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Burglaptopare there any japanese speakers in the house?01:03
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corey_oh, fun, more half finished "build your own package" docs07:33
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=== BrainDeadKK [n=Kaiser@ppp192-57.lns1.adl4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
BrainDeadKKcan i ask if this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows was changed to require a live cd because of the doc team? or just becase someone decided to.? because i feel it should be changed back to using the install cd01:06
mhzBrainDeadKK: I really can't answer that but I do know that IMHO, recovery should be done via LiveCD01:08
BrainDeadKKi think it should use install because everyone (theoretically ) has one01:08
BrainDeadKKand lots of people cant download a 600mb iso on dialup to recover a system01:09
mhz.oO(which reminds me, I would really like to have Ubuntu LiveCD work with an option of just terminal-mode, like Gentoo does)01:09
mhzBrainDeadKK: but current Breezy install CD has almost no recovery options, or there are tools included you say?01:11
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BrainDeadKKmhz: you have to boot 'rescue' mode, then mount your hdd, then rung grub-install01:11
mhzBrainDeadKK: i agree, though, on the fact that connection is important to many people.01:12
mhzBrainDeadKK: yup, but besides that... any other 'rescue' alternatives or tools?01:12
BrainDeadKKmhz: not as far as i know (but i havent checked)01:12
mhzor you mean 'rescue' as in 'rescue the grub-guindowz relationship' ?01:13
BrainDeadKKyes, rescue the grub boot loader01:13
BrainDeadKKafaik that's all the mode is there fore01:13
=== mhz has never used guindowz with Gnu/Linux, so he can't tell
mhzBrainDeadKK: hmmm, if you are sure that 'rescue for bootloader'  work fine from install cd, then maybe you should add it as an alternative in that page.01:15
mhzIMHO, both methods should be explained01:16
BrainDeadKKit's how i have always done it, so adding it as an alternaitive is probably a good idea01:16
mhzBrainDeadKK: but make sure the current install cd does it smoothly ;)01:17
BrainDeadKKI'm going on holiday on 27th, so i don't know if i can do it/any before i go I'm afraid :( but I'll keep it on mind01:17
mhzgood. another task on the todo list :)01:17
mhzmy todo is endless :D01:17
BrainDeadKKlol. i feel your pain ;)01:18
mhz.oO( geee, there are so much I'd like to do!)01:18
mhzBrainDeadKK: and.. when you'd be back?01:19
BrainDeadKKif i start writing the second way should i email it to the list, or just start adding it to the wiki page?01:19
mhzjust add it, people who are interested on changes, will get auto-notifed by email, instantly01:20
BrainDeadKKi should be packing tomorrow (I'm away untill febuary), but i will try and find time for the rescue bit01:21
mhzand, if you add it as a 'comment', please do insert @SIG@ at the end of your comment so we get a timestamp with your username (wiki page, hoepfully) + timestamp01:21
mhzwow!!! 1 month!!!01:21
=== mhz has not taken vacations in about 3 years
BrainDeadKKyeh, interstate for untill mid january, then linuxconf au. so i wont be around a lot ;)01:22
=== mhz would love to get to linuxconf.au
BrainDeadKK:( pity you cant make it01:23
mhzafik, Yagisan, from #edubuntu will be there too01:23
mhzYagisan is expert on security issues01:23
BrainDeadKKi heard ajmitch (from #ubuntu) will be there, but i cant contact him to find out01:23
mhzdid you try #ubuntu-devel ?01:24
BrainDeadKKno, i havent asked around. it just came up01:24
mhzwell, I suggest there should be a huge poster with photos of 'ubunteros' who couldn't make it01:25
=== BrainDeadKK whips out install cd+laptop, and does a dummy grub install
mhzcool!, thx01:27
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ealdenhey mdke07:18
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