fitzwillie | Anyone have a moment? | 12:07 |
mhz | yup, me fitzwillie | 12:07 |
fitzwillie | Ahh, thanks mhz... so, I'm trying to install Edu for the first time... | 12:07 |
fitzwillie | And I am having trouble - so I need to ask some basic (perhapsdumb) questions) | 12:08 |
fitzwillie | first, is it the entire .iso file (as a single file) that I should burn to a cd? And that should be self-booting when I boot my target machine? | 12:09 |
fitzwillie | (assuming I have fiddled my bios correctly, or used a boot manager) | 12:09 |
lucasvo | fitzwillie: yes it is | 12:10 |
mhz | fitzwillie: do you have ubuntu already installed ? | 12:11 |
fitzwillie | No, it's an somewhat older x86 machine - I already formatted the hd to bee a bootable linux partition (using DSL booted from floppy & CDR) | 12:12 |
fitzwillie | but I can't get the iso cdrom to boot, either naturally, or usign a boot manager from a floppy. | 12:13 |
lucasvo | fitzwillie: you won't need that, just download edubuntucd and burn it | 12:13 |
lucasvo | fitzwillie: is a winxp install disk booting ? | 12:13 |
lucasvo | fitzwillie: or some other bootable disc? | 12:13 |
lucasvo | for e.g. of other linux distribution or norton rescue disk or windows ...? | 12:14 |
fitzwillie | I've been able to boot using DSL (damn small linux) and another CD I made bootable. | 12:14 |
lucasvo | so it is the problem of the edubuntu iso | 12:14 |
fitzwillie | I wonder how easy it is to damage the .iso when burning (I noted the warning about exceeding 8x speeds) | 12:14 |
lucasvo | that could be a problem | 12:14 |
lucasvo | did you check the md5sum? | 12:15 |
fitzwillie | no I didn;t... not clear on that procedure. | 12:15 |
lucasvo | fitzwillie: try to burn it again if you have enough cd-r :D | 12:15 |
fitzwillie | heh, yeah, plenty of them ;) Okay,I'll try that... perhaps at a nice slor 2x or 4x write speed. | 12:16 |
lucasvo | fitzwillie: I had problems during download, I would also try to download it again | 12:17 |
lucasvo | :D | 12:17 |
lucasvo | if 2nd burned cd fails | 12:17 |
fitzwillie | Will do. I was just worried I was missing something from a technical perspective, but it sounds like I was doing things correctly. | 12:17 |
fitzwillie | I'm a moderate newbie to linux, so this is an adventure. | 12:18 |
lucasvo | edubuntu is quite amazing :D | 12:18 |
lucasvo | it is extremly easy and good configured | 12:18 |
fitzwillie | It sounds like it - I really want to get it working for my boys. | 12:18 |
lucasvo | fitzwillie: ah, how old are they? | 12:19 |
fitzwillie | 5 & 7 | 12:19 |
lucasvo | I am actually almost in the age I could still use it :D | 12:19 |
lucasvo | that's good for them | 12:19 |
fitzwillie | I need to give them something other than the XBox to play with ;) | 12:20 |
lucasvo | xbox is quite powerful one could even run edubuntu on it :D | 12:20 |
lucasvo | especially the new xbox360 | 12:20 |
fitzwillie | LOL, yeah, I've heard you could do that... I don't think I'm going to go quite that far, though ;) | 12:20 |
fitzwillie | I did get Damn Small Linux running on an old laptop with 32mb ram, though | 12:21 |
lucasvo | 500$ for a pc better than my normal workstation :D | 12:21 |
fitzwillie | haven't had a chance to try it with a wireless card yet, though. | 12:21 |
lucasvo | uh | 12:21 |
lucasvo | you don't want to try it :D | 12:22 |
lucasvo | it isn't that easy | 12:22 |
lucasvo | chance that you have the correct card is less than 0.8 % | 12:22 |
lucasvo | maybe this is not correct, let's say > 5 % | 12:22 |
fitzwillie | Well, it's less of a priority than the Edubuntu right now anyway... | 12:23 |
fitzwillie | Anyway, I appreciate your help... I'll give it a go again tonight. Wish me luck! | 12:24 |
lucasvo | tonight?, where are you from? | 12:24 |
lucasvo | I will go to bed now :D | 12:24 |
lucasvo | it's already 01:00 :D | 12:25 |
fitzwillie | California - pacific time - only 3:25 in the afternoon. | 12:25 |
fitzwillie | Thursday | 12:25 |
lucasvo | ah | 12:25 |
lucasvo | california | 12:25 |
lucasvo | my second home | 12:25 |
fitzwillie | Let's see, ten hours ahead puts you in Europe? | 12:26 |
lucasvo | yes | 12:26 |
lucasvo | Zurich, Switzerland | 12:26 |
fitzwillie | Very nice! | 12:27 |
lucasvo | where do you live? | 12:27 |
lucasvo | Silicon Valey? | 12:27 |
fitzwillie | Yeah, near San Jose. | 12:28 |
juliux | lucasvo, we should found a german edubuntu channel ;) | 12:28 |
lucasvo | maybe I will move to san francisco next summer and live there for a year at my aunts house | 12:29 |
lucasvo | juliux: why not | 12:29 |
lucasvo | juliux: join #edubuntu-de | 12:29 |
juliux | lucasvo, because we have many people on fairs who are interesset in edubuntu | 12:30 |
fitzwillie | lucasvo: it's a lovely place to live - very urban. Probably almost as chilly as Zurich when the fog comes in, too ;) | 12:30 |
lucasvo | fitzwillie: I was there in autumn | 12:32 |
lucasvo | it is indeed very similar | 12:32 |
lucasvo | juliux: I don't understand you, fair? | 12:32 |
juliux | lucasvo, what you dont understand? | 12:32 |
fitzwillie | Anyway, I'm off - many thanks. I'll report back if I'm lucky. | 12:33 |
lucasvo | juliux: have many people on fairs who are interesset in edubuntu | 12:33 |
juliux | lucasvo, ah | 12:33 |
juliux | lucasvo, we have in germany many people who want to know more about edubuntu | 12:33 |
lucasvo | aha | 12:34 |
juliux | lucasvo, i present *ubuntu on fairs in germany | 12:34 |
lucasvo | fairs? | 12:34 |
juliux | messen | 12:34 |
lucasvo | aha | 12:34 |
lucasvo | is ubuntu at 22c3? | 12:34 |
juliux | i dont think so | 12:34 |
lucasvo | must be an interesting job to do ? | 12:34 |
juliux | yes it is very interesting | 12:34 |
juliux | i have done this for the last 2 years for gnome in germany | 12:35 |
lucasvo | I wanted to make a speech there about ronja but somehow missed the date | 12:35 |
lucasvo | anyway I go now... good night | 12:36 |
juliux | gn8 | 12:37 |
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agente87 | hi | 12:51 |
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mhz | jsgotangco: hi | 12:53 |
mhz | jsgotangco: bzr is happily living in my box | 12:54 |
jsgotangco | mhz, good day m8 | 12:54 |
jsgotangco | awesome | 12:54 |
jsgotangco | 7 commands will get you to nirvana | 12:54 |
mhz | jsgotangco: sorry to be that lazy, but no which dir/branch should i get? | 12:54 |
mhz | no problem, the tutorial is very VERY KISS | 12:55 |
mhz | i liked it a lot | 12:55 |
=== mhz is already in nirvana .... me is ubuntu member! :D | ||
agente87 | has anybody installed Jahshaka? | 01:00 |
agente87 | there is no debian package | 01:01 |
agente87 | ?? | 01:01 |
mhz | agente87: never heard of that | 01:01 |
agente87 | it a video editing software | 01:02 |
mhz | Burgwork: can we use bzr to fetch edubuntu ISO files? (kind of rsync like, to download only changes) | 01:12 |
=== mhz is so happy with bzr!!! I had used SVN long ago but BZR rocks | ||
Burgwork | mhz, hmm, unless the iso is in a bzr repo | 01:13 |
mhz | Burgwork: so it will work perfectly? replacing rsync fetching ISO changes? | 01:15 |
Burgwork | mhz, I doubt it. Rsync and bzr are really different tools | 01:21 |
mhz | indeed, but i heard there were some 'bzr-rsync' plugins | 01:23 |
mhz | but i may be very wrong | 01:23 |
=== Navire [n=navire@] has joined #edubuntu | ||
Navire | Edububtu, run fine on enviroment corporation? | 01:38 |
Navire | Have life here? | 01:49 |
mhz | Navire: hi | 01:49 |
mhz | Edubuntu can be used on diff environments. | 01:50 |
Navire | Thank | 01:50 |
mhz | Navire: what's on your mind? | 01:50 |
Navire | My olds client Petium 100 32RAM and floppy, no boot PXE. | 01:51 |
Navire | MHZ - Is good man!! :) | 01:52 |
mhz | hehehe | 01:53 |
mhz | Navire: each client should have 48 MB ram | 01:53 |
mhz | and booting can be 'forced' via floppy | 01:54 |
Navire | Ok | 01:54 |
Navire | No problem with Olds Petium 100Mhz? | 01:54 |
Navire | Run slow? | 01:55 |
mhz | not sure but shouldnt be | 01:55 |
mhz | all the load is on the server side and the network | 01:55 |
Navire | I am using LTSP in my home. Working cool. | 01:56 |
Navire | But Ubuntu + LTSP the official site, no package Ubuntu. | 01:56 |
Navire | I will try Edubuntu. | 01:57 |
Navire | I like will test Edu. | 01:57 |
mhz | hehe, well Edubuntu has meant very good things | 01:58 |
Navire | I will donwloading ISO now, and install there. | 01:58 |
mhz | Navire: edubuntu = ubuntu + LTSP + education apps. | 01:58 |
Navire | I know. | 01:59 |
mhz | and the edubuntu LTSP will be adopted as standard by LTSP 4.2 | 01:59 |
Navire | Ok | 01:59 |
Navire | Have bittorent Edubuntu? | 01:59 |
Navire | ISO. | 02:00 |
mhz | hmm, i guess | 02:00 |
mhz | actually, i am sure | 02:00 |
mhz | but never used it yet | 02:00 |
mhz | did you check the wiki | 02:00 |
mhz | ? | 02:00 |
Navire | Ok | 02:00 |
Navire | Thank you. | 02:00 |
Navire | Sorry, my english is very bad. :) | 02:00 |
mhz | np | 02:00 |
mhz | mine too :) | 02:00 |
mhz | Navire: where are you from? | 02:01 |
Navire | I from Brazil. | 02:01 |
mhz | IMHO, brazil people always are very commited to Free software | 02:01 |
mhz | so english is secundary | 02:01 |
Navire | Realy. | 02:02 |
Navire | I have to go. | 02:02 |
Navire | See you later:) | 02:02 |
Navire | Mhz, Where are you from? | 02:03 |
mhz | Chile | 02:04 |
Navire | Fine. | 02:04 |
Navire | See you later. | 02:04 |
mhz | c ya and hope u are back | 02:05 |
Navire | Ok | 02:05 |
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paolob | Hi guys! I have a edubuntu server with 4GB ram. The bios sees all the ram, while in linux I have only 2.9 GB. What is this? Anyone could help me to understand why? thank you! | 03:12 |
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hyperactivecrond | paolob, what archiceture? | 03:13 |
paolob | i386 | 03:13 |
hyperactivecrond | isn't there an issue with high amts of ram and x86? | 03:14 |
mhz | hyperactivecrond: IIRC, i think i read something like that? | 03:15 |
hyperactivecrond | iirc | 03:15 |
mhz | if i remember correctly :) | 03:15 |
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Bob_Moon | Greetings, I've installed edubuntu on an older system (P2, 600mhz, 256mb ram) for my daughter. Everything installed properly but once edubuntu loads the display divides in to quarters and is fuzzy. It's a pretty old monitor. Anyone run into this before, any ideas? | 04:43 |
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zhx | hello? | 06:01 |
mhz | hi | 06:01 |
zhx | this isnt edubuntu specific, | 06:02 |
mhz | shoot, just in case :) | 06:03 |
zhx | but the ubuntu channel is too packed to get any help | 06:03 |
zhx | ha | 06:03 |
zhx | first off, nothing plays in totem | 06:03 |
zhx | which is fine, becaues i prefer vlc anyway | 06:03 |
zhx | so vlc plays everything...but no audio | 06:03 |
zhx | was curious if you had heard of this | 06:03 |
zhx | almost HAS to be a simple fix | 06:03 |
mhz | are you in audio group? | 06:03 |
zhx | audio group? | 06:04 |
mhz | yup | 06:04 |
zhx | wah wah wah? | 06:04 |
mhz | in a terminal type: $ groups | 06:04 |
mhz | that command will show you all the groups you ruser belongs to | 06:04 |
zhx | yeah | 06:04 |
zhx | audio works just fine in the OS | 06:04 |
zhx | and xmms | 06:05 |
mhz | aoh | 06:05 |
zhx | oh quick question, how do i kill an unresponsive program? | 06:05 |
mhz | then, maybe VLC is using a diff audio server than XMMS ? | 06:05 |
mhz | xkill | 06:05 |
mhz | or | 06:06 |
mhz | in a terminal, | 06:06 |
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mhz | killall the_program | 06:06 |
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zhx | do you use vlc? | 06:11 |
mhz | npe | 06:12 |
MrMazda | install completed without asking for a root password or where to install grub, so now I can't use windoze or edubuntu | 06:12 |
zhx | so you use totem? | 06:13 |
mhz | MrMazda: had you ever installed a linux distro before? | 06:13 |
MrMazda | lotsa times | 06:13 |
MrMazda | but rarely debians | 06:13 |
mhz | zhx: actually, i use none. I see no videos in my box | 06:13 |
MrMazda | only Xandrox | 06:13 |
MrMazda | only Xandros | 06:14 |
mhz | MrMazda: good. | 06:14 |
mhz | MrMazda: and what option you chose? server? pressed enter? | 06:14 |
MrMazda | enter | 06:14 |
MrMazda | my 10 year old wanted linux, and SuSE didn't have enuf room | 06:15 |
mhz | so you chose language, keyboard, let system recognize CD rom, etc | 06:15 |
MrMazda | all that seemed OK | 06:15 |
MrMazda | eventually after reboot it told me some packages failed to install | 06:16 |
MrMazda | but not which | 06:16 |
mhz | wired | 06:16 |
mhz | weired | 06:16 |
mhz | and after 1st reboot, it continued with no probs? | 06:17 |
MrMazda | until the packages failure message | 06:17 |
MrMazda | said I could proceed, so I did | 06:17 |
mhz | hmmmm | 06:17 |
mhz | MrMazda: you caught me | 06:17 |
MrMazda | then said done, and left me at login prompt | 06:17 |
mhz | ohh | 06:18 |
mhz | that is good | 06:18 |
mhz | what user you chose when installing? | 06:18 |
MrMazda | not without password | 06:18 |
MrMazda | none, I backed away because it demanded a password | 06:18 |
mhz | but it always asks for user and password (not root) while installing, alwys | 06:18 |
MrMazda | it asked, but when I refused to give it a non-null password it let me cancel, and then it proceeded without a user | 06:19 |
mhz | hmmm, then I can't help you | 06:21 |
mhz | my gues is that you should have given a password | 06:21 |
MrMazda | what good is system with no root password? | 06:22 |
MrMazda | never asked me | 06:22 |
MrMazda | If I boot Knoppix and delete /etc/passwd is it smart enough to ask for a new one on next boot? | 06:23 |
zhx | root is disabled in ubuntu | 06:23 |
zhx | by default | 06:24 |
mhz | indeed | 06:24 |
mhz | but if you inser a LiveCD and start a terminal and mount current 'non-working- system | 06:24 |
mhz | and then, mount it and chroot to it, you can run passwd a riit | 06:25 |
MrMazda | any old live CD? | 06:25 |
mhz | Gentoo, Knoppix, DSL, will do | 06:26 |
MrMazda | k | 06:26 |
=== mhz gotta sleep now, sorry | ||
MrMazda | I'll try in the AM, gotta sleep too | 06:26 |
MrMazda | thx :) | 06:26 |
mhz | (2:30 AM here) | 06:26 |
zhx | see ya | 06:26 |
mhz | see ya | 06:26 |
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littlepaul | ogra, did you had time to read the minifaq? | 09:54 |
ogra | you flipped ltsp-utils and ltspadmin :) | 09:56 |
ogra | ltsp-utils is a package, not a command | 09:56 |
littlepaul | ups... | 09:57 |
ogra | the rest looks fine :) | 09:58 |
ogra | "Das ltsp-client Paket ist fr die chroot Umgebung auf dem Server von dem aus die Clients booten ntig." should rather say that ltsp-client is only for installation *inside* the created chroot environment and should not be touched manually at all, the ltsp-build-client script cares for it at chroot creation time | 10:01 |
littlepaul | :) | 10:01 |
ogra | seems some people install it on the server .... | 10:02 |
littlepaul | yesterday I looked over again and I think there should be a kind of "intro" before this (even if everthing is a configured during installation) | 10:02 |
ogra | that intro was EdubuntuInstallNotes, but i agree, if you didnt read that page before, you are missing something ... its suboptimal ... | 10:03 |
littlepaul | I have the feeling that is to "general" | 10:04 |
ogra | its all you need to know for a successful install ... | 10:05 |
littlepaul | i miss some words about the chroot environment; there is no definition about this and a teacher does know nothing about chroot | 10:06 |
ogra | he shouldnt | 10:07 |
lucasvo | littlepaul: ja ich spreche deutsch | 10:09 |
ogra | littlepaul, juliux and lucasvo opened #edubuntu-de yesterday | 10:10 |
littlepaul | ogra, great | 10:10 |
littlepaul | lucasvo, I'm working on a kind of Edubuntfaq in german | 10:10 |
littlepaul | lucasvo, maby I can also help somehow | 10:11 |
littlepaul | ogra, so can I update now? :) | 10:12 |
ogra | littlepaul, yup | 10:13 |
littlepaul | thx | 10:13 |
ogra | apart from the small things i had above its fine | 10:13 |
littlepaul | ogra, I installed edubuntu a while ago but I did not had time to configure an play with the server... | 10:15 |
ogra | if its a test install anyway, test dapper ;) | 10:15 |
littlepaul | ok, I downloaded dapper allready yesterday | 10:16 |
ogra | yay, great | 10:16 |
littlepaul | what about g2ding - no furhter development? | 10:17 |
ogra | hehe, you know g2ding ? | 10:18 |
littlepaul | sure | 10:18 |
ogra | i use it, but stopped development looong ago... i should probably package it :) | 10:18 |
ogra | the package on my personal server is very bad .... | 10:18 |
littlepaul | I tested this package :) | 10:19 |
ogra | it works, but the icon locations are wrong for example ... and the packaging work is one of my first attempts ... | 10:19 |
ogra | its quite old ... | 10:19 |
ogra | more than 2 years ... | 10:20 |
littlepaul | oh, then you evolved very fast :) | 10:20 |
ogra | heh, yes, i dont do anything else since 2 years ... :) | 10:21 |
ogra | except some gardening probably ... | 10:21 |
=== ..[topic/#edubuntu:ogra] : The discussion channel for Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu, download: | Mailing List | Wiki: | Website | MEETING: there will be NO meeting on 28 Dec and 4 Jan. | Read before installing: | ||
=== ..[topic/#edubuntu:ogra] : The discussion channel for Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu, download: | Mailing List | Wiki: | Website | MEETING: there will be NO meeting on 28 Dec and 4 Jan. | Read before installing: | see also #edubuntu-es and #edubuntu-de | ||
ogra | :) | 10:22 |
littlepaul | cool | 10:22 |
lucasvo | ogra: :D | 10:30 |
lucasvo | ogra: cool | 10:30 |
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ogra | lucasvo, | 01:46 |
ogra | * scp generates a new password (as long as possible with pwgen) on every start in /opt/ltsp/<arch>/etc/s-c-p/passwd | 01:46 |
ogra | * the passwd file is root read only... (s-c-p runs with sudo anyway) | 01:46 |
ogra | * on the thin client runs "x11vnc -display :6 -scale 2/3 -forever"(x11vnc, an initscript and the password dir get installed by s-c-p postinst in the chroot) | 01:46 |
ogra | * the viewer runs with the password from /opt/ltsp/<arch>/etc/s-c-p/passwd | 01:46 |
ogra | * determine speedups and compression policys that can be used ... | 01:46 |
lucasvo | hm, looks good | 01:46 |
lucasvo | ogra: since I updated to dapper there is white background in ldm, is this normal? | 01:47 |
ogra | the prob is that we have to pick up the display on the client ... that slows vnc down a lot ... | 01:47 |
ogra | i'D rather have a greyscale vnc connection, but it seems that not implemented yet | 01:48 |
ogra | thats the themeable ldm ... | 01:48 |
ogra | it shouldnt be plain white though | 01:48 |
ogra | should be somewhat ebony ... or antiquewhite | 01:49 |
spacey_ki | ogra, should i edit the ltsp-client-build script or is it possible to just upgrade the ltsp chroot to dapper? | 01:49 |
ogra | for what ? | 01:49 |
spacey_ki | to get dapper client on breezy server | 01:50 |
ogra | (if you have a chroot alread dont build it again, that mostly causes problems) | 01:50 |
ogra | it doesnt work 100% since the two kernels (server/client) are out of sync ... | 01:51 |
ogra | but try the upgrading rather than rebuilding the chroot | 01:51 |
spacey_ki | ok | 01:51 |
spacey_ki | you mean the kernel thats passed to the client with tftp? | 01:51 |
spacey_ki | is out of sync with the one on the chroot? | 01:52 |
ogra | and dont forget to run ltsp-update-kernels on the server afterwards | 01:52 |
ogra | yes | 01:52 |
ogra | but ltsp-update-kernels should solve that | 01:52 |
spacey_ki | ok | 01:52 |
spacey_ki | i'll give it a shot :o) | 01:52 |
ogra | make a backup of the chroot ;) | 01:53 |
ogra | a tar.bz2 or something ;) | 01:53 |
spacey_ki | already tarring it ;) | 01:53 |
spacey_ki | 307 upgraded, 52 newly installed, 2 to remove and 0 not upgraded. | 02:02 |
spacey_ki | oe 50 more packages in the chroot | 02:02 |
spacey_ki | gnome stuff | 02:02 |
ogra | yup | 02:03 |
ogra | themeable ldm requires gnomecanvas ... | 02:03 |
ogra | that pulls python-gnome in | 02:03 |
spacey_ki | i'll install the bootchart as well. | 02:07 |
ogra | good idea | 02:07 |
ogra | note you need a way to access the client ... | 02:07 |
spacey_ki | already got that fixed up yesterday ;) | 02:08 |
ogra | ah, yes, i remeber | 02:08 |
spacey_ki | i had hope you forgot:P | 02:08 |
ogra | lol | 02:10 |
spacey_ki | ldm_0.62_all.deb | 02:13 |
spacey_ki | has some errors | 02:13 |
spacey_ki | btw | 02:13 |
ogra | ? | 02:15 |
spacey_ki | had to use apt-get -f install | 02:16 |
ogra | can you paste them please ? or file a bug ? i had none here | 02:16 |
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=== \sh_away is now known as \sh_away_away | ||
spacey_ki | it was really informative,only that it generated some errors and apt stopped | 02:20 |
ogra | if you have to run -f install it will break a possible automation, i'd like to fix that | 02:21 |
spacey_ki | 2005-12-16 13:45:41 install ldm <none> 0.62 | 02:21 |
spacey_ki | 2005-12-16 13:45:41 status half-installed ldm 0.62 | 02:21 |
spacey_ki | 2005-12-16 13:45:41 status not-installed ldm <none> | 02:21 |
spacey_ki | thats dpkg.log | 02:21 |
ogra | no, i need the apt-error | 02:22 |
spacey_ki | well i guess i can reinstall it | 02:23 |
spacey_ki | ah wait i'll generate it again | 02:24 |
spacey_ki | Errors were encountered while processing: | 02:49 |
spacey_ki | /var/cache/apt/archives/ldm_0.62_all.deb | 02:49 |
spacey_ki | E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 02:49 |
spacey_ki | ogra, what else do you need? | 02:50 |
ogra | the real error is somewhere above | 02:51 |
ogra | somewher near: setting up ldm | 02:51 |
=== \sh_away_away is now known as \sh_away | ||
spacey_ki | Selecting previously deselected package ldm. | 02:53 |
spacey_ki | Unpacking ldm (from .../apt/archives/ldm_0.62_all.deb) ... | 02:53 |
spacey_ki | dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/ldm_0.62_all.deb (--unpack): | 02:53 |
spacey_ki | trying to overwrite `/usr/sbin/ldm', which is also in package ltsp-client | 02:53 |
ogra | ah, thanks | 02:55 |
=== ogra fixes | ||
ogra | there is missing a "Replaces: ltsp-client" in the ldm package | 02:56 |
spacey_ki | :) | 02:56 |
spacey_ki | great | 02:56 |
spacey_ki | i'll reboot and check if it actually works :o) | 02:56 |
=== ogra hands spacey_ki a bugsquasher goldstar :-D | ||
spacey_ki | woei :) | 02:57 |
spacey_ki | brb | 02:57 |
=== jsgotangco [n=jsg@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #edubuntu | ||
spacey | ogra: it works | 03:09 |
ogra | great :) | 03:09 |
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spacey | first time an nfs timeout.. but the four reboots after that it works good | 03:09 |
ogra | hmm, i saw that too... | 03:09 |
spacey | only bootchart doesn't seem to work. | 03:09 |
ogra | did you regenerate the initramfs in the chroot ? | 03:10 |
spacey | probably not | 03:10 |
ogra | bootchart must be in initramfs | 03:10 |
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh | ||
ogra | do a dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-2.6.15-8-386 in the chroot and then run ltsp-update-kernels again | 03:11 |
spacey | i just found update-initramfs | 03:11 |
spacey | but dpkg-reconfigure is probably more nice | 03:12 |
ogra | yes, you can do that too, but it need some forse option iirc | 03:12 |
ogra | *force | 03:12 |
spacey | want to other errors which show up during boot? | 03:15 |
ogra | nope3 | 03:15 |
ogra | -3 | 03:15 |
ogra | the startscript removal isnt i the new packages yet... | 03:16 |
ogra | if it still occurs after these are in, i'd like to know about it | 03:16 |
ogra | currently the bootprocess doesnt differ much from breezy (wrt startscripts) | 03:16 |
spacey | ok | 03:17 |
spacey | just noticed some command not found thingy | 03:17 |
ogra | so errors because of readonly filesys etc are normal ... | 03:17 |
lucasvo | ogra: I thought there will be a bootsplash? | 03:21 |
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ogra | yes, if i dont need bugreports about booterrors anymore ;) | 03:21 |
littlepaul | hi mhz | 03:21 |
ogra | bootsplash is enabled, but no dependency of ltsp-client yet | 03:21 |
mhz | hi littlepaul | 03:21 |
ogra | so if you install it manually, and regenerate the initramfs and run ltsp-update-kernels, it will be there ... | 03:22 |
mhz | ogra: thanx for suggesting me to give bzr a try... i am in nirvana :D | 03:22 |
ogra | hehe | 03:22 |
mhz | ogra: and i am still kicking my chilean butt for the flood yesterday on the pm (i hope you were away) | 03:23 |
ogra | i was | 03:24 |
mhz | i thought it was much little (so it looked in my editor) | 03:24 |
ogra | dont worry, i dont mind floods in pm | 03:24 |
mhz | uuuf | 03:24 |
=== mhz feels relaxed | ||
spacey | ogra: /etc/rcS.d/Sltsp-client-setup: line 137: X_MODE: command not found | 03:25 |
ogra | yup | 03:25 |
spacey | k :) | 03:25 |
ogra | it doesnt work anyway | 03:25 |
ogra | i'm not sure if i will wipe it... | 03:25 |
mhz | ogra: after jerome offering to make my ODP's into DocBook, I was very happy but I can't figure out where to start in kjcole's branch | 03:25 |
ogra | thats one of the debian fixes | 03:25 |
mhz | ogra: BTW, could you read that flood anyways? It was about Moin devel suggestions to use Moin in Edubuntu default setup | 03:36 |
jsgotangco | Moin Moin Moin =) | 03:37 |
mhz | jsgotangco: but this wasn't me talking, this was regarding ogra's participating in Umeet talk and meeting Moin leader | 03:41 |
mhz | they have good points | 03:41 |
jsgotangco | i was just pulling your leg =) | 03:41 |
mhz | i was just a meseenger ("il mensajero e non importante") | 03:41 |
mhz | :) | 03:41 |
ogra | mhz, moin is fine, but as your devs say in the flood, there is no ootb setup | 03:45 |
ogra | and since we work with the default package, i see no possibility to make one happen | 03:46 |
ogra | note that you cant just introduce a default setup ... | 03:46 |
mhz | ogra: but what if i took care of a moin package that is not default. would that help? | 03:47 |
ogra | nope, we couldnt ship it | 03:47 |
mhz | ok | 03:47 |
ogra | we dont duplicate packages ... | 03:48 |
mhz | nop, no duplicating, I mean make the package work so we can include it | 03:48 |
ogra | the prob with a default setup is that all sites (maybe all ecxisting ones) rely on the fact that there is no default setup ... | 03:49 |
ogra | seems paradox, but thats the prob | 03:49 |
mhz | hehehe | 03:49 |
mhz | ok, so no way a classrom env. could benefir from Moin ready to be used | 03:49 |
mhz | ? | 03:49 |
ogra | if you break someones tewaked setup during an upgrade because you inroduce default setup, you have lost | 03:49 |
ogra | sure | 03:50 |
mhz | oh, good point | 03:50 |
ogra | but that would have to be an upstream change tht would need to happen | 03:50 |
ogra | something like mediawiki does wouldbe suitable | 03:50 |
mhz | see? now I get lost again | 03:51 |
mhz | :) | 03:51 |
mhz | that is why I would have prefered you two chat about it instead of me | 03:51 |
mhz | :D | 03:51 |
ogra | mediawiki installs a install.html form on the webserve in http/localhost/wiki/ | 03:52 |
ogra | err | 03:52 |
ogra | install.php | 03:52 |
jsgotangco | yeah IT ROCKS | 03:52 |
=== jsgotangco just did a massive mediawiki hack for work | ||
ogra | sou you can set it up very easy with some mouseclicks and no config file tweaking at all | 03:53 |
mhz | if we think Moin can be useful on a classroom env. ( i am convinced) I can commit to do my best to make it happen. I would need some little guidance and I'd follow orders | 03:53 |
mhz | :) | 03:53 |
ogra | if there are already existing wiki setups, this page just isnt installed | 03:53 |
jsgotangco | ogra, actually install.php is the only thing that you'll ever need for mediawiki | 03:53 |
ogra | yup | 03:53 |
jsgotangco | (unless you have to edit up php.ini for memalloc | 03:53 |
ogra | thats its big advantage | 03:53 |
jsgotangco | its just no brainer really | 03:54 |
jsgotangco | probably the best installer | 03:54 |
ogra | and that it respects existing setups ... | 03:54 |
littlepaul | mhz, I'm also convinced that mediawiki could be usefull for classrooms | 03:54 |
jsgotangco | next would be gallery2 | 03:54 |
mhz | well, I know Henrik made a GUI installer for Moin Desktop Edition and it will be shipped in TheOpenCd | 03:54 |
jsgotangco | mhz, we're working on that | 03:54 |
ogra | the prob is that its php | 03:54 |
mhz | jsgotangco: open cd, too? | 03:54 |
jsgotangco | mhz, the problem though is disk trashing | 03:54 |
ogra | and that its security history is odd | 03:54 |
jsgotangco | ogra, mediawiki are the worst security backporters | 03:55 |
spacey | | 03:55 |
mhz | ogra: sure, hence I am for Moin :) | 03:55 |
ogra | and that we cant support it out of both reasons :/ | 03:55 |
ogra | jsgotangco, tey dont do backporting of fixes at all | 03:55 |
ogra | thats why we cant suport it | 03:55 |
jsgotangco | such an awesome product though | 03:55 |
ogra | spacey, WOW | 03:55 |
ogra | 26 sec ?? | 03:55 |
jsgotangco | wow | 03:56 |
ogra | without startscript tweaking ? | 03:56 |
jsgotangco | mhz, we're doing the orchard in moin | 03:56 |
mhz | ogra: so, if Moin can have a 'user' interface to set it up, that would be a 'go' to ship Moin? | 03:56 |
mhz | jsgotangco: orchard? | 03:56 |
ogra | mhz, a user interface for set "that respects *any* existing configuration" | 03:57 |
jsgotangco | mhz, | 03:57 |
ogra | s/set/setup | 03:57 |
=== mhz opening tab | ||
spacey | ogra: actually it has extra stuff installed like openssh server | 03:57 |
ogra | cool | 03:57 |
jsgotangco | mhz, the problem with moin in a user config is that it has a lot of *awful* and not so awful hacks | 03:57 |
spacey | ogra: but it is an 1,8ghz thin client ofcourse :P | 03:57 |
ogra | yup... | 03:58 |
ogra | i see, but still :) | 03:58 |
jsgotangco | mhz, try setting up mediawiki in your $home and you'll see it doesn't affect the system at all | 03:58 |
spacey | ogra: better then breezy client :P | 03:58 |
mhz | jsgotangco: sure, but that's a start. Also, Moin server is meant for admins, not for endusers who have MMDE | 03:58 |
mhz | jsgotangco: i did, some time ago. | 03:58 |
jsgotangco | mhz, its a good sample though | 03:59 |
mhz | jsgotangco: and you're right | 03:59 |
mhz | yup | 03:59 |
jsgotangco | i'd love to see moin do that really | 03:59 |
mhz | jsgotangco: iirc, Cups web GUI is made in python, or not? | 03:59 |
jsgotangco | i don't know i won't be surprised if it is though | 04:00 |
mhz | jsgotangco: so if it is, maybe Moin has some hopes | 04:00 |
ogra | <mhz> jsgotangco: sure, but that's a start. Also, Moin server is meant for admins, not for endusers who have MMDE | 04:01 |
jsgotangco | mhz, its only software, we shall overcome (TM) | 04:01 |
mhz | dropdwon menus and all | 04:01 |
ogra | mhz, thats the prob ... | 04:01 |
ogra | tachers are no admins | 04:01 |
jsgotangco | right | 04:01 |
ogra | *teachers | 04:01 |
mhz | ogra: but school tool and moodel have same 'target': admins | 04:01 |
ogra | moodle has a similar system mediawiki has for setup | 04:02 |
jsgotangco | but they can be easily configured | 04:02 |
mhz | hmm, bad example :) | 04:02 |
ogra | schooltool is set up by default | 04:02 |
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=== jsgotangco remembers the first time he setup moin | ||
=== Raptoid [n=Raptoid@unaffiliated/raptoid] has left #edubuntu [] | ||
jsgotangco | it took me half a day to figure it out | 04:03 |
=== mhz remembers the first time,, it was different! | ||
jsgotangco | its much better lately though | 04:03 |
mhz | indeed | 04:03 |
=== mhz slaps himself for not being a python mon | ||
jsgotangco | but i'll wiat for the day i can just download a tarball open it up and open a browser to set it up | 04:03 |
mhz | ok... I'll think of a plan to have a Moin gui setup so we can ship moin for school env. | 04:04 |
ogra | jsgotangco, pfft | 04:04 |
jsgotangco | ogra, i'm a lazy admin =) | 04:05 |
ogra | i wait for the day ican apt-get install it and start wikiing on localhost immediately | 04:05 |
mhz | ogra: so, why are we currently having python-moin ? | 04:05 |
jsgotangco | ogra, that one too | 04:05 |
ogra | mhz, yup | 04:05 |
jsgotangco | ogra, on a virtual host even | 04:05 |
ogra | mhz, even shipped on the DVD | 04:05 |
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mhz | bu t why? | 04:05 |
mhz | what for? | 04:05 |
ogra | for moin admins that want to use it | 04:06 |
ogra | and because we use it ourself as wikiengine | 04:06 |
mhz | hahehehehe | 04:06 |
mhz | i see | 04:06 |
jsgotangco | eat your own dogfood? | 04:06 |
ogra | ut its nothing to ship for a schoolserver without mere linux knowlwdge | 04:06 |
ogra | thast why its not in the default install | 04:06 |
mhz | ogra, MMDE starts wiking on your localhost by runing ./moin | 04:07 |
mhz | but i see what you mean | 04:07 |
ogra | but still runs in $HOME | 04:07 |
mhz | i wont cry any more | 04:07 |
ogra | just convince upstream to make it as easy as mediawiki to install ;) | 04:08 |
=== mhz will try to group python geeks in LA that are convinced moin rocks | ||
=== mhz sighs | ||
ogra | if we have an page, i'll immediate include it .... with sugar on top | 04:08 |
ogra | :) | 04:08 |
mhz | jsgotangco: ogra: thanks for your patience and enlightenment about this mhz-moin issue :D | 04:08 |
ogra | mhz, its there for you on the DVD and in main ... | 04:09 |
ogra | :) | 04:09 |
mhz | yup | 04:09 |
jsgotangco | and MMDE | 04:09 |
mhz | but honestly | 04:09 |
mhz | i always prefer the wget -c .tar.gz | 04:09 |
mhz | :D | 04:09 |
jsgotangco | mhz, don't get me wrong, i really like moin, but its just too unfriendly to setup | 04:09 |
mhz | sure | 04:10 |
mhz | I agree | 04:10 |
mhz | it's just that once it's setup... it rocks | 04:10 |
guim | hi all | 04:10 |
mhz | actually, jsgotangco I am being shut down my current hosting | 04:11 |
jsgotangco | eh/ | 04:11 |
jsgotangco | ? | 04:11 |
mhz | so, I just tar'ed my /data and .py files and in 2 minutes, i'll be ready to start in a diff server :) | 04:11 |
jsgotangco | what happened? | 04:12 |
=== mhz is waiting to get answer from that other server admin, thoug | ||
mhz | jsgotangco: i broke relationships with the german guys owners of that hosting | 04:12 |
mhz | so, before we start arguing indefintely, I offered my 'moving' | 04:13 |
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=== mhz BBL | ||
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lucasvo | ogra: is usplash working on ltsp client/ | 06:39 |
ogra | lucasvo, yes i explained it to you 2h ago | 06:40 |
ogra | <ogra> bootsplash is enabled, but no dependency of ltsp-client yet | 06:40 |
ogra | <mhz> hi littlepaul | 06:40 |
ogra | <ogra> so if you install it manually, and regenerate the initramfs and run ltsp-update-kernels, it will be there ... | 06:40 |
lucasvo | ah | 06:40 |
lucasvo | 18:40 < ogra> <ogra> so if you install it manually, and regenerate the initramfs and run ltsp-update-kernels, it will be there ... | 06:40 |
lucasvo | I didn't see that | 06:41 |
lucasvo | ah crap | 06:41 |
lucasvo | now this stupid nfs error comes again | 06:41 |
lucasvo | ogra: chroot /opt/ltsp/i386/ && apt-get install edubuntu-artwork-usplash usplash && initramfs && ctrl+d && ltsp-update-kernels ? | 06:43 |
ogra | nop | 06:43 |
lucasvo | /boot/initrd.img-2.6.15-8-386 was been altered. Cannot update. | 06:44 |
ogra | you dont install initramfs | 06:44 |
lucasvo | I don't install it :D | 06:44 |
lucasvo | I just execute it | 06:44 |
ogra | the updating of the initramfs is done through dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-2.6.15-8-386 | 06:45 |
ogra | or through update-initramfs -d -t | 06:46 |
lucasvo | Not touching initrd symlinks since we are being reinstalled (2.6.15-8.10) | 06:50 |
lucasvo | Not updating image symbolic links since we are being updated (2.6.15-8.10) | 06:50 |
lucasvo | ok? | 06:50 |
lucasvo | Skipping openfirmware images. Install the mkvmlinuz package if you need them. | 06:51 |
lucasvo | Skipping netabootwrap images. Install the aboot package if you need them. | 06:51 |
lucasvo | wow | 06:52 |
lucasvo | it works | 06:52 |
lucasvo | cool | 06:52 |
lucasvo | thanks ogra | 06:54 |
ogra | :) | 06:54 |
ogra | but if your boot isnt tweaked it might time out before you reach ldm ... | 06:54 |
lucasvo | yes it does :( | 06:55 |
lucasvo | ogra: how can I tweak it? | 06:55 |
ogra | remove the unneeded startscripts (can explain which now, there is a spec for it ...) | 06:55 |
ogra | bbl | 06:55 |
=== MrMazda [] has joined #edubuntu | ||
MrMazda | what do people on edubuntu use instead of the missing mc? | 07:00 |
lucasvo | MrMazda: nautilus? | 07:01 |
lucasvo | MrMazda: cp, mv, ln ... | 07:01 |
MrMazda | o_O | 07:01 |
MrMazda | does nautilus work on VCs? | 07:02 |
MrMazda | cp, mv, ln, etc seem a bit harsh for a kid | 07:03 |
MrMazda | can apt or dpkg find me mc somewhere on a fresh default install? | 07:05 |
lucasvo | why not using nautilus? | 07:07 |
MrMazda | does nautilus work on VCs? | 07:08 |
lucasvo | VC? | 07:08 |
lucasvo | nautilus is graphical | 07:08 |
MrMazda | tty[1-6] | 07:08 |
lucasvo | no it doens't | 07:08 |
lucasvo | why should a kid use tty[1-6] | 07:08 |
lucasvo | ? | 07:08 |
MrMazda | I don't boot a fresh install into GUI until basic configuration is done with an OFM | 07:09 |
lucasvo | why? | 07:09 |
lucasvo | why should a kid make basic configuration? | 07:10 |
MrMazda | DOS heritage I guess | 07:10 |
MrMazda | make it ready for me to understand what kid is up against | 07:10 |
MrMazda | she's only 10 | 07:10 |
lucasvo | a kid is not supposed to use commandline :D | 07:10 |
MrMazda | kid is no admin though | 07:10 |
MrMazda | If I can't admin, she gets no edubuntu | 07:11 |
lucasvo | exactly | 07:11 |
lucasvo | how do you want to admin? | 07:11 |
lucasvo | with mc? | 07:11 |
MrMazda | 1 | 07:11 |
MrMazda | it's how I find out what's under the hood | 07:11 |
MrMazda | and fix whatever's broke | 07:12 |
lucasvo | lucasvo@lama:~/ubuntu/student-control-panel-0.1$ apt-cache search midnight | 07:12 |
lucasvo | gkrellmitime - Internet time plugin for gkrellm | 07:12 |
lucasvo | gnome-vfs-extfs - The GNOME virtual file-system extra fs scripts for GMC. | 07:12 |
lucasvo | juice - playlist editor / player frontend | 07:12 |
lucasvo | junior-system - Debian Jr. System tools | 07:12 |
lucasvo | krusader - Twin-panel (commander-style) File Manager for KDE | 07:12 |
lucasvo | lfm - simple but powerful file manager for the UNIX console | 07:12 |
lucasvo | mc - midnight commander - a powerful file manager | 07:12 |
lucasvo | sorry for flood | 07:12 |
MrMazda | np | 07:12 |
lucasvo | see, there is mc | 07:12 |
MrMazda | single prompt said not found | 07:13 |
MrMazda | does your flood tell me it's available, or that it's already installed? | 07:13 |
lucasvo | it tells you that it is available over the net | 07:15 |
MrMazda | k | 07:15 |
lucasvo | I have all feeds activated(universe and main) | 07:15 |
MrMazda | the installer didn't actually finish | 07:15 |
lucasvo | it should be in main | 07:15 |
MrMazda | told me some programs were not installed (unknown reason) | 07:15 |
lucasvo | for e.g. gcc :D | 07:15 |
lucasvo | I was quite amazed | 07:16 |
MrMazda | k | 07:16 |
lucasvo | I thought why does this stupid program not compile? | 07:16 |
lucasvo | so I had to first install make and gcc | 07:16 |
lucasvo | ogra: I found it, now it is damn fast ! :D | 07:17 |
MrMazda | lucasvo: I'm up against a no space left on device error | 07:33 |
MrMazda | / is full | 07:33 |
lucasvo | what disksize do you have? | 07:33 |
MrMazda | / is 1.95M | 07:33 |
MrMazda | /home is 1.6G | 07:34 |
MrMazda | / is 1.95G | 07:34 |
lucasvo | 7.2G 5.2G 1.7G 77% / | 07:34 |
lucasvo | I have 5GB | 07:34 |
MrMazda | so the aborted install must have left trash somewhere | 07:34 |
lucasvo | MrMazda: ask in #ubuntu I don't know how much space you need | 07:34 |
MrMazda | docs say 2G | 07:35 |
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lucasvo | MrMazda: you could try to delte the apt cache | 07:38 |
MrMazda | where is it? | 07:39 |
lucasvo | /var/cache/apt/archives/ | 07:39 |
MrMazda | k | 07:39 |
lucasvo | don't you think 1.6gb is a little too much for one person? | 07:40 |
lucasvo | I would rather do: 0.8gb for /home and the rest for / | 07:40 |
MrMazda | 2 people, kid & her mom | 07:42 |
lucasvo | ah, ok | 07:43 |
MrMazda | mebbe I'll start over with 1.3G /home | 07:46 |
lucasvo | MrMazda: is it working? rm -rf /var/cache/apt/archives/* | 07:55 |
MrMazda | lucasvo: didn't go upstairs yet to try | 07:55 |
lucasvo | MrMazda: ssh :D | 07:55 |
MrMazda | not yet configured here | 07:56 |
lucasvo | ssh is working out of the box | 07:56 |
MrMazda | I said here | 07:56 |
lucasvo | aha | 07:56 |
lucasvo | you need ssh client? | 07:56 |
MrMazda | This box is OS/2 | 07:56 |
vincenzio | os/2 is fantastic. | 07:59 |
vincenzio | | 07:59 |
vincenzio | the hobbes ftp has a client on it. | 08:00 |
MrMazda | I go upstairs to check the kid and to get exercise. Ssh is like paying someone to mow the lawn, then dying from lack of exercise. | 08:01 |
=== vincenzio dies from lack of exercise. | ||
lucasvo | lol | 08:02 |
MrMazda | ssh client is already on my other keyboard, but also not configured (Mandriva 2006) | 08:03 |
=== lucasvo wonders how he should manage his server 1000km away from him | ||
vincenzio | start walking, lucasvo. | 08:03 |
vincenzio | start walking. | 08:03 |
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MrMazda | lucasvo: ~450M freed, dpkg(apt?) --configure -a running now | 08:37 |
MrMazda | lotta screen activity | 08:37 |
MrMazda | lotta gstreamer errors | 08:37 |
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MrMazda | still "Setting up ..." | 08:49 |
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MrMazda | lucasvo: that recovery attempt failed. I repartitioned to give / 2.25G, but next install attempt also failed on no space left on device error | 10:47 |
MrMazda | guess I gotta go find some other distro that actually fits on the recommended minimum space | 10:48 |
lucasvo | MrMazda: what are you installing? | 10:49 |
lucasvo | MrMazda: ubuntu? | 10:49 |
MrMazda | edubuntu | 10:50 |
MrMazda | 5.1 | 10:50 |
lucasvo | MrMazda: I suggest you to go to #ubuntu and ask why it takes up so much space | 10:50 |
lucasvo | MrMazda: I don't really know about installation procedure | 10:50 |
lucasvo | MrMazda: since ubuntu and edubuntu are 95% the same it shouldn't be any problem | 10:50 |
lucasvo | MrMazda: I would do it like this: | 10:53 |
lucasvo | partition full drive to / | 10:53 |
lucasvo | install it | 10:53 |
lucasvo | delete /var/cache/apt/archives/* and look how much space is left | 10:54 |
MrMazda | ppl on #ubuntu say only 1.6G required | 10:54 |
MrMazda | lucasvo: I'm a-865 on #ubuntu | 10:54 |
MrMazda | lucasvo: maybe I should try it with the network cable disconnected? | 10:56 |
MrMazda | how can there be so much on one CD? | 10:56 |
lucasvo | MrMazda: yes | 10:56 |
lucasvo | don't install network in the beginning | 10:56 |
MrMazda | I'll go try that now | 10:57 |
lucasvo | MrMazda: I already worked with suse, debian, gentoo, and I have never seen such a userfriendly demonstartion | 11:01 |
lucasvo | s/demonstration/distribution/g | 11:02 |
MrMazda | new install proceeding with network cable unplugged | 11:09 |
MrMazda | first reboot into Knoppix instead to see only less than 900M used on / | 11:46 |
lucasvo | hm, you know what! | 11:51 |
lucasvo | that reminds me I once had a similar problem! | 11:52 |
lucasvo | as well with a installation of ubuntu | 11:52 |
lucasvo | I reburnt the cd and retried and it worked | 11:52 |
lucasvo | MrMazda: I would try that | 11:52 |
MrMazda | I used a 52X burner at 24X | 11:54 |
lucasvo | strange | 11:54 |
lucasvo | I had exactly the same problem | 11:55 |
MrMazda | we'll soon see if the missing network cable fixes it | 11:55 |
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