
rhendrixi checked the forums, but no luck12:03
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jahshuaanyone here ??12:15
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jahshuamy firefox keeps crashing12:15
flosofthey ... how do I put up a server that I can connect via this Remote Logon in KDM? is it an nx-server?12:15
lwizardldjk_: yes my system can't boot to cdrom12:16
ubotusmartboot is, like, totally, If you can't boot from your CD-ROM Drive, go here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SmartBootManagerHowto12:16
lwizardlgives "disk error! 0xaa12:17
=== Evil_Whisper [n=Evil_Whi@71-10-45-100.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
apokryphos[23:18:56]  <apokryphos> Evil_Whisper: very easily. Just keep ubuntu-artwork-splash (and don't install kubuntu-artwork-splash)12:19
Evil_Whisperapokryphos: Hey12:19
Evil_Whisperapokryphos: Ok12:19
apokryphosEvil_Whisper: also, make sure you install kde 3.5 -- you have to add the extra repository. See /topic12:19
apokryphosok, really gotta go -- back later.12:19
Evil_Whisperapokryphos: Ok12:19
Evil_Whisperapokryphos: Thanks for your help12:19
lwizardldjk_: mind helping me with the sbm12:19
djk_lwizardl: well, i haven't used it myself12:20
djk_but i suppose you could try other bootfloppies which let you boot your cddrive12:20
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lwizardlcan a dos bootdisk be used ?12:22
psykhey how do i get a bittorrent client thing12:22
psykso i can download torrents?12:22
lwizardlpsyk: google12:23
psykor find documentation on apt get12:23
metelliusdocumentation is always found in the man-pages12:23
metelliustry man apt-get12:23
jahshuahi i need help with a firefox error12:25
jahshuathere it is12:26
jahshuafirefox keeps crashing.. it seems to only happen with myspace.com   ..also earlier a 'winfixer' dialog box popped up asking me to click yes.. so i killed firefox in ps x and rebooted12:27
djk_why did you kill ff and reboot? scared of a popup?12:27
jahshuawinfixer is a virus12:28
jahshuai wasent sure what to do :(12:28
jahshuadont really know what you want me to say12:28
jahshuaim asking for help here12:28
djk_well, i'd like to know where you got your virus knowledge from and why you're afraid of a popup ;)12:30
jahshuaim afraid of winfixer not a popup12:31
flosofthey ... how do I put up a server that I can connect via this Remote Logon in KDM? is it an nx-server?12:31
jahshuai was on windows up until a week ago12:31
Kibouas long it's not linfixer12:31
jahshuaand i have o idea if i can even GET winfixer virus onto my system on linux12:31
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Evil_WhisperHi guys12:34
Evil_WhisperI heard there is a composite manager in KDE where would I find that?12:34
Kiboukcontrol -> desktop -> window behavior -> translucency12:35
flosofthey ... how do I put up a server that I can connect via this Remote Logon in KDM? is it an nx-server?12:35
Evil_Whisperthanks Kibou it doesn't seem to be working though12:37
=== Flixor- [n=Flixor@ip5457002f.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #kubuntu
Kiboudo you have the composite stuff in your xonrg.conf?12:38
Evil_Whisperoh you have to add it to the xorg.conf as well?12:39
Evil_WhisperI'm used to using xcompmgr in gnome  :S12:39
Evil_Whisperkate keeps crashing :(12:39
Kibouwell.. you have to add certain things to the xorg.conf.. but if it worked in gnome you might already have it there12:40
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Kibouyou might have to re-login into kde to get it work12:40
flosofthey ... how do I put up a server that I can connect via this Remote Logon in KDM? is it an nx-server?12:40
=== apokryphos returns
flosofthey ... how do I put up a server that I can connect via this Remote Logon in KDM? is it an nx-server?  pls ... anyone12:41
=== Kibou doesn't know
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KnowerrorsAny people here that have Midi working?  I do but am looking to improve performance for playback, uses way too much cpu01:07
=== Kamping_Kaiser [n=Kaiser@ppp192-57.lns1.adl4.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu
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knoppix_Merry CHristmas !!01:24
rhendrixyou too01:25
knoppix_Hey, guys. How do I setup Printer in KDE ?01:25
rhendrixwhere are you is it already x-mas there01:25
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:apokryphos] : Merry Christmas! | Dapper Flight 2 out | KDE 3.5 is out http://tinyurl.com/dlrf9 (the KPDF problem is fixed in the latest packages) | Breezy fixes in breezy-updates | Unofficial Kubuntu FAQ http://kudos.berlios.de | Please don't paste into the channel: use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com | IRC info and channels in other languages: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InternetRelayChat
rhendrixwell not to sure i've never tried01:25
apokryphosGMT, yup01:25
knoppix_I am using knoppix BTY.. but I am asuming that it is the same as Kubuntu....    maube it isn't01:25
knoppix_I am in the US01:25
rhendrixmountain time America not there yet01:25
rhendrixwhat printer are you using01:26
knoppix_I am ussing HP officejet 6110 all in one01:26
knoppix_Sorry fopr my typos. I can't see well. The font in X chat is too small01:27
jahshuaif my screen scrolls off in te bash shell how do i get back to the top ??01:27
rhendrixdid you search the HP sight for linux drivers? I know HP is not to good with linux sometimes01:27
=== ubuntulog [n=ubuntulo@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #kubuntu
=== Topic for #kubuntu: Merry Christmas! | Dapper Flight 2 out | KDE 3.5 is out http://tinyurl.com/dlrf9 (the KPDF problem is fixed in the latest packages) | Breezy fixes in breezy-updates | Unofficial Kubuntu FAQ http://kudos.berlios.de | Please don't paste into the channel: use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com | IRC info and channels in other languages: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InternetRelayChat
=== Topic (#kubuntu): set by apokryphos at Sun Dec 25 01:25:28 2005
=== #kubuntu [freenode-info] If you're at a conference, please contact freenode staff to make sure we've made special allowance for many users coming into our network from a single internet address ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#gettinghelp ). Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked, except to network staff, services and participating registered users ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )... Thanks!
=== gverig1 [n=gverig@vnnyca-cuda1-cablebdl-70-34-251-155.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu
(treakath/#kubuntu) jahshua have you got msn03:55
(jahshua/#kubuntu) no03:55
(jahshua/#kubuntu) i use kopete03:55
(jahshua/#kubuntu) for aol03:55
gverig1Is there a way to add applications to startup other then ~/.kde/Autostart script (some way through System Settings or something)?03:55
treakathyea its the same03:56
troygverig1: you want the app to start before X loads?03:56
troyor after...03:56
jahshuatreakath was that for me?03:56
jahshuaboth ports yeh? 1025 and 102603:56
gverig1troy: No, just same as on W-platform (I won't curse here). Kopette, Akregator, etc03:57
jahshuak and this is listed as well, dunno what it is tcp        0      0 localhost.localdoma:ipp *:*                     LISTEN03:57
troyjahshua: that's port 631 (cups) which we discussed before03:57
jahshuaah ok03:57
jahshuahow do you tell03:58
troyjahshua: add "-n" to the command line, and it'll list numbers instead of acronyms03:58
gverig1troy: It's not hard to do Autostart (btw, it is a directory in Kubuntu, so I guess I just need to put symlinks there). I just though it would be something that can be done through IDE03:58
troywell, you can change the location of that Autostart folder if you want, to make it easier to get to03:58
jahshuaahhh excellent03:58
troythat's pretty simple03:59
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gverig1troy: :) It's not that I can't do this, I just wanted to know if there is IDE-way04:00
troynot really no - no "Start Up" folder in the start menu, if that's what you want -- or msconfig equivalent04:00
gverig1troy: BTW, how do I "save" a session (in session manager there are 3 settings- start new, restore previous and restore saved)?04:01
gverig1troy: Actually, startup folder in start menu might work. How do I move Autostart?04:02
troykcontrol->System Admin.->Paths04:02
troyI'd actually suggest putting it on your desktop however04:03
troyyou'll have trouble putting it into the menu04:03
=== troy doesn't know how to do that
=== fairfoot [n=fairfoot@fac34-1-82-224-136-46.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
troyonce there, you can just open the folder, right-click on the background->New->Link to Application -- that should work nicely04:05
gverig1troy: Thanks.04:06
troydon't know about the session thing04:06
gverig1troy: I will try to just put a symlink on my desktop into current Autostart04:06
troythat'd work too04:06
gverig1troy: BTW, I can't find paths in System Settings. It is kcontrol, right?04:07
gverig1troy: ahhh, never mind, found it04:07
troysystem settings is a kubuntu kcontrol replacement, however 'kcontrol' still exists, and I use it regularly04:08
troysystem settings has the most common settings in it04:08
troyI'm not actually convinced that the interface to System Settings is any better than kcontrol - if anything, it seems like a poorly implemented version of MacOSX's settings04:09
gverig1troy: I see. Thank you sir. I will try to make it work...04:09
gverig1troy: I like kcontrol better actually.04:10
troythe search thing is really effective in kcontrol -- just typing 'autostart' gives you the module you need04:10
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gverig1troy: OK, testing...04:17
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gverig1troy: Thanks! Worked like a charm Just dragged and dropped from application menu04:18
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gverig1Is there a standard option to start applications minimized (or in taskbar only)?04:22
=== fairfoot [n=fairfoot@fac34-1-82-224-136-46.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
troygverig1: there is the "kstart" command, use "kstart --help" for details04:24
troythat's the only thing I can think of04:25
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jahshuawhen i check my music folder in terminal there is one song that is hidden, it doesnt show up with ls why is that04:43
thoreauputicdoes the filename start with  a dot ?  eg .song.ogg  or whatever04:44
thoreauputictry ls -al for a full listing04:44
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jahshuayes it shows up then04:47
jahshuathere is also two more hidden ones04:47
jahshuano names tho04:47
jahshuajust one blue .04:47
jahshuathen two blue ..04:48
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troythose ones you can ignore "." means current directory, ".." means parent directory04:49
jahshuai am here joshua@toon:~/music/nerd raps$    but cd music  wont bring me back down to music04:49
troyyou should likely rename that hidden song to something that doesn't start with a '.' anymore.... mv oldname.mp3 newname.mp304:50
troyjahshua: cd .. will04:50
troylike I said, ".." is the parent directory04:50
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troyit's the same in windows04:50
jahshuaahh right04:50
jahshuai dont see a . before the name on the file04:51
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jdefhi all05:08
jdefi have a problem I need some assistance with05:09
troyfire away - if one of us can help, we will05:09
jdeftried to upgrade from breezy preview to final after updates I boot and get stuck at checking battery state05:10
=== troy doesn't know
jdefany ideas anyone05:11
troyI'd see what I can figure out using the live-cd - boot it up and chroot to the hard-disk - maybe rerun apt-get install05:12
troythat's probably where I'd start, and that failing, I'd probably just backup /home, etc. and install clean05:13
jdefonly happened after update, after update both the old and new kernel are screwed05:13
troythere may be a better option though :)05:13
jdeflooked at forums seems to be a common problem but no solution provided05:14
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jahshuawhats command for traceroute05:46
jahshuain bash05:46
thoreauputictraceroute, funnily enough :)05:47
thoreauputicaha - traceroute605:47
thoreauputicwhat a stupid change :/05:47
=== thoreauputic symlinks traceroute6 to traceroute and shakes his head in disbelief
=== Kamping_Kaiser sugests an alias (save that inode)
thoreauputicheh - good idea :)05:49
thoreauputicwhat possessed them to chage a standard command like that one ?05:49
Kamping_Kaiseryeh. you have to wonder sometimes05:50
=== Kamping_Kaiser goes looking for a screw on the floor (damn thing - black on a black mat)
Kamping_Kaiserthoreauputic: do you know an os that will run on a Mac SE? i heard netbsd might05:52
crimsunuse tracepath instead.05:52
crimsun(not traceroute6)05:53
crimsunnote that tracepath has a v6 counterpart05:53
thoreauputicKamping_Kaiser: don't know, sorry05:53
Kamping_Kaiserok. thoreauputic.05:53
Kamping_Kaisercrimsun: is tracepath newer?05:53
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Kamping_Kaiserah, it's working :O cool05:54
=== Kamping_Kaiser parties
Kamping_KaiserI'm 4 hops from internodes mirrors :D05:54
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belbozVMware question?  Does VMware have any problems with the KDE-based Kubuntu rather than Gnome-ubuntu??  Thanks!06:43
Hobbseei wouldnt expect so, but i've never tried either...06:46
bam_what is a good web site duplicator?06:46
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can-o-wormscan someone tell me what gui will show me how much space is used on a local hard disk?07:05
Hobbseecan-o-worms: are you on kde 3.5 or still 3.4.2?07:08
can-o-wormsHobbsee: i dunno, i just installed breezy, what does it come with?07:09
Hobbseeuse kinfocentre then07:09
Hobbseepartitions, i think07:10
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can-o-wormsfair enough, it gives you a nice output from df07:11
can-o-wormsi was hoping for something a little more graphical07:12
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can-o-wormsi have to give this computer to a moron07:12
bam_anyone know how I can get cron to run scripts(all) under a specific folder?07:12
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=== Mez is now known as Mez|Away
Hobbseecan-o-worms: i think there are others - just not sure what they are...07:14
=== Hobbsee just uses df -h -T
=== wotnarg [n=wotnarg@dsl-63-173-190-10.tcq.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== Kamping_Kaiser doesnt bother with -T
xenexI don't know if I should switch to Kubuntu or stay with Ubuntu, anyone want to tell me pros and cons about Kubuntu07:15
can-o-wormsi just use df -h too, but like i said i have to give this computer to an idiot07:15
Kamping_Kaiserxenex: it's realy a matter of if you prefer KDE or not07:16
can-o-wormsi usually don't even use kde07:16
Kamping_Kaiserxenex: do you prefer simple layout that should 'just work', or do you want to modify it a lot?07:16
xenex1st one07:17
Kamping_Kaiserstick with Gnome07:17
xenexwell wait07:17
xenexwhat do you mean by modifying?07:17
bam_I am looking for a web site duplicator, any ideas?07:18
=== Hobbsee suddenly sees that she's filling up her dapper partition very quickly!
Kamping_Kaiserlol Hobbsee07:18
Hobbsee1.4 gig left!07:18
Kamping_Kaiserxenex: loads of options for everything basicly07:18
xenexwhatever ill just stick with the roots, ubuntu07:19
=== Hobbsee is vaguely tempted to try gnome again
xenexi only like gnome because of clearlooks07:19
Hobbseeyeah, with clearlooks07:20
Kamping_Kaiseri like Gnome because i add a few widgest (like more desktops) and it works for me07:20
Kamping_Kaiserstrait off the bat07:20
can-o-wormsok... you use kdiskfree07:20
can-o-wormsbam_: wget ?07:21
bam_it can grab 2 links deeP?07:21
=== treakath [n=treakath@219-89-22-182.dialup.xtra.co.nz] has joined #kubuntu
Kamping_Kaiserhi treakath07:21
can-o-wormsbam_: it was sort of a joke, but it will grab everything if you set it to recursive07:22
can-o-wormsbam_: if you want something more specific then use perl07:22
xenexKamping_Kaiser: if gnome works from the beginning, why do they say KDE is more user-friendly and windows users?07:22
Kamping_Kaiserxenex: please don't ask me that :S07:23
bam_what I am really looking for is a good linux command reference I can put on my zaurus07:23
Kamping_Kaiseri hate the thinking behind it07:23
bam_text format would be fine07:23
can-o-wormsbam_: learn perl instead07:23
xenexKamping_Kaiser: I blame Google. :P07:23
Kamping_Kaiserdo it :)07:23
treakathhow are u07:23
Kamping_Kaiserwhat's up treakath :)07:24
can-o-wormsis there a file or a directory that i can back up that will save all the desktop settings, desktop icons and applets and stuff?07:25
=== _troy [n=troy@wnpgmb01dc2-26-104.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #kubuntu
can-o-wormsHobbsee: so that will do it.. cool, thanks07:26
=== _troy is now known as troy
Hobbseesave your entire home dir, really, if you want to keep all your settings..07:30
troytar cvf abackup.tar /home/username07:36
Kamping_Kaiseruse bzip :|07:37
troyI guess it all depends -- I don't bother since it takes time to bzip and I don't worry about space or bandwidth, etc.07:38
=== Kamping_Kaiser hugs the -j option
Hobbseewhat's -j do?07:41
Kamping_Kaiseruses bzip compression07:42
Hobbseeah ok07:43
Kamping_Kaiser(logical i know :D)07:43
=== Hobbsee wonders how much space is needed to install gnome...
Kamping_Kaiserfew hundred meg07:43
Kamping_Kaiser300 or so i would expect07:44
Kamping_Kaiserso it must be 300 download . ta :)07:44
troywhy does that seem like a lot?07:45
Hobbsee107mb of archives07:45
Hobbseecos it is a lot?07:45
HobbseeISO's only 700mb or so...07:45
troythe biggest thing in kde is the translations by far -- the rest isn't that large I don't think07:45
Kamping_Kaiserbut there's lots of KDE07:45
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=== troy recalls kde 1.0 and the few MB it took :P
Kamping_Kaiser400m without the recomended stuff07:46
=== Kamping_Kaiser doesnt
troyI had to install it on redhat 5, and I had a hell of a time getting my video card to display more than 16 colours :P07:47
=== troy kicks redhat 5 for being stupid
Kamping_Kaiseri have a RH 5.2 cd somewhere *was going to play with it*07:48
Kamping_Kaiserwonder what's in Woody07:49
Kamping_Kaiser*has a Woody box*07:49
=== Hobbsee manually syncs /home folders
troy5.0 used a non-standard compiler, which broke compatibility with everything, including earlier and later redhat releases, and my video card only had binary drivers, so I struggled for an age to get it installed07:49
Kamping_Kaiseri cant get x to start though :(07:49
Kamping_Kaiserwhen has Red Hat ever used a standard compiler :|07:49
Hobbseedrat!  syncing them the wrong way!07:49
troyit didn't use gcc for that release07:49
Kamping_Kaiserthey still use 2.9blah07:49
Kamping_KaiserHobbsee:  :(07:49
Hobbseeok, should i have a ~/mozilla/ folder?07:50
troythey used egcs, a fork of gcc that left it incompatible -- sigh07:51
Hobbseefrom a default firefox install?07:51
Kamping_Kaisertroy: :(07:51
Kamping_KaiserHobbsee: i think so07:51
Hobbseecan you check?07:51
Kamping_Kaiseri have one07:51
=== Hobbsee thinks it came in when she tried compiling firefox
Kamping_Kaiseri have firefox and thunderbird07:51
Hobbseea /mozilla/ or a /.mozilla/?07:51
Kamping_Kaiserlooks like it's a firefox thing07:51
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=== Kamping_Kaiser will give up on booting usb stick, and will just mount it into the cd
Hobbseeyeah, i have a folder called mozilla, which i think i copied over from a breezy install07:54
Kamping_Kaiser(which means i have to hack the cd so it mounts the usb doover as /home)07:54
Kamping_Kaiseroh ok07:54
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=== Hobbsee thinks she can safely delete the log files, having got the ones she needs on the correct partition
Hobbseei hope!07:55
Hobbseei think!07:58
Hobbseesheesh this is confusing lol!07:58
Kamping_Kaiserwait untill your using stuff symlinked off nfs mounted directories ;)07:59
=== Hobbsee just hopes she wont have problems with dcop server stuff...
Kamping_Kaiserew. yeh08:00
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Kamping_Kaiserwhy are you syncing stuff?08:04
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Hobbseebecause i've got a whole heap of files on breezy home, and more on dapper home, and trying to figure out what is where is getting confusing!08:05
Kamping_Kaisershare your docs, but the rest is a bit edgy08:05
=== Kamping_Kaiser hopes (k)ubuntu express works better then puppies install script :|
Hobbseewell, i've copied from one to another without a problem, as long as i remove the dcop and ice authority files...08:10
Kamping_Kaiserhm interesting08:10
freeflying_how to rip dvd in kde08:11
Kamping_Kaiserdvd::rip, or dvdbackup are good (latter is cli)08:12
can-o-wormswhat start up scripts should i add that "echo 1024 .." mplayer line to?08:15
crimsuncan-o-worms: /etc/sysctl.conf . Read the syntax there, and you'll see what to do.08:16
can-o-wormscrimsun: thanks08:16
Snake__Hey guys, can anyone get DirectIM to work in GAIM??08:17
ArsenalIs it better to install ubuntu then kubuntu-desktop or can I just install kubuntu?08:17
Snake__if you Install ubuntu, then make sure you do a server install08:17
Snake__And then youll end up with the same thing as kubuntu08:18
Snake__Arsenal: ^^ Thats to you ^^08:18
=== Kamping_Kaiser successfully hs puppy installed :D
ArsenalI don't ever use gnome, just KDE & fluxbox. Should I bother installing ubuntu?08:19
Snake__Just install kubuntu if you dont want to use gnome08:19
Snake__Then it will automaticly set you up with KDE, and you dont have to deal with the command line's kuubntu-desktop08:19
Snake__Can anyone help me? Please??08:21
Kamping_Kaisersorry, no (havent tried)08:22
Kamping_Kaiserwhat is it?08:23
koshbot??[x] : Usage: ?? <word> [> nick] 08:23
Kamping_Kaiserlol wtf08:23
Hobbseeer, ok then08:23
Snake__I just need a program so that I can direct connect on AIM08:24
Snake__Because the debs on AIM's site wont download08:24
Hobbseedid AIM have a native linux client?08:24
Snake__Hobbsee: Yes, but the tgz doesn't work correctly, and the deb just opens up08:24
Snake__it doesn't save08:24
Snake__I tried "Right click, save as" but then that just saves me some BS file called "linker.js"08:25
Kamping_Kaiserwhat are you trying to save it in?08:25
Snake__if thats what you mean08:25
Kamping_Kaisertry copy link location, then wget it08:25
Hobbseeget the link of the deb, then use wget -c link08:25
Hobbseenice work Kamping_Kaiser :P08:26
Snake__ill try08:26
Kamping_Kaisergreat mines think alike ;P08:26
Hobbseethen maybe i should get you to tell me what to do with the spare space, and lack of it08:26
Kamping_Kaiserok. what's wrong?08:26
Snake__So I should use wget -c linker.jp??08:27
HobbseeSnake__: link to the page with the deb on it is what?08:27
Kamping_KaiserSnake__: no, wget -c http://blah.deb08:27
Snake__Also, theres a version for "Debain 2.1" and "Debain 3+"08:27
Snake__what is kubuntu?08:27
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Kamping_Kaiser3.1 infact :)08:28
Snake__Is this right08:28
Snake__wget -c http://channels.netscape.com/wrap/linker.jsp?floc=at_oslin_1_l3&ref=http://ftp.newaol.com/aimgen/380469/aim_1.5.286-2_i386.deb08:28
Kamping_Kaiserwget http://ftp.newaol.com/aimgen/380469/aim_1.5.286-2_i386.deb08:29
Kamping_Kaisershould be it08:29
Snake__where did that save to??08:30
Snake__erm ya08:30
Snake__Kamping_Kaiser: AIM sucks08:32
Snake__Can I post 4 lines of code into here?08:32
Kamping_Kaiserlol yeh08:32
goleSnake__,  are you really wanting to use AIM?08:32
Snake__I just want direct connect08:33
Snake__thats it08:33
goletry giam?08:33
Kamping_Kaiserand gaim doesnt do it08:33
Snake__snake@laptop:~$ sudo dpkg -i aim_1.5.286-2_i386.deb08:33
Snake__dpkg-deb: file looks like it might be an archive which has been08:33
Snake__dpkg-deb:    corrupted by being downloaded in ASCII mode08:33
Snake__dpkg-deb: `aim_1.5.286-2_i386.deb' is not a debian format archive08:33
Snake__dpkg: error processing aim_1.5.286-2_i386.deb (--install):08:33
Snake__ subprocess dpkg-deb --control returned error exit status 208:33
Snake__Errors were encountered while processing:08:33
Snake__ aim_1.5.286-2_i386.deb08:33
Snake__I tried gaim, it doesnt connect08:33
Snake__gole: Does yours?08:33
Kamping_Kaiserto confirm, what's `file aim_1.5.286-2_i386.deb` say?08:34
Kamping_Kaisermine doesnt, and it's 1.508:34
golewell  haven't used direct connect so i have no idea what it is08:34
Snake__lol ok08:34
goleyou try kopete08:34
Snake__Also doesnt support it08:34
Snake__snake@laptop:~$ file aim_1.5.286-2_i386.deb08:34
Snake__aim_1.5.286-2_i386.deb: current ar archive08:34
Snake__trillian just bearly did08:35
Snake__But thats not on linux, and I don't know of any more IM programs for linux08:35
golemaybe you should try 2.0.0beta1 of gaim08:35
goleor check change log for stuff about direct connect..08:36
Snake__they say it works on 1.508:36
Snake__but i've opened every port on my firewall, and it still wont work08:36
golewell explain direct connect, that file transfers?08:37
Snake__its a feature in aim that lets you send files directly in the IM without saving to the hard drive, etc08:37
Snake__send pictures((08:37
goleya reading more on gaim, it mentions that since Oscar is not an open protocol it doesn't support all functions, maybe that is the problem you are running into08:40
HobbseeSnake__: try turning off your firewall, temporarily?08:41
Snake__Erm router...08:41
golehttp://kinkatta.sourceforge.net maybe08:41
Hobbseeah ok08:41
Kamping_Kaiserset up an ssh server like the rest of us ;)08:43
Kamping_Kaiser*cough * me08:43
Snake__What do you mean?08:43
golesorry Snake__  this link might work better http://tinyurl.com/9ege808:44
golemight be worth a try08:44
=== Kamping_Kaiser realises that skype will be a bigger download then the rest of the packages hes downloading (typical non oss)
Kamping_Kaiserdamn. no ssh server for puppy linux :( *realises why he uses apt- distros08:46
=== _wotnarg [n=wotnarg@dsl-63-173-190-10.tcq.net] has joined #kubuntu
Snake__Aw well i'm to lazy to complie kinkatta, I guess ill suffer lol08:47
=== Snake__ is now known as Snake|Sleeping
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=== leafw [n=leafw@dhcp226-12.obee.ucla.edu] has joined #kubuntu
leafwanyone has any clue why ssh -X works for opening xlock, mozilla, etc, but not for OpenGL - related applications such as glxgears or blender ?09:02
=== Hobbsee_ [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-118-222.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
leafwat least in kubuntu hoary and breezy, ppc.09:03
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee
Kamping_Kaiserleafw: perhaps your local box has no 3d?09:03
leafwKamping_Kaiser: it does. Both boxes can run blender independently09:03
leafwbut from kubuntu I can't run blender over a ssh -X09:04
Kamping_Kaiserhm. i havent tried, so I'm not sure09:04
leafwjust run glxgears09:05
leafwit's a test for opengl09:05
Kamping_Kaiseri have no box to pull it from09:05
leafwI'm stuck here09:06
leafwI've tried everything09:06
leafwxhosts +, changing the DISPLAY, nothign ....09:07
leafwI get:09:07
leafwX Error of failed request:  BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)09:07
leafw  Major opcode of failed request:  128 (XFree86-DRI)09:07
leafw  Minor opcode of failed request:  1 ()09:07
leafw  Serial number of failed request:  1109:07
leafw  Current serial number in output stream:  1109:07
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kubuntuhow do i have a hibernate suspend choice in kubuntu logout? I only have restart and shutdown09:39
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jbueleris there a place i can paste my debugger results.. so someone can help me out? i would appreciate it greatly10:05
ubotu[pastebin]  a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org10:06
sampan(pastebin is also in the topic)10:06
=== leafw [n=leafw@dhcp226-12.obee.ucla.edu] has left #kubuntu ["http://www.pensament.net/java/"]
=== os2mac [n=jim@ip68-10-71-214.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
os2macNollaig Sogail, Mele Kelikimaka!!!!!10:12
Kamping_Kaiserhi os2mac10:13
os2macHello Kaiser... why are you awake?10:14
Kamping_Kaiserit's 8 pm hrere (bit before)10:15
Kamping_Kaiseryep. central10:15
os2macahhh. I have a sister in law that lives in Sydney... been there a few times myself...10:16
os2machave a bit of a preference for your beer....10:16
Kamping_Kaisercoopers > *10:17
os2macthe commerical grade stuff around here is swill... microbrews are good but hard to come by10:17
Kamping_Kaisereven [\copers,cascade]  > *10:17
os2macI like Coopers... I Like Tooheys' I REALLY like VB10:17
Kamping_Kaiseri *hate* vb10:17
Kamping_Kaisertooheys is cool10:17
os2macwhy don't you like VB?10:17
Kamping_Kaiservb+xxxx are the *worse beer in the country*10:18
os2macI thought that was Fosters?10:18
Kamping_Kaiserit tastes crap10:18
Kamping_Kaiserfosters suck hard10:18
os2macFosters is the Coors of .AU10:18
Kamping_Kaiserthat said (re vb):10:18
Kamping_Kaiseraparently vb in victoria is made with spring water, and in SA (here) it's made with murry water, so it's a lot nicer on the east cost10:19
os2macand that is where I have always had it... we usually stopped in Victoria on they way back from the gulf of arabia.10:20
os2macWee fish ewe a mare egrets moose10:20
Kamping_Kaiserok. not sure what vb is like on the east. only drunk it blind drunk., so not sure what it tasted like ;010:21
=== JakubS [n=qba@azk210.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu
Kamping_Kaiserhi JakubS :D10:22
JakubShi all10:22
os2macok this is a stupid question...10:23
Kamping_Kaiser^ stupid answer10:23
os2machow does one mount a disk image to the file system in Kubuntu.. I have always heard it's possible but never done it.10:23
Hobbseemount an iso?10:23
=== Hobbsee doesnt remember the exact syntax
JakubSmount -t iso9660 file.iso /mnt/something -o loop10:24
Kamping_Kaisermount -t iso9660 -o loop /path/to.iso /mnt/isohere10:24
Kamping_Kaisersnap JakubS :)10:24
JakubSi'm faster, bwahahaha :-)10:24
Kamping_Kaiserbah. sif :P10:24
Kamping_Kaiserour posts had the same time stamp here10:25
jbuelerokay so can anyone help me read through this? im lost.. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/614110:25
Kamping_Kaiserlol. not me :)10:26
Hobbseei can try...10:26
=== Kamping_Kaiser waits 2.5 hours for kde to download
Hobbseebah, no clue lol10:27
HobbseeKamping_Kaiser: why so slow?10:27
os2macouch what kind of connection you on... can and string?10:27
jbuelercool, thanks10:27
Kamping_Kaiserlol. no, I'm installing Kubuntu into a chroot10:28
=== fredd [n=fredd@pha75-9-82-230-93-165.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
Kamping_Kaiser2.5 hours for the system to dl10:28
freddHi there ! Merry xmas10:28
Hobbseehehe - can and string, i like that idea!10:28
Kamping_Kaisernot far off ;)10:28
Kamping_Kaiserhi fredd :D10:28
freddAnyone is enjying Amarok as music player ? :)10:30
freddI have 2 question about amarok ... one about sync with iPod and the other about the automatoc organisation of the musics on the harddrive10:31
os2macFredd:Nollaig Sogail, Mele Kelikimaka!!!!!10:31
=== Hobbsee is now known as Hobbsee_away
fredd1/ ipod: Do you also have issues synchronizing your iPod ? I can't sync more than 256 songs on my Nano ...10:31
Hobbsee_awayfredd: if you get no answer here, try in #amarok10:31
freddHobbsee_away, ... wise... I didn't think about it ... how stupid10:32
Kamping_Kaiserdoes anyone know of a compressing filesystem i could use for partitions about 2-> 3 gig in size?10:33
Kamping_Kaiseri know of cramfs, but that's only for the kernel isnt it?10:33
os2macKaiser: tar -cvf?10:33
freddKamping_Kaiser, It's how of my knowledge... sorry10:33
Kamping_Kaiseros2mac: no :P10:34
Kamping_Kaiseri want to be alble to make a file on my hdd, and call it a partition (by mounting it into my fs), then install stuff into the file using a chroot10:34
Kamping_Kaiserbut i need it compressed, or i wont have space for more then 4 or 5 at one time10:35
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thecat12hey, I want to install kubuntu on my powerbook g3, but im an absolute beginner, can somebody help me?11:22
thecat12uhm.. ok11:23
thecat12soo.. i downloaded...11:23
thecat12Kubuntu 6.04 (Dapper Drake) Daily Build11:23
thecat12put it on a cd11:24
thecat12now what?11:24
Kamping_Kaiserunstable, want to live life on the edge :O11:24
Kamping_Kaiserstick itin your cd drive11:24
Kamping_Kaiserand reboot :)11:24
thecat12just reboot? don't need to press anything?11:24
Kamping_Kaiserand while it's booting it should say 'press c to boot from cd' or similar11:24
thecat12hold on11:25
Kamping_Kaiserdoes it come to a ui for selecting language/country?11:26
thecat12not yet11:26
thecat12still rebooting11:26
thecat12its kinda slow11:27
=== simi [n=simi@host247-31.pool80104.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu
Kamping_Kaiseri have slower computers here :)11:27
Hobbseethecat12: have you ever run linux before?11:28
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thecat12i've used it11:28
=== casadio is now known as [ITA] MisterX
thecat12but haven't installed it11:28
=== simi is now known as pampers
thecat12hmm.. i think this 'c' thing isn't working.. its not booting with the cd11:29
thecat12can't I do this from the terminal or something?11:30
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thecat12yeah.. the 'c' thing isn't working11:33
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thecat12i don't think my keyboard works at the beginning11:33
thecat12can't I erase the computer and start from scratch?11:33
=== Varinia [n=Varinia@213-182-125-115.teleos-web.de] has joined #kubuntu
=== Hobbsee_away is now known as Hobbsee
Kamping_Kaiseryes you can11:39
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thecat12ok.. i think it's gonna have to done throught the terminal11:39
Kamping_Kaiserit should have an ncurses interface for the installer (blue background)11:40
vince_join #php11:41
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thecat12when I boot off the CD?11:43
thecat12i can't11:43
Kamping_Kaiseryou cant?11:43
Variniahello, since yesterday I have a mass storage device, I thought by using kubuntu with kde 3.5 (pmount) and uninstalled ivman I could just plug it in and it works. But nothing happens, if I look in /var/log/messages, I can see the device and mount /dev/sda1 by hand then, but this is impossible for my girlfriend (it is her PC). I saw in the internet, that there others with my problem too, but found no solution. Do you know what to do?11:44
thecat12no, i can't boot from the cd, I try to press 'c' but nothing happens11:44
thecat12the regular OS starts11:44
Kamping_Kaiserhm. well i don't know mac very well I'm afraid11:44
Kamping_Kaiseri have used imacs a few times, and I'm having issues remember ing openfirmware :)11:45
thecat12let me try rebooting again11:45
HobbseeVarinia: i'd try putting a line into fstab about it, i think11:45
VariniaHobbsee, but exactly this is should pmount do11:46
=== Hobbsee looks around for usb stick
HobbseeVarinia: and it doesnt appear on the desktop?11:47
Variniano it does not11:48
Kamping_KaiserVarinia: does `lsof` show anything?11:49
VariniaHobbsee, you hav e seen, that I have upgraded to kde 3.5?11:49
Variniaok :)11:49
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Hobbseewell, i just tried it, and it mounted mine fine, it seems, but then again, i am on dapper, so it's likely to be different11:49
=== Hobbsee shrugs
VariniaKamping_Kaiser, it shows so much, what are you looking for?11:50
thecat12what's the dapper install?11:50
Kamping_Kaiserany reference to you /dev/sda11:51
VariniaI did "lsof | grep sda" and there came nothing11:52
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thecat12what's the difference between dapper-install-powerpc and the ubuntu-install-powerpc?11:52
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Kamping_Kaiserdapper is testing11:53
thecat12sooo.. i need the other ubuntu instead of dapper?11:53
Hobbseethecat12: how new are you to linux?11:53
thecat12absurdly new11:53
thecat12like.. im laughable11:54
thecat12im at a retarded level right now..11:54
Kamping_Kaiseroi. no11:54
thecat12i figured, getting linux on a computer was a good way to start11:54
Hobbseeok, i wouldnt use dapper then lol - go for breezy :P11:54
thecat12that'll be another 3 hours of downloading then11:55
Hobbseehow are you trying to download?11:56
Hobbseedownload accelerator?11:56
Variniadoes anyone have another idea than dapper?11:57
thecat12no.. just regular, I usually download off the university server which is fast enough, so I don't need accelerators, but I'm home for the holidays, so im stuck with 50 kb/s11:57
HobbseeVarinia: i expect there are other solutions - but a lot of people are idle due to christmas, where they're not at the computer so much11:58
=== nalioth_zZz is now known as nalioth
Kamping_Kaisersorry, I'm flat out in ubuntu, or i would try and help here11:59
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Kamping_KaiserVarinia: is the mass storage device in ythe fstab?12:00
VariniaKamping_Kaiser, no, it is not, but therefore kde 3.5 uses pmount12:01
Variniaor is pmount deactivated in the kubuntu version?12:02
Kamping_Kaiseri don't know, i don't use 3.512:02
Variniaat home I use it too (but not kubuntu) and it was that great, that I would give my girlfriend the same comfort12:03
Variniafrom the pmount description "pmount is a wrapper around the standard mount program which permits normal users to mount removable devices without a matching /etc/fstab entry. "12:04
Kamping_Kaiserhi m0ns00n12:05
m0ns00nAnyone experienced GLX problems with the newest version of the NVidia drivers?12:05
m0ns00nIt crashes here, but now renderaccel works at least12:05
m0ns00nBut Xorg crashes miserably on GLX12:05
m0ns00nWorks with glx disabled12:05
VariniaI tried "pmount /dev/sda1"12:11
VariniaDec 25 12:09:51 localhost kernel: [4297528.027000]  UDF-fs: No VRS found12:11
VariniaDec 25 12:09:51 localhost kernel: [4297528.178000]  UDF-fs: No VRS found12:11
VariniaDec 25 12:09:52 localhost kernel: [4297528.800000]  Unable to identify CD-ROM format.12:11
VariniaDec 25 12:09:52 localhost kernel: [4297529.197000]  Unable to identify CD-ROM format.12:11
VariniaI think that is a hint on the problem12:11
Kamping_Kaiserwhat exactly have you plgged in?12:11
Variniathe output comes from /var/log/messages12:11
VariniaI plugged an USB cardreader with an memory stick plugged in into the USB port12:12
Kamping_Kaiserhave you tried pluggin in the reader, then the card?12:12
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Kamping_Kaisergive it a shot12:12
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Varinianow I have tried this to, but nothing happens too12:13
VariniaI also tried to connect the cellphone directly with the USB cable and it does not work12:14
Kamping_Kaiserdoes `cat /proc/filesystems |grep UDF` or udf give output?12:14
Variniaat home I have a cellphone from the same vender and everything works fine12:14
Kamping_Kaiserwhat are you urunning at home?12:14
Kamping_Kaiser*you running?12:14
Kamping_Kaiseroh, ok12:15
Variniabut thats not the right disstri for my girlfriend I think12:15
Kamping_Kaiserno, i agree :)12:15
Variniawit "udf" it gaves "udf" out12:15
Varinia7j #gentoo-vdr12:18
Variniaj #gentoo-vdr12:18
Varinia:) that was not what I wanted12:18
=== thoreauputic hands Varinia a /
Variniathanks :)12:19
VariniaOh, sorry12:21
Variniapmount /dev/sda1 wokrs12:21
VariniaI looked in media:/ an not in /media12:22
Variniaso I have really no idea why it does not work automaticly12:22
Hobbsee media:/ is a known kde bug12:23
Hobbseesolution is to look in /media/12:23
Kamping_KaiserVarinia: btw. you should give her 3.4.2, it's the stable version12:24
Variniano, with kde 2.5 and pmount media:/ should work great12:24
Variniaand no, 3.5 is the stable version12:24
Variniah 3.512:24
Variniafrom kde.org "On November 29th 2005, the KDE Project released KDE 3.5."12:26
Kamping_Kaiserit's not considdreed stable in ubuntu afaik12:27
Variniabut it was offical announced on the kubuntu page http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-35.php12:29
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Hobbseei think it's the equivalent of a backport, actually12:40
Hobbseekde 3.5, thta is12:40
VariniaHobbsee, sorry, I do not really understand what you mean12:41
HobbseeVarinia: do you know what backports are?12:41
VariniaI thought that were packages made for 5.0412:42
Variniavarinia@varinia:~$ pmount /dev/sda112:45
Variniavarinia@varinia:~$ sudo umount /dev/sda112:45
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Varinia^^ I told her this as a first help12:45
ubotuhmm... backports is Add "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-backports main universe multiverse restricted" (without the ") to /etc/apt/sources.list.  More info @ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports12:46
Hobbseeie, you cant really stick kde3.5 as a security update, cos it's not - but it'll be default in hte next kubuntu12:46
Variniayea, I look forward to 6.0412:46
Variniabut would be fine if pmount works before12:47
Kamping_Kaiser!tell me about grub12:47
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VariniaI have to go for lunch now12:52
murtunhi all12:52
Variniathanks for your help, may be we will finde a solution one day ;)12:53
murtuni need a bit of help getting sound to work on Kubuntu12:53
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gharwoo1why doesn't ubuntu include selinux?01:09
BrainDeadKKit's not needed by most people01:09
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treakathhey all01:10
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Hobbseehi treakath01:10
BrainDeadKKhi mate01:10
treakathhow are you hob01:10
BrainDeadKKsounds like a bad pcikup line ;)01:11
gharwoo1BrainDeadKK: any idea why?01:12
treakathany1 one i can be mean to lol01:12
BrainDeadKKgharwoo1: sorry, I'm not following the channels atm01:12
treakaththat no one likes01:12
Hobbseetreakath: you might want to use tab completion - otherwise people dont get notified of when they're being spoken to01:12
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treakathk im just bored at the mo01:13
=== Hobbsee is answering a whole lot of questions in #ubuntu and isnt paying too much attention here
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BrainDeadKKlol. at least you have support Hobbsee ;P01:17
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Hobbseei know what it's like not to, which is part of the reason i came to help you earlier!01:17
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BrainDeadKKlol. *hugs more*01:18
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dutchMerry Christmas to all :)01:25
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MenZa`Merry christmas :)01:31
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voicui got the locales package for debian but i can't install it. dpkg said it cannot find archive so i realised it's just an archive. i unpacked it and overwritten the files in /usr and /etc. still it doesn't work. what's the problem?01:58
voicuuh, sorry for that sentence, i'm really tired... i meant that dpkg can't find the 'archive' directory in .deb so i realised the .deb is just an archive01:59
voicudid i make any sense?02:00
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thoreauputicvoicu: why are you using debian packages?02:01
thoreauputicvoicu: locales are in ubuntu02:01
voicubut aren't debian packages supposed to work on (k)ubuntu?02:02
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thoreauputicvoicu: no, they are out of sync with ubuntu in general, because of the different release cycles02:03
BrainDeadKKDebian packages *may* work with ubuntu, not Debian packages *will* work with ubuntu02:03
thoreauputicvoicu: and practically everything is in the ubuntu repos02:03
thoreauputicBrainDeadKK: right, but unless you know exactly what you are doing, you should use ubuntu packages02:04
BrainDeadKKthoreauputic: yes, I'm just thinking of stuff such as skype02:04
voicuwell, in the ubuntu repositories there is version 2.3.2-20-13 but i need 2.3.2-22-... so i didn't have a choice02:05
thoreauputicBrainDeadKK: true - why the nick change , kamping ?02:05
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jbuelerdoes anyone know what repos vamps is in? or where i can get it?02:05
thoreauputicvoicu: why do you need that version?02:05
BrainDeadKKbecause my brian has shut down after that help spell i did02:05
thoreauputicBrainDeadKK: hah02:05
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=== BrainDeadKK discovers the breezy cd has totaly useless rescue mode (no grub-install)
=== BrainDeadKK is pissed off
srbakerhey everyone02:06
srbakerjust installed kubuntu02:06
voicuthoreauputic: i wanted to install some program (can't remember which) and it reqeired libc6-2.3.2-22 and now it messed up the dependencies02:06
BrainDeadKKhi mate02:06
srbakeri am *very* impressed with KDE02:06
srbakeri have one question, though.  where can i remap capslock as ctrl?02:06
voicubecause locales depends on libc6=2.3.2-22 (not >=)02:06
voicunow, when i select a packege in aptitude or kynaptic, it wants to delete all the other packages that depend on locale because it sees it as a 'broken' one02:08
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=== BrainDeadKK realises why the 'breezy cd is broken'
BrainDeadKKbecause I'm not mounting an ubuntu partition to restore from, so grub-install isnt on the computer ;)02:15
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srbakercan someone please tell me where to remap capslock to ctrl?02:17
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jbuelerdoes anyone know anything about the app growisofs ?02:18
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voicuare the repositories on security.ubuntu.com as up2date as possible (for ubuntu)? are there any other similar repositories?02:19
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BrainDeadKKvoicu: those re the most up to date02:19
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thoreauputicvoicu: they are vvery up to date02:21
voicuok. in that case... will linux run (properly) without the locales package? :D02:21
thoreauputicvoicu: locales is installed by default02:22
thoreauputicvoicu: if you have a version mismatch, you must be doing something weird with your sources or randomly installing stuff02:22
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ubotuA list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) - Create your own sources.list at http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic02:23
BrainDeadKKvoicu: can we see your srouces. list02:23
voicuwell, ok, but i didn't change them yet02:23
voicudeb cdrom:[Kubuntu 5.04 _Hoary Hedgehog_ - Release i386 (20050407)] / hoary main restricted02:24
voicudeb http://ro.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main restricted02:24
voicudeb-src http://ro.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main restricted02:24
voicu## Major bug fix updates produced after the final release of the02:24
voicu## distribution.02:24
voicudeb http://ro.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-updates main restricted02:24
voicudeb-src http://ro.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-updates main restricted02:24
voicu## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'universe'02:24
voicu## repository.02:24
voicu## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu02:24
voicu## team, and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as to02:24
voicu## your rights to use the software. Also, please note that software in02:24
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o thoreauputic] by ChanServ
voicu## universe WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the Ubuntu security02:24
voicu## team.02:24
=== mode/#kubuntu [+b %voicu!*@*] by thoreauputic
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thoreauputicvoicu: don't paste here - use a paste bin02:25
=== mode/#kubuntu [-b %voicu!*@*] by thoreauputic
voicuoups, sorry02:25
ubotupaste is, like, totally, please use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ or #flood to paste large amounts of text02:25
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voicuok, i pasted in paste.ubuntu-nl.org02:28
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thoreauputicvoicu: you're using hoary ?02:30
thoreauputicvoicu: I suggest you uncomment the universe lines as well02:30
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thoreauputicand run  sudo apt-get upgrade  afterwards02:31
BrainDeadKKsudo apt-get update02:31
thoreauputicaargh - good catch BrainDeadKK02:32
thoreauputicvoicu: update, not upgrade, sorry02:32
BrainDeadKKsleep time for our little thoreauputic ;)02:32
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thoreauputicBrainDeadKK: indeed :)02:32
tencohi all!02:32
tencoi have a dependency problem02:33
BrainDeadKKtenco:  :(02:33
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voicudon't worry, i wasn't considering upgrade anyway because that would take like days02:33
tencoi want to install kde headers but kdelibs4-dev (which is from 3.5.0) throws 80(!) broken dependencys ( i installed kde 3.5.0 on breezy)02:34
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=== thoreauputic decides to sleep
thoreauputicnight all02:35
BrainDeadKKlater mate?::)02:35
thoreauputicBrainDeadKK: well, maybe tomorrow -erm - today02:35
BrainDeadKKnight mate02:36
thoreauputicgood night :)02:36
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tencoso i wonder what kde devel package i need to install to compile kde apps on breezy with kde 3.5.002:37
BrainDeadKKi cant help, sorry02:37
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[ITA] MisterXmi fa imbestialire :/02:39
[ITA] MisterXsorry ^^'02:39
[ITA] MisterXI wrote in the wrong channel XD02:39
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tencourgh, thats a nightmare...02:40
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voicuisn't there a *trick* to fool linux that i installed locales 2.3.2-22 even if i didn't?02:45
voicusomething like a config file02:45
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[ITA] MisterXHow can I define a "route gateway" for a manual/static ip?02:52
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BrainDeadKKin the interfaces file it's just a line `gateway ip.of.gate.way`02:53
[ITA] MisterXI'll try. Now. =)02:54
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[ITA] MisterXIt works! Thank you, Brain :)03:05
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voicuhow do i add a directory to PATH?03:06
HeartBTnetwork manager for kde, I'm not able to find any current developments on it, anyone here know?03:06
HeartBTI understand it was a project for dapper.03:06
HeartBTSend me a memo if anyone has any ideas.03:08
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Xmasmoovoicu: export PATH=/home/mydir:$PATH in terminal03:29
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BrainDeadKKhttp://ubuntu.pastebin.com/478321 anyone got some pointers here ? it's a base install +Kubuntu-desktop03:37
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psykhey how come in kaffiene im not getting any sound?04:23
psykplease help04:23
psykno sound in kaffiene player please hellp trying to hear avi file04:26
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kalenedraelYou asked that same question about four times in five minutes. Please be more patient next time.04:26
kalenedraelIt's hardly an emergency that you're not able to hear sound :P04:27
kalenedraelUse a different player.04:27
psykwhich is a good player to download04:27
jahshuause xmms04:27
kalenedraelI use mplayer.04:27
jahshuaor myplayer04:27
jahshuaor vlc is great too04:27
jahshuaplays eveything04:27
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jahshuaanyone here use Creative usb mp3 players with KDE04:28
kalenedraelMaybe artsd is interfering with it.04:28
Z0idbergI tried to install Dapper Flight 2 and it won't find my sata harddrives. Selecting the driver doesn't help.  Any ideas what I could do? I think the chip is a sil3112.04:28
kalenedraeljahshua, I suspect it appears to the computer as a USB storage device.04:28
kalenedraelZ0idberg, check to see if the kernel supports it...04:29
jahshuawhere would i find it at04:29
jahshuawill it pop up an icon on my taskbar like windows ?04:29
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kalenedraeljahshua, USB drives will show up as /dev/sd*04:29
kalenedraelLike /dev/sda104:29
kalenedraelAlso, KDE tends to pop up an icon, yes.04:29
jahshuaim just wondering about how to remove it safely04:30
kalenedraelOh, unmount it and just unplug it.04:30
kalenedraelOr right click and select 'remove safely'04:30
jahshuathats the easy way hehe i want to learn how to unmount04:30
Z0idbergkalenedrael: I tried to download the daily yesterday, thinking it might have a newer kernel, but then again the install says it can't find any kernel modules, you know of any solution for that :)?04:31
kalenedraelDownload and compile your own kernel?04:32
Z0idbergMaybe, but as I can't get it installed it's a bit hard...04:33
kalenedraelUmm, what? Does your machine boot? Can you get Internet access?04:33
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noccannot watch movie with04:34
nocany one can help me04:34
Z0idbergIf I install and older Dapper, dist-upgrading breaks the system for me. If I try flight 2 it doesn't find my harddrives and yesterdays daily didn't find the kernel modules in the beginning of the install. Yes, I could stick to Breezy, but that's not as funny :).04:35
jahshuaok so no icon popped up .. how do i unmount a usb device ?04:36
nochow can i install realplayer using terminal04:36
jahshua?? restricted formats04:37
koshbotrestricted[x] : No defenition found for word.04:37
kinfoNo match for "restricted"04:37
kalenedraelYour '?' can be placed on the same line as your question, you know :P04:37
jahshua? restricted formats04:37
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jahshuakalendrael how can i unmount, no icon popped up04:37
kalenedraelI dunno, it's probably not mounted.04:37
kalenedraells /dev/sd*04:38
jahshua/dev/sda  /dev/sda104:38
jahshuathats the return04:38
kalenedraelOh, it's there, then.04:38
jahshuait popped up a konqueror window04:38
kalenedraelOk, it's there then...04:39
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jahshuais that the place i should drag the mp3 to ?04:39
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jahshuaok so i put a few tunes in there i just want to check it copied ok04:41
jahshuahow can i unmount to remove it04:41
kalenedraelThere should be an icon on the desktop. Right-click and select 'Safely remove'04:42
Z0idbergWell, I'm gonna try putting the latest daily on a CD-RW... It probably wont help, but...04:47
Z0idbergWould there be any way to boot the Flight 2 installation cd with a different kernel?04:48
jahshuakalenedrael: thanks alot thats worked04:50
tencoanyone knows, when the amarok vs. taglib issue gets solved?04:50
tencobecause thats pretty anoying04:50
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Z0idbergWhen will the next Dapper flight be released?04:54
jahshuaim trying to launch kAudioKreator but its say no encoder found please select one in the configuration..can someone please help me to do this ?04:55
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ludosalut, je viens de mettre kunbuntu mais j'y connais rien, est ce que je peux consulter les fichiers de mon autre DD (celui avec windows) svp05:10
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ludoy a quelqun svp ?05:12
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rubemhi there05:15
rubemI've just instaled Kubuntu05:15
rubemWhich are the best apt repos for kubuntu?05:16
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rubemmartin, but which url?05:16
martinopen Adept, goto manage repositories05:16
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rubemXlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server05:17
rubemXlib: No protocol specified05:17
rubemadept: cannot connect to X server :0.005:17
rubemthat aperead when i typed "adept"05:17
martinopen it via katapult (alt-space) or go to the k menu05:18
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rubemmanage repositories... which repo I put? what url?05:20
martinGo to the Adept menu and select manage repo05:20
rubemi'm in it05:20
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rubemit apeats the sources.list repos05:21
martinRead where it says "uncomment the following two lines to add software from the universe repos05:21
rubembut this packags are stable?05:22
rubemjust those repos?05:22
martinUniverse is the best one. There is also one called backport, havn't used that one05:23
rubemtks :)05:25
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rubembut why cannot i open the kate by konsole?05:25
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brk3hi, im trying to set up ip masquerading, but every howto seems to be different and not very clear.. is there an easy way someone could outline to me?05:28
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Tillanyone not sitting under the xmas tree right now?05:31
tenco_Till: yes05:31
jahshuahello how can i convert .wav files to .mp3  ??05:32
Tilltenco_: so did you have a nice xmas party? :) What did you get? 8)05:32
brk3jahshua: lame05:34
brk3its the package that does it05:34
tenco_Till: a electric toothbrush05:34
brk3cant think what is a good frontend05:34
brk3im sure there are loads05:34
Tilltenco: cool, I'm still missing such a tool :)05:34
jahshuak thanks05:34
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=== tenco_ *vrmmm* *vrmmm*
brk3anyone know how to set up ip masquerading?05:35
Tilltenco: I got a scarf ;)05:35
Tillcool huh?05:35
Tillsooo... everyone using kubuntu in here?05:36
Till(change of subject)05:36
brk3does the kernel in kubuntu have support for ip masquerading built in>05:37
brk3whats the name of the kde control centre to start from the command line>?05:39
Tillbrk3: sorry I don't know much about IP masquerading ;/05:40
jahshuayay! my first question i answered in here for someone!05:40
jahshuaAND i was right05:41
Till(that means: zero knowledge)05:41
brk3pity i found out about it before i saw the answer :)05:41
brk3this sucks i wish i could just get this working05:41
brk3so many howtos but they're no good05:41
Tilljahshua: maye you could answer your 2nd question just now...05:42
Tilljashuha: it's an easy one, I guesss...05:42
jahshuaill try :)05:42
Tillwith SuSE KDE login manager I had these user icons for each user...05:42
Tilljahshua: now with Kubuntu it seems I have this "enter your user name and password" login manager05:43
brk3Till: thats all kubuntu gives05:43
brk3it sucks05:43
Tilljahshua: can I change this behaviour back to the KDE login manager?05:44
brk3im sure you could get others off kde-look.org05:44
Tilloh that's a pity...05:44
Tillnot that _I_ would mind...05:44
brk3sorry jahshua were you gonna answer that :p05:44
Tillbut you see, my mother is very picky about changes in icon layouts ;)05:44
brk3ya sure check kde-look.org im sure you'l get something05:45
Tillit's just I kicked her SuSE linux and replaced it by Kubuntu05:45
Tillbrk3: it seems like it's a "kubuntu login manager", not the KDE login manager being used...05:46
Tillbrk3: ... because changing the behaviour of the KDE login manager (in KControl) doesn't seem to have any effect, e.g. changing the bg image05:46
brk3ya think it is05:46
jahshuasorry i dont know the answer :(05:47
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Tillbrk3: so how could checking kde-look.org help here?05:47
brk3you can change to the kde one in kcontrol05:47
Tillbrk3: ok, I haven't seen this option yet, but i'll check thanks...05:48
brk3Till: you can download different login themes05:48
brk3i think05:48
brk3i dunno05:48
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jahshuaok i have a question :p05:49
jahshuawhen i out cd's into my drive it automatically pops up konqueror and tries to play it .. how do i make it stop and take no action ?05:49
Tilljahshua: there's a "KDE daemon" responsible for this...05:51
Till...I've just seen a config dialog today, I think you can access this config dialog...05:51
Till... when you insert a CD or USB stick and the daemon asks which action to take...there also a config button I think05:51
Tillbrk3: coming back to the login themes...05:52
jahshuahrm it doesnt ask me tho05:52
Tillbrk3: I've just checked in KControl, but didn't find any option yet as to use the "native KDE login manager" instead of the Kubuntu one05:52
jahshuait just opens konqueror05:52
jahshuait must be in the setting somewhere ..05:53
jahshuaill keep looking :)05:53
Tilljahshua: okay, then yes, "somewhere in the settings" ;)05:53
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Tilljahshua: sorry, can't find myself this dialog anymore in KControl ... :(05:54
Tilljashua: but you see, I have this memory stick which I'm just going to insert...05:55
jahshuathat will pop up an icon05:56
jahshuaon the desktop for you05:56
jahshuait should anyway..05:56
Tilljahshua: hmmm. yes it does pop up an icon on my desktop and opens another tab in konqueror at the same time...05:57
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Till.. but it doesn't show up this message dialog "What action to take" anymore....as I was hoping.05:57
Tilljahshua: and now I know why: today I checked this "Don't do anything and don't ask me again" checkbox in this config dialog!05:58
Till(but still it opens a tab in konqueror... strange)05:58
Tillin other words: I don't know anymore how to access this config dialog....05:59
Till... but it said something with "KDE Daemon"05:59
Tillokay I got it!06:01
TillIt's in K-Menu/System settings/Hardware ->"Speichermedien" (Media?)06:02
Till"Speichermedien" probably "Storage media"06:03
TillAnd there you have this config dialog I was talking about06:03
bam_how do I change the default dvd player to xine?06:03
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murrhi, what program should i use to test a webcam?06:21
murri have two different webcams, and they seem to be recognized and some driver is loaded or something, but when i try to open settings -> configure in kopete, the computer totally freezes, with both webcams06:22
murrany other programs that should show the picture of webcams?06:22
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cartesian1984essentially, I have ubuntu, GNOME and a working kxdocker. I would like to be able to use other applications in the dock than the defaults. How do I customize it?06:25
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jahshuaanyone know a program for converting .wav to .mp3 in Kubuntu ??06:47
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golethink you can so it in KAudioCreator too when you configure lame06:54
obsrvhello, I have trouble with Adept. I can connect to internet ONLY trough a proxy, but I can't find where to set in Adept proxy server. With good old synaptic everything was ok. Any Ideas?06:54
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jahshuagole i got lame but i dont know what to do with it now :/06:59
goleare they already .wav files or are you ripping them?07:00
obsrvhello, I have trouble with Adept. I can connect to internet ONLY trough a proxy, but I can't find where to set in Adept proxy server. With good old synaptic everything was ok. Any Ideas?07:02
golejahshua, well fire up KAudioCreator, and configure it to encode with lame, then File > Encode File then select your .wav07:02
jahshuagole im ripping them from cd07:03
jahshuai got it sorted07:04
jahshuathanks alot gole!07:04
goleok it should be pretty simple07:04
jahshuahey gole07:05
jahshuado you know what i need to do to send files over kopete aim messenger07:05
golei use gaim, didn't like kopete so can't help you out there sorry07:06
golekopete doesn't let me use ICQ on AIM  network07:06
golewhere gaim does07:06
cartesian1984install reaim07:06
cartesian1984its a proxy that lets files get through your firewall07:06
cartesian1984when sent via aim07:06
golehumm Snake|Sleeping was asking about that last night07:07
goleor direct connect that is07:07
goleanyone know how to boot the live CD on a VIA C3?07:07
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mosheanyone know apache here?07:13
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dragoni have Kubuntu with KDE 3.507:13
dragonand don't have metabar..07:13
moshewhat's that?07:13
dragonmetabar.. you know the bar that shows various options in konqueror07:14
dragoni forcefully installed the .deb package, but don't know how to enable it..07:14
obsrvhello, I have trouble with Adept. I can connect to internet ONLY trough a proxy, but I can't find where to set in Adept proxy server. With good old synaptic everything was ok. Any Ideas?07:14
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rodrigohey. merry xmas!07:15
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rodrigoWhy a command like 'sudo kate' doesn't work on terminal?07:16
golerodrigo,  kdesu kate07:18
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jahshuagole the mp3 files are skipping when playing now07:19
golecould of ripped to fast, could be hardware, don't know07:20
dragonhow do i enable the metabar in kde3.5?07:20
golecheck the wav07:20
goleif that's bad then the mp3 will be07:20
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jahshuahmmm its playing ok now07:22
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godzukiI have an ext3 drive that I can't seem to change permissions for, can anybody help me get the fstab right?07:24
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jahshuacartesian1984 are you here ?07:33
francescoHello, how can I obtain a menu bar like this: http://digilander.libero.it/zzzdgl0/scrinsciot2ua.png ?07:34
kalenedraelfrancesco, um, go to the Control Center and change it...07:36
francescoehr... there is a problem: if I set menu bar "mac-os like" and then add some applet to it, then menu bar items appear RIGHT aligned: they stay no more LEFT aligned...07:37
francescowould you like a screenshot of the problem?07:38
kalenedraelNo, I can imagine what it looks like.07:38
kalenedraelI have no idea what might be causing that, though...07:39
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jahshuaanyone here know how to send files over kopete aim  ?07:45
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hunikawho can help to me07:56
hunikaI have installed skype07:56
hunikabut it is not working07:56
hunikait asks some libdc++ things07:56
hunikahow can I install those?07:56
Blissexhunika: with 'apt-get install' or 'synaptic'.07:57
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hunikabut i don't know what to install07:57
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hunikajust it asks some things07:58
jahshuaanyone here know how to send files over kopete aim  ?07:58
jahshuathe 'send file' option is blanked out07:58
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jahshuai cant select it07:58
senkeHow do I get KDE 3.5 develpment packages i.e KDE header files?07:58
Mez|Awayjahshua, that means they dont have file transfer capability07:58
jahshuawhy not07:59
jahshuacan i change it07:59
Mez|Awayjahshua, that's their client not anything you can do#07:59
jahshuahis client does support it07:59
Mez|Awaysenke, http://www.kde.org07:59
jahshuawe used to send files when i had windows07:59
Mez|Awayjahshua, dun no then - try gaim and see if it'll work onb there08:00
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rjm101merry xxmas everyone08:10
rjm101can anyone help me with spca5ss on a eye cam??08:11
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rjm101also have a prooblem with getting a laserjet 1100 to print08:13
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senkehow can I make KMail work in Kontact? I have never been suvvessful! There is always this missing library!08:15
bam_what programs can read *.chm files08:15
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thecat12i need help. im a linux absolute beginner08:20
thecat12i can't boot my computer from the cd, is there a way to install breezy through the terminal08:20
godzukiyou can't boot your comp from cd?08:20
godzukiyou can't get terminal without booting something though, unless you mean a floppy08:21
osh_Where can I find the python2.4-profiler? Is there some special repo that I need to enable?08:21
jahshuajoshua@toon:~$ kcontrol08:21
jahshuajoshua@toon:~$ QFile::getch: File not open08:21
jahshuakcontrol: WARNING: KLocale: trying to look up "" in catalog. Fix the program08:21
jahshuakcontrol: WARNING: No such property found: panel->background->url08:21
jahshuacan anyone tell me what that means08:21
thecat12 i can't boot. terminal as in the the Mac terminal in my applications folder08:21
troythecat12: it being a mac is important information08:22
godzukiwait so you're trying to install on a ppc?08:22
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troythecat12: are you using the ppc version of *ubuntu08:22
thecat12yes. that's the one i downloaded08:23
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ludosalut, y aurai til des Franais svp ?08:24
rjm101CAn anyone help this newbie???08:24
ludodoes exist an french chat ? plz08:25
ludoi find sorry08:26
ludogood bue and merry christmas08:26
ubotuVa a #ubuntu-fr et #kubuntu-fr pour aide et discussion en francais08:27
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ludoj'y suis merci ubotu08:28
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troyubotu speaks good french for a bot :P08:30
ubotuI haven't a clue, troy08:30
ludooh it's a bot ? lol ^^08:30
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thecat12so yes. i have a mac. i downlaoded the ppc version of ubuntu breezy08:31
thecat12i put it on a cd08:32
thecat12but my old mac won't let me boot from the cd. the pressing the 'c' on restart doesn't work. it should. but it doesn't08:32
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ludothere is nobody at the french server, i ll tru to ask here. I try to read my file on another HD (IDE) in an NTFS partition. But i don't find how. Someone could help me plz i am a noob08:33
jbueleri'm having trouble getting my second monitor working...is there anyone that can help me out?08:35
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tomsyludo try: "sudo fdisk -l" to list your partitions08:37
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ludoi need a password08:39
ludook i find08:39
tomsythats your log in password08:39
ludothx, i see my part, someone tell me in the french chat to create an fstab08:40
ludoi ll try that, thx a lot08:41
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pestilencemerry christmas!08:43
pestilencewhat's the secret to getting an mp3 player going in amarok08:43
pestilencewhat mount point is it expecting08:43
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pestilenceit automounted in /media/TELECHIPS08:44
pestilencebut amarok won't see it.08:44
=== jahshua giggles at apt-get moo
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jbueleris there anyone htat could help with the installation of ATI drivers?08:50
spstarr_homedo we have a KDE replacement for gvidcap/xvidcap?08:50
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markumancant kopete read out the away messages from online users (icq...) like gaim ?08:51
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gverig1Hmm... funny. Kvpnc package does not list any actual VPNs as dependencies and it does not seem to actually check if they are installed. nifty09:02
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osh_http://packages.ubuntu.com/breezy/python/python2.4-profiler <-that seems to indicate that python2.4-profiler is a part of breezy but I'll be damned if I can install it from apt... :-(09:13
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ztonzyapokryphos, hey :) any progress so far ?09:46
apokryphosztonzy: hey hey :)09:46
apokryphosMerry Christmas =)09:46
apokryphoswhat with?09:46
ztonzyapokryphos, to you too !09:47
ztonzyapokryphos, the distro :)09:47
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ztonzyapokryphos, I am lazy these days, running XP and the last update killed my X :-\09:49
apokryphoswhat error?09:50
ztonzywont start09:50
ztonzybut it is Ubuntu, not K*09:50
apokryphosnot very descriptive :D09:50
ztonzyhow would I know?09:50
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apokryphosif it's just X death, reconfiguring your X would probably make things jolly =)09:50
ztonzydidnt check the X out-error-output09:50
apokryphosztonzy: when it took you out of X it would always say/give a reason09:51
ztonzyjust did an update...then it stopped working09:51
apokryphoslikely just had to reconfigure your X =)09:51
apokryphos(sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg)09:51
=== ztonzy would like to see that gmail had a "Notebook"
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DoctorMOhello all10:03
DoctorMOI need to upgrade this machine but all atempts don't seem to work right. I think perhaps the apt-get is old or it's source websites are incompleat10:03
daveni think i'm having the same prob :P10:04
davenwhat areyou trying to upgrade10:04
DoctorMOhorry to breezy10:04
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davendid you read the section on that from the website?10:04
daventhey don't seem all that detailed though10:05
DoctorMOI can't seem to find the detils10:06
daveni'm looking for them now...10:06
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davencrap, saw it earlier today on there now i can't find it!10:07
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davensorry dude i can't find it now10:09
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vikkeAny tips on good music players for linux?10:13
ubotuI guess amarok is a music player for Linux and Unix with an intuitive interface. See http://amarok.kde.org ; amaroK's features: http://amarok.kde.org/content/view/51/1/10:13
djk_if a dist-upgrade is done, is still everything configured as it was, ie progs, menu etc?10:13
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osh_http://packages.ubuntu.com/breezy/python/python2.4-profiler <-that seems to indicate that python2.4-profiler is a part of breezy but I'll be damned if I can install it from apt... Anyone know where I can find it?10:29
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djk_osh_: it's in multiverse10:30
osh_djk_: I've got the multiverse and backports enabled.. I think...10:30
djk_osh_: check your sources.list then.10:31
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osh_djk_: deb http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-backports main restricted universe multiverse <- that should be enough shouldn't it?10:33
djk_osh_: you added universe/multiverse to the backports line instead of the proper line..10:35
osh_djk_: I've just uncommented a line that already was in my sources.list.10:35
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djk_osh_: you should add universe/multiverse to a similar line, which does not mention backports...10:38
osh_djk_: Adding things to the normal lines worked though. Slightly confusing that the mention of multiverse on one line doesn't mean that multiverse is enabled... ;-)10:39
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rubemhi there10:39
rubemwhere can I configure de envoirnements variables such as PATH?10:39
osh_rubem: .bashrc?10:39
djk_osh_: well it is, it's just for backports ;)10:40
rubemosh_ no... i want to configure java10:41
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gerstwhere can I download a good repository list for kubuntu?10:41
osh_rubem: yes? why can't you do that in .bashrc?10:41
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apokryphosrubem: to install Java just use the debs10:42
stupendo44is there a command I can use to manually power-down a drive once it's unmounted?10:42
gerstsudo apt-get install j2re1.410:42
apokryphosgerst: the main ones have pretty much everything. Only other thing I'd recommend of course is the 3.5 repository10:42
apokryphosgerst: that'll be blackdown java though10:42
osh_djk_: Right.10:42
apokryphosrubem: there are sun-java debs, if you want them10:42
gersthow can I view wmv files?10:42
apokryphos!tell rubem about javadebs10:42
rubemapokryphos where???10:43
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gerstI have installed buch of stuff for it..10:43
apokryphosgerst: install w32codecs10:43
gersti did10:43
gerstmplayer got fatal error10:43
rubemapokryphos is that safe??10:43
apokryphosthere's certain wmv that just won't play, I believe. Haven't come across any myself10:43
apokryphosrubem: yes10:44
rubemapokryphos thank you :)10:44
apokryphosthey were made with make-jpkg10:44
gerstdamn it is a good porn :DD10:44
rubemapokryphos too bad it isn't in the repos...10:44
djk_gerst: porn?10:44
apokryphosrubem: legal reasons10:44
gerstthat wmv file10:45
rubemapokryphos Yeah, I know... it's strange since Sun Microsystem is open sourcing his products10:45
gerstthat I couldn play :DD10:45
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Evil_Whisperapokryphos: Do you know of any other console based IRC apps?10:45
rubemapokryphos perheaps soon JDK should back to the repos :)10:46
apokryphosEvil_Whisper: I doubt you'd want to use anything other than irssi if you're staying to CLI10:46
apokryphosrubem: who knows. There's sun jdks on that link too though in the meantime :P10:46
Evil_Whisperapokryphos: Well I would like a CLI one but I can't seem to be in more then one channel :(10:47
apokryphosEvil_Whisper: why, and why?10:47
Evil_Whisperapokryphos: Most of the GUI ones have way to many features and stuff I'd never use and irssi doesn't have tabs lol :(10:47
ggilbertEvil_Whisper: If you want a cli irc client, I'd highly recommend irssi10:47
rubemapokryphos Sun won't let this continue for long...10:47
apokryphosEvil_Whisper: irssi probably has far more options than most of them, actually ;-)10:48
Evil_Whisperggilbert: How do you switch between channels with irssi without leaving your current channel?10:48
apokryphosEvil_Whisper: Konversation is very simplistic though. You find it has too many options?10:48
Evil_Whispernever tried it apokryphos10:48
apokryphosEvil_Whisper: ksirc is probably the most simplistic GUI one though10:48
ggilbertEvil_Whisper: I haven't been using irssi for a few months now10:48
ggilbertbut I believe /window create is what youw ant10:48
ggilbertThe manual should explain it, I just dont really remember all of the details10:49
Evil_Whisperggilbert: /window just outputs what server im on and channels :S10:49
Evil_Whisperman irssi?10:49
apokryphosEvil_Whisper: alt+#windownumber10:49
ggilbert try /help10:49
ggilbertI know it does it, I just dont remember the commands10:49
Evil_Whisperahhh thanks apokryphos10:50
Evil_Whisperwoo hoo now if i could get it to allow me to scroll up and check previous msgs I'd be set10:50
apokryphosPage Up10:50
ggilbertpage up and page down10:50
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Evil_Whisperthanks :-)10:50
rubemcan I reaload the mounted devices?10:50
Evil_Whisperis there a wine irc channel?10:51
ggilbertthat looks like it should cover it10:51
apokryphosrubem: sudo mount -a10:51
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rubemapokryphos you r0x :)10:51
jahshuahello can someone pleeeeeeeeeeease tell me how to make my gaim im msg with my friend STOP blinking?? i looked all through preferences and i cant find it ... its driving me crazy!10:54
apokryphosjahshua: in a terminal: killall gaim. Then alt+f2 -> kopete  ;-)10:54
jahshuayes but i cant file transfer with kopete :(10:55
jahshuai WAS using it10:55
apokryphosjahshua: what plugin and what's the error?10:55
jahshuaone sec10:55
stupendo44did you try /join #gaim10:55
stupendo44Evil_Whisper: yes10:56
Evil_Whisperstupendo44: Whats wich channel for wine?10:56
apokryphosjahshua: what protocol? MSN?10:56
stupendo44Evil_Whisper: #winehq10:56
Evil_Whisperon freenode?10:57
stupendo44(yes in spanish, quicker to say)10:57
Evil_Whisperstupendo44: thanks10:57
apokryphosstupendo44: definitely not if you have to type that warning after :P10:57
stupendo44correcto mundo10:58
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jahshuaapokryphos : aim10:58
jahshuai cant use the send file button because its not 'clickable'10:58
apokryphosah yeah, I don't think it supports file transfers yet10:58
jahshuaoh ok10:58
apokryphosbut anyway, re: gaim question, you're probably not in the best place. This is #kubuntu  :P10:59
jahshuawell i thought gaim was a kubuntu creation11:00
jahshuaguess not11:00
apokryphosthe "g" is generally a giveaway11:01
apokryphosthe way it looks is probably a bigger giveaway. Clearly GTK :D11:01
jahshuahmm wow there is a huge gaim channel11:01
jahshuathey just chat about gaim ?11:01
jahshualets chat about a chat program11:02
apokryphos120, yeah, not bad11:02
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apokryphos#amarok gets bigger by the day, it seems, too11:03
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Evil_Whisperapokryphos: I've located the wine patches I need thanks :-)11:13
apokryphosEvil_Whisper: thanks, but I'm pretty sure that's not down to me 8)11:14
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thecat12hey I just installed kubuntu11:15
thecat12and I wanted to change something in the system settings11:16
thecat12it asked for my password11:16
thecat12and when I type it,11:16
thecat12it says its wrong11:16
apokryphosthecat12: enable the breezy-updates repository and then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:16
thecat12and it is clearly mistaken11:16
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apokryphosthough it still shouldn't tell you the pass is wrong...11:17
thecat12won't it ask for the password for the update?11:17
apokryphosthecat12: can you sudo things?11:17
obsrvwhat software I can use for my WebCam?11:17
apokryphosIf you're sure you're only entering your user pass....11:17
apokryphosobsrv: Kopete?11:17
thecat12im sure11:18
obsrvapokryphos, is there something like WebCamCenter, so I cloud watch whats going on on webcam :)11:18
apokryphosthecat12: sudo give any errors?11:18
obsrvcapture images, videos...11:18
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yanhello!!!! what is a good irc client for Kubuntu to download movies/appz ?11:19
obsrvapokryphos, do you know such software?11:19
obsrvyan, using IRC? Konversation :)11:20
yanim in konversation now11:20
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apokryphosobsrv: hm, not sure. Konference might have features like that11:20
yanbut i dont know how to download things11:20
obsrvyan, you might want to try KTorrent or aMule11:20
yanlike from ircspy11:20
yannah i dont like torrent / mule11:20
yanon windows xp i was using Mirc11:21
obsrvmirc works just like konversation11:21
obsrvyou go to the server, join the channel and ask for files11:21
yanno cuz if i click an irc link on a website it dont open up konversation11:21
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obsrvwhat kind of links are they?11:22
obsrvshow them to me11:22
apokryphosyan: just join the server and the channel and then enter the command it wants to type11:22
yanpriv msg me plz i dont want to do advertising11:22
apokryphosthe ctcp one11:22
apokryphosyes, it'd work11:22
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yani know but i dont talk about that11:22
yani mean like in ircspy11:22
yanif i clikc the link on a web site, it tell me that irc protocol isnt linked to any program11:23
yani use firefox11:23
apokryphosyan: yes.... don't click, just use the information it gives you and enter the raw command11:24
apokryphospretty easy/quick11:24
yani know but i wanted to be able to click then it copy/paste itself11:24
yanty anyway11:24
apokryphossites like ircspy always set it up specifically for mirc11:24
yanmerry christmass yall11:26
apokryphosyou too =)11:26
yandamn i love linux11:29
yanall the trouble i had to install my wmp5gs wifi card + wpa11:30
yanthats damn nice11:30
yanXDCC SEND denied, you must be on a known channel to request a pack   tha twas teh rror msg once i try to download osmethign11:34
Evil_Whisperapokryphos: Yeah without you I would have never found the wine channel :P11:36
apokryphosyan: you have to join an actual channel before you can request a pack, sure.11:37
apokryphosEvil_Whisper: it was someone else who told you 8)11:37
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yandjk, i cant reply u im not registered11:38
ubotuit has been said that register is type /msg nickserv help register (you probably should do this in the server window so that if you mess up you won't reveal your password to the whole channel :))11:38
yanapo i did11:38
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gerst`nahow come that when I lock my session... I cant login after..11:40
gerst`nalike bad password..11:40
yanhuh ill try11:40
yanworks perfectly with me11:40
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yanhow can i change my keyboard language BEFORE i log in KDE ?? cuz its not same once im logged into KDE..........11:43
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yanlike you know, when we choose the keyboard language while installing11:43
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Evil_Whisperapokryphos: For real? I got confused lol11:48
Evil_Whisperthanks who ever told me :P11:48
mwewhat's the number beside the new message count showing in kbiff?11:49
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thecat12i just installed kubuntu and I'm continuously being asked to change my password each time I login11:56
gerst`nathan change it11:57
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thecat12I always change it11:57
thecat12but it keeps asking me to change it11:57
thecat12"You are required to change your password inmediatly (root enforced)"11:58
Evil_Whisperapokryphos: You still here?11:58
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gerst`namaybe your password is weak11:58
gerst`naor expires11:58
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thecat12why does it expire everytime I login?11:59
apokryphosEvil_Whisper: yup11:59
Evil_Whisperapokryphos: Cool :-) do you know what parts of kopete makes the wine sys tray work?11:59
gerst`nathecat12,  I dont know11:59
Evil_Whisperif I install kopete it makes the wine systray work properly in gnome :O12:00
Evil_Whisperkschedualer daemon or somthing also works12:01
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