
fabbionelamont-away: how do i netboot ia64?05:50
fabbioneif possible at all05:50
lamont-awaytrivial, I'm told05:51
fabbionehmm ok..05:51
lamont-awaynot that I've ever done it, mind you...05:51
fabbionehow do i break into the EFI stuff?05:51
=== lamont-away digs
lamont-awayarrow keys05:51
fabbionethe only thing i saw at boot is "press space to continue"05:51
lamont-awayafter hitting space05:52
lamont-awayit gives you a boot menu prompt - one of the things on that machine currently is 'ubuntu'05:52
lamont-awayat that point, you start using arrow keys, and you become the controlling manager of your destiny05:52
fabbioneit doesn05:53
lamont-awayhost foo.baz.com { filename "/elilo.efi";hardware ethernet ??:??:??...; fixed-address foo.baz.com; }05:53
lamont-awayin dhcpd.conf05:53
fabbioneit doesn't sense space or arrows from the serial05:53
lamont-awayelilo.efi: MS Windows PE executable05:53
lamont-awayin /tftpboot05:54
lamont-awaysure it does - they generate escape sequences..05:54
lamont-awayor something like that.05:54
fabbioneit didn't05:54
lamont-awayit's not some lightweight dumb serial interface, oh no.  iz smart.05:54
fabbioneit scans for USB keyboars05:55
fabbionerants that there are none05:55
lamont-awayyeah - give it one.05:55
fabbioneso i use the USB keybord and serial output05:55
lamont-awayI'd reboot my zx2000, but it's busy trying to freshen its mirror...05:55
fabbioneno problem05:56
fabbionedon't worry05:56
lamont-awayoh, it's better than that - just wait.. :0)05:56
=== fabbione goes and fetches a keyboard from the closet
lamont-awaychecking for XT... configure: error: Package requirements (sm x11 xproto kbproto) were not met:05:56
=== lamont-away grumbles at xorg
fabbionekeyboard plugged05:59
fabbionemachine rebootinh05:59
fabbioneminicom sucks06:06
fabbioneit didn't sense the serial06:06
=== fabbione needs a name for the machien
=== ealden [n=ealden@] has joined #ubuntu-ports
fabbionelamont-away: yeps.. it06:19
fabbionelamont-away: yeps.. it's working.. or at least it looks like :)06:19
lamont-awayhey - does this mean you got things rearranged before your deadline?06:21
fabbioneoh yeah06:21
fabbionei finished to rearrange yesterday06:21
lamont-awaythe fact that you're alive and all that, eh?06:21
fabbionei still have stuff without power :)06:21
fabbionei did run out of power and net cords06:21
fabbioneit's a big image06:22
=== lamont-away needs to have a cable-making fest one of these days, and finish hooking up the patch panel
fabbioneit clearly shows that i need a rack :)06:22
fabbionebtw.. nfs on hppa is no go06:25
lamont-awaybut that's a wonderful table the J5K makes, eh?06:25
fabbioneoh yeah06:25
fabbionethere was an amazing stain of coffee on it :)06:25
fabbioneoriginal american HP coffee :)06:25
lamont-awaywhat's next to the sparc?06:25
lamont-awayyep.  coffee goes places... like .dk06:25
fabbioneit's the old 44106:25
lamont-awayah, ok06:26
fabbionejust a normal p406:26
fabbionenothing fancy06:26
fabbionethe sparc is there only to balance the table :)06:26
fabbioneit's the broken one ;)06:26
fabbionethe working one is right below the cisco switch06:26
fabbioneyou can barely see it in the pic06:26
fabbionethe dell on the bottom is my server06:26
fabbioneand the little thing on top of the ia64 is a thin client06:26
fabbionegot it at UBZ from the LTSP guys06:27
fabbionei still have 3 monitors not in use from the 44106:27
=== lamont-away watches a hoary->breezy+security upgrade on a slow box
fabbionei was plannning to hook them up on the hppa and ia6406:28
fabbionebut i did run out of space06:28
fabbione+ the other details like power cords :)06:28
lamont-awaysounds like you need to kick your wife out or something, to make room, huh?06:28
fabbionenotice the cartoon boxes on the side?06:28
fabbionethe entire wall is full of them06:28
lamont-awayis that what those are06:29
fabbionewe still need to unpack them since we did move in the house06:29
fabbionenah there is all sort of junk in them06:29
fabbionebut we don't have space in other rooms where to store them atm06:29
fabbioneso the plan is to finish the house, unpack them06:30
fabbionerearrange the office in a more usable and nice way :)06:31
=== lamont-away needs to decide on a good file-sharing mechanism for a bunch of breezy-based machines
=== fabbione boots into stage2
lamont-awaymonday I need to go get some PC2700 ram instead of the PC133 sticks I got earlier.  sigh.06:35
fabbioneit didn't go very well06:36
fabbioneFATAL: Error inserting sym53c8xxscsi_mod: value -6917529019003397936 out of IMMe06:36
fabbioneit did install the -mkinley kernel06:36
fabbioneeither the initrd is missing a module..06:39
fabbioneor the kernel sucks06:39
lamont-awaywhen I did the install before I shipped it, I just used a breezy CD06:42
fabbionei am doing breezy net install06:43
fabbioneprobably it did install just the standard -itanium kernel06:43
fabbionei can do that easily06:43
fabbioneit's either a broken initrd or the mckinley kernel is totally broken06:59
fabbionei will have to dig into it07:00
=== fabbione reboots into 2.6.15
fabbioneLinux golion 2.6.15-8-itanium-smp #1 SMP Tue Dec 13 05:44:26 UTC 2005 ia64 GNU/Linux07:10
fabbionei would say it works :)07:10
lamont-awayfabbione: SCORE07:20
lamont-awayit may also just be elilo not auto-running on kernel install - although I haven't seen that, iirc07:20
=== lamont-away heads to bed.
fabbionelamont-away: no, it07:21
fabbionelamont-away: no, it's either the initrd missing a module or the kernel07:21
fabbioneelilo did run fine07:21
fabbionegood night07:21
=== lamont [n=lamont@mix.mmjgroup.com] has joined #ubuntu-ports

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