
=== mornfall wonders if Riddell is still awake
Riddellmornfall: hi01:02
mornfallRiddell: i have a progressbar under konsole (which is now hideable) now (it even works)... oh and the download is interruptible and you can cancel media change01:03
Riddellmornfall: wow01:03
mornfallRiddell: and i guess i'm done for 1.8801:03
Riddellthat's really seriously impressive01:04
mornfallRiddell: do we want to upload this to dapper?01:04
Riddellmornfall: ooh, yes please01:05
mornfallRiddell: okey, i will be churning out tarballs in near future01:06
Riddellmornfall: could it be done as a non-native package?01:06
mornfallwelll... if someone does it01:07
RiddellI can do it01:08
mornfallon the other hand, i am not completely sure why01:08
Riddellmostly so it's possible to track the diff between debian and ubuntu01:08
mornfallshouldn't that be easier with native package?01:08
mornfallbah what a mess01:10
Riddellwell we had that huge diff from utunbu which is much more easier to see if there's a .diff.gz you can just see as being huge01:10
mornfallRiddell: that huge diff was because someone seriously messed up the upload01:10
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mornfallthe problem with non-native package is that you need an upstream tarball01:16
Riddell== native tar minus the debian directory I'd say01:16
mornfallwhich means either svn2dist (for ept) or autotools (for libapt-front)01:16
mornfallwell, right now debuild handles it for me01:16
mornfalli couldn't get autotools to handle libapt-front sanely (because of the nature of testing data)01:17
Riddellbut if it's a hassle then don't bother, the main thing is to have a rocking new adept 01:17
seth_k|lappyHiya Riddell, anything you'd like worked on tonight that I could handle?01:22
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Riddellhmm, good question01:22
mornfallwhat about libapt-front upload :-)01:22
RiddellI don't think seth_k|lappy can upload to main or I'd say yes01:23
seth_k|lappygotta work on MOTU first01:23
seth_k|lappymain later ;)01:23
mornfallRiddell: i'll try to have it uploaded into unstable tomorrow, would that be easier that way?01:24
mornfallRiddell: (libapt-front)01:24
Riddellyou could sort out all my girl problems for me, that would be very useful.  might not advance the cause of free software much though :)01:24
mornfallgirl problems suck01:24
Riddellthink up questions for this interview with the valgrind author I said I'd do01:26
Riddellseth_k|lappy: actually most useful thing would be to sort out bug reports01:26
seth_k|lappyRiddell, alright01:26
Riddellalthough strangely enough people never find that very interesting :)01:26
seth_k|lappyone question about those, then: If a bug is fixed in Breezy, but was reported in Hoary, do we mark it fixed?01:27
seth_k|lappyEven though the Hoary user could never get the new package?01:27
Riddellyes, fixed01:28
Riddellfixed if it's in dapper too01:28
seth_k|lappyok :)01:28
Riddellseth_k|lappy: and if hobbsee comes online and has time talk her though packaging the new rsibreak version, we'll make a motu of her yet!01:30
Riddellmornfall: I don't think it's any easier if it's in unstable01:31
seth_k|lappysure thing Riddell, I helped her out with kmymoney2 the other night (even though for some reason she thought you wanted a Breezy package)01:31
Riddellstill need to download and merge the changelogs and whatever01:31
Riddellactually if she still has that breezy package get her to put it somewhere, people on the mailing list are quite keen on it01:31
seth_k|lappyalright, I'll see. And if she doesn't, I'll mix one up real fast01:32
mornfallRiddell: owgh....01:38
Riddellmornfall: hmm?01:39
mornfalli thought syncs from debian were automated01:40
Riddellmornfall: we could do that certainly, it would mean loosing the changelog but I guess that's no big loss01:42
Riddellah, I see allee has already done rsibreak 0.4 for debian01:44
Riddellmornfall: so tonight or should I go to bed?01:51
mornfallRiddell: go to bed02:06
mornfallRiddell: i still have things to fix02:06
mornfall(not much, but things)02:07
mornfalland i'll go to bed too... i'll probably make tarballs in morning02:07
Riddellok, sleep well, looking forward to adept tomorrow :)02:10
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Hobbseeseth_k|lappy: ah, ok, so where should i send it to, and what do i send?  just the .deb?03:23
seth_k|lappyHobbsee, he'll want source methinks03:23
seth_k|lappyjust e-mail him with a link to where the stuff is :)03:23
Hobbseewhere do i host it?  my hoster is down!03:24
Hobbseehang on, is that the same stuff i sent to Riddell before?03:24
seth_k|lappyhmm, did you send it already?03:25
seth_k|lappy[18:31]  <Riddell> actually if she still has that breezy package get her to put it somewhere, people on the mailing list are quite keen on it03:26
Hobbseeooh ok03:27
Hobbseeseth_k|lappy: i sent some stuff to Riddell - was the 2.0.81.tar.bz2, the .diff.gz, and the .dsc03:28
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HobbseeRiddell: ping03:41
Hobbseeok, excellent03:43
Hobbseeseth_k|lappy: know where this gets uploaded to?  which mailing list?03:43
seth_k|lappyHobbsee, I would assume you'd want to send a link to it to kubuntu-users03:44
seth_k|lappyHobbsee, don't attach the file obviously ;) just upload it somewhere and link03:44
=== Hobbsee hasnt found that newsletter yet
seth_k|lappyHobbsee, have you verified it runs correctly?03:44
seth_k|lappyHobbsee, http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/kubuntu-users03:44
Hobbseeah, i was on the ubuntu one, but not the kubuntu one yet03:45
Hobbseeverified it runs correctly...no, but i should - i'll boot to breezy and try that03:46
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Hobbseeseth_k|lappy: sorry to sound moronic, but i use the deb that i'd created with debuild before?03:54
seth_k|lappyyou don't sound moronic, silly. Yeah, that deb is fine03:54
seth_k|lappywe all started somewhere03:54
Hobbseesetting up...03:54
Hobbseenow i'm seeing why this thing took so long to package!03:54
Hobbseelooks nice!03:55
Hobbseeseems to work03:55
Hobbseeinstalls fine, works fine03:56
Hobbseedarn gmail for having no IMAP support03:57
HobbseeRiddell: seth_k|lappy ok, sent the links to the mailing list :)04:03
=== Hobbsee contemplates what to package, after seeing the long list on the wiki
seth_k|lappypoke me when you have questions :) I'd be most happy to help04:22
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HobbseeRiddell: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78961 - can we please make this the default in kubuntu dapper?  seems really silly that it isnt the default07:50
Hobbseenot sure who needs that suggestion, if you could pass it on, that would be great07:51
Hobbseethe second option of that thread07:53
seth_k|lappyHobbsee, the tux cursors? o_008:15
Hobbseeseth_k|lappy: no, that howto lets the cursors that you have in firefox and thunderbird be the same as you have in the rest of th system08:16
seth_k|lappyoh right, phew08:16
seth_k|lappymethinks bug, not "missing feature"08:16
=== Hobbsee has to fix her system every single time she reinstalls for this
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Riddellcommunity council meeting 20:00 UTC04:20
Riddellwonder if there's anyone we should get going for membership04:20
Riddelljjesse: yes04:20
jjessehmm didn't have it on my calendar will add it real quick04:20
Riddelljust been decided :)04:20
jjessegrin no wonder i didn't have it04:21
raphinkRiddell: Tonio_ and I will apply in two weeks I think04:23
raphink(since I was told to wait 4 more weeks last time, and Tonio's wiki is not up-to-date)04:24
Riddellraphink: wasn't that maintainership rather than membership?04:26
raphinkno, membership04:27
raphinkubuntu membership04:27
raphinkwe already have maintainership on some packages04:27
Riddellwell maintainership being universe upload rights04:27
raphinkwell you need to be a member before being a MOTU, no?04:28
raphink(indeed, I wish to become a MOTU soon enough after membership)04:28
raphinkRiddell: do you have a few minutes to have a look at autostart please ? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=120904:32
RiddellRiddell: give me half an hour04:35
Riddelljjesse: what's the plan for the desktop guide?04:35
jjesseRiddell: get it shipped for dapper, and finished04:36
jjesseRiddell: we had a meeting scheduled for those interested on sunday but out of the 4 people interested 1 showed up04:36
Riddellhmm, shame04:40
Riddellalthough, kubuntu takes the lead!04:40
alleeraphink: about autostart ...04:41
raphinkallee: hi :)04:41
raphinkallee: yes?04:42
alleeraphink: license is GPL 2 or later but you refer to GPL-2 file.  should be GPL04:42
raphinkI was told I had to use GPL-2 because it's GPL 2 or later04:42
alleeraphink: yes.  At least that's what in the diff ;)04:42
raphinknow there's a need to refer to policy04:42
alleemaybe I'm wrong but I use GPL file for GPL or later and GPL-2 is license restricts to v2 only04:43
alleeraphink: my opionion (as written in the license;) is to use whatever /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL points to04:45
raphinkwell we had a talk on #ubuntu-motu last time04:45
raphinkand I was asked to change it to GPL-204:45
raphinkbut it makes sense if GPL-2 is GPL v2 _only_04:45
alleeraphink: if they advise GPL-2 fine.04:45
raphinkwhile GPL would link to the last one04:46
raphinkI'd have to check04:46
raphinknot sure this is a big issue though04:46
raphinksince it's GPL-2 or later04:46
raphinkGPL-2 is fine04:46
alleeraphink: yes. feel free to ignore 04:46
raphinkbut I'll look at it some time to find out about policy on this04:46
Riddellallee's point make sense to me04:46
raphinkRiddell: to me too04:46
raphinkbut slomo asked me to change it 04:46
alleeRiddell: I have strong doubts that sense is anyhow releated to license text (me does not longer expect it ;)04:47
alleeraphink: copyright holder but no copyright year04:47
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raphinkallee: bottom of the file04:48
alleeraphink: forget it you listed it at the end04:48
raphinkI never put the year in the copyright holder's field ;)04:48
alleemhmm why copyright holder at all at the top?  Just curious04:49
raphinkit's just the way I got used to doing it04:49
alleeraphink: long description.  I'm sure you've choosen the right --prefix.  so remove it and don't frighten your users04:50
raphinkhuhu right ;)04:51
alleeraphink: remove cdbs_kde_enable_debug = --disable-debug  not needed. was/is a old hack04:51
raphinkanything else?04:52
alleeraphink: suggestion s/when KDE inits (after a login)/ when you login into a KDE session.04:53
raphink Autostart is a KDE control center module to configure which applications04:54
raphink start up when you login into a KDE session.04:54
raphinkis that better?04:54
raphinkI s/for configuring/to configure/ aswell ;)04:54
raphinkI like it better04:54
raphinkjust discovered dput -s without intending it04:55
alleeraphink: I never trust my choosen english preposition. Ask someone else than me ;)04:55
Riddellraphink: to configure is good04:55
raphinkok uploaded04:56
alleeraphink: FWIW: latest watch  is at version 3 (you use 2).  No idea what changed or what is 3 is good for ;)04:56
raphinkoh 04:56
raphinkok I'll change it then04:56
raphinkvery very small change ;)04:57
alleeraphink: btw. isn't autostart a too generic term?  (like guidance has a pkg kde-guidance?)04:57
raphinkso you think I should use kde-autostart ?04:58
Riddellyes, may well need to be kcontrol-module-autostart04:58
raphinki'vd wondered about it04:58
Riddellor kcontrol-autostart04:58
raphinkRiddell: it's also for systemsettings i think04:58
raphinkfor example04:58
Riddellwell systemsettings uses kcontrol modules :)04:58
raphinkkdmtheme is packaged as such04:58
raphinknot as kcontrol-module-kdmtheme04:58
raphinkI'm fine with changing the name though04:59
Riddellkdmtheme is a less generic name but might still benefit from the longer kcontrol-module-kdmtheme04:59
raphinkwould be good to choose a pattern for these04:59
raphinkthat would be used with all modules04:59
raphinkknetworkconf is a kcontrol module aswell, no?04:59
raphinkRiddell: actually, I'm also wondering if autostart and kdmtheme should depend on kcontrol|systemsettings05:01
alleeraphink: question: are there upstream plans to provide a unified interface to Autostart folder ? kded autostarted services05:02
raphinkno idea05:02
Riddellallee: nothing in progress05:02
raphinkok kdmtheme and autostart should depend on kdelibs-bin actually05:03
raphinksince they require kcmshell05:03
alleeRiddell: bad! Hiding this techn. details would be a benifit for the user05:03
Riddellallee: well that's not to say upstream doesn't want it, just that nobody has done it, this autostart module should probably be in KDE but now isn't really the right time05:04
Riddellraphink: yes kdelibs-bin for kcmshell05:04
Riddellk3b probably shouldn't depend on kcontrol, all the gnome users complain about that05:05
raphinkdoesn't seem very logical05:05
raphinkso what do I go for?05:05
raphinkkde-autostart ?05:05
raphinkkcontrol-autostart ?05:06
raphinkkcontrol-module-autostart ?05:06
alleeraphink: chose:  my favorite would be kde-login-autostart05:06
raphinkI'd for for kde-autostart05:06
raphinkbecause it's precise enough imo05:06
raphinkand short enough to be typed 05:07
allee'k no problem05:07
RiddellI like either kcontrol-autostart or kcontrol-module-autostart.  kde-autostart is ok too05:07
raphinkRiddell: what's your opinion?05:07
raphinkis kcontrol to be abandonned though?05:07
RiddellI don't mind :)05:10
raphinkRiddell: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1163 has been advocated twice but not uploaded yet05:14
Riddellraphink: actually I couldn't get that working on my laptop05:15
Riddellgrub doesn't show the image05:15
raphinkhttp://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1255 is kcontrol-autostart05:16
raphinkgtg now05:18
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alleeraphink: autostart: check lintian output  (install lintian and use debuild then lintian is run automaticly)05:41
alleeraphink: linda has a complain too05:42
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alleeraphink: just curious: which svn repo do you use?05:45
Riddellhe doesn't05:46
alleeRiddell: so svncommit.tmp is from upstream?  (strange, I have the feeeling the peo file should also not be there)05:50
Riddellpeo file?05:50
alleein toplevel dir of autostart05:51
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je4dRiddell: i just saw the note about a c++ transition on the kde 3.5 packages page.. what transition is that? I thought breezy was already at the gcc 3.4, and that 4.0.x share the gcc3.4 abi06:31
Riddellje4d: the mt_allocator used in libstdc++ has changed06:34
Riddell(I don't know what an mt_allocator is)06:34
Riddellbreezy was gcc 4.006:34
je4dneither do i.. /me goes to look it up06:34
je4ddo you know more specifically what version of libstdc++ it changed in? surely not 4.0.0->4.0.2?06:36
raphinkallee: I removed the svncommit.tmp file in my package already06:50
raphinkbut not in the source06:50
raphinkI don't touch the orig.tar.gz06:50
alleeand about linda and .mo?  (have not looked into it)06:52
Riddelljjesse: I'm going to upload a docs snapshot06:54
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jjesseRiddell: what docs are you doing?07:55
Riddelljjesse: just whatever07:55
Riddellquick release-notes about about-html server desktop adept07:55
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mornfallRiddell: will you be around in ~1.5 hour?10:03
mornfallRiddell: in the meantime, you can get apt-front @ http://lorien.mornfall.net:8012/m/libapt-front/10:07
mornfallRiddell: i expect to have adept tarballs soon (but i'll have 1.5 hours nap now... since i'm sort of wasted)10:08
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Riddellmornfall: sure10:19
Riddellseth_k|lappy: think I should make robotgeek an op?10:25
seth_k|lappyRiddell, yes, I'd support him :)10:26
seth_k|lappyI see him there a lot, and he's knowledgable10:26
seth_k|lappyRiddell, maybe Hobbsee too, I see her even more than robotgeek10:26
seth_k|lappyshe already has ops in #kubuntu-offtopic IIRC10:26
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Riddellseth_k|lappy: she is now10:26
seth_k|lappyah, alright10:26
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=== Riddell gives seth_k|lappy op-of-the-day star
seth_k|lappyRiddell, :P11:40
seth_k|lappyalthough the best ops are the ones that can stay un-opped and still remove situations, so that's what I try to do11:41
Hobbsee_awayRiddell: is there anything in particular you need packaged for dapper, or should i just pick a random package off the suggested packages, if i'm feeling adventurous?12:02

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