=== Snake__ [n=phlak@adsl-65-43-159-117.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Snake__ | God...phlak has no IRC lol | 12:07 |
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jahshua | hello | 12:27 |
jahshua | joshua@toon:~$ sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 12:27 |
jahshua | sudo: gedit: command not found | 12:27 |
jahshua | how can i get to my sources list ? | 12:27 |
crimsun | kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list | 12:28 |
crimsun | gedit is in GNOME; you're in KDE. I presume. | 12:28 |
jahshua | yeh | 12:28 |
peixoto | Hobbsee, the 1.3.7 version worked... thank you very much | 12:29 |
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jahshua | can someone help im trying to creat a mozilla.plugins folder and this command isnt working for me | 12:41 |
jahshua | joshua@toon:~$ mkdir -p /home/joshua/.mozilla/plugins | 12:42 |
Flying_Eagle | then create the folders step by step, jahshua | 12:42 |
Flying_Eagle | cd /home/joshua | 12:42 |
Flying_Eagle | mkdir .mozilla | 12:42 |
Flying_Eagle | cd .mozilla | 12:42 |
Flying_Eagle | mkdir plugins | 12:42 |
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jahshua | cool | 12:46 |
jahshua | thanks man | 12:46 |
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Flying_Eagle | np jahshua | 12:49 |
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triode | https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=118935 | 12:51 |
triode | please help confirm a bug. Click that link and check if that has happened to you. | 12:52 |
triode | that link is also found in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=600184&posted=1#post600184 (for those nervous to click on links) | 12:52 |
triode | the bug applies to anybody who upgraded to kde 3.5 (apparently) | 12:53 |
triode | url to the bug report: | 12:53 |
triode | https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=118935 | 12:53 |
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Knowerrors | Hey all, anybody have midi playback working on ubuntu? I tried http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8736&highlight=play+midi and am having problems | 01:07 |
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thoreauputic | Knowerrors: install timidity and freepats ? | 01:08 |
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Knowerrors | I was trying to do it without freepats, using a soundfonts library instead as the howto suggests | 01:09 |
Knowerrors | freepats is a 4 hour or so download for me | 01:09 |
Knowerrors | sfxload Ultimate.SF2 , No AWE synth device is found | 01:10 |
Knowerrors | thats what I get when I try to load the soundfonts library | 01:10 |
Knowerrors | thoreauputic: any other ideas? if not I guess I'll try freepats next | 01:12 |
thoreauputic | Knowerrors: hmm - I used freepats - with soundfonts you have to point /etc/timidity/timidity.cfg at your fonts IIRC | 01:13 |
Knowerrors | thoreauputic: how do I do that? | 01:15 |
thoreauputic | Knowerrors: I forget :) It's all in the man page for tmidity I think, though - | 01:15 |
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thoreauputic | Knowerrors: also read the config file ( less /etc/timidity/timidity.cfg | 01:17 |
thoreauputic | ) It tells you to use sndfont.cfg | 01:17 |
Knowerrors | thoreauputic: like this - luidsynth -m alsa_seq ./thenameofthefilehere.sf2 ? | 01:17 |
Knowerrors | whoops thats for fluidsynth | 01:18 |
thoreauputic | ah, fluidsynth - I tried that but it was too much for my 2ghz celeron and I used timidity + freepats and some extra stuff in the config file | 01:19 |
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slow-motion | n8 | 01:19 |
Knowerrors | hmm, ok, will download freepats then, I have a 1.8G AthlonXP, so don't want a huge cpu load just to play midis | 01:19 |
Knowerrors | bb after download | 01:20 |
thoreauputic | Knowerrors: you can also add a few things in the timidity config - if you like I can paste that in #flood for you | 01:20 |
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Kalidarn | anyone know why "MD5" isn't installed by default? | 01:22 |
Kalidarn | what package do i have to install to be able to type md5 at a terminal prompt? | 01:22 |
Kalidarn | i was sure it was a core program | 01:22 |
thoreauputic | erm, md5sum ? | 01:24 |
Kalidarn | im sure i could just type "md5" at a terminal prompt | 01:24 |
Kalidarn | lol | 01:24 |
Kalidarn | and it used to work. | 01:24 |
thoreauputic | Kalidarn: md5 <tab> | 01:25 |
Kalidarn | yeah comes up with md5sum | 01:25 |
Kalidarn | oh okay | 01:25 |
thoreauputic | :) | 01:25 |
Kalidarn | tried using CFV but thats a bitch | 01:25 |
Kalidarn | http://cfv.sourceforge.net/cfv.1.html | 01:25 |
Kalidarn | i don't know how lol | 01:25 |
Kalidarn | even after reading the manual | 01:25 |
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tiger | Hi :-) I am all new to kubuntu can i please get help where to set LANGUAGE = and LC_ALL and LANG variables on my system to danish | 01:38 |
tiger | permanently :-) | 01:38 |
Hobbsee | tiger: system settings, regional and accessibility? | 01:40 |
tiger | Yeah but aint that just for kde? | 01:41 |
tiger | I want it so apt sees it | 01:41 |
=== andre [n=andre@201-42-116-244.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu | ||
tiger | And I cant set that to Danish as apt cant install locales | 01:42 |
tiger | I tried apt-g .. installl kde-i18n-da and that breaks | 01:42 |
Hobbsee | not sure, sorry | 01:43 |
admrl | howdie everyone anything interesting happening..? | 01:43 |
tiger | And when that breaks I cant choose danish in System: Setting ... | 01:43 |
tiger | Yeah admrl how to install kde-i18n-da on dapper flight2? | 01:44 |
andre | Hi. Ecerytime I try to hear my audio CDs, weird things happen. I checked today and I saw that kio_audiocd keeps consuming 99% of CPU all the time. Even after I stop playng. I need to kill it to eject the CD. My system becames locked twice and I have to reboot. Someone knows something about it/. Because kio_aucioicd consumes too much CPU th playback has problems like breaking | 01:44 |
admrl | lol hmmmmmmm i have noooooooooo clue | 01:45 |
tiger | :-) | 01:45 |
tiger | Neither do I :-) | 01:45 |
admrl | lol im having problems of my own and must restart x | 01:46 |
admrl | so brb | 01:46 |
tiger | hehe | 01:46 |
jahshua | how can i set a BIOS password in kubuntu | 01:51 |
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admrl | im coming to a problem | 01:59 |
admrl | just locally | 02:00 |
admrl | but if it keeps up im going to have to make a new user account on my computer | 02:00 |
jahshua | is it possible to use gnome desktop on kubuntu | 02:00 |
admrl | jahshua: yes | 02:00 |
admrl | sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 02:01 |
jahshua | ok | 02:02 |
jahshua | thats it? | 02:02 |
admrl | anyone on here know about a mime type that has something to do with application/octet-stream | 02:02 |
admrl | jahshua yep yep | 02:02 |
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admrl | kde tells me it cant find it | 02:05 |
admrl | and i found a line that says application/octet-stream in /etc/mime.types | 02:05 |
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admrl | anyone know anything | 02:06 |
jahshua | so how i change between desktops? | 02:09 |
jahshua | can i use the two at the same time? | 02:09 |
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thoreauputic | jahshua: select gnome or kde from the login screen | 02:11 |
thoreauputic | it's possible to have two sessions , one kde and one gnome on ctrl-alt-F7 and F8, but normally you wouldn't bother | 02:12 |
jahshua | ok | 02:12 |
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Flosoft | hey | 02:13 |
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Flosoft | is there a way to put Kubuntu in a type of Standby where the HDs are shutdown? | 02:14 |
admrl | jaushua in kde you can start a new session and activate vt8 (vt8=ctrl-alt-f1) you can right click on the desktop >switch user> and start new session and also use the kmenu | 02:18 |
admrl | and in gnome look thru your menus for a system folder and there will be a new login icon | 02:18 |
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Snake__ | Where do programs go when you install them on live cds? | 02:26 |
jahshua | ok admrl thanks | 02:26 |
admrl | :) | 02:27 |
Snake__ | Hey look its admrl whats he formatting now :P | 02:27 |
admrl | Snake__: bin folders..>? | 02:27 |
admrl | haha | 02:27 |
Snake__ | We were talking about something yesterday...what was it | 02:28 |
Snake__ | lol | 02:28 |
admrl | does anyone in here know how to set ubuntu up so you can remotely log in using ssh | 02:29 |
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thoreauputic | admrl: install openssh-server | 02:32 |
admrl | i have sshd | 02:32 |
admrl | i think | 02:32 |
thoreauputic | you probably have only the client | 02:32 |
thoreauputic | just install openssh-server | 02:32 |
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admrl | openssh-server is already the newest version. | 02:35 |
raphink | admrl: do you have a firewall or router blocking port 22 maybe ? | 02:35 |
thoreauputic | admrl: are you testing it from within your network? Do you have a firewall ? | 02:35 |
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admrl | i havnt set up a firewall | 02:36 |
admrl | lol | 02:36 |
admrl | if ubuntu comes stock with something blocking port 22 than ya | 02:37 |
raphink | nope | 02:37 |
thoreauputic | no | 02:37 |
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admrl | and if that was it i could just go to /etc/ssh/ssh-config * or something along those lines and change the port | 02:37 |
thoreauputic | pgrep sshd < is it running? | 02:38 |
thoreauputic | what happens if you try to connect? error messages? | 02:38 |
admrl | pid is 8625 | 02:39 |
thoreauputic | OK it's running - what errors do you get if you try to ssh in? | 02:39 |
admrl | i can ssh into it localy | 02:41 |
admrl | ssh derek@ | 02:42 |
admrl | The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. | 02:42 |
admrl | RSA key fingerprint is | 02:42 |
thoreauputic | admrl: that's normal | 02:42 |
admrl | if im like not at my house | 02:42 |
thoreauputic | on first attempt | 02:42 |
admrl | and i do it from like my school | 02:42 |
admrl | then it doesnt work | 02:42 |
thoreauputic | define "doesn't work" | 02:43 |
thoreauputic | !doesn't work | 02:43 |
ubotu | methinks doesn't work is something you should never say. Be more specific. | 02:43 |
admrl | it cant even see the computer | 02:43 |
Hobbsee | hehe @ that factoid | 02:43 |
thoreauputic | admrl: WHAT is the error message? | 02:43 |
thoreauputic | admrl: we can't help if you are vague | 02:44 |
thoreauputic | admrl: is the machine behind a router? | 02:45 |
thoreauputic | if so you need to froward port 22 | 02:45 |
admrl | it doesnt see the computer | 02:45 |
thoreauputic | *sigh* | 02:46 |
admrl | it acts like im just picking a random number for the ip | 02:46 |
thoreauputic | admrl: that doesn't *mean* anything | 02:46 |
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admrl | and says there isnt a computer there or somthing along those lines | 02:46 |
thoreauputic | please answer my router question | 02:46 |
admrl | i dont remember the exact error i havnt tried in a long time | 02:46 |
admrl | no im not using a router | 02:46 |
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thoreauputic | admrl: does it say "connection refused" ? | 02:47 |
thoreauputic | admrl: I suggest you try it again, and come back when you have something definite, like an error message | 02:48 |
admrl | i dont remember but i was just wondering me and snake were its not anything im going to use | 02:48 |
admrl | yep yep thanks thoreauputic | 02:48 |
=== thoreauputic tears his hair out a bit for practice | ||
admrl | haha sorry | 02:49 |
Drakeson | is it possible to select text in konsole only using keyboard? | 02:50 |
admrl | i havnt ever got it to do it Drakeson | 02:50 |
thoreauputic | admrl: the wasted bandwidth bill is in the mail :) | 02:50 |
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Drakeson | admrl: As far I can remember in the old VAX/VMS systems it was possible to enter a text selection mode and select/search through what is on the screen using keyboard. | 02:53 |
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Drakeson | do you know any other system like that? | 02:53 |
admrl | nope i know on an old redhat box i could use the mouse in vt1 but ubuntu doesnt do that | 02:54 |
admrl | i answered him the besti could for the kubuntu distro | 02:54 |
admrl | if im wrong correct me | 02:54 |
thoreauputic | admrl: it does if you install gpm | 02:54 |
admrl | :) i learn something new every day | 02:55 |
thoreauputic | :) | 02:55 |
admrl | i didnt like mouse in vt1 anyways | 02:55 |
admrl | lol | 02:55 |
thoreauputic | heh | 02:55 |
Drakeson | no I mean just mouseless | 02:55 |
admrl | ya i know what you mean | 02:55 |
admrl | meant* when you said it drakeson | 02:56 |
thoreauputic | Drakeson: I think xterm will do it - and if you run GNU screen you can select in a screen session with keyboard | 02:56 |
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thoreauputic | I forget the combo though | 02:57 |
=== Drakeson tries ... | ||
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richy | hi | 03:17 |
jahshua | sup | 03:21 |
treakath | hey all | 03:21 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hi | 03:21 |
treakath | how are you | 03:21 |
Kamping_Kaiser | not bad. self? | 03:22 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser helped/saw you yesterday iirc | ||
treakath | yea im good be back in a min ok | 03:23 |
=== zeeman [n=zeeman@c-c9a6e253.224-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu | ||
zeeman | hello | 03:27 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hey | 03:28 |
=== treakath [n=treakath@219-89-18-48.dialup.xtra.co.nz] has joined #kubuntu | ||
zeeman | just installed ubuntu on my computer | 03:28 |
treakath | hey i had to restart my copm | 03:28 |
zeeman | or for a few hours ago | 03:28 |
zeeman | first time dealing with linux | 03:29 |
zeeman | prettu nice | 03:29 |
Kamping_Kaiser | zeeman: liking it? | 03:29 |
treakath | kk | 03:29 |
zeeman | yeah | 03:29 |
zeeman | but iam running kde istead of gnome | 03:29 |
zeeman | have som probs mounting som folders to my desktop | 03:29 |
zeeman | when iam running gnome the folders are there coz i mounted them there but in kde i dunt knw how to do | 03:30 |
Kamping_Kaiser | what are the folders? | 03:30 |
admrl | are you talking about adding a device icon to your desktop | 03:30 |
admrl | like for your harddrive | 03:31 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hi admrl | 03:31 |
admrl | Kamping_Kaiser: hello :) | 03:32 |
zeeman | admrl: yes | 03:32 |
Kamping_Kaiser | :) | 03:32 |
zeeman | i have them mounted | 03:32 |
zeeman | i have 2 partitions | 03:32 |
zeeman | from windows | 03:32 |
zeeman | hda1 and hda5 | 03:32 |
zeeman | i have mounted them in folder called ntfs and ntfs2 | 03:32 |
zeeman | hda5 goes to ntfs and ntfs2 goes to hda1 | 03:33 |
admrl | alrighty no what your going to need to do is right click and create new | 03:33 |
admrl | on your desktop | 03:33 |
admrl | then go down to link to device | 03:33 |
admrl | and pick your device | 03:33 |
admrl | preferences will pop up as soon as you pick your device | 03:33 |
=== yannux [n=yannux@lns-bzn-51f-81-56-131-197.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
admrl | click the device tab if this one is for hda5 you type in the mount point for hda5 and give it a name you will remember on the general tab | 03:34 |
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admrl | media/hda5 | 03:35 |
admrl | for example | 03:36 |
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yannux | hye :) | 03:36 |
admrl | with another slash before media but it wont let me type it becuz xchat thinks im typing a command | 03:36 |
aeon17x | /media | 03:37 |
admrl | aeon17x: how did you do that | 03:37 |
aeon17x | Two slashes. | 03:38 |
admrl | /media | 03:38 |
admrl | oh my! thats a nifty trick | 03:38 |
zeeman | just hold | 03:39 |
robotgeek | hey, my dapper kde isn't automounting, is this a known bug? | 03:39 |
zeeman | i cant find the device when i have choosen link to device | 03:39 |
treakath | any1 here got kubuntu 5.10?? | 03:39 |
zeeman | treakath: yes | 03:39 |
zeeman | but iam new | 03:39 |
zeeman | so dont ask me anything pls =) | 03:39 |
=== arcanistherogue [n=john@ool-44c63ce7.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
arcanistherogue | say, how exactly does the alien command work? | 03:40 |
arcanistherogue | does it search the internet for a .deb equivalent, or actually make the .deb | 03:40 |
treakath | no its just i want it but i cant put it on | 03:40 |
treakath | my comp | 03:40 |
admrl | treakath: why not..? | 03:41 |
zeeman | admrl: dont work | 03:41 |
robotgeek | arcanistherogue: it converts the rpm to a .deb | 03:41 |
arcanistherogue | robotgeek: thanks, sorry i just always wondered that and it was bugging me :p | 03:41 |
admrl | are you sure you picked the right device zeeman | 03:41 |
jahshua | hello will this command work for kubuntu?(i got it from ubuntu) sudo apt-get install flashplayer-mozilla | 03:41 |
robotgeek | arcanistherogue: no problem | 03:41 |
robotgeek | jahshua: yes | 03:41 |
jahshua | coo | 03:42 |
arcanistherogue | thanks | 03:42 |
jahshua | thanks | 03:42 |
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admrl | what are you getting zeeman | 03:42 |
zeeman | admrl | 03:42 |
zeeman | hold | 03:42 |
admrl | like for an error | 03:42 |
admrl | sorry | 03:42 |
admrl | lol | 03:43 |
BlueEagle | Oh, my. Logged in with both KDE and Gnome. This is an ehh... interesting feature. :) | 03:43 |
zeeman | i dont get any errors but i got many devices but not the 2 partitions | 03:43 |
zeeman | not the hda1 or hda 5 | 03:43 |
admrl | did you type the mount point in the preferences | 03:44 |
zeeman | what? | 03:44 |
admrl | right click on your device icon | 03:45 |
admrl | on your desktop | 03:45 |
zeeman | hold | 03:45 |
admrl | and click properties | 03:45 |
=== arcanistherogue [n=john@ool-44c63ce7.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
arcanistherogue | hey, im getting an error installing some .deb packages | 03:45 |
zeeman | now i got it! | 03:46 |
arcanistherogue | see, im installing libgpod and gtkpod .deb files from a .rpm i used alien on | 03:46 |
zeeman | damn simple | 03:46 |
zeeman | thx | 03:46 |
admrl | zeeman: any time :D | 03:46 |
admrl | its really easy | 03:46 |
zeeman | dman | 03:46 |
arcanistherogue | when i install one, then try to install the other, it says that there is a folder that cant be overwritten because the other package already has it, even if i install them both at once | 03:46 |
zeeman | kde is much easier then gnome | 03:46 |
arcanistherogue | zeeman: hear hear | 03:46 |
arcanistherogue | *here here? | 03:47 |
arcanistherogue | <_< | 03:47 |
arcanistherogue | >_> | 03:47 |
zeeman | yes | 03:47 |
zeeman | iam here | 03:47 |
arcanistherogue | :p | 03:47 |
arcanistherogue | i think i was right the first time. | 03:47 |
zeeman | ? | 03:47 |
arcanistherogue | nevermind. | 03:47 |
zeeman | what u mean? | 03:47 |
zeeman | hehe | 03:47 |
treakath | it hard and i didint put the linux im useing on my comp my friend did | 03:47 |
zeeman | talking to me even? hehe | 03:47 |
arcanistherogue | zeeman: hear hear (or here here, i was confiused) is liike a toast sort of, im agreeing with you on kde > gnome | 03:47 |
zeeman | arcanistherogue, hehe okey now i got it hehehe | 03:48 |
zeeman | =) | 03:48 |
arcanistherogue | :D | 03:48 |
admrl | treakath: whats that now | 03:48 |
treakath | i got kubntu 5.4 right and i want to get kubntu 5.10 on my comp and my friend wont put it on meany:'( | 03:50 |
Hobbsee | !upgrade2breezy | 03:50 |
ubotu | The guide to upgrading to breezy (5.10) is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade | 03:50 |
Hobbsee | use that? | 03:50 |
treakath | who? | 03:51 |
admrl | you | 03:51 |
admrl | treakath | 03:52 |
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
admrl | using apt-get you can upgrade your distrobution | 03:52 |
=== sam_ [n=sam@pool-70-17-204-30.balt.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
admrl | you can even go from like breezy badger to debian sarge | 03:52 |
admrl | :D | 03:52 |
treakath | do no how | 03:52 |
treakath | and i only got kubntu5.4 | 03:53 |
Kamping_Kaiser | admrl: that's nasty, because your downgrading packages | 03:53 |
sam_ | does smp help speed transparency up at all? | 03:54 |
admrl | Kamping_Kaiser ive only went from debian sarge to hoary | 03:54 |
admrl | ive never went from ubuntu to sarge | 03:54 |
Kamping_Kaiser | admrl: they have the same (aproximate) packages, Breezy has newer packages then Sarge | 03:54 |
treakath | any1 here live in new zealand? | 03:56 |
admrl | i know this debian sarge came out sometime earlier in 2005 and breezy came out in october | 03:56 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Sarge was 13th of something (it escapes me right now) | 03:56 |
admrl | well im heading out phone call | 03:57 |
Kamping_Kaiser | later mate | 03:58 |
Kamping_Kaiser | treakath: no one active it seems :) | 03:58 |
=== cron0 [n=cron0@modemcable069.197-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Kamping_Kaiser | treakath: why so? | 03:59 |
treakath | hmm | 03:59 |
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admrl | back :D | 04:00 |
Kamping_Kaiser | wb | 04:01 |
=== robotgeek is now known as robotgeek_away | ||
admrl | wb..? | 04:01 |
Cron0o | Did anybody ever compiled amarok-svn with the amarok-svn.sh script? | 04:01 |
Kamping_Kaiser | welcome back | 04:01 |
admrl | Cron0o cant say i have are you having troubles with it | 04:04 |
treakath | whats the best linux to get?? | 04:07 |
Cron0o | ubuntu of courses ;) | 04:08 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol | 04:08 |
admrl | :) | 04:08 |
Kamping_Kaiser | anything that's not crap that useses apt- , so Debian and ubuntu :) | 04:08 |
treakath | whats the farstes | 04:08 |
admrl | farstes..? | 04:09 |
admrl | same with pclinuxos its a pretty good os and uses apt BUT you cant get a good installer for it becuz its only a live cd | 04:10 |
treakath | fastest | 04:11 |
jahshua | what does the -rw-r--r-- mean before files ? | 04:12 |
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admrl | jahshua its permissions | 04:13 |
admrl | they are in sections of three | 04:14 |
admrl | read write and something else but i dont remember | 04:14 |
angasule | execute | 04:14 |
angasule | Read Write eXeute (rwx) | 04:14 |
admrl | yes yes thank you angasule | 04:14 |
admrl | :D | 04:14 |
jahshua | so i just donwloaded a song from a freinds website and its listed with that before it | 04:14 |
jahshua | so what does that mean | 04:14 |
admrl | -rwxrwxrwx | 04:14 |
angasule | the first set of rwx is for the owner of the file, the second for the group, and the third for everybody else | 04:14 |
angasule | and the - at the beginning marks the kind of file, - for regular file, d for directory, I think, you won't see much else usually | 04:15 |
admrl | angasule we sure make a good team :D | 04:15 |
angasule | heh | 04:15 |
admrl | i know kinda how it works and you actually know it | 04:15 |
zeeman | any1 knw if i can use iconbox in kde? | 04:16 |
zeeman | ubuntu/kde | 04:16 |
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angasule | zeeman: is iconbox available in the package manager you're using? if so, then it'll run in kde, I don't see why not (no idea what iconbox is, though) | 04:18 |
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zeeman | angasule, hmm iconbx ( is what i think) the progam with a animation meny | 04:19 |
zeeman | like the one mac os X uses | 04:19 |
angasule | oh, it's a WM thingy | 04:21 |
angasule | well, I see kubuntu has one for xfce, but I don't see any other | 04:21 |
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zeeman | angasule, whats xfce | 04:26 |
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admrl | zeeman: xfce is another window manager like fluxbox or afterstep | 04:27 |
admrl | and kde is a desktop environment along with gnome | 04:27 |
zeeman | ahaa now i see | 04:28 |
zeeman | but i cant just that "meny" | 04:29 |
zeeman | then | 04:29 |
admrl | what zeeman..? | 04:30 |
zeeman | i want to use the same meny as mac os x does | 04:30 |
zeeman | i have seens linux run that to | 04:30 |
zeeman | the motion meny | 04:30 |
zeeman | with icons and stuff | 04:30 |
zeeman | i think its name iconbox or something | 04:31 |
jahshua | hello | 04:31 |
jahshua | i just did sudo badblocks -s /dev/hda it says i have 500 | 04:32 |
jahshua | is that normal | 04:32 |
=== ranto [n=ranto@200-122-104-245.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Cron0o | get a new hard-disk | 04:35 |
thunderbolt | is there a ubuntu packaged version of guten-print anywhere? | 04:36 |
Hobbsee | !info guten-print | 04:36 |
jahshua | CronOo ? | 04:36 |
jahshua | can you elaborate | 04:37 |
Hobbsee | doesnt look like it... | 04:37 |
=== thunderbolt nods | ||
thunderbolt | Thanks Hobbsee | 04:37 |
Hobbsee | no problems | 04:37 |
angasule | thunderbolt: is guten-print a gutenberg project etext reader? | 04:38 |
thunderbolt | angasule: Guten-print is GIMP-print renamed. | 04:39 |
thunderbolt | GIMP-print 4.whatever that's in the ubuntu repos doesn't support my new printer. | 04:39 |
zeeman | btw how do u change rootpassword? | 04:40 |
angasule | no idea what gimp-print is, either, a CMYK capable gimp? | 04:40 |
thunderbolt | gimp-print is a set of drivers for CUPS. | 04:41 |
thunderbolt | :) | 04:41 |
angasule | oh | 04:42 |
angasule | well, I see gimp-print is available | 04:42 |
thunderbolt | Now if they actually had a tar.gz of the source on their sourceforge page... | 04:42 |
=== thunderbolt nods | ||
=== Kamping_Kaiser is now known as Kaiser_Away | ||
thunderbolt | Yeah, its a bit older than the latest version of guten-print. | 04:42 |
=== bam_ [n=bam@pool-71-108-67-15.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bam_ | quick question how come when I put a removable edia device and plug it in the usb I get two windows opening? | 04:46 |
angasule | bam_: what's in each window? | 04:46 |
bam_ | media:/sdc1 and system:/media/sdc1 | 04:47 |
bam_ | prefer to not have the "system" one | 04:47 |
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zeeman | ltt | 04:48 |
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zeeman | asd | 04:49 |
angasule | odd, dunno | 04:49 |
angasule | svenska? :) | 04:49 |
bam_ | I thought so too | 04:49 |
zeeman | hhaha aa | 04:49 |
zeeman | r du svensk ? | 04:49 |
zeeman | hahah | 04:49 |
bam_ | how about how do I tell kde NOT to open a window upon mount | 04:49 |
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thunderbolt | zeeman: My great grandmother was Swedish. | 04:50 |
zeeman | thunderbolt, niice niice but u are from? | 04:50 |
thunderbolt | United States. | 04:50 |
zeeman | ohh i see | 04:51 |
angasule | nah, I'm from Argentina | 04:51 |
zeeman | cant be ;) | 04:51 |
angasule | jag pratar inte svenska | 04:51 |
thunderbolt | Cool, my sister traveled there a few years ago, she really enjoyed it. | 04:51 |
zeeman | angasule, du e frn argentina men du kan prata svenska? | 04:52 |
angasule | my norwegian is much better | 04:52 |
=== thunderbolt nods in agreement | ||
angasule | nei, jag pratar *inte* svenska :P | 04:52 |
zeeman | angasule, hehe ikke sant =P | 04:52 |
zeeman | hahaha oh didnt se the "inte" word ;) | 04:52 |
angasule | I studied swedish for about 2 weeks before I met a norwegian girl and decided to switch language ;) | 04:52 |
thunderbolt | lol | 04:53 |
thunderbolt | bokmal? | 04:53 |
zeeman | hehee | 04:53 |
zeeman | thunderbolt, bokmal? | 04:53 |
zeeman | whats up with that word? | 04:53 |
thunderbolt | Bokml, its a dialect of Norwegian, basically Dano-Norwegian. | 04:54 |
angasule | ja, bokmaal | 04:54 |
zeeman | oh i see | 04:54 |
thunderbolt | the other is Nynorsk. | 04:54 |
thunderbolt | Where in Norway was she from? | 04:54 |
angasule | stupid a-thingy won't work | 04:54 |
zeeman | nynorsk is what the most ppl speak in norway i thing | 04:54 |
thunderbolt | My mother is Norwegian. | 04:54 |
angasule | Hedmark | 04:54 |
zeeman | tinkt | 04:54 |
zeeman | think* | 04:54 |
zeeman | damn svrt att skriva =P | 04:55 |
angasule | no, most people speak bokmaal-ish | 04:55 |
thunderbolt | yep | 04:55 |
zeeman | ohh i didnt knw that | 04:55 |
thunderbolt | for a while they were trying to mandate Nynorsk or something. | 04:55 |
zeeman | i was in oslo 2 weeks ago | 04:55 |
angasule | both are mandatory | 04:55 |
thunderbolt | Where in Norway was your friend from, angasule ? | 04:55 |
angasule | I think one is chosen as a main school language, and the other is learnt, or something like that | 04:55 |
angasule | Hedmark, thunderbolt | 04:55 |
=== rhendrix [n=rhendrix@cpe-24-175-71-190.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
thunderbolt | Ah, my mother's family is from Stavenger. | 04:56 |
angasule | it works! :) | 04:56 |
angasule | o + a, instead of * + a as it was with the other settings | 04:57 |
rhendrix | so anyone messed with the ATI x200m chip | 04:57 |
angasule | I haven't, rhendrix , sorry | 04:58 |
=== stewart [n=stewart@pool-71-162-55-158.altnpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
rhendrix | its cool | 04:58 |
rhendrix | I cant get it to support 3d accel and was just wonder if anyone has | 04:58 |
=== Evera [n=brandon@pool-71-107-7-172.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== Evera is now known as Milktea | ||
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Milktea | I have a FAT32 Partition | 04:59 |
Milktea | But I can't write to it | 04:59 |
Milktea | I can read it, though | 04:59 |
Milktea | I'm using breezy, what should I do? | 04:59 |
=== stewart is now known as Ed1000 | ||
angasule | Milktea: it's set as read only, let me look up a bit | 04:59 |
Milktea | My current fstab for my FAT32 partition reads /dev/hda4 /windows vfat defaults 0 0 | 04:59 |
thunderbolt | Milktea: type mount | 04:59 |
Milktea | /dev/hda4 on /windows type vfat (rw) | 05:00 |
Ed1000 | hello | 05:00 |
Milktea | for some reason | 05:00 |
Milktea | it says rw | 05:00 |
thunderbolt | hrrrm | 05:00 |
Milktea | Well, I just changed it to /dev/hda4 /windows vfat defaults,noauto,users,rw 0 0 | 05:00 |
Milktea | and I did sudo mount -a | 05:00 |
angasule | Milktea: hmm, ok, there's a way to do it through the GUI, System Menu->Settings->System->Disk and filesystems | 05:01 |
Milktea | o_O | 05:03 |
Milktea | Can't find that | 05:03 |
Milktea | wait | 05:03 |
Milktea | nevermind | 05:03 |
Milktea | ^^; | 05:03 |
Milktea | also | 05:04 |
angasule | you found it? | 05:04 |
Milktea | amaroK crashes when I play certain mp3s | 05:04 |
Milktea | yeah | 05:04 |
Milktea | but JuK and XMMS don't | 05:04 |
angasule | hmm, don't know what to tell you, in older versions of amarok I had a lot of trouble with it, now it seems stable for me | 05:05 |
linlin | my screen resolution is stuck at 640x480...what should i do | 05:05 |
bam_ | found the problem | 05:06 |
bam_ | :) | 05:06 |
Milktea | Hm | 05:07 |
Milktea | How do I make my partition rw to all users? | 05:07 |
zeeman | if i want to wathc .wmv files what app shall i use? | 05:07 |
zeeman | watch* | 05:08 |
thunderbolt | zeeman: I personally like mplayer... | 05:08 |
angasule | Milktea: use the GUI :P reading the manpage for fstab every time you want to change it is a pain, really | 05:08 |
thunderbolt | it's the most stable for me. | 05:08 |
Milktea | angasule: Yeah I know, how do I do this in the GUI? ^^; | 05:08 |
angasule | kaffeine is the default kubuntu choice, I like it better than mplayer, but just because I've never found a nice mplayer UI | 05:08 |
zeeman | thunderbolt, can i use vlc? | 05:08 |
zeeman | i tried vlc but it didnt work | 05:09 |
Milktea | You need the codecs | 05:09 |
thunderbolt | zeeman: I'm really not sure. | 05:09 |
angasule | Milktea: type settings://System/ in the konqueror address bar, then go to Disk & Filesystems | 05:09 |
Milktea | I got to the GUI | 05:09 |
Milktea | But I'm not sure how to edit it in the GUI | 05:09 |
Milktea | to make it rw to all users | 05:09 |
angasule | oh, hmm, are you in administrator mode? | 05:09 |
Milktea | yes | 05:09 |
angasule | did you click on the right disk, the click modify? | 05:09 |
Milktea | Yeah | 05:10 |
Milktea | In modify | 05:10 |
Milktea | What do I do? | 05:10 |
angasule | wait for me to load the screen :P | 05:10 |
Milktea | k | 05:10 |
Milktea | I can change the "Files belong to user:" to the current user | 05:10 |
Milktea | so I can rw | 05:10 |
Milktea | but I want it so that all users can rw | 05:11 |
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angasule | hmm, I don't see any reason why only one user should be able to rw | 05:11 |
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linlin | !resolution | 05:12 |
ubotu | rumour has it, resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 05:12 |
mahangu | i apt-getted the baghira package | 05:12 |
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mahangu | now where do i enable it? | 05:12 |
angasule | Milktea: are you sure it doesn't allow other users to rw? | 05:12 |
rhendrix | hey guys does anyone have a compaq/hp laptop with the ATI X200 graphics chip? | 05:12 |
Milktea | Not any users with a level below me | 05:13 |
Milktea | I tried setting that part to root | 05:13 |
Milktea | and I couldn't rw | 05:13 |
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Milktea | Also, what codecs are generally used in video/sound files, and where should I get them? | 05:14 |
mahangu | !w32codecs | 05:14 |
ubotu | I heard w32codecs is a compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular proprietary formats not currently supported by free implementations under linux. See http://tinyurl.com/e4a5s to install | 05:14 |
Milktea | Thanks | 05:14 |
angasule | mahangu: you're fast :D | 05:14 |
mahangu | angasule: :) | 05:15 |
angasule | !restrictedformats | 05:15 |
ubotu | restrictedformats is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats Most of the formats listed here have been replaced by !FreeFormats | 05:15 |
mahangu | anyone know how to get baghira working? | 05:15 |
mahangu | i downloaded the apt package | 05:15 |
angasule | milksteak: try using the GUI to disable rw, click ok ok ok, then enable it, maybe it changes some file permissions at the mountpoint or something | 05:15 |
zeeman | Milktea, what codecs do i need to play wmv-files on vlc?? | 05:15 |
mahangu | angasule: probably his fstab | 05:16 |
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angasule | zeeman: wmv files have all kinds of stuff inside them, install w32codecs and most anything will play (I don't know what vlc is) | 05:16 |
Milktea | zeeman: How would I know? | 05:16 |
mahangu | zeeman: get the w32codecs package | 05:16 |
_adam | hi... | 05:16 |
angasule | mahangu: but user restrictions are for mounting only, I think? rw is defined at the mountpoint is it not? | 05:16 |
mahangu | zeeman: the file extension has nothing to do with the codecs | 05:16 |
mahangu | angasule: yes, | 05:16 |
mahangu | Milktea: try "sudo mount /dev/hdaX /media/hdaX -o umask000 | 05:17 |
Milktea | thanks | 05:17 |
_adam | I'm trying to compile a program and I don't know what to put for --prefix=PATH | 05:17 |
zeeman | where do i get the w32codecs package? | 05:17 |
angasule | zeeman: wmv, avi, etc, are containers, inside they can have any number of codecs | 05:17 |
angasule | zeeman: read the link :) | 05:17 |
angasule | !w32codecs | 05:17 |
ubotu | I guess w32codecs is a compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular proprietary formats not currently supported by free implementations under linux. See http://tinyurl.com/e4a5s to install | 05:17 |
=== os2mac [n=jim@ip68-10-71-214.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
os2mac | lo all | 05:18 |
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angasule | ahoy, os2mac | 05:19 |
jahshua | how do i check what my hostname is ? | 05:19 |
zeeman | angasule, thx | 05:19 |
_adam | what do I put for the PATH in --prefix=PATH? | 05:19 |
bam_ | errr....hostname? | 05:20 |
_adam | ..i'm trying to compile a program... | 05:20 |
_adam | ./configure --prefix=PATH is what's given in the instruction.. | 05:20 |
Milktea | I can play a few of my videos with w32 codecs | 05:20 |
Milktea | are there any other codecs I should get? | 05:20 |
angasule | milksteak: are there any videos that *don't* play with w32codecs installed? | 05:21 |
Milktea | Yeah | 05:21 |
Milktea | I have sound, no video | 05:21 |
milksteak | bah | 05:21 |
=== milksteak [n=milkstea@60-234-138-71.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has left #kubuntu ["no] | ||
Milktea | !freeformats | 05:22 |
ubotu | freeformats is, like, totally, There are a large number of Free Formats which are preferred over patent and copyright encumbered formats. They are listed here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeFormats | 05:22 |
=== rahendrix [n=ross@cpe-24-175-71-190.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
rahendrix | anyone have any success with the ATI X200 graphics Driver | 05:23 |
angasule | rahendrix: I think you'll have better luck in the forum | 05:24 |
os2mac | anyone know if Adept has been updated? | 05:24 |
os2mac | mine crashes on clicking on the update. | 05:24 |
os2mac | I am running Dapper. | 05:24 |
rahendrix | what fourm is that | 05:24 |
=== _geno [n=geno@Sherbrooke-HSE-ppp3609370.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
_adam | http://ubuntuforums.org ? | 05:25 |
rahendrix | OH | 05:25 |
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_adam | anyone know what goes in after ./configure --prefix= ? | 05:26 |
_adam | i need to know where the KDE3 is installed | 05:26 |
_geno | Is it normal that installing the ATI drivers fucked up all my fonts? | 05:26 |
_adam | ya | 05:26 |
_adam | well. | 05:26 |
_adam | to me ya | 05:26 |
_geno | >_< | 05:26 |
_geno | It bugs mes | 05:26 |
_adam | I would never have gotten an ATI if I have know their driver issues | 05:27 |
_geno | They're all 2 times bigger | 05:27 |
_adam | change the resolution maybe? | 05:27 |
_geno | I just change them to lower size | 05:27 |
_geno | But it's still not the same | 05:27 |
=== grajul [n=grajul@c-71-192-107-215.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
grajul | hi im new to linux can anyone tell me how to install a .run document | 05:29 |
_geno | I'd tell you to ask that in #ubuntu | 05:29 |
_geno | More people there | 05:29 |
_adam | sudo sh blablabla.run ? | 05:30 |
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=== grajul [n=grajul@c-71-192-107-215.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
grajul | i forgot how to install a .run | 05:41 |
grajul | can any remindme | 05:41 |
mahangu | grajul: ./filename.run | 05:42 |
Kaiser_Away | set it +x first | 05:42 |
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grajul | ubuntu | 05:44 |
bam_ | no kubuntu | 05:44 |
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_geno | Is there anything to do to reset the fonts after installing the ATI drivers? | 05:46 |
bam_ | I think nalioth_zZz has the right idea | 05:48 |
_geno | ? | 05:48 |
bam_ | dunno I just use the drivers that come stock(with my ati card) | 05:49 |
_geno | I didn't see what nalioth_zZZ wrote | 05:49 |
_geno | I can't stick with 'em I play games from time to time that need 3D accel | 05:50 |
bam_ | ahhh | 05:50 |
bam_ | I have to go back to the "other" os for that sadl y enough | 05:51 |
_geno | I have Cedega | 05:51 |
_geno | Which works wonders | 05:51 |
bam_ | hmmm | 05:52 |
_geno | But I play less and less games these days... | 05:52 |
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sahooe | hi people! I'm having a problem with extra-large .xsession-error file | 05:55 |
sahooe | there are mainly three errors repeated thousands of times | 05:56 |
_geno | Hello! I'd tell you to ask on #ubuntu, more people there | 05:56 |
sahooe | ok then, I'll ask there | 05:57 |
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MasterTsunami | :O | 06:00 |
bam_ | 8----D | 06:01 |
bam_ | hehe :P | 06:01 |
MasterTsunami | =] | 06:04 |
=== Knowerrors [n=stormsur@dialup-] has joined #kubuntu | ||
sahooe | nobody is listening in #ubuntu. maybe somebody here can help me | 06:06 |
Knowerrors | Any people that know midi setup around? | 06:06 |
sahooe | there are mainly three errors: kbluetoothd: HciSocket::open() | 06:06 |
sahooe | for bluetooth. how can I disable kbluetooth for good? | 06:07 |
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lwizardl | hi | 06:07 |
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bam_ | I think you can thru system settings | 06:07 |
lwizardl | what could cause linux to not format a hd properly but windows will june | 06:08 |
lwizardl | *fine | 06:08 |
sahooe | I disabled the service thru system setting->system services | 06:08 |
bam_ | hmmm | 06:09 |
sahooe | but the error still is being written in .xsessions-error | 06:09 |
=== Elsan_ [n=geno@Sherbrooke-HSE-ppp3609370.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bam_ | dunno then | 06:09 |
sahooe | i had a 13GB error file!! | 06:09 |
sahooe | well, I'll come back tomorrow or something then. | 06:10 |
sahooe | thkx anyway | 06:10 |
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treakath | hey all | 06:16 |
bam_ | lol: my install cant find any bt device...how funny' | 06:17 |
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jahshua | hi | 06:26 |
treakath | hey | 06:26 |
jahshua | can someone tell me if this phrase is true "Note -- Linux, FreeBSD, and OpenBSD operating systems give you shell accounts on your home computer." | 06:26 |
treakath | dont no | 06:27 |
Kaiser_Away | "shell accounts"? | 06:27 |
jahshua | they are referring to bash shell right | 06:27 |
Kaiser_Away | no | 06:27 |
jahshua | well what do you think they mean | 06:28 |
Kaiser_Away | openbsd uses Shell, freebsd uses BASH 2(IIRC) and (ubuntu) linux uses BASH 3 | 06:28 |
jahshua | ok | 06:28 |
treakath | hey | 06:28 |
MasterTsunami | err :/ | 06:28 |
MasterTsunami | bash = bourne again shell | 06:29 |
MasterTsunami | :| | 06:29 |
Kaiser_Away | yes | 06:29 |
MasterTsunami | they're all "shell" accounts | 06:30 |
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MasterTsunami | a "shell" is just the interface between the OS and the user that allows command execution :| | 06:30 |
Knowerrors | Any midi users on here, Im using timidity with the freepats, and most plays fine, but some instruments are missing, anybody can help? | 06:36 |
jahshua | whats the command in kubuntu to make a file an executable | 06:37 |
jahshua | ? | 06:37 |
MasterTsunami | for who? | 06:37 |
jahshua | for me | 06:37 |
Knowerrors | Any midi users on here, Im using timidity with the freepats, and most plays fine, but some instruments are missing, anybody can help? | 06:37 |
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MasterTsunami | chmod 744 filename | 06:38 |
MasterTsunami | :| | 06:38 |
MasterTsunami | or chmod 777 filename | 06:38 |
MasterTsunami | :| | 06:38 |
Milktea | I can't watch divx files o_O | 06:38 |
jahshua | why the :| | 06:38 |
jahshua | neither of those worked :( | 06:39 |
grajul | i am brand new to linux i was wondering if some one can walk me through how to install a .run file | 06:39 |
Milktea | chmod is permissions? | 06:39 |
MasterTsunami | did it give you an error? | 06:39 |
MasterTsunami | then if its a .sh or some other file | 06:39 |
MasterTsunami | you do ./filename | 06:40 |
MasterTsunami | :| | 06:40 |
jahshua | command not found | 06:40 |
MasterTsunami | :o | 06:40 |
grajul | hello | 06:41 |
grajul | .stats p | 06:41 |
jahshua | hmmmmmmmmm | 06:41 |
MasterTsunami | jahshua, do a "bash filename" | 06:42 |
MasterTsunami | :/ | 06:42 |
MasterTsunami | dunno why ./ didn't work :/ | 06:42 |
jahshua | yep | 06:42 |
jahshua | that returned | 06:42 |
jahshua | the file text | 06:42 |
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MasterTsunami | so...yay? | 06:43 |
MasterTsunami | :D | 06:43 |
Milktea | Kaffeine can't play divx videos, yet I have the divx things installed | 06:43 |
jahshua | well yay | 06:44 |
jahshua | but | 06:44 |
jahshua | how do i make it executable | 06:44 |
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grajul | can any one help me install a .run file | 06:44 |
grajul | please | 06:44 |
Kaiser_Away | grajul: open konsole | 06:45 |
grajul | k | 06:45 |
grajul | konsole open | 06:45 |
MasterTsunami | you...make it executable with chmod :/ | 06:45 |
Kaiser_Away | where is the file grajul? | 06:45 |
Milktea | I can't find a libdvdcss2 package, where could I get it? | 06:45 |
Kaiser_Away | and what's it called? | 06:45 |
jahshua | ok | 06:45 |
jahshua | chmod what tho | 06:45 |
grajul | on my desktop | 06:45 |
jahshua | ;( | 06:45 |
Kaiser_Away | grajul: then type `chmod 500 ~/Desktop/filename.bin` | 06:46 |
Kaiser_Away | !libdvdcss | 06:46 |
ubotu | well, restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats Most of the formats listed here have been replaced by !FreeFormats | 06:46 |
Kaiser_Away | Milktea: look at the link ubotu gave us | 06:46 |
grajul | okay but it is a .run not bin | 06:46 |
MasterTsunami | you can do "chmod +x test" or "chmod 777 test" or however you want the permissions | 06:46 |
MasterTsunami | :/ | 06:46 |
Milktea | Kaiser_Away: I installed those, but I still can't play my divx video | 06:47 |
MasterTsunami | man chmod | 06:47 |
MasterTsunami | :| | 06:47 |
Kaiser_Away | Milktea: ok | 06:47 |
jahshua | hehe | 06:47 |
ati | Milktea: try to visit http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/12/04/libdvdcss2-and-w32codecs-for-ubuntu/ | 06:47 |
Milktea | thanks | 06:47 |
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Kaiser_Away | ati: can you add that to ubotu's db? | 06:48 |
ati | Kaiser_Away: download and dpkg ;) | 06:49 |
Kaiser_Away | :P | 06:49 |
grajul | kaiser_away: it said there was no such file or directory | 06:49 |
ati | grajul: instead of filename.bin use your file name ;) | 06:50 |
Kaiser_Away | grajul: i don't know what the file is called | 06:50 |
grajul | i did my file | 06:50 |
jahshua | man chmod makes 0 sense to me :( | 06:50 |
grajul | i did put my file name in | 06:51 |
MasterTsunami | jahshua, http://www.freeos.com/articles/3127/ | 06:51 |
MasterTsunami | :| | 06:51 |
grajul | kaiser_away: i did put my file name in there | 06:52 |
Kaiser_Away | grajul: show us | 06:52 |
jahshua | the file is listed as green with ls -l | 06:53 |
grajul | kaiser_away: i put this in chmod 500 ~/desktop/doom3-linux-1.1.1286-demo.x86.run | 06:53 |
grajul | im very new | 06:53 |
Kaiser_Away | Desktop | 06:53 |
Kaiser_Away | capial D | 06:53 |
grajul | o | 06:53 |
Milktea | Hmm | 06:54 |
Milktea | I can't seem to get libdvdcss2 and -dev | 06:54 |
Milktea | I have universe and multiverse repositories in Adept | 06:54 |
MasterTsunami | then it is executable :| | 06:55 |
grajul | kaiser_away i put it in and all it did is come up with another line saying nothing so now what do i do | 06:55 |
grajul | kaiser_away: i put it in and all it did is come up with another line saying nothing so now what do i do | 06:55 |
Kaiser_Away | you don't spam. that means it worked | 06:55 |
Kaiser_Away | so now do `./Desktop/filename.run` | 06:56 |
Kaiser_Away | notice the . then the / | 06:56 |
grajul | any thing in front of it | 06:56 |
ati | MasterTsunami: dowload files you need and use dpkg -i downlad_file_name.deb | 06:56 |
MasterTsunami | what? | 06:57 |
MasterTsunami | the devil are you talking about man o_O | 06:57 |
Kaiser_Away | grajul: run `~/desktop/doom3-linux-1.1.1286-demo.x86.run` | 06:57 |
ati | MasterTsunami: sorry ;) it was for Milktea ;) | 06:58 |
MasterTsunami | :P | 06:58 |
grajul | okay | 06:58 |
jahshua | -rwxrwxrwx | 06:58 |
jahshua | is what it says now | 06:58 |
Milktea | ati: I get Errors were encountered while processing: libdvdcss2-dev | 06:59 |
Milktea | I tried adding PLF to sources list | 06:59 |
Milktea | and installing libdvdcss2 from there | 06:59 |
Milktea | but it still doesn't work | 06:59 |
Milktea | :< | 06:59 |
Kaiser_Away | grajul: you might need to type `sudo ~/desktop/doom3-linux-1.1.1286-demo.x86.run` | 06:59 |
grajul | Kaiser_away that looks like it worked because now it does not say grajul@ubuntu: on the next line | 07:00 |
grajul | kaiser_away: so what is the next step | 07:00 |
ati | Milktea: are you sure you really nead libdvdcss2-dev ? | 07:00 |
Milktea | No | 07:01 |
Milktea | :< | 07:01 |
Milktea | I'm trying to run a divx file | 07:01 |
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Milktea | but I installed the divx files from uni/multiverse | 07:01 |
Milktea | and then it still doesn't work | 07:01 |
Milktea | after googling, I found people had luck with libdvdcss2 | 07:01 |
ati | Milktea: libdvdcss2 is using to view some DVD :) no divx ;) | 07:02 |
Milktea | oh | 07:02 |
Milktea | :< | 07:02 |
ati | Milktea: get w32codex :) | 07:02 |
Milktea | I did | 07:02 |
Milktea | w32codecs right | 07:02 |
ati | Milktea: you are using mplayer or sth' else ? :) | 07:03 |
Milktea | kaffeine | 07:03 |
Milktea | and i tried vlc | 07:03 |
ati | Milktea: use mplayer | 07:03 |
grajul | Kaiser_Away: what dod i do next | 07:03 |
Milktea | k | 07:03 |
Milktea | which mplayer do i get | 07:04 |
Kaiser_Away | grajul: run `sudo ~/desktop/doom3-linux-1.1.1286-demo.x86.run` | 07:04 |
Milktea | 386, 586 | 07:04 |
Milktea | Oh wait nvm | 07:04 |
Milktea | ^^; | 07:04 |
ati | Milktea: i'm using 386 | 07:04 |
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grajul | Kaiser_Away: thank you very much it worked | 07:05 |
ati | Milktea: after installation try tu run it from command line eg. mplayer name_of_divx.file | 07:05 |
Milktea | kk | 07:06 |
simpletron | hi | 07:07 |
Milktea | thanks, it worked | 07:08 |
Milktea | but the sound is weird | 07:08 |
=== ati [i=dofula@nat-mi2.aster.pl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Milktea | and I can't choose audio/subtitle channels | 07:09 |
Milktea | :<> | 07:09 |
ati | Milktea: you can :) try mplayer --help read some information ;) | 07:10 |
Milktea | ooh | 07:11 |
Milktea | not sure which ao to use | 07:12 |
Milktea | @_@ | 07:12 |
ati | Milktea: mplayer -ao help (try alsa or arts) | 07:13 |
Milktea | Yeah I saw that | 07:13 |
Milktea | kk | 07:14 |
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Milktea | I still get weird results | 07:16 |
Milktea | Trying to force audio codec driver family libmad... | 07:16 |
Milktea | o_O | 07:16 |
Milktea | New_Face failed. Maybe the font path is wrong. 1 ??% ??% ??,?% 0 0 83% | 07:16 |
Milktea | Linux RTC init error in ioctl (rtc_irqp_set 1024): Permission denied | 07:17 |
Milktea | I'll try tomorrow | 07:17 |
Milktea | @_@ | 07:17 |
Milktea | sleep | 07:17 |
Milktea | bye all~ | 07:17 |
ati | Milktea: ok ;) | 07:19 |
=== grajul [n=grajul@c-71-192-107-215.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
grajul | hello i am installing doom 3 demo but it says i have no permitions to save it on my hd can anyone help me out | 07:20 |
grajul | hello | 07:21 |
grajul | any one here | 07:22 |
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neoncode | What package is the "X includes"? | 07:43 |
Snake__ | What do you mean neoncode? | 07:44 |
Snake__ | grajul: you still here? | 07:45 |
neoncode | Snake__: I'm trying to build the moodin theme engine. It needs the "X includes" | 07:45 |
Snake__ | hmm i'm not sure | 07:45 |
=== fangorious [n=justin@cpe-66-25-38-48.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
fangorious | i can't figure out how to add/remove search engines from konqueror's search bar | 07:48 |
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neoncode | When I had fedora core 2 and was playing with it. (logging on as root.... >_>;;;) I noticed that GRUB was a little more... grapical... Is that a theme or something. Can I make kubuntu's GRUB like that? | 07:51 |
fangorious | neoncode: yeah, google for grub splashimage to find some you could download | 07:53 |
fangorious | neoncode: you should also find instructions on how to convert images into the right size/format for use as a grub splashimage | 07:54 |
neoncode | fangorious: Thank you! | 07:55 |
fangorious | here's a nuisance I just discovered, with a konqueror browser window open, selecting System->Home Folder from the panel loads a filer browser tab in the browser window, with the browser profile settings | 07:56 |
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=== Snake__ [n=snake@adsl-65-43-159-117.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Snake__ | Hey guys how would I install gnome on kubuntu to be selectable in the sessions meny | 08:40 |
Snake__ | manu* | 08:41 |
Snake__ | menu*** grr | 08:41 |
Kamping_Kaiser | sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 08:41 |
Snake__ | desktop?? | 08:41 |
Kamping_Kaiser | yes | 08:42 |
Snake__ | Im on kubuntu now, I want to keep that | 08:42 |
Snake__ | I just want to use the gnome interface | 08:42 |
Kamping_Kaiser | they can be installed at the same time | 08:42 |
Snake__ | like, right now I can select KDE or Xfce | 08:42 |
Kamping_Kaiser | installing ubuntu-desktop wont remove Kubuntu-desktop | 08:42 |
Snake__ | But couldn't I just put gnome over kubuntu instead of installing all the crap that comes with desktop? | 08:42 |
Snake__ | Like I did with xfce? | 08:43 |
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Snake__ | I just apt-get install xfce4 | 08:43 |
Kamping_Kaiser | sure. just install Gnome | 08:43 |
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Kamping_Kaiser | I'll find the exact package, give me a minute | 08:43 |
Snake__ | ok | 08:43 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | Gnome-desktop-environment | 08:45 |
Snake__ | Thanks :) | 08:45 |
Kamping_Kaiser | :) | 08:45 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Gnome-core as well | 08:45 |
Kamping_Kaiser | if you want a bit more basic setup use Gnome-core | 08:46 |
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freelove | i installed yahoo messenger 7 with wine......now how to start it?? | 08:56 |
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=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@66-190-246-254.dhcp.astr.or.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ubuntu | hi | 09:07 |
=== gandhiii [n=gandhii@user-0ce2gje.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ubuntu | How are you doing guys? | 09:08 |
Snake__ | not bad | 09:08 |
Snake__ | yourself? | 09:08 |
ubuntu | good | 09:08 |
Snake__ | Good good | 09:08 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hi ubuntu | 09:08 |
ubuntu | Hey guys. I am a Ubuntu user. ANd currently I am booting Kubuntu Live CD for the first time. | 09:08 |
ubuntu | I would like to know what do you think about Kubuntu ? You guys have much more experience ;) | 09:09 |
sampan | stepping up to kde? | 09:09 |
=== fangorious [n=justin@cpe-66-25-38-48.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== Hobbsee prefers kde over gnome | ||
ubuntu | Well, I just wanted to try out. :) I've used knoppix before and I liked it, and though,,, "hey! This uses KDE... and Kubuntu also does... I guess I should give ita try" | 09:10 |
fangorious | none of the changes to kdm I make in settings:/System/Login Manager seem to be having any effect | 09:10 |
ubuntu | :D | 09:10 |
fangorious | specifically, the background is displayed after logging in up until reloading my session, and the user list is never displayed | 09:11 |
Hobbsee | fangorious: which changes are you making? | 09:11 |
ubuntu | Is there soemthing like Synaptic P. Manager in KDE? | 09:11 |
=== Hobbsee didnt know there was a GUI option built in for kdm changing | ||
Hobbsee | ubuntu: adept | 09:11 |
ubuntu | ok. Thank you Hobbsee :) | 09:12 |
fangorious | Hobbsee: I'm trying to change the background and enable the user list of clickable icons | 09:12 |
Hobbsee | ubuntu: no problems | 09:12 |
ubuntu | :) | 09:12 |
Hobbsee | fangorious: i'm not sure how to do the second, but if you use the kdm theme manager, from kde-apps.org, you can do the first | 09:12 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser is now known as Kaiser_Essen | ||
sampan | ubuntu if you've used kde before and use ubuntu currently, then you probably have a pretty good idea of what kubuntu will be like ] | 09:13 |
ubuntu | Maybe I should change my name... I will be back... I will change my nick to... Parti. | 09:13 |
ubuntu | Sampan. I see no much difference... only that it looks different and it is attractive ;) | 09:14 |
ubuntu | BRB as "parti" | 09:14 |
Snake__ | does he know he can just "/nick"?? | 09:14 |
sampan | lol | 09:14 |
sampan | maybe not :X | 09:14 |
Snake__ | Ill have to tell him | 09:14 |
Kaiser_Essen | seems no :) | 09:14 |
Snake__ | I like making people look dumb :-D | 09:14 |
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sampan | maybe he's rebooting (if he was on a live CD and wants to go back to his regular HD install...) | 09:15 |
=== sampan tries to give ubuntu the benefit of the doubt :X | ||
Snake__ | Today I "fixed" my friends windows PC | 09:15 |
Snake__ | He couldn't get it started because of a "invalid system disk" | 09:15 |
Snake__ | he went out, spent $125 on a new hard drive | 09:15 |
Snake__ | $200 on a new copy of XP pro | 09:16 |
Kaiser_Essen | :O | 09:16 |
Kaiser_Essen | bios setting? | 09:16 |
Snake__ | then I pulled a floppy out of his drive | 09:16 |
=== parti [n=ubuntu@66-190-246-254.dhcp.astr.or.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Snake__ | turned it on | 09:16 |
Snake__ | worked fine :) | 09:16 |
Kaiser_Essen | rofl | 09:16 |
parti | ok. I'm back ;) | 09:16 |
Kaiser_Essen | wb parti | 09:16 |
Snake__ | parti: Do you know about the "/nick" command?? | 09:16 |
parti | :d | 09:16 |
sampan | wb parti | 09:16 |
Snake__ | or did you reboot? | 09:16 |
parti | no. I never liked to use IRC... so, I am not familiar with it | 09:17 |
Snake__ | Ah | 09:17 |
linlin | !resolution | 09:17 |
ubotu | [resolution] at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 09:17 |
parti | I only know the /join # channel command :P | 09:17 |
Snake__ | You can just type "/nick <name here" to change your name ;) | 09:17 |
Snake__ | <name here>* | 09:17 |
parti | That's nice to know :D | 09:17 |
Snake__ | or /nick $name in programmer terms | 09:18 |
Snake__ | :) | 09:18 |
parti | checking... | 09:18 |
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Snake__ | lol | 09:18 |
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Snake__ | Ill brb guys time to see if I got gnome sucessfully | 09:19 |
benh | hi guys | 09:19 |
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parti | ;) | 09:19 |
benh | somebody happens to know how to configure key shortcuts for switching desktops etc... in KDE ? | 09:19 |
parti | mm.. few plp are active in the Kubuntu channel.... | 09:20 |
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Snake__ | Wow | 09:22 |
Snake__ | Gnome runs pretty quick on here | 09:22 |
parti | Welcome back Snake !! | 09:22 |
Snake__ | Fugly file systeming tho... | 09:22 |
Snake__ | Ty parti | 09:22 |
parti | yeah.. GNOME looks ugly compared to KDE... but, I am satisfied :P | 09:23 |
parti | It works as I expected. | 09:23 |
gandhiii | snake: ouch.. that story is bad.. my parents church replaced a computer i built for them 2 years ago because it was over heating... | 09:23 |
Snake__ | parti: Xfce pwns them both | 09:23 |
Snake__ | Big time | 09:23 |
parti | Anyway, got to experiment more with KDE | 09:23 |
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gandhiii | of course... i replaced the heatsink fan.. and it works great again | 09:23 |
parti | :) way to go gandhii | 09:24 |
gandhiii | but they've allready replaced it.. so i got it now | 09:24 |
sampan | benh open a konsole. kdesu kcontrol --> Regional & Accessibilty --> Keyboard Shortcuts | 09:24 |
gandhiii | sad... yet i guess worked out to my advantage | 09:24 |
parti | KDE... it kind feels like Windows :P But, better ;) | 09:25 |
sampan | benh, at least, i think that's where it is at least :X | 09:25 |
Snake__ | parti: try xfce some time | 09:25 |
gandhiii | actually.. its quite different... | 09:25 |
gandhiii | and i also like it.. i have alot to learn though | 09:25 |
benh | sampan: ahhh... Regional & Accessibility, ok it was well hidden :) | 09:25 |
parti | xfce... it seems so simple. I saw screenshots of it. :( | 09:25 |
Snake__ | Just check it out | 09:26 |
benh | yah, well, I'm coming from gnome and want to give KDE a try for a little while | 09:26 |
sampan | benh, lol yeah -- took me a while to find it in there too ... not the most "obvious" location | 09:26 |
gandhiii | cant even say its a mix of windows and osx or anything like that... its fairly unique | 09:26 |
Snake__ | What is? | 09:26 |
Snake__ | KDE? | 09:26 |
benh | it will feel better, I'm sure, once I have a useable trackpad driver too :) | 09:26 |
parti | Well, I will wait until the Ubuntuforums create a forums for Xubuntu ;) | 09:26 |
Snake__ | parti: Just apt-get install xfce4 ;) | 09:27 |
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parti | hoho, right. | 09:27 |
Snake__ | ?? | 09:27 |
koshbot | ??[x] : Usage: ?? <word> [> nick] | 09:27 |
sampan | fluxbox is nice too | 09:27 |
benh | sampan: also, can you have desktops in a line instead of a square ? | 09:28 |
Snake__ | fluxbox is alright.... | 09:28 |
benh | I dislike having to go up & down to switch | 09:28 |
gandhiii | yea,, KDE | 09:28 |
sampan | benh, i don't know about that ... not sure if the position in the taskbar is configurable or not | 09:28 |
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Snake__ | I have way to many games on this box | 09:29 |
Snake__ | its like a 4:1 ratio of Games:useful programs | 09:29 |
Snake__ | lol | 09:29 |
benh | sampan: not only taskbar, but the key shortcuts for switching desktops | 09:29 |
parti | hoho. And I don't any games at all in my Windows partition and my Ubuntu partition >< | 09:29 |
benh | sampan: right now, I need to assign keys for up & down too or I can't reach the "second line" | 09:29 |
sampan | hrmmmm | 09:30 |
benh | oh well, maybe I'll get used to it | 09:30 |
sampan | benh, you can assign one for "go to next desktop" | 09:30 |
sampan | and then just hit it two times to go to #3 -- right? | 09:31 |
benh | sampan: ahhh, indeed, missed that.. also the geometry of desktops depends on the size of the panel | 09:31 |
parti | Why is it that when I update the repo.. It downloads from UBUNTU breezy ? Doesn't Kubuntu has their own server ? | 09:33 |
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parti | anyway | 09:34 |
parti | It;s late now | 09:34 |
parti | Merry Christmas to all of you !! | 09:35 |
parti | and God bless ye! | 09:35 |
parti | ;) | 09:35 |
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parti | Merry Christmas | 09:35 |
parti | bye | 09:35 |
Snake__ | Indeed | 09:35 |
Snake__ | bye | 09:35 |
parti | C' you. | 09:36 |
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gawaine | Hi | 09:40 |
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Hobbsee | hi | 09:51 |
DJ_Mer_ | Snake__: ?? | 09:54 |
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Snake__ | DJ_Mer_: whats up? | 09:57 |
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DJ_Mer_ | Snake__: you want SR or wha? | 09:59 |
Snake__ | huh | 09:59 |
DJ_Mer_ | do you want the link? | 10:00 |
Snake__ | Na to late at night now | 10:01 |
Snake__ | How do I direct connect in gaim?? | 10:02 |
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DJ_Mer_ | Insomniac-: !!! you are never in offtopic | 10:17 |
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neoncode | is there any way to change the x position that ksplash shows splash screens at? from 50% to something else? | 10:26 |
Snake__ | Still lookin for that huh? | 10:31 |
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neoncode | Snake__: Yup. haveing my splashscreen split between both of my monitors is anyoing. | 10:35 |
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yannux_ | does someone know how to remove some modules at boot, wich are not ine /etc/modules ? | 10:46 |
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DHGE | yannux_: dunno - try to research "blacklisting" and/or udev | 10:48 |
yannux_ | dunno ? | 10:48 |
noc | how to install realplayer | 10:49 |
DHGE | dunno: I do not know | 10:49 |
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yannux_ | DHGE: oh ok ;) thanks :) | 10:50 |
DHGE | OIC: Oh I see :-) | 10:51 |
=== yannux_ little french :) | ||
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neoncode | When I try to compile the ksplash moodin engine I get. "configure: error: Can't find X includes." What apt pacage do I need? | 10:52 |
sampan | !xincludes | 10:52 |
ubotu | When a program or configure script asks for "X includes", you should probably install the following packages: xlibs-dev xlibs-static-dev x-window-system-dev | 10:52 |
sampan | neoncode ^^^ | 10:52 |
owner989 | why can kaboodle play all file types including wmv/asf but kaffeine cant? | 10:52 |
DHGE | !realplayer | 10:52 |
ubotu | realplayer is, like, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 10:52 |
DHGE | !hotplug | 10:53 |
ubotu | I haven't a clue, DHGE | 10:53 |
DHGE | !udev | 10:53 |
ubotu | I guess udev is a server used in Ubuntu (and other distros) that manages device nodes | 10:53 |
hussam | noc: real player is here: http://forms.real.com/real/player/download.html?f=unix/RealPlayer10GOLD.bin&product=playerplus&system=linux&pcode=rn&opage=linux&src=linux | 10:54 |
hussam | noc: wait. get this https://helixcommunity.org/download.php/1590/realplay- | 10:55 |
hussam | this is the latest one | 10:56 |
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Kamping_Klaus | wb Hobbsee :) | 11:24 |
Kamping_Klaus | night Snake|Sleeping | 11:24 |
Hobbsee | hi Kamping_Klaus :) | 11:24 |
Kamping_Klaus | :) | 11:24 |
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redguy | does anybody know why crossfading might be grayed out in amarok? | 11:29 |
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tabasko | hi! o/ | 11:30 |
GoldBuggie | redguy..try different engine...gstreamer is the one that handles crossfading i think | 11:31 |
redguy | GoldBuggie: well, the only engine I have installed is gstreamer | 11:31 |
GoldBuggie | hehe | 11:31 |
redguy | people at #amarok tell me that xine supports it | 11:32 |
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GoldBuggie | Oo | 11:32 |
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GoldBuggie | aaaaaaaaah | 11:32 |
GoldBuggie | sorry | 11:32 |
GoldBuggie | that's the one | 11:32 |
GoldBuggie | thought i was running xine | 11:32 |
tabasko | how i can run applications with gui by root? | 11:32 |
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Hobbsee | tabasko: kdesu appname | 11:32 |
tabasko | Hobbsee, thanks! :) | 11:33 |
tabasko | i have been using gnome, and kde feels odd now :/ | 11:33 |
Hobbsee | lol | 11:33 |
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DJ_Mer_ | Insomniac-: ! | 11:37 |
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benh | somebody knows if it's possible to bulk import the content of the evolution database into kmail ? | 11:42 |
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yannux | re | 11:59 |
yannux | someone know how use multimedia keys with kde ? they run on gnome but just luminosity on kde :s | 12:00 |
yannux | ? | 12:00 |
yannux | no ?:s | 12:03 |
pussfeller | kontrol center/region accesability yannux | 12:04 |
pussfeller | might mess in there | 12:04 |
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freenik | hallo | 12:08 |
yannux | pussfeller: it don't recognize the touch :s | 12:08 |
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pussfeller | well if they run in gnome, they should run in kde | 12:09 |
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yannux | pussfeller: gniarf | 12:09 |
yannux | pussfeller: bad :s | 12:09 |
pussfeller | yannux: you might check in yer keyboard layouts in gnome to see what key set they use | 12:09 |
pussfeller | and then load that profile in the "Keyboard Layout" | 12:10 |
pussfeller | and then configure the hotkeys manually | 12:10 |
yannux | pussfeller: I setup kubuntu this night | 12:11 |
yannux | pussfeller: any gnome now :s | 12:11 |
pussfeller | yannux: if you google for your particular keyboard, it could help you find out what keyboard layout to use, it can be confusing.... | 12:12 |
yannux | laptop keyboard :) | 12:12 |
yannux | I search:) | 12:12 |
yannux | I'm searching* | 12:13 |
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yannux | pussfeller: I found a tips, put some command in the file exec by acpi :) | 12:15 |
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pussfeller | yannux: that sounds a bit beyond what I would imagine you need to do :) | 12:16 |
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yannux | eheh me too :) | 12:16 |
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yannux | but it's running good for the sound | 12:16 |
yannux | find after for the other | 12:16 |
yannux | I'l find* | 12:17 |
yannux | +l | 12:17 |
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yannux | pussfeller: other solution xmodmap script :) | 12:27 |
yannux | to alias fn+FX to FXX | 12:28 |
freenik | hiya | 12:28 |
freenik | how to change the menu items on the "right-click-menu" of the desktop? For Example, I want to add a starter for the terminal | 12:28 |
yannux | pussfeller: and no kde detect them :) | 12:28 |
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dutch | crimsun: figured out the red line...it's in "settings/preferences" and it's called a "marker line" | 12:39 |
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cyne | anyone got jpodder to run ok? | 12:42 |
cyne | anyone know how to execute a .jar file? | 12:42 |
nalioth | cyne: java -jar /path/to/jar/file | 12:42 |
cyne | nice | 12:42 |
sealne | can anyone rember if the cups on breezy install cds was broken? | 12:45 |
sealne | i can't rember if it was pre release that was broken or final | 12:46 |
sealne | the joys of planning an install at parents with no net connection | 12:46 |
nalioth | sealne: get the dvd | 12:46 |
sealne | no dvd drive at theirs | 12:46 |
sealne | nalioth: can you remember about cups? | 12:47 |
cyne | ** ERROR **: file ../../../src/libjava/jni/gtk-peer/gnu_java_awt_peer_gtk_GtkImage.c: line 572 (createRawData): assertion failed: (data_fid != 0) | 12:50 |
koshbot | Sorry, no matches for error **: file ../../../src/libjava/jni/gtk-peer/gnu_java_awt_peer_gtk_gtkimage.c: line 572 (createrawdata): assertion failed: (data_fid != 0) on the defenition database. (0.0s) | 12:50 |
cyne | anyone know what this could mean? | 12:50 |
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tabasko | anyone tried install quake 4 demo? | 01:08 |
tabasko | how it start? :/ | 01:08 |
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freesty|e | i have a questtion | 01:13 |
freesty|e | i just installed some new packages with adept | 01:13 |
freesty|e | after a reboot, kde doesnt start, i only get a prompt | 01:14 |
freesty|e | no desktop | 01:14 |
freesty|e | im a noob, can any1 help? | 01:14 |
BlueEagle | freesty|e: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start | 01:14 |
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freesty|e | it says: kde already running | 01:15 |
freesty|e | *kdm | 01:15 |
Xmas_Kaiser | tried startx? and what packages did you isntall exactly? | 01:15 |
freesty|e | i installed all the upgrades that were available | 01:16 |
BlueEagle | freesty|e: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart | 01:16 |
freesty|e | prob a bad idea | 01:16 |
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Xmas_Kaiser | did you upgrade or dist-upgrade? | 01:16 |
_admin | anyone happen to use postgresql in Kubuntu here ? | 01:17 |
freesty|e | i have no clue what the difference is kaiser :) | 01:17 |
_christoph | hello, can somebody tell me a graphical program to formate my ntfs hdd's with xfs? | 01:17 |
freesty|e | blueeagle: the restart works | 01:17 |
Xmas_Kaiser | (K?)parted | 01:17 |
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_christoph | Kparted wasn't found :< | 01:18 |
Xmas_Kaiser | :| | 01:18 |
BlueEagle | freesty|e: next time you get the console try ALT+F7 | 01:18 |
freesty|e | lol | 01:19 |
freesty|e | that works | 01:19 |
freesty|e | what does it do? | 01:19 |
BlueEagle | freesty|e: It changes the console to terminal 7 which is the default terminal for the X-sercer. | 01:20 |
BlueEagle | server* | 01:20 |
freesty|e | mkay, weird that it changed to another terminal during updating of packages | 01:21 |
freesty|e | thanks for the help | 01:21 |
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raphink | Xmas_Kaiser: Qparted | 01:27 |
Xmas_Kaiser | raphink thanks. | 01:27 |
raphink | _christoph: qparted | 01:28 |
raphink | soryr | 01:28 |
raphink | qtparted | 01:28 |
raphink | miss the t ;) | 01:28 |
raphink | hee | 01:28 |
Xmas_Kaiser | yep, knew which you meant :) | 01:28 |
raphink | now if anyone is wanting to port it to kdelibs that would be nice ;) | 01:28 |
raphink | hehe | 01:28 |
Xmas_Kaiser | lol. why bother? | 01:29 |
raphink | it's nicer :) | 01:29 |
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joe_alf | how do i change gdm with kdm? i removed gdm using update-rc.d remove then update-rc.d defaults for kdm then kdm start but i got the error Not starting K Display Manager (kdm); it is not the default display manager. | 01:39 |
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joe_alf | how do i set it to be the default | 01:40 |
Xmas_Kaiser | sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm | 01:41 |
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joe_alf | Xmas_Kaiser, thanks. It working now. | 01:42 |
Xmas_Kaiser | good :) have fun with it :) | 01:42 |
joe_alf | merry xmas. tnks again | 01:43 |
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grajul | can any one help me heere with a problem im having | 02:13 |
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joe_alf | now i have i problem. when shutting down or ending current session. i get the error cannot talk to klauncher. | 02:14 |
joe_alf | what causing this. | 02:14 |
joe_alf | *what's | 02:14 |
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voicu | i have a problem installing kde3.5; i have the sources from a magazine dvd; when i configure the packages there are no errors; however, when i make them i get c/c++ errors like 'parse error' etc. i am pretty sure the contents of the dvd are correct; what could cause the errors? | 02:27 |
BlueEagle | voicu: Please use the ubuntu binaries to install kde 3.5 | 02:30 |
BlueEagle | !kde3.5 | 02:31 |
ubotu | from memory, kde3.5 is http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-35.php | 02:31 |
voicu | ok, i'll try | 02:32 |
voicu | thanks | 02:32 |
_vince | http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-35.php | 02:32 |
_vince | then apt-get upgrade when deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde35 breezy main added to /etc/apt/sources.list | 02:33 |
_vince | apt-get update before | 02:33 |
_vince | :) | 02:33 |
voicu | got it, thanks | 02:34 |
joe_alf | when shutting down or ending current session. i get the error cannot talk to klauncher. how can i fix this. | 02:34 |
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freenik | hiya | 02:48 |
Xmas_Kaiser | hi | 02:49 |
freenik | I can't play mp3 files in amaroK, although mpglib and libarts1-mpeglib is installed - how come? If I click on a mp3 file in the playlist, nothing happens, no warning, no crash, no playback...any hint? | 02:50 |
Xmas_Kaiser | i don't use amarok, so i can only sugest you check doco on mp3s, sorry. | 02:51 |
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noc | can any one help me | 03:17 |
noc | how can i install real player | 03:17 |
Xmas_Kaiser | check on help.ubuntu.com (unless someone can walk you throught it) | 03:19 |
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raffaele | I'm a problem.... configure: error: cannot find X11 development files | 03:40 |
raffaele | any idea? | 03:41 |
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nadya | Hey people! I need heeeeelp! How do I reconfigure the xserver on kubuntu? | 03:50 |
voicu | raffaele: you need the package x-window-system-dev (use aptitude or something to install it) | 03:50 |
raphink | nadya: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 03:51 |
raffaele | voicu: ok | 03:51 |
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penguinzdr | please recommend me a audio player | 03:52 |
raphink | and don't say thank you, it's a bit too hard :p | 03:52 |
raphink | penguinzdr: amarok | 03:52 |
raphink | or juk if you need something lighter | 03:53 |
penguinzdr | i've tried amarok, it bugged | 03:53 |
raphink | penguinzdr: install amarok-xine | 03:53 |
raphink | and set amarok to use the xine engine | 03:53 |
raphink | instead of gstreamer | 03:53 |
raphink | it's not amarok that bugs really | 03:53 |
raphink | it's gstreamer with amarok | 03:53 |
raphink | (most of the time that is) | 03:53 |
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rohan | hi all | 03:54 |
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rohan | i am burning dapper flight2 kubuntu cd | 03:54 |
raphink | hi rohan | 03:54 |
rohan | anything i must keep in mind ? | 03:54 |
rohan | raphink: :) | 03:54 |
raphink | like what rohan ? | 03:54 |
rohan | raphink: any known issues ? | 03:54 |
raphink | keep in mind this is a development version i'd say | 03:54 |
raphink | ;) | 03:54 |
raphink | open development | 03:55 |
rohan | lol, ya | 03:55 |
raphink | although it's very stable for a dev version | 03:55 |
raphink | and we're very happy of what dapper is gonna be :) | 03:55 |
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penguinzdr | oh my | 04:16 |
penguinzdr | where is the amarok channel? | 04:16 |
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jrjx | I have a question about configuing fonts used by Mozilla Firefox under Kubuntu 5.10. Specifically the fonts used for "system tasks", like in menus and the like, not the fonts used by web page display. | 05:32 |
jrjx | Right now, with my current monitor (small, like 15 inch), and display resolution (1024x768), the font used by default when I, like, click on the Bookmarks menu to see my saved bookmarks, etc, is Really Teensy. How can I change that? | 05:33 |
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rohan | hi all | 05:49 |
rohan | damn, kubuntu dapper is horribly b0rken | 05:49 |
rohan | the x output is all messed | 05:49 |
rohan | tho, reading reports, i must consider myself lucky to have started X at all | 05:49 |
jrjx | I have a question about configuing fonts used by Mozilla Firefox under Kubuntu 5.10. Specifically the fonts used for "system tasks", like in menus and the like, not the fonts used by web page display. | 05:52 |
jrjx | Right now, with my current monitor (small, like 15 inch), and display resolution (1024x768), the font used by default when I, like, click on the Bookmarks menu to see my saved bookmarks, etc, is Really Teensy. How can I change that? | 05:52 |
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rohan | anyone get a horrible pink and blue icons, misplaced from their place in the menu, in dapper ? | 06:01 |
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fangorious | is there a tool to set global keyboard shortcuts in KDE? (like for a keyboard with internet/media buttons) | 06:05 |
_admin | jrjx> probably a few ways, use the control panel to up the size of your general font, or perhaps add a DisplaySize 320 240 to xorg.conf | 06:06 |
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conn | hi, if anyone's running dapper can you do me a favour? type sudo apt-get remove locales. Don't accept this, just paste to me the packages it proposes to remove | 06:07 |
conn | I need to reinstall those packages myself | 06:08 |
rohan | conn: ah, ok. wait. | 06:08 |
_admin | jrjx> jrjx> sorry, I didn;t read the previous message... ~/.mozilla/firefox/*/chrome/userChrome.css | 06:08 |
EauTisse | hi all, I'm trying to make Kopete *not* start up automatically. Can't find any setting in its configuration pannels that would let me disable it. Does anyone have an idea what I'm missing ? | 06:08 |
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rohan | conn: language-pack-<whatever's installed> locales and ubuntu-minimal | 06:09 |
conn | and language-pack-kde-whatever too? | 06:09 |
rohan | yes, conn | 06:09 |
conn | I reinstalled those but the locales aren't working :( | 06:10 |
fangorious | EauTisse: I'm pretty sure kde saves your session when you log out, so if you exit kopete before logging out, then maybe it won't launch when you log back in | 06:10 |
rohan | conn: X works perfectly for ye, on dapepr ? | 06:10 |
EauTisse | tried all that | 06:10 |
rohan | EauTisse: rm .kde/Autostart/* | 06:10 |
EauTisse | fangorious: but there's a task tray icon that keeps on coming back | 06:10 |
EauTisse | rohan: I'll try that, thanks | 06:11 |
rohan | conn: X is horribly broken. | 06:11 |
conn | rohan: I'm having performance problems with X, but right now the locales aren't working | 06:11 |
rohan | conn: hell, X works, but looks so ugly. only two colors -- pink and blue. misplaced icons | 06:11 |
conn | rohan: broken, how? In my opinion breezy has problems too, 2D performance is abysmal | 06:11 |
rohan | conn: its looks all.. "corrupted" | 06:11 |
rohan | like those old age video games | 06:11 |
rohan | when u pull the cartridge out | 06:11 |
conn | I haven't upgraded X yet, the locales is causing me probs | 06:12 |
rohan | conn: what kind of probs ? | 06:12 |
rohan | conn: oops, not blue, pink and green | 06:13 |
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fangorious | /leave #kubuntu | 06:13 |
conn | rohan: drag a selection on the desktop and watch the slowness, or hide the kicker panel, it's very choppy, everything is slow. I installed SUSE 10 and it's very smooth. Same problem on 2 different machines with ATI and NVidia cards | 06:13 |
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rohan | conn: ah, ok. | 06:14 |
rohan | conn: u like suse ? | 06:14 |
conn | rohan: no, I prefer ubuntu despite the slowness | 06:15 |
conn | but it gets on my nerves... | 06:15 |
rohan | conn: dapper is horribly b00rken mess, atm :) | 06:16 |
rohan | but yes, i would prefer ubuntu over all distros. barring one - arch. | 06:16 |
conn | rohan: it's exactly the same with breezy, the performance problems are actually slightly worse | 06:16 |
rohan | conn: atlest breezy displayed it right. | 06:16 |
rohan | in dapper, its pink and green world. | 06:16 |
conn | I don't seem to have your problem, though | 06:16 |
rohan | i disabled dri, but in vain. | 06:16 |
conn | try using vesa | 06:17 |
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rohan | conn: then i get only 640x480 on my i810 | 06:17 |
conn | well does it show proper colours? | 06:17 |
apokryphos | !resolution | 06:17 |
ubotu | I guess resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 06:17 |
rohan | lemme try | 06:17 |
conn | vesa should work at 1024x768 at least, does for me here | 06:18 |
rohan | not on an i810 | 06:18 |
conn | ok then | 06:19 |
conn | well see if the colours are ok | 06:19 |
conn | you could then try the dri snapshots | 06:19 |
rohan | what are those ? | 06:20 |
rohan | i am trying vesa atm | 06:20 |
conn | http://dri.sf.net | 06:20 |
conn | try vesa first, yes | 06:21 |
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rohan | ah, X doesnt work | 06:21 |
rohan | with vesa | 06:21 |
conn | weird | 06:22 |
rohan | no matching modes found | 06:22 |
conn | can someone else with daper please show me the proposed packages to be removed when you "sudo apt-get remove locales" please? | 06:23 |
conn | *dapper | 06:23 |
rohan | lol, will different people have different outputs, conn ? | 06:24 |
conn | rohan: I'm just checking :) | 06:24 |
conn | I reinstalled the packages you mentioned but it's still not right | 06:24 |
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Drakeson | can anyone check this? open a new kate, in the menu: window > tool views > show terminal. for me the initial height for the terminal is zero | 06:42 |
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apokryphos | Drakeson: same here; might be worth filling out a bug report | 06:50 |
apokryphos | well, it'd be more of a wish I guess (that's a kde-issue, not a kubuntu (i.e. packaging) one) | 06:51 |
Drakeson | it may be just a bad katerc file. | 06:51 |
Drakeson | let me see if I can change it in katerc or not ... | 06:52 |
apokryphos | Drakeson: nope, that's default KDE behavior for the terminal to not have a height | 06:52 |
apokryphos | probably intentional | 06:52 |
Drakeson | even for terminal emulator in konqueror? | 06:52 |
apokryphos | different issue | 06:52 |
apokryphos | default KDE behavior in Kate, I mean -- as in, it's not a Kubuntu tweak or package issue | 06:53 |
Drakeson | I mean konsolepart always starts with height=zero? | 06:53 |
apokryphos | that's how Kate was made; I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing (it's still obvious where the terminal is) | 06:53 |
apokryphos | might be worth mentioning in #kate | 06:53 |
Drakeson | trying #kate ... | 06:55 |
Drakeson | it is empty | 06:55 |
apokryphos | mailing list or bugzilla wishling/bug then, I guess =) | 06:55 |
Drakeson | apokryphos: do you know if it is possible to define custom commands for the commandline (F7) in kate | 06:57 |
apokryphos | not sure what you mean | 06:58 |
Drakeson | do you use F7 in kate at all? :p | 06:58 |
apokryphos | nope | 06:58 |
apokryphos | F7 - Switch to Commandline, I see | 06:58 |
Drakeson | do you use emacs/vi frequently? | 06:58 |
apokryphos | nope; I like Kate :) | 06:59 |
Drakeson | thare cool things in both emacs and vi that are not hard to implement in kate. | 06:59 |
Drakeson | thare/there are | 07:00 |
apokryphos | I'm sure there's a way to add custom commands; not entirely sure how though | 07:00 |
Drakeson | I know there is a way to add external tools. if it is possible to add extra commands for the command line interface, I would go try to find out how | 07:01 |
Drakeson | I found nothing documented though (yet) | 07:01 |
apokryphos | hm, reasonably extensive section on the command line in the documentation, but no talk of how to add new ones | 07:02 |
apokryphos | the command line seems very handy though; I'll look into using this regularly | 07:02 |
apokryphos | Drakeson: If you really want an answer, might be worth hanging around #kde when you can, and wait for dear sredna to turn up, who will definitely know ;-) | 07:03 |
Drakeson | the problem is that some of the command could be much easier to use, just by giving them smaller names. e.g. "find" could be just "/" | 07:04 |
apokryphos | indeed | 07:04 |
Drakeson | sure, thanks, I'll wait for him | 07:04 |
apokryphos | Drakeson: funny, at first I always presumed he was a female -- guess not the same for everyone 8) | 07:05 |
apokryphos | damn names beginning with s and finishing with a vowel like a | 07:05 |
apokryphos | anyhow, LMK if you find out how to =) | 07:06 |
Drakeson | if it was the real name, I would probably guess it's a she ;) | 07:06 |
Drakeson | nicks are a different story;) | 07:06 |
Drakeson | sure | 07:06 |
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Drakeson | how can I instruct konversation to make a noise when someone joins? | 07:08 |
Drakeson | I am really newbie about irc | 07:08 |
apokryphos | Drakeson: Settings -> Configure Notifications (I guess). Haven't used it in a while | 07:09 |
Drakeson | thanks :) | 07:09 |
apokryphos | the noise'd get really annoying I imagine if you were in a big chan though ;-) | 07:09 |
ashtech | looking for help | 07:09 |
apokryphos | ashtech: potentially in the right place, then ;-) | 07:10 |
_hilz_ | Hello... | 07:10 |
ashtech | wireless network issues with kubuntu | 07:10 |
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_hilz_ | I installed tightvnc, but i don't know if it was installed right..can anyone help me | 07:11 |
_hilz_ | it gave an error message at the beginning about not finding gnome... but i am using kubuntu.... so there is no gnome here! | 07:11 |
_hilz_ | is there a specific tightvnc server for kde ? | 07:11 |
ashtech | 64bit os on a laptop, unable to get to the world | 07:12 |
ashtech | help, or a hey your dumb, any reply for that matter would be nice | 07:15 |
ashtech | its funny, the kubuntu site said that I would find help here.. | 07:19 |
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_hilz_ | maybe not on christmas eve! | 07:20 |
apokryphos | ashtech: not familiar with kwifimanager, but I imagine you could use that. If not, join #ubuntu for hardware-related issues (or just non-kde-specific ones) -- more likely to get help there. | 07:20 |
ashtech | thank you for the reply .. were would I find "Kwifimanager" | 07:21 |
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ashtech | I thought that like we hardware geeks software geek would be dodgeing there fam | 07:22 |
ashtech | there are no issues with the hardware, unless kubuntu is without drivers for wireless | 07:23 |
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apokryphos | ashtech: (i) kwifimanager -- you can install it from adept; (ii) it's just a fact that #ubuntu (being far larger) is often better for non-kde-specific issues | 07:24 |
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ashtech | thank you .. I will give that a shot .. | 07:26 |
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psyke | hi, does anyone notice slow 2d performance in kubuntu? For example, dragging the transparent selection on the desktop, hiding the kicker panel, or scrolling in Konsole? | 07:27 |
Lacerta | when I run ./networking restart I get [fail] , any idea why? | 07:27 |
apokryphos | psyke: what card do you have? | 07:27 |
=== cron0 [n=cron0@modemcable069.197-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
psyke | apokryphos: TNT2 and an ATI Rage 128 (2 machines) | 07:29 |
psyke | the performance is the same with vesa, nv and nvidia, irrespective of kernel type | 07:29 |
apokryphos | curious | 07:30 |
psyke | I installed SUSE 10.0, and performance is perfect, very smooth, and it's the same in Knoppix | 07:30 |
apokryphos | I'd imagine slow perfomance with nv and vesa, but not with nvidia (if you had the drivers installed properly) | 07:30 |
psyke | apokryphos: the nvidia driver is installed fine, glxgears etc works and direct rendering is enabled | 07:31 |
psyke | apokryphos: SUSE 10 uses nv by default, in fact, and despite no direct rendering the 2D performance is very smooth, better than Windows | 07:31 |
apokryphos | odd that you should have problems with it on Kubuntu | 07:32 |
psyke | apokryphos: I've tried Ubuntu and GNOME seems more sluggish, and I've upgraded to Dapper; performance got better but only marginally | 07:32 |
psyke | when I hide the panel, for example, it jerks and stutters as it closes | 07:33 |
apokryphos | psyke: the TNT2 is how recent an NVidia card? (I know it's nvidia, but no idea how good they are) | 07:33 |
apokryphos | yup, I understand | 07:33 |
psyke | apokryphos: it's a very old card, but every other distro works fine | 07:33 |
psyke | (with the same hardware) | 07:33 |
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psyke | I mean, SUSE and Knoppix is perfect, scrolling is really smooth, absolutely no stutter | 07:33 |
apokryphos | ah, ok, I thought so | 07:33 |
apokryphos | psyke: did you say you had nvidia-glx installed? | 07:34 |
psyke | everything shows this lag, for example when you maximize a window you can almost see the buttons being redrawn it's so slow | 07:34 |
psyke | apokryphos: nvidia-glx-legacy, yes (for the older cards) | 07:34 |
psyke | 3D performance is fine | 07:34 |
apokryphos | yup, that's what you should have. Odd. | 07:34 |
psyke | do you notice even a little stutter when hiding kicker, for example? | 07:35 |
apokryphos | psyke: I'm stumped tbh, might be worth asking in #ubuntu since it's an X issue | 07:35 |
apokryphos | psyke: no, but my card's pretty good | 07:35 |
psyke | ok | 07:35 |
cron0 | Any good torrent clients for kde? | 07:42 |
=== roconnor [n=roconnor@i129246.upc-i.chello.nl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
sampan | cron0 i use bittornado -- works great. i tried ktorrent but it errors and stalls often on torrents that bittornado handles just fine | 07:44 |
cron0 | I'd like a torrent manager, not just a client that start torrents invidually | 07:44 |
sampan | ahhh, no idea -- your original line said client | 07:44 |
cron0 | oh, sorry :) | 07:45 |
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apokryphos | cron0: KTorrent | 07:46 |
cron0 | I'll try that as soon as I can reach google.com to look it up :-/ | 07:46 |
apokryphos | it's in the repos | 07:46 |
apokryphos | !ktorrent | 07:47 |
ubotu | from memory, ktorrent is a KDE bittorrent client. It is available in breezy/universe, while the latest version is available in breezy-backports/universe. | 07:47 |
sampan | i get a lot of stalled/broken torrents with ktorrent -- ones that bittornado opens just fine -- but haven't tried the backports version | 07:47 |
apokryphos | it's not quite perfected yet, to be sure, but it integrates well, is light-weight, and handles a few things quite nicely that I like. | 07:48 |
apokryphos | But indeed, the official client might be better for some torrents. | 07:48 |
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sampan | if a package is in backports as well as main repos, how does one select just the backports version to install? | 07:52 |
apokryphos | sampan: the one in backports would be of a higher version, so merely having backport repo enabled would ensure that it goes for the respective app in the backport repo | 07:54 |
=== sorush20 [n=sorush20@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
sampan | hrmmm ... is there any difference in the information when i do apt-cache show (with the backports enabled and apt-get updated already done)? | 07:55 |
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apokryphos | sampan: of course. Apt-cache searches the apps in the repos, so if one isn't enabled, then...... | 07:55 |
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parti | hey guy | 07:56 |
parti | how are you doing? | 07:56 |
sampan | i understand that, but if there are two packages with the name "ktorrent" (diff versions) and i have backports enabled, which one gets show on a search/show? | 07:56 |
sampan | s/show/shown | 07:56 |
apokryphos | sampan: the latest one, always | 07:57 |
apokryphos | apt doesn't care for lower versions | 07:57 |
sampan | okay, so latest version is 1.0? | 07:57 |
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apokryphos | unless you manipulate it in obscure ways 8) | 07:57 |
sampan | lol -- i'm too newb to (deliberately) do anything obscure ;) | 07:57 |
apokryphos | sampan: in the repos, yes | 07:57 |
_adrian | alguien me puede ayudar con la instalacion de una tarjeta de tv en ubuntu? | 07:58 |
sampan | accidentally, however, i might be able to manage doing something obscure | 07:58 |
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apokryphos | sampan: it would require editing apt-preferences and pinning particular things with higher priority. I doubt it ;-) | 07:58 |
sampan | phew! | 07:58 |
apokryphos | _adrian: English only here. But IRC in other languages: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InternetRelayChat | 07:59 |
sampan | i often stumble (through no fault of my own ???) onto ways of breaking stuff | 07:59 |
_adrian | can somebody help me with the installation of a tv card | 07:59 |
sampan | thanks for the info apokryphos :) | 07:59 |
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Zeusz | hello | 08:00 |
Zeusz | merry christmas | 08:00 |
Zeusz | I have a problem | 08:00 |
Zeusz | After a full upgrade in adept | 08:00 |
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Zeusz | the hda3,hda1,hda5 and cdrom | 08:00 |
Zeusz | disapeared from media:/ | 08:01 |
Zeusz | What can I do to bring it back? | 08:01 |
_adrian | how can i get lirc installed?? | 08:01 |
apokryphos | !info lirc | 08:02 |
ubotu | lirc: (Linux Infra-red Remote Control support), section universe/utils, is extra. Version: (breezy), Packaged size: 256 kB, Installed size: 1376 kB | 08:02 |
apokryphos | _adrian: enable Universe and get it through Adept | 08:02 |
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Zeusz | can anyone help me? | 08:03 |
Zeusz | pls | 08:03 |
apokryphos | Zeusz: do you have breezy-updates enabled? | 08:05 |
Zeusz | yes | 08:06 |
apokryphos | and you did a dist-upgrade with that enabled? | 08:06 |
apokryphos | (making sure you have kubuntu-desktop installed first) | 08:07 |
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Zeusz | I gave full upgrade to all packages | 08:08 |
apokryphos | Zeusz: make sure you have that repo enabled, then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 08:08 |
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=== musashiden [n=musashid@pool-162-83-56-140.sal.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
musashiden | hmm, how can i upgrade to qt3 3.0.5? | 08:10 |
cthulhu | how can i get IR support for an AverMedia TV card?? | 08:10 |
=== apokryphos will bbl | ||
musashiden | anyone? | 08:11 |
cthulhu | ive installed package lirc vwith adept, but it dont seem to work... | 08:11 |
musashiden | i cant seem to find qt3 3.0.5 anywhere :/ | 08:11 |
cthulhu | can somebody help me, please?? | 08:13 |
linlin | i need all the files that would be in a 32 bit system, im making a chroot to run wine in. anything i can apt-get for that? | 08:13 |
linlin | or perhaps someone has a guide | 08:14 |
musashiden | linlin: tried google? | 08:14 |
=== MS|a [n=msa@p54A21864.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
MS|a | hi all | 08:14 |
MS|a | i want to install ubuntu on my pc. at the moment i use all space for windows. can the kubuntu installer resize the windows partitions to make free space for kubuntu? | 08:15 |
cthulhu | after lirc is installed, what do i have to do to get IR support?? | 08:15 |
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_ubuntu | hey | 08:16 |
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parti | well | 08:16 |
parti | hey guys | 08:16 |
parti | Hope I will not distturb anybody. But, I am trying to decide which one to install ubuntu or Kubuntu. | 08:16 |
parti | So, could you guys tell me what is the adventages and disaventages of KDE ? | 08:17 |
cthulhu | need help installing a TV card? | 08:18 |
parti | No, I don't need a TV card :) | 08:18 |
parti | WIndows deleted my ubuntu partition by Re-formating the whole HD. | 08:19 |
cron0 | haha | 08:19 |
=== christmas-tree- [n=shooping@84-217-143-225.tn.glocalnet.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
parti | So, now I want to know if Kubuntu could be right for me... I mean, I want to ive it a try., | 08:19 |
christmas-tree- | merry christmas , i have a question, i have windowsxp and ubuntu on my pc. i use ubuntu as boot | 08:19 |
christmas-tree- | now when i am on windowsxp i see i have lots of virueses spywares and i want to re-install windowsxp | 08:19 |
christmas-tree- | i know if i reinstall windowsxp the windows will boot and it will remove the ubuntu | 08:19 |
christmas-tree- | boot loader, how can i make this will not happen ? | 08:19 |
parti | Man!~ Two days ago, I re-installed WIndows. and it deleted my whole files.. even my Ubuntu !! | 08:20 |
parti | :( | 08:20 |
christmas-tree- | what to do | 08:20 |
parti | Well, in my LIMTED knowledge, I really don't know. But, the first thing you should do is ofcourse do backup your files. | 08:21 |
parti | do -----------> to | 08:21 |
parti | hey, christmas-tree. Why don't you ask it in the ubuntu IRC channel ? | 08:22 |
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parti | There are more plp over there. And they could help you out ;) | 08:22 |
psyke | christmas-tree-: I think you can boot into kubuntu from the cd then run grub-install, perhaps? | 08:23 |
parti | ... he want to re-install WIndows. I don't think we can stop WIndows from deleting Ubuntu or other OS... WIndows is so selfish... but.. maybe.. if it is in another HD | 08:24 |
parti | If ubuntu is in other HD, maybe Windows won't touch it? What do you guys say ? | 08:25 |
christmas-tree- | no they are on the same hd and the hd is partioned | 08:25 |
parti | ok. Then that means that WIndows will erase Ubuntu. :( | 08:26 |
parti | Make a backup of your files. | 08:26 |
parti | DO you have CD-burner ? | 08:26 |
christmas-tree- | nope it will erase the boot loader | 08:26 |
christmas-tree- | silly | 08:26 |
parti | ... Well, I am still a beguinner ;) | 08:27 |
parti | go to irc.freenode.net on channel #ubuntu | 08:29 |
parti | they are more active :) | 08:29 |
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llukax | hey does anyone know how to make flash work in konqueror | 08:31 |
llukax | ? | 08:31 |
sampan | !flash | 08:31 |
ubotu | rumour has it, restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats Most of the formats listed here have been replaced by !FreeFormats | 08:31 |
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musashiden | can anyone tell me how can i upgrade to qt3 3.0.5? | 08:35 |
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jahshua | what do i need to do/install to use the usb port with a LiteOn cd burner ? | 08:41 |
llukax | DAMNIT, NOT ENOUGH HERRING | 08:49 |
llukax | :( | 08:49 |
llukax | hehe sorry, i just excited koz now tux racer runs | 08:50 |
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parti | How do I enable the Universe and Multiverse in Kubuntu ? | 08:59 |
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parti | thank you ubotu :) | 09:00 |
linlin | Preconfiguring packages ... | 09:01 |
linlin | dpkg: syntax error: unknown group `postdrop' in statusoverride file | 09:01 |
linlin | E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2) | 09:01 |
linlin | what should i do? :( | 09:01 |
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_rom1 | get something to drink and celebrate | 09:07 |
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dieter_ | test | 09:08 |
jahshua | what do i need to do/install to use the usb port with a LiteOn cd burner ? | 09:08 |
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DJ_Mer_ | anyone here know how Ican sync a ppc with kubuntu? | 09:16 |
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metellius | E: Package kubuntu-desktop has no installation candidate | 09:24 |
metellius | here is my sources.list: http://metellius.mine.nu/sources.list | 09:25 |
metellius | I seriously need help with this one, I just bruke my grandmothers kubuntu :/ | 09:26 |
metellius | *brkoe | 09:26 |
metellius | *broke | 09:26 |
metellius | (damn wireless keyboard) | 09:26 |
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sampan | metellius you can go to the source-o-matic to generate a good sources.list | 09:31 |
sampan | !easysource | 09:31 |
ubotu | easysource is, like, For an easy to use custom sources.list configurator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic | 09:31 |
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=== LacertaII [n=simo@dsl-lprgw5-fe5ddc00-8.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu | ||
sampan | hey kkathman | 09:35 |
kkathman | howdy sampan :) | 09:35 |
LacertaII | How do i mount my XP hd? | 09:35 |
sampan | i got a question for you -- haven't updated in a long time, now i opened up updater and noticed that there is a new kernel update, etc. if i update those, will it break anything (my nvidia 3d accel?)? will i have to reconfigure anything? or is it truly "fire and forget"? | 09:36 |
sampan | !ntfs | 09:36 |
ubotu | ntfs is, like, totally, the filesystem used in Windows 2000 and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions | 09:36 |
sampan | lacertaii you can try reading ubotu's link above ^^^ | 09:37 |
LacertaII | I was hoping that you could just give me a simple command :) | 09:37 |
sampan | lacertaii give a man a fish and you feed him for a day ... teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime ;) | 09:37 |
LacertaII | well the man has got to learn if some nasty people don't want to give him fish :E | 09:38 |
LacertaII | i want fish! | 09:38 |
sampan | lol ... do you want the drive mounted automatically at boot up? | 09:39 |
LacertaII | well.. maybe | 09:39 |
metellius | i could give you the parameters in random order as a hint for reading the manual :p | 09:40 |
sampan | hahahahah metellius | 09:40 |
LacertaII | if i want it at boot time do i have to tweak GRUB? | 09:40 |
sampan | lacertaii no. you just need to add it with the proper parameters to your /etc/fstab file | 09:41 |
metellius | read the man for fstab | 09:41 |
metellius | or google it, there's quite a bit of simple guides for the fstab file. it's not complicated either | 09:41 |
LacertaII | say, in GRUB the system boots from hdb1 by default. i want it to be hda1. where is the file i need to edit? | 09:41 |
sampan | booting is entirely different than mounting a drive in an already booted OS | 09:42 |
LacertaII | yeah but right now i need to change that hdb1 at every boot | 09:42 |
sampan | that's a GRUB issue i suppose ... something i know nothing (or almost nothing) about | 09:43 |
metellius | i think it would be a lot easier to tell grub to boot hdb than to change hdb->hda | 09:43 |
LacertaII | what.. i mean.. hdb is slave, right? | 09:43 |
metellius | hda = first harddrive, hdb = second, etc... | 09:44 |
=== LacertaII thinks | ||
=== Delvien [n=dm@cpe-65-31-22-104.insight.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
metellius | i'm not really sure what order the kernel names them. might be the slave/master property | 09:45 |
LacertaII | i installed kubuntu to slave HD and now I changed that to master | 09:45 |
LacertaII | so it won't boot from hdb1 anymore | 09:45 |
metellius | ah, I see. | 09:45 |
metellius | edit the grub.conf file to boot from hdb1 | 09:45 |
LacertaII | let's see if i can get something done... | 09:48 |
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Delvien | anyone know how to edit my grub boot list? | 09:52 |
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slow-motion | hallo und frohe weihnachten | 09:56 |
LacertaII | Delvien: check /boot/grub | 09:57 |
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Snake__ | admrl: you here? | 10:08 |
Snake__ | wait | 10:08 |
Snake__ | wrong person :-D | 10:08 |
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angasule | I need a simple to configure ftp daemon, something simple, I just want to share files with a windows pc (and the windows pc refuses to get samba working correctly, as usual) | 10:21 |
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gole | it doesn't get much easier then samba.. | 11:33 |
gole | but are you trying to get files from windows or from linux box? | 11:33 |
gole | cause you can just use scp | 11:33 |
gole | scp = secure copy | 11:33 |
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dragonkh | anyone used usermode linnux ? | 11:42 |
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metellius | http://metellius.mine.nu/install-error <-- experiencing dependency problems when trying to install kubuntu-desktop | 11:57 |
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lwizardl | where can i find a kubunutu boot floppy image | 11:59 |
rhendrix | anyone have any luck with an ATI x200m chipset | 12:02 |
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