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seth_k|lappy | siretart, bug #5577 | 12:39 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug #5577: noteedit: merge new debian version In: noteedit (Ubuntu), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: MOTU Merge Team, Status: PendingUpload https://launchpad.net/bugs/5577 | 12:39 |
seth_k|lappy | </late> ;) | 12:39 |
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Kyral | ping LaserJock | 12:42 |
LaserJock | yoh | 12:42 |
Kyral | did your @ubuntu start working yet? ;P | 12:43 |
LaserJock | no | 12:44 |
Kyral | hehe | 12:44 |
LaserJock | you? | 12:45 |
Kyral | didn't check today | 12:45 |
Kyral | I'll check before the next CC Meeting through | 12:45 |
Kyral | when is it anyway... | 12:45 |
LaserJock | I'm more concerned about getting commit access to the doc-team svn repo. I would like to commit some stuff before I leave for Christmas on Tuesday | 12:46 |
JohnnyMast | m going on fryday to the UK :) | 12:48 |
Kyral | Yah if its not up by the CC meeting, I'm pinging whoever I need to ping | 12:49 |
LaserJock | Kyral: if I'm not there will you ping for me too? | 12:50 |
Kyral | yah | 12:50 |
Kyral | who WOULD I ping anyway? | 12:52 |
crimsun | elmo. | 12:52 |
Kyral | who is this elmo anyway? | 12:52 |
LaserJock | James Troup | 12:52 |
Kyral | ah okay | 12:52 |
Kyral | ircnick is elmo? | 12:52 |
crimsun | yes. | 12:53 |
Kyral | never seen him around | 12:53 |
crimsun | don't panic if you don't hear back from him. He's extremely busy. | 12:53 |
LaserJock | yeah, I wish he could delegate more. He does soo much | 12:54 |
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Kyral | Cronjob the LP thing :P | 12:55 |
crimsun | @ubuntu.com is crontabbed last I knew | 12:55 |
crimsun | yours probably just needs to be poked | 12:55 |
Kyral | yah well its been like 2 weeks lol | 12:55 |
crimsun | heh, try almost 10 months :) | 12:56 |
Kyral | lol | 12:56 |
Kyral | Poked in what way? | 12:56 |
crimsun | then again, mine's a technical issue, which is different from yours | 12:57 |
crimsun | Kyral: as in someone needs to poke it. | 12:57 |
Kyral | beside me? | 12:57 |
LaserJock | elmo I am guessing | 12:57 |
Kyral | or am I not getting the meaning of Poke? | 12:58 |
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crimsun | mgalvin: hi. I've been meaning to ask what you guys were going to do with libcwd, but I went ahead and uploaded 0.99.42 to Dapper. Since you guys maintain it, anything I need to know? | 01:09 |
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mgalvin | crimsun: nothing special, there is this one debian bug open on it which I did not get around to yet #340174, other than that i don't think there are any other special consideration. | 01:17 |
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crimsun | mgalvin: you can close it when you upload 0.99.42 (after removing g++-3.4 from debian/control:Build-Depends) | 01:18 |
ajmitch | afternoon | 01:21 |
tseng | hi ajmitch | 01:21 |
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jabra | any guys. I have a cool network security tool someone might wanta package. | 01:26 |
jabra | *hey* | 01:26 |
jsgotangco | that is? | 01:26 |
jabra | it's called pbnj ment to scan machines and then parse nmap diff | 01:26 |
jabra | http://pbnj.sf.net | 01:26 |
jabra | I would like to see if anyone would like to package it for ubuntu | 01:27 |
jabra | also if anyone has comments and other suggestions please feel free to send them to me | 01:27 |
jabra | jabra @ccs.neu.edu | 01:27 |
ajmitch | jabra: put it on UniverseCandidates | 01:28 |
jsgotangco | yeah | 01:28 |
jabra | aight | 01:28 |
jabra | ok I will add it | 01:33 |
mgalvin | crimsun: great, thnx | 01:36 |
crimsun | mgalvin: np | 01:36 |
jabra | ok added | 01:36 |
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jabra | will there be an email back when it is reveiwed or comments posted | 01:47 |
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ajmitch | jabra: someone would have to make a package first | 01:50 |
ajmitch | one would hope that the person packaging would get in touch | 01:50 |
jabra | until then ? | 01:50 |
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jabra | it just waits? | 01:51 |
smergler2 | hey | 01:51 |
ajmitch | jabra: well yes, there's only a limited number of people who do packaging, and a lot of stuff that people want done | 01:52 |
ajmitch | jabra: you could always package it yourself if you wanted :) | 01:52 |
jabra | ajmitch: true but as a programmer I have made an ubuntu install shell script | 01:53 |
jabra | and I don't have the time to maintain the software and the ubuntu package yet | 01:53 |
tseng | as a progammer im sure you can figure out how to write a makefile for a proper package | 01:54 |
jabra | I have | 01:54 |
ajmitch | generally if someone wants it in ubuntu, they'll go to the effort to do it | 01:54 |
jabra | aight | 01:54 |
ajmitch | you could file an RFP bug in debian as well | 01:55 |
jabra | RFP? | 01:55 |
ajmitch | yep | 01:56 |
ajmitch | check it out on the debian site, qa.debian.org | 01:57 |
jabra | amap is in universe right? | 01:58 |
tseng | apt-cache show amap | 01:59 |
tseng | Filename: pool/universe/a/amap/amap_4.8-1.1_i386.deb | 01:59 |
jabra | thought so | 02:00 |
jabra | i'll look into this further tomorrow | 02:01 |
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minghua | good evening | 02:17 |
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bmonty | doko: ping | 03:41 |
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zakame | afternoon all :D | 06:08 |
chillywilly | hi | 06:09 |
chillywilly | it's 11pm here :) | 06:09 |
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LaserJock | Unfrgiven: you around? | 06:50 |
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dholbach | good morning | 07:07 |
LaserJock | hi dholbach | 07:08 |
dholbach | hey LaserJock | 07:08 |
LaserJock | how what your talk the other day? | 07:09 |
dholbach | it went quite well, i guess | 07:09 |
LaserJock | s/what/was/ | 07:09 |
dholbach | it's online somewhere, let me find the link | 07:09 |
jsgotangco | how did you conduct it? via chat? | 07:10 |
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desrt | daniel gave a talk? | 07:10 |
desrt | hrm | 07:10 |
dholbach | jsgotangco: irc, yes, it was at http://umeet.uninet.edu :) | 07:11 |
dholbach | http://umeet.uninet.edu/umeet2005/talks/?lang=en&s=daniel | 07:11 |
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dholbach | at the end, i had blisters on my fingers.... or something | 07:11 |
dholbach | (i had to type quite quickly) - the other talkers had their stuff prepared, so they had less hassle - good morning ryan by the way :) | 07:12 |
desrt | copy/paste is cheating :) | 07:12 |
desrt | good morning to you too. | 07:12 |
desrt | do you think it might be appropriate to move the "recent documents" item to the very top of the places menu? | 07:13 |
desrt | i think it would be much more used if it was there | 07:13 |
dholbach | desrt: we should discuss this on ubuntu-desktop@ | 07:14 |
LaserJock | dholbach: btw, I got two votes for plotdrop today after I made the changes you suggested. | 07:14 |
desrt | @ubuntu.com? | 07:14 |
dholbach | lists.ubuntu.com | 07:14 |
dholbach | LaserJock: that's good news | 07:14 |
desrt | just randomly send an email to that address? | 07:14 |
dholbach | LaserJock: did they upload it already? | 07:14 |
LaserJock | hmm, I don't know | 07:14 |
dholbach | desrt: i can moderate it, but i guess it's better, if you actually sign up ;) | 07:15 |
dholbach | desrt: its traffic is not bad | 07:15 |
desrt | ok | 07:15 |
dholbach | LaserJock: did you ask your mail address to be whitelisted yet? | 07:15 |
desrt | i will for now. | 07:15 |
dholbach | ubuntu desktop team! :) | 07:16 |
LaserJock | dholbach: yep, it is | 07:16 |
dholbach | LaserJock: good | 07:16 |
jsgotangco | dholbach, ah so it was a chat conference...i thought you actually spoke... | 07:20 |
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dholbach | jsgotangco: no, i "cheated" :) | 07:20 |
dholbach | jsgotangco: i'll speak in january | 07:20 |
desrt | dholbach; i accidentally sent the email (just) before signing up to the list. you might have to push it through manually | 07:22 |
dholbach | desrt: i'll be delighted to :) | 07:22 |
desrt | sorry :p | 07:22 |
dholbach | done | 07:23 |
dholbach | :) | 07:23 |
dholbach | don't worry | 07:23 |
LaserJock | dholbach: just got done reading your talk, very nice. | 07:45 |
dholbach | it was just 45 min of talk, so i gave the big overview only | 07:46 |
LaserJock | yes, but you gave lots of places for people to plug in to. | 07:46 |
dholbach | i hope they see it that way too :) | 07:47 |
LaserJock | dholbach: do you know what the process for REVU packages that are OK'd is? Do the automatically get uploaded or does a MOTU have to do that by hand? | 07:49 |
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dholbach | is there a note, that it was uploaded? | 07:51 |
dholbach | you should ask the two guys | 07:51 |
bojan | morning! | 07:51 |
LaserJock | dholbach: no notes just votes ;-) | 07:52 |
dholbach | LaserJock: then ask the two guys | 07:52 |
dholbach | morning bojan | 07:52 |
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lucas | hi | 08:00 |
lucas | somebody here ? there's something I don't understand about a build log | 08:04 |
minghua | I'm here | 08:04 |
lucas | http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/r/ruby-gnome2/0.14.1-1/ | 08:05 |
minghua | not sure I'll understand it better than you though :-) | 08:05 |
lucas | look at the last "given-back" log | 08:05 |
lucas | seems like there's a problem on the i386 buildd | 08:05 |
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minghua | lucas: i386 buildd is known to have problems now | 08:05 |
lucas | oh ok | 08:05 |
lucas | didn't know that | 08:05 |
lucas | where should I have found out ? | 08:05 |
minghua | hmm, some one should put it on topic perhaps | 08:06 |
minghua | lucas: don't know, I knew that from the talks here :-) | 08:06 |
lucas | ok | 08:06 |
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LaserJock | dholbach: I somewhat completed a merging tutorial started by JohnnyMast at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Merging . | 08:39 |
LaserJock | I don't know it is too long but if you think it is useful we could link to it from MOTUToMerge or something | 08:39 |
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dholbach | LaserJock: please call for proofreaders on the mailing list | 08:40 |
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LaserJock | dholbach: aww, good idea. Will do | 08:41 |
dholbach | thank you. :-) | 08:41 |
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buxy | dholbach: I replied to your mail, explaining the choice of SVN | 09:09 |
dholbach | ahhhh, so you're buxy :) | 09:10 |
buxy | dholbach: as I explained it to sirestart yesterday evening, if I want to change how Debian works, I have to use what Debian people are using | 09:10 |
buxy | and right now this is svn | 09:10 |
buxy | dholbach: yes I am ! :) | 09:10 |
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lifeless | buxy: define 'debian people' | 09:12 |
lifeless | offhand I can think of debian people that use CVS, baz, bzr, darcs, hg and svn. | 09:12 |
Mithrandir | as well as git, I imagine. | 09:13 |
minghua | I _think_ buxy is referring to Alioth projects | 09:14 |
Mithrandir | yes, which handles at least arch in addition to svn and cvs. | 09:15 |
minghua | that's true | 09:16 |
minghua | it's just that I use SVN only and forgot others, sorry :-P | 09:16 |
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zakame | lucas: ruby-gnome2 and libgettext-ruby still has give-backs on i386, not out of the woods yet :/ | 09:19 |
lucas | zakame: there are build problems on the i386 buildd, which are unrelated to the package | 09:20 |
lucas | it seems the i386 buildd just cannot find the source | 09:20 |
zakame | lucas: yes, I checked it yesterday, and still is so today :( but I wouldn't mark it as fixed until it builds on all archs | 09:22 |
buxy | lifeless: Debian contributors using alioth to handle packages | 09:25 |
lucas | zakame: I'll monitor the build logs and reopen if it isn't rebuilded in a few days | 09:25 |
zakame | lucas: I leave it to you then ;) keep up the good work! | 09:26 |
lucas | zakame: the libgtk-trayicon-ruby problem is strange | 09:26 |
buxy | lifeless: i know also people using bzr, etc. in Debian but the majority is using svn | 09:26 |
crimsun_ | 'night guys. | 09:27 |
dholbach | night cr... | 09:27 |
zakame | lucas: indeed, as I said it seems to put a .so inside a /usr/local directory | 09:29 |
lucas | yes, but it didn't on Debian | 09:29 |
lucas | but sbody reported a debian bug about this, so it seems that sometimes, it does too on debian. | 09:30 |
zakame | hm, strange indeed | 09:30 |
lucas | anyway, I added a patch to the launchpad bug, and reopened the debian bug about this. | 09:30 |
lucas | (the maintainer closed it since he couldn't reproduce) | 09:30 |
lifeless | buxy: with the greatest respect, I doubt your stats. | 09:31 |
zakame | I'm not near my desktop right now (i'm missing it so terribly), as I'm in Manila, but as soon as I get back I'll try to reproduce it | 09:31 |
buxy | lifeless: check http://svn.debian.org and count, check http://arch.debian.org and count | 09:32 |
buxy | lifeless: I'm administering alioth where both those services are hosted | 09:32 |
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sivang | Good morning everybody | 09:38 |
zakame | hi sivang | 09:40 |
Treenaks | how do I make a debug build of a cdbs-package? | 09:52 |
siretart | morning | 09:53 |
zakame | hi siretart | 09:53 |
siretart | buxy: very good points on -devel. Will answer on them after work | 09:54 |
buxy | siretart: fine ! | 09:56 |
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\sh | moins | 11:32 |
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janimo | siretart, please nuke xubuntu-docs and xubuntu-default-settings from REVU, thanks | 11:34 |
\sh | janimo: I archived it :) | 11:36 |
janimo | \sh, thanks | 11:36 |
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\sh | morning dredg | 11:37 |
janimo | \sh, btw do you know anything about {k,}ubuntu-docs having to use update-alternatives instead of dpkg-divert? | 11:37 |
janimo | the latter does not work if more than two packages try to provide the same file (about ubuntu ff start page) | 11:37 |
janimo | infinity said something about this but it is not currently the case | 11:38 |
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\sh | janimo: well..no, but I think this is a good case to bring this to core dev attention...we need to find a better solution _now_ :) | 11:39 |
janimo | I'll ping infinity again about it | 11:39 |
StevenK | ARGH! mkdirhier is *NOT* in /usr/X11R6/bin | 11:40 |
=== StevenK is going to kill this build system. | ||
janimo | Riddell, dholbach ping | 11:41 |
dholbach | janimo: pong | 11:41 |
janimo | dhlobach see above | 11:41 |
janimo | do you have an idea what the alternatives name could be for index.html | 11:42 |
janimo | in about ubuntu | 11:42 |
janimo | right now u-docs and ku-docs use dpkg-divert I think which is messy | 11:42 |
dredg | morning | 11:42 |
janimo | and with xubu in the mix gets messier even :) | 11:42 |
dredg | \sh: howdy | 11:42 |
dholbach | janimo: it seems the right thing to do, no? | 11:42 |
janimo | dholbach, divert does not work with more than 2 packages | 11:43 |
janimo | so it needs to use update-alternatives | 11:43 |
janimo | or so I have been told when I asked | 11:43 |
janimo | http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/x/xubuntu-default-settings/0.2/xubuntu-default-settings_0.2_20051218-2044-i386-given-back.gz | 11:49 |
janimo | any idea why this happens? | 11:49 |
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Tonio_ | hi | 12:27 |
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Riddell | janimo: the i386 buildds seem to be giving lots back these last few days | 12:30 |
\sh | Riddell: since you uploaded the kde critical masses :-) | 12:38 |
Tonio_ | hum | 12:39 |
Tonio_ | do you think a set of amarok scripts package would be usefull ? | 12:39 |
Riddell | Tonio_: if they are useful scripts yes | 12:47 |
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Tonio_ | Riddell: there are LOTS of very usefull scripts | 12:48 |
Tonio_ | I think it could be interesting to package them by category... | 12:48 |
Tonio_ | I'll manage to have a look toonight ;) | 12:49 |
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zakame | wb minghua | 01:37 |
minghua | hi zakame | 01:38 |
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zakame | hi slomo :) | 01:47 |
slomo | hi zakame | 01:47 |
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minghua | does simple-patchsys in cdbs use debian/patches/ as well? | 02:18 |
minghua | there is a thread on debian-devel about debian/patches/ directory | 02:18 |
janimo | minghua, yes | 02:18 |
janimo | if they are called 00_patchname, 01_pacthname2 etc | 02:19 |
minghua | a nice oppertunity to advocate #ubuntu-motu-school if I can find the log for \sh's first lecture... | 02:19 |
janimo | but no need for a patch index file as with dpatch AFAIK | 02:19 |
minghua | janimo: I see, thanks | 02:19 |
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xerxas | hi | 02:39 |
xerxas | is there any reason ubuntu doesn't have /etc/init.d/iptables as debian have ? | 02:39 |
ogra | xerxas, debian stable doesnt have this file | 02:41 |
ogra | thats been in woody | 02:41 |
xerxas | ogra: are there any plan for having it in ubuntu ? | 02:41 |
xerxas | ogra: sorry I only work with unstable ubuntu :) | 02:42 |
ogra | why should we? debian doent have it either | 02:42 |
ogra | there was a SoC project fro a firewall solution which is still WIP | 02:42 |
xerxas | SoC == Summer of Code ? | 02:43 |
ogra | yup | 02:43 |
xerxas | a SoC for ubuntu ? | 02:43 |
ogra | there were many .... | 02:43 |
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xerxas | ogra: cool | 02:46 |
xerxas | where is the WIP for firewall in ubuntu ? | 02:46 |
ogra | no idea, look through the wiki for the spec | 02:47 |
ogra | i dont know if it was moved to launchpad already | 02:47 |
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xerxas | ogra: found on the wiki | 02:57 |
xerxas | nothing interesting to me | 02:57 |
ogra | ah, fine | 02:57 |
xerxas | found someone on google who ported the gentoo /etc/init.d/iptables to ubuntu | 02:58 |
ogra | but that will be responsible for iptable rules ... | 02:58 |
xerxas | I will probably do that | 02:58 |
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asbin | siretart: I've just saw your comments for my ushare package. Thanks ;) | 03:30 |
asbin | siretart: but I disagree with you when you say I should move debian/po in upstream tarball : it's po-debconf l10n files for the debian templates. There's a Debian page about that here : http://www.debian.org/intl/l10n/po-debconf/ | 03:32 |
siretart | asbin: oh, then I mislooked it. I'm sorry | 03:32 |
asbin | siretart: no problems ;) | 03:33 |
asbin | siretart: we should make a new release of the program soon, so I'll upload the new package with modifs when it's done ... | 03:33 |
siretart | ok | 03:34 |
asbin | siretart: Thank you for having a look in this package ... we will be very happy when this package will be an official package (3 months after first coding line ;) ) | 03:35 |
asbin | I don't know what is the next stage for the package been official ? | 03:36 |
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asbin | I'm sorry, I shouldn't be the first person to ask for that here, but I couldn't find help on ubuntu wiki ! | 03:38 |
Kyral | Morning MOTU people | 03:44 |
minghua | morning Kyral | 03:46 |
Kyral | okay...I know that the CC Meeting is tomorrow...but last I checked...there wasn't a time | 03:46 |
wBryce_ | How do I find out who maintains a package in the multiverse? | 03:51 |
Kyral | apt-cache show <package> | 03:51 |
Kyral | it will have the name of the maintainer in the data | 03:51 |
Kyral | same way you find out who maintains any other package :D | 03:51 |
wBryce_ | There's been a few people show up on #squeak needing help getting started. | 03:51 |
Kyral | Whats Squeak? | 03:53 |
jsgotangco | an awesome educ-centric app | 03:54 |
wBryce_ | An open source Smalltalk. | 03:54 |
Kyral | okay...whats Smalltalk | 03:54 |
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Kyral | sorry I just woke up, no caffine is in my brain yet | 03:54 |
wBryce_ | It's the host of Seaside, the main open source continuation based web-framework. | 03:54 |
janimo | google :) | 03:55 |
wBryce_ | Squeak's a direct decendent of Xerox's Smalltalk work in the 70's | 03:56 |
Kyral | yah...just woke up | 03:56 |
Kyral | no caffine yet | 03:56 |
Kyral | didja miss that? lol | 03:56 |
Kyral | sorry | 03:56 |
wBryce_ | Any way to find out if a package exists? I've tried searching for it in synaptic. No signs. | 03:59 |
Kyral | You mean Squeak? | 03:59 |
Kyral | kyral@UltimateInsaneFreedomDestinyDarknessAndLight:~$ aptS squeak | 04:00 |
Kyral | squeak-sources - squeak smalltalk system (system sources file) | 04:00 |
Kyral | squeak-vm - squeak smalltalk system (virtual machine) | 04:00 |
wBryce_ | squeak-image | 04:00 |
thierry_ | any MOTU would like to review my packages? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1245 and http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1246 | 04:00 |
thierry_ | they are the deps of another package on the universe Candidates | 04:01 |
wBryce_ | It's not installed. Look's like it should be. | 04:01 |
wBryce_ | And I can't find the package. | 04:01 |
wBryce_ | For my own use I install Squeak from source by hand. Just trying to get this sorted out. | 04:02 |
wBryce_ | The menus are set up to start squeak. Unfortunately the two packages don't include an image (needed) so it doesn't work. | 04:03 |
ogra | wBryce_, woks fine here | 04:05 |
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wBryce_ | OK, starting from scratch. Install squeak-vm, install squeak-sources. Where's the image? | 04:06 |
ogra | you dont need one to run squeak | 04:06 |
wBryce_ | I know I can download one from squeak.org. But that's a little hard. | 04:06 |
wBryce_ | The system is in the image. | 04:06 |
ogra | squeak runs fine here and in every edubuntu install if you install the squeak-vm package ... | 04:07 |
Kyral | here comes my one annoying msg for 12 hours | 04:07 |
wBryce_ | There must be an image to run squeak. | 04:08 |
Kyral | Could any MOTU give me one more vote on EasyChem http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1166 | 04:08 |
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wBryce_ | ogra: Hi, I'm Bryce Kampjes. Thanks for including Squeak in Ubuntu. | 04:09 |
wBryce_ | Run squeak from the command line. | 04:09 |
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wBryce_ | It should ask for an image. | 04:10 |
wBryce_ | The squeak-image package doesn't exist in the multiverse. | 04:11 |
wBryce_ | It's referred to in the package description. | 04:11 |
ogra | damned, you are right | 04:11 |
ogra | the image was included in the -vm package once, maybe the wrong packae wnet up to the archive | 04:12 |
ogra | i'll fix that for dapper, thatnks for pointing it out | 04:12 |
wBryce_ | Look's like the -vm package was split into three. And only two made it up. | 04:13 |
ogra | yup | 04:14 |
wBryce_ | Where you setting the $SQUEAK_IMAGE environment variable? | 04:14 |
ogra | my fault ... it somehow got lost during the 4 weeks lasting discussion if it would get included at all ... | 04:14 |
\sh | siretart: do you think the approach is really working? | 04:15 |
ogra | wBryce_, i dont think so, in debian systems there is a policy to install the pieces in the right place instead of setting env variables instead | 04:15 |
wBryce_ | ogra: no problem, thanks for getting it in. It took me a while to talk someone through installing it last night. | 04:16 |
ogra | wBryce_, just putting the squeak.image file into /usr/lib/squeak/3.7-7/, should have solved it | 04:16 |
ogra | err, nope, actually wrong dir | 04:17 |
ogra | /usr/share/squeak/ is right | 04:17 |
wBryce_ | Hmm, strace only shows one attempt to open the image. | 04:18 |
wBryce_ | That should be in the current directory. | 04:18 |
wBryce_ | The image is normally modified and saved. It's all your work. It's common to have many copies of it. | 04:19 |
ogra | iirc there was a command that generates the image on first startup .... | 04:22 |
wBryce_ | Probably inisqueak | 04:23 |
ogra | but i'll have to look into it again, its more than 7 months ago that i had it in my hands | 04:23 |
ogra | ah, yeh | 04:23 |
siretart | \sh: they didn't specify a workflow or any implementation yet, just the idea, and what they want to do | 04:23 |
siretart | \sh: and I really think it is a good idea, for both debian and ubuntu, so, yes, I think this could and will work | 04:23 |
\sh | siretart: I hope...because it will drag away our people if they make it correctly :) | 04:24 |
siretart | \sh: and that's why I want to join that discussion and project, so that we (in ubuntu) can and will profit from the results | 04:24 |
siretart | dragging people away? so what. thats what some debian is accusing ubuntu ;) | 04:25 |
Nafallo | siretart, \sh: you to should stop being the same color :-P. | 04:26 |
\sh | siretart: but many people are not going to debian, they are coming directly to ubuntu...because, yeah, because of what? because it's much more relaxed? more fun? more work? more action? | 04:27 |
siretart | \sh: I don't think thats a problem | 04:27 |
\sh | Nafallo: I'm not a color :) | 04:27 |
Nafallo | \sh: no NM, no flamewars :-) | 04:27 |
siretart | \sh: I think that is a new possibility to improve both debian and ubuntu | 04:28 |
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Nafallo | what are you discussing btw? ;-) | 04:28 |
siretart | Nafallo: see the current thread on ubuntu-motu@lists.u.c. | 04:28 |
\sh | siretart: but only in giving them the opportunity to have packages easily in debian, because the ITP/RFPs are queuing in their bts..and no one will work on them | 04:29 |
siretart | \sh: that's not what buxy is talking about | 04:29 |
\sh | siretart: quite the opposite in our area..that's what I mean.. | 04:29 |
siretart | \sh: buxy is talking about collaborative maintenance. A topic which has not been yet widley discussed and coordinated | 04:29 |
siretart | but some people are already doing. like us, motus | 04:30 |
\sh | siretart: and we should be able to show them the path? ;) | 04:30 |
siretart | \sh: no. I think we should work together in finding better paths than we have currently | 04:31 |
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Kyral | hey dholbach | 04:49 |
Kyral | I heard KDE 3.5 is supposed to be something else | 04:51 |
\sh | Kyral: no | 04:51 |
Kyral | \sh: No? No what? | 04:51 |
\sh | it's not something else... | 04:52 |
jsgotangco | its an incremental upgrade | 04:52 |
\sh | 4.0 will be different | 04:52 |
Kyral | ah | 04:52 |
Kyral | Oh well | 04:52 |
jsgotangco | Kyral, 4.0 is the crack | 04:52 |
Kyral | I'm gonna install it just so I'm familier with KDE | 04:52 |
Kyral | so when someone asks a KDE question I can stop saying "Sorry I don't know KDE all that well" | 04:52 |
Kyral | plus its also a part of my plan to have a "Grand Unified Theme" | 04:54 |
Kyral | I want to make all my WMs have the same look+feel as much as I can :D | 04:54 |
jsgotangco | Red Hat tried to do that but failmed | 04:54 |
Kyral | ah | 04:54 |
dholbach | hi Kyral | 04:54 |
dholbach | re :) | 04:54 |
jsgotangco | they called it "bluecurve" | 04:55 |
Kyral | lol | 04:55 |
Kyral | I don't mean exactly alike | 04:55 |
\sh | jsgotangco: why they failed? | 04:55 |
jsgotangco | Kyral, seriously | 04:55 |
jsgotangco | ahhh | 04:55 |
\sh | jsgotangco: it was working | 04:55 |
Kyral | but similar enough that if I feel like using KDE one day, it won't take a major change in thinking | 04:55 |
jsgotangco | \sh, last i read they're not going to use bluecurve anymore | 04:55 |
\sh | jsgotangco: because nobody really liked it.. | 04:56 |
\sh | jsgotangco: but it was working | 04:56 |
Kyral | yah icky bluecurve | 04:56 |
Kyral | I like the Milk style themes myself | 04:56 |
jsgotangco | \sh, it did work though | 04:56 |
\sh | well...the better thing to do is: to make ubuntu things ubuntu and kubuntu things kubuntu...means all themes/styles for kde apps in ubuntu needs to be human and on kubuntu all gnome apps needs to be lipstick | 04:57 |
Kyral | lipstick? | 04:58 |
\sh | Kyral: check your kde styles and themes..it should default to lipstick :) | 04:58 |
Kyral | \sh: Its still installing :P | 04:58 |
\sh | (themes == window decoration) | 04:58 |
Kyral | Yes I know this | 04:59 |
\sh | Kyral: no themes in kde are a package of wm deco, colors and widgets styles normally ... | 04:59 |
Kyral | oh | 04:59 |
Kyral | well while this is Prelinking | 05:00 |
Kyral | I | 05:00 |
Kyral | am gonna get breakfast | 05:00 |
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\sh | grmpf | 05:12 |
\sh | donnerstag 11am utc neuer versuch :) | 05:13 |
\sh | argl | 05:13 |
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lucas | What's the status of the i386 buildd problems ? | 05:54 |
ogra | http://tiber.tauware.de/cgi-bin/buildlogs.cgi looks fine to me | 05:55 |
lucas | yup, but ruby-gnome2 and libgettext-ruby weren't fully built | 05:58 |
lucas | they weren't built on i386 | 05:58 |
lucas | (see http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/libg/libgettext-ruby/1.0.0-1/ ) | 05:59 |
lucas | ogra: http://tiber.tauware.de/cgi-bin/buildlogs.cgi doesn't look fine to me | 06:01 |
lucas | lots of failed i386 builds | 06:01 |
ogra | oh, yes, the goo old "debhelper is missing" stuff | 06:02 |
ogra | but it worked until 1h ago (runit 16:37 UTC) | 06:03 |
minghua | so the time for the CC meeting tomorrow is still not decided? | 06:03 |
lucas | minghua: seems so | 06:03 |
lucas | ogra: builds were failing yesterday | 06:04 |
minghua | hard for someone who wants to attend... | 06:04 |
lucas | so some builds are missing | 06:04 |
ogra | lucas, yes, but the buildds worked during the day today .. | 06:04 |
lucas | yup but my question was more: how do I get ruby-gnome2 and libgettext-ruby to be rebuilt ? | 06:05 |
ogra | and missing builds will get retried automatically anyway | 06:05 |
lucas | ok | 06:05 |
ogra | if you are in a hurry, you can ask a buildd admin t kick off a rebuild | 06:05 |
ogra | s/t/to | 06:06 |
lucas | no, no hurry | 06:06 |
lucas | just wanting to make sure they won't get forgot | 06:06 |
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ogra | lucas, seems i386 is fine again | 06:15 |
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JohnnyMast | ogra where are the motu tools like lpbugs ? | 07:01 |
ogra | JohnnyMast, no idea | 07:01 |
JohnnyMast | hmm any one else ? | 07:01 |
ogra | \sh_away, could tell you ... or siretart | 07:02 |
minghua | JohnnyMast: http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2005-November/012969.html | 07:03 |
JohnnyMast | kk | 07:04 |
JohnnyMast | checking | 07:04 |
minghua | and the parent mail | 07:04 |
JohnnyMast | minghua thanks | 07:04 |
ogra | ah, minghua | 07:04 |
ogra | minghua, do you have an idea about http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=21270 ? | 07:04 |
Ubugtu | Ubuntu bug #21270: gnome-cups-add is crashing if uim-gtk-immodule is aktive under non japanese desktop environment Product: Ubuntu, Component: gnome-cups-manager, Severity: normal, Assigned to: debzilla@ubuntu.com, Status: NEW http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=21270 | 07:04 |
minghua | np | 07:04 |
minghua | hmm, so I'm GTK IM module expert now? :-P | 07:05 |
ogra | hehe ... | 07:05 |
ogra | japanese input methods god at least ;) | 07:05 |
siretart | JohnnyMast: http://tiber.tauware.de/~siretart/motu-tools | 07:06 |
JohnnyMast | yep :) found it already but thanks any ways | 07:07 |
minghua | siretart: would you please send a follow up to ubuntu-devel list saying the repo changed? | 07:07 |
minghua | siretart: and with the bzr command to switch would be best :-) | 07:09 |
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siretart | minghua: huh? what repo changed? | 07:11 |
LaserJock | from \sh to siretart I think | 07:12 |
minghua | siretart: the mail \sh sent to ubuntu-devel refers to http://tiber.tauware.de/~shermann/motu-tools/ | 07:12 |
siretart | hm, I don't know whether we are diverged or not. Usually \sh and I should have the same contents | 07:12 |
minghua | ogra: read the bug report, no clue | 07:13 |
siretart | from time to time one of us has a newer commit, but both branches should have nearly the same contents | 07:13 |
ogra | ok | 07:13 |
LaserJock | siretart: but it is a bit confusing | 07:13 |
minghua | ogra: it shouldn't be the same crasher for scim-gtk-immodule, as uim doesn't use c++ | 07:13 |
ogra | ah, didnt know that | 07:14 |
minghua | ogra: I'll see if I can reproduce it, and follow up either way asking for some more info | 07:14 |
ogra | thanks :) | 07:14 |
minghua | ogra: is there any way to tell if the reporter is using breezy or dapper? | 07:15 |
ogra | breezy | 07:15 |
ogra | i know him | 07:15 |
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Gloubiboulga | evening | 07:16 |
siretart | LaserJock: you are right. we should finally package and upload it to the archive | 07:17 |
minghua | hmm, how to subscribe to a bug in bugzilla? | 07:18 |
Am|NickTaken | if a bug in smeg is fixed in the latest release i should close the bug in malone as FIXED, right? | 07:19 |
Hieronymus | minghua: add you e-mail to CC | 07:19 |
Am|NickTaken | even if that user can't get the latest release without upgrading ubuntu | 07:19 |
Hieronymus | *your | 07:19 |
Am|NickTaken | also, who do i poke to get smeg removed from malone? it's in main | 07:19 |
Hieronymus | Am|NickTaken: it's fixed in dapper, so yeah | 07:19 |
minghua | Hieronymus: no I don't wan't CC, I just want to find it easily next time I login, but thanks anyway | 07:19 |
Hieronymus | minghua: I make a custom search with things I posted to etc. | 07:20 |
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Hieronymus | http://tinyurl.com/9mmog | 07:22 |
minghua | Hieronymus: that does the trick, thanks | 07:24 |
ogra | Am|NickTaken, i usually mark it as fixed and mention the uploaded version that fixed it in the closing comment | 07:25 |
LaserJock | Gloubiboulga: you packaged texmaker, right? | 07:31 |
Gloubiboulga | yes LaserJock | 07:33 |
LaserJock | Gloubiboulga: very good, I was just going to do it but you beat me to it :-) | 07:34 |
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Gloubiboulga | :) | 07:34 |
Gloubiboulga | LaserJock, could you review it then ? | 07:35 |
LaserJock | Gloubiboulga: unfortunately I'm not a MOTU | 07:35 |
Gloubiboulga | oops, sorry | 07:36 |
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LaserJock | Gloubiboulga: do you use texmaker much? | 07:36 |
Gloubiboulga | I've just discovered it | 07:37 |
Gloubiboulga | I usually use emacs | 07:37 |
LaserJock | Gloubiboulga: yeah, I usually use emacs/vim but I really liked kile when I used KDE | 07:39 |
Gloubiboulga | texmaker doesn't need kde dependencies, only libqt4 | 07:40 |
Gloubiboulga | it's a good point for non kde users :) | 07:40 |
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NeTo | hi, I hope my question doesn't sound stupid | 07:58 |
JohnnyMast | no question is stupid | 07:59 |
NeTo | I have been working for a few days in a package for scilab 3.1.1 | 07:59 |
NeTo | since the one in the breezy repos looks is very outdated | 07:59 |
JohnnyMast | thats because its frozen | 07:59 |
NeTo | I meant dapper :p (I'm building it on breezy, but that's another issue) | 08:01 |
NeTo | the version in dapper (and debian unstable) is 3.0 | 08:01 |
JohnnyMast | yeah 3.0.14 | 08:02 |
JohnnyMast | what does debain has ? | 08:02 |
NeTo | the same | 08:02 |
NeTo | 3.0.14 | 08:02 |
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JohnnyMast | you should contact twerner@debian.org | 08:03 |
NeTo | and last time I read the bug list in debian for scilab the package mantainer was requesting for help to maintain the package. I don't know if I can help mantain the package, but hopefully the new version is working | 08:04 |
NeTo | (in my pc at least :p) | 08:04 |
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JohnnyMast | yes but you could ask him to insert a new version | 08:05 |
JohnnyMast | but i dont know if motu can fix packages im multiverse | 08:06 |
JohnnyMast | Directory: pool/multiverse/s/scilab | 08:06 |
NeTo | ah ok thank you. That was exactly what I wanted to know. I have built the package, but i wasn't sure what to do with it right now | 08:06 |
JohnnyMast | :) | 08:07 |
NeTo | I'm very new at Linux, so I wasn't sure about guidelines for package inclusion/revision | 08:07 |
LaserJock | JohnnyMast: MOTUs are in charge of Multiverse too | 08:09 |
JohnnyMast | LaserJock alright | 08:09 |
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herve | hello | 08:09 |
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Gloubiboulga | JohnnyMast, about permissions trouble on the jargoninformatique directory on REVU, do you know what can I do? | 08:11 |
JohnnyMast | Gloubiboulga what kind of permission problems ? | 08:12 |
Gloubiboulga | Nobody can enter the source directory on REVU | 08:12 |
Gloubiboulga | http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1229 | 08:13 |
JohnnyMast | ooh, no you have to contact some higher hand then me | 08:13 |
Gloubiboulga | well, I've just checked, it's accessible now... | 08:13 |
JohnnyMast | ok that good news :) | 08:14 |
Gloubiboulga | yes :) | 08:15 |
JohnnyMast | jeeej | 08:16 |
=== JohnnyMast drinks a coffee to that | ||
NeTo | I'll write to the debian mantainer of scilab. Anyway, if anyone wants to take a look at the scilab 3.1.1 packages... | 08:23 |
NeTo | I have uploaded the debs to http://neto.no-ip.com:8080/Ubuntu%20-%20Breezy/scilab/ | 08:23 |
NeTo | for breezy | 08:23 |
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NeTo | I have uploaded the sources to http://neto.no-ip.com:8080/Ubuntu%20-%20Breezy/Sources/scilab/ | 08:24 |
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JohnnyMast | ajmitch are you awalke already ? | 08:35 |
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sivang | is this normal for the allocator transition? | 08:43 |
sivang | dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libdar3c2a_2.2.4-2_i386.deb (--unpack): | 08:43 |
sivang | trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/libdar.so.3.0.1', which is also in package libdar2c2 | 08:43 |
sivang | dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe) | 08:43 |
sivang | I can just go on and overwrite, | 08:43 |
sivang | better check first | 08:43 |
sivang | or maybe libdar3c2a_2.2.4-2 needs a conflicts with the old one? | 08:44 |
sivang | siretart: ^^ any idea? | 08:44 |
=== Loiosh [n=loiosh@c-67-166-229-59.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu-MOTU | ||
crimsun | sivang: yes, it needs Replaces and Conflicts, I'll fix it. | 08:51 |
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lucas | is the source code of the scripts generating http://people.ubuntu.com/~scott/ongoing-merge/ available somewhere ? | 09:01 |
sivang | crimsun: cool, thanks | 09:02 |
crimsun | uploaded. | 09:04 |
=== Gloubiboulga is now known as Gloubi_Aw | ||
minghua | sivang: sounds like a debian bug to me... | 09:05 |
siretart | lucas: please ask Keybuk | 09:05 |
crimsun | minghua: it's not a Debian bug, it's a Ubuntu bug that I just fixed. | 09:05 |
lucas | siretart: ok | 09:06 |
minghua | crimsun: so debian never had libdar3c2, I see | 09:07 |
lucas | I'm wondering why it so often fails to determine correctly the debian version on which the ubuntu version is based | 09:07 |
crimsun | ah crap. | 09:07 |
sivang | crimsun: cool even more, I'll wait to see if that fixes instead of overwriting | 09:08 |
buxy | lucas: I've hedaerd that it used snapshot.debian.net which lost a big part of the history due to disk failure ... | 09:10 |
asbin | siretart: I've just uploaded a new version of ushare ;) | 09:10 |
buxy | s/hedard/heard/ | 09:10 |
=== crimsun finds a brown paper bag | ||
=== Loiosh blows into it and then pops it. -bam-! | ||
minghua | libdar.so.3.0.1 in libdar2c2? the guy did the breezy transition was on crack... | 09:18 |
crimsun | minghua: a bit late for it now but corrected nonetheless | 09:18 |
dholbach | have a nice evening, i'm off :) | 09:19 |
minghua | crimsun: yeah, glad you noticed that (I didn't :-) | 09:19 |
minghua | good night dholbach | 09:19 |
crimsun | 'night daniel | 09:19 |
dholbach | night you two | 09:19 |
LaserJock | cya dholbach | 09:20 |
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ogra | minghua, why would he be on crack ? the debian package is still called libdar2c2 and contains libdar.so.3.0.1 | 09:30 |
minghua | ogra: I stand corrected | 09:33 |
crimsun | he wasn't on crack, he did the right thing by sticking to Debian's lib name and tacking on c2 | 09:33 |
ogra | yup | 09:34 |
=== ogra thinks \sh deserves to be defended :) | ||
minghua | ogra: apparently dar 2.2.1-1 in Debian ships libdar.so.3 in libdar2 | 09:34 |
ogra | i remember how much time he spent with this beast :) | 09:34 |
ogra | minghua, yes, thats what sivang's error indicates ... | 09:35 |
minghua | although it's fixed in 2.2.1-2 | 09:35 |
ogra | there is a replaces/provides missing ... | 09:35 |
ogra | or a replaces/conflicts ... | 09:36 |
minghua | if \sh back, please accept my apologies :-) | 09:36 |
ogra | lol | 09:36 |
ogra | dar is evil, dont touch it if nobody forces you ;) | 09:36 |
ogra | or you are masochistic ... | 09:36 |
Loiosh | Hee! | 09:37 |
=== minghua is surprised to find said broken libdar2 is in sarge though | ||
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JohnnyMast | ajmitch , ping | 09:57 |
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JohnnyMast | any reviewer alive ? | 10:01 |
LaserJock | no, some disgruntled wannabes snuck in and slaughtered them all | 10:03 |
LaserJock | just kidding of course | 10:04 |
=== crimsun dies | ||
crimsun | damned slaughterers | 10:04 |
Loiosh | Heh | 10:04 |
JohnnyMast | hehe | 10:04 |
JohnnyMast | i got 2 packages ready to rock | 10:04 |
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dooglus | it turns out my external monitor doesn't go black regularly - it goes black for a second whenever the display changes. | 10:23 |
dooglus | any idea what might be wrong? | 10:23 |
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LaserJock | do you guys happen to know how hard it would be to get a 2.4 kernel running in Ubuntu? | 11:25 |
tseng | i think it would be nearly impossible at this point | 11:25 |
tseng | all the hardware detection is based on udev | 11:26 |
tseng | which relies on sysfs | 11:26 |
LaserJock | hmm, ok. Oh well | 11:26 |
tseng | if you redid the whole boot infrastructure | 11:26 |
tseng | i guess maybe | 11:26 |
LaserJock | well, I will just stick to Sarge then. | 11:26 |
LaserJock | tseng: btw, could/can you upload my plotdrop package that you advocated on REVU yesterday? | 11:27 |
tseng | not the worst thing in the world | 11:27 |
tseng | i cant today, no | 11:27 |
tseng | ajmitch said there are problems with it and I am leaving town soon | 11:28 |
tseng | ask tommorow | 11:28 |
LaserJock | hmm, I think he is ok with it now but I don't know. | 11:28 |
LaserJock | I am leaving town tomorrow early in the moring | 11:29 |
LaserJock | tseng: don't worry about it I will figure something out | 11:29 |
tseng | brandon@ubuntu.com | 11:29 |
LaserJock | k | 11:29 |
tseng | please email package status and ill get to it tommorow | 11:29 |
LaserJock | thanks | 11:29 |
=== Kyral is happy | ||
LaserJock | oh? | 11:31 |
Kyral | I passed Calc :D | 11:31 |
LaserJock | very good | 11:32 |
Kyral | Granted I also pulled a D+ in my CS Class lol | 11:32 |
ajmitch | morning | 11:33 |
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tseng | im off, cya | 11:36 |
ajmitch | bye tseng | 11:36 |
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LaserJock | ajmitch: so do you have a problem with plotdrop or no? | 11:41 |
minghua | Kyral: congratulations! that means you are an official sophomore now, right? | 11:42 |
minghua | ;-) | 11:42 |
Kyral | minghua: yah | 11:42 |
Kyral | Now someone finish off this day and gimme a vote on EasyChem :P | 11:44 |
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ajmitch | LaserJock: I haven't had time to take a proper look at it, but it does seem to build without killing things | 11:46 |
LaserJock | ajmitch: you didn't like the use of $(PREFIX) in the install rule but the upstream Makefile doesn't use DISTDIR | 11:54 |
LaserJock | ajmitch: since I am patching the Makefile anyway I can change it if you want | 11:55 |
LaserJock | ajmitch: or I can leave it as is for now and promise to change it with the next version ;-) | 11:55 |
ajmitch | it would be nice to have it changed | 11:56 |
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ajmitch | DESTDIR, btw | 11:57 |
LaserJock | right | 11:57 |
LaserJock | so generally we want $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX) right? | 12:02 |
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