
=== mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu-java
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tashirodous: Sorry for the late response11:26
doustashiro: it's okay :)11:26
tashiroThank you for the hint, but I think I have enough to do for pkg-java ;-)11:26
dousokay, then11:27
tashiroAnd it helps both ubuntu and debian :-)11:27
dousyes, I agree11:27
dousthere are currently some more open bugs in ubuntu for eclipse11:27
dousit hasn't been synced to the latest version yet11:27
tashiroYeah, unfortunately11:28
dousI just thought you'd like to help out11:28
dousbut I think helping with debian upstream is good enough for universe packages11:28
tashiroI was also talking about motu membership with dholbach. Maybe later...11:29
=== mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu-java
=== dous [i=dous@] has joined #ubuntu-java

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