
JanClibdvdcss has a DMCA problem12:03
JanCit's illegal in the US & with the new EUCD in Europe it will be illegal too  :-(12:03
JanCcopyright protection circumvention blah12:04
JanCof course it's just a way to make things more expensive here in Europe12:04
Zdrathat's a shame to not be able to read dvd out-of-the-box for a user-friendly distrib like ubuntu... but if it's illegal we cannot do any thing... :'(12:05
JanCmaybe if it wouldn't be possible to change between DVD region codes and someone pays the license fees...12:06
JanClike Fluendo paid license fees for MP3 & MPEG212:07
Zdrayes but for mp3 we have ogg, but for DVD we have no choice to use libdvdcss12:08
JanCwell, there is ogg theora, but that's a real cpu-hog12:09
Zdracopy protection leads to one thing : downloading the divX is easier than read the legal dvd... GREAT !12:09
Zdrawhy I download ? because I can't bye musique on the web (IE+WMP requiered)12:10
JanCplus the DivX is available months before the cinema release here in Belgium...12:10
=== Kilohertz [n=khz@200-247-29-170-mns.cpe.vivax.com.br] has joined #ubuntu-motu
JanCwell, you can buy some music as MP3 or Ogg Vorbis12:10
JanCor even FLAC in some cases12:11
ZdraJanC: all website i've seen reject me because I don't uses IE12:11
=== at1as [n=at1as@24-247-15-243.static.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Zdraand even if I had windows i wouldn't use IE12:11
wombleI rip all my DVDs for convenience (no need to fiddle with discs all the time), safety (no scratches on my HDD), and to avoid those butt-reamingly annoying "copyright notices" you can't skip over.12:11
JanCZdra: http://www.belgianmusiconline.be/ works fine, but they have only a small number of Belgian artists...12:12
JanCOTOH, they have Ogg Vorbis   :)12:13
JanCand Belgian artists means mainly Flemish artists12:15
JanCbecause they have lots of work to convince record companies to not use WMA/iTunes DRM-stuff :-(12:16
ZdraThere is a very small number of music...12:16
=== Zdra is french speaking
JanCyeah, I guessed that (ULB is French) but there is an English language site too AFAIK?12:17
JanCand Hooverphonic etc. are well-known outside Flanders I think  :)12:18
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ZdraJanC: i'll take a look later... good night everybody !12:20
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crimsunyep, no better time to do merges :)04:49
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JohnnyMastmary chrismas every one12:01
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sivangmerry Xmas JohnnyMast12:22
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minghuaany MOTU would review a sync please?  malone 537201:00
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zakameevening all, merry xmas :D02:11
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zakameheya ajmitch , azeem ! merry xmas!02:13
YagisanG'day all, boxing day here now02:14
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zakamew00t Yagisan02:16
Yagisanzakame: so, what did you spend christmas doing ?02:17
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zakameYagisan: well we had the usual eve dinner, then after some 4 hours of sleep, lunchtime with my grandfather who was recovering02:20
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Yagisanzakame: I just had a not so quiet lunch with the wife and kids, watched the kids lose interest in their toys after a record 20 seconds, then spent the afternoon watching Iron Chef02:22
zakameYagisan: w00 Iron Chef, haven't seen that for quite a while02:22
Yagisanzakame: Wife is now on an O/S phone call to mum & dad, so I thought I'd log in and see how many other were here02:23
zakame(no cable TV yet :(02:23
Yagisanzakame: I don't have cable either :( Actually, I have almost non-existent tv reception02:23
Yagisanzakame: Iron Chef Japan, or Iron Chef America ?02:24
zakameYagisan: I've seen some of Japan, not yet America02:24
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Yagisanzakame: You'll want to rip your eyes out after watching ICA - like most of their adaptions it wasn't well done02:25
Yagisanzakame: ICJ all the way :)02:25
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=== zakame puts that bit on the planner-el
=== Yagisan looks lovingly at his currently 18GB and growing collection
zakamew00t indeed :)02:26
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Yagisanzakame: I wish I had decent tv reception, I could record an add free version of iron chef every saturday night of sbs02:28
Yagisanzakame: my tv tuner is useless at this apartment :(02:29
zakameYagisan: I pray the Three Kings hear you :)02:29
Yagisanzakame: they have - they decided that today, I get no 7, 9, 10, ABC or SBS :(02:30
Yagisanzakame: that is every free-to-air channel unavailable instead of just one or two today02:30
zakameYagisan: your channels signoff there just this xmas, or _every_ xmas? :(02:31
Yagisanzakame: it's just me this christmas - I'm sure everyone else is enjoying another repeat of "A chistmas carol" or one of the other endless christmas repeats that they usually put on02:33
zakameYagisan: awww *patpat*... yeah, sometimes---no, most of the time---those xmas specials just `overdo' it :(02:34
Yagisanzakame: just TWO pats, come on man, I'm a furry animal, a yagisan, more pats man02:35
Yagisandon't forget behind the ears02:36
Yagisanand where is my carrot to snack on ;)02:36
zakameYagisan: er I don't know what a yagisan is... yet ;)02:38
Yagisanzakame: a yagi is a goat, yagi san = mr goat02:38
=== zakame pats Yagisan all over, especially behind the ears :)
zakameooh! :D02:39
=== zakame should brush up on his Japanese
=== Yagisan feels better, and promptly eats zakame's hat, before running off
Yagisanthe channel feels strangely empty today02:42
=== Yagisan trots up and down the channel looking for more hats to eat
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spacey_kiits christmas Yagisan :)02:58
zakamehey spacey_ki :)02:58
zakameand slomo :)02:58
spacey_kihi zakame02:58
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=== Yagisan decides to eat spacey_ki's hat
spacey_kimerry christmas02:58
spacey_kithink i'll eat goat tonight02:59
slomohi zakame, spacey_ki :)02:59
=== Yagisan baahs "I've got christmas decorations stuck in my teeth"
Yagisanslomo, spacey_ki: Merry Chistmas! -  Did you remember to get me something O:-)03:00
zakamehear, hear!!! same here!03:02
slomoYagisan: well... my christmas presents were liferea 1.0 and banshee 0.10.2 ;) nothing for you? tell me your wishes :)03:02
zakameyeah, liferea!!!03:04
Yagisanslomo: I got my kids appreciation for 20 whole, that's right count em, 20 whole seconds03:04
Yagisanwoo hoo03:04
Yagisannext christmas - santa can visit me instead03:04
=== Yagisan sits on santa's lap: "So Yagisan, what do you want for christmas", Yagisan whispers into Santa's ear, and Santa turns *bright* red
bmontyYagisan: have you been talking with Santa about the first thing that pops up?03:06
=== Yagisan is permanently added to the naughty list for that
bmontyI told my son that he missed the deadline to get on Santa's list for this year03:07
=== Yagisan hopes he didn't ask for what I asked for
Yagisanbmonty: It's nice when they still believe in santa03:09
Yagisanbmonty: eventually they realise it's you that buys the gifts03:09
bmontyhe is barely two months old so he has no idea what is going on03:09
bmontyhe just likes the lights on the tree as another thing to stare at :)03:10
Yagisanbmonty: mine are 22 months and 5 weeks03:10
bmontydamn...you gotta let her recover!03:10
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Yagisanbmonty: yeah, not much choice now, she had a difficult delivery with the last one :(03:13
Yagisanbut santa said 1) he's not a doctor, he can fix her, and 2) no female viagra03:14
YagisanI was devastated03:15
Yagisanhere I am, stuck with an absolutely gorgeous woman, and I have to behave myself. It's just unnatural I tell you.03:16
YagisanI'm a goat, hence horny by nature :-D03:16
zakamerocking! :D03:16
=== Yagisan baahs in frustration
YagisanIn other news my dvd ripping cluster stopped working because suddenly after a *kernel* upgrade, I now need to enter a password for03:18
Yagisankey based ssh access. WTF ?03:18
zakamehuh? o_O03:19
Yagisanzakame: exactly. No change in config, no change in ssh key, but now it was a password. stopped my cluster dead.03:20
slomoYagisan: maybe it couldn't mount your home partition anymore and can't find the key? ;)03:20
Yagisanslomo: /home is on / for the nodes03:21
slomono idea then :)03:21
Yagisanthis is what I get:03:21
Yagisan(amd64)jamie@doomguy:~/media/movies/sorted$ ssh
YagisanEnter passphrase for key '/home/jamie/.ssh/id_rsa':03:21
Yagisanjamie@'s password:03:22
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Yagisanon every system. there is no passphrase for that, and if I enter the client local password it works.03:23
spacey_kiand if you leave it empty?03:23
Yagisanspacey_ki: I get "jamie@'s password:" repeated at me03:23
spacey_kiok ;p03:24
spacey_kishouldn't be related to kernel i think03:24
Yagisaninstant breakage of dvdrip because of it03:24
spacey_kisounds more like an sshd setting03:24
spacey_kior something03:24
Yagisanspacey_ki: that is on package default settings03:25
spacey_kibut no clue. i'm off for family visit :)03:25
spacey_kibb :)03:25
Yagisanspacey_ki: It should not be the kernel, but that was the last change before it broke :(03:25
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Yagisanslomo: you came back to fix my problem ????03:28
slomoYagisan: nope :( i have to fix my own problem currently... i hate nfs...03:29
Yagisanslomo: me too. but I need it for my ltsp stuff to work03:29
=== zakame looks for new merges to do
=== Yagisan considers patching ltsp to use samba instead
Yagisanslomo: are your nfs mounts just not mounting. I had that a while ago03:30
slomoYagisan: no... they're not responding anymore :P03:31
Yagisanbrb - need to put a little girl to bed03:31
zakamegaah, nfs :(03:31
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bmontymy nfs mounts take forever to mount but after that they work fine03:39
Yagisanthe reason it's called nfs is because it Never Functions Successfully03:44
slomobmonty: install portmap03:45
zakameyep, portmap03:46
bmontyhmm...I thought it was...03:46
Yagisanof course we could use Sometimes May Backfire instead03:47
bmontythat was it...thanks slomo, zakame03:49
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zakamewb ogra_ibook , merry xmas :D03:52
ogra_ibookzakame, same to you :)03:52
YagisanWoo hoo fixed my ssh problem03:54
Yagisanmy dvd cluster works again :-D03:55
Yagisan(for reference I blew away the authorised keys on every client, and generated new ones, which where the scp'ed to the clients)03:56
=== bmonty wants ldap/kerberos/openafs running on his network
=== Yagisan thinks you may was well chuck in true ddns and ipsec opportunistic encryption while you are at it
bmontynah, I just want single sign on03:58
YagisanI wanted a single sign on too, that's part of the reason my network is moving to thin clients03:59
Yagisanit's so much easier to administer *1* box03:59
=== Yagisan wishes he had a bigger network to play with
bmontythe problem is that the ldap/kerberos stuff is a bitch to configure04:00
bmontyand there isn't good docs04:00
YagisanI know :( and it's even worse if you need to integrate MS Active Directory into it04:01
bmontyI wanted it to work for my linux boxes first, and then I was going to try and get my wife's XP box in on the mix04:02
Yagisanbmonty: the last time I tried (a few years ago to get a distinction for a networking course, it was a true pain in the arse, as the crap MS ADDC needed to be the master, with MSDNS)04:04
bmontyI've never tried to mix AD and anything else, but I know if your DNS isn't set up correctly AD will refuse to work04:05
Yagisanas it a) breaks the ldap spec, b) breaks the dns spec, c) breaks the kerberos spec04:05
bmontyand the DNS breakage can be very subtle04:05
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bmontywhen you hold a monopoly...who needs specs?04:06
Yagisanbmonty: Personally, I'd like to see them help liable and punished effectively for their abuses, but as long as businesses have limited liablity04:07
Yagisantheir will be no ethical behaviour from them04:08
bmontyexcept nobody cares, because there are only a very few people that care about integrating MS stuff with anything else04:09
Yagisanbmonty: people like me, that do phased migrations away from their systems, care. We just don't get listened to.04:10
bmontyexactly, you are costing them money so it is not in MS's best interest to solve your issues04:11
Yagisanbmonty: yep, we are voting with out feet. They cost us money, now we are leaving - it's not in our best interests to continue with products that are not suitable for the intended job04:13
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=== Yagisan marvels at 8 bug reports for his package all caused because the user doesn't have alsa set up correctly
Yagisanwow, timidity really uses a lot of cpu time04:25
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elektranoxcan sb. tell me why "/usr/share/doc/debian-policy/menu-policy.html/ch2.html#s2.1" doesn't exist on my system?05:22
lfittlelektranox: do you have debian-policy installed?05:27
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CGAhi all09:24
CGAi'm trying to compile E17 and its libs from CVS on my system (ubuntu breezy) but i get an error when compiling evas (a EFL library) because it needs Xorg compiled with XShm.h , what can i do about it?  why didn't you guys compile X with that header? -- i have already been in #ubuntu but didn't help much09:25
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raphinkhi there09:48
raphinkmerry xmas everyone09:48
=== MasterC [n=chans@dslb-084-060-229-079.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
MasterChi :)10:07
MasterCwhen will the libdbus dependencies problems be fixed?10:08
raphinkhi MasterC10:09
MasterCmany packages (like banshee) are linked against libdbus1-1, but its not available10:09
MasterCin dapper10:09
raphinkno idea10:10
BurglaptopMasterC: should be mostly solved now10:11
MasterCoh, I see10:11
MasterCbanshee is fixed10:11
MasterCI tried it one hour ago, sry :)10:11
MasterCwell done, thank you10:12
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nomedhi all11:46
nomedis there a tutorial to generate packages like ubuntu-artwork ?11:46
nomedi see that ubuntu has in roadmap to support somehow metaditros ... i would try to make my own artwork package trying to follow ubuntu "standards" ..11:47
nomedmainly for training ...11:48
=== thierry [n=thierry@modemcable084.72-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Sepheebearnomed: just d/l the ubuntu-artwork package and model yours off of that12:01

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