
RiddellHobbsee_away: nothing paticular, what's on the suggested packages?12:04
Hobbsee_awaya whole lot of stuff...um...12:04
Hobbsee_awayhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuSuggestedPackages was what i was looking at12:05
RiddellHobbsee_away: I've had a request for http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=2920712:09
Hobbsee_awayooh!  pretty!12:21
Hobbseei'll see what i can do - *bookmarks link*12:23
seth_k|lappygirls and their pretty things :P12:34
Hobbseeof course12:34
=== Hobbsee pokes seth_k|lappy - you can go live in a world of grey for that comment! :P No colour for you!
Riddellseth_k|lappy: you don't like pretty girls?  :)12:35
seth_k|lappyI don't like the pretty things they spend my money on :)12:35
seth_k|lappyas for pretty girls, see "Quote of the Moment": http://sethkinast.com/blog/?q=26712:36
seth_k|lappyalthough, nice girls are better than pretty girls12:38
Hobbseeseth_k|lappy: i agree with you there12:42
Hobbseepretty girls are often horrible12:43
mornfallRiddell: sorry i got stuck12:44
Riddellmornfall: what's up?12:45
=== mornfall is testing adept 1.88 deb
mornfallnothing much12:46
seth_k|lappyRiddell, sistpoty advocated kmobiletools and uploaded it yesterday btw :)12:50
mornfallRiddell: it got unsermake'ified by accident12:50
Riddellunsermake is like that12:51
mornfallbuilding now12:51
Riddellseth_k|lappy: great12:51
mornfallRiddell: have you tried anything with the libapt-front?12:51
Riddellmornfall: no been busy fighting *buntu-docs12:52
mornfallat least it did not block on me12:56
mornfallRiddell: http://lorien.mornfall.net:8012/m/adept/ too01:28
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mornfallRiddell: let me know when you have something, i'll probably stick around for a while01:45
seth_k|lappyparty time, g'night all01:50
Riddellseth_k|lappy: kmobiletools got past NEW01:50
seth_k|lappyI saw :)01:51
seth_k|lappyis that automated, or does that mean it passed some sort of elmo goodness-check?01:51
Riddellseth_k|lappy: it passed elmo01:52
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Riddellmornfall: new adept is go!02:11
Riddellmornfall: how come there's two ways to add tags?02:12
mornfallRiddell: i don't know if the menu will stay02:12
mornfall(menu as in through the buttons)02:12
Riddellyeah, the menu is ok but a bit scary when it takes up the full screen02:12
Riddelllooking nice though02:13
Riddellconsole on by default?02:13
mornfallthe d&d interface is obviously better :)02:13
Riddelld&d interface is nice02:13
mornfallRiddell: currently yes, the progress indicator needs work02:13
mornfallRiddell: and konsole part does not like to be used without being shown first, it tends to acquire 16 or so column layout02:14
mornfallso i have to figure how to make it happier02:14
mornfallupdater is somewhat unstable for some reason too... but, well02:15
mornfall(i assume memory corruption somewhere early, but trying to valgrind it so far didn't yield useful results)02:16
Riddellmornfall: I've had a couple crashes.  no drkonqui either02:20
mornfallRiddell: with manager or with updater?02:21
mornfallRiddell: manager should not crash :'/02:21
Riddellmornfall: manager02:21
mornfalllet's see02:22
Riddellmornfall: kubuntu.org/~jr/tmp/adept-crash02:22
mornfallwow that's hell of a smashed stack02:24
mornfallvalgrind would help :'/02:24
mornfallit's just insanely slow on all of my hardware :'(02:24
mornfall(like, 15 minutes just to start up... oh well)02:25
Riddellmornfall: would ssh onto my hardware help?02:25
mornfallthat depends on how much computing power you have... and i'd probably need nx anyway... i will try to debug it with more traditional means first, and if that fails, i'll see on how to get valgrind running02:27
mornfall(but thanks anyway)02:27
mornfallmaybe a hint how to crash it could help, too :)02:28
Riddellmornfall: that was when it was installing a package02:28
Riddellmornfall: works perfectly on powerpc02:28
mornfallRiddell: could it be related to having some tag filter set up and running update or commit?02:31
=== mornfall tries
Riddelldon't think I had a filter set up02:33
mornfallthere's definitely a crash that way02:34
=== mornfall kicks enrico
mornfallstill no cache-reload-safe tags :p02:35
Riddellmornfall: shall I upload this or go to bed?02:35
mornfalli'll implement that for next alpha, so i don't miss this one again (this was a crasher in first alpha too)02:35
mornfallRiddell: whichever you prefer... it can surely wait till you get up02:36
mornfallRiddell: but i'd like to have it uploaded (despite the crashers)02:36
Riddellthen uploaded it shall be02:36
mornfalli *may* have a version with one or two crashers (most of them) fixed tomorrow02:37
mornfalli won't promise... but if you like to bet on that and save some work...02:37
mornfalltomorrow as in today02:38
Riddelluploading is hardly hard work :)02:38
Riddellmornfall: uploaded02:49
Riddelltime for bed I think02:49
Riddellgreat work mornfall 02:49
mornfallRiddell: thanks... good night02:49
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Riddellmorning Tonio_ 12:36
Tonio_morning Riddell 12:37
Tonio_Riddell: ust uploading latest version of knetdockapp12:37
Tonio_admin folder updated, and patch for pot file added ;)12:38
Tonio_Riddell: little error during pbuilder, just a little change required.12:45
Tonio_Riddell: I sent an email asking for a valid tarball (the upstream just sent me the latest), I'll probably upload toonight, when the error will be corrected...12:46
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-118-222.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Lathiat2 is now known as Lathiat
=== Hobbsee sighs
Hobbseei really love looking like an idiot on mailing lists!01:05
=== Riddell hugs Hobbsee
=== Hobbsee hugs Riddell in return
Hobbseeyou've seen the kde-devel mailing list, i take it?01:07
Riddellno, I saw someone on the kubuntu-users mailing list say "is this a bad joke" when trying to download kmymoney2 source debs01:08
freeflying_Riddell: hi01:09
Riddellhi freeflying_ 01:10
Hobbseeyes, that01:10
Hobbseei get them confused easily lol01:10
freeflying_Riddell: every software in kubuntu dapper crash 01:10
=== Hobbsee now doesnt want to reboot after hearing freeflying say that...
Riddellfreeflying_: I'm not having any problems, crash on startup or randomly?01:11
freeflying_Riddell: I even can not log in the desktop01:11
freeflying_even after a fresh installing01:11
freeflying_Riddell:  they will crash too in gnome 01:12
Riddellah well, at least it's not my fault01:13
Riddelllet me try a dist-upgrade01:13
freeflying_Riddell: I do this every day 01:13
Riddell175MB, might take a wee while01:15
Hobbseehehe maybe, yeah01:15
Hobbseeseemed like there were a lot of updates today...01:15
Riddellfreeflying_: when did this start?01:15
RiddellI wonder if it's the dbus rebuild01:15
freeflying_Riddell: about two days ago01:16
Riddellcould be dbus then01:16
=== Hobbsee slowly calms down
Hobbseei'll reboot in a minute, and see if the problem occurs here too...01:19
freeflying_Riddell: http://kubuntu.3322.org/crashlog/01:21
Riddellfreeflying_: skim finally build to i386 this morning http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/s/skim/1.4.3-0ubuntu4/01:23
freeflying_Riddell:  got the crashlog?01:26
Riddellfreeflying_: yes, hmm, kbuildsycoca01:26
Riddell20 minutes to go on my dist-upgrade01:27
Riddellfreeflying_: have you tried as a new user?01:27
Hobbseesounds like you need a faster computer Riddell :P01:27
freeflying_Riddell:  y01:27
freeflying_Riddell: but it dosen't work01:27
RiddellHobbsee: faster internet, but everyone needs that :)01:27
Hobbseeah, yes, particularly here in australia...01:28
freeflying_Riddell: you need more mate for working on kubuntu hmmm01:28
Riddellyeah, ssh from .au to .uk is quite painful01:28
Riddellfreeflying_: yes please :)01:29
Hobbseehehe true01:29
apokryphosRiddell: you should invest in bulldog ;-)01:29
apokryphosthough their upload is still reasonably pathetic01:30
Riddellapokryphos: they're london only I think01:30
apokryphosnope; I know at least nikkia is with them, and she's not in London01:30
freeflying_Riddell: will ubuntu use ttf-arphic-uming as default chinese font 01:37
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Riddellfreeflying_: good question, seb128 might be the person to ask01:42
freeflying_Riddell:  then will kubuntu use skim as default input method 01:44
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jjesseRiddell: when you get a second can you look at what i have for releasenotes, need to finish it and get it to validate, but i have uploaded a start for dapper02:33
Riddelljjesse: where are they?02:35
Riddellfreeflying_: I'm not sure about skim as default since non-CJK users don't need it02:36
jjesseRiddell: should be in trunk/repos/kubuntu/releasenotes/C/releasenotes.xml02:36
jjesseRiddell: also jsgostanco will be working on the quickguide over the holiday break, and i will be working on the desktop guide02:36
jjesseRiddell: i will be !internet at my in-laws for a week starting friday night02:36
freeflying_Riddell: I mean for CJK users02:37
Riddellfreeflying_: I wonder if there's a way for paticular software to be installed depending on the locale02:39
RiddellI should investigate02:39
Riddelljjesse: ok, I'll take a look at it in a minute02:39
Riddelljjesse: rocking02:39
Riddelljjesse: I'm without internet as well from friday02:39
jjessemy in-laws don't use thier computer except for checking email every know and then from juno :(02:40
Riddellquietly install kubuntu on it, they won't notice :)02:41
jjessebut then the internet wouldn't work, cause they couldn't connect with juno02:41
Riddellwhat's juno?02:42
alleeRiddell: stupid question: why saods9 (already in sid/testing/stable not autosync with dapper. has it to go the first time via REVU before autosync?02:42
jjessejuno is a free ad based internet connection, www.juno.com02:42
jjesseits dialup02:43
Riddellallee: no need for revu, it's failed to build http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/s/saods9/4.0b7-1/02:44
alleethx! checking...02:45
Riddellframe.C:6:18: error: Xlib.h: No such file or directory02:45
alleeallee: yeah build deps stuff I assume.  I'll fix it.02:49
jjessehey there's nothing wrong w/ dialup thats all some of us have 02:51
alleejjesse: yes02:52
jjesseallee: yes there is something wrong w/ dial or?02:55
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alleejjesse: No!  It's the only thing I have over the week end.  (nevertheless it's always a shock form 600Gbit uplink to 64kbit)02:57
allee600Mbit of course02:57
jjesseallee: it's all i have at home, i use internet connection at work to upload doc changes and keep my stystem up to date as well as chat here02:57
alleejjesse: we have much in common ;)02:58
jjessewhich is why i would prefer to not have a start page for the web browser that would want to check an internet site everytime i open up the browser02:58
jjesselike start.ubuntu.com 02:58
alleejjesse: agreed02:59
jjesseallee: we have had that discussion on the doc channel and list several times and any argument i've had has been shot down :(03:02
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alleejjesse: problem is that those people have usually DSL.  And are not dialup call-by-call users03:07
jjesseallee: agreed03:08
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freeflying_Riddell:  how about your kde03:20
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Riddellfreeflying_: my kde is working fine03:54
Riddellfreeflying_: you say it doesn't work for you on a new install either?  what are you installing from?03:54
freeflying_Riddell:  I install from 20051219 daily i386 cd03:55
freeflying_Riddell:  I can not log into desktop using root 03:56
freeflying_Riddell:  after failing log in using normal user 03:58
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koe1Any developpers or otherwise experienced people in this channel?04:04
sebasGuess :)04:05
Riddellkoe1: well, we try :)04:05
sebasRiddell: Are you going to FOSDEM this year?04:05
sebasmid-feb it is.04:05
Riddellsebas: not sure, I'd like to but I've also been invited to OSDW Asia around the same time04:06
RiddellI should poke adyno and see if OSDW Asia is still happening04:07
koe1Riddell: touchpad issue with the Kubuntu Live DVD (bugzilla #19816)04:08
koe1Riddell: i boot the live dvd for 5 freakin' minutes, and it renders my hardware useless04:09
koe1Riddell: it simply stopped working in any OS I tried (all 4 major BSD's, WinXP, Win2000)04:09
Riddellthat is peculiar04:10
koe1yes, since it is fucking HARDWARE04:10
RiddellI have no idea how that could be possible04:11
koe1I don't want to know what the linux developpers actually do with their device-code04:11
koe1esp. since Xorg handles touchpads flawlessly across all platforms i've come across04:11
Riddellmaybe synaptic touchpads need firmware and the ubuntu firmware somehow broke it, seems unlikely though04:11
RiddellI'd say you should hunt out some windows drivers for it and (re)install those, see what happens04:12
koe1well, since there's a bugzilla on it, I'm not the only one04:12
Riddellah, you're not the reporter?04:12
koe1useless, neither Windows nor any other OS actually recognizes a touchpad in my laptop since today04:12
Riddellsebas: if I am going put me down for a talk on kubuntu in the KDE room04:13
koe1it could be the ACPI framework which is broken...04:13
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freeflying_Riddell:  Canoncial has a asia tour in the coming feb ,will thsy advocate kubuntu04:15
Riddellfreeflying_: ooh, where does it say that?04:16
Riddellfor the last tour jdub talked about kubuntu04:17
=== Mez pokes Riddell
=== Riddell pokes Mez back
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Mezfreeflying_, Canonical advocate it anyways, they're doing shipit CDs for it ! w00t04:18
freeflying_They prepare to meet with some system builer ,government ,etc, in china04:18
Mezhey Riddell ... guess what ?04:18
flosoftanyone here who succeeded at installing PSI 0.10 Beta 3?04:19
RiddellMez: you're going to help us run akademy in glasgow?04:19
Riddellfreeflying_: what is it?04:19
freeflying_Riddell: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AsiaBusinessTour04:20
MezRiddell: when ?04:21
Mezand no - I'm actually back permanently, this isnt a flying visit for once :D04:21
MezI finally moved house and now have an internet connection04:21
Riddellfreeflying_: you going to any of those?04:22
freeflying_Riddell:  none04:22
Riddellfreeflying_: it may be that day's CD is just a bad one.  I see today's has some package problems but if you wait a bit I can make a new one and you can rsync it04:23
RiddellMez: awooga04:23
MezRiddell: i think i oughta update k3b - MOM's bitching at me04:23
freeflying_Riddell:  but it will not work even after I do upgrade04:23
Mezwe in UVF ye t?04:23
RiddellMez: no, another month yet04:24
Mezah cool04:24
Mezwe sould be able to push out a late RC of katapult 0.3 then04:24
RiddellMez: k3b is actually up to date, all that's needed is syncing changelog entries with debian (I happened to upload before he did)04:25
MezRiddell: can I get your approval on the new Icon ?04:25
MezRiddell: will closing the MOM bug stop it bitching ?04:25
RiddellMez: yes I think so04:25
Riddellkoe1: you didn't report that bug?  (I can confirm it if you didn't)04:26
flosoftanyone here who succeeded at installing PSI 0.10 Beta 3?04:26
koe1Riddell: no, I need to make an account for bugzilla first04:26
koe1Riddell: thx for taking an interest.04:26
RiddellMez: yeah, looks fine04:26
Riddellkoe1: well I've confirmed it, I think it'll take one of our linux guys to have any better ideas about the cause04:29
Riddellflosoft: what's that?04:29
flosoftRiddell: Jabber Client04:30
koe1Riddell: thanks again04:32
freeflying_Riddell:  why can't i use kde  even I do upgrade after fresh install ?04:33
sebasRiddell: Ok, when will you know?04:35
sebasWe need to reserve rooms also, so earlier == better.04:35
sebasOr will you take care of that yourself?04:35
flosoftRiddel: Is it possible that QT3-mt has no QTDIR set up?04:36
Riddellflosoft: oh, you're compiling it?  04:37
Riddellflosoft: check the debian source package for ./configure arguments maybe04:37
Riddellsebas: I'll e-mail adyno04:38
sebaskkdewd ;)04:38
Riddellfreeflying_: not too sure, I'll make a new CD and we can see if that helps04:38
freeflying_Riddell:  I'll try once again04:39
flosoftRiddel: how can I set the QT3 variable $QTDIR04:39
flosoftRiddell: how can I set the QT3 variable $QTDIR04:39
MezRiddell: looking better than the old one ?04:39
freeflying_Riddell: do you remember the patch of qt-immodule04:39
RiddellMez: yes04:40
Riddellfreeflying_: that patch is in the qt package now04:40
MezRiddell: I'll get beast to sort it out then04:40
freeflying_Riddell:  great! then I'll build scim-qtimmodule04:40
Riddellflosoft: from debian/rules in psi04:41
Riddell        KDEDIR=/usr ./configure --prefix=/usr04:41
Riddell        QTDIR=/usr/share/qt3 $(MAKE)04:41
flosoft$ ./configure --qtdir=/usr/lib/qt304:42
freeflying_Riddell:  will this patch feedback to debian04:42
flosoftOne possible reason is that you don't have04:42
flosoftlibqt-mt.so.3 installed in /usr/lib/qt3/lib/.04:42
flosoftit still fails04:42
Riddellfreeflying_: if you can confirm to me that it works then I'll tell the debian dudes to include it04:43
Riddellflosoft: yes, debian (and kubuntu) changes the qt layout to make it follow debian policy04:43
Riddellflosoft: try the commands that I pasted04:44
flosoftdon't work04:45
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Riddellgood morning mornfall 04:56
mornfallRiddell: evening :)05:01
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robotgeekRiddell: i'm going to try my luck at a few packages on KubuntuSuggestedPackages later today, will keep you informed of how it goes05:35
Riddellrobotgeek: groovy, let me know what you're going to do05:35
robotgeeki would like to pick the one with least dependencies :)05:35
robotgeeki'll pick something easy and package it. like afio 05:37
alleeRiddell, flosoft(gone): IMHO it better to include the long list of configure options generated by debianrules (or used cdbs) used instead of fiddling with QT/KDEDIRDIR05:39
Riddellrobotgeek: we already have a package called afio, not sure if that's the same thing05:40
Riddellallee: I think he was compiling by hand05:40
robotgeekRiddell: probably not05:40
robotgeeki'll compile it by hand to see what options i need, and then put it in /rules05:40
alleeRiddell: no excuse, I had an alias kdeconfigure for this ;)05:41
robotgeekRiddell: yes, i guess someone got to it already05:43
alleeRiddell: pbuilder is happy with this fix:06:16
allee--- saods9-4.0b7/make.linux06:17
allee+++ saods9-4.0b7/make.linux06:17
allee@@ -6,3 +6,3 @@06:17
allee X11LIB = /usr/X11R6/lib06:17
Riddellallee: well done.  I wonder what the best way to change that is, no debian/patches yet06:23
alleeRiddell: the old diff if full of tons of modification outside debian/.  So one more can't hurt06:23
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seth_k|lappyRiddell, if you get a chance, this bug was assigned to kubuntu-team and I uploaded a debdiff, but the source package is in main and needs a main uploader. https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/qt-x11-free/+bug/581706:45
Riddellallee: uploaded thanks06:46
alleeRiddell: I've to thank you06:46
Riddellseth_k|lappy: +Categories=Qt;KDE;Application;Development;  it's not KDE :)06:55
seth_k|lappyoh tch, serves me right for blindly copying and pasting what he put. I noticed the others had only Qt;Development;06:56
Riddellpatching 07:00
Riddellseth_k|lappy: uploaded, thanks, you can mark as closed in 3.3.5-1ubuntu507:05
seth_k|lappythanks a lot :)07:05
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jjessethanks to everyone that recomened qemu for a virtual machine of kbuntu for documentation, i have it up and work 09:13
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Tonio__Riddell: new version of knetdockapp uploaded, with pot file generation :)10:08
alleejjesse: can you start an KDE session in qemu?10:18
jjesseallee: yeah the cd i had on me was the live cd, so it worked perfectly10:19
alleejjesse: thx.10:19
jjesseallee: you know how to setup qemu?10:19
alleeapt-cache show qemu is all I know right now ;)10:20
jjessei just googled qemu ubuntu10:20
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jjesseallee: that's the link i used10:26
alleejjesse: reading it currently.10:26
alleejjesse: is kqemu included in the dapper pkg?10:26
jjessei don't know i didn't use it to be honest10:26
alleejjesse: ah10:27
jjesseallee:  i typed first qemu-img create qemu_basic.img 3G10:27
jjesseallee: followed by qemu -hda qemu_basic.img -cdrom /dev/cdrom -boot d -m 19210:27
allee'lemme try.10:28
jjessethere is probablly a better way to do it10:29
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jjesseallee: did you get it to work?10:37
=== allee is looking over qemu manpages
alleejjesse: installing breezy.  Nice!10:44
jjesseallee: yeah i thought so, it even works w/ the live cds10:45
jjessei would assume it would work w/ an iso if i read correctly, so i wouldn't have to burn the cd each time10:45
jjesseallee: did you compile qemu and kqemu or jsut go with apt-get install qemu?10:50
alleejjesse: apt-get'ed.10:51
_SimeSo, who here is going to FOSDEM 2006? and if not, what is your excuse?11:01
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