BenUrban: what do you mean? | 10:25 |
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Seveas | orbx, [ESC] | 10:25 |
bla|patrick | Seveas: there is no reference to that real flashplayer from marcromedia | 10:25 |
Seveas | !flash | 10:25 |
ubotu | hmm... restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats Most of the formats listed here have been replaced by !FreeFormats | 10:25 |
BenUrban | BooZee: can't it connect to a nonlocal mysql database? | 10:25 |
MikeG | Seveas, I'll install and remove later. thanks for the tip. | 10:26 |
Seveas | bla|patrick, apt-get install flashplayer-mozilla | 10:26 |
pozdiy_ | where can I get an updated list (not older than 2004) of the supported wifi cards? | 10:26 |
Seveas | it's in multiverse | 10:26 |
bla|patrick | that wiki only has an entry that refers to that crappy gpl project | 10:26 |
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BooZee | BenUrban: I don't know... | 10:26 |
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bla|patrick | Seveas: is that the "real" one? | 10:26 |
BenUrban | BooZee: try it and see | 10:26 |
Seveas | bla|patrick, yes | 10:26 |
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bla|patrick | weired... i have already added universe and backports | 10:27 |
bla|patrick | but that one doesnt appear in my list | 10:27 |
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BenUrban | bla|patrick: multiverse != universe | 10:27 |
BooZee | BenUrban: where do I config the ip to connect to? | 10:27 |
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Seveas | bla|patrick, *multi*verse | 10:27 |
BenUrban | BooZee: i don't remember | 10:27 |
bla|patrick | let me check... one moment plz | 10:28 |
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bla|patrick | ya multiverse nonfree are added aswell | 10:28 |
olipaul | i have a dynamic ip address with my isp, but is there a way i can publish my ip to my website every X minutes? | 10:28 |
BenUrban | so i tried sudo startx... | 10:28 |
olipaul | so i know where to ssh to from work, etc? | 10:28 |
mcf501 | hey, im trying to setup php and apache2, i got this error: Warning: Unknown: Failed opening '/var/www/info.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in Unknown on line 0 | 10:28 |
mcf501 | does anyone know where the config file is? | 10:29 |
BenUrban | and it didn't start again... | 10:29 |
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BenUrban | still no relevant error messages | 10:29 |
Mitja | Does anyone know how to release buy sound? /dev/dsp? | 10:29 |
Mitja | *busy | 10:29 |
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korhalf | Mitja, kill any programs using the sound socket? | 10:29 |
trout | naunder accessories, I have Aegis anti virus installed. It's icon is there but unchecked. SO I check it, but next time I go to application hi there, in MenuEdit, despite checking the box next to an app, it does not appear on the menu. ANy ideas? | 10:29 |
korhalf | Mitja, actually, my alsa script allows multiple sounds to be played. | 10:29 |
andril | hello all | 10:30 |
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BenUrban | korhalf: how does one set that up? | 10:30 |
andril | does anyone know why Samba is still asking for a password? | 10:30 |
trout | Sorry.. in Menu edit, despite checking the box next to an app, it does not appear on the menu. ANy ideas? | 10:30 |
korhalf | BenUrban, well i can paste my alsa.conf | 10:30 |
andril | is there anyway to fix this? | 10:30 |
=== BenUrban can't get into x atm | ||
navarone | trout...look in System tools section of menu editor and see if it is there...I found it there | 10:30 |
BenUrban | hmm but i can use links | 10:31 |
BenUrban | korhalf: go ahead | 10:31 |
BooZee | BenUrban: are you saying, I can put phpMyAdmin on my computer, run apache, and connect to a remote mysql server? | 10:31 |
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surfdue | hello | 10:31 |
Mitja | korhalf: I don't know them all, killed the ones I know, but still doesn't work. | 10:31 |
BenUrban | BooZee: oh that's right it requires apache.... | 10:31 |
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surfdue | for some reason, i cannot get fglrxinfo to show ati, it shows some mesa3d | 10:31 |
surfdue | how can i fix this, ive tryed everything on the setup ati page | 10:32 |
BenUrban | then i suggest you try putting it somewhere on the server | 10:32 |
korhalf | Mitja, restart alsa.. | 10:32 |
MikeG | Crontab error from sendmail is... cannot connect to X server | 10:32 |
BenUrban | ... | 10:32 |
BenUrban | evil evil evil | 10:32 |
Mitja | korhalf: is that alsactl? | 10:32 |
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BenUrban | sendmail shouldn't try to connect to X | 10:32 |
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trout | mine is showing up under applications, but it wont actually make it onto the menu.. ? | 10:33 |
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darksun | is ubuntu wine friendly? | 10:33 |
Red-Sox | how does ubunut run on G3 macs? | 10:33 |
testmachine | preey | 10:33 |
dooglus | darksun: yes. | 10:33 |
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MikeG | BenUrban, its a cron job that is generating the error. | 10:33 |
BenUrban | ohhh | 10:33 |
testmachine | pretty | 10:33 |
navarone | trout see if it is also under system tool in menu editor thingy...thingy being the technical term | 10:33 |
darksun | dooglus, know if theres an apt-install for it? | 10:33 |
BenUrban | MikeG: what cron job? | 10:33 |
surfdue | anyone know? | 10:33 |
pozdiy_ | !tell darksun about wine | 10:34 |
korhalf | case "$1,$2" in | 10:34 |
korhalf | suspend,*) /etc/init.d/alsa suspend ;; | 10:34 |
korhalf | resume,suspend) /etc/init.d/alsa resume ;; | 10:34 |
korhalf | esac | 10:34 |
dooglus | darksun: there is. package 'wine' in the universe repo. | 10:34 |
MikeG | BenUrban its a small python/QT script I wrote. brings up a notification window every 3 hours via cron | 10:34 |
Rockj | anyone who could help me regarding graphicscard on my laptop with Mobility Radeon 9700? Also, when I try running glxgears, it seems to work smooth the first 3 seconds then it troubles bleh. Also, I find it odd that glxgears doesnt print out fps as glxgears used todo in Debian Sarge. | 10:34 |
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BenUrban | MikeG: ah, that's why it tries to connect to x | 10:35 |
Red-Sox | !tell korhalf about paste | 10:35 |
navarone | rockj glxgears -printfps | 10:35 |
Comrade_Vladimir | whats a good alternative to gaim | 10:35 |
BenUrban | MikeG: the only way i know of to allow scripts outside x to connect to x is using xhost + | 10:35 |
=== Vincent [n=vincent@AGrenoble-152-1-29-31.w82-122.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BenUrban | but that's a security risk | 10:35 |
trout | nope not there... I just tried running smeg as gksudo too and no luck there... | 10:35 |
BenUrban | btw xhost - puts it back to normal | 10:35 |
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korhalf | Red-Sox, thank you..i didnt think it was big enough for that though | 10:36 |
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trappist | BenUrban: xhost +localhost is a little less insane | 10:36 |
MikeG | BenUrban, Ok. I'll research a bit. Thanks. | 10:36 |
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Rockj | navarone: unknown parameter. | 10:36 |
stef65 | hi all | 10:36 |
Rockj | navarone: my mistake. | 10:36 |
navarone | rockj you got me then | 10:36 |
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Red-Sox | korhalf: sure | 10:36 |
navarone | ok | 10:36 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %kbrooks!*@*] by Seveas | ||
Red-Sox | how does ubuntu run on iMac G3s? | 10:36 |
=== Vincent [n=vincent@AGrenoble-152-1-29-31.w82-122.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
maddash | !wine | 10:37 |
Rockj | still got bad fps :( I'm using the fglrx driver. | 10:37 |
=== BenUrban wonders when kbrooks was banned | ||
dooglus | MikeG: I had a similar problem. My solution was to dump the values of "DISPLAY", "XAUTHORITY" and "SESSION_MANAGER" into a file each time GNOME starts up. Then the script which needs to pop-up a window can use those 3 values. It works like a charm. | 10:37 |
navarone | Rockj, what vidcard? | 10:37 |
stef65 | Red-Sox: I guess it won't run, it'll walk.... | 10:37 |
surfdue | how do i know if a module is loaded? | 10:37 |
bla|patrick | hmmm... weired | 10:37 |
surfdue | nvm | 10:37 |
avel | lsmod | 10:37 |
avel | oops | 10:37 |
bla|patrick | does tv.com load the stylesheet in ur linux? | 10:37 |
bla|patrick | here it produces timeouts or loads incomplete :( | 10:37 |
Rockj | navarone: mobility radeon 9700 | 10:37 |
kbrooks | BenUrban, it wasnt a ban | 10:38 |
bla|patrick | could someone confirm this? | 10:38 |
kbrooks | it was a +q. | 10:38 |
BenUrban | -b is unban... | 10:38 |
kbrooks | a +q is a ban. | 10:38 |
BenUrban | oh | 10:38 |
Seveas | tv.com completely timeout | 10:38 |
BenUrban | yeah, +q is now +b | 10:38 |
bla|patrick | kk | 10:38 |
Seveas | BenUrban, +q foo == +b %foo | 10:38 |
BenUrban | ? | 10:38 |
navarone | rockj probablt need the ati faq to sort you out | 10:38 |
korhalf | Rockj, use EasyUbuntu to get the ati drivers | 10:38 |
Seveas | BenUrban, the % indicates a mute (+q) instead of a ban | 10:38 |
Comrade_Vladimir | whats a good alternative to gaim | 10:38 |
korhalf | Rockj, don't follow any faws, they're confusing and stupid, just use EasyUbuntu its the best. | 10:39 |
Rockj | navarone: navarone: used the fglrx instructions that is on this web: http://glasnost.beeznest.org/articles/194 | 10:39 |
Seveas | Comrade_Vladimir, bitlbee+ irssi | 10:39 |
BenUrban | ahh | 10:39 |
trout | no good... no joy. Thanks for all your help. will check in later... Cheers. | 10:39 |
korhalf | faqs* | 10:39 |
=== lovebug356 [n=lovebug3@lugwv/member/lovebug356] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Rockj | EasyUbuntu? | 10:39 |
korhalf | yes. | 10:39 |
navarone | !ati | 10:39 |
ubotu | rumour has it, ati is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 | 10:39 |
Seveas | korhalf, easyubuntu is crap | 10:39 |
Seveas | it wrecks a lot of machines | 10:39 |
korhalf | my machine is perfect. | 10:39 |
korhalf | all i did was install the ATI drivers | 10:39 |
Seveas | it does that the wrong way | 10:39 |
=== NetGrunt [n=NetGrunt@85-50-15-58.bcn1.adsl.uni2.es] has joined #ubuntu | ||
korhalf | i followed those links | 10:39 |
Seveas | VERY wrong even | 10:40 |
Comrade_Vladimir | Seveas all one thing | 10:40 |
korhalf | and guess what i got, X Hanging | 10:40 |
korhalf | thats what i got, and then i used the installer, whatever it did, it works | 10:40 |
surfdue | korhalf, . | 10:40 |
surfdue | eww | 10:40 |
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jenda_very_busy | Seveas: That is offensive! :) | 10:41 |
Rockj | ai, I can apt-get fglrx? Wow. | 10:41 |
Seveas | jenda_very_busy, and for a reason | 10:41 |
_jason | bla|patrick, tv.com works fine here | 10:41 |
korhalf | Rockj, you'll see, you edit the xorg.conf a few times and all of a sudden everythings messed. | 10:41 |
Comrade_Vladimir | not a irc client but for aim and yahoo | 10:41 |
BenUrban | korhalf: been there, done that | 10:41 |
BenUrban | without the editing part | 10:41 |
jenda_very_busy | Seveas: Please do not say EasyUbuntu is crap a week before the release of the new generation or EUb | 10:41 |
BenUrban | :/ | 10:41 |
=== Mitja [n=Raw_Eate@cpe2-25-116.cable.triera.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
korhalf | jenda_very_busy, exactly, i've never heard of anyone having problems with it anyway. | 10:42 |
Seveas | jenda_very_busy, the new generation may be better, but that remains to be seen | 10:42 |
jenda_very_busy | korhalf: There have been problems, but it has changed A LOT | 10:42 |
=== gregburd [n=gburd@c-24-218-83-169.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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jenda_very_busy | Seveas: Just please do not bash the name - it hurts the new project | 10:42 |
=== Comrade_Vladimir [n=andrew@70-97-141-111.dsl1.glv.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jenda_very_busy | Seveas: The new gen doesn't cantain any code from the old. | 10:43 |
Comrade_Vladimir | got another Seveas like an aim and yahoo client | 10:43 |
=== _KoSoVaR_ [n=kosovar@241.Red-83-43-98.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jenda_very_busy | And is done by a different team (they share one member - keyes) | 10:43 |
Seveas | jenda_very_busy, new code == new bugs | 10:43 |
jenda_very_busy | Seveas: lol | 10:43 |
ajmitch | do you need to argue about it here? | 10:43 |
jenda_very_busy | True | 10:43 |
jenda_very_busy | sorry ajmitch | 10:44 |
Seveas | ajmitch, only if people are advising it | 10:44 |
Kyral | Seveas: I will make sure it doesn't have bugs. | 10:44 |
=== flodine [n=flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Rockj | oki. Ill do a reboot and see's if it works better now | 10:44 |
Seveas | because that should not be done (yet - hopoefully) | 10:44 |
Rockj | brb :) | 10:44 |
hajiki | Anyone know what happened to the Evolution option to 'reply inline' instead of Quoted??? | 10:44 |
jenda_very_busy | Seveas: just please do not bash the program you don't know | 10:44 |
Kyral | You can be sure that many VMWare installs will be used in its testing | 10:44 |
=== bronson [n=bronson@c-24-34-214-222.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== BenUrban didn't think "fglrx" is a very good reason to quit | ||
BenUrban | s/is/was/ | 10:45 |
Comrade_Vladimir | seveas is the op obviosly he knows | 10:45 |
trappist | fglrx works great here, as long as I don't try to use the composite extension | 10:45 |
Seveas | in that case... | 10:45 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Seveas] by Seveas | ||
jenda_very_busy | People will remember the name - you can always say "isn't ready yet" instead of "is crap", right? | 10:45 |
=== Kyral smirks | ||
=== klausos [i=klausos@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kyral | Even without Ops Seveas is very knowledgeable | 10:46 |
Comrade_Vladimir | thanks for crappin out my defense of u | 10:46 |
ajmitch | Seveas: now you need to appoint someone else to keep the peace :) | 10:46 |
=== BenUrban glues a big green dot to Seveas' clothing | ||
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klausos | hello, i need help to configure my network on ubuntu | 10:46 |
Kyral | Even among us Members :D | 10:46 |
Comrade_Vladimir | lol | 10:46 |
BenUrban | you can't escape! ;) | 10:46 |
Seveas | klausos, a bit more details would help | 10:46 |
Comrade_Vladimir | can i be the op now | 10:46 |
k31th_ | guys, just wondering wat you all use as server platforms ? | 10:46 |
Kyral | k31th_: I don't lol | 10:46 |
Comrade_Vladimir | oh dennis | 10:46 |
k31th_ | im tied between debian gentoo... | 10:47 |
k31th_ | possibly ubuntu ? | 10:47 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ | ||
Seveas | k31th_, I use Ubuntu | 10:47 |
Seveas | and gentoo | 10:47 |
Seveas | but Ubuntu is far better for servers | 10:47 |
BenUrban | k31th_: i recommend against gentoo for a server unless you really know what you're doing | 10:47 |
Comrade_Vladimir | how do u get chan serv to do that? | 10:47 |
stef65 | k31th_: via epia m10k as router/fw/fileserver | 10:47 |
Kyral | Comrade_Vladimir: have access | 10:47 |
Seveas | down time for a mysql upgrade: 5 mins. on Ubuntu - 4 hours on gentoo | 10:47 |
BenUrban | Comrade_Vladimir: you get on the access list ;) | 10:47 |
Comrade_Vladimir | how? | 10:48 |
=== K_Dallas [n=Korben@i216-58-62-171.cybersurf.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BenUrban | Seveas: you know you can compile without upgrading, right? | 10:48 |
jenda_very_busy | Comrade_Vladimir: someone who is already there will put you on it | 10:48 |
=== MikeG [n=gehlm@adsl-68-254-165-200.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Comrade_Vladimir] by ChanServ | ||
Seveas | :) | 10:48 |
Comrade_Vladimir | oh hey seveas can i call in a favor | 10:48 |
k31th_ | Seveas: how you get on with the 6 month turn around ? | 10:48 |
BenUrban | ... | 10:48 |
=== Sandervanvliet [n=sander@ip51ccf0d1.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Comrade_Vladimir] by ChanServ | ||
Comrade_Vladimir | thanks | 10:48 |
stef65 | quote: 'ubuntu is an ancient african saying for: I'm sick of compiling gentoo' | 10:48 |
BenUrban | lmao | 10:49 |
Comrade_Vladimir | no! | 10:49 |
Kyral | k31th_: Its called fun :D | 10:49 |
ajmitch | Comrade_Vladimir: settle.. :) | 10:49 |
=== K_Dallas [n=Korben@i216-58-62-171.cybersurf.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
Comrade_Vladimir | i like authority | 10:49 |
Seveas | k31th_, what do you mean? | 10:49 |
=== gregburd [n=gburd@c-24-218-83-169.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BenUrban | Seveas: i usually take less time to deop ;) | 10:49 |
Seveas | Ubuntu releases security update after release, that's all I need on a server | 10:49 |
=== jenco [n=jenco@me-lewiston-cuda1-c1d-47.agstme.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BenUrban | can't be too careful :P | 10:49 |
ajmitch | k31th_: you don't have to upgrade every 6 months | 10:49 |
=== DR_K13 [n=ISAJEEP@] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
DR_K13 | hi | 10:50 |
k31th_ | yeah well i dont think every 6 months is so bad | 10:50 |
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=== n3C [n=n3C@klik28.klik.bydgoszcz.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
corresponder | hi | 10:50 |
ajmitch | k31th_: especially with the coming dapper release, which will have 5 years of support | 10:50 |
Comrade_Vladimir | is there a good alternative for Gaim that i could use instead | 10:50 |
k31th_ | i like to stay current | 10:50 |
ajmitch | k31th_: the others have 18 months | 10:50 |
Seveas | k31th_, every release has 18 months of supportm dapper 5 years | 10:50 |
Comrade_Vladimir | isnt dapper out in beta already? | 10:50 |
XiCillin | kopete comrad_Vladimir | 10:50 |
k31th_ | i see | 10:50 |
Kyral | Comrade_Vladimir: Kopete? | 10:50 |
Seveas | stability is more important for servers than having the latest | 10:50 |
ajmitch | Comrade_Vladimir: no, beta release is coming next year | 10:50 |
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k31th_ | Seveas: true | 10:50 |
XiCillin | for dapper? | 10:50 |
k31th_ | atm all our work boxes and centos | 10:50 |
Comrade_Vladimir | #kopete people r to incompetant to help me | 10:50 |
k31th_ | are* | 10:51 |
jenco | :/ | 10:51 |
BenUrban | Comrade_Vladimir: what's wrong with gaim? | 10:51 |
=== seth_k|lappy [n=seth@ubuntu/member/sethkinast] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Comrade_Vladimir | i saw people here claiming to have the beta of it (must of been lying | 10:51 |
k31th_ | i want to get rid of centos | 10:51 |
=== skar [n=skar@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | Comrade_Vladimir, dapper is 'in development', you can use it but it's quite unstable | 10:51 |
ajmitch | Comrade_Vladimir: no, there are snapshot test releases, it's in development | 10:51 |
Comrade_Vladimir | BenUrban i cant use a animated icon | 10:51 |
silverton | heh, thought Comrade_Vladimir was talking to me for a moment, my name is dennis too >.< | 10:51 |
ajmitch | beta is scheduled for march 23rd | 10:51 |
BenUrban | Comrade_Vladimir: i can see animated icons in gaim... | 10:52 |
ajmitch | many people will call anything that's not final a beta release :) | 10:52 |
=== DrBair [n=ryan@c-67-186-55-131.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== bimberi [n=bimberi@CWPP-p-203-54-191-176.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Comrade_Vladimir | no seveas name is dennis its what it says or i just know everyones name | 10:52 |
Seveas | Comrade_Vladimir, ? | 10:52 |
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k31th_ | thinking about going for ubuntu then as a server | 10:52 |
Comrade_Vladimir | BenUrban not when the user with it has gaim | 10:52 |
BenUrban | really? | 10:52 |
BenUrban | :/ | 10:52 |
BenUrban | wait no that's not true | 10:52 |
Comrade_Vladimir | no seveas ur name is dennis correct? | 10:53 |
skar | hi all, i've breezy, and installed vserver patched kernel from a deb repo, and now my nvidia module isn't working, how do i get the compiled nvidia module for this kernel? | 10:53 |
Seveas | Comrade_Vladimir, as everyone who knows /whois can see, yes | 10:53 |
Comrade_Vladimir | wow u know commands good for u! | 10:53 |
=== mindtriggerz[h] [i=root@12-202-100-84.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== NetGrunt [n=NetGrunt@85-50-15-58.bcn1.adsl.uni2.es] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
bimberi | is using real names kinda 'not the done thing' on irc? | 10:53 |
jenco | ok, newb question where can i go to get some useful info on installing quake 2 for linux? :P | 10:54 |
Comrade_Vladimir | or has a mouse with a mouse with 3 buttons | 10:54 |
BenUrban | bimberi: huh? | 10:54 |
Seveas | bimberi, I don't really care myself | 10:54 |
DR_K13 | forum | 10:54 |
ajmitch | bimberi: in the channel this large, highlighting on nick is easier | 10:54 |
mindtriggerz[h] | jenco: google quake 2 linux | 10:54 |
Comrade_Vladimir | jenco does it say u can on the box | 10:54 |
=== SantaD1 [n=damian@pool-71-104-105-237.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ajmitch | in smaller channels we use names :) | 10:54 |
BenUrban | bimberi: my name *really* is ben urban :) | 10:54 |
k31th_ | using your real name is kool on freenode | 10:54 |
korhalf | The themes in install don't show up in the Theme Manager | 10:54 |
bimberi | BenUrban: well ok :) but, as a sort of netiquette thing | 10:54 |
Comrade_Vladimir | not like anyones gonna come ond get u | 10:54 |
korhalf | I installed it, and it says it should be accesible, yet it's no where to be found | 10:54 |
BenUrban | my name is also Ben Urban_ | 10:55 |
BenUrban | and Ben Urban__ | 10:55 |
silverton | bimberi, I use my real name | 10:55 |
BenUrban | ;) | 10:55 |
DR_K13 | My name is isajeep | 10:55 |
Comrade_Vladimir | i kinda do | 10:55 |
sethk | well, my name is donald trump, but nobody ever believes me. :) ?? | 10:55 |
DR_K13 | lol dork | 10:55 |
Seveas | YOU'RE FIRED! | 10:55 |
=== bimberi wonders what he's started :P | ||
BenUrban | lol | 10:55 |
korhalf | Can this be taken to #ubuntu-offtopic? | 10:56 |
=== lee_ [n=lee@host86-132-227-161.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lee_ | how to make my ra0 (wifi) avalible to a machoine conneted to my eth0 ? | 10:56 |
korhalf | does anyone know why my themes arent being shown, i installed them, they just arent showing up | 10:56 |
Comrade_Vladimir | yea but were all lazy computer people | 10:56 |
=== BenUrban wonders why there's an ubuntu-specific offtopic channel | ||
Mitja | korhalf: did you post that alsa.conf allowing multiple sounds? | 10:56 |
=== donny [n=donny@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Comrade_Vladimir | need a offtopic page for ubuntu duh | 10:56 |
Seveas | BenUrban, for general chatter of the people in here | 10:56 |
=== linx [n=linx@dsl51B67FAA.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mindtriggerz[h] | lee_ iptables & masquerade. google it | 10:56 |
korhalf | Mitja, a while ago yes. | 10:56 |
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linx | how do i open ports | 10:56 |
k31th_ | there is one | 10:57 |
Seveas | this channel is only for support (so we are completely violating channel policy) | 10:57 |
BenUrban | Seveas: lol nm you didn't get the joke | 10:57 |
=== Fear_cult [n=fear@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sethk | linx, how are the ports closed in the first place? | 10:57 |
Mitja | korhalf: I went offline, could you give me the link? | 10:57 |
navarone | link firs t oyu need air superiority...<s> | 10:57 |
Seveas | linx, reverse the actions you took that closed them | 10:57 |
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korhalf | How come my themes arent showing up? | 10:57 |
=== bla|patrick [n=patrick@dyndsl-080-228-221-068.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
linx | i didn't close | 10:57 |
DR_K13 | because you touch yourself at night | 10:57 |
=== cecilia [n=cecilia@139.Red-83-37-189.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
donny | hola | 10:57 |
donny | hola | 10:57 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %DR_K13!*@*] by Seveas | ||
Comrade_Vladimir | haha | 10:58 |
cecilia | hola | 10:58 |
mindtriggerz[h] | LOL | 10:58 |
Comrade_Vladimir | thats what i want op status for | 10:58 |
BenUrban | cecilia: we hear you | 10:58 |
=== joshi_ [n=joshi@veeriku.linking.ee] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linx | i installed proftpd and when i go to my ip:21 it says the port is closed due to security reasons | 10:58 |
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korhalf | linx, , dj linx? | 10:58 |
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Seveas | linx, then you need to configure proftpd :) | 10:58 |
linx | ya | 10:58 |
=== DR_K13 [n=ISAJEEP@] has left #Ubuntu [] | ||
joshi_ | hello.. i got quick question: is it pointy to s | 10:58 |
Seveas | linx, /usr/share/doc/proftpd/* helps | 10:58 |
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joshi_ | shut down linux or let it go stand by? | 10:59 |
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=== DR_K13 [n=ISAJEEP@] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Seveas | joshi_, it saves energy | 10:59 |
=== linx is now known as DjLinX | ||
=== theblue_ [n=theblue@pcp04402293pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
theblue_ | Hi all. | 10:59 |
Seveas | hi | 10:59 |
corresponder | hi u | 10:59 |
theblue_ | I have a suggestion for Ubuntu. | 10:59 |
Seveas | cool | 10:59 |
Comrade_Vladimir | can someone run me thoough how to install bitlbee | 10:59 |
Seveas | !info bitlbee | 10:59 |
Comrade_Vladimir | yea an installer | 10:59 |
jenco | !info kde | 10:59 |
Comrade_Vladimir | theblue_ | 10:59 |
=== jcsmith [n=jcsmith@68-233-80-11.pittpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | bitlbee: (An IRC to other chat networks gateway), section universe/net, is optional. Version: 0.92-1 (breezy), Packaged size: 289 kB, Installed size: 764 kB | 10:59 |
=== jenda_very_busy is now known as jenda_zZz | ||
theblue_ | Here's my idea: alias "exit" to "clear && logout", so that the screen is cleared and then the logoin prompt is displayed. | 11:00 |
ubotu | kde: (The K Desktop Environment), section universe/kde, is optional. Version: 5:44ubuntu2 (breezy), Packaged size: 7 kB, Installed size: 40 kB | 11:00 |
Comrade_Vladimir | !info bitlbee | 11:00 |
Jared | i still can't get JAVA to work | 11:00 |
=== BenUrban points at theblue_'s hostname and looks out the window | ||
Seveas | Comrade_Vladimir, apt-get install bitlbee, connect your irc client to it | 11:00 |
theblue_ | BenUrban: Where're you? | 11:00 |
=== theblue_ looks out window./ | ||
=== BenUrban points to his own hostname | ||
Comrade_Vladimir | i dont want to use it for irc i use x chat or game for that | 11:00 |
joshi_ | Seveas: ok... ill consider that aspect | 11:00 |
mindtriggerz[h] | theblue_: ::1 | 11:00 |
theblue_ | mindtriggerz[h] : ? | 11:00 |
theblue_ | BenUrban: I only see an IP. | 11:01 |
BenUrban | if you don't see a wifi network called URBAN you're not my neighbor ;) | 11:01 |
BenUrban | oh :/ | 11:01 |
BenUrban | theblue_: silver spring | 11:01 |
theblue_ | I'm in bethesda. | 11:01 |
=== Rockj [n=rockj@spine.tihlde.org] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== dnB [n=dnB@24-205-181-251.dhcp.wsco.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mindtriggerz[h] | theblue_: ::1 is the IPv6 | 11:02 |
theblue_ | mindtriggerz[h] : Ah. | 11:02 |
theblue_ | mindtriggerz[h] : I know nothing about IPv6. | 11:02 |
mindtriggerz[h] | :) | 11:02 |
theblue_ | mindtriggerz[h] : But what about it? | 11:02 |
mindtriggerz[h] | I only know that | 11:02 |
mindtriggerz[h] | that's where I am | 11:02 |
mindtriggerz[h] | ::1 | 11:02 |
theblue_ | ... | 11:02 |
Seveas | There's no place like ::1 | 11:02 |
BenUrban | theblue_: anyway, in response to your comment about using clear, i have clear in my .bash_logout, which works just fine | 11:02 |
k31th_ | who watches smallville for the hot chick ? | 11:02 |
=== k31th_ puts his hand up | ||
=== theblue_ clicks his ruby mouses together. | ||
mindtriggerz[h] | k31th_: not I | 11:03 |
theblue_ | There' | 11:03 |
=== CyBuX [n=cybux@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
theblue_ | There's no place like | 11:03 |
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theblue_ | There's no place like | 11:03 |
theblue_ | There's no place like | 11:03 |
=== theblue_ poofs. | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %theblue_!*@*] by Seveas | ||
mindtriggerz[h] | lol | 11:03 |
Comrade_Vladimir | seveas ok now how do i use it | 11:03 |
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Comrade_Vladimir | and why r u bannin people | 11:03 |
CyBuX | hi all | 11:03 |
=== BenUrban wonders how theblue_ got into his house | ||
Seveas | Comrade_Vladimir, connect your irc client to it | 11:03 |
Rockj | Hey again. After the apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx , I get a error while trying to run glxgears. error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: .. missing some opengl package? :/ | 11:03 |
Seveas | Comrade_Vladimir, in that case: flooding | 11:03 |
CyBuX | i need help | 11:03 |
corresponder | with? | 11:03 |
Comrade_Vladimir | hmm ok how do i do that now | 11:03 |
CyBuX | i need install ubuntu on intel 64 bits | 11:03 |
CyBuX | what is the better option to do? | 11:04 |
Comrade_Vladimir | get the ubuntu 64 bit disc | 11:04 |
CyBuX | ubuntu amd64? | 11:04 |
Seveas | yes | 11:04 |
silverton | 0.o | 11:04 |
=== cafuego [n=cafuego_@ppp83-238.lns2.mel3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CyBuX | ok, thanks | 11:04 |
Comrade_Vladimir | how do i link bitlbee to itc | 11:04 |
silverton | I thought there were two different discs for intel and amd 64bit processors | 11:04 |
Comrade_Vladimir | hi cafuego | 11:04 |
Ng | silverton: depends which intel 64bit processor | 11:05 |
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=== cafuego knows nothing about it and denies any involvement | ||
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CyBuX | differents versions? | 11:05 |
=== aris[glande] [n=aris@165-12.247.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Comrade_Vladimir | sure | 11:05 |
Ng | silverton: the emt64 ones are the same as amd64, but itaniums are a different architecture | 11:05 |
=== Eugene_ [n=chatzill@c-67-171-91-48.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cafuego | There's Itanic and E64mt | 11:05 |
aris[glande] | hey, how do i know which repository a package is from | 11:05 |
Comrade_Vladimir | who has an itanium in a pc now | 11:05 |
cafuego | if you have an e64mt, just install i386 | 11:05 |
Seveas | aris[glande] , apt-cache policy $package | 11:05 |
Comrade_Vladimir | me? | 11:06 |
cafuego | It will save you much headache and frustration. | 11:06 |
aris[glande] | thanks ! | 11:06 |
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Comrade_Vladimir | so how do i link irc to bitlbee! cmon | 11:06 |
cafuego | Comrade_Vladimir: 'man ln' | 11:06 |
k31th_ | wot? | 11:06 |
=== jenco [n=jenco@me-lewiston-cuda1-c1d-47.agstme.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | Comrade_Vladimir, man bitlbee | 11:07 |
Comrade_Vladimir | just that hmm seems to easy cafuego | 11:07 |
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Comrade_Vladimir | which one is it | 11:07 |
cafuego | Comrade_Vladimir: In many ways, it is ;-) | 11:07 |
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Ng | Comrade_Vladimir: ignore cafuego ;) | 11:07 |
cafuego | s/it is/I am/ | 11:07 |
Eugene_ | Hey, is there a comprehensive site for linux programs or even better one with an .iso I can download? When I install ubuntu on the spare it probably won't have internet so apt-get wouldn't work. | 11:07 |
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Comrade_Vladimir | it says Manual page bitlbee(8) line 1 what do i do about it | 11:08 |
Ng | Comrade_Vladimir: read :) | 11:08 |
Seveas | Comrade_Vladimir, scroll down :) | 11:08 |
Seveas | and read :) | 11:08 |
=== greatgazoo [n=greatgaz@ool-457002d7.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Rockj | Hey again. After the apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx , I get a error while trying to run glxgears. error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: Any idea on howto proceed? :/ | 11:08 |
Comrade_Vladimir | no scrolling possible there seveas | 11:08 |
=== Superbob [n=jamie@cpc1-port4-5-0-cust17.cos2.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Comrade_Vladimir | need a paste bin or a screenshot? | 11:09 |
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cafuego | Comrade_Vladimir: Sure there is. allow down or spacebar | 11:09 |
Ophiocus | dowm arrow, page down, even space in some systems | 11:09 |
cafuego | s/allow/arrow/ | 11:09 |
Comrade_Vladimir | oh thnx | 11:09 |
Subhuman | hi, ive been running ubuntu for a while now, but im making a file server for my network, can anyon e tell me the major differences between the server install and the desktop one? is it just lack og x11 and GNOME? | 11:09 |
Seveas | Subhuman, correct | 11:09 |
Comrade_Vladimir | ok down what now will it work now | 11:10 |
Subhuman | Seveas, so thats it? | 11:10 |
corresponder | all in gnu is server-client working | 11:10 |
corresponder | less or | 11:10 |
sethk | Subhuman, there are other client things left out | 11:10 |
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Mitja | korhalf: could you please give me the link to your alsa.conf you posted? | 11:10 |
Subhuman | Well basically, ill be using it for ssh, ftp and webserver. So i may as well just install ther server version. | 11:10 |
sethk | Subhuman, it's a server, so it doesn't need clients. fairly straightforward | 11:10 |
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sethk | Subhuman, sure, that's what it's intended for. | 11:11 |
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SpLaTt | can someone help me out? | 11:11 |
Subhuman | ok, well thanks, just wanted to make sure i knew what i was installing (or in this case, not) | 11:11 |
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Subhuman | see you around | 11:11 |
Skidoo | got a problem - i just installed hoary and everything was working fine. then i ran Synaptic updates and now my machine won't boot. gets as far as uncompressing the kernel, then automatically reboots. i don't know what the problem could be. any idea? | 11:11 |
SpLaTt | <---needs help | 11:12 |
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Comrade_Vladimir | so how do i use bitlbee now? | 11:12 |
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SpLaTt | <----helps needed | 11:12 |
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mz2 | Skidoo: have you tried with the previous kernel images in the boot list | 11:12 |
mwe | SpLaTt: don't repeat. just ask a question | 11:12 |
SpLaTt | oh | 11:13 |
Skidoo | mz2: there aren't any previous kernel images in the menu, unfortunately | 11:13 |
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Skidoo | i'm just wondering if it could perhaps be a hardware issue | 11:14 |
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mz2 | Skidoo: it could indeed, but more likely is that hoary just fucked up :) | 11:14 |
SpLaTt | ok, im installing linux (i got from ur site download page) onto a comp with an old bios. so i made the smart boot floppy. it load, has alot of harddisks, 1 cd rom and a primany 1. i click the cd rom and i get an error message 0x0C | 11:14 |
mz2 | Skidoo: you could always boot up using the live cd, chroot to your installation and try upgrading again | 11:14 |
mz2 | or at least you could look at bootup logs | 11:15 |
mz2 | oh but it probably doesn't get far enough to even start loggin? | 11:15 |
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mz2 | logging | 11:15 |
Seveas | SpLaTt, how old is that machine? Could you give some more details about it | 11:15 |
Comrade_Vladimir | hello back to my bitlbee konvers | 11:15 |
indypende | hi all | 11:15 |
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Skidoo | mz2: yup. there won't be a boot log, and i already tried the live cd and chroot thing, but it did the same thing | 11:15 |
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indypende | why i get totem crash saying "The video output is in use by another application"? | 11:16 |
Mabus06 | Seveas, I don't have a preferences menu in xchat anymore how do I restore it | 11:16 |
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mz2 | Skidoo: bugger. do you have /home on a separate partition? | 11:16 |
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Seveas | Mabus06, settings -> preferences | 11:16 |
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Skidoo | mz2: yep. sure do | 11:17 |
SpLaTt | its an compaq, pen 3. 667. compaq desktop EN | 11:17 |
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Skidoo | hmm. it may not be the kernel itself, cos it crashes at the uncompressing stage. could it be a grub issue? | 11:17 |
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jenco | @@ | 11:17 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %Comrade_Vladimir!*@*] by Seveas | ||
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mz2 | Skidoo: kill the bastard, and just reinstall and hope for the best? :) | 11:17 |
Seveas | Comrade_Vladimir, do not use caps and don't repeat | 11:17 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*n=Nick@*.ns.aliant.net] by Seveas | ||
navarone | Comrade...I believe you simply connect to it in xchat as you would any other server...<?> | 11:18 |
mz2 | Skidoo: if you suspect that, put the livecd in and boot up using the boot menu on the cd? | 11:18 |
RazboiniK | Hello, The evolution in ubuntu doesn't allow me to select multiple contacts at the same time or group them by categories, is there a plugin missing or is that evolution version? | 11:18 |
Skidoo | mz2: unfortunately, that's what i've just done! i had installed previously, but a similar thing happened, and i've just got around to reinstalling tonight :( | 11:18 |
trappist | Comrade_Vladimir: bitlbee has documentation. if you have a specific question maybe you'll have better luck asking that. | 11:18 |
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Skidoo | mz2: i can boot from the live cd ok | 11:18 |
mz2 | Skidoo: no, but as in boot from the live cd using the initrd and kernel image from your hd? | 11:19 |
SpLaTt | Compaq Desktpro EN Series. pen3. 667 ****** | 11:19 |
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mz2 | the boot cd has grub, too? or is it isolinux or the like? then that probably doesn't work, or am not sure how | 11:19 |
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Skidoo | mz2: hmm. not sure if i'd be able to boot from the hd using the live cd | 11:20 |
RazboiniK | anyone has solved that problem with evolution? | 11:20 |
rhoffaa | im trying to send a file with gftp and i keep getting error saying not a directory | 11:20 |
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Skidoo | grub has to know where the kernel image lives | 11:20 |
rhoffaa | why wont it let me send? | 11:20 |
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rhoffaa | it says couldnt change local directory then my directory the files is then not a directory | 11:21 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b mabus!*@*] by Seveas | ||
cafuego | Oh dear, transset and Remote Desktop *really* are not friends. | 11:21 |
mz2 | yes, but have you noticed you can edit those things on the fly when booting up? the place that's used as root, the lpace where initrd is, the kernel image and so oin | 11:21 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*n=Nick@*.ns.aliant.net] by Seveas | ||
Skidoo | mz2: right. ok. but wouldn't i need to know the exact location on the hard disk? | 11:22 |
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rhoffaa | anyone know of that problem when transfering files with gftp | 11:22 |
tonyyarusso | I'm having an issue with tpb (ThinkPad buttons), that seems to be permissions-related. | 11:23 |
tonyyarusso | The program needs to access /dev/nvram, which has its permissions set as crw-rw----. | 11:23 |
tonyyarusso | The owner:group is root:nvram. | 11:24 |
Skidoo | question is... what process uncompresses the kernel, and why's it crashing the machine? | 11:24 |
tonyyarusso | I noticed that even if I changed the permission, it would revert upon reboot. Anyone know why? | 11:24 |
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Seveas | tonyyarusso, sudo adduser $USER nvram | 11:25 |
SpLaTt | ill try again... Compaq Desktop EN Series. 667. pent3. = old bios. cant be updated. make a smart boot floppy. selects only cd section. gets an error msg. 0x0C (and i dont know if this makes much or a different, but the linux isnt an image on my cd, but seperate files) | 11:25 |
tonyyarusso | Seveas: That should do it; thanks. For future reference though relating to my first thought, why would something revert like that? | 11:26 |
rhoffaa | anyone able to help with a gftp problem | 11:26 |
Mabus06 | How do I restore the settings menu on xchat | 11:26 |
Seveas | tonyyarusso, /dev/is dynamically created on boot by udev | 11:26 |
rhoffaa | its on the linux end the problem not the remote (xbox) | 11:26 |
tonyyarusso | Seveas: Ah, that would do it. | 11:26 |
cafuego | SpLaTt: A P3 should have no issues simply booting the CD directly. | 11:27 |
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SpLaTt | it doesnt tho. | 11:27 |
SpLaTt | my bios doesnt let or something | 11:28 |
cafuego | SpLaTt: Any chance the CD is busted? Can you test it on a different machine? | 11:28 |
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=== Manda [n=tammy@tx-65-41-241-208.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Manda | ##/apple | 11:28 |
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SpLaTt | well i can explore the cd no problem. and on my main it does an auto extract and stuff. and i dont think thats the problem | 11:28 |
Manda | ##apple | 11:29 |
Manda | join/##apple | 11:29 |
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Seveas | Manda, /join ##apple | 11:29 |
Manda | thank | 11:29 |
Manda | thanks | 11:29 |
none | good evening, how do I make dvd playback work on my new laptop, have installed libdvdcss2 but no luck | 11:29 |
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Seveas | none, which player are you using? | 11:30 |
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tonyyarusso | none: I think there's a new package now, libdvdread3, that replaces it. And depending on where you are, maybe regionset. | 11:30 |
surfdue | is there a program to log all ssh sudo command usage? | 11:31 |
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surfdue | i have a friend im leaving he has sudo | 11:31 |
surfdue | wanna make sure he is ok, heh | 11:31 |
Seveas | surfdue, sudo already logs | 11:31 |
cafuego | surfdue: all sudo usage is already logged to syslog | 11:31 |
Seveas | in auth.log | 11:31 |
surfdue | kk | 11:31 |
surfdue | thanks | 11:31 |
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rhoffaa | i have found other people with my gftp problem on a webpage and theres no answer posted, does anyone know why i keep getting cant change local directory error message | 11:31 |
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none | Seveas, which do you recomend, tried xine, don't like it much | 11:32 |
Seveas | none, totem-xine is my favourite | 11:32 |
Seveas | you might need w32codecs too | 11:32 |
none | tonyyarusso, will try that now, thanks | 11:32 |
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surfdue | how do you enable root su? | 11:33 |
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BenUrban | how do i reconfigure xorg? | 11:33 |
dooglus | sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 11:33 |
BenUrban | thx | 11:33 |
bimberi | surfdue: sudo -i (will get you a root login shell) | 11:34 |
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dooglus | surfdue: if you want to use "su" instead of "sudo" you'll need to set the root password to something using "sudo passwd" | 11:34 |
dooglus | surfdue: it's probably not a good idea though. keep the root password locked. | 11:35 |
surfdue | how do i unlock it | 11:35 |
dooglus | surfdue: "sudo passwd" will unlock it. "sudo passwd -l" will lock it again | 11:35 |
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beelzebub1987 | eh | 11:36 |
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Seveas | hi Satan | 11:36 |
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rhoffaa | i have searched and read faqs and i still cant find out how to get past this cant change directory error in gftp does anyone know how to fix it | 11:38 |
dooglus | rhoffaa: how can I see the problem? | 11:38 |
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Seveas | rhoffaa, can you put the complete error on the pastebin | 11:39 |
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rhoffaa | i dont know if you need to see it, i just keep getting an error message when trying to send individual files not really directories | 11:39 |
rhoffaa | its short i can put it on here | 11:39 |
Dido- | anyone here rights in cyrillics ? | 11:39 |
kenny_ | I'm sure this is heard very, very often...so...let's just say I completed all the steps on the FAQ for installing MP3 decoders and I'm still having trouble. Most common fix for this? | 11:40 |
rhoffaa | Could not change local directory to /home/rhoffa/Desktop/XBMC/evoxdash.xbe: Not a directory | 11:40 |
beelzebub1987 | Anyone here ever try Unreal tournament Demo v348 on ubuntu? | 11:40 |
Seveas | kenny_, apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad | 11:40 |
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denisbr | Good Night | 11:40 |
dooglus | rhoffaa: if we can't reproduce the problem, how can we help you fix it? | 11:40 |
Seveas | rhoffaa, very simple, it's not a directory :) | 11:40 |
rhoffaa | i just sent he error message above | 11:40 |
dooglus | rhoffaa: it looks like you're trying to CD to a file rather than a directory, but it's hard to say | 11:40 |
klausos | i need to know why dhcp is not recognised | 11:40 |
Seveas | rhoffaa, note: symlinks do NOT count as directories | 11:40 |
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rhoffaa | im trying to send 2 files individual to my xbox | 11:41 |
BenUrban | what is the proper state of .Xauthority? | 11:41 |
rhoffaa | i already sent a directory | 11:41 |
kenny_ | apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad | 11:41 |
trappist | though you can cd to symlink/ | 11:41 |
BenUrban | (before starting x) | 11:41 |
kenny_ | Thanks. | 11:41 |
kenny_ | Did the trick. | 11:41 |
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beelzebub1987 | Seveas, when I updated the fglrx driver from your repo my driver messed up and it kept saying I had Mesa no matter what I did, so I ended up reinstalling ubuntu ='( | 11:41 |
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Seveas | beelzebub1987, did you install both kernel and xorg driver? | 11:41 |
rhoffaa | i sent awhe xbmc folder to my box, but the 2 individual files wont send to a different directory on the xbox | 11:42 |
beelzebub1987 | heh, wouldn't remember | 11:42 |
BenUrban | ooh maybe that's what screwed p my xorg | 11:42 |
BenUrban | *up | 11:42 |
denisbr | Ubuntu respect the Contract Social Debian? | 11:42 |
beelzebub1987 | It just said I had updates on the update manager | 11:42 |
lampshade | Is there kinda an enlightenment-desktop like there is a gnome-desktop, etc? Is enlightenment in the normal repos or is it in world or universe? How do I ask ubotu about packages so I don't have to bothter you people? | 11:42 |
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beelzebub1987 | and I updated like I usually do | 11:42 |
rhoffaa | this isnt an xbox problem though its something with gftp | 11:42 |
FarrisG | I have a bunch of USB hard drives that may or may not be plugged in at boot time. However, whether they're plugged in or not seems to determine the /dev/sd* node that my RAID card drives get, since the usb-storage mod gets loaded first and udev/hotplug creates the nodes. Is there an easy way to always map my RAID card drives to a /dev/something* symlink, so that it doesn't matter which order the /dev/sd* drives are in? | 11:42 |
trappist | denisbr: the debian social contract? | 11:42 |
=== kt0xd [n=fenix@95-56-246-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
beelzebub1987 | doesn't matter now though, I'm using the 8.20.8 driver, works much better than 16 | 11:42 |
=== Tomcat_ [n=Tomcat@p54A18B0A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tonyyarusso | lampshade: !whateveryouneedtoknowabout | 11:42 |
kt0xd | help please i have problem with the ltsp!!!! | 11:42 |
selinium | lampshade, apt-cache search <app> | 11:43 |
Seveas | beelzebub1987, that's quite important, the upgrade there only installs the xorg driver, not the kernel module! | 11:43 |
BenUrban | FarrisG: i have that same issue with my wifi card | 11:43 |
beelzebub1987 | Has anyone here tried Unreal Tournament Demo v348 (linux version)? | 11:43 |
trappist | kt0xd: the trick is to ask a question | 11:43 |
denisbr | trappist, yes, the ubuntu is based in the Contract Social Debian? http://www.debian.org/social_contract | 11:43 |
cowbud | !beer | 11:43 |
BenUrban | Seveas: so you broke my xorg? | 11:43 |
=== ubotu pours cowbud a cold pint of his favourite beer. | ||
Mabus06 | Can anyone help me to get kopete to work in both sending and recieving webcam? I can do either but not at the same time. | 11:43 |
beelzebub1987 | I see seveas, thanks. Had I known that then I woulda saved a lot of hassle =( | 11:43 |
=== testmachine [n=assink@ip237-239-58-62.adsl.versatel.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
selinium | lampshade, http://www.soulmachine.net/wiki/index.php?title=Enlightenment_on_Ubuntu_5.10_%28Breezy_Badger%29 | 11:43 |
rhoffaa | saveas or dooglas what should i do to get this files sent? | 11:43 |
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Seveas | BenUrban, I broke nothing :) | 11:43 |
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kt0xd | sorry but i don speak english can you help me? | 11:43 |
kt0xd | what is the trick | 11:44 |
dooglus | rhoffaa: did you try using "ftp" instead of "gftp"? | 11:44 |
beelzebub1987 | my xorg is perfect now, so I'm happy =) | 11:44 |
Seveas | kt0xd, #ubuntu-es may help | 11:44 |
BenUrban | Seveas: how do i make sure that your drivers are not installed? | 11:44 |
rhoffaa | no someone told me to dl this | 11:44 |
rhoffaa | i willthough | 11:44 |
kt0xd | ok thank you | 11:44 |
Seveas | BenUrban, don't use my repository | 11:44 |
BenUrban | ... | 11:44 |
rhoffaa | thanks | 11:44 |
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beelzebub1987 | lol benurban | 11:44 |
beelzebub1987 | it's true | 11:44 |
BenUrban | can't i mask packages in ubuntu? | 11:44 |
Seveas | BenUrban, but now that I know this, I'll fix it | 11:44 |
trappist | beelzebub1987: you only THINK it's perfect. I started playing with FontPaths and stuff yesterday, and I've never been happier with the way my desktop looks. | 11:44 |
rhoffaa | ho do i run ftp? | 11:44 |
beelzebub1987 | trappist, what? | 11:45 |
selinium | BenUrban, yes, but I can't remember how! | 11:45 |
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BenUrban | lmao | 11:45 |
dooglus | rhoffaa: open a terminal. type "ftp <hostname>" or "ftp <ip-address>" | 11:45 |
trappist | beelzebub1987: I'm just saying there's a lot more that can be done. if it ain't broke, tweak it! | 11:45 |
BenUrban | meanwhile i need to revert to the official fglrx stuff | 11:45 |
BenUrban | how do i get them back? | 11:45 |
beelzebub1987 | trappist, thanks for the tip, I'll do some tweaking when I get the time =) | 11:45 |
Seveas | BenUrban, this is the official fglrx stuff | 11:45 |
=== roune [n=roune@c-2b0b72d5.014-56-76786a1.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BenUrban | ... | 11:45 |
diesel | Anyone know how to get a listing of at jobs that shows what will actually run? | 11:45 |
Seveas | BenUrban, install the kernel module from my repo and it's complete | 11:46 |
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BenUrban | Seveas: how do i do that? | 11:46 |
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trappist | Dido-: atq? | 11:46 |
beelzebub1987 | BenUrban, either do that or install the latest ati drivers form the ati website | 11:46 |
dooglus | Dido-: "at -c"? | 11:46 |
mwe | diesel: list that shows what will run? | 11:46 |
Seveas | beelzebub1987, these are the latest ati.com drivers | 11:46 |
BenUrban | :/ | 11:46 |
beelzebub1987 | oh? | 11:46 |
beelzebub1987 | when I updated it was .19 | 11:46 |
beelzebub1987 | something | 11:46 |
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Seveas | afk, fixing the packages | 11:46 |
beelzebub1987 | Thanks =) | 11:47 |
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roune | how do i install xmms on ubuntu? | 11:47 |
beelzebub1987 | you must have updated them in a few days worth | 11:47 |
mlehrer | what is the best way to get the complete set of video codecs to work on ubuntu | 11:47 |
=== skrollan [n=skrollan@I8d23.i.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
beelzebub1987 | in that case, good job Seveas =P | 11:47 |
BenUrban | mlehrer: w32codecs maybe? | 11:47 |
rhoffaa | haha ughhhhhhhh is there a front end for any other ftp? | 11:47 |
rhoffaa | i cant get it working | 11:47 |
kt0xd | roune do $ sudo aptitude install xmms | 11:47 |
roughtrader | question: I have a dual-core opteron machine, should I install ubuntu for amd64? | 11:47 |
rhoffaa | im getting pissssed | 11:47 |
beelzebub1987 | or "sudo apt-get install wxvlc | 11:47 |
beelzebub1987 | woops | 11:47 |
beelzebub1987 | I mean | 11:47 |
beelzebub1987 | yeah | 11:47 |
mlehrer | BenUrban: i don't see that package available with apt-get | 11:47 |
dooglus | rhoffaa: maybe try again when you're sober? | 11:47 |
beelzebub1987 | wxvlc is a very nice media player | 11:48 |
roune | omg | 11:48 |
BenUrban | mlehrer: dunno exactly what it's called | 11:48 |
roune | how can u know all thos stuff! | 11:48 |
Skidoo | anyone know if there's a list of known ubuntu kernel issues anywhere? | 11:48 |
roune | it worked anyway, thanks! | 11:48 |
rhoffaa | haha my ftp skills arent to good, and its already giving me trouble entering my username when i know it is xbox | 11:48 |
BenUrban | ... | 11:48 |
BenUrban | why is your username xbox? ;) | 11:48 |
beelzebub1987 | lol; | 11:48 |
rhoffaa | you havnt heard of anyone else having this problem with that error message i sent you earlier so i could just fix that and get on | 11:48 |
dooglus | 'cos the FTP server is running on an xbox... | 11:48 |
k31th_ | lol | 11:48 |
diesel | For example, if I atq i get the following output: 3 2005-12-15 11:55 a root. How do I see what 3 is actually going to run? | 11:49 |
rhoffaa | yea | 11:49 |
=== YoManWazap [n=Eric@HSE-Montreal-ppp3472700.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
k31th_ | yeah im going to turn my xbox into a ftp server i think | 11:49 |
rhoffaa | i want it for xbmc | 11:49 |
k31th_ | i have that atm | 11:49 |
k31th_ | xbmc is the shit yall | 11:49 |
rhoffaa | but, i cant get the xbmc.xbe and xml over, the directory will transfer but those two files individually in another directory wont work | 11:49 |
k31th_ | i have an old p2 for a router atm | 11:50 |
BenUrban | k31th_: language | 11:50 |
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k31th_ | soz | 11:50 |
roughtrader | question: I have a dual-core opteron machine, should I install ubuntu for amd64? | 11:50 |
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k31th_ | wouldnt mind sticking a diff distro on it tho | 11:50 |
k31th_ | if i can get the ADSL card to work :p | 11:50 |
rhoffaa | but i wish someone could help me with this problem anyone ever have ftping problems | 11:50 |
Mabus06 | Anyone know of a program that can send and recieve webcam at the same time, that can be used between an ubuntu computer and a windows one? | 11:50 |
gleesond | I just installed kde and it doesn't seem to be working right... is there a set of pakages that I might need to make it work correctly in ubuntu? | 11:51 |
dooglus | diesel: I already told you. "at -c" like "at -c 3" to see job 3 | 11:51 |
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diesel | dooglus: well, I asked in different way, didn't I...in which you gava different anser | 11:52 |
roune | kt0xd , it started to do something, but when it was done with the jibberish, it said like no packages installed | 11:52 |
=== rudiz [n=rudiZ_@e189253.upc-e.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cafuego | roughtrader: Yes, you should. | 11:53 |
cafuego | roughtrader: I'm fairly sure opterons won't run i386 stuff anyway. | 11:53 |
rudiz | how i get rid of the Debian-menu inKmenu? | 11:53 |
bullitt_ | some fonts have dissapeared in firefox, even when I highlight them, cannot see what is typed | 11:54 |
BenUrban | deja vu | 11:54 |
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bullitt_ | well, I did ask it before | 11:54 |
aguazer0 | hi | 11:55 |
corresponder | ho | 11:55 |
BenUrban | yeah, an hour ago | 11:55 |
BenUrban | lol | 11:55 |
BenUrban | most people aren't that patient :P | 11:55 |
bullitt_ | and no one responded then, except for one person saying it happened since he upgraded | 11:55 |
mwe | rudiz: I think you have to either uninstall menu or hack kde config files | 11:55 |
m0biu5 | Does anyone here use alltray? | 11:55 |
picasso | hey, anybody use cantus on ubuntu? | 11:55 |
=== spacey [n=spacey@flits101-191.flits.rug.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
picasso | its a nice gtk mp3/id3 renamer/tagger | 11:55 |
=== riffic [n=drriffic@user-0c6t1gs.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mwe | rudiz: or it will put it back when you install something new | 11:55 |
picasso | which apparently has only very old version included in ubuntu | 11:56 |
roune | i tried the sudo aptitude install xmms, it said that no packages installed | 11:56 |
rudiz | apt-get remove menus-xdg? | 11:56 |
aguazer0 | somebody knows what happen with avidemux package? yesterday it was in universe, but I can find it now | 11:56 |
Seveas | roune, enable universe | 11:56 |
riffic | hi I think I might be having alsa issues with dapper can anyone help me troubleshoot so I can file a bug? | 11:56 |
Seveas | !info avidemux | 11:56 |
eruin | picasso, you might want to check out tagtool | 11:56 |
aguazer0 | *can't | 11:56 |
riffic | i use a cs42xx | 11:56 |
picasso | ok, i'll try that | 11:56 |
Seveas | <ubotu> Package 'avidemux' does not exist. | 11:56 |
k31th_ | anyone recomend a good mail & imap server? | 11:56 |
BenUrban | Seveas: done fixing? | 11:56 |
picasso | just need a good interface -- JJ MP3 Renamer for windows is the best i've used | 11:56 |
Seveas | k31th_, I like courier | 11:56 |
BenUrban | k31th_: courier | 11:56 |
mwe | rudiz: no I believe it's just menu | 11:56 |
riffic | er cs46xx | 11:57 |
roughtrader | the nvidia drivers for video cards are really old for 64-bit linux | 11:57 |
cafuego | Seveas: Ubotu doesn't have the extras repos. | 11:57 |
rudiz | mve, removing menu-xdg is also good? | 11:57 |
Seveas | BenUrban, no, waiting for something to download :) | 11:57 |
BenUrban | ah | 11:57 |
k31th_ | courier is a imap server ? | 11:57 |
BenUrban | k31th_: it is | 11:57 |
Seveas | cafuego, he sais universe :) | 11:57 |
rudiz | i wil try it | 11:57 |
=== robertj [n=som@66-188-77-153.dhcp.athn.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eruin | picasso, I'm sure you'll find tagtools interface pleasant :) | 11:57 |
aguazer0 | Seveas, but yesterday avidemux was in universe | 11:57 |
k31th_ | wat about a mail server ? | 11:57 |
roughtrader | is it better to install the regular nvidia drivers even though using the 64-bit linux? | 11:57 |
=== freakazoid3333 [n=matt@pool-151-197-243-61.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cafuego | roughtrader: They're the same as for i386 breezy (and they work fine) | 11:57 |
Seveas | k31th_, imap/pop3/smtp/mailinglist | 11:57 |
mlehrer | is there a bot on this channel? | 11:57 |
aguazer0 | I wonder why | 11:57 |
roughtrader | sweet, thanks cafuego | 11:57 |
BenUrban | Seveas: please pm me when it's fixed | 11:57 |
cafuego | !bot | 11:57 |
ubotu | Yep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel. | 11:57 |
roune | how, do u want me to type that? i did anyway and it didnt work ^^ | 11:57 |
Seveas | BenUrban, will do | 11:57 |
rudiz | Seveas, is it ok to remove menu? | 11:57 |
cafuego | !find bin/avidemux | 11:57 |
k31th_ | Seveas: whats it like at sending large amounts of email ? | 11:58 |
Seveas | good | 11:58 |
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=== BenUrban points out that imap isn't for sending mail | ||
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BenUrban | ;) | 11:58 |
aguazer0 | !find bin/avidemux | 11:58 |
aguazer0 | !find avidemux | 11:58 |
Jared | i have java installed and firefox wont let me play runescape...any ideas | 11:58 |
Rubin | whats the best way to edit files you only have ftp access to? | 11:58 |
mlehrer | ubotu tell mlehrer about w32codecs | 11:58 |
k31th_ | Seveas: its ok to / secure / stable replacment for sendmail ? | 11:58 |
Rubin | is there an easy ftp filesystem or something? | 11:59 |
cafuego | k31th_: postfix+courier (with optional ldap/mysql auth backend) are a great system. | 11:59 |
Seveas | k31th_, yup, I'm very happy with it | 11:59 |
Khisanth | Jared: have "Enable Java" checked in your prefs? | 11:59 |
mwe | rudiz: I do find the debian menu useful though, as not everything goes into the kde menu as far as I can tell | 11:59 |
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k31th_ | courier is not actually a mail server then? i need postfix as well ? | 11:59 |
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Jared | yes it says i need to download the plugin but there isn't one | 11:59 |
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Seveas | k31th_, k31th_ courier does imap/pop3/smtp/mailinglist | 12:00 |
Seveas | no need for anything else | 12:00 |
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