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ossieok i got the headers what do i do with them, ??12:00
cafuegoossie: Keep in mind the tutorial may be wrong.12:00
pashawCraxy, your info is soo vague     does/did windows detect the disks  be fore you tried ubuntu?   jumpers wrong?   ide channel enabled in bios?12:01
rinzai-shunuxGuru: aye...it is...12:01
cafuegoossie: I would personally grab a newer kenrel (maybe the one from dapper), seeing as that supposedly has built-in support.12:01
Craxyvoid^: pastebin output of disk -I and dmesg, dont really understand that part, would you mind to explain that part?12:01
ossiecan i apt-get this new kernel??12:01
cafuegoossie: Yes, you can.12:01
Hanzo__can ubuntu be installed to a Hard drive.?12:01
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cmathesonHanzo__: that's mostly the point12:01
SeveasHanzo__, yes12:01
nuxGuruk.. next question .. am trying to install PengAOL.. is there anyone here that is familiar with it12:02
cmathesonnuxGuru: if you're looking for IM i would just stick w/ gaim12:02
ossiesorry to keep on do u have the apt-get command i should use for the new kernel with support??12:02
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cafuegoossie: It's a bit more involved than that, as you need to make some chnages to pull it from the right repository.12:02
Craxypashaw: windows detected the disks before i had windows installed, but the computer has aged since then, does someone know how i can check if the disks works?12:02
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darker-shadowi have a few question about ubuntu and ntfs partitions,can som one help me?12:03
rinzai-shu"windows detected the disks before i had windows installed"  that does not compute!12:03
screenresolutionHow to ask ubutu about screen resoultion12:03
ubotuprobably 90% of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and YOU decide? <hint>12:03
ossiecafu what repositries do i need please12:03
tsawyerstick with gaim..but if you're diehard about getting pengaol..go here12:03
screenresolutionhow to change resolution?12:04
screenresolutionmax is 640by80012:04
nuxGuruam currently getting error: pengaol:error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3    cannont open object file: no such file or directory12:04
void^Craxy: what i meant is: get the output of `fdisk -l` and `dmesg` on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org - might be easier to just boot knoppix or another livecd to test it..12:04
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nuxGuruI need this to work to get ubuntu to talk to web12:04
psycoseossie i think you should first find an official howto that will help you to undestand more ..12:04
nuxGuruyea .. I am an aol user12:05
screenresolution!ubutu tell screenresolution about screen resolution12:05
ubotuscreenresolution: I don't know, could you explain it?12:05
ossieso read officail howto , on upgrading kernel to dappper biuld??12:05
ubotufrom memory, fixres is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:05
pashawCraxy, you could try a live_CD  in a terminal type  fdisk -l  to see detected drives/partitions   you could reinstall any windows OS just to make sure the jumpers and drives are working12:05
cmathesonscreenresolution: go to that link12:05
XkiddiegrindersHey, I have a quick question, is there an easier way to strect icons other than right clicking them and then selecting the stretch option, its just a slow process...or better yet, is there a way to set a default desktop icon size12:05
Hanzo__why is there no china mirror on the DL page?12:06
darker-shadowis it dangerous to allow ubunto read amd write on ntfs partition?12:06
pashawCraxy, drives not detected can be alot of things    until you rule out hardware setup  fixing possible Linux errors is a pain12:06
SeveasHanzo__, because there is noen?12:06
Seveasnone even12:06
cmathesonHanzo__: where in china are you?  maybe you could just use the taiwanese mirrors?12:06
Hanzo__im not in china12:06
trappistafter all, taiwan = china12:07
vircould it be the mobo hdd controler is not being picked up?12:07
psycoseossie what are you trying to do ?12:07
cafuegoossie: Let me go and get a fresh coffee, then I'll talk you through it.12:07
ossiecheers very much12:07
ossiei just want to add support for my ite raid card12:07
cmathesonHanzo__: so what's the deal w/ chinese mirrors?12:07
nuxGuruam trying to get a number of aol users to convert... but I need to get it to work for me before I can help them...12:07
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ossiefrom what i see on the ubuntu formus, i could do it by adding the files to the kernel12:08
Hanzo__cmatheson all those people who live there (1.3 billion)12:08
Hanzo__they could use ubuntu?12:08
=== kitsch is away: I'm busy
ossiethere is a tutorail there and all goes well untill the last make command12:08
cmathesonHanzo__: it wouldn't take long for them to set up a mirror if they wanted  it.  there probably are mirrors and it's just not official anyway12:09
virnuxGuru  are they using bb or dial up?12:09
psycoseossie, what is the tutorial ... ? at what step do you fail ?12:09
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nuxGuruI am on dialup.. they are on dialup12:09
XkiddiegrindersDoes anyone at all know how to constrain icons by default?12:09
ossieif u see that post i posted my failure message on there12:09
nuxGuruuntil I can get dialup to work on aol. the ubuntu is worthless12:09
dailyrorschachany users here using a dell latitude d600, I used it with hoary but had some problems want to know if breezy works well on it.  Also www.ubuntuguide.org is there a similar site for version 5.1012:09
rinzai-shunuxGuru: that is not a very good argument buddy.  you should find a good local isp and sign up with them, and get your friends to do the same.  there's simply no go excuse to stay with aol12:10
ossieas soon as i have my raid card sorted, ill be ok to sort out my other little issues12:10
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nuxGuruthey neeed to add support in the cd release for dialup users and to support the  PengAol12:10
Hanzo__is ubuntu compatibel for remote desktop (send and host)  connections to XP machines?12:10
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psycoseossie, what is is the error ou get ? from what command ?12:11
rinzai-shuHanzo__: yes it is12:11
ossiehanzo yes, u could host a vncerver on your ubuntu box and use a vnc compatible client on the xp macine12:11
nuxGuruthere is no reason for you to get 'opiniataed' on a users choice of "ISP12:11
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ossieill show u psycose12:11
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psycoseossie use a pastebin so you can show other people later..12:12
Hanzo__i need to connect to the computer(s) at work using VPN, for RDC, thats all12:12
rinzai-shuHanzo__: Applications > Internet > Terminal Server Client12:12
KvarkI'm trying to burn a bunch of files to a CD but it says that some of the files have invalid file names ...how do I solve that or figure out which files to rename?12:12
pashawHanzo__,  remote desktop is in the base install  use any VNC viewer to access it12:12
Hanzo__rinzai-shu, is that a GUI?12:12
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rinzai-shuHanzo__: yes12:12
Hanzo__or command line?12:12
rinzai-shupashaw: VNC != RDP12:12
nuxGuruso ... is there any  assistance here to help me get pengaol to work12:13
Hanzo__i think its called L2tp onto the VPN12:13
ossiepsycose, http://pastebin.com/47584212:14
gerryHas anyone seamlessly logon with ADS authentication?12:14
rinzai-shuHanzo__: VPN is not the same as RDP either...you'll have to use something else to establish the VPN connection (e.g. FreeSWan) and then use Terminal Server Client to make the RDP connection over the VPN12:14
ossieif it would be easier i will just use the new dapper kernel12:14
=== rinzai-shu passes a band handle to the kernel
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rinzai-shuhahaha "band" handle...oops12:15
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gerryAny LDAP guru in the room12:17
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nickrudnuxGuru, the file you're looking for is in  libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2 , part of gcc-2.95, a very old compiler. You may need to install it to compile your software12:17
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tidalwav1Hi people, I have a specific question about bash scripting and awk...anyone know about these things and want to help?12:17
cafuegoossie: Ok. Now one thing to keep in mind is that hotplug may not work when running the dapper kenrel; it uses a different way of handling things, so usb disks may need to be manually mounted when plugged in.12:17
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rinzai-shugerry: LDAP is not specific to Ubuntu alone...have you tried the #ldap channel ?12:18
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ossieno problem , i can mount disks12:18
gerryno i have not12:18
ossieu think this will be a pain with ipod?12:18
nuxGuruty Nickrud .. will seee what I can do with it12:18
gerrythanks I will see if I can get some in sight there12:18
tidalwav1anyone know a lot about awk? :P12:18
rinzai-shugerry: there's almost seventy folks on there.  one of em is bound to be a guru. ;-)12:18
ossiei also use a external usb dvdr12:18
ga^vui'm trying to install opendc, because after the configure command ,,, it tells me ti type make...but "file not found"12:18
psycoseossie,  well are you using the good version of gcc to compile the kernel ?12:19
cafuegoossie: Mine gets mounted by gtkpod on the dapper kernel.12:19
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ossiecafuego, why have they removed such a important feature, also can i downgrade kernel12:19
nuxGurucn you tell me wheere I might locate it?  I could go in and tryy to mod the pengaolsource to work with the new compiler . bt my programing skills are very ouitdated12:19
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rinzai-shuga^vu: do you have build-essentials and all that jazz installed?   sounds like you are missing make.12:19
cafuegoossie: They haven't removed it, it just doesn't work between the dapper kernel and the breezy userspace.12:19
bradley_hey anyone heard of hamachi?12:19
Tricia564421anyone know how to access the msn chats?  I am not talking im12:19
nickrudnuxGuru, I basically quit coding in 1989, so ... :)12:20
ossiei made a link from version 4.30  to the required verision12:20
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ossieof gcc i mean cafuego12:20
nuxGuruI quit in 9012:20
ga^vuI'll try that12:20
jgrievesany hacks to gdm to just allow a command line login?12:20
ossiei made a softlink12:20
cmathesonjgrieves: what do you mean?12:20
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crimsun_jgrieves: meaning no display manager?12:20
ossiewill the new kernel work with vmware??? as i need this12:20
cafuegoossie: What does 'gcc -v' say about the version?12:20
jgrievescmatheson like an option to just stop gdm  + x and do a command line login12:20
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bradley_anyone heard of hamachi?12:20
jgrievescmatheson used to do it all the time with xdm12:21
ilmariwhere do I report bugs on packages that dont exist in bugzilla or launchpad?12:21
nuxGuruUnix has changed way too much .. and linux has many new terms and tools that I am not familiar wityh12:21
ossiesorry its 4.02 , cafuego12:21
cafuegoossie: vmware crashes (here) bith the 2.6.12 and 2.6.15 kernels.12:21
crimsun_jgrieves: echo false | sudo tee /etc/X11/default-display-manager12:21
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cmathesonjgrieves: like 'apt-get remove gdm'? or chmod -x /etc/init.d/gdm? or you could check out update-rc.d12:21
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cafuegoossie: Ok, that's pobably the issue then. You need to run it with gcc 3.412:21
psycoseossie, yes use 3.4 .....12:21
nuxGuruexcuse my typos as I am a one handed touch typer12:21
nickrudminix was the 'thing' when I stopped. Almost got it out of byte, maybe my life would be different if I had ;)12:21
bradley_how do you map a network drive on linux?12:21
ossiecan i install the 2 versions cafuego12:21
ilmarispecifically, dhcdbd12:21
jgrievesno i just want like a button on GDM to click so i can revert to command line login12:21
jgrievesi guess i can use ctrl _ alt _+ 1?12:22
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cafuegoossie: Yep. 'sudo apt-get install gcc-3.4'12:22
jgrievesim just used to m old xdm das :)12:22
crimsun_jgrieves: right, there's no pretty button by default.12:22
duck__anyone know where to get sgzip from?12:22
cmathesonjgrieves: yes you can use ctrl+alt+f112:22
cafuegosgzip? Wassat?12:22
jgrievescrimsun_ alright12:22
psycosecafuego, even vmwareplayer ? vmwareplayer run good for me ... 2.6.12-10-k712:22
ossiesok im installing the proper version12:22
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psycoseossie, Debian power ;)-12:22
cafuegopsycose: Not tried the player, only workstation (the vmnet0 module makes the kernel oops)12:22
jgrievescrimsun_ cmatheson ty :)12:22
tjshaving all sorts of issues with totem in firefox on breezy. I've installed win32codecs, totem wont use them. mplayer works so I installed mozilla-mplayer, firefox still uses totem. I apt-get removed totem, firefox -still loads totem??-12:23
ossie:) cheers, cafuego and everyone else12:23
jgrievesmerry christmas12:23
crimsun_you, too12:23
rinzai-shuduck__: seekable gzip?12:23
tjsit says its the mozilla-totem plugin, but I can see no package in dpkg -l for that12:23
ossiehow do i remove a solftlink ??can i just rm it ?12:23
duck__rinzai-shu,  thats the one, know where to find it?12:23
cafuegoossie: yes12:23
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tjshow do I kill this totem thing?12:23
tjswith fire?12:23
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MrProper_can we all organise a world wide boycott of using WMV and WMA codecs....friken annoying12:24
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tidalwav1nobody can help me with awk?12:24
MrProper_tidalwav1, sure'12:24
cmathesontjs: i think 'kill' would be more effective than fire... but whatever12:24
duck__rinzai-shu, i tried building from source, but it fails on: zlib.h: No such file or directory12:24
ubotuI haven't a clue, ilba7r12:24
cafuegoMrProper_: wtf are you still use them? We've been boycotting them for YEARS.12:24
tjscmatheson: :)12:24
ilba7r!info walassistant12:24
cafuegoduck__: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutoApt12:24
MrProper_cafuego, hehe i dont use them but sometimes i need a clip they only give out in wmv piece of crap12:24
cafuegoduck__: It will fix your problem.12:24
psycosecafuego, i'm pretty impress by the work they have done for the player... may be they scare about Xen that is coming ...12:24
tidalwav1MrProper: opening external dialog12:24
rinzai-shuduck__:  http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=100803  ?12:25
cafuegoduck__: Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CHeckInstall12:25
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MrProper_tidalwav1, how do you mean?12:25
nickrudtjs, you could try installing totem-xine, or rm the libtotem stuff in the firefox plugin directory12:25
tjsok, thanks :)12:25
ossiewhoops i just deleted the real thing instead of the softlink, ??? andy way to fix that ??12:25
tidalwav1MrProper, I mean I opened an external dialog window to talk to you about my problem, because it's very specific12:25
cafuegoossie: reinstall (gcc)12:25
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ossiehehehe, im like a bull in a china shop12:25
tidalwav1MrProper, do you see the dialog window?12:25
MrProper_tidalwav1, no12:26
cafuego'sudo apt-get install --reinstall gcc'12:26
rinzai-shuwmv makes the jesus baby cry :-(12:26
tidalwav1MrProper, forget it then, I"ll type it here, hang on12:26
servoebaby jesus12:26
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rinzai-shuservoe: yes, that one!12:26
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Avenwhat's the command to see all current ssh connections?12:26
psycoseossie # ln -s target link_name12:26
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ossieim being silly now , how do i reinstall, i have done another apt-get and it says its installed, but i just accidentaly delted it12:27
cmathesonAven: you coud try something like ps -C ssh ; ps -C sshd12:27
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cmathesoner, ps -gV12:27
cmathesonps -fC12:27
=== cafuego refers ossie 20 lines up
Avenah, thanks12:27
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rinzai-shuit is as if man ps has started spitting out random examples here12:28
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ga^vustill won't make ?12:28
kbrooksHanzo__, ping12:28
ossiecafuego, i delted the files froom /usr/bin12:28
kbrooksHanzo__, wassup?12:28
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ossiei thoguht i was delting the softlinks12:28
ossiebut i have delted the files12:28
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jax0mif someone emailed me a .tar.gz in three parts (main.tar.gz.part.aa, ab, ac) how do i get all three together?12:29
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cafuego'sudo apt-get install --reinstall gcc'12:29
ossiecafuego, your a star12:29
Hanzo__hey kbrooks12:29
=== cafuego knows
kbrooksHanzo__, wassup?12:29
ossiei tried reinstall , but i was doing it wrong cheers12:30
ossieits done by the looks of it < whooope12:30
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Hanzo__nothing, just asking about the VPN config12:30
void^jax0m: cat blah* > foo12:30
rinzai-shujax0m: 'someone' should have included some instructions for you!12:30
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_nestai just made a mistake and associated all files with xmms media player ... now i cant go to my system setting ... it pops up the media player instead ... how can i undo this ???12:30
varsendaggerhey what is a good program for me too look at my har4d drive graphically, sizes and stuff?12:31
ossiei was using suse, but it go slow and bloated , so i cam eback to ubuntu hoping to get my raid card sorted, then im happy with it12:31
jax0mvoid^, just append it?12:31
ossiehad sound card issues on suse, it would work when it felt like12:31
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sureshothey does anyone know of a viusal type basic dev. pacage other than gambas12:31
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cafuegoYay, my v6 tunnel is back12:32
ossiei prefer ubuntu , but suse had built in support for my radi card12:32
Yamatociao, anyone who speak italian?12:32
nemikwhen you plug in an ipod, where is it connected in /dev/? for me it puts it in /media/ipod as mount-point which is OK but it is read-only! how can i make it write-able?12:32
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!12:32
void^jax0m: try it.. looks like the kind of files produced by split (see man split)12:32
jax0mthanks void^12:32
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Yamatoubotu> grazie (tnx)12:32
ubotuYamato: NO SPEAKE ENLISH!12:32
jax0mjax0m@mantits:~/Desktop$ sudo cat main.tar.gz.part.aa > main.tar.gz.part.ab12:33
jax0mbash: main.tar.gz.part.ab: Permission denied12:33
psycoseossie you can use MAKEFLAGS="CC=gcc-2.95" to specify the gcc version you want to use ....12:33
Yamatoyap, I understood!12:33
ossiesweet, ill rember that for future12:33
rinzai-shujax0m: you cannot use redirection like that with sudo12:33
HymnToLifeYamato > ubotu is a bot12:33
YamatoI've just swich to ubuntu.it12:33
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Yamatolol, ok...12:33
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void^jax0m: cat [all part files here]  > output_file_here12:34
rinzai-shujax0m: if you must use sudo, do something like :  sudo sh -c cat main.tar.gz.part.aa > main.tar.gz.part.ab12:34
_nestacan anyone help please12:34
void^jax0m: be careful, sudo might only affect cat but not the redirection after >12:34
_nestai just made a mistake and associated all files with xmms media player ... now i cant go to my system setting ... it pops up the media player instead ... how can i undo this ???12:34
psycoseossie, so are you ok ?12:34
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ga^vuwhy after ./configure won't it accept may make?12:34
ossieyes seems good so far12:34
ossiemany many thanks12:35
ossieu guys/ gals are great12:35
duck__cafuego, worked wonders, thanks12:35
sureshotjust a quick question. does anyone know of a dev package for linux that is like visual basic other than gambas12:36
ossiei wish i would have converted to linux years ago12:36
ossiewasted too long on windas12:36
rinzai-shuossie: it is never too late to begin anew12:36
ossiei just started a new job that u support software on linux too, so i thought now is a great time to start using at home12:37
ga^vuwhy after ./configure won't it accept may make?12:37
ga^vuheeelp meee...please :D12:37
ossieone of my work buddys recommended ubuntu12:37
psycoseossie, just remember to read the man first and you will boost increasingly12:37
ossiehehehe, yes :)12:37
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Hanzo__is Ubuntu compatibel with USB memory sticks 128mb  ?12:37
crimsun_Hanzo__: yes12:37
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Hanzo__can the aMule program be installed?12:39
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crimsun_Hanzo__: sure12:39
varsendaggerhey what is a good program for me too look at my har4d drive graphically, sizes and stuff?12:39
ossiewhat else could i do with biulding my own kernel??12:39
ossieis the possiblities endless12:39
crimsun_varsendagger: System> Administration> System Monitor12:40
jax0mvoid^, i hope this works ;)12:40
crimsun_varsendagger: in Breezy, check Applications> System Tools12:40
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varsendaggercrimsun_, i only use fluxbox and i have seen some cool programs but i can't seem to find them again12:41
rinzai-shuvarsendagger: xdu, qdu, kdirstat there are many12:41
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psycoseossie, remember to post the solution on the thread concerning the gcc version and eventually using  MAKEFLAGS="CC=gcc-3.4" make-kpkg ... this will help others ;-)12:41
crimsun_varsendagger: gnome-system-[tab] 12:42
MarcNI have two sets of ~300 scanned photos from a wedding (damn CVS screwed it up the first time) - the photos are close, but not identical and have totally different filenames.  Any tools to find the matching scans?  findimagedup only finds 4 matches and they are right.12:43
ossie-fingsxi certianly will, psycose12:43
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ossie-fingsxbbi10mins, waiting for compliation to end12:43
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MoonRangeris thier a fast way of installing KDE ...12:45
viscountanyone familiar with the `tar xGf archive.tar /some_folder` command? particularly the G part of it? does it make a full backup first time it runs?12:45
MoonRangerlike with an apt-get command12:45
misse^MoonRanger sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop12:45
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misse^I think :o12:45
viscountModer, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop12:45
MoonRangeris that to install or de-install kde12:46
MoonRangerthats what i used to install KDE12:46
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MoonRangeris thier a similar command to un-install12:46
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misse^I'm guessing sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop MoonRanger12:46
viscountMoonRanger, i dont think so12:46
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jax0mvoid^, that worked12:47
viscountmisse^, i dont think that will uninstall any of the kde desktop packages, just the one package named kubuntu-desktop12:47
jax0mthanks, honey12:47
SeveasMoonRanger, try debfoster12:47
gnuyendoes anyone know where the ipw2200 firmware is in ubuntu 5.10?12:48
misse^viscount oh, yeah you're right12:48
psycoseviscount have you read the man ?12:48
misse^maybe through synaptic?12:48
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viscountpsycose, yes, but sometimes its not very verbose12:48
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guest_must go today!  2 alienware laptops price $500 for one, 750 for two. message me on aim at mikcomputing, msn at heymikeeh@hotmail.com or yahoo at mperkelay if interested and wanting to buy only!!12:48
viscountpsycose, are you familiar with it?12:49
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jvaihey uall. good evening12:50
kbrooksHanzo__, here?12:50
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viscountkbrooks, are you following me :)12:50
kbrooksviscount, no12:50
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psycoseviscount, no sorry, hope google could help you ..12:52
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viscountpsycose, im pretty sure I got it, but just thought I'd ask someone with xp on the subj, better safe than sorry12:52
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AbdulSpiegelokay, can someone help me get mpegs to play on like firefox and stuff12:53
greg_5.04  help.   x starts ok the login screen comes up and accepts the ligin info. but gnome never starts.  all i get is a gray screen and a mouse curser ???12:53
greg_fresh default install   ^12:53
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stianhHey, does anyone know how to change the functions of multimediashortcuts on laptops in gnome? I have volume up/down/mute that I wanna map to PCM instead of Headphones12:53
ga^vuanybody help me please !!!12:53
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gandhiianyone else have the problem of ubuntu install not being able to respond to keyboard at the first "language" menu screen in the install?12:54
stianhga^vu, what's your problem?12:54
ga^vuanything i install...make -> command not found12:54
stianhyou don't have make then12:54
viscountanyone familiar with the tar -G flag?12:54
hypernewbiedoesnt make always come by default12:54
gandhiior its not finding it12:54
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ga^vuhow do i install it12:54
ga^vui'm new in linux12:55
greg_ga^vu install via the package manager...  but to compile you have to install 'build-essential"12:55
AbdulSpiegelcan anyone help me to get .wmv and mpegs to work?12:55
stianhga^vu, you have used synaptic? package manager?12:55
ga^vuk...2 sec12:55
stianhga^vu, what greg_  said12:55
greg_now how the crap do i start gnome ?12:55
mcjerryi've been using xchat for several weeks now......is there a better program on ubuntu for irc use?12:55
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hypernewbiei dont have that package12:55
hypernewbiebut i build fine12:55
kemikgreg_:  "startx" or "gdm" i guess12:55
greg_kemik read the first post plese12:56
hypernewbiemcjerry, what better u expect?12:56
psycoseviscount, isn't -g better than -G ? (http://www.delorie.com/gnu/docs/tar/tar_78.html)12:56
kemikgreg_:  fresh install but gnome doesnt run ?12:56
kemikgreg_:  and startx/gdm does nada?12:56
AbdulSpiegelcan anyone help me to get .wmv and mpegs to work?12:56
kemikgreg_:  looked over your xorg.conf ?12:57
kemikno errors?12:57
kemiksyslog ?12:57
greg_no startx gdm work just fine,  but no desktop12:57
ga^vufound it12:57
mcjerryhypernewbie: nothing in particular, just wanted to know opinions.......if better program than xchat12:57
ga^vuthank you12:57
ga^vuthanks a alot12:57
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greg_kemik: Xorg is NOT the problem.   gnome wont start.12:57
stianhgreg_, you don't get any messages?12:58
stianhand what are you trying to do to stat gnome?12:58
VejitoHi'all :)12:59
greg_login at the gdm prompt and it accepts the login then goes gray and stayes there stianh12:59
VejitoIs this the place for an Wintel consultant to be "converted" to Ubuntu user?12:59
hypernewbiegreg_, startx?12:59
kemikgreg_:  ah ok.. that sounds really weird12:59
stianhgreg_, aha. hmm, and it's the first time it is trying to start gnome?12:59
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greg_hypernewbie: startx starts xorg  yes  but no desktop.01:00
greg_stianh: yes01:00
nevakee31how do you play mpg, mpeg, avi files on linux???????????????????01:00
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cdubyanevakee, mplayer01:00
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hypernewbienevakee31, apt-get gstreamer0.8-plugins01:00
Kamping_Kaisergreg_: do you have gdm installed?01:00
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hypernewbienevakee31, apt-get gstreamer0.8-ffmpeg01:00
nevakee31ok thanks cdubya~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!01:00
greg_Kamping_Kaiser: yes01:01
holycowinstead of startx restart gdm with /etc/init.d/gdm restart for any newbs that might be asking01:01
stianhnevakee31, enable universe in synaptic and add gstreamerplugins then use totem01:01
hypernewbieir rhythmbox01:01
cdubyanevakee31, or do what hypernewbie and stianh said.........01:01
nevakee31great i will do just that!!!!!!!!!!! thanks stianh and cdubya!!!01:01
nevakee31and hypernewbie01:01
greg_so anyone have any clue what might be up with this thing ?01:01
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kemikgreg_:  no, not really..  using breezy ?01:02
stianhgreg_, sorry. the thing I would normally try if it was an old install gone busted was to just rm -rf all the .gnome and .gtk stuff01:02
hypernewbieor u can download the unsecure mpg123(like i did) and do a force install :)01:02
kemikgreg_:  anyways, it could be network related01:02
greg_stianh: that could work cause the /home was not clean.01:03
psycoseVejito new to Ubuntu / GNU Linux ?01:03
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VejitoCan someone help me find a solution for installing an old ISA SoundBlaster 16 card?01:03
kemikgreg_:  googled it and a few hits has sort of the same symptoms when network is mucking-up01:03
stianhgreg_, then you should try that01:03
VejitoNew to Linux :)01:03
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VejitoHi Psycose01:03
kemikgreg_:  btw, a special reason why you use hoary ?01:03
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stianhgreg_, that can easily become a problem when keeping your /home :P01:03
greg_kemik: have the cd and on dialup01:04
psycoseVejito, what is your system configuration ?01:04
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kemikkeeping /home never works flawlessly imo ... sort of like keeping the registry in windows between installs ;)01:04
greg_stianh: added a user with clean /home lets see01:04
hypernewbiegreg_, ship it again to grab breezy, softmodems work for that too01:04
stianhouch, dialup :) that's almost as bad as my moms 150/150kbps cable "broadband" :P01:04
kemikgreg_:  ahh. dialup :/ thought they were extinct by now :)01:04
VejitoBefore installing it on one of my "production" PC's I've installed it on an old PII 233 Mhz PC with 128MB RAM01:04
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greg_kemik: there is no option here yet.01:05
hypernewbiekemik, im on ubuntu dialup :P01:05
kemikyeah i figured that :)01:05
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batmanhello can someone help me figure out why my 32-bit 5.1 soundblaster pci card isn't working or if i need different drivers?01:05
Stormx2>.< Any CSS designers here?01:05
SeanSomone care to help me?01:05
hypernewbiebatman, ubuntuforums.org01:05
kemikStormx2:  not really..01:05
Stormx2Sean: Sure, what with?01:05
kemikStormx2:  but shoot..01:05
stianhSean, you'll need to let us in on your secret!01:06
kemik(only done a smaaaall project-webpage in css)01:06
SeanOk I been a long time linux user. Switched from debian to ubuntu.01:06
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SeanUsing the new 5.1 Breezy01:06
gandhiianyone else have the problem of ubuntu install not being able to respond to keyboard at the first "language" menu screen in the install?01:06
SeanWell I am having glx issues01:06
gandhiior any ideas on why and how to fix it?01:06
SeanGiving me a Illegal instruction error01:06
greg_looks exactly the same for the new user.   login at gdm  [OK]   screen goes grey-brown  and has a mouse pointer....... that's it.....  nothing changes from that point......01:06
gandhiiits an amd64 nf4 system01:06
vir_Stormx2,  i have done a bit of css in the past whats the matter01:07
kemikgreg_:  try cleaning up your network-related stuff... firewall? (firewalls needed on dialup?)01:07
greg_kemik: fresh install.... no firewall01:07
VejitoPsycose > PII 233, 128MB RAM, S3 video card, Samsung DVD-Rom, Quantum Bigfoot, WD and Seagate HD,01:07
psycoseVejito, ?01:07
stianhgreg_, hmm, then I would guess the network stuff would be the next way to go01:07
Stormx2vir_: >.< Kinda need a nice up to date layout for a site01:07
cdubyaStormx2, done some CSS.....01:07
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VejitoPsycose> Do you want the installed kernel modules?01:08
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psycoseVejito, are you able to recompile your kernel ?01:08
greg_stianh: kemik what in the network.... it is a single box with dialup ?01:08
stianhhmm, what I've seen is gnome not working well due to a bad hostname01:08
vir_storm2 you seen alistapart.com?01:08
VejitoPsycose> Euh... There has to be a first for everything, not?01:08
stianhie. bad localhost hostname, calling it hellobox.net or something01:08
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jarohi there. I'd like to ask you wheter it is possible to have more versions of the same "package-set" (group of (cross)dependent packages) installed in the same time. E.g. kde3.4 & kde3.501:09
stianhbut that usually brings up an errormesage01:09
greg_ok how to change it ?01:09
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hypernewbiegreg_, re-install?01:09
stianh"hostname newname"01:09
psycoseVejito, well you could do $ lsmod | grep snd-sb16          to see if the needed driver is loaded but i don't think it will .... ;-)01:09
SeanAnyhow anyone know what is wrong with mine?01:09
greg_stianh: that wont last a reboot will it ?01:09
SeanThat's one downer on ubuntu01:10
VejitoWith root permissions?01:10
SeanNo alsaconfig01:10
stianhgreg_, no don't think so, but just to check ;)01:10
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crimsun_Sean: alsaconfig is unmaintained upstream, is bug-ridden, and has security issues.01:10
stianhyou'll need to edit /etc/hosts as well01:10
robbie_can i have some help01:10
crimsun_It was removed from alsa-utils with just cause01:10
robbie_enabling SWAT for Samba01:10
SeanBut still01:10
kemikgreg_:  what's in your .xsession.errors ?01:10
SeanPeople with two sound cards01:10
crimsun_Sean: meaning alsaconf, of course.01:10
Seanlike me01:10
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psycoseVejito, what Ubuntu version  & Linux kernel version are you using (uname -r) ?01:10
SeanEven though I knew how to do it01:10
SeanI just blacklisted my one sound card01:11
crimsun_Sean: I have anywhere from 1-4 sound devices at any given point. alsaconf doesn't help with that.01:11
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Deterministhow can i play windows media player browser content with firefox under ubuntu? isnt there some totem plugin that does this?01:11
robbie_can i have some help enabling SWAT for Samba01:11
Stormx2vir_: Yeah i read ALA a lot01:11
Craxy^awayim searching for a new computer since my old is a bit... old.. Anyway does somebody know why dell only offers computers with xp and no possibility to order without windows xp?01:11
greg_changed to localhost.localdomain    that should work right ?01:11
Fixionwhenever I try to play an mp3 with mpg123 it says that no suitable libao driver is found, I have libao2 installed, why doesn't it work?01:11
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SeanAnyways know what could be up with my glx issue?01:11
VejitoPsycose> 2.6.12-10-38601:11
hypernewbieDeterminist, what?01:11
SEJeffCraxy^away: Because Microsoft gives them discounts to do that01:11
hypernewbieDeterminist, u mean play .wma s?01:11
robbie_can i have some help enabling SWAT for Samba01:11
TigerDuckhmm .... I locked myself out because my password contains special characters and after upgrade from hoary to breezy the keymapping changed, I assume01:11
crimsun_Fixion: you need to change /etc/libao.conf to read: default_driver=alsa0901:11
crimsun_Sean: url to pastes?01:12
VejitoPsycose> When I launch the grep command, nothing happens01:12
vir_ok Stormx2  :)01:12
jaroSean: I switched from debian and was as well scared that alsaconf was missing. I also have two cards and sound not working yet :-/01:12
robbie_i know i have to edit /etc/samba/smb.conf01:12
Deterministhypernewbie, no, i mean streaming content, you know, like the stuff on launch and the previews on amazon...01:12
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greg_no help.....  crap.  looks like i redo the install.   that will cost extra.01:12
hypernewbieDeterminist, then thats beyond my knowledge :(01:12
psycoseVejito, ok so the driver is not loaded ....01:12
crimsun_jaro: multiple cards isn't a problem. What two cards?01:12
robbie_i guess no one wants to help01:12
Fixioncrimsun_: I get an alsa write error now01:12
Deterministhypernewbie, :)01:12
Seancrimsun_ my issue is when I did a clean install with 5.1 Breezy. I am getting an illegal instruction error with glx01:13
Deterministhypernewbie, thanks anyways01:13
SeanNever did that with 5.0401:13
Stormx2vir_: i read it, but i'm not a very creative person when it comes to layouts >.<01:13
kemikgreg_:  try look inside .xsession.errors01:13
VejitoPsycose> I had about the same idea :) But I don't know how to add drivers in Linux ;)01:13
crimsun_Sean: which graphics chipset?01:13
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SeanAh the old i81001:13
crimsun_robbie_: yelling doesn't get you assistance any faster.01:13
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SeanI'm too poor to get an nvidia01:13
Seanor ati01:13
jarocrimsun_: it's not very easy to find out how I can find switch active soundcard.01:13
ossie-fingsxpsycose what ssh deamon do you reccommend ??? please01:13
vir_Stormx2,  why not do a retro look.... like old 80s computer games?01:14
crimsun_jaro: are you using GNOME?01:14
SeanI was checking the forums and others are having issues with it01:14
jarocrimsun_: no01:14
jarocrimsun_: running kde01:14
vir_what sort of market you trying torget?01:14
hypernewbieSean, what prob u having again?01:14
greg_that file is only 4 linse long and ends with "SESSION_MANAGER=local/localhost.localdomain:/tmp/.ICE-unix/7293"01:14
crimsun_jaro: man set-default-soundcard01:14
Seanissue is when I did a clean install with 5.1 Breezy. I am getting an illegal instruction error with glx01:14
greg_no error messages in it01:14
jarocrimsun_: I know that by now.01:14
greg_kemik:  ^01:15
jarocrimsun_: But it was tough to dig this out :)01:15
kemikgreg_:  yeah.. noticed01:15
robbie_what do i do01:15
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psycoseossie-fingsx, the classic one, but for ftp i recommend you http://vsftpd.beasts.org/01:15
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crimsun_jaro: that's because KDE hasn't hooked into it yet, unlike GNOME.01:15
eskan./server irc.knts.org01:15
hypernewbienope dunno01:15
eskan./server irc.knts.org01:15
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VejitoPSycose> Isn't there some kind of hardware detect tool?01:15
robbie_to get SWAT for Samba working in ubuntu?????01:15
greg_kemik: X is not giving any trubble as far as i can tell01:15
void^Vejito: sb16 come in different flavours. i got a jumperless but non-pnp sb16. may require several module options.01:15
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ossie-fingsxcheers psycose01:15
robbie_can i have some help enabling SWAT for Samba01:15
void^Vejito: very difficult to detect non-pnp isa cards01:15
crimsun_Sean: post your /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:15
psycoseguys what is the official wiki page for recompiling the kernel on ubuntu breezy thanks01:15
the_mr_bong_showhow do i change the login screen01:16
jarocrimsun_: strange is that cd playing works but no other sounds come out. Problems with aRts? alsa? alsamixer seems to work with volume levels without problems. Still my computer stands still :-/01:16
robbie_can i have some help enabling SWAT for Samba01:16
VejitoVoid> Is that the "big whopper" card? In that case, I have the same01:16
robbie_can i have some help enabling SWAT for Samba01:16
nickrudrobbie_, I haven't used swat for a long time, but if I remember, there's a file (/etc/swat or so) that you can edit to allow named users access to swat01:16
jarocrimsun_: What the hell?01:16
hypernewbiethe_mr_bong_show, system>administration>login screen setup01:16
mrkojerobbie_,  whats your problem with swat01:16
jarocrimsun_: It is issue of alsa, isn't it?01:16
psycoseossie-fingsx, see u01:16
void^Vejito: eh. it reads "sb16 value" ;)01:16
hypernewbiethe_mr_bong_show , or gksudo gdmsetup01:17
ossie-fingsxcheers merry xmas01:17
crimsun_jaro: no, it's not.01:17
robbie_mrkoje:i just need to enable it01:17
jarocrimsun_: If alsa works with soundcard correctly aRts should do that as well.01:17
kemikgreg_:  well.. it's a weird error and not much to go by :/01:17
void^Vejito: use `find /lib/modules -iname "sb"` to find available modules.. i don't remember the exact name01:17
VejitoVoid: I meant the size :) Mine is a full SoundBlaster 1601:17
cafuegoVejito: The big whopper is the AWE64 (I got one, with original manual & everything)01:17
ossie-fingsxthanx for yoru help psycose01:17
jarocrimsun_: so what can help? Changing audio device manually?01:17
mrkojerobbie_,  so you have already installed it?01:17
kemikgreg_: cant say that i'm of much help01:17
void^Vejito: load a module with modprobe <name>, name without .ko01:17
psycoseVejito well i would suggest you to recompile your kernel and add the Sound Blaster 16 (PnP) isa driver for ALSA ...01:17
SeanI was checking01:17
greg_installing twm  i'll try that. if it flys i'll remove ub-desk and try again.   thanks for your time tho kemik & stianh01:17
robbie_yes i have already installed01:17
crimsun_jaro: is your cd player app configured to use analog or digital extraction?01:17
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robbie_the latest samba01:17
cafuegoWeighs in at 3 lbs ;-)01:17
SeanI am having no issues in my xorg log01:17
void^Vejito: use modinfo <name> to get info about available options01:17
jarocrimsun_: of course it's the analog way :)01:18
cafuegoThe sb16 would like irq, dma and io options.01:18
void^Vejito: i had to use something like isapnp=0 and give irq/io/dma settings01:18
stianhgreg_, no worries01:18
jarocrimsun_: this is the reason it works I suppose.01:18
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crimsun_jaro: so aplay doesn't give you anything at all?01:18
jaroBut then I'm curious what coudl be the problem.01:18
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mrkojerobbie_,  make sure its running:     chkconfig --list | swat01:18
psycoseVejito, i'm looking for the good howto to propose you ....01:19
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cafuegomrkoje: What's that ugly redhat command doing on #ubuntu?01:19
mrkojerobbie_,  wait chkconfig isnt on ubuntu sorry01:19
TigerDuckhow many "roots" are there on a standard ubuntu box?01:19
mrkojecafuego,  sorry lol01:19
jarocrimsun_: apparently it does ;)01:19
robbie_i was getting error01:19
mrkojecafuego,  I use both.... :(01:19
VejitoPsycose> Thanks ;)01:19
cafuegomrkoje: grep swat /etc/inetd.conf  (it doesn't run as a service)01:19
psycosevoid^, it's called  snd-sb1601:19
robbie_how do we do a private chat?01:19
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jarocrimsun_: it seems that problem is close to resolution and I haven't noticed.01:20
void^psycose: looks like he doesn't have it then?01:20
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crimsun_jaro: cat /proc/asound/cards01:20
psycosevoid^, yes i'm looking for the up to date kernel compile wiki howto ...01:20
cafuegopsycose: make-kpkg --revision=hostname.X --initrd kernel-image01:20
ub2.m3u and .ram files aren't working.  tried installing mplayer from source and get: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5  (but have libstdc++.so.6 in /usr/lib)01:21
cafuegoyou may beed a 'fakeroot' in there too01:21
the_mr_bong_showis there a such thing as a moving wallpaper01:21
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cafuegoInstall mplayer from package and add the correct codecs, problem solved.01:21
jarocrimsun_: I've disabled the build-in soundcard so the problem with two s.cards is over.01:21
TigerDuckHow come that doing a "su -" in a shell accepts my root password, but trying to start "Users and Groups" declines the exact same password?01:21
viscountthe_mr_bong_show, you can set your screensaver as your wallpaper, does that count? :)01:21
jarocrimsun_: alsa works. (I haven't noticed though :))01:21
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ub2cafuego: new linux user   are you talking about apt-get ?01:21
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cafuegoTigerDuck: Coz that use 'sudo' and not 'su' and as such wants your USER password.01:22
psycosecafuego, well it's for Vejito i'd prefer finding the howto thanks ;-)01:22
cafuegoub2: Indeed.01:22
TigerDuckcafuego: I see01:22
cafuegoub2: Installing from source is virtually never a good idea (especially for new users)01:22
the_mr_bong_showi just want my wallpaper to move like a flame to wave that sorta thing01:22
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cafuegothe_mr_bong_show: have another bong and wait 5 minutes... then check.01:22
the_mr_bong_showlol i dont smoke01:23
ub2cafuego:  I tried apt-get after uncommenting universe repositiories in /etc/apt/source.files    but get nothing for mplayer when doing  apt-get install mplayer  (also nothing for search)01:23
cafuegoYou'll need 'multiverse' then :-)01:23
cafuego!info mplayer01:23
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djk_how do i get all files from a site with wget?01:23
cafuego!info mplayer-k701:23
ubotumplayer-k7: (transitional dummy package which can be safely removed), section multiverse/graphics, is extra. Version: 1:1.0-pre6-0.3ubuntu7 (breezy), Packaged size: 54 kB, Installed size: 96 kB01:23
viscountthe_mr_bong_show, http://gnome-hacks.jodrell.net/hacks.html?id=4401:24
dbernar1Does anyone use mutella? It does not seem to find any files here.01:24
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holycowsanyone here have experience with parted?  does the target drive haveto have exactly the same number of sectors as the original drive from where the image was created?01:24
TigerDuckcafuego: ubuntu seems to have difficulties handling special characters as passwords01:24
cafuegoTigerDuck: ctrl-F isn't a safe password.01:25
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TigerDuckcafuego: what about $%&() ?01:25
cafuegoTigerDuck: it probably depends on what you're using to input the password; in theory the libs are all 8bit safe, but in practice they may not be.01:25
dbernar1You know, rms at one point did not like passwords.01:26
cafuegoTigerDuck: Better off sticking with 7bit ascii.01:26
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hypernewbiecafuego , lol01:26
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TigerDuckcafuego: I figured 8o)01:26
Alchemist_why do we need passwords ?01:26
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dbernar1Alchemist_: so you dont erase my hard drive over the net.01:26
the_mr_bong_showwhats the gconf-editor01:26
TigerDuckAlchemist_: because I don't want anyone from the Internet configuring my ubuntu box01:26
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Alchemist_hasnt biometrics come far enough yet ?01:26
hypernewbiedbernar1 and how the hell u do that01:27
dbernar1the_mr_bong_show: Apps>Sys Tools> COnfig Editor.01:27
cafuegothe_mr_bong_show: the Gnome equivalent of the registry editor.01:27
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cafuegoAlchemist_: nope01:27
linlinhow do i mount my ntfs drive/partition in ubuntu?01:27
Alchemist_or my bluetooth cellphone knows im near my pc ?01:27
dbernar1I need to go, later.01:27
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nickrudthe_mr_bong_show, it allows you to change all the available properties of your particular desktop; it is not a registry equivalent01:27
hypernewbielinlin, ubuntuguide.org01:27
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sureshothow can i install a rpm in ubuntu gnome01:28
Alchemist_find it odd the number of passwords you need to hardcode into config.php's ---- why bother?01:28
cafuegonickrud: it so is.01:28
the_mr_bong_showif i have my screensaver as my wallpaper that wont mess any thing up right01:28
nickrudhardware changes?01:28
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VejitoCafuego> For what I can find, it's more a multiple choice thing... :)01:28
hypernewbielinlin, sudo mount /dev/hda2 /folderpath -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=022201:28
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VejitoCafuego> I don't seem to find any consistent DMA, IRQ and IO settings (wow this goes waaaay back to the DOS ages...)01:29
psycoseVejito, ok https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelHowto is a good start point01:29
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SeanHey guys01:29
Seangood news01:29
SeanI fixed it01:29
Eleafyou guys, I need your help..01:29
Eleafi need hellpp01:29
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VejitoPsycose> On my way ;)01:29
hypernewbieEleaf <- furustratedubuntu ser01:29
Kamping_KaiserEleaf: realy?01:29
cafuegoVejito: Correct, you get to pick from sets of configs. Mine uses to be 5,1,5 0x22001:29
MrProper_Eleaf, then just friggen ask idiot01:29
EleafKamping_Kaiser, hypernewbie MrProper_ hmm01:29
EleafMrProper_, there's no need to start name calling, sorry If I have annoyed you.  = p01:30
cafuegoEleaf: Not spamming seems common sense.01:30
EleafMy iBook just died after I did a dist upgrade01:30
MrProper_Eleaf, then dont be a knob and ask your question01:30
EleafMrProper_, cafuego ok01:30
MrProper_Eleaf, elaborate on died01:30
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VejitoCafuego is that DMA16 - DMA8 - IRQ - IO ?01:30
EleafMrProper_, ok01:30
cafuegoDied? Check the warranty.01:30
Kamping_KaiserEleaf: "died"?01:30
EleafWhenever it is loading01:30
cafuegoVejito: pretty sure, yes.01:31
rikaikernel panic?01:31
Eleafonce it gets to loading modules, it says a module is missing01:31
the_mr_bong_showwhy is it when some of my screen savers are on they run slow01:31
Eleafin the kernel01:31
Eleafand it stops after that01:31
cafuegoWHich module01:31
Eleafdo you want me to boot it up?01:31
MrProper_Eleaf, and which module might that be01:31
Eleafhere hold on a sec01:31
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cafuegoAlso, from what to what did you dist-upgrade?01:31
MrProper_Eleaf, no i want you to throw your mac in the bin01:31
EleafMrProper_, no01:31
MoonRangerhow do you get the trash icon back on the lower panel01:31
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cafuegoMoonRanger: right click, add to panel01:32
punkrockguy318how can i configure thunderbird to receive and send local mail/?01:32
nickrudMoonRanger, right click the panel, add the wastebasket01:32
ub2cafuego: I get two files returned when I do an apt-cache search mplayer and neither matches what you showed..  do I have to manually add other repositories besides what was in the /etc/apt/source.files  ?01:32
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VejitoPsycose> What are the risks involved in recompiling a kernel?01:32
cafuegoub2: Yes, you have to enable the 'multiverse' repository.01:32
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ub2I'll google it01:33
psycoseVejito, When you will be at the step "Configuring the kernel" with make menuconfig , navigate thrue the menus to select your driver :     Device Drivers  ---> Sound  --->   Advanced Linux Sound Architecture  --->    ISA devices  --->  [ ]    Sound Blaster 16 (PnP)    (select this entry as a module)01:33
cafuegoub2: When that's done, also check wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and grab the details for the 'w32codecs' package.01:33
rikaiMrProper_, there's no need to be rude, jus because (s)he doesnt follow the completly proper way of doing things. ;)01:33
the_mr_bong_showwhy is it when some of my screen savers are on they run slow01:33
robbie_how do i restart inetd?01:33
cafuego!tell ub2 -about repos01:33
cafuegorobbie_: sudo killall -1 inetd01:33
Eleafthe_mr_bong_show, if it is a 3d screensave, you might not have direct rendering running01:33
user_the char @ and h are overlapped01:33
rikaithe_mr_bong_show, they're probably the opengl ones, and you havent enabled direct rendering.01:33
user_in the command line01:33
Eleafcafuego, by the way, I figured out the nfs problem01:34
the_mr_bong_showmy video dont sopot opengl01:34
psycoseVejito, well no risk because if you fail somewhere you will be able to boot on another kernel and continue your kernel hacking ;-)01:34
cafuegothe_mr_bong_show: then it's always going to be horribly slow01:34
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Vejitoi'm gonna do a copy/paste of this conversation for reference ;)01:34
Eleafthe_mr_bong_show, type glxinfo | grep "render" at the terminal01:34
rikaithe_mr_bong_show, then dont sue opengl screensavers.01:34
Phocionhey does Ubuntu not come with things like GCC by default?01:35
the_mr_bong_showwell i got an opengl card but i dont know how to instal drivers on ubuntu yet01:35
rikaithe_mr_bong_show, what grahics card do you have?01:35
EleafMrProper_, cafuego, it's doing the hard drive check, hold on, after that I'll show the modules it's having trouble with01:35
nickrudPhocion, correct01:35
Phocionor did I just miss an installation option??01:35
Phociongeeze why??01:35
rikaithe_mr_bong_show, nvidia or ati?01:35
VejitoCafuego> Is this the right command? -->  modprobe sb dma16:5 dma:1 irq:5 io:0x22001:35
the_mr_bong_shownvidia isnt in stalled01:35
nickrudthe concept is, if you need that, you'll install it: most users don't need to compile01:35
the_mr_bong_showbut the one i have runing is on the motherbord01:36
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nickrudPhocion, apt-get install build-essential gets make, gcc, a few other things01:36
ossiehey , is psycose still here?01:36
Pupenodoes anybody know the name of the channel about audio on linux ?01:36
rikai!tell the_mr_bong_show about binary drivers01:36
psycoseossie, may be01:36
Phocionyea i need to familiarize myself with APT01:36
rikai!tell the_mr_bong_show about binarydrivers01:36
PhocionI was used to SuSE's YaST01:36
ossiehows it going, just installed new kernel did reboot,01:37
rikaithe_mr_bong_show, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto01:37
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nickrud*plug* aptitude, Phocion01:37
ossiehow the heck  do i find my drives ?? :)01:37
Phocionyea i know01:37
Phocionjust got ubuntu installed on my laptop01:37
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psycoseossie, sorry i don't think i can help you for this good luck01:38
rikaiPupeno, what about audio exactly?01:38
nickrudPhocion, that, and apt-cache search will help you find the stuff you need.01:38
PsoriasisI have a question.   How does a developer get his project considered for inclusion in the Ubuntu distro?01:38
ossieok cheers :), it was succsefull , but i cant see nay signs of my drives , cheers psycose01:38
Alchemist_whats the project?01:39
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Pupenorikai: do you know more than one ? I was refering to #lad (I've found it by the way).01:39
Phocionnickrud: ok cool man thanks.  ill check that out.01:39
Phocionsee ya01:39
PsoriasisAlchemist_: www.freshmeat.net/projects/idjc01:39
nickrudPsoriasis, talk to the people on #motu for that01:39
PsoriasisIs motu an acronym for something?01:39
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Alchemist_done any live dj with it ?01:39
ossieI found them in the disks manager01:39
PupenoPsoriasis: masters of the univerese, afaik.01:39
nickrudmasters of the universe , the guys that decide what's in the extra repos01:40
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Psoriasisk thanks.01:40
dotsonyi've got a machine with a dead installation of debian sarge, i use it for mythtv01:40
eXiTuSulen ne oli01:40
linlinhow good is ubuntu with working with external usb hard drives?01:40
dotsonyi've got three partitions on the root drive01:40
rikaiPsoriasis, #ubuntu-motu might be able to help.01:40
dotsonyor actually pry more like 5 or six01:40
soundraylinlin, works fine here.01:40
nickrudPsoriasis, that might be ... thanks rikai01:40
Alchemist_linlin: I boot an ubuntu off a usb01:41
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linlindoes it work pug and play the same as windows?01:41
dotsonyi want to replace debian with ubuntu but i don't want to clobber /home where i keep a bunch of media01:41
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eXiTuSorospu cocuklari01:41
eXiTuShow are you ?01:41
cliffis there a spanish speakers chat room ???01:41
Alchemist_ci ci01:41
dotsonyso my questoin is will the ubuntu installer give me a choice about formatting partitions if  i use the manual partitioning mode01:41
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.01:41
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cliffwhere is it ?01:42
Eleaf  /join #ubuntu-es01:42
the_mr_bong_showwhats the sessions preferences01:42
nickrudcliff, see ubotu above01:42
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the_mr_bong_showor wheres the sessions preferences01:43
soundraylinlin, it works plug and play, but disk names and things like that are very different in Linux.01:43
pashawdotsony,  yes01:43
linlinoh yeah i know01:43
eXiTuSYOU DEAD FUCK! )=>> #sexfuck01:43
eXiTuSYOU DEAD FUCK! )=>> #sexfuck01:43
eXiTuSYOU DEAD FUCK! )=>> #sexfuck01:43
eXiTuSYOU DEAD FUCK! )=>> #sexfuck01:43
eXiTuSYOU DEAD FUCK! )=>> #sexfuck01:43
eXiTuSYOU DEAD FUCK! )=>> #sexfuck01:43
eXiTuSYOU DEAD FUCK! )=>> #sexfuck01:43
Alchemist_bye bye01:43
linlinlame ass01:43
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rikaithe_mr_bong_show, system > preferences > session01:43
Eleafcafuego, MrProper_ It found some errors in the hard drive, hopefully fsck'ing (lol) them will help the problem....01:43
soundraylinlin, don't sink to the same level.01:43
holycowanyone have experience with partimage? i'm curious if anyone has tips for restoring an image to a larger drive.  the basic steps here have been: 1. repartition larger target drive 2. restor partition info 3. restore image with partimage however the drives remain unbootable.  i'm just wondering if there are others with experience with such a meneuver01:44
punkrockguy318how can i send a local mail in ubuntu?01:44
punkrockguy318using the command line01:44
linlinhes sitting in the room all by himself :p01:44
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rikaiwell, eXiTuS is still here? taking quite a time to get kick banned...01:44
soundraylinlin, by default, Ubuntu is configured to make partitions on a USB disk appear on the desktop after plugging.01:44
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dotsonypashaw: sweet01:44
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linlinoh thats awesome01:44
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soundraylinlin, do you think so? I turned it off first thing :)01:45
cdubyapunkrockguy318, mail01:45
The_Isle_of_Markhey all, quick question I have never tried before. Can you remount / after a change to /etc/fstab without rebooting?01:45
punkrockguy318cdubya, mail: command not found01:45
holycowlinlin, indeedy it is, it automounts all sorts of stuff, super easy01:45
psycosedotsony, as application configuration file content  may be different... pay attention to this aspect ...01:45
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rikaithanks crimsun_ o/01:45
soundrayThe_Isle_of_Mark, I think you can.01:45
user_the char @ and h are overlapped01:45
rikaiThe_Isle_of_Mark, yep, you can i believe.01:45
MrProper_The_Isle_of_Mark, google mount remount01:46
soundrayThe_Isle_of_Mark, the procedure is not that different from chroot'ing.01:46
The_Isle_of_MarkMrProper_, thanks lol01:46
soundrayThe_Isle_of_Mark, but it's been ages since I did an experiment like that.01:46
user_and ~ is substituted whid ''01:46
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rikaiThe_Isle_of_Mark, 'sudo mount -a' i believe.01:46
The_Isle_of_Marksoundray, live server...dont want to bring it down...and definately dont want to wreck it :)01:46
soundrayThe_Isle_of_Mark, tough decision.01:46
The_Isle_of_Marksoundray, yeah fo sho01:47
rikaioh, envermind, misundertood the question.01:47
soundrayThe_Isle_of_Mark, can you not experiment with a redundant machine first?01:47
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The_Isle_of_Marksoundray, dont have any with the OS loaded01:47
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The_Isle_of_Marksoundray, would be a good idea except I have a runaway process filling up the drive slowly01:48
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paulihay alguien?01:48
MrProper_The_Isle_of_Mark, type mount -o remount,rw /01:48
pauliquien yo01:48
cliffel resto son ingleses....01:48
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The_Isle_of_MarkMrProper_, found some info thanks01:49
paulidi tu nombre01:49
cliffpos eso....01:49
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clifftu ?01:49
MrProper_The_Isle_of_Mark, google? =)01:49
soundrayThe_Isle_of_Mark, hope you can fix it.01:49
cliffrubio ?01:49
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paulide que pais eres?01:49
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EleafMrProper_, how are you feeling?01:50
cliffen teroia de espana... pero estoy en inglaterra por estudios....01:50
servoeLI got ubuntu (finally) connected to Wifi, and then irc (different comand formatting)01:50
paulicuantos aos tienes01:50
soundraypauli, cliff, do you know where you are here?01:50
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MrProper_Eleaf, short shrivelled and a little to the left01:50
cliffi do know01:50
paulihablo  con cliff01:51
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cliffbut i cant get to the spanish site01:51
cdubyaman, my spanish is rusty.01:51
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paulihabla en espaol01:51
cliffdice que su espanol es malo01:51
cliffo algo asi01:51
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cliffi tu d dnd ers ??01:51
soundraycliff, all you need to do is enter /join #ubuntu-es01:52
paulicuantos as tienes01:52
The_Isle_of_MarkWHEW! ok so remount --help01:52
cliffya te lo e dixo01:52
clifftu ?01:52
pauliyo 901:52
=== Evil_Whisper [n=mike@71-10-45-100.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
The_Isle_of_Markthat got me the info I needed01:52
Evil_Whisperhey guys01:52
Eleafcafuego, MrProper_ I'm rebooting after the repairs, Wish me luck that it works!! = S01:53
picassohey guys. im trying to remove evolution from my system, but apt-get remove wants to remove ubuntu-desktop as well?01:53
The_Isle_of_Markwas sweating there for a minute or two01:53
picassothis can't be right?01:53
cliffi tried... but it says it cant find it or something like that01:53
paulite veo maana01:53
Evil_Whisperyou can remove it anyway picasso01:53
Evil_Whisperit wont hurt anything01:53
Evil_Whisperubuntu-desktop is a meta package01:53
picassoah, just that it includes evolution?01:53
nickrudpicasso, no big deal, really. ubuntu-desktop is a list of packages, not the desktop itself01:53
picassojust making sure :)01:53
TigerDuckthanks for the help ... good night everybody01:53
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Evil_Whisperwow xchat-gnome is so much nicer then xchat regular :p01:54
nickrudpicasso, when you upgrade to dapper, that might be an issue. If the package list changes ....01:54
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picasso 01:54
dailyrorschachany one in here running 5.10 with a dell latitude01:54
Evil_WhisperI always do a fresh install when upgrading versions01:54
paulidonde esta cliff01:54
ubotuprobably 90% of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and YOU decide? <hint>01:54
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nickrudpicasso, doesn't hurt to leave evolution around :)01:54
rikaisorry o/01:54
ricardo20hi how are every peolple01:55
ricardo20wats hapend01:55
rikaidunno how that happend o.O01:55
Evil_Whisperjust when you install all you have to do is make sure that your home directory is on a seperate partition :-)01:55
dailyrorschachubotu: because my question regards the actual system not a specific problem, I had issues with ubuntu 5.04 and was trying to see if they had been resolved01:55
ubotudailyrorschach: I'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about01:55
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paulihabla en espaol01:55
ricardo20hola puli01:55
ubotunickrud: I don't know01:55
Alchemist_dailyrorschach - what is the problem?01:55
dailyrorschachthe problem I had with my dell laptop in 5.04 was terrible sound support01:55
ricardo20de donde eres pauli???01:56
paulicuantos aos tenes01:56
dailyrorschachand that's why I abandoned ubuntu, I'm an audiophile, I cant live without music01:56
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel.01:56
ricardo2020 y tu???01:56
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Evil_WhisperTry Breezy Badger I think the sound has improved greatly since Hoary01:56
defiance`Heh! This is quite nice. Triple-screens :D01:56
ricardo20yo tambien soy de chile01:56
niffehow i can format cdrw disc in ubuntu?01:56
ricardo20soy de maipu-stgo01:56
Eleafcafuego, ??01:56
picassosoy de california!01:56
Alchemist_dailyrorsahach - what sound hardware ess?01:56
paulien que parte01:56
EleafIt keeps freezing at "Calculating module dependencies"01:56
picassoeleaf: turn up the heater?01:56
defiance`How about talking english? :-P01:57
ricardo20que edad tienes???01:57
Evil_Whisperbe right back guys01:57
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paulicuantos aos tienes01:57
dailyrorschachalchemist_: I haven't used it since summer, but I believe it was ess01:57
Eleafpicasso, What do I do in a situation like this?01:57
crimsun_pauli: #ubuntu-es01:57
picassomake sure your media is intact01:57
pashawthis the spanish dating channel?  buot time i found it01:57
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pauliyo 901:57
Eleafevery time this has happend and I don't want to do this again..01:57
ubuntuI am in sesperate need of help in getting my filesystem online01:57
Eleafi have to reinstall01:57
ubuntuI am booted from the live cd01:57
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ubuntuwill anyone help01:57
soundrayricardo20, pauli, picasso, cliff: your conversation is both off-topic and in the wrong language for this channel.01:57
ricardo20pauli tienes 9?????????01:58
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pauliy tu01:58
steve_laptop? were is the sound modules.d file at? to manually edit it?01:58
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ubuntuHow can I run a fsck on my system?01:58
ricardo20pauli tienes msn????01:58
nickrudubuntu, mount -t ext3 /dev/<dev> /mnt (for an ubuntu system)01:58
picassosoundray: uw moeder is een grasmaaier01:58
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EleafMrProper_, ?01:58
ricardo20damelo te agrego y asi hablamos mas tranquilos01:58
Evil_Whispertry using man fsck01:59
ricardo20te prece???01:59
EleafIt keeps freezing at Calculating module dependencies...01:59
ubuntuso mount -t reiserfs /dev/md0 /mnt ?01:59
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=== Evil_Whisper knows nothing about fsck
paulicuantos aos tenes?01:59
nickrudubuntu, well, I can't say a word about raid stuff (I think that's what that is, right :)01:59
cartesian1984how do i install something from a .deb file?01:59
Eleafcartesian1984, sudo dpkg -i packagename02:00
ubuntuyeah, after i mount it like that i can run a fsck?02:00
Kyralsudo dpkg -i <path/to/file>02:00
nickrudubuntu, no, fsck on unmounted drives02:00
MickMcMacksudo dpkg -i pathto/blah.deb02:00
cartesian1984Ah, thank you02:00
EleafIt keeps freezing at Calculating module dependencies02:00
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ricardo20ahi te agrege02:00
paulicuantos aos tienes02:00
ubuntui'm confused :( sorry, here is the situation: My font dir got messed up during a crash, so X11 can no longer start02:01
ricardo20oye ya te agrege02:01
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pashawEleaf, are you trying to add something or just update?02:01
ubuntuI tried reinstalling the packages to no avail02:01
ricardo20agregame tu tambien porsiacaso02:01
paulite veo maana02:01
Evil_Whisperubuntu try rebuilding your font cache02:01
crimsun_pauli, ricardo20: this is offtopic.02:01
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dailyrorschachhas anyone had success with ubuntu 5.10 with the dell latitude and running sound for media02:01
Delvienilove it,... i call microsoft to activate my Win XP i installed on a Vmware machine and get some INDIAN DUDE that cant speak english02:01
psycosecartesian1984 man dpkg02:01
Eleafpashaw, I'm just trying to boot02:01
ricardo20wats happend02:01
ubuntuin the usr/share/X11/fonts dir if I do a ls i get all these errors saying to fsck02:02
ricardo20wats is the problem whit our lenguage02:02
ubuntuhow would I run a cache rebuild?02:02
Evil_Whisperhold on im checking02:02
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pashawEleaf,  you mean this happened during initial install of ubuntu?02:02
crimsun_ricardo20: Use #ubuntu-es. This is an English-typing channel.02:02
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Evil_Whisperthere you go ubuntu02:02
Delvienlol i hate when i call for support ( any company) and i get some indian out sourced call center02:02
Eleafpashaw, no, I've had ubuntu running fabulous for half a year...02:02
Eleafnow it won't boot02:03
EleafI did a apt-get dist-upgrade and it won't reboot pashaw !02:03
soundrayDelvien, you are off topic (apart from being xenophobic)02:03
KyralEleaf: what did you dist upgrade to>02:03
pashawEleaf,   lol  thats what i asked you   did you add someting or upgrade02:03
ubuntu? what do you mean there you go? did i miss something? sorry02:04
Evil_Whisperyeah ubuntu run this02:04
Delviensoundray off topic ?  i will be off topic if i want to be :)02:04
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EleafKyral, pashaw, it was from the origional kubuntu breezy preview02:04
KyralDelvien: #ubuntu-offtopic02:04
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Evil_Whisperdid you get that ubuntu?02:04
KyralEleaf: to?02:04
soundrayDelvien, as far as I am concerned, this is the end of our conversation.02:04
EleafKyral, pashaw I just did a dist upgrade to update to a newer system02:04
EleafKyral, Breezy to Breezy02:04
Delviensoundray bite me02:04
Evil_WhisperEleaf: can you get to the CLI?02:05
KyralEleaf: was a new kernel or anything installed?02:05
ubuntuno sorry02:05
Evil_Whisperubuntu run this: sudo fc-cache -f -v02:05
ubuntui'll give'r a try02:05
ubuntuthanks a ton02:05
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Evil_Whisperalright no problem02:05
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Evil_Whisperjust cmon back if it fails =P02:05
EleafKyral, a new kernel wasn't installed02:05
ubuntu:) wish me luck02:05
EleafEvil_Whisper, no I can't!02:05
nickrudubuntu, you can boot a live cd? then, man fsck.reiserfs is what you probably want to read02:05
Evil_WhisperGood Luck02:05
EleafIt stops loading at CAlculating module dependencies Evil_Whisper02:06
pashawEleaf,  does it boot using recovery02:06
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VejitoGoing to sleep, it's 2am here...02:06
VejitoC y'all!02:06
gandhiianyone else have the problem of ubuntu install not being able to respond to keyboard at the first "language" menu screen in the install?02:06
gandhiior any ideas on why and how to fix it?02:06
Eleafpashaw, how do i use recovery?02:06
gandhiiits an amd64 nf4 system02:06
soundraygandhii, a USB keyboard?02:07
KyralEleaf: yanno when the thing "Loading Grub" thing comes up?02:07
pashawEleaf,  grub menu02:07
gandhiino.. standard ps202:07
Evil_Whispertype recovery02:07
Eleafpashaw, I don't have a grub menu, It's ppc02:07
EleafKyral, there is no grub02:07
KyralEleaf: There HAS to be grub02:07
soundraygandhii, can you enter the BIOS setup?02:07
EleafKyral, no there isn't its ppc02:07
nickrudyaboot, nalioth to the rescue. You around02:07
EleafKyral, that uses yaboot02:08
KyralEleaf: Oh, then I have NO Idea02:08
KyralEleaf: I know nothing about PPC :P02:08
gandhiirunning windows on that computer..   computer runs fine02:08
Eleafthey don't put a recovery kernel02:08
Eleafit's really lame02:08
KyralEleaf: At least the boot sequence02:08
KyralEleaf: I shall have to note this02:08
gandhiiall hardware works fine02:08
soundraygandhii, have you tried entering the BIOS setup?02:08
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gandhiiyes..  have changed around keyboard related settings with no effect02:08
EleafKyral, I don't know what to do...02:09
pashawEleaf,  have you added or removed any hardware lately?02:09
soundraygandhii, have you got any indication of whether the system is still running when it shows the keyboard language menu?02:09
EleafI couldn't do a reinstall, I have worked so hard for half a year or so to get this perfect02:09
soundraygandhii, (could have crashed)02:09
Evil_WhisperDownload the live CD and boot from that and run sudo apt-get install -f and see if that helps02:09
Eleafpashaw, no... theres not really anything to install on an ibook02:09
pashawEleaf,   is /home on its own partition?02:09
Eleafpashaw, no02:09
KyralEleaf: The only thing I could do would be to mention putting in a recovery kernel in the PPC one02:09
gandhiino not really..  hard to say..  since everything supposedly would stop at the languagte selection menu.. anyway02:10
pashawEleaf,   you could always use a liveCD to copy off your /home settings02:10
gandhiiyes..  could have crashed02:10
Evil_Whisperdownload the live CD there Eleaf02:10
soundraygandhii, have you got the live CD?02:10
EleafI have the livecd.. I think02:10
EleafEvil_Whisper, yea I believe i do!02:10
Evil_Whisperok then just boot from that and run sudo apt-get install -f02:11
SweetestSavageAnyone got any experience with iptables ?02:11
soundrayNice intersection of two conversations...02:11
pashawEleaf, huh?   it wont boot either?02:11
cliffhi again02:11
gandhiiyea..  have had this problem with both live and install for both kubuntu and ubuntu02:11
EleafEvil_Whisper, I think it was a hard drive problem though,02:11
Eleafpashaw, what?02:11
gandhii;] 02:11
Evil_WhisperYou could also fsck it from the liveCD02:11
EleafEvil_Whisper, because suddenly there were a whole bunch of errors02:11
EleafEvil_Whisper, I fsck'd02:11
pashawEleaf,   sorry  ::P02:11
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Evil_WhisperOk then after you fsck run sudo apt-get install -f this will fix broken packages02:12
EleafEvil_Whisper, It was at the 30 boots so it did the hard drive check and found errors so I completed fsck02:12
soundraygandhii, how far does the live CD boot?02:12
Eleafand then the problem got worse Evil_Whisper02:12
Evil_Whisperhmm... have you tried sudo apt-get install -f?02:12
EleafEvil_Whisper, after the dist upgrade, it said I was missing kernel modules02:12
gandhiisoundray: to the first menu.. where you choose language02:12
gandhiiin all acases02:12
Evil_Whisperwich kernel are you using?02:12
Eleafok, I'll try booting the live cd02:12
EleafI think it was 2.6.1002:12
Evil_WhisperI think you might be able to do this: sudo apt-get install linux-ppc02:12
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EleafEvil_Whisper, would it install it on the hard drive?02:13
Evil_Whisperthis will install the PPC kernel02:13
Eleafok I'll try booting the livecd02:13
gandhiisoundray: possibly hardware not supported?02:13
Evil_Whisperthat will install the PPC kernel to the hard disk02:13
soundraygandhii, that was a dumb question then - I thought the live CD didn't have that dialog. -- Do you have a different live Linux CD?02:13
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soundraygandhii, I doubt that it's a hardware support issue.02:13
Evil_Whisperhold on Eleaf let me do an apt-cache search for linux-ppc02:13
soundraygandhii, with those, you usually get an error message from the kernel, not a silent hang/freeze.02:14
gandhiihm..  ubuntu and kubuntu...  but i guess those are the same at that stage..  also i think a version of morphix02:14
gandhiithink i had a similar problem with that..   i should try it again02:14
soundraygandhii, have you tried console switching?02:14
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EleafEvil_Whisper, I think it's named something different02:14
gandhiisounray:  console switching?02:15
nekostarhey trying to set up the wine thing and cant get dcom98....02:15
=== gandhii is newish to linux
nekostarany suggestions?02:15
soundraygandhii, I mean, pressing Ctrl-Alt-F2 at the dialog.02:15
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gandhiisoundray:  nope..  whats that suppose  to do?02:15
Evil_WhisperYeah Eleaf try sudo apt-get install linux-ppc02:15
soundraygandhii, Linux (most distributions) has multiple virtual consoles.02:15
Evil_WhisperI use x86 so I'm not sure of the kernel package name for PPC02:16
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=== Evil_Whisper wishes he knew more about the PPC version.
cafuegolinux-image-2.6.12-10-powerpc or somesuch02:16
gandhiisomething to try then02:16
EleafEvil_Whisper, it won't boot the cd...02:16
EleafIt says corrupt file system02:16
gandhiiany other suggestions bnefore i reboot?02:16
Eleafit was just working02:16
soundraygandhii, during Ubuntu install, you get different info and interfaces on the different consoles (Ctrl-Alt-F1 to -F4)02:16
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Evil_WhisperEleaf can you hit tab on the yaboot screen?02:17
Evil_Whisperthat should give you a list of kernels02:17
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Evil_Whispercheck if there is more then one kernel02:17
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gandhiiok...    thanks for the help..02:17
soundraygandhii, it would also be interesting to know whether the keyboard works at the kernel selection stage - i.e. can you select server install mode?02:17
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kvidellSpeaking of Kernel's, what was updated that required me apt-get new kernel's today?02:18
EleafEvil_Whisper, ok I got it to work... for some reason, even though i specified cd, it launched into the harddrive's yaboot, it's trying to boot now though...02:18
cachedguys i need help fast02:18
Evil_Whisperhi toby02:18
cachedthis is really important02:18
cachedi had a ton of work i accidently saved in /tmp/ directory02:18
soundraygandhii, check it out, hope you find a way to install.02:18
gandhiiyes..  i presume you mean the point where you type in "live" etc...   if so..  then yes.02:18
=== cyphase_ is now known as cyphase
navaroneeleaf...maybe your hard drive has developed bad sectors?02:18
Evil_WhisperIf you can get into the LiveCD try to locate the PPC kernel package02:18
cachedany way to recover it, i did not restart02:18
Evil_WhisperI'm not sure of the name02:18
Eleafnavarone, It's a new hard drive...02:18
Eleafand I did fsck02:18
Evil_Whisperand then install it02:18
cachedplease, someone?02:18
gandhiiit freezes or whatever at the next prompt/menu02:18
nickrudcached, then they should still be there: ls /tmp02:18
Evil_WhisperEleaf also hit tab when Yaboot comes up02:18
tobyWhat is this?02:19
Eleafi did02:19
cachedits not though02:19
EleafEvil_Whisper, it's taking forever to load...02:19
cachedi don't know what happened02:19
Evil_WhisperDoes it list any kernels?02:19
Evil_Whisperwhen you hit tab?02:19
EleafEvil_Whisper, yes it does, but it's stuck on loading ramdisk02:19
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Evil_Whisperalright what does it list on the menu when you hit tab?02:19
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EleafEvil_Whisper, it took like a minute just to get past that02:19
tobyhi guys what is this window?02:19
nickrudcached, try sudo updatedb, then locate <file>02:19
soundraygandhii, are you on a laptop?02:19
EleafEvil_Whisper, all the kernels in the live disk02:19
Eleafnow I'm at the setup02:19
navaronecahced go to terminala nd use find or loccate to find specific file that you think is saved in tmp02:19
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gandhiino..  nf4 amd64 desktop02:19
Eleafchoosing language etc Evil_Whisper02:19
Evil_WhisperOk let me know when you can get into a CLI02:20
pashawcached,   did you do this mistake using CLI?02:20
aTypicalHello all.  I'm having trouble with my usb drive.  I plugged it in and it appears to be detected, but it's not showing up or auto mounting like it did before.02:20
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Evil_WhisperCommand Line Interface02:20
tobythere is any girl?02:20
pashawcached,  terminal02:20
tobyin this room?02:20
crimsun_toby: offtopic.02:20
soundraygandhii, standard keyboard or some sort of mini/laptop-like?02:20
cachedi did this by opening a file from firefox and editing it02:20
cachedforgot to save it to a diffferent folder02:20
pashawcached,  do you know at least 1 files name02:21
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soundraygandhii, my thinking is that it could have to do with the NumLock state.02:21
pashawcached,   find / -name (namehere)02:21
gandhiivery standard keyboard..  tried 2 different ones..   it cant be the keyboard02:21
izmehis mp3 support discussion allowed/02:21
ubotuwell, mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats02:21
crimsun_izmeh: only in the context of package discussion.02:21
soundraygandhii, that would be an odd one, anyway. NumLock state causing the problem, I mean.02:21
ubotu[ppc]  PowerPC. Macs, IBMs. Nicer then Intel.02:22
EleafEvil_Whisper, I'm certain this is the livecd, but it's trying to install!!!02:22
gandhiisounds.. thats a thought..   i'll try toggleing that in the bios02:22
cachedsudo find / -name ch9notes.doc should work?02:22
cafuego!ppc =~ s/then/than/02:22
ubotuOK, cafuego02:22
pashawcached,  also try  ls -al /tmp | more    and look that way02:22
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nickrudsomeone's been brainwashing ubotu02:22
gandhiii've learned it sometimes helps to try the thing you think it couldnt be  ;] 02:22
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pashawcached,  sure02:22
cachedi tried using the find thing under places02:22
cachedit found nothing02:22
frogzooEleaf: if it's trying to install, it's not the live CD02:22
Ophiocuswhats the best way to attempt to make a program like photoshop run on ubuntu?02:23
cachedEleaf: live CD looks like its trying to install though02:23
cachedor just use GIMP02:23
gandhiior gimpshop02:23
Eleafcached, frogzoo it says it's corrupt now02:23
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EleafIt was working fine02:23
soundraygandhii, I'm off. Do re-ask your question here, maybe you'll find more of an install problem wizard here next time.02:23
Ophiocusid rather not till i see what it can do, i need photoshop, will learn gimp/shop later02:24
gandhiithanks for your help..  if i have luck or not.. i have learneed a few things.. thanks02:24
nickrudgandhii, did you download and burn the install yourself?02:24
cachedfuck shit fuck02:24
Evil_WhisperOphiocus follow my wine tutorial: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=586605&postcount=602:24
cachedits not finding it02:24
EleafEvil_Whisper, the livecd is corrupted02:24
cacheddidnt find it02:24
nickrudgandhii, then, maybe you could check the md5sum of the iso, it may be bad.02:24
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gandhiisame problem with ubuntu and kubuntu live and install  .. hard to beleive all are corrupt02:25
awstottgandhii how fast did you burn the cds/02:25
frogzooEleaf: download again - check the md5 sum of the iso b4 u burn - and try a slightly slower burn speed02:25
nickrudgandhii, it's an easy check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VerifyIsoHowto?highlight=%28iso%2902:25
awstottI had problems using cheap cds02:25
awstotthad to burn at 1x to get them to work02:25
ThePyromaniachey, when running live CD on one pc it comes up with the error "Failed to started the X server... it is likly that it has not been set correctly"02:25
ThePyromaniactried the same cd on this pc and it works02:25
nickrudgandhii, I've seen really odd things come down to burning too fast02:25
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Eleaffrogzoo, the livecd was just working perfectly the other day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!02:26
gandhiia slower speed..  20x or such i think..02:26
gandhiinot burnt too fast02:26
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Evil_Whisper20x isnt slow =P02:26
nickrudas best as I could tell from not being there :)02:26
ascensionwhere is the ubuntu guide for 5.10?02:26
frogzooThePyromaniac: you might need to set vert & horiz refresh in /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:26
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Evil_Whispertry sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver or somthing like that I forgot the exact command02:26
Eleaffrogzoo, this is so lame02:26
nekostarDONT GO TO WINE02:26
nekostarthey suck ass02:26
Eleafit was working just fine02:26
nickrudsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:26
nekostarmean motherfuckers02:26
Evil_Whisperyeah thanks nick02:27
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apokryphoslanguage, geez.02:27
HymnToLifeanyone knows a good video editing app like Premiere for ubuntu ?02:27
gandhiiwell..  i guess i could try burning again..  but seems odd that 4 different burns would have the same problem at the same spot02:27
ascensionso yes, where is the ubuntu guide for 5.10?02:27
nickrudwell, hello, nalioth!02:27
EleafHymnToLife, Cinelerra!02:27
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frogzoowhat's with the gutter language in here today? seems a bit out of the ordinary02:27
ascensionEvil_Whisper: that is for 5.0402:27
ascension...no one has updated it02:27
naliothEvil_Whisper: please dont advise that URL in here, it breaks things02:27
naliothascension: help.ubuntu.com02:27
awstottI broke my breezy install trying to get mythtv goin on it02:28
gandhiihym: theres a couple good ones..  do a google02:28
HymnToLifethx Eleaf :)02:28
ascensionthank you nalioth02:28
ThePyromaniacfrogzoo how can i do that? its before i can log in02:28
cafuegofrogzoo: xmas is approaching, it makes certain humans go insane for the duration.02:28
ThePyromaniaci still get shell02:28
Evil_WhisperSorry about that I wasn't aware it wasn't updated for breezy02:28
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ascensionEvil_Whisper: the page that nalioth has the guide now :)02:29
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Evil_Whisperoh thanks for the info I'll have to check that out then02:29
SweetestSavageDoes anyone here have experience with IPTables?02:29
alvansonI'm looking to install ubuntu on my laptop alongside Windows.  I have an 80G hard drive.  Any suggestions on how I should split up the drive?02:29
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frogzooThePyromaniac: you can get md5 for windows02:29
gandhiiallright.;. .  off to give things another try   thanks.. and laterz02:29
Evil_WhisperThanks for the updated link guys02:29
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nickrudalvanson, for testing linux, give yourself 10GB. Plenty of room for experimenting02:29
frogzooSweetestSavage: no, but I'll take a look if you like - Im just getting up to speed02:30
awstottanyone know why i'm getting an Internal error, HAL failed to initialize02:30
HymnToLifealvanson > depends on how much you need for windows02:30
alvansonHymnToLife, hmm... I mean my Windows install takes 10G now.02:30
nickrudme, I have about 15gb (prorated) for windows in that much space02:30
SweetestSavagefrogzoo - Well, I need to make it so that a certain program points a certain IP to connect properly..02:31
navaronealvanson...i just reduced my windows partition to 17gb...from 33gb. The rest of my 40gb drive is for music shares02:31
SweetestSavageRight now it doesn't, it tries to connect to, and I need it to connect to
SweetestSavageIPTables can do that somehow02:31
EleafWell, I guess I can't save my iBook02:31
alvansonokay... then can ext3 partitions be both moved and resized?02:31
EleafI can't believe this02:31
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nickrudEleaf, don't give up, ask again.02:32
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frogzooSweetestSavage: you can use NAT - but you really ought to just reconfigure the app02:32
ubotunekostar: What?02:32
HymnToLifealvanson > then give 20 GB for Windows, 10 GB for /, 1GB swap and the rest for /home02:32
nekostarmostly >_>02:32
SweetestSavagefrogzoo - That's the problem..02:32
SweetestSavagefrogzoo - You can't do that.02:32
pashawEleaf, the LiveCDs dont work either02:32
naliothEleaf: what is the trouble with your ibook?02:32
Eleafnickrud, I just don't know what to do...02:32
nickrudEleaf, ^^^02:32
cafuegoSweetestSavage: iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -d -j DNAT --to-destination
ThePyromaniacfrogzoo what? how is that helpful?02:32
SweetestSavagecafuego, you're a god.02:32
Eleafnalioth, It won't boot past Calculating module dependencies after a dist-upgrade from breezy to breezy02:32
cafuegoSweetestSavage: Unless you just want to enable NAT inbound, in which case you didn't explain very well...02:33
naliothEleaf: what model ibook?02:33
Eleafnalioth, umm...  ibook 500?02:33
frogzooThePyromaniac: NAT = network address translation - have the app -> -> NAT ->
cafuegoSweetestSavage: We're monotheists here ;-)02:33
pashawnalioth,  summary Eleaf has PPC ibook  wont boot install ubunut after his last  dist-upgrade    and now liveCDs wont boot either saying corrupted02:33
SweetestSavagecafuego, Well, I just need it to redirect to a certain point02:33
naliothEleaf: did you verify your install media and iso image?02:33
cafuegoAnd as such I should be accessed as THE god <heh>02:33
HymnToLifefrom Breezy to Breezy02:33
HymnToLifethat's a 1337 upgrade :p02:33
Eleafnalioth, yes, the livecd just worked the other day too02:33
cafuegoSweetestSavage: From where to where? net? Lan? Either?02:33
SweetestSavageWell, here's what happens.02:34
Eleaffor some reason, whenever I use a livecd after like 3 times it gets corrupted!!!!02:34
Evil_WhisperTry to use SSH to get into your iBook?02:34
ThePyromaniacfrogzoo what?! im tlkin about x server failing on boot02:34
SweetestSavageUnder a normal client for the game, it connects to the login server, but not the character or map (it goes to, from what I read).02:34
nickrudnalioth, not to interject too much, but he had a pre-release breezy, then dist-upgraded to recent breezy, and it broke (as I understand it)02:34
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EleafEvil_Whisper, ???  It doesn't boot though!02:34
SweetestSavageAnd this is to connect to my own server, so I need it to connect to my IP, rather than
naliothEleaf: can you get to a rescue terminal?02:34
ProN00bi need packages for wxwidgets and perl-wx, does anyone know the package names, or how to get the packages from somewhere02:34
EleafEvil_Whisper, It certainly hasn't started any services like ssh...02:34
cafuegoSweetestSavage: Ok, so you need the desktop machine in question to do DNAT.... yeah, my rule should sort that out.02:34
DShepherdsup!! :)02:35
Eleafnalioth, using the livecd I can... but that only has like 10 commands02:35
Evil_WhisperOh yeah didn't think about that either sorry :(02:35
Evil_WhisperI'm just a newbie trying to help :-P02:35
DShepherdanyone know where I can find a yelp developer?02:35
naliothEleaf: not from the installed one?02:35
SweetestSavagecafuego, it gave me an invalid argument error02:35
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ThePyromaniacanyone else know why X server causes error message sayings its configured wrong on live cd boot?02:36
Eleafnalioth, how do I get to a terminal from the hard drive?02:36
MickMcMackProN00b, apt-cache search <searchitem>02:36
nickrudDShepherd, sure02:36
alvansonI was thinking 20G Windows, 10G Linux, 1G swap, remaining (~50G) for a FAT32 shared partition02:36
pashawnalioth,   he's using yaboot   for boot manager any experience with that02:36
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ProN00bMickMcMack, already searched, didn't find anything02:37
Eleafnalioth, they don't put a rescue kernel with the ppc version for some reason... o.o;02:37
Evil_WhisperPyro I belive you can use sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to fix that02:37
naliothpashaw: yes i'm familiar with yaboot02:37
eobanbEleaf, i believe they do....02:37
naliothEleaf: can you use the liveCD and chroot into your installed box?02:37
Eleafeobanb, looks like mine didn't come with it02:37
pashawnalioth,   good thats where we were stumped helping him02:37
eobanbno i'm pretty sure they do, Eleaf02:37
Eleafeobanb, looks like mine didn't come with one!02:38
Eleafthe only kernel mine has is02:38
frogzooThePyromaniac: try setting horiz & vert refresh in /etc/X11/xorg.conf - something like http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/603802:38
pashawalvanson,  thats an excellent layout02:38
naliothEleaf: eobanb: one what?02:38
Eleafeobanb, "Linux" there is no other kernel with yaboot when I hit tab02:38
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Evil_WhisperMy breezy install got owned by dapper during a dist-upgrade and all I could do was re install :S02:39
navaronealvanson> My setup: Two drives 40gb and 250gb. 40gb has windows system..reduced to 17gb as I said. The remaining portion is fat32 shared for transfer or files and p2p shares. 250gb I partitioned with drives cd utils and made two ntfs partitions (80gb + 106gb) and a fat32 at roughly 32gb incase I want to image windows drive. The remaining 12+gb was left unallocated for ubuntu install02:39
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navaronesorry for the long post...lol02:39
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EleafEvil_Whisper, man..  I have so many files I need!  Important schoolwork and such..ugh02:40
eobanbEleaf, there's some other way to get into it02:40
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Eleafeobanb, how do I use chroot?02:40
Eleafthe livecd has that command02:40
naliothEleaf: nothing is gone.02:40
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alvansonnavarone, spiffy... too bad it's a laptop... can't install new hard drives in there (and I spent my hard drive money for my file server over there -->)02:40
anthony_how do i unmount a harddrive through terminal02:41
Stormx2anthony_: umount02:41
frogzooEleaf: chroot is for fairly expert use - u don't need it02:41
phasegendoes ANYONE know if you can copy "/var/cache/apt/*" to another machine to keep from downloading everything a second time?02:41
Eleaffrogzoo, well then how do I get into my hard drive?02:41
Stormx2phasegen: Can you see the other machine on a network?02:41
anthony_so if it was hda1 then it would be "umount hda1"02:41
naliothEleaf: /msg ubotu recover       will tell you how to chroot (you don't need to do anything with grub)02:41
Stormx2anthony_: more like umount /dev/hda102:41
Stormx2anthony_: or is it umount /media/whatever02:42
Stormx2I can't remember02:42
Stormx2oh well02:42
Stormx2Try both02:42
anthony_yeah thanks02:42
uboturecover is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows02:42
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ubotuchroot is, like, at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2457502:42
phasegenStormx2: not at the moment, but I'm working the issue....  it's wireless.  I was planning on using a cd02:42
Paradossohi everybody02:42
ParadossoI just installed the artwiz fonts02:42
Paradossoit seems they make firefox look crappy02:42
Stormx2phasegen: CD would be best.02:42
Paradossohow's that?02:42
Evil_Whisperwow I'm lost already just looking at the chroot page =S02:43
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EleafEvil_Whisper, I read the man page02:43
phasegenStormx2: Sweet.  Thank You.02:43
nickrudcuz artwiz is crappy?02:44
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naliothEleaf: when you get into your system via chroot, run "sudo apt-get -f install"02:44
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Evil_Whispernalioth could you fix a dapper install the same way?02:45
Eleafnalioth, what am I supposed to do? chroot /dev/hda?02:45
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jag_fsfi had two partitions, /dev/hdc1 and /dev/hdd1, that were in a software raid-1 array... i just reinstalled ubuntu and i'm trying to reassemble that array, but i'm not able to clearly see how to do it... and i'm terrified of losing data on the array... anybody know how to do this?02:45
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santiagohello someone spanish?02:45
frogzoosantiago: -> #ubuntu-es02:46
Burglaptopsantiago: try #ubuntu-es02:46
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Eleafnalioth, what am I supposed to do with chroot02:47
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paulihabla en espaol02:47
Eleafnalioth, chroot /dev/hda?  it says that doesn't exist02:47
Evil_Whisperpauli try joining #ubuntu-es02:47
Dr_Willistry /dev/hda102:47
Dr_Willisactuyally ya got to Mount hda1 somewher, then chroot towhere ya mounted it to,.02:48
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user_i have a printer02:48
pauliricardo 20?02:48
EleafDr_Willis, it says that doesn't exist either02:48
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user_how can i configure it?02:48
Eleaf/dev/hda2 3 or anything doesn't work Dr_Willis02:48
user_for adsl-connection i just runned pppoeconf02:48
crimsun_pauli: we've already stated that #ubuntu-es is appropriate.02:48
user_for the printer it simple procedure too02:48
Evil_WhisperEleaf you must mount it first02:48
pashawEleaf,   does fdisk -l   show any partitions?02:48
Dr_Willisheh linux fundamentals.. mount drives to access them02:48
EleafEvil_Whisper, when I try mounting, it says that doesn't exist too...02:49
Eleafpashaw, the livecd doesn't have the fdisk command02:49
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ricardo20alguien que hable espaol????02:49
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crimsun_ricardo20: #ubuntu-es02:49
Dr_WillisEleaf,  on live cd. to go the console as root run fdisk.02:50
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Evil_Whispersudo -s02:50
EleafDr_Willis, my livecd is corrupt02:50
Dr_WillisEleaf,  ewww...02:50
EleafDr_Willis, I can't load anything except the emergency console02:50
Evil_Whispertry chroot /02:50
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EleafDr_Willis, the livecd was just working, but of course, the livecd ALWAYS gets corrupt whenever I use it more than 3 times02:51
Evil_WhisperI mean02:51
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Eleafit says /dev/hda doesn't exist02:51
steve_laptop? is there a command that I can run that will reconfigure my sound card?02:51
Eleafi can see /dev/hda302:51
HymnToLifeEleaf > mount it first02:51
Eleafbut it also says that doesn't exist02:51
crimsun_steve_laptop: what sound card(s)?02:51
EleafHymnToLife, when I try to mount anything, it says it doesn't exist02:51
steve_laptopintel somthing02:51
crimsun_steve_laptop: cat /proc/asound/cards (don't flood here)02:52
steve_laptopI wont02:52
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HymnToLifeEleaf > what is the commant you type ?02:52
Evil_WhisperEleaf can you check your /mnt/ directory?02:52
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pashawEleaf,   what directory are you trying to mount it to?02:52
EleafEvil_Whisper, it says there is no /mnt02:52
nickrudlol, Eleaf, at least you're getting some serious moral support :\02:53
Eleafyee!  Thank you guys!02:53
burnhamdshould I download the 386 or amd64 dapper cd02:53
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steve_laptopcrimsun_, its a HDA-Intel - HDA Intel02:53
burnhamdwhich is more stabe02:53
Evil_WhisperMine mounts my stuff to /mnt/<device>02:53
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crimsun_steve_laptop: does it work at all?02:53
EleafEvil_Whisper, it says /dev/hda (1,2,3) is not in /etc/fstab02:53
Evil_Whisperohhh a fstab problem02:53
steve_laptopcrimsun_, no :(02:53
ubotuOpera isn't in the Ubuntu repositories, but you can always download the latest Opera .deb package from http://www.opera.com/download/ and get then see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OperaBrowser02:53
crimsun_steve_laptop: e.g., can you hear anything with aplay?02:53
Evil_Whisperok hold on let me do some reading02:53
HymnToLifeEleaf > then you must specify the mounting point02:53
nickrudEleaf, try sudo fdisk -l ; that will tell you the partitions you have02:54
crimsun_steve_laptop: what's the output from the command I gave you?02:54
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steve_laptophold on02:54
Eleafnickrud, the livecd doesn't have the fdisk command02:54
Evil_WhisperEleaf try this02:54
EleafHymnToLife, it still says /dev/hda doesn't exist, even when I specify a mounting point02:55
Evil_Whispercat /etc/fstab02:55
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Evil_Whisperand tell us what that outputs02:55
HymnToLifeyou must tell him which partition you want to mount Eleaf02:55
HymnToLifeso it is /dev/hdax02:55
EleafEvil_Whisper, the livecd doesn't have the cat command02:55
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EleafHymnToLife, there is no hda anything in /dev02:56
crimsun_steve_laptop: paste the output from amixer onto pastebin02:56
nickrudEleaf, my god02:56
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o crimsun_] by crimsun_
HymnToLifesda maybe then02:56
EleafThe livecd rescue terminal froze02:56
EleafHymnToLife, I know it's usually /dev/hda02:56
Evil_WhisperEleaf can you cat /etc/fstab?02:56
Eleafthe emergency console froze02:56
user_i have the printer: Epson Stylus Color DX420002:56
Evil_Whisperoh thats not good Eleaf02:56
user_how can i configure it?02:57
Evil_WhisperCan you reboot it?02:57
steve_laptopcrimsun, were do i find that :)02:57
Eleafand Evil_Whisper, cat isn't in the livecd rescue mode02:57
HymnToLifeEleaf > or do a sudo fdisk -l and you'll see what your hard drive is02:57
Evil_Whispercan you nano fstab?02:57
EleafHymnToLife, yet,,, fdisk is not a command in the livecd rescue mode02:57
ubuntuis it possible to mount a ntfs drive with read/write from ubuntu live?02:57
crimsunsteve_laptop: ''amixer''02:57
nickruduser_, start with top menu bar, System->Administration->Printing02:57
EleafHymnToLife, it only has like 9 commands..02:57
crimsunubuntu: read-only02:57
ubotumethinks ntfs is the filesystem used in Windows 2000 and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions02:57
Dr_Willisubuntu,  you dont want to write to one... it can trash the disk.02:57
pashawEleaf,   do you have ANY other liveCDs  say knoppix?02:58
ubotuI heard ntfs is the filesystem used in Windows 2000 and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions02:58
nickrudubuntu, no, I don't think the livecd has that evil tool02:58
Eleafpashaw, no I don't...02:58
Evil_WhisperEleaf do you have a CD burner?02:58
HymnToLifefdisk is for sure on ubuntu live CD :/02:58
EleafEvil_Whisper, I do..02:58
ubuntuoh well poop...02:58
Evil_WhisperEleaf download somthing like damn small linux02:58
HymnToLifeI used it a million times02:58
EleafEvil_Whisper, I don't think they make that for ppc02:58
ubuntui need to fix windows, but i can't write to the drive02:59
Evil_WhisperOh man I forgot  you using PPC02:59
ubuntuthought this would work02:59
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crimsunsteve_laptop: don't paste to me in private; use a pastebin.02:59
frogzoocafuego: do you know if iptables is capable of mangling the TCP sliding window? for reverse b/w limiting?02:59
nickrudubuntu, what do you mean, 'fix windows'02:59
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steve_laptopcrimsun, whats the pastebin? sorry02:59
ubotufrom memory, paste is please use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ or #flood to paste large amounts of text02:59
Evil_WhisperCan you burn a new Ubuntu liveCD?02:59
ubotupastebin is probably a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org02:59
occycrimsun, heyaz03:00
ubuntunickrud, it's missing a vital dll for whatever reason03:00
crimsunoccy: h.03:00
ubuntuso it won't boot03:00
occycrimsun, things finally seem somewhat stable03:00
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occycrimsun, back on gnome.  heh.03:00
Evil_Whispercan you run apt-get -f install?03:00
occycouldn't stay with KDE for more than 24hrs03:00
anthony_has anybody ever had their ntldr file fail03:00
EleafEvil_Whisper, not yet03:00
nickrudubuntu, no, you can't use the live cd for that, sorry. (one of the few things I am certain about between windows and the live cd, thank you )03:00
cafuegofrogzoo: Yes, it can do that.03:00
Evil_Whisperhow bout nano fstab?03:01
cafuegofrogzoo: Usefulness would depend on upstream routers03:01
iflipticould someone decipher what this part from a readme means? ...03:01
occycrimsun, what I did was, I went into synaptic, and nuked all my entries to my sources.list,  and then added each of the binary options and checked all of the available solutions.  then upgraded and things are stable now.03:01
user_there is not my printer03:01
anthony_has anybody ever had their ntldr file fail?03:01
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user_into the printer list03:01
occythought I had done that before, but apparently it wasn't pulling in the security updates or some junk.03:01
anthony_how do you fix it if you dont have a floppy drive?03:01
user_there is much Epson but not my Epson03:01
Evil_Whispertry sudo nano /etc/fstab03:01
Evil_Whisperand see if theres anything in there03:01
iflipti"run make installfw which will copy files to FIRMWARE_INSTALL_DIR..."03:01
Dr_Willisanthony_,  for windowsxp - the xp install cd has a rescue mode you can use 'fixboot'03:01
occycrimsun, I bet you there are a lot of people who would do what I didn't do.03:02
EleafEvil_Whisper, the liecd doesn't have nano03:02
anthony_rescue mode03:02
anthony_ok ill try it03:02
=== admrl [n=admrl@71-10-134-206.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunoccy: sounds good.03:02
nickruduser_, then maybe http://linuxprinting.org will have more help03:02
anthony_what if the CD wont boot03:02
Evil_Whisperdoes it have anything you can use to read files?03:02
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Evil_WhisperI don't have a live CD for refrence so.03:02
Dr_Willisanthony_,  sounds like you may be SOL. :()03:02
Evil_WhisperI think you might have to just re install Eleaf03:03
HymnToLifeEleaf > gedit then03:03
Dr_WillisWelcome to windows...03:03
occycrimsun, things got so bad, I nuked my sytem, tried gentoo, tried Suse 10.0, and tried kubuntu.  got fed up and came back to ubuntu and gnome,  figured I'd stick with the bugginess.  But, then I figured that out.  Things have been rock solid for like 4 days.03:03
=== bachstudies [n=chris@cpc2-ruth4-6-0-cust72.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
anthony_ive been trying to put knoppix or ubuntu on03:03
Dr_Willisanthony_,  unless ya can track down a boot floppy that lets ya get to the cd. :(03:03
anthony_but the CD wont boot03:03
Dr_Willisanthony_,  Hmm.. has it ever booted off the cd?03:03
anthony_yeah all the time03:03
anthony_it used to03:03
Evil_WhisperEleaf: Can you gedit /etc/fstab?03:03
Dr_Willisdouble check the bios i guess..03:04
occycrimsun, anyway, I know you don't lay awake at night worrying about whether or not I am having problems but thought I'd share my thoughts with you. ;)03:04
bachstudiesi've created a script that uses zenity. When I run my script within a shell everything works fine but when I use it in crontab zenity doesn't work. Does anyone know how to fix this?03:04
EleafHymnToLife, the livecd recover mode only has like cd, ls, chroot, passwd and that's pretty much it03:04
docgnomeI'm trying to install the fglrx drivers for my ati radeon and I am having some trouble.  I follow the instructions on the wiki for "using the drivers from ati.com" and i get to the step where I do "sudo module-assistant build,install fglrx-kernel" and I get an ncurses UI. I then select the fglrx-kernel module and try to build it and it says "W: Unable to locate package syscalltrack-source" as well as a few other package names followed by "fin03:04
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docgnomeI'm running 5.0403:04
Dr_Willisbachstudies,  when ran by cron the user and paths are different - may be the issue.03:04
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Evil_WhisperEleaf: Can you mkdri /mnt/ ?03:04
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Evil_WhisperEleaf: try sudo mkdir /mnt/03:05
HymnToLifeEleaf > but why did you run it in recover mode ?03:05
anthony_Dr.Willis is there anything else you suggest?03:05
EleafEvil_Whisper, I did03:05
anthony_if the Cd wont boot and no floppy03:05
EleafHymnToLife, because the livecd is corrupt03:05
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bachstudiesDr_Willis, I have made sure that my paths are absolute e.g. sh /home/chris/file.sh03:05
Dr_Willisanthony_,  no other cd drives eh?03:05
EleafHymnToLife, it was working fine the other day then it suddenly doesn't work03:05
anthony_nope its a laptop03:05
crimsunoccy: glad to read they've been resolved (fingers crossed)03:05
ubotunameeate1: Did you get hit by a windmill?03:05
Evil_WhisperEleaf: After you've done that type mount /dev/hda /mnt03:05
steve_laptopcrimsun ok its posted03:06
crimsunsteve_laptop: any progress? Pass me the url when you've finished.03:06
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Dr_Willisbachstudies,  even paths in the script eh? since $PATH may be different.  may be permission issues then03:06
nameeate1hmm, whats the repo's ! command?03:06
dpuppim in the process of partitioning my disks after windows messed up grub.. is it possible to mount my windows harddrive in linux as well? im seeing that i can mount it as ntfs in the partition window...03:06
EleafHymnToLife, this has happend to all my ubuntu cd's after precisely 3 times using them, they get corrupt, every time!03:06
docgnomeanyone have any ideas?03:06
EleafEvil_Whisper, I did that, but /dev/hda doesn't exist03:06
ubotu[apt]  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AptGetHowTo/ or http://www.debian.org/doc/user-manuals#apt-howto03:06
EleafEvil_Whisper, It just doesn't think the harddrive exists!03:06
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse follow section 2.3 in http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch02.html#addinguniverse - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) see also !easysource03:06
steve_laptopcrimsun ok  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/603903:06
anthony_Dr_willis, the only Cd that will boot everytime is the KNOPPIX live CD03:06
Evil_WhisperEleaf: try cd /dev/03:06
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nameeate1woo there we go03:06
bachstudiesDr_Willis, I have run it in root's crontab so there shouldn't be a problem on that front, right?03:06
Evil_WhisperEleaf: then ls03:06
Evil_Whisperdo you see hda in the /dev/ folder?03:07
Dr_Willisbachstudies,  i was thinking that cron ran as its own userid/groupid  (i may be wrong)  time to rtfm :P03:07
EleafEvil_Whisper, there's nothign03:07
Evil_Whisperaw thats not good Eleaf03:07
Eleafwell there is like ram03:07
=== todd [n=todd@CPE000dbd0f269c-CM00111ae6ff9c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
anthony_Dr_willis, the only Cd that will boot everytime is the KNOPPIX live CD03:07
Eleafand a bunch of other random stuff that doesn't have to do with a hard drive03:07
EleafEvil_Whisper, I know everything with the hard drive is FINE but just ONE file is missing...03:08
Dr_Willisanthony_,  that sounds like your cd/burning software/disks are the iossuie03:08
EleafEvil_Whisper, it was one kernel module, and it can't boot without it..03:08
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docgnomeDoes anyone have any experience installing the fglrx driver in 5.04?03:08
mcjerrywhat program can i run on ubuntu that would be similar to ms frontpage?03:08
anthony_Dr_willis,hmmm nero 7, always have worked03:08
bachstudiesDr_Willis, do you know if there is a command that I can use in the script to open up a terminal window and have the commands run in the terminal?03:08
SweetestSavageIs there anyone here that is good at hexing?03:09
Dr_Willisanthony_,  could be bad disks..03:09
anthony_that what i thought03:09
anthony_the knoppix live was on different media03:09
user_someone have the printer: Epson Stylus DX4200 ???03:09
anthony_good sugestion03:09
Dr_Willisbachstudies,  could echo/cat stuff to log files somewhere. ive rarely done more then trivial things with cron.03:09
apokryphosmcjerry: WYSIWYG editors generally suck and produce crummy code. But, there's bluefish, I believe, which is one.03:09
crimsunsteve_laptop: is this on Breezy?03:09
docgnomeOr alternatly, does anyone know if the fglrx driver installs easier into 5.1003:09
HymnToLifeBluefish is no WYSIWYG03:09
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Evil_WhisperFor WYSIWYG use NVU03:10
anthony_thanks Dr_Willis03:10
steve_laptopcrimsun, yes03:10
nickrudmcjerry, I've never used frontpage, but nvu is as close as it gets, i hear03:10
nickrudmcjerry, but, I recommend screem03:10
crimsunsteve_laptop: default sound drivers, correct?03:10
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HymnToLifescreem is no wysiwyg either03:10
EleafEvil_Whisper, hmm03:10
SweetestSavageIs there anyone here that is good at hexing?03:10
=== nickrud is a loser when it comes to html
mortenok, so i've downloaded a theme for gnome, how do i "install" it?03:11
apokryphoshtml takes a few hours to learn; not hard at all.03:11
steve_laptopcrimsun, think so03:11
nickrudHymnToLife, I do know that03:11
Evil_WhisperEleaf, so nothing is mounted at all?03:11
bachstudiesDr_Willis, my script works when I use the "run as different user" from the Ubuntu menu so surely there is a way to "run as different user" without going though the ubuntu menu03:11
crimsunsteve_laptop: "think so"? You need to be certain.03:11
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mcjerrynickrud: i got bluefish, ad screem, and both are fine for coding, i need a graphical editor....will tryout nvu03:11
nameeate1bachstudies: su -username?03:11
steve_laptopim not03:11
steve_laptophold on03:11
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apokryphosmcjerry: for coding Quanta+ is the best ;-)03:11
nameeate1man su anyway03:11
Evil_WhisperEleaf next install be sure to make home a seperate partition incase this occurs again :-)03:11
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Dr_Willisbachstudies,  of course there is. this is linux.. :P gotta figure out exactly the best way to do it for your case.03:12
naliothmcjerry: but there are other programs for coding, use them all, and keep using the ones you like03:12
EleafEvil_Whisper, well it's just one file...03:12
bachstudiesnameeate1, can I run this command within a .sh script? Will it bring up a terminal window?03:12
EleafEvil_Whisper, what was the command you were saying to do.  apt-get install -f?03:12
mcjerryapokryphos: is Quanta+ in synaptic or do i need to compile from source?03:12
nameeate1bachstudies: that I don't know ;)03:12
naliothmcjerry: it is in synaptic03:12
mcjerrynalioth: same for nvu?03:13
nameeate1i know you can make stuff run in anouther 'shell' but dunno how you would make it open anouther terminal window03:13
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apokryphosmcjerry: yup03:13
HymnToLifemcjerry > yes03:13
pashawEleaf, my vote goes for having a friend burn you  2 diff liveCDs   say 1-ubuntu and 1-knoppix    then  have a go  before the reinstall wipes it03:13
naliothmcjerry: yes if you're running breezy03:13
markiveWassup all03:13
SweetestSavageIs there anyone here that is good at hexing?03:13
=== Toma- [n=lin4me@203-59-182-157.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
naliothmcjerry: then of course03:13
jag_fsflooking for suggestions... if (don't ask why) /var/run/sudo doesn't exist and i haven't set a root password, how can i do something as root to correct /var/run/sudo not existing?03:13
Eleafpashaw, I have a cd burner03:13
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sethkSweetestSavage, you now have a hex on you03:13
=== nickrud hexes SweetestSavage by crossing multiple fingers at him in a vaguely occult manner
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crimsunsteve_laptop: just cat /proc/asound/version03:14
pashawEleq youve already admitted yours fail too often have a friend burn em03:14
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pashawEleq   oops03:14
SweetestSavageNot that kind of hexing =P03:14
naliothEleaf: and md5sum your iso image03:14
Eleafpashaw, at least I have my main ubuntu computer, this one.  But my iBook is important whenever I have to go places03:14
Toma-is the ogm format supported by xine/mplayer etc by default?03:14
sethkjag_fsf, you can create the directory, sure03:14
HymnToLifeand burn at low speed03:14
Eleafnalioth, I md5'd this livecd, it was fine and worked fine03:14
Toma-being an open format i should hope so03:14
jag_fsfsethk: how, if not as root?03:14
markivei made ubuntuburn a cd on k3b on this d600 laptop, i didn't think it would work straight out the box but it did :)03:15
nickrudand, finally, md5sum the cd itself03:15
Eleafnalioth, but whenever I use any ubuntu cd more than 3 times, it gets corrupted, I have NO idea how..03:15
naliothEleaf: humor us, burn it on another burner at the lowest speed possible03:15
naliothEleaf: and md5sum the iso image also03:15
Eleafnalioth, I've used two burners actually'03:15
sethkjag_fsf, you said "how could I do something as root ..." when you meant "how can I become root to do something"03:15
Eleafbut why would it work only 3 times nalioth ?03:15
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markivei've been out wardriving tonight03:16
vblantonAnyone know why I can view my apache2.0 webserver on any computer in the house but no one outside the house (past the router/firewall) can see my website? I have enabled port forwarding of PORT 80 on my router/firewall03:16
EleafI was able to use the livecd fine before03:16
sethkjag_fsf, you fix that by booting a rescue cd, or the install cd in rescue mode03:16
nameeate1bachstudies: man gnome-terminal, there is an -x (excecute option)03:16
KhisanthToma-: haven't had any problem playing OGM in mplayer with default options :)03:16
naliothEleaf: i have no clue. try different blank media03:16
Toma-Khisanth: cool thx :)03:16
steve_laptopcrimsun,  this whats came from that command  - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.903:16
jag_fsfsethk: yes... physical access to the machine will be difficult... :-)03:16
nickrudvblanton, maybe your isp blocks 80?03:16
mcjerryalso meant to ask, what program would you recommend i use to edit flash files with? I need to make changes to a flash site03:16
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Kyralnickrud: What retarded ISP blocks port 80?03:16
Toma-mcjerry: have you got dreamweaver?03:16
naliothmcjerry: windows or OSX03:16
nickrudKyral, I had one, not any more03:16
crimsunsteve_laptop: ok, it looks like you need to use Dapper's ALSA driver03:16
vblantonnickrud: maybe... but would I be able to connect to my own website with my public ip if it did?03:16
sethkjag_fsf, that may be there isn't an alternative.  I don't think sudo will let you override the location of the directory03:17
vblantonKyral: an isp that doesn't allow webservers03:17
jag_fsf... shit.03:17
dooglusbachstudies: all you need to do is: "su username /path/to/script"03:17
crimsunsteve_laptop: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential gcc-3.4 fakeroot03:17
dooglusSweetestSavage: what do you want hexed?03:17
Kyralvblanton: No offense but thats retarded ;P03:17
=== skon [n=skon@24-151-131-165.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
ProN00bsome isp's use nat technology, which means 0 ports03:17
=== markive thanks the ubuntu gods.
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crimsunsteve_laptop: also install module-assistant03:17
mcjerrynalioth, haven't booted to windows in over 2 weeks.....trying to go strictly dapper on this pc03:18
Toma-my isp blocks port 21 for nasty ftp virii03:18
nickrudvblanton, I got a virtual server out in space just because of that problem03:18
vblantonKyral: No it isn't. I have a satellite service and its would be reasonable if they didn't want to lag down the lines any further with a web server03:18
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steve_laptopcrimsun,  ok03:18
Kyralvblanton: Ah03:18
SweetestSavagedooglus - It's a client exe03:18
naliothmcjerry: there is no flash editor available at this time for linux   f4l.sourceforge.net is the closest thing03:18
dooglusSweetestSavage: what do you need to do?03:18
Eleafmy isp blocks most ports, it's really annoying they should all be open but they think we need extra firewall protection or something03:18
SweetestSavagedooglus - It doesn't connect to the right IP, it has to connect to three IPs, they're all the same value, but my client only connects to the first one then goes to
Toma-mcjerry: how much space did the default dapper install take up?03:18
=== geogeek meong
=== Evil_Whisper is confused by Eleaf's problem
SweetestSavagedooglus - My reason for this, is there IS a client that does this.. but it's very old and quite useless03:19
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nameeate1i do not need the source repo's in my sources.list do i? they arn't anything important right?03:19
SweetestSavagedooglus - I need an updated client that's able to do this..03:19
mcjerryToma- lemme look....i got some video recordings from vdr lemme do the math03:19
nickrudnameeate1, not really no.03:19
nameeate1nickrud: coo thx03:19
SweetestSavagedooglus - I would imagine it's not that hard, I wouldn't have an idea, though. Would you like to take a look?03:19
bachstudiesdooglus, ok some detail...I am running clamAV and have it set up to scan my home dir every morning at 10am. My script basically calls clamscan and then reads the resulting log file and uses zenity to display the results in a popup message. The problem is that the message won't pop up if I run the script outside of a terminal window.03:19
dooglusSweetestSavage: and where does 'hexing' fit in?  I'm not with you yet...03:19
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izmehis it possible to access the partition that my OSX uses/03:19
SweetestSavagedooglus - You have to modify the client.exe file to make it connect to all 3 IP's properly03:19
SweetestSavagedooglus - Otherwise you have to do an IPTable, which I can't do in a chroot =P03:20
dooglusbachstudies: that's because the script doesn't have the right "X Authority" settings03:20
bachstudiesdooglus, ok how would I go about making this work?03:20
naliothbachstudies: yes it is, mount using the hfs+ flag03:20
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steve_laptopcrimsun,  ok done with that part03:21
bachstudiesnalioth, ??? what is a hfs+ flag?03:21
dooglusbachstudies: look at this script: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6040 - if you run it in a terminal which *can* make X windows, it will write the values you need into ~/.xsettings03:21
MarcNpostfix isn't sending email off my system.  Do i really need to do all the mucking the wiki talks about?  I've dpkg-reconfigure postfix and pointed to a local smarthost.03:21
dooglusbachstudies: get your other script to source .xsettings and then it, too, will be able to make X windows.03:21
SweetestSavagedooglus - I can send you both the client that works (but is too old) and the new one that doesn't work03:21
nickrud*postfix sucks03:21
naliothbachstudies: open a console and type "man mount" OSX uses hfs+ filesystem03:21
nameeate1why am i getting errors updating my apt-get list?Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy-security/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)03:21
crimsunsteve_laptop: now, wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/a/alsa-driver/alsa-source_1.0.10-3_all.deb && sudo dpkg -i alsa-source_1.0.10-3_all.deb03:22
nickrudMarcN, which wiki?03:22
bachstudiesnalioth, I think you are talking to the wrong person!!!03:22
dooglusSweetestSavage: these are windows .exe files?  How do you intend to understand them?  You plan to disassemble them?03:22
user_into one directory i have much file.tar03:22
MarcNnickrud: wiki.ubuntu.com/Postfix03:22
user_how can i decompress all packages ?03:22
SweetestSavagedooglus - They are windows exe files.. and, I can't understand them. I use WINE in a 32-bit chroot to run them.03:22
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user_tar -xf *03:22
user_that do not work03:22
naliothbachstudies: tryin to teach ya something, lol03:22
sethknameeate1, that would mean that you have a corrupted archive, or a permissions failure somewhere03:22
sethknameeate1, corrupted archive is more likely03:23
naliothizmeh: mount it using the hfs+ flag in your mount command03:23
nameeate1sethk: so what can i do? purge the whole lot and start again?03:23
Toma-anyone know how much space dapper takes up after a default install?03:23
dooglusSweetestSavage: if you don't have either (1) the source, (2) a good knowledge of disassembling .exe files or (3) a tame hacker, then I don't see what you can do03:23
nickrudMarcN, that is really overkill, isn't it:)03:23
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markivewhats the best wardriving tool out there?03:23
MarcNnickrud: sendmail is easier ;-)03:23
mcjerryToma-: is hard to say, i installed breezy on 27G partition, have 1.2G swap partition. after installing breezy, changed to dapper sources and did apt-get dist-upgrade. now have 19GB free space after adjusting for a few recordings on root partition03:23
Evil_WhisperEleaf any progress?03:23
bachstudiesnalioth, but i don't even run OSX!!!!!!!!03:23
SweetestSavagedooglus - Obviously, that's why I'm seeing if someone else knows how to hex clients..03:23
sethknameeate1, I would try, first, deleting that specific file (the one in the error message) and doing apt-get update03:23
Toma-mcjerry: oic03:23
MrRiowhen will WxWidgets start to be compiled against GTK2 instead of GTK1?03:23
nameeate1sethk: ok thanks03:24
naliothbachstudies: <hint> <hint> it is xmas time, you know.03:24
dooglusSweetestSavage: ah, I see.  you might be better off in a windows channel then, if you're wanting to hack a windows .exe03:24
_jasonuser_ why the *, just use the filename: tar xf filename.tar03:24
nameeate1sethk: err, where are they stored? :)03:24
Toma-mcjerry: you cleaned out your breezy for dapper? :/03:24
nickrudMarcN, a personal opinion: install exim4-daemon-light, set it up as a smarthost, then edit /etc/exim4/passwd.client. If all you want is to send mail from your box, that's the easiest03:24
SweetestSavagedooglus - Alright, thanks03:24
_jasonuser_ gh?03:24
mcjerryToma-: yea, other than a few application crashes, dapper stable enough here03:25
sethknameeate1, let me see if I can find the file03:25
user_if i try to user03:25
user_tar -xf *03:25
nameeate1sethk: thanks03:25
MarcNnickrud: I'll give it a go.03:25
user_what you thing^?03:25
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nameeate1ah here we go, in the apt-get man03:25
Evil_WhisperDid eleaf leaf?03:25
nickrudMarcN, I've been using that config on a user box for several years03:25
dooglusSweetestSavage: there's a linux hex editor called 'hexcurse' - but that won't help if you don't know what bits you want to edit03:26
user_is ridicle use tar -xf file.tar03:26
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user_for all package03:26
_jasonuser_ I guess you can do 'tar xf *.tar' if you like03:26
nameeate1actually nope that isn't it03:26
viscountAnyone familiar with the tar -G flag?03:26
sethknameeate1, look in /var/lib/apt/lists/security.ubuntu.com ....03:26
user_tar -xf *.tar03:26
user_that is not correct to03:26
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mcjerryToma-: running as main fileserver, ubuntu-desktop/gnome and vdr for satellite tv - - all is fin03:26
crimsunsteve_laptop: any progress?03:26
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|GaiJin|is there some webcam support in gaim??03:27
sethkuser_, tar -xv is not correct.  gnu tar tolerates it, but the correct syntax is   tar xf03:27
bachstudiesnalioth, you have lost me. It is late so it might be me but I doubt it!03:27
dooglususer_: just "tar xf <tarfile>" to extract tarfile.  you can't specify multiple tar files at the same time03:27
_jasonsethk may i /msg you please03:27
sethkuser_, sorry, I wrote xv once instead of xf03:27
sethk_jason, sure03:27
mcjerryToma-: look in synaptic for vdr03:27
MarcNnickrud: heh, just lost what was in the mailq.   i should have figured that.03:27
sethkuser_, those are not flags, they are commands (in a very primitive language) to tar03:27
dooglussethk: the - is fine - but it changes the meaning a bit.03:27
mcjerrybut compile latest package from sources...03:27
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naliothbachstudies: have a merry xmas, i mistakeny <tab>completed your nick03:27
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sethkdooglus, you may be thinking about - being used for standard in or out.  that's a different situation03:28
nickrudMarcN, ouch03:28
bachstudiesnalioth, you too. Maybe it is time to buy OSX after all03:28
sethkdooglus, tar -xf is never correct, and the - is ignored03:28
mcjerryToma-: for more info on vdr, look on irc.uicn.net #vdr03:28
dooglussethk: no, I'm thinking about the difference between "-xf" and "xf"03:28
steve_laptopcrimsun,  grrrr im missing somthing                     http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/604103:28
Toma-oooo DVB cards... like tv capture cards?03:28
viscountuser_, what are you trying to do?03:28
dooglussethk: if that was the case then "tar fx" and "tar -fx" would both work03:28
MarcNnickrud: it was only a couple of nautilus bug reports.03:28
nickrudMarcN, well, actually if you didn't purge postfix, the messages may still be there. Getting them is another story :)03:28
mcjerryToma-: do you have windows dual-boot?03:28
MarcNnickrud: I just did a apt-get install of exim...03:29
user_i try to uncompress al package03:29
sethkdooglus, f is special because it associates with a filename03:29
steve_laptopcrimsun,  do I need the souirce?03:29
user_not 2 or 303:29
mcjerryyea, DVB, similar to tvcapture03:29
dooglussethk: but "tar -fx file.tar" files, whereas "tar fx file.tar" works03:29
aTypicalHey all.  Can someone point me to a howto for upgrading from 5.10 to 6.4?03:29
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nickrudMarcN, then, no purge. look in /var/postfix or something, I would think03:29
mcjerrysTypical: pm me03:29
crimsunsteve_laptop: sudo apt-get -f install03:29
dooglussethk: s/files/fails/03:29
mcjerryToma-: where you live?03:29
steve_laptopcrimsun,  ok next?03:30
MarcNnickrud: at the rate that nautilus crashes, i'll be able to regenerate those bug reports in no time.03:30
=== _TomB [n=ownthebo@ACD1FB83.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
_jasonmarkive do that in a server window03:30
viscountuser_, probably need to do some scripting then, i think tar only works with one archive at a time03:30
markive_jason thanks03:30
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sethkdooglus, I guess I'm being overly pedantic, as people here rarely have to deal with genuine unix tar03:30
user_for i in *.tar ; do tar xf $i ; done03:30
=== nickrud hardly ever crashes nautilus anymore
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dooglussethk: there are 3 different option styles.  run "info tar styles" to read about them03:31
_jasonuser_ I thought tar could take multiple files?  tar xf *.tar didn't work?03:31
markivei give in03:31
sethk_jason, what did you expect that to do?03:31
crimsunsteve_laptop: so alsa-source is installed?03:31
user_i need use a for03:31
user_for i in *.tar ; do tar xf $i ; done03:31
markiveanyone else wardrive with ubuntu?03:31
mcjerryToma-: do you have satellite tv now?03:32
dooglususer_: for i in *.tar; do tar xf "$i"; done      is better.  that works when there are spaces in the filenames, too03:32
user_but the . is useless03:32
steve_laptopcrimsun,  yes03:32
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user_just *tar not *.tar03:32
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crimsunsteve_laptop: sudo adduser $USER src03:32
_jasonsethk I expected it to untar all the files but apparently it won't take multiple files03:32
sethkuser_, there could conceivable be a case where he wants *.tar, not *tar03:32
dooglus_jason: if you say "tar xf file.tar a b c" it will only extract a, b and c from file.tar.  the a, b and c arguments refer to contents of file.tar - they aren't treated as tarfiles themselves03:33
crimsunsteve_laptop: then log in on a virtual console (ctrl+alt+F1); you can switch back here with alt+F703:33
_jasondooglus ah I see03:33
sethk_jason, right.  a file list in that context would be a list of file name to _extract_ from one tar file03:33
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DShepherddooglus: thanks. learnt something today :)03:33
steve_laptopcrimsun,  ok and what is it I need to do in the virtual?03:33
dooglusDShepherd: what?03:34
DShepherd "tar xf file.tar a b c"03:34
DShepherdand what it does03:34
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DShepherddooglus: thanks03:34
user_yes of course03:34
user_when you have 1000 file.tar03:34
dooglusDShepherd: ok.  learn "info" too.  like "info tar".  it's how the GNU apps are documented03:34
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user_tar -xf 1 2 3 4 .... 100003:35
DShepherddooglus: yeah I know about info. Thanks for the info about info anyways03:35
dooglususer_: if you don't specify anything other than the tarfile, like "tar xf tarfile", it will extract the whole tarfile03:35
partihello all03:35
nameeate1sethk: I now have: Sources.gz  MD5Sum mismatch :/03:35
partiCan you read this?03:36
crimsunsteve_laptop: sudo dpkg-reconfigure alsa-source03:36
doogluswe can, parti03:36
partiok, looks like I am coneccted! yey!03:36
nickrudhi, parti03:36
sethknameeate1, that's definitely a corrupted file, presumably a corrupted download03:36
QQ_ghosti have a friend with a SATA hda and linksys wireless (desktop/not PCMCIA) is the install easy?03:36
partiGuys. I am currently running Ubuntu Live CD.03:36
KrhisSorry. ^^03:36
sethknameeate1, there must be a reason you are getting corrupted files.03:36
partiI nned thy helo03:36
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sethknameeate1, once could be a glitch, but not this03:36
partiHi dooglus and Nickrud :)03:36
doogluskeyboard problems, parti?  :)03:36
nameeate1anyway to purge the whole list and start again?03:36
nameeate1before it was gz files, now its md503:37
partino. Partition problemes, dooglus.03:37
=== Mohegan [n=jack@bro29-1-82-245-180-71.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
sethknameeate1, well, it is _still_ a gz file, only now it catches the problem sooner03:37
pashawparti,  just ask03:37
user_but tarfile is not one03:37
partiI am using GParted.03:37
sethknameeate1, md5sum is used to verify that something was correctly downloaded03:37
nickrudnameeate1, sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* will remove all the downloaded lists03:37
user_file1.tar  file2.tar file3.tar ...... file100.tar03:38
dooglususer_: what's the problem exactly?  you have 1000 tar files?03:38
sethknameeate1, an attempt to uncompress would have given you the message about gz again03:38
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user_now there is not problem03:38
partiI want to resize mi Paritition. I want to give mroe space for my Ubuntu03:38
nameeate1this sucks, it worked fine before :(03:38
=== Jonas^ [n=chatzill@0x3e42a2f4.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
user_for i in *.tar ; do tar xf $i ; done03:38
user_i used that03:38
sethknameeate1, try nickrud's suggestion.  It isn't a fix, but the result would be illuminating03:38
nickrudparti, I'm not to strong on parted, but there are people here who are. Ask, using details :)03:38
partibut, Gparted tell me that I am appling to a Busy devices.. when I try to resize my Windows XP with NTFS filesystem03:38
dooglususer_: that's fine, so long as none of the files have a space or a tab in their name.  if they do, you'll need to say "$i" instead of $i03:38
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partiYes Nickrud :)03:39
partiAs I was saying. Gparted tells me that the device is busi. SO I cannot apply the resizing.03:39
partiWhat should I do ?03:39
sethkdooglus, user_, and watch out for filenames with ' in them, which happens in windows03:39
dooglusparti: what did you boot from?  a CD, or what?03:39
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partia Live CD.03:39
nickrudsethk, I've actually fixed weird auth problems by doing that :)03:40
dooglussethk: that's not a problem if you use    tar xf "$i"03:40
mcjerryhow can i read/write to ntfs filesystem if am read only now with dapper?03:40
partiI'm booting from Ubuntu's LIVE CD03:40
steve_laptopcrimsun,  ok thats done but a no go so im going to try rebooting03:40
crimsunsteve_laptop: no, don't reboot03:40
crimsunsteve_laptop: we're not even close to being finished.03:40
pashawparti,   did you try and look at your windows files before you started the partition program  you know looking around03:40
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sethkdooglus, right, I should have said filenames with ", not with '03:40
steve_laptop:) sorry03:40
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crimsunsteve_laptop: tell me precisely what occurred03:40
dooglussethk: that's not a problem either :)03:41
partiwhat do you mean pashaw ?03:41
sethkdooglus, it is if you don't escape the quotes03:41
pashawparti,   do you have a window open showing your ntfs files03:41
partiif you mean that I started Windows before running the Live CD, then yes.03:41
partiI defragmented it.03:41
steve_laptopit ran I pick all the default settings and when it was done I ended up at at command line03:41
steve_laptopcrimsun, it ran I pick all the default settings and when it was done I ended up at at command line03:42
sethkwhy do people defrag?  I've done extensive testing, and defrag does nothing to improve performance in almost all cases.03:42
naliothparti: what problems are you having?03:42
viscountCan anyone helpme with creating incremental backups?03:42
nickruddefrag before repartitioning? makes sense ;P03:42
partiWell, I've read in the Ubuntu forums, that it is best to defrag Windows, before making resizing the partition.03:42
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sethknickrud, if you mean resizing partitions, then it might make sense03:43
partiThat is was I defregmented it.03:43
sethkparti, I never trust partition resizers, but I'm paranoid03:43
steve_laptopviscount, I can but its going to be a but 30min...03:43
nickrudviscount, take a look at sbackup. it's a simple backup solution, that uses incremental backups. Also, there's some howto's on tldp.org03:43
partiThe problems I am facing is that I don;t know how to resize partitions...03:43
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crimsunsteve_laptop: no, here are the choices to pick: answer "yes" to Plug n' play, "yes" to debugging symbols, deselect "all" and select "hda-intel", then save & exit03:43
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dooglussethk: if you're doing <<<for i in *.tar; do tar xf "$i"; done>>> then the filenames can have anything they like in them I believe03:43
nickrudsethk, uh, that is what I meant, but didn't say.03:44
naliothparti: if you've started the LiveCd, and run "sudo gparted" then it should be self-explanatory03:44
partiYeah, I think I don't trust it either.. but.. I must give it a chance. becuase I don't ahve any space at all in my Ubuntu partition03:44
partiand thus, it dosn't allow me to save anything.03:44
steve_laptopcrimsun, ok will reduo it03:44
viscountnickrud, I know about it, but Im trying to learn how to do it myself03:44
sethkparti, make sure the partition is backed up before you resize03:44
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viscountnickrud, i know about sbackup i mean..03:44
pashawnalioth,  she said it displayed  drive in-use  when she tried to apply changes03:44
nickrudviscount, then take a look at the howtos on tldp.org (the linux documentation project)03:44
naliothpashaw: then parti is not using the LiveCD, it sounds like03:44
partiWell, the thing is that I cannot back it up. Since I don't have any spaces at all :( I cannot even burn a CD, since it also requeres to have spaces for the cache I believe03:45
mcjerryParagon 7tools Partition Manager is about the most reliable partition utility i have used03:45
naliothparti: if you have no free space, your partition resizing is not gonna go well03:45
pashawparti,  you cant resize a drive if its full03:46
partiI'm runnign from a Live CD Nalioth. I'm pretty sure about it. )03:46
partioh... man...03:46
dooglusparti: I had a problem with gparted giving me an odd error message.  It might have been the same one you're seeing.  The solution was to go back to windows and repair the small error that was on the NTFS partition03:46
partiWell, I want to GIVE MORE spaces to Ubuntu03:46
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sethkparti, can you temporarily use the ubuntu space for resizing?  back up the ubuntu partition, then restore it?03:47
partithe error that was on NTFS partition? I didn't get a single error...03:47
pashawparti,  boot windows and find out how much free space your NTFS drive reports03:47
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nickrudwhat's the fdisk command for deleting a windows partition again?03:47
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dooglusparti: I didn't either until I ran "chkdsk/f" in windows.  the regular scanner didn't find it, but gparted did, and couldn't fix it03:47
partiMy NTFS partition has like 28 GB of free spaces03:47
anthonydoes anyone here know about mysql?03:47
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partiand my Ubuntu has 1 GB of free space03:47
anthonyim trying to start it, but it continues to fail03:48
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user_ /etc/profile03:48
user_that is the file for global configuration of bash03:48
user_if i have that03:49
nickruduser_, yes.03:49
steve_laptopcrimsun, ok done03:49
mcjerryparti, can you still boot to windows?03:49
pashawparti,   is windows running right now  with the LiveCD in a window?03:49
user_ ~.bashrc is not required?03:49
crimsunsteve_laptop: now, sudo module-assistant a-i alsa-source03:49
user_the global file is sufficent?03:49
dooglususer_: /etc/profile only runs for login shells.  most people don't run login shells03:49
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nickruduser_, a second. Let me find you a link that explains how all those files fit together.03:49
user_no no03:50
user_i search03:50
partiI've chuted down WIndows03:50
steve_laptopcrimsun, building now03:50
=== nurfe [n=diss@h24-207-70-68.dlt.dccnet.com] has joined #ubuntu
user_you find english site03:50
user_i'm italian03:50
sproingieanthony: try #mysql03:50
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viscountnickrud, I guess I'll have to write my own howto after I figure this out03:50
partibefore I turned on the conputer and loged to the Live CD03:50
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dooglususer_: read the 'bash' manual.  go to the end, then back a page or two.  you'll see a list of the files it uses in the 'FILES' section.03:50
dooglususer_:        /etc/profile03:50
dooglus              The systemwide initialization file, executed for login shells03:50
steve_laptopcrimsun, loading and done03:51
crimsunsteve_laptop: cat /proc/asound/version03:51
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dooglususer_: if you want a file which is used by *every* bash, for every user, use /etc/bash.bashrc03:51
viscountsteve_laptop, well I've got the time if you do03:52
steve_laptopcrimsun, Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version
partiBRB. I'm going to try again.03:53
=== DonVincenzo [n=vincent@AGrenoble-152-1-58-141.w83-201.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
viscountsteve_laptop, when you do incremental backups do you use tar? with -G -g  thats what Im trying to figure out03:53
nickrudviscount, there should be a good howto already on that site, I'm sure I got my backup scheme from there03:53
crimsunsteve_laptop: good. Now paste the output from amixer onto pastebin again.03:53
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niffesteve_laptop: what was the program you say was good with wifi?03:53
steve_laptopviscount, you can also go to #scalug and talk to bob I think he can help you to .....03:53
viscountnickrud, yeah there is a few, but not what im looking for03:53
maddashEverybody, a YONAH laptop is out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!03:53
dooglusmaddash: a what?03:54
steve_laptopniffe wlassistant03:54
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nameeate1sethk: I know have 5 with errors ;)03:54
steve_laptopcrimsun, ok03:54
sethknameeate1, what's going on, do you know?03:54
servoeLQuestion: Building dependency tree... Done03:54
servoeLPackage sysv-rc-conf is not available, but is referred to by another package.03:54
servoeLThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or03:54
servoeLis only available from another source03:54
servoeLE: Package sysv-rc-conf has no installation candidate03:54
nickruduser_, if you're still here, I'm still looking I found a great one yesterday, I swear :)03:55
=== dailyrorschach [n=gary@ool-44c4dd32.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
nameeate1sethk: I have absolutely no idea, when i used to ssh into this box it used to work03:55
=== geogeek gtg mau ketemu dosen skripsi :D
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maddashdooglus: Yonah! on a laptpo!!!03:55
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maddashdooglus: laptop*!03:55
sethknameeate1, sounds like it's been hacked, although I doubt that is really true03:55
dailyrorschachanyone know where I can find the list of repositories to use for breezy, and where to download the multimedia codecs03:56
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nameeate1sethk: I doubt that aswell ;)03:56
sethknameeate1, multiple corrupted files is just such a bizarre thing03:56
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nickruduser_, http://www.tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/sect_03_01.html03:57
nameeate1sethk: its back to just those original 2 now03:57
_jasonubotu tell dailyrorschach about multimedia03:57
crimsunsteve_laptop: does aplay give you anything?03:57
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steve_laptophold on03:57
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=== WebLOCH [n=WebLOCH@82-34-95-143.cable.ubr05.gill.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
WebLOCHhey guys03:57
nickrudubotu tell dailyrorschach about repositories03:58
nameeate1sethk: could it be because i have very limited ram?03:58
aTypicalHello, WebLOCH03:58
WebLOCHIve checked man before you tell me to, but I just downloaded something that is in about 10 zip files, but the unzip command doesn't seem to cater for split zips, can anyone help ?03:58
WebLOCHaTypical, hey03:58
sethknameeate1, it's possible, if programs crash in the middle of things because of the memory limit03:58
sethknameeate1, and the programmers were very, very lazy03:58
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=== finalcut [n=Bill@pool-71-251-241-239.char.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
dooglusdoes the mplayer-plugin for firefox play .wav files correctly?  it doesn't for me.  it seems to load them, but I don't hear anything.04:00
finalcutanyone have a minute to help me with mp3 burning?04:00
dooglusan example: http://slovnik.seznam.cz/sound/A/A4694.WAV04:00
DonVincenzohi, I would like to completely supress windows from my pc, and I need some information to carry this one. I thought that I should suppress the ntfs partition, and the GRUB entries.Are there other operations to do ?04:00
dooglusan example: http://slovnik.seznam.cz/sound/A/A4694.WAVD#04:01
dooglusDonVincenzo: other than the filesystem and the bootloader that should be it04:01
azuronCan Ubuntu be installed offline??04:01
crimsunazuron: yes.04:02
pashawDonVincenzo,   supress?  you mean hide the windows install?04:02
azuronIf I wanna install packages like GCC G++04:02
dooglusazuron: that's the usual way04:02
crimsunazuron: hence why it's 1 CD.04:02
steve_laptopcrimsun,  grrr not getting anything and my wife going to be here in 10 so will have to finsh tomorrow if thats ok04:02
=== Toma- [n=lin4me@203-59-182-157.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
azuroncrimsun, How to do that please?04:02
finalcuthas anyone in here used serpentine or gnomebaker to burn audio cds from mp3s?04:02
crimsunsteve_laptop: np, I'm outta here myself.04:02
dooglusazuron: I don't think you get g++ on the install media04:02
azuronBut what should I do if I wanna install GCC and G++?04:02
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nickrudazuron, apt-get install build-essential04:02
steve_laptopcrimsun,  thanks AGAIN!!!04:02
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azuronnickrud, Can I use that option offline??04:03
azurondooglus, Can I download the packages to somewhere and install from hard disk?04:03
nickrudazuron, hm, you can try. I would expect that to be on the cd04:03
azuronnickrud, Cool, let me do it.04:03
dooglusazuron: sure.  go to http://packages.ubuntu.com/ , find the packages you need, including all the dependancies, and use "sudo dpkg -i <package.deb>" on each of them04:04
nickrudof course, I'm net enabled, so am very fuzzy where the cd ends and the net starts04:04
markiveis there any extra repostitorys i can add? maybe for some more gnome stuff or wireless bluetoothe etc04:04
azurondooglus, Is there a document on how to do it detailed please? I have never done such a thing before :)04:04
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user_i'm creating a minimal distribution and i need a bashrc and bashprofile04:05
user_that do not need strange thing04:05
dooglusazuron: I don't know of one, but I've not looked.04:05
dooglusazuron: are you on ubuntu at the moment?04:05
markive_jason are you here?04:05
jaakkoHi guys, do you think one would be able to install Ubuntu & Gnome on 256 megs?04:05
_jasonmarkive yes04:05
azurondooglus, Nope, but another machine next to me is running Ubuntu04:05
nickruduser_, the ones that come with ubuntu are extremely minimal04:05
markivecan you pm me04:05
servoeLI need help with this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6044  sysv-rc-conf04:06
servoeLcant find it?04:06
_jasonmarkive ask your quesiton here.  If I don't know you'll have almost 600 other people taht can help04:06
pashawjaakko,   ??? RAM you mean right   yes04:06
dooglusjaakko: memory? yes.  disk? no.04:06
azurondooglus, Where should I put the *.deb if I have downloaded them? to make Ubuntu find them?04:06
nickrud!tell servoeL  about repositories04:06
jaakkopashaw, dooglus: I'm talking 'bout disk space, not ram :)04:06
_jasonmarkive you're asking about extra repositories.  Have you enabled multiverse and universe?04:07
nickrudservoeL, the message you got will tell you how to enable the repos that have sysv-rc-conf04:07
dooglusazuron: put them anywhere on the machine - let's say your Desktop.  then run a terminal window, type "cd ~/Desktop" in it, then type "sudo dpkg -i gcc-4.0-blah-whatever.deb"04:07
pashawjaakko,   no   youll need one of the much smaller distros04:07
markive_jason ah ok  , i'm still strugling to register my nick , i've read the instructions, but i'm not that bright..:(04:07
azuronlol dooglus ^_^ thank you very much!!!04:07
markive_jason yeah i added them04:07
dooglusazuron: if you already have a machine running the same version of ubuntu which is net enabled, install the packages you want in it, and you'll be able to find them in the package cache - so you don't have to hunt down the dependancies04:08
jaakkopashaw: I need a disto fitting 256 CF card (for silent HTPC) and I just love Ubuntu :)04:08
_jasonmarkive /msg nickserv register THE_PASSWORD_YOU_WANT_HERE04:08
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azurondooglus, Really?? Where can I find the pak cache??04:08
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dooglusazuron: the package cache is in /var/cache/apt/archives04:09
steve_laptopviscount, look here see if anything is help full my wife called and 10 min out shit im going to do the dishes :)04:09
azuronThank you!!!!04:09
dailyrorschachanyone know how to get the quicktime codecs?04:09
dailyrorschachand so on04:09
_jasonmarkive then once you register you type the following to identify yourself: /msg nickserv identify THE_PASSWORD_YOU_CHOSE04:09
dooglusazuron: glad I could help04:09
nickrud!tell dailyrorschach about restricted04:09
viscountsteve_laptop, eh?04:09
azurondooglus, I really appreciate your help! :) Have a nice day, or night04:10
markiveit says i'm already registered04:10
dooglusazuron: I'm not sure what the best way of installing them is04:10
markiveam i?04:10
azurondooglus, I dont want the best solution, I want the workable solution ^^04:10
dooglusazuron: I'm guessing that dpkg might get a bit angry if you try installing a package before its dependancies04:10
azuronand I think it's easy enough04:10
=== viscount watches steve_laptop scramble to do dishes.. haha
steve_laptopviscount, LOLOL http://www.linux-backup.net/App/04:10
markivei need to remember the password04:10
dooglusazuron: I guess then just install them in alphabetical order over and over until they work.04:10
pashawjaakko,  distro watch   should give you some small distro options04:11
markiveis there a password reset?04:11
nickrudazuron, wiki.ubuntu.com/PersonalRepositories has a simple way to make your own package cache04:11
azurondooglus, How can I know the right order to install em?04:11
azuronnickrud, Thanx04:11
dooglusazuron: it looks like "dpkg -i" accepts a "-R" flag to install a whole directory of packages in one go04:12
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dooglusazuron: so put them in a new folder /home/azuron/packages and then run "sudo dpkg -i -R /home/azuron/packages" - that should do it04:12
viscountsteve_laptop, thanks man, i'll take a look04:12
markive_jason i can't remember the password  , i managed the first bit before but not the "identify" bit04:12
dooglusazuron: note that I've never tried doing that.  but it might work :)04:13
azuronI will have a try ^^04:13
kakeihey guys how can i connect to a FTP with a shell04:13
_jasonmarkive I don't know how to reset the password.  There is '/msg nickserv set password NEW_PASSWORD', but I would assume you need to identify to use that04:13
doogluskakei: type "ftp"04:13
Xenguykakei: wget or lftp04:13
dailyrorschachafter installing the w32codecs, how can I view qucktime movies within firefox04:13
markivecan anyone get on the nickserv and tell me the first letter of the password? i'll remmeber it with a jog04:14
nickruddailyrorschach, the page mentions mozilla-mplayer04:14
pashawkakei,   type ftp     then open   then enter the ip04:14
dailyrorschachmy fault04:14
markive_jason who runs nickserv?04:14
kakei?Invalid command04:15
kakei pashaw when i put the ip04:15
_jasonmarkive if you set it earlier during this session you may be able to tap the up button in the server window where you were entering your commands and see what you typed.  I don't know who runs nickserv04:15
Xenguykakei: maybe -> ftp ftp://blahblah.com04:15
markive_jason it was a few weeks ago  , less than  a month, but i can't rememebr anything  , i'm useless04:15
pashawkakei,   you typed  ftp <enter>     open <enter>     then entered the address or DNS name04:16
=== Jonas^ [n=chatzill@0x3e42a2f4.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
doogluskakei: type "ftp ftp.server.com"04:16
markivelemme try a few password it ight be04:16
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TheRabbitSo my mom brought home this picture CD from Walgreens and I don't know how to open it on Ubuntu...04:16
markiveDAm i can't remebr my password :(04:17
dooglusmarkive: do you log IRC messages?  maybe its in your logfiles04:17
kakeipashaw how do i download a folder ?04:17
markivegood idea , if its on by default04:18
=== UFO [n=UFO@dsl-hkigw2-fe1dde00-73.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
ProN00bTheRabbit, search for jpg files on it04:18
markivedooglus where would i look?04:18
dooglusmarkive: which client?04:18
finalcutanyone, anyone at all can help me get serpentine or gnomebaker to burn mp3 files?04:18
TheRabbitI don't know the names of the images or the format actually04:18
pashawkakei,   type help  for commands04:18
nameeate1gnomebaker autoconverted my mp3/ogg files04:18
Madpilot!tell finalcut about mp304:18
nameeate1that could be a problem tho04:19
pashawkakei,   get   and put  are the basics04:19
finalcutthanks madpilot04:19
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dooglusmarkive: I think then it will be in ~/.xchat2/xchatlogs/ - but it's been a while since I stopped using xchat04:19
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markiveis that in /usr?04:20
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dooglusmarkive: no, ~ is your home directory04:20
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markivei'm very new to linux :( i'm sorry for my dumbnus04:20
UFOHey, why should i choose Ubuntu?04:20
doogluss'ok, it's a bit different than windows04:20
pashawUFO,    clearly because we did04:20
dooglusUFO: it's what they all run on your home planet04:20
XenguyUFO: It's good :-)04:21
nickrudUFO, because it works, mostly?04:21
dailyrorschachanyone get the ati drivers to work on a dell laptop?04:21
realossanybody who can help me to find libstdc++.so.5 to be used for ubuntu 5.10 released04:21
_jasonmarkive you may want to consider using a different nick04:21
TheRabbit...linux makes me sad...how do I browse my cdrom?04:21
markivedooglus, i'm sorry , its beyond my comprihension04:21
Madpilotwhat's the command-line (apt-get) equivalent of Synaptic's "update all packages"?04:21
dabaRrealoss: install libstdc++504:21
UFOI got the04:21
nickrudrealoss, libstdc++504:21
realosswhere can i get it04:21
nickrudhi dabaR :)04:21
ProN00bUFO, its a usable fork of debian, and debian has proven itself on the server already04:21
MadpilotTheRabbit: you should be able to browse it from the file manager04:21
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markivemaybe another nick04:21
markivelemme try04:21
dooglusmarkive: open nautilus, go to your home folder, and - um - what's that obscure key sequence to reveal hidden files?04:22
nickrudrealoss, it's in the repos, apt-get install libstdc++504:22
UFOAti x700 working with vesa at the moment with fujitsu siemens04:22
realossok thanks nickrud04:22
=== markive is now known as _markive
_jasondooglus markive ctrl+H04:22
largoswhat do people reccomend for managing songs on an ipod with ubuntu?04:22
=== admrl [n=admrl@71-10-134-206.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
pashawMadpilot,    apt-get update   then upgrade   or dist-upgrade04:22
_markiveright i'll do the first bit04:22
_markivei'll scroll up04:22
=== JRlinux [n=JRlinux@gw02.applegatebroadband.net] has joined #ubuntu
Madpilotpashaw: upgrade, then. thanks04:22
=== dailyrorschach [n=gary@ool-44c4dd32.dyn.optonline.net] has left #ubuntu []
dabaR UFO choose is for your operating system on your computer.04:23
UFOYes i'm using the Ubuntu now and seems to work quit well04:23
dooglus_markive: see the 'places' menu at the top?  and 'home' on there?04:23
=== IRCMonkey [n=chatzill@c-24-1-59-28.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kakeihow can i get a completly folder via shell with ftp>04:23
steve_laptopviscount, sorry did that link help you? whats your trying to fo is a snapshot right?04:23
dabaRUFO: also, join us now and share the software.04:23
TheRabbitWhere is my cdrom directory located... >.<04:23
steve_laptopnow the phone04:23
viscountsteve_laptop, yeah I got it now, thanks man04:23
dooglusUFO: you'll be free, hacker, you'll be freeeeeee04:23
nickrudkakei, if you have gnome, you might want to try gftp. It's not perfect, but generally gets the job done.04:23
Xenguydooglus: haha04:24
kakeii use kde04:24
MadpilotTheRabbit: Places menu -> Home Folder - then look right at the bottom, you should see a CDROM symbol - it's like Windows Explorer, basically04:24
kakeiand gFTP crash for me04:24
nickrudkakei, then, I think its kbear?04:24
TheRabbitI think I found it, thanks for the help04:24
nickrudgftp crashes, yes ;(  I used to really depend on that app.04:24
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_markiveI think i'm good04:25
MadpilotgFTP bites... thankfully the FileZilla3 Linux port is coming along...04:25
=== Jonas^ [n=chatzill@0x3e42a2f4.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
dabaRMadpilot: you're ok.04:25
_markivedo i look registered?04:25
kakeii want to backup my site on my HD =(04:25
scanwinderwine wont let me eject a cd when its running...and im trying to install something that needs me to switch the cd's...........is there a wine irc channel?04:25
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_jason_markive yes you are identified04:25
kakeiand trying to change and look for a good hosting any recomendations?04:25
kakeihttp://kakei.us is my site04:25
Xenguyscanwinder: #winehq04:26
=== Ty- [n=Ty@a.xptek.be] has joined #ubuntu
scanwinderXenguy: thanks04:26
_markive_jason  , thanks so much , and dooglus i think it was  , the world needs more people like l04:26
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_markivelike you04:26
_markivethanks for you pateince04:26
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_jason_markive np04:27
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_markive_jason  , who was the other helper04:27
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_jason_markive I think dooglus helped you as well04:27
dabaRIt was the simpson's dog off course, santa's little helper.04:27
_markivei'll scroll up04:27
_markivedooglus yes.. it was , thanks guys04:28
dooglusno problem.04:28
dabaROK, but stupid jokes aside, talk to you later.04:28
UFOWhat is better in Ubuntu than in Debian?04:28
XenguyUFO: The desktop is more pre-configured04:29
viscounthot sex04:29
_markivei want to leave M$ world, its all i've known for 15 years :S04:29
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benplautUFO, more up-to-date packages, a bit more friendly community :P (and it's huge), great documentation04:29
Madpilot_markive: welcome to the Light04:29
=== uber_spaced [n=uber@pcp08953743pcs.trentn01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
MadpilotSide,then! (blasted enter key!)04:29
_markiveufo it worked straight out the box on my dell d600, wireless , bluetooth, pcmcia everything04:29
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=== _markive thinks ubuntu is sent from god
pete_hello all; wondering about setting up an HP G55 all-in-one with jetdirect as a scanner04:30
dabaR_markive: ubuntu is a continuation of a long effort.04:30
cdubya_markive, yeah, ubuntu pretty much rocks.04:31
richardI am wondering when the debian offspring will once more converge.04:31
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dabaRrichard: if you want a meaningful answer, explain what you mean by that vague sentence.04:31
=== Danl [n=Danl@cpe-069-132-086-121.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
uber_spacedwhat packages do I need to install to get CPAN working correctly?04:32
Danlwhats a good source for assisting in the update from debian to ubuntu04:32
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uber_spacedor at least is there a good resource for finding out what Ubuntu doesnt install by default?04:32
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poningru!.lit is <reply> .LIT is a proprietry ebook format put out by microsoft (more info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ebook#Microsoft), to convert .lit files to html take a look at clit: http://www.kyz.uklinux.net/convlit.php04:33
ubotuponingru: okay04:33
ubotu.LIT is a proprietry ebook format put out by microsoft (more info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ebook#Microsoft), to convert .lit files to html take a look at clit: http://www.kyz.uklinux.net/convlit.php04:33
pete_i'd use the synaptic package manager - it really is great for installing04:33
richardWell Ubuntu is like many distros a branch or the offspring of the Debian project. Currently there are just enough differences to make them each seperate distros. I am wondering when they will once ore converge and the differences will no longer prevent interoperability04:33
dabaRDanl: you want to change from a Debian insatll to a Ubuntu install by upgrading the system?04:33
_markivewhat benifts are there from being registered?04:33
finalcutthanks again, Madpilot - i have it working now :O)04:34
dabaRponingru: do that in private, please.04:34
Danli want to change from debian to ubuntu04:34
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dabaRDanl: I believe you have to reinstall. I am not sure though.04:34
Madpilotponingru: there's actually an app called "clit"? ...04:35
cafuegoDanl?dabaR; Yes, you do.04:35
=== Jonas^ [n=chatzill@0x3e42a2f4.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
Danlthere in lies the probelm... i can't reinstall...04:35
richardYes to switch from Debian to Ubuntu requires a complete reinstall.04:35
cafuegoDanl: Why not?04:35
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Danlim running colinux04:35
dabaRMadpilot: don't be vulgar.04:35
cafuego!find bin/clit04:35
rinzai-shurichard: i believe Ubuntu and Debian both have two distinctly different stated goals as distributions, and hence, will not "converge" as you put it any time soon.  course i could be wrong, but i doubt it in this case...04:35
_markivebrb need food04:35
poningruI didnt think about that04:36
poningruyou guys have a dirty mind04:36
dabaR_markive: noone can take your nick, and also you can talk to ubotu in private.04:36
cafuegoDanl: Well, you can _try_ converting...04:36
nickrudrinzai-shu, etch+1 maybe04:36
cafuegoDanl: Step one is to remove any non-essentail package.04:36
Danli was thinking about replacing everything in the sources list04:36
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rinzai-shunickrud: say whaaaaa?04:36
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cafuegoDanl: Then you change sources.list, distt-upgrade. Then replace any remaining debian version packages04:37
nickrudrinzai-shu, convergence, and I have better hopes than that.04:37
ubotuUbuntu Package/File/Desc Search of 'bin/clit' returned no results.04:37
dabaRrichard: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarkShuttleworth for the take on your question by the person that conceptualized Ubuntu and is funding it mostly.04:37
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Danlthat was my idea... but didn't know if it would work...04:37
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Danlwell lets see...04:37
jordo23_Are there any DiVX or XViD codecs for Ubuntu?04:37
cafuegoDanl: Only way to know for sure is to try.04:37
richardThank you dabaR04:37
MadpilotdabaR: just surprised... even for *nix, that's quite a name for an app...04:37
jordo23_For totem player04:37
cafuegoDanl: I did it about  ayear ago, but back then Ubuntu and Debian weren't as diverse.04:38
irvin!ubotu restricted formats04:38
uboturestricted formats is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats or 'codecs'04:38
cafuego!tell jordo23_ -about w32codecs04:38
uboturestricted is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed here have been replaced by !FreeFormats04:38
dabaRponingru: no, we don't have a dirty mind, you're too much of a geek...04:38
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed here have been replaced by !FreeFormats04:38
UFOYep where can i find the codecs for ubuntu?04:38
Danl:: crosses fingers and starts looking for list of sources for ubuntu04:38
cafuego!tell UFO -about w32codecs04:38
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borisattvahello i'm trying to burn some bootable ubunut dvds, that are supposed to be combo install and LIVEi perform the burning by doing right click and "write to dvd" over the ISO file. the process seems to complete succesfully, and the files are cessible in linux environment, but the dvd itself is not bootable. on non of the pcs i tried, while other media seems to boot just fine. is there another way i should burn these to make them bootab04:38
_markiveufoi just copied the win32 stuff to /usr/lib04:39
rinzai-shunickrud: and therein lies the beauty of free and open source software...if you want, you are free to combine Debian, and Ubuntu into your own special converged distribution, and release it as whatever you want (maybe Debibuntu, I don't know) but you'll have much better odds forking your own distro than changing the stated goals of either Debian or Ubuntu on your own methinks04:39
dabaRborisattva: you sure your computer is set to boot from that drive?04:39
_markivei don't think i got the  universe stuff put in04:39
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borisattvadabar: yep. i checked the bootsequence and i confirmed by testing with with winxp bootable cds04:40
_markivedabar thanks04:40
_markivei'm duel oot04:40
_markive boot*04:40
nickrudrinzai-shu, I'm not mentioning changing goals; but, dapper is a long term release (with I think, the desktop changing overhead), maybe when etch or later comes out that can serve as the long term underlying release04:40
cafuegoborisattva: make sure you don't burn the CDs at more then 8X04:41
cafuegoborisattva: Probably 2X for DVDs04:41
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tiwihello, any body can tell me. I use the usb flash disk, but can't open,04:41
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UFODoes the codecs work in Turion64bit?04:41
dabaRcafuego: ? where did this come from?04:41
nickrudrinzai-shu, I just read about deb devels & their ubuntu alter-egos talking about trying04:41
cafuegoUFO: No04:41
rinzai-shunickrud: in this crazy world, you never know what may happen! ;-)04:41
dabaRnickrud: haha, alter egos.04:41
Danlwhere can i find a list of sources for breezy?04:41
cafuegodabaR: Depending on media, burning Ubuntu fast makes it broken. Dumb but true.04:41
tiwiand the massage is say " UNable to mount the selcted volume" what is mean04:41
nickrudheh, some of them wear 3 or 4 hats :)04:42
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awstottanyone know why i'm getting an Internal error, HAL failed to initialize04:42
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nomasteryodaawstott, you have a usb Hard drive plugged in when it happened?04:42
UFOShould i install 32bit version for more compatible with the software around the net?04:43
bachstudiesI have stupidly deleted my bottom panel on gnome. Is there any way to get the default panel back without having to add all the bits individually>04:43
awstottI was messing with mythtv and added my tv tuner to umm what file was that04:43
bur[n] erbachstudies: nope04:43
nomasteryodaoh, wait I got one of those on my kubuntu box too04:43
nomasteryodajust last night04:43
awstottthen I rebooted and voila I get this error04:43
cafuegoUFO: If you plan on watching avis, using java and accessing websites with flash, then yes.04:43
dooglusuber_spaced: ubuntu uses packages.  CPAN kind of clashes with ubuntu's packaging system.  there are packages available for most of the commonly used CPAN modules04:43
dabaRbur[n] er: there has to be.04:43
borisattvacafuego: i had it set to maximum before. do you think that could still be the cause even if the files are completely readable on the dvd? implying that perhaps the burning was sucessful?04:43
_markivecan someome help me putting universe in please04:44
cafuegoborisattva: No, just because you can see the files doesn't mean you can actually access their contents...04:44
cafuegodooglus: dh-make-perl04:44
UFOThat sUhould be on the first line of 64bit04:44
Madpilot_markive: have you seen the repos wiki page?04:44
dabaR_markive: take a look at http://dabar.selfip.org/synaptic.html for a guide on that and installing apps on Ubuntu. Let me know if you ned more help.04:44
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse follow section 2.3 in http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch02.html#addinguniverse - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) see also !easysource04:44
uber_spaceddooglus, so then is it OK if I dont try to mix and match using apt-get and cpan to install perl packages?04:44
borisattvaok, i'l try forcing it to burn at 1x04:45
dabaRMadpilot: can you make a different, fixed version of the breezy sources on the pastebin? I am lazy.04:45
cafuegouber_spaced: You can use the 'dh-make-perl' command to build customised .deb packages from CPAN sources automagically.04:45
uber_spacedi mean, if i preferr to do just cpan stuff, should that be ok?04:45
borisattvaactually it probably burnt them at a pretty slow rate, because it took almost an hour to complete the burn process.04:45
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_markivedabar thanks04:45
cafuegouber_spaced: That's a double win.04:45
_markivemadpilot no i havn't04:45
=== ubotu pours rinzai-shu a cold pint of his favourite beer.
_markivemadpilot can i have a link?04:45
=== rinzai-shu drinks joyously
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uber_spacedcafuego, so, lets just say that Class::DBI isn't in the apt-get list or whatever.  what commands would I use to make it into a .deb package?04:45
dabaR_markive: it is up there.04:45
cafuegouber_spaced: Just a moment...04:46
rinzai-shuHarpy Horrordays! Merry Crispness!04:46
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uber_spacedcafuego,  would it cause major conflicts?04:46
Madpilot!tell _markive about repos04:46
tiwihi, anybody can help ,I use the USB flashdisk but the driver is use FAT and I need to open the file. is there any way i can do04:46
nickruddabaR, speaking of your website, you need to pretty it up and move it to the wiki :)04:46
jordo23_What's the best movie player to watch DiVX movies under Gnome? I have already installed the codec pack.04:47
MadpilotdabaR: what's wrong with the current pastebin Breezy sources?04:47
dabaRnickrud: it is released under the gfdl, so you can do it too!04:47
nickruddabaR, you sneaky one04:47
dabaRMadpilot: did you read?04:47
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MadpilotdabaR: aside from the Hoary backports, which I just noticed and will kill...04:47
cafuegouber_spaced: 'sudo dh-make-perl --build --cpan Class::DBI'04:47
partiHey! I'm back !04:47
dabaRjordo23_: the one you find works best. Try vlc, mplayer, xine, and totem-xine.04:47
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dooglusuber_spaced: I'm not too sure about the whole thing.  But I really would expect some ubuntu packages to have dependancies on some CPAN modules - so you can't avoid using the ubuntu'ified CPAN modules.04:48
dabaRhey, its a parti!04:48
cafuegouber_spaced: It will configure cpan the first time it runs.04:48
dabaRtiwi: how are you trying to mount?04:48
partiit's "a" parti ? :P04:48
partiAnyway, I'm back with the same problem ><04:48
jordo23_dabaR: is there one that generally has less trouble playing Divx movies over a network connection? (I have the movies on a windows box, and am opening them through an SMB share)04:48
partiBut, this time I uploaded the image to ImageShack, so you can see :)04:49
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dabaRMadpilot: well, that is basically it, I guess, if you cant find other errors.04:49
MadpilotdabaR: the hoary-extras lines are gone from the Breezy pastebin now...04:49
dooglusjordo23_: I've played movies over a windows share fine with mplayer - but I mounted the share rather than using the weird GNOME vfs thingy04:49
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partiWhen I try to resize the partition using Gparted, I ge this: http://img241.imageshack.us/my.php?image=gpartedwarning7xy.png04:49
tiwidabar: sory I don't understand the meaning of mount. and I need to open the USB flashdisk, but the message say "UNABLE TO MOUNT THE SELCTED VOLUME"04:50
dabaRMadpilot: if you know how, make it all into one line with universe main restricted and multiverse.04:50
partidebar: ja ja ja. Yeah... with me the party starts :P04:50
dooglusparti: did you run the "chkdsk/f" in windows?04:51
partiyep, I did.04:51
partiand this is what it told me04:51
dooglusparti: is the drive mounted automatically?  if so, "umount" it04:51
dabaRtiwi: so, you put the usb in, and then the icon for it appears, but when you try double-clicking the icon, or selecting it from the menu, you get that error?04:51
MadpilotdabaR: yeah, my own sources.list is set up that way, I'll edit further...04:52
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dabaRMadpilot: and fix up ubotu's factoid. Good man, I am soo lazy to do anything:)04:52
partiChldsk cannot run because the Volume is in use by another process. Would you like to schedule this volume to be checked the next time  the system restarts? (Y/N)04:52
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dooglusparti: say 'y' to that04:52
dooglusparti: then reboot04:53
partiand, I put Y04:53
partiand, then I restarted.04:53
partiAnd, it scanned my NTFS partition. ANd it didn't gtave me any erros at all,04:53
dooglusand you saw it checking, before windows came back up - fine.04:53
partigtabe --> gave04:53
MadpilotdabaR: what's wrong with the factoid itself?04:53
tiwiDABAR: yes, can you tell me how to open it.04:54
dooglusparti: so the next thing to do is to see if the ntfs partition is mounted when you boot the live cd04:54
dabaRwell, it is pointing to that address. Can you change that particular pastebin entry? I thouhgt you could only make new ones.04:54
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partiok. How do I do that ?04:54
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dooglusparti: run a terminal after booting the live cd and type "mount" to see what's mounted04:54
dooglusparti: look especially for the word "ntfs"04:54
_markivetime for bed04:55
dabaRtiwi: no, but I can try figuring out with you. Please paste the output of "mount" from a terminal to a pastebin. pastebins are at paste.ubuntu-nl.org04:55
_markivetha nks for your help tonight chaps04:55
partiubuntu@66-190-246-254:~$ mount04:55
parti/dev/mapper/casper-snapshot on / type auto (rw,noatime)04:55
partiproc on /proc type proc (rw)04:55
partisysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw)04:55
partidevpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620)04:55
partitmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw)04:55
partiusbfs on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw)04:55
partitmpfs on /lib/modules/2.6.12-9-386/volatile type tmpfs (rw,mode=0755)04:55
partitmpfs on /tmp type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev)04:55
partitmpfs on /dev type tmpfs (rw,size=10M,mode=0755)04:55
MadpilotdabaR: hmm, you're right - editing the pastebin actually creates a new pastebin entry... I'll change the factoid04:55
ubotufrom memory, pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org04:55
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partiI don't see NTFS...04:56
dooglusparti: nothing ntfs-ish there04:56
_markivegood night all and Merry Christmas04:56
dabaRparti: post to pastebin, not to the channel, please. Post the output of dmesg to pastebin, please.04:56
dabaR_markive: see ya.04:56
flankk_markive, Merry Christmas!04:56
partiahh.. pastebin ?04:56
dabaRHowdy Ho!04:56
dooglusparti: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/04:56
partiWhy should I post it there? What does it do?04:57
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dooglusparti: it's like imageshack, but for text04:57
pashawparti,  your paste pushed like 4 other peoples questions off the screen04:58
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uber_spacedthanks for the info.04:58
uber_spacedhappy holidays.04:58
partiOh. O'm sorry.04:59
dabaRparti: sorry, I thought I was talking to tiwi instead of you...04:59
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partiDidn't know of pastebin04:59
dabaRparti: no need to post dmesg.04:59
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richardDoes anyone know why when I reboot my ubuntu v5.10 it does not pick up on my Westell DSL modem without me going into 'ADMINISTRATION' --> 'NETWORKING' and then deactivating the Ethernet and reactivating it?04:59
parti.. ok ><04:59
dabaRrichard: ya, cause breezy sucks for that. Can you post your /etc/network/interfaces file to pastebin?04:59
sklavrichard, i have similar issue with my pppoe connection04:59
MadpilotdabaR: all the ubotu factoids should be up to date now05:00
sklavon 5.10 breezy05:00
dabaRMadpilot: good, thank you.05:00
MadpilotdabaR: I fixed !repos, !repositories and !sources - any others you can think of?05:00
partimmm. I'm lost05:00
dabaRsklav: you do that same thing I told richard then.05:01
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partiSo.. enybody has some idea?05:01
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partiok, there are new plp here :)05:01
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nickrudwell, we had high hopes05:02
richardOk dabaR I have pasted it to ethoIssue05:02
sethkrichard, obviously, it does pick up your dsl modem.  If it did not pick up the dsl modem, you could go to the admin tool and activate it.  You said you deactivate it, then reactivate it05:02
partiI am trying to resize my partiton, giving more space to my Ubuntu. but, Gparted in the Live CD dosn't seem to work05:02
sethkrichard, you can't deactivate something that isn't there05:02
tiwiDabar: I have try, thank you05:02
sethkrichard, so you are asking the wrong question05:02
richardYes sethk I have to Deactivate then Activate it agian.05:02
sethkrichard, the correct question is, why is the configuration of the dsl modem not correct after boot, NOT why isn't the dsl modem detected05:03
dooglusparti: I ended up using a program called 'ntfsresize' I think05:03
richardok sethk05:03
dooglusparti: it resized the filesystem but didn't shrink the partition to match - I had to do that by hand.05:03
sethkrichard, I'm not just being pedantic; we have to look in a different place for the problem.05:03
dooglusparti: would you be up for trying that?05:03
partiI will be up05:04
partiMy computer is my life !! :D05:04
dooglusparti: do you have 'resizentfs' on the livecd?05:04
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richardSo what do you suggest sethk05:04
partiresizentfs ?05:04
sethkrichard, I would start by doing dmesg > outputfile  (some file name, that is, capture the dmesg output so we can search it), and look in dmesg and in /var/log/messages to find out what happens during the (incorrect) configuration after boot05:04
sethkrichard, also05:04
sethkrichard, after boot, but before fixing, do ifconfig -a05:05
dooglusparti: something like that05:05
viscountany suggestions of a good gnome firewall app?05:05
sethkrichard, that will tell us how the o/s has set up the interface05:05
partibash: resizentfs: command not found05:05
tiwiDabar: i wait for the reply, thank you for you file he he he05:05
partinor do I see it in the Menus05:05
sethkrichard, the -a gives more info than ifconfig without -a05:05
MadpilotdabaR: try "any idea" with ubotu in pm :D05:05
=== SOMNIVM [i=somnivm@106.16.102-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu
partisudo apt-get install gparted ntfsprogs ?05:05
sethkrichard, when you do the deactivate and reactivate, messages  will be written to /var/log/messages05:05
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dabaRtiwi: my file? you click on show details in that box, and also open a terminal and run "mount" then paste to pastebin the output.05:06
sethkrichard, comparing whats written during boot and what's written on activate may help us figure out what goes wrong05:06
dooglusparti: that's right05:06
pashawparti,   found some google posts about your NTFS problem, they solved it by resizing with Knoppix-liveCD QtParted they said same thing Ubuntu CD wouldnt resize NTFS05:06
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richardOk I did the dmesg05:06
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azuronWhat disk burn software to use under Ubuntu?05:06
azuronis there an available pkg in Universe??05:07
dabaRsethk: it is not an issue with that, it is an issue where the interfaces file has two entries for the pppoe.05:07
dabaRI can fix it for the,05:07
partiI will have to Download the knoppix iso !! ?  :(05:07
dooglusqtparted uses ntfsprogs, right?05:07
pashawparti,  this guys blog  read Dec15th  http://www.cs.ust.hk/~joseph/Blog/2005/11/ubuntu-on-ibm-thinkpad-t43-2668-hh5.html05:07
silvertonhow do I make the compiler compile with gcc3.4?05:07
dabaRI need a few minutes, cause I have a phone call.05:07
Madpilotazuron: there are a lot of burning apps in Ubuntu05:07
dooglusparti: you can just install "qtparted" if you like - "sudo apt-get install qtparted"05:07
grshprwhy not05:07
partiIs't it the same as Gparted but for KDE ?05:07
dooglussilverton: gcc-3.4 is the compiler.  you just need to install it05:08
azuronMadpilot, What do you recommend??? Easy to use?05:08
dooglusparti: it's similar, but they aren't just different front-ends to the same thing05:08
silvertondooglus, gcc-3.4 and gcc-4.0 is installed05:08
azuronMadpilot, I just wanna burn 195Mb data onto a CD05:08
silvertonand 4.0 is default05:08
partilet me try05:08
dooglusparti: apparently qtparted uses ntfsprogs and gparted doesn't05:08
Madpilotazuron: if you're burning data, just use Nautilus - the file manager in Ubuntu...05:08
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dooglussilverton: so "gcc-3.4 file.c" will use the 3.4 versin05:09
azuronMadpilot, How to use it to burn disk?05:09
silvertonwhat if I'm using the make command?05:09
dabaRrichard: do you have a router+modem DSL, or just modem?05:09
Madpilotazuron:  in Naut, use the Go menu --> CD/DVD creator05:09
tiwidabar : Error: given UDI is not a mountable volume05:09
azuronMadpilot, Cool thank you :)05:09
dooglussilverton: the make command uses "Makefile" to tell it what compiler to use05:09
partiit seems that gparted also has ntfsprogs05:09
Madpilotazuron: then drag'n'drop/copy the files you want to burn into that burning window05:10
partisudo apt-get install gparted ntfsprogs05:10
partiReading package lists... Done05:10
partiBuilding dependency tree... Done05:10
partigparted is already the newest version.05:10
partintfsprogs is already the newest version.05:10
parti0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.05:10
sethkdabaR, not an issue with what?05:10
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dabaRtiwi: please post that "mount" output. Apps>Accessories>Terminal, then run "mount" and post to pastebin.05:10
richarddabaR it says router on the bottom05:10
dabaRsethk: it is not a dmesg issue.05:10
dooglusparti: that doesn't mean that gparted needs ntfsprogs05:10
dooglusparti: try "qtparted"05:10
sethkdabaR, dmesg just displays information.  Nothing is an issue with dmesg05:10
dabaRrichard: what IP address do you have now? run "ifconfig" and then see what it says for inet addr:05:10
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parti... weird, i cannot isntall qtparted...05:11
sklavdabaR, i have the same issue05:11
richardis that safe to pass out on here?05:11
dooglusparti: why?05:11
sklavit seems to be with hotplug05:11
partisudo apt-get install qtparted05:11
partiReading package lists... Done05:11
partiBuilding dependency tree... Done05:11
partiE: Couldn't find package qtparted05:11
sklavi have yet to isolate it05:11
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dabaRrichard: is it a 192.something IP address?05:11
Madpilotparti: please stop pasting05:11
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ubotupaste is, like, totally, please use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ or #flood to paste large amounts of text05:11
dabaRparti: ya, we showed you pastebin.05:11
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richardyes it is dabaR05:11
parti... I forget about that..05:12
partiAnyway,from now on I should remember.05:12
dooglusparti: you need to enable the 'universe' repos05:12
tiwidabar: this is the the massage =  Error: given UDI is not a mountable volume05:12
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troyI have a small problem, I installed ubuntu but had no network cable connected when running the install -- now I've connected the cable but I don't get a network automatically (ifconfig shows nothing) -- what do I do to get the network up (dhcp)05:12
sethkrichard, DSL it's both a modem and a router, if you have a typical DSL setup05:12
partiSo it is posible to aneblo the universe repo in the LIVE CD :D05:12
richardYes sethk I think you are correct05:12
dooglusparti: sure05:12
dooglusparti: you're on-line with it?05:13
sklavsethk i use ubuntu as my router05:13
partimmm ? Yep.05:13
=== minghua [n=minghua@69-153-139-23.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
silvertondooglus, I'm not finding the gcc option in Makefile05:13
sklavmy modem is just acting as a pass threw05:13
dooglussilverton: you don't see a "CC=" or anything?05:13
partiYes, I am online with the LIVE CD05:13
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Madpilotparti: you can, but everything you add will be lost when you stop using the liveCD05:13
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dabaRtiwi: ya, but I want the output of "mount", please.05:13
sethksklav, networks contain multiple routers05:13
silvertondooglus, no05:13
sklavi understand that05:13
dabaRrichard: ya, then it is a router. I do not see anything wrong there in interfaces, but, try removing the hostname part, may work.05:14
sklavim mentionning that im having a similar issue05:14
sethkrichard, comparing the ifconfig output after boot, and then after deactivate/activate is a good idea.05:14
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sethkrichard, I don't see how it can be a problem with interfaces.  that really doesn't make a lot of sense05:14
seth_k|lappyAll right... here's a question! I'm running gParted off a LiveCD to try to resize a FAT32 partition. If the partition is mounted, I can't change it because it's mounted. If I unmount it, I can't resize it because gParted can't read it! How do I make it follow my orders?05:14
dooglussilverton: try running "CC=gcc-3.4 make"05:14
sethkrichard, interfaces is the same when you boot and when you deactivate/activate05:14
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sklavsethk could it be the hotplug causing the issue?05:14
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse follow section 2.3 in http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch02.html#addinguniverse - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) see also !easysource05:14
partiwell, I'm trying to resize my partition from the LIVE CD, because I've reda from the Ubuntu Forums that it is the recommended way.05:15
sklavsethk could it be the hotplug causing the issue?05:15
richardI know what you mean. I dont get it either that is why I was asking you guys.05:15
sethksklav, well, sort of.  Probably more correct to say that hotplug is fixing the problem after activate05:15
richardWhat about wireless on Ubuntu? How is it?05:15
dabaRsethk: typical for what? You are not from north america, or are you?05:15
sklavhotplug seems to be were it chokes on my system05:15
sethkdabaR, I am, not that it makes any difference in this case.05:15
azuronUbuntu cannot identify my DVD-Burner!05:15
sklavu see when hotplug has a delay per say then i experience the issue05:15
dabaRno? I have a dsl modem only, and most people I know here in Canada do. Weird.05:15
robotgeekrichard: depends on your card05:15
sethkdabaR, your DSL modem is also a router05:15
sklavbut hotplug usually 4 out of 5 times works perfectly05:15
sklavalso from the command line a network restart05:16
robotgeekubotu: tell richard about wireless05:16
richardI just looked at Walmart. I do not want to spend a fortune on it.05:16
sklavwill not activate eth005:16
sklavfor some reason05:16
dabaRsethk: really? I never knew that, and still doubt it even after your sentence. How do you mean it is that too?05:16
=== dragoon [n=sam@dsl-203-113-237-62.SA.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
sklavit will activate lo and eth105:16
tiwidabaR: sory I don't family with Ubuntu. you mean the out put is the massage or what. sory Iam litter stupid05:16
dabaRsklav: post the /etc/network/interfaces file to pastebin.05:16
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sethkdabaR, it has an IP address to talk to your machine, and it has another ip address on the ISP side, and it routes packets between the addresses05:17
sethkdabaR, there is nothing to doubt, trust me, I've been designing and building this type of hardware for 30 years05:17
dragoonhaving a problem adding a third monitor to my xconfig05:17
dragoon                 http://janas.customer.netspace.net.au/xorg.conf is my config05:17
partiI am currenly updating the repo...05:17
=== nickrud wishes he had dragoon's problem
dabaRtiwi: that is fine. 1. Open a terminal. (Click Applications, then Accessories, then Terminal) 2. Type "mount" in the terminal, and hit enter. 3. Paste the output of "mount" from the terminal to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org05:18
dragoonnickrud: why is that05:18
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nickruddragoon, it would be an excuse to buy a bigger desk05:18
dabaRsethk: well, my computer has a public IP address.05:18
dragoonnickrud: its very annoying though - it should work fine05:18
sethkdabaR, and?05:19
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dabaRsethk: and that is why I believe it is a modem, rather than a router.05:19
wontezhello everyone05:19
dabaRsethk: will it say anything on the box as to it being a router?05:19
sethkdabaR, you're confused about exactly what a modem, and what a router, is.05:19
sethkdabaR, depends on the manufacturer05:19
wontezcan someone tell me if there is a nice NFS gui05:19
sklavsethk / dabaR here is my network interfaces file05:19
dabaRI work for an ISP, so Im not totally clueless, but only for about a year, so you have the years advantage there.05:20
sklavdabaR, sethk is right by the way05:20
=== hou5ton [n=hou5ton@n14-99-152-206.tranquility.net] has joined #ubuntu
sklava dsl modem can act as a router or a bridge05:20
sklavand so on05:20
sklavin his case its acting like a router05:20
dabaRweird. first time I hear that.05:21
sklavdo you own a dsl modem?05:21
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sklavif so open the book or manual that came with it05:21
dabaRwell, there is one here a few feet from me.05:21
sethkdabaR, I don't think we actually disagree, it is more a matter of terminology05:21
dooglusthe disk manager in ubuntu is fantastic - it just found an extra 4095 gigs of disk that I didn't know I had!05:21
sklavif so open the book or manual that came with it05:21
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dabaRsethk: I am not talking about disagreeing, I am looking for knowledge.05:21
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partiOk. I'm running QTparted now.05:21
tiwidabaR: ok,  i have send , can you see that05:22
dooglusI thought I only had a 40Gb disk in this laptop, but apparently it has 4095Gb free05:22
sklavdabaR, or sethk u see my pastebin ?05:22
sethksklav, I just pulled it up now05:22
nickruddragoon, the only thing that looks weird to me is the screen definition under the radeon device definition05:22
dabaRsklav: remove all lines under the ones for your eth0, and then rerun sudo pppoeconf, and then it should work on boot.05:22
dragoonnickrud: what looks wierd abou it05:22
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dabaRsklav: but show me your interfaces file again after you rerun pppoeconf.05:22
dragoonabout it05:22
sklavdabar it works on boot05:22
dabaRsklav: then what?05:22
sklavits inconsistant05:22
maehow can i list processes in order of memory consumption with 'ps' ?05:22
sklavsometimes it doesnt activate the interfaces05:23
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pashawdragoon, how many monitors are currently working correctly? 2?05:23
sethkmae, you can pipe the ps output to sort05:23
nickruddragoon, well, I would think that screen under device would be one of the plugs coming out of the card; you are attached to the only output (or first output) on the radeon05:23
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sethkmae, see man sort to find out how to sort on a column other than the first one05:23
dabaRtiwi: I can see, but I do not know what to do, sorry.05:23
=== Aviatrixie [n=erika@pool-71-240-43-184.pitt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
dragoonpashaw: yes two, on my 6600gt, running the 3rd - newly added one from a radeon 7000 pci05:23
dooglussethk: in the UK, wanadoo's DSL package comes with a modem which is only a modem.  if you want a DSL router, that's extra05:23
Llewxamcan anyone help me with compiling a driver? i'm getting some errors here when i make the file.05:24
dabaRsklav: I think doing what I told you will activate the interface on boot.05:24
sethkdooglus, that's just a different use of the term router05:24
dabaRsklav: because I did it several times for other people.05:24
sklavdabaR, it works on boot05:24
sklavthe problem is its inconsitant05:24
sethkdooglus, what that actually is, is a small hub or switch combined with the dsl modem/router05:24
sklavmy interface comes up on boot05:24
Aviatrixiegood evening :)05:24
dabaRsklav: be more specific what exactly you mean.05:24
sethkdooglus, it's a misuse of the terminology, since a switch doesn't route05:24
dabaRhi Aviatrixie .05:24
sklavok if i reboot this system05:24
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sklavchances are the pppoe will start05:25
sklavbut then again it might not05:25
azuronMadpilot, I am burning disk, thank you :)05:25
sklavmy redhat system does not have this issue05:25
pashawdragoon, thx, was curious as im using the twinview option for my quadro  and your config isnt05:25
sklavim new to ubuntu / debian05:25
dabaRsklav: ya, that is what I got the first time, anyhow, that is what I would try, as it worked on several other computers. YOu basically have 2 entries for dsl in that file, if you take a look, and that is what is happening, I saw it before, that fixed it before, you can try.05:26
sklavbut im using linux for 7 years05:26
tiwidabaR: ok never mine, but thk a lot your help. he he he05:26
Llewxammy error's posted in the pastebin....05:26
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sklavok dabaR i will try it05:26
sklavwhich part should i remove thought?05:26
dragoonpashaw: ah i see, i find this way nicer - seeing i can have different res on diff monitors05:26
Llewxamif anyone can help i'll appreciate it so i can be done with this. -.-'05:26
partiLook at this: http://img418.imageshack.us/my.php?image=qtparted3wy.png05:27
pashawdragoon, cool  im using matching LCDs so hadnt considered that05:27
dragoonah ok05:27
dragooni just got this 3rd monitor today - from dads work - they were getting rid of old ones so i asked him to grab me one05:27
sklavok brbr05:28
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sklavi will test what you said dabaR05:28
seth_k|lappyTrying again... I'm running gParted off a LiveCD to try to resize a FAT32 partition. If the partition is mounted, I can't change it because it's mounted. If I unmount it, I can't resize it because gParted can't read it! How do I make it follow my orders?05:28
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mikerozQuick question - I have Ubuntu 5.10 freshly installed on and AMD64 SMP platform. My apt-get sources were all screwed up - that I sort of/kind of fixed. However, I still have the problem of many of my apps not working. I have tracked the problem to gksudo - all of the tools which use gksudo never start. I can start them using gksu. Is there a way to 'fix' gksudo?05:29
partiOk. As you can see from http://img418.imageshack.us/my.php?image=qtparted3wy.png  It says that NTFS is active !! ??05:29
robotgeekseth_k|lappy: hmm, interesting.05:29
nickruddragoon, reading man xorg.conf, screen under device is per plug, and 0 is mandatory; 2 is definitely wrong05:29
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dragoonnickrud: ok05:29
seth_k|lappyrobotgeek, interesting isn't the word I'd use :P I guess I am on the clock so i shouldn't mind too much, I'm getting paid either way. Still annoying tho05:30
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robotgeekseth_k|lappy: heh. are you sure it can't read it unmounted?05:30
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pashawparti,    id try the Knoppix qtparted    never hurts to have a knoppix cd laying around anyway05:30
laptopzzdoes anyone here use skype in ubuntu?05:30
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tiwidabaR: i must to go now , thk you byee, C U05:30
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seth_k|lappyrobotgeek, well, it won't let me do anything to it unmounted. It says "unable to read drive information, some operations will be unavailable"05:30
seth_k|lappyrobotgeek, in this case "some" means "everything"05:31
partiok. :)  pashaw.05:31
dooglusparti: what am I looking at?05:31
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dragoonnickrud: i cant see what your talking about05:31
pashawdooglus,   her NTFS partition is active   stopping her from resizing05:31
sellsanyone here ever use darwin ports05:32
nickruddragoon, man xorg.conf, device section, screen subsection: compare to your radeon device definition05:32
doogluspashaw: doesn't 'active' mean 'bootable'?05:32
partidooglus. What I was saying that QTparted says that my NTFS partition is "Active"05:32
robotgeekseth_k|lappy: hmm, there's a cli thing. parted i think. try that05:32
=== HrdwrBoB [n=matt@bob.is.teh.admin.at.vicnet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
pashawdooglus,   scroll down and look to the left   it says hda active/busy05:32
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seth_k|lappyyeah, that's gonna be my next try robotgeek, after I download Dapper's gparted and try it05:32
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partiAnyway, I will follow your tip, I will download Knoppix :)05:32
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robotgeekseth_k|lappy: hmm, okay05:33
dooglusparti: see what the ntfsprogs can do too05:33
sellsanyone here ever use darwin ports05:33
dooglusparti: first, what does "sudo lsof /dev/hda" tell you?05:33
sethkdooglus, looking at what they do, they also sort of cripple the one they call a modem so that it will only talk to one machine.  That's still an incorrect usage of the term router, though.05:34
Urthmovermy vncserver seems to have died.....how do I check to see if vncserver is a listening service?05:34
nickruddragoon, you've confused screen as used with a video device definition, and screen as used to join a device to a monitor05:34
partilet me see05:34
partiit dosn't tell me anything05:34
=== tahera [n=tahera@ip-93-242-154.sarva.net] has joined #ubuntu
dooglussethk: I think the wanadoo modems give you a proper external address - not a LAN address05:34
dooglusparti: first, what does "sudo lsof /dev/hda2" tell you?05:35
sellsanyone ever use the program darwin ports05:35
dragoonnickrud: so that means i need to change screen 2 to screen 0 /05:35
sethkdooglus, any presence on the 'net has to have a proper external address05:35
sethkdooglus, it's true that the router typically does this for you05:35
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nickruddragoon, or simply delete that line05:35
dragoonill give that a shot05:35
Urthmoverwhat is the command to see listening services?05:35
partisudo lsof /dev/hda2.. it dosn't tell me anything either :(05:35
crimsunUrthmover: netstat -ntl05:35
=== Urthmover trying that
nickruddragoon, like I said, I'd like to have your problem, I've researched it a bit :)05:36
dragoonnickrud: fair enough05:36
UrthmoverI don't want ports or connection crimsun....05:36
UrthmoverI need to see if vncserver is a listening service05:36
pashawsethk,   a router always does that for you      if not your home location at the isp05:36
Urthmoverbasucally I rebooted and now I can't vnc into it....but I DO have SSH working05:37
Urthmoverso what do I do?05:37
dragoonstart vnc ?05:37
UrthmoverI reset the password...but the service doesn't appear to be up05:37
Urthmoverwhat do I type to "start" vnc then05:37
Urthmover ./vncserver?05:37
Urthmover slocate vncserver ...finds nothing05:37
Urthmoverbut it was just up and going....so maybe I have the filename wrong05:38
=== Squee-D [n=rasheed@60-234-220-104.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
Urthmoversuggestions dragoon?05:38
partiok, guys. I've decided to use Knoppix Live CD,05:38
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=== RememberPOL [i=1000@adsl-65-43-121-193.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
dragoonstart vnc from initd ?05:38
dragoon/etc/init.d/vncserver start05:38
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Urthmoverhow do I start up vncserver?05:38
Urthmoverjust from the command line05:38
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Urthmoverok thanks05:39
partiSee you later.  I know I will be back, even if I solve my problem [Have to tell you guys that I resolved ;) ] 05:39
=== Urthmover trying
RememberPOLHi all. Does anyone have experience with Ubuntu on a PowerPro A 2:17 laptop, or any Centrino for that matter?05:39
crimsunRememberPOL: I'm using a Centrino platform on this ThinkPad X41-2527 right now05:39
Urthmoverfor some reason vncserver doesn't exist in /etc/init.d05:39
Urthmoverhow do I reinstall vnc?05:39
RememberPOLcrimsun: Does the speedstep thermal system work properly?05:40
crimsunUrthmover: System> Preferences> Remote Desktop05:40
crimsunRememberPOL: it works fine05:40
Urthmoverit's wierd since it was just up and working...before I did a apt-get update...and installed the new kernel and rebooted05:40
RememberPOLcrimsun: And you're running Ubuntu v5.10, right?05:40
Urthmovercrimsun.....well thats all well and good...but I'm remote and I don't have VNC working....just SSH05:40
crimsunRememberPOL: no, 6.04, but it worked fine in 5.1005:41
Squee-Dprobably /etc/init.d/vnc start05:41
Squee-Dhmm no05:41
=== IRCMonkey [n=chatzill@c-24-1-59-28.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Squee-Dsill me, it needs x running05:41
=== Urthmover checking that
crimsunUrthmover: do you have physical access to the machine?05:41
=== chapium [n=chap@63-87-213-98.res.nb.dhcp.sigecom.net] has joined #ubuntu
Urthmoverthere are NO vnc in /etc/init.d05:42
Urthmoverno crimsun05:42
UrthmoverI only have SSH05:42
dooglusUrthmover: ubuntu uses vino05:42
RememberPOLIs 6.04 a stable version?05:42
Urthmoverso how do I get vnc back up?05:42
dooglusUrthmover: and it's run by the user, not during the boot05:42
IRCMonkeycan anyone tell me if there is a website that i can find softwares that run on linux?05:42
Urthmoverok dooglus...how do I check everything from SSH and get it back up?05:42
linlini cannot install wine :(05:42
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chapiumanyone here remember the name of gnome's irc channel?05:43
dabaRIRCMonkey: use synaptic to install software on Ubuntu. http://dabar.selfip.org/synaptic.html will sghow you how.05:43
RememberPOLcrimsun: Is 6.04 a stable release?05:43
chapiumRememberPOL, I mistyped, i meant server05:43
dooglusUrthmover: I did it a few days ago.  I think what I did was installed "vncserver", used that to see GNOME, and then from GNOME configured the 'remote desktop' stuff, then uninstalled 'vncserver'05:43
cyphasehow can i get flash sound to work?05:43
cyphasei followed the wiki guide..05:43
cyphasebut it's not working05:44
chapiumanyone here remember the name of gnome's irc server?05:44
dooglusRememberPOL: it will be in 06.0405:44
cyphaseirc.gimp.org works05:44
Urthmoverok so doogius...05:44
RememberPOLchapium: irc.gnome.org05:44
UrthmoverI need to apt-get install vncserver?05:44
crimsunUrthmover: then you'll want to install something like tightvncserver, which is in universe05:44
Urthmoverthere isn't such a thing05:44
crimsunRememberPOL: no, it's not stable05:44
Urthmoverthere is vnc-common05:44
chapiumRememberPOL, thanks05:44
RememberPOLdooglus: Interesting.05:44
dooglusUrthmover: lemme check05:44
Urthmoverand how do I remove it (cleanly) and reinstall it then?05:45
RememberPOLchapium: Does all ubuntu visioning go by year.month ?05:45
Squee-Dtightvncserver in misc universe05:45
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dooglusUrthmover: it's in universe05:45
Urthmoverwhat does that mean?05:45
chapiumRememberPOL, you mean versioning?05:45
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dooglusRememberPOL: yes05:45
Urthmoverman I'm really new to all this05:45
RememberPOLThey'll all be x.04, x.1005:45
ubotuRememberPOL: NO SPEAKE ENLISH!05:45
crimsuncyphase: echo FIREFOX_DSP=none >> ~/.mozilla-firefoxrc05:45
chapiumRememberPOL, I'm not familiar.. see dooglus05:45
Urthmoverhow do I put universe in my sources.list then?05:45
sklavdabaR, the configs look identical05:45
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse follow section 2.3 in http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch02.html#addinguniverse - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) see also !easysource05:46
RememberPOL7.10 LOl05:46
dooglusI think by the time 7.10 is due, free software will be outlawed05:46
sklavthe only difference is the following line05:47
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sklavpre-up /sbin/ifconfig eth1 up # line maintained by pppoeconf05:47
=== nickrud hexes dooglus
AviatrixieHi all... a newbie to Linux. Been playing with the CLI and starting to get comfortable. In my searces I found something called Automatix. Tried it... worked GREAT! But... after I installed midi my browser hung. I tried to reboot but my system hung. I did a control/alt/back and came back to a green screen.  I did another control/alt/back and powered down at the login. The powerdown scroll showed fail on Timidity. On reboot ever05:47
Aviatrixieything seems normal now. My question... has Automatix been known to break things?05:47
RememberPOLcrimsun: Did you have to do anything special to get the Intel PRO/Wireless card working?05:47
ubotuit has been said that automatix is crap05:48
crimsunRememberPOL: no, it has worked since Hoary/5.0405:48
MadpilotAviatrixie: yes05:48
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dabaRYay, gnomebaker finally opens on this computer(just tried in breezy). It did not work in 410 or 50405:48
RememberPOLcrimsun: I think I installed Ubuntu an a Dell Latitute L110 and the wireless card didn't work...05:48
AviatrixieHi Madpilot :)05:48
sklavdabaR, sethk can someone explain what the following means05:48
sklavpre-up /sbin/ifconfig eth1 up # line maintained by pppoeconf05:48
AviatrixieSo... I shouldn't use Automatix?05:48
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Madpilothi Aviatrixie05:49
crimsunAviatrixie: correct.05:49
kottonWhat is a good yahoo like client with voice?05:49
dabaRsklav: you reran pppoeconf after removing that?05:49
sklavnow that lien is not there05:49
dabaRsklav: post your interfaces for me to look at. I can not explain what it means, no.05:49
sklavim wondering why it was added05:49
Madpilotback later, all...05:49
dabaRsklav: so, did you try rebooting to see whether it now works always? Well, you will see in time anyhow...05:49
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sklavalways is a big assumption05:50
AviatrixieI'm a total linux newbie... but I'm loving it. I feel like I did back in the early 80's with my ti99... my mac... my dos machine. LOL05:50
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sklavit worked this time05:50
sklavtime will tell05:50
dabaRright. Ok, well, that line means that noone in Ubuntu-devel uses pppoe:)05:50
kottonI too am a newbie and I must say I am enjoying ubuntu and all the new learning05:50
sklavi had to reboot by the way cause network restart didnt work again05:50
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dabaRsklav: reboot is only for new kernels.05:51
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sklavdabaR, i know that ;)05:51
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sklavbut when the interfaces wont start05:51
BlockyWhat can unzip .rar files?05:51
dabaRBlocky: unrar-nonfree or rar05:51
sklavand i figured i will test the reboot05:51
nomasteryodajust take network down with ... ifconfig eth0 down05:51
sklavand up05:51
nickrudBlocky, you need unrar-nonfree from multiverse repository05:51
dabaRBlocky: both in multiverse.05:51
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BlockydabaR, Alright thanks05:51
sklavi know but is there a reason why network restart wont do it?05:51
Blockynickrud, roger05:52
sklavlike in redhat05:52
nomasteryodaBlocky, you might want to get par2 as well05:52
dabaRsklav: sudo pon dsl-provider is your network restart on pppoe.05:52
kottonWhat is a good yahoo like client with voice?05:52
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nickruddabaR, first, me complete (for once :)05:52
Blockynomasteryoda, What is that?05:52
Aviatrixiehi kotton :)  I love how Ubuntu found everything. My install went flawlessly. But... it's a bit intimidating. LOL05:52
dabaRsklav: sorry, sudo poff dsl-provider first.05:52
sklavdabaR, i know the commands hehe05:53
nomasteryodarepair rar files... often what is posted in newsgroups or other places05:53
sklavim asking why network restart wont do it05:53
Paradoxxlo all05:53
dabaRsklav: well, that takes a short time, ddi you wait?05:53
sklavi waited 10 seconds05:53
Paradoxxmy printer can also double as a scanner. Is there any way I can get the scanner functionality withing ubuntu?05:53
sklavmaybe i was impatient05:53
AviatrixieSo... from the Ubuntu gurus here... I should avoid Automatix?05:53
sklavParadoxx, maybe sane will work05:53
crimsunAviatrixie: yes.05:53
Paradoxxthe printer is an HP Officejet 60005:53
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Kamping_Kaiseryes Aviatrixie you should05:53
kottonAviatrixie: Yes it is. I have been battling to learn how to install different downloads but getting there slow but sure05:53
caonexI have two ethernet cards, one that is integrated to the motherboard, that i am currently using. The other, a 3Com 3c905, but is not present in the network configuration, why? lspci shows it as if it has been detected and a module allocated for it05:54
Paradoxxsklav: sane??05:54
ubotuParadoxx: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about05:54
nickrudParadoxx, it should, applications->graphics->xsane I think05:54
sklavsane and gimp-sane and i belib xsane05:54
Paradoxxsigh >.<05:55
Paradoxxno devices found05:55
nickrudthat is an old one05:55
Aviatrixieok... I will. It was really slick though... it installed a couple of things that I was struggling with the cli. But after my midi hang I was really scared I was looking at a clean install.05:55
dabaRAviatrixie: you can use synaptic to install things on ubuntu.05:55
sklavsynaptic is awesome05:55
Urthmoverok so I install vncserver....and it started and ps shows it running05:55
Urthmoverbut I can't seem to connect05:56
crimsunUrthmover: you do have to configure it...05:56
poningruso guys question05:56
Urthmoverwell I set the passwod05:56
poningruI have two computers connected through a router05:56
Urthmoverwhat else?05:56
poningruone is window, this is ubuntu05:56
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Aviatrixiekotton... I've come to realize you have to use the command line to really set your system up the way you want it. This ain't no Linspire!  LOL05:57
poningruhow do I transfer files through the router05:57
poningruthanks dabar :(05:57
nickrudParadoxx, http://hpoj.sourceforge.net/suplist.shtml says it should work05:57
AviatrixiedabaR... I've used synaptic... it's slick.05:57
sethkAviatrixie, you have the command line when you need it, and you have the easy way for most cases05:57
dabaRponingru: there is probably 10 ways. You can try samba(ubotu knows about samba) and you can use ftp, are two ways you can try.05:57
kottonAviatrixie: nope, it isn't windows that's for sure, lots of fun05:57
AviatrixieBut as a total linux newb I'm just coming to terms with the cli05:58
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Jeeves_mossfrogzoo:  you here?05:58
poningrudabaR: well the thing is I cant setup anything on my windows computer05:58
poningruI guess i can set up an ftp server05:58
dabaRponingru: set up samba on Ubuntu, or an sftp server on Ubuntu, and install a ftp client(perhaps filezilla) on the windows.05:58
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Jeeves_mossALL:  Does any one here have ANY experiance with a older Proliant server?  I get a "dropping to shell" msg.05:59
Aviatrixiesethk: my main interest is DAW apps. When I sort all of this out I want to install Ardour.05:59
pashawAviatrixie,  if you thought DOS commands were fun   bah!  CLI is light years ahead!05:59
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BlockyAnyone know how i can play .rm movie format?05:59
Nimmithey, when I try to run dldrconfig, I get Access denied05:59
BlockyDoesnt recognize the format05:59
nickrud!tell Blocky about restricted05:59
Nimmithow can I run this?05:59
sethkAviatrixie, first thing I do on a windows box is install cygwin so all my unix/linux commands work05:59
Aviatrixiepashaw... but I haven't used dos for 20 years!!! LOL05:59
Nimmitwell, I get Permission Denied05:59
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sklavlater all im going to play some socom06:00
kottonNimmit: did you type sudo first06:00
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pashawAviatrixie,   i saw you mention it earlier06:00
Nimmitshould I06:00
poningrucan I ssh from windows?06:00
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poningruor telnet?06:00
sklavponingru, yes you can ssh06:00
sklavuse putty06:00
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dabaRponingru: do you have an ssh server installed on Ubuntu?06:00
sklavits an ssh client06:00
pashawponingru,   use putty06:00
poningrudabaR: no06:01
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dabaRponingru: you wont be able to connect to it from anywhere then.06:01
dabaRUsing ssh, that is.06:01
Aviatrixiesethk: I was so afraid grub would trash my mbr that I pulled my big drive and stuck in a 20gb I had lying around. I'm strictly Ubuntu now.06:01
poningruwhat about telnet?06:01
Jeeves_mossponingru:  do you know anything about how to fix a "dropping to shell" issue?06:01
dabaRponingru: windows has a built in telnet client in the command prompt.06:01
poningruJeeves_moss: when does it drop to shell?06:01
sethkAviatrixie, that's good, but occasionally work requires me to use windows.  and I need the money to pay the rent06:01
AviatrixieBesides... the best way to learn a new os is to ONLY use it.06:01
poningrudabaR: do I need to set up a telnet server on linux?06:01
sethkJeeves_moss, dropping to shell can be caused by any failure in boot after a certain point, so you need to tell us what happens just _before_ it says dropping to shell06:02
sethkAviatrixie, oh, definitely.06:02
dabaRponingru: you need to not set up one. It is not secure.06:02
Jeeves_mossit gets to boot, then gives the splash screen "calc dependicies", then looks to crash after "error inserting thermal"06:02
sethkAviatrixie, and using it on a spare disk is even better.  :)06:02
poningrudabaR: oh that will do then06:02
sethkJeeves_moss, ok, the quickie way to get around this is to remove thermal from the list of modules to be loaded at boot.06:02
dabaRponingru: Ubuntu does not come with a telnet server installed, mostly for reasons as above.06:03
sethkJeeves_moss, the real way to fix it is to insmod thermal, find out what it complains about, and fix that06:03
kottonsethk: I installed on a 20gig slave drive with dual boot, I love the os06:03
Aviatrixiesethk: I understand. I just went into early retirement. LTD  :(  But I have lots of time to learn a new os now. ;)06:03
Jeeves_mosssethk: the LAST line it says is... "ALERT! /dev/mapper/Ubuntu-root does not exist/  Droppping to shell"06:03
sethkJeeves_moss, just a guess but I would check to be sure you don't have mixed versions, that is, a module from one kernel and a boot image from another06:03
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sethkJeeves_moss, that usually means that the file system module failed to load06:03
Jeeves_mosssethk: I just installed it from a bootable CD.  Is there a net d-load one like with Debian that might find all the peices I need for this older POS?06:04
AviatrixieAnyway... from what I see so far, Ubuntu is great stuff.06:04
poningrudabaR: thanks dude06:04
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sethkJeeves_moss, there is the live cd which is very good at that sort of thing06:04
pashawAviatrixie, if thats the case get a knoppix cd and the book  knoppix hacks  youll be set to fix just about any mishap06:04
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neirasHello - if `cat /proc/cpuinfo' lists more than one processor, SMP is working, right?06:05
drcodehi all06:05
drcodecan I run two sshd ?06:05
drcodewith diffrent ports?06:05
Kamping_Kaiserneiras: yes06:05
Jeeves_mosssethk:  I tried the live CD, but it dosen't seem to fix my issue.06:05
neirasKamping_Kaiser: Thanks! Cool to see 4 processors in that list06:05
sethkJeeves_moss, what type of file system is your root file system?06:05
Kamping_Kaiserneiras: o_006:05
Jeeves_mossI let it auto config.06:06
neirasActually just 2, but dual core06:06
dabaRdrcode: would one sshd listening to two ports work?06:06
=== neiras shrugs
sethkJeeves_moss, you can still find out06:06
Jeeves_mosssethk:  I should warn you, I've only been using linux for a few months.  how would I do that if it dropped me to a "busy box" shell?06:06
AviatrixiePashaw:  LOL I've played with a lot of Knoppix derivatives. I love DSL! Slax is nice too. And BeatrIX is slick... and based on Ubuntu. Unfortunatly I couldn't get it to install on my system.06:06
drcodehow I can do it?06:06
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AviatrixieCan you tell I've fallen in love with Linux?06:07
chapiumargh rhythmbox is crap06:07
chapiumit wont remember what files are in my library, and closes itself if you accidently play a file that no longer exists06:07
sethkJeeves_moss, boot a live cd (not to fix the problem, just to do this) and run a file (I think it is file) command on /dev/hda1 (or whatever the root partition is)06:07
dabaRdrcode: I asked you would that work for you... Ill tell you in a sec when I figure out.06:07
Jeeves_mosssethk:  hummmm.  ok.  just a sec.06:07
pussfelleri was follwing the wiki instructions for recovering grub and it work3ed but my mtab is messed up06:07
pashawAviatrixie,  i dont run any of the knoppix family distros  but i always keep a few disks  around for emergencys06:08
Jeeves_mosssethk:  this is my fist actual dual CPU system.  I guess I coulden't just do a simple OS06:08
pussfellermy install still has the live-cd mtab06:08
sethkpussfeller, mtab is a dynamic structure populated by the running system.  Perhaps you mean fstab?06:08
pashawAviatrixie, thats prob cause it hasnt broken yet   :p06:08
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drcodeyes its good06:09
kottonpashaw may well have his finger on the pulse for the situation06:09
pussfellersethk, ya its my fstab thats messed up06:09
Aviatrixiepashaw:  LOL the way I'm messing with things I'm sure I'll break it eventually. I was afraid I broke it tonight with Automatix!06:09
pussfellermaybe i can get one from my drapper install and tweak it06:10
sethkpussfeller, simple thing to do is to edit the fstab and fix it06:10
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neirasAnyone know of tools that help me look at what the kernel is doing with processor affinity?06:10
pashawAviatrixie, ive used that for the general stuff  mplayer firefox1.506:10
chapiumargh, why does ubuntu keep sending out kernel updates06:11
chapiumwithout any info as to why they are updating it06:11
dabaRdrcode: well, edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and add a "Port X" line to under where it says "Port 22". Then restart sshd: "sudo invoke-rc.d ssh restart". Then it works. To test, "ssh -p X username@host". X is the port number.06:11
sethkchapium, they like to torture you06:11
AviatrixieAt least I'm comfortable with clean installs. My kids have broken XP enough times with file sharing. (da#n browser hijacks!) So my intentions are to migrate them to Linux as well.06:11
sethkchapium, the reason is usually because the newer kernel supports more hardware06:11
chapiumsethk, so my suspicions are confirmed06:11
neirasOh, and does anyone know why rsync is installed and started by default in a fresh Ubuntu install? Can it be safely disabled?06:12
chapiumsethk, its not that they hate me so much as they just like torture06:12
chapiumin general06:12
cdubyachapium, I haven't had any probs with rhythmbox at all06:12
dabaRchapium: it is an international plot.06:12
chapiumcdubya, delete a folder and see what happens when a playlist goes back and tries to play it06:12
dabaRchapium: see, dubya is here.06:13
chapiumi might be ranting a bit about small things06:13
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chapiumi actually think ubuntu is quite nifty and well done06:13
neiraschapium - It sure is06:13
Aviatrixiepashaw: I used it to update my Jave from the Brown version that I got from the Ubuntu repo. I couldn't get the latest to install from Sun.06:14
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=== dabaR HydraIRC-> spam must mean we have a small number of downloads
cdubyachapium, I can't delete one anyway.....maybe it's protecting me from that issue.....heh06:14
pashawAviatrixie, nice,  just be aware its not recommended as it can really whack a system06:15
chapiumcdubya, i havent known it to protect folders... what happened was an auto-playlist was set, one folder was unmounted, the autoplaylists still had the entries, and the program just crashed06:15
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chapiumsince a large number of files were in that, it sucked06:16
chapiumthen it lost the library06:16
chapiumwhich i believe is because it was trying to uncorrupt itself06:16
GTroyhey guys, how often is it good to reinstall?06:16
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dabaRGTroy: it is your choice.06:16
chapiumGTroy, you should not need to necessarily06:16
pashawAviatrixie, im rather amazed myself   took all of 3mins to setup dual monitors, and the fan on my old toshiba laptop worked without any recompile  i was impressed06:16
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GTroydabaR, chapium: cool I know people do it with osx.406:17
cdubyachapium, I have a playlist that loads automagically, then I can add to it and it saves any changes after I close.....but I don't see that I can delete them from the playlist in this version....at least from selecting the artist name and then trying to delete the CD06:17
La_PaRCahey kids06:17
GTroyso I was wondering06:17
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dabaRGTroy: they are end users.06:17
dabaRIt is like rebooting cause you dont know how to fix an issue without rebooting.06:17
j813Hi guys, is it possible to install over an existing 5.10 just the Grub, from the Disk? thanks06:17
GTroywould reinstalling help permissions?06:17
chapiumcdubya, i think i got around the issue for now since i'm just getting the music player setup06:17
chapiumcdubya, however it would not have been fun to reset a ton of playlists to get that to stop breaking06:18
pussfellerdo i need this stuff about /tmp/app//image in my fstab06:18
dabaRj813: what do you really want to do and know? You can not just be out of fun reinsatlling grub.06:18
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Aviatrixiesawwy... was awk... pashaw... are you saying the latest version of Java can whack my breezy?06:18
cdubyachapium, prolly not.06:18
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cdubyachapium, so what are you using?06:19
pashawAviatrixie,   no  Automatix can so dont push your luck with it06:19
chapiumcdubya, what what?06:19
cdubyachapium, so are you still using Rhythmbox then, or something different?06:19
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chapiumcdubya, i seem to have it working now so i'm using it.   I was contemplating banshee or xmms06:20
j813dabar: I installed another Distro so rather Gedit my list try to re-install Grub?06:20
cdubyachapium, I used xmms, but had some random wonkyness with playlists, so I ditched it.06:20
concept10chapium, get quod libet06:20
dabaRj813: did this distro not install its grub?06:20
chapiumconcept10, i read about that, i might try it06:20
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Aviatrixiepashaw: I stumbled onto Automatix during my forum searches. I seemed like a bunch of hot to trot coders, but it intrigued me. Since my breezy install is only a few days old I figured if it broke it's no big deal.06:21
concept10chapium, its sooo much better than rhythmbox06:21
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j813actually I did, but at 1st i didn't because I rather use the 5.10 Grub06:21
Aviatrixieoops... IT seemed.  LOL06:21
cdubyaGTroy, I've heard of folks reinstalling OS X as well, but mostly because the disks get majorly hammered up.........06:22
pashawAviatrixie,   same thing i did06:22
dabaRj813: you can try this page, and its instructions: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows06:22
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dabaRGTroy: chmod fixes permissions. Reinstall resets everything to a good state.06:23
j813dabaR thanks! Happy Holidays06:23
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cafuegoGTroy: Sharing $HOME with OSX?06:23
dabaRthanks, to you too.06:23
AviatrixieSo... I gather Automatix is NOT sanctioned my Mr. Shuttleworth.  ;)06:24
=== robnyc` [n=ax@cpe-66-108-166-90.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dabaRno, it breaks systems, Aviatrixie.06:24
cafuegoGTroy: Every two 2 weeks or so you'll need to boot OSX and run DiskWarrior to fix the filesystem.06:24
crimsunI don't think the sabdfl would care either way, Aviatrixie.06:24
dabaRlike, a Ubuntu does not work after something goes wrong.06:24
crimsunAviatrixie: as a maintainer, though, I find it abhorrent.06:25
=== landotter [n=max@adsl-32-215-130.bna.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Aviatrixiecrimsun: how so?06:25
AviatrixieI know the answer... but I want to hear it from an insider  :)06:25
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=== dabaR and everyone waits for the answer patiently.
crimsunAviatrixie: it is messy, breaks all sorts of security guidelines, and isn't open to improvement.06:26
linlinim having trouble installing wine06:26
awstottsudo apt-get install wine06:26
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=== sklav [n=sklav@] has joined #ubuntu
Aviatrixiecrimsun:  security... that rings lots of bells. It IS why I made the decision to migrate from M$ to Linux.06:27
robnyc`anyone here has ubuntu installed and can chroot to a reiser4 partition?06:27
linlinE: Package wine has no installation candidate06:27
Victorjiangin bugzilla.ubuntu.com ,when I click 'advanced search', why it is empty?06:27
sklavdamn i learn something new every day06:27
cafuegorobnyc`: I doubt most people who know what chroot is would elect to have anything to do with reiser4.06:27
AviatrixieI'm soooooooooooooo sick of AV updates, spyware updates, software firewalls bogging my system down.06:28
sklavi want aware that the comments in menu.lst for grub were actually auto config options06:28
sklav## is a comment06:28
dabaRlinlin: add universe.06:28
cdubyacafuego, that's pretty much a common problem with os x, isn't it?06:28
linlini have06:28
sklav# is not the same06:28
robnyc`cafuego: dont doubt that06:28
dabaRlinlin: reload package list.06:28
dabaRlinlin: what do you use to isntall progerams06:28
robnyc`cafuego: would u know if reiser4 support is built-in the kernel or any ubuntu kernel ?06:28
linlincommand line06:28
dabaRis that a program name?06:29
dabaRdo you know how to update with it?06:29
cdubyacafuego, thought I had read that the fs got messed up pretty often, which why folks were reinstalling and/or running consistent fs maintenance on them.....06:29
=== mifritscher [n=michael@p54AA2198.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
caonexI have two ethernet cards, one that is integrated to the motherboard, that i am currently using. The other, a 3Com 3c905, but is not present in the network configuration, why? lspci shows it as if it has been detected and a module allocated for it06:29
caonexthis card was detected in ubuntu hoary, but its not in breezy06:29
=== drewb_ [n=drewb@dsl254-022-145.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
Victorjiang in bugzilla.ubuntu.com ,when I click 'advanced search', why it is empty?06:29
sklavcaonex, try ifconfig eth1 up06:30
cdubyaconcept10, quod libet is kinda slick. thanks for the tip.06:30
sklavsee if it come sup06:30
linlinsudo apt-get update06:30
sklavit might not be setup to come up on boot06:30
dabaRlinlin: ok, and after that, do you get wine?06:30
chapiumconcept10, quod libet doesnt seem to be reading my id3 tags06:30
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chapiumconcept10, oh.. looks like it is just a few06:30
dabaRlinlin: you did not add universe. how are you adding universe?06:31
linlincommented out the lines in /etc/apt/sources.list06:31
dabaRto comment out means to make into a comment, afaik.06:31
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crimsuncaplink811_log: do you have python-id3lib installed?06:31
AviatrixieA quick question... my router firewalls incoming, but not outgoing. I use zonealarm on wondoze to block outgoing. (a good example is realplayer phoning home as to my whereabouts). Any recommendations as to a firewall for Linux that will give me that?06:31
crimsuncaplink811_log: sorry06:31
crimsunchapium: do you have python-id3lib installed?06:31
dragoonAviatrixie: firestarter06:32
dabaRlinlin: post that sources.list to paste.ubuntu-nl.org06:32
LukianAviatrixie: your brain works well06:32
s_grace6uhi guys! :D06:32
cafuegocdubya: Not that I've noticed; but sharing $HOME on fhs+ between the two invariably results in Linxu fucking up the FS and it getting mounted read-only until DiskWarrior is run. (The stanbdard OSX disk tool can't repair the damage).06:32
sklavAviatrixie, im not sure but i think firestarter will do it06:32
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AviatrixieLOL  Thanks Lukian... I think!  ;)06:32
=== DonVincenzo [n=vincent@AGrenoble-152-1-65-48.w83-201.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
s_grace6ujust wanted to ask if ubuntu can't have yahoo messenger at all06:32
the_mr_bong_showis there a way for the windows like the filebrowser and stuff to be clear so i can see the wallpaper06:32
Kamping_Kaisers_grace6u: the yahoo client no, gaim does yahoo though06:33
s_grace6uwhat's gaim?06:33
neirashot damn... default breezy install works perfectly with my megaraid dcontroller06:33
=== drewb_ [n=drewb@dsl254-022-145.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
s_grace6ui'm a new ubuntu user by the way06:33
=== Victorjiang is now known as victor_jiang
sklavAviatrixie, did you try firestarter?06:34
YomicGaim is AIM, MSN, YIM, and (ICQ?) all in one06:34
Kamping_Kaisers_grace6u: gaim is a chat client06:34
Kamping_Kaiseryeh, icq06:34
chapiumcrimsun, looks like its ok06:34
Kamping_Kaisernapster IRC06:34
YomicAnd IRC, but Xchat is better06:34
linlindabaR http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/605706:34
s_grace6uoh, i see :D06:34
Kamping_Kaiser*napset, IRC, blah06:34
crimsunchapium: what's ok?06:34
Aviatrixiesklav... not yet. I will tho, I promise06:34
the_mr_bong_showis there a way for the windows like the filebrowser and stuff to be clear so i can see the wallpaper06:34
chapiumquod libet and python id3.. its fine06:34
sklavit is almost like zonealarm06:34
crimsunchapium: meaning that it parses id3 tags?06:34
dabaRthe_mr_bong_show: you will have to be creative, I do not think there is a way.06:34
sklavits graphical06:35
chapiumcrimsun, yes06:35
sklavand allows for monitoring connections06:35
sklavinternal also06:35
Kamping_Kaiserthe_mr_bong_show: terminals have transparency, i don't think nautilus does06:35
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the_mr_bong_showbut i saw a screen shot of someone that had it on ubuntu06:35
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dabaRlinlin: well. It is there, like you can see too. Paste the output of the "apt-get update", and then "apt-cache search wine", please to pastebin.06:35
cdubyacafuego, k. thanks.06:35
neirastry transset if you have the X composite extension enabled06:35
AviatrixieI must stress... I'm a total linux newb... played with a dozen live live CDs for a month, finally made the commitment to Ubuntu a few days ago with the install.06:35
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cdubyahey tony06:36
=== dave [n=dave@p548D8C21.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
landottertransparency can be had for anything if you run composite, but you need a fancy vid card.06:36
cafuegocdubya: I don't know though, if the hfs+ driver has been improved in kernels newer then 2.6.12. it may no longer happen in 2.6.15. But then, my wife is happy using Linux exclusively.06:36
AviatrixieI decided to make it my ONLY OS. It's the only way to learn. I'm not about to swap drives unless I absolutely have to.06:36
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Lukianhey, how can i add "always on top" to my right click menu for 'taskbar' entries?06:37
linlindabaR http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/605806:37
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s_grace6uis gaim in the ubuntu package or do i have to go look for it in the net? :D06:37
tonyyarussocdubya, Hey.06:37
batmanhey does anyone here know of a guide i can use to configure my sound card its a 5.1 creative 32bit06:37
awstottisn't gaim installed by default06:37
robnyc`anyone here smart enough has a reiser4 installed distro and uses ubuntu and is able to chroot into their reiser4 partition or knows if ubuntu's kernel has reiser4 support06:37
Lukians_grace6u: load synaptic and search.06:37
Kamping_Kaisers_grace6u: it's in applications -> internet ->gain06:37
tonyyarussos_grace6u, It comes in the default install.06:37
crimsuns_grace6u: Gaim is part of ubuntu-desktop06:37
crimsunApplications> Internet> Gaim...06:38
=== tkup [n=tkup@cpe-67-10-250-79.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
s_grace6uthanks thanks! :D06:38
tkupwhat package should I install to have the file /usr/lib/qt3/mkspecs?06:38
sklavbatman, go to system ->preferences -> sound06:39
sklavi have the same card and it just works06:39
dabaRlinlin: and "apt-cache search wine"?06:39
batmansklav, does it come up as sb live [unknown]  for u?06:39
AviatrixieI'm actually very comfortable with the desktop. I need to find a good and thorough newbie book to teach my CLI and syntax stuff. All of the books I've bought either want to convince you Linux is just as easy as Windoze (it isn't!) or assume you've been coding all your live.06:39
tonyyarussotkup: http://packages.ubuntu.com/ has a search for packages by contained file thing, that might help you.06:39
dabaR!+ask the bot06:40
ubotuask the bot is probably to get information about common things, try asking me, the bot. You can private message me if your nick is registered(/msg NickServ HELP REGISTER) you can private message me, by using /msg ubotu mp3, for example. to find out whether a package is in the official !repos and in which one, /msg ubotu info packagename, or to find which packages contain a file/keyword, /msg ubotu find keyword06:40
nemikdoes it happen to anyone else with firefox 1.5 that when visiting imageshack.us, the CPU spikes to 100%? this is crazy....06:40
s_grace6uwohoo! just got connected to yahoo via gaim...thanks guys! :D06:40
linlindabaR http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/605906:40
pashawAviatrixie,   start with  vimtutor06:41
Lukiannemik: that's why firefox 1.5 sucks :)06:41
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nemiklukian: so it is a known issue?06:41
Aviatrixiepashaw: what is vim?06:41
=== Davey` [n=Davey@77-231.124-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Lukiannemik: ff1.5 has lots of issues06:42
nemiki looked through imageshack.us source and can't find anything to make it act like this06:42
pashawAviatrixie, CLI text editor06:42
tonyyarussonemik: I'll try it.06:42
Lukianwhich is why it's not in the stable package list.06:42
nemiktonyyarusso: thanks06:42
pashawAviatrixie, type  vimtutor inside terminal06:42
Aviatrixiepashaw: should I google it?06:42
pashawAviatrixie, no need06:42
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dabaRlinlin: to me your sources look fine, and wine should be there, yet it is not. I have no other ideas.06:42
Aviatrixieoh!!! It's in terminal?06:42
pashawAviatrixie, yes06:42
AviatrixieI told you I'm a newb!!!06:43
pashawAviatrixie, we believed you06:43
pashawAviatrixie, :P06:43
Aviatrixieok... I'll go play with terminal.   :D06:43
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sklavlinlin, did you do sudo apt-get update06:43
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Aviatrixieawesome forum.... thanks for your help, peeps!06:44
pashawAviatrixie, look me up this weekend ill be on   bedtime06:44
dabaRsklav: check out the pastebin.06:44
linlini followed the instructions on the site06:44
linlinit still says its not a package06:44
Aviatrixiesweet dreams, pashaw   :)06:44
sklavwhat is the link for the pastebin?06:44
=== bfusionx [n=bfusionx@24-158-195-17.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
tonyyarussonemik: Mine was 4-20% during the whole process of loading the page.06:44
Aviatrixiebtw.... when PMs show up on magenta... is that a PM?06:44
ubotu[pastebin]  a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org06:44
bfusionxcan someone help me  with ndiswrapper?06:44
Aviatrixieyou know what I mean06:45
=== Cube-ness [n=james@ip68-104-178-112.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
AviatrixieI haven't done irc in ages!06:45
nemiktonyyarusso: hmmm then i don't know what is going on with mine. it does it every time.06:45
Kamping_Kaiser:) Aviatrixie it's nice you are here06:45
=== Moxie [n=TYLER@c-24-34-64-71.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Moxiethink someone could help?06:46
Cube-nesshey.. gnome wont load for me anymore, and i can tfigure out why.. it loads mostly, when the panel loads, it appears, dies, appears, dies, et etc for ever06:46
=== LunchBoxG4 [n=LunchBox@pcp01080768pcs.northw01.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dabaRCube-ness: did you add something to run when you log in? added it to session in other words.06:47
dabaRMoxie: you have to ask to find out.06:47
=== deFrysk [n=deFrysk@g173059.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
dabaRI mean, post your question, and we will be glad to answer if we know.06:48
LunchBoxG4I have a quick and hopefully easy question about ndiswrapper. I got it running with my Broadcom card successfully, but i need to load ndiswrapper on boot. How can I do that?06:48
Moxieanyone know anything about yaboot or dual booting06:48
bfusionxcan someone help me with ndiswrapper?06:48
dabaRon a g4, LunchBoxG4 ?06:48
LunchBoxG4no, AMD6406:48
LunchBoxG4my other laptop is a G4 :-)06:48
cdubyaMoxie, you still trying to get that working?06:48
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sklavlinlin, what re the irst 2 lines? in you sources.list06:49
Moxieshit ya06:49
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sklavthey dont seem to be standard06:49
LunchBoxG4everything works magic when I modprobe ndiswrapper myself, but I'd like it automatic06:49
dabaRok, well, Moxie what do you want to know about yaboot?06:49
cdubyaMoxie, remind me.....06:49
=== Madpilot [n=bburger@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
bfusionxguys my ndiswrapper , my drivers are present, but it doesn't show "hardware present"06:49
Moxieim trying to figure out dual booting mac/linux06:49
linlinthey are wht they told me to put in on the wine site06:49
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Moxiei install mac first and make the partitionsa06:49
=== Valeria [n=Valeria@user-12hc2gs.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
dabaRMoxie: otherwise you get an answer like, yaboot means yet another boot manager,.06:49
sklavlinlin, remove them06:49
sklavor comment them out06:49
bfusionxguys my ndiswrapper , my drivers are present, but it doesn't show "hardware present"06:50
cdubyaMoxie, k. so where are you at in the process....06:50
sklavand the do a apt-get clean06:50
Moxiethen i install ubuntu....and when it comes to the yaboot screen i can choose mac or linux and linux will load fine but tiger doesnt06:50
dabaRMoxie: make a small newworld partition for yaboot on the first partition that it lets you.06:50
sklavand the do a apt-get update06:50
Moxieblank screen06:50
cdubyaMoxie, you've got os x in the first 8 gigs, yeah?06:50
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Moxiefirst 50GB06:50
Moxiethen linux in the last 8gb06:50
erickcan i ask something about emailserver06:50
dabaRerick: no.06:50
dabaRthat is taboo06:50
=== eric_ [n=eric@pool-71-118-1-192.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
bfusionxguys my ndiswrapper , my drivers are present, but it doesn't show "hardware present"06:51
Moxiei make the tiger partition a new world partition06:51
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dabaRerick: just joking, ask anything, just dont ask to ask.06:51
nemiktonyyaruss and lukian: just tried it on 1.07 and same thing happens.06:51
LunchBoxG4bfusionx, what kind of hardware are you trying to make work?06:51
Danlhow do i check to see if vncserver is running from console?06:51
sklavthere goes my question06:51
=== caonex [n=caonex@tdev236-102.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu
cdubyaMoxie, and you ran the Breezy installer and installed it in the second partition?06:51
eric_hi can anyone help me install realplayer06:51
bfusionxLunchBoxG4,  It is a DLINK DWL 52006:51
=== bfusionx has been working on this all day
erickhow to forward emails in my address06:52
sklavcaonex, try ifconfig eth1 up did you try it?06:52
QQ_ghosthow do you mount an smb share?06:52
cdubyaMoxie, methinks you at least need a couple more partitions there.....06:52
LunchBoxG4bfusionx, pcmcia or usb?06:52
dabaReric_: which realplayer, the one in the repositories or the one from their site?06:52
cdubyaMoxie, a bootstrap partition.....06:52
bfusionxlunchboxg4, pcmia06:52
eric_The one from the their site06:52
Danln/m stupid question06:52
erickhow to forward emails in my address06:52
erickusing sendmail06:52
dabaRerick: and what is not working with that? it is asking for libstdc+5 right?06:52
Moxiewell i have swap space06:52
LunchBoxG4bfusionx, when you run lspci, is it listed? what about the end of dmesg?06:52
sklaverick, if you are using procmail06:52
dabaReric_: ^06:53
sklavthen just add a .forward06:53
caonexsklav, eth1 is working fine06:53
erickim using send mail06:53
sklavis that what you mean?06:53
sklavis it eth0?06:53
caonexsklav, eth0 is the one i am trying to make work06:53
Moxie512mb swap space06:53
eric_I'm the one with the realplayer prob06:53
Moxiethen the 50gb for tiger and 8gb for ubuntu06:53
sklavok do ifconfig eth0 up06:53
caonexsklav, eth0 is a 3c905, but breezy is not detecting it06:53
dabaReric_: I know is it asking you for libstdc+5?06:53
caonexsklav, hoary was06:53
sklavah ok06:53
sklavi understood that a module was assigned to it06:53
bfusionxits not listed lunchboxg406:54
cdubyaMoxie, methinks the bootstrap is where yaboot lives...thus the grey screen?06:54
eric_no it's saying can't find, I downloaded the file to the desktop06:54
deFryskeric_, wget ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/pool/main/r/realplay/realplayer_10.0.6-0.0_i386.deb06:54
LunchBoxG4anyone know about addding "modprobe ndiswrapper" to boot?06:54
caonexsklav, this computer had hoary a moment ago and now has breezy and the card is not present in the networking configuration06:54
erickmy sendmail is running but i need to forward emails06:54
Moxieso what do i have to do06:54
deFryskeric_, sudo apt-get install libstdc++506:54
Moxiebecause it doesnt load tiger06:54
cdubyaMoxie, been awhile since I've touched that old mac, hang on.06:54
sklavcaonex, did you try adding it?06:54
crimsunLunchBoxG4: echo ndiswrapper | sudo tee -a /etc/modules06:54
deFryskeric_, sudo dpkg -i realplayer_10.0.6-0.0_i386.deb06:54
bfusionxits already on boot06:54
caonexhowever, lspci shows the card is there.06:54
Moxieanything would help06:54
LunchBoxG4crimsun, thanks.06:54
caonexsklav, adding it like how?06:54
Moxieive tried mac first, second06:54
eric_i just type that in the terminal06:54
sklavthrew the network configuration window06:54
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deFryskeric_, yes06:55
dabaRdeFrysk: add that as a factoid "realplayer10" please.06:55
=== jdmpike [n=jordan@CPE-72-128-40-156.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
LunchBoxG4bfusionx, ok. I think your system may not see the PC card, so yeah ndiswwrapper won't either. are you sure your cardbus is working?06:55
realosswhere can i get mplayer for ubuntu06:55
LunchBoxG4I ask, because mine isnt06:55
sklav--> system --> administration -->networking06:55
eric_ok thanks for your help I'll try that, wish me luck06:55
bfusionxhow do I check lunchbox?06:55
cdubyaMoxie, this fella is tri-booting YDL, Ubuntu and OS X, but some of the info might be helpful.... http://www.intuitive.com/blog/ubuntu_linux_yellowdog_linux_and_mac_os_x_all_on_one_powerbook.html06:55
=== moua [i=david@men75-2-82-66-50-159.fbx.proxad.net] has left #ubuntu []
deFryskeric_, no luck needed just follow the instructions ;)06:55
Moxieive looked at that already06:55
Moxieno help....06:55
Moxiei still couldnt figure it out06:56
linlinok, i commented out the 2 top lines, and updated, now waht06:56
realosswhere can i get mplayer for ubuntu?06:56
Moxieive thought about using suse linux06:56
deFryskeric_, also read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats06:56
Moxiebut i heard its not as good06:56
dabaRdeFrysk: I would add but I am in console so I can not paste.06:56
LunchBoxG4bfusion, that's a good question. I know mine isn't because its "unknown" in lspci06:56
sklavlinlin, try apt-cache search wine06:56
LunchBoxG4have you looked for a wiki article or or forum post on your model laptop?06:56
cdubyaMoxie, don't know about the ppc build, but it was an absolute dog for me.06:56
linlinsame as before06:56
cdubyaMoxie, had 9.3 on here before....went to Breezy and haven't looked back.06:57
deFryskdabaR, no clue how to add factoids06:57
sklavlinlin, did you try a different mirror?06:57
sklavexample instead of us.archive.ubuntu.com06:57
dabaRdeFrysk: are you registered?06:57
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dabaRdeFrysk: to freenode.06:57
sklavtyr ca.archive.ubuntu.com06:57
Danlfyi for those who were helping me earlier... the switch from debian to ubuntu without reinstall went flawlessly06:57
deFryskdabaR, yup06:57
dabaRDanl: how, is there instructions somewhere?06:58
Danli can tell you what i did... rather short06:58
realossanybody who can help me to find mplayer for ubuntu???06:58
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Moxieive thought about striaght linux, and i would do it, but heres the problems ive found....06:58
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dabaRdeFrysk: "/msg ubotu realplayer10 is 1. blah, 2. blah, 3. blah"06:58
Danlreplace all the sources... apt-get update then apt-get dist-update06:58
deFryskdabaR, ok06:58
tonyyarussorealoss: Should be in the repos.  Try apt-cache search mplayer.06:58
Moxieno support for airport extreme (i have a wireless network at home) and none (ive found) for .nzb support06:59
realossok thanks tony!06:59
dabaRDanl: that is all?06:59
Moxieif i could find out how to make those two work, then i would just go straight linux06:59
Danlsays im running breezy when i boot up now06:59
dabaRDanl: everything works?06:59
Moxieam i correct?06:59
Danlworking on getting xserver working06:59
Aviatrixieg'nite everyone :)  danke for the help!06:59
=== sirius [n=sirius@201-220-124-210.bk10-dsl.surnet.cl] has joined #ubuntu
Danlbut thats a different problem06:59
Moxieor does ubuntu do .nzb and airport extreme?06:59
dabaROK, good work.06:59
siriusnecesito alluda06:59
cdubyaMoxie, you'll prolly have a problem with APExt with any distro.06:59
siriuspor favor06:59
dabaRsirius: is that portuguese?06:59
=== Danl is virtulizing it from inside windows
siriussoy nuevo en linux06:59
sklavyes caonex06:59
Moxieoh oh06:59
cdubyaMoxie, ap extreme06:59
LunchBoxG4anyone out there using a compaq presario laptop or one of its HP cousins, and get the PCMCIA cardslot working?07:00
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.07:00
Moxiebut .nzb?07:00
Moxieknow anything that will work with ubuntu and ppc?07:00
cdubyaMoxie, .nzb? you're gonna have to help me out with that one.07:00
Danli need to figure out how to get vncserver working... so i can give the machine a head :-D07:00
Moxiei d/l ALOT of them07:00
Moxieive heard of "pan"?07:00
Moxiebut that didnt work07:00
cdubyaMoxie, you mean anything in the way of wireless cards?07:00
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siriusalguen que hable espaol que me pueda alludar07:00
cdubyaor what?07:01
tonyyarussoI'm hoping to install Breezy on an HP Pavillion dv4150us.  Are any of you aware of issues with doing so?07:01
Moxieyea does ubuntu work with wireless good?07:01
sklavcaonex, u there?07:01
tonyyarusso(Google wasn't very helpful.)07:01
Moxieive heard of getting a wireless bridge07:01
cdubyaMoxie, picked mine up out of the box07:01
cdubyaMoxie, but mine's not a mac.07:01
ubotuhmm... realplayer10 is 1; <wget ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/pool/main/r/realplay/realplayer_10.0.6-0.0_i386.deb> , 2; <sudo apt-get install libstdc++5 3>  3; <sudo dpkg -i realplayer_10.0.6-0.0_i386.deb>07:01
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Moxieethernet bridge?07:01
siriusquiero saber como instalar programas en linux07:01
cdubyaMoxie, yeah, I've used them07:01
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caonexsklav, yes i am07:02
Moxiething plugs into the wall, then you run the ethernet to your comp07:02
Moxiethat work well or no?07:02
sklavdid you follow the steps to add it?07:02
tonyyarussoAnything in the DV 4100 series would be helpful.07:02
caonexsklav, why hoary detects it and breezy does not?07:02
deFryskdabaR, done :)07:02
Moxiei got a 10MB connection at home....would it be as fast?07:02
cdubyaMoxie, I've used eth->localtalk adapters.....07:02
sklavim not sure caonex07:02
dabaRdeFrysk: sounds ok. sirius at least ask the question, we can try, but likely won't know what to do.07:02
cdubyaMoxie, worked just fine07:02
siriusquien abla espaol07:02
dabaRsirius: pregunta.07:02
sklavi had some networking issues myself which were not present on hoary07:02
caonexsklav, you meant, before, try adding it by compiling its module?07:02
caonexsklav, i think i know why07:02
Moxiebut what about .nzb07:02
Moxieor dc++07:02
siriusquiero saber como instalar programas07:02
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.07:02
cdubyaMoxie, not sure on those07:03
sklavit might be set offline07:03
sklavis what im thinking07:03
Moxieanywhere i could find out?07:03
sklavlike my 2nd nic card07:03
caonexsklav, 3com drivers could be in non-free modules ?07:03
linlinchanging it to the canadian mirrors did not work07:03
tkuptonyyarusso, thanks for the link.07:03
cdubyaMoxie, take a looksie.... http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-23749.html07:03
cdubyaMoxie, wireless that works07:03
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tonyyarussotkup: np.07:03
sklavcaonex, let me check07:03
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sklavcaonex,  what is the module?07:05
Moxieso i could get a wireless usb adapter....but what about .nzb07:05
Moxiethats my biggest worry07:05
siriusdabar: como instalo un programa07:05
sklavim running non free modules for my nvidia07:05
siriussoy nuevo en linux07:05
sklavso i can confirm07:05
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caonexsklav, i am not sure i am trying to add the repositories to find out07:05
siriuspoe eso no sep07:05
nemikwhat is the best tool for resizing images quickly in ubuntu?07:05
caonexsklav, the card is 3c905 a supposedly famous card07:05
caonexsklav, in google i saw people saying that they do not give any trouble07:05
annexDoes Breezy install binary ati drivers by default?  My X.org seems a bit laggy and thought perhaps it was the free drivers?07:06
deFrysk!tell sirius about es07:06
caonexsklav, and it is weird how hoary detect it, but not breezy07:06
caonexsklav, it could be the deal with non-free modules package07:06
caonexsklav, i do not have it installed07:06
DonVincenzowhat is the meaning of mount -ouid=1000 /dev/hda1 /mnt/floppy in fstab ?07:06
caonexsklav, it could have been before07:06
Moxieno one knows what .nzb files are or a ubuntu program that will work with them?07:06
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cdubyaMoxie, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1201007:07
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neirascan anyone tell me which package provides the binary "dbus-send"?07:09
cdubyaMoxie, that work?07:09
intelikeyneiras apt-cache search dbus-send  probably can.07:10
neirasintelikey: Gah! My FreeBSD experimentation has dulled my wits. Thanks07:10
Moxiewow! i think you may have savaed my life...07:11
Moxiebut heres the question07:11
tonyyarussoOh, I think I see a solution to a previous problem.  In order to have a /lib/modules/'uname -r'/build/ directory, I have to have linux-source installed, don't I?07:11
cdubyaMoxie, that what you were looking for?07:11
Moxiehow do i install that bn2?07:11
Moxieit was07:11
cdubyahang on07:11
Moxiei can work around the wireless07:11
Moxiemy school is all wired anyways07:11
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Moxiethas NASTY!07:12
Moxiewhat about dc++07:12
Danlany idea what "X: cannot stat /etc/X11/X (No such file or directory), aborting." means?07:12
Moxiewhats that?07:12
cdubyaMoxie, huh?07:12
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Moxieor even .tgz?07:12
billytwowillyhi, I've got a .nrg image (nero burning rom) and I want to burn it in linux. I've tried nrg2iso but the iso is broken when I use that.07:12
Moxielinux opens that?07:12
cdubyaMoxie, .tgz you're fine with07:13
billytwowillyare there any linux burning programs that support nrg directly?07:13
Moxiewhat about .run?07:13
cdubyaMoxie, not sure what that is.07:13
Toma-billytwowilly: nerolinux. but its not free07:13
Moxiewhen you d.l bn2 from their site its .run?07:13
Moxiethats what it says07:13
cdubyaMoxie, hang on07:13
Moxiego there07:13
Moxiescroll down07:13
Moxielinux distro07:13
jdmpikedoes anyone know where to get FREE FONTS for linux?07:13
billytwowillyyah... I was hoping to stay away from nero products because they have a tendency to suck;)07:13
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Toma-billytwowilly: well why use nrg then :/07:14
ubotuGTroy: I don't know, could you explain it?07:14
Toma-billytwowilly: i think theres a shareware versiojn of it07:14
sklavhey guys is caonex comes back07:14
cdubyaMoxie, d'load the .tgz07:14
alambahi all...can anyone point me to a pppoe dialer in ubuntu?07:14
sklavcan someone give him this link07:14
shineykittyis there a special way to install ubuntu to auto boot the gui?07:14
Danlwhats the package name for xorg in breezy?07:14
sklavits to fix his card07:14
billytwowillyhmm, there is a shareware version.07:14
billytwowillythanks toma, I'll just use that.07:14
sklavhttp://www.scyld.com/3c509.html is where there is a fix07:15
Moxiebn2 doesnt have a debian package?07:15
billytwowillyapparently the price of betraying my ideals is one data dvd;)07:15
GTroyanyone know how to get a recognized airport up and running?07:15
cdubyaMoxie, don't guess so.....07:15
GTroysees signal strength, but no access07:15
Danlxserver-xorg ...07:15
billytwowillyGTroy, is it using wep or wap?07:16
Moxieso how would i install that in ubuntu/07:16
GTroyneither, I think it's dns07:16
GTroyI can ping07:16
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GTroysorry to bother you guys07:16
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sklavGTroy, you can ping it?07:16
shineykittydidnt mean to do that07:16
GTroysklav: sure can07:17
sklavdo you have hav /etc/resolv.conf setup?07:17
sklavsounds like you have no dns07:17
GTroyno, it's a live cd07:17
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cdubyaMoxie, no need to install, just tell file-roller to open the file and then extract it somewheres.....then run the executable07:17
Danlok, im totally lost, xorg install is asking for the video adapters bus identifier07:17
alambahi all...can anyone point me to a pppoe dialer in ubuntu?07:17
shineykittyso when ubuntu is installed does it auto run a guy07:17
shineykittyerrr gui rather07:17
sklavtry editing /etc/resolv.conf07:17
GTroysklav: yeah I think so too07:17
cdubyaMoxie, but the exe gave me an error....I'm looking at it.07:17
sklavsudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf07:17
sklavand add something like07:18
billytwowillyhmm. how do I enable dma acceleration?07:18
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sklavonly use your isp's dns07:18
Toma-ubotu: tell billytwowilly about dma07:18
intelikeybillytwowilly hdpram07:18
GTroythanks sklav07:19
jdmpikeno one knows where to get free fonts for linux07:19
Toma-jdmpike: what fonts do you want?07:19
sklavjdmpike, try msstrutypefonts07:19
sklavand any ttf font should work on linux07:19
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sklavso if you know of windows ttf fonts use them on linux07:19
jdmpikeToma-: I am looking for creative fonts, ones for a Save the Date card announcing my wedding07:19
intelikeyr u correcting teh way i spelled hdpram ?07:20
deFrysk!info msttfonst07:20
Toma-so fancy looking ones?07:20
deFrysk!info msttfots07:20
deFrysk!info msttfonts07:20
sklavany ttf font should work on linux if it works on windows07:20
sklava font is a font07:20
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DRAGON_Ultragetting married huh thats a no no07:20
Toma-jdmpike: i use http://www.acidfonts.com/07:21
billytwowillyhdparm what though?07:21
sklavi got married now i have all sort of alone time ;)07:21
billytwowillystupid nero shouldn't beak and complain if it isn't going to give me the command to run;)07:21
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tonyyarussoSay, do you have to defrag the drive routinely in Linux like you do with Windows?07:21
dAndyI keep getting this error when trying to upgrade the locales package (during an upgrade to dapper from breezy): /var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/preinst: line 5: /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local: No such file or directory07:21
deFrysk!info msttcorefonts07:21
shineykittyso when ubuntu is installed does it auto run a gui07:21
ubotumsttcorefonts: (Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts), section multiverse/x11, is optional. Version: 1.2ubuntu2 (breezy), Packaged size: 21 kB, Installed size: 164 kB07:21
deFryskthast the one :ds07:21
dAndyany one seen tat before, or where I can grab that file to stick in place?07:21
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cdubyaMoxie, I'm still looking.....hang on07:23
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billytwowillyoohh... nero has "ultra buffer"!!!!07:24
xmlhello, how did I can remove the gnome and begin to use the fluxbox ?07:25
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billytwowillyxml, you probably don't want to remove gnome, because lots of apps use its various libraries.07:25
cdubyaMoxie, klibido07:25
shineykittyso when ubuntu is installed does it auto run a gui07:25
cdubyaMoxie, it supports nzb07:25
intelikeydAndy you could try uninstalling locals before the upgrade and see if it will work... but that is just a thought.07:25
billytwowillyxml, you probably just want to do a "sudo apt-get install fluxbox"07:25
gwynmHi! Is it currently possible to do a netboot install at all? I'm getting the problem in  http://archives.free.net.ph/message/20051213.191139.85c191e0.en.html ..07:25
cdubyaMoxie, and there's a debian package....07:25
billytwowillyxml, Then select fluxbox in gdm07:26
cdubyaMoxie, you'll have to follow the docs to convert it to a package ubuntu can use....but it looks fairly straighforward....07:26
GTroysklav: how do I find the ip I need to enter?07:26
dAndyintelikey: yeah i did that, but now things need locales07:26
xmlbillytwowilly, yes07:26
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billytwowillyxml, so run  that command, and then select fluxbox and you should be fine.07:27
dAndyintelikey: I touched the missing file which appeared to work, now I just need to figure out which other locale packages I need to make my system good again07:27
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cdubyaMoxie, take that back..... sudo apt-get install klibido07:27
sklavhow does 1 add fonts07:27
billytwowillyxml, although if you didn't know how to do that, I don't know if fluxbox is necessarily the right desktop for you.07:27
xmlbillytwowilly, the terminal says that impossible find the fluxbox07:27
chapiumubotu tell sklav about fonts07:27
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billytwowillyxml, you don't have universe and multiverse package repositories enabled.07:28
shineykittyso when ubuntu is installed does it auto run a gui07:28
GTroychapium: sklav was making a joke07:28
cdubyaMoxie, will that work?07:28
gwynmshineykitty: Yes.07:28
intelikeydAndy apt-cache searvh locale- | less07:28
xmlbillytwowilly, what interface you use?07:28
chapiumGTroy, i glance at the chat now and then :(07:28
Moxiewhat is that?07:28
billytwowillyxml, I use the command line, but I'm not walking you through adding sources manually. You canre ad thew ebsite for that.07:29
ubotufonts is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com//FontInstallHowto07:29
cdubyaMoxie, a usenet client for kde07:29
billytwowillyxml, I think synaptic lets you set them up automagically though.07:29
cdubyaMoxie, with nzb support07:29
Moxiei thought ubuntu was gnome?07:29
cdubyaMoxie, :)07:29
ubotuNot a clue, neiras07:29
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cdubyaMoxie, you can still install it.07:29
Moxieand does klibido work with mac or ppc?07:30
Moxiecause i know wine doesnt work with ppc07:30
cdubyaMoxie, should be np07:30
cdubyaMoxie, heh, no it doesn't07:30
Moxiesweet dud07:30
billytwowillyxml, if you open up synaptic, click settings at the top and then repositories and I think you can add universe and multiverse there easily.07:30
Moxiethat sucks07:30
=== Joelmax18 [n=matrix@12-223-228-171.client.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
Moxiethats sweet07:30
Moxiemaybe ill try on the live cd first07:30
Moxiebefore i erase tiger!07:31
robotgeekwoot! airport extreme works!07:31
Moxiesince when?07:31
robotgeekMoxie: on dapper07:31
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cdubyathat's cool07:31
robotgeekMoxie: i'm typing from it07:31
Moxiewhens that coming out07:31
billytwowillyis dapper stable enough to use now if you're brave?07:31
Moxiecan you get dapper?07:31
robotgeekMoxie: it's a bit slow, but in 4 months time, it will be topnotch07:31
intelikey6 407:31
Moxieno shit.....07:31
chapiumbillytwowilly, sure if you are brave..07:31
Moxieis there a live cd of dapper/07:32
ubuntuwhere can i get list of softwares that work on linux?07:32
=== robotgeek does not recommend dapper if you are new
chapiumbillytwowilly, how brave tho..07:32
Moxiethanks cdubya07:32
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cdubyaMoxie, np07:32
Moxieapprecaite your help07:32
cdubyaMoxie, hope it helped07:32
robotgeekAmaranth: it works :)07:32
billytwowillychapium, I was running hoary 3 weeks after the previous one came out;)07:32
Moxiesure did07:32
deFryskubuntu, http://packages.ubuntu.com/07:32
cdubyaapt-get dist-upgrade...that's how you can go from Breezy to Dapper?07:32
Amaranthrobotgeek: your wireless does?07:33
billytwowillyif you change your sources.list file first..07:33
=== chapium reboots
robotgeekAmaranth: yes07:33
intelikeyubuntu setup your repos and synaptic will list it for you.07:33
Amaranthrobotgeek: mine comes up but dhcp is broken07:33
deFryskcdubya, and a bunch of apt-get -f install during the process07:33
robotgeekAmaranth: yes, use static :)07:33
Amaranthrobotgeek: and i haven't done static in so long i forgot how07:33
robotgeekAmaranth: ifconfig eth1 ip07:33
Amaranthrobotgeek: it can't seem to even find an access point though07:33
cdubyaI guess I don't understand....what all do you need to do to upgrade?07:33
Amaranthrobotgeek: either that or i don't know how to use iwlist07:34
robotgeekAmaranth: iwlist eth1 scan07:34
deFryskcdubya, then dont07:34
Moxiehow can i get dapper?07:34
Amaranthrobotgeek: ah, i did scanning07:34
Moxieill try it out...07:34
ubotuThe 6.04 version of Ubuntu will be called the "Dapper Drake" release. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperDrake07:34
cdubyadeFrysk, supposing I wanted to.07:34
xmlbillytwowilly, what is the web page of fluxbox ?07:34
deFryskcdubya, set repo to dapper and apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade07:35
intelikeyi'm gona wait until they get breezy stable then use it.07:35
xmllook http://fluxbox.sourceforge.net/version-0.9.php07:36
xmlis there ?07:36
aldarsiorHi, I had a problem and solved it but figure it should be documented somewhere in case someone else runs into the same issue, or in case someone decides the issue needs to be fixed so that it doesn't happen. Where do I do that?07:36
cdubyaintelikey, I'm not rushing out to do it....I just wanted to make sure I'd know how when I did. I've found rushing out on that bandwagon on other OSes is just bad practice unless you like the upgrades breaking stuff......07:36
cdubyawhich I don't want nor need right now.07:36
cdubyaI like Breezy too much just the way it is.07:37
robotgeekAmaranth: hmm, it doesn't seem to like ssh connections07:37
Amaranthrobotgeek: heh, it doesn't like much of anything07:37
Amaranthrobotgeek: driver development is going so fast dapper could update it's kernel right now and probably be behind in 24 hours07:37
robotgeekAmaranth: it stops transmitting after a while, hey but atleast i can browse :)07:37
Amaranthrobotgeek: so give it time07:37
robotgeekAmaranth: i'm really happy that it worked! i saw with my own eyes :)07:38
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pussfelleraldarsior: the wiki, or the forum, or your blog, in that order or all 307:38
Madpilotaldarsior: have a search of wiki.ubuntu.com - start a page there, or add to one07:38
pussfellerand a bug report too perhaps07:38
sklavGTroy, any luck?07:39
aldarsiorit's a really minor issue, I think.07:40
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sklavGTroy, any luck?07:40
aldarsiorbasically OpenOffice Base won't work with MySQL unless you change the order of the hostnames in /etc/hosts07:40
GTroy_yeah all done07:40
sklavso it works now?07:40
GTroy_though I used another fix I already had07:40
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aldarsiorI'm not sure if changing them broke something else... but frankly I don't care ATM07:41
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=== Danl [n=Danl@cpe-069-132-086-121.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
DeMoNSeEdcan someone explain to me how to get that feature here in xchat that shows what tunes i'm plaing in xmms or bmp07:41
Danlwhat is the name of the ubuntu package manager?07:41
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aldarsioryeah apt07:41
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Danlsynaptic was what i was trying to think of... needa install it :-D07:42
sklavsynaptic is a a front end to apt07:42
GTroy_it's already installed07:42
Danlnot if you install ubuntu the way i did :-d07:42
intelikeyi installed hoary on this pc for someone and they have on board nic  but no network... well gnome is so network dependand and the 'automatic sh.t' makes if run so slow at times it is almost un-usable.   any sujestions on a fix for them ?07:42
sklavapt-get install synaptic07:42
tonyyarussoDanl: True.07:42
=== pavel_ [n=pavel@pool-71-112-129-39.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
sklavand yes if you did server install then its not07:43
Danli know ;-) thanks tho07:43
Danli converted a debian install to ubuntu07:43
Danlwell ... still am07:43
aldarsiorintelikey: you're trying to fix the network or disable network dependant automatic processes in GNOME?07:44
sklavthe later it seems07:44
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intelikeyaldarsior they are not connected.  no network (piriod)07:44
aldarsiorcan someone tell me who the traitorous vermin is who changed the default character for nick completions to , from :?07:45
deFryskaldarsior, ?07:45
intelikeyyeah to disable the network stuff aldarsior07:45
deFryskaldarsior, just change it in the settings07:46
Danlhmmm... i wonder what i have left to change over...07:46
intelikeyaldarsior it used to be that you could set the completion char what ever you wanted in xchat07:46
sklavxorg should have the --tcp nolisten option07:46
sklavif not mistaken07:46
aldarsiordeFrysk: er, yes... changing my defaults is not, you know, acceptable.07:46
sklavjust dont remmeber where it goes exactly07:46
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aldarsiorsklav: it goes in startx07:47
tonyyarussoThe ntfs resize function in the installer is totally safe, right?07:47
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aldarsiortonyyarusso: I doubt it.07:47
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crimsuntonyyarusso: it's quite safe07:47
sklavwell then intelikey that should stop basic network queries by xorg07:47
aldarsiorunless someone wrote an NTFS5 driver behind my back while I wasn't looking.07:47
=== eric_ [n=eric@pool-71-118-1-192.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
batmanhey has anyone here successfully installed kismet?07:47
aldarsiorsklav: That's probably not the problem.07:47
tonyyarussoaldarsior, Have you had problems, or heard of them?  I've used it twice just fine, but wanted to confirm.07:47
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pussfellerthere is a wine-type NTFS driver, captive ntfs07:47
Amaranthtonyyarusso: Nothing is _totally_ safe with you're messing with your HD but I've never heard of anyone having problems with NTFS resize.07:48
intelikeyok.   will that work in one of the startup files in /etc/X11/ ?07:48
aldarsiorsklav: much more likely it's things like synaptic's auto-"apt-get update"07:48
sklavprobably bu a while back similar issue because the system jsut didnt like to query when it had a hostname07:48
aldarsiorpussfeller: neat07:48
eric_I'm new to using linux do I need to install a firewall and anti-virus software07:48
tonyyarussoAmaranth, Right.  That's comforting enough I guess.07:48
pussfellerare you kidding07:48
deFryskeric_, anti-virus ?07:49
sklaveric_, firewall is a great idea07:49
aldarsiortonyyarusso: that's just the way it was man, for like 13 years07:49
pussfelleryou could always use a firewall....07:49
sklavantivirus you can get away with for now07:49
deFrysklinux = anti-virus07:49
sklavsince there is not really any known virus for linux07:49
sklavat the moment07:49
aldarsiorsklav: that's a lie.07:49
pussfellerthats not really true07:49
sklavi know07:49
pussfellera rootkit or trojan isnt technically a virus07:50
sklavbut when was the last virus for linux rampant?07:50
aldarsiorThere are viruses for linux, but you have to be dumber than 3 doorknobs in a bag of bricks to install them07:50
pussfelleritw sorse07:50
deFryskthere are no serious virus theats for linux07:50
eric_what about spyware07:50
sklavim not talking about an exploit in vsftpd either07:50
deFryskeric_, no spyware07:50
sklavthat is why i said a firewall is a good idea07:50
pussfellerthere are worms that plenty of linux boxes have07:50
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sklavantivirus will not exactly catch an apache exploit07:50
aldarsiorpussfeller: administrators that are dumber than a doorknob in a bag of bricks.07:50
deFryskeric_, unles you install it yourself07:50
aldarsioror fail to have a functional firewall07:51
pussfelleraldarsior: anyone can get behind on the gazillion latest updates....07:51
aldarsiorand have ports open with buffer overflow vulnerabilities07:51
Danlwhat package contains gksudo07:51
aldarsiorpussfeller: anyone who currently has a worm installed on their machine is a failure as a human being.07:51
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sklavdifficult to get behind unless you manually install all packages individually07:51
eric_ok, so I'm pretty safe using linux that's good to know.  Where do I find a firewall compatiable with linux07:51
aldarsiorthe last one came out over 8 months ago.07:51
deFryskaldarsior, how true07:51
pussfellerbold words aldarsior07:51
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sklaveric_, great news07:52
=== Jahboy [n=scott@pcp0010184247pcs.columbus.in.indy.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
DeMoNSeEdin synaptic07:52
sklavits built in07:52
batmancan anyone here help me install kismet please07:52
intelikeydeFrysk there is spyware that affects linux.  spyware henerally works through java07:52
sklavtry firestarted if your a newbie07:52
aldarsiorIf you haven't fixed your system in that time, just commit seppuku with your disk plates or something.07:52
DeMoNSeEdfirestarter is very simple07:52
sklavor shorewall if you want something advanced07:52
aldarsiorwheeeeee shorewall.07:52
DeMoNSeEdfirestarter is simpler than shorewall07:52
JahboyI currently run Fedora4, can I update without re-formatting and losing my apps and files?07:52
Danlaldarsior, thats thing about people with worms isn't entirely true, i used to install them on isolated machines just to figure out how to remove them07:52
deFryskintelikey, examples ?07:52
aldarsiorbut less awesome.07:52
sklavloves shorewall07:53
eric_i used synaptic and intalled shorewall, but I can't tell if it's working or not07:53
sklavwont install a distro that does not support it07:53
DeMoNSeEdshorewall reminds me of mandrivel07:53
pussfelleri never could figure out shorewall07:53
aldarsiorDanl: that's a bizarre circumstance and you know it.07:53
Danl:-) i know07:53
sklaveric shorewall need to be configured threw the command line or a text editor07:53
DeMoNSeEdfirestarter is far easier07:53
sklavget firestarter07:53
pussfelleri like arnos scripts07:53
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DeMoNSeEdeven guarddog is easier07:53
sklavas mentionned07:53
sklavits graphical07:53
DeMoNSeEdyup eric, get firestarter07:54
=== CaptainMorgan is a firestarta
DeMoNSeEdget rid of shorewall07:54
deFryskubuntu does not seriously need a firewall for desktop usage afaIk ?07:54
=== mada [n=max@cpe-67-10-56-207.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
pussfellera twisted firestarter?07:54
madahello all07:54
CaptainMorgancurved :)07:54
eric_do I use a command line in a terminal to get firestarter07:54
=== sklav lights his socks on fire
DeMoNSeEdtrue most stuff is turned off by default isn't it07:54
Jahboy I currently run Fedora4, can I update without re-formatting and losing my apps and files?07:54
intelikeydeFrysk there is some known forms of spyware that will affect 'normal' linux systems.  basicly they just use java and cookies  almost all browsers no matter the platform will accept cookies and exec java07:54
DeMoNSeEdapt-get install firestarter07:54
tonyyarussoHi mada.07:54
sklavyes but that is bad practice07:54
DeMoNSeEdor in synaptic07:54
aldarsiorsklav: can you do that trick where the fuzz burns off but the sock stays whole?07:55
sklavthat is what im doin07:55
sklavwonders what the woolen sweater would do ?07:55
Jahboy I currently run Fedora4, can I update without re-formatting and losing my apps and files?07:55
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=== Laney [n=laish@81-178-94-163.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
Jahboysorry, by that I mean switch to Ubuntu07:56
sklavto Ubuntu Jahboy ?07:56
madaanyone know how to compile kernel modules from source with a makefile that doesn't seem to work worth a shit?07:56
pussfellerJahboy: not really07:56
aldarsiorJahboy: not if you want a semblance of stability.07:56
Danlneone have any clue which package gksudo is in?07:56
deFryskJahboy, you need a clean /07:56
aldarsiormada: what's wrong with your makefile?07:56
Jahboydidn't think Red Hat and Debian got along07:56
crimsunDanl: gksu07:56
pussfellerits not that07:56
royceHibernation on my laptop is really my last serious obstacle to overcome.  I've tried to search the wiki's and I'm not sure if I can mak it work, I thought I'd try here and see what I can find.  The unit is an HP5330us.  There are some similar models on the HP laptop page, but all have significant variations.07:56
aldarsiormada: Or rather, why'd you break your makefile?07:56
pussfellerno distro will allow you to install another distro on top of it07:56
pussfellernot that I know of07:56
crimsunmada: presume you have gcc-3.4, build-essential, and linux-headers-$(uname -r) installed?07:57
madaaldarsior: i type make && make install and the makefile spits out an error, and its not mine i just downloaded the module07:57
tonyyarussoDanl: No, but you can search the package site.07:57
Danlthanks crumsun07:57
Danlnot that i can spell :-D07:57
sklavDanl gnome-sudo07:57
madacrimsun: yes, it is just yelling at me about directory something or other07:57
aldarsiormada: more likely a problem with you than with the file. Which module?07:57
sklavaccording to apt-cache07:57
crimsunmada: precise error onto pastebin?07:57
madaaldarsior: the new broadcom wifi chipset07:57
Danlok i will install that one too07:57
aldarsiorooooooh fun07:57
aldarsiordoes it come with any instructions?07:58
intelikeyi have a little two floppy disk distro that doesn't care if you install another distro over it.... :)07:58
Jahboyso basically I'd need to backup my files and do a full re-format?07:58
sklavDanl, is a perfect example why a firewall is good pratice to have07:58
Danli get synaptic working... and the rest of the installs should be easier07:58
Jahboythis may be a dumb question but I assume Ubuntu supports ext307:58
Danlme? how so?07:58
crimsunJahboy: well yeah, it's the default fs type...07:58
intelikeyJahboy yes07:58
sklavwell Danl like me and most everyone when they started07:58
Jahboyyeah, I've only bveen in Linux 6 months07:58
JahboyNTFS for ages before07:58
sklavthey installed anythign and everything07:58
Danli said an isolated machine... as in... no net connection :-)07:59
sklavnow imagine how many services might be started inadvertently07:59
Jahboywhats the major diff. between Ubuntu and Kubuntu?07:59
madaaldarsior: negative, the readme is just what it does for you07:59
sklavi know but your an example or joe somebody07:59
crimsunGNOME vs. KDE as a default install07:59
intelikeyntfs for ages ?       how old is ntfs ?07:59
DeMoNSeEdyou'll find ubuntu is pretty complete Jahboy07:59
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deFryskJahboy, good choice to switch to ubuntu :) you are learning fast :))07:59
Danlwell thanks07:59
Danlim glad i can be an example... i think07:59
JahboyKDE sucks07:59
Jahboylooks pretty07:59
sklavI find fedora is getting buggier07:59
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Jahboynot so functional07:59
=== Ricker [n=Administ@c-67-177-47-57.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Danl likes kde
pussfellerthats ussually what they say about gnome08:00
sklav i like KDE also08:00
=== intelikey likes kde
deFryskfedora = bloatdora08:00
royceAnybody wanna try and help troubleshoot a laptop hibernation issue?08:00
pussfellernever heard kde called non functional08:00
madasklav: i figured that out when they release core 2 as stable and up2date crashed 4 of 5 times08:00
Jahboyall my gnome stuff works08:00
sklavbut recently their icon sizes are borked08:00
Jahboyles glitter though08:00
=== Toma- [n=lin4me@203-59-182-157.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
DeMoNSeEdno, kde and bloat go together08:00
sklavkde is to GUI as emacs is to editors08:00
deFryskkde3.5 is not too bad08:00
tonyyarussoroyce: Before my kernel upgrade when mine was working, I would have.  Now I'm doing the same thing.08:00
Jahboyso why is Ubuntu better than Fedora?08:01
DeMoNSeEdnah, don't like it08:01
sklavwell they do have kde light08:01
intelikeydeFrysk if you think fc is bload  try to fit ubuntu on a 125m disk08:01
sklavJahboy, no need to have 10 million repos is one point08:01
DeMoNSeEdhaven't tried kde lite, what's it like\08:01
Danlje prefere kde et nano ...08:01
deFryskJahboy, faster better more bleeding08:01
Toma-Jahboy: there is no better. Ubuntu is simply more geared towards newbies/new users08:01
madableh, lets not argue over desktop environments its as pointless as arguing gentoo vs. debian ... because in the end both sides of the arguement realize that their opinions haven't changed and now they are pissed over nothing08:01
roycetonyyarusso: thanks anyhow, I'm stuck, it's a real pain, but we'll see08:01
DeMoNSeEdkde est tros gros pour riens08:01
intelikey!start a disktop war08:02
Danlmada, this is true08:02
ubotuintelikey: Do they come in packets of five?08:02
madaToma-: or those of us who are lazy08:02
Toma-mada: yep ;D08:02
tonyyarussoroyce: Let me know if you solve it.08:02
deFryskintelikey, why would I try that ?08:02
Jahboydoes Ubuntu support rpm, and yes the yum repos suck08:02
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sklavUbuntu is deb08:02
intelikeydeFrysk why not ?08:02
deFryskJahboy, ubuntu uses .debs08:02
Danlubuntu supports some rpms to my experience08:02
madaJahboy: yes and no, there is a tool called alien that will convert an .rpm to a .deb08:02
intelikey!start a distro war08:02
ubotuintelikey: Did you get hit by a windmill?08:02
deFryskJahboy, in most cases rpms are not needed08:02
DeMoNSeEdRPM=really poor management08:02
Toma-!kickban complainers08:02
sklavwhy use rpm when there is likely a deb out there in universe08:02
ubotuToma-: Are you smoking crack?08:02
intelikeywhat happened to the bot ????08:02
=== Danl hides from distro war
Madpilot!start a desktop war08:03
ubotucde is much better than kde!08:03
ubotutonyyarusso: Do they come in packets of five?08:03
intelikeyMadpilot ?    hmmm08:03
=== ubotu throws a chair at toma-
ubotusklav: I don't know08:03
Danlyes! synaptic runs, and instantly exists08:03
tonyyarussoNow I'm confused...08:03
sklavhehe try it ubotu08:04
deFrysktonyyarusso, thats a good thing08:04
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Jahboywhat does Ubuntu use for update (as in the thing that's better than fedora's yum)08:04
=== ubotu gives toma- a tall glass of Sri Lankan coconut arrack
RickerI have a question regarding Linux/Ubuntu performance.  I have always heard that Linux outperformed windoze and that it would run WONDERFULLY FAST on legacy hardware and I'm a newbie with linux.  I've recently installed Breezy 5.10 on a Pentium III 600 mhz pc with 512 MB ram, 80 gig IDE hard disk.  I want to set it up to be a fast web server running apache/php/mysql.  So far after having installed everything I'm not that blown away wi08:04
Rickerth the speed and wondering if the fact that I'm running the Gnome desktop is the biggest reason, or if there are several factors, OR, if the pc I have is just too old/slow.  Please give me your input08:04
nurfeapt-get :)08:04
MadpilotJahboy: it uses Synaptic08:04
Jahboyand doesn't use repos?08:04
DeMoNSeEdand or apt08:04
eric_ok, I just used synaptic and installed firestarter, but afterward nothing happened08:04
MadpilotJahboy: yes, it uses repos08:05
DeMoNSeEdyou'll see an update icon on top right beside volume control08:05
Jahboyis Ubuntu more stable?08:05
pussfellerRicker: linux will outperform windows for server apps, but not gui wise, generall08:05
sklavbut the repos are huge and consistant08:05
DeMoNSeEdwhen updates are available08:05
deFryskRicker, linux will run on older boxes but it wil not run like realy fast08:05
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pussfelleryou dont have to run x for a server08:05
JahboyWindoes GUI does kick Linux a$$08:05
Jahboybut not Apples08:05
Toma-you can get kde to run as fast as windows and with apple like gui08:06
eric_is another window supposed to open for me to configure the firewall08:06
sklavJahboy, you opinion seems forced08:06
MadpilotJahboy: nah, I like Gnome way, way more than XP08:06
RickerPussfeller: So if I don't use gnome, will apache/php/mysql run very fast on this pc in your opinion?08:06
DeMoNSeEdyup, that blue screen of death is sure pretty08:06
Danlany ideas why synaptic closes as soon as it opens?08:06
RickerdeFrysk: so if I don't use gnome, will apache/php/mysql run very fast on this pc in your opinion?08:06
intelikeyRicker never say to old and slow.....   this is a p1 133mmx with 64m ram and a 600m ide hdd    :)08:06
sklavlikes blue but im greek08:06
pussfellerRicker: definietely08:06
DeMoNSeEdmissing depenancy08:06
Jahboyno, I am just trying to decide if I should go to Ubuntu or not08:06
djtanseyare there any options for installing ubuntu without a CD or floppy? I have a PCMCIA harddrive (1GB) and windows. could i install it from windows?08:06
pussfellerRicker: faster, anyway08:06
Jahboyis it worth the reformatting08:06
Rickerpussfeller:  is gnome a mem hog?08:06
Jahboyand learning a new distro08:06
pussfellerRicker: all guis are08:07
deFryskRicker, dunno about those apps but afaIk it should work fine08:07
MadpilotRicker: if you're running a server, you shouldn't have a GUI installed anyway08:07
DeMoNSeEdubuntu is a fine distro08:07
sklavRicker, your isp is probably still using a 486 machine somewhere08:07
DeMoNSeEdgood support08:07
aldarsiorJahboy: there's not really much learning in ubuntu08:07
RickerOk, so I need to learn to dump the gui then obviously08:07
tonyyarussodjtansey, I think you can download an ISO, and run the install from it, but I have no idea how that works.08:07
DeMoNSeEdgood heritage that's it built upon too08:07
sklavRicker, get a small window manager08:07
RickerSklav:  such as?08:07
intelikeyRicker watch for cups too. if you don't need cups don't run it. it is a ram pig.08:07
sklavlike blackbox08:08
aldarsiorJahboy: I abuse my systems and make them do things they were never ment to do and today was the first time I had to edit a configuration file (I've been using this Fad Distro Of The Month for like, a year now)08:08
pussfellerricker, just /etc/init.d/gdm stop08:08
sklavor icew,08:08
Danlif you want a distro that will make you learn... install gentoo from source :-/ ... me's not doing that again08:08
Rickerintelikey: what the hell is cups?08:08
aldarsiorsklav: ION!08:08
aldarsiorer, omg, even.08:08
aldarsiorwith lots of !s after it08:08
Jahboythe other thing is, Ubuntu being Debian, does not use BASH, right?  I would have to learn new commands?08:08
djtanseytonyyarusso: i will look that up. thanks.08:08
intelikeycups = common unix printing system08:08
aldarsiorJahboy: um.08:08
tonyyarussoI've seen a couple of questions like that recently.  Does anyone know about installing from a downloaded ISO without burning a CD?08:08
pussfellerit uses german bash08:08
sklavJahboy, debian uses bash08:08
DeMoNSeEdah rememberr the first days of Warty08:08
aldarsiorJahboy: FreeBSD uses KSH...08:08
Rickerintelikey: how do I stop cups?  I didn't even know it was running, but won't be using my linux box as any type of print server08:09
aldarsiorDeMoNSeEd: remember the old days of slackware 97?08:09
aldarsiorremember Gentoo v. 1.0 RC 4 ?08:09
DeMoNSeEdno, admittedly i can't go that far back08:09
Rickerpussfeller:  does that stop command essentially shut down gnome and leave me at the command prompt?08:09
pussfellerRicker: yes08:09
sklavhow does 1 stop a service in ubuntu on commanline from never starting other than removing the symlink?08:09
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Jahboywould I have to learn new commands though, or will they be mostly the same (ls, rm, cd, make, etc)08:09
Rickerpussfeller:  how do I get it gnome to stop loading each time it boots though?08:10
intelikeyricker it may or may not be running but you can remove it via apt/aptitude/synaptic08:10
aldarsiorJahboy: those would be the same even if you were switching away from bash08:10
DeMoNSeEdi'm only into it for bout 4 1/2 years now08:10
Jahboyright on08:10
Rickerintelikey: ok, thanks, I'll check for it08:10
pussfellerRicker: theres a services menu somewhere08:10
sklavi need sleep08:10
sklavlater all08:10
Jahboybut obviously rpm would cease to exist right?08:10
MadpilotRicker: there's an actual server install of Ubuntu available08:10
DeMoNSeEdyou exceed me by a long shot aldarsior08:10
aldarsiorJahboy: I mean, some of the arguments for them are different, especially ls with it's crazy long arguments list, and especially on Darwin, but seriously.08:10
Jahboyand bins are executed the same way?08:11
tonyyarussodjtansey, Throw me the link if you find something, will ya?08:11
aldarsiorJahboy: {path}binary08:11
aldarsiorunless it's in your path08:11
=== chapium [n=chap@63-87-213-98.res.nb.dhcp.sigecom.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jahboythat's cool08:11
sklav!later ubotu08:11
ubotuparse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, sklav08:11
aldarsiorin your $PATH that is08:11
Rickermadpilot: I know, but I was initially afraid of it.  I suppose I need to remove one of my other distros (redhad, suse or mandriva) and reinstall ubuntu as a server only install and start learning from there.08:11
JahboyI might check it out then,08:11
sklavlater all08:11
Jahboythanks for the info08:11
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chapiumanyone here familiar with quod libet?  Can it play streaming internet radio?08:12
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Jahboythanks to Gmail for providing a way to back up files online :D08:12
DeMoNSeEdnope quos libet?08:12
crimsunchapium: yes.08:12
DeMoNSeEdquod libet08:12
DanlJahbot, yes!08:12
Jahboy(btw, is there a way to install from .iso without having to burn a cd?)08:12
=== mmarle [n=marle@dsl6-118.fastxdsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Danldamn i need to learn to type08:12
jdmpikehow do I install new fonts?08:12
intelikeyJahboy what makes a file executable or not in linux is not the type nor name.extention but the permissions   :)08:13
jdmpikewhere does the truetype go?08:13
ubotuit has been said that fonts is https://wiki.ubuntu.com//FontInstallHowto08:13
Madpilotjdmpike: see above ^^^08:13
tonyyarussoJahboy, That's what djtansey and I are trying to figure out.08:13
pussfellerhd(1,1) is /dev/hdb2 right08:13
Jahboyso chmod a+x will still allow that, right?08:13
RickerIt seems like when I look up howtos for NewB's on how to learn command line linux, it's like drinking from a fire hose.  In other word, I don't know which is the best for a NewB to learn CLI linux.  Do any of you have your favorites for this?08:13
crimsunRicker: you're already looking at it: #ubuntu08:13
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Danllol crimsun...08:14
frans-thjoin #ubuntu-motu08:14
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Danlif i can just get synaptic working!08:14
Rickercrimsun: but ubuntu seems to focus on more GUI than CLI08:14
ubotuit has been said that cli is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicCommands or http://www.linuxcommand.org/ or http://www.tuxfiles.org08:14
crimsunRicker: no, we field all sorts of support questions here08:14
intelikeyRicker  i learned most of what i know by the 'trial and reformat' method  lol08:14
Danlditto intelikey08:15
chapiumcrimsum - in regard to quod libet, where do the radio stations go?08:15
Mindlightwhooohooo... I made it into the supportchannel... one quick question... I have a bluetooth mouse...and I use "sudo hidd --search" to connect it. I would like to put a similar line in a startup file that connects the mouse before I log in... anyone got a really good clue which one to use? :)08:15
RickerIntelikey: I'm starting to realize that this is how it works,  I've installed ubuntu 3 times and several other distros already.  I've finally decided I like ubuntu the best because of it's friendliness, but I can see I'll probably be reformatting some partitions and doing it over many times in the future08:16
djtanseytonyyarusso: will do. http://marc.herbert.free.fr/linux/win2linstall.html - and http://www.phatlinux.com/ has a window installer. wondering if that allows CD-less installs. then i just just mess with grub to boot from my flash pcmcia drive. i already have grub installed on this machine.. not as familiar with it as i used to be with lilo08:16
aldarsiorubotu: but CLI is Command Line Interface08:16
ubotualdarsior: what are you talking about?08:16
crimsunchapium: in what sense? It all goes into your library. To add, Music> Add Location08:16
aldarsior!ubotu help08:16
crimsunAdd a Location, rather08:16
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crimsunI'm very biased toward Quod Libet.08:17
chapiumcrimsun, just checking to make sure there wasnt another view or something.   The library's not the best place for a radio thing since it never ends08:17
panana2first time using ubuntu08:17
aldarsior!ubuto forget CLI08:17
ubotualdarsior: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?08:17
intelikeyQ; what do linux users do ?        A; install software.    :)08:17
tonyyarussoJahboy, Might want to take a look at djtansey's links above too.08:17
DeMoNSeEdit's a good app quod libet?08:17
aldarsiorhow do I make it learn that CLI means "command line interface" ?08:17
aldarsiorintelikey: bah.08:17
Danlok i removed and the installed again synaptic... but it still opens the instantly closes again... any ideas on how to trace the problem?08:17
crimsunchapium: where would you put it?08:17
Rickercrimsun: I understand what you mean now.  I thought when you said #ubuntu, that you were referring to the distro, not the IRC channel.  I get it now.  this truly IS an amazingly quick way to get answers08:17
crimsunRicker: right.08:17
Madpilotaldarsior: I just changed the cli entry08:17
Madpilot!tell aldarsior about cli08:17
=== kinection [n=spetsnaz@70-57-123-202.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
chapiumcrimsun, well, in other media players there would be a section for it.  Other wise it would get stuck on that station as it cycles through songs.  Playlists could control this i suppose08:18
kinectionhello, i have a simple question. What is dynamic vs. static? I'm looking at blender downloads and they have a dynamic and a static. What's the difference?08:18
crimsunchapium: "another section" being Another Library. In the end, it's just a Library.08:18
aldarsiorkinection: the way the libraries are linked.08:18
Danlfrom experience, linux super users (my self not included) tend to be helpful and great at answering questions08:18
kinectionaldarsior: so? is there a better? what are the benefits?08:19
Madpilotkinection: Blender is in the Ubuntu repos08:19
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Jahboywas there any conclusion to installing iso without burning a cd?08:19
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chapiumcrimsun, i guess my point is internet radio should be separate from music files that generally end at some point08:19
aldarsiorkinection: static linked libraries means that the libraries the developer used are compiled into the source. This generally means that the binary is bigger, but is more likely to work as you won't have issues where the executible is looking for a library that isn't there.08:19
chapiumcrimsun, a lot of streaming audio does not ever end08:19
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kinectionaldarsior: ok, thanks.08:20
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crimsunchapium: that's a simple library perspective08:20
aldarsiorI didn't get to explain what dlls are!08:20
panana2is java working good in ubuntu ?08:20
Danljahboy, i've read somewhere on how to do it before... but it may have been another distro... let me go look again08:20
tonyyarussopanana2, Is for me.08:20
JahboyI've heard of putting the iso on a separate partition08:20
intelikeystatic packages are much bulkier than dynamics but seldom give a dependancy problem  'iirc'08:20
Karmicthreatanyone know how long a 200G resize2fs should take?  Minutes?  Hours?08:20
crimsunchapium: remember that quod libet's objective isn't enforcing any organisation. /You/ do that. Use its regexes.08:20
RickerCrimsun: Do you use a GUI or CLI only?08:21
aldarsiorJahboy: you can mount an ISO onto your filesystem as though it were a CD device.08:21
Rickerintelikey: Do you use a GUI or CLI only?08:21
aldarsiorJahboy: mount -t iso9660 <file> <mountpoint>08:21
crimsunRicker: I use a bevy of rxvt-unicode windows in GNOME.08:21
panana2what java that tonyy use ?08:21
Jahboybut then you can't format the location where your ISO is, right?08:21
JahboyI have a large SWAP drive, around 2 gig08:21
Jahboywould it be possible to load the ISO there?08:21
chapiumcrimsun, argh philosophies08:21
aldarsiorhey Mr. Anthony Russo #23345208:21
Rickercrimsun: what in the crap is that?08:21
tonyyarussoJahboy, http://marc.herbert.free.fr/linux/win2linstall.html looks promising.08:21
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aldarsiorhe wants to know what JRE you use08:22
chapiumcrimsun, anyways, i do not see this open location option next to add music08:22
crimsunRicker: lots of terminal emulator windows in a GUI.08:22
intelikeywell actually no    i missed the 'ONLY' on the end of that Ricker08:22
Danlthanks for reminding me to install j2sdk08:22
crimsunchapium: I'm using quod libet 0.16-1 in Dapper/universe.08:22
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Rickerintelikey: so what do you do?  do you boot up to a CLI, then load gnome when you need it or, what?08:22
aldarsiorew gnome08:22
tonyyarussopanana2, j2re1.4 out of the universe repo previously, now j2re1.5 from PLF.08:23
chapiumcrimsun, ah08:23
intelikeyRicker two years ago i made the statement 'i'm a gui kinda guy'  and not i start a gui to check my email....08:23
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panana2how i can get that :)08:23
Rickeraldarsior:  what do you use in place of gnome?  kde? or do you just not use a gui?08:23
intelikeys/not/now/ ^08:23
aldarsiorRicker: EWWWWWWW KDE08:24
aldarsiorcome on now08:24
aldarsiorthere's no call for that kind of language08:24
Rickeraldarsior:  :) ok, so what then?08:24
Danlthere are more guis then just kde and gnome08:24
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crimsunno desktop wars08:24
intelikeyKDE ?08:24
pussfelleryou can use fluxbox if you absolutely need a DE08:24
intelikeywhen i start a gui it is generally kde08:24
aldarsiorif you're going to use X, which isn't necessary , use something that doesn't eat your whole system to display the borders of windows.08:24
RickerI'm not trying to start a war.  just curious what people like08:24
aldarsiorI use ion08:24
aldarsiorother people use pwm, and blackbox08:25
aldarsiorand other things08:25
DeMoNSeEdiceWM is ok too08:25
aldarsiorand ice08:25
aldarsiorintelikey: that's a joke, take it back.08:25
DeMoNSeEdE17 will be nice08:25
crimsunRicker: not addressing you08:25
Rickerwow, I had now idea there were so damn many choices08:25
intelikeyi like twm08:25
Rickercrimsun: I gotcha08:25
pussfellerbut for a server, you dont really want a gui08:25
aldarsiorTWM is not a choice except in a manner that only makes sense in a koan08:25
Danlisn't there one named xen?08:25
DeMoNSeEdE17 has some cool effects, low drain too08:25
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Danlor maybe it was xemian or something like that08:26
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intelikeyi didn't until i learned to alt click to switch windows....08:26
Rickerwell It's clear that I need to concentrate on learning the CLI.... wonder how long that will take me....seems like a daunting task08:26
Jahboyanyone used the Ubuntu live cd?08:26
intelikeyyeah i have Jahboy08:26
Danli did before i install ... why?08:26
Jahboyseems like an idea to check out08:27
aldarsiorRicker: don't bother, unless you want to be a sysadmin.08:27
tonyyarussoJahboy, I did yesterday.08:27
intelikeyRicker tab completion and man pages    best teachers i know.08:27
Danlwow, it's like im trying to run it on a 200mhz machine it's lagging so much08:27
Jahboydoes it giv a good impression for Ubuntu08:27
RickerI started with pc's when dos 3.0 was out.  Thought I was a power user.  Linux CLI seems to be scary in comparison and makes dos look like ....I don't know what08:27
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MadpilotJahboy: it's basically the same as the installed version of Ubuntu08:28
intelikeyRicker yep08:28
Rickeraldarsior:  why do you say, don't bother?  if I only want to run a server, don't I need to master the CLI08:28
aldarsiorRicker: why are you running a server?08:28
Rickerintelikey: what is tab completion and man pages?08:28
Danldos is much easier in comparsion to linux cli... but linux cli is far superior08:28
aldarsiortype a letter into your terminal and hit [tab] 08:28
MadpilotRicker: have a read here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicCommands08:29
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Rickeraldarsior:  because I want to be a linux expert in hopes that it might help in getting me employed again.  I'm an ex-netware admin.08:29
Danlis kpackage any good?08:29
intelikeyricker in a terminal type ' apt[tab] [tab]  '  where [tab]  is the real tab key.08:29
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aldarsiorDanl: hey - you know, I heard, that driving a ford fiesta's automatic is easier than driving an audi manual.08:29
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aldarsiorRicker: Very well.08:30
Danlmanuals are more fun tho08:30
leather_n_luvhow do you map an smb share?08:30
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aldarsiorDanl: and audis are just better cars than fords.08:30
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Rickeraldarsior:  do linux guess get paid more than minimum wage I hope?08:30
Danlwhat was your statement in reference to?08:30
Rickeraldarior: *admins, not "guess"08:31
aldarsiorDanl: that ridiculous thing you said about DOS vs. Bash08:31
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intelikeyoh now it's an automobile war  :)08:31
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Danli think bash is much better... but thats my opinion08:31
aldarsiorRicker: I don't know, I don't know what the employment market is like at all.08:31
Madpilotintelikey: bah, everyone knowss that bicycles are superior :P08:31
aldarsiorDanl: only because you're not insane.08:31
pussfellerthe market for linux is only going to get better and better08:32
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pussfellerin the long run08:32
aldarsiorhopeless romantics.08:32
Danlwell.... that might not be entirely true... my sanity is still debatable08:32
crimsunwell it's nice to have a goal.08:32
pussfellerunless MS can lock things down with hollywood and or using IP& the govt08:32
crimsunin any case, this discussion really belongs in #ubuntu-offtopic08:33
intelikeyRicker :)    yeah       hey also if you are sirious about cli you are also gonna like the scroll back ability in the console    hold down a shift and hit page-up  :)08:33
intelikeynote that is "console"  not terminal.08:33
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pussfellertheres pleanty of bash tuts out there08:33
Jahboydoes Ubuntu use Bash?08:34
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Rickerintelikey: good tips.    What did you mean by the "man pages" ?08:34
Jahboybtw, I'm downloadin the live cd now08:34
JahboyI decided to go ahead and burn08:34
Kamping_KaiserJahboy: yes08:34
Jahboyit's nice it's only 1 cd08:34
JahboyFedora had 4!08:34
intelikeyRicker in the terminal type 'man man '   :)08:34
Danlalways good to have the cd laying around08:34
Rickerintelikey:  ok, cool.  Thanks all, this should get me started.08:35
Danljust never type 'man woman' :-)08:35
MadpilotRicker: typing "q" gets you out of man pages, btw - also try "man intro"08:35
Rickermadpilot.  cool, ty08:35
intelikeyman woman   "E: there is no know command line interface for woman"08:35
pussfelleraint that the truth08:36
MadpilotRicker: also, do read that wiki URL for some more info08:36
Danli was refering to a t-shirt i bought... says something about segmentation fault... after you man woman :-)08:37
Rickermadpilot.  will do.  I've cut & pasted all of these suggestions as always.  good stuff.08:37
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pussfellerit would be nice to be able to type, wiki "Elvis Presley" and get a text formated entry....08:37
GTroy_anyone know if I can put my ibook with the live cd to sleep?08:38
=== encompass [n=encompas@dsl-hkigw7-fe0df900-146.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
encompassI am a little confused, isn't there a 686 kenrel for ubuntu?08:39
Rickerintelikey: why do you like twm?  and, is it difficult to get setup & configed?08:39
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Kaiser_Awayyes, but not on the cd08:39
encompasson the web08:39
Danl2 gigs is too small of a partition for a full ubuntu install isn't it?08:39
intelikeyoutput info to | tr '[a-z] ' '[A-Z] '08:39
deFryskencompass, linux-68608:39
encompassfull install... yeah08:39
intelikeyRicker i'm a bit of a minimalest08:39
GTroy_Kaiser_Away: ?08:39
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MadpilotDanl: the full install is about 1.8Gb or so08:39
RickerIntelikey:  hey I'm all for that08:40
Kaiser_AwayGTroy_ it was an answer to encompass08:40
encompasslooked right over it08:40
GTroy_ohh, sorry08:40
Rickerintelikey: I take it twm must be very small?08:40
Danlok... i need to go change the image size then... maybe make it about 8 gigs08:40
intelikeyif you install xsercer-xorg and then add a window manager twm is 'i recon' as small as they come.08:40
intelikeyxserver-xorg even08:41
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Rickerintelikey:  ok.  do you have any links that I can read specifically about this.  I can google for it. but if you had anything handy at your fingertips...08:42
intelikeyno i keep most of my docs in human ram disk08:42
=== xester good morning
intelikeyso it is xester08:43
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xesteryap 07:45am :p08:44
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Danlshould ubuntu-base package be installed?08:44
intelikeygmt+1 eeh08:44
intelikeyDanl iv'e ran it both ways....08:45
linlinconfigure: error: C compiler cannot create executables .... any ideas?08:45
crimsunlinlin: install build-essential08:45
ubotuwell, b-e is no make ?  you need build-essential or if you get errors saying gcc cannot create executables, or that you can't find header files like stdio.h, you need to do a    sudo apt-get install build-essential.08:45
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LukianDanl: lol  :)08:45
Danli was bad... i asked before i read ... :-/08:45
linlinit is installed08:45
linlinbuild-essential is already the newest version.08:46
linlin0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.08:46
crimsunlinlin: apt-get --reinstall install build-essential08:46
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djtanseytonyyarusso: http://sourceforge.net/projects/instlux and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/FromWindows08:46
Noomthere are an italian boy?? :D08:46
intelikeylinlin no write permission on the dir ?08:46
moquistIs Dapper considered more stable at this point in the cycle than Breezy was?08:46
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LukianNoom: plenty of italian boy! filled with HIV!08:47
crimsunmoquist: yes/no08:47
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linlinstill says it crimsun08:47
moquistcrimsun: thx08:47
linlinintelikey im running the command in sudo, sould be fine08:47
chapiumcrimsun, thanks for the tip on quod .16.. that thing's a piece of cake to install08:47
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crimsunlinlin: post your config.log08:48
Rickeranyone here have wordpress installed on a linux server of their own ?08:48
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Lukiani'm gonna reboot for the kernel update08:49
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Danli know have a fully working ubuntu install... updated from debian sid, running as a service in xp :-)... could it get any stranger?08:51
RickerAre there any printed Linux manuals that are better than the free stuff that you can get online in YOUR opinion. anyone?08:51
crimsunRicker: ora.com08:51
MadpilotRicker: some of the O'Reilly books are good08:51
Rickercrimsun: why so?08:51
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moquistRicker: O'Reilly books are usually very good08:52
Rickermadpilot:  I've liked a lot of O'reilly stuff.  I have got to the point, at least in the habit from windoze, that the manuals you buy seem to get out of date so fast.08:52
intelikeyi hadn't really noticed that root just flatly ignores permission.... i guess i'd never thought about it.08:52
Rickerthat's why I ask the question regarding if it's just best to stay with the free docs out there08:52
MadpilotRicker: the command line/server stuff doesn't get outdated quite as fast, from what I've seen08:52
crimsunintelikey: wouldn't make much sense in being "super" otherwise...08:53
Rickermadpilot: I see.08:53
moquistRicker: I agree with Madpilot, and even if they do go out of date, they've often been so much more useful to me than online material that it would have been worth it anyway.08:53
Rickermoquist: really?  that's interesting.  ok, so what in particular would recommend to learn linux for a newb?08:54
moquistRicker: It also depends on the topic.  For, say, PHP docs, php.net is where I go.  I assume ORA has several PHP books, but I'd never buy one.08:54
moquistRicker: what do you do, and what do you want to do?  desktop user?  programmer?  system administrator?08:54
RickerI have fairly good php/mysql manual that I bought that' not too bad.08:54
intelikeywell crimsun when root owns something like say /root/*  i just thought it need at least 700 on the dir.    but i just did a 'chmod 000 /root -R '  to test and root dont care.... it ignores all premissions.08:54
RickerI'm a programmer &, somewhat of a sys admin...08:55
moquistRicker: Learning the Bash Shell08:55
Rickeralso picking up C#.net...08:55
moquistRicker: that's definitely what I recommend first and most highly08:55
Rickermoquist:  that's a book by o'reilly?08:56
moquistRicker: And after that, I'd have to say the ORA DNS book has changed my life the most.  :)08:56
Rickermoquist:  I just found it.08:56
moquistRicker: yep.08:56
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moquistRicker: unless you're already quite comfortable on the command line, and comfortable learning on your own -- and even if you're both -- that book will solidly ground you.08:57
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Rickermoquist:  DNS has always frustrated me.  at least in the WINDOZE world.  I definately need to read something that will help dispel the cloudiness of that08:57
moquistRicker: there are some other good shell intro books, but that one's an excellent starting point.08:57
moquistRicker: then the ORA DNS book is where you want to go.08:58
Rickermoquist:  ok. I've found it and will check it out08:58
moquistbest of luck to you08:58
moquistRicker: make sure you read the intro in the DNS book; the history will help you wrap your mind around the whole thing08:58
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claesRicker, Listen to moquist. The ORA book about Bind and DNS is worth it weight in gold.08:58
moquistRicker: that's "Bind and DNS", in case they have other DNS books as well08:58
Rickermoquist: is "bind and dns" the name of the book i want?08:59
moquistRicker: yep08:59
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moquistRicker: well, I was close.  very close.  ;) http://tinyurl.com/baj8d (amazon.com)09:00
Rickermoquist: ok excellent.  I'll start reading that as soon as I've finished reading "Learn Windows 95 in 21 days"09:00
Rickerjust kidding09:00
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moquistheh; I just got why there's a cricket on the cover.09:01
Danlwhat would cause kde windows to roll up when ever focus is lost?09:01
Yomic21 seconds mabey09:01
=== Danl can't find option to disable it
intelikey21 days.  bah.   it took me 22 days.09:01
Danltook me more time to learn 3.1 ;-)09:01
intelikey3.1 was nice for the time.09:02
Rickermoquist: boy those books are a hell of a lot cheaper from amazon that from o'reilly direct.09:02
intelikeyit was like going from dos to bash09:02
Rickerdanl: that's because it crashed so often09:02
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Inf3ctedFxHello everyone09:03
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Inf3ctedFxDoes anyone knows a good program can I use on linux to edit and make websites? like dreamweaver?09:04
Rickermoquist:  so why is it that there is a cricket on the cover? as opposed to the many other insects/animals o'reilly used?   I thought they were arbitrary and had no meaning.09:04
Inf3ctedFxI rememnber was one, but I forgot the name09:04
intelikeyRicker actually.  i've had more crashes from linux that i ever did form windows 95.09:04
LukianInf3ctedFx: nvu?09:04
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Inf3ctedFxthats the one.. yes thx Lukian09:04
Danllmao... i've been running this install with only 64mb of ram all night... no wonder it's been lagging09:04
moquistRicker: look at the authors' names09:04
Rickerintelikey:  really?  well that's surprising.  I thought linux was "rock stable" yada yada09:04
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Rickermoquist:  ahh  cool09:05
intelikeyRicker it can be but win95 could be pretty stable too depending on the use.09:05
Inf3ctedFxand to burn CD's something like CD CAvebrun ore something like it09:05
moquistintelikey: stable until the uptime counter rolled over and everything hung.  87 days, wasn't it?  ;)09:06
Danl95 was pretty stable... 98 a lil less... 98se a lil more... (wants to forget ME)... xp is pretty good too09:06
jdmpikemy iPod is mounting as the wrong user, how can I change that09:06
intelikeyi don't know i'm a turn it off when you aint using it fellow09:06
jdmpikeI want the Ipod to automount and the users group to own him09:06
Lukianmoquist: 49.7 or such09:06
jdmpikecan anyone help me with that?09:07
=== pavel_ [n=pavel@pool-71-112-129-39.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
j-linuxI just bought a ThinkPad T43 -- I made the restore disks, defragmented the drive 3 times, and now I want to resize the Windows partition to put Breezy on it.  I tried a Knoppix disk with QTPARTED but it didn't work.  It won't let me shrink by more than 1GB smaller.  Are there other tools I could use to shrink the NTFS partition for my Ubuntu install?09:08
j-linuxI'm not sure why it isn't working09:08
jdmpikesomeone please help me automount my ipod to group users09:09
crimsunj-linux: just resize in the installer09:09
Danlwell im off... thanks for all the wonderful help09:09
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Danlau revior09:09
Lukianj-linux: defragged with?09:09
crimsunj-linux: there's no real need to resize ahead of time09:09
j-linuxcrimsun: Breezy has a resize tool?09:09
j-linuxI don't remember it for 5.04...  I haven't installed Breezy yet though09:10
intelikeyweeners and nachos to you09:10
Jahboyok, so...  back to that cd bruning thing, can't find an unmolested cd in the house, any ideas for being able to bypass the cd installation?09:10
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Inf3ctedFxDoes anyone knows a program tu burn CD on linux, I remember it was one call something like Caveman Cd burner or something like that09:11
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Rickeris the "bash shell" installed automatically as a part of ubuntu?  sorry if that's a stupid question.09:11
burning_bronxTaste of blood in his mouth feel of death on his hands09:11
deFryskInf3ctedFx, for audio serpentine09:11
burning_bronxRicker, it is09:11
deFryskfor iso rightclick in nautilus09:11
Inf3ctedFxwell deFrysk  for any type or data...09:12
burning_bronxit's part of the base server install09:12
deFryskfor the rest graveman09:12
Rickerburning_bronx.  it is installed or it is a dumb question?  or both?09:12
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cathelestiv just installed ubuntu, very nice, need help with audo codec's/decoders09:12
crimsunj-linux: it's built into the installer09:12
burning_bronxRicker, read above - I said it's a part of the base install09:12
deFryskInf3ctedFx, if desperate get k3b k3b-mp309:12
Rickerbrurning_bronx: ok got it09:12
Inf3ctedFxok deFrysk  thx09:13
burning_bronxInf3ctedFx, gnomebaker, graveman, neroLINUX, k3b if you don't mind Qt09:13
j-linuxcrimsun:  great... I just booted the install disk...09:13
jdmpikeI recommend k3b09:13
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Rickerburning_bronx:  when I open a terminal window from inside gnome, am I essentially running an instance of bash, or something else?09:13
crimsunj-linux: when you choose to install Breezy on your HD, use the guided partitioning option, select the NTFS partition, choose a smaller size, and install Ubuntu there. The NTFS partition is resized transparently.09:13
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deFrysk!tell cathelest bot restricted formats09:13
bnDhi, i just did a fresh install and dont want to rebuild my fluxbox menu, can someone tell me what to type to have menu automatically generate one?09:14
deFrysk!tell cathelest bot restrictedformats09:14
burning_bronxRicker, I think it's more of a terminal emulator but it does the same job09:14
deFrysk!tell cathelest about restrictedformats09:14
=== ReverendNathan [n=nathan@cpe-72-129-75-69.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
intelikeybot ?09:14
intelikeyabout ?09:14
Rickertrying to get an understanding of bash, terminal windows, etc.09:14
deFryskintelikey, I am not really awake09:14
j-linuxcrimsun: thanks... it is loading now.09:14
ReverendNathanHello, I have a question on mounting partitions.09:15
=== deFrysk is half dead actually
intelikeywhich half ?09:15
ubotuFor a list of basic commands, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicCommands09:15
Rickerdoes anyone know if I can get ubuntu to run on my TI 99/4A with 16k of RAM and a cassette recorder as my permanent storage?09:15
deFryskintelikey, the good half ;p09:15
ReverendNathanI used this script: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions?highlight=%28partition%2909:15
=== chapium cackles maniacally
ReverendNathanBut I don't like the ugly name it gave my partition09:15
ReverendNathanCan I undo the script somehow, and do mounting manually?09:16
burning_bronxReverendNathan, why using scripts?09:16
burning_bronxyou can just add a row in fstab09:16
Inf3ctedFxdoes anyone remember the path to GROUP to edit group?09:16
ReverendNathanI was a newbie, I realize how to do stuff now09:16
intelikey16k of ram   is a no go.09:16
burning_bronxand it will give it whatever name you need09:16
ReverendNathanI'm actually learning faster; faster than DOS/Windows09:16
Rickerintelikey:  was only kidding09:16
bnDanyone here use fluxbox?09:16
ReverendNathanIf I were to remove it from the /etc/fstab list, restart, would it be gone?09:17
burning_bronxReverendNathan, yeh09:17
ReverendNathanAlright, I'm off! I'll tell you if it worked.09:17
=== Toma- [n=lin4me@203-59-182-157.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
intelikeyRicker i've got linux on a 486 lappy with 16m of ram  and only a floppy drive  212m hdd  no nic.09:18
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Inf3ctedFxdoes anyone remember the path to edit group?09:18
burning_bronxintelikey, what kind of install did you use O_O09:18
Rickerintelikey:  wow.  that really is impressive.  amazing in fact.09:18
intelikeyit's an old nec versa ultra-lite09:18
jdmpikeno one can help me with automount?!?!?!09:18
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Toma-intelikey: slackware?09:18
Inf3ctedFxis /boot/group?09:18
burning_bronxwhat kind of groups are you trying to edit?09:19
Toma-intelikey: or lfs? :D09:19
intelikeyburning_bronx installed on a desktop then made a tar.gz out of the whole thing and copied it over one 1.44 diak at a time.09:19
Inf3ctedFxBurgerMann:  like lilo... but is group09:19
intelikeyToma- mdk 9.009:19
Rickerintelikey:  why would a guy want linux on a box with no nic though?09:20
Toma-oh wow09:20
burning_bronxInf3ctedFx, grub09:20
=== ReverendNathan [n=nathan@cpe-72-129-75-69.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Toma-how very tedious09:20
burning_bronxInf3ctedFx, just do sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst09:20
Rickerintelikey: what can a guy do with no nic?09:20
intelikeyRicker why not ?09:20
ReverendNathanHey alright it worked!09:20
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, grub is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting09:20
=== ChaKy [n=chaky@lns01-0341.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu
Rickerintelikey:  oh ok.  because it's there.  I get it.09:20
Inf3ctedFxcuz everytime I reboot my box it shows me like 7 ubuntu lol09:20
linlinhow do i mount /deb/hdb1 read/write?09:20
ReverendNathan@linin Is is a FAT32 drive?09:21
intelikeyRicker you are catching on.....      and what do linux users do ?09:21
linlinno i just made it with cfdisk09:21
burning_bronxInf3ctedFx, just do "sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst" and the comment out the things you don't want to see in the grub menu09:21
intelikeythey install software....09:21
Rickerintelikey:  hack, because it's just fun?09:21
bnDcan someone help me generate a fluxbox menu? the menu package didnt do squat..09:21
claeslinlin, mount -o remount,rw /dev/hdb109:21
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Toma-Inf3ctedFx: or, remove the kernels you dont use with synaptic. but be absolutely certain that you keep at least 209:22
Inf3ctedFxthats is waht I'm going to do09:22
Inf3ctedFxlet me show u my menu.lst09:22
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Toma-removing the kernels with apt or synaptic will remove the grub lines itself09:22
chapiumcan one print /dev/dsp to a file and then convert it to ogg or mp3 or whatnot?09:22
claeslinlin, If it's already mounted else you have to edit /etc/fstab and then mount <mountpoint>09:22
intelikeyactually i wrote some 'bash scripts' that i use all the time and it seemed a wiser choice to use linux for that than try to make linux out of M$ dos09:22
linlinactually, how do i format /dev/hdb1 to ext3 ?09:23
Rickerok, thanks everyone.  I always love this channel.  learning a ton.    I'm  going to hit the sack.  later all09:23
Inf3ctedFxlook burning_bronx  -->  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/606209:23
claeslinlin, mkfs.ext3 /dev/hdb109:23
Toma-linlin: mkfs.ext3 /dev/hdb109:23
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linlinwow doesnt ask if im sure or anything :p09:24
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claeslinlin, Of course not. You wrote the command then you want to do it. :-)09:24
linlinheh suppose so :)09:24
burning_bronxInf3ctedFx, if you have no problems with your latest kernel then comment out lines 10 to 53 OR remove these kernels from synaptic/apt-get09:25
jdmpikelinlin, can you help me with a newb mount/perms problem?09:25
intelikeyand 'no error' is 'no error' in linux.09:25
linlini guess i can try09:25
Toma-anyone heard of a way to install a 2.4 kernel in breezy?09:25
burning_bronxcommenting out works by putting a # in the beginning of a line09:25
Inf3ctedFxburning_bronx:  I dont have a  problem with the lates one.. but how can I remove those kernels?09:25
claesintelikey, Silence means no error too. :-)09:25
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intelikeyclaes that's what i said.09:26
linlinmbluntman@68-66-50-66:~$ sudo mount -o remount,rw /dev/hdb1 /storage09:26
linlinmount: you must specify the filesystem type09:26
claeslinlin, mount -t ext3 /dev/hdb1 /storage09:26
linlinah got it09:26
claeslinlin, And edit /etc/fstab so you don't need to do that every reboot. Well it's Linux you never reboot. But if......09:27
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freewoodyHi all09:27
Jahboywith the live cd, do I treat it as a boot disk or execute it within Fedora?09:27
intelikeylinlin that probably means that /storage does not exist of you have the wrong device.09:27
Toma-claes: except for when something locks up hard :D09:27
freewoodyCan sombody help me install TTF Fonts in Ubunut Linux ?09:27
uboturumour has it, fonts is https://wiki.ubuntu.com//FontInstallHowto09:28
claesToma-, Or when you upgrade the kernel.09:28
eclairfreewoody, i think you could just check in synaptic and install from there :)09:28
Toma-ive had 3 hard lock ups today09:28
Jahboywith the live cd, do I treat it as a boot disk or execute it within Fedora?09:28
claesfreewoody, Put them in ~/.fonts09:28
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claesJahboy, As a boot disk.09:29
victor_jiangin bugzilla.ubuntu.com , what does RC Bugs mean?09:30
chapiumcan the winkey be bound to open the "ubuntu menu" on the gnome panel?09:30
jendaHow do I find out the version of Gnome I use?09:30
chapiumie:  like el start menu09:30
claesvictor_jiang, RC=Release Critical   (if I remember correctly)09:30
robitaillevictor_jiang,  RC= Release Candidate.  Not sure if they still use it, but it used to be important bugs that should be solved before the next release09:31
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jendaThey use RC alright09:31
deFryskjenda, system > about gnome09:31
jendadeFrysk: thanks - got it09:31
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ReverendNathanspeaking of installling TTF fonts, I wrote a tutorial on it.09:32
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ReverendNathanIf you can leave comments, since it hasn't been getting much attention09:32
victor_jiangclaes,robitaille,jenda:thanks a lot.09:33
victor_jiangin bugzilla.ubuntu.com ,when I click 'advanced search', why it is empty?09:33
chapiumare there any alternatives to audacity?09:33
intelikeyno xine09:34
ReverendNathanintelikey I think he means audio editing09:34
intelikeythe m and x keys are to close to gather...09:34
chapiumRemoteViewer, correct09:34
claeschapium, quodlibet09:34
robitaillevictor_jiang,  advanced search works for me.  But the page could be slow to load up if you are on a slow connection09:34
chapiumclaes, i dont believe it edits audio09:35
chapiumotherwise i'd use it ;d09:35
intelikeyoh not play back...... eek then scratch all that.09:35
MadpilotReverendNathan: have a look here, and see if you can add anything: https://wiki.ubuntu.com//FontInstallHowto09:35
claeschapium, No, neither do I. Forget that.09:35
=== xRaal [n=kasper@port223.ds1-aboes.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
j-linuxFirst try with the Breezy installer didn't work.  It said "unable to install initrd-tools"  So I deleted the partitions and am trying again.09:36
ReverendNathanI really am a newbie; I just switched to Linux last month!09:36
victor_jiangrobitaille:thank you very much09:36
ReverendNathanI'm just learning stuff, I don't feel like I can actively contribute yet09:36
ReverendNathanBut I will add to the wiki, since I do know enough to help09:37
j-linuxI'm installing Breezy -- it is asking me which kernel to install.  I've never seen this screen: linux-386 right?  The other choices are linux-image-386, and linux-image-2.6.12-9-38609:38
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intelikeyanybody know how to set a timmer on a command, so that it has 'X' amount of time to complete or get kill -9 'd   ?09:39
j-linuxargg... when I chose that it said unable to install initrd-tools again.09:39
Toma-intelikey: sleep 10m && <command>09:39
j-linuxInstallation failed for the second time in a row...09:39
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Toma-well wait 10 mins then run the command09:39
intelikeyToma- lol09:39
j-linux"The failing step is: Install the base system"09:39
intelikeynot what i'm looking for Toma-  :)09:40
Toma-i see...09:40
GoldBuggiej-linux: i386 is for general. i686 is for pentium. k7 is for amd09:40
Toma-you'd need to make a script09:40
JahboyI learned enough the first time through to burn iso's at 4x09:40
Jahboyabout 10 cds after the fact09:41
intelikeyna lets do it from the command line....09:41
j-linuxGoldBuggie: the choice is not between 386 and 686... it is between 3 versions of 386.09:41
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GoldBuggiesorry../me goes get glasses09:42
intelikeyj-linux not three versions of 386 either.  three ways of packaging the one kernel09:42
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j-linuxintelikey: oh...09:43
j-linuxI can't get it to install.  I deleted the partitions and am going in with Knoppix to see what the disk looks like...09:43
=== war-totem [n=lightbri@CPE0040052e5c4c-CM0f1029953548.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
Lukiancan i minimise xmms to tray?09:44
intelikeyj-linux you get the same kernel either way but different packaging, hence different dependancies and different update treatment09:44
Toma-Lukian: yeh but you need a plugin09:44
robotgeekLukian: you can either use alltray. or search for xmms-doclet09:44
j-linuxintelikey: could it have anything to do with it not installing?09:44
intelikeydon't think so09:45
robotgeekLukian: err, xmms-docklet09:45
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j-linuxI couldn't resize the ntfs with knoppix and qtparted... so I just tried with breezy... seems to have resized, but it won't install ubuntu.09:45
deFryskgxmms-xmms is your best bet09:45
=== iluciv [n=iluciv@60-241-1-237.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Inf3ctedFxdeFrysk: what the gxmms-xmms is??09:46
ilucivhi anyone used memtest09:46
deFryskInf3ctedFx, Simple GNOME applet to control the basic functions of XMMS09:47
intelikeyhope it's not bad block/s in the system area of the drive j-linux09:47
Inf3ctedFxohh oks09:47
j-linuxintelikey: bad blocks = hardware?  or software?09:47
deFryskInf3ctedFx, there is also a gxmms-bmp09:47
j-linuxarrg... computer is 3 hours old09:47
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j-linuxhow can I check for bad blocks?09:47
HrdwrBoBj-linux: badblocks09:48
ReverendNathanAnyone worked with OpenSUSE? I'm thinking about checking that out, too09:48
HrdwrBoBbut you should use fsck to do it09:48
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intelikeythe software 'badblocks' is made to detect the hardware 'bad blocks'09:48
=== Parti [n=knoppix@66-190-246-254.dhcp.astr.or.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Inf3ctedFxso deFrysk  If I want it I have to do apt-get install gxmms-xmms?09:48
j-linuxoh... I suppose Knoppix might have it (I hope)09:48
PartiHey guys!09:48
PartiI'm back!09:48
HrdwrBoBit has it09:48
deFryskInf3ctedFx, yup09:48
PartiIt's me Parti ! :D09:48
=== Kamping_Kaiser hides form Parti
HrdwrBoBat least, it really should09:48
Partiamm.. maybe they went to sleep ><09:49
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claesReverendNathan, Yes Ha09:49
Inf3ctedFxanother thing deFrysk  I have a lot of videos I remember there is a package of codes so I can play wmv videos on gxine09:49
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Inf3ctedFxdo u remember the package of codes?09:49
ReverendNathanclaes, And you've come back to ubuntu? Did you think it was too much? Too hard to customise?09:50
PartiGuys. How do I resize partition using Knoppix ?09:50
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claesReverendNathan, I have used OpenSuse but went back to ubuntu after 3 days. Couldn't live without apt.09:50
ReverendNathanHow are packages done, there?09:50
ilucivI have memtest v1.60 in my grub startup memu and I'd like to use it but when I select it; the app thows up a blue screen with the memtest title bar in green and a flashing red + sign and thats all it does; does it automatically start testing the memory and I just have to wait for it before it ouputs something in the blue area or has the app crashed?09:50
intelikeysuse = rpm's09:50
claesReverendNathan, The official way is with YAST. Yet Another Setup Tool. and they have special yast repositories.09:50
j-linuxarrggg... operating system not found.  The breezy installer did something...09:51
ReverendNathanBut there seems to me there is more support for .rpm packages than .deb packages. At least, they are updated faster.09:51
=== SanKa [n=SanKa@host184-208.pool8254.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
PartiGuys. I am dual booting WIndows/Ubuntu. And I want to give more space to Ubuntu. Can you help me?09:51
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jendaReverendNathan: Ah well... that's because the commercial Linuxes use RPM09:51
ReverendNathanAlso, I still have no clue whatsoever as to how to build, compile, install and work .tar.gz packages. :-(09:51
claesReverendNathan, Same custimiziation. But apt beats everything on this world. It's updated upstreams faster. But not checked to work with opensuse.09:51
ilucivParti: is it gparted or something09:52
j-linuxparti:  I'm working on something similar.  qtparted?09:52
chapiumhow can one write the sound that is currently coming out of the speakers to a file09:52
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ReverendNathanj-linux, qtparted and gparted are both in add applications, although gparted is more tailored to gnome. I would actually suggest that over qt.09:52
claeschapium, Thinks there is a gstreamer plugin that can do that. But I'm no good at gstreamer.09:53
Partiyeah, qtparted.. it's for KDE.. I though there was a partition program UNIQUE to Knoppix ><09:53
intelikeyParti if you can make some free space on the hd you can just add a partition 'a safe bet' and mount it in linux09:53
PartiI cannot make free space on the hD..09:53
burning_bronxParti, why can't you?09:54
ilucivso no ones used memtest then?09:54
claesParti, Remove windows and there you have it. :-)09:54
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JahboyI'm out, time to try Ubuntu09:54
PartiIt always tell me that the Device is bussy or that it is Active [This case, NTFS partition, Windows] 09:54
burning_bronxremoving windows is always a good fix09:54
intelikeyclaes my thoughts exactly09:54
Inf3ctedFxPpl another question and sorry to bother u guys too much.. when I install ubuntu it automatically mount my windows partitons... I can see it but I can't access as a user.. here is my fstab --> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6063    what do I need to do to access as a user?09:54
Partiha ha ha!09:54
deFryskremoving windows is an upgrade in itself09:54
PartiNo, I don't want to remove WIndows. I still need it.09:54
brother_of_jaredI have a question, and I'm a complete noob to Ubuntu09:54
chapiumclaes, do you remember which one?09:55
claesParti, You can't resize a partition with the system you have on the partition.09:55
claeschapium, No sorry.09:55
brother_of_jaredI downloaded some .ttf fonts.. how do I install them?09:55
PartiYou mean... that it is imposible to resize the NTFS partition !!??09:55
ubotuI guess fonts is https://wiki.ubuntu.com//FontInstallHowto09:55
burning_bronxInf3ctedFx, which one is your windows partition?09:55
Inf3ctedFxthose it show as a ntfs09:56
intelikeyso it looks like you have a dalima   you want linux to have more space but you are not willing to take it away for M$ to give it to linux..... hmmmm i guess you will just have to add another drive.09:56
claesParti, You can't resize a windows partition from windows. Like you can't resize / on the running linux system.09:56
Inf3ctedFxis /dev/hda1  and /dev/hdb109:56
burning_bronxI didn't notice such >.>09:56
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Inf3ctedFxboth on /media/hda1   and /media/hdb109:56
Inf3ctedFxI have master and slave hd's burning_bronx09:56
Parti:) oh.. that.  Well, I resized my Windows partition with Partition Magick before and it worked...09:57
burning_bronxlemme check the paste again09:57
claesParti, You can resize your ntfs partition. But you have to boot your machine into someother os. Like Linux. :-)09:57
burning_bronxI closed it by mistake09:57
brother_of_jaredwill give that a shot thanks...09:57
PartiBut, this time I am booting Knoppix, Live CD. So the partition process could be done safer09:57
Inf3ctedFxParti:  r u trying to install ubuntu?09:57
PartiI alerady have UBuntu ;)09:57
Inf3ctedFxohh oks09:57
PartiI want to GIVE MORE Space to my Ubuntu :)09:58
burning_bronxInf3ctedFx, under options instead of default try putting umask=072209:58
burning_bronxthat's how I work mine.09:58
Inf3ctedFxoks burning_bronx  let me try09:58
intelikey0722 ?09:58
claesParti, If I remember correctly, you can only half a partition meaning: 1 GB partition can't be smaller than 500 MB. Then you can make it smaler again. But only 50 % in one go. But that could have changed.09:59
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intelikeythat would give a permission of  055   read only  .......09:59
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Inf3ctedFxok burning_bronx  but here is my question, ubuntu mount both partitons itself.. so If I type that line, should I have to unmount it the mount it?10:00
claesInf3ctedFx, mount -o remount is your friend.10:00
burning_bronxintelikey, ntfs IS read only10:00
intelikey-o remount.10:00
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PartiI have 30 GB of free space in my WIndows partition, and I only have 1 GB in Ubuntu...  I want to give more space to ubuntu breezy. is that possible?10:01
Inf3ctedFxlol thx claes  even if ubuntu mount it?10:01
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claesInf3ctedFx, Yep10:01
intelikeyburning_bronx but why the 7 ?10:01
aftertafParti:  yes. reduce your windows partition with gparted, then boot to a live cd and use that extra space10:01
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burning_bronxdoesn't really matter friend10:02
Inf3ctedFxso claes  the command is "mount -o remount" ??10:02
Inf3ctedFxjust like that?10:02
burning_bronxyou can work it in another fashion - it's just I use that10:02
PartiThank you. ) The problems is that Gparted and QTparted is telling me that my Windows partition is Active or busy...10:02
aftertafParti:  unmount it first10:02
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Partiok, how do I unmouont it ?10:02
claesInf3ctedFx, If you have a partiotion mounted at /home readonly and wanted it read and write. You write: mount -o remount,rw /home     if it's in /etc/fstab10:03
burning_bronxParti, right click the device and "unmount" would be the gui way10:03
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burning_bronxclaes, it's about ntfs10:03
Inf3ctedFxclaes:  let me show u my fstab so u might understand me10:03
burning_bronxInf3ctedFx, just remount and see if it works10:03
claesburning_bronx, Woops my bad. Then I would use captive-ntfs. Write support for ntfs with the windows drivers. :-)10:03
aftertafclaes:  better still, reformat as fat3210:04
Inf3ctedFxok but burning_bronx  how remount?10:04
Inf3ctedFxlet me reboot the system10:04
burning_bronxthey said it 20 times10:04
burning_bronxmount -o remount10:04
claesaftertaf, No. Can only have 4GB large files. FAT sucks big time.10:04
intelikeyor ext3 :)10:04
burning_bronxsudo mount -o remount10:04
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Inf3ctedFxit didn't work10:04
claesInf3ctedFx, Is it ntfs?10:05
burning_bronxdid you do it with sudo?10:05
Inf3ctedFxyes claes10:05
PartiTHere is no unmount... but there is "mount"10:05
aftertafclaes:  then use captive and backup all your data. cos you'll lose it!10:05
Inf3ctedFxlook --> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/606510:05
claesInf3ctedFx, http://www.jankratochvil.net/project/captive/   check this out.10:05
scylaxthere's "umount"10:05
Inf3ctedFxok, let me c10:05
burning_bronxaftertaf, not if you only use write support to edit your text files10:05
intelikeyit's umount10:05
=== NoWhereMan [n=nowherem@host-84-221-78-229.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
NoWhereManhi all10:05
PartiI've right clicked HD hda2, and it game the option to MOUNT it...  :(10:05
burning_bronxintelikey, not in the gui menu10:06
claesaftertaf, I would never use ntfs. I only have Linux machines. Long time ago I removed my windows shit.10:06
brother_of_jaredExcellent that worked great...10:06
intelikeyand don't jump me about nomenclature10:06
burning_bronxParti, then do a umount and UNMOUNT IT10:06
ubotucaptive is, like, totally, a project to use windows NTFS drivers under linux. It does not work properly with Ubuntu.10:06
brother_of_jarednow, if I want to add more later, I won't  need to make the directories again.. so which part of the process would I do?10:06
Partiburnin_b could you give me a instruction on how to UNmount it? ;)10:07
claesDoesn't captive work with ubuntu? Strange. I have used it on ubuntu.10:07
scylaxumount /dev/hdaX where X is the partition number10:08
burning_bronxscylax, beat me to it10:08
burning_bronxbut you should sudo umount10:08
NoWhereManI don't know wtf I did, but it's a pair of days that when I click o synaptic settings | package repository (sorry i've got a localized ubuntu) it REFRESHES the list (as in edit | refresh), and doesn't show up the settings' window... also the update icon near the clock doesn't show up anymore its window on double click10:08
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NoWhereManany idea?10:08
PartiWell, it is late... 1:07 AM.. I'd better go to sleep and continue tomorrow....10:08
PartiThank you guys/girl :)10:08
PartiTake care10:09
burning_bronxParti, did  you try to umount?10:09
PartiI couldn't unmount :(10:09
claesaftertaf, I will check if I can get captive working. be right back.10:09
NoWhereManParti: umount to your bed :)10:09
burning_bronxno no no10:09
burning_bronxparti sudo mount /dev/body /mnt/bed10:09
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aftertafclaes:  if you have no win boxes, why use ntfs?10:10
Partiis that a joke ? what does "bed" mean ?10:10
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burning_bronxbed is your bed10:10
aftertafclaes:  you can use ext2 and use it in win too if you need to, there are drivers to mount it in win10:10
NoWhereManParti: sudo mkdir /mnt/bed ;)10:10
intelikeysuspend /dev/brain /to/pillow10:10
Partiha ha ha10:10
Partiok, funny jokes :D10:11
scylaxhi izkorptix\a10:11
burning_bronxsudo umount /dev/brain10:11
Partithough, I actually laughed :)10:11
izkorptix\ai need help10:11
izkorptix\ai wanna use linux10:11
NoWhereManme too, who cares?10:11
burning_bronxwe all care it's support10:11
izkorptix\athat wasnt funny10:11
claesaftertaf, I just wanna see if it works. I always tell people that are dual booting to use it.10:11
AmaranthNoWhereMan: Please try to be more polite.10:11
burning_bronxizkorptix\a, what's your problem?10:11
intelikeyE; cant umount /dev/brain.  remounting sleep only10:11
NoWhereManAmaranth: sorry, i never meant to be unpolite :)10:12
izkorptix\ai never use nix in my life10:12
izkorptix\aand i want to start using it10:12
cafebabehi, i'm a newbie in Linux, i instaled Ubuntu 5.10 and tried to run "gcc" here is the error it gave me bash: gcc: command not found10:12
NoWhereManAmaranth: sorry if it looked so :)10:12
cafebabe, what am i doing wrong10:12
Madpilotizkorptix\a: download the LiveCD, and play with that for a bit10:12
Amaranthbrother_of_jared: What's the problem?10:12
burning_bronxwell install and start learning then10:12
izkorptix\alink pz ?10:12
PartiMan! What if a plp who is a complete new to Linux will believe your "jokes" as a real command ><10:12
scylaxcafebabe, you gotta install it10:12
Partithanks guys10:12
Madpilotcafebabe: install build-essential10:12
cafebabeit is installed10:12
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PartiSee you tomorrow10:12
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izkorptix\athe link10:12
izkorptix\ato liveCD10:12
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Inf3ctedFxburning_bronx:  man thx it works fine...10:13
izkorptix\athank you10:13
cafuegoizkorptix\a: www.ubuntu.com -> Download10:13
cafebabeon synaptic manager10:13
claescafebabe, You have to install gcc.  sudo aptitude install build-essential10:13
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Madpilotizkorptix\a: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/download/10:13
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aftertafclaes:  fair enough ;)10:13
cafebabethank you i'l try it10:13
Amaranthscylax, Madpilot: ubuntu.com is the preferred domain to use10:13
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aftertafclaes:  in sarge it worked for me then crashed once, then my ntfs partition couldnt be read in win, but could in linux... ;) go figure :] 10:13
intelikeyrenice -5 /dev/eyes10:14
brother_of_jaredAmaranth I just followed the excellent advice on how to install truetype fonts...10:14
DeMoNSeEdwhat do i have to do to get this xlack to show what i'm playing in xmms in xchat10:14
Amaranthbrother_of_jared: msttcorefonts?10:14
Madpilotizkorptix\a: Ubuntu will also send you free CDs if you want10:14
aftertafDeMoNSeEd:  dont use that here though, you'll get told off !!! ;)10:14
claesaftertaf, It works great in Suse. I bet I can get it to work great in ubuntu too. :-)10:14
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MadpilotAmaranth: I need to update some of the bot's urls, then :P10:14
brother_of_jaredmy question is, I won't need to re-create the directories each time so which part of the process would I do each time I want to add a font?10:14
aftertafclaes:  when there's a need, i think it is a good thing (tm) to have... :)10:14
bjvblender 2.40?10:15
AmaranthMadpilot: Just update them as you see them, if you want to do it.10:15
DeMoNSeEdok, no prob, i've seen it over time, just never new how to do it, figured it would be at least nice to know how to do it10:15
brother_of_jaredThat process Amaranth10:15
FlannelKinganyone having problems with ubuntus apache and mod_rewrite? (or anyone actually have it working?)10:15
Prodyga_enyone ?10:15
claesaftertaf, But you are correct the best way is to remove windows and only use linux. Tada no problems with ntfs anymore. :-)10:15
cafebabeclaes, it worked, thank you!10:16
bjvlet me rephrase.10:16
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izkorptix\ai download ubuntu-5.10-install-i386.iso            13-Oct-2005 02:25   617M  CDROM Image10:16
aftertaflol claes :] 10:16
izkorptix\afor liveCD?10:16
Inf3ctedFxnow the last petition  lol I have gxine.. and I have wmv videos... on my win partititon,  I want to watch them but I believe i need a code.. to run them.. does anyone knows how can I donwload those codes?10:16
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claescafebabe, Glad I could help.10:17
scylaxInf3ctedFx, the easiest would be to run EasyUbuntu10:17
DeMoNSeEdnerim for the codecs10:17
brother_of_jaredIs there a version of Pac-Man available for free?10:17
Inf3ctedFxscylax:  EsayUbuntu?10:17
Inf3ctedFxwhats that?10:17
intelikeyizkorptix\a not the 'install' for a live cd no.10:17
claesInf3ctedFx, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats10:17
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bjvanyone able to comment on how quickly one could expect the Blender package to be updated to 2.40?10:17
scylaxit's a script that installs all those codecs for you10:17
cowboy21hy ein paar girls d10:18
scylaxplus aMule (if desired) and some other things10:18
bjvis there a general period of weeks or something, that these things usually take?10:18
Inf3ctedFxohh oks10:18
Inf3ctedFxlet me c that10:18
aftertafbrother_of_jared:  apt-cache  search pacman    < in terminal ;)10:18
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Madpilotizkorptix\a: no, look for the one that says "live" where that one says "install"10:18
claesbjv, Yes and sometimes no.10:18
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brother_of_jaredafteraf // nothing happened10:19
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ppcguyhey all10:19
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aftertafbrother_of_jared:  type "apt-cache search pacman"10:20
DeMoNSeEdaftertaf, I just want to know how to go about setting that up10:20
intelikeyaftertaf isn't   <blah)  a bash thing ?10:20
brother_of_jaredI did that and the prompt came up again10:20
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brother_of_jaredme@home:~$ apt-cache search pacman10:21
brother_of_jaredlike that10:21
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brother_of_jaredof course prompt has been changed.10:21
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izkorptix\awhats the10:21
izkorptix\alink to live CD ?10:21
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aftertafintelikey:  yes it is, but not in this case ;)10:22
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bjvclaes: you think it would be uncouth of me to email the package maintainer with an inquiry as to when the Blender package might be updated?10:22
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bjvMaintainer: Masayuki Hatta (mhatta) <mhatta@debian.org>  from the apt-cache show blender10:23
Madpilotizkorptix\a: try this one: http://mirrors.uwa.edu.au/ubuntu-releases/5.10/ubuntu-5.10-live-i386.iso10:23
izkorptix\ais der ftp ?10:23
Madpilotizkorptix\a: but all the download mirrors should have both the install & live ISOs10:23
classe3aifuck you brother10:23
izkorptix\aso i download this iso10:23
claesbjv, Well I don't know the guy. So not sure how he will react.10:23
izkorptix\aand burn it.10:23
brother_of_jaredexcuse me calsse?10:23
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brother_of_jaredClasse even10:23
brother_of_jaredWhat did I do to you?10:24
Madpilotizkorptix\a: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BurningIsoHowto10:24
classe3aibrother fuck you10:24
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brother_of_jaredyeah whatever... grow up would ya?10:24
claesclasse3ai, Now now. Be a nice little boy.10:24
jendawtf is going on in here10:25
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brother_of_jaredI'm trying to find a PacMan game for Ubuntu 5.1010:25
classe3aiyour mother is fucker10:25
intelikeyclasse3ai show your age not your iq.10:25
jendaclasse3ai: Watch it or you'll get banned10:25
brother_of_jaredMy mother is dead.. have some respect please10:25
ubotuHelp! seb128, bob2, fabbione, lamont, thom, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic or nalioth10:25
classe3aifuk you10:26
Alex_BOwhy anybody bans classe3ai?10:26
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brother_of_jaredI don't know what you think I did to you to warrant this personal attack.. but I'm not too impressed.10:26
Madpilotthanks fabbione10:26
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Alex_BOthat's good10:27
jendathx, fabbione10:27
claesThanks fabbione10:27
brother_of_jaredSo afteraf suggested "apt-cache search pacman" in terminal and I did that.. but nothing happend.. the prompt just came up on the next line.10:28
FlannelKinganyone having problems with ubuntus apache and mod_rewrite? (or anyone actually have it working?)10:28
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robitailleFlannelKing,  works for me10:29
FlannelKingwhere are your rewrite rules?10:29
aftertafbrother_of_jared:  maybe you need to enable universe & multiverse first10:29
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse follow section 2.3 in http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch02.html#addinguniverse - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) see also !easysource10:29
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jendaHey... does anyone have a suggestion as to really cool stuff one can show off Linux with to friends? In order to make them think of changing. One such thing is the aa library for CLI movies... anyone?10:30
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Madpilotjenda: the fact that you don't have to run a dozen security programs all the time? :P10:30
robitailleFlannelKing,  not sure.  I did that setup over a year ago, and I haven't touched it since :)10:30
jendaMadpilot: Naw that's the obvious stuff... I could name a few dozen of those...10:31
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atulhi, I just installed Breezy Badger (Default Install). Everything went off fine till it came up with a window with a list of updates, I selected install it downloaded 41 MB of stuff and then failed to install them. Now apt-get install fails everytime :(10:32
Madpilotjenda: if any of your friends are into design, Scribus is pretty cool - open-source Desktop Publishing, with no Windows equiv...10:32
jendaMadpilot: I might check that out.10:32
intelikeyjenda show them the 'EULA' for xp and the 'GNU-GPL'   that alone is enough.10:32
brother_of_jaredok so I am looking at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/604710:32
brother_of_jaredlooks greek to me10:33
Madpilotbrother_of_jared: follow http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch02.html#addinguniverse, that'll help translate some of the Greek10:33
jendaintelikey: I have never read the entire EULA, but I intend to (in fact, I'm sure there are copies on the net with commentary)... The GPL is music te my ears - it reads like the "rights of the human and citizen" or whatever it's called in english (from the french revolution)... so beautiful it makes me cry :)10:34
Inf3ctedFxscylax: look what happend when I try to install one of the package10:34
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Inf3ctedFxReading package lists... Done10:34
Inf3ctedFxBuilding dependency tree... Done10:34
Inf3ctedFxepl: Couldn't find package gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse10:34
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claesInf3ctedFx, You have to edit your /etc/apt/sources.list file to add multiverse and universe. Easy to do with synaptic. (I think)10:36
Nikusanhi all, sound juicer is only ripping audio cds at ~4x even though dma is enabled on the drive. any advice?10:37
Inf3ctedFxclaes: but I already did it10:37
intelikeywell i have to do a system reboot.....   exec mount -o remount,sleep /dev/brain /my/pillow  -t exhosted.10:37
chapiumwhen i run ./configure i get the following error:  checking host system type... configure: error: can not guess host type; you must specify one10:37
Inf3ctedFxclaes: do u have the lines that I suppost to add on sources.list?10:37
claesInf3ctedFx, And you did a aptitude update after that?10:37
intelikeypowerdown -n10:37
=== mkeijzer [n=mkeijzer@a80-126-60-129.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
claesInf3ctedFx, deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy universe multiverse10:38
Inf3ctedFxthx claes10:38
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Inf3ctedFxclaes:  is just that line?10:39
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claesInf3ctedFx, Yep that adds universe and multiverse.10:40
Inf3ctedFxit wont work :(10:40
brother_of_jaredok so I am in synaptic,10:40
rob_pbrother_of_jared:  ...as in Mahanri-Moriancumr possibly?10:40
brother_of_jaredMahonri yep10:40
Inf3ctedFxi already run the update and this is the results10:40
Inf3ctedFxFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy/Release  Unable to find expected entry  multivers/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)10:40
Inf3ctedFxReading package lists... Done10:40
Inf3ctedFxepl: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.10:40
Inf3ctedFxoppss  sorry fot the flood10:40
doluuI've realplayer problem on my laptop10:40
Inf3ctedFxi wont do it again10:40
scylaxmultivers ?10:41
doluuwhen jumping to some location10:41
Inf3ctedFxI copy what claes  paste it  lol10:41
brother_of_jaredtrying to add Universe and Multiverse here?10:41
brother_of_jaredcould use some help10:41
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claesInf3ctedFx, You missed an e. multiverse10:41
scylaxthe universe and multiverse lines should already be in /etc/apt/sources.list, you only need to uncomment them10:41
aftertafbrother_of_jared:  did you read the factiod from ubotu?10:41
aftertafbrother_of_jared:  in synaptic, to uncomment them you tick their 'enabled' box, i think...10:42
Inf3ctedFxis not there scylax  and everything is uncomment10:42
brother_of_jaredI lost it when I hit ctrl-alt-backspace10:42
doluuhow can I have custom ubuntu-desktop package? apt-get overwrites my custom package10:42
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brother_of_jaredLike I said I'm a newbie10:42
scylaxi can send you my sources.list if you want10:42
Inf3ctedFxlet me show u my source.list10:42
Inf3ctedFxgo ahead scylax  it will help me a lot10:42
claesInf3ctedFx, You missed an e. multiverse should it read not multivers10:43
Inf3ctedFxby DCC?10:43
aftertafbrother_of_jared:  ok...... you see all those lines with ubuntu.com..... they have sections with 'main' in them? can you see those?10:43
brother_of_jaredwhere am I looking?10:43
aftertafbrother_of_jared:  in those lines, after main, you add universe and multiverse10:43
aftertafbrother_of_jared:  synaptic > repositories10:43
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Inf3ctedFxlook claes  and scylax  this is my source.list -->  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/606610:43
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brother_of_jaredI have 'officially supported' then 'restricted copyright' then 'universe' then'multiverse10:44
brother_of_jaredright spot?10:44
claesInf3ctedFx, Ok i'll try again. You missed an e. multiverse should it read not multivers10:44
aftertafbrother_of_jared:  open synaptic, go to settings menu and choose respoitories, which will open up a new window10:44
aftertafbrother_of_jared:  yep.....    tick the 'enabled' box on em10:45
Inf3ctedFxsorry claes  I dont get it10:45
aftertafInf3ctedFx:  you types multivers     it needs an e on the end!10:45
scylaxInf3ctedFx, in the last line you wrote "multivers" instead of "multiverse"10:45
brother_of_jaredok did that10:45
claesInf3ctedFx, No problem. Only wanna help. Didn't mean to be hard on you.10:46
aftertafbrother_of_jared:  ok.... now click, ok, itll close... then hit the 'update' button10:46
Inf3ctedFxit's ok english is not my native languaje as u see lol10:46
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aftertafbrother_of_jared:  when its done updating, click the search button and type pacman ;)10:46
burning_bronxit is not my native language too10:46
claesInf3ctedFx, Not mine either so I feel you there.10:46
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burning_bronxWow... so how many of us are actually english/us?10:47
brother_of_jaredok you rock!10:47
burning_bronxbrother_of_jared, we all rock10:47
burning_bronxyou rock as well10:47
=== ejofee [n=ejofee@195-245-89-185.dtcom.ro] has joined #ubuntu
claesswede here (or should it be Swede never seems to remember). :-)10:48
brother_of_jarednow to have someone point me in the direction of some info on programming...10:48
Madpilotburning_bronx: I'm english/ca, that's fairly close ;)10:48
ejofeewill we have xorg 7.0 available for breezy?10:48
brother_of_jaredI'm a sponge and want to learn10:48
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burning_bronxIndeed it is, Madpilot ;)10:48
burning_bronxejofee, no you won't10:48
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claesor should I say that I'm sv_SE.UTF-810:48
burning_bronxyou will only get security updates if any available for the versions you have.10:49
Madpilotbrother_of_jared: have a look here, it's not quite programming but close: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicCommands10:49
ejofeeburning_bronx: but i guess dapper will have it by default, right?10:49
burning_bronxIt already has.10:49
ejofeeburning_bronx: right :)10:49
brother_of_jaredoops now I can't find pac man10:49
FlannelKinganyone know the trick to getting mod_rewrite working under ubuntu and apache2?10:49
ejofeebrother_of_jared: learn python10:49
brother_of_jaredejofee.. got a website I can start at?10:49
FlannelKingbrother_of_jared, diveintopython.org has is a free webbook10:50
Inf3ctedFxwhats the name of the package to install mplayer?10:50
FlannelKingbut, it seems to be down right now.10:51
brother_of_jaredFlannelKing // thanks..10:51
claesburning_bronx, Do you use dapper? My X hangs with the new kernel. 2.6.15-9 but works with 2.6.15-810:51
brother_of_jaredis Python something like  C++10:51
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sanderI was wondering, where does the Ubuntu project get its money from. I mean, how can they afford to produce and send free cd-s all over the world10:52
claesbrother_of_jared, No python is a script language.10:52
scylaxmark shuttleworth10:52
bnDi just realized ive never viewed an image in anything but gimp and firefox, anyone recommend an app for image viewing, not manipulation? maybe with an easy forward backward mode(fappable)10:52
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=== bnD grins
atulhi, can anyone help me with an apt-get problem?10:52
FlannelKingbrother_of_jared, greenteapress.com/thinkpython/ is also a free python book.10:52
claesatul, I can try.10:52
brother_of_jareddiveintopython.org doesn't work10:52
ejofeebrother_of_jared: http://www.python.org/10:52
FlannelKinglike I said, site seems to be down at th emoment.  It was up earlier today.10:52
atulhi claes, I have just installed breezy badger10:52
MadpilotbnD: gThumb or eog - eog is included by default, but gThumb is nicer, IMO10:53
ejofeebrother_of_jared: c++ is lower level10:53
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ejofeebrother_of_jared: do you want to become a software engineer?10:53
atulPreconfiguring packages ...10:53
atulSelecting previously deselected package imlib-base.10:53
atul(Reading database ... dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/imlib-base_1.9.14-16.2ubuntu4_all.deb (--unpack):10:53
atul files list file for package `libgdbm3' contains empty filename10:53
atulErrors were encountered while processing:10:53
atul /var/cache/apt/archives/imlib-base_1.9.14-16.2ubuntu4_all.deb10:53
atulProcessing was halted because there were too many errors.10:53
atulE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)10:53
ejofeebrother_of_jared: if you want, lean c / c++10:53
ubotuit has been said that paste is please use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ or #flood to paste large amounts of text10:53
jslobCan anyone tell me where the profiles of the Gnome Terminal are stored?10:53
bnDMadpilot, thanks :)10:53
brother_of_jaredSo Python is included with Ubuntu Breezy?10:54
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atulsorry for the paste, I am new to IRC10:54
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claesatul, Is that with apt-get or aptitude? aptitude is smarter and can sometime solve some problems.10:54
atulwhats the syntax for aptitude10:55
claesatul, almost the same as for apt-get. aptitude update, aptitude upgrade, aptitude install somethin and so on.10:55
Madpilotbrother_of_jared: I think it is, otherwise just get it thru Synaptic10:56
burning_bronxaptitudde has an UI10:56
atulclaes, i will try it out right now, plz wait10:56
burning_bronxeasy stuff10:56
bnDanyone in here use xdm rather than gdm?10:57
claesI think ui's are more difficult than cli.10:57
brother_of_jaredok I feel dumb10:57
burning_bronxbrother_of_jared, why?10:57
ejofeebrother_of_jared: yes, python is included10:57
brother_of_jaredI loaded PacMan thru synaptic and now I can't find it...10:57
atulsudo aptitude doesn't work, it's asking for password :(10:58
scylaxsudo killall gnome-panel10:58
claesatul, Yes your password.10:58
bnDatul, then enter your user pass10:58
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eek-0anyone here?10:58
eek-0needing some help10:58
eek-0not at the moment10:58
eek-0as soon as ubuntu finishes installing :P10:58
=== bnD grins @ eek-0
Madpilotatul: apt-get should have asked for a pw too - always use your own user pw10:58
atulclaes, same result: Ack!  Something bad happened while installing packages.  Trying to recover:10:59
brother_of_jaredI can't believe I lost PacMan...10:59
ejofeebrother_of_jared: i would say all gnu/linux distros include python10:59
brother_of_jaredmy daughter wants to play it...10:59
eek-0my mole10:59
eek-0checking up on the installation status10:59
Madpilotbrother_of_jared: pacman is in the repos10:59
Madpilotbrother_of_jared: if it doesn't show up in the menus, try typing 'pacman' (no quotes) in a terminal window11:00
ejofeebrother_of_jared: open a console and write "pacman" and press return (enter).11:00
claesatul, You have the update/security lines in your source.list?11:00
ejofeebrother_of_jared: don't add the quotation marks, obviously11:00
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atulI have: deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-security main restricted11:01
FlannelKinganyone know how to fix the problem with mod_rewrite and apache2?11:01
brother_of_jaredok that worked.. thanks11:01
jendaSeveas: hello - haven't seen you around lately11:01
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atuland : deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-security main restricted11:01
Seveasjenda, I've been away11:01
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Seveasso that observation is correct :)11:01
claesatul, Then I guess it might be a bug in the package. :-(11:01
bnDanyone in here use xdm rather than gdm, or care to explain to me why i might want to do so?11:02
eek-0okay im back11:02
brother_of_jaredok thanks everyone for the help.. I need to help my wife with something... be back again soon11:02
eek-0okay here's my problem...11:02
atulwhich package??11:02
atulthis is a fresh install !!!11:02
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eek-0on the ubutnu box..i have wireless..(usb) Netopica 810.llb adapter/card whatever..i need to know how to configure it and make it work...11:02
claesatul, imlib-base or libgdbm311:03
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uboturumour has it, wireless is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards11:03
Madpiloteek-0: see ubotu ^^^11:03
claesatul, Do you have ubuntu installed or is it during the installation?11:04
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jettanai had problem about remastering Ubuntu install cd11:04
atulinstallation completed and then when gnome laoded, i got a window asking me if i wanted to update11:04
atuli selected install11:04
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jettanaanyone, Can help me?11:04
atulit downloaded 40 MB of stuff but could install them11:05
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sandercould not install them?11:05
Hobbsee!tell jettana about ask11:05
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atulyes, then i tried apt-get dist-upgrade with the same result11:06
eek-0i dont see netopia11:06
atulI can't install anything :(11:06
claesatul, Then it might be that the updates that you are trying to install is borked. Don't use breezy myself so haven't seen the problem. You could try to use another mirror and se if the problem persist.11:07
atulhow can i get rid of the packages it has downloaded?11:08
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mr_greenhi all11:08
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claesatul, change your /etc/apt/sources.list to http://se.archive...... instead of plain archive....11:08
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atulall of the sources?11:09
eek-0what do i do now?11:09
claesatul, Sure. The swedish mirrors rock! Everyting in Sweden rocks. :-)11:09
mr_greena question. I am using a hoar live cd with a 1Go usb key. I've just update my package list. And i installed some new one. How to keep permanent those new installastions ? thx11:10
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Madpilotmr_green: I don't believe you can do that w/ the Ubuntu LiveCDs11:10
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mr_greenhmm Madpilot ok. Bad news :(11:11
GTroywhere do you start when setting up a dual monitor with one card?  do you start with editing xorg.conf?11:11
mr_greenbecause i do not have a hard disk11:11
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=== GTroy feels that would be a bad idea
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atulclaes you sure about that Sweden rocks thing? This is what I got : W: Couldn't stat source package list http://se.archive.ubuntu.com breezy-updates/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/se.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy-updates_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)11:12
tcampmanyI need some help...11:12
claesatul, Shit. Me and my big mouth. I'll check it out.11:12
eek-0i really need some help11:12
eek-0i really need to get this working11:13
GTroyeek-0: what's wrong11:13
eek-0can't connect to the internet11:13
eek-0what do i do?11:13
GTroyhave you installed ndiswrapper?11:13
eek-0i cant11:13
eek-0no internet access11:13
GTroyit should already be there11:13
GTroytry synaptic11:13
eek-0how could i check?11:13
monduntuNeed help... how do I run rsync as a daemon on ubuntu?11:13
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eek-0gtroy, command?11:14
Seveasatul, apt-get update...11:14
monduntuand I can't seem to find rsyncd.conf11:14
Seveasmonduntu, create it :)11:14
GTroygo to system11:14
Seveasmonduntu, man rsync, man rsyncd.conf11:14
GTroythen administration11:14
monduntuok thanks11:14
eek-0im at the root terminal11:14
Zedmanhello. i want to connect my 2 ubuntu-pc's via lan. I tried route and so on but it doesn't work yet. Can somebody help me plz?11:14
eek-0i just need the command11:14
GTroyyou don't need the root terminal11:14
GTroysynaptic package manager11:15
Seveaseek-0, don't use <enter> as punctuation, it floods the channel...11:15
atulclaes, apt-get update worked. Followed it by apt-get diat-upgrade, same result as before :((11:15
jettanahello, i got error message :11:15
jettanagpgv: Can't check signature: public key not found11:15
GTroyhey Seveas:11:15
Seveasjettana, then get the public key...11:15
Seveasjettana, put the complete error/output on the pastebin11:16
eek-0GTroy, okay im there, now what?11:16
GTroygo to search11:16
GTroytype in 'ndiswrapper'11:16
ejofeeSeveas: hi and nice to see you again11:16
Seveashi ejofee11:16
ejofeeSeveas: ... what happened to your repo?!11:16
ejofeeSeveas: were you on vacation? :)11:17
Seveas!tell ejofee about seveas11:17
eek-0GTroy, found ndiswrapper-utils11:17
ejofeeSeveas: no, this is not what i want to know! :)11:17
GTroyejofee: nice name love the stuff too11:17
ejofeeSeveas: i know it already11:17
claesatul, if you try aptitude upgrade?11:17
GTroyeek-0 right click11:17
GTroymark for installation11:18
Seveasejofee, so what's the problem? :)11:18
eek-0k brb11:18
atulclaes, no luck with aptitude upgrade11:18
eek-0now what?11:18
jettanahow to get public key11:18
GTroyeek-0 hit apply11:18
claesatul, Then I'm sorry to say that I have no clue.11:18
eek-0GTroy, then what?11:18
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GTroyyou need the driver for your wifi card11:19
atulReading database ... dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/perl-modules_5.8.7-5ubuntu1.2_all.deb (--unpack)11:19
eek-0i have the disc11:19
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GTroyeek-0 ok put it in11:19
claesAnyone can help atul with breezy upgrade problems? I'm on dapper and don't know what's happened in breezy.11:19
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GTroyeek-0: you need to find an .inf file11:20
eek-0GTroy, okay ndiswrapper-utils installed...11:20
eek-0what kind of .inf file?11:20
jettanaSeveas, how to get public key.11:20
GTroyit should be on your driver disk11:20
=== jeopardy [n=geopardy@host122-178.pool8252.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
eek-0okay brb11:20
FlannelKinganyone know how to fix the problem with mod_rewrite and apache2?11:20
ejofeeSeveas: your repo is unaccessible, and so were you these past several days11:21
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atulClaes, Looks like I'll have to dig this out myself :(11:21
=== mula` [n=mula@dslb-084-056-097-196.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
eek-0GTroy, there are a lot of folders.11:21
Seveasjettana, put the complete error/output on the pastebin11:21
tcampmanyHow I can do a downgrade of my kernel?11:21
claesatul, Well I'm sorry I couldn't help you. Hope you will get it working.11:22
Seveasejofee, I've been away and my server is switched off, that's why I have mirrors :)11:22
GTroyeek-0 how many?11:22
jslobI have a problem with the gnome terminal, I accidentally made a new profile and set it as default. This profile just closes the terminal however. How can I undo this profile without using the terminal?11:22
ejofeeSeveas: what mirrors?!11:22
ejofeeSeveas: i didn't know anything about mirrors11:22
eek-0Inside of the Drivers folder there is PCMI, USB, ect. I sleceted USB, but inside of that was 98, 2kXP, and ME. (All windows I assume)11:22
ejofeeSeveas: please give me one11:22
GTroytry 2kxp11:22
atulclaes, Thanks a lot for your time! If I get this right, is there somewhere I can post what I needed to do, it might help someone else...11:22
Seveasejofee, ubotu sent you the info :)11:22
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ejofeeSeveas: ohh...11:23
ejofeeright... thanks, Seveas11:23
jettanaSeveas,i already put it.11:23
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Astxistjslob, use configuration editor to change gnome-terminals default profile :)11:24
jettanaSeveas, what i should do next?11:24
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claesatul,  there are some forums on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ you might find some help there.11:24
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atulclaes, thanks for the pointer, I'll post my problem there.11:25
tariquehi i am a guy dumped11:25
tariqueby my girlfriend11:25
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tariquemy girl just dumped me11:25
Astxistjslob, applications - system tools - configuration editor11:25
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ssdo_anyone can help me in here?11:25
Astxistjslob, apps - gnome-terminal - profiles -Default11:26
Madpilotssdo_: just ask your questions, someone can probably help11:26
claesssdo_, Depends on the problem.11:26
jslobAstxist: Thank you so much!11:26
ssdo_ok,i just dual booted ubuntu in in my toshiba laptop11:26
Astxistjslob, np ^_^11:27
jslobAstxist: That worked like a charm11:27
rosentarique, apt-get newone11:27
ssdo_then, when i do reboot in ubuntu, the laptop just went dead11:27
claesssdo_, Breezy or Dapper?11:27
ssdo_i have to forcely push the power button then restart power then i can start ubuntu again11:28
ssdo_claes..its breezy11:28
claesssdo_, Then I can't help. Sorry but I have the same problem in dapper. I fix it by running the old kernel. But don't know what it is in breezy.11:29
tariquerosen i loved her so much11:29
=== bungle [n=bungle@user-1025.lns1-c11.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ssdo_claes, in breezy it 2.6.12 kernel11:31
rob_pssdo_:  I had the same issue on my laptop.  It's a known bug.  I suspect they'll handle it in Dapper.  Anyway, the workaround is to append, "reboot=h" to the kernel options in your /boot/grub/menu.lst file.  Add it to the default entry.  That should fix it.11:31
tariquehas anyone been broken hearted11:31
tariquehow can i get google talk on ubuntu11:32
Madpilotneed sleep - later, all11:32
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claestarique, sudo aptitude install gaim11:32
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claestarique, And look here http://www.google.com/support/talk/bin/answer.py?answer=2407311:33
ssdo_rob_p, thanks will try that...11:33
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rob_pssdo_:  My line looks like:  "kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.12-9-386 root=/dev/hda3 ro quiet splash reboot=h"  Anyway, hope it fixes it for you.11:34
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ssdo_rob_p, ok so i will just append the reboot=h next to the word splash11:37
ssdo_ok just did that..brb so i can test it.11:37
rob_pssdo_:  Yup!11:37
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hermieswhy does totem not play mp3 out of the box and what do i need to add to get it to work?11:45
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hermiesI get an error "file is not an audio stream" when I try to play an mp311:45
uboturumour has it, mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats11:45
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hermieswhat? since when has ubuntu cared about non-free? ...did you guys grow a soul? :D11:46
mjrumm, since the beginning?11:46
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hermiesthat wiki you linked to looks horrible in firefox...is that just my browser or is that generic?11:46
BillGay-tzcan i ask a question11:47
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FlannelKingBillGay-tz, usually it's easier to just ask, instead of asking to ask.11:47
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hermiesthank you mjr :)11:47
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frogzooanyone know if/where I can find a pkg for latest qemu ???11:49
HrdwrBoBfrogzoo: I built it11:49
BillGay-tzhow can i configure the router to get internetconnection?11:49
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BillGay-tzit seems i only can do the normal way,so sudo pppoeconf11:50
frogzooHrdwrBoB: yar, the building it's straight forward - but 'maintaining' it is, well, you know11:50
BillGay-tzbut i do not want to configure network interface11:50
frogzooBillGay-tz: usually just 'pon dsl-provider'   ?11:50
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BillGay-tzwhat u mean11:51
frogzooBillGay-tz: after you've run pppoeconf, you can bring up the dsl connection just with 'pon dsl-provider'11:51
BillGay-tzi check out11:52
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goonanyone here who could explain me why I'm able to authenticate with my WPA router but drop all incoming packets?11:56
jaypee_i'm compiling totem 1.3.0 for breezy, is there any extra configure flags i need to pu?11:57
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=== Jahboy [n=scott@pcp0010184247pcs.columbus.in.indy.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jahboyjust installed Ubuntu12:02
JahboyBIG problem - it hasn't asked me to enter a root password12:02
Jahboyso can't actually do anything with it12:02
Jahboydidn't ask me on startup12:02
Jahboyany ideas?12:03
ubotuI heard rootsudo is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo12:03
FlannelKingcheck that out12:03
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NeonSighthi all12:04
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seniorsepia, NeonSight12:05
NeonSightI just installed ubuntu and I'm really new to linux/unix admin stuff, and I want to install latex. I checked out several google solutions but some things are missing, can someone please help? :)12:05
NeonSighthi senior :)12:05
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Jahboyhey, much thanks12:05
JahboyI at least got root in the terminal12:06
JahboyI should be able to sqeek around from there12:06
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NeonSightI tried... sudo apt-get install tetex-base tetex-extra... and then I get "E: Couldn't find package tetex-base"... how do I find this package?12:07
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soci0pathNeonSight, use synaptic12:07
Seveas!info tetex-base12:08
ubotutetex-base: (Basic library files of teTeX), section tex, is optional. Version: 2.0.2c-8 (breezy), Packaged size: 14022 kB, Installed size: 53248 kB12:08
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soci0pathsystem | administration | synaptic12:08
SeveasNeonSight, sources.list at the pastebin please12:08
NeonSightk thx... getting there slowly...12:09
cvt|kubuntuwhat do i need to get javaa for online games?12:09
eek-0okay guys12:10
eek-0i almost have it12:10
eek-0still having trouble12:10
NeonSightI'm in synaptic but there's no tetex-base or anything starting with tetex...?12:10
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eek-0i un tar'd the package..and umm..it said run 'make config' i did..it said Error: No rule to target make 'config'. Stop.12:10
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soci0pathNeonSight, you might have to add some package repositories12:11
claescvt|kubuntu,  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats12:12
eek-0there is no Confg12:12
eek-0in that directory though12:12
NeonSightsoci0path, when I go to settings -> repositories in synaptic... there's "CD Ubuntu 5...." what do I do?12:12
soci0pathsystem | help  | 5.10 starter guide | installing applications12:12
SeveasNeonSight, no more than the cd?12:13
soci0pathit tells you how to add repositories in there12:13
Jahboyis there any way to enable the root account?12:13
NeonSightseveas: no, sorry12:13
SeveasNeonSight, sudo wget http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/d2325 -O /etc/apt/sources.list12:13
SeveasThe O in -O is a capital oh12:13
NeonSightthx seveas... lemme check12:13
SeveasNeonSight, when you did that, hit the reload button in synaptic12:14
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Seveas(and the mark all upgrades button so you drag in all security updates)12:14
Jahboyis there any way to enable the root account?12:14
epsit isn't disabled, you just aren't given the pw :P12:15
epsso reset the pw and you're set12:15
NeonSightit's downloading some stuff now, seveas12:15
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Jahboydumb question: how12:15
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epsthat was the first thing I worked out when I got a ubuntu box12:15
epsJahboy if you need to ask that should you really have the root account?12:15
epsnoting that sudo does all you need?12:15
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Jahboyi figured it out12:17
epsgood :)12:17
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epsI've found when I'm on debian boxes I rarely use su though...on my debian box I'm always using the root account :P ...bad me12:18
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cvt|kubuntui thought i would get java in kynaptic, no?12:18
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Seveascvt|kubuntu, enable multiverse and use adept instead of kynaptic :)12:19
yahya_I forgot the name of a utility that sets up links to preferred apps.. anyone know what i'm talking about?12:19
Seveasyahya_, update-alternatives?12:19
yahya_Seveas: yeah!! thanks :)12:19
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pinkisntwellwhen I login gnome hangs loading metacity if I don't select "failsafe gnome"12:20
pinkisntwellwhat should I do?12:21
cvt|kubuntuseveas, how?12:21
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vivichu_piojahi everybody12:23
ubotuvivichu_pioja: I give up, what is it?12:23
n3Chow is proper?12:23
n3Cendore please or indorse please12:23
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mrkojeis there such a thing as defragmenting a hard drive on linux?12:24
alambahi all12:24
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n3Cand what is a diffrence12:24
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vivichu_piojais spanish12:24
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alambacan someone please hand hold me a bit in installing java in firefox? i just can't get this to work, tried, failed and gave up before12:25
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pinkisntwellalamba: did you try what it says in the wiki?12:26
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=== MasterC [n=chans@dslb-084-060-209-164.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
alambapink: oh yes, followed http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76754&highlight=Java+plugin+firefox --> step by step12:26
alambahowever the last command: java -version is not what is expected12:27
vivichu_piojaalguien habla espaol?12:27
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alambajava version "1.4.2"12:27
alambagij (GNU libgcj) version 4.0.2 20050808 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.0.1-4ubuntu9)12:27
Serv3erc' qualche italliano ????12:27
Serv3erc' qualche italliano ????12:27
MasterCwhy needs banshee libdbus-1-1 and not libdbus-1-2 on dapper?12:27
=== Exposure` [n=exposure@a80-126-234-67.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
MasterCI cant install it via apt-get :(12:27
alambaand that's after i'12:28
claesalamba,  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats12:28
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claesMasterC, Becouse it's not updated to the new libdbus yet.12:29
MasterCis there allready a bug report for this?12:29
=== mifritscher- [n=michael@p54AA2198.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
claesalamba, sudo update-alternatives --config java12:30
eek-0i typed ./Config and it said your system does not have 'cc' installed..12:30
eek-0wtf is cc!12:30
claesMasterC, I don't know.12:30
frogzooeek-0: cc is the c compiler - usually just use gcc12:30
eek-0so umm12:30
alambaclaes: /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj/bin/java is the option given...but that's not 1.512:31
frogzooeek-0: try 'export CC=gcc'   & try again12:31
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duomaxwellAnyone here got time warner/roadrunner internet phone?12:31
claesalamba, it should read: /usr/lib/j2re1.5-sun/bin/java12:32
claesalamba, Have you checked  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats12:32
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eek-0what is the linux tree source?12:32
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frogzooeek-0: /usr/src/linux  usually12:32
alambaclaes: yep...somehow that just is'nt working for me...i'm trying the first option on that page...sudo apt-get install j2re1.412:32
manveruhey guys, i'm using gnome-terminal and have problems to activate copy-on-selection behaviour12:32
=== juuso [n=juuso@a84-231-11-51.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
eek-0in /usr/src/linux/ there is rpm12:33
=== apokryphos [n=apokryph@host-87-74-2-236.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
eek-0so /usr/src/linux/rpm/ is the tree source?12:33
Ngeek-0: install the linux-source-2.6.12 package12:33
frogzooeek-0: what are you trying to do?12:33
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claesalamba, Do the things under Sun java and it will work.12:34
alambaclaes: that's going to take a good 25 min to download on my connection, meanwhile is there anything I can do to get the already installed 1.5 to work?12:34
duomaxwellA friend of mine has it and wanted me to install Ubuntu on her P4, but I couldn't get it to get online with the cablemodem that time warner uses for their allnone VoIP system12:34
frogzooduomaxwell: u try 'sudo pppoeconf' ?12:34
eek-0im trying to get my wireless working12:34
duomaxwellNot only that but my iBook running OS X 10.2.8 couldn't either12:34
alambaclaes: ok...trying12:34
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eek-0Ng, i dont have the linux-source-2.6.12 package12:35
frogzooeek-0: what's your wireless card?12:35
duomaxwellcan't try now12:35
mihmanveru: copy and paste from the r-click menu12:35
eek-0frogzoo, no idea.12:35
frogzooeek-0: that's step 112:35
eek-0i dont know how to find it dude12:35
eek-0i've been asking people12:35
eek-0lspci -v ?12:35
eek-0like 200 things come up12:35
=== encompass [n=encompas@dsl-hkigw7-fe0df900-146.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
frogzooeek-0: mebbe 'sudo lspci'12:35
encompassMy video is all blue and I can hear the sounds but no video12:36
encompasswhat did I do wrong?12:36
Badm4nzhow to see processor using proc info on ubuntu ?12:36
Ngeek-0: does "apt-cache search linux-source"  show anything?12:36
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claesBadm4nz, cat /proc/cpuinfo That fast enough12:36
duomaxwellFrogzoo: the cable modem is the Scientific Atlanta Webstar model DPX220312:36
eek-0i dont know12:36
eek-0i see a lot of shit starting with VIA Technologies12:36
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eek-0when i do sudo lspci12:37
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encompasswhy is my video a blue screen?12:37
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eek-0Ng, apt-cache search linux-source does nothing12:38
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=== Wezel [n=wesley@d54C37D2D.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
eek-0frogzoo, so..?12:38
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claeseek-0, Can you find the linux-headers instead then?12:39
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eek-0what is linux-headers?12:39
encompasswhy is my video a blue screen in Torem?12:39
frogzooeek-0: sry, back - gimme a sec to scroll12:39
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claeseek-0, The include headers needed to compile modules to work with your kernel12:40
frogzooeek-0: pastebin your lspci -v12:40
alambaclaes: cp: cannot create regular file `/usr/java/sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update05_i386.deb': Permission denied12:40
frogzooalamba: you have to sudo to write /usr dirs12:41
=== NextTux [n=Ich@p549EFD6F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
claesalamba, Why are you copying it there?12:41
encompassI think you should copy it to /opt/12:41
alambai'm not...the first command...fakeroot make-jpkg jre-1_5_0_06-linux-i586.bin is doing that...it gives that error and aborts12:42
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eek-0frogzoo, have you forgotten the reason i'm needing help?12:42
NextTuxhello There I`m New Here12:42
eek-0no internet..12:42
duomaxwellWhat up?12:42
eek-0claes: installed the headers...12:42
alambaclaes: does it matter that i'm running the bin file from within /usr/java ?12:42
NextTuxany german gays here12:42
eek-0claes: the directory im in when i do the ./Config is /home/ace/Driver/something/12:43
eek-0and the default is /usr/src/linux12:43
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claesalamba, Yes try it in /tmp instead.12:43
eek-0so do i need to change it to ../../../12:43
NgNextTux: I think there is a #ubuntu-de12:43
NextTuxKann mir jemand helfen ?12:43
frogzooeek-0: as I understand it - you need a driver for your wireless card, but don't know what your wireless card is - so please pastebin the lspci -v12:43
claeseek-0, Not sure what you are trying to do.12:44
wesleyWhy doesn't rm -d mapname12:44
wesleyremove a map12:44
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NextTuxIch suche den Befehl, mit dem ich ueber die console meinen screen fr normale user freischalte12:44
wesleyIsn't that supposed to delete a directory12:44
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apokryphosNextTux: this is quite obviously an English-speaking channel. You can speak German in #ubuntu-de12:45
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claeswesley, It's rm -rf map12:45
NextTuxoh thanks ! I`m so stupid12:45
wesleyThanx a lot12:46
wesleyThanx for the tip claes12:46
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=== Anders [n=anders@c-3051e455.12-77-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
claeswesley, Glad I could help.12:46
alambaclaes: it worked!!!!!!!!!! thanks so much!!12:47
claesalamba, Great! Glad I could help.12:47
eek-0thats why imhere12:47
eek-0on another box12:47
=== Xorlev_ [n=xorlev@unaffiliated/xorlev] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphoseek-0: drop the caps12:47
claeseek-0, No one will help you if you shout.12:47
alambamoving to /tmp did the trick...thanks a ton buddy...i was really hitting a wall there12:47
eek-0well use some common sense12:47
=== Tomcat_ [n=Tomcat@p54A19E28.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Ngeek-0: you could help us by finding out what kind of wireless card it is12:48
eek-0i'd have to write those 200 lines down then come back on thix box and type it12:48
Ngeek-0: eg by looking at it12:48
Ngeek-0: well is it a card ina laptop? built in to a laptop? a card in a normal pc, etc?12:48
eek-0its pcmia12:48
claeseek-0, As you said: well use some common sense12:48
eek-0something like that12:48
eek-0it doesn't matter12:49
eek-0i need to complete my linux tree12:49
eek-0thats all im worried about12:49
eek-0Ng, i installed that linux-headers or whatever12:49
alambaguys, is there a oss alternative to microsoft frontpage that I could install? i know networks...but when it comes to coding html i'm as lost as the next guy12:49
eek-0now that stuff is in my linux tree12:49
=== Jude [n=Jude@CPE-60-226-24-77.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
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claesalamba,  check out nvu12:50
alambaclaes: will do12:50
manverumih: i really don't want to do it with right-click... is there no option for that?12:50
eek-0so what do i do?12:50
Ngeek-0: so in being pcmcia it would take you about 5 seconds to pop it out, read off a model number/revision and type it here, which would help us check you are doing the right thing, but if you reckon you're on the way then fair enough12:50
eek-0okay look12:51
=== mirak [n=mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-44-85.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
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eek-0I have this antenna....Agere....it's plugged into a USB port on the back of my computer...12:51
manverualamba: learning html is good for you :)12:51
eek-0what else do you need to know?12:51
=== djk_ [n=djk@p54A2CCF8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
frogzooeek-0: it being USB changes everything...12:52
manverualamba: but there are lots of good html-wysiwyg-editors out there...12:52
claeseek-0, First then it's not a pcmcia it's usb. And that changes alot.12:52
Ngeek-0: well ideally an actual product number12:52
eek-0So i dont need to congfigure a PCMCIA driver do i?12:52
frogzooeek-0: firstly, you don't need a wireless driver - you need a usb driver - which is probably already there12:52
eek-0frogzoo, okay so what do i do?12:53
frogzooeek - 2ndly, of course it won't show up on any lspci - lsusb would be likely12:53
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frogzooeek-0: so on the box, was this called a 'wireless router'?12:53
alambamanveru: i'm a telecom guy my friend...data/voice network...i understand...i can read and understand code, but can't write "hello world" to save my life12:53
eek-0what box12:53
frogzooeek-0: the box your wireless/usb thingy came in12:54
alambaim downloading nvu...looks easy enough12:54
manverualamba: well, it's only "Hello World" :)12:54
=== Alex_BO [n=alex@adsl-ull-94-205.51-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
alambamanveru: lol12:54
eek-0i got a modem ..wireless modem...goes in one room..(this comptuer) then in another room there is the antenna (the cmoputer with ubuntu)12:54
Badm4nroot@tequila:/home/mirza# apt-get install libbogl-de12:55
Badm4nepl: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)12:55
Badm4nepl: Unable to lock the list directory12:55
=== CioN [n=CioN@host101-69.pool8261.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
Badm4nwhat is that mean12:55
manverualamba: however, try some, one of the best is probably quanta12:55
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wontezcan someone help me with a lan issue12:55
SeveasBadm4n, close synaptic or any other apt application12:55
claesBadm4n, Someother program are using the dpkg database and only one program can use it at one time.12:55
frogzooeek-0: and you connect to this modem via usb, correct?12:55
eek-0its a signal12:56
CioNhey all I need to install a wireless mice and keyboard bundle but i have no idea where to start from, anyone can help me?12:56
Badm4ni dont open anything except gnome...xchan gaim :D12:56
eek-0the antenna picks up a signla12:56
=== stianh [n=stianh@195134057015.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #ubuntu
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claesBadm4n, You are using sudo?12:56
frogzooeek-0: I'm well aware of how the 802.11b protocol works - thankyou12:56
alambamanveru: is'nt that for KDE platform? does that neccessarily mean that I can't run it in ubuntu (gnome)?12:56
=== jhaa [n=juha@dsl-aur-ff2dc000-227.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
eek-0the computer with ubutn doens't conenct to anything..i just have an antenna that plugs into a USB port on the back of it....then picks up the signal from the modem12:56
sonyHi all12:57
Badm4ni already roon12:57
Badm4nnot using sudo apt-get blablabla12:57
sonyHo appena installato ubuntu12:57
Badm4nbut i type12:57
Badm4nsudo su fiirst12:57
manverualamba: it doesn't mean you cannot run it in gnome - but i'm a xfce-guy and write my code by hand... it's the only editor i tried - sorry :)12:57
CioNsony: ti serve una mano?12:57
Ngeek-0: you still haven't given us a product number for the usb "antenna", but from the looks of it you need to compile the Orinoco driver, if it's an Agere USB Wireless card you are using12:57
sonyvorrei sapere12:57
sonyper aprire synaptic12:57
Alex_BOHELLO!I've a problem with wine...when I try $ wine setup.exe a window says me that "Windows Installer is not present or version is too low on this computer. Setup will install Windows Installer 2.0 now. After install Windows Installer 2.0, please run setup again.12:57
Alex_BO" What can I do???12:57
sonycome si apre?12:57
frogzooeek-0: forget the other wireless devices - just explain how your computer is being wireless enabled12:57
=== markuman [n=supermar@p50926201.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
sonymi dice che non sono root12:57
eek-0brb..i'll get the model number12:57
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manverualamba: i'm sure there are some other for gtk as well - you are best off doing some apt-cache search12:58
SeveasAlex_BO, run windows :)12:58
eek-0frogzoo, umm..a network conncetion i have to set up?12:58
CioNdevi inserire la password che hai durante il processo di installazione12:58
aftertafSeveas:  good answer ;)12:58
Alex_BOSeveas, wow12:58
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!12:58
Alex_BOSeveas, this is a very good advice12:58
claesAlex_BO, You have to install windows installer 2.0 in the wine evironment.12:58
Alex_BOclaes, how?12:58
eek-0but i can't even get the light to blink on the antenna12:58
aftertafAlex_BO:  what are you trying to run in wine that says that?12:58
alambamanveru: thanks...will do12:58
=== speerfishingt [n=speerfis@fw01-c703.uibk.ac.at] has joined #ubuntu
manveruubotu: tell CioN about sudo12:58
Alex_BOaftertaf, a program for my mp3 player12:58
Badm4nmy prob solved .. txt12:58
=== Lukian [n=wizard@203-206-3-1.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Alex_BOclaes, where do I find the windows installer?12:59
claesAlex_BO, Download it from windows.com and run the setup in wine.12:59
frogzooeek-0:     <computer> ----- <wifi device>12:59
aftertafAlex_BO:  ^12:59
CioNmanveru: that wasn't for me thx anyways :D12:59
Alex_BOclaes, uhm...ok12:59
CioNhey all I need to install a wireless mice and keyboard bundle but i have no idea where to start from, anyone can help me?12:59
frogzoowhat's the serial number of the wireless device, and what's the connection? USB?12:59
claesAlex_BO, If you can't find it. Then you have to ask microsoft.12:59
=== Lukian_ [n=wizard@203-206-3-1.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
eek-0frogzoo, i have to set up a wireless conncetion in the 'network connections'12:59
manveruCioN: uh, sorry :)12:59
Alex_BOclaes, i've found it.thanks12:59
sonyCioN, ci sei?12:59
eek-0Ng, there is no model number on the bottom..just S/N, P/N, MAC ID, FCC ID12:59
CioNsony: si01:00
=== henk [n=henk@cp11902-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
eek-0PN = product number, right? so thats the same thing?01:00
frogzooeek-0: I get that much - but there's a lot of different ways of doing this, and at the other end of a text terminal, if you won't give us better information, we can't very well help you01:00
Ngeek-0: usually, yeah01:00
CioNsony:inserisci password che hai messo durante installazione01:00
eek-0frogzoo, i dont know what kind of information you need01:00
CioNsony: quella password ti servir per tutto quindi  importante che tu la sappia01:00
CioNsony: ok01:00
=== mrkoje [n=mrkoje@cpe-24-242-43-177.hot.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasCioN, please stick to english in here01:00
sonysi si01:00
sonyil problema e'01:00
Seveassony, you too01:01
sonyci sono 1 casino di pacchetti che non mi servono01:01
Seveas#ubuntu-it is for italian01:01
frogzooeek-0: how do you connect this wirelss device to your computer? usb plug correct? or is it pcmcia?01:01
CioNseveas: please do be patient he doesn't speak english and he's noob01:01
SeveasCioN, then take it to #ubuntu-it01:01
CioNsony: lascia cosi01:01
eek-0its plugs into a USB port01:01
=== pinkisntwell [n=pink@] has joined #ubuntu
CioNseveas ok i'll tell him01:01
pinkisntwellwhere should I report bugs? to the ubuntu bugzilla or to gnome bugzilla?01:01
eek-0Ng, P/N: 021888/A01:01
=== scanwinder_ [n=scanwind@CPE-60-224-192-21.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphospinkisntwell: depends on the bug01:01
frogzooeek-0: right - now pull it out - plug it back in - then pastebin 'dmesg'01:01
CioNsony contattami via msn agrippahalatrippa@hotmail.it01:02
apokryphospinkisntwell: if it's a packaging bug, then directly to ubuntu01:02
pinkisntwellmetacity hangs at startup01:02
eek-0frogzoo, i can't...i dont have access to the internet for the last damn time01:02
=== matozoid [n=matozoid@ADSL-TPLUS-103-138.telecomplus.net] has joined #ubuntu
claespinkisntwell, If it's from ubuntu in ubuntu's bugzilla they will move it upstream. (I hope)01:02
=== scanwinder [n=scanwind@CPE-60-224-192-21.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
henkhey can anyone tell me how to compile by 'hello world' using a stackguard technique ? i'm finding all kinds of documentation on what it is and does but not a simple example of how to acctualy use it01:02
pinkisntwellclaes: what do you mean?01:02
CioNhey all I need to install a wireless mice and keyboard bundle but i have no idea where to start from, anyone can help me?01:02
apokryphospinkisntwell: better go for Ubuntu bugzilla then01:02
SeveasCioN, plug it in?01:02
=== REBELinBLUE [n=Stephen@80-42-33-210.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
Seveas(well, the receiver)01:03
=== schens [n=schens@cable-62-117-26-119.cust.blue-cable.de] has joined #ubuntu
matozoid!seen caraba01:03
ubotui haven't seen 'caraba', matozoid01:03
Seveasthat should work out of the box01:03
frogzooeek-0: you can't unplug the usb? of the wirelss modem? why not?01:03
apokryphospinkisntwell: if ubuntu users discover that it's a gnome bug, they send it "upstream" to the gnome bugzilla01:03
manveruCioN: at least mine does :)01:03
pinkisntwellapokryphos: oh ok01:03
CioNseveas: i have pendrive as receptor01:03
eek-0frogzoo, i cant paste the information on pastebin.com because i dont have internet access on that comptuer.. thats the reason im here..to get the wireless part working01:03
matozoidwhen is the next release of kubuntu for?01:03
claesapokryphos, Thanks. Was looking for the words to explain it.01:03
CioNi plug it in but nothing happens01:03
manverumatozoid: when dapper is released...01:04
apokryphosmatozoid: same as Ubuntu -- April01:04
eek-0Ng, anything?01:04
cafebabei'm having newbie trouble installing j2ee on Ubuntu 5.10? here is the error : "./j2eesdk-1_4_02_2005Q2-linux.bin: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" Any ideas?01:04
matozoidah ok thx01:04
frogzooeek-0: ok, well unplug/plug the usb & execute dmesg - there'll be something about a new device detected - what's it say?01:04
SeveasCioN, do you see them in lshal?01:04
eek-0okay brb.01:04
CioNseveas: what's that? sorry im noob01:04
=== Jahboy [n=scott@pcp0010184247pcs.columbus.in.indy.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveas!find libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.301:04
SeveasCioN, it is a command01:04
=== xvlun [n=Jan@p548CA97F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasrun it and check whether you see your keyboard/mice01:05
CioNseveas: i got a lot of response from that command01:05
azatothist anyone using vserver and can help me out with a problem please?01:05
Jahboyhaving trouble updating firefox01:05
matozoidbtw would they ship kubuntu for free?01:05
Jahboyinstalled to /usr/lib/firefox01:05
=== HiddenWolf [n=HiddenWo@136.252.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu
burning_bronxSeveas, is there a dapper specific channel?01:05
CioNseveas: i know it's a command but what kind of comman01:05
claescafebabe, Try and install hmmm perhaps libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2 not sure if this is the right one.01:05
Seveasburning_bronx, yes, this one01:05
Seveasmatozoid, no01:05
Jahboyand tried to set web browser prefs to it01:05
SeveasCioN, then you have a lot of reading to do :)01:06
Jahboyand no luck launching01:06
matozoidwould be a good idea01:06
Jahboystill launches 1.0.701:06
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CioNseveas: u kidding me right?01:06
ubotuUbuntu Package/File/Desc Search of 'libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3' returned no results.01:06
SeveasCioN, no, just read through the output and look for your keyboard01:06
CioNseveas: and then what?01:07
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apokryphosSeveas: are you sure it's not going to be? There was some talk that it might be01:07
Seveasapokryphos, never heard of that, but I'm not omniscient :)01:07
apokryphosI think it partly relied on whether there'll be a single install+live cd01:07
apokryphosSeveas: http://www.kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-commitment.php01:08
speerfishingthow can i switch to runlevel 3 without any X11 "init 3" doesn't stop the X11...01:08
Seveasthere is no runlevel without X except runlevel 101:08
=== legout [n=volker@wwsx31.win-screen.uni-wuerzburg.de] has joined #ubuntu
legout:-D http://cip.physik.uni-wuerzburg.de/~lorrmann/fvwm/screens2/index.php01:09
cafebabethnak you, claes, i'll try01:09
Jahboyanyone have luck updating firefox?01:09
=== B|4ckm0r3 [n=blackmor@host157-51.pool21345.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
JahboyI did it in fedora, not wanting to work the same way in Ubuntu01:10
eek-0okay when i unplugged and plugged it back it..and typed dmesg i got a lot of stuff but the bottom two were: usb 1-2: USB disconnected, address 2 then usb 1-2: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 301:10
eek-0frogzoo ^^^^01:10
wontezdo any of you use nfs for fileshares, if so what are the pros and cons exluding the fact nfs is linux only01:11
ubotuYou can update to firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion01:11
burning_bronxJahboy, check this ^^^01:11
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frogzooeek-0: but didn't mention something like 'new usb device detected'...01:11
eek-0i shall go check again01:11
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Jahboyhere's my problem, how do I get libstdc++501:13
frogzooeek-0: about now we need to figure out what this device is - so we can figure out what drivers it needs or if it's even supported01:13
frogzooJahboy: not in synaptic?01:13
wontezdo any of you use nfs for filesharing if so what are the pros and cons exluding the fact nfs is linux only01:13
B|4ckm0r3i've got a problem!i'm trying to install the newest nvidia drivers (8174) and x tells me that i've the 8174 module (libglx.so) but the driver is still 7667 (nvidia_drv.so)!anyone can help me?01:13
apokryphosJahboy: it's in the repos01:13
eek-0frogzoo, it didn't say anything about new device detected01:13
=== xored [n=gasdasdf@HSI-KBW-082-212-027-199.hsi.kabelbw.de] has joined #ubuntu
eek-0lemme go put my other one in though01:13
wontezhello can anyone hear umm I mean see me01:14
frogzoowontez: nfs is really good for workstation unix environments01:14
frogzoonfs is a stateful protocol, and much more robust than samba01:14
burning_bronxJahboy, sudo apt-get install libstdc++501:14
apokryphoswontez: we can indeed01:14
=== ZahnZa [n=ZahnZa@12-218-160-122.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
wontezthanks lol01:15
=== loorni [i=kumiseta@addr-82-128-200-147.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu
wontezthought i set this up wrong too01:15
frogzoowontez: however, you don't want to run nfs exports on a box that's frequently rebooted - exports should be run from highly stable servers01:15
Jahboyjust discovered synaptic01:15
Jahboymuch sweeter than yum01:15
void^there's a free microsoft tool to use nfs exports on windows01:15
wontezwhy so01:15
eek-0nope it didn't say anything about new device detected, FrankyFourFinger01:16
eek-0err frogzoo*01:16
ZahnZai need some help with my internet connection01:16
frogzooeek-0: just a mo01:16
djk_apokryphos: why is utf8 the default locale?01:16
eek-0ZahnZa, get in line. :P01:16
=== Orby [i=grant@85-210-26-139.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
wontezwhat makes rebooting bad for nfs?01:16
frogzoowontez: because nfs has state, if you have open files on the server when the server goes down, you'll have stale file handles until the server comes back up01:17
=== comunero [n=comunero@138.Red-80-37-24.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosdjk_: in here? It's the default for English-speaking channels on Freenode01:17
djk_apokryphos: na, not in here, ubuntu..01:17
frogzoowontez: however, this can be really nice too - someone can have a file open - server crash, reboots - everything's back where it was01:17
=== speerfishingt [n=speerfis@fw01-c703.uibk.ac.at] has joined #ubuntu
B|4ckm0r3please help me!i'm trying to install the newest nvidia drivers (8174) and x tells me that i've the 8174 module (libglx.so) but the driver is still 7667 (nvidia_drv.so)!01:18
apokryphosdjk_: because it's the most standard? Not really sure of the advantages/disadvantages. Perhaps the same reason qwerty is default keyboard layout 8)01:18
frogzoowontez: you can even failover the nfs export from one server to another - giving you complete HA on your file server - it's brilliant for enterprise setups01:18
eek-0frogzoo, anything i need to do?01:18
frogzooeek-0: so did we figure out what device this was?01:18
=== jenda is now known as jenda_away
eek-0i dont know01:18
eek-0its USB dude01:18
frogzooeek-0: did this come in a box?01:18
frogzoowontez: HA = high availbility01:18
eek-0a long time ago01:18
=== Tomcat_ [n=Tomcat@p54A19E28.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
djk_apokryphos: well, the reason for qwerty are historical and rather stupid nowadays01:19
=== eth42 [n=peter@p50830DBB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
eek-0its Netopia01:19
wontezkinda like a UPS01:19
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apokryphosdjk_: sure01:19
frogzooeek-0: did this device come with windows drivers?01:19
apokryphosdjk_: a few reasons http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF801:19
claeseek-0, Can you plug the usb in a windows computer and see what driver it loads?01:19
frogzoowontez: nope - HA is like 2 servers - when one crashes, the other one takes over01:19
eek-0claes, what do you mean?01:19
=== Kian|worK [n=Kian@f02m-212-194-145-48.d4.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu
frogzooclaes: good call01:19
eek-0i'd have to install it on this computer01:20
wontezso is it seamless redundency?01:20
eth42where can I logout on wiki.ubuntu.com? I seem to be logged in but there are no controls to logout?!!01:20
eek-0a disc came with the device ..a disc to install the driver01:20
frogzooeek-0: plug it into a windows box - then look under device manager to find out what it is01:20
apokryphoseth42: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserPreferences01:20
eek-0why does it matter what it is?01:21
frogzooeek-0: this device won't work without a linux driver - you need to know what device it is to find the right driver, or if one even exists01:21
Inf3ctedFxDoes anybody knows how can I use 2 monitors on ubuntu with 2 diferent video cards?01:21
wontezdo I direct who i am speaking too?01:21
apokryphoswontez: in large channels it's often a good idea01:21
eek-0okay brb01:21
apokryphos!tell wontez about tab01:21
Jahboyhey thanks for the link, worked great01:21
frogzoowontez: just type the first few chars & hit tab for completion01:21
eth42apokryphos: uh, ok, couldn't see the tree for the woods! :-) thanks01:21
apokryphoseth42: I agree it's badly laid out; there really should be a link near the top there.01:22
wontezapokryphos,  ahh thanks01:22
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eth42apokryphos: if I want to change something in UserPreferences, it always tells me that passwords are not the same. but I see only one field for the password and it is automatically filled with the same password that is used for login (which of course doesn't fail). Any suggestion what could be the problem?01:24
wontezfrogzoo, I am thinking about using nfs on my home lan do you think it would be a bad idea?01:24
frogzoowontez: nfs is, like I say, very robust - but more work to setup by all accounts than samba - samba would probably be best just to get you up & running01:25
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apokryphoseth42: hm, trying to test, but the wiki is really lagging on trying to save.01:25
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eth42apokryphos: hmm, mine is not lagging, I just get the message that passwords are not the same. strange...01:27
eth42i should try later perhaps01:27
eek-0how do i go to device manager01:27
apokryphoseth42: you shouldn't need the pass entered there to make UserPreferences changes01:27
frogzoojust btw, the breezy qemu is 2 releases behind - current qemu is 8.0 > 7.2 > 7.001:27
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wontezfrogzoo, are there any good gui interfaces to help me set up samba that you know of ?01:27
eek-0got it01:28
eth42apokryphos: I see. now it is lagging. :-)01:28
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eth42apokryphos: I mean without the password01:28
eek-0frogzoo, all it says is USB device01:28
Ngfrogzoo: ubuntu doesn't include new releases in a stable version, just security and bug fixes. there will probably be a newer versrion in dapper though :)01:28
apokryphoseth42: seems quite messed up. Might send an email as a FYI to them01:29
frogzooNg: just compiled with the kqemu kernel module (proprietary unfortunately) it's a much quicker install so far01:29
eth42apokryphos: you might or I might? :-)01:29
eek-0frogzoo, so now what?01:29
apokryphoseth42: I could, but if you could that would be great ;-)01:29
frogzooeek-0: you checked under device manager?01:30
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eth42apokryphos: ok, I will. btw, my settings now got saved (only if the password is not entered)01:30
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Jahboynew problem - Java runtime environment- installed and make a link into my firefox plugins, and enabled Java in firefox prefs, and still no luck01:30
eek-0it said USB device01:30
eek-0thats it01:30
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Ralkenfrogzoo, sorry this is wontez01:30
Jahboyany ideas?01:30
Ralkenfrogzoo,  I didnt see your last answer01:31
frogzooRalken: check under synaptic for 'samba' - there's lots there - but someone here will know - samba gui anyone?01:31
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claesJahboy, if you check the address about:plugins in firefox what does it say?01:32
frogzooanyone know why the led on my usb key stays on after the device is unmounted, or how to get it to turn off?01:32
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Ralkenfrogzoo, I tried LinNeighborhood but I couldnt see the other PC01:32
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claesfrogzoo, If you try and eject the device do the light go off.01:33
frogzoothx claes01:33
agorfhello. how can i add extra ips to an interface as well as some routes and those thing stay after a reboot ?01:33
frogzoo(dumb me)01:33
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Jahboy'm checking it out now01:34
frogzooagorf: man interfaces01:34
claesfrogzoo, Glad I could help.01:34
Jahboy/usr/java is my install directory for jre01:34
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Ralkenanyone know of a good samba gui?01:34
vivichu_piojaI know01:35
ubotuvivichu_pioja: Did you get hit by a windmill?01:35
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ZahnZasmb4k is a good samba gui01:35
Ralkenfrogzoo, I checked syn but didnt see anything useful01:35
frogzooZahnZa: is right - install smb4k01:35
claesJahboy, is that on about:plugins in firefox?01:35
aftertaf!good bot01:36
ubotuthanks aftertaf :)01:36
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Ralkenthat says its for kde will I have to install the entire kde suite to use it?01:36
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rikaiwoah, new kernel update just came down the pipe it seems, at least for me.01:37
Jahboywhere the link to the java plugin is01:37
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ZahnZayou can also use xSMBrowser01:37
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs01:37
RalkenZahnZa, that says its for kde will I have to install the entire kde suite to use it?01:37
eth42how good is the GNU Java environment? can it used as a replacement for Sun/Java? (cause I can't start a jar I have, obviously because java.lang.StringBuilder is not present)01:38
aftertafRalken:  just the dependencies01:38
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RalkenZahnZa, Im installing xSMBrowser to test it out01:38
mjreth42, it's "pretty good" when it comes to non-AWT/Swing stuff01:39
ZahnZaRalken, alright01:39
MoodlesIs there an easy way to install ubuntu through a LAN? I want to serve it from my main winxp box01:39
mjr(when it comes to AWT/Swing stuff, it's more like "getting there slowly")01:39
eth42mjr: ok, so no jedit or projectx01:39
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aftertafMoodles:  do the install on cd, then setup networking and ISP sharing on your xp box01:39
agorffrogzoo, are u sure that with interfaces you can set static routes?01:40
mjreth42, probably not, no. But yes Eclipse.01:40
DarkFameanyone tried out Darwinia? what do you think?01:40
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eth42mjr: so if java.lang.StringBuilder is missing, do I just need to install some deb?01:40
frogzooagorf: nope, sry01:40
NavireHi, folks01:40
aftertafhi :] 01:40
mjreth42, not sure on the spesific on that01:40
frogzooagorf: yes actually - you should be able to add a post command - & add the static route01:40
eth42ok, thanks, mjr01:40
NavireSomeone know where I find packge Twinkle SIP phone for Ubuntu?01:41
frogzooNavire: u try synaptic first?01:41
agorfok thanks01:41
Moodlesaftertaf: problem is, the cdrom in the target machine is stuffed, I can use it to boot from cds, but it doesn't install reliably01:41
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aftertafMoodles:  whip out the cdrom from the xp box, just to install, then get it on the net and apt-get away :] 01:42
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RalkenZahnZa,  how do you find where the executable is once its installed?01:42
Moodlesi guess i'll be forced to do it :(01:43
ZahnZaRalken, you should just be able to type xSMBrowser in a terminal and open it up01:43
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Sionidehttp://blogs.gnome.org/view/uraeus/2005/12/23/0 <- cost free mp301:44
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ZahnZaRalken, the binary is \usr\bin\xsmbrowser01:45
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SeveasSionide, yes, that indeed is exciting news01:46
IamJacksUsernameIf I create a CD with security updates and make it a repository, what will the patches for programs not installed do when installed?01:46
Navirefrogzoo: Yes. I find in synaptic01:46
NavireNo find.01:46
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Sionideone of the biggest things noobs complain about is mp3s isn't it01:47
ZahnZai'm having problems with my wireless connection01:47
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frogzooNavire: I see there's 'kphone' a SIP phone01:47
IamJacksUsername...will they be installed?01:47
frogzooNavire: or linphone01:48
RalkenZahnZa, thanks... I have it up and it did a scan but nothing is there01:48
KenSentMewhen i try to install my asus WL-107g wlan pcmcia card i use this howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Rt2500WirelessCardsHowTo but i can't do 'make'  because my build dir does not excist, why?01:48
frogzooNavire: I'd try those first01:48
Navire I will try it01:48
NavireThan you01:48
NavireI will back...01:49
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SionideZahnZa, i'm not - i use http://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkManager01:50
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ZahnZaRalken, o you have samba running?01:51
raphinkyop roel__01:51
roel__ah it works :)01:51
roel__just testing it out :)01:51
roel__merry christmas everybody01:51
DenstarkMorning guys =) Friday! And almost xmas. Yay.01:51
RalkenZahnZa, yes the Smb4K is running01:52
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ZahnZaSionide, the connection works fine, i am connected to my access point, and i ping sites, but i cant open them in a browser or install packages01:52
DenstarkCan you ping IPs or domain names?01:52
ZahnZaRalken, you have smb4k installed?01:52
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SionideZahnZa, dont think thats a problem with your wireless then01:53
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Sionidedo you have a proxy or something?01:53
RalkenZahnZa, I have both Smb4k and xSMbrowser installed but Smb4k looks easier so Im going to use it01:53
ZahnZaSionide, no01:53
gnubienhi, where would i find the commands in ubuntu CD that turn off the pc on shutdown?01:53
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RalkenZahnZa, should I un-install the other program01:54
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ZahnZaRalken, if you're not gonna use then yeah, but it wont matter either way01:54
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KenSentMei have a question: should there always be a folder called 'build'  in /lib/modules/2.6.12-9-386/ ?01:54
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ZahnZaSionide, any ideas?01:55
SionideZahnZa, nope01:55
RalkenZahnZa, ok I have it running and did a scan but nothing there?01:55
KenSentMemine is missing and this howto https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Rt2500WirelessCardsHowTo/DriverAndRaconfig requests one to complete it01:55
aftertafKenSentMe:  sounds like "cos i deleted it, is that good?" :)01:55
gnubienecho -e "\0110\0141\0160\0160\0171 \0110\0157\0154\0151\0144\0141\0171\0163\041"01:55
KenSentMeaftertaf: i didn't deleted it01:55
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aftertafKenSentMe:  heheh joking. try installing build-essential.01:55
KenSentMeaftertaf: i just did, but ok, i try again01:56
aftertafkennethlove:  and kernel-headers maybe01:56
aftertafKenSentMe:  i meant ;)01:56
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ZahnZaRalken, you might try manually mounting the share that you want01:56
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RalkenZahnZa,  I have to have this program on both pc's correct01:57
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ZahnZaRalken, no, smb4k is just a gui for smbclient, you need smbd on the pc thta want to share files on01:58
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KenSentMeaftertaf: should that be kernel-headers-2.6.11-9 or linux-kernel-headers ?01:58
RalkenZahnZa, ahh ok01:58
ZahnZaRalken, sorry for my horrible typing, laptops and no sleep=bad typing01:59
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aftertafKenSentMe:  i dont know... try both ;)02:00
RalkenZahnZa, no prob... I did a search for smbd on syn and nothing came up02:00
ZahnZaany one have any idea why with my wireless connection i can ping sites but not view them in a browser or install packages02:00
KenSentMeaftertaf: ok, lol02:00
ZahnZaRalken, it is installed with the samba package, you just have to have it running02:00
RalkenZahnZa,  lol ok02:01
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aftertafbye all :] 02:01
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RalkenZahnZa, tried to run smbd and it sayed aborted due to panic action on line 4802:03
cliebow_anyone else have trouble with gnome working right after switching to ldap authentication?02:03
TvHello. Is there a nice way to put the livecd on a usb stick?02:03
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RalkenZahnZa, *said02:03
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BenixWhat is the packagename of the acx wlancard driver?02:04
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ZahnZaRalken, have you setup you config file smbd yet?02:05
RalkenZahnZa,  no02:05
RalkenZahnZa, Im going to read up on the samba and ask some more questions later Im starting to feel lazy brb02:06
ZahnZaRalken, alright02:06
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ZahnZai'm have trouble connection to sites, my wireless conection is good, i can ping sites but not open them in a browser, nor can i install any packages02:08
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=== CaptainMorgan knoes he was put here to be driven mad by computers....
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KenSentMeZahnZa: does it work with a cabled connection?02:16
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ZahnZaKenSentMe, I don't know, don't have wired a connection for it02:17
stianhHey, my laptop has a memorycard reader built in, but it's not deteced automatically by ubuntu, or at least memory cards inserted aren't detected and mounted, /var/logs/messages shows no activity when inserting and ejecting cards.02:17
stianhAny suggestions on what to do?02:17
KenSentMeZahnZa: well that way you can find out if it's your ubuntu-installation or the wireless card02:17
Seveasstianh, try the command lspci02:18
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Seveasif it shows your reader as being made by Texas Instruments, then forget about using it02:19
ZahnZaKenSentMe, it's not the card, ive used it in another machine, and i have a connection to the router, i can search on google but view any other sites02:19
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KenSentMeZahnZa: there's no proxy or something?02:19
ZahnZanot view*02:19
Jahboydo the Make commands work in Ubuntu (make install)02:19
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ZahnZaKenSentMe, no02:19
JahboyI got command not found02:19
stianhSeveas, lots of texas instruments yes, both firewire, cardbus and unknown mass storage device, why forget about using them?02:20
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KenSentMeJahboy: not standard i think02:20
Seveasstianh, because TI does not publish linux drivers or specifications for these readers02:20
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KenSentMeJahboy: maybe you can install build-essentials02:20
ZahnZaKenSentMe, I can also view my network shares02:21
stianhSeveas, but that hasn't stopped people from making drivers for things in the past *sigh* are people getting lazy?02:21
KenSentMeZahnZa: and visit them?02:21
Seveasstianh, no, but it's not done yet, so forget about using it for now02:21
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Ngstianh: or help make the drivers :)02:21
ZahnZaKenSentMe, yes02:21
Jahboyand pardon my ignorance, but what is the command to get that02:22
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mustard5Jahboy, sudo apt-get install build-essential02:22
stianhNg: hehe, if they are making the drivers in php or ruby, then I guess sure :P02:22
SeveasJahboy, install the build-essential package via your favourite package manager02:22
Ngstianh: still, might be worth tracking down someone who's writing drivers and get in touch with them02:22
stianhNg, yeah, just gotta get some more details on those devices in question02:23
Jahboy"couldn't find package"02:23
mustard5Jahboy, most likely you need to enable extra repositories02:24
mustard5ubotu: tell Jahboy about repositories02:24
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stianhfirewire doesn't matter to me, don't have any firewire devices, pcmcia isn't too much of a problem, but I'd really like to have that cardreader :)02:24
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mustard5Jahboy, check PM from ubotu02:24
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Inf3ctedFxHello ppl02:27
Sh4d0x*shadox entered the rooooom =D02:27
mustard5hey Inf3ctedFx02:27
Inf3ctedFxhey mustard502:27
Sh4d0xhi there :)02:27
Inf3ctedFxI already make work dual monitore02:27
Inf3ctedFxit was sooo simple lol02:27
mustard5Inf3ctedFx, :)02:27
LukianInf3ctedFx: how so?02:28
Inf3ctedFxbut now I have a small problem but I dont think is going to be a problem02:28
Inf3ctedFxLukian:  look I have 2 video cards02:28
Inf3ctedFxboth r nvidia but diferent configuration02:28
Sh4d0xdoes anyone knows if there exists a linux objectdock version?02:28
Inf3ctedFxthe only thiong I done was make the same exact xorg configuration in xorg.conf02:28
Inf3ctedFxSh4d0x: superkaramba02:29
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Sh4d0xInf3ctedFx: thnQ02:29
Inf3ctedFxso Lukian  I copy almost everything inside my xorg.conf but using the specification for my secon monitor and video cart02:29
nobotzhow does one determine the version of ubuntu one is running02:30
Inf3ctedFxand it works02:30
mustard5Inf3ctedFx, ah ok...so the old drivers run your new card?02:30
nobotzcat /etc/debian_version gives me a debian version02:30
Inf3ctedFxnobotz: check ur source.list02:30
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mustard5nobotz, cat /etc/issue02:30
Inf3ctedFxif in ther repositories said something like hoary or breezy thats the version u r runinig02:30
Inf3ctedFxyes mustard5  the old driver runs just fine02:31
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mustard5Inf3ctedFx, well done :)02:31
nobotzgot it02:31
Inf3ctedFxbut what I have here now is a CLONE desktop lol02:31
Inf3ctedFxI can go with my mouse back and ford02:31
mustard5Inf3ctedFx, I just put a new 80 gig hard drive in today so I'm setting up a second install of ubunut :)02:31
Inf3ctedFxbut my second monitor has exactly the same desktop as my main monitor02:31
mustard5Inf3ctedFx, I'm glad to say goodbye to my 8gb and 12gb drives :)02:31
Sh4d0xInf3ctedFx, I just installed superkaramba with apt-get install, but where can i find my "shortcut" for using it?02:32
Inf3ctedFxmustard5: actually i;m going to buy a 200 gig hd today lol02:32
mustard5Inf3ctedFx, hehehe02:32
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mustard5Sh4d0x, you probably need to create a menu entry?02:32
Inf3ctedFxSh4d0x: go and google it superkaramba, to be honest with u.. I never use it.. well I did just once02:32
Inf3ctedFxI believe u have to download all those toys superkaramba has02:33
Inf3ctedFxlike the weather, the dock etc etc etc02:33
Sh4d0xow, :(02:33
gnomefreakgood morning02:33
Inf3ctedFxthe when u type in console "superkaramba" it will open02:33
mustard5morning gnomefreak02:33
Sh4d0xgnomefreak, morning? =D02:33
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Inf3ctedFxSh4d0x: type on terminal "superkaramba"02:33
dailyrorschachanyone know how to get my fonts to 96dpi02:34
Sh4d0xInf3ctedFx, ok, just a sec :)02:34
Inf3ctedFxmustard5:  what I need now is not a clone of my desktop I need a extended desktop xD02:34
Ngdailyrorschach: system->preferences->font->Details02:34
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nobotzwhere do I find ubuntu package downloads02:34
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gnomefreaksynaptic nobotz02:34
mustard5Inf3ctedFx, so what do you use that for?02:34
deFrysknobotz, packages.ubuntu.com02:34
Inf3ctedFxnobotz:  on synaptic02:34
Inf3ctedFxon ubuntu02:34
Sh4d0xInf3ctedFx, thnxx02:34
mustard5Inf3ctedFx, I always wonder why people have these dual monitor setups02:35
Navirefrogzoo: I try both, kphone e linphone. But dont work with Telextreme VOIP server.02:35
Inf3ctedFxSh4d0x:  it works?02:35
Inf3ctedFxis pretty cool to work with 2 minitors mustard502:35
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Sh4d0xinf3ctedFx, yes it opened a screen "karamba" now I can set some options02:35
Inf3ctedFxyes, go ahead and play with it for a littler bit02:35
=== gnomefreak can barely keep track of one moniter :(
defdchey, how do you change your window manager ? you just install it and that's all ?02:36
Inf3ctedFxdefdc: which one did u install?02:36
Ralkenhow do I edit a file as sudo02:36
Lukiandefdc: "sessions" on the login screen i believe02:36
defdci have not installed it yet02:36
Sh4d0xInf3ctedFx, in waiting my powerbook G4 arrives, i surely will amuse myself a bit with the dock :D02:36
LukianRalken: sudo <youreditor> file02:37
defdcbut i plan to replace metacity by openbox02:37
gnomefreakRalken, sudo gedit <path>02:37
Inf3ctedFxlol Sh4d0x02:37
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Inf3ctedFxdefdc:  yes just donwload it then log off , select the choise session and select the one u want to start with02:37
defdcLukian, you sure ? becaus ei think you choose your desktop environment there02:37
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Sh4d0xInf3ctedFx, as future designer i need a strong graphical computer, that's why i chose G4 powerbook, ubuntu is just for fun :)02:38
gnomefreakdefdc, what window manager did you install02:38
Inf3ctedFxApple... good choise Sh4d0x02:38
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borfasthi everyone02:38
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gnomefreakdefdc, openbox is a desktop eniveronment isnt it?02:38
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defdcno i don't think so gnomefreak02:39
gnomefreaksame as blackbox and fluxbox02:39
Sh4d0xInf3ctedFx, uhu better than microsnot windoze02:39
gnomefreak!info openbox02:39
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ubotuopenbox: (standards compliant, fast, light-weight, extensible window manager), section universe/x11, is optional. Version: 3.2-7ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 194 kB, Installed size: 920 kB02:39
Sh4d0xInf3ctedFx, :D02:39
borfastguys, I'm about to update my kernel but I just thought: which version should I use, the i686 one or the K7 one? I'm asking this because I have an Athlon 64 but I'm not using the 64 bit version of Ubuntu, so which of these kernels would be better for my CPU?02:40
defdcok, anyway i'll try now02:40
ubotumethinks fluxbox is a lightweight window manager.  Installation instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fluxbox.  More information at http://fluxbox.sourceforge.net02:40
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Ngborfast: k702:40
mustard5borfast, k7 is for amd02:40
RalkenI just installed swat and whenever I put in the address for it in the browser it says the connection is refused02:40
lowman62okay how do I register my nick in here?02:41
gnomefreaki told him it was same :(02:41
ubotuI heard register is type /msg nickserv help register (you probably should do this in the server window so that if you mess up you won't reveal your password to the whole channel :))02:41
lowman62ty :)02:41
gnomefreaklowman62, /msg nickserv register <password>02:41
borfastok, thanks, guys :)02:41
borfastI know K7 is for Athlons but I never bothered about this before. now I'm just curious as to why I installed the i686 version before... :P02:41
mustard5borfast, how much RAM you got?02:41
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lowman62cool thanks loads02:42
dailyrorschachcan I just upgrade firefox to 1.5 through apt-get?02:42
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mustard5dailyrorschach, no02:42
gnomefreakdailyrorschach, no02:42
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Lukiandailyrorschach: no, because it's not 'stable'02:42
ubotuI guess firefox15 is see the wiki at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion for information on how to install Firefox 1.5 from mozilla.org02:42
dailyrorschachok, so I'll have to compile it manually02:43
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Lukianif you are crazy enough :)02:43
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lowman62dailyrorschach: tis barely worth upgrading to02:43
lowman62not much has changed02:43
Lukianlowman62: imho it's worth downgrading from :p02:43
Inf3ctedFxok does anyone knows how can I prevent the TwinView?02:43
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mustard5personally I'll just wait for a new version to arrive in the repos :)02:43
mustard5I'm too lazy to upgrade any other way :)02:44
dailyrorschachand I'm guessing to run gaim2beta on linux I'll need to compile it02:44
Lukiani use opera myself, so you can enjoy it if you like :P02:44
nobotzhow does one list packages in ubuntu02:44
gnomefreakwhen it becomes "stable" enough for ubuntu they will backport it02:44
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odatanyone have any experience getting an Aureal A3D sound chip working?02:44
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gnomefreaknobotz,  to install or just to look through?02:44
mustard5nobotz, as in the whole list or just search via command line?02:45
dailyrorschachyes, I understand that, but that doesn't mean I don't also want to use the beta02:45
borfastmustard5: 512 MB02:45
nobotzjust look through02:45
nobotzthe list02:45
nobotzthat is already installed02:45
gnomefreaknobotz,  go to packages.ubuntu.com02:45
mustard5borfast, k...I believe it won't make much difference unless you have over 1gb of RAM02:45
gnomefreakalready installed02:45
mustard5borfast, I'm on AMD too..but I just stick with the 386 kernel now02:45
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gnomefreakthats a good question ive never done that before :(02:46
ubotufrom memory, commands is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicCommands or http://www.linuxcommand.org/02:46
Davey`is there any way to make my Seagate External Drive "One Touch Backup" button do something/02:46
mustard5nobotz, you on gnome?02:46
gnomefreaktry that site see if it gives you the commands to use02:46
mustard5nobotz, couldn't you just look at the installed packages in synatic?02:46
borfastmustard5: I know that regarding the CPU, that is correct (64 bit handles much more RAM) but does the kernel have anything to do with that, too? I mean, is one of the kernels more optimized for more RAM?02:47
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nobotzis there a  commandline tool02:47
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borfastmustard5: and why do you stick with the 386? any special reason or simply because using one of the other kernels won't bring you much of an improvement?02:47
frogzoonobotz: just kick off a terminal02:47
indyhi, somebody can help me? im trying to connect a pen drive in my ubuntu, but i dont know how to mount it02:47
gnomefreaknobotz,  go to those sites that ubotu posted and see if there is a command for it02:47
mustard5borfast, I believe k7 handles RAM over 1GB better for that motherboard...thats what I hear... :)02:47
frogzooindy: most like will autodetect - just plug it in02:47
Sh4d0x_lunchingInf3ctedFx, i don't get it working :s there is just a small bomb icone in the tray , can you help me further after dinner, cuz i'm not getting wise of it02:47
mustard5borfast, I don't know the technicalities of it all :)02:48
dailyrorschachis there known problems with alps touchpads?02:48
borfastmustard5: ok :) thanks :)02:48
mustard5nobotz, well i wonder what apt-cache show might do02:48
mustard5nobotz, usually you put a package name in02:48
dailyrorschachbecause my ability to click seems to kick out every now and again02:48
mustard5nobotz, but you could see if it does more :)02:48
indyok, but it doesnt it, hahaha02:48
indyi think02:48
frogzoodailyrorschach: here too on a sony - think it's related to cpu/scaling02:49
ZahnZai am having troube with my internet connection, i have a wireless connection, i am connected to my router and can ping outside sites but not view them in a browser or install packages02:49
borfastwell, all done, time to reboot. I'll be back shortly, 'cause I have two other things to talk about here. I'll be back in a few moments ;)02:49
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dailyrorschachyea, right now I'm stuck in xchat, not even alt tab is working at the moment though02:49
frogzoodailyrorschach: kb not working sounds more serious though02:50
gnomefreakdailyrorschach,  what are you trying to do?02:50
indyfrogzoo where is mount it? i'd try in all cdrom and floppy02:50
frogzooindy: a folder show up on your desktop?02:50
dailyrorschachwell im trying to use the click on my touchpad02:50
dailyrorschachbut all of a sudden i can't02:51
Lukiannobotz: apt-cache showpkgs --installed02:51
dailyrorschachI can't tab-alt to change windows or click02:51
dailyrorschachmy cursor is stuck as a input cursor and wont change when going over other windows02:51
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indythere isnt a folder on my desktop, im in kde02:51
Lukiannobotz: apt-cache pkgnames --installed02:51
Lukiannobotz: sorry :D02:51
indyif i try on gnome would works?02:52
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ZahnZai am having troube with my internet connection, i have a wireless connection, i am connected to my router and can ping outside sites but not view them in a browser or install packages, anyone have any ideas?02:52
dailyrorschachgot it to kinda word, I have to right click before left clicking...02:52
dailyrorschachZahnZa: dns set up?02:52
Lukianthat doesn't appear to work however?02:52
nobotzthat does it Lukian02:53
mustard5indy, what file format is the pen drive?02:53
ZahnZadailyrorschach, yes02:53
indyfat i think02:53
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mustard5indy, you want an icon on your desktop or just want to mount it?02:53
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indyit was formatted when i bought it02:53
Lukiannobotz: i get packages listed that aren't installed.02:53
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indytwo things that i downloaded02:54
nobotzno I am just trying to get broadcom wireless working on AMD64 laptop02:54
nobotzso was trying to see if I had gcc and related dev packages02:54
nobotzand kernel sources02:54
nobotzI am an debian/ubuntu newbie coming from an RPM based world02:55
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mustard5nobotz, you could just type in the install commands and it well tell you if you have the latest version if you wanted to02:55
gnomefreaknobotz, to get dev packages with gcc sudo apt-get install build-essential and what you dont have it will install02:55
lowman62does anyone know how to mount a usb jumpdrive?02:55
ga^vuhi...i'm trying to install something, and it tells me "permission denied"02:55
dailyrorschachyeah this is nuts, I seem to loose the ability to properly click with my alps touchpad02:56
ga^vucan i do anything?02:56
nobotzyeah but internet needs to work for that02:56
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nobotzfor which I need to get the wifi driver running02:56
nobotzby copying files I need from another box02:56
mustard5ga^vu, what are you installing?02:56
gnomefreakga^vu,  use sudo before the command as in sudo apt-get install <packagename>02:56
indyok, i mounted it!!!, thak you02:56
mustard5nobotz, build-essential is on the install CD02:56
nobotzI don't have a CD02:57
odatanyone have any experience getting an Aureal A3D sound chip working?02:57
gnomefreaksudo apt-get install opendchub02:57
mustard5nobotz, hmmm..ok02:57
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ubotuI heard wifi is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto02:57
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nobotzI am on that already02:58
nobotzdownloaded the ndiswrapper02:58
Inf3ctedFxHello again ppl02:58
gnomefreakgm Inf3ctedFx02:58
Inf3ctedFxgm gnomefreak02:58
lowman62does anyone know how to mount a usb jumpdrive?02:59
Inf3ctedFxdoes anyone knows how can I keep my icons on the desktop at the right hand side of my screen?02:59
lowman62in breezy of course :)02:59
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FaithXxorg is hogging my cpu when I watch movies or even when I scoll large amounts of data in an xterm :-(02:59
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void^what X driver?03:00
lowman62Inf3ctedFx: the only way I could find to do that was to turn my onitor upside down03:00
Inf3ctedFxthat was funny03:00
Inf3ctedFxno 4 real03:00
Inf3ctedFxdoes anyone knows?03:00
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gnomefreak<<<doesnt have desktop icons03:01
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nobotzI prefer the way the RPMS are normally listed on a single page for a specific platform03:01
gnomefreakSeveas,  is there a ubuntu-dev channel?03:02
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silfarpessoal onde eu encontro informao pra configurar o velox no ubuntu ?03:02
Seveasgnomefreak, what do you need it for?03:02
Seveassilfar, please stick to english in here03:02
FaithXvoid^: Device "Silicon Motion, Inc. SM712 LynxEM+"03:02
OMGsplosionI am sexually attracted to Ubuntu03:02
gnomefreaki want to find out if the dapper kernel has same drivers as breezy kernel03:02
Seveassilfar, #ubuntu-br is the pt_BR speaking channel03:02
gnomefreaknic drivers to be less general03:03
silfarseveas sorry,  chanel error03:03
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Seveasgnomefreak, newer versions and possibly more drivers03:03
grogoreowould someone mind telling why firefox is slower on linux than windows? Is it to do with linux or mozilla/firefox? Is this problem sorted with vr 1.5?03:03
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OMGsplosionI think it is sorted in 1.503:03
OMGsplosionfrom my own experience, it seems like they're both roughly the same speed03:03
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grogoreosorry, I forgot to mention when using CSS03:04
OMGsplosionI have no idea what CSS is03:04
grogoreowith transparent backgrounds etc. It seems it doesn't render fast enough03:04
grogoreoCascading Style Sheets, it changes the look of a web site03:05
frogzoo!tell OMGsplosion about restricted03:05
gnomefreakdo you know what release its on?03:05
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ki4cgpnobotz, what laptop brand/model did you get?  I'm curious as I have one waiting under the tree03:05
gnomefreakflight 2?03:05
void^FaithX: that's the id string reported by the device. you'll want to figure out what chipset it uses and which X driver you can use for acceleration.03:05
nobotzcompaq r401603:05
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ki4cgpnobotz, ok.  similar to mine.  I'm getting an HP zv260103:06
lowman62does anyone know how to mount a usb jumpdrive???03:06
nobotzki4cgp: I remember having wiped off my previously configured ubuntu03:06
nobotzmost of the stuff works03:06
nobotzbut right now I am stuck with a vanilla install03:06
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nobotzand no CD03:06
nobotzso trying to get things to work again03:06
OMGsplosionprobably a n00b question, but how I do get the Ubuntu menu (the start menu thingy) to be semi-transparent?03:06
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ga^vuif i create a server on ubuntu...can anyone help me configure internet?03:06
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SeveasOMGsplosion, not easily, only if you install a composite manager and fiddle with a lot of settings03:07
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OMGsplosion  :-(03:07
lowman62*takes jumpdrive shoves it like a pecker into windows box and shares it to samba* ..screw it that works03:07
nobotzki4cgp: these machines are still slow03:07
ki4cgpnobotz, what speed?03:07
ga^vuif i create a server on ubuntu...can anyone help me configure internet?03:07
nobotzthe compaq/hp AMD 6 laptops03:07
OMGsplosionis it easier in KDE?03:07
FaithXvoid^: well at the moment it is using the "siliconmotion" driver03:07
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ga^vuor...explain how to share internet connection03:08
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Runensklavehallo leute03:09
brother_of_jaredCan someone remind me how to register a nick?03:09
void^FaithX: ok, should be ok then.. check if your video player uses xv for playback03:09
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Runensklaveeveryone english here?03:10
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Runensklaveok no problem ;-)03:10
brother_of_jared<--- English03:10
mjrRunensklave, no, but that's the language of the channel03:10
ifliptiwell, american, but yeah03:10
ga^vuif i started an application from the terminal...how do i stop it? :D03:10
ubotufrom memory, register is type /msg nickserv help register (you probably should do this in the server window so that if you mess up you won't reveal your password to the whole channel :))03:10
brother_of_jared<--- CANADIAN too03:10
OMGsplosionI usually just close the terminal window03:10
raphink<---- French03:10
RunensklaveI shall warn you in advance - I'm quite a noob, and need your help03:10
lowman62all right brother03:10
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OMGsplosionI'm aware its probably not the way to go03:11
RunensklaveI want to run ubuntu and XP at the same time03:11
OMGsplosionI'm doing that too03:11
Rickat59i just installed ubuntu .. it never asked me for a root password03:11
Rickat59what is it?03:11
Runensklavenow do I need grub or something?03:11
brother_of_jaredlowman, where you at?03:11
OMGsplosionit automatically installs grub03:11
stianhRunensklave, have you installed ubuntu?03:11
Runensklaveor does it ask me what I want to boot?03:11
Runensklavenot yet03:11
Runensklavegot my ext3 partition already03:11
Runensklaveand a cd03:11
lowman62brother_of_jared: I lilve in savannah georgia :D03:11
stianhthen you will be asked to install grub03:11
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Runensklaveok will now install03:12
lowman62*live even03:12
bigcx2hey everyone03:12
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stianhRunensklave, and grub will give options "Linux" and "DOS"03:12
Runensklavethank you very much!03:12
Runensklavesee you!03:12
stianhDOS would be windows then :)03:12
bigcx2i have a question about dpkg03:12
stianhno worries03:12
brother_of_jaredSo.. how do I register a nick again?03:12
no0ticin dapper my ipod & others usb devices don't automount03:12
stianh. /msg nickserv register?03:12
bigcx2if i have a file on my system how can i see which package owns it03:12
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mustard5.../msg nickserv register nickname password I think03:13
OMGsplosionUbuntu kicks ass03:13
mustard5./msg nickserv register help for the best advice03:13
lowman62OMG: sure does (_!_)03:13
stianhOMGsplosion, Noooo, it doesn't. that would be rude of it03:13
stianhOMGsplosion, however it does rock, roll and rule03:14
mustard5brother_of_jared, heh..I got them all wrong I think :)03:14
mustard5brother_of_jared, /msg nickserv help register03:14
bigcx2if i have a file on my system how can i see which package owns it03:14
=== enos [n=enos@cpe-24-24-187-197.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
fenrisbigcx2: dpkg -S filename03:15
brother_of_jaredMustard... I got it.03:15
bigcx2i tried that...it said the file wasn't found even tho it's there03:15
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bigcx2dpkg -S /usr/bin/java03:15
mustard5brother_of_jared, you've done well despite my misguiding advice :)03:16
bigcx2dpkg: /usr/bin/java not found.03:16
brother_of_jaredmustard.. now the meaty question03:16
fenrisbigcx2: perhaps it is a link03:16
fenrismanged by the alternatives system03:16
mustard5bigcx2, I think apt-cache has some type of reverse depends function03:16
brother_of_jaredhow do I set GAIM it auto identify me when I some on?03:16
enosjust installed, configured, and sent in my devices! mission accomplished.03:16
bigcx2tis a link03:16
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brother_of_jaredI'm used to mIRC03:16
odatanyone have any experience getting an Aureal A3D sound chip working?03:17
mustard5brother_of_jared, not sure about how GAIM works with IRC..03:17
mustard5brother_of_jared, I'm on xchat03:17
brother_of_jaredenos // cool name03:17
OMGsplosionyeah speaking of GAIM, I was wondering is there anything I can do to make it notify me on-screen (not just via sound) ?03:17
=== Mitja [n=Raw_Eate@cpe2-25-116.cable.triera.net] has joined #ubuntu
Sh4d0xcan anyone help me how to get a apple dock  in my ubuntu, i installed superkaramba but i don't get it :$03:17
OMGsplosion+if someone comes on/off line03:17
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=== rev [n=rev@dslb-082-083-041-123.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
enosWhy wasn't i asked to setup a root password, during the installation, and where can I set this up?03:18
enosbrother_of_jared, thanks03:18
mustard5OMGsplosion, are you on breezy?03:18
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brother_of_jaredenos // does it come from a small blue book?03:18
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OMGsplosionyes I am mustard03:18
=== brother_of_jared is on Breezy too
soldieruk400hi all03:18
enosbrother_of_jared, I have no clue. I was just sorta born with it. lol.03:19
revI just installed fglrx drivers but now all the fonts are supersized... where can I set the dpi?03:19
mustard5OMGsplosion, hmmm k...my gaim flashes the message in task bar when a message comes in03:19
mustard5OMGsplosion, there must be an option in there somewhere03:19
Sh4d0xmustard5  yup there is03:19
brother_of_jaredenos // no problem.. I've just never encountered it outside the Book of Mormon is all03:19
sciboyGuys it's been an entire month and i still can't figure out what's wrong, i can't print anything to my Epson C45 using CUPS.03:19
OMGsplosionyes mine too.. but what I mean is like in the windows msn there's like a little thing that popups in the lower right hand corner that tells me "mustard5 has just signed in"03:19
OMGsplosiondoes GAIM do that?03:20
sciboyI'm running a Debian system, but i'm pretty desperate right now.03:20
=== nocturn [n=nocturn@d51532EAD.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
mustard5OMGsplosion, ah ok03:20
nocturnHas anyone here used oem-config?03:20
mustard5OMGsplosion, not sure about that one03:20
brother_of_jaredOMG // mot that I've noticed03:20
sciboyI have absolutely no idea whats wrong!03:20
OMGsplosionlol... me neither03:20
Sh4d0xOMGsplosion, hmm, mayB you need to search in the preferences by plugin03:20
mustard5OMGsplosion, buddly list has a 'raise window on events' option03:21
sciboyI mean, i plug it in, it does the usual usblp shit and whola lsusb shows it's there, i run mtink and look at that, i've wasted half my ink and haven't printed off one page yet.03:21
OMGsplosioninteresting... so when someone logs in it will raise the window?03:22
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=== FaithX [n=FaithX@202-6-145-116.ip.adam.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
sciboyI go to cups web interface, my printer having been setup with a range of printer drivers, the only consistent thing being /dev/usb/lp003:22
ifliptimustard5, do you know anything about PCMCIA cards?03:22
mustard5OMGsplosion, I would assume so, if you have it set to watch for that event in the list underneath maybe03:22
sciboyI just don't get it...03:22
mustard5iflipti, absolutely nil about them :)03:22
sciboyWhere's the malfunction?03:23
sciboyI mean, can i atleast get an error message or something.03:23
no0tichey, where can I talk about dapper problems?03:23
sciboyNot this whole silent, I REFUSE TO PRINT shit.03:23
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ifliptimustard5, ok, no worries.03:23
odatanyone have any experience getting an Aureal A3D sound chip working?03:23
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mustard5odat, I would think they should work by default03:24
sciboyI remember a "Cannot connect to device error" somewhere along the line, but that really didn't take me anywhere.03:24
brother_of_jaredRaise window???03:24
mustard5odat, is it not working at all or just no 3d?03:24
odatmustard5, not at all03:24
sciboyE [24/Dec/2005:01:01:26 +1100]  PID 7112 crashed on signal 9!03:24
odatmustard5, not even recognized by lspci03:25
mustard5odat, hmmmm03:25
=== HymnToLife [n=_mfb@dyn-213-36-155-219.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu
brother_of_jaredGreets Hymn03:26
enoshow do I mount vfat?03:26
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brother_of_jaredWith Linux, specifically Breezy... how do you check the size and usage of your drive(s)?03:27
Sh4d0xcan someone tell me the difference between ubuntu and suse?03:27
HymnToLifehi brother_of_jared03:27
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HymnToLifebrother_of_jared > sudo disks-admin03:27
BlueDevilbrother_of_jared: df -h03:28
brother_of_jaredin terminal?03:28
brother_of_jaredis there an icon I can use?03:28
HymnToLifeor System > Administration > Disks03:28
HymnToLifeit's the same thing03:28
mustard5odat, I'm just googling around for something03:28
brother_of_jaredcool thanks03:28
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giggseyhumm, I am in great need of help :P03:30
sciboy[Job 19]  Unable to open USB device "usb:/dev/usb/lp0": Success03:30
iflipticould someone tell me what "run make installfw" means?  Is make a command/program?03:30
mustard5odat, I'm seeing references to a linux driver for them in google...not sure whether thats going to lead anywhere though03:30
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giggseyIs it possible to install ubuntu using a gentoo livecd - I have a 5.10 install cd, but it keeps failing on installing base system (burnt it twice, and the download matches the MD5sum)03:31
korpt1xim using ubuntu off liveCD03:32
korpt1xand it wont connect to the net03:32
mustard5odat, is it a card or onboard?03:32
sciboy[Job 19]  Unable to open USB device "usb:/dev/usblp0": Success03:32
sciboyIs usb:/dev/etc the right thing to be using?03:32
CaptainMorgananybody use imagemajick ?03:32
CaptainMorganhow is it?03:32
=== S11m [n=S11m@84-50-26-54-dsl.est.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu
brother_of_jaredinkscape anyone?03:33
S11mI would like to ask a question03:33
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CaptainMorganS11m,  you can't03:33
S11mIm just polite;)(03:34
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ADhey, does anyone know if there is any accelerated opengl support for trident cards?03:34
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S11mI dowed The ubuntu Live cd03:34
=== brother_of_jared would like to have inkscape recognize the pressure sensitivity of my tablet
korpt1x<korpt1x> im using ubuntu off liveCD03:34
korpt1x<korpt1x> and it wont connect to the net03:34
S11mbooted it up03:35
S11mthn it was starting to create me an usrname03:35
=== DarkFame don't like the ubuntu livecd
HymnToLifeanyone knows a mov => avi converter ?03:35
S11mbut said tht it is too short or sumthing03:35
brother_of_jaredsorry I don't03:35
DarkFameyour password?03:35
S11mi diidint eaven give him one!03:35
korpt1xhelp again03:36
brother_of_jaredsorry korpt.. I'm a newbie at this OS03:36
HymnToLifekorpt1x > which kind of connection do you have ?03:36
S11mso? wtf is going on03:36
=== blastradius [n=eric@host86-130-101-127.range86-130.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
chrissturmwill dapper come with gaim 2.0?03:36
korpt1xi have03:36
CaptainMorganS11m, your computer is a he?03:37
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CaptainMorganmine's a gal...03:37
korpt1xfrom optis03:37
blastradiuseeeekk lot of people here!03:37
korpt1xHymnToLife well ?03:37
brother_of_jaredAny chance of seeing the Daper logo and colors yet?03:37
brother_of_jaredI'd like to start working on Daper graphics...03:37
CaptainMorganblastradius, it's only your imagination03:37
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S11mI donwed ubuntu live, booted it, it started do make me and USR, but thn a Error popped up and sayed tht my usrname is too sohtr os something03:37
kottonI want to install yahelite, and it says it uses wine.  What is wine?  yes I am newbie...very03:38
S11mit did not eaven ask for one03:38
=== CaptainMorgan downed Goldschlagger last night...
S11mi pressed Go back at the error03:38
S11mit contineud03:38
S11mcontinued* to install03:38
odatmustard5, its onboard03:38
S11mthn i was at the login screen03:38
Davey`CaptainMorgan: with your nick like that, that almost has sexual connotations :P03:38
yhcheongcouldn't install xmms03:38
S11mso:) wtf is the usrname it makes you?03:39
S11mand the dam pass too03:39
brother_of_jaredS11m // sorry I don't have an answer for you.. I just did a format and full install03:39
kottongood morning korpt1x03:39
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=== papa [n=papa@212.Red-213-97-173.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
brother_of_jaredAnyone with info on the Dapper Logo and/or colours??03:40
yhcheongneed help03:40
korpt1x<korpt1x> im using ubuntu off liveCD03:40
korpt1xand it wont connect to the net03:40
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CaptainMorganDavey, Goldy is a she :-D03:40
=== Nei [n=ailin@unaffiliated/nemui] has joined #ubuntu
Davey`CaptainMorgan: well, yay ;)03:41
Neihey, can someone tell me how I get a background image on my textmode console?03:41
odatkorpios, go to the setting and networking and activate the ethernet card03:41
kottonkorpt1x: if you are here then you are connected to net03:41
CaptainMorgani think...03:41
=== papa [n=papa@212.Red-213-97-173.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"]
brother_of_jaredCaptain.. not all she's are 100% she...03:41
=== CaptainMorgan is sore...
korpt1xi have win3203:41
korpt1xim using vmware03:41
kottonoh I see03:41
S11many1 here usen ubuntu livE?03:42
bolrodmaybe set up vmware correctly?03:42
=== pvanhoof [n=pvanhoof@d54C0FBBD.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
korpt1xi am03:42
CaptainMorganS11m, what's your native language ?03:42
kottonwhat is wine please?03:42
odatkorpt1x, go to the setting and networking and activate the ethernet card03:42
CaptainMorganwine is my sister03:42
bolrodwine is not an emulator03:42
CaptainMorganbe nice03:42
bolrod:] 03:42
korpt1xi have03:42
korpt1xsettings wheres that?03:42
=== sercz [n=ubuntu@maq.kolornet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
bolrodyou run windows... and you are running ubuntu in vmware03:43
yhcheongNEED HELP03:43
S11mBoldrod: did it ask u for an usernaem and pass?03:43
brother_of_jaredso I take it no one has any info on the logo or colours of the new Dapper to be released in the spring....?03:43
bolrodand you are most certain that vmware is correctly installed..  and configured so it can use the internet?03:43
serczhey everyone03:43
S11mu used expert or normal?03:43
S11mid didnt ask mee..03:43
odatkorpt1x, menu administration  i think               i'm using xfce right now03:44
bolrodput it on bridged networking I guess.. can't remember03:44
bolrodmaybe you turned off dhcp ?....03:44
bolrodin your router03:44
bolrodand your ubuntu wants dhcp... to get an adress03:44
S11mjust started to make me one and thn sayed tht mine was too short or sumthing else03:44
=== deFrysk [n=deFrysk@g173059.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
brother_of_jaredbe back in a while03:45
=== brother_of_jared is away
S11mi pressed go back and it just continued03:45
=== petitohaime| [n=petit@dyn-83-152-26-161.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Rickat59korpios ... you can check your vmware settings by right clicking on the ubuntu name03:45
yhcheongneed help03:46
=== deFrysk [n=deFrysk@g173059.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
yhcheongcant install xmms03:46
S11m cant anyone help me?:(03:46
yhcheongcan anyone help?03:46
=== Runensklave [n=runenskl@p549B5A8D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Runensklavehere I am again03:46
Runensklaveit didn't work03:46
korpt1xi need03:46
=== EMP3ROR [n=max@Jbdec.j.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu
korpt1xhelp setting it up03:46
korpt1xthe network03:46
korpt1xi use dsl/ modem03:47
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RunensklaveI have made a partition with windows03:47
Rickat59do you know linux korpt1x?03:47
korpt1xhaha if i did do u think ill be asking03:47
korpt1xfunny kid heh03:47
Rickat59yeah : )03:47
=== caonex [n=caonex@tdev236-102.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu
Neiwhere is a good place to put commands that should get executed on each time getty is respawned?03:48
Runensklavean ext3 one with 9GB03:48
Rickat59i know linux .. but running it under vmware is different03:48
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DarkFamevmware needs vmware tools installed on the guest os03:48
RunensklaveI've got another 2 partitions03:48
Rickat59doesn't actually need it ..03:48
=== morenocid [n=morenoci@227stb19.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu
korpt1xall i wanna do is03:48
korpt1xset my network03:48
Rickat59but it works best if yu do03:48
DarkFameperformance sucks without it03:48
Runensklaveand now when I try to install ubuntu03:48
Rickat59true DarkFame03:49
DarkFameuse qemu, it's free. :)03:49
Runensklaveit asks me if I want to resize one of my other ones03:49
korpt1xfuck me dead mate03:49
Rickat59does your network use dhcp korpt1x03:49
korpt1xi duno03:49
korpt1xi have DSL03:49
Rickat59d-link switch or network card?03:50
=== charlie__ [n=charlie@ppp167-253-110.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
Runensklavewhen I go into the partition manager, it just says the 9GB ext3 but I don't know what to do with it03:50
korpt1xdis guy is blonde03:50
korpt1xits DSL03:50
korpt1xno card03:50
korpt1xfrom fone line03:50
=== AD [n=andrew@218-101-88-133.dialup.clear.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
morenocidDoes anyone has "X" the anime serie, or know where to download it03:51
Rickat59ok so you have a dsl card in your computer?03:51
Rickat59or you have network card with a box?03:51
brother_of_jaredhow do you create a theme for your menus and desktop?03:51
korpt1xi have a modem03:51
Rickat59in windows ..03:51
void^morenocid: very wrong place to ask.03:51
Rickat59what does it tell you that you have for a network card03:51
korpt1xohh mate03:52
korpt1xwtf u on about03:52
korpt1xi dont know anything03:52
korpt1xthats why im here03:52
Rickat59who setup your network?03:52
caonex0000:00:05.0 9050: 3Com Corporation 3c905 100BaseTX [Boomerang]  (rev bf)03:52
caonex, this is the result of lspci. However, this card is not present in the network configuration. It was detected in ubuntu hoary, but not in breezy. Why is this?03:52
=== Evil_Whisper [n=Evil_Whi@71-10-45-100.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Evil_Whisperhey guys03:52
DarkFamecaonex, upgrade?03:52
Evil_WhisperI need help installing my nvidia drivers03:52
caonexDarkFame, clean install actually03:53
brother_of_jaredOh! Captain My Captain!  How do I create a theme for Ubuntu menus and shtuff?03:53
CaptainMorganI need $$03:53
Evil_WhisperThe nvidia installer from nvidia.com says It cannot find the version header oin the kernel source.. :(03:53
=== DonVincenzo [n=vincent@AGrenoble-152-1-65-48.w83-201.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
brother_of_jaredSo do I03:53
DarkFameEvil_Whisper, you need to download kernel-headers03:53
caonexDarkFame, I find it weird that lspci makes it look like it has the driver for it, but it isnt in the network configuration.03:53
korpt1xITS WORKING03:53
korpt1xFKN YEA03:53
caonexDarkFame, what is even more weird is that the other one took eth1 as the position instead of eth0.03:54
CaptainMorganbrother_of_jared, "create" one? f**ed if I knnow... but be sure to show this brotha when you're done.. love to see it03:54
DarkFamecaonex, other one?03:54
Runensklavecan someone help me?03:54
CaptainMorganmaybe not03:54
Runensklavethe situation is the following03:54
CaptainMorgansorry.. I tried03:54
brother_of_jaredI'll surf around and see what I can find out..03:54
DarkFameEvil_Whisper, sudo apt-get install linux-kernel-headers03:54
brother_of_jaredWhat sort of Theme would you want?03:55
Sh4d0xi just installed Kmail (cus evolution doesn't support my gmail) but where can i find a "shortcut"03:55
Runensklavei want XP as well as Ubuntu03:55
CaptainMorganlay them on me brother_of_jared03:55
Runensklaveso I made an ext4 partition03:55
brother_of_jaredso anything then?03:55
Runensklaveext3 sorry03:55
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caonexDarkFame, it should take eth1 if eth0 is taken, but since the eth0 isnt being detected it should take eth0 but that tells me that actually is detected but cant be configured or soemthing03:55
DarkFamecaonex, do you have two nics?03:55
brother_of_jaredI'm gonna surf n' learn.. see what I can find.. brb03:55
CaptainMorganwhat is on your ext3 Runen?03:55
caonexDarkFame, if your question was if i had another card, yes i have two of them, and both were detected by hoary and were in the network configuration03:56
caonexDarkFame, yes03:56
DarkFamecaonex, the other one is detected and configured correctly?03:56
caonexDarkFame, 0000:00:05.0 9050: 3Com Corporation 3c905 100BaseTX [Boomerang]  (rev bf)03:56
caonexDarkFame, yeah....that is the one i am using now03:56
caonexDarkFame, 0000:00:12.0 Ethernet controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6102 [Rhine-II]  (rev 78)03:56
caonexDarkFame, that VIA is the one i am using03:56
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caonexDarkFame, according to lspci that pci is known...as if there is a module for it....03:57
Evil_WhisperDarkFame, what can I do I already have the headers installed.03:57
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DarkFamecaonex, the 3com is a gbit card, right?03:58
=== christoph_ [n=christop@p508FD46B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
DarkFameEvil_Whisper, for you current kernel?03:59
RalkenI am trying to restart inetd and for some reason i cant ps it to get the process id any ideas?03:59
DarkFameRalken, tried sudo /etc/init.d/inetd restart ?04:00
=== TheCyrus [n=chatzill@adsl-159-183-66.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
RalkenDarkFame,  thanks didnt even think to try it in sudo04:01
=== soundray [n=soundray@dsl-217-155-44-246.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
TheCyrusHey everyone, i'm still trying to install Ubuntu on my computer, but while installing the base system, it exits with a debootstrap error and gives me a return value of 1. I'm using a pressed Breezy CD for x86. Thanks04:02
=== dailyrorschach [n=gary@ool-44c4dd32.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
DonVincenzohi, I would like my system to perform apt-get update / apt-get dist-upgrade in a non interactive fashion, at startup.Since it requires root access, I do not know where I should add those commands. Can anyone help me ?04:02
Evil_WhisperOHHHH I figured it out I think04:02
DarkFamecaonex, try grepping for Boomerang in dmesg04:02
dailyrorschachhas anyone been able to compile gaim2.0beta, the configure script is telling me that GLib 2.0 is not installed or configured improperly04:03
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Evil_Whispersudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.12-10 linux-headers-2.6.12-10-38604:03
Evil_Whisperbe right back going to try again04:03
soundrayDonVincenzo, probably /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh04:03
caonexDarkFame, i am not sure04:03
=== Evil_Whisper [n=Evil_Whi@71-10-45-100.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has left #ubuntu ["Attempting]
DarkFamecaonex, dmesg | grep Boomerang04:03
DonVincenzodailyrorschach: do you performed "sudo apt-get  build-dep gaim" before compiling ?04:04
soundrayDonVincenzo, note the -y (--assume-yes) option.04:04
caonexDarkFame, [4294685.392000]  0000:00:05.0: 3Com PCI 3c905 Boomerang 100baseTx at 0x1000. Vers LK1.1.1904:04
DarkFamecaonex, if I remember correctly... the Boomerang is now supported by the vortex module.04:04
dailyrorschachDonVincenzo, I think i found what i was missing, I think it wanted the development package as well04:04
Sh4d0xsoundray, hi there :D04:04
DarkFamecaonex, dmesg | grep Boomerang -504:04
soundrayHi Sh4d0x04:04
TheCyrusoh, hey soundray04:04
soundrayTheCyrus, sorry to hear you're still stuck.04:05
TheCyrusyeah, but i got a return value this time04:05
TheCyrusand i looked for the log04:05
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TheCyruscouldn't find it.04:05
caonexDarkFame, privately paste 6 lines?04:05
DarkFamecaonex, yep04:05
Sh4d0xcan you help me soundray, i'm looking for a objectdock like in mac but is has to work for linux04:05
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DonVincenzodailyrorschach: yes, it needs the development package. When you want to build from source, qlways perfom an apt-get build-dep.You should add the deb-src repositories. It works well, because it will download automatically all the needed dev files. I discovered it yesterday, I found it very useful.04:06
soundraySh4d0x, I've heard that one exists, but haven't got it handy...04:06
caonexDarkFame, it seems to be detected, but its not in the configuration04:06
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ubuntudoes anyone know how 2 use bliuetooth with ubuntu04:06
soundrayTheCyrus, did you check your hard disk?04:06
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DarkFamecaonex, I think you can configure it just by using System -> Administration -> Networking04:06
Sh4d0xsoundray, than i'll continue googling :) if i found one i'll let you know 2 :)04:06
ubuntuhow can u use bluetooth with ubuntu04:07
caonexDarkFame, i went there, only eth1 is to configure04:07
frogzooany strong feelings either way which flash player works best? mozilla or nonfree?04:07
DarkFamecaonex, ic04:07
dailyrorschachanyone else here using a dell latitude d600 and able to get the fonts to look good04:07
RalkenDarkFame,  thanks didnt even think to try it in sudo04:07
RalkenDarkFame,  thanks didnt even think to try it in sudo04:07
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DarkFameRalken, np04:07
Evil_Whisperthanks DarkFame04:07
Evil_WhisperI got it and am running the new nvidia drivers now04:08
TheCyrussoundray, i did. The jumper's set for primary master.04:08
DarkFamegreat :)04:08
AskHLHey, when configuring shortcut keys in Ubuntu, I find a lot of shortcuts denoted "0xbb" and "0xdf" etc., how would I invoke those? Also, if I want to bind shortcuts using the infamous windows key like ctrl, alt or shift, how would I do that? I cannot seem to bind key *combinations* with it.04:08
DarkFamedailyrorschach, what seems to be the problem with the fonts?04:08
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caonexDarkFame, that is what i meant to tell you. In hoary, it was there, in breezy it isnt04:09
DarkFamecaonex, what does sudo ifup eth0 say ?04:09
dailyrorschachDarkFame, they're just not looking right, I installed the ms fonts, but it just doesn't feel right, and the smoothing looks terrible04:09
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caonexDarkFame, Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0.04:09
soundrayAskHL, have you seen http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=27039 ?04:09
DarkFameSystem -> Preferences -> Font (check if subpixel smoothening is selected)04:10
AskHLsoundray, thank you. I'm reading04:10
caonexDarkFame, see what i am saying. Howcome, the other network card chose eth104:10
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DarkFamecaonex, could you paste those 6 lines in a query?04:10
dailyrorschachDarkFame, right now it's set to best shapes04:10
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DarkFamecaonex, I think a alias might be missing.04:11
soundrayTheCyrus, did you say the error always occurs at 19% on the progress bar?04:11
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DarkFamedailyrorschach, I suggest subpixel smoothening for LCDs04:11
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dailyrorschachand are there other font packages not mentioned in the wiki, I had fonts at 96 dpi but smaller in windows, ubuntu feeels so bg04:11
frogzooThe_Cyrus: problem with install cd?04:11
Ralkenfor some reason I cannot connect to swat04:11
DarkFamedailyrorschach, are you sure you are using the best resolution for your lcd screen?04:11
dailyrorschachusing the native04:12
dailyrorschachand I've downlaoded the ATI drivers04:12
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frogzooThe_Cyrus: from the cd's boot prompt, try 'linux acpi=off'04:13
DarkFamedailyrorschach, did you restart your webbrowser etc. after you installed MS core fonts?04:13
RalkenI did what the directions said to do to initiate swat but still cant get the browser to open it. Any ideas04:13
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dailyrorschachI've restarted the entire system04:13
DarkFamedailyrorschach, do you have a screenshot?04:13
RalkenI've also restarted inetd04:14
dailyrorschachsure I can get one04:14
Rickat59interesting, i'm using vmware .. and i let ubuntu updater run .. it killed my network04:14
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DarkFameRalken, you have inetd running? I think you have to enable swat by commenting it out in the config.04:14
Rickat59i had to load the vmxnet modules by hand to get it working again04:15
soundrayfrogzoo, if The_Cyrus's problem was acpi, would the install kernel even boot?04:15
dailyrorschachDarkFame, can I just send them to you, or would you rather I upload04:15
RalkenDarkFame, It was originally commented out but the directions told me to put in a line to put it back in04:15
frogzoosoundray: yep - this is a known problem, at least on compaq dl-38004:16
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soundrayfrogzoo, weird.04:16
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DarkFameRalken, you removed the # ?04:17
RalkenDarkFame, yes04:17
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luisitoanybody can tell me a list of configuration files like fstab, xorg.conf, sources.list, etc... to backup, please?04:18
DarkFameRalken, ok.. if you install the port mapper nmap, you can nmap yourself ( to see which services are running.04:18
hussamis this reporsitory down is it just me http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl ?04:18
soundrayluisito, why not back up all of /etc?04:18
Seveas!tell hussam about seveas04:18
luisitosoundray, ok then. thank you04:19
dailyrorschachDarkFame, can I send you those screenshots?04:19
hussamSeveas: thank you04:19
sunshine82im getting this error ssl version 2 is disablebed if anyone know what this means HELLLPP04:19
frogzooluisito: all of /etc & /home04:19
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soundraydailyrorschach, post them on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org -- I'm interested, too.04:20
RalkenDarkFame, I can do the same with ubuntu's network tools > Netstat04:20
DarkFameyes, do that04:20
dailyrorschachhere's the first: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/i607204:21
DarkFameRalken, yes, that's another way.04:21
RalkenDarkFame, I dont see swat there tho04:21
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DarkFameport 901 right? I think that's swats port.04:21
RalkenDarkFame, yeah04:21
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DarkFameRalken, but you removed the # in front of the line with the swat config?04:22
dailyrorschachand yet another screen shot: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/i607304:22
RalkenDarkFame,  yeah I removed the #04:23
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hussamSeveas: one last question, it is normal to get: "Ign" http://mirror.ubuntulinux.nl breezy-seveas Release.gpg04:23
dailyrorschachDarkFame, soundray, I posted the screen shots, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/i6073 the other is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/i6072 I need to run up a minute could you please PM me your thoughts so I dont loose them04:23
RalkenDarkFame, I sent a kill all request to it as well so it would read the changes as well04:24
DarkFamedailyrorschach, i don't see any jaggy fonts in those shots?04:24
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Seveashussam, no...04:24
soundraydailyrorschach, looks okay to me too...04:24
Seveashussam, do you get warnings about unauthenticated packages?04:24
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esseshi all04:25
HymnToLifeanyone knows a mov => avi converter ?04:25
essesDoes anyone knows where libglade3 is?04:25
TheAttackskind of weird, there's like 600 people on this channel, but no one talks haha04:25
essesfor anjuta 2.x04:25
hussamSeveas: no, I did apt-get update a second time and it works fine now. I imported the gpg file04:25
DarkFameTheAttacks, idlers :)04:26
TheAttacksesses, have you tried apt-get?04:26
essesno i tried gnome cvs and there i didn't found it :-)04:26
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TheAttacksoh, where, not what. haha sorry, bad eyes04:26
DarkFameRalken, I guess the reason swat is being a bit troublesome is it comes from the universe rep. not all packages there are compatible with Ubuntu without some tweaking.04:27
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RalkenDarkFame, any idea where I would get more help?04:28
RalkenDarkFame, or a way around the problem04:28
DarkFameRalken, I've made swat work on ubuntu 5.10... but I had to do some try&fail methods before it worked.04:28
soundrayHymnToLife, since you're not getting any other reply, I suggest you look at transcode.04:28
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DarkFameRalken, could you give me your config?04:29
soundrayHymnToLife, it's a low-level tool, though, afaik.04:29
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TheAttacksI'm having a problem with my GRUB menu, it doesn't show, then the initial boot screen before the "pretty" one for Ubuntu is all jarbled04:29
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RalkenDarkFame, config to?04:29
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DarkFameRalken, inetd04:30
essesno idea about libglade?04:30
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TheAttacksesses, just curious, what do you need to find it for?04:30
Neihello, how can I disable X from starting automatically on boot?04:30
RalkenDarkFame, sure but it may take a sec cause its on a different pc with no removable storage Ill have to e-mail it to you or myself and send it via irc04:31
Rickat59how do i install the compiler?04:31
Techie-MichealTheAttacks: Don't come in to our channel again to spam, clear?04:31
SilmarHello everyone :)04:31
Rickat59gcc that is04:31
essesI'm compiling anjuta, a gnome c++ ide, and i found all packages required except for this04:31
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RalkenDarkFame, how would you like to recieve it?04:32
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TheAttacksTechie-Micheal, what do you mean?04:32
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LeaChimHow can i redirect where a certain file is installed through apt/dpkg? - say, i want /bin/whatever to actually be installed in /bin/somethingelse whenever i update etc.04:33
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RalkenDarkFame, how would you like to recieve it?04:34
DarkFameRalken, just query the lines concerning swat04:34
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soundrayRickat59, apt-get install build-essential04:34
Sh4d0xcan someone tell me the command for terminal to remove programs?04:34
soundraySh4d0x, apt-get remove package (add --purge to also delete config files)04:35
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soundraySh4d0x, needs sudo if you aren't root of course.04:35
Sh4d0xsoundray *respect*04:35
HymnToLifesoundray > thanks :)04:35
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Evil_WhisperYay eye candy xcompmgr04:36
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Sh4d0xsoundray: superkaramba is a program that offers a dock like in mac (but it isn't that nice)04:37
caonexwhy cant i configure 0000:00:05.0 9050: 3Com Corporation 3c905 100BaseTX [Boomerang]  (rev bf) in ubuntu breezy. It used to be detected by hoary04:37
Evil_Whispersoundray: if your using gnome you can use gdesklets to create a mac style doc04:38
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Evil_WhisperSh4d0x how would I stop the gnome panel from reloading if I turned on the gdesklet dock?04:38
Sh4d0xEvil_Whisper, i was looking for a dock program like the dock in mac, i told soundray i would let him know :)04:39
Sh4d0xEvil_Whisper, to be honestly, i dunno :$ I myself am only working for a week in ubuntu :$04:39
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The_Cyrusanyone else know how i can get past the debootstrap error while installing?04:40
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RalkenDarkFame, sending config now04:42
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LeaChimHow can i redirect where a certain file is installed through apt/dpkg? - say, i want /bin/whatever to actually be installed in /bin/somethingelse whenever i update etc.04:42
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RalkenDarkFame, are you getting the DCC04:45
ala_anyone know how to  set evolution to display inline imgaes automatically?04:45
rinzai-shuLeaChim: you should just create a symlink. something like :  ln -s /bin/foo /bin/bar  and that way whenever /bin/foo is updated or changed, calling /bin/bar will use the latest version anyway.  harpy horrordays! merry crispness!04:47
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LeaChimrinzai-shu, that's not what i need though04:48
LeaChimi need the file to only be where i stick it, because i want to put something else where it would normally go04:48
Evil_Whisperwhats the value for non transparent?04:48
Evil_Whisperusing transset04:48
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meherenah!! someone plz help! g++ is broken and i can't seem to reinstall it or anything else when installing it says defualt compiler not found (g++) plz someone help!04:50
rinzai-shuLeaChim: enhh, it is better to not be so unconventional.  then again, using all system defaults is inherently insecure. oh the choices we must face!  oh the humanity!04:50
meherensudo apt-get install does not work and aptitude and downloading manually then ./configure does not work either!04:50
meherenplz anyone have any ideas???04:51
Evil_Whispermeheren try sudo apt-get -f install04:51
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ala_search for headers in synaptic and install that package04:51
mehereni did04:51
Evil_Whispersudo apt-get install build-essential?04:52
meherenok ill try04:52
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LeaChimrinzai-shu, and the alternative way of doing it is compiling sshd myself to use ttysnoops instead of /bin/login ;)04:52
Evil_Whisperno problem04:52
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caonexCan anybody tell me why the 3c905 was detected in ubuntu hoary, but it is not detected in breezy?04:53
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grshprhow do i install a charset for swedish in ubuntu with xfce?04:54
rinzai-shuLeaChim: good luck with all that, and morry kwaanza!04:54
meherenit says packets have unmet dependencies build essential depends g++04:54
meherenlibstdc++6-4.0-dev depends g++-4.004:54
meherentry apt-get -f install04:54
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Evil_Whisperok hold on04:54
LeaChimyeh, merry christmas to you too rinzai-shu :P04:54
mehereni did apt-get -f install and it says04:55
rinzai-shunew colonel sanders installed!  time to go get a bucket of chicken!04:55
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meherendpkg: parse error, in file /var/lib/dpkg/status near line 3860 g++-4.0 missing file04:55
Evil_Whispertry sudo apt-get remove --purge g++-4.0 && sudo apt-get install g++-4.004:55
Deterministany idea where i can find good documentation that explains the whole bootup process of debian based linux distros?04:56
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meherenevil_whisper:it says g++-4.0 is not installed so not remove04:57
meherenso i tryed sudo apt-get install g++ and it says dpkg: parse error, in file /var/lib/dpkg/status near line 3860 g++-4.0 missing file04:58
LeaChimDeterminist, it can vary. generally it will either boot the kernel which loads the stuff in /etc/rcx.d - where x is specified in /etc/inititab - or it boots kernel with an initrd img, which then loads the rest afterwards from rcx.d04:58
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@adsl-221-42-93.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Evil_Whispermeheren try g++-4.0 instead of just g++04:59
mehereni did04:59
DeterministLeaChim, which method is used in ubuntu?04:59
meheren(i just forgot to type it into gaim)04:59
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Evil_Whisperwow meheren lol :-|04:59
LeaChimDeterminist, i think it generally uses an initrd04:59
GMachine_24I feel like a goof for having to ask this but . . . I added a second hard drive and put a line command in a file so the second drive would be mounted automatically on boot . . . now I had to remove the drive but I can't remember which file I edited... I thought it would be fstab but I can't find fstab ... at least not under /etc05:00
human_errorhow do I get disable flow control (^S) in the terminal?05:00
Evil_Whispersudo dpkg-reconfigure g++-4.0?05:00
lowman62i am having trouble mount a usb jumpdrive does anyone know how?05:00
Evil_Whisperwould that do anything?05:00
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meherendunno ill try05:00
meherenby the way thx for helping05:00
Evil_Whisperno problem05:01
cachedwow a friend of mine thinks hes a hacker because he managed to run a virus i made on his sister's computer05:01
Evil_WhisperI've pretty much run out of ideas I think i'll do some googling05:01
cachedthe virus was just for messing around, though05:01
GMachine_24cached: scary05:01
human_errori can do it with stty but how do i do it for all terminals?05:01
meherenit says command not found?05:01
LeaChimlowman62, trouble how?05:01
DeterministLeaChim, so the entire purpose of the initrd image is to load up the contents of /etc/rcX.d. so it just runs all the scripts inside that dir, right?05:01
Evil_Whisperok meheren I'm gonna do some google searching for you05:01
lowman62it doesn't appear to show up05:02
mehereni tyed with no luck05:02
lowman62and if it does i have no clue how to access it :P05:02
GMachine_24which file do I edit to have a second hard drive mounted automatically when the computer boots please?05:02
gnomefreakmeheren,  try g++ -version05:02
Deterministcached, useless. spend your time doing more productive things mate.05:02
gnomefreakwhat is the output?05:02
LeaChimDeterminist, no, the initrd is an image on the boot filesystem, which the kernel knows how to load - say you have the main root filesystem on nfs, and the kernel only has a module for nfs - if it tried to boot straight off the module is need to get the module :P so the initrd has all the modules to let it get the filesystem05:02
lowman62LeaChim: it doesn't appear to show up05:02
LeaChimGMachine_24, it would generally be /etc/fstab. and you should always have an /etc/fstab05:03
meherenbash:g++ command not found05:03
lowman62LeaChim: and if it does i have no clue how to access it :P05:03
gnomefreaksorry its g++ --version05:03
LeaChimGMachine_24, otherwise go to /etc - and do grep -i /devnameofhd -R *05:03
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LeaChimlowman62, mine appears in /media/whatevernameithas05:03
Evil_Whispermeheren, try this link http://qref.sourceforge.net/Debian/reference/ch-package.en.html#s-recover-status05:03
gnomefreakwith 2- instead of 1 :(05:03
DeterministLeaChim, i see, thanks05:03
GMachine_24Lea: That's what I thought but I can't find the fstab file. ok thanks Lea.05:03
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Evil_Whisperhi gnomefreak05:03
meherenbahs: g++ command not found05:03
gnomefreakhi Evil_Whisper05:03
dinerHey guys05:04
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LeaChimlowman62, can you do ls /dev/sd* and msg me the output05:04
Evil_Whispermeheren, http://qref.sourceforge.net/Debian/reference/ch-package.en.html#s-recover-status05:04
gnomefreakEvil_Whisper,  i dont think he has g++ installed :(05:04
cachedi was doing a proof of concept to him that viruses can run on macs05:04
lowman62okay one sec LeaChim05:04
meherenthx im already going there05:04
dinerI'm using Ubuntu Live! and I want to configure cupsd via http://localhost:631/admin05:04
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cacheddiner: you realize you will have to reconfigure it each time?05:04
caonexwhy the 3c905 is not supported in breezy?05:05
Deterministcached, alright.05:05
trappistcaonex: it is05:05
Evil_Whisperyay xcompmgr isnt leaking so far =P05:05
martianpenguinI'm having a problem with my touchpad on my laptop with the 2.6.15 kernel.  Has anyone experienced a similar problem or would be able to help with mine?05:05
dinerhow do I change the password of http://localhost:631/admin ?05:05
cacheddiner: that's all I can tell you, I have no experience with CUPS05:05
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Evil_Whisperdiner let me check for you real fast I remeber it being on the forums05:05
GMachine_24Lea: Thanks. The fstab file was there - I just had to access it via the command line. Doh.05:06
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caonextrappist, it is weird then because i cant configure it05:06
lowman62LeaChim: how do I send you this output ?? LOL :P05:06
GMachine_24Thanks for your help.05:06
caonextrappist, i had hoary and it was detected05:06
gnomefreakmeheren,  you dont have g++ installed?05:06
LeaChimlowman62, type /dialog LeaChim05:06
LeaChimand it'll open a window05:06
caonextrappist, i did a clean install and now is not present in network configuration05:06
Evil_Whisperdiner, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48286&highlight=Change+cups+password05:07
cachedthis will be the eight time I attempt to install coldfusion today05:07
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caonextrappist, my other card is there, but not the 3c905 one as was in hoary05:07
caonextrappist, any ideas?05:07
Evil_Whisperthat will fix your cups passwd issue :-)05:07
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pashawlowman62,   use pastebin05:07
Evil_Whisperany luck meheren ?05:07
gnomefreaklol Evil_Whisper  its kinda cool your running and googling for everyone but the bot can do most of it for us lol05:07
ubotupastebin is, like, a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org05:07
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trappistcaonex: I generally do network configuration on the command line, and I use kde.  I'm not familiar with gnome's interface.05:07
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cachedwhy do people use CFML rather than PHP?05:08
caonextrappist, ok i do it in the command line as well05:08
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meherennope :(05:08
caonextrappist, my other card took eth1, leaving eth005:08
[A] ndy80hi05:08
caonextrappist, i did ifup eth0 and it says unknown interface05:08
gnomefreakmeheren,  are you trying to install g++?05:08
dinerEvil_Whisper>thanks, I'll check it out05:08
caonextrappist, i also did ifconfig eth0 <ip> and still said the same05:08
[A] ndy80can I use this Kubuntu repository "deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde35 breezy main" in Ubuntu too?05:08
trappistcaonex: sudo modprobe 3c50905:09
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Seveas[A] ndy80, yes05:09
meherenit is corrupt05:09
martianpenguinis there a separate channel for development stuff like dapper?05:09
tonyyarussoDuring boot-up I get a message saying Bastille-firewall is not configured yet, please create somethingsomething.cfg (Hint: Use InteractiveBastille).  However, I don't even want bastille on the system, and thought I removed the package.  What's up?05:09
Evil_Whispergnome freak his /var/lib/dpkg/status is corrupted05:09
[A] ndy80thanks05:09
gnomefreakmeheren, what version do you want/need?05:09
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meherenmost reacen t or oldest i don't care!05:09
gnomefreakmeheren,  have you tried sudo apt-get install g++?05:09
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gnomefreakwhat was the output?05:10
Evil_Whispermeheren,  run through the 6.3.4 section of that link i gave you.05:10
meherenand sudo apt-get install g++-4.005:10
meherenuh jsut a sec05:10
tonyyarussoAlternatively, how can I remove all traces of bastille, even what may have been left after apt-get remove bastille?05:10
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@*.pool8016.interbusiness.it *!*@host83.201-252-162.telecom.net.ar *!*@dslb-084-056-056-039.pools.arcor-ip.net *!*@ACCFD6B9.ipt.aol.com] by Seveas
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meherenthe following packets have unmet dependencie05:10
gnomefreaktonyyarusso, apt-get remove --purge i think05:10
meherensg++ depends g++-4.005:10
caonextrappist, the module loaded fine let me check if i can configure it05:10
gnomefreakmeheren, does it say what packages it is missing?05:11
tonyyarussognomefreak, Followed by a package name or just like that?05:11
meherenlibstdc++6-4.0-dev depends g++-4.005:11
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gnomefreaktony sudo apt-get remove --purge <pacckagename>05:11
tonyyarussognomefreak, Thanks, will try that.05:11
meherenjust how i wrote it05:11
gnomefreakmeheren,  either sudo apt-get install those or search for them in synaptic05:12
mehereni've tried05:12
meherenno luck05:12
tonyyarussognomefreak, Says package is not installed, so not removed.05:12
Dattashow do i make ubuntu start up in text only mode? i don't need or want the gui05:12
mehereneven tryed completleing removing everything that had to do with g++ woudl not let me05:12
gnomefreakmeheren, no luck finding them ot no luck installing them?05:12
Sh4d0xtonyyarusso, but you did already delete the package?05:12
meherensaid the packages weren there05:12
caonextrappist, i did ifup eth0 and still says unknown05:12
mehereni find them fine05:12
mehereninstall is an issue05:12
tonyyarussoSh4d0x: I had thought so, but there must be something left from it.05:13
tonyyarussoSh4d0x and gnomefreak: Searching now, and finding things related to it...05:13
gnomefreaktonyyarusso, i think apt-get clean will clean any temp files it made/used but not sure if you need perameters05:13
LacertaHello, I need to switch my HD from slave to master but the system wouldn't start anymore. It printed some error about loading modules. How can i do this?05:13
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Sh4d0xtonyyarusso, i have the same problem, just deleted superkaramba but i saw there are still weatherdocks files on my desktop even after uninstalling :s05:14
gnomefreakmeheren,  did you try to install them through synaptic?05:14
trappistcaonex: does lspci show the device?05:14
meherenand aptitude05:14
meherenand kget05:14
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meherenand kpackage05:14
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human_errorhow do I disable xon/xoff in all x terminals? i can only do it individually using stty.05:15
meherenand manually with ./configure make make install05:15
Dattashow do you make ubuntu start up in text only mode?05:15
caonextrappist, yes let me paste the line05:15
gnomefreak!info build-essential05:15
ubotubuild-essential: (informational list of build-essential packages), section devel, is optional. Version: 11.1 (breezy), Packaged size: 6 kB, Installed size: 48 kB05:15
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caonextrappist, 0000:00:05.0 9050: 3Com Corporation 3c905 100BaseTX [Boomerang]  (rev bf)05:15
Evil_Whispermeheren, you need to regenerate your one file thing05:15
trappistDattas: sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove05:15
meherendattas: when bootup it will say starting grub hit esc. then chos recover mode05:15
Evil_Whisperfrom the link i gave you05:15
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meherenhow would i do that?05:15
Evil_Whisper     # ls /usr/share/doc | \05:16
Evil_Whisper       grep -v [A-Z]  | \05:16
Evil_Whisper       grep -v '^texmf$' | \05:16
Evil_Whisper       grep -v '^debian$' | \05:16
Evil_Whisper       awk '{print $1 " install"}' | \05:16
Evil_Whisper       dpkg --set-selections05:16
Evil_Whisper     # dselect --expert # reinstall system, de-select as needed05:16
Sh4d0x*trying to install wifi05:16
tonyyarussoSh4d0x and gnomefreak: /etc/init.d/bastille-firewall, /etc/rc0.d/K89bastille-firewall, /etc/rc6.d/K89bastille-firewall, /etc/rcS.d/S40bastille-firewall, /etc/Bastille/, /etc/Bastille/bastille-firewall-early.sh, /var/lib/dpkg/info/bastille.list, /var/lib/dpkg/info/bastille.postrm, /var/log/Bastille/, /usr/share/Bastille/ all still exist on the system.05:16
Sh4d0xtonyyarusso o_O05:16
trappistcaonex: oh, I thought you said 3c50905:16
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caonextrappist, you have that card?05:17
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caonextrappist, oh ok05:17
gnomefreakbastille is a firewall app i take it?05:17
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tonyyarussognomefreak, Correct.05:17
Sh4d0xtonyyarusso, did you check synaptic? mayB there is stille something05:17
caonextrappist, it was detected by hoary though05:17
Evil_Whispermeheren, that was a quote from the page =P05:17
tonyyarussoSh4d0x, Doing that now.05:17
trappistcaonex: yeah, it's supported, I just don't know the driver name off the top of my head05:17
Sh4d0xgnome_freak, seems so yes :D05:17
gnomefreaktonyyarusso,  did you happen to try sudo apt-get remove --purge bastille-firewall?05:17
Evil_Whispermeheren, first before you do that try checking /var/backups for dpkg.status.*.05:17
tonyyarussoSh4d0x, Synaptico shows it as not installed.05:18
tonyyarussognomefreak, Will try that.05:18
trappistcaonex: it's a pci card?05:18
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gnomefreaktonyyarusso,  its not but the dependants may be still installed05:18
Sh4d0xgnomefreakl: that doesn't work, have tried it myself. if you have already delete the package it sais "package is not installed could not remove"05:19
tonyyarussognomefreak, Couldn't find package for that.05:19
caonextrappist, yes it is05:19
gnomefreakim also not sure if it will purge when you reboot i dont use firewall apps05:19
tonyyarussognomefreak, How do I check dependencies?05:19
Evil_Whisperwhy not use firestarter tonyyarusso ?05:19
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tonyyarussognomefreak, I thought I'd try it, and then decided I didn't need to.05:19
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tonyyarussoEvil_Whisper, I may.  If I think I need anything at all.05:20
caonextrappist but why hoary loaded it from installation and breezy didnt05:20
bipolarIs dapper ready for a power user such as myself to use daily?05:20
Sh4d0xtonyyarusso, what happen when you type <packagename> in a terminal?05:20
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tonyyarussoSh4d0x, Command not found.05:20
trappistcaonex: don't know05:20
Evil_Whisperbipolar, I broke my breezy install when I tried to dist-upgrade I'd give it a little more time05:20
Sh4d0xtonyyarusso, so the package is uninstalled, else it would run the program05:21
martianpenguinbipolar, I'm hving a problem with the kernel for a laptop touchpad05:21
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meherenevil_freak i did that... nothing happened05:21
tonyyarussoSh4d0x and gnomefreak: What would it do to me if I just deleted the files listed above?  How bad of a conniption would it throw?05:21
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Sh4d0xtonyyarusso, only strange it left some files :s05:21
meherenor it did not give any terminal output05:21
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gnomefreaktonyyarusso,  kernel has firewall intact the iptable settings should be fine for most people firestarter and others are just a way to change settings05:21
trappistcaonex: I'm peeking at the kernel source to see if I can find the driver05:21
bipolarEvil_Whisper, martianpenguin, ok, I'll give it another week :)05:21
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Sh4d0xtonyyarusso, don't know actually, depends on where and what other programes make use of the files05:22
Evil_Whispercheck /var/backups/ for a dpkg.status.*. file05:22
gnomefreaktonyyarusso, not sure cause im not real sure if deleting them will screw with the firewall built into kernel05:22
trappistcaonex: it's 3c59x05:22
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tonyyarussoSh4d0x, Those all seem pretty specific, I doubt anything else does.05:22
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tonyyarussoHi simpletron.05:22
kinkoblastkvirc is TEH SUCKS05:22
rinzai-shudon't ever try to change my fancy motd again, Ubuntu!05:22
cachedwoohoo i got coldfusion runing :)05:22
simpletronim a debian user for 4 years and a gentoo user for 2 years05:22
simpletronnow im trying ubuntu and is great05:23
Evil_Whispercached, nice :-)05:23
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cachedi wonder if php and coldfusiuon play nice together05:23
Sh4d0xtonyyarusso, hmm in that case you could try05:23
meherenoh well05:23
tonyyarussoGood to hear simpletron.05:23
plagerismis this normal for cups?  tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN05:23
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plagerismShould it not just be listening on the local host??05:23
mehereni give up05:23
aTypicalI'm trying to play supertux, but am getting a 3inch black border when trying to enter fullscreen mode.  Anyone know how to fix this?05:23
caonextrappist, eth0: VIA Rhine II at 0x1b400, 00:11:09:61:83:73, IRQ 23. is the one not detected05:23
caonextrappist, i though it was the 3com05:23
Evil_Whisperplagerism, i think its fine05:23
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gnomefreaktony have you tried to open those files and see if anything is in them?05:24
caonextrappist, that is even more weird05:24
trappistcaonex: haha.05:24
tonyyarussognomefreak, Will do that.05:24
plagerismEvil_Whisper, Okay I just wanted to hear a few more people say it05:24
meheren(is there a way to reinstall the os)? without deleting anything and reinstalling it into same dir as current?05:24
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caonextrappist, via has never had any problems to me05:24
cachedwhat the?05:24
caonextrappist, do you happen to know the module name?05:24
plagerismEvil_Whisper, my box was compromised the other day, and I am just checking everything thoroughly05:24
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meherenbasically is there a way to reinstall the os like a mac reinstal of os???05:24
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cachedhow did I download debian in under 30 seconds?05:25
tonyyarussognomefreak, What do you know?  The first one I opened has the dialogue for boot that I've been seeing.05:25
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trappistcaonex: via-rhine05:25
meherenyou downloaded the netboot probally05:25
Evil_Whisperplagerism,  what command did you use to check cups?05:25
Sh4d0xhas some one tried suse? can some tell me the differences between suse and ubuntu?05:25
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gnomefreaktonyyarusso,  thats what i was afraid of :( it looks like other things are depending on that now that you installed it05:25
Evil_WhisperSh4d0x suse uses KDE instead of gnome, and it has Yast and stuff05:25
tonyyarussognomefreak, /etc/init.d/bastille-firewall that is.05:25
martianpenguinSh4d0x, what kind of differencess?05:25
caonextrappist, it is so weird because lspci recognizes it and i think that module is loaded05:25
Evil_WhisperSh4d0x, also suse uses RPM's05:26
martianpenguinSh4d0x, mainly the package manager05:26
plagerismEvil_Whisper: netstat -ltun05:26
trappistcaonex: lsmod | grep rhine05:26
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dingo001hi all, is there a way that i can access my home computer from a remote location. i am on charter so they do not give me a permanent ip address05:26
Sh4d0xand graphical? is it nicer, what about takstbars etc ...05:26
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tonyyarussognomefreak, How does that mean other things depend on it?05:26
caonextrappist, via_rhine              20356  005:26
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caonexmii                     5248  2 via_rhine,3c59x05:26
rinzai-shuSh4d0x: SuSE is basically weird German design, now owned by the evil corporate fogeys in Utah known as "Novell" -that is the major difference. ;-)05:26
meherenis there a way to reinstall the os like a mac reinstals it's os???05:26
Evil_WhisperSh4d0x, you can run into RPM hell with suse05:26
martianpenguinSh4d0x, you can install any themes you want on any distro... that's not distro relevant really05:26
Evil_Whisperplagerism, I don't even have cups listed on mine when i do netstat -ltun05:27
uttadingo001: try openvpn05:27
gnomefreaktonyyarusso, if the code is a boot code wouldnt that mean or atleast infer that if you delete that grub "may not" work?05:27
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Sh4d0xso it actually is the same as ubuntu but with kde environment?05:27
dingo001utta: will do05:28
meherenubuntu has kde 205:28
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caonextrappist, see, the module is loaded05:28
meherenif you wanna install05:28
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Evil_WhisperSh4d0x,  no05:28
tonyyarussognomefreak, No idea.  Could I delete the referring line from something else?05:28
meherensuse has better bootsplash capabilities though05:28
gnomefreakSh4d0x, suse is nothing remotely close to ubuntu05:28
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martianpenguinsuse is probably sloser to redhat05:28
Coldwinterim new to this... and i missed out on what the default root password is on ubuntu...05:29
meherenred hat is suse more or less05:29
DarkFamewhy are you discussing this?05:29
QRZtonyyarusso:  Do you still have sym links to it (bastille-firewall) in the various runlevel dirs?  If so, it will continue trying to start on bootup.05:29
gnomefreakmeheren,  ubuntu has some really nice splash screens :)05:29
Evil_WhisperColdwinter,  there is no root on Ubuntu by default05:29
dingo001utta: could i host a webserver on my home machine?05:29
martianpenguinColdwinter, use the same password as your first user05:29
rinzai-shu!tell Coldwinter about RootSudo05:29
meherenhwo do i install them then!!?05:29
Sh4d0xgnomefreak, Evil_Whisper, but what makes it so different? is it better than ubuntu?05:29
Evil_Whispergnomefreak, isn't there somthing alled upower or somthing?05:29
gnomefreakim not really sure tonyyarusso05:29
DRK13lol  Hi internets05:29
meherencoldwinter, if you want to access root use sudo05:29
chapiumwtf, my sound is freaking out05:29
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meherenif you wanna work in root use sudo -i05:29
tonyyarussoQRZ: I have no idea.  I don't really understand sym links yet.  How can I check?05:29
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meherenchapium turn it down05:30
martianpenguinwhat's the difference between sudo -i and sudo -s then?05:30
meherenit does that 2 m if it is 2 high05:30
meherennever heard of sudo -s05:30
pashawSh4d0x,   why don't you  try them both05:30
chapiummeheren, gnome's sound server just totally freaked out05:30
gnomefreakSh4d0x, to start the commands differ in the sense it doesnt use apt different packages/versions it uses .RPM not .DEB05:30
Evil_Whispermartianpenguin, -s = change to root user05:30
meherenyes i know!05:30
Evil_Whisper-s = same as su05:30
=== haich [n=haich@176.Red-83-34-21.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
mehereni have that proballem when my volume is 2 high!05:30
martianpenguinEvil_Whisper, but that's what -i does too...05:30
gnomefreaksudo -i changes you to root05:31
Sh4d0xpashaw, euhm i already got 3 os on my notebook :) a 4th would be a little to much05:31
QRZtonyyarusso:  "ls /etc/rc2.d | grep firewall" should find it if there is.05:31
meherenwhat is different between root user and root???05:31
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pashawSh4d0x,  they are too different animals   both Linux  but with different goals05:31
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martianpenguini second that question...05:32
tonyyarussoQRZ: No results.05:32
gnomefreakmeheren,  root is root no matter how you look at it but sudo is not root05:32
QRZtonyyarusso:  What runlevel do you boot to?05:32
rinzai-shusudo -i and sudo -s do two distinctly different things which may only appear the same to the uninitiated.  man sudo05:32
pussfellersudo is a hack to run as root, while not being root05:32
martianpenguinwhy do they make this so difficult for people that are used to having a root user?05:32
tonyyarussoQRZ: Whatever's default?05:32
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pussfelleraloowing administrative commands from regular users05:32
meherenso sudo -s makes you root05:32
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meherensudo -i lets you run as root while not being it?05:33
gnomefreaksudo -s i heard was unsafe to use sudo -i05:33
Sh4d0xpashaw, i'll think i'll shipit a suse version than i'll find out :D (only it take a month before the cd's arrive :( )05:33
Evil_Whisperbrb switching irc clients05:33
pussfellerif you give root a password, then you can log in as root like you are accustomed too05:33
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pashawmartianpenguin,   its clever actually  Ubuntu is aimed at home users  which if given the chance might run as root all the time making a mess05:33
kottonsorry people but I am having a heck of a time installing a "tar.bz2 package, I obviosly have not hit on the right command.  tar is  nvu-1.0-pc-linux2.6.10-gnu.tar.bz2  HELP!!!05:33
QRZtonyyarusso:  Ok, so probably 2.  In that case, check in /etc/rcS.d for a symlink.05:33
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meherenok i understand now! thx lol05:33
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The_CyrusWould anyone know how I can get passed a Debootstrap error with return value 1 during installation of Ubuntu Breezy on an x86?05:34
tonyyarussoQRZ: Got one.05:34
pussfellerbut ubuntu doesnt enable that by default, since they want to keep regular users from being root all the time and messing up there boxes thru ignorance or error05:34
gnomefreakkotton,  did you get it untared yet?05:34
martianpenguinkotton, tar -jxvf name05:34
kottonuh well maybe not05:34
tonyyarussoQRZ: S40bastille-firewall05:34
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martianpenguinkotton, did you run that?05:34
QRZtonyyarusso:  Actually, just do, "sudo update-rc.d -f bastille-firewall remove" then.05:34
CoronaLVRhi guys, I have a problem and here and I am asking for your help, I just installed flight 2 and trying to dist-upgrade but it fails on locales_2.3.7-1_all.deb05:34
pussfellertar.bz or gz is a zipped archive05:34
pussfellermore or less05:34
d4rksh4deanyone knows a good mp3 player program?05:34
gnomefreakkotton, martianpenguin  is right just make sure you cd to where it is05:34
kottonMartian: no I didn't but will now05:34
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pashawSh4d0x,   you should check out distrowatch   for reviews/comments on each distro05:34
Evil_Whisperthats better =P05:35
QRZtonyyarusso:  After doing that, check again and it should be gone...05:35
kottonok brb05:35
pussfellerd4rksh4de: amarok05:35
Evil_Whisperchatzilla =P05:35
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d4rksh4depussfeller, ok05:35
tonyyarussoQRZ: Yep.  Now can I get rid of those files?05:35
martianpenguind4rksh4de, or xmms05:35
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arod_I can't install this firefox extension: https://addons.mozilla.org/extensions/moreinfo.php?id=44&application=firefox05:36
QRZtonyyarusso:  You can get rid of the startup script for it in /etc/init.d/, and any config files associated with it, maybe in /etc/default, perhaps.05:36
d4rksh4depussfeller, can't find in synaptic05:36
arod_could someone give it a try?05:36
=== gnomefreak brb smoke im too scared :(
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The_CyrusWould anyone know how I can get passed a Debootstrap error with return value 1 during installation of Ubuntu Breezy on an x86?05:36
kottonMartian: it is decompressed now, don't know where but it is.  so what command can I use now to install05:37
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tonyyarussoQRZ: Did you see my list of files that are left earlier?05:37
simonpanyone got smb browsing from nautilus working?05:37
Sh4d0xpashaw: ubuntu i've been given by a friend who orderd the cd's, i tried it wiht live cd and it was soo nice, did installed it (ubuntu) myself a few days ago05:37
QRZtonyyarusso:  no.05:37
martianpenguinkotton, it should be in the same folder05:37
pashawarod_,    what firefox version do you have installed?05:37
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d4rksh4demartianpenguin, where to get xmms?05:37
martianpenguinkotton, you have to cd to the folder05:37
martianpenguind4rksh4de, is it in the package manager?05:37
kottonMartian: it is on my desktop05:37
tonyyarussoQRZ: Could I copy it again so you can see if there's anything that has to stay?05:37
arod_pashaw, plain breezy. 1.0.705:37
d4rksh4demartianpenguin, no05:38
pashawarod_,   read your link  it requires 1.505:38
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martianpenguinkotton, wait, which program was this you were installing?05:38
arod_pashaw, it won't install any version05:38
kottonit is in a folder05:38
arod_pashaw, I'm using it in sarge05:38
kottonon desktop05:38
martianpenguinkotton, right05:38
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arod_pashaw, earlier version doesn't install either05:38
kottonso now can I "apt-get"?05:38
martianpenguinkotton, if there was a .deb inside the tarball, yeah05:39
arod_pashaw, and error says the extension works from 1.0+ to 1.5. so I guess it's supposed to work with 1.0.705:39
The_Cyrusi'm guessing no one knows...damn...ok, thanks05:39
kottonMartian: I will look05:39
QRZtonyyarusso:  Ok.  I looked at the list you posted earlier...05:39
gnomefreakkotton, i dont think there is thats what checkinstall does (i think)05:40
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gnomefreaki wanna say it was checkinstall that makes the .deb05:40
QRZtonyyarusso:  By doing using the update-rc.d tool, you've already removed most of them!  The rest look like config files in /etc.05:40
d4rksh4decan someone tell me how to get xmms?05:40
d4rksh4dei have forgotten the command05:40
marsud4rksh4de: sudo apt-get install xmms?05:41
martianpenguind4rksh4de, apt-get?05:41
gnomefreakd4rksh4de, sudo apt-get install xmms or use synaptic05:41
kottonMartian: no deb but an install file05:41
tonyyarussoQRZ: Ah.05:41
d4rksh4deok thanks05:41
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gnomefreakkotton, the install file will run you through the compiling process05:41
tonyyarussoQRZ: So I should be safe?05:41
simonpi'm trying to browse the windows network with nautilus and it doesn't work. It asks for a password (why? windows and macs don't need one), and is never able to connect.05:41
martianpenguinkotton, you're going to need to do something along the lines of ./configure, make, make install05:41
tonyyarussognomefreak, Right.05:41
kottonMatian: and the file name?05:42
QRZtonyyarusso:  You should be able to safely remove /etc/Bastille directory in it's entirety, yes.05:42
martianpenguinkotton, however, i don't know what the "accepted correct way of doing it on ubuntu is"05:42
d4rksh4deE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)05:42
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pcuserhey evreyone05:42
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martianpenguind4rksh4de, do you have a package manager open still?05:42
gnomefreakkotton, before you start make sure you have a few things like build-essential and apt-get build-dep <packagename>05:42
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pcuserdoes anyone know java05:42
d4rksh4demartianpenguin, yes05:42
Iam8upto become root in ubuntu you use sudo root, correct?05:42
martianpenguind4rksh4de, close it05:42
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs05:42
kottonMartian: I will play with it for a bit, thanks, this is a great room and all are very helpful05:43
Iam8upfuck you bot05:43
MrRioIam8up: just sudo <command you want ot run as root>05:43
Iam8upreally? that gets to be a hassle...05:43
martianpenguinIam8up, or sudo -i05:43
tonyyarussoQRZ: I still have five, the init.d script, dpkg info, and directories (empty) in /var/log. and /usr/share/.05:43
Iam8upwhat's the i mean..?05:43
d4rksh4dePackage xmms is not available, but is referred to by another package.05:43
Iam8upassume the identity of root?05:43
martianpenguinIam8up, gives you a root prompt05:43
QRZtonyyarusso:  You can also get rid of /var/log/Bastille/ and /usr/share/Bastille/ too.  That should about do it!05:43
Iam8upawesome, thanks05:43
gnomefreakIam8up, language please and use sudo05:43
martianpenguinIam8up, RTFM to know what it means05:44
Iam8upgnomefreak - language?05:44
rinzai-shuheyyyy yaaa...heyyy yaaa...05:44
concept10what is this ugly toolkit that VLC is built upon?05:44
QRZtonyyarusso:  The one in /etc/init.d/ can go too.  It's the startup script for it.05:44
martianpenguinIam8up, "f**k you bot"05:44
gnomefreakf*uck shouold not normally be said in a family channel05:44
Iam8upoh, sorry05:44
gnomefreakread the coc05:44
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kottonMartian: I type apt-get build-dep nvu and it is building even as we speak05:45
martianpenguind4rksh4de, do you have just the basic repositories?05:45
xoredhow can i mount a USB driver ?05:45
martianpenguinkotton, sounds good to me then05:45
gnomefreakkotton, lol its not building its installing libs you need to build it05:46
d4rksh4demartianpenguin, i just have installed ubuntu05:46
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martianpenguind4rksh4de, I think you need to enable the extended repositories05:46
tonyyarussoQRZ: What about in /var/lib/dpkg/info/?05:46
kottongnomefreak: wups well what ever it is doing it is doing it well05:46
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d4rksh4demartianpenguin, where?05:46
MrRioi think double-clicking a deb should install it in synaptic05:46
gnomefreakkotton,  good but you have a while to go05:46
martianpenguind4rksh4de, I know you can go into /etc/apt/sources.list file05:46
d4rksh4demartianpenguin, thanks05:47
martianpenguind4rksh4de, but there is probably a GUI version of changing it as well05:47
gnomefreakkotton, when thats done sudo apt-get install build-essential05:47
Yv12345vYhello, i just installed ubuntu on a centrino alienware 1.6ghz 1gb ram 60gb 7200rpm hdd but it runs painfully slow.  i upgraded to the 686 kernel.  the cpu load is 100% and hdd is constantly spinning until i kill any acpi/power related processes.  but even afterwards it still feels sluggish.  any help is appreciated.05:47
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tonyyarussoMrRio, Good idea.  Probably with a confirmation button though, to prevent accidents, though.05:47
gnomefreakkotton, and any other libs the install or readme file tells you you need05:47
martianpenguinYv12345vY, I have the same situation... but it runs fine for me05:47
pashawd4rksh4de,    System -> Help -> Starter ->  installing apps (scroll down to Universe/Multiverse)05:47
kottonMartian: OK05:47
Iam8upYv12345vY - have you tried a live linux cd?05:47
MrRiotonyyarusso: yeah, ill see if i can knock something together in python05:47
Yv12345vYmartianpenguin, what do you mean?05:48
Iam8updid you do a fresh install of ubuntu, or did you change all your hardware..?05:48
martianpenguinYv12345vY, I'm on an alienware laptop 1.6 centrino, however mine seems to be running faster than windows was on this before...05:48
Yv12345vYIam8up: yes, it was a live cd of suse i think but not of ubuntu and that was slow as well05:48
QRZtonyyarusso:  No harm done leaving it there.  It's the package manager's job to handle those.  I suspect you could use dpkg to purge it though.05:48
Yv12345vYmartianpenguin: interesting, did you do any setup/config on ubuntu??05:48
martianpenguinYv12345vY, nope, took about half an hour to install05:49
Yv12345vYmartianpenguin, mine took more than 205:49
=== gnomefreak brb
kottonMartian: ran sudo apt-get install build-essential, says already newest version05:49
Yv12345vYwould it be worth just re-installing it again?05:49
martianpenguinYv12345vY, only problem i have is the 2.6.15 kernel has a broken touchpad driver05:49
Iam8uphmm...i don't know enough about linux to say if it's a software issue05:49
tonyyarussoQRZ: Looks like it.  I'll try it.05:49
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Yv12345vYmartianpenguin: i'm running 2.6.12 68605:49
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martianpenguinYv12345vY, im running the 386 kernel05:50
martianpenguinkotton, if it's the newest version, you're good05:50
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kottonMartian, so do I now "apt-get nvu/install?05:50
Yv12345vYmartianpenguin interesting05:51
Yv12345vYmartianpenguin, would it be a good idea to try and reinstall it??05:51
gnomefreakkotton, apt-get will not work on a .tar05:51
martianpenguinYv12345vY, if you think it's slow, i would try the 38605:51
gnomefreaktar=source not just a app05:51
QRZtonyyarusso:  Anyway, you should now be free of it having removed the symlinks and the init script for it.05:51
martianpenguinkotton, you have to do some stuff with make05:51
kottonMartian, even if it is unpacked?05:51
kottonoh ok05:51
gnomefreakkotton,  read the INSTALL file05:52
martianpenguinkotton, i just don't know how to turn it into a .deb file first05:52
Yv12345vYmartianpenguin, i was running the 386, somebody on the forums suggested i go to 686 and it helped a tiny bit but nothing significant05:52
martianpenguinYv12345vY, that seems weird05:52
kottonMartian, I will read install file05:52
Yv12345vYmartianpenguin, i'm pulling down the dvd image and i'll try again05:52
Yv12345vYhell, maybe i'll throw it on my amd64 too05:52
martianpenguinYv12345vY, doesn't it fit on a cd?05:53
Yv12345vYmartianpenguin it does05:53
gnomefreakkotton, after your done reading the file cd into the newly created file than run ./configure --help05:53
martianpenguinYv12345vY, how much ram do you have?05:53
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martianpenguinyanis, hi05:53
gnomefreakor for simplicity just run ./configure (but i dont know what type of program this is)05:54
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gnomefreakubotu tell kotton about checkinstall05:54
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yaniswhy the package of the wmii window manager doesn't exist in the reposator~ies ???05:54
gnomefreakkotton,  you might want that too05:55
deFrysk /j #ubuntu-nl05:55
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martianpenguinyanis, have you enabled the extended repositories?05:55
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kotton./configure does nothing05:55
yanisof course martianpenguin05:55
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Sh4d0xcan someone help me out setting up my wifi connection please?05:55
Sh4d0xi've tried the wikipage, but without succes05:55
Yv12345vYmartianpenguin, thanks for your help man i'm going to try and do a reinstall05:55
gnomefreakkotton,  did you cd to the new file yet?05:55
Yv12345vYi left my disc at school so i have to pull it down again05:55
martianpenguinYv12345vY, good luck05:55
Yv12345vYthansk i'm sure we'll chat again05:55
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kottonyes I am in the new folder nvu-1.005:56
martianpenguinyanis, you could check the debian repositories or compile it yourself05:56
gnomefreakkotton,  ok good now run ./configure --help let me know if stuff comes up05:56
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martianpenguinSh4d0x, what wifi card?05:56
d4rksh4demartianpenguin, if i want xmms player which package i need to download?05:57
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gnomefreak!info nvu05:57
ubotunvu: (Complete Web Authoring System), section universe/web, is optional. Version: 1.0-0ubuntu3 (breezy), Packaged size: 8349 kB, Installed size: 26468 kB05:57
martianpenguind4rksh4de, what are your options?05:57
QaDeSany idea how to "map" tcp ports on a local machine, so a client can access e.g. the webserver via port 1234 tho it's running on 80?05:57
gnomefreakkotton,  you didnt need the tar05:57
martianpenguind4rksh4de, should be something starting with xmms-versionnumber-other stuff05:58
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QaDeShiyas btw :)05:58
kottonGnome, geez05:58
gnomefreakall you had to do was enable universe and than apt-get install nvu05:58
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SteveGibbskate moss is so f*cking sexy05:58
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kottonuniverse is enabled will try05:58
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tRSSquick question: In my office, I am the only one using Ubuntu (hence, Linux) and we have to access a website to monitor different incident and close incident tickets. I just can't get the site to work with firefox, any suggestions?05:59
d4rksh4demartianpenguin, xmms-alarm, xmms-arts, xmms-blursk, xmms-.....05:59
gnomefreakkotton, you have a choice you can continue to learn to compile from source or quit while your ahead and enable universe05:59
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martianpenguind4rksh4de, there is no just xmms package?05:59
SteveGibbstransgress i think i know how, msg me05:59
SteveGibbstRSS i mean05:59
pashawQaDeS,  local would be the webserver config     otherwise you can redirect using a router also05:59
d4rksh4demartianpenguin, no05:59
gnomefreak!info xmms05:59
ubotuxmms: (Versatile X audio player that looks like Winamp), section sound, is optional. Version: 1.2.10+cvs20050209-2ubuntu2 (breezy), Packaged size: 979 kB, Installed size: 7216 kB05:59
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kottongnome universe is enabled, but I get this kenswanson@ubuntu:/$ sudo apt-get nvu06:00
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gnomefreakxmms is in the repos06:00
kottonE: Invalid operation nvu06:00
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shadox_and back06:00
tRSSSteveGibbs: Can you accept the chat06:00
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nikosgibts nen konsole befehl mit dem ich rausfinden kann was ich fr eine soundkarte habe? die geht nmlich irgendwie nich06:00
SteveGibbsyes i tried to but it didn't work06:00
shadox_tried to see if wifi works but it does not seems to be :'(06:00
SteveGibbsjoin steveg instead06:00
nikosoh english :)06:00
gnomefreakkotton,  use synaptic and search for it in there06:00
Dr_Williskotton,  may want to learn the basics of apt-get06:00
martianpenguind4rksh4de, did you look in synaptic/06:00
kottonwill double check universe06:00
nikosis there a command for detecting my soundcard? it doesnt work....06:01
martianpenguind4rksh4de, cuz it should be there06:01
shadox_martianpenguin: prism nitro 802,11 G06:01
d4rksh4demartianpenguin, yes, thats where im looking06:01
nikosa command that tells me how my soundcard is called06:01
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kottonDr, I need to learn everything, linux can be quite overwhelming to a newbie I reckon06:01
gnomefreakd4rksh4de,  its there if your on breezy06:01
gnomefreaki think hoary too06:01
martianpenguind4rksh4de, I see it in mine06:01
Dr_Williskotton,  yep. time to get reading. :P06:01
d4rksh4degnomefreak, 5.0406:01
ubotuit has been said that commands is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicCommands or http://www.linuxcommand.org/06:02
Dr_Williskotton,  the ubuntu wiki has some great tutorials/fundamental docs.06:02
d4rksh4demartianpenguin, a sec i just uncomment some more lines06:02
shadox_martianpenguim, eth1 is wifi connection but i can't even select it in the "networktool" on the taskbar06:02
gnomefreak5.04 should have it to double check go to packages.ubuntu.com and look in hoary for it06:02
kottonDr. thank you I have been there many times and lots of other sites06:02
martianpenguinshadox_, what happens when you do ifconfig/06:02
medicationkotton, i would agree with the good doctor06:02
shadox_martianpenguim, sec06:02
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shadox_martianpenguim it gives a lot of info about the connections06:03
pashawd4rksh4de, ??? its under synaptic   mutimedia  by default06:03
Dr_Willishttp://os.newsforge.com/os/04/12/02/1710208.shtml   - an 'apt' primer seems decent also.06:03
meepyHmm, do I have to open some ports in order to download from bittorrent? I have BitTonado insalled, and im conenected to 4 peers and 4 seeders, but i don't get anything downloaded?06:03
Dr_Willismeepy,  you behind a router? or firewall06:03
martianpenguinshadox_, does it show eth1?06:04
SteveGibbsmeepy u need to enable NAT06:04
shadox_martianpenguim, should i paste the exact info in pastebin06:04
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shadox_martianpenguim, yes06:04
Dr_Willismeepy,  it can be slow at times also.. takes patience.06:04
martianpenguinshadox_, and I assume it doesn;t have an ip06:04
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meepyBeen running for 10 min now, Steve? How?06:04
medicationkotton, i would also recommend the forums: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/06:04
shadox_martianpenguim, just a sec, i'll pastebin eth1 msg06:04
martianpenguinshadox_, k06:05
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McScruffi have vmware installed, and went to add a parrallel port but ubuntu isnt detecting it, is there any reason whythis is06:05
kottonMedication I have that site bookmarked as well06:05
pashawmeepy,   test bittorrent  using a common linux distro torrent06:05
shadox_martianpenguin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/607506:06
meepySteveGibbs, what do you mean by enabling NAT?06:06
medicationi'm still very much the noob... but before I tackled a full install/build I played with the live distros for a while06:06
SteveGibbsmeepy you need to enable your internal ips to map to the external ip if you are behind a router06:06
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gnomefreaki played with ubuntu 6 months atleast before my first attempt at a tar06:07
pashawmeepy,   if theres a router ahead of your torrent box  make sure you forward the correct ports to the torrent box06:07
meepyIt works great in windows without any tweak? So I guess thats should be affected here?06:07
medicationactually, the live distro made setting up my X windows a lot easier06:07
trappistmedication: if you're using a firewall, yes, you'll need to open some ports06:07
trappistmedication: and you are06:08
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martianpenguinshadox_, what happens when you go to system -> administration -> Networking06:08
gnomefreaktrappist isnt everyone :)06:08
medicationtrappist, me?06:08
SteveGibbssanta baby06:08
trappistI mean meepy06:08
SteveGibbsbum be dum de dum dummmm06:08
trappiststupid tab complete06:08
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pashawmeepy,   sure as long as your linux box has the same ip as your windows install did06:08
trappistmeepy: iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 6881:6889 -j ACCEPT06:08
meepyI try some other torrents06:08
d4rksh4debeep-media-player mpalys mp3's?06:08
SteveGibbsare u all looking forward to xmas?06:08
trappistmeepy: with sudo, of course06:09
meepyThanks trappist06:09
meepyI try06:09
shadox_martianpenguin, there are 3 types of connections 2 of them i activated (dial up i passed, dont use it)  activated: eth0, eth106:09
martianpenguinshadox_, right06:09
dmitry_Can someone help with firofox on ubuntu?06:09
ubotufrom memory, mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats06:09
martianpenguinshadox_, do you need to put in a wep key?06:09
gnomefreakdmitry_,  what version?06:09
shadox_martianpenguin, no, router is secured by mac adress06:10
gnomefreakdmitry_,  ask your question/state your issue06:10
speerfishingtsomeone here who have installed maple on ubuntu?06:10
martianpenguinshadox_, does it see the router?06:10
shadox_martianpenguin, no, that's the problem i guess :(06:10
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dmitry_I am running ubuntu live CD. Firefox times out can't connect to any http server06:11
martianpenguinshadox_, you may need to change which connection it is looking for if you have multiple wireless aps around or if you have connected to different ones in the past06:11
SteveGibbsare u all looking forward to xmas?06:11
dmitry_I have pinged from terminal. Network is ok06:11
SteveGibbshappy f*ckin xmas every1!!!06:11
gnomefreakdmitry_,  im assuming you have internet connection since you are here?06:11
SteveGibbswho wants a new computer for xmas then06:11
pashawdmitry_,   you can ping yahoo.com06:11
martianpenguinSteveGibbs, are you offering?06:11
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dmitry_Pinging does work ok.06:11
gnomefreakor google.com06:12
shadox_martianpenguin, in windows xp yes, neighbours unsecured wifi (6) but in ubuntu no, i can't even connect to my own router :(06:12
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martianpenguinshadox_, right06:12
gnomefreakdmitry_, see if you can run it from command line06:12
gnomefreaksee if it will open06:12
HawkShawHello all06:12
dmitry_I did. My network is up. working fine06:12
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martianpenguinshadox_, when you go into the properties for it06:13
martianpenguinshadox_, there is a drop down for ESSID06:13
ale_i love ubuntu06:13
martianpenguinshadox_, does it list anything there?06:13
speerfishingti try to install maple on ubuntu it say "... cannot execute binary file" any ideas? tnx!06:13
pashawdmitry_,   trying to be clear    you can ping  yahoo.com   or just ip numbers  big difference06:13
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meepytrappist, dosent seem to work, damnit06:13
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gnomefreakdmitry_,  try this type "firefox www.google.com" in term and see if it times out on that one06:13
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dmitry_I can ping both IP numbers and domain names.06:14
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gnomefreakpashaw, i think the homepage its set to cant be opened well atleast ive been having that issue06:14
rudizi have give in a wrong passwrd in Thunderbird...but i cannot change it now06:14
DrTigerhi! I have a laptop connected via pppoe on eth0, and a free wlan interface on eth1. I want to give another laptop with his wlan card access to my internet connection... what do I have to do?06:14
rudizhow to fix it06:14
martianpenguinspeerfishingt, does maple support linux?06:14
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pashawgnomefreak, ohh on the liveCD06:15
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gnomefreakthats atleast my thought06:15
trappistmeepy: could be your firewall is preventing packets from getting out.  do you know what you're using for a firewall?06:15
meepyIm not using any firewall06:15
tonyyarussoSo here's a silly question: I've always accessed this channel as the default when I run XChat.  How would I tell a friend to get into it using say ChatZilla on Windows?06:15
gnomefreaki dont play with live cd often :(06:15
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dmitry_typing firefox www.google.com also times out06:16
gnomefreaktonyyarusso,  /join #ubuntu06:16
gnomefreakis the command06:16
martianpenguintonyyarusso, have him connect to irc.freenode.net06:16
DrTigerI'd like to turn my ubuntu laptop to a wireless router temporarily... what do I need to do?06:16
martianpenguintonyyarusso, then /join #ubuntu06:16
pashawgnomefreak, i havent yet   still finding the defaults Ubuntu added     im used to vanilla debian06:16
gnomefreakyes freenode first06:16
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mmarle /join #edubuntu06:16
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martianpenguinDrTiger, that might not be easy06:16
DrTigerI guessed that06:17
DrTigerbut I don't even know where to start06:17
tonyyarussoThanks gnomefreak and martianpenguin.06:17
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bluefoxicyGDM needs to start without net.06:17
gnomefreakyw tonyyarusso06:17
bluefoxicyGDM starts way after net.06:17
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bluefoxicyoh wait o.o06:17
trappistmeepy: you are.06:18
gnomefreakdmitry_,  i dont use live cd but is there another browser with it?  like type w3m in term06:18
rickestgnomefreak: links or lynx probably06:18
speerfishingtany ideas how can i enable a.out support in the ubuntu kernel without making a new kernel by hand?06:18
meepytrappist, lol, I know I aint. What firewall should I be running? I did a scan on my system with nmap, i only have 1 port open while I use bittornado? :/06:18
ExdaixHey guys, I know this is probably asked a million times, but I've been "out of the loop" for a while.  I have Breezy, where can I get the backports server info now that its like gone...06:19
DrTigermartianpenguin: do you know any keywords that would lead me to some docs?06:19
trappistmeepy: if you want, you can effectively disable it by doing iptables -I INPUT -j ACCEPT and iptables -I OUTPUT -j ACCEPT06:19
dmitry_yes there is w3m, I have never used it though. let me try06:19
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=== gnomefreak dont know i know w3m came with default install
DrTigeror some ubuntu wiki?06:19
martianpenguinDrTiger, try connecting adhoc first06:19
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DrTigerwhat do you mean by adhoc?06:19
trappistmeepy: scanning yourself is not a valid test.  you won't be firewalled from yourself.  I scanned you and found only bittorrent ports unfiltered, and that only after you opened them.06:19
sproingieis there a way in aptitude to hold a package as not installed?06:19
martianpenguinlike an internal network between just the two laptops06:19
meepyI removed em again transgress06:19
sproingieas in, tell it never to install this package?06:19
gnomefreakubotu tell DrTiger about wifi06:20
meepyI removed the IPtables after I could not get it to work06:20
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trappistmeepy: removed what?06:20
DrTigerand  how would I do that than?06:20
trappistmeepy: that's not going to help at all.06:20
meepyiptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 6881:6889 -j ACCEPT06:20
sproingiei can't seem to hold or forbid a not-installed package06:20
martianpenguinDrTiger, is the other laptop linux too?06:20
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dmitry_w3m also has trouble. Gets stuck opening socket.06:20
gnomefreakDrTiger,  read the pm ubotu sent you see if that helps a bit06:20
tonyyarusso!tell Exdaix about sources06:20
Evil_Whisperanyone here use CVS cedega with steam?06:20
trappistmeepy: to allow just bittorrent incoming, yeah.  you may be blocking it on the way out.06:20
DrTigerthe laptop is not here already, but it will probably be windows as my brother doesn't like linux06:20
meepyOk, now I did: iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 6881:6889 -j ACCEPT06:21
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martianpenguinwell, i have to go, talk to y'all later06:21
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Evil_Whisperhi Sh4d0x06:21
DrTigernot here yet, I mean06:21
toya_what's up people, happy holidays06:21
gnomefreakdmitry_,  im not sure than do you have another live-cd? you can try?06:21
Sh4d0xhi Evil_Whisper06:21
trappistmeepy: on most setups that should work.  if you're blocking outbound bittorrent traffic though, you'll still be out of luck.06:21
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gnomefreakif you can ping www.google.com ok than you should beable to open a browser06:22
Sh4d0xEvil_Whisper, still doing well?06:22
gnomefreakif you can ping an ip address doesnt mean that network is working ok06:22
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meepyHow can I view my IPtables?06:22
toya_does anyone know how to launch a program from terminal but still let the terminal usable?06:22
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trappistmeepy: iptables-save will show you your rules.  iptables -L will show them in a more human-readable format.06:22
dmitry_You know I had a similar problem long time ago on Fedora. The problem then was that ipv6 DNS was enabled wich messed it up somehow. I don't recall how I disabled it though.06:22
Dr_Willistoya_,  trivial :P bash basics..    try 'command &'06:23
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medicationtoya_ you can execute from a terminal by using a & after the executable06:23
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toya_Dr_Willis, thx06:23
Evil_WhisperAnyone here use CVS cedega?06:23
Dr_Willistoya_,  and when closing the term use the 'exit' command - DONT just hit the close button.06:23
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trappisttoya_: or hit ctrl-d after you've run it, and type 'bg' to put it into the background06:23
EvilGuruhi, I have just booted off of the live cd and want to know what I need to do to be able to play mp3's06:23
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trappist!tell EvilGuru about mp306:23
ubotu[win32codecs]  binary only codecs that some call evil., and they're available from http://giannaros.org/public/breezydebs/06:24
Sh4d0xSeveas can you help me with my wifi prob?06:24
meepytrappist: ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere            tcp dpts:6881:688906:24
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Dr_Williscan you even install stuff on the live cd's ?06:24
meepyIt should be working06:24
concept10toya_, or open a new tab in the terminal06:24
dmitry_If I use IP on the URL line, then it does work, BTW06:24
toya_lol kk thx for the replies06:24
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trappistmeepy: yeah that's the rule you made.  I wonder what's happening to outbound packets.06:24
EvilGurulast time I used ubuntu I only needed to get g-streamer06:24
gnomefreakdmitry_,  that your router ip you are trying?06:24
trappistmeepy: also, the order is important.06:24
Chiletixjoin #ubuntu-es06:24
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Sh4d0xEvilGuru, depends on your player :)06:24
dingo001what is the root pwd for root?06:24
trappistmeepy: you want to pastebin the output of iptables-save?06:25
Evil_Whisperdingo001, there is no password for root06:25
Sh4d0xEvilGuru, did you tried beep media player?06:25
Dr_Willisdingo001,  for 'sudo' you use your first users password06:25
gnomefreakdingo001,  use sudo and the password is ur user name password06:25
EvilGurui am on the live cd06:25
Evil_Whisperdingo001, ubuntu uses sudo instead of root06:25
meepyok trappist06:25
EvilGuruand want to test out my sound card06:25
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dmitry_no I can use any host IP on the URL line and it works then06:25
tonyyarussoDr_Willis, I'm told you can install stuff, but it will only go to RAM.  I thought it would be really slick if you could have apt-get install on a Live CD put it on a flash drive.06:25
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dingo001i signed in with my users username and pwd06:26
Dr_Willistonyyarusso,  other live cd's can do that :)06:26
Evil_WhisperAnyone know how often transgaming updates there CVS?06:26
trappisttoya_: linux isn't quite that slick yet.06:26
dmitry_somehow firefox gets stuck doing the DNS query.06:26
dingo001and tried to create a directory in the file system, i got access denied06:26
Dr_Willistonyyarusso,  but the ubuntu live cd is alittle more primitive then them :()06:26
gnomefreakdmitry_,  in term type ping www.google.com and paste the output in pastebin please06:26
Dr_Willisdingo001,  creat one where.06:26
tonyyarussoDr_Willis, Any idea where to suggest ideas like that?06:26
dingo001so to create a directory in ubuntu, do i have to use sudo06:26
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dmitry_I think it's that ipv6 config issue again. If I can only remember how to disable that06:26
meepytrappist: http://pastebin.com/47677906:26
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Gi0vahi all06:26
Gi0vasomeone italian?06:26
dingo001dr_willis: on the file system06:26
leagrisHi all06:27
trappistGi0va: try #ubuntu-it06:27
Gi0vawhy ubuntu live doesn't look up my hd?06:27
Evil_WhisperGi0va, join #ubuntu-it06:27
concept10trappist, what do you mean by that?06:27
dmitry_what's a pastebin06:27
dingo001im trying to install xampp06:27
Sh4d0xcan someone help me out with my wifi prob? ubuntu recognizes my card "... managed..." but i can't connect to the router :(06:27
leagrisAny way I can install Ubuntu server with only a serial ttys0 and no gfx card or should I fallbak to debian for this ?06:27
ubotumethinks pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org06:27
Evil_WhisperGi0va, you have to mount it first06:27
dingo001basically just trying to download a file for now :)06:27
Dr_Willistonyyarusso,  you mean suggest to the ubuntu team? :P  not sure.. i rarely use the ubuntu live cd.. thers sooo many better ones out for my needs06:27
Evil_Whispersudo mount /dev/hda /mnt/06:27
trappistmeepy: sudo iptables -I OUTPUT -j ACCEPT06:27
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tonyyarussoEvil_Whisper, The Dapper Live CD is going to mount them automatically, right?06:27
toya_trappist, what do you mean by typing bg after ctr-d ?06:27
trappistconcept10: by what?06:27
toya_trappist, because after i pressed ctr-d, the terminal tab is gone06:28
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tonyyarussoHow to I suggest something to the development team?06:28
trappisttoya_: sorry, I meant ctrl-z06:28
concept10trappist, not that slick06:28
meepytrappist, done. now what?06:28
trappistmeepy: now you should be fine06:28
Sh4d0xtonyyarusso, is daper already released?06:28
DrTigermartianpenguin: I tried out the wifi Howto but there is no information about turning my wlan card into a router06:28
dingo001when i open the file system on my machine using file browser, i get no highlighted option for creating directory06:28
=== gnomefreak smoke before he pastes output
tonyyarussoSh4d0x, No.  Flight 2 of it was as a testing preview, stable is in April.06:28
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pussfellerwhat makes an iso out of a cd?06:28
Evil_WhisperTony do you know where i can get a live CD of dapper flight 2?06:28
dingo001why does ubuntu have the concept of sudo rather than root access like other distributions?06:28
trappistconcept10: well at first I understood the comment to mean that he wanted to boot a livecd, use apt-get to sort of remaster it on the fly, then put the OS on a flash drive.  we're not that slick yet :)06:29
ubotumethinks xfce is a lightweight Desktop Environment that uses GTK. to install, "sudo apt-get install xfce4" or "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". http://www.xfce.org/06:29
Sh4d0xtonyyarusso, ow, good, cus i just orderd a shipit :D06:29
toya_trappist, hm ok, thx, still not sure what it does, its not in my shortcut list06:29
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, iso is download Ubuntu at http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ and for help burning the CD, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BurningIsoHowto06:29
tonyyarussoEvil_Whisper, I saw it before, I'll go get you a link.06:29
ubotu_fredforfaen: I haven't a clue06:29
ubotu_fredforfaen: I don't know, could you explain it?06:29
concept10trappist, oh ;)06:29
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Evil_WhisperGrrr I want wine 0.9.406:29
trappisttoya_: ctrl-z isn't a wm keyboard shortcut, it's a console thing.  it detaches the running process.06:29
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Sh4d0xEvil_Whisper, wine can read .exe doesn't it?06:30
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trappistSh4d0x: even better, it can execute them06:30
stratovariushi all06:30
toya_trappist, ok thx06:30
tonyyarussoEvil_Whisper, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/dapper/flight-2/06:30
Sh4d0xEvil_Whisper, when using wine, is there need to a virusscanner to?06:30
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leagrisCurrently I run mandrake 10.1 on my home server but removed gfx card and keyboard. I use a serial port terminal whent emergency situation or ssh to connect to it. Any clean way I can isntall breezy via the serial terminal from the install cd or must I have to blug a keyboard + gfx card + scren to do this ?06:30
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Evil_Whisperthanks tony06:30
toya_does anyone know how come sometimes pdf files act weird on linux?06:30
meepytrappist, it's working, thanks! What was wrong, and what did you do?06:31
Evil_Whisperhow can i burn this but yet allow the CDRW to be erased later? :S06:31
trappistmeepy: you were filtering almost all inbound traffic and almost all outbound traffic.  you might want to find out what kind of firewall you have installed and get rid of it.06:31
stratovariusamule doesnt want to open fastly and connect to servers. I wanna connect to razorback and he connect me to doindgo or similar server.who can tell me why?06:31
Evil_Whisperflight 2 includes the new gnome and stuff right?06:31
trappistmeepy: and/or replace it.  say, with ipkungfu.06:31
=== gnomefreak back :)
pashawpussfeller,   try this  http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/563906:32
meepytrappist, am I still secured?06:32
trappistmeepy: yeah, the only inbound stuff that's allowed (that wasn't allowed before) is bittorrent.  all traffic is allowed out though.06:32
Lukianboot up numlock status?06:32
rickestpussfeller: dd can do that06:32
Lukian^^ laugh06:32
gnomefreakdmitry_,  go ahead and pate waht you have in pastebin06:33
dmitry_ok, I typed in the ping output to pastebin. It looks fine to me. Look for pasted by dmitry06:33
meepytrappist: okay, thanks! :)06:33
pussfellercat /dev/hdc > /mnt/images/image1.iso06:33
tonyyarussoEvil_Whisper, I think so, but only at the stage of development it's in as well; I believe the Ubuntu stable releases are one month after each Gnome stable release.06:33
pussfellerthat simple...06:33
trappistthat can't possibly work06:33
dmitry_I typed: "06:33
dmitry_64 bytes from www.google.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=247 time=18.8ms"06:33
trappistI mean, maybe, but...06:33
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pussfellerthats what linux journal says06:34
dingo001when i type sudo on the terminal, i get the usage notes... any parameters to pass with sudo?06:34
trappistmeepy: all that will be gone when you reboot though, so you need to see about that firewall06:34
pashawpussfeller,   yes  iso file  are not compressed or anything06:34
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stratovariusnobody can help me?06:34
meepytrappist, hmm, really? I dident think firewall was needed in linux06:35
trappistpussfeller: if that doesn't work, dd if=/dev/hdc of=/mnt/images/image1.iso06:35
gnomefreakdmitry_, hmmmmmmm you should have no issues conneting to a server :(06:35
pashawstratovarius,   i dont use any mules06:35
gnomefreakmeepy,  your playing with the exsisting firewall06:35
stratovariuspashaw what do u use as p2p program?06:35
pussfellertrappist: i think thats a roundabout way of doing the same thing :)06:35
trappistmeepy: that's a matter of opinion.  linux has a very powerful built-in firewall, and it sure doesn't *hurt* security, so it's fairly popular to run one.06:35
pashawstratovarius,   newsgroups06:35
dmitry_Like I said I have an issue with firefox doing the DNS queries. It does not work. Queries time out06:35
gnomefreakmeepy, iptables is the firewall thats built into kernel06:35
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trappistpussfeller: I'm not sure cat will do it.06:36
No1VikingHow do I download ans save a sfw from another site?06:36
meepygnomefreak, yeah I know - hmm06:36
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pussfellertrappist: it does sound a bit dodgy to me too06:36
pashawstratovarius,  yep'06:36
trappistNo1Viking: wtf is a sfw06:36
No1VikingHow do I download and save a sfw from another site?06:36
dmitry_If I use IP instead of host name on the URL line, then firefox  works.06:36
stratovariuspashaw: what newsgroups are?06:36
gnomefreakmeepy,  i dont know what ipkungfu is06:36
No1Vikingtrappist, flash?06:36
trappistNo1Viking: so you mean swf06:36
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No1Vikingtrappist, sorry, yes06:37
trappistNo1Viking: if you have the url to the file, wget it.  if not, view source to find it.06:37
dingo001"sudo -s -H"06:37
meepytrappist, I just don't understand why it's removed on next reboot? I am NOT running any firewall at all, since I'm new to Linux I don't just install any application, I used "firestarter" from Automatix for a short period, but not anymore, so I don't think that has any effect?06:37
dingo001this helped06:37
Evil_Whisperanyone know anything about upower?06:37
ubotuEvil_Whisper: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?06:37
No1Vikingtrappist, gonna try06:37
rickestpussfeller: http://www.cpqlinux.com/cdrw.html06:37
snowblinkquick question about netgear ADSL wireless routers - can I use one to boost another?06:37
pashawstratovarius,   google    how to use newsgroups06:37
trappistmeepy: something got installed by default I guess.  the firewall rules are stored in kernel memory, so they'll be gone when you reboot.06:37
pussfelleri dont know if mldonkey is still being developed, but it was a decent client for the emule network06:37
Sh4d0xcan someone help me out with my wifi prob? :(06:37
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gnomefreakdmitry_,  im nto sure why its timing out06:38
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ubotuEvil_Whisper: Are you smoking crack?06:38
gnomefreak!tell Sh4d0x  about wifi06:38
Evil_Whisperlol lol lol06:38
meepytrappist, so to make a permanemt solution, I need ipkungfu?06:38
Evil_Whispergnome freak06:38
Sh4d0xgnomefreak, thnQ but i have done that part already :)06:38
Evil_Whisperdo you have a link to the ubuntu eyecandy guide? :S06:38
gnomefreakeyecandy last i remember is one www.look-gnome.org  art.gnome.org06:38
No1Vikingtrappist, worked like a charm!  :)06:38
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trappistmeepy: I recommend ipkungfu because I wrote it, but anything that you know about and can therefore configure is going to make your life a lot easier than one you don't even know you have installed06:39
dmitry_I found it. I had to set "alias ipv6 off" in modprobe.conf06:39
Sh4d0xgnomefreak, can't connect to my router that's the prob :( but i don't know the solution06:39
pussfelleri thot look-gnome went down06:39
d4rksh4dewhats the webpage where i can find information how to set up package manager? (god damn i just want to play some mp3's)06:39
pussfellermaybe i am confusing things06:39
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trappist!tell d4rksh4de about repos06:39
trappist!tell d4rksh4de about mp306:39
dmitry_Is there an equivalent on ubuntu (to modprobe.conf)?06:39
meepytrappist, i'm almost 100% sure I don't have a firewall running, there is nothing in the "System overviewer" on what procresses is running06:40
trappistdmitry_: see the files in /etc/modprobe.d06:40
Sh4d0xd4arksh4de, have you tried beep media player?06:40
coder_i need access to a shared folder on my network, sitting on the small business server.  I can open the folder through the gnome-panel, but cannot mount the drive as read & write06:40
trappistmeepy: I am exactly 100% sure that you do.  the firewall rules you pasted didn't write themselves.06:40
d4rksh4deSh4d0x, yes06:40
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=== gnomefreak time to go to theropy ill bbl i hope maybe dapper will be ready than :(
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de and did it worked?06:41
d4rksh4deSh4d0x, it freezes06:41
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trappistmeepy: firewalling happens in the kernel.  there is no corresponding process.  the kernel has rules and just does or doesn't allow a packet through.06:41
pussfelleri dont think nautilus mounts network drives06:41
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meepytrappist, what do you recommend me to do?06:41
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de can you tell me exactly what it does, from the moment you open it?06:41
trappistmeepy: either try to figure out what you have installed and configure it to your needs, or install a firewall that you can work with, and it should override what you have now.06:42
d4rksh4deSh4d0x, it starts well, but when i open mp3 file and press play button then it freezes06:42
dmitry_Yes, I see the aliases. So if I modify it. How can I make it active. I mean if I reboot the live CD the changes will be gone right?06:42
meepytrappist, i look for ipkungfu06:42
pussfellerd4rksh4de: if you add the appropriate repos and then update/upgrade, a muliplicity of apps will then be able to play the socalled restricted formats06:42
pashawmeepy,   you could  save the iptable rule forever   or just make a script that alters the table whenever you plan to use torrent06:42
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de did you do the gstreamer part in your terminal?06:42
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coder_i'm trying to `sudo mount // /media/share`06:43
EvilGuruwhy is the wiki https?06:43
d4rksh4deSh4d0x, no, whats that?06:43
coder_"protocol negotiation failed"06:43
pussfellerdont you have to use smbmount?06:43
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de wait i'll get you the wiki link, you'll need it to play mp3's06:43
=== Nekomages [n=stephen@pool-71-99-176-3.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
rickestcoder_: try smbmount06:43
Nekomageshave a bit of trouble installing flgrx drivers, I'm getting a device not fouind when I modprobe it06:44
d4rksh4deSh4d0x, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats ?06:44
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coder_"SMB signing is mandatory and we have disabled it."06:44
ubotuEvil_Whisper: Are you on ritalin?06:44
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats?action=show&redirect=RealPlayer06:44
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Sh4d0xd4rksh4de, yup06:44
ubotuI guess usplash is for your information, about Usplash : if you use a home-built kernel, required options are initramfs & framebuffer, that's all ... don't take any prerequisites used for bootsplash or patches in consideration06:44
d4rksh4deSh4d0x, ok06:44
meepytrappist: I was looking for "firestarter" i once installed, and while uninstalling it it gave me this "Stopping the Firestarter firewall:done.06:45
meepy" so you might be right, i might had it running06:45
zokahi people, how to configure repositories, I want to install ruby but there are millions of conflicts, no chance to do it with sypatico06:45
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de, follow it exactly :) you can't mis, succes06:45
trappistmeepy: awesome06:45
vodnikhello, I updated kernel with autoupdate and rebooted as suggested, but now grub says that partition cannot be mounted, I tried every entry there was - and ended in windows:-(06:45
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trappistvodnik: is your root device scsi or sata?06:46
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XiCillinvodnik, find where your linux partition is, and where the kernel is on the harddrive06:46
d4rksh4deSh4d0x, thanks06:46
Sh4d0xwhen i open my mplayer, it gives an error about which sais "font not found" is this normal?06:46
vodniktrappisst:scsi i think06:47
XiCillininstall the fonts06:47
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de does it work?06:47
trappistSh4d0x: try sudo apt-get install mplayer-fonts06:47
pussfellercoder_: try http://ubuntuguide.org/#automountnetworkfolders06:47
Sh4d0xtrappist ooow :$:$  thnQ06:47
d4rksh4deSh4d0x, im working on it...06:47
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Sh4d0xd4rksh4de, let me know if it works :)06:47
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adam_hello everyone. I am having major troubles with my external firewire hard drive. Would anyone mind looking at my dmesg output and seeing if that gives any clues as to what is wrong?06:48
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pussfellerand the preceding entries06:48
vodnikXiCillin it think it is in hda7 /boot/vmlinuz2.606:48
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coder_puss: thank you, I have tried that =(  Its failing at "signing"06:48
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Sh4d0xtrappist, done, just a sec i'll try if it worked06:48
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XiCillinvodnik post your menu.lst file on pastebin.com06:48
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XiCillinand link me06:48
paulproteus|laptzoka: There are conflicts against Ruby?06:49
Sh4d0xtrappist, it worked, thnQ06:49
paulproteus|laptThat's strange.06:49
dmitry_gnomefreak, how can I reload modprobe.d/aliases without rebooting the live CD, any ideas?06:49
paulproteus|laptzoka: Put your sources.list in a pastebin.06:49
dailyrorschachanyone using a dell latitude d600 and manage to get good font and screen results06:49
paulproteus|laptdmitry_: I think there's an update-* command for that.06:49
vodnikin a moment...06:49
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zokapeople to be honest, ubuntu is very frustrating06:50
dmitry_which one?06:50
zoka1. I cound not install mysql server06:50
zokaI could not instal apache06:50
adam_could someone with more knowledge than I look at my dmesg output? I see that it gives some errors but I really dont know what to do about it. And I am having big troubles...06:51
zokaI could not install ruby06:51
kottonzoka I know what you mean06:51
zokaI could not install rails06:51
vodnikXiCillin http://pastebin.com/47680306:51
zokabilions of conflicts06:51
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paulproteus|laptzoka: I'm very confused.  These things work out of the box for me.06:51
paulproteus|laptzoka: Did you change your sources.list to include other sites than ubuntu.com?06:51
Sh4d0xzoka, sure you tried to install it correctly?06:51
zokaI did not change anything06:52
paulproteus|laptzoka: Exactly what command did you run to do the install, and exactly what error did you get?06:52
zokawhat repositories I should use06:52
zokaI use sympatico06:52
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zokago advanced06:52
kottonwhen you are a newbie, how do you know what is correctly, all you can do is read what's out there until you fumble onto the right command06:52
Sh4d0xzoka, guess you should have changed your sources? did you?06:52
zokafind server click06:52
zokareports more dependencies06:52
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zokaclick mark06:52
zokathen it reports not installable06:53
adam_is anyone reading my cries for help?06:53
infernalli intalled the kwin-baghira package with synaptic, but the window decorations do not show up.  anyone know how I can add them?06:53
paulproteus|laptzoka: Do you mean Synaptic?06:53
zoka Depends: mysql-common-4.1 (>=4.1.12-1ubuntu3) but it is not installable06:53
zoka Depends: mysql-client-4.1 but it is not going to be installed06:53
zoka Depends: libdbi-perl  but it is not installable06:53
paulproteus|laptI don't know what Sypatico is.06:53
zokaetc etc06:53
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XiCillinvodnik, i compared it with mine (i just installed the new kernel as well) and everything seems to be as it should06:54
zokawhat ever I try to ad what is not stand alone app06:54
XiCillinwhat errors did grub give you?06:54
paulproteus|laptzoka: You should enable Universe.06:54
zokadoes not work06:54
paulproteus|laptzoka: Run Synaptic.06:54
zokahow to do it06:54
zokaI have it running06:54
vodnikxcillin well, should not there be some new entries for new kernel?06:54
kottonpaul can you add any site as a repository?06:54
paulproteus|laptzoka:  Goto Settings > Repositories you will see (2) grayed out boxes click both of them, then click the Reload button.06:54
dailyrorschachanyone have any experience with dell laptops and setting resolution and screen parameters06:54
XiCillinvodnik there are06:54
paulproteus|laptkotton: Not quite any.06:54
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Sh4d0xpaulproteus|lapt: Universe? multiverse do you mean, or am i wrong? :$06:55
paulproteus|laptkotton: That site has to be specially set up.06:55
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paulproteus|laptSh4d0x: zoka needs universe for Ruby and MySQL.06:55
paulproteus|laptSh4d0x: Not multiverse.06:55
d4rksh4deSh4d0x, E: Couldn't find package gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse06:55
XiCillinvodnik: you've got one for and antoher for
zokapaulproteus|lapt OK06:55
sysfaultanyone have a Sony Vaio VGN-A790?06:55
adam_can someone please look at my output from dmesg and see if it tells you anything? I am having big troubles with my external firewire HD and dont know what to do06:55
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de have you changed your sources?06:55
d4rksh4deSh4d0x, yes06:55
vodnikXiCillin - yes, oh, i see, i installed just new version og, right?06:55
kottonI have been battling with nvu for about 2 and a half hours and still no luck06:56
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de sure you are using the right ones? for the right version?06:56
XiCillinyea see how there are 4 ubuntu choices?06:56
adam_whats wrong with nvu?06:56
XiCillinone for the old kernel and the old kernel recovery mode, and another for the new kernel and that recovery mode06:56
dailyrorschachd4rksh4de: for what its worth, I dont think you need to say -multiverse just sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-plugins06:56
XiCillinmine looks the same06:56
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kottonAdam I just can't get it to install06:56
d4rksh4deSh4d0x, well, i folowed the tutorial06:56
adam_im a noob, but i had no trouble getting it to install and work06:56
XiCillinon different parts of the hard drive but nothing looks out of place06:56
XiCillinwhat does grub say vodnik?06:56
adam_sorry if i cant offer help, i just installed it through synaptic06:57
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de uhu, but is your sources are wrong guess it won't work neither06:57
zokaok people which check boxes?06:57
manverusomeone else has problems with installing gstreamer0.8* ?06:57
adam_kotton, how did you install?06:57
paulproteus|laptzoka: The ones that represent "universe".06:57
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manverui cannot install anything now - dpkg is hanging... is there some way to dequeue the gstreamer-stuff?06:57
vodnikyes, I see it now.. grub says (i do not remember exactly) something like booting kernel vmlinuz ..... failed to mount device.06:58
kottonAdam that's just it, I can't get it to install06:58
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de i installed it a few day's ago, got the same error cus my sources were wrong06:58
adam_have you tried synaptic?06:58
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kottonAdam I haven't tried synaptic, didn't know how to get it there06:58
vodnikbut i rember now that something similar might have happened to me last time I upgraded kernel, the solution was to change partition type from 82 to 83 or something like that, I am going ot give it a shot...06:58
dailyrorschachkotton: in synaptic you can visuallay add the other repositories and search for packages06:59
kottonbeen messing with apt-get and everything else06:59
dailyrorschachI still use apt-get, but it makes it easier when things dont seem to go right06:59
adam_just system>administration>synapic package manager06:59
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d4rksh4deSh4d0x, other command is working...installing...06:59
adam_since im a noob, i really go for the gui things06:59
kottonDaily: doesn't it have to be a special url06:59
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dailyrorschachkotton: no, the wiki has a page that shows you how to do it in synaptic07:00
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de which one? the w32codecs?07:00
dailyrorschachone second07:00
DrTigerIt was quite embarrassing to take my ubuntu laptop to a presentation on wednesday07:00
d4rksh4deSh4d0x, how to close program which is not responding?07:00
DrTigerI was not able to make the beamer work with my xserver...07:00
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XiCillinrun the command: xkill07:00
XiCillinand click on what you want to die07:00
kottonDaily, I'll look at wiki....again07:00
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Sh4d0xd4rsh4de C your processes and quit it there07:00
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DrTigerthe image was strangely interlaced or something07:01
paulproteus|laptzoka: Just look for the highlighted lines like this one.07:01
d4rksh4deXiCillin, thnx07:01
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XiCillintheres a howto on the forums, on binding xkill to a key. i used alt-a07:02
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de applications > systemtools> proceses (or something like it, i'am a not that good at translations)07:02
adam_Everytime I transfer a file from my external firewire drive to my computer it completely crashes the comp. It works fine the other way around though. Would anyone be able to look at the dmesg and tell if something is majorly wrong. I see that there are a few errors, but I dont know what to do.07:02
LOQUiLLO_hello everyone07:02
d4rksh4deSh4d0x, i got it07:02
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XiCillinhey l0quill0_07:02
LOQUiLLO_hola a todos07:02
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de, oki :)07:02
paulproteus|laptadam_: Post the dmesg into a pastebin and we'll see.07:02
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Evil_WhisperAnyone know wich Mac OS type dock is best for gnome?07:03
DrTigerI wonder when there will be a good-quality  X Configuration tool for ubuntu!07:03
adam_sorry, what is a pastebin?07:03
LOQUiLLO_Happy Merry Christmas07:03
ubotusomebody said pastebin was a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org07:03
d4rksh4deSh4d0x, :) thanx i got it working...listening mp3 now :)07:03
cello_rasptell me, does the ubuntu DVD carry any of the universe or multiverse repositoriess?07:03
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DrTigerI wonder if there will ever be a powerful X Configurator before X11 is dead.07:03
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de, yw, enjoy :)07:03
burning_bronxcello_rasp, the only difference between  the DVD and the CD is that the DVD has the live edition too07:04
cello_raspi ask becaus i have a friend with no internet connection but he needs lots of multiverse :\07:04
xagolnwhoops.. just dist-upgraded from breezy -> dapper and having locale issues07:04
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dailyrorschachcello_rasp: you have to add ther repositories, through the gui (synaptic) or CLI07:04
d4rksh4deSh4d0x, btw xmms and bmp isnt starting :S07:04
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Evil_Whisperwhen i try the dapper flight 2 live CD do I have to update anything?07:04
dailyrorschachcello_rasp: you could send him your source.list file if you have it alreayd set up and tell him how to copy it07:04
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de not? hmm07:04
stratovariushow to unistalla a program installed with wine?07:05
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cello_raspthx rorschach: are those repos on the cd07:05
burning_bronxcello_rasp, you could just get the packages if there aren't too much dependencies07:05
d4rksh4deSh4d0x, im listening with rythmbox right now07:05
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de can you do sudo apt-get update?07:05
Evil_Whisperstratovarius,  run the uninstall program that comes with it07:05
cello_raspi guess i will have to grab them for him.07:05
burning_bronxSh4d0x, he can obviously do it but he needs files for a friend of his07:05
adam_OK, I put the dmesg output in a pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6078 I think I did it right?07:05
burning_bronxcello_rasp, you can find packages @ http://packages.ubuntu.com07:05
d4rksh4deSh4d0x, yes...07:05
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de, try again opening07:06
burning_bronxjust make sure you don't leave dependencies hanging07:06
d4rksh4deSh4d0x, still nothing...it just makes 'knot' sound07:06
cello_raspthx bronx. yeah, i wissh there was a tool that grabbed all the non cd packages according to dependency07:06
xagolnI'm going around in circles - apt-get dist-upgrade which craps out followed by apt-get -f install then start again07:07
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burning_bronxxagoln, what's broken?07:07
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de aaaah, if you are playing a song in it?07:07
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de after the error, can you click *play* button?07:07
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d4rksh4deSh4d0x, no, these programs isnt starting even07:08
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de o_O07:08
xagolnI did a dist-upgrade to dapper from a working breezy install... on a PC I'm not too worried about07:08
ubotuEvil_Whisper: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?07:08
ubotuparse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, burning_bronx07:08
xagolnburning_bronx it died on locales and a few other bits07:08
ubotuburning_bronx: I don't know, could you explain it?07:08
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de maybe you just need to reboot, if that ain't helping i supose you better uninstall them both and reinstall them07:09
cello_raspis dapper near to be stable?07:09
Evil_Whisperburning_bronx, do you have a link to a tutorial of how to burn a ISO using the CLI?07:09
burning_bronxcello_rasp, it's getting there07:09
d4rksh4deSh4d0x, ok i try rebooting, brb07:09
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de ok07:09
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xagolncello_rasp it works well enough but I wouldn't use it for anything important07:09
rickestEvil_Whisper: http://www.cpqlinux.com/cdrw.html07:09
burning_bronxEvil_Whisper, have you tried "man cdrecord"07:09
Evil_Whisperthanks rick07:09
burning_bronxmanuals are always good to read first07:09
Evil_WhisperI forgot about man pages lol :S07:09
=== Parti [n=ghost@66-190-246-254.dhcp.astr.or.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Partihi guys07:10
pussfellercdrecord is pretty tricky :)07:10
Evil_Whisperwhats the dev=3,0,0 part07:10
burning_bronxthere's a pretty thick manual on cdrecord07:10
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Partidoolus! I'm back :D07:10
pussfellerits taken years to get a decent gui to it07:11
burning_bronxEvil_Whisper, why don't you use a gui?07:11
burning_bronxeven I have troubles using cdrecord07:11
burning_bronxas pussfeller it's kinda tricky ;)07:11
burning_bronx*pussfeller said07:12
adam_hey, if anyone has any knowledge on fixing problems with extrernal firewire hard drives and wants to check out my pastebin it would be great! http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/607807:12
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rickestEvil_Whisper: you can always use k3b and while it's burning, do a 'ps -eo pid,cmd | grep cdrecord' to see what it's *really* doing07:12
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pussfelleryeah k3b is prob the best gui07:13
mz111Did anyone with an ATI card end up with a horizontal line the a follows the mouse, after installing the ati drivers?07:13
PartiYep. K3b is the best!07:13
Evil_Whisperrick could i just do a cdrecord -scanbus and then cdrecord -v dev=X,X,X img=dapper_flight2.iso?07:13
Sh4d0x"sit0      no wireless extensions.07:13
Sh4d0x" :s07:13
kottonOK who wants to kick me in the bum first. NVU listed in synaptic and installed immediately, shame on me07:13
rickestEvil_Whisper: I think the correct flag is -data when specifying the ISO07:13
adam_lol kotton07:13
mz111k3b rocked, until my burner died yesterday, now k3b is as useful as a rock07:13
adam_i really like nvu btw07:14
kottonbeen using it for several years under windows07:14
kottonwell since it came out07:14
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SAM_themanyo people07:15
SAM_theman i am getting an error in KDe07:15
SAM_themanmy sound an't working but in Gnome it works07:15
ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu+KDE, not a fork ; see http://kubuntu.org and you can go to #kubuntu for KDE-related help, or install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ; ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/breezy/07:15
adam_paulproteus|lapt , you still there?07:16
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PartiHey guys. I'm trying to resieze my partition. but GTParted and  Gparted keeps telling me that my NTFS paritition (WIndows Xp) is busy or Active07:16
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de wb07:16
Evil_WhisperYay burning flight 2 live CD right now =)07:16
PartiI've just put   sudo umount /media/windows/07:16
d4rksh4deSh4d0x, still xmms freezed and then it didnt even start, thanks07:16
Partiand, unmounted it.07:16
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PartiBut, it still tell me that it is active07:16
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adam_evil_whisper whats flight?07:17
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Sh4d0xd4rksh4de can you try to reinstall it?07:17
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d4rksh4deSh4d0x, ok, and do you know where can i set DNS address, so i dont have to specify it all the time i reboot?07:18
Evil_Whisperohh anyone here use opera in gnome?07:18
mz111Evil_Whisper: I have07:18
burning_bronxyour good mate bronx :P07:18
Evil_Whisperhow do you  make it not ugly?07:18
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burning_bronxusing sudo apt-get qt3-qtconfig07:18
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de uhu, just a sec, trying to translate menu's07:18
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burning_bronxthen when you install it launch qtconfig07:19
Evil_Whisperwich theme do you use in qt3 config?07:19
Evil_Whisperok, but when i do that the top menu bar doesn't blend :(07:19
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burning_bronxEvil_Whisper, what do you mean "Doesn't blend?"07:20
d4rksh4deSh4d0x, what language are you using :D?07:20
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de system > 2e menu like management (or something like it) > network    there you can set the dns07:20
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Sh4d0xd4rksh4de dutch :D but my english isn't that good :$:(07:20
Evil_Whisperthe top menu bar has a gradient in opera but when I install polymer its just a solid colour07:20
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d4rksh4deSh4d0x, well, i have estonian07:21
davidhello, I have one HD with Ubuntu and Windows XP. Now I want to format it all. Can I insert the Windows XP directly and format form there?07:21
ggellerhttps://launchpad.net/+login says " You are already logged in as George Geller."  But, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserPreferences won't let me login or edit any wiki page.  How do you get an account on wiki.ubuntu.com?07:21
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Sh4d0xd4rksh4de estonian? which country language is that? :$07:21
adam_Can someone please check out my pastebin and see if it tells you anything? I really cant figure out what is wrong with my external firewire hard drive. It completely crashes my comp every time i try and transfer a file from the external HD to my computer. It works fine the other way around however. And it only happens with large (+500MB or so) files. mutiple small files: no problem. can anyone offer any insight?07:21
ggellerdavid: Yes.  Or you can use something like Knoppix to clean off your hd.07:22
adam_oh, here is the url: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/607807:22
Evil_Whisperany clue how to fix that bronx?07:22
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d4rksh4deSh4d0x, yse, i set there dns but it just disappears when i reboot, estonia - estonian07:22
davidggeller: but with windows xp install cd is enough?07:22
Nomikosinstalling Ubuntu on a mac "aluminum" powerbook, booted from CD, but the installer says it can't find a device driver for the cdrom. help??07:22
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burning_bronxEvil_Whisper, O_O07:22
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de have to also tried to set a dns by properties of a connection?07:22
zokaOK people, univise and repositories are key to solve the problem07:22
ggellerdavid: Yes.07:23
burning_bronxI don't really think that's a problem07:23
zokawhy it is so hidden07:23
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davidggeller: ok. Thank you very much :)07:23
Nomikosdon't have a floppy with extra drivers (nor would it go into this machine..), am given the option to look through /dev, but..07:23
zokame, I am user of computers for at least 15 years07:23
d4rksh4deSh4d0x, is it written somewhere in file?07:23
Evil_Whisperburning_bronx, its not really a problem its just annoying. :(07:23
zokaI could not figure it out07:23
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d4rksh4deSh4d0x, i think when i edit that file it should work07:23
vinihey guys, quick question, i cant seem to find the right chmod tags to change the owner of a folder and all of the subfolders. can anyone help? thanks07:23
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de, what is written in a file?07:23
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d4rksh4deSh4d0x, DNS addresses07:24
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de, i'll check it out07:24
Evil_Whispercan you apt-get on a live CD?07:24
alphyI need Java and can't get it to work07:24
adam_is anyone reading what I am typing? I have tried to research my problem. I have tried forums... I have tried reformating my drive.. I really dont know what to do07:24
zokasudo chown <code> folder07:24
bluefrog-10vini, sudo chmod -R user file07:24
bluefrog-10vini, sudo chown -R user file07:24
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Sh4d0xd4rksh4de, hmm may you can fill in a location and set the dns to the location07:25
viniwill that change all the subfolders and subfiles too?07:25
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs07:25
ubotu[javadebs]  Sun Java debs (for i386), and IBM Java debs (for PPC) for breezy are at http://giannaros.org/buntu/breezy / To install these, open a terminal, cd to the directory you downloaded them to, and type sudo dpkg -i package.deb07:25
bluefrog-10vini, sudo chown -R user folder will do a recursive change07:25
soundrayadam_, checking now.07:25
adam_soundray thanks!07:26
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viniall set, thanks07:26
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soundrayadam_, what do you use as a copy command?07:27
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de, I have a dns server and domain, they never disappear, wouldn't know a solution to that problem :$07:27
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adam_i have just been dragging and dropping to the desktop, or to another folder07:27
alphyyeah, I can't get any of those to work for java07:27
=== tom3447653632 [n=tom111@user-5010.l6.c4.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Sh4d0xd4arksh4de have you tried reinstalling xmms?07:28
soundrayadam_, how much RAM do you have?07:28
d4rksh4deSh4d0x, i put there new location and then DNS, i rebooted and location name was there but DNS address dissapeared07:28
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tom3447653632some one tell me how to use linux i just got it today07:28
adam_soundray, is:  "sda: asking for cache data failed"  a problem?07:28
Dr_Willistom3447653632,  google.com  - search for 'linux tutorials'07:28
simonxwhat windowmanager do you advise me: i want to set up a desktop that nobody is able to change?07:28
Dr_Willissimonx,  to do what task exactly?07:29
soundrayadam_, it might be. Do you have a swap partition?07:29
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de hmm have you also filled in a domain? don't know if that could be the problem but you can try :)07:29
simonxthe shuld only do 3 things ... start open office a web browser and an email programm07:29
soundraysimonx, the keyword to search for is kiosk configuration. There is a KDE kiosk project.07:29
Dr_Willissimonx,  kde has some sort of koisk type features where you can lock down most everything.. not sure if gnome has similer feature.07:29
adam_soundray, when i installed ubutu, it created a swap on my internal hard drive... if that is what you are asking.07:29
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Dr_Willissimonx,  or just set up icewm with 3 icons in the menus.07:30
tom3447653632who the hell is kde because hs on my msn messenger07:30
simonxthanks a lot!07:30
soundrayadam_, yes. So you followed the default -- that's fine.07:30
vodnikXicillin so it says something like (hd0,6) <newline>local filesystem unknow, partition type 82 <new line> /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.12-10-386 root=/dev/hda7 ro vga=771 single <new line> failed to mount local partition ... and then it goes to grub again07:30
d4rksh4deSh4d0x, and also when i rebooted ubuntu froze07:30
soundrayadam_, can we try and copy your file via a terminal command?07:30
tom3447653632bleh die u linux geeks07:31
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Sh4d0xd4rksh4de o_O07:31
Dr_Willis'the care and feeding of trolls'07:31
tom3447653632O o07:31
tom3447653632time for smokeperhaps?07:31
adam_soundray, sure, i will give it a shot. would you mind giving me an example of a command I would use?07:31
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de, i really start thinking something is wrong with your sources07:31
d4rksh4deSh4d0x, ok, i try to reboot again07:32
burning_bronxsomeone must right an article called "10 reasons not to feed the trolls"07:32
Nomikosanyone tell me about cdrom drivers during install?07:32
=== quirky [n=rich@120.Red-83-40-153.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de, ok07:32
vodnikpartition magic says that partition type is 83, so i changed the first line to "root (hda0,5) - 5 stands for local filesystem ext2fs, partiton type 83, then it goes to ubuntu booting screen, but when it comes to mounting local filesystems, it fails again (and i get to a command line with about 50 commands with no disks mount:-/)07:32
tom3447653632i love windows07:33
tom3447653632better than linux07:33
soundrayadam_, the simplest is "cp /sourcedir/file /targetdir/". If that causes the same trouble, you could try "cat /sourcedir/file >/targetdir/file".07:33
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soundrayadam_, one minute...07:33
navaronevodnik...do you get error message about missing os?07:33
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vodniknavarone: no, it just fails to mount:-/07:34
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soundrayadam_, this is on the assumption that some RAM or cache problem is causing the crash.07:34
adam_i see07:35
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navaronevodnik...ok...was thinking maybe you made wrong partition/drive bootable while in PM. I did that once ina  partition manager...lol07:35
Sh4d0xcan someone help me? i'm following the wikipages of wifi ndiswrapper but i get stuck at #407:35
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adam_things work fine when its only small files. also, things work find on other comps (mac and windows)07:35
vodnikcould be the problem in the fact that hda7 is not first logical partition on local harddrive? I heve got hda6 (ext3 as well) withh some data on it07:36
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navaronevodnik are you dual booting?07:36
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adam_soundray, so i will try that command, but i dont know where the source of the file on the external hd would be..07:36
vodniknavarone:yes, i booted to windows right now07:36
levanderIsn't there a way to use google to search for pages that link to other pages?07:36
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levanderI mean search for pages that link to a specified page?07:37
vodniknavarone i was in working ubuntu an hour ago, then i updated to new kernel and i cannot boot anymore:-(07:37
soundrayadam_, if it's mounted automatically, it should be under /media . Are you familiar with command line operations at all?07:37
=== Evil_Whisper [n=ubuntu@71-10-45-100.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Evil_Whisperwoo hoo07:37
Evil_WhisperI'm using dapper's liveCD now :-P07:37
Evil_Whisperits awsome07:37
navaronevodnik I and anyone else would have to see error messages to get better idea. Any chance of getting screenshot or copying error?07:37
Evil_Whispera little slow cause it runs off my DVD drive but =S07:37
Nomikosis it possible to use the Live CD as an install CD?07:38
Sh4d0xEvil_Whisper how how how santa shadox is here :D07:38
manverulevander: it's not hard07:38
adam_soundray, not too much. just started learning about linux in general...07:38
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Nomikoscan't get the regular install CD to find it's own cdrom :-/07:38
rickestlevander: http://www.googleguide.com/advanced_operators_reference.html   see 'link:'07:38
manverulevander: just type the link into google and hit the search-pages-that-link-to link07:38
navaronevodnik are you using breezy?07:38
Evil_WhisperWhen i boot back into breezy I'll give you a link Sh4d0x07:38
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eruinNomikos, I think you can boot the livecd and install the ubuntu-express package to do that07:38
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Nomikoseruin: thanks, will try that then07:39
levanderokay, thanks manveru and rickest07:39
Sh4d0xEvil_Whisper ok :D o_O you are not in ubuntu right now?? shame on you :P07:39
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vodniknavarone i am using breezy and i could copy error messages with hand (do not have my digital camera here:-()07:39
soundrayadam_, then you will know that you can change into a directory with 'cd somewhere' and view the contents of that dir. with 'ls'07:39
Evil_WhisperI'm in dapper right now sh4d0x =P07:39
eruinme too.. although I have it installed proper :)07:39
Sh4d0xEvil_Whisper o_O has changed a lot?07:39
Evil_WhisperIts faster :P07:39
ian_Was just wondering who paid for the production and distribution of the Ubuntu CD I have just installed?07:40
Sh4d0xin booting?07:40
Evil_WhisperYeah and in gnome too07:40
Sh4d0xor general?07:40
ian_coz they sent it me for nout07:40
navaronevodnik which arch and kernel?07:40
adam_mark shuttlesworth i think?07:40
ian_who's he?07:40
Evil_Whispermetacity is quite snappy now too07:40
adam_a badass07:40
Sh4d0xcus breezy take 5 minutes to boot (configuring network...... take about 3 minutes)07:40
Sh4d0xo_O  would you please stop making me jalouse :P ;)07:41
adam_soundray, should i just try that cat command first?07:41
eruinian_, in essence our beloved mark shuttleworth ;)07:41
Evil_Whisperlol :p its just the liveCD07:41
soundrayadam_, using an example from here, I can do 'cd /media', then 'ls' shows me that I have a 'cdrom0' directory there. So I do 'cd cdrom0', then another ls shows me what's in the CD root dir.07:41
Evil_WhisperIts probably even faster on the real install07:41
soundrayadam_, following that principle, you can find out what's where.07:41
burning_bronxI am running dapper as desktop07:41
eruinian_, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Shuttleworth07:41
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burning_bronxperformance-wise it is not a drake07:41
Evil_WhisperI like how metacity is now07:41
burning_bronxit's a Dragon07:41
Sh4d0xnice!! i'm really glad being a ubuntu user07:41
burning_bronxanyway I don't really use metacity07:42
burning_bronxI use xfwm4 as windowmanager07:42
ian_thanks i'll check that address out07:42
soundrayadam_, also check out the 'mount' command to see which mount point (directory) has been assigned to your fw drive.07:42
Evil_WhisperIn Gnome?07:42
Sh4d0xme neither, but it's promissing :D07:42
burning_bronxEvil_Whisper, yeah07:42
vodniknavarone: kernel 2.6.12-10-386, architecture 686 (pentium mobile)07:42
eruinSh4d0x, you can press ctrl+c to skip configuring network07:42
burning_bronxyou can use any window manager in gnome07:42
soundrayadam_, yes, why not cat first.07:42
Evil_WhisperI want a new WM07:42
Sh4d0xeruin while booting?07:42
eruinSh4d0x, yes07:42
soundrayadam_, beware: it will overwrite the target file without asking, if one exists.07:42
burning_bronxit's juggest openbox or xfwm407:42
Evil_WhisperI was using openbox but the gnome panel wouldnt hide when playing Half-Life07:42
Sh4d0xeruin o_O didn't know :$:$07:42
eruinEvil_Whisper, do you really need one? ;)07:42
vodnikhttp://pastebin.com/476803 - this is my menu file for grub07:42
adam_soundray, i will give it a shot. if i leave, its cause i crashed07:42
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Evil_WhisperYeah I don't really like metacity on breezy07:43
navaronevodnik perhaps try booting another kernel version in grub boot07:43
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soundrayadam_, if I leave, it's because I'm hungry :)07:43
Sh4d0xEvil_Whisper do you play rpg's? which one, maybe i'll see you soon at a server :D07:43
burning_bronxEvil_Whisper, you used gnome-panel on openbox or openbox on gnome07:43
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eruinEvil_Whisper, but what does it lack that another WM can give you? :)07:43
Evil_WhisperOpenbox on gnome07:43
soundrayadam_, I'm sure you'll find more help if needed.07:43
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adam_soundray, thanks for the help and giving me a place to start07:44
vodniknavarone:i tried all four i have:-(07:44
Evil_WhisperEruin the only thing that I don't like about metacity is the memory useage and the crappy black stuff it draws on your screen07:44
Coldwinterhey anyone know why i cant play mp3 with amarok?07:44
d4rksh4deSh4d0x, lol i better upgrade my system07:44
burning_bronxEvil_Whisper, I am using xfwm407:44
burning_bronxit's better in performance07:44
Evil_Whisper@Sh4d0x I'm currently looking for a free MMORPG with linux client =P07:44
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de which version are you using?07:44
Evil_WhisperWhere you get your themes bronx?07:44
d4rksh4deSh4d0x, 5.0407:44
Sh4d0xEvil_Whisper me too07:45
sbartleylinuxI am trying to get a new IBM T43 laptop to work with both the laptop LCD and an external LCD monitor using Breezy.  Anyone with experience configuring xorg this way?07:45
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Evil_Whisperhow do I install em? lol07:45
Sh4d0xd4rksh4da aaaah, tought so :) don't need to upgrade your system07:45
burning_bronxthrough the xfwm themes manager?07:45
d4rksh4deSh4d0x, upgrading already...07:45
navaronevodnik...it does seem odd that /dev in menu says hda7 and not 6 but that maybe perfectly normal depending on how many partitions are on your drive07:45
Evil_Whisperlol maybe thats why I couldnt do it?07:45
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de, how many upgrades?07:46
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Sh4d0xd4rksh4de i did the same mistake, i had about 451 upgrades07:46
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d4rksh4deSh4d0x, some kind of base system which is over 50MB + over 100 updates07:46
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Evil_WhisperBronx what theme are you using? =P07:47
burning_bronxforgot it's name o_O;07:47
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burning_bronxlemme check07:47
ossieHi everyone07:47
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Sh4d0xd4rksh4de i had to download 800 mb upgrades, but i preferd downloading 5.1 and reinstalled it07:47
ossieim looking for a bit of help with my parrallel port not working on ubuntu07:47
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Sh4d0xEvil_Whisper, do you play WoW?07:47
burning_bronxEvil_Whisper, seems to be one of the official ones - Symphony07:47
burning_bronxit's quite smooth o_O;07:48
vodniknavarone i got hda6 partition with data, hda5 is not there though07:48
Evil_Whisperah ok :-P07:48
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Evil_WhisperI haven't tried WoW yet Sh4d0x07:48
navaronevodnik...all your kernels are booting drives ro...that maybe the prob...>?<07:48
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Sh4d0xEvil_Whisper o_O omg!! :-P07:48
Evil_Whisperis there a free trial first Sh4d0x?07:49
Sh4d0xEvil_Whisper, lineage?07:49
vodnikyes, i know what ro means;-), i might change it, did not try it, woul just deleting be enough or should i put there rw?07:49
Dr_WillisWoW is good in ways.. and dang annoying in others. :p07:49
Evil_WhisperNever heard of Lineage =P07:49
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humegot an apt problem: running apt-get remove libslp1 gives me error msg: debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process07:49
Sh4d0xEvil_Whisper, i play on hacked servers with a copy (a) :D07:49
humeanyone have advice on this?07:49
burning_bronxpeople you're going off topic07:49
burning_bronxthis is a support chan07:49
Evil_Whispersorry lol :p07:49
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eruinEvil_Whisper, metacity currently takes 1.5% of my memory07:50
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ossiehi guys, anyone have any advice to get my parrallel port working?07:50
eruinthat's not exactly alot ;)07:50
navaronehume do you have synaptic open as well as apt in terminal?07:50
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de, can you check your sources see if got them for hoary in stead of breezy07:50
sbartleylinuxMy xorg.conf is here:http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/607907:50
Nomikosmeh, LiveCD won't boot either :-/ anyone ideas? how trick is the 'expert' install?07:50
sbartleylinuxIf anyone can help with configuration I would appreciate it.07:50
Sh4d0xEvil_Whisper, :D anyway it's totale fun :D07:50
humenavarone: nope, just apt. and commands as apt-get update etc works fine07:50
d4rksh4deSh4d0x, how?07:50
cmatheson!tell sbartleylinux about anyone07:51
stratovariusguys how can I solve this problem with kguitar? kguitar: cannot create MIDI Scheduler07:51
stratovariuskguitar: ERROR opening MIDI device / Music can't be played07:51
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Sh4d0xd4rksh4de type " sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list " in a terminal07:51
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Sh4d0xd4rksh4de replace them by *searching link07:52
Evil_Whisperwow the sound quality sounds better in dapper to me :S07:52
navaronehume perhaps whatever you are trying to remove is in use07:52
d4rksh4deSh4d0x, everywhere horay07:52
sbartleylinuxcmatheson, I already asked the question above. > I am trying to get a new IBM T43 laptop to work with both the laptop LCD and an external LCD monitor using Breezy.  Anyone with experience configuring xorg this way?07:52
Evil_WhisperI wish dapper was stable :P07:53
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de good, now check if multiverse is enabled in your sources07:53
eruinit's stable for me :)07:53
humesbartleylinux: i have used several thinkpads with both LCD and external, without any configuration of xorg...just pluggin it in...07:53
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Sh4d0xEvil, isn't it stable yet?07:53
Evil_WhisperI dist-upgraded a few days ago and totally toasted my breezy install :(07:53
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eruinSh4d0x, it's not supposed to be for months07:54
sbartleylinuxhume, hmmm.  Thought so too when I reviewed the ubuntu T43 it seemed that it should just work.07:54
rockinchadowhat do you put to add internet repositories to synaptic?07:54
d4rksh4deSh4d0x, universe?07:54
Sh4d0xEvil_Whisper ({)07:54
Evil_WhisperApril is when it's going to be stable07:54
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eruinEvil_Whisper, yeah, sometimes you do that in the middle of a huge transition (like dbus 0.6) - not fun ;)07:54
ossiehi guys anyone have a list of new WORKING repositorys, the ones i got of howto are out of date07:54
sbartleylinuxhume, did not however.  Fn-F7 did nothing.07:54
Evil_WhisperYeah, Although it did teach me to make /home a seperate partition :-)07:54
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de, after universe should stand " multiverse "07:54
sbartleylinuxI have been able to get the screens mirrored by modifying the xorg.conf as my post above shows but it is not working very well.07:55
humesbartleylinux: i found that if i plug the external monitor in before booting, the buttons for swithching display wont work, the external is on all the time, but if I boot first and then plug in, the buttons work nicely07:55
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SourcesList?highlight=%28sources%2907:55
eruinEvil_Whisper, welcome to that club :D07:55
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humesbartleylinux: but you might need the tpb-package....07:55
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d4rksh4deSh4d0x, i have lines like this "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary universe"07:55
Evil_Whisperwow why is firefox in breezy so slow lol :S07:55
freeniknutze ubuntu...will aber mal n sprung zu kubuntu machen - gehts das von ubuntu auf die schnelle? tipps? urls?07:55
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sbartleylinuxwell, the other fn keys work and I guess you experience may be the issue.  I have had the external plugged in when booting.07:55
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de there you find the correct sources, better you replace them (watch you copy hoary sources)07:56
sbartleylinuxI guess I will try it with the external disconnected and boot up then connect it.07:56
d4rksh4deSh4d0x, ok07:56
humesbartleylinux: okej...try the other way...good luck, gotta go....great laptops those thinkpads..:)07:56
Evil_WhisperI hope dapper's firefox gets backported soon :p07:56
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de :)07:56
Sh4d0xEvil_Whisper which version of ff is used in dapper?07:57
eruinfreenik, I'd suggest going to #ubuntu-de07:57
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Evil_WhisperDeer Park 1.507:57
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Nomikosok.. install CD, what device driver can i use to mount the CD rom?07:57
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Evil_Whisperits faster then the mozilla.com 1.5 :S07:57
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Sh4d0xEvil_Whisper niceeee :D no replacement anymore needed07:57
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ajuliuscan someone help me understand what netstat means07:58
Evil_WhisperYeah, Wow dapper is awsome at managing memory! :S07:58
burning_bronxDeer Park = lightweight07:58
ajuliusin one of the logs it says this:07:58
ajuliustcp        0      1 207-38-195-55.c3-:42213 gorr.state.ny.us:www    FIN_WAIT107:58
ossieguys what is location of sources.list again please???07:58
Evil_WhisperBronx is there some way to get deer park in Breezy?07:58
ajuliussend-q says 107:58
ajuliusand it says fin_wait107:58
eruinossie, /etc/apt/07:58
ajuliusso what does this tell me?07:58
burning_bronxEvil_Whisper, besides compiling from code?07:58
Evil_Whisperwell if thats what it takes :p I'm up to the challenge07:59
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de don't forget to save the file before closing ;)07:59
eruinEvil_Whisper, download a binary off mozilla.org I suppose07:59
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d4rksh4deSh4d0x, done, just waiting for the update07:59
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Evil_WhisperWhere would I find that?07:59
pashawajulius,  FIN_WAIT107:59
pashaw   The socket is closed, and the connection is shutting down.07:59
d4rksh4deSh4d0x, 4 mins...07:59
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de ok, if upgrades are ready, also do a update because you changed your sources08:00
ajuliuspashaw it means there was an open socket initially?08:00
Evil_Whisperwow deer park = 40mb ram firefox 1.0.7 (breezy) = 120mb08:00
eruinEvil_Whisper, http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/ :p08:00
pashawajulius,   use man netstat     then search  by hitting /<text>  enter08:00
Evil_Whisperthanks eruin08:00
ajuliuspashaw:  All the ports were closed........ so how could someone get thru since i never connected to that site08:00
burning_bronxEvil_Whisper, actually Deer Park is the project name08:01
burning_bronxFirefox RC3 is Deer Park08:01
Amaranthif ubuntu wanted to ship mp3 ship out-of-the-box from fluendo they'd have to drop rhythmbox and switch to banshee08:01
burning_bronx(I think)08:01
Amaranthand mono won't fit on the CD :/08:01
Evil_WhisperIts better then final tho :o08:01
burning_bronxEvil_Whisper, in the changelog it sais the final has no code changes since RC308:02
burning_bronxwicked huh?08:02
eruinAmaranth, I'd love that08:02
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de i'm for a moment at the kitching looking for a mjammie :D brb08:02
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Amarantheruin: Me too, but it isn't possible.08:02
eruinAmaranth, let's drop xscreensaver-glx and friends ;)08:02
Evil_WhisperI don't understand how its faster and takes less memory then?08:02
burning_bronxEvil_Whisper, maybe it's because of the gnome-support packages for firefox08:02
Amarantheruin: ha08:02
navaroneanjulius is your isp rcn.com?08:02
Evil_WhisperHow could you remove thoes?08:03
Amarantheruin: I think if they compress some things with LZMA (7zip) it _might_ fit.08:03
d4rksh4deSh4d0x, ok08:03
pashawajulius,   did you have a reason for finding this netstat  entry or just learning08:03
burning_bronxEvil_Whisper, you wouldn't want to remove them - you would want to add them08:03
burning_bronxthey are dapper only tho08:03
ajuliuspashaw:  just learning08:04
eruinAmaranth, yeah, I noticed that discussion... didn't seem very conclusive on the actual gains though08:04
Evil_WhisperOh yeah isn't the engine seperate in Dapper?08:04
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pashawajulius,  is your computer behind a firewall?08:04
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navaroneif it's your isp it could just be your connection to network/internet08:04
ajuliuspashaw:  Its weird that an ip address showed up that i never ever used before08:04
ajuliuspashaw:  No....... ubuntu is supposed to come with all ports closed08:04
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pashawajulius,  you werent hacked08:04
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burning_bronxEvil_Whisper, not yet but firefox now has firefox support08:05
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stratovariusdoes anyone here use kguitar?08:05
pashawajulius,   likely a page you were on pulled something off that site  which your browser did08:05
burning_bronxI mean firefox had gnome support08:05
Evil_Whisperoh thats awsome08:05
ajuliusno it didnt08:05
mdmeisbergeranyone have a link to a website on how to install things in general? I'm in the process from leaving windows but can't figure out this install thing yet.08:05
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burning_bronxmdmeisberger, what do you want to install?08:06
pashawajulius,   netstat  is just a tool reporting current connections to and from your machine    dont panic08:06
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eruinmdmeisberger, generally you just use the "synaptic" package manager to install things08:06
mdmeisbergerright now firefox 1.5 but i've tried multiple things08:06
khermans_Anyone know how to add SOAP to a PDF file so that when the PDF is opened it will connect to my webserver?08:06
burning_bronxEvil_Whisper, that package integrates mostly handlers as far as I know but it could have more stuff08:06
GMachine_24Can someone direct me to a good 'howto' for backing up my entire system please?08:06
navaroneanjulius was a tcp connection probably a browser connection closing08:06
burning_bronxmdmeisberger, if you're using breezy it won't be that easy08:06
burning_bronxyou can read here08:07
ubotuYou can update to firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion08:07
eruinmdmeisberger, yeah, ff1.5 won't be coming to breezy. you could just download ff1.5 from mozilla.com and unzip it to your home dir08:07
burning_bronxthat works too08:07
mdmeisbergerhow do I run the synaptic manager as root?08:07
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burning_bronxmdmeisberger, it runs with gksudo by default08:07
levanderThere is a way to have dpkg tell you what package is requiring a specified package?  Or, what package recommends a specified package?08:08
eruinmdmeisberger, it should be in the System  menu08:08
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jennhican anyone please help me play a dvd that says it's encrypted or faulty? I'm able to play some dvds but not others. Thanks!08:08
ubotuDVD playing is possible in ubuntu, some DVDs may require libdvdcss2, which is available at http://giannaros.org/buntu/breezy08:08
pashawlevander,   apt-cache show <name>    read the details08:08
Neihello, I want to have /boot umounted by default, is there an easy way to teach the ubuntu scripts like installing new kernel/removing old kernel that they should mount it?08:08
khermans_GMachine_24, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BackupYourSystem?highlight=%28backup%2908:09
levanderpashaw: I have the package that would be required by another package, not the package that does the requiring.08:09
GMachine_24khermans: thanks.08:09
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navaroneNei it is [possible to remove kernels in synaptic with out scripts08:09
pashawlevander,   huh?08:09
Neinavarone, the problem is that obviously things go wrong when /boot isn't mounted08:10
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levanderpashaw: do you know a lot about all the apt commands?08:10
pashawlevander,   how did you know to select that package?   or what were you adding that requested it08:10
Evil_WhisperAlright i'm going to boot back into breezy before I get too addicted (SP?) to Dapper =P08:10
pashawlevander,   used debain alot08:10
levanderpashaw: i can explain to you, but it's a waste of time if you don't know a lot about the apt commands08:10
navaroneNei obviously so why a script to unmount it?08:10
levanderpashaw: that doesn't answer the question08:10
khermans_levander, man aptitude08:10
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Sh4d0xd4rksh4de b08:11
s3phirothhi. is there a way to change gnome's default music player ? the only way i found till now trough some googling was to redefine /usr/bin/rhythmbox to a symlink...08:11
sbartleylinuxOk, so, I am trying to get a new T43 laptop to display to both the laptop lcd and an external lcd using Breezy.  If I boot the laptop with the external monitor disconnected, the laptop lcd comes up great at 1400x1050.  I then connect the external lcd.  It comes on but the screen is missing the top application bar and about a menu bar width along the left side.08:11
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Sh4d0xhi nalioth08:11
sbartleylinuxThe f7 key does not appear to do anything.08:11
naliothSh4d0x: howdy08:11
eruins3phiroth, rightclick -> properties on a file08:11
Ribssbartleylinux: Can't you just resize the screen in the monitor?08:11
naliothhowdy all08:11
navarones3phiroth, go to folder with mp3 files and right click...open with and chose your fav player08:11
eruins3phiroth, then go to the open with tab and switch to your preferred player08:12
d4rksh4deSh4d0x, updated08:12
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Neinavarone, I don't want boot to be mounted08:12
sbartleylinuxRibs, I do not see a method to tell screensize which monitor to size for.08:12
s3phirothbut that won't change the default music player for the "Launch music player" shortcut08:12
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de both done? upgraded and updated?08:12
Corrupteris there any way to turn off the preview option when you put your mouse over a song?08:12
Ribssbartleylinux: I mean on the monitor itself08:12
sbartleylinuxRibs, ah.08:12
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navarones3phiroth, you can use System/Pref/Multimedia selector08:12
levanderkhermans_: thanks, but i didn't see it in the aptitude man page08:12
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jennhihi, Ubotu.  I just installed libdvdcss2 from the link you provided and still cannot play this dvd. It says the dvd is encrypted or faulty, but I know it will play in other players, and this player can play other dvds. Any recommendations?08:13
khermans_levander, what are you looking for specifically?08:13
d4rksh4deSh4d0x, well, update manager says im up to date08:13
Neinavarone, because it is unnecessary08:13
s3phirothnavarone: no i can't. that's only good for changing the sound server.08:13
sbartleylinuxRibs, no.  I have no size control, only position control and an auto feature on this lcd.  It is a newer CTX 17" LCD08:13
mdmeisbergerdoes anyone have a pereferred progamming lanugage for writing cross platform programs?08:13
Sh4d0x* now reinstal xmms08:13
levanderkhermans: I've got a package I'm trying to figure out how it got installed on my system.  I assume it was "required" by another package.  I'm trying to figure out what package that I installed required the package I'm investigating.08:14
sbartleylinuxRibs, the auto resize is apparently how it ends up with the menu's off the screen.08:14
pashawkhermans_,   this is levanders quote:   I have the package that would be required by another package, not the package that does the requiring.08:14
Corrupteris there any way to turn off the preview option when you put your mouse over a song?08:14
d4rksh4deSh4d0x, still same08:14
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d4rksh4deSh4d0x, window froze08:14
sbartleylinuxIf I boot the laptop with the external monitor attached, I get the external monitor but the laptop screen goes black once X starts.  The external monitor is then at the correct size but then I have no image on the laptop lcd.08:15
Sh4d0xd4rksh4de hmm ok, let's try to remove it08:15
pashawlevander,  ok that make more sense      what package?08:15
khermans_levander, well get the original package! or compoile from source!08:15
levanderpashaw: mpg32108:15
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Sh4d0xd4rksh4de, or maybe a reboot after your updates, (but guess that won't help neiter)08:15
sbartleylinuxAnd since the F7 does not do anything, I have no easy way to switch from external back to the laptop if I need to pick the laptop up and go anywhere.08:15
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ekraBonjour !08:16
d4rksh4deSh4d0x, ok i ll reboot, but first i try to find the file where DNS addresses are stored08:16
Sh4d0xekra, bonsoir08:16
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Sh4d0xd4rksh4de i'm affraid i can't help you with that :$08:17
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M3G4hey guys08:17
Corrupteris there any way to turn off the preview option when you put your mouse over a song?08:17
ekraexcusez-moi de vous dranger mais o pourrai-je trouver une aide gnrale (comme pour l'installation des packetage) pour dbutants, s'il vous plat08:17
navaronesbartley you'd be ebs tto paste your xorg.conf on pastebin for folks to look at08:17
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navaroneekra #ubuntu-fr08:18
M3G4can anyone help me with graphics drivers?08:18
Sh4d0xekra www.ubuntuguide.org08:18
jennhiHi guys. I just installed libdvdcss2 and still cannot play this dvd. It says the dvd is encrypted or faulty, but I know it will play in other players, and this player can play other dvds. Any recommendations?08:18
ekra:) merci08:18
Sh4d0xekra bsoir :)08:18
Zdrahi ! where can I download an ISO to install dapper with the new ubuntu-express install system ? Or is it still in a too early stage of developpement ?08:19
jennhigeece :)08:19
Sh4d0xserious, are here girls??08:19
M3G4I need some help with this PC08:19
TooEarlymm not sure? lol doubt any understand linux :p08:19
jennhiyes, girls occasionally use computers08:19
naliothSh4d0x: please don't advise ubuntuguide, advise help.ubuntu.com instead (ubuntuguide is out of date and breaks things)08:19
M3G4I've posted on the forum, but the replies are too damn slow08:19
khermans_i am a girl!08:19
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naliothSh4d0x: general chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please, this is a help channel08:19
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DarkManhello all08:19
Sh4d0xnalioth sry, didn't know i allways use it :$08:20
khermans_Sh4d0x, yeah ubuntuguide.org should be taken down08:20
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khermans_Evil_Whisper, ?08:20
Evil_Whisperdapper's liveCD borked my Xorg on Breezy lol08:20
DarkManannyone  can me  what  ubuntu 5.10  needs  for  processor and  hd and  mem?08:20
khermans_of course08:20
Sh4d0xnalioth, but i'll keep it in mind, thank you :)08:20
Corrupteris there any way to turn off the preview option when you put your mouse over a song?08:20
M3G4this machine is so damn slow, it's an AMD Duron 1GHz, I've installed the linux kernel, but I have no clue how to install graphics drivers, or even where to get them for my ProSavage integrated Gfx08:20
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TooEarlyi'm having a problem installing my rt2500 drivers - i have a linksys wireless and the drivers aren't in synaptic, is there any possible way to import the drivers to synapic so i can install it?08:20
M3G4can anyone help?08:20
khermans_dark, i have run it on as little as 233 mhx and 64 MB08:20
Evil_WhisperI ran sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but I have no clue if i answered stuff right08:21
Evil_Whisperand gdm wont start now lol08:21
naliothTooEarly: have you followed the rt2500 wiki article?08:21
DarkManand khermans, does  it runs  good ??08:21
Evil_WhisperI thought liveCD's didn't effect full installs?08:21
khermans_DarkMan, yeah it runs "fine"08:21
Evil_Whisperit chrooted :(08:21
M3G4can ANYONE HELP!? :P08:21
M3G4i'll like...whore myself or something08:22
naliothM3G4: caps wont get you help08:22
naliothubotu: tell M3G4 about xcfg08:22
TooEarlynalioth: yes i took a look at that08:22
naliothM3G4: use the VESA driver when you run the above command08:22
jennhianyone who knows anything about playing stubborn dvds?08:22
khermans_jennhi, yes08:22
M3G4nalioth: how do i run that driver?08:23
naliothTooEarly: the source for the module is linked from that article08:23
M3G4i know next to nothing about linux08:23
DarkManoke  tnx ,  i  was  wundering ,  because  i  try to install  it on a  amd 400 mhz  with 168  mb  mem  , and 3,2  gig  hd ,, butt i always  get  error ,08:23
naliothM3G4: you read what ubotu sent you and choose the VESA driver08:23
Sh4d0xjennhi, no i allways watch .avi :D08:23
ubotu[xorg]  to reconfigure your xserver, open a terminal and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"08:23
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kyncanijennhi: works fine here08:24
TooEarlynalioth: where is the one you are talking about located?08:24
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naliothhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Rt2500WirelessCardsHowTo       <<<<< TooEarly08:24
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Sh4d0xnalioth if you have some time, can you help me configuring my wifi? cus i'm following the wiki page but i get stuck at #4 :$08:25
DarkManare  there  more  users  with  a  low system who  use  ubuntu 5.10 ??08:25
lowman62hey room08:25
TooEarlyyeah i checked that out, and it says drivers aren't installed and i install other drivers but it says they are depended on others so i just keep going and i eventually got to one that depended on another and just stopped08:25
ubuntuneed assistance on my ubuntu install in my laptop08:25
Sh4d0xDarkMan, low system? depends how low :D08:25
d4rksh4deanyone knows the file location where network settings are stored?08:25
DonVincenzoHi, I would like to know if some software exist to create a presentation with a background music. With OO I am just able to play a sound for a slide transition.08:25
ubuntuanyone who have an idea how to fix, laptop does not reboot08:25
DarkMani use  a  400 mhz  at the moment  , but it doesen't work08:25
lowman62what make of laptop is it?08:26
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ubuntuafter clicking log out>reboot>, it does not reboot08:26
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ubuntulowman, its a satellite a1008:26
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Sh4d0xDarkMan, hmm i'm at 1,4 ghz, everything runs fine on my ibm :)08:27
pashawDarkMan, im using a 500 laptop right now08:27
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lowman62that is what i have and it installed just fine08:27
M3G4nalioth, do i reboot the machine now?08:27
jennhi:( no recommendations for being able to read an alternate dvd encryption? (it says faulty or encrypted -- and I know it's not faulty)08:27
naliothM3G4: nope. just log out and back in08:27
lowman62toshiba satellite a1008:27
ubuntulowman, it still dual boot with the bundled winxp08:27
M3G4i don't get why it was so slow, it looks like it already knew that i had a prosavage chip?08:27
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lowman62that is why...i turfed the winxp08:28
Sh4d0xjennhu i would like to help you, but i can't cus i'm not even using it :(08:28
xClayGone of my machines will not accept connection from my local machine, but ssh'ing from another remote system works08:28
xClayGany ideas?08:28
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M3G4nalioth, is there anything else that could be slowing the machine down apart from gfx? i've installed the linux kernal, and done what you said. i'm about to log out, but what if it doesn't work and the PC is still slow?08:28
jennhisokay, Sh4dox.08:28
ubuntulowman, any ideas how to fix it? is it because of winxp?08:29
DarkManwhat  spaces  does 5.10 needs  on a  hd  when it is  installed  , 3,2  is  that  enough ??08:29
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ossieanyone got a list of upto date repositorys with dvd mp3 everything ??/ please08:29
Sh4d0xjennhi, have tried to play with vlc? cus it can handle a lot :)08:29
rockinchadoum i have rt2500 usb wireless and it doesn't show up in the networking thing            any suggestions?08:29
DarkMandepends  on what and how many  package  will be  installed , i mean  just a  basic  install ?08:29
lowman62ubuntu: I had to buy windows xp pro and set it up to dual boot the bundle recovery ware xp is proprietary and wants to own your laptop exclusively08:29
naliothM3G4: what kind of PC was it again? (the hardware?)08:30
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pashawDarkMan,  clean install  im using about 2G even08:30
ubuntuyeah i know that, i let ubuntu resize the ntfs of winxp and it was fine08:30
M3G4nalioth, AMD Duron 1GHz, 192MB RAM (8MB shared to GFX), O/B Sound, Netgear 10/100 LAN card, Seagate 40GB HDD, 24x CDROM08:30
ubotunvidia is, like, totally, at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5736808:30
lowman62ubuntu: uh huh not necessarily xp just that toshiba bundleware backup version of xp08:30
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jennhiSh4d0x, giving it a try now08:31
pashawDarkMan,   but add the swap file   so 2.5G08:31
ubuntuthe problem is with reboot, maybe its because of the kernel?08:31
Octanei have kubuntu and i want to start the transition of dual booting with windows... whats the best way to do that?08:31
ossieanyone got a list of upto date repositorys with dvd mp3 everything ??/ please08:31
DarkMantnx  pashaw, so  my  3,2  gig  hd  will be  to small ??08:31
Octanecreate another partition obviously right08:31
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ubuntui have 2.6.12 on breezy08:31
Sh4d0xjennhi oki, hope it works with you08:31
TooEarlynalioth: hey could you help rockinchado, he's the one i was tryna help -- so that's the actual problem he has atm08:31
lowman62did you have it working before ?08:31
pashawDarkMan,   it would work for now  until you get install happy  :P08:31
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ubuntunope, someone told me of apending reboot=h in my grub menu.lst08:32
pashawDarkMan,  my home system has the bells and whisles and uses like 45G08:32
ubuntubut did'nt worked08:32
pashawerrr   * 4.5G08:32
Deterministis there a way to run nautilus with root permissions (gksudo) but have it use the preferences i have under my user instead of the root prefferences?08:32
jennhish4d0x, so I "open disc" and then what do I do?08:32
DarkMani have  it  installed  on my own  system , but i want to have  it on a  second  system , amd 400 mhz  , 168 mb mem , 3,2  hd  , vcard 128 mb ,  but it doesen't work  :(08:32
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lowman62ubuntu: hrmm i think you are having the same proprietary issue i was having but if you ever figure it out let me know. I sure would like to know the fix for that one08:33
Sh4d0xjennhi load the file you want to play08:33
jennhiit's a disc08:33
jennhiif I hit "okay" after the dialog, nothing shows up08:33
pashawDarkMan,   doesnt work is a bit vague....     doesnt boot,   you get errors?08:33
ubuntuok, thanks lowman08:33
jennhiif I hit "play" after that, nothing happens.08:33
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Sh4d0xjennhi, euhm try file open, wait i'll my vlc for exact instructions08:34
lowman62ubuntu: I have since bought another computer and put windows xp back on that laptop and put ubuntu on the new computer.08:34
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DarkManinstall  stoppes  at  processing  basic procedure08:34
Sh4d0xjennhi, file > open file > *select file08:34
lowman62yw ubuntu sorry i was not any help at all :(08:34
pashawDarkMan,   what boot: options did you use08:34
DarkManand  sometimes when i retry  it gives  me  a  message  panic in kernel08:35
jennhish4dox, that's great for video files, but how do I play a dvd?08:35
ubuntumaybe this has something to do with the BIOS of satellite a10 and the kernel08:35
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jennhiyou can't just browse a dvd -- the raw files aren't playable.08:35
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jennhiand because of this encryption thing, I can't rip the dvd, either.08:35
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pashawDarkMan,   try this->   boot: linux acpi=off08:36
DarkManwhen i try  the live cd  i get the  same  error and  it iis  very slow08:36
M3G4nalioth, it's still on the slow side :(08:36
DarkManoke  will try  tnx  pashaw08:36
Sh4d0xjennhi, of course you can browse :)08:36
M3G4I've rebooted and such and still crawling08:36
lowman62may possibly be ubuntu...i could not find it in there tho :|08:36
jennhiwhat files do I play? they're all odd types and I can't tell which one is the actual movie.08:36
naliothubotu: tell M3G4 about xubuntu08:37
Sh4d0xjennhi euhm can you change pictograms to "details"08:37
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jennhi.vob, .ifo, .vob files....08:37
Sh4d0xjennhi than you select the biggest ones08:37
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M3G4nalioth, is there any difference between gnome and xfce - can i still do all the stuff i do with it with xfce?08:37
Nukeadorany idea how to run cedega correctly?08:38
naliothM3G4: yes you can.08:38
rockinchadomy rt2500 usb card isn't showing up in the networking thing on breezy badger         can anyone help?08:38
naliothrockinchado: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Rt2500WirelessCardsHowTo08:38
M3G4nalioth, so what are these things then? why would they make a difference?08:38
vince__with breezy when i use tube like "ps | grep YYY" i have this response "bash: grep: command not found", my path is correct08:38
duckdownHey all.. I'm trying to make a .sh script to execute a bunch of commands to get my wireless working, but it's executing them too quickly.  How can I make it wait like 4 seconds in between one of the commands?08:38
eruinNukeador, check out their forums at transgaming.org08:38
Sh4d0xjennhi, does it works?08:38
Nukeadorive installed cedega but when i try to local installa the cedega engine i get an error08:38
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naliothM3G4: i don't know your hardware specs, xubuntu is made for older systems08:39
kyncaniM3G4: they're all very different and have different flavors, it's a matter of taste basically08:39
ossiei think you could use the sleep command vince__08:39
ossiei think you could use the sleep command vince__  try man sleep08:39
vince__ossie, yes why?08:39
pinkisntwellcan I install from source in ubuntu? what packages will I need?08:39
M3G4i don't get why this machine is so slow, though08:39
DarkManpashaw , im trying  it out now08:39
M3G4it's hardly old by a long shot08:39
ossiesorry vince__  i meant that for duckdown08:39
kyncaniM3G4: how much ram ?08:39
duckdownossie Oh? sleep? thanks08:39
M3G41GHz is still kinda fast, and it is nowhere near this slow even in memory hungry WinXP08:40
rockinchadonalioth, yeah it says at the top though that if you are using breezy badger then it should just show up right after install but mine isn't there          it only shows up inthe device manager thing08:40
duckdownill check it08:40
jennhish4d0x, nah. It looks like it finally has something it can possibly read (there's now something in the advancer bar), but it won't actually play anything, video or audio.08:40
M3G4192MB with 8MB shared with GFX08:40
jennhiI've found 3 files that were the biggest, but all of equal size08:40
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DeCaoShelp me :$  what command can i use to recovery only one file from tape backup ?08:40
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naliothrockinchado: alt-f2 > network-admin <enter>08:40
eruinM3G4, the version of gnome in breezy has some general performance issues methinks08:40
kyncaniM3G4: well, it's not much ram. I think you should try xfce4 instead of gnome/kde08:41
eruinM3G4, or rather, gtk has08:41
Sh4d0xjennhi, ow than i probably can't really help you :$:(08:41
rockinchadonalioth, yeah mine wireless is supposed to show up in there isn't it?08:41
duckdownossie works great, thanks man08:41
ossienp :)08:41
naliothrockinchado: it it's not, you may have to load the module properly08:41
=== blanky [n=blanky@pool-71-104-241-130.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
jennhish4d0x, thanks anyway -- that's a recommendation no one's ever given before.08:41
M3G4if I added more ram, would it improve speed much?08:41
blankydo any of you guys come from slackware?08:41
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M3G4the system generally crawls - from window rendering to actually launching applications08:42
Sh4d0xjennhi ({) :D08:42
rockinchadonalioth, how do you do that? lol08:42
Steilblanky, yes08:42
blankySteil, you did?08:42
naliothrockinchado: by following the rt2500 wiki page08:42
blankySteil, why'd you switch08:42
kyncaniM3G4: yes, more ram would make much of a difference08:42
Sh4d0xjennhi, i'll search for some programs08:42
M3G4I'll add some more RAM In the new year then08:43
Steilblanky, needed a quick setup for my laptop, liked it so I stayed08:43
blankySteil, lol08:43
rockinchadonalioth, ok i'll check08:43
M3G4but until then it'll have to plod along like this. what sort of RAM would be optimal for this PC?08:43
blankySteil, so you're not going back to slack?08:43
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kyncaniM3G4: i would not consider less than 512 ram actually08:43
blankyDoes anyone here come from SuSe?08:43
Sh4d0xjennhi got something for you08:43
Steilblanky, I still use slack once in a while for my fileservers, but for desktop I'm probably sticking with ubuntu08:43
Sh4d0xjennhi http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/5644   (read the xine part :) )08:44
blankySteil, cool08:44
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jennhiis it something that can break lots of encryptions?08:44
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M3G4512MB for a 1GHz machine?08:44
M3G4isn't that overkill?08:44
blankyIs anyone experiencing slow window renders/redrawing?08:44
blankyin GNOME08:44
M3G4blanky - me08:44
M3G4and generally slow performance :p08:44
blankyM3G4, DUDE! that's the only reason why i dont like it08:44
blankyM3G4, me too!08:44
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pashawM3G4,   how much swap space is used  in "top"08:44
blankyM3G4, and I have a fast computer too! well pretty fast08:45
M3G4pashow - how do i find out?08:45
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concept10I have 1gig ram in a 300mhz box :)08:45
M3G4blanky- mines only a 1GHz but even windows runs faster than this08:45
pashawM3G4,  open a terminal and type   top08:45
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kyncaniM3G4: i do not think 512 Mb ram is overkill.08:45
pashawM3G4,    hit Q  to stop it08:45
blankyM3G4, I have 2.5 gigs, 512mb, and still slow08:45
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M3G4lol my new dell has 1GB of RAM08:45
QuadroHelp please with adjustment pptp-linux: how to adjust VPN in a text mode, without pptp-config?08:45
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rockinchadonalioth,  i typed lsmod | grep 2.00 in the terminal and nothing comes up       does that mean i have loaded the modules or whatever?08:46
pashawM3G4,   im using 192mb ram laptop right now08:46
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pashawM3G4,   its pokey  but  usable08:46
navaroneM3G4, I have Athlon 1.2ghz and adding another 256mb means never using swap in my experience08:46
Steilblanky, have you prelinked or changed your video driver?08:46
kyncaniM3G4: and you hear the hard drive always running, especially when your desktop is crawling i guess08:46
Sh4d0xjennhi maybe this link can also be quite usefull   http://blogs.cyberciti.biz/hm/index.php/2005/07/30/linux-playing-encrypted-dvd/08:47
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blankySteil, I downloaded and installed the ati drivers from apt, and they worked, I ran games such as UT2K4 extremely nicely08:47
M3G412652k SWAP space used08:47
blankySteil, however, it's my wndow redrawings08:47
blankySteil, I was checking my xorg.conf to see if it was a problem in there08:47
pashawM3G4,    the 2nd column not the first one08:47
navaroneM3G4, yeah...it's crawling cos it is reading off slow drive instead of fast ram08:47
M3G4i dont actually thing the computer is doing all that much swapping, the hard drive light is hardly ever lit08:47
Sh4d0xblanky, wanna play a game, instagib?08:47
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blankySteil, it was alright, then I heard about the backingstop and renderaccel options, I tried and nothing worked (ATI)08:47
naliothrockinchado: i'm not the best person to ask about wireless, but i'd say no, it wasn't loaded08:48
Steilyou're running breezy08:48
Sh4d0xblanky :D08:48
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blankySh4d0x, I thought you meant instagib from Jedi Outcast lol, nah bud, sorry, I'm busy :(08:48
blankySteil, yes08:48
pashawM3G4,   the first column is total   2nd column in USED08:48
M3G4navarone - the hard drive light is hardly ever lit - i dont think its swapping08:48
Sh4d0xblanky, just kidding, we'll meet once don't worry ;)08:48
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kyncani!tell M3G4 about memory08:48
blankySh4d0x, lol okay08:49
M3G4Swap:   538136k total,    12652k used,   525484k free,    60724k cached08:49
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blanky!tell blanky about memory08:49
navaroneM3G4, well if you can afford it...extra memory will not go wrong08:49
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SAM_themani love u guys now KDE 3.5 works08:49
SAM_theman but i forgot the command for the compiler packages what is it again08:49
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Sh4d0xSAM_theman, only the present guys? what about the girls :p08:49
blankySteil, any ideas? :(08:49
SAM_themano i am srry08:49
pashawM3G4,   thats only 12mb swapped08:49
Steilblanky, have you tried prelinking?08:50
Sh4d0xSAM-theman :D np (k)08:50
M3G4so why the hell is it so slow/08:50
SAM_themanThank To The Guys And GALS who helped me08:50
blankySteil, no, what is that?08:50
ubotublanky: Syntax error in line 108:50
blankywhat is prelinking08:50
pashawM3G4,   mine Swap:   875532k total,    48828k used,   826704k free,    63044k cached08:50
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Steilblanky, sudo apt-get install prelink08:50
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navaroneM3G4, 386 kernel?08:50
blankySteil, okay, and then what08:50
FushiHow do I tell what process is running on what port?08:50
blankySteil, what's it do08:50
M3G4navarone - no, Linux kernal#08:50
M3G4I mean08:50
pashawM3G4,   video driver not setup correctly in xorg.conf08:50
M3G4K7 kernal08:51
Steillemme get you a link08:51
eruinM3G4, hmm... I'd' say our videocard is probably a bit off the top shelf ;)08:51
M3G4pashaw - it was originally set to S3 ProSavage which is what it is, then I got told to switch to VESA08:51
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blankySteil, thanks08:51
M3G4now it's still as damn slow as it was before08:51
navaroneM3G4, I have asus mb with athlon 1.2 512mb ram and geforce3 vidcard...not much different than you08:51
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navaroneexcept for vidcard08:52
M3G4If windows can run quickly on this PC, linux has no excuse :-/08:52
=== Serge_K got banned from #debian for I said Ubuntu is a debian clone
pashawM3G4,   haha      operator error   would be the excuse08:52
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navaroneM3G4, does it recognize correct vidcard in device manager?08:53
M3G4navarone - it calls it by it's name, yes08:53
funkyHatM3G4, it does, hardware manufacturers release drivers for Windows, linux drivers are written by the community on the whole (or in the case of ATI, written badly by the manufacturer)08:53
Steilheh Serge_K it isn't a debian clone though :)08:53
Sh4d0xeuhm noob question :$:$ but how do yo pm someone?08:53
naliothubotu: tell Sh4d0x about register08:54
navarone /msg nick ,message>08:54
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Serge_KSteil: damn ,aybe they would ban me here too08:54
M3G4funkyhat - i still fail to see how Linux can be THIS slow on account of a graphics card driver?08:54
Ozmanwill the gdesklets start automatically after restarting my computer ?08:54
SAM_themani have gdesktop08:54
TD-LinuxDapper Drake 2 has 2.6.15, am I correct?08:55
Sh4d0xSAM_theman, can't you read my pm? :$08:55
funkyHatM3G4, is the system slow at doing things not graphics-related?08:55
eruinTD-Linux, yes08:55
Sh4d0xscrapple :(08:55
M3G4funkyhat - yes, its slow to launch applications and such08:55
navaroneM3G4, is this a fresh install?08:55
OzmanSAM_theman, ?08:55
SAM_themantry to pm me08:55
SAM_themanok buddie08:55
M3G4navarone - no, dualbooting with xp, installed 2 days ago08:55
SAM_themango into sytem08:55
funkyHatshawarma, you need to be registered and identified in order to pm08:55
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SAM_themanand go to prefrense08:56
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SAM_themanstrry for my english08:56
funkyHateh... sorry shawarma, wrong autocomplete08:56
DarkManpashaw  u there ?08:56
SAM_themaneating soup08:56
qgilhello, ubunter@s: once I've created another user, how can I have access to her home folder? Is it a way of doing it without the console, via desktop?08:56
TD-Linuxhmm.... 2.6.15 is supposed to have SATA ATAPI, but it still dosen't work with my CD drive...08:56
necroreaper1031need help with a wine install08:56
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funkyHatSh4d0x, you need to be registered and identified in order to pm08:56
SAM_themanthen go to sesions08:56
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pashawDarkMan,   ??08:57
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eruinTD-Linux, not sure the installer has much to do with the actual installed kernel though08:57
TD-LinuxWhen I try to run the preinstalled live system, it can't find my CD-ROM08:57
Sh4d0xfuckyhat, thnx i'm allready trying :D08:57
DarkMani tried it  , but then it  stops  in the  beginning  at etc/usb.rc08:57
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funkyHatSh4d0x, lol, /msg nickserv help08:57
eruinTD-Linux, I think you should send off a mail to the ubuntu-users list08:57
funkyHatSh4d0x, in case you didn't already know :P08:58
Sh4d0xfunkyhat :D uhu but still my english isn't that good, it needs a while ;)08:58
joe_ubuntu isnt recognizing my onboard sound card, Dell Optipled GX1 P3 550 12808:58
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joe_er Optiplex08:58
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jennhiSh4d0x, it's requiring xine-lib and xine-d5d, which aren't available from apt-get and I can't compile them for some reason.08:59
pashawDarkMan,  installer got farther then before?09:00
qgilabout accessing other users' folders, I have tried to find the answer http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch06.html but couldn't find it - must be easy09:00
Sh4d0xjennhi maybe you can found them on the web and try to install them manually09:00
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necroreaper1031need help with a wine install09:00
Kurtdoes ubuntu use retarded names for IDE devices in /dev?09:00
Kurta friend of mine's trying to mount his Windows hard drive in Ubuntu and he's having trouble figuring out where it is09:01
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pashawKurt,   yeah  hda  hdb09:01
DarkManno, stopped  earlier09:01
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jennhish4d0x, yes, that's what I'm trying to do but they won't compile.09:01
Kurtthose aren't retarded names, though09:01
Kurtthose are the standard ones09:02
Sh4d0xjennhi, hmm let me give it a try09:02
pashawDarkMan,   what make model laptop right?09:02
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Kurtand he says he doesn't have those09:02
Kurtat least, not in /dev09:02
pashawKurt,   i know  :P09:02
Kurtare they somewhere else?09:02
DarkMannot laptop , its a  desktop ,  amd 400 Mhz09:02
SAM_themanheres how my gnome looks like09:02
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nick01where should I put a nat script ?09:02
pashawKurt,    have him type    fdisk -l  <- L    in terminal09:02
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nick01to be used at startup09:02
knoppixhey people... got a big problem09:03
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knoppixsomehow i managed to get a nasty little virus that has killed my ubuntu and windows disks09:03
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knoppixscrewed up the grub loader and all09:03
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necroreaper1031need help with a wine install09:04
naliothubotu: tell knoppix about recover09:04
kyncaniSAM_theman: your desktop does rock :)09:04
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knoppixif i use the recover mode will i be able to possibly save my windows disk too?09:04
SAM_themani am working on Kubuntu right now to make it look like this09:05
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kyncaniSAM_theman: well, this one is too confusing to me :)09:05
knoppixis it possible to save the disk?09:05
knoppixand does anyone know a good scanner?09:06
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naliothknoppix: you were sent a PM by ubotu09:06
knoppixwhat is the command to rewrite the grub?09:06
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naliothknoppix: use clamAV09:06
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mwillI have a function (fn) key on my keyboard. Would it be possible to map that key to the control key?09:07
Dr_Willis necroreaper1031  more details would help.09:07
knoppixbrb and will let you know how it worked out09:07
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pashawDarkMan,   lets disable all the fancy stuff    try  boot: linux acpi=off noapic nolapic no38709:08
freenikiwconfig sagt: "Warning: Driver for device eth1 has been compiled with version 1909:08
freenikof Wireless Extension, while this program supports up to version 18.09:08
freenikSome things may be broken...09:08
freenik" - wie krieg ich ne neuere version von den wireless-tools drauf?09:08
ubotuhmm... de is Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu und Kubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de resp. #kubuntu-de09:08
necroreaper1031im trying to install wine on kubuntu and when i go through synaptic it only has wine-doc09:08
lowman62does anyone know of a fix to mount a lexar jumpdrive in breezy?09:09
freenikups :x09:09
Dr_Willis necroreaper1031  check ubuntu wiki and forums yet?09:09
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Dr_Willis apt-cache search wine --> shows it on mine.09:10
DarkManoke  will try that   pashaw09:10
Dr_Willisyour repos are proberly not all set right.09:10
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eztarCan i install the kubuntu packages of KDE in Ubuntu_09:11
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Dr_Williseztar,  yes09:11
necroreaper1031i put that in all it shows is wine-doc09:11
eztarNice thanks :)09:11
Dr_Williseztar,  i do it all the time.09:11
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Evil_Whisperhi guys09:12
eztarHey Evil_Whisper09:12
Evil_Whispersorry about freaking out about my xserver lol :P I got it fixed09:12
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Evil_Whisper:-) just re-installed cause I have a seperate /home partition :-\09:13
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Evil_WhisperBut why would a live CD break my install's xorg?09:13
humewhen ssh-ing to another computer in a Konsole window, i get character encoding failures (characters displayd wrongly) - how do I set this?  both computers use utf-8 as locale09:14
pashawEvil_Whisper,   try it again   maybe its a bug09:14
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SAM_themanumm guys whats the package for all the compiling packages for KDE09:15
necroreaper1031apt-cache search wine grants wine-doc zope-cmgfworkflow tellico09:15
Evil_WhisperYou want kde?09:15
Evil_Whispersudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop for KDE09:15
SAM_themansudo apt-get install "lm-qt...".09:15
SAM_themannono the compiling package09:16
Evil_Whisperoh let me have a look I'll see if i can find it09:16
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Evil_Whisperis that it SAM?09:17
SAM_themani think :D09:17
Evil_WhisperAre there any benifits(SP?) compiling firefox from source rather then the mozilla.com binary?09:18
kyncaniEvil_Whisper: if you want firefox, methinks you should just apt-get it. It's simple and it works09:19
pashawEvil_Whisper,   pride, happy feelings  ?09:19
XmasmooEvil_Whisper: pain of typing manual commands09:19
ubotuLa_PaRCa: I don't know09:19
rajHi, I have a strange problem using nxclient. I installed and configured nxserver on a fedora box and later installed nxclient on the Ubuntu box. I tried to access the desktop. I was able to go as far as Authentication. "Authentication completed" and then it just sits there and times out..i don't see any desktop. Any suggestions????09:19
La_PaRCaIn what package would I find gmake?09:19
rockinchadook     i'm trying to use make to install the rt2500 module  but i get this error *** No rule to make target `modules'.  Stop.09:19
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pashawEvil_Whisper,    thats why i never fell into the Gentoo boat  not into compiling anything more than a kernel or two09:20
Evil_WhisperSo it wont really have any effects on performance?09:20
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Dr_Willisrockinchado,  hmm that module is allready on my system.09:20
rajAnyone had success with nxserver???09:20
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rockinchadoDr_Willis, hrm...was it just already insalled?09:21
rinzai-shuLa_PaRCa: oddly enough, the package is "make" ;-)09:21
Dr_Willisrockinchado,  its on my new install (well a month old)09:21
eztarDr_Willis, When i've added "deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde35 breezy main" to sources.list then what do i do?09:21
pashawEvil_Whisper,   we cant say yes or no  we dont know what things you would enable or disable09:21
rockinchadoDr_Willis, haha i just installed the new one last night  dangit09:21
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rockinchadoDr_Willis, you know how i could install that module09:22
Dr_Williseztar,  the kubuntu homepage - has the exact docs on how to install it. I think that added deb was for the beta.09:22
La_PaRCarinzai-shu, um, I have an install script asking for gmake... and make provides make09:22
eZtaRThanks Dr_Willis09:22
Dr_Willisrockinchado,  i never installed it that i know of. :P that machine dosent even have wireless.09:22
Dr_Willisrock using the kernel -->  2.6.12-10-386  here..09:22
_RocHare ubuntu / kubuntu 100% equal , besides window manager ?09:22
Dr_Willisso it may of got put in there.09:23
Dr_Willis_RocH,  id stick with ubuntu, then apt-get install the kde stuff.09:23
pashaw_RocH, i agree   with Doc09:23
rockinchadoDr_Willis, so i need to install that kernel?09:23
Dr_Willisrockinchado,  well as far as i know - its just the latest kernel.  there may be newer now.09:23
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eZtaRDr_Willis, http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-35.php ?09:24
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Dr_Willisrockinchado,  try 'locate rt2500'09:24
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rinzai-shuLa_PaRCa: from dpkg -l | grep make:   make                                   3.80-9                                   The GNU version of the "make" utility.09:24
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rinzai-shuLa_PaRCa: note the "GNU" there... i.e. gmake ;-)09:24
Dr_WilliseZtaR,  the kde beta   has a few issues also.. may be beter to just stick with the 3.4 or Whatever is the stable.09:24
shwaganyone know of some software to go through an organize all my mp3s into folders?09:24
rockinchadoDr_Willis, is this right /lib/modules/2.6.12-9-386/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/rt250009:25
La_PaRCarinzai-shu, yeah, nevermind... had to change the script to change the check for gmake to plain make09:25
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holycowhey guys, i want to run the command 'grub' restricted to /media/usbdisk.  i can just do sudo chrootuid /media/usbdisk correct?09:26
Dr_Willisrockinchado,  thats the one i got.09:26
holycowwhen i try sudo chroot /media/usbdisk it says 'permission denied'09:26
Dr_Willisrockinchado,  try modprobe rt250009:26
_RocHso I do "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" , that's it ? :>09:26
Dr_Willis_RocH,  thats the normal way of doing it.09:26
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rinzai-shuLa_PaRCa: yes, you're obviously compiling something that was made for many platforms, and while commercial unices such as Solaris include a proprietary "make" most Linux distributions use gmake.  glad you got that all figured out. ;-)09:26
rockinchadoDr_Willis,  that gives me nothing09:27
Dr_Willisrockinchado,  check dmesg output.09:27
Dr_Willisif it worked = prints nothing :P09:27
_RocHDr_Willis, what other methos would you advice ?09:27
rockinchadoDr_Willis, haha it showed a ton a stuff lol09:27
Dr_Willisrockinchado,  check the end.09:27
Dr_Willis_RocH,  use that one. :p09:27
rinzai-shu_RocH: if you're trying to install KDE for Ubuntu (e.g. Kubuntu) then yep, that's it... ;-)09:27
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_RocHTY very much :)09:28
La_PaRCarinzai-shu, the problem was, in ubuntu, the make command is actually make, but the script was checking for "gmake"09:28
rockinchadoDr_Willis, it shows [4300572.599000]  atkbd.c: Use 'setkeycodes e02a <keycode>' to make it known.09:28
rinzai-shuLa_PaRCa: i know09:28
Dr_Willisrockinchado,  try just a litle above that line. it should mention the card.. of course the module may of allready been loaded.09:28
rockinchadoDr_Willis, um above that is [4300572.458000]  atkbd.c: Use 'setkeycodes e02a <keycode>' to make it known.09:29
rockinchado[4300572.599000]  atkbd.c: Unknown key released (translated set 2, code 0xaa on isa0060/serio0).09:29
Dr_Willisrockinchado,  try     lsmod | grep rt250009:29
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rockinchadoDr_Willis, i get this rt2500                150372  009:29
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Dr_Willisrockinchado,  its loaded then09:30
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Dr_Willisand NO i dont know how to configure your wireless.09:30
rockinchadoDr_Willis, it doesn't show up in networking though09:30
rockinchadoDr_Willis, you know how to do that lol09:30
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Dr_Willisive had such bad experioence with wireless.. i spent a weekend running wires a few mo ago.09:31
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Dr_WillisI think youve been running around in circles :P and now you reaize you got a different probblem. Lol.09:31
Dr_Willismay want to check the wiki/forims for that exact card.09:32
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rockinchadoha uh ok09:32
skarhi, anyone know how to run a gentoo vserver setup inside breezy?09:32
lowman62does anyone know how to mount a usb jumpdrive in breezy?09:32
eZtaRDr_Willis, Will you give me a total idiots guide to installing KDE? :p My term keeps giving me errors i don't understand09:33
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Dr_WilliseZtaR,  i was thinking the kubuntu homepage gave me the 2 commands i had to type.09:34
Dr_WilliseZtaR,  it was rather trivial.09:34
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eZtaRHehe link? :p09:34
eZtaRI added his key and the other command09:34
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Dr_Willisamazeing whats on the wiki and the kubuntu homepage eh?09:35
pashaweZtaR,  i added the universe multiverse repos    but otherwise   its apt-get update     then apt-get kubuntu-desktop09:35
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pashaweZtaR,   i havent tried it without the extra repos  but you prob dont need em09:36
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lowman62does anyone know how to mount a usb jumpdrive in breezy?09:36
Dr_Willislowman62,  mine mounted fine.09:36
Dr_Willislowman62,  you mean a little usb-128mb sort of usb-drive?09:36
no0ticIn dapper's xorg, are damage & render extensions active by default?09:36
_RocHi had to do "mount /dev/sda"09:36
_fredforfaendoes anybody herre know how i can get rox to automount and pop up a window when media is inserted?09:37
lowman62Dr_Willis: yes a lexar 128 mb usb09:37
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Dr_Willislowman62,  could be your /etc/fstab is a little confused09:37
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lowman62Dr_Willis: and how do I straighten it out?09:37
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SAM_themantell me if this pic makes you honry mostly for KDE user "kubuntu"09:38
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Dr_Willislowman62,  id check the wiki and forums first.. if i ever had any problems with it - i proberly fixed them in all of 2 min and cant even rember what i did. :P09:38
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coder_how do i install the i386 version of firefox from apt on x86_8609:38
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lowman62alrighty then...of to wiki wiki...*poof*09:38
Dr_Willislowman62,  try mountuing them from the shell and see what happens..  or are they mounting and only root can access them?09:38
lowman62i did09:39
lowman62no can do09:39
silvertonSAM_theman, that looks really cool09:39
DUNFreakSAM_theman, I'll tell you what I think, it almost looks like a bad imitation of Windows Vista.09:39
Tedd|1Can anybody help me zip something?09:39
SAM_themandamn riht09:39
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Tedd|1I'm trying to zip Final Fantasy Advent Children so I can put it on a disk.09:39
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DUNFreakminus the brushed metal09:39
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Dr_WillisTedd|1,  you mean a dvd? or movie or what?09:40
Tedd|1Dr_Willis: It's just an .avi file.09:40
Tedd|1Dr_Willis: I need to zip it so I can fit it on a CD.09:40
HymnToLifenyone knows the shortut to show the menubar in xchat ?09:40
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Dr_WillisTedd|1,  you proberly are not going to get much compression out of it.09:40
HymnToLifeI disabled it by accident09:40
pashawTedd|1,   video is already compressed   zipping it again wont do much   you could  break it into pieces09:40
Tedd|1OK, I have no choice, I'll upload09:41
Tedd|1I still need to know how to zip it though09:41
DUNFreakTreve de plaisanteries, I need a bit of help. Whenever I'm mounting my FAT32 drives under ubuntu, they are always read-only to anyone other than root, and it's annoying the heck out of me. How do I make them read/write to the root group (my normal users are grouped to root)09:41
coder_i guess a better question, is how do i get flash setup on an x86_64 box?09:41
ubotu[fat32]  http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab09:41
DUNFreakHymnToLife, what?09:42
Tedd|1Dr_Willis: I need to know how to zip to upload to my site. Don't care about bandwith. What is the command?09:42
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HymnToLifeDUNFreak > see the link ubotu gave09:42
Dr_WillisTedd|1,    try 'zip'09:43
DUNFreakHymnToLife, look I dont want to be rude but I'm no programmer, I have no clue what I'm supposed to do with that.09:43
tonyyarussoWhy is it that wvdial has to be run with sudo?09:43
DUNFreakI'd much prefer a ubuntu guide or something on the web :P09:43
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Dr_WillisDUNFreak,  use the umask, optiopns and perhaps the 'uid' and 'gid' options in the fstab.09:43
Dr_Willisdepending on your exact needs.09:44
DUNFreakok lemme try to figure that out09:44
Dr_Willisa mounted fat32 file system has all the permissions set at mount time. with those options.09:44
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eruinsynaptic upgrading synaptic is always interesting to watch09:45
Dr_WillisI forget which man pagte they are documented in. man fstab, or man mount, under the vfat filesystem section/options09:45
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paulproteus|laptGeneral announcement: I'm going to make some screencasts of common Ubuntu tasks, like enabling Universe in Synaptic.09:45
eruinthe audioscrobbler support in banshee is fantastic :)09:45
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paulproteus|laptAnyone have any suggestions for things to screencast, or some other projects I could synergize with?09:45
Dr_WillisDUNFreak,  proberly covered in details in the wiki/forums also. :P but there may be a lot of hits/info/fluff09:45
paulproteus|lapteruin: Same with AmaroK.09:45
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paulproteus|lapteruin: What does it do in banshee?09:46
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cmathesonpaulproteus|lapt: i know some of they ruby folks are using vnc2swf09:46
stratovariushow to play wmv files with vlc?09:46
DjDarkmanhy ,i`m migrating from windows to ubuntu ,and i need a few alternatives ,can someone help me?09:46
XenguyDjDarkman: just ask09:46
cmatheson!tell DjDarkman about anyone09:46
eruinpaulproteus|lapt, same as in amarok I suspect - submitting your music ;)09:46
DjDarkmanok :)09:46
stratovariuscant someone help me?09:47
tonyyarusso!tell stratovarius about restrictedformats09:47
DjDarkmani need a file maneger program simmilar to total commander ,excludeing mc09:47
Dr_WillisDjDarkman,  'worker' 'gentoo' and a few otehrs.09:47
XenguyDjDarkman: try krusader if your hardware if beefy09:47
paulproteus|lapteruin: Oh, in amaroK it lets you have "dynamic playlists", so it dynamically gets suggestions from audioscrobbler and puts them at the end of your playlist.09:47
tonyyarussopaulproteus|lapt, Could you put a link to it in !taskscreencast or something so we can find them later?09:47
cmathesonDJ_Mirage: nautilus, gmc, rox-filer] 09:47
ubotupaulproteus|lapt: Do they come in packets of five?09:47
DjDarkmank let` seee them09:48
Dr_WillisDJ_Mirage,  check freshmeat.net for 'norton commander' clones also.09:48
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eruinpaulproteus|lapt, that's pretty cool!09:48
Dr_WillisGotta love the classic 2 pane file maangers09:48
DUNFreakHymnToLife, Dr_Willis : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions :P09:48
Dr_Willismc - is the defacto standards.09:48
XenguyDjDarkman: krusader is the best if you have fast hardware09:48
paulproteus|lapteruin: I know, totally rocking. :)09:48
jacekPDOES ANYBODY KNOW WHY mouse arrow disappears in Blender?09:48
eruinpaulproteus|lapt, AS support only arrived in banshee cvs proper yesterday or so. I think I'll suggest that functionality :)09:48
Dr_WillisDUNFreak,  :P ive hacked eniough to know how to do it - lol.09:49
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paulproteus|lapttonyyarusso: What's taskscreencast?09:49
DUNFreakDr_Willis, just pointing it out, it's easier for a noob to read that just pointing to the winmac_fstab file ;)09:49
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tonyyarussoSeveas: Do you know how to make suggestions to the development team?  (Sorry for the personal ask.)09:50
Evil_Whisperanyone compiled wine 0.9.4 yet?09:50
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Dr_WillisDUNFreak,  i think the bot should msg all peoole to check the wiki/forums first..  befor even asking a Question. :P but thats mean.09:50
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paulproteus|laptWhoa, Wine 0.9.4 is out?09:50
Seveastonyyarusso, that depends on the suggestion, feel free to PM me09:50
=== paulproteus|lapt goes to check out WINE Weekly News
Evil_WhisperYep wine 0.9.4 is out09:50
Dr_WillisDUNFreak,  also it pays to learn what you are doing - and not rely on a script .09:50
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tonyyarussopaulproteus|lapt, Seemed like a possible name for a factoid about what you're doing.  Nothing yet.09:50
paulproteus|lapttonyyarusso: Ah, I see.09:50
Evil_WhisperBut the binaries are currently being built so you have to compile it yourself.09:51
eZtaRAnyone up for giving me a complete idiots guide to installing KDE?09:51
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DUNFreakDr_Willis, true. But i'm a poor MS slave that's used to DOS and Windows. Asking me to understand fstab is quite a learning curve.09:51
gnomefreak_awayis hotplug needed?09:51
Evil_WhisperI'm getting errors I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong09:51
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pashaweZtaR, i thought we finished this09:51
Dr_WillisDUNFreak,  throw off the chains of MS-Lemming-ZOmbie-hoood! and be free!09:51
Dr_WillisDUNFreak,  it pays to learn the fundamentals of linux. then the rest is easy09:52
eZtaRpashaw, i thought i PMed you.. But now i've just registered my nick09:52
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pawelhas anyone ever played with a wacom tablet over a serial-usb adaptor?09:52
pawelon Ubuntu of course.09:52
pashaweZtaR,  lol   ->  eZtaR,  i added the universe multiverse repos    but otherwise   its apt-get update     then apt-get kubuntu-desktop09:52
Dr_WillisDUNFreak,  then ya spend time figureing out what the disrto-makers did to make things 'idiot-friendly' thats then broke. :P09:52
DUNFreakDr_Willis, do you have any idea why the "Disks Manager" just won't save the access path? everytime I change it to what I want (/media/data instead of /media/0\040GB\040Disk\040(hda5)) , it just doesn't save anything.09:53
coder_I need to add an entry to fstab that has a space in the shared directory name.  How can I do this?09:53
pawelor any wacom tablet user. ;)09:53
humei installed mysql and phpmyadmin, but on pointing my browser to localhost/phpmyadmin it wants to download instad of running the php file - what to do?09:53
coder_do I singled quote the whole thing?09:53
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eZtaRpashaw, it doesn't recognize apt-get kubuntu-desktop09:53
Dr_WillisDUNFreak,  Hmm.. not sure.. i tend to disable all auto-mounting and mount them where i want. and be done with it.09:54
paulproteus|lapthume: You need to enable the PHP module.09:54
eZtaRpashaw, as a command09:54
paulproteus|lapta2enmod php409:54
coder_hume: you need to setup apache to execute php files09:54
paulproteus|lapthume: That's for you.09:54
pashaweZtaR,   1 sec09:54
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Dr_WillisDUNFreak,  also dont use spaces in the filenames/paths if ay can help it. Lol.09:54
humepaulproteus|lapt, sorry didnt get that....?09:54
DUNFreakDr_Willis, that's Ubuntu's fault. :P09:54
paulproteus|lapthume: sudo a2enmod php409:54
FlimFlamManis smbmount supposed to be run by a non-root user?09:54
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Dr_WillisDUNFreak,  i think its somthing to do with their automounter and the names from devfs not sure. :P i bypassed it.09:54
paulproteus|lapthume: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/20709:55
pashaweZtaR,   sorry i typo'd  i assumed a command in there            apt-get install kubuntu-desktop09:55
DUNFreakI'll go command-line then, mount -a ;)09:55
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Mannyany plans to incorporate slime/cl-swank?09:55
humepaulproteus|lapt, says that module does not exist...?09:55
Mannythere are debian packages available09:55
paulproteus|lapthume: See the debian-administration URL09:55
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mondiis upgrading to dapper worth it? I mean at its current state?09:56
Evil_Whispermondi i wouldnt upgrade yet09:56
paulproteus|lapthttp://www.debian-administration.org/articles/101 , too, hume09:56
jendaA little OT: I'm wondering. I would like to have 8 megs hosted somewhere, so that I can give people the URL (It's my own music). Does anyone know of a site that would host that with no fuss (something like an 8 meg pastebin would be what I'm looking for)09:57
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holycowdoes ubuntu use grub stage 1.5 by any chance? just curious09:57
eZtaRpashaw, it asked me to do a   apt-get install -f so now it's downloading away :p09:58
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eZtaRpashaw, It seems as if it's working :D09:58
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HymnToLifejenda > www.yousendit.com09:58
eZtaRpashaw, Thanks a bundle dude :D09:58
fractalmbrownhello all09:59
pashaweZtaR, cool  good luck09:59
mondianother question is there a way for me to export my toolbar from a gnome session to an xfce one?09:59
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jendaHymnToLife: thanks again :)09:59
fractalmbrownis there a specific ubuntu support channel?09:59
eZtaRpashaw, Thanks :)09:59
rockinchadook i've got a problem if i do modprobe rt2500    it shows nothing so its working fine but the ra0 doesn't show up when i do iwconfig             for my wireless card anyone help?09:59
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fractalmbrownI need help setting up GRUB, and i'm having some boot issues09:59
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eZtaRfractalmbrown, You're here09:59
humepaulproteus|lapt, sorry, dont really get it - where do I get the modules from? running a2enmod gives me "This module does not exist!"09:59
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fractalmbrownah, good09:59
FlimFlamManhow do i allow non-root users to mount their own smb shares with smbmount?09:59
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paulproteus|lapthume: apt-get install libapache2-php409:59
paulproteus|laptif I recall correctly.10:00
fractalmbrowneZtaR, do you know much about setting up a boot loader?10:00
pashawjenda,   your own webpage at your isp    doesnt your isp include at least 10mb10:00
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eZtaRfractalmbrown, not really.. But what do you need to set up?10:00
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humepaulproteus|lapt, ah, well, that package does not exist, apt says....running breezy, just installed it10:00
fractalmbrownwell, I have two harddrives: an 80 gig with two partitions, a 60 (boots into windows normally) and a 20 (extra space)10:01
jendapashaw: it prolly does :) but I'm looking for something simpler. But that's where I will go if I do not find it.10:01
fractalmbrownthe second harddrive is 250 gigs, with three partitions10:01
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fractalmbrown1.) a 160 for windows (NTFS)10:01
fractalmbrown2.) a 89 for ubuntu10:01
fractalmbrown3.) swap10:01
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fractalmbrownI am trying to get GRUB to boot on my master (The 80 gig) and display two options, Ubuntu or Windows XP Home10:02
waltzIf you have a non-native SCSI motherboard interface will Ubuntu not work?10:02
fractalmbrownhowever: when GRUB starts, I get an error 1710:02
Evil_Whisperanyone got a link to instructions on how to compile firefo?10:02
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fractalmbrownand LILO only boots into a console10:02
waltzfractalmbrown: GRUB doesn't recognize Windows afaik.10:02
humepaulproteus|lapt, think I found it - but: is there a problem running php5 instead of php4?10:02
tonyyarussoEvil_Whisper, You trying to install 1.5?10:02
fractalmbrownwaltz: what do you recommend then?10:02
paulproteus|lapthume: I have no experience with PHP5.10:03
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paulproteus|laptIs it packaged?10:03
DUNFreakOk I don't get it. If I open nautilus as root, my "data" drive is chmodded to 777. If I try to open nautilus as my normal user, it sais it's 755. WTF???10:03
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pashawwaltz,   huh?10:03
waltzI recommend you not use Windows.10:03
fractalmbrownlol, no can do10:03
fractalmbrownmy brother uses this computer as well, so that's out of the question10:03
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fractalmbrownI need a boot menu, not a single OS10:03
pashawfractalmbrown,   the basics now        did you move drives  from computer to comouter10:03
fractalmbrownI added the 250 as a slave10:03
pashawfractalmbrown,   you installed everything as is10:03
eruingrub can boot windows just fine10:03
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fractalmbrownpashaw, as is meaning what?10:04
no0tickopete in dapper doesn't import msn avatars10:04
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DarkManPashaw, installing  at 79 % at the moment  , first time  it came sofar10:04
eruinin fact, ubuntu sets up a grub menu item for windows if it detects an installed instance of it10:04
pashawfractalmbrown,  your broken post was confusing10:04
pashawDarkMan,   great to hear10:04
DarkManand  still going10:04
fractalmbrownpashaw, I meant to say: what do you mean by "installed everything as is"?10:04
DarkManhehehe :)10:05
pashawfractalmbrown, im trying to understand  whats broken, why and  where your trying to go  your     mulitplpe posts didnt help10:05
fractalmbrownmy boot loader won't load, basically10:05
pashawfractalmbrown,    ok so you had a working system then added a drive?10:05
fractalmbrownyes, and I successfully formatted a 160GB partition for NTFS10:06
fractalmbrownwindows recognized it fine10:06
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fractalmbrownthen i tried to install ubuntu into the free space that was left10:06
sudo_smartasswell... the recovering thing didn't work... had to completely reinstall linux10:06
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pashawfractalmbrown,   ubuntu onto a drive  thats jumpered as slave now and not master?10:07
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nadyaHi. How do I update kde?10:07
fractalmbrownyes, because I have no unformatted space on my master drive10:07
_fredforfaendoes anybody know how to make rox automount and open a window with the files when media is inserted?10:07
fractalmbrownas far as I know, any drive should be able to be booted from10:07
eZtaRHow do i get ubuntu to automatically mount my windows-partitions?10:08
nadyaI followed the instructions on the website, which command do I have to execute that he fetches the packages and install them?10:08
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ubotuWish i knew, _fredforfaen10:08
nick01what's the name of that package with gcc ?10:08
sudo_smartasshow do i mount things again?10:08
waltzYouBoonToo! :x10:08
pashawfractalmbrown,  so you start the installer and it all loads correctly?10:08
nick01something with utils10:08
Kyralsudo_smartass: mount <mountpoint>10:08
varsendagger sudo_smartass mount /dev/whatever /mnt/wherever10:08
fractalmbrowneverything works perfectly until I try to boot from IDE010:09
waltzIf you have a non-native SCSI motherboard interface i.e., you're using an IDE adapter card, will the Linux 2.6.x series kernel function properly?10:09
nick01how do I install gcc make and the rest ?10:09
Kyralnick01: sudo apt-get install build-essiential10:09
Kyraland if it doesn't work I misspelled it10:09
pashawfractalmbrown,   you allowed it to install grub right?10:09
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waltzCan someone please answer my question? It's somewhat important.10:10
pashawfractalmbrown,   but you said your getting a lilo prompt10:10
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sudo_smartassit said mount point doesn't exist10:10
fractalmbrownonly if I boot from IDE1 (it was an experiment to see if LILO worked)10:10
DjDarkmani need an irc client simmilar to mirc10:10
fractalmbrownpashaw, IDE0 contains GRUB, IDE1 contains LILO10:10
sudo_smartassdj... ur using one10:10
DjDarkmanplease tell me some10:10
tracticadoes anybody use Beagle ?10:10
DarkManpashaw, oke,  now  it crashed at  copy packages , because it says u may run out of disk space in the target /var filesystem.10:10
waltzCan someone please answer my question? It's somewhat important.10:11
DjDarkmansudo_smartass, but i need one simmilar to mirc ,x chat is not what i`m lookig 410:11
waltzIf you have a non-native SCSI motherboard interface i.e., you're using an IDE adapter card, will the Linux 2.6.x series kernel function properly?10:11
DarkManhow  can i read  the  syslog  at this  point ??10:11
pashawDarkMan,    thats the 3.2G drive right10:11
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jendawaltz: I don't see a reason why it shouldn't... but there is obviously no one around that REALLY knows :(10:11
pashawDarkMan,   bummer      it needed  too much space for install10:11
DarkMani'm now  back in main menu10:12
waltzjenda: aha, okay, thanks10:12
DarkManyeah thought  so10:12
pashawDarkMan,    1 sec10:12
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jendasudo_smartass: not funny :)10:12
sudo_smartassknow anything about recovering from a virus?10:12
MrRioanyway of making java look like GTK2?10:12
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sudo_smartasswhy not?10:12
DjDarkmanok ,then i ask in another way ,please write me a list of all available irc clinets 4 ubuntu10:12
sudo_smartassi think its funny10:12
sudo_smartasswell cept for the virus thing... that sucks10:12
humepaulproteus|lapt, still got problems.....a2enmod php4 now says "already enabled" but still phpmyadmin wont show....got any more advice?10:12
fractalmbrownpashaw, you there?10:13
pashawfractalmbrown,   easy skipper  thinking10:13
fractalmbrownpashaw, that's fine :)10:13
sudo_smartasshow am i supposed to get stuff mounted... fstab and mtab say its mounted but i cant see them10:13
DarkManfound  this  on internet right now ,  mayby  this  the solution ?10:13
sudo_smartasscant get to them nothing10:13
DarkManIf you don't have yet an Xubuntu CD and you still want to install it (and install it fast), here is a step-by-step tutorial showing how is easy to get an Xubuntu box up and running.10:13
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paulproteus|lapthume: Did you restart Apache2 yet?10:13
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sudo_smartassi cant even cd /media10:13
sudo_smartasstells me permission denied10:14
fluvvellhi all, just got a new wireless AP and went to connect, old system worked fine.  Fine without encryption, useless at getting wep to go some sucess with WPA-PSK however the link goes on and off in a 2 second cycle!10:14
humepaulproteus|lapt, yes, twice10:14
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fractalmbrownpashaw, is there any way to edit GRUB's boot script/whatever...? I can't get into the so-called menu by pressing ESC as far as I can tell10:14
fluvvellusing ipw2200 driver10:14
paulproteus|lapthume: Hmm.10:14
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paulproteus|laptfractalmbrown: /boot/grub/menu.lst , iirc10:14
fluvvellanybody know about wpa_supplicant and which setting to change to stop the flip-flop10:14
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sudo_smartasshey what is the fstab program thing again10:15
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fractalmbrownpaulproteus|lapt, what do you mean?10:15
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MrRiohow do i change the root user theme?10:16
sudo_smartasshow did u get it to log you in as root?10:16
DiscipulusSystem -> Preferences10:16
Discipulussudo_smartass, it ain't hard10:17
jpjacobsjust don't do it...10:17
MrRioMrRio: i mean for things like sudo synaptic10:17
MrRioit uses a different theme for that app10:17
vodniklet's just suppose - i have got linux installed on one partition and i have got one partition about the same size unused. what would happen, if I moved all the files from the partition with linux to the free partition?10:17
MrRiobecause ive changed my theme10:18
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MrRiosudo gnome-theme-manager has no effect10:18
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fractalmbrownpaulproteus|lapt, I am currently in the Live CD of ubuntu, is it safe for me to enable access to the Extended 3 partition on my slave drive? (It was formatted by the Ubuntu install)10:18
humepaulproteus|lapt, what i've done is to run the asenmod php4 and then restart apache2 and restart my browser -- is there any other setting or package to deal with?10:18
vodnikor, rather - is it possible to kind of "back-up" installed system by just copying all its files to an external harddrive?10:18
mz111is there a menu editor that allows multiple menu items to be selected and moved?10:19
tomwhy does ddcprobe say "edidfail" at the end?10:19
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pashawDarkMan,   did you break the drive into partitons?  what sizes?10:19
tonyyarussovodnik: You'd have to tell your bootloader how if you wanted  to boot into it, but otherwise it should work theoretically.  Oh, and make sure the other partition is the same filesystem type.10:19
mjrvodnik, yes; you'd need to reconfigure grub a bit (and the fstab) if you were going to boot it from there, though10:19
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DarkManchips,  i have  to  look at it ,lol   i used  aut  partition  hehehe,10:20
Evil_WhisperHow do you remove menu entries?10:20
Evil_Whisperthe delete option is always grey and you cant click it10:20
DarkManwill have a look10:20
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pramzDoes the version of samba included with Breezy support ldap backend ?10:20
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vodnikgood, i hoped it would be like that, have some experience with grub already...10:21
mz111does anyone else think the menu editor is awfull10:21
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AfiefMy notebook has no floppy, how can i dual boot Ubuntu and WinXP anyway?10:22
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mz111Afief: it will install a os picking boot loader on your hard disk10:22
AfiefI had GRUB on my hard disk, but it didn't ask me about it when i installed10:23
vodnikone question to the grub though - where is it installed on a disk with more partitions? i would guess it will be somewhere at the beggining of harddrive, but I think I have once already maanged to delete it somehow when doing something with completely different partitions:-/10:23
mz111Afief: it probably installed a new copy of grub?10:24
funkyHatmz111, no, I think the menu editor is fine10:24
holycowguys, would anyone know how much of the original drive i haveto dd to make sure i grabbed grub stage 1.5?10:24
mz111funkyHat: it really sucks not being able to make multiple selections10:24
mrkojevodnik,  wouldn't the bootloader be intalled in the hda0 (/boot) partition?10:24
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tonyyarusso!info pymedia10:25
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djm62holycow: is that still in 1.44mb?10:26
DarkManarggg, i used  partion resizer to find out what size , and  now  system system  hangs10:26
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holycowdjm62, no i'm trying to back up an hd and restore it to another hd10:26
MrRiothe trash button wont show my trash, but /home/rio/.Trash/ will10:27
MrRioany ideas?10:27
adrakoai have a problem with sudo to write root passwd.. the message after sudo -> sudo: unable to lookup debian via gethostbyname() ... I don't know the passwd root... help10:27
tonyyarussoVNC question: Can you give someone the ability to browse your system, but not do anything potentially destructive, just to see what stuff's like?10:27
vodnikmrkoje - yes, it says it installs itself there... but it keeps data about the installed os on the partitions they are installed in, doesnot it? since there is a boot directory with lot of grub stuff10:27
pashawDarkMan,  you did delete the entire drive righ?10:27
Kyralvodnik: if they login as a user that only has Read permissions10:28
skontonyyarusso: just don't check the option that says "allow someone to control my com[puter"10:28
DarkManyeah  when i  start  with the instalation10:28
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KyralI means tonyyarusso not vodnik10:28
Daemonichmm, is there an easy way to upgrade from 5.04 to 5.10?10:29
tonyyarussoThanks skon and Kyral.10:29
MrRioDaemonic, yes, let me get u the link10:29
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pashawDarkMan,   try those boot commands again   but this time  manual partition  erase EVERYTHING  so its 1 pile of empty  add say 400-500mb swap  the rest ext3 mounted /10:29
KyralI seriously have to come up with a sed statement to do that10:29
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pashawDarkMan,  how much ram does that system have?10:30
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DarkMan128 mb10:30
pashawDarkMan,  try 400mb10:30
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DaemonicMrRio: I run x64 btw. If that makes a difference.10:30
fractalmbrownpashaw, is there any way to access /boot/grub/menu.lst ? I can't figure out how to change the way that GRUB could load the partitions10:30
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MrRioDaemonic: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgradeNotes10:30
MrRioDaemonic: shouldnt do10:31
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tonyyarussofractalmbrown, sudo pico will work just fine, if I understand what you're trying to do.10:31
DarkManoke  for  good  understandnes  ,  i  use  400 mb for  swap  and  the rest  for ext3  , right ?10:31
DaemonicMrRio: shouldn't do?10:31
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DaemonicMrRio: ..and thanks for the link10:31
lightbrighthow do I update xchat from 2.4.4 to the latest version?10:31
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MrRioDaemonic: lol, yeah  i mean, not that im aware of, but u may want to check10:32
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, where would I find sudo pico?10:32
fractalmbrownand install it for that matter?10:32
tonyyarussolightbright, Probably apt-get install xchat.10:32
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tonyyarussofractalmbrown, Are you working with a default installation, or something special?10:33
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pashawtonyyarusso,  special10:33
lightbrighttonyyarusso: is your real name Tony?10:33
tonyyarussolightbright, Yes.10:33
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fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, I'm unsure. I have a windows partition on IDE0, and a Ubuntu partition on IDE110:33
humetrying to remove phpmyadmin i get error msgs from apt: /var/lib/dpkg/info/phpmyadmin.prerm: line 12: db_get: command not found10:34
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, IDE0 is a master and IDE1 is a slave10:34
humeanyone got advice?10:34
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, sudo and pico are separate commands, both programs available with apt.10:34
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tonyyarussofractalmbrown, I mean how did Ubuntu get on the system?10:34
lightbrighttonyyarusso: great name10:34
lightbrighttonyyarusso: whats pico do?10:34
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fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, I installed it from the install disc, using the default install10:34
pashawfractalmbrown, i always keep my setups cleaner     i was trying to google anyone with a layout like yours10:35
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, You can check whether you have them by just trying to run sudo pico, and seeing if it spits out an error.10:35
tonyyarussolightbright, It's a text-editor, I found it easier than vi.10:35
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, Then you should already have both of those.10:35
pashawtonyyarusso,  fractal  has grub  and lilo  and both are broken after he added his new drive10:35
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tonyyarussopashaw: Interesting.  Why both?10:36
humeanyone knows how to solv problem with removing packages?10:36
pashawtonyyarusso,   thats why he has me stumped'10:36
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, keep in mind I know nothing about linux. I am lost as to what this "sudo pico" is10:36
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pashawtonyyarusso, im not sure why they both sorta work10:36
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tonyyarussofractalmbrown, Right.  No problem.  sudo is "Superuser Do", needed since the grub configuration file is not editable by a normal user.  pico is a text editor to open that file up.10:37
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pashawDarkMan,   sorry missed your post      yes10:37
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, Any particular reason you have grub and lilo at the same time?10:37
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tonyyarussopashaw: Do we know which one's on the MBR?10:38
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, I had tried installing Lilo as the booter for my slave drive to see if it would work. It didn't. It can't load things and boots into some console10:38
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, So, sudo pico /boot/grub/menu.lst says "Open up the grub menu file in a text editor with writing priviledges.10:39
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, where do i type sudo pico?10:39
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, so then you tried putting grub on to see if that was any better?10:39
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MitjaI've install apache and php but instead of showing results of a php file it wants to download it? How do I correct this?10:40
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, In a command line, wherever you can access it.10:40
rikaihm... someone using one of my computers accidentally installed kubuntu-desktop, any easy way to remove all it and all its dependencies? apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop jsut removes that package, not all the ones it installed.10:40
DarkManoke  pashaw  , no problem   hehehe  , i have all the time  , already  4 days  busy to get it on that  system ,lol10:40
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, no, grub was on initially, but lilo was installed afterwards10:40
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tonyyarussofractalmbrown, Can you boot anything?  Otherwise this would involve a Live CD.  (I wasn't following the beginning of your problem.)10:40
DarkManall help  i like  hehehe10:40
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, Okay.10:40
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, I am using the live cd to chat with you right now.10:40
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, Perfect.10:41
FredMitja: you need to enable the php module... try "a2enmod" in ssh/bash10:41
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dfddoes ubuntu uses the same debian repositories?10:41
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, I use grub, so I think we'll try to work that out since I don't know much about lilo.10:41
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, ok.10:41
tonyyarussodfd: No.10:41
lightbrighttonyyarusso: vi is rather simple though10:41
tonyyarussodfd: It has all of its own.10:41
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tonyyarussolightbright, That may be true, just not my flavor I guess.10:42
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, I don't think I can access anything other than my IDE1's swap partition10:42
dfdI see10:42
undubuntu is awesome10:42
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jendaund: you got that right10:42
lightbrighttonyyarusso: a text editor is just a text editor :P10:42
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lightbrightund: what do you like about it?10:43
humeanyone knows how to handle apt errors on removing packages? cant install and not remove....10:43
MitjaFred: still the same, module enabled now...10:43
FredMitja, did you /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload ?10:43
lightbrighthume: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/232510:43
undlightbright, its a good Os for someone like me (i do code a lot)10:43
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, You're going to need to access to /boot to deal with grub, so let's try to get that.10:43
MitjaFred: yes10:43
lightbrightund: what type of code?10:43
undc++, python10:44
stratovariushey how to play wmv file with wmv?10:44
lightbrightund: so what linux c++ compiler you using now?10:44
stratovarius*with vlc sorry10:44
undg++ ...10:44
Evil_Whisperhow do I make my fonts look smooth and stuff for my QT applications like they are in gnome?10:44
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, Check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows for steps for getting access to the disk in your live environment.10:44
FredMitja, check your pm ;)10:44
lightbrightstratovarius: http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/faqguide-all.html10:44
khalil3664i got my game installed but when i double click on it screen goes black , refreshes and comes back to ubuntu , Any one can help ?10:44
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tonyyarussofractalmbrown, fdisk or cfdisk will give you information about the disks you have.10:45
lightbrightund: where can I see your work?10:45
humelightbright, you mean for me to paste the error there?10:45
herrpoonshi can someone help to change from GNOME to fluxbox?10:45
herrpoonswhat would the best way to go aobut it be?10:45
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, does it matter that Ubuntu was installed after windows as opposed to vice versa?10:45
humeherrpoons, install fluxbox, and it will appear in the session menu in gdm10:45
lightbrighthume: no, use that sources.list10:45
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, The terminal emulator is in the same menu as normally on the Live session, Applications > Accessories > Terminal (for Breezy).10:45
herrpoonsright so10:45
herrpoonsill try that now :)10:46
lightbrightund: where can I see your work and application that you have created with c++?10:46
humelightbright, well...still i got a broken package on my system and cannot get it removed....or?10:46
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, terminal is started10:46
stratovariuslightbright, I have already done that steps10:46
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, Not for this part.  Only go through the "Before you begin" and "Preparing your working environment" sections for now.10:46
undit's on my pc10:46
stratovariusbut I cant play a wmv in a preview mode with amule10:46
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lightbrightstratovarius: http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/faqguide-all.html10:47
lightbrighthume: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/232510:47
lightbrighthume: use that sources.list!  then do apt-get update10:47
khalil3664i got my game installed but when i double click on it screen goes black , refreshes and comes back to ubuntu , Any one can help ?10:47
stratovariuslightbright, I tokld you I've already done that steps10:47
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, ok, i'm in the root dir10:47
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lightbrightstratovarius: well do them EXACTLY as is, because i did and it works for me10:47
lightbrightstratovarius: whenever it doesnt work , it means someone missed a step10:48
lightbrightstratovarius: you installed w32codecs_20050412-0.0_i386.deb?10:48
stratovariuslightbright, I can play every kind of video file but no wmv10:48
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stratovariuslightbright, yes I did10:48
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, what "hda#" should I use for mounting it?10:49
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, If you do all of those two sections correctly, and chose the right devices, you should be able to browse everything on your disks as you would expect them.10:49
lightbrightstratovarius: whenever it doesnt work , it means someone missed a step!  because it works for me and others10:49
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, That's where fdisk comes in.10:49
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tonyyarussofractalmbrown, Do fdisk -l hda10:49
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dailyrorschachhey, after downloading a theme for gnome, where do I need to extract it and how do i install it/10:50
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, it didn't do anything10:50
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, Ideally, you can tell which disk is which by their size; it's a bit tricky if they're the same.10:50
fractalmbrownif I type fdisk -l it gives me a list though10:50
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, Uh, really?10:50
Kyraldailyrorschach: just go to the Theme chooser thing and select Install Theme, then select the tarball from the filebrowser10:50
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, Okay, what's on the list?10:50
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dailyrorschachKyral: thanks, I was trying to select the file outside of the tarball10:51
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fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, sda1 which is my removable flash disk10:51
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, as well as...10:51
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, Oh, right, my fault.10:51
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, hda which is my master and hdb which is my slave10:51
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fractalmbrown/dev/hda1   *           1        7383    59303916    7  HPFS/NTFS10:52
fractalmbrownis that the one I want?10:52
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, So the grub menu we want at is on the master, right?10:52
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tonyyarussofractalmbrown, NTFS?  Is grub installed under Windows?10:53
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, What other partitions are on hda?10:53
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fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, it is installed on the C:\ partition, corret10:53
fractalmbrownhda1, hda2, hda510:53
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, I'll msg it to you10:54
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tonyyarussofractalmbrown, Oy.  Okay.10:54
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MalachiHello? Question.10:54
slideIs there any kind of extension for thunderbird that removes the taskbar button and replaces it with a systray icon instead?10:54
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dailyrorschachdoes anyone have a dell latitude d600, the system says I'm running 1280 x 768, but it looks like 800 x 60010:55
Hobbseeslide: moztraybiff - which version of ubuntu are you running?10:55
lightbrightslide: you can write one10:55
ph8hello all, i've managed to botch some of my /etc file permissions with a liberal chmod - now (assuming this is related) I can't open gnomes user and group manager - any ideas how i can get all my perms corrected?10:55
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, it won't let me pm you lol10:55
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fractalmbrownjust a sec10:55
slideHobbsee, , 5.1010:55
MalachiI can't run anything under the System-->Administration menu10:55
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso /dev/hda1   *           1        7383    59303916    7  HPFS/NTFS10:55
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso /dev/hda2            7384        9729    18844245    f  W95 Ext'd (LBA)10:55
slidelightbright, yea i could, but ive got enough code to write atm heh10:55
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso /dev/hda5            7384        9729    18844213+   7  HPFS/NTFS10:55
fractalmbrownthose are my hda partitions10:55
KyralMalachi: it would help if you said what the error was10:55
lightbrightslide: :)10:55
Hobbseeslide: http://moztraybiff.mozdev.org/10:55
MalachiThere isn't one.10:55
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, I wasn't identified.  Am now.10:56
fractalmbrownI don't know what the W95 Ext'd (LBA) is10:56
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slideHobbsee, thanks :)10:56
MalachiWhen I click a command under the menu, nothing happens.10:56
Hobbseeslide: although i dont think that will install under 5.10, it did under 5.04.  I have a compiled version for 5.10 that works, that i could send to you if you want10:56
KyralMalachi: no password box comes up?10:56
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, I posted the partitions if you didn't notice. :)10:56
slideHobbsee, yea thatd be great10:56
KyralMalachi: does sudo work?10:56
XiCillinis there a way to bind the 'windows' key to pull down the applications menu on gnome?10:56
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, Saw them.10:57
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, ok10:57
KyralMalachi: is the root account enabled?10:57
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KyralMalachi: that could be it10:57
rikaihm... someone using one of my computers accidentally installed kubuntu-desktop, any easy way to remove all it and all its dependencies? apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop jsut removes that package, not all the ones it installed.10:57
MalachiDo I have to disable it?10:57
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, I'm pondering, as I'm not familiar with grub being under Windows.10:57
KyralMalachi: disable the root account and see if that fixes it10:57
rikai*is there an easy way10:57
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, Do you know what's one the Master Boot Record?10:57
KyralI actually have to look this one up10:57
KyralMalachi: gimme a sec10:57
fractalmbrownthe MBR is hda110:57
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skonXicillin: go to System:Preferences:Keyboard shortcuts10:58
lightbrightrikai hm... someone using one of my computers accidentally installed kubuntu-desktop <--- they "accidently" installed it? :P lol10:58
XiCillinskon: thanks10:58
KyralMalachi: sudo passwd -l root10:58
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, the master boot record is the first partition (hda1)10:58
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, So grub is still installed to MBR, but it's config file is on the Windows partition.10:58
dailyrorschachanyone have experience with laptop displays.  namely, my resolution is stuck at 800 x 600 but the resolution menu believes I'm set to 1280 x 760, and can I change contrast anywhere10:58
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rikailightbright, kid with idle hands enjoy clicking things they shouldn't.10:59
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, it gives me an error 1710:59
DaemonicIs there a package available for bmp themes?10:59
rikailightbright, that'll teach me to leave synaptic open.10:59
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, Does it say what error 17 is?10:59
lightbrightrikai: what do they click to install kubuntu-desktop? :)10:59
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MalachiAh okay.10:59
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MalachiI found that right as you said it.10:59
MalachiThanks! I'll try it.10:59
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, I googled it and apparently it happens when it can't mount a partition, but it recognizes it, but can't load it10:59
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, it knows that the partition exists, but is unable to mount it, afaik10:59
lightbrightKyle_S: what does  sudo passwd -l root do?11:00
jack|assso has the new version of x.org been ported to ubuntu yet?11:00
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Kyrallightbright: locks the RootAccount11:00
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, Okay, we'll see what we can do with that.11:00
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Kyraljack|ass: Breezy? No and it won't11:00
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jack|assKyral: what about the... what's the current unstable?11:00
skonDoes anyone know a tool (I own PartitionCommander for windows btw) that will let me expand my ext2 partition and decrease my ntfs partition, non destructively??? P.C. lets me decrease the ntfs but won't let ext2 claim that free space11:00
trinidadi have updated my kernel, however, after reboot with grub, my kernel is not on selection menu11:00
trinidadcan someone help11:00
Kyraljack|ass: dapper?11:01
rikailightbright, hm? they managed to install it though synaptic. how? i dont know, other than i had left synaptic open... i MIGHT have done a search for kubuntu while looking for something, but i'm not sure.11:01
lightbrightKyral: what you mean it locks it?11:01
jack|assKyral: Dapper?  What's the animal to go wiht that?  :)  But yeah.11:01
lightbrightrikai: :)11:01
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, Where is menu.lst on the drive?  (What's the path equivalent to /boot/grub/menu.lst?)11:01
Kyraljack|ass: I don't think so...my updates haven't jumped X to 7.0 yet11:01
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DarkManpashaw, i'm going to  sleep  now,  for  now already tnx  for  your time  and  help . will see u later :):):)11:01
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, hang on, I must mount it first11:01
rikailightbright, anywho, i dont suppose yo would know how to reverse the effect? ;)11:01
Kyrallightbright: it literally locks the account. According to man passwd11:02
slewhi. do i need to install the new xorg or can it wait till dapper?11:02
burning_bronxjack|ass, it's Dapper Drake11:02
pashawDarkMan,  later11:02
lightbrightrikai: yes I do11:02
jack|assKyral: Dapper is usable though?11:02
tonyyarussoskon: The partitioner in the Ubuntu install lets you do that stuff.11:02
rikailightbright, mind enlightening me, please?11:02
burning_bronxDapper is usable but it may lead to a boot11:02
MalachiProblem still.11:02
trinidadtonyyarusso::> so what happens when you need to partition when your not installing?11:02
MalachiNow I'm getting a familiar error.11:02
jack|assburning_bronx: lead to a boot?11:02
lightbrightrikai: type "sudo apt-get remove --purge kubuntu-desktop"11:02
Kyraljack|ass: Eh...if you don't know how to get yourself out of a bind or mind X breaking or anything breaking for that matter ;P11:02
jack|assburning_bronx: like having to reboot?11:02
burning_bronxI meant11:02
burning_bronxlead to a breakage11:02
Malachiunable to lookup via gethostbyname()11:02
burning_bronxmy brain is out for the night11:03
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=== Parti [n=ghost@66-190-246-254.dhcp.astr.or.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Partihi guys...11:03
lightbrightMalachi: dont tell me you typed sudo passwd -l root, did you???11:03
tonyyarussotrinidad, You run the install disk in a different mode, and apparently that works.11:03
rikailightbright, alrighty, that shouldnt have any detrimental effects on anything that was installed before kubuntu-desktop, should it?11:03
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, I can't mount it, it doesn't give any errors but it doesn't give me any results11:03
jack|assKyral: hah, well i know how to, although i'm waiting for it to be not as bleeding edge as breezy was when i started using it. :)11:03
burning_bronxhello again Parti11:03
trinidadyes i see11:03
Kyrallightbright: He disabled it11:03
tonyyarussotrinidad, Not sure of the details, since I haven't tried it.11:03
lightbrightrikai: look, it will tell you11:03
Partiyeah, hello again! :D11:03
MalachiI did....11:03
PartiI reconnected at 3 AM11:03
Kyrallightbright: because it was messing with the GUI Admin11:03
Partiand nobody was here ><11:03
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, nevermind, i can see my contents of the disk11:03
KyralMalachi: look in /etc/hosts11:03
lightbrightKyral: ah ok11:03
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tonyyarussofractalmbrown, No error means it works, right?  Good stuff.11:04
jack|assKyral: do you happen to know the version of the glx server that's being used in the current dapper build?  (glxinfo | grep version)11:04
lightbrightpatrick_: hello, how is your life?11:04
rikailightbright, hm, i tried htat command, and it did the same hing as a normal sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop...11:04
pashawParti,   didnt you use  little "p" parti11:04
MalachiNothing there except networking stuff.11:04
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lightbrightrikai: ask someone else then11:04
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MalachiJust had to configure it about two minutes ago, so I know.11:04
PartiYep, I did use non-capital p, before.11:04
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KyralMalachi: the first line should be "       localhost.localdomain   localhost <something>"11:04
herrpoonim using fluxbox now11:04
herrpoonits rather bare!11:05
MalachiNo, I changed it.11:05
herrpoonto say the least11:05
Ozmanconcernant les gdesklets, vous aviez raison ils ne se lancent pas au dmarrage11:05
PartiBut I though that with the capital P, it looks better :P11:05
KyralMalachi: to what?11:05
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, eh, there is no .lst file11:05
pashawParti,   it doesnt  :P11:05
nick01I compiled a new kernel and now the sound doesn't work- alsaconf is not working either11:05
MalachiIt's now 192.*.* localhost.localdomain blah blah blah11:05
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, there is a boot.ini11:05
Partiok ><11:05
nick01how do I get sound \?11:05
KyralMalachi: change it to that format11:05
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tonyyarussofractalmbrown, Good enough for me.11:05
MalachiIf I change it to I get no internet.11:05
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, it's Window's own bootloader11:05
KyralMalachi: From what I have observed, sudo somehow uses the loopback, which means it needs...11:05
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, I don't know the syntax though11:06
=== parti [n=ghost@66-190-246-254.dhcp.astr.or.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
MalachiI'll try it.11:06
partiok. Here I am :)11:06
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KyralMalachi: are you on Broadband?11:06
ossieHi yall11:06
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pashawparti,   much better  :P11:06
skontonyarusso: thanks11:06
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, pastebin it.  I don't either, but maybe something will become obvious.11:06
skondidnt use it yet11:06
nick01I compiled a new kernel and now the sound doesn't work- alsaconf is not working either so no sound; can somebody help ?11:06
partiha ha ha :D11:06
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dailyrorschachdoes anyone have experience with messing aroudn with xorg.conf, my display is a native 1280x768, but ubuntu is showing it as a 800 x 600 even though the display panel says otherwise11:06
Kyralnick01: seems like you didn't compile in support for your card ;P11:06
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partipashaw & bunrning_B... I got a huge problem now....  I killed WIndows !!11:07
MalachiBut I'm using VMWare.11:07
nick01Kyral, I have11:07
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, I'm guessing though that there's a grub file somewhere, that then specifies to chainload the Windows one, so keep searching for something grub-related, even though it might not be menu.lst.11:07
KyralMalachi: for Ubuntu?11:07
burning_bronxparti, what you mean you killed windows?11:07
ossiehi can some here have alook at a shell script im writing if i post it on pastebin, please, as i cant see why this dont work, im used to suse scripting11:07
pashawparti,   thats not a problem thats a solution11:07
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partiha ha ha ha !!11:07
tonyyarussoparti: That's a problem?  j/k!11:07
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burning_bronxhe's right you know11:07
MalachiWindows as Host, Ubuntu as Guest.11:07
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MalachiI have to...work requires it.11:07
RalkenDarkMan, hi its me agian do you remember me from earlier today?11:07
MalachiRequires XP.11:07
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turnpike420format is not in ubuntu... what do I use to format a newly created ext3 partition11:07
KyralMalachi: I ah11:07
rajanyone got the freenx working on UBUNTU??11:07
pashawdailyrorschach, is it full screen right now?11:07
partiWell, I still need windows sometimes ><11:07
nick01Kyral, how do I install alsaconf ? alsa-utils is installed11:08
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, http://pastebin.com/47704911:08
RalkenDarkMan, I tried to send you a copy of the config but I guess you were afk11:08
KyralMalachi: did you check the option to let the VM use the Net Connecton (whichever it is)11:08
MalachiAnd even so, the sudo passwd -l root still doesn't work.11:08
coder_i tried removing firefox x86_64 and installing i386 deb packages and the dpkg install didnt work.  So i apt-get install mozilla-firefox, and now firefox can't resolve fonts11:08
partiI a ubuntu27 in the Ubuntuforums: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=599935&postcount=711:08
Ozmanis someone here can explain to me how start the gdesklets automatically  ?11:08
burning_bronxparti, I need winboze for work too11:08
dailyrorschachpashaw,  nope11:08
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MalachiIt's configured for nat.11:08
partiYeah, me too ><11:08
coder_no text for anything!11:08
pashawdailyrorschach,   think i can help ya  my laptop did the same thing11:08
partiCould you take a look at: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=599935&postcount=711:08
MalachiBy the way, I'm using Player, not Workstation11:08
soundrayturnpike420, how did you create your ext3 partition?11:09
KyralMalachi: nevermind then I only have experiance with WorkStation11:09
Terrasqueany wow players here?11:09
KyralWoW is EVIL11:09
dailyrorschachpashaw, I'd really apprecaite this, it's really annoying, it claims to be at 1280 x 768 but I know its not11:09
=== patrick_ [n=patrick@cpe-069-132-012-246.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ossiehttp://pastebin.com/477050 , can anyone see why this dont work it complains of not being able to see the nzb files even though they are there11:09
RalkenI'm having problems getting swat to work under ubuntu are there any known issues with it?11:09
MalachiWell, I changed it back to
MalachiBut still I get the error.11:09
nick01how do I get sound back ?11:09
pashawdailyrorschach,   yeah  finding the changes i made11:09
KyralMalachi: you may have to reboot the VM11:09
DaemonicShould I give up hope for a working flash pluging for x64?11:09
TerrasqueKyral, I know... but I'm addicted :(11:09
KyralMalachi: I don't know much about VMWaring Ubuntu11:10
DarkManRalken i'm back now  for  a  min11:10
parti... :(11:10
KyralMalachi: I was working on the assumption that you had a HD install11:10
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, Yeah, there's gotta be another file somewhere.11:10
burning_bronxwell parti what did you use to resize winboze?11:10
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, Have you searched for "grub" on the drive?11:10
RalkenDarkMan, yeah I only got a min as well gotta get a last minute gift lol11:10
partiPartition magick 8, since I couldn't resize the partition using Gparted nor QTparted.11:10
MalachiI don't like VMWaring.11:10
ubotuhmm... pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org11:11
turnpike420soundray: fdisk /dev/sda  n  p11:11
DarkManhehehe   just  for  crishtmas ,lol11:11
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burning_bronxweird enough11:11
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, I think it's in the actual boot sector11:11
soundrayDaemonic, please bother Macromedia about it before you give up. They should release a 64bit version, or, better yet, the source.11:11
RalkenDarkMan, I have the config you wanna take a look11:11
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, not a file on the harddrive11:11
turnpike420soundray: well, with sudo in front... then w to write and exit11:11
=== patrick_ [n=patrick@cpe-069-132-012-246.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
MalachiAck! I can't run sudo at all now.11:11
ossiehttp://pastebin.com/477050 , can anyone see why this dont work it complains of not being able to see the nzb files even though they are there11:11
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, Ah.  Sounds plausible.11:11
DarkManu can mail me  if u want  darky469@hotmail.com11:11
Daemonicsoundray: perhaps I should email them with a complaint.11:11
soundrayturnpike420, so you made a partition of the entire disk?11:11
RalkenDarkMan, is it ok to DCC it to you ?11:11
Daemonicsoundray: not that they'd listen...11:11
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turnpike420soundray: yup11:12
Terrasquewell, anyway, I've cooked together an extremely crude .deb package of a modified wine capable of running WoW. And I wanted some feedback on it :) If it works on other installations, for example.. And also getting all my mistakes pointed out :)11:12
turnpike420soundray: 120GB external firewire drive11:12
soundrayDaemonic, not to you alone, but I'll complain too, and with rising numbers, who knows...11:12
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, Think you can figure out how to modify the lines to fit a Windows disk to finish the "Prepare your working environment" section of that page?11:12
pashawdailyrorschach, look at this  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/608311:12
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, huh?11:12
DarkManu can try,  i  don't know  exactly if  all works  at the moment  , bevccause  i  only  have  ubuntu  for  a  week on my own system , have  to configureer  everything11:12
soundrayturnpike420, the command you are looking for is probably 'sudo mke2fs -j /dev/sda1'.11:12
Daemonicsoundray: true. we need to get together and unite in our harrassing efforts.. can't ignore everyone. ;)11:13
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, Remember the link I gave you earlier?11:13
DonVincenzohi, I would like tochange the ownership of some files from root to a normal user, how can I do ?11:13
RalkenDarkMan, I sent it11:13
turnpike420soundray: and -j makes an ext2 format as ext3 correct?11:13
Daemonicsoundray: I want my media.. but I don't want to revert to a 32bit distro. This x64 is just too fast/nice.11:13
soundrayturnpike420, please read 'man mke2fs' though.11:13
TerrasqueDonVincenzo, chown11:13
coder_could someone paste me a url for a backport address for sources.list?11:13
soundrayturnpike420, that's correct.11:13
RalkenDarkMan, Ill e-mail it too you then cause its not showing you accepting the transfer11:13
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turnpike420soundray: good, then I did learn something from reading.. :p11:13
DonVincenzoTerrasque: thanks11:14
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stramis there some type of net install that will allow me to install 6.04 via CD currently?11:14
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DarkManoke  tnx  m8ty11:14
pashawdailyrorschach,   and this  here http://wiki.x.org/X11R6.8.0/doc/xorg.conf.5.html   scroll down to the DISPLAY section11:14
ossiesorry to keep on anyone can help with this http://pastebin.com/47705011:14
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, I wan't to see if grub is able to recover itself automatically.11:14
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dailyrorschachpashaw:  looking right now11:14
dailyrorschachI want to show you something on pastebin however11:14
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turnpike420soundray: thank you sir11:14
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tonyyarussostram: You can burn an ISO from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/dapper/flight-2/, is that what you mean?11:15
Terrasqueossie, what's the problem exactly?11:15
stramtonyyarusso: yeah, thanks!11:15
Ozmannobody knows how to start the gdesklets automatically ?11:15
SeveasOzman, add gdesklets to your session11:15
soundrayDaemonic, the free software purist's route would be to support SVG and SMIL instead of Flash, I reckon.11:15
coder_Ozman: system-> sessions11:15
Seveassystem -> prefs -> session11:15
dailyrorschachpashaw: this is what I currently have under my screen section11:15
ossiewhen i paste the command in manually it gives permission error even with sudo or fakeroot11:15
soundrayturnpike420, any time :)11:15
pashawdailyrorschach,   add the subsection "display" like i did   but change your   virtual and "Modes"  to your real resolution11:16
funkyHatOzman, system > preferences > session11:16
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pashawdailyrorschach,   dont paste it here use pastebin11:16
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uboturumour has it, pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org11:16
dailyrorschachI did11:16
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Daemonicsoundray: yeah. I just want everything to work. ;)11:16
ossieany idoes Terrasque11:16
Sh4d0xhelp me!!11:16
RalkenDarkMan, I just sent it via e-mail11:16
dailyrorschachI just didnt send it crap11:16
dailyrorschachpashaw: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/d608411:16
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso,  I'm trying to figure this out11:16
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fractalmbrowntonyyarusso,  is there any way to restart and do this terminal thing from the beginning?11:16
DonVincenzois anyone here using gtkpod ?11:17
Terrasqueossie, yeah, check permissions :o)  is the filesystems mounted rw btw?11:17
Ozmanthx I'll try11:17
ossieyes its my system partion11:17
Sh4d0xi installed a theme (which is ugly) and every time i try to open my thema managers to change current ugly theme it crashes11:17
Sh4d0xpleeaase somebody help :(:( i'm in no mood for a format11:17
ossiebut i cant do it with sudo or fake or even sudo fakeroot11:17
soundraySh4d0x, Gnome?11:17
Sh4d0xsoundray uhu11:17
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TerrasqueSh4d0x, you could nuke your .gnome/.gnome2 folder11:18
ossiewhat u think Terr11:18
xenexanyone here use netgear wg511v2 (china version) with ubuntu?11:18
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ossiewhat u think Terrasque11:18
soundraySh4d0x, no need to format, but... (see Terrasque)11:18
Sh4d0xsoundray ooo thnxx you are my hero (k)11:18
DarkManjust got it   ralken , downloadig  from hotmail now11:18
soundrayTerrasque, it won't work though...11:18
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, Yes.  How depends on exactly what you mean.  If it just looks cluttered, use "clear" or close the window and open another.  If you mean you think you've messed up how you've done some things on the system, my best bet it shutdown and restart the Live CD, which will undo all of the non-permanent things done, and I don't think you did anything permanent.11:18
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, ooh, this is ugly. I had a folder called C:\dev, and the recovery page told me to mount something to \mnt\work\dev11:19
Sh4d0xterrasque, can you tell me exactly what i have to do?11:19
Terrasquesoundray, it wont?11:19
soundraySh4d0x, it won't work though...11:19
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makkkis there a way to get pygtk to work with python2.3?11:19
soundrayTerrasque, sorry...11:19
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nickrudSh4d0x, applications->system->config editor, then navigate to desktop/gnome/interface , you can change the themes there11:19
xenexI need help. I haven't installed Ubuntu yet but I have read on the forums saying WG511v2 (China) is hard to work. Can anyone tell me step by step how to do this?11:19
RalkenDarkMan, k if I go afk can you e-mail me your response11:19
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tonyyarussofractalmbrown, Why is that a problem?11:19
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soundraySh4d0x, unless you log out first and do it from a console or non-Gnome session.11:19
cmathesonxenex: are you talking about chinese input?11:19
Terrasqueossie, dont know enough about your system to know, sorry11:19
xenexcmatheson: yes i have the china version11:19
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, now there's a bunch of files in my C:\dev folder11:19
soundraySh4d0x, otherwise Gnome just writes back its current config on exit.11:19
Ralkenis there a way to show everyone else that your afk11:19
DarkMansure  i will do that11:20
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, meaning, the tutorial assumes I'm working in a unix file system, which I'm not11:20
cmathesonxenex: i use it everyday (i'm using traditional, but it's the same setup either way)... it's really trivial to set up11:20
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, Of what sort?11:20
Sh4d0xsoundray, from no one i'll never ever install an other theme!!11:20
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, True.11:20
DarkMan already  tnx  , will have  a look at it now11:20
TerrasqueSh4d0x, if you got lots of spare time you could maybe hunt down the exact file that stores the current theme name, and change it manually.11:20
xenexcmatheson: im new to ubuntu so i dont know anything, can you tell me how to make the card work if it doesnt work?11:20
IcemanV9Ralken: change your nick e.g Ralken-afk11:20
soundraySh4d0x, will reconfiguring gnome be a pain?11:20
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cmathesonxenex: wait are you talking about chinese input or a card?11:21
varsendaggerhey how would i copy all my . files with the cp command in cli11:21
xenexi have netgear wg511v2 (made in china version)11:21
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, I'm not sure what files they are. They're highlighted and have yellow coloring if I try an 'ls' command11:21
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Sh4d0xsoundray, i guess yes, cus i'm only a few day's on ubuntu and it's pretty hard to learn11:21
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, Can you mount C:\  /mnt/work?11:21
cmathesonvarsendagger: cp .* dest/11:21
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, What are some names?11:21
xenexcmatheson: i have netgear wg511v2 (made in china version)11:21
Terrasquecmatheson, sure . and .. wont join the fray?11:22
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cmathesonxenex: ooh, i'm not sure about that... i thought you were talking about i18n stuff11:22
cmathesonTerrasque: no11:22
nickrudSh4d0x, seriously, the simple fix is as I mentioned above. change gtk_theme to Human11:22
soundraySh4d0x, putting it differently, have you spent a lot of time customizing gnome (I mean panels, desktop, mouse etc. rather than system stuff)?11:22
Sh4d0xterrasque in belgium it's now 23:31 i'd like to go to bed within a few minutes, cuz last weeks a worked hard on a new website for audi11:22
xenexcmatheson: do you use netgear wg511v2 (made in china version)?11:22
cmathesonxenex: no i do not, i don't know what that is11:22
TerrasqueSh4d0x, make a new user :)11:22
DarkManoke  all  ,  see  u laters  ,  and have  a  good  night :)11:22
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Sh4d0xnickrud but there are a lot of folders in "gnome"11:23
xenexcmatheson: its a wireless card that ive read on the forums saying that it is hard to setup11:23
varsendaggercmatheson, thankyou11:23
cmathesonxenex: it may be, i'm not sure11:23
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, C:\ is mounted as /mnt/work11:23
xenexcmatheson: but i dont know what to do exactly if it doesnt work11:23
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tonyyarussofractalmbrown, Hmm, that might work out okay.11:23
ossieTerrasque,  sorted it didnt like the ; at the end of each line11:23
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, but there is no trace of GRUB or anything even remotely like it11:23
MalachiI got sudo to work.11:23
MalachiNeeded to do "hostname localhost"11:23
nickrudSh4d0x, no, you go, from the top menu bar: applications->system->config editor. Then, inside that app, navigate to desktop/interface. Edit in the right pane, gtk_theme to Human.11:23
cmathesonfractalmbrown: it's in /boot/grub11:23
Terrasquevarsendagger, be careful with that advice... really check that "." and ".." arent included11:23
Sh4d0xterrasque, yes that would also be a solution11:23
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, Yeah, but if we're dealing with a hidden sector at the beginning of the disk, it might still be there.11:24
nickrudum, Desktop/gnome/interface is the full path11:24
dailyrorschachis there a way to turn off the outline around windows when minimizing and restoring them?11:24
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tonyyarussocmatheson, fractalmbrown's grub is on Windows.11:24
pashawdailyrorschach,  man this is clunky  open this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6085   see where i added your info11:24
jc-dentoni use dm_crypt on an external firewire hd11:24
Sh4d0xnickrud aah folder interface thnQ11:24
TerrasqueSh4d0x, its probably the fastest "fix"..11:24
dailyrorschachpashaw: yeah, and this is without me even trying to customize it11:24
MalachiNow my terminal doesn't work.11:24
nickrudcorrect one, too. That's what the theme manager manipulates11:24
jc-dentoni'm wondering if i can mount this harddrive on other non-linux os11:24
varsendaggerTerrasque, . and .. are being included, any other ideas?11:24
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, check this out: http://www.geocities.com/lode_leroy/grubinstall/11:25
Terrasquevarsendagger,  yeah, lots :)11:25
Sh4d0xnickrud nothing changes :s11:25
dailyrorschachpashaw: so are you recommending tyring to replace everything I have with screen with the text you gave me?11:25
pashawdailyrorschach,   add this lines in as an extra "display"    use your numbers for the virtual and Modes11:25
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, it would require me to restore my MBR back to how it was before Ubuntu messed with it11:25
cmathesonvarsendagger: if you don't add -r to the 'cp' it's not going to copy . or ..11:25
pashawdailyrorschach,  no you can just add thos 4-5 lines into your xorg.conf11:25
varsendaggercmatheson, how do i copy my .folders then?11:25
dailyrorschachin the display section correct?11:25
dailyrorschachand then restart GDM11:26
ubotuQt is the Q-toolkit. Qt is to KDE what GTK is to GNOME. For the Qt includes, install the libqt3-mt-dev package11:26
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Terrasquevarsendagger, a hackish approach could be to do "for x in `ls -A`; do cp $x target/; done" :)11:26
Sh4d0xnickrud: error " at this moment nothing can be changed, this wil be fixed in a later version" :s11:26
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pashawdailyrorschach,  in the SCREEN section  subsection display11:26
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, Certainly looks worth a shot.11:26
mp3guyi accidentally changed the bootup splash screen to the xubuntu one, how do i change it back?11:26
dailyrorschachpashaw: ok11:26
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, but how would I go about restoring my MBR?11:26
nickrudSh4d0x, odd. Works For Me , going to Clearlooks and back to Human11:26
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pashawdailyrorschach,   your adding a new display reference11:26
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, Your other option is to try reinstalling grub using an Ubuntu install CD, which I think is possible.11:27
dailyrorschachpashaw: right, ok11:27
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tonyyarussofractalmbrown, Good question.11:27
Evil_WhisperIs there any way to make QT applications use your GTK colors?11:27
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, I know it happens if you reinstall Windows, but I'm sure that's not a very appealing option.11:27
bur[n] erEvil_Whisper: if you find a way, i'd like to know ;)11:27
Sh4d0xnickrud what is the exact name of the theme "human"?11:27
dailyrorschachpashaw: and after that I should be able to do a restart of gdm and see the changes?11:27
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, You might try contacting your computer's manufacturer and asking whether they have anything to restore your MBR.11:27
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Terrasquefractalmbrown, start rescue console from cd, run fixmbr, cross fingers11:28
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, I found a forum link, possibly a solution http://www.techzonez.com/forums/showthread.php?t=397511:28
holycowhey guys, i have one install where grub seems to hang for 30 seconds before hitting stage 1.5 - i'm curious if anyone has seen this before, i'm not googling much on this issue11:28
pashawdailyrorschach,   if its not fullscreen id reboot myself11:28
cmathesonvarsendagger: you could do something ugly like this if you have folders: for i in .* ; do if [ $i != "."  ] ; then if [ $i != ".." ] ;then cp $i dest/; fi;  fi; done11:28
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, Mine didn't, but you might get lucky.11:28
fractalmbrownTerrasque, that's exactly what the link told me11:28
pashawdailyrorschach,  just reboot it11:28
dailyrorschachpashaw: alright, giving it a try11:28
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partiI'm back again...11:29
burning_bronxand I never left11:29
Terrasquefractalmbrown, of course, fixmbr have never actually worked for me... why do you need win mbr btw? is it the mbr thats gone or windows boot system?11:29
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burning_bronxresizing ntfs using ntfsprogs from the ubuntu repo11:29
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fractalmbrownTerrasque, windows is still there. The MBR was hijacked by GRUB11:29
burning_bronxwonder if it would damage data11:29
Terrasquefractalmbrown, tell grub to include windows in the list? :)11:29
burning_bronxfractalmbrown, it's windows that hijacks windows >.>11:29
MerlineHello and merry xmas! I have a little problem. How i can create superuser password in console ?11:30
burning_bronx*hijacks grub11:30
burning_bronxscrew me.11:30
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TerrasqueMerline, "sudo passwd" iirc :)11:30
teroedniThanks for all help:) question:/usr/share/alsa/pcm<-----here is a lot of conf files??   Are they a demo of differnet setups for dmix souround and etc meant for asoundrc configurating?11:30
soundrayMerline, 'sudo passwd'. But are you sure you want to do this?11:30
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, Also could work, provided you have a WinXP disk (I didn't).11:30
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, I have an original disk. It should work okey-dokey ;)11:30
TerrasqueMerline, oh,and what soundray said..11:30
Merlinesoundray, why not? how else i can be root ?11:31
soundrayMerline, with sudo.11:31
FredMerline, "sudo su"11:31
tonyyarussofractalmbrown, You might also consider trying to figure out reinstalling grub from an Ubuntu disk, since I'd rather use it than the Windows bootloader anyway, once it's working.11:31
TerrasqueMerline, just put the word "sudo" infront of the commands needing root access.. or "sudo -i" for interactive shell11:31
soundrayMerline, sudo -i is better than sudo su11:31
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Sh4d0xnickrud got it11:31
Merlinethank u11:32
Sh4d0xnickrud you simple own man!! thnQ sooo much11:32
nickrudSh4d0x, good, that gconf editor is worth looking over. It'll tell you a lot about what you can change on your desktop11:32
DShepherdhey can anyone drop me a link to opera 8 static11:32
fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, i'm going to reboot and try the FIXMBR thing11:32
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fractalmbrowntonyyarusso, if it doesn't work, I'll log back on to IRC11:32
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MrRiofractalmbrown: yeah the fixmbr thing will do the trick11:33
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teroedniIs there no one who knowes what the /usr/share/alsa/pcm conf files are meant tyo be used for?11:33
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enoshow do i get root access; during the install, i was never prompted to setup a root password...11:33
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sampanubotu tell enos about root11:33
zokahi people! Did anybody had problems with upgrading modules in eclipse11:33
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Sh4d0xnickrud, how do i get rid of the "stupid" installed themes, especially the "broken" ones or the ones that crashes my theme manager?11:34
crimsunteroedni: they're default configuration files used for pcm definitions so that you can specify plug names via alsa-lib. Why?11:34
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zokait seems that it can't vrite in default folders11:34
nickrudSh4d0x, the themes you installed are in ~/.themes, you can simply delete their folders11:34
pashawtonyyarusso, nice work   fractals  setup  didnt make sense to me11:34
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teroednicrimsun:So they are not meant for asoundrc config?11:35
Sh4d0xnickrud thnx :)11:35
puffI'm trying to play a wmv and no sound is coming through.  I've played other videos with sound, and I can hear the various UI button clicks.  Anything obvious I'm missing?11:35
nickrudSh4d0x, any downloaded icon themes will be in ~/.icons11:35
teroednilike if i want 7.12audio11:35
teroedni7.1 audio11:35
tonyyarussopashaw: We have yet to see if there's any success, but at least we got somewhere!11:35
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cmathesonpuff: what are you using to play the video?11:35
pashawtonyyarusso, lol11:35
crimsunteroedni: then you specify plug:surround7111:35
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crimsunteroedni: don't touch anything in /usr/share/alsa/11:35
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DShepherd!tell me about opera11:35
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puffcmatheson: totem.11:36
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puffcmatheson: I can play this other wmv just fine with audio.11:36
skontonyarusso: the GPartEd utility doesn't allow ntfs11:36
skonwhat should I do11:36
teroedniwhere do i specify plug :sourround11:36
teroedniin alsa conf?11:36
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cmathesonpuff: maybe it's just the video... if the one file works than it should be a setup issue11:37
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puffcmatheson: Okay... oh well.  thanks.11:37
raphaHi all!11:37
dailyrorschachpashaw: I was able to get full screen, but I'm not getting the right resolution, this forum post seems to be the answer http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75428  but I can't make the command work after getting the file11:37
raphaHi all!11:37
teroednicrimsun:Thanks for the Help:)11:37
crimsunteroedni: np11:37
Sh4d0xnickrud, can you tell me once more where i find these folders?11:37
DonVincenzoHi,I compiled from sources with make install, but now I would like to uninstall, how should I do ?11:37
pashawdailyrorschach,  all i was going for was full screen  :)  now we can adjust your resolution11:38
nickrudSh4d0x, ~/.themes and ~/.icons11:38
ossieplease can someoen say how to get divx / xvid palyback on ubuntu11:38
tonyyarussoskon: I think it lets you open a connected utility of ntfsresize.11:38
dailyrorschachpashaw: awesome, I'm just saying I think it may be driver related11:38
cmathesonDonVincenzo: if you kept the source dir it's possible you can do 'make uninstall'... otherwise it's going to be much less trivial11:38
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tonyyarussoskon: Let me check mine.11:38
sherlockcan someone pm me how the sources.list should look like..ice checked ubuntuguide.org but their soruces list doesnt work..and i need rar archiver,so plz someone pm me how it should look11:38
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pashawdailyrorschach,   what resolution do you want?11:38
soundray!tell sherlock about easysource11:38
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skonsherlock: need a rar archiver? www.winrar.com11:38
dailyrorschach1280 x 76811:38
dailyrorschachpashaw: my lcd's native11:39
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skonno its www.rarlab.com11:39
pashawdailyrorschach,   post your new screen section into pastebin    the entire screen part with the displays11:39
dailyrorschachpashaw: sure11:39
Evil_Whisperjust install rar & unrar11:39
Evil_Whispersudo apt-get install rar unrar11:39
eztar"You are either not running this script from the console or simply do not have console ownership." wtf? Isn't terminal a command line?11:39
raphaSince Ubuntu Breezy Badger my girlfriends laptop has big connectivity problems, only some internet sites work, IRC does not work (using SSH to my home PC now, which does work luckily). Can somebody help us?11:40
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tonyyarussoskon: Try apt-get install ntfsprogs.11:40
pashawdailyrorschach,   under System -> Pref -> ScreenResolution  what setting is it at11:40
DonVincenzocmatheson: thks11:40
blankyi was trying slackware (just installed it), but I soon realized the truth; ubuntu and i are engaged :'(11:41
dailyrorschachpashaw: it says 1280 x 768, but that's not what it is11:41
dailyrorschachpashaw: here's that section of the config http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/d608711:41
skonrapha: it's probably a firewall problem or something...do you have one running?11:41
teroednicrimsun:Where do i state plug:surround7111:41
cmathesonrapha: sounds like a DNS issue11:41
teroednicrimsun:In alsa.conf?11:41
dailyrorschachpashaw: further I found a forum entry that might be my solution but the command they give me after downloading the file doesn't seem to work and I can't tell why http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7542811:41
skonyeah DNS issue11:41
crimsunteroedni: no, you specify that in the preferences of whatever app you're using11:41
xenexI am new to Ubuntu. I have a wireless card, NETGEAR WG511v2 (Made in China version). In the forums, people have said it is hard to set this up, and they display all these different solutions. I need help step by step if the card doesn't work.11:41
cmathesoneztar: i don't think you can run that from X, wht is it?11:41
parksymy sound card doesn't get detected...is there any way to set it up manually?11:42
crimsunteroedni: if you're constructing an ~/.asoundrc, you'd put it in a pcm stanza11:42
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crimsunparksy: what sound card?11:42
parksycrimsun: cmipci11:42
dfgasare there any repos that have bleeding edge software? like newest xchat and such?11:42
pashawdailyrorschach,  lol   you were suppose to use your 1280x768 numbers where i put the 00000's11:42
dfgasor is thee a list somewhere of repos like that?11:42
dailyrorschachpashaw: oh, damn, I'm an asshole11:42
parksycrimsun: device manager doesn't realize that it's a sound card...is hal used for detection?11:42
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pashawdailyrorschach,  one line has a space beweet #s  other has x11:42
crimsunparksy: lsmod|grep ^snd_cmipci11:43
raphaskon: cmatheson: There is an ADSL router here. But this PC hasn't had any problems with Hoary Hedgehog, and all the Windows PCs in the network don't have a problem either. It is only since Breezy Badger has been installed. I also tried multiple DNS servers which didn't help. The only thing that does truly help is setting my own home PC as a proxy through an SSH tunnel, but my home PC isn't always turned on.11:43
crimsundfgas: "dapper"11:43
dailyrorschachpashaw: got it11:43
ubotuEvil_Whisper: Wish i knew11:43
dfgascrimsun: dapper?11:43
dailyrorschachpashaw: after doing that reboot or restart gdm?11:43
skonrapha: is IP chains on?11:43
parksycrimsun: doesn't load automatically, but i can get it to load...not sure what to do after though11:43
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raphaskon: cmatheson: Also, sometimes existing connections stall, so I wouldn't think it is a DNS issue.11:43
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teroedniCrimsun:okey so if i want 5.1 i specify plug:5.1 in asoundrc=global 5.1 settings:)11:43
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teroednicrimsun Thanks again:)11:43
dfgascrimsun: sorry i am new to ubuntu  :D11:43
pashawdailyrorschach,   not yet,  i have no idea how  those 0000's helped with full screen11:43
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eztarcmatheson, it's the script from ati that determines your version of xfree11:44
cmathesonrapha: are there other pc's there that work? i would start by comparing everything from 'route' 'ifconfig' /etc/resolv/conf, etc. w/ the other boxes network settings11:44
raphaskon: ipchains isn't even installed.11:44
pashawdailyrorschach,  save your changes and report it again11:44
dailyrorschachpashaw: no, that was my mistake, I had fullscreen11:44
dailyrorschachpashaw: the issue is the resolution11:44
Sh4d0xnickruk sry :$ can't find such a folders11:44
crimsunteroedni: you can override pcm.!default {} with it, yes.11:44
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=== Zdra1 is now known as Zdra
raphacmatheson: this is the only Linux computer in the network. And it is configured exactly like it was configured when it was running Hoary.11:44
gnomefreakwasmt ipchains hoary?11:44
skonrapha: hmm.. i don't really know11:44
crimsunparksy: after you load it, cat /proc/asound/cards11:44
teroednicvrimsun:Ahh thanks learnt alot now11:44
raphacmatheson: And, to say it again, all Windows PCs still work flawlessly.11:44
cmathesonrapha: yeah, but have you compared the network settings on the linux box to those of the windoze boxen?11:45
raphaskon: Yeah, me neither :-) ... I'm pretty much at the end of my latin.11:45
sudo_smartasshey crimson... didn't u help me awhile back with my mounting ntfs?11:45
crimsundfgas: "dapper" is the development version.11:45
crimsunsudo_smartass: no idea.11:45
parksycrimsun: --- no soundcards ---11:45
tonyyarussoFor everyone that's wondered about resizing ntfs and I've told to try the install CD somehow:  I still don't know how that's supposed to work, but you can get the package ntfsprogs out of main, which has ntfsresize.11:45
mz111When I switched my login shell to zsh, gnome became oblivious to my path variable11:45
sudo_smartassok anyone know how to make my ntfs drives accessible?11:45
sudo_smartassive tried mounting11:45
dailyrorschachpashaw: so I always had the fullscreen I misunderstood you before, what's happening is it says im at 1024 x 768 but I'm not, clearly at something lower11:45
cmathesoneztar: i don't know much about that script but if it's talking about console-ownership i would guess you don't want to be running it from a terminal in X11:45
gnomefreakdapper screwed me up hard once again :(11:45
crimsunmz111: zsh doesn't parse ~/.bash*, believe it or not.11:45
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crimsungnomefreak: so why do you insist? :)11:46
raphacmatheson: The only thing that's different _meanwhile_ (because of my trying things out) is that the Linux PC doesn't get its DNS server and IP address through DHCP anymore. I thought that'd be the source of the problem, but it wasn't.11:46
sudo_smartassi got a virus on my windows disk and i want access to it to clean it up but i cant make it mounted11:46
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dailyrorschachpashaw: according to this forum post that's based on the card I use, it says to run this command "sudo ./ati-driver-installer-8.18.6-i386.run" but when I do that it says no command11:46
cmathesonrapha: type 'xdpyinfo | grep dimensions'11:46
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cmathesondailyrorschach: make it executable first11:46
gnomefreakcrimsun, cause i got to thinking about it and thought that it was internet related11:46
crimsunparksy: paste the output from ''lspci -v'' and ''lspci -nv'' onto pastebin11:46
mz111crimsun: i set the path in my zsh profile and my bash profile, but gnome can't execute the apps11:46
skontonyarusso: command not found11:46
crimsunmz111: which zsh file did you use?11:47
dailyrorschachcmatheson: and I do that how?11:47
tonyyarussoskon: Which command?11:47
gnomefreaksince the sources wont work gaim couldnt connect and xchat couldnt connect11:47
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cmathesondailyrorschach: chmod +x foo11:47
mz111crimsun: i tried several, most recently /etc/zsh/zshenv11:47
skontonyarusso: ntfsresize, and I just did the sudo apt-get install ntfsprogs11:47
mz111crimsun: everythign works from the console11:48
pashawdailyrorschach,   misunderstood  thought you only needed screen resizing not driver installing  :)11:48
raphacmatheson: What would my screen resolution have to do with my network connection?11:48
crimsunmz111: use ~/.zshrc, and source it from ~/.zlogin11:48
eztarcmatheson, https://support.ati.com/ics/support/default.asp?deptID=894&task=knowledge&folderID=30011:48
cmathesonrapha: wrong person sorry11:48
pashawdailyrorschach,   these changes will still work tho11:48
dailyrorschachpashaw: yeah, my mistake miscommunication, hopefully this driver fixes it, because I cant live with this display11:48
raphacmatheson: np :-)11:48
dailyrorschachpashaw: installing it now11:48
mz111crimsun: i don't think that will work, but will try11:48
gnomefreakrapha, i would hope nothing :(11:48
pashawdailyrorschach, youll still need  that display section fixed for the best resolution11:48
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dailyrorschachpashaw: yeah, I fixed it as you said11:49
raphaBtw, does somebody know how to find out if there exists a USB driver for a particular device ID when the device doesn't have any model info printed on it?11:49
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raphagnomefreak: Do you maybe have any idea regarding these strange connectivity problems?11:49
pashawdailyrorschach,   we werent done11:49
tonyyarussoskon: And the install of ntfsprogs had no problems?  I just did the exact same thing, and I have ntfsresize here.11:49
dailyrorschachpashaw: oh ok11:49
crimsunrapha: sure, you can check the usermap files or the driver itself.11:49
sudo_smartassanyone have a few minutes to devote to a noob?11:49
gnomefreakrapha,  i just got here i didnt see any of them11:49
ispikedif something is automagically modprobed, does it still read the /etc/modprobe.d/ files for configuration options?11:49
=== ispiked hopes someone bites.
crimsunsudo_smartass: everyone here does, just ask.11:50
pashawdailyrorschach,  comment  out the old display section  that says 24   so it doesnt use that 102411:50
tonyyarussoskon: Check spelling and such.11:50
crimsunispiked: of course11:50
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parksycrimsun: http://pastebin.com/47708011:50
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ispikedcrimsun: alright. trying to figure out why I can't use options led=1 on my intel wireless card.11:50
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skontonyarusso: k works now...dunno what dumb thing I wasn't doing right before11:50
crimsunispiked: what syntax are you using in /etc/modprobe.d/foo ?11:50
ispikedcrimsun: if it doesn't work with `modprobe ipw2200 led=1' is it most likey their problem?11:50
crimsunparksy: sec.11:51
sudo_smartassok... i cant seem to get my ntfs drive recognized as a drive. i modded the fstab file but when i did a mount -a it said it was bad11:51
sudo_smartassoh wait11:51
ispikedcrimsun: `options ipw2200 led=1'.11:51
sudo_smartasslemme try something11:51
tonyyarussoskon: All right.  Whatever works.11:51
dailyrorschachpashaw:  ok one second11:51
mrkojesudo_smartass,  try mount -t cifs11:51
raphacrimsun: where would I look for these usermap files? Actually, I think there is no driver for this device, but would like to be sure of it first. If there really is none I'd like to try and write one...11:51
xenexI am new to Ubuntu. I have a wireless card, NETGEAR WG511v2 (Made in China version). In the forums, people have said it is hard to set this up, and they display all these different solutions. I need help step by step if the card doesn't work.11:51
sudo_smartassmrk... did that it just gave me the prompt back11:51
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skontonyarusso: so this will shrink my ntfs partition, but how do I then expand my ext2 partition to fill the empty space?11:52
raphagnomefreak: Well, basically "it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't" since installing Breezy as compared to Hoary where it all worked.11:52
ispikedxenex: I can probably help.11:52
mrkojesudo_smartass,  thats what you want11:52
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crimsunispiked: hmm, appears to work here in 6.04, can't speak for 5.1011:52
skonwill GPartEd do that for me?11:52
xenexispiked: you have the card?11:52
ispikedcrimsun: hrm... using 5.10 here.11:52
mrkojesudo_smartass,  now switch to where ever you mounted it and the files should be there11:52
raphagnomefreak: It's like... wierd. "google.com" won't work, but "google.com/linux" will...11:52
ispikedxenex: have a similar one.11:52
crimsunrapha: they're distributed with unofficial drivers, usually11:52
xenexispiked: what do you have?11:52
tonyyarussoskon: Yeah, once the ntfs is out of the way.11:52
ispikedxenex: wrt56g.11:52
ispikedxenex: err...11:53
ispikedxenex: I think that might be my router.11:53
ispikedxenex: anyhow...11:53
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mrkojesudo_smartass,   mount -t cifs /dev/hda3 /media/windisk     for example11:53
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ispikedxenex: what's `lspci |grep 802.11' give you?11:53
sudo_smartassmrkoje, say what?11:53
sudo_smartassoh ok11:53
xenexispiked: i just need to know what to do if my card doesnt work when i install ubuntu. i really dont know anything about linux so i need to know step by step11:53
sudo_smartasslemme give that a shot11:53
xenexispiked: i havent installed ubuntu yet11:53
mz111crimsun: it didn't work but thanks anyway11:53
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ispikedxenex: yeah, you can probably get it setup with ndiswrapper.11:54
gnomefreakrapha, i havent an idea off hand11:54
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xenexispiked: where would i get the drivers from? the website or the cd?11:54
raphacrimsun: Oh, I don't think there's a driver for this thing in Breezy. It's a small digital camera by some really strange brand. Really tiny actually. It gets recognized as a full speed device, but that is all. It does come with Windows drivers, so maybe these could be used to get some info about it?11:54
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sudo_smartasssays media/windisk doesn't exist11:54
raphagnomefreak: kay, thx :-)11:54
=== gnomefreak never seens a sometimes working net conn. and sometimes not working unless its dial-up
mrkojesudo_smartass,  that was an example11:54
dailyrorschachpashaw: ok, so I should comment out the one before the virtual that says depth 24?11:54
sudo_smartassmrkoje, yeah but i was using it anyway11:54
Daemonichmm, strange...in xchat I set the channels to join automagicly and it only joins the first one. I've tried putting a space between them and a comma.. doesn't work with either. Am I doing something wrong?11:54
mrkojesudo_smartass,  you would have to create the mount point to mount it to11:54
sudo_smartassmrkoje,  how do i do that?11:55
pashawdailyrorschach,   yes  then  pastebin it   so we can double check11:55
mrkojesudo_smartass,  if it doesn't already exist11:55
ispikedxenex: so you have the card working on windows, I presume?11:55
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raphaBtw, is it possible to put Wacome Intuos graphics tablet drivers into xorg.conf and have X *not* hang for 2 minutes when the board is not plugged in?11:55
xenexispiked: correct11:55
mrkojesudo_smartass,  mkdir /media/windisk11:55
Evil_WhisperWhats the diffrence between epiphany and galeon?11:55
ispikedxenex: find the file WG511v2.INF on PC.11:55
parksyEvil_Whisper: epiphany was a fork of galeon11:55
sudo_smartassmrkoje, cant make directory, read only file system11:55
rinzai-shuEvil_Whisper: the name, and the author? ;-)11:55
dailyrorschachpashaw: here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/d608811:55
gnomefreakEvil_Whisper,  depends they both do pretty much same thing the same way but look different?11:56
Evil_Whisperwich one is still in development?11:56
ispikedxenex: you'll need that.11:56
funkyHatIs it possible to set a consistant colour code in X-Chat?11:56
parksyEvil_Whisper: epiphany...galeon development is switching to be a few epiphany extensiosn11:56
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mrkojesudo_smartass,  what are you talking about its a read only filesystem? You can mount it to any folder that you want actually.... find a place where yuo can make a folder and mount it there11:56
ispikedfunkyHat: what do you mean?11:56
Evil_Whisperthanks for the info guys11:56
gnomefreakfunkyHat, in settings prefferneces no?11:56
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sudo_smartassmrkoje, its telling me that /media is read only11:57
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DonVincenzoanybody using GTKPOD here ?11:57
Evil_Whisperis there some way to make the back forward stop home thingy smaller in ephipany?11:57
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pashawdailyrorschach,   i thought you wanted 1280x768   for those virtual numbers?11:57
funkyHatgnomefreak, I mean the mIRC colour of what you're saying to people (I'm not going to start using it don't worry ;))11:57
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dailyrorschachpashaw: no, I had to change, I was mistake 1024 x 768 is my native11:57
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xbangi'm trying to use the livecd version of 5.04 to test sound on my motherboard. however, after I hit enter to boot - it displays some info such as PCI and stuff, and then just goes to a black screen - can anyone help me?11:57
cmathesonEvil_Whisper: aside from taking the text-off the bottom i don't think there is11:57
mrkojesudo_smartass,  are you getting a permission denied? try sudo mount -t etc....  otherwise find a place where you can make a folder to mount the drive... for example make a  /mymount/windrive11:57
pashawdailyrorschach,   did the driver script work?11:58
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mrkojesudo_smartass,  just as an example11:58
Evil_Whispercmatheson, how would I take the text off the bottom?11:58
dailyrorschachpashaw: i haven't restarted yet so I don't know11:58
xenexispiked: what version should i get? i have win98, 2000, me, and xp. each folder has the .inf file11:58
ispikedxbang: my advice: try 5.10.11:58
crimsunparksy: do you have a /proc/asound/cardX/cmipci ?11:58
pashawdailyrorschach,   try it out'11:58
gnomefreakfunkyHat,  i use defaults for xchat :))11:58
cmathesonEvil_Whisper: it's a gconf option, or else just turn it off in GNOME globally11:58
ispikedxenex: probably the XP version.11:58
xenexispiked: ok i have it11:58
parksycrimsun: /proc/asound has only two dirs, oss and seq11:58
xbangisp: i don't want to download it and burn it - i have the livecd version here of 5.0411:58
dailyrorschachpashaw: save the config as it was sent to you in pastebin?11:58
Evil_Whisperah yes I got it that did the trick thanks!11:58
sudo_smartassmrkoje, root@Linux:/home/josh# mount -t cifs /dev/hda1 /hda111:58
sudo_smartassmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda1,11:58
sudo_smartass       missing codepage or other error11:58
sudo_smartass       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try11:58
sudo_smartass       dmesg | tail  or so11:58
ispikedxenex: alright, put that onto a flash drive or something -- you'll need it later.11:58
xbangunless you're 99% sure it will fix the issue, anything else?11:59
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crimsunparksy: ok, then I need output from lsmod, too.11:59
pashawdailyrorschach,   yes11:59
xenexispiked: is a floppy disk ok?11:59
vincent2is here a channel who somebody speak french ?11:59
sudo_smartassmrkoje, and that means what?11:59
ispikedsudo_smartass: try mounting hda2.11:59
lowman62weird my hard drive partition was showing up as sda1 no wonder I could not mount my jumpdrive...it was /dev/sdb tis mounted and working perfectly now that I added it to my fstab11:59
=== gnomefreak bbl
crimsunvincent2: #ubuntu-fr11:59
vincent2where* excuse me11:59
xenexispiked: oh wait, i am getting these files from the cd11:59
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xenexispiked: is that ok instead of using a floppy?11:59
vincent2thanks Crimsun11:59
mrkojesudo_smartass,  your doing it wrong... first to mount you need to use sudo11:59
Evil_WhisperNow all it needs are smaller tabs and a extension system that can use firefox's extensions :p11:59
sudo_smartassim su'ed11:59
ispikedxenex: well, actually, ubuntu will probably automount your windows partitions (if you leave them).11:59
xbangisp: i don't want to download it and burn it - i have the livecd version here of 5.0411:59
xbangunless you're 99% sure it will fix the issue, anything else?11:59
xenexispiked: no im going to have ubuntu only12:00

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