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zulBenC: ping03:11
BenCzul: pong03:24
zulyou didnt merge my hotplug stuff yet?03:25
BenCnot yet, but I'll try to get it tonight or tomorrow03:34
zulcool no problem..03:34
zulIf i dont bug you tomorrow have a good christmas ;)03:35
zulfor #9891 i think we should just blacklist it03:39
zuland #10834 is finally back in my test tree ill put in my clean tree when i get a test compile going tomorrow03:45
BenCif you are working on any bugs, how about adding "zul" to the whiteboard?03:46
BenCI've been (ab)using the whiteboard for custom tags03:46
zulsure that would be easier03:47
BenCI can just hear the users.."My bug got zul'd, anyone know what that means? Did I do something wrong?"03:47
zuladd it to status whiteboard field?\03:48
zuluh nevermind03:49
zulsybase is making me stupid03:49
jbailey"The Keymaster has your bugs now"05:30
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fabbionejbailey: hahaha05:33
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BenCnew alternative_smp code has been pushed if anyone wants to test it06:51
fabbioneBenC: i am grabbing from git right now06:57
fabbioneBenC: did you try to run pounder21?07:13
cjb`kitten is missing.  gone more than two hours.  coyotes outside.07:29
JaneWcjb`: shame :(08:17
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makxanyone tried newest klibc upstream kbuild?11:06
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jbaileymakx: I'm hacking on klibc's build to do things that I want.  I chatted with hpa yesterday about the changes I'm working on and he likes them all.01:41
jbaileyAmusingly enough, apparnetly klibc is still targetted to be included in the kernel itself.01:41
jbaileykernel build, rather.01:41
makxyes it seems so01:41
jbaileyThat's why they just finished the change to kbuild.01:41
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BenCgood morning02:37
zulhow is it going?02:37
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zulgod bless you ccache03:12
BenCit's going well04:04
BenCthe new alternative_smp code seems stable04:04
BenCand I just finished porting it to amd6404:04
zulcool...im just doing a test build04:09
BenCit's been running all night on my P4, and I did a full kernel build (X running, GL screen saver)04:14
zulhow does it work?04:28
zul...from a users perspective04:28
BenCsame as before04:29
BenCexcept it takes care of more cases04:29
BenClike complete functions that would normally be one-liners in UP04:29
BenCand also, if you happen to use cpu hotplug, and boot with one cpu, it will switch back to smp if you hotplug another cpu04:29
BenCalso, it takes care of modules, which the old code didn't do so well04:30
zulwell my patches new patches build ill push them later04:34
zulworking on the dbg stuff now04:41
BenCmy entire tree is pushed if you want to make sure things are synced04:41
zulsure i have to sync my trees first..04:41
zulall the developers at work are getting drunk and playing poker..i was the first one out :(04:42
jbaileyzul: Not good at drinking, or not good at playing poker?04:49
zulwell both today04:49
jbaileyI suggest you practice then. =)04:50
jbaileyStart with the easy one.  Have another beer. =)04:50
jbaileyAre there any filesystems that support capabilities rather than just the sticky bit?05:52
slushpupiejbailey: what sort of capabilities do you mean?05:59
jbaileyslushpupie: Like being able to set ping so that it saw CAP_NET_RAW at startup automatically.  That way it doesn't need to be suid root.06:00
slushpupiesounds like selinux stuff.  With selinux you can use any filesystem that supports extended attributes I believe 06:04
jbaileyRight.  I'm not looking for something that complete.06:06
jbaileyBenC: Around?  I'm wondering if you know, it git, how to just pull the include/ subdir from Linus' tree?06:35
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zulright im off...07:32
zulc ya later folks07:32
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BenCjbailey: don't think you can do that08:06
BenCgit tree's are like a cumlative thing08:06
jbaileyAh, okay08:16
jbaileyI was hoping to just checkout part of the tree and have it all Just Work.08:16
jbaileyHmm.  bzr and git don't do that, despite svn and cvs doing it well.08:17
jbaileyPerhaps I'll snivel at the bzr folks.08:17
AcidPilshi all08:24
AcidPilshttp://paste.ubuntuusers.de/1060  <-- bugreport? or just m coincidence?08:24
BenCit says tainted, and it's probably a conflict with fglrx and the new mm code in 2.6.1508:32
BenCsince the crash came from Xorg, then the only thing you can do is complain to ATI08:32
AcidPilsati... i hate them really08:32
AcidPilsthey just make new versions for stable kernels :/08:33
BenCyeah, well, you'll have a stable 2.6.15 within a day or two :)08:33
AcidPilsand in 3 or 4 weeks a new ati module...08:33
BenCI'm sure they have something working internally, they just don't want to release it yet in case Linus makes a last minute breaker08:35
=== AcidPils prays to $deity
jbaileyBenC: Are we getting a 2.6.15 christmas release?08:37
BenCthat's the rumor08:38
jbaileyThen you get the joy of deciding what to backport.08:38
jbaileyLucky you. =)08:38
BenCwhen linus dropped rc6 he said something along the lines of "looks like we'll have a 2.6.15 fir christmas"08:38
jbaileyThat was remarkably quick though.08:38
BenCI think the new release process is working very well08:43
jbaileyWell, once is not success. =)08:46
jbaileyAlhough if they keep this up, do you think you'll try and push for the end-of-cycle release next time, or just play conservative?08:47
BenCI'd rather do like we are and let it harden up a bit08:51
BenCless chance for having to do security updates one week after our release :)08:52
BenCafter 2.6.15 is released, I'll make a branch for dapper and follow 2.6.15.y, and then keep head following linus so dapper+1 will be easier to start08:53
BenCshould be able to push a new kernel in as soon as dapper+1 opens08:53
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zulis it just me or is bugzilla slow?10:15
jbaileyDo you mean in general or just now?10:16
zuljust now10:17
jbaileyIt's fine here.10:17
zulstupid rogers10:17
zulmeh...ill be back later..10:20
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