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thierry | I get this when checking linda : Linda: Unable to find a suitable .mo file! | 12:20 |
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Kyral | thierry: it happened to me as well with EasyChem | 12:23 |
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thierry | Kyral : ok but what do I do to solve this? add .mo file? but where? | 12:34 |
Kyral | hey ogra | 12:34 |
Kyral | thierry: I was told its harmless | 12:34 |
ogra_ibook | hey Kyral | 12:34 |
=== Kyral spins around | ||
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bmonty | thierry: does the package build and install? | 12:34 |
Kyral | not where I was expecting that to come from | 12:35 |
ogra_ibook | heh | 12:36 |
minghua | hi ogra_ibook | 12:36 |
ogra_ibook | hey | 12:36 |
minghua | I am suspecting the gnome-cups-add and uim bug you showed me a few days ago is dup of launchpad 5148 | 12:37 |
minghua | err, malone 5148 | 12:37 |
minghua | hey, where is our little cute bug bot? | 12:38 |
Kyral | dunno | 12:38 |
minghua | Ubugtu: malone #5148 | 12:38 |
crimsun | it's right there. | 12:38 |
ogra_ibook | on holiday ? | 12:38 |
Kyral | I guess its been tweaked to PMSG the person | 12:38 |
minghua | our bug bot /ignores me :-( | 12:38 |
Kyral | lol | 12:38 |
thierry | bmonty : yep! :) | 12:39 |
thierry | bmonty : I reuploading it to REVU, just to make sure | 12:39 |
bmonty | thierry: is it a new package or a merge? | 12:39 |
ogra_ibook | works in #ubuntu-bugs ;) | 12:39 |
thierry | bmonty : new, it's on REVU (but you'll have to wait a few minutes to see the last upload, I just sent it) | 12:40 |
=== Kyral sighs | ||
Kyral | I see tons of packages being reviewd but not mine lol (Hate to be a pest, but I spent like 6 hours a couple weeks ago fizing all the bugs in it) | 12:41 |
thierry | Kyral : don't worry, my one of my two package as been reviewed only once... and haven't been advocated so... | 12:42 |
Kyral | thierry: I have 1 vote (that I keep losing because I do trival things to it like uploading it with a new email addy :P) | 12:42 |
thierry | bmonty : if you want to review it http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1295 | 12:43 |
thierry | Kyral : are you a MOTU? | 12:43 |
Kyral | thierry: Nope | 12:43 |
Kyral | thierry: just a wannabe | 12:43 |
thierry | k | 12:43 |
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thierry | Kyral : the best way to get your package reviewed fast is to poke some MOTU (gently of course), either they will ignore you, or they will take a look | 12:47 |
crimsun | try to keep in mind that it's the holidays | 12:47 |
Kyral | Yah I know | 12:47 |
Kyral | but this thing has been up there for a month ;P | 12:48 |
thierry | crimsun : yeah of course it's holyday, we won't be harassing everyone everytime :) | 12:50 |
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raphink | slomo_: new version of knmap available! All new, all fresh ;) http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1296 | 01:16 |
raphink | even tested ;) | 01:17 |
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Seveas | I need a second advocate (and an uploader) for keyboardcast, any MOTU available? | 02:32 |
raphink | Seveas: not me :( | 02:40 |
raphink | Seveas: I suppose you're not a MOTU yourself | 02:46 |
raphink | slomo are you there? | 02:46 |
tseng | ajmitch: how is selinux going? | 02:49 |
bmonty | Seveas: I think your package is close...just a few tweaks | 02:55 |
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Burglaptop | anybody part of HardenedUbuntu here? | 03:54 |
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thierry | how do I find the cflags I'm compiling with... | 03:55 |
thierry | ? | 04:01 |
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zakame | happy holidays! | 05:57 |
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hub | hi | 06:34 |
zakame | heya hub | 06:34 |
minghua | hello zakame, hub | 06:35 |
zakame | hi minghua | 06:35 |
hub | anyone know how to force a rc.d priority for a package? | 06:36 |
zakame | er doesn't update-rc.d do that? in the postinst scripts? | 06:37 |
hub | I didn't see | 06:38 |
hub | I'll look again | 06:38 |
hub | update-rc.d does set it | 06:38 |
hub | but I want the package to do it | 06:38 |
minghua | hub: I just checked postinst script of one package (ntp-server), it calls update-rc.d and sets the priority | 06:40 |
hub | minghua: this one use the default rule I think | 06:40 |
hub | I'll check | 06:40 |
minghua | that's the way I thought it should be | 06:40 |
hub | yeah | 06:41 |
hub | I was thinking look at a package | 06:41 |
Sepheebear | doesnt dh_installinit allow you to set priorities? | 07:08 |
Sepheebear | yeah it does: dh_installinit --update-rcd-params=params | 07:09 |
hub | ah | 07:11 |
hub | then I learned something | 07:11 |
hub | I posted the patch anyway | 07:11 |
hub | malone 6089 | 07:12 |
Sepheebear | yeah dh_installinit is pretty nifty | 07:15 |
zakame | yes, dh_* is | 07:30 |
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pef | hello | 07:45 |
zakame | hey pef , merry christmas! :) | 07:49 |
pef | hello zakame, merry christmas too :) | 07:50 |
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Seveas | bmonty, i'd appreciate hints :) | 09:26 |
Treenaks | Seveas: give up :P | 09:26 |
=== Seveas gives up on Treenaks | ||
Treenaks | Seveas: on the day before christmas? how nice :\ | 09:27 |
Seveas | :) | 09:27 |
Seveas | *hug* | 09:27 |
=== StevenK ponders bugging someone to upload wine. | ||
StevenK | But, first, I suspect I need to actually test it. | 09:48 |
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siretart | merry xmas! | 10:08 |
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raphink | hello guys | 01:24 |
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raphink | hi zakame | 01:24 |
zakame | hi raphink , merry christmas! | 01:25 |
zakame | 'tis just 4 hours away from here ;) | 01:25 |
Yagisan | G'day raphink, zakame | 01:25 |
Yagisan | just 35 minutes until christmas here | 01:25 |
raphink | merry xmas Yagisan && zakame | 01:25 |
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raphink | hop | 01:47 |
raphink | two packages updated :) | 01:47 |
zakame | rocking | 01:49 |
zakame | just uploaded libbonobouimm1.3 myself :) | 01:50 |
raphink | I made my wikipage such that I can easily track down new versions of my packages | 01:50 |
raphink | :) | 01:50 |
zakame | ooh, the installer's fast nowadays | 01:53 |
SloMoSnail | good morning everybody :) | 01:53 |
zakame | merry christmas slomo :) | 01:54 |
slomo | thanks... you'll get a present soon :) /me prepares liferea 1.0 currently | 01:54 |
zakame | slomo: w00t! I <3 liferea | 01:55 |
raphink | hi slomo | 01:58 |
slomo | hi raphink :) | 01:58 |
raphink | slomo: I just uupdated two packages that are already approved in dapper | 01:58 |
raphink | do you have some time to look? | 01:58 |
slomo | are they already in the archives or stuck in NEW? | 01:59 |
raphink | the old versions are already in dapper | 01:59 |
raphink | like in the archives | 01:59 |
raphink | I unarchived the threads | 01:59 |
raphink | and uploaded the new versions | 01:59 |
raphink | http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1296 and http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1296 | 01:59 |
raphink | oops | 01:59 |
raphink | http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1187 | 01:59 |
raphink | :) | 01:59 |
slomo | 1297? | 01:59 |
slomo | oh ok ;) | 01:59 |
raphink | :) | 01:59 |
raphink | knmap improved a lot :) | 02:00 |
raphink | and konq-encrypt-menu mostly merged my patches, which is already nice :) | 02:00 |
slomo | what other changes did you make except running uupdate? ;) | 02:01 |
raphink | updating changelog | 02:01 |
raphink | of course | 02:01 |
raphink | removing obsolete patches | 02:01 |
raphink | after checking their merges | 02:02 |
slomo | and dropping of patches? ok... i'll upload them probably after liferea :) | 02:02 |
raphink | checking if it still built | 02:02 |
raphink | ;) | 02:02 |
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raphink | slomo: error : new version of konq-encrypt-menu is http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1297 not 1296 ;) | 02:12 |
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zakame | hey thierry | 02:30 |
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thierry | hey zakame! have you looked at my package? :) | 02:45 |
thierry | http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1295 | 02:46 |
zakame | hm, looks good now, lemme build it | 02:48 |
thierry | k | 02:49 |
thierry | zakame : there's just the linda output that botter me... where should be this .mo file? | 02:49 |
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zakame | thierry: I've no idea about that myself :( | 02:52 |
Hieronymus | thierry: isn't that just a translation file? | 02:53 |
zakame | Hieronymus: yes, a gettext-related file, imo | 02:54 |
thierry | k | 02:54 |
zakame | hm while libfxscintilla1.6 builds, would my good colleague MOTUs revu http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=929 | 02:55 |
zakame | ? | 02:56 |
=== ptlo [n=senko@83-131-10-249.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
zakame | hi ptlo | 03:00 |
ptlo | heja zakame | 03:00 |
ptlo | what's up? | 03:00 |
zakame | ptlo: here checking out thierry 's pkg, and looking for a revu-wer for mine pkg | 03:01 |
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zakame | wb Sepheebear | 03:03 |
zakame | and Seveas | 03:03 |
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thierry | wb? | 03:08 |
zakame | there, libbonobouimm1.3's done, yay! | 03:09 |
zakame | thierry: welcome back :) | 03:09 |
thierry | ho ok :) | 03:09 |
thierry | zakeme : so how's going the build? | 03:18 |
zakame | thierry: hm still grabbing the b-ds, I'm on dialup :'( | 03:19 |
bmonty | morning guys | 03:19 |
zakame | (though I wish Santa would give me broadband soon) | 03:19 |
bmonty | zakame: I can upload if you want | 03:19 |
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zakame | merry christmas bmonty :D | 03:20 |
zakame | bmonty: what? my revu pkg? | 03:20 |
bmonty | zakame: libfxscintilla | 03:20 |
thierry | bmonty : don't upload it, just review it! :D | 03:21 |
bmonty | thierry: done | 03:21 |
zakame | bmonty: ah, still reviewing | 03:21 |
thierry | bmonty : thanks a lot, by the way you could also look at libfxruby1.4 :p | 03:21 |
bmonty | thierry: I haven't had enough coffee yet this morning | 03:22 |
bmonty | I looked at libfxscintilla last night | 03:22 |
thierry | bmonty : k | 03:23 |
zakame | bmonty: please check my libmemcache too :P | 03:24 |
thierry | bmonty : I prefer tea, since there's more cafeine in tea than in cofee :D | 03:28 |
slomo | zakame: your present is in the archives :) | 03:28 |
bmonty | thierry: I like the flavor of coffee better | 03:29 |
zakame | thierry: hm debian/copyright still doesn't match what's in README | 03:29 |
thierry | zakame : ?? wait a minute going to check that | 03:29 |
zakame | slomo: oh goodie! thanks! :D | 03:30 |
=== zakame hugs slomo | ||
=== slomo hugs zakame :) | ||
thierry | zakame : I did it to match license.txt wich is different from readme... strange | 03:31 |
thierry | zakame : wich one should I put in debian/copyright? | 03:31 |
bmonty | thierry: License.txt says that the license for libfxscintilla is in COPYING | 03:32 |
zakame | thierry: License.txt is for the original Scintilla software | 03:32 |
thierry | bmonty , zakame : ok, I'll do the changes and reupload, could you readvocate after that? | 03:34 |
bmonty | yup | 03:34 |
zakame | k, just grabbed the b-ds, its now building really | 03:35 |
bmonty | odd, for libfxruby, when I try to look at the package directory in REVU, firefox loads the index.html instead of showing a directory | 03:38 |
bmonty | I think there is an apache option that disables that | 03:39 |
zakame | indeed | 03:39 |
zakame | thierry: great job | 03:41 |
zakame | lintian clean indeed | 03:42 |
zakame | just the minor gripe with debian/copyright , better fix that before elmo sees ;) | 03:42 |
=== potato [n=ed@84-51-146-63.spence577.adsl.metronet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
thierry | zakame : fixed, just rebuilding to reupload :) | 03:43 |
zakame | rocking | 03:43 |
thierry | zakame , bmonty : I'll tell you when it's going to be uploaded | 03:43 |
raphink | slomo: if you ever have the time to check the packages, that'd be great ;) | 03:43 |
raphink | or zakame ;) | 03:43 |
zakame | wow we're 80 new, 183 accepted merges... rock on ppl! :D | 03:44 |
zakame | raphink: sure! :) Merry Christmas too! | 03:44 |
raphink | merry xmas zakame | 03:45 |
raphink | zakame: dapper is gonna rock :) | 03:45 |
raphink | & roll | 03:45 |
=== potato [n=ed@84-51-146-63.spence577.adsl.metronet.co.uk] has left #ubuntu-motu [] | ||
zakame | indeed | 03:45 |
raphink | go dapper go :) | 03:46 |
thierry | zakame : where can I find the new fsf adress? | 03:48 |
xhaker | go eclipse merge go | 03:48 |
xhaker | anjuta patch go | 03:48 |
raphink | zakame: so you have time to check two of my updated packages ? | 03:49 |
thierry | zakame : forget it, got it | 03:49 |
raphink | zakame: they are just updates for packages already included in dapper | 03:49 |
zakame | raphink: I'm looking at kalcul right now | 03:49 |
raphink | hmm | 03:49 |
zakame | thierry: w00t | 03:49 |
raphink | zakame: kalcul doesn't build on dapper lately, forget about this one | 03:49 |
raphink | zakame: check knmap rather : http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1296 | 03:50 |
zakame | raphink: ok | 03:50 |
raphink | :) | 03:50 |
raphink | knmap 2.0 is a great work :) | 03:50 |
raphink | (I mean the app ;)) | 03:50 |
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=== alejandro [n=alejandr@kde/developer/alejandro] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
alejandro | hi | 03:52 |
raphink | hi alejandro | 03:53 |
zakame | merry christmas alejandro :) | 03:53 |
alejandro | merry christmas zakame too. :-) | 03:53 |
alejandro | hi raphink. | 03:54 |
raphink | :) | 03:54 |
raphink | merry xmas alejandro | 03:54 |
alejandro | merry christmas raphink. ;-) | 03:54 |
raphink | ty | 03:55 |
bmonty | heh, spammers already found motu-reviewers :( | 03:55 |
thierry | zakame , bmonty : uploaded http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1298 | 03:55 |
zakame | indeed :( | 03:56 |
zakame | thierry: k | 03:57 |
raphink | I don' tsee any spam on motu-reviewers | 03:57 |
zakame | there is, unless your mailfilter's seeing it through the list | 03:59 |
mhz | alejandro: where are you from? | 04:03 |
mhz | zakame: merry xmas | 04:04 |
alejandro | mhz, Madrid, Spain, u? | 04:04 |
=== Hieronymus [n=jeroen@cp413115-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
zakame | raphink: I'll check knmap tomorrow, I've some goods to cook ;) | 04:04 |
Kyral | Morning | 04:04 |
Kyral | Damn forgot to take down my away | 04:05 |
zakame | (Xmas is just an hour away now ;) | 04:05 |
Kyral | For you ;P | 04:05 |
raphink | sure zakame :) | 04:05 |
Kyral | You know you are a geek when you XMas list is made up of books from O'Reilly | 04:05 |
zakame | wb Kyral | 04:05 |
zakame | Merry Christmas Kyral :D | 04:05 |
Kyral | In a couple hours | 04:05 |
zakame | Kyral: haha indeed | 04:06 |
raphink | bye everybody | 04:06 |
raphink | and merry xmas | 04:06 |
zakame | bye raphink | 04:06 |
zakame | gn8 | 04:06 |
=== ealden [n=ealden@ipdial-168-233.tri-isys.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
Kyral | GNU Emacs Reference Guide | 04:08 |
Kyral | The Linux Cookbook | 04:08 |
Kyral | As well as "Just For Fun: The Story Of An Accidental Revolutionary" | 04:08 |
thierry | zakame , bmonty : could you readvocate my package please :) | 04:08 |
Kyral | by Linus Torvalds :D | 04:08 |
thierry | Kyral : I had the Linux Cookbook last year, it's a really great book for about anything | 04:09 |
Kyral | thierry: Oyah | 04:09 |
zakame | Kyral: rocking | 04:09 |
Kyral | Ever see Revolution OS? | 04:10 |
zakame | Kyral: yup | 04:10 |
Kyral | I love it :D | 04:10 |
Kyral | I love how Eric Reymond opens it with that story about him and the "Microsoft High Mucky Muck" | 04:11 |
zakame | thierry: great work :) | 04:12 |
Kyral | "I am your worst nightmare.." | 04:13 |
=== mhz [n=mhz_chil@pc-252-84-215-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
Kyral | Yah watching that movie got my mind into the GNU Philosopy mode | 04:13 |
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=== zakame dons some stuffy red suit and rides some sleazy sleigh with a lot of source pkgs | ||
zakame | hohoho! | 04:19 |
siretart | hiho folks | 04:19 |
zakame | merry christmas siretart :) | 04:19 |
siretart | new harddisk in laptop, so this is a perfect time for upgrading to dapper! :) | 04:19 |
siretart | zakame: merry christas to you too! :) | 04:19 |
thierry | zakame : will it be uploaded? | 04:20 |
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Kyral | Merry XMas and a Happy New Year to all! | 04:24 |
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bmonty | thierry: I think the copyright for libfxscintilla is still wrong, COPYING says it is LGPL and you have GPL in the copyright file | 04:33 |
thierry | bmonty : you're right, sorry for that, do you have any example I could look at that uses LGPL? | 04:38 |
bmonty | thierry: nope, also check the contents of the debs, when I run "dpkg-deb -c" there aren't any binaries in the package | 04:39 |
thierry | bmonty : strange... how can I solve that??? | 04:40 |
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bmonty | thierry: make sure that the correct files get copied during the install part of rules | 04:40 |
thierry | bmonty : k, but I'm working with cdbs... shouldn't it work? | 04:42 |
thierry | bmonty : maybe you're working with the last version of libfox1.4, I had to rebuild it so that it works fine, it has been uploaded on archive.ubuntu.com but not on us.archive.ubuntu.com... | 04:43 |
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bmonty | thierry: sorry, I had to step away from the computer...i'll check that I have the latest version and let you know what I see | 05:00 |
thierry | bmonty : latest is ubuntu3 | 05:01 |
=== Hieronymus [n=jeroen@cp413115-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
thierry | bmonty : so, is it working? | 05:22 |
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bmonty | thierry: ping | 08:12 |
\sh | hey bmonty | 08:14 |
bmonty | hey \sh, Merry Christmas! | 08:15 |
\sh | bmonty: same to you and your family :) | 08:15 |
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\sh | ok..if everything is nice now...you will have tomorrow gajim 0.9 in dapper | 08:21 |
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bmonty | brb, gotta wrap my wife's gifts | 08:35 |
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\sh | ok...gajim 0.9.0 hits dapper soon :) merry christmas :) | 08:54 |
siretart | does anyone happen to have an older version of xserver-xorg-driver-ati than xserver-xorg-driver-ati_6.5.7.2-0ubuntu1_i386? | 09:00 |
siretart | or does someone know an really old mirror? | 09:01 |
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bmonty | can someone mark privoxy as fixed on REVU2? | 09:08 |
JanC | siretart: binary package? | 09:17 |
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tseng | \sh_away: what is the gajim "human patch"? | 10:20 |
tseng | \sh_away: oh. | 10:20 |
Hieronymus | tseng: theming? | 10:24 |
tseng | yes, i read the patch | 10:24 |
tseng | * Use pysqlite for conversation history. Automigration for old logs | 10:24 |
tseng | nasty | 10:24 |
=== Zdra [n=zdra@176-231.242.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
Zdra | hi ! i'm making a package to easily install UnrealTournament. The package contains any files but just download and copy files at the right place, so it's legal (gentoo package does the same thing and i've contacted gentoo's packager, he says that's ok). Is it possible that someone take a look at the package to see if it's correctly done (i'm a noob) and maybe possible to include it in multiverse ? | 11:06 |
Zdra | (don't know if MOTU are also masters of the multiverse...) | 11:08 |
bmonty | Zdra: you should upload the package to REVU, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/REVU | 11:12 |
Zdra | bmonty: ok thx | 11:13 |
bmonty | np | 11:14 |
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Zdra | bmonty: i've signing problem when running "debuild" to build the package: | 11:33 |
Zdra | Now signing changes and any dsc files... | 11:33 |
Zdra | signfile unrealtournament_436.1.dsc Xavier Claessens <xclaesse@gmail.com> | 11:33 |
Zdra | gpg: skipped "Xavier Claessens <xclaesse@gmail.com>": secret key not available | 11:33 |
Zdra | gpg: [stdin] : clearsign failed: secret key not available | 11:33 |
Zdra | debsign: gpg error occurred! Aborting.... | 11:33 |
Zdra | debuild: fatal error at line 791: | 11:33 |
Zdra | running debsign failed | 11:33 |
Zdra | can you help me ? :-) | 11:34 |
Zdra | I can't upload the package if it isn't signed | 11:34 |
bmonty | Zdra: are you Xavier and do you have a key for that email address? | 11:34 |
Zdra | yes that's my gpg key | 11:34 |
bmonty | you sure the secret key is there? | 11:36 |
Zdra | I can sign and crypt emails with that key... so I assume yes | 11:36 |
Zdra | but it should ask me my password, no ? | 11:36 |
JanC | Zdra: which type of key is it? | 11:36 |
bmonty | it should ask your for your password | 11:36 |
bmonty | is the gmail.com address your primary one? | 11:37 |
Zdra | zdra@ubuntu:~/package/unrealtournament-436.1$ gpg --list-key xavier | 11:37 |
Zdra | pub 1024D/7DAA3C03 2005-04-27 | 11:37 |
Zdra | uid Xavier Claessens (Zdra) <x_claessens@skynet.be> | 11:37 |
Zdra | uid Xavier Claessens (Zdra) <xclaesse@ulb.ac.be> | 11:37 |
Zdra | uid Xavier Claessens (Zdra) <xclaesse@gmail.com> | 11:37 |
Zdra | sub 2048g/E7C08D56 2005-04-27 | 11:37 |
Zdra | I think that's not my primary | 11:37 |
bmonty | hmm..AFAIK that should work | 11:37 |
bmonty | try using the -k option | 11:39 |
Zdra | -k option of debuild ? | 11:40 |
bmonty | debuild will pass it to dpkg-buildpackage | 11:41 |
Zdra | doesn't any thing | 11:41 |
Zdra | doesn't change any thing | 11:41 |
Zdra | zdra@ubuntu:~/package/unrealtournament-436.1$ gpg --list-secret-keys | 11:42 |
Zdra | /home/zdra/.gnupg/secring.gpg | 11:42 |
Zdra | ----------------------------- | 11:42 |
Zdra | sec 1024D/7DAA3C03 2005-04-27 | 11:42 |
Zdra | uid Xavier Claessens (Zdra) <xclaesse@ulb.ac.be> | 11:42 |
Zdra | uid Xavier Claessens (Zdra) <xclaesse@gmail.com> | 11:42 |
Zdra | ssb 2048g/E7C08D56 2005-04-27 | 11:42 |
Zdra | so the key is good | 11:42 |
bmonty | try doing dpkg-buildpackage -S -k <keyid> -rfakeroot | 11:42 |
Zdra | it works | 11:43 |
Zdra | thx | 11:43 |
Zdra | but I don't understand why... | 11:43 |
bmonty | something wrong with your debuild setup | 11:44 |
Zdra | ok now my package is uploaded :) | 11:47 |
alejandro | nice | 11:47 |
JanC | Zdra: great :) | 11:47 |
JanC | Zdra: you go to FOSDEM ? :) | 11:48 |
Zdra | JanC: of course :) | 11:48 |
alejandro | I'm also go to FOSDEM. :-) | 11:48 |
JanC | I see your e-mail address @ ULB :) | 11:48 |
=== alejandro doesnt know nobody. | ||
Zdra | I organise it, i'm an ULB student :) | 11:48 |
JanC | I've been there twice now | 11:49 |
JanC | alejandro: there will be lots of ubuntu people there :) | 11:50 |
JanC | including developers | 11:50 |
alejandro | yeah, nice. | 11:51 |
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Zdra | is it possible to have w32codecs in multiverse ? A package that doesn't contain codecs but download the package a install time (like flashplugin-nonfree does) ? | 11:57 |
JanC | Zdra: w32codecs are illegal | 12:02 |
Zdra | and libdvdcss also ? | 12:02 |
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