
=== mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu-server
=== Crackez [n=crackez@pcp0011289023pcs.norstn01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-server
Crackezso, does anyone else have a Compaq Proliant PL1500?01:07
Crackezi'm having no end of problems with it and ubuntu01:07
Crackezit's a dual P3 Xeon,01:07
Crackez1GB RAM, Compaq Smart Array RAID controller01:08
Crackezthe network interface won't come up on boot01:08
Crackezit's a TI ThunderLan integrated on the motherboard01:09
Crackezthe tlan driver loads, but the interface isn't brought up01:09
Crackezbtw, I just installed 5.10, so it's pretty fresh01:10
Crackezwould anyone have any ideas about the network interface not coming up?01:17
Unfundoes it show in ifconfig01:19
Crackezifconfig -a01:19
Unfundoes it show up as an interface01:19
Crackezit shows up01:20
nictukuwhat mii-tool says about it01:20
Crackezit is not up however01:20
Unfunand if you do ifconfig eth0 some.ip.addy up01:20
Unfundoes it indeed come up?01:20
Crackezi just did this: ifconfig eth0 up && dhclient eth001:20
Crackezit works after that01:21
Crackezit just doesn't come up at boot01:21
Unfunwhat does /etc/network/interfaces contain01:21
Crackezhold on, let me install sshd so i can copy/paste the info01:22
Crackezdpkg seems confused01:24
Crackezi wonder, when I did the install, i used LVM, and it complained that I would have to reboot in order for the devmapper to notice the changes01:25
Crackezso I did, but it didn't quite reboot, it hung01:25
Crackezand i'm not sure if I reformatted after the reboot01:25
Unfunmaybe you're still in rc201:25
Unfunnot fully booted01:25
Crackezit finished the install01:25
Crackezand this is ubuntu-server, so it shouldn't drop me into gdm right?01:26
Crackezmaybe i should just reinstall01:26
Unfunno gdm01:26
Unfununless you install it01:27
Crackezyeah, you know, the more i think about it, i don't think i reformatted / after the reboot01:27
Crackezafter it complained...01:27
Unfunarent smart array raid controllers hardware raid01:28
Unfunwhy are you doing LVM01:28
Crackezunless it's now safe to backup a live fs...01:28
Unfunyou're snapping to another disk?01:29
Crackezno, same disk01:29
Crackezi left 500MB of free space01:29
Unfunwhy not let the raid controller just do raid-101:29
Crackezcause i have 6 disks01:29
Crackezand they are only 9gb/disk01:30
Crackezi have a DAC960 in my other box running kubuntu, it's only got 3 18gb scsi disks, raid001:31
Crackezman is it fast01:31
Crackezregarding the SmartArray, it says it's still initializing the array01:31
Unfunor 501:32
Unfunit wont be instant01:32
Crackezyeah, i know01:32
Crackezi wouldn't think it would interfere with the installer01:33
Unfunno it shouldnt01:33
Unfunjust wont be speedy01:33
Crackezi mean, i've installed CentOS on this machine before while it was still initializing, and it just took a while...01:33
Crackezi just started a reinstall01:35
Crackezand the installer activated the network right the first time01:35
Unfunawh yea01:35
Unfunthis is where you do a little dance01:35
Unfunand chant "ubuntu"01:35
Crackezi cant chant01:35
Unfunstomp your feet then01:36
=== Crackez stomps
Unfunthere we go01:36
Crackezformatting /boot01:37
Crackezthat was fast01:37
Crackezformatting /, it zipped right up to 79%, and slowed down01:39
Unfunstill doing /?01:39
Crackezi wonder if thats a good indication of how far along the parity initialization is01:39
Crackezwell, it formated /boot, then I had to do the lvm config01:40
Crackeznow / just finished01:40
Crackeznow it's installing the base system01:40
Crackezso, this ought to take a little while01:41
Crackezi wish ubuntu could autodetect smp-ness02:30
Crackezand isntall the most appropriate kernel02:30
nictukuthat's a must for servers.02:31
Crackezalso, i've had an issue wit 2 raid controllers02:31
Crackezi have to add the module to the initrd manually before the first boot02:32
Crackezit's a bummer when it doesn't find the root fs02:32
Crackezi guess thats not just a server related thing though,02:34
Crackezi noticed it first with kubuntu02:34
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Valandilwrong frame :-((02:40
UnfunCrackez, yea i had that problem with my install03:06
UnfunInstalled a non SMP kernel on a dual opteron i had.03:07
Crackezwell, i can't even get the machine to boot at all now03:08
Crackezit hangs somewhere in the boot03:08
Crackezeither that or I get to the login screen and my keyboard doesn't respond03:08
Crackezi wonder if it could be the crappy onboard video, when it crashes, i usualy get a few odd chars scattered around the screen03:10
=== MarioMeyer [n=meyer@ubuntu/member/mariomeyer] has joined #ubuntu-server
=== nitestarr [n=knightst@cpe-24-33-15-250.midsouth.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-server
=== Pygi [n=mario@83-131-248-197.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu-server
=== FlannelKing [n=flannel@crlsbd-cuda5-68-67-177-17.crlsca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu-server
FlannelKingWhat's the suggested method of dealing with ftp users and web servers, have them upload as www-data? or what? (I'm having problems getting mod_perl to work)05:34
FlannelKingthanks Pygi05:35
=== Unfun [n=Unfun@c-24-5-74-223.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-server
infinityFlannelKing : www-data shouldn't own any files (except temporary junk create on the fly by CGI scripts) unless you want a world of pain.06:12
Unfuni want a world of pain06:15
PygiUnfun: that's not a polite answer, you know...06:16
FlannelKingalright, that's why Im asking.  so, what would I set up?06:16
FlannelKingHeck, which ftp server would be easiest for this?06:16
PygiApache? ;)06:17
FlannelKingftp server, apache, eh?06:17
Pygiheh, sorry, wrong one ;)06:17
Pygilol xD06:17
PygiI am still sleepy, 6:17 AM ;)06:17
FlannelKingno problem06:17
Pygibeen awake all night ;)06:17
Pygimislim da je ovo server, iako nisam trenutno u nista siguran ;)06:19
FlannelKingyeah, Ive got that.06:19
FlannelKingI imagine that's another language.06:19
Pygilol, sorry :/06:20
PygiI think it's a server software, altought currently I am not sure in anythin'06:20
FlannelKinggotcha.  but yeah, vsFTPD is what I have currently.  Just wondering about some of the config stuff and making it work with mod_perl,06:21
FlannelKingdont know if its my ftp or my perl config that's the problem06:21
Pygimod_perl? it's used for apache if I am not mistaken06:24
Pygiand perl cgi scripts will work even without mod_perl06:25
FlannelKingno, I know that.  I'm trying to get it to work with apache06:25
FlannelKingadded the AddHandler to my perl.conf, but now I get a 403:Forbidden when trying to access it06:26
FlannelKingI chmod'd it +x, before that.... hmm, let me undo it06:27
FlannelKingnope, still 40306:27
Pygiheh :/06:28
Pygiwhat apache and what mod_perl are you using?06:29
FlannelKingumm, 2.0, and... whatever's in ubuntus repos06:29
FlannelKingor, 2.x (whatver is apache2 in ubuntu)06:30
Pygi  Apache 2.0 doesn't work with mod_perl 1.0.06:30
Pygi  Apache 1.0 doesn't work with mod_perl 2.0.06:30
FlannelKingno, Ive got them right06:31
Pygiinstalled with apt-get?06:31
FlannelKingand apache206:31
FlannelKingit came with apache2, I think.06:31
FlannelKingsince, I don't remember flagging it by hand06:31
Pygitry reading this I guess if you feel upto it06:32
ValandilOK, n8 guys :)06:58
FlannelKinganyone alive currently?06:58
FlannelKingIm having a mod_perl/apache problem07:00
fabbionebut i am not sure i can provide any sensible answer before i finish my coffee07:00
FlannelKingsensible isn't required ;)07:00
fabbioneis that apache2+mod_perl2?07:00
fabbionehm ok07:01
FlannelKing2.0.54 (apache) and 2.0.1 m_p07:01
fabbionemind to explain the problem or do you want me to dig in the scroll back?07:01
FlannelKingand, I added the conf and the load file to modules to mods-enabled07:01
FlannelKingwell, they were already added, upon apt-getting mod_perl07:01
FlannelKingbut, it wasnt working (just displaying the file as text)07:02
fabbioneyes i know.. just tell me about the problem :)07:02
FlannelKingso, I added the AddHandler to the .conf file07:02
FlannelKingbut, now I get a 503 error when I go to it07:02
FlannelKingI dont know if its a perl/apache problem, or a ftp/permissions/ownership whatever problem07:03
FlannelKingsince, Im not too certain Im doing that correctly either07:03
fabbionewhy don't you try one thing at a time?07:03
fabbionelike creating a hello world perl thingy07:03
fabbionewith 77707:04
FlannelKingwell, it's uploaded fine, Im just not sure what the owner should be07:04
fabbioneand www-data:www-data07:04
fabbionejust to test07:04
FlannelKingsee, I asked if it should be www-data:www-data earlier07:04
fabbioneand start from there to see when/where it fails07:04
fabbioneno it must not be www-data07:04
FlannelKing(if my ftp should upload everything as www-data) and someone said that was a bad thing to do07:04
fabbionebut to start debugging with hello world is ok07:04
fabbionethat someone is one of the apache2 maintainer and he is right07:05
fabbionestart as i say :)07:05
fabbioneand slowly restric permissions07:05
fabbioneso you will see where/when it starts to fail07:05
fabbionedon't use the full code07:05
fabbionejust "hello world"07:05
fabbionethat's safe enough for debugging07:05
FlannelKingyeah, still a 50307:07
fabbionedid you setup the vhost properly?07:07
FlannelKingI dont know?07:08
FlannelKingits jsut plain /var/www07:08
FlannelKingAnd I can access other files there07:08
fabbioneit doesn't matter.. cgi and stuff need to go in specific places..07:08
fabbionei really suggest you to read the documentation07:08
FlannelKingI did, and did what it said.07:08
fabbionethis is basic apache setup07:08
FlannelKingthat right there.  did the addhandler thing, so I could do it in any directory.07:09
fabbionecheck /var/log/apache2/errors.log07:10
fabbioneit will tell you what you are doing wrong07:10
FlannelKingit says Options ExecCGI is off, but I've explicitly set it on... at least, I think I have.07:26
fabbioneturn it on07:26
FlannelKingas far as I know, It is.07:26
FlannelKing<Directory /var/www>07:27
FlannelKingOptions +ExecCGI07:27
FlannelKingthen close directory07:27
fabbioneOptions ExecCGI07:28
fabbionewhy +?07:28
FlannelKingno +?07:28
FlannelKingbecause thats what the apache doc said07:28
fabbionethere are examples config files in /etc/apache2/07:29
fabbionelook at them07:29
FlannelKingExecCGI isn't in that file at all, and I know what apache conf files look like07:30
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infinityIf you're using AddHandler, you're not using mod_perl.  The two are very different.08:41
FlannelKingthen how would I use mod_perl?08:48
FlannelKingalright guys, I'm trying to get mod_perl2 on Apache2 working... and, I think I have it (I think), except that my perl file prompts for download, instead of running.  What am I doing wrong?09:55
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=== Valandil [n=chrys@dslb-084-056-065-159.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-server
=== Pygi [n=mario@83-131-247-224.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu-server
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Pygiwelcome matt03:11
=== maswan [i=maswan@kennedy.acc.umu.se] has joined #ubuntu-server
mgalvinhey mario04:19
Pygihey matt ;)04:27
=== Unfun [n=Unfun@c-24-5-74-223.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-server
Pygiwelcome Unfun04:39
UnfunHi Pygi04:45
PygiHi hi04:45
UnfunAnyone roll out ubuntu-server in production?04:48
Pygiyes, why not?04:48
UnfunMe too.04:48
UnfunI used to have to compile custom kernels to get my raid controllers to work in debian but Ubuntu worked right out of the install iso04:49
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Pygiwelcome lamont04:49
Valandilhi all :)04:58
ValandilI don't like modular kernels04:59
Pygihehe, why not? ;)04:59
Valandili always compile new kernel for my servers. Also for ubuntu04:59
maswanUnfun: well, ubuntu-server as project or ubuntu on servers? we have one 100-node cluster on ubuntu already.04:59
Unfunwhich i guess is the same as ubuntu at the moment 5.1004:59
ValandilPygi: security-reasons :)04:59
Valandiland performance05:00
Pygivalandil: true05:00
ValandilPygi: I do not need stuff like evms od hal on a server with static hardware05:00
Pygiyup, I know05:00
Unfunstock ubuntu kernel installed as server seems pretty light compared to other distros05:01
Valandilyes, I remember, we talked on this topic before ;)05:01
PygiUnfun: from daper on, the server will have kernel configured differently then desktop...05:02
ValandilPygi: raidstuff?05:02
Unfunspeaking of raidstuff, does anything know what cards raidutils package is compatible with for doing actual raid management.05:03
ValandilUnfun: at least adaptec ;)05:04
Unfunroot@cvs:~# raidutil -L physical05:04
UnfunEngine connect failed: COMPATIBILITY number05:04
UnfunI have a Adaptec card05:04
ValandilUnfun: no, sadly not all adaptec05:04
UnfunAny way to make it work?05:04
Valandilthere are some "soft-raid"-Controllers05:04
Valandilcould be, this is such a soft-raid05:05
Valandilsame shit as "soft-modem"05:05
Unfundefine soft-raid05:05
Valandilthe raid-functionality needs driver-support05:05
Valandilit's not completely included in controller-bios05:05
ValandilYou can set up raid-levels and all in controller-bios, but without the driver, system only recognizes single disks05:06
UnfunIt's quite unfortunate i need to take the box down to bios level to do disk management.05:06
ValandilI'm not shure, if Your card is one of this05:07
ValandilMe I tried 4 weeks05:07
UnfunIn the past i've used Dell utilities to do management on the older adaptec cards, but the newer ones arent supported with dellmgr, aka afacli.05:08
Valandilthen, I combined the arrays in bios, and took aic79xx driver plus software-raid05:08
Valandilso I can manage my raid in runtime, or I can restore a blown up disk also in bios05:09
infinityThe 2230 is not soft RAID.05:09
Unfuninfinity, do you use this card?05:09
Valandilinfinity: OK, thanks :)05:09
infinityNo, but I know adapted products.05:09
UnfunYou know of any tools that will let me manage the card under a 2.6 kernel?05:10
infinity(hint: anything selling for that price isn't software-assisted RAID)05:11
UnfunThis box is like $5k05:11
UnfunCard i think is like $250USD05:11
Unfunsomewhere in there05:11
Valandilinfinity: I don't know the price ;) I just looked: the crap was 39320A05:11
Valandilyes, it has been round about 300 Euro05:12
infinityUnfun : I'm not sure, TBH, if there are free tools to manage it.  You may be stuck using adaptec's tools, which may also mean using their kernel modules. :/05:12
Unfunthats what i was afraid of05:12
Valandilgood luck ;(05:12
Unfuni def don't want to use their modules05:12
infinityOh, wait, no.  That one uses the free driver anyway.05:13
infinityAdaptec doesn't do closed binaries for aacraid, they contribute to the GPL driver in the kernel.05:13
UnfunSo i'm still probably stuck using their modules if i want to manage this thing05:14
ValandilOK guys, got to leave... cu05:14
infinityDon't need to use their kernel sources, just their tools...05:14
Unfunlet me check out their tools...05:15
infinityTheir tools SHOULD work with the Ubuntu kernels.  In theory.05:15
infinityBut, yeah, the "raidutils" stuff only works with the i2o controllers, which this one isn't.05:15
Unfuni was looking on the i20 site05:15
Unfundidnt see this card05:15
Unfunlet me alien that05:16
infinityIt's an RPM, but a clever user should be able to alien it.05:16
infinityShould work for anything in the aacraid series.05:16
infinityAnd SHOULD work with our aacraid driver, no need to use adaptec's driver.05:17
Unfunim going to try it05:17
Unfunalien is converting now05:17
Unfunwhat link did you grab that from05:17
Unfunthis is amd-6405:17
infinityThat'll be an i386 binary, but it should work fine with ia32-libs installed.05:18
infinityI don't see an amd64 binary listed anywhere on their site.05:18
Unfuninfinity, thanks for the guidance.05:19
Unfuni appreciate it05:19
infinityOh, wait.05:19
infinityIt's a bit older, though.05:19
Unfunif its just a management app i dont mind05:19
infinityWorth a try.05:19
infinityI'd give both a shot.05:19
infinityAnd let me know if both work, or just one, or whatever.05:20
Unfunok im giving it a try05:20
infinityI may look into whether or not we can provide download/installer packages in multiverse for crap like this, so...05:20
=== infinity is heading off to bed.
infinityJust ping in channel, or mail me (adconrad@ubuntu.com) to let me know if either (or both) seem to work.05:20
Unfuni will do that infinity05:21
Unfuncrap i need to register to download that05:25
Unfunand i don't know my serial #05:25
infinityLet me grab the files with my AdaptecConnect login. 'Sec.05:35
Unfunawesome, thanks05:35
infinityFor future reference, I don't think you actually need to register a product, you can skip that step, and your account will still work to download anything, IIRC.05:36
Unfunthat works05:37
Unfunthat is a direct link05:37
infinityIn that case, I'll let you grab them yourself. :)05:38
infinityMy DSL upstream is crap.05:38
Unfunill grab it off the 100mb link at the data center :)05:38
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Pygiwelcome ian06:27
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Pygiwelcome matt07:58
Pygifabbione:ping 07:58
=== mipe [n=mipe@107-60-124-83.dsl.3u.net] has joined #ubuntu-server
Pygisomeone took my name in Ubuntu Server Team ^^11:38
PygiMario Meyer ;)11:40
Pygidang :P He took my name ;)11:40
Unfunhow do you join the ubuntu server team11:46
Pygiwell, you can and you can't11:46
Pygiyou must apply, but you need to speak with members/admin so you can get in11:47
Unfunhow can i find information as to what the team needs11:47
Pygiwell, you ask fabbione once he's here11:47
PygiI am a member, but I rather wouldn't go into too much detail ;)11:47

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