=== ^rob^ [n=daci@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
^rob^ | hi | 12:04 |
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^rob^ | does anyone know how many files can be saved on a DVD data? - is there a max nr of files/ | 12:04 |
^rob^ | ?? | 12:05 |
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_lisa | anybody know about the module "tun" | 12:08 |
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nalioth | ^rob^: there is not an amount | 12:14 |
nalioth | ^rob^: but i wouldn't put more than a 100 in the root of the dvd-r, cuz your machine has to index it when you insert it into the drive. | 12:15 |
^rob^ | so if i have lots of 4 K images - and i make an iso - to back it up - (not compressing them) ... | 12:15 |
nalioth | ^rob^: i've had the machine stop functioning when i stuck a cd-r in, that had over 3000 files in the root | 12:15 |
nalioth | put all your files in folders | 12:15 |
^rob^ | i want to save automatically after i have 4Gb ... | 12:15 |
^rob^ | i have them in folders | 12:15 |
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nalioth | sounds like a scripting issue, to me | 12:16 |
^rob^ | but i have in 1 folder around 400 files | 12:16 |
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^rob^ | i have them in folders - np... - but 400 files - do you think will crash the machine on iso make? | 12:16 |
nalioth | ^rob^: nope. | 12:16 |
^rob^ | 400 / 1 dir | 12:16 |
^rob^ | and i have 30 dirs | 12:16 |
nalioth | the only thing i've found that caused a mishap was illegal characters in the file names | 12:17 |
^rob^ | ok ty | 12:17 |
^rob^ | i've made an application in flash to see the files - (images) so Win$$ owners with autorun to be able to see what's on that dvd | 12:17 |
^rob^ | :) | 12:17 |
^rob^ | flash+xml | 12:18 |
nalioth | ^rob^: you da man! (windows lover!) | 12:18 |
^rob^ | i know flas does not know tar or gz - that's why i ask this :0 | 12:18 |
^rob^ | nalioth: i'm not - my customers are | 12:18 |
^rob^ | i use wine for flash | 12:18 |
^rob^ | nalioth: ok - ty for your help | 12:19 |
nalioth | any time | 12:19 |
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^rob^ | nalioth: how do i make a dvd iso - does mkisofs cover dvd too? | 12:19 |
^rob^ | nalioth: or there's a dvd tool to make iso for it! | 12:20 |
nalioth | ^rob^: you'll need to visit a ftp dir that has cdrecord and read the readme for cdrecord-prodvd | 12:21 |
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nalioth | ^rob^: you'll then need to grab the version of cdrecord-prodvd for your system and put it in /usr/local/bin, and symlink it into the same dir with that name | 12:21 |
^rob^ | i've found a package on apt called dvdrtools - that's not enough? | 12:21 |
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nalioth | i'm old skool, ^rob^, i like having multiple tools for the job | 12:22 |
^rob^ | nalioth: description of dvdrtools sound good | 12:23 |
^rob^ | i'll try it | 12:23 |
nalioth | ^rob^: keep cdrecord-prodvd in mind | 12:23 |
^rob^ | i will | 12:23 |
nalioth | ^rob^: come back and i'll explain it further (it's non-free) | 12:23 |
^rob^ | ok - i'll keep that in my mind. - nalioth + cdrecort-prodvd :) | 12:24 |
^rob^ | and a cold beer | 12:24 |
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^rob^ | nalioth: dvd is udf format? | 12:31 |
troy | usually | 12:31 |
nalioth | ^rob^: idk the fancy words | 12:33 |
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bubblenut | Hey how do I install c++ support for gcc? | 12:37 |
bubblenut | I'm getting the following error when trying to compile the latest inkscape from source | 12:37 |
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bubblenut | configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check | 12:38 |
nalioth | bubblenut: did you install "build-essential" ? | 12:38 |
chaoticgeek | sudo apt-get install build-essential or essentials | 12:39 |
chaoticgeek | never mind you were not asking how | 12:39 |
bubblenut | I can't find it with Adept | 12:39 |
bubblenut | Is there another repository I need to add for it, I'm using Breezy | 12:39 |
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nalioth | bubblenut: if you can't find it, something is very wrong. | 12:40 |
nalioth | bubblenut: open a konsole please and type "sudo apt-get install build-essential" | 12:40 |
bubblenut | Yea, that's running fine, downloading it now | 12:41 |
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bubblenut | Any ideas why it wasn't appearing in Adept? | 12:41 |
nalioth | bubblenut: i have no clue, i use synaptic | 12:41 |
=== Hobbsee goes off to check | ||
sqrek | hi | 12:42 |
djk_ | probably a typo..or wrong filter setting | 12:42 |
Hobbsee | hi sqrek | 12:42 |
sqrek | enyone have got problem with installing skype ? | 12:42 |
Hobbsee | it's in my synaptic... | 12:42 |
Hobbsee | !skype | 12:42 |
ubotu | somebody said skype was http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SkypeHowto/ Breezy deb: http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl | 12:42 |
Hobbsee | i mean, it's in my adept... | 12:43 |
bubblenut | Thanks guys :) | 12:43 |
sqrek | yes it is but it makes some errors and dont want to install | 12:43 |
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bubblenut | :( anyone managed to compile Inkskape 0.43 on breezy? | 12:55 |
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Hobbsee | bubblenut: havent tried, 0.42 is in repositories though. what errors are you getting for it? | 12:57 |
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bubblenut | Oooh, didn;t have libgtkmm dev package, making progress now ... still on the slow road of ./configure - resolve - ./configure - resolve though :/ | 01:00 |
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Hobbsee | bubblenut: lol...make sure you use checkinstall as well - it's quite useful | 01:01 |
Hobbsee | !checkinstall | 01:01 |
ubotu | rumour has it, checkinstall is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CheckInstall | 01:01 |
bubblenut | YAY! It's configured, let's see if it's make :) | 01:01 |
Hobbsee | :) | 01:02 |
bubblenut | Wow, that looks like a very cool package, bleeding edge software managed by the package manager, thanks :) | 01:03 |
Hobbsee | bubblenut: well, of course it doesnt get you the newest versions automatically, but it makes it a lot easier to add/remove! | 01:04 |
Hobbsee | and of course, you can always back up the deb so you dont have to compile it again if you reinstall your system | 01:05 |
nalioth | bubblenut: have you heard of "autoapt" or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutoDeb ? | 01:05 |
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nalioth | bubblenut: the autodeb is experimental but may work for you (it uses autoapt and checkinstall functionality) | 01:05 |
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ClayGx | nalioth have you used twin before? | 01:06 |
ClayGx | someone was saying it was similar to screen but had some more functionality | 01:06 |
ClayGx | I grabbed it but didnt get a chance to see it in action | 01:06 |
ClayGx | I figured a command line guru such as yourself must have encountered it before or if not would love to mess around with it | 01:07 |
nalioth | ClayGx: twin as in a console proggy? no. | 01:07 |
Hobbsee | !info twin | 01:07 |
bubblenut | again, wow, there's really no reason not to go and get the latest sources of those interesting new apps now, thanks guys, this shit's awesome :) | 01:07 |
ubotu | twin: (a Text mode WINdow environment), section universe/utils, is optional. Version: 0.4.0-7 (breezy), Packaged size: 223 kB, Installed size: 672 kB | 01:07 |
nalioth | i've encountered it, but don't see the point, personally. you may like it, tho | 01:07 |
Hobbsee | hmmm...ok then... | 01:07 |
ClayGx | which is that? the one you said no? or the one that bubblenut is speaking ovf? | 01:08 |
nalioth | bubblenut: language please | 01:08 |
ClayGx | Well I dont know if I may like it or not, I haven't looked at it , just wondering if you know what were the advantages of it over screen | 01:08 |
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ClayGx | oh yeah if anyone wants to pick up a ruth crhis steat card for half price lemme know it is going to expire a the beginning of jan but it's a good deal, half price ofr a150 dollar card | 01:09 |
bubblenut | sorry, a little excited ;) | 01:09 |
ClayGx | ahhhh there should be a script in ubotu to correct spelling | 01:09 |
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ClayGx | like !correctme and it searches for the last "post" you sent and fixes it, for those times you say "I need to get a new comuter" and some wise guy goes | 01:10 |
ClayGx | comuter? what is that | 01:10 |
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_kay | !correctme | 01:10 |
ubotu | _kay: Are you smoking crack? | 01:10 |
_kay | hehe | 01:10 |
ClayGx | ahhhh | 01:10 |
ClayGx | Worht a try right? | 01:11 |
_kay | So, that's jus unkind | 01:11 |
_kay | !correctme | 01:11 |
ubotu | _kay: Not a clue | 01:11 |
ClayGx | Oh no, not this again | 01:11 |
nalioth | ClayGx: <ahem> | 01:11 |
_kay | It doesn't work at al | 01:11 |
_kay | !correctme | 01:11 |
ClayGx | yes, agreed | 01:11 |
ClayGx | 3rd time probally wont either | 01:11 |
ClayGx | yes nalioth? | 01:11 |
_kay | But it should :) | 01:12 |
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ClayGx | Yes , but we need to be careful otherwise someone will create the function and then "test" it for two days | 01:12 |
ClayGx | which basically like what you did but 10 times with the same command, and 4-5 diff people | 01:12 |
nalioth | ClayGx: ruth chris can speak for herself in here | 01:13 |
ClayGx | Ok | 01:13 |
ClayGx | sorry | 01:13 |
ClayGx | oh man, REALLY sorry i didnt see this wasn't offtopic | 01:14 |
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Hobbsee | hehe | 01:14 |
ClayGx | those/you guys go crazy ifq questions are asked that are anything without the word ubuntu in it | 01:14 |
Hobbsee | yeah, it isnt offtopic... | 01:15 |
ClayGx | lol | 01:15 |
ClayGx | sorry i thought i was in the reg(offtopic) one, im at the school and in irssi, been using xchat to much | 01:15 |
bubblenut | Bring it on!! I have Inkscape 0.43 and my package manager knows it :D Thanks a million | 01:18 |
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sqrek | enyone can help with skype instalation on kubuntu ? | 01:19 |
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Voodoo_Vibe | when i try installing windows apps with wine i get only funny looking fonts?? | 01:19 |
sqrek | in adept when i click install i have still not installed message... apt-get install dont work. waths goin on | 01:20 |
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sqrek | ... | 01:21 |
Voodoo_Vibe | sqrek: maybe some servers are down | 01:22 |
nalioth | ClayGx: be careful you don't end up talking to yourself, lol | 01:22 |
GeK | sqrek use this rep. to install skype deb http://archive.ubuntu.org.cn/ubuntu-cn/ breezy main restricted universe multiversess | 01:23 |
sqrek | oki i will try GeK | 01:23 |
GeK | add this to your source list | 01:23 |
GeK | i have installed it for 10 min. it works | 01:24 |
DJ_Mer_ | 17:22:07 up 15:20, 1 user, load average: 3.36, 2.39, 1.82 << LMAO i am getting schooled | 01:24 |
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sqrek | Err http://archive.ubuntu.org.cn breezy/multiversess Packages | 01:25 |
sqrek | 404 Not Found | 01:25 |
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GeK | deb http://archive.ubuntu.org.cn/ubuntu-cn/ breezy main restricted universe multiversess | 01:26 |
sqrek | i know i wrote it in source list then make apt-get update | 01:26 |
sqrek | and i got this | 01:26 |
fdelacruz | gudmorning guys | 01:26 |
sqrek | aat the end | 01:26 |
GeK | "deb http://archive.ubuntu.org.cn/ubuntu-cn/ breezy main restricted universe multiversess" u should add this to /etc/apt/sources | 01:26 |
sqrek | woo its downloading ;] | 01:27 |
Tm_T | ss ? | 01:27 |
GeK | good | 01:27 |
nalioth | sqrek: spell multiverse correctly and it'll work | 01:28 |
nalioth | sqrek: and remember to comment it out when you've got what you are after | 01:28 |
sqrek | i see :) thx | 01:29 |
sqrek | i have only 1kB/s | 01:29 |
sqrek | is this server so slow ? | 01:30 |
GeK | yes | 01:30 |
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GeK | how can i register my nickname here | 01:32 |
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Nacho | use /nickserv | 01:32 |
Hobbsee | !register | 01:32 |
seth_k|lappy | GeK, /msg nickserv register <password> | 01:32 |
ubotu | hmm... register is type /msg nickserv help register (you probably should do this in the server window so that if you mess up you won't reveal your password to the whole channel :)) | 01:32 |
seth_k|lappy | that works too :P | 01:32 |
Hobbsee | hehe | 01:32 |
GeK | :)) thanks | 01:33 |
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GeK | hmm already registered ((( | 01:36 |
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Hobbsee | GeK: did you register it? | 01:38 |
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MachineScrew | i just got an error when draging a folder to the trash | 01:39 |
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MachineScrew | 'Creating Folders isn't supported by the trash:/ protocall' | 01:40 |
Hobbsee | weird.... | 01:40 |
ZL0 | Hobbsee no now i have another nickname))) | 01:40 |
MachineScrew | tell me about it | 01:40 |
Hobbsee | MachineScrew: why not just hit the delete key, instead of click and drag? | 01:41 |
Hobbsee | ZL0: yay :) | 01:41 |
MachineScrew | I had mulipule folders and files | 01:41 |
Hobbsee | shift key to select them all, then the delete key... | 01:41 |
MachineScrew | and thats what i was used to | 01:41 |
Hobbsee | ah ok | 01:41 |
MachineScrew | ya i did the ctrl only some but i just right clicked and said move to trash an d that worked | 01:42 |
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Hobbsee | yep | 01:43 |
MachineScrew | I learnd computers on a mac | 01:43 |
MachineScrew | yuck | 01:43 |
MachineScrew | then I went to pcs | 01:43 |
MachineScrew | DOS/Win 3.1 | 01:43 |
MachineScrew | then OS/2 | 01:44 |
MachineScrew | then Win95 | 01:44 |
_jonas | How do I upgrade to Firefox 1,5 in Kubuntu? I've downloaded the file, but then what? | 01:44 |
MachineScrew | _jonas: ther is a wiki on ubuntu about it | 01:44 |
Voodoo_Vibe | _jonas: cantt u just write sudo apt-get install firefox?? | 01:44 |
MachineScrew | no not for 1.5 you can't | 01:45 |
Voodoo_Vibe | ok, my bad | 01:45 |
MachineScrew | no prob | 01:45 |
MachineScrew | _jonas: let me find it | 01:45 |
_jonas | Whats a wiki? Thanks for the help | 01:46 |
MachineScrew | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion | 01:46 |
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Voodoo_Vibe | anyone know a guitar program like Guitar Pro for windows?? | 01:46 |
MachineScrew | _jonas: just a type of web tech | 01:46 |
nalioth | _jonas: help.ubuntu.com leads to wiki.ubuntu.com | 01:47 |
MachineScrew | Voodoo_Vibe: I have heard of them did you check kde-apps.org | 01:47 |
_jonas | MAchineScrew: There is a problem w/ the link. A certificate was not accepted | 01:47 |
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Voodoo_Vibe | MachineScrew: no, Didnt know of that site... im new! Thanx will check it out | 01:48 |
nalioth | _jonas: that's ok. you can surf there anywah | 01:48 |
MachineScrew | _jonas: you need to accept the thing | 01:48 |
MachineScrew | oh | 01:49 |
_jonas | MachineScrew: IC, testing! | 01:49 |
MachineScrew | nalioth: ya isn't that to edit the site any way or what | 01:49 |
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nalioth | MachineScrew: no, the ssl certificate is not properly set or something | 01:51 |
Voodoo_Vibe | where can i get automake 1.6.1 or newer?? | 01:53 |
Voodoo_Vibe | i wrote apt-get install automake but i got an old version | 01:53 |
MachineScrew | oh | 01:53 |
Hobbsee | Voodoo_Vibe: use apt-cache search automake | 01:53 |
nalioth | Voodoo_Vibe: type "apt-cache search automake" and choose your version | 01:54 |
Voodoo_Vibe | Ok, Thanx!! | 01:55 |
Voodoo_Vibe | *** YOU'RE USING automake (GNU automake) 1.9.5. | 01:56 |
Voodoo_Vibe | *** KDE requires automake 1.6.1 or newer | 01:56 |
Voodoo_Vibe | couldnt find just automake1.6.1 | 01:56 |
Hobbsee | Voodoo_Vibe: sudo apt-get install automake1.9 | 01:56 |
Voodoo_Vibe | Hobbsee: thats what i typed | 01:57 |
Hobbsee | you sure that's what you typed? and it couldnt find it? | 01:57 |
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sqrek | is it safe to install KDE 3.5 ? | 01:58 |
Voodoo_Vibe | Hobbsee: no, i can find that one but then i get this: | 01:58 |
Voodoo_Vibe | *** YOU'RE USING automake (GNU automake) 1.9.5. | 01:58 |
Voodoo_Vibe | *** KDE requires automake 1.6.1 or newer | 01:58 |
Hobbsee | sqrek: yes | 01:58 |
sqrek | Nice :] | 01:58 |
Hobbsee | sqrek: well, plenty of people have been installing it | 01:58 |
Voodoo_Vibe | sqrek: i run KDE3.5 works fine | 01:59 |
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sqrek | any trason i sgould change from 3.4 ? | 01:59 |
sqrek | reasons' | 01:59 |
Hobbsee | you might want to try automake1.8 or automake1.7 | 01:59 |
Delvien | Anyone have an idea why Kmix's channel resets to 3d everytime i shutdown / reboot my computer???? | 01:59 |
Voodoo_Vibe | Hobbsee: ok, will try that | 01:59 |
nalioth | Voodoo_Vibe: please don't paste in here. | 02:00 |
nalioth | Voodoo_Vibe: it wont hurt to have ALL the automakes installed | 02:00 |
Voodoo_Vibe | nalioth: im sorry but i thought it was ok since it wasnt much | 02:00 |
nalioth | Voodoo_Vibe: if everyone in #ubuntu thought that, there'd be an implosion | 02:01 |
Voodoo_Vibe | Hobbsee: ive installed automake1.7 that worked good! THANX!! | 02:01 |
Hobbsee | oh good! | 02:01 |
Hobbsee | yes, but this is #kubuntu, and is quieter at the moment | 02:01 |
Voodoo_Vibe | nalioth: yeah. sorry, now i know | 02:02 |
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Delvien | Anyone have an idea why Kmix's channel resets to 3d everytime i shutdown / reboot my computer???? | 02:02 |
Delvien | i guess not... | 02:07 |
mornfall | Judax: ping | 02:09 |
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AoP | Hello | 02:30 |
sqrek | AoP: Hi | 02:31 |
AoP | For some reason it says my root user/pass is invalid, I don't know if I've just completely forgotten what it is or wha, but is there anyway to change it or anything with out being on the root account? | 02:32 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell AoP about root | 02:33 |
nalioth | AoP: check your PM, you are seeing things | 02:33 |
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Delvien | how do i add kmenu to a new panel?\ | 02:33 |
AoP | Thank you=) | 02:33 |
Delvien | NM i got it | 02:33 |
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=== AoP [i=ladiesgu@blk-222-252-149.eastlink.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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Nytryx | ha it is a room | 03:05 |
Nytryx | what are some tweaks to speed up kubuntu?\ | 03:05 |
Nytryx | how do i change the time from 24hr clock to the 12 hr one? | 03:06 |
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snowgen | Will the dapper CD try to repartition the HD and thus wipe my ~/, or can I safely do an upgrade from it? | 03:13 |
coolio10 | hi | 03:13 |
nalioth | snowgen: it will upgrade | 03:16 |
=== Cheapie [n=chpalert@londonderry-cuda1-68-234-71-44.lndnnh.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nalioth | snowgen: then your comfortable existence with breezy will end | 03:16 |
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snowgen | thanks nalioth. Any special tricks I need to do for that, or will it autodetect the exisiting installation? | 03:16 |
nalioth | if you put the dapper install into an existing breezy, it should automajically ask you want to do | 03:17 |
snowgen | lol--my breezy existaence is sadly not comfortable. Random lockups from time to time. | 03:17 |
snowgen | well, time to burn the CD--wish me luck! take care all | 03:21 |
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medgno | does anyone have video thumbnailing working for them under kde 3.5? | 03:21 |
snowgen | thanks again nalioth | 03:22 |
nalioth | snowgen: any time | 03:22 |
medgno | or is video previewing a known problem in 3.5? | 03:24 |
medgno | can somebody please help me? This is the only thing keeping my from switching to kde | 03:27 |
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Delvien | what is the chat room for XFCE? | 03:30 |
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nalioth | Delvien: try #xfce or #xfce4 or #xubuntu | 03:33 |
medgno | can someone please tell me if video thumbnailing exists in kde3.5? | 03:34 |
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=== coolio10 [n=coolio10@CPE0040ca74d9df-CM000a739b54a4.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
coolio10 | hi | 03:41 |
coolio10 | i need help with grub | 03:41 |
coolio10 | it keeps making 2 kubuntu kernels on the list | 03:42 |
coolio10 | i edit the menu.lst but it keeps making it again | 03:42 |
medgno | by default, it lists all the kernels you have installed | 03:42 |
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coolio10 | i need help with grub | 03:43 |
coolio10 | yes but i only have 1 kbuuntu | 03:44 |
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coolio10 | and 1 windows | 03:45 |
medgno | but you have multiple linux kernels that can be used to run the kubuntu system | 03:45 |
coolio10 | ? | 03:45 |
coolio10 | wait a sec ill show you a pastebin | 03:45 |
medgno | ok | 03:45 |
coolio10 | oh........ i see the porlbem! | 03:46 |
coolio10 | there is /boot/initrd.img-2.6.12-9-k7 and /boot/initrd.img-2.6.12-10-k7 | 03:46 |
coolio10 | but i dont know why i have 2 | 03:46 |
coolio10 | why is there 9 and 10 | 03:47 |
medgno | 10 is a higher revision, meaning that bugs were fixed in that release over the 9 | 03:47 |
coolio10 | is there a way to remove 9? | 03:48 |
=== manveru [n=manveru@dsl-wien1-35-133.utaonline.at] has joined #kubuntu | ||
coolio10 | because everytime i get releases ill get a bigger menu! | 03:48 |
Hobbsee | coolio10: you can happily ignore it | 03:49 |
corona | manveru: hey i got some problem with kde3.5 | 03:49 |
Hobbsee | coolio10: should i pastebin my latest menu lol? | 03:49 |
Hobbsee | corona: what problem? | 03:49 |
manveru | corona: welcome in the club :) | 03:49 |
medgno | if you're talking about the video thumbnailing, that was me asking | 03:49 |
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coolio10 | yea show me yours | 03:49 |
medgno | or nevermind. | 03:49 |
corona | manveru: hehe | 03:49 |
Hobbsee | coolio10: getting it... | 03:50 |
corona | Hobbsee: i am trying to post it | 03:50 |
corona | on pastebin | 03:50 |
Hobbsee | coolio10: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/464710 | 03:50 |
coolio10 | i just updated to 3.5 today | 03:50 |
corona | but i guess the messages log is too big for the bin!! | 03:50 |
medgno | coolio10, do you have thumbnails for your video files? | 03:51 |
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medgno | just asking since I'm going crazy trying to get them to work | 03:51 |
coolio10 | havent got any | 03:52 |
coolio10 | lol | 03:52 |
coolio10 | give me one to download | 03:52 |
medgno | heh | 03:52 |
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coolio10 | Hobbsee i get the point now! | 03:52 |
Hobbsee | corona: it shouldnt be too big for pastebin | 03:52 |
Hobbsee | coolio10: hehehehehe... | 03:52 |
=== utta [n=utta@c-24-128-224-224.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Hobbsee | 17 items...nice! | 03:52 |
coolio10 | i only have 1 problem with my kubuntu but there is a workaround | 03:53 |
Hobbsee | coolio10: each time there's a kernel update, i just go and move all the bits around again, so i get the most used ones at the top | 03:53 |
coolio10 | oh | 03:53 |
coolio10 | isnt the latest ones moved to the top automatically? | 03:53 |
Hobbsee | well yeah, but grub is updated when dapper is, and it keeps booting to dapper as default if i dont change it. | 03:54 |
corona | Hobbsee: manveru here http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/464714 | 03:54 |
coolio10 | if i do hiddenmenu how would i use kubuntu still because i set windows as default | 03:55 |
=== T3hWiz0rd [n=no@ip68-225-55-28.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
corona | Hobbsee: manveru its my kicker that disappears | 03:55 |
T3hWiz0rd | Insomniac-: yooo | 03:55 |
Hobbsee | coolio10: i wouldnt, i'd just use a divider, and it seems to hide all the other kernels, unless i use the arrow to scroll down | 03:55 |
=== Kib [n=boo@dslb-084-063-010-112.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Insomniac- | T3hWiz0rd? | 03:57 |
coolio10 | is there anything like garageband for kbuuntu so i can make audio from loops? | 03:57 |
T3hWiz0rd | Insomniac-: its DJ | 03:57 |
T3hWiz0rd | Insomniac-: on my iboche | 03:57 |
Insomniac- | i thought you broke your ibook? | 03:58 |
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T3hWiz0rd | Insomniac-: nooo never... i love my ibook | 03:58 |
coolio10 | also my only problem with kubuntu is that everytime i go to Storage Media nothing is there so i just have to access the hda2 frm my desktop | 03:58 |
T3hWiz0rd | Insomniac-: its my top priority.. which looks a little like this. 1. Work, 2. Bills, 3. iBook, 4. Girlfriend. | 03:58 |
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leichman | evening | 03:59 |
Insomniac- | ;) | 03:59 |
T3hWiz0rd | Insomniac-: yup the ibook before the Gf... its actually dependable and fun to use lol | 03:59 |
Hobbsee | coolio10: use /media/ instead of media:// <-- it's a known bug | 03:59 |
Insomniac- | i'm out of cigarettes and everything is closed | 04:00 |
Insomniac- | :/ | 04:00 |
T3hWiz0rd | Insomniac-: well good for one night your lungs will be happy | 04:00 |
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=== _christian is now known as AoP | ||
Insomniac- | 3 hours to go without crawling up the walls | 04:02 |
Hobbsee | hehe | 04:02 |
Hobbsee | poor Insomniac- | 04:02 |
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Insomniac- | that's what i get for being up at 4am | 04:03 |
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Insomniac- | if i had my drivers license i'd be driving on the highway looking for some 24/7 gas station right now | 04:04 |
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Hobbsee | hehe | 04:05 |
Hobbsee | how old are you? | 04:05 |
Insomniac- | 23 | 04:05 |
Insomniac- | 24 in feb. | 04:05 |
Hobbsee | and you dont have your licence? why not? | 04:05 |
Insomniac- | well here in .nl driving licenses can be acquired at 18 | 04:06 |
T3hWiz0rd | 3 reasons come to mind. He didn't get it, expired, suspended | 04:06 |
Insomniac- | but then i was moving out to study | 04:06 |
Insomniac- | and my city lost the permits to do driving exams | 04:06 |
Hobbsee | ah ok | 04:06 |
Insomniac- | stuff like that | 04:06 |
Insomniac- | never really bothered, because i didn't need one | 04:07 |
T3hWiz0rd | driving at 18... the one thing america can't seem to catch on to. | 04:07 |
T3hWiz0rd | teenagers alone don't belong behind the wheels.. especially AMERICAN teenagers lol | 04:07 |
Hobbsee | i drive at 17.. | 04:07 |
Insomniac- | there is 1 thing i think is way better in .nl than in the usa | 04:07 |
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T3hWiz0rd | eh i guess that was bias.... but..... around here the kids drive horribly. | 04:07 |
Insomniac- | that's drinking at 16 and driving at 18 | 04:08 |
Insomniac- | not the other way around | 04:08 |
T3hWiz0rd | Insomniac-: get the drunkness out before you learn to drive, good concept too | 04:08 |
Insomniac- | yeah | 04:08 |
T3hWiz0rd | Insomniac-: cos here they STILL get drunk at 16... but they can drive too lol | 04:08 |
Hobbsee | drinking at 18 and driving solo at 17 here... | 04:08 |
Insomniac- | learn what alcohol does first, *then* learn to drive | 04:08 |
=== Hobbsee doesnt touch alcohol anyway - yucky stuff! | ||
=== Hobbsee prefers coke | ||
corona | manveru: did you look at the pastebin? kde crashed and i had to restart | 04:08 |
T3hWiz0rd | Insomniac-: alcohol can be messy here in the US... nothing but teens drinking illegally then getting in cars and driving | 04:09 |
Insomniac- | T3hWiz0rd: yeah very dangerous behaviour | 04:09 |
manveru | corona: sorry, but i don't use kde... | 04:09 |
Insomniac- | i'm glad the legal driving age is 18 here | 04:09 |
corona | manveru: oh :( thanks anyways | 04:09 |
T3hWiz0rd | Insomniac-: when i was 17 i went to one party with some friends.. i was disgusted at how the girls acted how the guys were and how they did stuff afterward. | 04:10 |
=== Hobbsee knows lots of people who drink underage here anyway - doesnt seem to stop anyone | ||
Insomniac- | people will drink anyway, prohibition has shown to fail miserably | 04:10 |
Insomniac- | but i firmly believe in learning about alcohol first before you start driving | 04:11 |
T3hWiz0rd | Insomniac-: i don' think drinking as bad... as long as you first have control of yourself and safe surroundings | 04:11 |
Insomniac- | nothing wrong with alcohol as long as you use it responsibly | 04:11 |
T3hWiz0rd | respoonsibly.. heh... a concept long since lost in the supposedly greatest place on earth | 04:11 |
T3hWiz0rd | its so great i look forward to moving to europe changing my name and never going back | 04:12 |
Insomniac- | every country has it's pros and cons | 04:12 |
Insomniac- | maybe more important is the culture | 04:13 |
T3hWiz0rd | Insomniac-: the way this country is run though disgusts me... i mean, i look at parents... they want to protect their kids but not raise them... Mommy thinks little susey is out studying on saturday night when in reality shes getting passed around like a peace pipe | 04:13 |
Insomniac- | 'feeling at home' | 04:13 |
nalioth | i suspect we all need to be in #kubuntu-offtopic | 04:13 |
T3hWiz0rd | nalioth: but this doesn't seem important to you? | 04:14 |
nalioth | T3hWiz0rd: yes, but careening way off into offtopic land | 04:15 |
Insomniac- | man has a point | 04:15 |
T3hWiz0rd | nalioth: heh... well no ones popped up any kubuntu stuff in the past 3 hours so... me and Insomniac- are going at the cultural divide. | 04:15 |
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Hobbsee | lol | 04:18 |
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corona | has anyone managed to get tango icon set to work in kubuntu? | 04:33 |
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DJ_Mer_ | Insomniac- you still floating around here? | 04:55 |
Insomniac- | yah | 04:56 |
DJ_Mer_ | Insomniac-: i hate woman... I really do. | 04:56 |
Insomniac- | 2 hours till i can smoke again and counting | 04:56 |
DJ_Mer_ | Insomniac-: i know its off topic but... jesus... | 04:56 |
Insomniac- | you'd rather be gay? | 04:56 |
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DJ_Mer_ | Insomniac-: sometimes lmao | 04:57 |
=== DJ_Mer_ dual-boots sexual prefs. | ||
=== DJ_Mer_ is runing Straght 3.5 and Gay 6.0 | ||
Insomniac- | bisexuality.. best of both worlds | 04:57 |
DJ_Mer_ | Insomniac-: lol | 04:57 |
Ayiden | When you install kubuntu breezy it seems to be a default setting that when a usb or cd etc.. is mounted a window pops up with the files in the drive etc... How do you disable this? | 04:58 |
Insomniac- | Ayiden: i don't know but if you find out, tell me :) | 04:58 |
=== dfc [n=dfc@cpe-24-59-41-194.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Ayiden | DJ_Mer_: girls can be fine.. just find a tomboy | 04:58 |
Ayiden | Insomniac-: *(lol) | 04:59 |
dfc | Why can't I get kdevelop3 to install on dapper? | 04:59 |
DJ_Mer_ | Ayiden: lol im not like that... gotta have a nice girl with long wavy blonde hair and a perfect perky personality | 04:59 |
DJ_Mer_ | Ayiden: that which i have... but the moodswings are unreal. | 04:59 |
Ayiden | I uograded to kde 3.5 so a NEW window comes up asking me if I would like to open a window or play music etc... Also annoying but at least I get a freakin choise!!! | 04:59 |
Insomniac- | i hate that kind of autoplay functionality | 05:00 |
MrClever | dfc: do you get an error? | 05:00 |
dfc | it says it needs kdelibs4c2 but that is obsolete and replaced by kdelibs4c2a but I have 42ca installed and it is the latest version. I read a bug about the c++ abi transition but I was a little confused | 05:00 |
Ayiden | DJ_Mer_: Im not like that eithor but im partial to brunetts | 05:00 |
DJ_Mer_ | Ayiden: blondes have all the fun | 05:00 |
=== boga [n=judith@CPE000ea67e7181-CM001371885222.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
MrClever | dfc: sounds like a borked package - maybe there's a new one in the pipeline so give it a day or two and try an "apt-get update" then install | 05:01 |
Ayiden | DJ_Mer_: ha ha I highly doubt that.. its over rated... brunnetts can be MUCH more wild... trust me | 05:01 |
MrClever | dfc: if it's still borked, raise a bug against the package | 05:01 |
=== Delvien [n=dm@cpe-65-31-27-200.insight.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DJ_Mer_ | Ayiden: lol i know... i didn't chose a blonde, just what i wound up with and thus changed my prefs. | 05:01 |
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Delvien | anyone know a good finance manager in KDE, kmymoney2is very confusing. | 05:02 |
boga | I need development packages for KDE 3.5 on Kubuntu, How do I get these? | 05:02 |
dfc | there is no easy way to figure out if it is in the pipeline? | 05:02 |
Voodoo_Vibe | is kde-apps down?? | 05:02 |
Hobbsee | boga: sudo apt-get install kde-devel | 05:02 |
Ayiden | DJ_Mer_: if your happy then thats the whole point we ALL have our flaws if the girl has mood shifts the guy will have something else to annoy the girl ha ha equals out | 05:02 |
sahooe | hi I'm having a problem with fstab file, configuring a partition. Can someone help me plz? | 05:03 |
Ayiden | Love and endure | 05:03 |
Ayiden | ha ha | 05:03 |
Hobbsee | sahooe: what type of partition? | 05:03 |
DJ_Mer_ | Ayiden: sometimes i do piss her off.... but its usually something dumb like burping or farting. | 05:03 |
Ayiden | sahooe: whats the problem | 05:03 |
boga | Hobbsee: This is what I get... | 05:03 |
boga | Hobbsee: "kde-devel: Depends: kde-core but it is not installable" and there are other dependencies! | 05:03 |
Hobbsee | boga: is this on dapper or breezy? | 05:04 |
Delvien | anyone know a good finance manager in KDE, kmymoney2is very confusing. | 05:04 |
boga | Hobbsee: breezy | 05:04 |
sahooe | Ayiden: The partition is recognized and I can write and read, but the disk is 120GB and only the 20 GB for / are available | 05:04 |
DJ_Mer_ | Insomniac-: for some reason the playlist seems to not give much veriety between artists. | 05:04 |
Ayiden | DJ_Mer_: yeah I dont have that kind of problem mine is being on the computer my gf seems to think of it as an advisary.... | 05:04 |
Hobbsee | boga: sudo apt-get install kde-core? | 05:04 |
Hobbsee | paste the output to pastebin | 05:05 |
sahooe | i was having some help from the forums but they can't fix the problem | 05:05 |
Hobbsee | i thought this bug got fixed on breezy... | 05:05 |
boga | OK | 05:05 |
Ayiden | sahooe: sounds like you have unformatted space | 05:05 |
DJ_Mer_ | Ayiden: depending on how long you use it, it very well might be. | 05:05 |
Insomniac- | DJ_Mer_: find a bigger hammer to hit it with | 05:05 |
sahooe | I think it is formatted, I can write in the partition | 05:06 |
DJ_Mer_ | Insomniac-: it seems to only wanna play Daft Punk, greenday, counting crows, bob marley, and crossfade. | 05:06 |
boga | Hobbsee: Was that #pastebin? there is no one there! | 05:06 |
Hobbsee | !pastebin | 05:06 |
Hentai^XP | !pastebin | 05:06 |
ubotu | [pastebin] a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 05:06 |
Hobbsee | i'm in #pastebin now as well though - stick it there... | 05:06 |
Insomniac- | DJ_Mer_: could be worse, it could refuse to play anything but britney spears | 05:07 |
sahooe | I have all the information in one of the forums, I don't know if someone could give the thread a look | 05:07 |
Ayiden | sahooe: yes that partition is formatted what I am saying is that you have ONE partition of 20gb on a 120gb disk which means you have room for a 100gb partition or to earace the 20gb and make one big 120 partition.. your partition is too small | 05:08 |
Ayiden | have you ever used QTparted? | 05:08 |
sahooe | nope | 05:08 |
Ayiden | partition magic? | 05:09 |
sahooe | I used the kubuntu installation disk | 05:09 |
Ayiden | *(lol) | 05:09 |
Ayiden | okay well I think you might not of formatted the hard drive properly | 05:09 |
sahooe | maybe, what can I use? | 05:09 |
sahooe | I don't want to lose my data | 05:10 |
sahooe | I already formatted my disk like 3 times the last month | 05:10 |
Ayiden | if you dont want to lose your data than you may want to "enlarge" the partition.. you can do this with QTparted | 05:11 |
DJ_Mer_ | Insomniac-: i am looking at the server config... to run the script i have to type ./ before it, forget what you call that. But anyway, how do I send it signals? | 05:11 |
=== boga [n=judith@CPE000ea67e7181-CM001371885222.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Ayiden | it would still be "safer" to back up any data that you need to a disk or dvd etc.. | 05:11 |
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kalenedrael | Damn it. | 05:11 |
sahooe | ok I'm downloading QTparted now | 05:12 |
kalenedrael | OpenOffice still won't work; it's complaining that I'm missing some files which it should have installed as part of the package. | 05:12 |
sahooe | It's already installed | 05:12 |
musashiden | hey, iam having a little error when doing ./configure to compile something | 05:12 |
Insomniac- | DJ_Mer_: man kill | 05:12 |
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Insomniac- | DJ_Mer_: signals listed within | 05:12 |
musashiden | checking for KDE... configure: error: in the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed. This will fail. So, check this please and use another prefix! | 05:12 |
Hobbsee | musashiden: sudo apt-get install kde-devel | 05:13 |
Ayiden | okay you can use that enlarge your partition its simple but I have a feeling you would feel safer with a walk through | 05:13 |
musashiden | thanks hobbsee | 05:13 |
kalenedrael | sudo apt-get install kde-devel | 05:13 |
kalenedrael | bah, beaten | 05:13 |
Hobbsee | lol | 05:13 |
musashiden | lol, thank you too kalenedrael :) | 05:13 |
sahooe | yeah i think | 05:13 |
musashiden | E: Couldn't find package kde-devel | 05:13 |
Ayiden | sahooe: what kind of partition is it? | 05:13 |
musashiden | :/ | 05:14 |
nalioth | musashiden: try kdebase-dev | 05:14 |
DJ_Mer_ | Insomniac-: it gives me commands to skipt to the next song wand whatnot. | 05:14 |
nalioth | musashiden: also install these: | 05:14 |
nalioth | !xincludes | 05:14 |
ubotu | When a program or configure script asks for "X includes", you should probably install the following packages: xlibs-dev xlibs-static-dev x-window-system-dev | 05:14 |
musashiden | Broken packages | 05:14 |
sahooe | it's a 120GB disk with 2 partitions: 1 of 20Gb for /, 1 of 100GB for files like music and videos | 05:14 |
nalioth | musashiden: have you been using non ubuntu repos or packages? | 05:14 |
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musashiden | nope, exept the amarok one | 05:15 |
sahooe | qparted is only reading one disk, another dis of 6GB i have there plugged | 05:15 |
Ayiden | okay is that what you have right now? | 05:15 |
kalenedrael | musashiden, you probably need to edit your /etc/apt/sources.list to include more parts of apt... | 05:15 |
kalenedrael | Er, more parts of the apt repos. | 05:16 |
musashiden | which ones? | 05:16 |
sahooe | right now I have only a 20GB available, and it's full now | 05:16 |
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Voodoo_Vibe | does anyone know a good site to download plugins for gimp?? | 05:16 |
Ayiden | okay | 05:16 |
ejofee | is there any way i could switch to dapper drake as an upgrade (that is, without reformatting partition)? | 05:16 |
Hobbsee | musashiden: nalioth...i'm seriously wondering about this - the packages are not being found, yet i've already installed them ages ago... | 05:17 |
Hobbsee | ejofee: yes | 05:17 |
Hobbsee | !upgrade2dapper | 05:17 |
ubotu | NO SPEAKE ENLISH!, Hobbsee | 05:17 |
Hobbsee | !upgrade2breezy | 05:17 |
ubotu | The guide to upgrading to breezy (5.10) is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade | 05:18 |
nalioth | Hobbsee: strange repos can do it (including the 3.5 tree on breezy) | 05:18 |
Hobbsee | change all the instances of breezy in your sources list to dapper | 05:18 |
ejofee | Hobbsee: thank you | 05:18 |
sahooe | How can I enlarge the partition with qparted? There's only one disk there, another, no the main one | 05:18 |
musashiden | Hobbsee: say what? o.o | 05:18 |
Hobbsee | nalioth: that would be what i'm running, and i'm not finding it in the actual indexes of kubuntu site | 05:19 |
Ayiden | sahooe: the 20gb partition what is it formated as? reiser? | 05:19 |
ejofee | Hobbsee: do you think it's safe for a newbye (like me) to upgrade to a drake like dapper? | 05:19 |
ejofee | ( :) ) | 05:19 |
sahooe | Ext 3, both of them | 05:19 |
nalioth | !info kde-devel | 05:19 |
Hobbsee | musashiden: sorry, i meant, they were there, because i installed them weeks ago, but i cant find them there now... | 05:19 |
ubotu | kde-devel: (the K Desktop Environment development files and modules), section universe/kde, is extra. Version: 5:44ubuntu2 (breezy), Packaged size: 7 kB, Installed size: 40 kB | 05:19 |
Ayiden | so the 100gb partition IS ext 3? | 05:19 |
Ayiden | maybe its simply not mounted | 05:19 |
sahooe | yes | 05:19 |
Hobbsee | ejofee: at flight 2? nah, dont think so, unless you can navigate by console | 05:19 |
musashiden | Hobbsee: then what can i do? | 05:19 |
sahooe | I think it is not mounted right | 05:19 |
nalioth | musashiden: you got universe enabled? | 05:19 |
sahooe | I think it's only a fstab problem | 05:20 |
Ayiden | if you did'nt put a mount flag on it when you installed kubuntu you have to mount it manually | 05:20 |
ejofee | Hobbsee: how many... flights are there until we reach dapper drake final | 05:20 |
ejofee | ? | 05:20 |
Ayiden | sahooe: yes now that you have clarified that it seems that it just may be | 05:20 |
Ayiden | alright goto etc/fstab | 05:20 |
musashiden | nalioth: erm, no? | 05:20 |
sahooe | here is my fstab line: /dev/hda3 /lucas ext3 rw,user,auto,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=000 0 2 | 05:20 |
sahooe | it's the hda3 partition, called /lucas | 05:21 |
musashiden | let me try with universe enabled | 05:21 |
sahooe | and it's mounted there, but not the full space | 05:21 |
Hobbsee | ejofee: um....how many colonies were there for breezy? 5? | 05:21 |
Voodoo_Vibe | im looking for a wallpaper, maybe someone would know where to find it? it says something like "In a world without walls or fences, who needs gates or windows" ?? | 05:21 |
Hobbsee | Voodoo_Vibe: i'd google it | 05:22 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell musashiden about repos | 05:22 |
nalioth | musashiden: enable universe and multiverse repos, please | 05:22 |
sahooe | and when I type "dmesg", there is the message error: | 05:22 |
sahooe | [4429772.811000] EXT3-fs: Unrecognized mount option "uid=1000" or missing value | 05:22 |
ejofee | Hobbsee: in fact, about when (which month) is dapper drake supposed to be released? | 05:22 |
nalioth | musashiden: see your PM from ubotu | 05:22 |
Ayiden | alright I wonder if we can do this with gui | 05:22 |
Ayiden | brb | 05:22 |
Hobbsee | ejofee: 6.04? that'd be april 2006 | 05:22 |
ejofee | Hobbsee: oh, right. the 04 comes from month. | 05:22 |
Voodoo_Vibe | Hobbsee: ive done that and got alot of hits going trought them now. Just wondering if anyone had a direct link or knew specific page | 05:22 |
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Hobbsee | ah ok | 05:23 |
sahooe | what's that? | 05:23 |
ejofee | folks, how *on earth* can i uninstall konqueror?! | 05:23 |
Ayiden | gui is what ever program that has an interface is called | 05:24 |
Ayiden | thats not command line | 05:24 |
ejofee | is it like internet explorer?! | 05:24 |
Ayiden | your irc is gui | 05:24 |
sahooe | ok | 05:24 |
Ayiden | sahooe: goto system settings | 05:24 |
sahooe | ok | 05:24 |
Ayiden | click on disks and filesystems | 05:24 |
Ayiden | check to see if your 100gb partition is "enabled" | 05:25 |
Ayiden | it must be run as root so click on administrator | 05:25 |
sahooe | oops it says disabled | 05:25 |
Ayiden | and enter your password | 05:25 |
Ayiden | enable it | 05:25 |
sahooe | ok then | 05:25 |
Ayiden | and click accept | 05:26 |
Ayiden | well apply | 05:26 |
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sahooe | there's an error | 05:26 |
Hobbsee | Voodoo_Vibe: having a look... | 05:26 |
Ayiden | that should "suto" mount it | 05:26 |
Ayiden | an error? what is the error? | 05:26 |
Ayiden | auto** | 05:26 |
Voodoo_Vibe | Hobbsee: Thanx | 05:26 |
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Ayiden | sahooe: what does the erro say? | 05:26 |
sahooe | when I try to enable it, it says "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda3 | 05:26 |
Ayiden | ah | 05:27 |
Ayiden | it IS formatted as ext 3 | 05:27 |
DJ_Mer_ | Insomniac-: how do i get a list of my running processes in terminal? | 05:27 |
sahooe | I think so, I'm almost sure | 05:28 |
Insomniac- | DJ_Mer_: ps aux | 05:28 |
sahooe | sorry but the kubuntu instalation was a little pain and I don't remember for sure | 05:28 |
sahooe | so what can I do? | 05:28 |
Ayiden | um try thi goto etc/ftab and change part of the line to defaults,uid=0,gid=100,auto,rw,nouser | 05:29 |
sahooe | ok, i'm writing | 05:29 |
Hobbsee | Voodoo_Vibe: not found it yet, but found some funny quotes... | 05:29 |
Voodoo_Vibe | Hobbsee: Yeah.. lol alot of that! | 05:30 |
sahooe | done | 05:30 |
Hobbsee | Voodoo_Vibe: http://www.samsimpson.com/quotes/msquotes.php in particular | 05:30 |
Ayiden | everything after ext3 and before 0 2 | 05:30 |
sahooe | should I remount it or reboot? | 05:30 |
Hobbsee | Voodoo_Vibe: i love the one: "Just don't create a file called -rf. :-)" | 05:30 |
Ayiden | try and remount first | 05:30 |
Ayiden | im hoping that that freaky bad supper blkock wrong fs trype is now for real | 05:31 |
Voodoo_Vibe | JOBBSEE: lol YEAH! | 05:31 |
Ayiden | super* | 05:31 |
Ayiden | I hate when that kind of thing happens | 05:31 |
sahooe | do I mount with "sudo mount -a" right? | 05:31 |
Ayiden | yes | 05:31 |
Ayiden | alsa try with the a | 05:31 |
Ayiden | I never use the a | 05:32 |
Ayiden | *(Lol) | 05:32 |
Hobbsee | Voodoo_Vibe: or "The best way to accelerate a computer running Windows is at 9.81 m/s." | 05:32 |
Ayiden | i use sudo mount /bla... | 05:32 |
sahooe | ok there is a error the same: defaults,uid=0,gid=100,auto,rw,nouser | 05:32 |
sahooe | sorry that not | 05:32 |
sahooe | but this: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda3 | 05:32 |
musashiden | iam still getting the same error | 05:32 |
Ayiden | crap | 05:33 |
Voodoo_Vibe | Hobbsee: lol... true | 05:33 |
Ayiden | hmm | 05:33 |
musashiden | http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/464804 | 05:33 |
Ayiden | we need someone here that knows more than I do | 05:33 |
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sahooe | I know man, it's been like one week with this problem | 05:34 |
musashiden | anyone knows whats going on with these packages that are broken? | 05:34 |
swim | hey folks, are there packages for alphacube theme... and/or milkesque-for-baghira theme? | 05:34 |
sahooe | Finally I dump the forums to instant action in the Xchat | 05:34 |
Ayiden | sahooe: I know i have heard of that error before | 05:34 |
sahooe | ok | 05:34 |
Ayiden | sahooe: well this forum has never let me down before I have used #kubuntu and #mepis | 05:34 |
Ayiden | mepis are pretty good at this sort of thing | 05:35 |
Ayiden | you will find your answer in IRC though | 05:35 |
sahooe | ok then | 05:35 |
Ayiden | MUCH faster than forums | 05:35 |
sahooe | yea | 05:35 |
ejofee | when i want to uninstall konqueror, it also wants to uninstall kcontrol? why does kubuntu package them like that? kcontrol should be separated from konqueror | 05:35 |
Ayiden | stay in here | 05:35 |
Ayiden | too | 05:35 |
sahooe | ok | 05:35 |
MrClever | sahooe: in fstab, the "defaults" refers to the following options - rw, suid, dev, exec, auto, nouser, and async. | 05:36 |
MrClever | sahooe: don't set options twice. | 05:37 |
Ayiden | yeah | 05:37 |
sahooe | what should be the line then? | 05:37 |
Ayiden | it works fine on mine those are my default values | 05:37 |
MrClever | What file system are you trying to mount? | 05:37 |
sahooe | it's like this now: /dev/hda3 /lucas ext3 defaults,uid=0,gid=100,auto,rw,nouser 0 2 | 05:38 |
sahooe | ext3 | 05:38 |
MrClever | why specify a uid and gid for a native file system? | 05:38 |
sahooe | don't know | 05:38 |
Ayiden | MrClever: I didnt link it was native | 05:38 |
Ayiden | think* | 05:38 |
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MrClever | Just mount it and "chown -R user:group /mount/point" after mounting it with defaults :) | 05:38 |
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Ayiden | if its native you can those off | 05:39 |
MrClever | ext3 == linux native file system, | 05:39 |
sahooe | so I mount it again? | 05:39 |
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swim | i just did a "Full Upgrade" in Adept... (right after first install of kubuntu 5.10 ... is that a good idea? (never used Adept before) | 05:40 |
Ayiden | swim: normally full upgraded are bad but its normally alright in kubuntu because of the way they set their dpkg's up | 05:41 |
MrClever | sahooe: depends - if you don't mount it you can always just guess how it might turn out :P | 05:41 |
swim | Ayiden: ... hmm so should I cancel it or just let it go? | 05:41 |
Ayiden | swim: make sure its not updating your running kerenl or video drivers | 05:42 |
sahooe | i'm triyng to do the chown thing now | 05:42 |
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Ayiden | it DOES give you an extra kernel image in case somthing gos wrong which is nice | 05:42 |
Voodoo_Vibe | Hobbsee: found it! http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=26426 | 05:42 |
MrClever | sahooe: so the file system is mounted then? | 05:43 |
swim | Ayiden, I actually havent installed a different kernel from the original on install, or video drivers yet... I was going to install the i686 kernel, and nvidia drivers after this upgrade though... | 05:43 |
sahooe | I did the chown now | 05:43 |
Ayiden | MrClever: if you can get that partition working thanks alot Im not that good with ftab and mtab troubles | 05:43 |
sahooe | I think it's mounted because I can read the files and everything | 05:43 |
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Hobbsee | Voodoo_Vibe: yay! | 05:44 |
sahooe | but when the system is booting, there's an error mounting the fs system | 05:44 |
Ayiden | sahooe: it mounts? | 05:44 |
MrClever | Ayiden: ext3 doesn't support the gid/uid options ;) | 05:44 |
Voodoo_Vibe | Hobbsee: thanx for the help looking | 05:44 |
sahooe | yes, but the partition is 100GB and I can only use 20GB | 05:44 |
Hobbsee | no problems | 05:44 |
Ayiden | MrClever: thank you I just noticed I copied that from a fat32 section im sorry about that sahooe | 05:45 |
sahooe | MrClever: how should be my mount line for the fstab file then? | 05:45 |
Ayiden | sahooe: do you have 2 seperate partitions? or are you saying that you can only get 20gb on the whole 120 partition? | 05:45 |
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arcanistherogue | hey, when i install baghira from the repositories, where is the baghira folder located | 05:46 |
MrClever | sahooe: the only way a 100GB whould be limited to 20GB would be if you are using LVM or the partition isn't actually 100GB. | 05:46 |
sahooe | yes, it is 1 disk of 120GB with 2 partitions: hda1 with 20GB, hda3 with 100GB | 05:46 |
arcanistherogue | i want to install this baghira milky theme but i cant find the right folde | 05:46 |
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MrClever | The DRIVE might be 100GB, and you are trying to mount a 20GB partition maybe? | 05:46 |
swim | to replace kdeprint 4:3.4.3-0ubuntu (using .../kdeprint_4%3a3.4.3-0ubuntu6_i386.deb) ... | 05:46 |
swim | Unpacking replacement kdeprint ... | 05:46 |
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swim | Ayiden: for example: | 05:46 |
Ayiden | okay so hda1 is fine its hda3 thats giving the erroe correct | 05:46 |
swim | that up there is one of the things its doing... does that look ok? | 05:46 |
sahooe | during the kubuntu installation, I think LVM was used, I don't know what it is though :( | 05:47 |
Ayiden | yes thats fine | 05:47 |
Ayiden | swim: yes thats alright | 05:47 |
sahooe | yes, correct, hda3 is the problem | 05:47 |
MrClever | sahooe: to mount a ext3 partition try this: /dev/hd[a-d] [0-9] /lucas ext3 defaults 1 2 | 05:47 |
Ayiden | you should restart kde when you finished tho | 05:47 |
swim | ok thanks | 05:47 |
MrClever | replace [a-d] [0-9] with whatever your drive and partition correxpond to | 05:47 |
=== Slyder0244 [n=Me@pcp0012156751pcs.southk01.tn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
sahooe | ok, that's in the fstab file right? | 05:48 |
merlino | Insomniac-: i had 200 instances of the server config file running: that is why it wouldn't update hte list. | 05:48 |
Ayiden | swim: if it asks you to replace a configuration file you might not want to do that if you find that the program thats using it is working fine okay | 05:48 |
sahooe | ok here is the line again: /dev/hda3 /lucas ext3 defaults 1 2 | 05:49 |
Slyder0244 | i'm having a problem installing a couple apps i keep getting an error that says it can't find x includes | 05:49 |
Slyder0244 | anyone have any ideas why | 05:49 |
sahooe | now what should I do? | 05:49 |
MrClever | sahooe: yes. To mount from the command line: sudo mount /dev/hd?? /lucas | 05:49 |
Hobbsee | !xincludes | 05:50 |
ubotu | When a program or configure script asks for "X includes", you should probably install the following packages: xlibs-dev xlibs-static-dev x-window-system-dev | 05:50 |
MrClever | sahooe: mount should be smart enough to detect its an ext3 partition :) | 05:50 |
Hobbsee | !tell Slyder0244 about xincludes | 05:50 |
Slyder0244 | many thanx ubotu | 05:50 |
Slyder0244 | or hobbsee i should say | 05:50 |
Slyder0244 | no reason to thank the bot | 05:50 |
Hobbsee | :) | 05:50 |
Hobbsee | hehe | 05:50 |
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bimberi | Slyder0244: you can always say "ubotu: thanks" :) | 05:51 |
sahooe | MrClever: ok, now what? | 05:51 |
Ayiden | bimberi: will it answer? | 05:52 |
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Ayiden | ubotu: thanks | 05:52 |
ubotu | pas de quoi, Ayiden | 05:52 |
Ayiden | ha ha | 05:52 |
bimberi | Ayiden: there you go :) | 05:52 |
Ayiden | nice | 05:52 |
sahooe | ok great, in the System Settings, the partition is now enabled!! xD | 05:53 |
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merlino | Insomniac-: if you wanna listen to soviet radio, my entire library is up and working now | 05:53 |
sahooe | but now there's no files in the mount point!! | 05:54 |
ilba7r | sahoee what you mean by no files in mount point. What did you try to mount and how you mounted it | 05:55 |
sahooe | help plz my files are gone | 05:56 |
sahooe | i did the sudo mount thing | 05:56 |
Voodoo_Vibe | hehe... im playing music in xmms then i tested tuxpaint the music stopped and the paint programs sound replaced it.. when i closed it xmms continued.....the price for a onboard soundcard! | 05:56 |
ilba7r | sahooe the files are still there if you did not delete them intentionally | 05:57 |
ilba7r | ok are you mounting a partition | 05:57 |
MrClever | sahooe: is the file system mounted? | 05:57 |
ilba7r | window, jump drive, linux | 05:57 |
sahooe | it's mounted now but no files! | 05:57 |
sahooe | only the lost+found directory | 05:58 |
MrClever | in that case - it's empty :) | 05:58 |
MrClever | did you reformat this partition? | 05:58 |
sahooe | i think the files are somewhere because the first partition is still full, but where? | 05:59 |
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MrClever | sahooe: how many partitions are there on the drive? try unmounting the partition and mount a different one. | 05:59 |
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ilba7r | saho type cat /etc/mstab in a terminal and see if your partition is correct there | 06:00 |
swim | is it not a good idea to use debian packages in kubuntu? | 06:00 |
ilba7r | sorry cat /etc/mtab | 06:00 |
sahooe | yeah, there are the partitions | 06:01 |
bimberi | swim: no, is there one in particular you're after? | 06:01 |
swim | bimberi: oh yes, something called: YaKuake ... http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=29153 | 06:02 |
ilba7r | did you put the right flag what type of file system it is | 06:02 |
sahooe | sorry, which flag? | 06:03 |
ilba7r | what type of partition you want to mount | 06:03 |
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sahooe | Ext3, it's mounted now, but the files that used to be there are gone | 06:03 |
bimberi | swim: you could try installing it. Just make sure that any dependencies come from the ubuntu repositories (if possible) | 06:04 |
ilba7r | swim it is generally not a good idea | 06:05 |
=== Knowerrors [n=stormsur@Node121-175-53-66.1dial.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
swim | bimberi: ok, does that go for most debian packages ? Or should I look into creating my own packages? (I used to run archlinux, where building packages was a sinch) | 06:05 |
sahooe | MrClever: how can i recovery my files? | 06:05 |
Knowerrors | Hey all, trying to get ntpdate to work, tried sudo ntpdate ntp.ubuntu.com 14 Dec 21:02:28 ntpdate[4260] : no server suitable for synchronization found | 06:05 |
Hobbsee | Knowerrors: how do you make ntpupdate work anyway? | 06:06 |
Knowerrors | I have it execute after my modem connects to internet | 06:07 |
Hobbsee | ooh, i see... | 06:07 |
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bimberi | swim: generally it's ok for applications that don't have dependant packages (or groups of packages in their own dependant set). The big NoNo is adding debian repositories. I real recipe for diaster :) | 06:07 |
bimberi | swim: hopefully that makes sense :) | 06:07 |
sahooe | someone please where is my data now??? | 06:07 |
=== Hobbsee makes mental note to remember ntpdate, instead of ntpupdate | ||
swim | totally does bimberi thx | 06:08 |
bimberi | s/I/A/ | 06:08 |
ilba7r | swim check out the checkinstall package it will create a deb binary for you from source | 06:08 |
Hobbsee | Knowerrors: | 06:09 |
Hobbsee | sarah@sarah:~$ sudo ntpdate ntp.ubuntu.com | 06:09 |
Hobbsee | 15 Dec 16:08:30 ntpdate[15341] : adjust time server offset -0.129795 sec | 06:09 |
Hobbsee | seems to be working | 06:09 |
swim | ok will do ilba7r | 06:10 |
sahooe | will someone help me please to recovery my files? | 06:10 |
=== ChaKy [n=chaky@lns02-0507.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Knowerrors | Hobbsee: are you in KDE now? do you have time set to update auto? | 06:11 |
Hobbsee | Knowerrors: in kde3.5, breezy | 06:11 |
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sahooe | at least to unmount the partition to see my files like before?? | 06:11 |
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Hobbsee | i havent changed the defaults - i know it checks with the ntp server on boot | 06:11 |
ilba7r | sahooe to unmount just type sudo umount /dev/your partition name | 06:11 |
ilba7r | ex sudo umount /dev/hda2 | 06:12 |
ilba7r | sahoee could you use the paste on the pastebin the output of cat /etc/mtab for me | 06:13 |
sahooe | ilba7r: ok, i unmounted and the files are back there | 06:13 |
sahooe | here is the content of /etc/mtab: | 06:14 |
sahooe | /dev/hda1 / ext3 rw,errors=remount-ro 0 0 | 06:14 |
sahooe | proc /proc proc rw 0 0 | 06:14 |
sahooe | sysfs /sys sysfs rw 0 0 | 06:14 |
sahooe | devpts /dev/pts devpts rw,gid=5,mode=620 0 0 | 06:14 |
sahooe | tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs rw 0 0 | 06:15 |
ilba7r | i assume that you did not mount two partitons to the same directory | 06:15 |
ilba7r | sahooe use the pastebin | 06:15 |
ilba7r | look at the top of the channel | 06:15 |
sahooe | sorry mand | 06:15 |
ilba7r | no prob :) | 06:15 |
MrClever | sahooe: if you deleted them they're effectively gone unless you want to send it to a data recovery specialist. It's not like FAT where you can simply "undelete"/ | 06:16 |
sahooe | no, I unmounted the drive and the files are again there | 06:16 |
ilba7r | ok where did you want to mount it sahooe | 06:16 |
sahooe | I'll only set another mountpoint | 06:16 |
ilba7r | can you type the command you used | 06:16 |
MrClever | sahooe: ah - then mount the drive somewhere else, and copy the files over. | 06:17 |
Ayiden | sahooe: see how much mor help you get faster in an IRC | 06:17 |
sahooe | Yeah, MrClever. I was getting hysterical jeje | 06:17 |
Ayiden | okay well gtg later every | 06:17 |
Ayiden | body | 06:17 |
Ayiden | ha ha | 06:17 |
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ilba7r | MrClever i suspect he mounted both partitions to the same place | 06:17 |
sahooe | yes, that was the mistake | 06:18 |
ilba7r | ok take care than | 06:18 |
MrClever | sahooe: you're mounting in /lucas right? So do this: "sudo mkdir /mnt/temp ; sudo mount /dev/hd?? /mnt/temp ; cd /mnt/tmp ; sudo cp -a /lucas ./" without the "" | 06:18 |
sahooe | thanks man | 06:18 |
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sahooe | ok, I'm doing the directory now | 06:18 |
MrClever | sahooe: "cp -a" will preserve owner/group and mode, recurse and preserve atime. It's a short-hand for "archive" :) | 06:19 |
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sahooe | but I have to change the /etc/fstab right? | 06:19 |
ilba7r | right if you want to permenantly mount it | 06:20 |
MrClever | nup - if you give mount all the details it needs, it wont try and "fill in the blanks" from fstab | 06:20 |
swim | i forget whats the package with needed applications for building from source? build-essentials? | 06:20 |
_cedric | hi! i know there is a wiki page to have ubuntu running on xfce, without gnome or kde... is there any page to get enlightment | 06:20 |
_cedric | ? | 06:21 |
ilba7r | _cedric enlightenment is a window manager gnome kde are desktop environments | 06:21 |
ilba7r | there is a huge diff | 06:21 |
_cedric | ho i c so xfce is a window manager too? | 06:21 |
MrClever | sahooe: Once you've verified the files are on the other drive, "cd /lucas ; sudo rm -rf ./" | 06:21 |
swim | i thought e17 was a full on desktop enviro | 06:22 |
_cedric | i thought too | 06:22 |
ilba7r | yah but the project have collected some other packages for it too like rox file manager | 06:22 |
sahooe | MrClever: ok, man, thanks for the help. I'm copying now the files xD | 06:22 |
MrClever | e17 is still in beta right? | 06:22 |
ilba7r | right | 06:22 |
swim | yes I believe so... | 06:22 |
MrClever | sahooe: sweet. Glad I could help out. | 06:22 |
_cedric | ho ok | 06:22 |
MrClever | gotta fly - trains don't wait....l8r peeps | 06:24 |
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Knowerrors | anybody know how to edit iptables to allow the port ntpdate uses? | 06:27 |
ilba7r | knowerrors how about downloading a firewall. It is basically a frontend for editing iptables | 06:29 |
ilba7r | i use firestarter but for kde people recommend guarddog | 06:29 |
sahooe | ilba7r: thanks for everything man. my pc is steaming now xD | 06:29 |
Knowerrors | I tried firestarter, locked me down completely, no net access and couldn't change things | 06:29 |
ilba7r | sahooe take care my friend you are welcomed :) | 06:30 |
ilba7r | that is strange for i prefer it for its easy | 06:30 |
ilba7r | this might be your prob that firestarter locked something for you | 06:30 |
sahooe | seeya all KUBUNTU rules!!!! | 06:30 |
ilba7r | run the startup script again from firestarter | 06:31 |
Knowerrors | I uninstalled firestarter (purged) and iptables, then reinstalled iptables | 06:31 |
ilba7r | make sure to select the correct network device | 06:31 |
ilba7r | bye sahooe | 06:31 |
=== boga [n=judith@CPE000ea67e7181-CM001371885222.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
swim | does anyone have Milkesque for baghira installed? | 06:34 |
T3hWiz0rd | Insomniac-: you there? | 06:36 |
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Insomniac- | T3hWiz0rd: yah | 06:38 |
T3hWiz0rd | i found out what was wrong | 06:38 |
T3hWiz0rd | i had over 200 instances of the config file running in the process list | 06:38 |
T3hWiz0rd | that was one hecka mess to clean up lol | 06:38 |
Insomniac- | heh | 06:38 |
T3hWiz0rd | but now its got a nice 2000 song mix of music going | 06:38 |
Insomniac- | i found out what was rolling inside of my dvd player when i moved the case | 06:39 |
T3hWiz0rd | what? | 06:39 |
Insomniac- | some piece of plastic | 06:39 |
T3hWiz0rd | lol | 06:39 |
T3hWiz0rd | i broke a microwave at work, i think im gonna get ripped a new one for that | 06:39 |
Insomniac- | looks like it was designed to keep some cable or piece of hardware in place | 06:39 |
Insomniac- | but it doesn't fit anywhere | 06:39 |
Insomniac- | how did you manage that? | 06:40 |
T3hWiz0rd | i bent down to get something out from a shelf wand hwen i went back up one of hte door hooks caught onmy shirt and broke | 06:40 |
Insomniac- | that sucks | 06:41 |
T3hWiz0rd | ...for them | 06:41 |
T3hWiz0rd | i didn't say anything lol | 06:41 |
T3hWiz0rd | enogh people use it that no one can really get blamed | 06:41 |
Insomniac- | that doesn't make it the right thing to do ;) | 06:42 |
Insomniac- | 17 minutes until i can finally get some cigarettes :) | 06:44 |
Insomniac- | all the excitement of newyear without people to share it with | 06:45 |
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T3hWiz0rd | Insomniac-: this america no one does the right thing anymore | 06:46 |
T3hWiz0rd | :-P | 06:46 |
T3hWiz0rd | its not hip anymore | 06:46 |
boga | I need to have kDE header files installed but the system tells me they are not installable. ANy help? | 06:46 |
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Insomniac- | T3hWiz0rd: morality has become a fashion victim? | 06:48 |
T3hWiz0rd | michael jackson did, didn't he? | 06:48 |
swim | anyone know what the package with kde header files is called? | 06:49 |
Insomniac- | T3hWiz0rd: michael did what? become a fashion victim? | 06:50 |
T3hWiz0rd | yup | 06:50 |
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swim | anyone? | 06:54 |
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=== Voodoo_Vibe [n=macke@c-9473e455.54-0015-74657210.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Voodoo_Vibe | The sdl-config script installed by SDL could not be found. could someone tell me what i need?? cant find any sdl-config | 06:57 |
Knowerrors | anybody here use Kmyfirewall? | 06:58 |
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T3hWiz0rd | :-D | 06:59 |
=== ilba7r [n=ilba7r@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Voodoo_Vibe | The sdl-config script installed by SDL could not be found. could someone tell me what i need?? cant find any sdl-config | 06:59 |
kalenedrael | sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev | 07:00 |
Voodoo_Vibe | kalenedrael: Thanx! | 07:00 |
kalenedrael | No problem. | 07:00 |
T3hWiz0rd | can someone tell me of a pocket pc program to access the terminal? ssh in to my computers at home? | 07:00 |
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kalenedrael | Also, just because your question isn't answered within three minutes doesn't mean you should repeat it :P | 07:01 |
=== ilba7r [n=ilba7r@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
benplaut | does kubuntu use .xinitrc, or .xsession, or what for startup programs? | 07:01 |
Voodoo_Vibe | kalenedrael: yeah i know didnt mean too.. accidentally pressed up arrow | 07:02 |
kalenedrael | :P | 07:02 |
kalenedrael | Heh. | 07:02 |
=== benplaut [n=benplaut@cpe-70-95-146-177.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
T3hWiz0rd | benplaut: i like that quit message | 07:03 |
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benplaut | T3hWiz0rd: i have no clue what it is :/ | 07:04 |
T3hWiz0rd | benplaut: 23:02 (*) benplaut [n=benplaut@cpe-70-95-146-177.hawaii.res.rr.com] has quit ["in Soviet Russa, beta breaks YOU!"] | 07:04 |
benplaut | oh | 07:04 |
benplaut | that one :) | 07:04 |
benplaut | it was dapper breaks you, but i'm in alot of non-ubuntu channels :) | 07:04 |
T3hWiz0rd | lol | 07:04 |
benplaut | although, it was much better in the hoary days, breezy breaks you | 07:05 |
Voodoo_Vibe | Warning: No beer found in fridge! WTF! i was trying to compile Scorched3d! | 07:06 |
Voodoo_Vibe | and i got beer in the fridge! | 07:06 |
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benplaut | now, lets see if Linus was right | 07:10 |
Voodoo_Vibe | The openal-config script installed by OpenAL could not be found. could someone tell me what i need? ive installed libopenal-dev | 07:11 |
=== Voodoo_Vibe [n=macke@c-6e63e455.54-0015-74657210.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Voodoo_Vibe | did anyone answer when i before i logged out? | 07:18 |
benplaut | Voodoo_Vibe: nope | 07:19 |
Voodoo_Vibe | hmmm... too bad | 07:19 |
benplaut | is there any way to set so that when scrolling on the pager applet, it doesn't go past desktop 4, back to 1? | 07:20 |
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=== _gryphon [n=gryphon@cpe-24-24-137-48.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
_gryphon | hello! | 07:23 |
_gryphon | i was wondering... | 07:23 |
_gryphon | how can i set up things to autostart.. edit the sessions perse | 07:24 |
_gryphon | and how can i change that annoying click from single to double >?> | 07:24 |
=== _alex [n=alex@c-67-176-20-93.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ilba7r | open the kde control center | 07:25 |
ilba7r | and setup the click there | 07:25 |
Voodoo_Vibe | The openal-config script installed by OpenAL could not be found. could someone tell me what i need? ive installed libopenal-dev | 07:25 |
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_gryphon | where do i find the control center ? | 07:26 |
Voodoo_Vibe | type kcontrol in konsole | 07:26 |
ilba7r | voodo check using kynaptic if there is an openAL dev lib or package that you need to install | 07:27 |
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ilba7r | libopenal-dev | 07:27 |
_gryphon | not installed Voodoo_Vibe hehe what package should i grab for that>?? | 07:27 |
ilba7r | sudo apt-get install kcontrol | 07:28 |
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ilba7r | voodo for any missing lib you should look for the -dev package of that lib | 07:29 |
Voodoo_Vibe | ilba7r: i have installed libopenal-dev and everything i got when i searched for openal in adept... but no luck | 07:29 |
ilba7r | vodoo what are you trying to install | 07:29 |
CryptoQuick | Hello; I'm having a bit of difficulty using amaroK and Kaffeine to stream music from the internet. | 07:29 |
Voodoo_Vibe | ilba7r:Scorched3d | 07:30 |
Voodoo_Vibe | ilba7r: www.scorched3d.co.uk | 07:30 |
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ilba7r | there are other libopneal-dev available | 07:31 |
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benplaut | ./configure | 07:31 |
benplaut | woops | 07:31 |
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benplaut | in the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed. This will fail. | 07:32 |
ilba7r | all i can say just look into the site which one yo need | 07:32 |
benplaut | ...which dev files are needed to compile a kicker applet? | 07:32 |
Voodoo_Vibe | ilba7r: ok. Thanx! | 07:32 |
ilba7r | sorry man wanted to be of more help | 07:32 |
Voodoo_Vibe | ilba7r: no worries. im glad u pointed me in some direction! | 07:33 |
Voodoo_Vibe | ilba7r: but i got more problem maybe u could help me with :) | 07:34 |
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CryptoQuick | So, um, how can I play streamed music on Kubuntu? | 07:34 |
T3hWiz0rd | CryptoQuick: amarok? | 07:34 |
CryptoQuick | I've tried both amaroK and Kaffeine. | 07:35 |
T3hWiz0rd | what type of steaming file? | 07:35 |
T3hWiz0rd | .pls, .ogg? | 07:35 |
CryptoQuick | This: | 07:35 |
hussam | something is wrong with my system since I last rebooted. the booting is way too slow and it switches to verbose mode automatically at half the boot process. | 07:35 |
Voodoo_Vibe | ilba7r:everytime i start KDE i have to set my screen to 60Hz, and when i restart its back at 75Hz. where can i change that so it starts with 60Hz?? | 07:35 |
hussam | anybody has an idea? | 07:35 |
T3hWiz0rd | ICY 404 Resource Not Found | 07:35 |
T3hWiz0rd | icy-notice1:SHOUTcast Distributed Network Audio Server/posix v1.8.1<BR> | 07:35 |
CryptoQuick | Let me look at that again. | 07:36 |
ilba7r | hussam the system check the file system integrety every 30 boots | 07:36 |
ilba7r | voodoo i can only think of kcontrol center | 07:36 |
ilba7r | do not know why it keep changing though | 07:37 |
CryptoQuick | Kaffeine tells me that there's no URI handler to open an HTTP stream. | 07:37 |
ilba7r | by the way i stopped using kde and now on enlightenment | 07:37 |
Voodoo_Vibe | ilba7r: yeah me too. But thats where i have to change it everytime | 07:37 |
CryptoQuick | Or something like that. | 07:37 |
hussam | ilba7r: yeah but that's not it. I rebooted twice and it keeps happening without doing the fscheck | 07:37 |
T3hWiz0rd | CryptoQuick: it seems like the site is down right now | 07:37 |
T3hWiz0rd | CryptoQuick: which would make it out of your control. | 07:38 |
hussam | ilba7r: also S98usplash is still running even after I logged in to kde | 07:38 |
CryptoQuick | T3hWiz0rd: Let me get a second opinion from my powerbook. | 07:39 |
T3hWiz0rd | CryptoQuick: roger. | 07:39 |
ilba7r | i am trying to locate the right file to look into hussam | 07:39 |
ilba7r | all logs are in the dir /va/log | 07:40 |
ilba7r | so try to look into syslog file will give you an idea what might be wrong | 07:41 |
CryptoQuick | T3hWiz0rd: It works fine in Mac OS X. | 07:41 |
=== fatejudger [n=fatejudg@c-24-5-49-160.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
T3hWiz0rd | CryptoQuick: the link you gave me doesn't work for me | 07:41 |
fatejudger | what the hell is up with the latest apt-get upgrade? | 07:41 |
T3hWiz0rd | CryptoQuick: and im on my mac | 07:41 |
hussam | ilba7r: I checked the syslog, nothing wrong withy it | 07:42 |
fatejudger | my text in compete is all blurry, and anti-alaisy | 07:42 |
fatejudger | *kopete | 07:42 |
fatejudger | shit I'm tired | 07:42 |
CryptoQuick | T3hWiz0rd: Try this- http://www.di.fm/mp3/eurodance.pls | 07:43 |
T3hWiz0rd | workin for me :-D | 07:43 |
T3hWiz0rd | let me try on my kubuntu box | 07:43 |
merlino | CryptoQuick works on my kubuntu box | 07:44 |
merlino | CryptoQuick: so you might simply be missing the file. | 07:44 |
CryptoQuick | Which file? The .pls file? | 07:45 |
merlino | CryptoQuick: yeah./ | 07:45 |
=== adapt [n=adam@c-67-190-7-174.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
CryptoQuick | merlino: It connects to the stream, but the music doesn't play, since it's buffering. Once the buffering gets to 100%, it starts over again. | 07:46 |
adapt | anyone booted the flight 2 live cd on ppc? | 07:47 |
merlino | CryptoQuick: do you have file support for it? | 07:47 |
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CryptoQuick | It's a streaming mp3. Don't tell me that Ubuntu can't play mp3s. | 07:47 |
merlino | CryptoQuick: well, not be default anyway. | 07:48 |
merlino | CryptoQuick: easy fix... sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-plugins | 07:48 |
CryptoQuick | Gotcha. | 07:49 |
_gryphon | arg | 07:51 |
_gryphon | this is really frustrating sorry... | 07:51 |
_gryphon | i just cant find the setting to make things double click instead of single click in teh systemsettingss | 07:51 |
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ilba7r_ | -gry i think it is under window behaviour or mouse in kcontrol | 07:52 |
CryptoQuick | merlino: I have most of the gstreamer and libraries installed. I can't find the exact one you pointed me to, but I have the plugin-apps one. | 07:52 |
ilba7r_ | and lol op to you it took me time to set it to single click rather than double one :) | 07:53 |
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_gryphon | aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh | 07:55 |
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_gryphon | ty!!!!!! | 07:55 |
=== _gryphon huggles ilba7r_ | ||
ilba7r_ | lol ok though i do not know what huggle mean but you are welcomed :) | 07:56 |
_gryphon | hehe like a hug but warmer | 07:56 |
_gryphon | :) | 07:56 |
ilba7r_ | cool | 07:56 |
ilba7r_ | :) | 07:56 |
=== CryptoQuick just installed Ubuntu server instead of desktop accidentally, and is now kicking himself hard. | ||
ilba7r_ | cryptoquick no harm | 07:58 |
ilba7r_ | which do you prefer gnome or kde | 07:58 |
CryptoQuick | KDE, that's why I'm in this channel. | 07:58 |
_gryphon | i prefer to do server install then gui install myself... | 07:58 |
_gryphon | sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 07:58 |
merlino | CryptoQuick: just apt-get install xmms | 07:58 |
_gryphon | :) | 07:58 |
merlino | CryptoQuick: that usually resolves mp3 support for me lol | 07:58 |
_gryphon | lol merlino | 07:58 |
ilba7r_ | ok | 07:58 |
merlino | _gryphon: it worked for me once :-P | 07:58 |
ilba7r_ | type in a channel | 07:58 |
_gryphon | sudo apt-get install xmms-alarm !!!1 | 07:58 |
CryptoQuick | Thanks, you two. I'm just going to install from CD again. | 07:59 |
ilba7r_ | sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 07:59 |
_gryphon | CryptoQuick: thats crazy talk | 07:59 |
ilba7r_ | will insstall everything you need | 07:59 |
_gryphon | yes that metapackage is kde ;) | 07:59 |
=== viviersf [n=cain@dsl-146-100-81.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #kubuntu | ||
merlino | CryptoQuick: reinstalling will NOT resolve the mp3 support. | 07:59 |
_gryphon | sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop <<<------ !!!!!!! | 07:59 |
CryptoQuick | No! I mean! | 07:59 |
merlino | CryptoQuick: be patient, i have documents on it. | 07:59 |
CryptoQuick | I'm installing Kubuntu on an old x86 computer with 128 megs of RAM *while* I'm troubleshooting my PPC Mac mini's sound issues. | 08:00 |
_gryphon | lol | 08:00 |
CryptoQuick | So, um, sorry to be confusing. :) | 08:00 |
_gryphon | ok so we got kde fixxored :D | 08:00 |
_gryphon | now for mp3 | 08:00 |
_gryphon | no sound at all? | 08:00 |
_gryphon | or just no mp3 | 08:01 |
CryptoQuick | No MP3. I get error zots all the time. | 08:01 |
_gryphon | what errors? | 08:01 |
ilba7r_ | try doccumentation on ubuntu web page | 08:01 |
CryptoQuick | You know, when you try to delete too far in the command line, or do something stupid, you know. | 08:01 |
_gryphon | not really :P | 08:01 |
_gryphon | but ok :D | 08:02 |
_gryphon | what do they say? | 08:02 |
CryptoQuick | ;) | 08:02 |
CryptoQuick | Beep, beep, beep? | 08:02 |
_gryphon | [im just guessing you mean popup] | 08:02 |
_gryphon | no mssg? | 08:02 |
CryptoQuick | No, um... Beeps. | 08:02 |
_gryphon | did you check systemlog? | 08:02 |
_gryphon | and were u ever able to play mp3's | 08:02 |
CryptoQuick | It's not an issue! I'm getting sound, it's just not playing streaming audio! | 08:02 |
_gryphon | ah | 08:02 |
CryptoQuick | I've not downloaded an mp3 yet. | 08:03 |
_gryphon | STREAMING audio | 08:03 |
merlino | CryptoQuick: sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad | 08:03 |
ilba7r_ | crypto what type of codec you used | 08:03 |
ilba7r_ | you can have wincodec or gstreamer | 08:03 |
CryptoQuick | Something like... salsa. | 08:03 |
merlino | CryptoQuick: if it doesn't download make sure your universe repository is open in your sources.list | 08:03 |
ilba7r_ | i prefer wincodec | 08:03 |
merlino | CryptoQuick: but that will add mp3 support | 08:03 |
_gryphon | ive a 3.9mb mp3 if ya wanna test lol | 08:03 |
_gryphon | !sources | 08:04 |
ubotu | A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) - Create your own sources.list at http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic | 08:04 |
_gryphon | thats standard one... i use different one from automatix... let me paste it | 08:04 |
CryptoQuick | I wouldn't know how to get it from you, gryph. Merlin, let me check my package. | 08:04 |
=== andre^off is now known as andre | ||
CryptoQuick | ALSA. not salsa. | 08:04 |
CryptoQuick | (my bad) | 08:05 |
ilba7r_ | have a look at that https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 08:05 |
Insomniac- | salsa would make a much better name | 08:05 |
_gryphon | eh thats part of it yes ilba7r_ | 08:05 |
=== bunnymon [n=bunny_nh@dialup-] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== slicslak [n=slick@wbs-196-2-115-67.wbs.co.za] has joined #kubuntu | ||
CryptoQuick | Merlin, it's telling me that *mad has no installation candidate. | 08:06 |
=== bunnymon needs a good ftp server to get a Kubuntu ISO or a good downloader that allows restarts. | ||
CryptoQuick | (Bunnymon's Level3 server is owned by a company 'round here in Denver. :) | 08:07 |
Insomniac- | bunnymon: there are torrents iirc | 08:07 |
=== swim [n=joshua@ip68-231-174-234.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== _gryphon waits for the darn paste to send | ||
bunnymon | Insomniac, I've never used torrent and I have to download in WinXP. | 08:08 |
_gryphon | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5775 | 08:08 |
_gryphon | try that CryptoQuick | 08:08 |
=== war-totem [n=bender@CPE0040052e5c4c-CM0f1029953548.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== CryptoQuick doesn't know what he's looking at. | ||
Insomniac- | bunnymon: torrent is a p2p downloading mechanism with hash checking, it's a reliable and scalable way to download | 08:08 |
=== croppa [i=user199@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
_gryphon | /etc/apt/sources.list | 08:09 |
_gryphon | thats what your packages look in and grab from ;) | 08:09 |
_gryphon | so in terminal: sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list | 08:09 |
CryptoQuick | Oh! Right! I remember that much. | 08:09 |
_gryphon | toss that in | 08:09 |
_gryphon | close and save | 08:09 |
_frank | not sudo kate | 08:09 |
_gryphon | sudo apt-get update | 08:10 |
bunnymon | Insomniac: I am downloading Bitterrent for windows. | 08:10 |
_frank | kdesu kate | 08:10 |
_gryphon | er ok or that? | 08:10 |
Insomniac- | bunnymon: installing a bittorrent client is no more difficult than setting up a download manager | 08:10 |
_gryphon | i dont even use kde that much sorry .... | 08:10 |
_frank | sudo kate crashes kate | 08:10 |
_gryphon | anyway so toss those in that file and update | 08:10 |
bunnymon | Insomniac: Ok. | 08:10 |
_gryphon | i wonder why _frank | 08:10 |
_frank | _gryphon: not too sure... | 08:11 |
CryptoQuick | Maybe kate doesn't like you? | 08:11 |
bunnymon | Insomniac: What is the best Torrent downloader for windows? | 08:11 |
_gryphon | _frank: any way to tell gdesklets to start on kde start? | 08:11 |
CryptoQuick | Azureus, I would have to say. | 08:11 |
Insomniac- | bunnymon: depends on what you prefer, i used azureus | 08:11 |
CryptoQuick | :D | 08:11 |
_gryphon | i know there was something in gnome to do stuff like that.. but i didnt see in kde :D | 08:11 |
_frank | bunnymon: I use azureus but if you don't have java already maybe just the the original bittorrent | 08:12 |
_gryphon | NOOOOOOOOOO do NOT use that original client unless its an emergency | 08:12 |
Insomniac- | bunnymon: if you're just interested in one torrent the client doesn't really matter | 08:12 |
_gryphon | that thing is horrid... and banned on a lot of trackers... the only thing its got going is the dht | 08:12 |
_gryphon | bittornado // azureus are the only way to go | 08:13 |
CryptoQuick | Just get Java. If you don't have it already, you'd need it anyway. It's useful. | 08:13 |
bunnymon | Ok thanx yall. | 08:13 |
_gryphon | ya | 08:13 |
_gryphon | yall should check out that automatix on the forums | 08:13 |
_gryphon | very nice bash ;) | 08:13 |
CryptoQuick | Link? | 08:13 |
_gryphon | ubuntuforums.net | 08:13 |
_gryphon | er | 08:13 |
_gryphon | ubuntuforums.org | 08:14 |
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CryptoQuick | Automatix? | 08:14 |
_gryphon | sorry different user on new install dont have the link on this one | 08:14 |
_gryphon | yeah | 08:14 |
bunnymon | I have Java, can't live without it. :) | 08:14 |
_gryphon | or search for easy linux :P | 08:14 |
Tm_T | oh no... | 08:14 |
_gryphon | bunnymon: then you must use azureus | 08:14 |
_gryphon | nothing else will do if you have teh linux | 08:14 |
_gryphon | :D | 08:14 |
_gryphon | er | 08:14 |
Tm_T | my advice: stay away from automatix etc | 08:14 |
_gryphon | java | 08:14 |
bunnymon | Will do. :) | 08:14 |
_gryphon | Tm_T: any particular reason there? | 08:15 |
bunnymon | Need another cup. lol | 08:15 |
Tm_T | _gryphon: many, first of all, when you use those to install stuff, you don't learn about your system at all | 08:15 |
_gryphon | lol | 08:16 |
Insomniac- | Tm_T: that's not necessarily a bad thing | 08:16 |
=== _gryphon shrugs | ||
_gryphon | it depends on the user | 08:16 |
Tm_T | Insomniac-: in most times it's very bad | 08:16 |
_gryphon | and frankly for kde its a tester experience | 08:16 |
Insomniac- | Tm_T: agreed, but it's interesting for easy corporate deployment | 08:16 |
_gryphon | personally i liked it | 08:16 |
_gryphon | but i run gnome and kde | 08:16 |
CryptoQuick | Okay, this is driving me nuts. amaroK is streaming the mp3 just fine, but the audio isn't coming through. | 08:16 |
_gryphon | lol | 08:16 |
_gryphon | lessee... | 08:17 |
CryptoQuick | The titles are even coming up on my screen every now and then. | 08:17 |
_gryphon | is it going to a null something or other? | 08:17 |
CryptoQuick | Where? | 08:17 |
_gryphon | forgot the term | 08:17 |
_gryphon | when its confused it goes to a null outlet | 08:17 |
_gryphon | hummm | 08:17 |
_gryphon | dl a mp3 and make sure you can play in the first place man | 08:18 |
_gryphon | !w32codecs | 08:18 |
bunnymon | Ok, what's the fasted download site for the ISO? | 08:18 |
CryptoQuick | Sure... Where would I find a good mp3? | 08:18 |
Tm_T | Insomniac-: first of all, those are only tools to install stuff, when you like/have to remove something, you have to use some apt frontend... wait a second, install can be done with apt frontends too :o | 08:18 |
Tm_T | and it's not that hard ;) | 08:18 |
Insomniac- | Tm_T: i thought automatix was a system for compressed program images? removal would be as simple as deleting the image? | 08:19 |
Tm_T | second thing, I always hate those --force switches in scripts | 08:19 |
Tm_T | Insomniac-: nope | 08:19 |
=== _gryphon is now known as starscalling | ||
=== KubuntuPot [n=steinar@dsl238-146.adsl.no] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Insomniac- | oh nevermind what i said in that case, must have mixed it up with something else | 08:19 |
Tm_T | heh | 08:19 |
starscalling | do te do te dummm | 08:20 |
starscalling | thats one | 08:20 |
starscalling | or you can go to archive.org | 08:20 |
CryptoQuick | Oh, god... | 08:20 |
CryptoQuick | My father loves this song. :) | 08:20 |
starscalling | haha | 08:20 |
Tm_T | Insomniac-: you mean Klik ? | 08:20 |
starscalling | i put it on disk one of all road trip compilations | 08:20 |
Insomniac- | any torrent clients that can download from http as well for maximum transfer but still having the hash checking? | 08:20 |
Insomniac- | Tm_T: yeah that's the one | 08:21 |
starscalling | usually 4-12 disks worth :D | 08:21 |
Insomniac- | Tm_T: i've been reading too much about new software the last few days | 08:21 |
Tm_T | heh | 08:21 |
starscalling | Insomniac-: dl from http? | 08:21 |
starscalling | so can you play mp3's CryptoQuick | 08:22 |
=== bunnymon asks where the best Torrent site for downloads? | ||
=== Xsecrets [n=mike@pcp08978946pcs.lbanon01.tn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
starscalling | bunnymon: not on this chan you dont | 08:23 |
Insomniac- | bunnymon: torrents form their own p2p network, there is no best site | 08:23 |
starscalling | #kubuntu-offtopic #ubuntu-offtopic you can :D | 08:23 |
=== Xsecrets [n=mike@pcp08978946pcs.lbanon01.tn.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
bunnymon | Ok, thanx. | 08:23 |
starscalling | Insomniac-: and thats not even close to true | 08:23 |
CryptoQuick | starscalling: Okay, um, it's telling me that the media is unplayable. | 08:23 |
starscalling | ok then! | 08:23 |
Insomniac- | starscalling: oh? | 08:24 |
merlino | where is nano? | 08:24 |
starscalling | go to restricted formats page they listed earlier and do it | 08:24 |
starscalling | Insomniac-: there are definately better sites than others | 08:24 |
Insomniac- | starscalling: that's a different issue | 08:24 |
starscalling | not at all | 08:24 |
starscalling | <Insomniac-> bunnymon: torrents form their own p2p network, there is no best site <<---- | 08:24 |
Insomniac- | starscalling: he was asking about the kubuntu torrent | 08:24 |
starscalling | fair enough :D | 08:24 |
Insomniac- | not about illegal warez | 08:25 |
starscalling | oh my | 08:25 |
starscalling | see guys? | 08:25 |
starscalling | you talk about torrents and automagically its illegal? | 08:25 |
starscalling | you might think someone didnt even know how to think | 08:25 |
starscalling | or read | 08:25 |
starscalling | lol | 08:25 |
Insomniac- | where did i say torrents are illegal? | 08:25 |
CryptoQuick | Warez? You must mean Juarez... I've never heard of these "warez." | 08:25 |
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starscalling | you immediately went to warez | 08:25 |
starscalling | sure there are those | 08:26 |
starscalling | and there are many legit only sites | 08:26 |
Insomniac- | most torrent sites *are* warez sites | 08:26 |
starscalling | sure | 08:26 |
starscalling | most http sites are the same | 08:26 |
CryptoQuick | Is downloading subbed anime illegal? | 08:26 |
=== burepe2 [n=bdmp@softbank220040076012.bbtec.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
starscalling | CryptoQuick: we dont wanna do that one | 08:26 |
Insomniac- | CryptoQuick: sketchy at best | 08:26 |
starscalling | short answer yes | 08:26 |
CryptoQuick | GAH! | 08:26 |
starscalling | do i care? | 08:26 |
starscalling | fuck no | 08:26 |
starscalling | ive a couple TB | 08:27 |
CryptoQuick | ... | 08:27 |
CryptoQuick | :) | 08:27 |
starscalling | but thats an entirely different issue | 08:27 |
CryptoQuick | OK. | 08:27 |
starscalling | anyway | 08:27 |
starscalling | so get that stuff in teh system | 08:27 |
starscalling | did you update that sources list? | 08:27 |
bunnymon | Nice discussion. | 08:27 |
Insomniac- | CryptoQuick: some people claim it's legal if there is no legal alternative | 08:27 |
starscalling | just installing xmms might help lol | 08:27 |
Insomniac- | CryptoQuick: it's still copyrighted material however | 08:27 |
starscalling | Insomniac-: im certainly not one of em | 08:27 |
starscalling | and i dont download where its actually held under copywrite | 08:27 |
burepe2 | I am going to take out my cdrom and put in a dvd rw/cd rw. Will kubuntu recognize it right away and mount it or do I have to do something to make it work? | 08:28 |
CryptoQuick | Insomniac: It's distributed freely on the airwaves. Why should it not be free on the internet? | 08:28 |
starscalling | though i might have a hand here and there in translation | 08:28 |
=== chefcook007 [n=chefcook@p54B4D97B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
starscalling | CryptoQuick: b/c of how its liscensed | 08:28 |
Insomniac- | CryptoQuick: that's the way copyright works | 08:28 |
starscalling | even the translation of the work is technically illegal | 08:28 |
CryptoQuick | Insomniac: What about time shifting and all that? | 08:28 |
bunnymon | I know nuthin', just creating more Java. | 08:28 |
starscalling | though most of the companies dont care till its liscensed in the usa | 08:28 |
starscalling | then they come down a bit | 08:28 |
Insomniac- | CryptoQuick: that could fall under fair use | 08:28 |
Insomniac- | depending on where in the world you are | 08:29 |
starscalling | time shifting? | 08:29 |
starscalling | whats that before i crash out for the nite | 08:29 |
starscalling | Insomniac-: ? CryptoQuick ?? | 08:29 |
Insomniac- | CryptoQuick: if you're interested in copyright law i suggest you read up on the law in your country | 08:29 |
CryptoQuick | Time shifting is where you record video and... | 08:29 |
CryptoQuick | ...play it back later. | 08:30 |
starscalling | ah | 08:30 |
starscalling | see if its on your airwaves it should be legal | 08:30 |
CryptoQuick | Indeed! | 08:30 |
starscalling | but if you didnt do the recording then its not | 08:30 |
starscalling | [for sure] | 08:30 |
starscalling | [in the usa] | 08:30 |
starscalling | :D | 08:30 |
CryptoQuick | :( | 08:30 |
=== starscalling shrugs | ||
starscalling | lets not talk about TB | 08:30 |
starscalling | i need to sleep | 08:30 |
CryptoQuick | Goodnight. | 08:30 |
starscalling | later skater :D | 08:31 |
starscalling | o wait | 08:31 |
starscalling | do you know how i can tell gdesklets to start up every time kde does? | 08:31 |
starscalling | the session manager didnt catch it | 08:31 |
bunnymon | How do you get smartlink modem to work in kubuntu? | 08:31 |
kalenedrael | Put it in the .kde/Autostart dir or something... | 08:31 |
Insomniac- | bunnymon: is that a 'winmodem' ? | 08:32 |
bunnymon | Yes. | 08:32 |
=== _erik is now known as The_Ace | ||
bunnymon | I know not good to use. but I need a digital modem. :( | 08:32 |
=== CryptoQuick huggles starscalling. | ||
Insomniac- | bunnymon: google for linux and the modem name, see what turns up | 08:33 |
Insomniac- | winmodems are not very well supported as far as i know | 08:33 |
bunnymon | I've tried all that and still nothing. | 08:33 |
CryptoQuick | Don't they have to be reverse-engineered or something? | 08:34 |
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CryptoQuick | The corporations don't want you to know how their software works, so they don't tell you how to use it with anything but the way they want you to. | 08:34 |
bunnymon | Ubuntu installs the modem but don't recognise it. It ride on Alsa and the sound card. | 08:34 |
Insomniac- | bunnymon: the problem is winmodems are mostly software and the manufacturers don't provide linux drivers or the specs so it's very hard to support them (and all that to save a few bucks on each modem :/) | 08:34 |
CryptoQuick | (it's an anti-consumer conspiracy that will destroy the free world as we know it) | 08:35 |
=== zquark [n=chatzill@84-247-58-66.gci.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ilba7r_ | bunnymon did you use the scanmodem utility | 08:35 |
bunnymon | Insomniac: Do you know a good Digital modem, i can't use a anolog. | 08:36 |
bunnymon | I have a compatable serial but it's anolog. :( | 08:36 |
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Insomniac- | bunnymon: no you'd have to search for a hardware one.. or you could use an external one | 08:36 |
Insomniac- | those are all hardware as far as i know | 08:36 |
ilba7r_ | you can also check they normally have it as a selling tag linux compatible | 08:37 |
=== Hobbsee_ [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-118-222.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Insomniac- | and what do you mean by digital modem? a MODEM (MOdulator DEModulater) is a device usually used to transmit digital information over analog networks | 08:38 |
CryptoQuick | True, that's a bit confusing... | 08:38 |
merlino | what is the best p2p solution for kubuntu? | 08:38 |
bunnymon | The problem is it has to work on an internal phone system that's digital. I cannot find a compatable modem that is digital. | 08:38 |
CryptoQuick | How do your other computers use the internet? | 08:39 |
Insomniac- | bunnymon: what kind of phone system? ISDN? | 08:39 |
=== CryptoQuick shuts up. | ||
bunnymon | Insomniac, I have to dial 9 for an outside line. | 08:40 |
merlino | anyone? | 08:40 |
Insomniac- | bunnymon: that doesn't mean anything | 08:40 |
Hobbsee | !azereus | 08:40 |
ubotu | Hobbsee: Are you smoking crack? | 08:40 |
Voodoo_Vibe | Im buying a new soundcard since mine is onboard VIA. is this supported on Linux?? Creative SB Audigy 4 PCI, 7.1,EAX4.0,Dolby Digital EX | 08:40 |
Insomniac- | merlino: try mldonkey it does mostly any p2p network | 08:40 |
Insomniac- | merlino: amule is nice for edonkey | 08:41 |
CryptoQuick | Soundcards are unnecessary, imho... | 08:41 |
bunnymon | Insomniac: The building has an internal phone system run by a computer network. I am not on an anolog line. | 08:41 |
merlino | Insomniac-: i might just stick with bittorrent lol | 08:41 |
Insomniac- | bunnymon: what kind of network? ISDN? VOIP? | 08:41 |
Voodoo_Vibe | CryptoQuick: not if u wanna play Americas Army | 08:41 |
CryptoQuick | Voodoo_Vibe: Don't give into that fascist BS. | 08:42 |
bunnymon | Insomniac: I'm not sure, I just rent one of the rooms. | 08:42 |
Voodoo_Vibe | CryptoQuick: LOL!! Yes i am an facist pig! | 08:42 |
=== skypa [n=skypa@d463c231.datahighways.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Insomniac- | bunnymon: ask the person/organisation you're renting from how they provide internet access possibilities | 08:43 |
bunnymon | Insomniac: I've asked and no luck. | 08:44 |
Insomniac- | i can't help you if i don't know what kind of system you're trying to interface with | 08:44 |
CryptoQuick | :) Anyway, why does your game need a soundcard? | 08:44 |
CryptoQuick | Crap, he left. | 08:44 |
Insomniac- | bunnymon: how are you connected to the internet now? | 08:45 |
bunnymon | Insomniac: It's a residential hotel, if that helps. | 08:46 |
Insomniac- | not really | 08:48 |
kalenedrael | Free wifi? | 08:48 |
kalenedrael | (Non-free wifi?) | 08:48 |
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Insomniac- | bunnymon: according to your hostname you're using some kind of dialup service | 08:49 |
bunnymon | Insomniac: It's probably standard system becouse of the cost to stay here. | 08:49 |
=== `nauh [n=me@ip68-226-99-137.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bunnymon | Insomniac: It is dial up. | 08:49 |
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Insomniac- | bunnymon: is it a modem or isdn adapter? | 08:50 |
bunnymon | Insomniac: It's a 56k modem. | 08:51 |
Insomniac- | ah | 08:51 |
bunnymon | Insomniac: If I could get my Diamond Supra to pick up the dial tone, it's compatable. | 08:52 |
Slyder0244 | i'm getting a make error when trying to compile this app anyone think they can help | 08:52 |
Insomniac- | that's a hardware modem? | 08:52 |
CryptoQuick | You've got a supra? Those are so popular amongst the import crowd... | 08:52 |
bunnymon | Yes, I do and it cannot pick up the digital dial tone. :( | 08:53 |
Insomniac- | bunnymon: you just need it to dial the 9 first probably | 08:53 |
bunnymon | Insomniac: I've tried, it don't work. | 08:54 |
=== goodwin [n=goodwin@cpc2-grim5-5-0-cust151.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Insomniac- | any error messages? | 08:54 |
bunnymon | Insomniac: I've tried to have it not detect the dial tone and it still dont work. | 08:55 |
=== goodwin [n=goodwin@cpc2-grim5-5-0-cust151.nott.cable.ntl.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
bunnymon | Insomniac: It's the internal phone system. | 08:55 |
Insomniac- | bunnymon: i don't know what's wrong | 08:56 |
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bunnymon | Insomniac: I've talked to others in the area and they all say it's the internal phone system all hotels use in the area. | 08:57 |
Insomniac- | bunnymon: talk to the hotel | 08:57 |
=== robitaille [n=robitail@ubuntu/member/robitaille] has joined #kubuntu | ||
CryptoQuick | You know, those EDGE and UMTS cards seem to be useful, bunnymon. If you have the money... | 08:58 |
bunnymon | Insomniac: The best modems is for laptops, I can't afford the pci to pcmcia adapter. | 08:58 |
bunnymon | Insomniac: They use both digital and anolog phone systems. | 08:59 |
Insomniac- | bunnymon: in any case they aren't providing a service you're expecting... talk to them and see if it can be worked out somehow | 08:59 |
bunnymon | Insomniac: I've talked to them they aren't computer savy, they hire someone. | 09:00 |
CryptoQuick | Make a scene? | 09:00 |
Insomniac- | just make it their problem too and they'll call someone to fix it | 09:00 |
CryptoQuick | :) | 09:01 |
burepe2 | is there a way to tell if someone on my network is using a certain ip address? | 09:01 |
Hobbsee | burepe2: ping it? | 09:01 |
bunnymon | Insomniac: You want me to get kicked out? | 09:01 |
CryptoQuick | That would be netstat, right? | 09:01 |
Insomniac- | bunnymon: i didn't imply being impolite | 09:01 |
burepe2 | netstat? | 09:02 |
CryptoQuick | Yeah, go into your network utility... What's it called... | 09:02 |
Insomniac- | bunnymon: just make sure they know the service is important to you, the customer | 09:02 |
burepe2 | there are 5 comps in my house now and 2 are on right now. I pinged 5 addresses and got all the same responses | 09:02 |
bunnymon | Insomniac: In a residential hotel, you do not want to push the issue even when your nice. | 09:03 |
burepe2 | if the comp is off then i shouldn't beable to ping it right? | 09:03 |
CryptoQuick | Shoot, where's the network utility for KDE? | 09:03 |
Insomniac- | bunnymon: so they have a take it or leave it policy? doesn't sound like a nice hotel to be | 09:03 |
burepe2 | kdesu kcontrol? | 09:03 |
bunnymon | Insomniac: It's easier to get a modem that works. This smartlink is the only one I've found to work for Towers. | 09:04 |
CryptoQuick | burepe2: I couldn't tell ya, but figure out how to netstat and that will help you out. | 09:05 |
bunnymon | Insomniac: In a few months I will move to an executive suites residential place. It will be much better then. | 09:06 |
bunnymon | brb, have to install files. | 09:06 |
Insomniac- | bunnymon: still the wrong way around... you're paying for a service but are not allowed to ask for any actual service | 09:06 |
=== Anakashar [n=Pronoune@adsl-70-232-70-111.dsl.ltrkar.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
CryptoQuick | Wow. It's 1 AM where I live. I really should be going. | 09:10 |
CryptoQuick | Bye, y'all. | 09:10 |
merlino | man | 09:11 |
merlino | soviet radio is doing so much better on linux lol... its not playing only crappy music anymore. | 09:11 |
Insomniac- | hehe | 09:11 |
Insomniac- | why soviet radio? playing hidden messages? | 09:11 |
merlino | it attracts attention :-P | 09:12 |
Tm_T | cccp! | 09:12 |
merlino | a catchy rebelious name for a copyright-rebelious station | 09:12 |
Tm_T | ruski petruski | 09:12 |
Insomniac- | soviet anarchy 24/7 | 09:12 |
merlino | lol | 09:13 |
merlino | the iraa tries to charge people 2000 dollars per illegal song they have.... | 09:15 |
Insomniac- | ira or riaa? ;) | 09:15 |
merlino | that would put me at... about 4 million dollars | 09:15 |
merlino | riaa* | 09:15 |
merlino | 4 million bucks, i'd love for them to sue me for it... I'd just go to iraq and join the insurgency lol | 09:16 |
Insomniac- | wouldn't change anything though | 09:16 |
merlino | it'd be hilarious in its own though. | 09:16 |
Insomniac- | better to raise awareness and get politicians to change the copyright laws to include fair use and all that | 09:16 |
merlino | "former american outraged by copyright laws joins terrorist insurgency in iraq" | 09:17 |
merlino | Insomniac-: im telling you man... the soviet union never collapsed, they just went into hiding and found a new way to attack americans.They called it Mc Donalds. | 09:17 |
Insomniac- | now there's a conspiracy theory i haven't heard before | 09:18 |
merlino | Insomniac-: funny isn't it? | 09:18 |
merlino | Insomniac-: being fat will be the leading cause of death in like 30 years here in the FSA | 09:18 |
Insomniac- | that's a culture problem, not a capitalism vs communism thing | 09:19 |
Insomniac- | s/culture/cultural/ | 09:19 |
merlino | Insomniac-: i know, but i just made a snicker about it... they found an easy way to kill us, make us eat. | 09:19 |
merlino | Insomniac-: its bad here man... I heard that a group of obese people planned to sue ford for making the seatbelts too small to fit around their massive guts. | 09:20 |
Insomniac- | sounds like a film script for a movia troma could make | 09:20 |
Insomniac- | hahaha | 09:21 |
merlino | i doubt ford expected them to be as big as the damn car they were driving though. | 09:21 |
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Insomniac- | "i can't fit into a normal seat on an airplane and they want to charge me extra, i'm sueing!" | 09:21 |
DJ_Mer_ | lmao... thats classic. | 09:21 |
Insomniac- | the whole claim culture is weird | 09:22 |
Insomniac- | you can't keep blaming other people for your problems | 09:22 |
DJ_Mer_ | its disgsuting... because along with the obesity comes the people who pretend they aren't... specifically some of the morbitly large woman. | 09:22 |
DJ_Mer_ | and its disgusting when a woman that could barely fit in a parachute shows too much skin | 09:22 |
DJ_Mer_ | they are making cloths that once only girls who were fit to wear them could fit in. | 09:22 |
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DJ_Mer_ | the other day I was at a mall and this woman who was easily 300 pounds was wearing short shorts and a halter-top... i almost barfed breakfast back up. | 09:23 |
Insomniac- | lol | 09:23 |
DJ_Mer_ | i mean that is the ultimate level of denial... trying to live like its not a problem. | 09:24 |
Insomniac- | it's not that bad over here | 09:24 |
Insomniac- | though still a problem | 09:24 |
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DJ_Mer_ | well because europeans can moderate their diets better... | 09:24 |
DJ_Mer_ | your large drinks and fry's at mc donalds are the american small... | 09:24 |
Insomniac- | that and making more sensible choices | 09:24 |
Insomniac- | i haven't walked into a mcdonalds or the like in over 2 years | 09:25 |
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DJ_Mer_ | im working on it, i went on a bindge when i moved to arizona and put on more weight than i ever imagined... but its coming off now... Haven't touched mc donalds in five months or any other fast food. | 09:25 |
DJ_Mer_ | but its not hard to make better choices... these people who eat constently always say they are always hungry... if they simply drank plenty of water they wouldn't be hungry all through the night. | 09:26 |
bunnymon_nhb | Ok I have Azureus, how do I connect to download kubuntu? | 09:26 |
Insomniac- | bunnymon: download the torrent file | 09:26 |
Insomniac- | looks like there's no torrent for the cd versions | 09:27 |
bunnymon_nhb | Insomniac: Is there a server to connect or a search in the program? | 09:27 |
Insomniac- | bunnymon_nhb: you can download the torrent file for the dvd version on kubuntu.org | 09:27 |
bunnymon_nhb | I don't have a dvd burner, just a cd version. | 09:28 |
DJ_Mer_ | mm elvis | 09:28 |
Insomniac- | there doesn't seem to be a cd torrent | 09:28 |
Insomniac- | you can find ftp/http downloads on http://www.kubuntu.org/download.php | 09:29 |
bunnymon_nhb | great. My ISP likes to diconnect everyso often and I have to restart downloads from beginning. | 09:29 |
Insomniac- | oh | 09:29 |
Insomniac- | there are torrent files on the http/ftp sites | 09:29 |
=== burepe1 [n=bdmp@softbank220040076012.bbtec.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
burepe1 | ? Can someone walk me through setting up a static ip? I have done it before but last time i did it I messed up my system, so I just want to do it tandem this time | 09:30 |
Insomniac- | check the mirrors | 09:30 |
DJ_Mer_ | Insomniac-: man this apple is great | 09:31 |
DJ_Mer_ | Insomniac-: i bought it in mexico... everything but the economy is better in mexico lol | 09:31 |
Insomniac- | hong kong is nice for electronics | 09:31 |
Insomniac- | they have a lot of stuff not available here | 09:31 |
Insomniac- | blu ray players, dvd mp3 portable players | 09:32 |
DJ_Mer_ | Insomniac-: mexico for food drinks woman cars and TV's | 09:32 |
bunnymon_nhb | I found a torrent file, why is it 25k? | 09:32 |
Insomniac- | bunnymon_nhb: it's merely a description of the file and where to find it | 09:33 |
DJ_Mer_ | Insomniac-: I WANTED TO TELL HIM THAT | 09:33 |
Insomniac- | bunnymon_nhb: open the torrent in azureus | 09:33 |
DJ_Mer_ | Insomniac-: frickin euro's always one step ahead | 09:33 |
Insomniac- | DJ_Mer_: ;) | 09:33 |
Insomniac- | you help him, i'll order my new pc :) | 09:33 |
bunnymon_nhb | How do I open it up, from a web browser? | 09:34 |
KubuntuPot | good morning all | 09:34 |
DJ_Mer_ | lmao Insomniac- i got somethinfg funny for you to read. | 09:34 |
DJ_Mer_ | (01:34:22) T3h Wiz0rd: amarok is the best media manager i've ever used | 09:35 |
DJ_Mer_ | (01:34:33) T3h Wiz0rd: its like itunes on steroids and angry over its tax return | 09:35 |
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burepe1 | what is the remove directory command | 09:37 |
burepe1 | ] ? | 09:37 |
DJ_Mer_ | rm -B isn't it? | 09:37 |
aftertaf | rm -rf | 09:37 |
DJ_Mer_ | meh i suck | 09:37 |
bunnymon_nhb | Insomniac: I just did it. I'm getting the CD installer ISO. | 09:38 |
Insomniac- | bunnymon_nhb :) | 09:38 |
DJ_Mer_ | Insomniac-: you look like you need some soviet radio :-D | 09:39 |
bunnymon_nhb | Insomniac: Does Azureus auto restart if I have to reconnect? | 09:39 |
Insomniac- | yes if you leave it running | 09:39 |
burepe1 | I mounted a harddrive but it is not showing up in media:/ | 09:40 |
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Insomniac- | DJ_Mer_: i've got a problem with my speakers atm | 09:40 |
DJ_Mer_ | bummer its a radio head songs | 09:40 |
burepe1 | will that not show up until I edit fstab? | 09:40 |
bunnymon_nhb | Insomniac: Thanx. | 09:40 |
bunnymon_nhb | later yall, need sleep. | 09:41 |
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burepe1 | When you umount a device does it always reply "umount: /dev/hdb1: not mounted"? | 09:45 |
DJ_Mer_ | :-( | 09:45 |
DJ_Mer_ | I can't get irssi to install to kubuntu | 09:46 |
burepe1 | it seems to mount and umount fine but I thought it was telling me, "can't umount because it's not mounted" am i wrong? | 09:46 |
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DJ_Mer_ | how do i get irssi working on kubuntu? | 09:50 |
Insomniac- | install it? | 09:51 |
Insomniac- | using irssi right now | 09:51 |
Insomniac- | burepe1: check your fstab | 09:51 |
DJ_Mer_ | its not working for me | 09:51 |
Insomniac- | enabled universe and multiverse? | 09:52 |
DJ_Mer_ | yup | 09:52 |
DJ_Mer_ | irssi: Depends: libssl0.9.8 (>= 0.9.8a-1) but it is not installable | 09:52 |
DJ_Mer_ | Depends: perl (>= 5.8.7-8) but 5.8.7-5ubuntu1.2 is to be installed | 09:52 |
DJ_Mer_ | those are my errors | 09:52 |
Insomniac- | weird | 09:52 |
Insomniac- | i had no problems installing.. well anything so far | 09:53 |
DJ_Mer_ | iunno what could be causing that. | 09:53 |
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burepe1 | Insomniac-: I didn't add anything to the fstab yet. What am I checking for? | 09:55 |
Insomniac- | the media mountpoint | 09:55 |
Insomniac- | see if the line is correct and the mountpoint exists | 09:55 |
burepe1 | there is no line | 09:57 |
burepe1 | if i do sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /media/120baby should that make a line in fstab? | 09:58 |
Insomniac- | no that'll just mount it | 10:00 |
burepe1 | yeah | 10:00 |
Insomniac- | fstab lists what you want the system to mount at boot time | 10:01 |
burepe1 | thats what I was trying to explain | 10:01 |
Insomniac- | and other stuff like what users can mount | 10:01 |
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burepe1 | (17:40:09) burepe1: I mounted a harddrive but it is not showing up in media:/ | 10:06 |
burepe1 | (17:40:50) burepe1: will that not show up until I edit fstab?(17:45:03) burepe1: When you umount a device does it always reply "umount: /dev/hdb1: not mounted"?(17:46:08) burepe1: it seems to mount and umount fine but I thought it was telling me, "can't umount because it's not mounted" am i wrong? | 10:06 |
burepe1 | That"s what I was trying to ask | 10:06 |
burepe1 | I haven't edited fstab yet | 10:06 |
burepe1 | I wanna make sure this is not a problem | 10:07 |
Insomniac- | brb i need to make a phone call | 10:09 |
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burepe1 | Can someone walk me through setting up a static ip? I have done it before but last time i did it I messed up my system, so I just want to do it tandem this time | 10:09 |
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DJ_Mer_ | http://www.pittsburghlive.com/photos/1112bish-a.jpg << lol | 10:11 |
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burepe1 | i have the repositories set up but what are the packages i need to view windows video and audio? | 10:18 |
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DJ_Mer_ | Insomniac-: ISN'T ALIVE | 10:26 |
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dushkin | Hello. | 10:26 |
dushkin | I'm trying to compile something here | 10:27 |
DJ_Mer_ | dushkin: hows that coming along? | 10:28 |
dushkin | Very very bad. | 10:28 |
DJ_Mer_ | dushkin: sounds like my marriage | 10:28 |
dushkin | Well, it's probably close | 10:28 |
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dushkin | I need the Xorg SDK | 10:29 |
dushkin | But I have no idea which package it's in. | 10:29 |
DJ_Mer_ | me either. | 10:29 |
dushkin | Any ideas about where I should start my search? | 10:29 |
DJ_Mer_ | 10:29 | |
dushkin | Tried that, it's mainly crap. Doesn't apt-get have a good search engine? | 10:30 |
DJ_Mer_ | yes sir.. Apt-cache search | 10:30 |
dushkin | It's quite a puzzle. | 10:32 |
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Insomniac- | doesn't seem to be a package | 10:36 |
Insomniac- | see if debian has one and borrow that one | 10:36 |
Insomniac- | or see if the xorg site has .deb's for the sdk | 10:37 |
Insomniac- | my imapd broke at a bad time :/ | 10:37 |
Insomniac- | that's what i get for using alpha software | 10:38 |
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dushkin | Insomniac-: Are you sure we don't have it? Seems quite stupid to me | 10:39 |
Insomniac- | no i'm just sure i can't find it | 10:39 |
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dushkin | Maybe under another name. | 10:41 |
DJ_Mer_ | amarok keeps crashing when i load mp3 files | 10:42 |
DJ_Mer_ | or certain ones | 10:42 |
dushkin | "Unable to compile wacdump without ncurses environment" | 10:42 |
dushkin | *yawn* But I'm quite sure I have the ncurses environment.. | 10:42 |
Insomniac- | configure --use-ncurses= ? | 10:43 |
dushkin | Insomniac-: It refuses to believe me | 10:44 |
Insomniac- | when brute force doesn't solve your problem you're not using enough | 10:45 |
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dushkin | Kubuntu is driving me crazy. | 10:45 |
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dushkin | How does one find which package a specific file belongs to? | 10:53 |
kkathman | dushkin: like what? | 10:54 |
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burepe1 | how can i tell if my comp is 386, 586 or 686? | 10:55 |
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izaki | burepe1: Do you know wich processor does it have? | 10:56 |
izaki | burepe1: Brand or anything? | 10:56 |
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kkathman | burepe1: do you know what processor it has? | 10:59 |
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burepe1 | it is old japanese sony viao pcv-j11v5 | 11:00 |
izaki | How old? | 11:00 |
izaki | 4/5 years? | 11:00 |
izaki | 686 | 11:00 |
burepe1 | no idea | 11:01 |
burepe1 | it had win98 on it | 11:01 |
burepe1 | it is 686? | 11:01 |
izaki | Mmmm... | 11:02 |
izaki | Why do you need to know? | 11:02 |
izaki | Probably it is... | 11:02 |
burepe1 | install mplayer. there are 3 versions | 11:02 |
T3hWiz0rd | Insomniac-: !!!!!! | 11:02 |
izaki | 386 will work with anything... But if you want some extra performance, try 686... | 11:03 |
izaki | If it doesn't work, 586 ;) | 11:03 |
izaki | It won't hurt. | 11:03 |
burepe1 | cool' | 11:03 |
burepe1 | thanks | 11:03 |
Insomniac- | T3hWiz0rd? | 11:03 |
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T3hWiz0rd | Insomniac-: i think the cast just croaked lol | 11:04 |
Insomniac- | what cast? | 11:05 |
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burepe1 | Can someone walk me through setting up a static ip? I have done it before but last time i did it I messed up my system, so I just want to do it tandem this time | 11:05 |
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hugelmopf | dushkin: are you still there? you will need development packages of specific packages that you want to compile against (e.g. libncurses5-dev) | 11:37 |
dushkin | hugelmopf: I know that, the ncurses problem was a piece of cake. | 11:37 |
dushkin | hugelmopf: The X.org SDK is what's bothering me now. | 11:37 |
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hugelmopf | dushkin: i am not exactly sure what the "x.org sdk" is | 11:39 |
dushkin | My guess: headers + possibly other dev stuff. | 11:39 |
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dushkin | hugelmopf: I've been looking around and seems like nobody really has it. | 11:39 |
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monad | hi... tried to install breezy on a machien with scsi disk and an old board, got kernel panics all over, was told to try hoary, now it won'T boot off the cd and when i force it, it says: unable to mount root via nfs | 11:59 |
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Hazel | what is the password for root in kubuntu live-cd?? | 12:00 |
monad | Hazel: there is none | 12:01 |
Hazel | but it ask me for a password | 12:01 |
monad | Hazel: try sudo passwd root | 12:01 |
monad | and set one | 12:01 |
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Hazel | yes, it works... | 12:02 |
monad | ok | 12:02 |
burepe1 | What are the minimun specs to watch a dvd? | 12:03 |
monad | so... can anyone tell me why this machine tries to boot via nfs when there'S a cd in the drive? | 12:03 |
monad | burepel: what specs, graphics? | 12:03 |
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burepe1 | I got an old vaio and the guys at the store said it would be fine to watch a dvd if i had the max memory. the comp is really old. I got it for 50 bucks it is a vaio PVC-J11v5 with celeron 600MHz and 256 sdram | 12:06 |
burepe1 | but I am watching a dvd and it is so choppy | 12:07 |
hugelmopf | burepe1: you have to turn on dma for the dvd drive | 12:07 |
burepe1 | what is dma? | 12:07 |
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hugelmopf | burepe1: i am looking for the correct wiki page right now | 12:08 |
burepe1 | I found it | 12:09 |
burepe1 | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DMA | 12:09 |
burepe1 | thanks | 12:09 |
hugelmopf | yes, that is what you need. | 12:10 |
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_jonas | Anyone familiar with Ktorrent? | 12:11 |
hugelmopf | _jonas: yes. | 12:12 |
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_jonas | hugelmopf: What do I do when the tracker is inactivated, and cant download? | 12:12 |
hugelmopf | _jonas: as far as i know, there is nothing you can do about that. wait til the tracker is back up? | 12:14 |
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salva | hi everybody! | 12:16 |
_jonas | hugelmopf: I've had problems with all the files ever since I formatted the HD two weeks ago. Could this be normal? | 12:16 |
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hugelmopf | _jonas: sounds strange indeed. try for example the knoppix one, it is a good test case. | 12:17 |
_jonas | hugelmopf: Will do, thanks! | 12:18 |
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T3hWiz0rd | is Insomniac- alive? | 12:19 |
=== monad [n=paul@sophie203.culture.hu-berlin.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
monad | hi... can someone help me with the manual partitioning on the breezy cd? i'm used to fdisk and don't know how to do this | 12:20 |
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Insomniac- | T3hWiz0rd: barely | 12:20 |
T3hWiz0rd | Insomniac-: getting tired? | 12:20 |
Insomniac- | yah | 12:20 |
T3hWiz0rd | i just got oreos w00t | 12:20 |
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Insomniac- | just transferred the money for my new system | 12:21 |
monad | hello... please... partitioning help someone? | 12:21 |
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T3hWiz0rd | and might add.... these oreos are a-frickin-mazing | 12:22 |
Insomniac- | monad: just create the partitions you need? | 12:22 |
monad | Insomniac-: i don't know how to use this awful interface, i normally use fdisk, make a small boot partition, some swap and / for the rest | 12:23 |
Insomniac- | monad: i didn't either but i figured it out in a few minutes | 12:23 |
monad | Insomniac-: you seem to be a very smart person | 12:24 |
Insomniac- | i'd prefer the install cd had several tty's | 12:24 |
Insomniac- | so oh well | 12:24 |
monad | so... should i "configure the LVM"? | 12:24 |
Insomniac- | not unless you want to use lvm | 12:24 |
hugelmopf | monad: not for a normal setup | 12:25 |
monad | i don'T | 12:25 |
Insomniac- | s/so/but/ | 12:25 |
monad | but when i choose to manually insert a partitioning scheme, it just jumps back to the menu | 12:25 |
hugelmopf | there should a point like "manual configuration of partitions", where you can create/delete/... partitions and specify which filesystem you want on them and where you want to mount them | 12:26 |
hugelmopf | monad: that's strange | 12:26 |
monad | hugelmopf: yes, but as i wrote, nothing happens when i choose this | 12:26 |
Insomniac- | monad: sounds like your cd is broken, did you check the md5sum? | 12:26 |
monad | Insomniac-: i don't think so... worked fine on another machine | 12:27 |
DJ_Mer_ | dunnanananana! | 12:27 |
DJ_Mer_ | soomoene switched names again | 12:27 |
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hugelmopf | monad: is it possible that the bottom line is missing and you are accidently hitting cancel or something like this? | 12:27 |
DJ_Mer_ | Insomniac-: "i wanna be on you" - what movie is this from? | 12:27 |
Insomniac- | DJ_Mer_: doesn't ring a bell | 12:28 |
DJ_Mer_ | :-O! | 12:28 |
DJ_Mer_ | anchorman | 12:28 |
monad | hugelmopf: don't think so... wait a sec, i'll try a hoary cd | 12:28 |
Insomniac- | hugelmopf: error between the keyboard and the chair? ;) | 12:28 |
monad | harhar | 12:29 |
DJ_Mer_ | :-) | 12:29 |
monad | strange.... won't recognize the hoary cd | 12:30 |
Insomniac- | maybe the cdrom drive is broken | 12:30 |
DJ_Mer_ | lmao | 12:31 |
DJ_Mer_ | mybe he plugged the floppy IDE cable into it | 12:31 |
monad | Insomniac-: i hope not, i just exchanged the disk because it produced nothing but I/O errors | 12:31 |
DJ_Mer_ | ohh man, that was the most embarrassing screw up i ever did. | 12:31 |
Insomniac- | lol | 12:31 |
monad | Insomniac-: but then it wouldn't read the breezy cd, which it does | 12:31 |
DJ_Mer_ | i finally took a realllll good look and was like "whoa! how the hell did i do that" | 12:31 |
Insomniac- | monad: i've experienced problems like this with flaky ide cables/broken cdrom drives | 12:31 |
DJ_Mer_ | and by plugging in the floppy IDE | 12:32 |
hugelmopf | monad: these problems are not very easy to solve on IRC, because it takes a bit of trial and error | 12:32 |
monad | Insomniac-: this is a brand new machine | 12:33 |
Insomniac- | monad: that doesn't mean anything | 12:33 |
monad | i just built in a new harddrive ten minutes ago, the cables seem ok | 12:33 |
Insomniac- | if anything it means it's not tested yet | 12:33 |
hugelmopf | Insomniac-: if parts of the installer work, the CD seems to be alright? | 12:34 |
DJ_Mer_ | hugelmopf: not awlays... could be corrupted or missing data | 12:34 |
Insomniac- | hugelmopf: not always | 12:34 |
Insomniac- | and if the cd is alright, it could be a hardware issue | 12:34 |
DJ_Mer_ | and if its neither, its you | 12:34 |
monad | it really seems the disk is not recognized. i don'T get any error msgs though | 12:35 |
Insomniac- | first thing i do with new machines is test everything | 12:35 |
monad | just when i choose to manually partition, there is no disk to choose | 12:35 |
DJ_Mer_ | WAEFKI | 12:35 |
DJ_Mer_ | thats the best solution | 12:35 |
monad | Insomniac-: and how do you test? | 12:35 |
DJ_Mer_ | WAEFKI | 12:35 |
hugelmopf | have fun trying | 12:35 |
Insomniac- | monad: run cpu/ram/disk i/o test | 12:35 |
Insomniac- | s | 12:35 |
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monad | where from :-P | 12:36 |
DJ_Mer_ | monad: WAEFKI | 12:36 |
monad | DJ_Mer_: what's that | 12:36 |
Insomniac- | monad: memtest86 and the like | 12:36 |
DJ_Mer_ | monad: WHEN ALL ELSE FALES KICK IT | 12:36 |
DJ_Mer_ | fails* | 12:36 |
monad | DJ_Mer_: oh... already did that | 12:36 |
Insomniac- | monad: google for "ultimate boot cd" | 12:36 |
monad | or return to gentoo | 12:36 |
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Insomniac- | it has alot of testing/configging tools | 12:36 |
DJ_Mer_ | and while you are googling that... get "richard simmons roast beef" i need the recepie | 12:37 |
Insomniac- | monad: if you're convinced the cds are fine (check the md5sums) it could very well be a hardware issue | 12:38 |
Insomniac- | that or the error between the keyboard and the chair mentioned above | 12:38 |
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monad | ... | 12:39 |
monad | the cd is should be ok, as i said, i installed on another machine | 12:40 |
monad | the hd was broken, i just built in a new one | 12:40 |
monad | and for between chair an monitor... you could be right | 12:40 |
monad | but i don'T have testing tools for that | 12:40 |
DJ_Mer_ | i am really getting tired | 12:41 |
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monad | ok... magic magic... the disk is there... not how to create boot, swap and /? | 12:50 |
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monad | boot and root work fine, but where can i choose to have some 600MB of swap? | 12:52 |
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monad | wtf... everything worked fine, now i got and I/O error and a msg that creating the swap partition failed | 12:54 |
Insomniac- | hardware test you must | 12:55 |
monad | hardware kick i must | 12:56 |
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monad | what are the odds of two hds failing in a row | 12:57 |
Insomniac- | it could be something else | 12:57 |
monad | so is there anything i can do at the moment? | 12:58 |
monad | does the BIOS have any useful info? | 12:58 |
Insomniac- | i'm not going to repeat myself again ;) | 12:58 |
monad | yes father | 12:58 |
monad | sorry father | 12:58 |
ilba7r | monad what is your problem | 12:59 |
monad | partitioning the disk fails, I/O error, cannot write the swap partition | 12:59 |
ilba7r | so you are still in the installation or do you have a working sys | 01:00 |
monad | installation | 01:02 |
monad | could it be the guys at the store jumpered the devices wrong? | 01:03 |
ilba7r | monad do you see both harddisks in the bios? | 01:03 |
ilba7r | it might not be the installer at all as you pointed | 01:04 |
monad | bios says: primary ide master not detected, primary slave hard disk, secondary master atapi cd rom | 01:04 |
ilba7r | if you are familiar with hardware than you should check the connections | 01:04 |
ilba7r | sometimes a loose cable but most of the time as you said a roung jumper | 01:05 |
monad | ilba7r: the connections are ok, i just plugged a new disk today. but the primary master not detected thing confuses me. shouldn't that be the disk? | 01:05 |
ilba7r | i had a problem like that when you have a master and slave | 01:06 |
monad | instead of being primary slave | 01:06 |
ilba7r | both were not detected due to jumper prob | 01:06 |
monad | ilba7r: it says "primary slave hard disk" | 01:07 |
LeeJunFan | monad: how many HD's do you have? | 01:07 |
monad | only one | 01:07 |
ilba7r | monad so what is it about the jumpers you were talking about | 01:08 |
LeeJunFan | monad: then your jumpers are wrong, it should be detected as your primary master, not your primary slave. Are you familiar with jumpers on a hd? | 01:08 |
ilba7r | did you plud a hard disk and unplugged it again | 01:08 |
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monad | yes | 01:08 |
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ilba7r | than ya most probably the jumpers of the harddisk is set to be slave | 01:08 |
monad | LeeJunFan: did it once, years ago, now it looks like :|:: | 01:09 |
ilba7r | you need to take the harddisk and look at the proper jumper connection. Normally illustrated with diagrams on the harddisk | 01:09 |
monad | ilba7r: already looked, no pictures :-) | 01:09 |
Insomniac- | still it should make no difference if it's the only device on the cable | 01:10 |
ilba7r | did you take the harddisk completely out | 01:10 |
LeeJunFan | monad: right, on top of your HD should be illustrations of how to set the jumpers, unfortunately you need to take it all the way out to see them, unless you know exactly what model/brand you have you can probably get that info online. | 01:10 |
monad | of course, i just put it on two hours ago, fresh from the plastic | 01:10 |
ilba7r | not if he specified it as slave. The default will work or specify as master | 01:10 |
LeeJunFan | chances are you should either have the jumper closest to the power supply or take it off to set master. | 01:10 |
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monad | ech, i hate trying to get those plastic thingies out... | 01:14 |
arafat | how can i check with dpkg which dependencies a .deb file has? found nothing usefull in the man pages... | 01:14 |
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LeeJunFan | arafat: use apt-cache show [package] | 01:16 |
LeeJunFan | arafat: of course that will only show the first layer of deps, for each package listed in the deps for the package you check may have deps of it's own. | 01:17 |
arafat | LeeJunFan: the package i want to check is not in the kubuntu repositories! | 01:17 |
arafat | it's skype:-) | 01:17 |
arafat | any idea? | 01:18 |
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LeeJunFan | arafat: sorry, dunno. | 01:18 |
ilba7r | looking at dpkg manual now there is a depend option | 01:18 |
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arafat | ilba7r: really? how is this option called? | 01:21 |
ULI666 | hi all | 01:21 |
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arafat | ah! ok, found it myself...:-) | 01:22 |
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ilba7r | it will just give you warning about dependencies | 01:23 |
ilba7r | i guess a dirty way to do it is dpkg -i dpended -fakeroot | 01:23 |
ilba7r | will simulate installtion at least you do not give it root privlages do not know if it will work though | 01:24 |
ilba7r | arafat i think skype is in the repos | 01:25 |
ilba7r | why you need to install from binary? | 01:25 |
ilba7r | yes it si in the repositories | 01:26 |
arafat | really? in which one? | 01:26 |
ilba7r | !repositories | 01:27 |
ubotu | repositories is, like, How to add repositories: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto See !sources for example sources.list | 01:27 |
ilba7r | just add the extra ones | 01:27 |
ilba7r | i will check though in which one it is | 01:27 |
arafat | well... i have them added... | 01:27 |
ilba7r | ah sorry i have it from another repso | 01:28 |
mwe | I don't believe skype is in the official repos | 01:28 |
arafat | can you tell me whioch one it is? | 01:28 |
mwe | !skype | 01:29 |
ubotu | skype is, like, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SkypeHowto/ Breezy deb: http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl | 01:29 |
ilba7r | i did not install it arafat so do not know if it might bread some dependencies | 01:29 |
arafat | i'll try it out and tell you:.-) thanks! | 01:29 |
ilba7r | qnext is better | 01:29 |
ilba7r | thats the one i use and do not need installation arafat | 01:29 |
ilba7r | its java application | 01:29 |
arafat | but it is not compatible with skype, isnt it? | 01:30 |
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ilba7r | aha your friends use skype than ok no it is not compatable | 01:30 |
arafat | right:-) | 01:30 |
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nacho | hy | 01:42 |
nacho | i have a problem trying to install any package | 01:42 |
nacho | it says i have dependences corrupt o wrong | 01:42 |
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ilba7r | nacho are you installing from the official repositories | 01:43 |
nacho | libvarconf-1.0c2 says error | 01:43 |
nacho | want to see me source.list?i will paste it | 01:43 |
ilba7r | no need i just asked if you are installing from official or not | 01:44 |
ilba7r | but if you want to paste use the pastebin do not paste here | 01:44 |
nacho | ok | 01:45 |
nacho | http://pastebin.com/465146 here it is | 01:45 |
ilba7r | ok seem ok though i did not see the multiverse | 01:47 |
ilba7r | do you use synaptic or apt-get | 01:47 |
ilba7r | or kynaptic | 01:47 |
nacho | synaptic | 01:48 |
nacho | i used it yesterday | 01:48 |
ilba7r | ok try reload first | 01:48 |
ilba7r | than retry mark all upgrades | 01:49 |
ilba7r | and install again | 01:49 |
ilba7r | maybe a server was down and you did not have a complete download | 01:49 |
nacho | when i am entering synaptics | 01:49 |
nacho | it says i have a package broken | 01:50 |
nacho | 1 package | 01:50 |
ilba7r | ok select edit | 01:50 |
ilba7r | than fix broken package | 01:50 |
nacho | it is libvarconf-1.0c2 | 01:50 |
ilba7r | from the menu select edit>fix broken packages | 01:51 |
ilba7r | this will fix it for you | 01:51 |
nacho | i have an error trying to fix it | 01:51 |
nacho | E: /var/cache/apt/archives/libvarconf-1.0c2_0.6.2-2ubuntu3_i386.deb: intentando sobreescribir `/usr/lib/libvarconf-1.0.so.2.0.0' | 01:51 |
nacho | it says it can t overwrite | 01:52 |
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claus | how do i load a saved profile in konqueror? | 01:52 |
claus | there's only a save option | 01:53 |
ilba7r | do you have any forced versions nacho | 01:53 |
nacho | how i can know it? | 01:54 |
ilba7r | did you install anypackage that is not in the official repos | 01:54 |
nacho | i dont know | 01:54 |
ilba7r | if you installed it by downloading it as .deb file and used dpkg -i | 01:54 |
ilba7r | !repositories | 01:54 |
ubotu | I heard repositories is How to add repositories: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto See !sources for example sources.list | 01:54 |
ilba7r | nacho i know that you do not have the multiverse in your repos follow this link to add it than use reload from synaptic | 01:55 |
claus | what do i need to install to play mp3 files? | 01:55 |
ilba7r | and try the fix procedure again | 01:55 |
ilba7r | !mp3 | 01:55 |
ubotu | rumour has it, mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 01:55 |
claus | thanks! | 01:55 |
ilba7r | ur welcomed :) | 01:56 |
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hugelmopf | nacho: you can do a "dpkg -S /usr/lib/libvarconf-1.0.so.2.0.0" to find out, which package owns that file, which it wants to overwrite. | 02:15 |
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fabsoft | hi | 02:16 |
fabsoft | anyone using kde 3.5 ? | 02:16 |
hugelmopf | fabsoft: yes. | 02:16 |
fabsoft | kpdf always crashes | 02:16 |
hugelmopf | fabsoft: it is a known bug in the latest update to kubuntus kde 3.5 packages | 02:17 |
fabsoft | ah, i hope their fix it almoast possible | 02:17 |
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:hugelmopf] : Dapper Flight 2 out | KDE 3.5 is out http://tinyurl.com/dlrf9 (KPDF is broken in the latest packages though) | Breezy fixes in breezy-updates | Unofficial Kubuntu FAQ http://kudos.berlios.de | Please don't paste into the channel: use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com | IRC info and channels in other languages: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InternetRelayChat | ||
fabsoft | hehe | 02:18 |
hugelmopf | there have been lots of people asking this question ;-) | 02:18 |
fabsoft | i ave kde from kubuntu rep of kde only | 02:18 |
fabsoft | in breezy too | 02:18 |
hugelmopf | oh... i just see that there is an update to kpdf, let's see if that fixes it. | 02:19 |
fabsoft | ok, i trying just now | 02:19 |
hugelmopf | yes, it is fixed! | 02:20 |
fabsoft | all kdegraphics seem to be upgradeable | 02:21 |
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:hugelmopf] : Dapper Flight 2 out | KDE 3.5 is out http://tinyurl.com/dlrf9 (the KPDF problem is fixed in the latest packages) | Breezy fixes in breezy-updates | Unofficial Kubuntu FAQ http://kudos.berlios.de | Please don't paste into the channel: use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com | IRC info and channels in other languages: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InternetRelayChat | ||
fabsoft | Preconfiguring packages ... | 02:21 |
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hugelmopf | yes, same here. | 02:21 |
fabsoft | yeah, now it works fine | 02:23 |
fabsoft | manteiners faster that feebacks eheh | 02:24 |
fabsoft | than | 02:24 |
claus | how do i load a saved profile in konqueror? | 02:25 |
claus | there's only a save option for profiles | 02:25 |
hugelmopf | fabsoft: seems like the fix is very new: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=20930 | 02:26 |
hugelmopf | claus: in the settings menu you don't have something like "load profiles ->"? | 02:27 |
hugelmopf | -s | 02:27 |
claus | hugelmopf: no, thats why i'm asking | 02:27 |
fabsoft | --profile <profile> Profile to open | 02:28 |
fabsoft | konqueror --profile | 02:28 |
hugelmopf | well, but that is a bit awkward. claus: is this kde-3.5 or 3.4? | 02:28 |
claus | hugelmopf: i dont really know. its the version that came with the official kubuntu 5.10 installation cd | 02:29 |
BlueEagle | hugelmopf: Not really. You can create different launchers depending on wich profile you want to use. | 02:30 |
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hugelmopf | ok, then it is 3.4. i believe that under kubuntu with kde-3.4 i also did not have that option, but i have no idea, why they removed it. in 3.5 it is there. | 02:30 |
claus | so i need to upgrade it | 02:32 |
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claus | but i dont know how :) | 02:33 |
claus | i'm a complete (k)ubuntu newbie | 02:34 |
hugelmopf | claus: as complete newbie you might want to stay with the officially released packages and find out how to load profiles ;-) | 02:34 |
hugelmopf | claus: otherwise you have to add this line: "deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde35 breezy main" to /etc/apt/sources.list and update. | 02:35 |
claus | hmmm, then i rather stay with the official released packages :) | 02:36 |
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fabsoft | in kde 3.5 kate also changed, now always open multiple istances | 02:39 |
ilba7r | hugelmopf why isn't kde35 in the regular repos? | 02:39 |
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ilba7r | is it because between releases ubuntu freezes its packages and only update security issues? | 02:40 |
Phillemann | A friend of mine wants to install kubuntu but he has a rather annoying raid controller. Can kubuntu handle raid controllers during install? | 02:40 |
fabsoft | obviusly | 02:42 |
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claus | Phillemann: just give it a try and you'll see if it works or not :) | 02:43 |
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Klouse | is there a tool that checks a pop3 server every 5 minutes if there a new mails available? | 02:55 |
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thoreauputic | fetchmail -c | 02:57 |
thoreauputic | you can use it withthe gkrellm monitor app for instance (I do that) | 02:58 |
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Klouse | i usually fetch my emails with thunderbird.. is it difficult to set-up fetchmail? | 02:59 |
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Riddell | Klouse: kmail | 03:01 |
Klouse | Riddell: err, actually i dont want to change my mail client | 03:02 |
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thoreauputic | Klouse: fetchmail is installed by default afaik - but it's CLI of course: as Riddell says, you can usually configure your mail client to check for you at intervals | 03:03 |
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Klouse | thoreauputic: thats true. but thunderbird has no option for close it into the systray.. so i have to let it open all the time :( | 03:04 |
thoreauputic | hmmm - sorry I don't know thunderbird - I use Sylpheed mostly | 03:06 |
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thoreauputic | Klouse: there are certainly little utilities that pop up mail notifications - the really old one is called "biff" ;) | 03:07 |
thoreauputic | Klouse: apt-cache search mail | grep notification | 03:08 |
thoreauputic | kbiff - KDE mail notification utility | 03:09 |
Klouse | let me test it :) | 03:10 |
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thoreauputic | apt-cache show kbiff <-- it docks in the panel apparently | 03:10 |
thoreauputic | obviously I haven't tried it ;-) | 03:10 |
Klouse | yes, i think thats what i'm looking for :) | 03:12 |
Klouse | thanks | 03:12 |
thoreauputic | :) | 03:12 |
thoreauputic | apt-cache search is your friend! | 03:13 |
Klouse | ahh it needs an email client to check for new mails | 03:15 |
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saif | hola | 03:45 |
saif | alguien me envia un privado porfa | 03:45 |
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BlueGhost | hello | 03:48 |
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BlueGhost | Anyone know how I can tell kubuntu what type of monitor I have. Currently I can only get 60hz, and that strains my eyes. | 03:50 |
BlueGhost | I know I need to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf, but I don't know what to put there. | 03:51 |
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hussam | Hi, I need help with printing. Using CUPS, I can print from firefox and other programs but not from any kde program. | 03:51 |
hussam | when I try to print from a kde program, I get this error: "Error while reading filter description for true. Empty command line received" | 03:52 |
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BlueGhost | Hussam: Somehow I don't think there are many people here other than newbies like us | 03:52 |
thoreauputic | BlueDevil: a better way is to run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 03:52 |
hussam | still printing from non kde programs works | 03:52 |
hussam | BlueGhost: oh | 03:52 |
BlueGhost | I may be wrong. | 03:53 |
thoreauputic | BlueDevil: you can choose your vert and horiz refresh rates etc - do you have the monitor manual? | 03:53 |
BlueGhost | I think you may be talking to me...I have the monitor problem. | 03:54 |
thoreauputic | BlueDevil: erm - yes that's why your name appears on eacch line :) | 03:55 |
thoreauputic | BlueDevil: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 03:56 |
thoreauputic | hah sorry | 03:56 |
=== thoreauputic blushes | ||
thoreauputic | BlueGhost: bad tab completion :/ | 03:56 |
BlueGhost | I of course don't have the manual, but I know it can do better than 60hz. I am looking on Samsung's site now but they don't have much. I'll google it. | 03:57 |
thoreauputic | BlueGhost: the command I gave you should give you options for reconfiguring it | 03:57 |
BlueGhost | thanks. I'll give it a try. First let me see if I can find out which frequencies this thing supports. | 03:58 |
BlueGhost | I love google! Drag, best it can do at 1600x1200 is 68. Guess I am stuck with 1200x1024. Good thing I have 4 desktops :) | 04:00 |
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BlueGhost | Got bounced. thoreauputic, when I run the command, I get 'xserver.xorg is not installed and no info is available. | 04:06 |
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thoreauputic | BlueDevil: are you running breezy? ( 5.10) | 04:07 |
BlueGhost | Yes. Ubuntu with kubuntu-desktop package. | 04:07 |
thoreauputic | BlueDevil: ah a typo I think : xserver-xorg ,, not xserver.xorg | 04:08 |
thoreauputic | dash not dot :) | 04:08 |
BlueGhost | oops. Duh. | 04:08 |
thoreauputic | computers are pedantic ;) | 04:08 |
BlueGhost | that's better. | 04:08 |
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BlueGhost | damn, math. 128MB in K...hmm calculator time. | 04:09 |
thoreauputic | ! 128 * 1024 | 04:10 |
ubotu | 131072 | 04:10 |
BlueGhost | i get 154112... | 04:11 |
BlueGhost | my bad. | 04:11 |
BlueGhost | too late now. Guess I get to to the command over. | 04:11 |
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BlueGhost | ok, done. Can I restart X without having to reboot, or better just to reboot? | 04:19 |
thoreauputic | restart X | 04:19 |
BlueGhost | how? | 04:19 |
thoreauputic | no need to reboot | 04:19 |
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thoreauputic | ctrl-alt-backspace | 04:20 |
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thoreauputic | BlueGhost: any better ? | 04:25 |
BlueGhost | thereauputic, thanks. this is much better. (Didn't know restarting X would kill all my programs. Should have thought so though) At least I am learning. | 04:26 |
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thoreauputic | BlueDevil: heh - I should have warned you but you were too quick :) | 04:26 |
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BlueGhost | Now all I need is a good program for leeching from the usenet (don't say pan) and I can dump Windows. | 04:26 |
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_ganymed | hallo | 04:27 |
shmoolik | helllo | 04:27 |
_ganymed | i have a problem with impress in kubuntu 5.10. it's damn slow... | 04:27 |
shmoolik | how can i add my mount hdd to Storage Media ? | 04:28 |
_ganymed | i wanna watch a ppt, which is quiet demanding... | 04:28 |
_ganymed | quite | 04:28 |
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BlueGhost | Thanks. I now have to figure out if I can handle 1600x1200 at 65hz or stick with 1280x1024 at 75. I think I will choose the latter (for now). The text is small enough as it is. | 04:29 |
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DeepBlueGhost | Ah ha, a nick not already owned! | 04:31 |
thoreauputic | DeepBlueGhost: register your nick then | 04:32 |
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thoreauputic | /msg nickserv register | 04:32 |
DeepBlueGhost | thanks. was about to ask | 04:32 |
thoreauputic | you need a password too | 04:33 |
thoreauputic | /msg nickserv register <your password> | 04:33 |
DeepBlueGhost | registered. | 04:34 |
thoreauputic | :) | 04:34 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o thoreauputic] by ChanServ | ||
DeepBlueGhost | I think I need to read a bit more about IRC and of course about Unix... Been using linux now for a whole week. Had distroitis until I found kubuntu. | 04:35 |
thoreauputic | a whole week ? You only have like 10 years of learning ahead of you then ;-) | 04:36 |
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DeepBlueGhost | well, it keeps my mind healthy. At keast it gives me something to do, and more importantly, get away from a monopoly. | 04:38 |
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shmoolik | hello | 04:38 |
shmoolik | someone here? | 04:38 |
thoreauputic | DeepBlueGhost: of course - actually it seems the more I learn the more I realise how much I don't know about *nix | 04:39 |
thoreauputic | shmoolik: no, you're all alone :) | 04:39 |
shmoolik | :) | 04:39 |
DeepBlueGhost | I feel the same with Dutch. I'm an American stuck in Holland. | 04:40 |
thoreauputic | DeepBlueGhost: ah - I hear Dutch is a tricky language :) | 04:40 |
shmoolik | does any one here knows how can i add my mount HDD to media storage ? | 04:40 |
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thoreauputic | shmoolik: I don't quite follow the question | 04:41 |
DeepBlueGhost | Sometimes. It's not too bad. Hey, I can answer that one. shmook edit fstab. | 04:41 |
thoreauputic | shmoolik: do you mean how to mount a hard drive? | 04:41 |
samu2 | isn't KDE's start menu supposed to have some function where it lists the most used programs? | 04:41 |
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DeepBlueGhost | hdd is USUALLY a CDROM, but can be a hard drive.. (1,1) | 04:42 |
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thoreauputic | DeepBlueGhost: yes, but HDD is also an abbreviation for hard disk drive... | 04:42 |
thoreauputic | hence confusion.. | 04:43 |
shmoolik | thoreauputic: no i have mounted them | 04:43 |
shmoolik | thoreauputic: i have add them to mnt folder :) | 04:43 |
thoreauputic | shmoolik: so what are you trying to achieve exactly? | 04:43 |
shmoolik | but now i want to add them to system:/media path | 04:43 |
shmoolik | <system:/media> | 04:44 |
DeepBlueGhost | double mount? | 04:44 |
thoreauputic | shmoolik: I have no idea what you are talking about, sorry | 04:44 |
DeepBlueGhost | I think he wants another mount point for the drive. | 04:44 |
shmoolik | open konqer and put in adders <system:/media> | 04:44 |
shmoolik | Konqueror* | 04:45 |
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shmoolik | wait i will send a SS | 04:46 |
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DeepBlueGhost | is taking a coffee break | 04:47 |
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shmoolik | http://img492.imageshack.us/img492/8271/snapshot25te.jpg | 04:47 |
shmoolik | here i want to see my mount points here :) | 04:48 |
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_ganymed | cu later | 04:52 |
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DeepBlueGhost | smoolik: cool desktop. Where are you? 17:46? | 04:54 |
shmoolik | thank | 04:55 |
shmoolik | BUT i still don't find how to add my mout poits to MEDIA STPRAGE FOLDER :S | 04:55 |
DeepBlueGhost | do you want it to automount? | 04:56 |
shmoolik | what do umean by automount ? | 04:56 |
DeepBlueGhost | I mean that it's there when you boot up (all the time) | 04:57 |
shmoolik | my hdd r automounted on bootup .... | 04:57 |
DeepBlueGhost | So what's the problem? | 04:57 |
DeepBlueGhost | Sorry, 5:00, gotta go... | 04:58 |
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shmoolik | i want to c them on Media Storage | 04:58 |
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monad | hi... how can i switch off kdm permanently? is there something like rc-update? | 05:05 |
Riddell | monad: sudo apt-get remove kdm | 05:05 |
monad | riddell: really? i remember sth different | 05:06 |
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bipolar | now that I've installed kubuntu-desktop, is there an easy way to remove all teh gnome stuff? | 05:10 |
Riddell | bipolar: sudo apt-get remove libgtk2.0-0 | 05:11 |
bipolar | Riddell: ahh... I didn't think of that. Thanks! | 05:11 |
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JabberWokky | I just got a new laptop - is there a way to dump the list of packages installed on my old system such that I can apt-get install `cat list` them? | 05:20 |
Riddell | dpkg --get-selections | 05:21 |
Riddell | and --set-selections | 05:21 |
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JabberWokky | Why, oh, why do I always forget about dpkg? Thanks. | 05:22 |
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thoreauputic | monad: IRC ing as root isn't very clever, you know | 05:23 |
monad | hi... something strange with adept, even when i login as root and start it, it tells me i haveto be root and it runs in read only mode | 05:23 |
monad | thoreau: i know, don't ask, my professor'S machine, he works exclusively as root | 05:23 |
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thoreauputic | monad: then your professor isn't very clever either ;) | 05:24 |
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monad | well... | 05:24 |
thoreauputic | never mind | 05:24 |
monad | thanks anyway | 05:25 |
monad | so, why do i get this strange message from adept... i tried an update now, and it works, even though it told me it won't | 05:25 |
thoreauputic | try kdesu adept | 05:26 |
thoreauputic | but if you are already root, seems a bit pointless... | 05:26 |
djib | is there a program to open and modify sqlite databases ? | 05:27 |
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monad | my prof has a lot of c programs which depend on huge shellscripts that reference gcc - how do i symlink that to point to gcc-4.0? | 05:29 |
Chousuke | hm | 05:30 |
hara | http://cgi.4chan.org/f/src/Jingle_Bells_Reversed.swf | 05:30 |
Chousuke | I think you can use update-alternatives | 05:30 |
hara | that's a good site to test flashplayer | 05:30 |
sambagirl | i set my desktop display resolution to 800x600 everyday. why i cannot just set 1 time and make this my new default? | 05:30 |
Chousuke | hara: :||| | 05:31 |
hara | lol | 05:31 |
Chousuke | bastard. | 05:31 |
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hara | my 2year old daughter freaked out after seeing that | 05:31 |
sambagirl | flash does not work for kubuntu, true? | 05:31 |
hara | it does, very well | 05:32 |
Chousuke | not veey well ;P | 05:32 |
Chousuke | very* | 05:32 |
sambagirl | no for me | 05:32 |
hara | scaringly well atleast | 05:32 |
Chousuke | the flash player is a piece of crap | 05:32 |
sambagirl | blah | 05:32 |
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hara | eh, i meant the flash plugin for mozilla | 05:34 |
sambagirl | where can i get a flash player for kubuntu? | 05:34 |
sambagirl | the one i have not working. | 05:34 |
sambagirl | mozilla? not firefox? | 05:34 |
hara | firefox | 05:35 |
hara | mozilla firefox | 05:35 |
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hara | 1.0.7 version | 05:36 |
_ganymed | hallo | 05:36 |
sambagirl | so what is so spooky about this? http://cgi.4chan.org/f/src/Jingle_Bells_Reversed.swf | 05:36 |
hara | lo | 05:36 |
sambagirl | i dont understand? | 05:36 |
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hara | listen to the words when it's played in reverse | 05:36 |
sambagirl | lol | 05:36 |
sambagirl | lol | 05:36 |
hara | you got it? | 05:36 |
sambagirl | how i can do that? | 05:37 |
_ganymed | does anybody know which webhoster is "good"... i am surching for webspace and i have sth. - but it seems to be too good to be true | 05:37 |
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hara | sambagirl: do what? | 05:37 |
sambagirl | nevermind i see now | 05:38 |
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hara | mmkay | 05:38 |
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sambagirl | mozilla crashed | 05:39 |
sambagirl | my stars | 05:39 |
darkheart | That was scary. | 05:40 |
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darkheart | I didn't hear the message, but I'm too scared to listen to it again. | 05:40 |
ideafix | in tha hooods | 05:40 |
ideafix | lets shooot some hoops m8s ? | 05:40 |
hara | darkheart: put speakers on loud and play it again | 05:41 |
sambagirl | tv is fake. | 05:41 |
sambagirl | i watching the district, it is a big lie. i lived in DC. | 05:41 |
ideafix | any one has access to shipits DB ? | 05:41 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o thoreauputic] by ChanServ | ||
darkheart | hara: Hehe, I can't, I'm at work. | 05:41 |
ideafix | roflol | 05:41 |
ideafix | i cant gota iron my tux | 05:42 |
ideafix | hi there asiego | 05:43 |
ideafix | i see ego ? | 05:43 |
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ideafix | _xiglet: is a roedent | 05:44 |
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xigleth | say what ideafix ? | 05:45 |
ideafix | xigleth: say chees | 05:45 |
thoreauputic | ideafix: you are going the same way you went in #ubuntu - watch it | 05:45 |
ideafix | im shaling | 05:45 |
ideafix | shaking | 05:45 |
ideafix | omg noo nooo not the B word | 05:46 |
thoreauputic | stop trolling or you're out of here | 05:46 |
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darkheart | I guess I was just never bored enough to run around IRC channels and try to get banned from them. | 05:46 |
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ideafix | define trooling | 05:46 |
ideafix | thats why your heart is in the dark | 05:47 |
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ideafix | any one in here into psytrance ? | 05:47 |
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ideafix | ok gents nothing too see here move along | 05:50 |
ideafix | thoreauputic: do you use thor ? | 05:50 |
hara | what is this dapper flight? | 05:51 |
monad | where do i find the serverlist again? | 05:51 |
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darkheart | monad: Sources? | 05:51 |
ideafix | have you seen that dude in slashdot saying that pricacy is a luxurie ? | 05:52 |
monad | darkheart: the file that says where apt-get looks | 05:52 |
darkheart | Slashdot sucks. | 05:52 |
ideafix | why ? | 05:52 |
darkheart | !tell monad about sources | 05:52 |
knubbe | is there a gui for creating symlinks? | 05:52 |
ideafix | why ? dose slashdot sucks ? | 05:52 |
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darkheart | Cause they are a bunch of idiots that just post crap and start flame wars..gets old. But that is neither here nor there. | 05:53 |
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monad | darkheart: so? not my machine and my first kubuntu install... someone told me there'S a config file somewhere, where it says which are restricted etc... | 05:53 |
darkheart | monad: Did you get the message ubotu sent you? The file is in /etc/apt/ | 05:53 |
ideafix | darkheart yes we dont want to bring up that kind of stuff | 05:54 |
ideafix | its best to keep folks in the dark | 05:54 |
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ideafix | what you cant see cant warm you :-9 | 05:54 |
ideafix | im feeeling so much cool just being in here hehe | 05:55 |
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ideafix | do you think that this latelly explosions at refineries are torror atacks | 05:56 |
darkheart | No, I think it's Portuguese people trying to scam money. | 05:57 |
thoreauputic | ideafix: if you can't be on topic, please leave | 05:57 |
ideafix | are you portugues ? | 05:57 |
ideafix | darkheart: you gota love this new privacy laws dont yha ? | 05:59 |
ideafix | so you can profile every body and put them in your little boxes | 06:00 |
ideafix | your very owne terror network | 06:01 |
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ideafix | it must be as funn as playing nmorph | 06:01 |
ideafix | shape up their minds | 06:01 |
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Zv_oDD | Ok i'm a new user; why does kubuntu not set up the root password during intall, and how am i ment configure my computer now? | 06:14 |
thoreauputic | !root | 06:15 |
ubotu | root is probably rumour has it, that root is disabled in Ubuntu, actually this means there is no password set for the root account, use sudo when you need admin access, you can read all about it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo | 06:15 |
Zv_oDD | So in the the programs which ask for root password, i should just not enter anything? | 06:15 |
thoreauputic | enter your user password | 06:16 |
Zv_oDD | ooo | 06:16 |
thoreauputic | the first user has sudo rights | 06:16 |
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Zv_oDD | ok | 06:17 |
bipolar | Zv_oDD: read up on that wiki page. it will explain it | 06:17 |
thoreauputic | it's the same setup as mac OS-X basically | 06:17 |
Zv_oDD | hmm | 06:17 |
Zv_oDD | soo i click on the login manager and i entered my user password, and it didn't work | 06:18 |
Zv_oDD | why is this | 06:18 |
bipolar | Zv_oDD: did you read the wiki page? | 06:18 |
Zv_oDD | sigh | 06:18 |
Zv_oDD | no but i did google my question | 06:19 |
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bipolar | Zv_oDD: the wiki page tells you all about it. | 06:19 |
thoreauputic | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo | 06:19 |
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Zv_oDD | i think they should have the information on the desktop by defualt, for new users | 06:20 |
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bipolar | Zv_oDD: what asks for root password? | 06:22 |
bipolar | Zv_oDD: nothing should be asking for root password, it should be asking for *your* password | 06:22 |
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sebastian | Well I tryed in #Apache and #ubuntu. now i'll do this here to: | 06:25 |
sebastian | When I run Apache and put in my external IP address I get a blank page. I think the reason for this is, because I get my IP address from DHCP. and that I need to set up a static ip address for Ubuntu, ,but I am not sure how to do that. I was told also that my multi boot with XP can still use DHCP. and all other computers on the network can use DHCP. and Ubuntu can use the static | 06:25 |
bipolar | sebastian: DHCP should not be a problem at all | 06:26 |
sebastian | yes, but I need to change from DHCP to static | 06:26 |
sebastian | and I am not sure how to do that | 06:26 |
sebastian | or I need to some how get my external IP address. to work with DHCP and Apache. and I did the routher eariler | 06:26 |
thoreauputic | sebastian: you don't need to - you can use dyndns.org to point at your IP | 06:26 |
sebastian | router | 06:26 |
bipolar | sebastian: you are on an internal network, right? | 06:27 |
thoreauputic | sebastian: are you sure your ISP doesn't block port 80 | 06:27 |
bipolar | sebastian: at home or at work? | 06:27 |
sebastian | at home | 06:27 |
sebastian | I don't think my ISP blocks port 80 | 06:27 |
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bipolar | sebastian: you want to run a public website from home? | 06:27 |
thoreauputic | sebastian: is the server machine behind a router ? | 06:28 |
sebastian | I want to be able to run stuff from my Apache server running on Ubuntu when I want to. and give people my extenral ip address or whatever. so they can connect to it | 06:28 |
sebastian | some times | 06:28 |
sebastian | yes I am behind a router | 06:28 |
sebastian | router | 06:28 |
thoreauputic | sebastian: then you'll need to forward port 80 | 06:28 |
sebastian | yes | 06:28 |
thoreauputic | to the server | 06:28 |
sebastian | well I did this thing in router config earlier | 06:28 |
sebastian | ,but it also says in the tutorial and what not for that router. that I need to set a static ip address, but not sure how to do that | 06:29 |
sebastian | where's the program for changing DHCP to Static or whatever | 06:29 |
sebastian | and really this is the wrong channel for all this, but no help in Apache or Ubuntu. and I am using Gnome at the moment. haven't instaleld Kbuntu and other GUI's yet. on to this new Ubuntu. I got rid of and formatted my old one about a week ago | 06:30 |
darkheart | sebastian: That's a setting on your router. | 06:30 |
darkheart | sebastian: But you really shouldn't have to set a static IP to forward a port. | 06:30 |
sebastian | what's a setting on my router? | 06:30 |
darkheart | sebastian: DHCP or static IPs are something you set on your router. | 06:31 |
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sebastian | well I don't want to mess around with the other computers. | 06:32 |
sebastian | since my Dad set all that up and well | 06:32 |
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darkheart | Like I said, though, you shouldn't have to set a static IP to forward ports. | 06:32 |
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darkheart | But you will have to tell your router that you want to forward port 80 to your computer's IP. | 06:32 |
haffe | Could somebody tell me if kompmgr works adequately on a radeon 9200se 128 mb ram, xp2000+ 512 mb ram. | 06:32 |
sebastian | I have done stuff with the router config | 06:38 |
sebastian | ,but nope no luck | 06:38 |
sebastian | really | 06:38 |
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livio | hi at all | 06:41 |
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livio | where i can find a graphical interfare for pppoe | 06:42 |
pagux | kppoe ? | 06:45 |
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djib | hey, I'm looking for an application that displays all running applications at the same time, just like on mac OSX | 06:59 |
djib | I forgot the name | 06:59 |
djib | any idea ? | 06:59 |
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ninHer | hi all | 07:02 |
hara | don't know about mac, but how about top? | 07:02 |
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ismail | hi | 07:02 |
hara | or ksysguard | 07:02 |
hara | lo | 07:02 |
ismail | i wanna setup php5 to my kubuntu | 07:03 |
ismail | :( | 07:03 |
ismail | i download with adept | 07:03 |
ismail | but it doesnt work | 07:03 |
JabberWokky | I found a novel way to mess up your system -- I'm copying laptop a to laptop b, copied /etc/hosts, and now sudo won't work (can't see laptop b's hostname). Whups. init 1, or can anybody see another way of sudo'ing or changing /etc/hosts? | 07:04 |
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JabberWokky | (Rebooting isn't a problem, I'm just curious if anybody has a nifty solution) | 07:04 |
djib | hara : no I'm not talking about top, but more of a graphical interface that shows thubnails all running applications when I launch it | 07:05 |
Zv_oDD | ubuntu would be that much better with root, seriosly linux is ment to have a root user | 07:06 |
JabberWokky | djib: Control ESC? | 07:06 |
JabberWokky | KDE's Process Table? | 07:06 |
ismail | i think rebooting is a problem for a server | 07:06 |
ismail | is there anybody can help me about php | 07:07 |
ismail | about installing php | 07:07 |
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Zv_oDD | i would like to know aswell | 07:07 |
JabberWokky | ismail: Yes, that's actually what prompted the question. Right now this is a desktop. Next time it could be a server... although I'll likely create root on a server for this reason now. | 07:07 |
djib | JabberWokky: control esc doen't work on my pc | 07:07 |
hara | djib: it launches ksysguard which won't work if you don't have kde | 07:08 |
djib | oh no sorry it did work | 07:08 |
djib | it was just very slow | 07:08 |
djib | ok but there is no thumbnails | 07:08 |
hara | hold alt+tab | 07:08 |
djib | this program made all the applications kinda "zoom out" and so you could see them all | 07:09 |
djib | hara: not this either | 07:09 |
djib | it was not included in kde | 07:09 |
djib | I had to install it | 07:09 |
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djib | but I don't remember the name | 07:09 |
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hara | djib: http://www.xiaprojects.com/www/prodotti/osxbar/main.php ? | 07:10 |
djib | oh this sounds good | 07:11 |
ismail | ctrl esc is working in mine | 07:11 |
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_ismail_ | please help me | 07:13 |
_ismail_ | if you dont help | 07:13 |
_ismail_ | i must open windows | 07:13 |
_ismail_ | :( | 07:13 |
_ismail_ | i dont want | 07:13 |
_ismail_ | but i need a working apache server | 07:13 |
sambagirl | how we can help you _ismail_ | 07:14 |
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djib | There is skippy... | 07:19 |
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djib | which is more like what I am looking for | 07:20 |
djib | apparently the program is called 'expose' under mac OSX | 07:20 |
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ClayG | hehe I found apache easier to set up on nix than windows, but I'm ssbackwards from most | 07:48 |
ClayG | AoP looks like you got everything squared away | 07:49 |
AoP | Mm | 07:49 |
AoP | Sorta | 07:49 |
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ninHer | hi all | 07:53 |
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theo | can anyone tell me how to install flash? | 07:54 |
darkheart | !tell theo about flash | 07:54 |
AoP | !tell AoP about java | 07:55 |
AoP | skill =o | 07:55 |
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hara | !tell hara about java | 07:58 |
hara | nice | 07:58 |
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livio | where i can find a graphical interface for pppoe | 08:00 |
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theo | darkheart: thanx! ;) | 08:03 |
mornfall | what the... http://utnubu.alioth.debian.org/scottish/by_maint/me%40mornfall.net/large/libapt-front/ | 08:10 |
mornfall | err, wrong chan :p | 08:10 |
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darkheart | mornfall: Good, cause I checked the link and I was like 'what the...' too hehe. | 08:12 |
livio | where i can find a graphical interface for pppoe | 08:13 |
darkheart | livio: I thought someone recommended kpppoe? I dunno though, don't use pppoe | 08:13 |
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_daniel | Hi. I just tried to install Amarok SVN, and I get an error about '/lib/libacl.la'. I have asked on #amarok, and they said try here | 08:21 |
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kamesh | Hi all | 08:32 |
kamesh | anyone out there | 08:32 |
kamesh | ????? | 08:33 |
darkheart | Sometimes | 08:33 |
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kamesh | I have a small problem.. | 08:34 |
kamesh | I have updated my ubuntu to kubuntu and kde 3.5 | 08:34 |
kamesh | and my computer has become really slow | 08:34 |
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darkheart | kamesh: Sorry, I haven't upgraded to 3.5 yet =\ | 08:36 |
hussam | When I try to print from a kde program, I get this error: "Error while reading filter description for true. Empty command line received". Is this a kde 3.4.3 bug? | 08:36 |
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kamesh | Oh.. ok Thanks any way darkheart | 08:37 |
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mzelem | anyone know where to go to determine the compatibility of hardware in kubuntu before you buy it? | 08:37 |
kamesh | I have another problem as well. I have debian as well as kubuntu installed in 2 seperate partitions. How can I access my debian partion in kubuntu and viceversa | 08:40 |
darkheart | mzelem: I didn't think you had to buy Kubuntu. | 08:41 |
manveru | hey, i've got a problem... someone sent me a virus but wine cannot execute it... :( | 08:42 |
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wheeltpot | are there plans to add a panel item for updates soon ? ;-)) | 08:43 |
darkheart | kamesh: Sorry, I can't help w/ that either ; ; but I'm sure there are some guides on the net if you google for that. | 08:43 |
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nalioth | mzelem: help.ubuntu.com or www.kubuntu.org | 08:43 |
kamesh | I will check that out with google. and come back again if I have any problems.. Thanks once again darkheart, | 08:45 |
kamesh | :-) | 08:45 |
darkheart | =) | 08:46 |
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Chairman_Wow | grep: /lib/libacl.la: No such file or directory | 08:49 |
Chairman_Wow | /bin/sed: can't read /lib/libacl.la: No such file or directory | 08:49 |
Chairman_Wow | libtool: link: `/lib/libacl.la' is not a valid libtool archive | 08:49 |
Chairman_Wow | Error creating ./amarok/src/libamarok.la. Exit status 1. | 08:49 |
Chairman_Wow | Riddell: I got sent over from #amarok to ask you this. My latest compilation of amarok-svn failed. | 08:49 |
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Riddell | Chairman_Wow: install libacl1-dev? | 08:51 |
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djk_ | i'm trying to compile something and it requires Qt >=3, so what do i have to apt-get? | 08:52 |
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darkheart | Riddell: In regards to the question just asked, what command would I use to search libapt for a package that contains <filename>? | 08:52 |
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T3hWiz0rd | darkheart: apt-cache search | 08:53 |
nalioth | djk_: libqt*-dev | 08:53 |
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T3hWiz0rd | just kidding iunno what im doing | 08:54 |
darkheart | T3hWiz0rd: That only searches for words in the names and descriptions of packages. I'm talking about finding the name of a file that's contained in a package. | 08:54 |
T3hWiz0rd | hmm | 08:54 |
nalioth | darkheart: install apt-file | 08:54 |
T3hWiz0rd | apt-cache search grep? | 08:54 |
darkheart | nalioth: Cool, thanks. | 08:54 |
darkheart | T3hWiz0rd: Hehe, that will still only give me what's inside the name and description fields ;) | 08:55 |
T3hWiz0rd | lol i know... i usck at life | 08:55 |
nalioth | darkheart: you'll need to "sudo apt-file update" first, and on occasion afterwards | 08:55 |
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darkheart | nalioth: Okay, so apt-file doesn't use the same db as apt-get? | 08:56 |
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darkheart | T3hWiz0rd: Hehe, lucky you cause it's not whether you suck or not, just whether you try or not. | 08:57 |
Xemanth | is there ubuntu package for putty? | 08:57 |
nalioth | yes, it does, but it searches inside for "tcl.h" or sdl.o etc | 08:57 |
darkheart | Xemanth: putty is windows only..don't need it on linux. | 08:57 |
T3hWiz0rd | darkheart: lol.... | 08:57 |
T3hWiz0rd | darkheart: that sounds like something you'd tell someone with a disability... | 08:57 |
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hussam | can somebody help me get printing to work in kde programs. It only works in non-kde programs | 08:57 |
Xemanth | darkheart: dude its not windows only | 08:57 |
T3hWiz0rd | darkheart: "its not that you can't walk but that you dream to walk" | 08:57 |
darkheart | nalioth: Okay. | 08:57 |
T3hWiz0rd | hats off to putty for making a Pocket PC version | 08:58 |
darkheart | T3hWiz0rd: Hehe, well, sometimes those disabled people teach us who are not disabled valuable lessons ;) | 08:58 |
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Xemanth | darkheart: i have had it on debian | 08:58 |
T3hWiz0rd | darkheart: this is true... like the lady with no arms on rippleys ! | 08:58 |
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darkheart | Xemanth: You are right | 08:59 |
jenco | hello | 08:59 |
Riddell | darkheart: you'd use packages.ubuntu.com or packages.debian.org | 08:59 |
Viilis | hi | 08:59 |
Xemanth | darkheart: :) | 08:59 |
darkheart | Xemanth: But you should also realize that a simple google: putty will find your answer. | 08:59 |
darkheart | http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html | 08:59 |
Riddell | darkheart: or if you have it installed use dpkg -S filename | 08:59 |
Chairman_Wow | Riddell: That's sorted it, also had to install libattr-dev. | 08:59 |
Viilis | can u tell me why i cant install nvidia geforce 7800 driver on my kubuntu? | 08:59 |
Viilis | it just gets error u dont have ld | 08:59 |
Viilis | what is that? | 08:59 |
djk_ | nalioth: thanks | 08:59 |
jenco | i have a problem with my ati readeon 9250 pci card on my compaq : / my system won't start up with it installed kernel panics any ideas? | 09:00 |
darkheart | Riddell: Thank you | 09:00 |
Viilis | jenco ati is shit on linux.. | 09:00 |
darkheart | Xemanth: Can I ask why you want putty? Just curious what it offers on a Linux box. | 09:00 |
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jenco | :/ but it is with any of the video cards i have ~ nvidia or ati | 09:01 |
Xemanth | darkheart: at least i can compile it from source :) hmm i want it to linux because at least i know that its good and reliable client which i know... i know that i can do "ssh blabla.com" but it ain't familiar | 09:01 |
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XamDM | Xemanth: there is a ubuntu package for putty, i just installed it via apt | 09:03 |
darkheart | Xemanth: I see | 09:05 |
wheeltpot | are there any plans to add the panel applet notifier at some point ? | 09:05 |
Xemanth | XamDM: did you add any repositories? because at least its not only "putty" | 09:05 |
XamDM | Xemanth: wait a second ore two ;-) | 09:06 |
Xemanth | XamDM: :) | 09:06 |
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XamDM | Xemanth: do you use Breezy ore hoary ?? | 09:06 |
Xemanth | breezy | 09:07 |
XamDM | Xemanth: i only activated universe and multiverse | 09:08 |
Xemanth | i have uncommented everything too | 09:08 |
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XamDM | Xemanth: did you do a apt-get update after that ??, i386 ore any other type of system ?? | 09:08 |
Xemanth | x64 | 09:09 |
Xemanth | of course i did apt update ;) | 09:10 |
XamDM | Xemanth: i hav i386, but i i used x64 either and i had putty to | 09:10 |
Xemanth | hmm | 09:10 |
=== sobersabre [n=bilbo@l192-117-118-8.broadband.actcom.net.il] has joined #kubuntu | ||
sobersabre | hi | 09:11 |
sobersabre | i have got the 3.5 debs, and installed them. i have an oddity now. | 09:11 |
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sobersabre | the GL screensavers display their screens on the upper half of the display. | 09:11 |
XamDM | deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy universe multiverse | 09:11 |
XamDM | deb-src http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy universe multiverse | 09:11 |
XamDM | Xemanth: do you have these two ?? | 09:11 |
campu | hola | 09:11 |
Xemanth | hmm gonna try that after Sg | 09:12 |
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sobersabre | am i the only user of breezy+kde3.5 ?!?!?! | 09:18 |
nalioth | sobersabre: you are not | 09:18 |
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sobersabre | so ... i am the only one with strange things with GL screensavers... | 09:18 |
XamDM | sobersabre: sry, whats jour problem ?? | 09:19 |
XamDM | sobersabre: i don#t have those problems ;-) | 09:20 |
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sobersabre | some of the screensavers are showing as if the display is 1/2 higher | 09:21 |
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sobersabre | like they are aiming 1/2 dispay upwards | 09:21 |
XamDM | sobersabre: what kind of graka ?? nvidia ati ?? | 09:22 |
sobersabre | graka :) intel 855GM | 09:22 |
sobersabre | laptop | 09:22 |
sobersabre | LCD | 09:22 |
sobersabre | 64MB shared mem | 09:23 |
XamDM | sobersabre: hm, and it worked in 3.4 ?? | 09:23 |
sobersabre | yep | 09:23 |
sobersabre | it works here too, but ... misses the center... :) | 09:23 |
sobersabre | i can only see the legs | 09:23 |
XamDM | sobersabre: any other updates ??, ore only adet the kde3.5 repo ?? | 09:25 |
zyn | sobersabre: i've reported that bug as well... doesn't seem to have been fixed yet, and it's still present in kde3.5 | 09:25 |
sobersabre | zyn let's open a supporting therapy group :) | 09:26 |
XamDM | zyn: same graka as sobersabre ?? | 09:26 |
sobersabre | seriously, i've no idea how this happens. | 09:26 |
XamDM | do other 3d apps work correct ?? | 09:27 |
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sobersabre | XamDM even some GL savers work ok. | 09:27 |
sobersabre | and the ones i like to use - don't :) | 09:27 |
zyn | XamDM: yes, they do... xscreensavers-gl work just fine in fullscreen mode | 09:27 |
zyn | lots of real GL apps work just fine as well | 09:27 |
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zyn | it's only the GL KDE screensavers :/ | 09:27 |
=== zyn hunts for the bugzilla link | ||
XamDM | zyn: strange | 09:28 |
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sobersabre | oh... nice now we have agreement :) | 09:28 |
zyn | http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=17654 | 09:28 |
zyn | (other people have also confirmed the bug) | 09:28 |
sobersabre | XamDM do you have any idea how the KDE savers are developed ? | 09:28 |
XamDM | no, i don't | 09:29 |
sobersabre | i mean which libs are they linked to... | 09:29 |
sobersabre | except the glx | 09:29 |
sobersabre | let's see.. | 09:29 |
zyn | the strange thing is that it's only the KDE GL screensavers on newer intel chips | 09:29 |
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JakubS_ | sobersabre: i have something similar - GL screensaver use only upper half of the screen | 09:31 |
JakubS_ | on i915 | 09:31 |
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sobersabre | JakubS_ yup | 09:33 |
sobersabre | ok | 09:34 |
sobersabre | gtg | 09:34 |
sobersabre | bye all | 09:34 |
JakubS_ | well, this is exactly as said in this bugreport, too bad there are no suggestions/workarounds/pointers what to debug | 09:34 |
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starscalling | eh sup | 09:52 |
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starscalling | im running kubuntu-desktop [kde] and using gdesklets on this xp atholon 2000+ with gig ram and only onboard vid card.. but its llllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggging ;p is there a way to make this thing more efficiant or another app like gdesklets for kde? | 09:53 |
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Tm_T | starscalling: like superkaramba? or torsmo? or <add your favourite here> | 09:55 |
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nalioth | Tm_T: torsmo is dead. long live conky | 09:56 |
vicks | is superkaramba in dapper flight-2? (live cd) | 09:59 |
starscalling | ah | 10:00 |
=== starscalling sighs ok ill check it out then | ||
starscalling | i think i might reformat my system again... | 10:00 |
starscalling | though i must not be using adept right b/c it doesnt seem to me to have the same options // same kind of options as synaptic ;p | 10:01 |
starscalling | is k3b working for dapper yet? | 10:01 |
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Anakashar | is there a way to find the /dev/ port of a USB device? | 10:07 |
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Jormundgand | When I connect to a server using Konversation and join a channel I get the text from the previous connection already in the tab. How can I prevent this? | 10:09 |
seth_k | Jormundgand, you would have to disable Logging in Preferences | 10:11 |
Jormundgand | That's slightly annoying, but not enormously so. Thanks. | 10:14 |
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starscalling | lol i consider that one of the better options :D | 10:16 |
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permanewb | kpackage doesn't accept my password,. I can use kdesu /usr/bin/kpackage, but it annoys me a microscopic amount that the window decorations are different when I run it from kdesu. Do you also find that kpackage doesn't accept your root password? | 10:21 |
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gaboo-muadib | permanewb: use synaptic or better if you're using breezy : adept | 10:25 |
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LOS_Redon2_ | hi | 10:27 |
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LOS_Redon2_ | can anyone ask me a question ?? | 10:28 |
T3hWiz0rd | when will the world end? | 10:28 |
LOS_Redon2_ | hahahaha | 10:28 |
LOS_Redon2_ | sorry, my english y very bad | 10:28 |
LOS_Redon2_ | can I ask a question ?? | 10:30 |
T3hWiz0rd | ohh you ment can someone answer you | 10:30 |
LOS_Redon2_ | yeahh | 10:30 |
T3hWiz0rd | i can try | 10:30 |
T3hWiz0rd | but i suck at life. | 10:30 |
LOS_Redon2_ | in breezy badger... what version of KDE comes with ? | 10:30 |
LOS_Redon2_ | exactly | 10:30 |
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LOS_Redon2_ | I have to download some files... and I need the exact version | 10:30 |
LOS_Redon2_ | 3.5 ? | 10:30 |
Riddell | LOS_Redon2_: 3.4.3 | 10:31 |
Riddell | LOS_Redon2_: packages for 3.5 are available | 10:31 |
LOS_Redon2_ | by default I mean... | 10:31 |
LOS_Redon2_ | ok | 10:31 |
LOS_Redon2_ | thanks | 10:31 |
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LOS_Redon2_ | but... | 10:31 |
LOS_Redon2_ | can I download an application of 3.5 and run it under 3.4.3 ? | 10:32 |
LOS_Redon2_ | no... | 10:32 |
LOS_Redon2_ | I need the kdelibs ? | 10:32 |
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blahblah | um.. what packages do i need to install to start programming in C? | 10:33 |
Riddell | LOS_Redon2_: generally it will need kdelibs 3.5 | 10:33 |
Riddell | aplg: new nick? | 10:33 |
LOS_Redon2_ | ok | 10:33 |
LOS_Redon2_ | thank you riddel | 10:34 |
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blahblah | i installed gcc (4.0) and for some reason tha standard libs headers dont exist | 10:34 |
DaSkreech | If I apt-get install kubuntu-desktop should get KDE 3.5 | 10:34 |
aplg | Riddell: nope, that's my 2nd | 10:36 |
aplg | when apachelogger is ghosted ;-) | 10:36 |
manveru | today someone was so nice and sent me a virus... somehow that crappy wine didn't run it... :( | 10:39 |
permanewb | gaboo-muadib adept doesn't show me package dependencies as far as I can tell. maybe I'll use synaptic or just use kdesu kpackage. it would be nice if the password problem didn't happen though. | 10:39 |
LOS_Redon2_ | riddel | 10:40 |
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mart | hi | 11:00 |
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mart | anyone have any luck with powernowd on an Athlon64? | 11:01 |
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yo2lux | hi | 11:03 |
yo2lux | what need to do to restart the dns server in linux? | 11:04 |
yo2lux | i add an ip /etc/resolv.conf but no effect | 11:04 |
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yo2lux | i don't want a computer restart | 11:04 |
_osh_ | Anyone tried to build crypto++ with gcc4 under kubuntu? I get annoying errors. | 11:05 |
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yo2lux | i have kubuntu live cd and internet not work because kubuntu not apply my dns ip in /etc/resolv.conf | 11:07 |
yo2lux | what need to do to restart /etc/resolv.conf? | 11:07 |
_osh_ | yo2lux: nothing | 11:08 |
yo2lux | strange but internet not work | 11:08 |
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yo2lux | i add my ip, gateway and dns | 11:08 |
yo2lux | but nothing | 11:08 |
_osh_ | yo2lux: in resolv.conf? why? | 11:08 |
_osh_ | yo2lux: you added the ip/gw with ifconfig or something similar? | 11:09 |
_osh_ | yo2lux: and put your dns in resolv.conf I hope. | 11:10 |
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hunika | hello people | 11:17 |
hunika | where can i get the win32 codecs | 11:17 |
nalioth | !w32codecs | 11:17 |
ubotu | [w32codecs] a compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular proprietary formats not currently supported by free implementations under linux. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#head-fda9cc5147253891fe3047263b82d787ab025bba to install | 11:17 |
hunika | thanks | 11:18 |
Blissex | yo2lux: 'resolv.conf' is read by each program when it starts. Restart the programs that don't seem working. | 11:19 |
Blissex | yo2lux: also, network config in Kubuntu is done in '/etc/network/interfaces', not '/etc/resolv.conf', where only the address of the DNS server should go. | 11:20 |
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Zugot | i upgraded to 3.5 and the new amarok and my sound stopped working | 11:21 |
Zugot | i sure do hate when that happens | 11:21 |
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Frymaster | hi, can anyone help me with a strange problem installing kubuntu? | 11:27 |
LOS_Redon2_ | Which packages have I got to download to make work kaffeine and amarok in breezy release ??? | 11:28 |
Frymaster | I can't get past the "set up user account" series of prompts, they keep cycling through the same questions | 11:28 |
LOS_Redon2_ | dd | 11:28 |
Frymaster | real name / user name / password / password verification | 11:28 |
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LOS_Redon2_ | s | 11:30 |
LOS_Redon2_ | which packages have I got to get to make work kaffeine and amarok in breezy release ? | 11:30 |
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_osh_ | Apparently there's a problem with gcc4 and cryptopp. Seems to be a bug. Time for me to give up and go to sleep. | 11:33 |
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Frymaster | ...ah well, and here I thought kubuntu/ubunt were supposed to be the EASY installs... for a channel listed on the website as a support channel you ain't very supportive :) | 11:39 |
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Blissex | Frymaster: patience... | 11:40 |
Blissex | Frymaster: and more details... | 11:41 |
Flying_Eagle | pay me the flight and 20$/hour and ill come over and help you... | 11:41 |
Frymaster | lol | 11:41 |
Frymaster | if someone would initiate a convo with me I might provide more details... tho tbh I don't have many more | 11:41 |
Flying_Eagle | is the password long enough, what username do you use? | 11:42 |
Blissex | Frymaster: just type publicly. | 11:42 |
Frymaster | username pgc | 11:42 |
Frymaster | password 7 letters | 11:42 |
Blissex | Frymaster: try something obvious, and then fix it later. | 11:42 |
Frymaster | changing password / username / user real name apperas to have no effect | 11:42 |
Frymaster | when I forced install to proceed, (it ejected cd / let me reboot etc.) it naturally prompted me for pw again | 11:43 |
Flying_Eagle | is there some switch like "do you want to create another user" that you accidently hit? | 11:43 |
Frymaster | got errors along the lines of "user pgc does not exist" and "group pgc does not exist" | 11:43 |
Flying_Eagle | Frymaster, which ubuntu-version/architecture do you use? | 11:43 |
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Frymaster | but not 100% sure as they didn't stay up, was very brief non-ncurses error before the prompts cycled again | 11:43 |
Frymaster | kubuntu-5.10-install-i386.iso was the iso I burned | 11:44 |
mart | Frymaster: perhaps using Alt-F2 or Alt-F3 will show the errors | 11:45 |
Flying_Eagle | you took the word of my tongue, mart :D | 11:45 |
Frymaster | not on initial setup screen it doesn't ( i restarted install on the off-chance) | 11:46 |
Flying_Eagle | hm? | 11:46 |
Flying_Eagle | dont understand what you mean with " initial setup screen"... alt+Fx should change the screen | 11:47 |
Frymaster | aye, | 11:47 |
mart | Frymaster: I mean, when it asks you for the user details for the second time, there might be some errors on the other terminals | 11:47 |
Frymaster | there isn't any | 11:47 |
Frymaster | details* | 11:47 |
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darkheart | Frymaster: You check the MD5sum before burning? | 11:49 |
darkheart | or even after burning | 11:49 |
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Frymaster | hmm gd point, how would I check the md5sum of a burned disk from xp? (not sommat that's come up before) | 11:51 |
Blissex | Frymaster: I suppose you have to rip the data again back and then check the ripped ISO. | 11:52 |
Blissex | Frymaster: but I think you can check the CD _from the CD_ itself. | 11:52 |
Blissex | Frymaster: if anything just switch to a console, e.g. CTRL-ALT-F2 and then run 'md5sum /dev/hdc' (or whatever)./ | 11:53 |
mart | I guess they don't build realplayer for 64bit? | 11:54 |
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Blissex | mart: a bit out of luck there I think. One could use MPlayer/VLC with the ripped MS Windows DLLs, in 32 bit mode. | 11:56 |
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apachelogger | kood nikht | 11:56 |
mart | Blissex: um, 32 bit mode? I've used linux32 before, is that what you mean? | 11:57 |
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Blissex | mart: yes, something like that. | 11:57 |
Coolio10 | hi | 11:57 |
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Coolio10 | everytime i start an irc app it says cant find hostname? | 11:57 |
Coolio10 | i messed with my system a bit | 11:57 |
andreas__ | is it possible to change fonts on the fly in kde, from the command line? | 11:58 |
Blissex | mart: but yes, basically try MPLayer with the MS Win libs. MPLayer may be able to use WIN 32 DLLs even if compiled in 64 bit mode. | 11:58 |
Blissex | Coolio10: '/etc/hostname' | 11:58 |
Coolio10 | what about that? | 11:58 |
Blissex | Coolio10: and then 'hostname $(< /etc/hostname)'. | 11:58 |
Blissex | Coolio10: look inside it. | 11:58 |
mart | Blissex: sounds like a long shot :) I'll see ... | 11:58 |
Coolio10 | also everytime i logoff it says cant talk to klauncher and brings up error window | 11:59 |
Coolio10 | should i reinstall it? | 11:59 |
Blissex | Coolio10: that happens to me too sometimes... I haven't figure out why yet. | 11:59 |
Blissex | Coolio10: if most stuff works, it should be OK. | 12:00 |
Coolio10 | oh | 12:00 |
Coolio10 | how do i access startup apps and services because my Storage Media is not showing up because the startup item is off | 12:00 |
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Frymaster | blissex, turns out during install at least I don't have a /dev/hdANYTHING but trying that on another box gave input/putput error after 5 minutes of CD activity | 12:01 |
andreas__ | is it possible to change kde _theme_ with a shortcut key? | 12:01 |
andreas__ | or somehow make it possible | 12:01 |
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Frymaster | I can't check the original iso as it's on the computer I'm trying to install kubuntu to, which currently doesn't have a working bootloader | 12:01 |
Blissex | andreas__: look at 'dcop'/'kdcop' | 12:02 |
Blissex | Frymaster: that CD does not sound that good,. | 12:02 |
andreas__ | Blissex, yeah sure, but where can I find some docs on it? | 12:02 |
andreas__ | not on dcop | 12:02 |
andreas__ | but on how to manipulate kde with it | 12:02 |
mart | dpkg: error processing w32codecs_20050412-0.0_i386.deb (--install): package architecture (i386) does not match system (amd64) | 12:03 |
mart | oh well .... | 12:03 |
Blissex | andreas__: well, try 'kdcop' which is sort of self-explanatory. | 12:03 |
Blissex | mart: try to force it, what you got to lose? | 12:03 |
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