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seth_k|lappy | hmm, kat done... gotta wait to get back home till I can build it though to test | 01:09 |
freeflying | hi , cany anyone give me hand to review a package | 01:15 |
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freeflying | amU: ping | 01:28 |
Tm_T | anyone has solution to this "KDE has big fonts" issue? http://veronica.uninea.fi/~jozo/kubuntu1_fonts.png | 01:51 |
freeflying | Tm_T: hi | 01:52 |
Tm_T | hullo | 01:52 |
allee-dapper | Tm_T: why issue? Please tell use the dpi of your display. Otherwise the image is useless | 01:52 |
freeflying | Tm_T: may you have a look on this http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1100 | 01:53 |
freeflying | allee-dapper: may you have a look on this http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1100 | 01:54 |
Tm_T | allee-dapper: point is, both windows should use same dpi but still fonts are different sizes | 01:54 |
allee-dapper | Tm_T: have the fonts, icons on your desktop the same size as in the screenshot in krita? | 01:59 |
allee-dapper | Tm_T: for a fresh flight2 installation fontsize on desktop is the same as in the menu for a new user and for an user with a ~/ from breezy | 02:07 |
Tm_T | allee-dapper: no, that's not a screenshot from my desktop, but I do have similar problem | 02:08 |
Tm_T | allee-dapper: like, in KDE fonts are bigger than in WindowMaker or any other | 02:09 |
allee-dapper | Tm_T: So WindowMaker and KDE have different default font size. If KDE fonts are really too big: grep -i display /var/log/Xorg.0.log and check if display size is correctly detected | 02:15 |
allee-dapper | Tm_T: here, eg. (--) I810(0): Display dimensions: (410, 310) mm | 02:16 |
Tm_T | allee-dapper: no, if I set both to use size 10 ... | 02:20 |
Tm_T | and because KDE shows fonts bigger, I've forced to xorg to use "wrong" dimensions | 02:21 |
Tm_T | so I can use even a little bit reasonable settings | 02:21 |
Tm_T | that means, in KDE most of fonts are size 8 or 9 but in others its 10 :p | 02:22 |
allee-dapper | Tm_T: windowmaker uses pt (point = 1/72 inch) as the unit? Mhm what your display resolution 75dpi? (xdpyinfo | grep resolution ) | 02:23 |
Tm_T | resolution: 96x96 dots per inch | 02:24 |
Tm_T | allee-dapper: I've tried this with WMaker, FluxBox, Gnome... | 02:25 |
Tm_T | all others shows smaller fonts | 02:25 |
allee-dapper | Tm_T: okay then point an pixel are different. There are almost the same for 75 dpi (but that's no excuse to hardcode a 75 dpi value ;) | 02:25 |
Tm_T | allee-dapper: you mean KDE only use different unit? :p | 02:26 |
allee-dapper | Tm_T: sorry I don't know if the mention desktop env use px or pt as their unit (me hopes not) | 02:26 |
Tm_T | aye | 02:27 |
Tm_T | just strange | 02:27 |
Tm_T | bit nasty too | 02:27 |
Tm_T | anyway, sleep -> | 02:27 |
allee-dapper | Tm_T: KDE uses points (pt) and that's the right thing!! ;) | 02:27 |
allee-dapper | Tm_T: nite | 02:27 |
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allee-dapper | freeflying: ping? | 02:35 |
freeflying | allee-dapper: hi | 02:41 |
=== allee-dapper impatiently waits until revu2 allows non motu to comment | ||
allee-dapper | freeflying: hi, about scim: | 02:42 |
freeflying | allee-dapper: about skim | 02:42 |
allee-dapper | copyright misses a copy of the copyright notice used in the source | 02:42 |
freeflying | allee-dapper: I need one more reviews | 02:43 |
allee-dapper | freeflying: sorry I can only comment on packaging. No vote right | 02:43 |
allee-dapper | freeflying: mhmm I would not vote for it. Still may littel details missing ;) | 02:44 |
allee-dapper | freeflying: e.g. the pkg description does not explain what scim is | 02:45 |
freeflying | allee-dapper: thx . I'll add them | 02:45 |
allee-dapper | freeflying: you build depend on scons but have scons in diff | 02:45 |
freeflying | allee-dapper: there a patch for sconstruct | 02:45 |
allee-dapper | And this: ? | 02:46 |
freeflying | allee-dapper: and scim is in universe , which is a input method | 02:46 |
allee-dapper | --- skim-1.4.3.orig/scons | 02:46 |
allee-dapper | +++ skim-1.4.3/scons | 02:46 |
allee-dapper | @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ | 02:46 |
allee-dapper | don't tell me ;) tell your potential users in the description of the packages ;) | 02:47 |
freeflying | allee-dapper: thx | 02:48 |
allee-dapper | freeflying: homepage: URL in descri tiption is pretty standard | 02:48 |
allee-dapper | freeflying: rules: usually commented out dh_* stuff is better removed | 02:49 |
freeflying | allee-dapper: right | 02:49 |
allee-dapper | freeflying: rules chmod really necessary? doesn't dh_fixperms do the job? | 02:50 |
freeflying | allee-dapper: dh_fixperms dosen't work | 02:50 |
freeflying | so i use chmod | 02:50 |
allee-dapper | freeflying: strange | 02:51 |
freeflying | allee-dapper: ? | 02:52 |
allee-dapper | freeflying: check what header files are included in skims /usr/include/skim/* files and build-dep on the pkg containing them | 02:52 |
allee-dapper | freeflying: strange, that fixperms does not work | 02:52 |
=== Drakeson [n=Drakeson@HSE-Montreal-ppp136485.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
allee-dapper | freeflying: dpatch build-dep but I can't see a diff used by dpatch. | 02:53 |
Drakeson | just to report, I guess something's wrong with Dec 12 version of kpdf. | 02:53 |
Drakeson | I downgraded to Dec 8 and it's fine | 02:54 |
Drakeson | can someone check the recent kpdf to see if it can show a single document? | 02:55 |
Drakeson | (I mean the packaged one from the repos) | 02:55 |
allee-dapper | Drakeson: it's a known problem. Riddell mentioned that he work on it | 02:55 |
allee-dapper | freeflying: you are no listed as (co) maintainer in control | 02:58 |
freeflying | allee-dapper: it's still in debian mentors now | 02:59 |
allee-dapper | ahh, then send your patches to him. It's time he updates whatever is in the mentor side ;) | 03:03 |
allee-dapper | freeflying: try grep -Ri copyright . and licensecheck for kdesdk if copyright holders and distribution licenses are correct | 03:05 |
freeflying | allee-dapper: I've feedback all my works to him | 03:06 |
allee-dapper | freeflying: great. No more comments from my side. Ah last on standard version should be 3.6.2 | 03:08 |
allee-dapper | nite | 03:08 |
freeflying | allee-dapper: thx lots lots | 03:08 |
allee | freeflying: np | 03:09 |
freeflying | Riddell: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/LaptopTestingTeam/Kubuntuflight-2livecdonibook | 03:54 |
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Tm_T | hehe, I ended up to compile my own kicker | 08:23 |
Tm_T | and oh, now it doesn't crash :o | 08:23 |
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seth_k | Riddell, happy Kat here: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1177 & includes .pot generation | 08:41 |
seth_k|away | oh blast, it uses its own kde.mk file | 08:49 |
seth_k|away | I'll need to upload again | 08:49 |
seth_k|away | ah, no, it looks like it knew what it was doing already. Upload is fine I believe, but definitely check it | 09:01 |
Riddell | seth_k|away: clever kat :) | 09:24 |
Riddell | anyone who wants to be super useful can test to see which of these are installable and which aren't http://kubuntu.org/~jr/tmp/KDELIBS | 09:24 |
Tm_T | aye | 09:26 |
Tm_T | you mean which are still dependent to 4c2 ? | 09:27 |
Riddell | Tm_T: yes | 09:27 |
Riddell | should just need one big for loop or something :) | 09:27 |
Tm_T | kdesdk atleast | 09:28 |
Tm_T | because kdevelop3 still doesnt install | 09:28 |
Riddell | kdevelop3 is now on 2 architectures, just not i386 | 09:28 |
Riddell | kdesdk works for me | 09:29 |
Tm_T | hmm | 09:29 |
Tm_T | then what was it :p | 09:29 |
Tm_T | kdevelop3: Depends: kdelibs4c2 (>= 4:3.4.2) but it is not installable | 09:29 |
Tm_T | same for kdevelop3-plugins I think | 09:29 |
Tm_T | there was something else I tried today | 09:30 |
Tm_T | ah, kipi-plugins | 09:30 |
Riddell | buildd's hate kdevelop3 http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/k/kdevelop3/4:3.3.0-0ubuntu3/ | 09:31 |
Riddell | hmm, I had some issue with kipi-plugins, can't remember what it was now | 09:31 |
=== Tm_T is installing k3b | ||
Tm_T | ok, have to go, I might test those more later today if someone else didn't do it before me ;) | 09:34 |
freeflyi1g | Riddell: hi | 09:35 |
Riddell | hi freeflyi1g | 09:36 |
freeflyi1g | I have a test on ibook for livecd | 09:36 |
freeflyi1g | have you got it | 09:36 |
Riddell | freeflyi1g: yeah saw it, lots to fix :( | 09:36 |
freeflyi1g | Riddell: why dose it cost so much time to boot | 09:37 |
Riddell | freeflyi1g: is it slower than breezy? | 09:40 |
freeflyi1g | Riddell: I;ve never test breezy livecd on ibook | 09:40 |
Riddell | livecds are always slow | 09:40 |
freeflyi1g | Riddell: On a x86 system , it cost moer less time that this one | 09:43 |
Riddell | powerpc takes a long time to install as well I seem to remember, I wonder if they just have slow CD drives | 09:49 |
freeflyi1g | Riddell: I remember that I've test livecd in daily of last week ,and it cost less time than this time | 09:55 |
Riddell | the live cd structure has changed significantly in the last week | 09:56 |
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freeflying | raphink: ping | 02:30 |
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jjesse | when i apt-get updated this morning what portion of kubuntu-docs needed to get updated? | 03:43 |
jjesse | on dapper | 03:43 |
Riddell | check the changelog | 03:43 |
Riddell | probably the firefox link | 03:43 |
jjesse | stupid question just cause i don't know, where is the changelog kept? | 03:44 |
Riddell | zless /usr/share/docs/packagename/changelog.Debian.gz | 03:46 |
jjesse | thanks | 03:46 |
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jjesse | Riddell: where does the about-kubuntu come from that is shipped in dapper kubuntu docs? | 05:28 |
jjesse | Riddell: because it shouldn't say "Send feedback to the KDE Docs Team" | 05:28 |
Riddell | jjesse: from SVN I presume | 05:30 |
Riddell | hmm, bad template | 05:31 |
Riddell | jjesse: I plan to update the kubuntu-docs package later today, I'll try and get rid of hat | 05:31 |
Riddell | that | 05:31 |
jjesse | shouldn't it also have the stylesheet | 05:32 |
Riddell | that's what I ment | 05:32 |
Riddell | jjesse: is there anything to replace the quickguide yet? | 05:33 |
Riddell | jjesse: oh and did you do flight-2 release notes? | 05:33 |
jjesse | Riddell: no i didn't i had to take my wife to the doctor yesterday and it took all my time | 05:33 |
Riddell | I think that takes priority | 05:34 |
jjesse | Riddell: i'm working on them right now at work so i can try and get them taken care of | 05:35 |
jjesse | lunch time, be back later to work on that | 05:35 |
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pef | hello | 06:12 |
Riddell | yo pef! | 06:13 |
pef | Riddell: how are you ? sorry for being less present on irc, but I sold my laptop, and it's harder to work from a cybercafe :) | 06:13 |
Riddell | sold your laptop! | 06:13 |
Riddell | but that's like selling your soul | 06:14 |
pef | :D | 06:14 |
pef | but just sold for buying another one :) | 06:14 |
pef | Riddell: In Dapper, can I fix thinks like broken packages because of kdelibs4c2a ? or there is something special to know about the transition ? | 06:15 |
Riddell | pef: yes please! | 06:15 |
pef | ok, nice :) | 06:15 |
Riddell | pef: check that the package doesn't need merging with debian, or that a new upstream isn't out | 06:15 |
Riddell | pef: and try and get it to make a .pot file if you can, see KubuntuPackagingGuide | 06:16 |
Riddell | but basicly just rebuild | 06:16 |
pef | Riddell: yeah, I've see through your uploads changes concerning this | 06:16 |
Riddell | if it doesn't already have a ubuntu version number and no changes are needed add build1 to the version number so it'll sync again in future | 06:17 |
pef | ok :) | 06:27 |
jjesse | back from lunch and working on releasenotes | 06:34 |
Riddell | I think jjesse has his priorities correct, wife > lunch > kubuntu > work :) | 06:39 |
pef | cdbs and dpatch are deprecated, now ? | 06:45 |
Riddell | pef: no | 06:46 |
Riddell | although there's a special cdbs-patch for cdbs | 06:46 |
jjesse | grin thanks for Riddell :) | 06:46 |
pef | arg, being a maintainer for upstream code too is a time consuming task :) | 06:47 |
Riddell | mmm, what a package name libk3b2-mp3 | 07:29 |
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incinerator | hi, i just made a kubuntu dapper flight 2 cd, and the kernel won't boot | 07:41 |
Riddell | incinerator: which architecture? | 07:41 |
incinerator | the boot loader gives me a "Error reading boot CD" message | 07:41 |
incinerator | i386 | 07:41 |
Riddell | incinerator: bad burn then | 07:41 |
incinerator | install-i386 | 07:41 |
incinerator | hmmm | 07:41 |
Riddell | incinerator: check MD5 sums and reburn | 07:41 |
incinerator | i have checked md5 sum of the image, it is ok | 07:42 |
incinerator | but I'll check the burnt image to be sure... | 07:42 |
incinerator | btw, Hi Jonathan | 07:44 |
incinerator | Dominik here ggg | 07:44 |
Riddell | incinerator: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/VerifyIsoHowto | 07:45 |
incinerator | thx, I did not bother to check the gpg signatures but the MD5SUM itself is ok | 07:46 |
=== Riddell searches his brain for a Dominik from Edinburgh and fails to come up with one | ||
incinerator | edlug | 07:47 |
incinerator | the German | 07:47 |
Riddell | ah hah | 07:47 |
Riddell | wish I could make more edlugs | 07:47 |
incinerator | ok, I just did a readcd and md5sum'ed the read image with the md5sum i downloaded, they match | 07:47 |
incinerator | I'll do that on the computer I want to install it on, as well. just to be sure | 07:48 |
Riddell | that ISO has definatly been checked by myself and at least one other person | 07:48 |
incinerator | aye, the "xmas" meal was very nice again... | 07:49 |
incinerator | ok, the md5sum also matches on my laptop, neither cd nor reader/writer seem to be faulty | 07:56 |
incinerator | I also tried to use the F3 "extra options key", pressed return but it would say "could not find boot image R" | 07:56 |
Riddell | spooky | 07:57 |
incinerator | strangely enough the option line started with "preseed=something" there wasn't any mention of a vmlinuz nor an "image=" option | 07:57 |
incinerator | i guess if changed that it would boot | 07:57 |
incinerator | does that preseed option have to be there at all? | 07:58 |
Riddell | incinerator: I don't actually know, but I'd assume there's a good reason for it | 07:58 |
incinerator | more problems to come: changing the language to "Deutsch" in the boot menu freezes the whole thing | 07:59 |
incinerator | seems the isolinux setup is fubar | 08:00 |
incinerator | btw, I am getting a debug window with "pstk and rstk" tables, are they supposed to be there? | 08:00 |
Riddell | I never tried chaning the language, that's something we should make sure to test | 08:00 |
Riddell | no, shouldn't be a debug window | 08:00 |
incinerator | hmmm, seems my comp doesn't load isolinux properly then | 08:01 |
incinerator | oh, i just realised there's a new bios | 08:02 |
incinerator | I'll put that on and try again.... | 08:02 |
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=== seth_k grumbles about apt-get killing his sound | ||
=== seth_k hunts through the upgrades to see which packages is guilty | ||
Riddell | seth_k: how can it do that? | 08:10 |
seth_k | Riddell, not apt-get itself, but one of the packages it upgraded | 08:10 |
mornfall | what the... http://utnubu.alioth.debian.org/scottish/by_maint/me%40mornfall.net/large/libapt-front/ | 08:11 |
seth_k | Riddell, do I need to address those REVU comments for kat? the old package had the same issues | 08:11 |
Riddell | seth_k: which comments? | 08:11 |
seth_k | http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1177 Riddell | 08:12 |
Riddell | mornfall: my word | 08:12 |
mornfall | Riddell: why do we have 14M patch in ubuntu :-) | 08:13 |
mornfall | Riddell: someone probably forgot makeing distclean before packing up hmm | 08:13 |
Riddell | seth_k: hah, raphink is fast :), address them if you have time but they don't look vital | 08:13 |
seth_k | Riddell, raphink has good comments :) he has been helpful on all my packages | 08:13 |
seth_k | Riddell, if I don't get around to them by the time you push an upload, i'll just do an ubuntu2 | 08:14 |
=== seth_k will have to ask in #u-motu-school about the DEB_AUTO_UPDATE_X stuff | ||
incinerator | Ridell: bios update did not help, seems isolinux is screwed.... | 08:14 |
incinerator | I'll try the amd64 version now.... | 08:15 |
Riddell | incinerator: try with an ubuntu CD or a live CD maybe | 08:15 |
Riddell | mornfall: where does it say the size? | 08:15 |
incinerator | I really need to get some cdrws | 08:15 |
mornfall | Riddell: when you try to d/l the patch :) | 08:18 |
incinerator | patch???? | 08:18 |
incinerator | oh sorry, not me ggg | 08:18 |
incinerator | Ridell: amd64 image seems to work, but the i386 has its isolinux knackered... | 08:27 |
Riddell | incinerator: are you loading the i386 one on an amd64? | 08:27 |
incinerator | yup | 08:27 |
Riddell | hmm, should still work but | 08:29 |
incinerator | indeed | 08:29 |
incinerator | bah, my card read is firing an interrupt and the kernel locks up :-( | 08:32 |
incinerator | hmmm, amd64 won't do | 08:36 |
incinerator | is there a wiki page for know problems with dapper flight-2 that I can search for workarounds? | 08:40 |
Riddell | incinerator: I don't think there is | 08:42 |
incinerator | hmmm, with amd64 there's a problem. I get kernel dmesgs and then "Starting system log daemon: syslogd, klogd." and that's it | 08:42 |
incinerator | system is still reactive (i can do ctrl-alt-del for reboot) but nothing happens | 08:43 |
incinerator | noapic nolapic doesn't help either, and I am fresh out of ideas.... | 08:43 |
Riddell | incinerator: works for me on amd64, you should report it to bugzilla | 08:45 |
Riddell | sorry I'm not being much help, I just do KDE | 08:46 |
incinerator | nevermind, that's ok | 08:46 |
incinerator | interesting, i just did another try with the usb mouse disconnected, now it works.... | 08:48 |
Riddell | spooky | 08:49 |
incinerator | i had similiar problems with suse 10.0 | 08:49 |
seaLne | has anyone else experience kdf dieing as soon as it loads a pdf from konq? (breezy 3.5) | 09:13 |
seaLne | kpdf | 09:14 |
seaLne | http in konq that is | 09:14 |
Riddell | seaLne: ubuntu0breezy1.2 is problematic, upgrade to breezy1.3 | 09:17 |
seaLne | fully uptodate afaik | 09:18 |
seaLne | another thing i've noticed recently is if i view source in konq (uses kate) when i quit kate it complains the tmp file that it is is no longer there | 09:20 |
seaLne | not sure if thats something i've caused | 09:20 |
seaLne | but it not like a long time after viewing it | 09:21 |
Riddell | any other breezy 3.5 users? | 09:33 |
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incinerator | what'ch mean? | 09:40 |
incinerator | some good news, btw. the laptop's speakers work now ggg | 09:41 |
incinerator | and the permanent 50% soft interrupt load is gone, as well. | 09:41 |
Riddell | I'm wondering if anyone else is running 3.5 on breezy and can confirm seaLne's kpdf problem | 09:42 |
Riddell | sebas? | 09:42 |
incinerator | haven't tried yet | 09:42 |
incinerator | but give me a sec, what do i have to do? | 09:42 |
Riddell | load a pdf file in konqueror | 09:43 |
Riddell | with latest updated breezy KDE 3.5 | 09:43 |
incinerator | hmmm, just a sec | 09:43 |
incinerator | anyone a pdf url? | 09:43 |
Riddell | http://kubuntu.org/~jr/tmp/break-kpdf.pdf | 09:44 |
incinerator | some kde bugs, as well, but only minor ones so far... | 09:44 |
incinerator | bah dhclient.conf is b0rked | 09:45 |
incinerator | well, ifup eth0 helped | 09:45 |
incinerator | pdf works without problems for me | 09:46 |
incinerator | what exactly is supposed to break? | 09:46 |
incinerator | ouch, unaccelerated X sucks ggg | 09:47 |
incinerator | i tried another pdf, looks good | 09:49 |
incinerator | but mine's a fresh flight 2 install, no updates so far... | 09:51 |
Tonio_ | hi everyone | 09:53 |
Riddell | hi Tonio_ | 10:01 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: may I ask you a few questions about the patch and pot files ? | 10:03 |
Riddell | Tonio_: sure | 10:04 |
Tonio_ | well, one point isn't clear, and raphink and I are not sure to understand | 10:05 |
Riddell | mm hmm? | 10:06 |
Tonio_ | is it necessary to patch even if there are no .pot/.po files in po/ folder ? | 10:06 |
Tonio_ | can it be generated ? | 10:06 |
Tonio_ | and second and last question, how to see if the admin folder is too old or not ? | 10:06 |
Riddell | I don't understand the first question, the whole idea is to generate a .pot file | 10:07 |
Tonio_ | yep | 10:07 |
Riddell | the admin folder is too old if cvs.sh doesn't have an extract-messages target | 10:07 |
Riddell | it can probably be done with older admin folders but I havn't bothered to look how | 10:07 |
Tonio_ | but concerning your revus of my packages, you don't refer to pot for certain packages | 10:07 |
Riddell | they should all have .pot generation if possible | 10:08 |
Tonio_ | if it exists, it'll be used, okay, but if not, then the patch should manage to get it created ? | 10:08 |
Tonio_ | so the idea is to patch every application that has a po folder | 10:08 |
Tonio_ | even if empty ? | 10:08 |
Riddell | every application that has i18n strings | 10:08 |
Riddell | especially if the po folder is empty, that means we need .pot files so people can translate it :) | 10:09 |
Tonio_ | okay | 10:09 |
Tonio_ | what kind of text can we grep to check if there are i17n strings ? | 10:09 |
=== Tonio_ is ashamed to not know anything about code.... | ||
Riddell | well if the program has a user interface it'll have i18n strings | 10:10 |
Tonio_ | s/i17/i18 of course | 10:10 |
Tonio_ | okay | 10:10 |
Tonio_ | so I have to modify all my packages | 10:10 |
Tonio_ | I'll do toonight | 10:10 |
Riddell | cool | 10:10 |
Riddell | let me know if you have any problems | 10:10 |
Tonio_ | I will send you an email about that... | 10:11 |
Tonio_ | also all other packages are supposed to fixed, except codeine | 10:11 |
Tonio_ | scons s**ks | 10:11 |
Riddell | scons is cool, it's just new and unusual | 10:12 |
Tonio_ | waiting for a scons.mk ;) | 10:13 |
Tonio_ | I know scons has some advantages | 10:13 |
Tonio_ | possibility to use en embedded mini-scons | 10:13 |
Tonio_ | that really nice | 10:13 |
Tonio_ | except to make propper packages ;) | 10:14 |
Riddell | and if it gets rid of all the Makefile.in horribleness that'll be worth it | 10:14 |
Tonio_ | I looked at the job done on codeine, that's horrible :) the package is really crappy when debuild && debuild -S | 10:15 |
Tonio_ | okay, thanks for the responses | 10:15 |
Tonio_ | hum concerning pot | 10:17 |
Tonio_ | if cvs.sh doesn't contain "kdepot" text, it is too old if I understand ? | 10:18 |
Tonio_ | + correctly ;) | 10:18 |
Riddell | yes | 10:18 |
Riddell | run ./admin/cvs.sh and see if it has extract-messages | 10:19 |
Tonio_ | okay | 10:19 |
Tonio_ | let's go, many things to do toonight ;) | 10:20 |
Tonio_ | thanks for your patience with me Riddell ;) | 10:20 |
Riddell | thanks for your packaging :) | 10:21 |
Tonio_ | I'm gona contribute to rosetta soon too ;) | 10:23 |
Tonio_ | that's a fantastic project ;) | 10:23 |
Riddell | you'll need to wait until they start importing dapper .pot files, which I think is at string freeze time | 10:23 |
raphink | Riddell: do you have time to approve two packages ? you had approved them in the past and I just changed minor details. | 10:31 |
incinerator | question: what is the best way for kde setting up an nfs client? | 10:32 |
incinerator | i had some inconsistency: kde was telling me the nfs share was mounted on /media/ftp but it was mounted at /mnt/hostname | 10:32 |
incinerator | there's this page at the wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NFSClientHowTo | 10:33 |
incinerator | but that uses autofs, woud that work with kde? | 10:33 |
Riddell | incinerator: put it in your fstab? | 10:34 |
incinerator | that's what i did | 10:34 |
incinerator | mountpoint was /mnt/hostname but kde would access it at media:/ftp, strange.... | 10:34 |
incinerator | btw, the share on the remote host was at /home/ftp | 10:35 |
incinerator | unfortunately the "add network folders" wizard doesn't provide for nfs :-( | 10:36 |
raphink | Riddell: could you advocate http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1102 again please ? | 10:38 |
Riddell | raphink: why /usr/sbin instead of /usr/bin? | 10:40 |
raphink | Riddell: because they are executable scripts | 10:40 |
raphink | not binaries | 10:40 |
Riddell | that's not what sbin is for | 10:40 |
raphink | :s | 10:40 |
Riddell | sbin is for system problems, stuff that only a sysadmin needs | 10:41 |
raphink | huh | 10:41 |
raphink | ok | 10:41 |
raphink | reverting then | 10:41 |
Riddell | system binaries rather | 10:41 |
Riddell | see debian-policy or FHS | 10:41 |
incinerator | you've been playing with AT&T unix for too long raphink ;-) | 10:41 |
raphink | thanks for telling | 10:41 |
raphink | :) | 10:41 |
raphink | incinerator: I have just been told scripts went to /usr/sbin | 10:41 |
raphink | and I trusted it | 10:42 |
incinerator | oh, those were the days ggg | 10:42 |
raphink | ;) | 10:42 |
incinerator | probably and old unix guro who gave you that answer ggg | 10:42 |
incinerator | ^and|an | 10:42 |
incinerator | bah, my typing is pish today | 10:42 |
incinerator | too much of using both de and gb keyboards at once :-( | 10:43 |
incinerator | anyway, thanks for your help Jonathan, I am positively surprised that sound works properly now and the apic/lapic issues have been sorted out | 10:43 |
raphink | Riddell: could you review knmap again please ? I've set the rm -f issue :) | 10:59 |
raphink | http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1171 | 11:00 |
Riddell | raphink: approved! | 11:10 |
raphink | thanks ! :) | 11:10 |
raphink | I worked hard on it :) | 11:10 |
Riddell | yes, well done | 11:10 |
raphink | :) | 11:11 |
raphink | and I've just removed the /usr/sbin stupid stuff from http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1185 | 11:11 |
raphink | it's very fast to review ;) | 11:12 |
Riddell | approved! | 11:12 |
Riddell | assuming it's the same as when I last approved it | 11:13 |
raphink | yes :) | 11:13 |
raphink | thanks :) | 11:14 |
raphink | you didn't approve last version though | 11:14 |
raphink | funnily | 11:14 |
raphink | it seems you approved the last but one | 11:14 |
raphink | :s | 11:14 |
Riddell | means you gave me an old link | 11:14 |
raphink | no | 11:15 |
raphink | ;) | 11:15 |
raphink | the only diff between the last and last but on | 11:15 |
raphink | one | 11:15 |
raphink | is that I had forgotten to run -sa on debuild | 11:15 |
raphink | so orig.tar.gz was not there | 11:15 |
raphink | on last but one | 11:15 |
raphink | apart from that it's exactly the same content | 11:15 |
raphink | there are weird things on REVU sometimes | 11:16 |
raphink | Riddell: you don't see how this is the last but one you advocated ? | 11:20 |
Riddell | raphink: because you gave me an old link | 11:20 |
Riddell | raphink: go to the revu homepage and find me the new link | 11:20 |
raphink | oooh | 11:20 |
raphink | http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1187 | 11:21 |
raphink | :) | 11:21 |
raphink | there | 11:21 |
raphink | sorry I didn't know upid changed | 11:21 |
raphink | hadn't noticed before | 11:21 |
raphink | :s | 11:21 |
raphink | nevermind, daniel uploaded it :) | 11:23 |
raphink | kyamo ( http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1105 ) has been improved too, and already approved by daniel last weekend | 11:24 |
raphink | it's a nice kde program to organize music collections & I've worked quite close to the upstream dev to improve its quality :) | 11:25 |
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