Squee-D | Is there a good tool for profiling the quality of a network interface? My wireless card seems to "freeze up" intermittently and i really dont know where to start | 12:00 |
ELpH95o | after i get mine working :) | 12:00 |
BenUrban | jroes: if i understand what you're asking correctly | 12:00 |
korhalf | Squee-D: perhaps tcpdump or ethereal to spot bottlenecks? | 12:00 |
jroes | BenUrban: I'm talking simultaneous on the same machine... | 12:00 |
BenUrban | oh | 12:00 |
jroes | BenUrban: without a remote X session | 12:00 |
xkahn | Peaker: I dunno. There are probably lots of reasons there. GNOME has traditionally tried to use muted colors.... GNOME apps don't look great without GNOME, sometimes. KDE apps don't look good without KDE. | 12:00 |
korhalf | Squee-D: and check ifconfig and see if your cards configured properly | 12:00 |
=== mann [n=dvwdv@201009149031.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jroes | I'm talking I guess you could say like Mac OS X or Windows XP "switch user" functionality | 12:01 |
xkahn | Peaker: and, of course, it depends on what angle you approach them from. | 12:01 |
StR34k | zandaa, I've used a tv tuner before, what type do you have? | 12:01 |
gnomefreak | jroes im sure it is but you would need to hook up a few keyboards and stuff :( | 12:01 |
dooglus | I had ubuntu (breezy) lock up for about 15 minutes earlier. I couldn't move the mouse, type anything, switch to a virtual console, or anything. | 12:01 |
jroes | ? | 12:01 |
gnomefreak | windows Xp only allows one user at a time | 12:01 |
cafuego | jroes: Run a second X server on tty8, log 'em in. | 12:01 |
dooglus | Then it came back on its own. What could cause that? | 12:01 |
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cafuego | jroes: switch via alt-F7 <--> alt-F8 | 12:01 |
rosen | mwe, oh it looks really nice | 12:01 |
cafuego | jroes: Add as many as you like, on different tty's. | 12:02 |
zandaa | StR34k, well... I've got this Medion TV Tuner, was really cheap and I don't know where the composite is mounted | 12:02 |
jroes | ah, excellent | 12:02 |
dooglus | It happened around the same time yesterday too, but I got impatient and rebooted then. | 12:02 |
Peaker | gnomefreak: there's Switch User in Windows XP now | 12:02 |
cafuego | jroes: ... add more via ltsp and xdmcp, from remote terminals. Linux doesn't care, as long as you have ram :-) | 12:02 |
rosen | mwe, but it also says that there is two users on my comp ... there shouldnt be so *paranoia here I come* | 12:02 |
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gnomefreak | Peaker, yes you can switch user but not run 2 users on same XP at same time | 12:02 |
jroes | cafuego: excellent, thank you | 12:02 |
korhalf | rosen: type last | head and check to see whos connected | 12:02 |
korhalf | rosen: type w and see what they're running | 12:03 |
bimberi | jroes: Applications -> System Tools -> New Login, then switch as cafuego said above | 12:03 |
korhalf | use ttysnoop or something i dont know | 12:03 |
Squee-D | korhalf i have it configged as best i know how. Im not seing any issues in syslog or messages, and i dont know how tcpdump/ethereal can help me.. i've used them for tcp debugging but thats quite a different kettle of fish | 12:03 |
=== BenUrban [n=benurban@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Peaker | gnomefreak: You can switch user to log in as another user, that's what switch user is all about | 12:03 |
Peaker | gnomefreak: and then switch back to the open desktop.. | 12:03 |
korhalf | Squee-D: i think i read your question wrong, i thought you were wondering why it was slow and dropping connection | 12:03 |
BenUrban | whoops | 12:03 |
BenUrban | lol | 12:03 |
=== BenUrban thought there was a confirmation to log out :/ | ||
Peaker | gnomefreak: or you can use "runas" which is like "su" | 12:03 |
Squee-D | I did just find wavemon | 12:03 |
StR34k | zandaa, when I was using tvtime, composite was used as an seperate input, but it was a matter of it just working. | 12:03 |
korhalf | Squee-D: i can't help you, maybe its time for a new card if its dying out on you | 12:03 |
rosen | korhalf, will do .. thanks | 12:03 |
Squee-D | korhalf yeah its brand new :) | 12:04 |
BenUrban | can someone please give me the rafb link i pasted earlier? | 12:04 |
markive | got no soubnd in tux racer aswell as planet pengui8n racer any ideas | 12:04 |
zandaa | StR34k, are you familliar with the Zapping software??? (can't install MythTV) | 12:04 |
bimberi | BenUrban: http://rafb.net/paste/results/13rRn726.html | 12:04 |
jroes | ohhh, even better! I don't even have to man xdcmp and ltsp :) | 12:04 |
=== steigweis [n=steigwei@p5087B90F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | Peaker, you could always switch user in XP :( the way he asked it first time was like he wanted 2 users to use linux at same time | 12:04 |
BenUrban | bimberi: thanks | 12:04 |
StR34k | zandaa, nope, never used it, I used tvtime just to watch tv | 12:04 |
Squee-D | my concern is i have had PCI/ACPI troubles already on this machine, and something to do with using edge or level triggered signals on the pci bus turns up for my mobo in the kernel bugs a lot | 12:04 |
BenUrban | http://rafb.net/paste/results/13rRn726.html <-- any ideas? | 12:05 |
Peaker | gnomefreak: you can switch user while the existing programs of user still run | 12:05 |
zandaa | StR34k, ok... installing tvtime now... how would I get input from composite? | 12:05 |
StR34k | zandaa, mythtv didn't work for me | 12:05 |
bimberi | BenUrban: np :) (btw line 1949 is interesting) | 12:05 |
Peaker | gnomefreak: and you can use terminal services to log in from afar as another user at same time | 12:05 |
Squee-D | trying to pin things down when you've had a day of problems really sucks | 12:05 |
rosen | korhalf, it says I'm logged on twice ... maybe I should try that reboot I've been neglecting the past days ;) | 12:05 |
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StR34k | zandaa, it should just be one of the channels | 12:05 |
BenUrban | bimberi: yeah i thought so too | 12:05 |
BenUrban | my 3d acceleration isn't working | 12:06 |
bimberi | BenUrban: unfortunately that's all i can say about it :| | 12:06 |
gnomefreak | Peaker, 1st off this doesnt belong here second off you CANNOT use 2 peoples login at same time on win anything if you do as you say you can only use 1 persons at a time | 12:06 |
BenUrban | lol | 12:06 |
zandaa | StR34k, well I don't know how then | 12:06 |
StR34k | zandaa, I think it was '+' & '-' that changed channels | 12:06 |
Peaker | gnomefreak: that is just wrong, at least since WinXP | 12:06 |
korhalf | rosen: no thats fine, thats normal | 12:06 |
zandaa | StR34k, that's volume | 12:06 |
korhalf | rosen: check last | head and if it says that peopel are logging into your computer from an external ip then you can start worrying | 12:06 |
gnomefreak | ex john and mike log in you cant run program as john and mike you use one or other | 12:06 |
korhalf | rosen: you dont have ssh or telnet up or anythign right? | 12:06 |
=== Farris1 [n=jrush@h-68-164-19-170.dllatx37.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
StR34k | zandaa, if you right click you should get a menu | 12:07 |
lightbright | bimberi: hello, hope you are well | 12:07 |
zandaa | StR34k, found it... video input think | 12:07 |
dooglus | rosen: what says you're logged in twice? | 12:07 |
Farris1 | Anyone know how to get a Dell P1500 printer working in Breezy? | 12:07 |
gnomefreak | Peaker, i have xp installed on other hd | 12:07 |
StR34k | zandaa, :) | 12:07 |
bimberi | hi lightbright, yep not bad. You? | 12:07 |
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gnomefreak | one of the accounts has to be put on hold | 12:07 |
lightbright | bimberi: good thanks | 12:07 |
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BenUrban | http://rafb.net/paste/results/13rRn726.html <-- any ideas? anyone? Seveas? | 12:07 |
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korhalf | what does Network tools in system tools use? is it just a graphical front end for tools like nmap and ping | 12:08 |
Linuturk | MN-520 wireless card won't work correctly. I've searched the forums for an answer, with no help. I've installed 5.10 on a compaq prosignia 120, and it just won't work with this card. Can anyone give me some input? Does anyone have the same type of card/problem? This card works fine in DSL 1.5 (another varient of debian) | 12:08 |
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Peaker | gnomefreak: runas, switch user, and terminal services allow everything GNU/Linux distributions allow | 12:08 |
zandaa | StR34k, video input froze O_O | 12:08 |
Peaker | gnomefreak: (in terms of multiple users at same time) | 12:08 |
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BenUrban | Peaker: i'd have to disagree :P | 12:09 |
redguy | BenUrban: what about the line 1949 bimberi mentioned? | 12:09 |
StR34k | zandaa, =/ | 12:09 |
=== keimo [n=keimo@GMMXC.dsl.saunalahti.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BenUrban | redguy: i dunno why it says that | 12:09 |
s0n1cm0nk3y | I cant seem to figure out how to get xterm to use the config I made in .Xdefaults, can anyone help? | 12:09 |
Peaker | BenUrban: what's the difference between multiple X sessions, remote logins, su and the above-mentioned? | 12:09 |
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StR34k | zandaa, it had just worked for me | 12:09 |
zandaa | StR34k, I know <_< | 12:09 |
butcherbird | Peaker, i normally open a cmd shell as the other user and then kill and restart explorer in the shell and same to switch back but even then i dont think there is a way to mainain two exporer shells at once | 12:09 |
dooglus | s0n1cm0nk3y: run "xrdb ~/.Xdefaults" to get the file to be read by your X server | 12:09 |
=== m3thos [n=brainsto@87-196-65-190.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BenUrban | Peaker: ssh is not available through windows terminal services :P | 12:09 |
gnomefreak | ok peaker you cannot run 2 ppl at same time on same windows unit you have to put one on hold i can ssh into my system and run 2 users at same time but XP wont and cant do it | 12:09 |
bulio | how do I connect to my windows LAN? | 12:10 |
m3thos | what package contains the "import" utility, used to take screenshots? | 12:10 |
BenUrban | bulio: plug in the cord | 12:10 |
BenUrban | :) | 12:10 |
Peaker | butcherbird: ofcourse there is, but the desktop-controlling explorer might be exclusive, per session though. you can create a new session with switch user | 12:10 |
Linuturk | MN-520 wireless card won't work correctly. I've searched the forums for an answer, with no help. I've installed 5.10 on a compaq prosignia 120, and it just won't work with this card. Can anyone give me some input? Does anyone have the same type of card/problem? This card works fine in DSL 1.5 (another varient of debian) << if anyone would like to help, send me information at linuturk@gmail.com | 12:10 |
=== patton [n=patton@pc-123-178-239-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bulio | this one has cord to router | 12:10 |
bulio | the other is wireless | 12:10 |
Peaker | BenUrban: That's another capability altogether :) | 12:10 |
BenUrban | Peaker: it's multi-user capability :) | 12:10 |
Peaker | gnomefreak: You can login to Windows via multiple terminal services sessions | 12:11 |
jroes | BenUrban: so what are you doing to produce this X debug output? | 12:11 |
jroes | BenUrban: logging into a box via SSH and running startx? :P | 12:11 |
BenUrban | jroes: lol, no | 12:11 |
Peaker | BenUrban: Nah, its a tool to more easily login, with encryption.. its possible with Windows, just a bit harder (like most of everything in Windows) | 12:11 |
BenUrban | this is just normal usage | 12:11 |
zandaa | StR34k, where can I find out where tvtime gets it's composite input? | 12:11 |
bulio | is there a networking wizard or someting? | 12:11 |
jroes | BenUrban: have you tried using another monitor? | 12:11 |
jroes | BenUrban: or another video card? | 12:11 |
jroes | to narrow it down.. | 12:11 |
BenUrban | jroes: no can do | 12:11 |
=== existance [n=existanc@cpe-68-201-255-172.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BenUrban | i know for sure it's a software problem | 12:12 |
jroes | BenUrban: have you checked to see if your monitor and video card are supported? | 12:12 |
existance | what is a good video player? | 12:12 |
BenUrban | gentoo doesn't do it | 12:12 |
BenUrban | jroes: it works perfectly in gentoo | 12:12 |
dooglus | korhalf: I just checked the source code. 'network tools' is just a GUI front end to dig, finger, netstat, ping, ping6, tcptraceroute, traceroute, traceroute6, and whois. | 12:12 |
=== tristan_ [n=tristan@vt-williston-cuda1e3-170.sbtnvt.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | Peaker, ok but if im not mistaken XP or anyother win products do not come defaul like that unless you mean use a DOS term while loged into xp | 12:12 |
jroes | same Xorg version? | 12:12 |
=== gandalf [n=gandalf@5.Red-213-96-254.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gandalf | server dune.irc-hispano.org | 12:12 |
StR34k | zandaa, not sure, it should be a seperate device file in /dev/ | 12:12 |
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tristan_ | I need some help regarding networking setup | 12:12 |
gandalf | server arrakis.irc-hispano.org | 12:12 |
Peaker | gnomefreak: WinXP has terminal services installed by default, I believe | 12:12 |
BenUrban | jroes: it also worked fine for a day or two in ubuntu | 12:12 |
existance | what is a good video player? | 12:13 |
BenUrban | the same ubuntu setup i have now | 12:13 |
StR34k | zandaa, /dev/video(n) | 12:13 |
jroes | BenUrban: and then what did you do :) | 12:13 |
rosen | korhalf, no nothing like that.. only one can telnet into my computer and I trust him completely so that should be fine... I'm pretty sure I'm allright, the only thing firestarter has been cathing the last two days are traceroutes | 12:13 |
Peaker | gnomefreak: which allows for remote gui logins | 12:13 |
zandaa | StR34k, I know, but how do I know which device is the composite? | 12:13 |
korhalf | dooglus: what about the port scanning? nmap? | 12:13 |
butcherbird | existance, mplayer :) | 12:13 |
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gandalf | existance, mplayer | 12:13 |
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BenUrban | jroes: i enables Seveas' repository :/ | 12:13 |
existance | thankx | 12:13 |
s0n1cm0nk3y | dooglus heres my .Xdefaults, does this look ok? I have a black background, but my foreground wont show up http://pastebin.com/465925 | 12:13 |
dooglus | korhalf: I don't see it using nmap. I'll look again. | 12:13 |
existance | thanks rather | 12:13 |
StR34k | zandaa, most of the time it's the second | 12:13 |
gandalf | mplayer is the best | 12:13 |
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gnomefreak | Peaker, what your saying sounds like ssh for windows? | 12:13 |
redguy | existance: vlc, xine | 12:13 |
zandaa | StR34k, ok thanks, I'll try it | 12:13 |
jroes | BenUrban: lol, so leave him an email that it breaks your box and give him steps to reproduce :) | 12:13 |
StR34k | zandaa, the actual tuner being the first | 12:13 |
BenUrban | lol | 12:13 |
existance | does mplayer have a syn package? | 12:13 |
rosen | dooglus, Gkrellm | 12:13 |
jroes | BenUrban: tell him exactly what you did, maybe even copy relevant parts of your .bash_history | 12:13 |
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BenUrban | jroes: i don't have his email address | 12:14 |
bimberi | existance: yes - in the multiverse repository | 12:14 |
BenUrban | jroes: heh, i did what he told me to to get x to start again at all | 12:14 |
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gnomefreak | from my understanding vista is posed to come with it but win XP as of atleast lastyear didnt have it by default | 12:14 |
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gandalf | where are the official repositorios because I can download mplayer but I cant | 12:14 |
jroes | hunt him down: Dennis Kaarsemaker | 12:14 |
zandaa | StR34k, maybe I can read in tvtime's config files | 12:14 |
=== concept10 [n=concept1@c-67-166-167-125.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | !info mplayer | 12:14 |
=== BenUrban grabs a shotgun | ||
=== butcherbird ducks | ||
gandalf | !info mplayer | 12:15 |
=== BenUrban shoots the duck | ||
gnomefreak | ubotu tell gandalf about sources | 12:15 |
jroes | he's got a blog according to google, he wrote a pastebin, dennis@kaarsemaker.net | 12:15 |
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concept10 | !info xubuntu | 12:15 |
gandalf | gnomefreak, I don understand you sorry but I dont speaks englis very well | 12:15 |
BenUrban | thanks jroes | 12:15 |
jroes | call him :) +316 252 353 46 | 12:15 |
StR34k | zandaa, not sure... sorry man... | 12:16 |
gnomefreak | spanish? | 12:16 |
=== Ricker [n=Administ@c-67-177-47-57.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | !es | 12:16 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 12:16 |
BenUrban | jroes: lmao | 12:16 |
zandaa | StR34k, it's ok:) | 12:16 |
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gandalf | gnomefreak, yes spanish ;) | 12:16 |
gnomefreak | try #ubuntu-es | 12:16 |
gandalf | ah ok thanks gnomefreak ;) | 12:17 |
gnomefreak | yw | 12:17 |
dooglus | s0n1cm0nk3y: exactly what you have works for me. | 12:17 |
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-118-222.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
concept10 | what other window managers are lightweight and featurefull other than xfce and fluxbox? | 12:17 |
=== MoonRanger [n=ubuntu@Toronto-HSE-ppp3906134.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dooglus | s0n1cm0nk3y: did you "xrdb ~/.Xdefaults" after editing it? | 12:17 |
diesel | concept10: I like sawfish | 12:17 |
dooglus | s0n1cm0nk3y: you have to do it after every change - or restart X of course | 12:17 |
gnomefreak | blackbox (fluxboxremake) enlightenment there are a bunch | 12:17 |
gnomefreak | !wm | 12:17 |
ubotu | No idea, gnomefreak | 12:17 |
zandaa | StR34k, I opened nautilus and went to /dev/ on video I see a arrow at the top, what's that? | 12:17 |
gnomefreak | !windowmanager | 12:18 |
Ricker | what do I use for an ftp server in ubuntu? | 12:18 |
ubotu | gnomefreak: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 12:18 |
gnomefreak | oh i give up ubotu | 12:18 |
MoonRanger | trying to install the gtk library but cant find it in the synaptic package manager .. anyone know where i can find it in the package manager | 12:18 |
dooglus | korhalf: port scanning is done by the program itself. it doesn't use nmap | 12:18 |
concept10 | diesel, I will check that out and maybe fluxbox.... | 12:18 |
Ricker | !ftp | 12:18 |
ubotu | Syntax error in line 1, Ricker | 12:18 |
diesel | concept10: what features are you after? | 12:18 |
s0n1cm0nk3y | dooglus well the problem is that all I get is a black background, and I cant see whats being typed | 12:19 |
=== P8ntKid_ [n=jon@pcp0011206865pcs.salsbr01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
butcherbird | Ricker, i like vsftpd or pure-ftpd | 12:19 |
m3thos | what package contains the "import" utility, used to take screenshots? | 12:19 |
=== miiek [n=miiek@c-67-183-150-36.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | concept10, theres a site with a list of them for X and i dont have it anymore nad ubotu must not know of it | 12:19 |
dooglus | s0n1cm0nk3y: what if you specify "-fg yellow" on the command line to xterm? that fixes it right? | 12:19 |
Ricker | butcherbird: which is easiest to install? or are they both? | 12:19 |
s0n1cm0nk3y | dooglus my .Xdefaults is in ./home/s0n1cm0nk3y/, is that right? | 12:19 |
dooglus | m3thos: imagemagick | 12:19 |
concept10 | diesel, I like gnome, been on it for two years, but I want something with good features but is lightweight, maybe I will try xfce for a while | 12:19 |
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dooglus | s0n1cm0nk3y: if that first . is a typo then yes. | 12:20 |
s0n1cm0nk3y | dooglus, yeah I can get it through commands, but Im trying to make it perminent | 12:20 |
Ricker | !botsnack | 12:20 |
ubotu | thanks ricker :) | 12:20 |
diesel | concept10: I have tried xfwm inside gnome...I like this setup. I do not like metacity at all | 12:20 |
butcherbird | Ricker, vsftpd is pretty easy just install it and go. edit the /etc/vsftpd.conf file for whatever u want | 12:20 |
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Ricker | !ftpserver | 12:20 |
ubotu | parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, Ricker | 12:20 |
s0n1cm0nk3y | dooglus lol, yeah it was a typo | 12:20 |
dooglus | s0n1cm0nk3y: run "xrdb ~/.Xdefaults" and then try xterm again. | 12:20 |
Ricker | butcherbird: ok cool | 12:20 |
diesel | concept10: If you like gnome, then I wouldn't use sawfish by itself | 12:20 |
gnomefreak | xfce is a good win man it combines lightweight with a feel like gnome/kde well compared to flux where its empty :9 | 12:20 |
s0n1cm0nk3y | sweetness | 12:21 |
MoonRanger | trying to install the gtk library but cant find it in the synaptic package manager .. anyone know where i can find it in the package manager | 12:21 |
_nano_ | does anyone have ati radeon 7500 card? could you help me configure X for the same? | 12:21 |
concept10 | diesel, u use that instead of GDM? | 12:21 |
s0n1cm0nk3y | it works now, thanks dooglus | 12:21 |
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Ricker | wonder why ubotu doesn't have info on an FTP server | 12:21 |
gnomefreak | sawfish is very light isnt it? | 12:21 |
dooglus | s0n1cm0nk3y: I told you that 3 times. did you miss the first 2? | 12:21 |
=== hypn0_ [n=t@host81-7-63-253.surfport24.v21.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
diesel | gnomefreak: xfce is not a window manager...it is a desktop environment. xfwm is the window manager | 12:21 |
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diesel | concept10: I don't use gdm | 12:21 |
Ricker | butcherbird: is vsftpd in the synaptic repo? or is there some other way to install it? apt-get, etc. | 12:22 |
s0n1cm0nk3y | dooglus lol, no it wasnt the xrdb, I realized i had a little typo in there, the pastbin i gave you was apparently before I made the typo :/ | 12:22 |
concept10 | diesel, sawfish looks like early gnome! | 12:22 |
=== finn [i=Finn@ppp71-216.lns1.mel4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | diesel, i knew that sorry i was doing something else | 12:22 |
dooglus | s0n1cm0nk3y: uh, ok. | 12:22 |
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dooglus | rosen: what does 'who' in a terminal show you? | 12:22 |
diesel | concept10: it was, then gnome changed to metacity...wrong move in my opinion | 12:22 |
gnomefreak | ok this doesnt work like lynx :( | 12:22 |
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ELpH95o | fvwm is gooood | 12:22 |
ELpH95o | i like blackbox the best | 12:23 |
rosen | dooglus, rosendah :0 Dec 13 18:22 | 12:23 |
rosen | rosendah pts/0 Dec 13 20:10 (:0.0) | 12:23 |
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gnomefreak | w3m is not a reg net browser is it? | 12:23 |
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dooglus | rosen: that looks ok to me | 12:23 |
gnomefreak | it looks mor elike a file browser | 12:23 |
butcherbird | Ricker, i have multiverse enabled..not sure if its in universe or not | 12:23 |
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dooglus | rosen: you've got a terminal open. close it, and you'll see one less user I guess | 12:23 |
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rosen | dooglus, I can't do a who in terminal without a terminal open though ;) | 12:24 |
concept10 | ah blackbox looks nice | 12:24 |
dooglus | rosen: good point. | 12:24 |
MoonRanger | trying to install the gtk library but cant find it in the synaptic package manager .. anyone know where i can find it in the package manager | 12:24 |
_jason | rosen, type: 'w' and look under WHAT | 12:24 |
DRK13 | what | 12:24 |
corvax | is there a package that can record any sound going through my audio card | 12:24 |
Ricker | butcherbird: I'm pretty sure I enabled multiverse. though I never knew why in the hell they tell you to do that as I don't know what it's for. Are you saying the ftp software is in there? | 12:24 |
dooglus | rosen: but gkrellm should update anyway. | 12:24 |
dooglus | rosen: or, open another terminal and do 'who' again. you should see 3 entries now. | 12:25 |
BenUrban | Ricker: multiverse is for anything that's not free | 12:25 |
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butcherbird | Ricker, type apt-cache search vsftpd . Shows up for me | 12:25 |
corvax | kind of like woretap in osx or total recorder in wondows | 12:25 |
corvax | wire* | 12:25 |
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Ricker | so vsftpd you have to pay for? | 12:25 |
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dooglus | Ricker: free as in freedom | 12:25 |
butcherbird | Ricker, sudo apt-get install vsftpd or use synaptic its free | 12:26 |
concept10 | to install xfce, is the package xubuntu-desktop? | 12:26 |
concept10 | !xfce | 12:26 |
ubotu | well, xfce is a lightweight Desktop Environment that uses GTK. to install, "sudo apt-get install xfce4" or "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". http://www.xfce.org/ | 12:26 |
Kero351 | does anyone know how to get flash to install? im new to linux... | 12:26 |
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rosen | dooglus, gkrellm still says two users .. I'll try that WHAT thing... sounds suitable | 12:26 |
_nano_ | !ati | 12:26 |
ubotu | hmm... ati is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 | 12:26 |
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_jason | ubotu, tell Kero351 about flash | 12:26 |
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cowbud | xulrunner ehh | 12:27 |
cowbud | hrmm | 12:27 |
cowbud | interesting | 12:27 |
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rosen | dooglus, rosendahl@rosendahl-ubuntubox:~$ w | 12:27 |
rosen | 00:27:06 up 2 days, 6:40, 2 users, load average: 1.15, 1.23, 1.79 | 12:27 |
rosen | that's my w return | 12:27 |
butcherbird | Ricker, by default i think it allows anonymous ftp so you might want to change that from yes to no in /etc/vsftpd.conf | 12:27 |
dooglus | rosen: you're going to be in SOOOO much trouble for that! :) | 12:27 |
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sidarisik | hi | 12:27 |
Ricker | Butcherbird: ok good tip, ty | 12:27 |
rosen | dooglus, for WHAT ? ... I didnt do nothing :O | 12:28 |
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=== rosen cackles | ||
dooglus | rosen: you PASTED!!! and that's NAUGHTY! | 12:28 |
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DRK13 | * haha | 12:28 |
rosen | dooglus, oooh | 12:28 |
cowbud | yawn | 12:28 |
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dooglus | rosen: but seriously - you saw no output other than the 2 header lines? | 12:28 |
DRK13 | zzzzzz wha | 12:28 |
taft | hello | 12:28 |
rosen | dooglus, nope | 12:28 |
s0n1cm0nk3y | um back, and Im wondering if I can run gnomes file manager in xfce, and also what is gnomes file manager command name so I can make a launcher of it | 12:28 |
LjL | s0n1cm0nk3y: nautilus | 12:29 |
MoonRanger | trying to install the gtk library but cant find it in the synaptic package manager .. anyone know where i can find it in the package manager | 12:29 |
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LjL | MoonRanger: libgtk2.0-0 | 12:29 |
cowbud | yawn | 12:29 |
tuv | guys.. i'm considering migrating from debian to ubuntu. any differences i should now about before doing so? | 12:29 |
MoonRanger | how do i go about installing that | 12:30 |
_jason | tuv, do you know about ubuntu's use of sudo? | 12:30 |
LjL | MoonRanger: "sudo aptitude install libgtk2.0-0" | 12:30 |
rosen | dooglus, I think I'll try that reboot ... I've done so much funky things on this box since that last one I'm not sure what will happen :P | 12:30 |
rosen | brb... maybe | 12:30 |
MoonRanger | k | 12:30 |
tuv | _jason, breifly | 12:30 |
LjL | MoonRanger: but, why do you think you don't have GTK installed? it's there by default in every Ubuntu, as Gnome *uses* GTK | 12:30 |
s0n1cm0nk3y | LjL AHHH wtf mate, it just gave me desktop icons, changed my theme, and my wallpaper.... | 12:30 |
_jason | ubotu, tell tuv about sudo | 12:30 |
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taft | where would i go to find out if ubuntu will work on my laptop | 12:31 |
MoonRanger | trying to install TurboPrint and it told me i dont have it installed | 12:31 |
_jason | tuv, you can read that if you'd like, don't know what else would be different | 12:31 |
LjL | s0n1cm0nk3y: look at the help, i suppose there is probably some option to tell it to behave as "file manager only" | 12:31 |
butcherbird | taft, download the livecd | 12:31 |
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MoonRanger | its printer drivers for my Canon IP3000 | 12:31 |
Kuyaedz | anyone fairly fluent in bash scripts? | 12:31 |
LjL | MoonRanger: perhaps it needs gtk 1.2 | 12:31 |
tuv | _jason, all conffiles are in the same fs locations? | 12:31 |
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s0n1cm0nk3y | k | 12:31 |
taft | ok ty | 12:31 |
_jason | tuv, don't know, i've never used debian but the sudo thing is a common question here | 12:32 |
Kuyaedz | taft: or check out the http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam | 12:32 |
_nano_ | what do terms like "GLcore", "ddc", "bitmap" in my xorg.conf mean? where can I get more info behind using more of such terms? | 12:32 |
LjL | Kuyaedz: what's the problem? | 12:32 |
MoonRanger | know where i can find a simple printer driver for a Canon IP3000 | 12:32 |
xangel36 | can someone help me i want to install java on my ubuntu using the apt-get can some one tell me how? | 12:32 |
taft | k thanx | 12:32 |
taft | cyaz | 12:32 |
_jason | MoonRanger, have you checked linuxprinting.org? | 12:32 |
tuv | _jason, thanks | 12:32 |
LjL | MoonRanger: linuxprinting.org is the best resource | 12:32 |
MoonRanger | k | 12:32 |
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Kuyaedz | LjL: I'm trying to setup a bash script to run bittorrent & continue sharing my ubuntu .iso. I have a template if you can take a look & help me customize it? | 12:33 |
kyncani | xangel36: go to ubuntu wiki | 12:33 |
s0n1cm0nk3y | LjL crap got disconnected, um where is this help I must go to? | 12:33 |
LjL | s0n1cm0nk3y: just type "nautilus --help", and see if there's some option that can do it. i don't have nautilus installed myself, so i can't check | 12:33 |
xangel36 | cant i do it in terminal? | 12:33 |
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LjL | Kuyaedz: uh i'm not sure i've understood. the script would run bittorrent, and then...? | 12:34 |
kyncani | xangel36: you can, follow the wiki (i think) | 12:34 |
doosht | can anyone help me with ubunyu here? | 12:34 |
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butcherbird | xangel36, j2re1.4 i believe | 12:34 |
doosht | ubuntu i mean | 12:34 |
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Kuyaedz | LjL: it would run bittorrent & resume sharing the ubuntu-install.iso that I have | 12:34 |
doosht | how can i get my screen res to 1280x1024? the option does not come up | 12:34 |
jjazz | What's the recommended app to burn a CD on a Breezy box? | 12:34 |
Kuyaedz | jjazz: I use gnomebaker | 12:35 |
linkd | doosht: should you monitor allow that res? | 12:35 |
doosht | yes | 12:35 |
bimberi | doosht: have a look here - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 12:35 |
gnomefreak | jjazz, anyone you want i used k3b and gnomebaker | 12:35 |
zandaa | jjazz, gnome-baker should work fine | 12:35 |
doosht | its 19" LCD | 12:35 |
butcherbird | jjazz, or k3b if u dont ming apt-getting like 115mb | 12:35 |
xangel36 | tank u butcherbird | 12:35 |
linkd | doosht: ok then u may neeed to edit the xorg config | 12:35 |
LjL | Kuyaedz: ok, i don't have bittorrent installed, so let me get it | 12:35 |
doosht | it doesnt seem like my graphics is installed right also. | 12:36 |
jjazz | Yeah, I'm not looking to pull all off kde-base for one CD... gnomebaker it is. Thanks. | 12:36 |
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gnomefreak | LjL, yes you do its installed by default in breezy | 12:36 |
Kuyaedz | LjL: this is a template I found but I want to make sure its custom for my system (don't read script very well yet) http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5799 | 12:36 |
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gimmulf_ | how do i get codecs to mplayer so i can play wmv files? | 12:36 |
LjL | gnomefreak: unless my breezy is kubuntu :) | 12:36 |
rosen | dooglus, still two users ... I think it's intentional somehow | 12:36 |
linkd | doosht: if the editing doesnt work i doubt i can help you. /etc/X11/xorg.conf is where the config is you need to add larger resolutions in the display subsections further down | 12:36 |
LjL | gnomefreak: (also, that something is installed by default doesn't mean i haven't removed it ;) | 12:37 |
gnomefreak | LjL, ok your right i give :) | 12:37 |
bimberi | ubotu tell gimmulf_ about w32codecs | 12:37 |
linkd | doosht: hope that helps | 12:37 |
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richard__ | How would I access a file on a cd with grecord | 12:37 |
dooglus | xangel36: type "sudo apt-get install j2re1.4" to install java | 12:37 |
rosen | dooglus, I'm my computer suffers from skizophrenia but I dont think it's likely since I have no dual boot | 12:37 |
dooglus | rosen: did you run a terminal again? | 12:37 |
rosen | dooglus, nah | 12:37 |
markive | actually got no sound in any games , weird | 12:37 |
dooglus | rosen: if you run a terminal, does the count go up to 3? | 12:37 |
xangel36 | ok | 12:37 |
gnomefreak | !java | 12:37 |
ubotu | To install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs | 12:37 |
rosen | dooglus, yeah | 12:38 |
tuv | is there an azureus package for ubuntu? | 12:38 |
LjL | Kuyaedz: agh, it's full of bittorrent specific stuff i really don't know about! | 12:38 |
gnomefreak | apt-get wont instlal java unless he has multi enabled | 12:38 |
LjL | tuv: no | 12:38 |
markive | got sounds everywhere else ,and lbreakout2 tux racer , planetpenguin racer | 12:38 |
markive | anyone know? | 12:38 |
dooglus | rosen: each terminal you run should add one to the count, and when you close them the count will go down again - maybe after a second or two | 12:38 |
butcherbird | tuv, but u dont really need to install it just download and unpack and run | 12:38 |
markive | got sound everywhere else in ububtu | 12:38 |
Kuyaedz | LjL: I was mostly worried about the variables at the top. ie; the SERVER=. does that need to be MY server? | 12:38 |
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rosen | dooglus, yeah what took me by surprise was that it started out with two users.. but maybe one of the startup programs 'add a user' somehow | 12:39 |
LjL | Kuyaedz: i'd say yes | 12:39 |
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dooglus | rosen: what about "w" now? still the same empty output other than 2 header lines? | 12:39 |
xangel36 | ate they any virus scanners that i can get via terminal? | 12:40 |
tuv | LjL, butcherbird: but this is strange as there is one already in debian. why wasn't it included in ubuntu? | 12:40 |
Kuyaedz | LjL: let me give it a try, thanks.. (normally I'd use the GUI but I'm trying to set this up on my webserver) | 12:40 |
ghb | Is there an Firefox 1.5 ubuntu package available? | 12:40 |
DRK13 | clamav | 12:40 |
gnomefreak | clamav | 12:40 |
dooglus | clamav | 12:40 |
gnomefreak | and youll need clamfresh to go with it | 12:40 |
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dooglus | gnomefreak: I think it comes as standard? | 12:40 |
rosen | dooglus, nah now there's an output... better put it in #flood ;) | 12:40 |
gnomefreak | unless it installs it by default | 12:40 |
DRK13 | ya I dont like old clam | 12:40 |
dooglus | rosen: OK, I'm there now | 12:41 |
butcherbird | tuv, just one of those unanswerable questions :) | 12:41 |
=== gnomefreak doesnt use virus scanner on linux :) | ||
ciprian | How do I add from repository the dapper flight 2 ones? | 12:41 |
tuv | butcherbird: :-) | 12:41 |
ciprian | I want to make updates to it... | 12:41 |
LjL | ciprian: what about not doing that? ;) | 12:41 |
dooglus | rosen: that looks very much like you have two terminals running inside GNOME | 12:41 |
richard__ | I have a song on my cd I want to rip i'm not sure how though | 12:41 |
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dooglus | rosen: can you paste the output of "ps -Hefrosendah" please as well? | 12:42 |
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Kuyaedz | richard_: I use sound juicer or cd ripper.. should be installed by default | 12:42 |
ciprian | LjL: I want to make updates to it... because I want to test GNOME 2.13 and that is the best oportunity to do that | 12:42 |
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rosen | dooglus, allright sec | 12:42 |
dmlinux | Anyone know any tricks to save on battery life inside of UBUNTU ? (im running KDE but thats alright ) | 12:42 |
dooglus | rosen: it'll be big-ish | 12:42 |
dmlinux | for laptops | 12:42 |
viperX | Hello! | 12:43 |
dmlinux | hi | 12:43 |
gnomefreak | ciprian, if dapper uses 2.13 they havent backported it yet that i know of cause i havent seen an update for it yet | 12:43 |
DRK13 | soup! | 12:43 |
dooglus | dmlinux: does the hard disk spin constantly? | 12:43 |
viperX | Has anyone heard of a library called libstd++-dev? | 12:43 |
rosen | dooglus, not really .... ERROR: Unsupported SysV option. | 12:43 |
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dmlinux | dooglus i dont know... how do i check (in windows right now ) | 12:43 |
gnomefreak | viperX, what about it? | 12:43 |
dooglus | rosen: can you paste the output of "ps -Hfurosendah" please as well? | 12:43 |
ciprian | gnomefreak: what I shold do then? | 12:43 |
LjL | ciprian: dapper is a *development* version, it's not intended for end users, and it may well screw up your system, etcetera. don't use it unless you know what you're doing very well | 12:44 |
fojtr1am | hooray, I've install kernel on debian from ubuntu sources | 12:44 |
ciprian | last time garnome fails | 12:44 |
dooglus | rosen: sorry - got the flags wrong... | 12:44 |
dmlinux | dooglus is that the noatime 1,1 option ?? | 12:44 |
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ciprian | Ljl: I have the previous Ubuntu 5.10... there is no problem with that | 12:44 |
PoW | How do I add items to my gnome applications menu? | 12:44 |
gnomefreak | ciprian, i dont and wont say upgrade to dapper cause its in testing | 12:44 |
viperX | I need it for a karamba I'm trying to compile, but it's not in my package manager and I can't find it using apt-get. | 12:44 |
dooglus | dmlinux: that's good. it means "don't write to the disk whenever a file is accessed" - it means the disk should spin up less often. | 12:44 |
gnomefreak | 5.10=breezy=stable as all hell | 12:44 |
dmlinux | dooglus any other tips? | 12:44 |
viperX | I was wondering if anyone knew were I could get it. | 12:44 |
LjL | ciprian: if you have ubuntu 5.10, then keep ubuntu 5.10. | 12:44 |
gnomefreak | hold on viper | 12:45 |
DRK13 | what is the apt-get command to upgrade from 5.04 to 5.10?? | 12:45 |
ciprian | :)) I want to test a newer Ubuntu... I have webcam for instance and it is said that have better support for webcams... | 12:45 |
viperX | thanks gnomefreak | 12:45 |
ciprian | I really want to see that | 12:45 |
ciprian | If doesn't work well I'll return to Ubuntu 5.10 | 12:45 |
LjL | ciprian: and you're going to install it over your current, working ubuntu 5.10 (breezy). correct? | 12:45 |
markive | i not crashed ubuntu 5.10 yet , i've tried , its good , but as a new user to linux thee's a few uneasy problems | 12:45 |
DRK13 | distupgrade? | 12:45 |
dooglus | dmlinux: using ext3 apparently causes the disk to keep spinning, as it writes its journal every 5 (?) minutes. reiserfs might be a better choice | 12:45 |
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Kuyaedz | DRK13: check out the wiki here... (one sec) | 12:45 |
ciprian | I don't want support for Drapper | 12:46 |
LjL | ciprian: the only way to "return to ubuntu 5.10" will be reinstalling it from scratch | 12:46 |
gnomefreak | nope viperX the way you typed it either not there or i have it :( | 12:46 |
_jason | viperX, try: apt-cache search 'libstd++.*-dev' | 12:46 |
dooglus | gnomefreak: I've had breezy hang up for 15 minutes twice in the last 2 days - it's not quite as stable as all hell... | 12:46 |
ciprian | LjL: why you think only the worse scenario? Let's surpose that works good | 12:46 |
_jason | viperX, there are a few versions | 12:46 |
Kuyaedz | DRK13: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade?highlight=%28breezy%29%7C%28upgrade%29 | 12:46 |
butcherbird | DRK13, replace any instance of 'hoary' in /etc/apt/sources.list with 'breezy' then apt-get update then apt-get dist-upgrade | 12:46 |
dmlinux | dooglus reiserfs??? is that an app i need to isntall? | 12:46 |
ElBarono | whory | 12:46 |
gnomefreak | dooglus, i havent had a problem at all with it | 12:46 |
viperX | thanks, i'll try that! ") | 12:46 |
viperX | :) | 12:46 |
DRK13 | ty | 12:46 |
gnomefreak | it all depends on hardware and stuff | 12:47 |
zandaa | can anyone help me with tvtime? | 12:47 |
markive | dooglus how? what did you do? | 12:47 |
LjL | ciprian: it WILL NOT work good, because it's a *development* version, and as such it's *intended* to have bugs and crashes and to not work and so on. that's the point! | 12:47 |
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dooglus | dmlinux: it's installed already, but it's a different filesystem. switching from ext3 to reiserfs is probably more trouble than it's worth | 12:47 |
ciprian | Ljl: except keyboard, videoboard and mouse (let's add the display and soundcard) the Ubuntu makes me only to look to webcam, printer and scanner | 12:47 |
gnomefreak | _jason, synaptic and aptcache search didnt find anything | 12:47 |
_jason | gnomefreak, I found 4 versions | 12:47 |
dooglus | markive: both times I was downloading a bunch of stuff using azureus, copying a huge file onto a windows shared folder and watching a movie. | 12:47 |
gnomefreak | libstd++-dev <<<< | 12:47 |
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dooglus | markive: I would expect doing those 3 things together to maybe degrade performance a little, but to cause a 15 minute lock-up seems extreme. | 12:48 |
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markive | i agree | 12:48 |
_jason | gnomefreak, ah yeah not of that, I just told him to look at the results and see if that's what he was looking for | 12:48 |
markive | dooglus i would have thought i't been ok , | 12:48 |
lightbright | how can you see the ban list? | 12:48 |
MighMoS | dmlinux, mounting /tmp as tmpfs would spin the harddisk less | 12:48 |
fcser | hello | 12:48 |
dooglus | markive: just copying a large file onto a cifs-mounted windows share causes the pc to crawl. I don't know why. | 12:48 |
gnomefreak | _jason, ahhhh | 12:48 |
lightbright | fcser: hi | 12:49 |
ciplogic | Ljl: how do I set up the repository anyway to the Ubuntu 6.04? | 12:49 |
linkd | lightbright: you mean /mode #chan b? | 12:49 |
fcser | im attempted to install the ati linux driver on ubuntu | 12:49 |
gnomefreak | change breezy to dapper | 12:49 |
dmlinux | dooglus anything else to save on battery power? | 12:49 |
markive | dooglus , maybe you HD getting hot? | 12:49 |
LjL | ciplogic: anyway, i don't know the repository URLs. i suppose simply changing "breezy" into "dapper" in /etc/apt/sources.list will work. | 12:49 |
dooglus | markive: I think maybe lots of stuff is getting swapped out to free memory for the file-cache. but I don't know. | 12:49 |
fcser | attempting* | 12:49 |
ciplogic | thank you... I'll try right now :) | 12:49 |
dooglus | markive: maybe. I don't know. | 12:49 |
LjL | ciplogic: good luck | 12:49 |
fcser | sudo ./ati* does not work do you need to make a "root" account to load the ati drivers? | 12:50 |
gnomefreak | it will but last time i tried it failed bad :( | 12:50 |
dooglus | dmlinux: I can't think of anything other than the obvious | 12:50 |
markive | dooglus is it a laptop? | 12:50 |
dooglus | markive: yes. | 12:50 |
fcser | this is a fresh install of ubuntu | 12:50 |
MighMoS | dmlinux, mount /tmp as tmpfs would save battery power, as the computer wouldn't have to spin the hard disk | 12:50 |
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gnomefreak | <<<was pissed nothing worked not apt-get not xchat :( i was gonna cry | 12:50 |
dooglus | markive: running "md5sum" on a big file doesn't cause any slowdown - so I don't think it's a disk problem. | 12:50 |
dmlinux | MighMoS i wouldnt think thats the only thing i could do to save on battery power | 12:50 |
dooglus | markive: it's only when I try to shove large files out the LAN socket that I see bad slowdowns | 12:50 |
MighMoS | No, but its one thing you could od | 12:51 |
MighMoS | *do | 12:51 |
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dmlinux | any other suggestions? | 12:51 |
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markive | i found with my laptop when watching a movie if i have the laptop on the arm of the sofa or on my bed , it makes the agp card overheat , so i wouldn't be supprised if it was a heat problem | 12:51 |
markive | what laptop is it? | 12:51 |
lightbright | linkd: yeah thanks | 12:51 |
=== alonsocf [n=alonsocf@pc-73-223-83-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
daemon | isnt battery-life better with specific kernel (ie 686)? | 12:51 |
s0n1cm0nk3y | can someone help me with my media problem, whenever I try to watch a movie I have no sound and it plays in a sort of fast forward speed | 12:51 |
linkd | no if you're gonna quit we're not! | 12:52 |
dmlinux | daemon i have i 686 kernal installed | 12:52 |
=== s0n1cm0nk3y [n=s0n1cm0n@cpe-065-190-169-080.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kyral | s0n1cm0nk3y: what player? | 12:52 |
s0n1cm0nk3y | sorry it accidently hit the x button, but can someone help | 12:52 |
ciplogic | LjL, gnomefreak: thank you... works :) | 12:52 |
s0n1cm0nk3y | um totem | 12:52 |
Kyral | s0n1cm0nk3y: try installing totem-xine? | 12:53 |
s0n1cm0nk3y | Kyral I installed it using apt-get install totem-xine | 12:53 |
Kyral | hmm | 12:53 |
dooglus | markive: it's an old dixon's laptop. 2.2GHz P4 | 12:53 |
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Kyral | s0n1cm0nk3y: does this happen with VLC? | 12:53 |
markive | totem is weak | 12:53 |
selinium | What is the command line for changing FLAC files to WAVs? | 12:53 |
s0n1cm0nk3y | Kyral let me install vlc | 12:53 |
Kyral | s0n1cm0nk3y: install vlc-plugin-alsa as well | 12:53 |
markive | dooglus eek , not patriot? | 12:54 |
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dmlinux | MighMos any ideas? | 12:54 |
dooglus | markive: no, it's an advent 7009 | 12:54 |
lightbright | markive: whats weak about totem? | 12:54 |
dooglus | markive: http://www.uktsupport.co.uk/advent/laptop/7009.htm | 12:54 |
markive | i never made totem play anything... vlc, xine or mplayer will play anything | 12:54 |
MighMoS | dmlinux, what have you done so far? | 12:55 |
markive | obviosly xmms for mp3 | 12:55 |
tuv | isn't w32codecs available for ubuntu? | 12:55 |
dooglus | markive: totem gets a bit better if you throw away the gstreamer stuff and install totem-xine instead | 12:55 |
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DRK13 | Not legally | 12:55 |
s0n1cm0nk3y | Kyral vlc doesnt even show video | 12:55 |
markive | tuv yes it is thank god | 12:55 |
butcherbird | totem and xine both seem bloated i use mplayer in windows too and it does the job nicely | 12:55 |
fcser | ok I have the ATI installer going on ubuntu, does the "automatic" install work fine or should i generate a distro ati installer | 12:55 |
dooglus | rosen: I don't understand what your problem is. gnome-terminal seems to be running two shells - but you only see one tab? | 12:56 |
lfop | vlc is like.. all you need. for all your medie-needs. | 12:56 |
markive | dooglus beware | 12:56 |
dmlinux | MighMos the Fstab thing , thats it | 12:56 |
dooglus | markive: of? | 12:56 |
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s0n1cm0nk3y | Kyral totem-xine showed video, but vlc just gives me the progress bar | 12:56 |
nickrud | but vlc is uuugly | 12:56 |
selinium | tuv, you got the message from ubotu? | 12:56 |
rosen | dooglus, yeah | 12:56 |
markive | i tried planetpenguin racer before installing the ati driver stuff | 12:56 |
markive | it kn ackered it | 12:56 |
rosen | dooglus, if I use the tab dropdown it also only show the one I'm in | 12:56 |
markive | vlc is ugly , but your not watching the gui when your watching a film | 12:57 |
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MighMoS | dmlinux, Apparently hdparm supports a "-B" option, that takes a value up to 255 (255 disabling it). | 12:57 |
rosen | dooglus, it's not really a problem though since now I know that I AM the only user on my computer ... I was just getting paranoid when I saw that more than one user was registered | 12:57 |
nickrud | but I know it's there, it's like, bloat only visual :) | 12:57 |
dooglus | rosen: I just noticed that even if you run 3 separate terminals, there's only one gnome-terminal process. | 12:57 |
MighMoS | dmlinux, lower values == better life, higher values == better performance | 12:57 |
DRK13 | QFT Markiv | 12:57 |
=== PoW [n=chris@69-169-46-43.anhmca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PoW | How do I setup my mic? | 12:58 |
dooglus | rosen: so it could be that you have 2 separate terminal windows up - and one of them isn't visible for some reason | 12:58 |
tuv | selinium: yes. i was busy reading the link | 12:58 |
selinium | np, just checking! :) | 12:58 |
DRK13 | lol goodye internets, I love you. | 12:58 |
tuv | markive, selinium: but why not from universe/multiverse? | 12:58 |
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DRK13 | goodbye! | 12:58 |
Navire | Hi, folks | 12:59 |
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rosen | dooglus, hmm could be, but it's odd since I just rebooted and only opened one.. though could it be that one of the processes in the startup uses the terminal and then minimizes so I can't see it ? | 12:59 |
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livinded | has anyone had problems with xbuntu not giving a rigth click menu and going to a black and white backgorund that isn't chanegable? | 12:59 |
dooglus | rosen: I'd still like to find out what it is. and anyway - there's no reason not to be paranoid - it could be that someone has set it up to open a terminal on a remote display every time you log in! :) | 12:59 |
tuv | markive, selinium: can't i just add the nerim repository to my sources.list? | 01:00 |
selinium | tuv, the codecs have licensing issues, ie WINDOWS licenses, if you use them you aree supposed to have 'bought' windows at some poin | 01:00 |
selinium | t | 01:00 |
livinded | last night it was fine and when i booted up this morning i was like this | 01:00 |
rosen | dooglus, you just dont want me to sleep well at night do you ? :D | 01:00 |
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dooglus | rosen: i'm only half joking. | 01:00 |
markive | Tuv i just copyied the win32 folder to /usr/lib | 01:00 |
brownie17 | rosen, KDE opens everything you had open when you last logged off when you start up | 01:00 |
tuv | selinium: at least to take care of upgrading | 01:00 |
nickrud | tuv, no, do not do that: you almost certainly break your system that way (if you're not totally aware of what you're doing) | 01:01 |
dooglus | rosen: it's odd that you've got an extra terminal running that you can't account for | 01:01 |
selinium | tuv, i would not advise that. if you do that, any time anyone updates something in nerim (which might break your ubuntu system) you will be advised to update | 01:01 |
brownie17 | can anyone help me, i need to find out all the information i can about my sound card | 01:01 |
markive | brownie17 what info? | 01:01 |
selinium | tuv, you can add it, but only use it for a particular download, then disable it... | 01:01 |
brownie17 | markive, name, brand, model | 01:01 |
tuv | selinium, nickrud: is this the case for all third-party debian repositories? | 01:01 |
rosen | dooglus, hehe it's very odd... Do you think Nessus or something else could check for unaccounted users ? | 01:01 |
dooglus | rosen: can you go back to #paste? | 01:02 |
nickrud | tuv, yes | 01:02 |
rosen | brownie17, yeah but I use Gnome ;) | 01:02 |
markive | brownie17 , sorry don;'t know that card | 01:02 |
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nickrud | tuv, you can go to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats, and look for the codecs. There's a simple install method there. | 01:02 |
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rosen | dooglus, huh ? | 01:02 |
brownie17 | rosen, then that is strange. did you once accidnetly activate the "save desktop" button? | 01:02 |
rosen | !#paste | 01:02 |
ubotu | rosen: I don't know, could you explain it? | 01:02 |
markive | kde apps run in gnome | 01:02 |
dooglus | rosen: the channel, I mean | 01:02 |
zandaa | what do I need to compile IVTV? | 01:02 |
rosen | dooglus, #flood ? | 01:02 |
markive | whats ivtv? | 01:03 |
livinded | has anyone had problems with xbuntu with their right-click menu not showing upand a black and white pattern as the background that you can't change? | 01:03 |
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selinium | tuv, yes, apart from known ubuntu repos that you trust, be aware that whatever you chose to be in your repos, will ultimately make or break your system | 01:03 |
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dooglus | rosen: yes, sorry! :) | 01:03 |
markive | tuv | 01:03 |
s0n1cm0nk3y | Kyral any ideas? | 01:03 |
brownie17 | rosen, the way to find out if that is it is to close all windows, and log off with save desktop enabled, then log on again. if the terminal is still there, the secret government hackers are going to kill you, but otherwise, your all fine and dandy :) | 01:03 |
zandaa | markive, IVTV is support software for TV Tuners | 01:03 |
rosen | brownie17, I might have :D | 01:03 |
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markive | tuv just download it to your desktop (win32 folder) then copy to usr/lib/ | 01:03 |
Kyral | s0n1cm0nk3y: sorry I didn't catch your reply lol was playing with my router | 01:04 |
markive | zandaa is it anygood? i like tvtime | 01:04 |
rosen | brownie17, afaik the only kde app I got is skype and I dont run that anymore | 01:04 |
bradley_ | any ideas on fixing a video/audio sync problem on Mplayer, xmms, etc.? | 01:04 |
markive | skype works on ubuntu | 01:04 |
zandaa | markive, I can't get tvtime to accept composite input without the actual input freezing | 01:04 |
s0n1cm0nk3y | Kyral, lol, no worries, vlc doesnt show any video it just ives me a progress bar | 01:04 |
zandaa | markive, and I don't know yet cuz I can't compile | 01:04 |
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markive | lol soz | 01:04 |
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nickrud | s0n1cm0nk3y, is this with all videos, or just one? | 01:05 |
brownie17 | rosen, this is nothing to do with KDE apps, i don't use gnome, so i cant be sure with breezy, but with hoary there was an option in the logoff applet that allowed you to save everything on desktop | 01:05 |
To-Me | if I'm pluggin in a usbstick into a fresh breezy install and nothing happens - where do i have to look for? | 01:05 |
Zugot | 4200 rpm drives are too slow. | 01:05 |
selinium | tuv: wget http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl//pool/breezy-extras/w32codecs_20050412-0.0_i386.deb and then sudo dpkg -i /path/to deb | 01:05 |
Zugot | i'm getting a 7200 for the laptop | 01:05 |
lightbright | Zugot: thats very slow | 01:05 |
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rosen | brownie17, ah ok I definatly didnt do that | 01:05 |
brownie17 | To-Me, you might not have privelages to veiw them. you do not by default | 01:05 |
lightbright | Zugot: get the 10,000+ | 01:05 |
Zugot | this is rediculous | 01:05 |
s0n1cm0nk3y | nickrud, all videos, Ive been checking different formats | 01:05 |
markive | zugot i want one | 01:05 |
Kyral | s0n1cm0nk3y: what kind of movie are you plaung? | 01:06 |
Zugot | lightbright: its in my laptop... | 01:06 |
markive | my dell d600 needs a faster drive | 01:06 |
s0n1cm0nk3y | Kyral a skate video in avi format | 01:06 |
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lightbright | Zugot: what brand is it? | 01:06 |
Kyral | s0n1cm0nk3y: codec? | 01:06 |
Zugot | 8 hours to back up an 80 gb windows partition | 01:06 |
brownie17 | rosen, well try it anyway, at least you might have a chance of not being tracked by secret government hackers! | 01:06 |
Zugot | lightbright: i don't know... whatever compaq put in there | 01:06 |
lightbright | Zugot: is it filled with 80gig data? | 01:06 |
brownie17 | Zugot, that's a long time. should not take that long | 01:06 |
To-Me | brownie17: it has nothing to do with privileges, it does not get recognized by the system at all | 01:06 |
lJlolel | do you know how Mac's have that thing where you go in the corner and then all the windows shrinka nd you can see them all easily to switch between windows? | 01:06 |
rosen | brownie17, hehe I'll try that a little later :P | 01:06 |
lJlolel | is there something like that for Linux? | 01:06 |
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livinded | can someone help me with xubuntu, my right-click menu isn't showing up and a black and white pattern as the background that you can't change? it was fine last night but when i bootedup this morning it was like this | 01:06 |
lightbright | Zugot: I had a Comcrap notebook once, sold it :P | 01:06 |
To-Me | brownie17: i mean /var/log/syslog etc | 01:06 |
Zugot | lightbright: 75GB | 01:07 |
markive | i'm putting a blutooth internal module in , and i'm upgrading to a 802.11a/b/g card , soon to arrive from ebay | 01:07 |
markive | :0 | 01:07 |
butcherbird | livinded, i just noticed sam problem here one sec | 01:07 |
Zugot | i like my compaq... i just upped the mem to 2GB... the 15.4 screen is nice. the hd gets upgraded next | 01:07 |
brownie17 | To-Me, you sure? okay, the usb port you used, is it a pci card? or is it part of the m/b, what? | 01:07 |
brownie17 | To-Me, because you might not have drivers for it. | 01:07 |
s0n1cm0nk3y | I have w32 codecs, libdvdcss2, libmad0, libdvdread3, lame, sox, ffmpeg, mjpegtools, vorbis-tools, gstreamer 0.8* (just reading off what I put after apt-get | 01:07 |
tuv | selinium, markive: i'm familiar with these workarounds.. i just don't want to worry about installing packages not in the repositories. i'm trying to decide whether i should migrate from debian to ubuntu or not. These are advantages of debian over ubuntu. | 01:08 |
Zugot | 100MB/min... i'm not used to these slow speeds | 01:08 |
To-Me | brownie17: its part of the box/laptop | 01:08 |
markive | i'm sure is in one of the repositories | 01:08 |
markive | lemme look | 01:08 |
nickrud | tuv, wherever you get the codecs from, it's from outside the repositories | 01:08 |
nickrud | *debian | 01:08 |
lJlolel | Is there a linux alternative to mac's spotlight? | 01:09 |
To-Me | it doesn't recognize pcmcia too | 01:09 |
tuv | nickrud: i can add nerim repository to my sources.list in debian safely | 01:09 |
lJlolel | Is there a linux alternative to mac's expose? | 01:09 |
lJlolel | i mean | 01:09 |
brownie17 | To-Me, was it a package deal? because if it is an acer or something, they give you an image that installs itself with all the drivers, so the thing would work without them on windows, but not on linux. try finding out the info and searching driverguide. | 01:09 |
=== eobanb [n=eoban@iub-vpn-72-108.noc.indiana.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
selinium | tuv, debian and ubuntu share the same kind of system update architecture. With both you can add repos and break your system, the difference is that in Ubuntu the community is much more helpful IMHO | 01:09 |
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brownie17 | who knows how to find the brand name and stuff of my sound card? | 01:09 |
nickrud | tuv, sure, and you could add seveas | 01:09 |
markive | nope , not in the package manager | 01:09 |
To-Me | brownie17: no package, its an old acer laptop | 01:09 |
nickrud | 's as well, it's a pretty safe external repository | 01:09 |
markive | then you'll have to copy it there manualy | 01:10 |
bshumate | lJlolel: there's Kompose for KDE, but such things typically suck in Linux as they lack the hardware acceleration which makes them nice in OS X | 01:10 |
To-Me | usb and pcmia are working with debian sarge | 01:10 |
lJlolel | ic | 01:10 |
selinium | tuv pm? | 01:10 |
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tuv | selinium: sure | 01:10 |
brownie17 | To-Me, my advice, stick with sarge. | 01:10 |
nickrud | it's just that ubuntu is so new, and the repositories are even younger. I'll let them mature a bit. | 01:10 |
markive | the only mistake i found sofar is the ati driver slowed my d600 down to death , it has a radeon m 9000 | 01:10 |
=== nomin [n=nomin@adsl-67-39-197-181.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
markive | it killed it | 01:10 |
markive | this ubuntu reminds my abit of zandros | 01:11 |
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brownie17 | who knows if it is possible to discover information about my soundcard? I.e brand name? | 01:11 |
daemon | brownie17, try lspci | 01:11 |
=== Ruebe [n=test@HSI-KBW-082-212-041-035.hsi.kabelbw.de] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
thomthom | Read the numbers on it | 01:12 |
thomthom | Run em through Google | 01:12 |
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markive | brownie , take the side of the machine a grab a torch | 01:12 |
thomthom | hahahahaha | 01:12 |
nickrud | brownie17, lspci should tell you that stuff | 01:12 |
thomthom | Unless he prefers a hammer | 01:12 |
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brownie17 | thomthom, it is part of the m/b. | 01:12 |
markive | if he has windows run belarc | 01:12 |
markive | then what board is it | 01:13 |
thomthom | Ah, onboard.....gotcha | 01:13 |
markive | thats even easier | 01:13 |
markive | make model and ver | 01:13 |
nickrud | brownie17, and if that doesn't, try lshw | 01:13 |
=== cgnet [n=costa@dyn190.kif4.nas.panafonet.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
markive | i can't get no sounds outta the games :( :( | 01:14 |
livinded | can someone help me with xubuntu, my right-click menu isn't showing up and a black and white pattern as the background that you can't change? it was fine last night but when i bootedup this morning it was like this | 01:14 |
markive | everything else is cool | 01:14 |
=== butcherbird [n=butcherb@12-222-233-82.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nickrud | markive, is esd running? if so, you probably need to kill it to run your games | 01:15 |
brownie17 | nickrud, awesome, i got it. good on you | 01:15 |
markive | whats esd? | 01:15 |
markive | brownie17 (y) | 01:15 |
cgnet | _jason why when my computer boot, dialing to connect to the internet? | 01:15 |
=== Nytryx [n=Nytryx@nc-71-52-152-29.dhcp.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nickrud | markive, it's the sound daemon for gnome; try lsof /dev/dsp , and see if esd has claimed the sound device | 01:15 |
Nytryx | mhz? | 01:15 |
markive | k | 01:15 |
To-Me | brownie17: thats no alternative, cause this wlan usb stick works out of the box on my normal breezy desktop box | 01:16 |
brownie17 | To-Me, i am no expert, keep asking around | 01:16 |
nomin | does anyone in here use amarok on ubuntu? For some reason it won't play internet radio streams, but totem will. Does anyone know why this is? | 01:16 |
markive | gonna reboot , brb | 01:16 |
Nytryx | hey is there an apt-get install xfce-desktop? | 01:16 |
To-Me | brownie17: ok thx | 01:16 |
mustard5 | Nytryx, I think you install xubuntu-desktop to get xfce | 01:17 |
mustard5 | !xfce | 01:17 |
ubotu | [xfce] a lightweight Desktop Environment that uses GTK. to install, "sudo apt-get install xfce4" or "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". http://www.xfce.org/ | 01:17 |
Nytryx | xubuntu-desktop? | 01:17 |
cgnet | why when my computer boot, dialing to connect to the internet? | 01:18 |
Nytryx | just need a light weight WM for a 500mhz system | 01:18 |
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s0n1cm0nk3y | ubotu I have xfce installed, but what exactly does xubuntu-desktop do? | 01:18 |
ubotu | parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, s0n1cm0nk3y | 01:18 |
=== Aphix [n=Aphix@pool-68-162-105-126.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
To-Me | Nytryx: try wmii | 01:18 |
Aphix | How do I delete a folder in terminal | 01:18 |
mustard5 | cgnet, did you set up your dialup settings through the Administration>>Networking gui? | 01:18 |
Nytryx | to-me wmii is there a apt get for it? | 01:18 |
s0n1cm0nk3y | lol, whoops | 01:18 |
s0n1cm0nk3y | mustard5, what does xubuntu-desktop do, I have xfce but what does xubuntu-desktop give you? | 01:19 |
To-Me | Nytryx: don't think so, http://wmii.de | 01:19 |
nickrud | Aphix, if the folder is empty, rmdir /path/to/folder | 01:19 |
Aphix | thanks | 01:19 |
Nytryx | is it in the universe? | 01:19 |
mustard5 | s0n1cm0nk3y, I would assume the same thing..I have never tried it. But from the bot message its seems to install xfce | 01:19 |
cgnet | mustard5 I used the terminal to create a connection | 01:20 |
To-Me | Nytryx: fluxbox or iceWM are alternatives, small and fast | 01:20 |
nickrud | s0n1cm0nk3y, the simplest way to see what xubuntu-desktop gives you is to check it: apt-cache depends xubuntu-desktop | 01:20 |
daemon | xubuntu-desktop installes all xfce-packages | 01:20 |
mustard5 | cgnet, hmmm ok...I had that problem myself once, but I thought it was related to having my settings in the Networking gui... | 01:20 |
Nytryx | yeah ive used them they just take some getting used too | 01:20 |
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Nytryx | and there a pain to get looking the way i want them too | 01:21 |
mustard5 | cgnet, somehow you have set up dial on demand..I'm not sure how it is even setup, so I'm not sure how to fix it either | 01:21 |
Nytryx | like have you seen the DSL desktop | 01:21 |
Nytryx | Damn smann linux | 01:21 |
mustard5 | cgnet, I'll have a look at pppdconfig and see if dial on demand is setup that way | 01:21 |
cgnet | thanx mustard5 | 01:22 |
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Nytryx | http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/dsl-fb.2.0.jpg | 01:23 |
mustard5 | cgnet, yeah..pppconfig has a demand dialing setting...so go in and change your current configuration to disable dial on demand | 01:23 |
mustard5 | cgnet, its in the advanced settings | 01:23 |
mustard5 | cgnet, ubuntu tries to contact a ntp time server to synch the clock during bootup...so thats what it is doing | 01:24 |
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=== Aven [n=blake@c-24-126-233-159.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mustard5 | cgnet, you could even go into Administration>Services and try turning off the part where it tries to synch the clock | 01:24 |
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Nytryx | how many *ubuntu-desktops are there? | 01:25 |
Aven | hi, everytime I open Totem, I get: | 01:25 |
Aven | There were no decoders found to handle the stream, you might need to install the corresponding plugins | 01:25 |
Sionide | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkManager | 01:25 |
Aven | what kind of pluggins do I need? | 01:25 |
Sionide | top marks ^^ bloody wicked | 01:25 |
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mustard5 | Nytryx, ubuntu, kubuntu and xubuntu as far as I know | 01:25 |
Nytryx | edubuntu | 01:25 |
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Nytryx | hummm | 01:25 |
cgnet | mustard5 I just checked it and it is allready disabled | 01:26 |
nickrud | I've heard some people are messing with fubuntu as well | 01:26 |
mustard5 | Nytryx, ah ok and edubuntu :) | 01:26 |
viperX | what is the aclocal.m4 file? | 01:26 |
Nytryx | fubuntu as in a fluxbox | 01:26 |
mustard5 | cgnet, you could even go into Administration>Services and try turning off the part where it tries to synch the clock | 01:26 |
bur[n] er | can anyone help me out... my drive shows "0 bytes" of free space, but I can't for the life of me find the files that are taking up that space. Is there a way to view 'really' hidden files on ext3 partitions? or can I run some kind of tool to get that space back that is seemingly not in use... or can I rescue the files I thought I should see? | 01:26 |
Nytryx | i just need a desktop thats funcitional on a system W/550mhz and 128mb of ram | 01:27 |
mustard5 | Nytryx, heh..I didnt know about that one | 01:27 |
Nytryx | which one? | 01:27 |
mustard5 | Nytryx, xfce is no good? | 01:27 |
bur[n] er | Nytryx: xubuntu does the trick usually, it's light | 01:27 |
Nytryx | im checking it out now | 01:28 |
cgnet | mustard5 in services I have also turned off the sync | 01:28 |
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Nytryx | thats the beuity of haveing 6 systems to toy with | 01:28 |
nickrud | bur[n] er, du --max-depth=1 / | sort -n will point out where most of your disk space is used; you can then check dirs under that dir | 01:28 |
mustard5 | cgnet, I'm out of ideas then soz | 01:28 |
bur[n] er | thanks nickrud | 01:28 |
Nytryx | And yeah! i got my PPC disks in the mail today | 01:28 |
mustard5 | cgnet, do you have entries in your networking gui for dialup ? | 01:28 |
mustard5 | cgnet, if so try disabling them | 01:28 |
cgnet | anyway thanx mustard5 | 01:29 |
Rustednail | Soundray: Thanks for the help the other day, my problem ended up being the nvidia drivers, once I installed the new ones, I was up and running with no problems | 01:29 |
=== WebLOCH [n=WebLOCH@82-34-95-143.cable.ubr05.gill.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
WebLOCH | hey all | 01:29 |
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butcherbird | Nytryx, maybe try vector linux on that machine.. I wasnt really happy with performace on my old celeron 500mhz with xubuntu | 01:30 |
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WebLOCH | I followed the ubuntu wiki on installing apache and php, but I have noticed PHP only executes if I store it in its own .php file, I cannot execute it from a .html file ? | 01:30 |
bur[n] er | wow, thank you so much nickrud !!! | 01:30 |
bur[n] er | i found my files :) | 01:30 |
nickrud | bur[n] er, pretty obvious, eh :) | 01:31 |
Nytryx | vector gave me problems with the net config it kept trying to config the network as Inet not eth0 and it was a pain | 01:31 |
bur[n] er | nickrud: 18 gigs sticks out ;) | 01:31 |
mustard5 | cgnet, another idea..check Users and Groups and see what users have access to the dialout group? | 01:31 |
Nytryx | but i might give it a shot agian ubuntu has a huge repository of stuff im sure i'll find a WM ill like | 01:31 |
butcherbird | Nytryx, but its slackware even when its a pain its kinda charming :) | 01:31 |
Nytryx | yeah | 01:31 |
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dooglus | how many users, rosen? | 01:32 |
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Nytryx | xfce seem to be running stable now to tweak it to my liking | 01:32 |
Nytryx | 649 | 01:32 |
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Navire | Ubuntu + LTSP is slow. I will like use Ubuntu with LTSP with olds clients Petioum 100 32 RAM and floppy, no Edunbuntu. Someone can help me? | 01:34 |
Nytryx | ok why is it that the keyboard repeat is way up | 01:34 |
cgnet | mustard5 there is not a dialout group | 01:35 |
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Nytryx | so turn it off | 01:35 |
mustard5 | cgnet, hmm strange | 01:35 |
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mustard5 | cgnet, did you tick show all groups? | 01:35 |
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mustard5 | cgnet, its at the bottom of the networking gui | 01:36 |
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WebLOCH | Any takes for an apache2/php4 configuration problem ? | 01:37 |
cgnet | you are right | 01:37 |
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mustard5 | cgnet, I only have actual users in the dialout group ..so I am curious whether you have a user other than a normal user account in there | 01:38 |
mustard5 | cgnet, if you know what I mean :) | 01:38 |
chombee | Hey - anyone here know anything about the dev version of Dapper? The latest release announcement mentions improved SATA RAID support, and I'm wondering it this means it's likely the installer will support my friends fakeraid chipset? | 01:38 |
cgnet | mustard5 in group members it has me and the cupsys | 01:38 |
mustard5 | cgnet, ah ok...well you could try removing cupsys :) You could always put it back ;) | 01:39 |
Newb | hi i just got a toshiba satellite L25-S1196, booted it into windows to make sure it worked and am trying to install breezy from a known good cd.. it starts to boot and then the screen goes black and it locks up | 01:39 |
ajmitch | chombee: not knowing anything about what the chipset your friend has, I don't know.. | 01:39 |
daemon | WebLOCH, i could give it a shot :) | 01:39 |
cgnet | mustard5 ok I did it | 01:40 |
mustard5 | cgnet, I have no cupsys in mine, so I am assuming its not necessary | 01:40 |
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markive | back | 01:40 |
mustard5 | cgnet, I've just got normal user accounts | 01:40 |
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khermans | How can I filter the /usr/share/words file for strings of length 6? | 01:41 |
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mustard5 | cgnet, I'm guessing a bit here...so no guarantees ;) | 01:41 |
cgnet | thanx mustard5 | 01:41 |
ldy | Hi, Is there a recommend tools which can replace SecureCRT? | 01:41 |
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cgnet | I will reboot to check | 01:41 |
mustard5 | cgnet, k | 01:41 |
roughtrader | I want to add HandelGotD.ttf font to breezy, anyone know how to do this? | 01:42 |
chombee | ajmitch - well, it's a Silicon Image 3112A, it uses a proprietary fakeraid driver, Windows only | 01:42 |
mustard5 | !fonts | 01:42 |
ubotu | fonts is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com//FontInstallHowto | 01:42 |
WebLOCH | daemon, cheers for offering, you mind moving to a PM to continue ? | 01:42 |
daemon | WebLOCH, np | 01:43 |
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cgnet | mustard5 do you know how can I get the status of my connection (speed, etc)? | 01:43 |
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mustard5 | cgnet, do you use gnome-ppp to connect? | 01:43 |
mustard5 | cgnet, actually I just looked at gnome-ppp and its got nothing on connection speed..hmmm | 01:44 |
cgnet | yes | 01:44 |
nomin | what is the latest version of amarok made for ubuntu? | 01:44 |
mustard5 | cgnet, I'll have think about it and see if I can recall something | 01:45 |
ajmitch | chombee: it might be something you'd just have to try | 01:45 |
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cgnet | ok mustard5 | 01:45 |
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mustard5 | cgnet, any reason to think there is a problem with your connections speed? | 01:46 |
starscalling | eh | 01:46 |
chombee | ajmitch - thanks | 01:46 |
starscalling | i was wondering how i can get ssl working... trying to use scp to log into linux machine from windows machine annd i get refused/timeout error | 01:46 |
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polpak | starscalling, you have to install the ssh daemon | 01:47 |
Aven | hi, how do I make my connection have its special hostmask? | 01:47 |
WebLOCH | daemon, can you see the PM ? | 01:47 |
cgnet | mustard5 I think that my connection is much slower than usually when I used windows | 01:48 |
roughtrader | hmm seems the HandelGotD.ttf file I downloaded is corrupt or soemthing | 01:48 |
roughtrader | can't even view it with fontviewer | 01:48 |
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starscalling | ah ha! thanx polpak | 01:48 |
polpak | starscalling, np =) | 01:48 |
mustard5 | cgnet, well with gnome-ppp you can view the details and it shows you the rates at which you are downloading something, so you could try looking at that while you are downloading a web page | 01:49 |
markive | XKILL kicks ass | 01:49 |
markive | lol | 01:49 |
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mustard5 | cgnet, what speed did you set it up with in pppconfig? | 01:50 |
mustard5 | cgnet, 115200 ? | 01:50 |
dcj | hi, does anyone know where i can get multimedia codecs to play mp3s for my ubuntu 5.04 ? (hp laptop) | 01:50 |
cgnet | 115000 | 01:50 |
mustard5 | !w32codecs | 01:50 |
HighHopes | Hello! I've installed Ubuntu as SERVER and now I'm having some problems.. I need to change locale because I can't see graphical symbols (e.g. boxes borders in mc) in terminal emulators... How can I reconfigure locale? | 01:50 |
markive | anyone know how i can remote my xp machines , like in radmin? | 01:50 |
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mustard5 | dcj https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#head-fda9cc5147253891fe3047263b82d787ab025bba | 01:50 |
ldy | Anybody can recommend me a tool which replace Window's SecureCRT? | 01:51 |
Toma- | ldy: what is securecrt? | 01:51 |
_jason | ldy, the terminal | 01:51 |
HighHopes | !locale | 01:51 |
ubotu | HighHopes: Syntax error in line 1 | 01:51 |
markive | idy i wish i could help but dont know what it is | 01:51 |
ldy | _jason, the terminal can not save bookmark and password. | 01:51 |
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cgnet | mustard5 I followed the instructions of ubuntu documentation | 01:52 |
dcj | mustard5 thank you | 01:52 |
mustard5 | cgnet, do you normally connect via a proxy on windows? | 01:52 |
ldy | Toma-, SecureCRT is a tools which manage the machine I can login to. It save the machine ip address and username,password. | 01:52 |
mustard5 | dcj, its on that page somewhere anyway :) | 01:52 |
cgnet | mustard5 no | 01:53 |
WebLOCH | ldy, how about VNC ? | 01:53 |
ldy | _jason, If I login to 5 servers, I will lost, I did not know who is who. | 01:53 |
Toma- | so you can log into a machine without knowing the IP before...? | 01:53 |
mustard5 | cgnet, hmmm..I'm reading some forum threads on the subject atm | 01:53 |
ldy | WebLOCH, VNC is a graphic login tools. | 01:53 |
daemon | WebLOCH, I see it, and Im talking there.... | 01:53 |
markive | what ubuntu package will let me remote my xp machines? | 01:53 |
Hobbsee | !ssh | 01:53 |
ubotu | methinks ssh is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SSHHowto | 01:53 |
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dougsko | hi guys | 01:53 |
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WebLOCH | daemon, okay, im not getting any messages, unless you mean you WILL be talking there? | 01:54 |
dougsko | anyone here ever add a modeline to their xorg.conf? | 01:54 |
nosralboo | I am having problems with my terminal | 01:54 |
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nosralboo | after I type a command, it shows me ">" | 01:54 |
ldy | What I need is a tool which can manage the ipaddress&username&password for several servers and I can loginto this servers easily. | 01:54 |
daemon | WebLOCH, Ive been saying stuff... weird... | 01:54 |
ldy | And I can find which termianl is for which server. | 01:55 |
ldy | Make sense? | 01:55 |
LjL | nosralboo: that's probably because you've forgotten to close some kind of quotation mark | 01:55 |
markive | idy i need the same | 01:55 |
dooglus | nosralboo: that's because you've left a ' or " or ( unclosed | 01:55 |
LjL | nosralboo: type ctrl+c to exit that prompt | 01:55 |
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dougsko | im trying to get my refresh rate to 70 hz instead of 75hz, so i used gtf to make a modeline, added it to the monitors section and restarted x, but it didnt work | 01:55 |
ldy | markive, the original terminal is not suitable for us :) | 01:55 |
nosralboo | I know that | 01:55 |
nosralboo | but it doesn't activate the command | 01:56 |
nosralboo | and I didn't leave either of those unclosed | 01:56 |
markive | is it bash? | 01:56 |
daemon | never done this myself, but on my gentoo-box I have a file named 70_mod_php.conf witch looks promesing.... | 01:56 |
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LjL | nosralboo: please paste the command | 01:56 |
WebLOCH | daemon, would you mind repeating here then ? | 01:56 |
mustard5 | cgnet, there is a thread here in which a solution to monitoring your connection speeds is suggested..try reading it over and see how you go http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59737&highlight=dial+connection+speed | 01:56 |
nekostar | hey | 01:56 |
markive | how do i remote my xp machines? | 01:56 |
WebLOCH | daemon or we could /join an empty room ? | 01:56 |
nekostar | anyone want some dual wallpapers? | 01:56 |
ldy | markive, What I use now is write a script, but it's really not very good. | 01:56 |
cgnet | ok mustard5 | 01:56 |
daemon | WebLOCH, never done this myself, but on my gentoo-box I have a file named 70_mod_php.conf witch looks promesing.... | 01:56 |
nekostar | markive whats that? | 01:56 |
nekostar | what exactly do you want to do to em ;) | 01:57 |
ldy | markive, remote your xp machine? | 01:57 |
nekostar | desktop session? | 01:57 |
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WebLOCH | daemon, ahh ive looked through the confs and nothing seems out of place, I assume I have to edit an apache conf but everyone claims it works out of the box | 01:57 |
markive | i have 8 machines on xp here , 1 mandrake and this d600 xbuntu | 01:57 |
markive | yeah | 01:57 |
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markive | remote it | 01:57 |
sklav | hi guys anybody ever encounter an issue when inserting a cdrom into the cd drive the system reboot? | 01:57 |
nekostar | well | 01:58 |
WebLOCH | markive, you should find "Terminal Services Client" on your menu | 01:58 |
daemon | WebLOCH, i dont think it does... try the extension .phtml | 01:58 |
Aven | lol | 01:58 |
nekostar | there is the remote desktop viewer | 01:58 |
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Toma- | markive: you want a gui or a terminal? | 01:58 |
nekostar | yes that client | 01:58 |
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dougsko | markive: you can use vnc for remote desktop | 01:58 |
nekostar | it can handle anything from a standard windows session to vnc | 01:58 |
ldy | markive, try rdesktop | 01:58 |
base0608 | Does anyone know if SETI for Linux has a graphics yet? | 01:58 |
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markive | i need a gui | 01:59 |
sklav | base0608, i dont know if anything changed with boinc client but it used to | 01:59 |
markive | i'm slow | 01:59 |
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mustard5 | cgnet, are you basing your download speed perfomance on firefox downloading web pages? | 01:59 |
WebLOCH | daemon... that seemed to work... is that the new craze now? | 01:59 |
base0608 | I have Bonic, but it has no pretty graphics like the windows version does... | 01:59 |
WebLOCH | daemon, are all HTML files containing PHP meant to be renamed to '.phtml' ? | 01:59 |
sklav | base0608, old version of seti had to be started with the --graphics option | 02:00 |
sklav | to get graphics like on windows | 02:00 |
markive | looks like terminal t will workserver clein | 02:00 |
sklav | check the info on how to start it | 02:00 |
daemon | WebLOCH, dunno, I always use .php... but somwhere in your apache config files, not necesarily the main one, there is a line like this one: | 02:00 |
markive | dam keyboard | 02:00 |
netdur | dapper can't boot in vmware!!! it says "can't access tty: job control turned off" then gives me shell | 02:00 |
daemon | WebLOCH, AddType application/x-httpd-php .phtml | 02:00 |
base0608 | sklav, I see. Thanks for your help | 02:00 |
markive | i'm new to laptop keyboards | 02:00 |
daemon | WebLOCH, which makes it work.... | 02:00 |
markive | feck | 02:00 |
sklav | np | 02:01 |
Toma- | base0608: http://www.linux.org/apps/AppId_7537.html is a gkrellm plugin? | 02:01 |
markive | thanks for you effort | 02:01 |
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Nytryx | anyone know hoe to remove the task bar in xubuntu? | 02:01 |
Toma- | base0608: http://www.boinc.dk/index.php?page=mirror_download_file&id=53 is a boinc gui? | 02:01 |
Nytryx | *how | 02:02 |
mustard5 | base0608, when I was using boinc it had a boinc manager of some kind that was a gui | 02:02 |
WebLOCH | daemon, the phtml worked already | 02:02 |
markive | man i need to sleep... | 02:02 |
cgnet | mustard5 when I said the speed of my connections I mean when I download any software the rate is very slow. some times is only 800bytes | 02:02 |
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markive | i'm addidted to playing wit ubuntu on my laptop | 02:02 |
WebLOCH | daemon, what im saying is, if i have a file thats predominantly HTML, i thought convention was to name it .html | 02:03 |
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mustard5 | cgnet, k | 02:03 |
base0608 | mustard5: It does have the manager, but it don't have the graphics like the MS version. I will give those links a shot that Toma gave me. | 02:03 |
daemon | WebLOCH, if it contains a slight amount of php I always call it .php, since its processed before it's sent... | 02:03 |
mustard5 | base0608, k | 02:03 |
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cgnet | mustard5 on the other hand with the same hardware when I am using windows the rate is usually 3 to 4 Kbytes | 02:04 |
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mustard5 | cgnet, yeah...bit strange really | 02:04 |
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WebLOCH | daemon, i guess that makes sense, i feel very silly, thanks for correcting me haha, dont suppose you woudl care to explain the sites configs to me ? | 02:04 |
Toma- | cgnet: have tou tried disabling ipv6? might not do much tho | 02:04 |
Fergus | is it possible to restore the menu bar to its position (the upper part of the screen) ? It teleported itself on the left edge and I can't move it | 02:05 |
mustard5 | cgnet, I'm lost as to what it might be as my dialup is fine | 02:05 |
cgnet | mustard5 for this reason I wanted to check the speed of my connection | 02:05 |
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daemon | but anyways, I believe you kan ad something like AddType application/x-httpd-php .html | 02:05 |
daemon | to enable php in .html. Never tried it though, so it might do terrible things | 02:05 |
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daemon | WebLOCH, you mean virtual hosts? | 02:05 |
mustard5 | cgnet, so apparently dialup can be ok..judging from mine..so its something specific to your setup it would seem | 02:05 |
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cgnet | mustard5 I am afraid that the driver of my modem has the problem | 02:05 |
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mustard5 | cgnet, are you on a connexant winmodem? | 02:05 |
cgnet | mustard5 yes | 02:06 |
mustard5 | cgnet, using the linuxant drivers? | 02:06 |
cgnet | mustard5 yes | 02:06 |
mustard5 | cgnet, k well they are crippled to run at 14.4 kbps until you pay a licence fee to get full speed | 02:06 |
cgnet | mustard5 really? | 02:07 |
mustard5 | cgnet, yep | 02:07 |
cgnet | mustard5 I didnt know that | 02:07 |
mustard5 | cgnet, check the linuxant site..its all there :) | 02:07 |
sklav | mustard5, that is so stupid of these companies making pay extra for drivers that should ship by default | 02:07 |
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mustard5 | cgnet, I would get an external modem that connects to your serial port instead | 02:07 |
mustard5 | cgnet, I had the same issues | 02:08 |
sklav | go to ebay | 02:08 |
mustard5 | cgnet, I didnt even have a credit card to pay them for the licence fee, so I just went out and bought a new modem | 02:08 |
cgnet | mustard5 propably you right | 02:08 |
sklav | hardware modems are sold for almost nothing | 02:08 |
mustard5 | cgnet, a hardware modem will use less of your cpu too ;) | 02:09 |
cgnet | mustard5 I have an external modem but when I tried in my desktop it didnt work either | 02:09 |
sklav | misconfigured | 02:10 |
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sklav | most likely external modems usually work perfectly | 02:10 |
mustard5 | cgnet, hmm k...well you might try that one again | 02:10 |
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mustard5 | cgnet, you could always have them both connected I suppose :) | 02:10 |
sklav | /dev/ttyS0 or something like that if on serial port 1 | 02:10 |
Toothpick | Can someone check to see if xvidcap is in ubuntu world or global source? | 02:11 |
cgnet | mustard5 it was a diamond supraexpress 56e pro | 02:11 |
dougsko | so what is everyone's favorite movie player? | 02:11 |
sklav | i always like xine | 02:11 |
sklav | but mplayer is very popular | 02:11 |
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mustard5 | cgnet, I would google up that brand of modem and make sure it is not a 'controllerless' modem | 02:11 |
dougsko | im using vlc now, and ive always liked it cause it plays many formats | 02:11 |
sklav | ok im off for the evening | 02:12 |
Siph0n | vls is what i use :) | 02:12 |
sklav | always a pleasure | 02:12 |
Siph0n | vlc | 02:12 |
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Denver79 | ! ? | 02:13 |
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UbuntuNewbee | hi | 02:14 |
UbuntuNewbee | can anyone tell me how to install my sound card in ubuntu? | 02:15 |
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Denver79 | 02:16 | |
mustard5 | UbuntuNewbee, what brand of sound card? | 02:16 |
HighHopes | Hello! I installed Ubuntu Breezy as server (clean installation) and later I've installed Xorg... I can't use deadkeys.. I configured them in xorg.conf but I still can't :( ... What do you recommend me? | 02:16 |
UbuntuNewbee | mustard5: is there a command i can run to find that out? | 02:16 |
Aven | Denver79: what the hell are you doing? | 02:16 |
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UbuntuNewbee | mustard5: like a pci_scan command | 02:17 |
UbuntuNewbee | lspci...i or something like that. | 02:17 |
rednaxel | I would LOVE to have a command "ineed"... then use it: ineed some-filename (pause while it works out where it is)... then apt-get install some-weird-package-name-that-provides-my-file automagically | 02:17 |
mustard5 | UbuntuNewbee, well that would only work if linux recognises it already I would think | 02:18 |
mustard5 | UbuntuNewbee, you could try sudo lshw to list all your hardware | 02:18 |
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mustard5 | UbuntuNewbee, have you used the pastebin before? | 02:18 |
mustard5 | ubotu: tell UbuntuNewbee about the pastebin | 02:18 |
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M_Cheevy | howdy folks.. figured I'm pop in to kill some time while I apt-get ubuntu-desktop on the new install | 02:18 |
WebLOCH | daemon yeah I meant virtual hosts | 02:18 |
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WebLOCH | every time i try writing a file for one, apache2 yelps and i hide for a bit | 02:19 |
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mustard5 | UbuntuNewbee, check for a pm from ubotu about the pastebin...you can copy and paste the output you recieve and then hit send and it will create a unique URL which you can show me so I can see the output | 02:19 |
Denver79 | Aven: That, that - I learn you ignoramuses to Russian :-) | 02:19 |
mustard5 | rednaxel, there is a website called package.ubuntu.com it has search functions | 02:20 |
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Siph0n | is there ne way to see a list of packages that havent been used in a while, so i can get rid of some not needed things? :) | 02:20 |
mustard5 | rednaxel, packages.ubuntu.com sorry | 02:20 |
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Nytryx | "blah blah im a dirty tramp" | 02:21 |
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UbuntuNewbee | ubotu: pastebin | 02:21 |
ubotu | methinks pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 02:21 |
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mustard5 | Siph0n, there is a way of finding orphan packages ...I just dont recall the command | 02:22 |
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Siph0n | mustard5, k thanx :) | 02:22 |
Toothpick | can someone on ubuntu do an apt-cache search xvidcap please. | 02:22 |
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yubimusubi | I'm installing AMD64 ubuntu linux on my dad's comp (64-bit sempron 2600+) and it's not detecting the SATA hd | 02:23 |
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yubimusubi | Is there an update/upgrade I need for it? | 02:23 |
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Dr_Willis | whats the chipset yubimusubi ? | 02:23 |
Dr_Willis | nforce4? | 02:23 |
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yubimusubi | Dr_Willis: Ummm, I'm using an ASUS K8 mobo... | 02:24 |
wij | sata is recognized as SCSI on my pc | 02:24 |
UbuntuNewbee | mustard5: pastebin completed. | 02:24 |
yubimusubi | Idunno about the chipset...I don't think it's nforce, lemme check | 02:24 |
mustard5 | Toothpick, I just tried to do it but I need to apt-get update first on my dialup connection ;) | 02:24 |
mustard5 | UbuntuNewbee, ok..show me the URL it created | 02:24 |
korhalf | any idea why firefox just crashes sometimes? | 02:24 |
korhalf | i mean i click on a link or something, and then it just completely closes, it doesnt happen all the time | 02:24 |
yubimusubi | wij: Yes, that's how it's supposed to be...it's ubuntu Hoary btw..I'm d/ling breezy as we speak...perhaps that'll work better? | 02:24 |
M_Cheevy | yubimusubi: sata? or sata raid? | 02:24 |
Dr_Willis | wij, the sata modules make it show up as a scsi :P | 02:24 |
korhalf | just out of the blue i click on a hyperlink or image and it just closes. | 02:25 |
UbuntuNewbee | mustard5: I'm not seeing my soundcard for some reason. :( | 02:25 |
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mustard5 | korhalf, same happens on my system | 02:25 |
Dr_Willis | yubimusubi, yea - use 5.10 definiatly | 02:25 |
yubimusubi | M_Cheevy: Just a SATA HD...No RAID, although the mobo supports RAID | 02:25 |
wij | Maybe you should download dapper dragon | 02:25 |
mustard5 | UbuntuNewbee, you have to copy and paste the new URL it creates in here for me to see it | 02:25 |
mustard5 | UbuntuNewbee, I would say its not recognising your sound card then | 02:26 |
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korhalf | mustard5, any idea why that happens though? | 02:26 |
yubimusubi | Dr_Willis: Do you think 5.10 will detect my SATA out of the box? | 02:26 |
M_Cheevy | yubimusubi: cool, just checking, most new mobo's sata raid is a little tricky to get installed (if you're doing dualboot) | 02:26 |
korhalf | mustard5, i think firefox is whack, im using Opera from now on | 02:26 |
Dr_Willis | yubimusubi, it saw mine. | 02:26 |
wij | Take the latest release " UBUNTU DAPPER DRAGON" | 02:26 |
mustard5 | UbuntuNewbee, you could try lspci as well | 02:26 |
brenner | korhalf: maybe try running in terminal. it might spit out some error messages when it closes | 02:26 |
mustard5 | korhalf, I suspect its java related | 02:26 |
Knorrie | wij: you mean Dapper Drake | 02:26 |
yubimusubi | Dr_Willis: The livecd runs no prob...and the x86 of Hoary Live detects the sda no prob | 02:26 |
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M_Cheevy | wij: is that a release? or is it still "testing"? | 02:26 |
wij | yes it's a release | 02:26 |
mustard5 | korhalf, I'm not really sure...it happens at different times and I have seen no real rhyme or rythmn to it all | 02:26 |
nathan148209 | how to fix my installation for STAROFFICE? | 02:27 |
Knorrie | wij: it will be.... april 06 | 02:27 |
M_Cheevy | wij: when was it "official"? | 02:27 |
M_Cheevy | Knorrie: Phew! Thanks! | 02:27 |
yubimusubi | I would install Gentoo, but my dad's not really a linux user...and there's no DHCP in this house | 02:27 |
bshumate | firefox has all grades of buginess with respect to java/javascript, flash, and buggy extensions make it even worse | 02:27 |
dbernar1 | nathan148209: staroffice?:) | 02:27 |
nathan148209 | its keep me bugging about java | 02:27 |
wij | 10-2005 | 02:27 |
Knorrie | M_Cheevy: Ubuntu 5.10 Breezy Badger is the release now | 02:27 |
mustard5 | UbuntuNewbee, lsmod should show you if any modules are being loaded that relate to sound as well | 02:27 |
nathan148209 | staroffice 8 | 02:28 |
UbuntuNewbee | mustard5: I have a Creative Ensoniq AudioPCI CT4810 | 02:28 |
M_Cheevy | yubimusubi: you did start up the install with the "netcfg/dhcp_disable=true" flag? | 02:28 |
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yubimusubi | M_Cheevy: Yea, but that's not what I'm worried about. | 02:28 |
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AudioMove | Whats the GUI network card configuration toll called under KDE? | 02:28 |
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M_Cheevy | Knorrie: that's what I thought... I'm apt-get'ing ubuntu-desktop as we speak... | 02:28 |
mustard5 | UbuntuNewbee, hmmm..I would think that would work without issue...strange | 02:28 |
mustard5 | UbuntuNewbee, I'm going to google that model name and see what I get | 02:28 |
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Siph0n | mustard5, deborphan does the trick i believe.... | 02:29 |
nickrud | nathan148209, I think you'd need to install a java, and then point staroffice at it | 02:29 |
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M_Cheevy | Knorrie: would be a drag if I had been a version behind.... | 02:29 |
UbuntuNewbee | mustard5: ok, i will do the same. | 02:29 |
nathan148209 | yup, i have java installed | 02:29 |
jrattner1 | Anyone know shellscript? I need to edit this file so it can accept filenames with spaces...http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5801 | 02:29 |
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mustard5 | Siph0n, ah ok :) | 02:29 |
nathan148209 | i also converted a new java & still not working | 02:29 |
nickrud | nathan148209, there's a configuration in openoffice, it's probably the same in star, a sec | 02:29 |
Knorrie | M_Cheevy: Breezy is ok, Dapper is kind'a b0rk3d now and then | 02:30 |
nathan148209 | ok, nickrud, thanks | 02:30 |
M_Cheevy | yubimusubi: I know, it's the hd... think you might be best to wait until that d/l finishes... | 02:30 |
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markive | gnome makes kde look shite | 02:30 |
yubimusubi | M_Cheevy: Heh. | 02:30 |
boow | how long does it take ubuntu cd's to arrive | 02:30 |
M_Cheevy | Knorrie: and this sataraid install is tricky enough thanks ;) | 02:30 |
nickrud | nathan148209, been there already, huh | 02:30 |
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M_Cheevy | markive: now that's a flame war in the making... opinions on kde/gnome differ and feelings tend to run deep for some... | 02:31 |
dbernar1 | jrattner1: try putting "" around the $i. | 02:31 |
dbernar1 | jrattner1: also there is a #bash. | 02:31 |
jrattner1 | dbernar1, you think that should do it? | 02:31 |
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mustard5 | UbuntuNewbee, currently I am wondering whether it is seated correctly in the pci slot.... | 02:31 |
dbernar1 | jrattner1: could well. | 02:31 |
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yubimusubi | Dr_Willis: Oh! The mobo's got VIA chipsets, which load no problem | 02:31 |
UbuntuNewbee | mustard5: i can check that. | 02:31 |
dbernar1 | jrattner1: in the out=$... line. | 02:31 |
viperX | Can someone check if kde-look or kde-apps is coming up? | 02:31 |
_nano_ | !composite | 02:32 |
ubotu | rumour has it, composite is at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20769 -- make sure you read the whole thread. | 02:32 |
jrattner1 | dbernar1, ok | 02:32 |
mustard5 | UbuntuNewbee, creative usually works pretty well with linux | 02:32 |
markive | i'm too drunk to be able to type much door | 02:32 |
dbernar1 | viperX: coming up where? | 02:32 |
UbuntuNewbee | mustard5: (this may sound a little newbish but) should I shutdown my computer to dot hat? | 02:32 |
bhearsum | i've been having a problem with my packages ever since i upgraded to dapper. the 'at' package simply will not configure properly. | 02:32 |
markive | more* | 02:32 |
mustard5 | UbuntuNewbee, so I'm thinking its a hardware issue | 02:32 |
oxez | hey, when I install the latest nvidia drivers (8174), it works fine the first time, but as soon as I reboot, I can't get xorg to run, anyone have the same problem? | 02:32 |
viperX | On your browser... | 02:32 |
Knorrie | markive: go to sleep | 02:32 |
UbuntuNewbee | well......it was orginally an Ensoniq card. Then I think Creative bought out Ensoniq. | 02:32 |
mustard5 | UbuntuNewbee, oh for sure..and pull the power out of the back ;) | 02:32 |
viperX | http://kde-look.org | 02:32 |
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yubimusubi | Anyway, my dad said to install linux because his windoze XP is taking up too much resources, heheh | 02:32 |
viperX | It isn't coming up in my browser.... | 02:32 |
Knorrie | viperX: #kubuntu | 02:32 |
UbuntuNewbee | ok...pulling the power now | 02:32 |
_nano_ | has anyone tried out composite? does it hog a lot of resources? | 02:32 |
UbuntuNewbee | just kidding | 02:32 |
jrattner1 | dbernar1, there are quotes around the $i in the out line | 02:33 |
UbuntuNewbee | mustard5: I'll shutdown properly. | 02:33 |
UbuntuNewbee | ;) | 02:33 |
jrattner1 | dbernar1, did you mean the ls line? | 02:33 |
markive | #knorrie thanks , i tink i'll go to my pit | 02:33 |
mustard5 | UbuntuNewbee, hehee..well don't electrocute yourself ok? | 02:33 |
Knorrie | markive: :D | 02:33 |
viperX | Dude, I know what room I'm in. Would someone please check the site for me? | 02:33 |
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UbuntuNewbee | mustard5: LOL | 02:33 |
UbuntuNewbee | brb | 02:33 |
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dbernar1 | jrattner1: see the post. | 02:33 |
jrattner1 | k | 02:34 |
dbernar1 | jrattner1: also, ask at #bash if you do not get an answer here. They know what they are talking about, and are usually awake. | 02:34 |
czr | hmm, does aneone know an easy tool to convert ascii files into pdf? | 02:34 |
czr | or how to make pdfs from gnome programs (or even firefox)? | 02:34 |
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nathan148209 | i have j2re1.4.2.02-1ubuntu3 and my newly installed jre1.5.0-03-1 | 02:35 |
M_Cheevy | czr: out of curiousity why??? | 02:35 |
wij | "DAPPER DRAKE" 6.04 is the latest release of UBUNTU | 02:35 |
xkahn | czr: don't you have a PDF printer? | 02:35 |
brenner | czr: gedit can do that. and most apps let you print to a pdf file | 02:35 |
markive | wij my ass | 02:35 |
czr | brenner, thanks | 02:35 |
markive | wij 5.10 is | 02:35 |
holycow | wij, no it's not, c'mon man | 02:35 |
oxez | wij: not really | 02:35 |
Knorrie | wij: apt-get install ntp-server : | 02:35 |
Knorrie | :P | 02:35 |
viperX | I think the server is down. Thanks for the assist, I really apreciated it! :) | 02:35 |
yubimusubi | Hmm...do the nVidia drivers come with ubuntu or do I have to apt-get or otherwise install them? | 02:35 |
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wij | http://cdimage.ubuntulinux.org/daily/current/ check this out ! | 02:36 |
mustard5 | yubimusubi, you need to install..I'll get the link to the guide one sec | 02:36 |
mustard5 | ubotu: tell yubimusubi about nvidia | 02:36 |
Knorrie | wij: current != release != stable | 02:36 |
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yubimusubi | mustard5: It's okay, I know where it is | 02:36 |
Toma- | wij: thats a highly unstable development version | 02:36 |
mustard5 | yubimusubi, check for PM from ubotu | 02:36 |
mustard5 | yubimusubi, k | 02:37 |
yubimusubi | I was just curious if I had to take that extra step | 02:37 |
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yubimusubi | mustard5: Thanks anyway (btw, I'm a native gentoo user) | 02:37 |
dougsko | bye all | 02:37 |
mustard5 | yubimusubi, k :) | 02:37 |
M_Cheevy | mustard5: if you do an 'apt-get install linux-k7-smp" does it auto get those? it looks like it did when I did that | 02:37 |
wij | Server support for 5 years and 2 years desktop. | 02:38 |
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nathan148209 | right now im converting those RPMS 2 DEBS | 02:38 |
mustard5 | M_Cheevy, it should install the restricted modules if you apt-get using the metapackage yes..assuming you had them installed already | 02:38 |
FatDarel | hey my cd burner don't work now on ubuntu any ideas | 02:38 |
Madpilot | wij: yes, and when it's released in April 2006 it'll be great - right now Dapper is very, very unstable... | 02:38 |
asep | hi.............................. | 02:38 |
=== Chadza [n=Miranda@pcp0010702372pcs.manass01.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yubimusubi | For the record...the problem I'm having is the same as this one: http://plug.org.in/pipermail/plug-mail/2005-August/016017.html | 02:39 |
yubimusubi | And I can't find those options in my BIOS | 02:39 |
=== M_Cheevy [n=mrktngju@218-101-27-42.dsl.clear.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
erol | hi.........................................] | 02:39 |
M_Cheevy | sorry mustard5, if you answered, I missed it. wireless dumped me.. | 02:40 |
=== mustard5 checks the link | ||
momo | my ISP's DNS server is so SLOW. It takes >20 sec to load a web page | 02:40 |
mustard5 | M_Cheevy, it should install the restricted modules if you apt-get using the metapackage yes..assuming you had them installed already | 02:40 |
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bimberi | Knorrie: lol @ ntp-server ^^^ | 02:40 |
yubimusubi | momo: wow, that sucks... | 02:40 |
M_Cheevy | mustard5: didn't have them installed.. per se.. it was a debootstrap install from the livecd | 02:40 |
wij | I'll test it tommorow, tommorow night i tell you all about it | 02:40 |
wij | Dapper drake | 02:41 |
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LjL | momo: that's certainly slow. you could try installing dnsmasq, which is a caching "private" dns server (you could call it a proxy), that will help, although it clearly won't solve the root of the problem -- which, if you're right with you "DNS" diagnosis, is your ISP | 02:41 |
wij | A lot of people running it already. | 02:41 |
mustard5 | M_Cheevy, are we talking about nvidia? ..just checking | 02:41 |
wij | kernel is stable | 02:41 |
ubuntudave | does anyone have any idea why when i try to access an admin feature (ie 'networking') in the menu, the password popup window won't let me enter anything, it goes away as soon as i type the first letter - any suggestions? | 02:41 |
kyncani | momo: what makes you think it's your isp's dns servers ? you've tried with other dns ? | 02:41 |
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M_Cheevy | mustard5: yes. | 02:41 |
erol | hi | 02:41 |
erol | hiiiiiiiiiii....... | 02:42 |
Madpilot | wij: X is expected to break in Dapper; that'll be fun... | 02:42 |
mustard5 | ubuntudave, are you running as root or as a user? | 02:42 |
bimberi | wij: yes, but it can become broken at any time (as occurred with Breezy during it's development phase) | 02:42 |
ubuntudave | mustard5, as a user | 02:42 |
nomin | if anyone has been having problems with amarok on ubuntu, I just got amarok to work right | 02:42 |
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mustard5 | M_Cheevy, you may have to install them still | 02:42 |
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momo | kyncani: was just about to try adding another dns server. but i don't know which one to add... | 02:42 |
mustard5 | ubuntudave, hmm ok...well thats that idea down the drain then...I'm not sure | 02:43 |
Toma- | wij: aslong as you have the time a patience to report, and even patch bugs, you should use it | 02:43 |
M_Cheevy | mustard5: okay... I can use aptitude to check which are available against which are installed using search | 02:43 |
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=== thrice` [n=andrew@24-236-188-70.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_jason | nomin, make a wiki page if your willing | 02:43 |
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nomin | I had to install the different engines for it. I'm using the xine engine and everything works fine now. They're available in the synaptic package manager under 'amarok' | 02:43 |
nomin | it was easy | 02:43 |
wij | i'm downloading............. 1 hours to go....... | 02:43 |
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M_Cheevy | jason: gotta love the wiki.. got permission this morning to make some edits to the FakeRaidHowTo | 02:43 |
yubimusubi | Weee! 1.5 hours for me! | 02:44 |
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thrice` | yubimusubi, until? | 02:44 |
kyncani | momo: replace your isp's dns with root dns servers and check it out ? | 02:44 |
mustard5 | M_Cheevy, you should be able to sudo apt-get linux-restriced-modules-$(uname -r) ..assuming there are no typos in my command and it will confirm if they are already loaded | 02:44 |
momo | kyncani: when loading a webpage, it takes like 20sec to "resolve hostname", and then the page will load really fast. sounds like their dns server... | 02:44 |
M_Cheevy | yubimusubi wij: know the feeling... | 02:44 |
yubimusubi | thrice`: downloading breezy | 02:44 |
mustard5 | M_Cheevy, there is a typo..hehe..I forgot the install part :) | 02:44 |
M_Cheevy | mustard5: cool... I take it the "restricted" ones are the ones from nvidia? | 02:44 |
yubimusubi | M_Cheevy: Heh...try installing Gentoo stage 1, complete with KDE | 02:45 |
mustard5 | M_Cheevy, yes | 02:45 |
wij | downloading dapper | 02:45 |
yubimusubi | It would take me about a week to do that on my machine | 02:45 |
kyncani | momo: only way to be sure it to try with another dns i think | 02:45 |
tritium | M_Cheevy: which kernel do you have (output from "uname -r") | 02:45 |
M_Cheevy | yubimusubi: basically, I'm having to do just about that... I'm doing a debootstrap install so the packages on the cd are basically being ignored | 02:45 |
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nomin | _jason, where should I make a wiki page? | 02:46 |
yubimusubi | Woah! dapper has a 2.6.15 kernel? Mine's only 2.6.14! Time for an upgrade... | 02:46 |
kyncani | momo: you can find root dns address in bind configuration (/etc/bind/root.db) | 02:46 |
M_Cheevy | tritium: if memory serves (i've had to type it enough) it's 2.6.12-10-k7-smp | 02:46 |
kyncani | momo: err /etc/bind/db.root | 02:46 |
Madpilot | nomin: wiki.ubuntu.com | 02:46 |
yubimusubi | M_Cheevy: why are you bootstrapping? | 02:46 |
Toma- | there should be a dirty great big warning on that download page. im sure theres one in the install tho! | 02:46 |
_jason | nomin, wiki.ubuntu.com if there is already an amarok page, just add what you found | 02:46 |
M_Cheevy | yubimusubi: odd numbers are "beta", even are "stable" | 02:46 |
tritium | M_Cheevy: one way to ensure you have the restricted modules is to make sure you have linux-k7 installed | 02:46 |
yubimusubi | M_Cheevy: I mean, what's the point of ignoring the cd? | 02:46 |
M_Cheevy | yubimusubi: sata raid install | 02:46 |
asep | hi................ | 02:46 |
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asep | 02:47 | |
asep | 02:47 | |
asep | 02:47 | |
asep | 02:47 | |
asep | 02:47 | |
asep | 02:47 | |
asep | 02:47 | |
asep | hh | 02:47 |
asep | b | 02:47 |
_jason | asep, quit | 02:47 |
asep | 02:47 | |
asep | gf | 02:47 |
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Toma- | kick ban plz | 02:47 |
Madpilot | nomin: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Amarok | 02:47 |
yubimusubi | M_Cheevy: I thought that was only with the second number (i.e. the 6) | 02:47 |
tritium | asep: stop that now | 02:47 |
M_Cheevy | tritum: basically that's what I got.. I did apt-get install linux-k7-smp | 02:47 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o tritium] by ChanServ | ||
WebLOCH | nathan148209, i know where a j1.5 deb is if you want it | 02:47 |
M_Cheevy | yubimusubi: could be... I'd wanna check before I said anything definitive | 02:48 |
yubimusubi | M_Cheevy: Doesn't ubuntu come with sata raid support? | 02:48 |
yubimusubi | M_Cheevy: heh | 02:48 |
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noddaba | I'm trying to set up a linear RAID array. I've created the array just fine, set the filesystem type to RAID autodetect, but the linear array doesn't automatically start on boot. If I do a RAID0, it works fine. Can anyone help? | 02:48 |
bulio | how do I configure a printer that is on my LAN? | 02:48 |
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tritium | M_Cheevy: good :) | 02:48 |
M_Cheevy | yubimusubi: check out www.kernel.org for the odd even thing.. as for sata raid, yes, as long as you're not dealing with pre-existing partitions using a "fakeraid" controller | 02:49 |
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M_Cheevy | tritium: I've read the wiki pretty thoroughly ;) | 02:49 |
nomin | amarok wiki doesn't need me at all, it says right there on the page what to do, I just didn't know about it. | 02:49 |
Sionide | aside from xchat.. what other decent gui gnome irc clients are there? | 02:49 |
=== hyperactivecrond [n=chris@ppp-69-214-139-148.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
j-- | hey guys, I'm looking for a good distro to run on my ibook. ANy PPC users care to comment on the package selection for PPC? are the PPC packages updated regularly? | 02:49 |
tritium | M_Cheevy: rock on, dude! | 02:49 |
momo | kyncani: um, i dont have an /etc/bind directory... | 02:49 |
kyncani | Sionide: maybe gaim ? | 02:49 |
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hyperactivecrond | how does one burn an audio cd with k3b with mp3 files? | 02:50 |
tritium | j--: there is a new stable release every 6 months. | 02:50 |
yubimusubi | Sionide: Try irssi! | 02:50 |
M_Cheevy | tritium: I cut my teeth with linux in kernel 0.99 ... i learned a long time ago, before doing anything, read read read read read! | 02:50 |
Sionide | yubimusubi, :/ i just said GUI irc clients | 02:50 |
yubimusubi | irssi in Eterm! It's GUI! | 02:50 |
j-- | tritium: Im talking about the application repositories | 02:50 |
hyperactivecrond | Sionide, konversation | 02:50 |
Plazma | M_Cheevy, thast very true.. some of us though learn better through trial and error though | 02:50 |
yubimusubi | You can set the background and everything! | 02:50 |
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Sionide | hyperactivecrond, that's not gnome is it? | 02:50 |
bimberi | hyperactivecrond: install k3b-mp3 | 02:51 |
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Sionide | bloody hell | 02:51 |
yubimusubi | hyperactivecrond: Isn't konversation more KDE? | 02:51 |
Sionide | ask a simple question.. | 02:51 |
asep | hi................. | 02:51 |
asep | 02:51 | |
M_Cheevy | Plazma: I didn't say the learning process wasn't painful ;) | 02:51 |
yubimusubi | And K3B | 02:51 |
tritium | M_Cheevy: yep | 02:51 |
yubimusubi | Sionide: sorry | 02:51 |
Sionide | :/ | 02:51 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %asep!*@*] by tritium | ||
Plazma | M_Cheevy, thats true too :D | 02:51 |
_jason | Is it possible to make the places menu in gnome expand the submenus (yes, like the windows start menu)? | 02:51 |
=== Sionide waves to asep | ||
hyperactivecrond | yes but still | 02:51 |
M_Cheevy | Plazma: I had more than my fair share of screw ups ;) | 02:51 |
kyncani | momo: try this dns: | 02:51 |
Plazma | M_Cheevy, me 2 | 02:51 |
=== MattwestM [n=Mattwest@adsl-221-58-230.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
|Jef| | quick question... anyone have a reference url for the list of packages in hoarty's install cd | 02:51 |
yubimusubi | Sionide: what about ayttm (is that spelled right?) | 02:51 |
Plazma | Has anyone successfully used and recorded stuff using mythtv on ubuntu? | 02:51 |
hyperactivecrond | bonvoyage asep | 02:51 |
tritium | Plazma: I have | 02:51 |
Sionide | yubimusubi, i'll give it a shot *goes to google* | 02:51 |
j-- | can I install ubuntu without installing gnome? | 02:51 |
Plazma | tritium, may i pm? | 02:52 |
Sionide | Plazma, yeah www.jonobacon.org has done it | 02:52 |
M_Cheevy | Plazma: classic was when I enabled ntfs-write and torched my partition table taking out a 10yr archive of emails | 02:52 |
yubimusubi | Sionide: I think it's pretty old...it's like gaim though | 02:52 |
Plazma | M_Cheevy.. ouch | 02:52 |
kyncani | j--: use the server install | 02:52 |
tritium | Plazma: I won't be around for much longer... | 02:52 |
Plazma | tritium, dont worry i waont take long | 02:52 |
kyncani | j--: or kubuntu/edubuntu | 02:52 |
bimberi | j--: yes, or get kubuntu (if you like KDE) | 02:52 |
Sionide | yubimusubi, i'm really looking for a pure irc client which can autoaccept dcc | 02:52 |
bimberi | kyncani: edubuntu is Gnome | 02:52 |
Sionide | and a few other things | 02:52 |
M_Cheevy | Plazma: got em back.. but not without a 3day troll of the drive by a forensic software tool | 02:52 |
bimberi | s/is/uses/ | 02:52 |
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Plazma | hehe | 02:52 |
kyncani | bimberi: it is ? j-- meant xubuntu then ;) | 02:53 |
Plazma | tritium, did you have any problems with getting audio? | 02:53 |
j-- | I don't want gnome or KDE | 02:53 |
M_Cheevy | did lose some hi-res scans of a US$500 bill (both sides, 600dpi, 32bit) | 02:53 |
tritium | Plazma: no. | 02:53 |
bimberi | kyncani: that's better :) | 02:53 |
yubimusubi | Sionide: Hmm...most GUI IRC clients use QT | 02:53 |
=== UbuntuRob [n=robert@67-136-232-60.br1.hnv.mi.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
j-- | just a decent binary basedppc distribution | 02:53 |
kyncani | bimberi: :) | 02:53 |
tritium | M_Cheevy: that's illegal | 02:53 |
Plazma | tritium, i can record tv just fine.. just i get no audio.. been playing with it for a while | 02:53 |
bimberi | j--: server install then | 02:53 |
yubimusubi | If ya want to compile QT that's no prob | 02:53 |
Sionide | yubimusubi, aye i have QT skinned to look like gnome:) | 02:53 |
kyncani | j--: use the standard ubuntu disc and type "server" at cd boot prompt then | 02:54 |
yubimusubi | Sionide: ... Doesn't that defeat the purpose? | 02:54 |
Plazma | tritium, i thought hte hardest part would be the remote.. it works fine thanks to apt | 02:54 |
tritium | Plazma: which tv tuner card? Do you have to connect the audio out into your sound card in? | 02:54 |
M_Cheevy | tritium: yes, I know, I called the Secret Service before I did it.. but since $500's don't circulate, they weren't too worried about it | 02:54 |
Sionide | yubimusubi, umm no - if you ask me default QT looks ugly as hell | 02:54 |
ElitePete | M_Cheevy, you didn't call the secret service. | 02:54 |
Sionide | yubimusubi, check this; http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76633 | 02:54 |
freakazoid3333 | M_Cheevy : thats what u get for not backing up | 02:54 |
Plazma | tritium, pvr-150 happachue or something.. and i just have onboard sound.. | 02:54 |
=== ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@eaglerock-cuda1-68-68-236-91.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sionide | it makes skype look like a gnome app and not a square horrible pile of arse | 02:54 |
Plazma | and i dont have to plug it into the soundcard | 02:54 |
Sionide | : | 02:54 |
M_Cheevy | ElitePete: I did too, before I moved here.... | 02:54 |
tritium | Plazma: that should be pretty well supported | 02:54 |
Sionide | :) | 02:54 |
yubimusubi | Sionide: I agree, but I don't like KDE or GNOME | 02:54 |
j-- | well I want to use it as a desktop machine, it's just that Im an fvwm fan and don't want gnome/kde wasting my time/space | 02:54 |
ElitePete | M_Cheecy, bullshit | 02:54 |
tritium | easy there | 02:55 |
Plazma | tritium, it should.. i dunno.. i can record just fine just without audio.. so maybe ivtv is screwed up | 02:55 |
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WebLOCH | yubimusubi, GNOME is the sexy | 02:55 |
yubimusubi | Sionide: for the record, I don't have QT | 02:55 |
Sionide | yubimusubi, aah you're one of those... | 02:55 |
erol | hi .......... | 02:55 |
M_Cheevy | ElitePete: I worked in the publishing industry. I was in Philadelphia. It was a local call... I knew to cover my ass. | 02:55 |
yubimusubi | WebLOCH: Nah, I'm an E17 guy. | 02:55 |
WebLOCH | hahaha! | 02:55 |
WebLOCH | E17 | 02:55 |
Sionide | erol, shove it where the sun don't shine matey | 02:55 |
bimberi | j--: ok then start with a server install and build it up from there | 02:55 |
=== Sionide prods tritium | ||
erol | hi .......... | 02:55 |
WebLOCH | yubimusubi, E17 is about the counter-intuitive WM i've seen yet | 02:55 |
yubimusubi | Sionide: Well, If I have to for some desperately needed app, I'll install it | 02:55 |
WebLOCH | yubimusubi, and its ugly, despite how hard they try to claim it's 'eyecandy' | 02:55 |
j-- | excellent, thanks for the help | 02:55 |
yubimusubi | WebLOCH: hold on | 02:56 |
HighHopes | Hello! I need help. I installed Ubuntu in server mode because I don't want to use gnome.. so I installed Xorg+Fluxbox+GDM.. everything's OK but I don't know how to enable PC105 keyboard with deadkeys... Help please! | 02:56 |
Plazma | tritium, i may just go back and rebuild/reinstall ivtv | 02:56 |
M_Cheevy | ElitePete: their feelings on the matter were as long as if I printed it, it was either +/- 10% of original size, I was cool. | 02:56 |
dooglus | WebLOCH: I hated it too. | 02:56 |
tritium | Plazma: what for? | 02:56 |
Toma- | i think e17 is kinda cool... still too buggy tho | 02:56 |
WebLOCH | dooglus, yeah it turned out to be highly annoying and nothing else, if you want some eyecandy, install 3ddesk, it's the mad-note | 02:56 |
kyncani | HighHopes: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg maybe ? :) | 02:56 |
tritium | Sionide: now, now... | 02:56 |
Plazma | tritium, well im not sure.. luck that it would fix my problem | 02:56 |
ElitePete | M_Cheevy why are you still talking? | 02:56 |
HighHopes | kyncani, I'll try... | 02:57 |
nomin | ubuntu should have an option at installation to read other partitions at startup | 02:57 |
yubimusubi | dooglus: well, to each his own, but while KDE and GNOME both cough up blood on my system, E17 is lightning fast. | 02:57 |
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bimberi | tritium: /dns erol == /dns asep (fyi :) ) | 02:57 |
Sionide | tritium, heh - sorry :p | 02:57 |
=== WhyvasLT [n=poop@fctnnbsc15w-156034071043.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
WebLOCH | yubimusubi, thats fair enough, although I thought gnome was fairly low resource? | 02:57 |
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tritium | bimberi: we'll see how he behaves, then | 02:58 |
dooglus | I just clicked into system->preferences->sessions in breezy and then clicked the 'help' button. that was 5 minutes ago, and my CPU has been flat out ever since. Is that just me, or is the help broken, or just REALLY CPU intensive? | 02:58 |
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yubimusubi | WebLOCH: It is, but for some reason E17 is faster on my box...I don't understand how loads of eyecandy can be faster than the default GNOME | 02:58 |
bimberi | tritium: :) | 02:58 |
M_Cheevy | dooglus: does sound like something ain't right there... | 02:59 |
yubimusubi | BTW, I'm digging up some of my E17 screenshots. | 02:59 |
WebLOCH | yubimusubi, thats fair enough then buddy, i didnt run it for long I must admit | 02:59 |
WebLOCH | yubimusubi, ahh cool | 02:59 |
ElitePete | is e17 as good as nome ? | 02:59 |
ElitePete | gnome8 | 02:59 |
dooglus | M_Cheevy: could you try the same? | 02:59 |
kyncani | yubimusubi: gnome takes much more ram i think .. | 02:59 |
WebLOCH | the only bad thing about moving from windows to linux, is trying to fix things that aren't broken | 02:59 |
M_Cheevy | dooglus: nope, sorry, in the midst of an install, still at the console (getting X in now) | 02:59 |
nickrud | dooglus, it's converting all the help xml files to html on the fly; ALL of them | 02:59 |
yubimusubi | WebLOCH: Heh, I've installed it 3 times...the first 2 times I almost died from confusion...but once I figured it out, I'm able to work faster than ever | 02:59 |
yubimusubi | ElitePete: That depends on what you like | 02:59 |
=== ViViD [n=ViViD@c-67-160-125-239.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
WebLOCH | yubimusubi, thats true, i need to either download, or write, mouse gestures for gnome/nautilus | 03:00 |
ElitePete | hmm, i'm new to linux and i got a nice theme on gnome i like it alot. | 03:00 |
WebLOCH | mouse gestures are the mad note | 03:00 |
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dooglus | well, I quit the help browser, and the CPU is still flat out. process "Xorg" is at 50%, with "update-notifier" and "notification-area" splitting the other 50% about equally. | 03:00 |
ElitePete | how do mouse gestures work? | 03:00 |
brenner | dooglus: took 20 secs for me | 03:00 |
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WebLOCH | ElitePete, essentially a mouse movement such as "left" is mapped to a function or command | 03:00 |
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Plazma | bbl | 03:01 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %asep!*@*] by tritium | ||
WebLOCH | ElitePete, have you used Firefox, Opera or Epiphany ? | 03:01 |
yubimusubi | WebLOCH: mouse gestures mess me up b/c I use a laptop (w/touchpad) ...it also makes America's Army and other FPS's have problems... | 03:01 |
ElitePete | i use opera. | 03:01 |
ElitePete | and i have used firefox | 03:01 |
tritium | please don't spam the channel, asep, erol | 03:01 |
WebLOCH | yubimusubi, ahh fair play, havent actually seen any as part of the WM yet | 03:01 |
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zblach | quick question | 03:01 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, did you not try mouse gestures in either of them ? | 03:01 |
hyperactivecrond | go ahead zblach | 03:01 |
WebLOCH | yubimusubi, Im still quite new to linux | 03:01 |
zblach | to play .mov files in firefox, what plugin am i needing? | 03:01 |
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yubimusubi | WebLOCH: Hmm...That's interesting...if I had a standard mouse...well I used to use mouse gestures all the time | 03:02 |
ElitePete | nobe WebLOCH | 03:02 |
secureboot | anyone know how to make a ubuntu install under debian? perhaps a debootstrap for ubuntu that i can run under debian? | 03:02 |
yubimusubi | WebLOCH: How new? | 03:02 |
hyperactivecrond | hmm probably either mplayer, (g)xine, or you may have to go crossover office with quicktime for complete compatibility | 03:02 |
M_Cheevy | ElitePete: if you're new to ubuntu, you might want to check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ | 03:02 |
tritium | have a good night, folks... | 03:02 |
hyperactivecrond | !tell zblach about restrictedformats | 03:02 |
WebLOCH | yubimusubi, about 2 - 3 months now | 03:02 |
M_Cheevy | nite tritium | 03:02 |
mustard5 | night tritium | 03:02 |
hyperactivecrond | nite dude | 03:03 |
yubimusubi | WebLOCH: I'm only about 6-8 months of linux use...but I kinda jumped off a high cliff instead of climbing down | 03:03 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, I suggest you try them, they are mighty useful and make things nice and quick | 03:03 |
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yubimusubi | Hmm...that analogy wasn't too crappy, was it? | 03:03 |
WebLOCH | yubimusubi, same here, ive got windows running on another partition so I can still use C# | 03:03 |
M_Cheevy | yubimusubi: another good one is "dive into the deep end" | 03:03 |
=== Falstius [n=airen@pcp0012090390pcs.nanarb01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dooglus | nickrud: if it was caused by a conversion of xml to html or some such, I wouldn't expect it to be the Xorg process that was busy. And I'd expect to see some disk activity. the disk was mostly idle. | 03:04 |
ElitePete | WebLOCH how do i set them up? | 03:04 |
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yubimusubi | M_Cheevy: Yea, that one's better! | 03:04 |
dooglus | I restarted X and it's OK again now. | 03:04 |
beelzebub1987 | Custom Deskto Themes own | 03:04 |
beelzebub1987 | Desktop* | 03:04 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, which browser do you use most? | 03:04 |
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ElitePete | opera | 03:04 |
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WebLOCH | okay open a page somewhere | 03:04 |
M_Cheevy | yubimusubi: it's an old expression... | 03:04 |
yubimusubi | WebLOCH: Hmm...most linux users I know have windows only for gaming | 03:04 |
nickrud | dooglus, I don't have any problems with that diagnosis, but you didn't mention the xorg & others till after I'd posted :) | 03:04 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, it doesnt matter where, anywhere will do | 03:04 |
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ULffuntu | help anyone here ppc? | 03:04 |
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yubimusubi | M_Cheevy: LOL, Yea, I've heard it before...I meant it's more appropriate. | 03:04 |
WebLOCH | yubimusubi, well i dont game on PC, so i dont usually bother, only use it for C# and I guess VB if/when needed | 03:05 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, you got a page open? | 03:05 |
M_Cheevy | yubimusubi: yeah, but creativity counts... good on ya for avoiding cliche's ;) | 03:05 |
Madpilot | ElitePete: Opera should have mouse gestures enabled by default - hit F1 for Opera help, there's a mouse gestures howto somewhere in there | 03:05 |
=== moot` [n=moot@cpe-065-184-151-250.ec.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nickrud | dooglus, the xml->html has been a shortcoming of yelp for a long time. It's better than it was, anyway. | 03:05 |
dooglus | nickrud: I've tried it again - the CPU was busy for 20 or 30 seconds, busy with "gnome-help", which makes more sense. | 03:05 |
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ElitePete | Ok | 03:05 |
erol | malang | 03:05 |
ElitePete | yea webloch i got a page open.. | 03:05 |
=== M_Cheevy hops up to check the d/l | ||
ULffuntu | anyone ubuntu ppc? | 03:05 |
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dooglus | nickrud: I don't know what went wrong last time. update-notifier went crazy by the look of it - but there are no updates pending for me. | 03:05 |
yubimusubi | M_Cheevy: Heh, my English teacher advised me not to take his creative writing class because there wasn't anything new he could teach me, heheh | 03:06 |
techrush | inkscape is really cool | 03:06 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, okay now MJ is not turned on by default, but if you try using a MJ three times, Opera will ask to turn them on, a MJ is recognised when you have the RIGHT mouse button down. So click and hold the right button, and move the mouse to the left and then let go. Repeat 3 times till Opera asks | 03:06 |
M_Cheevy | ack! only 31%.. and after this I want to install the kubuntu desktop... | 03:06 |
nickrud | dooglus, I have no freaking clue. | 03:06 |
WebLOCH | to turn on MJ | 03:06 |
ElitePete | kk | 03:06 |
=== hyperactivecrond emails M_Cheevy the file :P | ||
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WebLOCH | Madpilot, they arent on by default, they prompt after you try three times tho | 03:06 |
ElitePete | k it's enabled. | 03:06 |
WebLOCH | Okay | 03:07 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, the most obvious gestures are... Left and Right, for back and forward, you already did one | 03:07 |
M_Cheevy | hyperactivecrond: would that that would help... only on a 256k connect | 03:07 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, now all you need to do is learn the others, they can do pretty much anything, which means you never have to move to a menu/toolbar again, you can just click and go | 03:07 |
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ElitePete | how do i | 03:08 |
ElitePete | set up which each one does? | 03:08 |
dooglus | nickrud: this is a box I use every day, and have done for a year or so. I've never seen Xorg go crazy before, and probably never will again. Very strange isn't it. I had the same thing once (and only once) with gam_server too. | 03:08 |
ElitePete | for like a specific website. | 03:08 |
korhalf | ElitePete, sup | 03:08 |
ElitePete | hey korhalf, | 03:08 |
ULffuntu | <ubuntu imac help please | 03:08 |
=== jdmpike [n=jordan@CPE-72-128-40-156.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hyperactivecrond | !ppc | 03:09 |
ubotu | I guess ppc is PowerPC. Macs, IBMs. Nicer then Intel. | 03:09 |
jdmpike | hello all | 03:09 |
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hyperactivecrond | ... | 03:09 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, I havent checked with Opera, im not sure if there is a config, or where it is IF there is, however a google search will tell you. Firefox supports custom commands, but the gestures are a separate plugin. Epiphany is slightly odd for gestures, but a nicer browser overall | 03:09 |
WebLOCH | !ppcsucks | 03:09 |
ubotu | Wish i knew, WebLOCH | 03:09 |
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jdmpike | question for the group, what is the best backup software | 03:09 |
cafuego | ULffuntu: have you actually asked a question yet? | 03:09 |
jdmpike | like for dvd's and what not? | 03:09 |
ElitePete | WebLOCH ok, i never even heard of eiphiny | 03:09 |
nickrud | dooglus, I could buy an ipod if I got a buck for every time gam or fam went off on me :) | 03:09 |
WebLOCH | jdmpike, the wiki explains all! | 03:09 |
jdmpike | webloch - link plz! | 03:09 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, its based on the mozilla works, so its similar to firefox, but in my experience, it doesn't freeze up, crash, fail or do anything else like firefox. | 03:10 |
jdmpike | WebLOCH: also asking for preferences for different tools out there, what is best? | 03:10 |
nickrud | I actually had a panel button that killed and restarted fam under debian | 03:10 |
WebLOCH | jdmpike, ahh fair enough then, i usually use rip | 03:10 |
yubimusubi | Anyone here used blender? | 03:10 |
MattwestM | yes, I have used blender | 03:10 |
Madpilot | ElitePete: I'm not sure Opera does custom gestures yet; you should be able to explicitly turn them on & off in the control panels somewhere, though | 03:10 |
ElitePete | WebLOCh yea, i had to stop using firefox because i upgraded to 1.5 (MISTAKE) and it started sucking bad. | 03:11 |
ULffuntu | cafuego: are you on a mac now? | 03:11 |
ElitePete | Madpilot, ok thanks. | 03:11 |
yubimusubi | WebLOCH: I thought firefox stopped crashing? | 03:11 |
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cafuego | ULffuntu: That's irrelevant. Why don't you just ask your question? | 03:11 |
M_Cheevy | jdmpike: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ | 03:11 |
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yubimusubi | The newest firefox works no prob for me | 03:11 |
markive | whats the maxiumum number of tans you managed to open in konquror | 03:11 |
markive | ? | 03:11 |
markive | tabs* | 03:11 |
ElitePete | yubimusubi, i guess it's like you and gnome for me and firefox :-) | 03:11 |
ULffuntu | i'm trying to configure an imac, would you even know how dweeb | 03:11 |
ElitePete | ULffuntu, he was trying to help you jackass. | 03:12 |
ULffuntu | eat shit | 03:12 |
ElitePete | please go die. | 03:12 |
markive | lmao | 03:12 |
cafuego | ULffuntu: I imagine I would, but unless you TELL ME YOUR PROBLEM I cannot help you. | 03:12 |
erol | hei? | 03:12 |
WebLOCH | yubimusubi, ElitePete, as far as i know, firefox is still awful, which is a shame, because it had a lot of promise, I won't give up on it until 2.0, but to be honest Im not going to use it till then either haha. | 03:12 |
dooglus | nickrud: I had gam_server go into a CPU-bound loop once, so I downloaded the source and recompiled it with debugging enabled, so that next time I could make a proper bug report, rather than just saying "gam_server suxs". needless to say, that fixed the problem... | 03:12 |
yubimusubi | ElitePete: Well, actually, I was avoiding Firefox and using Opera for quite a while due to crashes and segfaults...perhaps when GNOME shapes up I'll start using it, heheh | 03:12 |
cafuego | ElitePete: Please, mind the CoC. | 03:12 |
ElitePete | cafuego, CoC ? | 03:12 |
markive | is opera in the repositorys? | 03:12 |
cafuego | ElitePete: Code of Conduct | 03:12 |
ULffuntu | this group is always the same, bye | 03:12 |
markive | coc? | 03:13 |
ElitePete | Yea Webloch and yubi, firefox is not very good... | 03:13 |
markive | ah | 03:13 |
ElitePete | cafuego, ok sorry.. i just hate jerks. | 03:13 |
M_Cheevy | yubimusubi: you do know there is a kde for ubuntu? | 03:13 |
hyperactivecrond | !coc | 03:13 |
ubotu | rumour has it, coc is the Ubuntu Code of Conduct, to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere. You can find the Code of Conduct at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/conduct/ | 03:13 |
cafuego | Bloody minded idiot, not jerk. | 03:13 |
Madpilot | markive: no, but it's easy to install | 03:13 |
=== paolob [n=donpaolo@51stb40.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu | ||
WebLOCH | yubimusubi, Opera is quite nice but it still has issues, Epiphany I think has been simplified to the extent that it does not have the problems inherent in Firefox/Opera | 03:13 |
Madpilot | !tell markive about opera | 03:13 |
erol | hei | 03:13 |
markive | thanks | 03:13 |
paolob | Hi guys! I have a edubuntu server with 4GB ram. The bios sees all the ram, while in linux I have only 2.9 GB. What is this? Anyone could help me to understand why? thank you! | 03:13 |
=== ULffuntu [n=Willie@ppp-70-251-188-143.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
WebLOCH | yubimusubi, ElitePete, I think it might be a good idea if you both try elinks, links2 or similar | 03:13 |
cafuego | Why would it matter whether I am now using a mac mini and installed Ubuntu on TWO Imacs yesterday :-P | 03:13 |
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yubimusubi | WebLOCH: I'm using 1.0.7 and this is the first version that actually uses my extensions right...if firefox b0rk5 again, then I use epiphany or opera | 03:13 |
erol | nm lo spa? | 03:13 |
yubimusubi | Or links (heheh) | 03:13 |
hyperactivecrond | paolob, see other channel | 03:13 |
ElitePete | WebLOCH, if opera gives me any problems i'll have to switch to epiph. | 03:14 |
yubimusubi | M_Cheevy: Yea, I know...but I like KDE less than GNOME | 03:14 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, good man | 03:14 |
ElitePete | WebLOCH, whats elinks ? | 03:14 |
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nickrud | dooglus, the last time I did any serious programming was the late 80's. The tools and techniques have changed so much since then that I don't have the stamina (or time) to get back up to speed. I'm running up a very steep hill right now, trying to get my head around emacs and nxml just so I can help with docs. Event driven Programming? Ha | 03:14 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, command line web browser | 03:14 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, proper sexy too | 03:14 |
M_Cheevy | yubimusubi: it's the other popular alternative | 03:14 |
cafuego | paolob: grep HIGHMEM /boot/config-$(uname -r) | 03:14 |
=== uber_spaced [n=uber@pcp08941341pcs.trentn01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cafuego | paolob: What's what say? | 03:14 |
uber_spaced | what command do I use to mount an ISO? | 03:14 |
ElitePete | WebLOCH, Terminal webbrowser lol ? | 03:14 |
ElitePete | sounds weird ^^ | 03:14 |
paolob | cafuego: I'm not in that server | 03:14 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, yup essentially | 03:14 |
dooglus | nickrud: I was just planning to send a stack trace, not fix the problem myself :) | 03:15 |
uber_spaced | lynx | 03:15 |
john_ | Hi I am a newbie to IRC, but I have a question I hope you can point me in the right direction. How can I upgrade firefox to 1.5 on Ubuntu Breezy? It is not available in Synaptic | 03:15 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, it will do, its not full of rubbish haha. | 03:15 |
yubimusubi | M_Cheevy: Yea, I know...but I'm more for WM's over DE's...windowmaker, fluxbox, enlightenment, etc. | 03:15 |
dooglus | nickrud: but stick with emacs - it's nice once you get it | 03:15 |
Fibre | newbie on board | 03:15 |
ElitePete | WebLOCH, let me ask you a question on XCHAT how do i turn like auto-name completion on? | 03:15 |
WebLOCH | john_, if thats the case it means its not yet stable, and you probably shouldnt install it | 03:15 |
yubimusubi | I'm thinking about doing the GNOME Enlightenment hack | 03:15 |
cafuego | paolob: it doesn't have that odd chipset bug where it can't access any ram between 3 and 4 GB, right? | 03:15 |
=== Dex-Freudii [n=Dex@ip138-121.movinet.com.uy] has joined #ubuntu | ||
WebLOCH | ElitePete, its already on, just type part of a name and hit TAB | 03:15 |
nickrud | dooglus, we didn't have no stack tracing, we examined the assembly :) | 03:15 |
yubimusubi | But then I'd have to install GNOME... | 03:15 |
ElitePete | Ok thanks much :-) | 03:15 |
paolob | cafuego: how do I know it? | 03:15 |
ElitePete | WebLOCH, test | 03:15 |
cafuego | paolob: Is it an IBM? | 03:15 |
ElitePete | :-) | 03:15 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, no problem :D | 03:15 |
=== Astxist-B [n=komugiub@ppp2FA0.dyn.pacific.net.au] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
erol | hi... | 03:16 |
paolob | cafuego: no, it's a intel MB | 03:16 |
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M_Cheevy | yubimusubi: it can take a wee while ;) | 03:16 |
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john_ | o.k. I am just having problems with 1.0.7 crashing whenever I open sites with Java (I think) Any ideas? | 03:16 |
M_Cheevy | yubimusubi: ie, what I'm doing here ;) | 03:16 |
Dex-Freudii | hi there | 03:16 |
cafuego | paolob: Well, first thing to check is whether the kernel is compiled for 8GB HIGHMEM support. (Yes, I know you have 4, but you need 8GB support ;-) | 03:16 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, I would also suggest you check out giFTcurs | 03:16 |
cafuego | paolob: If so, you probably have an odd chipset bug. | 03:16 |
ElitePete | WebLOCH, and that is? :-) | 03:17 |
_jason | john_, is it consistent? does it crash *everytime* you visit a page with java? | 03:17 |
yubimusubi | M_Cheevy: heheh | 03:17 |
=== danzaconlobos [i=danzacon@as8-200-76-194-33.mtyxl.axtel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
WebLOCH | ElitePete, program for connecting to gnutella and similar networks for downloading, but its interface is built in ncurses, so its command line, quite nice too | 03:17 |
Fibre | wanting help with a intergrated sound issue | 03:17 |
ElitePete | WebLOCH, oh, i have limewire already. | 03:17 |
M_Cheevy | yubimusubi: 2 bloody hrs to go...... sheesh! | 03:17 |
paolob | cafuego: will the vendor change the MB? | 03:17 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, limewire is apauling by comparison | 03:17 |
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WebLOCH | ElitePete, much like my spelling in fact. | 03:18 |
cafuego | paolob: I doubt it. | 03:18 |
erol | gathel ya we | 03:18 |
yubimusubi | M_Cheevy: Ya, I still got an hour on my breezy d/l | 03:18 |
john_ | WebLoch, It appears to be inconsinsent. Mainly I see it when I click an RsS feed from Liferea and go to CBS sportsline or others. Thanx for your patience | 03:18 |
M_Cheevy | WebLOCH: ;) | 03:18 |
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WebLOCH | john_, I'd stay away from it, settle down with some tasty elinks | 03:18 |
ElitePete | WebLOCH, ok, whats the website for that? | 03:18 |
cafuego | paolob: Oh.. you could also check by plugging in an additional stick of ram, see if that gets detected by the OS. | 03:18 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, we don't use websites here mate, it's all about the APT! | 03:18 |
ElitePete | WebLOCH, oh nice, i love apt-get | 03:18 |
WebLOCH | M_Cheevy, you knows it | 03:18 |
paolob | cafuego: sin embargo el bios dice que tiene 4GB! Isnt' it weird? | 03:19 |
=== cafuego hacks WebLOCH via xmlrpc | ||
ElitePete | WebLOCH, sudo apt-get install giftcurs ? | 03:19 |
=== WebLOCH hacks cafuego via OpenCORBA | ||
paolob | cafuego: I have the 4 slots plugged in | 03:19 |
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cafuego | d'oh! | 03:19 |
yubimusubi | Hmm...anyone know how to link shortcuts to ALSA? (i.e., volume up, volume down) | 03:19 |
john_ | Hey guys, I just wanted some help, I tried serching online first, there is no need to make an ass of me. | 03:19 |
M_Cheevy | WebLOCH: always nice to see someone who's learned the importance of being able to laugh at themselves ;) | 03:19 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, you familiar with apt-cache search ? | 03:19 |
hyperactivecrond | !es | 03:19 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 03:19 |
ElitePete | WebLOCH, not really :-( | 03:19 |
WebLOCH | M_Cheevy, yeah unfortunately it makes me prone to laughing at others too easily, but they don't understand how to laugh at themselves, then Im the one in trouble :( | 03:20 |
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WebLOCH | ElitePete, well apt-cache search blah will find any items matching blah in the repos | 03:20 |
_jason | john_, run firefox in a terminal and see if you get an error when it crashes | 03:20 |
ElitePete | WebLOCH, ok. | 03:20 |
cafuego | wibble | 03:20 |
M_Cheevy | WebLOCH: got that right.. executives, cops, polititians --- really hate it when you laugh at 'em ;) | 03:20 |
paolob | Does anyone use 4 GB ram or more without any problem? | 03:20 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, so in this case try apt-cache search gift | 03:20 |
ElitePete | yep giftcurs | 03:21 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, you will notice it gives a bit of output, so you can use grep to refine the search | 03:21 |
=== cafuego unfortunately has 1.5GB ram max in his biggest machine | ||
john_ | thanks, jason, like this firefox -v? | 03:21 |
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cafuego | paolob: Have you had a chance to check the kernel compile options? | 03:21 |
M_Cheevy | looking for gifts this time of year is best done under the tree... or my parents hid them in their bedroom closet so we wouldn't peek... didn't work.. | 03:21 |
erol | vbnn | 03:21 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, you want to get libfasttrack-gift, giftd, gift and giftcurs | 03:21 |
ElitePete | WebLOCH, ok it's installed how do i access it, just giftcurs in terminal ? | 03:21 |
paolob | cafuego: not now, tomorrow | 03:21 |
ElitePete | WebLOCH, ok. got giftcurs | 03:21 |
WebLOCH | You need to install those other bits too | 03:21 |
ajmitch | paolob: yes it should work | 03:21 |
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ElitePete | WebLOCH, alright. | 03:22 |
_jason | john_, just 'firefox', I think 'firefox -v' gives you version info | 03:22 |
paolob | cafuego: what should I check? | 03:22 |
cafuego | paolob: Oh, is the system on the default (i386) install kernel? | 03:22 |
Toothpick | mustard5: thanks for checking | 03:22 |
WebLOCH | M_Cheevy, tutors, friends, parents, everyones the same. Only me and my linux know best. | 03:22 |
yubimusubi | I like the command 'killall -9 firefox-bin' ...gets me outta some sticky situations... | 03:22 |
paolob | cafuego: I'm using the default edubuntu kernel | 03:22 |
M_Cheevy | WebLOCH: guess I showed my age with my list ;) | 03:22 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, the catch is, giftd runs the daemon that connects to the networks, so you either have to have two terminals open, or commit it to an init script somewhere | 03:22 |
john_ | thanks for your help JASON, I will try that.....bye | 03:23 |
paolob | cafuego: i386 | 03:23 |
WebLOCH | M_Cheevy, haha, im not that young :( | 03:23 |
cafuego | paolob: If you run "grep HIGHMEM /boot/config-$(uname -r)" it should give you aline like this: "CONFIG_HIGHMEM4G=y" | 03:23 |
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cafuego | paolob: I think you want yours to be "CONFIG_HIGHME6M4G=y" | 03:23 |
M_Cheevy | WebLOCH: it's been more than 20yrs since I had to deal with a tutor ;) | 03:23 |
_jason | john_, ok good luck | 03:23 |
Fibre | Is this the mustard I think it is? | 03:23 |
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cafuego | Note the 6 in there | 03:23 |
ElitePete | WebLOCH, i can't seem to find the libfasttrack | 03:23 |
zblach | hey | 03:24 |
zblach | more questions about restricted formats | 03:24 |
zblach | quicktime 7, which format is this? | 03:24 |
cafuego | WebLOCH: nohup can be your friend | 03:24 |
WebLOCH | cafuego, nohup? wassat boss? | 03:24 |
cafuego | man nohup :-) | 03:24 |
ElitePete | WebLOCH, got all the others installed i can't seem to find the libfasttrack | 03:24 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, try libfasttrack-gift | 03:24 |
M_Cheevy | zblach: quicktime is apples (.mov) video format.... many of the preview clips on the net used it... | 03:24 |
ElitePete | k | 03:24 |
cafuego | WebLOCH: 'nohup ./myapp &' 'exit' | 03:24 |
zblach | M_Cheevy, rightright, which plugins am I needing? | 03:24 |
ElitePete | WebLOCH, nope. | 03:25 |
paolob | cafuego: I see you are spanish-hablante: could you went to #edubutu-es? | 03:25 |
M_Cheevy | zblach: I take it you're on marillat? | 03:25 |
WebLOCH | cafuego, sounds cool, cheers :D | 03:25 |
zblach | marillat? | 03:25 |
cafuego | paolob: You need glasses. | 03:25 |
=== UbuntuNewbee [n=abe@pool-64-222-17-117.prov.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
WebLOCH | ElitePete, hmm whats the last entry if you search for "apt-cache search gift" | 03:25 |
ElitePete | WebLOCH, when i search for it, my terminal just opens a new line.. | 03:25 |
M_Cheevy | zblach: do a google search on 'w32codecs' and 'ubuntu' and 'howto' | 03:25 |
zblach | got those | 03:25 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, try the above and give me the last line | 03:25 |
UbuntuNewbee | mustard5: hi mustard. | 03:26 |
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ElitePete | pete@LinuxBox:~$ apt-cache search libfasttrack-gift | 03:26 |
ElitePete | pete@LinuxBox:~$ | 03:26 |
john_ | Hey WebLOCH should we make fun of UbuntuNewbee, just like you did me? Wouldn't that be fun.......jackass | 03:26 |
paolob | cafuego: well, so I must put CONFIG_HIGHME6M4G=y (with the 6), is it true? | 03:26 |
UbuntuNewbee | mustard5: i ended up going to Staples and purchasing a new sound card. | 03:26 |
zblach | the new sony bravia ad has me hypnotised | 03:26 |
cafuego | paolob: I only speak dutch, english, some german and a bit of french. | 03:26 |
M_Cheevy | zblach: and where did you go to get them? | 03:26 |
UbuntuNewbee | mustard5: and that didn't work either. | 03:26 |
zblach | the ubuntu restricted formats help page link | 03:26 |
UbuntuNewbee | mustard5: so i swapped the sound card with my network card. | 03:26 |
ElitePete | WebLOCH, libopenft-gift - giFT plugin for the OpenFT network | 03:26 |
UbuntuNewbee | mustard5: and both seemed to work. | 03:26 |
M_Cheevy | zblach: okay, same place should have the quicktime stuff | 03:26 |
cafuego | paolob: No, just check whether that is set. If not, you may need to build a custom kernel with HIGHMEM set to 64G instead of 4G. | 03:26 |
UbuntuNewbee | mustard5: is mustard here? | 03:26 |
WebLOCH | john_, i didnt make fun of you, I gave you an answer based on the modicum of information you gave me, if you want to avoid prejudice then try harder. | 03:26 |
UbuntuNewbee | LOL | 03:27 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, grab that, but thats not the one | 03:27 |
uber_spaced | roflmaowtfbbq | 03:27 |
ElitePete | kk. | 03:27 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, have you ever used the apt update function? | 03:27 |
oxez | anyone have success with kernel 2.6.14-nitro and nvidia drivers? | 03:27 |
ElitePete | WebLOCH, i believe so..? | 03:27 |
cafuego | -nitro? | 03:27 |
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WebLOCH | ElitePete, apt-get update will update your repo listings | 03:27 |
oxez | cafuego: yea, the nitro patchset for kernel | 03:27 |
paolob | cafuego: isn't a HIGHMEM set to 4G enough? | 03:27 |
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UbuntuNewbee | did i miss something? | 03:28 |
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UbuntuNewbee | john is pretty mad, huh? | 03:28 |
ElitePete | k done | 03:28 |
UbuntuNewbee | anyway, i think mustard5 isn't around :( | 03:28 |
cafuego | paolob: I'm not sure, so trying would be the first step on the way to a solution. | 03:28 |
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zblach | another question. what format are the gnome screen savers? | 03:28 |
yubimusubi | paolob: 64bit can support a lot of RAM | 03:28 |
UbuntuNewbee | can someone help me get my sound card working? | 03:28 |
crimsun | UbuntuNewbee: what do you have? | 03:29 |
cafuego | paolob: The thing is, setting it to 1G means it can _not_ detect all of 1GB of ram. | 03:29 |
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Vastrup | hi can anyone help me, i'm a first time ubuntu/linux user and i'm stuck with a possible hardware issue, when trying to install ubuntu my keyboad wount respond... | 03:29 |
M_Cheevy | UbuntuNewbee: he's still in channel by my names list | 03:29 |
cafuego | paolob: So perhaps the same is true for 4GB. | 03:29 |
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ElitePete | WebLOCH, ok done. | 03:29 |
cafuego | paolob: I can check if you send me 2 sticks iof 2GB DDR400 ram ;-) | 03:29 |
M_Cheevy | UbuntuNewbee: let's try that again... mustard5 still shows up in my channel names list | 03:29 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, do the search again and see if the plugin comes up | 03:29 |
paolob | cafuego: sorry, it's a ddr2! | 03:30 |
ElitePete | WebLOCH, i did what am i looking for again? | 03:30 |
nickrud | UbuntuNewbee, by the way, crimsun is the maestro of sound: don't let him get way :) | 03:30 |
paolob | cafuego: they are 4 ddr2 1GB | 03:30 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, libfasttrack-gift - giFT plugin for the peer to peer network FastTrack | 03:30 |
M_Cheevy | UbuntuNewbee: what's the cardtype? | 03:30 |
ElitePete | WebLOCH, this is what i get pete@LinuxBox:~$ apt-cache search libfasttrack-gift | 03:31 |
ElitePete | pete@LinuxBox:~$ | 03:31 |
UbuntuNewbee | Crimsun: Creative Ensoniq AudioPCI CT4810 | 03:31 |
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WebLOCH | okay ElitePete you used pastebin before? | 03:31 |
ElitePete | nope. | 03:31 |
HymnToLife | !pastebin | 03:31 |
ubotu | [pastebin] a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 03:31 |
zblach | !screensaver | 03:31 |
ubotu | zblach: Not a clue | 03:31 |
zblach | !screensavers | 03:31 |
ubotu | zblach: I don't know | 03:31 |
M_Cheevy | UbuntuNewbee: sorry, I've worked with the earlier and later SB cards, just not that one... | 03:31 |
ElitePete | ok, what do i do with pastebin | 03:32 |
paolob | cafuego: ok, thank you!" | 03:32 |
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nutter426 | hiya, dunno if anyone is still here from when i was having trouble loading synaptic | 03:32 |
yubimusubi | WebLOCH: If you still wanna see my E17 screenshots (sorry it took so long...ubuntu download is hogging my http bandwidth) then here they are http://img205.imageshack.us/gal.php?g=gentoolotsamodules9af.jpg ...BTW, it's a lot prettier when you actually USE it...pictures don't say enough | 03:32 |
HymnToLife | I should get going too... | 03:32 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, you know how to update your repositories? | 03:32 |
Vastrup | hi can anyone help me, i'm a first time ubuntu/linux user and i'm stuck with a possible hardware issue, when trying to install ubuntu my keyboad wount respond... and after searching on google i didn't find a solution, so if you got time plz pm | 03:32 |
ElitePete | WebLOCH, no. | 03:32 |
WebLOCH | yubimusubi, cool ty | 03:32 |
czr | hmm, when I asked before about getting pdf out of ascii, it was said that gedit has pdf-output (which it has) | 03:32 |
UbuntuNewbee | hmm, doing an lsmod shows modules loaded for it | 03:32 |
yubimusubi | WebLOCH: Yea | 03:32 |
czr | however, it keeps putting out my stuff in Letter-format, not A4, whatever I do | 03:33 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete okay, you need to open a terminal and do.... sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 03:33 |
yubimusubi | Anyway, I have to waltz on down to the comic book shop... | 03:33 |
M_Cheevy | UbuntuNewbee: which module was installed for it? that could be key | 03:33 |
ElitePete | WebLOCH, ok. | 03:33 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, this will be a list of your repositories | 03:33 |
HymnToLife | Vastrup > which kind of keyboard is it ? | 03:33 |
nutter426 | my pressed breezy CD arrived today, so i just reinstalled, formatting the root and swap partition, and leaving the /home partition intact, and I still get the child 1 status password error | 03:33 |
benplaut | is wireless gamepad support included by default in breezy? | 03:33 |
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HymnToLife | (USB, PS/2, serial or what ?) | 03:33 |
ElitePete | WebLOCH, ok it's open | 03:33 |
UbuntuNewbee | and when ubuntu booted, i'm pretty sure i heard a sound. | 03:33 |
Vastrup | and m$ series 4000 have tried both usb and ps/2 | 03:33 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, comment out (using #) all the lines that do not begin with # | 03:33 |
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ElitePete | ok.. | 03:34 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, then go here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5805 and copy and paste those three lines in | 03:34 |
UbuntuNewbee | M_Cheevy: i think module: snd_ens1371 | 03:34 |
zaphar_ps | is there a problem with the ubuntu repositories? | 03:34 |
nickrud | czr, try setting /etc/papersize to letter if it isn't already. | 03:34 |
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WebLOCH | ElitePete, remove the 00X at the beginning of each one | 03:34 |
ElitePete | WebLOCH, ok. | 03:34 |
M_Cheevy | UbuntuNewbee: that looks like the right module... was concerned it might have mis-identified the card... | 03:34 |
zaphar_ps | I can't update my package lists or download packages | 03:34 |
oxez | anyone have success with kernel 2.6.14-nitro and nvidia drivers? I get an error about it cannot insert the "nvidia.ko" module | 03:34 |
czr | nickrud, it's already a4 | 03:34 |
=== nickrud wonders if that's pretty obsolete already | ||
WebLOCH | ElitePete, at least two of these you already had, the last one I have uncommented because it contains more packages for apt | 03:35 |
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Vastrup | i have also tried with four different cd's burn with different speed, don't know if it makes any different... | 03:35 |
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ElitePete | WebLOCH, i can paste anywhere in file? | 03:35 |
UbuntuNewbee | M_Cheevy: may it be a gnome thing? | 03:35 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, whenever you edit sources.list you must do an apt-get update right after | 03:35 |
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M_Cheevy | UbuntuNewbee: what exactly is/is not happening? | 03:35 |
bulio | how do I enable samba web interface? | 03:35 |
Jormundgand | This is really infuriating. | 03:35 |
Jormundgand | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=578101&postcount=30 | 03:35 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, yes as long as you dont interfere with the commented out lines | 03:35 |
bulio | wont let me use admin priveledges | 03:35 |
WebLOCH | yubimusubi|away, its quite nice | 03:35 |
UbuntuNewbee | the volume control has a red "X" on it. | 03:35 |
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ElitePete | WebLOCH, ok done. it's updating | 03:36 |
Jormundgand | I've fixed my problems with the Sound dialog box by disabling the onboard sound via the BIOS, but Firefox still freezes. | 03:36 |
WebLOCH | okay | 03:36 |
WebLOCH | Once its updated | 03:36 |
ElitePete | WebLOCH, ok it's done. | 03:36 |
WebLOCH | apt-cache search gift | 03:36 |
UbuntuNewbee | M_Cheevy: the volume control has a red "X" on it. | 03:36 |
bulio | anyone? | 03:36 |
WebLOCH | and the last line by now, will hopefully be the same as mine | 03:36 |
M_Cheevy | Ubuntu: and you're in a "fresh", "straight" install of Ubuntu | 03:36 |
emrysk | How does one use a Kodak photo dock under Linux? I'm just trying to print some JPGs to it. | 03:36 |
UbuntuNewbee | M_Cheevy: yes sir. | 03:36 |
ElitePete | WebLOCH, i still don't see the fasttrack one :\ | 03:36 |
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WebLOCH | emrysk, if you attach it via USB and turn it on, theres a good chance it will be mounted | 03:36 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, thats odd, those are the only three repos i have enabled | 03:37 |
ElitePete | :-( | 03:37 |
UbuntuNewbee | M_Cheevy: when i double click on volume control, it says " No volume control elements and/or devices found. | 03:37 |
zblach | are mplayer and totem the same thing? | 03:37 |
ElitePete | zblach, no. | 03:37 |
M_Cheevy | UbuntuNewbee: (damn, wish I had the desktop up.. but still a few hours to go)... Under the System menu, Preferences, is a sound tool, check there too see if sounds are "enabled" | 03:37 |
emrysk | WebLOCH: I'm trying to actually print photos in the home directory to it. | 03:37 |
bulio | how do I enable samba web interface? | 03:37 |
bulio | wont let me use admin priveledges | 03:37 |
zaphar_ps | why can't I update my package lists? | 03:37 |
zblach | ElitePete, plugins for firefox, i mean | 03:37 |
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ElitePete | WebLOCH, dunno what to do :-( | 03:38 |
WebLOCH | emrysk, did the dock mount itself ? | 03:38 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, nor do i, lets have a google for a deb | 03:38 |
butcherbird | zaphar_ps, 98% chance something is mispelled in sources.list | 03:38 |
zaphar_ps | worked yesterday | 03:38 |
zaphar_ps | and the day before | 03:38 |
UbuntuNewbee | M_Cheevy: where it says "Default Sound Card", it is a drop down, and the drop down is blank. | 03:38 |
emrysk | WebLOCH: The camera filesystem mounts when dropped into the dock. | 03:38 |
zaphar_ps | haven't changed it at all | 03:38 |
emrysk | WebLOCH: This is one of those photo printer/docks. (I'm playing the remote support game.) | 03:39 |
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M_Cheevy | UbuntuNewbie: is there an "Administrator Mode" button? | 03:39 |
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zaphar_ps | butcherbird: is there some reason why the addresses would have changed? | 03:39 |
vilefridge | Hi, I'm wondering where the -startup programs- configuration file is located? | 03:39 |
WebLOCH | emrysk, ahh dude, the more proprietary it gets the worse it gets | 03:39 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, try adding this to the sources list deb http://hal.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/debian/ gift/ | 03:39 |
emrysk | WebLOCH: The poor woman's screwed? | 03:39 |
dooglus | vilefridge: ~/.gnome2/session ? | 03:39 |
ElitePete | k web | 03:40 |
nutter426 | anyone know anything about password errors for system admin? | 03:40 |
UbuntuNewbee | M_Cheevy: I don't see anything that says "Administrative Mode" or anything that says administrative. | 03:40 |
ElitePete | web whats the cmd to open sources? | 03:40 |
WebLOCH | emrysk, maybe not, but put it this way, I wouldnt like to be helping her. If you move the images to the dock, you should be able to print using the button on the dock itself right? | 03:40 |
butcherbird | zaphar_ps, you can ping out to websites on that machine? | 03:40 |
UbuntuNewbee | M_Cheevy: there is a "Device Manager" under the Administration Menu. | 03:40 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 03:40 |
zaphar_ps | yes | 03:40 |
M_Cheevy | UbuntuNewbee: fraid without the desktop going, I can't remember how I got it working on my system so I can't lead ya... personally, I cheated, I got in as root | 03:40 |
ElitePete | WebLOCH, k sec thx | 03:40 |
zaphar_ps | I can even hit the addresses in the browser | 03:40 |
emrysk | WebLOCH: Yeah. I was hoping there was a nicer solution, but I guess she'll be using yet another Linux workaround. | 03:41 |
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butcherbird | zaphar_ps, unless u have some unusual repo in there.. | 03:41 |
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M_Cheevy | UbuntuNewbee: that being said, doing that might have been why I'm now doing a reinstall ;) | 03:41 |
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zaphar_ps | just the security and breezy updates repo's | 03:41 |
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=== Villa [n=Porcupin@CPE-24-209-158-115.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Villa | hi | 03:41 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, no probs, SUDO for Super User DO, gedit for launch Gnome EDIT, and the last part is the path to the file that holds the list | 03:41 |
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PorcupineTree | hi | 03:41 |
nutter426 | another quick question..... if i do a quick install, which doesn't allow the user to set a root password, is there a way i can set it so i can log in to a terminal as root | 03:41 |
nutter426 | ? | 03:41 |
WebLOCH | emrysk, well mate there might be a proper solution, but i dont know of it | 03:41 |
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UbuntuNewbee | i can shell to root | 03:42 |
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nickrud | zaphar_ps, how about posting the errors from apt-get update to paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 03:42 |
vilefridge | dooglus: thanks!! :D | 03:42 |
xterra99 | can anyone else get to www.gnome-look.org?? | 03:42 |
WebLOCH | emrysk, YAWX! Yet Another Workaround for Linux | 03:42 |
secureboot | is there any sort of debootstrap for ubuntu? | 03:42 |
ElitePete | WebLOCH, k done | 03:42 |
ElitePete | got it! | 03:42 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, update | 03:42 |
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emrysk | WebLOCH: hehe. Thanks, man. :-) | 03:42 |
UbuntuNewbee | M_Cheevy: I can shell to root. | 03:42 |
PorcupineTree | Anyone using dapper yet? | 03:42 |
WebLOCH | good stuff | 03:42 |
dooglus | vilefridge: it's a weird format, that file. I wouldn't recommend editing it. | 03:42 |
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ElitePete | k installed. | 03:43 |
ElitePete | how do i use this baby now? :-) | 03:43 |
M_Cheevy | UbuntuNewbee: yes you can, I just don't know if you should... basically, the approach I'd take is to look at the device manager and see if gnome can see your device, then check the system preferences and settings to see if it's enabled. One last question, you aren't using a set of digital speakers are you? | 03:43 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, my advice would be to remove that line you added to the repos and update again now, to remove it. The reason i say this is because its completely separate to the repos maintained by ubuntu folk, so it may end up containing things that will break your install of ubuntu. | 03:43 |
zaphar_ps | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5806 | 03:43 |
vilefridge | dooglus: actually mine turned out to be ~/.fluxbox/startup which seems to make sense. The ~/.gnome/sessions/ was an excellent hint =) | 03:43 |
zaphar_ps | there are the error messages | 03:43 |
ElitePete | WebLOCH, ok. | 03:43 |
UbuntuNewbee | M_Cheevy: no diggy speakers here | 03:44 |
zaphar_ps | I figured maybe something was wrong with the repositories | 03:44 |
zaphar_ps | but if no one else is having trouble maybe it's me? | 03:44 |
ElitePete | WebLOCH, how do i run this program? | 03:44 |
M_Cheevy | UbuntuNewbee: damn, that might have made it easier :) | 03:44 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, for now, you can open two terminals, in one type 'giftd' and it will probably just hold, once thats done ignore it and move to the other terminal, and type 'giFTcurs' remember case sensitivity | 03:44 |
dooglus | vilefridge: as I remember it the fluxbox session file is a lot nicer to edit :) | 03:44 |
M_Cheevy | UbuntuNewbee: just take that approach and you should be on the right path | 03:44 |
vilefridge | dooglus: :) thanks again! | 03:45 |
Jormundgand | God. Sound in Linux is still so horrific. Here's my situation: I'm getting no sound from Firefox despite my efforts. I've installed ALSA and turned off ESD, I've installed the package alsa-oss and changed the value of FIREFOX_DSP to both "alsa" and "aoss", neither of which got Firefox to actually play anything. | 03:45 |
ElitePete | WebLOCH, says i need to config it | 03:45 |
WebLOCH | ahh right | 03:45 |
oxez | anyone have success with kernel 2.6.14-nitro and nvidia drivers? I get an error about it cannot insert the "nvidia.ko" module | 03:45 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, did it bring up the config pages? | 03:45 |
nickrud | zaphar_ps, remove the slashes between breezy main breezy restricted, etc | 03:45 |
UbuntuNewbee | M_Cheevy: thank you cheevy | 03:45 |
ElitePete | WebLOCH, i typed gift-config it's open now, what do i say yes to etc? | 03:46 |
M_Cheevy | UbuntuNewbee: when the practice fails, fall back on the theory ;) | 03:46 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete I cant remember im going to have to check on google, or I can VNC in and go thru it with you | 03:46 |
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ElitePete | webloch ok, i have vnc setup | 03:46 |
secureboot | i'm trying to debootstrap an ubuntu system on my debian box - is there a debootstrap source for ubuntu i can build and run? | 03:46 |
ElitePete | ill msg you my ip | 03:46 |
secureboot | i tried to grab one, and it only had debian targets | 03:46 |
nickrud | zaphar_ps, arg, put up your sources.list as well | 03:47 |
=== Aphix [n=Aphix@pool-68-162-105-126.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zaphar_ps | nickrud: slashes? | 03:47 |
zaphar_ps | gettin it | 03:47 |
ElitePete | WebLOCH, what do i need to do anything? | 03:47 |
Aphix | if I put a *.php file in say, cron.hourly, will it be run each hour? | 03:47 |
nickrud | zaphar_ps, arg :) | 03:47 |
M_Cheevy | secureboot: you'll need to change your /etc/apt/sources.list to point at ubuntu repositories | 03:47 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete you need to give me your IP address, and a password to connect with, in a private message | 03:47 |
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Aphix | AHHH!!? KP, whuddu[ | 03:48 |
Aphix | lawl stoooooop | 03:48 |
brenner | secureboot: i can't see anything here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/ so most likely the answer is no. | 03:48 |
=== bluefoxicy [n=bluefox@pcp0012069148pcs.whtmrs01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bluefoxicy | Hey | 03:48 |
Aphix | Will the cron folders run php files? | 03:48 |
M_Cheevy | secureboot: or "debootstrap breezy <target partition> <ubuntu repository>" | 03:48 |
brenner | heh. or maybe not. | 03:48 |
bluefoxicy | Canonical, LTD is distributing Ubuntu CDs over ShipIt free right? | 03:48 |
bluefoxicy | But they take an ungodly amount of time to get out | 03:48 |
ElitePete | WebLOCH, do you see my messages? | 03:48 |
nickrud | secureboot, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot?highlight=%28debootstrap%29#preview | 03:48 |
M_Cheevy | brenner: had to do a debootstrap install myself ;) | 03:48 |
Squee-D | is there any way of finding out what module a device is relying on? specifically my wan card | 03:49 |
brenner | M_Cheevy: righto. :) | 03:49 |
bluefoxicy | Would it be plausible for Canonical to allow free, 2 week, 1 week, and next day delivery? | 03:49 |
Squee-D | sorry wireless card | 03:49 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, nope cant see any | 03:49 |
zaphar_ps | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5807 | 03:49 |
M_Cheevy | brenner: did mine from the livecd though | 03:49 |
zaphar_ps | theres my sources list | 03:49 |
ElitePete | WebLOCH, i opend the dialogue window | 03:49 |
bluefoxicy | i.e. the shipping would be charged for, plus a service fee for letting you get them faster | 03:49 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, yeah that doesnt seem to be working these days :P | 03:49 |
bluefoxicy | which becomes profit. | 03:49 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, try /pm | 03:49 |
TraceGreen | M_Cheevy, you can use lspci to check the type of your card. | 03:49 |
bluefoxicy | It'd be like donatin' | 03:49 |
WebLOCH | ElitePete, /pm WebLOCH message | 03:49 |
ElitePete | i need to log in | 03:49 |
ElitePete | one moment. | 03:50 |
WebLOCH | ahh haha | 03:50 |
ElitePete | kk | 03:50 |
Aven | LOoooooooooooool | 03:50 |
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ElitePete | WebLOCH, see the window now? | 03:50 |
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nickrud | zaphar_ps, remove the slash following ubuntu on each line, like so: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu | 03:50 |
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PorcupineTree | Anyone here upgrade to dapper? | 03:50 |
M_Cheevy | TraceGreen: I forgot that one, use'd it to get my port address for my xconfig a few days ago... didn't think to use it in the context of sound to help out UbuntuNewbie though | 03:51 |
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joe_ | hello | 03:51 |
joe_ | can anyone help me | 03:51 |
xterra99 | can any get to www.gnome-look.org/ is does'nt do anything...no error message nothing | 03:51 |
=== n0cturnal_ [n=invert@cr1-202-89-163-11.arach.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TraceGreen | M_Cheevy, i don't know what you mean, but if you want to know which module should use to driver your card. you may use lspci | 03:51 |
joe_ | hello? | 03:52 |
aTypical | joe_, ask and if someone knows they'll answer. | 03:52 |
joe_ | ok | 03:52 |
brenner | xterra99: dead for me too | 03:52 |
TraceGreen | M_Cheevy, lspci may tell you the type of your card: for example : 0000:02:05.0 Ethernet controller | 03:52 |
joe_ | i can't edit my repositories in synaptic. i'm using breezy | 03:52 |
M_Cheevy | speaking of, TraceGreen, during the X install, the dialogue defaults to PCI:1:5:0, but I thought I read that AGP:1:5:0 was also valid, is there a performance boost to be gained either way? | 03:52 |
zaphar_ps | nickrud: still no go | 03:52 |
aTypical | joe_, do you receive an error when you try to edit them? | 03:53 |
UbuntuNewbee | M_Cheevy: this is so weird. | 03:53 |
M_Cheevy | UbuntuNewbee: wassup? | 03:53 |
UbuntuNewbee | M_Cheevy: i got a beeping sound in the Multimedia System's Selector when I clicked "Test" | 03:53 |
xterra99 | brenner, thanks | 03:53 |
joe_ | typical, no i just ry to edit them but they go back thier defualts | 03:53 |
benplaut | where does breezy mount cameras to? | 03:53 |
TraceGreen | M_Cheevy, I don't know. sorry. | 03:53 |
UbuntuNewbee | M_Cheevy: there is "Default Sink" and "Default Source" | 03:53 |
aTypical | joe_, how are you trying to edit them? | 03:54 |
nickrud | zaphar_ps, are you behind a proxy or anything like that? | 03:54 |
zaphar_ps | DSL router | 03:54 |
M_Cheevy | joe_: exit out of synaptic, gedit /etc/apt/sources.list, save, close, open synaptic, update | 03:54 |
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joe_ | i'm folloing the starter guide | 03:54 |
phosphoricx | hey guys :-) | 03:54 |
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zaphar_ps | nickrud: it's always worked before this is the first time Ive had trouble | 03:55 |
joe_ | doenst give me the backportd or repos | 03:55 |
=== proxosi [n=proxosi@pool-68-161-72-223.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
joe_ | so i'm just trying to enable my repos thru synaptic | 03:55 |
M_Cheevy | UbuntuNewbee: I believe there is... I'm not sure though. was the beep from the pc speaker or from the sc speakers? | 03:55 |
phosphoricx | anybody running moneydance on amd64? | 03:55 |
UbuntuNewbee | M_Cheevy: I clicked on test for "Default Sink" and i got a load beeping sound out the speakers. I get nothing on the "Default Source test". | 03:55 |
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M_Cheevy | UbuntuNewbee: welll... guess which one is the right one ;) | 03:56 |
UbuntuNewbee | M_Cheevy: the speakers. I think "sink" = out = speakers and "source" = in = microphone. | 03:56 |
aTypical | joe_, sorry, but I've not seen that error. I can't see why it wouldn't allow you to edit your sources. You might try editing them by hand. | 03:56 |
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joe_ | thru gedit? | 03:56 |
oxez | anyone have success with kernel 2.6.14-nitro and nvidia drivers? I get an error about it cannot insert the "nvidia.ko" module | 03:57 |
=== mobus [n=mobus@h-69-3-204-74.sfldmidn.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
M_Cheevy | joe: that's a good choice of the editors you should have | 03:57 |
aTypical | joe_, sure. I don't think the editor matters. | 03:57 |
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mobus | what's the command for updating to breezy? | 03:57 |
joe_ | i'll try it | 03:57 |
M_Cheevy | joe: I picked that because it's installed by default so everyone should have it | 03:57 |
=== we0 [n=weo@p5499F6DD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
M_Cheevy | mobus: upper right hand corner of your screen should show an "updates available" button if there are any | 03:58 |
aTypical | mobus, in a terminal you can try apt-get dist-upgrade after you've pointed your sources to breezy. | 03:58 |
M_Cheevy | d'oh... updating FROM hoary | 03:58 |
=== nuttin_no_go_so [n=abdul_az@pool-138-88-31-206.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bimberi | !breezy | 03:58 |
ubotu | The guide to upgrading to breezy (5.10) is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade | 03:58 |
aTypical | M_Cheevy, that's only my guess. | 03:58 |
UbuntuNewbee | !hoary | 03:58 |
ubotu | I heard hoary is a word that means grey or ancient. Shakespeare made a joke about it in his play Romeo and Juliet | 03:58 |
nickrud | zaphar_ps, I'm not sure what is going on. Your sources do look right (I have the same) dns? | 03:59 |
M_Cheevy | aTypical: a better one as you seem to have read it more closely that I did.... | 03:59 |
zaphar_ps | I can hit it with the webbrowser | 03:59 |
zaphar_ps | even download the source.gz file | 03:59 |
zaphar_ps | nothing's in the file though | 03:59 |
=== __Ace__ [n=love@h55l211.delphi.afb.lu.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nytryx | !money | 04:00 |
ubotu | Nytryx: Are you smoking crack? | 04:00 |
zaphar_ps | how frustrating :-( | 04:00 |
Nytryx | lol | 04:00 |
Nytryx | !no! | 04:00 |
ubotu | Ahh, too bad, I really thought so... | 04:00 |
nickrud | zaphar_ps, are you getting anything from your (ugh:) unofficial repos? | 04:00 |
Nytryx | !so what are you saying? | 04:00 |
ubotu | Nytryx: I think you lost me on that one | 04:00 |
zaphar_ps | They are commented out right now I don't know | 04:00 |
d03boy | ok dudes | 04:00 |
Nytryx | !but it was a simple question | 04:00 |
ubotu | Nytryx: Are you smoking crack? | 04:01 |
Nytryx | !there you go agian | 04:01 |
ubotu | Nytryx: Did you get hit by a windmill? | 04:01 |
UbuntuNewbee | M_Cheevy: is there a command to see what /dev my sound card is on? | 04:01 |
Nytryx | !haha | 04:01 |
ubotu | Nytryx: Syntax error in line 1 | 04:01 |
Squee-D | How does the kernel decide to use a module for a device ? i want to try the ndis wrapper instead of ath_pci but the kernel insists on using ath_pci | 04:01 |
nickrud | !yourself | 04:01 |
ubotu | Yep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel. | 04:01 |
proxosi | hey guys | 04:01 |
Nytryx | talking to ubotu is fun lol | 04:01 |
=== sexcopter8000m [n=james@dslb-082-083-193-205.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
proxosi | why wouldnt vlc read wmv? | 04:01 |
Nytryx | i knew that nickrud | 04:01 |
brenner | Nytryx: not for us. /msg ubotu | 04:01 |
nickrud | :) | 04:01 |
bimberi | Nytryx: yes, but the last sentence :) | 04:02 |
Nytryx | it was amusing ok ill stop | 04:02 |
UbuntuNewbee | M_Cheevy: crap....whatever you do, DO NOT do "modprobe snd" | 04:02 |
M_Cheevy | UbuntuNewbee: this udev /dev/fs stuff is kinda new to me... but traditionally /dev/dsp is a symbolic link to the real device | 04:02 |
UbuntuNewbee | pc speaker won't stop. | 04:02 |
proxosi | actually my vlc player cant display the image of the video only sound... what is wrong? | 04:02 |
Nytryx | what? bimberi | 04:02 |
=== xterra99 [n=steven@pcp08498126pcs.laurel01.ms.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
M_Cheevy | UbuntuNewbee: only one way to deal with that.. try 'rmmod snd' | 04:02 |
M_Cheevy | UbuntuNewbee: okay, two... reboot | 04:02 |
=== marsu_ [n=user@c83-248-247-195.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
UbuntuNewbee | looks like i'm reboooting. | 04:03 |
nickrud | proxosi, not all wmv's are equal; some play, some don't in my experience | 04:03 |
=== ejofee [n=ejofee@195-245-89-185.dtcom.ro] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ejofee | !gpgerr | 04:03 |
ubotu | it has been said that gpgerr is a GPG-related error that sometimes occur when accessing the Ubuntu archives; it can usually be solved by typing "sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/*Release*" (without the quotes!) in a terminal | 04:03 |
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bimberi | Nytryx: nvm, i meant the last sentence of the !yourself factoid. | 04:03 |
jesse_ | wmv is just a file wrapper, not a real "filetype" perse | 04:03 |
dooglus | nickrud: I think the DRM'ed ones don't play, and the others do. | 04:03 |
M_Cheevy | quick question, is 'Remove modules' enabled in the kernel packages? | 04:03 |
=== thrush is now known as butcherbird | ||
proxosi | nikrud: is there any soulution | 04:03 |
UbuntuNewbee | okay...everything just froze. | 04:03 |
UbuntuNewbee | ARGH!! | 04:04 |
nickrud | dooglus, ah, is there an easy check for which is which | 04:04 |
dooglus | nickrud: I don't know of one if there is | 04:04 |
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Nytryx | ahh | 04:04 |
=== whaley [n=whaley@rrcs-70-61-100-208.midsouth.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brenner | ejofee: you still getting that error hey? | 04:04 |
dooglus | nickrud: other than trying to play them... | 04:04 |
nickrud | proxosi, I've heard of a thing called crossover, or wine. which allows you to run windows media player | 04:04 |
nickrud | dooglus, oh well. worth asking :) | 04:04 |
d03boy | anyone knwo where the fix is for when you do a dist-upgrade and the xserver breaks? | 04:05 |
taomaster | 4get windows | 04:05 |
ejofee | brenner: yes :( | 04:05 |
ejofee | brenner: and i get warnings in synaptic | 04:05 |
jesse_ | proxosi: yes, wine + win media player will solve you problem, as nickrud said | 04:05 |
Madpilot | d03boy: you upgraded to Dapper? | 04:05 |
proxosi | ok | 04:05 |
jesse_ | !wine | 04:05 |
proxosi | !wine | 04:05 |
bur[n] er | anyone know if there's a way to do a "cp -a" type copy via nautilus? | 04:05 |
=== bur[n] er is copying a drive to drive | ||
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d03boy | Madpilot, no, breezy, did dapper just get released or something? | 04:06 |
jroes | yes | 04:06 |
jroes | time to start a new X session | 04:06 |
jroes | with kdm :) | 04:06 |
bur[n] er | d03boy: dapper has a ways to go | 04:06 |
proxosi | what should i google for wine | 04:06 |
M_Cheevy | proxosi: just search the wiki for it, bound to be a well editted howto | 04:06 |
proxosi | o ok | 04:06 |
=== Toma- [n=lin4me@203-59-182-214.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
M_Cheevy | wine is common as | 04:06 |
dooglus | d03boy: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 04:06 |
brenner | ejofee: post both the errors and your sources.list file to a pastebin | 04:06 |
d03boy | dooglus, i'll try | 04:06 |
ejofee | brenner: any idea what this is ?: "could not download all repository indexes: http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy-security/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz: Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)" | 04:07 |
nickrud | proxosi, I'd google windows media player wind | 04:07 |
nickrud | *wine | 04:07 |
ejofee | brenner: ohh, i did it here | 04:07 |
=== riaabad [n=mueller@pool-141-157-84-21.balt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
M_Cheevy | ejofee: sounds like you have a corupted download... apt-get update | 04:07 |
ejofee | brenner, M_Cheevy: i mean, isn't that link necessary? | 04:07 |
=== Zip6502 [n=jason@ACD54DC1.ipt.aol.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
ejofee | M_Cheevy: and why is it corrupted all the time? | 04:08 |
ejofee | M_Cheevy: isn't synaptic's update similar to apt-get update? | 04:08 |
M_Cheevy | ejofee: it is... but if the transfer burped, the .gz file is corrupt.. and will stay corrupt until you do an update | 04:08 |
ejofee | M_Cheevy: isn't synaptic's RELOAD similar to apt-get update? | 04:08 |
nickrud | bur[n] er, yes, you can select by pattern, but don't it's slower than mollasses on that many files | 04:08 |
brenner | ejofee: yes, they're equivalent afaik | 04:08 |
ejofee | M_Cheevy: oh, i see | 04:08 |
M_Cheevy | ejofee: it should be, I'm just more comfortable at the command prompt | 04:08 |
=== carthik [n=carthik@user-0cej70p.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
d03boy | can someone point me to a working sources.list for breezy that I can just wget in a term? | 04:09 |
carthik | Hi, to dual boot windows and Ubuntu - does windows have to be at the primary partition, or is it okay if I have it in hda5 ? | 04:09 |
ejofee | carthik: windows is very sensitive as to which partition it is on | 04:09 |
nickrud | bur[n] er, that last bit was a bit incoherent, but the point is, nautilus is way slower than the console for that | 04:10 |
sethk | carthik, windows versions >= 2000 need to be on a primary | 04:10 |
sethk | carthik, and usually you'll have big problems unless it is the first primary | 04:10 |
ejofee | carthik: as for ubuntu, it doesn't matter which partition it is on | 04:10 |
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taomaster | how do i change my root password? | 04:10 |
sethk | taomaster, sudo passwd | 04:10 |
ejofee | taomaster: sudo passwd | 04:10 |
carthik | sethk, any work arounds for when it is not on the primary partition that you could point me to? | 04:10 |
Dr_Willis | FAQ #1 :) | 04:10 |
ejofee | :) | 04:10 |
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bur[n] er | nickrud: i just did cp -a... it's always nice to see progress though... constantly doing df -h == my progress bar ;) | 04:11 |
WebLOCH | yubimusubi|away, M_Cheevy, cafeugo, it was nice talking to you all, im off to bed, take care | 04:11 |
M_Cheevy | sethk: not really, I've had 2k and 2k3 on partitions other than the first primary very successfully | 04:11 |
sethk | carthik, I've never seen it work out that way. | 04:11 |
carthik | taomaster, i would recommend you dont create the root user without need... :) | 04:11 |
taomaster | thanx | 04:11 |
sethk | M_Cheevy, depends. | 04:11 |
carthik | sethk, thank you | 04:11 |
M_Cheevy | WebLOCH: ciao... sleep well | 04:11 |
nickrud | bur[n] er, try watch df -h | 04:11 |
that_weasel | anyone care to help me get the following repository setup in apt (http://www.soulmachine.net/breezy/unstable/)? | 04:11 |
sethk | M_Cheevy, with some disk geometries it is a big problem, depending of course on the sizes of the earlier partitions | 04:11 |
eric_s | Hi, any idea how to read an avi file? | 04:11 |
M_Cheevy | sethk: admittedly, I used system commander to multiboot | 04:11 |
sethk | M_Cheevy, that doesn't count. :) | 04:12 |
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=== La_PaRCa [n=La_PaRCa@cable200-116-237-2.epm.net.co] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bur[n] er | nickrud: that's rad!! thanks :) that's two cool term things I've got from ya today :) | 04:12 |
sethk | eric_s, how about rm ? | 04:12 |
d03boy | you guys should get an official link to where you can wget a sources.list | 04:12 |
=== oblib [n=khaled@156-130-13-204.erd.cust.wirelessbeehive.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== R|P2 [n=outtaher@cm232.sigma146.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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M_Cheevy | sethk: sure it does ;) hooray for the fosi archives ;) might still be there | 04:12 |
La_PaRCa | hey kids | 04:12 |
nickrud | bur[n] er, it sorta makes up for my total brain fart on -a for cp :) | 04:12 |
R|P2 | hey seveas | 04:12 |
R|P2 | hey M_cheevy | 04:12 |
Hobbsee | !tell d03boy about repos | 04:12 |
eric_s | rm? what is this? | 04:12 |
M_Cheevy | R|P2: heya, have we met? or should I not be embarassed I don't recognise you? | 04:12 |
=== R|P2 is Ne0ne who came asking for wifi drivers | ||
R|P2 | yeah we've met | 04:13 |
R|P2 | :D | 04:13 |
M_Cheevy | R|P2: thanks ;) | 04:13 |
R|P2 | ;) | 04:13 |
nickrud | ubotu tell eric_s about restricted | 04:13 |
=== Kuyaedz [n=christer@c-24-2-76-178.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
R|P2 | m up n runnin on ubuntu | 04:13 |
R|P2 | the wifi is up too :D | 04:13 |
oblib | How do I get nvidia module to suspend? | 04:13 |
R|P2 | ndiswrapper helped | 04:13 |
ejofee | ubotu tell ejofee about restricted | 04:13 |
nickrud | eric_s, take a look at the pm you should have just got | 04:13 |
R|P2 | now m looking for ntfs read support | 04:13 |
carthik | d03boy, why dont you just edit your sources.list using info from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SourcesList | 04:13 |
R|P2 | how do i install it? | 04:13 |
M_Cheevy | R|P2: distribution kernel or custom kernel? | 04:14 |
eric_s | ok just a minute | 04:14 |
R|P2 | no idea | 04:14 |
R|P2 | :P | 04:14 |
proxosi | wat is a i386 architecture? | 04:14 |
R|P2 | to be frank | 04:14 |
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R|P2 | its a distribution kernel i think | 04:14 |
Nytryx | !im only doing this because im board and vector linux is taking a while to install i love ubuntu and edubuntu rocks! | 04:14 |
ubotu | Nytryx: that's too long | 04:14 |
nickrud | proxosi, a winintel box | 04:14 |
R|P2 | installed it frm CD | 04:14 |
=== Hobbsee is now known as Hobbsee_away | ||
sethk | Nytryx, I think you are bored, not board | 04:15 |
proxosi | nickrud: emmm me a beginner of linux.. i dont understand those terms :( | 04:15 |
sethk | Nytryx, unless you have a reset button | 04:15 |
Nytryx | you got the point sethk | 04:15 |
M_Cheevy | R|P2: if you have no idea, it's distribution. | 04:15 |
Nytryx | i do have a reset button | 04:15 |
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R|P2 | M_Cheevy, yeah! its distribution, i dont yet know how to compile n use a custom kernel | 04:15 |
R|P2 | :P | 04:15 |
sethk | Nytryx, can you recommend a mute button for my ex-wife? | 04:15 |
jiangguowei | hello | 04:16 |
M_Cheevy | R|P2: all I had to do was to mount the drives, whatever modules needed were loaded, if you must do "modprobe ntfs" and then mount | 04:16 |
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R|P2 | everytime u bood u've to do that? | 04:16 |
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nickrud | proxosi, there are microprocessor families; i386 came before pentium and athlon. It's a shorthand for computers that use those types of chips | 04:16 |
M_Cheevy | sethk: Change your license plate.. mine reads DWIFED ;) | 04:16 |
Nytryx | sethk yeah steel reserve 211 "Triple Export" | 04:16 |
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nickrud | proxosi, wintel (I typed it wrong before) means windows and intel. | 04:17 |
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proxosi | nickrud: so im amd 64.. so im not using those .. am i m correct | 04:17 |
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ejofee | brenner: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5808 | 04:17 |
M_Cheevy | R|P2: nope, you can edit your /etc/fstab to include them.. do a google on "linux fstab ntfs" | 04:17 |
taomaster | is there a way to upgrade to the new ubuntu thur the terminakl? | 04:17 |
nickrud | proxosi, oh yes, that amd64 is a direct descendant of the i386 | 04:17 |
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Nytryx | http://www.steelbrewing.com/ | 04:17 |
Nytryx | sethk | 04:18 |
brenner | taomaster: what do you mean by new? breezy or dapper? | 04:18 |
proxosi | nickrud: ........ so im i386? | 04:18 |
taomaster | dapper | 04:18 |
taomaster | i'm in breezy | 04:18 |
oblib | How do I get nvidia module to suspend? | 04:18 |
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brenner | ejofee: sounds like your sources.list file has something wrong. | 04:18 |
R|P2 | dats very helpful M_Cheevy | 04:18 |
R|P2 | :) | 04:18 |
R|P2 | brb | 04:18 |
R|P2 | need to try it out right away | 04:18 |
eric_s | hum I see... can I burn a CD with an avi file then? | 04:18 |
brenner | ejofee: do you have a pastebin link for that? | 04:18 |
M_Cheevy | nickrud: by way of the DEC Alpha ;) | 04:19 |
ejofee | brenner: this is the content of my sources list: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5809 | 04:19 |
nickrud | proxosi, but, and here's a little catch, it's capable of 64 bit fetching, where the pentium is not. Some advice: use the i386 distro instead of the amd64 one, you won't be sorry. Multimedia, flash, etc don't work well on the amd | 04:19 |
M_Cheevy | R|P2: I try ;) | 04:19 |
nickrud | M_Cheevy, crossbreeding makes for improved strains | 04:19 |
taomaster | brenner- anything new with the new release? | 04:19 |
M_Cheevy | nickrud: wasn't critising, just making sure DEC got credit where due ;) | 04:20 |
Kuyaedz | if there wasn't anything new, would the version really be 'new'? | 04:20 |
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westymatt | hey where are the perl modules located? | 04:20 |
proxosi | nickrud: ok... so i followed some steps of http://www.winehq.com/site/download-deb but im stuck after the first picture | 04:20 |
nickrud | M_Cheevy, never saw it that way. | 04:20 |
ejofee | brenner: i just added everything from ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic | 04:20 |
M_Cheevy | Kuyaedz: ask textbook publishers... the things they do to get a new "edition" ;) | 04:20 |
proxosi | nickrud: it told me to search for 'wine' but there are so many results i dotn know which one to choose | 04:21 |
oblib | How do I get nvidia module to suspend? | 04:21 |
nickrud | proxosi, I have have never used wine. I don't run windows but for one program. | 04:21 |
M_Cheevy | nickrud: wasn't too worried, that's why the ";)" | 04:21 |
nickrud | proxosi, sudo apt-get install wine :) | 04:21 |
proxosi | o ok | 04:21 |
R|P2 | ;) | 04:21 |
brenner | ejofee: looks like you appended the output to the old one though, instead of *replacing* it. | 04:21 |
westymatt | does anyone know where perl modules are located?? | 04:21 |
brenner | ejofee: you've got multiple entries | 04:21 |
nickrud | M_Cheevy, actually, I don't think I ever really knew that about DEC. I stopped paying attention to chip stuff a long time ago. | 04:22 |
proxosi | nickrud: i got this " Package wine is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 04:22 |
proxosi | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 04:22 |
proxosi | is only available from another source | 04:22 |
proxosi | E: Package wine has no installation candidate | 04:22 |
proxosi | " | 04:22 |
ejofee | brenner: yes... i thought this was not a problem. i thought it was actually good, like having more than one mirror (just in case)... | 04:22 |
nickrud | ubotu tell proxosi about repos | 04:22 |
M_Cheevy | nickrud: yeah, intel stole a lot of it's newer designs from the alpha (they were making them for DEC) | 04:22 |
=== ElitePete [n=pete@c-24-131-71-233.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brenner | ejofee: apparently not, because that's one of the errors you're getting | 04:23 |
nickrud | proxosi, did you get that pm? | 04:23 |
brenner | actually, it's a warning | 04:23 |
proxosi | yes | 04:23 |
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nickrud | proxosi, and one more piece of advice: please don't paste in the channel | 04:24 |
ejofee | brenner: actually, if i erase content of the default sources file and replace it with the one from source-o-matic (adding everything!) do ai lose *anything*? | 04:24 |
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proxosi | nickrud: sorry.. thought it was very short... didnt know it adds up that much line | 04:24 |
ejofee | *ai=i | 04:24 |
M_Cheevy | ejofee: if in trouble or doubt, run in circles, scream and... but really, instead of deleting it, just mv (rename) it? | 04:24 |
nickrud | proxosi, it used to be 4 lines was ok, then 3, now, 1 :) | 04:25 |
nickrud | ejofee, that source-o-matic makes just fine sources. Almost as pretty as my handcrafted one :) | 04:25 |
ejofee | M_Cheevy: in fact, i wonder why some repos don't work (because this is what the seems the problem is)... and why does seveas not have a gpg key (this also seems to be one of the problems)? | 04:26 |
Isilando | hey guys, does anybody know which deamon or what is responsible for the drives? My cdrom not only does not auto-mount, but the console hangs as well when I attempt to mount it manually | 04:26 |
ejofee | nickrud: then what do you think the problems are with those sources? did you read my pastebin post? | 04:26 |
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M_Cheevy | ejofee: you're going to some out of the way places... I tend to limit my source.list to just what I need, when I need it... I try to avoid unofficial stuff if I can. | 04:26 |
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chad_ | asdf | 04:27 |
oblib | ghjkl;? | 04:27 |
nickrud | ejofee, you have some duplicate lines, I think. I've been told that can be problematic | 04:27 |
Isilando | asdf to you too | 04:27 |
ejofee | M_Cheevy: i wanted everything just because it seems the official ubuntu sources don't include anything from nomachine nx (like freenx) | 04:27 |
M_Cheevy | ejofee: like I said, limit it to what you need... and everyone's saying you have duplicates in there... don't ignore that | 04:28 |
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ejofee | nickrud: so are you sure it's no problem if i remove all the original file content and replace with the one from source-o-matic? that is, are you sure i lose nothing? | 04:28 |
ejofee | M_Cheevy: right | 04:28 |
oblib | How do I get nvidia module to suspend? | 04:28 |
M_Cheevy | ejofee: if you're worried about losing the current contents of your sources.list do a "mv sources.list sources.back" then do the source-o-matic dealy | 04:29 |
ejofee | thank you very much, brenner, M_Cheevy, nickrud | 04:29 |
nickrud | ejofee, you've got all the official repos in the sourceomatic: main, restricted, universe and multiverse from breezy, updates, and security. That's it. | 04:29 |
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Nytryx | b double e double r u n ! | 04:29 |
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Nytryx | whats that spell? | 04:30 |
brenner | ejofee: np. i think M_Cheevy and nickrud finished it off though :) | 04:30 |
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M_Cheevy | Beer Run? with a missing "R" | 04:30 |
Toma- | beerrun | 04:30 |
M_Cheevy | whoops, my bad | 04:30 |
M_Cheevy | bbiab.... | 04:30 |
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nickrud | !beerrun | 04:35 |
ubotu | somebody said beerrun was I'll fly if you buy. | 04:35 |
jesse_ | !botbeer | 04:36 |
ubotu | jesse_: Do they come in packets of five? | 04:36 |
jesse_ | OH YES | 04:36 |
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nomin | how do I save a new app in the menu editor? I've added one to 'internet' but I don't see how to save it. | 04:36 |
lando | Can someone assist me in finding the documentation that can *Quickly* (CUPS) so I can setup a network printer | 04:36 |
La_PaRCa | nomin, no need to save | 04:36 |
nickrud | nomin, it saves as you type | 04:36 |
Toma- | nomin: you need to restart gnome-panel for it to pop up | 04:36 |
jesse_ | !tell lando about cups | 04:36 |
jesse_ | oh noes | 04:37 |
La_PaRCa | Toma-, not if he used smeg | 04:37 |
ejofee | now, beyond the "dirty quick-fix", does anybody have any idea what *causes* the gpgerr to some repos? | 04:37 |
nomin | I'm using smeg, and it's not showing the app in the applications internet section | 04:37 |
mobus | what is the command for installing a non-apt .deb file? | 04:37 |
nomin | Toma, how do I restart gnome-panel? | 04:38 |
bimberi | mobus: sudo dpkg -i file.deb | 04:38 |
jesse_ | mobus: dpkg -i <name>.deb | 04:38 |
mobus | thanks | 04:38 |
nickrud | ejofee, it's because you don't have the key added to the apt-keyring | 04:38 |
bimberi | nomin: killall gnome-panel | 04:38 |
Toma- | nomin: "killall gnome-panel" | 04:38 |
jroes | hmm, my sound suddenly stopped working after I rebooted from an upgrade to breezy and running a kubuntu-desktop install, I saw an error fly by on bootup, but I can't find it in dmesg, is there another place I should look? | 04:38 |
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Toma- | itll restart by itself | 04:38 |
BenUrban | Seveas: around? | 04:38 |
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ejofee | nickrud: cool...: how do i add it? i thought apt-get should have dealt with it... | 04:38 |
jroes | I think it was something like "operation not permitted" when it tried to do some sound setup | 04:38 |
nickrud | ejofee, a sec | 04:39 |
that_weasel | if I have two repositories that contain a package with the same name how do i differenciate between the two... | 04:39 |
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nomin | when I exit smeg and re-enter it, I don't see the app that I added | 04:39 |
ejofee | nickrud: yes (thanks) | 04:39 |
sethk | jroes, /var/log/messages | 04:39 |
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gpled | is the only way to mount and unmount floppies, through the terminal? | 04:39 |
crimsun | that_weasel: you can explicitly pass the version if they differ | 04:39 |
nomin | it doesn't appear to be saving anything | 04:39 |
crimsun | that_weasel: for instance, apt-get install foo=version | 04:39 |
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BenUrban | can anyone help with this? http://rafb.net/paste/results/13rRn726.html | 04:40 |
BenUrban | (line 1949) | 04:40 |
ejofee | nickrud: these are my current gpg warnings: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5810 | 04:40 |
jroes | sethk: nothing there either | 04:40 |
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lando | All I need is the guidance to find understandable (CUPS)documentation fro network printing. Even a lead will be appreciated. | 04:40 |
that_weasel | crimsun, I am using Synaptic at the moment...if i search by Maintainer then I get a whole list of packages...but when i check the properties of the one I want, it has the info listed for the conflicting one... | 04:40 |
dtrostis | hi guys I have a question. | 04:40 |
_jason | dtrostis, ask it :) | 04:40 |
Kuyaedz | yes dtrostis | 04:40 |
jroes | sethk: is there something simple I could use to restart all the audio-controlling stuff? | 04:41 |
BenUrban | dtrostis: is it 42? | 04:41 |
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crimsun | that_weasel: then use apt-get or aptitude from the command line | 04:41 |
Kuyaedz | lol | 04:41 |
dtrostis | I installed the Nvidia drivers but it doesn't show in the system tools menu | 04:41 |
sethk | BenUrban, you don't have drm support, but there is nothing actually wrong in what you posted | 04:41 |
jroes | I think it failed on alsa initialization or something | 04:41 |
that_weasel | crimsun, k...thanks | 04:41 |
crimsun | jroes: you mean the sound subsystem? | 04:41 |
jroes | yeah | 04:41 |
crimsun | jroes: sudo invoke-rc.d alsa force-reload | 04:41 |
BenUrban | sethk: there is an error message in there | 04:41 |
wuming | how to install wine in ubuntu | 04:41 |
jroes | thanks | 04:41 |
jesse_ | dtrostis: nvidia-settings | 04:41 |
crimsun | wuming: enable the universe repository, then install wine | 04:41 |
sethk | BenUrban, I know, but it doesn't indicate a problem. | 04:41 |
ejofee | wuming: "sudo apt-get install wine" | 04:41 |
nickrud | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5811 <--- ejofee use the NO_PUBKEY string as input | 04:41 |
sethk | BenUrban, just that it can't use a particular optimization | 04:42 |
dtrostis | I did installed, but it doesn't show anything | 04:42 |
BenUrban | sethk: that's a problem for me :P | 04:42 |
jesse_ | dtrostis: killall gnome-panel | 04:42 |
jesse_ | dtrostis: then look | 04:42 |
sethk | BenUrban, then fix your kernel. it needs drm support for your graphics hardware | 04:42 |
jroes | hmmm, amarok is giving me this weird error from GStreamer | 04:42 |
BenUrban | sethk: it had it a few days ago | 04:42 |
ejofee | nickrud: thank you. (does this mean those repositories officially lack a gpg key, or is it just a quick fix?) | 04:42 |
BenUrban | didn't last long thogh | 04:42 |
nomin | I'm still not able to add an app to the applications menu | 04:42 |
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sethk | BenUrban, that's good, but unless you have a time machine I don't see that it helps much. | 04:43 |
jroes | gstmad.c, failed to negotiate 44100khz | 04:43 |
jesse_ | dtrostis: wait, did you make the desktop config for it? | 04:43 |
dtrostis | I tried the killall | 04:43 |
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BenUrban | sethk: i do but it requires 3d accelerated x | 04:43 |
Toothpick | can someone on ubuntu do an apt-cache search xvidcap please. | 04:43 |
nickrud | ejofee, no they do have a key, you just have to get it, and add it to apt's key ring. | 04:43 |
BenUrban | :P | 04:43 |
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dtrostis | Yes Jesse, I saved the file as indicated | 04:43 |
nomin | when I add limewire to smeg and than exit smeg, limewire is gone - it's not saving it | 04:43 |
dtrostis | may be I will have to try again | 04:43 |
jroes | Toothpick: nothing | 04:43 |
jroes | Toothpick: you can probably google somewhere | 04:43 |
sethk | BenUrban, I mean, I don't have any way of knowing what was done to the kernel or the configuration since then | 04:43 |
jesse_ | dtrostis: worth a shot. did you try killing the panel, then looking? | 04:43 |
ejofee | nickrud: your pastebin helps me add it to the apt's keyring? | 04:44 |
dtrostis | Yes Jesse, I even restrated the computer and I can see the Nvidia logo | 04:44 |
BenUrban | sethk: i added seveas' repository since then | 04:44 |
dtrostis | restarted | 04:44 |
BenUrban | then updated | 04:44 |
BenUrban | he's not around atm though :/ | 04:44 |
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nickrud | ejofee, I just ran it on the first one, it added riddell's key to apt just fine. | 04:44 |
jesse_ | dtrostis: hmmmm. i would check the .desktop file you created for nvidia-settings | 04:44 |
=== bullitt [n=bullitt@ppp-70-251-185-2.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bimberi | BenUrban: didn't someone give you his phone number? :P | 04:45 |
BenUrban | lmao | 04:45 |
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dtrostis | Jesse, I used the one that comes in the Ubuntu starter guide | 04:45 |
sethk | BenUrban, if you know specifically what you updated that triggered the problem, then that would help. Just knowing the repository won't help much, unless you are going to analyze what is in his repository that is missing from (or different than) the others | 04:45 |
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crimsun | jroes: you didn't create your own ~/.asoundrc, did you? | 04:45 |
bullitt | no sound in VLC, tried all the audio options, system sounds work fine | 04:45 |
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BenUrban | sethk: i suspect it was the fglrx-kernel-drivers | 04:45 |
d03boy | can someone guide me in wtf to do after doing a dist-upgrade from Hoary to Breezy only to find out that X wont start? | 04:45 |
sethk | BenUrban, that's certainly logical. that's directly relevant | 04:45 |
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jesse_ | dtrostis: yeah, adn you cant see it under the system, or utilities menus? (im not on ubuntu right now, otherwise id look for certain where it is) | 04:46 |
BenUrban | sethk: yeah | 04:46 |
ejofee | nickrud: i wonder... how does gpg know, from the two lines you sent me, *which* keys to add to the keyring...? | 04:46 |
that_weasel | crimsun, is there an easy way to install all package from a particular repo | 04:46 |
crimsun | bullitt: did you install vlc-plugin-alsa ? | 04:46 |
sethk | BenUrban, can you remove his repository, and reinstall fglrx? | 04:46 |
BenUrban | hmm | 04:46 |
=== xkahn [n=xkahn@207-172-69-47.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crimsun | that_weasel: not really | 04:46 |
nomin | I'm gonna put it in a pastebin | 04:46 |
bullitt | CrimsonKing, negative | 04:46 |
BenUrban | that's an idea... | 04:46 |
CrimsonKing | sups? | 04:46 |
bullitt | oops, crimsun | 04:46 |
crimsun | bullitt: then do so. | 04:46 |
CrimsonKing | ah :} | 04:46 |
bullitt | my bad nick completion | 04:46 |
=== CrimsonKing goes back to studying for stats final | ||
d03boy | fuck stats with all your might | 04:46 |
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CrimsonKing | dude. | 04:46 |
nicholaspaul | hey gang | 04:46 |
mark105 | is there any easy way to change my root password when i dont know it? | 04:46 |
BenUrban | d03boy: language | 04:46 |
crimsun | CrimsonKing: my nick is often mistaken as an abbreviation of the band, yes. | 04:46 |
CrimsonKing | i am getting raped by stats | 04:46 |
d03boy | BenUrban, english | 04:46 |
nickrud | ejofee, that A506E6D4DD4D5088 is the unique identifier of the key; and it's registered in the pgp.net database | 04:47 |
Toothpick | jroes, thanks. | 04:47 |
BenUrban | not quite :P | 04:47 |
d03boy | hehe | 04:47 |
Toothpick | It's in stable debian, just not testing or unstable as far as I can tell. | 04:47 |
nicholaspaul | anyone know how to get gdmsetup to see the gdm conf? Its for setting up login screens....?????????????????? | 04:47 |
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cyphase | how do you make Network Manager run at bootup? | 04:47 |
CrimsonKing | our finals are evil, its 10 multiple choice questions where none of the answers are right and we have to pick the closest, and we aren't given any forumla sheets | 04:47 |
d03boy | what in the eff do I do after dist-upgrading to breezy to find that xorg wont load up | 04:47 |
nicholaspaul | cyphase, you can add it to 'sessions' | 04:47 |
=== UncleD [n=uncled@209-112-216-69-cdsl-rb1.nwc.acsalaska.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cyphase | nicholaspaul, i mean the daemon | 04:48 |
cyphase | not the applet | 04:48 |
cyphase | the applet is already in sessions | 04:48 |
crimsun | d03boy: you stash your /var/log/Xorg.0.log and /etc/X11/xorg.conf onto paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 04:48 |
nicholaspaul | oh sorry cycom ... dunno | 04:48 |
UncleD | I'm interested in making my laptop dual boot (winxp/ubuntu) - what is the best partitioning program and such - is there a tutorial for doing this (so I can do it right the first time?) | 04:48 |
cyphase | i want the daemon to run even if no one logs on | 04:48 |
nicholaspaul | oh sorry cyphase dunno | 04:48 |
cyphase | lol | 04:48 |
nomin | here is the pastebin for me trying to add an app to the applications menu under 'internet' section. the app is limewire: http://hashphp.org/pastebin.php?pid=5702 | 04:48 |
dtrostis | Jesse I found the problem, was a period missing from the desktop settings, thanks | 04:48 |
cyphase | cycom and i need to talk | 04:48 |
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cyphase | :P | 04:48 |
KiKiD | hi | 04:48 |
nicholaspaul | LOL | 04:48 |
nicholaspaul | cyphase, i'm hitting TAB too early..! | 04:48 |
cyphase | yea, i know | 04:48 |
nicholaspaul | hehe | 04:48 |
KiKiD | can I rollback to breezy? | 04:49 |
bullitt | crimsun, no suck love | 04:49 |
cyphase | cyp TAB | 04:49 |
KiKiD | I wanted to give dapper a try | 04:49 |
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cyphase | :) | 04:49 |
bullitt | crimsun, no such love | 04:49 |
bullitt | what a typo | 04:49 |
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nicholaspaul | KiKiD, from what i've heard, that could be tough. Youd be better off making a backup. | 04:49 |
BenUrban | cyphase: make a script in /etc/init.d | 04:49 |
cyphase | how do you set a program to run at boot? | 04:49 |
cyphase | lol | 04:49 |
cyphase | thanx | 04:49 |
d03boy | crimsun, can I reconfig xorg somehow? | 04:49 |
crimsun | bullitt: try choosing the alsa option in the audio preferences (you need to enable advanced options) | 04:49 |
ejofee | nickrud: oh, so i save your paste as a script and then just run "script A506E6D4DD4D5088" (or whatever i see in the apt's gpg errors) right? | 04:49 |
Enlite | I just added 4 hard drives to my system, and used qtparted to create partitions.. I added them in fstab, and rebooted, but they didn't mount... what do i need to do? | 04:49 |
crimsun | d03boy: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 04:49 |
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bullitt | crimsun, yep, that too | 04:50 |
cyphase | BenUrban, can i just have a link to the executable? | 04:50 |
nicholaspaul | Q: I want to reinstall gdmsetup but i cant :( Anyone? | 04:50 |
BenUrban | cyphase: it needs to take specific parameters | 04:50 |
crimsun | bullitt: no sound whatsoever? | 04:50 |
UncleD | Any good tutorials on setting up a dual boot (WinXp/Ubuntu?) - inlcuding the partioning? | 04:50 |
d03boy | crimsun, thank you kind sir. I will have your children | 04:50 |
cyphase | oh, right | 04:50 |
BenUrban | cyphase: look at the other scripts in that dir to see how it should look | 04:50 |
bullitt | not though vlc | 04:50 |
cyphase | start, stop, etc | 04:50 |
nicholaspaul | nalioth, Guess who's back :D | 04:50 |
crimsun | bullitt: nuke ~/.vlc and try again | 04:50 |
nickrud | ejofee, yes | 04:51 |
cyphase | BenUrban, so i make the script and that's it? i don't have to include a link to it anywhere.. | 04:51 |
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BenUrban | cyphase: yeah you do | 04:51 |
cyphase | where? | 04:51 |
BenUrban | cyphase: but i don't remember where... | 04:51 |
cyphase | hmm | 04:51 |
BenUrban | i think there's a gi for that | 04:51 |
BenUrban | *gui | 04:51 |
riaabad | uhg anyone here play with video conversion taking existing avis and formatting them for video ipod? | 04:51 |
dooglus | cyphase: you can run scripts from the end of /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh | 04:51 |
cyphase | k | 04:51 |
cyphase | thanx | 04:51 |
BenUrban | heh, that's easier | 04:52 |
cyphase | yea | 04:52 |
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dooglus | cyphase: it'll run as root, at boot time. is that what you wanted? | 04:52 |
cyphase | yes | 04:52 |
BenUrban | but if it's a daemon you might want an init.d script | 04:52 |
cyphase | thanx | 04:52 |
BenUrban | that would allow you to stop it easily | 04:52 |
oblib | How do I get nvidia module to suspend? | 04:52 |
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R|P2 | need a reboot | 04:52 |
BenUrban | oblib: try twine | 04:52 |
cyphase | BenUrban, it's fine for now at least | 04:52 |
R|P2 | brb | 04:52 |
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KiKiD | yeah I upgraded to dapper on my beater pc | 04:52 |
cyphase | i can just killall NetworkManager | 04:52 |
cyphase | :P | 04:52 |
KiKiD | and not x wont boot | 04:52 |
KiKiD | x wont start | 04:53 |
cyphase | until i have time to make the script | 04:53 |
cyphase | or someone does it for me | 04:53 |
KiKiD | I was hoping I could rollback | 04:53 |
cyphase | ;) | 04:53 |
BenUrban | cyphase: fyi System->Administration->Services is the gui i was talking about | 04:53 |
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BenUrban | KiKiD: if you made a backup you can roll back :P | 04:53 |
dooglus | cyphase: you could just make a copy of /etc/init.d/gdm or some such and edit it accordingly | 04:53 |
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nalioth | nicholaspaul: who's that? | 04:53 |
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nicholaspaul | nalioth, oh no one important... | 04:54 |
cyphase | lol, i didn't think to check there | 04:54 |
ejofee | gpg: WARNING: nothing exported | 04:54 |
ejofee | gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found. | 04:54 |
ejofee | nickrud ^ | 04:54 |
NCLife | ubotu: tell NCLife about cli | 04:54 |
cyphase | nope | 04:54 |
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nicholaspaul | nalioth, just having some fun with ppc dapper | 04:55 |
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vid21 | any idea if dapper will support floppy disks? :) | 04:55 |
jesse_ | what am floppy =D | 04:55 |
bullitt | crimsun, ripped reinstalled vlc, no dice | 04:55 |
nickrud | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5812 <--- ejofee my run with riddell's key | 04:56 |
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bullitt | too tired thanks for help | 04:56 |
oblib | BenUrban, what is twine? | 04:56 |
BenUrban | oblib: i was making a joke | 04:56 |
BenUrban | actually string would be better :P | 04:57 |
jesse_ | hahaha! | 04:57 |
nomin | now amarok's icon isn't showing up in the tray but it's still playing | 04:57 |
Madpilot | vid21: floppies should work already ;) | 04:57 |
oblib | hmmm. I give it a 2 at best | 04:57 |
BenUrban | oblib: 2 out of what? | 04:57 |
oblib | 10 | 04:57 |
BenUrban | thought so | 04:57 |
oblib | besides, that isn't one of the listed uses of twine on wikipedia | 04:57 |
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leather_n_luv | does ubuntu have support for SATA? | 04:58 |
BenUrban | ... | 04:58 |
bur[n] er_ | ye leather_n_luv | 04:58 |
oblib | Maybe we should add it | 04:58 |
vid21 | Madpilot: Every machine that I've setup has had problems with mounting... apparently there's pmount issues? | 04:58 |
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nickrud | ejofee, I may be making some assumptions here: you need to have your gpg set up first :) | 04:58 |
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BenUrban | Package fglrx-kernel is a virtual package provided by: | 04:58 |
BenUrban | fglrx-kernel-2.6.12-10-386 8.19.10-1+2.6.12-10.24 | 04:58 |
BenUrban | fglrx-kernel-2.6.12-10-686 8.19.10-1+2.6.12-10.24 | 04:58 |
leather_n_luv | the (hoary hedghog) live cd doesn't boot on a friends e-machine | 04:58 |
BenUrban | ^^^ none of those match my kernel... | 04:58 |
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Madpilot | vid21: no idea; my floppy drive has worked the one time I've bothered using it... | 04:59 |
jmhodges | silly question, i've installed a package that had a missing dependency (theres an equivalent one on this system, but the package didnt know that) and now synaptic wont install new pacakges until i fix the "broken" one.. other than uninstalling the package everytime i change my system, what are my options? | 04:59 |
ejofee | nickrud: which password was it asking for?! | 04:59 |
nickrud | ejofee, mine, for sudo | 04:59 |
ejofee | nickrud: ohh | 05:00 |
leather_n_luv | does anyone here have an E-MACHINE with SATA? | 05:00 |
vid21 | Madpilot: wierdness! I guess I'll just have to figure out what the issue is... a lot of people are having issues with it on ubuntuforums from what I gather. | 05:00 |
aTypical | How do you know what version of ubuntu you're running? | 05:00 |
ejofee | nickrud: i thought ubuntu automatically sets up gpg :( | 05:00 |
mark105 | how does one config ubuntu from the console? | 05:00 |
Isilando | jmhodges, i don't know how you managed to install something with missing dependencies, but i don't think there are any other options that removing the broken package :/ | 05:00 |
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ejofee | nickrud: i have no clue as to how i could set it up | 05:00 |
nomin | can someone tell me what I've done wrong while trying to add an app to the applications menu? Here is the pastebin: http://hashphp.org/pastebin.php?pid=5702 | 05:01 |
Madpilot | mark105: that's going to depend on what you're doing... | 05:01 |
bimberi | jmhodges: was it skype perchance? | 05:01 |
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mark105 | Madpilot: network settings | 05:01 |
jmhodges | bimberi, nope | 05:01 |
sethk | jmhodges, there are some dpkg commands to try to fix a system in a state like the one you describe. | 05:01 |
NCLife | um, whenever i open firefox i get an alert saying "the file /usr/share/ubuntu-artwork/home/index.html cannot be found. Please check the location and try again" how can i find the location o quit that messag from apearing? | 05:01 |
jmhodges | Isilando, i just did a dpkg -i --force-depends | 05:01 |
nickrud | ejofee, and I am not the one to walk you through it. I barely get it to the point where I can verify packages, let alone explain what's going on (one more thing on my to do list in the next month) | 05:01 |
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jmhodges | sethk, hmm.. ok | 05:02 |
leather_n_luv | does any one here have a system without a floppy drive? | 05:02 |
sethk | leather_n_luv, I have four of them, yes. | 05:02 |
ejofee | nickrud: and why don't i have the ubuntu-get-key command? | 05:02 |
dooglus | leather_n_luv: I do | 05:02 |
nickrud | ejofee, that's the script I posted, I just liked that name :) | 05:02 |
leather_n_luv | does 5.04 live cd boot on them? | 05:02 |
Madpilot | mark105: hmm, not something I've had to do from terminal. Sorry | 05:03 |
leather_n_luv | dooglus, do you have SATA-hdd's? | 05:03 |
dooglus | leather_n_luv: yes | 05:03 |
dooglus | leather_n_luv: how can I tell? | 05:03 |
Killer_Smurf | is there anything I have to do If I'm going to change the amount of memory o my laptop? | 05:03 |
Killer_Smurf | *on | 05:03 |
ejofee | nickrud: ohh :) | 05:03 |
nickrud | does someone want to help ejofee get gpg set up for getting repository keys? | 05:03 |
Isilando | (it is PGP) | 05:04 |
leather_n_luv | dooglus, there is a tiny little cable from hda to the mobo | 05:04 |
jmhodges | sethk, im not seeing anything in manpage.. | 05:04 |
ejofee | !gpg | 05:04 |
ubotu | it has been said that gpg is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GPGKey or http://www.linuxgazette.com/node/8746 | 05:04 |
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dooglus | leather_n_luv: it's a laptop. I've not opened it. | 05:04 |
jmhodges | --hold just makes synaptic yell and refuse to do anythingheh | 05:04 |
nickrud | :P that's one dead giveaway I'm not the one for this, lol | 05:04 |
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leather_n_luv | dooglus: lol, just my luck! | 05:04 |
ejofee | nickrud: thank you very much | 05:04 |
sethk | jmhodges, it might be another one of the apt family of functions. Google for it, say debian and package database and corruption | 05:05 |
nickrud | ejofee, np, I hope I at least got you onto the right track | 05:05 |
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Killer_Smurf | is there anything I have to do If I'm going to change the amount of memory on my laptop? | 05:05 |
Killer_Smurf | I tried going from 2x256 to 2x512 and no good. It hangs on acpi | 05:06 |
bur[n] er_ | Killer_Smurf: just pop it in | 05:06 |
carthik | Killer_Smurf, nah, just plug it in, if it is more than 1gig, start using a -686 kernel | 05:06 |
carthik | Killer_Smurf, check if they are both "seated" well | 05:07 |
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BenUrban | dooglus: you do not have a sata hd unless you know you have one | 05:07 |
vid21 | sounds like the board can't handle 512 chips? | 05:07 |
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Killer_Smurf | carthik they were..... If I try using 1 256 and 1 512 it's ng either | 05:07 |
ejofee | nickrud: you surely did so, since it was working for you... i just have to set up my gpg (i wonder why ubuntu doesn't set it up automatically). | 05:07 |
dooglus | BenUrban: OK | 05:07 |
bur[n] er_ | Killer_Smurf: how about 1 512... u sure your machine can handle 512 sticks? | 05:08 |
BenUrban | sata tends to cost a lot more than pata | 05:08 |
ejofee | btw, how do i stop ubuntu loading ntp on startup? | 05:08 |
bur[n] er_ | www.crucial.com helps Killer_Smurf | 05:08 |
dooglus | ejofee: I never had to set up any gpg | 05:08 |
BenUrban | what's the package name for the linux kernel? | 05:08 |
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Killer_Smurf | bur[n] er_ Thanks | 05:08 |
dooglus | BenUrban: 'linux' | 05:08 |
BenUrban | ejofee: System->Administration->Services | 05:09 |
BenUrban | thanks dooglus | 05:09 |
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dooglus | BenUrban: 'linux' is a meta-package, but it's probably what you want | 05:09 |
dooglus | BenUrban: or 'linux-686' | 05:09 |
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BenUrban | i want to see what kernels are available | 05:09 |
BenUrban | since i can't downgrade fglrx | 05:09 |
BenUrban | i need to upgrademy kernel | 05:09 |
leather_n_luv | dooglus: do you know of any friends with SATA hard drives that have tried the live cd? | 05:10 |
nickrud | ejofee, it won't set it up because the config goes in your home dir; if I remember correctly (I've been sorta thinking) I just ran gpg once, then enabled a key server in .gnupg/gnupg.conf | 05:10 |
nomin | does anyone know what this means: 'OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied:' | 05:10 |
dooglus | leather_n_luv: I don't know what a SATA drive is, sorry. | 05:10 |
BenUrban | nomin: that's a python exception | 05:11 |
leather_n_luv | damn damn damn! bbl... | 05:11 |
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BenUrban | nomin: what gave you that error? | 05:12 |
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dtrostis | Hey I came back to ask more questions | 05:12 |
ejofee | nickrud: .gnupg/gnupg.conf -- in your home folder, right? | 05:13 |
nomin | BenUrban, I'm trying to add an app to the applications menu. Here's the pastebin: http://hashphp.org/pastebin.php?pid=5702 | 05:13 |
BenUrban | dtrostis: the answer is 42 again | 05:13 |
nickrud | BenUrban, aptitude search ^linux-image should give you a list | 05:13 |
ejofee | BenUrban: thank you | 05:13 |
nickrud | ejofee, yes | 05:13 |
dtrostis | wtf is 42? | 05:13 |
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nickrud | !42 | 05:13 |
ubotu | Wish i knew, nickrud | 05:13 |
_jason | can the evdev driver be used for a mouse connected through the PS/2 port? | 05:13 |
aTypical | dtrostis, it's the answer to life, the universe, and everything. | 05:13 |
BenUrban | haha | 05:13 |
ejofee | dooglus: you never had to setup gpg, but could import keys? | 05:13 |
nickrud | ubotu used to know that | 05:13 |
ubotu | nickrud: Are you on ritalin? | 05:13 |
dtrostis | I want ot sahre my printer connected to linux with my other winxp machine | 05:13 |
BenUrban | lmao | 05:13 |
jesse_ | owned | 05:14 |
dooglus | ejofee: I don't think I had to import keys either. they came pre-installed | 05:14 |
BenUrban | dtrostis: i still say the answer is 42 :) | 05:14 |
dtrostis | atypical, great! Nice to know there is something like that :) | 05:14 |
dtrostis | share | 05:14 |
nickrud | dooglus, he's looking for keys for extra repos | 05:14 |
BenUrban | and the question is "WHATDOYOUGETWHENYOUMULTIPLYSIXBYNINE" | 05:14 |
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ejofee | nickrud: ok, then how do i run gpg in such a way that a config file would be created in my home folder (so that i could modify it)? | 05:14 |
dtrostis | jesse_ how I share my printer? | 05:14 |
dooglus | nickrud: oh, i see. something other than main, universe, restricted and multiverse? | 05:14 |
oxez | when I try to play a moviewith mplayer I get loads of errors like this: No bind found for key JOY_BTN1-JOY_BTN0 | 05:15 |
oxez | . They make the movie to choke, annoying. Anyone know how to fix it? | 05:15 |
_jason | dtrostis, http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=the+answer+to+life%2C+the+universe+and+everything&btnG=Google+Search | 05:15 |
nickrud | ejofee, make sure it's installed (gnupg) then simply type gpg in a terminal | 05:15 |
aTypical | dtrostis, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Answer_to_Life,_the_Universe,_and_Everything | 05:15 |
BenUrban | heh | 05:15 |
nickrud | dooglus, yeah, like riddell's kde (ugh:) 3.5 repo | 05:15 |
ejofee | BenUrban: i have a very stupid k menu... how do i change it (using kde)? my menu is very simple and has only two levels | 05:15 |
dtrostis | all right jokers, I need real help here | 05:15 |
BenUrban | ejofee: no clue | 05:15 |
aTypical | dtrostis, oh. I missed the original question. | 05:16 |
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_jason | dtrostis, lol just trying to help you understand 42 :), I'd help you if I knew how | 05:16 |
ElitePete | hm | 05:16 |
dtrostis | I want to share my printer which is hooked to ubuntu with winxp in my other machine | 05:16 |
ejofee | nickrud: now it is saying: "gpg: Go ahead and type your message ..." | 05:16 |
bur[n] er_ | dtrostis: so do it ;) | 05:16 |
nickrud | ejofee, like I said earlier, I barely got it set up that far (I might have used seahorse :) | 05:17 |
aTypical | dtrostis, never tried to do that. Sorry. | 05:17 |
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ejofee | nickrud: installing seahorse | 05:17 |
sethk | dtrostis, sharing the printer isn't difficult | 05:17 |
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dtrostis | sethk: how you do it. I'm very happy is not dificult | 05:18 |
sethk | dtrostis, to make the printer visible to the xp box you set up samba | 05:18 |
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sethk | dtrostis, webadmin has a nice gui for setting it up. There are some other admin programs as well. | 05:19 |
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sethk | dtrostis, you install the printer using CUPS first. | 05:19 |
bimberi | dtrostis: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWinXP | 05:19 |
sethk | dtrostis, two steps. Install using CUPS to make the printer available to UNIX boxes, and then install samba support for the printer to make it visible to windows | 05:19 |
ejofee | nickrud: i don't understand... what was this item of advice for ?: "use the NO_PUBKEY string as input" | 05:19 |
ejofee | nickrud: what did it mean? | 05:20 |
sethk | dtrostis, the wiki thing bimberi posted is a good place to start reading | 05:20 |
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dtrostis | bimberi I need the other way around | 05:20 |
nickrud | ejofee, if you look at the warning you posted on the pastebin, it's the text following NO_PUBKEY | 05:20 |
dragoon | how can i access a printer on a windows box with ubuntu | 05:21 |
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bimberi | dtrostis: oh, so your printer is on the XP box? | 05:21 |
sethk | dragoon, to do that you also use samba | 05:21 |
dragoon | ok | 05:21 |
sethk | dragoon, in that case the samba client | 05:21 |
dragoon | ok | 05:21 |
nickrud | ejofee, I have a habit of learning just what I need to fix my current problem, and then forgetting it. Sometimes, I'll take notes, but usually not. generally, google has much better notes than the ones I'd write. | 05:21 |
dragoon | so how would i go about setting it up | 05:21 |
dtrostis | no, the printer is in the linux. I think the article you sent to me is when the printer is in the winxp | 05:22 |
sethk | nickrud, I _always_ write notes. Just a few lines of notes and a url or two takes very little time. | 05:22 |
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nickrud | sethk, then I gotta remember where I put them :) | 05:22 |
sethk | dtrostis, you use samba to do it either way. To make your linux printer available to windows, you set up the samba server | 05:22 |
bimberi | dragoon: no, samba isn't needed, only smbclient which is already installed. System -> Admin -> Printing, New Printer, Network Printer, Windows Printer | 05:22 |
dtrostis | sethk: how do I do that? | 05:22 |
nickrud | sethk, it usually takes me less time to google than to search a notebook | 05:23 |
sethk | nickrud, you're on a computer. You can search your own documents. :) | 05:23 |
dragoon | ok thans | 05:23 |
dragoon | thanks | 05:23 |
bimberi | dtrostis: read the page | 05:23 |
sethk | dtrostis, have you installed the samba packages yet? | 05:23 |
mebsd | there is "printing share for unix" options in windows xp, use that | 05:23 |
nickrud | beagle, umm, (backups are nice too, I lost every note I ever had a while back ;( | 05:23 |
dtrostis | Bimberi: it says network printing form xp | 05:23 |
sethk | dtrostis, I believe the wiki article talks about doing it in both directions | 05:23 |
bimberi | dtrostis: it's for printing from XP to an printer attached to ubuntu | 05:24 |
dtrostis | I will check the article again | 05:24 |
mebsd | you don't need samba to print to a windows printer | 05:24 |
sethk | what mebsd is another option; I've personally had much better success using samba, but that may be because I don't know much about xp (as little as possible). | 05:24 |
=== nickrud is 50. Still writes longhand when he can. | ||
Kuyaedz | to print to an XP printer just do the printer setup, and you should see the printer | 05:24 |
sethk | mebsd, you don't need it, no, but that doesn't mean that it isn't a good way to do it. | 05:24 |
dtrostis | I'm stupid enough to not understand, I will check the article and come back if I have questions, thanks | 05:24 |
dtrostis | It's late long day @ work | 05:25 |
ejofee | nickrud: what is the hkp protocol? then there is ldap... should i change hkp://pgp.mit.edu:11371 to something else? | 05:25 |
mebsd | "Print Services for Unix" to be exact.. it's in windows xp components | 05:25 |
mebsd | to print from windows to a unix printer.. you use samba | 05:25 |
ejofee | nickrud: i guess i have to add a key server, right? | 05:25 |
nickrud | ejofee, I use keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net | 05:25 |
ejofee | nickrud: which one would you recommend? | 05:25 |
sethk | mebsd, you can use samba either way. | 05:26 |
dragoon | it doesnt have the driver for my printer there | 05:26 |
sethk | mebsd, you have the option of not using samba in one direction, which means also that you have the option of using samba | 05:26 |
mebsd | why not do it in a easier way | 05:26 |
ejofee | nickrud: and can my machine access a hkp protocol? | 05:26 |
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sethk | mebsd, I don't find it easier. | 05:26 |
nickrud | ejofee, yes | 05:26 |
sethk | mebsd, I find samba extremely easy to set up. | 05:26 |
mebsd | well, that windows xp combonent exist for a reason | 05:26 |
ejofee | nickrud: what port? | 05:27 |
sethk | mebsd, and samba exists for a reason | 05:27 |
ejofee | nickrud: i *have to* add it | 05:27 |
nickrud | ejofee, just that line 'keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net' on a line | 05:27 |
sethk | mebsd, there is no overpowering reason to use one method or the other. | 05:27 |
ejofee | nickrud: it has "ok" disabled, unless i add a port :( | 05:27 |
nickrud | ejofee, that's beyond me. I have no port mentioned anywhere in my config. That wiki page probably knows a lot more than I. | 05:28 |
ejofee | nickrud: i added it as custom | 05:28 |
ejofee | nickrud: yet, same error | 05:29 |
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ejofee | nickrud: maybe i should erase the other options | 05:29 |
=== dabaR waves hi to nickrud | ||
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=== nickrud waves frantically, hoping dabaR is a gnupg guru | ||
ejofee | nickrud: did your script take long to run? my seahorse is working and working... | 05:31 |
Autumn | Hello | 05:31 |
nickrud | ejofee, a few seconds | 05:31 |
Hobbsee | ejofee: nalioth is good at gpg stuff... | 05:32 |
=== Atlas|Zzz is now known as Atlas|Taff | ||
nickrud | ejofee, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5813 | 05:32 |
nickrud | gotta get with nalioth so he can teach me, and sign my key :) | 05:32 |
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Hobbsee | nickrud: he's around.... | 05:33 |
nickrud | Hobbsee, he's always lurking in the undergrowth :) | 05:33 |
Hobbsee | lol yeah | 05:33 |
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nickrud | probably at work at this time of night | 05:34 |
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ejofee | nickrud: i imported it!!! | 05:34 |
ejofee | nickrud: thank you a lot | 05:34 |
joe_ | i still cant edit my repositories thru synaptic manager. can anyone help me? | 05:34 |
zhx | anybody running vlc? | 05:34 |
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nickrud | ejofee, good. You just needed a little moral support :) | 05:34 |
ejofee | Hobbsee: thank you... because i want to know more about gpg anyway | 05:35 |
ejofee | nickrud: right :) | 05:35 |
Hobbsee | no problems | 05:35 |
=== ViViD [n=ViViD@c-67-160-125-239.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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nickrud | I'm going out for a cigarette. | 05:36 |
leather_n_luv | anyone here have a compaq presario? | 05:36 |
ejofee | nickrud: does this mean something bad: "gpg: no ultimately trusted keys found" | 05:36 |
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qt2 | leather_n_luv, i have an extremely extremly old one. | 05:36 |
nickrud | ejofee, no, that means that the key you imported does not have a trusted trail to you. google pgp web of trust | 05:37 |
qt2 | err, would anyone bei kind enough to poing me to a guide on how to make ubuntu compatible deb files? | 05:37 |
joe_ | i still cant edit my repositories thru synaptic manager. can anyone help me? | 05:37 |
leather_n_luv | qt2, you have a floppy and regular ATA hda? | 05:37 |
ejofee | nickrud: however, the second key didn't produce the same "error" (or whatever) | 05:37 |
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qt2 | leather_n_luv, the other computer does, yes. | 05:38 |
ejofee | nickrud: (koti) | 05:38 |
burnhamd | im about to buy a new lcd and wanted to know if ubuntu worked well with 1440x900 screen resolution | 05:38 |
ejofee | nickrud: it seems... kubuntu is not trustworthy :) | 05:38 |
leather_n_luv | qt2: does the one you use now? | 05:38 |
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qt2 | leather_n_luv, no floppy. | 05:38 |
bimberi | joe_: what isn't working | 05:38 |
leather_n_luv | qt2: do you have SATA or ATA? | 05:38 |
bimberi | ? | 05:38 |
ejofee | nickrud: seveas is not "trustworthy" either | 05:39 |
qt2 | leather_n_luv, both computers have ata. | 05:39 |
ejofee | nickrud: and neither is cipherfunk | 05:39 |
=== techrush [n=techrush@ip68-104-90-114.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
leather_n_luv | qt2: can you boot the live cd? | 05:39 |
leather_n_luv | qt2: 5.04? | 05:40 |
ejofee | what is koti.mbnet.fi | 05:40 |
qt2 | leather_n_luv, why would you want to boot the 5.04 livecd? | 05:40 |
leather_n_luv | qt2: that's the one i have | 05:40 |
qt2 | i reccomend getting the 5.10 livecd if it's out. | 05:40 |
qt2 | before you do anything. | 05:40 |
=== carthik [n=carthik@user-0cej70p.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
joe_ | bimberi, i go to synaptic and try to edit my repoisotries as it says in the starter guide and they always go back to default | 05:40 |
=== n3v3r49073n [n=thaMan02@adsl-153-27-217.gsp.bellsouth.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
carthik | Any xbindkeys users here? | 05:41 |
leather_n_luv | qt2: yeah, but i have dial up | 05:41 |
qt2 | leather_n_luv, i havent tried the livecd's on the presario anyway, but i know both hoary and breezy instlled correctly on it. | 05:41 |
zhx | i was curious if anybody has had any problems with audio in vlc | 05:41 |
n3v3r49073n | i am | 05:41 |
=== Toma- [n=lin4me@203-59-182-214.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaR | joe_: are you trying to add something community supported like universe or multiverse? | 05:41 |
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ejofee | now another one: "W: Conflicting distribution: http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl breezy-seveas Release (expected breezy-seveas but got ubuntu-seveas)" | 05:41 |
carthik | joe_, edit the /etc/apt/sources.list manually : $sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list -- and save it later | 05:41 |
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=== Villa [n=Porcupin@CPE-24-209-158-115.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Villa | hi | 05:41 |
ejofee | i am sick of synaptic warnings... i want to feel the... harmony of its working just right | 05:42 |
n3v3r49073n | i get no audio in vlc and it just shows the mute icon and can't change it | 05:42 |
leather_n_luv | qt2: i will try to dl the 5.10 | 05:42 |
Villa | MY firefox menubar is unreadable | 05:42 |
Villa | IT is all scrambled | 05:42 |
Villa | What may this be? | 05:42 |
n3v3r49073n | which to Opera ;) | 05:42 |
joe_ | bimberi, i did but the three i am supposed to edit won't edit | 05:42 |
dooglus | ejofee: can't you use the official repositories instead of these 3rd party ones? | 05:42 |
dabaR | Villa: take a screenshot, and post to paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 05:42 |
n3v3r49073n | switch* | 05:42 |
leather_n_luv | qt2: trying to do a favor for a friend on their computer | 05:42 |
zhx | n3v3r49073n, but your audio works in other programs? | 05:42 |
n3v3r49073n | ya | 05:42 |
qt2 | leather_n_luv, ah, i see. | 05:42 |
qt2 | leather_n_luv, you could always order a cd... | 05:42 |
leather_n_luv | qt2: (get rid of windoze) | 05:42 |
_jason | n3v3r49073n, maybe you can set the output to esd (if you use that) | 05:43 |
n3v3r49073n | works in helix player fine | 05:43 |
bimberi | joe_: paste the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 05:43 |
mebsd | opera .. sux | 05:43 |
dooglus | leather_n_luv: the live cds can't be used to install anything. | 05:43 |
ejofee | dooglus: the official ones don't include seveas... and seveas has something that i need :( | 05:43 |
n3v3r49073n | what is "esd" i haven't heard of it | 05:43 |
ejofee | n3v3r49073n: a sound system | 05:43 |
dooglus | ejofee: ok, if you're sure | 05:43 |
leather_n_luv | dooglus, i only have the 5.04 cd's 'cause i got them from the local 'puter store | 05:43 |
leather_n_luv | dooglus, but i have the install cd too | 05:44 |
dooglus | leather_n_luv: you can download 5.10 cd's - or get them mailed to you for free from shipit | 05:44 |
_jason | n3v3r49073n, esd is the default sound daemon for gnome, go to settings -> prefs -> audo ->output modules (also make sure 'enable audo' is checked in the 'audo' parent section | 05:44 |
ElitePete | can anyone help me with a small vmware issue? | 05:44 |
dooglus | !shipit | 05:44 |
ubuntu_ | hello... i am trying to install ubuntu on my friends computer | 05:44 |
ubuntu_ | its a laptop | 05:44 |
nickrud | ejofee, now that we've done all that, I just did the import thing as an exercise; generally I just ignore those sign warnings :) | 05:44 |
ubuntu_ | im using the live cd right now and its running fine | 05:44 |
=== Villa is now known as PorcupineTree | ||
PorcupineTree | here it is... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/i5814 | 05:44 |
_jason | n3v3r49073n, replace all those audo's with audio's | 05:44 |
ubuntu_ | but for some reason the install freezes | 05:44 |
leather_n_luv | !shipit | 05:45 |
zhx | n3v3r49073n, see my volume isnt muted | 05:45 |
zhx | but still no audio | 05:45 |
ubuntu_ | on the part where its trying to detect some APATI Cd something | 05:45 |
ubuntu_ | it freezes | 05:45 |
ubuntu_ | anyone know what to do? | 05:45 |
_jason | PorcupineTree, wow that's strange, was it always like this? | 05:45 |
PorcupineTree | yes | 05:45 |
ejofee | nickrud :) | 05:45 |
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PorcupineTree | I have been using Gallion instead | 05:45 |
PorcupineTree | I wanted to go ahead with firefox | 05:46 |
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PorcupineTree | Galeon | 05:46 |
_jason | PorcupineTree, run firefox in a terminal and see if you get any errors | 05:46 |
Kuyaedz | anyone suggest an app that monitors network usage (ie; top, but for network) | 05:46 |
ejofee | nickrud: i did ignore them, too, but then i thought... "what the hell?!" -- this sounded like a good enough reason for me to try to solve the problem :)) | 05:46 |
PorcupineTree | Failed to set up default extensions files probably bec ause you do not have write privileges to this location. While you can run Firefo x like this, it is recommended that you run it at least once with privileges tha t allow it to generate these initial files to improve start performance. Running from a disk image on MacOS X is not recommended. | 05:46 |
nickrud | heh | 05:46 |
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=== qweo [n=qweo@ppp83-237-230-22.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaR | OK, that is a seriously strange firefox instance. | 05:47 |
jiangguowei | a | 05:47 |
ubotu | shipit is, like, For free ubuntu CDs, visit https://shipit.ubuntu.com/ | 05:47 |
n3v3r49073n | thanks i'm going to look for that | 05:47 |
bshumate | Kuyaedz: ntop ;-) | 05:47 |
PorcupineTree | should i sudo firefox? | 05:47 |
nickrud | but a big clue: PorcupineTree did you use the ubuntu repos? | 05:47 |
=== qweo [n=qweo@ppp83-237-230-22.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has left #ubuntu ["] | ||
ElitePete | can anyone help me with a small vmware issue? | 05:47 |
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PorcupineTree | I jused a ubuntu breezy cd iso | 05:47 |
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ejofee | nickrud: anyway, when it says: "http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl breezy-seveas Release (expected breezy-seveas but got ubuntu-seveas)", | 05:48 |
Toma- | ElitePete: dunno. | 05:48 |
ejofee | nickrud: should i simply replace "breezy-seveas" with "ubuntu-seveas" in my etc/apt sources file? | 05:48 |
_jason | PorcupineTree, maybe you can just delete the ~/.mozilla folder and see if it recreates it, close firefox first | 05:48 |
Toma- | ejofee: look at the page from that repo. it says it is ubuntu-seveas now | 05:49 |
ElitePete | Toma-, when i try to run starcraft on vmware the screen is pushed up making some things not viewable i have tried all the video settings i can find... | 05:49 |
Toma- | ElitePete: because vmware isnt for games. | 05:50 |
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Toma- | you wont get anything that uses directx to run in vmware | 05:50 |
mebsd | just run windows, don't be ashame | 05:50 |
ElitePete | Toma-, it runs... fine just need to fix the position. | 05:50 |
ejofee | Toma-: so i simply do what i said, right? (replace) | 05:50 |
mebsd | you know you want it | 05:51 |
Toma- | ElitePete: i hear starcraft runs perfect on wine | 05:51 |
Toma- | ejofee: looks like it | 05:51 |
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Toma- | ElitePete: also runs with less resources in wine >_> | 05:51 |
ejofee | Toma-: thank you | 05:51 |
PorcupineTree | can I reinstrall ubuntu fron the net | 05:51 |
PorcupineTree | since I can currently boot it? | 05:51 |
_jason | PorcupineTree, didn't work? | 05:51 |
PorcupineTree | not | 05:52 |
zhx | hmm, anybody got a min or two to help me with this vlc audio issue? | 05:52 |
PorcupineTree | no | 05:52 |
PorcupineTree | now it is giving me a big xml parsing error window | 05:52 |
PorcupineTree | hehe | 05:52 |
_jason | PorcupineTree, just reinstall the firefox package | 05:52 |
ejofee | Toma-: (btw, i wonder, is "toma" a romanian name only, or is it used in some other countries, too?) | 05:52 |
PorcupineTree | ok | 05:52 |
Toma- | ejofee: just a nickname a mate gave me :D im australian | 05:52 |
=== Plugh [n=kcozens@CPE000f9f67c5c3-CM000f9f500b9c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ElitePete | Toma-, how do i set it up for wine? | 05:52 |
ejofee | Toma-: oh, ok :) | 05:52 |
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luisito | yellow!!! | 05:53 |
dragoon | yay - another aussie | 05:53 |
PorcupineTree | can I do a reinstall of firefox? | 05:53 |
Toma- | ElitePete: http://koti.mbnet.fi/hoppq/sc-howto.html | 05:53 |
=== wuming [n=ming@host66146157c0.dsl.res.tor.fcibroadband.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PorcupineTree | removing it wants to get rid of all sorts of packages | 05:53 |
luisito | it's firefox 1.5 available for ubuntu? | 05:53 |
_jason | PorcupineTree, yeah try just reinstalling | 05:54 |
Toma- | also ElitePete http://frankscorner.org/index.php?p=starcraft | 05:54 |
wuming | which software package can tell me the temprature of CPU? | 05:54 |
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nickrud | PorcupineTree, sudo apt-get install --reinstall firefox would work | 05:54 |
nickrud | !firefox15 | 05:54 |
ubotu | it has been said that firefox15 is see the wiki at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion for information on how to install Firefox 1.5 from mozilla.org | 05:54 |
tiglionabbit | What controls CPU throttling on ubuntu? | 05:54 |
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ejofee | nickrud: how come they changed the name right after i solved the other problem? i think there's some conspiration | 05:55 |
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ejofee | nickrud: (now everything is ok... no warnings at all) | 05:55 |
Plugh | wuming: Not sure but there is a package called lmsensors that may be what you want | 05:56 |
nickrud | ejofee, I don't use outside repos, because they are so new (and in flux). They'll settle down soon, I hope. | 05:56 |
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nickrud | ejofee, I'll wait till all you first adopters have thrashed out the bugs :) | 05:57 |
wuming | Plugh: lmsensor seems not in ubuntu | 05:57 |
joe_ | bimberi, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5815 | 05:57 |
ejofee | which xorg does ubuntu use (or how do i find out) | 05:57 |
Toma- | ooo wow... just found out photoshop 7 runs on wine | 05:57 |
PorcupineTree | photoshop? | 05:57 |
PorcupineTree | use gimp | 05:57 |
Plugh | You using it professionally, Toma? | 05:58 |
=== RedRose [n=TheStupi@c-24-1-134-125.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ejofee | nickrud: i have no choice... there are some apps which ubuntu doesn't want to support (like freenx, which is important for me; also silc... which i find nowhere) | 05:58 |
Toma- | PorcupineTree: yes yes. gimp isnt like photoshop tho | 05:58 |
_jason | Is it possible to use the evdev protocol for a mouse connected through the PS/2 port? (and will it work the same as if it were attached by usb) | 05:58 |
=== techrush [n=techrush@ip68-104-90-114.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Toma- | Plugh: nah, but some mates were not migrating to linux because he needs photoshop for work | 05:58 |
Plugh | wuming: Check the packages in synaptic. It may be listed as lm-sensors | 05:58 |
nickrud | ejofee, like I said, first adopters | 05:58 |
frogzoo | ejofee: /etc/X11/xorg.config | 05:58 |
PorcupineTree | Yes I know it is better | 05:58 |
ElitePete | Toma-, installed fine but when i go to play it, it tells me can't find cd.. | 05:58 |
PorcupineTree | sorry | 05:58 |
ejofee | nickrud :) | 05:58 |
tonyyarusso | Can samba be used on an ad-hoc wireless network, and if so, is there something special I need to know to do so? | 05:58 |
Toma- | ElitePete: have you setup the cdrom path for wine yet? | 05:59 |
ejofee | frogzoo: that's where i looked first: no info on the version | 05:59 |
ElitePete | Toma-, how do i do that. | 05:59 |
RedRose | J/w, is there a program that will allow me to host a chat with-in my website? | 05:59 |
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RedRose | like flashchat? | 05:59 |
=== Arck [i=embryo@200165125248.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
oblib | How do I get nvidia module to suspend? | 05:59 |
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=== mkyb14_ [n=mkyb14@carlsbad-cuda-6-69-162-83-77.crlsca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nickrud | ejofee, head /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 05:59 |
Toma- | ElitePete: try looking at ~/.wine/config | 06:00 |
ilba7r | just a curious question did mozilla.com discountinue mozilla web suite in favour of firefox or they are still two sepearte products? | 06:00 |
Toma- | i havent got wine myself :( never needed it | 06:00 |
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Plugh | tonyyarusso: Should be possible but could be dangerous | 06:00 |
mkyb14_ | don't use wine, cedega is better | 06:00 |
nickrud | wine belongs in a bottle, or me | 06:00 |
cyphase | woohoo!!! | 06:00 |
tonyyarusso | ilba7r: I believe they still exist as separate products, but the suite is no longer being developed. | 06:00 |
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=== hardbop200 [n=josh@ip-69-30-176-105.valornet.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ElitePete | Toma-, it's empty ..? | 06:01 |
cyphase | with an nVidia FX 5200 | 06:01 |
dabaR | Toma-: I got it recently, it runs putty. Hey, I like that picture from your leave message. the haha one:) | 06:01 |
Dido- | mk500, where can i find cedega for download | 06:01 |
tonyyarusso | Plugh: I only want to do so temporarily, in an environment where I'm not too worried about other people trying anything fishy. | 06:01 |
Toma- | ElitePete: have you run it yet? and/or winesetup ? | 06:01 |
bimberi | joe_: that looks ok, but just in case it's an issue with the ordering of repositories in the file try changing it to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2325 | 06:01 |
mkyb14_ | mininova.org | 06:01 |
Toma- | dabaR: hehe :D | 06:01 |
ElitePete | i've run wine yea | 06:01 |
ejofee | nickrud: thank you (again!) :) | 06:01 |
ElitePete | winesetup? no | 06:01 |
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tonyyarusso | Plugh: I'm trying to transfer files between my computer and my roommate's. | 06:01 |
reikon | um...i got a cd stuck in my drive..that won't eject...supposedly it's not mounted either and i can't access it...anyone got any suggestions? | 06:01 |
hardbop200 | Dido - google "index of" cedega | 06:01 |
ilba7r | thanx tonyyarusso | 06:01 |
hardbop200 | easy | 06:01 |
frogzoo | ejofee: /var/log/Xorg.0.log ? | 06:01 |
mkyb14_ | use wine for basic apps. cedega for 2-3d apps | 06:01 |
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Toma- | mkyb14: actually, wine can run alot of games like WoW and such | 06:02 |
ejofee | frogzoo: yes, nickrud already pointed it to me | 06:02 |
dragoon | how do i extract .debs | 06:02 |
ejofee | frogzoo: thanks | 06:02 |
ElitePete | Toma-, how do i set the wine cdrom? | 06:02 |
nickrud | dragoon, dpkg -x | 06:02 |
mkyb14_ | yes but it's not as good at rendering as cedega is. there's a noticable difference between them | 06:02 |
Toma- | ElitePete: im not sure :( | 06:02 |
dabaR | dragoon: extract them from where? | 06:02 |
mkyb14_ | the problem is getting them both to run initially | 06:02 |
cafuego | dragoon: Normally you don't. What are you wanting to do? | 06:02 |
Kuyaedz | ok I got ntop but it wont run. error here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5816 | 06:03 |
ElitePete | can anyone tell me how to set wine cd-drive? | 06:03 |
dragoon | looking for a driver - i know perfectly what im doing | 06:03 |
joe_ | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5815 anyone? | 06:03 |
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=== dabaR waves goodnight, after waving hi to cafuego | ||
=== cafuego gives dabaR a sloppy wet goodnight kiss | ||
ElitePete | Toma-, found it winecfg | 06:03 |
Toma- | ahh :D | 06:03 |
ejofee | nickrud: ohh, i could have taken a look at the package name... i am so crazy sometimes. | 06:03 |
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Plugh | tonyyarusso: You could also allow file transfers via ftp if you run an ftp server on one of the machines. | 06:04 |
nickrud | ejofee, but the xorg log tells you so much more :) | 06:04 |
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dabaR | joe_: is your issue with those repositories? | 06:04 |
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cdubya | tonyyarusso, you still working on that samba setup? | 06:04 |
mkyb14_ | is there a way to reset my network drivers or files... i can't get ubuntu to see my windows network. | 06:04 |
tonyyarusso | Plugh: I don't, nor do I know how to. | 06:04 |
ejofee | nickrud :)) | 06:04 |
nickrud | dabaR, sucked in one more time? | 06:04 |
tonyyarusso | cdubya: Yes indeed I am. | 06:04 |
cdubya | tonyyarusso, any progress....? | 06:05 |
tonyyarusso | cdubya: Good to see you again. | 06:05 |
tonyyarusso | cdubya: Not really. | 06:05 |
cdubya | tonyyarusso, you too. | 06:05 |
joe_ | yes | 06:05 |
Toma- | ElitePete: try using wine for windows stuff. it might be perfect, but vmware is a hell of alot worse. also check out http://appdb.winehq.org/ for more stuff you can run and some howtos on various things | 06:05 |
ElitePete | Toma-, i still don't see how to set which drive wine looks for.. | 06:05 |
frogzoo | ElitePete: under "drives" | 06:05 |
cdubya | tonyyarusso, you want to pm me and try to give Samba a whirl? | 06:05 |
ElitePete | Toma-, vmware works fine foreverything but sc | 06:05 |
joe_ | dabaR, yes | 06:05 |
ElitePete | frogzoo, i'm their but i don't see how to make it the default cd-rom | 06:05 |
Plugh | tonyyarusso: If you really want to use Samba and are having problems, you can configure Samba using SWAT. You also need to check the firewall settings of the windows machine, your Linux machine, and the router. | 06:05 |
dabaR | joe_: it looks like you are trying to get security updates for universe, which I dont think exists. Show us the error in another pastebin. | 06:05 |
tonyyarusso | cdubya: Sure. | 06:06 |
Toma- | ElitePete: theyll run faster on wine | 06:06 |
tonyyarusso | Plugh: I tried getting at SWAT before and got some kind of error. | 06:06 |
cafuego | vmware also requires a windows licence. wine does not. | 06:06 |
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frogzoo | ElitePete: default cd? sounds like an app config setting 2 me... | 06:06 |
luisito | I invite anyone to see this Linus Torvalds message: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/usability/2005-December/msg00021.html | 06:06 |
techrush | ok i saw the message now what | 06:07 |
luisito | he's against gnome | 06:07 |
ejofee | according to which rules (and how do i set it up) does synaptic download more than one package at a time? | 06:07 |
techrush | should i switch to kde? | 06:07 |
frogzoo | luisito: Linux has his head up his axe - not the first time neither | 06:07 |
nickrud | luisito, old news, you can see some responses on planet.gnome.org | 06:07 |
_jason | luisito, offtopic | 06:07 |
frogzoo | *Linus* | 06:07 |
dabaR | luisito: is that the message where he says that gnome devs act like they think their users are stupid? | 06:07 |
Toma- | luisito: wow. looks like god.. err linux wants us all to move to kde. looks like im a heathen then! :D~ | 06:07 |
ejofee | luisito: yes, and he is using stupid arguments, same as the gnome-supporters | 06:07 |
cafuego | dabaR: yes, glad that Linux devs never do that - or use say proprietary versioning software... | 06:08 |
luisito | I think he's a little crazy | 06:08 |
ejofee | luisito: they simply don't know how to put it | 06:08 |
dabaR | haha] | 06:08 |
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ejofee | luisito: i know the best way to put it! ( :) ) | 06:08 |
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Toma- | s/linux/linus | 06:08 |
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ejofee | luisito: if gnome want to protect new users from clutter, they can simply hide features, not disable them. this is what linus torvalds should have said. | 06:08 |
dabaR | cafuego: well, Im reading a book, the moody Rebel Code book, and it seems things are not always as simple as 1-2-3, so pragmatic approaches need to be taken. | 06:08 |
mkyb14 | ok tough question here. i need an output plugin for xmms or other that outputs what's playing to a file for the website | 06:09 |
ejofee | luisito: but it seems he was a little too personal for being capable for rational arguments | 06:09 |
cafuego | ejofee: Users are free to not use Gnome if they find it doesn't suit their needs. | 06:09 |
=== Villa [n=Porcupin@CPE-24-209-158-115.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaR | joe_: are you gonna post the error? | 06:09 |
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ElitePete | Toma-, i got sc to run but i had the same problem a black bar at the bottom.. | 06:09 |
PorcupineTree | FireFox Works Great now | 06:09 |
PorcupineTree | thanks guys!! | 06:09 |
dabaR | good work. | 06:09 |
luisito | that's what I think, cafuego | 06:09 |
nickrud | the switch from 1.4 to 2.0 in gnome was drastic, but the end result seems nice, imho | 06:09 |
Toma- | ElitePete: sounds like a screen resolution problem? | 06:09 |
cafuego | !test | 06:10 |
ubotu | Stop poking me! | 06:10 |
ElitePete | Toma-, whats the problem then? | 06:10 |
=== cafuego ponders | ||
luisito | anyone can use what fits best for him/her | 06:10 |
=== M_Cheevy [n=mcheevy@218-101-27-42.dsl.clear.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Toma- | try setting the starcraft resolution higher? | 06:10 |
ElitePete | how do i do that..? | 06:10 |
dabaR | ya, and hear what someone else has to say, and think about it, and discuss it with others on #ubuntu-offtopic | 06:10 |
techrush | yes and linus can advise people to use what he feels is best also | 06:11 |
techrush | its free | 06:11 |
Toma- | http://entertainment.tv.yahoo.com/news/wwn/20051209/113414040002.html <<<off-topic, but this is the funniest thing ever :D | 06:11 |
ilba7r | tonyyarusso the latest mozilla release is 1.7.12 september 21,2005 i think it is still in production to support netscape | 06:11 |
cafuego | techrush: Yes, but he would do well do advise people without resorting to flaming like a 12-year old child. | 06:11 |
Toma- | ElitePete: i dunno. Menu > Visuals >Resolution? i dont play the game | 06:11 |
nickrud | Toma-, thank you | 06:11 |
=== madmax__ [n=madmax@ANantes-252-1-31-70.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tonyyarusso | ilba7r: Well then, good to know. But they're still advocating moving to Firefox and Thunderbird, right? | 06:11 |
madmax__ | which paquet provides X11 fonts ? | 06:11 |
frogzoo | techrush: but when Linus makes silly arguments, it diminishes the reputation of Linux generally | 06:12 |
techrush | no it doesnt | 06:12 |
ejofee | techrush: i prefer kde, but linus' arguments are idiotic. actually, nobody should be forced to be intelligent, just because linus says so. if he was intelligent enought to get other people work for his glory, let it stay so. | 06:12 |
dabaR | tonyyarusso: depending on what you want. If they wanted only fx and tb they would then just make those products, and not develop the mozilla. | 06:12 |
M_Cheevy | heya folks.. gotta small problem with the root account.. for a while I had a password set on the thing (stupid I know, old habits die hard)... I've gone into a console mode and done "passwd -d root" and it's cleared, now when I do a console login as root, I'm in no problems, however now as a user, if I try to sudo anything it prompts me for a pw and won't accept a blank pw as valid, how do I fix this? | 06:12 |
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Toma- | isnt it just his opinion? who cares? he's just a normal person with a normal opinion on kde vs gnome like everyone else | 06:13 |
ilba7r | tonyyarusso yah. I was just checking to see why plugins work much better under mozilla than firefox | 06:13 |
dabaR | M_Cheevy: use that user's password, afaik. | 06:13 |
cafuego | Toma-: Because of his position, he might be better off pointing that out explicitly then. | 06:13 |
=== dabaR trolls versus gnomes. | ||
ejofee | Toma-: many people care. and i care because many people care. that's the only reason. | 06:13 |
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madmax__ | pliz i'am installing ubuntu for the fist time and throuht PXE lol | 06:13 |
M_Cheevy | dabaR: nope, no go | 06:13 |
cafuego | dabaR: Go to bed | 06:14 |
Toma- | its not like Gates has said he prefers gnome or something :D | 06:14 |
ejofee | Toma- :)) | 06:14 |
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ejofee | Toma-: i'd like to hear gates say that | 06:14 |
frogzoo | Gates prefers SCO :p | 06:14 |
nickrud | linus is still the 800 pound gorilla in this world, look at how we talk about his opinion | 06:14 |
cafuego | Toma-: No, but imagine what windows users would say IF he did. | 06:14 |
Toma- | frogzoo: hehe | 06:14 |
dabaR | M_Cheevy: well, then, try "cat /etc/sudoers" as root. | 06:14 |
hardbop200 | frogzoo: lol | 06:14 |
ejofee | frogzoo: no, gates prefers wine | 06:14 |
ejofee | frogzoo: (especially non-alcoholic wine) | 06:15 |
dabaR | M_Cheevy: and then see whether you are in that file as a sudoer. | 06:15 |
dabaR | ejofee: funny. | 06:15 |
cafuego | I have a word for non-alcoholic wine | 06:15 |
Toma- | oh the joy. i wonder if many people use KDE in windows... | 06:15 |
M_Cheevy | dabaR: add myself if not... | 06:15 |
ejofee | cafuego: what's that word? | 06:15 |
`Grue | isn't that grape juice? | 06:15 |
frogzoo | ejofee: actually, Gates hates wine - they're doing everything in Vista to make wine 64 bit very difficult I suspect | 06:15 |
rabeldable | can you guys take the kde gnome stuff to #ubuntu-offtopic ? | 06:15 |
cafuego | ejofee: "water" | 06:15 |
nickrud | M_Cheevy, are you on breezy or hoary? | 06:15 |
ejofee | cafuego :)) | 06:15 |
_jason | cafuego, wouldn't it be grape juice? | 06:15 |
cafuego | _jason: go with the floqw | 06:16 |
_jason | cafuego, oh ok | 06:16 |
=== _jason returns to corner | ||
M_Cheevy | nickrud: breezy... via debootstrap... his suggestion worked | 06:16 |
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nickrud | M_Cheevy, ok, it's just that the admin group should be in sudoers & you in admin (per ubuntu policy, that is) | 06:17 |
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yubimusubi | Hey, I'm back... | 06:17 |
Toma- | oh no | 06:17 |
yubimusubi | You remember how I couldn't get ubuntu to recognize my SATA? | 06:17 |
M_Cheevy | nickrud: only one in there was root, happy to do it via the group and not the user.... just change username to "admin"? | 06:17 |
frogzoo | hot damn qemu's come a long way | 06:17 |
M_Cheevy | yubimusubi: yes? | 06:17 |
nickrud | M_Cheevy, I'll post the standard sudoers, a sec | 06:17 |
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yubimusubi | Well it turns out the thing stopping it was my shoddy manual overclocking to my CPU, heheh | 06:18 |
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M_Cheevy | yubimusubi: "d'oh!" | 06:18 |
yubimusubi | I oc'd it 40 MHz more than it can handle...so I have a 1.8 instead of a 1.84, heheh | 06:18 |
nickrud | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5818 M_Cheevy , and add yourself to group admin | 06:19 |
Toma- | yubimusubi: why so little :D | 06:19 |
ElitePete | Toma-, whenever i try to get on battle.net it doesn't work.. | 06:19 |
yubimusubi | Toma-: Because the mobo I got can't handle oc-ing it to 2.4 :P | 06:19 |
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yubimusubi | I bought from newegg... | 06:19 |
cafuego | 2% just isn't worth it. | 06:20 |
Toma- | ElitePete: like is aid, i dont play the game | 06:20 |
yubimusubi | Toma-: it's a 64 bit anyway, so 1.8 ain't too shabby | 06:20 |
cafuego | Spend your money on a safter cpu and don't half-ass around. | 06:20 |
ElitePete | Toma-, yea im giving up | 06:20 |
Toma- | :( | 06:20 |
ElitePete | Toma-, i can play it in window mode on vmware ok :\ | 06:20 |
yubimusubi | Of course windoze sees it as just another processor... | 06:20 |
yubimusubi | cafuego: It was a budget PC | 06:20 |
M_Cheevy | nickrud: much obliged! | 06:21 |
yubimusubi | The only thing semi good is the 128 MB gfx card and the 512 RAM | 06:21 |
ejofee | according to which rules (and how do i set it up) does synaptic download more than one package at a time? | 06:23 |
cafuego | yubimusubi:So is mine. Just buy quality components and stick it together manually. | 06:23 |
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yubimusubi | cafuego: Yea, I have pretty damn good comp for under $500 | 06:23 |
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yubimusubi | Now if I can convince my dad to move from Quickbooks to, for instance, GNUCash, so he can completely ditch win$uck | 06:24 |
frogzoo | yubimusubi: try qemu mebbe... | 06:24 |
mneumonic | can someone help me with ubuntu plz | 06:25 |
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yubimusubi | I get tired of adminestering BSOD's | 06:25 |
yubimusubi | frogzoo: qemu? is that like QB? | 06:25 |
yubimusubi | mneumonic: what's the prob? | 06:25 |
mneumonic | i just installed it on laptop but when i reboot it still goes to win 98 | 06:25 |
frogzoo | yubimusubi: it's a GPL emulator - same thing as vmware but free | 06:25 |
yubimusubi | mneumonic: Did you install grub? | 06:25 |
yubimusubi | frogzoo: Well why don't I just use wine? or cxoffice? | 06:25 |
rabeldable | mneumonic: are you trying to dual boot? | 06:26 |
mneumonic | erm i dont know i just used the install disk and it ran | 06:26 |
yubimusubi | Will they not work as well? ...I'll google it | 06:26 |
mneumonic | no i dont want dual boot | 06:26 |
cafuego | yubimusubi: Quickbooks probably runs fine in crossover office | 06:26 |
cafuego | Yep, it says it's supported. | 06:26 |
rabeldable | mneumonic: what cd do you have? | 06:26 |
frogzoo | yubimusubi: wine compatabilities not perfect - otherwise, I'd run wine too | 06:26 |
Siph0n | what program can burn a VIDEO_TS folder? | 06:26 |
cafuego | yubimusubi: cxoffice is not free, but will work. | 06:26 |
yubimusubi | mneumonic: So you want a pure linux box | 06:26 |
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mneumonic | version 5.04 live cd | 06:26 |
yubimusubi | frogzoo: Heh, tell me about it...wine/cedega can't handle most of the decent games for win | 06:27 |
yubimusubi | cafuego: Yea, I'll try the demo first. | 06:27 |
nickrud | mneumonic, the live cd doesn't install to the hard disk :) | 06:27 |
yubimusubi | mneumonic: Yea, that's old, but it should install | 06:27 |
frogzoo | yubimusubi: but for serious gaming, you really need native - no way out if you need performance so dual boot is the way to go | 06:27 |
=== abarbaccia_ [n=abarbacc@69-162-20-65.stcgpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yubimusubi | Hmm...actually I'm installing Hoary cause the Breezy download crapped on me...I can just apt-get dist-upgrade breezy and change hoary to breezy in sources.list, right? | 06:28 |
mneumonic | so it wont format the drive ? | 06:28 |
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yubimusubi | frogzoo: Yea, I wish that was true | 06:28 |
nickrud | !breezy | 06:28 |
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rabeldable | mneumonic: http://mirror.mcs.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/5.10/ubuntu-5.10-install-i386.iso | 06:28 |
abarbaccia_ | hey guys - someone is using my nick and its registered to me - how do i kick them off | 06:28 |
yubimusubi | mneumonic: yea, you have to use the install cd...where'd ya get the cd? | 06:28 |
rabeldable | download that iso and burn it to a cd then install with that | 06:28 |
mneumonic | buddy gave it to me | 06:29 |
frogzoo | yubimusubi: b4 upgrading to breezy - be absolutely sure to install both 'ubuntu-base' and 'ubuntu-desktop' | 06:29 |
mneumonic | 2 discs | 06:29 |
yubimusubi | frogzoo: what are those? | 06:29 |
rabeldable | mneumonic: live cd is to temporarily boot your system as a linux computer... | 06:29 |
nickrud | yubimusubi, there's a few gotchas in the upgrade, there's a wiki page that ubotu doesn't seem to want to tell us about. | 06:29 |
Dido- | abarbaccia, try /nickserv ghost nick pass | 06:29 |
frogzoo | yubimusubi: read the upgrade guide in wiki | 06:29 |
yubimusubi | mneumonic: awesome, use the install disc, not the livecd | 06:29 |
=== jdmpike [n=jordan@CPE-72-128-40-156.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
frogzoo | !tell yubimusubi about upgrade | 06:29 |
mneumonic | lol just notticed that | 06:29 |
reikon | um..how do i restart the xserver on ubuntu? | 06:29 |
yubimusubi | nickrud and frogzoo okay | 06:29 |
rabeldable | hehe | 06:29 |
jdmpike | what do people think of Gnomebaker? | 06:29 |
mneumonic | k sorry to bother u guys | 06:29 |
yubimusubi | reikon: ctrl-alt-backspace | 06:29 |
abarbaccia_ | !tell abarbaccia_ about upgrade | 06:30 |
yubimusubi | mneumonic: no bother | 06:30 |
jdmpike | what is the best dvd burning utility for Ubuntu? | 06:30 |
reikon | thanks mate | 06:30 |
mneumonic | thanx | 06:30 |
mneumonic | cyaz | 06:30 |
nickrud | mneumonic, this is the support channel | 06:30 |
yubimusubi | jdmpike: try K3B if you want intuitive | 06:30 |
Dido- | jdmpike, k3b's better | 06:30 |
jdmpike | even for gnome? | 06:30 |
mkyb14 | where would one get the mp3 plugin for beep media player? | 06:30 |
mneumonic | so the live just makes it a folder in windows? | 06:30 |
reikon | is there a shell command to do it? similar to gentoo's /etc/init.d/xdm restart ? | 06:30 |
yubimusubi | Dido-: Heh, I use the disk-writer plug-in for XMMS | 06:30 |
nickrud | mneumonic, it does it all in ram | 06:30 |
mneumonic | ahh ok | 06:31 |
frogzoo | reikon: exactly that ;) | 06:31 |
_jason | mneumonic, it doesn't modify anything on your system | 06:31 |
leather_n_luv | anyone ehre have a compaq presario sr1603wm | 06:31 |
dooglus | reikon: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart | 06:31 |
reikon | ahh thanks..brb (obviously) | 06:31 |
mneumonic | ok ty for your help have good night | 06:31 |
yubimusubi | mneumonic: good luck | 06:31 |
brownie17 | pretty quite in here | 06:32 |
nickrud | mkyb14, beep does mp3's without a plugin | 06:32 |
yubimusubi | Okay, gotta go check on my installs | 06:32 |
leather_n_luv | frogzoo, did that person wondering how to change the mbr code (yesterday) log on today? | 06:32 |
mkyb14 | arrrr how come i can't play mp3s over my network with either beep or xmms. i can see the files etc and add them to a playlist | 06:32 |
frogzoo | leather_n_luv: just dropped by myself - couldn't say | 06:32 |
=== cafueg1 [n=cafuego_@ppp83-238.lns2.mel3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cafueg1 | !test | 06:33 |
yubimusubi | nickrud: I like my XMMS...in most distros it COMES with an mpeg plugin | 06:33 |
jdmpike | is there anything similar to dvdshrink that runs natively to linux? | 06:33 |
nickrud | ah, now network, that's a different kettle of fish | 06:33 |
cafueg1 | This is getting a little bit tedious | 06:33 |
yubimusubi | mkyb14: My friend had the same problem, hold on | 06:33 |
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mkyb14 | well how do i kick this kettles ass | 06:33 |
nickrud | yubimusubi, xmms plays mp3's natively in breezy as well | 06:33 |
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mkyb14 | i knoew i just tried both thinking taht xmms was having issues, but both do it | 06:34 |
yubimusubi | nickrud: Awesome, dist-upgrade to breezy I guess as soon as I get online | 06:34 |
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yubimusubi | There's pppoe support in hoary, right? | 06:34 |
geneo93 | seems as though dapper missed a few hardware items | 06:34 |
nickrud | yubimusubi, yes, pppoeconf | 06:34 |
mkyb14 | i gave myself in windows read write access... thought that would do it, but no | 06:35 |
anthony_ | cdubya: It seems my internet connection wasn't too happy about changing connections, and got confused, so I'm at this nick now, and it claims the other is still in use. | 06:35 |
nickrud | yubimusubi, though, if you can configure your router/modem and connect to it with eth0, you'll like that better. | 06:35 |
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ubotu | The guide to upgrading to breezy (5.10) is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade | 06:35 |
ubotu | Failed. | 06:35 |
yubimusubi | Ew, that brings me to another sticky question...we have an actiontec usb modem... | 06:35 |
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frogzoo | !test | 06:35 |
ubotflu | Failed. | 06:35 |
yubimusubi | Well, it's ethernet/usb...the ethernet hooked up to me and the usb to my 'rents | 06:36 |
yubimusubi | And Idunno if it will work...it needed some wierd drivers to work in the first place | 06:36 |
cafuego_ | ubotu is perhaps a liiiiiiiiiiiiiittle bit lagged | 06:36 |
ubotu | cafuego_: Do they come in packets of five? | 06:36 |
geneo93 | ubotu !fail | 06:36 |
ubotu | geneo93: Do they come in packets of five? | 06:36 |
cafuego_ | oh, you're back now, are you? | 06:36 |
geneo93 | smart ass | 06:36 |
yubimusubi | nickrud: erm...well... | 06:37 |
mkyb14 | so that was a no on the network thing then?? | 06:38 |
nickrud | yubimusubi, usb and networking is not in my vocabulary :) | 06:38 |
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yubimusubi | nickrud: It's an AOL modem...and the router can't exactly...well...it won't work if I plug it in the WAN | 06:38 |
yubimusubi | I can use the router as a hub instead, but then there's some lag... | 06:38 |
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gaby | hey | 06:39 |
gaby | are u all adults | 06:39 |
nickrud | yubimusubi, I just have this speedtouch modem I configure thru the browser, I've been using one or another of those for a few years. | 06:39 |
cafuego | gaby: No, we're not. | 06:39 |
yubimusubi | nickrud: well, AOL and networking is just stupid... | 06:39 |
gaby | how old are u then | 06:39 |
frogzoo | gaby: this is a child friendly channel, just so's you know | 06:39 |
cafuego | gaby: About 4 times your age. | 06:39 |
anthony_ | Okay everybody: I had to disconnect and reconnect, and it thought my registed nick was still in use, and so now I'm stuck with an unregistered one and can't pm. How can I get my nick back? | 06:40 |
yubimusubi | nickrud: My dad keeps /saying/ he's switching to verizon (my mom works for that company and gets a discount) but he doesn't act on it... | 06:40 |
gaby | so u are 36 | 06:40 |
nickrud | yubimusubi, pay him :) | 06:40 |
yubimusubi | anthony_: Try /msg nickserv ghost <name> <passwd> | 06:40 |
gaby | cuz i am 10 | 06:40 |
cafuego | yeah, close enough :-) | 06:40 |
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yubimusubi | nickrud: haha, if I had the money | 06:40 |
yubimusubi | I told him I'd meet him halfway | 06:40 |
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gaby | how is 8 | 06:41 |
gaby | 9 | 06:41 |
tonyyarusso | yubimusubi: Sweet, thanks. | 06:41 |
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gaby | 10 | 06:41 |
gaby | 11 | 06:41 |
yubimusubi | Yea...actually I'm not poor...I just spend my money on stupid crap | 06:41 |
gaby | 12 | 06:41 |
gaby | 13 | 06:41 |
cafuego | gaby: Please don't spam. | 06:41 |
yubimusubi | tonyyarusso: yea, no prob | 06:41 |
aztek | hey techrush were you trying to get ati drivers working last night? | 06:41 |
gaby | go away | 06:41 |
nickrud | yubimusubi, that is a failing of us all | 06:41 |
frogzoo | gaby - tut tut - asking for a boot | 06:41 |
techrush | yes | 06:41 |
techrush | i failed | 06:41 |
techrush | :( | 06:41 |
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aztek | i got mine working on my desktop | 06:41 |
yubimusubi | gaby: I'm only 17 | 06:42 |
tritium | gaby: behave please | 06:42 |
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yubimusubi | Heheh | 06:42 |
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techrush | i dont think my laptop's ati card will ever work right | 06:42 |
cafuego | And stay out | 06:42 |
aztek | I haven't tried on my laptop | 06:42 |
frogzoo | techrush: u tried fglrx drivers? | 06:42 |
yubimusubi | techrush: yea, linux and ati...not quite the perfect match... | 06:42 |
techrush | ive tried 3 different distros and like 4 different ways of installing it | 06:42 |
aztek | I used these instructions. I'm going to try them on my laptop http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75378&highlight=ati | 06:42 |
techrush | yes frogzoo 3 different versions of fglrx | 06:42 |
frogzoo | :( | 06:42 |
techrush | yah | 06:43 |
techrush | its not a big loss i dont use 3d for much | 06:43 |
=== nickrud read this channel for a while, then bought nvidia | ||
frogzoo | techrush: oh, did you set vert & horiz refresh rates? | 06:43 |
geneo93 | techrush: did you try turning off pnp | 06:43 |
techrush | no and no | 06:43 |
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yubimusubi | techrush: Did you enable dri and comment out glx? | 06:43 |
techrush | no | 06:44 |
aztek | i opened the flood gates | 06:44 |
techrush | none of the tutorials said too | 06:44 |
benplaut | anyone know how to configure a 5 button mouse? | 06:44 |
techrush | im away from my laptop now or id try it | 06:44 |
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benplaut | err, 4 button | 06:44 |
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Madpilot | benplaut: there's at least one or two wiki pages about fancy mice | 06:45 |
benplaut | k | 06:45 |
yubimusubi | benplaut: you have to edit xorg.conf I think | 06:45 |
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benplaut | yubimusubi: yes, i know | 06:45 |
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yubimusubi | Hmm...my 7 button mouse worked no prob on most distros I used it with... | 06:45 |
mkyb14 | yubimusubi, so did your friend ever figure this network mp3 playing out? | 06:46 |
frogzoo | so techrush - which vid card is this? | 06:46 |
=== Adam_ [n=Adam@pool-71-251-224-170.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lasindi | How come when you boot into runtime level 1, it doesn't ask for a password (and just gives a root prompt)? | 06:46 |
yubimusubi | Oh wait, that's right I had a big problem with it on hoary... | 06:46 |
Plugh | 7 button mouse? | 06:46 |
Adam_ | hey guys | 06:46 |
nickrud | http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Mouse_Scrollwheel#Mouse_Button_Mapping_Modifications <-- benplaut | 06:46 |
lasindi | Isn't that a security flaw? | 06:46 |
benplaut | thanks | 06:46 |
yubimusubi | mkyb14: Yes, I'm trying to contact her | 06:46 |
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Madpilot | benplaut: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ManyButtonsMouseHowto | 06:46 |
mkyb14 | sweet | 06:46 |
techrush | frogzoo its a ati radeon 9000 mobile on a 1280x800 display laptop | 06:46 |
Adam_ | can someone point me to a decent irc channel for fedora? | 06:46 |
mkyb14 | fedora = poo | 06:46 |
Adam_ | my 3rd boot part is it | 06:46 |
Adam_ | i have ubuntu | 06:46 |
llamuh | lol | 06:46 |
benplaut | thanks | 06:46 |
Adam_ | on my second | 06:46 |
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Adam_ | learning rpm | 06:46 |
frogzoo | techrush: 9700 here - worked with fglrx no probs - 1280x800 also | 06:46 |
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yubimusubi | Plugh: leftclick, right-click, middle scroll up, middle scroll down, middle click, and two extra buttons on the side for forward/backward on the internet. | 06:47 |
techrush | yeah ive seen a lot of success stories with the 9700 and 9800 | 06:47 |
Plugh | Adam_: #fedora | 06:47 |
maswan | lasindi: not really, you could as well boot init=/bin/bash and get a root prompt with no password | 06:47 |
Adam_ | i went there... it says i have to log in | 06:47 |
yubimusubi | Plugh: I had a friend who had a 12 button mouse...why? don't ask me... | 06:47 |
benplaut | i may be the only person on the planet with a 4 button mouse, not 3 or 5 :P | 06:47 |
Adam_ | garbage | 06:47 |
Madpilot | techrush: I've got a 9600XT 256Mb in this desktop, running 3d just fine | 06:47 |
frogzoo | techrush: u did try fglrxconfig ? | 06:47 |
yubimusubi | benplaut: 4 buttons? heh | 06:47 |
techrush | yes frogzoo | 06:47 |
maswan | lasindi: which works in pretty much all linux dists | 06:47 |
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lasindi | maswan: why does linux allow that? | 06:47 |
benplaut | yubimusubi: yeah, a nice new MS laser notebook mouse | 06:47 |
Adam_ | hey, do you guys know if an audigy 4 will work in ubuntu? i havent booted into it with my new sound card | 06:48 |
maswan | lasindi: because it is a very useful way of doing recovery, without having to bring a boot cd etc | 06:48 |
yubimusubi | benplaut: ooh, notebook mouse...I want one...and onea them detachable number pads | 06:48 |
lasindi | maswan: isn't it a security hazard? | 06:48 |
Plugh | Adam_: You don't have to log in. If you identified yourself to the nickserv to be on this channel you should be ok there too. | 06:48 |
techrush | Adam_ audigy should work fine in linux | 06:48 |
benplaut | yubimusubi: aye... get this one- it's sweet! :D | 06:49 |
Adam_ | Plugh, no, it tells me i have to log in | 06:49 |
maswan | lasindi: well, kind of, but not really. if you want to protect against someone with physical access to the machine, you need to do lots of work, including locking down the bios | 06:49 |
Adam_ | techrush, it doesnt work with a fresh install of fedora... | 06:49 |
Plugh | I just went there and didn't get such a message | 06:49 |
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nickrud | lock it in a cage, more like | 06:49 |
llamuh | im a noob, obviously. can anyone tell me why its saying my GCC is not found when i attempt to use 'make' ? make -C /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.12-9-386 M=/home/llamuh/hermes/orinoco-0.15.rc2 modules | 06:49 |
llamuh | command not found | 06:49 |
lasindi | maswan: well, locking down the BIOS isn't hard | 06:49 |
techrush | it will work though Adam_ you may just need to mess with it some | 06:49 |
yubimusubi | benplaut: can you gimme a link to a pic? | 06:49 |
nickrud | llamuh, sudo apt-get install build-essential | 06:49 |
maswan | lasindi: neither is locking down the bootloader to refuse booting anything but the default | 06:49 |
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Adam_ | techrush, its an audigy 4... not 2. brand new card | 06:50 |
llamuh | nickrud: ive done that | 06:50 |
frogzoo | maswan: physical security can always be circumvented - just steal the box ;) | 06:50 |
lasindi | maswan: how do you do that? | 06:50 |
maswan | lasindi: by default neither of this is done, since it is very easy to get into a non-recoverable state | 06:50 |
benplaut | yubimusubi: http://www.microsoft.com/hardware/mouseandkeyboard/productdetails.aspx?pid=048 | 06:50 |
nickrud | ah, I should have read further: sudo apt-get install gcc-3.4 for the kernel | 06:50 |
tritium | llamuh: why are you building orinoco modules, given that they are provided in ubuntu? | 06:50 |
cafuego | lasindi: Especially award bioses | 06:50 |
HighHopes | Hello! I am trying to install Nvidia for Xorg in my Ubuntu Breezy 5.10 and I couldn't. I have a GeForce2 MX-400... What can I do? | 06:50 |
Adam_ | Plugh, it is telling me to go register | 06:50 |
benplaut | i hope i'm not banned for linking to MS.com -_- | 06:50 |
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yubimusubi | mkyb14: Try this for mp3s https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats?action=show&redirect=mp3 | 06:50 |
techrush | it uses a emu10k2 chip Adam_ it will work | 06:50 |
tritium | benplaut: would I do such a thing? | 06:50 |
lasindi | maswan: how do you lock down the boot loader? | 06:50 |
maswan | lasindi: hm. I don't remember now, I've never done it. but setting a password for grub or so, should be the way to go | 06:51 |
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lasindi | maswan: ok thanks | 06:51 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o tritium] by tritium | ||
Adam_ | yea, well, it aint working in fedora... so i dont know | 06:51 |
techrush | Adam_ http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/index.php?vendor=vendor-Creative_Labs#matrix | 06:51 |
Adam_ | i will boot into it to see | 06:51 |
cafuego | You can password the bootloader, but coz most bioses have backdoors, that';s also pointless. AND you can simply remove the hdd and mount it in another machine. | 06:51 |
llamuh | tritium: ive been trying to get my promix orinoco gold card to work all day. it doesnt detect the card and i havent been able to get any help with it so im assuming it is indeed using the hermes/orinoco chipset and not the atheros as some have claimed | 06:51 |
benplaut | tritium: would you? :P | 06:51 |
nicholasbrennen | ni | 06:51 |
Plugh | Adam_: There is at least one other channel I am on which requires users to register their nicks with the nickserver before they can chat on the channel. | 06:51 |
llamuh | er promix=proxim | 06:51 |
yubimusubi | benplaut: ooh, that's pretty...except...I dun wanna support m$ by buying their products... | 06:51 |
tritium | benplaut: of course not | 06:51 |
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yubimusubi | I've already started a small local boycott of the xbox360 | 06:51 |
nickrud | like I said, lock it into a cage. At least then they need bolt cutters or a torch. | 06:52 |
tritium | llamuh: you don't need to build it, though | 06:52 |
Adam_ | Plugh, yea, i dont want to copy and paste it.... | 06:52 |
benplaut | yubimusubi: their keyboards and mice are excellent, and a completely different department than Windows ;) | 06:52 |
llamuh | tritium: then what do i do? lol im lost at this point.. | 06:52 |
sstchur | Hi all. Brand new to Ubuntu -- just installed it last night. I see that it has Firefox installed, but it looks to be Deerpark Alpha. I tried sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox, but it's telling me I already have the latest version | 06:52 |
benplaut | it's even mac compatible -_- | 06:52 |
frogzoo | techrush: suggest you take a look @ https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/linux_8.19.10.html#178361 | 06:52 |
yubimusubi | benplaut: hmm, you put up a good argument... | 06:53 |
mkyb14 | yubimusubi, did she use this to fix her problem? | 06:53 |
techrush | thanks frogzoo | 06:53 |
nicholasbrennen | i dont know how to install msn messenger ubuntu pm me if you know how | 06:53 |
yubimusubi | but USB mice are usually made for mac | 06:53 |
techrush | what ? | 06:53 |
nickrud | ubotu tell sstchur about firefox15 | 06:53 |
yubimusubi | mkyb14: I can't get in touch with her...but when I was talking to her she mentioned apt-getting stuff | 06:53 |
tritium | llamuh: first positively find out what chipset it really is | 06:53 |
Plugh | Adam_: Just go register your nick with the Nickserv. Its simple to do. | 06:53 |
techrush | usb mice are made for mac ??/ | 06:53 |
Adam_ | Plugh, dont know how | 06:53 |
tritium | sure, techrush | 06:53 |
yubimusubi | mkyb14: I helped her fix it...the best resource for this is the ubuntu wikis | 06:54 |
techrush | or laptops | 06:54 |
Madpilot | Adam_: /msg nickserv help | 06:54 |
sstchur | nickrud, what is ubotu? | 06:54 |
mkyb14 | k thanks | 06:54 |
=== Seq [n=chris@CPE0050bf1a898b-CM0011ae907ae4.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nickrud | sstchur, it is a broken bot. a sec: | 06:54 |
techrush | or plenty of people use usb mice on windows | 06:54 |
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Plugh | Adam_: Look at the message you get from the Nickserv. | 06:54 |
techrush | and pcs | 06:54 |
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nickrud | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion sstchur | 06:54 |
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Plugh | Adam_: Type /nickserv help | 06:54 |
yubimusubi | mkyb14: And I think you need to restart some services for it to work, so you might want to do a complete reboot... | 06:54 |
Adam_ | just did that | 06:54 |
Seq | Does anybody know how I can specify a static dns search item (for resolv.conf) as resolv.conf seems to be overwritten my NetworkManager automatically? | 06:55 |
logical_mark | Is there an EASY way to share folders with linux? | 06:55 |
=== `Grue [n=Grue@S010600112ff63d79.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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yubimusubi | techrush: Yea, but why a USB mouse on windoze? | 06:55 |
mkyb14 | oye | 06:55 |
yubimusubi | logical_mark: share over a network? | 06:55 |
frogzoo | Seq: remove the dns entries in /etc/network/interfaces ? | 06:55 |
Adam_ | adam is already used | 06:55 |
cafuego | You'd be hard pressed finding a Windows machien being sold without USB mosue, but with PS/2 these days | 06:55 |
logical_mark | yushimusubi: yeah over a network | 06:55 |
Adam_ | have to choose another one | 06:55 |
techrush | yubismusubi because your laptop doesnt have any other port for a mouse :) | 06:55 |
logical_mark | yubimusubi: yes over a network | 06:55 |
cafuego | yubimusubi is perhaps on crack. | 06:56 |
jdmpike | does anyone know what software to use with gnome to create a dvd from pictures and stuff? | 06:56 |
yubimusubi | logical_mark: pls spell my name right, that's what tab completion is for :P | 06:56 |
llamuh | tritium: people on the netstumbler forum claim that there are multiple chipsets for this one card. most claim that if it does not say "classic" on it then it is not the original hermes card. though when i check other resources and look up the model # it says wavelan/orinoco. i did lshw -C network and it came up with "wireless pc card model 0111 vendor: agere systems" | 06:56 |
yubimusubi | cafuego: yea, perhaps... | 06:56 |
`Grue | I'm a newb, and this seems like a dunb question, but how do ya get to a command line in Ubuntu? | 06:56 |
Plugh | Adam_: I had the same problem and had to pick a different nick too | 06:56 |
yubimusubi | logical_mark: Did you try samba or nfs? | 06:56 |
Seq | frogzoo, the network interfaces are working fine, i just want to add 'local' as a search domain | 06:56 |
`Grue | dumb even | 06:56 |
logical_mark | yubimusubi, holy crap I never new that exisited (no sarcasim) thanks | 06:56 |
cafuego | yubimusubi: PS/2 is also not hot pluggable. (Yes, i know you can 999 times, but on try 10,000 the mobo might blow) whereas USB is. | 06:56 |
Adam_ | yea | 06:56 |
yubimusubi | logical_mark: heh | 06:56 |
Adam_ | i did link | 06:56 |
Adam_ | so maybe it changed? | 06:56 |
logical_mark | yubimusubi, yeah I went to "Shared Folders" and enabled samba and shared a folder | 06:56 |
yubimusubi | cafuego: Hmm... | 06:57 |
=== Zen [n=Particle@rn-99-59.reshall.k-state.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yubimusubi | logical_mark: Right....and? | 06:57 |
nickrud | `Grue, applications->accessories->terminal, or ctl-alt-f1-6 | 06:57 |
sstchur | nickrud, thanks i'm following it now. I'm used to Gentoo package system, Portage. Is there a place where I can see a list of all the apps in the apt-get repository like I could with portage? | 06:57 |
llamuh | tritium: as far as i can tell the atheros chipset wasnt introduced until they started using 802.11b/g mine is just a B card so can only assume that it does use the hermes/orinoco chipset. some on the netstumbler forum have even gone down to looking up the FCC ID to find the chipset but i havent been able to find any info on my particular card | 06:57 |
logical_mark | and on my other computer I don't know how to see the drive onthe other | 06:57 |
logical_mark | yubimusubi, I cant see the drive on my other computer | 06:57 |
yubimusubi | logical_mark: is your other comp a windows or linux? | 06:58 |
cafuego | llamuh: Insert it, type 'cardctl ident'. | 06:58 |
logical_mark | yubimusubi, I linux, ubuntu as well | 06:58 |
tritium | llamuh: what happens when you modprobe the orinoco module? | 06:58 |
llamuh | says no info available | 06:58 |
yubimusubi | logical_mark: Either way, it has to be mounted as a networkdrive...and I don't know how to do that on ubuntu, but I have a powerful tool on my side: google | 06:58 |
`Grue | thanks nickrud | 06:58 |
cafuego | llamuh: Is the socket driver loaded? | 06:58 |
llamuh | tritium: what is the module named? lol | 06:58 |
logical_mark | yubimusubi, yeah I will check it out thanks | 06:58 |
Zen | Yeah, so I installed linux on a friend's computer and his sound would randomly not work after a few weeks. Any idea? | 06:59 |
nickrud | sstchur, I've never looked at portage, so I don't know what the tool looks like. There's about 17000 packages, so aptitude search ^.* | more will work :) | 06:59 |
cafuego | !any idea | 06:59 |
ubotu | I haven't a clue, cafuego | 06:59 |
cafuego | zen; sorry, all out of any ideas. | 06:59 |
llamuh | cafuego: i would assume so. when i check the status of the PCMCIA it shows that one slot is empty and the other slot has an unsupported card | 06:59 |
tritium | llamuh: orinoco ;) | 07:00 |
cafuego | tritium: orinoco_cs | 07:00 |
yubimusubi | logical_mark: try this on your client comp: sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=[network user] ,password=[network pass] ,uid=`whoami`,gid=`whoami`,fmask=000,dmask=000 //[whatever you named the Samba server] /[network user] /home/`whoami`/Network | 07:00 |
Zen | That's ok. At least I still have my from-scratch IRC client to have fun with. =) | 07:00 |
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nickrud | sstchur, and, the firefox thing is a real hack. It'll not be in the package system for a long time. | 07:00 |
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benplaut | i guess i wasn't clear enough | 07:00 |
tritium | cafuego: okay, thanks. What's the orinoco one? older? | 07:01 |
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ejofee | why doesn shfs crash when deleting something (on the mounted share)? | 07:01 |
cafuego | tritium: orinoco is for pci, orinoco_cs for pcmcia | 07:01 |
benplaut | i don't want to program the button to do any program command, just for it to be middle click, and middle click to EmulateScrollWheel | 07:01 |
benplaut | anyone know how to do that? | 07:01 |
yubimusubi | cafuego: Ohh...so I don't need both enabled for my pcmcia nic? | 07:01 |
tritium | cafuego: ah, but of course... | 07:01 |
ejofee | doesn=does | 07:01 |
logical_mark | yubimusubi, that is a ton LOL. I need to go to sleep because I have exams tmwo. thanks! | 07:01 |
cafuego | benplaut: peterS on #debian is mouse bitch, he might know :-) | 07:02 |
benplaut | thanks :) | 07:02 |
yubimusubi | Heh, exams...I got a C in trig... | 07:02 |
frogzoo | is there anyway to find all pkgs installed from .debs? so I can check for updates on pkgs I've installed manually? | 07:02 |
llamuh | so now that weve determined it is indeed orinoco_cs, what do i do to get it working? | 07:02 |
yubimusubi | frogzoo: try synaptic? | 07:02 |
tritium | llamuh: sudo modprobe orinoco_cs | 07:02 |
lasindi | maswan: is it possible to pass the 'init=/bin/bash' parameter in LILO also without root access? | 07:02 |
yubimusubi | frogzoo: oh, nvm | 07:02 |
cafuego | tritium: Though I prefer a patched orinoco_cs myself, the default one can;'t do monitor mode (for kismet) | 07:02 |
llamuh | module not found | 07:03 |
maswan | lasindi: sure, same thing there. if you want to lock it down, you have to set a password. | 07:03 |
yubimusubi | lasindi: is this a local machine? ...you should be able to modify it at boot | 07:03 |
frogzoo | llamuh: /var/log/messages - see what happens when your card is recognised | 07:03 |
cafuego | llamuh: Well, problem solved. | 07:03 |
lasindi | yubimusubi: yes, it's local | 07:03 |
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cafuego | llamuh: pcmcia-cs 9cardmgr) should load the orinoco_cs module the moment you insert the card. | 07:03 |
nickrud | frogzoo, look for obsolete and local packages in synaptic, that'll group the debs you installed by hand | 07:03 |
maswan | lasindi: and set a bios password, and proper intrusion detection on the hardware. | 07:03 |
tritium | cafuego: right... | 07:04 |
lasindi | maswan: ok thanks | 07:04 |
cafuego | tritium: Coz in large cities, wardriving is fun :-) | 07:04 |
frogzoo | nickrud: many thanks! | 07:04 |
yubimusubi | lasindi: yea, just reboot and (in grub you hit e to edit commands, but it might be different in lilo) and tack it on to the end... | 07:04 |
maswan | lasindi: since it was in here, I just mentioned grub | 07:04 |
sstchur | nickrud, i'm getting an error about libstdc++ Evidentally I need that? | 07:04 |
maswan | lasindi: but in general it is for any bootloader | 07:04 |
tritium | cafuego: indeed | 07:04 |
yubimusubi | lasindi: Why didya lose your root password? That's the only thing I seen that used for... | 07:05 |
tonyyarusso | sstchur: The ones in the Ubuntu repos are libstdc++5 or libstdc++6. | 07:05 |
nickrud | sstchur, yes, I guess so, that'll be aptitude install libstdc++5 | 07:05 |
jdmpike | has anyone in here created a photo slide show on a dvd with linux? | 07:05 |
lasindi | yubimusubi: no, I'm just talking with someone about local security | 07:05 |
maswan | lasindi: well, not just set bios password, set bios password and disable anything but internal harddrive boot (no floppy/cd/network/usb/firewire/whatever booting). | 07:05 |
yubimusubi | lasindi: Ohh, I see. | 07:05 |
llamuh | what am i looking for in the messages file? | 07:06 |
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yubimusubi | Heh...I could so easily lock my dad outta his comp... | 07:06 |
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ubuntu_ | join ##cooking | 07:08 |
luisito | after installing firefox 1.5 I have this message: /opt/firefox/firefox-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 07:08 |
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luisito | what should I do | 07:08 |
ashish | hi all | 07:08 |
luisito | ? | 07:08 |
cafuego | luisito: use 1.0.7, which is packaged, and works. | 07:09 |
llamuh | ? | 07:09 |
tritium | luisito: there are libstdc++5 packages in the repos | 07:09 |
cafuego | llamuh: Anyinthing with 'cargmgr'. | 07:09 |
cafuego | cardmgr | 07:09 |
luisito | oks | 07:09 |
yubimusubi | luisito: yea, I use 1.0.7...very stable | 07:10 |
cafuego | or ask ubotu about 'rule 1'. | 07:10 |
llamuh | says open_sock(socket 0) failed: operation not permitted | 07:10 |
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yubimusubi | llamuh: Do you have pcmcia and orinoco compiled as modules in your kernel? | 07:11 |
llamuh | no idea.. im telling you im a noob | 07:11 |
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sstchur | Anyone have any idea where I find the Firefox icon so I can put it on my menu? | 07:12 |
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yubimusubi | (Er...are those 2 modules automatically compiled in the ubuntu kernel) | 07:12 |
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llamuh | though i have ran linux off and on for 7 years now lol. i just dont run it for longer than a month because i end up giving up on it due to issues like this | 07:12 |
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llamuh | i never learn anything that way though :( | 07:12 |
yubimusubi | llamuh: cd /usr/src/linux/ && make menuconfig | 07:12 |
geneo93 | man this is crazy my bt878 is listed as my snd card | 07:12 |
llama32 | when trying to compile Nano-X/MicroWindows, i get parse errors in all these C++ headers, GCC ones, not headers that are part of Nano-X... GCC 3.3.4... any ideas? | 07:12 |
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blazemonger | what'sup | 07:12 |
llama32 | stuff like: /usr/include/c++/3.3/limits:208: error: syntax error before `(' token | 07:12 |
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tritium | llamuh: you should have that module as part of your linux-image-$(uname -r) package | 07:12 |
yubimusubi | llamuh: Err... cd /usr/src/linux/ && sudo make menuconfig | 07:12 |
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blazemonger | ubuntu isn't that bad for a linux distro..(i'm a bsd guy and a friend told me about it) | 07:13 |
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yubimusubi | blazemonger: Gentoo here...ubuntu for my dad and friends | 07:13 |
blazemonger | it's like..a mix of mac os but with a linux touch | 07:13 |
tritium | llamuh: if I were you, I'd be running an ubuntu stock kernel, and not compiling your own | 07:13 |
blazemonger | i just am used to bsd.. | 07:13 |
=== llama32 shakes fists at llamuh, threatening a law suit regarding nicknames | ||
llama32 | *fist, only one is shaken | 07:13 |
blazemonger | i'm about to start compiling my own kernels | 07:13 |
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geneo93 | blazemonger: well desktopbsd didn't really do it for me | 07:14 |
llamuh | no directory linux under /usr/src/ just linux-headers-2.6.12-9 | 07:14 |
ELpH95o | i just use regular freebsd for serving | 07:14 |
llamuh | tritium: i didnt realize i was compiling my own? | 07:14 |
ELpH95o | and for playing nes games on | 07:14 |
yubimusubi | llamuh: Well, tritium is more versed than me in ubuntu...so you might wanna listen to him...but I think you have to do sudo apt-get install linux-sources | 07:14 |
ELpH95o | what's tritium? | 07:14 |
tritium | yubimusubi: let's not have him compile a kernel for now | 07:15 |
llamuh | yeah i tried that too lol forgot the error let me try again | 07:15 |
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ELpH95o | i feel like im in a new wold in ubuntu | 07:15 |
ELpH95o | but at the same time it feels wierd.. | 07:15 |
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yubimusubi | tritium: ohh, fine...that reminds me though...I need to recompile to 2.6.15 | 07:15 |
ELpH95o | but it's fast at least | 07:15 |
=== llama32 liked FreeBSD, but it crashes on his new computer... except 6.0, but dialup and no credit card so i cant get it from anywhere... *shakes fist at Linux* | ||
tritium | ELpH95o: a radioactive isotope of Hydrogen | 07:15 |
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nomin | well, I was initially impressed with how easy to use ubuntu was until I tried to play internet videos. | 07:15 |
llamuh | or not | 07:15 |
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geneo93 | crimsun: are you about | 07:15 |
llamuh | well what do you suggest then, tritium? | 07:15 |
frogzoo | nomin: internet videos work fine through gxine btw | 07:16 |
ELpH95o | llama32:freebsd is my favorite os of all | 07:16 |
ELpH95o | it works with every bit of my hardware and building kernels in bsd is easy as helll | 07:16 |
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tritium | llamuh: we need to figure out why you don't have an orinoco_cs module...it's part of the standard linux-image package | 07:16 |
yubimusubi | llamuh: yea, it's tritium's turn... :P | 07:16 |
nomin | frogzoo, can you play both realplayer and windows media videos fullscreen? | 07:16 |
ELpH95o | how hard is it to customize linux kernels compared to freebsd? | 07:16 |
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yubimusubi | tritium: perhaps he needs to do a dist-upgrade? | 07:16 |
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llamuh | well i got kubuntu because i wanted to try out KDE but was told that it is the exact same thing as ubuntu except with KDE instead of gnome | 07:17 |
ELpH95o | is there going to be a hard time for me to make the transition from bsd to linux? | 07:17 |
frogzoo | nomin: full screen works (unlike totem) - couldn't swear to particular formats | 07:17 |
tritium | ELpH95o: it's easy, particularly with kernel-package, with which you can build custom kernel .deb packages | 07:17 |
llamuh | could that be the problem? | 07:17 |
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tritium | llamuh: no, that should be no problem | 07:17 |
llama32 | ELpH95o: well i'd have to say BeOS is my favourite, but it is single user and not really useable these days (opera 3.x, etc.), but damnit it did some cool 3D shit on my celeron 266 w/o accelerated graphics, and always went smoothly, havent used it a lot though | 07:17 |
charis | So, I installed Solaris 10 WS on one pc and Ubuntu server on another. I am ready to plearn. Call me dangerous enough | 07:17 |
yubimusubi | llamuh: Kubuntu uses the same kernel image | 07:17 |
llamuh | yeah thats what i thought | 07:18 |
Frosty | hi all | 07:18 |
Frosty | I'm having issues, anyone willing to help out a noob | 07:18 |
charis | Allo | 07:18 |
tritium | yubimusubi: not likely | 07:18 |
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yubimusubi | Frosty: that's what everyone's here for ^-^ | 07:18 |
tritium | llamuh: what does "uname -r" return? | 07:18 |
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llamuh | 2.6.12-9-386 | 07:19 |
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ELpH95o | Frosty:if yoyu were using bsd | 07:19 |
yubimusubi | Ooh, that's like...2 months old... | 07:19 |
ELpH95o | is solaris 10 good? | 07:19 |
Frosty | Trying to add skins for xmms, I know where the folder is but I cannot see it, how do I make the folder visible? I also just tried mkdir and mv but it does not notice the folder in terminal | 07:19 |
ce_gokil | hi | 07:19 |
ce_gokil | hi | 07:19 |
ce_gokil | hi | 07:19 |
ce_gokil | hi | 07:19 |
ce_gokil | hi | 07:19 |
tritium | llamuh: you should have modules in /lib/modules/2.6.12-9-386/kernel/drivers/net/wireless | 07:20 |
ELpH95o | llama32:Beos had fantastic code | 07:20 |
tritium | ce_gokil: stop it | 07:20 |
ELpH95o | man i wish i had the source code to beos | 07:20 |
charis | compiling httpd 2.2.0, I get C compiler cannot create executables | 07:20 |
yubimusubi | Frosty: Where's the folder? /usr/share/xmms/Skins/ ? | 07:20 |
ELpH95o | i would hack that baby | 07:20 |
nomin | here are sites to test online video ability: www.democracynow.org http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/view/ http://www.ebaumsworld.com/cool_videos.html | 07:20 |
Frosty | right | 07:20 |
yubimusubi | Frosty: what's 'ls -lh /usr/share/xmms/Skins/' return? | 07:20 |
Frosty | it's like /.xmms, but i think I leave out the . | 07:20 |
tritium | charis: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 07:21 |
llama32 | ELpH95o: same (why wont palm release it?), you following Haiku? | 07:21 |
ELpH95o | i dunno why | 07:21 |
yubimusubi | Frosty: ~/.xmms/Skins also... That should be visible... | 07:21 |
yubimusubi | Ohhh | 07:21 |
ELpH95o | not following haiku | 07:21 |
ELpH95o | i' popped a few ritalins and am learning linux | 07:21 |
ELpH95o | it's deeper than bsd it seems like.. | 07:21 |
yubimusubi | Frosty: cd ~/.xmms/Skins/ | 07:21 |
ELpH95o | more "desktop" friendly' | 07:21 |
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yubimusubi | Frosty: Any file with a leading "." is hidden, but you still have read/write access to it...I don't know how to make it visible in nautilus though...prolly something like rt-click->show hidden files | 07:22 |
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Frosty | yeah, I thought that too, or in the folder options, it's not | 07:23 |
sagarp | how can i force installatino of a package without checking for dependencies? | 07:23 |
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ELpH95o | spiralsynth for bsd is kick ass | 07:23 |
Plugh | --nodeps | 07:23 |
`Grue | I'm trying to edit a read only file, have to edit /ect/rcS so it'll stop screwing up the clock when I dual boot to XP how do ya do this? | 07:23 |
ELpH95o | how hard is it to build spiral synth in linux | 07:23 |
=== llama32 found/finds FreeBSD easier to set up & use than Debian... though Debian menu is great | ||
Frosty | when I tryped the ls -lh for that folder it spit out a bunch of files, all -rw-r--r-- red name files | 07:24 |
ELpH95o | llama32O:Me too!!! | 07:24 |
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ELpH95o | i thought i was CRAZY for thinking FreeBSD is MUCH easier to set up and use than linux | 07:24 |
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ppcguy | are the repo's down? | 07:24 |
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Frosty | I am unable to change to that file though, it said ino such file or directory | 07:24 |
sagarp | Plugh apt-get install --nodeps package? | 07:24 |
ilba7r | sagarp first why you need to do that it is not good practice. Second check man dpkg | 07:25 |
ELpH95o | on bsd 6.0 you can type make instant-workstation and after a few hours or so you have a fully functional workstation | 07:25 |
ELpH95o | isn't that like kick ass llama32? | 07:25 |
yubimusubi | Frosty: sorry 'ls -lh /usr/share/xmms/Skins' | 07:25 |
Plugh | oops...sorry. that was an option for the rpm command. | 07:25 |
yubimusubi | Frosty: Don't put the slash at the end...that was my typo | 07:25 |
B1zzar0 | any one know of a program similar to Visual studio for linux? | 07:25 |
M_Cheevy | quick question folks... does autofs (a) conflict with any auto mounters installed by default, or (b) no longer really help much anymore? | 07:25 |
sagarp | ilba7r well it says the package it requires has been replaced by some other one, but it checks for the deprecated one | 07:25 |
=== tritium would not wait that long for a functional workstation | ||
ilba7r | elph950 i tried freebsd and it could not even recognize my hard disk | 07:26 |
Frosty | yeah, that's what I typed, I did not put the slash on it | 07:26 |
llama32 | all my debian-based distros have died from apt going spastic... ive been using ubuntu for a while, and its okay, but KDE isnt working properly (i'd use a KDE-friendly distro, but i just get what comes with magazines) | 07:26 |
yubimusubi | Frosty: Oh, that doesn't work either... | 07:26 |
yubimusubi | Ah! | 07:26 |
ilba7r | oh ok sgarp just checking you know what you are doing my friend :) | 07:26 |
benplaut | xorg is recognizing the 6th/4th buttonas parallel with the 3rd (i've commented out Emulate3Buttons), IE right click. i'm assuming xev simply reads the xserver, as it too reports both as button 3. What i'm trying to do is have the middle-click, button 2, EmulateScrollWheel, and the extra button, i assume button 6, perform the non-emulated function of button 2. Any way to do this? | 07:26 |
yubimusubi | Frosty: 'ls -lh /usr/share/xmms/ | grep Skins' | 07:26 |
sagarp | ilba7r ^_^ | 07:26 |
Frosty | it spit out a list of files, all root, but when I try ot change ot that directory... k | 07:26 |
yubimusubi | Frosty: That should give you a single line | 07:26 |
ejofee | how do i recognize a package update (by versioning data within the file name)? | 07:27 |
yubimusubi | Frosty: Are you using 'cd' or nautilus? | 07:27 |
tritium | ejofee: can you rephrase that? | 07:27 |
Frosty | Sorry yubi, I do not understand that question, I believe Nautilus? I use CD to change directory though | 07:28 |
tiglionabbit | zomg I just found this thing in the repos called "jumpnbump -- cute multiplayer game with bunnies"! It's networked-- who wants to play with me? I'll host (spiny.dnsdojo.net) so grab it, run jumpnbumb-menu, and tell me if you wanna play =P | 07:28 |
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Frosty | drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K 2005-12-15 02:58 Skins | 07:29 |
yubimusubi | Frosty: and you can't cd into that directory? | 07:29 |
Frosty | nope, but that is what I got from the grep command | 07:29 |
Frosty | this seems odd, but I do not know much about linux still | 07:29 |
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sethk | benplaut, you can map mouse raw events into logical mouse events, which is jargon for what you want to do. | 07:29 |
=== Patriot [n=Keith@c-66-229-36-212.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
sethk | benplaut, you can use the xev program to find out what raw mouse events occur for each button | 07:30 |
ELpH95o | bsd is great as a workstation | 07:30 |
M_Cheevy | Frosty: GUI's tend to insulate users from the "nitty gritty" of an OS | 07:30 |
benplaut | sethk: and from there, how do i map them? | 07:30 |
Frosty | wait a sec, I think I'm in | 07:30 |
yubimusubi | Frosty: That means that root has complete read/write/execute access and you only have read/execute access...what exactly are you trying to do? | 07:30 |
ELpH95o | i'm about to start working on a midi sequencing app for freebsd | 07:30 |
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ELpH95o | that actually works | 07:30 |
sethk | benplaut, I think you can use xmodmap to map the events. I've done that for kb. let me check on whether that also works for mouse. | 07:30 |
Frosty | move folders into it | 07:30 |
Patriot | Thats what I waant, to remain ignorant!!! | 07:30 |
sethk | ELpH95o, I'd like to try it | 07:30 |
Frosty | placing another skin folder into that root | 07:30 |
yubimusubi | M_Cheevy: Heh, I still use DOS Prompt when I have to use windows | 07:30 |
B1zzar0 | any one know of a program similar to Visual studio for linux? | 07:30 |
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ELpH95o | i doubt it | 07:31 |
sethk | B1zzar0, look at anjuta | 07:31 |
ELpH95o | sethk;are there any midi sequencers for linux? | 07:31 |
benplaut | sethk: problem... xev is reporting exact same output for both buttons | 07:31 |
M_Cheevy | yubimusubi: love the command line myself | 07:31 |
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B1zzar0 | thanx will do! | 07:31 |
sethk | ELpH95o, there are, but I haven't had a chance to try them yet. | 07:31 |
Patriot | How do you install software in linux? | 07:31 |
sethk | benplaut, that is a problem. | 07:31 |
ELpH95o | nice | 07:31 |
benplaut | yeah | 07:31 |
yubimusubi | Frosty: do 'sudo mv [path/to/folder/you/want/] /usr/share/xmms/Skins/' | 07:31 |
tiglionabbit | Patriot: in ubuntu, run Synaptic, or the Add Programs thingy | 07:31 |
yubimusubi | M_Cheevy: Ya, cli and batch files | 07:31 |
sethk | benplaut, you might have to get into the driver source to deal with that. ugly. | 07:31 |
tritium | ELpH95o: several | 07:31 |
=== yubimusubi is running bitlbee and irssi at the moment | ||
ELpH95o | the way i chose ubuntu was i tried debian and it wouldnt detect my soundcard(es1371) | 07:32 |
ELpH95o | but ubuntu does | 07:32 |
Patriot | I'm using Suse | 07:32 |
ELpH95o | and debian stable is dated | 07:32 |
benplaut | i think i'll just live with it :/ | 07:32 |
tiglionabbit | Patriot: why would you ask here then? In suse you can use yast | 07:32 |
sagarp | grr i cant even dl the package, it keeps telling me abuot the dep errors | 07:32 |
sethk | ELpH95o, if ubuntu does what you want ... | 07:32 |
yubimusubi | Patriot: Ah, I remember my suse days...muchos problemos after about a month... | 07:32 |
sethk | benplaut, that's the practical thing to do, definitely. | 07:32 |
tritium | Patriot: this is #ubuntu. Suse has a difference package format than we use | 07:32 |
benplaut | brb, trying something | 07:32 |
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sethk | yubimusubi, on some machines, suse causes problems from day 0 | 07:33 |
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yubimusubi | sethk: RPM hell...that's why I started exploring other distros | 07:33 |
B1zzar0 | ya i hate the removable drive bug never got it fixed... | 07:33 |
sstchur_ | I'm trying to access my windows partition from linux. I see an icon on my desktop "sda3" but it keeps telling me permission denied. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? | 07:33 |
yubimusubi | B1zzar0: what's the problem? | 07:33 |
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tiglionabbit | Patriot: you'd have a better time in a red hat channel-- there is a difference between how packages are managed in redhat-based (suse) and debian-based (ubuntu) distributions | 07:33 |
sethk | yubimusubi, I've found their installation program to be a nightmare, and they have a habit of patching the kernel and breaking it. Other than that... :) | 07:33 |
B1zzar0 | was commenting about Suse | 07:33 |
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tritium | ELpH95o: if you have ubuntu installed/running, add the universe and multiverse repositories, and then you'll find a good handful of midi sequencers | 07:34 |
ejofee | tritium: how are package updates marked? (e.g. "xterm-49.38.BreezyUpdate.deb") | 07:34 |
sethk | Patriot, as was said, installation is one of the things that varies by distro. Unless, of course, you install source. | 07:34 |
tritium | ejofee: with a higher version number | 07:34 |
yubimusubi | sethk: Well, the installation was straightforward for me...just...if I went back to it now, I'd be confused as hell (and annoyed) | 07:34 |
yubimusubi | sethk: And now I build my own kernels, heheh | 07:34 |
leather_n_luv | sstchur, what did you do to get the sda3? | 07:34 |
sethk | Patriot, I generally install from source, and it is the same procedure in all distros. But for most people it is too difficult and inconvenient | 07:34 |
llamuh | tritium: sorry my daughter woke up.. had to give her a bottle. anyways, correct i have modules in that directory but i have no idea what to do with them. i swear i hate being such a noob.. | 07:35 |
sstchur_ | leather_n_luv, nothing.... I just installed ubuntu last night for the fist time and it was on the desktop when i booted up | 07:35 |
ejofee | tritium: and am i the only one who thinks this to be silly? | 07:35 |
tritium | yubimusubi: do you use kernel-package? | 07:35 |
sethk | llamuh, sounds like you could use a different sort of bottle | 07:35 |
yubimusubi | sethk: Have you tried gentoo? | 07:35 |
Patriot | I have found this whole linux thing to be difficult | 07:35 |
tritium | ejofee: why would it be silly? | 07:35 |
leather_n_luv | sstchur, did you partition the hard drive your self? | 07:35 |
yubimusubi | tritium: Nah, Gentoo...ubuntu's for my parents | 07:35 |
Patriot | locating drivers and so on | 07:35 |
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sethk | yubimusubi, yes. I found that if you wanted to put endless hours into it, you could get it to run almost as fast as ubuntu | 07:35 |
yubimusubi | Patriot: That depends on what your definition of "difficult" and your definition of "linux" is | 07:36 |
sstchur | leather_n_luv, yes. I had a gentoo / xp computer for a long time. I wiped the Gentoo partition and replaced it with ubuntu | 07:36 |
llamuh | sethk: hah indeed.. i have a bottle of stoli somewhere around here ;P | 07:36 |
tritium | llamuh: if they are there, you should be able to modprobe them | 07:36 |
Patriot | I have a mac and was told that it was very similar | 07:36 |
sethk | yubimusubi, I've never seen a good reason to spend days compiling, just to get a slower running system. | 07:36 |
ejofee | tritium: it's nice to know which ones are identical to the original cd version and which ones are not. i don't want to spend my time counting versions and comparing them for finding out which one's update. | 07:36 |
sethk | llamuh, my thought exactly. :) | 07:36 |
sstchur | leather_n_luv, I used to access the windows partition from gentoo all the time | 07:36 |
Madpilot | Patriot: drivers for what? | 07:36 |
ejofee | tritium: backports should be marked, too, i guess. | 07:36 |
tritium | ejofee: you don't have to count versions or compare | 07:36 |
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Frosty | It moved, but the damn xmms does not notice the new directory... Why am I bothering with GUI, this is so ... backwards | 07:37 |
Patriot | printer | 07:37 |
yubimusubi | sethk: Well, it beats the hell outta compiling on suse or debian | 07:37 |
Madpilot | Patriot: what make/model of printer? | 07:37 |
=== yubimusubi loves his gentoo | ||
leather_n_luv | sstchur, what is in your fstab? | 07:37 |
ejofee | tritium: then how do i know which packages installed on my ubuntu are actually updates? | 07:37 |
sethk | yubimusubi, I suppose, but I don't have any intention of doing either. | 07:37 |
Patriot | HP 1300 | 07:37 |
Frosty | I should not have installed all this extra junk and just stuck with terminal | 07:37 |
yubimusubi | sethk: Besides ubuntu is too damn confusing for me. | 07:37 |
Madpilot | Patriot: HPs usually work in Linux | 07:37 |
tritium | yubimusubi: apt-get can build from source easily | 07:37 |
Madpilot | !tell Patriot about printers | 07:37 |
sethk | yubimusubi, I port linux to new environments, but I use LFS, not gentoo | 07:37 |
llamuh | tritium: hah! it would help if i were sudo before i did that, huh? k so ive modprobed them now | 07:37 |
leather_n_luv | sstchur, msg me | 07:37 |
tritium | llamuh: yes, as I suggested ;) | 07:37 |
yubimusubi | tritium: Like I said, too confusing...long command lines :P | 07:38 |
sstchur_ | leather_n_luv, there is an entry: /dev/sda3 /media/sda3 ntfs | 07:38 |
ELpH95o | i hear gentoo is like bsd | 07:38 |
ELpH95o | what's the most bsd like linux | 07:38 |
ejofee | ELpH95o: in which way? | 07:38 |
tritium | yubimusubi: nonsense...no longer than emerge commands | 07:38 |
ELpH95o | how it has the ports collection | 07:38 |
leather_n_luv | msg sstchur | 07:38 |
yubimusubi | ELpH95o: Gentoo uses a ports-like system...I haven't actually used BSD though | 07:38 |
tritium | ejofee: what would you need to know this for? | 07:38 |
sethk | yubimusubi, I've used netbsd. It's like gentoo's system, except that it works and gentoo's doesn't. | 07:39 |
Madpilot | Patriot: if you mean the HP 1300 LaserJet, here: http://www.linuxprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=HP-LaserJet_1300 | 07:39 |
yubimusubi | sethk: Well, the original reason for me to install Gentoo was to learn more about linux, but I found I liked gentoo so much I stuck with it. | 07:39 |
yubimusubi | sethk: Ever heard of SourceMage? | 07:39 |
ilba7r | elph95o how did you find bsd and why you seek linux. Ps just curious not starting a war here :) | 07:39 |
leather_n_luv | sstchur: what else on the line? | 07:39 |
ejofee | tritium: i want to know which packages from the cash i need to copy on another machine with no internet connection so that i could update ubuntu there, too | 07:39 |
sethk | yubimusubi, gentoo doesn't teach you about linux. It just teaches you about compiling linux. a totally different thing. | 07:39 |
B1zzar0 | i never could get it to install | 07:39 |
sethk | yubimusubi, I've heard of it but I haven't used it. | 07:39 |
B1zzar0 | Gentoo that is | 07:39 |
ejofee | tritium: it is a good reason | 07:39 |
sethk | B1zzar0, you are better off. :) | 07:40 |
ejofee | tritium: and it used to be trivial (with find) on mandriva | 07:40 |
sethk | B1zzar0, in my testing ubuntu runs measurably faster | 07:40 |
yubimusubi | sethk: Yes, but after spending 3 days compiling, you learn a shitload of even non-gentoo specific cli in a short amount of time | 07:40 |
B1zzar0 | heh | 07:40 |
yubimusubi | Oh, excuse meh language | 07:40 |
ejofee | tritium: it's much harder to write a script which detects updates here | 07:40 |
sethk | yubimusubi, I already know all of that. | 07:40 |
yubimusubi | sethk: And? I didn't :P | 07:40 |
sethk | B1zzar0, I have a server here that dual boots gentoo and ubuntu. | 07:40 |
tritium | ejofee: the user shouldn't have to worry about writing scripts to update...that's what apt-get is for | 07:41 |
ejofee | yubimusubi: no, i think your english is good enough | 07:41 |
Squee-D | Is there a howto for using the nvidia kernel? especialy using the legacy driver? | 07:41 |
sethk | yubimusubi, you can learn all that without waiting hours and hours and hours for a compiler. | 07:41 |
tritium | !nvidia | 07:41 |
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leather_n_luv | sstchur: are you there? | 07:41 |
B1zzar0 | ahh i see | 07:41 |
yubimusubi | sethk: Lol, and this is why nobody uses linux..."Man, that distro sucks!! USE THIS ONE OR YOU DIE!!!" | 07:41 |
tritium | where is ubotu? | 07:41 |
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sethk | Squee-D, there are gobs of them. :) | 07:41 |
ejofee | yubimusubi: however, i want to know: how can one learn *anything* from some automatic compilation procedures? | 07:41 |
sstchur | leather_n_luv, yes | 07:41 |
bz0b | hey all | 07:41 |
bz0b | how is everyone tonight? | 07:41 |
sethk | yubimusubi, I use linux all the time. I really don't care if anybody else uses it. I have work to do and linux gets it done. | 07:41 |
Myrtti | use whatever gets you high | 07:41 |
tritium | Squee-D: wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto has an nvidia section | 07:41 |
Squee-D | sethk yeah each one i have seen are not ubuntu specific, even the debian one is quite different from what i see here | 07:41 |
Myrtti | be it gentoo or slackware or debian or mandriva or ubuntu | 07:42 |
sethk | yubimusubi, I might point out that you are on a ubuntu channel trolling for gentoo. | 07:42 |
Squee-D | tritium thanks :) | 07:42 |
B1zzar0 | hehe | 07:42 |
ejofee | tritium: you're not following me. i am talking about my need to save the cache on a cd and bring it to another computer | 07:42 |
leather_n_luv | sstchur: what else is on that line in fstab? | 07:42 |
yubimusubi | ejofee: Well, for three days of pure cli...I learned how to actually USE it. | 07:42 |
tritium | ejofee: I follow you just ifne | 07:42 |
tritium | fine | 07:42 |
ubotu | from memory, nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57368 | 07:42 |
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yubimusubi | sethk: I'm sorry, my intention was not for trolling...I simply meant to mention that I am USING gentoo...that's all...it got kinda outta hand I guess ^-^;; | 07:43 |
llamuh | lovesux54 | 07:43 |
tritium | ubotu: botsnack | 07:43 |
ubotu | :) | 07:43 |
ejofee | tritium: then you must be realising, by now, that your first answer was inadequate | 07:43 |
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sstchur | leather_n_luv, there is "defaults 0 0" | 07:43 |
leather_n_luv | sstchur: what about under the "options" field? | 07:44 |
yubimusubi | Ah, I found the source of this. | 07:44 |
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=== bur[n] er_ knows of pills for inadequacy... get emails all the time | ||
tritium | ejofee: please keep it friendly | 07:44 |
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tritium | ejofee: see if apt-zip suits your needs | 07:44 |
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llamuh | stupid trilian.. was trying to msg someone on AIM not type in the channel lol | 07:45 |
Madpilot | need sleep - later, all | 07:45 |
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ejofee | tritium: did it sound offensive?! | 07:45 |
yubimusubi | sethk: You mentioned that you "generally install from source" so I mentioned Gentoo, the source-based system that I use...I guess you took it the wrong way, heh. | 07:45 |
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tritium | ejofee: yep | 07:45 |
ejofee | tritium: didn't mean that, by any means! | 07:45 |
yubimusubi | Didn't mean to start a flamewar | 07:45 |
sstchur | leather_n_luv, under <options> is has defaults | 07:45 |
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gverig1 | Just started Kopette for the first time. What a horid default settings! | 07:46 |
ejofee | how easy is it to install from source on debian, anyway? | 07:47 |
tritium | ejofee: apt-cache show apt-zip, and see if that sounds like it might work for you (I've not used it) | 07:47 |
yubimusubi | sethk: Just one thing...you mentioned it's possible to apt-get from source...I just wanted to point out it's also possible to emerge binaries, if you really want to...but that would defeat the purpose of using Gentoo...and I'm shutting up now ^x^ | 07:47 |
sstchur | leather_n_luv, any ideas? | 07:47 |
gverig1 | Ahh, better now... | 07:47 |
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-118-222.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
leather_n_luv | sstchur: put in that section something like "ro,user.noauto" | 07:47 |
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llamuh | tritium: modeprobe didnt return any errors when i loaded the orinoco_cs but i have no idea what to do now. if im being too annoying or whatever just ignore me and ill eventually find the answer lol | 07:47 |
tritium | apt-get source --build <packagename> | 07:47 |
ejofee | tritium: thank you | 07:47 |
leather_n_luv | sstchur: "ro"= read-only | 07:47 |
gverig1 | How can I test the 3D performance? gears seem to freeze | 07:48 |
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sstchur | leather_n_luv, so could I do "rw" | 07:48 |
sstchur | ? | 07:48 |
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tritium | llamuh: "lsmod | grep orinoco", and see if it's loaded... | 07:48 |
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leather_n_luv | sstchur: afaik, the kernel only has limited support for ntfs... | 07:48 |
llamuh | yes its loaded | 07:48 |
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ejofee | tritium: then what is the advantage of gentoo? | 07:48 |
llamuh | lol sorry to keep you up! | 07:49 |
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ejofee | tritium: if we have this on ubuntu anyway? | 07:49 |
tritium | ejofee: I never claimed that there is one ;) | 07:49 |
Frosty | anyone ready for my next newbie question? this one is about creating a launcher | 07:49 |
leather_n_luv | sstchur: there are util's for ntfs, but i am not familiar with those, so i mount "ro" | 07:49 |
ejofee | tritium :))) | 07:49 |
yubimusubi | otep? r0x0rz name...that band is awesome | 07:49 |
ejofee | tritium: ok... why do *they* feel ubuntu is better?! | 07:49 |
sstchur | leather_n_luv, can I modify fstab and make changes take affect w/o rebooting? | 07:49 |
ejofee | tritium: maybe you know their reasons | 07:50 |
tritium | ejofee: you'd have to ask someone else, as I've not bothered to find out | 07:50 |
=== Madpilot [n=bburger@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yubimusubi | ejofee: I'm the one who claimed gentoo superiority...although I didn't actually say that...it's all preference anyway. | 07:50 |
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leather_n_luv | sstchur: yup | 07:50 |
leather_n_luv | sstchur: every time you type mount, it reads fstab... | 07:50 |
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tritium | llamuh: does iwconfig list a wireless network interface now? | 07:51 |
Frosty | I created a launcher to launch an app I put into the system (so used to using windows I need a shortcut) when I use it I have to type root password into terminal, anyway to put the password into the launcher so it does it automaticly? | 07:51 |
sethk | sstchur, you can remount the file system whose data you changed. | 07:51 |
leather_n_luv | sstchur: (or to do it from X) | 07:51 |
shwag | how do i install firefox 1.5 ? | 07:51 |
ejofee | yubimusubi: i wonder what makes people feel gentoo is actually superior... the fact that it forces one to compile (or that it discourages people to use binary packages)? | 07:51 |
sethk | sstchur, unless you remount, though, the change does nothing | 07:51 |
llamuh | tritium: no | 07:51 |
nicholaspaul | HELP! i cant edit my login screen setup: when i run it from terminal, it says it can't access the GDM config file. Anyone know whats going on? | 07:52 |
leather_n_luv | sstchur: any luck yet? | 07:52 |
sethk | i've had a good day. I got my customized initrd working, and got IMAP mail filtering on the server side working. | 07:52 |
nicholaspaul | - and i tried reinstalling... | 07:52 |
sstchur | leather, getting there. i created a folder /mnt/xp, and successfully mounted it | 07:52 |
sethk | nicholaspaul, use sudo. You don't have privileges to edit the file | 07:52 |
rabeldable | !perms | 07:53 |
ubotu | permissions are explained here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FilePermissions - The easiest way to work with permissions is to sudo chmod {options} filename. Also, try "man chmod", "man chown", and "man chgrp" from the console. | 07:53 |
sstchur | leather_n_luv, but it's owned by root, so i could not cd to it | 07:53 |
sstchur | leather_n_luv, should I change the owner to me? | 07:53 |
sethk | nicholaspaul, reinstalling the same way gets the same result. :) | 07:53 |
nicholaspaul | sethk which file do i edit? I'm just trying to run the Login Screen Setup applet | 07:53 |
bz0b | does anyone know the apt-get line for the ati drivers? | 07:53 |
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tritium | !ati | 07:53 |
ubotu | ati is probably at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 | 07:53 |
jdmpike | what sort of disk tools are there for Ubunut? | 07:53 |
leather_n_luv | sstchur: wait one... | 07:53 |
Frosty | Ubotu you talking to me? | 07:53 |
yubimusubi | ejofee: I PM'd you | 07:53 |
ubotu | Frosty: Are you smoking crack? | 07:53 |
tritium | bz0b: follow that wiki page | 07:53 |
sethk | nicholaspaul, depends on exactly what you want to do. | 07:53 |
bz0b | kk | 07:53 |
tritium | Frosty: ubotu is a bot | 07:53 |
Frosty | Eating cheez its actualy, why? lol | 07:53 |
jdmpike | I would like to clean up and optimize my disk - how do I do that? | 07:53 |
Frosty | oh lol | 07:53 |
nicholaspaul | sethk well you know under the System menu (in Gnome) - i just want to change the Greeter and login screen. | 07:54 |
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sethk | jdmpike, there is of course the disk manager. there are several good command line tools for drives in linux. They are the same in ubuntu or other distros | 07:54 |
sstchur | leather_n_luv, actually I got it. I used the folder /media/sda3 to mount it instead. but i don't really undertand why that worked and /mnt/xp didn't, since both were owned by root | 07:54 |
sethk | nicholaspaul, most of that is in /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf | 07:54 |
lfop | would you say linux physical memory handling is better than windows? | 07:54 |
tritium | llamuh: well, I need to get going. Good luck with that. | 07:54 |
rabeldable | jdmpike: use the find command and remove files that you don't want | 07:54 |
lfop | physical ram mem. | 07:54 |
sstchur | leather_n_luv, oh wait, now I see why. b/c when i tried it with /media/sda3, I WAS root and just didn't realize it. | 07:54 |
sethk | jdmpike, there is really nothing to gain by "optimizing" with ide drives and a reasonable file system. | 07:54 |
cewe | hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii | 07:54 |
sstchur | leather_n_luv, so how do I access the folder w/o being root? | 07:54 |
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Frosty | Lfop, in my oppinion it is | 07:55 |
tritium | rabeldable: that's bad advice, by the way | 07:55 |
jdmpike | rabeldable - I get an error when running find | 07:55 |
sethk | lfop, better? In what way? Unanswerable question | 07:55 |
nicholaspaul | sethk, thx i'll go look. | 07:55 |
Frosty | lfop well as in usage of the memory I think it is | 07:55 |
lfop | idunno, better in your opinion. where you have the freedom to say in what way. | 07:55 |
rabeldable | jdmpike: how many files do you have? | 07:55 |
lfop | ok. | 07:55 |
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shwag | is firefox 1.5 available for ubuntu ? | 07:56 |
Squee-D | is "nvidia-glx-config enable" meant to modify xorg.conf ? | 07:56 |
tritium | yes, Squee-D | 07:56 |
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sethk | lfop, what I meant was that "better" has no meaning in the abstract. Better to run a certain type of application? Better to run with less memory in the box? Better to run with tons of memory? Different questions, different answers. | 07:56 |
Squee-D | its utterly failing to, the device is still "nv" | 07:56 |
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sethk | Squee-D, yes. back it up first, of course | 07:56 |
sethk | Squee-D, that's odd. I never let the installer modify it anyway, I don't trust it so I do it by hand. But it should do it for you. | 07:57 |
ELpH95o | how do you build a kernel in ubuntu? | 07:57 |
llamuh | tritium: well thanks for your help | 07:57 |
ELpH95o | what's the process? i know its make menuconfig then make, then | 07:57 |
tritium | Squee-D: read the very top of /etc/X11/xorg.conf about the md5sum. If you modified it previously, you'll want to read taht | 07:57 |
sethk | ELpH95o, the kernel build procedure is the same in all distros | 07:57 |
bz0b | thanks tritium | 07:57 |
sethk | ELpH95o, well, except in fedora they have it all borked up. | 07:57 |
tritium | ELpH95o: the best way is with kernel-package | 07:57 |
ELpH95o | what you mean borked up? | 07:57 |
ejofee | yubimusubi: oh, i was afk, thanks | 07:57 |
Squee-D | trit k i'll read it | 07:57 |
ELpH95o | kernel package? any reason why? | 07:57 |
sethk | ELpH95o, make menuconfig or xconfig (xconfig is _much_ better), then: make bzImage modules modules_install install | 07:57 |
yubimusubi | ejofee: okay | 07:57 |
rabeldable | tritium: if he doesn't want the files he can delete them... plain and simple... obviously you can't delete certain files we have not got that far yet | 07:57 |
ELpH95o | oh okay | 07:58 |
ELpH95o | cool | 07:58 |
ELpH95o | that's easy | 07:58 |
ejofee | yubimusubi: i am not registered :( | 07:58 |
ELpH95o | and decide which hardware i have etc. right? | 07:58 |
tritium | rabeldable: you should not delete system files, in particular. That will break packages | 07:58 |
sethk | ELpH95o, check the docs for getting the kernel source onto your drive using RPMs. To me it's a nightmare. But that's off topic, really. | 07:58 |
leather_n_luv | sstchur: it has to be in fstab... /dev/hda3 /media/ntfs ntfs ro,user,noauto 0 0 | 07:58 |
tritium | ELpH95o: there is a wiki page that details the usage of kernel-package to build kernel .deb packages | 07:58 |
yubimusubi | ejofee: '/msg nickserv register ejofee <passwd>' where <passwd> is any word you want | 07:58 |
ejofee | yubimusubi: i tried to send you a reply... here's what it said: "[505] Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )" | 07:58 |
rabeldable | tritium: sit down... he said he wanted to optimize his disk usage... he did not say how do I delete system files | 07:58 |
leather_n_luv | sstchur: or "ro", but i DO NOT recomend that.... | 07:59 |
shwag | when is the next version of ubuntu coming out ? | 07:59 |
sethk | ELpH95o, I like to remove everything I don't actually need, so yes, I care about the hardware. Other than the amount of time to compile modules, having extra stuff doesn't really cost anything | 07:59 |
tritium | sure, llamuh. Good night | 07:59 |
tritium | rabeldable: dude, don't be rude | 07:59 |
sstchur | leather_n_luv, ok. | 07:59 |
sethk | sstchur, I second the DO NOT | 07:59 |
Frosty | yubimusubi: it actualy didnot work at all, xmms thing that is... after I got the file to move it still did not load, come to find out xmms default path was pointing to a folder that did not exist, that is why it wasn't working properly. so I pointed it to the actual folders. all is working now. Damn I can be dumb sometimes | 07:59 |
leather_n_luv | sstchur: is it in there? | 07:59 |
yubimusubi | ejofee: Type this without the quotes into your IRC client: '/msg nickserv register ejofee <passwd>' where <passwd> is any word you want | 07:59 |
bz0b | can anyone tell me how to get a windows media plugin for my firefox browser | 07:59 |
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benplaut | without the <>, btw | 07:59 |
ejofee | yubimusubi: thank you | 07:59 |
yubimusubi | Frosty: Okay, glad you got it working ^-^ | 07:59 |
leather_n_luv | sethk: thanx | 07:59 |
ejofee | yubimusubi: i did it already | 08:00 |
yubimusubi | ejofee: ya no prob | 08:00 |
sstchur | leather_n_luv, yes it's in fstab | 08:00 |
rabeldable | anyways hes gone... | 08:00 |
nicholaspaul | sethk i tried restarting gdm, but it said 'not starting GNOME display manager - it is not the default display manager... ? | 08:00 |
Frosty | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 08:00 |
sstchur | leather_n_luv, I was able to mount it successfully | 08:00 |
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leather_n_luv | sstchur: k001! | 08:00 |
Frosty | bz8b: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 08:00 |
nicholaspaul | sethk and the gui doesnt work:( | 08:00 |
sstchur | leather_n_luv, it's just that i was not able to actually ls the contents of the mounted folder if I am not root | 08:00 |
tritium | rabeldable: don't do that again, please | 08:00 |
sstchur | leather_n_luv, is there any way I can grant myself permission to view the contents w/o have to su ? | 08:00 |
ejofee | yubimusubi: and how do i authenticate? | 08:01 |
leather_n_luv | sstchur: do you know how to give yourself permission to mount without su? | 08:01 |
sstchur | leather_n_luv, sudo mount ? | 08:02 |
yubimusubi | ejofee: Erm...hold on | 08:02 |
rabeldable | don't do what... your counter productive telling me my advise was wrong when you should have given him some advise instead | 08:02 |
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Mabus06 | How come when I try to connect to my Windows Network via "networking", it asks me for my login info? I use the correct info, it does not work. | 08:02 |
leather_n_luv | sstchur: nope. i mean to just type "mount" without "su" | 08:02 |
sstchur | leather_n_luv, I'm not sure what you mean.... | 08:03 |
Frosty | see you all later, thanks for the help | 08:03 |
tritium | rabeldable: no, you gave him bad advice. He could have gone and deleted system files that he didn't think he needed | 08:03 |
sstchur | leather_n_luv, after modifying the fstab like you said. I then ran umount /media/sda3 | 08:03 |
sstchur | leather_n_luv, then I ran mount -t ntfs -o ro /dev/sda3 /media/sda3 | 08:03 |
sstchur | leather_n_luv, and that all worked. but unless I'm root, I can't read the /media/sda3 folder | 08:04 |
sethk | sstchur, when you use fstab, you DON'T use arguments on the mount line | 08:04 |
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rabeldable | whatever you obviously don't know how to use the find command to clean up and optimize your disk | 08:04 |
sethk | sstchur, you just do mount /media/sda3 | 08:04 |
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sethk | sstchur, for example, which gets the options out of fstab | 08:04 |
spdl | hi gang | 08:04 |
sstchur | sethk, oh! ok, i didn't know that. so it will just get the arguments from fstab? | 08:04 |
leather_n_luv | sstchur: did you type "sudo"? | 08:04 |
sethk | sstchur, right. | 08:04 |
sstchur | sethk, so does it hurt to specify arguments? or is it just not necessary? | 08:05 |
sethk | sstchur, no it doesn't hurt at all | 08:05 |
sethk | sstchur, well, unless you make a mistake. :) | 08:05 |
sstchur | leather_n_luv, yes, I believe I used sudo when I was the user "sstchur" | 08:05 |
tritium | rabeldable: again, don't be rude. We try to help users not break packages. It's a good thing, trust me. | 08:05 |
Mabus06 | How come when I try to connect to my Windows Network via "networking", it asks me for my login info? I use the correct info, it does not work. | 08:05 |
sstchur | leather_n_luv, so then I have to "su" in order to see the folder | 08:05 |
sethk | sstchur, I usually try the options on the command line before putting them into fstab | 08:05 |
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sethk | Mabus06, then give it incorrect info. :) | 08:05 |
leather_n_luv | sstchur: ALL command line arguments OVERRIDE fstab... | 08:05 |
leather_n_luv | sstchur: yup | 08:05 |
Mabus06 | seth_k, do you have some advice, or just going to state the obvious? :P | 08:06 |
leather_n_luv | sstchur: you'll get it in no time.... | 08:06 |
ejofee | yubimusubi: are you getting anything from me? | 08:06 |
sstchur | leather_n_luv, it's making sense... now I just gotta figure out the directory structures.... seems like things are arbitrarily place everywhere! | 08:06 |
rabeldable | Mabus06: have you tried to connect from your windows to your linux? | 08:07 |
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Mabus06 | rabeldable, nope | 08:07 |
sethk | Mabus06, I can't really give you advise because I don't know what your network setup is. I would guess that your definition of the "correct" information is wrong (in the sense that it isn't what you need to use, not that you don't know your information) | 08:07 |
rabeldable | Mabus06: do you have samba setup? | 08:07 |
Mabus06 | Yes I know that, seth_k. | 08:07 |
Mabus06 | rabeldable, yes | 08:07 |
leather_n_luv | sstchur: once it's in fstab, you can mount it from X, just go to places-computer, or in nautilus (click computer) | 08:08 |
Mabus06 | seth_k, but I did fill in my username and password I use for windows, as thats the compy I'm trying to get to | 08:08 |
rabeldable | Mabus06: what version windows? | 08:08 |
seth_k | Mabus06, it's sethk you want, not me please. | 08:08 |
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Mabus06 | rabeldable, XP | 08:08 |
Mabus06 | well whichever one of you is newer, get a new name | 08:08 |
rabeldable | Mabus06: you have a share setup with files or folders inside? | 08:09 |
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Mabus06 | yes, rabeldable | 08:09 |
sethk | Mabus06, I'm not clear on when it doesn't work, then. It works with parameters in fstab but it doesn't work, when? | 08:09 |
Mabus06 | sethk, it asks for my username and password. I fill it in. It asks again. | 08:09 |
Mabus06 | If I knew what wasn't working and why I probably would not be here. :D | 08:09 |
rabeldable | Mabus06: have you specified your authenticaion parameters in the smb.conf file? | 08:10 |
leather_n_luv | is anyone on at 11am that can help me? | 08:10 |
sstchur | alright all.... i appreciate the help. i'll tackel more stuff tomorrow | 08:10 |
leather_n_luv | lol | 08:10 |
sethk | Mabus06, using what program? You enter the username and password where? And did you say you _can_ mount it from X? | 08:10 |
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Mabus06 | sethk networking, as I said. I click on networking, it prompts. | 08:11 |
Mabus06 | maybe not, rabeldable ? | 08:11 |
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rabeldable | Mabus06: samba is funny like that it will ask and ask if you don't setup the authentication information for the user and resource in smb.conf | 08:11 |
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dcthang | hi all | 08:13 |
leather_n_luv | sstchur: problem solved? | 08:13 |
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leather_n_luv | sstchur: if not... just ask | 08:13 |
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Mabus06 | rabeldable, I searched for smb.conf and have three results | 08:13 |
Mabus06 | /etc/samba, /usr/share/samba, and /usr/share/doc/linpopup/examples | 08:14 |
rabeldable | Mabus06: /etc/samba | 08:14 |
=== Xyc0 [n=Administ@ip68-111-215-212.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Xyc0 | hello | 08:15 |
rabeldable | Mabus06: read this first: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SettingUpSamba | 08:15 |
Xyc0 | What is a good media player? | 08:15 |
Mabus06 | I thought I did follow that | 08:15 |
Mabus06 | Isn't that what ubotu shows you to? | 08:15 |
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tux-rox | Anyone know if there is a plan to have a backport for Evolution-Exchange Connector for Breezy? It's really broke.... | 08:16 |
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rabeldable | Mabus06: did you setup /etc/samba/user | 08:17 |
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ELpH95o | make menuconfig or xconfig (xconfig is _much_ better), then: make bzImage modules | 08:17 |
ELpH95o | modules_install install | 08:17 |
ELpH95o | oopz | 08:17 |
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northstar | does anybody know what directory kaboodle reads codecs from? | 08:17 |
Mabus06 | rabeldable, can I PM you? | 08:18 |
tritium | ELpH95o: I really do suggest you use kernel-package to build a .deb package of your custom kernel | 08:18 |
Squee-D | So i have my nvidia.ko and it even modeprobes (lsmod confirms its loaded) but when i startx, i get: (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module! | 08:18 |
rabeldable | Mabus06: sure | 08:18 |
tux-rox | northstar, I am not too sure about kaboodle, but most others read them from /usr/win32 | 08:18 |
northstar | yea that is were i have my codecs... | 08:19 |
tux-rox | northstar, for Windows based codecs like Quicktime and WMP. Is that what you are asking about? What codec do you want to play? | 08:19 |
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leather_n_luv | anyone here have problems with ATI? | 08:20 |
northstar | i don't have a specific one in mind, but i ran debian b4 ubuntu, and I use the codecs off the mplayer site to load all my videos | 08:20 |
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moodog | mount -t smbfs //cowtech-server/Backup-Sever /home/moodog/mp3s -U=moodog << what is wrong with this? | 08:22 |
tux-rox | northstar, That is what I have always done, but I don't use KDE, so I am not too sure what Kaboodle does about codecs. Sorry. | 08:22 |
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northstar | hey, thanks anyway | 08:23 |
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Squee-D | theres mention of all the codecs available in apt on the gettign started help page | 08:23 |
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ishit_ | how do put my pic in the gaim messenger | 08:23 |
tux-rox | northstar, no problem | 08:23 |
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tux-rox | ishit_, I do not think that is possible yet. | 08:24 |
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tux-rox | ishit_, what protocol? | 08:24 |
ishit_ | yahoo | 08:24 |
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Squee-D | northstar: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#codecs | 08:24 |
Squee-D | hope thats of some help | 08:24 |
=== Vincent [n=vincent@AGrenoble-152-1-66-13.w83-201.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ejofee | what is a linux-image? i see it is as large as the kernel itself | 08:25 |
northstar | Squee-D, thanks | 08:25 |
tux-rox | ishit_, in the Accounts dialog for yahoo, it has a setting for the Buddy Icon, if that is what you mean. | 08:25 |
tritium | ELpH95o: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelHowto | 08:25 |
tonyyarusso | ishit_: Tools > Accounts > (choose one) > Modify > then go down and browse for a picture. | 08:25 |
nicholaspaul | DOes anyone know how to make gdm the default display manager? | 08:26 |
ishit_ | hey thnx man | 08:26 |
tritium | nicholaspaul: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm, and select it as your display manager | 08:26 |
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yubimusubi | Grr!! I wanna kill my ISP | 08:26 |
yubimusubi | They kicked me off for about 15-20 minutes... | 08:27 |
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nicholaspaul | fanks tritium .. i'll give it a whirl:) | 08:27 |
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ejofee | yubimusubi: so this is what actually happened | 08:27 |
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yubimusubi | ejofee: Yes...the DSL modem stopped working...I checked the cables and...well...it wasn't getting anything from the phone line, heheh | 08:28 |
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ejofee | yubimusubi: are you getting my private messages? | 08:28 |
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ubuntu_ | alguien sabe | 08:29 |
ubuntu_ | como se registra un nick | 08:29 |
tritium | !es | 08:29 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 08:29 |
yubimusubi | ejofee: apparantly :P | 08:29 |
ubuntu_ | en la red ? | 08:29 |
nicholaspaul | tritium, well that 'worked', but wheni restart gdm it 'fails' to start gdm. | 08:29 |
ejofee | :) | 08:29 |
nicholaspaul | -if that makes sense... | 08:29 |
=== ilya [n=ilya@pool-68-160-236-91.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ilya | can someone help me with low ubuntu resolution? | 08:30 |
tritium | nicholaspaul: have you determined the cause? Have you edited the config file, or anything? | 08:30 |
tritium | !resolution | 08:30 |
ubotu | rumour has it, resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 08:30 |
nicholaspaul | tritium, nope, nothing like that. | 08:30 |
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nicholaspaul | i could just restart.. | 08:30 |
nicholaspaul | AFIK it just 'stopped | 08:30 |
nicholaspaul | working | 08:30 |
tritium | nicholaspaul: do you have other display managers installed? | 08:30 |
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windowmaker | ilya: won't it change to anything higher? or can't you find the resolution-changer thingy? | 08:31 |
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nicholaspaul | tritium, kde fluxbox | 08:31 |
ilya | i can but it wont change | 08:31 |
tritium | ilya: did you see that URL from ubotu ? | 08:31 |
ilya | just one low res | 08:31 |
ilya | yes | 08:31 |
ilya | im checking it out now | 08:31 |
nicholaspaul | i'll try just restarting tritium . back soon.... | 08:32 |
tritium | ok | 08:32 |
ilya | im going to try that aptget thing | 08:33 |
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ilya | no that wont work | 08:33 |
ilya | could it be something about drivers? | 08:33 |
ilya | i have a geforce 4 integrated | 08:33 |
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nicholaspaul | tritium, i get the same thing. | 08:34 |
nicholaspaul | can i just remove the kde login screen and use the gnome one? | 08:34 |
ilya | crap | 08:35 |
tritium | nicholaspaul: that may not end up fixing your problem | 08:35 |
nicholaspaul | oh | 08:35 |
ilya | its just 640 by 480 | 08:35 |
nicholaspaul | tritium, any ideas? | 08:36 |
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ubuntu_ | one question | 08:37 |
ubuntu_ | I will register my nick, ?????????????? | 08:38 |
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tritium | nicholaspaul: this just happened all of a sudden? No cause that you can think of? | 08:38 |
ubuntu_ | procedure ???????????? | 08:38 |
nicholaspaul | tritium, i know that is unlikely, but as far as i know...yea! | 08:38 |
ubuntu_ | i from mexico | 08:38 |
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ubuntu_ | I m from mexico | 08:38 |
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ubuntu_ | procedure for Register my nick ?????????? | 08:39 |
Roney | How can I edit the items in the menubar's Place menu? | 08:39 |
tritium | nicholaspaul: sorry, I'm being harrassed in a PM | 08:39 |
bondsgame101 | ok, i am very, very, very new at ubuntu and am trying to install the ati drivers for linux, can anyone help me? | 08:39 |
tritium | slightly distracted here | 08:39 |
nicholaspaul | np tritium | 08:39 |
nicholaspaul | bondsgame101, are you using Synaptic? | 08:39 |
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tritium | ubuntu_: /msg nickserv help | 08:40 |
seth_k | bondsgame101, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto | 08:40 |
bondsgame101 | i have the proprietary drivers for the ati-64 but i cant seem to install them | 08:40 |
ubuntu_ | I'm used ubuntu live | 08:40 |
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bondsgame101 | Synaptic? | 08:40 |
nicholaspaul | bondsgame101, the package manager. Its a program to search for and install programs. It makes sure you have everything you need. | 08:40 |
nicholaspaul | you can go to a terminal and type "sudo synaptic" or find it in the menu. | 08:41 |
ubuntu_ | /msg nickserv help | 08:41 |
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nicholaspaul | bondsgame101, System>Administration | 08:41 |
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nicholaspaul | tritium, sorry, i gotta go. thx for the help tho | 08:42 |
tritium | nicholaspaul: good luck. | 08:42 |
ubuntu_ | REGISTER access | 08:42 |
nicholaspaul | thx:0 | 08:42 |
ubuntu_ | REGISTER access | 08:42 |
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ilya | why cant i edit my xorg.conf? | 08:43 |
ilya | it wont let me type in ity | 08:43 |
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windowmaker | does anybody here have their microphone working in ubuntu? | 08:43 |
=== digitalDude [n=dado@S0106000f1f13bec5.lb.shawcable.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
windowmaker | ilya: have you tried as superuser? | 08:44 |
dragoon | yes | 08:44 |
windowmaker | ilya: sudo -s | 08:44 |
carthik | windowmaker, http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/12/05/fixing-the-errant-microphone/ | 08:44 |
windowmaker | carthik: thanks =3 | 08:45 |
Squee-D | i cannot get xorg to find the nvidia module | 08:45 |
Squee-D | not even when i depmod it myself | 08:45 |
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windowmaker | Squee-D you're either using too new of one, too old of one, or haven't done "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" | 08:45 |
moodog | smbclient //cowtech-server/Backup-Sever | 08:45 |
moodog | << that works but i cant get mount -t smbfs etc..... | 08:45 |
windowmaker | Squee-D: and by "one" i mean "nvidia module" | 08:45 |
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zmj | hello | 08:46 |
moodog | mount -t smbfs //cowtech-server/Backup-Sever /home/moodog/mp3s -o=moodog << what is wrong with this? | 08:46 |
ilya | nope | 08:46 |
Squee-D | its definitely in the same kernel version (in libs) | 08:46 |
zmj | Can U help me | 08:46 |
ilya | i just cant type in xorg.conf weith my text editor | 08:46 |
Frosty | Hi all, I'm having alot of problems tonight, but I really want ot get through them and learn how to take care of this myself so.... trying to apt-get libstdc++5, it reads, it builds, goes through some other stuff, and then I get E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 resource temporarily unavailable) | 08:46 |
Frosty | E: unable to lock the download directory | 08:47 |
zmj | hello | 08:47 |
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-118-222.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Myrtti | you are running two programs that try to access apt downloads simultaneously | 08:47 |
zmj | who can help me | 08:47 |
Myrtti | and the one that you've launched the latest gets that error | 08:48 |
aeon17x | zmj: Only if you ask. | 08:48 |
tritium | zmj: just ask, and hopefully somebody here can | 08:48 |
Frosty | hmm | 08:48 |
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zmj | I want to install some files about RPM in Ubuntu system,I can install them in Redhat, | 08:48 |
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carthik | zmj use alien | 08:49 |
tritium | zmj: which packages? They may already be packaged for ubuntu in .deb format | 08:49 |
Frosty | hmm, I was getting patches from the package manager, does that work as an apt-get also? I just noticed now that you mentioned it it had errors too | 08:49 |
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Myrtti | Frosty: yes | 08:49 |
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Myrtti | packet manager uses apt also | 08:49 |
zmj | if I download fcitx*.rpm. | 08:49 |
zmj | how to install | 08:49 |
Frosty | ahhh, thanks myrtt, you the man | 08:49 |
tamer | oi pessoal | 08:49 |
Myrtti | Frosty: wrong sex | 08:49 |
tamer | to com problemas pra instalar o java | 08:50 |
tamer | o famoso problema | 08:50 |
Myrtti | ;-) | 08:50 |
Myrtti | !es | 08:50 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 08:50 |
Frosty | Had a feeling that was coming lol, but I say that to my girlfriend too, so it's all good lol | 08:50 |
tamer | algum pode me ajudar? | 08:50 |
ilya | so can someone help me out? | 08:50 |
ilya | why cant i edit xconf? | 08:50 |
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zmj | as i download *.deb,how to install it?thanks | 08:50 |
windowmaker | carthik: the guide on getting the mic worknig didn't work | 08:50 |
Hobbsee | !deb | 08:50 |
ubotu | it has been said that deb is To install a deb: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb | 08:50 |
Myrtti | ilya: does it complain about not having the rights to edit it? | 08:51 |
gwark | ive asked this before, but i always seem to have problems with connections ... is there a better port for bittorrent please? | 08:51 |
zmj | i am learning about Ubuntu system. I know other linux how to install rpm | 08:51 |
gwark | better than 6881 (bittorrent / azureus default) | 08:51 |
zmj | who can help me | 08:51 |
zmj | thanks | 08:51 |
tritium | ilya: make sure you're using sudo | 08:51 |
liable | tried bittornado? | 08:51 |
Myrtti | bittornado | 08:51 |
ilya | im editing it through a text editor | 08:51 |
carthik | windowmaker, did for me :( | 08:52 |
gwark | hmm no not yet, ill do that, thanks | 08:52 |
Myrtti | ilya: did you use sudo? | 08:52 |
ilya | tritium, i can edit it through the terminal? | 08:52 |
ilya | what is sudo | 08:52 |
ilya | im new to linux | 08:52 |
ilya | lol | 08:52 |
tritium | !rootsudo | 08:52 |
ubotu | it has been said that rootsudo is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo | 08:52 |
windowmaker | carthik: =( | 08:52 |
=== cdubya [n=cdubya@ppp-69-148-166-160.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Myrtti | you need sufficient rights to edit configuration files | 08:52 |
Myrtti | and sudo gives you that | 08:53 |
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ilya | yep i am | 08:53 |
tamer | anyone whats to help me hith java? | 08:53 |
ilya | i typed sudo -s | 08:53 |
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tamer | i can't install | 08:53 |
tamer | no one? | 08:54 |
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ilya | tritium, how do i make a root account? i think i only made a root shell | 08:54 |
tritium | ilya: read that wiki URL I had ubotu give you | 08:55 |
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ilya | ok i did | 08:55 |
ilya | im in root | 08:55 |
ilya | but i can tedit the text file | 08:55 |
tritium | ilya: what are you trying? | 08:55 |
ilya | im trying to edit xorg.conf in a text editor | 08:56 |
digitalDude | hello all, I'm having crashing problem on a dual amd 2200+ MP 2 GB ram, A7M266-D, hardware has been tested and its fine, however there is no way to make my system stabe, I have even tryed 2 different kinds of motherboards, and no luck, have tried 2.4 kernel and 2.6 still no solution, the system crashes at random times there is no indication that it is aobut to crash. any ideas would be helpful | 08:56 |
ilya | but it wont let me tyoe | 08:56 |
tritium | ilya: most configuration can be done through "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" | 08:56 |
ilya | type | 08:56 |
Squee-D | man im thinking that 2.6.12-10-686-smp | 08:56 |
Squee-D | never mind that | 08:56 |
rabeldable | digitalDude: could be a disk problem... | 08:56 |
Squee-D | wrong k/b again | 08:56 |
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rabeldable | digitalDude: are you using the same ram in all test cases? | 08:57 |
ilya | i just need to edit 2 lines | 08:57 |
digitalDude | yes I am | 08:57 |
ilya | in section "monitor" | 08:57 |
rabeldable | digitalDude: could be bad ram also | 08:57 |
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digitalDude | its ecc ram | 08:57 |
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digitalDude | and I have 4 diff sticks, not all can bo broken. | 08:58 |
digitalDude | same thing happens no matter of harware configuration | 08:58 |
rabeldable | digitalDude: any messages in /var/log/messages? | 08:58 |
digitalDude | and what makes me mad it that it is stable under windows 2000 | 08:58 |
rabeldable | what does the command dmesg print out? | 08:58 |
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digitalDude | I'm going to check messages | 08:59 |
Frosty | myrtti: I was having that apt get lock problem, I dunno how to fix it, do you know how to clear this clog up? | 08:59 |
anacaona | hello all | 08:59 |
anacaona | wanted to know if i could upgrade an existing ubuntu install from the current installation cd | 08:59 |
anacaona | (dapper flight cd2) | 09:00 |
Myrtti | Frosty: shut down every program that might use apt than the one you are trying to use, incl. synaptic, aptitude, apt-get, packet manager et al. | 09:00 |
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rabeldable | digitalDude: what kind of programs are you using? | 09:00 |
jasiek | #krakow | 09:00 |
Frosty | myrtti: oh damn, I just found it, on another desktop I had it running, I am so stupid sometimes | 09:00 |
Myrtti | ;-) | 09:00 |
=== bondsgam101 [n=steven@alpha-iota320.resnet.usf.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bondsgam101 | ok the wiki did not help | 09:00 |
Frosty | it was hiding behind a terminal lol | 09:00 |
Myrtti | happens to the more experienced ones too *whistles* | 09:00 |
digitalDude | does not seem to be anything that would point to a problem in messages, I'll keep track of it now, what other logs are good to keep track of ? | 09:01 |
tritium | rabeldable: don't harrass others in private messages, or you'll be banned | 09:01 |
rabeldable | digitalDude: depends on what apps your system is running.... | 09:01 |
bondsgam101 | ok i have downloaded the ati proprietary drivers | 09:01 |
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Frosty | myrtti: by the way, how do I kill a program, I read the key combination but cannot remember, I got vlc all locked up on my desktop | 09:01 |
bondsgam101 | and i cant figure out how to install them | 09:02 |
bondsgam101 | i am too used to .exe files from windows | 09:02 |
tritium | bondsgam101: follow the wiki page, and use the ubuntu fglrx package instead of what you downloaded from ati | 09:02 |
digitalDude | for programs, nothing that would cause a proble, I may run gedit and xmms, and it would crash, | 09:02 |
tritium | !tell bondsgam101 about ati | 09:02 |
ilya | tritium: xorg.conf is read only | 09:02 |
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bondsgam101 | tritium the wiki page does not work | 09:02 |
Myrtti | Frosty: I use CLI to "ps axu|grep program" and "killall program" or "kill -9 pid-of-the-program" | 09:02 |
tritium | ilya: you can edit it with sudo | 09:02 |
tritium | bondsgam101: it does. What problem are you having? | 09:02 |
Myrtti | but that's just me | 09:03 |
polpak | bondsgam101: the wiki worked fine for me | 09:03 |
Frosty | bondsgam101: lol, I am too bonds, I have become the master of making launchers | 09:03 |
ilya | tritium: i typed in sudo gedit/etc/x11/xorg.conf | 09:03 |
bondsgam101 | it comes up with and x server arror | 09:03 |
polpak | bondsgam101: are you getting an error? | 09:03 |
=== Fergy [n=Fergy@a82-92-232-156.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ilya | and it still wont let me | 09:03 |
tritium | pgrep and pkill are handy too | 09:03 |
Squee-D | im still entirely gobbsmacked, i cannot get the nvidia legacy drivers to work. They're is a nvidia module: /lib/modules/2.6.12-10-686-smp/volatile/nvidia.ko -- which i can insmod or modprobe. However Xorg says it cannot load the nvidia module | 09:03 |
polpak | ilya: you need a space between gedit and the / | 09:03 |
bondsgam101 | i am running on a AMD64 3800+X2 with a pci-e ati X850Xt | 09:04 |
ilya | i know | 09:04 |
ilya | i put it in there | 09:04 |
tux-rox | Squee-D, there are a couple other packages to install as well, to get it to work. | 09:04 |
Frosty | myrtti: it's funny though, linux is suppose to be so user unfreindly, I found the synaptic causing the problem, it was even saying it was causing a problem, clicked okay and it all took care of itself, I love linux | 09:04 |
smn25 | guys 1 question is there a gnome version of kate editor I need it for octave. | 09:04 |
gwark | bittornado is much better guys, thankyou | 09:04 |
=== brownie17 [n=fraser@static-203-87-6-82.vic.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rabeldable | digitalDude: but your running xwindows... gnome or kde...or something else... either way you can check /var/log/Xorg.* to see if anything is in there | 09:04 |
smn25 | gwark, I use azureus | 09:05 |
tritium | Squee-D: you're using the standard, or legacy? | 09:05 |
brownie17 | someone tell me, you can't install rpm's on debian, can you? | 09:05 |
Squee-D | tux ive done the BinaryDriverHowto | 09:05 |
Squee-D | tritium legacy | 09:05 |
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tritium | Squee-D: do you have the proper linux-restricted-modules installed, in that case? | 09:05 |
Frosty | brownie17: you can't, but you can convert them to .deb with the alien command | 09:05 |
digitalDude | will do that as well, also any suggstions for a app that can stress the system, I want to see if I can make it crash as it is just purely random | 09:05 |
gwark | smn25, i had annoyances with azureus | 09:05 |
smn25 | realy gwark | 09:05 |
smn25 | ? | 09:05 |
tux-rox | Squee-D, and the nvidia-glx package as well. | 09:05 |
smn25 | never noticed any problems | 09:05 |
Squee-D | tritium yes. | 09:05 |
Squee-D | tux yes | 09:05 |
Frosty | okay guys, I'm outtie again, I prolly be back in 5 minutes with another question lol | 09:06 |
Squee-D | tux NO actually, i have nvidia-glx-legacy | 09:06 |
tritium | Squee-D: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.12-9-686-smp-nvidia-legacy and nvidia-glx-legacy? | 09:06 |
Frosty | see you all later | 09:06 |
smn25 | And my gf can check firewall setings too ...that's a good thing | 09:06 |
gwark | smn25, do you use a gnutella / limewire client ? | 09:06 |
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R|P2 | hllo ppl | 09:06 |
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Squee-D | restarting x with nv quickly and i'll double triple quad check my packages | 09:07 |
smn25 | gwark, whre's the difference ? | 09:07 |
tritium | Squee-D: dpkg -l | grep nvidia | 09:07 |
R|P2 | i need to install VLC player in ubuntu wot shud i do | 09:07 |
tux-rox | Squee-D, try the Restricted modules and nvidia-glx, instead of the legacy stuff. | 09:07 |
gwark | smn25, actually just curious to chich you prefer | 09:07 |
gwark | which | 09:07 |
tritium | Squee-D: yes, why are you using the legacy packages? At least be sure those are what you need... | 09:08 |
bondsgam101 | ok, this is going to sounds stupid, but how do i find out what kernel i am running? | 09:08 |
Squee-D | i have a gf2 | 09:08 |
polpak | bondsgam101: uname -a | 09:08 |
bondsgam101 | thanks | 09:08 |
brownie17 | who knows a single thing about realplayer on linux? when i go to play this .rl vid i have, it says this "component needed: audio/x-pn-realaudio" | 09:08 |
Squee-D | it does say repeatedly. use legacy for Geforce 2 cards | 09:09 |
rabeldable | digitalDude: you could always try to compile something if your familiar with that... compiling adds alot of cpu load to a system | 09:09 |
smn25 | gwark, my gf likes that frog that's it | 09:09 |
gwark | okiedoke cheers | 09:09 |
smn25 | but some torrents doasn't work in azureus don't know why | 09:09 |
bur[n] er | brownie17: get w32codecs | 09:09 |
bur[n] er | !w32codecs | 09:09 |
yubimusubi | smn25: Try rtorrent | 09:09 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o tritium] by ChanServ | ||
yubimusubi | smn25: It's text based, bt it works | 09:10 |
bur[n] er | ubotu: tell brownie17 about w32codecs | 09:10 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %rabeldable!*@*] by tritium | ||
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smn25 | yeah .... yubimusubi but it's not for my gf she loves that frog | 09:10 |
smn25 | LOL | 09:10 |
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Squee-D | tritium and tux-rox: http://pastebin.com/466383 | 09:11 |
smn25 | anyone installed java 1.5 on ubuntu 5.10 | 09:11 |
smn25 | ? | 09:11 |
Mabus06 | Why the ban, tritium ? He is helping me out and is quite friendly. | 09:11 |
polpak | smn25: yes | 09:11 |
tritium | Mabus06: he harrassed me in a PM | 09:11 |
digitalDude | I'm familiar with most of the tings in linux, I;ve been using linux for aobut 5yrs now, its just that I can't figure out this amd crashing thing drives me nuts, :) | 09:11 |
smn25 | polpak, is there a repo for install ? | 09:11 |
Mabus06 | what does that have to do with #ubuntu, though? | 09:12 |
polpak | smn25: the instructions are available on the restriced formats wiki | 09:12 |
Mabus06 | Why not just /ignore ? | 09:12 |
smn25 | Hmm polpak tnx | 09:12 |
tritium | Mabus06: it has to do with the code of conduct, and how we treat others in the channel | 09:12 |
Mabus06 | but you just said he wasn't in the channell when he was doing this? :/ | 09:12 |
=== Aegir` [n=richard@d220-238-160-68.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | initiall he was | 09:13 |
tritium | initially, even | 09:13 |
Squee-D | tux-rox / tritium: do you think the non-legacy will work with my gf2? | 09:13 |
Mabus06 | well since you banned him, can you help me with my blootbot? | 09:13 |
tritium | Squee-D: which card? | 09:13 |
tritium | Mabus06: you can still talk with him in a query | 09:14 |
Squee-D | mx440 | 09:14 |
tux-rox | Squee-D, Try the others. | 09:14 |
Squee-D | tritium: mx440 (sorry i have to remember to target who im speaking to in large volume channels, just been a while) | 09:14 |
tux-rox | Squee-D, Should work. | 09:14 |
tritium | I agree | 09:15 |
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tux-rox | Squee-D, just give the others a shot and see. | 09:15 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %rabeldable!*@*] by tritium | ||
Squee-D | doin it now | 09:15 |
ajmitch | Squee-D: should work, I've got a gf2mx here :) | 09:15 |
Squee-D | aj :) | 09:15 |
tritium | Mabus06: there... | 09:16 |
Mabus06 | ty | 09:16 |
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Squee-D | I bet you dont have smp running tho | 09:17 |
tux-rox | Squee-D, I do at home. | 09:17 |
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dylan_ | is there a way i can get mplayer to repeat? | 09:17 |
bondsgam101 | another stupid question, how do i edit my xorg.conf file? | 09:17 |
tux-rox | Squee-D, with an Nvidia card. Here at work I have SMP but with a Matrox. | 09:17 |
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Squee-D | well thats different. now i get not recieving interrupts | 09:18 |
tux-rox | bondsgam101, to do what? | 09:18 |
polpak | bondsgam101: sudo gedit | 09:18 |
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bondsgam101 | to change it so that i can enable fglrx | 09:18 |
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brownie17 | bur[n] er, nah, i think i have that. plus this isn't a microsoft thing, its from real. the video plays fine, the audio doesn't | 09:18 |
bur[n] er | brownie17: got me then... my .rm files play in totem fine | 09:18 |
bur[n] er | brownie17: i use totem-xine | 09:18 |
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lfop | doesnt .rm play in vlc? | 09:19 |
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tux-rox | bondsgam101, you installed the restricted modules and the flgrx packages, right? | 09:19 |
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tux-rox | lfop, it can, yes. | 09:20 |
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bondsgam101 | yeah, it said that i had no new files dled when i tried to get them, so i guess that i have them already | 09:20 |
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smn25 | Hmm is it possible to somehow create grub use background ... | 09:20 |
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smn25 | I have a strange problems with 5.10 | 09:21 |
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daaku | could someone do me a favor - i'm trying to figure out where /usr/lib/X11/xdm/libXdmGreet.so comes from. packges.ubuntu doesnt know, and yet on a clean minimal install xdmshell wont start because its missing | 09:22 |
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Squee-D | tux-rox i imagine there is no reason to think that disabled acpi in the kernel would cause any problems? | 09:24 |
Squee-D | with nvidia ddrivers that is | 09:24 |
daaku | if you have it on your system you could do try dpkg --search /usr/lib/X11/xdm/libXdmGreet.so to see what pkg it belongs to | 09:25 |
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danielph_ | can anyone help with a swapfile problem in breezy? | 09:26 |
rheea | hiiiiiiiiiii | 09:27 |
intelikey | danielph_ describe | 09:27 |
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danielph_ | thanks - created a swapfile using dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile1 bs=1024 count=1048576 | 09:27 |
danielph_ | used /sbin/mkswap -c -v1 swapfile1 | 09:28 |
danielph_ | turned on by : /sbin/swapon /media/reiser/tmp/swapfile1 | 09:28 |
danielph_ | this all works well, but does not startup after a reboot | 09:28 |
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danielph_ | i would like to know how to have swapon init after reboot??? | 09:28 |
intelikey | danielph_ /etc/fstab | 09:29 |
danielph_ | tried /dev/hdb1/tmp/swapfile1 none swap sw 0 0 in the fstab, but thing this is for partition only?? | 09:29 |
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danielph_ | have i got the wrong syntax for fstab? | 09:29 |
danielph_ | as it does not work | 09:30 |
intelikey | danielph_ danielph_ not /dev/hdb1/tmp/swapfile1 /media/reiser/tmp/swapfile1 | 09:30 |
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danielph_ | ok i'll try | 09:30 |
danielph_ | thanks for help | 09:30 |
danielph_ | trying to fix this for a while now | 09:31 |
danielph_ | much apprieciated | 09:31 |
intelikey | if you have a swap partition then you use the address for the partition, but if you use a swap file you use the address for the swap file. | 09:31 |
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danielph_ | ok | 09:32 |
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intelikey | np and your welcome. | 09:32 |
cafuego | !test | 09:33 |
ubotu | Passed. | 09:33 |
cafuego | !goo'boy | 09:33 |
ubotu | Aww, thanks dad. | 09:33 |
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cafuego | Righty. Switching issues supposedly resolved, ubot ought to stay now. | 09:33 |
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Squee-D | m having a really bad day. When i select the restricted modules, madwifi beats ndis to my wireless card | 09:34 |
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Squee-D | which means i have a device ath0 (which does not work properly) not wlan0 which works pefectly | 09:34 |
cafuego | Squee-D: put madwifi in the hotplug blacklist file OR simply alias ndis to wlan0. | 09:35 |
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Squee-D | I dont completely understand either thing you said cafuego | 09:35 |
Shinjan | hi folks | 09:35 |
bondsgame101 | ok fglrx does not work on my computer for some reason | 09:35 |
bondsgame101 | i keep getting a module load failure | 09:35 |
abdulmalik | anyone know how to get 'traditional arabic' (classical arabic) font working with openoffice ? | 09:35 |
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yubimusubi | bondsgame101: what's the error? | 09:36 |
bondsgame101 | module load failure is the only thing i can find out exactly | 09:36 |
bondsgame101 | dont know how to find out much more | 09:36 |
DuoMaxwell | Anyone here wanna help a complete idiot install Ubuntu 5.04? | 09:36 |
abdulmalik | i have the tt font from arabeyes but it doesnt display classical arabic, i am looking for the font called 'traditional arabic' and how to use it with openoffice | 09:36 |
barosl^win | any program supports horizontal diff? | 09:36 |
rabeldable | barosl^win: sdiff | 09:37 |
Squee-D | cafuego i do not see a reference to blacklisting in the man page for hotplug | 09:37 |
rabeldable | barosl^win: is that what your looking for? | 09:38 |
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shay | hello | 09:38 |
DuoMaxwell | I'm getting a base system installation error | 09:40 |
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intelikey | DuoMaxwell more ? | 09:40 |
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DuoMaxwell | "the bootstrap program exited with an error (return value 1)" | 09:40 |
danielph_ | hey intelikey - works like a dream, thanks again | 09:41 |
barosl^win | rabeldable, hmm. i'm not sure. i meant http://bbs.kldp.org/viewtopic.php?t=67388 | 09:41 |
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DuoMaxwell | intelikey: says to check /var/log/ messages which is all fine and good if I knew where that was on the installer | 09:42 |
barosl^win | xxdiff supports, but it works on gui | 09:42 |
rabeldable | barosl^win: I can't read any of that.... the only words I can see is "All your base are belong to us." | 09:42 |
barosl^win | hahaha | 09:43 |
barosl^win | sorry | 09:43 |
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bondsgame101 | arghhh, ati is soooo very annoying | 09:43 |
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intelikey | DuoMaxwell use alt+f2 and ls /target/var/log | 09:43 |
ejofee | if i add a sources repo, why can't i find it in synaptic? | 09:44 |
polpak | bondsgame101: I never found it to be so | 09:44 |
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intelikey | at the point that you get that message. DuoMaxwell | 09:44 |
bondsgame101 | the pci-e in combination with the amd64 seems to be a common problem | 09:44 |
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bondsgame101 | and i cant figure out how to get xorg to run in anything other than vesa | 09:45 |
DjLinX | Hello... i have a wireless usb card and i would like it to start automatically with linux does anyone know how to do this | 09:45 |
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intelikey | DuoMaxwell you can then 'cat /target/var/log/<whatever> ' to view the messages | 09:45 |
frogzoo | !reconfigure-x | 09:45 |
ubotu | Syntax error in line 1, frogzoo | 09:45 |
Hobbsee | !xcfg | 09:46 |
ubotu | well, xcfg is to reconfigure your xserver, open a terminal and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" | 09:46 |
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Hobbsee | frogzoo: ^ | 09:46 |
frogzoo | bondsgame101: ^^ | 09:46 |
Hobbsee | hehe | 09:46 |
frogzoo | :) | 09:46 |
barosl^win | rabeldable, i meant http://hades.barosl.com/test.html | 09:46 |
bondsgame101 | already have done that, but i can only run in vesa | 09:47 |
frogzoo | bondsgame101: gfx card is? | 09:47 |
bondsgame101 | everything else, ala ati and fglrx gives me a module load failure | 09:47 |
bondsgame101 | a pci-e ati X850XT PE | 09:47 |
frogzoo | bondsgame101: u r on breezy, right? | 09:47 |
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rabeldable | barosl^win: what are you trying to do with that? | 09:47 |
bondsgame101 | yeppers | 09:47 |
barosl^win | hmm | 09:48 |
barosl^win | i'm not sure :/ | 09:48 |
rabeldable | barosl^win: nevermind I see... | 09:48 |
rabeldable | the html formats it funny... i had to read the source | 09:48 |
frogzoo | bondsgame101: and you did add fglrx to /etc/modules ? (does insmod fglrx work)? | 09:48 |
bondsgame101 | and i am now lost | 09:49 |
bondsgame101 | <---just switched to linux | 09:49 |
frogzoo | !fglrx | 09:49 |
ubotu | hmm... fglrx is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto | 09:49 |
frogzoo | bondsgame101: you do the fglrx install per ^^ | 09:49 |
dragoon | apt-get install kernel-fglrx | 09:49 |
bondsgame101 | added to /etc/X11/xorg.conf yes | 09:49 |
bondsgame101 | yeppers | 09:49 |
bondsgame101 | no go | 09:49 |
frogzoo | and changed the driver in xorg.conf to fglrx ? | 09:50 |
bondsgame101 | yes | 09:50 |
DuoMaxwell | intelikey: what do you mean by whatever? Whatever the error is? I don't know a damn thing about the linux command line | 09:50 |
ejofee | how do i know which ones are *security* updates? | 09:50 |
frogzoo | bondsgame101: hmm... does your mobo have onboard video? & this is PCI-e x850, not AGP? | 09:51 |
bondsgame101 | no onboard and yes pci-e | 09:51 |
danielph_ | DjLinX - have you looked at http://www.linuxant.com/driverloader/ | 09:51 |
intelikey | DuoMaxwell i mean whatever files are in /target/var/log at that point. i really don't know what files will be there at that time. | 09:52 |
frogzoo | do a 'modprobe fglrx' - then look at /var/log/messages | 09:52 |
danielph_ | there is a list of supported USB Wireless LAN devices | 09:52 |
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bondsgame101 | after i change the file, i save, reboot and i get a module load failure | 09:52 |
DjLinX | danielph_ no ill check it now.. the prob i think is that it loads usb after networking so the card isn't there to configure | 09:52 |
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frogzoo | bondsgame101: 'sudo modprobe fglrx' & check /var/log/messages | 09:52 |
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intelikey | DuoMaxwell that error is from the debian-installer on the cd right? not from the running system on first boot???? | 09:54 |
DuoMaxwell | intelikay: I tried sevral variations on the 2 lines you reccomended and it says no such directoory | 09:54 |
bondsgame101 | ok for some reason i am not getting anything when i type that in terminal | 09:54 |
DuoMaxwell | intelikey: from the installer CD, an official copy | 09:54 |
frogzoo | bondsgame101: pastebin your /var/log/messages | 09:55 |
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bondsgame101 | pastebin? | 09:55 |
frogzoo | !pastebin | 09:56 |
ubotu | I heard pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 09:56 |
frogzoo | then post the URL back here | 09:56 |
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intelikey | yeah. ok. well the installer will mount the partition that is going to be / (root) on /target so if it's telling you to check in var/log that should be /target/var/log at the time you get the message DuoMaxwell | 09:56 |
bondsgame101 | i cant get my /var/log/messages to come up | 09:57 |
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frogzoo | bondsgame101: cat /var/log/messages - while you're at it, what do you get for 'sudo lsmod |grep -i fglrx' | 09:58 |
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DuoMaxwell | intelikey: /bin/sh: /target/var/log: not found | 09:59 |
DuoMaxwell | intelikey: all I got back from it | 09:59 |
nomin | where is the kernel image for ubuntu 5.10? I'm trying to configure lilo bootloader in mandriva for a triple booter. | 09:59 |
frogzoo | nomin: /boot/vm* | 09:59 |
intelikey | DuoMaxwell do 'fdisk -l ' and 'mount ' see if it has setup a root partition and mounted it. | 10:00 |
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intelikey | nomin it sould be in the /boot/ of the ub's / partition | 10:01 |
bondsgame101 | !pastebin | 10:02 |
ubotu | rumour has it, pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 10:02 |
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user_ | hello | 10:02 |
DuoMaxwell | intelikey: ok, so what option in fdisk? change the partition table? list partition tables? Give partition sizes or give fdisk version? | 10:02 |
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frogzoo | bondsgame101: what do you get for 'sudo lsmod |grep -i fglrx' | 10:02 |
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DuoMaxwell | as I said, I'm hopelessly newb... | 10:03 |
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intelikey | nomin easiest way i know to do what you are trying to do is cp the kernel and initrd to the mdk /boot/ and setup lilo as if it was just another kernel except change the root= | 10:03 |
Neural_FAQ | user@hostname:~/progettoLFS$ gcc -c main.c | 10:03 |
Neural_FAQ | main.c:1:20: stdlib.h: No such file or directory | 10:03 |
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bondsgame101 | fglrx 277304 0 | 10:03 |
frogzoo | bondsgame101: and how about 'sudo lspci |grep -i ati' | 10:03 |
Neural_FAQ | i has install now gcc | 10:03 |
bondsgame101 | or something like that | 10:03 |
bondsgame101 | how do i copy from terminal? | 10:04 |
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frogzoo | bondsgame101: do 'sudo insmod agpgart' | 10:04 |
bondsgame101 | fglrx 277304 0 | 10:04 |
bondsgame101 | there we | 10:04 |
intelikey | DuoMaxwell -l = list use something like fdisk /dev/hda if you want to change the partitions | 10:04 |
bondsgame101 | go | 10:04 |
Neural_FAQ | why gcc do not find stdlib | 10:04 |
Neural_FAQ | is fondamental | 10:05 |
bondsgame101 | nsmod: can't read 'agpgart': No such file or directory | 10:05 |
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intelikey | DuoMaxwell note that /dev/hda would be the first ide cable master | 10:05 |
frogzoo | Neural_FAQ: 'sudo apt-get build-essential' | 10:05 |
frogzoo | Neural_FAQ: *sudo apt-get install build-essential* | 10:05 |
frogzoo | bondsgame101: pls pay attention, what do you get for 'sudo insmod agpgart' | 10:06 |
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DuoMaxwell | intelikey: sorry, crap font made -l look like -1 | 10:06 |
intelikey | DuoMaxwell if it is a partition problem. you should reboot the install cd and select manual partitioning when it prompts you. | 10:06 |
bondsgame101 | i already posted it | 10:06 |
intelikey | ah. | 10:06 |
Neural_FAQ | nooooo | 10:06 |
DuoMaxwell | intelikey: that or I'm getting blinder | 10:06 |
Neural_FAQ | i do not want install gcc-4.0 | 10:06 |
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Neural_FAQ | and apt-get install build-essential | 10:07 |
bondsgame101 | insmod: can't read 'agpgart': No such file or directory | 10:07 |
Neural_FAQ | want install gcc-4.0 | 10:07 |
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shay | hmm, dist-upgrade from breezy to dapper seems to be working fine :-) | 10:07 |
DjLinX | Hello i was wondering if there is a command line i can add to grub so that my USB wireless card would boot b4 networking in hopes to have it configure it on boot | 10:07 |
frogzoo | bondsgame101: gotcha - think there's your problem - now need to figure out why | 10:07 |
windowmaker | is anybody here able to help me get my microphone working in ubuntu? every linux distro i've used never supported my mic, and i awnt to get it working on ubuntu | 10:07 |
bondsgame101 | is not registering my pci-e slot? | 10:07 |
=== Mitja [n=Raw_Eate@cpe2-25-116.cable.triera.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shay | DjLinX, that's rc.d, it has nothing to do with grub, let me check that out | 10:08 |
DjLinX | shay i looked at rc.d in gedit but it was empty | 10:08 |
frogzoo | bondsgame101: 'uname -a' | 10:08 |
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DuoMaxwell | intelikey: ok /dev/hda1 boot* start 1 end 744 blocks 5976148+ Id 83 System Linux | 10:08 |
Neural_FAQ | ufff | 10:08 |
bondsgame101 | Linux alpha-iota320 2.6.12-10-amd64-generic #1 Fri Nov 18 11:51:07 UTC 2005 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 10:08 |
Neural_FAQ | now default vrsion of gcc is 4.0 | 10:09 |
bondsgame101 | http://pastebin.com/466407 | 10:09 |
Neural_FAQ | terrible version | 10:09 |
bondsgame101 | there is pastebin | 10:09 |
DuoMaxwell | intelikey: list the other 2? | 10:09 |
shay | DjLinX, rc.d are folders with symbolic links, give me a couple of minutes to check that out.. I'm comming from Debian, wich has update-rc.d but I'm pretty new using Ubuntu (two days?) | 10:09 |
frogzoo | bondsgame101: not sure the fglrx drivers work on 64bit - pretty sure they don't - checking now | 10:09 |
DjLinX | shay i think ubuntu has it 2 | 10:09 |
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intelikey | DuoMaxwell other 2 ? is that where you are going to install ub ? | 10:09 |
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DuoMaxwell | intelikey: looks like the 1 HD in the system was cut in 3 by the installer, hda1, hda2 and hda5 | 10:11 |
intelikey | DuoMaxwell sure. | 10:11 |
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intelikey | and they are all Id 83 ? or an Id 82 in the bunch ? | 10:11 |
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ssabljic | hi do anyone has some time to help me with mp3 (new to linux) | 10:12 |
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DuoMaxwell | 1 is 83, 2 is 5 and 5 is 82 | 10:12 |
intelikey | there is probably a swap partition. 82 | 10:12 |
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shay|ubuntu | okay, let's see.. | 10:13 |
intelikey | yes i don't know what the 5er is but hda1 is setup for / and hda5 as swap | 10:13 |
DjLinX | shay|ubuntu, wb | 10:13 |
frogzoo | bondsgame101: "Note: Currently, ATI Drivers for AMD64 are not available in Breezy (Ubuntu 5.10)" - from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI - you'll need to run 32 bit | 10:13 |
melonipoika | hi, something is blocking my amule port, but i can't find what, anyone can help? | 10:14 |
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ssabljic | could anyone please tell me how to get and install codecs for playing mp3 ... | 10:14 |
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bondsgame101 | ok that explains a lot | 10:14 |
frogzoo | bondsgame101: or hang out in channel - maybe someone else has done this before | 10:14 |
shay|ubuntu | DjKritical, well, there seems to be a tool called rcconf, just install it and try it out | 10:14 |
Neural_FAQ | how many variable is ld related ?? | 10:15 |
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Neural_FAQ | ld the linker | 10:15 |
intelikey | DuoMaxwell looks good see if it will install. and you can also check the kernel and app messages in tty 4 and 3 respectively alt+f4 & alt+f3 :) | 10:15 |
DjLinX | shay|ubuntu, alright 1 sec | 10:15 |
bondsgame101 | running in 32 bit is fine for now, i can always install the 64bit ones later | 10:15 |
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bondsgame101 | my friend has done this before and i vaguely remember having to force something | 10:15 |
intelikey | the installer defaults to tty1 | 10:15 |
DuoMaxwell | intelikey: how do I get back to the installer then? same way I got here? | 10:15 |
bondsgame101 | i think that it was into 32 bit | 10:16 |
frogzoo | bondsgame101: there are ATI driver - https://support.ati.com/ics/support/default.asp?deptID=894&task=knowledge&folderID=27 - just a matter of getting them installed - but it might be messy - you might need to rebuild a kernel - anyway, good luck with it | 10:16 |
intelikey | for any tty# alt+f# | 10:16 |
yubimusubi | frogzoo: messy? | 10:16 |
bondsgame101 | oh yippeee | 10:16 |
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yubimusubi | frogzoo: is make menuconfig really that difficult in ubuntu? | 10:17 |
DjLinX | shay|ubuntu, that is only for enable and disabling | 10:17 |
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bondsgame101 | there is a post somewhere on a forum where someone has done this, but i cant remember where to find it or even to start looking | 10:17 |
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frogzoo | yubimusubi: depends on who's doing it - I prefer to not advise newbs to reinstall their kernel | 10:17 |
yubimusubi | frogzoo: ohh, okay... | 10:17 |
ssabljic | can you advise a newbie to install mp3 codecs? | 10:17 |
frogzoo | !restricted | 10:17 |
ubotu | somebody said restricted was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats Most of the formats listed here have been replaced by !FreeFormats | 10:17 |
yubimusubi | Wow, there's a lot of mp3 people... | 10:18 |
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intelikey | !codecs | 10:18 |
ubotu | Binary only codecs (such as w32codecs) can be downloaded from plf or cipherfunk, see !easysource for details on these repositories | 10:18 |
yubimusubi | I have to say, that bot rawks | 10:18 |
bondsgame101 | !easysource | 10:18 |
ubotu | hmm... easysource is For an easy to use custom sources.list configurator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic | 10:18 |
shay|ubuntu | DjKritical, inside "rcconf", tell me how the usb-networking script is called, and we'll put it before "networking" with update-rc.d | 10:19 |
ssabljic | W: Couldn't stat source package list http://security.ubuntu.com breezy-security/restricted Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy-security_restricted_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 10:19 |
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ssabljic | this means i can't install them i guess because they are not on the server | 10:20 |
DuoMaxwell | ok... got a new error... still debootstrap error but now it says it could be a network problem or a bad CD... | 10:22 |
DuoMaxwell | what the hell... I got this CD from ShipIt | 10:22 |
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bookofjude | Hello people | 10:22 |
intelikey | ssabljic looks to me like you need to 'sudo apt-get update ' and try again. | 10:22 |
DuoMaxwell | should I just download and burn the new version? | 10:23 |
intelikey | ah DuoMaxwell then it thinks the error is in reading packages not in writing them to disk.... yeah if you have fast inet grab another iso | 10:24 |
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bondsgame101 | ok what is the mp3 codec name in the repository? | 10:24 |
bookofjude | Hello again. | 10:24 |
DjLinX | shay|ubuntu, i don't see anything about usb in rcconf | 10:25 |
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DuoMaxwell | crap... then I gotta try this tomorrow then, my craptacular 384Kbps download will take 6 hours to DL a 700Mb file | 10:25 |
bur[n] er | bondsgame101: gstreamer0.8-mad | 10:25 |
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shay|ubuntu | DjLinX, wait, I think that I found what you need.. | 10:26 |
bondsgame101 | thanks | 10:26 |
intelikey | DuoMaxwell but you are not on dialup. like i am. :) | 10:26 |
thomas | I'm not getting any sound via XMMS...but i'm not getting any errors either...any ideas? | 10:26 |
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intelikey | thomas mute'd ? | 10:27 |
thomas | haha...no. | 10:27 |
corresponder | hi | 10:27 |
DjLinX | shay|ubuntu are u regged so i can send u a link? | 10:27 |
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shay|ubuntu | DjKritical, send it to 'shay; | 10:27 |
thomas | I tried both the ALSA and OSS plugins and neither work..even with me changing the configs | 10:27 |
shay|ubuntu | s/'shay;/'shay' | 10:28 |
bur[n] er | thomas: change the output plugin to "esound" ?? | 10:28 |
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thomas | I'll try that. | 10:28 |
ejofee | how do i know which ones are *security* updates? | 10:28 |
thomas | still doesn't work... | 10:28 |
DjLinX | shay, get it? | 10:29 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@ corin_777!*@* *!*@tor/* *!*@tor/session] by Seveas | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb broken_ladder!*@* *!*@cpe-65-29-121-33.twmi.res.rr.com *!*@lns-bzn-9-82-254-120-54.adsl.proxad.net *!*n=sui@82.153.114.*] by Seveas | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb %jax0m!*@* %Comrade_Vladimir!*@* %theblue_!*@* %DR_K13!*@*] by Seveas | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %rhoffa!*@*] by Seveas | ||
shay|ubuntu | DjLinX, listen, it seems that Ubuntu has 'hotplug-net' after 'networking' in the rc scripts (I'm gessing that your usb-network device is managed by hotplug-net) | 10:29 |
selinium | thomas, do you have more than one soudcard? | 10:29 |
selinium | s/soudcard/soundcard | 10:29 |
shay | got it, DjLinX | 10:29 |
bur[n] er | thomas: do other players work? | 10:29 |
DuoMaxwell | intelikey: ever try http://www.broadbandreports.com/psearch?e=Complete+Search+Form ? | 10:29 |
DjLinX | shay, alright | 10:29 |
thomas | no I don't...and yes other players do. | 10:29 |
DjLinX | shay, i didn't see hotplug-net in rcconf | 10:29 |
intelikey | DuoMaxwell no. | 10:29 |
thomas | no other players are open now, hoever so they're not using the soundcard. | 10:30 |
thomas | however* | 10:30 |
bur[n] er | thomas: u could always try "beep-media-player" basically xmms with gtk2 | 10:30 |
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bur[n] er | thomas: using gnome? | 10:30 |
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thomas | yeah i was thinking that...but then i figured same problems would happen since it was basically xmms..yeah I'm using gnome | 10:30 |
bur[n] er | thomas: ps ax |grep esd | 10:30 |
bur[n] er | is that running? | 10:31 |
thomas | yes... | 10:31 |
bur[n] er | it should be the esound output plugin then | 10:31 |
thomas | I have it set to that but it's not working... | 10:32 |
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bur[n] er | do you get errors or does it seem to play with just no sound | 10:32 |
intelikey | oh DuoMaxwell there is no dsl on the local lines. and nearest cable is 25 miles | 10:32 |
thomas | the latter...it just plays with no sound | 10:32 |
shay|ubuntu | DjLinX, try this: sudo update-rc.d -f hotplug-net remove; sudo update-rc.d hotplug-net start 39 2 3 4 5 . stop 39 0 1 6 . | 10:32 |
shay|ubuntu | DjKritical, I guess that that'll do the job, tough I'm not sure | 10:32 |
bur[n] er | thomas: seriously check volume levels again | 10:32 |
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DjLinX | shay|ubuntu, k ill try | 10:33 |
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thomas | system volume is 63% and xmms' is...41% | 10:33 |
bur[n] er | pcm? | 10:33 |
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=== bur[n] er shrugs | ||
bur[n] er | wish I could help more, but I don't even use xmms... i prefer amarok | 10:34 |
DuoMaxwell | intelikey: theres always satellite or wireless, but I hear sat's expensive to get started | 10:34 |
thomas | hmm..thats fine i was just trying to use it because it's there | 10:34 |
=== rca [n=bar@despair.snm-hgkz.ch] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rca | hello | 10:35 |
thomas | didn't feel like installing another package..and CD-Player skips something awful | 10:35 |
intelikey | there's not always wireless...... | 10:35 |
rca | where could i begin to troubleshoot when one of the machines i have will simply shutdown instead of reboot? shutdown -r now and rebooting from gdm both succeed in hopping into runlevel 6, but at the end of it they turn off power instead of rebooting | 10:35 |
DjLinX | shay|ubuntu, im gettin a error ill msg it to shay | 10:35 |
thomas | does amarok support CDs? | 10:35 |
bur[n] er | thomas: got sound-juicer? or goobox? those play cds | 10:35 |
thomas | i got sound juicer...but the quality is atrocious :P | 10:36 |
thomas | i'll look into goobox | 10:36 |
bur[n] er | i have no idea if amarok does... i haven't listened to a cd since i ripped all mine to mp3 :) | 10:36 |
rca | ACPI is enabled, APM is disabled and it's an elderly Fujitsu-Siemens Scenic C800 with a custom mainboard siemens built | 10:36 |
intelikey | if you go out in the yard and walk around some times you get enough signal to use a wireless phone...... but not always... | 10:36 |
bur[n] er | thomas: try turning dma on? (i have no idea if this is needed for audio, but it helps dvds :) | 10:36 |
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ejofee | how do i know which ones are *security* updates? | 10:36 |
bur[n] er | ubotu: tell thomas about dma | 10:36 |
thomas | thanks mate...and this is more of a temporary computer..my main one's HD died along with 500 mp3s | 10:37 |
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bur[n] er | thomas: when dapper comes, rhythmbox will do it all :) | 10:38 |
DuoMaxwell | intelikey: haha, I know the felling, this country can't get anything right... The koreans have FTTH, don't we call them a 3rd world country? | 10:38 |
intelikey | rca that's a new one on me.... | 10:38 |
thomas | hehe that'd be nice | 10:38 |
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DuoMaxwell | well nite all, too late to try anything else. | 10:40 |
bur[n] er | on that note, time to sleep | 10:40 |
DJLinX | shay, it worked :D | 10:40 |
Mabus06 | hey, anyone here know much about ubotu? | 10:40 |
Mabus06 | I have my own blootbot and, I dunno how to get it to work | 10:40 |
shay|ubuntu | DjKritical, awesome :-) | 10:40 |
shay|ubuntu | DjKritical, you should read update-rc.d's man page to understand what you really've done | 10:41 |
intelikey | Mabus06 cafuego owns the bot.... if he's around..... | 10:41 |
shay|ubuntu | DjKritical, anothe nice graphical tool to understand rc.d scripts it "bum" (it's in universe) | 10:41 |
DJLinX | shay|ubuntu, does it do wat we jus did | 10:42 |
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shay|ubuntu | DjKritical, hm, I didn't understand your question | 10:42 |
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sdrmm | I killed my Ubuntu part, and now I cant boot windows, I am on Knoppix how can i clear the MBR or reinstall a bootloader? | 10:44 |
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sdrmm | this chan is never dead? | 10:45 |
sdrmm | Whats up? | 10:46 |
intelikey | !windowsmbr | 10:46 |
ubotu | well, windowsmbr is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows | 10:46 |
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intelikey | hmmm that's backwards to what you want sdrmm | 10:46 |
rca | intelikey: it might be some bug in the mobo/bios but there must be a workaround for it, since Knoppix manages to reboot the machine | 10:46 |
dboucard | is there an equivalent of http://package.debian.org for Ubuntu.com ? | 10:47 |
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DJLinX | shay, like rearraigning the rc.d | 10:47 |
sdrmm | So whats forwards of what I want? | 10:47 |
intelikey | rca it may be a bug in ub also... check the bugs and if there is not one on that file one. | 10:47 |
Mabus06 | cafuego, you around? | 10:47 |
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sdrmm | Can I install Lilo over the MBR with Knoppix or must I have linux installed on my disk? | 10:48 |
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intelikey | sdrmm yeah if you know what you're doing you can install lilo or grub | 10:49 |
sdrmm | intelikey, ?? Ya know what I can do? | 10:49 |
dboucard | ok, http://packages.ubuntu.com/ | 10:49 |
thomas_ | hi folks, does anybody of you know why i can't make a image of a css encrypted dvd in k3b? i have libdvdcss installed correctly and it says on the k3b site that libdvdcss is supported since 0.12, and i have 0.12.7 | 10:49 |
sdrmm | intelikey, will I have to write a lilo.conf from scratch? | 10:50 |
thomas_ | or does anybody know another possibility of making an image of a encrypted dvd (with menus etc.)? | 10:50 |
sdrmm | Because k3b has copyright protection | 10:50 |
sdrmm | use toast | 10:50 |
sdrmm | it can make a raw image of any DVD | 10:51 |
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intelikey | sdrmm i don't know if the knoppix cd has an app that will setup lilo for you or not. but it should be really simple to write a lilo.conf for one system | 10:51 |
thomas_ | is there no possibility to bypass that protection sdrmm? | 10:51 |
sdrmm | intelikey, it has liloconf but it breaks when i run it | 10:51 |
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sdrmm | thomas, just as likely as bypassing the cr protection in Roxio | 10:52 |
intelikey | sdrmm you need to remove all but the windows os and make sure the address is correct for it. | 10:52 |
thomas | don't forget the _ :P | 10:52 |
sdrmm | intelikey, cause it wants a root on my disk | 10:53 |
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nomi1 | my internet keeps disconnecting | 10:53 |
thomas_ | so, is it possible or not sdrmm? | 10:54 |
thomas | for the 1000th time not in k3 whatever | 10:54 |
thomas | :P | 10:54 |
sdrmm | intelikey, thats all I have on here 3 NTFS parts | 10:54 |
thomas | the point of an applicaiton employing copy protection is to prevent you from copying stuff... | 10:55 |
sdrmm | I dunno which one is the system one though | 10:55 |
thomas | application* | 10:55 |
sdrmm | intelikey, Im pretty sure is hda2 | 10:55 |
sdrmm | but I have no clue how to write a lilo.conf | 10:55 |
intelikey | hmmm yeah i see what you mean.... no place for the /boot/map | 10:55 |
thomas | why use lilo? | 10:56 |
sdrmm | ya wont fit on the MBR? | 10:56 |
sdrmm | Cause I dunno how to write a grub conf either | 10:56 |
intelikey | thomas grub will have to have a /boot also. | 10:56 |
thomas | haha...yah but lilo is crappy imo | 10:56 |
intelikey | well grub is in mine so ;p | 10:56 |
=== Nookie^ [n=fsd@h12n1fls32o1010.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | :) | 10:57 |
sdrmm | intelikey, so i do need a linux system to install lilo to the mbr? | 10:57 |
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Nookie^ | where im i reporting a bug? | 10:57 |
Nookie^ | what page? | 10:57 |
rca | intelikey: can't find anything relevant in launchpa | 10:57 |
rca | +d | 10:57 |
intelikey | sdrmm no you need a /boot partition it can be really small only a few meg but you have to have a place for the map file. | 10:58 |
sdrmm | I have 8 megs unallocated | 10:58 |
thomas | grab a gentoo cd and make one with fstab after you chroot | 10:58 |
thomas | or use an ubuntu livecd | 10:58 |
sdrmm | I only have Knoppix | 10:58 |
sdrmm | thats what I am now | 10:59 |
=== No1Viking [i=micke@h-83-140-104-3.ip.cust.port80.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thomas | use knoppix? | 10:59 |
DJLinX | wat is the best dynamic dns program for linux | 10:59 |
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intelikey | !bug | 10:59 |
ubotu | To file a bug, go to http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/ for packages in main or http://launchpad.ubuntu.com/malone/distros/ubuntu for Universe packages | 10:59 |
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intelikey | Nookie^ that ^ | 11:00 |
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sdrmm | why must i chroot, cant i just use cfdisk and make a small ext3 part /boot? | 11:00 |
Nookie^ | intelikey: thanx | 11:00 |
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thomas | i was just saying how i'd do it | 11:00 |
CarinArr | hi, i just have a quick question.. there are so many messenger clients about.. what would you recommend me to use? (i only ever use MSN really) | 11:00 |
thomas | CarinArr, GAIM | 11:00 |
intelikey | gaim is default in ub | 11:01 |
sdrmm | intelikey, ?? | 11:01 |
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sdrmm | Gaim is the most advanced by far for linux | 11:01 |
thomas | yeah...and it's one of th best IM clients for any platform...even those that aren't GAIM (Adium on OSX) use libgaim... | 11:01 |
thomas | and it has encryption...which is shweet... | 11:02 |
ejofee | sdrmm: as compared to what? | 11:02 |
intelikey | sdrmm yes make a small partition copy the files in /boot to it then mount it on /boot and run lilo | 11:02 |
ian_ | Im having a problem with flash, when watching flash movies (videos.google.com) the video and audio is always out of synch. Can this be fixed? | 11:02 |
=== Astxist [n=komugiub@ppp2119.dyn.pacific.net.au] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
sdrmm | intelikey, copy the /boot files from where, I have no installed linux system | 11:03 |
thomas | ...windows? | 11:03 |
sdrmm | lmao | 11:03 |
intelikey | sdrmm you wont need a kernel or initrd. but is there no /boot on your system ? | 11:03 |
=== Fergy [n=Fergy@a82-92-232-156.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | i'm not well versed on nopics | 11:04 |
sdrmm | intelikey, I am booted under Knoppix, other than that I have 3 windows parts | 11:04 |
sdrmm | Oh ya mean the /boot from knoppix | 11:04 |
intelikey | sdrmm ls / yes | 11:04 |
sdrmm | I thought ya meant from an installed linux | 11:04 |
petr_ | i have one question, i use GAIM and i'snt posible to format the message with HTML tags also when i bekome a message with HTML format i read html tags and plain text | 11:04 |
=== mneumonic [n=JokerScr@S01060006259bb3f9.mh.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | on a running linux.... i dont think lilo will install without a /boot/map | 11:05 |
mneumonic | hello | 11:05 |
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sdrmm | oh crap cfdisk says i have no free space | 11:05 |
sdrmm | windows said I have 8 | 11:05 |
sdrmm | But theres a swap part there | 11:06 |
intelikey | oooh yuch | 11:06 |
shay | DjKritical, yes, that's what update-rc.d does. | 11:06 |
sdrmm | did knoppix make it, or is it from my old Gentoo? | 11:06 |
sdrmm | Doesnt Knoppix run all in a RAm Disk? | 11:06 |
intelikey | sdrmm knoppix didn't partition your hd no. | 11:06 |
sdrmm | Didnt think so | 11:06 |
=== onispawn [n=onispawn@209-33-199-202-dsl.infowest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sdrmm | so I have 1.5 gig part | 11:07 |
sdrmm | but it might be using it as its swap | 11:07 |
sdrmm | lemme see what swapon syas | 11:07 |
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intelikey | free | 11:07 |
bookofjude | I'm having a little difficulty getting my sound card to work on ubuntu. | 11:07 |
bookofjude | It just doesn't seem to be showing up in device manager or in the "default sound card" drop down box. | 11:08 |
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sdrmm | intelikey, i dunno if knoppix is using it or not, should i just format it? | 11:08 |
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intelikey | free | 11:08 |
intelikey | or mount | 11:09 |
sdrmm | intelikey, Swap: 1550228 0 1550228 | 11:10 |
sdrmm | that means its all free | 11:10 |
intelikey | yep it's using it. | 11:10 |
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sdrmm | oh | 11:10 |
sdrmm | DAMN | 11:10 |
sdrmm | can I swapoff | 11:10 |
intelikey | swapoff /dev/hdblah | 11:10 |
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sdrmm | lol wont knoppix die with no swap? | 11:10 |
petr_ | i have one question, i use GAIM and i'snt posible to format the message with HTML tags also when i bekome a message with HTML format i read html tags and plain text | 11:11 |
intelikey | it isn't using any of it right now anyway | 11:11 |
sdrmm | well i have 2 gigs of ram im sure it will be okay | 11:11 |
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intelikey | yes i'm sure. | 11:11 |
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flicard22 | Hello! I have a probleme. I just arrived on Ubuntu and installed everything i had to read mp3 files. Now i can, but the sound is horrible. does anyone know why? | 11:11 |
intelikey | with 1g of ram i'd never use any swap. | 11:11 |
sdrmm | intelikey, my mount doesnt show it??? | 11:12 |
sdrmm | just some ext2 part | 11:12 |
sdrmm | Oh wait tat must be it | 11:12 |
sdrmm | Swap: 0 0 0 | 11:13 |
sdrmm | YEY | 11:13 |
intelikey | now it's free | 11:13 |
sdrmm | Does it need to be Ext3? | 11:14 |
intelikey | no | 11:14 |
sdrmm | its okay as swap? | 11:14 |
petr_ | to flicard22 which kodecs have you? | 11:14 |
intelikey | ext2 is fine | 11:14 |
sdrmm | k | 11:14 |
sdrmm | swap parts are ext2? | 11:14 |
sdrmm | I thought they were there own FS | 11:15 |
intelikey | not usally | 11:15 |
sdrmm | then why do ya think mine is? | 11:15 |
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sdrmm | oh cause what i said | 11:15 |
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intelikey | <sdrmm> just some ext2 part | 11:15 |
sdrmm | That was the ram disk that was ext2 | 11:15 |
sdrmm | I was lookin in mount insteada fdisk | 11:15 |
sdrmm | my bad | 11:16 |
sdrmm | its swap | 11:16 |
sdrmm | ill make it ext3 | 11:16 |
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sdrmm | Hom much should I give it? | 11:16 |
sdrmm | 512Mb? | 11:16 |
intelikey | 60m and if you ever add a linux you can still use it. | 11:16 |
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sdrmm | I just chose Linux as type in cfdisk is that ext2 or 3? | 11:18 |
intelikey | no not untill you mke2fs /dev/hda# it isn't | 11:18 |
intelikey | and if you add a -j it is ext3 if not it is ext2 | 11:19 |
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intelikey | no -j needed on /boot | 11:19 |
=== Kwitschibo [n=Kwitschi@p54807D03.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sdrmm | I have used cfdisk to format parts before I never ran mke2fs | 11:20 |
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sdrmm | But ill do it anyways | 11:21 |
sdrmm | okay | 11:21 |
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intelikey | hmmm my cfdisk doesn't have an option to format... | 11:21 |
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sdrmm | intelikey, when ya make a new part, then select a type | 11:21 |
tonyyarusso | How do I use iwconfig to specify that an ad-hoc wireless network should not be encrypted? | 11:21 |
sdrmm | neways i ran the command ya said | 11:21 |
sdrmm | intelikey, now do I mount it and copy over my /boot? | 11:22 |
joedj | tonyyarusso: iwconfig wlan0 enc off | 11:22 |
sdrmm | is lilo gunna want /boot or all of my / | 11:22 |
intelikey | sdrmm selecting the type doesn't 'make a flie system' on the partition.... and yes | 11:22 |
sdrmm | well thats how i made that part that my Gentoo system was on | 11:23 |
tonyyarusso | joedj: Thanks. | 11:23 |
intelikey | sdrmm mount it some place copy the contents of /boot to it then remount it on /boot and run lilo | 11:23 |
sdrmm | I dun need to umount the real /boot after i copy it? | 11:24 |
Mabus06 | w00t, got blootbot to conect | 11:24 |
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tonyyarusso | cdubya and I got my samba figured out, but can two computers be connected directly by means of and ethernet cord, usb, or serial ports to share files in cases were networking isn't an option? | 11:24 |
intelikey | yes i don't dought that it is how you made the partition, but i think that the installer or something made a file system also. | 11:24 |
joedj | tonyyarusso: sure | 11:24 |
intelikey | sdrmm no | 11:25 |
tonyyarusso | joedj: How? | 11:25 |
joedj | tonyyarusso: cross-over ethernet cable is probably simplest, no different from a regular LAN with a hub | 11:25 |
intelikey | sdrmm when you mount the new partition on /boot it will hide what ever is in that dir and any read/write will be to the partition, not the ramdisk. | 11:26 |
tonyyarusso | joedj: What is that, and how do I use it? | 11:26 |
sdrmm | intelikey, uhh havin a lil trouble gettin it mounthed i did -t ext2 and it said wrong FS type? | 11:26 |
intelikey | no -t see if it can auto detect it. | 11:27 |
joedj | tonyyarusso: it's network cable, but the wires are crossed over internally (a hub usually does this part). you just connect two computers via their ethernet cards with a cable and set up your network as usual (#1 goes ifconfig eth0, #2 goes ifconfig eth0 and they can communicate | 11:27 |
sdrmm | intelikey, something isnt right, thats what i tried first and it couldnt | 11:27 |
joedj | tonyyarusso: usually it's a different colour to regular (blue) CAT5 cable, often yellow | 11:27 |
sdrmm | mount: error while guessing filesystem type | 11:27 |
sdrmm | mount: you must specify the filesystem type | 11:27 |
tonyyarusso | joedj: So this is a common type of cable that I could pick up at any store? | 11:28 |
joedj | tonyyarusso: yes | 11:28 |
intelikey | then check your addressing. mount <what> <where> | 11:28 |
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tonyyarusso | joedj: Interesting. The cable I have right now to connect to my modem is yellow. | 11:28 |
sdrmm | intelikey, i know how to mount, i sent ya the verbose in a pm | 11:28 |
intelikey | sdrmm if the mount point is missing you get that error. | 11:28 |
joedj | tonyyarusso: give it a try =P | 11:28 |
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tonyyarusso | joedj: Would it say on the casing or anything like that? | 11:29 |
sdrmm | Its not, i did mkdir /eggs | 11:29 |
joedj | tonyyarusso: i doubt it, but i don't know a great deal about cabling really | 11:29 |
sdrmm | it returned no error ill ls there one sec | 11:29 |
intelikey | actually you only sent me one line of that and pasted the other two in here :) | 11:29 |
joedj | tonyyarusso: i think some network cards can even communicate PC to PC with a straight-through cable these days, again not sure | 11:29 |
liquidboy | anyone know how i can edit the menu in windowmaker, the config tool doesn't work properly (not compaitble) | 11:29 |
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tonyyarusso | joedj: Okay, maybe Google will tell me that. | 11:29 |
sdrmm | intelikey, OOPS, lol | 11:30 |
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tonyyarusso | joedj: So if I were doing this to a Windows computer, I would still want to use samba it seems, and it's just a matter of making the network connection different. Does that sound right? | 11:30 |
sdrmm | intelikey, uh oh, there are files in /eggs ??? how i JUST made it?? there is a Desktop and a tmp ?? | 11:30 |
joedj | tonyyarusso: yep | 11:30 |
sdrmm | im sooo lost | 11:30 |
tonyyarusso | joedj: Sweet. I shall have to try this when I get home. | 11:31 |
dbzdeath | is opera in apt-get? | 11:31 |
intelikey | sdrmm files in a dir wont cause mount errors. | 11:31 |
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sdrmm | How in hell can there be files in a dir i created 3 seconds ago? | 11:31 |
joedj | tonyyarusso: hubs are also very cheap these days, maybe even cheaper than the cable, i spotted a new 5-port gigabit ethernet hub the other day for $AU50 (like $US30) | 11:31 |
bimberi | !opera | 11:32 |
ubotu | Opera isn't in the Ubuntu repositories, but you can always download the latest Opera .deb package from http://www.opera.com/download/ and get then see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OperaBrowser | 11:32 |
joedj | tonyyarusso: 'switch' i should say, rather than 'hub' | 11:32 |
sdrmm | Yea but why are there files there, actualy they are DIRS?? | 11:32 |
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intelikey | sdrmm mount and make sure you didn't mount something there | 11:32 |
sdrmm | intelikey, this is weird | 11:32 |
tonyyarusso | joedj: That's not bad either. | 11:32 |
onispawn | does anyone really good at assembly? | 11:32 |
onispawn | err.. is anyone good at assembly? | 11:32 |
sdrmm | intelikey, oh wait that was a diff dir lol | 11:32 |
bookofjude | Where's the volume control hidden in ubuntu? | 11:33 |
sdrmm | intelikey, still dont get why it won't mount | 11:33 |
intelikey | that's two. | 11:33 |
tonyyarusso | joedj: There isn't some sort of world cable labling guru that you know of that would tell me how they should be identified, is there? | 11:33 |
bookofjude | Oh, never mind. Found it. | 11:33 |
sdrmm | intelikey, root@ttyp0[eggs] # see its a good dir?? | 11:33 |
pl_ice | hi, i got shell ,and i'm truying to make mc, but how i can put glib path so that the ./configure sees it? (it's installed on machine) | 11:34 |
sdrmm | intelikey, how can I double check the FS on that part? | 11:34 |
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intelikey | and the device is correct ? /dev/hd?# | 11:34 |
joedj | tonyyarusso: not that i know of :) | 11:34 |
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intelikey | fdisk -l | 11:34 |
sdrmm | /dev/hda4 14754 14762 72292+ 83 Linux | 11:35 |
joedj | tonyyarusso: someone at jaycar or similar might be able to tell you, if you're talking about meatspace =P | 11:35 |
sdrmm | it doesnt say what FS | 11:35 |
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fastly | i'm soooo happy with 5.10 | 11:35 |
fastly | just got wifi working with wep | 11:35 |
tonyyarusso | joedj: That was Greek to me. | 11:35 |
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joedj | tonyyarusso: jaycar is (AFAIK) an electronics store. meatspace is that thing that isn't cyberspace | 11:36 |
sdrmm | intelikey, maybe this is why? /dev/hda4: Invalid argument passed to ext2 library while setting up superblock | 11:36 |
joedj | tonyyarusso: AFAIK is As Far As I Know ;-) | 11:36 |
tonyyarusso | joedj: Ah. Never heard of jaycar. | 11:37 |
sdrmm | intelikey, what does that error mean? | 11:37 |
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intelikey | what command is it from ? | 11:37 |
sdrmm | it couldnt format it? | 11:37 |
intelikey | mke2fs ? | 11:37 |
sdrmm | ya | 11:37 |
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intelikey | any command line args? err what was the full command ? | 11:38 |
sdrmm | mke2fs /dev/hda4 | 11:38 |
munzir | hi gurus. after installing ubuntu I found uname -r shows 2.6.12-9-386. This is a centerino laptop, shouldn't it be 686 instead of 386? Should I install it manually? | 11:38 |
sdrmm | Cause you installed the 386 iso | 11:39 |
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bimberi | munzir: you can install the 686 kernel (package is linux-686) if you like | 11:39 |
intelikey | that's odd, something on your knoppix is borked. sdrmm look for a mkfs.ext# and try it. | 11:39 |
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sdrmm | it wont improve your performance at all | 11:40 |
bimberi | munzir: i haven't bothered, i keep hearing that the difference is minimal (just like ^^^ :) ) | 11:40 |
sdrmm | intelikey, k | 11:40 |
munzir | bimberi, but I want to know why ubuntu don't recognize the real arch | 11:40 |
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sdrmm | intelikey, it was there when i tab completed it i used the ext3 one and it gave same error | 11:41 |
munzir | bimberi, at least this would save a good bandwidth on irc channels, I believe ;) | 11:41 |
sdrmm | intelikey, maybe something wrong with the part? | 11:41 |
intelikey | munzir uname is not reporting hardware arch it is reporting system arch | 11:41 |
bimberi | munzir: the cd only has the 386 kernel on it (one of the tradeoffs for having 1 CD) | 11:41 |
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bimberi | munzir: possibly :) | 11:42 |
intelikey | sdrmm maybe... | 11:42 |
sdrmm | intelikey, i think cfdisk fkd it up | 11:42 |
sdrmm | what else can i use to make a part? | 11:42 |
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munzir | intelikey, no, it depends on the option you pass | 11:43 |
sdrmm | fdisk> | 11:43 |
phimic | hello all | 11:43 |
phimic | i have a problem with gdm | 11:43 |
munzir | intelikey, try uname -m | 11:43 |
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phimic | gdm does not start automatic when booting | 11:43 |
phimic | i have to start it via sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart from the console | 11:43 |
phimic | there are links in /etc/rc2.d/ | 11:44 |
intelikey | munzir that is not what he did. look at the output 'uname -r shows 2.6.12-9-386' <--- -r and that is release | 11:44 |
sdrmm | munzir, intelikey said uname echos the system arch, he was correct, bimberi never said he passed an option | 11:44 |
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phimic | i tried dpkg-reconfigue gdm, too , but kdm works | 11:44 |
user_ | test | 11:44 |
user_ | lol | 11:44 |
sdrmm | intelikey, so what should I do now? | 11:45 |
user_ | I'm french | 11:45 |
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pepsi | how can i get scroll lock to work? | 11:46 |
munzir | intelikey, sdrmm, it's me who asked the question not bimberi ;) | 11:48 |
=== DocTomoe [n=martin@p54A948CF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pl_ice | hi, i got shell ,and i'm truying to make mc, but how i can put glib path so that the ./configure sees it? (it's installed on machine) | 11:48 |
intelikey | reboot to refresh the partition table..... the later model the kernel the more like that micro-reboot os it gets... | 11:48 |
DocTomoe | pl_ice: have you installed build-essential? | 11:48 |
munzir | intelikey, sdrmm: sorry but it still not clear to me why ubuntu didn't reconize the hardware arch and install the correct system kernel? | 11:49 |
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DocTomoe | pl_ice: second idea: have you glib-dev installed? | 11:49 |
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pl_ice | DocTomoe server is on fedora commercial, rpm shows me that glib is there ... | 11:49 |
intelikey | munzir the disk you install from is i386 so your system is i386 ? | 11:50 |
sdrmm | munzir, Because the CD ya installed from only had the 386 kernel | 11:50 |
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DocTomoe | pl_ice: I do not want to be abusive, but this channel is called ubuntu for a reason ;) However, you might need no tonly glib, but glib-dev also. | 11:50 |
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pl_ice | DocTomoe i'm under ubuntu ;) | 11:50 |
sdrmm | munzir, try the 686 image next time, now ya might as well just install the 686 kernel | 11:50 |
munzir | intelikey, sdrmm: ah! this clear now. so the i686 I see now is from the net not the cd? | 11:50 |
pl_ice | not my fault i got ssh u/d other os :D | 11:51 |
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bimberi | 686 image? | 11:51 |
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DocTomoe | I just upgraded from Breezy to Dapper ... and have a problem with sound on an acer laptop. Anyone willing to help? | 11:51 |
pl_ice | DocTomoe , soooo ? ;) | 11:51 |
DocTomoe | pl_ice: no Idea. I do not make use of inferior distros ;) | 11:52 |
sdrmm | Yes Ubuntu has a 686 iso with the 686 kernel, but ya might as well just install it now | 11:52 |
DocTomoe | pl_ice: (like anything rpm-based) | 11:52 |
pl_ice | DocTomoe n/p but | 11:52 |
robotgeek | pl_ice: you are trying to compile midnight commander? | 11:52 |
sdrmm | DocTomoe, Dapper is stable already? | 11:52 |
pl_ice | robotgeek yeh, (don't have root) | 11:52 |
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DocTomoe | negative, sdrmm ... but the problem is unlikely to be a stability based | 11:53 |
pepsi | no ideas on scroll lock? :( | 11:53 |
robotgeek | pl_ice: hmm, you might also have compile the glib-dev packages | 11:53 |
munzir | sdrmm, when I see a package on synaptic how can i tell its source? the net or the cd or which repo it comes from? | 11:53 |
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DocTomoe | sdrmm: Im just a crazy guy, always wanting to be on the "cutting edge". Sound would be nice, however. | 11:53 |
pl_ice | robotgeek , but rpm shows that glib is there, will check for dev | 11:53 |
sdrmm | DocTomoe, I was gunna say Breezy just went stable like a month a go | 11:54 |
robotgeek | pl_ice: apt-cache show mc for all dependencies | 11:54 |
pl_ice | ok | 11:54 |
DocTomoe | sdrmm: thats why I am crazy :) | 11:54 |
DocTomoe | pl_ice: you might want to check for -devel too | 11:54 |
robotgeek | DocTomoe: no support there :) | 11:54 |
robotgeek | DocTomoe: if you mean #ubuntu-devel, nvm | 11:55 |
sdrmm | DocTomoe, they dont care what is stable they just release a snapshot every three months so they can catch up in versions with the big boys | 11:55 |
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DocTomoe | robotgeek: negative, I was speaking of pl_ices glib problem | 11:56 |
robotgeek | pl_ice: i think apt-cache showsrc mc would be better, shows build-dependencies | 11:56 |
pl_ice | hm, rpm -qa glib-dev* none :/ | 11:56 |
DocTomoe | sdrmm: I didnt install via Flight2, but with apt. I need the constant flow of new software. kinda a grass-smoking hippi I am... | 11:57 |
robotgeek | pl_ice: i tht u were on ubuntu, sorry | 11:57 |
pl_ice | robotgeek neh ;) it's ssh on other box | 11:57 |
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munzir | Sirs, when I see a package on synaptic how can i tell its source? whether the net or the cd or which repo it comes from? | 11:58 |
pl_ice | is it a way to compile on ubuntu? ... for other distro? | 11:58 |
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pl_ice | munzir , if u do from console u can c it | 11:58 |
DocTomoe | Hm, once upon a time, there was an utility called alsaconf or alsaconfig or stuff ... anyone knows where to find this in the reps? | 11:58 |
robotgeek | munzir: if you have updated after installation, it's going to be the net | 11:58 |
chop | shinu: hi | 11:58 |
robotgeek | DocTomoe: it's not included in ubuntu for some strange reason | 11:58 |
chop | shinu: r u there | 11:58 |
liable | DocTomoe: not in ubuntu. | 11:58 |
dbzdeath | can someone help me here please? i just installed opera and it complains about motif... what does it mean? | 11:59 |
robotgeek | dbzdeath: where did you install opera from? | 11:59 |
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dbzdeath | robotgeek: um... opera.com | 11:59 |
dbzdeath | robotgeek: i chose ubuntu breezy download | 12:00 |
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munzir | robotgeek, but may be the package is already on the CD and I don't want to download it from the net | 12:00 |
pl_ice | hey, if u just unpack .rpm will that do to run the program? | 12:00 |
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liable | no | 12:00 |
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liable | !alien | 12:00 |
ubotu | it has been said that alien is a program to convert RPMs to DEBs. Can give problems. Website: http://www.kitenet.net/programs/alien/ | 12:00 |
robotgeek | dbzdeath: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OperaBrowser | 12:00 |
munzir | pl_ice, you mean I use apt-get install? | 12:00 |
pl_ice | i got ssh with fedora commercial os on it, haven't got root but i'm trying to install mc | 12:01 |
pl_ice | munzir yeh | 12:01 |
kimjuik | hmm..I installed ubuntu linux some minutes age.. :) .. But I dont know how to add monitor resolution ..:( | 12:01 |
sdrmm | Fedora is weak | 12:01 |
robotgeek | !xfcg | 12:01 |
ubotu | robotgeek: No idea | 12:01 |
robotgeek | !xcfg | 12:01 |
ubotu | xcfg is, like, to reconfigure your xserver, open a terminal and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" | 12:02 |
kimjuik | ah... thanx :) | 12:02 |
munzir | pl_ice: what if the package is already on the CD, would it be checked first? | 12:02 |
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logan001101 | shinu: alo | 12:02 |
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pl_ice | munzir it will check the cd, as long as in sources.list cd path exist | 12:03 |
pl_ice | any one tried compiling programs on ubuntu for other distros? | 12:03 |
munzir | pl_ice, what defines the order of checking? the order in sources.list? | 12:03 |
pl_ice | munzir yeh, | 12:04 |
intelikey | programs form other distros ? | 12:04 |
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pl_ice | i.e. under ubuntu compile for fedora etc so i can use it on fedora | 12:04 |
pl_ice | (missing too many libs) | 12:05 |
Ng | you could do it in theory, but it would be really quite a lot of hassle | 12:05 |
DocTomoe | ok ... what is the standard procedure in ubuntu for fixing sound chip related problems? | 12:05 |
pl_ice | bugger | 12:05 |
logan001101 | hi there, im having a problem. ive changed my old computer into a new one, and i want to keep my old ubuntu and how can i do that ?? | 12:06 |
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DocTomoe | logan001101: you did *what*? | 12:07 |
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intelikey | pull the hdd and stick it in the new one. | 12:07 |
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logan001101 | keep the old ubuntu | 12:07 |
DocTomoe | logan001101: thats what you want. but what did you do? | 12:07 |
logan001101 | DocTomoe: keep the hard disk | 12:08 |
DocTomoe | well, as stated by intelikey : just stick it in the new one (as primary master) | 12:08 |
dbzdeath | anyone know why flash? or opera seems to occupy the sound card completely so no other applications can use it? | 12:08 |
dbzdeath | ok i think it's just flash | 12:08 |
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logan001101 | DocTomoe: i remove the old com's hard disk and the put into the new one | 12:09 |
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coulix | im trying to access a win xp share form ubuntu computer A can be accessed but B pop up a "You must log in to access comp dialog" with Username Domain and password. However the folder is shared and guest account active but i still cant login | 12:11 |
logan001101 | DocTomoe: i did but i cant run the mplayer, it said the CPU is wrong | 12:11 |
coulix | any trick i forgot to do on B machine under XP ? | 12:11 |
coulix | smb://comp/ pop up authentification recquired GUEST / WORKGROP / empty doesnt connect me | 12:12 |
DocTomoe | logan001101: then reinstall mplayer with sudo apt-ger --reinstall install mplayer | 12:12 |
logan001101 | ok ill try | 12:12 |
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pepsi | any ideas on why scroll lock doesnt work? :( | 12:16 |
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asfra | Hi, my cd-drive refuses to read cd's. It won't start up a brand new breezy cd either. Is it anything I can check before I have to conclude that it's a harware error? I get an 'unable to mount volume, there is probably no media in the device'. thanks | 12:19 |
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munzir | Sirs, I want to buy a wireless ADSL modem/router, where can I find the one with best support under linux? speedtouch? linksys? | 12:21 |
DocTomoe | munzir: get any that is administrable per ethernet | 12:21 |
munzir | asfra, did you try different CD's? | 12:21 |
munzir | DocTomoe, you mean not go the route of USB? | 12:21 |
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munzir | asfra, I mean other medias? did you try your drive under windows or another OS? | 12:22 |
asfra | munzir, yeah, it have tried alot, I only get the same message.. wanted to install breezy now, but it won't boot from that either.. | 12:22 |
DocTomoe | munzir: USB is usually tricky to impossible to get to work without hardware drivers - which you usually do not get from the vendor for linux | 12:22 |
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asfra | munzir, no, i havent tried that.. but i have an laptop, so it is not so easy | 12:23 |
mjr | munzir, any that connects to your computer via ethernet will do, though you might want to check that the box has a web-based configuration system that works with Firefox/whatever you use | 12:23 |
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mjr | ah, DocTomoe already pretty much said that. ah well :) | 12:23 |
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munzir | asfra, you tried different media then? | 12:23 |
fastly | anyone here know the best way of installing sonypi? | 12:24 |
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munzir | DocTomoe, mjr: so is there any reviews so I get the best instead of the one that just works? ;) | 12:25 |
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fastly | it's for function keys etc.. on my vaio laptop, and i can't find the ] | 12:25 |
munzir | fastly, what's sonypi? ;) | 12:25 |
fastly | can't find it in synaptic | 12:25 |
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newToXChat | hello everyone, can someone help me turn on auto accept DCC transfers, I cant find it in the menu, Im using XChat 2.6.0 | 12:25 |
tonyyarusso | How can I view disk usage from the command line? | 12:25 |
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DocTomoe | apt-cache search sonypi | 12:26 |
joedj | tonyyarusso: df -h | 12:26 |
intelikey | tonyyarusso df du -hs --max-depth=1 / | 12:26 |
DocTomoe | tonyyarusso: dh -h | 12:26 |
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asfra | munzir, i have tried alot of different cds if that is what you mean.. when i try to access the cd-rom from my file-browser, i just get the 'no media in device'. It doesn't seems like it is even trying to run the cd... | 12:27 |
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DocTomoe | munzir: you might want to avoid DLink systems. | 12:28 |
tonyyarusso | Is tmpfs my physical memory? | 12:28 |
intelikey | tonyyarusso no | 12:28 |
intelikey | /proc is your ram | 12:28 |
asfra | munzir, the cd-drive has worked under my current hoary-distro before.. not without flaws, but it has worked ok.. | 12:28 |
tonyyarusso | intelikely: So what's this then? | 12:29 |
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Seveas | tonyyarusso, tmpfs is a filesystem in memory, so it occupies a part of your memory | 12:29 |
doosht | hello all! How do i get ubuntu to detect my 17" LCD and display at 1280x1024? | 12:29 |
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Seveas | !tell doosht about fixres | 12:30 |
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doosht | fixres? | 12:30 |
Nookie^ | look what linus has writin about the gnome | 12:30 |
Nookie^ | http://kde-look.org/news/index.php?id=221 | 12:30 |
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Seveas | doosht, ubotu gave you a link | 12:30 |
Seveas | Nookie^, old news | 12:30 |
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Nookie^ | Seveas: opps.. didn't know :) | 12:30 |
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doosht | whats the link please? | 12:30 |
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Seveas | doosht, look at the private message ubotu sent you | 12:31 |
doosht | thankyou | 12:31 |
tonyyarusso | Seveas: Ah. | 12:32 |
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asfra | Seveas, I have problems mounting my cd-rom, do you have somthing I can try to get more information on what is wrong? | 12:33 |
doosht | how do i run that command ? | 12:33 |
martii | any samba experts ? | 12:33 |
doosht | what do i enter it into? | 12:33 |
Seveas | asfra, describe the problems please | 12:33 |
pl_ice | martii what u need, (i'm not expert) .... | 12:33 |
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Seveas | doosht, that page should describe it for you | 12:34 |
martii | pl_ice: I have problem with share | 12:34 |
Seveas | !tell martii about anyone | 12:34 |
pl_ice | martii what kind? more? ....pls | 12:34 |
martii | pl_ice: it looks like my samba forces permissions | 12:34 |
doosht | how do i get "nano"? | 12:34 |
martii | pl_ice: even if i have this | 12:35 |
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foampeace | hi | 12:35 |
foampeace | how are the karminsky albums | 12:35 |
corresponder | ho | 12:35 |
Seveas | foampeace, -ETOPIC | 12:35 |
martii | create mode = 0644 | 12:35 |
martii | directory mode = 0755 | 12:35 |
martii | write list = @users | 12:35 |
pepsi | what script gets executed when i start an x session? | 12:35 |
pl_ice | martii don't paste here ... | 12:35 |
k31th | any ms exchange experts about lol ? | 12:35 |
pepsi | or just whenever i login i guess | 12:35 |
martii | pl_ice: sorry | 12:35 |
Seveas | pepsi, depends on how you login | 12:35 |
pl_ice | people just get annoyed :) | 12:36 |
pepsi | Seveas, i want to load a xmodmap when i login | 12:36 |
martii | pl_ice: anyway i change file right manually to 644 | 12:36 |
martii | pl_ice: windows user opens file | 12:36 |
Seveas | pepsi, which *dm do you use? | 12:36 |
asfra | Seveas, my cd-drive doesn't run any of my cd's (brand new cd's), when i try to access the cd-rom from my file-browser I just get 'Unable to mount the volume. There is probably no media in the device'. It doesn't seem like it is even trying to start up.. I cant boot from cd at startup either.. | 12:36 |
martii | pl_ice: saves | 12:36 |
pepsi | Seveas, gnome | 12:36 |
martii | pl_ice: and I get 675 | 12:36 |
pepsi | gdm | 12:36 |
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Seveas | asfra, broken hardware, not so much linux can do about it | 12:36 |
Seveas | pepsi, ~/.gnomerc | 12:36 |
pl_ice | martii do u just want to share those files with any users? | 12:36 |
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munzir | asfra, I would say install windows in your laptop and try as a final resort ;) | 12:37 |
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pepsi | Seveas, ok.. thanks.. if it had existed i would have guessed that :) how do you find out about those? | 12:37 |
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Seveas | pepsi, I heard it from someone else :) | 12:38 |
asfra | munzir, yeah.. I guess I need to do that through a network install then since I cant read cd's..? | 12:38 |
Seveas | asfra, check your cable connections inside the machine | 12:39 |
k31th | guys im after a webamail that users can change passwd and make there own email groups ? Any ideals ?? | 12:39 |
munzir | asfra, so even the booting don't work? | 12:39 |
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asfra | munzir, no the booting doesn't work either, but then my cd-rom actually tries to start up.. | 12:40 |
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munzir | k31th, imp | 12:41 |
asfra | Seveas, I would love to do that, but i'm not to confident about opening a laptop.. Guess I will loose my warranty too.. But i you believe i could find something i'm tempted | 12:41 |
munzir | asfra, you checked your bois and it's recognized? | 12:41 |
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logan001101 | hi, how can i reinstall after install using checkinstall?? | 12:42 |
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martii | pl_ice: nope | 12:42 |
martii | pl_ice: I want this file to be read/write to just user | 12:42 |
martii | pl_ice: not group | 12:42 |
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martii | pl_ice: the thing is that other files in this share should be shared | 12:43 |
pepsi | Seveas, how about this one.. how can i disable the sound when logging in and out? | 12:43 |
k31th | munzir: imp ?? | 12:43 |
martii | pl_ice: so one file in this share should be read/write for user | 12:44 |
martii | pl_ice: all other to group | 12:44 |
asfra | munzir, cd-rom is a boot-option yes, is that what you meant? | 12:44 |
pepsi | i mean the ubuntu startup chimes | 12:44 |
BooZee | what download manager would you recommend using with? (better to come in an extension for firefox) | 12:45 |
doosht | i find this so difficult | 12:46 |
fastly | i don't have a /usr/src/linux directory... fresh install.. any ideas? | 12:46 |
pl_ice | martii there is 'mask' in the config file, that u have to change | 12:46 |
fastly | just have /usr/src/rpm | 12:46 |
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pl_ice | fastly couse u have to d/l it, | 12:46 |
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pl_ice | it's just when u compile u use that dir | 12:47 |
doosht | what do i use to "run a command"? | 12:47 |
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fastly | sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` ??? | 12:47 |
logan001101 | BooZee: what do u mean? | 12:47 |
pl_ice | martii , but those users are using linux? or xp? ... | 12:47 |
BooZee | logan001101: there's an extension in firefox called flashgot | 12:48 |
BooZee | logan001101: I'm looking for a good download manager that will work with it | 12:48 |
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logan001101 | BooZee: i use wget | 12:48 |
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logan001101 | BooZee: its good | 12:48 |
bimberi | doosht: Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal | 12:48 |
tonyyarusso | pepsi: I think it's in System > Preferences > Sounds | 12:49 |
logan001101 | BooZee: oh a download manager | 12:49 |
joedj | doosht: you can also usually use Alt+F2 for a simple run dialog | 12:49 |
BooZee | logan001101: i'm using gwget, but it keeps on stucking my downloads | 12:49 |
pepsi | tonyyarusso, i already disabled the "Log in" and "log out" sounds | 12:49 |
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pepsi | it still plays them :( | 12:49 |
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tonyyarusso | pepsi: Oh. | 12:50 |
logan001101 | BooZee: check this out, its good *Downloader for X* | 12:50 |
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logan001101 | BooZee: sudo apt-get install d4x | 12:50 |
sdrss | Where did Intel go? | 12:51 |
sdrss | Did he just leave??? | 12:51 |
sdrss | !!! | 12:51 |
ubotu | [!] what you add before a sentence to talk to me | 12:51 |
=== M_Cheevy [n=mcheevy@218-101-27-42.dsl.clear.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
munzir | k31th, yes imp | 12:52 |
Ng | worst bot evar ;) | 12:52 |
sdrss | anyone wanna scan here buffer and see if he exited the net? | 12:52 |
doosht | xserver-xorgY is not installed | 12:52 |
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sdrss | PLEASE | 12:52 |
doosht | this is incredibly difficult for a lifetime windows user | 12:52 |
sdrss | his name was Intel something | 12:52 |
M_Cheevy | hey folks... quick question, everything's working great on this install except one niggling cosmetic issue, usplash. what's the line in grub's menu.lst to add a boot splash? | 12:52 |
martii | pl_ice: why would I use samba for linux ? instead of NFS? | 12:53 |
Ng | M_Cheevy: "splash" on the end of the line starting "kernel" | 12:53 |
martii | pl_ice: people are XP Pro ones | 12:53 |
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M_Cheevy | Ng: but where does it get the image file from? | 12:53 |
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bimberi | doosht: copy and paste the command you typed | 12:53 |
sdrss | Can someone just scan there scrollback for me and tell me if a guy whos name started with Intel parted of exited IRC | 12:54 |
doosht | i have done and this came up..."xserver-xorgY is not installed" | 12:54 |
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pepsi | tonyyarusso, but you know what? if i change the log in sound to another sound, it plays it.. if its removed it plays the default sound.. interesting | 12:54 |
sdrss | dooglus, there is no Y at the end | 12:54 |
bimberi | doosht: there's no Y (funny as it is) :) | 12:54 |
M_Cheevy | Ng: basically, "splash" is there, but having no effect | 12:54 |
pl_ice | martii , couse it's harder to share /not share for other users from xp, u will have to set the accounts, i just do that : have sharing files (read only) and for upload it changes ownership to mine, | 12:54 |
tonyyarusso | pepsi: Well at least you're collecting data about the issue. I don't know how to help you though. | 12:54 |
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pepsi | i know :) | 12:55 |
Ng | M_Cheevy: the usplash package | 12:55 |
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M_Cheevy | Ng: it's installed | 12:55 |
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pl_ice | u guys installed xmms-wma ? couse my crashes on install | 12:55 |
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M_Cheevy | Ng: and I've run dpkg-reconfigure on it a number of times | 12:56 |
doosht | reconfigure xserver-xorg what next? | 12:57 |
sdrss | pl_ice, you were here where did Intel go? | 12:57 |
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M_Cheevy | Ng: isn't there some usplash= option? | 12:57 |
k31th | anyone think of any good ways to backup mass amounts of data ? | 12:57 |
pl_ice | hm, not sure i'm kinda working on somethin else... | 12:57 |
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M_Cheevy | Ng: is there something in the initramfs? | 12:58 |
bimberi | doosht: it asked you lots of questions? | 12:58 |
doosht | please...help! | 12:58 |
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sdrss | pl_ice, please its very imporant just check through yur scroll back PLZ | 12:58 |
pl_ice | hm, i've logged out /logged in ... | 12:58 |
pl_ice | hold on | 12:59 |
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Ng | M_Cheevy: I'm not sure, sorry | 12:59 |
sdrss | How can I tell lilo to look somewhere else for a lilo.conf? | 12:59 |
doosht | what frustrates me the most is that every single damn set of instructions you get about linux assumes you already know a slight amount...i.e how to run a command. I know how to do that now but the instructions need to be changed or it will never take off | 12:59 |
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sdrss | cause im in Knoppix and its read only, but we just did it somehow | 01:00 |
bimberi | doosht: are you following the FixVideoResolution page? | 01:00 |
tonyyarusso | k31th: How much? | 01:00 |
doosht | yes | 01:00 |
fastly | one thing about ubuntu that is starting to annoy my is that newer versions of packages are not accessible via the package management system | 01:00 |
fastly | i.e. i only have mysql 4.0.24 | 01:00 |
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bimberi | doosht: "After completion, close any open windows or programs you have running on your desktop and press CTRL-ALT-Backspace to restart X" | 01:00 |
fastly | and would prefer at least 4.1.9, or even 5 | 01:00 |
k31th | tonyyarusso: lots :D 500 gigs ? | 01:00 |
Ng | fastly: 4.1 is in breezy | 01:00 |
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fastly | hmm... how do i install it please? | 01:01 |
fastly | i have breezy | 01:01 |
Ng | enable the universe repository and install mysql-server-4.1 | 01:01 |
k31th | i need to get 50 gigs backed up as well and its to much data for a 40/80 tape i was thinking rsync ? | 01:01 |
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Ng | it's 4.1.12 | 01:01 |
tonyyarusso | k31th: Oh boy. | 01:01 |
M_Cheevy | bbias, gonna try something | 01:01 |
M_Cheevy | exit | 01:01 |
k31th | tonyyarusso: ?? | 01:01 |
tonyyarusso | k31th: Dual-layered DVDs? (If you have a burner.) | 01:02 |
k31th | thats wat 8 or 9 gigs | 01:02 |
sdrss | In a lilo conf should table be a part or a disk???? | 01:02 |
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Ng | about 8.4 | 01:02 |
tonyyarusso | k31th: Each, yeah. You'd need a lot still. | 01:02 |
k31th | dvds are not really accepted as a way of backing up | 01:02 |
tonyyarusso | k31th: How big do external hard drives come? | 01:02 |
k31th | as big as internal | 01:03 |
sdrss | ??? | 01:03 |
tonyyarusso | k31th: Which is? | 01:03 |
k31th | but a hard drive is not a very good way of backing up either :D | 01:03 |
fastly | how do i enable the universe repository? | 01:03 |
k31th | 300 gigs or more | 01:03 |
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fastly | is it there by default? | 01:03 |
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fastly | just needs to be uncommented or something? | 01:03 |
Siorai | No fastly | 01:03 |
k31th | thinking about just rsync'ing a couple of boxes off site and onsitte | 01:03 |
tonyyarusso | k31th: All right then, print off everything that's a document, and see how much is left. That out to be a fool-proof backup. | 01:03 |
pl_ice | sdrss sorry don't have him on logs | 01:03 |
asfra | Seveas, hi again, I logged into the kubuntu desktop, and now it reads the cd-rom.. So I guess the hardware is somewhat working, i know that my gnome is not in as it should, therefore i'm gonna install breezy.. do you have some thougts about why grub starts up and the cd-rom doesn't boot at start up? | 01:04 |
Siorai | It should be under the Synaptic Packedge thingee... | 01:04 |
k31th | tonyyarusso: wat ? | 01:04 |
tonyyarusso | k31th: Honestly, if none of those options are going to work for your purposes, I really don't know. | 01:04 |
k31th | there all cad drawings | 01:04 |
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sdrss | pl_ice, what about me?? | 01:04 |
tonyyarusso | k31th: Ah. | 01:04 |
sdrss | pl_ice, woulda been sdr something | 01:04 |
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bookofjude | Can you use mount to mount a .bin disk image? | 01:04 |
fastly | Siorai, what is it called? | 01:05 |
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pl_ice | sdrss i'm u/d bitchx bit hard to scroll :/ | 01:05 |
tonyyarusso | k31th: So if those aren't considered good ways of backing up, you must have gotten that opinion from somewhere, so what does your source suggest? | 01:05 |
Siorai | Synaptic Packedge Manager | 01:05 |
Siorai | Shuold be under system admin | 01:05 |
Hmmmm | anyone setup vservers on ubuntu breezy? | 01:05 |
fastly | i have a non-free multiverse repo called Ubuntu 5.10 Breezy Badger | 01:05 |
Siorai | I'm under gnome tho | 01:06 |
fastly | (Binary) | 01:06 |
fastly | i know how to find the gui | 01:06 |
Siorai | a nonfree multiverse? | 01:06 |
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fastly | just don't know if i have the correct repos | 01:06 |
Siorai | ... hehe, you might be beyond my help fastly | 01:06 |
fastly | can i download a file containing the best repos? | 01:06 |
fastly | surely the gui is just reading from some config file | 01:06 |
Siorai | *thinks* Shuold be possible | 01:06 |
Siorai | *nods* that would make logical sense | 01:07 |
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sdrss | WTF is /ETC read-only all the sudden in Knoppix, was just here and edited the /etc/lilo.conf | 01:07 |
sdrss | now it says read only????/ | 01:08 |
sdrss | Im confused | 01:08 |
ptlo | sdrss: maybe you don't have write permissions (ie. you're an ordinary user - use sudo) | 01:08 |
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fastly | ok sweet... there are separate packages for 4.1... | 01:09 |
sdrss | lol first off knoppix doesnt have sude, second off I am root | 01:09 |
sdrss | sudo | 01:09 |
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sdrss | well it does, but why would I use it, I am root in that tty, and its sayin /etc is read-only | 01:10 |
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sdrss | Ok how can I point lilo at a diff lilo.conf??? | 01:11 |
sdrss | anyone know? | 01:11 |
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Ng | sdrss: -C | 01:12 |
Ng | sdrss: but generally you should consult "lilo --help" or "man lilo" as these things are well documented :) | 01:12 |
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sdrss | Ng, ya thats how I found it, I didn Man lilo | 01:13 |
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Ng | :) | 01:14 |
Validdot | can someone tell me please when the next upgrade after breezy comes out? | 01:14 |
Ng | april | 01:14 |
Ng | releases are every 6 months | 01:14 |
catolh | Heya, i just used ndiswrapper to install a driver for my Topcom wireless usb stick, and now i am unsure what to do? i used ndiswrapper -l /driver/position.inf, then ndiswrapper -l, then -m and then i did modprobe ndiswrapper. i got no errors during this process, and now i am wondering on what to do next ? | 01:14 |
Validdot | april, thank you | 01:14 |
Validdot | Ubuntu is great, luck and a long live to Linus Torwal (the Master) bye | 01:15 |
catolh | i get the message that the driver is loaded and hardware is present, but i cant find the device under my Network settings? | 01:15 |
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pl_ice | catolh i think there is some good faq about it... try lspci or something to list them... | 01:16 |
martii | pl_ice: i got accounts | 01:17 |
martii | pl_ice: but the problem is that file perms are changed | 01:17 |
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tonyyarusso | Has anybody registered with ShipIt gotten Breezy CDs yet? | 01:17 |
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bettong_BOFH | does anyone know how to install the xfire plugin for gaim? | 01:17 |
catolh | pl_ice, it doesnt list it :o | 01:17 |
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bettong_BOFH | i found a website that has it but the instructions are really crappy | 01:17 |
pl_ice | martii ok, in the smb.conf there is option for mask, that will add /subtract premissions, this changes the premissions what u talk about | 01:17 |
pl_ice | catolh how about ifconfig ? | 01:18 |
martii | pl_ice: can I apply it just for one file(s) like with lock ? | 01:18 |
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mrtwister | hello, maybe mysql5 released? or still need to compile from source? | 01:18 |
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pl_ice | martii no, the mask works for every file that is being uploaded, not sure if u can do so individual(maybe... by creating additional seperate configs for each user) | 01:19 |
catolh | pl_ice, ifconfig lists my lo and eth0, no wlan0 | 01:20 |
bettong_BOFH | so anyone know? | 01:20 |
catolh | if i do ndiswrapper -l it says that the driver is installed and hardware is present | 01:20 |
Ng | mrtwister: there are no mysql5 ubuntu packages that I know of, but you can download the official binaries from mysql.com (this is better than compiling your own generally) | 01:20 |
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pl_ice | catolh did u search for exact name for ur wlan on google etc? i found that i needed not the original drivers, but some others ... | 01:21 |
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bettong_BOFH | so i gusse know one know >.< | 01:21 |
bettong_BOFH | shitty' | 01:21 |
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mrtwister | Ng: but what then about php - mysql support? | 01:22 |
catolh | pl_ice, well im using the winxp drivers atm | 01:22 |
pl_ice | catolh make sure these are the good ones ... i couldn't use u/d mine ... | 01:22 |
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rambo3 | did i miss anything on samba setup. couse i can stream movies, mp3 directly from smb server to Ubuntu desktop, but when i am on XP i get disconnected every 10 minutes, slow streaming and so on | 01:24 |
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catolh | pl_ice, ok.. but after i've done modprobe ndiswrapper, the device should be listed and work? | 01:25 |
pl_ice | rambo3 firewall ? ... on xp? | 01:25 |
rambo3 | yes , the xp one | 01:26 |
finn | catolh, try doing iwconfig to see if you have any wireless network devices | 01:26 |
bettong_BOFH | so has anyone used the xfire plugin for gaim? | 01:26 |
martii | pl_ice: checked manual wrile list i have = create mask | 01:26 |
pl_ice | catolh i've tried with other drivers and a modprobe etc was all ok, but nothin else worked, till i got other drivers | 01:26 |
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pl_ice | martii find it on ubuntuforums.org ? | 01:27 |
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martii | pl_ice: thanks for help I think I will handle that | 01:28 |
Chrisx11 | Hey how Do i extract a tar.gz file? | 01:28 |
pl_ice | rambo3 swith the firwall on xp ? might help ?... i had problems with xp, all for the firewall | 01:28 |
rambo3 | yeah i googled that now , thanks | 01:28 |
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Chrisx11 | Hey how Do i extract a tar.gz file? | 01:28 |
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pl_ice | Chrisx11 tar -xvvzf filename | 01:28 |
Chrisx11 | ty | 01:28 |
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juliux | hi have installed dapper flight2 but i dont get any gnome-panle i only get the messega that there is an other gnome-panel running but i dont see one. what can i do? | 01:29 |
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Moodles | I've got a problem with a fresh install on ubuntu, I had a error during the install process (something about not all packages installed), I try to load System->Administration->Networking, it asks for my networkadmin password, I punch it in, then nothing happens afterwards | 01:31 |
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pl_ice | Moodles i had that often :/ i edit file instead (pretty easy) /etc/network/interfaces | 01:32 |
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giorgos_ | sdl apps work without sound on my computer | 01:33 |
giorgos_ | why? | 01:33 |
Moodles | pl_ice: if my re-install doesn't work, i'll give that a shot | 01:33 |
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Moodles | i suspect this old 8x cdrom had buggered up my install.. I might try etherboot to install ubuntu | 01:34 |
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pl_ice | Moodles it's really easy to edit that file ;) but yeh give it a go! | 01:35 |
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fastly | what's better, evolution or thunderbird? | 01:35 |
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dragoon | !pate | 01:36 |
ubotu | dragoon: Did you get hit by a windmill? | 01:36 |
dragoon | !paste | 01:36 |
ubotu | paste is, like, please use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ or #flood to paste large amounts of text | 01:36 |
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tonyyarusso | fastly: I personally use Thunderbird, and from what I've seen of Evolution, would guess that Thunderbird is better if you just want an e-mail app, but if you want to whole organization suite, Evolution might be better. | 01:37 |
pluffsy | hello | 01:37 |
pl_ice | hi | 01:38 |
ndlovu | any suggestions about good security monitoring practice (advice/resources)? looking through /var/log/auth.log is quite scary! | 01:38 |
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pluffsy | I'm running 5.10. is it only I who have troubles with the new updates avalible-popupwindowthingie not usually going away when I click on it. veeery enoying to logout and login every time there are updates to remove it. | 01:38 |
pluffsy | it's like none of the two buttons/links in the window works (usually, sometimes they do) | 01:39 |
steri | where I can find if ubuntu supports my wlan card? | 01:39 |
catolh | seems like ndiswrapper doesnt support the topcom wireless usb stick.. bah, i was hoping to change to ubuntu :\ oh well, back to windows i guess | 01:39 |
pl_ice | catolh ;) | 01:40 |
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pl_ice | steri do a google search on it :D | 01:41 |
steri | :P answer is always google :P | 01:41 |
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pl_ice | that's how i did ;) check out the chipset on the card, then follow that | 01:41 |
ndlovu | steri: can also check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards | 01:42 |
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William | hey Ubuntu folks | 01:42 |
steri | ndlovu: that was the link I needed :) thx | 01:42 |
pl_ice | did u guys manage to get xmms and wma files to work? | 01:43 |
pl_ice | no noonono don't use that link! | 01:43 |
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pl_ice | it's too old! i bought card from that but the chipsets changed .... | 01:43 |
steri | my card is also old :P | 01:43 |
bimberi | pl_ice: if there's something wrong with the page you can edit it | 01:44 |
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pl_ice | bimberi yeh, why not, gimme the email to send corrections to ... or u can do it? | 01:44 |
zacch | hi, I changed my kernel image from 368 to 686 (because I have a Pentium 4), but this broke X somehow. The error is: libc_wrapper error: passed invalid FILE handle to xf86fprintf - what can I do? maybe it's a libc conflict (386/686), how can I make sure that only one is used? | 01:44 |
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Jowi | zacch: did you install the 686 restricted modules? | 01:45 |
zacch | Jowi: yes, nvidia module is loaded | 01:46 |
bimberi | pl_ice: it's a wiki, you can edit the pages in your browser - click on the Edit link to get started | 01:46 |
pl_ice | bimberi hm... don't tell me that :/ shit i'll do that... | 01:47 |
ndlovu | pl_ice: I think you need to create an account first, but that should be quick and painless | 01:47 |
pl_ice | bummer , i always make stupid mistakes :/ | 01:47 |
ndlovu | :) | 01:47 |
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Morg | Why isn't Firefox 1.5 available via Synaptic yet? | 01:50 |
ndlovu | how do I get a log file to update directly to my terminal output? So new lines are instantly shown on my screen... | 01:51 |
Jowi | zacch: ok. hmmm, so you're running vesa now? | 01:51 |
hypn0 | i was just abt to ask too Morg :-) | 01:51 |
zacch | zacch: I'm currently on 386 again to have a working X and investigate, but I found nothing on google except the source code of the Xorg code that prints the error message | 01:52 |
zacch | (I mean Jowi, not zacch) | 01:52 |
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Jowi | zacch: same here. does x work in 686 with the vesa driver? | 01:52 |
zacch | Jowi: I have libc6, both 386 and 686 maybe that causes confusion - do you know how this can be set? | 01:52 |
Jowi | zacch: nope, no idea | 01:53 |
zacch | Jowi: I did not try that. | 01:53 |
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bimberi | !firefox15 | 01:53 |
ubotu | firefox15 is, like, totally, see the wiki at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion for information on how to install Firefox 1.5 from mozilla.org | 01:54 |
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gtk2 | anyone know why breezy has such an old version of dbus | 01:54 |
gtk2 | ? | 01:54 |
tonyyarusso | Can I set a time for a command to be executed, kind of like when I say shutdown -h 16:30? | 01:54 |
Jowi | tonyyarusso: man crontab :) | 01:55 |
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tonyyarusso | Jowi: Thanks. | 01:55 |
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Jowi | tonyyarusso: man cron as well. but "crontab -e" to edit for user. "sudo crontab -e" to edit for "root" | 01:57 |
tonyyarusso | Yeah, I saw the see also at the bottom, and checked that out. | 01:57 |
Jowi | tonyyarusso: loads of option to choose from. and not super easy to explain over irc (for me at least) | 01:57 |
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tonyyarusso | Jowi: All I need for now is where to look; I'll come back if I have a question. Thanks. | 01:58 |
Jowi | tonyyarusso: best is to search google for "crontab examples" | 01:58 |
Jowi | tonyyarusso: no probs | 01:58 |
tonyyarusso | Okay, I should really get ready for the day....see you all. | 01:58 |
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ejofee | if i add a sources repo, why can't i find it in synaptic? | 02:00 |
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Ophiocus | ejofee did you hit reload in synaptic? | 02:01 |
HymnToLife | ejofee > click "Reload" | 02:01 |
Jowi | ejofee: reload the list | 02:01 |
=== HymnToLife is listening to Scene Four : Beyond This Life by Dream Theater [11:23 - released 1999 on the album Scenes From A Memory] | ||
HighHopes | Hello folks! I am trying to install Nvidia for Xorg in my Ubuntu Breezy 5.10 and I couldn't. I have a GeForce2 MX-400... What can I do? | 02:02 |
Goshawk | what about breezy in a laptop with a projector? the projector shows a screwed image.. | 02:02 |
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pl_ice | bye bye | 02:03 |
Jowi | HighHopes: which package did you install? | 02:03 |
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HighHopes | Jowi: I installed: nvidia-glx - linux-restricted-modules-2.6.12-10-k7 (I have an Athlon CPU) | 02:04 |
Jowi | HighHopes: "apt-cache search geforce2" shows some options, for example linux-restricted-modules-2.6.12-9-386-nvidia-legacy | 02:04 |
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ndlovu | tail -f is what I was looking for (get a log file to update directly to my terminal output) | 02:05 |
HighHopes | Jowi, I also tried with linux-restricted-modules-2.6.12-10-k7-nvidia-legacy but the screen blanks when X loads | 02:05 |
=== Control^D [n=Control@ibm12.iit.uni-miskolc.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jowi | HighHopes: did you try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" after it was installed? | 02:06 |
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HighHopes | Jowi, yes... and in dpkg-reconfigure I chose nvidia and optimal frequencies for my monitor (that work without nvidia driver very well) | 02:07 |
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Jowi | HighHopes: did you check xorg.conf after that was done? sometimes the monitor refresh rates are commented out after the reconfigure for some reason | 02:08 |
HighHopes | Jowi, let's see that :-) | 02:08 |
ejofee | Jowi, HymnToLife, Ophiocus: i did reload the list. also, i "apt-get update"d it. | 02:08 |
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Jowi | ejofee: any errors when "apt-get update"ing? for example, "can not reach.." or "failed to connect..." | 02:09 |
HighHopes | What is the keyboard way to copy-paste from xterm's to other apps equivalent to middle mouse button? | 02:10 |
HighHopes | What is the keyboard way to copy-paste from xterm's to other apps equivalent to middle mouse button? Is there any keystroke? | 02:10 |
Jowi | HighHopes: normal xterm: mark, switch to other app, middle-click | 02:10 |
Jowi | HighHopes: normal xterm does not have that keyboard way | 02:11 |
Jowi | gnome-terminal should | 02:11 |
Jowi | shift-ctrl-c, shift-ctrl-v | 02:11 |
HighHopes | Jowi: I use aterm... is some possibility to use a keystroke? I love to use keyboard for apps as much as possible | 02:11 |
HighHopes | Jowi, Oh.. let's try. | 02:11 |
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bda | hallo, cold I upgrade ubuntu 4.10 to 5.10? | 02:12 |
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HighHopes | Jowi, nop... nothing :( I'm with fluxbox | 02:12 |
HighHopes | Jowi, nop... nothing :( I'm with fluxbox + aterm | 02:12 |
mwe | I guess so, bda | 02:12 |
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bda | how :) ? | 02:13 |
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olicat | does anyone know what "dtd" means? in terms of passwords/email | 02:13 |
Jowi | maybe aterm has options. try ctrl-left/right/middle click | 02:13 |
MiserereNobis | can you recommend a good wav2mp3 encoder? | 02:13 |
Jowi | !tell bda about breezyupgrade | 02:13 |
olicat | sorry, that should be: does anyone know what "dft" means? in terms of passwords/email | 02:13 |
SpO|Teaze|Afk | hello, can someone here help me to remove/format my ubuntu hard drive so that I may use it through windows, once again. | 02:13 |
mwe | bda: I can't promise it will work, but I'd try following the directions for upgrading from hoary | 02:13 |
mwe | !breezy | 02:13 |
ubotu | The guide to upgrading to breezy (5.10) is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade | 02:13 |
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=== HymnToLife is listening to Scene Five : Through Her Eyes by Dream Theater [5:29 - released 1999 on the album Scenes From A Memory] | ||
Jowi | bda: one advice though. remove openoffice before you begin | 02:14 |
mwe | bda: to be safe backup vital stuff first | 02:14 |
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SpO|Teaze|Afk | anyone? | 02:15 |
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Moodles | i need to install ubuntu through the network, any ideas? I tried rom-o-matic but i can't seem to setup DHCP and TFTP servers :( | 02:15 |
ljburritos | i'm having trouble with my audio/video being out of sync...? | 02:15 |
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Jowi | SpO|Teaze|Afk: gparted | 02:16 |
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ljburritos | an suggestions? | 02:17 |
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ljburritos | i'm using mplayer and xmms same thing on both | 02:17 |
mwe | SpO|Teaze|Afk: You have a drive with ubuntu on it, and now you want it as a second windows drive instead? | 02:17 |
SpO|Teaze|Afk | yep | 02:17 |
Jowi | ljburritos: try "-vo xv -ao alsa" or "-vo sdl" | 02:17 |
ljburritos | ok | 02:17 |
mwe | SpO|Teaze|Afk: doesn't format d: or whatever the drive is in windows work? | 02:18 |
ljburritos | may i ask what that does? | 02:18 |
HighHopes | Do you know what is the vim full syntax-hightlighting package? | 02:18 |
SpO|Teaze|Afk | Wellark: windows cannot see the drive at all as it's an ubuntu mount | 02:18 |
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SpO|Teaze|Afk | well* | 02:18 |
=== Djrom [n=Admin@dau94-4-82-229-166-160.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jowi | ljburritos: mplayer -vo selects video output. normally mplayer uses x11. xv is quicker for displaying video | 02:18 |
ljburritos | awesome... thanks! | 02:19 |
Jowi | ljburritos: mplayer -vo help for more | 02:19 |
ljburritos | do you know of a good site with a list of terminal commands like that? i'd like to read up. | 02:19 |
=== IP-Stream [n=fds@bspark2dsl.claranet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HighHopes | Jowi, I pasted my xorg.conf modified by "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" in http://pastebin.com/466550 ... could you read it? | 02:19 |
Jowi | ljburritos: normally "man command" will give you plenty | 02:19 |
IP-Stream | You Bun Two | 02:19 |
SpO|Teaze|Afk | Jowi: I don't follow, do I just type gparted into the console? I have ubuntu, installed as I thought it may be worth it, but to be honest, everything I use is on windows, so it's pointless taking up another drive... so, i'm not too familiar with the commands.. | 02:19 |
Jowi | HighHopes: let's see | 02:20 |
none | hi I'm still trying to get my dvd player to work, I wonder if not having a region set matters?? Can anyone help, I been on this for days | 02:20 |
bookofjude | ljburritos: http://www.mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/man/en/mplayer.1.html | 02:20 |
mwe | SpO|Teaze|Afk: the windows fdisk doesn't see the drive either? | 02:20 |
ljburritos | bookofjude: thanks | 02:20 |
ljburritos | Jowi: thanks for the help! | 02:21 |
none | Anyone know about region settings? | 02:21 |
Jowi | SpO|Teaze|Afk: i misunderstood. look for a partition manager for windows, or fdisk for windows | 02:21 |
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SpO|Teaze|Afk | hmm ok, but it isn't a partition.. | 02:21 |
mwe | SpO|Teaze|Afk: I think fdisk in windows is supposed to see the drive | 02:22 |
Jowi | SpO|Teaze|Afk: fdisk can handle it | 02:22 |
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SpO|Teaze|Afk | ok, just need to find fdisk now.. thanks | 02:22 |
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mwe | SpO|Teaze|Afk: just type fdisk in a command line window | 02:22 |
SpO|Teaze|Afk | ahh, heh thanks | 02:23 |
Jowi | SpO|Teaze|Afk: fdisk should come with the basic windows install. just type fdisk in a command-prompt in windows | 02:23 |
=== IP-Stream gets to know SpO|Teaze|Afk | ||
Jowi | HighHopes: it look good | 02:23 |
SpO|Teaze|Afk | not a recognised command :/ | 02:23 |
HighHopes | Jowi, I don't need to remove no modules in " modules " section ? | 02:24 |
Jowi | SpO|Teaze|Afk: find a windows support channel :) | 02:24 |
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SpO|Teaze|Afk | yerah, it's weird, I thought I would have it, wouldn't this be a lot easier to do through ubuntu though? | 02:24 |
bettong_BOFH | is there a way to get gkrellm to spit out fan speeds and temps for my motherboard? | 02:24 |
Jowi | HighHopes: not that i can see | 02:24 |
ejofee | Jowi: absolutely no error. | 02:25 |
Jowi | SpO|Teaze|Afk: you can not change a disk you are using. so if you use ubuntu you will not be able to make any changes to the ubuntu disk | 02:25 |
ejofee | Jowi: (sorry, i was afk) | 02:25 |
HighHopes | Jowi, I installed nvidia-glx-legacy and linux-restricted-modules-2.6.12-10-k7-nvidia-legacy ... so I'll restart Xorg.. If it doesn't work I'll be here in a while (I'll need some time to fix it and be able to read something at my screen, hehe) | 02:25 |
HighHopes | BRB | 02:26 |
SpO|Teaze|Afk | oh, I thought you could format it, like you can with a windows disk, my mistake | 02:26 |
-IP-Stream:#ubuntu- hi everyone how are you all | 02:26 | |
Jowi | SpO|Teaze|Afk: nope. same thing in windows. you can not format the C drive if you're using it. | 02:26 |
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SpO|Teaze|Afk | that's weird, because I have done just that in the past :s | 02:26 |
bettong_BOFH | is there a way to get gkrellm to spit out temps and such for my motherboard? | 02:26 |
IP-Stream | how do i get sperm out of my keyboard | 02:27 |
ejofee | Jowi: maybe seveas has no sources? | 02:27 |
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SpO|Teaze|Afk | oh, maybe not, maybe it was windows interacting with the motherboard, or whatever it was :s, sorry | 02:27 |
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SpO|Teaze|Afk | can't ubuntu do the same thing though? | 02:27 |
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hubba2 | whats better, debian sarge or this new ubuntu server releasE? | 02:27 |
Jowi | ejofee: no idea :-) | 02:28 |
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ejofee | Jowi: i am almost sure seveas only has a repo for sources, but no sources in it :) | 02:28 |
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HighHopes | Jowi, It worked very well! THANK YOU! | 02:28 |
=== M_Cheevy [n=mcheevy@218-101-27-42.dsl.clear.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | ejofee, ? | 02:28 |
Jowi | ejofee: i haven't tested his repos so i don't know | 02:28 |
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Jowi | HighHopes: you're welcome :) | 02:28 |
Seveas | ejofee, sources for what? | 02:28 |
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frogzoo | hubba2: breezy is the latest stable | 02:29 |
ejofee | Seveas: are you... seveas?! | 02:29 |
bekoeppel | hi | 02:29 |
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Seveas | ejofee, yes | 02:29 |
ejofee | Seveas: didn't know seveas was ... somebody :) | 02:29 |
Seveas | hehe | 02:30 |
ejofee | Seveas: well, i can access no sources of the packages | 02:30 |
hubba2 | frogzoo, i just read an article about a new server release | 02:30 |
Xappe | how do I check wich process is holding the cd drive when it won't umount? (even with the -f flag) | 02:30 |
Seveas | which packages? | 02:30 |
frogzoo | fuser -c | 02:30 |
M_Cheevy | what's the module to include in an initramfs if you're trying to get usplash to work with a nvidia geforce4 card? | 02:30 |
hubba2 | frogzoo, is that just the "server" boot option install of Breezy?? not a seperate cd set or anything right? | 02:31 |
frogzoo | yep hubba2 | 02:31 |
ejofee | Seveas: it's not that i need any. i am a newbye, all i needed is to test how the equivalent of a rpm.src worked in synaptic... so i added -src to the seveas deb repo and... nothing was added on reload | 02:31 |
Seveas | ejofee, it works differnetly | 02:31 |
Seveas | ejofee, apt-get install foo install the package | 02:32 |
frogzoo | ejofee: can't add rpms to repos | 02:32 |
hubba2 | frogzoo, so is ubuntu compatible with all the debian packages?.....or did they take every single debian package and ubuntize it? | 02:32 |
ejofee | Seveas: but i should have seen some changes to the total number of packages, right? | 02:32 |
Seveas | apt-get source foo downloads the source | 02:32 |
Seveas | no | 02:32 |
ejofee | Seveas: (in synaptic) | 02:32 |
Seveas | source rpms are a concept broken bu design | 02:32 |
Seveas | in debian/ubuntu source and binary packages are closely related | 02:32 |
HighHopes | I have another issue : I can't get my "Mod4" (Windoze) key to work... | 02:32 |
frogzoo | hubba2: the debs are "ubuntised" - package mgt can get borked by mix & matching | 02:32 |
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ejofee | Seveas: i think i don't understand | 02:33 |
hubba2 | borked | 02:33 |
Seveas | ejofee, in ubuntu you don't make separate source debs | 02:33 |
hubba2 | is that in the dictionary | 02:33 |
BooZee | how can I configure the headers sent by postfix ? | 02:33 |
Seveas | ejofee, debs are created from sources | 02:33 |
frogzoo | hubba2: $5 says yes | 02:33 |
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ejofee | Seveas: do you mean the source is... included in a deb package?! | 02:34 |
bettong_BOFH | is gdesklets any good? | 02:34 |
Seveas | ejofee, no | 02:34 |
Jowi | HighHopes: you're using gnome? | 02:34 |
Seveas | ejofee, come to #ubuntu-offtopic and I'll explain | 02:34 |
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HighHopes | Jowi, No, I'm using fluxbox... I think it could be related to pc104 keyboard layout in xorg.conf ... what do you think? | 02:35 |
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Jowi | HighHopes: I was wondering the same myself actually. i know that in gnome you activate it in gnome-keybinding/keyboard-properties. | 02:36 |
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HighHopes | Jowi, I had a previous installation of Ubuntu (Server mode) + Fluxbox + Xorg + Rox and Mod4 worked fine... :( I don't know why it doesn't work now... | 02:37 |
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HighHopes | Jowi, Oh! I'm looking at "xev" and when I press Mod4 it says "Super_L" | 02:37 |
Jowi | HighHopes: yeah, seems like the keypress is registered at least. now we need to bind it with something | 02:38 |
munzir | hi gurus! I see 2 packages in synatpic for flashplayer mozilla plugin one labeled nonfree, which one shall I download? | 02:38 |
Goshawk | I need help configuring my pc for external display output | 02:38 |
HighHopes | Jowi, Look at my modmap at http://pastebin.com/466560 | 02:39 |
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Jowi | HighHopes: same as mine | 02:40 |
sowdog | heya, I need some help with ubuntu. I don't know if it's ubuntu specific. Networking in ubuntu doesn't seem to work. Booting into windows is fine(dhcp) is fine. Ubuntu static and dhcp doesn't work | 02:40 |
Jowi | HighHopes: so probably a fluxbox setting if you wish to use it | 02:40 |
BooZee | how can I configure the headers sent by postfix ? | 02:41 |
HighHopes | Jowi, Yes... I'm playing with ~/.fluxbox/keys | 02:41 |
Jowi | sowdog: networking = ethernet cable with only one nic connected to router? | 02:42 |
HighHopes | Jowi, good! .. finally it worked.. Mmmm... I had a typo in my ~/.fluxbox/keys ... sorry! I hope not to be disturbing with those issues. | 02:42 |
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Jowi | HighHopes: np | 02:42 |
Jowi | :) | 02:42 |
sowdog | pinging google.com works. nslookup google.com is correct. Trying to connect to googl.com doesn't work.Sticking in the ip address works | 02:42 |
HymnToLife | sowdog > then it's some DNS problem | 02:43 |
Jowi | sowdog: if pinging works then you're set. DNS maybe | 02:43 |
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sowdog | HymnToLife, Jowi : but nslookup works | 02:43 |
HymnToLife | or something wrong in your browser's parameters | 02:44 |
Jowi | sowdog: well, if pinging and dns work, then have a look at your browser. | 02:44 |
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=== HymnToLife is listening to Scene Eight : The Spirit Carries On by Dream Theater [6:38 - released 1999 on the album Scenes From A Memory] | ||
frogzoo | sowdog s/googl.com/google.com | 02:44 |
Jowi | sowdog: maybe you've set up a proxy | 02:44 |
Jowi | need to eat. bbl | 02:45 |
sowdog | HymnToLife, Jowi : Neither does my gaim or synaptic. | 02:45 |
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sowdog | frogzoo: my bad | 02:45 |
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frogzoo | sowdog: so it's working then? | 02:46 |
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sowdog | frogzoo:nope, everything is b0rked when i stick in a URL | 02:46 |
frogzoo | sowdog: you behind a proxy? | 02:47 |
munzir | hi gurus! I see 2 packages in synatpic for flashplayer mozilla plugin one labeled flashplayer-mozilla and another flashplayer-nonfree, which one shall I download? | 02:47 |
frogzoo | sowdog - try "telnet www.google.com 80" & see if you get a connection... | 02:47 |
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sowdog | frogzoo:I get a connection, i don't know if it's from google | 02:48 |
ndlovu | can anyone tell me if there's a good security howto for ubuntu yet? I know it's secure by default and all that, but I'd rather know why than have a false sense of security | 02:49 |
frogzoo | sowdog: you haven't configd a proxy inside ff by mistake? | 02:49 |
sowdog | frogzoo: inside ff? | 02:49 |
keron | munzir, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 02:49 |
frogzoo | firefox | 02:49 |
sowdog | frogzoo:Naw, my gaim and synaptic is borking too. I don't know. Maybe ive configured the router to proxy? | 02:50 |
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frogzoo | sowdog: more likely it's nat on the router | 02:50 |
skar | hi, i need to run gentoo inside ubuntu inside a vserver, but when i run "vserver newgen start" it says "No command given; use '--help' for more information." | 02:51 |
skar | any idea where i went wrong? | 02:51 |
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sowdog | frogzoo: looks that way otherwise they'd block of my ping right? | 02:51 |
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frogzoo | sowdog: do you have access lists anywhere on the router? firewall? | 02:51 |
hmpedersen | afternoon | 02:52 |
meheren | what is the apt-get uninstall command? | 02:52 |
frogzoo | sowdog: well ping IP works, does ping www.yahoo.com work? | 02:52 |
sowdog | frogzoo:I think i've turned off the router firewall and i don't have an access list. I'm going to turn off the router's "easy connect" to see if anything works | 02:52 |
melonipoika | hi, i read that ubuntu includes "ntfsresize", but when installing it from the cd, i don't remember to have seen any option to do it, anyone knows where is that option exactly? | 02:52 |
sowdog | frogzoo:thanks for the patience and the ideas ;) | 02:52 |
meheren | does anybody know the apt-get uninstall command? | 02:52 |
frogzoo | meheren: man apt-get ? | 02:53 |
hmpedersen | meheren, apt-get remove | 02:53 |
meheren | ok | 02:53 |
=== GameCat [n=Jude@cpc4-nthc1-4-0-cust149.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
melonipoika | isn't it apt-get remove? | 02:53 |
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Dido- | !rar | 02:53 |
ubotu | rar is, like, totally, a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression#head-32ba956d13d49934f65bf67dd40646653a7a6140 | 02:53 |
meheren | alright thx | 02:53 |
GameCat | hi - anyone in who knows about the hotplug system? | 02:53 |
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frogzoo | GameCat: noone :D | 02:53 |
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HymnToLife | !hotplug | 02:53 |
ubotu | HymnToLife: Bugger all, i dunno | 02:53 |
GameCat | frogzoo: or at least not you :) | 02:53 |
skar | hmmm, anybody running a vserver inside ubuntu at least? | 02:53 |
noone | No i dont know.. | 02:53 |
HymnToLife | even ubotu doesn't | 02:53 |
=== noone is now known as hmpedersen | ||
frogzoo | GameCat: just tell us what is the problem | 02:54 |
GameCat | it works fine for the main user, but won't let anyone else use USB devices | 02:54 |
GameCat | main user as in UID 1000 - the one created at install | 02:54 |
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mebsd | !apt-get | 02:54 |
ubotu | it has been said that apt-get is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AptGetHowTo/ | 02:54 |
frogzoo | GameCat: try this command on main user 'groups' - then you'll see your problem | 02:54 |
melonipoika | i need to install ubuntu in a laptop without cd, so i first need to make some room... anyone can help? | 02:55 |
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GameCat | frogzoo: I will, ta... | 02:55 |
HymnToLife | without CD ? | 02:55 |
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melonipoika | yes | 02:55 |
melonipoika | i have flopy, and lan | 02:55 |
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sowdog | frogzoo, Thanks, back in business. Router was trying to be too helpful. Slashdot.org still doesn't resolve though | 02:55 |
manoj_ | wewe | 02:56 |
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frogzoo | sowdog: do any URLs resolve? eg www.yahoo.com? www.slashdot.org ? | 02:56 |
hmpedersen | sowdog, yeah.. routers tend to be a lil more helpful than they should.. | 02:56 |
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manoj_ | Help, my ubuntu cannot see my windows machine on LAN | 02:56 |
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HymnToLife | melonipoika > and what exactly i the problem ? | 02:57 |
sowdog | frogzoo, All except slashdot.org, i keep getting some doubleclick advertising server. Might be cached | 02:57 |
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melonipoika | well, i need to resize the existing windows partition, and i found that ubuntu includes ntfresize, so that you can use it during installation | 02:58 |
frogzoo | sowdog: shift + reload help? | 02:58 |
deicidus | hi everyone. should i use LVM for my ubuntu install? | 02:58 |
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melonipoika | i want to know where is that option, because i have never seen it before | 02:58 |
munzir | keron, thanks a lot for the tip. Though this is very strange! It says I need flashplayer-mozilla since the nonfree version is for the old 5.04! Is this what you mean? i thought synaptic should only show relevant packages to my ubuntu version! | 02:58 |
frogzoo | deicidus: not unless you know what you're doing, no | 02:58 |
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mjr | deicidus, if you don't know, and especially if you're installing a desktop rather than a server machine, probably not | 02:58 |
HymnToLife | melonipoika > really ? | 02:59 |
HymnToLife | never saw it... | 02:59 |
melonipoika | ok | 02:59 |
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antisocial_boris | hi, i just aptitude installed lynx to check it out, how do i get it running? | 02:59 |
sowdog | frogzoo, who's good looking? You are ! worked, | 02:59 |
deicidus | ok, thanks a lot. partitions are annoying but if it could cause problems to a newbie like me i wont do it | 02:59 |
frogzoo | munzir: u sure you don't have old hoary repos still? | 02:59 |
Dido- | i cannot open the link ubotu gave about !rar, is there any apt-get thing that someone could tell me | 02:59 |
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melonipoika | so i guess i will need to find it somewhere else... | 02:59 |
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frogzoo | sowdog: k, ff's cache was borked- it happens | 03:00 |
mjr | deicidus, newbies should solve the problem by having one large partition, and possibly another for swap | 03:00 |
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HymnToLife | melonipoika > if you can get your hand on a Mandrake/Mandriva install cd | 03:00 |
Jowi_away | antisocial_boris: lynx www.google.com | 03:00 |
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HymnToLife | it i available in there (the only reason I keep my old Mandrake 10.0 CDs :p) | 03:00 |
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deicidus | mjr: ok, thanks | 03:00 |
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munzir | frogzoo, definitely this a fresh install of ubuntu 5.10 and I just enabled the repositories mentioned in ubuntu synaptic, any chance i still can have the old version?! | 03:01 |
Mr | #ubuntu_pt | 03:01 |
HymnToLife | deicidus > and another for /home is better imo | 03:01 |
hmpedersen | Right.. In a moment im gonna know, if it works.. Allmost done installing ubuntu amd64 on pc.. | 03:01 |
melonipoika | but my problem is that the cd unit is broken in the laptop i want to nstall it... so i need to use if either from usb, floppy or lan... | 03:01 |
HymnToLife | oh yeah... | 03:01 |
Dido- | i cannot open the link ubotu gave about !rar, is there any apt-get thing that someone could tell me | 03:02 |
frogzoo | munzir: not from a clean 5.10 install, no | 03:02 |
hmpedersen | melonipoika, do you have a usb cd? | 03:02 |
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HymnToLife | well if you have LAN, the best way would be to save your data on another box and reformat erything | 03:02 |
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melonipoika | i could get one, ys | 03:02 |
melonipoika | is it possible to boot from it? | 03:02 |
Xappe | Dido-: apt-get install unrar-nonfree I guess, if the thing you want is to be able to unrar | 03:03 |
GameCat | frogzoo: checked the groups, but don't think it helps - it was working for all users until I added another hdd to the computer (which isn't mounted at all when booted to linux) - any other ideas? | 03:03 |
HymnToLife | if your motherboard supports it | 03:03 |
hmpedersen | If your laptop supports booting from usb-cdrom.. | 03:03 |
munzir | frogzoo, wait! one is called flashplayer-mozilla the other is flashplugin-nonfree (I thought they are both flashplayer) | 03:03 |
melonipoika | ok, i have to check that | 03:03 |
melonipoika | thanks for the idea | 03:03 |
hmpedersen | np | 03:03 |
=== willii [n=xstation@82-44-98-94.cable.ubr04.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
frogzoo | !tell munzir about flash | 03:03 |
hmpedersen | I allways use my usb dvd-rw when installing :) | 03:03 |
willii | hi all | 03:03 |
Mr | #unbutu_br | 03:03 |
sowdog | Is there a repository for very new packages? Like a debian unstable? | 03:04 |
melonipoika | i also foun this, i don't know if it is easier or more difficult... http://marc.herbert.free.fr/linux/win2linstall.html have you ever used this? | 03:04 |
willii | somebody told there was a ssh gui in notalis but cannot find it | 03:04 |
frogzoo | GameCat: there will be error messages in /var/log/messages | 03:04 |
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Dido- | Xappe, yep, exactly but ... see what it said Package unrar-nonfree is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 03:04 |
GameCat | frogzoo: first place i looked - no errors shown | 03:04 |
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hmpedersen | hmm.. Never seen ubuntu install ask which resolutions i want.. | 03:05 |
hmpedersen | Not untill now.. | 03:05 |
HymnToLife | Dido- > use synaptic an do a search for "unrar" | 03:05 |
Xappe | Dido-: do you have universe enabled? | 03:05 |
munzir | frogzoo, I didn't understand what ubotu is telling me. He is saying RestrictedFormats are replaced by FreeFormats! what does he/it means? | 03:05 |
frogzoo | GameCat: & you have tried a reboot? | 03:05 |
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_jeff | my sound fails after suspend to RAM. Is there any solution? | 03:06 |
frogzoo | munzir: ubuntu hopes to replace all the proprietary stuff with free formats - but the restricted flash player will probably give you best milage atm | 03:06 |
Dido- | HymnToLife, thanks :)" it workd | 03:06 |
frogzoo | GameCat: cold boot that is | 03:06 |
GameCat | frogzoo: yeah, it's been a week since the new hdd, and no joy - machine is turned off at night | 03:06 |
HymnToLife | Dido- > np :) | 03:07 |
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=== bSON [n=denis@p5482A9E4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dido- | HymnToLife, idea how to reaload the settings now? | 03:07 |
munzir | frogzoo, which one is the restricted? the flashplayer-mozilla? why then it's mentioned for Ubuntu 5.04 (Hoary) | 03:07 |
munzir | sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree | 03:07 |
munzir | for Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy) | 03:07 |
munzir | sudo apt-get install flashplayer-mozilla | 03:07 |
HymnToLife | I don't see the point in using apt-get anyway, synaptic does exactly the same thing | 03:07 |
bSON | i | 03:07 |
bSON | hi | 03:07 |
HymnToLife | Dido- > which settings ? | 03:08 |
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Dido- | it's faster and you dont need to click on ok's, apply's etc. ;] | 03:08 |
Dido- | HymnToLife, about unrar | 03:08 |
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hmpedersen | !easybreezy | 03:08 |
ubotu | [easybreezy] a script that automates the installation of many problematic packages such as codecs and the NVidia driver. It is now merged with EasyUbuntu, under that name. See also !easyubuntu, #easyubuntu and https://launchpad.net/products/easyubuntu. | 03:08 |
frogzoo | GameCat: idea - are both these disks IDE on the same channel? if so, might be jumpering problem - slave/master? | 03:08 |
Dido- | HymnToLife, when i tried now to open .rar , when got it installed doesnt work | 03:09 |
bSON | is ubuntu still not configuring a root password when installed? | 03:09 |
hmpedersen | You can install rar and alot of other stuff with easybreezy | 03:09 |
HymnToLife | and which Seveas doesn't like :p | 03:09 |
Renski | bSON: no | 03:09 |
GameCat | frogzoo: the new disk is a sata, the usb is a thumbdrive | 03:09 |
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Renski | bSON: however, I find it quite neat, as I run ubuntu on my lappy | 03:10 |
hmpedersen | Dido-, the easiest way to get rar is with easybreezy.. | 03:10 |
GameCat | frogzoo: but the usb loads as sdb1 for the main user - when anyonme else plugs in it still shows on the desktop, but clicking gets error about sdb1 not existing | 03:10 |
bSON | Renski: that means you use your personal password for admin things? | 03:10 |
frogzoo | GameCat: oh - looks like the one user can access the thumb drive - & other users fail perms for some reason & the rest of hotplug craps out - I'm guessing here | 03:10 |
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=== HymnToLife is listening to Goodbye & Good Riddance To Bad by AC/DC [3:16 - released 1990 on the album The Razors Edge] | ||
Renski | yeah | 03:11 |
Madpilot | bSON: yes - use sudo rather than a root user | 03:11 |
Renski | Whats the point in having two passwords if your the only person using it | 03:11 |
GameCat | frogzoo: one user can indeed use the usb socket for stuff, all others fail, with thumbdrives/removable hdds/CF reader (all the stuff i have to test) | 03:11 |
Dido- | humm i searched easybreezy in synapic but the easybreezy is empty.. | 03:11 |
bSON | ok, i think that's ok with me | 03:11 |
Renski | You'll get used to it | 03:11 |
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GameCat | frogzoo: it's not JUST the thumbdrive, and it's very annoying :/ | 03:12 |
HymnToLife | Renski > afaik if there's only one user, there's onnly one password | 03:12 |
hmpedersen | !tell dido- about easybreezy | 03:12 |
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HymnToLife | (ecept root) | 03:12 |
Renski | HymnToLife: so that would be two | 03:12 |
HymnToLife | well, if you don't use the root account on a daily basis, it's for a reason | 03:12 |
HymnToLife | !root | 03:12 |
ubotu | from memory, root is rumour has it, that root is disabled in Ubuntu, actually this means there is no password set for the root account, use sudo when you need admin access, you can read all about it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo | 03:12 |
Dido- | hmpedersen, i cant open ubotu links for some reson.. | 03:12 |
bSON | i'm thinking about switching to ubuntu... but everytime i download an 5.10 ISO, the md5sum doesn't match! | 03:13 |
hmpedersen | Dido- right click the link.. | 03:13 |
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bSON | i'm trying it the sixth time now... | 03:13 |
Dido- | lol | 03:13 |
Dido- | i cant download from sites | 03:13 |
Dido- | ;) | 03:13 |
Xappe | Dido-: enable universe and install unrar-nonfree , I think that's quite straight forward | 03:13 |
HymnToLife | Dido- > how come ? | 03:13 |
Madpilot | bSON: use BitTorrent - it does the error checking for you | 03:13 |
bSON | that's an idea... thanks :) | 03:14 |
quacker | hey Madpilot know any Madbombers? | 03:14 |
hmpedersen | I still dont get it.. -WHEN- did i get konqueror?!? | 03:14 |
=== HymnToLife is listening to The White Room by Pinnella, Michael [5:23 - released 2004 on the album Enter By The Twelfth Gate] | ||
dabaR | You know what is annoying? The last dist-upgrade hangs on both of my computers. Then I have to interrupt it, and run dpkg --configure -a | 03:14 |
Dido- | HymnToLife, dont know, the browser is all white.. | 03:14 |
Madpilot | quacker: good morning, you redneck :D | 03:14 |
HymnToLife | hmpedersen > your box got taken over by KDE :evil: | 03:14 |
HymnToLife | Dido- > tried right click > Save link as ? | 03:15 |
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quacker | get a jawb, you phrJ3aK | 03:15 |
hmpedersen | hymntolife, well.. i reinstalled after trying kde.. to prevent stuff like this :( | 03:15 |
Dido- | Xappe, dont know how to do that.. i enabled everything which includes universe and multiverse in synapic, shouldnt this do it ? | 03:15 |
HymnToLife | lol | 03:15 |
Xappe | Dido-: it should...have you done apt-get update? | 03:16 |
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dabaR | Xappe: non-free packages are in multiverse. | 03:16 |
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Dido- | HymnToLife, cant get your poing... but when i enter https://wiki.ubuntu.com//RestrictedFormats in mozilla simply it doesnt load anything | 03:16 |
hmpedersen | Well.. I dont feel like writing the image to my cd-rw again.. Guess ill wait to see if those free ubuntu discs i ordered arrive.. | 03:17 |
Dido- | Xappe, yes, but let me do this now again | 03:17 |
dabaR | Dido-: clean your cache. turn off your firewall. | 03:17 |
wingo | hullo, i'm trying to file a bug on "check" but I don't see a product for it either in malone or in b.u.o | 03:17 |
wingo | *b.u.c | 03:17 |
hmpedersen | ordered/requested | 03:17 |
wingo | anyone know how to file a bug on it? it's in universe i think | 03:17 |
frogzoo | Dido-: you have a certificate alert open on a different desktop? | 03:17 |
hmpedersen | oh.. the pc is up and running, btw :) | 03:17 |
Xappe | dabaR: ah, ok. haven't checked since I used Hoary...but that make sense | 03:18 |
bSON | ok, now i can download the iso with bittorrent... my suse will be doomed soon :) | 03:18 |
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Dido- | dabaR, i dont have such | 03:18 |
Dido- | frogzoo, um.. i cant get it.. | 03:19 |
frogzoo | Dido-: check all your desktops for an open firefox security popup | 03:19 |
HymnToLife | Dido- > which browser do you use ? | 03:19 |
=== HymnToLife is listening to See Emily Play by Pink Floyd [2:54 - released 1971 on the album Relics] | ||
frogzoo | munzir: have you made sure to run update before trying to install the flashplayer-mozilla ? | 03:20 |
Dido- | frogzoo, oo thaat was it. 10x, HymnToLife mozilla firefox and i got this problem firefox security popus popup in the first firefox browser i have opened | 03:21 |
HymnToLife | ok :p | 03:21 |
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Dido- | lol | 03:21 |
Dido- | ;] ] | 03:21 |
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hmpedersen | Hmm.. Is it normal for ubuntu to freeze during update of acpi, then after a few minutes just reboot? | 03:24 |
BooZee | !postfix | 03:24 |
ubotu | BooZee: Wish i knew | 03:24 |
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Dido- | whatta silence | 03:31 |
Dido- | :) | 03:31 |
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Blue-Omega | enjoy the silence | 03:32 |
hmpedersen | Hmm.. Synaptic wont connect to any repositories.. | 03:36 |
ndlovu | any idea how to get normal ip addresses with ifconfig instead of ipv6? | 03:38 |
steri | \o/ it's working | 03:38 |
hmpedersen | Great.. Seems all the amd64 repositories are offline.. | 03:39 |
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xcyborg | upon booting the 8139cp driver is tried instead of 8139too, how do I disable that ? | 03:41 |
xcyborg | I added 8139cp to /etc/hotplug/blacklist but it doesn't seem to help | 03:42 |
=== xester good day | ||
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Jowi | xcyborg: "lsmod". see if 8139cp is used by another driver. if it is, probably that module request it to be loaded. | 03:47 |
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xcyborg | Jowi: the mii module seem to use 8139cp, but I get a strange message at boot | 03:48 |
Dr_Acemaster | what package am I looking for to install java for firefox? | 03:48 |
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xcyborg | Jowi: "8139cp: pci dev bla bla bla is not a 8139C+ compatible chip, try 8139too instead" | 03:50 |
Jowi | xcyborg: maybe if you add 8139too and mii to /etc/modules it will load that instead. but that's just a guess | 03:50 |
_jason | ubotu, tell Dr_Acemaster about java | 03:50 |
xcyborg | Jowi: the strange thing is that mii uses both 8139cp and 8139too !?! | 03:51 |
Jowi | xcyborg: yes, mii is an extension for many network cards | 03:51 |
teser | Dr_Acemaster, j2re1.4 | 03:51 |
xcyborg | hm, rmmod 8139cp worked, the question is, how to disable its loading at boot ? | 03:51 |
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xcyborg | I could remove the .ko file, but that's too ugly | 03:52 |
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Jowi | xcyborg: rmmod 8149cp work? | 03:52 |
Dr_Acemaster | I have java-common installed | 03:52 |
Jowi | 8139cp of course | 03:52 |
Madpilot | !java | 03:52 |
xcyborg | yeah, typo | 03:52 |
ubotu | To install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs | 03:52 |
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Dr_Acemaster | ok I see they give the command sudo apt-get install j2re1.4, and will do that, but is there a way to see which package that is in synaptic? | 03:54 |
Dr_Acemaster | ie so in the future I can compare packages | 03:54 |
Jowi | Dr_Acemaster: the packagename are the same | 03:54 |
_jason | Dr_Acemaster, that should be the same | 03:55 |
Dr_Acemaster | hmm... | 03:55 |
Dr_Acemaster | so synaptic doesn't have it I guess | 03:55 |
Dr_Acemaster | ok thanks | 03:55 |
_jason | Dr_Acemaster, whatever your can get through apt-get, you should be able to get in synaptic | 03:55 |
Dr_Acemaster | check that | 03:55 |
Dr_Acemaster | I see it :) | 03:55 |
Dr_Acemaster | _jason: yes I knew about that, but didn't know the package names were the same, brain fart on my part | 03:56 |
Madpilot | Dr_Acemaster: Synaptic is basically a GUI frontend for apt-get | 03:56 |
Jowi | Dr_Acemaster: I learned something new today - "brain fart" :) | 03:57 |
Dr_Acemaster | heh | 03:57 |
hmpedersen | This is starting to get annoying.. I cant update when the repositories doesnt exist.. | 03:57 |
Dr_Acemaster | time for the Friday song ladies and gents | 03:57 |
=== meuserj|work [n=meuserj|@StandardLife-72-140-65.onecall.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_jason | hmpedersen, what repositories would those be? | 03:58 |
hmpedersen | _jason, every single amd64 repository | 03:59 |
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hmpedersen | _jason, any suggestions? | 04:02 |
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=== robotgeek_work is now known as robotgeek | ||
_jason | hmpedersen, sorry, I don't have a 64bit processor so I have no experience in the matter... are these ubuntu repositories? | 04:03 |
Dido- | anyone knows which file is the alternative for ubuntu /etc/rc.d/rc.local | 04:03 |
hmpedersen | _jason, yes.. The ones in the sources.list from install | 04:03 |
mz2 | is it possible to merge two Ext3fs partitions? | 04:03 |
hmpedersen | Furthermore.. Ubuntu seems to have set a root passwd for me.. without asking me.. That cant be? | 04:03 |
crimsun | hmpedersen: it is. | 04:04 |
_jason | hmpedersen, there should be no root password, you use sudo for everything | 04:04 |
robotgeek | ubotu: tell hmpedersen about sudo | 04:04 |
crimsun | there is a root password. | 04:04 |
trappist | crimsun: what makes you think so | 04:04 |
crimsun | see the -l option for passwd(1) | 04:04 |
trappist | that's no password | 04:05 |
hmpedersen | robotgeek, i am perfectly aware of sudo.. However, for some reason synaptic demands a -root- password all of a sudden.. Which is -not- accepted when i give it my user password | 04:05 |
=== spacey_ki [n=spacey@flits101-191.flits.rug.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
trappist | the hash is invalid. no password will ever match it. | 04:05 |
_jason | crimsun, same thing, but okay you are technically correct | 04:05 |
=== RustyJames [i=miomeinm@dslb-082-083-059-105.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
trappist | actually no | 04:05 |
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trappist | there is no password that could be entered that would authenticate root | 04:06 |
crimsun | no password means there's no password. | 04:06 |
crimsun | this is _not_ no password. | 04:06 |
trappist | there's a hash in /etc/shadow, but there is NO corresponding password. | 04:06 |
hmpedersen | hmm.. | 04:06 |
Madpilot | hmpedersen: have you run Automatix or one of those installer-scripts? | 04:06 |
hmpedersen | Madpilot, no.. I dont run any such thing before updating the system fully.. | 04:07 |
crimsun | don't run automatix period. | 04:07 |
Madpilot | OK, just wondering - Automatix is/was infamous for adding a root pw... | 04:07 |
hmpedersen | I never used automatix.. | 04:07 |
hmpedersen | I use easybreezy if anything.. | 04:07 |
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_jason | hmpedersen, how does synaptic ask you for a root password? | 04:08 |
robotgeek | Madpilot: the author finally stopped creating a root user, phew! | 04:08 |
afd_ | hi! I'm running dapper. Any idea on how to get thunderbird 1.5 packages for it? | 04:08 |
hmpedersen | It says "You need to enter your root password to run the application" | 04:08 |
hmpedersen | well.. reinstall i spose.. | 04:08 |
robotgeek | hmpedersen: try from console? | 04:08 |
crimsun | afd_: we don't have any. | 04:08 |
hmpedersen | too bad the i386 will not work on the amd64 | 04:09 |
crimsun | i386 works fine on amd64 | 04:09 |
mz2 | hmpedersen: sudo su; passwd? or is that the case just generally or just with synaptic? | 04:09 |
crimsun | you need 6.04 to do biarch, though. | 04:09 |
hmpedersen | crimson, no.. It wont install | 04:09 |
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crimsun | hmpedersen: a tagged i386 will not install on amd64, no. i386 will install on i386 running on amd64. | 04:10 |
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hmpedersen | Crimson, which iso will i download then? | 04:11 |
crimsun | the i386 one | 04:11 |
Dido- | anyone knows which file is the alternative for ubuntu of /etc/rc.d/rc.local | 04:11 |
hmpedersen | crimsun, thats the one i have.. It will not install on the computer.. | 04:11 |
=== robotgeek is now known as robotgeek_zzz | ||
crimsun | hmpedersen: something is severely broken with your computer if you can't install an i386 iso on your amd64 machine | 04:12 |
hmpedersen | crimsun, try go to the shop where i bought it, and tell them that.. Then you'll find yourself with an officer dragging you out! | 04:13 |
hmpedersen | Ive removed all the malfunctioning hardware (cost me the same as the computer!) | 04:14 |
crimsun | hmpedersen: no thanks, i386 works fine on the i386 I have and on the amd64 I have access to. | 04:14 |
=== bulio [n=bulio@unaffiliated/bulio] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bulio | GAIM is using 48MB ram in ubuntu | 04:15 |
bulio | that normal? | 04:15 |
hmpedersen | hmm | 04:15 |
hmpedersen | I cant run apt-get update now.. | 04:15 |
hmpedersen | There is no sources.list! | 04:15 |
hmpedersen | All i wanted was to get gnomebaker so i could write the iso and reinstall.. | 04:16 |
HymnToLife | bulio > mine uses 53 so I guess it's normal | 04:16 |
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bulio | hrmm | 04:16 |
crimsun | hmpedersen: you can't just reinstall using an amd64 iso? | 04:16 |
HymnToLife | hmpedersen > and what is the problem ? | 04:16 |
bulio | is there one that uses less? | 04:16 |
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hmpedersen | crimsun, because i cannot update when the amd64 repositories are not online | 04:17 |
=== Tanis143 [n=tanis143@ip68-14-170-148.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crimsun | hmpedersen: they're up | 04:17 |
Dido- | does anyone know which file is the alternative for ubuntu of /etc/rc.d/rc.local | 04:17 |
hmpedersen | gaim uses 24mb here | 04:17 |
Tanis143 | Hiyas ppl | 04:18 |
hmpedersen | crimsun, the standard amd64 repositories added to sources.list at install? | 04:18 |
bulio | weird | 04:18 |
HymnToLife | hmpedersen > with how many accounts / Conversation windows opened ? | 04:18 |
crimsun | hmpedersen: yes | 04:18 |
bulio | 1 window convo open, with 3 people in it | 04:18 |
hmpedersen | HymnToLife, 1 jabber and 1 msn | 04:18 |
Tanis143 | Hate to say it like this, but I'm a newbie in search of answers | 04:18 |
bulio | connected only to msn | 04:18 |
Renski | Tanis143: you need to ask question in order to get an answer | 04:19 |
hmpedersen | crimsun, sec.. | 04:19 |
HymnToLife | i have 3 accounts (msn/aim/icq) and 6 conv windows | 04:19 |
Tanis143 | How do I enable glx with the nvidia drivers in 5.10? | 04:19 |
HymnToLife | maybe that's why :p | 04:19 |
hmpedersen | oh.. thats right.. i cant send u the error, since my sources.list has been deleted somehow.. | 04:20 |
=== BrianB04 [n=bbommari@pcp0012141516pcs.newhav01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BrianB04 | Morning all. | 04:20 |
Dido- | right... how to run the commands written in this file /home/dido/Desktop/.net.set ? | 04:20 |
hmpedersen | However, apt-get update is clearly complaining about the repositories not being available | 04:21 |
bulio | whats another good messenger cflient? | 04:21 |
redguy | kopete | 04:22 |
=== redguy hides | ||
crimsun | hmpedersen: if you lack a sources.list, yes that's obvious | 04:22 |
crimsun | !sources | 04:22 |
ubotu | A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) - Create your own sources.list at http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic | 04:22 |
BrianB04 | Is there any list online that shows the hardware that Ubuntu will work with, or is it pretty much whatever linux can deal with? | 04:22 |
crimsun | BrianB04: the latter | 04:23 |
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hmpedersen | crimsun, i had it when i got the errors.. After breezy made its own root passwd it allso seems to have deleted all sources.list files... (even the easybreezy sources.list which was still in a tar.gz file) | 04:23 |
BrianB04 | And, does Ubuntu have a 64 bit version? | 04:23 |
landotter | BrianB04, Ubuntu does have some tweaks for laptops that are missing in other distros--search the wikis for your hardware. 64=yes | 04:24 |
bshumate | BrianB04: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport | 04:24 |
Madpilot | BrianB04: there's a 64bit version, as well as x86 & PPC | 04:24 |
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=== BrianB04 should grab the live CD, see if it works right... | ||
=== Blue-Omega_ [i=Blue@TLV62-0-107-19.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ejofee | any easy (gui) way to change resolution to higher levels in ubuntu (you know it's not possible in kcontrol)? | 04:29 |
jroes | hi guys | 04:30 |
Madpilot | ejofee: not AFAIK | 04:30 |
Madpilot | !fixres | 04:30 |
ubotu | rumour has it, fixres is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 04:30 |
jroes | I've got a lot of gnome stuff running (gnome-*) in my process list, but I installed kubuntu-desktop | 04:30 |
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jroes | I'm thinking all of that shouldn't be running, any idea how I could kill it? | 04:30 |
jroes | er, I know how to kill it, more importantly: how to stop it from startingagain | 04:31 |
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_jason | jroes, are you running any gnome programs? | 04:31 |
jroes | nope | 04:31 |
jroes | at least, not on purpose | 04:31 |
=== amonkey [n=amonkey@cpe-67-10-75-70.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jroes | I think my kubuntu interface looks really similar to gnome, too, so I'm wondering | 04:32 |
xfree | i want one to help me understand the step number 8 on this how-to please http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=80423&highlight=suspend | 04:32 |
jroes | for instance, gnome-panel, gnome-pty-helper gnome-settings-daemon gweather-applet-2 | 04:32 |
jroes | nautilus and metacity are running | 04:32 |
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nickrud | jroes, you *are running gnome :) | 04:33 |
_jason | jroes, do they run immediately after a reboot? | 04:33 |
ejofee | Madpilot: thanks | 04:33 |
crimsun | ...initng. ubuntu. system breakage. | 04:33 |
=== crimsun sighs | ||
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xfree | 8. Insert an identical entry below. Remove the word 'splash' from the 'kernel' line in the newly created entry and append 'init=/sbin/initng' to that line (without quotes). Replace 'Ubuntu' word in the 'title' line with something like 'Ubuntu (InitNG)'. | 04:33 |
crimsun | xfree: yes, you would need to use an editor to do that. | 04:34 |
redguy | xfree: which part don't you understand? | 04:34 |
xfree | where he want me to put this ? append 'init=/sbin/initng' | 04:34 |
nickrud | jroes, try logging out, and, on the login screen, click sessions and select kde | 04:34 |
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jroes | oh, heh, yeah | 04:34 |
redguy | xfree: /boot/grub/menu.lst | 04:34 |
jroes | turns out I only replaced gdm with kdm and I never set "KDE" as my session | 04:35 |
jroes | oops ;) | 04:35 |
_jason | jroes, lol | 04:35 |
hmpedersen | hmm.. xfree, try not to be anywhere near as annoying with questions as me.. :P | 04:35 |
xfree | redguy, i know but where after kernel or on new line with identical ? | 04:35 |
redguy | xfree: so that the line looks like: 'kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.12-9-686 root=/dev/sda9 ro quiet init=/sbin/initng' | 04:36 |
xfree | redguy, ok | 04:36 |
xfree | redguy, thank you | 04:36 |
redguy | xfree: copy the whole entry, i.e everthing from title to boot, change the kernel line, change the title | 04:37 |
hmpedersen | so.. those repositories with "amd64" in the lines werent the amd64 repositories? | 04:38 |
xfree | hmpedersen, i can not do like you but i think "--xfree than hmpedersen" you are better ^_^ on the end | 04:38 |
jroes | oh my GOD | 04:38 |
jroes | amaroK is SO cool | 04:38 |
jroes | holy crap | 04:38 |
HymnToLife | jroes > agreed | 04:39 |
jroes | wow, that is just so cool | 04:39 |
jroes | what a wonderful app | 04:39 |
xfree | redguy, did you give a initng a try ? | 04:39 |
xfree | redguy, i do like you said above , and i need the last setp now @-@ , 9. reboot and see | 04:41 |
ndlovu | !firewall | 04:43 |
ubotu | firewall is, like, Ubuntu has, like every other linux distribution, firewalling built into the kernel. A simple frontend to this firewall is firestarter. see !firestarter | 04:43 |
ndlovu | !firestarter | 04:43 |
ubotu | rumour has it, firestarter is Ubuntu has, like every other Linux distribution, firewalling built into the kernel. A simple frontend to this firewall is Firestarter, which can be installed via Breezy's "Add Applications" or Synaptic | 04:43 |
=== SWAT [n=SWAT@dsl159-68-100.fastxdsl.nl] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Kyral | IPTables owns you :P | 04:43 |
ndlovu | :) | 04:44 |
Kyral | Lets put it this way, if you know enough IPTables Kung-Foo you can do anything to your connection | 04:44 |
steri | why my wlan hangs aprox. every 5min? | 04:45 |
Kyral | Like when I'm at school I pinpoint pick what computers I can SSH into my box from :D | 04:45 |
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Combat_Wombat | hows it going everyone | 04:45 |
ndlovu | Kyral: these are all things I'd like to know :) | 04:46 |
Kyral | heh | 04:46 |
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trappist | Kyral: http://iptables-tutorial.frozentux.net/iptables-tutorial.html <-- best iptables doc ever | 04:46 |
Kyral | trappist: I shall have to read it | 04:47 |
hmpedersen | well.. my main hdd doesnt work anymore.. | 04:47 |
ndlovu | so is iptables a better approach than firestarter then? | 04:48 |
Kyral | ndlovu: Firestarter is a frontend to IPTables | 04:48 |
Kyral | much like how Synaptic is a frontend to Apt-Get | 04:48 |
MasterTsunami | yeah | 04:48 |
=== darksun_ [n=darksun@pool-151-200-159-189.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MasterTsunami | like commanche for apache :/ | 04:48 |
=== trappist backspaces | ||
trappist | couldna said it better myself | 04:48 |
=== ndlovu sees a light go on | ||
Kyral | You will find that many of the GUI tools you cling to are all frontends to command line tools... | 04:49 |
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hmpedersen | switching to backup, and reinstalling amd64 ubuntu | 04:49 |
MasterTsunami | well now, that wasn't very nice :/ | 04:49 |
Kyral | me? | 04:49 |
MasterTsunami | yeah :/ | 04:50 |
MasterTsunami | isn't "cling to" a bit harsh :/ | 04:50 |
ndlovu | hmm... methinks iptables is the place for me - ssh and all | 04:50 |
Kyral | I was actually trying to sound like Obi-Wan Kenobi ;P | 04:50 |
MasterTsunami | haha | 04:50 |
MasterTsunami | touche my friend, touche! | 04:50 |
hmpedersen | I cling to the believe, that you cannot cling to anything that you can't eat.. | 04:50 |
ndlovu | frontends - handy they are... | 04:51 |
=== superneo [n=Neo@CPE-60-231-242-16.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hmpedersen | handy, the frontends are.. But eat them, you can not! | 04:51 |
ndlovu | hehe | 04:51 |
=== Gargoyle [n=gargoyle@pdpc/supporter/student/Gargoyle] has joined #ubuntu | ||
landotter | If you cling to your tools, try some talcum powder. | 04:52 |
Gargoyle | Quick question with hopefully a quick answer. Is there a default root password? I don't remember the installer asking for one! | 04:52 |
Kyral | Gargoyle: Nope | 04:53 |
Kyral | ubotu tell Gargoyle about RootSudo | 04:53 |
Gargoyle | Ta kyral | 04:54 |
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Kyral | Oh blast, they removed the MIRROR target from IPTables | 04:54 |
Kyral | I wanted to use that in my firewall | 04:54 |
MasterTsunami | BLAST | 04:55 |
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bulio | how do I use a frontend for nmap? | 04:56 |
Kyral | bulio: nmapfe | 04:57 |
Gargoyle | anyone got time to help me with X11 config, or do I need to burry myself in docs for 3 hours? | 04:58 |
Kyral | Gargoyle: depends on what you wanna do | 04:58 |
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Gargoyle | Get it working! :) | 04:58 |
Gargoyle | Fatal Error: no screens found! | 04:59 |
bulio | and how do I put a link to it on desktop? | 04:59 |
Sionide | how do you get different wallpapers each virtual desktop? | 04:59 |
Kyral | Gargoyle: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 04:59 |
hmpedersen | Hmm.. Now.. I am very sure this will sound stupid.. | 04:59 |
hmpedersen | Ive forgotten where the sources.list is located.. | 05:00 |
Kyral | hmpedersen: /etc/apt/sources.list | 05:00 |
hmpedersen | kyral, thanx | 05:00 |
Gargoyle | Should I use kernel framebuffer for an ATI X800? | 05:00 |
=== deicidus [n=deicidus@c-24-22-214-87.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kyral | Gargoyle: If you plan to use fglrx no | 05:01 |
deicidus | hello again. question about filesystems: | 05:02 |
deicidus | i want to use my external hard disk with my ubuntu system, shared over my home network to my mac | 05:02 |
deicidus | i will also occasionally connect it directly to mac and windows computers | 05:02 |
deicidus | what filesystem should i use (fat32, etc)? | 05:03 |
Gargoyle | Same error | 05:03 |
Gargoyle | :( | 05:03 |
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=== dug_ [n=dug_@pcp07840049pcs.wilmsc01.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kyral | Gargoyle: scroll up through the buffer and what is causing the error? | 05:06 |
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Gargoyle | Just reading the log... buffer scroll won't work!?!? | 05:06 |
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yo2lux | i have an ubuntu with server install. I want to add Xorg, because "startx" command not work, what need to add? apt-get install ? | 05:07 |
nickrud | yo2lux, x-window-system-core and a window manager | 05:08 |
deicidus | anybody? did i not ask correctly or something? or is the channel just a little slow now? i only just installed ubuntu so i dont usually come here... | 05:08 |
Gargoyle | Looks like it might not be spotting the card properly. | 05:08 |
Gargoyle | (EE) No devices detected | 05:08 |
xkahn | deicidus: I think this is an easy question. | 05:09 |
xkahn | deicidus: what file systems do the Mac support? Which ones do the Windows machne support? | 05:10 |
MasterTsunami | you could use fat32 deicidus, but if i remember correctly osx can only mount a partition 137gb big | 05:10 |
=== TSWoodV [n=woodt@bigdeb.atdd.noaa.gov] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xkahn | deicidus: Take the union, and you'll probably be down to none, one, or two. | 05:10 |
xkahn | There /is/ a driver for windows to support ext2.... | 05:11 |
Gargoyle | if lspci reports it as 0000:01:00.1 How does that translate to the PCI: line in xconfig. I tried PCI:0:01:00.1 but it said wrong format! | 05:12 |
Siph0n | has neone burnt a dvd and have the video be blue but the audio work? | 05:13 |
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deicidus | xkahn: sorry, i was afk | 05:16 |
deicidus | xkahn: well os x supports fat32, ntfs read/write, and the custom mac formats | 05:16 |
deicidus | xkahn: windows supports ntfs and fat32 by default--which is what im aiming for. although now that you mention it, maybe default windows support isnt so important... | 05:17 |
xkahn | deicidus: so it sounds like you are just deciding between fat32 and ntfs | 05:18 |
bshumate | deicidus: incorrect. OS X (as of 10.4 Tiger) does not write to NTFS | 05:18 |
deicidus | bshumate: oops, that was a typo | 05:18 |
xkahn | since Linux doesn't handle NTFS very well, it seems like FAT32 is your only choice. | 05:18 |
hmpedersen | finally updating systen! | 05:18 |
hmpedersen | systen* | 05:18 |
hmpedersen | bah | 05:18 |
hmpedersen | system* | 05:18 |
deicidus | but the hard drive is 160GB... i thought you said that that wont work? | 05:19 |
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xkahn | deicidus: I have no idea. MasterTsunami said it wouldn't work. | 05:19 |
xkahn | BTW -- there is a mac driver for ext2 too. | 05:20 |
MasterTsunami | it will work | 05:20 |
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MasterTsunami | you just can't use it all | 05:20 |
MasterTsunami | only 137gb i think | 05:20 |
MasterTsunami | just make the rest into HFS for mac only stuf :/ | 05:21 |
deicidus | could i just do two fat32 partitions? | 05:21 |
deicidus | split it up? | 05:21 |
xkahn | deicidus: http://e2fsprogs.sourceforge.net/ext2.html | 05:21 |
=== Madpilot [n=bburger@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
deicidus | hmm actually forget the windows support | 05:22 |
Siph0n | hmmm..... every video file i play turns out blue in my video players.... vlc and totem i checked with | 05:22 |
deicidus | i recently got an ipod that i made fat32 for windows/mac and that works fine for what i need (giving files to friends) | 05:22 |
hmpedersen | How will i install 32bit libraries? Is it in synaptic? | 05:22 |
Siph0n | and the video played yesterday, neone got an idea? | 05:22 |
rosen | is there some way to make firestarter ignore requests comming on port 1900 ? .. It's just some windows protocol and I'm on a rather large lan-network so I'm practically getting hammered with them | 05:22 |
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MasterTsunami | yes, you could do two | 05:23 |
Gargoyle | It's saying ATI: PCI Mach64 in slot 1:0:0 could not be detected. Do I need to do something to make it detect a radion card? | 05:23 |
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rosen | #firestarter | 05:23 |
rosen | bleh | 05:23 |
rosen | !firestarter | 05:24 |
ubotu | I guess firestarter is Ubuntu has, like every other Linux distribution, firewalling built into the kernel. A simple frontend to this firewall is Firestarter, which can be installed via Breezy's "Add Applications" or Synaptic | 05:24 |
amonkey | what's it called when you make apt use a certain repo for a package? | 05:24 |
Amaranth | pinning? | 05:25 |
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amonkey | that's it | 05:25 |
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bob832 | anybody know what happened to irc.freenode? | 05:29 |
spb | http://freenode.net/news.shtml | 05:29 |
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Gargoyle | Found it | 05:30 |
Siph0n | how do i show all sound processes? | 05:30 |
trappist | who was it that was getting garbled output from pstree in Eterm yesterday? | 05:30 |
Gargoyle | Needed to change "ati" to "radeon" in the xorg.conf | 05:30 |
linkd | Siph0n: ps aux | 05:30 |
trappist | Siph0n: sudo lsof /dev/dsp | 05:30 |
linkd | oh nm. imis read | 05:31 |
linkd | *i miss read | 05:31 |
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trappist | then mistyped. then misspelled. you're having a bad day :) | 05:31 |
bob832 | spb: thanks | 05:31 |
linkd | lol yea | 05:31 |
deicidus | im back, my client crashed | 05:31 |
deicidus | ive been doing research with your help | 05:32 |
deicidus | it looks like ext2 vs fat32 | 05:32 |
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deicidus | ext2 is better i think (right?), but mac os x supports fat32 by default, which always gives you some confidence in its stability | 05:33 |
Gargoyle | Weee... twinkling noises! :) | 05:33 |
!lilo:*! Problems with a regional hub, rerouting....please bear with us through another brief split; affected users: 241 | 05:34 | |
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vbgunz | when you install Kubuntu, do you get any of the Gnome apps OR will Kubuntu strictly ship only with KDE apps that will replace Gnome equivalents? | 05:35 |
Tomcat_ | vbgunz: Strictly KDE apps. | 05:35 |
vbgunz | Tomcat_: thanks! | 05:35 |
Tomcat_ | vbgunz: Or let's say, it will only *install* KDE apps. | 05:35 |
Tomcat_ | vbgunz: There are still all the gnome and regular Ubuntu apps on the CD. | 05:35 |
Tomcat_ | vbgunz: You can even install regular ubuntu on kubuntu by installing the ubuntu-desktop package. :) | 05:36 |
vbgunz | Tomcat_: Think I will download Kubuntu rather than install Kubuntu-Desktop... Don't like how they fuse when Gnome goes in first... I wish to try Kubuntu alone... | 05:36 |
vbgunz | I think I will dedicate a partition to Kubuntu | 05:36 |
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RustyJames | is it necessary to use a firewall in ubuntu? | 05:37 |
Tomcat_ | vbgunz: Good idea. I have much trust in the Ubuntu devs, but I would never install ubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-desktop when having one of them already installed. Too much fear of the system breaking. | 05:37 |
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Tomcat_ | RustyJames: Nope. | 05:37 |
RustyJames | why not? | 05:38 |
Tomcat_ | RustyJames: If you keep up with security updates, you'll be safe | 05:38 |
vbgunz | Tomcat_: I love Gnome *but* was reading some debates with Linus Torvalds and Gnome and how Linus prefers and recommends KDE over Gnome... I tried KDE in the past but will try it again... | 05:38 |
Tomcat_ | RustyJames: Because there are usually no ports open, so no point to attack. | 05:38 |
Tomcat_ | RustyJames: And Linux apps are known to be quite secure. | 05:38 |
vbgunz | Tomcat_: I do find the window manager very limited and to be honest the whole package quite limiting... With KDE 3.5 out, I hope I like it :) | 05:38 |
hmpedersen | vbgunz, i tried kde after readin that lately.. Didnt really like it much.. | 05:39 |
Tomcat_ | vbgunz: Heh... I had the same idea when I read his mails, so I tried kubuntu-live... but I don't like it so much... KDE is great, but kubuntu is just not as well pre-configured as Gnome is. | 05:39 |
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RustyJames | ok i understand it then. | 05:39 |
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Tomcat_ | vbgunz: I've not found it limiting so far... but if I wanted to change to KDE I could just as well change to xfce, which suits my hacker needs much better anyway. | 05:40 |
RustyJames | but how can i convince a linux noob that it isnt necessary. while hes insisting use one like in windows | 05:40 |
vbgunz | hmpedersen: I can understand and even sympathize with you on it... But like any application, I am assuming that if I try it out long enough and get to know it a bit better day by day, I might understand why it is so huge amongst the geeks... I wish to be a Linux geek :P | 05:40 |
trappist | vbgunz: I personally use kde and hate gnome, but linus was pretty much being a troll. gnome is great for people who don't like a lot of stuff getting in the way. kde is great for people who want more control and who don't mind a few added complexities. | 05:40 |
[darksun] | whats the apt-get for the kernel source? | 05:40 |
Tomcat_ | RustyJames: Let him use it. Linux is about freedom. If he wants to use a firewall, it's his choice. If he runs bad applications it might even help. | 05:40 |
trappist | dabaR: linux-source-`uname -r` | 05:40 |
Jowi | RustyJames: no ports open is equal to a totally locked firewall | 05:41 |
Tomcat_ | vbgunz: Gnome is popular among the geeks as well... at least I don't see any difference. | 05:41 |
trappist | RustyJames: there's nothing wrong with running a firewall. | 05:41 |
jenda | Yo people... why doesn't my xmms take m4a files? (I have all the normal codecs, afaik) | 05:41 |
Tomcat_ | vbgunz: If you want to be a real Linux geek you use xfce or fvwm or something weird, or only cmdline and no X at all. ;) | 05:41 |
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trappist | it's a mistake to believe that linux is simply secure and that any effort to make it more secure is a waste of time. | 05:42 |
Jowi | RustyJames: there is a very nice and simple firewall frontend called "firestarter" if needed though | 05:42 |
trappist | and another called ipkungfu | 05:42 |
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vbgunz | Tomcat_: yup, sorry, didn't mean geek... I guess a GUI geek... I don't wish to trade out my window manager... I rather just switch the whole package... One thing though for sure is I will miss my Gnome theme StrongLooks with the blended border :( | 05:42 |
vbgunz | trappist: I agree, Linus was trolling :) | 05:43 |
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EvilGuru | can anyone help me install maxima? | 05:43 |
Jowi | !info maxima | 05:43 |
trappist | I think linus has gotten like so many celebrities who act like we care what they think about everything. I care what linus thinks about the kernel and I'd rather not hear anything else from him. | 05:43 |
ubotu | maxima: (A fairly complete computer algebra system-- base system), section universe/math, is optional. Version: 5.9.1-9build1 (breezy), Packaged size: 7977 kB, Installed size: 26912 kB | 05:43 |
EvilGuru | i selected it in synaptic, but got an error about unresolable | 05:44 |
EvilGuru | dependencies (libgmp3) | 05:44 |
Jowi | never seen before :) | 05:44 |
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vbgunz | trappist: good point! | 05:44 |
RustyJames | Jowi, yes i know it but althoughh its really easy to use. a windows user will be confused by all those Port numbers and prtocol names | 05:44 |
Tomcat_ | vbgunz: Problem with me is the small things. Gnome on Ubuntu has power management fully included and activated. Evolution is integrated with the date/time thingy, so I have my tasks and appointments ready there... and other things. It's all possible in KDE too, but I'm just too lazy to do all that. :) | 05:45 |
Chousuke | trappist: I think Linus isn't like that. | 05:45 |
Chousuke | rather he just says what he thinks and doesn't care if you don't care. | 05:45 |
trappist | Chousuke: well at least he doesn't rant too much about politics | 05:45 |
Jowi | EvilGuru: !info libgmp3c2 | 05:45 |
Seveas | offtopic -> #ubuntu-offtopic please | 05:45 |
Tomcat_ | Chousuke: ack... | 05:45 |
Jowi | !info libgmp3c2 | 05:45 |
trappist | oh yeah | 05:45 |
ubotu | libgmp3c2: (Multiprecision arithmetic library), section libs, is optional. Version: 4.1.4-10ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 306 kB, Installed size: 512 kB | 05:45 |
Seveas | thie gnome/kde thing is a neverending fight | 05:45 |
[darksun] | !info kernel | 05:45 |
Seveas | and it's NOT for in here | 05:45 |
vbgunz | trappist: I just see it like this... If he seriously prefers and recommends KDE over Gnome and probably knows Linux far better than I might ever understand, it won't hurt to give a serious try to his recommendation... Plus, I never really seriously tried KDE but maybe for an hour or two... | 05:45 |
Jowi | EvilGuru: that's probably what you need | 05:45 |
[darksun] | !info kernel-source | 05:46 |
Tomcat_ | Seveas: We're not fighting, but it's offtopic, you're right. ;) | 05:46 |
Seveas | vbgunz, #ubuntu-offtopic | 05:46 |
vbgunz | Seveas: yeah bro, you're right, so sorry :( | 05:46 |
vbgunz | gotta get the kid ready, talk with you guys later! | 05:46 |
jenda | Does anyone know how to make xmms play m4a's when toem already plays them no prob? | 05:47 |
jenda | *totem | 05:47 |
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mz2 | jenda: just switch to beep-media-player and be done with it :) | 05:48 |
bulio | having problems with nmap and ubuntu | 05:48 |
Jowi | jenda: totem uses gstreamer plugins, xmms use its own plugins as far as i know | 05:48 |
bulio | wont detect my other computers | 05:48 |
bulio | I tried putting in their IP | 05:48 |
jenda | mz2: dzgh... | 05:48 |
mz2 | it's just xmms with gtk2 | 05:48 |
bulio | nmap on ubuntu said no ports were open | 05:48 |
bulio | even though there were | 05:48 |
jenda | Jowi: True... I'll look through the net then. | 05:48 |
hmpedersen | Does ubuntu work well with sata discs? | 05:48 |
gtk2 | mz2, heh, BMPx is much more than that ;) | 05:48 |
Gargoyle | hmpedersen: Yup | 05:48 |
[darksun] | how can i get DRI loaded? | 05:49 |
hmpedersen | gargoyle, and if i have nuffin but sata? | 05:49 |
Jowi | jenda: "sudo apt-cache search --names-only xmms" should give you a read :) | 05:49 |
gtk2 | bulio, means they're probably stealthed, or being blocked by your router. | 05:49 |
Gargoyle | hmpedersen: I just installed it. Ubuntu has gone happily onto the spare room on my SATA II drives and It has spotted my Mirror as 2 separate SATA discs | 05:49 |
[darksun] | !info DRI | 05:49 |
Jowi | jenda: actually that "sudo" part is not needed | 05:49 |
trappist | can somebody verify this weirdness for me? open Eterm if you have it. run pstree. export LANG="C". run pstree again. | 05:50 |
mz2 | gtk2: well yes, admittedly, but if you want to cut it down to a few words that's how i'd put it to an xmms user | 05:50 |
bulio | but someone ran nmap, and found the ports | 05:50 |
bulio | outside of the network | 05:50 |
jenda | Jowi: thx | 05:50 |
hmpedersen | great.. Cause i am not gonna waste anymore money on cheap hdds! | 05:50 |
gtk2 | mz2, aye, expecially considering BMPx is in heavey devel and inst openly available unless you deliberately seek i out. | 05:50 |
gtk2 | *isnt | 05:50 |
hmpedersen | and it can only be a matter of time before this one fails.. But if ubuntu will install on it for now (and run afterwards) then fine.. | 05:51 |
jenda | Jowi: no m4a in there | 05:51 |
bulio | anyone? | 05:51 |
hmpedersen | thatll do till i can afford 2 500gb sata discs | 05:51 |
Jowi | jenda: .m4a is aac. xmms-mp4 should be the package you're after | 05:52 |
jenda | Jowi: And how would I install it? (It's in there) | 05:52 |
Jowi | jenda: "sudo apt-get install packagename" | 05:53 |
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Jowi | more info on m4a here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M4a | 05:54 |
Gargoyle | OK, I have been through all the menu's - Any pointers on where to start to get dual displays working? They are currently mirrored! | 05:54 |
njan | Gargoyle, you'll have to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf - what sort of graphics card do you have? | 05:54 |
Gargoyle | X800XT | 05:55 |
Gargoyle | PCIe | 05:55 |
njan | what is that, an ATI? | 05:55 |
Gargoyle | Yup | 05:55 |
trappist | Gargoyle: install ati's proprietary drivers and it'll take you through a configurator that will let you set up dual displays. and your 3d accel will work. | 05:56 |
Gargoyle | Ahh | 05:56 |
trappist | fglrxconfig I think is the command line | 05:56 |
njan | trappist, really? That's quite funky :) | 05:56 |
trappist | it's super easy | 05:56 |
markive | when i installed the ati stuff, it knackered everything | 05:56 |
jenda | Jowi: Thank you again - it worked :) | 05:56 |
njan | trappist, that's much more fun than editing configuration files :P | 05:56 |
Gargoyle | Do I get the drivers direct from ati or via the package manager | 05:56 |
trappist | njan: indeed | 05:57 |
markive | about 5fps on tux racer | 05:57 |
=== thorre [i=1000@c-c83ee253.03-28-6c6b7012.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
trappist | Gargoyle: erm, I think the ubuntu fglrx package has the fglrxconfig. | 05:57 |
trappist | I got mine from ati though. | 05:57 |
[darksun] | anyone know how do get DRI running for an ATI card? | 05:57 |
thorre | greetings | 05:57 |
trappist | [darksun] : same thing I just told Gargoyle | 05:57 |
thorre | assume that i install the latest version of ubuntu. after a while there is a newer version released. is it as simple as' apt-get update; apt-get distupgrade' to migrate to that new version | 05:59 |
trappist | [darksun] : the open source ati drivers don't support dri | 05:59 |
deicidus | just fyi (cause nobody seems to care), it turns out ubuntu mounts HFS+ as read-only no problem. im gonna reformat my drive as ext2 probably. thanks for your help everyone. | 05:59 |
[darksun] | thats not my problem tho, it trys to load DRI but fails due to the fact its not loaded from the kernel | 05:59 |
trappist | thorre: in theory | 05:59 |
thorre | trappist and the catch is? | 05:59 |
Jowi | thorre: in theory yes. that's how i upgraded from hoary to breezy. there were a few glitches but nothing fatal | 05:59 |
trappist | thorre: I've never tried it with ubuntu, but in practice it's hard to make a zillion packages, 100% of which will upgrade cleanly and not break any other packages. | 06:00 |
thorre | Jowi can you tell me a bit more about the glitches | 06:00 |
thefish | how can i prevent ubuntu users from using sudo? | 06:00 |
trappist | thorre: take them out of the sudoers file (visudo) | 06:00 |
njan | thorre, I've upgraded a dozen machines from one version of ubuntu to another and I've never had any major problems. | 06:00 |
thorre | njan nice | 06:00 |
Jowi | thorre: openoffice made the whole installation fail and stop. i had to remove openoffice and resume the upgrade for it to work. i heard other stories about other packages. | 06:00 |
njan | thorre, just don't upgrade in the first couple of days and see if anyone else has any issues, and there's a strong possibility that you'll be problem free. | 06:01 |
thorre | Jowi this will not be a issue for me because i im intrested to use ubuntu as a server os | 06:01 |
Jowi | thefish: only users in /etc/sudoers and/or users that belong to admin group can sudo | 06:01 |
thorre | = no x | 06:01 |
njan | thorre, in which case you'll have an even easier time. | 06:01 |
njan | thorre, generally it's graphical and desktop packages which tend to break in my experience.. | 06:01 |
thorre | ok | 06:01 |
thorre | good for me | 06:01 |
Jowi | thorre: probably, but you should be aware that it can happen. so backup backup backup | 06:02 |
thorre | ;) | 06:02 |
thorre | it's a server :=) | 06:02 |
njan | yeah, What Jowi said - just because it tends not to happen all the time doesn't mean it can't :P | 06:02 |
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Jowi | Mmmmm, coffe time | 06:03 |
simonval1ore | Hello could some one tell me what i need to use to access shares from ubuntu to a windows box on the network | 06:03 |
thorre | si there a i686 version of ubuntu? | 06:04 |
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Gargoyle | Is there a package tool that supports RPMs ? | 06:04 |
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balrog-kun | hi | 06:04 |
balrog-kun | is the latest kernel binary from apt broken? | 06:05 |
Jowi | thorre: yes. ubuntu installs i386 as standard but you can choose a i686 version of the kernel in synaptic | 06:05 |
thorre | nice | 06:05 |
simonval1ore | Hello could some one tell me what i need to use to access shares from ubuntu to a windows box on the network | 06:05 |
hmpedersen | well.. so far the installer is way past the point where it froze yesterday.. | 06:05 |
Jowi | thorre: or, since you're going without X: "apt-cache search --names-only 686" | 06:06 |
trappist | balrog-kun: if you're running dapper, yes | 06:06 |
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hmpedersen | perhaps itll work with this backup hdd.. | 06:06 |
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thorre | 4% [> ] 26,144,912 935.93K/s ETA 11:48 | 06:06 |
thorre | well, im going to give ubuntu a spin on my evaluation system | 06:07 |
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jbroome | thorre: nice dl'd speed | 06:07 |
balrog-kun | trappist: what's dapper and how do i check if i'm running it? | 06:07 |
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nickrud | I am red with envy, thorre | 06:07 |
trappist | balrog-kun: if you don't know, you're not | 06:07 |
hmpedersen | thorre, i do hope, your evaluation system wont be too shocked with the superiority of ubuntu :D | 06:07 |
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balrog-kun | trappist: okay | 06:07 |
thorre | haha | 06:08 |
thorre | hmpedersen nice one | 06:08 |
hmpedersen | by the superiority* | 06:08 |
simonval1ore | Hello could some one tell me what i need to use to access shares from ubuntu to a windows box on the network | 06:08 |
thorre | nickrud im on 10MBit now. In january next year om geting 100MBit :) | 06:08 |
Jowi | balrog-kun: cat /etc/lsb-release | 06:08 |
[darksun] | there is no dri options in fglrxconfig | 06:08 |
simonval1ore | any one out there know how ? | 06:09 |
=== nickrud cries (but then remembers his old 3k dialup, and counts his blessings) | ||
hmpedersen | thorre bah.. Thats nuffin.. in 2007 an isp in denmark will be delivering 1gbit internet :) | 06:09 |
hmpedersen | just a shame its -that- isp.. | 06:09 |
thorre | damn, i wonder what their backbone looks like | 06:09 |
Jowi | simonval1ore: what type of shares, samba? | 06:09 |
hmpedersen | they refuse to let their users have flatrate.. | 06:10 |
simonval1ore | no shared files on the windows box right click and choose share this on my network | 06:10 |
Jowi | simonval1ore: samba | 06:10 |
Jowi | !tell simonval1ore about samba | 06:10 |
hmpedersen | itll be 5gb free traffic a month.. and they have stated they wont change the mb price.. | 06:10 |
simonval1ore | hooah | 06:10 |
hmpedersen | so.. | 06:10 |
simonval1ore | thanks | 06:10 |
Jowi | :) | 06:11 |
hmpedersen | download with 1gbit.. each mn costs $0.50.. | 06:11 |
hmpedersen | mb* | 06:11 |
hmpedersen | Go do the math.. | 06:11 |
thorre | not that cheap | 06:11 |
hmpedersen | not that cheap?!? | 06:11 |
[darksun] | is dri enabled in the kernel by default? | 06:11 |
[darksun] | or do i need to recompile? | 06:12 |
hmpedersen | Its the same prices they ran with 4 years ago! | 06:12 |
hmpedersen | well.. | 06:12 |
Jowi | [darksun] : depend on the video card. ati and nvidia, yes. | 06:12 |
hmpedersen | ive had some who charged $5 /mb | 06:12 |
[darksun] | ati | 06:12 |
Jowi | [darksun] : but you still need xorg drivers for the dri to work anyway. | 06:14 |
Jowi | !ati | 06:14 |
ubotu | ati is probably at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 | 06:14 |
hmpedersen | right.. does ne1 know why ubuntu wont finish installing here? Its been at "Configuring ttf-arphic-bsmi99lp (2.10-6) for 5 minutes now.. | 06:14 |
Jowi | hmpedersen: the fontinstallation is DOG slow | 06:14 |
simonval1ore | why isnt apache availiblr | 06:14 |
hmpedersen | jowi, it took 5 minutes to install everything on the laptop.. thats 191mb ram and 850mhz... | 06:15 |
hmpedersen | this is a pc with 2ghz and 1gb ram | 06:15 |
Jowi | hmpedersen: went through a breezy install just yesterday. the fonts alone took me 15 minutes. | 06:15 |
hmpedersen | and a much faster hdd | 06:15 |
hmpedersen | hmm | 06:15 |
Jowi | hoary was fast though | 06:16 |
trappist | I spend about an hour on fonts on a new install. it's amazing how much better everything looks when you tweak fonts. | 06:16 |
hmpedersen | im gonna go read on then.. vampire game 2 is out today.. | 06:16 |
[darksun] | Jowi, i install fglrx | 06:16 |
[darksun] | is there another driver i need? | 06:17 |
Jowi | trappist: any pointers? (running lcd screen at 1280x1024, utf-8 mostly used and iso8859-1) | 06:17 |
Jowi | [darksun] : i don't know. never owned an ati | 06:17 |
hmpedersen | well.. its at 83% now.. yesterday the install crashed between 20% and 24% | 06:17 |
[darksun] | :( | 06:17 |
[darksun] | anyone else know? | 06:18 |
trappist | Jowi: install msttcorefonts, grab any fonts off any windows box you might have, and google for 'font deuglification howto' | 06:19 |
Jowi | hmpedersen: what i noticed on the font-installation is that it install a fontset, then register the fonts, then another fontset, then register. i think it would be quicker just to install all the fonts and then register them for the system. | 06:19 |
hmpedersen | yeah | 06:19 |
Jowi | trappist: already installed. will check the deuglifier though, hehe | 06:20 |
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Jowi | trappist: cheers | 06:20 |
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nbx909 | hello | 06:21 |
nbx909 | quick question | 06:21 |
nbx909 | where should the eggdrop config be after installing it via apt-get? | 06:21 |
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WildZeck | nbx909, /etc/"name of the eggdrop software" | 06:25 |
pluffsy | does anyone know the name of the process that displays the "new updates avalible" window | 06:26 |
pluffsy | and if there a gui in ubuntu for killing processes? | 06:26 |
WildZeck | good question | 06:26 |
nbx909 | WildZeck, you sure? | 06:26 |
WildZeck | yes | 06:26 |
_jason | pluffsy, I think it is 'update-manager' | 06:26 |
WildZeck | in debian packaged software everyconfiguration is in etc | 06:26 |
nbx909 | nbx909@ubuntuserver:~$ cd /etc/eggdrop | 06:26 |
nbx909 | -bash: cd: /etc/eggdrop: No such file or directory | 06:26 |
pluffsy | I'm real tired of having to logout every time I get a new update. grr. | 06:27 |
pluffsy | _jason, hmm okey I check. thanks. | 06:27 |
WildZeck | nbx909, does the software litterraly named eggdrop ? | 06:27 |
_jason | pluffsy, why do you have to logout? | 06:27 |
nbx909 | yes | 06:27 |
nbx909 | it's the eggdrop bot | 06:27 |
nbx909 | the irc bot | 06:27 |
Sanne | pluffsy: gnome-system-monitor is a gui tool for monitoring proccesses | 06:28 |
WildZeck | mcedit /etc/eggdrop.conf ? | 06:28 |
nbx909 | empty | 06:29 |
Sanne | pluffsy: it also comes as a panel applett, very useful. | 06:29 |
WildZeck | i dunno | 06:29 |
mustard5 | pluffsy, yelp is the application that shows the updates I think | 06:29 |
WildZeck | updatedb; locate eggdrop | 06:29 |
WildZeck | nbx909, | 06:29 |
nbx909 | locate eggdrop | 06:29 |
nbx909 | okay | 06:29 |
mustard5 | pluffsy, I believe you can disable it. or remove the applet. | 06:29 |
tsw | so, I have a busted maxtor drive on my hands (lots of io errors, filesystem is ext3) and I really need the data (yes take it from backups, very funny. the drive is too new to have any backups made its from my test server) what utilities do you recommend. try to read it witd dd to another drive? something like spinrite? or what? | 06:30 |
nbx909 | nbx909@ubuntuserver:~$ locate eggdrop | 06:30 |
nbx909 | nbx909@ubuntuserver:~$ | 06:30 |
nbx909 | that didn't work | 06:30 |
nbx909 | lol] | 06:30 |
nbx909 | arg | 06:30 |
nbx909 | i'll figure something out | 06:30 |
nbx909 | thanks anyway | 06:31 |
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_jason | nbx909, if you just installed it, you need to update the database: sudo updatedb, then search again | 06:31 |
tsw | its in /usr/bin/eggdrop | 06:31 |
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pluffsy | _jason, because pressing show updates or tell me about this later usually doesn't work. | 06:31 |
hmpedersen | hmm.. still on the same font.. | 06:31 |
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tsw | what utilities do you guys use for restoring data? | 06:32 |
!lilo:*! Testing irc.freenode.net to see whether the problem is persisting.... you should probably leave your client pointed to chat.freenode.net for now though | 06:32 | |
mustard5 | pluffsy, I think you can untick 'show updates' when you right click on it | 06:32 |
mustard5 | pluffsy, show notifications sorry | 06:32 |
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mustard5 | tsw, mondo | 06:33 |
ndlovu | tsw: jumping into this conversation but I've found backuppc works really nicely in a server environment | 06:33 |
Gargoyle | bah... it borked! | 06:33 |
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tsw | mustard5: thanks ill check | 06:33 |
tsw | ndlovu: ill check yours too | 06:33 |
rosen | anyone know of a ubuntu howto for installing planeshift ? | 06:34 |
rosen | !planeshift | 06:34 |
ubotu | rosen: I give up, what is it? | 06:34 |
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mustard5 | tsw, there is a bug in mondo at the moment that you need to manually fix though...there is a thread in the ubuntuforums that explains how you do it | 06:34 |
Dido- | does anyone know which file is the alternative for ubuntu of /etc/rc.d/rc.local | 06:34 |
tsw | mustard5: I was talking about busted hd that I need to recover | 06:34 |
ndlovu | can somebody tell me - if you set rules with firestarter are they only active when firestarter is running? | 06:35 |
mustard5 | tsw, oops sorry :) | 06:35 |
tsw | no backups, becouse its from my test server | 06:35 |
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pluffsy | mustard5, maybe I should try to reinstall it? maybe that will make it work better? | 06:35 |
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pluffsy | nobody else has this problem? | 06:35 |
ndlovu | tsw- backuppc not gonna help much then either | 06:35 |
tsw | ndlovu: so I see :) | 06:35 |
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mustard5 | pluffsy, I missed exactly what the problem is...but with regards to others having problems..mine is working fine atm | 06:36 |
pluffsy | mustard5, the problem is it won't go away. so I have to logout to remove the popup. | 06:36 |
pluffsy | neither of the links on it works | 06:36 |
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mustard5 | pluffsy, very strange | 06:37 |
ndlovu | tsw - check the Ultimate Boot CD (http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/), it has some really useful utilities on it. | 06:37 |
hmpedersen | Well i give up.. | 06:37 |
tsw | ndlovu: thanks, looking | 06:37 |
hmpedersen | I cant spent hours for 1 font to install! | 06:37 |
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Sanne | pluffsy: what about right clicking it and remove the tick from "Show notofications"? | 06:38 |
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pluffsy | Sanne, right-clicking on it doesn't work either | 06:38 |
mustard5 | pluffsy, try going to System>>Sessions and looking under the 'Current' tab and removing 'update-notifier' ? | 06:39 |
Sanne | pluffsy: oh oh. Maybe there's a config file where you can set this option directly... | 06:39 |
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pluffsy | mustard5, hmm the window is still there | 06:41 |
Dido- | !tell dido about easybreezy | 06:41 |
Dido- | !tell Dido- about easybreezy | 06:41 |
Zeusz | hello.With what can I open CHM files? | 06:41 |
mustard5 | pluffsy, it won't change till you restart your session | 06:41 |
pluffsy | mustard5, ohh sorry. alright. | 06:41 |
pluffsy | thanks | 06:42 |
mustard5 | pluffsy, those options control what loads up each session | 06:42 |
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Dido- | !easyubuntu | 06:42 |
pluffsy | right... | 06:43 |
slew | hi, im installing things from synaptic but they dont seem to be showing up in the applications menu. how do i fix this? | 06:44 |
hmpedersen | slew, try ctrl+alt+backspace | 06:45 |
hmpedersen | thatll restart gnome | 06:45 |
hmpedersen | why is it, they are allways so darn fast! | 06:46 |
Sanne | hmpedersen: lol | 06:46 |
hmpedersen | allways do they have to start while im still explaining | 06:46 |
Sanne | hmpedersen: maybe, do a ... at the end of your line to suggest you're not done? | 06:47 |
hmpedersen | Sanne, yeah.. maybe that'd help.. | 06:47 |
poningru | what? | 06:48 |
poningru | !easybreazy | 06:48 |
ubotu | poningru: I give up, what is it? | 06:48 |
poningru | !easybreezy | 06:48 |
poningru | wow did not know that | 06:48 |
hmpedersen | ? | 06:49 |
Seveas | !+easybreezy | 06:49 |
ubotu | methinks easybreezy is a script that automates the installation of many problematic packages such as codecs and the NVidia driver. It is now merged with EasyUbuntu, under that name. See also !easyubuntu, #easyubuntu and https://launchpad.net/products/easyubuntu. | 06:49 |
hmpedersen | I wonder.. | 06:50 |
hmpedersen | I wonder as I wander.. | 06:50 |
hmpedersen | Why is it i allways hit that extra n while typing init 6? (inint 6) | 06:51 |
hmpedersen | well.. i am wonderin.. | 06:53 |
hmpedersen | does God exist? | 06:53 |
mustard5 | what is existence? ;) | 06:53 |
Gargoyle | :( | 06:53 |
Gargoyle | the ati driver borks things up! | 06:53 |
Dido- | i downloaded easybreezy0.33-alpha.tar.gz how to install it ? | 06:54 |
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tech9iner | moin misfit_toy ;] | 06:54 |
poningru | Dido-: it looks like a script | 06:55 |
poningru | just open up the tar | 06:55 |
poningru | err | 06:55 |
poningru | just double click on it | 06:55 |
poningru | and whatever is inside it drag and drop it to the desktop | 06:55 |
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poningru | you know what hold on | 06:55 |
Dido- | 10x | 06:56 |
tech9iner | so matesNgodzNguruz.. ;] ] .. whose got the simplest combo of apps to convert a black n white line art gimp xcf to vector format [svg] or cad's dxf or dwg format exports on linux Please ? | 06:56 |
_jason | Dido-, there should be a file called README | 06:56 |
tech9iner | Please btw fwiw | 06:57 |
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poningru | Dido-: try #easybreazy | 06:57 |
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mcgr | folks one question i need a simple torrent app | 06:58 |
mcgr | good torrent app | 06:58 |
Pablo | bit torrent? | 06:58 |
mcgr | Hmm ...is it working ? | 06:58 |
Pablo | I think so | 06:58 |
_jason | mcgr, gnome BitTorrent | 06:58 |
mcgr | OK | 06:59 |
Seveas | mcgr, bittornado | 06:59 |
mcgr | I don't know ... | 06:59 |
mcgr | I opend all ports ...but it's not downloading at all | 06:59 |
Gargoyle | OK. I witched back to the radeon driver but left the screen settings inplace. No I have two desktops. :) | 07:00 |
Gargoyle | should I be able to drag windows from one to the other or is there a trick to it on linux? | 07:00 |
mcgr | !torrent | 07:00 |
ubotu | mcgr: I don't know | 07:00 |
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void^ | unless you use xinerama you have 2 separate displays, technically. | 07:04 |
_jason | if I install kde-desktop, will my gnome menu become filled with kde apps? | 07:04 |
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rhoffaa | i have a pc formatted ipod and was wondering how i format it to work with gtkpod | 07:04 |
rhoffaa | anyone? | 07:06 |
WildZeck | rhoffaa, it will work on fat32 | 07:06 |
joachim-n | I used a friend's PC ipod on gtkpod without any problems | 07:06 |
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acid2 | Hey ho | 07:07 |
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WildZeck | or use qtparted | 07:07 |
acid2 | I'm currently spending a bit of time sorting my Ubuntu out, making it work just how I want it - and Totem is causing me some issues | 07:07 |
WildZeck | joachim-n, use qtparted | 07:07 |
joachim-n | gparted :) | 07:08 |
WildZeck | lol yes if it exist | 07:08 |
rhoffaa | when i drag and drop on the ipod though it never transfers | 07:08 |
acid2 | When I try and view movies in Firefox I just get a dialog saying "The totem plugin could not startup: The video output is in use by another application" | 07:08 |
acid2 | Although, I have nothing else that would be using video stuff... | 07:08 |
acid2 | any ideas? | 07:08 |
WildZeck | i dunno | 07:08 |
mebsd | no idea | 07:08 |
acid2 | darn | 07:09 |
acid2 | I'll see if that happens when I try and open movies just using totem.. | 07:09 |
rhoffaa | why wont it transfer over | 07:09 |
acid2 | I can't even start Totem because the same error occurs | 07:09 |
_jason | acid2, has this always happened? | 07:11 |
acid2 | hurrah, got it to work (a bit!) | 07:11 |
acid2 | I got totem to load now | 07:11 |
acid2 | I changed my video output in "Multimedia systems" to XWindows | 07:11 |
acid2 | Is there a howto anywhere saying how to get codecs for totem? (like, essential codecs) | 07:12 |
_jason | ubotu, tell acid2 about multimedia | 07:13 |
mebsd | wtf is totem, why not mplayer | 07:13 |
mebsd | is firefox 1.5 supposed to be faster than 1? | 07:13 |
_jason | mebsd, I don't know if it is supposed to be, but for me it seems so | 07:13 |
acid2 | mebsd: because I prefer totem? | 07:14 |
Gargoyle | do i need to dissable dri? | 07:14 |
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DRK13 | heelo | 07:15 |
DRK13 | awefawefawef | 07:16 |
DRK13 | anyone home | 07:17 |
acid2 | hi | 07:17 |
DRK13 | hi, trying a new client, I didnt think it connected | 07:17 |
DRK13 | lol | 07:17 |
acid2 | :) | 07:18 |
acid2 | which client? | 07:18 |
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DRK13 | I am on winblows at work. Using Hydralrc | 07:18 |
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DRK13 | is anyone chatting I cant see anything? | 07:23 |
DRK13 | 11 | 07:24 |
acid2 | I'm talking | 07:24 |
darksun_ | nope | 07:24 |
acid2 | can you see this? | 07:24 |
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darksun_ | noones talking | 07:24 |
jbroome | we're hiding | 07:24 |
sethk | he's gone. | 07:25 |
sethk | people are strange. | 07:25 |
jbroome | bummer | 07:25 |
darksun_ | some people say im strange, does that make me a stranger? | 07:26 |
jbroome | ride the snake! | 07:26 |
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CarlFK | I have 4 different images that I want to print on one page. how do I do that? | 07:32 |
CarlFK | I "could" cut/paste them into one image, but I would like to think there is a better way | 07:32 |
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lucasvo | CarlFK: | 07:38 |
lucasvo | CarlFK: use openoffice? | 07:38 |
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CarlFK | thats an idea... | 07:38 |
CarlFK | I thougt there was an optin in Gimp | 07:39 |
DRK13 | I am back, down I hate windows clients | 07:39 |
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rhoffaa | gtkpod issue, i just dragged all the songs and playlists i wanted on my ipod, the remaining disk space changed and i updated to transfer the tracks, disconnected, no new songs, why is it doin this | 07:42 |
defiance` | Has anyone used three monitors with linux in here? | 07:43 |
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rhoffaa | anyone know why its doin that | 07:44 |
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thomas | never even used an iPod | 07:46 |
rhoffaa | hmm | 07:46 |
rhoffaa | well its annoying | 07:46 |
thomas | try rhythmbox or w/e? | 07:46 |
triode | I have run out of space on my / partition, what can I do? | 07:46 |
rhoffaa | it is making me have a bad linux experience | 07:47 |
thomas | lol... | 07:47 |
thomas | you're kidding right? | 07:47 |
rosen | According to an installation guide I'm supposed to extract this PlaneShift_CBV0.3.012P-r2.i686.bin into a folder, but how am I supposed to extract a *.bin file ? | 07:47 |
onkarshinde | triode, may be use evms | 07:47 |
trappist | rhoffaa: get crossover office and run itunes | 07:47 |
thomas | reverse enginred support for a third party product is making you have a "bad linux experiance"? | 07:47 |
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triode | onkarshinde, I'll research on that, thanks for the tip | 07:48 |
thomas | engineered* | 07:48 |
trappist | rosen: file PlaneShift_CBV0.3.012P-r2.i686.bin <-- what does that say | 07:48 |
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onkarshinde | rosen, just try to run it by changing its executable permission | 07:48 |
Gargoyle | anyone got an X800 (or and fglrx card) setup with dual head? | 07:48 |
rhoffaa | with rhythmbox, which i use to organize my music, i try to drag and drop my songs onto the ipod and that doesnt work either | 07:48 |
thomas | chmod a+x file.bin && ./file.bin | 07:48 |
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onkarshinde | rhoffaa, have you tried gtkpod? | 07:49 |
thomas | yeah he has same problem | 07:49 |
rosen | trappist, well that pretty much gave me the answer .. | 07:49 |
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rosen | PlaneShift_CBV0.3.012P-r2.i686.bin: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1, statically linked, corrupted section header size | 07:49 |
rosen | corrupted.... | 07:49 |
rhoffaa | trappist - how do i install it can i apt-get | 07:49 |
rosen | blimey | 07:49 |
rhoffaa | onkarshinde - yes, didnt work | 07:49 |
rhoffaa | put all my songs playlists updated it said they transfered but they didnt | 07:50 |
trappist | rhoffaa: no, you have to get it from codeweavers.com. it's not free, but it's awesome. | 07:50 |
rhoffaa | oh well, im moving to os x in a month so ill get over that | 07:50 |
derekS | does ssh log connections/disconnects anywhere? | 07:51 |
rhoffaa | theres nothing speical i have to do to make it work with rhythmbox | 07:51 |
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josh__ | woot woot | 07:51 |
josh__ | yall gotta tell me when you switch names | 07:51 |
rhoffaa | or should i reformat the ipod to work with rhythmbox? | 07:52 |
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sethk | derekS, root logins are logged. Whether the others are logged depends on the sshd configuration | 07:52 |
rhoffaa | cause it can read the files on it, but when i drag a plalist onto it it wont go | 07:52 |
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onkarshinde | rhoffaa, never used ipod. But can you tell me exact problem? | 07:52 |
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derekS | sethk: ssh disconnects me like once every minute | 07:53 |
derekS | no idea why | 07:53 |
derekS | luckily for screen ... | 07:53 |
derekS | using putty | 07:53 |
rhoffaa | ok, rhythmbox shows my ipod on the left under library, i try to drag a song or playlist on top to add it, and whatever im trying to add just goes back and the files or playlist isnt added | 07:53 |
rhoffaa | but it can read the files on it | 07:53 |
thomas | Rhythmbox shows an iPod regardless | 07:53 |
sethk | derekS, once connected, do an strace with -p (process id) to see what the sshd does | 07:53 |
sethk | derekS, you have to do it after connection because a new sshd is spawned for each connection | 07:54 |
thomas | have you tried to see if you've mounted the iPod? | 07:54 |
rhoffaa | thomas well it shows my files on it, but it wont let me add more | 07:54 |
thomas | if you have to mount the iPod? | 07:54 |
rhoffaa | well, i believe its mounted cause i have the option to unmount cvolume | 07:54 |
rhoffaa | volume | 07:54 |
josh__ | anyone know about freenx? | 07:54 |
derekS | sethk: sshd process id? | 07:55 |
thomas | hmm | 07:55 |
thomas | you googled? | 07:55 |
sethk | derekS, right. after connection, use ps aux to find the process id for the sshd instance just started | 07:55 |
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rhoffaa | well, i cant really google it,i looked up orblems but didnt find this one | 07:56 |
josh__ | yeah but im geting an error that no one has posted a fix for | 07:56 |
rhoffaa | i dont know how to word it to properly search it | 07:56 |
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DRK13 | hi room | 07:56 |
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Jowi | hello DRK13 | 07:59 |
derekS | sethk: read(3, "\245U\326D_\353=:\23\33\366T\200\366$Be\266\16K\346\346"..., 16384) = 52 | 07:59 |
derekS | select(10, [3 6 9] , [] , NULL, NULL | 07:59 |
derekS | thats it | 07:59 |
sethk | derekS, can't be, because you said you get disconnected. The process dies when you disconnect. That's probably not the correct instance of sshd | 07:59 |
sethk | derekS, just after you log in, you want to most recently started sshd process | 07:59 |
thomas | Well i'd search myself if firefox would open but I'm in the middle of upgrading from hoary to breezy... | 08:00 |
derekS | sethk: it doesn't die | 08:00 |
sethk | derekS, your client side is disconnected? | 08:00 |
derekS | oh, so it can be a client problem? | 08:00 |
sethk | it can, but if what you are saying is correct you should see many many sshd processes running | 08:01 |
sethk | derekS, because you have connected several times and sshd is not dying | 08:01 |
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thomas | rhoffaa, i'd try something decently vague, like rhythmbox ipod...see if you can find anything detailing how to use them on conjunciton of one another | 08:01 |
derekS | darn putty | 08:01 |
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sethk | derekS, so, unless you see one sshd process for each time you've logged in since reboot, the sshd processes are ending | 08:01 |
Jowi | derekS, sethk. ssh client should say "remote closed connection" or the reverse, so you should know which side closed it. | 08:01 |
sethk | derekS, I just use cygwin on the windows side, which has the identical ssh to linux, and everything works. | 08:02 |
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derekS | sethk: i have always had putty, never really had problems before | 08:02 |
sethk | derekS, ok. I've not heard of putty having this problem | 08:02 |
sethk | derekS, but did you understand what I was telling you about the sshd processes? | 08:03 |
josh__ | ya know... im having the same problem... ssh | 08:03 |
josh__ | lol | 08:03 |
derekS | sethk: yeah, because the process didn't die | 08:03 |
derekS | josh__: you get disconnected? | 08:03 |
sethk | derekS, so do you see a whole lot of sshd processes running? | 08:03 |
derekS | root 19705 0.0 0.1 7176 2352 ? Ss 13:52 0:00 sshd: derek [priv] | 08:03 |
derekS | derek 19707 0.0 0.0 7176 1536 ? S 13:52 0:00 sshd: derek@notty | 08:04 |
derekS | tons of those | 08:04 |
sethk | derekS, ok. | 08:04 |
derekS | does that mean anything? | 08:04 |
josh__ | lol no it just took me a while to find out that yall changing irc names lol | 08:04 |
sethk | derekS, means you are correct and sshd is in fact not terminating | 08:04 |
derekS | so its client side | 08:04 |
sethk | derekS, I would use ethereal to sniff the packets, see if I could spot why it disconnects that way. | 08:04 |
sethk | derekS, well, it sounds like it, but we don't have enough data to say that conclusively | 08:04 |
derekS | sethk: yeah | 08:05 |
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derekS | unless, if my hub at work is dropping packets.... | 08:05 |
josh__ | i can connect through ssh... but i cant get the gui to port | 08:05 |
derekS | would that cause a disconnect? | 08:05 |
josh__ | found out i needed freenx | 08:05 |
josh__ | only problem is i cant set it up | 08:05 |
sethk | derekS, sure, it could | 08:05 |
josh__ | get a cryptic error message | 08:05 |
derekS | sethk: well we have hubs | 08:06 |
derekS | i should move myself to the less crowded one | 08:06 |
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sethk | josh__, why do you need freenx? | 08:06 |
josh__ | because i have to have a server set up on this side | 08:07 |
josh__ | go no machine on the work comp | 08:07 |
josh__ | but when i try to connect it tells me server not installed and/or nx disabled | 08:07 |
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josh__ | hey seveas | 08:07 |
josh__ | the java update on your repo aint working lol | 08:08 |
josh__ | damn | 08:08 |
josh__ | im hyper | 08:08 |
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josh__ | too much coffee i think | 08:08 |
josh__ | lol | 08:08 |
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josh__ | s | 08:08 |
josh__ | lol | 08:08 |
josh__ | tp for my bunghole!! | 08:08 |
techrush | lol | 08:09 |
josh__ | so yeah | 08:09 |
josh__ | the guys at work are gonna hate me tonight lol | 08:09 |
sethk | josh__, tell me again why you think you need freenx to do that? | 08:09 |
techrush | why | 08:09 |
josh__ | i need freenx because i dont have a sever on this side of the ssh | 08:09 |
josh__ | because im too hyper and they hate that | 08:09 |
benplaut | well, if you guys are already talking about FreeNX, anyone know why mine keeps timing out, with the log not reporting anything useful | 08:10 |
benplaut | ? | 08:10 |
sethk | josh__, don't know what you mean. You don't have a server running where? | 08:10 |
ardchoille | Anyone have any experience with tomboy? Is it any good? | 08:10 |
josh__ | on this box | 08:10 |
sethk | josh__, because nothing you've said so far means that you want to run freenx | 08:10 |
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sethk | josh__, "this box" is what? where? running what o/s? | 08:11 |
josh__ | lol i need to port the gui to my work box from this box but i dont have the server set up yet and its kicking my ass | 08:11 |
benplaut | ardchoille: Newton is much, much better | 08:11 |
josh__ | my home box | 08:11 |
josh__ | ubuntu | 08:11 |
josh__ | the work computer is a windows box | 08:11 |
sethk | josh__, ok, then you most certainly do have ssh and sshd available on "this box" | 08:11 |
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sethk | josh__, for the windows box, all you need to do is install cygwin, and run sshd | 08:11 |
ardchoille | benplaut: Thanks. I don't see newton in the repos | 08:12 |
benplaut | ardchoille: aye... you have to compile it (but it's easy)... i'll get you a link | 08:12 |
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ardchoille | benplaut: aye, thank you | 08:12 |
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benplaut | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=37029&highlight=newton | 08:13 |
Ophiocus | does anyone know where is the xmms executable after install? | 08:13 |
trappist | usually /usr/bin | 08:13 |
benplaut | not hard, just run configure as shown in the thread, then make, make install | 08:13 |
benplaut | Ophiocus: type "which xmms" | 08:13 |
trappist | Ophiocus: you can find out by issuing 'which xmms' | 08:13 |
benplaut | ^^ | 08:13 |
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ardchoille | benplaut: Thank you :) | 08:14 |
Jowi | Ophiocus: "whereis xmms" also work | 08:14 |
sethk | or type xmms | 08:14 |
benplaut | 'welcome :) | 08:14 |
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Ophiocus | bin it was, i ll rememnber wheris and which | 08:15 |
Ophiocus | cheers | 08:15 |
Ophiocus | so whereis fetches only executables? | 08:16 |
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sethk | or which xmms is a synonym for whereis | 08:17 |
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sethk | Ophiocus, which/whereis uses the execution search path to find an executable by name and show you the full path to it. | 08:17 |
_jason | hrmm, is kubuntu-desktop suppose to break gnome? It affected my settings in gnome and now I can't even access 'fonts' in preferences. It just opens and closes | 08:17 |
sethk | Ophiocus, so it isn't the fact that the file is executable, it's the fact that it is located by using the execution search path. Effectively what you aid is correct but that's not exactly how it internally works. | 08:18 |
Ophiocus | execution serch path, that sounds promising for managing appz | 08:18 |
_jason | going to try to reboot | 08:18 |
sethk | _jason, I don't know. I installed all the KDE packages and it didn't muck with my gnome config | 08:18 |
_jason | sethk, I was messing with the kubuntu fonts and styles | 08:18 |
sethk | Ophiocus, that's what it is for. aka $PATH in bash, $path is a synonym for $PATH in some shells. | 08:18 |
sethk | _jason, I changed my default KDE fonts, and I didn't see anything nasty in gnome. But I did it using the kcontrol | 08:19 |
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_jason | sethk, yeah I used that I think, whatever the app is under system | 08:19 |
ElBarono | anyone manage to get an Archos gmini working as a USB mass storage device? | 08:19 |
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_jason | sethk, even my menus in gnome now have some kind of gradient. any ideas? | 08:19 |
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sethk | _jason, Make sure you used the KDE one. You will still find some of the gnome configuration programs on the menu running kubuntu desktop. You may have used a gnome config, thinking that it wouldn't be on the menu while running kubuntu desktop | 08:20 |
Jowi | ElBarono: is it a general usb-storage disk? | 08:20 |
_jason | sethk, nah it was definitely kde, it had too many options lol | 08:20 |
Ophiocus | how can i tunnel $PATH to ls? | 08:20 |
sethk | _jason, there is a separate GUI configuration tool for KDE, and that's what you have to use to keep KDE and gnome apart | 08:21 |
ElBarono | Jowi: I thought it would be, but it's not getting recognized | 08:21 |
sethk | _jason, then I don't know why you have gnome changes. you shouldn't. | 08:21 |
Jowi | ElBarono: try "modprobe usb-storage" | 08:21 |
Ophiocus | i mean, i want the whole result of a query to the execution path | 08:21 |
_jason | sethk, okay I am going to try to reboot to see if I can at least run the gnome apps to change it back | 08:21 |
ElBarono | Jowi: usb-storage and scsi were both loaded | 08:21 |
Ophiocus | something like an appz list | 08:21 |
DRK13 | Back to a linux client. I hate windows | 08:21 |
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sethk | Ophiocus, which ls will come back with something like: /bin/ls | 08:21 |
sethk | Ophiocus, is that what you mean? | 08:21 |
Jowi | ElBarono: then try to mount it. "sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /media/yournewdir" | 08:22 |
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Ophiocus | close, i want as a result a list of all the names of appz that are installed in the system | 08:22 |
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ElBarono | Jowi: the device isn't there.. | 08:22 |
ElBarono | there's nothing in /proc/scsi/scsi | 08:22 |
Ophiocus | dont mind if its outrageously long | 08:22 |
ElBarono | nothing in dmesg except that a USB device was attached | 08:22 |
sethk | Ophiocus, locate ls | egrep '/ls$' | 08:22 |
ElBarono | I just recompiled with static usb-storage and scsi support | 08:23 |
Jowi | ElBarono: ElBarono cat /proc/bus/usb/devices | 08:23 |
ElBarono | going to boot into that when I get home and see if it helps | 08:23 |
Ophiocus | thats gonna be fun | 08:23 |
Ophiocus | thanks | 08:23 |
ElBarono | Jowi: it's not plugged in anymore | 08:23 |
ElBarono | gotta wait until later | 08:23 |
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ElBarono | it was showing up as a USB 2.0 device on bus 4 | 08:23 |
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muep | can I install ubuntu if I can't boot from a cd? | 08:24 |
Jowi | ElBarono: if you cat the usb/devices you will see if it use usb-storage driver or not. :) | 08:24 |
trans_err | I wonder if someone has a good solution for this: I have music on both my pbook and my ubuntu box. Both sets have a lot of similiarities, but both sets also have some differences. I want to take all the music on my pbook (that isn't a duplicate of something on my linux box) and copy it over? Any ideas? | 08:24 |
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ElBarono | Jowi: thanks, I'll give that a try later | 08:24 |
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ElBarono | it didn't look like the usb-storage module was initializing when I plugged it in though | 08:24 |
ElBarono | I didn't see the normal disk output in dmesg | 08:24 |
erchache | what is difference between ubuntu iso on server mode and ubuntu-server iso? | 08:25 |
slew | is it possible to get the new kde 3.5 for ubuntu? if so, how? | 08:25 |
ElBarono | my 7-in-1 card reader works fine | 08:25 |
slew | im using 5.10, badger. | 08:25 |
DRK13 | EL Borono. You on the [M] at all???? | 08:26 |
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Ophiocus | hey peeps am about to embark in an experiment, who of you wants to help completely blow up my lin box trying to turn it into an http dhcp nat/proxy/firewall dns windows domain server all rolled in one? | 08:26 |
Jowi | ElBarono: dmesg should show something like this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5825 | 08:27 |
josh__ | my wife just ruined eggs for me... turns out eggs are just a chickens period | 08:27 |
josh__ | lol | 08:27 |
Riddell | slew: yes, see kubuntu.org | 08:27 |
trappist | nothing could ruin eggs. | 08:27 |
josh__ | lol okie dokie | 08:27 |
josh__ | lol | 08:27 |
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josh__ | u can have a chickens menstrual cycle if you want lol | 08:28 |
Gargoyle | Woo Hoo | 08:28 |
josh__ | imma stay away from them now... lol i have a long block list lol | 08:28 |
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Gargoyle | Just the 4 hours to get it setup right! :/ | 08:28 |
ElBarono | Jowi: right, it wasn't showing that | 08:28 |
smo | Ophiocus, it sounds like " ls ${PATH//:/ } " will do what you're looking for .. dpkg --get-selections or similar is usually more useful tho | 08:28 |
_jason | I'm in kde now, gnome won't even start. It just pops up the panel and disappears repeatedly, so I have to restart X and login to kde. Any ideas? or am I stuck with a reinstall? | 08:28 |
slew | Riddell, ok, i was there and it told me to add a key, and then deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde35 breezy main but the second command gives me deb: command not found. | 08:28 |
ElBarono | Jowi: it logged that there was a new USB device but that's it. | 08:29 |
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Jowi | ElBarono: you mentioned that you compiled your own kernel. did you enable scsi-disk support (usb-storage need it)? | 08:29 |
ElBarono | Jowi: yes, as a module | 08:29 |
trans_err | slew: put that line in your /etc/apt/sources.list | 08:29 |
ElBarono | like I said, my 7-in-1 card reader works fine | 08:29 |
ElBarono | the devices get assigned properly | 08:29 |
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slew | ahhhh ok thanks trans_err | 08:29 |
ElBarono | to /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, etc | 08:29 |
ElBarono | and ubuntu even automounts them | 08:29 |
Jowi | ElBarono: ...just this one that doesn't. | 08:29 |
ElBarono | to /dev/media/usbdisk/ | 08:29 |
josh__ | brb need coffe and smoke | 08:29 |
josh__ | smokes | 08:30 |
josh__ | :) | 08:30 |
ElBarono | right | 08:30 |
josh__ | woot woot | 08:30 |
josh__ | lol | 08:30 |
Jowi | ElBarono: ok. | 08:30 |
josh__ | then i will come back and act like i know what im doing | 08:30 |
josh__ | lol | 08:30 |
ElBarono | just wondering if anyone had this specific device and could give me the magic | 08:30 |
ElBarono | or maybe it's a new device type that just isn't suported | 08:30 |
ElBarono | I doubt that though | 08:30 |
slew | trans_err, just anywhere? | 08:31 |
trans_err | slew: yup | 08:31 |
ElBarono | the funny thing is that this device is linux-based | 08:31 |
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slew | excellent thanks | 08:31 |
trans_err | slew: as long as its on its own line | 08:31 |
ElBarono | you'd think it would just wrok | 08:31 |
ElBarono | work | 08:31 |
Ophiocus | smo, thanks | 08:31 |
trans_err | slew: then apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade should do it | 08:31 |
benplaut | anyone know how to enable right-left scrolling on a 4-way mouse> | 08:31 |
benplaut | ? | 08:31 |
trans_err | slew: heh- but I take no responcibility if you fry things | 08:32 |
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slew | hehe no worries. =] | 08:32 |
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Jowi | ElBarono: what does it say on their site regarding drivers? | 08:32 |
ElBarono | Jowi: nothing about Linux, as far as I can tell | 08:32 |
Jowi | ElBarono: which gmini have you got? | 08:33 |
geneo93 | dapper is fast | 08:33 |
ElBarono | gmini402 | 08:33 |
ElBarono | google searches thus far have come up empty | 08:34 |
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ElBarono | HMM | 08:34 |
ElBarono | 2002-09-19: Incompatible with preempt and/or lock break patch | 08:34 |
ElBarono | The isd200 driver appears to not be compatible with the preempt or lock break kernel patches. | 08:35 |
ElBarono | interesting | 08:35 |
ElBarono | maybe that's the problem | 08:35 |
ElBarono | that was a long time ago though | 08:35 |
ElBarono | you would think that would have been fixed by now | 08:35 |
DRK13 | ya | 08:35 |
slew | sudo apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade | 08:36 |
slew | Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root? weird eh? | 08:36 |
QQ_ghost | benplaut: is it one of those ibm ps/2 mice? | 08:36 |
mwe | slew: you need sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 08:36 |
slew | oh so sudo after && too, then? | 08:37 |
mwe | slew: yeah | 08:37 |
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slew | k thanks | 08:37 |
benplaut | QQ_ghost: MS laser mouse | 08:37 |
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skon | Hey can someone show me how to use ifconfig's options to change my network settings to a static IP, default gateway, DNS server, and subnet mask, and then back to DHCP?? | 08:38 |
QQ_ghost | slew: the && is as good as a new line, but the execution will only happen IF the first happens properly | 08:38 |
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slew | QQ_ghost, writing it down now. =] | 08:38 |
Jowi | ElBarono: still looking | 08:39 |
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acid2 | Hey again | 08:39 |
DRK13 | omg hi2u | 08:39 |
acid2 | I'm trying to get Xinerama working, and right now it's sort of working... | 08:39 |
acid2 | I can move the mouse pointer from one screen to another | 08:40 |
QQ_ghost | benplaut: with that little button looking thing that you push side to side(like in the middle of a laptop keyboard? | 08:40 |
acid2 | And also drag windows into the other monitor | 08:40 |
trappist | skon: your default gateway is set with route, not ifconfig and your dns settings are in /etc/resolv.conf | 08:40 |
acid2 | However, I can see whatever windows are in my left (primary) monitor, on my right (secondary) monitor | 08:40 |
trappist | skon: you want to edit your /etc/network/interfaces to make those changes | 08:40 |
acid2 | Also, the screen doesn't update properly | 08:41 |
skon | trappist: I want to make a bash script to autmatically switch my settings between school and home because school is static and home is DCHP | 08:41 |
skon | trappist: so can I just use a script to edit those files? | 08:41 |
trappist | skon: you could do that with the whereami package. you can tell it how to detect where you are and set it up automatically. or you could write a bash script, but it would have to use route to set your gateway and edit /etc/resolv.conf when it's static. | 08:42 |
QQ_ghost | how do i enable multiple monitors? | 08:42 |
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trappist | skon: are you static at home and dhcp at school? | 08:43 |
trappist | oh nm you already said the opposite | 08:43 |
Jowi | ElBarono: no win98 support. w2k and XP drivers not needed. All software stored in the data directory of the device hdd. most definetley sound like a normal usb-storage device to me. | 08:43 |
skon | trappist: no the other way around....static at school, DHCP at home | 08:43 |
ElBarono | Jowi: same here | 08:43 |
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trappist | skon: another possible alternative is to set up a dhcp server to listen on localhost and use it to hand out the right info when you're at school | 08:44 |
trappist | don't really know if that would work though | 08:44 |
QQ_ghost | |whaq: whack with a pipe? :) | 08:45 |
skon | Hmm I'm installing whereami now | 08:45 |
jmain | I am having a USB mouse issue that has jsut started in the last 2 weeks. It gets disconnected and won't reconnect until I reboot | 08:45 |
|whaq | if u say so | 08:45 |
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sethk | trappist, it would be a bit tricky, but you could make that work | 08:45 |
pie|whaq | er | 08:45 |
Jowi | ElBarono: which kernel version have you got? | 08:46 |
QQ_ghost | jmain: just try unplugging and re-plug it, i had that problem with winxp | 08:46 |
trappist | skon: wheremi is a bit of a pain to get set up, but it's pretty sweet once you've done it | 08:46 |
skon | Okay | 08:46 |
ElBarono | Jowi: | 08:46 |
ElBarono | er | 08:46 |
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ElBarono | | 08:46 |
trappist | jmain: it's not a wireless mouse is it? | 08:46 |
jmain | I tried that still doens't work. Actually unless the mouse is conneced before power on it never works at all. | 08:47 |
jmain | trappest: wired USB | 08:47 |
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trappist | jmain: sudo modprobe -r usbhid && modprobe usbhid | 08:47 |
sethk | jmain, I have gotten wired usb mouse to connect and disconnect. To do it I have two configured mice in xorg.conf | 08:47 |
jmain | It is an logitech optical mouse and the light on the bottom flashes like crazy | 08:47 |
QQ_ghost | does anyone here know how to enable multiple monitor cards? | 08:47 |
QQ_ghost | linux won't boot with my second video card in | 08:48 |
trappist | QQ_ghost: do you mean multiple video cards or multiple monitors? | 08:48 |
trappist | ah. | 08:48 |
jmain | trappist: still flashing | 08:48 |
Jowi | ElBarono: just looking at my own kernel (2.6.12) and it does not have any special low-level drivers for Archos at least | 08:49 |
Dido- | my xmms suddenly stopped playing mp3 thru the lan, any ideas? | 08:49 |
sethk | jmain, one laptop I use a wired logitech optical and I did get it to work properly, with connections and disconnections, on my laptop | 08:49 |
sethk | QQ_ghost, that's not normal. Linux should always boot. | 08:49 |
sethk | QQ_ghost, if you mean it boots and you don't see the display, that's different. But if it doesn't boot you have a serious hardware problem. | 08:49 |
ElBarono | Jowi: yeah, there aren't any | 08:50 |
QQ_ghost | sethk: the kernel boots, but x won't start | 08:50 |
ElBarono | There is an ISD200 driver | 08:50 |
ElBarono | not sure if that's what it uses though | 08:50 |
QQ_ghost | sethk: it locks up... | 08:50 |
jmain | sethk: I tried a microsoft mouse and the same issue. | 08:51 |
sethk | QQ_ghost, locks up, meaning the machine has crashed? You can ping it from another host on the network? control-alt-F1 doesn't bring up a console? control-alt-backspace doesn't kill the x server? | 08:51 |
jmain | I have been running Breezy since the release with no issues. It just started happening about 2 weeks ago | 08:51 |
sethk | you can't ping it, that is | 08:51 |
sethk | jmain, strange. I've had problems with the M$ optical, but with my logitechs I've not run into a problem. | 08:52 |
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HapyHippy | lo all | 08:52 |
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Dr_Willis | jmain, try a live cd - and see if it has the same isue.. if several different live cd's have same problem - that sounds like a Hardware issue in the pc. | 08:52 |
jmain | And it seems as some days I have no issues all day with out a problem. The next day it will be 3 or 4 times. | 08:52 |
HapyHippy | some n00b gcc problems | 08:52 |
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Dr_Willis | almost sounds like a loose wire/bad solder joing. | 08:52 |
sethk | jmain, did you update your kernel recently? | 08:52 |
QQ_ghost | sethk: i haven't tried to ping it, but nothing works - not the keyboard or mouse | 08:52 |
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bulio | How do I disable ipv6? | 08:52 |
HapyHippy | trying to install the lame mp3 codec but ./configure threw a no compiler error... | 08:52 |
bulio | I tried making a bad_list file | 08:53 |
crimsun | HapyHippy: install build-essential | 08:53 |
HapyHippy | Used Synaptec to d/l gcc | 08:53 |
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jmain | Just the one in autoupdate. But I tried loading the original kernel and same issue | 08:53 |
bulio | how do I tell if ipv6 is now disabled | 08:53 |
Jowi | ElBarono: i found an experimental usb mass storage driver called USBAT/USBAT02. maybe worth looking into | 08:53 |
crimsun | HapyHippy: why don't you use lame in multiverse? | 08:53 |
sethk | QQ_ghost, ok, so it really has crashed. When you reboot, but before trying to start X, look at the X log to see how far it got before crashing | 08:53 |
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crimsun | !info lame | 08:53 |
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ubotu | lame: (LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder), section multiverse/sound, is optional. Version: 3.96.1-1 (breezy), Packaged size: 222 kB, Installed size: 620 kB | 08:53 |
ubuntu | !x | 08:53 |
ubotu | No idea, ubuntu | 08:53 |
HapyHippy | didn't see it when I looked | 08:53 |
HapyHippy | will retry | 08:53 |
bulio | how do I tell if ipv6 is disabled | 08:54 |
ubuntu | !nvidia | 08:54 |
ubotu | hmm... nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57368 | 08:54 |
jono | how can I turn the automatic updates thing off? | 08:54 |
geneo93 | crimsun: had to cheat to get my sound working in dapper | 08:54 |
trappist | bulio: see if your devices have ipv6 addresses | 08:54 |
jono | I don't want it to pop up | 08:54 |
Jowi | ElBarono: it's located just under the ISD-200 one in the kernel tree | 08:54 |
bulio | what does an ipv6 addy look like? | 08:54 |
sethk | bulio, ifconfig -a will show two interfaces for each NIC if ipv6 is enabled. | 08:54 |
josh__ | okie dokie im back | 08:54 |
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sethk | bulio, it's much much longer than the ipv4 address. I haven't bothered to memorize the format yet. | 08:55 |
crimsun | geneo93: oh? | 08:55 |
ubuntu | X got broken when I upgraded from hoary to breezy | 08:55 |
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QQ_ghost | bulio: go into firefox, in the address bar type about:config, scroll down to network.dns.disableIPv6, double click it | 08:55 |
bulio | I see eth0 pp0 and sit0 | 08:55 |
josh__ | lol i think imma bout to have to change my name lol | 08:55 |
=== ubuntu has a nvidia card | ||
josh__ | brb | 08:55 |
geneo93 | yean had to use breezy to get it to work then sitch to dapper | 08:55 |
sethk | bulio, I believe sit0 is an ipv6 | 08:55 |
bulio | how can I disable ipv6? | 08:55 |
HapyHippy | dunno how I missed it there, doh! | 08:55 |
QQ_ghost | sethk: how do i stop x from loading? | 08:55 |
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crimsun | geneo93: it doesn't work in Dapper directly? | 08:56 |
bulio | is there a way to use only ipv4? | 08:56 |
ubuntu | I've tried to follow the directions on the wiki regarding the breezyupgradenotes, but I received a couple errors with that | 08:56 |
sethk | bulio, rebuild the kernel with it disabled, or prevent the ipv6 module from loading, if it's a module | 08:56 |
bulio | because I can't use nmap with ipv6 | 08:56 |
HapyHippy | Out of principal though, any idea why I'm getting the error "configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables | 08:56 |
HapyHippy | "? | 08:56 |
quitte | hi. does the latest installer support raid6? | 08:56 |
geneo93 | crimsun: smp isn't really wotking though | 08:56 |
sethk | QQ_ghost, boot up in single user mode, or boot to runlevel 1 | 08:56 |
ubuntu | HapyHippy, you have one installed right ? | 08:56 |
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HapyHippy | gcc installed thru Synaptec | 08:56 |
crimsun | geneo93: wait, what issue are you addressing, sound or cpu count? | 08:56 |
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QQ_ghost | sethk: where is the x log? | 08:56 |
sethk | HapyHippy, usually running the build as a regular user, and the compiler tries to write to a directory that only root can write to. | 08:56 |
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HapyHippy | tried it with sudo | 08:57 |
_jason | I installed kubuntu-desktop. After using kde for a few minutes and messing with the styles, I logged out and tried to log in to gnome. However gnome no longer starts. The panel appears and disappears, repeatedly. However, I can login with a different account and gnome works fine. How can I reset all of the gnome-related config files for my other account? | 08:57 |
ka|patrick123 | hi guys | 08:57 |
ka|patrick123 | :) | 08:57 |
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navarone | Hapyhippy is it complaining about particaular version compiler? You may need to use EXPORT command to specify specific version. | 08:57 |
sethk | HapyHippy, then the compiler isn't installed properly. compile a file by hand and you should get an error message that tells you why. | 08:57 |
pseudo_apt-get_i | woot woot | 08:57 |
sethk | QQ_ghost, /var/log/xorg* | 08:57 |
pseudo_apt-get_i | damn | 08:57 |
geneo93 | crimsun: the mixer shows my bt878 and i have no control over sound | 08:57 |
ka|patrick | could someone help me figuring out why i cant play any videos? | 08:57 |
pseudo_apt-get_i | it dont show my whole name lol | 08:57 |
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ka|patrick | i am totally confused | 08:57 |
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sethk | QQ_ghost, there should be only one file in /var/log that has xorg in the name | 08:57 |
crimsun | geneo93: so which card do you have? | 08:57 |
ubuntu | !codecs | 08:57 |
ubotu | Binary only codecs (such as w32codecs) can be downloaded from plf or cipherfunk, see !easysource for details on these repositories | 08:57 |
geneo93 | but tvtime works just fine | 08:57 |
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ka|patrick | although i ahve installed any codec i found nothing works | 08:58 |
ElBarono | Jowi: yeah I had that one compiled in already | 08:58 |
HapyHippy | k, will reinstall and then come back next time I need to compile something if it's still moaning | 08:58 |
HapyHippy | cheers | 08:58 |
ka|patrick | win32 codecs, xvid, divx, real, etc. | 08:58 |
ubuntu | what are you using to play | 08:58 |
ElBarono | I had everything except the Maxtor OneTouch support and verbose debug selected | 08:58 |
ubuntu | them ? | 08:58 |
QQ_ghost | sethk: thanx, will try | 08:58 |
rosen | !java | 08:58 |
ubotu | To install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs | 08:58 |
rosen | !javadebs | 08:58 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, javadebs is Sun Java debs packaged for breezy are at http://www.giannaros.org/public/breezydebs/ To install these, open a terminal, cd to the directory you downloaded them to, and type "sudo dpkg -i filename.deb" | 08:58 |
=== pseudo_smartass [n=josh@66-191-145-50.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
trappist | navarone: rm -rf ~/.gnome ~/.gnome2 | 08:58 |
mustard5 | ka|patrick, so you say you haven't installed any codecs yet? | 08:58 |
navarone | trappist I think you have me confused with someone else...lol | 08:59 |
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pseudo_smartass | much beter | 08:59 |
pseudo_smartass | lol | 08:59 |
ubuntu | mustard5, he said he did, AFIAK | 08:59 |
trappist | oh | 08:59 |
ka|patrick | i HAVE | 08:59 |
Jowi | ElBarono: alright | 08:59 |
mustard5 | ka|patrick, k | 08:59 |
ka|patrick | w32 for wmv and avi-stuff | 08:59 |
trappist | I do that a lot here. 600 users seems to screw up my tab complete. | 08:59 |
ubuntu | ka|patrick, what prog are you using to view them ? | 08:59 |
ka|patrick | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#head-4cfa3d6b0994ebb0a6a965a6f59c2651b511f561 <-- these ones | 08:59 |
navarone | trappist np | 08:59 |
ubuntu | do you recieve an error msg ? | 08:59 |
ka|patrick | urmm... kaffeine xchat | 08:59 |
jono | can I use a dapper kernel on breezy? | 08:59 |
trappist | jono: I wouldn't | 09:00 |
geneo93 | no | 09:00 |
ka|patrick | xine not xchat lol | 09:00 |
_jason | trappist, was that for me? (resetting the config files) | 09:00 |
DRK13 | no lol no | 09:00 |
crimsun | jono: you can, but unless you understand the changes we made to the infrastructure, you'll have lots of problems. | 09:00 |
trappist | _jason: oh, yeah | 09:00 |
_jason | trappist, ok thanks :) | 09:00 |
jono | crimsun, ahhh right | 09:00 |
mustard5 | ka|patrick, did you do the gst-register command at the end of the configuration of xine? | 09:00 |
jono | well basically, I need 2.6.14 on breezy - can I just copy my .config file into the stock source and build myself a kernel? | 09:01 |
DRK13 | I dont use the user tab | 09:01 |
ka|patrick | mustard5: ??? | 09:01 |
ka|patrick | i dunno what u mean | 09:01 |
trappist | jono: copy it to stock source and run 'make oldconfig' | 09:01 |
ka|patrick | i am a noob, thats it | 09:01 |
mustard5 | ka|patrick, let me find it in the guide | 09:01 |
jono | trappist, cool | 09:01 |
ka|patrick | at least help with kaffeine would be helpful | 09:01 |
ka|patrick | coze i'd like to use it as dvb-s software | 09:01 |
ka|patrick | no videooutput works here | 09:02 |
ka|patrick | no sound, crashs | 09:02 |
ka|patrick | kaffeine even made x crash | 09:02 |
ka|patrick | as i tried to play a video | 09:02 |
ka|patrick | and its no difference if i use xvid or wmv | 09:02 |
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ka|patrick | ... couldnt find the stream... error error crash | 09:02 |
ka|patrick | :( | 09:02 |
pseudo_smartass | hey kal... have your tried gzine? | 09:02 |
pseudo_smartass | gxine | 09:02 |
pseudo_smartass | ? | 09:03 |
ka|patrick | using kde | 09:03 |
_jason | !enter | 09:03 |
ubotu | please don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying. Write in complete sentences and keep your replies and questions on one line if possible. Thanks! | 09:03 |
ka|patrick | so i prefer kaffeine | 09:03 |
mustard5 | ka|patrick, try this gst-register-0.8 | 09:03 |
slew | do i need to do anything special to get the new kde to work after installing it? i logged out and logged back in and its still 3.4 =[ | 09:03 |
ka|patrick | whats that? | 09:03 |
mustard5 | ka|patrick, it should register the codecs with the player | 09:03 |
ka|patrick | is it a tool found in synaptic? | 09:04 |
ka|patrick | for gsstream? | 09:04 |
ka|patrick | *er | 09:04 |
mustard5 | ka|patrick, in terminal type it in | 09:04 |
mustard5 | ka|patrick, look here for further explanation http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch03.html#sect-music-and-movies | 09:04 |
ka|patrick | do i need a restart? | 09:05 |
ka|patrick | or will it work now? | 09:05 |
mustard5 | ka|patrick, no | 09:05 |
mustard5 | ka|patrick, it should work now | 09:05 |
mustard5 | ka|patrick, assuming that was the problem | 09:05 |
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ka|patrick | well... which outputengine should i use | 09:05 |
ka|patrick | video related stuff | 09:05 |
mustard5 | ka|patrick, totem-xine? | 09:05 |
ka|patrick | in kaffeine | 09:05 |
ka|patrick | gstreamer | 09:06 |
ka|patrick | xvimagesink.c(740): gst_xvimagesink_get_xv_support: /internal_thread/thread_vbin/vbin/videosink: | 09:06 |
ka|patrick | No port available | 09:06 |
pseudo_smartass | hey seveas... know about this? "W: Conflicting distribution: http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl breezy-seveas Release (expected breezy-seveas but got ubuntu-seveas)" | 09:06 |
ka|patrick | grrrr | 09:06 |
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ka|patrick | no change :( | 09:06 |
QQ_ghost | sethk: ok the weirdest thing just happened, the thing booted! | 09:07 |
Jormundgand | I'm trying to get Flash to play happily with everything else. I've followed the instructions in "Fixing Flash sound, the better way" and have been rewarded with a Flash player which doesn't play any sound and plays a small amount of video before locking up entirely (either needing a force-quit if I browse anywhere or leaving me with stopped processes if I close it immediately). | 09:07 |
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mustard5 | ka|patrick, are you on 64bit architecture? | 09:07 |
sethk | QQ_ghost, ok..... ??? | 09:07 |
Jormundgand | What have I done wrong and what should I do? This would seem to be a common ailment. | 09:07 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: 32-bit or 64-bit? | 09:08 |
Jormundgand | 32-bit. | 09:08 |
QQ_ghost | sethk: how do i enable a second video card... | 09:08 |
ka|patrick | mustard5: no | 09:08 |
mustard5 | ka|patrick, k..I've run out of ideas sorry :) | 09:08 |
{alejandro} | A query for all: how do I get alsa to work if it is only playing for a second and then stopping | 09:08 |
pseudo_smartass | anyone know about this? "W: Conflicting distribution: http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl breezy-seveas Release (expected breezy-seveas but got ubuntu-seveas)" | 09:08 |
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ka|patrick | crap... not the simplest stuff workx for me out of the box since breezy :( | 09:09 |
sethk | QQ_ghost, you add a section for it in xorg.conf. Then you add another section telling X how you want to deal with the dual displays (one virtual screen, separate X displays, etc.) | 09:09 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: there are two ways, neither of them optimal. 1) use ''aoss firefox'' (in the alsa-oss package), or 2) kill everything using sound before starting firefox | 09:09 |
{alejandro} | hm | 09:09 |
ka|patrick | what have they changed since hoary? | 09:09 |
{alejandro} | ah | 09:09 |
QQ_ghost | sethk: so i go to console and type...? | 09:09 |
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{alejandro} | crimsun: I am having alsa problems too | 09:10 |
sethk | QQ_ghost, to do it by hand you (_after_ backing it up) edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf. I believe, though, that there are configuration tools smart enough to set up dual video. They didn't exist when I set mine up, so I haven't bothered to learn them. | 09:10 |
=== valberg [n=valberg@0x50a47c46.kjnxx6.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thomas | ka|patrick, apparently a lot..i'm currently upgrade from hoary to breezy and it's 450 megs.. | 09:10 |
Jormundgand | crimsun: Neither seems to have done any good. | 09:10 |
thomas | upgrading* | 09:10 |
pseudo_smartass | alsa? the sound card thing? | 09:10 |
sethk | QQ_ghost, at the very least, google for examples of dual video configurations. It's a bit tricky. | 09:10 |
ka|patrick | well.. i am sitting here... almost 100hours until now | 09:10 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: well which are you using now? | 09:10 |
{alejandro} | crimsun: how do I get it to work if, for example, xmms plays for only one second through alsa | 09:10 |
x_or | Can someone point me to the proper repository for lame on breezy? I uncommented multiverse and updated, but doesn't seem to find anthing and google has been no help to me so far. | 09:11 |
ka|patrick | and i still cant play videos | 09:11 |
ka|patrick | thats sooo weired and annoying | 09:11 |
Jormundgand | crimsun: Not sure I understand the question. Reword? | 09:11 |
crimsun | x_or: apt-cache policy lame | 09:11 |
crimsun | x_or: don't paste here. | 09:11 |
thomas | well i don't get sound in xmms so haha | 09:11 |
{alejandro} | x_or, I think multiverse | 09:11 |
ka|patrick | :( | 09:11 |
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crimsun | Jormundgand: which method are you using? | 09:11 |
pseudo_smartass | do all you people with sound card issues have it set tostart the sound server on startup? | 09:11 |
pseudo_smartass | that was my problem | 09:11 |
{alejandro} | ? | 09:11 |
{alejandro} | well | 09:11 |
{alejandro} | yeah | 09:11 |
{alejandro} | alsa starts on startup | 09:11 |
QQ_ghost | sethk: isn't there the command xfree86config, or something like that? | 09:11 |
{alejandro} | I see it happen whenever I boot | 09:11 |
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Jormundgand | crimsun: I've got both source and sink set to ALSA in the Multimedia Systems Selector and FIREFOX_DSP is set to "aoss". | 09:11 |
sethk | pseudo_smartass, the desktop default configurations start the sound server for you. | 09:12 |
pseudo_smartass | stop that and see what happens | 09:12 |
crimsun | {alejandro}: pseudo_smartass means esd, the EsounD server. | 09:12 |
thomas | i ain't got a sound card issue :P | 09:12 |
{alejandro} | ahhh | 09:12 |
pseudo_smartass | oh | 09:12 |
pseudo_smartass | yeah | 09:12 |
crimsun | {alejandro}: System> Preferences> Sound> Enable sound server startup | 09:12 |
pseudo_smartass | esd maybe | 09:12 |
{alejandro} | I am ignoring esd | 09:12 |
pseudo_smartass | lol | 09:12 |
{alejandro} | kill that crap | 09:12 |
_jason | trappist, okay, regarding my gnome issuse after installing KDE. I removed .gnome and .gnome2, but I still can't login with that user. Any thing else you can think of? | 09:12 |
sethk | QQ_ghost, there are several configuration programs, including the one you mentioned. I don't know which support dual video. Try that one, you can't lose anything AS LONG AS xorg.conf IS BACKED UP | 09:12 |
{alejandro} | I get sound from gaim for 30 seconds after I log n then it stops | 09:12 |
{alejandro} | and I am using aplay for the sound | 09:13 |
sethk | QQ_ghost, did I mention that you should back up xorg.conf? ;0 | 09:13 |
_jason | {alejandro}, are you using alsa? | 09:13 |
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mustard5 | ka|patrick, what settings do you have in your multimedia systems selector for video? | 09:13 |
skon | Anyone know how to use the whereami package? | 09:13 |
{alejandro} | _jason, yes | 09:13 |
{alejandro} | _jason, it hates me | 09:13 |
_jason | {alejandro}, I just setup my gaim for alsa, let me see if I can find you the directions | 09:13 |
QQ_ghost | sethk: i fix win computers for a living(started with dos), so i know the importance of backups | 09:13 |
trappist | _jason: did you run those commands with or without sudo? | 09:14 |
{alejandro} | _jason, I am having trouble with alsa in general | 09:14 |
_jason | trappist, with, I made sure they were gone | 09:14 |
QQ_ghost | sethk: =) | 09:14 |
sethk | QQ_ghost, ok. People forget, and they think oh, I'll remember what it was before. :) | 09:14 |
ka|patrick | mustard5: where is that in kde? | 09:14 |
{alejandro} | _sound in general, honestly | 09:14 |
thomas | lol... QQ_ghost | 09:14 |
{alejandro} | woops | 09:14 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: no, you're not supposed to set FIREFOX_DSP to aoss | 09:14 |
mustard5 | ka|patrick, ah ok...sorry I assumed gnome | 09:14 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: set it to 'none' | 09:14 |
_jason | {alejandro}, if you want alsa for gaim: http://gaim.sourceforge.net/faq.php#q24 | 09:14 |
ka|patrick | havent i mentioned that i use kde? | 09:14 |
thomas | The easiest way to fix Win computer QQ_ghost is to install Linux on them | 09:14 |
ka|patrick | *confused* | 09:14 |
{alejandro} | _jason I use aplay (file) and it works at first | 09:14 |
ardchoille | what is the command to see if a .deb successfully installed or not? | 09:15 |
{alejandro} | _jason I think the problem is with alsa | 09:15 |
trappist | _jason: I'm not sure that didn't try to delete those directories from /root | 09:15 |
mustard5 | ka|patrick, not since I have been paying attention..you may have mentioned it earlier ..I dont know :) | 09:15 |
Jormundgand | crimsun: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75237 <-- told me to use "aossW". | 09:15 |
ka|patrick | kk | 09:15 |
Jormundgand | s/aossW/aoss/g | 09:15 |
QQ_ghost | thomas: for most of my friends, i do that! lol | 09:15 |
mustard5 | ka|patrick, have you tried in #kubuntu ? | 09:15 |
thomas | QQ_ghost, are they suprised? :P | 09:15 |
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ka|patrick | ok | 09:16 |
Jormundgand | Aha! It works! | 09:16 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: this is precisely what I did: 1) sudo aptitude install alsa-oss , 2) echo "FIREFOX_DSP=none" >> ~/.mozilla-firefoxrc , 3) aoss firefox | 09:16 |
_jason | trappist, I think I might just copy over everything I want from that account and make a new user | 09:16 |
lucasvo | thomas: what are their reactions? | 09:16 |
ka|patrick | mustard5: sure.. but not many people are active there :D | 09:16 |
ka|patrick | sooo... | 09:16 |
QQ_ghost | thomas: you mean that it works and doesn't bend it's self over the coffeetable? | 09:16 |
Jormundgand | crimsun: I don't even need "aoss firefox" - just changing FIREFOX_DSP to "none" worked. | 09:16 |
mustard5 | ka|patrick, yep..I understand that :) | 09:16 |
ka|patrick | checked libraries and replaced totem gstreamer with totem xine | 09:16 |
ka|patrick | now i have video but no sound | 09:16 |
mustard5 | ka|patrick, thats positive :) | 09:16 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: yes, it will work if no other app has opened "default" | 09:17 |
thomas | {alejandro}, i'm having a similar issues...but alsaconf is fine, etc and so is al..crap i forgot the other one | 09:17 |
_jason | {alejandro}, well I have been noticing problems with alsa as well. If I have BMP playing and I copy a large file, BMP will just stop for no reason | 09:17 |
ka|patrick | :) | 09:17 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: if you want Flash in addition to other sounds, you have to use the method I just described. | 09:17 |
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Jormundgand | Ah. | 09:17 |
crimsun | there's a lot of misinformation on the forum | 09:17 |
{alejandro} | I think alsa should be destroyed | 09:17 |
Jowi | ka|patrick: see if this help "killall esd" | 09:17 |
mustard5 | ka|patrick, I wouldnt have a clue on configuring sound in KDE :) | 09:17 |
{alejandro} | why does linux sound have to suck so much | 09:17 |
_jason | {alejandro}, well it's better than esd | 09:17 |
{alejandro} | yeah | 09:17 |
Jowi | ka|patrick: oh, kde? | 09:17 |
pseudo_smartass | it sucks because my sound card sucks | 09:17 |
pseudo_smartass | lol | 09:17 |
trappist | eh | 09:18 |
crimsun | {alejandro}: ok, instead of ranting, describe your problem. It doesn't help me resolve your issue. | 09:18 |
trappist | alsa isn't in the same category as esd | 09:18 |
{alejandro} | sound in general doesn't work | 09:18 |
=== Jormundgand goes to see if a fix in one of the threads he's used will help any. | ||
{alejandro} | the alsa server is up | 09:18 |
ka|patrick | why does arts not work :( | 09:18 |
{alejandro} | xmms plays for one second with alsa | 09:18 |
ka|patrick | could someone explain me how to check that arts is working? | 09:18 |
=== trappist pets his hardware-mixing sound card | ||
{alejandro} | gaim with aplay (file) for sound works for 30 seconds before stopping sound | 09:18 |
x_or | Hey, sound works even worse in Windows. But, most people never really use their sound cards in the way they were designed. Alsa is pretty nice IMHO. | 09:18 |
{alejandro} | speakertest and mixer make sound | 09:18 |
trappist | ka|patrick: ps aux | grep arts | 09:18 |
crimsun | {alejandro}: paste onto http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org the output from ''lsmod && cat /proc/asound/cards && amixer'' | 09:19 |
_jason | okay, after my experience with kde, I'd like to remove all of the packages it installed. Is there an easy way to do this? | 09:19 |
{alejandro} | ok | 09:19 |
thomas | Yeah..same for me but xmms makes no sound, whatsoever | 09:19 |
crimsun | {alejandro}: then tell me the url | 09:19 |
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ka|patrick | trans_err: i'll enter this in konsole, right? | 09:19 |
crimsun | thomas: did you change xmms's output plugin to alsa? | 09:19 |
padraig | lo there, if an attempted breezy install can't find my partition table (sees disk as single partition) is it all b0rked - I do have a printed version of my previous partition table. is it worth trying to recreate it by hand...? | 09:19 |
ka|patrick | !pastebin | 09:19 |
ubotu | methinks pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 09:19 |
ka|patrick | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5826 | 09:20 |
ka|patrick | thats the result | 09:20 |
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thomas | crimsun, ALSA, OSS, ESD and changed their configurations multiple times. | 09:21 |
crimsun | ka|patrick: arts is grabbing /dev/dsp, the emulated oss device. No other sound can be played while /dev/dsp is open. | 09:21 |
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crimsun | ka|patrick: unless of course you have sound hardware capable of it (sblive, turtle beach santa cruz, etc.) | 09:21 |
{alejandro} | crimsun here is mine | 09:21 |
{alejandro} | Wait wrong paste | 09:22 |
crimsun | thomas: describe the precise configuration that is being used right now. | 09:22 |
ka|patrick | well amarok's soudn works | 09:22 |
{alejandro} | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5827 | 09:22 |
ka|patrick | using arts | 09:22 |
rosen | anyone remember what the alternativ to the UTF-8 charset is called ? | 09:22 |
{alejandro} | utf-16? | 09:22 |
thomas | crimsun, i'm using ALSA with complete default configuration, and "default" selected as the device. | 09:22 |
Jowi | rosen: depends on language. iso9959-1 is a european standard | 09:22 |
rosen | iso-something | 09:22 |
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Jowi | iso8859-1 i meant | 09:23 |
rosen | I'll try that thanks | 09:23 |
crimsun | {alejandro}: are you actually using the optical out? | 09:23 |
{alejandro} | ? | 09:23 |
crimsun | {alejandro}: are you using headphones? normal speakers? an output to a digital receiver? | 09:24 |
{alejandro} | crimsun, gdm gives me sound so I should be using the right thing | 09:24 |
ka|patrick | crimsun: sound in amarok works | 09:24 |
{alejandro} | oh, external speakers | 09:24 |
ka|patrick | output engine = arts | 09:24 |
{alejandro} | line out | 09:24 |
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{alejandro} | pcm | 09:24 |
{alejandro} | with xmms I use pcm | 09:24 |
pendek | how to play mp3 with linux ? | 09:24 |
rosen | Jowi, exactly the correct one ! | 09:24 |
crimsun | {alejandro}: "default" doesn't work as the alsa output device? | 09:24 |
jahshua | i reinstalled recently and attempted to make a partition for booting linux in, i now have a c: drive and a d: drive and i can 'boot into utility partition' when i press the f12 tab at reboot. which should i use for linux | 09:25 |
jahshua | =xp | 09:25 |
Jowi | rosen: lucky :) | 09:25 |
{alejandro} | I will try that | 09:25 |
crimsun | ka|patrick: because amarok-arts is installed | 09:25 |
{alejandro} | err how | 09:25 |
rosen | Jowi, sssh .. skills ! *nods* | 09:25 |
ka|patrick | crimsun: what do i need for kaffeine? | 09:25 |
x_or | pendek: sudo apt-get install xmms | 09:25 |
crimsun | {alejandro}: check xmms's output plugin preferences. | 09:25 |
{alejandro} | ok | 09:25 |
ardchoille | Anyone having problems with Newton? I installed it but it won't start up and running it from a term produces no errors. | 09:25 |
thomas | XMMS press Ctrl+P, select the plugin and click Configure | 09:25 |
Jowi | rosen: lol, yeah that's it. was laying in the back of my head that's all. | 09:26 |
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padraig_ | sorry, my connection dropped so I'm not sure if anyone answered me or not... if my breezy installation isn't finding a partition table, is it all gone or can I remake it manually and hopefully refind data on /home ? | 09:26 |
{alejandro} | oh I have been doing that | 09:26 |
crimsun | ka|patrick: using kaffeine-xine or kaffeine-gstreamer/ | 09:26 |
crimsun | ? | 09:26 |
{alejandro} | device 0,0 doen't work | 09:26 |
{alejandro} | 0,1 does | 09:26 |
crimsun | thomas: does aplay work? | 09:26 |
{alejandro} | defaut doesn't do anything | 09:26 |
ka|patrick | gsstreamer doesnt work | 09:26 |
pendek | x_or, how to install xmms ? | 09:26 |
ka|patrick | but i have to configure xine using arts | 09:27 |
ka|patrick | or i wont have any sound :/ | 09:27 |
ka|patrick | oss - no sound | 09:27 |
thomas | crimsun, haven't tried it. I know gaim and cd-player, etc do...gimme a sec | 09:27 |
ka|patrick | also the same | 09:27 |
crimsun | thomas: ''aplay /usr/share/sounds/startup.wav'' should be a decent example | 09:27 |
crimsun | ka|patrick: kaffeine has a configuration dialog for that, no? | 09:28 |
{alejandro} | crimsun, when I use default pcm on xmms I get no sound | 09:28 |
pendek | how to play .mp3 file *sobbing* | 09:28 |
ka|patrick | crimsun: confiugre xine engine | 09:28 |
ka|patrick | there u have that dialog | 09:28 |
{alejandro} | when I use device 0, 1 pcm I get one second of sound | 09:28 |
crimsun | pendek: install gstreamer0.8-mad | 09:28 |
crimsun | {alejandro}: cat /proc/asound/devices -> paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 09:28 |
thomas | crimsun, apprently not... | 09:28 |
thomas | it just kind of sits there, doing nothing | 09:29 |
crimsun | thomas: lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/* | 09:29 |
{alejandro} | I will be back in a bit | 09:29 |
pendek | crimsun, can u give me the link to download ? sorry this is my 1st time using linux OS | 09:29 |
{alejandro} | so I will come back to this | 09:29 |
crimsun | pendek: enable the universe repository, then install the gstreamer0.8-mad package | 09:29 |
crimsun | !tell pendek about repos | 09:30 |
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crimsun | pendek: you can use Synaptic to install 'gstreamer0.8-mad' | 09:30 |
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thomas | crimsun, http://rafb.net/paste/results/PVvHSG76.html | 09:30 |
ubuntu | hi, i have an nvidia card and upgraded from hoary to breezy, and now X is broken. | 09:31 |
Jormundgand | crimsun: If I run Firefox normally (without "aoss" in the command) then I get sound but nothing else can play over it, but if I run "aoss firefox" I get the freezing etc as before. | 09:31 |
crimsun | thomas: because esd is still holding on to /dev/dsp | 09:31 |
thomas | i'll kill it | 09:31 |
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crimsun | thomas: give me the contents of /etc/esound/esd.conf | 09:31 |
ubuntu | I tried to follow the directions on the wiki [on breezyupgrade notes] but I receive an error and pkg's would not install on it | 09:31 |
darksun | this distro come w/ anything to burn an iso with? | 09:31 |
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ubuntu | darksun, k3b | 09:32 |
ubuntu | and gnomebaker, and a few others | 09:32 |
ka|patrick | lol | 09:32 |
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ka|patrick | dev/video0 doesnt exist | 09:32 |
ka|patrick | what shall i do now :( | 09:32 |
ka|patrick | tried gsstreamer | 09:32 |
misfit_toy | ubuntu, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75074 | 09:32 |
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thomas | xmms...is frozen, and won't die..lol | 09:33 |
Jormundgand | Although I shan't go into the horrors of CD-burning. I have to compile my own cdrecord because nobody can be bothered to fix a crippling bug in it which makes my CD drive lock up. | 09:33 |
mustard5 | thomas, click madly on the kill button and wait :) | 09:33 |
thomas | :P | 09:33 |
ka|patrick | killall esd doesnt work | 09:33 |
ka|patrick | no process to kill | 09:33 |
ka|patrick | wtf is wrong here | 09:33 |
thomas | already killall'd it like 5 times and did -9 onc or twice :P | 09:33 |
Madcat | cand see the pid in top? | 09:33 |
Jowi | ka|patrick: if you run kde, that's not very surprising | 09:34 |
mustard5 | thomas, go into preferences and change the sound device | 09:34 |
ubuntu | misfit_toy, argh. thanks. | 09:34 |
ubuntu | [meh] | 09:34 |
misfit_toy | ubuntu, np | 09:34 |
mustard5 | thomas, that is the preferences for xmms | 09:34 |
ka|patrick | Jowi: what do i have to use here? | 09:34 |
crimsun | thomas: was it set to use alsa, oss, or esd? | 09:35 |
thomas | alsa | 09:35 |
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ubuntu | misfit_toy, i tried to install the nvidia pkg's in apt-get but it wouldnt let me.. | 09:35 |
ubuntu | should i force them | 09:35 |
crimsun | thomas: you can't ''killall -9 xmms'' ? | 09:35 |
ka|patrick | alsa no process | 09:35 |
Jowi | ka|patrick: esd seem to be the standard for gnome these days. it does not work well. Myself, i use only alsa for everything. more than one thing in charge for sound is a headache | 09:35 |
ka|patrick | i have kde | 09:35 |
Jowi | ka|patrick: yeah, so killall esd will not work since esd is not running | 09:36 |
Jormundgand | crimsun: So how do I get Firefox's sound to play happy with everyone else, now your suggestion of setting FIREFOX_DSP to "none" actually gets it to play sound at all? | 09:36 |
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ka|patrick | neither is arts | 09:36 |
ka|patrick | nor oss | 09:36 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: "everyone else"? | 09:36 |
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Jormundgand | crimsun: Gaim, Rhythmbox. | 09:36 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: I just told you above. | 09:36 |
Jormundgand | Except "aoss firefox" acts as if FIREFOX_DSP was set to "aoss" i.e. small amount of soundless video and crash. | 09:37 |
Madcat | <ka|patrick> installed alsa packages for gnome? | 09:37 |
ka|patrick | i use KDE | 09:37 |
Jowi | ka|patrick: does kde have got a control-panel where you can select "preffered audio output sink"? if you can find one, select alsa in that one. that should make it universal for all apps. | 09:37 |
=== ka|patrick is now known as KDE|patrick | ||
KDE|patrick | ... | 09:37 |
Madcat | or alle the base packages for alsa | 09:37 |
ubuntu | misfit_toy, sorry to bother you again, but I already tried to do that, and i received an error about installing those pkg's | 09:37 |
KDE|patrick | i jsut switched to alsa | 09:37 |
mustard5 | KDE|patrick, hehe good idea | 09:37 |
KDE|patrick | i'll give it a try | 09:37 |
ubuntu | i didn't know if i should force them. | 09:37 |
Jowi | KDE|patrick: i bet there are more kde users in #kubuntu as well if you get stuck here :) | 09:38 |
Jowi | KDE|patrick: if only alsa is running, does "alsamixer" look ok ? | 09:39 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: works fine here | 09:39 |
pendek | !tell pendek about mp3 | 09:39 |
Jormundgand | crimsun: No offence intended to yourself, but "worksforme" has to be the most infuriating response in all Bugzilla responses. The whole point of filing the bug is that it doesn't work for ME. | 09:39 |
puff | I'm trying to figure out why I'm not getting sound from these videos: | 09:40 |
puff | http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2889527841583480458 | 09:40 |
KDE|patrick | alsa... reboot soundsystem... | 09:40 |
KDE|patrick | i have sound | 09:40 |
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KDE|patrick | arts vs alsa | 09:40 |
KDE|patrick | which one is more powerful? | 09:41 |
trappist | I love ubuntu and all but I've never seen a distro where so many people have sound issues | 09:41 |
ompaul | puff have you dealt with the "restricted" web page? | 09:41 |
thomas | how'd you change your sound system to alsa? | 09:41 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: then point me to the bug # | 09:41 |
trappist | KDE|patrick: they're apples and oranges | 09:41 |
puff | ompaul: I'm pretty sure I get sound from other video formats, just not flash. | 09:41 |
Jowi | KDE|patrick: well, alsa is the standard in the kernel | 09:41 |
Jormundgand | crimsun: There isn't a bug; I was making a generalised statement. | 09:41 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: I've tested fairly extensively. Right now I've got homestarrunner, pandora, and totem-gstreamer all running simultaneously with sound | 09:41 |
mustard5 | thomas, if you are on gnome you can go to the system>>preferences>>mulitmedia system selector | 09:42 |
KDE|patrick | well... with alsa i have no sound in any kde app like amarok :( | 09:42 |
thomas | i <3 you mustard5 | 09:42 |
puff | ompaul: I'm not sure what you mean by "dealt with", | 09:42 |
puff | ompaul: But I'm pretty sure I followed the restricted formats page for installing flash support. | 09:42 |
puff | ompaul: I'll check again. | 09:42 |
ompaul | puff, you also need to do | 09:42 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: got a test case that doesn't work for you? | 09:43 |
mustard5 | KDE|patrick, does amarok have internal preferences to switcht to alsa? | 09:43 |
KDE|patrick | no | 09:43 |
ompaul | puff, audio formats from that page | 09:43 |
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KDE|patrick | and i cant find a outputplugin for that either | 09:43 |
ompaul | puff, sry just off 12 hours work - slow to type now :) | 09:43 |
crimsun | KDE|patrick: amarok uses engines. It's up to the engine to select the audio backend. | 09:43 |
Jormundgand | crimsun: Easy. I run "aoss firefox" and open any flash movie you care to mention and the result is a small amount of video followed by what amounts to a crash (if I close the window I have to cull two stopped firefox-bin processes, if I try to browse anywhere it hangs and I have to force-quit). | 09:43 |
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trappist | ompaul: per RestrictedFormats, try | 09:43 |
trappist | oops | 09:44 |
puff | ompaul: Hm, I remember installing a slew of audio stuff. | 09:44 |
trappist | sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libesd.so.0 /usr/lib/libesd.so.1 | 09:44 |
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ompaul | trappist, :-) | 09:44 |
puff | ompaul: No sweat, I'm slow to read :-). | 09:44 |
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crimsun | Jormundgand: /proc/asound/cards ? | 09:44 |
ompaul | puff, if I may what trappist siad | 09:44 |
trappist | ompaul: and/or add FIREFOX_DSP="none" to ~/.mozilla/firefox/rc | 09:45 |
KDE|patrick | crimsun: crap | 09:45 |
ompaul | trappist, for puff - me happy :-) | 09:45 |
thomas | and i <3 you too crimsun....finally got aplay to play the startup sound | 09:45 |
KDE|patrick | with alsa i seems that not more than one app cann access the dsp | 09:45 |
KDE|patrick | thats crap | 09:45 |
thomas | now to fix xmms .... | 09:45 |
KDE|patrick | either amarok or kaffeine | 09:45 |
Jormundgand | crimsun: It exists, but I can't remember what to do with it to see it. | 09:45 |
_jason | i have multiple sounds using alsa... | 09:45 |
KDE|patrick | but if one of the other is already running :/ | 09:45 |
trappist | KDE|patrick: that's your sound card's fault for not doing hardware mixing. the purpose of arts/esd is to do that for you in software. | 09:45 |
puff | ompaul: Ah... I will try trappist's advice. Also found this: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-75237.html | 09:46 |
crimsun | KDE|patrick: that's only true if one of the following is true: 1) the app uses alsa's oss emulation, or 2) the app uses the specific hw virtual device (bypassing "default") | 09:46 |
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_jason | if I want to add a new user, should I use adduser or useradd? | 09:46 |
KDE|patrick | trappist: well then why isnt sound working if i choose audiooutput arts/oss in xineengine? | 09:46 |
ompaul | puff, give each step a shot one at a time and test | 09:46 |
trappist | KDE|patrick: is arts running? | 09:46 |
puff | trappist: It says "file exists" | 09:46 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: cat /proc/asound/cards | 09:47 |
ompaul | puff, one less thing to do | 09:47 |
KDE|patrick | arts works if oss is the engine | 09:47 |
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trappist | puff: that step won't help then... but which one is your problem? | 09:47 |
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Jormundgand | crimsun: It's a bit short to pastebin, should I PM it? | 09:47 |
puff | trappist: No idea :-) | 09:47 |
mustard5 | Jormundgand, pastebin it ;) | 09:48 |
Jormundgand | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5828 | 09:48 |
trappist | puff: I mean, what are you trying to fix | 09:48 |
puff | trappist: No sound on flash videos. | 09:48 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: no, because my battery's going to die | 09:48 |
crimsun | back in 5 minutes. | 09:48 |
trappist | puff: did you try adding FIREFOX_DSP="none" to ~/.mozilla/firefox/rc ? | 09:48 |
puff | trappist: Not yet. | 09:49 |
puff | trappist: wait... I just realized the "file exists" was because I accidentally double-pasted. | 09:49 |
cwr2nd | if anyone has a sec I have a question about ubuntn and scsi | 09:49 |
trappist | heh. | 09:49 |
puff | trappist: So maybe that did fix it... do I need to restart firefox? | 09:49 |
trappist | puff: probably | 09:49 |
{alejandro} | ok | 09:50 |
{alejandro} | I guess I have to start over now that I left | 09:50 |
puff | trappist: Bing! | 09:50 |
puff | trappist: Fixed it, thanks. | 09:50 |
trappist | awesome | 09:50 |
{alejandro} | but alsa hasn't been working for me | 09:50 |
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{alejandro} | I get one second of audio on xmms | 09:51 |
trappist | man, what's with the sound issues today | 09:51 |
{alejandro} | and if I use aplay with gaim it works for about thirty seconds after login | 09:51 |
{alejandro} | yeah, I know, right? | 09:51 |
{alejandro} | this has been plaguing me for at least a week but I am waiting until now to bring it up | 09:51 |
trappist | {alejandro}: it sounds like you're not using a sound mixer | 09:51 |
thomas | does it normally take a while to set up gstreamer? | 09:51 |
{alejandro} | explain, trappist | 09:51 |
{alejandro} | linux sound has been confusing to the max | 09:52 |
trappist | {alejandro}: your sound card doesn't do hardware mixing, so you need to use arts (if you're in kde) or esd (gnome) to do the mixing in software | 09:52 |
trappist | yeah, it is :/ | 09:52 |
cwr2nd | if anyone has a sec I have a question about ubuntn and scsi | 09:52 |
{alejandro} | I think there is a hardware mixer | 09:52 |
{alejandro} | hold on | 09:52 |
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{alejandro} | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5827 | 09:53 |
redguy | !tell cwr2nd about ask | 09:53 |
thomas | gstreamer has been going for a while | 09:53 |
{alejandro} | that's the result of lsmod && cat /proc/asound/cards && amixer | 09:53 |
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cwr2nd | is it possible to have the sys run on ide drives and mount to scsi drives? | 09:54 |
trappist | yes | 09:55 |
QQ_ghost | lspci does not list my second video card, is there a reason why? | 09:55 |
{alejandro} | QQ_ghost check your bios | 09:55 |
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cwr2nd | I have read alot of docs but can't figure it out | 09:55 |
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QQ_ghost | {alejandro}: my bios is too basic... windoze recognizes both cards just fine... | 09:56 |
cwr2nd | the device manager recognizes my pci scsi card but not the drives | 09:56 |
{alejandro} | QQ_ghost what kinds of cards are they | 09:56 |
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QQ_ghost | {alejandro}: hold on... | 09:57 |
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QQ_ghost | {alejandro}: i don't remember what th on board is, but the one not recognized is 's3 virge/dx' | 09:58 |
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Jormundgand | crimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5828 | 09:58 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: k, gimme a sec. | 09:59 |
cwr2nd | my scsi card is an inito, and by drives are 18 gig ibm drives | 10:00 |
{alejandro} | QQ_ghost agp, pci, or what | 10:00 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: erm, you only have a usb headset? no onboard? | 10:00 |
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crimsun | thomas: got the sound issues straightened out? | 10:00 |
Jormundgand | crimsun: The onboard was causing problems and I never use it so I turned it off. | 10:01 |
crimsun | {alejandro}: got the sound issues straightened out? | 10:01 |
{alejandro} | nyet | 10:01 |
{alejandro} | crimsun http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5829 | 10:01 |
Jormundgand | crimsun: killed it in BIOS. | 10:01 |
jono | so how does the kernel in dapper differ to the breezy kernels, apparently they are quite different? | 10:01 |
jenda | Why does my bottom panel often jump to the top without reason? | 10:01 |
darksun | its afraid of the bottom | 10:02 |
crimsun | jono: yes, very different | 10:02 |
{alejandro} | jenda, kde, gnome, or what | 10:02 |
QQ_ghost | {alejandro}: pci | 10:02 |
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jenda | {alejandro}: gnom. | 10:02 |
jenda | *gnome | 10:02 |
KDE|patrick | bye | 10:02 |
KDE|patrick | and thx for help | 10:02 |
KDE|patrick | i hope i can figure out whats still wrong here by myself :) | 10:02 |
KDE|patrick | gn8 | 10:02 |
{alejandro} | ah | 10:02 |
{alejandro} | QQ_ghost, do you know what x driver it uses? | 10:03 |
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{alejandro} | QQ_ghost, more importantly, do you know how to mess with the xorg.conf? | 10:03 |
QQ_ghost | {alejandro}: i can't get linux to recognize it at all, i typed dmesg and got nothing on it... | 10:03 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: does dmix work properly? | 10:04 |
Jormundgand | crimsun: Not sure what I should look for to assess that... how do I check? | 10:04 |
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crimsun | Jormundgand: just try to play multiple songs at once | 10:04 |
{alejandro} | QQ_ghost can you pasteboard an lspci for me | 10:04 |
{alejandro} | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ | 10:04 |
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QQ_ghost | {alejandro}: sure | 10:04 |
Jormundgand | crimsun: in which case no. If I'm playing sound in a Flash movie Gaim doesn't play any sound. | 10:04 |
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QQ_ghost | {alejandro}: how do i pipe the output to a text file? | 10:05 |
Dido- | !rar | 10:05 |
ubotu | somebody said rar was a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression#head-32ba956d13d49934f65bf67dd40646653a7a6140 | 10:05 |
QQ_ghost | {alejandro}: forgot... | 10:05 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: I use console beep in Gaim's preferences for that | 10:05 |
{alejandro} | QQ_ghost just lspci in the terminal, copy, and put on pasteboard | 10:06 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: cat /etc/libao.conf ~/.libao | 10:06 |
Jormundgand | crimsun: default_driver=alsa in /etc/libao.conf. | 10:07 |
Jormundgand | ~/.libao doesn't exist. | 10:07 |
QQ_ghost | {alejandro}: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5831 | 10:07 |
crimsun | {alejandro}: can you reproduce this in beep-media-player? | 10:07 |
{alejandro} | hmm | 10:07 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: that should read alsa09, not alsa | 10:07 |
{alejandro} | crimsun: I will have to install that | 10:08 |
{alejandro} | hold on | 10:08 |
meepy | What's the command to take a picture of your desktop using the console? | 10:08 |
crimsun | {alejandro}: same thing for the output plugin preference | 10:08 |
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QQ_ghost | meepy: goto the system menu... | 10:08 |
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QQ_ghost | meepy: third selection down... | 10:09 |
ispiked | what controls what goes in the notification area? | 10:09 |
meepy | I know, but isent there a command? | 10:09 |
ispiked | how do network status applets get in there? | 10:09 |
skora | hi, when i use uname -r command on the live cd, is this kernel for the live cd or my actual system ? | 10:09 |
ispiked | it wasn't like this on Fedora. | 10:09 |
QQ_ghost | meepy: (sorry, using console?) | 10:09 |
meepy | Yes | 10:09 |
meepy | like import -window root screenshot.jpg | 10:09 |
crimsun | ispiked: they're applets. Secondary-click the top panel, choose Add to Panel | 10:10 |
QQ_ghost | man -k screenshot? | 10:10 |
ispiked | crimsun: I know they're applets. What I'm asking is what determines whether or not an applet goes in the notification area. | 10:10 |
QQ_ghost | meepy: man gnome-panel-screenshot | 10:11 |
trappist | meepy: the command you just typed is right | 10:11 |
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meepy | import is an unknown command it told :/ | 10:12 |
Jormundgand | crimsun: Okay...what now? | 10:12 |
crimsun | ispiked: can you rephrase your question? | 10:12 |
smo | import is part of the imagemagick package. worth installing if only for import & convert | 10:12 |
meepy | hm | 10:12 |
{alejandro} | QQ_ghost I am stumped too | 10:13 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: can you play any one flash applet? | 10:13 |
ispiked | crimsun: why do some applets, such as network monitor show up in the GNOME Notification Area applet? | 10:13 |
Jormundgand | crimsun: Flash plays, but still no dmix. | 10:13 |
{alejandro} | QQ_ghost can I get more info on the card | 10:13 |
{alejandro} | like brand/chipset/etc | 10:13 |
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mebsd | use xwd | 10:13 |
mebsd | for taking screenshot | 10:13 |
QQ_ghost | {alejandro}: let me shutdown to pull it | 10:13 |
{alejandro} | QQ_ghost do you know the name? | 10:14 |
{alejandro} | QQ_ghost maybe a box or something | 10:14 |
Jormundgand | crimsun: That is to say, Flash works without aoss. aoss still freezes things. | 10:14 |
QQ_ghost | {alejandro}: s3 virge | 10:14 |
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thorre | any word on apache 2.0.55 | 10:15 |
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crimsun | ispiked: it's not actually in the notification area | 10:16 |
{alejandro} | QQ_ghost do you have xserver-xorg-driver-s3 | 10:16 |
ispiked | crimsun: ah, it's just to the right of it? | 10:16 |
crimsun | ispiked: correct. | 10:16 |
ispiked | crimsun: thanks. :) | 10:16 |
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Dido- | what's dma on cdrom? | 10:16 |
{alejandro} | QQ_ghost run sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-driver-s3 | 10:16 |
ispiked | crimsun: do you go to the trilug meetings, or do you just hang out in the channel? | 10:16 |
mebsd | lighttpd is faster than apache2 | 10:16 |
trappist | Dido-: direct memory access, but I don't think that's what you meant to ask | 10:17 |
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Dido- | ;) | 10:17 |
Dido- | so | 10:17 |
trappist | Dido-: sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/cdrom to enable it | 10:17 |
QQ_ghost | {alejandro}: "E: Couldn't find package xserver-xorg-driver-s3" | 10:17 |
Dido- | what's the use of it ? | 10:17 |
pseudo_smartass | do i have to mount a webcam for it to be used? | 10:17 |
crimsun | ispiked: I'm a regular at the meetings (but didn't go this month) | 10:17 |
trappist | Dido-: cdroms work much better and much faster with dma enabled | 10:17 |
ispiked | crimsun: cool. might have to figure out who are you sometime. :P | 10:18 |
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Dido- | then ill enable it, thanks ;] | 10:18 |
sambagirl | do you think microsoft is responsibe for these problems with the internet? | 10:18 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: ok, then that's a bug in alsa-oss | 10:18 |
thomas | crimsun, i'd like to find out, but i'm updating ubuntu, and cant' restart and xmms won't launch | 10:18 |
{alejandro} | QQ_ghost run synaptic and search xorg s3 | 10:18 |
crimsun | thomas: what do you mean by "won't launch?" | 10:19 |
trappist | sambagirl: do you just come here to talk about conspiracy theories? | 10:19 |
pseudo_smartass | ubotu tell me about webcams | 10:19 |
jenda | Does anyone know why my gnome panel sometimes jumps to the top of the screen for no apparent reason? | 10:19 |
pseudo_smartass | ubotu tell me about webcam | 10:19 |
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Jormundgand | jenda: You probably dragged it. | 10:19 |
trappist | pseudo_smartass: /msg ubotu webcam | 10:19 |
sambagirl | no i was ins wrong channel for your information | 10:19 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: can you try on a Dapper Flight 2 live cd? | 10:19 |
jenda | Jormundgand: It happens many times a day... I do not think that's the reason :) | 10:19 |
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QQ_ghost | {alejandro}: nothing shows | 10:20 |
Jowi | sambagirl: that was a fairly broad question. try in #ubuntu-offtopic :) | 10:20 |
Jormundgand | crimsun: Not easily. I can't burn a CD because nobody bothered to fix cdrecord for CyberDrive devices. | 10:20 |
pseudo_smartass | well that didn't work | 10:20 |
pseudo_smartass | lol | 10:20 |
jenda | pseudo_smartass: use /msg ubotu | 10:20 |
thomas | crimsun, I mean i try typing xmms in a terminal windows and it doesn't work, and i try going to Applications>Sound and Video>XMMS and it also won't launch | 10:20 |
pseudo_smartass | damnit | 10:20 |
{alejandro} | QQ_ghost are you using breezy? | 10:20 |
trappist | pseudo_smartass: the bot doesn't know everything. try asking the channel. | 10:20 |
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crimsun | thomas: when you invoke it from cli, what error does it give you? | 10:21 |
thomas | none | 10:21 |
thomas | it just sits there...doing nothing | 10:21 |
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{alejandro} | crimsun: I have replicated my xmms problem in beep | 10:21 |
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trappist | thomas: "doesn't work" pretty much sucks when you're trying to get support | 10:21 |
QQ_ghost | hoary | 10:21 |
QQ_ghost | {alejandro}: hoary | 10:21 |
Crazy_Man | Is opera in the breezy repos? | 10:21 |
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crimsun | {alejandro}: ok. And this is reproducible using aplay (without any parameters), correct? | 10:22 |
trappist | Crazy_Man: no, it's at opera.com | 10:22 |
crimsun | Crazy_Man: no. | 10:22 |
Crazy_Man | so I can just run the installer and it'll be fine? | 10:22 |
cwiin | Can aynone help: I have installed Ubuntu on a 200gb drive which had NTFS/Windows XP on the first 100gb. Now Windows does not boot, but just restarts during startup (you can see a BSOD but it restarts before you can read it). Maybe it has something to do with LVM..? | 10:22 |
{alejandro} | QQ_ghost search xserver s3 | 10:22 |
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trappist | Crazy_Man: they have debs available | 10:22 |
thomas | trappist, i originally said "won't launch", I dont' know how else to describe it when the gui doesn't display.... | 10:22 |
Crazy_Man | ok | 10:22 |
nadia007 | would you guys suggest ubuntu for a server? Or perhaps a diff distro? | 10:22 |
crimsun | thomas: can you generate strace output for me? strace -o debug.txt -fF xmms | 10:22 |
Crazy_Man | trappist: thanks | 10:22 |
=== padraig_ found partitions again (it was a jumper problem after swapping order of drives around) | ||
tdn | How do I get access to my wlan with WPA/TKIP? I have installed wpasupplicant? | 10:22 |
crimsun | tdn: and did you configure wpasupplicant? | 10:23 |
trappist | Crazy_Man: what's -fF | 10:23 |
trappist | err | 10:23 |
trappist | crimsun: what's -fF | 10:23 |
Jowi | cwiin: bsods are hardware/driver oriented in windows only. there is an option in windows to turn off the reboot if bsod in order to read the message. | 10:23 |
crimsun | trappist: trace children and follow vforks | 10:23 |
trappist | have to remember that one | 10:23 |
trappist | probably don't need it with xmms though | 10:24 |
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cwiin | Jowi, well, I've read that it's quite common to get things like "Unmountable boot volume".. so maybe this is it? Unfortunately since i can't boot into windows I can't disable automatic restart. | 10:24 |
tdn | crimsun, I didnt | 10:24 |
cwiin | I did try the recovery console but it said the whole drive was a 200gb unrecognised partition | 10:24 |
crimsun | tdn: it's not going to work if you didn't | 10:24 |
ElitePete | can anyone tell me why in k3b my burn rate changes so much? | 10:25 |
crimsun | tdn: what's the config (high-level overview) on the AP? | 10:25 |
crimsun | ElitePete: is DMA enabled? | 10:25 |
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ElitePete | crimsun i don't know how do i check. | 10:25 |
crimsun | ElitePete: what device is it? | 10:25 |
pseudo_smartass | anyone know hot to get a webcam working? | 10:25 |
thomas | crimsun, http://rafb.net/paste/results/TsiCMV44.html | 10:25 |
merkur | Hello everyone :-) | 10:25 |
pseudo_smartass | sup | 10:25 |
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trappist | ElitePete: sudo hdparm -d /dev/<device> | 10:25 |
ElitePete | sudo hdparm -d /media/cdrom0 ? | 10:26 |
Jowi | cwiin: try safemode. maybe you can even turn it off in the recovery console, but i haven't touched win in a year after i installed ubuntu. | 10:26 |
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QQ_ghost | {alejandro}: nothing shows | 10:27 |
cwiin | Jowi, well i tried safemode with command prompt, but it crashes in that too.... I've not touched windows in ages either :P This is just for a friend who wants a "Gaming console" operating system installed too | 10:27 |
{alejandro} | QQ_ghost maybe consider updating to breezy | 10:27 |
Jowi | cwiin: i doubt it is lvm, maybe the partition table got corrupt or something. maybe you can fix the harddisk prob in ubuntu with fdisk or chkdisk (i never had a ntfs partition so i'm not the one to ask for that one) | 10:28 |
{alejandro} | QQ_ghost You might be havning a driver problem | 10:28 |
QQ_ghost | {alejandro}: i got a friend downloading now... | 10:28 |
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{alejandro} | QQ_ghost don | 10:28 |
cafuego | !test | 10:28 |
ubotu | Stop poking me! | 10:28 |
{alejandro} | QQ_ghost don't download | 10:28 |
cwiin | Jowi, the ntfs partition mounts correctly under linux and I can view the partition table in linux fine (And I checked it with cfdisk) | 10:29 |
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{alejandro} | QQ_ghost you can change your sources.list and apt-get upgrade breezy | 10:29 |
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tdn | crimsun, my netadmin has just given me a password | 10:29 |
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QQ_ghost | {alejandro}: but i would figure if slackware could recognize it, shouldn't ubuntu? | 10:29 |
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ElitePete | can somone tell me how to enable dma on my dvd burner? | 10:29 |
aquarius | What do I need to run to start a gnome-session? | 10:29 |
cafuego | gnome-session | 10:29 |
Jowi | cwiin: "sudo fdisk -l" to see if your win partition or first disk has got the bootable flag. | 10:29 |
{alejandro} | QQ_ghost Your xserver might be sucking | 10:29 |
cwiin | the "Unmountable boot volume" which I'm guessing it might be seems to occur if it can't mount the boot volume and if it can't find it... bit annoying to have such an unspecific error | 10:30 |
merkur | Will fakeraid be supported out-of-the-box in the next release? Or how can I contribute, so it will be? | 10:30 |
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crimsun | tdn: so you don't know if you're using WPA or WPA2? | 10:30 |
ElitePete | can somone tell me how to enable dma on my dvd burner? | 10:30 |
QQ_ghost | {alejandro}: have to download it, too many friends need the latest because 5.04 won't boot/install | 10:30 |
crimsun | tdn: or any other associated details? | 10:30 |
{alejandro} | QQ_ghost I see | 10:30 |
tdn | crimsun, I dont know | 10:30 |
QQ_ghost | {alejandro}: (strange hardware config's) | 10:30 |
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trappist | ElitePete: sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/dvd | 10:30 |
trappist | ElitePete: or whatever the device is | 10:30 |
tdn | crimsun, its WPA/TKIP | 10:30 |
Jormundgand | crimsun: Thought it might help you if I provide this: | 10:31 |
Jormundgand | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5832 | 10:31 |
tdn | crimsun, it's a Linksys AP | 10:31 |
ElitePete | setting using_dma to 1 (on) | 10:31 |
ElitePete | HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device | 10:31 |
crimsun | tdn: ok, then you need to edit two files: 1) /etc/default/wpasupplicant , and 2) /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf | 10:31 |
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trappist | ElitePete: did you use the right device? | 10:31 |
ElitePete | yea /media/cdrom0 | 10:31 |
cwiin | Jowi, yeah, the first partition is bootable | 10:31 |
trappist | that's not a device | 10:31 |
trappist | it's a directory | 10:31 |
ElitePete | well that would my dvd burner be? | 10:32 |
cafuego | tdn: You'll need 'wpasupplicant'. | 10:32 |
trappist | ElitePete: grep cdrom0 /etc/fstab | 10:32 |
cwiin | and I've tried grub with rootnoverify (hd0,0) and root (hd0,0) for windows | 10:32 |
QQ_ghost | {alejandro}: what do i change the sources.list to? | 10:32 |
Jowi | cwiin: nice. hmm... only thing i can think of, since you can mount/read the ntfs in linux. if i can speculate freely, my guess would be a corrupt system file or driver in windows. the bsod message would have been useful. | 10:32 |
ElitePete | /dev/hda ? | 10:32 |
{alejandro} | QQ_ghost it is on wiki.ubuntu.org | 10:32 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: move /etc/asound.conf out of the way. | 10:32 |
ElitePete | cool worked. | 10:32 |
trappist | ElitePete: could be. sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/hda | 10:32 |
QQ_ghost | {alejandro}: cool | 10:32 |
trappist | ElitePete: for future reference, devices are in /dev | 10:33 |
cwiin | Jowi, yeah... I'm going to try and see if i can get it networked and use captive and the registry utils to disable the BSOD... but hmm... this is annoying | 10:33 |
Jormundgand | crimsun: as in rearrange the paste or as in move it to a different directory? | 10:33 |
QQ_ghost | {alejandro}: would you know how to detect the proper bus speed of a machine? | 10:33 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: as in remove it, but it's a better idea to mv it somewhere else. | 10:33 |
Jowi | cwiin: i know how you feel :) | 10:33 |
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Jormundgand | crimsun: done. | 10:34 |
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pseudo_smartass | hey seveas... u there? | 10:34 |
{alejandro} | QQ_ghost I bet there's a way, but I dunno | 10:34 |
QQ_ghost | {alejandro}: that's ok, lol - i'll find it another day... | 10:35 |
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ElitePete | trappist, thanks, burning much faster now | 10:36 |
merkur | Ok, to rephrase my question, where can i put a "me too"-flag to the "fakeraid installation problem"? | 10:36 |
merkur | Ah, no, skip that one.. | 10:37 |
merkur | Umm.. There is a Howto for the beforementioned problem.. | 10:37 |
trappist | aforementioned | 10:37 |
merkur | Sorry :-) | 10:37 |
merkur | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FakeRaidHowto | 10:37 |
tdn | crimsun, where do I read what to write in the confs?? | 10:38 |
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merkur | But I'd love to see the next release to have it working out-of-the-box. And my question is: How can I contribute with beginner skills? | 10:38 |
crimsun | tdn: what is your wireless deviceL | 10:39 |
crimsun | s/L/\?/ | 10:39 |
trappist | merkur: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | 10:39 |
merkur | Thanks, that's what I've been searching for :-) | 10:40 |
tdn | crimsun, crimsun crimsun Intel Corp. PRO/Wireless 2200BG (rev 05) | 10:40 |
crimsun | tdn: so eth0 or eth1? | 10:40 |
=== Jormundgand [n=ubuntu@cpc2-oxfd8-4-0-cust65.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jormundgand | crimsun: "aoss firefox" now plays. However, I'm getting no dmix. | 10:41 |
tdn | crimsun, eth1 | 10:41 |
merkur | Umm.. this | 10:41 |
tdn | crimsun, eth1 | 10:41 |
tdn | crimsun, eth1 | 10:41 |
{alejandro} | ok, crimsun, I finally found a wav to play with aplay and it didn't work without args | 10:41 |
crimsun | {alejandro}: which args do you have to use? | 10:42 |
erUSUL | sudo ifup eth1 (just in case ;)) | 10:42 |
{alejandro} | with the arg -D plughw:0,1 it played for a second like in xmms and beep | 10:42 |
merkur | Umm, to resolve that problem, a package will have to be moved from universe to main.. | 10:42 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: while a flash applet is running, please look at the output of ''lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/*'' | 10:42 |
merkur | Ah, someone already got into that problem.. :-) | 10:42 |
crimsun | merkur: which one? | 10:42 |
{alejandro} | crimsun (I am using 0,1 with beep and xmms) | 10:43 |
merkur | dmraid as it seems... | 10:43 |
Jormundgand | crimsun: Nothing. | 10:43 |
crimsun | {alejandro}: it doesn't work at all with hw:0,0 or plughw:0,0 ? | 10:43 |
Jormundgand | However, my headphones are acting up again. | 10:44 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: the flash applet has no sound? | 10:44 |
crimsun | ... | 10:44 |
Jormundgand | Flash has sound, but the lsof command does nothing. | 10:44 |
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Jormundgand | And my headphones are acting up again. The sound they give is fuzzy. | 10:44 |
merkur | crimsun: See here: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=15897 | 10:45 |
crimsun | run the command while the sound is playing | 10:45 |
Jormundgand | Ah. | 10:45 |
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merkur | crimsun: So I suppose, all I can do now is wait.. | 10:45 |
tdn | crimsun, Im a bit lost here :( | 10:45 |
tdn | crimsun, where do I write my password? | 10:46 |
Jormundgand | crimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5834 | 10:46 |
padraig_ | where is a good place to mount a data partition on a slave drive? | 10:46 |
crimsun | tdn: ok, first you'll need to edit /etc/default/wpasupplicant | 10:46 |
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crimsun | tdn: you need a line that says: OPTIONS="-i eth1 -D ipw -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -w" | 10:46 |
crimsun | merkur: right. | 10:47 |
tdn | crimsun, yes? | 10:47 |
tdn | crimsun, should I uncomment that line? | 10:47 |
merkur | crimsun: Okay. Thanks :-) | 10:47 |
crimsun | tdn: you need that precise line that I just gave you | 10:47 |
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tdn | crimsun, ok. Thanks. | 10:47 |
tdn | crimsun, then what? | 10:47 |
crimsun | tdn: also make sure you change the ENABLED=0 to ENABLED=1 | 10:48 |
tdn | crimsun, should I start a wpa supplicant daemon? | 10:48 |
tdn | crimsun, ok | 10:48 |
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crimsun | tdn: no, now you have to configure the real conffile | 10:48 |
tdn | crimsun, ok. | 10:48 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: that looks proper for one instance | 10:48 |
tdn | crimsun, I have typed in my SSID | 10:48 |
tdn | crimsun, what to write in key_mgt? | 10:48 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: next try playing that flash applet with a concurrent ''aplay /usr/share/sounds/startup.wav'' | 10:49 |
crimsun | tdn: you just need a network={} stanza in which you have your ssid and psk | 10:49 |
tdn | crimsun, ok. Then what? | 10:50 |
crimsun | did you type in your psk string? | 10:50 |
puma_83 | hello everybody! can someone help me with ? i want to install ubuntu DVD with PXE on my tablet pc(fujitsu stylistic lt c-500) | 10:50 |
tdn | crimsun, yes. Without "". | 10:50 |
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Jormundgand | crimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5835 | 10:50 |
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phlaegel | Seveas: ping | 10:50 |
tdn | crimsun, key_mgmt=mypsk | 10:50 |
crimsun | tdn: ascii or hex? | 10:50 |
tdn | crimsun, ascii | 10:51 |
Seveas | phlaegel, "yo 'sup dude"? | 10:51 |
crimsun | tdn: omit key_mgmt= | 10:51 |
tdn | crimsun, Ok? | 10:51 |
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crimsun | tdn: also, generate the hex | 10:51 |
tdn | crimsun, key_mgmt=NONE | 10:51 |
tdn | crimsun, how? | 10:51 |
phlaegel | Seveas: I can't download the w32codecs or java pkgs from your repo... is that on purpose? | 10:51 |
crimsun | tdn: no, omit it completely. | 10:51 |
crimsun | tdn: read what I said above about you only needing your ssid and psk | 10:51 |
tdn | crimsun, ok. It says NONE now. I just delete the line. | 10:52 |
tdn | crimsun, but where to type in my psk? | 10:52 |
a-865 | how much space for / does edubuntu really need to install? I've failed twice now with disk full errors :( | 10:52 |
crimsun | tdn: man wpa_passphrase | 10:52 |
Jowi | a-865: last night a normal install was 1.6 gb | 10:52 |
Seveas | phlaegel, yup | 10:52 |
crimsun | tdn: notice: wpa_passphrase ssid "your ascii passphrase" | 10:52 |
a-865 | Jowi: my first try had 1.95G, and today I tried on 2.25G and failed again | 10:53 |
Seveas | a-865, during install little over a GB | 10:53 |
Jormundgand | crimsun: What happens depends which gets there first. If the aplay starts first I get that playing and no sound from the Flash. If I play the Flash first the aplay waits for the Flash to stop and then plays. | 10:53 |
crimsun | tdn: that gives you the hex representation that you paste into your conf | 10:53 |
Seveas | but after install less than that | 10:53 |
phlaegel | Seveas: ok. any idea whether you'll have them available at some point again? | 10:53 |
Seveas | phlaegel, only on request :) | 10:53 |
tdn | crimsun, thanks. Then what? | 10:54 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: do two instances of aplay work? | 10:54 |
phlaegel | Seveas: so does this count as a request? ;-) | 10:54 |
Jowi | a-865: the final size for it was 1.6gb. but i have no idea how much it needs while unpacking and installing the stuff. i had a 3gb partition for it that worked fine at least. | 10:54 |
lucasvo | how much space does one need to install edubuntu? | 10:54 |
Seveas | try apt-get to find out :) | 10:54 |
Seveas | Jowi, that's about what it needs during install | 10:55 |
crimsun | tdn: sudo ifdown --force eth1 && sudo invoke-rc.d wpasupplicant start && sudo ifup eth1 | 10:55 |
Jormundgand | crimsun: Again, the second waits for the first to stop before playing. | 10:55 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: and this is with plain aplay, correct? | 10:55 |
Jormundgand | crimsun: yes. | 10:55 |
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Jowi | Seveas: nice to know | 10:55 |
tdn | crimsun, ok. Thanks. Now my net goes down.... Will it work just after these commands? | 10:55 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: what happens if you use concurrent instances of ''aplay -Dplug:dmix /usr/share/sounds/startup.wav''? | 10:56 |
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crimsun | tdn: it should, but that depends on your AP | 10:56 |
Jormundgand | crimsun: They seem to play concurrently. | 10:56 |
Jowi | Seveas: is 3gb the recommended minimum size ? | 10:56 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: so it's a config issue, thanks for debugging. I'll patch it upstream. | 10:57 |
crimsun | the usb driver just needs to be added to the list of dmixed by default. | 10:57 |
Jormundgand | crimsun: So that's successfully debugged. What should I do to get it working here and now? | 10:57 |
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Jormundgand | crimsun: To clarify (now I read your second line) what should I do? | 10:58 |
lucasvo | Seveas: how? | 10:58 |
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crimsun | Jormundgand: you'll need to explicitly use the dmixed virtual device each instance whenever you use a usb sound device | 10:58 |
Seveas | lucasvo, ??? | 10:58 |
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Jormundgand | crimsun: Hate to seem stupid (I *am* a GNOME user, I suppose =P) but how does that apply to Firefox et al? | 10:59 |
lucasvo | Seveas: you said try apt-get and find out | 10:59 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: you need to set ALSA_OSS_PCM_DEVICE=/dev/dsp | 10:59 |
Seveas | lucasvo, that was to phlaegel | 10:59 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: (environment variable) | 10:59 |
lucasvo | Seveas: sry | 11:00 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: next you need your old /etc/asound.conf | 11:00 |
Jormundgand | crimsun: you mean before the changes I made to it? | 11:00 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: make sure you have: pcm.dsp { type plug slave.pcm "dmix" } | 11:00 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: an asound.conf should be as simple as possible | 11:00 |
=== jenda is now known as jenda_zZz | ||
Mabus06 | how do you make blootbots unignore people? | 11:02 |
Mabus06 | I own a bot and it ignored me. :S | 11:02 |
pozdiy | how can I switch on and off font antialiasing under KDE? Currently displayed fonts are somewhat fuzzy for my eyes... | 11:02 |
trappist | pozdiy: there's a checkbox under appearance => fonts in the system settings | 11:03 |
albacker | pozdiy, use gnome, its better than kde [in my opinion] | 11:03 |
trappist | pfft. | 11:04 |
Jormundgand | crimsun: I have pcm.dsp0 { type plug slave.pcm "dmixer"} | 11:04 |
pozdiy | trappist, thnx wil try it now | 11:04 |
crimsun | Jormundgand: something like my amendment at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5836 | 11:04 |
{alejandro} | albacker, tell that to linus | 11:04 |
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pozdiy | albacker, I switched to KDE because something happened to my Gnome configuration - when I login top and bottom bars appear and nothing more | 11:05 |
{alejandro} | yeah, actually, gnome session has been broken on mine since I instaled | 11:05 |
{alejandro} | so I have been using xfce | 11:05 |
=== pozdiy remembers that Ubuntu has gnome by default | ||
{alejandro} | it's not a problem, but hey | 11:05 |
albacker | {alejandro}, i dont cafe what linus says, he has his opinion.. noone should do what he says.. | 11:05 |
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{alejandro} | albacker, I agree, but I wanted to bring it up because it makes me giggle | 11:06 |
albacker | s/cafe/care * | 11:06 |
{alejandro} | gnome made him cuss and spit | 11:06 |
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Kibou | it does that to alot of people actually | 11:06 |
{alejandro} | I am rather fond of xfce so I am fine | 11:06 |
albacker | me too, and ive been talkind and discussing about this during the last days : {alejandro} | 11:06 |
{alejandro} | personally, it's not an issue for me | 11:07 |
{alejandro} | but as a former mac user, my thoughts are an HIG is nothing but good | 11:07 |
albacker | that makes me look to Linus in a different, way ;D | 11:07 |
{alejandro} | and a crappy reason to get mad | 11:07 |
crimsun | apologies, I have to go. | 11:07 |
albacker | he doesnt have to take any dm part.. he should do "war" about lINUX and not about kde or gnome ! | 11:07 |
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albacker | dm = desktop manager | 11:08 |
albacker | anyway, its his opinion.. | 11:08 |
{alejandro} | It's not like it's a big issue anyway. There is a reason we have freedesktop | 11:08 |
{alejandro} | the freedom to pick a dm is what makes linux delightful | 11:08 |
albacker | someone told me that the e-mail might have been delivered from microsoft guys.. but linus has said nothing since the email appeared, so this makes the news true | 11:09 |
Kibou | .. | 11:09 |
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Nytryx | humm | 11:09 |
Jormundgand | crimsun: Now Flash video works but no sound. | 11:09 |
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{alejandro} | dude, crimsun left | 11:10 |
albacker | gnome rox, anyone should use gnome, | 11:10 |
nickrud | I kinda feel sorry for Linus; the poor guy throws out one quick opinion and gets picked at from left and right | 11:10 |
jenda_zZz | nickrud: What was that? Seems like I missed out on some news... | 11:11 |
albacker | crimsun apologies, I have to go. | 11:11 |
albacker | * crimsun has quit ("leaving") | 11:11 |
Jormundgand | Ah. | 11:11 |
{alejandro} | albacker, I would use gnome if it actually worked on my computer | 11:11 |
nickrud | anyone have the link to the email handy? | 11:11 |
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Jormundgand | Bother. | 11:11 |
runevi | Hmpfh. Why is 'unrar' nonfree? Is 'rar' patented? If not, why isn't there any free implementations yet? :) | 11:11 |
{alejandro} | it was broken when I installed | 11:11 |
{alejandro} | runevi: it's in multverse | 11:11 |
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_jason | runevi, there are: unrar-free | 11:11 |
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pozdiy | {alejandro}, how exactly was it broken? | 11:11 |
albacker | {alejandro}, just uninstall it, and install again.. it will work fine. or just find the problem and fix it. | 11:12 |
runevi | {alejandro} / _jason : Uhm .. I know .. but why is it non-free? :) | 11:12 |
runevi | licencing or patenting? | 11:12 |
{alejandro} | look it up | 11:12 |
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{alejandro} | wikipedia is great for that kind of thing | 11:12 |
_jason | runevi, that I don't know | 11:12 |
{alejandro} | pozdiy, the session won't start | 11:12 |
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{alejandro} | I had to use console mode for a whie and install evilwm | 11:12 |
albacker | {alejandro}, there should be a reason for that. | 11:12 |
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runevi | I probably should. it would be cool to implement a free verson :) | 11:13 |
nickrud | http://lists.osdl.org/pipermail/desktop_architects/2005-December/000395.html <-- jenda_zZz | 11:13 |
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jenda_zZz | nickrud: thx | 11:13 |
{alejandro} | I could get a pseudo gnome session from the xterm by running panels | 11:13 |
pozdiy | {alejandro}, it starts for me, but no icons or menus appear, only top and bottom bars... | 11:13 |
=== jenda_zZz is obviously not quite zZz yet... :) | ||
{alejandro} | but I eventually swiched to xfce | 11:13 |
{alejandro} | pozdiy, I didn't even get to the bars | 11:13 |
pozdiy | {alejandro}, oic | 11:14 |
{alejandro} | I had to use xterm, then gnome-terminal, then call up the bars | 11:14 |
Kyral | Fluxbox :D | 11:14 |
alexissoft | hi | 11:14 |
{alejandro} | and nautilus | 11:14 |
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thomas | anyone know how i can adjust my monitor's gamma? .jpegs look like 256 color .gifs and it's fugly | 11:14 |
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Raskall | I have just upgraded to breezy on my server. Why do I get <F5> <F8> and similar things for my national characters in slrn? | 11:14 |
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{alejandro} | yeah, the session manager for gnome is too flaky for my tastes | 11:14 |
{alejandro} | but from a ui standpoint it is lovely | 11:14 |
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=== Kyral shrugs | ||
=== Kibou too | ||
Kyral | I seem to have progressed to Fluxbox | 11:15 |
runevi | Seems that the source code for RAR is distributed, but under a licence which forbids reverse engineering. | 11:15 |
{alejandro} | how is that | 11:15 |
{alejandro} | aha | 11:15 |
Kyral | Fluxbox? | 11:15 |
thomas | i can't stand fluxbox | 11:15 |
{alejandro} | yeah | 11:15 |
Kyral | Definately not for the first time user | 11:15 |
thomas | my no. 1 is Xfce4 | 11:15 |
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{alejandro} | yeah, I as well thomas | 11:15 |
nickrud | thomas, you can get gammapage (not in the repos, but simple python) to figure the gamma you want, then set it permanently in xorg.conf | 11:15 |
runevi | Wonder how much work it would be for a decent hacker to reverse engineneer from binary, and for someone else to implement it. | 11:15 |
Kyral | if you LOVE being able to tweak EVERYTHING in your WM | 11:15 |
qwehnce | ive got a quick question about apt-get and manually downloaded .debs | 11:15 |
albacker | 1.GNOME 2.fluxbox 3.fvwm my favourites !!!! | 11:15 |
{alejandro} | oh, it's like blackbox, yes? | 11:15 |
pozdiy | thomas, do you recommend it over FVWM? | 11:15 |
Kyral | and don't mind editing config files to do it | 11:16 |
qwehnce | im to used to gentoo's portage | 11:16 |
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thomas | honestly? yes. | 11:16 |
thomas | i like xfwm, and xfce4 | 11:16 |
thomas | they work very well | 11:16 |
{alejandro} | I might try the enlightenment-xfce combo | 11:16 |
NiZo_ | Hi all, please I have installed "ubuntu 5.10" and there is missed password for thr root access? can someone know it please. | 11:16 |
albacker | xfce4 is a dm and fluxbnox a wm.. desktop manager and window manager. | 11:16 |
{alejandro} | I heard that was great | 11:16 |
thomas | thanks nickrud i'll look into it | 11:16 |
Kyral | ubotu tell NiZo_ about RootSudo | 11:17 |
{alejandro} | xfce for handling gnome and kde stuff and enlightenment wm | 11:17 |
runevi | Personally I prefer KDE .. it's just so nice, has all the features I've enjoyed in other WM's, and so forth | 11:17 |
albacker | NiZo_, maybe the user password ! try that. | 11:17 |
Dido- | NiZo_, the password is same as your user account | 11:17 |
nickrud | thomas, I used that on a voodoo and an i810, works well | 11:17 |
Kyral | NiZo_: ubotu just PM'd you a link | 11:17 |
pozdiy | !tell NiZo_ about root | 11:17 |
{alejandro} | use sudo | 11:17 |
runevi | .. hmm.. possibly except one. Afterstep had a wonderfull feature .. that you could scroll from one desktop to the next. | 11:17 |
thomas | albacker, yes, but xfce4 comes with xfwm, xfce's window manager | 11:17 |
qwehnce | how do i use apt-get for .deb's ive downloaded | 11:17 |
runevi | .. and stop inbetween. | 11:17 |
albacker | thomas :) yes .. | 11:17 |
Kyral | qwehnce: sudo dpkg -i <path/to/deb> | 11:18 |
runevi | that one I miss. Except for that one, KDE fills all my needs. :) | 11:18 |
qwehnce | thanks | 11:18 |
thomas | how would i set it in python nickrud? | 11:18 |
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pozdiy | runevi, I believe FVWM also has a virtual desktop | 11:18 |
thomas | is there a page or summat? i'm more of a c/java guy | 11:18 |
runevi | pozdiy: Yeah, it does. Problem is, I don't _like_ FVWM. :-/ | 11:18 |
Kyral | Like I said I've been using Linux long enough that I know exactly what I need, and what I like, so I just tweaked Flux to be that :D | 11:18 |
runevi | pozdiy: While I _love_ KDE. :-) | 11:18 |
nickrud | thomas, no, get gammapage, it's a python app. you can adjust the gamma with that. To make it permanent, add a line Gamma to your monitor config in xorg.conf | 11:18 |
Kyral | I used GNOME, then XFCE | 11:18 |
{alejandro} | kyral, can you use flux with xfce | 11:18 |
pozdiy | runevi, OK | 11:19 |
{alejandro} | like replace xfwm | 11:19 |
Kyral | {alejandro}: no idea | 11:19 |
NiZo_ | and about the KDE enveronnement how can I install it? | 11:19 |
{alejandro} | I think it is time to try | 11:19 |
Kibou | scroll from one desktop to the next? | 11:19 |
thomas | thanks nickrud i misunderstood | 11:19 |
{alejandro} | because fluxbox is just a wm | 11:19 |
runevi | NiZo_: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 11:19 |
{alejandro} | correct? | 11:19 |
Kyral | NiZo_: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 11:19 |
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thomas | KDE is too bloated for smaller systems...i'm on 300mhz atm...lol | 11:19 |
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Kyral | {alejandro}: yes | 11:19 |
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{alejandro} | k | 11:19 |
{alejandro} | and it will take the --replace flag | 11:19 |
runevi | thomas: I used to run KDE under FreeBSD on a 200Mhz, and it worked like a charm. | 11:19 |
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runevi | thomas: For some reason, I've never had as fast a KDE as 3.0 under FreeBSD | 11:19 |
tdn | crimson: It didnt :( | 11:20 |
tdn | crimson: I couldnt get online with that :( | 11:20 |
pozdiy | thomas, blackbox and its derivatives use vector graphics for their widgets, wonder if any other WM does the same? | 11:20 |
runevi | thomas: .. and that was a box with only 128mb ram :) | 11:20 |
Kibou | in kde you actually can scroll from one desktop to the next.. | 11:20 |
{alejandro} | same in xfce | 11:20 |
runevi | Kibou: Okay? | 11:21 |
Kyral | Kibou: with Fluxbox as well | 11:21 |
runevi | Kibou: and 'stop' in between? | 11:21 |
thomas | runevi, tried on 700MHz celeron and it was hellish | 11:21 |
runevi | Kibou: .. and have one app "in between" one desktop and another? :) | 11:21 |
thomas | using gentoo linux | 11:21 |
Kibou | ah.. I see.. no not like that :) | 11:21 |
runevi | thomas: Strange.. it runs wonderfully on my 900Mhz Duron. | 11:21 |
Kyral | I have enough power to run KDE, but for some reason I like Fluxbox | 11:22 |
ktogias_ | Hi, Is any app in Breezy to download my contacts from my SonyEricsson T10i cell phone to my pc, in any format, through infrared? | 11:22 |
nickrud | add brightside to gnome and get edgeflipping as well | 11:22 |
thomas | pozdiy, no idea...i can tell you ones i know that don't :P | 11:22 |
thomas | runevi, and i had 384MB of RAM | 11:22 |
pozdiy | thomas, that fact makes them extremely fast on slower machines... | 11:23 |
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thomas | pozdiy, yeah, lightweight wm's are nice, i just don't like the menu-based system | 11:23 |
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pozdiy | thomas, what do you prefer instead? | 11:23 |
Kyral | I actually love the right click menu :D | 11:24 |
thomas | i have to use f12 to right clock so it annoys me | 11:24 |
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thomas | pozdiy, i like toolbar and panel based systems | 11:24 |
thomas | i guess you could refer to them as menu bar based systems as well | 11:25 |
thomas | i'd use fluxbox if i could find a decent theme, and right clicking was a little easier with a one button mouse :P | 11:25 |
pozdiy | thomas, I can't live without 3-button mouse - copy-paste with left and middle buttons - how to do that with 1 button? | 11:26 |
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[alejandro] | ah | 11:28 |
[alejandro] | well that went badly | 11:28 |
thomas | pozdiy, usually it involves a button combo | 11:29 |
thomas | hold on..imma grab a usb mouse | 11:29 |
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[alejandro] | wait, what's the prob? | 11:29 |
thomas | yay right clickery | 11:29 |
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thomas | i wanna kick gstreamer..it's taking forever to set up | 11:31 |
thomas | it's been an hour or so now | 11:31 |
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runevi | How do I remove an md-array from the bootup procedures? | 11:32 |
runevi | I've got a corrupt md-array, which hangs ubuntu during boot. Howerver, it's not needed for booting, and I'll gladly just recreate it. | 11:33 |
runevi | There is currently no data on it. | 11:33 |
runevi | I get the error: "glibc detected - corrupted double-linked list" - and the system hangs. | 11:33 |
runevi | but it's just a fscked md-array. | 11:33 |
runevi | well, non-fsckable anyways ;D | 11:33 |
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pozdiy | runevi, dpkg-reconfigure mdadm ? | 11:37 |
runevi | pozdiy: Well, no. | 11:37 |
lilg | Evening all, ive had a little trouble with my cd drive on my laptop, but i did find a 6meg mini iso which works but in installation something didnt install and failed | 11:37 |
runevi | pozdiy: The kernel I _can_ boot with doesn't have drivers that recognize the sata-controllers. | 11:37 |
pozdiy | runevi, sorry then | 11:37 |
lilg | i can boot into ubuntu and get bash, can i see where it failed? | 11:37 |
runevi | pozdiy: The kernel I _cannot_ boot with recognized the sata-controllers .. ubuntu tries to use the drive, and the box hangs. | 11:37 |
runevi | pozdiy: It's probably a configuration file I just need to remove a line from. | 11:38 |
runevi | pozdiy: Or a rcX.d script I need to remove from a runlevel. | 11:38 |
runevi | pozdiy: But I'm fscked if it just checks the disk for an md-partition and goes bust if the partition is bust. | 11:38 |
runevi | (in which case ubuntu should fix it) | 11:38 |
runevi | (.. since i need to reinstall then ;) | 11:39 |
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lilg | anybody got any idea's? | 11:41 |
NiZo_ | please can someone help me with this command line using ubuntu 5.10: ifconfig eth0 hw ether xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx | 11:43 |
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runevi | NiZo_: yes. | 11:43 |
runevi | NiZo_: If i remember correctly, drop 'ether', and just fill in the mac. | 11:43 |
pozdiy | lilg, to look under /var/log? | 11:44 |
runevi | NiZo_: Or , drop 'hw'.. don't remember exactly, but the manpage is not exact there. | 11:44 |
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{alejandro} | hm | 11:44 |
{alejandro} | messing with window managers is funner than I thought | 11:44 |
NiZo_ | runevi: when I have wrote the command that I have given : it said that the command is nor permitted | 11:45 |
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Zambba | Is there some way to search does some file contain some rows, that one other file also contains? | 11:45 |
Jormundgand | So I'm trying to get dmix working across the board. As always, Flash in Firefox is the problem. I've set ALSA_OSS_PCM_DEVICE=/dev/dsp in /etc/environment and have pastebinned my asound.conf here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5837 - what am I missing? | 11:45 |
runevi | NiZo_: You need to remove either 'hw' or 'ether' from the command, I don't remember which one. The manpage is wrong. | 11:45 |
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lilg | grr why didnt i think og it | 11:45 |
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nickrud | Jormundgand, I may be wrong here, but I think you need to put that environment var in /etc/profile, not /etc/environment | 11:46 |
zparta | i have added a controllercard to my system, its found in lspci but dmesg says nothing about it, do i have do detect it or something so the kernel module is loaded ? | 11:46 |
mfarquhar | does anybody here know how to fix KDM/KDE/X problems? | 11:46 |
NiZo_ | runevi:ok, and about the command "service", on other distrib I use for exemple => service network stop|start|restart ==> and under ubuntu ? | 11:47 |
runevi | NiZo_: Probably /etc/init.d/network or something | 11:47 |
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nickrud | Jormundgand, never mind me, I had a bit of a brain foart here | 11:47 |
runevi | NiZo_: I'm an ubuntu newbie, so don't expect exact ubuntu questions from me. But I've had the same problem as you with mac-addresses. ;D | 11:48 |
runevi | NiZo_: .. but then undre suse. ;D | 11:48 |
nickrud | NiZo_, the command you're looking for is invoke-rc.d | 11:48 |
lilg | pozdiy: possible to copy the contents of this hard drive onto the laptop, this being almost fresh install? | 11:48 |
NiZo_ | nickrud, so the command "service" is "invoke-rc.d" ? | 11:49 |
Jormundgand | I need to find a way to get Firefox's Flash player to play through dmix. Currently if I try to dmix anything while a Flash movie is playing I get "Device or resource busy". | 11:49 |
nickrud | NiZo_, the closest analogue, yes. | 11:49 |
Jormundgand | But two "aplay -Dplug:dmix /usr/share/sounds/startup.wav" processes happily interweave. | 11:49 |
nickrud | NiZo_, invoke-rc.d cupsys stop , for example | 11:50 |
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jahshua | http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/5.10/ | 11:50 |
jahshua | whats the difference between the install and live cd links on there? | 11:51 |
jahshua | for pc | 11:51 |
mfarquhar | i can't do anything in X/KDE i cant right click i cant shutdown and i cant switch tot terminal does anybody know how to fix this | 11:51 |
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nickrud | jahshua, the live runs ubuntu in ram, without putting anything on the harddrive, the other is an install | 11:51 |
mfarquhar | the live is like knoppix | 11:51 |
zparta | 0000:00:0d.0 RAID bus controller: Integrated Technology Express, Inc. IT/ITE8212 Dual channel ATA RAID controller (PCI version seems to be IT8212, embedded seems (rev 13) | 11:51 |
zparta | is there anyway to check if the module needed for that one is present ? | 11:52 |
jahshua | if i run the install will it delete xp ? | 11:52 |
Jormundgand | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5838 - I was playing the Flash movie and tried to play the sound. This is the result. | 11:52 |
mfarquhar | it could possibly delete XP if you don't know how to repartition your drive | 11:52 |
mfarquhar | through the installer | 11:52 |
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nickrud | jahshua, no, *if you resize the xp partition to make room for ubuntu. The installer can do that. (defrag before installing) | 11:53 |
jahshua | i think i have already repartioned it, i reinstalled and i now have a c: drive, d: drive and a boot utility partition on my f12 menu at reboot | 11:53 |
mfarquhar | when you install you need to keep your existing XP partiton then add however many Ubuntu partitions 1-to-lots and a swap partiton about twice the size of your current ram | 11:53 |
nickrud | if you don't care about d:, you can use that partition. | 11:53 |
jahshua | im using d: as my main one currently | 11:54 |
mfarquhar | D: = windows swap unless it is another physical drive (ussually) | 11:54 |
nickrud | or c:, I was being traditional :) | 11:54 |
mfarquhar | swap = virtual memory in case you didn't know | 11:55 |
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jahshua | d: total space 37gb c: 100mb | 11:55 |
jahshua | heh | 11:55 |
jahshua | i may have made a boob of the reinstall :p | 11:56 |
mfarquhar | that's odd | 11:56 |
jahshua | like i said i attempted a repartition | 11:56 |
=== Zdra [n=zdra@6-227.242.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
puff | A friend is asking me for advice on setting up linux on a mac, how well does ubuntu do on mac? | 11:56 |
jahshua | i wasent 100% on everything i was doing(obviously) | 11:56 |
{alejandro} | puff what kind | 11:57 |
mfarquhar | try installing XP again then repartion again with help | 11:57 |
zparta | anyone got a clue ? | 11:57 |
puff | {alejandro}: He hasn't bought it yet. | 11:57 |
{alejandro} | puff it is aright but sometimes there can be display problems with older macs | 11:57 |
mfarquhar | ubuntu should work fine on MAC if you have proper install CD for PowerPC architecture | 11:57 |
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{alejandro} | puff My old g3 bondi imac couldn't handle it very well | 11:57 |
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{alejandro} | puff is he plannin on dualbooting? | 11:58 |
mfarquhar | i think he does want to dual boot | 11:58 |
nickrud | you may have problems with non-free multimedia on a mac | 11:58 |
puff | {alejandro}: I suspect he has no idea :-) | 11:58 |
puff | {alejandro}: Sez new mac, no dual-boot. | 11:58 |
{alejandro} | puff I would reccommend it because mac os x is rather nice | 11:58 |
mfarquhar | if yopu want to dual boot follow these simple instructions: (well maybe not so simple) | 11:58 |
mfarquhar | install XP first | 11:58 |
puff | {alejandro}: It's gonna be a laptop. | 11:59 |
mfarquhar | then begin ubuntu installation | 11:59 |
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{alejandro} | puff actually, then it is not a good idea | 11:59 |
{alejandro} | puff new laptops use the airport express card, which lacks free drivers | 11:59 |
{alejandro} | puff what he could do instead, though, is use opendarwin or something | 11:59 |
lilg | anyone know how to copy this install over to another hard drive? | 11:59 |
Chousuke | actually... | 11:59 |
mfarquhar | when i gets to partitioning keep your XP partion but rersize it to whatever size and then add Ubuntu and Swap partitions | 12:00 |
mfarquhar | install | 12:00 |
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