apokryphos | tenshi: or just use the one that suits you best, disregarding prejudices ;-) | 12:00 |
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labandus | ok i've got it thanks for your help apokryphos | 12:00 |
tenshi | hehe right ^^ | 12:00 |
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no0tic | apokryphos, with ctrl, alt, shift, works just fine, but Fn don't send keycodes | 12:00 |
apokryphos | no0tic: odd. It should in theory take in any key-press that X recognises. | 12:01 |
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tenshi | i used k3b with gnome and it made my mouse lag | 12:01 |
no0tic | apokryphos, I think | 12:01 |
Evil_Whisper | apokryphos: http://img468.imageshack.us/img468/268/screenshot14pr.png | 12:01 |
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soundray | I'm trying to bugfix a perl script that uses *= to assign a variable. What does this operator do? | 12:01 |
Evil_Whisper | apokryphos: Its not that noticeable with that GTK theme but its not gradient like the rest | 12:01 |
santa_shadox | very merry X-mas all of you -XXX- -XXX- | 12:01 |
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toya__ | does my panel come with gnome or metacity? | 12:02 |
apokryphos | Evil_Whisper: suffice it to say it looks perfect there 8) | 12:02 |
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toya__ | and how about the theme feature | 12:02 |
apokryphos | toya__: metacity is the window manager -- gnome is the desktop environment. | 12:02 |
Evil_Whisper | apokryphos: it looks a lot worse if I switch GTK themes | 12:02 |
tenshi | my panel is located at the middle of my desktop at every startup, if a change its settings it goes back to the bottom, what might be wrong? | 12:02 |
chris_ | I need help installing AIM on Ubuntu 5.1 | 12:02 |
toya__ | apokryphos, how do i know which comes from which, im thinking abt switching to fvwm so i should know that | 12:02 |
Evil_Whisper | apokryphos: it doesn't change with the opera theme | 12:03 |
chris_ | I know I can install GAIM but I prefer AIm | 12:03 |
apokryphos | Evil_Whisper: it shouldn't actually change anything, in theory, unless you're running some kind of gtk2 engine. Opera is Qt. | 12:03 |
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chris_ | well not install GAIM, since it comes with 5.1 | 12:03 |
Evil_Whisper | apokryphos: I'm running Gnome though not KDE | 12:03 |
apokryphos | toya__: which comes from which? What do you mean? The default WM in GNOME is metacity | 12:03 |
toya__ | chris_, just go to aim website and check in the download page if it has a linux version | 12:03 |
apokryphos | Evil_Whisper: I know, but Opera uses Qt (on Linux, anyway), so GTK changes shouldn't really affect anything other than the window-decoration. | 12:04 |
toya__ | apokryphos, if i uninstall metacity do i still have the panel? | 12:04 |
tenshi | i have some problems with the gnome panel, can someone help me? | 12:04 |
Evil_Whisper | apokryphos: See this screenshot for my problem | 12:04 |
toya__ | tenshi, maybe i can | 12:04 |
apokryphos | toya__: oh, I wouldn't know; worth trying out. I don't use either of them :) | 12:04 |
chris_ | I've gone to AIM's site, but I confused on how to install | 12:04 |
Evil_Whisper | apokryphos: http://img468.imageshack.us/img468/7965/screenshot25qa.png | 12:04 |
toya__ | apokryphos, ok thx | 12:04 |
chris_ | I'm quite new to linux | 12:05 |
toya__ | chris_, did you download the linux version? | 12:05 |
chris_ | 2 days new in fact | 12:05 |
chris_ | yup | 12:05 |
toya__ | chris_, im like 4 days | 12:05 |
Evil_Whisper | apokryphos: See? | 12:05 |
chris_ | the t.gz | 12:05 |
chris_ | oops | 12:05 |
toya__ | chris_, go to where the file is located | 12:05 |
chris_ | .tgz** | 12:05 |
tenshi | ok toya, at the startup my panels is located in the middle of the screen, if i change itsa settings it goes back to the bottom | 12:05 |
chris_ | yup | 12:05 |
apokryphos | Evil_Whisper: I see. Time to whip out a bug report for the Opera guys =) | 12:05 |
tenshi | wehat might be wrong? | 12:05 |
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toya__ | tenshi, a sec | 12:06 |
Evil_Whisper | apokryphos: I'm running that using --style default | 12:06 |
tenshi | sure | 12:06 |
toya__ | chris_, to install it | 12:06 |
chris_ | okayI'm there toya | 12:06 |
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toya__ | chris_, go to where it is | 12:06 |
chris_ | yup | 12:06 |
Agrajag | chris_: AIM for linux is pretty useless | 12:06 |
Agrajag | it's not a port of the windows version | 12:06 |
toya__ | chris_, umm | 12:06 |
toya__ | chris_, im not sure if its a tgz | 12:06 |
apokryphos | Evil_Whisper: what happens if you just run opera directly? | 12:06 |
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Dr_Willis | Well it can do messages :P | 12:06 |
rabbit1 | what's the best way to share a partition between linux/windows ?? (file system format) I mean.. can you do that? | 12:06 |
apokryphos | Evil_Whisper: without any extra style options | 12:06 |
toya__ | chris_, does it have a readme in the site? | 12:06 |
dsas | rabbit1: using ext2 or 3 | 12:07 |
Dr_Willis | rabbit1, depends on which way you want to share mainly. | 12:07 |
chris_ | sort of | 12:07 |
Evil_Whisper | apokryphos: The line in the middle is huge and the menu's suck | 12:07 |
dsas | well sorry, fat is probably the best way | 12:07 |
chris_ | slight yet vague instructions | 12:07 |
rabbit1 | what do you mean Dr Willis? | 12:07 |
toya__ | tenshi, you can set it to stick to the left, right, bottom, up, when its expanded | 12:07 |
chris_ | I extraceted it in the terminal | 12:07 |
apokryphos | Evil_Whisper: go for a bug report. Opera guys are very good with responding/acting on them =) | 12:07 |
rabbit1 | Can windows read ext2 or 3? | 12:07 |
toya__ | tenshi, when its not expanded if its pretty small you can drag and drop to move it around | 12:07 |
Agrajag | yes | 12:07 |
chris_ | and tried to run it, but it won't work | 12:07 |
dsas | rabbit1: only with an extra driver... | 12:07 |
Dr_Willis | rabbit1, with THIS it can ---> http://www.fs-driver.org/ | 12:07 |
Dr_Willis | :0 | 12:07 |
no0tic | rabbit1, only with proper software | 12:07 |
tenshi | toya: yes i think, mom, ill try ^^ | 12:07 |
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toya__ | tenshi, not sure, but sometimes mine goes back for some weird reason | 12:08 |
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Evil_Whisper | apokryphos: I've tried on the forums but they pretty much just say well use KDE | 12:08 |
rabbit1 | cool, but fat32 without drivers??? | 12:08 |
apokryphos | Evil_Whisper: they're sounding like Linus ;-) | 12:08 |
rabbit1 | fat is supposedly less reliable compared with ntfs though right?? (this is just for data though) | 12:08 |
tenshi | toya: i dont have any problems with the panel exapt at the very beginning | 12:08 |
Evil_Whisper | apokryphos: Yeah :( | 12:08 |
tenshi | toya: there it is located in the middle of my desktop | 12:09 |
chris_ | I even tried to tranfer the files into the /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/lib directory | 12:09 |
Evil_Whisper | apokryphos: I don't like KDE's themes or window decorations so I don't use it :( | 12:09 |
apokryphos | Evil_Whisper: forget the forum -- fill out a bug report. | 12:09 |
tenshi | toya: for no visible reason | 12:09 |
chris_ | but it still doesn't work | 12:09 |
rabbit1 | ?? | 12:09 |
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apokryphos | Evil_Whisper: there's many themes, though; you don't like them all? :) | 12:09 |
Evil_Whisper | apokryphos: How would I do that? It looks fine in KDE | 12:09 |
chris_ | Are you still there toya? | 12:09 |
Dr_Willis | rabbit1, if you want the linux Os to have full r/w access to the data - you will want either keep it on fat32, or keep it on the linux side and use that tool to let windows have full access to it.. So it all depends. | 12:09 |
Evil_Whisper | apokryphos: I've never found a nice window decoration | 12:09 |
Dr_Willis | rabbit1, which is why i said earlier --> depends on which way you want to share mainly. | 12:09 |
=== UrbanFox [n=urbanfox@68-118-240-62.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
toya__ | tenshi, i set mine to not expand, it was like 80% wide of screen and i put it on bottom left and the little space left on bottom right i put another panel for my launchers that stick to the right sometime after i log in it goes to bottom middle and screw things up (overlap with my other panel) | 12:09 |
rabbit1 | I see | 12:09 |
dsas | rabbit1: you can't write to ntfs using linux, except with captive-ntfs, which isn't really favoured. | 12:10 |
rabbit1 | yeah | 12:10 |
yuacht | How can i make ubuntu generate the sv_SE locale? | 12:10 |
rabbit1 | so I heard | 12:10 |
apokryphos | Evil_Whisper: Knifty and Plastik are ok -- checked out those? | 12:10 |
toya__ | tenshi, as in middle middle or bottom middle? | 12:10 |
Evil_Whisper | I'll check out Knifty | 12:10 |
rabbit1 | is fat32 okay reliability wise? | 12:10 |
tenshi | toya: ubuntu forums told me to reset my | 12:10 |
tenshi | ups ^^ | 12:10 |
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rabbit1 | win98 was on that right? | 12:10 |
apokryphos | Evil_Whisper: for bug reports.... http://opera.com/support/bugs/ | 12:10 |
tenshi | toya: middle middle | 12:10 |
toya__ | tenshi, from what i tried is the aligning to the bottom, etc will work perfectly only if you set it to expand | 12:10 |
Evil_Whisper | apokryphos: I'm looking for a decoration like clearlooks or human | 12:10 |
rabbit1 | ntfs is supposed to be more reliable.. | 12:10 |
apokryphos | Evil_Whisper: suffice it to say there are loads of wide-ranging windecs out now, thanks to deKorator -- it's made it possible for *anyone* to trivially make a windec. | 12:10 |
rabbit1 | should I feel safe going with fat32 ? | 12:10 |
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rabbit1 | for data anyway? | 12:11 |
apokryphos | rabbit1: yes | 12:11 |
toya__ | tenshi, you can drag and drop to move it if its not expanded | 12:11 |
rabbit1 | okay | 12:11 |
rabbit1 | thanks | 12:11 |
Evil_Whisper | apokryphos: Cool how much space does KDE take? | 12:11 |
Dr_Willis | rabbit1, if you want to keep your data safe - you do not want to risk linux writuing to it from NTFS.. so either keep it on linux ext3, or fat32 | 12:11 |
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apokryphos | Evil_Whisper: few hundred I'd say. | 12:11 |
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apokryphos | Evil_Whisper: you can have it on Ubuntu with one command =) | 12:11 |
jimferd | Hello. | 12:11 |
tenshi | toya: im not quiet sure if i got this right, but thank you | 12:11 |
Evil_Whisper | apokryphos: Would It be possible to use konqueror in gnome? | 12:11 |
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toya__ | tenshi, sorry can't help much, you can try #gnome i guess | 12:11 |
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toya__ | tenshi, i won't bother coz im planning to get rid of it | 12:12 |
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Evil_Whisper | apokryphos: For both filemanager, desktop, and browser? | 12:12 |
tenshi | toya: thats good to know, thanks | 12:12 |
rabbit1 | thanks Dr. Willis. what's the diff between ext2 and ext3 ?? | 12:12 |
apokryphos | Evil_Whisper: indeed, but if you're using Konqueror you're half way there, tbh ;-) | 12:12 |
sonics | 0000:02:09.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs: Unknown device 0008 | 12:12 |
sonics | <- linux knows I got this card, but it's not shown in my sounds settings. default soundcard box is empty ? | 12:12 |
Dr_Willis | rabbit1, use ext3 :) | 12:12 |
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m9dhatter | does anyone have a handy pppoe reconnect script? | 12:12 |
Dr_Willis | ext2 + journeling = ext3 | 12:12 |
rabbit1 | why? fat32 is easier? | 12:12 |
Evil_Whisper | apokryphos: I know i just prefer metacity and gnome panel over Kicker & KDEWM | 12:12 |
rabbit1 | what's journeling? | 12:12 |
apokryphos | Evil_Whisper: yes, of course. Any KDE apps run under GNOME fine (if not as speedy, though). | 12:12 |
=== `Uncle` [n=sk8ter_b@71-12-104-158.dhcp.mtgm.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dr_Willis | rabbit1, now is the time to start reading some fundamentals of filesystems and Linux i think,. LOL. | 12:12 |
Evil_Whisper | apokryphos: Could konqueror be used to draw the desktop? | 12:13 |
chris_ | toya, did you forget about me? | 12:13 |
apokryphos | Evil_Whisper: kicker with taskbar v2 and better icon set is quite good :P | 12:13 |
rabbit1 | haha, yeah probably... sorry | 12:13 |
Dr_Willis | rabbit1, its a very interesting topic. - What is this "critical" data anyway? | 12:13 |
jimferd | I have a question: I'm installing something with Wine, and it's multiple CDs. I've made images of the CDs, but how would I mount them so that I can use all four of them? The installer doesn't give me the option to point to where the next files are located, so I have no idea what to do. | 12:13 |
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apokryphos | Evil_Whisper: nope, the WM does that. | 12:13 |
rabbit1 | just regular data, haha | 12:13 |
Dr_Willis | jimferd, it dosent even ask for you to change cd's ? | 12:13 |
apokryphos | Evil_Whisper: I'll show you my kicker screeny, for example :P | 12:13 |
jimferd | It does ask me to change CDs, yes | 12:14 |
jimferd | So the first CD works fine, but I can't give it the second one | 12:14 |
`Uncle` | I am TOTALLY new to learning linux.. and i want to try out ubuntu.. is this a good Distro for a TOTAL new user of linux? | 12:14 |
`Uncle` | I am TOTALLY new to learning linux.. and i want to try out ubuntu.. is this a good Distro for a TOTAL new user of linux? | 12:14 |
Evil_Whisper | apokryphos: ok | 12:14 |
rabbit1 | yeah Uncle! | 12:14 |
jimferd | Uncle: Yes, it's very good. | 12:14 |
KurtKraut | `Uncle` Yes, it is. But never repeat your messages in a brief time. | 12:14 |
rabbit1 | heh | 12:14 |
Dr_Willis | jimferd, then unmount the cd.. pop in 2nd cd.. mount it.. and hit ok.. You may need to disable all the auto-mounting feature of ubuntu/gnome. | 12:14 |
`Uncle` | sorry | 12:14 |
jimferd | I have ISOs of them too, but I also have the cds. | 12:15 |
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Gatorade | ok I'm gonna create a second partition running ubuntu if anyone has anything to say say it now | 12:15 |
`Uncle` | Is there a way i can "try" it, instead of just downloading it and having to clear out the whole windows? | 12:15 |
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jimferd | I tried to unmount the cds, but it said device was busy. | 12:15 |
`Uncle` | Also, how do i "create" a partition | 12:15 |
Dr_Willis | `Uncle`, check out the Ubuntu Live cd.. and other live cd's | 12:15 |
jimferd | Uncle: Try a live CD, if they have one. | 12:15 |
Gatorade | Good quesion Uncle!! | 12:15 |
Gatorade | I've been trying ask that all day | 12:15 |
jimferd | Uncle: When you install Linux, it will allow you to create partitions (or even do it for you) for your Linux installation | 12:15 |
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jimferd | How do I disable the automount? | 12:15 |
apokryphos | Evil_Whisper: http://giannaros.org/kicker.jpg | 12:16 |
Dr_Willis | Gatorade, normally You would resize your existing partitions to free up some 'unallocated' space on the hd.. then let the installer partion it. | 12:16 |
Evil_Whisper | apokryphos: 404 Not Found | 12:16 |
Dr_Willis | the installer may be able to resize - not sure. Never tried it that way :P | 12:16 |
rabbit1 | it can | 12:16 |
apokryphos | Evil_Whisper: whoops, ok -- retry | 12:16 |
rabbit1 | it can resize.... | 12:16 |
apokryphos | Evil_Whisper: the mini-screenies of apps on hover is actually quite handy | 12:16 |
rabbit1 | but defragment your drive first! | 12:17 |
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jimferd | Are you sure? I don't think the installer can resize an already-existing partition. | 12:17 |
rabbit1 | yeah.... hang on | 12:17 |
jimferd | I'd be really worried about that. | 12:17 |
Evil_Whisper | apokryphos: I'll give KDE a try | 12:17 |
apokryphos | =) | 12:17 |
DonVincenzo | When I close a session I go back to a blank screen instead of the login screen, since I installed the proprietary ATI drivers. Can anyone help me ? | 12:17 |
apokryphos | Evil_Whisper: I gotta dash for a bit now, but be sure to come to #kubuntu to let us know what you think and/or any problems/issues you have :) | 12:17 |
Evil_Whisper | apokryphos: Is it possible to maintain the Ubuntu Boot Splash? | 12:17 |
Evil_Whisper | ok | 12:17 |
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rabbit1 | resize windows ntfs partition: step 7.2: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo | 12:18 |
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apokryphos | Evil_Whisper: very easily. Just keep ubuntu-artwork-splash (and don't install kubuntu-artwork-splash) | 12:18 |
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rabbit1 | *might not work, see down the page | 12:18 |
`Uncle` | what is a .iso file? (i am going to download the live cd) | 12:19 |
jimferd | An ISO file is an image of a CD. | 12:19 |
Gatorade | Is 10.28 GB enough space to run linux? | 12:19 |
toya__ | `Uncle`, its a cd image | 12:19 |
Gatorade | on another partion | 12:19 |
jimferd | Heck yes. | 12:19 |
`Uncle` | image? | 12:19 |
jimferd | Gatorade: Yes, that's more than enough | 12:19 |
=== Smerdykov [i=Alexei_S@209-112-150-140-dial-as8.fai.acsalaska.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gatorade | cool | 12:19 |
`Uncle` | Why do i want to download a IMAGE of a cd | 12:19 |
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jimferd | Gatorade: I would recommend at least 2GB, but the more the merrier. | 12:19 |
toya__ | `Uncle`, its not 'picture' image | 12:19 |
jimferd | Because then you can burn that on a real CD, gatorade | 12:19 |
jimferd | er Uncle, not gatorade | 12:20 |
toya__ | `Uncle`, its basicly a file of what a cd is like | 12:20 |
rabbit1 | so jimferd, I think you can resize partitions... according to that install guide | 12:20 |
`Uncle` | Ok.. | 12:20 |
jimferd | Uncle: It's basically a CD that's on your hard drive. It's all the data on a CD. | 12:20 |
toya__ | rabbit1, yes you can | 12:20 |
jimferd | Ok cool rabbit1 | 12:20 |
Smerdykov | does anyone know where I can find a windows support channel...? | 12:20 |
Smerdykov | *SHUN'D* | 12:20 |
rabbit1 | :P | 12:20 |
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jimferd | Probibly not on a Ubuntu server | 12:21 |
=== Gatorade wonders if there are any other live CD's besides ubuntu | ||
`Uncle` | Ok, so when i downloaded the .iso file for one of the live cds | 12:21 |
`Uncle` | now what | 12:21 |
Smerdykov | yeah I just figured this was a good place to ask | 12:21 |
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Smerdykov | because chances are most of you have dealt with windows and its shit in the past | 12:21 |
rabbit1 | gatorade: live cds: http://www.frozentech.com/content/livecd.php | 12:21 |
Gatorade | My live CD wouldn't run my mouse | 12:21 |
jimferd | Uncle: Burn it on a CD with Nero, or whatever CD burning software you have. | 12:21 |
madars_ | hello all | 12:21 |
Dr_Willis | `Uncle`, use a program like 'burn at once' to burn it to a cd. | 12:21 |
jimferd | And ba-zing. | 12:21 |
madars_ | i am from latvia | 12:21 |
madars_ | :) | 12:21 |
Smerdykov | dude | 12:21 |
jimferd | Cool. | 12:21 |
Smerdykov | I met a latvian girl once | 12:22 |
Smerdykov | she was uber hot | 12:22 |
Smerdykov | what's the hotness percentage over there/ | 12:22 |
madars_ | i want ask you-all who distribution you use | 12:22 |
madars_ | ? | 12:22 |
Gatorade | thanks rabbit! | 12:22 |
jimferd | All Latvian girls are super hot, duh. | 12:22 |
Dr_Willis | `Uncle`, http://www.burnatonce.com/index.htm?downloads | 12:22 |
jimferd | madars_ : Ubunto 5.10 | 12:22 |
`Uncle` | ok and whats that | 12:22 |
madars_ | :) | 12:22 |
Dr_Willis | a program to burn isos to cd :P | 12:22 |
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Smerdykov | I'm so going to latvia... | 12:22 |
Gatorade | Knoppix is the most popular right? | 12:22 |
jimferd | Burn-At-Once is a free cd burning software to put your ISO onto the CD. | 12:22 |
madars_ | hm latvian girl is hot but latvian girls is only for latvian man | 12:23 |
madars_ | :DD | 12:23 |
tescoil | Friend has some linux source that's screwing up in compile evidently because it was written on a MS platform (DOS line breaks)... | 12:23 |
Smerdykov | dude | 12:23 |
Smerdykov | I could pull off the latvian shit | 12:23 |
Smerdykov | ... | 12:23 |
Smerdykov | except I don't speak latvian | 12:23 |
Dr_Willis | tescoil, there are dos2linux converter tools out that remove the CR/LF issues | 12:23 |
madars_ | ;) | 12:23 |
tescoil | Dr_Willis: thas what I was askin. | 12:23 |
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madars_ | Smerdykov, for where you are? | 12:24 |
madars_ | from | 12:24 |
tescoil | Is that standard onboard stuff? | 12:24 |
Smerdykov | alaska | 12:24 |
jimferd | Soviet Russia! | 12:24 |
jimferd | Close enough | 12:24 |
Smerdykov | AHHH MOTHERLAND | 12:24 |
jimferd | But I am le tired. | 12:24 |
Smerdykov | I wish I was from soviet russia | 12:24 |
`Uncle` | Dr_Willis | 12:24 |
Smerdykov | that's where I stole this awesome name | 12:24 |
toya__ | lol? | 12:24 |
`Uncle` | What is burnatonce | 12:24 |
jenda | No you do not... | 12:24 |
Smerdykov | PWND | 12:24 |
jimferd | Then take a nap - and FIRE ZE MISSLES. | 12:24 |
Dr_Willis | tescoil, depending on the exact issue. theres proberly a dozen examples you can google that do the job in perl, or a shell script, or other ways.. its a common 'issue' then theres the dos2unix tools. | 12:24 |
jenda | lol | 12:24 |
jimferd | Burnatonce is a program that will burn an ISO onto a cd. | 12:24 |
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Dr_Willis | `Uncle`, a program to burn isos to cd :P | 12:24 |
toya__ | but im le tired | 12:25 |
`Uncle` | Ok.. | 12:25 |
Smerdykov | that was probably the funniest flash animation ever | 12:25 |
AndyR | lo all | 12:25 |
Dr_Willis | for the 3rd time :P | 12:25 |
jimferd | You'll download the Live CD ISO, then use BurnAtOnce to burn it onto a CD. | 12:25 |
madars_ | Smerdykov, give me link to flash | 12:25 |
Smerdykov | god I want linux | 12:25 |
Smerdykov | it's on ebaumsworld.com | 12:25 |
Smerdykov | it's called end of the world | 12:25 |
tescoil | Dr_Willis: tnx | 12:25 |
=== MagicTim [n=tmlukejo@80-44-183-93.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jimferd | Linux makes me happy. | 12:25 |
madars_ | ok | 12:25 |
rabbit1 | has anyone here used Fedora? and how do you think it compares to Ubuntu?? | 12:25 |
jimferd | It's basically the key to success in life. | 12:25 |
Smerdykov | linux makes me...other things | 12:25 |
linkd | jimferd: i know the feeling :P | 12:25 |
=== stenro [n=stenro@CPE0040052effb6-CM000f9f566d14.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MagicTim | greetings to you all - im a total newbie but popped in to say hi | 12:26 |
jimferd | I've used Fedora. Ubuntu is better because it contains less crap and is more user-friendly. | 12:26 |
jimferd | Hello MagicTim. | 12:26 |
jimferd | What's goin' on ? | 12:26 |
toya__ | jimferd have you used slackwar and gentoo? | 12:26 |
=== jenda is now known as jenda-zZz | ||
Smerdykov | I decided on ubuntu over fedora last night for that very reason | 12:26 |
MagicTim | not much | 12:26 |
MagicTim | just finished my ubuntu install so am rather chuffed | 12:26 |
johndarkhorse | MagicTim: is that like polished? | 12:26 |
Smerdykov | I can't name any other distros besides ubuntu and redhat | 12:26 |
MagicTim | yeah! | 12:27 |
`Uncle` | I have a question - once i have linux downloaded, what IRC client do i use | 12:27 |
jimferd | My favorite is Ubuntu | 12:27 |
jimferd | Uncle: X-Chat. | 12:27 |
`Uncle` | Can i still use Nonamescript, or do i have to run one for linux | 12:27 |
toya__ | `Uncle`, xchat | 12:27 |
jimferd | Or BitchX | 12:27 |
Smerdykov | your friendly mIRC | 12:27 |
`Uncle` | X-chat.. ugh | 12:27 |
linkd | `Uncle`: whatever u like, xchat is the most popular one hto | 12:27 |
gnomefreak | xchat,bitchx,irssi | 12:27 |
yatesy | yea right :P | 12:27 |
tenshi | use the preinstalled ^^ | 12:27 |
rabbit1 | are those console apps? | 12:28 |
Smerdykov | I thought mIRC was the pwn0rs | 12:28 |
gnomefreak | theres about 30 of them :( | 12:28 |
yatesy | last 2 are | 12:28 |
Smerdykov | god I feel like a nerd, I'm starting to talk liek one | 12:28 |
jimferd | Uncle: you'll likely want to stick with x-Chat -- it's the easiest. | 12:28 |
=== AndyR had used mandrake, yellowdog and redhat before ubuntu | ||
yatesy | mIRC sucks ass | 12:28 |
`Uncle` | Ok... | 12:28 |
tenshi | what means pwn0rs?? | 12:28 |
gnomefreak | mirc isnt on linux | 12:28 |
toya__ | lol | 12:28 |
jimferd | mIRC: By terrorists, is terrible. | 12:28 |
yatesy | AndyR: unlucky :P | 12:28 |
Smerdykov | oh rly? | 12:28 |
`Uncle` | And i have to run firefox, dont i? | 12:28 |
`Uncle` | Instead of internet explorer | 12:28 |
jimferd | Or Opera | 12:28 |
Smerdykov | I was under the impression mIRC was the best, for beginners at least | 12:28 |
jimferd | Yes, no IE on Linux. | 12:28 |
yatesy | hahaha | 12:28 |
toya__ | `Uncle`, firefox owns | 12:28 |
Smerdykov | should I uprgrade | 12:28 |
jimferd | Jesus, why would you WANT to run IE? | 12:28 |
`Uncle` | Ok..... | 12:28 |
gnomefreak | m in mIRC = microcrap i mean soft | 12:28 |
tenshi | hey, pls tell me... what does pw0ners mean ^^ | 12:28 |
Dr_Willis | Firefox truely blows away IE. | 12:28 |
toya__ | `Uncle`, just don't use 1.5 yet | 12:28 |
jimferd | I ran Firefox on Windows, too. | 12:28 |
yatesy | `Uncle`: linux isn't windows pal :P | 12:28 |
jimferd | Oh without doubt, firefox is amazing. | 12:29 |
Smerdykov | maybe he wants spyware | 12:29 |
`Uncle` | Ok.... | 12:29 |
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AndyR | whats so wrong with xchat? | 12:29 |
jimferd | Yeah, Uncle: He's absolutely right. Linux is not Windows. It's very different. | 12:29 |
gnomefreak | you dont HAVE to use FF | 12:29 |
rabbit1 | it says to use XChat on the ubuntu site | 12:29 |
`Uncle` | Ok,. | 12:29 |
linkd | i want IE on linux, so i can use it for testing of sites and javascript compatibility | 12:29 |
Smerdykov | it doesnt fuck up your homebuild | 12:29 |
`Uncle` | What comes installed WITH unbuntu | 12:29 |
Dr_Willis | I even use Xchat Under windows. | 12:29 |
`Uncle` | firefox.. xchat | 12:29 |
linkd | but i have no desire to use it for other than that. | 12:29 |
toya__ | linkd, download ie tab extension | 12:29 |
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Smerdykov | you could run VMware or something | 12:29 |
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linkd | toya__: for linux firefox? o0 | 12:29 |
toya__ | linkd, firefox is firefox | 12:30 |
gnomefreak | Dr_Willis, so do i since i found the free Xchat for win | 12:30 |
jimferd | Uncle: Lots of stuff. Also, it's got a cool package manager thing: you type in what you want, it downloads it and installs it for you. | 12:30 |
madars_ | which is the best alternative of windows media player in linux? i want wach video in ebaumsworld.com but i cant | 12:30 |
RossH | whyoe | 12:30 |
AndyR | i used to dual boot linux/windows but i have fully dumped windows now | 12:30 |
toya__ | madars_, arent they in flash? | 12:30 |
linkd | toya__: yes but im drawing a distinction between a ported version of IE within firefox and firefox using activex IE on windows. | 12:30 |
toya__ | i would use vlcplayer | 12:30 |
rem_ | use xine madars or totem with xine plug .. | 12:30 |
toya__ | its pretty amazing | 12:30 |
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Dr_Willis | vlc is dang handy | 12:30 |
toya__ | linkd, dual boot? | 12:30 |
rem_ | reads just about anything .. | 12:30 |
toya__ | even unfinished file really well | 12:31 |
toya__ | ok guys poll, xmmx vs mplayer | 12:31 |
toya__ | xmms** | 12:31 |
linkd | toya__: yes... but thats not what i said, i would rather not be rebooting to play with changes.. thus i would want IE on linux | 12:31 |
linkd | toya__: which doesnt exist ;) | 12:31 |
=== Smerdykov [i=Alexei_S@209-112-150-140-dial-as8.fai.acsalaska.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | brb gotta try to send a bug | 12:31 |
Dr_Willis | toya__, they are sort of made for diffrent things. :p | 12:31 |
rem_ | linkd -> did yuo try with "Wine" ..? | 12:32 |
no0tic | toya__, different things ;) | 12:32 |
toya__ | oh yea wine | 12:32 |
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=== Smerdykov [i=Alexei_S@209-112-150-140-dial-as8.fai.acsalaska.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Smerdykov | I hate to ask again | 12:32 |
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Smerdykov | but can anyone direct me to a channel populated with people who could possibly assist me with windows crap | 12:33 |
Gatorade | lol | 12:33 |
gnomefreak | #windows | 12:33 |
`Uncle` | Whats wine | 12:33 |
Smerdykov | hmm | 12:33 |
Smerdykov | gracias | 12:33 |
gnomefreak | yw | 12:33 |
Smerdykov | soon I will wash my hands of this infernal OS | 12:33 |
rem_ | Wine is a program to emulate windows apps .. | 12:33 |
toya__ | `Uncle`, windows emulator to run windows programs | 12:33 |
`Uncle` | Oooo | 12:33 |
`Uncle` | i think id like that lol | 12:33 |
kaffeend | are we still using wine? | 12:33 |
Gatorade | How do I convert a torrnet to an iso file?? | 12:33 |
toya__ | whats a tornet -.-"? | 12:34 |
kaffeend | lol | 12:34 |
toya__ | torrent? | 12:34 |
`Uncle` | And i heard linux can run servers (irc servers) from your home internet box? | 12:34 |
Gatorade | I tried downloading Knoppix and it only let me download a torrent of it lol | 12:34 |
toya__ | `Uncle`, not necessarily linux i think | 12:34 |
m9dhatter | Gatorade: you cannot convert a torrent to an iso file. it was not meant for that | 12:34 |
`Uncle` | oh | 12:34 |
Smerdykov | wow | 12:34 |
toya__ | Gatorade, torrent is used by bittorrent programs | 12:34 |
no0tic | `Uncle`, not only linux :) | 12:34 |
toya__ | hard to explain | 12:34 |
linkd | rem_: i would want a native port, incidently no it doesnt run in wine | 12:34 |
Smerdykov | the windows channel is dead | 12:34 |
Gatorade | So how am I supposed to burn it then toya?? | 12:35 |
toya__ | wiki bittorrent | 12:35 |
Gatorade | as a live cd | 12:35 |
rem_ | gatorade ... try linuxiso.org or distrowatch.org ...they should have links to .iso .. | 12:35 |
toya__ | bittorrent is like a p2p program | 12:35 |
Smerdykov | linux, how I pine for thee | 12:35 |
=== HeartBT [n=chill@71-13-230-16.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
`Uncle` | ohGrrrr | 12:35 |
`Uncle` | This is confusin' | 12:35 |
no0tic | `Uncle`, what's confusing? | 12:35 |
kaffeend | what's up, Uncle? | 12:35 |
toya__ | i really want an explanation of slackware vs gentoo | 12:36 |
`Uncle` | Dad is trying to explain how to boot from CD | 12:36 |
`Uncle` | and he has no idea how to run linux | 12:36 |
rem_ | thats the best I can think of .. | 12:36 |
Smerdykov | how long do those damn ubuntu cds take | 12:36 |
eobanb | toya__, it comes down to both philosophical differences and technical ones. | 12:36 |
rem_ | ...or run a 2nd windows box and terminal server into it ... | 12:36 |
toya__ | eobanb, do you know if apps in gentoo only come in portage? | 12:36 |
=== leagris [n=leagris_@mama.noiraude.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
leagris | kkou | 12:36 |
mwe | and gentoo is source based whereas slack is not | 12:36 |
toya__ | eobanb, coz i dont want to compile all the time | 12:36 |
no0tic | Smerdykov, what's the problem? | 12:36 |
eobanb | toya__, then gentoo is probably not for you. | 12:37 |
no0tic | mwe, well also slackware was built :) | 12:37 |
kaffeend | wow - installing Ubuntu really is a straight forward affair... and I'm a complete n00b! :P | 12:37 |
`Uncle` | Is xchat\mozilla firefox included in the packages thing?? | 12:37 |
mwe | no0tic: yes, and windows | 12:37 |
toya__ | `Uncle`, yeah | 12:37 |
eobanb | kaffeend, glad to hear you were successful | 12:37 |
leagris | merry Christmass to all ubuntu man and girls | 12:37 |
no0tic | mwe, :) | 12:37 |
toya__ | merry christmas 2u2 | 12:37 |
`Uncle` | Ok.. | 12:37 |
`Uncle` | what else | 12:37 |
`Uncle` | is wine? | 12:37 |
kaffeend | eobanb I was successful TWICE :D | 12:37 |
toya__ | `Uncle`, so do you know how to rune the live cd again? | 12:37 |
eobanb | `Uncle`, what software are you interested in? | 12:37 |
eobanb | wine does not come installed, but it is available from the repository. | 12:37 |
Gatorade | ugh Why can't I get a Knoppix live cd iso?? :( | 12:38 |
toya__ | `Uncle`, if you're a noob like me, don't switch to linux right away | 12:38 |
kaffeend | I stuffed up my first install lol | 12:38 |
`Uncle` | Im not toya | 12:38 |
`Uncle` | im making a live cd disk | 12:38 |
rem_ | gatorade ... try linuxiso.org or distrowatch.org ...they should have links to .iso .. | 12:38 |
Gatorade | thanks | 12:38 |
rem_ | for knoppix | 12:38 |
toya__ | `Uncle`, oh, i thought you were asking how to boot from cd | 12:38 |
`Uncle` | No i know how to configure to do thta | 12:38 |
no0tic | leagris, Gatorade you can download from bittorrent | 12:38 |
no0tic | leagris, sorry :) | 12:38 |
=== FelaKuti [n=Willie@adsl-68-93-134-207.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mwe | or knoppix.net | 12:39 |
kaffeend | word of advice to anyone installing or about to install Ubuntu - Read | 12:39 |
=== goodi [n=dn@p5089DC8B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
no0tic | Gatorade, there's gnome-bittorrent to help you downloading with bittorrent | 12:39 |
`Uncle` | Read where? | 12:39 |
leagris | About wine, ther is no wine package for amd64, is that a compatibility problem or something else ? | 12:40 |
kaffeend | Uncle - have you heard of a wonderful thing called Google? Type "Ubuntu" into it and see what happens when you hit Enter ;) | 12:40 |
mwe | yet anohter place to find knoppix is http://www.google.com/search?q=knoppix | 12:40 |
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no0tic | leagris, wine is based on dll libraries, compiled for i386 | 12:40 |
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philv | I hear Linux can be used to run servers. | 12:40 |
philv | Is this true? | 12:41 |
Pablo | o.O | 12:41 |
Pablo | no philv | 12:41 |
leagris | no0tic, I thout amd64 could rune i386 code ? | 12:41 |
Pablo | thats a lie | 12:41 |
=== benplaut [n=benplaut@cpe-70-95-146-177.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
no0tic | leagris, yes | 12:41 |
kaffeend | philv even windows can run servers | 12:41 |
philv | leagris: yes it can. | 12:41 |
Smerdykov | couldn't anything run a server, conceivably | 12:41 |
goodi | I try to get TwinView (dualscreen) to work, so far both screens are working at the "login screen" after that only one is activated - any hints and suggestions? | 12:41 |
=== TriKster-Abacus [n=shutup@cpe-67-11-219-149.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Dr_Willis runs a http server on his C64 | ||
Pablo | haha Dr_Willis | 12:41 |
Smerdykov | lol | 12:41 |
no0tic | leagris, but you wouldn't find an i386 under 64bit repositories | 12:41 |
HymnToLife | that must rule | 12:42 |
philv | kaffeend: I think servers are best run on VMS for security purposes. | 12:42 |
mwe | philv: actually *nix, including linux was designed to run servers | 12:42 |
no0tic | philv, VMS = Virtual machines? | 12:42 |
philv | No. | 12:42 |
rem_ | openbsd is not bad either :P | 12:42 |
philv | no0tic: VMS = DEC's OS for VAX and Alpha hardware. | 12:43 |
kaffeend | whatever that means :/ | 12:43 |
no0tic | philv, ah ok I heard about it | 12:43 |
philv | mwe: Actually, it was designed for timeshare. | 12:43 |
philv | mwe: and Linux started out as a terminal emulator. | 12:43 |
mwe | openbsd bah. freebsd or netbsd :) | 12:43 |
Pablo | dec's are outdated philv | 12:44 |
philv | BSD is dead. | 12:44 |
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
philv | Pablo: You can also run it on Itanium hardware. | 12:44 |
Pablo | DEC IS DEAD | 12:44 |
philv | Pablo: on the latest Integrity servers from HP. | 12:44 |
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Pablo | VMS is dead | 12:44 |
Pablo | bsd isnt | 12:44 |
kaffeend | !wine | 12:44 |
rem_ | yea..dec seems more dead than bsd ... :P | 12:44 |
mwe | philv: um. you're saying unix is not designed to run servers? | 12:44 |
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philv | mwe: Originally it was designed for timeshare on DEC PDP-11 hardware. | 12:44 |
Pablo | so whats your point? | 12:44 |
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philv | Pablo: VMS is about as dead as BSD is... i.e. quite active. | 12:45 |
philv | Especially in legacy markets. | 12:45 |
no0tic | mwe, ok, what "designed" means for you? | 12:45 |
Madeye | guys after resizing windows C:\ I got grub error 17, what should I do ? | 12:45 |
Dr_Willis | Minix ! :P CP/M ! | 12:45 |
ssstormy | hello, I'm a little stuck. I'm trying to set up a BIND server, using WebMin and following a tuturial. I added a master zone, and was instructed to add various records, only I can't figure out how the heck to add those records... | 12:45 |
philv | no0tic: Targetted origianlly, or a purpose originally. | 12:45 |
mwe | philv: I see | 12:45 |
Dr_Willis | Madeye, you made a new partition after the c: now? | 12:45 |
Madeye | Dr_Acemaster, yes | 12:45 |
HymnToLife | Madeye > maybe reinstalling grub... | 12:45 |
Dr_Willis | Madeye, yep.. you confuised gnome. :P | 12:45 |
no0tic | philv, I think so, but mwe doesn't | 12:46 |
philv | UNIX started out as a timeshare system designed by Bell Labs to compete with MULTICS after they dropped out of the alliance. | 12:46 |
=== Pablo runs out and buys a copy of VMS for securty purposes | ||
Dr_Willis | it is now off by 1 drive when looking for things. | 12:46 |
no0tic | philv, you are right | 12:46 |
Dr_Willis | well one 'partition' :P | 12:46 |
philv | Pablo: The license is free. | 12:46 |
philv | Pablo: as long as it isn't for commercial purposes. | 12:46 |
Madeye | Dr_Willis, what shall I do ? | 12:46 |
philv | And the media kits are about 20 bucks. | 12:46 |
no0tic | philv, but what does it concern with linux running servers? | 12:46 |
=== lamp_ [n=lamp@d51A5BC17.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Madeye | HymnToLife, I did that throu rescue mode, but didn't help | 12:46 |
mwe | no0tic: unix was not built to be run on personal desktops, but to run on the heavy server hardware of the older days | 12:46 |
lamp_ | how can i scan on a reiserfs partition for bad blocks | 12:46 |
Pablo | how old are you philv ? | 12:46 |
ssstormy | is anyone familiar with BIND, that can help me out of this jam? | 12:46 |
sproingie | unix was meant to run on the small server hardware like the pdp7 | 12:46 |
philv | mwe: Broaden your horizons a bit. | 12:46 |
no0tic | mwe, yes, ok, what server mean :) | 12:47 |
leagris | lamp_, reiserfsck | 12:47 |
sproingie | as opposed to the massive iron of a multics system | 12:47 |
philv | sproingie: You're dumb, because that's an 18-bit machine | 12:47 |
Dr_Willis | Madeye, well if ya knew the basics of gnome.. ya could edit the grub menu entrys and change the hd(0,0) and so forth to the right numbers. | 12:47 |
no0tic | mwe, philv you both are right :) | 12:47 |
=== vexen [n=wow@keiyaku.teteny.elte.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dr_Willis | Madeye, oops I meant the basics of GRUB. | 12:47 |
philv | ... | 12:47 |
sproingie | philv: compared to multics hardware, a pdp is small fry | 12:47 |
philv | sproingie: yes, but it never ran on a PDP-7 | 12:47 |
ssstormy | Dr_Acemaster, the numbers are easy | 12:47 |
Dr_Willis | Madeye, then edit the grub config file to make it permenant. | 12:47 |
Madeye | Dr_Willis, thats it ? lemme try | 12:47 |
philv | THere was no memory protection on them. | 12:47 |
ssstormy | if it's disk 1, you put disk 0 | 12:47 |
philv | It only ran on later PDP-11 models. | 12:47 |
Dr_Willis | ssstormy, yea - you explain it to him. Lol.. I always get confused.. | 12:47 |
ssstormy | if it's partition 3, you put partition 2 | 12:47 |
philv | And eventually spread like a virus to othe rplatforms. | 12:47 |
leagris | lamp_, but if the disk has physical damages, you may better backup all readable ocntent and try to recover on a copy of the damaged filesystem | 12:47 |
Madeye | Dr_Willis, menu.lst you mean? | 12:47 |
no0tic | philv, good history class | 12:48 |
Pablo | how old are you philv ? | 12:48 |
lamp_ | leagris what options and how can i run it on my root partition. | 12:48 |
philv | Pablo: old enough to have programmed on a PDP-8 | 12:48 |
=== _moo [n=moo@adsl-82-141-120-113.kotinet.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
`Uncle` | What are some image extensions of linux (like .jpg, .jpeg) in windows | 12:48 |
Dr_Willis | Madeye, so you added a new partition, and grub starts counting at 0 (thats imporntatn to rember) | 12:48 |
philv | `Uncle`: Same for Linux as it is Windows. | 12:48 |
=== thrash [n=iammrhan@mtairy-motorola1-68-71-231-159.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
no0tic | philv, and you don't know if linux can run servers? | 12:48 |
Madeye | ah i think I got it | 12:48 |
philv | no0tic: I was being facetious. | 12:48 |
Madeye | lemme apply change s | 12:48 |
`Uncle` | Oh so linux has .jpg, .bmp and stuff? | 12:48 |
sproingie | philv: i don't feel the need to correct you when google can already present mountains of evidence | 12:48 |
philv | sproingie: huh | 12:48 |
rem_ | same uncle ... mabye png a little more used ... | 12:48 |
ssstormy | `Uncle`, they're all the same | 12:48 |
philv | sproingie: you want to tell me that UNIX ran on a PDP-7? | 12:49 |
`Uncle` | Ok. | 12:49 |
sproingie | http://www.bell-labs.com/history/unix/pdp7.html | 12:49 |
philv | sproingie: because the PDP-7 in my basement says otherwise... | 12:49 |
HeartBT | philv, this is a support channel. | 12:49 |
Dr_Willis | `Uncle`, thats more of just common practice in the names. os dosent matter. | 12:49 |
leagris | lamp_, boot in single user, the mont / -oremount,ro (to remount it read only) | 12:49 |
no0tic | philv, ah :) | 12:49 |
`Uncle` | Ok | 12:49 |
leagris | lamp_, how did your disk get trashed ? | 12:49 |
philv | sproingie: UNICS, a pun, and arguably a predescessor to UNIX, was written for the PDP-7 | 12:50 |
=== alterego [n=iammrhan@mtairy-motorola1-68-71-231-159.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
`Uncle` | Is there a "command prompt" in linux, as cmd.exe is in windows? | 12:50 |
philv | sproingie: but it was written in Assembly for the PDP-7... so didn't meet any of the goals of UNIX. | 12:50 |
=== Pablo suggests philv join #VMS | ||
sproingie | philv: oh jeez, your penis is bigger, you win | 12:50 |
ssstormy | `Uncle`, you need to find somewhere to read about linux | 12:50 |
no0tic | `Uncle`, the command prompt born on unix! | 12:50 |
rem_ | ssstromy get a better tutorial from google .. :P from personal experience i thought it easier in command line than through webmin .. | 12:50 |
Dr_Willis | `Uncle`, i think its time to start reading some fundamental linux tutorials. | 12:50 |
philv | sproingie: Not going for penis is bigger... I'm just correcting misinformation, that's all | 12:50 |
rem_ | for BIND .. | 12:50 |
`Uncle` | i googed unbuntu on google... | 12:50 |
no0tic | `Uncle`, it's very the time | 12:50 |
=== johnf [n=root@ACCBE65F.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
johnf | hi | 12:51 |
Dr_Willis | `Uncle`, http://linuxcommand.org/learning_the_shell.php | 12:51 |
`Uncle` | Ok thanks | 12:51 |
lamp_ | leagris it has bad blocks, i think after transported my computer in a car | 12:51 |
no0tic | `Uncle`, most linux machines don't even have a graphic interface | 12:51 |
johnf | how can i change the permissions of a file? | 12:51 |
concept10 | `Uncle`, please remove ` from your name. :) | 12:51 |
no0tic | `Uncle`, only terminal | 12:51 |
`Uncle` | Why concept | 12:51 |
leagris | wow philv I admire your long unix experience. How do you feel confortable or how do you enjoy linux and ubuntu | 12:51 |
no0tic | concept10, great thing :) | 12:51 |
Dreamglider | i need help, i updated ubuntu and after that i can only see ubuntu in GRUB, i have Windowsxp and fedora installed allso | 12:51 |
Dreamglider | http://pastebin.com/477979 | 12:51 |
ssstormy | `Uncle`, here. Just for you. http://www.tldp.org/FAQ/Linux-FAQ/intro.html | 12:51 |
concept10 | `Uncle`, you should read RUTE | 12:52 |
leagris | lamp_, so you should not try to repair the filesystem in place on the damaged disk | 12:52 |
=== FliesLikeABrick [n=Ryan@ool-45796272.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
concept10 | its a very great book | 12:52 |
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=== scanwinder [n=scanwind@CPE-60-224-192-21.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rem_ | you can man chmod or chmod --help for help .. | 12:52 |
scanwinder | how do i get something to start when x startx? | 12:52 |
no0tic | `Uncle`, are too unconfortable to write :) | 12:52 |
johnf | any idear on how to change permissions of a file???????? | 12:52 |
scanwinder | oops i mean starts | 12:52 |
=== mItNitOx [n=mitnick@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
no0tic | `Uncle`, and ` has a particular meaning on shell | 12:53 |
Dreamglider | this is how my disks are setup http://pastebin.com/477979 how can i get windows and fedora back in grub ? | 12:53 |
lamp_ | leagris i think the drive can stil be verry usefull, bad blocks in windows are not growing | 12:53 |
leagris | lamp_, get a spare disk at least the same size (bigger doesn't matter) the copy damaged disk blocks by blocks to the new one then mount the copy of the damaged filesystem on the new disk | 12:53 |
HymnToLife | johnf > right click > properties... | 12:53 |
concept10 | What was his original complaint? | 12:53 |
sproingie | `uncle` is obviously the infix form of uncle | 12:53 |
ssstormy | johnf, "man chmod" or "chmod --help" | 12:53 |
Dr_Willis | johnf, http://linuxcommand.org/learning_the_shell.php time to learn the shell basics I think | 12:53 |
rem_ | hmm..that might be easier i guess Hymn ,.. :P | 12:53 |
johnf | yeh but there not assesible it wont let me click on them | 12:53 |
gnomefreak | how do the devlopers define critical? | 12:53 |
ssstormy | johnf, get yourself onto a terminal | 12:53 |
Dr_Willis | johnf, what exactly are you trying to change anyway? | 12:54 |
lamp_ | leagris i'm going to try | 12:54 |
toya__ | for mounting ntfs in fstab do i put 222 or 000 for umask? | 12:54 |
no0tic | sproingie, what does infix mean? | 12:54 |
=== ice [n=ice@pool-71-114-243-64.austtx.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ssstormy | gnomefreak, probably the ones that would make your system burst into flames if not fixed | 12:54 |
`Uncle` | k... | 12:54 |
HymnToLife | johnf > then it is owned by root and you'd better not touch it | 12:54 |
scanwinder | how do i get stuff to start when x starts in ubuntu????? in other distro's i was able to put commands in .xinitrc but that file dosent exist in ubuntu | 12:54 |
ssstormy | toya__, put umask=0222 | 12:54 |
leagris | lamp_, if you enjoy dangerous things, so : do a smart test do your disk with the tool named smartctl, then the disk shoud mark and relocate bad blocks if it can | 12:54 |
gnomefreak | ssstormy, cant blow it up if you cant install it | 12:54 |
gnomefreak | lol | 12:54 |
johnf | but i logged in as root and it still wont let me chnage it | 12:54 |
gnomefreak | kinda give and take there | 12:54 |
no0tic | scanwinder, have you tried creating it? | 12:54 |
toya__ | ssstormy, ok i'll try, because last time i put 222 it screws up | 12:54 |
HymnToLife | reminds me of the guy who tried sudo chmod -R +w /proc/* :p | 12:54 |
Dr_Willis | scanwinder, .xinitrc is only read by when you do 'startx' each window maanger/desktop normally has its own methiod of saving 'sessions' to restart things. | 12:55 |
sproingie | no0tic: it's haskell humor ... don't worry bout it | 12:55 |
toya__ | ssstormy, and its working fine with 000 now | 12:55 |
ssstormy | gnomefreak, :) nah just extremely high priority. system has major error/weakeness with the bug | 12:55 |
Dr_Willis | scanwinder, with gnome you can start the stuff.. and 'save session' and it should rember. | 12:55 |
gnomefreak | i got it ty | 12:55 |
ssstormy | toya__, I use 000 too but the help manual said use 0222 | 12:55 |
ssstormy | I used 000 cause I was trying to get write access | 12:55 |
scanwinder | Dr_Willis: ok - im not using gnome tho.....openbox...ill ask in its irc channel then....thanks | 12:55 |
toya__ | how come my gaim always starts at startup even though its not in my start up programs list | 12:55 |
toya__ | ssstormy, ok ic | 12:55 |
ssstormy | but it won't allow write access no matter what | 12:55 |
no0tic | sproingie, I'm not english mother tongue.. worse luck | 12:56 |
Dr_Willis | scanwinder, the differnet XXX box's have their own way :P correct. time to RTFM | 12:56 |
ssstormy | toya__, gaim will auto start if it was open when you last shut down | 12:56 |
toya__ | ssstormy, just set it to rw i guess | 12:56 |
vexen | hello guys! Can someone point me to a good howto on setting up my ubuntu server as bluetooth gateway? I've googled and found some, none of them worked.. | 12:56 |
no0tic | scanwinder, try creating i | 12:56 |
toya__ | ssstormy, but writing to ntfs is not safe | 12:56 |
no0tic | scanwinder, try creating it | 12:56 |
ssstormy | toya__, no you can't write to ntfs period | 12:56 |
scanwinder | no0tic: ok | 12:56 |
ssstormy | at least not as far as I know, not under ubuntu | 12:56 |
toya__ | ssstormy, you can but it might screw the partition up | 12:56 |
ssstormy | toya__, you can? how do you force it? | 12:57 |
toya__ | ssstormy, no i dont save sessions when i shut down | 12:57 |
toya__ | ssstormy, i highly disrecommend it (is that a word)? | 12:57 |
gnomefreak | !ntfs | 12:57 |
ubotu | ntfs is probably the filesystem used in Windows 2000 and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions | 12:57 |
toya__ | ssstormy, just make it to rw | 12:57 |
ssstormy | toya__, does that actually work? | 12:57 |
sproingie | you can write to ntfs ... but not out of the box | 12:57 |
FelaKuti | ntfs at best will be 555 | 12:57 |
johnf | but i logged in as root and it still wont let me chnage it | 12:57 |
johnf | any ideas | 12:57 |
toya__ | ssstormy, never tried, not sure | 12:57 |
kaffeend | !ati | 12:58 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, ati is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 | 12:58 |
toya__ | !panel | 12:58 |
ubotu | toya__: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 12:58 |
toya__ | !fvwm | 12:58 |
ubotu | toya__: I give up, what is it? | 12:58 |
toya__ | ... | 12:58 |
sproingie | you can enable ntfs write support in your kernel, but it only lets you change the content of existing files | 12:58 |
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sproingie | and they can't be small files stored in the mft | 12:58 |
gnomefreak | what are you looking for from ubotu? | 12:58 |
toya__ | sproingie, is it safe? | 12:58 |
gnomefreak | !botsnack | 12:58 |
ubotu | thanks gnomefreak :) | 12:58 |
toya__ | lol | 12:59 |
toya__ | !botsnack | 12:59 |
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gnomefreak | :)) | 12:59 |
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sproingie | toya__: yes, but not that useful for sharing data with windows. topologilinux uses it to write to a loopback filesystem on the windows drive | 12:59 |
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toya__ | sproingie, ic | 01:00 |
=== Sionide [n=sphinx@cpc1-hem12-6-0-cust1.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HeartBT | Which shouls I install to avoid the bloat, kde-base or kde-core? | 01:00 |
sproingie | HeartBT: xfce | 01:00 |
gnomefreak | HeartBT, kde is all bloat | 01:00 |
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sproingie | HeartBT: what i do is install kubuntu-desktop, then remove it and any packages i don't want | 01:01 |
ssstormy | gnomefreak, gnome isn't too light either | 01:01 |
HeartBT | sproingie, yeah, yeah, I am on xfce, and I've been round that bock, kwin is still the best WM IMO | 01:01 |
gnomefreak | go with xfce its bigger than say blackbox but lighter than gnome/kde | 01:01 |
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gnomefreak | ssstormy, yes i know | 01:01 |
toya__ | what is bloat? | 01:01 |
gnomefreak | bloat= heavy | 01:01 |
ssstormy | toya__, extra junk | 01:01 |
=== jane is now known as wpc11v3 | ||
sproingie | HeartBT: hell yes. konq's nice too | 01:01 |
gnomefreak | crap ull never need sorta like windows :( lol sorry had to | 01:02 |
ssstormy | like if your body started ballooing outward | 01:02 |
HymnToLife | yeah, KDE apps are great | 01:02 |
ssstormy | you'd be said to be "bloated" | 01:02 |
apokryphos | no, KDE is not bloat. I'd like to hear an argument for it being bloated, though. | 01:02 |
Madeye | Dr_Willis, hmm I'm not able to edit the menu.ls in rescue mood, I can open it but No access to write on it. getitng error after sudo vim menu.lst 'sudo: unable to get ubuntu via gethostbyname() | 01:02 |
funkyHat | hi... I messed up my grub :( I don't know how... I have a separate boot partition (hda2) and / is hda11 (??Yeah I know).... can someone correct my menu.lst if I pastebin it? | 01:02 |
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HymnToLife | k3b is a damn sigh better than gnomebaker | 01:02 |
sproingie | k3b's a qt app, not really kde per se | 01:02 |
HeartBT | sproingie,I love konq, I just wished it worked with my webmail. | 01:02 |
gnomefreak | HymnToLife, i agree and i use it but never use kde | 01:02 |
apokryphos | sproingie: no, it *is* a KDE app | 01:02 |
=== nima_ [n=nima@CPE00095bd2b58d-CM00003917e05e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HymnToLife | gnomefreak > same here :p | 01:02 |
sproingie | apokryphos: it uses kde libs now? | 01:02 |
apokryphos | sproingie: it always has | 01:03 |
=== gnomefreak uses xfce and gnome | ||
wpc11v3 | I really need help please :( I'm trying to get wifi to work on my laptop... It's been months now ... I've bought new hardware (WPC11v3 as http://osunix.com/?p=4 says it should work out of the box) ... | 01:03 |
Dreamglider | can i have grub scan my disks for os'es ? | 01:03 |
Knowerrors | Any people here that have Midi working? I do but am looking to improve performance for playback, uses way too much cpu | 01:03 |
HeartBT | so, core or base? | 01:03 |
gnomefreak | Dreamglider, it does during install | 01:03 |
funkyHat | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6133 | 01:03 |
apokryphos | HeartBT: what webmail doesn't it work with? | 01:03 |
HeartBT | anyone know which is bigger? | 01:03 |
sproingie | HeartBT: it all depends what you want in kde | 01:03 |
funkyHat | I get error 15 (cannot find file) | 01:03 |
gnomefreak | you might beable to run update-grub not sure if it looks again tho | 01:03 |
sproingie | HeartBT: they're both meta packages. expand them and see what depends on what | 01:03 |
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HeartBT | sproingie, I'll add what I need, it's easier to add than to remove. | 01:04 |
Dreamglider | gnomefreak, i'm not installing any os, i updated ubuntu and it messed up grub menu | 01:04 |
=== Angel666 [n=KYA@cpe-66-74-86-38.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wpc11v3 | can people see my messages? | 01:04 |
nima_ | hello...how can i upgrade my current version of ubuntu to Breezy? | 01:04 |
toya__ | synaptic package manager is exact gui version of apt-get is that right? | 01:04 |
HeartBT | yes, depends, just thought someone would know off he top/ | 01:04 |
=== rapha [n=rapha@dialin119096.server4you-dsl.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sproingie | HeartBT: kdelibs will give you the basics you need. then install kde apps one at a time | 01:04 |
apokryphos | HeartBT: they're around the same -- which one was larger wouldn't mean much at all. The things that go in there are down to the selection of a few people in both cases. | 01:04 |
gnomefreak | ubotu tell nima about upgrade | 01:04 |
funkyHat | ah... problem isn't grub.... I think my / died! :| | 01:04 |
apokryphos | Best guide: | 01:04 |
apokryphos | !installingkde | 01:04 |
ubotu | apokryphos: No idea | 01:04 |
apokryphos | gah | 01:04 |
apokryphos | http://wiki.kubuntu.org/InstallingKDE | 01:04 |
gnomefreak | nima_, you didnt get that pm did you? | 01:05 |
toya__ | nima_, could you be someone i know? | 01:05 |
HeartBT | sproingie, apokryphos thanks, bbiab | 01:05 |
Dreamglider | toya__, you do a dist-upgrade | 01:05 |
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gnomefreak | ubotu tell nima_ about upgrade | 01:05 |
HymnToLife | !pastebin | 01:05 |
ubotu | rumour has it, pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 01:05 |
wpc11v3 | can people see me? | 01:05 |
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Dreamglider | wpc11v3, yes | 01:05 |
apokryphos | HeartBT: if you want to get KDE now, though, I'd recommend you get the latest stable -- kde 3.5. In which case you'll need to add an extra repo. | 01:05 |
Pablo | I wonder if wpc11v3 is here | 01:05 |
gnomefreak | nima_, the instructions are there in the pm ubotu sent you | 01:05 |
toya__ | wpc11v3, no i cant =D | 01:05 |
HeartBT | wpc11v3, yes, your fears are unfounded :) | 01:05 |
HeartBT | apokryphos, go on, I'm listening. | 01:06 |
wpc11v3 | sorry... I'm new to all this.. I'm on the edge of frustration and was unsure if I had to "register" ... | 01:06 |
apokryphos | !kde 3.5 | 01:06 |
ubotu | from memory, kde 3.5 is at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-35.php | 01:06 |
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no0tic | wpc11v3, yes, it's better ;) | 01:06 |
gnomefreak | !register | 01:06 |
ubotu | register is, like, type /msg nickserv help register (you probably should do this in the server window so that if you mess up you won't reveal your password to the whole channel :)) | 01:06 |
ssstormy | I get this error when trying to run the gnome-help app: | 01:06 |
ssstormy | gnome-help: error while loading shared libraries: libgtkembedmoz.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 01:06 |
ssstormy | anyone know which package has that file? | 01:06 |
funkyHat | ohhhhhh.... I figured it out :) | 01:07 |
no0tic | ssstormy, firefox | 01:07 |
apokryphos | ssstormy: firefox | 01:07 |
=== xenex [n=xenex@pool-71-107-165-52.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
funkyHat | WINDOZE played about with my partition table :@ | 01:07 |
gnomefreak | ssstormy, its a gtk firefox library | 01:07 |
Angel666 | Dapper has wanted to remove HAL and Dbus for at least the past week and I havent seen any posts on the forums about this. It doesn't seem safe but are they dummy packages for libdbus* ? | 01:07 |
nima_ | thx alot | 01:07 |
wpc11v3 | does anyone know how to get a wifi card working? I went out and purchased one a few months ago and have tried many things to get it to work. (the card supposedly works) | 01:07 |
=== pablo928 [n=pablo928@yuma-cuda1-g2-70-36-74-255.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ssstormy | oh I bet it's cause I upgraded firefox to 1.5 | 01:07 |
Sionide | happy christmas all GMT ubuntus | 01:07 |
wpc11v3 | I don't even know how to determine if it is seen by the kernel :( | 01:07 |
toya__ | gnomefreak, do you know if the gnome panel part of metacity or not? | 01:07 |
gnomefreak | ssstormy, very well could be | 01:08 |
=== Fujoor [n=Fujoor@c-d64be055.768-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | toya__, nope im thinking yes it is but not sure on that | 01:08 |
Pablo | what chipset is it wpc11v3 ? | 01:08 |
Angel666 | wpc11v3: could see if dmesg says anything about it at the bottom is you plug it in/out | 01:08 |
no0tic | wpc11v3, it's is compatible with linux? it has linux drivers? | 01:08 |
wpc11v3 | yes.. http://osunix.com/?p=4 even says it should work out of the box :( | 01:08 |
=== gnomefreak pissed off at dapper right now | ||
toya__ | gnomefreak, my guess is not too, because when i log in it shows that they're loaded separately | 01:08 |
=== landotter [n=max@adsl-154-165-204.bna.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | !info gnome-panel | 01:09 |
ubotu | gnome-panel: (launcher and docking facility for GNOME 2), section gnome, is optional. Version: 2.12.1-0ubuntu7 (breezy), Packaged size: 361 kB, Installed size: 872 kB | 01:09 |
HeartBT | apokryphos, done, any more tips or advice? | 01:09 |
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=== knoppix_ [n=knoppix@66-190-246-254.dhcp.astr.or.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ssstormy | toya__, I think it is the other way round | 01:09 |
knoppix_ | hey | 01:09 |
wpc11v3 | the computer goes "be boo" when I plug it in ... the lights come on on the card, but it doesn't change anything in dmesg | 01:09 |
=== benplaut_ [n=benplaut@cpe-70-95-146-177.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gatorade | I can't download knoppix cd I don't know how to assort the files :( | 01:09 |
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toya__ | ssstormy, when you load up originally i think first it loads metacity, then some program, then the panel | 01:09 |
Pablo | wpc11v3, what chipset does YOUR card have? | 01:09 |
ssstormy | toya__, oops nevermind; yeah I think gnomepanel runs off metacity | 01:09 |
apokryphos | HeartBT: that InstallingKDE wiki link gives you other options for installation, but ideally I'd recommend you go with the recommended Kubuntu setup, at least at first (which means just installing the kubuntu-desktop metapack). | 01:09 |
gnomefreak | Gatorade, you want the ISO image | 01:09 |
gnomefreak | ssstormy, im thinking it does also | 01:10 |
wpc11v3 | prism | 01:10 |
toya__ | hm ok | 01:10 |
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=== SantaD1 [n=damian@pool-71-104-105-237.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HeartBT | apokryphos, what is the reason for the recomendation? stability or... | 01:10 |
toya__ | someone wanna tell me why people prefer fvwm than metacity? | 01:10 |
wpc11v3 | Pablo, prism | 01:10 |
gnomefreak | lighter? | 01:11 |
toya__ | and how about the theme feature does that come from metacity? | 01:11 |
apokryphos | HeartBT: to get the full Kubuntu experience | 01:11 |
apokryphos | HeartBT: if you don't normally use KDE, also, it's good to get an overview of all of it. | 01:11 |
HeartBT | toya__, metacity drives me NUTS, I cannot get windows to shade right, or even focus right. | 01:11 |
wpc11v3 | Angel666, so if it doesn't show up in dmesg ... eg it looks like pcmicia isn't working ... how can I determine what to do next? | 01:12 |
apokryphos | HeartBT: kwin is the way to go :P | 01:12 |
QRZ | wpc11v3: Doing, "iwconfig" at the command prompt should show if there's a driver loaded for it. If so, then all that's left is to configure it for your network. | 01:12 |
mwe | the kde framework is great but kubuntu includes to much krap | 01:12 |
wpc11v3 | QRZ, it doesn't show up | 01:12 |
gnomefreak | i would say as a new user try a few different desktops to see what one you like better there is such a big set of choices in desktops | 01:12 |
apokryphos | mwe: like what? | 01:12 |
=== andrew [n=andrew@ppp43-200.lns2.syd6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pablo | wpc11v3, does it work in a non-linux machine? | 01:12 |
HeartBT | apokryphos, I'm acutually new to gnome, tried it, yuck. I like it's menu system,(kinda) and I like it's desktop, but like I just said, metacity blows. | 01:12 |
toya__ | HeartBT, hmm oO? | 01:13 |
wpc11v3 | Pablo, don't have a non-linux machine | 01:13 |
=== halibut [n=foo@cpc1-lewi1-4-0-cust133.bmly.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
halibut | how can I check the time since last reboot? | 01:13 |
=== Hoxzer [n=niko@a80-186-169-248.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wpc11v3 | Pablo, I've got 2 desktops on ubuntu and been trying to get my laptop working for 4 months | 01:13 |
wpc11v3 | Pablo, it is brand new though | 01:13 |
mwe | apokryphos: koffice for one thing, but that's just me i guess | 01:13 |
apokryphos | HeartBT: I don't like the default kicker that much as it is. With taskbar v2 and better icons it looks nice though. As I showed someone earlier... http://giannaros.org/kicker.jpg | 01:13 |
Pablo | I would think that ubuntu would see it | 01:13 |
apokryphos | HeartBT: as you can see, little things like mini-screenies on hover are very handy =) | 01:13 |
Pablo | I use atheros not prism | 01:13 |
HeartBT | toya__, in the last week, I've tried at least 4 window managers, and I'm going back to what I've used for the last 4 years, KDE/Kwin | 01:13 |
wpc11v3 | Pablo, is there something like lspcmcia like lspci? | 01:14 |
apokryphos | mwe: shows how much you're basing your argument on. Kubuntu doesn't come with Koffice :) | 01:14 |
toya__ | HeartBT, want to help me install fvwm? | 01:14 |
QRZ | wpc11v3: How about lspci? | 01:14 |
toya__ | HeartBT, lol | 01:14 |
cthulhu | i cant compile lirc on kubuntu, can somebody help me?? | 01:14 |
gnomefreak | sudo apt-get install fvwm? | 01:14 |
mwe | apokryphos: akregator, kontact are others I dislike | 01:14 |
=== Lukian [n=wizard@203-206-3-1.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
toya__ | HeartBT, i heard its very custumoziable | 01:14 |
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wpc11v3 | QRZ, lspci shows the Cardbus bridge (toshiba) abut nothing it contains.. | 01:14 |
gnomefreak | cthulhu, you dont need to compile it its in the repos | 01:14 |
dailyrorschach | anyone know where I can get a good howto on setting up folding at home, the wiki is a little unclear | 01:15 |
HeartBT | toya__, there is a tutorial on ubuntuforums, I'll see if I can find it if you like. | 01:15 |
mwe | apokryphos: ok then I was wrong about koffice | 01:15 |
apokryphos | mwe: how exactly would you argue that kde is good while those fundamental kde apps (i.e kontact, kde's PIM) are that bad? :P | 01:15 |
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toya__ | HeartBT, oh its ok then i ll find it on my own | 01:15 |
gnomefreak | dailyrorschach, making a folder in the home/username path? | 01:15 |
toya__ | can i reassign a swap partition? (i didnt assign any) | 01:15 |
HeartBT | toya__, you have no swap? | 01:15 |
apokryphos | mwe: suffice it to say it's not a "bad call" on Kubuntu's side to include Kontact (partly because I think it's an amazing app, when integrated with all others, and secondly because it's fundamental KDE) | 01:15 |
toya__ | HeartBT, nope | 01:16 |
dailyrorschach | gnomefreak: no, installing the application folding@home | 01:16 |
mwe | apokryphos: I like the look and feel and kcontrol and the fact that I can customize all I need | 01:16 |
HymnToLife | toya__ > yes, if you have some free space to create one that is | 01:16 |
toya__ | HymnToLife, i do | 01:16 |
gnomefreak | oh sorry never heard of it :( | 01:16 |
HeartBT | toya__, or you did not assign one. | 01:16 |
cthulhu | i installed it from the repos, but it didnt work so i tryed compiling it from source | 01:16 |
wpc11v3 | so am I just screwed... I've already went out and payed $100 for this wifi card because it "works"... I'm almost willing to pay $100 for it to really work... :( | 01:16 |
toya__ | HeartBT, did not assign/make one when installing | 01:16 |
gnomefreak | cthulhu, did you read the install file? | 01:16 |
wpc11v3 | I've wasted soo much time | 01:16 |
toya__ | but i have free space | 01:16 |
HeartBT | toya__, I though ubuntu made one by default, can someone confirm that? | 01:17 |
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gnomefreak | cthulhu, did you apt-get <packagename-dep> | 01:17 |
=== centOGG [n=Willie@adsl-68-93-134-207.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
apokryphos | HeartBT: it does, if you select it to take the whole disk & format | 01:17 |
HymnToLife | HeartBT > it does not | 01:17 |
SweetestSavage | !firefox | 01:17 |
ubotu | methinks firefox is a Free Software web browser that supports extensions and is gaining popularity by the hour. Developed by the Mozilla Foundation. | 01:17 |
cthulhu | yep | 01:17 |
HymnToLife | if you choose manual partitioning | 01:17 |
mwe | apokryphos: well I guess it's a matter of taste. I hate kmail, konqueror, kontact, kwhatnot krap but I love the look and feel of it. I don't like the way gnome looks | 01:18 |
cthulhu | i did it | 01:18 |
Lukian | !opera | 01:18 |
ubotu | Opera isn't in the Ubuntu repositories, but you can always download the latest Opera .deb package from http://www.opera.com/download/ and get then see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OperaBrowser | 01:18 |
cthulhu | but it didnt work | 01:18 |
Lukian | :D | 01:18 |
apokryphos | HymnToLife: if you tell it to format the whole disk it doesn't automatically make a swap partition? | 01:18 |
gnomefreak | cthulhu, apt-get <packagename-dep> didnt work? | 01:18 |
Lukian | hey, flash isn't playing sound on my ubuntu, suggestions? | 01:18 |
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HymnToLife | apokryphos > I said "if you choose manual partitioning"... | 01:18 |
cthulhu | no | 01:18 |
centOGG | XP can't read FAT32 gparted partitions | 01:18 |
apokryphos | mwe: you should tell me what you hate about them :D (but perhaps not here) | 01:18 |
cthulhu | it installed the package | 01:18 |
gnomefreak | what is the full package name? | 01:18 |
apokryphos | HymnToLife: I know | 01:18 |
toya__ | centOGG, really? | 01:18 |
gnomefreak | cthulhu, apt-get forget the word install | 01:19 |
centOGG | last week I had to redo with ubuntu install partitoner | 01:19 |
gnomefreak | just as i typed it without the <> | 01:19 |
cthulhu | package name is lirc | 01:19 |
Inf3ctedFx | Hello everyone | 01:19 |
gnomefreak | ok hold on | 01:19 |
HymnToLife | toya__ > yeah, its a well known issue | 01:19 |
cthulhu | and lirc-modules-source | 01:19 |
toya__ | ic | 01:19 |
=== redvelvet [n=JWest672@dpc67142194061.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
centOGG | after I laid hda out in gparted the way I wanted it | 01:20 |
gnomefreak | !info lirc | 01:20 |
ubotu | lirc: (Linux Infra-red Remote Control support), section universe/utils, is extra. Version: (breezy), Packaged size: 256 kB, Installed size: 1376 kB | 01:20 |
redvelvet | is there a way i can play wmv in firefox browser? | 01:20 |
rizo | question, if possible how do i get breezy to show a progress bar when it's doing hibernate? also is there an offical bug for the whole splash in grub and hibernate conflict? | 01:20 |
apokryphos | redvelvet: if you have w32codecs and mozilla-mplayer it should be able to, I think | 01:20 |
HymnToLife | on my old Woody CDs the partitioning tool can create XP-readable FAT32s, it's labelled "W95 FAT32 (LBA)" if that helps | 01:21 |
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HeartBT | toya__, either way, if you don't have it, and all is running fine, then you prob. don't need it, If you do have it and don't realize it, no biggie, and it's real easy to turn a dir into swap. | 01:21 |
gnomefreak | i dont see a dep package for it :( | 01:21 |
centOGG | partitioning=real anal | 01:21 |
=== spatz [n=spatz@dslb-084-063-038-241.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | ok cthulhu where on the compile are you lost? | 01:21 |
HeartBT | centOGG, info makeswap | 01:21 |
toya__ | HeartBT, ok | 01:22 |
HeartBT | centOGG, oops no info. well it's there. | 01:22 |
toya__ | HeartBT, i might need it once i install huge amount of eye candies | 01:22 |
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redvelvet | apokrypos, how do i get w32 codecs? | 01:24 |
centOGG | I let XP have the MBR | 01:24 |
toya__ | i want a desktop like this guy's http://lynucs.org/index.php?screen_type=1&screen_id=140407135640c8970070189&m=screen | 01:24 |
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gnomefreak | !w32 codecs | 01:24 |
ubotu | w32 codecs is probably binary only codecs that some call evil. You can get them by going to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and looking for "The Codecs". Another possible download location is http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/ | 01:24 |
redvelvet | thanks | 01:24 |
gnomefreak | yw | 01:24 |
=== xenex [n=xenex@pool-71-107-165-52.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | toya__, thats xfce witha background image and apps on it | 01:25 |
cthulhu | i type make, it compiles but the an error happens | 01:25 |
=== bonusbug [n=rkid@C8e9e.c.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mwe | apokryphos: It's just my taste. But I can see why people find kmail, kontact konqueror etc useful. I use kde because of kcontrol and the the way the widgets and stuff look. And besides I agree with Linus in his view on the path that gnome has taken | 01:25 |
HeartBT | ok, bbiab | 01:26 |
gnomefreak | cthulhu, no errors during ./configure | 01:26 |
HymnToLife | mwe > and which are Linus' views on gnome ? | 01:26 |
gnomefreak | toya__, that background you can get from art.gnome.org | 01:26 |
apokryphos | mwe: I find it hard to understand (I find those apps amazing), but appreciate that it's possible. =) | 01:26 |
mwe | HymnToLife: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/usability/2005-December/msg00021.html | 01:27 |
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cthulhu | no | 01:27 |
apokryphos | his second post is more critical, too :-O | 01:27 |
HymnToLife | mwe > thx | 01:27 |
cthulhu | it ends correctly | 01:27 |
`Uncle` | YAY the live disk download is done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 01:27 |
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=== Topic for #ubuntu: Merry Christmas to all Ubuntu users! | Documentation: http://help.ubuntu.com/ | Support options: http://ubuntu.com/support | Community news: http://fridge.ubuntu.com | Use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting | IRC Info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InternetRelayChat | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by Seveas at Sat Dec 24 21:57:51 2005 | ||
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(gn0me/#ubuntu) existance: But it should be able to. | 03:54 | |
(existance/#ubuntu) gn0me, :( | 03:54 | |
(gn0me/#ubuntu) I believe. | 03:54 | |
(ElitePete/#ubuntu) gn0me, how do i see my fps in glx gears | 03:55 | |
(gn0me/#ubuntu) ElitePete: Some flag on it that I can't remember. | 03:55 | |
ElitePete | glxgears -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark | 03:55 |
ElitePete | ? | 03:55 |
gn0me | ElitePete: somethinglike -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark | 03:55 |
gn0me | yeah | 03:55 |
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ElitePete | doesnt show me the fps tho?? | 03:55 |
gn0me | sec | 03:56 |
gn0me | hmm.. should work.. | 03:56 |
skon | ElitePete: what about a screensaver? | 03:56 |
gn0me | That too. | 03:56 |
ElitePete | skon, ? | 03:56 |
existance | gn0me, hmm, i think it can only set what kind of SYstem it runs on.. any idea what can format it? | 03:56 |
gn0me | Can make screensavers say your FPS | 03:56 |
skon | ElitePete: try running like "Flying Toasters" or something that lets you show your FPS | 03:56 |
ElitePete | okay. | 03:56 |
ElitePete | i will do that at some point. | 03:57 |
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rizo | need help, which file do i edit to get syndaemon to run at startup? | 03:57 |
ElitePete | question: the ati driver does suck though? | 03:57 |
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ElitePete | i just couldn't justify not using a $200 card | 03:57 |
gn0me | existance: Hmm yeah, I really don't know what you'd use. | 03:57 |
gn0me | existance: But I figure a quick google search might give hints. | 03:58 |
existance | gn0me, yea.. i think i found something | 03:58 |
gn0me | existance: I'll look too :D | 03:58 |
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existance | gn0me, http://www.idevelopment.info/data/Unix/Linux/LINUX_PartitioningandFormattingSecondHardDrive_ext3.shtml | 03:58 |
existance | gn0me, i just need to find where the command is in ubuntu | 03:59 |
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gn0me | existance: sformat looks to be a package | 03:59 |
skon | Has anyone ever gotten an NVIDIA GeForce to run under linux?? | 03:59 |
=== Malachai [n=Malachi@236-209.dothan.cable.graceba.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gn0me | skon: I just did today :D | 04:00 |
existance | gn0me, mm, locate sformat got no hits ;( | 04:00 |
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gn0me | existance: One sec, lemme try it for you | 04:00 |
unix | need litle help, wich command is chkconfig at ubuntu | 04:00 |
ardchoille | anyone know which file(s) is changed when I click Go -> Clear History in nautilus? | 04:00 |
skon | gn0me: did you have to do a manual install? download any drivers? because I've tried Ubuntu, FreeBSD, and Debian and none of them support my GeForce 5500 out of the box | 04:00 |
gn0me | existance: sudo apt-get install sformat | 04:00 |
existance | gn0me, i got it to work using mk2fs | 04:01 |
existance | gn0me, will get that though, looks like an easier way perhaps | 04:01 |
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gn0me | skon: I just went to nvidia.com in lynx and downloaded it then ran it as root. | 04:01 |
gn0me | And it felt like working nicely. :D | 04:01 |
=== xxXXcedricXXxx [n=cedric@AMontpellier-152-1-30-146.w81-251.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
skon | gn0me: was X installed at the time? | 04:02 |
gn0me | yeppers | 04:02 |
unix | gn0me, can u tell me wich command to use instead of chkconfig | 04:02 |
alphy | why am I getting this error when I'm trying to install support for mp3's and other audio files? Couldn't find package gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse | 04:02 |
skon | Did you get strange messages when you tried to run it? | 04:02 |
existance | gn0me, w00t, I mounted it successfullly :) | 04:02 |
skon | alphy: did you enable your repositories? | 04:02 |
gn0me | existance: Hooray, we rock! | 04:02 |
gn0me | skon: Worked right off the bat, mind you.. mine's a 6200OC .. so it might have better luck with it or something | 04:03 |
alphy | skon, as far as I know, I followed all the instructions from the forum? is there anything else I'm supposed to do? | 04:03 |
ElitePete | gn0me, do you know how i install the openssh client to my ubuntu machine? is it apt-get ? | 04:03 |
gn0me | Different model, different stuff. | 04:03 |
=== ravv_ [n=ravv@81-234-27-23-o1124.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
unix | no one to help me | 04:03 |
skon | ElitePete: sudo apt-get install openssh-server | 04:03 |
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ElitePete | skon, i have the server, i want the client | 04:03 |
poimen | hi someone here is a dev? | 04:03 |
ravv_ | How do i force an remove/install so it adds new .conf-files? | 04:04 |
skon | ElitePete: it isn't installed? | 04:04 |
gn0me | ElitePete: sudo apt-get install openssh-client | 04:04 |
gn0me | ElitePete: :D | 04:04 |
ElitePete | gn0me, <3 | 04:04 |
gn0me | When it doubt.. sudo synaptic | 04:04 |
=== beardousa [n=beardous@pcp09482026pcs.medfrd01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
alphy | skon, did you get that? | 04:04 |
Evil_Whisper | later all | 04:04 |
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ElitePete | gn0me, it appears i have it installed, does it have a gui? | 04:05 |
gn0me | Never used it before.. so.. Maybe! | 04:05 |
skon | alphy: sorry ...did you do sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list and get rid of all the #'s and then save it? | 04:05 |
gn0me | ;) | 04:05 |
alphy | skon, no, I run that in the terminal and do what? | 04:05 |
ravv_ | ssh user@host | 04:06 |
gn0me | ElitePete: Maybe ssh "<server>" | 04:06 |
gn0me | err.. | 04:06 |
ElitePete | ravv_, yea i can ssh fine.. i just was wondering if their was a gui | 04:06 |
gn0me | "ssh <server>" | 04:06 |
ElitePete | gn0me, yep ;-0 | 04:06 |
skon | alphy: run that, and then you get rid of all the #'s in front of the addresses - this tells ubuntu where to look for downloads, then you do Ctrl+O and then Ctrl+X and then try whatever you wanted to do again | 04:06 |
=== ilba7r [n=ilba7r@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gn0me | ElitePete: You could run it in a terminal and make the background pretty. :D | 04:06 |
ilba7r | how to list the programs i opened inside a terminal? | 04:06 |
gn0me | lsof? | 04:07 |
ElitePete | gn0me, yea thats how i do it now, how do i make the bg pretty/ | 04:07 |
ilba7r | thanx | 04:07 |
gn0me | lsof | grep "What you're looking for" too | 04:07 |
gn0me | ElitePete: Probably something under Edit->Current Profile.. If you're in gnome | 04:07 |
gn0me | www.gn0me.org/terminal.png I like mine :D | 04:07 |
skon | ElitePete: I concur | 04:07 |
=== SAM_theman [n=SAM_them@user-1120e14.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mcjerry | vncviewer works well | 04:08 |
ElitePete | :-P! | 04:08 |
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alphy | skon, now I'm getting this message: E: Type 'Major' is not known on line 7 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list | 04:09 |
alphy | E: The list of sources could not be read. | 04:09 |
ilba7r | gnome i ment i opened a lot of instances in a terminal using the & and want to know what will be closed if i close the terminal | 04:09 |
pratyush | did anybody used wlan by broadcom un compaq notebooks in ubuntu breeze | 04:09 |
ilba7r | pratyush i did | 04:09 |
ilba7r | and it ran flawlesly | 04:09 |
skon | alphy: go back to line 7 in that file and paste it here (assuming it's just 1 line) | 04:09 |
pratyush | wow | 04:09 |
gn0me | ilba7r: ps shows open processes.. | 04:09 |
ilba7r | you just need ndiswrapper and the driver | 04:09 |
pratyush | can you help ... | 04:09 |
skon | gn0me: what's your banner say? | 04:09 |
ElitePete | hehe gn0me! | 04:09 |
ilba7r | thanx gnome | 04:09 |
gn0me | skon: Linuxjunkies. | 04:09 |
ElitePete | how do i take a picture of one window? | 04:09 |
skon | heh | 04:09 |
beardousa | My permissions on /dev/raw1394 keep getting reset every time I restart. Is there some way to prevent this, or can I use a startup script to change the permissions? | 04:10 |
=== Locke [n=Locke@c-24-129-216-22.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gn0me | ElitePete: In gnome, if your shortcuts are right.. ALT+PrintScreen | 04:10 |
Locke | is there any way to keep hdc1 from mounting at bootup? | 04:10 |
sethk | ElitePete, there are several programs. ksnapshot is one. I forget the name of the gnome one, but it's there | 04:10 |
gn0me | Locke: Remove it from your /etc/fstab maybe? | 04:10 |
ilba7r | pratyush just ask and it will depend on mem for i upgraded to a t42 now | 04:10 |
alphy | skon, I know this is a stupid question, but I just count down 7 lines? | 04:10 |
acidrain1 | part | 04:10 |
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pratyush | my system is not recoqnizing the wlan | 04:11 |
pratyush | how to load the drivers | 04:11 |
ilba7r | pratyush do you have ndiswrapper installed | 04:11 |
pratyush | ya | 04:11 |
Locke | gn0me: just delete the entryy that says it? | 04:11 |
gn0me | Locke: Or put a # in front | 04:12 |
gn0me | locke: Comment it out rather than delete might be best. | 04:12 |
skon | alphy: yes | 04:12 |
skon | alphy: including blank lines | 04:12 |
ravv_ | Anyone here now how to force a complete reinstall of a package complete with new .conf-files? | 04:12 |
pratyush | i installed and loaded the inf files too | 04:12 |
ElitePete | gn0me, my terminal is sexay now | 04:12 |
gn0me | :) | 04:12 |
alphy | skon, Major bug fix updates produced after the final release of the | 04:13 |
alphy | distribution. | 04:13 |
gn0me | ElitePete: That's what every linux user wants, sexy terminals. :) | 04:13 |
Locke | how do i log on as root in the GUI again? | 04:13 |
skon | gn0me: is that a banner for the local term? | 04:13 |
Wilf | mmm how do i access my secondary HDD, which is NTFS? | 04:13 |
skon | alphy: do you have a # in front of it? | 04:13 |
skon | Wilf: what is the device name? | 04:13 |
gn0me | skon: Yeah, I just put the banner in a text file and in my ~/.bashrc it does "cat linuxjunkieslogo" | 04:13 |
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Wilf | skon: no idea. | 04:14 |
alphy | skon, no, got rid of all of them. that was the right thing to do, right? | 04:14 |
Wilf | just the slave drive on the promary ide channel. | 04:14 |
ElitePete | gn0me, check it out http://home.comcast.net/~elitepete/term.jpg | 04:14 |
skon | alphy: no , only get rid of the ones in front of the addresses.. e.g. http://ubuntu.... etc...the #'s should be kept for every other line | 04:14 |
Wilf | hdd1 then i suppose | 04:14 |
gn0me | :) | 04:14 |
skon | Wilf: hold on a sec... | 04:14 |
ElitePete | ;-D | 04:14 |
gn0me | Looks good. :D | 04:14 |
alphy | skon, okay | 04:14 |
existance | I have a partition i want to make accessible to all users, what umask would i use? | 04:15 |
gn0me | Especially since my name is on it. ;) | 04:15 |
ElitePete | gn0me, LOl | 04:15 |
CaptainMorgan | arg! | 04:15 |
ElitePete | < wishes he had switched to linux years ago | 04:15 |
skon | Wilf: first you do sudo umount /dev/hda1 | 04:15 |
=== CaptainMorgan agrees.. | ||
skon | Wilf: then you type sudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/ntfs -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=0222 exit | 04:16 |
skon | ElitePete: use the /me command for a third person reference :P | 04:16 |
gn0me | existance: /me is awesome. | 04:16 |
=== gn0me is awesome. :D | ||
gn0me | I suck at typing. | 04:16 |
=== existance wonders why | ||
=== ElitePete o.O | ||
Wilf | skon, device is busy... | 04:17 |
=== gn0me stabs lightly at the internet. | ||
rendi | hello what happen with my breezy ? | 04:17 |
Locke | how do i log on as root in the GUI again? | 04:17 |
skon | Wilf: on what command? | 04:17 |
Wilf | unmounting. | 04:17 |
gn0me | Locke: Don't need to.. can always use "sudo" for stuff | 04:17 |
rendi | if i'm install hoary mysql runing wel | 04:17 |
skon | Wilf: then try hda2...I don't know which partition your NTFS is named | 04:17 |
gn0me | Locke: And if you REALLY need to be in a root terminal.. "sudo -s" | 04:17 |
rendi | but on breezy its stuck | 04:17 |
mcjerry | Wilf, do you have ide or sata? | 04:17 |
Wilf | ah, fair enough. alrighty. | 04:17 |
Wilf | IDE. | 04:17 |
benplaut | can someone write a small script for me? | 04:18 |
=== existance loves his dilbet calender he got for xmas | ||
=== mwe [n=mwe@port462.ds1-ynoe.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Locke | gn0me well i'm not the greatest with commands yet | 04:18 |
gn0me | benplaut: Yes, but it might not do what you want it to! | 04:18 |
gn0me | Locke: Neither am I :D | 04:18 |
=== ssstormy [n=sliverst@adsl-69-109-248-15.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
benplaut | brb | 04:18 |
mcjerry | Wilf: u in gnome now? | 04:18 |
Locke | gn0me: i just need to change the permissions on my fstab file to let me on | 04:18 |
gn0me | Which text editor do you use? | 04:19 |
Wilf | mcjerry, yes | 04:19 |
gn0me | Locke: sudo gedit /etc/fstab | 04:19 |
gn0me | Locke: And put in your account's password (for Locke) | 04:19 |
mcjerry | System > Administration > Disks | 04:20 |
Wilf | mcjerry, ah... | 04:20 |
=== scole [n=chatzill@AC9D522F.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Wilf | /dev/hdb | 04:20 |
mcjerry | how many partitions are on hdb? | 04:21 |
Wilf | damn. i really wish i could convert it to ext3 without wiping the data. there is one partition | 04:21 |
=== randabis [n=randabis@cpe-24-167-43-245.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scole | make another | 04:21 |
=== radiodog [n=ivar@65-100-2-113.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ilba7r | pratyush ! | 04:21 |
Wilf | the disk is full | 04:21 |
mcjerry | Wilf: open a terminal | 04:21 |
scole | oh | 04:22 |
Wilf | mcjerry, terminal is open | 04:22 |
beardousa | ilba7r, Did pratyush disappear on you | 04:22 |
gn0me | Seeya guys! | 04:22 |
existance | mcjerry, go to /dev and see how many hdb1, hdb2 etc there for | 04:22 |
skon | Wilf: just replace 1 with d in the command I told you | 04:22 |
=== mwe [n=mwe@port462.ds1-ynoe.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mcjerry | Wilf: is this your windows partition or just a stroage partition | 04:22 |
ilba7r | beardousa yap | 04:22 |
ilba7r | lol | 04:22 |
Wilf | mcjerry, storage partition | 04:22 |
existance | mcjerry, or type sudo fdisk /dev/hdb | 04:22 |
ilba7r | here is the link he needed though https://wiki.ubuntu.com//SetupNdiswrapperHowto | 04:23 |
Wilf | however it is formatted with ntfs | 04:23 |
mcjerry | existance: help is for Wilf, not me | 04:23 |
existance | mcjerry, yea... i just noticed and promptly slapped myself | 04:23 |
mcjerry | Wilf: sudo mkdir /mnt/storage | 04:23 |
=== erika [n=erika@pool-71-240-43-184.pitt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mcjerry | Wilf: do you prefer nano or gedit? | 04:23 |
Wilf | gedit | 04:23 |
=== vrub [n=vlad@CPE000c4127af87-CM0011ae92b2bc.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vrub | sethk you still here ? | 04:24 |
erika | hi everyone... merry Christmas :) | 04:24 |
mcjerry | Wilf sudo gedit /etc/fstab | 04:24 |
vrub | cheerz erika | 04:24 |
mcjerry | Wilf: can you pm? | 04:24 |
ilba7r | merry christmas to you erika | 04:24 |
erika | ty vrub | 04:24 |
erika | you too ilba7r | 04:24 |
vrub | someone rescue me | 04:25 |
ilba7r | ok vrub can you restate your prob | 04:25 |
Wilf | mcjerry, yes | 04:25 |
erika | I finally broke down... intro'ed myself in the forums. I feel snubbed. :( | 04:25 |
mcjerry | Wilf: paste your /etc/fstab in pm to me | 04:26 |
beardousa | The scripts in /etc/init.d are run as your user, not root, right? | 04:26 |
vrub | ilba7r i am trying to edit my boot.ini file and i cant because ntfs is read-only and i booted with a NTFS4DOS floppy and tried copying a new boot.ini and it still didnt work | 04:26 |
Wilf | # | 04:26 |
Wilf | # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass> | 04:26 |
Wilf | proc /proc proc defaults 0 0 | 04:26 |
Wilf | /dev/hda1 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1 | 04:26 |
Wilf | /dev/hda5 none swap sw 0 0 | 04:26 |
beardousa | I need to make a script that runs as root. Where can I do that? | 04:26 |
Wilf | /dev/hdc /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0 | 04:26 |
Wilf | /dev/hdd /media/cdrom1 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0 | 04:26 |
Wilf | goddamnit. | 04:26 |
Wilf | stupid xchat, sorry everyone. | 04:26 |
crimsun | beardousa: they're run as root. | 04:26 |
beardousa | oh | 04:26 |
crimsun | beardousa: man update-rc.d | 04:26 |
existance | Wilf, might use www.pastebin.com next time :/ | 04:26 |
=== Wilf has pastebin open now :$ | ||
ilba7r | vrub are you editing it from window or linux | 04:27 |
vrub | ilba7r linux | 04:27 |
ilba7r | vrub i did it from window | 04:27 |
mcjerry | Wilf: add this line to fstab -- /dev/hdb1 /mnt/storage ntfs umask=0222 0 0 | 04:27 |
vrub | ilba7r i cant boot into windows | 04:27 |
vrub | ilba7r thats why im on linux | 04:27 |
mcjerry | Wilf: save fstab and close gedit | 04:28 |
=== randabis [n=randabis@cpe-24-167-43-245.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ilba7r | vrub ok and you want to write to ntfs right | 04:28 |
Wilf | mcjerry, done and done. | 04:28 |
ilba7r | !ntfs | 04:28 |
ubotu | somebody said ntfs was the filesystem used in Windows 2000 and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions | 04:28 |
vrub | ilba7r yeah | 04:28 |
mcjerry | Wilf: did you sudo mkdir /mnt/storage ? | 04:28 |
Wilf | mcjerry, yes i did | 04:28 |
mcjerry | Wilf: mount -a | 04:28 |
vrub | ilba7r i just need to edit a few words and i cant :( | 04:28 |
ilba7r | vrub though it is not recommended just follow the link ubotu gave | 04:28 |
=== misfit_toy [n=guy@cpe-67-9-170-125.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Wilf | mcjerry, done | 04:28 |
mcjerry | Wilf: cd /mnt/storage and then ls | 04:29 |
mcjerry | Wilf: do you see files now | 04:29 |
phreak97 | can xchat be made to minimize to a systray icon? | 04:29 |
vrub | ilba7r i already have it mounted | 04:29 |
Wilf | mcjerry, yes i see all my files on my hdb! | 04:29 |
vrub | ilba7r it mounts in read-only man | 04:29 |
ilba7r | vrub you need to enable writing to it i know there is a command but can not remeber it that is why i am browsing the link | 04:30 |
ilba7r | it was unmask something | 04:30 |
mcjerry | Wilf: now each time you reboot, the drive will be automounted to /mnt/storage | 04:30 |
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Wilf | mcjerry, ah, that is great. thanks alot! | 04:30 |
vrub | ilba7r you have to recompile the kernel i think ? | 04:30 |
=== ssstormy [n=sliverst@adsl-69-109-248-15.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Wilf | can files be written to NTFS yet? | 04:30 |
ilba7r | vrub no i do not think so | 04:30 |
mcjerry | Wilf: i have not tried read/write yet, only read here | 04:31 |
ilba7r | oh you are right vrub | 04:31 |
skon | ilba7r: linux does not allow ntfs writing directly, you need to download special programs for that which are limited | 04:31 |
benplaut | anyone here with conky, who can lend a few min of there time in exchange for furthering development of not having the dreaded 'flickers'? | 04:31 |
=== electroweak [i=electrow@CPE-65-27-97-140.mn.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vrub | sigh | 04:31 |
mcjerry | Wilf: me thinks write to ntfs is limited | 04:31 |
erika | <--- wonders why ANYONE would ever want to write to NTFS | 04:31 |
=== dabaR__ wishes everyone a happy xfer to GNU/Linux! | ||
=== dabaR__ is now known as dabaR | ||
Wilf | then it is time for me to hook up the the good old onetouch and do a backup and reformat! | 04:31 |
benplaut | happy Chrismahanakwanza! | 04:31 |
electroweak | good night everbody | 04:32 |
benplaut | 'night | 04:32 |
=== punkinhiding [n=manosh@197.152.dsl.syd.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
electroweak | i have some problems about Xserver it`s shutting itself down | 04:32 |
rabbit1 | Wilf: if you make a partition with file sys format fat32, then both can read/write | 04:32 |
electroweak | how can i fix it | 04:32 |
electroweak | any ideas | 04:32 |
=== misfit_toy [n=guy@cpe-67-9-170-125.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CaptainMorgan | no! | 04:32 |
skon | electroweak: you need to be more specific | 04:33 |
rabbit1 | Wilf: you can also do it with ext2 or 3 but windows needs a driver to read/write | 04:33 |
benplaut | electroweak, stop pressing ctrl+alt+backspace | 04:33 |
dabaR | why use xserver on christmas! | 04:33 |
erika | Hi CaptainMorgan :) | 04:33 |
benplaut | dabaR, -_- | 04:33 |
=== CaptainMorgan winks at erika :) | ||
=== dabaR stops everything for christmas to happen | ||
erika | My ex used to drink you. | 04:33 |
electroweak | i dont know exactly what`s happening after installation when restart it`s closing itself | 04:34 |
erika | Maybe he still does. ;) | 04:34 |
electroweak | error report says some font problem | 04:34 |
dabaR | electroweak: any errors? | 04:34 |
CaptainMorgan | lol.. don't know whether to be flattered, or insulted... :) | 04:34 |
benplaut | CaptainMorgan, then it worked! | 04:34 |
electroweak | error report says some font problem | 04:34 |
dabaR | CaptainMorgan: be joyous, christ is born! | 04:34 |
CaptainMorgan | !! | 04:34 |
ubotu | ?? | 04:34 |
crimsun | electroweak: please upload your /var/log/Xorg.0.log onto http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 04:34 |
benplaut | !? | 04:34 |
ubotu | I haven't a clue, benplaut | 04:34 |
ravv_ | Um how do I install apache2+php5 on dapper? | 04:34 |
erika | doesn't matter... merry xmas, Cap'n :) | 04:34 |
benplaut | heh :P | 04:35 |
CaptainMorgan | sorry bott... don't mean to disturb | 04:35 |
CaptainMorgan | go back to sleep bott | 04:35 |
benplaut | !botsnack | 04:35 |
ubotu | :) | 04:35 |
CaptainMorgan | lol | 04:35 |
mcjerry | Wilf: you still here? | 04:35 |
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CaptainMorgan | merry christmas erika, :) you on the market :-0 | 04:35 |
rabbit1 | if you access a fat32 drive from linux do permissions work at all? what does setting permissions from linux do? | 04:36 |
erika | not really, Cap'n... still married. | 04:36 |
CaptainMorgan | good for you :) cheers | 04:36 |
=== xue [i=ruth@d58-104-222-111.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xue | hi | 04:37 |
xue | i need a lil help | 04:37 |
xue | how do i open shell in ubuntu ? | 04:37 |
ilba7r | vrub you are right sorry pal have no idea right now | 04:37 |
crimsun | xue: Applications> Accessories> Terminal | 04:37 |
mcjerry | Wilf: If you want to do a simple convert, Paragon Partition Manager 7.0 will convert ntfs to fat32....it is most reliable partition manager i have used..... | 04:37 |
CaptainMorgan | how many gals we got in here? pretty brave no going to the right side of things.. that are Linux | 04:37 |
xue | ty | 04:37 |
CaptainMorgan | good for you | 04:37 |
erika | divorcing tho. Ex was a puter wiz. He always put Linux down... loved Mac tho. Go figure. | 04:37 |
CaptainMorgan | so you ARe on the market... | 04:38 |
benplaut | anyone here with conky, who can lend a few min of there time in exchange for furthering development of not having the dreaded 'flickers'? | 04:38 |
CaptainMorgan | sorry to hear that... | 04:38 |
mcjerry | rabbit1: what partition manager you had most success with? | 04:38 |
rabbit1 | haven't done any yet..... well I just partitioned the drive when I installed xp... it's not formatted... | 04:38 |
rabbit1 | I'm going to format when I install ubuntu... | 04:38 |
rabbit1 | but I want to share a partition | 04:39 |
rabbit1 | and I'm trying to decide between fat32 and ext2 or 3 | 04:39 |
CaptainMorgan | admirable to see a gal who is afraid to get her hands dirty and do some kernel coding, X modding, gnome or KDe customs... etc.. cheers | 04:39 |
CaptainMorgan | is - isn't | 04:39 |
erika | I'm researching Linux to get my kids away from Windows. I just spent a weekend getting rid of a CWS browser hijack on my son's xp... ended up doing a clean install. | 04:39 |
=== clay [n=clay@c-24-129-81-66.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== clay [n=clay@c-24-129-81-66.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
CaptainMorgan | ooof... CWS.. | 04:39 |
crimsun | d'oh, I need to upload conky 1.3.4 | 04:40 |
CaptainMorgan | well, you've come to right channel erika :) | 04:40 |
Xmasmoo | how can I install simultaneous versions with apt-get to non-standard locations? I need to use boost 1.3.2 which conflicts with Ubuntu repository default. | 04:40 |
dabaR | go, hurry, it could make it before christmas! | 04:40 |
CaptainMorgan | you on a laptop or desktop for your kids? | 04:40 |
dabaR | rabbit1: there is a umask option for mounting fat. | 04:40 |
rabbit1 | what's that dabaR? | 04:41 |
ravv_ | What is conky? | 04:41 |
benplaut | ravv_, a really nice system moniter | 04:41 |
Wilf | mcjerry, i am back now, sorry went to watch family guy... | 04:41 |
dabaR | rabbit1: and other options. You likely can not change permissions after you mount. It is permissions during mount. run "man mount" in a terminal, and then read the section for fat. Then ask us what you do not get from there. | 04:41 |
rabbit1 | okay | 04:41 |
mcjerry | Wilf: you want to convert ntfs to fat32 ? | 04:41 |
=== jmhodges [n=jmh@cpe-71-67-115-45.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
erika | I'm a simple user... but I'm soooo sick of updating my AV, Spyware... dealing with my kid's destroying my os with CWS hijacks... ARRRGHHH | 04:42 |
Wilf | mcjerry, nah it is ok, my onetouch is empty, so i'll just convert it to ext3, then copy my files over, then reformat my hdb. | 04:42 |
dabaR | Raah | 04:42 |
jmhodges | hey, i just got a new monitor but the xorg doesn't want to display | 04:42 |
mcjerry | np | 04:42 |
jmhodges | what do i need to do to get my system autoconfigured for my new monitor? | 04:42 |
erika | I'm good at clean installs now | 04:42 |
=== thoreauputic [n=prospero@ubuntu/member/thoreauputic] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaR | jmhodges: resolution? | 04:42 |
erika | sigh | 04:43 |
benplaut | crimsun, can you help for a few min? | 04:43 |
dabaR | jmhodges: or nothing shown? | 04:43 |
=== nootrope [n=nootrope@pool-68-239-98-112.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crimsun | benplaut: I don't use conky myself, so I probably won't be much help | 04:43 |
jmhodges | dabaR: an error about not bein "able to dispaly at this video mode" | 04:43 |
benplaut | oh | 04:43 |
dabaR | jmhodges: run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" in a terminal, and follow what it says, and then come ask me if it does not help. | 04:44 |
benplaut | jmhodges, "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" | 04:44 |
benplaut | err | 04:44 |
jmhodges | natch, ok thanks hehe | 04:44 |
benplaut | yeah :P | 04:44 |
erika | I'm boring you | 04:44 |
erika | sawwy | 04:44 |
dabaR | erika: what is sawwy? is that savvy? | 04:45 |
ElitePete | sorry. | 04:45 |
dabaR | I saw that before. sawwy | 04:45 |
CaptainMorgan | I hear ya erika, not sure if you need convincing - boring ? hell no... multitasking :) if you need convincing, you don't need to worry about spyware in Linux and viruses are at extreme low.. | 04:45 |
=== ingrato [n=knoppix@pcp0012052782pcs.goosck01.sc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rabbit1 | dabaR: I can set global permissions on the fat partition when I mount it.... but permissions aren't lasting? | 04:45 |
ingrato | hi | 04:45 |
ingrato | does ubuntu only come with gnome and not kde? | 04:45 |
ElitePete | ingrato comes with kde also | 04:46 |
dabaR | ravv_: "aptitude search conky" or "/msg ubotu info conky" former command in aterminal, latter message to the channel. | 04:46 |
ElitePete | get "kubuntu" | 04:46 |
rabbit1 | !kubuntu | 04:46 |
dabaR | ingrato: there is both. | 04:46 |
ubotu | Kubuntu is Ubuntu+KDE, not a fork ; see http://kubuntu.org and you can go to #kubuntu for KDE-related help, or install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ; ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/breezy/ | 04:46 |
thoreauputic | ingrato: you can install it also - sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 04:46 |
ElitePete | !botsnack | 04:46 |
ubotu | :) | 04:46 |
erika | CM... Are Linux systems truly immune to Virus attacks? | 04:47 |
ElitePete | erika, pretty much | 04:47 |
rabbit1 | why? | 04:47 |
jmhodges | ok, when i started up gdm my monitor stated that ti was "autoadjusting" | 04:47 |
ingrato | thoreauputic, how from debian? or from within ubuntu? | 04:47 |
jmhodges | is this going to keep happening? | 04:47 |
dabaR | erika: it is not an attack, it is called obtaining non-legitimate copies of software, and falling for email scam. | 04:47 |
thoreauputic | ingrato: from within ubuntu | 04:47 |
ilba7r | erika nothing is 100 % imune but they are much better than window | 04:47 |
ingrato | thanks | 04:48 |
erika | I spent an hour at the local Buffet explaining why Linux was better to my kids this past sunday. | 04:48 |
CaptainMorgan | erika - yep :) generally speaking... Linux isn't the target of many hackers... target is big business | 04:48 |
dabaR | he asks is this going to continue hapenning, I was gonna ask him is he going to keep switching monitors. | 04:48 |
=== Knowerrors [n=stormsur@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rabbit1 | dabaR: I can set global permissions on the fat partition when I mount it.... but permissions aren't lasting? | 04:49 |
dabaR | erika: just let them use it, I guess. | 04:49 |
ingrato | how does ubuntu differ from debian? | 04:49 |
ingrato | I've never used either | 04:49 |
benplaut | hrm... ubotu has it's math wrong | 04:49 |
crimsun | ingrato: that's answered in part on Mark Shuttleworth's wiki page | 04:49 |
benplaut | Kubuntu isn't ubuntu+kde | 04:49 |
erika | Some older (80) woman at the next table stood up, clapped, and asked me how I learned so much about computers. | 04:49 |
dabaR | rabbit1: what are you asking? the permissions are meaningful for a fat system only when it is mounted under linux, otherwise it is not meanignful. Just add the fat entry to /etc/fstab. | 04:50 |
benplaut | it's ubuntu -gnome +kde! | 04:50 |
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thoreauputic | ingrato: they are very similar, but ubuntu releases new versions every 6 months | 04:50 |
dabaR | ingrato: visit both web sites. | 04:50 |
ingrato | crimsun, where is Mark's page? | 04:50 |
ilba7r | ingrato if you never used either so your answer will be it it much easier to install and work with | 04:50 |
crimsun | wiki.ubuntu.com/MarkShuttleworth | 04:50 |
=== xororand is now known as xoa`weg | ||
ingrato | how often does debian release? | 04:50 |
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CaptainMorgan | erika, your kids like to play games? if so, you may want to dual boot... maybe 50/50... | 04:50 |
=== seth_k|lappy [n=seth@ubuntu/member/sethkinast] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaR | ingrato: 6 months as opposed to debian's "when a release is ready and stable" | 04:50 |
=== P8ntKid [n=jon@pcp0011206865pcs.salsbr01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ElitePete | CaptainMorgan, could just install vmware for games | 04:50 |
=== vivid [n=vivid@c-67-160-125-239.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CaptainMorgan | haven't tried vmare... but yea of course.. even wine.. but I haven't got wine to function properly ;( | 04:51 |
ingrato | thanks | 04:51 |
ElitePete | wine blows | 04:51 |
rabbit1 | dabaR: if I use ext2 or 3 instead of fat32 for this shared partition, then permissions will be 1. persistent, and 2. different! (not global umask) | 04:51 |
rabbit1 | right? | 04:51 |
erika | CM... I dual boot now... 40mb fat32share. See... I'm not a dumb chick. ;) | 04:51 |
=== jmhodges [n=jmh@cpe-71-67-115-45.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
benplaut | !no, kubuntu is Kubuntu is Ubuntu+KDE, not a fork ; see http://kubuntu.org and you can go to #kubuntu for KDE-related help, or install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop. It is possible to have Gnome and KDE on the same system, just select which to use at the GDM or KDM login screan ; ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/breezy/ | 04:52 |
=== BoukenPink [n=Nanami@brndmb02dc1-212-249.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaR | rabbit1: for ext3 permissions are meaningful, so yes. | 04:52 |
dabaR | rabbit1: fat is a windows fs, so...windows does not have permissions. | 04:52 |
benplaut | damn bot | 04:52 |
benplaut | !forget kubuntu | 04:52 |
ubotu | i forgot kubuntu, benplaut | 04:52 |
rabbit1 | so would you recommend using ext3 for a shared drive and get windows the driver for it?? | 04:52 |
CaptainMorgan | erika.. you're hot | 04:52 |
thoreauputic | benplaut: I suspect that factoid is now too long for the channel | 04:52 |
benplaut | ubotu kubuntu is kubuntu is Kubuntu is Ubuntu+KDE, not a fork ; see http://kubuntu.org and you can go to #kubuntu for KDE-related help, or install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop. It is possible to have Gnome and KDE on the same system, just select which to use at the GDM or KDM login screan ; ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/breezy/ | 04:52 |
ubotu | benplaut: what are you talking about? | 04:52 |
benplaut | thoreauputic, i guess you're right | 04:53 |
crimsun | don't recursively define it | 04:53 |
benplaut | ubotu kubuntu is kubuntu is Kubuntu is Ubuntu+KDE, not a fork ; see http://kubuntu.org and you can go to #kubuntu for KDE-related help, or install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop; ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/breezy/ | 04:53 |
ubotu | benplaut: I think you lost me on that one | 04:53 |
erika | No... my kids are hot. | 04:53 |
benplaut | !kubuntu is Kubuntu is Ubuntu+KDE, not a fork ; see http://kubuntu.org and you can go to #kubuntu for KDE-related help, or install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop; ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/breezy/ | 04:53 |
ubotu | benplaut: what are you talking about? | 04:53 |
thoreauputic | benplaut: "kubuntu is [reply] ..... | 04:53 |
dabaR | benplaut: read the pm he sent you please. | 04:53 |
benplaut | has the syntax changed?! | 04:53 |
horgh | hello | 04:54 |
benplaut | sorry :/ | 04:54 |
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dabaR | rabbit1: me? recommend? Not really, I never used either, but you can try what works better. | 04:54 |
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rabbit1 | well I figure ext3 since you can remember the permissions... but with fat32 you don't need a driver for windows | 04:55 |
Inf3ctedFx | Hello everyone | 04:55 |
erika | A little about me... airline pilot... big jets... love the most from the least... adore damn small linux | 04:55 |
benplaut | thanks dabaR | 04:55 |
dabaR | rabbit1: and you can set up so that Ubuntu mounts your fat automatically, every time, with same permissions. | 04:55 |
horgh | when I try to run synaptic paquet manager, asks me for the password and I write it, then linux say that: Failed to run /usr/sbin/synaptic as user root: | 04:55 |
horgh | Unable to copy the user's Xauthorization file. | 04:55 |
horgh | what happen? | 04:55 |
youngcoder | merry Christmas and goodnight Everyone!!! | 04:55 |
=== SoulPropagation [n=ethan@c-66-41-75-182.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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drcode | hi all | 04:55 |
thoreauputic | erika: DSL is pretty cool :) | 04:55 |
rabbit1 | global permissions dabaR???? | 04:55 |
benplaut | happy Christmahanakwanza :) | 04:55 |
drcode | how I can chage sshd port? | 04:55 |
dabaR | erika, CaptainMorgan, can you guys talk at #ubuntu-offtopic, it is more private. | 04:55 |
dabaR | youngcoder: hi. | 04:56 |
youngcoder | heya dabaR | 04:56 |
crimsun | drcode: change the listening port in /etc/ssh/sshd_config | 04:56 |
CaptainMorgan | dabaR, don't be a party pooper | 04:56 |
dabaR | rabbit1: what are global permissions? | 04:56 |
drcode | I DID It | 04:56 |
erika | dabaR... I'm not talking to CaptainMorgan | 04:56 |
drcode | it change me the ssh port | 04:56 |
drcode | client | 04:56 |
dabaR | OK, your choice. | 04:57 |
rabbit1 | you said you can set the permissions when you mount.... but those permission are global (everything the same) | 04:57 |
drcode | ha | 04:57 |
drcode | wait | 04:57 |
dabaR | to all the files, yes. | 04:57 |
drcode | I will try it | 04:57 |
drcode | thanx | 04:57 |
SoulPropagation | where does ubuntu store my panel preferences (e.g. if i'm migrating some of my settings to a new machine) | 04:57 |
SoulPropagation | (both machines are on 5.10) | 04:57 |
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erika | thoreauputic... DSL is amazing. I've chatted with the devs in their irc. Amazing! | 04:58 |
benplaut | SoulPropagation, it's in Gconf... good luck transferring it over :/ | 04:58 |
thoreauputic | erika: :) | 04:58 |
=== Hawklinux [n=Hawklinu@c-24-0-71-37.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaR | horgh: try "ls ~/.Xauthority | 04:58 |
SoulPropagation | benplaut: there's no /$home/.gnome/panel/ or anything? | 04:58 |
dabaR | horgh: no " | 04:58 |
vrub | soo | 04:58 |
benplaut | SoulPropagation, afaik, no | 04:58 |
benplaut | and i do /alot/ witht he panel | 04:59 |
vrub | is it time to open presents yet | 04:59 |
erika | Am I in the wrong room? | 04:59 |
rabbit1 | dabaR, if you set the permissions when mounting, you use a bitmask.. every file will have the same permissions | 04:59 |
SoulPropagation | benplaut: well then where does Gconf store its files? | 04:59 |
vrub | PRESENTS | 04:59 |
rabbit1 | is that right? | 04:59 |
MasterTsunami | Dudes, I switched to fglrx, and my native resolution is 1280x800, yet I can only do 1024x768. I tried changing some things in xorg.conf but I can't seem to get it to work. Here's my xorg.conf --> http://pastebin.com/478094 | 04:59 |
dabaR | rabbit1: yes, that is right. I get what you mean now. | 04:59 |
thoreauputic | SoulPropagation: most of that stuff is in ~/.gnome2 ~/.gconf and so on | 04:59 |
benplaut | ^^ | 04:59 |
SoulPropagation | erika: yeah, try #ubuntu-offtopic, cuz it's .... offtopic :P this is mainly for ubuntu support. =) | 04:59 |
dabaR | vrub: heh. go ahead, if you have any. | 04:59 |
dabaR | erika: for what? try "/topic" | 05:00 |
rabbit1 | if I used ext3 for the file system, then permissions would be persistent.. I just need a driver for windows | 05:00 |
vrub | dabaR I HAVE NONE :( | 05:00 |
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vrub | dabaR made a deal with the fat guy in the suit | 05:00 |
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dabaR | vrub: same here, so feel OK. | 05:00 |
rabbit1 | does anyone have any experience with the ext2/3 driver for windows?? | 05:00 |
dabaR | rabbit1: and it is available, so I hear. | 05:00 |
vrub | dabaR :P | 05:01 |
erika | ok... I'm otta here... walking in a winter wonder land | 05:01 |
erika | ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... | 05:01 |
vrub | dabaR on top of it all, i broke my windows partition so i have no games to play | 05:01 |
abarbaccia | hey - anybody here good with shell scripting? i need soem quick help | 05:01 |
ilba7r | rappet1 do you mean ext2fs | 05:01 |
dabaR | vrub: take up reading. | 05:01 |
rabbit1 | well.. either one | 05:01 |
dabaR | abarbaccia: try asking the question here and in #bash if you do not get an answer. | 05:01 |
rabbit1 | pretty much the same.. ext3 is backwards compatible | 05:01 |
erika | where do I find quality help for a linux newbie? | 05:01 |
crimsun | erika: if it's ubuntu-centric, here. | 05:02 |
=== CaptainMorgan is trying to understand shell scripting/kernel coding.... | ||
abarbaccia | so i want to be able to parse the output of a command via a shell scrip | 05:02 |
abarbaccia | t | 05:02 |
thoreauputic | erika: well, here - what did you want to ask ? | 05:02 |
dabaR | erika: ask, and I will tell you where to ask if the question is not well asked here. | 05:02 |
ilba7r | erika you are pretty well in the right chan | 05:02 |
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abarbaccia | like if i do iwlist scanning - i want to be able to get only the names of the networks | 05:02 |
SoulPropagation | erika: here | 05:02 |
dabaR | abarbaccia: try cut. show us the output on pastebin, so we can tell you what to cut. paste.ubuntu-nl.org. | 05:03 |
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abarbaccia | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6136 | 05:03 |
ilba7r | abrabaccia iwlist wlan0 scan |grep ESSID | 05:03 |
crimsun | abarbaccia: man grep; man awk | 05:04 |
crimsun | abarbaccia: here's something for starters: iwlist scanning 2>/dev/null|grep ESSID|awk -F: '{ print $2 }' | 05:04 |
ilba7r | this is using a pipe | 05:04 |
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dabaR | whatever... | 05:04 |
dabaR | 2fast4u... | 05:04 |
CaptainMorgan | yep | 05:05 |
=== alex__ [n=alex@ool-45747251.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
alex__ | any good text-based AIM clients out there? | 05:05 |
crimsun | naim. | 05:05 |
alex__ | word | 05:05 |
abarbaccia | crimsun, whats the 2 after iwlist about? and the /dev/null | 05:05 |
dabaR | alex__: try centericq. | 05:05 |
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crimsun | abarbaccia: because you want to discard the messages regarding which interfaces don't support scanning | 05:06 |
thoreauputic | abarbaccia: sends errors to nowhere :) | 05:06 |
crimsun | abarbaccia: you might want to read the bash man page regarding stdout and stderr redirection | 05:06 |
benplaut | anyone here with conky, who can lend a few min of there time in exchange for furthering development of not having the dreaded 'flickers'? | 05:06 |
crimsun | benplaut: test with 1.3.4 first. | 05:06 |
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phreak97 | can someone help me with getting this fat32 partition mounted? | 05:06 |
benplaut | crimsun, i'm stuck in Gentoo compiling gnome... can't do much | 05:07 |
erika | funny thing... I dedicated my HD to Ubuntu a week ago. Pulled my windows HD, stuck an old 20g in there. It works FINE! So... what's the deal? | 05:07 |
dabaR | phreak97: what have you tried, and at what stage are you now? | 05:07 |
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benplaut | crimsun, but from the changelog, doesn't seem they've done anything about it | 05:07 |
phreak97 | dabaR, it worked, so i added it to fstab, now it doesnt appear in Computer or on the desktop | 05:08 |
crimsun | benplaut: that doesn't mean anything | 05:08 |
dabaR | phreak97: where did you mount? | 05:08 |
phreak97 | after a restart | 05:08 |
crimsun | benplaut: you need to confirm that it still exists in 1.3.4 before starting with a bug report | 05:08 |
phreak97 | in /media/s | 05:08 |
phreak97 | but it came up as storage, which is what i called the partition | 05:08 |
dabaR | and? | 05:09 |
benplaut | crimsun, it's a well-known issue, and they have several sollutions on their website... it's not a but, it's jus that the code isn't there... | 05:09 |
CaptainMorgan | erika , you have LInux only 20 g's ? | 05:09 |
CaptainMorgan | :) | 05:09 |
CaptainMorgan | have = gave | 05:09 |
mcjerry | who is using xchat? | 05:09 |
crimsun | benplaut: if actual source code hasn't been touched yet, there must be a reason | 05:09 |
=== dabaR calls poll | ||
CaptainMorgan | mcjerry, here | 05:09 |
CaptainMorgan | xchat rulz! | 05:09 |
benplaut | w/e | 05:10 |
mwe | nah. xchat is too static | 05:10 |
mcjerry | i have autojoin channel on connect; how do i set autojoin on kicks? | 05:10 |
thoreauputic | !start an IRC client war | 05:10 |
ubotu | xchat is better than b-x ! | 05:10 |
CaptainMorgan | my only gripe with xchat is the channel list... which it could be like hydra's | 05:10 |
thoreauputic | :) | 05:10 |
crimsun | try xchat-gnome, then | 05:10 |
CaptainMorgan | too static ? | 05:10 |
benplaut | !start a text editor war | 05:10 |
ubotu | benplaut: Do they come in packets of five? | 05:10 |
phreak97 | dabaR, i restarted after adding to fstab, now i cant make it show again | 05:10 |
benplaut | -_- | 05:10 |
erika | CaptainMorgan I have hard drives laying around that my husband left... I have no clue what they are, | 05:10 |
thoreauputic | !start an editor war | 05:10 |
ubotu | kwrite is better than emacs. | 05:10 |
benplaut | thar we go :D | 05:11 |
dabaR | phreak97: is it mouinted, though? | 05:11 |
mcjerry | CaptainMorgan: i agree on channel listing | 05:11 |
bolrod | kwrite sux | 05:11 |
CaptainMorgan | erika, sure nothing's on them? | 05:11 |
benplaut | bolrod, it's a joke -_- | 05:11 |
bolrod | I know | 05:11 |
bolrod | but it like | 05:11 |
CaptainMorgan | mcjerry, you ever use hydra ? | 05:11 |
bolrod | really really sux :) | 05:11 |
erika | dunno | 05:11 |
phreak97 | daba i believe so | 05:11 |
=== gil- [n=gil@dsl-200-78-70-101.prod-infinitum.com.mx] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CaptainMorgan | if nothing, use those sucka up1 | 05:11 |
CaptainMorgan | ! | 05:11 |
ubotu | No idea, CaptainMorgan | 05:11 |
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bolrod | !start window manager war | 05:11 |
ubotu | I haven't a clue, bolrod | 05:11 |
mcjerry | CaptainMorgan, nope, just mirc in winblows and xchat | 05:11 |
gil- | need a lil' help | 05:12 |
bolrod | !start desktop war | 05:12 |
ubotu | NO SPEAKE ENLISH!, bolrod | 05:12 |
dabaR | phreak97: verify. that is your next step. "ls /media/storage" | 05:12 |
thoreauputic | !ed | 05:12 |
ubotu | ed is the standard editor! ed, man! man ed! | 05:12 |
bolrod | I am | 05:12 |
bolrod | :/ | 05:12 |
erika | CaptainMorgan... at this point, should I care? | 05:12 |
bolrod | !start war | 05:12 |
ubotu | bolrod: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 05:12 |
CaptainMorgan | mcjerry, hydra's way of listing channels is super sweet | 05:12 |
phreak97 | access path: /media/s | 05:12 |
mcjerry | CaptainMorgain: how do i set autojoin on kicks? | 05:12 |
bolrod | !start terrorist war | 05:12 |
ubotu | bolrod: I don't know, could you explain it? | 05:12 |
mwe | !botsmack | 05:12 |
ubotu | parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, mwe | 05:12 |
bolrod | omg | 05:12 |
dabaR | bolrod: heh. | 05:12 |
thoreauputic | !botabuse | 05:12 |
ubotu | You can play with me in /msg without being banned. | 05:12 |
CaptainMorgan | erika, not sure... your call ;) | 05:12 |
dabaR | !botabuse | 05:12 |
bolrod | !start something | 05:12 |
ubotu | bolrod: I give up, what is it? | 05:12 |
thoreauputic | heh | 05:12 |
gil- | anybody can help me? | 05:12 |
phreak97 | daba its an empty partition | 05:12 |
phreak97 | ls will show nothing either way | 05:12 |
bolrod | !start distro war | 05:13 |
ubotu | bolrod: I give up, what is it? | 05:13 |
dabaR | phreak97: "mount" | 05:13 |
CaptainMorgan | your sick playing with the bot... | 05:13 |
CaptainMorgan | get a room | 05:13 |
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phreak97 | ? | 05:13 |
bolrod | *Yawn* | 05:13 |
bolrod | I will.... to sleep | 05:13 |
dabaR | phreak97: run "mount" in a terminal. when I give you "something" something is a command to run in a terminal. | 05:13 |
=== CaptainMorgan throws a dart at bolrod | ||
bolrod | x_0 | 05:14 |
=== horgh [n=horgh@254.Red-217-126-11.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gil- | my ubuntu wont scream!!! | 05:14 |
=== dabaR takes one for the team(the dart) | ||
bolrod | !lart CaptainMorgan | 05:14 |
gil- | no sound!!! | 05:14 |
gil- | :S | 05:14 |
phreak97 | dabaR, i realized.. it is mounted, media/s has the same free space as the partition | 05:14 |
bolrod | 'cmon ubotu ! | 05:14 |
bolrod | !lart cantona | 05:14 |
bolrod | -,- | 05:14 |
bolrod | !lart CaptainMorgan | 05:14 |
cantona | ? | 05:14 |
dabaR | phreak97: is it shown under "mount"? | 05:14 |
SoulPropagation | !lart me | 05:14 |
SoulPropagation | !lart SoulPropagation | 05:14 |
phreak97 | yes | 05:14 |
bolrod | seems like ubotu is a bit............ | 05:14 |
cantona | !art bolrod | 05:15 |
ubotu | cantona: Do they come in packets of five? | 05:15 |
dabaR | thoreauputic: can you? | 05:15 |
erika | CaptainMorgan... you should likely look elsewhere. I'm just looking to sort out my OS. | 05:15 |
phreak97 | /dev/hdb6 on /media/s type vfat (rw,umask=000) | 05:15 |
bolrod | @load lart | 05:15 |
bolrod | something | 05:15 |
CaptainMorgan | erika ? | 05:15 |
thoreauputic | --> ubotu unfortunately, lart is disabled in my configuration | 05:15 |
CaptainMorgan | look elsewhere? | 05:15 |
erika | CM? | 05:15 |
SoulPropagation | how do i get nfs enabled on the shared folders prefs | 05:15 |
=== dabaR 's heart breaks | ||
ElitePete | whats a good linux game website | 05:16 |
CaptainMorgan | erika so what's wrong with your os? you dual boot... or do you have separate hd's for each os ? | 05:16 |
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mwe | ElitePete: happypenguin.org | 05:16 |
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phreak97 | dabaR, what do you think? | 05:16 |
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sagarp | how would i go about upgrading to gnome2.14? | 05:17 |
dabaR | phreak97: you had it mounted under /media/s before? | 05:17 |
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ravv_ | sagarp, there is no such thing? | 05:17 |
zazeem | need help plz | 05:17 |
mwe | !helpme | 05:17 |
ubotu | If you don't actually ask a question, we can not actually help you. | 05:17 |
erika | I gave a spare drive to Ubuntu | 05:17 |
jdef | anyone experience booting stuck at checking battery state after upgrade | 05:17 |
ravv_ | 2.12 in breezy 2.13 in dapper | 05:17 |
phreak97 | dabaR, i did, yes | 05:17 |
rabbit1 | does ubuntu come with some kind of defragmenter? | 05:17 |
phreak97 | but on the desktop it was called storage | 05:17 |
zazeem | how do i change my mouse rate to 500hz on breezy ?? | 05:17 |
sagarp | oh, ravv_ is 2.14 like, bleeding edge or something? | 05:18 |
dabaR | ravv_: there is a world out there other than ubuntu, he wants to compile source, I guess. | 05:18 |
=== linlin [i=linlin@c-67-184-159-233.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ravv_ | Dabar, still no 2.14 | 05:18 |
thoreauputic | rabbit1: linux doesn't need a defragmenter usually | 05:18 |
zazeem | how do i change my mouse rate to 500hz on breezy ?? | 05:18 |
rabbit1 | how come? | 05:18 |
thoreauputic | rabbit1: becuase it's properly designed ;) | 05:18 |
ravv_ | sagarp, Even numbers are release uneven devel. | 05:19 |
rabbit1 | I'm reading about this ext2 driver for windows... I'll be writing files from windows, but it can't defrag.. so lets say one day I want to defrag, I'll have to do it from linux | 05:19 |
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rabbit1 | nobody ever defrags????? | 05:19 |
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ravv_ | So next release in about 4-5 months (set date) | 05:19 |
dabaR | phreak97: it does not look like something I will know about. But I will try telling you some other clues. Look in the configuration editor under Apps>Sys Tools. Post your /etc/fstab to pastebin, please. paste.ubuntu-nl.org. | 05:19 |
phreak97 | dabaR, what should i try? | 05:19 |
phreak97 | ok | 05:19 |
thoreauputic | rabbit1: I have never defragged linux in over 3 years | 05:19 |
dabaR | phreak97: under apps>nautilus>desktop. | 05:20 |
CaptainMorgan | why not thoreauputic ? why not a defragger? | 05:20 |
benplaut | the family desktop keeps me warm in the cold winter nights :) | 05:20 |
alex__ | im pretty sure linux checks your HDD every 30 bootups or something like that anyway | 05:20 |
gil- | need help, i have an Intel ICH6 SoundCard and i have no sound :( | 05:20 |
phreak97 | gah, why doesnt clicking a link in xchat open it? | 05:20 |
sagarp | ravv_ oh..well i submitted a screenshot for art.gnome.com, and it had a menu of what gnome version, and 2.14 was in there..i assume it meant 2.14 is available | 05:20 |
thoreauputic | CaptainMorgan: the file system keeps things contiguous by itself | 05:20 |
thoreauputic | mor or less | 05:20 |
thoreauputic | *more | 05:20 |
dabaR | crimsun: want to help with sound? | 05:20 |
rabbit1 | what if I'm writing files to it from windows? booting into it through linux will fix it??? | 05:21 |
CaptainMorgan | col | 05:21 |
CaptainMorgan | cool | 05:21 |
ravv_ | Hmm maybe im wrong then :) Brb gotta check | 05:21 |
rabbit1 | wouldn't that take forever? (say I boot into linux once a year) | 05:21 |
dabaR | phreak97: cause I did not put http:// in front of it, and the URL does not start with www. | 05:21 |
rabbit1 | haha | 05:21 |
zazeem | how do i change my mouse rate to 500hz in brezy????????????? | 05:21 |
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dabaR | I dont know?????????? | 05:21 |
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vbgunz | Meery Christmas all! | 05:21 |
dabaR | ya, same here, vbgunz | 05:22 |
SweetestSavage | Merry christmas =) | 05:22 |
ravv_ | sagarp, http://zenii.linux.org.uk/~telsa/GDP/gnome-faq/index.html#AEN105 | 05:22 |
phreak97 | dabaR, it still underlines | 05:22 |
vbgunz | :) | 05:22 |
zazeem | can anyone hep me? | 05:22 |
dabaR | zazeem: where have you looked? | 05:22 |
CaptainMorgan | !merry christmas | 05:22 |
ubotu | methinks merry christmas is Merry Chiristmas to you too, and a happy new year :] | 05:22 |
crimsun | dabaR: ? | 05:22 |
zazeem | all over google | 05:22 |
thoreauputic | rabbit1: defrag your fat32 or ntfs from windows - and don't worry about defragging linux - it isn't necesary | 05:22 |
chapium | MERRY CHRISTMAS! | 05:22 |
dabaR | gil-: meet crimsun. crimsun meet gil-. | 05:22 |
SweetestSavage | thoreauputic, really? It isn't necessary? | 05:22 |
thoreauputic | SweetestSavage: correct | 05:23 |
SweetestSavage | thoreauputic, why is that? | 05:23 |
rabbit1 | thoreauputic: actually I'm talking about sharing an ext2 drive with windows.... and you can't defrag from windows | 05:23 |
dabaR | crimsun: he has a intel ich6 sound card. | 05:23 |
alex__ | rabbit1 why would you do that? | 05:23 |
phreak97 | dabaR, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6137 | 05:23 |
rabbit1 | do which? | 05:23 |
rabbit1 | share? | 05:23 |
rabbit1 | or defrag? | 05:23 |
alex__ | why would share and ext2 drive with windows that you would consider booting from | 05:23 |
rabbit1 | huh? | 05:24 |
dabaR | phreak97: go play with those settings now then. | 05:24 |
thoreauputic | SweetestSavage: because linux filesystems keep stuff in sensible places instead of scattering them about stupidly :) | 05:24 |
rabbit1 | it's just a partition... I want a partition I can access from both | 05:24 |
SweetestSavage | thoreauputic, heh, I keep hearing good things about Linux every day ;) | 05:24 |
dabaR | gil-: go ahead, ask crimsun what you need to know. | 05:24 |
rabbit1 | make sense alex? | 05:24 |
thoreauputic | :) | 05:24 |
SweetestSavage | Really making Windows look horrible in comparison xD | 05:24 |
gil- | crimsun!!! | 05:24 |
gil- | need help | 05:24 |
gil- | ICH6 intel sound card | 05:24 |
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jdef | any ideas on that boot error | 05:24 |
crimsun | gil-: cat /proc/asound/cards && amixer --> pastebin | 05:25 |
alex__ | rabbit1 you just really dont need to worry about defragging it | 05:25 |
dabaR | gil-: pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for example. | 05:25 |
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rabbit1 | even if I write a ton of stuff to it from windows??? | 05:25 |
phreak97 | dabaR, i dont know what settings im playing with | 05:25 |
alex__ | yes | 05:25 |
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thoreauputic | rabbit1: as I said, ext2/ext3 don't require defragging - so I don't see your problem | 05:25 |
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dabaR | phreak97: the other two partitions mounted under /media, do they show up? | 05:25 |
rabbit1 | I'm writing from windows though, so it'll treat it like windows partitions | 05:26 |
rabbit1 | won't it??? | 05:26 |
crimsun | gil-: open a Terminal and type the commands there | 05:26 |
alex__ | no | 05:26 |
phreak97 | dabaR, yup | 05:26 |
alex__ | not with the ext2 drivers | 05:26 |
zazeem | how do i change my mouse refresh rate in breezy?? | 05:26 |
dabaR | rabbit1: it will treat it how the driver tells it. | 05:26 |
ravv_ | zazeem, give it up | 05:26 |
rabbit1 | right, and I think that's ala windows style (I mean crappy.. lol) | 05:26 |
thoreauputic | rabbit1: it's a file system thing , not a question of where the data comes from | 05:26 |
rabbit1 | okay cool! | 05:26 |
ravv_ | zazeem, post/search forums | 05:26 |
dabaR | phreak97: not sure, then. "sudo umount /dev/hdb6 && sudo mount -a" | 05:27 |
zazeem | how do i view mouse settings in ubuntu? | 05:27 |
dabaR | zazeem: System>Prefs>Mouse. | 05:27 |
dabaR | gil-: you can open a terminal from Apps>Accessories>Terminal in breezy. | 05:28 |
phreak97 | dabaR, didnt really do anything | 05:28 |
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phreak97 | noticable | 05:28 |
dabaR | no change, eh? Not sure why it is not putting it there, it should as far as I know. YOu are saying that it does not show up in nautilus when you open a window? | 05:28 |
Wilf | what's the command to set permissions to a folder and all subfolders/files? | 05:28 |
dabaR | chmod -R | 05:29 |
phreak97 | thats right | 05:29 |
Wilf | ah cool, thanks | 05:29 |
dabaR | $20 | 05:29 |
dabaR | everything comes with a price tag. | 05:29 |
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Wilf | $20 hey | 05:30 |
Wilf | well i charge you $20 for my presence. | 05:30 |
Wilf | so it evens out | 05:30 |
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dabaR | it evens out, I know. | 05:31 |
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Wilf | good doing buisiness with you. | 05:31 |
Grackle | I have found very little information on lucent wavelan cards in ubuntu, but I know they are very well supported in linux. What gives? | 05:31 |
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CaptainMorgan | dammit! why is ftp crashing so often!? | 05:32 |
phreak97 | whats the delete folder command? | 05:33 |
SweetestSavage | rm -r | 05:33 |
CaptainMorgan | maybe I have too many processes running? | 05:33 |
thoreauputic | phreak97: rmdir (for empty folders) | 05:33 |
SweetestSavage | So, like this, sudo rm -r /foldername | 05:33 |
thoreauputic | CaptainMorgan: unlikely | 05:33 |
Grackle | -r is recursive, so it deletes everything in the directories inside the one you specify... | 05:34 |
SweetestSavage | Grackle, yep.. | 05:34 |
thoreauputic | CaptainMorgan: is it an ftp server crashing, or your client? | 05:34 |
SweetestSavage | That's what deleting an entire folder is for. Removing it is different | 05:34 |
CaptainMorgan | client - ftp | 05:34 |
ravv_ | rmdir ? | 05:34 |
Grackle | Yeah, I was just elaborating. | 05:34 |
SweetestSavage | ;) | 05:34 |
thoreauputic | CaptainMorgan: which client? gftp? | 05:34 |
CaptainMorgan | thoreauputic, nah, ftp | 05:35 |
CaptainMorgan | :) | 05:35 |
CaptainMorgan | gftp's even worse! | 05:35 |
Grackle | In what way is it crashing? | 05:35 |
CaptainMorgan | disconnects like every 5 seconds.. | 05:35 |
thoreauputic | CaptainMorgan: you mean command line ftp is crashing? i've never seen that... | 05:35 |
Grackle | oh | 05:35 |
phreak97 | gah, i unmounted and remounted, even remaking the folders, and it still doesnt show | 05:35 |
thoreauputic | that's not a crash | 05:35 |
Grackle | disconnect != c...yeah... | 05:35 |
CaptainMorgan | gftp disconnects - ftp crashes | 05:35 |
dabaR | phreak97: restart some of those gnome-panel or natilus with killall. | 05:36 |
CaptainMorgan | I have to force quit it and other times ftp will just disappear | 05:36 |
thoreauputic | CaptainMorgan: erm - is it segfaulting? What errors? | 05:36 |
CaptainMorgan | im not exactly on the command line.. Im using ftp through the gui | 05:36 |
phreak97 | how? | 05:37 |
thoreauputic | CaptainMorgan: that's what I meant by "which client" | 05:37 |
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CaptainMorgan | ? ftp! | 05:37 |
phreak97 | last time i tried to restart gnome i ended up doing a full restart cos i dint know what to do | 05:37 |
dabaR | phreak97: "killall gnome-panel" will kill the panel. "killall nautilus" will kill the nautilus. | 05:37 |
CaptainMorgan | you mean which interface? | 05:37 |
thoreauputic | CaptainMorgan: are you using "connect to server" ? | 05:37 |
CaptainMorgan | yes | 05:37 |
phreak97 | how do i restart them then? | 05:37 |
CaptainMorgan | client is still ftp | 05:37 |
thoreauputic | OK so it's nautilus | 05:37 |
dabaR | phreak97: but that is not what seems to be the issue here. But you can try. | 05:37 |
dabaR | pah | 05:38 |
thoreauputic | CaptainMorgan: yes, but it is nautilus that has the problem | 05:38 |
crimsun | gil-: any progress? | 05:38 |
CaptainMorgan | k.. | 05:38 |
dabaR | CaptainMorgan: ftp is when you run "ftp" in a terminal. | 05:40 |
CaptainMorgan | how do you do that ? | 05:40 |
CaptainMorgan | ftp <server> ? | 05:40 |
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CaptainMorgan | ftp <server> <file> ? | 05:40 |
thoreauputic | dabaR: well, true but ftp is the protocol in either case | 05:40 |
dabaR | sure, or man ftp, or ftp user@host | 05:40 |
phreak97 | dabaR, its a dos partition, does that make a difference? | 05:40 |
dabaR | thoreauputic: heh. | 05:40 |
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dabaR | phreak97: not to me. | 05:40 |
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dabaR | phreak97: and you said it was there at some point. | 05:41 |
phreak97 | it was | 05:41 |
phreak97 | i tried mounting it from /dos, rather than /media/s | 05:41 |
phreak97 | i dont know which one actually worked | 05:41 |
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dabaR | phreak97: media more likely, what is under media shows up there. | 05:41 |
CaptainMorgan | has anybody dumped nautilus for something better? | 05:42 |
CaptainMorgan | and how ? | 05:42 |
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llukax | what is nautilus? | 05:42 |
Steil | CaptainMorgan, what don't you like about nautilus? | 05:42 |
CaptainMorgan | curious | 05:42 |
thoreauputic | CaptainMorgan: not dumped - but there are other files managers of course ( e.g konqueror, rox-filer, etc etc ) | 05:42 |
Agrajag | mc | 05:42 |
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CaptainMorgan | !nautilus | 05:43 |
ubotu | CaptainMorgan: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 05:43 |
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CaptainMorgan | stumped again.. | 05:43 |
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thoreauputic | CaptainMorgan: nautilus is kind of integrated with gnome, so dumping it wouldn't be trivial :) | 05:44 |
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thoreauputic | CaptainMorgan: nautilus is what you see when you open a folder/directory | 05:44 |
Agrajag | thoreauputic: sure it would | 05:44 |
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Agrajag | take nautilus out of your gnome session and replace it with whatever | 05:44 |
thoreauputic | Agrajag: depending how much gnomishness you want :) | 05:44 |
=== thoreauputic uses rox-filer mostly | ||
thoreauputic | or just mv, cp, cat and friends :) | 05:45 |
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cheatersrealm | anyone have ubuntu working with mythtv and the bt8x8 drivers? | 05:47 |
psusi | anyone know anything about packet writing and udf and cdrws? I'm trying to figure out how to set up a read/write udf filesystem on a cdrw using the udftools package only the upstream project appears to be dead | 05:47 |
rabbit1 | if anyone is interested in linux and defragging and why it isn't done: (sorry about the scrolling) http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6138 | 05:48 |
CaptainMorgan | bout time rabbit1 ! | 05:49 |
CaptainMorgan | ;) | 05:49 |
rabbit1 | haha : P | 05:49 |
kaffeend | how do I get to view .mov format movies in Ubuntu please guys? | 05:49 |
psusi | rabbit1, it isn't done because most linux users traditionally believe ( falsely ) that linux filesystems are immune to fragmentation | 05:49 |
rabbit1 | so you do it psusi ?? | 05:49 |
psusi | but there is a defrag utility for ext2 but it doesn't appear to be maintained anymore | 05:49 |
psusi | rabbit1, no... I use reiserfs, for which there is no tool availible to defrag | 05:50 |
rabbit1 | reiserfs? | 05:50 |
CaptainMorgan | rabbit1, interesting read... | 05:51 |
psusi | reiserfs is a filesystem developed by Hanz Reiser... it's a bit more efficient at certain things than the conventional ext2 filesystem | 05:51 |
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kaffeend | thanks dabar | 05:51 |
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kaffeend | but .mov is quicktime ;) | 05:52 |
thoreauputic | psusi: it isn't that linux filesystems are immune - it's more that the need is so rare | 05:52 |
kaffeend | !quicktime | 05:52 |
ubotu | quicktime is probably read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for information on quicktime support or just install the "libquicktime1" package. | 05:52 |
eric_ | hello | 05:52 |
dabaR | kaffeend: same, afaik | 05:52 |
kaffeend | okies | 05:52 |
CaptainMorgan | !realplayer | 05:52 |
ubotu | realplayer is, like, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 05:52 |
eric_ | can someone help me figure some stuff out? | 05:52 |
CaptainMorgan | like eric_ ? | 05:52 |
kaffeend | cheers - and Happy Christmas! | 05:52 |
psusi | thoreauputic, the kernel filesystem driver does a good job of minimizing fragmentation, but it does still happen and can be a problem... my /boot partition right now has like 30% fragmentation | 05:53 |
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eric_ | well i'm trying to install java and its probably really easy, but how to you change the directory from where you downloaded something? | 05:53 |
CaptainMorgan | cd usually | 05:53 |
eric_ | i've read the wiki put am still alittle confused | 05:54 |
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CaptainMorgan | oh... you mean your default download directory? | 05:54 |
eric_ | yeah i think | 05:54 |
crimsun | psusi: that's not normally a problem, since the only files that matter are your kernel and initrd images | 05:54 |
CaptainMorgan | what are you using to install java ? | 05:54 |
dabaR | eric_: give a short sotry to explain. | 05:54 |
CaptainMorgan | eric_, | 05:54 |
intelikey | can you use jokers in fstab ? | 05:55 |
eric_ | root terminal | 05:55 |
dabaR | intelikey: i\only if they are really funny. | 05:55 |
psusi | crimsun, of course... what else do you think is on /boot that is fragmented? those are the files that are fragmented | 05:55 |
intelikey | and that wasnt | 05:55 |
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thoreauputic | intelikey: I recommend aces wild ;) | 05:55 |
psusi | crimsun, it isn't a problem though really... fragmentation is just a performance inhibitor... | 05:55 |
glyph | Why is it that DMA defaults to "off" on my CD/DVD[RW] drives in Breezy? | 05:56 |
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=== intelikey sees that obviously these jokers wont work.... | ||
thoreauputic | intelikey: hey, it's christmas, don't expect wit :) | 05:56 |
ColonelKernel | how does one defragment an ext3 drive? | 05:56 |
psusi | glyph, because some drives break when you turn it on | 05:56 |
crimsun | psusi: (there're grub conffiles and the symbol mappings, too) | 05:56 |
dabaR | on that note....(dont expect a follow up) | 05:56 |
thoreauputic | ColonelKernel: what for? | 05:56 |
CaptainMorgan | now ColonelKernel you missed everythin in here :) | 05:56 |
intelikey | ColonelKernel can it be done ? | 05:56 |
psusi | crimsun, true... those are small though ;) | 05:56 |
glyph | psusi: Ah. Is there a configuration file, or better yet, GUI, where I can turn it on? Burning CDs like this is torture, and I don't want to have to enter the same command line on every boot (or start monkeying with init.d) | 05:57 |
psusi | ColonelKernel, install the package 'defrag'... it can defrag ext2, but it is of unknown quality/safety... it has not been maintained in some time... just make sure you don't loose power while defragging | 05:57 |
ColonelKernel | I have heard that fragmentation with ext3 isnt an issue anymore | 05:57 |
psusi | and you can convert between ext2/3 with tune2fs | 05:57 |
Grackle | ColonelKernel, you don't defrag ext3. It doesn't fragment. | 05:57 |
ColonelKernel | psusi, no if it isnt really up to par im not gonna use it - my linux system is gentoo | 05:58 |
ColonelKernel | Grackle, thats what ive also heard, although im not sure how thats possible. | 05:58 |
psusi | glyph, hrm... shouldn't be too hard to add the command to init.d... search the forums, I'm sure there's a simple to follow howto on this | 05:58 |
psusi | ColonelKernel, ext3 is just ext2 + a log file | 05:58 |
Grackle | ColonelKernel, I just googled a bit, this guy explains it nicely: http://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2003/08/msg03496.html | 05:58 |
psusi | Grackle, yes, it DOES fragment | 05:58 |
ColonelKernel | Grackle, thanks | 05:58 |
psusi | not enough to worry about generally, but it does happen | 05:59 |
Grackle | psusi, well yes, but not much. | 05:59 |
intelikey | journel != log file | 05:59 |
phreak97 | dabaR, it seems to have started working:/ | 05:59 |
psusi | ColonelKernel, generally as long as your disk does not get over 80% full you won't need to worry about it... maybe once every 6-12 months, reformat it and start over | 05:59 |
phreak97 | i did remount it | 05:59 |
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phreak97 | somehow | 05:59 |
phreak97 | but i have no rights to it | 06:00 |
Wilf | mcjerry, are you still here? | 06:00 |
phreak97 | i want full rights to it, since its a storage drive | 06:00 |
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phreak97 | what command do i use? | 06:00 |
psusi | intelikey, journal = transaction log... it's easier to omit the transaction part for brevity | 06:00 |
mcjerry | yea man, wasup | 06:00 |
Wilf | alright all data isw backed up, how do i convert my ntfs drive to ext3? | 06:00 |
psusi | Wilf, delete the partition and make an ext3 one, then restore the data | 06:01 |
phreak97 | anyone? | 06:01 |
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legind | heya. somehow I got rid of libstdc++, because it libstdc++.so.6 wasn't specifying the version... now nothing is working. can someone help? | 06:01 |
Wilf | is there a gui based partition manager included with breezy? | 06:01 |
psusi | Wilf, yes... gparted is nice... but you will need to use it from the livecd to mess with your boot drive | 06:01 |
Wilf | it is not my boot drive | 06:02 |
psusi | well, either that, or reboot between operations | 06:02 |
mcjerry | Wilf: do you have a windows dual boot setup? | 06:02 |
psusi | ok... then install and run gparted | 06:02 |
Wilf | nope | 06:02 |
intelikey | hmmm lets see journel 7 chars log file 8 chars and that was for the sake of "brevity" ok ;/ | 06:02 |
ardchoille | w00t!!! I just discovered mail-notification, an app that sits in the tray and monitors gmail accounts for new email. | 06:02 |
Wilf | i've just gone straight from xp to breezy. | 06:02 |
crimsun | legind: you'll need to download the deb and install it manually using dpkg -i | 06:03 |
ardchoille | Wilf: Awesome! Welcome to a whole new world | 06:03 |
mcjerry | Wilf, gimme a minute, wanna check somethin | 06:03 |
crimsun | legind: I presume you're using Breezy? | 06:03 |
intelikey | ardchoille yeah i hate having to find junk like that to turn it off..... | 06:03 |
SAM_theman | MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 06:03 |
SAM_theman | MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 06:04 |
legind | crimsun, I would, but I can't open a browser because it doesnt have the libstdc++6 library. its a catch-22 | 06:04 |
SAM_theman | ? | 06:04 |
CaptainMorgan | !merry christmas!! | 06:04 |
ubotu | parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, CaptainMorgan | 06:04 |
legind | crimsun, yes Im using breezy | 06:04 |
CaptainMorgan | !merry christmas | 06:04 |
ubotu | somebody said merry christmas was Merry Chiristmas to you too, and a happy new year :] | 06:04 |
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Wilf | ardchoille, i used to use hoary, but school made me use windows due to a few certain software packages that i required for my studies...so now schools over and i'm back :P | 06:04 |
intelikey | your xchat probably monitors your mail by default also. | 06:04 |
CaptainMorgan | !breezy | 06:04 |
ubotu | The guide to upgrading to breezy (5.10) is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade | 06:04 |
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CaptainMorgan | breezy rules | 06:04 |
SweetestSavage | !dapper | 06:04 |
ubotu | The 6.04 version of Ubuntu will be called the "Dapper Drake" release. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperDrake | 06:04 |
CaptainMorgan | !clapper | 06:04 |
ubotu | CaptainMorgan: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about | 06:04 |
ardchoille | Wilf: Cool! | 06:04 |
ElitePete | how do i not allow a specific program internet access? | 06:04 |
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phreak97 | how hard can it be to give a user permissions to a directory? | 06:05 |
crimsun | legind: wget http://ubuntu.mirrors.tds.net/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gcc-4.0/libstdc++6_4.0.1-4ubuntu9_i386.deb && sudo dpkg -i libstdc++6_4.0.1-4ubuntu9_i386.deb | 06:05 |
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kaffeend | !quicktime | 06:05 |
ubotu | rumour has it, quicktime is read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for information on quicktime support or just install the "libquicktime1" package. | 06:05 |
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randabis_ | ubotu: clapper is what you use to cure hangovers | 06:05 |
ubotu | randabis_: okay | 06:05 |
randabis_ | !clapper | 06:05 |
ubotu | somebody said clapper was what you use to cure hangovers | 06:05 |
randabis_ | hah | 06:05 |
[danger] | Hello, all. May I ask someone's help in creating a boot disk for edubuntu? | 06:06 |
ElitePete | how do i not allow a specific program internet access? | 06:06 |
rabbit1 | I've got a question... why use ext2 if ext3 is better?? | 06:06 |
ardchoille | randabis_: no, no.. that's not it.. you cure hangovers by staying drunk ;) | 06:06 |
legind | awesome, thanks! | 06:06 |
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randabis_ | indeed | 06:06 |
thoreauputic | ElitePete: like what? And why? | 06:06 |
pussfeller | doest inetd control programs access to teh internet | 06:06 |
Wilf | ubotu, ubota is a fembot that i'm arranging for you to be married to | 06:06 |
ubotu | Wilf: okay | 06:06 |
rabbit1 | is there any reason to use ext2 over ext3 ??? | 06:06 |
ElitePete | thoreauputic, just because, and doom3 | 06:06 |
intelikey | ElitePete generally the easy way would be in that apps settings. | 06:06 |
ardchoille | Wilf: LOL! | 06:06 |
psusi | rabbit1, ext3 is not "better" it puts up with crashes/power failures better, but is a bit slower | 06:06 |
legind | crimsun, I thought I'd have to reinstall Breezy. Thank so much! | 06:06 |
pussfeller | rabbit1: ext3 has better recovery features | 06:06 |
ElitePete | intelikey, how else? | 06:07 |
ardchoille | Wilf: careful, fembots have guns in their **** | 06:07 |
rabbit1 | so speed vs recovery? | 06:07 |
randabis_ | ubotu: one day you will procreate and have many children | 06:07 |
ubotu | randabis_: Do they come in packets of five? | 06:07 |
intelikey | but as for games i don't game so idk | 06:07 |
psusi | rabbit1, yep... | 06:07 |
rabbit1 | how much slower is it really? | 06:07 |
randabis_ | ubotu: yes, they do | 06:07 |
ubotu | randabis_: Bugger all, i dunno | 06:07 |
rabbit1 | I probably wouldn't notice | 06:07 |
psusi | rabbit1, depends on what you are doing exactly... but for typical desktop use, you aren't going to notic | 06:07 |
psusi | notice even | 06:07 |
Wilf | ardchoille, jubblies, as mr. powers so suavely put it... | 06:07 |
randabis_ | ubotu: are you lonely? | 06:07 |
ubotu | NO SPEAKE ENLISH!, randabis_ | 06:07 |
pussfeller | ElitePete: you can bloc outgoing connections on that port | 06:07 |
rabbit1 | so I should go with ext3 then | 06:07 |
psusi | so you should just use ext3 for safety | 06:07 |
ardchoille | hehe | 06:07 |
=== borisattva [n=borisatt@cpe-24-168-64-41.si.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rabbit1 | thanks | 06:08 |
thoreauputic | rabbit1: you probably wouldn't, indeed (not much diff) | 06:08 |
kaffeend | hey thoreauputic! Long time no see - happy holidays :D | 06:08 |
ElitePete | pussfeller, ok. how? | 06:08 |
=== horgh [n=horgh@254.Red-217-126-11.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pussfeller | how good is fat for crashes, unplugging without mounting, etc' | 06:08 |
thoreauputic | kaffeend: hi :) And ditto to you | 06:08 |
randabis_ | ubotu: love is what I got, just remember that | 06:08 |
ubotu | ...but love is already something else... | 06:08 |
rabbit1 | unplugging without mounting ?? | 06:08 |
kaffeend | thanks | 06:08 |
pussfeller | ElitePete: dk | 06:08 |
randabis_ | !love | 06:08 |
ubotu | Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra, which suddenly flips over, pinning you underneath. At night, the ice weasels come. | 06:08 |
Grackle | Riiiight. | 06:08 |
thoreauputic | randabis_: please don't stuff the bot with useless factoids | 06:09 |
=== Pablo [n=Pablo@02.71.d1c4.cidr.airmail.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pussfeller | i got this 250 gig usb drive with one fat partition and i worry if it oculd get fuxored by a crash | 06:09 |
CaptainMorgan | ubotu: love is in the air | 06:09 |
ubotu | ...but love is already something else... | 06:09 |
ardchoille | randabis_: love is a sixpack, a pizza and IRC | 06:09 |
intelikey | lol | 06:09 |
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randabis_ | thoreauputic: I'm having a conversation with our bot, no harm done | 06:09 |
intelikey | !bot snack | 06:09 |
ubotu | :) | 06:09 |
[danger] | Hi. Does anyone here know how to create a bootable floppy using dd from a .bin file? | 06:09 |
kaffeend | okay I'm having some trouble playing a quicktime movie with totem... can anyone help me out please? | 06:09 |
randabis_ | besides, ubotu already knew what love is | 06:09 |
phreak97 | please... | 06:10 |
randabis_ | ubotu: love can be multiple things | 06:10 |
psusi | pussfeller, fat has no fault tolorance either... | 06:10 |
ubotu | randabis_: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! | 06:10 |
randabis_ | haha | 06:10 |
phreak97 | now that i have the drive, i want to use it | 06:10 |
=== benplaut [n=benplaut@cpe-70-95-146-177.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
psusi | [danger] , dd if=foo.bin of=/dev/fd0 | 06:10 |
intelikey | [danger] did you try running the bin ? | 06:10 |
pussfeller | psusi: so how easy is it to corrupt the whole drive | 06:10 |
SweetestSavage | Merry Christmas everyone =) | 06:10 |
ardchoille | ubotu: nautilus scripts is http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=101870&highlight=nautilus+scripts | 06:11 |
ubotu | okay, ardchoille | 06:11 |
randabis_ | ardchoille: I've actually done all of those activities today | 06:11 |
[danger] | psusi: Thank you. Let me try and run that. | 06:11 |
psusi | pussfeller, relative to what? | 06:11 |
ardchoille | ubotu: nautilus scripts | 06:11 |
ubotu | nautilus scripts is, like, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=101870&highlight=nautilus+scripts | 06:11 |
phreak97 | isnt setting access permissions really basic? | 06:11 |
ardchoille | randabis_: you da man :) | 06:11 |
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pussfeller | psusi: like etx3, im just kinda worried about loosing all that stuff | 06:11 |
SweetestSavage | !nautilus | 06:11 |
ubotu | SweetestSavage: Are you smoking crack? | 06:11 |
SweetestSavage | No I'm not ;_; | 06:11 |
SweetestSavage | I'm wondering wtf it is xD | 06:11 |
psusi | pussfeller, if you can, switch it to ext3 then... | 06:11 |
kaffeend | hi benplaut :D | 06:12 |
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thoreauputic | SweetestSavage: it's the gnome file manager | 06:12 |
SweetestSavage | Ahh, okay. Thanks =p | 06:12 |
benplaut | hi kaffeend :) | 06:12 |
kaffeend | can anyone help me out with totem please? | 06:12 |
sledge__ | MERRY CHRISTMAS | 06:12 |
ardchoille | ubotu: crontab tutorial is http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=102626&highlight=crontab+tutorial | 06:13 |
ubotu | okay, ardchoille | 06:13 |
kaffeend | Happy Hallmark everyone! | 06:13 |
=== kaffeend wonders what time tastes like | ||
Grackle | It tastes green. | 06:14 |
intelikey | so will jokers(wild cards for the morons) work in fstab? or does anyone know ? | 06:14 |
CaptainMorgan | !hallmark | 06:14 |
ubotu | CaptainMorgan: Are you smoking crack? | 06:14 |
kaffeend | lol | 06:14 |
CaptainMorgan | hahha | 06:14 |
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kaffeend | !crack | 06:14 |
ubotu | The primary cause of people asking me the wrong things. | 06:14 |
crimsun | intelikey: wildcards for what? | 06:14 |
intelikey | in file/dir names | 06:14 |
borisattva | guy i'm expereincing some difficulties mounting a WD NAS drive on the network. accessing it is not a problem via smb://etcetc and it later even 'automounted' to be displayed at Desktop, but when i try to mount it so its accessible via a local directory using sudo mount /mnt/library smb://library wants fs specified. putting the line into fstab with fs data just gives me --help responce. puttign down the NAS ip address gets rejected a | 06:15 |
borisattva | s well because WD stores their util at the root when navigating through IP which in turn is just another subfolder on that hard disk. any ideas? | 06:15 |
=== epm [n=emanuel@207-119-44-63.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Wilf | how easy. | 06:15 |
crimsun | intelikey: no, too ambiguous | 06:15 |
Wilf | so now what do i edit my fstab to to take count of the fact that it is now ext3, and not ntfs? | 06:15 |
intelikey | well that's krap | 06:15 |
epm | To change my system to boot to a command prompt, I change the runlevel in inittab, correct? | 06:15 |
crimsun | epm: no. We don't play runlevel games. | 06:16 |
irvin | Wilf: sudo nano /etc/fstab then change ntfs to ext3 | 06:16 |
crimsun | epm: echo false | sudo tee /etc/X11/default-display-manager | 06:16 |
intelikey | epm yes you can do that. | 06:16 |
Wilf | ah cool. | 06:16 |
psusi | borisattva, you must specify the filesystem type... mount -t smbfs | 06:16 |
intelikey | remove the entry for gdm in one of the /etc/rc#.d/ and set it to that runlevel. | 06:17 |
Wilf | leave the umask=0222 0 0 bit> | 06:17 |
Wilf | ? | 06:17 |
epm | I want to be able to swap KDE and Gnome quickly and efficiently for development purposes | 06:17 |
psusi | Wilf, change "ntfs" to "ext3" and get rid of any umask,uid,gid parameters | 06:17 |
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benplaut | what's the abbreviation for backspace? | 06:17 |
Wilf | alrighty | 06:17 |
intelikey | epm easy is to remove it from rc2.d the default and not touch inittab | 06:17 |
Wilf | del? | 06:17 |
kaffeend | I installed the quicktime codec and don't know what app to use it with - can anyone help please? | 06:18 |
pussfeller | yeah, im getting tired of kdm and gdm too | 06:18 |
ElitePete | !botsnac | 06:18 |
ElitePete | !botsnack | 06:18 |
crimsun | intelikey: don't ever suggest editing /etc/inittab for that purpose. | 06:18 |
ubotu | Wish i knew, ElitePete | 06:18 |
ubotu | :) | 06:18 |
epm | Perfect, I'd rather do that then, sounds safer | 06:18 |
intelikey | crimsun order someone else. | 06:18 |
borisattva | psusi: i did, i used this line "smb://library /mnt/library smbfs credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,dmask=777,fmask=777 0 0", the smb:// gets rejected, so i tried the //ipaddress as well, but like i said that gets me to the folder wit the config util, which is a subfolder in the root of the NAS | 06:18 |
Inf3ctedFx | Hello everyone | 06:18 |
Inf3ctedFx | I have a problem right now to play a dvd on mplayer | 06:18 |
irvin | Wilf: you can get rid of it, see also the other ext2 entries, or man mount for more information | 06:18 |
crimsun | intelikey: it doesn't even work as you think it will. | 06:18 |
kaffeend | hello | 06:19 |
=== ElitePete [n=pete@c-24-131-71-233.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | crimsun blah blah blah | 06:19 |
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intelikey | you have no idea what i think. | 06:19 |
Inf3ctedFx | it was playing normal, but no sound, so I check the audio and was fine, I restar mplayer but now I have an error message: MPlayer interrupted by signal in module: ao2_init | 06:19 |
pussfeller | hes right tho, the best way is to take it out of the services | 06:19 |
crimsun | take this to private if you wish to discuss it. | 06:19 |
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epm | so just remove S13gdm from rc2.d folder? | 06:20 |
kaffeend | Inf3ctedFx how did you install mplayer? | 06:20 |
intelikey | yes epm | 06:20 |
Inf3ctedFx | yes I did using the apr-get | 06:20 |
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epm | thanks, please don't argue :) | 06:20 |
Inf3ctedFx | kaffeend: I use apt-get install mplayer-586 | 06:20 |
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psusi | borisattva, iirc, it should be "server:share /mnt/library smbfs credentials...etc 0 0 | 06:20 |
kaffeend | thanks! :D | 06:20 |
ravv_ | dapper rules | 06:20 |
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Wilf | psusi, what did i do wrong? :( http://pastebin.com/478121 | 06:21 |
kaffeend | doh - I just tried that and it couldn't find the package | 06:21 |
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mcjerry | Wilf: i haven't forgot about you, i got the windows version of Paragon Partition Manager, but am trying to get the recovery cd for ya....it is linux bootable to convert ntfs to fat32 | 06:22 |
kaffeend | can someone pleeeease help me configure my media player? | 06:22 |
CaptainMorgan | which one? | 06:22 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o crimsun] by crimsun | ||
kaffeend | CaptainMorgan if you mean me, Totem | 06:23 |
intelikey | cool off did ya ? | 06:23 |
crimsun | intelikey: take this to private if you wish to discuss it. | 06:23 |
[danger] | psusi: Thanks. Worked like a charm. Now I need to play with the boot disk to see if I can make it do what I want it to. Thanks again. | 06:23 |
psusi | Wilf, the last line has no options... you have to specify something, even if it is just "defaults" | 06:23 |
psusi | [danger] , cool... | 06:24 |
CaptainMorgan | kaffeend, more details | 06:24 |
Wilf | mcjerry, i already converted it :P | 06:24 |
psusi | anyone know anything about using the "udftools" package to set up a fully read/write udf filesystem on a cdrw? I can't make it work, and it looks like the upstream project is defunct | 06:25 |
Wilf | ah ok, thanks psusi | 06:25 |
mcjerry | k, np, wasn't paying attn | 06:25 |
kaffeend | I tried sudo apt-get install libquicktime1 so I can watch a quicktime game trailer in totem, and it doesn't play it :( | 06:25 |
mcjerry | Wilf: what did you use to convert? | 06:25 |
kaffeend | CaptainMorgan that was for you btw | 06:25 |
Wilf | mcjerry, gparted. it was quick, simple and painless | 06:25 |
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mcjerry | kewl....never used gparted..... | 06:26 |
CaptainMorgan | !totem | 06:26 |
ubotu | CaptainMorgan: Did you get hit by a windmill? | 06:26 |
CaptainMorgan | omg | 06:26 |
CaptainMorgan | freakin bot | 06:26 |
kaffeend | lol | 06:26 |
irvin | !totem-xine | 06:26 |
ubotu | well, totem-xine is like, totally, sudo apt-get install totem-xine. To play non-free formats, get the w32codecs. The instructions are at http://https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats section Codecs | 06:26 |
kaffeend | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 06:26 |
kaffeend | did that | 06:27 |
kaffeend | rebooted and it's still doing nada | 06:27 |
irvin | kaffeend: you have totem-xine or totem-gstreamer? | 06:27 |
=== kaffeend shrugs | ||
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crimsun | intelikey: apologies, I misread your statement | 06:27 |
intelikey | that's good. | 06:27 |
kaffeend | irvin I have no idea | 06:28 |
irvin | kaffeend: i've had problems with totem-gstreamer, so i use totem-xine instead | 06:28 |
irvin | !totem-xine | 06:28 |
ubotu | totem-xine is, like, totally, like, totally, sudo apt-get install totem-xine. To play non-free formats, get the w32codecs. The instructions are at http://https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats section Codecs | 06:28 |
gn0me | How can I kill X temporarily? | 06:29 |
irvin | see, you need w32codecs | 06:29 |
kaffeend | I have them | 06:29 |
intelikey | gn0me sudo killall gdm | 06:29 |
steved | Does anyone know of recommended laptop(s) that have out-of-the-box ubuntu support? Wireless, bluetooth, suspend, etc. | 06:29 |
kaffeend | I did follow the walkthrough in the wiki page linked | 06:29 |
crimsun | steved: the X-series ThinkPads do | 06:29 |
intelikey | gn0me sudo gdm to restart it | 06:30 |
gn0me | intelikey: And when I do that.. it will throw me to the terminal.. or I still have to log off X? | 06:30 |
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intelikey | it will kill X | 06:30 |
irvin | steved: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam | 06:30 |
steved | crimsun: I thought they might. Know of anything else? | 06:30 |
gn0me | kk | 06:30 |
crimsun | steved: check wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam | 06:30 |
SweetestSavage | gn0me, it's supposed to do that | 06:30 |
kaffeend | Setting up totem-xine (1.2.1-0ubuntu1~breezy1) ... | 06:30 |
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steved | irvin/crimsun: Thanks. | 06:30 |
=== dal [n=dal@adsl-67-64-81-205.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
insanepicklejar | I don't suppose that one of you guys knows how to set up dual boot sys? | 06:31 |
kaffeend | will I need to do anything else b4 I reboot irvin? | 06:31 |
dal | how do i use my new mouse i got for my laptop? | 06:31 |
intelikey | insanepicklejar most of us. | 06:31 |
insanepicklejar | well i thought so | 06:31 |
crimsun | insanepicklejar: installing Ubuntu on a HD that already has XP on it does that for you automatically (in nearly every case) | 06:31 |
irvin | kaffeend: ummm... i don't think so since you've got the codecs already | 06:32 |
insanepicklejar | don't need to add partitions | 06:32 |
insanepicklejar | ? | 06:32 |
irvin | kaffeend: do you really have to reboot? | 06:32 |
dal | i only have ubuntu | 06:32 |
kaffeend | irvin couldn't hurt | 06:32 |
intelikey | for grub edit /boot/grub/menu.list for lilo edit /etc/lilo.conf and run lilo | 06:32 |
crimsun | insanepicklejar: you'll do that through the Guided Partitioning option in the installer | 06:32 |
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insanepicklejar | how should I set the partitions? or how many should i say | 06:32 |
crimsun | insanepicklejar: if you're not sure, choose the default. | 06:33 |
kaffeend | irvin - but I might get rid of totem - gstreamer first? | 06:33 |
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Wilf | chmod 666 = makes all users have full access? | 06:33 |
insanepicklejar | thanks you guys! | 06:33 |
insanepicklejar | big help | 06:33 |
dal | it says no such file or directore | 06:33 |
intelikey | one / one /home if you want to preserv personal settings on reload or change of distro | 06:33 |
kaffeend | hey - It works! I can hardly believe my eyes! | 06:34 |
kaffeend | Thanks a lot irvin :D | 06:34 |
irvin | kaffeend: see :D | 06:34 |
kaffeend | but no sound :( | 06:34 |
irvin | hmm | 06:34 |
intelikey | Wilf 6 != full access 7 = full access 6 = read + write | 06:35 |
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vrub | i have a dumb question | 06:35 |
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insanepicklejar | Oh! Happy Chrismahanukwanzaka to all of you. | 06:35 |
Wilf | ah, 777. | 06:35 |
vrub | how do i zip a folder ? | 06:35 |
kaffeend | wow - all that to watch a 1:48 minute clip :O | 06:35 |
intelikey | 1=exec 2=read 4=write and add them up it's binarry. | 06:36 |
vrub | is there a simple click and add to archive by any chance ? | 06:36 |
borisattva | psusi: when i try to 'mount -a' that i get a --help equivalent responce as if syntax is wrong. i tried it with 'library:music' (library is the 'name ' of the NAS on the network, and music is one of the folders in the root | 06:36 |
kaffeend | and the clip kinda sucked | 06:36 |
vrub | anyone know how ? | 06:37 |
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crimsun | vrub: try file-roller | 06:37 |
ElitePete | Fatal signal: Segmentation Fault (SDL Parachute Deployed) | 06:38 |
Wilf | what is wrong with the command chmod 766 /mnt/storage? | 06:38 |
intelikey | vrub cli is the best on that. but yes try fileroller or what ever compression mannager ub defaults to. | 06:38 |
ElitePete | can somone tell me what thati s. | 06:38 |
crimsun | ElitePete: more context, please | 06:38 |
intelikey | compression/archive ^ | 06:38 |
kaffeend | I can get system sounds and listen to MP3s in XMMS but Totem does nothing - am I meant to install something does anyone know? | 06:38 |
=== j1 [n=jj@c-24-1-229-10.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ElitePete | crimsun, i'm trying to play Descent2 | 06:39 |
crimsun | kaffeend: are you using the alsa output plugin for xmms? | 06:39 |
chapium | here's a silly icon | 06:39 |
kaffeend | I dunno crimson | 06:39 |
chapium | here's a silly question* | 06:39 |
ElitePete | http://www.descent2.de/index.html | 06:39 |
intelikey | Wilf it is only accessable to owner. | 06:39 |
kaffeend | crimsun* sorry | 06:39 |
chapium | where are the login icons stored? | 06:39 |
j1 | good evening all, and Merry Christmas | 06:39 |
chapium | i have one with this dude with a beard | 06:39 |
chapium | where are the others? | 06:39 |
kaffeend | merry xmas jl | 06:39 |
intelikey | dirs need to be executed to cd into them. | 06:39 |
crimsun | Wilf: I don't think you want 766. If it's an NTFS partition, you need to mount it with umask=022 | 06:39 |
vrub | crimsun or intelikey for file-roller, do i have to launch it and then add things to it or is there an easy click add | 06:39 |
Wilf | crimsun, it is ext3 now | 06:39 |
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j1 | can anyone help with getting a Western Digital Media Center drive working with 5.10 Hairy Beaver? | 06:40 |
crimsun | Wilf: make it 755 | 06:40 |
kaffeend | lol | 06:40 |
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Wilf | it is 755 at the moment | 06:40 |
Wilf | and i can't drag and drop files :( | 06:40 |
Wilf | 777 i suppose... | 06:40 |
crimsun | Wilf: (you typed 766) | 06:40 |
crimsun | is it's 777? | 06:40 |
Wilf | yes i wanted 766 | 06:40 |
Wilf | but that is not good? | 06:40 |
kaffeend | hairy beaver lol | 06:41 |
crimsun | you can't drag and drop files if you're not the owner. | 06:41 |
kaffeend | oh... mercy | 06:41 |
intelikey | wilf no | 06:41 |
ElitePete | whats the correct apt-get cmd to install SDL ? | 06:41 |
Wilf | that leaves 777 then... | 06:41 |
Fushi | apt-get install sdl? :P | 06:41 |
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Fushi | with a sudo of course | 06:41 |
ElitePete | Fushi, nope | 06:41 |
drcode | hi all | 06:41 |
crimsun | Wilf: who owns that directory? | 06:42 |
Fushi | hmm | 06:42 |
drcode | how can I install firefox 1.5 in ubuntu breezy? | 06:42 |
kaffeend | crimsun was there a follow up to your last question? | 06:42 |
Wilf | owner at the moment... | 06:42 |
intelikey | permissions are 1=exec 2=read 4=write and add them up it's binarry. so any odd number is executable while any even number is not executable. dirs need to be executable if you wish to enter them. | 06:42 |
j1 | any ideas on the Western Digital Media Center? It is a firewire device that I know has connectivity because I am using dvgrab capture from a DV camera attached to it | 06:42 |
intelikey | Wilf ^ | 06:42 |
Fushi | well then apt-cache search sdl | 06:42 |
crimsun | kaffeend: yes, check what output plugin you're using. Preferences | 06:42 |
Fushi | and pick which one you want | 06:42 |
kaffeend | ok | 06:42 |
Fushi | then apt-get install it | 06:42 |
Wilf | yuh, so 6 = read and write | 06:43 |
irvin | !firefox | 06:43 |
ubotu | [firefox] a Free Software web browser that supports extensions and is gaining popularity by the hour. Developed by the Mozilla Foundation. | 06:43 |
Wilf | and 7 = read and write and execute | 06:43 |
intelikey | yep but no exec so no enter. | 06:43 |
intelikey | yes all | 06:43 |
Wilf | ah ok, so i want 777. | 06:43 |
intelikey | yes | 06:43 |
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crimsun | vrub: it's much easier: Just use Nautilus to do it. Select the folders, then secondary-click and choose Create Archive. | 06:44 |
Wilf | sudo chmod 777 /mnt/storage does nothing though... | 06:44 |
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drcode | it isntall only v1.07 | 06:44 |
crimsun | Wilf: the user 'owner' owns it? | 06:44 |
Wilf | mmmm there is no owner user... | 06:45 |
kaffeend | crimsun - ah there's no mention of alsa in xmms preferences | 06:45 |
intelikey | it is set in fstab as umask= and the number after the = is subtracted from 7 so to set 777 use umask=000 | 06:45 |
irvin | drcode: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion | 06:45 |
kootaphor | Trying to find a good music player: tried a ton, but I'm looking for something that handles TONS of songs as smoothly and quickly as Winamp's Media Library? | 06:45 |
Wilf | it just says i'm not the owner, so i can't change it... | 06:45 |
vrub | crimsun yeah that works but it only lets you make tar balls right ? | 06:45 |
Wilf | even as root :| | 06:45 |
crimsun | kaffeend: in the output plugins | 06:45 |
alex__ | are there any good alternatives to nautilus besides bash heh | 06:45 |
intelikey | Wilf read my post ^ | 06:45 |
Wilf | ah cool cool. | 06:45 |
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kaffeend | for xmms or my system in general crimsun? | 06:46 |
kaffeend | or totem? | 06:46 |
kootaphor | alex__ - the browser in xfce is cool--i think its called xffm or something | 06:46 |
crimsun | kaffeend: xmms | 06:46 |
drcode | thanx | 06:46 |
crimsun | vrub: you can bzip2 those tarballs | 06:47 |
intelikey | wilf after setting the umask in fstab do a sudo mount -o remount /mnt/storage | 06:47 |
centOGG | kaffeend: bmp | 06:47 |
kaffeend | centOGG sorry? | 06:47 |
vrub | crimsun does winrar handle tarballs ? | 06:47 |
intelikey | or gzip them | 06:47 |
crimsun | vrub: certain types of files compress more compactly with different algorithms. Try the p7zip package. | 06:47 |
crimsun | vrub: yes | 06:47 |
vrub | crimsun ahh then i will stick with tarballs, i was just afraid i wouldnt be able to open them later | 06:47 |
Wilf | mmmm wrong fs type error :\ | 06:48 |
kaffeend | crimsun: I don't even have an output plugin tab in xmms | 06:48 |
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crimsun | kaffeend: options> preferences> plugins | 06:48 |
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Wilf | intelikey, http://pastebin.com/478134 | 06:48 |
centOGG | kaffeend: beep media player | 06:48 |
intelikey | tar.gz is pretty good although like crimsun said with some formats tar.bz2 may compress better. | 06:49 |
j1 | what are tar balls? | 06:49 |
crimsun | j1: another name for tar files | 06:49 |
gn0me | tarball is a way for making multiple files into one | 06:49 |
kaffeend | crimsun - I do have alsa but it's not default | 06:49 |
gn0me | then usually you gzip it | 06:49 |
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crimsun | kaffeend: is it set to oss or esd instead? If so, change it to alsa. | 06:49 |
j1 | oh, ok. i thought it was something else | 06:49 |
j1 | like what happened when I was in the army | 06:50 |
kaffeend | OSS | 06:50 |
Wilf | a tarball is what you get after doing burnouts on a road that has just been laid and hasn't set yet :P | 06:50 |
kaffeend | crimsun - why? I'm listening to music | 06:50 |
intelikey | wifl i'd sujest /dev/hdb1 /mnt/storage ext3 defaults,user 0 0 | 06:50 |
crimsun | kaffeend: do other media types play fine in totem-xine? | 06:50 |
crimsun | (with sound) | 06:51 |
j1 | inte likey!!! how are you | 06:51 |
intelikey | hehhe it's ext3 umask affects MS fs's | 06:51 |
kaffeend | quicktime plays but without audio crimsun | 06:51 |
intelikey | sorry i thought you were using vfat Wilf | 06:51 |
kaffeend | I've only got 1 movie source tho | 06:51 |
kaffeend | so I can't test other formats yet | 06:52 |
crimsun | kaffeend: but other audio files can be heard just fine, correct? | 06:52 |
Wilf | ah, ok. | 06:52 |
ElitePete | can ubuntu use RPMs ? | 06:52 |
gn0me | You can convert them with alien | 06:52 |
kaffeend | I can play plain audio in totem? | 06:52 |
gn0me | Which.. might not always work. | 06:52 |
crimsun | kaffeend: yes | 06:52 |
j1 | yes, my ubuntu server has a 7200 RPM hard drive | 06:52 |
kaffeend | ok I'll check | 06:52 |
mcjerry | Wilf: remember when we gedit /etc/fstab earlier and told it ntfs, just go change that to new filesys type | 06:52 |
=== otep errr merry xmas! =D | ||
mcjerry | Wilf: then mount -a again | 06:53 |
kaffeend | crimsun - yes it works | 06:53 |
Wilf | yuh i can see the new partition mcjerry, but the permissions don't let me write to it through nautilus :\ | 06:53 |
[danger] | hello, again. Could someone show me how to determine the I/O ports for my CDROM drive from the command line? | 06:53 |
kaffeend | and it sounds a lot better than xmms too :D | 06:53 |
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Wilf | so i'm trying to change the permissions, but they're still stuck at 755! | 06:53 |
crimsun | kaffeend: then it's a w32codecs issue | 06:53 |
intelikey | then doing an chown <yourname> /mnt/storage -R will probably be the thing you are looking for Wilf then you can set the permissions like you like on all files and dirs in /mnt/storage and it's sub dirs. | 06:53 |
ElitePete | gn0me, i installed aliean, how do i convert an rpm ? | 06:53 |
kaffeend | hmmm | 06:53 |
gn0me | ElitePete: "alien <file.rpm>" | 06:54 |
mcjerry | Wilf: in terminal, try sudo nautilus and see if you can write to filesystem as root user | 06:54 |
gn0me | ElitePete: Should convert it to a .deb file, then you can try a "dpkg --install file.deb" | 06:54 |
gn0me | Anyone know which package adds "Open a Terminal" to your gnome right-click menu? | 06:55 |
gn0me | I can't remember. :-\ | 06:55 |
Wilf | hmmm. mcjerry, i can as root | 06:55 |
crimsun | ElitePete: converting rpms is a suboptimal approach. Always check if the package is available in the Ubuntu repository first. | 06:55 |
mcjerry | if so, is confirmed permission issue..... | 06:55 |
intelikey | Wilf own them | 06:55 |
Wilf | tried, it didn't do anything :( | 06:55 |
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davisbaumung05 | hello | 06:56 |
Wilf | i must be doing something wrong... | 06:56 |
ElitePete | gn0me, it says it created the .deb but i dont see it | 06:56 |
gn0me | davisbaumung05: Hello. | 06:56 |
gn0me | ElitePete: ls *.deb .. should be in the directory. | 06:56 |
kaffeend | anyone know if I can play 2.5d games with the standard graphics drivers in breezy? | 06:56 |
davisbaumung05 | hi i will watch for a bite | 06:56 |
mcjerry | Wilf: brb, need to check something else, you gonna need to gedit /edt/fstab again | 06:56 |
gn0me | ElitePete: It will have the same name as the RPM | 06:56 |
mcjerry | we need to change permissions there | 06:56 |
Wilf | ok mcjerry | 06:56 |
ElitePete | pete@LinuxBox:~/Desktop/Downloads/FF$ ls *.deb | 06:57 |
ElitePete | ls: *.deb: No such file or directory | 06:57 |
gn0me | Huh.. that's strange. | 06:57 |
ElitePete | before it said. sdl-devel_1.0.8-2_i386.deb generated | 06:57 |
mcjerry | Wilf: what version Ubuntu again? | 06:57 |
gn0me | And you're sure you're in the same dir as the RPM was in? | 06:57 |
ElitePete | yea. | 06:57 |
Wilf | mcjerry, 5.10 | 06:57 |
gn0me | Kill your neighbour, that might help. | 06:57 |
intelikey | Wilf are you sure that sudo chown <put your name here> /mnt/storage -R didn't do anything you can ls -l /mnt to see if it did or not. | 06:57 |
kootaphor | just answered my own question--if you want really kickass search capability for your bigass music collection--try MADMAN. Way faster than amarok | 06:57 |
alex__ | madman word | 06:58 |
mcjerry | Wilf: http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/faqguide-all.html#fg-windows-partitions | 06:58 |
gn0me | ElitePete: I've only ever converted like three RPMs in my linux career.. soo.. that seems odd. | 06:58 |
gn0me | ElitePete: Never had a problem yet. :-\ | 06:58 |
intelikey | wilf when you own it, it is = with your $HOME you do what you like there. | 06:58 |
ElitePete | how do i search my whole pc | 06:58 |
ElitePete | for that file? | 06:58 |
ElitePete | sdl-devel_1.0.8-2_i386.deb | 06:58 |
intelikey | find / -name sdl-devel_1.0.8-2_i386.deb | 06:59 |
mcjerry | Wilf: was not payin attention earlier, what filesys did you finally convert too, fat32? | 06:59 |
gn0me | I don't even know.. maybe "find / | grep sdl-devel | 06:59 |
gn0me | Or that.. | 06:59 |
intelikey | ElitePete you might sudo it if it errors out on unable to read blah. | 06:59 |
[danger] | Has anyone here used the Smart Boot Manager? | 06:59 |
Wilf | mcjerry, ext3. however, intelikey's $HOME explanation fixed my problem. | 06:59 |
Wilf | thanks so much bot of you. | 07:00 |
Wilf | both even. | 07:00 |
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Wilf | and you too ubotu. | 07:00 |
irvin | ElitePete: are trying to install sdl? | 07:00 |
ElitePete | irvin, yes buddy | 07:00 |
can-o-worms | does kubuntu have any kind of gui to display how much space is left on local hard disks? | 07:00 |
davisbaumung05 | is this a game one | 07:00 |
mcjerry | k, good | 07:00 |
irvin | ElitePete: from an rpm package? | 07:00 |
ElitePete | irvin well i alien' | 07:00 |
ElitePete | it to .deb.. | 07:00 |
ElitePete | now i cant find the .deb | 07:00 |
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ElitePete | scratch that.. found it | 07:00 |
irvin | ElitePete: can you give a description of sdl please? | 07:00 |
crimsun | can-o-worms: gnome-system-tools | 07:01 |
=== Wilf pats his onetouch | ||
Wilf | bbl, 80gb's to transfer... | 07:01 |
irvin | ElitePete: game boy emulator? | 07:01 |
Wilf | over usb :| | 07:01 |
ElitePete | irvin, no | 07:01 |
intelikey | Wilf i would have went there at first rather than chacing that umask rabbit but i picked up on the permissions and thought it was a vfat shared partition.... sorry for the run around. | 07:01 |
Josh43 | ok, I know this is off topic, but I am at my sanity's end... ; does anyone know a bootable Floppy distro that I can load the 3cxfe574bt pcmcia card (3c574_cs.o) and mount a fat32 drive with? | 07:01 |
can-o-worms | crimsun: kubuntu ;) | 07:01 |
intelikey | chaseing | 07:01 |
crimsun | can-o-worms: KDE has its own in the System(s) menu | 07:01 |
Wilf | intelikey, no problems, thanks so much for the help, i now know how to change permissions. | 07:02 |
crimsun | can-o-worms: have you asked in #kubuntu? | 07:02 |
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intelikey | and what to change them too | 07:02 |
Wilf | 777 | 07:02 |
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irvin | ElitePete: i found 52 matching packages for sdl | 07:02 |
j1 | has anyone heard of shubuntu? | 07:02 |
can-o-worms | crimsun: .. i didn't know there was a kubuntu channel | 07:02 |
mcjerry | Wilf: sorry wasn't paying attention to fs type....wasn't any help this time | 07:02 |
irvin | ElitePete: http://packages.ubuntu.com | 07:02 |
j1 | it runs on a flash drive in your sneakers | 07:02 |
foxiness | time to go , see you soon | 07:03 |
crimsun | kaffeend: the trailers from apple.com play fine here (using totem-gstreamer w/ w32codecs) | 07:03 |
SweetestSavage | Does anybody know of a general equalizer settings thing in Ubuntu for sound? Because my bass is set way too high.. | 07:03 |
crimsun | kaffeend: (I'm using Dapper, though) | 07:03 |
intelikey | that is world everything for privet everything try 700 or even 740 for group readonly owner everything. | 07:03 |
Josh43 | Please? Anyone? | 07:03 |
crimsun | SweetestSavage: if you're lucky, your hardware provides eq | 07:03 |
kaffeend | crimsun - interesting | 07:03 |
kaffeend | maybe it's the file itself? | 07:03 |
SweetestSavage | crimsun, any ideas as to where I can check this out? | 07:03 |
Josh43 | I've been working at this non-stop for 2 weeks | 07:03 |
crimsun | SweetestSavage: which card? | 07:03 |
SweetestSavage | crimsun, ALC850 | 07:04 |
crimsun | kaffeend: got a url? | 07:04 |
onkarshinde | Anyone using totem from breezy-backports? I need someone to confirm a bug | 07:04 |
kaffeend | I'll get some more - for scientific purposes of corse! ;) | 07:04 |
SweetestSavage | crimsun, I don't even think the drivers for it are installed | 07:04 |
crimsun | SweetestSavage: that's a codec, not a driver. cat /proc/asound/cards | 07:04 |
intelikey | j1 what is shubuntu ? | 07:04 |
kaffeend | hang on | 07:04 |
SweetestSavage | crimsun, that's the name of it.. =S | 07:04 |
SweetestSavage | crimsun, it's an AC97 RealTek | 07:04 |
crimsun | SweetestSavage: trust me, that's the codec. | 07:04 |
j1 | intelikey: I don't know | 07:04 |
crimsun | SweetestSavage: the 850s are powered by the hda-intel driver, i.e., snd-hda-intel | 07:05 |
SweetestSavage | crimsun, NVidia CK8S with ALC850 at 0xfebfb000, irq 20 | 07:05 |
ElitePete | how do i search packages again? | 07:05 |
intelikey | find | 07:05 |
irvin | ElitePete: http://packages.ubuntu.com | 07:05 |
SweetestSavage | crimsun, it's onboard aswell.. my mobo is an ASUS K8N | 07:05 |
intelikey | oh or apt-cache search | 07:05 |
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ElitePete | how do i search packages again? from termina ll | 07:05 |
crimsun | SweetestSavage: s/850/880/ | 07:05 |
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SweetestSavage | crimsun, it also gave me this: MPU-401 UART at 0x300, irq 5 | 07:05 |
irvin | ElitePete: or sudo apt-cache search <package> | 07:05 |
crimsun | SweetestSavage: so you're using snd-intel8x0 | 07:05 |
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kaffeend | crimsun: http://www.s2games.com/savage/downloads/savage_e3_trailer.mov | 07:06 |
crimsun | SweetestSavage: (so no, you don't have hardware eq) | 07:06 |
crimsun | kaffeend: wgetting. | 07:06 |
intelikey | depends on what you mean search packages could even be dpkg -l | 07:06 |
SweetestSavage | crimsun, ah. I think it's because my drivers aren't installed. | 07:06 |
ElitePete | i need lsdlmixer | 07:06 |
ElitePete | but i can't find it.. | 07:06 |
crimsun | SweetestSavage: they are if you have that information. | 07:06 |
irvin | ElitePete: you'll have better luck finding your package online since it searches all repos that you may have not yet enabled locally | 07:06 |
SweetestSavage | crimsun, oh okay. | 07:06 |
SweetestSavage | crimsun, well, my bass is set really high and I don't know why.. | 07:06 |
Wilf | arf arf arf...there's my filesystem fixed, what's next... | 07:06 |
Wilf | argh, twinview :\ | 07:06 |
intelikey | apt-cache search lsdlmixer | 07:06 |
SweetestSavage | crimsun, I think it was because I altered the EQ in XMMS | 07:06 |
ElitePete | irvin, i have all the ubuntu repos enabled | 07:06 |
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intelikey | apt-cache search lsdl | 07:07 |
crimsun | SweetestSavage: then you can simply reset the eq in xmms | 07:07 |
can-o-worms | crimsun: there is no one talking kubuntu and there is nothing in the system menu that will show me what i want | 07:07 |
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SweetestSavage | crimsun, I tried that.. it's still the same, I'm guessing it's pretty buggy | 07:07 |
intelikey | and s/search/show/ on the package you think may be it. | 07:07 |
odat | what is a good program to burn bin and cue files | 07:07 |
ElitePete | configure: error: Could not find -lSDL_mixer | 07:08 |
intelikey | apt-cache search lsdl | 07:08 |
ElitePete | doesn't find it intelikey. | 07:08 |
cmatheson | ElitePete: you need to install the libsdl1.2-mixer-dev packge | 07:08 |
crimsun | SweetestSavage: did you try turning off the eq? | 07:08 |
intelikey | that error looks fishy tho | 07:08 |
irvin | ElitePete: try mixer | 07:08 |
onkarshinde | ElitePete: What are you trying to install? | 07:08 |
intelikey | -lSDL ? | 07:08 |
SweetestSavage | crimsun, one sec, maybe I just fixed it.. | 07:09 |
ElitePete | onkarshinde, some game | 07:09 |
irvin | ElitePete: its sdl-mixer | 07:09 |
SweetestSavage | crimsun, yeah it was on "Auto". I turned that off and it seems to be fixed now, thanks | 07:09 |
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SweetestSavage | crimsun, oh wait. Nevermind =/ | 07:09 |
ElitePete | E: Couldn't find package sdl-mixer | 07:09 |
crimsun | ElitePete: libsdl-mixer1.2-dev? | 07:10 |
intelikey | yeah the -l is supposed to be seperate... hah i knew that didn't look right. | 07:10 |
onkarshinde | ElitePete: lib-sdl-mixer | 07:10 |
=== kaffeend is sweating like a whore in church! | ||
onkarshinde | ElitePete: and dev package | 07:10 |
Fushi | ElitePete: search it | 07:10 |
ElitePete | libsdl-mixer1.2-dev | 07:11 |
ElitePete | found it. | 07:11 |
ElitePete | thanks | 07:11 |
irvin | :D | 07:11 |
Josh43 | Ok, since noone knows how to help me, can anyone tell me where I might find something like that floppy distro w/3c574_cs driver)? some other irc channel? | 07:11 |
crimsun | kaffeend: I have no audio with that file. | 07:11 |
onkarshinde | Josh43: what are you looking for? | 07:11 |
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onkarshinde | crimsun: what are you trying to play? | 07:12 |
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crimsun | Josh43: does the live cd not work? | 07:12 |
Josh43 | onkarshinde, I'll just re-post, if you don't mind; | 07:12 |
Josh43 | ok, I know this is off topic, but I am at my sanity's end... ; does anyone know a bootable Floppy distro that I can load the 3cxfe574bt pcmcia card (3c574_cs.o) and mount a fat32 drive with? | 07:12 |
crimsun | onkarshinde: kaffeend is attempting to get sound w/ http://www.s2games.com/savage/downloads/savage_e3_trailer.mov | 07:12 |
onkarshinde | Josh43: ever heard of mulinux? | 07:12 |
Josh43 | crimsun, No cdrom :( | 07:12 |
crimsun | Josh43: can the machine netboot via pxe? | 07:13 |
Josh43 | onkarshinde, Yes, and I tried it.. but I couldn't get that driver going; wasn't on there that I could see | 07:13 |
onkarshinde | crimsun: Even I am having trouble with quicktime movies | 07:13 |
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Josh43 | crimsun, Nope; pcmcia 3com card | 07:13 |
Hoxzer | Quicktime is not fast time | 07:13 |
intelikey | Josh43 google blueflop and see if thats it. | 07:13 |
Josh43 | intelikey, Tried that one too | 07:13 |
intelikey | basic ? | 07:14 |
crimsun | onkarshinde: that one plays fine, but there's no sound. I have not tested with another app besides totem-gstreamer. | 07:14 |
intelikey | i don't think basic has cs services tho | 07:14 |
onkarshinde | Josh43: http://mulinux.dotsrc.org/ | 07:14 |
kaffeend | crimsun I have sound in totem playing a wmv file | 07:14 |
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crimsun | kaffeend: is that savage trailer supposed to have audio? | 07:15 |
onkarshinde | kaffeend: Are you usinh totem-gstreamer or totem-xine? | 07:15 |
xenex | I don't know if I should switch to Kubuntu or stay with Ubuntu, anyone want to tell me pros and cons about Kubuntu | 07:15 |
crimsun | xenex: try it yourself: aptitude install kubuntu-desktop | 07:15 |
onkarshinde | xenex: And why do you want to switch? | 07:15 |
Josh43 | onkarshinde, Is there an addon pack for that driver? or did I look for it wrong on there? | 07:16 |
xenex | onkarshinde: I don't even know. | 07:16 |
intelikey | Josh43 what about dling DSL and open the iso and copy the kernel out and booting dsl from loadlin na not unless you're and old hand at it.... nm | 07:16 |
crimsun | can-o-worms: nowhere in the KDE menu? | 07:16 |
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can-o-worms | crimsun: nevermind, i found something... thanks | 07:16 |
onkarshinde | Josh43: Ok. Ignored that driver thing. What the driver is for. What do you want to do? | 07:16 |
onkarshinde | xenex: then there is no need to switch | 07:17 |
Josh43 | intelikey, I think I'm about 6mo off that sort of stuff.. most of that makes sense, cept loadlin :) | 07:17 |
intelikey | onkarshinde i'd say it's for a net install. | 07:17 |
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Josh43 | onkarshinde, Yeah, basically what intelikey said | 07:17 |
vrub | man tar balls saved me nothing in space, closed down like 100 mb ... | 07:18 |
crimsun | Josh43: you can use sarge's boot diskettes to install base, then cross-grade to Breezy. | 07:18 |
kaffeend | onkarshinde and crimsun - I'm using xine and I don't CARE about that other vid now! After watching http://savage2.s2games.com/downloads/savage2_teaser_640.wmv | 07:18 |
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intelikey | loadlin is a linux boot loader that you execute from a booted dos system but it cant boot ubuntu cause they made the initrd.img to stinking big. | 07:18 |
kaffeend | OMFG!!! | 07:18 |
kaffeend | thank god I still have windows to play it on :D | 07:19 |
Josh43 | crimsun, That actually sounds very tempting, but it's a beast of an old laptop: 8mb of ram, 486 | 07:19 |
Darkheart | quick question, when I try to install Ubuntu it doesn't recognise my keyboard (hit enter for install and then no response) happened with Fedora too | 07:19 |
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Josh43 | Darkheart, USB keyboard? | 07:19 |
onkarshinde | kaffeend: sorry, But I won't download that 19M movie. I have already exceeded my monthly limit | 07:19 |
kaffeend | lol | 07:19 |
crimsun | Josh43: sarge installs fine on those specs | 07:19 |
Darkheart | nope ps port, I have a USB mouse and thought maybe that was the issue | 07:19 |
kaffeend | I pity you people that have "limits" | 07:20 |
Josh43 | crimsun, but not ubuntu with xwindows | 07:20 |
intelikey | Josh43 if you booted blueflops you used loadlin.exe and didn't even know it. | 07:20 |
onkarshinde | kaffeend: that is the cheapest I can get. | 07:20 |
kaffeend | ah | 07:20 |
crimsun | Josh43: you don't need to install ubuntu-desktop. You can cross-grade to ubuntu-base. | 07:20 |
kaffeend | well, there's always dialup too onkashinde ;) | 07:21 |
kaffeend | http://savage2.s2games.com/downloads/ has a small trailer too | 07:21 |
onkarshinde | kaffeend: I was on dialup some months ago. Now on DSL. Still this self imposed restriction to save money | 07:21 |
=== Gatorade [i=Gatorade@ip68-104-16-221.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | Josh43 8m ram.... better go with something older. slack 4 maybe. | 07:21 |
Josh43 | crimsun, would I be able to get running enough to get a system similar to a lean win98 install? | 07:21 |
kaffeend | onkashinde - that's a good rule | 07:22 |
intelikey | ub wont run on 8m | 07:22 |
crimsun | Josh43: not easily. You'll have luck with directfb. | 07:22 |
onkarshinde | kaffeend: that link is forbidden | 07:22 |
Josh43 | intelikey, It's for someone else, so I'm actually trying to use linux to copy over the win98 install atm, but if I can get a decent alternative, it's tempting | 07:22 |
Gatorade | OK this is redicuous I have done 3 live CD's ubuntu, SUSE and Knoppix and all of them will not work with my GE mouse isn't that proof that Microsoft is forcing people to use WIndows??? | 07:22 |
kaffeend | onkashinde: that's some awesome bump mapping... that's all I can say | 07:22 |
kaffeend | http://savage2.s2games.com/media_vid.html try that | 07:23 |
Josh43 | brb | 07:23 |
Gatorade | and by the way I LOVE SUSE OS | 07:23 |
Gatorade | very pretty | 07:23 |
chapium | anyone here have trouble with openoffice crashing? | 07:23 |
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chapium | try the letter wizard | 07:23 |
intelikey | Josh43 i'd also sujest w95 with browser pack. it's lighter and will actually work on that box. | 07:23 |
DRAGON_Ultra | suse is good but ubuntu is better | 07:23 |
kaffeend | Gatorade - do you like suse, like I like suse? | 07:23 |
Gatorade | Oh yes yes I do oh yeah | 07:23 |
kaffeend | lol | 07:24 |
=== korptix [i=ruth@d58-104-222-111.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
korptix | hiii | 07:24 |
Gatorade | Suse just rocks my muse | 07:24 |
korptix | i have ubuntu on LIVECD | 07:24 |
korptix | but | 07:24 |
korptix | it doesnt have gcc ? | 07:24 |
Gatorade | but I can't get my Mouse to run on any Linux os lol | 07:24 |
kaffeend | korptix is it pissing down there too? | 07:24 |
intelikey | Josh43 i don't think you can use sarge on 8m ram either. | 07:24 |
korptix | where au ? | 07:24 |
korptix | nah | 07:24 |
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korptix | its hot as | 07:24 |
Gatorade | I need to by a non GE mouse on monday | 07:24 |
intelikey | if so just barely. | 07:24 |
kaffeend | in syd? | 07:24 |
korptix | yeah | 07:25 |
korptix | fkn aoth | 07:25 |
Gatorade | chica chica chica chica chica chica!!!! | 07:25 |
chicapatra | Gator Gator Gator Gator Gator! | 07:25 |
kaffeend | I'm in stormy/balmy brissie | 07:25 |
chapium | is it Suse like "Sue See" or Suse like "Snooze" ? | 07:25 |
korptix | and its raining ? | 07:25 |
kaffeend | and it's bloody HOT here!!! | 07:25 |
korptix | oh | 07:25 |
korptix | lol | 07:25 |
korptix | very hot | 07:25 |
chapium | or is it like dr. seuss | 07:25 |
Gatorade | Suse is the most amazingly beautiful OS I've ever seen | 07:25 |
chapium | neat | 07:25 |
kaffeend | gonna jump in the shower to dry off a bit soon ;) | 07:25 |
Gatorade | and Honestly I don't care much for ubuntu lol | 07:25 |
irvin | Gatorade: it's just eye candy | 07:26 |
korptix | yeh make sure u use only cold water ;] | 07:26 |
kaffeend | !kick Gatorade | 07:26 |
ubotu | kaffeend: What? | 07:26 |
eobanb | why is suse any better than any other gnome/kde desktop? | 07:26 |
=== chapium wonders why Gatorade is in #ubuntu stirring shit | ||
=== Gatorade wonders why chapium is in #ubuntu stirring shit | ||
Gatorade | woah | 07:26 |
Gatorade | heh | 07:26 |
intelikey | candor is cool. | 07:26 |
Gatorade | I'm not | 07:26 |
crimsun | chapium: it's suezah | 07:26 |
onkarshinde | Gatorade: If you don't care then why are you here? | 07:26 |
korptix | so. | 07:26 |
Gatorade | I'm just being honest sorry | 07:26 |
korptix | anyone can help me out ? | 07:26 |
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eobanb | i still want to know the answer to my question | 07:26 |
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kaffeend | suse's for n00bs | 07:26 |
korptix | .. | 07:26 |
eobanb | why is it any better than any other gnome/kde desktop? | 07:26 |
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kaffeend | hi Grandma - playin with suse again I see? | 07:27 |
eobanb | i mean gnome on suse and gnome on ubuntu is basically the same | 07:27 |
irvin | Gatorade: i'm really disappointed with suse specially on the amount of time for installation | 07:27 |
Darkheart | so any ideas on why my keyboard doesn't work when trying to install ubuntu? | 07:27 |
korptix | ANYONE | 07:27 |
Gatorade | I just like the style | 07:27 |
eobanb | 'the style'? | 07:27 |
korptix | .. | 07:27 |
=== GTroy [n=troyster@70-57-162-112.spkn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
[danger] | how can I determine the I/O ports my cr-rom drive is using? | 07:27 |
chapium | Darkheart, i missed the original question | 07:27 |
korptix | ANYONE | 07:27 |
onkarshinde | korptix: if you will state your problem | 07:27 |
korptix | .. | 07:27 |
Gatorade | listen I can't run the damn thing until I get a mous anyway My mouse freezes up no matter what I run | 07:27 |
korptix | i did | 07:27 |
kaffeend | who here has default gnome theme? | 07:27 |
korptix | <korptix> i have ubuntu on LIVECD | 07:27 |
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korptix | and | 07:27 |
korptix | it doesnt have . | 07:27 |
korptix | GCC | 07:28 |
chapium | Darkheart, is this an abnormal keyboard? | 07:28 |
intelikey | kaffeend suze is linux just like ubuntu is linux or gentoo(distro) is linux linux is for anyone that wants to use it. | 07:28 |
korptix | to complie anything. | 07:28 |
Gatorade | I have ubuntu on live cd and Suse and knoppix | 07:28 |
Darkheart | nope standard ps keyboard | 07:28 |
irvin | korptix: it's on the cd. sudo apt-get install build-essential | 07:28 |
korptix | .. | 07:28 |
kaffeend | intelikey why tell me? | 07:28 |
kaffeend | :P | 07:28 |
eobanb | korptix, what are you trying to compile? | 07:28 |
onkarshinde | korptix: then why don't install? | 07:28 |
korptix | well | 07:28 |
kaffeend | and the debian kernel isn't in all distros ;) | 07:28 |
korptix | its running off CD | 07:28 |
intelikey | <kaffeend> suse's for n00bs | 07:28 |
[danger] | I/O ports... Could someone help me out? | 07:29 |
korptix | how is it gonna insatll on to a cd? | 07:29 |
eobanb | korptix, it doesnt, there's a ram disk | 07:29 |
kaffeend | I'm just funnin' - I've never even used suse for more than a day :D | 07:29 |
irvin | korptix: ohhh i missed the LiveCD, just try if you could install it... sudo apt-get install build-essential | 07:29 |
intelikey | WELL GRIN WHEN YOU FUN ! | 07:29 |
intelikey | :) | 07:29 |
kaffeend | :P | 07:30 |
=== painkiler [n=vemon388@203-206-5-41.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
painkiler | hey guys | 07:30 |
kaffeend | like that? :D | 07:30 |
korptix | well | 07:30 |
eobanb | hi painkiler | 07:30 |
korptix | im new to this shit | 07:30 |
intelikey | yep | 07:30 |
korptix | and i no nuffin | 07:30 |
korptix | i have dsl | 07:30 |
korptix | modem | 07:30 |
eobanb | korptix, what are you trying to compile? | 07:30 |
korptix | and i cant set up network | 07:30 |
korptix | a file | 07:30 |
eobanb | 'a file'? | 07:30 |
korptix | blah.c | 07:30 |
painkiler | need a little help setting up my file sharing to a windows pc.... | 07:30 |
kaffeend | lol | 07:30 |
painkiler | I have tryed a few ways | 07:30 |
chapium | Darkheart, have you tried a different keyboard? | 07:30 |
korptix | lol @ painkiler | 07:31 |
korptix | from austnet ? | 07:31 |
Gatorade | My mouse does the same thing with every linux OS I tryk it freezes and doesn't move and shuts down | 07:31 |
painkiler | ? | 07:31 |
painkiler | austnet? | 07:31 |
korptix | dw | 07:31 |
korptix | my vad | 07:31 |
=== Darkheart is now known as Luko | ||
intelikey | !samba | 07:31 |
ubotu | samba is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SettingUpSamba or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently | 07:31 |
painkiler | i know | 07:31 |
[danger] | Hello. Does anyone know a command that will tell me what the I/O port address is for my CD-ROM drive? | 07:31 |
intelikey | painkiler ^ | 07:31 |
korptix | *bad | 07:31 |
eobanb | 'I/O port address'? you mean the device node? | 07:31 |
painkiler | but i can never get it showing up on my pc.... | 07:31 |
painkiler | is there a guide on the wiki? | 07:32 |
painkiler | bcause i cant find it | 07:32 |
intelikey | painkiler ^ | 07:32 |
korptix | i also get this | 07:32 |
crimsun | [danger] : you probably mean for your IDE controller | 07:32 |
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@d58-104-222-111.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntu | ok | 07:32 |
crimsun | [danger] : in that case, it can be found via lspci | 07:32 |
ubuntu | im here | 07:32 |
Luko | how different is linux programming compared with windows programming? | 07:32 |
ubuntu | "korptix" | 07:33 |
painkiler | oh yeah, how do i get vnc server working on ubuntu? | 07:33 |
[danger] | perhaps. I want to determine the hex numbers I can feed to the program Smart Boot Manager so it will boot off my CD drive. | 07:33 |
ubuntu | i get this error | 07:33 |
painkiler | it never works | 07:33 |
ubuntu | wait | 07:33 |
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painkiler | i try ip:0 | 07:33 |
ubuntu | stfu and listen | 07:33 |
Gatorade | Is there anything I can besides buying a new mouse that will let me run these Linux OS'? | 07:33 |
[danger] | I will try lspci. | 07:33 |
crimsun | ubuntu: don't be rude. | 07:33 |
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painkiler | but all it comes up with is just a screen with and x cursur | 07:33 |
ubuntu | k | 07:33 |
ubuntu | gzip: stdin: not in gzip format | 07:33 |
ubuntu | tar: Child returned status 1 | 07:33 |
ubuntu | tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors | 07:33 |
ubuntu | ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ c | 07:33 |
painkiler | and a lined background | 07:33 |
eobanb | ubuntu, what are you trying to do? | 07:33 |
Gatorade | Is it a known fact that GE mouse's won't work with Non Windows OS'? | 07:34 |
ubuntu | unrar it? | 07:34 |
ubuntu | .. | 07:34 |
=== centOGG says vmware ROCKS | ||
irvin | ubuntu: i was wondering how what command and arguments you used | 07:34 |
eobanb | ubuntu, you need to use an unrar tool...gzip is a program for gzip not rar | 07:34 |
gn0me | Anyone know the package that adds "Open a Terminal" to your gnome right-click menu on desktop? | 07:34 |
crimsun | ubuntu: use unrar-nonfree if it's a rar file. | 07:35 |
crimsun | !info unrar-nonfree | 07:35 |
intelikey | [danger] eee that's that map 0x80 to 0x81 crap.... not sure how to find it how many drives do you have ? | 07:35 |
cantona | can I upgrade to drapper now? | 07:35 |
ubuntu | so | 07:35 |
ubotu | unrar-nonfree: (Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)), section multiverse/utils, is optional. Version: 3.4.3-1build1 (breezy), Packaged size: 83 kB, Installed size: 216 kB | 07:35 |
crimsun | cantona: you may, but it's not recommended. | 07:35 |
ubuntu | unrar e fuck.tar | 07:35 |
ubuntu | ? | 07:35 |
ubuntu | its a tar file | 07:35 |
ubuntu | not rar | 07:35 |
eobanb | cantona, you can upgrade to dapper at any time, but i wouldnt recommend it for inexperienced users. | 07:35 |
crimsun | ubuntu: then just tar xf foo.tar | 07:35 |
ubuntu | k | 07:35 |
cantona | how to define an experienced users? | 07:35 |
ubuntu | cheers | 07:35 |
ubuntu | now that its running off CD | 07:36 |
[danger] | I only have one CD-Drive. I tried lspci, but the information it provided didn't seem to be what I needed. Any other suggestions? | 07:36 |
centOGG | dwink | 07:36 |
ubuntu | and do i save my work ? | 07:36 |
ubuntu | ? | 07:36 |
eobanb | cantona, how long have you used linux? | 07:36 |
cantona | is there any broken dependance in dapper now? | 07:36 |
crimsun | cantona: no offense, but this is how we generally recommend it: If you have to ask whether you can upgrade to the devel branch, that's a good indication that you shouldn't yet. | 07:36 |
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intelikey | the idots that are always here cantona ? | 07:36 |
cantona | eobanb: about 6 years | 07:36 |
irvin | ubuntu: you have any permanent storage you can mount? usb stick, floppy? | 07:36 |
ubuntu | ? | 07:36 |
eobanb | crimsun, my feeling exactly | 07:36 |
ubuntu | what you mean | 07:36 |
ubuntu | im running xp | 07:36 |
ubuntu | and using vmware | 07:37 |
eobanb | .... | 07:37 |
intelikey | [danger] no, i mean all ide drives. hda hdb hdd ? | 07:37 |
eobanb | er | 07:37 |
eobanb | okay | 07:37 |
centOGG | so am i VMWARE ROCKS | 07:37 |
ubuntu | k | 07:37 |
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=== [green] Y[red] omi [n=TrueYomi@ip70-173-107-216.fv.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntu | . | 07:37 |
eobanb | ubuntu, what are you asking? | 07:37 |
ubuntu | im asking | 07:37 |
intelikey | and scsi if you have them. cause the bios hex will count drives. | 07:37 |
ubuntu | how do i save my work | 07:37 |
irvin | you just lost me there ubuntu | 07:37 |
ubuntu | k | 07:37 |
Gatorade | Why can't I get an answer for my question? | 07:37 |
ubuntu | like | 07:37 |
ubuntu | lets say | 07:37 |
=== kaffeend [n=kaffeend@adsl-121-147.swiftdsl.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
[danger] | let me take a look. | 07:38 |
crimsun | Gatorade: because many people haven't read it yet? | 07:38 |
cantona | crimsun: just want to know any broken dependancy only | 07:38 |
ubuntu | im runnong ubuntu off vmware | 07:38 |
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ubuntu | and. | 07:38 |
Gatorade | k | 07:38 |
ubuntu | i downlaoded files | 07:38 |
crimsun | cantona: there are tons of broken dependencies. | 07:38 |
ubuntu | and i wanna save them | 07:38 |
eobanb | ubuntu i would think that's a vmware issue not an ubuntu issue, since all the drives ubuntu can see are probably virtual ones made by vmware | 07:38 |
ubuntu | but it wont coz its off liveCD | 07:38 |
ubuntu | ehh | 07:38 |
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crimsun | cantona: dapper is certainly usable, but you're generally on your own | 07:38 |
cantona | crimsun: i have 3 machines with debian sid, just wnat to compare with dapper, nothing special | 07:39 |
intelikey | [danger] also which device is the cdrom ? | 07:39 |
eobanb | Gatorade, what is your question | 07:39 |
centOGG | load vmware tools and have another drink | 07:39 |
ubuntu | well | 07:39 |
cantona | anyway thanks | 07:39 |
ubuntu | wtf do i do ? | 07:39 |
crimsun | cantona: sid is far more conservative than dapper. | 07:39 |
Gatorade | Ok | 07:39 |
ubuntu | what if i just ran it from boot | 07:39 |
eobanb | ubuntu, i suggest you read your vmware manual about how to save sessions, etc. | 07:39 |
irvin | cantona: you're always welcome to test dapper and report in bugs | 07:39 |
ubuntu | yeh wait | 07:39 |
ubuntu | like | 07:39 |
crimsun | cantona: try a live cd | 07:39 |
ubuntu | ill start it from boot | 07:39 |
intelikey | [danger] sudo fdisk -l | 07:39 |
ubuntu | useing LIVECD | 07:40 |
Gatorade | I tried 3 live CD's: ubuntu, Suse and Knoppix and on all of them My mouse froze and shut off | 07:40 |
ubuntu | no vmware | 07:40 |
[danger] | intellikey: Looking in my dev directory I have hda, hda1, hda2, hda3 and hdc. Should I be counting other drives? The cdrom is hdc. | 07:40 |
ubuntu | yea. | 07:40 |
Gatorade | I want to know why heh | 07:40 |
eobanb | Gatorade, that sounds like a hardware problem to me | 07:40 |
Gatorade | Yep | 07:40 |
ubuntu | so | 07:40 |
Gatorade | Ge mouse | 07:40 |
ubuntu | how do i save my work ? | 07:40 |
crimsun | Gatorade: what type of mouse is it, ps/2? usb? | 07:40 |
[danger] | intellikey: I will go try sudo fdisk -1 | 07:40 |
Gatorade | ps/2 | 07:40 |
ubuntu | .. | 07:40 |
crimsun | Gatorade: got a ps/2 -> usb adapter? | 07:40 |
irvin | crimsun: is there a dapper fligh 2 live cd? | 07:40 |
crimsun | irvin: yes | 07:40 |
ubuntu | .. | 07:41 |
eobanb | ubuntu, if you are only saving data to ram and not not to a hard drive or other media, then the answer is you can't | 07:41 |
ubuntu | man | 07:41 |
centOGG | ubuntu: are you on a network | 07:41 |
Gatorade | GE = NBC = MSNBC = Microsoft, is that a coincedense? | 07:41 |
ubuntu | :S | 07:41 |
intelikey | [danger] then i'd guess it to be 0x81 being only two ide disks although it could be 0x82 because of being on the second cable [danger] | 07:41 |
eobanb | sorry, but what did you expect? | 07:41 |
ubuntu | im on DSL | 07:41 |
Gatorade | No don't have an adapter | 07:41 |
ubuntu | im running this os LIVECD | 07:41 |
centOGG | but on a single computer? | 07:41 |
ubuntu | yes | 07:41 |
korptix | ;p | 07:41 |
centOGG | oh well | 07:41 |
korptix | im here again | 07:41 |
korptix | with XP | 07:41 |
ubuntu | ya | 07:42 |
=== ubuntu is now known as k0rptix | ||
eobanb | k0rptix, you could always save files to media such as a USB flash drive | 07:42 |
k0rptix | well | 07:42 |
k0rptix | how about i just install it | 07:42 |
eobanb | if you find that inconvenient then you need to actually install ubuntu | 07:42 |
k0rptix | ? | 07:42 |
intelikey | [danger] try 0x81 that should be it. | 07:43 |
k0rptix | dude | 07:43 |
k0rptix | i dont understand anything u say | 07:43 |
k0rptix | coz i no nuffin about nic | 07:43 |
k0rptix | *nix | 07:43 |
eobanb | k0rptix, a USB flash drive is like a hard drive but it is very small and plugs into a USB port on your computer | 07:43 |
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eobanb | well...he was annoying... | 07:44 |
=== centOGG whew | ||
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=== korptix [i=ruth@d58-104-222-111.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
korptix | ehh | 07:45 |
korptix | d/c | 07:45 |
korptix | well | 07:45 |
korptix | like i said | 07:45 |
korptix | i dont no anything about nix | 07:45 |
eobanb | can you not hit enter so much.. | 07:45 |
korptix | me ? | 07:45 |
=== timalot [n=tim@202-0-34-93.cable.paradise.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | !enter | 07:45 |
ubotu | please don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying. Write in complete sentences and keep your replies and questions on one line if possible. Thanks! | 07:45 |
timalot | hello? | 07:45 |
centOGG | mery xmas | 07:45 |
eobanb | hi timalot | 07:45 |
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timalot | hi, i've got breezy installed, and i want to install windows xp, is their anyway to stop windows killing my boot sector, which has grub? | 07:46 |
eobanb | korptix, this is a USB flash drive: | 07:46 |
eobanb | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USB_Flash_Drive | 07:46 |
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[danger] | intellikey: Thanks for your help. I think I just did something so I don't need those numbers anyway. (I finally burned my CD correctly so it's booting off of it automatically.) | 07:47 |
centOGG | timalot: don't fight the power, let XP have the MBR | 07:47 |
intelikey | lol ok | 07:47 |
eobanb | timalot, unless you have two hard drives, i'm afraid all windows installations will overwrite the MBR....that doesnt mean you can't re-install grub later, though! just have an ubuntu CD on-hand. | 07:48 |
Josh43 | intelikey, Yeah, I was thinking win95 as well, but win98 with "98lite" runs about the same, but with more features | 07:48 |
timalot | ok i've only ever used lilo before is it easy to reinstall grub (and setup windows to start under it?) | 07:48 |
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eobanb | timalot, it is pretty straightforward. | 07:49 |
timalot | have you done it using the install cd ? | 07:49 |
eobanb | i dont use windows so i have never had to re-install grub myself, no. | 07:49 |
intelikey | [danger] fyi they start with 0x80 = first ide boot drive and count up from there. hense /dev/hdb = 0x81 if exist and so on.... scis starts where ide leaves off. and i'm not sure about usb boot drives.... | 07:49 |
=== Hikaru79 [n=hikaru79@d57-4-59.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
timalot | yeah i *don't* either but, i need to play some games... ill read the man for grub, , thanks tho | 07:50 |
eobanb | timalot, grub-install /dev/hda1 (or whatever the hard drive is) should do the trick. | 07:50 |
timalot | ok thanks | 07:50 |
intelikey | Josh43 yes. mmm but they will probably be 'more un-usable' features. | 07:50 |
=== ErrantEgo [n=ErrantEg@bgp920679bgs.airprt01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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eobanb | timalot, once grub is re-installed, you can edit your menu.lst file to add an option to boot windows. | 07:51 |
=== kestas [n=kestas@ppp169-240.lns1.per1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kestas | guys where do I find the man page for ulimit? | 07:51 |
kestas | it's not there for some reason | 07:51 |
kestas | neither the C function nor the command | 07:52 |
intelikey | [danger] not that you care but let me add if a boxes bios is set to boot scsi first then ide they start the cound with /dev/sda = 0x80 | 07:52 |
kestas | the command is there though | 07:52 |
=== cge [n=cge@ip68-107-38-206.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
timalot | ok sounds good, i just hope windows doesn't kill my ext3 partition | 07:52 |
crimsun | kestas: it's a bash built-in. man bash | 07:52 |
eobanb | here you go, kestas | 07:52 |
eobanb | http://wwwcgi.rdg.ac.uk:8081/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/wsi14/poplog/man/2/ulimit | 07:52 |
centOGG | timalot: http://www.weblog.nohair.net/archives/000598.html | 07:52 |
cge | Does anyone using dapper have a problem with dpkg segfaulting? | 07:52 |
kestas | eobanb, thats section 2, I want the command | 07:52 |
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=== timfrost [n=tim_fros@222-152-212-212.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | or use help <bash_buildin> | 07:53 |
kestas | crimsun, k thanks, but is there any way to set it automatically for all users? to protect against forkbombs? | 07:53 |
=== centOGG "Merry XMas, take care" | ||
Josh43 | intelikey; possibly, yes.. well, really; once I get a linux floppy to contact the network, I can go either way | 07:53 |
timalot | centOGG: thanks , wish me luck ill need it | 07:53 |
korptix | sorry | 07:53 |
korptix | back | 07:53 |
=== B-166_ER-X [n=oli@c207.134.30-157.clta.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
korptix | like i wanna install ubuntu | 07:54 |
korptix | so i can save my work | 07:54 |
korptix | but i only have one drive and i also want dual boot | 07:54 |
korptix | any help 0n da?T | 07:54 |
intelikey | true. first crawl then walk then,,, hmmm on that box just walking will be about it. | 07:54 |
crimsun | kestas: you probably want to use something shell-independent in that case. See the PAM documentation and /etc/security/limits.conf | 07:54 |
korptix | ??????????????????????????? | 07:54 |
eobanb | sure, korptix. your safest option is to wipe the drive, partition it, and restore your data from a backup. | 07:54 |
=== [green] Y[red] omi is now known as Yomic | ||
Josh43 | korptix: if you have enough free space, you can split your drive | 07:55 |
eobanb | korptix, a less-safe option would be to live-partition the drive with a tool like partitionmagic | 07:55 |
mcjerry | korptix, pm me | 07:55 |
eobanb | i would not recommend doing this since it's possible to lose data. | 07:55 |
intelikey | !grub | 07:55 |
ubotu | methinks grub is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting | 07:55 |
intelikey | korptix ^ | 07:55 |
mcjerry | partition magic blows | 07:55 |
Josh43 | eobanb, I've never lost data by doing it with the latest version of partition magic from within windows | 07:56 |
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eobanb | Josh43, i'm not saying it cant be done, nor that it is usually quite safe, i'm just saying there is a possibility something will go wrong. that's why i recommend backing up your data... | 07:56 |
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korptix | Ok | 07:57 |
mcjerry | Paragon Partition Manager is in my opinion more reliable than partition magic, but either case, create a recovery file | 07:57 |
kestas | crimsun, thanks this looks like just the job, but do you know the difference between soft and hard values in the limits.conf? | 07:57 |
korptix | blahh | 07:57 |
intelikey | burn cds then hose the drive come on be a real geek | 07:57 |
eobanb | korptix, no matter what, you will need to partition your drive, unless you have another hard drive on hand. | 07:57 |
korptix | ikey> burn cds then hose the drive come on be a real geek | 07:58 |
korptix | <e | 07:58 |
=== Kwitschibo [n=STFU@p548066DF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
korptix | sorry | 07:58 |
korptix | eobanb | 07:58 |
korptix | i will do that now but do i have to download it again ? | 07:58 |
Josh43 | eobanb, I agree :) | 07:58 |
korptix | i have in on LIVECD | 07:58 |
eobanb | korptix, the ubuntu liveCD is not the same as the install CD. | 07:58 |
Josh43 | korptix, Oooooor, you could buy a usb keydrive | 07:58 |
eobanb | Josh43, i already explained that to him | 07:59 |
korptix | ohh k | 07:59 |
mcjerry | korptix: can you pm? | 07:59 |
Josh43 | eobanb, | 07:59 |
korptix | i did ? | 07:59 |
Josh43 | eobanb, sry; it's very late for me :) | 07:59 |
korptix | do i have to register my nick | 07:59 |
korptix | to pm u ? | 07:59 |
eobanb | korptix, yes, you do. | 07:59 |
korptix | ok | 07:59 |
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crimsun | kestas: hard is absolute | 08:00 |
k0rptix | mcjerry | 08:01 |
intelikey | besides everyone knows that in the vernacular it is ' don't no nuffin ' you left the don't out way up ^ there k0rptix | 08:01 |
k0rptix | i pm'ed u | 08:01 |
=== wil_ [n=wil@d198-53-102-151.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
k0rptix | sorry? | 08:01 |
crimsun | kestas: in the context of resource limits (rlimits), you can raise the soft to the hard but not beyond | 08:01 |
intelikey | :) | 08:01 |
k0rptix | speak english | 08:01 |
=== No1Viking [i=micke@h-83-140-104-3.ip.cust.port80.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Josh43 | why doth thou protest? | 08:02 |
wil_ | hi world | 08:02 |
eobanb | hello, wil_ | 08:02 |
mcjerry | k0rptix, try pm now, i had to register as well..... | 08:02 |
k0rptix | haha | 08:02 |
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GlaiveLoox | hi everyone! does ubuntu 5.10 support the intel 2915 wireless card? | 08:02 |
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wil_ | rythmbox will not play mp3s. What plugin do I need? | 08:03 |
eobanb | hi GlaiveLoox. i believe it does. | 08:03 |
intelikey | !wifi | 08:03 |
ubotu | somebody said wifi was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto | 08:03 |
eobanb | !RestrictedFormats | 08:03 |
ubotu | [restrictedformats] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats Most of the formats listed here have been replaced by !FreeFormats | 08:03 |
eobanb | wil_, see that --^ | 08:03 |
kestas | crimsun, k is there any way to load limits.conf without a reboot? | 08:03 |
wil_ | thanks | 08:04 |
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crimsun | kestas: they take effect on next login | 08:04 |
=== Arsenal [i=BEER@ip68-224-138-239.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Wilf | argh. | 08:05 |
Wilf | no sound. | 08:05 |
Wilf | any help? | 08:05 |
GlaiveLoox | !wifi | 08:05 |
ubotu | rumour has it, wifi is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto | 08:05 |
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GlaiveLoox | well? it seems it does. Thanks! | 08:05 |
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eobanb | hi Wilf, try this | 08:05 |
eobanb | http://linux.iuplog.com/default.asp?item=94639 | 08:05 |
Wilf | also, whenever i try to play a file, totum goes error: could not open the file for writing... | 08:06 |
=== n1xt3r [n=kevin@cpe-65-186-72-190.columbus.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["banzai!"] | ||
intelikey | Wilf sudo alsamixer | 08:06 |
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=== misfit_toy takes off his santa hat and is pretty confident the boys will like these in about 6 hours: http://i.walmart.com/i/p/00/03/86/75/29/0003867529588_215X215.jpg | ||
Wilf | seems to be detected.... | 08:07 |
misfit_toy | kids get all the cool stuff these days! | 08:07 |
ardchoille | lol | 08:07 |
intelikey | Wilf use M to un mute | 08:07 |
=== HeartBT [n=chill@ppp-70-224-229-61.dsl.applwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
k0rptix | can | 08:08 |
k0rptix | i have link for ubuntu install ? | 08:08 |
Wilf | it is set up for 5.1 | 08:09 |
Wilf | i have no 2.1 speakers... | 08:09 |
k0rptix | also does it come with gcc ? | 08:09 |
=== Karina18 [n=Karina18@203-43-112.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HyperNewbie | ubuntu doesn't install gcc by default | 08:09 |
intelikey | !breezy | 08:09 |
ubotu | The guide to upgrading to breezy (5.10) is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade | 08:09 |
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niffe | !fluxbox | 08:09 |
ubotu | well, fluxbox is a lightweight window manager. Installation instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fluxbox. More information at http://fluxbox.sourceforge.net | 08:09 |
intelikey | that's not it. | 08:09 |
k0rptix | .. | 08:09 |
k0rptix | link | 08:09 |
=== j-linux [n=j-linux@rrcs-67-52-91-210.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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HyperNewbie | k0rptix, but its on the cd, so all you need to do is tick it and click install | 08:09 |
intelikey | yeah i thought it used to be on the breezy infonode | 08:10 |
k0rptix | .. | 08:10 |
eobanb | k0rptix, here | 08:10 |
eobanb | http://releases.ubuntu.com/ | 08:10 |
k0rptix | yeah dont i gotta download it frist | 08:10 |
k0rptix | lol | 08:10 |
k0rptix | ty | 08:10 |
j-linux | Anyone else here who has heard of problems installing Ubuntu Breezy on a ThinkPad T43? I got this computer 2 days ago but can't get Ubuntu to install. | 08:10 |
HyperNewbie | k0rptix, get a shipit cd so you have that nice cover :) | 08:10 |
k0rptix | shipit cd ? | 08:10 |
k0rptix | dafak is dat | 08:10 |
intelikey | who removed the url to the iso's on the release infonodes ? | 08:11 |
k0rptix | also | 08:11 |
k0rptix | whats kubuntu ? | 08:11 |
k0rptix | or edubuntu | 08:11 |
HyperNewbie | kubuntu is ubuntu with a difference desktop | 08:11 |
eobanb | HyperNewbie, shipit CDs are not for users capable of downloading and burning images themselves; shipit discs also take a long time to send to people (sometimes even months) | 08:11 |
misfit_toy | j-linux, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=104238&highlight=ThinkPad+T43 | 08:12 |
HyperNewbie | eobanb, meh :) | 08:12 |
eobanb | k0rptix, ubuntu uses a desktop environment called Gnome. kubuntu uses an alternate environment called KDE. | 08:12 |
k0rptix | so | 08:12 |
eobanb | edubuntu is a version of ubuntu specialised for education. | 08:12 |
k0rptix | whats betetr | 08:12 |
k0rptix | *better | 08:12 |
k0rptix | i mean which is the best. | 08:12 |
eobanb | k0rptix, that's for you to decide. i personally prefer gnome | 08:12 |
mrkoje | j-linux, try http://www.thinkwiki.org | 08:12 |
HyperNewbie | GNOME is slick and fast | 08:12 |
k0rptix | fo sure | 08:12 |
HyperNewbie | KDE is more chunky | 08:12 |
k0rptix | and does it come with.. | 08:12 |
k0rptix | gcc ? | 08:12 |
j-linux | misfit_toy: Thanks... that doesn't talk about problems with the laptop though... | 08:13 |
HyperNewbie | you can tick and install | 08:13 |
intelikey | !start a desktop war | 08:13 |
ubotu | twm is much better than gnome! | 08:13 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser slaps ubotu about a bit ;P | ||
eobanb | k0rptix, i would just go with ubuntu for now, and if you ever feel like trying kde, you can by easily installing the metapackage called 'kubuntu-desktop' | 08:13 |
misfit_toy | k0rptix, if you want lots of crayola looking icons use KDE, if you want professional and fast use gnome | 08:13 |
j-linux | mrkoje: I've spent 2 days on that site... can't quite find out what is the matter with my laptop | 08:13 |
Josh43 | !start a desktop war | 08:13 |
can-o-worms | what start up scripts should i add that "echo 1024 .." mplayer line to? | 08:13 |
misfit_toy | j-linux, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=104238&highlight=ThinkPad+T43 | 08:13 |
HyperNewbie | !+foo | 08:13 |
ubotu | HyperNewbie: Do they come in packets of five? | 08:13 |
mrkoje | how far can you get with the installation? | 08:13 |
Josh43 | misfit_toy, lol; nownow, no wars | 08:13 |
j-linux | Does anyone here have a ThinkPad? If I delete the "restore recovery" partition with my 6 restore CDs recreate that partition later if I want to restore it? | 08:14 |
intelikey | misfit_toy i challeng the "gnome is faster than kde" implication. | 08:14 |
mrkoje | !bot snack | 08:14 |
ubotu | :) | 08:14 |
misfit_toy | Josh43, no wars here, just opinions | 08:14 |
HyperNewbie | !:) | 08:14 |
ubotu | HyperNewbie: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! | 08:14 |
Josh43 | j-linux, No, I dont have, but yes; that's how it works.. to restore, you have to run the partition, not the cds; they recreate it | 08:14 |
k0rptix | yeah | 08:14 |
k0rptix | but | 08:14 |
k0rptix | does it have GCC ? | 08:14 |
misfit_toy | intelikey, we like what we like! ;p | 08:15 |
Arsenal | Are there any websites that explain installing ubuntu with the /home on a different hard drive? | 08:15 |
Josh43 | k0rptix, *buntu is debian, you can install gcc in about 2min | 08:15 |
eobanb | !gcc | 08:15 |
ubotu | gcc is probably the GNU project C and C++ compiler. From the command-line, type "man gcc" for a complete manual on gcc. | 08:15 |
k0rptix | ok | 08:15 |
eobanb | er | 08:15 |
ardchoille | Happy Holidays everyone :) | 08:15 |
HyperNewbie | !1337 | 08:15 |
ubotu | Not a clue, HyperNewbie | 08:15 |
HyperNewbie | sif | 08:15 |
misfit_toy | ardchoille, same to you and everyone | 08:15 |
intelikey | not a matter of like dislike tho you definately implied that gnome was faster than kde misfit_toy can you substantiate that or not ? | 08:16 |
eobanb | ubotu, gcc is the GNU project C and C++ compiler. From the command-line, type "man gcc" for a complete manual on gcc. You can install gcc with 'sudo apt-get install build-essential' | 08:16 |
ubotu | ...but gcc is already something else... | 08:16 |
eobanb | !forget gcc | 08:16 |
ubotu | i forgot gcc, eobanb | 08:16 |
eobanb | ubotu, gcc is the GNU project C and C++ compiler. From the command-line, type "man gcc" for a complete manual on gcc. You can install gcc with 'sudo apt-get install build-essential' | 08:16 |
HyperNewbie | lol | 08:16 |
eobanb | ubotu, gcc is the GNU project C and C++ compiler. From the command-line, type "man gcc" for a complete manual on gcc. You can install gcc with 'sudo apt-get install build-essential' | 08:16 |
eobanb | !gcc | 08:16 |
ubotu | Not a clue, eobanb | 08:16 |
Josh43 | eobanb, much better | 08:16 |
misfit_toy | intelikey, I have no reason so substantiate anything, it's christmas, give me a break. | 08:17 |
eobanb | piece of shit... | 08:17 |
HyperNewbie | hahah | 08:17 |
HyperNewbie | !+eobanb | 08:17 |
ubotu | HyperNewbie: I haven't a clue | 08:17 |
HyperNewbie | !+ubotu | 08:17 |
ubotu | Yep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel. | 08:17 |
misfit_toy | *to | 08:17 |
eobanb | i need to wait a few minutes | 08:17 |
intelikey | ok | 08:17 |
eobanb | ubotu, gcc is the GNU project C and C++ compiler. From the command-line, type "man gcc" for a complete manual on gcc. You can install gcc with 'sudo apt-get install build-essential' | 08:17 |
ubotu | eobanb: okay | 08:17 |
eobanb | there we go. | 08:17 |
eobanb | !gcc | 08:17 |
ubotu | well, gcc is the GNU project C and C++ compiler. From the command-line, type "man gcc" for a complete manual on gcc. You can install gcc with 'sudo apt-get install build-essential' | 08:17 |
crimsun | it's pretty difficult to quantify a perception of "faster" | 08:17 |
HyperNewbie | lol | 08:18 |
mrkoje | eobanb, you can just say "ubotu, no ....." | 08:18 |
crimsun | with notifications, you can mask activity even when things like bootchart clearly demonstrate something is faster | 08:18 |
mrkoje | eobanb, I think | 08:18 |
eobanb | !test | 08:18 |
ubotu | Passed. | 08:18 |
intelikey | give everyone else a break next time and just say that you like gnome and don't tell them it's 'faster or better' unless you can back it up please. | 08:18 |
eobanb | !qwerty | 08:18 |
ubotu | eobanb: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 08:18 |
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eobanb | ubotu, qwerty is blah | 08:18 |
ubotu | okay, eobanb | 08:18 |
eobanb | !qwerty | 08:18 |
jamester | hi! | 08:18 |
eobanb | !qwerty | 08:19 |
=== Yomic|werk [n=TrueYomi@ip70-173-107-216.fv.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
j-linux | Josh43: I am thinking of deleting that "recovery and restore" partition, but I want to make sure I can get it back. You are saying that the 6 recovery CDs that I created will restore that partition if I delete it? | 08:19 |
Josh43 | not only is it hard to substantiate which is "Faster", but throw in a couple different drivers, or even a composite manager, and the whole argument takes a left turn | 08:19 |
eobanb | !qwerty | 08:19 |
crimsun | eobanb: (it's probably less spammy to do that in priv with ubotu) | 08:19 |
ubotu | well, qwerty is blah | 08:19 |
eobanb | ubotu, no, qwerty is asdf | 08:19 |
ubotu | eobanb: okay | 08:19 |
intelikey | crimsun well put. | 08:19 |
eobanb | !qwerty | 08:19 |
Josh43 | j-linux, Yes, exactly | 08:19 |
HyperNewbie | ubotu foo is a variable under which all variables should be named after | 08:19 |
ubotu | okay, HyperNewbie | 08:19 |
eobanb | mrkoje, yeah that seems to work | 08:20 |
Josh43 | !query | 08:20 |
ubotu | Josh43: Wish i knew | 08:20 |
eobanb | !qwerty | 08:20 |
ubotu | from memory, qwerty is asdf | 08:20 |
HyperNewbie | !foo | 08:20 |
ubotu | foo is probably a variable under which all variables should be named after | 08:20 |
HyperNewbie | haha | 08:20 |
Josh43 | nm, I'm going to stpo typing now | 08:20 |
eobanb | ubotu, no, foo is a variable under which all variables should be named | 08:20 |
ubotu | eobanb: okay | 08:20 |
eobanb | ^___^ | 08:20 |
niffe | checking for X... no | 08:21 |
niffe | configure: error: Fluxbox requires the X Window System libraries and headers. | 08:21 |
eobanb | saying 'under (blah blah blah) after' is redundant. | 08:21 |
mrkoje | eobanb, cool | 08:21 |
HyperNewbie | !foo | 08:21 |
niffe | hmm? | 08:21 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, foo is a variable under which all variables should be named | 08:21 |
HyperNewbie | lol | 08:21 |
Josh43 | that doesn't come out the same meaning, tho | 08:21 |
eobanb | Josh43, i'm not sure what you were going for in the first place. | 08:21 |
HyperNewbie | !w00t | 08:22 |
ubotu | HyperNewbie: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 08:22 |
eobanb | you can't say 'preposition which statement preposition' | 08:22 |
Josh43 | "foo is a variable that all variables should be named after"? | 08:22 |
kspath | wow there is a fluxbox cult out there | 08:22 |
=== Linuturk [n=linuturk@12-215-97-212.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
j-linux | Josh43: thanks... | 08:22 |
eobanb | can't end the sentence that way | 08:22 |
HyperNewbie | ubotu w00t is simply the best variable name | 08:22 |
ubotu | okay, HyperNewbie | 08:22 |
HyperNewbie | !w00t | 08:22 |
ubotu | I guess w00t is simply the best variable name | 08:22 |
HyperNewbie | there we go | 08:23 |
intelikey | in american english that works. | 08:23 |
kspath | ubotu openbox is simply the best window manager for me | 08:23 |
ubotu | okay, kspath | 08:23 |
kspath | !openbox | 08:23 |
ubotu | openbox is probably simply the best window manager for me | 08:23 |
HyperNewbie | !openbox | 08:23 |
HyperNewbie | hmm | 08:23 |
Josh43 | "foo is a variable after which variables should be named." | 08:23 |
eobanb | Josh43, yes, that would work. | 08:24 |
HyperNewbie | !info synaptic | 08:24 |
ubotu | synaptic: (Graphical package manager), section admin, is optional. Version: 0.57.4ubuntu10 (breezy), Packaged size: 1036 kB, Installed size: 5128 kB | 08:24 |
intelikey | i liked the "foo is a variable that all variables should be named after" | 08:24 |
HyperNewbie | lol | 08:24 |
Josh43 | taking out the after, does definately change the connotation | 08:24 |
irvin | !help | 08:25 |
=== phos4us [n=phosphor@dsl-146-210-20.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eobanb | Josh43, not only can you not end the sentence with a preposition, you also can't have two prepositions associated with the same verb | 08:25 |
=== dad [n=dad@ppp-70-254-29-210.dsl.wchtks.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | !lart Josh43 | 08:26 |
HyperNewbie | !windows | 08:26 |
ubotu | windows is, like, totally, http://www.microsoft.com | 08:26 |
eobanb | heh. | 08:26 |
intelikey | lol | 08:26 |
HyperNewbie | !dos | 08:26 |
ubotu | HyperNewbie: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 08:26 |
intelikey | yeah it is. | 08:26 |
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HyperNewbie | ubotu dos is better than ubuntu because it had qbasic | 08:27 |
ubotu | okay, HyperNewbie | 08:27 |
HyperNewbie | !dos | 08:27 |
ubotu | from memory, dos is better than ubuntu because it had qbasic | 08:27 |
Josh43 | eobanb, it's because I'm modifying an existing sentence.. all my english rules are instinct | 08:27 |
HyperNewbie | best bot ever! | 08:27 |
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eobanb | ubotu, DOS can be emulated on ubuntu with http://dosbox.sourceforge.net/ | 08:27 |
ubotu | eobanb: I'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about | 08:27 |
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eobanb | ubotu, DOS is emulated on ubuntu with http://dosbox.sourceforge.net/ | 08:28 |
ubotu | ...but dos is already something else... | 08:28 |
eobanb | ubotu, no, DOS is emulated on ubuntu with http://dosbox.sourceforge.net/ | 08:28 |
ubotu | okay, eobanb | 08:28 |
eobanb | !dos | 08:28 |
ubotu | I guess dos is emulated on ubuntu with http://dosbox.sourceforge.net/ | 08:28 |
eobanb | now see, that's actually helpful :) | 08:28 |
Amaranth | eobanb: Please do that in a PM. | 08:29 |
intelikey | could be dosemu or bochs also | 08:29 |
Josh43 | or Q emu | 08:29 |
HyperNewbie | !dos | 08:29 |
ubotu | somebody said dos was M$-DOS operating system, or DoS denial of service ? | 08:29 |
HyperNewbie | heh. | 08:29 |
eobanb | HyperNewbie ... | 08:30 |
eobanb | please don't remove useful information from ubotu | 08:30 |
HyperNewbie | wasnt me | 08:30 |
Josh43 | But, he's Hyper | 08:30 |
HyperNewbie | ubotu, no, DOS is emulated on ubuntu with http://dosbox.sourceforge.net/ | 08:30 |
ubotu | okay, HyperNewbie | 08:30 |
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HyperNewbie | !dos | 08:30 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, dos is emulated on ubuntu with http://dosbox.sourceforge.net/ | 08:30 |
Gecko | Ok, will you quit the spamming? | 08:31 |
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Hikaru79 | erratic, does anyone know if there's some third-party repo that has FreeRIDE packaged for Ubuntu/Debian? | 08:31 |
Hikaru79 | Oops | 08:31 |
Hikaru79 | That should say 'err' not 'erratic' ^ ^;; darn auto-completion | 08:31 |
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eobanb | Hikaru79, i cant find any debs | 08:32 |
eobanb | but this could be useful | 08:32 |
eobanb | http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/freeride-devel/2003-05/msg00001.html | 08:32 |
emachine_ | anyone know how to setup auto accept dcc in xchat>? | 08:33 |
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Hikaru79 | Thanks, eobanb :) | 08:34 |
eobanb | Hikaru79, might also try | 08:34 |
eobanb | http://rubyforge.planetargon.com/freeride/ | 08:34 |
eobanb | you probably want freeride-linux-installer-0.9.4.sh | 08:34 |
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intelikey | !dos | 08:36 |
ubotu | dos is, like, which dos? M$-DOS operating system, or DoS denial of service ? for DOS = disk operating system it's emulated with dosbox or dosemu. both readily installable via the package manager. | 08:36 |
eobanb | that works | 08:36 |
intelikey | could add a link for DoS but it's kinda long now... | 08:37 |
eobanb | trivial info. | 08:37 |
intelikey | yep | 08:37 |
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Josh43 | or do !denial-of-service | 08:37 |
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mohd | hi | 08:37 |
Josh43 | and !msdos | 08:37 |
eobanb | hi mohd. | 08:37 |
mohd | hi all | 08:37 |
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HyperNewbie | hi | 08:38 |
HyperNewbie | !foo | 08:38 |
ubotu | well, foo is a variable under which all variables should be named | 08:38 |
HyperNewbie | yay | 08:38 |
HyperNewbie | no noe changed it | 08:38 |
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Gecko | Wow, #ubuntu lost all of it's seriousness there... | 08:41 |
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byramm | Has anybody else lost mono with the latest dapper? | 08:42 |
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intelikey | pico still there ? | 08:42 |
intelikey | nano is a symlink to pico or is that backwards ? | 08:43 |
intelikey | like sh > bash | 08:43 |
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byramm | no symlink here | 08:43 |
mcjerry | GNU nano 1.3.9 still on dapper 2.6.15-9-386 here | 08:43 |
intelikey | which is the link mcjerry ? | 08:44 |
Kamping_Kaiser | pico | 08:44 |
Kamping_Kaiser | nano is there | 08:44 |
intelikey | ok | 08:44 |
eobanb | as far as i know, pico is non-free software. | 08:44 |
intelikey | i knew it was one or the other. | 08:44 |
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eobanb | nano is the clone of. | 08:45 |
mcjerry | intelikey, glad they knew, i just knew it worked.... | 08:45 |
intelikey | eobanb pico is a link to nano on ub. | 08:45 |
eobanb | intelikey, right. i meant the real pico. | 08:45 |
intelikey | yes. | 08:45 |
eobanb | people coming from say, solaris, are going to be used to using pico so ubuntu just links it to nano instead. | 08:45 |
eobanb | which is better anyway :) | 08:46 |
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crimsun | byramm: it ftbfs: http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/m/mono/ | 08:46 |
Kindred | if I copy files off a dvd why are they owned by root :| I dunno, it kind of makes sense. Also, I am copying across a couple of gb worth and it keeps stopping halfway through without throwing up an error or anything, I can't think of any reasonable explanations? | 08:46 |
intelikey | but how many linux systems have no vi* on them ? | 08:46 |
eobanb | uhhhh none? | 08:46 |
intelikey | well not default installs anyway. | 08:47 |
eobanb | Kindred, is the DVD a video DVD? if so, it may be encrypted with CSS (content-scrambling system), for which you will need legally-questionable tools to extract the files. | 08:47 |
Gecko | Hope ubuntu doesn't make the same twist as gentoo did with nano. It was impossible to uninstall, whenever you unmerged it, it re-emerge'd itself... | 08:48 |
byramm | thanks | 08:48 |
eobanb | intelikey, every *nix system i have ever seen, ever, has had vi. | 08:48 |
eobanb | or vim | 08:48 |
Kindred | eobanb, nah it's just a data dvd I burned myself... odd. | 08:48 |
Kamping_Kaiser | vi tghe UNIX text editor | 08:48 |
intelikey | i have a box with mdk and no vi* but that is not a default install.... come to think of it, with nine installed *nixs not one is default. | 08:48 |
Kamping_Kaiser | or version 6 of it ;) | 08:48 |
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eobanb | intelikey, what operating systems? | 08:49 |
intelikey | mdk9.0 that has no vi* if that is your Q ? | 08:50 |
Inf3ctedFx | Does anyone knows how to apply a patch on gnome??? I have some dificulties with some files... | 08:50 |
eobanb | but that is not an OS that's just a development kit | 08:50 |
intelikey | but it installed i just removed it. | 08:50 |
intelikey | no mandrake linux is very much an os | 08:51 |
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eobanb | oh, *mandrake* | 08:51 |
eobanb | by mdk i thought you meant gnu mdk | 08:51 |
bettsp | Inf3ctedFx: It's non-trivial on Ubuntu, download the source code for the library you want to patch, use patch -p0, then recompile it | 08:51 |
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eobanb | if you mean mandrake, say mandrake. | 08:51 |
intelikey | like gentoo or distro gentoo eeh | 08:52 |
Inf3ctedFx | let me show u the website.. where the patch is: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=145086 | 08:52 |
intelikey | mdk is mandrake gnu mdk is not. | 08:52 |
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eobanb | intelikey, if it installed vi and you uninstalled it, that doesnt count.. | 08:52 |
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Gecko | Wouldn't the correct abbrevation for mandrake be mdv now that it's called mandriva? :) | 08:53 |
intelikey | read the post. i said it is not a default install | 08:53 |
eobanb | well why did you even bring it up then? | 08:53 |
intelikey | gecko only if deb is the proper abbrevation for ubuntu :) | 08:54 |
bettsp | Inf3ctedFx: Ok, in this case you'd have to download the Nautilus code, patch it, and recompile. However, I'd wait until this makes its way to Ubuntu, because instead of having the regular Nautilus, you've got "random self-built" Nautilus, and apt-get will replace it at will | 08:54 |
intelikey | i asked if anyone knew of a default install that didn't have it. | 08:54 |
Gecko | intelikey, haha, point taken | 08:55 |
Inf3ctedFx | yes bettsp u r right | 08:55 |
mcjerry | windows | 08:55 |
mcjerry | lol | 08:55 |
eobanb | windows is not *nix | 08:55 |
mcjerry | i know, was just bein funny | 08:55 |
bettsp | Man, when did bugzilla.gnome.org get so fancy? | 08:55 |
pilgrim | Hi everyone. I just installed Ubunutu (fedora was my last install) a couple hours ago. I find it to be slow though for the simplest tasks. If I'm not wrong, a new install should be exceptionally fast. The only thing I can thing of is that maybe ubuntu is not utilizing my the symmetrical multiprocessing power (pentium 3.4 with HT). Can someone suggest anything? | 08:56 |
intelikey | cgywin probably has vi iirc it does. | 08:56 |
eobanb | sure, pilgrim, you could apt-get an smp kernel. apt-cache search or check packages.ubuntu.com for 'linux-image' | 08:57 |
bettsp | pilgrim: Network is down? I sincerely doubt it's because of HT | 08:57 |
eobanb | pilgrim, also see if you are using your graphics card's acceleration. | 08:57 |
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pilgrim | bettsp: not talking about internet speeds. | 08:57 |
bettsp | If GNOME has to wait all the time for network requests that never come back (especially if /etc/hosts) is messed up, it appears to be really slow | 08:57 |
bettsp | * move ) to after "up" | 08:58 |
pilgrim | eobanb: that I know I'm not. I have an ATI Radeon 9700 (Mobile I think). | 08:58 |
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eobanb | bettsp, well that is a good hypothetical point, i dont see how gnome would be making non-local requests often enough to cause a big slowdown | 08:58 |
pilgrim | eobanb: where do i get started? | 08:58 |
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eobanb | http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/faqguide-all.html#fg-hardware | 08:59 |
eobanb | there you go, pilgrim | 08:59 |
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bettsp | pilgrim: apt-get install htop, run it and see if one specific process is taking up 100% CPU time, you could also have some runaway process | 08:59 |
pilgrim | eobanb: thanks, and if I was to do the "expert" ubuntu install will I be able to choose SMP kernel? | 09:00 |
eobanb | pilgrim, uname -a and see if you have an smp kernel already. | 09:00 |
intelikey | eobanb it will slow gnome down noticably if the network is not what gnome thinks it should be. i have seen that. | 09:00 |
pilgrim | eobanb: I'm using 2.6.12-10-386 | 09:01 |
pilgrim | eobanb: so not SMP | 09:01 |
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pilgrim | eobanb: fedora detected that and used smp automatically :( | 09:02 |
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irvin | pilgrim: how many cd's was that? | 09:02 |
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pilgrim | irvin: look I'm not trashing ubuntu or anything. To answer your question I download 3/4. | 09:03 |
=== Puptentac [n=mrz1966@pool-71-105-123-136.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Toma- | pilgrim: whats ya problem? | 09:04 |
cyphase | if my screen suddenly became half as bright as normal and began flickering noticeably, could that be a problem with X? | 09:04 |
irvin | pilgrim: not a problem :D | 09:04 |
pilgrim | Toma-: ubuntu is slow (in comparison to fedora core 4). I think the reason is that ubuntu didn't install smp kernel. | 09:04 |
bettsp | The fact is, HyperThreading might affect your performance ~15%, that's extremely unlikely that you could visually notice it | 09:05 |
intelikey | i may have to try on a hat with a small brim (fedora) some day. | 09:05 |
Toma- | ahh i see | 09:05 |
Puptentac | Mahangu, you around? | 09:05 |
Toma- | pilgrim: you in ubuntu now? | 09:05 |
pilgrim | Toma-: yeah. | 09:05 |
Toma- | is it an amd or pentium | 09:05 |
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pilgrim | pentium 4 (3.4 Ghz ) | 09:06 |
bettsp | pilgrim: Also make sure DMA is turned on, to make sure it's on go to a terminal and type hdparm -d1u1c1m16 | 09:06 |
eobanb | pilgrim, i'm guessing the package you're looking for is linux-image-2.6.12-10-686-smp | 09:06 |
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Toma- | pilgrim: "apt-get install linux-686-smp" | 09:06 |
bettsp | Oops | 09:06 |
Toma- | should have a pretty smp option at grub boot | 09:06 |
bettsp | hdparm /dev/hda -d1u1c1m16 | 09:06 |
cyphase | If my screen suddenly became half as bright as normal and began flickering noticeably, could that be a problem with X? Or is it definetly a problem with the monitor itself? | 09:06 |
bettsp | (Replace /dev/hda with your hard drive) | 09:07 |
irvin | yup, the iso ships only with the -386 kernel | 09:07 |
Toma- | bettsp: you only need -d1 to turn dma on. | 09:07 |
bettsp | cyphase: Probably the monitor | 09:07 |
irvin | i had to apt-get -686 too | 09:07 |
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Toma- | and k1 if you wanna save | 09:07 |
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cyphase | definitely* | 09:07 |
bettsp | cyphase: Could be your video hardware I guess | 09:07 |
cyphase | bettsp, it's a new card | 09:07 |
cyphase | and there was no reason for it to change.. | 09:08 |
cyphase | i'm reading a web page.. | 09:08 |
cyphase | and bang | 09:08 |
=== rod [n=rod@cp233117-a.venlo1.lb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | cyphase likely monitor but possably caused by X over driving it. have you tweeked the refresh rates to highest possable ? | 09:08 |
rod | hi | 09:08 |
Toma- | lo rod | 09:08 |
eobanb | cyphase, could be the display; it's also possible it's not getting enough power (did something else turn on then, like a space heater or dishwasher?) | 09:08 |
rod | i have dapper and want tot unrar with unrar-nonfree ... How to get it, since multiverse doesnt seem to excist on dapper? | 09:09 |
pilgrim | Toma-: once smp kernel is downloaded, I need to change grub settings right? | 09:09 |
cyphase | eobanb, not that i know of | 09:09 |
cyphase | biggest thing it could be is a laptop | 09:09 |
Toma- | pilgrim: it'll do it all for you | 09:09 |
eobanb | intelikey, it seems like he would have noticed an overdrive problem as soon as x started | 09:09 |
Toma- | pilgrim: the only thing you *may* have to change, is the default option, once you test to see if it boot and all is well | 09:09 |
Toma- | pilgrim: but that incredibly easy | 09:09 |
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pilgrim | Toma-: cool. | 09:09 |
Toma- | ;) | 09:10 |
intelikey | eobanb no you can push the monitors limits for long enough to cause premature failure. | 09:10 |
rod | nvm got it working now | 09:10 |
eobanb | intelikey, eh maybe, seems like that would only happen with really old hardware though. | 09:10 |
intelikey | all hardware is used hardware after you power on. | 09:11 |
cyphase | the monitor i got used | 09:11 |
cyphase | so maybe.. | 09:11 |
pilgrim | Toma-: one thing I don't like is garbage in my system. After my ubuntu install I upgraded my kernel (from the upgrade tool) and now I have to kernel I can choose from. How do I get rid of old one and free the HD space and just clean up? | 09:11 |
cyphase | it was a nice looking 19" for $50 :) | 09:11 |
Toma- | pilgrim: you can remove it with synaptic. pretty easy to do | 09:12 |
intelikey | either way the symptoms expressed (reguardless the cause) still point to the monitor cyphase | 09:12 |
pilgrim | Toma-: cool. I'll find out the details. thank. | 09:12 |
cyphase | ah well | 09:12 |
pilgrim | thanks* | 09:12 |
Toma- | no probs! | 09:12 |
cyphase | i was thinking of getting a new one anyway :D | 09:12 |
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cyphase | now i have a reason | 09:12 |
intelikey | yep | 09:12 |
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cyphase | lol | 09:13 |
cyphase | anyway, thanx | 09:13 |
korpt | ur welcome | 09:13 |
rod | in what package sits gnome multimedia selector? | 09:13 |
intelikey | ann knee tyme | 09:13 |
Toma- | pilgrim: all the kernel inamges have an apt/deb name of "linux-*-blah" so you could search for "linux-" and youll get a list of all the kernel images and modules p[ackages installed | 09:13 |
niffe | how can i add proqram in the fluxbox where i can see how much there is battery left on my laptop? | 09:14 |
intelikey | bash script question. if i want to mix up a set of veriables (randomize them) what is the easy way ? | 09:14 |
pilgrim | What's up with these ridicules services anyway? Why do I need klogd and sysklogd started? | 09:15 |
Toma- | pilgrim: klogd logs your kernel, systemlogd logs your system | 09:16 |
Toma- | they use bugger all resources so who cares? | 09:16 |
pilgrim | Toma-: hmm.. ok. | 09:16 |
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intelikey | kernel log daemon and system log daemon are to keep log files of errors and things that you might need to know pilgrim | 09:16 |
pilgrim | intelikey: I know what log files are and stuff, just didn't know there were to daemons needed for that. | 09:17 |
Toma- | ie, 1gb (1048576 kb) of ram, and the little log programs use about 5kb between them? | 09:17 |
Wilf | when i choose the multimedia systems selector, when testing them, my speakers make a beeeeeeeeeeeep noise...this is good yeah? | 09:17 |
intelikey | kernel level and system level are not the same. | 09:17 |
pilgrim | I installed smp kernel, now I'm rebooting. I'll be back. Thanks to all that helped (and those who will help ;)). | 09:18 |
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Toma- | Wilf: well, i guess theyre working? | 09:19 |
Toma- | Wilf: yes, beeeeeeeeep means good. | 09:19 |
Wilf | hmmm. wierd. | 09:19 |
Wilf | because they don't work with anything else! | 09:20 |
intelikey | Wilf if you want to test a speeker you give it a sound to output, and ub was not very colourfull but they gave it one. | 09:20 |
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intelikey | does breezy mute everything like hoary did ? | 09:21 |
Toma- | nope | 09:21 |
korpt | sex. | 09:21 |
intelikey | then that's not it. | 09:21 |
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thegladiator | are there any good resume writing softwares for ubuntu ? | 09:23 |
intelikey | xchat is still on version 2 wonder when 3 is comming out ? | 09:23 |
Toma- | thegladiator: yeh, openoffice | 09:24 |
korpt | umm | 09:24 |
thegladiator | does openoffice have any templates as such ? | 09:24 |
korpt | when ever they make it ;p | 09:24 |
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Toma- | intelikey: no need? | 09:24 |
Toma- | thegladiator: id say so | 09:24 |
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intelikey | bash script question. if i want to mix up a set of veriables (randomize them) what is the easy way ? | 09:25 |
thegladiator | where exactly is the template ? | 09:25 |
Smile| | ? :) | 09:26 |
thegladiator | i am looking for a proffesional resume writer and not to make a single resume | 09:26 |
Toma- | ahh i see. | 09:26 |
Toba | http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=324965 | 09:27 |
Toba | anyone care to confirm this bug? | 09:27 |
Toma- | well i couldnt find one. you can import templates tho | 09:27 |
intelikey | like i have $A $b $C .... and i want for i in "$allvars" ;do this to i ;done how can i shuffel them ? | 09:27 |
thegladiator | thnks | 09:27 |
thegladiator | i was trying to open synaptic and i got this message | 09:27 |
thegladiator | can nyone temme why ? | 09:27 |
intelikey | err $i actually ^ | 09:27 |
thegladiator | !past | 09:27 |
ubotu | thegladiator: Syntax error in line 1 | 09:27 |
thegladiator | !paste | 09:27 |
ubotu | well, paste is please use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ or #flood to paste large amounts of text | 09:27 |
Toma- | Toba: works fine here | 09:28 |
Toba | odd... | 09:28 |
Toba | so that bug is just me? | 09:28 |
Toma- | try doing it with fresh ~ files | 09:28 |
thegladiator | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6140 | 09:28 |
Toba | are you absolutely sure you're looking at the window button in the window list in your taskbar not the window title on the window? | 09:28 |
Toba | because that part works fine | 09:28 |
Toba | screenshot? | 09:28 |
thegladiator | can someone tell me what is the wrong ? is it a problem at my end ? | 09:29 |
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thegladiator | can someone tell me why am i getting this error when i open synaptic ? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6140 ? | 09:31 |
korpt | umm | 09:31 |
korpt | are you gay or stright | 09:31 |
korpt | ? | 09:31 |
Amaranth | korpt: That is not an appropriate question. | 09:32 |
korpt | well maybe thats why he getting that error mang! | 09:32 |
thegladiator | Amaranth, could you tell me why am i getting this error ? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6140 , when i open synaptic package manager | 09:32 |
Amaranth | thegladiator: Can you open a terminal and run 'sudo apt-get update'? | 09:32 |
Amaranth | korpt: I don't think so. | 09:32 |
HeartBT | !codecs | 09:32 |
ubotu | Binary only codecs (such as w32codecs) can be downloaded from plf or cipherfunk, see !easysource for details on these repositories | 09:32 |
korpt | k | 09:32 |
HeartBT | !easysource | 09:32 |
ubotu | easysource is, like, For an easy to use custom sources.list configurator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic | 09:32 |
thegladiator | Amaranth, thanks . not it works . what was the cause ? | 09:34 |
thegladiator | now* | 09:34 |
korpt | i told you | 09:34 |
korpt | ur gay | 09:34 |
Amaranth | thegladiator: You somehow deleted the package lists. | 09:34 |
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Amaranth | korpt: Last warning, please stop. | 09:35 |
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thegladiator | i have been using open office some time now , but it seems the font list is just incomplete . i cant see my usual windows fonts like garmond,Arial,times new roman . | 09:37 |
korpt | Ok | 09:37 |
Amaranth | thegladiator: You have them installed? | 09:37 |
thegladiator | i installed ubuntu | 09:37 |
Amaranth | Ah. | 09:37 |
Amaranth | It doesn't come with these fonts. | 09:38 |
thegladiator | did not specifically install fonts but | 09:38 |
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Amaranth | !info msttcorefonts | 09:38 |
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ubotu | msttcorefonts: (Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts), section multiverse/x11, is optional. Version: 1.2ubuntu2 (breezy), Packaged size: 21 kB, Installed size: 164 kB | 09:38 |
thegladiator | thank you | 09:38 |
Amaranth | thegladiator: Install that package. | 09:38 |
thegladiator | yes | 09:38 |
Amaranth | it'll automatically download the fonts and install them | 09:38 |
thegladiator | ok | 09:39 |
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buffon | helo | 09:44 |
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buffon | hi | 09:44 |
defendguin | i just got a new mp3 player which uses a san disk for storeage and when i plug it in via usb it gives me this error | 09:45 |
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defendguin | usb 2-1: new full speed USB device using address 10 | 09:45 |
defendguin | usb 2-1: device not accepting address 10, error -71 | 09:45 |
kaffeend | can somebody PLEASE tell me where to learn about installing themes? Is there an EASY way (dare I ask?) to install themes? Is there an accepted theme installation protocol? | 09:45 |
mihai___ | can someone teach me how to make a 2 disk vcd/svcd from a divx? maybe using avidemux or kino | 09:45 |
defendguin | kaffeend, gnome themes? | 09:45 |
Toba | Toma-: FYI, I'm talking to the guys in ##gnome and we've pretty much figured out it is not me | 09:46 |
kaffeend | defendguin yep | 09:46 |
Toba | and what the problem is | 09:46 |
Amaranth | kaffeend: http://art.gnome.org/faq.php | 09:46 |
defendguin | kaffeend, look up gnome-art on gnomefiles.org | 09:46 |
kaffeend | thankyou guys :D | 09:46 |
defendguin | kaffeend, http://gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=889 | 09:47 |
kaffeend | thanks defendguin | 09:47 |
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buffon | uhm | 09:49 |
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defendguin | now about my usb problem | 09:49 |
kaffeend | also - where is the theme dir at please? | 09:51 |
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llukax | hey does someone know how to make a hotplug module not load at bootup? | 09:53 |
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defendguin | kaffeend, ~/.themes ~/.icons | 09:54 |
trevorv | what command would i use to mount a usb mp3 player? its a mass storage device i think | 09:54 |
kaffeend | um | 09:55 |
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leafw | anyone using audacity? Where is a package for libmp3lame? | 09:55 |
kaffeend | it's like trying to find someone's house by looking at a picture of their house - I need to know the route to their house, I'm afraid, defendguin | 09:56 |
kaffeend | :D | 09:56 |
kaffeend | I'm sorry, I just don't understand what ~/. means | 09:56 |
intelikey | !restricted formats | 09:57 |
ubotu | methinks restricted formats is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats or 'codecs' | 09:57 |
deFrysk | /.blah means hidden dir blah | 09:57 |
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intelikey | kaffeend the tild is your home dir also $HOME | 09:58 |
kaffeend | w00t - thanks intelikey ;) | 09:58 |
leafw | nevermind, enabling the multiverse did it ! great! | 09:58 |
kaffeend | hmmm... the only theme folder there is the one I created :s | 10:00 |
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deFrysk | kaffeend, did you sudo apt-get gnome-themes-extras ? | 10:01 |
deFrysk | to get some more themes ? | 10:01 |
kaffeend | no | 10:01 |
deFrysk | try that | 10:01 |
kaffeend | will do | 10:01 |
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deFrysk | gives you some more choice for now | 10:01 |
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kaffeend | um.. E: Invalid operation gnome-themes-extras | 10:02 |
enhie | hi | 10:02 |
deFrysk | kaffeend, sudo apt-get install gnome-themes-extras | 10:02 |
kaffeend | oops - missed the "install" | 10:02 |
kaffeend | lol | 10:03 |
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deFrysk | kaffeend, also you kan drag and drop the downloaded themes in the system>preferences>theme dialog box | 10:04 |
kaffeend | hope there's some polished metal in there :P | 10:04 |
kaffeend | thanks for the tip deFrysk | 10:04 |
jbueler | is there a place i can paste my debugger results.. so someone can help me out? i would appreciate it greatly | 10:04 |
deFrysk | kaffeend, just download and drag and drop | 10:04 |
deFrysk | kaffeend, same with icons | 10:05 |
_newbie_ | What is eth0? | 10:05 |
kaffeend | yeah - glassy icons :D | 10:05 |
kaffeend | is there a tool for making my own skins? | 10:06 |
fli7e | _newbie_, eth0 = default network card | 10:06 |
fli7e | or the first one installed/detected, in some cases | 10:07 |
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=== deFrysk uses Clearlooks2 from art.gome.org aswindow border , glossy P for controls and tango icon theme | ||
fyrzen | there's a Clearlooks 2? | 10:07 |
_newbie_ | fli7e: thx | 10:07 |
fli7e | np | 10:08 |
deFrysk | fyrzen, http://art.gnome.org/themes/metacity/1190 | 10:08 |
kaffeend | well, tbh, I don't really like any of the themes I've seen so far :/ | 10:08 |
kaffeend | some are okay, but only ok | 10:09 |
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kaffeend | I like shiny plastic and metal-look skins | 10:09 |
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fyrzen | thx Frysk | 10:09 |
kaffeend | nice and simple - not too much detail | 10:09 |
HeartBT | kaffeend, what are you up to now? | 10:09 |
rod | I'm not technical at all... BUT I have 2 computers which are like 4 hours driving away. Now I'm at one computer with a huge file. I need to go to the other computer, which needs that huge file too. I want to copy it over via the internet. Howto do this in a simple way? | 10:09 |
kaffeend | HeartBT being bored... why? | 10:10 |
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panana | what is repository mean? universe? multiverse ? | 10:10 |
HeartBT | kaffeend, you mentioned themes, that's kinda my project tonight. | 10:10 |
kaffeend | HeartBT cool - mine too it seems | 10:10 |
kaffeend | :D | 10:10 |
kaffeend | I already have a most lovely wallpaper :) | 10:11 |
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deFrysk | kaffeend, http://art.gnome.org/themes/ | 10:11 |
bluesnow | hi | 10:12 |
HeartBT | kaffeend, I cannot find mine! tux, wearing shades, spiked hair(?)really black. If you see it send it on | 10:12 |
kaffeend | will do HeartBT | 10:12 |
panana | where can i find some reference/documentary | 10:12 |
HeartBT | panana, for what? | 10:12 |
kaffeend | http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4388/1482/1600/kaffeend02.png is mine | 10:12 |
=== kaffeend grins | ||
deFrysk | lol | 10:13 |
kaffeend | you may not be able to view it tho :s | 10:13 |
deFrysk | how modest ;p | 10:13 |
kaffeend | That's me - modest lol | 10:13 |
HeartBT | kaffeend, got it. In case you forget? | 10:13 |
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kaffeend | yeah | 10:14 |
panana | repository mean? universe? multiverse ? | 10:14 |
kaffeend | I'm quite forgetful ;) | 10:14 |
HeartBT | panana, universe, all the packages in the ubuntu universe. multiverse all the packages in the debian verse and others. kinda thing. | 10:14 |
deFrysk | panana, http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/faqguide-all.html | 10:14 |
kaffeend | hehe... even got my uber l33t email there too... in case I forget :D | 10:14 |
os2mac | Nollaig Sogail, Mele Kelikimaka!!!!! | 10:14 |
HeartBT | brb | 10:15 |
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panana | tq friend :) | 10:15 |
HeartBT | panana, np | 10:16 |
HeartBT | acutually, why they use the universe thing anyway? must be a less ambiguous way? | 10:16 |
panana | im newbie programmer in linux so i choice ubuntu that ihear is really free | 10:16 |
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panana | np? | 10:17 |
deFrysk | ho problem | 10:17 |
deFrysk | panana, spanish ? | 10:17 |
panana | indonesian - makassar(celebes) | 10:17 |
HeartBT | So, why is everyone on here on christmas day? | 10:17 |
deFrysk | ah I see | 10:17 |
deFrysk | HeartBT, cos were all lonely geeks | 10:18 |
fyrzen | linux systems have all the best eyecandy to date. True or false? | 10:18 |
HeartBT | true | 10:18 |
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deFrysk | tralse | 10:18 |
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HeartBT | enlightened E17, awesome. | 10:18 |
panana | linux is the best ! | 10:18 |
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muchmusic | see every post by poofyhair ever for commentary =0 | 10:19 |
Squee-D | also because not everyones a christian? | 10:19 |
panana | and i love ubuntu on my first sight | 10:19 |
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HeartBT | Squee-D, point. | 10:19 |
panana | im trying to get glade IDE, can java work with ? | 10:20 |
fyrzen | ubuntu would sound like the name of a humanitarian religion | 10:20 |
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panana | "humanitarian religion" i love that | 10:20 |
pilgrim | Hi. I just installed ubuntu and find it to be slow. I thought it was because I wasn't using smp kernel. I apt-got the smp kernel (linux-image-686-smp) and then tried to boot with that kernel and to my surprise it took roughly 5+ mins to _boot_ (to get to GDM). Can someone suggest a solution? | 10:21 |
HeartBT | would someone explian to me the "penquin liberation front"? | 10:21 |
Squee-D | pilgrim any obvious errors in dmesg? | 10:21 |
pilgrim | Squee-D: funny. didn't check that. | 10:21 |
jbueler | i feel dumb for asking but how exactly does the pastebin work? ive posted something there.. is it similar to a forum, in which i wait for a response from someone? | 10:21 |
seb__ | pastbin simple | 10:22 |
HeartBT | jbueler, no, it's so you can paste large texts without getting booted or disrupting a channel. | 10:22 |
seb__ | it just atribute u a http : adress | 10:22 |
intelikey | you give the url to the people helping you and they view your paste | 10:22 |
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jbueler | right.. so, ive pasted there... now what | 10:22 |
seb__ | u just have to copy it on this chat | 10:23 |
Squee-D | tell us the link to your 'bin' | 10:23 |
jbueler | gotcha | 10:23 |
Squee-D | or whomever | 10:23 |
jbueler | thanks | 10:23 |
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panana | W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_main_binary-i386_Packages) | 10:23 |
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jbueler | okay so can anyone help me read through this? im lost.. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6141 | 10:24 |
Squee-D | means nothing to me. Is it a crash dump from an application? | 10:25 |
pilgrim | Squee-D: nothing obvious in dmesg. | 10:25 |
jbueler | yeah.. wasnt sure if it said something that i could do | 10:26 |
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Squee-D | pilgrim and your hard drives are running in DMA ? | 10:26 |
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pilgrim | Squee-D: don't think so. | 10:26 |
brother_of_jared | Greets | 10:26 |
brother_of_jared | I need some suggestions... | 10:27 |
Squee-D | jbueler no it provides some debug information, most usefull to the developers i imagine | 10:27 |
djdarkman_ | hy ,i start the bitchx irc client ,but i don`t see it anywhere ,and the syte monitor says that it`s running ,what should i do? | 10:27 |
brother_of_jared | I am new to Linux and Ubuntu.... | 10:27 |
pilgrim | brother_of_jared: welcome :) | 10:27 |
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Squee-D | pilgrim: i dont remember the parameters but use 'hdparm' to ensure your drives use dma | 10:27 |
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Madeye | guys after resizing windows C:\ I got grub error 17, what should I do ? I tried grub-install /dev/sda with rescue mode and I got 'the file /boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly' | 10:27 |
kp | i need help | 10:27 |
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brother_of_jared | I want to use my Nikon CoolPix L1 and cannot find a program that will recognize the camera | 10:27 |
Arun333 | hi | 10:27 |
Squee-D | pilgrim: it could be a million things im sure, just trying to think of obvious ones | 10:27 |
kp | hi | 10:27 |
pilgrim | Squee-D: would this help the booting time with smp kernel. | 10:28 |
ompaul | HeartBT, http://plf.zarb.org/about.php | 10:28 |
Arun333 | how can i install .deb files | 10:28 |
brother_of_jared | Pilgrim // Thank-you for the welcome | 10:28 |
Arun333 | im new to ubuntu | 10:28 |
brother_of_jared | Nikon offers something for Winblows and Mac but that's it | 10:28 |
Squee-D | pilgrim well smp kernel shoulnt be any different as far as speed goes, but you complained of speed issues prior to the smp kernel yes? | 10:28 |
pilgrim | brother_of_jared: did you just try to plug it into the USB port | 10:28 |
Arun333 | kp:how can i install .deb files | 10:28 |
djdarkman_ | i start the bitchx irc client ,but i don`t see it anywhere ,and the syte monitor says that it`s running ,what should i do? | 10:28 |
Arun333 | pilgrim:how can i install .deb files | 10:28 |
ompaul | HeartBT, more or less the same reason that ubuntu has restricted | 10:28 |
Squee-D | (well smp should be faster :P) | 10:28 |
pilgrim | Squee-D: yeah. | 10:28 |
ompaul | HeartBT, more or less the same reason that ubuntu has restricted formats (oops) | 10:29 |
Arun333 | brother_of_jared:how can i install .deb files | 10:29 |
korpt | Alt + Tab | 10:29 |
HeartBT | got it. brb | 10:29 |
brother_of_jared | Mac version is compatible with Mac OS 10.1.5 or later | 10:29 |
pilgrim | Arun333: no idea. | 10:29 |
panana | igot following problems were found on my system | 10:29 |
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panana | W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_main_binary-i386_Packages) | 10:29 |
djdarkman_ | i start the bitchx irc client ,but i don`t see it anywhere ,and the syte monitor says that it`s running ,what should i do? | 10:29 |
kp | i'm new in this, i need an aplication to share files with another pc wich it's running under windows, they're conected by router | 10:29 |
Squee-D | Arun333 i bet you that its against the channel ettiquette guidelines to repeat a question to each active speaker | 10:29 |
Squee-D | I sure find it rude :P | 10:30 |
brother_of_jared | I agree | 10:30 |
Arun333 | :) | 10:30 |
deFrysk | panana, you have a double entry in your sources.list | 10:30 |
intelikey | brother_of_jared you could try sudo mount /dev/sda /mnt/camera/ <--- assuming you have a dir called camera else mount someplace else, and then browse there. | 10:30 |
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pilgrim | djdarkman_: kill it. | 10:30 |
unimatrix9 | hi there | 10:30 |
djdarkman_ | pilgrim, but i want to use it | 10:30 |
unimatrix9 | whats the easy way to set up an wiki with ubuntu as server? | 10:30 |
kp | can somebody help me? | 10:31 |
intelikey | brother_of_jared that's just a sujestion, no guerntee it will work. | 10:31 |
kp | i'm new in this, i need an aplication to share files with another pc wich it's running under windows, they're conected by router... | 10:31 |
Squee-D | unimatrix9 make sure php, mysql and apache are installed, and grab dokuwiki. very easy install on that | 10:31 |
brother_of_jared | intelikey // I did try gtkam but I don't think it recognizes the USB port.. all of the port choices were serial | 10:31 |
HeartBT | ompaul, sorry, emergency plunger delivery :) | 10:31 |
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pilgrim | kp, try and just go to "Places> Connect to Server" from top menu | 10:31 |
kp | thank you | 10:31 |
pilgrim | kp: hope that helps. | 10:32 |
djdarkman_ | pilgrim, how can i run bitchx? | 10:32 |
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panana | /etc/apt/sources.list ? | 10:32 |
intelikey | lsmod | grep usb brother_of_jared | 10:32 |
unimatrix9 | ok | 10:32 |
pilgrim | djdarkman_: first check if you have a rougue version running already | 10:32 |
pilgrim | djdarkman_: do this with "ps -ef" | 10:32 |
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pilgrim | from terminal | 10:32 |
pilgrim | djdarkman_: whare are you using to IRC right now? | 10:33 |
brother_of_jared | intelikey // in terminal? | 10:33 |
intelikey | yes | 10:33 |
djdarkman_ | pilgrim, home | 10:33 |
djdarkman_ | i`m using xchat | 10:33 |
djdarkman_ | but i dont like it | 10:33 |
pilgrim | ok | 10:33 |
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djdarkman_ | i want to try others | 10:33 |
brother_of_jared | one moment | 10:33 |
pilgrim | djdarkman_: did you install bitchx? | 10:33 |
intelikey | the first command i gave was for a terminal also | 10:33 |
djdarkman_ | yes pilgrim | 10:33 |
HeartBT | djdarkman_, bitchx is kinda technical. | 10:34 |
djdarkman_ | 1000 24740 1 9 11:18 ? 00:01:22 bitchx | 10:34 |
panana | is glage free? | 10:34 |
pilgrim | djdarkman_: try from the command line "bitchx" or just "bit" <tab><tab> | 10:34 |
panana | glade | 10:34 |
brother_of_jared | intel // I got a list of things, but I don't understand it. | 10:34 |
ompaul | djdarkman_, use consider irssi | 10:34 |
martii | panana: it is | 10:34 |
pilgrim | ompaul: you kidding? | 10:35 |
=== ompaul reads that again and goes - brain dead | ||
intelikey | that's fine. just making sure that the system knew you had usb there. now try the mount command. | 10:35 |
djdarkman_ | hmmm it looks like its running pilgrim | 10:35 |
intelikey | brother_of_jared ^ | 10:35 |
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ompaul | pilgrim, no | 10:35 |
brother_of_jared | intel // I have something called NIKON001.DSC ?? | 10:35 |
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djdarkman_ | it`s a textmode irc client? | 10:35 |
pilgrim | djdarkman_: now you can add a menu item to the gnome menu | 10:35 |
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pilgrim | ompaul: irssi is hard to use my firend. | 10:35 |
pilgrim | djdarkman_: irssi is text mode, eys | 10:36 |
pilgrim | yes* | 10:36 |
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HeartBT | mirc runs fine under wine | 10:36 |
=== pilgrim rolls his eyes | ||
deFrysk | xchat runs fine without wine | 10:36 |
brother_of_jared | Intel // I also do not have a dir called camera | 10:36 |
=== ompaul stands back | ||
=== Zdra [n=zdra@31-20.241.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
djdarkman_ | HeartBT, it`s just not the same... | 10:36 |
intelikey | brother_of_jared try sudo mount /dev/sda /mnt/<something> and see if the camera is there. | 10:36 |
Squee-D | hahaha | 10:36 |
brother_of_jared | one sec... | 10:37 |
HeartBT | djdarkman_, no, it isn't, but it is there! | 10:37 |
intelikey | where <something> is a dir you do have brother_of_jared | 10:37 |
Squee-D | if you know Mirc, and it works well under wine, its not a bad idea. | 10:37 |
brother_of_jared | what's the command to see where I am? prnt or something? | 10:37 |
Squee-D | mkdir /mnt/camera first. | 10:37 |
djdarkman_ | i hate using windows programs under wine ,they just work sloppy ,it`s better to fint a linux alternative | 10:37 |
HeartBT | I love mirc, I don't like wine. I'm an angry drunk :) | 10:37 |
Squee-D | brother_of_jared pwd | 10:37 |
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brother_of_jared | thanks | 10:37 |
saik0 | Squee-D, You cant apply that philosophy to every peice of software you know, or he's be using WIndows | 10:37 |
HeartBT | djdarkman_, amen | 10:37 |
intelikey | echo $PWD | 10:38 |
Squee-D | saik0 did i? | 10:38 |
saik0 | Squee-D, that was'nt an accusation | 10:38 |
djdarkman_ | so what irc client do you recommend for me ,i don`t like xchat and i like scripting | 10:38 |
intelikey | brother_of_jared don't mount on your home dir. you can make a subdir and mount there but if you mount on $HOME you'll make gnome cry. | 10:38 |
pilgrim | LOL | 10:39 |
vanden | Hi all. Brand new ubuntu user (first distro). I've been trying to find out how to change the date format, but 'date' is a bad term for google :-) Can I have a pointer, please? | 10:39 |
=== djdarkman_ is now known as DjDarkman | ||
Kamping_Kaiser | vanden: date format for the clock in in the top right? | 10:40 |
pilgrim | vanden: what do you mean format? welcome BTW. | 10:40 |
HeartBT | djdarkman_, I cannot recomend one. I use xchat, and bitchx. Xchat is the primary, while bitchx runs in the background in my home channel. If I was really picky, I would be running mirc under wine for it's scripting. | 10:40 |
vanden | Kamping_Kaiser: yes, and globally for all apps, too. | 10:40 |
intelikey | system/admin/blah | 10:40 |
brother_of_jared | Intel // mount: you must specify the filesystem type | 10:40 |
intelikey | brother_of_jared k it's not there then.... | 10:41 |
vanden | pilgrim: I mean I want YYYY-MM-DD instead of DD/MM/YY | 10:41 |
brother_of_jared | what's not there? | 10:41 |
pilgrim | vanden: at the top right of your screen? | 10:41 |
concept10 | vanden, right click on it for prefs | 10:41 |
intelikey | hehhe the camera. | 10:41 |
Kamping_Kaiser | vanden: i cant see any. only a toggle between 12hour/24hour | 10:41 |
brother_of_jared | intel // you can use 'jared' if you wish | 10:41 |
DjDarkman | so HeartBT that means you don`t know an alternative for mirc for it`s easy scripting? | 10:41 |
brother_of_jared | Intel // what is NIKON001.DSC | 10:41 |
vanden | pilgrim: as Kamping_Kaiser says, right click is just 12/24 | 10:42 |
intelikey | we went looking for it on sda but it's not there. brother_of_jared | 10:42 |
HeartBT | DjDarkman, no, In linux world there is only the ones we've mentioned that I'm aware of. | 10:42 |
intelikey | probably a driver for that camera brother_of_jared | 10:42 |
brother_of_jared | ok, so what are my options then? | 10:42 |
=== eric_ [n=eric@pool-71-118-1-192.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HeartBT | brother_of_jared, is there a setting in the camera to emulate usb drive? | 10:42 |
intelikey | look in /dev/usb/ maybe ? | 10:43 |
pilgrim | vanden: no I was asking which date format changed. the you want the clock at the top right of your screen to show a different format clock right? | 10:43 |
vanden | pilgrim: That, and I'd like apps which let me paste a date also paste as I'd like. On Windows, one could globally change the date format. I assume Gnome can too :-) | 10:44 |
brother_of_jared | forgive me I am new to terminal. How do I look into /dev/usb? | 10:44 |
vanden | pilgrim: Not just past, but display in other apps, too. Thunderbird, for instance. | 10:44 |
Kamping_Kaiser | brother_of_jared: cat /dev/usb or ls /dev/usb/ | 10:44 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | brother_of_jared: ls is better | 10:44 |
pilgrim | vanden: i see. i see. me thinking. | 10:45 |
vanden | pilgrim: thanks. and for the welcome, too. | 10:45 |
brother_of_jared | ls: /dev/usb/: No such file or directory | 10:45 |
brother_of_jared | Thanks for the help by the way. | 10:45 |
intelikey | brother_of_jared HeartBT asked about a switch on the camera, and a very valed question it was. | 10:45 |
brother_of_jared | intel // looking into it.. there is no physical switch.. | 10:46 |
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brother_of_jared | it simply plugs into a USB port. | 10:46 |
HeartBT | brother_of_jared, my sony and nikon both have a setting that allows it to emulate a usb drive, they have worked on every pc I've tried, even macs. it would be a software setting. | 10:46 |
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carsten | is bugzilla readonly now? I cannot login... | 10:46 |
=== kaffeend wants widgets for his desktop | ||
Kamping_Kaiser | carsten: sure? | 10:47 |
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carsten | mmh, changing browser worked... | 10:47 |
carsten | Very strange... | 10:47 |
Kamping_Kaiser | brother_of_jared: mine ask 'pc or printer' when it's plugged into a pc, yours donsnt do anything like that? | 10:47 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hm | 10:48 |
Wilf | is there any way to remove the "storage" icon from my desktop without unmounting it? | 10:48 |
brother_of_jared | no it doesn't | 10:48 |
brother_of_jared | HeartBT // not certain what I am looking for | 10:48 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Wilf: not sure | 10:48 |
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cregr | anyone able to help setup network to allow windows box on home network to see printer (etc) on Ubuntu box??? | 10:49 |
g0th | Hi, I installed ubuntu on my brother's pc, he has a windows ntfs partition besides which gets mounted nicely, but: only root can read from it! How do I change that? | 10:49 |
HeartBT | brother_of_jared, Um, I cannot recall the menu item that it is under. and I thought of bringing it in tonight. what brand? | 10:49 |
g0th | When I try to change the rights it always tells me sthg like: The fs is read only... | 10:49 |
g0th | but it is mounted rw | 10:49 |
ompaul | cregr, have a look at these : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SettingUpSamba or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently | 10:49 |
Kamping_Kaiser | g0th: never try to write to ntfs | 10:50 |
cregr | ompaul; thanx | 10:50 |
brother_of_jared | Nikon CoolPix L1 | 10:50 |
ompaul | cregr, welcome | 10:50 |
g0th | Kamping_Kaiser: well I only want to read | 10:50 |
Kamping_Kaiser | g0th: there is a setting you have to add to your fstab. | 10:50 |
brother_of_jared | I found something under USB | 10:50 |
Kamping_Kaiser | !tell me about ntfs | 10:50 |
ompaul | !ntfs | 10:50 |
ubotu | I heard ntfs is the filesystem used in Windows 2000 and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions | 10:50 |
kaffeend | !konfabulator | 10:50 |
ubotu | kaffeend: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 10:50 |
pilgrim | vanden: try this message https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-list/2005-October/msg02569.html | 10:50 |
g0th | so I wanted to do chmod a+rx /media/hda5 | 10:50 |
brother_of_jared | I have a "Mass Storage" and a "PTP" | 10:50 |
kaffeend | :( | 10:50 |
pilgrim | vanden: or _read_ that message. | 10:50 |
g0th | Kamping_Kaiser: btw, why not? iirc ntfs write is quite stable already or not? | 10:50 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | g0th: you cant chmod/chown ntfs. that counts as writing | 10:51 |
panana | sudo apt-get update | 10:51 |
panana | --> what's the function to ? | 10:51 |
Kamping_Kaiser | g0th: ntfs 5.1 writing is not stable | 10:51 |
g0th | Kamping_Kaiser: so how can I mount it for users? | 10:51 |
HeartBT | brother_of_jared, use mass storage | 10:51 |
kaffeend | !widgets | 10:51 |
ubotu | kaffeend: Do they come in packets of five? | 10:51 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ntfs 5 you can get away with | 10:51 |
vanden | pilgrim: thanks, off to read! :-) | 10:51 |
eric_ | I had trouble going from win.xp to Ubuntu because of the ntfs file system | 10:51 |
kaffeend | probably | 10:51 |
brother_of_jared | Heart // that is how it is set | 10:51 |
Kamping_Kaiser | g0th: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions check this link | 10:51 |
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g0th | thanks | 10:51 |
HeartBT | brother_of_jared, o.... | 10:51 |
HeartBT | brother_of_jared, you have another pc there? | 10:51 |
pilgrim | vanden: you're welcome. | 10:52 |
eric_ | Since I was sick of windows anyways I found it easier to use fdisk and do a clean install of Ubuntu | 10:52 |
HeartBT | eric_, YOU GO MAN! | 10:52 |
brother_of_jared | I do and its a windows machine with the software that came with the camera. | 10:52 |
brother_of_jared | The software is avail for the mac but not Linux | 10:52 |
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HeartBT | brother_of_jared, well that's not gonna work. when yo u plug it in, it shows up as a camera or a drive? | 10:53 |
spatz | Hallo | 10:53 |
HeartBT | brother_of_jared, on windows maching | 10:53 |
brother_of_jared | "shows up" ? | 10:53 |
brother_of_jared | Where should I check? | 10:53 |
Kamping_Kaiser | are we sure it's usb, not firewire? | 10:53 |
spatz | Wo bin ich gelandet ??? | 10:53 |
HeartBT | brother_of_jared, in my computer? | 10:53 |
brother_of_jared | sorry blind moment | 10:53 |
brother_of_jared | :) | 10:53 |
HeartBT | Kamping_Kaiser, no. | 10:54 |
Kamping_Kaiser | spatz: English here please | 10:54 |
Coldwinter | whats the command to change user permissions over a certain folder? | 10:54 |
Kamping_Kaiser | or ubuntu-de | 10:54 |
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Madeye | guys after resizing windows C:\ I got grub error 17, what should I do ? I tried grub-install /dev/sda with rescue mode and I got 'the file /boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly' | 10:54 |
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HeartBT | brother_of_jared, what shape is the computer end of that plug? | 10:55 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Coldwinter: you mean who owns it, or who can write it? | 10:55 |
Coldwinter | yah | 10:55 |
Coldwinter | write in it | 10:55 |
=== ArmedGeek [n=armedgee@pdpc/supporter/active/ArmedGeek] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kamping_Kaiser | chown+chmod are the 2 commands | 10:55 |
Kamping_Kaiser | chmod then | 10:55 |
Coldwinter | ok good thnx :) | 10:55 |
vanden | pilgrim: darn. I'd tried language settings before, but the GUI only offers global changes to the locale. I want ISO dates, which, so far as I know, aren't in any language setting :-) Do you know of a cmd line tool for changing locale settings? | 10:55 |
brother_of_jared | Heart // its thin rectangle | 10:55 |
Kamping_Kaiser | chmod ??? /path/ :) | 10:55 |
HeartBT | Kamping_Kaiser, it's usb/ | 10:55 |
HeartBT | brother_of_jared, did you try in windows pc? | 10:56 |
brother_of_jared | Heart // doing that now | 10:56 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ok. then your looking in the right place | 10:56 |
Amaranth | vanden: If you knew what to change you could poke /etc/locales | 10:56 |
Kamping_Kaiser | vanden: localegen? (i think?) | 10:56 |
vanden | Amaranth and Kamping_Kaiser: thanks. I'll go try. | 10:56 |
brother_of_jared | Heart // Shows up as a drive | 10:57 |
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brother_of_jared | Heart // comes up as removable drive F on that system | 10:57 |
Kamping_Kaiser | gl vanden | 10:58 |
vanden | Kamping_Kaiser: man locale-gen says "locale-gen generates localisation files from templates" which, to this total linux noob, seems unlikely to be it. | 10:58 |
HeartBT | brother_of_jared, then it should darn well work under linux. | 10:58 |
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brother_of_jared | Heart // Question is how... | 10:58 |
panana | where can i join a programming room? | 10:59 |
brother_of_jared | Should GIMP be able to see it? | 10:59 |
Kamping_Kaiser | vanden: try a search like `apropos date |grep format` | 10:59 |
HeartBT | brother_of_jared, now I'm stumped too. I use usb everything and I've not had a problem with anything but printers. | 10:59 |
Arun333 | how long does it take for ubuntu cds to be shipped | 10:59 |
HeartBT | brother_of_jared, worth a shot. | 10:59 |
brother_of_jared | My WACOM worked great | 10:59 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Arun333: can be a few monhts for them to arive | 10:59 |
vanden | Kamping_Kaiser: you mean type that in bash? | 10:59 |
brother_of_jared | Heart // what's this mean: usbcore 104316 6 usb_storage,usbnet,wacom,usbhid,uhci_hcd | 10:59 |
Kamping_Kaiser | vanden: yes | 11:00 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | apropos searches man pages | 11:00 |
Arun333 | Kamping_Kaiser:im outside the us | 11:00 |
Kamping_Kaiser | have a bit of a play with it | 11:00 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Arun333: so? so am i | 11:00 |
brother_of_jared | Heart // or this: usb_storage 64704 0 | 11:00 |
vanden | Kamping_Kaiser: ah-ha! "Date::Format (3pm) - Date formating subroutines" seems promissing! | 11:00 |
HeartBT | brother_of_jared, where did you get that? | 11:00 |
Amaranth | brother_of_jared: It's just showing you what modules that one depends on. | 11:00 |
brother_of_jared | First number being "grep" second being "usb" | 11:00 |
Arun333 | Kamping_Kaiser: will it arrive before the next release | 11:00 |
vanden | Kamping_Kaiser: off to see what I can find | 11:01 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Arun333: should do | 11:01 |
Kamping_Kaiser | gl vanden | 11:01 |
brother_of_jared | Heart // lsmod | grep usb | 11:01 |
HeartBT | brother_of_jared, ah. | 11:01 |
=== Mitja [n=Raw_Eate@cpe2-25-116.cable.triera.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Arun333 | Kamping_Kaiser: should i use dpkg to install .deb files | 11:01 |
brother_of_jared | Oh look Arun is back... | 11:02 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Arun333: ones you download use dpkg. use apt- for stuff | 11:02 |
HeartBT | brother_of_jared, you dont have a usb drive or anything else liek that around do you? | 11:02 |
Mitja | Is there a way to post images like posting code with cat | .pastebin? | 11:02 |
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brother_of_jared | Heart // no sorry | 11:02 |
win[X] amp | how to tuning ubuntu more faster? | 11:02 |
briar | ubotu tell briar about KDE | 11:02 |
Arun333 | Kamping_Kaiser: can i use the debian user mannual for ubuntu | 11:02 |
HeartBT | brother_of_jared, that would eliminate either sw or hardware. | 11:03 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Arun333: more or less | 11:03 |
knossos | hi there ! I'm currently debian user and want to test out ubuntu. is there a ubuntu-netinstall iso ? I would need a minimal (<300MB) ubuntu base install | 11:03 |
niffe | there is ubuntu live cd | 11:03 |
Arun333 | Kamping_Kaiser: bye thanx | 11:03 |
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knossos | niffe, can this live cd be user for a minimal install ? | 11:03 |
=== HeartBT is away: brb coffee run. | ||
brother_of_jared | Heart // the only other usb thing I own is the WACOM Tablet | 11:03 |
Kamping_Kaiser | knossos: i think so, but i havet used it | 11:03 |
knossos | niffe s/user/used | 11:03 |
Kamping_Kaiser | yes | 11:03 |
niffe | knossos: hmm, imo yes | 11:03 |
knossos | ok, thx, I'm trying it out | 11:04 |
niffe | dont know for a fact trought :) | 11:04 |
Kamping_Kaiser | knossos: you wont see lots of ubuntu using the min install ;) | 11:04 |
Kamping_Kaiser | knossos: the install cd can do minimal | 11:04 |
Kamping_Kaiser | the live cd is a live cd | 11:04 |
HeartBT | brother_of_jared, I don't think that will tell us much, it would show that the physical socket works. | 11:04 |
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knossos | Kamping_Kaiser, i need a minimal install since I want to install it on a dm-crypted harddisk. Thus I need a minimal install, create the crypto disk and then install everything else onto the crypto disk | 11:05 |
knossos | Kamping_Kaiser, ok, then I'm downloading the install cd ;) | 11:05 |
brother_of_jared | Heart // that much is confirmed | 11:05 |
Kamping_Kaiser | knossos: grab the install cd,( the standard one) then type 'server' on the prompt :) | 11:05 |
knossos | Kamping_Kaiser, thank you. | 11:06 |
Kamping_Kaiser | np mate | 11:06 |
omac | The japanese keyboard using just uim/anthy/canna works like a charm with ubuntu breezy :) | 11:06 |
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neesters | ... | 11:06 |
Kamping_Kaiser | :) | 11:07 |
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panana | anyone here from 202. . . ? | 11:07 |
HeartBT | brother_of_jared, well, what I would do in your situation is pop in my slax cd and see if it sees it. if it don't then it's definetly something in ubuntu, and I'm no gnome geek, so I can't help beyond that. | 11:07 |
neesters | hell yeah | 11:07 |
brother_of_jared | Heart // slax ? | 11:07 |
HeartBT | brother_of_jared, out of curiousity, does the tablet work here? | 11:07 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | HeartBT: what did you find? i lost track | 11:07 |
brother_of_jared | Heart // if you mean here as in Ubuntu... yes | 11:08 |
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vanden | Amaranth: the suggestions Kamping_Kaiser gave me will show me how to write my datestring format. But /etc/locales does not exist. I'm not familiar with the various directories yet. Could this be the right one: /var/lib/dpkg/info/locales.list | 11:08 |
HeartBT | Kamping_Kaiser, notta. usb, works in windows, not hardware, port is good. | 11:08 |
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HeartBT | Kamping_Kaiser, is set to mass storage device. | 11:08 |
Amaranth | vanden: oh, maybe it was /etc/environment | 11:08 |
Mitja | Is there a way to post images like posting code with cat | .pastebin? | 11:08 |
Kamping_Kaiser | HeartBT: oh, bugger. not much to go with | 11:08 |
Kamping_Kaiser | vanden: no, all config stuff is in /etc/ in ubuntu | 11:09 |
HeartBT | Kamping_Kaiser, no other mass storage drive at hand either. | 11:09 |
brother_of_jared | Kamping // my choices are Mass Storage or PTP | 11:09 |
vanden | Amaranth: no such dir, either | 11:09 |
Amaranth | vanden: err, no way | 11:09 |
vanden | Kamping_Kaiser: thanks, good to know | 11:09 |
Kamping_Kaiser | well mass storage it is. ok | 11:09 |
Kamping_Kaiser | vanden: just a tic | 11:09 |
HeartBT | brother_of_jared, slax.linux-live.org IMO the best live cd made. | 11:09 |
Amaranth | oh well, shows what i get for being on OS X :P | 11:09 |
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vanden | Amaranth: my bad, I thought you meant a dir. there is a file :-[ | 11:10 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol | 11:10 |
brother_of_jared | Heart // all I have for linux is an old Mandrake set and Ubuntu burned from online | 11:10 |
HeartBT | brother_of_jared, I was just saying what Iwould do. your ubuntu the live or install? | 11:10 |
brother_of_jared | Full install | 11:11 |
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vanden | Amaranth: argh. just 2 lines: LANGUAGE="en_CA:en" and LANG=en_CA.UTF-8 So, little hope of tweaking aspects of local that way, at least not without more research than 4am allows :-) Thanks for your help, I know where to start when more awake. | 11:11 |
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vanden | Kamping_Kaiser: thanks to you, too :-) | 11:12 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | :) | 11:12 |
brother_of_jared | This snag isn't winning brownie points with the wife... I was hoping to get her to switch from windows | 11:12 |
Kamping_Kaiser | brother_of_jared: trying to change them is dangerous ;) | 11:12 |
HeartBT | brother_of_jared, I'm at a loss. should be mounted either /media/sda? | 11:13 |
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brother_of_jared | Heart // forgive my newbieness | 11:13 |
brother_of_jared | mounted? | 11:13 |
Kamping_Kaiser | brother_of_jared: does `mount |grep media` give anything likely? | 11:13 |
brother_of_jared | checking | 11:14 |
HeartBT | brother_of_jared, in linux to be accessed, media must be mounted. | 11:14 |
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gn0me | Does anyone know how to re-add "Open a Terminal" to the right-click menu on your desktop.. I could have sworn there was a package that did it.. or something quick | 11:14 |
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HeartBT | Kamping_Kaiser, does that show sda? | 11:15 |
Amaranth | !info nautilus-open-terminal | 11:15 |
ubotu | nautilus-open-terminal: (open terminal in any folder from Nautilus), section universe/gnome, is optional. Version: 0.4-0ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 15 kB, Installed size: 372 kB | 11:15 |
HeartBT | gn0me, yeah, kde | 11:15 |
HeartBT | gn0me, :) | 11:15 |
brother_of_jared | WooT | 11:15 |
gn0me | Maybe that was it. | 11:15 |
brother_of_jared | IT'S ALIVE!!!!!!!!! | 11:15 |
brother_of_jared | ok, | 11:15 |
=== puptent [n=puptenta@pool-71-105-123-136.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gn0me | Amaranth: Thank you, sir. :D | 11:15 |
HeartBT | brother_of_jared, no way. | 11:15 |
Amaranth | HeartBT: If you want to preach KDE please do it in #kubuntu. | 11:16 |
brother_of_jared | so I plugged it in, and a prompt came up... "import photos from device" | 11:16 |
brother_of_jared | and tada! | 11:16 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Amaranth] by Amaranth | ||
Kamping_Kaiser | lol | 11:16 |
HeartBT | Amaranth, was that preaching? | 11:16 |
Amaranth | brother_of_jared: Yeah, gnome-volume-manager automounts usb mass storage devices | 11:16 |
Kamping_Kaiser | that's what should happen | 11:16 |
brother_of_jared | *does the happy happy joy joy dance* | 11:16 |
pilgrim | brother_of_jared: tell me, what fixed it? | 11:16 |
Amaranth | HeartBT: Telling someone to use KDE, yeah. | 11:16 |
gn0me | Amaranth: Actually, additionally to what you just said.. shouldn't it automount cdroms too? | 11:16 |
puptent | Hi all. Day one with Ubuntu completed. LOVE IT! But I do have a question... | 11:16 |
brother_of_jared | Thanks for the help... you guys are so patient | 11:16 |
Amaranth | gn0me: It does, here. | 11:17 |
gn0me | Amaranth: Because I have noticed that mine hasn't lately. | 11:17 |
Kamping_Kaiser | brother_of_jared: we don't have anything better to do ;) | 11:17 |
HeartBT | Amaranth, telling him? That was a playful poke, that was'nt even so much as advice. | 11:17 |
brother_of_jared | pilgrim // it probably came up the first time and I closed it by accident. *hangs head in shame* | 11:17 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | brother_of_jared: well try it again | 11:18 |
Kamping_Kaiser | umount it and put it in again | 11:18 |
brother_of_jared | hmm? | 11:18 |
Kamping_Kaiser | you want it to be repeatable when the boss asks ;) | 11:18 |
pilgrim | brother_of_jared: cool. cool. enjoy the linux exprerience | 11:18 |
brother_of_jared | You want me to kill it to see if it comes back three days later? | 11:18 |
brother_of_jared | Pilgrim // I've been VERY impressed with it and plan to convert the entire winblows world | 11:19 |
Kamping_Kaiser | brother_of_jared: un mount it and unplug it (in that order), then plug it in and make sure it mounts again | 11:19 |
brother_of_jared | ok | 11:19 |
puptent | Can I borrow someone's brain for a few minutes? | 11:20 |
brother_of_jared | let's do it. | 11:20 |
omac | any skype users out there in ubuntu breezy land? I noticed through this process how wonderous the "Sound Blaster 5.0 Live" Sound card settings with the alsa mixer were. | 11:20 |
brother_of_jared | how do I un mount? | 11:20 |
Kamping_Kaiser | brother_of_jared: it should have a thing on the desktop you can right click -> unmount | 11:20 |
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HeartBT | puptent, just ask, throw it out and see who has an answer | 11:20 |
gn0me | Is there a way to specify which workspace a startup program can be launched on? | 11:20 |
brother_of_jared | ok did that.. | 11:21 |
Kamping_Kaiser | gn0me: don't think so. (but I'm not sure) | 11:21 |
Kamping_Kaiser | brother_of_jared: did it work again? | 11:21 |
gn0me | Kamping_Kaiser: Yeah, I didn't figure there is.. but it would be nice. :D | 11:21 |
puptent | OK...Ubuntu is on one drive, XPee is on the other. XP is on it's own partition, I'm trying to access the second partition on that drive with media files. How do I do that? | 11:21 |
vanden | Kamping_Kaiser and Amaranth: I couldn't leave it. Some progress. Following /etc/environment 's reference to "en_CA" I found /usr/share/i18n/locales/en_CA where the formats are all defined. | 11:21 |
brother_of_jared | ITS ALIVE (again)!!!!!!!!!!! | 11:22 |
vanden | Unfortunately, as the defs are all like: d_fmt "<U0025><U0064><U002F><U0025><U006D><U002F><U0025><U0079>" this *is* going to take some actual research. Thought you guys might like to know. Thanks again. Night | 11:22 |
omac | I've got it working....it helped to have a test user called "echo123" out there which actually echoes everything you say in your mic and whatever else you capture for example a www.starbase479.com stream broadcasting a audiobook of HitchHiker's guide to the galaxy. | 11:22 |
Kamping_Kaiser | gn0me: you may want to look around, but i don't know of a way | 11:22 |
brother_of_jared | mwah-ha-ha-ha-haaaaaaaa *cough* | 11:22 |
Amaranth | vanden: That's unicode. :) | 11:22 |
Kamping_Kaiser | brother_of_jared: woot | 11:22 |
Kamping_Kaiser | wb Hobbsee | 11:22 |
HeartBT | gn0me, I was unable to get metracity to do that. but there are some scripts at gnome hacks. | 11:22 |
Hobbsee | ty Kamping_Kaiser | 11:22 |
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HeartBT | gn0me, they may have one. | 11:22 |
omac | The <U00... stuff you see is Wide Character Unicode. | 11:22 |
vanden | Amaranth: this I knew. what exactly I'm to do with it, on the other hand . . . . | 11:22 |
Kamping_Kaiser | np Hobbsee | 11:23 |
nmsa | 'morning | 11:23 |
brother_of_jared | I just asked my Wife "Would you consider switching to this Ubuntu?" | 11:24 |
mrkoje | brother_of_jared, what did she say? | 11:24 |
HeartBT | brother_of_jared, and how did that go? | 11:24 |
brother_of_jared | Answer: "We borrowed the computer so I can't its not ours." | 11:24 |
brother_of_jared | "What if we got permission?" | 11:24 |
puptent | brother_of_jarad: in under 24hrs I've got my girlfriend ready to convert! | 11:24 |
brother_of_jared | "I dunno maybe" | 11:24 |
HeartBT | brother_of_jared, well, that's not a no! | 11:25 |
brother_of_jared | Which is a YES | 11:25 |
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niffe | still, you gotta have permission :) | 11:25 |
vanden | omac: thanks. 'Unicode' is a word that makes me think its time for bed :-) (Linux noob) | 11:25 |
omac | my bet is if you just open that text file in mozilla as an html file and view->encoding...try utf-8...I think you will see the contents more clearly. | 11:25 |
puptent | It's always better to ask forgiveness than permission! | 11:25 |
brother_of_jared | Falls in the same category of "So you want to go out?" "I dunno maybe" "Where to sweety" | 11:25 |
HeartBT | niffe, really? (perhaps that's why my wife left?) | 11:25 |
brother_of_jared | Us men folk need to really understand two things. | 11:26 |
niffe | HeartBT: go and talk to her, im not ur wife :) | 11:26 |
niffe | or maybe i am.. | 11:26 |
brother_of_jared | First. Women are ALWAYS right. | 11:26 |
HeartBT | niffe, uh, .. | 11:26 |
niffe | yeah, but you can sensitively guide them | 11:26 |
brother_of_jared | Second. Women have the last word in every argument, the very next thing we say.. is the start of the next argument. | 11:27 |
HeartBT | brother_of_jared, YES THEY ARE! | 11:27 |
HeartBT | ok she's gone. | 11:27 |
puptent | Preach on, brother! | 11:27 |
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irvin | brother_of_jared: speaking from experience? :D | 11:27 |
brother_of_jared | Once we grasp that.. we can safely hold our remotes in pride and govern the world in peace. | 11:27 |
brother_of_jared | Irvin // yep | 11:27 |
gn0me | man woman | 11:27 |
gn0me | No manual entry for woman | 11:28 |
Kamping_Kaiser | um blokes | 11:28 |
Kamping_Kaiser | move to offtopic please | 11:28 |
=== brother_of_jared moves to another topic | ||
puptent | Anyone have an answer for me on hard drive recognition? Any ideas? | 11:29 |
Hobbsee | brother_of_jared and HeartBT: you're aware that there are a fair few women in this room? | 11:29 |
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brother_of_jared | Hobbsee // I wasn't aware. | 11:29 |
Kamping_Kaiser | puptent: can you repeat it, it got lost in the off topic conversation ;) | 11:30 |
puptent | Sure | 11:30 |
puptent | OK...Ubuntu is on one drive, XPee is on the other. XP is on it's own partition, I'm trying to access the second partition on that drive with media files. How do I do that? | 11:30 |
=== Drgb [n=berserk@host45-230.pool876.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HeartBT | Hobbsee, yes, I'm fairly certain that there must be. there's too much gathered knowledge to not have a fair share of them. all in jest. | 11:30 |
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Hobbsee | brother_of_jared and HeartBT: good | 11:30 |
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bjv | i would like to convert an avi into a mpeg2 video, so i installed gtranscode | 11:30 |
puptent | btw...I'm a noooob. | 11:30 |
Kamping_Kaiser | puptent: is it an ntfs partition? I'm not entirely sure of you layout | 11:31 |
vanden | omac: Thanks for the suggestion; no joy. I'll have a poke at it with Python's unicode support and see what I can grok. Tomorrow :-) Thanks again. | 11:31 |
bjv | but when i select an output codec i get an error about the plug ins not being configured? | 11:31 |
bjv | apt-cache search transcode plug doesnt return them | 11:31 |
puptent | Yes, the second partition on hda1 is ntfs. I know it will be read only. | 11:31 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ubotu: tell puptent about ntfs | 11:32 |
=== HeartBT is away: brb, maybe | ||
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Madeye | guys after resizing windows C:\ I got grub error 17, what should I do ? I tried grub-install /dev/sda with rescue mode and I got 'the file /boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly' | 11:32 |
Kamping_Kaiser | k | 11:32 |
Drgb | hi everyone, i have an iPod connected to my pc via usb. I'm using GNUpod to manage files on it, but every time i try to move, rename, add or delete a file on the ipod it says "iPod is a read-only device" | 11:32 |
puptent | kamping...thank you! | 11:32 |
Kamping_Kaiser | puptent: feel free to ask if you have more issues | 11:33 |
brother_of_jared | I gotta run floks.. | 11:33 |
brother_of_jared | folks even | 11:33 |
brother_of_jared | Thanks again!!!!! | 11:33 |
Drgb | i need to set my ipod read-write, but mount doesn't do it, i've tried lots of times | 11:33 |
Kamping_Kaiser | later brother_of_jared :) | 11:33 |
Drgb | can you help me? | 11:33 |
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korpt | yeah | 11:33 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Madeye: I'm having a look for what error 17 is | 11:34 |
korpt | Drgb try /q ipod chmod | 11:34 |
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korpt | even in mirc. | 11:34 |
Drgb | erm, it's on another machine | 11:34 |
korpt | ohh k | 11:34 |
korpt | sorry | 11:34 |
Drgb | what should I do? | 11:34 |
korpt | hang yourself :O | 11:35 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Madeye: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/Stage2-errors.html | 11:35 |
Drgb | korpt, what? | 11:35 |
korpt | lol nuffin. | 11:35 |
bjv | [transcode] warning : /usr/lib/transcode/import_ffmpeg.so: undefined symbol: dts_init | 11:35 |
bjv | Loading video import module failed | 11:35 |
bjv | Did you enable this module when you ran configure? | 11:35 |
bjv | [transcode] failed to init import modules | 11:35 |
bjv | [transcode] critical: plug-in initialization failed | 11:35 |
Kamping_Kaiser | grub doesnt recognise the filesystem | 11:35 |
korpt | well | 11:35 |
Kamping_Kaiser | nto sure if that means your ntfs or ubuntu partition though | 11:35 |
korpt | someone help Drgb | 11:35 |
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Madeye | Kamping_Kaiser, hmm and How to fix that ? | 11:35 |
bjv | transcode was configured before it was compiled for the package | 11:36 |
bjv | how on earth am i supposed to know what modules were enabled? | 11:36 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Drgb: can you make files using nautilus/terminal? | 11:36 |
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shad0w1e | anyone here familiar with shoutcast server? | 11:36 |
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Drgb | Kamping_Kaiser, no | 11:36 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Madeye: check your file systems are ok (live cd would be good) | 11:36 |
Drgb | i can't | 11:36 |
sexcopter8000m | hello and merry christmas all! I'm trying to connect my laptop (running breezy) to the net via my parents' pc (running xp). How should I set up the NICs (what ip, gateway ip etc)? | 11:37 |
Madeye | Kamping_Kaiser, the point is i don't know how to check, and what to check, I have already booted using liveCD now | 11:37 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Drgb: can you run `mount |grep sd` and pastebin it/pm it to me | 11:37 |
Drgb | Kamping_Kaiser, sure | 11:37 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Madeye: try and mount the filesystem on the live cd (hoary live or Breezy btw?) | 11:37 |
sexcopter8000m | is the gateway ip the ip of the NIC that the laptop is connected to, or the NIC from the xp box to the modem? | 11:37 |
Kamping_Kaiser | sexcopter8000m: set the xp box to be the gateway | 11:38 |
Madeye | Kamping_Kaiser, breezy | 11:38 |
sexcopter8000m | Kamping_Kaiser, but there are two NICs in the xp box, which one? | 11:38 |
Madeye | Kamping_Kaiser, mounted to /mnt/ubuntu | 11:38 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Madeye: oh, ok. IIRC there was issues with breezylive, but ok | 11:38 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Madeye: and it's readable? | 11:38 |
Madeye | Kamping_Kaiser, yes readable | 11:38 |
Kamping_Kaiser | sexcopter8000m: i cant help with xp problems | 11:38 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | Madeye: what about your xp partition? | 11:39 |
Madeye | Kamping_Kaiser, do you want me to mount it ? | 11:39 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Madeye: try yes, i suspect your ntfs partition is dammaged | 11:39 |
Madeye | Kamping_Kaiser, I don't care about if XP is damaged or not, I want to get into ubuntu | 11:40 |
bjv | [transcode] warning : /usr/lib/transcode/import_ffmpeg.so: undefined symbol: dts_init | 11:40 |
bjv | im going to: sudo apt-get install libdts-dev | 11:40 |
bjv | just a guess.. am i on the right track? | 11:40 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Madeye: in that case your quickest path may be to format your xp partition again (reinstall it?) and then rescue grub | 11:40 |
Drgb | /dev/sda2 on /media/ipod type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,quiet,shortname=winnt,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=077,iocharset=utf8) | 11:40 |
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Drgb | ops, sorry, it noticed just the 1st part | 11:41 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | np | 11:41 |
Madeye | Kamping_Kaiser, ok How to rescue grub? | 11:41 |
Drgb | however, as you can see it looks mounted read-write | 11:41 |
Kamping_Kaiser | !tell Madeye about grub | 11:41 |
Hobbsee | !tell Madeye about restoregrub | 11:42 |
Kamping_Kaiser | look at the second link Madeye | 11:42 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Drgb: so i see | 11:42 |
Hobbsee | ah ok, it's changed... | 11:42 |
mrkoje | anyone know of some reasonably priced gigabit ethernet switches? | 11:42 |
Madeye | Kamping_Kaiser, thanks :-) | 11:42 |
Madeye | i'll check now Kamping_Kaiser :-) | 11:42 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Drgb: I'm not sure all those switches need to be there, but i cant be sure | 11:42 |
Kamping_Kaiser | np Madeye. gl | 11:42 |
Drgb | Kamping_Kaiser, what do you think i should try? | 11:43 |
puptent | Kamping_Kaiser, that is exactly what I needed. Thanks a million! | 11:43 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Drgb: just a mo | 11:43 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | puptent: no worries | 11:44 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Drgb: run `umount /dev/sda2` for a start (may need to sudo | 11:44 |
puptent | Everyone here is so helpful! I'm off to play with some new toys. Thanks again | 11:44 |
ompaul | Drgb, that will need >>sudo umount /dev/sda2<< | 11:44 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | hang on. cant Dr just add 'user' to that line? | 11:45 |
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Drgb | Kamping_Kaiser, ok, i did it.. | 11:46 |
=== bjv needs a way to convert avi to mpeg... | ||
Kamping_Kaiser | uid=1000,gid=1000 drop that and add `user`? | 11:46 |
bjv | anyone here able to do it? | 11:46 |
ompaul | Kamping_Kaiser, yeap | 11:46 |
Kamping_Kaiser | bjv: looked in apt? | 11:46 |
bjv | i just need any method that can be gotten to work from apt- | 11:46 |
bjv | yeah, ive tried transcode and ffmpeg | 11:46 |
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ElllisD | I read somewhere that if i did a dist-upgrade from 5.04 to whatever's current then i had to change something first. Now i cant find where it said that.. anyone know what i have to do? | 11:46 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ompaul: i just realised when we said 'sudo to unmount your ipod' and i went wtf? | 11:46 |
bjv | transcode almost worked, but failed with /usr/lib/transcode/import_ffmpeg.so: undefined symbol: dts_init | 11:47 |
bjv | :\ | 11:47 |
ompaul | Kamping_Kaiser, the expression "there is that" comes to me | 11:47 |
bjv | undefined symbol doesnt really sound like my fault, if it came from apt | 11:47 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol | 11:47 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Drgb: just a mo | 11:47 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | Drgb: try this `/dev/sda2 on /media/ipod type vfat(nosuid,nodev,quiet,shortname=winnt,user)` | 11:48 |
Drgb | ok | 11:48 |
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mrkoje | Wow I just found a gigabit ethernet switch (unmanaged) for $29.00 . That seams like a deal to me | 11:50 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | wow | 11:50 |
Drgb | Kamping_Kaiser, wow, it worked | 11:50 |
Drgb | i don't understand, what was the wrong flag? | 11:51 |
Kamping_Kaiser | cool | 11:51 |
Kamping_Kaiser | just a tick I'll explain | 11:51 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Drgb: what had been setup was that your user could view anything, but not write | 11:52 |
Kamping_Kaiser | as root was mounting it | 11:52 |
Kamping_Kaiser | we changed that so your user could r/w, and your good to go | 11:52 |
SirKillalot2 | I need more apps | 11:52 |
Drgb | ok, thanks very much, but....it's not over yet, just a second :D | 11:52 |
SirKillalot2 | I want to test some new apps, help to quentch my thurst! | 11:52 |
Kamping_Kaiser | bugger eh SirKillalot2 | 11:52 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Drgb: np | 11:52 |
Kamping_Kaiser | keep them coming ;) | 11:53 |
=== SirKillalot2 is now known as Caglar | ||
=== Caglar is now known as SirK | ||
SirK | this sucks, i hate nickserv | 11:53 |
ompaul | Caglar, try learning as much as you can about scripting in gimp today :-) | 11:53 |
Drgb | Reading from filehandle failed at /usr/share/perl5/GNUpod/FooBar.pm line 300. | 11:53 |
Drgb | ok, foobar, can you see it? | 11:53 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol ompaul | 11:53 |
Drgb | it's an app to connect to ipod and check some files i think | 11:53 |
=== SirK is now known as Killalot | ||
Kamping_Kaiser | i don't have gnupod, so i wont have it | 11:54 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Drgb: can you pastebin any errors? | 11:54 |
Drgb | but, as you can see it fails on line 300 | 11:54 |
Drgb | that's the only error | 11:54 |
Drgb | however, i looked into foobar.pm | 11:54 |
Drgb | that line contained a md5::digest string | 11:54 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Drgb: can you open a terminal, and launch gnupod from there pls? | 11:54 |
Drgb | so i think that doesn't work | 11:54 |
Drgb | Kamping_Kaiser, ehm....I can't "launch" it | 11:55 |
Wilf | what...the hell... | 11:55 |
Drgb | i can just do some things with it | 11:55 |
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Wilf | sound works fine through mozilla (macromedia flash) | 11:55 |
Wilf | but not through anything else | 11:55 |
Drgb | there's a different app for each thing you need to do | 11:55 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Drgb: why cant you launch it? | 11:55 |
Kamping_Kaiser | oh, ok | 11:56 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | Drgb: can you pastebin anything you think might help working out the problem? like line 300? any other errors etc? | 11:56 |
Drgb | however, i tried to apt-get install libmd5-perl | 11:56 |
Drgb | okok, line300's here for you | 11:56 |
ompaul | Drgb, http://pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl | 11:56 |
paal | I have a small problem with gtkam. i have connected my camera, but when i try to download the pictures i get: Problem getting file.jpg from folder /dcim/106canon | 11:57 |
Kamping_Kaiser | paal: looks like an absolute url to me | 11:58 |
Kamping_Kaiser | try putting in /media/dcim/ | 11:58 |
paal | where? | 11:58 |
Kamping_Kaiser | and on my camera it's capials DCIM IIRC | 11:58 |
Kamping_Kaiser | (but i don't have it handy to check) | 11:58 |
Kamping_Kaiser | paal: can you see the pictures? | 11:58 |
paal | yes | 11:58 |
paal | but not download | 11:58 |
Kamping_Kaiser | paal: can you get file info on the pictures? such as the path they think they are at? | 11:59 |
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lucasvo | is there any OS-licensed fonts archive? | 12:00 |
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paal | the pictures seem to be located in /dcim/106canon/ | 12:01 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lucasvo: in mutliverse thers the msttf | 12:01 |
Kamping_Kaiser | paal: is that /media/ ? | 12:01 |
lucasvo | Kamping_Kaiser: I don't want microsoft fonts, I wan't gpl fonts | 12:01 |
Kamping_Kaiser | oh ok | 12:02 |
paal | i dont know Kamping_Kaiser | 12:02 |
Kamping_Kaiser | have a search around, I'm not sure luc | 12:02 |
paal | thanks | 12:02 |
Kamping_Kaiser | paal: try opening nautilus and browising to /meda/ | 12:02 |
Drgb | Kamping_Kaiser, i posted everuthing on pastebin.ubuntulinux-nl as "Drgb" | 12:02 |
new2ubuntu | hello...was wondering if someone might be able to tell me if there is any type of workaround I might be able to try to get my modem working under linux? | 12:02 |
Drgb | *everything | 12:02 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | ok Drgb | 12:03 |
Kamping_Kaiser | new2ubuntu: you have 2 chances : bucklyes and none | 12:03 |
Kamping_Kaiser | *buckleys | 12:03 |
new2ubuntu | lol | 12:03 |
Madeye | Kamping_Kaiser, if I have /dev/sda3 ext3 and sd4 swap then my boot inside sda3? | 12:04 |
irvin | new2ubuntu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto | 12:04 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Madeye: grub goes on the mbr, then points to where ever it's pointed, did you do a default install? | 12:04 |
irvin | !help | 12:04 |
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new2ubuntu | well its a conexant chip/HP, and I've tried the linuxant drivers, It *sounds* like its attempting the connection, even may do the handshake but it sounds like the connection fails after that? | 12:05 |
Madeye | Kamping_Kaiser, now it seems I fixed the mbr issue, becuase I got into grub but Couldnt boot to linux got file not found error 15. | 12:05 |
paal | could someone mention another software to use, besides gtkam? | 12:05 |
Madeye | Kamping_Kaiser, so it seems I have to fix my menu.lst | 12:06 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | Madeye: then your boot info is missing. | 12:06 |
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Madeye | Kamping_Kaiser, seems that, How to get correct boot info ? | 12:07 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser drowns under amount of ppl | ||
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Kamping_Kaiser | Madeye: you ran grub install? | 12:07 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Drgb: just a minte :| | 12:07 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | it's all happening :| | 12:08 |
llukax | ahh omg tuxpuck is impossible! | 12:08 |
paal | how do i install .deb packages? | 12:08 |
Drgb | Kamping_Kaiser, don't worry...I'm reading patiently...ghghgg...and laughing as a fool | 12:08 |
Hobbsee | !deb | 12:08 |
ubotu | To install a deb: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb | 12:08 |
korpt | run setup.exe | 12:08 |
Hobbsee | korpt: setup.exe? | 12:08 |
korpt | haha | 12:08 |
korpt | im just playin. | 12:08 |
=== thoreauputic drops a 50kg Unix manual on korpt | ||
Kamping_Kaiser | lol | 12:09 |
thoreauputic | ;-) | 12:09 |
Madeye | Kamping_Kaiser, yes | 12:09 |
korpt | ouch | 12:09 |
Hobbsee | hehe | 12:09 |
Kamping_Kaiser | cheek | 12:09 |
thoreauputic | heh | 12:09 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Madeye: ouch | 12:09 |
Madeye | Kamping_Kaiser, this ouch scared me | 12:09 |
korpt | nugger | 12:10 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Madeye: i havent tried to fix that before. the only way i know is to go live cd and try and rebuild your hdd grub setup. which i would not feel safe doing on another persons pc | 12:10 |
=== new2ubuntu laughs at some of the comments referencing my disconnected 1000$ paperweight | ||
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Madeye | Kamping_Kaiser, I did grub > root (hd0,2) then setup | 12:12 |
Hobbsee | Madeye: which file is missing? i wasnt reading much earlier... | 12:12 |
Madeye | Kamping_Kaiser, I think it's just a small trick | 12:12 |
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new2ubuntu | thanks for the reading irwin...good stuff :) | 12:13 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Madeye: with any luck yes, but i don't know the small trick ;) | 12:13 |
Madeye | Hobbsee, one sec, lemme get the full error | 12:13 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Hobbsee: it wont say what's missing. it just says stuffs not there | 12:13 |
j-linux | I am having terrible problems installing Ubuntu Breezy to my new ThinkPad T43... 2 days worth. The live CD works great, but can't install. I have posted some information here: http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/kLYuMv12.html | 12:14 |
Hobbsee | Madeye: ok, that would be excellent | 12:14 |
Madeye | Hobbsee, root (hd0,1) filesystem type is fat, patyiyion yupr 0xc kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.12-10-686 root=/dev/sda2 ro quit splash | 12:14 |
SWAT | Is this a good buy and would it work with ubuntu? (it's bluetooth) http://www.msicomputer.com/product/p_spec.asp?model=Btoes&class=com | 12:14 |
Hobbsee | er, what the heck??? | 12:15 |
SWAT | merry christmas everyone (by the way) | 12:15 |
Madeye | Hobbsee, error 15: file not found , press any key to countinue... | 12:15 |
j-linux | I have also just tried again and it seemed to install Ubuntu... Told me that it detected XP even though I deleted Windows... Then it rebooted and it freezes on Ubuntu Configuration, installing packages, preparing for installtion. It had previously had errors during this installation -- same ones as mentioned in my paste. | 12:15 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Madeye: change your root to (hd0,2) | 12:15 |
Hobbsee | Madeye: are you trying to boot off a USB disk? | 12:15 |
ompaul | j-linux, what size is the hard drive? | 12:15 |
Madeye | Hobbsee, no it's sata hdd on laptop | 12:15 |
Hobbsee | ah ok | 12:16 |
ompaul | j-linux, I take it you are on the live CD now? | 12:16 |
Madeye | Hobbsee, and the problem started when I resized windows XP c:/ to create E shared fat32 for windows and linux I couldn't boot | 12:16 |
Madeye | Kamping_Kaiser, actually that was what I did with grub | 12:16 |
j-linux | ompaul: I'm on a Windows machine next to my laptop... chatzilla... | 12:17 |
ompaul | j-linux, okay is the machine booted with the live CD? | 12:17 |
j-linux | ompaul: my laptop is frozen after reboot on the installing packages part | 12:17 |
j-linux | ompaul: The ThinkPad doesn't have the ubuntu disk in it anymore (the install one) because it told me to remove it after installation. | 12:17 |
Drgb | Kamping_Kaiser, are you "free" now? | 12:17 |
ompaul | j-linux, ehh have you got a live cd? | 12:18 |
Madeye | Hobbsee, what next? | 12:18 |
j-linux | It rebooted into grub, gave me a choice of ubuntu or xp (even though there is no xp)...and is now frozen... | 12:18 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Drgb: sorry, i keep forgetting you :$ | 12:18 |
new2ubuntu | irwin are you still there? Quick question regarding the need for the installation of the Gcc packs? | 12:18 |
Drgb | lol np | 12:18 |
j-linux | I have all kinds of live CDs here... Ubuntu Breezy, knoppix 4.02, pizza puppy... | 12:18 |
j-linux | ompaul: should I boot one up? | 12:18 |
Hobbsee | Madeye: i'm thinking...so...where's the root partition now? hd0,2? | 12:18 |
ompaul | j-linux, ubuntu if you want or knoppix please do | 12:19 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Madeye: when it gets to grub, hit escape, so it gives you a menu, then 'e' to edit, then edit `root (hd0,1) filesystem type is fat, patyiyion yupr 0xc kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.12-10-686 root=/dev/sda2 ro quit splash` to be `root (hd0,2) filesystem type is fat, kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.12-10-686 root=/dev/sda2 ro quit splash` or similar. | 12:19 |
new2ubuntu | are those mandatory if Im running 5.10? | 12:19 |
ompaul | j-linux, actually try it with the install CD | 12:19 |
Madeye | Hobbsee, yes | 12:19 |
j-linux | ompaul: ok... put the install CD in? | 12:19 |
=== ompaul has a mad idea for j-linux | ||
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ompaul | j-linux, lets just try that | 12:19 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Drgb: can you ask thoreauputic or someone who knows stuff, i think i cant help you | 12:19 |
=== thoreauputic runs away | ||
Drgb | lol | 12:20 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser collaps | ||
Kamping_Kaiser | *collapses | 12:20 |
Hobbsee | Madeye: and when you follow Kamping_Kaiser's instructions, make sure you hit "b" to boot, not esc :P | 12:20 |
Drgb | Kamping_Kaiser, of course, if thoreauputic wants | 12:20 |
j-linux | ompaul: ok, rebooting with the install CD. there is something strange about the ThinkPad harddrive, I think.... | 12:20 |
j-linux | I'm at the boot prompt | 12:20 |
paal | got the camera to work :p | 12:20 |
Madeye | Hobbsee, okay | 12:20 |
paal | thanks Kamping_Kaiser | 12:20 |
ompaul | choose ubuntu | 12:20 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Hobbsee: wtf? | 12:20 |
thoreauputic | Drgb: just ask and see if anyone can help :) | 12:20 |
Kamping_Kaiser | wd paal | 12:20 |
j-linux | ompaul: type "ubuntu" ? | 12:20 |
Drgb | ok, thoreauputic can I give you the pastebin link? | 12:21 |
ompaul | no | 12:21 |
new2ubuntu | Also, if I cant get the onboard conexant modem working, can someone suggest a PCMCIA modem that will positively work with Ubuntu/other flavors of Linux? | 12:21 |
thoreauputic | Drgb: sure | 12:21 |
Hobbsee | Madeye: after you follow Kamping_Kaiser's instructions, that is | 12:21 |
j-linux | ompaul: it's just a prompt that says "boot:" | 12:21 |
Drgb | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6142 | 12:21 |
j-linux | I usually hit enter at this point. | 12:21 |
thoreauputic | Drgb: no guarantee I can help though | 12:21 |
ompaul | j-linux, do that | 12:21 |
Drgb | lol, don't worry | 12:21 |
j-linux | ok | 12:21 |
Drgb | everything can be helpful | 12:21 |
j-linux | booting | 12:21 |
=== MasterTsunami_ [n=MasterTs@cpe-24-27-14-19.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | j-linux, can you give me a minute I want to get some coffee installed to myself | 12:22 |
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j-linux | ompaul: no problem... should I select the languages? | 12:22 |
ompaul | j-linux, yes | 12:22 |
j-linux | ok... thanks. | 12:22 |
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thoreauputic | Drgb: I know nothing about Perl - but should that say "update" ? | 12:22 |
ompaul | j-linux, sorry was that screen the one that offers "server" as an option/ | 12:22 |
irvin | new2ubuntu: better get an external modem | 12:23 |
ompaul | j-linux, the first screen? | 12:23 |
j-linux | ompaul: tes | 12:23 |
Drgb | thoreauputic, update what? i've tried apt-get install libmd5-perl | 12:23 |
j-linux | yes | 12:23 |
j-linux | I can go back... | 12:23 |
Drgb | i thought it could work | 12:23 |
Drgb | but i had the same result | 12:23 |
ompaul | j-linux, lets reboot and choose server | 12:23 |
Drgb | the apt-get install perl | 12:23 |
Kamping_Kaiser | sorry thoreauputic, i just had to bail *head exploded* | 12:23 |
thoreauputic | Drgb: no I mean line 300 | 12:23 |
=== troouble-boot [n=troouble@84-217-138-181.tn.glocalnet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | j-linux, back in a sec kettle and coffee :) | 12:23 |
Drgb | i don't know what to do now :/ | 12:23 |
j-linux | ompaul: no problem, thanks for your help. | 12:23 |
Drgb | thoreauputic, can you explain better please? i have not understood | 12:24 |
troouble-boot | hi i installed ubuntu- now i installed windowxp when computer starts it shows just windows how can i get back my ubuntu | 12:24 |
thoreauputic | Drgb: try editing line 300 to say UPDATE instead of UTDATE | 12:24 |
Hobbsee | !grub | 12:24 |
ubotu | grub is, like, totally, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting | 12:24 |
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Hobbsee | troouble-boot: check the second link there... | 12:24 |
Drgb | thoreauputic, ah, lol, ok, I'll try | 12:24 |
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troouble-boot | no i dont get it | 12:25 |
Drgb | thoreauputic, uhh....no...there are something like 1k of "UTDATE" so I think it's not a mistake | 12:25 |
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thoreauputic | Drgb: OK - it was just a guess :) | 12:26 |
troouble-boot | i dont have a live cd | 12:26 |
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Madeye | Kamping_Kaiser, booted started the upslash but then I got /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off. # | 12:26 |
new2ubuntu | whoops.. | 12:26 |
Drgb | maybe I should learn perl....omg... | 12:26 |
thoreauputic | Drgb: what are you trying to do, by the way? | 12:26 |
=== Astxist [i=komugi@ppp2F01.dyn.pacific.net.au] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Kamping_Kaiser | Drgb: have you checked gnupods home for known bugts? | 12:26 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Madeye: that's a problem with your menu.list IIRC | 12:27 |
Drgb | thoreauputic, I'm trying to convert a GNUtunesDB.xml into an ItunesDB file....yes Kamping_Kaiser I did | 12:27 |
thoreauputic | ah gnupod - /me is ignorant on this subject | 12:27 |
=== Spee_Der [n=n1gke@ip68-229-84-216.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hypernewbie | anyoen do any opengl here | 12:27 |
Madeye | Kamping_Kaiser, hmm and now is it possible to fix it ? | 12:27 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Madeye: got a live cd? | 12:28 |
ompaul | j-linux, how far have you gotten? | 12:28 |
Drgb | guys, guys, guys...I think I've got the answer...but you have to give me the second part of it | 12:28 |
Madeye | Kamping_Kaiser, yeah sure, what part of it shall I edit ? | 12:28 |
j-linux | ompaul: I'm at the configure the network... I have to type in the static IP | 12:28 |
ompaul | no you can choose dhcp if your network is | 12:28 |
Drgb | I'm almost sure it's missing library but....which one????? | 12:28 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Madeye: does the computer have internet access? for pastebining? or are you on the box? | 12:28 |
thoreauputic | Drgb: apt-cache depends <your package> might help | 12:29 |
Madeye | Kamping_Kaiser, I'm on Desktop and the operation being on Laptop. | 12:29 |
troouble-boot | can anyone help me | 12:29 |
troouble-boot | hi i installed ubuntu- now i installed windowxp when computer starts it shows just windows how can i get back my ubuntu | 12:29 |
ompaul | j-linux, able to - sorry I am not able to keep my brain together enough to put a full sentence on the one line :-/ | 12:29 |
Drgb | thoreauputic, what's "my-package"? | 12:29 |
Madeye | Kamping_Kaiser, but I can config internet on lapto to paste stuff | 12:29 |
Kamping_Kaiser | (21:23:30) Drgb: Reading from filehandle failed at /usr/share/perl5/GNUpod/FooBar.pm line 300. | 12:29 |
thoreauputic | Drgb: but apt should have taken care of that | 12:29 |
hypernewbie | troouble-boot, great job | 12:29 |
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j-linux | ompaul: ok... no problem... maybe time for some sleep? | 12:29 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Madeye: ok | 12:30 |
hypernewbie | troouble-boot, try to install grub to the mbr urself | 12:30 |
troouble-boot | how | 12:30 |
thoreauputic | Drgb: whatever you tried to install - libmd5-perl ? | 12:30 |
Drgb | yep... | 12:30 |
Madeye | Kamping_Kaiser, want me to paste menu.ls ? | 12:30 |
hypernewbie | troouble-boot: not sure, google? | 12:30 |
Kamping_Kaiser | !tell troouble-boot about grub | 12:30 |
Drgb | the depending package is "perl" | 12:30 |
hypernewbie | !grub | 12:30 |
ubotu | I guess grub is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting | 12:30 |
Drgb | i installed that too...BUT!!!!!!!!!! | 12:30 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Madeye: yes thanks. | 12:30 |
Drgb | hey, I've got it | 12:30 |
Kamping_Kaiser | and i might get more after that | 12:30 |
hypernewbie | ahh | 12:30 |
thoreauputic | Drgb: well that's there by default... | 12:30 |
hypernewbie | thx bot | 12:30 |
Madeye | Kamping_Kaiser, :-) one sec lemme get into desktop and mount boot | 12:30 |
ompaul | j-linux, it is 11:30 am, so sleep na, I just worked so many hours coming up to christmas, I am slowly waking today :) | 12:30 |
Drgb | I'm using perl5, not perl...so i think I can switch my per interpreter to perl | 12:30 |
Drgb | LET'STRY! | 12:31 |
troouble-boot | thanx for the link but i still dont get it | 12:31 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Madeye: np | 12:31 |
hypernewbie | troouble-boot, wot dont u get? | 12:31 |
troouble-boot | how to get my ubuntu to boot | 12:31 |
j-linux | ompaul: you must be in Europe? I'm in Hawaii... 1:30am... :S | 12:31 |
hypernewbie | troouble-boot, hold on a sec | 12:31 |
j-linux | other side of the planet.. | 12:31 |
=== murtun [n=murtun@88-105-228-154.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | j-linux, the most westerly side of europe :) | 12:32 |
murtun | hey all | 12:32 |
murtun | I am having some sound problems | 12:32 |
murtun | in that i don;t have any :P | 12:32 |
murtun | Alsaconfig is not found | 12:32 |
=== Astxist-A [i=komugi@ppp2B19.dyn.pacific.net.au] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
murtun | and apt-get install alsaconfig does not work | 12:32 |
murtun | what should i do? | 12:32 |
j-linux | I'm 3 weeks behind on work becuase of this laptop problem... my other one broke... This one won't install Linux.... I prefer dual boot but will survive with LInux-only | 12:33 |
hypernewbie | troouble-boot, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows | 12:33 |
j-linux | Will not be happy with Windows-only | 12:33 |
ompaul | alsactl | 12:33 |
=== fog76 [n=fog76@host64-223.pool8259.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
troouble-boot | yes i am readin that link | 12:33 |
troouble-boot | i insert the ubuntu cd it starts to boot and to install ubuntu | 12:34 |
murtun | ompaul, what does that let me do? | 12:34 |
ompaul | murtun, that is something that I have installed | 12:34 |
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murtun | i'm reading that man pages now | 12:34 |
ompaul | murtun, alsamixer is what I actually use for settings | 12:35 |
hypernewbie | troouble-boot, LiveCD | 12:35 |
murtun | Would i not be able to use alsaconfig, i find it alot more simple | 12:35 |
j-linux | ompaul: what is your idea for the server thing? Just install the server? | 12:35 |
hypernewbie | troouble-boot, LiveCD it said | 12:35 |
troouble-boot | i dont have livecd | 12:35 |
ompaul | j-linux, yes then on the command line you can install the x stuff | 12:35 |
hypernewbie | troouble-boot, i guess you'll need it... | 12:35 |
thoreauputic | murtun: anything happen if you do " cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp ? | 12:35 |
thoreauputic | murtun: alsaconf is not in ubuntu btw | 12:35 |
ompaul | thoreauputic, have you seen my brain today? | 12:36 |
j-linux | ompaul: ok... I'll try going through it. I'll delete all my partitions except the 4.2 GB factory restore one at the end of the disk... | 12:36 |
hypernewbie | troouble-boot, do you need any of those two installations? | 12:36 |
Raskall | happy christmas day, everyone. :) | 12:36 |
murtun | thoreauputic, what is the alternative then? | 12:36 |
thoreauputic | ompaul: have I ever ? *grin* | 12:36 |
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ompaul | hehe | 12:36 |
murtun | you too mate | 12:36 |
hypernewbie | troouble-boot, cause the best way to fix such is format and rip through | 12:36 |
troouble-boot | i need to install just to boot | 12:36 |
troouble-boot | u mean to reinstall again | 12:36 |
hypernewbie | troouble-boot, yup | 12:37 |
=== Fergy [n=Fergy@a82-92-232-156.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hypernewbie | troouble-boot, BEST, BEST way | 12:37 |
rendi | hi how to compres multiple dir use tar ? | 12:37 |
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troouble-boot | i hate reinstall | 12:37 |
hypernewbie | troouble-boot, and this time, do things the right order | 12:37 |
thoreauputic | murtun: have you checked to see if any channels are muted? ( alsamixer or the volume control) | 12:37 |
ompaul | j-linux, yeap | 12:37 |
rendi | i wanna backup my site | 12:37 |
=== horgh [n=horgh@254.Red-217-126-11.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hypernewbie | troouble-boot, trust me, if u dont need any of the two, format, its worth the trouble | 12:37 |
rendi | tar bla bla bla ?? | 12:37 |
murtun | no | 12:37 |
thoreauputic | murtun: do that first then | 12:37 |
murtun | but i havn't even specified which sound card i want to ise | 12:37 |
troouble-boot | well i dont want to format just for a boot shit | 12:37 |
murtun | none are | 12:38 |
hypernewbie | troouble-boot, well u can try fix it, but u need knowledge...lots of it | 12:38 |
murtun | all are fully up | 12:38 |
=== MickMcMack [n=MickMcMa@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/MickMcMack] has joined #ubuntu | ||
murtun | but it is looking at the intgrated Soundcard | 12:38 |
hypernewbie | troouble-boot, (or u can always blame microsoft) | 12:38 |
murtun | i want to use another one | 12:38 |
thoreauputic | murtun: you have 2 sound cards? | 12:38 |
murtun | indeed | 12:38 |
troouble-boot | i installed osloader still it does not boot | 12:38 |
thoreauputic | I see | 12:38 |
murtun | one that is integrated (crap) | 12:38 |
Killalot | cna I change the subtitle size with gmplayer | 12:38 |
Killalot | ? | 12:38 |
Drgb | no way.....I'm desperate..............................I'll rape google some more.............. | 12:39 |
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hypernewbie | troouble-boot, u cant install something and wish it boots. you'll have to do that grub crap | 12:39 |
hypernewbie | troouble-boot, try synaptic and installing grub and see if that fixes it | 12:39 |
hypernewbie | troouble-boot, or lilo | 12:39 |
Kamping_Kaiser | grub | 12:40 |
hypernewbie | lilo | 12:40 |
thoreauputic | murtun: lspci | grep -i audio | 12:40 |
thoreauputic | <-- does that show 2 cards ? | 12:40 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ubuntu+lilo isnt so good i hear | 12:40 |
MickMcMack | Lilo? | 12:40 |
MickMcMack | O_o;;;;;;;; | 12:40 |
hypernewbie | my friend uses it without troub, bt meh i dont see difference | 12:40 |
hypernewbie | although i do hate grub | 12:40 |
hypernewbie | its managed to orget 7 windows installations so far on this comp | 12:41 |
hypernewbie | forget* | 12:41 |
Hobbsee | hypernewbie: most people here use grub, so they are better at troubleshooting it - and it's a lot easier to kill your system with wrong lilo commands than wrong grub commands, i hear | 12:41 |
murtun | 0000:00:1b.0 0403: Intel Corp. 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 03) | 12:41 |
ompaul | !grub | 12:41 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, grub is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting | 12:41 |
murtun | 0000:06:00.0 Multimedia audio controller: C-Media Electronics Inc CM8738 (rev 10) | 12:41 |
murtun | thoreauputic, i want to use that Cmedia one | 12:41 |
hypernewbie | Hobbsee, probably. i'm out of knowledge for this one | 12:41 |
jenda | Anyone have a clue why I can't open my router's html interface through It worked some time ago and doesn't now... and the internet connection works. Anyone? | 12:41 |
thoreauputic | murtun: well at least the system sees it | 12:41 |
thoreauputic | hang on | 12:41 |
murtun | k | 12:42 |
murtun | can i pm u mate? | 12:42 |
thoreauputic | murtun: system - preferences - sound | 12:42 |
mjr | jenda, your system probably doesn't have a 192.168 network address set up; try: sudo ifconfig eth0:0 inet netmask | 12:42 |
murtun | Sounds strange jenda, ping, does that work? | 12:42 |
thoreauputic | murtun: see if the drop down allows you to select it | 12:42 |
murtun | k | 12:42 |
ompaul | j-linux, how is it going | 12:42 |
jenda | murtun: that does | 12:42 |
murtun | k | 12:43 |
j-linux | ompaul: It's doing the time zone configuration thing... Still working... | 12:43 |
jenda | mjr: are you sure, and is there a way to undo that :)? | 12:43 |
Hobbsee | troouble-boot: did you try that page that you were sent? the recovering ubuntu after installing windows? | 12:43 |
mjr | jenda, no, yes | 12:43 |
hypernewbie | Hobbsee, he doesnt have live cd | 12:43 |
jenda | OK :) | 12:43 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Hobbsee: several times | 12:43 |
j-linux | ompaul: it usually gets through most of the installation and even the reboot (although with errors)... | 12:44 |
=== agtnz [n=agt@219-89-73-8.ipnets.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hobbsee | ah ok | 12:44 |
Kamping_Kaiser | live cd? | 12:44 |
hypernewbie | Hobbsee, wouldn't u re-install? | 12:44 |
Kamping_Kaiser | what for? | 12:44 |
ompaul | j-linux, well lets try this - shall we :) | 12:44 |
jenda | mjr: so I should restart the connection now? | 12:44 |
Hobbsee | hypernewbie: for a screwed bootloader? no, i'd try reinstalling the bootloader first! | 12:44 |
j-linux | ompaul: I hope it works :) | 12:44 |
thoreauputic | murtun: I'm pretty sure that card is supported so it should work - if not you can google for the module/driver and modprobe it | 12:44 |
mjr | jenda, no? | 12:44 |
murtun | thoreauputic, System settings > Sound > Hardware ? | 12:44 |
j-linux | In two days I've installed Windows once (many hours and 6 CDs), and Linux about 3 times... | 12:44 |
mjr | jenda, you should just try the command and then try to contact the router | 12:44 |
Drgb | guys, I found the mail address of the "Digest::MD5" module creator........I think I'll mail him and ask for some help...I hope he knows perl :D | 12:44 |
hypernewbie | Hobbsee, i hate bootloaders. | 12:44 |
ompaul | j-linux, well I have had failures before and it worked where a straight install did not | 12:45 |
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jenda | mjr: I dunno. Why did you put when the router should be 1.1? | 12:45 |
Hobbsee | hypernewbie: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76652 is also quite useful, it's under !reinstallgrub | 12:45 |
j-linux | ompaul: it's a great idea... thanks. | 12:45 |
thoreauputic | murtun: no, there should be a drop down on the first tab I think | 12:45 |
murtun | right, i have no idea how to do tha kinda stuff :S | 12:45 |
murtun | Oh, there isn't | 12:45 |
paal | is there a software that show the weather where you live? temperature etc? | 12:45 |
mjr | jenda, because you don't want the same IP address for the computer as for the router... | 12:45 |
hypernewbie | Hobbsee, leme check that, my knowledge of grub is negative | 12:45 |
jenda | mjr: Ah I see | 12:45 |
ompaul | paal, I use an extention to firefox for that | 12:45 |
j-linux | ompaul: it is just starting to have errors. A screen says that it detects XP on the drive... but I deleted it several installation ago! | 12:45 |
Hobbsee | hypernewbie: top post, uses the standard installer to reinstall grub :P | 12:45 |
jenda | mjr: But it's supposed to be Dynamic IP | 12:45 |
thoreauputic | murtun: you should see General - Sound events - System bell | 12:46 |
ompaul | j-linux, that is that last partition you did not delete | 12:46 |
hypernewbie | Hobbsee, have u tried installing knoppix before? | 12:46 |
j-linux | ompaul-- maybe it is detecting the last partition | 12:46 |
j-linux | yes | 12:46 |
thoreauputic | murtun: on the General tab is your sound card | 12:46 |
jenda | mjr: is there a way to check the IPtable? | 12:46 |
hypernewbie | Hobbsee, i tried once and i got a nice grub load fail error 15... | 12:46 |
j-linux | ompaul: should I install GRUB to the MBR? | 12:46 |
jenda | mjr: even without the router? | 12:46 |
mjr | jenda, doesn't matter, 192.168 is a private address space, and that :0 means that the address will be set up in _addition_ to your dynamic one | 12:46 |
Hobbsee | hypernewbie: no, and i've had an error 15 before | 12:46 |
ompaul | j-linux, yes | 12:46 |
j-linux | ompaul: ok... here goes... | 12:46 |
jenda | OK | 12:46 |
murtun | thoreauputic, there is no drop down | 12:46 |
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murtun | thoreauputic, just box;s | 12:46 |
j-linux | ompaul: nice... it skipped the part that always breaks it... and rebooted. | 12:47 |
thoreauputic | murtun: what do you see? is there a default sound card there? Should be | 12:47 |
ompaul | j-linux, that was the plan :-) | 12:47 |
j-linux | ompaul: now it's in GRUB, says there is Windows but just booted into Ubuntu.. | 12:47 |
hypernewbie | Hobbsee, wth is a grub error15? | 12:47 |
jenda | mjr: so is there a way to check the iptable? | 12:47 |
ompaul | that is great | 12:47 |
Madeye | Kamping_Kaiser sorry but for some reason I cannot get menu.lst now | 12:47 |
thoreauputic | murtun: or are you loking in the wrong place? | 12:47 |
thoreauputic | *looking | 12:47 |
mjr | jenda, I don't know what you're asking | 12:47 |
Hobbsee | hypernewbie: well, grub screwed up with one of the dapper updates, so i had to edit it manually, after getting an error 15 | 12:47 |
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ompaul | j-linux, did you want to install xp on this box ever? | 12:48 |
j-linux | ompaul: is there a way to later shrink the ext3 partition that has ubuntu and install XP? I have a feeling the 6 CDs that IBM provides won't do it... | 12:48 |
j-linux | ompaul: yes... I would like to... just for work that other people give me. | 12:48 |
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murtun | thoreauputic, i am looking at: System settings > Sound and media > | 12:48 |
ompaul | j-linux, no you should install XP first | 12:48 |
jenda | mjr: I would like to know the IPs of components in the network. Like the router | 12:48 |
murtun | i am on kubuntu btw | 12:48 |
thoreauputic | murtun: I'm talking about System -Preferences - Sound | 12:48 |
ompaul | j-linux, then install ubuntu | 12:48 |
murtun | ohhh | 12:48 |
thoreauputic | murtun: *sigh* | 12:48 |
thoreauputic | murtun: I thought you were in ubuntu/gnome | 12:48 |
murtun | thoreauputic, ?? | 12:49 |
Sh4d0x | hi thoreauputic, merry X-mas | 12:49 |
ompaul | j-linux, create a partition if 10 or so gigs for windows install it and then install ubuntu | 12:49 |
murtun | thoreauputic, yeah sorry aboutthat | 12:49 |
j-linux | ompaul: I will at least finish this install to see if I can even get Linux on this machine... no luck with 3 installs yet,..... The problem with XP is that I can't shrink the NTFS partition for some reason. | 12:49 |
mjr | jenda, you can try ping -b | 12:49 |
thoreauputic | Sh4d0x: hi :) | 12:49 |
Madeye | Kamping_Kaiser, a result of fdisk -l would help till I figure how to access menu.lst again ? | 12:49 |
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ompaul | j-linux, well you can choose not to give it the full disk at the install stage | 12:49 |
j-linux | ompaul: I posted an earlier part of my story here: http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/kLYuMv12.html | 12:49 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Madeye: sure | 12:50 |
hypernewbie | Hobbsee, hmm... | 12:50 |
j-linux | ompaul: looks like Linux server is on the laptop... | 12:50 |
robert__ | exit | 12:50 |
Kamping_Kaiser | but i have to warn you (well everyone) that my brains just gone dead. *totaly useless* | 12:50 |
ompaul | j-linux, that post is why this conversation is taking place | 12:50 |
ompaul | :) | 12:50 |
Hobbsee | Madeye: why cant you get to menu.lst? | 12:50 |
thoreauputic | murtun: dig around in kcontrol then | 12:50 |
j-linux | ompaul: I'm logged in... great so far. | 12:50 |
Madeye | Hobbsee, not sure why, I mounted /boot to mnt but there is no grub menu.lst | 12:50 |
murtun | thoreauputic, kk | 12:50 |
jenda | mjr: k, that gave me my PC and the sip phones. But not the router. | 12:50 |
ompaul | j-linux, now do this >>sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop gdm xserver-xorg<< | 12:51 |
Kamping_Kaiser | why the hell does the grub resore instructions require the live cd? | 12:51 |
Hobbsee | Madeye: type "mount" and pastebin the output? | 12:51 |
j-linux | ompaul: ok.. | 12:51 |
Kamping_Kaiser | honestly. how stupid can you get | 12:51 |
Hobbsee | Kamping_Kaiser: i've often wondered that, i just use !reinstallgrub factoid... | 12:51 |
ompaul | j-linux, write this down I won't be here for you when the end part takes place | 12:51 |
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j-linux | ok | 12:51 |
hypernewbie | !reinstallgrub | 12:51 |
ubotu | I guess reinstallgrub is to reinstall GRUB, follow the guide at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76652 | 12:51 |
murtun | thoreauputic, ok, i go to >Sound system - Control center > hardware | 12:51 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Hobbsee: i stilll use !grub from when it was accurate. | 12:51 |
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Hobbsee | true, i think it changed | 12:52 |
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mjr | jenda, that's because the router only has the 192.168 address, which I told you how to get to if you like | 12:52 |
murtun | and there is a drop down menu asking for me to select thr h/w | 12:52 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Hobbsee: I'll try and remember the new one, but it's more the principal of the matter | 12:52 |
Hobbsee | definetly | 12:52 |
Madeye | Kamping_Kaiser, it's http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6144 Hobbsee result of mount http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6145 | 12:52 |
cvt|ubuntu | i installed galaga so why isn't it in the games list? | 12:52 |
ompaul | j-linux, do this and then reboot :) >>>sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg<<< | 12:52 |
testmachine | hm | 12:52 |
murtun | thoreauputic, but none of my soundcards are listed | 12:52 |
mjr | jenda, (and in fact, it appears that your "router" is rather a bridge, but that's technicalities) | 12:52 |
jenda | mjr: I did that, but it didn't help, i think | 12:52 |
ompaul | j-linux, that will give you a basic ubuntu install | 12:52 |
testmachine | my firefox wont run as user anymore | 12:52 |
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testmachine | only as root | 12:52 |
hypernewbie | hmm...one of the stupid ubuntu forums posts....was asking how the HELL u remove ubuntu??? u can't get rid of it with add/remove software! | 12:53 |
mjr | jenda, try ping | 12:53 |
thoreauputic | murtun: I'm in gnome so I can't help much I fear - you need someone like crimsun to help with sound anyway | 12:53 |
testmachine | but ok | 12:53 |
testmachine | showe time | 12:53 |
ompaul | j-linux, and so it is that I have to head off | 12:53 |
jenda | PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. | 12:53 |
jenda | 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=254 time=0.736 ms | 12:53 |
jenda | 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=254 time=0.732 ms | 12:53 |
jenda | 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=254 time=0.817 ms | 12:53 |
jenda | 64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=254 time=0.733 ms | 12:53 |
jenda | 64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=254 time=0.852 ms | 12:53 |
ompaul | j-linux, enjoy it | 12:53 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o thoreauputic] by ChanServ | ||
jenda | --- ping statistics --- | 12:53 |
jenda | 5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4003ms | 12:53 |
jenda | rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.732/0.774/0.852/0.050 ms | 12:53 |
ompaul | jenda, DO NOT PASTE | 12:53 |
jenda | oops, sorry | 12:53 |
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mjr | jenda, please don't paste here | 12:53 |
j-linux | ompaul: thanks for your help! | 12:53 |
murtun | nvm | 12:53 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %jenda!*@*] by thoreauputic | ||
murtun | thanks alot thoreauputic | 12:54 |
Drgb | uh oh.... | 12:54 |
murtun | merry christmas all :) | 12:54 |
murtun | adois | 12:54 |
ompaul | j-linux, as I said enjoy | 12:54 |
Hobbsee | Madeye: sudo nano /mnt/work/boot/grub/menu.lst - does that work? | 12:54 |
mjr | jenda, anyway, that tells me that your computer now can contact the bridge at its IP | 12:54 |
thoreauputic | jenda: I'll remove the gag - but *don't * do that ! | 12:54 |
j-linux | I will... :) | 12:54 |
=== ompaul high fives thoreauputic on ompaul's way out of the channel | ||
ompaul | have a nice day folks be it the 25th or 26th for you :) | 12:55 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %jenda!*@*] by thoreauputic | ||
ompaul | thoreauputic, the christmas spirit? | 12:55 |
ompaul | :) | 12:55 |
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hypernewbie | u too | 12:55 |
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thoreauputic | ompaul: sort of , yeah :) | 12:55 |
jenda | ompaul: lol... | 12:55 |
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hypernewbie | !foo | 12:56 |
ubotu | methinks foo is $FOO %FOO foo`ie | 12:56 |
thoreauputic | peace on earth, including #ubuntu :) | 12:56 |
ompaul | Zaijian! | 12:56 |
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hypernewbie | god damn someone changed it!!! | 12:56 |
hypernewbie | !christmas | 12:56 |
ubotu | hypernewbie: I don't know, could you explain it? | 12:56 |
foxiness | when the the cd 3 of dapper will come out ? | 12:56 |
hypernewbie | ubotu christamas is somewhere around about now. | 12:57 |
ubotu | okay, hypernewbie | 12:57 |
Hobbsee | !tell hypernewbie about msgthebot | 12:57 |
hypernewbie | !christmas | 12:57 |
ubotu | I don't know, hypernewbie | 12:57 |
Hobbsee | !botabuse | 12:57 |
ubotu | You can play with me in /msg without being banned. | 12:57 |
jenda | mjr: but what now? | 12:57 |
foxiness | haha | 12:57 |
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Seveas | !foo | 12:58 |
ubotu | I haven't a clue, Seveas | 12:58 |
Seveas | good | 12:58 |
foxiness | haha | 12:58 |
Hobbsee | :P i took it out Seveas :) | 12:58 |
mjr | jenda, what do you mean what now? | 12:58 |
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Seveas | Hobbsee, (y) | 12:58 |
hypernewbie | :( | 12:59 |
mjr | jenda, I haven't the foggiest what you want to do with all this information, you know :) | 12:59 |
foxiness | hypernewbie, hello :) | 12:59 |
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Seveas | hypernewbie, next time bot abuse will be rewarded with a permanent ban | 12:59 |
=== hypernewbie thinks where is the spirit of christmas | ||
jenda | mjr: I'm trying to access the html interface (because I wont to check the IPs and set up a prot forward) | 12:59 |
mjr | jenda, yep, and you should be able to do that at now | 01:00 |
foxiness | hypernewbie, if you want to play with ubotu , do that by '/msg ubotu !tell me' | 01:00 |
=== hypernewbie has non-permanent ip thx | ||
mjr | rather | 01:00 |
ubuntu | Hobbsee, Kamping_Kaiser it's http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6146 | 01:00 |
=== Grapsus [n=icechat5@218.224.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Grapsus | hi | 01:00 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Madeye | ||
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jenda | mjr: But I can't | 01:00 |
jenda | mjr: It just doesn't load the html interface. | 01:01 |
Madeye | BrainDeadKK, Hobbsee it's madeye btw | 01:01 |
Hobbsee | just saw that :) | 01:01 |
Raskall | I am extremely happy with breezy on my new server, btw. All software is nearly perfectly configured from scratch with cron jobs and everything. Ubuntu is getting better and better. I am really anxious to see the next release. | 01:01 |
Grapsus | i can't install ubuntu, ihave an "debootstrap error" when it installs the base system, i tried 5.10 and 5.04 it's the same error | 01:01 |
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mjr | jenda, if you have a proxy set in your browser, tell it not to use it. Otherwise, I'm out of ideas. | 01:01 |
everton137 | Hi, can someone give me some tip of what I need to read to use a mp3playr machine one linux? thanks | 01:01 |
jenda | mjr: hmm no proxy AFAIK | 01:02 |
deFrysk | !mp3 | 01:02 |
ubotu | methinks mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 01:02 |
cthulhu | hi | 01:02 |
Grapsus | help me please | 01:02 |
cthulhu | can somebody help me with the IR support under linux | 01:03 |
Hobbsee | Madeye: didnt you have to change the top one to hd(0,2) or something? | 01:03 |
phreak97 | how do i view a tasklist and end tasks (like alt ctrl delete in windows)? | 01:03 |
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phreak97 | firefox died | 01:03 |
Hobbsee | sorry, that darned pasting flood sent information out of my brain... | 01:03 |
Madeye | Hobbsee, I did but it seems it's not getting save | 01:03 |
Hobbsee | phreak97: top, in a terminal | 01:04 |
Madeye | saved* | 01:04 |
hypernewbie | phreak97, applications>system tools>system monitor | 01:04 |
thoreauputic | phreak97: try pkill firefox-bin | 01:04 |
Hobbsee | Madeye: where did you try to save it? use control+x? | 01:04 |
hypernewbie | or gnome-system-monitor | 01:04 |
Hobbsee | Madeye: then hit y, enter | 01:04 |
phreak97 | system monitor worked | 01:04 |
concept10 | anyone else have problems with drag and drop in breezy? | 01:05 |
phreak97 | can i set it up so that comes up when i get alt ctrl delete? | 01:05 |
Grapsus | can i try to install ubuntu true the network?? | 01:05 |
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hypernewbie | phreak97, nope, thats windows :) | 01:05 |
Hobbsee | hypernewbie: phreak97 i thought you could, actually... | 01:05 |
Madeye | Hobbsee, and after I edit it from grub and then pressed b, I got error , damn I cannot remember what was the error after altering it to hd0,2 | 01:05 |
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hypernewbie | Hobbsee, probably can | 01:06 |
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apricot | please, a sound related question!!! | 01:06 |
Hobbsee | hypernewbie: phreak97 got no idea if it's still in date, but here http://ubuntuguide.org/#enablectrlaltdelopensystemmonitorgnome | 01:06 |
thoreauputic | System -Preferences -Keyboard Shortcuts perhaps? | 01:06 |
apricot | when i play music it feels like beyond the wall | 01:07 |
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hypernewbie | thoreauputic ,nope | 01:07 |
Hobbsee | Madeye: might be worht trying again to see what the error was | 01:07 |
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hypernewbie | apricot, volume, eq? | 01:07 |
apricot | maybe driver? | 01:07 |
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Grapsus | every boby ignored me here, thank you very much | 01:08 |
hypernewbie | apricot, yeh linux sound does suck, but ubuntu has one of the better linux sounds | 01:08 |
hypernewbie | (i rekon) | 01:08 |
Madeye | Hobbsee, i'm talking now fromt the live CD, so isn't there anyway to test it without rebooting ? | 01:08 |
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thoreauputic | Grapsus: not exactly - probably no one knew an answer | 01:08 |
apricot | is there a solution | 01:08 |
apricot | ? | 01:08 |
Hobbsee | Grapsus: there are plenty of people asking and answering questions, its' very easy to miss questions | 01:08 |
Hobbsee | Madeye: um...if you can give us the number of the error message, that would help... | 01:09 |
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Grapsus | it's not too hard to say if ubuntu can be installed trough the network like debian? | 01:09 |
apricot | i have via sound driver for linux, but it is in rpm package, can you help me? | 01:09 |
hypernewbie | apricot, use alien | 01:10 |
deFrysk | apricot, dont install it | 01:10 |
hypernewbie | apricot or get a tar.gz package | 01:10 |
ravv | Grapsus, debian installer==ubuntu installer. | 01:10 |
thoreauputic | Grapsus: it can be - but at the moment it is kind of involved and AFAIK involves using a debian CD or floppies | 01:10 |
deFrysk | dont install it | 01:10 |
hypernewbie | apricot, or get a .deb, the best format for ubuntu | 01:10 |
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deFrysk | apricot, check your settings first | 01:10 |
phreak97 | where's my xchat directory? | 01:10 |
apricot | why to not instal it? | 01:10 |
Madeye | Hobbsee, ah ok, what happen is after alter it to hd0,2 upslash appear, then start to load modules then I got bin/bash error | 01:11 |
deFrysk | apricot, cos you dont need it | 01:11 |
Grapsus | hum ok so i can't | 01:11 |
hypernewbie | apricot, drivers + rpm+ ubuntu == bad | 01:11 |
Hobbsee | phreak97: locate xchat, probably somewhere in your home dir | 01:11 |
apricot | where do i check settings? | 01:11 |
hypernewbie | phreak97, look in usr/share? | 01:11 |
johan_ | i try to install mplayer on ubuntu and dont find the correct sources.llist anyboyd can help me? | 01:11 |
deFrysk | apricot, richtklick the littlle speaker in the richt top | 01:11 |
Hobbsee | phreak97: or maybe usr/bin | 01:11 |
deFrysk | right | 01:11 |
Hobbsee | Madeye: sounds like you're making progress then, getting beyond grub... | 01:12 |
hypernewbie | Hobbsee, yep usr/bin | 01:12 |
thoreauputic | phreak97: what do you need to do? | 01:12 |
deFrysk | apricot, then open volume control | 01:12 |
Madeye | Hobbsee, hmm where should I look then ? | 01:12 |
Grapsus | i'll try ext2 instead of ext 3, maybe debootstrap wont crash | 01:12 |
deFrysk | and see if the settings are ok | 01:12 |
hypernewbie | johan_ did u edit the sources,list? | 01:12 |
phreak97 | Install: | 01:12 |
phreak97 | Place it in your ~/.xchat/ directory and restart X-Chat. | 01:12 |
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thoreauputic | phreak97: there are several places xchat is installed - it depends why you need to know | 01:12 |
phreak97 | i want to install a plugin | 01:13 |
thoreauputic | phreak97: ah - try ~/.xchat2 | 01:13 |
phreak97 | and i didnt install xchat, it came with the distro | 01:13 |
deFrysk | apricot, check if master and pcm are at about 80% | 01:13 |
thoreauputic | phreak97: yes I know :) | 01:13 |
Hobbsee | Madeye: um, well, that really depends on what the error it is, but google's a good place :P | 01:13 |
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thoreauputic | phreak97: so it is installed by default in fact | 01:13 |
Madeye | Hobbsee, if I booted to windows and removed that new partition do you think the problem will be solved? or is there any software from windwos I can use to fix all this boot problem ? because I really need to get some work done ASAP | 01:13 |
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Madeye | Hobbsee, i know I become so annoying | 01:13 |
phreak97 | ok, that worked | 01:14 |
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Hobbsee | Madeye: not at all | 01:14 |
hypernewbie | Madeye, no windows software can fix all(anything) | 01:14 |
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Hobbsee | Madeye: well, you could try booting to windows, and doing your work on there for a while, but... | 01:14 |
apricot | they are, but the sound still s... | 01:14 |
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Madeye | Hobbsee, all of my work under linux | 01:15 |
hypernewbie | Madeye, or the live-cd..... | 01:15 |
Hobbsee | Madeye: it really depends on what the error is, and if anyone else has had it/knows how to fix it | 01:15 |
thoreauputic | phreak97: don't bother to thank anyone - we live to serve you ;) | 01:15 |
deFrysk | apricot, via sound is perfectly supported by ubuntu | 01:15 |
Madeye | Hobbsee, Ok, i'll boot now and write down the error message | 01:15 |
Hobbsee | good idea | 01:15 |
Madeye | thanks | 01:15 |
Seveas | thoreauputic, :) | 01:16 |
apricot | ok | 01:16 |
hypernewbie | so...anyone know any opengl? | 01:16 |
deFrysk | apricot, wich app gives you a poor quality ? | 01:16 |
thoreauputic | Seveas: happy whatever, dude :) | 01:16 |
apricot | but there is a difference | 01:16 |
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Seveas | thoreauputic, likewise | 01:17 |
apricot | all music players! | 01:17 |
thoreauputic | Seveas: :) | 01:17 |
deFrysk | apricot, in gnome ? | 01:17 |
hypernewbie | :) | 01:17 |
apricot | but not the system sounds. | 01:17 |
apricot | yas gnome | 01:17 |
hypernewbie | apricot, u tried gstreamer 0.8-ffmpeg? | 01:17 |
apricot | and games like americas is good | 01:17 |
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hypernewbie | i got that, that gives me pretty nice quality | 01:17 |
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deFrysk | apricot, open gstreamer-properties and check if the output is set to esd and test is | 01:18 |
johan_ | anybody knows what i have to add in sources.list for installing mplayer? | 01:18 |
chris_wong | I need some help with gnomad2. anyone? | 01:18 |
hypernewbie | johan_, just try everything | 01:18 |
Hobbsee | johan_: multiverse, then apt-cache search mplayer for the correct package | 01:18 |
hypernewbie | johan_, make sure u run apt-get update though | 01:18 |
Hobbsee | !tell johan_ about repos | 01:19 |
apricot | where is gstreamer? | 01:19 |
Seveas | apricot, installed by default.. | 01:19 |
hypernewbie | apricot, packages.ubuntu.org | 01:19 |
deFrysk | apricot, use your console | 01:19 |
deFrysk | apricot, gstreamer-properties | 01:19 |
hypernewbie | apricot, gstreamer ffmpeg is not installed thouh | 01:19 |
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apricot | yes it is esd | 01:20 |
deFrysk | apricot, test works fine ? | 01:20 |
apricot | no, the test failed | 01:20 |
deFrysk | apricot, then try alsa | 01:20 |
deFrysk | apricot, select alsa | 01:21 |
apricot | how, please? | 01:21 |
hypernewbie | apricot, press the big red button | 01:21 |
apricot | fail | 01:21 |
deFrysk | arrow down button next to output | 01:21 |
deFrysk | hypernewbie, shut up | 01:21 |
=== hypernewbie shuts up | ||
cvt|ubuntu | can java for websites be installed by synaptic? | 01:21 |
apricot | what now? | 01:22 |
thoreauputic | !java | 01:22 |
ubotu | To install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs | 01:22 |
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deFrysk | apricot, this is wierd to be honest | 01:22 |
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deFrysk | apricot you have an onboard soundchip ? | 01:22 |
londonboi2k3 | Merry crimbo ppls, does anyone know of a webmail client I can use to access my mail remotly | 01:23 |
Pegasos989 | Hmmh. When I try to mount a BIN file it complains about bad superblock. Is i because of I use ISO9660 when mounting or is the file bad? :/ | 01:23 |
apricot | no, integrated nvidia | 01:23 |
Seveas | Pegasos989, BIN files can't be mounted | 01:23 |
Seveas | Pegasos989, use bchunk to convert it to iso | 01:23 |
deFrysk | apricot, and your motherboard does not have on board sound ? | 01:23 |
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Pegasos989 | ok, thanks a lot seveas | 01:23 |
apricot | yes, sorry onboard nvidia | 01:23 |
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srbaker | yo | 01:24 |
hypernewbie | hi | 01:24 |
chris_wong | noone can help me with gnomad2? | 01:24 |
srbaker | if i install kubuntu desktop, will it switch me to kde righ taway? | 01:24 |
deFrysk | apricot, and a loose via sound card is what you use ?? | 01:24 |
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apricot | ? | 01:24 |
hypernewbie | srbaker, yep | 01:24 |
Pegasos989 | !bchunk | 01:24 |
ubotu | Pegasos989: Bugger all, i dunno | 01:24 |
Hobbsee | srbaker: no, you log out, then choose your session (kde), then log in, and it will | 01:24 |
Seveas | chris_wong, not if you don't say what the problem is... | 01:24 |
deFrysk | apricot, you said you had via sound ? | 01:24 |
thoreauputic | srbaker: you just select it on login | 01:24 |
srbaker | okay. will it install kdm as the default? | 01:25 |
apricot | no, i was thinking the card needed a new sounddriver | 01:25 |
srbaker | i'm thinkinga bout trying it, there are some kde apps i want to try out | 01:25 |
srbaker | and, are there any anti-rsi apps for KDE? like workrave for gnome? | 01:25 |
thoreauputic | hypernewbie: if you don't know, please don't mislead people | 01:25 |
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hypernewbie | thoreauputic, well it does switch right away does it... | 01:25 |
deFrysk | apricot, if you are using a seperate soundcard, make sure to disable onboard sound in your bios | 01:25 |
Seveas | srbaker, /sbin/shutdown is excellet against rsi :) | 01:25 |
chris_wong | seveas, i get this error: cannot set usb_set_configuration' | 01:25 |
thoreauputic | hypernewbie: no, you have to logout/in | 01:25 |
apricot | no, it is integrated | 01:26 |
apricot | soundcard | 01:26 |
deFrysk | ok | 01:26 |
thoreauputic | hypernewbie: it isn't magic, you know | 01:26 |
hypernewbie | thoreauputic yeh course | 01:26 |
srbaker | thx | 01:26 |
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hypernewbie | thoreauputic: bah wahtever | 01:26 |
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Sh4d0x | thoreauputic, lol on X-mas everything is possible ;) :D even magic ;) | 01:27 |
deFrysk | apricot, not sure how to fix this one maybe the next ubuntu-version wil support your soundchip better | 01:27 |
apricot | ok, must go now, thanks. | 01:27 |
thoreauputic | Sh4d0x: yes but computer operating systems don't know that ;-) | 01:27 |
hypernewbie | thoreauputic, until it comes to windows | 01:27 |
thoreauputic | hypernewbie: huh? | 01:28 |
hypernewbie | thoreauputic, windows does good magic on christmas | 01:28 |
Sh4d0x | thoreauputic :D imagination ;) | 01:28 |
hypernewbie | :) | 01:28 |
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greenpenguin13 | how come there are people on here at christmas? :) | 01:28 |
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Sh4d0x | hypernewbie, the only present you get from windows on X-mas is a nice format C: :D | 01:29 |
Seveas | greenpenguin13, because not everyone celebrates it? | 01:29 |
thoreauputic | greenpenguin13: there are people here 24/7/365 | 01:29 |
=== hypernewbie is perfectly sane | ||
greenpenguin13 | :-p | 01:29 |
hypernewbie | Sh4d0x, indeed. ormaybe a few boot errors | 01:29 |
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Sh4d0x | hypernewbie, guess that's why we are all on ubuntu it offers exactly what you want from you os :D | 01:30 |
Sh4d0x | greenpenguin13: we are the die-hard linux kern :D | 01:30 |
Seveas | Sh4d0x, this is #ubuntu, not #windows-bashing | 01:30 |
hypernewbie | Sh4d0x, until u get onto an ubuntu chatrooom with no christmas spirit | 01:30 |
ratm_ | when i download the newest ubuntu installation cd, does it include all necessary tools to compile a new kernel? | 01:30 |
londonboi2k3 | uuare there any howtos for sqwebmail? | 01:30 |
deFrysk | ratm_, no | 01:31 |
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Sh4d0x | Seveas, sry, it was stronger then myself -x- | 01:31 |
Seveas | ratm_, no you need gcc-3.4 | 01:31 |
hypernewbie | Sh4d0x see what i mean? | 01:31 |
Seveas | if you use dapper, then all tools are included (apart from the kernel source) sice dapper uses gcc4 for the kernel | 01:31 |
Sh4d0x | hypernewbie , uhu, shall we make some x-mas sfeer in this room? :D | 01:31 |
Wilf | anyone installed the "lmsensors" package? | 01:32 |
deFrysk | hypernewbie, Sh4d0x try #ubuntu-offtopic | 01:32 |
johndarkhorse | Sh4d0x: perhaps better in #ubuntu-offtopic | 01:32 |
Seveas | Sh4d0x, this is a support room, offtopic somewhere else | 01:32 |
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hypernewbie | Sh4d0x, see wot i mean... | 01:33 |
Seveas | hypernewbie, enough. | 01:33 |
ratm_ | Seveas, what is dapper? cant find anything on the page.. | 01:33 |
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deFrysk | !dapper | 01:33 |
ubotu | The 6.04 version of Ubuntu will be called the "Dapper Drake" release. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperDrake | 01:33 |
Seveas | ratm_, dapper is the development version of Ubuntu | 01:33 |
thoreauputic | hypernewbie: --->> #ubuntu-offtopic for Christmas spirit ;-) | 01:33 |
ratm_ | hrm, so there is no installation (except of dapper) which can compile a new kernel without having an internet connection? | 01:34 |
Wilf | i wish i could name the next ubuntu version... | 01:34 |
Sh4d0x | hypernewbie :) guess we better stay ontopic yet :) | 01:34 |
cvt|ubuntu | on these java instructions, do i have to hit enter after each instruction in the terminal? | 01:34 |
Seveas | ratm_, hoary can do it too | 01:34 |
Sh4d0x | cvt|ubuntu, yup | 01:34 |
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Sh4d0x | cvt|ubuntu, but that's only a few times :) | 01:35 |
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cvt|ubuntu | is it supposed to say No such file or directory? | 01:35 |
ratm_ | ..so why can hoary but not 5.1? | 01:35 |
deFrysk | cvt|ubuntu, at least you dont have to reboot :D | 01:35 |
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cvt|ubuntu | lol | 01:35 |
Seveas | ratm_, hoary uses 3.4 for everything, breezy 4.0 for all but the kernel | 01:35 |
Seveas | and there is no room for 2 c compilers on the cd | 01:35 |
Wilf | breezy picks up my ipod and gives it it's own little ipod icon on the desktop. | 01:36 |
deFrysk | cvt|ubuntu, it means you are not in the correct folder/directory | 01:36 |
Wilf | how awesome is that. | 01:36 |
Sh4d0x | guy's i'm off for my riding lessons, cheers xxx | 01:36 |
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hypernewbie_ | ok dudes calm down | 01:36 |
hypernewbie_ | i'm sorry | 01:36 |
ratm_ | so i could use hoary first..then compile the 2.6.14 and then upgrade to 5.10 ? | 01:36 |
viscount | having ant issues "Unable to locate tools.jar. Expected to find it in /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.4.2-gcj-4.0-" but I have the sun-jdk-1.5 installed, ant just doesnt seem to realize it, can anyone help? | 01:36 |
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Seveas | teamwork :) | 01:36 |
cvt|ubuntu | cool | 01:36 |
ratm_ | teamwork? | 01:37 |
deFrysk | peace | 01:37 |
cvt|ubuntu | where should i install java? | 01:38 |
deFrysk | cvt|ubuntu, you downloaded the sunjava.bin (NOT sunjava.rpm.bin )? | 01:38 |
cvt|ubuntu | yes | 01:38 |
Seveas | cvt|ubuntu, then apt-get install java-package | 01:38 |
deFrysk | with the browser ? | 01:38 |
Seveas | and fakerooot make-jpkf filename-of-sun-file.bin | 01:38 |
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deFrysk | if you downloaded irt wth firefox you have to cd Desktop , its the default downloadfolder in ubuntu | 01:39 |
cthulhu | error compiling lirc can somebody help me?? | 01:39 |
deFrysk | irt = it | 01:39 |
Seveas | cthulhu, apt-get install lirc | 01:40 |
Hobbsee | cthulhu: and for future reference, pastebin the error and include it with your questoin :P | 01:41 |
cvt|ubuntu | Seveas, command not found | 01:41 |
Seveas | cvt|ubuntu, it's fakeroot, not fakerooot sorry | 01:41 |
deFrysk | ooh | 01:42 |
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forkbomb | is there a free driver for softmodems? | 01:42 |
Seveas | no | 01:43 |
thoreauputic | forkbomb: depends which one | 01:43 |
forkbomb | cause i'm thriving on 14.4 k | 01:43 |
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thoreauputic | forkbomb: my advice would be to get yourself a real hardware modem (serial port) | 01:44 |
cthulhu | Seveas, i tried installing it with apt, the installation goes well, but it doesnt seem to work | 01:44 |
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forkbomb | thoreauputic, hmm | 01:44 |
Seveas | cthulhu, paste the commands you used and their output on the pastebin please | 01:44 |
thoreauputic | forkbomb: winmodems/softmodems are a pain | 01:44 |
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forkbomb | thoreauputic, yes they are, i figures :) | 01:44 |
thoreauputic | ;-) | 01:44 |
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korpix | g'day matee | 01:45 |
korpix | i just installed | 01:45 |
korpix | ubuntu | 01:45 |
korpix | and i cant setup my adsl | 01:45 |
korpix | im on xp right noq | 01:45 |
korpix | *Now | 01:45 |
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=== MickMcMack goes 'roo-hunting. | ||
korpix | .. | 01:46 |
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Wilf | arf arf stupid gdesklets... | 01:46 |
Wilf | work damn you! | 01:46 |
Seveas | korpix, please dont use enter as punctuation... | 01:46 |
mahangu | wtf are gdesklets | 01:46 |
=== Wilf punches gdesklets in the head | ||
Seveas | Wilf, :) | 01:46 |
thoreauputic | korpix: is it an USB modem or a router ? | 01:46 |
korpix | yes | 01:46 |
korpix | USB | 01:46 |
Seveas | Wilf, which desklet is breaking ? | 01:46 |
thoreauputic | korpix: do you know what sort? chipset? | 01:46 |
Wilf | all the ones related to lmsensors. | 01:46 |
korpix | umm | 01:47 |
Seveas | ah, did you install lmsensors? | 01:47 |
korpix | u mean modem name ? | 01:47 |
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thoreauputic | korpix: ethernet connected routers are eaesier.. | 01:47 |
korpix | d-link320G | 01:47 |
Seveas | korpix, name, chipset, lsusb output | 01:47 |
Wilf | Not yet...that's the problem...I can't figure out how to :< | 01:47 |
cvt|ubuntu | it says java-package is already the newest version. but i still can't use java | 01:47 |
korpix | nope | 01:47 |
Seveas | Wilf, apt-get install lm-sensors | 01:47 |
johndarkhorse | mahangu: gdesklets, adesklets and superkaramba are the same type of thing (they're like widgets) | 01:47 |
korpix | .. | 01:47 |
nele | hi! I need help about my /etc/network/interfaces please (spanish) | 01:47 |
Seveas | cvt|ubuntu, java-package is just the tool to turn the .bin file into a .deb | 01:47 |
korpix | wel | 01:47 |
korpix | ? | 01:47 |
cvt|ubuntu | oh | 01:48 |
=== brenner [n=brenner@WNPP-p-203-54-24-21.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | cvt|ubuntu, try this: fakeroot make-jpkg filename-of-sun-file.bin | 01:48 |
Wilf | well that was easy. | 01:48 |
Wilf | why isn't it listed in synaptic? | 01:48 |
korpix | umm | 01:48 |
korpix | help!! | 01:48 |
Seveas | cvt|ubuntu, and then: sudo dpkg -i sun*deb | 01:48 |
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thoreauputic | korpix: more information needed | 01:48 |
Seveas | korpix, don't be annoying please | 01:48 |
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korpix | k | 01:48 |
MickMcMack | korpix, Seveas asked you for some information already. | 01:48 |
MickMcMack | No-one can help you until you provide said information. | 01:48 |
korpix | yeh | 01:48 |
korpix | i said i dont know | 01:48 |
korpix | sffs. | 01:48 |
Seveas | korpix, then get the info | 01:48 |
korpix | from where? | 01:49 |
Seveas | and talk horizontal | 01:49 |
korpix | ... | 01:49 |
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forkbomb | korpix, u on xp? | 01:49 |
korpix | yes | 01:49 |
forkbomb | korpix, should be easy to get on xp | 01:49 |
korpix | k | 01:49 |
korpix | command ? | 01:49 |
forkbomb | erm... | 01:49 |
viscount | Any ant guru's for some reason its unable to find my 1.5 java, and also more disturbing, can not find the jar tools either. Anyone know how to fix it up? | 01:49 |
thoreauputic | korpix: else start with googling for "d-link320G linux " | 01:49 |
Seveas | viscount, did you install ant and java via apt-get? | 01:50 |
korpix | aight mami | 01:50 |
thoreauputic | viscount: sudo update-alternatives --config java | 01:50 |
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korpix | ehh | 01:50 |
korpix | only 2 hits | 01:50 |
korpix | and its nuffin | 01:50 |
forkbomb | lol | 01:50 |
korpix | =\ | 01:50 |
viscount | Seveas, yes | 01:50 |
forkbomb | try device manager | 01:50 |
=== Mortis_kruul [i=kubaziem@pd212.szczecin.cvx.ppp.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mortis_kruul | Hi all! Look at http://www.muzyka.oz.pl :) | 01:50 |
jenda | mjr: strange... I gat through to the router via telnet... but firefox can't do it. | 01:50 |
viscount | thoreauputic, already done that, didnt fix it | 01:50 |
korpix | and get what info ? | 01:51 |
viscount | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=108149 | 01:51 |
thoreauputic | !enter | 01:51 |
ubotu | please don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying. Write in complete sentences and keep your replies and questions on one line if possible. Thanks! | 01:51 |
Seveas | ^-- korpix | 01:51 |
=== Mortis_kruul [i=kubaziem@pd212.szczecin.cvx.ppp.tpnet.pl] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
jenda | Mortis_kruul: #ubuntu-offtopic | 01:51 |
jenda | too late... | 01:51 |
korpix | Ok | 01:51 |
Seveas | just a spammer | 01:51 |
korpix | anywayz google found nuffin so what now ? | 01:52 |
Wilf | hmmm. Seveas, lmsensors is installed, however the desklets still don't work...I know my chipset is supported, it's an NVIDIA Nforce 2 | 01:52 |
viscount | thoreauputic, Seveas any other ideas? did you see my link to the forum post? | 01:52 |
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Seveas | viscount, no, please repeat it :) | 01:52 |
viscount | Seveas, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=108149 | 01:52 |
=== no_gatez_fan [n=patrick@cpe-069-132-012-246.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | Wilf, -ENOCLUE, I hate gdesklets and don't use them :) | 01:53 |
korpix | ..... | 01:53 |
Wilf | fair enough, thanks anyway :) | 01:53 |
forkbomb | korpix, device info aint that hard to get on xp | 01:53 |
Seveas | viscount, update-alternatices --config javac | 01:53 |
thoreauputic | korpix: find out the info seveas asked for and come back when you have something we can help with | 01:53 |
Seveas | viscount, update-alternatices --config jar | 01:53 |
deFrysk | update-alternatives --config jar | 01:54 |
korpix | ahh | 01:54 |
korpix | maybe i dont know how to find out | 01:54 |
korpix | and still asking for help | 01:54 |
Wilf | korpix, just plug the modem into the second data layer of the mainframe, then repeat with the psudo-frame and put it in H | 01:54 |
thoreauputic | korpix: use your head and look | 01:54 |
Seveas | korpix, boot into linux, type lsusb, copy the output to paper, reboot into windows, put the output on the pastebin | 01:54 |
Seveas | and STOP USING TOO MUCH ENTERs | 01:54 |
korpix | haha | 01:54 |
thoreauputic | korpix: you are just expecting others to do the work for you | 01:54 |
korpix | ok | 01:54 |
korpix | well listen its my frist time using it | 01:55 |
korpix | so how can u be doing all the work ? | 01:55 |
=== deFrysk hands Seveas the valium jar | ||
forkbomb | korpix, the people here are mean. | 01:55 |
Seveas | argh | 01:55 |
=== korpix unzips | ||
=== Gobbla [n=jocke@h86n1fls32o887.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
korpix | hah | 01:55 |
jbueler | does anyone know why i would get this message "bash: make: command not found"? | 01:55 |
korpix | anywyz bbl | 01:55 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %korpix!*@*] by Seveas | ||
thoreauputic | *sigh* I feel a +q coming on | 01:55 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %forkbomb!*@*] by Seveas | ||
thoreauputic | my prophetic soul... | 01:55 |
jbueler | am i missing the make file? | 01:55 |
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Wilf | you're no fun Seveas :< | 01:56 |
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=== glick [n=glickina@c-24-19-17-155.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
glick | excuse me does anyone here use gtk-gnutella? | 01:56 |
Seveas | Wilf, this channel is for support, not for fun :) | 01:56 |
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Wilf | heh :$ | 01:56 |
viscount | Seveas, thanks, getting closer :) but still no cigar for you! Ok, jar was set to gcj, changed now to sun1.5, java had only one option, but and still looking for sun1.4 and still cant find jar either, weird | 01:56 |
Seveas | and definitely not for non-listening losers | 01:56 |
viscount | Seveas, should I uninstall 1.4 perhaps? | 01:56 |
Madeye | finally I got into my system | 01:56 |
brenner | jbueler: have you installed build-essential? | 01:56 |
deFrysk | seeing Seveas in action = fun | 01:56 |
Seveas | viscount, it may help, ut it would be weird | 01:57 |
cthulhu | Seveas, ive posted the make output in pastebin | 01:57 |
glick | does anyone know what ports need to be open for it? | 01:57 |
jbueler | dont think so.. | 01:57 |
jbueler | ill check | 01:57 |
Seveas | viscount, 'readlink -f `which java`' | 01:57 |
Seveas | viscount, what does that say>? | 01:57 |
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viscount | Seveas, /usr/lib/j2sdk1.5-sun/bin/java | 01:57 |
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Seveas | cthulhu, where? | 01:57 |
forkbomb__ | dude this admin has pms | 01:57 |
Madeye | Seveas, I have 10GB unallocated space, I want to make it shared partition between linux and windows, which is best, partitioning it from linux or windows? | 01:58 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@i088224138.rivernet.com.au] by Seveas | ||
Seveas | ban avoiding is sooo lame | 01:58 |
jbueler | that was it thanks | 01:58 |
cthulhu | Seveas, pastebin.com/478257 | 01:58 |
glick | does anyone know why my gnutella hasnt been able to connect? | 01:58 |
win[X] amp | i need help to set my wi-Fi | 01:58 |
glick | my gnutella-gtk | 01:58 |
win[X] amp | i use atheros | 01:59 |
win[X] amp | theres anyone can help me? | 01:59 |
Seveas | cthulhu, why don't you simply install lirc from the repositories? | 01:59 |
=== viscount sips his tea and comtemplates how long it will take for him to fix this before he can get back to real work, then feels a calming rush as his thought controll medication kicks in to quell these disturbing thoughts. | ||
cthulhu | Seveas, i did it, but it didnt seem to work | 01:59 |
glick | gtk says "Running an old version" | 01:59 |
glick | and it wont connect to any peers | 02:00 |
cthulhu | it installs correctly | 02:00 |
cthulhu | but... | 02:00 |
brenner | jbueler: np | 02:00 |
Seveas | cthulhu, what are the symptoms? | 02:00 |
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MickMcMack | O_o | 02:00 |
Madeye | guys I have 10GB unallocated space, I want to make it shared partition between linux and windows, which is best, partitioning it from linux or windows? | 02:00 |
Seveas | win[X] amp, atheros should work out of the box (these words flow through an atheros chip), what's the problem? | 02:00 |
jenda | Madeye: From Linux, as FAT32 | 02:00 |
johndarkhorse | Madeye: linux will allow you to partition and format in any FS you wish | 02:00 |
Seveas | Madeye, as long as it's formatter as fat it makes no differnce whether to do it from win or lin | 02:01 |
deFrysk | Madeye, fat32 is a good choice for sharing | 02:01 |
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glick | do you think i have to upgrade? | 02:01 |
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jenda | prabably glick | 02:01 |
cthulhu | Seveas, when i run IRkick, it says taht theres no IR device available | 02:01 |
Madeye | Seveas, hmm because I did that before few minutes and I was unable to boot to my system, because actually I resized C:/ to get these 10GB when I resized it I couldn't boot to system then I deleted the partition and things worked | 02:02 |
glick | jenda, but the repositories only have the old one | 02:02 |
Madeye | now I;m asking just not to fall again in that hell | 02:02 |
jbueler | does anyone know what repos vamps is in? | 02:02 |
Seveas | cthulhu, apt-get build-dep lirc | 02:02 |
Seveas | and retry compiling | 02:02 |
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cthulhu | ok | 02:02 |
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jenda | glick: I see... no idea | 02:02 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@] by Seveas | ||
jenda | Seveas: watch forkbomb | 02:03 |
jenda | ah ok | 02:03 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o johndarkhorse] by ChanServ | ||
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nulltix | anywayz | 02:03 |
nulltix | sorry for being rude and i got the info | 02:04 |
viscount | would it be a really bad horrid thing that might break my system if i removed gcj? | 02:04 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@d58-104-129-112.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] by Seveas | ||
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Seveas | I hate ban avoiders | 02:04 |
Seveas | viscount, not that I know of | 02:04 |
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YAMAN | hello | 02:05 |
BrainDeadKK | wow. banned optus | 02:05 |
greenpenguin13 | afternoon | 02:05 |
cthulhu | Seveas, do i have to restart the computer?? | 02:05 |
YAMAN | slm nas0131ls0131n0131z | 02:05 |
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Seveas | what the fuck is up with everyone? | 02:05 |
MickMcMack | Seveas, shouldn't ban-evadors get g-lined? | 02:05 |
Seveas | it's christmas and all the trolls wake up... | 02:06 |
johndarkhorse | MickMcMack: we do what we can | 02:06 |
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mifritscher | is that normal that on freenode kicking people is called left #chan (requested by xy) ? | 02:06 |
j-linux | well... finally got Ubuntu installed on the ThinkPad T43 -- very difficult, but it's working great. Breezy is much better than Hoary and Hoary was great. | 02:06 |
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Seveas | mifritscher, that's not a /kick but a /remove | 02:07 |
=== viscount looks around for a christmas troll | ||
poimen | :) | 02:07 |
Seveas | we prefer to use /remove because it does not trigger auto-rejoin | 02:07 |
mifritscher | ah, ok | 02:07 |
mifritscher | thanks for the info ;) | 02:07 |
linkd | oh no! not ubuntu! | 02:08 |
=== Mortis [i=HydraIRC@pd212.szczecin.cvx.ppp.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mortis | Hi all! Look at http://www.muzyka.oz.pl :) | 02:08 |
linkd | merry christmas folks. now i gotta try and get my new fancy speackers working with my box hehe | 02:08 |
Seveas | more fuckers | 02:09 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@*tpnet.pl] by Seveas | ||
viscount | Seveas, are these guys serious? | 02:09 |
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Seveas | yes, I am banning complete providers | 02:09 |
linkd | hi mite` :P | 02:09 |
viscount | like whats the fooking point of doing that stuff | 02:09 |
Seveas | viscount, nothing at all | 02:09 |
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viscount | totally ignorant | 02:09 |
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MickMcMack | What the deuce? | 02:10 |
viscount | lol | 02:10 |
Seveas | hi MickMcMack :) | 02:10 |
Seveas | ah crap | 02:10 |
Seveas | netsplit | 02:10 |
=== Tuxist [n=jan@dyndsl-085-016-052-173.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linkd | :( | 02:10 |
Toma- | Seveas: is your site up? :/ | 02:10 |
Yagisan | hmm | 02:10 |
Seveas | like we don't have enough shit already | 02:10 |
MickMcMack | Hmmmz. | 02:10 |
Seveas | ubotu, tell Toma- about seveas | 02:11 |
=== deFrysk thought he saw a mass ban ;p | ||
=== Inf3ctedFx [n=inf3cted@181-206.115-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
poimen | lol | 02:11 |
Inf3ctedFx | Hello everyone | 02:11 |
greenpenguin13 | woah what was that about? | 02:11 |
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=== netjoined: irc.freenode.net -> zelazny.freenode.net | ||
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poimen | Sevean what shit we have? | 02:11 |
cthulhu | Seveas, do i have to restart the computer?? | 02:11 |
Tuxist | hi i have a problem with the new nvidia driver | 02:11 |
Yagisan | Seveas: Isn't it the day when things go wrong: Anyway, hows your day ? | 02:11 |
Seveas | greenpenguin13, freenode has the hickups :) | 02:11 |
Seveas | Yagisan, not bad :) | 02:11 |
greenpenguin13 | lol :-p | 02:11 |
Seveas | cthulhu, no | 02:12 |
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glick | anyone know why i might not be able to connect to any peers with gtk-gnutella | 02:12 |
MickMcMack | Freenode's been doing this for a couple of days now. :( | 02:12 |
MickMcMack | Regularly. | 02:12 |
glick | it doesnt seem to be trying to connect to anything | 02:12 |
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linkd | glick: u behind a router or firewall? | 02:12 |
glick | linkd, yes | 02:12 |
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viscount | Seveas, gcj isnt even installed.. why is ant looking for java-1.4.2-gcj-4.0- ...j2se1.4 just got removed as well.. but still it searches.. I cant even find any ant config files.. egads | 02:12 |
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no_gatez_fan | more than a couple days, about a week | 02:12 |
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Yagisan | jbueler: IIRC someone on debian mentors is looking for a vamps sponser - assuming they get one soon, it will end up in dapper universe | 02:13 |
cthulhu | Seveas i did apt-get build-dep lirc, but i get the same message in IRKick: no IR device available. | 02:13 |
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MickMcMack | no_gatez_fan, true - It's probably just that I've only really noticed it recently. | 02:13 |
no_gatez_fan | perhaps | 02:13 |
Tuxist | have anybody solution with new nvidia and ubuntu dapper | 02:13 |
linkd | glick: hmm, im reading the gtk-gnutella FAQ and it says you dont *need* ports forwarding but it works better if u do | 02:13 |
=== sampan [n=bamboo@ppp-71-139-38-82.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
glick | linkd, right | 02:14 |
linkd | http://gtk-gnutella.sourceforge.net/en/?page=faq#gnet1 | 02:14 |
glick | linkd, yeah i read that too | 02:14 |
glick | which is why im confused | 02:14 |
=== petitohaime| [n=petit@dyn-83-156-206-107.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linkd | ah :/ | 02:14 |
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glick | what else is there besides gtk-gnutella? | 02:14 |
Toma- | glick: limewire | 02:14 |
linkd | limewire | 02:14 |
glick | oh god | 02:14 |
linkd | do u have any error messages associated with the connection issue? | 02:14 |
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Toma- | glick: nicotine, or even torrents | 02:15 |
Inf3ctedFx | I have it, limewire.. it works just fine | 02:15 |
glick | linkd, yeah here is a link http://pastebin.com/478262 | 02:15 |
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Yagisan | Seveas: You know, if you were to ban both optus, and telstra, you would block a large portion of australia from connecting | 02:15 |
BrainDeadKK | do it! | 02:16 |
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Wilf | Not me though :P | 02:16 |
cvt|ubuntu | pictures looked stretched; does anyone know how to fix this/ | 02:16 |
Seveas | Yagisan, why would I want to do that? | 02:16 |
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cthulhu | Seveas i did apt-get build-dep lirc, but i get the same message in IRKick: no IR device available. | 02:16 |
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Seveas | cthulhu, apt-get build dep only makes sure you can *compile* lirc | 02:16 |
BrainDeadKK | lol. iinet eh wilf | 02:16 |
linkd | glick: hmm those messages are what i get when i run it, except it works fine for me | 02:16 |
jenda | Seveas: you wouldn't and that's his point. | 02:16 |
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cthulhu | Seveas, ohhh | 02:16 |
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linkd | glick: it does suggest upgrading to the latest version tho | 02:16 |
cthulhu | ok | 02:16 |
Wilf | Yep, the third biggest aussie ISP... | 02:16 |
BrainDeadKK | actualy don't ban telstra, hobbsee is with them ;) | 02:16 |
faked | hi arround, i just discovered "dapper" is really cool. You don't need root-permissions for all commands in /sbin :)) | 02:16 |
glick | right but this is the latest ubuntu version | 02:16 |
BrainDeadKK | faked: pardon? | 02:17 |
jbueler | can someone help me find 'growisofs' ? | 02:17 |
BrainDeadKK | Wilf: I'm with Internode | 02:17 |
linkd | indeed, but ubuntu versions are released awhile after the actual version is | 02:17 |
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Inf3ctedFx | glick: use limewire | 02:17 |
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faked | BrainDeadKK: every user can execute all commands from /sbin without sudo | 02:17 |
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Seveas | faked, that's not new in dapper | 02:17 |
Wilf | BrainDeadKK, ah ok. | 02:18 |
linkd | i have no idea what could be causing ur problem. i would suggest packet sniffing to locating possible problems, but thats abit excessive, so id suggest finding another peice of software | 02:18 |
Toma- | there are no telstra or optus bans in the ban list.... what are u guys talking about? | 02:18 |
faked | Seveas: the same in breezy?? | 02:18 |
linkd | if it doesnt work with other peices of software then at least u know its not the program! | 02:18 |
Seveas | same in every distro | 02:18 |
Seveas | even in every unix version | 02:18 |
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faked | Seveas: every user can use fdisk in every unix-version?? | 02:18 |
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=== linkd hides behind his chair | ||
faked | Seveas: every user can use fdisk in every unix-version?? | 02:19 |
cthulhu | Seveas, i run make but it still didnt compile | 02:19 |
Toma- | ouch | 02:19 |
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faked | Seveas: every user can use mkfs.xxx without sudo? | 02:19 |
MickMcMack | -_- | 02:19 |
Toma- | faked: yes. but you cant do squat with it | 02:19 |
=== MickMcMack pets freenode. | ||
cthulhu | Seveas, i get the same errors | 02:19 |
Toma- | faked: you need root persmissions to use /dev entries | 02:20 |
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glick | umm it looks like the 0.95.x series of gtk-gnutella have been banned and the 0.96.x versions are manditory according to the website | 02:20 |
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Toma- | faked: the mkfs command can be used to make virtual drives too. kinda like isos | 02:20 |
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glick | so who should i tell that to so they upgrade the versions? | 02:20 |
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faked | Toba: cfdisk /dev/hda works to me in dapper as user | 02:21 |
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Toma- | glick: i can connect with 0.95.4 | 02:21 |
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linkd | glick: heh, that could indeed be a good reason | 02:21 |
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glick | so how do i let the maintainers know to upgrade it in the repos> | 02:21 |
glick | ? | 02:21 |
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linkd | glick: hmm im not sure, ud have to look thru the ubuntu webby for contact details of someone i think. | 02:21 |
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Toma- | faked: well guess what u can do? | 02:21 |
Toma- | thats right! file a bug! :D | 02:21 |
Toma- | congrats. | 02:21 |
faked | Toba: I just wrote a new partition table as user, thats fine :) | 02:21 |
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Toma- | its Toma- thx | 02:22 |
faked | Toma-: a: I just wrote a new partition table as user, thats fine :) | 02:22 |
faked | Toma-: oh, sorry | 02:22 |
cthulhu | Seveas, i get the same errors when runing make | 02:22 |
madeye | Seveas I have just formated that shared partition as FAT32, linux has no problem in seeing it, but windows cannot see it as VOLUM. | 02:22 |
Seveas | cthulhu, in that case I have no diea | 02:22 |
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cthulhu | : ( | 02:23 |
Seveas | madeye, did you also change the partition type with cfdisk? | 02:23 |
Toma- | faked: funny thing about development releases.... theyre whats called 'buggy'. meaning it has lots of bugs. its up to you to provide debugging output of all this to the development team, so they can further the production of a fantastic os. | 02:23 |
madeye | Seveas No, I don't know what's cfdisk... | 02:23 |
linkd | glick: there is actually .deb packages on the sf.net download page. i assume these are debian, not ubuntu, packages, but i like to live dangerously and it doesnt ussual do any harm :P | 02:23 |
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madeye | hmm | 02:24 |
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Yagisan | glick: file a bug at launchpad | 02:24 |
faked | Toma-: do you know the link of ubuntu-bts? | 02:24 |
madeye | Seveas ok i'll boot to linux now to do the cfdisk now, but to what type I have to change it / | 02:24 |
glick | yeah im talkin to one of the ubuntu maintainerrs for that package right now | 02:25 |
Inf3ctedFx | glick: what was the problem u had with gnutella? | 02:25 |
Inf3ctedFx | it wont connect? | 02:25 |
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glick | Inf3ctedFx, its expired | 02:25 |
Toma- | what the heck is ubuntu-bts? | 02:25 |
glick | the version that comes with ubuntu | 02:25 |
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Seveas | madeye, cfdisk will tell you :) | 02:26 |
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Inf3ctedFx | well th? | 02:26 |
viscount | Seveas, ah fixed it :) --purge java-gcj-compa | 02:26 |
Inf3ctedFx | I just made a apt-get install gtk-gnutella | 02:26 |
rikai | Happy giftmas to all. | 02:26 |
viscount | compat* | 02:26 |
Inf3ctedFx | glick: | 02:27 |
linkd | heh, giftmas | 02:27 |
Seveas | viscount, cool, I'll remember that trick | 02:27 |
Inf3ctedFx | the 0.95 version? | 02:27 |
MickMcMack | Freenode has a hangover from Christmas Eve dinner. -_- | 02:27 |
viscount | rikai, coal for u | 02:27 |
Seveas | MickMcMack, :) | 02:27 |
glick | Inf3ctedFx, yeah its expored | 02:27 |
glick | expired | 02:27 |
Inf3ctedFx | danm it | 02:27 |
rikai | viscount, sweet! i was thinking of having a winter babrecue anyway :) | 02:27 |
Inf3ctedFx | ok, so has 2b the laters one? | 02:28 |
jbueler | I need help installing growisofs | 02:28 |
linkd | Inf3ctedFx: this is from the gtk-gnutella webby, dated 22 nov.: Version 0.96b is a beta version of forthcoming 0.96. It is now mandatory to use this beta version as the 0.95.x series is about to expire on November 26th. | 02:28 |
SevenIsPrime | Hi everybody | 02:28 |
thoreauputic | a lot of users are working on having a hangover tomorrow, judging by what's happening here today ;-) | 02:28 |
jbueler | anyone help? | 02:28 |
BrainDeadKK | lol | 02:28 |
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viscount | rikai, in that case im upgrading your coal to dung, have fun with that BBQ | 02:28 |
Seveas | jbueler, sudo apt-get install dvd+rw-tools | 02:28 |
rikai | viscount, ah, gottal loved steamed dung ;;< | 02:29 |
viscount | haha ;p | 02:29 |
SevenIsPrime | Can anyone help a Debian-user to convert to Kubuntu? I am fed up with ancient software from "stable" and frequent dependency hell in "testing" or "unstable". | 02:29 |
viscount | dung is still a primare fuel source to many millions of people on earth | 02:29 |
rikai | ubuntu's gtk-gnutela wont work any more? | 02:30 |
jbueler | Seveas: growisofs comes with that package? | 02:30 |
Seveas | jbueler, yes | 02:30 |
BrainDeadKK | SevenIsPrime: we can try to help | 02:30 |
viscount | Seveas, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=602913#post602913 | 02:30 |
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jbueler | Seveas: ok thanks... | 02:30 |
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apricot | hello | 02:31 |
HeartBT | Dapper users? | 02:31 |
HeartBT | hi | 02:31 |
BrainDeadKK | hi :) wb hea | 02:31 |
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BrainDeadKK | HeartBT: | 02:31 |
SevenIsPrime | BrainDeadKK: Thanks. I am a bit reluctant to change because there are so many debian packages out there. Can I use debian packages in Kubuntu or only "Kubuntu-way-of-debian" packages? | 02:31 |
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apricot | please, why does a long time for configuring network devices on startup? | 02:31 |
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Seveas | SevenIsPrime, (K)Ubuntu have all that's in Debian | 02:32 |
HeartBT | Hey, off work now. | 02:32 |
SevenIsPrime | apricot: Perhaps because you are not connected to a network? | 02:32 |
BrainDeadKK | SevenIsPrime: it's recomended to use th (k)ubuntu packages | 02:32 |
BrainDeadKK | but you can use debians if you have to | 02:32 |
apricot | ? | 02:32 |
SevenIsPrime | BrainDeadKK: Ok. So "aptitude" or "apt-get" are still available and used for Kubuntu? | 02:32 |
Inf3ctedFx | so glick do u recomend gtk-gnutella instead limewire? | 02:32 |
SevenIsPrime | BrainDeadKK: Just a different repository is used? | 02:32 |
Ubunti_Ki | what's the URL that guides ubuntu ? | 02:32 |
vivid | isnt kubuntu ubuntu with kde instead of gnome? | 02:32 |
tom | where can I find grub-set-default in ubuntu ? (dapper) | 02:32 |
BrainDeadKK | SevenIsPrime: yes to both | 02:32 |
BrainDeadKK | vivid: yes | 02:32 |
HeartBT | BrainDeadKK, you run dapper, you have networkmanager on there? | 02:33 |
Ubunti_Ki | vivid, yes | 02:33 |
SevenIsPrime | apricot: There are some nasty timeouts if you are not connected to a network or wait for DHCP to not find a server | 02:33 |
glick | Inf3ctedFx, hell yes | 02:33 |
vivid | so why would they use something other than apt-get.. | 02:33 |
johndarkhorse | BrainDeadKK: not so. debian binaries can mungle the machine | 02:33 |
SevenIsPrime | BrainDeadKK: Cool. | 02:33 |
BrainDeadKK | HeartBT: yeh | 02:33 |
Inf3ctedFx | look these 2 ... | 02:33 |
Inf3ctedFx | GTK1_gtk-gnutella_0.96.0-0_i386.deb 1969168 951 i386 .deb | 02:33 |
Inf3ctedFx | GTK2_gtk-gnutella_0.96.0-0_i386.deb 2014864 1827 i386 .deb | 02:33 |
apricot | ok, how to disable | 02:33 |
SevenIsPrime | BrainDeadKK: Which version should I try, the dapper beta or the ... errm .. .breezy stable? | 02:33 |
HeartBT | BrainDeadKK, how's it working? snags, bugs, blah, blah. | 02:33 |
johndarkhorse | BrainDeadKK: better to use debian source and build it (or have apt build it) | 02:33 |
Ubunti_Ki | Strange that when I boot my Laptop it reads Ubuntu....not kubuntu.....but it reads Kubuntu in my other laptop. | 02:33 |
Inf3ctedFx | which one? | 02:33 |
BrainDeadKK | johndarkhorse: wasnt the question 'but different repositories'? | 02:33 |
linkd | Inf3ctedFx: yea but those are debian packages, may not work on ubuntu at all :P | 02:34 |
BrainDeadKK | HeartBT: don't use it. i do my network config by hand | 02:34 |
linkd | Inf3ctedFx: im just about to install gtk1 anyway ill let u know how it goes if u like | 02:34 |
apricot | it tells me configuring network devices | 02:34 |
apricot | what is it doing? | 02:34 |
glick | Inf3ctedFx, the latest version | 02:34 |
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SevenIsPrime | BrainDeadKK: If I understand right, the "infrastructure" of Kubuntu is the same as debians. You just use a different installer and different packages. Correct? | 02:34 |
HeartBT | BrainDeadKK, your hardcore man. just too hardcore. | 02:34 |
Inf3ctedFx | ok linkd r u going to install deb package? | 02:34 |
linkd | meh yea that worked fine. not as good looking as the preversion ubuntu package but it works | 02:34 |
linkd | thats correct Inf3ctedFx | 02:35 |
Inf3ctedFx | glick: those r the latest version | 02:35 |
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linkd | *previous | 02:35 |
BrainDeadKK | SevenIsPrime: basicly yes. but with sudo (main difference) | 02:35 |
glick | Inf3ctedFx, no the latest ubuntu versions are not the latest version | 02:35 |
BrainDeadKK | HeartBT: no, it's just eaier over ssh ;) | 02:35 |
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glick | the latest ubuntu version is infact expired | 02:35 |
glick | and wont work anymore | 02:35 |
Toma- | glick: works fine here | 02:35 |
SevenIsPrime | BrainDeadKK: So any user can screw up the system by automatically sudoing for apt-get??? | 02:35 |
Inf3ctedFx | no glick . i'm going to donwload it from sourceforge | 02:35 |
glick | Toma-, what version | 02:35 |
linkd | glick: he was working about the debian packages the gtk-gnutella team offer on sourceforge | 02:36 |
linkd | *talking | 02:36 |
SevenIsPrime | BrainDeadKK: I'd rather just have root to be able to install software etc. | 02:36 |
glick | ah | 02:36 |
glick | yah | 02:36 |
glick | the debian one has a later one | 02:36 |
johndarkhorse | SevenIsPrime: the infrastructure of kubuntu, xubuntu and ubuntu are the same. they are based on debian "source" not debian binaries | 02:36 |
BrainDeadKK | SevenIsPrime: your first user is like root | 02:36 |
Toma- | 0.95.4 | 02:36 |
HeartBT | BrainDeadKK, sure, Hey real quick, if your running cd2, tell me what version NM you have there? | 02:36 |
BrainDeadKK | just not as powerfull | 02:36 |
Inf3ctedFx | Toma-: did u install the deb package? | 02:36 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o thoreauputic] by thoreauputic | ||
SevenIsPrime | johndarkhorse: Thanks for the info : | 02:36 |
glick | Toma-, the website says the the .95.x are expireing and it will be manditory to upgrade | 02:36 |
Toma- | nope | 02:36 |
johndarkhorse | BrainDeadKK: sudo is just as 'powerful' as a root account | 02:36 |
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BrainDeadKK | HeartBT: sure | 02:36 |
jenda | Anyone have experience with telnet? | 02:36 |
SevenIsPrime | BrainDeadKK: ARGH! Thats like windoze! | 02:36 |
linkd | jenda: what do u need to know? | 02:37 |
SevenIsPrime | BrainDeadKK: So I have to add a second user and force him to be non-root?? | 02:37 |
BrainDeadKK | arh. what hvae i done now? | 02:37 |
MickMcMack | xD! | 02:37 |
BrainDeadKK | HeartBT: i just upgrade, i don't use the cds | 02:37 |
johndarkhorse | SevenIsPrime: any additional users will not have sudo ability | 02:37 |
Inf3ctedFx | so.. Toma- is working the one comes with ubuntu? | 02:37 |
apricot | what about modem connections, do i need to buy driver for my modem | 02:37 |
BrainDeadKK | i have Gnome 2.13.3 | 02:37 |
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apricot | what about modem connections, do i need to buy driver for my modem | 02:37 |
SevenIsPrime | johndarkhorse: So if I call the first user "root" all is well? | 02:37 |
=== SevenIsPrime <-- puzzled | ||
johndarkhorse | SevenIsPrime: i wouldn't | 02:38 |
apricot | realy? | 02:38 |
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Toma- | Inf3ctedFx: correct-a-mundo. | 02:38 |
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HeartBT | BrainDeadKK, so you're running cvs, basically, not going to help me. Thanks, bbiab. | 02:38 |
SevenIsPrime | johndarkhorse: I just want root to be root. Nobody else. | 02:38 |
BrainDeadKK | HeartBT: no, I'm not runnign cvs. I'm running dapper | 02:38 |
jenda | linkd: I cannot access my router's (zyxel prestige 650R-33) web configurator (anymore - It used to work). So I'm trying to either enable it again, or at least find out my PC's IP address and set up a port forward (44990) to it. | 02:38 |
johndarkhorse | SevenIsPrime: use a user name that is not "root" cuz *buntu doesnt work well with 'root' as a username | 02:38 |
Inf3ctedFx | www.notpron.com <-- check this out.. whoevee play this one let me know, I'm stock on lvl 20 :( | 02:38 |
SevenIsPrime | johndarkhorse: Sounds like apples approach ... | 02:38 |
MickMcMack | I hate that site. | 02:38 |
MickMcMack | So much. | 02:39 |
johndarkhorse | SevenIsPrime: and it works fine. | 02:39 |
Inf3ctedFx | lol MickMcMack why? | 02:39 |
MickMcMack | Frustration++. | 02:39 |
zoka | is it possible to put in the file browser toolbar custom tools, I would like to put terminal shortcut there and when click to open terminal with that working directory | 02:39 |
SevenIsPrime | johndarkhorse: So I have to keep in mind not to work as "root" or my first user, instead of just root. Strange concept. | 02:39 |
Inf3ctedFx | well linkd works? | 02:39 |
MickMcMack | zoka, Konqueror already has that. | 02:39 |
jenda | SevenIsPrime: You can enable the root account from a normal user's account. If you want, you can then remove the normal user... bt not recommended, I guess :) | 02:39 |
zoka | I use ubuntu | 02:39 |
linkd | jenda: eeek. routers are normally located about or for most home routers. | 02:39 |
zoka | and gnome | 02:39 |
linkd | jenda: have u tried using those IPs in a browser? | 02:40 |
Inf3ctedFx | | 02:40 |
johndarkhorse | SevenIsPrime: i'm not privy to the start of your line of chat, what is the matter with your prime user? | 02:40 |
MickMcMack | Does Konqueror not work with GNOME? :s | 02:40 |
jenda | linkd: I know the IP - and I can connect to it useing telnet, but not firefox. | 02:40 |
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SevenIsPrime | johndarkhorse: Hmm ... I just don't see any reason for not calling it "root" | 02:40 |
MickMcMack | SevenIsPrime, your first user is NOT root. | 02:40 |
zoka | zoran@ubuntuzoran:~$ konqueror | 02:41 |
zoka | bash: konqueror: command not found | 02:41 |
johndarkhorse | MickMcMack: anything you can d/l from the repos will work anywhere on *buntu | 02:41 |
SevenIsPrime | MickMcMack: That's why I "complain". | 02:41 |
johndarkhorse | zoka: have you installed konqueror? | 02:41 |
MickMcMack | SevenIsPrime, your first user, as it were, is the only user who has the ability to su to root. | 02:41 |
glick | works like a charm again | 02:41 |
linkd | hmm, jenda, the only reason i could think of that happening if the routers http daemon had a problem and died, you could try restarting the router by turning off the power and see if that works, other than that, "telnet" then type in ur user/pass | 02:41 |
johndarkhorse | SevenIsPrime: sudo gives you the same powers as a root account | 02:41 |
Toma- | glick: new gtk-gnuetlla? | 02:41 |
Inf3ctedFx | glick: what the gtk-gnutella? | 02:41 |
SevenIsPrime | MickMcMack: I understand. So ... why on earth not stick with the "root" as first user concept and leave it as it was? | 02:41 |
MickMcMack | johndarkhorse, some Window Managers don't like some DE programs. | 02:41 |
glick | Toma-, Inf3ctedFx yeah | 02:41 |
Inf3ctedFx | which one the one from ubuntu or the deb package | 02:42 |
Toma- | rad. im downloading now, just for the hell of it :D | 02:42 |
SevenIsPrime | johndarkhorse: I know and I think it opens a can of worms security wise to give that sudo power to the user. | 02:42 |
jenda | linkd: I can get through with telnet. But I don't know how to set up port forwarding in there, nor look at the IP table. | 02:42 |
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freak4pc | hey | 02:42 |
glick | Inf3ctedFx, the maintainer walked me through downloading the source from debian mirrors and making a ubuntu package | 02:42 |
freak4pc | How are everyone? :-) | 02:42 |
SevenIsPrime | johndarkhorse: All I am wondering is why you need to have that "sudo" power as a user. Be you "first" user or anybody else that is non-root. | 02:42 |
Toma- | hmmmm with the deb control_file? | 02:42 |
Inf3ctedFx | show me the website so I can do it glick | 02:43 |
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jenda | SevenIsPrime: so that you don't need to switch users all the time | 02:43 |
freak4pc | Does anybody know where i can get an Assembly Compiler and IDE? | 02:43 |
MickMcMack | SevenIsPrime, ubuntu is aimed at desktops. Where the first user WANTS to be able to use root without having to actually switch users. | 02:43 |
linkd | jenda: i think u might want to consult ur routers manual for info on that, im not sure how to do that. | 02:43 |
SevenIsPrime | jenda: Pardon me, but I work months on a reguar account without a need to switch accounts. | 02:43 |
glick | Inf3ctedFx, there is no website i chatted with the maintainer | 02:43 |
glick | if you want i can send you the .deb i just built | 02:44 |
Inf3ctedFx | I dont get it glick sorry I'm kind of new on linux | 02:44 |
SevenIsPrime | jenda: After a system is set up, you don't need root access unless you want to fiddle with the configuration or add/remove software. | 02:44 |
glick | i dont really know what i did | 02:44 |
freak4pc | anyone? | 02:44 |
Inf3ctedFx | ok glick will b good | 02:44 |
Inf3ctedFx | can u send me that? | 02:44 |
glick | you want it? | 02:44 |
glick | yeah sure | 02:44 |
jenda | linkd: Ah well... not much in there. Unless I found a better online manual... thanks anyway | 02:44 |
linkd | glick: did it look as good as the previous version? or does it look like the old gtk? | 02:44 |
MickMcMack | SevenIsPrime, on a Desktop, you want to add/remove software almost all the time. | 02:44 |
MickMcMack | :s | 02:44 |
freak4pc | Does anybody know where i can get an Assembly Compiler and IDE? | 02:44 |
linkd | jenda: sorry i couldnt help more :( | 02:44 |
glick | linkd, it looks the same except it works well | 02:44 |
MickMcMack | freak4pc, give me a sex. | 02:44 |
MickMcMack | *sec | 02:44 |
MickMcMack | **sec | 02:45 |
freak4pc | k , thank u | 02:45 |
freak4pc | xD | 02:45 |
linkd | glick: ill have a copy of the .deb then if ur offering :P | 02:45 |
MickMcMack | Bad Mick. :( | 02:45 |
Toma- | glick: did you comple it with --with-gtk2 ? | 02:45 |
SevenIsPrime | MickMcMack: Nope, I don't. And I sure as hell don't want all the other users in a larger installation to do that. They should *use* the system *I* install. | 02:45 |
glick | Toma-, no | 02:45 |
MickMcMack | SevenIsPrime, the other users can't. | 02:45 |
Toma- | oic. | 02:45 |
glick | Inf3ctedFx, accept it | 02:45 |
Inf3ctedFx | ?? what it doesnt show me any dcc glick | 02:45 |
SevenIsPrime | MickMcMack: So they can't work on Kubuntu then, according to Kubuntu-Logic that you need "root" privileges to use a desktop. | 02:46 |
glick | Inf3ctedFx, msg me your email and ill just send it to you as an attachment | 02:46 |
SevenIsPrime | *sigh* | 02:46 |
freak4pc | rofl... :) | 02:46 |
Toma- | oh sweet. the deb file from the homepage has gtk2 enabled.... works fine... | 02:46 |
MickMcMack | freak4pc, http://www.gnu.org/software/binutils/ | 02:46 |
SevenIsPrime | I think my quest for a linux distro continues ... | 02:46 |
Toma- | SevenIsPrime: i think youre missing the point... | 02:47 |
freak4pc | MickMcMack, its only a compiler no? ... im looking for an IDE as well... | 02:47 |
SevenIsPrime | Toma-: Ok, tell me then :) | 02:47 |
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johndarkhorse | SevenIsPrime: kubuntu and ubuntu are the same thing, they both use sudo, or kdesu or gksudo | 02:47 |
MickMcMack | Ah, freak4pc sorry, I don't know about that. :( | 02:47 |
freak4pc | ahh bummer , anyone else maybe? | 02:47 |
=== HeartBT [n=chill@71-13-230-16.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
freak4pc | anyone knows where can i get a linux version of Bloodshed Dev-C++ ? ... and what do you think about gDeveloper? | 02:48 |
freak4pc | kDeveloper i mean ... | 02:48 |
SevenIsPrime | johndarkhorse: yeah. I have read the "history" of Kubuntu and edubuntu and Ubuntu. I still don't see the use for a root user that is not root. If you want to be root, become root. If you want to have regular users, pick your account. | 02:48 |
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Toma- | ok, Ubuntu is for the desktop user that (unknowingly), really doesnt need the entire root privliges. its only really required for installing new packages, updating and some other tedious commands. By denying a root terminal by default, it protects the user from him/herself, from running commands that could damage, or making files that have only root permisssions in the users dir | 02:49 |
MickMcMack | freak4pc, http://www.thefreecountry.com/compilers/assemblers.shtml | 02:49 |
Toma- | as to my knowledge anyway | 02:49 |
johndarkhorse | SevenIsPrime: if you want to be root, do it. the ubuntu dev team thought long and hard to come up with the 'sudo' model and it works fine | 02:49 |
Inf3ctedFx | glick: did u get my email? | 02:49 |
MickMcMack | freak4pc, look at the TMA Assmebler. | 02:49 |
freak4pc | ok ill see, thanks | 02:49 |
SevenIsPrime | johndarkhorse: The next thing they are gonna introduce then is "automatic installation of everything with full root privileges via email", so Linux finally can have all the worms, viruses and spyware Windows users enjoy so much. | 02:49 |
freak4pc | Last question , anyone knows a good sound-editing program? | 02:49 |
nuke | j #constanta | 02:49 |
johndarkhorse | freak4pc: audacity | 02:49 |
glick | Inf3ctedFx, yeah | 02:49 |
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glick | Inf3ctedFx, its sent | 02:49 |
Inf3ctedFx | ok thx glick let me check | 02:50 |
freak4pc | johndarkhorse, its good? thanks... | 02:50 |
MickMcMack | SevenIsPrime, are you just here to Troll? And on Christmas too? :( | 02:50 |
Toma- | SevenIsPrime: sigh. if youre going to troll, plz dont make me type meanings of things. | 02:50 |
apricot | how to disable clock syncronising on the startup? | 02:50 |
dsl361 | can anyone point me a the min spec's for ubuntu/edbuntu ? im thinking of setting it up for my kid and i have a spare pc, but i want to know what it needs... | 02:50 |
SevenIsPrime | MickMcMack: No, sorry. | 02:50 |
dukebody | I have a problem with Grip audio extractor could anybody help me? it says (grip:10280): Pango-WARNING **: Invalid UTF-8 string passed to pango_layout_set_ text() | 02:50 |
johndarkhorse | MickMcMack: perhaps following the other fine examples? | 02:50 |
dukebody | (grip:10280): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_hide: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget )' failed | 02:50 |
SevenIsPrime | MickMcMack: Merry Christmas by the way :) | 02:50 |
freak4pc | its possible to compile DC on ubuntu right? | 02:50 |
Toma- | apricot: "sudo update-rc.d remove ntpdate" | 02:50 |
apricot | yeah, merry christmas everyone | 02:50 |
johndarkhorse | freak4pc: dc clients are available | 02:50 |
SevenIsPrime | MickMcMack: My reason for showing up is that my Debian "testing" has removed a bunch of software I need, like k3b. | 02:50 |
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MickMcMack | johndarkhorse, it's a sad, sad world indeedly. | 02:51 |
Inf3ctedFx | question glick is this the same package offer on sourceforge? | 02:51 |
SevenIsPrime | MickMcMack: I was looking for a "better" Debian. | 02:51 |
freak4pc | johndarkhorse, thank you again man... Happy XMAS EVERYONE , And happy HANNUKA FROM ISRAEL ;) | 02:51 |
glick | Inf3ctedFx, i dont know i just did what the maintainer told me to do | 02:51 |
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MickMcMack | freak4pc, you're from Israel? | 02:51 |
MickMcMack | Where abouts? | 02:51 |
SevenIsPrime | Toma-: I am not trolling, I am just trying to understand why you want a "sudo" concept. | 02:51 |
glick | Inf3ctedFx, check the versions | 02:51 |
glick | Inf3ctedFx, the deb i sent you is THE latest one | 02:51 |
freak4pc | MickMcMack, yes is am ... :) | 02:51 |
glick | thats all i know | 02:51 |
MickMcMack | freak4pc, my parents used to live in Rammat Gan. ^^ | 02:51 |
Toma- | SevenIsPrime: to ensure there is no PEBKAC! | 02:52 |
Inf3ctedFx | look thise website glick --> http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=4467 and tell me if is the same one | 02:52 |
SevenIsPrime | Toma-: What's PEBKAC? | 02:52 |
freak4pc | MickMcMack, oh nice... its close to the center... i live in the south - Ashkelo. | 02:52 |
linkd | glick: would u be able to mail me a copy? :( | 02:52 |
freak4pc | *Ashkelon | 02:52 |
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MickMcMack | freak4pc, nice, and happy Hanukkah to you too. :) | 02:52 |
glick | linkd, whats ytour email | 02:52 |
freak4pc | thank you :) | 02:52 |
Toma- | "problem Exists between keyboard and computer" ie, you | 02:52 |
Toma- | i think | 02:52 |
glick | Inf3ctedFx, yah looks like it | 02:52 |
Toma- | ahhhhh | 02:52 |
linkd | glick: its in a PM to u | 02:52 |
Toma- | "problem Exists between keyboard and chair" ie, you | 02:53 |
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Toma- | sorry :D | 02:53 |
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freak4pc | well im going to get rid of win xp sp2 and try out the new Breezy Badger 64Bit... :-) | 02:53 |
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Inf3ctedFx | but there is 2 of them glick a GTK1 and GTK2 whats the diference>? | 02:53 |
apricot | file does not exist | 02:53 |
MickMcMack | Ooh, Toma-, I like that acronym, I am going to steal it now. :O | 02:53 |
Toma- | Inf3ctedFx: gtk2 is nicer | 02:53 |
linkd | Inf3ctedFx: the version of GTK. | 02:53 |
apricot | do i need to be root? | 02:53 |
SevenIsPrime | Toma-: Hmm ... I always thought the strict separation of "users" and "root" was one of the more brilliant ways to ensure "PEBKAC" has minimum impact. | 02:53 |
johndarkhorse | apricot: you never need to be 'root' | 02:53 |
Toma- | SevenIsPrime: exactly. | 02:53 |
Toma- | user never becomes root in ubuntu | 02:53 |
Inf3ctedFx | linkd: if I decide to download one of those which one is good for ubuntu? | 02:53 |
freak4pc | cya guyz , ill be back after installation ;) | 02:53 |
johndarkhorse | SevenIsPrime: and that is the reason that "sudo" exists | 02:54 |
linkd | Inf3ctedFx: id use the copy glick sent u over those. | 02:54 |
Inf3ctedFx | Toma-: what about sudo -s? | 02:54 |
SevenIsPrime | Toma-: So why is "give root power to the user" a way to prevent "PEBKAC"? | 02:54 |
apricot | i cannot install some apps if i am not root. help, please! | 02:54 |
johndarkhorse | Inf3ctedFx: sudo -i is better | 02:54 |
glick | sent linkd | 02:54 |
Inf3ctedFx | ok | 02:54 |
linkd | Inf3ctedFx: if i understand him, its just the gtk2 one of those but made up to be compatible with ubuntu | 02:54 |
linkd | glick: thx | 02:54 |
johndarkhorse | SevenIsPrime: join #ubuntu-offtopic please to continue this thread | 02:54 |
Toma- | SevenIsPrime: its not root power dood. | 02:54 |
dukebody | i have problems with grip, the cd ripper, it gives me: i have a problem with grip, the cd audio ripper, It gives me: (grip:10280): Pango-WARNING **: Invalid UTF-8 string passed to pango_layout_set_ tex | 02:54 |
SevenIsPrime | johndarkhorse: Ok, so how does it work then. User "bla" (first user on Kubuntu) wants to launch "aptitude". What happens? | 02:54 |
glick | np linkd | 02:54 |
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Toma- | SevenIsPrime: its like, sudo = 'asking root if it can do this special command' | 02:55 |
Toma- | :/ | 02:55 |
johndarkhorse | Toma-: SevenIsPrime #ubuntu-offtopic please | 02:55 |
MickMcMack | SevenIsPrime, I think you should actually see sudo in action before commenting. | 02:55 |
apricot | can user have all the powers as root, and how please, tell me again!!! | 02:55 |
Toma- | sorry, i dont care anymore | 02:55 |
MickMcMack | Eep, sorry. :< | 02:55 |
=== voidfx [n=nnk@dialpool-210-214-14-2.maa.sify.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bolrod | apricot: you dont want all the powers root has | 02:55 |
Inf3ctedFx | Thc glick is working fine | 02:55 |
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apricot | ak, i dont, is it possible? | 02:56 |
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bolrod | erh | 02:56 |
bolrod | probably | 02:56 |
bolrod | root is a user | 02:56 |
Toma- | Blue-Omega: thats an interesting adress u have there :D | 02:56 |
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garnett | hi | 02:56 |
glick | welcome Inf3ctedFx | 02:56 |
apricot | ok | 02:56 |
garnett | hi | 02:56 |
bolrod | you could try renaming root I guess | 02:56 |
garnett | hello glick | 02:57 |
apricot | ok | 02:57 |
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glick | hi garnett | 02:57 |
voidfx | I'm getting xsession errors when trying to log in as my normal user | 02:57 |
garnett | how old are u | 02:57 |
HeartBT | what is all the concern over root? 95% of the time you don't need it, and it's a nice thing to keep locked up and out of harms way. | 02:58 |
cmatheson | voidfx what are they? | 02:58 |
glick | garnett, why? | 02:58 |
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apricot | we want the root! | 02:58 |
Seveas | voidfx, paste the errors on the pastbin | 02:58 |
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voidfx | cmatheson should I maybe paste the error log somewhere? | 02:58 |
apricot | give as the root | 02:58 |
garnett | what r u talkn about glck | 02:58 |
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apricot | ! | 02:58 |
Seveas | apricot, ... | 02:58 |
ubotu | apricot: No idea | 02:58 |
niffe | i have too some errors... | 02:58 |
cmatheson | yes.. see the pasetebin in /topic | 02:58 |
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apricot | give people the root! :) | 02:59 |
bolrod | for what? | 02:59 |
jenda | voidfx: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 02:59 |
Seveas | apricot, get some ritalin oslt and don't be a nuisance... | 02:59 |
apricot | power to the people. | 02:59 |
glick | i want the fifa 2006 soundtrack | 02:59 |
apricot | ok, i'll stop | 02:59 |
bolrod | yes.... | 02:59 |
bolrod | you'll break it when you're root | 02:59 |
Seveas | glick, you won't get it in here.. | 02:59 |
jenda | apricot: you should... the ops are strict here | 02:59 |
garnett | where is the download linux game | 02:59 |
voidfx | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6155 | 02:59 |
Toma- | hey Seveas, sorry bout the question before. didnt know u had mirrors | 03:00 |
jenda | garnett: what? | 03:00 |
glick | no i wont Seveas but i needed gtk-gnutella working to get it :) | 03:00 |
niffe | voidfx: im having exatct same error | 03:00 |
niffe | i bypass it trought | 03:00 |
Seveas | voidfx, ifconfig -a | 03:00 |
Seveas | is lo up? | 03:00 |
Seveas | if not: ifup lo | 03:00 |
Seveas | and put /etc/network/interfaces on the pastebin | 03:00 |
apricot | ok, my sudo update-rc.d remove ntpdate does not work, says file does not exist, did i wrote it good?! | 03:01 |
ompaul | j-linux, how did you get on? | 03:01 |
Seveas | apricot, | 03:01 |
Seveas | no | 03:01 |
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Seveas | update-rc.d -f ntpdate remove | 03:01 |
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voidfx | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6156 | 03:01 |
apricot | ok, ow is good | 03:02 |
niffe | Seveas: im having same proplem, ifup lo says networks already configurated | 03:02 |
apricot | now | 03:02 |
niffe | configured | 03:02 |
j-linux | ompaul: great... thanks. It works now. | 03:02 |
ompaul | j-linux, :-) | 03:02 |
Seveas | voidfx, did you play with a firewall? | 03:02 |
j-linux | ompaul: Still not a dual boot, but I know it is possible now. | 03:02 |
voidfx | Seveas not to the best of my knowledge, but I'm still very much the newb. | 03:03 |
apricot | tnx, it is all for now, bye | 03:03 |
Seveas | voidfx, very weird then | 03:03 |
ompaul | j-linux, well if you wanted to do that the time to install that other thing is now :-) before you get too much installed and end up giving yourself problems | 03:03 |
Seveas | voidfx, ls -al ~ (as you, not as root) and output on the pastebin | 03:03 |
j-linux | I'm going to try partitioning the drive first, then installing Windows to just the partition (don't know if the recovery disks will allow it). If it takes too much time I'll buy another hard drive (40GB) and put it in the Ultrabay... supposedly you can boot from a HD in the U;trabay | 03:03 |
voidfx | Seveas I did download a bunch of stuff from the repository... | 03:03 |
ompaul | j-linux, but know this first, I have spent 10 years without that company providing my home operating system | 03:04 |
voidfx | seveas it won't let me log in, I get that error and then it bounces me back to login screen | 03:04 |
j-linux | ompaul: I was going to delete the Ubuntu and start from scratch.. with Windows installed first. | 03:04 |
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j-linux | This is my work computer. | 03:04 |
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j-linux | actually, my only computer :S | 03:04 |
ompaul | j-linux, what kind of work do you do | 03:04 |
mahangu | i used kde once or twice and now my bootup splash says kubuntu | 03:04 |
Seveas | voidfx, then do it in a terminal via <alt><f1> | 03:04 |
j-linux | web design and marketing | 03:04 |
mahangu | how can i change this back | 03:04 |
Seveas | voidfx, in the terminal: wget http://ubuntulinux.nl/python/pastebin && ls -al ~ | python pastebin | 03:05 |
ompaul | j-linux, so you can do all that on ubuntu :) you just need to find out what applications work for you to do the same job as in that other platform | 03:05 |
ompaul | j-linux, you can even do the DB stuff on the box and show people what it would look like as they interacted with the interweb | 03:06 |
=== Evil_Whisper [n=mike@71-10-45-100.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
voidfx | seveas I'm logged in as root via failsafe, is that ok? | 03:06 |
Seveas | voidfx, in that case: | 03:06 |
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voidfx | /home/username? | 03:06 |
ompaul | mahangu, have you gdm installed? | 03:06 |
Seveas | voidfx, in the terminal: wget http://ubuntulinux.nl/python/pastebin && ls -al /home/your_normal_username | python pastebin | 03:06 |
j-linux | Yeah... I use Quanta.. kate, emacs, whatever. GIMP... although I need access to Windows. Also do some VBA, etc. | 03:06 |
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dukebody | how can i find gtk-config in my filesystems? i got an error while ./configurin a program called ripperX | 03:07 |
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j-linux | OOo is not 100% compatible and it has caused problems with some spreadsheets when saving to xls and transferring back to windows. | 03:07 |
penguin42 | dukebody: Chances are that you don't have the gtk dev stuff | 03:07 |
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Toma- | j-linux: tried looking for your windows apps in here? http://appdb.winehq.org/ | 03:08 |
dukebody | what is the package name, penguin42 ? | 03:08 |
j-linux | Usually ok though.. but sometimes prefer mission-critical stuff without the risk. | 03:08 |
blaamann | dukebody: use apt-file | 03:08 |
voidfx | seveas, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6157 | 03:08 |
voidfx | seveas, it suffered an error of some sort. | 03:08 |
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Seveas | yeah | 03:08 |
Seveas | an error in my brain | 03:08 |
Evil_Whisper | Hi Guys | 03:08 |
penguin42 | dukebody: I'm thinking perhaps libgtk2.0-dev | 03:08 |
Seveas | voidfx, in the terminal: wget http://ubuntulinux.nl/files/pastebin && ls -al /home/your_normal_username | python pastebin | 03:08 |
Evil_Whisper | When I open anything with wine even just winecfg it fills up my swap and slows everything down anyone know a fix or have had the same issue? | 03:09 |
burning_bronx | Evil_Whisper, best fix is - don't use wine >.> | 03:09 |
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dukebody | penguin42, i looked into my installed packages and i already have libgtk2.0-dev installed. | 03:10 |
penguin42 | dukebody: Hmm OK - what error is it you get exactly? | 03:10 |
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blaamann | dukebody: try 'locate gtk-config' | 03:10 |
voidfx | seveas, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6158 | 03:10 |
Seveas | yup, I see it already | 03:11 |
penguin42 | blaamann: Interesting my machine doesn''t have that and neither does an apt-file search | 03:11 |
j-linux | ompaul: looks like Wine is improving. Will probably get Crossover Office soon. | 03:11 |
Seveas | you have run some (probably) KDE apps as root in a gnome environment | 03:11 |
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ompaul | j-linux, it is great :) | 03:11 |
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dukebody | The gtk-config script installed by GTK could not be found | 03:11 |
dukebody | ..... blabla ... is gtk-config in path? | 03:11 |
voidfx | seveas, yeah, smb4k probably | 03:11 |
Seveas | j-linux, rm -f /hpme/neil/.ICEauthority | 03:11 |
nmsa | I can not have the second lan configured properly, /etc/interfaces is the place for lan cards config? | 03:11 |
ompaul | j-linux, but native is better | 03:12 |
Seveas | voidfx( | 03:12 |
Seveas | voidfx* | 03:12 |
cmatheson | dukebody: you need to install the gtk development librarires | 03:12 |
j-linux | Seveas: what is that? | 03:12 |
cmatheson | nmsa: yes | 03:12 |
Seveas | j-linux, something that was meant for voidfx :) | 03:12 |
j-linux | oh | 03:12 |
cmatheson | nmsa : /etc/network/interfaces | 03:12 |
dukebody | blaamann, i used locate gtk-config and it returned /home/dukebody/.icons/gartoon/scalable/stock/gtk-configure.svg. I think this is not i'm lookin for | 03:12 |
voidfx | seveas, I should rm -f /home/neil/.ICEauthority? | 03:13 |
ompaul | j-linux, if you ever get a situation where the machine does not let you in and proclaims your session was less than 10 seconds then that command works :) | 03:13 |
Seveas | voidfx, yes | 03:13 |
j-linux | ompaul: I would prefer to get rid of Windows... maybe if I can fix my other laptop I will just put windows on that one only. Keep this new one Linux-only. | 03:13 |
Seveas | voidfx, and just to be sure: clean out /tmp | 03:13 |
nmsa | cmatheson: ok, can I paste ou somewhere mz config ... is not comming up with ifup, not sure why ... | 03:13 |
ompaul | j-linux, now your thinking :) | 03:13 |
Evil_Whisper | brb nvidia drivers | 03:13 |
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cmatheson | nmsa: sure, include the error you get when you run ifup too | 03:13 |
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Toma- | dukebody: gtk-config comes with gtk-dev | 03:13 |
voidfx | seveas, just cd /tmp and rm *? | 03:13 |
dukebody | cmatheson, i already have installed libgtk2.0-dev, ripperX says: checking for GTK - version >= 1.1.13... no | 03:14 |
j-linux | The fonts are really small on this new computer 1400x1025 or something... There must be a way to increase font size... | 03:14 |
Seveas | voidfx, yeah | 03:14 |
cmatheson | dukebody: it doesn't want gtk2 it wants gtk1.2 | 03:14 |
voidfx | seveas, ok, now what if I want to use smb4k again? | 03:14 |
cmatheson | j-linux: if you run gnome you could change the stuff in gnome-control-panel | 03:14 |
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dukebody | cmatheson, it wants higher or equal than 1.1.13 | 03:14 |
j-linux | cmatheson: XFCE... | 03:14 |
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troouble-boot | hi anyone who can help me to install grub for windows | 03:15 |
Seveas | voidfx, use gksudo or sudo -i | 03:15 |
dukebody | Toma-, how can i get gtk-dev package? | 03:15 |
Seveas | not plain sudo | 03:15 |
cmatheson | dukebody: if you want it to work, do what i said | 03:15 |
Toma- | dukebody: i think im wrong :/ | 03:15 |
voidfx | seveas, what's the difference? | 03:15 |
troouble-boot | http://switch.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/grub4dos/WINGRB0206.EXE i installed this | 03:15 |
j-linux | Still have a lot to configure: 3D accelleration... dual boot, font size... but at least it is on the computer.... | 03:15 |
cmatheson | j-linux: hmm, sorry, i'm not so familiar w/ xfce... i would assume their control panel would have some sort of option though | 03:15 |
Seveas | voidfx, that you can login afterwards :) | 03:15 |
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Seveas | voidfx, gui programs should *always* be started via gksudo instead of sudo | 03:16 |
Seveas | or kdesu if you use kde | 03:16 |
j-linux | cmatheson: thanks... I didn't see it before... just fixed it. :) | 03:16 |
cmatheson | j-linux: np | 03:16 |
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Inf3ctedFx | ok I'm leaving, thx glick , linkd and Toma- I'll c u guys later | 03:16 |
troouble-boot | i installed ubuntu now i installed windowsxp and the ubuntu grub loader vanished | 03:16 |
Toma- | k. | 03:16 |
dukebody | cmatheson, you were right | 03:17 |
voidfx | seveas, what is gksudo? | 03:17 |
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troouble-boot | i downlaoed wingrub will it work | 03:17 |
penguin42 | dukebody: try an apt-get install libgtk1.2-dev | 03:17 |
glick | later Inf3ctedFx | 03:17 |
j-linux | 4:14am here... must get some sleep... | 03:17 |
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Seveas | voidfx, the thing that all menu entries that require you to type your pw use | 03:17 |
niffe | Seveas: thx, that one helped for me. | 03:17 |
topdeck | I received a Creative Zen Sleek for christmas, I tried to install and use gnomad2, but it is not detecting the player when it starts up | 03:17 |
Seveas | graphical sudo | 03:17 |
dukebody | penguin42, it worked, as cmatheson said, great thanks! | 03:17 |
j-linux | ompaul: thanks again... took two days to get this far... :S | 03:17 |
penguin42 | cmatheson: So did gtk-config disappear in gtk2 ? | 03:17 |
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troouble-boot | why nobody can help me | 03:17 |
SweetestSavage | Merry Christmas everybody =) | 03:17 |
cmatheson | dukebody: np | 03:18 |
ompaul | j-linux, some times it takes a little help | 03:18 |
voidfx | seveas, ah...ok...so I just replace sudo with gksudo, and I should be ok, right? | 03:18 |
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ompaul | j-linux, it took you about 2 hours all in by the time you got to me :) | 03:18 |
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Seveas | voidfx, yup | 03:18 |
ompaul | j-linux, and tjhat is well too much time | 03:18 |
troouble-boot | why nobody can help me | 03:18 |
voidfx | seveas, thanks a lot for your help | 03:18 |
cmatheson | penguin42: gtk2 and gtk1.x are completely different beasts... so the test scripts just won't work between the two (they *shouldn't* work between the two), i think they did get rid of gtk-confgi though (there maybe be a gtk-config2.0?) | 03:18 |
dukebody | Another question: why can i change root password while logged in as a admin-user? | 03:19 |
johndarkhorse | dukebody: there is no active root account in ubuntu | 03:19 |
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johndarkhorse | ubotu tell dukebody about root | 03:19 |
penguin42 | cmatheson: Still, nice way to tell which version something is complaining about | 03:19 |
voidfx | ubotu tell voidfx abot root | 03:19 |
voidfx | ubotu tell voidfx about root | 03:19 |
j-linux | ompaul: Two hours is ok to fix a problem... Actually, from breakdown of my Toshiba it has taken me over 3 weeks to get this running. Will be about a month by the time everything is reinstalled. | 03:19 |
cmatheson | penguin42: yeah | 03:20 |
ompaul | j-linux, well I only became aware of it today :) | 03:20 |
j-linux | Most of that time was waiting for the computer to be shipped... :S | 03:20 |
topdeck | I received a Creative Zen Sleek for christmas, I tried to install and use gnomad2, but it is not detecting the player when it starts up, my Ubuntu installation has always had problems detecting USB devices | 03:20 |
dukebody | then johndarkhorse , who can change root password in ubuntu? all users? i have important files belonging to root account! | 03:21 |
j-linux | They ship it from Hong Kong to Ontario... sits for a week in Ontario... THEN they do the 2-day shipping... | 03:21 |
troouble-boot | i installed ubuntu now i installed windowsxp and the ubuntu grub loader vanished | 03:21 |
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johndarkhorse | dukebody: read the wiki page please that ubotu sent you the link for | 03:21 |
Seveas | dukebody, only root can change the root password | 03:21 |
cmatheson | dukebody: only users in the admin group are able to change your root password | 03:21 |
j-linux | well... off to bed... goodnight and merry christmas/holidays.... | 03:21 |
penguin42 | topdeck: Go to the System->Administration menu and select device manager and see if the device is shown somewhere down the list - if it is then you know at least the USB side of stuff is working | 03:22 |
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paal | !ask apt-get | 03:23 |
ubotu | Not a clue, paal | 03:23 |
paal | !ask deb | 03:23 |
troouble-boot | i installed ubuntu now i installed windowsxp and the ubuntu grub loader vanished | 03:23 |
ubotu | paal: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 03:23 |
Ubunti_Ki | is ubuntuguide.org any good for ubuntu 5.10? its a guide for just 5.04 | 03:23 |
topdeck | I don't have that option, I do however have xffstab which lists devices in fstab, it is not listed in there | 03:23 |
paal | hmm | 03:23 |
Seveas | !tell paal about yourself | 03:23 |
deFrysk | Ubunti_Ki ubuntuguide is something to avoid for ever | 03:24 |
cmatheson | Seveas: can a person using sudo not change the password after the root accout has been enabled? (e.g. wil it prompt him to enter the current root-password or something?)--i haven't played around w/ enabling the root account | 03:24 |
paal | whats the command to install .deb packages? | 03:24 |
ilba7r | where can i put my alias command so it will be automatically loaded as i log in | 03:24 |
cmatheson | paal: dpkg | 03:24 |
deFrysk | paal, sudo dpkg -i | 03:24 |
ilba7r | should it be in .bashrc and how about if i want it loaded for all users? | 03:24 |
Seveas | cmatheson, with sudo you effectively become root and thus can change the root password | 03:25 |
deFrysk | paal make sure its an ubuntu.beb | 03:25 |
deFrysk | deb* | 03:25 |
cmatheson | Seveas: ok that's what i was thinking | 03:25 |
johndarkhorse | Ubunti_Ki: ubuntuguide will break your box, use help.ubuntu.com | 03:25 |
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Ubunti_Ki | deFrysk, Is there any site for 5.10? | 03:25 |
Seveas | cmatheson, you can restrict sudo to only allow certain commands though :) | 03:25 |
johndarkhorse | Ubunti_Ki: see above | 03:25 |
jenda | What's the best game I can apt-get and play for half an hour? | 03:25 |
Ubunti_Ki | ok thanks johndarkhorse | 03:25 |
cmatheson | Seveas: yeah, that's pretty rad... i had no idea how flexible sudo was until i started using ubuntu | 03:26 |
deFrysk | Ubunti_Ki, the homebutton on your firefox should take you to your help | 03:26 |
cmatheson | jenda: i like circuslinux... don't know if i'd play for half an hour or not | 03:26 |
Seveas | deFrysk, really? :) | 03:26 |
deFrysk | ubuntulog, otherwise try http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/faqguide-all.html | 03:26 |
cmatheson | jenda: you could check out happypenguin.org if you're interested in gaming (and don't forget nethack..) | 03:26 |
jenda | cmatheson: righty sudo apt... | 03:26 |
dukebody | thanks you all for your help!!! goodbye | 03:26 |
jenda | cmatheson: lol... thanks. I'll leave nethack for now :) | 03:26 |
cmatheson | hehe'; | 03:27 |
deFrysk | Ubunti_Ki, or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation | 03:27 |
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Ubunti_Ki | deFrysk, many thanks | 03:27 |
topdeck | penguin42, the only things listed as being there are my /, /home, cdrom, and Proc | 03:27 |
deFrysk | Ubunti_Ki, many welcomes ;) | 03:27 |
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joserafael | hola, alguien habla espaol? | 03:28 |
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ilba7r | where should i put the aliasses i use so it is automatically loaded for all users? | 03:28 |
Seveas | !es | 03:28 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 03:28 |
deFrysk | !es | 03:28 |
deFrysk | dang! | 03:28 |
Seveas | ilba7r, /etc/bash/bashrc | 03:28 |
deFrysk | too late | 03:28 |
Seveas | ilba7r, /etc/bash.bashrc | 03:28 |
Paradoxx | !share | 03:28 |
ubotu | Bugger all, i dunno, Paradoxx | 03:28 |
Paradoxx | !filesharing | 03:28 |
ubotu | Paradoxx: I don't know, could you explain it? | 03:28 |
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ilba7r | thanx seveas | 03:28 |
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Paradoxx | any1 kno how i can share some folders i have on my machine with a Linux box? | 03:29 |
voidfx | seveas, no good... | 03:29 |
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cmatheson | Paradoxx: nfs, (s)ftp, rsync | 03:29 |
Seveas | voidfx, ? | 03:29 |
johndarkhorse | Paradoxx: ask a question to the folks in here, please | 03:29 |
Paradoxx | !samba | 03:29 |
ubotu | somebody said samba was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SettingUpSamba or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently | 03:29 |
windmill_laptop | Paradoxx, you linux box should be able to connect to your windows share | 03:30 |
Seveas | Paradoxx, system -> admin -> shared folders | 03:30 |
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topdeck | Whenever I try to plug in a USB device, be it a Memory Stick or mp3 player, my Ubuntu won't detect it, Im running 5.10 on a Latitude D610 laptop | 03:30 |
Paradoxx | i don't recall what i had set my samba password to, would it be the same as my user login/ | 03:30 |
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voidfx | seveas, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6159 | 03:31 |
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cmatheson | topdeck: when you plug it in and then run 'dmesg | tail' does it see that you plugged anything in? | 03:31 |
Xmasmoo | Paradoxx: Install Samba, add a Samba account bind to your user account | 03:31 |
penguin42 | topdeck: Hmm - the 'Device manager' - not the disk manager; it should have a section on the left marked 'Devices' with 'Computer' at the top of it | 03:31 |
troouble-boot | i installed ubuntu now i installed windowsxp and the ubuntu grub loader vanished | 03:31 |
troouble-boot | can anyone help me or not | 03:31 |
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hyuhui | how to ues IRC | 03:31 |
voidfx | seveas and when I did STARTX in debug modes, it also said it failed to start HAL, don't know if that is relevant | 03:32 |
cmatheson | troouble-boot: always install windoze first... but anyway, if you boot off the live-cd and run grub-install that should work | 03:32 |
topdeck | cmatheson, when I plugged it in and ran that file it definately detected it, now how would I mount it? | 03:32 |
troouble-boot | i have no live cd | 03:32 |
topdeck | that command i mean* | 03:32 |
troouble-boot | is there any other way | 03:32 |
windmill_laptop | troouble-boot, your windows install wiped your boot loader | 03:32 |
cmatheson | topdeck: do you have a /dev/sda1 now? | 03:32 |
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Seveas | voidfx, the HAL problem would explain this.... | 03:32 |
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troouble-boot | yes | 03:33 |
Evil_Whisper | I'm back | 03:33 |
Seveas | voidfx, can you put your xorg log on the pastebin please | 03:33 |
troouble-boot | how to get back my grub load | 03:33 |
cmatheson | troouble-boot: you could probably do it off the install cd... | 03:33 |
topdeck | /dev/sda1 is mounted already at /, sda2 is swap space, sda3 is /home i believe | 03:33 |
cmatheson | troouble-boot: open up a shell and then run grub-install /dev/hda | 03:33 |
topdeck | it mentions sdb alot in dmesg | tail | 03:33 |
cmatheson | topdeck: yeah that would be right | 03:33 |
voidfx | seveas where would I find it? | 03:33 |
troouble-boot | when i insert the ubuntu install cd it gives me option to install ubuntu | 03:34 |
windmill_laptop | troouble-boot, a live cd is the best way I can think of, download and burn one in windows then boot from it | 03:34 |
cmatheson | topdeck: so run 'mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt' | 03:34 |
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topdeck | okay, thanks | 03:34 |
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troouble-boot | i dont have emtpy cds and the shops are closed untill tuesday | 03:34 |
cmatheson | troouble-boot: did you read what i just said? use the install cd | 03:34 |
Paradoxx | Xmasmoo: how do i add a samba account? | 03:34 |
windmill_laptop | lol, that's christmas for you | 03:34 |
troouble-boot | i installed osloader but it does not boot | 03:34 |
troouble-boot | yes i insert the install cd what to do it starts to install ubuntu i dont want to install all over again | 03:35 |
sapo | exit | 03:35 |
cmatheson | troouble-boot: if you hit alt+f2 you can get a command-line, alternatively you could choose 'execute a shell' from the menu. when you're there, run grub-install /dev/your_root_device | 03:36 |
mrabti | How can i add Thrash icon in desktop | 03:36 |
voidfx | seveas /var/log/Xorg.0.log? | 03:36 |
mrabti | Please can any one help | 03:36 |
Evil_Whisper | mrabti: Open up the configuration editor and choos apps > nautilus and then desktop and check the icon | 03:36 |
Evil_Whisper | mrabti: *check show trash icon | 03:36 |
troouble-boot | ok first i insert the install cd, it starts to boot it says hit enter after hitting enter i press alt+f2 | 03:36 |
Evil_Whisper | mrabti: Configuration editor is under Applications -> System Tools | 03:37 |
mrabti | Please can any one help | 03:37 |
mrabti | ok thanks | 03:37 |
mrabti | its work | 03:38 |
topdeck | my mp3 player when i connect it dmesg | tail says "usb5-6: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 10" and thats it, how do i mount that one? | 03:38 |
penguin42 | Well that's good - for me most of those things mount automatically - try cat /proc/scsi/scsi and see what it lists | 03:38 |
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Evil_Whisper | mrabti: Your Welcome | 03:38 |
nmsa | cmatheson: http://pastebin.com/478322 | 03:39 |
=== hyuhui | ||
nmsa | cmatheson: line 45 is changed like this: gateway | 03:40 |
Evil_Whisper | uh oh no more swap left :( | 03:40 |
Xmasmoo | Paradoxx: http://www.samba.netfirms.com/addusers.htm | 03:40 |
Evil_Whisper | I would have thought 1.5gb would be enough :( | 03:40 |
nmsa | and is a sec pc with a fixed IP configured | 03:40 |
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viscount | any eclipse users? i need to find a way to embed a terminal into the lower frame, gnome-terminal preferably, but any shell will do | 03:41 |
Xmasmoo | viscount: I am an Eclipse user | 03:41 |
Xmasmoo | viscount: If I recall correctly, there was a plug-in which allowed it | 03:42 |
Xmasmoo | viscount: Why do you need that? It sounds like an ugly solution... | 03:42 |
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cmatheson | nmsa: hmm, so is the problem just that when you do 'ifconfig -a' it doesn't bring up all devices? | 03:42 |
nmsa | cmatheson: all devices are up, connected the sec pc is connected to my box with a crossed cable and can not ping it. | 03:43 |
chmod775 | hey folks I need to install unrar | 03:44 |
chmod775 | where can I get it from | 03:44 |
nmsa | the cable is ok cheked with other 2 pc | 03:44 |
cmatheson | nmsa: sorry, didn't see the ping stuff at the bottom | 03:44 |
chmod775 | I tried downloading unrar-free | 03:44 |
deFrysk | !info unrar-nonfree | 03:44 |
viscount | Xmasmoo, Im using eclipse for python development, pydev, but it doesnt seem to work entirely correctly with this version of eclipse, wont compile or run the programs | 03:44 |
voidfx | chmod775 apt-get install unrar should do it | 03:44 |
ubotu | unrar-nonfree: (Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)), section multiverse/utils, is optional. Version: 3.4.3-1build1 (breezy), Packaged size: 83 kB, Installed size: 216 kB | 03:44 |
Xmasmoo | viscount: me too | 03:44 |
viscount | Xmasmoo, does it work for you? | 03:44 |
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chmod775 | it's not working | 03:44 |
Xmasmoo | viscount: PyDev Linux support is not very well established | 03:44 |
chmod775 | apt-get install unrar | 03:44 |
chmod775 | ? | 03:44 |
deFrysk | chmod775, unrar-nonfree is in section multiverse | 03:45 |
Xmasmoo | viscount: But you can use external scripts to do your work | 03:45 |
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Xmasmoo | viscount: it's a more long lasting solution | 03:45 |
chmod775 | how can I download it | 03:45 |
deFrysk | chmod775, sudo apt-get install unrar-nonfree | 03:45 |
cmatheson | nmsa: can you have both networks on the same netmask like that? (i'm not an expert at networking) | 03:45 |
Evil_Whisper | chmod775: Make sure you have universe and multiverse | 03:45 |
johndarkhorse | chmod775: enable universe and multiverse repositories and install using apt "unrar-nonfree" | 03:45 |
viscount | Xmasmoo, what do you mean use external scripts from within eclipse? | 03:45 |
Evil_Whisper | chmod775: *enabled | 03:45 |
Evil_Whisper | hi john | 03:46 |
chmod775 | how can I enable multiverse | 03:46 |
chmod775 | ? | 03:46 |
johndarkhorse | ubotu: tell chmod775 about repos | 03:46 |
nmsa | cmatheson: should be ... I have diff segments ... | 03:46 |
johndarkhorse | chmod775: check your PMs | 03:46 |
Xmasmoo | viscount: eclipse has support for "external actions". You can bind shell scripts to a run button. | 03:46 |
deFrysk | !tell chmod775 about repositories | 03:46 |
johndarkhorse | good day, Evil_Whisper | 03:46 |
nmsa | I will trz now with no eth0 configured | 03:46 |
chmod775 | ok wait | 03:46 |
deFrysk | chmod775, you got 2 messages even ;p | 03:46 |
ispiked | anyone messed with gtkpod? I can't get stuff to sync. | 03:46 |
chmod775 | ok | 03:47 |
Xmasmoo | viscount: the console output is redirected to Eclipse console window | 03:47 |
viscount | Xmasmoo, wow that sounds pretty cool | 03:47 |
chmod775 | I can do it in sourc.list | 03:47 |
chmod775 | also | 03:47 |
chmod775 | right ? | 03:47 |
chmod775 | the net is slow webpage not opening | 03:47 |
chmod775 | here | 03:47 |
deFrysk | chmod775, sources.list yes | 03:47 |
chmod775 | which line hsould I enable | 03:47 |
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johndarkhorse | Chousuke: correct, change all "universe" to "universe multiverse" and make sure the lines are not commented | 03:47 |
troouble-boot | ok i did insert cd install then i hit alt+f2 it opens console #grub-install /dev/hda it shows bin/sh grub not found | 03:48 |
Xmasmoo | viscount: Check menu Run -> External Tools -> External Tools... | 03:48 |
chmod775 | univesrse to multiverse | 03:48 |
chmod775 | ? | 03:48 |
=== juarod [n=juarod@224.Red-83-33-170.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
viscount | Xmasmoo, so If I were to write a script something like `#!/usr/bin/env python;python $(file)` it would execute the file im working on and show the output (i know that code wouldnt work, just an example) | 03:49 |
chmod775 | this is already enables | 03:49 |
chmod775 | deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-backports main restricted universe multiverse | 03:49 |
chmod775 | deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-backports main restricted universe multiverse | 03:49 |
deFrysk | chmod775, on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 is an example sources.list | 03:49 |
troouble-boot | can anyone help me to install grub | 03:49 |
cmatheson | troouble-boot: it says 'grub not found' or 'grub-install not found'? | 03:49 |
Evil_Whisper | chmod775: Not backbackports :P | 03:49 |
troouble-boot | grub not found | 03:49 |
chmod775 | huh? | 03:49 |
chmod775 | I can't understand | 03:49 |
deFrysk | Evil_Whisper, default backports on breezy are fine | 03:50 |
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Evil_Whisper | chmod775: Look for the line without backports :P You can leave backports on its just unrar isn't in the backports I dont think | 03:50 |
johndarkhorse | chmod775: no, you should have "universe multiverse" in place of "universe" in your present sources.list | 03:50 |
viscount | Xmasmoo, have you seen this? http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/library/os-ecant/ | 03:50 |
troouble-boot | what to do when i am on console # | 03:50 |
cmatheson | troouble-boot: you have a typo then... grub-install is all one word | 03:51 |
troouble-boot | to install grub | 03:51 |
deFrysk | chmod775, a comment is a "#" | 03:51 |
troouble-boot | ok i reboot insert the install ubuntu cd and pres alt+f2 then it opens console # | 03:51 |
chmod775 | folks this is my sources | 03:51 |
chmod775 | file | 03:51 |
chmod775 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6160 | 03:51 |
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troouble-boot | #grub-install /dev/hda | 03:51 |
chmod775 | I have enabled verything in that | 03:51 |
troouble-boot | but it says grub not found | 03:51 |
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Xmasmoo | visvount: yes... | 03:52 |
windmill_laptop | too | 03:52 |
Xmasmoo | viscount: yes... | 03:52 |
Evil_Whisper | !grub-install | 03:52 |
ubotu | Evil_Whisper: I give up, what is it? | 03:52 |
deFrysk | chmod775, comment the first line | 03:52 |
cmatheson | troouble-boot: you're typing either the command or the error wrong, but for now try doing the install up to the point that it wants you to partition discs and then STOP, and try running the grub-install thing again | 03:52 |
chmod775 | k | 03:52 |
deFrysk | chmod775, and add multiverse behind line 19 | 03:53 |
chmod775 | deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main restricted | 03:53 |
chmod775 | this line commented | 03:53 |
deFrysk | and multiverse behind line 35 | 03:53 |
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=== Loevborg [n=loevborg@p54ACCFFD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
viscount | Xmasmoo, did you get the Ant plugin to work? | 03:53 |
chmod775 | u mean multiverse and then universe | 03:53 |
Xmasmoo | viscount: I haven't tried Ant plug-in | 03:53 |
deFrysk | chmod775, the rest is fine just add multiverse ass suggested | 03:54 |
deFrysk | chmod775, yes | 03:54 |
voidfx | out of curiousity, aside from gedit, what text editors do you guys use? (particularly for programming) | 03:54 |
chmod775 | ok | 03:54 |
cmatheson | voidfx: vim | 03:54 |
deFrysk | deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy universe multiverse | 03:54 |
viscount | Xmasmoo, i got it to work, but was a little bit difficult, the dW article doesnt really explain well but a guy from gnome-love helped me out | 03:54 |
deFrysk | like so :) | 03:54 |
chmod775 | doing a apt-get update | 03:54 |
deFrysk | cool | 03:54 |
troouble-boot | so u mean i just insert cd install and skip all the options untill i get command install grub | 03:54 |
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chmod775 | installed unrar nonfree | 03:55 |
deFrysk | good | 03:55 |
troouble-boot | ? | 03:55 |
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troouble-boot | so u mean i just insert cd install and skip all the options untill i get command install grub | 03:55 |
deFrysk | chmod775, now you can unpack rar-files with a rightklick in nautilus | 03:55 |
chmod775 | k | 03:56 |
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glick | can i get an ipod nano working with ubuntu? If i decide to open it and keep it? | 03:56 |
chmod775 | it gave me an error | 03:56 |
chmod775 | I can't do it in nautilus | 03:56 |
deFrysk | chmod775, restart nautilus first | 03:57 |
topdeck | How do i mount scsi devices? | 03:57 |
chmod775 | k | 03:57 |
ispiked | glick: I think it might work with gtkpod. | 03:57 |
ispiked | glick: I just got a ipod video. | 03:57 |
Xmasmoo | viscount: PyDev is developed (by it's sole developer) in Windows. If it works in Linux you can be happy. | 03:57 |
glick | nice ispiked :) | 03:57 |
glick | i feel kina guilty keeping it for some reason | 03:58 |
glick | its so expensive | 03:58 |
glick | so trendy | 03:58 |
ispiked | glick: me too, sort of. | 03:58 |
deFrysk | so much a piece of sh*t | 03:58 |
viscount | Xmasmoo, its so funny, i just asume everything is developed on and for linux these days | 03:58 |
ispiked | viscount: you're living in a fantasy world, then. :P | 03:58 |
viscount | ispiked, and? | 03:59 |
=== glick sighs | ||
Xmasmoo | viscount: or antarctis. one of those penguin guys ^_^ | 03:59 |
=== viscount puts ispiked on his naughty list | ||
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chmod775 | can I do it in the command line | 03:59 |
chmod775 | is there an option or do I have to restart nautilus | 04:00 |
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ispiked | topdeck: probably with mount. | 04:00 |
windmill_laptop | how can I make apt-get use a source that is not verified? | 04:00 |
viscount | well i just really dont know any windows developers, just people at school, but i never talk to any online and i dont go to any windows forums/wiki/anything ..so yeah, bubble boy -> me | 04:00 |
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deFrysk | chmod775, unrar x <rarfile> | 04:00 |
chmod775 | ok | 04:00 |
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viscount | Xmasmoo, any chance you want to share some scripts for eclipse with me? | 04:01 |
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fevel | merry christmas | 04:01 |
viscount | humbug | 04:01 |
Nilz | hi | 04:01 |
windmill_laptop | chmod775, or : unrar x <rarfile> <path> to extract to path | 04:01 |
Nilz | is there a firefox 1.5 deb for breezy available? | 04:01 |
Xmasmoo | vsicount: sorry, I use Windows as a primary Eclipse platform :> | 04:02 |
robreed | sorry about this, but I'm trying to install ubuntu when it starts installing the grub boot loader package it just does nothing? | 04:02 |
topdeck | Alright, I found my usb mp3 player (Zen Sleek) connected in /proc/scsi/scsi at "Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 ID: 00 Lun: 00, how do i mount it? | 04:02 |
Xmasmoo | viscount: it just works | 04:02 |
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chmod775 | dude there is some error | 04:02 |
robreed | any help? | 04:02 |
Xmasmoo | viscount: you can try ask help in sourceforge.net pydev forums | 04:02 |
apricot | i was configuring sound with flash and now i do not hear sound when starting .swf files. Help, please! | 04:02 |
Xmasmoo | viscount: there are quite helpful people | 04:02 |
deFrysk | chmod775, is the rarfile in your hemefolder ? | 04:02 |
jenda | robreed: did you try with only one CD? | 04:02 |
deFrysk | home* | 04:02 |
jenda | robreed: Maybe it's a damaged disk | 04:02 |
chmod775 | no on the desktop | 04:02 |
robreed | yeah | 04:02 |
viscount | Xmasmoo, i cant get eclipse to run my py programs, you said you have a script to run them that works, maybe i misunderstood | 04:02 |
robreed | wit only 1 cd | 04:02 |
glick | i wish i woulda just gotten some nice shoes or something instead of a nano | 04:03 |
deFrysk | chmod775, cd Desktop | 04:03 |
fevel | can anyone help me set up tvout on ubuntu 5.10? | 04:03 |
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deFrysk | chmod775, unrar x <file.rar> | 04:03 |
Xmasmoo | viscount: yes, you can launch Python programs as an external commands if PyDev's integrated launcher doesn't work | 04:03 |
chmod775 | ok hang on | 04:03 |
Xmasmoo | viscount: I did it for Windpows + Zope some time ago | 04:03 |
Xmasmoo | viscount: I don | 04:03 |
Xmasmoo | viscount: I don't have scripts currently with me | 04:03 |
viscount | Xmasmoo, dang | 04:03 |
slew | merry christmas. i just got a lite-on dvd burner, i put in a dvd and totem comes up but crashes. do i need to get a driver for it? | 04:04 |
chmod775 | I had install unrar-free but it give me an error | 04:04 |
deFrysk | chmod775, like ? | 04:04 |
wasted | Xmasmoo, eclipse has a broken console, it cant do standard input or output (at leas for the c++ plugin, py should be the same), so you will need to launch it differently. | 04:04 |
Xmasmoo | viscount: but to cure your orignal problem, why launching doesn't work, go to PyDev's forums | 04:04 |
apricot | i was configuring sound with flash and now i do not hear sound when starting .swf files. Help, please! | 04:04 |
chmod775 | shish@ash:~/Desktop$ unrar -x a.rar | 04:04 |
chmod775 | unrar: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 04:04 |
chmod775 | ashish@ash:~/Desktop$ | 04:04 |
Falstius | slew, totem likes to crash. vlc is much more stable for me playing DVDs. | 04:05 |
viscount | Xmasmoo, ok, i'll check it out | 04:05 |
apricot | i wrote sudo ln -fs /usr/lib/libesd.so.0 /usr/lib/libesd.so.1 in the terminal | 04:05 |
slew | Falstius-> i have vlc, love vlc, how do you use it to open dvds? just /media/cdrom1? | 04:05 |
chmod775 | deFrysk, can u suggest something I need to do | 04:05 |
chmod775 | ? | 04:05 |
apricot | anybody | 04:06 |
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deFrysk | did you sudo apt-get install unrar-nonfree ? chmod775 | 04:06 |
chmod775 | yes | 04:06 |
deFrysk | is the rarfile uncorrupted ? | 04:06 |
chmod775 | yes | 04:06 |
chmod775 | No way | 04:06 |
deFrysk | chmod775, i honestly do not know then | 04:07 |
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Evil_Whisper | chmod775: What rar file are you trying to open? | 04:07 |
chmod775 | a file | 04:07 |
chmod775 | hang on | 04:07 |
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NetGrunt | hi there! Merry xmas to all ubuntuers! | 04:08 |
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Killalot | tool to turn on/off the screen? | 04:08 |
elisboa | does anyone know where can I get ndiswrapper packages for ubuntu hoary? | 04:08 |
johndarkhorse | elisboa: in the repos | 04:09 |
NetGrunt | Does anybody know how to burn an Audio CD from some mp3 files ? K3b says it's an unsupported format, and Serpentine CD creator idem. Any advice ? Thanks in advance | 04:09 |
johndarkhorse | NetGrunt: have you enabled mp3 support? | 04:09 |
Killalot | Netfeed, you need to install the mp3 package | 04:09 |
elisboa | johndarkhorse: the official ones? I am using br.archive.ubuntu.com and can't find any | 04:09 |
Killalot | does anyone know a tool to turn off my screen per console? | 04:10 |
NetGrunt | johndarkhorse, enable mp3 support where ? | 04:10 |
johndarkhorse | elisboa: have you enabled universe and multiverse repos? | 04:10 |
elisboa | johndarkhorse: sure | 04:10 |
johndarkhorse | ubotu: tell NetGrunt about mp3 | 04:10 |
elisboa | togheter with main and restricted | 04:10 |
viscount | Xmasmoo, sorry, do you have a link for the sourceforge.net forums? | 04:10 |
johndarkhorse | ubotu: tell elisboa about ndiswrapper | 04:10 |
elisboa | *together | 04:10 |
elisboa | johndarkhorse: thansk | 04:10 |
elisboa | *thanks | 04:11 |
Evil_Whisper | chmod775: Since you have unrar installed goto where you saved the rar and just click on it, it should then open in file-roller and then click extract :-) | 04:11 |
irvin | bye all | 04:11 |
=== lurah [n=lurah@dsl-tregw3-fe38dc00-94.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chmod775 | file-roller | 04:11 |
Evil_Whisper | chmod775: file-roller is the gnome archive manager :P | 04:12 |
NetGrunt | johndarkhorse, are you sure installing "gstreamer0.8-plugins gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse gstreamer0.8-ffmpeg" k3b and serpentine are going to support mp3 to cd conversion ? | 04:12 |
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johndarkhorse | NetGrunt: they'll help out quite a bit | 04:13 |
NetGrunt | johndarkhorse, thanks I'll try and let you know | 04:13 |
chmod775 | done | 04:13 |
slew | so how do i open a dvd in a dvd player/burner? | 04:13 |
chmod775 | cool | 04:13 |
Evil_Whisper | chmod775: Nice | 04:13 |
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sewoyl | hi! How do I get the 'load xmodmap' dialog to come up? | 04:14 |
Falstius | slew, I just associated it with DVDs in the GNOME settings. | 04:14 |
sewoyl | I tried to get my 10 buttons mouse working but now even the wheel doesnt scroll!! | 04:15 |
Falstius | vlc %d or somesuch (this was on my folks computer which isn't here) | 04:15 |
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NetGrunt | johndarkhorse, seems to work, thanks | 04:16 |
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NetGrunt | bye | 04:17 |
darkestpunk | Hey, has anyone tried installing mythtv on there Ubuntu system? | 04:17 |
Falstius | slew: system->prefrences->removable drives and media. Go to multimedia tab and change the video dvd discs command to vlc %d | 04:17 |
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=== Xtradite [n=Xtradite@12-227-148-113.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | darkestpunk, quite a few people :) | 04:19 |
keito | is it possible to make wlan cards with rt2600 chipsets work in ubuntu? | 04:19 |
Xtradite | hey all | 04:19 |
Xtradite | Merry Christmas | 04:19 |
darkestpunk | lol im sure.. I just wanted to know if anyone who is currently on has? | 04:19 |
slew | Falstius-> thanks =] heh now the dvd wont eject! =] | 04:19 |
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Xtradite | just got a digital camera and Ubuntu detects it fine and imports the pictures. However I want to send some pictures from the PC to the SD card thats on the digital camera. Any ideas on how to do this? I don't see a drive mounted anywhere that I could copy files to? | 04:20 |
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Falstius | slew: probably a crashed instance of totem is still holding onto it. you could try killall totem | 04:20 |
slew | Falstius-> no, said no process killed. not a big deal, i need to reboot anyway, one more thing though. i added a logout button to the panel and now all it will do is log out, not shut down or restart from gnome. and when i boot up it boots to the prompt, how do i get it to go back to the way it was? | 04:22 |
lucasvo | how can I change default window manager? | 04:22 |
ompaul | slew, dpk-reconfigure gdm might help | 04:23 |
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Xtradite | any ideas? | 04:23 |
ompaul | slew, >>sudo dpk-reconfigure gdm<< actually | 04:23 |
Dr_Willis | lucasvo, you mean change the gnome window manager from metacity to some other one? | 04:23 |
slew | ompaul-> thanks homie | 04:23 |
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Falstius | slew: what ompaul said. And if that doesn't work, check that you didn't modify /etc/inittab | 04:23 |
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lucasvo | Dr_Willis: yes, I would like to run gnome instead of xfce | 04:24 |
slew | says sudo: dpk-reconfigure: command not found | 04:24 |
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Falstius | slew: dpkg-reconfigure | 04:24 |
Dr_Willis | lucasvo, technicially GNOME and XFCE are 'desktop enviroments' you mean to say - you want to run XFCE's window manager (named xfwm) in stead of gnome window manager (named metacity?) | 04:24 |
Falstius | you're missing the g. | 04:24 |
ompaul | lucasvo, >>sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop<< | 04:25 |
lucasvo | Dr_Willis: yes | 04:25 |
ompaul | Falstius, as was I :) | 04:25 |
lucasvo | Dr_Willis: actually the other way around | 04:25 |
ompaul | Falstius, but we all know there is no I in team ....... hehe | 04:25 |
Dr_Willis | lucasvo, you proberly want to check the forum/wikis on the 'proper' way to change gnomes default window manager.. Ive always had issues with changeing it in the past. | 04:25 |
slew | /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: gdm is broken or not fully installed | 04:26 |
lucasvo | edubuntu-desktop: Depends: evolution-plugins but it is not going to be installed | 04:26 |
ompaul | slew >>sudo apt-get install gdm<< | 04:26 |
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slew | sweet thanks ompaul. whats gdm anyway? | 04:27 |
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rem_ | gdm -> gnome desktop manager | 04:27 |
slew | wow | 04:27 |
ompaul | slew, the gnome desktop what rem_ said | 04:27 |
Xtradite | How do you mount USB devices as drives? | 04:28 |
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Seveas | ompaul, gdm isn't the desktop... | 04:28 |
slew | wonder why it didnt come installed | 04:28 |
Seveas | slew are you using kubuntu perhaps? | 04:28 |
ompaul | Seveas, read what I said again :) | 04:28 |
ompaul | what he said :) | 04:28 |
wd | Xtradite, they should auto-mount | 04:28 |
=== ompaul ignores seveas so he can win | ||
slew | =] thanks guys have a good one. | 04:28 |
squid | is the br.archive.ubuntu.com repositiry down??? | 04:28 |
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Falstius | slew: gdm is the graphical login from gnome. | 04:28 |
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Seveas | ompaul, I just dropped in so I might be talking rubbish | 04:29 |
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ompaul | slew, as rem_ said I should not have cut off in mid flight :) | 04:29 |
Seveas | well actually, that might be happenning anyway :) | 04:29 |
ompaul | Seveas, heheh well I can't remember how to type today | 04:29 |
Seveas | too much glhwein? | 04:29 |
Falstius | mmm ... gluhwein. | 04:30 |
ompaul | na - just the 12 hour days of data input for the last few days | 04:30 |
Jared | i just logged in as root and i need to make it so my non root account can manage files on my external harddrive | 04:30 |
Seveas | ompaul, ah, mindnumbing.. | 04:30 |
notnet | is the br.archive.ubuntu.com repositiry down??? | 04:30 |
ompaul | right off to break turkey with the family | 04:30 |
Seveas | notnet, no | 04:30 |
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notnet | http://br.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy/Release.gpg: Linha de cabealho ruim | 04:31 |
ompaul | take care, take your time, and remember you are always bigger than the problem - so don't let it get to you | 04:31 |
notnet | Seveas, I am receiving error msgs from it | 04:31 |
Xtradite | hmm | 04:31 |
Xtradite | wd: as a drive? | 04:31 |
=== elle [n=y5Fys1JC@80-42-121-237.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | notnet, ah, it's broken then | 04:31 |
notnet | http://br.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy/Release.gpg: Bad Header Line | 04:32 |
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Jared | seveas any idea how to solve my problem | 04:32 |
Discipulus | merry christmas to all | 04:33 |
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Discipulus | and to all a good ngiht | 04:33 |
Discipulus | night* | 04:34 |
Seveas | Jared, what's the FS on that drive? | 04:34 |
elle | can someone tell me which format to burn a cd too so it will work on my Mum's cd player? i have tried wma, wav and MP3 the disc works on other cd players in the house but not her player. i thought it was gnomebaker not working so i'm in windows now for the first time in ages using Nero. can you help me? | 04:34 |
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slew | Falstius-> vlc %d opens vlc when i put a dvd in, but nothing plays. | 04:34 |
slew | should i find a driver for it, you think? | 04:35 |
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johndarkhorse | elle: if you choose "burn audio cd" the software will put it in the correct format (starting with mp3s works best) | 04:35 |
Jared | fs?? | 04:35 |
notnet | Wich packets do I have to install so I can compile something I have intalled gcc and make what else?? | 04:35 |
Discipulus | elle, gnomebaker automatically puts songs into .cdda format for you so it should work in the CD Player | 04:35 |
Discipulus | if it don't work in the CD player then it's either the player or you fucked up the CD burning it | 04:36 |
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Discipulus | or your burning software sucks | 04:36 |
notnet | When I type ./configure I get: | 04:36 |
notnet | configure: error: *** GLIB >= 1.2.2 not installed - please install first *** | 04:36 |
Discipulus | Jared, FileSystem | 04:36 |
Jared | i don't know....what exactly do you mean what file system? | 04:36 |
johndarkhorse | notnet: install "build-essential" | 04:37 |
Seveas | !tell notnet about ompiling | 04:37 |
Seveas | !tell notnet about compiling | 04:37 |
elle | i tried "burn audio cd" that and it didn't work in any players. i didn't check gnomebaker's format. my cd software works fine. i don't know what else to try :( | 04:37 |
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Seveas | Jared, fat, ntfs, ext3, hfs+... | 04:37 |
Jared | i don't know....wait | 04:38 |
johndarkhorse | elle: you'll need mp3 support before you begin | 04:38 |
keito | gstreamer0.8-mad | 04:38 |
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elle | mp3 support in gnomebaker? maybe i'll boot back into Ubuntu then come back :D i think i'll have alook at her other cd's to see which format they are in. thanks for the help | 04:39 |
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johndarkhorse | ubotu: tell elle about mp3 | 04:41 |
paal | which program do I use to open /home/paal/folder/folder/folder? | 04:41 |
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Dr_Willis | paal, open in what 'way' do you mean? | 04:41 |
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paal | yes | 04:42 |
johndarkhorse | paal: nautilus or applications > accessories > file manager | 04:42 |
notnet | johndarkhorse, where do I find build-essential?? | 04:42 |
notnet | From synaptic | 04:42 |
notnet | ? | 04:42 |
Jared | ...all i know is it is a 160 gig simpletech external harddricve | 04:42 |
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slew | !dvd | 04:42 |
ubotu | DVD playing is possible in ubuntu, some DVDs may require libdvdcss2, which is available at http://giannaros.org/buntu/breezy | 04:42 |
Jared | nonet sudo apt-get install build-essential | 04:42 |
paal | thanks i thought it was nautilius :P | 04:42 |
johndarkhorse | notnet: use synaptic | 04:42 |
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slew | huzzah! | 04:45 |
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elle | johndarkhorse:thanks i'll have a look at RestrictedFormats. i know i have all the codecs and libs though because i can play everything. i just got one of her cd's i'll have a look at the format. i should have booted into Ubuntu :| i don't why i'm using XP it's the first time i've used it for months and it hasn't helped one bit. | 04:45 |
slew | ubutu, youve done it again, sir! | 04:46 |
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slew | err ubotu, youve done it again, sir! | 04:46 |
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johndarkhorse | elle: all cds are in a standard format (unless they are those illegal computer destroying sony ones, but that wont affect linux, i dont think) | 04:47 |
dr_fie | -sneez- | 04:47 |
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elle | johndarkhorse: no that's a windows problem :D , even though it's a rootkit | 04:48 |
pc22 | happy hannuka | 04:49 |
hovinen | Hey guys. I'm having some trouble with DRI using the radeon driver: libGL error: dlopen /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri/r200_dri.so failed (/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri/r200_dri.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory) | 04:49 |
hovinen | Can anyone tell me in what package that file is located? | 04:49 |
phreak97 | is there something like the right click drag in windows? | 04:49 |
phreak97 | i want to go like 'make shortcut here' | 04:49 |
phreak97 | but i cant | 04:50 |
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hovinen | phreak97, Try dragging with the middle mouse button. Or, if you have no middle mouse button, use the left and right buttons simulteneously. | 04:53 |
elle | phreak97 maybe middle click? | 04:54 |
=== freak4pc [n=freak4pc@bzq-179-150-41.pop.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
freak4pc | hey everyone | 04:54 |
elle | hovinen: sorry i hadn't scrolled down the screen | 04:54 |
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freak4pc | Just installed ubuntu | 04:54 |
freak4pc | how do i install things with apt-get? | 04:54 |
freak4pc | i thought its "sudo apt-get install <name>" | 04:55 |
freak4pc | but it doesnt work | 04:55 |
holycow | freak4pc, you haveto find the right name first but ... | 04:55 |
johndarkhorse | freak4pc: use synaptic | 04:55 |
holycow | why are you doing command line first if you don't have a clue? | 04:55 |
holycow | use synaptic | 04:55 |
phreak97 | freak4pc, it does, but you have to have the right name and the sources set up also | 04:55 |
freak4pc | johndarkhorse, whats synaptic? | 04:55 |
holycow | system / admin | 04:55 |
johndarkhorse | ubotu: tell freak4pc about synaptic | 04:56 |
freak4pc | and... in the old version | 04:56 |
freak4pc | when i plugged usb disk | 04:56 |
freak4pc | it showed an icon on the desktop | 04:56 |
freak4pc | but now it doesnt , and i cant find where the device is located... | 04:56 |
holycow | it's a bug, there is no fix for it | 04:56 |
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holycow | you haveto wait for dapper to be released | 04:56 |
rile | is it possible to adapt speedstep configuration to ubuntu? | 04:57 |
claudiogzq | can anyone tell me where i can find cedega with de engine?????? | 04:57 |
holycow | you will have problems mounting floppy discs | 04:57 |
holycow | and automounting cds, dvds and lots of crap like that | 04:57 |
freak4pc | its a USB DIsk | 04:57 |
freak4pc | i cant mount it now? :| | 04:57 |
holycow | depending on your luck | 04:57 |
freak4pc | o.O ohh damn | 04:57 |
freak4pc | it worked well on 5.0.4 | 04:57 |
freak4pc | ... | 04:57 |
holycow | freak4pc, if it's not working, i haven't seen a fix for it, on some boxes it works on others it doesn't | 04:57 |
freak4pc | :\ so i cant do anything? | 04:57 |
Paradoxx | !ipod | 04:57 |
ubotu | info for syncing your iPod is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPodHowto | 04:57 |
Paradoxx | woot, i just got a nano :D:D:D | 04:58 |
holycow | reinstall hoary and wait for dapper the issues have been brought up a lot | 04:58 |
freak4pc | reinstall the old version? | 04:58 |
freak4pc | but as far as i know the old version isnt 64 bit... | 04:58 |
holycow | so what? | 04:58 |
freak4pc | i have a 64-bit cpu ... i want it to be of good use | 04:58 |
freak4pc | :D | 04:58 |
holycow | you have 2 choices, keep breezy an dwait for dapper | 04:58 |
holycow | install hoary and wait for dapper | 04:59 |
freak4pc | ... gotya | 04:59 |
johndarkhorse | freak4pc: you're better off using a 686 kernel for now, the entertainment parts of the 64bit arch are lacking atm | 04:59 |
freak4pc | ah ok | 04:59 |
freak4pc | thanks holycow & johndarkhorse | 04:59 |
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concept10 | freak4pc, you cant mount a usb drive in breezy? | 05:00 |
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freak4pc | well ... i have the cd here, so why not... guess ill be back later ;) | 05:00 |
freak4pc | yeah , i cant... | 05:00 |
freak4pc | :\ | 05:00 |
freak4pc | i mean | 05:00 |
freak4pc | in hoary | 05:00 |
freak4pc | when i plugged it in | 05:00 |
freak4pc | an icon popped on desktop | 05:00 |
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freak4pc | here nothing hapens ... | 05:00 |
freak4pc | *happens | 05:00 |
concept10 | freak4pc, it works for me. | 05:00 |
freak4pc | :\ | 05:00 |
freak4pc | it pops an icon? | 05:00 |
freak4pc | on desktop? | 05:00 |
concept10 | freak4pc, yes... do this... | 05:00 |
holycow | freak4pc, i told you, it's a bug. it works on some machines not others | 05:01 |
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freak4pc | ahh ... gotya | 05:01 |
concept10 | unplug your device | 05:01 |
freak4pc | done | 05:01 |
concept10 | and run tail -f /var/log/messages from the terminal | 05:01 |
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freak4pc | it outputs stuff and stuck | 05:01 |
freak4pc | ah not stuck | 05:02 |
concept10 | plug the device back in, and see if it gets picked up (you should see some messages about the drive) | 05:02 |
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freak4pc | w8ing for input | 05:02 |
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freak4pc | yes it shows messages | 05:02 |
concept10 | what does it say? | 05:02 |
freak4pc | Dec 25 18:02:23 localhost usb.agent[1938] : usb-storage: already loaded | 05:02 |
freak4pc | Dec 25 18:02:28 localhost kernel: [ 1914.705744] Vendor: WDC WD20 Model: 0AB-00BVA0 Rev: 21.0 | 05:02 |
freak4pc | Dec 25 18:02:28 localhost kernel: [ 1914.705753] Type: Direct-Access ANSI SCSI revision: 00 | 05:02 |
freak4pc | Dec 25 18:02:28 localhost kernel: [ 1914.707362] SCSI device sda: 39100223 512-byte hdwr sectors (20019 MB) | 05:02 |
freak4pc | Dec 25 18:02:28 localhost kernel: [ 1914.710142] SCSI device sda: 39100223 512-byte hdwr sectors (20019 MB) | 05:02 |
freak4pc | Dec 25 18:02:28 localhost kernel: [ 1914.710151] /dev/scsi/host6/bus0/target0/lun0: p1 | 05:02 |
freak4pc | Dec 25 18:02:28 localhost kernel: [ 1914.724848] Attached scsi disk sda at scsi6, channel 0, id 0, lun 0 | 05:02 |
freak4pc | Dec 25 18:02:28 localhost scsi.agent[1986] : sd_mod: loaded sucessfully (for disk) | 05:02 |
concept10 | I was about to dont paste here :) | 05:02 |
freak4pc | sorry :( | 05:03 |
freak4pc | pastebin next time :D | 05:03 |
concept10 | thats drive spam :) | 05:03 |
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freak4pc | rofl | 05:03 |
freak4pc | put it in pastebin? | 05:03 |
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concept10 | too late now | 05:03 |
freak4pc | lol ok sorry | 05:03 |
freak4pc | ehm | 05:03 |
freak4pc | it recognizes the external IDE... | 05:03 |
freak4pc | HDD i mea | 05:04 |
freak4pc | n | 05:04 |
freak4pc | no icon on desktop though | 05:04 |
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freak4pc | :| | 05:04 |
johndarkhorse | freak4pc: read the /topic please | 05:04 |
concept10 | a little too late | 05:04 |
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freak4pc | who kicked me? :D | 05:04 |
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concept10 | heh | 05:04 |
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concept10 | merry christmas! | 05:05 |
Seveas | likewise :) | 05:05 |
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concept10 | ;) | 05:05 |
concept10 | Seveas, he is PM'ing, let the poor guy back in, he said he will not paste and obey rules :) | 05:07 |
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windmill_laptop | how can I make apt-get use a source that is not verified? | 05:08 |
Seveas | ok, let me do a little christmas flood | 05:08 |
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Seveas | and clear the ban list in name of christmas spirit :) | 05:08 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@adsl-68-90-*.dsl.snantx.swbell.net chrisx1!*@* *!*n=tty54@64.107.156.* tty54!*@*] by Seveas | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@151.24.119-80.rev.gaoland.net *!*@ andrew_!*@* *!*@69-11-90-184.yktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] by Seveas | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@*quaillinux* *!*@216-20-98-6.client.mecnet.net *!*n=chrisd*@* *!*@203-166-234-160.dyn.iinet.net.au] by Seveas | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb %forkbomb!*@* %korpix!*@* %hypernewbie!*@* %totolezero!*@*] by Seveas | ||
Blue-Omega_ | :o | 05:09 |
Blue-Omega_ | nice | 05:09 |
windmill_laptop | blimey | 05:09 |
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windmill_laptop | is there a command line option for apt-get | 05:10 |
johndarkhorse | ubotu: tell windmill_laptop about apt-get | 05:10 |
battehari | ip addres listed when you run "last -i" command | 05:10 |
battehari | strange ip | 05:10 |
battehari | is that still there in breezy ? | 05:10 |
john_ | Can anyone help me....I want to be able to play music I have stored on a windows server. I want to stream it on Ubuntu | 05:10 |
tof_ | hi, when I connect an external device and I have 2 sessions with 2 different users, the device is mounted by the first user, with no access for the second user... How can we mount automatically, with full access to memebers of the 'users' group? | 05:10 |
john_ | At the moment the music wont play | 05:11 |
john_ | but will if I copy the file to the ubuntu machine | 05:11 |
windmill_laptop | thanks johndarkhorse | 05:11 |
holycow | john_, you need a streaming server | 05:11 |
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john_ | holycow...windows XP manages it with no problem | 05:11 |
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holycow | it's not really managing it, it's downloading the file locally and playing from the cache | 05:12 |
freak4pc | i dunno why u kicked me , but sorry anywayz :\ | 05:12 |
holycow | i.e. just as you were to copy it to your desktop | 05:12 |
john_ | holycow, is there any ubuntu software that can do that? | 05:12 |
holycow | well you just did it, download and play it | 05:12 |
holycow | same thing | 05:12 |
john_ | well I use itunes on xp | 05:13 |
john_ | to access the music | 05:13 |
john_ | so its easier | 05:13 |
john_ | no faffing about copying music to the player machine | 05:13 |
john_ | thats what I want from ubuntu | 05:13 |
johndarkhorse | freak4pc: read the /topic please, (and don't paste in here) | 05:13 |
john_ | is there any ubuntu software that will cache music i want to play from my mp3 server? | 05:13 |
dockane | hi all ... could somebody please try out, if this behaviour is common: in nautilus mark a few files and folders (kb sized, small ones) and choose "Start an archive". the keyboard input gets extremely delayed when typing the filename | 05:13 |
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concept10 | john_, cache music? | 05:14 |
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Happuf | Only few bans :D | 05:14 |
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john_ | concept....I used to play music in itunes from my server on my xp machine | 05:15 |
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john_ | i want to do the same but with ubuntu instead of xp | 05:15 |
john_ | but it cant do it | 05:15 |
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john_ | holycow says that windows downloads and caches the music before playing it | 05:15 |
concept10 | john_, you could do it several ways | 05:15 |
john_ | i tried lots of ubuntu software and none of it plays | 05:15 |
john_ | ....ok concept... | 05:15 |
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john_ | 1 way would be to make my server a streaming server | 05:16 |
john_ | ? | 05:16 |
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concept10 | john_, I dont know what you want to do, but you could use squeezebox server | 05:16 |
holycow | john_, you would need to install a streaming server on winxp | 05:17 |
dukebody | hello guys, could somebody help me with GnomeMeeting? | 05:17 |
johndarkhorse | john_: you should use squid (a caching proxy server) for that | 05:17 |
john_ | my server is 2003 | 05:17 |
holycow | whatever | 05:17 |
john_ | im enabling steaming media services | 05:17 |
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john_ | see if that works | 05:17 |
john_ | just strange how xp can do it even tho the server is not a streaming server | 05:17 |
holycow | its not strange john i told you | 05:17 |
concept10 | is he talking about Windows Server 2003? | 05:17 |
holycow | it just copies the file locally and plays that | 05:17 |
holycow | it looks like its streaming | 05:18 |
john_ | yeah I know | 05:18 |
john_ | but how can I get ubuntu to do the same? | 05:18 |
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holycow | it can't i told you, not as far as i know. | 05:18 |
john_ | ok | 05:19 |
concept10 | Is your server a Windows server? | 05:19 |
john_ | also...is it possible to play itunes protected aac music? | 05:19 |
john_ | yeah | 05:19 |
john_ | server 2003 | 05:19 |
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chrissturm | it doesnt have to be a streaming server, you can still play the file while you get it with http | 05:19 |
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johndarkhorse | john_: it is not. | 05:20 |
john_ | ah ok | 05:20 |
john_ | :( | 05:20 |
concept10 | yeah, why does it have to stream? | 05:20 |
freak4pc | well i restarted , and the drive still isnt mounted | 05:20 |
dukebody | could somebody help me please? | 05:20 |
johndarkhorse | dukebody: ask a question | 05:20 |
john_ | because i need to play music from my server | 05:20 |
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@p5490D3B4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
john_ | that is where all my music is stored | 05:20 |
concept10 | freak4pc, try mounting sda1, check the wiki for mounting fat32 | 05:21 |
holycow | you can try mounting the share via samba | 05:21 |
holycow | you can try mounting the share via ftp if you have an ftp server | 05:21 |
holycow | don't know if that would work | 05:21 |
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john_ | yeah it is mounted | 05:21 |
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freak4pc | when i go into disk manager it says the drive is on /dev/sda | 05:21 |
dukebody | could somebody help me with GnomeMeeting, please? I want to have a videoconference with a friend who uses Windows and i don't know how to | 05:21 |
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Paradoxx | any1 have any experience getting ubuntu to pick up a nano??? | 05:22 |
john_ | and when I access music in a media player on ubuntu it puts the name of the file in say xmms | 05:22 |
john_ | but it doesnt play | 05:22 |
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john_ | if i copy it to the machine, it does play | 05:22 |
johndarkhorse | dukebody: have you been to the gnomemeeting homepage/forums? | 05:22 |
freak4pc | john_, you have the codecs? | 05:22 |
john_ | yes | 05:22 |
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john_ | like i said | 05:22 |
john_ | music plays fine as long as it is on the ubuntu machine locally | 05:22 |
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tiredbones | I use hoary, I would like to install gvim, but synaptic show nothing. Is it under a different name? | 05:23 |
john_ | when I try to play music direct from a windows share it wont play | 05:23 |
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cthulhu | can somebody help configuring lirc?? | 05:23 |
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concept10 | john_, are you talking about accessing the file from a samba share and it doesnt mount/ | 05:24 |
concept10 | ? | 05:24 |
RO0T | tiredbones I use hoary, I would like to install gvim, but synaptic show nothing. Is it under a different name?.......... try to add more repositories to your sources.list | 05:24 |
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tiredbones | ROOT, any particular repository? | 05:25 |
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john_ | grrr this is so annoying, every few minutes ubuntu needs the username and password for my windows server | 05:25 |
john_ | i enter it and add it to the key ring of passwords and it still asks me | 05:25 |
jenda-gone | ALL: The #help channel needs your long term help... I am trying to revive this chan. People come there with all sorts of problems and all I can tell them is what chan they should go to. If you ever have spare time, feel free to idle there and help the occasional comers. Ask me if you have any questions about the chan. | 05:26 |
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holycow | john_, oh thats another thing, consider samba config screwed ... everyone has that problem, i am not sure there is a solution just yet | 05:26 |
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holycow | thats why i'm telling you, you can either install a webserver and try that, or install a streaming media server on your win box and stream to whatever client supports various streaming protocols anywhere | 05:27 |
john_ | ah i see | 05:27 |
holycow | a lot of the servers have a web based interface that allow you to manage playlists and so forth | 05:27 |
holycow | what you are trying to do is apply a windows solution, but it doesn't work because windows hides lots from you and as a consequence you don't learn anything, especially what questions to ask | 05:27 |
john_ | ok | 05:28 |
holycow | all windows users end up asking the same questions 'but it used to work' which is fine, simply indicative | 05:28 |
holycow | the nice thing with a streaming server is you can serve it to you self anywhere | 05:28 |
holycow | if your at school or work or whatever | 05:28 |
RO0T | tiredbones ROOT, any particular repository?................go to apt-get.org and check your query | 05:28 |
holycow | just get an accounton dyndns.org and point to home ... you can setup your server to adjust dyndns.org entries if you like if you are on a dynamic ip range | 05:29 |
holycow | btw welcome to ubuntu :) | 05:29 |
tiredbones | Is http://ubuntuguide.org the official user guide? | 05:29 |
concept10 | nopr | 05:29 |
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tiredbones | concept10, was that comment to my question? | 05:31 |
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bulio | I can't apt-get dist-upgrade | 05:31 |
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bulio | something about servers | 05:31 |
concept10 | tiredbones, yes | 05:31 |
bulio | is a server down or something? | 05:31 |
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bulio | bunch of these | 05:32 |
bulio | W: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/samba/python2.4-samba_3.0.14a-6ubuntu1_i386.deb | 05:32 |
bulio | Could not connect to archive.ubuntu.com:80 ( - connect (111 Connection refused) | 05:32 |
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tiredbones | concept10, ok - point me the the correct user guide. | 05:32 |
bulio | anyone? | 05:32 |
johndarkhorse | tiredbones: it is not. | 05:32 |
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johndarkhorse | tiredbones: ubuntuguide will wreck your system (it is very out of date), use help.ubuntu.com instead (it IS official) | 05:33 |
holycow | bulio, try another repository, or make sure to apt-get update first | 05:33 |
concept10 | tiredbones, correct for what? search the wiki | 05:33 |
johndarkhorse | bulio: try again later, you appear to be having network issues | 05:33 |
bulio | so I have to wait to upgrade to breey? | 05:33 |
bulio | *breezy | 05:33 |
concept10 | tiredbones, there is a guide similar to the ubuntuguide by the ubuntu documentationt team, | 05:34 |
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bulio | so the server is down? | 05:34 |
tiredbones | johndarkhorse, thanks for the pointer!! | 05:34 |
trae | which one of these should I install for an Intel Centrino 1.6mhz Mobile chip laptop: | 05:34 |
trae | mplayer-586 1:1.0-pre7cvs20050716-0.1ubuntu9 | 05:34 |
trae | mplayer-386 1:1.0-pre7cvs20050716-0.1ubuntu9 | 05:34 |
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johndarkhorse | trae: the 586 is fine | 05:34 |
trae | johndarkhorse, danke | 05:35 |
bulio | is a server down? | 05:35 |
johndarkhorse | bulio: it could be many things | 05:36 |
bulio | hrmm | 05:36 |
bulio | so I should wait? | 05:36 |
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trae | hmm | 05:37 |
trae | playing avi's seem choppy | 05:37 |
bulio | bunch of things like Err http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy/multiverse Sources | 05:37 |
bulio | Could not connect to archive.ubuntu.com:80 ( - connect (111 Connection refused) | 05:37 |
ThndrShk2k | Can someone assist me. i am trying to install ndiswrapper, but it won't install | 05:37 |
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trae | I thought it was just totem. | 05:37 |
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tof_ | hi, when I have 2 users on 2 gnome sessions there is a problem when I insert a media. One user mount it with no access for the other. How can I configure gnome-volume-manager so that when it mounts a device, it's rwx for the 'users' group? | 05:38 |
bulio | so no one has any idea whats up? | 05:38 |
trae | yeah, other video that I've taken before, that I know aren't choppy play back choppy too. | 05:39 |
bulio | someone try apt-get update | 05:39 |
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bulio | do you get connection errors | 05:39 |
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trae | mvi_0637.avi: RIFF (little-endian) data, AVI, 640 x 480, ~15 fps, video: Motion JPEG, audio: uncompressed PCM (mono, 11024 Hz) | 05:40 |
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ThndrShk2k | when i try to install ndiswrapper, i get "Can't find kernel sources in /lib/modules/2.6.12-9-k7/build; | 05:40 |
ThndrShk2k | give the path to kernel sources with KSRC=<path> argument to make | 05:40 |
ThndrShk2k | " | 05:40 |
johndarkhorse | ubotu: tell ThndrShk2k about paste | 05:40 |
johndarkhorse | ubotu: tell ThndrShk2k about ndiswrapper | 05:41 |
bulio | dammit, Is it down :( | 05:41 |
ion | Hi firstly Merry Chistmas for everyone, so how shall I install a compiler and which is available ? | 05:42 |
=== bulio [n=bulio@Toronto-HSE-ppp3785869.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bulio | so no one can help me? | 05:43 |
johndarkhorse | ion: install "build-essential" | 05:43 |
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johndarkhorse | bulio: you are having a network issue, try again later or change your URLs for your repos | 05:43 |
cmatheson | !tell bulio about questions | 05:43 |
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bulio | what urls should I change to> | 05:44 |
bulio | I'll try and reboot | 05:44 |
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cmatheson | !tell bulio about easysource | 05:45 |
yanis | hello | 05:45 |
cmatheson | bulio: you basically will never ever need to reboot unless you install a new kernel | 05:45 |
yanis | check here ( http://pastebin.ca/34860 ) the dmesg log for my HDD and tell me what do you think | 05:46 |
ion | johndarkhorse: is already done...so how shall I find the compiler ? | 05:46 |
Seveas | cmatheson, which fortunately is several times per release, Ubuntu has a pro-active approach to security :) | 05:47 |
johndarkhorse | ion: when you build your source, the commands are available for your use | 05:47 |
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ThndrShk2k | Yeah, the page that ubotu sent me didn't help at all... | 05:47 |
cmatheson | Seveas: heh, yeah... still, i think it's better to not get in the habit of rebooting every time you do anything (e.g. change your sources.list) | 05:48 |
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johndarkhorse | ThndrShk2k: use synaptic and search and find "linux-source" and 'kernel-headers' for your kernel | 05:48 |
ion | johndarkhorse: for example if I want run a simple " hello world" | 05:48 |
ThndrShk2k | did linux source, but not headers | 05:48 |
ThndrShk2k | thanks | 05:49 |
skon | Nothing like linux on a christmas | 05:49 |
johndarkhorse | ion: all the commands are available in your terminal | 05:49 |
Discipulus | Merry Christmas to all | 05:49 |
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Seveas | cmatheson, indeed | 05:49 |
ThndrShk2k | Skon, i was trying to setup ubuntu, but i accidentally made my windows partition ext3 and hit save >.> | 05:49 |
Seveas | Discipulus, likewise | 05:49 |
ThndrShk2k | so i have no choice until i get a windows CD | 05:49 |
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bulio | is there another repo I could use? | 05:50 |
kestas | night, merry xmas | 05:50 |
bulio | still getting problems with apt-get dist-upgrade | 05:50 |
ion | johndarkhorse: but in c++ not python | 05:50 |
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skon | ThndrShk2k: eek, that sucks...I remember I got my first linux distro about 5 christmases ago: Linux Mandrake 6.5 | 05:50 |
johndarkhorse | ThndrShk2k: seems a like a fortunate mistake, to me. no more worms, viruses or other windows nastiness for xmas? | 05:50 |
bulio | can't connect to archive.ubuntu.com | 05:50 |
cmatheson | bulio: are you going through a proxy or something? | 05:50 |
ThndrShk2k | Well i took good care of my XP Pro box >.>, just means half my spritework I didn't backup goes byebye | 05:51 |
uytuythgf | Hi ;-) Can someone help me with this one... I've deleted the samba startup/shutdown script in /etc/init.d, Can someone send it to me? I'm running Breezy Badger. | 05:51 |
johndarkhorse | ion: your 'build-essential' installed gcc-4.0, do you need something else? | 05:51 |
bulio | nope | 05:51 |
bulio | I have a router though | 05:51 |
Seveas | ThndrShk2k, ouch :( | 05:51 |
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ThndrShk2k | and JDH, Synaptic says the linux-kernel-headers is already installed | 05:51 |
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bulio | any idea what might be doing it? | 05:51 |
bulio | upgraded to hoary | 05:51 |
bulio | worked fine | 05:51 |
Seveas | ThndrShk2k, there are disk recovery programs that can do a lot for you if you don't touch the partition after messing it up this way | 05:51 |
bulio | setup breezy sources | 05:52 |
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bulio | then apt-get dist-upgrade | 05:52 |
bulio | and I get the connection thing | 05:52 |
ThndrShk2k | probably seveas, but i formatted it aftewards since i didn't know of them | 05:52 |
ThndrShk2k | so any data that was there is now gone ;o; | 05:52 |
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Seveas | hmm, that makes it tougher indeed :(\ | 05:52 |
bulio | Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/pycurl/python2.4-pycurl_7.14.0-1ubuntu1_i386.deb Could not connect to archive.ubuntu.com:80 ( - connect (111 Connection refused) | 05:53 |
bulio | E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing? | 05:53 |
uytuythgf | Is there a place where I can download the samba script ? | 05:53 |
bulio | things like that | 05:53 |
ThndrShk2k | unless there is a free program that recovers partial deleted data, but i doubt it | 05:53 |
nick01 | I compiled a custom kernel and now it sais failed to initialize HAL and I get no sound ; please help | 05:53 |
ion | johndarkhorse: well I don't know if I need something else....I wonder if I have to do the same process as windows to run the program... | 05:53 |
cmatheson | nick01: you can revert to your old kernel in the grub menu | 05:53 |
johndarkhorse | ThndrShk2k: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SetupNdiswrapperHowto | 05:53 |
nick01 | cmatheson, I know but I'd like to fix this one | 05:53 |
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bulio | so no suggestions? | 05:54 |
trae | grr, now this is odd. Now the video plays without being jumpy, but the sound is all distorted. | 05:54 |
cmatheson | nick01: compare your .config to the stock ubuntu one | 05:54 |
nick01 | cmatheson, or know what went wrong and compile another one | 05:54 |
nick01 | lol | 05:54 |
nick01 | that's huge | 05:54 |
nick01 | cmatheson, it works fine on slackware my config file | 05:54 |
john_ | is it possible to mount a windows shared folder in ubuntu as a device like you can in windows? | 05:54 |
john_ | like mapping a drive | 05:55 |
cmatheson | john_: check out smbfs i think | 05:55 |
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Ng_ | john_: there's a Connect to server option in the Places menu, or what cmatheson said :) | 05:55 |
cmatheson | nick01: you can't modprobe the module for your sound-carfd? | 05:55 |
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Ng_ | nick01: if you're going to compile a custom kernel, start with the Ubuntu kernel config in /boot/ but generally don't bother unless you really need to - there's little point | 05:55 |
john_ | itried that but it isnt accessible from various music playing software | 05:55 |
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nick01 | cmatheson, I modprobed the module it loaded but still no sound | 05:56 |
Ng | john_: then it'll need to be smbfs, which will let you mount the windows share to the normal linux filesystem so anything can access it | 05:56 |
cmatheson | nick01: that's unusual, did sound work w/ the normal ubuntu kernel? | 05:56 |
nick01 | cmatheson, in fact the module is loaded fine by the distro itself | 05:57 |
john_ | NG, how would I go about doing that? | 05:57 |
nick01 | yes | 05:57 |
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john_ | I just want to access a windows share as if it were a local drive | 05:57 |
john_ | like in windows | 05:57 |
ion | johndarkhorse: I found the manual I think is just read it now ....cheers man thank you very much..... | 05:57 |
john_ | mainly to play music | 05:57 |
john_ | but some people say its not possible | 05:57 |
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john_ | as windows doesnt really play music direct form a mapped drive, instead it downloads and caches it | 05:58 |
netventure | jonh_ that feature si kinda automated in the new gnome version (IMHO) in dapper drake | 05:58 |
funkyHat | john_, it is possible, using smbfs | 05:58 |
john_ | and linux cant do it | 05:58 |
john_ | so how do i use smbfs? | 05:58 |
Ng | john_: this might help: ubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com | 05:58 |
Ng | err | 05:58 |
Ng | damnit | 05:58 |
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nick01 | cmatheson, I think it has to do with that HAL error | 05:58 |
Ng | john_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently | 05:58 |
Ng | that's better :) | 05:58 |
john_ | thanks | 05:59 |
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john_ | do you think it is worth me installing dapper instead of breezy? | 05:59 |
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Ng | no! | 05:59 |
johndarkhorse | john_: not right now, no. | 05:59 |
john_ | k | 05:59 |
cmatheson | nick01: i don't know... i've used sound w/out HAL many times before... but it could be | 05:59 |
Ng | john_: dapper is unstable, do not install it until it is released | 05:59 |
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john_ | the second link I was sent is timing out | 05:59 |
john_ | ah no its not | 06:00 |
john_ | my bad | 06:00 |
john_ | its ok | 06:00 |
nick01 | root@T72:/home/nick01# alsamixer | 06:00 |
nick01 | alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device | 06:00 |
Ng | john_: if the share you want to mount doesn't need a password, scroll down the page - there are simpler instructions for that | 06:00 |
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john_ | so do you think onces I have mounted a windows share permanently using smbfs I will be able to play music files direct from the windows share as if it were stored locally? | 06:00 |
Ng | john_: yes | 06:00 |
john_ | unfortunately its windows server 2003 so i need username and password | 06:01 |
john_ | is that still ok? | 06:01 |
nick01 | cmatheson, if I can't fix it I'm gonna have to try kanotix or revert back to slackware | 06:01 |
john_ | i noticed a bug in samba where it keeps asking me for username an dpassword | 06:01 |
john_ | for ther server | 06:01 |
funkyHat | john_, yes, check out the page Ng linked you to, it's all there | 06:01 |
Ng | john_: erk, if it's 2003 you might need to use cifs instead of smbfs - they changed the way 2003 does smb :/ | 06:01 |
cmatheson | john_: yes, you'll there's mount options for that.. you'll have to read the samba docs though | 06:01 |
john_ | even if it is stored in the key ring | 06:01 |
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john_ | ok | 06:01 |
cmatheson | nick01: yeah you should really start comparing your config to the stock ubuntu one | 06:01 |
john_ | so do I try smbfs first? | 06:01 |
john_ | or cifs? | 06:01 |
john_ | is it a similar method? | 06:01 |
ElitePete | how do i search running processes ? | 06:02 |
cmatheson | john_: i'm not familiar w/ cifs, but either one is probably fihnje | 06:02 |
cmatheson | ElitePete: ps | 06:02 |
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john_ | k will try | 06:02 |
Ng | john_: try the instructions on that page, if it doesn't work then ask again here abuot cifs, but you may just be able to replace the "smbfs" section of the fstab line with "cifs" | 06:02 |
john_ | thanks mucho | 06:02 |
Effi | merry christmas comrades | 06:02 |
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nick01 | cmatheson, if I don't know what I'm looking for it would be useless- I removed most of the stuff and I won't start adding everything back in | 06:03 |
Effi | i want to install a new ubuntu system and i am asking me, wheather to create an extra partition for my /home folder or not. Can me say someone if it is usefully? | 06:03 |
brk3 | hey does anyone know how do you network 2 linux boxes together? i have the network cable connected but they wont pick up the connection.. | 06:03 |
psychogogogo | merry christmas too everybody | 06:03 |
=== Bree-Calif [i=d5c27c69@c-24-4-249-124.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ng | Effi: a separate /home partition is an excellent idea | 06:03 |
cmatheson | nick01: so just take the ubuntu kernel and remove the stuff you don't want, and if you're not sure if you need it or not just leave it in... you're gaining much by disabling a bunch of modules anyway | 06:03 |
Ng | Effi: it means you can re-install the system really easily | 06:04 |
funkyHat | Effi, it is very useful | 06:04 |
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ElitePete | Effi, cheers it's a great idea | 06:04 |
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Effi | thanks Ng, funkyHat and ElitePete | 06:04 |
nick01 | grrr | 06:04 |
RedEyes | hi | 06:04 |
Effi | so can i create an partition with the ubuntu installation routine? | 06:04 |
funkyHat | nick01, what are you having problems with? | 06:04 |
RedEyes | happy christmas :] | 06:04 |
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funkyHat | Effi, yes | 06:04 |
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meepy | To install Firefox 1.5? How? I downloaded the package, and extracted to my desktop? Now what? No installer? | 06:05 |
nick01 | funkyHat, sound in a custom kernel- this same config file works no problem in slackware; and even now the sound modules are loaded but alsamixer doesn't work the mixer is disabled and no sound in gnome | 06:05 |
funkyHat | Effi, you need to select the manual partition editor option, and just create a separate partition with the mountpoint /home | 06:05 |
cmatheson | !tell meepy about ff1.5 | 06:05 |
meepy | dident et a pm :| | 06:05 |
Effi | ok funkyHat do i need to create the size of the partitions on my own? what sizes do you recommend for the whole stuff?= | 06:05 |
cmatheson | !tell meepy about firefox1.5 | 06:05 |
meepy | thanks | 06:06 |
Ng | nick01: you are probably missing some sound modules then | 06:06 |
nick01 | Ng, nope | 06:06 |
nick01 | all there | 06:06 |
Ng | nick01: boot into a stock ubuntu kernel, do an lsmod, reboot into your custom kernel and do another, see what changed | 06:06 |
nick01 | it worked in slcak as I said | 06:06 |
Ng | nick01: irrelevant | 06:06 |
Ng | slack != ubuntu | 06:06 |
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nick01 | snd_via82xx 23956 0 | 06:06 |
nick01 | that's the module | 06:06 |
Ng | nick01: there's way more to alsa making noise than one module | 06:06 |
funkyHat | Effi, You'll want 4 or 5 GB for / most likely (I strongly doubt you'll use more than that), 2x your RAM up to a maximum of 1GB (unless your ram is > 1 GB, in which case match it) | 06:07 |
funkyHat | for your swap partition | 06:07 |
nick01 | Ng, all the required modules are there | 06:07 |
nick01 | and they're loaded too | 06:07 |
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funkyHat | Effi, and the rest of the space you're giving to linux in your /home partition | 06:07 |
Ng | nick01: then you missed something else out | 06:07 |
Ng | nick01: start with the ubuntu kernel config and change/patch whatever it is that's forcing you to compile a kernel, it'll be far easier | 06:08 |
paulproteus|lapt | !tell paulproteus|lapt about firefox1.5 | 06:08 |
Ng | nick01: for reference, I have one soundcard and 21 modules loaded with snd_ in them | 06:08 |
nick01 | Ng, the only thing that went wrong in my kernel was the HAL error- could that be it ? cause the sound modules are loaded as I said | 06:08 |
cmatheson | paulproteus|lapt: haha, if you want to know yourself, you could just /msg ubotu | 06:08 |
Ng | nick01: I have no idea, probably though | 06:08 |
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nick01 | Ng, I know I have lots of those too | 06:08 |
paulproteus|lapt | cmatheson: That's what ubotu said, too. :) | 06:08 |
Ng | nick01: how come you need a custom kernel anyway? ;) | 06:08 |
cmatheson | paulproteus|lapt: oh ok, hehe | 06:09 |
nick01 | Ng, I like having my own kernel | 06:09 |
Bree-Calif | Has anyone here tried to upgrade to teTeX 3 on Breezy? Breezy installs 2.0.2; Dapper installs 3, but I can't afford to risk the upgrade to Dapper yet. | 06:09 |
Effi | funkyHat, ok, that sounds great but what do you mean with : " 2x your RAM up to a maximum of 1GB "? Is this the size for the swap partition or what do you mean with that? | 06:09 |
paulproteus|lapt | Effi: That's the suggested swap partition size. | 06:10 |
Ng | nick01: then you'll have to do a bunch of digging around and see what your config is mising I guess, or use the stock kernel :) | 06:10 |
funkyHat | Effi, yeah, that was the size of the swap partition, but johndarkhorse has just informed me that you probably wont see any benefit to having any more than 768MB swap, regardless of ram | 06:10 |
nick01 | Ng, or install kanotix :P | 06:10 |
Ng | nick01: if you want... | 06:11 |
paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: You should probably be able to roll your own backport. | 06:11 |
Effi | ok, so when I have a 512 MB Ram size 768 MB of swap partition is enough? | 06:11 |
paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: Want some help with that? | 06:11 |
paulproteus|lapt | Effi: Yes, that's enough swap. | 06:11 |
Ng | nick01: you generally don't gain anything by compiling your own kernel though, so I'd just stick with the ubuntu one :) | 06:11 |
paulproteus|lapt | ng++ | 06:11 |
johndarkhorse | Effi: if you have over 768mb ram, just leave the swap at 768mb | 06:11 |
Bree-Calif | paulproteus|lapt - I could use some help, sure. I've downloaded the .debs from the Dapper distribution; figured that would be easier - but ran into a dependency issue that scared me a bit with libstdc++6 | 06:12 |
johndarkhorse | Bree-Calif: mixing dapper and breezy may not be nice | 06:12 |
paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: Okay, one sec. | 06:12 |
Effi | ok thanks a lot paulproteus|lapt , johndarkhorse and funkyHat | 06:12 |
nick01 | Ng, even just compiling for my cpu should give an improvement | 06:12 |
johndarkhorse | Bree-Calif: better to have apt-get build from source | 06:12 |
Ng | nick01: install the -686 or -k6 kernel :) | 06:12 |
Bree-Calif | johndarkhorse - Yeah, it looks that way to me too, but I'm too much of a newbie to be sure, so I kept it safe. | 06:12 |
Ng | or -k7 rather | 06:13 |
nick01 | k | 06:13 |
nick01 | I go now | 06:13 |
nick01 | bye | 06:13 |
paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: I have a script for you - http://pastebin.com/478421 | 06:13 |
paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: Download this. Feel free to read it through; it's very simple. | 06:13 |
fredforfaen | merry x-mas suckers | 06:13 |
paulproteus|lapt | fredforfaen: You, too. :) | 06:13 |
fredforfaen | :) | 06:13 |
Bree-Calif | paulproteus|lapt - Thanks - I'm revving up Firefox now | 06:14 |
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paulproteus|lapt | Once you have it downloaded, tell me, Bree-Calif. | 06:15 |
corneta | hi | 06:15 |
Bree-Calif | Will do, paulproteus|lapt ... wait one | 06:15 |
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Effi | at the moment i am copying with knoppix the /home folder of an hdd to another one and I am having a transferrate of about 3 MB/s. That seems very few to me. Is this a normal rate? | 06:17 |
paulproteus|lapt | Effi: No, it is very slow. | 06:18 |
corneta | hi | 06:18 |
paulproteus|lapt | Effi: hdparm will make it faster. | 06:18 |
corneta | do you speak ingles, or spanish?? | 06:18 |
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Seveas | corneta, we seak english in here | 06:18 |
Seveas | for spanish you can go to #ubuntu-es | 06:18 |
Seveas | for brazilian to #ubuntu-br | 06:19 |
uytuythgf | can someone please paste the content of /etc/init.d/samba from ubuntu breezy in a private chat window. I can't find it anywhere | 06:19 |
corneta | i am speak only inglish | 06:19 |
Effi | paulproteus|lapt, but I cant make the rate faster without stopping the copying prozess? | 06:19 |
Bree-Calif | paulproteus|lapt - I've downloaded the script and have questions - mainly, what to add to sources.list | 06:19 |
corneta | very little | 06:19 |
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paulproteus|lapt | Effi: You can make it faster without stopping it. | 06:19 |
Seveas | corneta, then you should probably try #ubuntu-br | 06:20 |
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pinkisntwell | if I kill xscreensaver the power management still turns off my monitor when the time passes! how do I disable that too? | 06:20 |
corneta | oh thanks | 06:20 |
johndarkhorse | Seveas: what the heck is up with r4ndy? | 06:20 |
tonyyarusso | # | 06:20 |
tonyyarusso | # Start/stops the Samba daemons (nmbd and smbd). | 06:20 |
tonyyarusso | # | 06:20 |
tonyyarusso | # | 06:20 |
tonyyarusso | # Defaults | 06:20 |
johndarkhorse | Seveas: such dedicatio | 06:20 |
paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: Do you have deb-src lines in your sources.list? | 06:20 |
tonyyarusso | RUN_MODE="daemons" | 06:20 |
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tonyyarusso | # Reads config file (will override defaults above) | 06:20 |
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Bree-Calif | paulproteus|lapt - yes, for the breezy repositories | 06:21 |
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tonyyarusso | if ! start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --oknodo --exec /usr/sbin/smbd -- -D; then | 06:21 |
corneta | seveas, thanks | 06:21 |
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paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: Then duplicate them for dapper. | 06:21 |
defendguin | how soon might the legal mp3 decoder be available as a package for ubuntu? | 06:21 |
tonyyarusso | log_end_msg 1 | 06:21 |
tonyyarusso | exit 1 | 06:21 |
tonyyarusso | fi | 06:21 |
Effi | paulproteus|lapt, can you say me, which option I need to make the transferation faster? | 06:21 |
paulproteus|lapt | Note that with only deb-src lines, you will *not* bring any binary packages in. | 06:21 |
tonyyarusso | fi | 06:21 |
tonyyarusso | log_end_msg 0 | 06:21 |
tonyyarusso | ;; | 06:21 |
tonyyarusso | stop) | 06:21 |
tonyyarusso | log_begin_msg "Stopping Samba daemons..." | 06:21 |
paulproteus|lapt | Effi: hdparm -d1 -m32 /dev/hda | 06:21 |
tonyyarusso | start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile $NMBDPID | 06:21 |
tonyyarusso | # Wait a little and remove stale PID file | 06:21 |
tonyyarusso | sleep 1 | 06:21 |
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tonyyarusso | if [ -f $NMBDPID ] && ! ps h `cat $NMBDPID` > /dev/null | 06:22 |
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jbroome | flood! | 06:22 |
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defendguin | thanks | 06:22 |
Effi | is it the device i am writing the data on paulproteus|lapt ? | 06:22 |
Seveas | and there's the first ban again | 06:22 |
Seveas | some people never learn | 06:22 |
paulproteus|lapt | Effi: Do it to both the source and target drives. | 06:22 |
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paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: Tell me once you've made that change. | 06:22 |
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Bree-Calif | paulproteus|lapt - let me ask you this - am I likely to corrupt Breezy by mixing in some critical Dapper-version libs, as johndarkhorse hinted (and as I've worried)? | 06:22 |
murr | hi, what program should i use to test a webcam? | 06:23 |
paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: Backporting mitigates most of that risk. | 06:23 |
john_ | hmm I have just permanently mounted a windows share in ubuntu but cant see the contents of the share? | 06:23 |
paulproteus|lapt | And it's going to be easy to remove them if you don't like what they do. | 06:23 |
Moeen | murr, f.e gnomeeting | 06:23 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %tonyyarusso!*@*] by johndarkhorse | ||
paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: The point is, you won't bring in any dapper-version libraries; you'll compile Dapper packages against your own Breezy-version libraries. | 06:23 |
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apology | Was trying to do that as a pm to uytuythgf as requested; carriage returns were handled differently than expected. See you all later. | 06:23 |
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paulproteus|lapt | apology: Use a pastebin next time. (-: | 06:24 |
Moeen | murr, s/gnomeeting/GnomeMeeting :D | 06:24 |
Bree-Calif | paulproteus|lapt - Understood. This sounds good. I'm editing sources.list now, brb | 06:24 |
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murr | Moeen: ok, i'll try that | 06:24 |
paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: Okay, great. | 06:24 |
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Effi | paulproteus|lapt, unfortunately i got a failed message : http://nopaste.php-q.net/180366 | 06:25 |
Grackshrike | Are there via unichrome drivers for ubuntu? | 06:25 |
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paulproteus|lapt | Effi: Try for your real hard drive device. | 06:25 |
Rodietze | can I use my Hoary packages in Breezy? | 06:25 |
Effi | paulproteus|lapt, what do you mean? | 06:26 |
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Bree-Calif | paulproteus|lapt - OK; I've edited sources.list and replaced all "breezy" with "dapper" (saved an unedited copy as sources.list.breezy and will copy it back when we're done...) | 06:26 |
paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: No. | 06:26 |
paulproteus|lapt | That's bad-bad-bad. | 06:26 |
paulproteus|lapt | It's essential that you only change deb-src lines. | 06:27 |
paulproteus|lapt | It's important that you not change "deb" lines. | 06:27 |
Bree-Calif | paulproteus|lapt - OK will change the "deb" lines back to breezy. | 06:27 |
paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: Great. | 06:27 |
arod | breezy and intel ipw2200. I got continuously this error: "ipw2200: Firmware error detected. Restarting.". any hints? | 06:27 |
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Effi | paulproteus|lapt, can you explain me, what do you mean with saying, that i shell try it with me real hard drive device? I don't understand, what i shall do | 06:28 |
paulproteus|lapt | Effi: Do you know what /dev/ device represents your two hard drives. | 06:28 |
paulproteus|lapt | Effi: Do you know what /dev/ device represents your two hard drives? | 06:28 |
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paulproteus|lapt | There's one drive you're copying from, and another you're copying to. | 06:29 |
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geramt | HI! | 06:30 |
geramt | Can you help me? | 06:30 |
geramt | I'm new in Ubuntu | 06:30 |
Effi | paulproteus|lapt, sorry, i can`t follow you | 06:30 |
john_ | I'm having trouble mounting a windows share can anyone help me? | 06:30 |
Bree-Calif | paulproteus|lapt - back - with sources.list edited as specified. all "deb" repositories are "breezy"; all "deb-src" repositories are "dapper". | 06:30 |
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ElitePete | quick, somone name a linux program they use commonly | 06:30 |
paulproteus|lapt | OpenOffice.org | 06:30 |
paulproteus|lapt | gaim | 06:30 |
paulproteus|lapt | PINE | 06:30 |
ElitePete | whats PINE ? | 06:30 |
john_ | 06:31 | |
paulproteus|lapt | A terminal-mode email program. | 06:31 |
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paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: Good. Now, I want you to put the script in /tmp/backport . | 06:31 |
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Effi | paulproteus|lapt, do you coincidentally speak german? | 06:32 |
paulproteus|lapt | Effi: No, sadly. | 06:32 |
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paulproteus|lapt | Only French and English. | 06:32 |
Effi | ah ok... | 06:32 |
geramt | HI! | 06:32 |
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geramt | I'm new in Ubunti and I need help | 06:32 |
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geramt | Je suis nuveau en Ubuntu et j'ai besoin d'aide | 06:33 |
Effi | so do I need to cange an option or what do you mean with try a real hard drive device? | 06:33 |
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jimmy_ | hi | 06:33 |
Bree-Calif | paulproteus|lapt - OK, it's in /tmp/backport | 06:33 |
paulproteus|lapt | geramt: C'est chouette, mais tu devrais aller a #ubuntu-fr si tu veux de l'aide. (-; | 06:33 |
Bree-Calif | Saved it as backport.sh | 06:33 |
jimmy_ | can somebody pls post the link to that tool that creates a new, custom /etc/apt/sources.list ? | 06:34 |
geramt | NOn, je ne suis pas francais, je suis mexicain :P | 06:34 |
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geramt | I have a Pentium IV at 1.7M, 128 of ram and 20 g of hd but My Ubuntu is really raly slow | 06:35 |
gnomefreak | !fr | 06:35 |
Agrajag | get more ram | 06:35 |
ubotu | Va a #ubuntu-fr et #kubuntu-fr pour aide et discussion en francais | 06:35 |
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john_ | how do i get root acces in terminal? | 06:35 |
geramt | And with Swap? | 06:35 |
geramt | I read about swap | 06:36 |
Effi | john_, sudo su? | 06:36 |
john_ | Effi, im new he he | 06:36 |
paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: Run this: /tmp/backport.sh mairix | 06:36 |
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john_ | thanks | 06:36 |
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ubuntu | hiu | 06:36 |
ubuntu | hi | 06:36 |
geramt | And I dont know how to write the "at" (a) for the emails | 06:36 |
ubuntu | how do i become superuser in ubuntu? | 06:36 |
paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: You'll need to do this as root. | 06:36 |
Effi | ubuntu, by pressing su ? | 06:37 |
paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: sudo sh /tmp/backport.sh mairix | 06:37 |
ubuntu | ok | 06:37 |
paulproteus|lapt | !tell ubuntu about root | 06:37 |
Agrajag | Effi: sudo -i | 06:37 |
unix | need some help with MASQ | 06:38 |
Bree-Calif | paulproteus|lapt - It ran OK until dpkg-buildpackage then failed. Error was "Child process failed" | 06:38 |
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johndarkhorse | ubotu: tell john_ about sudo | 06:38 |
paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: Can you pastebin the errors? | 06:38 |
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johndarkhorse | ubotu: tell ubuntu about sudo | 06:38 |
paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: BTW, I'm just using this as a test of the backport process on your computer. | 06:38 |
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Bree-Calif | paulproteus|lapt - sure - and understood that this was a test | 06:38 |
Bree-Calif | wait one | 06:38 |
Effi | paulproteus|lapt, I think this is the problem: HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device. Do you know how to fix that problem? what is ioctl? | 06:39 |
paulproteus|lapt | Effi: It's an "Input/Output control command". | 06:39 |
Effi | oh | 06:39 |
paulproteus|lapt | Effi: Try on /dev/hdb and /dev/hdc and /dev/hdd instead of /dev/hda . | 06:39 |
PuUbSiE | Any one to help me with Masquerade-ing | 06:39 |
Effi | ah, now i am knowing, what you meant before | 06:39 |
Effi | @ paulproteus|lapt | 06:39 |
paulproteus|lapt | Effi: Okay. (-: | 06:39 |
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Bree-Calif | paulproteus|lapt - it's at http://pastebin.com/478443 | 06:40 |
cartesian1984 | ah, hello all. and merry Christmas. Might anyone know of a way to configure KXdocker to uses apps other than the defaults? I have ubuntu/GNOME and thus don't want the KDE ones on the dock | 06:40 |
johndarkhorse | cartesian1984: is there no config or rc file for it? | 06:40 |
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paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: One sec. | 06:41 |
cartesian1984 | johndarkhorse: I am not sure, let me have a look | 06:41 |
HymnToLife | Can anyone tell me if the support for PCI-E video cards is good on linux ? | 06:41 |
Hikaru79 | What exactly does acpid and acpi-utils do? Is it safe to turn them off on a desktop computer? | 06:41 |
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cartesian1984 | johndarkhorse: it would be a hidden file in the home folder, right? | 06:42 |
jimmy_ | can somebody pls post the link to that tool that creates a new, custom /etc/apt/sources.list ? | 06:42 |
HymnToLife | jimy > gedit | 06:42 |
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=== Kira [i=Seabook@dsl-207-112-111-41.tor.primus.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kira | Good day. | 06:42 |
johndarkhorse | cartesian1984: if it's a kde app, it might be in ~/.kde or ~/.kx_blah | 06:42 |
Effi | paulproteus|lapt, what would be a usual transferrate? | 06:42 |
Xtradite | hey how do you view a usb device as a drive in ubuntu? | 06:42 |
Xtradite | or folder... i mean | 06:43 |
Kira | Is the ubuntu installation disc capable of resizing NTFS partitions? I forgot. | 06:43 |
Hikaru79 | Xtradite, mount it. | 06:43 |
paulproteus|lapt | Kira: Yes. | 06:43 |
Hikaru79 | Xtradite, type: man mount | 06:43 |
paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: sudo apt-get build-dep mairix | 06:43 |
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paulproteus|lapt | Does that work? | 06:43 |
Xtradite | Hikaru79: how? When i hook up my digital camera it finds it and I can import pictures but when I want to copy files from the OS to the drive I don't know how b/c I can't see it | 06:43 |
paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: If it works *or* succeeds, paste the whole command-line output into a pastebin, please. | 06:43 |
cartesian1984 | johndarkhorse: ah, yes, I found it. thank you. | 06:44 |
HymnToLife | Xtradite > isn't it in the Places menu ? | 06:44 |
Effi | paulproteus|lapt, i think for the /dev/hda hdd dma is enabled but the /dev/sda wont work. Is there something different with sata hard disk drives? | 06:44 |
paulproteus|lapt | Effi: SATA drives should have DMA by default. | 06:45 |
Hikaru79 | Xtradite, oh, we're talking about digicams? | 06:45 |
Xtradite | yup | 06:45 |
Hikaru79 | In that case, check out gphoto2 | 06:45 |
Hikaru79 | That lets you upload files to digi cams :) | 06:45 |
paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: Sorry this is so much work; I think you may not be using my script correctly, or you deleted the breezy deb lines from sources.list. | 06:45 |
Effi | oh | 06:45 |
Hikaru79 | I don't know if you can mount cameras as mass storage devices. I'd just go with gphoto2 | 06:45 |
Xtradite | hikaru : oh really? ok. | 06:45 |
Xtradite | hikaru: cool | 06:45 |
john_ | i have just mounted a windows share in /mnt/ will it be there after a reboot/. | 06:45 |
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john_ | ? | 06:45 |
paulproteus|lapt | john_: It won't be, by default. | 06:45 |
Hikaru79 | Enjoy, Xtradite ^_^ | 06:45 |
john_ | how do I make it be? | 06:46 |
mjr | Hikaru79, many cameras can be mounted; some can't, and for some of those, yes, gphoto2 is the right tool. (And it can handle the mountable ones too, I think) | 06:46 |
john_ | please | 06:46 |
john_ | :) | 06:46 |
paulproteus|lapt | john_: The last line in /etc/mtab should mention /mnt ; just append it to /etc/fstab . | 06:46 |
ubuntu | i'm trying to configure opera in ubuntu but it wont work | 06:46 |
Bree-Calif | paulproteus|lapt - it succeeded and the output is here: http://pastebin.com/478445 -- I could pastebin sources.list if that would help; don't think I got it wrong after you warned me about the breezy deb repositories having to stay breezy | 06:46 |
meepy | I screwed up the installation for firefox 1.5, not everything went correct, hmm. How do I remove FF 1.5? | 06:46 |
ubuntu | give error "Package libqt3c102-mt is not installed." | 06:46 |
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ubuntu | gives error | 06:46 |
Lagro | j/ #ubuntu-ro | 06:47 |
john_ | paul, im not sure i understand | 06:47 |
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paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: Do this: | 06:47 |
Lagro | hi | 06:47 |
paulproteus|lapt | sudo sh -x /tmp/backport mairix | 06:47 |
norbert | hi | 06:47 |
paulproteus|lapt | And paste me the whole output. | 06:47 |
Xtradite | hikaru79: any other good apps you'd recommend? just in general? | 06:47 |
norbert | frohe und ruhige weihnacht euch allen | 06:47 |
ElitePete | !de | 06:48 |
ubotu | from memory, de is Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu und Kubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de resp. #kubuntu-de | 06:48 |
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Bree-Calif | paulproteus|lapt - http://pastebin.com/478450 | 06:48 |
Kira | Can the installation disc check its own integrity? | 06:49 |
paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: Erm, did you see the error? | 06:49 |
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paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: Did you call that file backport.sh ? | 06:49 |
paulproteus|lapt | I forgot. | 06:49 |
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johndarkhorse | Kira: yes, hit "esc" when you can and from the menu that comes up, you'll see the choice | 06:49 |
=== bobbyd [n=bobby@i-195-137-31-171.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bobbyd | hi | 06:49 |
cmatheson | Kira: isn't there a check cd thing? (or is that debian?) | 06:49 |
paulproteus|lapt | Yeah, it appears you called it backport.sh. | 06:49 |
paulproteus|lapt | sudo sh -x /tmp/backport.sh mairix | 06:49 |
bobbyd | when I play midi files in timidity the drums don't work, it says that instrument isn't mapped. any ideas? | 06:49 |
ElitePete | im told i have 2 broken packages but i can't seem to find them | 06:50 |
paulproteus|lapt | Kira: I think it has a method for doing that. | 06:50 |
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ElitePete | how do i find my broken packages? | 06:51 |
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paulproteus|lapt | ElitePete: apt-get -f install | 06:51 |
Bree-Calif | paulproteus|lapt - yes, I did. I ls'd /tmp/backport and found this, if it helps: http://pastebin.com/478453 | 06:51 |
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paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: sudo sh -x /tmp/backport.sh mairix | 06:51 |
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Sionide | i wanna buy a USB bluetooth dongle with my xmas money - will it work with ubuntu? | 06:52 |
Bree-Calif | paulproteus|lapt - no such file or directory | 06:52 |
paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: What is the full path to the .sh file that is my script? | 06:52 |
mjr | Sionide, most probably any you'll buy will work, but googling for "linux" and the model you're thinking of can't hurt | 06:52 |
paulproteus|lapt | /tmp/backport/backport.sh ? | 06:52 |
Dr_Willis | Sionide, mine did. I ended up using the Kde bluetooth tools however. | 06:52 |
paulproteus|lapt | In that case, Bree-Calif: sudo sh -x /tmp/backport/backport.sh mairix | 06:53 |
ElitePete | paulproteus|lapt, i found the packages how do i remove them | 06:53 |
phasegen | Is it possible to add another dist cd to apt sources, such as edubuntu or kubuntu???? If so, what would the line look like? | 06:53 |
paulproteus|lapt | "apt-get -f install" should let you remove them. | 06:53 |
ElitePete | paulproteus|lapt, i get an error | 06:53 |
mjr | phasegen, use apt-cdrom to add the new cd | 06:53 |
gnomefreak | who has the site for supported hardware? | 06:53 |
paulproteus|lapt | ElitePete: Pastebin it. | 06:53 |
ogra_ibook | phasegen, no need to ... | 06:53 |
johndarkhorse | !hardware | 06:53 |
ubotu | hardware is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport | 06:53 |
ogra_ibook | phasegen, edubuntu and kubuntu use the same repositoriew | 06:53 |
gnomefreak | ty johndarkhorse | 06:53 |
Dr_Willis | phasegen, the Kubuntu web site details it - apt-get install kubuntu-desktop will get all the different kubuntu packages. | 06:53 |
Dr_Willis | phasegen, its kind of missleading to think of them as 'different' disrtos. they are more the same core disrto with different packages by default. | 06:54 |
bobbyd | can anyone with timidity hear the drums on this track? http://home2.swipnet.se/~w-22134/nmm/mario1.mid | 06:54 |
ElitePete | !pastebin | 06:54 |
ubotu | pastebin is, like, a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 06:54 |
Sionide | Dr_Willis, yep just read that in the forums | 06:54 |
phasegen | ogra_ibook: I have a dialup connection that hits at 28.8K. Any cd repository I add helps dramatically. | 06:54 |
cmatheson | ok | 06:54 |
Bree-Calif | paulproteus|lapt - a very busy little computer there for a moment :) - ending in "Here's what you've won" and the mairix deb package | 06:55 |
Dr_Willis | bobbyd, i here a little thunk thunk.. in the background... that what ya mean? this is with windows xp however. :P | 06:55 |
ogra_ibook | phasegen, ah, yes, then use apt-cdrom | 06:55 |
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paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: Good. | 06:55 |
Bree-Calif | :) | 06:55 |
paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: Now, try this: | 06:55 |
paulproteus|lapt | sudo apt-get remove bison | 06:55 |
paulproteus|lapt | And try making mairix again. | 06:55 |
gnomefreak | :( | 06:55 |
Bree-Calif | paulproteus|lapt - OK, wait one | 06:55 |
paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: Sure. | 06:56 |
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ElitePete | paulproteus|lapt, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6161 | 06:56 |
paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: Your patience is appreciated. (-: | 06:56 |
Bree-Calif | paulproteus|lapt - OK, it sees the dependency and installs bison, then builds the mairix deb, or at least that's what it looks like it's doing | 06:56 |
paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: Okay, good. | 06:56 |
Bree-Calif | paulproteus|lapt - this isn't patience, this is enjoyment. I'm learning, that's always a good thing | 06:57 |
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paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: Now, what's the thing you *wanted* in the first place, tetex-bin ? | 06:57 |
Bree-Calif | paulproteus|lapt - yes, I won the mairix deb - the script is working it seems :) | 06:57 |
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ElitePete | paulproteus|lapt, any ideas on my pastebin ? | 06:57 |
gnomefreak | johndarkhorse, that hardware site is for all ubuntu releases? | 06:57 |
johndarkhorse | gnomefreak: yes it was/is | 06:58 |
Bree-Calif | paulproteus|lapt - I think the dependency issues are limited to tetex-bin but there are actually three tetex-* packages in dapper: -base, -bin, and -extra, that I will need | 06:58 |
gnomefreak | johndarkhorse, ok ty | 06:58 |
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paulproteus|lapt | ElitePete: Can you read from it that sdl-devel is a problem? | 06:58 |
obsrv | hello, I have trouble with Adept (KUbuntu). I can connect to internet ONLY trough a proxy, but I can't find where to set in Adept proxy server. With good old synaptic everything was ok. Any Ideas? | 06:58 |
paulproteus|lapt | I can read that, ElitePete, from the pastebin output. | 06:58 |
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paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: Try doing it with tetex-bin. | 06:58 |
paulproteus|lapt | The hard one first, for good measure. (-; | 06:58 |
ElitePete | paulproteus|lapt, i see that.. how do i remove it? | 06:59 |
paulproteus|lapt | apt-get remove packagename | 06:59 |
ElitePete | paulproteus|lapt, i get another error | 06:59 |
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ElitePete | paulproteus|lapt, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6162 | 07:00 |
Xtradite | question for anyone: just installed gphoto2 via Add Apps but it didn't add it to the menu. Any ideas on how to add it? | 07:00 |
Bree-Calif | paulproteus|lapt - OK, wait one, this may take a bit | 07:00 |
obsrv | how to configure apt-get to work with proxy? | 07:00 |
gnomefreak | if on the burnt cd image the kernel moduales are missing is that a download issue or is that more of dapper being in devel? | 07:00 |
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paulproteus|lapt | ElitePete: dpkg -r --force-depends packagename | 07:00 |
paulproteus|lapt | That's a little harsher. | 07:00 |
phasegen | ogra_ibook, Dr_Willis, mjr, thank you very much. That saved me 2 hours of downloading to get kstars. | 07:01 |
=== zalaam [i=ove@ti500710a080-14150.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ElitePete | paulproteus|lapt, how do i implement that cmd? | 07:01 |
paulproteus|lapt | You type it. | 07:01 |
ElitePete | i dont understand the syntax | 07:01 |
paulproteus|lapt | sudo dpkg -r sdl-devel | 07:01 |
ElitePete | ok | 07:01 |
paulproteus|lapt | sudo dpkg -r --force-depends sdl-devel | 07:01 |
obsrv | how to configure apt-get to work with proxy? | 07:01 |
ElitePete | pete@LinuxBox:~$ sudo dpkg -r libsdl1.2-dev | 07:02 |
ElitePete | dpkg - warning: ignoring request to remove libsdl1.2-dev which isn't installed. | 07:02 |
paulproteus|lapt | sudo dpkg -r --force-depends sdl-devel | 07:02 |
ElitePete | what is this --force ? | 07:02 |
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paulproteus|lapt | ElitePete: You don't have to use it. | 07:03 |
paulproteus|lapt | I'm just pre-empting a potential problem, where you dpkg complains it can't remove it because other packages *depend* on sdl-devel. | 07:03 |
paulproteus|lapt | BTW, where on *earth* did you get sdl-devel? | 07:03 |
Bree-Calif | paulproteus|lapt - there are unmet build dependencies flagged; here is the critical part of the output: http://pastebin.com/478463 | 07:03 |
ElitePete | Removing sdl-devel ... | 07:03 |
ElitePete | guess it worked | 07:03 |
ElitePete | umm.. | 07:03 |
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ElitePete | from apt-get | 07:03 |
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paulproteus|lapt | ElitePete: Um, what sources do you have? | 07:03 |
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ElitePete | multiverse i belive | 07:03 |
Bree-Calif | I believe that libxaw8-dev was renamed in dapper; I saw some reference to that last night when I was googling teTeX 3 | 07:04 |
paulproteus|lapt | ElitePete: You shouldn't have gotten sdl-devel from multiverse. | 07:04 |
paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: Hmm, I see. | 07:04 |
zalaam | hmm, anyone with a working ati gfx? i'm trying to get the fglrx driver to work | 07:04 |
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paulproteus|lapt | zalaam: It's fairly easy. | 07:04 |
paulproteus|lapt | !ati | 07:04 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, ati is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 | 07:04 |
Kira | When I boot up the installation disc, how are the options "vga=771" and "linux debian-installer/framebuffer=false" different? | 07:05 |
ElitePete | zalaam, i got mine working yesterday it's quiet easy | 07:05 |
paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: Let's go to packages.ubuntu.com/libxaw8-dev and see what it says. | 07:05 |
zalaam | paulproteus|lapt: i can't get into X :( | 07:05 |
=== moshe [n=Jason@ool-18bab1e4.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
moshe | hello | 07:05 |
zalaam | i guess i have to reinstall then, and try from the beginning again | 07:06 |
ElitePete | zalaam, type this. | 07:06 |
ElitePete | zalaam, no | 07:06 |
zalaam | ok | 07:06 |
johndarkhorse | zalaam: there is no need to reinstall anything | 07:06 |
ElitePete | sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx | 07:06 |
=== topdeck [n=jack@68-112-235-47.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
moshe | would this be a good place to ask questions regarding apache on ubuntu? | 07:06 |
johndarkhorse | ubotu: tell zalaam about xcfg | 07:06 |
ElitePete | zalaam, do that | 07:06 |
johndarkhorse | moshe: ask away | 07:06 |
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zalaam | i did that before X crashed | 07:06 |
moshe | I just installed apache2 just to fiddle, and I put a public_html directory in my home folder. | 07:07 |
ElitePete | zalaam, now do this | 07:07 |
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paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: Try backporting tetex-base. | 07:07 |
paulproteus|lapt | It seems to want tetex-base around before it installs. | 07:07 |
moshe | I was able to see this folder in Firefox by viewing http://localhost/~moshe | 07:07 |
ElitePete | zalaam, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 07:07 |
paulproteus|lapt | I mean, before it builds. | 07:07 |
Bree-Calif | paulproteus|lapt - libaxw8-dev is in hoary apparently | 07:07 |
moshe | I put an index.html file in it, and now I get an access forbidden message | 07:07 |
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paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: Right, let's just forget about that for now and deal with the ones we know how to solve. | 07:07 |
phreakys | hello | 07:07 |
ElitePete | then during the setup select the fglrx driver | 07:07 |
zalaam | ElitePete: done | 07:07 |
phreakys | can some one tell me how to install a rpm package? | 07:07 |
=== phreakys is such a noob | ||
ElitePete | zalaam, read up | 07:08 |
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Bree-Calif | paulproteus|lapt - OK. tetex-base may take a while, if I remember correctly it's about 85MB | 07:08 |
johndarkhorse | phreakys: what program are you after? | 07:08 |
paulproteus|lapt | phreakys: You almost certainly don't want to do that. | 07:08 |
paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: Okay. | 07:08 |
phreakys | vmware tools | 07:08 |
deFrysk | phreakys, what package is it ? | 07:08 |
ElitePete | zalaam, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 07:08 |
randabis | phreakys | 07:08 |
ElitePete | zalaam, and select the fglrx driver | 07:08 |
phreakys | im running ubuntu under vmware | 07:08 |
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PuYbseU | hello | 07:08 |
randabis | phreakys: stick with .debs for ubuntu | 07:08 |
PuYbseU | need some networking help | 07:08 |
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deFrysk | phreakys, what package please | 07:08 |
johndarkhorse | phreakys: are there no debs available? | 07:08 |
phreakys | hm, need the rpm :/ | 07:08 |
phreakys | nope | 07:08 |
moshe | does anyone know what I need to do to get rid of the access forbidden msg? | 07:08 |
=== SantaD1 [n=damian@pool-71-104-105-237.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
deFrysk | phreakys, what package please!! | 07:09 |
phreakys | can i install .deb with apt-ge? | 07:09 |
deFrysk | tell us | 07:09 |
johndarkhorse | deFrysk: vmware | 07:09 |
zalaam | ElitePete: i've done that, and it doesnt work | 07:09 |
ElitePete | zalaam, whats the problem ? | 07:09 |
cmatheson | deFrysk: use dpkg | 07:09 |
phreakys | ah, tnx man | 07:09 |
zalaam | x will not start | 07:09 |
phreakys | thats the one | 07:09 |
phreakys | :D | 07:09 |
ElitePete | zalaam, whats the error | 07:09 |
deFrysk | tss | 07:09 |
cmatheson | !tell zalaam about questions | 07:09 |
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johndarkhorse | ElitePete: do the dpkg-reconfigure and choose the VESA driver for now (you can change it later) but it should get you into X | 07:09 |
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johndarkhorse | crap | 07:09 |
johndarkhorse | zalaam: see what i wrote above to ElitePete | 07:09 |
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Kira | OH shit... | 07:10 |
paulproteus|lapt | Kira: Eh? | 07:10 |
Kira | I f'ed up my hard disk | 07:10 |
Bree-Calif | paulproteus|lapt - some time back I set up a local repository ~/debs -- I could download libaxw8-dev and do a dpkg-scansources to build a Sources.gz there ... | 07:10 |
Kira | I removed the Ubuntu partitions | 07:10 |
ElitePete | johndarkhorse, i'm no expert, i was just trying to help him, i did what i told him to do yesterday and it worked for me i have an ati card :-) | 07:10 |
paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: No. | 07:10 |
Kira | and now GRUB gives me error 22 | 07:10 |
=== joe_alf [n=joe_alf@pcd302209.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
paulproteus|lapt | Don't try to grab dependencies from anything but breezy and dapper. | 07:11 |
johndarkhorse | ElitePete: of course, the VESA option is failsafe, tho. | 07:11 |
ElitePete | johndarkhorse, i did not know that. | 07:11 |
ElitePete | :-) | 07:11 |
Bree-Calif | OK ... yeah, that sounded dicey even to me ... | 07:11 |
Kira | Anyway to fix that? | 07:11 |
deFrysk | Kira, you removed / ? | 07:11 |
cmatheson | johndarkhorse: well... almost. it won't work at all for any older cards (non-vesa compliant)--vga is a safer bet generally | 07:11 |
Kira | ya, I removed the ext2 and swap | 07:11 |
paulproteus|lapt | Kira: Yeah, reinstall via the CD. | 07:12 |
paulproteus|lapt | Kira: Do you what the system to boot? | 07:12 |
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paulproteus|lapt | What OS? | 07:12 |
=== Hoxzer [n=niko@a80-186-169-248.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
paulproteus|lapt | Ubuntu? That'd be hard without those partitions. | 07:12 |
deFrysk | Kira, then there is nothing left to boot | 07:12 |
paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: If the packages are really broken, the packages are really broken. But I'm willing to bet they're not broken, just that your system isn't quite ready for the sanity of the dependencies to become apparent. | 07:12 |
johndarkhorse | cmatheson: i've never owned a nonVESA compliant card (and i've had puters for a long long time) | 07:12 |
paulproteus|lapt | So we'll do our best to satisfy the dependencies one by one, until you discover at the end that you've succeeded. | 07:12 |
paulproteus|lapt | (Or failed, I supposed.) | 07:12 |
Kira | I wanted to uninstall Ubuntu (wireless was not working like I wanted it to after 2 months). | 07:12 |
paulproteus|lapt | Kira: Then what OS do you want to boot? | 07:13 |
cmatheson | johndarkhorse: i otoh have only two vesa-compliant cards (my voodoo and geforce) | 07:13 |
Kira | Windows XP | 07:13 |
Kira | It was dual booted | 07:13 |
paulproteus|lapt | Kira: You should read up about "fdisk /mbr" | 07:13 |
zalaam | johndarkhorse: oki, the error i get when starting x is: fglrx(0):incompatible kernel module detected - HW accelrated opengl will not work | 07:13 |
trae | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=603211#post603211 <-- if someone has a moment to look at that please. | 07:13 |
paulproteus|lapt | That's your ticket to a Windows-only boot record. | 07:13 |
Bree-Calif | paulproteus|lapt - thanks. That sounds like a plan. | 07:13 |
zalaam | johndarkhorse: gonna load the vesa now, brb | 07:13 |
Kira | tough luck | 07:14 |
Bree-Calif | ... still downloading tetex-base ... I'm going to grab some coffee; brb | 07:14 |
Kira | my laptop doesn't have a floppy drive | 07:14 |
Kira | no way I can get fdisk to run. >_< | 07:14 |
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ElitePete | Kira, you can put fdisk on a cd can't you? | 07:14 |
obsrv | how to configure apt-get to work with proxy? | 07:14 |
Kira | ElitePete: yes but how to I make a bootable CD? I have no clue. | 07:14 |
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paulproteus|lapt | Kira: The Windows CD usually boots to an emergency system, or has a repair option, or something. | 07:15 |
=== gnomefreak brb need to think | ||
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paulproteus|lapt | obsrv: Google acquire+proxy+apt | 07:15 |
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cartesian1984 | how do you set up your desktop so that moving your mouse to one of the corners makes it hide all the windows or something mac-esque like that? | 07:15 |
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obsrv | paulproteus|lapt, what I found is export http_proxy\ | 07:15 |
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obsrv | but it doesn't work | 07:15 |
muszek | hi | 07:15 |
paulproteus|lapt | obsrv: http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/man/man5/apt.conf.5.html | 07:15 |
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ElitePete | Kira, how big is your HD | 07:15 |
zalaam | hmm, now i get the error "no screen found" when starting x | 07:15 |
Kira | 40GB | 07:15 |
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obsrv | paulproteus|lapt, is there any way to do in Adept? | 07:16 |
obsrv | graphicaly :) | 07:16 |
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cmatheson | zalaam: how about you paste your xorg.conf? | 07:16 |
muszek | http://rafb.net/paste/results/0XBayg58.html - any idea why the script wouldn't work? executing these two commands by hand works ok | 07:16 |
johndarkhorse | obsrv: i suspect you'll have to edit a config file | 07:16 |
paulproteus|lapt | obsrv: http://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2005/09/msg00077.html | 07:16 |
zalaam | cmatheson: in this channel? | 07:16 |
paulproteus|lapt | I don't know about Adept, but Synaptic has an option for this. | 07:16 |
jgrieves | there seems to be quite a few NTFS writinng/reading drivers out there, any idea which one is the best? | 07:16 |
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paulproteus|lapt | jgrieves: Yes, the one based on FUSE from ntfsprogs. | 07:17 |
johndarkhorse | jgrieves: writing to ntfs is unstable at best | 07:17 |
obsrv | paulproteus|lapt, I know that Synaptic has an option :) | 07:17 |
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paulproteus|lapt | obsrv: Well, then just run Synaptic. (-: | 07:17 |
obsrv | in Adept I can't find such option | 07:17 |
cmatheson | zallam no, in the pastebin... see /topic | 07:17 |
paulproteus|lapt | Its configuration should stick to Adept, too. | 07:17 |
jgrieves | paulproteus|lapt ty | 07:17 |
obsrv | paulproteus|lapt, where can I get Synaptic with Kubuntu? | 07:17 |
zalaam | roger, thank you | 07:17 |
paulproteus|lapt | obsrv: apt-get install synaptic | 07:17 |
johndarkhorse | obsrv: install it, using the konsole | 07:17 |
obsrv | since I can't run apt-get :) | 07:17 |
paulproteus|lapt | Oh, wait, you need apt-get working... | 07:17 |
paulproteus|lapt | obsrv: http://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2005/09/msg00077.html | 07:17 |
jgrieves | http://www.jankratochvil.net/project/captive/ ? | 07:17 |
ciner_ | Merry Xmass | 07:17 |
Kira | heh, for the next release, I think it would be wise to display a warning message when the user tries to delete a partition | 07:18 |
obsrv | I have no /etc/apt/apt.conf | 07:18 |
paulproteus|lapt | jgrieves: captive is old and unmaintained. | 07:18 |
ElitePete | Kira, i'm trying to find you something | 07:18 |
johndarkhorse | obsrv: it's easy to adjust your config files, the export http_proxy goes in your ~/.bashrc | 07:18 |
paulproteus|lapt | obsrv: Then make it. | 07:18 |
Kira | and tell them to read up on fdisk /mbr. :P | 07:18 |
johndarkhorse | obsrv: if you have no apt.conf, make one | 07:18 |
obsrv | johndarkhorse, I exported http_proxy as a normal user. It didn't helped | 07:18 |
jgrieves | paulproteus|lapt oh sorry, that came up with FUSE | 07:18 |
ElitePete | Kira, do you have any floppy fdisks? and another pc | 07:18 |
obsrv | I can't export http_Proxy as root, I get an error | 07:18 |
paulproteus|lapt | jgrieves: Ah, okay. | 07:18 |
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zalaam | cmatheson: how do i do that without x? will it work using a text web browser? | 07:18 |
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paulproteus|lapt | obsrv: Please, follow my instructions. | 07:18 |
obsrv | ok | 07:18 |
jgrieves | paulproteus|lapt linux-ntfs project? | 07:18 |
johndarkhorse | obsrv: no, because apt is run via superusers only | 07:19 |
paulproteus|lapt | jgrieves: That's the one. | 07:19 |
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jgrieves | paulproteus|lapt ty, | 07:19 |
muszek | http://rafb.net/paste/results/0XBayg58.html - any idea why the script wouldn't work? executing these two commands by hand works ok | 07:19 |
ElitePete | Kira, http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/ | 07:19 |
ElitePete | can you burn that onto a cd? | 07:19 |
ElitePete | use alcohol 120% | 07:19 |
trae | anyone know anything about playing avi sound under Ubuntu? I'm getting a screechy sound when trying to play avi's. (video is ok) [I can play mp3's/ogg's just fine] | 07:19 |
Kira | ok, let me grab that after lunch | 07:19 |
Kira | thanks | 07:19 |
paulproteus|lapt | muszek: Does it file for unemployment? | 07:19 |
paulproteus|lapt | muszek: How precisely does it not work? Does it give you error messages? | 07:19 |
Hoxzer | can I buy just any bluetooth adabter I want to my PC to use it in linux? | 07:20 |
cmatheson | zalaam: zalaam yeah, use links or something | 07:20 |
ElitePete | Kira, no problem it has XFDISK should fix you up | 07:20 |
jgrieves | paulproteus|lapt looks like ntfstools is in repositories | 07:20 |
muszek | paulproteus|lapt: no, no error messages... the networking just doesn't start to work... it echoes that 2nd line, though | 07:20 |
zalaam | cmatheson: thanks, sudo apt-get install links? | 07:20 |
burning_bronx | Hoxzer, have you tried to google for linux bluetooth ? | 07:20 |
burning_bronx | >.> | 07:20 |
jgrieves | paulproteus|lapt better to build from source for latest? or is that one as stable as i'll get? | 07:20 |
burning_bronx | <.< | 07:20 |
johndarkhorse | zalaam: yes. | 07:20 |
cmatheson | zalaam: yeah | 07:20 |
obsrv | how can I become a superuser in Kubuntu? I have not specifed a password for it | 07:21 |
Hoxzer | BUrning: no, but I tried to ask in irc about it | 07:21 |
obsrv | but I get request for it | 07:21 |
paulproteus|lapt | jgrieves: If it were me, I'd backport from Dapper. | 07:21 |
muszek | obsrv: sudo su | 07:21 |
cmatheson | !tell obsrv about sudo | 07:21 |
obsrv | I know about sudo | 07:21 |
jgrieves | paulproteus|lapt not a bad idea | 07:21 |
eZtaR | Is the extra repositories down? Because i can't get gstream-plugins :( | 07:21 |
obsrv | but using sudo some functions are disabled | 07:21 |
obsrv | I need to get superuser rights | 07:21 |
obsrv | with su for example | 07:21 |
muszek | obsrv: in console, just type sudo su and give your regular password... | 07:21 |
burning_bronx | Hoxzer, http://tuxmobil.org/bluetooth_linux.html | 07:21 |
obsrv | But I don't know the pass | 07:21 |
burning_bronx | >.> | 07:21 |
cmatheson | obsrv: no... tehy're not | 07:21 |
johndarkhorse | obsrv: using sudo gets you ALL the powers of a superuser | 07:21 |
burning_bronx | next time google it. | 07:22 |
paulproteus|lapt | obsrv: It's your password. | 07:22 |
trae | Seveas, it's me, your most favorite #ubuntu person "occy" heh | 07:22 |
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ElitePete | Kira, might want to look at this http://adrian15.raulete.net/grub/tiki-index.php | 07:22 |
trae | Seveas, know anything about this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=108220 | 07:22 |
ciner_ | try use sudo bash | 07:22 |
Hoxzer | "As many Bluetooth devices present themselves as a serial device, there is usually no special driver needed." | 07:22 |
obsrv | johndarkhorse, using sudo export it says that there is no such program export :) | 07:22 |
Hoxzer | Ok, I see | 07:22 |
paulproteus|lapt | obsrv: Did you try mine? | 07:22 |
obsrv | using su says that Authentication failure | 07:22 |
paulproteus|lapt | apt.conf and all that? | 07:22 |
obsrv | paulproteus|lapt, yes | 07:22 |
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johndarkhorse | obsrv: edit (or make) an apt.conf in the appropriate directory and add those lines to it | 07:22 |
obsrv | now package manager doesn't run :) | 07:22 |
Bree-Calif | paulproteus|lapt - I've been dumb, I forgot how big /tmp was - or wasn't. I'm going to have to do this in ~ instead ... starting over on tetex-base :( | 07:23 |
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johndarkhorse | obsrv: you'll have to use sudo to write to that directory | 07:23 |
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paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: Sorry to hear that. | 07:23 |
jgrieves | paulproteus|lapt gui frontend do this? | 07:23 |
paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: Wait. | 07:23 |
Bree-Calif | OK | 07:23 |
KTheRoot | Is there any boot cd`s i could use to install any OS`s over lan? Its not possible to use the ubuntu boot-cd to install something else than ubuntu right? | 07:23 |
paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: Move the directory over to ~ , and then restart via "apt-get -b source tetex-base" | 07:23 |
paulproteus|lapt | Then you won't have to redownload the files. | 07:23 |
=== trae hrms | ||
gnomefreak | how do i find drivers for nic to write to 3.5? | 07:24 |
gnomefreak | floppy even | 07:24 |
paulproteus|lapt | gnomefreak: ? | 07:24 |
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paulproteus|lapt | Oh, floppy. | 07:24 |
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paulproteus|lapt | For NIC? | 07:24 |
gnomefreak | my nic drivers | 07:24 |
gnomefreak | yes | 07:24 |
paulproteus|lapt | Your NIC is probably supported. | 07:24 |
Hikaru79 | How stable is breezy-backports nowadays? Would using some packages from it bring eternal damnation upon my soul? | 07:24 |
trae | gnomefreak, mtools? | 07:24 |
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=== Aesop [n=Aesop@68-64-174-224.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | not in dapper its not :( | 07:24 |
Aesop | Morning all. | 07:24 |
Bree-Calif | paulproteus|lapt - will do; that should save time | 07:24 |
obsrv | paulproteus|lapt, when I create apt.conf and write those lines to it I get: Syntax error: Extra junk at end of file | 07:24 |
obsrv | when I run apt-get | 07:24 |
paulproteus|lapt | obsrv: Well, pastebin your apt.conf. | 07:24 |
trae | gnomefreak, I haven't used mtools in like forever. | 07:24 |
paulproteus|lapt | Obviously, you got the syntax wrong. | 07:25 |
Aesop | Hey, anyone know how to setup dual monitors on a NVidia Geforce 6600? Not getting anyhting out the DVI | 07:25 |
gnomefreak | im installing mtools now | 07:25 |
gnomefreak | ty | 07:25 |
trae | gnomefreak, good luck.. | 07:25 |
gnomefreak | thanks :)) | 07:25 |
trae | gnomefreak, I think you do something like mcopy a: | 07:25 |
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trae | or some junk | 07:25 |
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obsrv | paulproteus|lapt, I will paste what I get. One moment | 07:25 |
zalaam | hmm, how do i copy the text in xorg.conf, i need to paste it in links | 07:25 |
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paulproteus|lapt | obsrv: No, pastebin your apt.conf, not the error message. | 07:26 |
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trae | gnomefreak, know anything about playing avi's? heh </broken_record> | 07:26 |
gole | how would one boot the live cd on a VIA C3 processor | 07:26 |
gnomefreak | nope sorry i dont :( | 07:26 |
eZtaR | Anyone with working gstream-plugins help? | 07:26 |
trae | gnomefreak, np ;) | 07:26 |
obsrv | Acquire::http::Proxy "http://user:pass@192.X.X.X:8080"; | 07:26 |
obsrv | apt.conf is uno line | 07:26 |
obsrv | this with Acquire::... :) | 07:26 |
Nevis | I'm trying to install 5.10 and failing. :-) | 07:26 |
Nevis | anyone wanna try and help me guess what I'm doing wrong? | 07:26 |
paulproteus|lapt | obsrv: What's your proxy? | 07:26 |
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obsrv | | 07:27 |
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paulproteus|lapt | obsrv: You have to put *your* proxy information between the quotes. | 07:27 |
obsrv | yes I know :) | 07:27 |
eZtaR | W: Couldn't stat source package list http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net hoary-backports/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net_dists_hoary-backports_universe_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 07:27 |
=== Evil_Whisper [n=mike@71-10-45-100.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
obsrv | i have put it | 07:27 |
eZtaR | help? | 07:27 |
obsrv | you see I'm working with two PCs | 07:27 |
obsrv | one is without internet connection | 07:27 |
ThndrShk2k | Is there anything i can do to make ubuntu boot correctly into my LCD monitor? | 07:27 |
Evil_Whisper | argh aterm is bad for irssi :( | 07:27 |
obsrv | (KUbuntu) | 07:27 |
obsrv | and I'm wrinting from Gentoo :) | 07:27 |
ubuntu | how do i install a package in ubuntu? | 07:27 |
paulproteus|lapt | obsrv: I'm so sorry. (-; | 07:27 |
gnomefreak | eZtaR, mirrormax backports havent worked in a while | 07:27 |
ThndrShk2k | The screenstarts about 1/8 - 1/4 away from the left side | 07:27 |
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ThndrShk2k | and ends about the same amount past my right side | 07:28 |
obsrv | paulproteus|lapt, why? :) no sorry is needed | 07:28 |
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obsrv | I will paste my errors | 07:28 |
eZtaR | gnomefreak, are there other backports that do? | 07:28 |
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eZtaR | gnomefreak, and can i have the url? :p | 07:28 |
gnomefreak | eZtaR, your on hoary? | 07:28 |
ubuntu | im trying to compile quake 3 arena in ubuntu, but dont know how, anyone can help? | 07:28 |
=== Darth_Greig [n=Darth_Gr@rrcs-67-53-76-85.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eZtaR | gnomefreak, Yup | 07:29 |
gnomefreak | !sources | 07:29 |
ubotu | A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) - Create your own sources.list at http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic | 07:29 |
gnomefreak | go to the last link and use that | 07:29 |
gnomefreak | i dont think the hoary link has backports | 07:29 |
rosen | Anyone had experience getting Logitechs MX1000 laser mouse-buttons to work ? .. I mean adding the extra buttons ? | 07:29 |
eZtaR | Thanks gnomefreak | 07:29 |
obsrv | paulproteus|lapt, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6163 | 07:29 |
gnomefreak | yw eZtaR | 07:30 |
Bree-Calif | paulproteus|lapt - I've got to be afk for a minute or two here ... brb | 07:30 |
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paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif-afk: Okay, good luck. | 07:30 |
topdeck | if I can see a device listed in 'lsusb' can I mount it with just that information? | 07:30 |
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paulproteus|lapt | obsrv: The last line says what to do. | 07:30 |
paulproteus|lapt | W:Youmaywanttorunapt-getupdatetocorrecttheseproblems | 07:30 |
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obsrv | yes :) i't currently doing it | 07:30 |
paulproteus|lapt | obsrv: I suggest you read the output before pastebinning next time. (-: | 07:31 |
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paulproteus|lapt | Okay. | 07:31 |
obsrv | paulproteus|lapt, sorry very much :) | 07:31 |
obsrv | merry christmas | 07:31 |
obsrv | and thank you for you time | 07:31 |
eZtaR | Argh now i don't remember where the sources.list is :p | 07:31 |
paulproteus|lapt | obsrv: Did it work? (-: | 07:31 |
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paulproteus|lapt | eZtaR: /etc/apt/sources.list | 07:31 |
eZtaR | Thanks :p | 07:31 |
paulproteus|lapt | eZtaR: Try 'locate sources.list' | 07:31 |
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smi|e | eZtaR should be /etc/apt/sources.list | 07:32 |
obsrv | paulproteus|lapt, it seems it did | 07:32 |
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paulproteus|lapt | obsrv: Good, glad to hear it. | 07:32 |
obsrv | it wrote another one line error abou GPG keys or smth | 07:32 |
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keikoz | hi all | 07:33 |
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smi|e | Hello keikoz need any help? | 07:33 |
johndarkhorse | obsrv: if you visit kubuntu.org you'll find the gpg key to add to your ring | 07:33 |
smi|e | zalaam- is there any need for the clones? | 07:33 |
Nevis | I need help! :-) | 07:33 |
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smi|e | Nevis, whatsup | 07:33 |
Nevis | all's good. thanks, and you? | 07:33 |
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Nevis | I'm trying to install ubuntu 5.10 | 07:34 |
smi|e | im fine, what can i help you with? | 07:34 |
keikoz | smi|e nope, i'm just here to see if i can't myself help other peoples | 07:34 |
smi|e | right, and | 07:34 |
eZtaR | How do i update from hoary to breezy painlessly? | 07:34 |
Nevis | I have a 80gb hd with two primary partitions of roughly 40 gig each | 07:34 |
Nevis | both ntfs | 07:34 |
Nevis | c is the boot partition. | 07:34 |
smi|e | ubotu tell eZtaR about Breezy | 07:34 |
=== Evil_Whisper [n=mike@71-10-45-100.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Evil_Whisper | :-\ | 07:34 |
Nevis | now, what I did was take out partition magic and resize the "D:" a little, | 07:35 |
Nevis | so now I have 7 gigs free at the end of the drive. | 07:35 |
smi|e | Why not go all "Ubuntu" | 07:35 |
smi|e | ? | 07:35 |
Nevis | which should be enough. I need linux for somthing specific, and most of the time I use win. | 07:35 |
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eZtaR | thanks smi|e | 07:35 |
smi|e | eZtaR did that answer your question? | 07:35 |
smi|e | Okay No Problem eZtaR | 07:35 |
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Nevis | Gradually, smile, gradually. :-) | 07:35 |
zalaam- | smi|e: hmm, my x is working now so i don't now how to quit the other irssi ;P | 07:35 |
Nevis | anyway, I d/led the .iso with bitorrent and burnt it. | 07:35 |
Nevis | Now, I decided to install after trying LiveCD and loving it. | 07:36 |
smi|e | zalaam, kill the process ;) | 07:36 |
Nevis | livecd worked so nice. | 07:36 |
Nevis | but... | 07:36 |
Nevis | the installer hangs saying "setting up main installation repository" or somthing like that. | 07:37 |
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Nevis | It's pretty late in the installation sequence, IMO, after choosing the time zone etc. | 07:37 |
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Nevis | Now, I guess it could be one of two things. | 07:37 |
keikoz | Nevis that can come from a bad burning process or bad image | 07:37 |
Nevis | Either my installation CD is bad. | 07:37 |
keikoz | (iso) | 07:37 |
Nevis | :-) | 07:37 |
smi|e | Nevis I'm not too good on this self myself, hang around and someone might be able to help aswell. | 07:37 |
idefix | why won't my ubuntu mount my floppy? | 07:37 |
Nevis | does anyone know if there are special requirments for the installation partition? | 07:38 |
Nevis | Should it be primary? Logical? | 07:38 |
=== cmatheson [n=cmatheso@70-57-80-39.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
johndarkhorse | ubotu: tell Nevis about verify | 07:38 |
keikoz | nope | 07:38 |
Nevis | oh, cool. | 07:38 |
=== ossie [n=ossie@host-84-9-136-254.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
johndarkhorse | Nevis: either way | 07:38 |
keikoz | you can install it either on a primary or logical partition | 07:38 |
Evil_Whisper | hi guys | 07:38 |
mtn | Nevis, sounds like no connection to internet when trying to setup repositories | 07:38 |
ossie | hi and merry xmas | 07:38 |
Evil_Whisper | How can I tell how much swap I should have? | 07:38 |
Nevis | thanks | 07:39 |
Dr_Willis | how much ram ya got. what tasks you going to do. | 07:39 |
Nevis | but it sets up dhcp successfuly, or so it claims. | 07:39 |
Aesop | Hey, can anyone help me setup a dual-head config? Already went throught the Xinerama Howto on the Wiki | 07:39 |
Evil_Whisper | 512mb and pretty much stuff like programming, gaming etc. | 07:39 |
Nevis | I'm runing internet through a home router. | 07:39 |
Nevis | should work. | 07:39 |
Dr_Willis | Evil_Whisper, Id toss on 512mb at least.. perpahs 1 gb. | 07:39 |
mtn | Nevis, yes it should, must be some other issue | 07:40 |
Evil_Whisper | I've got 1.5 right now but wine eats it all :( | 07:40 |
Aesop | Evil_Whisper: Your little comment on a thread is what let me get my new card working, thanks. ^^ | 07:40 |
Dr_Willis | well wine can be nasty... | 07:40 |
=== Bree-Calif-afk is now known as Bree-Calif | ||
gnomefreak | ok another stupid question what path would i find the NIC drivers? | 07:40 |
Evil_Whisper | You welcome aesop :-) | 07:40 |
Nevis | would this verify thing work under windows? | 07:40 |
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Evil_Whisper | Dr_Willis: Is there some way I can make wine stop eating all 1.5gb? | 07:40 |
Dr_Willis | Evil_Whisper, ive never noticed wine (cedega) taking up that much to be honest. | 07:41 |
=== freak4pc [n=freak4pc@bzq-179-150-41.pop.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
freak4pc | SOS :D | 07:41 |
Dr_Willis | Evil_Whisper, what are you running with wine anyway | 07:41 |
Evil_Whisper | Steam, but it happens with anything | 07:41 |
freak4pc | i can see hebrew in GAIM etc etc... but in X-Chat i cant see hebrew | 07:41 |
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ardchoille | how do I make it so a bash script is run when I double-click it in nautilus? | 07:42 |
freak4pc | and second question , where can i get respositories so i can download things in apt-get? | 07:42 |
johndarkhorse | Nevis: yes it will | 07:42 |
Evil_Whisper | I ran wine file like 5 minutes ago and the gnome system monitor shows wine-preloader taking 1.5GB | 07:42 |
Bree-Calif | paulproteus|lapt - I'm running into something I don't understand (there's a surprise, eh) ... http://pastebin.com/478500 | 07:42 |
smi|e | freak4pc well try install some language packs? | 07:42 |
freak4pc | but its only on X-Chat... how come? | 07:42 |
Dr_Willis | Evil_Whisper, it will release it when somtning else asks for it - is my guess | 07:42 |
paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: patch: **** write error : No space left on device | 07:42 |
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paulproteus|lapt | Ouch. (-: | 07:42 |
johndarkhorse | Nevis: use this under windows http://www.pc-tools.net/win32/md5sums/ | 07:42 |
smi|e | freak4pc totally different APPS, | 07:42 |
freak4pc | i dont understand... :| | 07:42 |
smi|e | !irssi | 07:42 |
ubotu | from memory, irssi is http://f0rked.com/core/irssi | 07:42 |
smi|e | use irssi | 07:42 |
Bree-Calif | paulproteus|lapt - that's got to be an error. I believed it on /tmp, but I have about 60GB free on /home | 07:43 |
freak4pc | ill look | 07:43 |
Evil_Whisper | Dr_Willis: Hmm.. Ive been having problems with steam freezing up like crazy :( I thought it might be somthing to do with the swap | 07:43 |
freak4pc | about repositories | 07:43 |
freak4pc | where can i add ? | 07:43 |
freak4pc | how | 07:43 |
ossie | can anyone tell me how to rescan for new hardware | 07:43 |
smi|e | freak4pc /etc/apt/sources.list | 07:43 |
Dr_Willis | Evil_Whisper, steam and HL2 - ICK.... I dont even touch that.. :P | 07:43 |
freak4pc | ... because now i cant download anything | 07:43 |
Evil_Whisper | 0.9.3 used to work perfect | 07:43 |
freak4pc | yes but when do i change in it? :D | 07:43 |
paulproteus|lapt | ossie: /etc/init.d/hotplug restart | 07:43 |
smi|e | ubotu tell freak4pc about repositories | 07:43 |
Dr_Willis | Evil_Whisper, ive had such issues with cedega/wine and games - i dont even bother any more | 07:43 |
smi|e | Be Back Later | 07:43 |
ossie | thank you paulproteus|lapt | 07:43 |
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Evil_Whisper | Dr_Willis: 0.9.4 segfaults steam :( | 07:44 |
godzuki | I'm having a crazy issue with an ext3 drive | 07:44 |
Aesop | Heh, nevermind on the dual-head question | 07:44 |
bnD | can someone point me toward updating xchat to 2.6? | 07:44 |
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ossie | paulproteus|lapt, would this detect a pci card i have changes position of???? | 07:44 |
Evil_Whisper | bnD: enable backports its in there | 07:44 |
Dr_Willis | Evil_Whisper, you may havbe better luck with cedega. but i havent tried HL2/Steam uinder it either.. | 07:44 |
freak4pc | !easysource | 07:44 |
ubotu | I guess easysource is For an easy to use custom sources.list configurator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic | 07:44 |
bnD | Evil_Whisper, thanks :) | 07:44 |
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paulproteus|lapt | bnD: It's in backports. | 07:44 |
bnD | paulproteus|lapt, thanks | 07:45 |
Evil_Whisper | Your welcome bnD | 07:45 |
Evil_Whisper | Dr_Willis: I can't even get steam to start with CVSCedega :( | 07:45 |
Dr_Willis | Evil_Whisper, Bummer. | 07:45 |
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smi|e | [06:44] *** LimitServ sets mode: +l 18 | 07:46 |
smi|e | [06:45] *** LimitServ sets mode: +l 18 | 07:46 |
Aesop | Hrm | 07:46 |
Aesop | Whats the command to access the Nvidia driver config? | 07:46 |
Evil_Whisper | Dr_Willis: The only two games I ever play are CS 1.6 and CS:S :( | 07:46 |
Evil_Whisper | Aesop: try nvidia-settings | 07:46 |
ossie | paulproteus|lapt, would this detect a pci card i have changes position of???? | 07:46 |
Aesop | Thats it | 07:46 |
Nevis | johndarkhorse - can I run somthing similar on <*gulp*> windows? | 07:46 |
Evil_Whisper | Aesop: You have to apt-get it first though :-) | 07:46 |
johndarkhorse | Nevis: i sent you a link | 07:46 |
johndarkhorse | Nevis: here it comes again | 07:46 |
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johndarkhorse | Nevis: use this under windows http://www.pc-tools.net/win32/md5sums/ | 07:46 |
Nevis | thanks | 07:46 |
Evil_Whisper | be right back | 07:47 |
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freak4pc | -.-' | 07:47 |
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freak4pc | how do i compile? :| | 07:49 |
freak4pc | first ./configure | 07:49 |
freak4pc | then ./make clean | 07:49 |
freak4pc | then ./make | 07:49 |
freak4pc | ? | 07:49 |
kemik | configure | 07:49 |
kemik | make | 07:49 |
kemik | make install | 07:49 |
kemik | *done* | 07:49 |
freak4pc | k | 07:49 |
Sionide | gah | 07:49 |
Sionide | noo | 07:49 |
Sionide | checkinstall | 07:49 |
Sionide | auto-apt | 07:49 |
freak4pc | configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH | 07:49 |
freak4pc | See `config.log' for more details. | 07:49 |
freak4pc | wtf... ? :D | 07:49 |
Evil_Whisper | be right back moving over to xfce4-terminal | 07:49 |
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kemik | freak4pc: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 07:50 |
Sionide | freak4pc, sudo apt-get install build-essential | 07:50 |
keikoz | freak4pc did you installed gcc ? | 07:50 |
trae | !automatix | 07:50 |
ubotu | somebody said automatix was messy, breaks all sorts of security guidelines, and is not open to improvement. In short: DO NOT USE IT! | 07:50 |
Sionide | damn too slow! lol | 07:50 |
freak4pc | keikoz, i dunno how .. i thought its a default on ubuntu | 07:50 |
Sionide | omg ubotu hates automatix as well?! | 07:50 |
keikoz | nope | 07:50 |
trae | heh | 07:50 |
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Sionide | freak4pc, sudo apt-get install build-essential | 07:50 |
Sionide | do that | 07:50 |
Sionide | that will install gcc | 07:50 |
freak4pc | where's the pastebin? | 07:51 |
freak4pc | !pastebin | 07:51 |
ubotu | rumour has it, pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 07:51 |
=== Evil_Whisper [n=mike@71-10-45-100.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ossie | guys hwo can i detect a pci card that i have moved up a slot, it isnt detected now | 07:51 |
trae | Sionide, :) I was just checking to see if I should install it. (having audio problems with avi) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=108220 | 07:51 |
Evil_Whisper | ah thats better :p | 07:51 |
Nevis | well, the md5 checks okay | 07:51 |
paulproteus|lapt | ossie: I think it's probably not seated correctly. | 07:51 |
=== lws [n=lws@adsl-68-123-71-27.dsl.renocs.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
johndarkhorse | Nevis: then burn it as slowly as you can | 07:52 |
paulproteus|lapt | ossie: I suggest you check lspci, which will tell you for sure if your computer sees the PCI device. | 07:52 |
lws | What's the deal with the iptables package? Why are there no boot scripts for loading configs? | 07:52 |
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freak4pc | guyz | 07:52 |
bulio | I can't see any icons in the systray | 07:52 |
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bulio | like near the date | 07:52 |
bulio | I see blank, but things are there | 07:52 |
freak4pc | Sionide, it doesnt work http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6164 | 07:52 |
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Nevis | okay. i'm going to try again. wish me luck | 07:53 |
ossie | u rekon paulproteus|lapt , ok cheers, dont see it listed in lspci, will reboot and corect ,cheers m8 | 07:53 |
freak4pc | i think my repositories aren't good... | 07:53 |
freak4pc | :| | 07:53 |
Nevis | thanks | 07:53 |
Bree-Calif | paulproteus|lapt - There is plenty of space on /home; that error message "No space left on device" is incorrect. Any thoughts ... ? This doesn't make sense to me ... | 07:53 |
Sionide | freak4pc, that's odd :s | 07:53 |
idefix | iterative was the opposite of recursive? | 07:53 |
paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: Well, uh.... | 07:53 |
freak4pc | Sionide, no shit sherlock? :D | 07:53 |
chombee | hello. I'm running the Breezy LiveCD, hopefully about to do an install, looking in the Disks Manager I see 3 hard disks, are the two extra ones in fact fakes created by the Live system? I think this machine only has one disk, but it's SATA, so I'm hoping no RAID stuff is going on | 07:53 |
=== Spee_Der [n=n1gke@ip68-229-84-216.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
paulproteus|lapt | mkdir /home/username/backporting/ and try again there...? | 07:53 |
Bree-Calif | OK, will do | 07:54 |
johndarkhorse | freak4pc: let us be respectful with our language choices, please | 07:54 |
Evil_Whisper | How often does CVS Cedega get updated? | 07:54 |
paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: Also, free up the space in /tmp/ . | 07:54 |
freak4pc | johndarkhorse, sorry excust me :P | 07:54 |
Sionide | freak4pc, no clue why that's happened, sorry.. | 07:54 |
Bree-Calif | OK, I'm on it ... | 07:54 |
Spee_Der | I have a question that I can not find an answer for after extensive reading. | 07:54 |
bulio | I can't see any icons in the systray | 07:54 |
bulio | I see blank, but things are there | 07:54 |
bulio | any idea why? | 07:54 |
freak4pc | Sionide, do you no maybe where can i get new repositories , maybe thatll do the trick? | 07:54 |
johndarkhorse | paulproteus|lapt: can you and Bree-Calif take your compiling to #ubuntu-offtopic please? it's quieter there | 07:54 |
freak4pc | ubotu tell freak4pc about repositories | 07:54 |
johndarkhorse | ubotu: tell freak4pc about sources | 07:54 |
freak4pc | :P | 07:55 |
paulproteus|lapt | johndarkhorse: It's not really offtopic, but it could be considered flood. | 07:55 |
Spee_Der | My keyboard keeps going to sleep, and the lights keep blinking. No matter what I do, the keyboard will not wake up. How do I re-configure to prevent this from happening please. | 07:55 |
paulproteus|lapt | Bree-Calif: If you have anything more, feel free to have me join you in #flood, I guess. | 07:55 |
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johndarkhorse | paulproteus|lapt: it's an intensive discussion that would probably better fit in a not-so-populated channel | 07:55 |
freak4pc | johndarkhorse, which file do i edit? where is the sources.list located? | 07:55 |
paulproteus|lapt | johndarkhorse: /me nods | 07:55 |
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Bree-Calif | I'm OK with that, paulproteus|lapt -- and sorry for cluttering the chan, johndarkhorse | 07:55 |
Spee_Der | Otherwise all else is fine, including the mouse and video. | 07:55 |
Sionide | freak4pc, | 07:55 |
Sionide | s | 07:55 |
Sionide | freak4pc :P | 07:55 |
Sionide | paulproteus|lapt johndarkhorse: It's not really of | 07:55 |
Sionide | oops | 07:55 |
chombee | The two extra hard disks are: /dev/mapper/casper-snapshot and tmpfs. Created by the live system, or real disks? | 07:55 |
=== Bree-Calif types /join #flood | ||
Sionide | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6165 | 07:55 |
freak4pc | . | 07:55 |
Sionide | freak4pc, sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 07:56 |
johndarkhorse | ubotu: tell freak4pc about repos | 07:56 |
godzuki | anybody here know of any bugs with ubuntu and ext3? | 07:56 |
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freak4pc | Sionide, thx | 07:56 |
godzuki | I'm trying to mount this ext3 drive | 07:56 |
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freak4pc | johndarkhorse, thx | 07:56 |
godzuki | but it won't give me read/write | 07:56 |
Sionide | put that in, that's my repos | 07:56 |
godzuki | and I can't change permissions | 07:56 |
Evil_Whisper | godzuki: EXT3 is the default file system as far as I know | 07:56 |
godzuki | despite being root | 07:56 |
ubuntu_ | hello | 07:56 |
freak4pc | Sionide, i found two sources.list | 07:56 |
Spee_Der | Hello unbuntu_ | 07:56 |
freak4pc | should i use the one u gave me? | 07:56 |
godzuki | well, I'm root, and it won't let me change pemissions | 07:56 |
Evil_Whisper | godzuki: what happens when you type sudo -s | 07:56 |
Sionide | yeah use mine freak4pc | 07:56 |
Evil_Whisper | godzuki: and then try it | 07:56 |
godzuki | it puts me as root | 07:56 |
freak4pc | thank q | 07:56 |
godzuki | I know how to be root. | 07:56 |
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Evil_Whisper | godzuki: what area are you trying to chmod? | 07:57 |
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godzuki | a -R | 07:57 |
odat | hi everyone | 07:57 |
Spee_Der | Hello odat. | 07:57 |
johndarkhorse | godzuki: use sudo, the root account is disabled in ubuntu (and enabling it causes problems, too) | 07:57 |
odat | anyone else get jerky playback with gstreamer and totem? | 07:57 |
=== Malachai [n=Malachi@236-209.dothan.cable.graceba.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chombee | the two extra devices are mounted as root, and the other has no partitions | 07:57 |
godzuki | I did it with sudo first. | 07:57 |
Evil_Whisper | use chmod -R <mode> file | 07:57 |
johndarkhorse | ubotu: tell odat about dma | 07:57 |
godzuki | yeah I've been doing that | 07:57 |
chombee | well i suppose i could look in the BIOS | 07:57 |
Evil_Whisper | godzuki: any errors? | 07:57 |
godzuki | yeah | 07:57 |
godzuki | it scrolls the name of every file | 07:58 |
Malachai | Any idea why my clock is out of sinc? I'm using Ubuntu on VMWare. | 07:58 |
godzuki | and says ":read only file system" | 07:58 |
godzuki | at the end of the line | 07:58 |
freak4pc | Sionide, after i save i need to apt-get update? | 07:58 |
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godzuki | and doesn't make any changes | 07:58 |
Spee_Der | wb unbuntu | 07:58 |
Sionide | freak4pc, yes | 07:58 |
Evil_Whisper | godzuki: What disk are you trying to do it off of? | 07:58 |
freak4pc | k | 07:58 |
Sionide | and probably do apt-get upgrade as well | 07:58 |
godzuki | it's /dev/hdd1 | 07:58 |
freak4pc | Ign means he ignores files? | 07:58 |
Spee_Der | brb, need more cold beer. | 07:58 |
=== Trym [i=Gaz@host161-227.pool8254.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Trym | hi | 07:58 |
godzuki | and it's mounted at /media/brick | 07:58 |
Spee_Der | Hi Trym... brb | 07:58 |
godzuki | this is kubuntu btw, and I'm afraid that my original use of the kde disk manager has mucked something up | 07:59 |
freak4pc | it has alot of errors :\ | 07:59 |
freak4pc | ##deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 5.10 _Breezy Badger_ - Release i386 (20051012)] / breezy main restricted | 07:59 |
freak4pc | deb file::///mnt/breezyiso breezy main restricted | 07:59 |
freak4pc | deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main restricted | 07:59 |
freak4pc | deb-src http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main restricted | 07:59 |
freak4pc | ## Major bug fix updates produced after the final release of the | 07:59 |
freak4pc | ## distribution. | 07:59 |
johndarkhorse | freak4pc: Ign means your file is the same as the remote file, so it's not necessaryto d/l | 07:59 |
freak4pc | deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-updates main restricted | 07:59 |
godzuki | I should have just done the fstab myself | 07:59 |
freak4pc | deb-src http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-updates main restricted | 07:59 |
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Evil_Whisper | godzuki: Wich are you chmoding /media/brick or /dev/hdd? | 07:59 |
Sionide | pastebin that shi.... | 07:59 |
Sionide | oh | 07:59 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@bzq-179-150-41.pop.bezeqint.net] by johndarkhorse | ||
Sionide | :P | 07:59 |
godzuki | I'm doing this: sudo chmod 775 -R /media/brick | 07:59 |
Trym | is there somebody who knows how to set up an ADSL Internet connection via ethernet modem on Ubuntu? | 08:00 |
Sionide | why ban him? | 08:00 |
Sionide | he was using pastebin before... | 08:00 |
godzuki | I think my fstab may be wrong at this point, since I've messed with it so much | 08:00 |
Evil_Whisper | godzuki: Thats a possibility. | 08:00 |
=== freak4pc [n=freak4pc@bzq-179-150-41.pop.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Spee_Der is back and relaxed. | ||
chombee | Okay... I want to resize an NTFS partition from the Breezy LiveCD... I just tried it in GParted, it gave no error, but it still says the partition is the original size | 08:01 |
Evil_Whisper | godzuki: cat /etc/fstab and pastebin it :) | 08:01 |
Kira | ok, the ultimate boot disc has been burned | 08:01 |
=== CaptainMorgan [n=CaptainM@c-24-61-150-59.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o johndarkhorse] by ChanServ | ||
ElitePete | Kira, ok now load it up and try to find XFDISK and you should be able to fix the MBR | 08:02 |
godzuki | # /etc/fstab: static file system information. | 08:02 |
godzuki | # | 08:02 |
godzuki | # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass> | 08:02 |
idefix | why can't you open files in the /bin directory? | 08:02 |
=== caplink811-log [n=caplink8@dslb-084-059-109-074.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
godzuki | proc /proc proc defaults 0 0 | 08:02 |
godzuki | /dev/mapper/Ubuntu-root / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro,atime,auto,rw,dev,exec,suid,nouser 0 1 | 08:02 |
Trym | bye | 08:02 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o johndarkhorse] by ChanServ | ||
godzuki | /dev/hdc1 /boot ext3 defaults,atime,auto,rw,dev,exec,suid,nouser 0 2 | 08:02 |
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Evil_Whisper | godzuki: !pastebin | 08:03 |
johndarkhorse | godzuki: please read the /topic (and dont paste in here) | 08:03 |
godzuki | yeah | 08:03 |
godzuki | I thought I was doing what he said | 08:03 |
Evil_Whisper | !pastebin | 08:03 |
ubotu | I guess pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 08:03 |
Evil_Whisper | use that godzuki | 08:03 |
godzuki | sorry everyone | 08:03 |
Evil_Whisper | and send the link | 08:03 |
chombee | Do I need to install something before I can resize NTFS partitions? | 08:03 |
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=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@adsl-144-142-242.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kira | ElitePete: ok, I'm in XFDISK now | 08:04 |
ElitePete | Kira, do you see an option to fix mbr ? | 08:04 |
Evil_Whisper | godzuki: got the link? | 08:04 |
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godzuki | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6166 | 08:04 |
godzuki | there it is | 08:04 |
godzuki | if I did that right. | 08:05 |
Kira | ElitePete: no | 08:05 |
gnomefreak | during dapper install from disk it asks for a http server that has dapper do they mean the main repo or do they mean wher ei got the download from? | 08:05 |
Evil_Whisper | godzuki: I'll have a look | 08:05 |
=== Jonas^ [n=chatzill@0x3e42a2f4.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kira | What does "Install Bootmanager" do? | 08:05 |
ElitePete | Kira, thats probably what you want. so you can select the OS"s | 08:06 |
Evil_Whisper | godzuki: Try unmounting it and remounting it | 08:06 |
chombee | Does anyone know if Ubuntu is capable of resizing NTFS partitions? Because it doesn't seem to work | 08:07 |
=== freak4pc [n=freak4pc@bzq-179-150-41.pop.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Determinist | chombee, i dont think so mate | 08:07 |
godzuki | wrong fst type or bad superblock something something.... | 08:07 |
gnomefreak | chombee, the install disk will wont it? | 08:07 |
Evil_Whisper | godzuki: EEK i'll see if I can figure it out | 08:07 |
chombee | what about the installer? I have seen it with a resize windows partition and install ubuntu option | 08:07 |
gnomefreak | or even gparted | 08:08 |
chombee | gnomefreak - I keep trying with GParted but it has no effect | 08:08 |
godzuki | Evil_Whisper: I init 3 ed a while ago, I'm gonna reboot real fast. | 08:08 |
godzuki | brb | 08:08 |
gnomefreak | chombee, the install disk should do it | 08:08 |
Kira | Do I need to "Save Configuration"? | 08:08 |
chombee | gnomefreak - on this computer, the installer didn't give me that option, but I guess I could try doing it with advanced partitioning | 08:08 |
burning_bronx | gnomefreak, d'ya installeth the dapper yet? | 08:08 |
Evil_Whisper | godzuki: ok | 08:09 |
gnomefreak | burning_bronx, its all messed up | 08:09 |
ElitePete | Kira, yes | 08:09 |
burning_bronx | what's messed up? | 08:09 |
=== flodine [n=flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kira | crap | 08:09 |
gnomefreak | burning_bronx, it errors that kernel mods cant be found, than nic card isnt detected than it asks for a server and im not sure what server they want :( | 08:09 |
Kira | it says unable to find cylinder | 08:09 |
burning_bronx | >.> | 08:10 |
Sionide | look how many 500's he has | 08:10 |
Sionide | oops | 08:10 |
Sionide | wrong "window" | 08:10 |
=== _xester is now known as xester | ||
ElitePete | Kira, hmm.. i dunno what that means | 08:10 |
ElitePete | Kira, try SFDISK its on their also, | 08:10 |
flodine | can someone tell me how to start a program when openbox start? | 08:10 |
flodine | i need to start on login | 08:11 |
=== moshe [n=Jason@ool-18bab1e4.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ElitePete | Kira, the problem is you can't boot xp right? | 08:11 |
chombee | flodine - you have to add the program to your .xsession file, and openbox has to be the default window manager in gdm, see openbox page on wiki | 08:11 |
moshe | which config file need I edit to enable userdirs? | 08:11 |
Kira | There's also this tool called "MBR work" | 08:12 |
moshe | in apache, I mean | 08:12 |
Kira | ElitePete: yes | 08:12 |
ElitePete | Kira, you can try that | 08:12 |
=== linlin [i=linlin@c-67-184-159-233.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
burning_bronx | flodine, just go to http://fluxbox-wiki.org/ | 08:12 |
burning_bronx | it has it all. | 08:12 |
=== burning_bronx goes to the bath | ||
=== burning_bronx is now known as burn`bath | ||
chombee | gnomefreak - Why would the installer be able to resize NTFS, but GParted not? Isn't it suspicious? | 08:13 |
chombee | gnomefreak - or is the installer built with something that ubuntu isn't? | 08:13 |
burn`bath | it is suspicious as gparted is based on parted (the installer's partitioner) | 08:13 |
gnomefreak | chombee, the installer doesnt use gparted i wanna say and not real sure but it uses fdisk | 08:13 |
ElitePete | Kira, what windows cd do you have? | 08:13 |
=== Jonas^ [n=chatzill@0x3e42a2f4.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
burn`bath | gnomefreak, it uses parted and gparted is a gui for parted >.> | 08:13 |
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gnomefreak | ahhhhhh | 08:14 |
gnomefreak | that is weird than :( | 08:14 |
=== godzuki [n=andrew@12-203-176-235.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
godzuki | Evil_Whisper: ok back | 08:14 |
chombee | gnomefreak - because the installer also didn't give me the resize option in guided partitioning... I'm wondering if it's gonna work | 08:14 |
burn`bath | you can't resize ntfs from parted | 08:14 |
burn`bath | load windows and resize with partition magic or something | 08:14 |
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chombee | burn`bath - so how does the installer do it? Normally it does it | 08:15 |
burn`bath | it resizes ntfs? | 08:15 |
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=== gnomefreak has 2 harddrives no resize needed :) | ||
johndarkhorse | burn`bath: you can use g- or qt- parted to work with ntfs partitions | 08:15 |
Evil_Whisper | godzuki: Ok | 08:15 |
Evil_Whisper | godzuki: Have you been able to remount it? | 08:16 |
burn`bath | ... | 08:16 |
godzuki | yeah, I changed fstab arount | 08:16 |
godzuki | now I can | 08:16 |
chombee | burn`bath - with breezy, the installer got a new option to resize ntfs partitions and do a dual-boot install, but on this machine it didn't give me that option | 08:16 |
burn`bath | o_O; | 08:16 |
Evil_Whisper | godzuki: ok good now try to chmod it =P | 08:16 |
burn`bath | don't know I only resize ntfs from linux by using ntfsresize | 08:16 |
godzuki | nope | 08:16 |
Kira | ElitePete: I'm now asked to install to HD Boot Sector or MBR. Do I choose MBR? | 08:16 |
godzuki | same issue | 08:16 |
burn`bath | which is a part of ntfsprogs package | 08:16 |
chombee | johndarkhorse - do you know if some extra package has to be installed? Whenever I resize an ntfs partition nothing happens | 08:16 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %*!*@bzq-179-150-41.pop.bezeqint.net] by johndarkhorse | ||
ElitePete | Kira, MBR i believe | 08:17 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o johndarkhorse] by ChanServ | ||
Evil_Whisper | godzuki: try to chmod just one file | 08:17 |
Kira | cool | 08:17 |
chombee | burn`bath - is ntfs resize safe? | 08:17 |
=== stephank [n=stephank@ip503dc86f.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
burn`bath | just as any other resizing util | 08:17 |
godzuki | I think maybe I messed up my sudoers or something | 08:17 |
godzuki | I had su problems before in kubuntu | 08:17 |
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=== Sh4d0x [n=shadox@d51530B43.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kira | YAY! | 08:18 |
Kira | It's booting~! | 08:18 |
ElitePete | :-D | 08:18 |
gnomefreak | i would say so su isnt used by default in ubuntu-kubuntu | 08:18 |
Evil_Whisper | godzuki: try checking your sudoers file | 08:18 |
ElitePete | Kira, good job ! | 08:18 |
chombee | burn`bath - so it's not 'experimental' or anything, like writing ntfs is? | 08:18 |
obsrv | how to get Firefox 1.5 on Kubuntu? It seems that there is only 1.0.7 | 08:18 |
=== dwhsix [n=dwh@c-24-218-202-228.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
godzuki | nope, I can't even do that | 08:18 |
paal | sorry, i never learn, what is the command to install a deb package? someone got a good way to remeber it? | 08:18 |
ElitePete | Kira, how did it break in the first place? | 08:18 |
johndarkhorse | ubotu: tell obsrv about firefox15 | 08:18 |
burn`bath | everything in linux related to ntfs is more or less experimental but the ntfsprogs are more or less sage | 08:18 |
godzuki | Evil_Whisper: would you like to see my sudoers file? | 08:18 |
burn`bath | >.> | 08:18 |
burn`bath | *safe | 08:18 |
Evil_Whisper | godzuki: Sure pastebin it | 08:18 |
johndarkhorse | phreak97: please use a pastebin | 08:18 |
Kira | I wanted to uninstall Ubuntu because I needed the space | 08:19 |
johndarkhorse | ubotu: tell paal about deb | 08:19 |
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ElitePete | Kira, UNINSTALL UBUNTU? how dare you! | 08:19 |
burn`bath | paal "dpkg -i package_name.deb" | 08:19 |
Sh4d0x | seveas, can ubuntu write ntfs? | 08:19 |
Kira | so I just booted up the ubuntu install CD and deleted the ext2 and swap partitions | 08:19 |
bor | ubotu: tell rob about firefox15 | 08:19 |
chombee | shouldn't there be a HOW-TO somewhere for resizing NTFS partitions? | 08:19 |
=== phreakys [n=ubuntu@dsl159-69-100.fastxdsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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ElitePete | Kira, thats not a good idea :-( | 08:19 |
Kira | I had no clue that GRUB needed those partitions to run properly. | 08:19 |
johndarkhorse | Sh4d0x: it is unstable at best for linux to write to ntfs | 08:19 |
Seveas | Sh4d0x, pnly eith ntfsprogs from dapper and totally unsupported | 08:19 |
godzuki | Evil_Whisper: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6167 | 08:19 |
rosen | Any good apps to surfe internet-radios and get them streamed ? | 08:19 |
ElitePete | rosen, client or server | 08:20 |
Seveas | rosen, beep-media-player | 08:20 |
Sh4d0x | Seveas ah k, thnx | 08:20 |
rosen | ElitePete, client | 08:20 |
ElitePete | rosen, XMMS works perfectly with shoutcast | 08:20 |
burn`bath | chances are - you write ntfs - you toast your ntfs ~_~ | 08:20 |
Sh4d0x | rosen, amarok | 08:20 |
Madeye | guys, I'm trying to make my ubuntu looks blue, I've changed the background, GDM login, splash, and usplash to blue based, there is only brown background remaining which appear after login and the splash appear any idea how to chnange it ? | 08:20 |
ElitePete | rosen, listening to my favorite right now | 08:20 |
johndarkhorse | chombee: use g- or qt- parted, it's self-explanatory | 08:20 |
Seveas | Sh4d0x, I have backported that one in my repo ;) | 08:20 |
rosen | oh dear ... so many to choose from | 08:20 |
ElitePete | rosen, XMMS | 08:20 |
Seveas | forgetr xmms | 08:20 |
Evil_Whisper | godzuki: | 08:20 |
ElitePete | XMMS! | 08:20 |
Seveas | it's old'n'ugly | 08:20 |
Sh4d0x | Seveas :D nice | 08:20 |
Seveas | beep-media-player is the way to go | 08:20 |
burn`bath | bmp = xmms with gtk2 | 08:20 |
Evil_Whisper | godzuki: Your file is diffrent then mine | 08:20 |
chombee | johndarkhorse - I have been trying GParted, it goes ahead and resizes the partition, doesn't give any errors, but afterwards the pertition hasn't changed | 08:21 |
burn`bath | amarok = pwzn0rz | 08:21 |
ElitePete | Kira, so it worked? | 08:21 |
Sh4d0x | Seveas amarok :P | 08:21 |
burn`bath | *pwnzorz | 08:21 |
rosen | any of them part of the repos ? ... Synaptic is my best friend ;) | 08:21 |
Seveas | Sh4d0x, I'm on the gnome side :) | 08:21 |
godzuki | Evil_Whisper: andrew is me, what should i change? | 08:21 |
Kira | I wonder. Would it be a good thing to write a complete tutorial to uninstall Ubuntu from a dual-booted system? | 08:21 |
burn`bath | rythmbox = pwnzorz2 | 08:21 |
Evil_Whisper | godzuki: is your user account the one made by the installer? | 08:21 |
Seveas | rosen, all of them are | 08:21 |
godzuki | Evil_Whisper: yes | 08:21 |
rosen | oh | 08:21 |
Sh4d0x | Seveas, me too :) | 08:21 |
johndarkhorse | chombee: try qtparted | 08:21 |
rosen | well | 08:21 |
ElitePete | Kira, it worked? | 08:21 |
Evil_Whisper | I'll pastebin mine | 08:21 |
rosen | thanks then .. I'll look further into it ;) | 08:21 |
burn`bath | Kira, no but it would be a good idea to write a how-to on removing windoze from a dual-boot ;) | 08:21 |
Evil_Whisper | godzuki: Backup your sudoers file and try mine | 08:21 |
Kira | ElitePete: not sure yet. Windows detected a change in the partition and is CHKDSK'ing it. | 08:21 |
=== tyler [n=tyler@c-24-18-145-24.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Evil_Whisper | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6168 | 08:22 |
Kira | But if it was able to reach the CHKSK point, chances are it's ok. | 08:22 |
ElitePete | Kira, should be ok if not do you have a windows CD ? | 08:22 |
burn`bath | I personally would suggest deletin' the ntfs and converting it to ext3 ;) | 08:22 |
Kira | ya, I do | 08:22 |
ElitePete | Kira, can always try repair if you didn't | 08:22 |
chombee | johndarkhorse - ok, installing it | 08:22 |
Kira | I just feel reluctant to reinstall everything again. | 08:22 |
Kira | heh | 08:23 |
ElitePete | Kira, why not just run XP in vmware ? | 08:23 |
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Kira | I don't have VMware | 08:23 |
ElitePete | Kira, so ;-) | 08:23 |
Evil_Whisper | godzuki: see if that fixes anything | 08:23 |
Kira | and I can't get PPPoE to work over wireless. | 08:23 |
ElitePete | Kira, if you have a bittorrent client you can geti t | 08:23 |
Kira | lol | 08:23 |
=== Jonas^ [n=chatzill@0x3e42a2f4.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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=== bsas [i=carol_ca@OL242-81.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bsas | spanish? | 08:24 |
godzuki | Evil_Whisper: now sudo is borked | 08:24 |
johndarkhorse | !es | 08:24 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 08:24 |
bsas | thanks | 08:25 |
=== inv_Arp [n=junya@c-66-176-211-109.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ElitePete | eww, amarok sounds like crap | 08:25 |
Evil_Whisper | godzuki: Restore your old one then | 08:25 |
inv_Arp | what X package would contain /usr/include/X11/Intrinsic.h | 08:25 |
godzuki | Evil_Whisper: you set a root password right? | 08:25 |
Evil_Whisper | godzuki: No | 08:25 |
chombee | johndarkhorse - QtParted doesn't even detect the disk, it's a SATA device at /dev/sda, it's looking at /dev/hda | 08:25 |
burn`bath | godzuki, setting a root pass in ubuntu is kinda dumb >.> | 08:25 |
ElitePete | question: why does amarok sound like crap | 08:26 |
=== ernstp [n=ernstp@k13d217-2.kam.afb.lu.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
godzuki | Evil_Whisper: I did it though | 08:26 |
oconnore | Does anyone know how to install a D-Link wireless card onto Ubuntu? | 08:26 |
godzuki | Evil_Whisper: how else would I have restored sudo? | 08:26 |
inv_Arp | i do , i hate typing sudo foo all the time | 08:26 |
Evil_Whisper | godzuki: That could be your problem =P | 08:26 |
bsas | i want to install ubuntu, i have got 3 partition. 1: w2kserver (system) 2: winxp 3: fat32 idont need the partition with w2kserver but it has got the systema, can i install winxp in that partition? | 08:26 |
inv_Arp | oconnore: is it supported? | 08:26 |
Agrajag | inv_Arp: sudo -i gives you a root shell | 08:26 |
Evil_Whisper | godzuki: well unset it =P | 08:26 |
=== medard [n=medard@cpe-212-18-54-120.dynamic.amis.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ElitePete | my amarok is all staticy | 08:26 |
johndarkhorse | chombee: sounds like a dodgy controller. have you tried this from a liveCD, perhaps? | 08:26 |
Seveas | oconnore, put the output of lspci on the pastebin | 08:26 |
godzuki | Evil_Whisper: what I did from install to now: set root password, added my name to sudo list | 08:27 |
oconnore | the card came with drivers for windows operating systems | 08:27 |
=== tyler [n=tyler@c-24-18-145-24.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chombee | johndarkhorse - yes i am in a livecd now | 08:27 |
godzuki | Evil_Whisper: cause sudo didn't work before | 08:27 |
ElitePete | Seveas, why is my amarok all staticy ;-( | 08:27 |
Kira | stupid CHKDSK, it didn't even pause to let me see the scan result | 08:27 |
inv_Arp | oconnore: ok then google for linux drivers | 08:27 |
godzuki | Evil_Whisper: how do you unset the root password? | 08:27 |
oconnore | Seveas... lspci? | 08:27 |
Evil_Whisper | godzuki: Hmm... Your running gnome right? | 08:27 |
tyler | Question: Whats the best chatting utility if I want to use AIM on ubuntu? | 08:27 |
oconnore | ok inv_Arp | 08:27 |
godzuki | Evil_Whisper: no this is kubuntu | 08:27 |
chombee | johndarkhorse - is that a problem? | 08:27 |
johndarkhorse | godzuki: both steps are unnecessary, the installing user gets sudo privs automatically, there is no root account by default | 08:27 |
Seveas | oconnore, it's a command you can execute in the terminal | 08:27 |
Evil_Whisper | godzuki: Oh thats why :P I dunno kde :( uhm | 08:27 |
oconnore | ok | 08:27 |
=== weslei [n=weslei@200165082196.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
johndarkhorse | chombee: have you tried from a LiveCD? | 08:27 |
Seveas | ElitePete, no idea, I don't use KDE things | 08:27 |
godzuki | Evil_Whisper: in kubuntu sudo was broke | 08:27 |
ElitePete | Seveas, KDE things? | 08:27 |
chombee | johndarkhorse - yeah, that's what I'm trying | 08:28 |
inv_Arp | Seveas: no point if he doesnt have drivers | 08:28 |
ElitePete | Seveas, i'm on gnome ;-P | 08:28 |
Evil_Whisper | godzuki: I'm not sure with kubuntu but try opening Kuser and make sure your account has all privlages | 08:28 |
Seveas | ElitePete, amarok is a kde program :) | 08:28 |
johndarkhorse | godzuki: in kde, you dont use sudo for gui things, you use kdesu | 08:28 |
ElitePete | Seveas, oh,, whats a good gnome alternative to xmms then? | 08:28 |
godzuki | johndarkhorse: I'm just trying to chmod and chown | 08:28 |
Seveas | ElitePete, totem-xine or beep-media=player | 08:28 |
johndarkhorse | godzuki: opening gui things using sudo leads to your permissions being mangled | 08:28 |
chombee | ElitePete - BMP is a gnome version of XMMS | 08:28 |
inv_Arp | what X package would contain /usr/include/X11/Intrinsic.h | 08:28 |
Evil_Whisper | ElitePete: Use BMP (Beep-Media-Player) | 08:28 |
godzuki | johndarkhorse: it's totally hosed | 08:28 |
ElitePete | sudo apt-get install bmp? | 08:28 |
Seveas | !find /usr/include/X11/Intrinsic.h | 08:28 |
johndarkhorse | godzuki: use gksudo in gnome and kdesu in kde to open gui things as superuser | 08:28 |
bsas | i want to install ubuntu, i have got 3 partition. 1: w2kserver (system) 2: winxp 3: fat32 idont need the partition with w2kserver but it has got the systema, can i install winxp in that partition? please private msg | 08:28 |
Seveas | inv_Arp, keep an eye on ubotu, he'll answer | 08:28 |
Evil_Whisper | John: He tried my sudoers file now his sudo is borked :( | 08:29 |
rosen | oh my ... Beep-media-player is winamp-incognito :O | 08:29 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b Jonas^!*@*] by Seveas | ||
Sh4d0x | rosen, id :) | 08:29 |
inv_Arp | bsas: yea you can install xp | 08:29 |
ElitePete | whats the apt-get cmd for beep media player | 08:29 |
godzuki | Evil_Whisper: it was broke to start out with, then I added myself to sudoers file, but maybe that was just a hack | 08:29 |
oconnore | Seveas- http://pastebin.com/478533 | 08:29 |
trae | odd | 08:29 |
Seveas | ElitePete, apt-get install beep-media-player | 08:29 |
godzuki | Evil_Whisper: I just want my system fixed :-(((((( | 08:30 |
rosen | ElitePete, dunno I used synaptic | 08:30 |
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Evil_Whisper | godzuki: go into kuser and add all permissions to your account :-) | 08:30 |
inv_Arp | eliphas_: apt-cache search beep* or somethin | 08:30 |
Seveas | oconnore, try the madwifi packages from mirror.ubuntulinux.nl | 08:30 |
inv_Arp | ElitePete, rather | 08:30 |
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godzuki | Evil_Whisper: you mean users and groups? | 08:30 |
mike-e | i need to copy the contents of a cd to a directory, what would the syntax be to copy directories, everything in the directories, etc | 08:30 |
Evil_Whisper | sudo apt-get install beep-media-player | 08:30 |
=== Daedalus__ [n=Daedalus@port-212-202-52-34.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
oconnore | ok, thanks seveas | 08:30 |
Evil_Whisper | godzuki: Yeah set all user groups on your account | 08:30 |
Seveas | inv_Arp, libxt-dev: usr/include/X11/Intrinsic.h | 08:31 |
inv_Arp | mike-e: cp -rv /mnt/cdrom /newdir | 08:31 |
inv_Arp | Seveas: nice thx | 08:31 |
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mike-e | thanks | 08:31 |
godzuki | Evil_Whisper: i am so confused by this interface, what in the name of god am I doing | 08:32 |
Evil_Whisper | godzuki: You are giving your account sudo privlages like it should have received after install :S | 08:32 |
=== Kira [i=Seabook@dsl-207-112-111-41.tor.primus.ca] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
rosen | ElitePete, remember this url http://www.xmms.org/skins.php .... you'll need it ... BMP sure is ugly :O | 08:32 |
Evil_Whisper | godzuki: join me in #flood | 08:32 |
=== [Spooky] [n=spookan_@h154n4c1o968.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Determinist | Seveas, is there a breezy version of winmac_fstab? | 08:32 |
Seveas | rosen, I use the UBuntu skin :) | 08:33 |
mike-e | inv_Arp, that didn't work | 08:33 |
Seveas | Determinist, it's version agnostic | 08:33 |
=== BooZee [n=bbking@bzq-82-81-81-249.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ElitePete | rosen, the same skins work? | 08:33 |
mike-e | mike@splinter:~$ cp -rv /media/cdrom /home/mike/dw | 08:33 |
mike-e | `/media/cdrom' -> `/home/mike/dw/cdrom' | 08:33 |
mike-e | mike@splinter:~$ | 08:33 |
Sh4d0x | Seveas, may i ask you a personal question? i just visited the seveas mirror site :D | 08:33 |
Determinist | Seveas, spits afew errors mate | 08:33 |
Seveas | Sh4d0x, sure, pm me :) | 08:33 |
=== bugix [n=martin@84-74-65-203.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bugix | hi | 08:33 |
jbueler | i'm having trouble getting my second monitor working...is there someone that might be able to lend a hand? | 08:33 |
Seveas | Determinist, pastebin them and I'll solve them :) | 08:33 |
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inv_Arp | mike-e: ??? cd /media/cdrom ; ls | 08:33 |
Determinist | Seveas, k mate :) | 08:33 |
=== freak4pc [n=freak4pc@bzq-179-150-41.pop.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
freak4pc | hi | 08:33 |
ElitePete | why is beep media player better then xmms ? | 08:33 |
keikoz | hi Seveas :) | 08:33 |
mike-e | .. | 08:34 |
mike-e | yes? | 08:34 |
inv_Arp | mike-e: are there dirs in there? | 08:34 |
freak4pc | i've found a sources.list in ubuntu.org | 08:34 |
Seveas | ElitePete, gtk2 instead of 1 | 08:34 |
mike-e | yes | 08:34 |
Seveas | and cleaner codebase | 08:34 |
freak4pc | but now after i try to do the apt-get install build-essential | 08:34 |
freak4pc | it shows me this : http://ilunix.org/ph?225 | 08:34 |
Evil_Whisper | godzuki: join #kubuntu-offtopic | 08:34 |
bugix | are there qt 4.1 packages for ubuntu anywhere yet? | 08:34 |
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inv_Arp | cp -rv /media/cdrom /newdir no erros anything? | 08:34 |
Sh4d0x | seveas, hmm remind me the pm part :$ | 08:34 |
ElitePete | beep seems to be much quieter then xmms | 08:34 |
freak4pc | anyone ? :D | 08:34 |
Seveas | freak4pc, close synaptic and other apt applications | 08:34 |
Seveas | freak4pc, and apt-get update | 08:35 |
rosen | ElitePete, they should ... according to the wiki it even unpacks them itself | 08:35 |
freak4pc | i dont think i've opened it | 08:35 |
johndarkhorse | freak4pc: whats freecontrib.org? | 08:35 |
rosen | Seveas, where'd you find that one ? | 08:35 |
freak4pc | how do i know if its opened? | 08:35 |
=== surfer [n=surfer@p549EBDDD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | rosen, which? | 08:35 |
surfer | sers miteinander | 08:35 |
tof_ | hi, when I have 2 users on 2 gnome sessions there is a problem when I insert a media. One user mount it with no access for the other. How can I configure gnome-volume-manager so that when it mounts a device, it's rwx for the 'users' group? | 08:35 |
freak4pc | someone gave me a link | 08:35 |
Seveas | surfer, englisch bitte | 08:35 |
rosen | Seveas, the ubuntu skin | 08:35 |
BuFF | how could i view video files ? pls help | 08:35 |
freak4pc | to some mod in ubuntu.org recommending this file | 08:35 |
Seveas | rosen, sec | 08:35 |
Seveas | rosen, ubuntulinux.nl/files | 08:35 |
=== pundai [n=pundai@CPE0007e954bad8-CM000a73a081a5.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rosen | Seveas, thanks :) | 08:36 |
inv_Arp | freak4pc: use a different repositoy | 08:36 |
bobbyd | are there any tools for connecting to a mobile phone under linux? | 08:36 |
pundai | hi, can someone tell me why my dns seems to have died | 08:36 |
=== chestnut [n=aosborne@adsl-75-165.swiftdsl.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sh4d0x | Seveas, how do i pm again :$ | 08:36 |
pundai | or my web | 08:36 |
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freak4pc | inv_Arp, where can i find one? :| i switched like 3 repositories alreay :D | 08:36 |
inv_Arp | bobbyd:check frehjmeat.net | 08:36 |
pundai | wtf, telnet works | 08:36 |
pundai | dmanit | 08:36 |
inv_Arp | err freshmeat.net | 08:36 |
johndarkhorse | Sh4d0x: /msg NICK blah blah | 08:36 |
salah | Which utilities do I need to make a Windows machine to access a directory I have shared? | 08:36 |
chestnut | exit | 08:36 |
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freak4pc | inv_Arp, ? :) | 08:36 |
ElitePete | i think ill stick with xmmms | 08:37 |
mike-e | inv_Arp, cp -rv /media/cdrom/* was what i was looking for | 08:37 |
inv_Arp | mike-e: no need for the * when -r is there | 08:37 |
mike-e | well yours didn't work, and the * did | 08:37 |
mike-e | so i'll take the * | 08:37 |
mike-e | =) | 08:37 |
inv_Arp | *shrug* | 08:37 |
Sh4d0x | johndarkhorse: thnX | 08:37 |
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freak4pc | anyone? :D | 08:37 |
inv_Arp | freak4pc: follow this http://linuxhelp.blogspot.com/2005/12/essential-house-keeping-in-ubuntu.html | 08:38 |
paulproteus|lapt | mike-e: Also, "cp -a" is "archive mode"; that does "-r" and most other flags you can think of. | 08:38 |
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freak4pc | k ill check | 08:38 |
freak4pc | by the way this is my ps-x : http://pastebin.com/478537 | 08:38 |
inv_Arp | paulproteus|lapt: preserve timestamps of a cd | 08:38 |
freak4pc | maybe u see there something i shud kill? | 08:38 |
paulproteus|lapt | inv_Arp: Yup, "-a" will do that, too. | 08:39 |
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inv_Arp | paulproteus|lapt: yea i know, i dont care about cd timestamps | 08:39 |
Seveas | freak4pc, update-manager... | 08:39 |
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freak4pc | Seveas, update-manager? whats that? | 08:40 |
inv_Arp | freak4pc: just add thos repositories and apt-get update | 08:40 |
Seveas | something you have open :) | 08:40 |
ubotu | Ubuntu Package/File/Desc Search of '/usr/include/X11/Intrinsic.h' returned no results. | 08:40 |
Determinist | salah, explain please | 08:40 |
inv_Arp | Seveas: heh | 08:40 |
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Seveas | ubotu, you lagging | 08:40 |
ubotu | no | 08:40 |
Determinist | salah, you want to access a dir on a linux machine from windows? | 08:40 |
Seveas | ubotu, yes | 08:41 |
ubotu | Yes, yes! Yes indeed. Who would have thought it, eh, seveas? | 08:41 |
inv_Arp | lol | 08:41 |
=== Determinist lights a smoke, kicks back, feels the dog with his bare feet and clicks play to some good ol' creed tune | ||
=== Malach1 [n=Malachi@236-209.dothan.cable.graceba.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== burn`bath is now known as burning_bronx | ||
Malach1 | Can anybody help me on setting up Samba? | 08:42 |
salah | Determinist: Yes. I am sharing a directory on this computer (running Ubuntu 5.04), and I want to access this directory from a Windows machine | 08:42 |
inv_Arp | Malach1: google can, we can hellp where you get stuck tho | 08:42 |
Malach1 | Okay. | 08:42 |
=== tyler_ [n=tyler@c-24-18-145-24.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tyler_ | Question: When a theme is installed, what directory is it installed to? | 08:43 |
Determinist | salah, you need samba server on the linux machine and just use the built-in smb/cifs client in windows | 08:43 |
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inv_Arp | tyler_: use a theme-manager to install it | 08:43 |
trae | anyone know of a tool to take multiple avi files under Linux, and put them together to make a long video? | 08:43 |
Thunderguy | As root, how would I set a ulimit for another user? my manpage doesn't have a ulimit manpage | 08:43 |
salah | Determinist: I have installed Samba | 08:43 |
inv_Arp | trae: avimerge, apt-get install transcode | 08:44 |
freak4pc | inv_Arp, maybe all this is because im using the 64-bit version? | 08:44 |
tyler_ | inv_Arp, no I already got all of my themes installed, but on one of them you can edit the color of menu bars if you edit one of the themes files. To edit the file i need to know where it is :) | 08:44 |
inv_Arp | salah: have you setup smb.conf at all yet | 08:44 |
trae | inv_Arp, hmmm transcode, *shiver* I've played with it some in the past, and you needed a Phd it seems to use it. | 08:44 |
trae | inv_Arp, ;) | 08:44 |
=== trae trys | ||
Determinist | salah, server or client? to share folders you need the server on the linux machine. to access shared folders from a linux machine you need the client. i'm willing to guess you have the client installed | 08:44 |
inv_Arp | trae: no it comes with avitools which are ez to use | 08:44 |
johndarkhorse | trae: transcode | 08:44 |
trae | inv_Arp, yessir | 08:44 |
freak4pc | inv_Arp, any idea? :) | 08:45 |
johndarkhorse | trae: there are simple frontends to it (gtranscode) | 08:45 |
trae | johndarkhorse, tx :) | 08:45 |
freak4pc | cant anyone send me his sources.list maybe? | 08:45 |
=== redvelvet [n=JWest672@dpc67142194061.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
johndarkhorse | ubotu: tell freak4pc about easysource | 08:45 |
tyler_ | Can anyone tell me where themes are located after installed? | 08:45 |
inv_Arp | freak4pc: ahhh are there 64 repositories? i have no idea | 08:45 |
burning_bronx | tyler_, themes for what? | 08:45 |
inv_Arp | ima slack guy new to this distro | 08:45 |
salah | Determinist: Hmm okey, i'll check that out | 08:45 |
trae | johndarkhorse and inv_Arp http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=108220 posted this up earlier | 08:45 |
=== nurfe [n=diss@h24-207-70-68.dlt.dccnet.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
burning_bronx | inv_Arp, welcome to Ubuntu :) | 08:46 |
salah | Determinist: I have the server installed | 08:46 |
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tyler_ | burning_bronx, its a window borders theme installed through ubuntu theme manager | 08:46 |
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freak4pc | Seveas, "Seveas' packages" your famous eh? :D | 08:46 |
trae | hmm | 08:46 |
inv_Arp | burning_bronx: :) yea this distro makes me sooo lazy | 08:46 |
tyler_ | burning_bronx, i need to edit one thing manually | 08:46 |
Seveas | freak4pc, infamous perhaps | 08:46 |
trae | inv_Arp, think I can do: avimerge -i *.avi -o new_video.avi ? | 08:46 |
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burning_bronx | tyler_, I reckon what you're looking for should be in ~/.themes | 08:47 |
freak4pc | Seveas, you think i shud add ur sources to the sources.list? why unfamous? :D | 08:47 |
Paradoxx | any1 have any problems with opod nano + rhythmbox? it crashes for me when it starts | 08:47 |
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pestilence | anybody know how to get amarok to find an automounted mp3 player? | 08:47 |
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Determinist | salah, did you set up smb.conf? | 08:47 |
inv_Arp | trae: dont think so you gotta name them avimerge -i file1 file 2 etc... -o newfile.avi | 08:47 |
jbueler | I need help installing ATI graphics drivers | 08:47 |
salah | Determinist: No, where do I find that? | 08:47 |
trae | inv_Arp, ahhh okies | 08:47 |
Determinist | salah, /etc, i'm willing to assume :) | 08:47 |
freak4pc | johndarkhorse,should i just check all the V's in there? | 08:47 |
trae | inv_Arp, it seems to be working | 08:48 |
trae | hehe | 08:48 |
trae | with the *.avi | 08:48 |
burning_bronx | Seveas, are the java debs still @ update4? | 08:48 |
tyler_ | burning_bronx, yep, thank you | 08:48 |
Seveas | burning_bronx, no | 08:48 |
burning_bronx | tyler_, you're welcome | 08:48 |
inv_Arp | trae: ahh but are they in numbered order? | 08:48 |
trae | ahhh true. | 08:48 |
inv_Arp | your pr0n might come out backwords | 08:48 |
inv_Arp | :) | 08:48 |
trae | inv_Arp, bwahahaha | 08:48 |
=== osh_ [n=osh@81-231-230-175-no21.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
burning_bronx | Seveas, so you updated ^_^ | 08:48 |
burning_bronx | !javadebs | 08:48 |
ubotu | rumour has it, javadebs is Sun Java debs (for i386), and IBM Java debs (for PPC) for breezy are at http://giannaros.org/buntu/breezy / To install these, open a terminal, cd to the directory you downloaded them to, and type sudo dpkg -i package.deb | 08:48 |
Seveas | those debs are old | 08:49 |
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burning_bronx | >.> | 08:49 |
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burning_bronx | not "that" old tho | 08:49 |
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trae | inv_Arp, hmmm, audio is a bit horked. /me rtfm's | 08:49 |
burning_bronx | why don't you put an up to date link, Seveas? | 08:49 |
salah | Determinist: Windows finds the directory which is shared, the only problem is that the Windows machine needs a password to access the directory. I don't have that password (yes im administrator) | 08:50 |
inv_Arp | trae: are they different types of avi files? | 08:50 |
freak4pc | ehm | 08:50 |
ogra_ibook | Seveas, breezy has java debs in multiverse you should probably point to these | 08:50 |
freak4pc | inv_Arp, what does this mean? W: GPG error: http://kubuntu.org breezy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY A506E6D4DD4D5088 | 08:50 |
trae | inv_Arp, all the same type. (taken with the same camera [Canon PowerShot A310] ) | 08:50 |
Determinist | salah, have you tried your user and password? | 08:50 |
tyler_ | how do i start the file editing program through terminal, whats it called again? | 08:50 |
ElitePete | xmms isn't importing presets anyone know why.. | 08:50 |
inv_Arp | trae: import the gpg-key of the repository | 08:50 |
freak4pc | u mean me no? :| | 08:50 |
burning_bronx | ogra_ibook, I reckon the java debs in multiverse are for backdown java which is dated. | 08:50 |
trae | heh | 08:50 |
inv_Arp | freak4pc: yea | 08:51 |
freak4pc | how do i import the gpg-key ? | 08:51 |
salah | Determinist: Yes I have. And also root username and password | 08:51 |
trae | freak4pc, hehe | 08:51 |
=== mwe [n=mwe@port462.ds1-ynoe.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
freak4pc | i just made a sources.list in the source omatic | 08:51 |
inv_Arp | trae: do they play fine seperatley? | 08:51 |
trae | inv_Arp, yah | 08:51 |
Determinist | salah, sorry then mate, i dont know :) | 08:51 |
Seveas | ogra_ibook, Those are 1.4, 1.5 is quite popular | 08:51 |
trae | they play fine seperately | 08:51 |
ogra_ibook | burning_bronx, they are tested, set all variables and bring the firefox plugin | 08:51 |
freak4pc | inv_Arp, how do i import that? i just made a tool making me a sources.list | 08:51 |
osh_ | Is there some special repo that I need to get the python2.4-profiler? It doesn't seem to be in the standard ones. | 08:51 |
Determinist | salah, try #samba tho, these guys may know | 08:51 |
ogra_ibook | Seveas, there is not much difference in applet functionasllity | 08:51 |
tyler_ | Under the packet manager, what would i download to install XMMS? | 08:51 |
salah | Determinist: thanks anyway | 08:51 |
burning_bronx | ogra, still you can't blame me for using sun java 1.5 update 6 >.> | 08:51 |
=== humbraro [n=humbraro@c-24-20-166-43.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
inv_Arp | trae: hmm, try to just combine 2 or so see what happens | 08:52 |
freak4pc | it still doesnt let me download build essential!! arrrrrw :( | 08:52 |
burning_bronx | works fine with firefox ~_~ | 08:52 |
Determinist | salah, *nods* | 08:52 |
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trae | inv_Arp, k | 08:52 |
freak4pc | E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 08:52 |
freak4pc | E: Unable to lock the download directory | 08:52 |
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freak4pc | why wouldnt it be able to get a Lock? :| | 08:52 |
osh_ | freak4pc: Some other synaptic/aptitude-process running perhaps? | 08:52 |
ogra_ibook | burning_bronx, nope, but we have put quite some work into bringing them in to make it easy for unexperienced users that dont want to break their sources.list .. | 08:52 |
burning_bronx | freak4pc, make sure you don't have another apt instance running | 08:53 |
mwe | freak4pc: you're not using sudo or another app like synaptics is running | 08:53 |
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ElitePete | xmms isn't importing presets anyone know why.. | 08:53 |
freak4pc | im using sudo apt-get install build-essential | 08:53 |
freak4pc | w8 ill pastebin my tasks | 08:53 |
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johndarkhorse | freak4pc: you can only run ONE apt at time (that includes dpkg) | 08:53 |
rosen | I can't find the directory I installed BMP into :O | 08:53 |
ogra_ibook | Seveas, burning_bronx, so it would be nice if the bot defaulted to them (with a note where to get 1.5 for the experienced ones) | 08:53 |
rosen | doh ? | 08:53 |
ElitePete | rosen, | 08:53 |
burning_bronx | ogra, how exactly using j2re would break sources? | 08:53 |
osh_ | rosen: locate bmp | 08:53 |
ElitePete | in terminal which bmp | 08:53 |
freak4pc | Here are my tasks : http://pastebin.com/478549 | 08:54 |
burning_bronx | ogra_ibook, there is a walkthrough to getting latest java in the restrictedformats wiki | 08:54 |
burning_bronx | we pointo to that | 08:54 |
burning_bronx | *point to | 08:54 |
osh_ | Noone knows anything about python-profiler? | 08:54 |
freak4pc | johndarkhorse, can u check to see if i have something to be closed here? http://pastebin.com/478549 | 08:54 |
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Seveas | ogra, it would, sec | 08:54 |
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ogra_ibook | burning_bronx, if you get them from a external repo, you have to add it to your sources ... | 08:54 |
ogra_ibook | burning_bronx, if you get a crappy deb that someone aliened, you get into global VARS hell etc | 08:55 |
johndarkhorse | freak4pc: in a terminal type "ps aux|grep apt" and if that turns up nothing, insert dkpg in place of apt | 08:55 |
trae | inv_Arp, yah, still get the audio issues when stringing just two together. | 08:55 |
trae | inv_Arp, these are short 30second clips. | 08:55 |
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trae | hmm | 08:55 |
inv_Arp | trae: what types of probs? | 08:55 |
tarvid | what is the wiki of choice for users? | 08:55 |
trae | don't know if I can translate this into text but.... | 08:55 |
burning_bronx | ogra_ibook, that's why I make my own debs but Seveas has some hosted for people who can't make it on their own and it's all working | 08:55 |
trae | it goes... shhh skip skip shhh skip skip shhh skip skip ... | 08:56 |
trae | heh | 08:56 |
trae | You can still hear the audio | 08:56 |
=== burning_bronx shrugs | ||
trae | but it's not great. sounds like a record skipping. | 08:56 |
trae | (not sure if you young puppies even know what a record is) | 08:56 |
trae | :) | 08:56 |
freak4pc | johndarkhorse, http://pastebin.com/478552 | 08:56 |
=== trae chuckles* | ||
trae | inv_Arp, :) | 08:57 |
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Sh4d0x | brb (reboot) | 08:57 |
ElitePete | can anyone tell me why xmms is refusing to import winamp presets | 08:57 |
ogra_ibook | burning_bronx, sure, but if we offer a default option and put manpower into it to make it as easy as possible for the user it would be nice if that could be honored in the support, i dont say using 1.5 is wrong or your way is it, but i wouldnt give my mother the advise to use the 1.5 deb from anywhere if she can enable multiverse with a mouse click and get the blessed package from there | 08:58 |
freak4pc | OMG IM SO STUPID :| | 08:58 |
freak4pc | it works now... doh o.O | 08:58 |
scharlize | :) | 08:58 |
freak4pc | *ashamed* | 08:58 |
freak4pc | w32codecs still exists? | 08:58 |
burning_bronx | ogra_ibook, w/e works. It's linux. | 08:59 |
burning_bronx | !w32codecs | 08:59 |
ubotu | rumour has it, w32codecs is a compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular proprietary formats not currently supported by free implementations under linux. See http://tinyurl.com/e4a5s to install | 08:59 |
ogra_ibook | burning_bronx, i'd just like to see that the option the distro team decided on would be advised as the default and the stuff thats for the advanced user is the additional advise | 09:00 |
inv_Arp | trae: have any other .avi files you can try besides those clips.. | 09:00 |
=== MaFiaBoY [n=_mfb@dyn-213-36-161-96.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
trae | inv_Arp, naw, not really. | 09:00 |
johndarkhorse | freak4pc: close your synaptic | 09:00 |
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burning_bronx | ogra_ibook, 1.5 would be default if it wasn't "restricted format" I believe. | 09:00 |
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trae | inv_Arp, the gtranscode didn't seem like a video editing tool per se | 09:00 |
inv_Arp | trae: hmmm, what type of .avi files are they divx.. etc? | 09:00 |
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inv_Arp | camera might be using some weird format | 09:01 |
ogra_ibook | burning_bronx, else the effort we put in there to make the defaults work is somewhat pointless ... | 09:01 |
trae | 00001.avi: RIFF (little-endian) data, AVI, 640 x 480, ~15 fps, video: Motion JPEG, audio: uncompressed PCM (mono, 11024 Hz) | 09:01 |
trae | inv_Arp, --^ | 09:01 |
ogra_ibook | burning_bronx, if sun would make it open, we'd use it as default | 09:01 |
burning_bronx | ogra_ibook, you a devel? | 09:01 |
ogra_ibook | burning_bronx, yup | 09:01 |
burning_bronx | what are you working on lately? | 09:01 |
ogra_ibook | i build edubuntu | 09:02 |
burning_bronx | i c | 09:02 |
=== burning_bronx shrugs | ||
ogra_ibook | and all screensaver stuff as well as the hdwb | 09:02 |
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CGA | hi all | 09:02 |
inv_Arp | trae: ahh might need mjpeg-ttols to work with those | 09:02 |
ogra_ibook | apart from the distro work we all do | 09:02 |
inv_Arp | err toos | 09:02 |
inv_Arp | tools* | 09:02 |
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trae | libmjpegtools0 is already the newest version. | 09:03 |
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trae | inv_Arp, no worries... I need to go run and work off these holiday calories ;) I'll be back later. | 09:03 |
trae | inv_Arp, I do appreciate all your help! | 09:04 |
inv_Arp | np | 09:04 |
inv_Arp | trae: https://sourceforge.net/docman/display_doc.php?docid=3456&group_id=5776 good tutorial on mjpeg | 09:04 |
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burning_bronx | ogra_ibook, do you have any idea when X is gonna hit his official release with ubuntu (since it's offically out now) | 09:04 |
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ogra_ibook | its in since some days | 09:04 |
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burning_bronx | ogra_ibook, I am running dapper and it's still an RC... | 09:05 |
burning_bronx | X I mean... | 09:05 |
ogra_ibook | burning_bronx, it was xorg7 with daniels latest upload afaik | 09:05 |
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lightbright | how do I update applications such as xchat to the latest? | 09:05 |
ogra_ibook | the naming might not be up to date ;) | 09:05 |
burning_bronx | ogra_ibook, it still shows as RC4 >.> | 09:06 |
ElitePete | can anyone tell me why XMMS refuses to load presets | 09:06 |
johndarkhorse | lightbright: your client will tell you when there's an update | 09:06 |
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burning_bronx | same goes for Firefox 1.5 RC3 and afaik RC3 was promoted to offical release >.> | 09:06 |
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johndarkhorse | lightbright: or you can use backports, but i don't recommand them | 09:07 |
ogra_ibook | burning_bronx, most of it is already 7... | 09:07 |
burning_bronx | ogra_ibook, I know - been using Dapper since the beginning. | 09:07 |
burning_bronx | >.> | 09:07 |
lightbright | johndarkhorse: ok! so unless I use backports, I can never ever update applications and programs to the latest? | 09:07 |
chombee | johndarkhorse burn`bath - in the end I just ran the installer and resized the partition manually with that. I think the installer may use ntfsresize. For the record, if ppl want to resize ntfs partitions the easiest way may to boot the installer, resize it, then abort the install | 09:07 |
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burning_bronx | chombee you're the man ;) | 09:08 |
CGA | *anyone* i'm trying to compile E17 and its libs on my system (ubuntu breezy) but i get an error when compiling evas (a EFL library) because it needs Xorg compiled with XShm.h , what can i do about it? and do you any ubuntu dev to point him out the following question? why didn't you guys compile X with that header? | 09:08 |
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johndarkhorse | chombee: i've used qtparted and gparted to resize ntfs and not had any problems (we are discussing millions of permutations of hardware, tho) | 09:08 |
lightbright | how can I search the cache? When I type: sudo apt-cache search sword | 09:08 |
lightbright | for example, it shows a LOT of other things that doesnt even contain "sword" | 09:08 |
lightbright | johndarkhorse: ok! so unless I use backports, I can never ever update applications and programs to the latest? | 09:09 |
lightbright | johndarkhorse: is that true? | 09:09 |
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ogra_ibook | burning_bronx, the only thing i care about there is that the versions are in at UVF... | 09:09 |
johndarkhorse | CGA: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79155&highlight=enlightenment | 09:09 |
chombee | johndarkhorse - it's strange, this is the second machine on which GParted didn't work for me | 09:09 |
ogra_ibook | burning_bronx, which is still a month to go | 09:09 |
humbraro | anybody here know how to get dri working with an old all-in-wonder 128 card on breezy? | 09:09 |
CGA | johndarkhorse, k i'll look at it | 09:09 |
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burning_bronx | ogra_ibook, any input on the new MySQL stuff? | 09:10 |
johndarkhorse | lightbright: ubuntu is on a 6 month release cycle, which means you get new stuff every 6 months. the cutting edge stuff will always be in the development version | 09:10 |
jbueler | pastebin | 09:10 |
ogra_ibook | burning_bronx, not that i'm aware of | 09:10 |
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CGA | johndarkhorse, i want E17 from CVS , i used to use that howto (shadfoi's one) and those repos | 09:10 |
scenestar | merry xmass room | 09:10 |
ogra_ibook | burning_bronx, was no topic in the recent time ... | 09:10 |
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scenestar | ugh | 09:10 |
johndarkhorse | chombee: gparted was late in the game getting ntfsprogs support, which is why i prefer using (and recommending qtparted for ntfs work) | 09:10 |
lightbright | johndarkhorse: SO unless I use backports, I can never ever update applications and programs to the latest until ecery 6 months with every new Ubuntu realease? Is that correct? | 09:10 |
scenestar | what the hell is wrong with automatix | 09:10 |
burning_bronx | ogra_ibook, I mean after all MySQL 5 is officially stable now and we're still sluggin' with MySQL 4 >.> | 09:10 |
scenestar | it worked perfectly last thursday | 09:10 |
scenestar | now it breaks apt-get | 09:11 |
Oconnore | seveas, I am trying to get the required packages for the madwifi driver, but apt-get isn't liking your repositories - http://pastebin.com/478563 - any ideas? | 09:11 |
lightbright | scenestar: I dont celebrate Xmas, its not even Christian, its a pagan holiday! Jesus wasnt born December 25, a Pagan sun god called Tammuz was | 09:11 |
ogra_ibook | burning_bronx, it might or might not go in, no idea... i know that we'll in any case have the recent postgres ... | 09:11 |
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scenestar | lightbright: im just saying it to be nice, i really fsckin hate "the season" | 09:11 |
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johndarkhorse | lightbright: in #ubuntu-offtopic please | 09:12 |
lightbright | scenestar: Christmas trees, decorations etc are all "offerings" to the birth of Tammuz. The round balls on the christmas trees, represent the "SUN" because the pagans worshiped the SUN as a god. | 09:12 |
lightbright | johndarkhorse: ok | 09:12 |
johndarkhorse | scenestar: in #ubuntu-offtopic please | 09:12 |
burning_bronx | still many people prefer MySQL to postgres :/ | 09:12 |
scenestar | uhuh | 09:12 |
scenestar | yeah | 09:12 |
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scenestar | back to the problem | 09:12 |
lightbright | johndarkhorse: SO unless I use backports, I can never ever update applications and programs to the latest until ecery 6 months with every new Ubuntu realease? Is that correct? | 09:12 |
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lightbright | johndarkhorse: is that true? | 09:12 |
scenestar | why did automatix die on me? | 09:12 |
Seveas | !automatix | 09:12 |
ubotu | automatix is, like, messy, breaks all sorts of security guidelines, and is not open to improvement. In short: DO NOT USE IT! | 09:12 |
burning_bronx | scenestar, don't use automatix | 09:12 |
burning_bronx | it would break your stuff. | 09:12 |
johndarkhorse | lightbright: you can build the latest source code into programs if you wish (a lot of people do), but ubuntu will not see "new" programs until the next release | 09:12 |
lightbright | scenestar: whats automatix? | 09:13 |
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burning_bronx | lightbright, read what ubotu said | 09:13 |
ogra_ibook | burning_bronx, if you used oracle for some years, you see the lacks in mysql, but before i had to use oracle i'd have agreed ... | 09:13 |
lightbright | johndarkhorse: if it doesnt "see" them how can you use them? | 09:13 |
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scenestar | lightbright: its an automated installers | 09:13 |
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lightbright | scenestar: ah ok | 09:13 |
lightbright | bimberi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :) | 09:13 |
scenestar | ogra_ibook: oracle is friggin horrible | 09:13 |
johndarkhorse | scenestar: if you must insist on a "easy script", use this one: http://www.giannaros.org/buntu/easybreezy0.33-alpha.tar.gz | 09:13 |
lightbright | bimberi: hello | 09:13 |
scenestar | johndarkhorse: does that work? | 09:14 |
lightbright | johndarkhorse lightbright: you can build the latest source code into programs if you wish (a lot of people do) <--- How? | 09:14 |
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zeenix | hi | 09:14 |
scenestar | lightbright: you mean cvs? | 09:14 |
scenestar | that takes friggin ages | 09:14 |
ogra_ibook | burning_bronx, but i agree, for beginners tasks and small stuff mysql is quite nice ( i used it to feed our oracle DB in my last job *g*) | 09:14 |
lightbright | scenestar: whats cvs? | 09:14 |
johndarkhorse | scenestar: join #ubuntu-offtopic and i'll explain it | 09:14 |
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johndarkhorse | lightbright: please join me in #ubuntu-offtopic for a quick howto in compiling | 09:14 |
dwhsix | hi all - recommendations on getting an ipod to work? it's new, never used on anything (windows or otherwise). I suspect gtkpod wants to be able to read the iTunesDB file (which doesn't yet exist). Banshee never finishes when I tell it to write one... thoughts? | 09:14 |
scenestar | dwhsix`: read the forums | 09:15 |
scenestar | theres a full guide | 09:15 |
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burning_bronx | ogra_ibook, that's why I think the new mysql should make it into dapper :/ | 09:15 |
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osh_ | http://packages.ubuntu.com/breezy/python/python2.4-profiler <- why can't I download and install that? I've got the multiverse and backports repos enabled... | 09:15 |
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hunger | Can I install ubuntu on a LVM / ? | 09:15 |
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dwhsix | scenestar: I've found some discussions but nothing very definitive - can you point me to a specific thread? | 09:15 |
humbraro | anybody here know how to get 3d accelleration on an old ATI all-in-wonder128 on breezy? | 09:15 |
bimberi | hi lightbright :) | 09:15 |
chombee | Hmm... How come I don't see the gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse package? | 09:15 |
osh_ | hunger: yes. but leave /boot out of it. ubuntu cant boot on an lvm. | 09:16 |
scenestar | dwhsix: im on a crummy laptop | 09:16 |
scenestar | cant help | 09:16 |
hunger | osh_: Thanks! | 09:16 |
scenestar | use the search function | 09:16 |
osh_ | hunger: took me a while to figure out... ;-) | 09:16 |
dwhsix | scenestar: ok, thanks, I'll look some more... | 09:16 |
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hunger | osh_: Now I only need to figure out how to do that;-) | 09:16 |
lightbright | chombee: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 | 09:16 |
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osh_ | hunger: when you create your lvm, just leave a tiny slice out and mount that as /boot. Or if you're very good with initrd you could create one that has the lvm-drivers in it and boot from that. But that's quite complex and I've never tried it. It should work though. | 09:17 |
zeenix | the stock linux-image-ppc for breezy is compiled with fb, which doesn't work on my mini mac | 09:18 |
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chombee | I don't have anything to paste, lightbright, but I think the wiki instructions for adding repositories might be wrong | 09:18 |
hunger | osh_: I had ubuntu installed (even mostly on LVM), but I had to replace th HD it was on... | 09:18 |
hunger | osh_: So I "migrated" all the LVs to a USB disk... which I dropped to the floor. | 09:19 |
ossie | hi guys, im having some problems with burning CDs, on an external dvd/cdr combo drive, it wont eject with k3b | 09:19 |
hunger | osh_: So reinstall time for me... good that I do have backups;-) | 09:19 |
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chombee | Yep, the wiki is wrong. Do you think I should change it? | 09:20 |
osh_ | hunger: coming from big-iron unix I'd say that this is one area which linux could do with some improvement. when mixing lvm and raid it's easy to make misstakes. | 09:21 |
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CGA | *anyone* is there a ubuntu-dev channel? | 09:21 |
hunger | osh_: Well, nothing protects you from dropping drives:-( | 09:21 |
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ossie | anyone reccommend a fix for my cd not allowing me to ekject | 09:21 |
hunger | osh_: But you are right... but LVM definitly is a step into the proper direction. | 09:22 |
ptlo | CGA: there's #ubuntu-motu for packaging, and #ubuntu-devel for development | 09:22 |
hunger | Anyone got the edubuntu dapper livecd to boot? | 09:22 |
CGA | thx ptlo | 09:22 |
ogra_ibook | hunger, yup | 09:22 |
ogra_ibook | hunger, ppc is a bit hairy though | 09:23 |
hunger | ogra_ibook: It does not find itself on a simple i386 here... | 09:23 |
=== BoukenPink [n=Nanami@brndmb02dc1-213-180.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | !javadebs | 09:23 |
ubotu | [javadebs] Sun Java debs (for i386), and IBM Java debs (for PPC) for breezy are at http://giannaros.org/buntu/breezy / To install these, open a terminal, cd to the directory you downloaded them to, and type sudo dpkg -i package.deb | 09:23 |
ElitePete | sudo apt-get search right? | 09:23 |
ogra_ibook | hunger, but the other arches are tested several times | 09:23 |
salah | Where is the guide to install wireless cards in Ubuntu? | 09:23 |
BoukenPink | Okey poke... I'm having a wee issue with my ATI AIW Radeon 8500DV and the fglrx driver... After I install it, my computer will freeze up within a couple minutes after logging on... Anyone know what might be up? | 09:23 |
Seveas | !no javadebs is <reply> Java can be found in multiverse. Sun and IBM java packages can be found at http://giannaros.org/buntu/breezy | 09:24 |
ubotu | Seveas: okay | 09:24 |
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hunger | ogra_ibook: "Unable to find a CD-ROM containing /casper/filesystem.cloop. | 09:24 |
ogra_ibook | Seveas, thanks a lot :) | 09:24 |
tyler | I have my nVidia drivers installed through the package manager.. Is there any way to edit the file to make it run smoother? I have a great vid card but its running just OK in Ubuntu.. | 09:24 |
hunger | ogra_ibook: Then I am in the busybox shell... | 09:24 |
Xorlev | What's the command used to compile a piece of software as a debian package? Not make-kpkg... | 09:24 |
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bimberi | Xorlev: checkinstall | 09:24 |
scenestar | apt-compile? | 09:25 |
Xorlev | bimberi: Thanks =) | 09:25 |
bimberi | ubotu tell salah about wifi | 09:25 |
ogra_ibook | hunger, weird, i tested it on 6 different machines here ... you are talking about flight2, right ? | 09:25 |
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bimberi | Xorlev: np :) | 09:25 |
ogra_ibook | hunger, the recent dailies might be broken | 09:25 |
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BoukenPink | Anyone~? I've been around the forums, but I can't seem to find anything. :3 | 09:25 |
dabaR_ | I win! | 09:25 |
idefix | how do I find out what filesystem my floppy uses? | 09:25 |
=== Zugwrack [n=zugwrack@cpe-70-120-176-147.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hunger | ogra_ibook: I think it is flight 2 (that was what I was trying to download). | 09:26 |
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idefix | why are there so many filesystems? | 09:26 |
hunger | ogra_ibook: I'd guess my SATA CDROM is not recognized... | 09:26 |
idefix | why are some filesystems listed in the file filesystem but blocked with nodev? | 09:26 |
Zugwrack | anyone seen nalioth recently? | 09:26 |
johndarkhorse | Zugwrack: yes i am he | 09:26 |
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ogra_ibook | hunger, hmm, might be, i have no SATA HW around ... but then it wont worjk with ubuntu as well | 09:27 |
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Seveas | !seen nalioth | 09:27 |
ubotu | nalioth <n=Apple@ubuntu/member/pdpc.bronze.nalioth> was last seen on IRC in channel #ubuntu-offtopic, 7h 7m 36s ago, saying: 'i'm at work.'. | 09:27 |
hunger | ogra_ibook: I have not tried ubuntu CDs in ages... grabbing one right now. | 09:27 |
johndarkhorse | Seveas: touche | 09:27 |
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ogra_ibook | hunger, edubuntu and ubuntu live are only different in the desktop package selection, the bootprocess and casper are identical | 09:28 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@S01060080c8b3f91f.ed.shawcable.net] by Seveas | ||
tyler | I have my nVidia drivers installed through the package manager.. Is there any way to edit the file to make it run smoother? I have a great vid card but its running just OK in Ubuntu.. | 09:28 |
Zugwrack | Hey quick question...I know that you deal with devel on the PPC version of the kernel...alas this question is related to Mac OS X 10.4.3...I can't kill iTunes with a force quit..and from command prompt I issue a kill -9 6052 and it still won't kill the process | 09:28 |
ogra_ibook | hunger, i doubt ubuntu will work .. | 09:28 |
johndarkhorse | Zugwrack: did you try 'sudo' ? | 09:28 |
Topken | i am trying to do a dual boot with windows and for some reason it could not create the main partion for ubuntu | 09:29 |
hunger | ogra_ibook: Hmmm... I just need something to boot from to rescue my dapper install:-( | 09:29 |
Zugwrack | Yep...I su'ed first before trying to kill the process | 09:29 |
zeenix | anyone else using ubuntu on mac mini? | 09:29 |
ogra_ibook | hunger, and breezy live wont ? | 09:29 |
Zugwrack | There are a coupld colums I am not sure what the term is telling me... | 09:29 |
Zugwrack | *couple* | 09:29 |
hunger | ogra_ibook: Haven't tried that yet:-) | 09:29 |
Topken | plus i can get thru on the live cd but it freezes once its dont checking everything | 09:30 |
dabaR_ | ubotu: tell Topken about ask | 09:30 |
hunger | ogra_ibook: I thouhgt while I need to grab a liveCD anyway I might as well test flight2:-) | 09:30 |
Zugwrack | They are TT and stat...my process shows ?? and E respectively johndarkho | 09:30 |
Zugwrack | zeenix: Nope on a dual G4 | 09:30 |
ogra_ibook | hunger, then keep the iso to easily rsync it ;) i'm happy about every edubuntu tester | 09:30 |
hunger | ogra_ibook: Actually I only ended up with the edubuntu CD by accident:-) | 09:31 |
Topken | i have balck screen with a white dash and thats it | 09:31 |
Zugwrack | johndarkho: ? | 09:31 |
=== protok0l [n=sodkghks@user-0c9h0lq.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
protok0l | hello all | 09:32 |
christianp | merry christmas to all the channel!!! | 09:32 |
protok0l | i have an mp3 player, how do i mount it? its USB 2.0 | 09:32 |
ogra_ibook | hunger, thats a gods hint ;) | 09:32 |
ElitePete | protok0l, it should come up automatically | 09:33 |
hunger | ogra_ibook: Anyway: edubuntu flight2 does not boot on a thinkpad T43p. HW specs are in the LaptopTesting area of the wiki if you need those. | 09:33 |
Topken | any ideas on my problem guys? | 09:33 |
ogra_ibook | i'll look them up, hunger thanks, and frohe weihnachten :) | 09:33 |
hunger | ogra_ibook: Thanks! Same to you. | 09:33 |
ogra_ibook | :) | 09:34 |
protok0l | ElitePete: it doesn't (if you mean on the desktop) | 09:34 |
hunger | ogra_ibook: Feel free to contact me if you need someone testing any changes related to the boot issue. | 09:34 |
chombee | I made a correction to this wikipage: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto but I can't be too detailed because I don't know if Hoary and Warty are exactly the same as Breezy | 09:34 |
ElitePete | protok0l, go to places>computer | 09:34 |
ElitePete | do you see it their? | 09:34 |
ogra_ibook | hunger, thanks again, i'll do that | 09:34 |
hunger | ogra_ibook: Dunno whether I can do any more serious testing for edubuntu on a (usually) not networked laptop. | 09:35 |
=== batman [n=tyler@12-215-86-171.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
batman | hey where do i go to configure internet connection sharing? | 09:35 |
Topken | i need to go | 09:35 |
ogra_ibook | hunger, liveCD would already be fine ... | 09:35 |
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hunger | ogra_ibook: Isen't edubuntu about thin clients, etc? Like skolelinux? | 09:36 |
protok0l | ElitePete: i'm not seeing it | 09:36 |
idefix | when you type "mount" at the xterm is it automatically interpreted as mount(8)? | 09:36 |
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ElitePete | protok0l, one moment | 09:36 |
bulio | how do I get rhythmbox to play mp3s? | 09:36 |
HymnToLife | !mp3 | 09:36 |
ubotu | I guess mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 09:36 |
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batman | bulio, you can always use xmms | 09:37 |
bulio | ok | 09:37 |
bulio | but I like rhythmbox | 09:37 |
dabaR_ | batman: did you read that page above, the restricted formats one? | 09:37 |
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batman | no but i've never had a problem | 09:37 |
dabaR_ | batman: I just ask cause that is mentioned there, the xmms solution. | 09:38 |
ogra_ibook | hunger, that too, (in fact its currently my core job to improve ltsp) but its more than that ... its about educational apps as well and support for small HW you can use in poorer environments | 09:38 |
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batman | oh | 09:38 |
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batman | dabaR_, do you know where i can go to setup internet connection sharing? | 09:38 |
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dabaR_ | batman: that is my favorite issue. Try installing ipmasq and dnsmasq to start. | 09:39 |
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ElitePete | protok0l, is it an ipod? | 09:39 |
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anatole | what is the optimal partition setup for dual booting ubuntu and windows? | 09:40 |
=== dabaR_ notes it is his favorite issue cause he never manages to set it up for anyone, but has it set up on his computer. | ||
anatole | i mean, which should be on the beginning of the hd, and which should follow | 09:40 |
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dabaR_ | anatole: it is a needs based answer. What you need is optimal. | 09:40 |
dabaR_ | anatole: windows on the beginning. | 09:40 |
anatole | thank you | 09:40 |
batman | dabaR_, ok have that installed now what? | 09:40 |
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dabaR_ | Now, set the dnsmasq config file for dnsmasq to work. sudo gedit /etc/dnsmasq.conf, I guess. | 09:42 |
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protok0l | ElitePete: no, some phillips mp3 player | 09:42 |
batman | dabaR_ have you done this for a wireless access point? | 09:42 |
ElitePete | protok0l, yea, they have a thign you install for ipod but... hold on trying to find a solution | 09:42 |
=== raphink [n=raphink@bur91-2-82-231-159-240.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ElitePete | protok0l, i plug mine in and it works right away :\ | 09:43 |
gerst | how can I setup a temperature monitor for my kubuntu I have an Asus a7v8x-x MB | 09:43 |
gerst | ? | 09:43 |
=== axel [n=xstation@82-44-98-94.cable.ubr04.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
axel | hello merry christmas | 09:43 |
dabaR_ | batman: no. And I do not know how to do wireless at all. But on this level it is most likely the same. You uncommend the line that shows the dhcp-range, to enable the DHCP server. | 09:43 |
chombee | Is there a command I can type to get it to re-read the fstab file? | 09:43 |
=== new2ubuntu [n=bill@c-69-252-136-150.hsd1.ar.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaR_ | chombee: "sudo mount -a" | 09:44 |
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axel | what is the difference between a src.rpm and a noarch.rpm? | 09:44 |
chombee | dabaR_ thanks! | 09:44 |
hunger_ | ogra_ibook: I gave my IP to the last guy claiming to be able to hack me: He claimed that he would have had success, but unfortunately his computer keapt crashing when he was attacking mine... | 09:45 |
ElitePete | !ubotu mp3 players? | 09:45 |
ubotu | ElitePete: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 09:45 |
ElitePete | !yes | 09:45 |
ubotu | Yes, yes! Yes indeed. Who would have thought it, eh, elitepete? | 09:45 |
Seveas | axel, this is not #redhat #fedora or whatever | 09:45 |
ElitePete | lol | 09:45 |
Merline | hello, im newpie and i need help in mysql. I have made mysql password and now i cant remember it. how i can change it or what i can do? | 09:45 |
=== ilba7r [n=ilba7r@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ElitePete | Seveas, is their a forum post on how to install an mp3 player (hardware) | 09:45 |
Seveas | Ubuntu does not use rpm | 09:45 |
ogra_ibook | hunger, *giggle* | 09:45 |
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Seveas | ElitePete, plug in, (enjoy|panic) | 09:45 |
McGyver^ | salve | 09:45 |
Seveas | that's the general instructions :) | 09:45 |
axel | ok thanks seveas | 09:46 |
ElitePete | Seveas, ? | 09:46 |
ElitePete | lol | 09:46 |
dabaR_ | ElitePete: use #mysql, if you do not get an answer here. | 09:46 |
new2ubuntu | hello, I was wondering if someone might be able to help me with some problems Im having getting my wireless card to work properly? I seem to have shown ndiswrapper 2 drivers, both of which show up as invalid but I cant seem to remove either one to start over? | 09:46 |
burning_bronx | ElitePete, read here | 09:46 |
burning_bronx | !restrictedformats | 09:46 |
ubotu | [restrictedformats] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats Most of the formats listed here have been replaced by !FreeFormats | 09:46 |
=== oveh [n=oveh@ti500710a080-14150.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
burning_bronx | get the codecs and use ANY player | 09:46 |
salah | bimberi: Well, I can't find any package named "wpasupplicant" | 09:47 |
axel | but how about this I ask a question in the forum relating to ubuntu 5.10 and nobody replies in over 4 days? | 09:47 |
Seveas | burning_bronx, (hardware) <---- | 09:47 |
dabaR_ | ElitePete: sorry. | 09:47 |
burning_bronx | Seveas? | 09:47 |
Seveas | salah, it's in universe | 09:47 |
dabaR_ | Merline: use #mysql if you do not get an answer. | 09:47 |
Seveas | burning_bronx, read ElitePete's lines... | 09:47 |
salah | Seveas: What do you mean? | 09:47 |
Merline | dabaR_: ok thanks | 09:47 |
=== _randabis [n=randabis@cpe-24-167-43-245.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
burning_bronx | ah | 09:47 |
Seveas | !tell salah about universe | 09:47 |
ElitePete | dabaR, no prob | 09:47 |
ilba7r | bronx it is in the forms | 09:47 |
burning_bronx | I missed what was in the parentensis | 09:47 |
hunger_ | axel: well, everybody is volunteering their time there. | 09:47 |
axel | thankyou | 09:48 |
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burning_bronx | I am naked and dehydrated so I am forgiven ;) | 09:48 |
MasterTsunami | :| | 09:48 |
Seveas | burning_bronx, TOO MUCH INFO | 09:48 |
dabaR_ | batman: after you are done that, you restart dnsmasq "sudo invoke-rc.d dnsmasq restart" | 09:48 |
hunger_ | axel: Yes, I know... not a very helpful answer. | 09:48 |
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=== chiisai [n=chiisai@8.80-202-140.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | axel, what's the question (link to the forumpost will do) | 09:48 |
burning_bronx | Seveas, sorry but it's the NAKED truth | 09:48 |
axel | thanks seveas | 09:49 |
chiisai | How would I go about running two X sessions? | 09:49 |
dabaR_ | chiisai: Apps>Sys Tools>New Login | 09:49 |
oveh | anyone got the intel 2200bg to work? i'm following the thread "howto: ipw2200+wpa", but i'm stuck trying to make ieee80211, the error is something about gcc-3.4 not found etc? | 09:50 |
HymnToLife | chiisai > Ctrl+Alt+Fx | 09:50 |
=== Aleks [n=aleks@ti231210a080-2936.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HymnToLife | and then xstart (or startx, don't remember) | 09:50 |
hunger_ | oveh: Ubuntu ships with gcc 4.x, not 3.4. Try apt-get install gcc-3.4 | 09:50 |
Seveas | oveh, ipw2200 ubuntu drivers work wit ubuntu too | 09:51 |
Seveas | even with wpa, you just need to disable hardware crypto | 09:51 |
hunger_ | oveh: ... or grab the linux.restricted-modules deb... that has them IIRC. | 09:51 |
new2ubuntu | would anyone know how to install a broadcom wireless card? perchance? | 09:51 |
Seveas | !tell new2ubuntu about ndiswrapper | 09:51 |
new2ubuntu | IVe read up on that sorta..I downloaded the 3 related packages and installed them. | 09:52 |
=== lummel [n=eee@dsl-hkigw3-fe28de00-177.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
new2ubuntu | but when I tried to set up ndiswrapper with the .inf file it came back with some sort of fatal error? | 09:52 |
oveh | hmm, one at a time ;P apt-get can't find gcc-3.4 | 09:52 |
Seveas | new2ubuntu, errors on the pastebin please | 09:52 |
humbraro | chiisai: try this out: ctrl-alt-f1, then login, then "startx -- :1 &" no quotes, this should start a session at f8 | 09:52 |
new2ubuntu | crud I quit the session and started a new one.. | 09:53 |
axel | its been answered but not solved here go http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=105766 | 09:53 |
chiisai | HymnToLife, dabaR: The reason I want to run two X sessions is that I want to be able to run games using only one monitor in the second one, and two monitors via the nvidia twinview-thingy in the main one. Would this be a problem? | 09:53 |
hunger_ | oveh: I am not on a ubuntu box right now... try "apt-cache search gcc | grep 3.4" to find the correct name of the deb. | 09:53 |
=== cburneci__ [n=medodu@home-305421.b.astral.ro] has joined #ubuntu | ||
oveh | hunger_: ok, thanx | 09:53 |
lummel | does ubuntu installation support usb wlan cards | 09:53 |
chiisai | humbraro, right, can I make startx choose a different xorg.conf? | 09:53 |
mwe | it's gcc-3.4 so it's weird if apt doesn't find int | 09:54 |
humbraro | chiisai: i've never been able to get 3d accelleration to work on multiple x-sessions, but i have crappy vid cards | 09:54 |
Seveas | axel, ok hold on | 09:54 |
chiisai | humbraro, :\ | 09:54 |
rosen | does anyone know of a howto or something to install a usb (bluetooth) mouse with multiple buttons ? | 09:54 |
rosen | and assigning the buttons :O | 09:54 |
humbraro | chiisai: hmm, check out the man page for what option to load a config file | 09:54 |
chiisai | humbraro, right. I'll check it out. Thanks :) | 09:54 |
humbraro | good luck! | 09:54 |
=== definity [n=definity@ACCBE65F.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
definity | hi | 09:55 |
=== grshpr [n=grshpr@adsl-69-152-212-206.dsl.fyvlar.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
oveh | mwe: i only find 4.0 and 3.3 | 09:55 |
definity | any one in here that uses kismet | 09:55 |
Seveas | axel, this *should* be easy | 09:55 |
mwe | oveh: did you sudo apt-get update and are you using breezy and is you /etc/apt/sources.list good? | 09:55 |
axel | Thanks I hope so | 09:55 |
Seveas | axel: sudo cp /var/lib/dpkg/status-old /root/backup-of-status | 09:56 |
Seveas | axel: sudo cp /var/lib/dpkg/status-old /var/lib/dpkg/status | 09:56 |
hunger_ | rosen: Mine was discovered and ready to use without me needing to do anything special (but it has 2 buttons+wheel only) | 09:56 |
=== BasL [n=bas@tuxmachine.xs4all.nl] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Seveas | try these 2 commands (in this order!) and retry | 09:56 |
=== BoukenPink [n=Nanami@brndmb02dc1-208-44.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
new2ubuntu | Im trying to recreate the error for a posting.. | 09:56 |
oveh | mwe: how du i now my sources.list is good? ;P | 09:56 |
definity | any one in here that uses kismet | 09:56 |
BoukenPink | How do I get glxgears to output to the console the FPS? | 09:56 |
rosen | hunger, yeah mine works aswell .. but I got 8 mousebuttons unassigned :/ | 09:56 |
=== GoRoDeK [n=gorodek@p5083D8C4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ElitePete | BoukenPink, glxgears -iacknowladgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark | 09:57 |
hunger_ | rosen: Hmm... soory, I can't help with that. Does that bluetooth HID protocol think support that many buttons? | 09:57 |
kakei | ElitePete glxgears -printfps is easier ;d | 09:57 |
ElitePete | kakei, :-D | 09:57 |
axel | ok thanks seveas I will give it a try and retry? | 09:57 |
=== Killalot [n=nerd@dslb-084-056-107-184.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | retry synaptic :) | 09:57 |
mwe | oveh: if you have main and are using an official repo it should be good enough to get gcc-3.4 | 09:57 |
ElitePete | kakei, neither one shows my fps | 09:57 |
rosen | hunger_, I dunno really, but it should atleast assign more that two and the wheel | 09:58 |
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axel | ok thanks very much | 09:58 |
new2ubuntu | ok I managed to recreate the error | 09:58 |
batman | hmm | 09:58 |
BoukenPink | Woot... I couldn't get the fglrx from the repositories to work, but the one from ATI's site works. :D | 09:58 |
mwe | oveh: again did you sudo apt-get update? | 09:58 |
oveh | mwe: yes | 09:58 |
markitoxs | hello, does anyone know, how to mute the sound of the system through the console? | 09:58 |
hunger_ | axel: DOes this help: | 09:58 |
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mwe | and you're using breezy and all? | 09:59 |
pundai | markitoxs, do you use alsa | 09:59 |
markitoxs | yes | 09:59 |
dabaR_ | markitoxs: "alsamixer" m mutes, mute master | 09:59 |
GoRoDeK | if i try to install vlc (videolan client) on ubuntu 6.04 (beta) i get a dependencies error "vlc depends on: libdbus1-1 (>=0.50), but cannot be installed". (libdbus-1-2 allready installed) is that something that should be reported or have i did something wrong? | 09:59 |
Seveas | markitoxs, amixer --toggle Master | 09:59 |
pundai | markitoxs, /exec which amixer | 09:59 |
Seveas | oslt | 09:59 |
markitoxs | thx guys | 09:59 |
mwe | oveh: and you're using breezy and all? | 09:59 |
oveh | mwe: mm, 5.10, installed 10min ago | 09:59 |
mwe | oveh: ok | 09:59 |
pundai | markitoxs, there you go | 09:59 |
hunger_ | rosen: http://wiki.x.org/X11R6.8.2/doc/mouse5.html says something about an config option for the number of buttons. | 09:59 |
=== Kr0ntab [n=Kr0ntab@pool-70-104-155-115.lsanca.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | amixer set 'Master' toggle | 09:59 |
pundai | yeah toggle | 09:59 |
hunger_ | rosen: default is 3... | 09:59 |
mwe | oveh: paste /etc/apt/sources.list at the pastebin, so I can see it | 09:59 |
markitoxs | and, does anyone know, how to increase/decrease the sound? also with alsamixer? | 09:59 |
definity | any one in here use kismet | 09:59 |
oveh | mwe: ok, 2sec | 10:00 |
Seveas | markitoxs, man amixer :) | 10:00 |
ilba7r | oveh use synaptic it might be already installed for i have it on my machine and by the way i had similar problem to yours | 10:00 |
Seveas | (or use alsamixer and the arrow keys) | 10:00 |
batman | definity, i use kismet | 10:00 |
markitoxs | Seveas, i need a command, cuz i'm doinbg it through shortcuts with the keys | 10:00 |
definity | i wonder if you can help me i go to start it up and i get an error apear | 10:00 |
=== nurfe [n=diss@h24-207-70-68.dlt.dccnet.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | markitoxs, then read the manpage for amixer :) | 10:00 |
mwe | oveh: was is it you're trying to install again? | 10:00 |
markitoxs | i'm doing it | 10:00 |
markitoxs | thx | 10:00 |
Hoxzer | when I try to play .rmvb audio with mplayer I experience terrible frame drop do you guys know what could cause it? | 10:01 |
oveh | mwe: ipw2200 | 10:01 |
mwe | oveh: oh, so you're not online with it yet? | 10:01 |
rosen | hunger_, thanks I'll check it out | 10:01 |
oveh | mwe: nope | 10:01 |
mwe | oveh: ahh | 10:01 |
batman | definity, whats the error? | 10:01 |
mwe | oveh: then that's the problem. hmm | 10:01 |
BoukenPink | The only problem I have now is, the tutorial I followed to get fglrx to work seems to have changed the resolution of the login screen.... Is there any way I can change it back to 1024*768? | 10:01 |
axel | I will get back to you in some time say 10 minutes | 10:01 |
ilba7r | oveh ipw2200 worked out of the box here not with wpa though | 10:01 |
=== burning_bronx Kamelot - Lunar Sanctum | ||
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johndarkhorse | burning_bronx: can you save that for #ubuntu-offtopic please? | 10:02 |
definity | batman: Waiting for server to start before starting UI... | 10:02 |
definity | Suid priv-dropping disabled. This may not be secure. | 10:02 |
=== cybersh33p [n=cybersh3@c-67-161-187-117.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
definity | FATAL: Unable to set up pidfile /var/run//kismet_server.pid, couldn't open for writing: Permission deniedd | 10:02 |
oveh | ilba7r: i need wpa, but maybe just change to wep and reinstall | 10:02 |
mwe | oveh: apt-get update doesn't have any effect if you're not online | 10:02 |
oveh | i'm online mwe | 10:02 |
oveh | i'm on irc | 10:02 |
oveh | ;P | 10:02 |
johndarkhorse | definity: sounds like you need to use sudo | 10:02 |
mwe | oveh: yeah but with that box? | 10:02 |
oveh | mwe: yeah | 10:03 |
ilba7r | oveh type sudo synaptic and search through synaptic for gcc3.4 | 10:03 |
=== ElitePete [n=pete@c-24-131-71-233.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Peace"] | ||
=== ElitePete [n=pete@c-24-131-71-233.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
oveh | ilba7r: k | 10:03 |
burning_bronx | johndarkhorse, sorry - it was an /ame from another server ... it's just the way xchat does it | 10:03 |
burning_bronx | :/ | 10:03 |
mwe | oveh: ok then paste the /etc/apt/sources.list at the pastebin | 10:03 |
definity | even when i sudo i get this message | 10:03 |
Hoxzer | where is w32codecs located? | 10:03 |
new2ubuntu | pastebin? | 10:03 |
ilba7r | oveh and if you have a router you can only allow only your mac address (as security instead of wpa) to access the router | 10:03 |
definity | Waiting for server to start before starting UI... | 10:03 |
definity | Suid priv-dropping disabled. This may not be secure. | 10:03 |
definity | No specific sources given to be enabled, all will be enabled. | 10:03 |
definity | Enabling channel hopping. | 10:03 |
definity | Enabling channel splitting. | 10:03 |
definity | NOTICE: Disabling channel hopping, no enabled sources are able to change channel. | 10:03 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o johndarkhorse] by ChanServ | ||
definity | Source 0 (addme): Opening none source interface none... | 10:03 |
=== definity [n=definity@ACCBE65F.ipt.aol.com] has left #ubuntu [requested] | ||
Hoxzer | /usr/lib/win32 I guess | 10:03 |
pundai | can I /exec cat /var/log/messages | 10:04 |
pundai | err can I /exec -o cat /var/log/messages | 10:04 |
=== Sh4d0x [n=shadox@d51530B43.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
oveh | ilba7r: thats true, but how do i get back to the way it was, i've completly fucked up the ipw2200 | 10:04 |
ElitePete | whats the best mail program? | 10:04 |
=== definity [n=definity@ACCBE65F.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pundai | ElitePete, emacs | 10:04 |
ElitePete | k | 10:04 |
dabaR_ | ElitePete: BestEmailProg | 10:04 |
definity | any idears? | 10:04 |
johndarkhorse | oveh: please respect us with your language choices | 10:04 |
johndarkhorse | definity: please dont paste in here (read the /topic) | 10:05 |
ElitePete | dabaR_, ? | 10:05 |
Sh4d0x | seveas, got your present :) | 10:05 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o johndarkhorse] by ChanServ | ||
oveh | johndarkhorse: sorry | 10:05 |
definity | ok | 10:05 |
dabaR_ | ElitePete: that is the best email programming. | 10:05 |
ElitePete | ? | 10:05 |
ElitePete | <confused | 10:05 |
ilba7r | oveh i did the same error trying to recompile. The only way i got around that is installing the kernel image again. | 10:05 |
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mwe | ElitePete: best mail program is a matter of personal prefs | 10:05 |
ElitePete | mwe, whats a good one? | 10:06 |
ilba7r | oveh so whatever kernel you have either upgrade, downgrade or reinstall | 10:06 |
mwe | ElitePete: I use thunderbird | 10:06 |
new2ubuntu | ok I pasted my fatal to the paste bin | 10:06 |
=== Darksun [n=darksun@80-193-160-162.stb.ubr02.wiga.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ElitePete | k | 10:06 |
Sh4d0x | Seveas, got ur present :) | 10:06 |
mwe | ElitePete: emacs as a mail client may be a bit hairy for n00bs | 10:06 |
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ElitePete | mwe, i am a noob ;-P | 10:07 |
definity | so dose any one know how to help me atall? | 10:07 |
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salah | Seveas: I have done that. But my network don't use WPA. How do I disable it? | 10:07 |
oveh | ilba7r: i reinstall then, its a clean install and ipw2200 is the only thing i've done | 10:07 |
mwe | ElitePete: then _I_ wouldn't recommend emacs | 10:07 |
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ElitePete | mwe, yea im getting thunderbird | 10:07 |
salah | Seveas: It's something like this: proto=WPA | 10:07 |
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johndarkhorse | definity: have you asked in #kismet? | 10:08 |
ilba7r | oveh you do not need to reinsatall everything. Use synaptic and search for linux-image you will find which one is installed for you or type uname -a in a terminal | 10:08 |
definity | yeh | 10:08 |
mwe | ElitePete: there's also evolution if you use gnome (I don't) | 10:08 |
ilba7r | oveh this will tell you whick kernel image you need | 10:08 |
=== verizz [i=veriz@ip5.cab25.trt.starman.ee] has joined #ubuntu | ||
definity | no ones in there | 10:08 |
djk_ | if a dist-upgrade is done, is still everything configured as it was, ie progs, menu etc? | 10:09 |
ElitePete | mwe, yea i use gnome, how does evolution compare to thunderbird ? | 10:09 |
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definity | there is but there all silent | 10:09 |
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oveh | ilba7r: ok | 10:09 |
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johndarkhorse | definity: have you been to the kismet homepage/forums? | 10:09 |
dams_ | salut | 10:09 |
=== MickMcMack [n=MickMcMa@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/MickMcMack] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mwe | ElitePete: I can't really say too much about evolution. I haven't really used it. I only had a glance at it | 10:09 |
new2ubuntu | how do I clear out invalid drivers installed to ndiswrapper? | 10:09 |
=== odat [n=steve@ip226.78.78.64.suscom.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ElitePete | mwe, oh.. is thunderbird good in your opinion? | 10:10 |
new2ubuntu | or does it matter? | 10:10 |
definity | yeh couldnt find anything usefull i did have a problem with the kismet.conf but the fourums helped me with that | 10:10 |
mwe | ElitePete: yeah. I love it. it handles news too | 10:10 |
odat | any god packages for fonts? | 10:10 |
odat | good | 10:10 |
ElitePete | mwe, ok | 10:10 |
dabaR_ | !fonts | 10:10 |
ubotu | it has been said that fonts is https://wiki.ubuntu.com//FontInstallHowto | 10:10 |
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oveh | mwe: ahhh, editing sources.list worked :-) | 10:10 |
mwe | oveh: great | 10:11 |
BooZee | how can I see what memory type do I have on my comp ? | 10:11 |
jobli | Is'nt Azureus available as a package anymore? My sources.list: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6171 | 10:11 |
batman | dabaR_, when i did the dhcp server http port wasn't working | 10:11 |
ElitePete | jobli, sudo apt-get install azureus | 10:12 |
batman | so i just uninstaleld it | 10:12 |
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salah | !tell salah about wi-fi | 10:12 |
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salah | !tell salah about wireless | 10:12 |
raphink | BooZee: open the box and look ;) | 10:12 |
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odat | need some different packages for fonts | 10:12 |
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@adsl-065-012-192-031.sip.bct.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntu | yo homies | 10:13 |
johndarkhorse | odat: you can install any truetype fonts in ~/.fonts | 10:13 |
BooZee | raphink: nice... and a real answer ? | 10:13 |
Darksun | Having a wierd problem with my wireless connection, it keeps flashing as disconnected every few seconds | 10:13 |
dabaR_ | batman: what does that sentence mean? I dont understand. | 10:13 |
mwe | ElitePete: what repo is azureus in? my apt doesn't find it in main/universe/multiverse | 10:13 |
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jobli | ElitePete, does not work:can not find package | 10:13 |
johndarkhorse | ubotu: tell mwe about azureus | 10:13 |
dabaR_ | mwe: it is not in Ubuntu | 10:13 |
ElitePete | mwe, hmm | 10:13 |
chombee | Does Breezy have any way of administering settings, such as menu items, panel config, for all users at once? | 10:13 |
ubuntu | how do i change my name? | 10:13 |
johndarkhorse | ubotu: tell ElitePete about azureus | 10:13 |
batman | dabaR_, it means my internet didn't work using a web browser port 80 == http port | 10:13 |
johndarkhorse | ubuntu: type /nick NEWNICK | 10:13 |
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ElitePete | johndarkhorse, thanks but i know about it | 10:14 |
ilba7r | new2ubuntu look at this link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25683 | 10:14 |
aliencds | thank you jogndark | 10:14 |
BooZee | anybody knows how can I know (from linux) what type of memory do I have ? | 10:14 |
aliencds | thank you* | 10:14 |
raphink | this is my real answer BooZee | 10:14 |
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johndarkhorse | BooZee: in a terminal, type "sudo lshw" | 10:14 |
alexissoft | hi | 10:14 |
raphink | I know no way to get real infos on memory without opening the box | 10:14 |
raphink | I had to do it myself | 10:14 |
johndarkhorse | raphink: type or brand? | 10:14 |
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raphink | ubuntu : /nick | 10:14 |
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raphink | BooZee: lshw gives quite a lot of infos otherwise | 10:15 |
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raphink | but not really great infos about what type of memory | 10:15 |
Aleks | Hi people! | 10:15 |
raphink | as far as I remember | 10:15 |
=== [cro] smiley [n=smiley@83-131-71-136.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
[cro] smiley | hih all | 10:15 |
BooZee | thank you | 10:15 |
raphink | johndarkhorse: either | 10:15 |
Aleks | any one who know what the program name is..., who let me play mp3 files | 10:15 |
dabaR_ | hi, [cro] smiley | 10:15 |
[cro] smiley | where can i download ncurses.h ?? | 10:15 |
mwe | Aleks: there are loads of players that will play mp3s | 10:16 |
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mwe | Aleks: you need the codecs though | 10:16 |
new2ubuntu | thank you Ilba7r | 10:16 |
Aleks | nwe, how..? | 10:16 |
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[cro] smiley | i downloaded ncurses-5.5.tar.gz but there is no ncurses.h file. Where can i found it? | 10:17 |
Hikaru79 | Why does Ubuntu come with both ALSA and esd? Don't the two do the same thing? Is it safe to remove esd if I'd prefer to use ALSA? | 10:17 |
mwe | !restricted | 10:17 |
ubotu | I guess restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats Most of the formats listed here have been replaced by !FreeFormats | 10:17 |
ilba7r | boozee look at this http://jamesthornton.com/redhat/linux/Enterprise/3/Introduction-To-System-Administration/s1-resource-rhlspec.html | 10:17 |
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=== Aleks [n=aleks@ti231210a080-2936.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ilba7r | new2ubuntu you are welcomed | 10:17 |
Swoop|Around | !FreeFormats | 10:17 |
ubotu | I guess freeformats is There are a large number of Free Formats which are preferred over patent and copyright encumbered formats. They are listed here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeFormats | 10:17 |
dabaR | [cro] smiley: are you from croatia? | 10:17 |
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mwe | Aleks: folloew the wiki ubotu pointed to | 10:18 |
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dabaR | [cro] smiley: libncurses5-dev | 10:18 |
dabaR | install that through apt-get. | 10:18 |
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Aleks | nwe, a friend told me that i just can install a program, and then i can play mp3 | 10:18 |
Navire | Anybody know if hotconference use h323? | 10:18 |
ElitePete | does evolution still check for mail when i close it? | 10:18 |
axel | hello | 10:18 |
[cro] smiley | dabaR yes im from Croatia, why? | 10:19 |
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ilba7r | elitepete no. check gnubiff for light weight check of your mail or xbiff | 10:19 |
mwe | [cro] smiley: why would you install ncurses from source? It's in ubuntu already | 10:20 |
ElitePete | ilba7r, are those programs? | 10:20 |
Darksun | Anyone know why my wireless connection is disconnecting and then reconnecting every few seconds, using ipw2200 in Ubuntu 5.10 | 10:20 |
ilba7r | elitepete yes and they just ckeck your mailboxes. They can check gmail too | 10:20 |
[cro] smiley | dabaR, all i need is ncurses.h but i don't have i | 10:20 |
[cro] smiley | dabaR, all i need is ncurses.h but i don't have it | 10:20 |
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dabaR | [cro] smiley: me too. [cro] smiley install that package. visit #ubuntu-hr | 10:21 |
ElitePete | ilba7r, good i have gmail, i just dled the package but i dont see it in Internet | 10:21 |
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ilba7r | elietpete and for new mail a message will pop up to notify you with sender and about 5 lines of the message | 10:21 |
axel | hunger are you still here | 10:21 |
axel | nice one | 10:22 |
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ilba7r | elitepete try typing gnubiff in a terminal. sorry i use gnome here so do not know where does gnome put it | 10:22 |
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ilba7r | ment i use fluxbox | 10:22 |
arctic | hey there, i want to play netpanzer with a friend; when i start the game it doesnt have sound -> ""open /dev/sequencer: No such file or directory" so file is missing, where do i get it? | 10:22 |
ElitePete | ilba7r, i got it running, can it send mail too or no? | 10:22 |
aliencds | wow this ubuntu is insane althgouth reading this i feel like a n00b | 10:23 |
ilba7r | elitepete it is just for checking it is not an email client | 10:23 |
ElitePete | ilba7r, ok how do i move the penguin | 10:23 |
ilba7r | exactly like gmail check in window | 10:23 |
ilba7r | elietepete try playing with the configuration | 10:23 |
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dm1tri | hi all | 10:24 |
=== Gobbla_ [n=jocke@h86n1fls32o887.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ilba7r | right click on the icon to set it up and configure it | 10:24 |
dm1tri | have a funny question - what is the root password on a default installation of 5.10? | 10:24 |
Aleks | Any one here who know hoe i can see the pc's temperature in linux? | 10:24 |
gnomefreak | dm1tri, your user password | 10:24 |
dm1tri | gnomefreak : ahh nice - thx | 10:24 |
gnomefreak | yw | 10:25 |
Seveas | !tell dm1tri about root | 10:25 |
viscount | Im having a few strange issues with eclipse and it says that I says that I should set my JAVAHOME and CLASSPATH variable in my .bash_profile, but Im not sure what they are supposed to be, does anyone know about this? | 10:25 |
gnomefreak | Seveas, is your server down or is it just me :( | 10:25 |
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Seveas | !tell gnomefreak about seveas | 10:25 |
ElitePete | ilba7r, i cant seem to move it | 10:25 |
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ilba7r | aleks there are programs to do that but you can check it from /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THM0 and open the file thermal it is updated though so check it everynow and then | 10:26 |
apricot | hello, with witch application can i make partition backup, please? | 10:26 |
Seveas | viscount, you should install java and eclipse the proper way and you don't need that | 10:26 |
ilba7r | elietepete do not understand what do you mean by move it. where and to where you want to move it | 10:26 |
viscount | apricot, sbackup | 10:26 |
gnomefreak | ty Seveas | 10:26 |
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ElitePete | ilba7r, i want to put it on a panel? | 10:26 |
apricot | thank you very much, bye | 10:26 |
=== jgrieves [n=jgrieves@ip70-161-178-176.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ilba7r | right click on the panel and select it elitepete | 10:27 |
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ilba7r | you will find it already in the options list | 10:27 |
viscount | Seveas, I have, but it doesnt work, so now Im exploring other options, for example my $JAVAHOME and $CLASSPATH variables are currently empty, if its already done the proper way I dont think they should be | 10:27 |
ElitePete | yay ilba7r thank you | 10:27 |
ElitePete | ilba7r, can you send me an email? :-) | 10:27 |
ilba7r | elitepete you 're welcomed | 10:27 |
Seveas | viscount, how did you install java/eclipse? | 10:28 |
ilba7r | elitepete you have to set it up first though | 10:28 |
viscount | Seveas, setting them is probably going to do a whole lot of nothing, but im just trying to eliminate the option | 10:28 |
ElitePete | ilba7r, i did | 10:28 |
viscount | Seveas, apt | 10:28 |
Seveas | hmm | 10:28 |
Seveas | setting JAVA_HOME to /usr should work | 10:28 |
Seveas | CLASSPATH can be empty | 10:28 |
jgrieves | how can i probe for a kernel module? speciically ohci_hcd | 10:29 |
=== bof [n=all@lns-bzn-29-82-64-245-181.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
viscount | Seveas shouldnt I sent it to like /usr/bin/java or something? | 10:29 |
pundai | jgrieves, modprobe ohci_hcd | 10:29 |
pundai | as root | 10:29 |
Seveas | no | 10:29 |
bof | hi | 10:29 |
=== rudiz [n=rudiz_@j176194.upc-j.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jgrieves | pundai mmmk, then what? | 10:30 |
pundai | thats it | 10:30 |
jgrieves | restart kernel? is it on at boot now? | 10:30 |
pundai | lsmod to make sure its there | 10:30 |
pundai | if you want to do it at boot you probably need to add it to /etc/modprobe.d/ | 10:30 |
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pundai | but i can't recall | 10:30 |
ElitePete | ilba7r, did you get my msgs | 10:30 |
jgrieves | lsmod | grep ohci_hd | 10:31 |
jgrieves | produced nothing | 10:31 |
jgrieves | oops | 10:31 |
jgrieves | there we go | 10:31 |
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jgrieves | pundai required a reboot w/ kernel right? | 10:31 |
jgrieves | pundai its supposedly to get my externel HD to work | 10:32 |
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mcjerry | is there a channel for vmware? | 10:32 |
pundai | jgrieves, i suppose its not a usb hd? | 10:32 |
pundai | mcjerry, this is *FREENODE* | 10:32 |
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jgrieves | pundai its a SATA HD with a sata to usb enclosure | 10:32 |
Seveas | mcjerry, #vmware is the only channel i could imagine | 10:33 |
jgrieves | to a usb port | 10:33 |
mcjerry | yea, i asked prematurely | 10:33 |
=== oveh [n=oveh@ti500710a080-5655.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mcjerry | typed /join #vmware and there it was on FreeNode | 10:33 |
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Aleks | ilba7r, tanks | 10:33 |
=== apricot [n=apricot@lns01-1339.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
B1zz | anyone know of a good network browser gnome? i tried jags but says segmant fault when trying to open my network shares | 10:34 |
ilba7r | aleks you are welcomed | 10:34 |
Aleks | ilba7r, do it round to nearlyest 10? | 10:34 |
apricot | the best email client? | 10:34 |
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shwag | what are some good games I can install? | 10:34 |
gnomefreak | apricot, there is no such thing | 10:34 |
apricot | thunderbird? | 10:34 |
ilba7r | aleks do not know | 10:34 |
pundai | jgrieves, i guess you'll have to do some fstab/automount magic... | 10:34 |
pundai | my usb drive automagically mounts | 10:35 |
gnomefreak | i use thunderbird but someone else may perfer evolution | 10:35 |
ilba7r | aleks but you can make a program to chekc it or use lmsensors or one of the gdesklets | 10:35 |
=== elvin007 [n=manfred@tdev133-164.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mcjerry | i installed the latest vmware on dapper.....i have WinXP on /dev/sda1 already, how can i just run that instance of xp in vmware? I do not want to install another instance | 10:35 |
pundai | shwag, enemy-terrtiroty | 10:35 |
pundai | territory | 10:35 |
apricot | evolution? | 10:35 |
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jgrieves | pundai yeah | 10:35 |
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Aleks | ilba7r, tanks, what do your file show? | 10:35 |
bulio | whats a good bittorrent client? | 10:35 |
bulio | for ubuntu | 10:35 |
apricot | please | 10:35 |
jgrieves | Works great with ohci_hcd module, hotplug will pick this up perfectly too. | 10:35 |
jgrieves | said | 10:36 |
ilba7r | aleks give me a min to check should be around 54 | 10:36 |
shwag | pundai, yah...seriously. i think i have to register on their site to download though. | 10:36 |
pundai | shwag, i think bugmenot works on their site | 10:36 |
gnomefreak | apricot, evolution comes with default install on ubuntu | 10:36 |
godzuki | I have a serious problem that seems to me unsolvable | 10:36 |
Aleks | ilba7r, fahrenheit or celcius?:P | 10:36 |
godzuki | my ext3 drive can be written to in kde gui | 10:36 |
godzuki | but not in cli | 10:36 |
godzuki | and I can't chmod or anything | 10:36 |
B1zz | anyone know of a good network browser for gnome? i tried jags but says segmant fault when trying to open my network shares | 10:36 |
godzuki | as root | 10:36 |
ilba7r | aleks 47 and i think it is in C | 10:36 |
godzuki | does anybody think they have any idea | 10:37 |
godzuki | why this is | 10:37 |
apricot | and thunderbird? | 10:37 |
pundai | godzuki, whats wrong with nautilus | 10:37 |
godzuki | it's not nautilus | 10:37 |
=== eruin [n=eruin@unaffiliated/eruin] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Aleks | ilba7r, ok, my show 40 in ubuntu and around in windows :) | 10:37 |
=== Gobbla [n=jocke@h86n1fls32o887.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
godzuki | it's the command line | 10:37 |
godzuki | I can't chmod or chgrp | 10:37 |
gnomefreak | apricot, its in synaptic | 10:37 |
Aleks | ilba7r, tanks a lot | 10:37 |
godzuki | despite being root | 10:37 |
ilba7r | aleks you are welcomed | 10:37 |
godzuki | and being able to move and write files from konqueror | 10:37 |
apricot | is it good? | 10:38 |
Aleks | ilba7r, ops num lock was off, 39 in win* | 10:38 |
apricot | better than evolution? | 10:38 |
ilba7r | aleks so long it is under 70 in normal condition no need to worry | 10:38 |
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godzuki | I have an ext3 drive mounted with defaults | 10:39 |
godzuki | that is owned by me | 10:39 |
ilba7r | aleks and the pc will shutdown automatically if it reach 100 the trip point | 10:39 |
gnomefreak | apricot, its an email client try one you dont like it you have 35 others to choose from :( | 10:39 |
godzuki | but cannot be chmodded by root | 10:39 |
=== chombee [n=sean@82-39-105-204.cable.ubr02.newy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
godzuki | because ":read only files system" | 10:39 |
godzuki | but I can write in gui. | 10:39 |
Aleks | ilba7t. :) | 10:39 |
=== anna [n=anna@p54A3C59A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bulio | whats a good bittorrent client? | 10:39 |
dabaR | tell [cro] smiley about ask the bot | 10:39 |
Aleks | ilba7r, :) | 10:39 |
chombee | Anyone here managed to get xcompmgr working well? | 10:39 |
dabaR | sorry | 10:39 |
Malach1 | I can't get SWAT to work. | 10:39 |
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ompaul | godzuki, >>sudo fdisk -l<< >>cat /etc/fstab<< >>df<< put the output of those commands in paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 10:40 |
Malach1 | Using VMWare. | 10:40 |
anna | Hello, I want to use nvram-wakeup on Ubuntu Dapper, is it possible? | 10:40 |
apricot | why ext3, is it better than ext2? | 10:40 |
anna | In my try, it complains about /dev/mem not accessible | 10:40 |
ilba7r | take care aleks and do not worry temperature control is quite good in ubuntu | 10:40 |
johndarkhorse | apricot: ext3 has journaling (to save your data in a catastophic power outage) | 10:40 |
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oveh | what network manger is the best? is wifi-radar any good? | 10:41 |
jgrieves | pundai any docu on adding modules in modprobe.d? | 10:41 |
=== Draucon [n=Draucon@dialup-free-353.NMSU.Edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
apricot | i choosed ext3, did i made a mistake? | 10:41 |
ompaul | apricot, no | 10:41 |
gnomefreak | !best | 10:41 |
ubotu | gnomefreak: No idea | 10:41 |
apricot | is it good? | 10:41 |
godzuki | ompaul: what commands? do I need to take out the carrots? | 10:41 |
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gnomefreak | figured as much :( | 10:42 |
anna | apricot, it is what everybody uses | 10:42 |
pundai | jgrieves, i donno | 10:42 |
pundai | try man modprobe.d? | 10:42 |
apricot | ok | 10:42 |
Aleks | ilba7r, thats cool :) I have in the last days inserted my cpu with cooling pasta | 10:42 |
=== Digirat [n=asdf@S01060011955435c4.va.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | godzuki, ^ <<< that is a carrot - the greater than less than signs need to be removed they are three seperate commands to be run in a terminal on the menu -- Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal | 10:43 |
apricot | ok, no more questions | 10:43 |
Aleks | bbl folkz | 10:43 |
=== DODOO [n=artur@a83-132-182-109.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | ompaul, caret, not carrot :) | 10:43 |
=== WildZeck [n=zeck@ax113-3-82-234-26-6.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ilba7r | haha | 10:43 |
ompaul | Seveas, I bow but am hungry (not) :-) | 10:43 |
Digirat | quick noob question: how do you switch to superuser in terminal? i just reformatted from mdk10.0 and su doesn't do it anymore | 10:43 |
anna | sudo -i | 10:44 |
=== Seveas hands ompaul some carrots | ||
gnomefreak | sudo | 10:44 |
ompaul | Digirat, check out sudo | 10:44 |
ompaul | !tell Digirat about sudoroot | 10:44 |
=== idefix [n=Vincent@cc846502-a.ensch1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Aleks | how to join a channel on EFnet? | 10:44 |
ompaul | !tell Digirat about rootsudo | 10:44 |
Seveas | Aleks, /server irc.efnet.net | 10:44 |
Digirat | thanks :) | 10:44 |
Seveas | /join somechannel | 10:44 |
Aleks | seveas, :) | 10:44 |
apricot | i see no more thunderbird in synaptic, is it true? | 10:44 |
Seveas | no | 10:44 |
anna | Hello, I want to use nvram-wakeup on Ubuntu Dapper, but /dev/mem is not accessible ? | 10:45 |
godzuki | ompaul: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6174 | 10:45 |
apricot | what did i misses? | 10:45 |
ompaul | apricot, look for mozilla-thunderbird | 10:45 |
apricot | missed | 10:45 |
gnomefreak | !info thunderbird | 10:45 |
=== ubuntuX [n=ubuntu@adsl-69-231-159-70.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | anna, try /dev/ram0 | 10:45 |
godzuki | there is thundebird I just got it like 3 days ago | 10:45 |
=== CaptainMorgan [n=CaptainM@c-24-61-150-59.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
apricot | no such a thing! | 10:46 |
apricot | i searched! | 10:46 |
gnomefreak | im thinking its in main | 10:46 |
gnomefreak | but may not be and he might not have the right repo? | 10:46 |
ElitePete | sudo apt-get install mozilla-thunderbird | 10:46 |
=== Aleks [n=aleks@ti231210a080-2936.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Aleks | noen fra spydeberg her? | 10:46 |
ompaul | godzuki, u using a live CD? | 10:47 |
anna | Seveas, that would be a ram disk, but i rather need that tool to access /dev/mem for some strange reason | 10:47 |
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Seveas | anna, did you run it as root? | 10:47 |
godzuki | ompaul: no sir. | 10:47 |
godzuki | ompaul: excuse me, no. | 10:47 |
ompaul | godzuki, sir is landed gentry :-) | 10:47 |
anna | Or put elsewise, isn't /dev/mem similar to /dev/kmem ? | 10:47 |
apricot | i was right | 10:47 |
anna | Seveas, of course... | 10:47 |
godzuki | ompaul: I beat you to my own correction. | 10:47 |
Aleks | seveas, if i forgot my password here..., what to do? | 10:47 |
Seveas | Aleks, oassword where? | 10:48 |
gnomefreak | apricot, hold on | 10:48 |
shrief | Merry Christmas !!!! | 10:48 |
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gnomefreak | ill tell you what repo you need to enable | 10:48 |
Seveas | anna, in that case: no clue | 10:48 |
anna | I looked in man mem | 10:48 |
gnomefreak | apricot, what ubuntu version are you on? | 10:48 |
apricot | 5.10 | 10:48 |
anna | it appears so, the tool wants to use it to find something about my CMOS memory | 10:48 |
=== jgrieves [n=jgrieves@ip70-161-178-176.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anna | dunno why it cannot go directly to /dev/nvram | 10:49 |
Seveas | anna, that is very hackish | 10:49 |
godzuki | I'm sorry, but I'm at my wits end about this here ext3 problem | 10:49 |
Seveas | the driver should export a syscall... | 10:49 |
godzuki | who here is a guru about filesystems | 10:49 |
anna | Seveas, it's a tool that will change the BIOS wake up time | 10:49 |
ubuntuX | is there a way to save settings when using Live CD on Ubuntu? | 10:49 |
xenex | no | 10:49 |
ompaul | godzuki, what does pwd currently show you? | 10:49 |
anna | Seveas, so i can make the machine wake up, do something, then sleep again | 10:49 |
Seveas | ah | 10:50 |
=== Moo-Crumpus [n=Moo-Crum@p54A7687D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xenex | ubuntuX: no but you can in knoppix | 10:50 |
ompaul | godzuki, or where are you on the machine atm? | 10:50 |
godzuki | ompaul: /home/andrew | 10:50 |
ompaul | godzuki, hang on | 10:50 |
apricot | i downloaded thunderbird 3 days ago, but now i see it is not in synaptic | 10:50 |
anna | Only that it appears to be struck by some kernel change I guess.... like opening the device for writing which Ubuntu does not allow or so | 10:50 |
godzuki | ompaul: I've been working on this for hours, with help from others | 10:50 |
gnomefreak | apricot, are you using just the cdrom repository? | 10:50 |
ubuntuX | well...such a good distro...but missing a basic thing like that | 10:50 |
godzuki | ompaul: no one knows, I'm thinking about *ugh* reinstalling kubuntu | 10:50 |
apricot | no, nevermind, i must go now, will continue next time | 10:50 |
gnomefreak | apricot, thunkderbird is in the main repo | 10:51 |
xenex | ubuntuX: just make a small partition and install ubuntu | 10:51 |
ompaul | godzuki, no let me think about this for a min - the /dev/mapper is strange | 10:51 |
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ompaul | godzuki, in my little mind - but I don't let things like this annoy me | 10:51 |
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=== docgnome [n=docgnome@64-40-57-19.nocharge.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== gnomefreak bbl when updates are done :) | ||
docgnome | Where does synaptic put the packages it downloads? | 10:52 |
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ompaul | godzuki, what happens if you do cd /mnt/brick ? | 10:52 |
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godzuki | ompaul: I can't go there, but it's unmounted right now | 10:53 |
godzuki | ompaul: *can | 10:53 |
=== j_ [n=j@S010600134606305f.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | godzuki, hang on a secv | 10:53 |
Moo-Crumpus | docgnome, /var/cache/abs/ ... ? | 10:53 |
Malach1 | How do I restart inetd? | 10:53 |
rudiz | how i mount my cdrw | 10:53 |
rudiz | ? | 10:53 |
pundai | /var/cache/apt | 10:53 |
rudiz | how do i mount cdrw? | 10:53 |
ompaul | godzuki, was the fstab created by hand or munging some non ubuntu stuff with what you have now? | 10:54 |
docgnome | Crap. Must have deleted them. | 10:54 |
jgrieves | how can i auto detect my usb hard drive | 10:54 |
docgnome | thanks. | 10:54 |
ompaul | godzuki, btw I think I have it need to check something | 10:54 |
jgrieves | i have the module loaded that is needed | 10:54 |
Malach1 | How do I restart inedt? | 10:54 |
godzuki | ompaul: well, ok, I installed kubuntu the other day (my hd corrupted), then I decided with my new hd to try kubuntu | 10:55 |
ompaul | godzuki, wrong path ofr a second | 10:55 |
=== Mandy [n=Mandy@p54AD7CA7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
godzuki | ompaul: so, first thing I do when I fire it up is try the kde disk manager | 10:55 |
godzuki | ompaul: which seemed to work, except I had weird issues with su and kdesu not working | 10:55 |
j_ | Merry Christmas everyone. I got a new computer for Christmas, and I installed Ubuntu on it, but something is weird with the resolution. It's a fairly big moniter (1024x768 works well on it), but the only resolution option is 640x480, which is much to small. I edited the xorg.conf file, but it didn't do anything | 10:55 |
godzuki | ompaul: until I dist-upgraded, and I'm in kde 3.5 now | 10:55 |
=== Moo-Crumpus [n=Moo-Crum@p54A7687D.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["...] | ||
godzuki | ompaul: but, I realized my disk couldn't be written to by most programs, and when chmodding I ran into these issues | 10:56 |
=== durt [n=ben@pcp0011938702pcs.limstn01.de.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | godzuki, so you have mixed o/s's versions and added su functionality? | 10:56 |
Aleks | seveas, here on channel #ubuntu | 10:56 |
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Aleks | seveas, for nickname reservation | 10:56 |
ompaul | godzuki, it is a guess | 10:56 |
godzuki | ompaul: so i went with my gut instinct and did fstab by hand, which hasn't made any difference | 10:56 |
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=== kyncani [n=kyncani@bro29-1-82-245-180-190.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | godzuki, run this >>sudo mount /mnt/brick<< | 10:56 |
godzuki | ompaul: done | 10:57 |
durt | um,, i seem to have screwed up my ipod nano - i cant free up any of the memory. do i have to reformat it now? | 10:57 |
ompaul | godzuki, df | 10:57 |
ompaul | godzuki, does it show? | 10:57 |
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Seveas | Aleks, then ping the freenode staff | 10:57 |
godzuki | ompaul: yes | 10:57 |
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ompaul | godzuki, cd /mnt/brick | 10:57 |
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godzuki | ompaul: done | 10:57 |
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ompaul | godzuki, does >>pwd<< show /mnt/brick | 10:58 |
godzuki | ompaul: yes | 10:58 |
j_ | can anyone help me? | 10:58 |
Aleks | seveas, tanks | 10:58 |
ompaul | godzuki, your username is andrew correct? | 10:58 |
j_ | My resolution isn't even usable | 10:58 |
godzuki | ompaul: yes | 10:58 |
godzuki | ompaul: omg wait I just thought of something | 10:58 |
godzuki | ompaul: a couple of days ago I looked at logs, and they seemed to think I had bad blocks on the drive in a couple of places | 10:59 |
ompaul | godzuki, >>sudo chown -R andrew:andrew *<< | 10:59 |
godzuki | ompaul: maybe the system isn't mounting the drive right because of file-system errors | 10:59 |
ompaul | godzuki, it is mounted at this time | 10:59 |
johndarkhorse | ubotu: tell j_ about fixres | 10:59 |
godzuki | ompaul: I'm not a real whiz at mounting or file-system stuff | 11:00 |
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barro | ayuda | 11:00 |
barro | para configurar linux | 11:00 |
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ompaul | godzuki, did you run that chown command I gave you given that this is not a system but file holding location | 11:00 |
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ElitePete | !es | 11:00 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 11:00 |
pundai | well i have to say, usability in ubuntu is approaching that of windows, the same amount of internet keys dont work | 11:01 |
pundai | :S | 11:01 |
godzuki | ompaul: yeah, it listed each attempt and wrote ":: Read-only file system" at the end | 11:01 |
godzuki | ompaul: and didn't do it. | 11:01 |
alex__ | Anyone here have any experience with mounting samba shares at startup? | 11:01 |
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ompaul | godzuki, it may be that the drive is having a lot of issues | 11:02 |
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godzuki | ompaul: what does this mean to me | 11:02 |
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durt | is it safe to reformat an ipod nano with gparted? | 11:03 |
node_6 | hi all. I'm checking out ubuntu as a desktop os. I come from freebsd but I would like a gaming os as well (probably using cedega). Any comments on how well ubuntu is suited for this would be appreciated. Also, I tried slackware but I hate their (lack of a) package system. It's dependency hell! How is (and what is) ubuntu's package system? | 11:03 |
bqf | uh, has mplayer been removed from multiverse or am i just being a dumbass? | 11:03 |
johndarkhorse | ubotu: tell bqf about mplayer | 11:04 |
pundai | node_6, i play enemy territory on it all day long | 11:04 |
pundai | i think i built cedega once | 11:04 |
=== albacker [n=eni@customer-side2-telecomalbania.atnet.com.al] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | godzuki, if it was my disk I would do this (A) copy any data I needed from the disk into a directory in the root of my home directory made just for this purpose lets say /home/andrew/otherdiskbackup (B) I would then format it | 11:04 |
ompaul | godzuki, that is what I would do | 11:04 |
=== trevorv [n=trevorv@81-178-255-160.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
godzuki | ompaul: but... I don't have 200 gigs of backup space. | 11:04 |
ompaul | godzuki, so choose what you really need | 11:05 |
godzuki | ompaul: I don't understand why it would be that I can't chown things. | 11:05 |
node_6 | pundai: I am partial to warcraft 3, kotor 1 and 2, quake 4 | 11:05 |
vanden | Hi. Brand new to Ubuntu (Badger) and linux. Having problems with hardware on my laptop (Fujitsu S6231). The most alarming problem is the fan works erratically. | 11:05 |
vanden | General google and forum search didn't give me anything I recognized as a solution :-) I'm happy to give details, but uncertain what's relevant. (A guess is at <http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=108270>.) | 11:05 |
vanden | What should I do to find a solution? | 11:05 |
ilba7r | godzuki do you know who owns the files you are talking about | 11:05 |
godzuki | ompaul: I do. | 11:05 |
godzuki | ompaul: my andrew user | 11:05 |
ompaul | godzuki, first up how must is now in use - try >>df -h << and only look | 11:05 |
j_ | can anyone tell me how to fix my resolution? I changed the xorg.conf file, but it didn't do anything | 11:06 |
trevorv | what command can i use to find out how much free space i have on my hdd? | 11:06 |
apokryphos | trevorv: df -h | 11:06 |
pundai | node_6, i doubt you'll have any problems | 11:06 |
dabaR | j_: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 11:06 |
definity | can anyone help me fix my kismet | 11:06 |
trevorv | cheers apokryphos | 11:06 |
ompaul | j_, try >>sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg<< | 11:06 |
bqf | johndarkhorse: thanks, i've seen those links - it just appears that mplayer is _not_ in multiverse anymore, i added it. so if somebody would just say "it's in multiverse alright, apt-cache search mplayer shows it right now and my cache is up to date" that'd be appreciated. | 11:06 |
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ilba7r | godzuki did you try sudo chown <it might be that you are not the current owner of the files> | 11:08 |
cem| | merhaba | 11:08 |
ilba7r | merhaba cem| | 11:08 |
ompaul | ilba7r, he tried and it failed | 11:08 |
johndarkhorse | !info mplayer-586 | 11:08 |
ubotu | mplayer-586: (The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux), section multiverse/graphics, is extra. Version: 1:1.0-pre7cvs20050716-0.1ubuntu9 (breezy), Packaged size: 3670 kB, Installed size: 7928 kB | 11:08 |
cem| | ilba7r :) | 11:08 |
=== jgrieves [n=jgrieves@ip70-161-178-176.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
node_6 | pundai: which kernel? | 11:09 |
ilba7r | ompaul i guess you trouble shooted too if the file system was mounted as read only | 11:09 |
pundai | node_6, me? | 11:09 |
=== terebeu [n=david@f01m-212-194-59-236.d4.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pundai | Linux dev 2.6.12-10-686 #1 Fri Nov 18 12:09:04 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux | 11:09 |
johndarkhorse | bqf: it's all in the name, sir. | 11:09 |
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ompaul | ilba7r, it was not mounted when we started this :) | 11:10 |
node_6 | pundai: thank you :) happy holidays! | 11:10 |
godzuki | ompaul: I can't chown them remember | 11:10 |
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veera | hello, i am a windows user and have just switched over to ubuntu, I have registered myself in an online webstie where i watch movies but those requires windows media player. is there a way i could play those movies in my ubuntu system | 11:10 |
godzuki | yes | 11:10 |
ompaul | godzuki, did you do df -h I want to see if it actually mounted | 11:10 |
ilba7r | wish you luck ompaul than seems you already are trying what i would have recommended | 11:10 |
node_6 | veera: mplayerhq.hu I think | 11:10 |
apokryphos | !tell veera about restricted | 11:10 |
Amaranth | !w32codecs | 11:10 |
ubotu | it has been said that w32codecs is a compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular proprietary formats not currently supported by free implementations under linux. See http://tinyurl.com/e4a5s to install | 11:10 |
pundai | node_6, non-denominational of course :D | 11:10 |
godzuki | ompaul: it says it's there and mounted. | 11:11 |
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ompaul | godzuki, and what does the /mnt/brick line say that one only | 11:11 |
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sexcopter8000m | anyone have the link to an up-to-date working skype deb? | 11:11 |
godzuki | ompaul: /dev/hdd1 187G 124G 55G 70% /mnt/brick | 11:11 |
veera | i am sorry. i am kind of new could please walk me through in installing mplayer | 11:11 |
Amaranth | sudo apt-get install mplayer-686 | 11:12 |
apokryphos | sexcopter8000m: what version? | 11:12 |
johndarkhorse | ubotu: tell veera about mplayer | 11:12 |
Mandy | sudo apt-get install mplayer | 11:12 |
godzuki | someone should show him automatix | 11:12 |
Amaranth | !info mplayer-686 | 11:12 |
ubotu | mplayer-686: (transitional dummy package which can be safely removed), section multiverse/graphics, is extra. Version: 1:1.0-pre6-0.3ubuntu7 (breezy), Packaged size: 54 kB, Installed size: 96 kB | 11:12 |
johndarkhorse | godzuki: please don't advise that | 11:12 |
Amaranth | godzuki: automatix is crap | 11:12 |
ompaul | godzuki, do you have 124G in your /home ? | 11:12 |
=== Manny [n=chris@p549680D6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
johndarkhorse | !automatix | 11:12 |
ubotu | automatix is probably messy, breaks all sorts of security guidelines, and is not open to improvement. In short: DO NOT USE IT! | 11:12 |
godzuki | ompaul: yes I do | 11:12 |
godzuki | sorry everyone | 11:12 |
Manny | hi | 11:12 |
[Immo] Benji | is there anyway or any reason to disable speed-step so that my CPU runs at max speed at all times | 11:12 |
[Immo] Benji | ? | 11:12 |
apokryphos | johndarkhorse: nice ;-) | 11:12 |
Mandy | hi | 11:12 |
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Amaranth | hey Manny | 11:12 |
ompaul | godzuki, now you know :-) never use that word again | 11:13 |
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Amaranth | Manny: Is gnome-menu-editor dead? | 11:13 |
godzuki | ompaul: but it made my stuff finally work... I'm sad that it's a bad idea | 11:13 |
Manny | Amaranth, yes, because it isn't used | 11:13 |
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lightbright | Amaranth: hey hey | 11:13 |
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Amaranth | Manny: Sorry. :) | 11:13 |
godzuki | ompaul: I don't mean to misguide people | 11:13 |
lightbright | Manny: some use it | 11:13 |
ompaul | godzuki, back to your own issues - what kind of stuff is in there in terms of data | 11:14 |
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Manny | lightbright, oh well, maybe then I should re-release with a working DND | 11:14 |
lightbright | godzuki: well change your nick then | 11:14 |
Manny | I thought nobody cares | 11:14 |
apokryphos | godzuki: don't worry about it | 11:14 |
Amaranth | Manny: It's a good project, I might learn enough C to work on it. :) | 11:14 |
ompaul | godzuki, i.e. is all data or is it data and programs i.e. an old install | 11:14 |
durt | how do you rename a partition in gparted | 11:14 |
godzuki | ompaul: it's data, music, videos, other documents | 11:14 |
Amaranth | Manny: pyxdg seems to have died, so I'm screwed if I want new features in alacarte | 11:14 |
lightbright | Mandy: when you generalise and say "nobody" its not good idea, because not "everybody" agrees | 11:14 |
ompaul | godzuki, so step 1 >mkdir /home/andrew/Desktop/olddata | 11:15 |
Mandy | ? | 11:15 |
godzuki | ompaul: I don't have the space | 11:15 |
godzuki | ompaul: to do this. this is years of music | 11:15 |
sexcopter8000m | apokryphos, it's ok thanks, just found a howto on wiki | 11:15 |
apokryphos | lightbright: you wouldn't need everybody to agree. You'd just need nobody to care ;-) | 11:15 |
Manny | lightbright, I'm a GNOME developer, nobody means statistically irrelevant to me :P | 11:15 |
apokryphos | sexcopter8000m: http://www.giannaros.org/buntu/breezy/i386/ | 11:15 |
definity | can anyone help me fix my kismet? | 11:15 |
lightbright | Mandy: hehe ok ;) | 11:16 |
ompaul | godzuki, well get the room - and move it blocks at a time - cos it looks like you are out of luck and if the drive is failing as time goes by you will loose more data | 11:16 |
Mandy | maqbe | 11:16 |
Amaranth | Manny: Does libgnome-menu have helper functions for menu editing? | 11:16 |
lightbright | apokryphos: :) | 11:16 |
Mandy | maybe | 11:16 |
Mandy | kismet?! | 11:16 |
lightbright | apokryphos: you are Greek, are you not? | 11:16 |
Amaranth | Manny: Or would I have to port that stuff to C? | 11:16 |
godzuki | ompaul: how can you tell the drive is bad? | 11:16 |
Manny | Amaranth, no, I've written it from scratch | 11:16 |
Mandy | lightbright: what you talking about? | 11:16 |
Manny | Amaranth, I wrote menu editing functions, IIRC | 11:16 |
definity | Mandy yeh kismet | 11:16 |
Amaranth | Manny: Have you seen the pyxdg API? | 11:16 |
godzuki | ompaul: I had my other os drive fail on me just like a week ago | 11:16 |
lightbright | Manny: thanks for Gnome and investing your time as a gnome developer! I want to thank you and say there are many who appreciate YOU and your work | 11:16 |
Mandy | whats the problem with kismet? | 11:16 |
Manny | lightbright, ;) | 11:17 |
lightbright | Mandy: I meant that for Manny sorry | 11:17 |
MasterTsunami | kismet is awesome :| | 11:17 |
Mandy | k | 11:17 |
Mandy | ;-) | 11:17 |
Amaranth | Manny: Something like that makes things really easy. Alacarte basically became a GUI on top of it, with no menu editing code actually in it. | 11:17 |
apokryphos | lightbright: indeed | 11:17 |
ompaul | godzuki, as it is ext3 I do not know - if it was ext2 I would have an answer for you | 11:17 |
lightbright | Manny: so thank you for all your hard work | 11:17 |
definity | it come up with an error saying please configure one packet source | 11:17 |
lightbright | Manny: thanks for Gnome and investing your time as a gnome developer! I want to thank you and say there are many who appreciate YOU and your work | 11:17 |
lightbright | apokryphos: kala | 11:17 |
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Amaranth | lightbright: Manny can't be human, he writes patches too fast. :) | 11:17 |
Manny | heh, np :). I just want to get more people involved, but they're usually quite reluctant. | 11:17 |
bqf | johndarkhorse: thanks for your help, found the reason it didn't work (and yes, the reason was that i'm a dumbass) | 11:17 |
ompaul | godzuki, your call if the drive is failing you risk all data | 11:18 |
lightbright | Amaranth: hehe ;) | 11:18 |
=== Manny is currently working on recursive permission editing, if you care ;) | ||
lightbright | thise developers have super brains :) | 11:18 |
godzuki | ompaul: shouldn't I get a new drive then? | 11:18 |
ompaul | that would be a good idea | 11:18 |
lightbright | Manny: sounds good! Not too sure what it means exactly, but it sounds good :) | 11:18 |
Amaranth | Manny: Yay, I love that in Windows. | 11:18 |
lightbright | Manny: :) | 11:18 |
new2ubuntu | Hello..still stuck on trying to get this broadcom card to work, have followed instructions to the letter and still getting 2 errors in locations | 11:18 |
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Amaranth | Manny: When copying from a CD makes everything read-only it's annoying to have to change _every_ file. | 11:19 |
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lightbright | Amaranth: whats recursive permission editing? :) | 11:19 |
godzuki | ompaul: well, I'm not really sure what to do about it. thanks for the help. any disk diagnostic or file-system sanity check I could run? | 11:19 |
definity | Mandy: it come up with an error saying please configure one packet source | 11:19 |
Amaranth | lightbright: You set permissions on a folder and it sets those permissions on every subfolder and file. | 11:19 |
lightbright | Amaranth: YES I know that, its annyoing | 11:19 |
DjDarkman | hy ,i have problems with the sound in skype ,i can voice chat ,what should i do? | 11:19 |
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new2ubuntu | Is there anyone here who knows anything about installing broadcom wireless cards? | 11:19 |
lightbright | Amaranth: ah YES thats great! | 11:19 |
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Manny | Amaranth, that's exactly the point of the feature. However, some people point out that there is a kernel-level solution for the CD-ROM problem. | 11:19 |
Mandy | definity: do it | 11:19 |
Mandy | in the config file | 11:20 |
ompaul | godzuki, do me a minor favour first - >> dh -h | grep home<< and give me the result | 11:20 |
lightbright | new2ubuntu: Seveas would | 11:20 |
Mandy | you have to uncomment one line | 11:20 |
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oveh | yiha ipw2200 works, thanx for the help guys :-) | 11:20 |
DjDarkman | i have problems with the sound in skype ,i can`t voice chat ,what should i do? | 11:20 |
Amaranth | ompaul: You can just tell it to scan $HOME | 11:20 |
oveh | !ati | 11:20 |
ubotu | it has been said that ati is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 | 11:20 |
definity | Mandy: i edited the config file changed evreything like ti said but it still comes up | 11:20 |
godzuki | bash: dh: command not found | 11:21 |
godzuki | bash: dh: command not found | 11:21 |
new2ubuntu | Aye he pointed me to a link in the ubuntu forums and I followed the instructions to a 'T' but...I got two errors near the end and my card still isnt showing up | 11:21 |
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definity | Mandy: what part do i have to edit init? | 11:21 |
godzuki | ompaul: dh not found | 11:21 |
ompaul | Amaranth, it is not his home | 11:21 |
kaffeend | aloha | 11:21 |
ompaul | godzuki, sorry df | 11:21 |
ompaul | godzuki, with the options | 11:21 |
Amaranth | ompaul: df -h | 11:21 |
godzuki | ompaul: 29G 2.2G 25G 8% /home | 11:21 |
new2ubuntu | Im starting to get frustrated :| 14 hours now and I still have no modem or wireless net :| | 11:21 |
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Mandy | you have to uncomment the line where your chipset is | 11:21 |
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tkup | does anyone know of some good finances bookeeping software? I tried gnucash but it's too complicated for what I want.. | 11:22 |
definity | Mandy: what you mean as comment | 11:22 |
Mandy | # | 11:22 |
Amaranth | new2ubuntu: The broadcom driver is very alpha. | 11:22 |
Mandy | lines with # | 11:22 |
Mandy | in the beginning | 11:22 |
Amaranth | new2ubuntu: If you're on a PC (not a Mac) you should use ndiswrapper. | 11:22 |
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ompaul | godzuki, there is one thing you can try however given the issues you are having I would be loath to run a checker against it in case it made the situation worse - >sudo umount /mnt/brick< >sudo fsck /dev/hdd1<< | 11:23 |
johndarkhorse | tkup: search sourceforge.net, there are several financial things there | 11:23 |
definity | Mandy: do i take out all the comments? | 11:23 |
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Mandy | no | 11:23 |
Mandy | you have to uncomment the line where your chipset is | 11:23 |
new2ubuntu | yes I tried, I followed instructions on the ubuntuforums regarding using ndiswrapper with the broadcom.inf | 11:23 |
inv_Arp | new2ubuntu: first find your drivers for your card on google | 11:23 |
alex__ | Hey everyone, I was wondering if any of you know how to mount a samba share manually? I can connect to the shares useing smb://server/share in nautilus, but when I try to mount at the command line, it gives me a generic mount error and tells me to look at kernel output. Upon doing this, it gives me: smb_fill_super: missing data argument. I'm not sure what argument it is missing. Any suggestions? | 11:23 |
Mandy | read the kismet docu | 11:23 |
new2ubuntu | I did everything line per line in shell, but it errored out on the last 2 lines | 11:23 |
new2ubuntu | it said I didnt have permission, but I sudo'ed, and the instructions specifically said not to use root | 11:24 |
new2ubuntu | :\ | 11:24 |
kaffeend | Can somebody please help me out with installing an app? I have three files here: geomorph-0.31.tgz, geomorph-0.31-bin.tgz, and geomorph-doc-20051125.tgz all are at ./home/kaffeend/Desktop and I don't know how to install them :s | 11:24 |
definity | Mandy now it comes up with FATAL: Illegal initial channel 'initialchannel] ' specified on the sourceline for 'ipw2200' | 11:24 |
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definity | what channel do i put for it? | 11:25 |
definity | since there is 11 | 11:25 |
jgrieves | hi i have a Venus DS3 external hard drive, a website shared that "Works great with ohci_hcd module, hotplug will pick this up perfectly too." i was able to load the module with modprobe, but that is as far as i can get, any help? | 11:25 |
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godzuki | ompaul: it says it has a file system with errors, check forced. here we go | 11:25 |
new2ubuntu | Can I post a link inroom so that you can see what thread/posts Im following? | 11:25 |
jgrieves | I can't seem to get hte device to show up in any gui's, and i don't know how to probe for it | 11:25 |
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obsrv | what software I can use for my webcam? I want to capture images, videos and so on :) | 11:26 |
ompaul | Amaranth, what I am thinking he has is possible disk failure (/dev/hdd1 mounted as /mnt/brick) at some level - suggest get new disk to backup date before attempting disk maintance and rescue what can be rescued however as you can see they went for fsck - heres hoping :-) | 11:26 |
paal | ubotu, tell me about deb | 11:26 |
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jgrieves | paal use /msg ubotu | 11:26 |
jgrieves | i think | 11:26 |
paal | yes | 11:26 |
jgrieves | ubotu, tell me about test | 11:26 |
onur | hi all am the new ubuntu! | 11:26 |
jgrieves | ah never mind that forma works too :) | 11:26 |
jgrieves | i haven't used irc in so long | 11:26 |
kaffeend | hi onur | 11:26 |
obsrv | what software I can use for my webcam? I want to capture images, videos and so on :) | 11:27 |
Amaranth | ompaul: yikes, fsck will kill things | 11:27 |
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Amaranth | ompaul: if it find errors it'll break files to fix them | 11:27 |
onur | :) | 11:27 |
Digirat | can someone please recommend a ftp server that will install easily with apt-get? | 11:27 |
ompaul | obsrv, well if you waited a while someone may come to your help | 11:27 |
jgrieves | hi i have a Venus DS3 external hard drive, a website shared that "Works great with ohci_hcd module, hotplug will pick this up perfectly too." i was able to load the module with modprobe, but that is as far as i can get, any help? | 11:27 |
jgrieves | I can't seem to get hte device to show up in any gui's, and i don't know how to probe for it | 11:27 |
ompaul | Amaranth, well he kept asking so I said I am loath to do this but hey he owns the disk | 11:27 |
paal | hmm cant get it to work.. | 11:27 |
godzuki | ompaul: it seems to not be doing anything past pass 1 | 11:28 |
godzuki | does that mean I'm in trouble? | 11:28 |
ompaul | Amaranth, you should know me better than to jump into a possible data loss better than that :) | 11:28 |
kaffeend | how do I installo from tar.gz? | 11:28 |
kaffeend | install* | 11:29 |
Amaranth | ompaul: My disk died _twice_. :P | 11:29 |
ompaul | godzuki, well you started now neither of us know what it is doing I would leave it a good while an hour or so and see if it moves alone | 11:29 |
ompaul | godzuki, along even | 11:29 |
godzuki | ompaul: ok, thanks | 11:29 |
ompaul | godzuki, it may manage to fix stuff or it may kill stuff I did say I was loath for you to do this | 11:30 |
kaffeend | can someone help me by advising on what questions to ask in here please? | 11:30 |
ompaul | !ask | 11:30 |
kaffeend | Can somebody please help me out with installing an app? I have three files here: geomorph-0.31.tgz, geomorph-0.31-bin.tgz, and geomorph-doc-20051125.tgz all are at ./home/kaffeend/Desktop and I don't know how to install them :s | 11:30 |
new2ubuntu | hmmm,....wellI guess Ill try the same steps again, mebbe I missed something in the threads instructions | 11:30 |
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new2ubuntu | *shrugs* | 11:30 |
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kaffeend | tar.gz is just a zip file is that right? | 11:31 |
ompaul | kaffeend, I don't know that program tar xzfv foo.tgz then read the docs | 11:31 |
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godzuki | ompaul: I mean, I don't have any way to back it up right now. it's probably better that I know what's wrong. | 11:32 |
kaffeend | ompaul: sorry? | 11:32 |
maxkelley | hey, does anyone know a hex version of the command cat? | 11:32 |
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ompaul | kaffeend, you have now spoken of tar.gz is not tgz at least in my books - gunzip foo.tar.gz then tar xvf foo.tar | 11:33 |
ompaul | maxkelley, xdd may be of use to you | 11:34 |
godzuki | kaffeend: replace foo with the name of the files | 11:34 |
Oconnore | does anyone know where I can get xorg-drivier-gflrx (=8.19.10-1) | 11:34 |
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ompaul | maxkelley, hd and dexdump also | 11:34 |
kaffeend | ompaul: I see what you're saying now - I misread the extension :/ | 11:34 |
Oconnore | I can only find 6.8.0-8.16.20-0ubuntu16 | 11:34 |
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ompaul | kaffeend, well I still don't know which one you want to do :) | 11:35 |
kaffeend | .tgz | 11:35 |
ompaul | maxkelley, ehh hexdump | 11:35 |
godzuki | Multiply-claimed block(s) in inode 442370: 1048576 | 11:35 |
godzuki | Multiply-claimed block(s) in inode 442370: 1048576 | 11:35 |
godzuki | Multiply-claimed block(s) in inode 442370: 1048576 | 11:35 |
kaffeend | I just dragged the files in here - lol | 11:35 |
godzuki | what | 11:35 |
godzuki | wow I'm bad at IRC. | 11:35 |
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ompaul | tar xzvf foo.tgz that will get you the core files then read the docs | 11:36 |
kaffeend | ok thanks | 11:36 |
albacker | dont know why, but when i download something using wget or even using apt-get i cant use the web [i cant use the browser firefox] /.. it shows looking for webpage.com and nothing.. if i stop the download it opens the webpage.. any idea ? might dialup be the cause of this problem? | 11:36 |
godzuki | ompaul: I have multiple-claimed block(s) it says | 11:36 |
Digirat | can someone help me install a .deb.tar.gz | 11:36 |
ompaul | godzuki, that is a file system error it may sort that out | 11:36 |
ompaul | godzuki, let it work it will produce data | 11:37 |
Digirat | ok, i have it down to .deb | 11:37 |
ompaul | Digirat, for ubuntu or debian or kanotix or knoppix and which version and what are you running? | 11:38 |
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dane | Guys please help i think someone has hacked me | 11:38 |
lucasvo | dane: how? why? | 11:38 |
dane | i cant sudo or login no more | 11:38 |
Digirat | nvm, i got it. google = friend | 11:38 |
dane | it wont accept my password | 11:38 |
kaffeend | ompaul do I just type in xzvf filename.tgz into a terminal? | 11:39 |
lucasvo | dane: wrong pw? | 11:39 |
Seveas | dane, check your caps lock | 11:39 |
dane | I couldnt log into my own account had to make this one, and now i cant sudo or anything | 11:39 |
ompaul | kaffeend, put tar in front of that | 11:39 |
dane | i have checked my caps, | 11:39 |
lucasvo | dane: wrong keyboard settings | 11:39 |
kaffeend | ok | 11:39 |
lucasvo | dane: maybe this user isn't in the sudoers file | 11:39 |
dane | nah i have tested the keys for my passoword | 11:39 |
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kaffeend | ompaul: I did that and got - kaffeend@ubuntu:~$ tar xzvf geomorph-0.31.tgz | 11:40 |
kaffeend | tar: geomorph-0.31.tgz: Cannot open: No such file or directory | 11:40 |
kaffeend | tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now | 11:40 |
kaffeend | tar: Child returned status 2 | 11:40 |
kaffeend | tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors | 11:40 |
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Seveas | kaffeend, don't paste in here | 11:40 |
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Seveas | and type the correct path to the file | 11:40 |
kaffeend | Seveas ok | 11:40 |
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godzuki | ompaul: Clone multiply-claimed blocks<y> | 11:40 |
smi|e | Higuys | 11:40 |
godzuki | ompaul: should I do this? | 11:41 |
ompaul | go with the default unless you know otherwise | 11:41 |
ompaul | godzuki, and you don't | 11:41 |
ompaul | godzuki, as I don't | 11:41 |
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FrankyFourFinger | any advice on a 802.11g card supported for linux , perhaps of one of d-link? | 11:42 |
godzuki | ompaul: I did what it said and it's done. here we go again I suppose. | 11:42 |
godzuki | ompaul: I think I may go down for a reboot | 11:42 |
dane | is there someway i can repair my old account | 11:42 |
ompaul | godzuki, has it stopped ? | 11:42 |
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godzuki | ompaul: yeah, it changed like 5 errors and stopped | 11:42 |
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ompaul | godzuki, so mount it again and play around | 11:43 |
kaffeend | ok now I'm really lost | 11:43 |
dane | how do i add this user to the sudoers file please? | 11:44 |
kaffeend | ompaul: I did that and I got a list of files, presumably what's in the .tgz - but I don't know where to go from here | 11:44 |
godzuki | ompaul: IT COMPLETED THE RECURSIVE CHOWN! | 11:44 |
obsrv | how do I get lastes software available? What repositories can provide me these? For example I need GWenView 1.31 and I can get only 1.2... | 11:44 |
ompaul | godzuki, this is now some windows box where even after putting a plaster on a scratch you have to reboot, you just did something like open heart surgery and you can still use it - ohh and by the way you do need to reboot after you do a transplant though (i.e. kernel upgrade) | 11:44 |
ompaul | godzuki, NO NEED TO SHOUT | 11:44 |
ompaul | godzuki, s/now/not/ | 11:44 |
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godzuki | ompaul: i'm too used to IRC back when I used it a lot. I apologize | 11:45 |
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godzuki | ompaul: I'll go reboot. | 11:45 |
ompaul | godzuki, off and see what you lost - btw I would be looking for a large drive to replace /dev/hdc :) and copy the data just to be safe | 11:45 |
ompaul | pha! there was no need to reboot | 11:46 |
ompaul | it was only twiddling with a filesystem | 11:46 |
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bashed_ | has anybody had problems with google and ubuntu? seems that firefox sometimes does'nt wnt to go to google.com, stays stuck on "connecting to www.google.com" | 11:47 |
new2ubuntu | why would I keep seeing a permission denied if Im using sudo? | 11:47 |
bashed_ | if i close and reopen it works | 11:47 |
kaffeend | is there a wiki about .tgz and installing? | 11:47 |
Digirat | how would you go about finding pure-ftpd through apt-get ? the readme.debian of pureftpd says that its in the apt-get repository | 11:47 |
bashed_ | then unpredictably, it doesnt work if i close and reopen again | 11:47 |
ompaul | new2ubuntu, what are you trying to do? | 11:47 |
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bashed_ | i am also using firestarter | 11:47 |
clue | i have an empty ext3 partition that i want to format as fat32. could someone tell me how to do this? | 11:47 |
bashed_ | problem is also with mozilla, not just firefox | 11:47 |
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new2ubuntu | trying to install a broadcom card per the instructions on the unbuntu forums | 11:48 |
ompaul | clue #windows not really a ubuntu question | 11:48 |
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cmatheson | clue: use fdisk to change the partition type and then format it in dos, or use mkfs.vfat | 11:48 |
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pinkisntwell | has anyone had this happened to them: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=21514 ? | 11:48 |
clue | ompaul, cmatheson, thanks | 11:49 |
new2ubuntu | I have managed to to download and install the ndiswrapper packages, downloaded the appropriate windows drivers | 11:49 |
bashed_ | thanks | 11:49 |
kaffeend | !.tgz | 11:49 |
ubotu | parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, kaffeend | 11:49 |
Sanne | obsrv: gwenview 1.3.1 is in the dapper repository, so you could request a backport for breezy in the backport sections of the forums, or you could make a backport yourself. | 11:49 |
dane | how can i add someone to sudo please??????? | 11:49 |
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signifer123 | you trying to do? | 11:49 |
cmatheson | dane: adduser some_user admin | 11:49 |
johndarkhorse | dane: in a terminal, type "man visudo" | 11:49 |
new2ubuntu | but apparently when I try to write the config file it says I dont have permission? | 11:49 |
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dane | thanks | 11:50 |
Digirat | how would you go about finding pure-ftpd through apt-get ? the readme.debian of pureftpd says that its in the apt-get repository | 11:50 |
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cmatheson | Digirat: apt-cache search blah | 11:50 |
mwe | what's the number beside the new message count showing in kbiff's floating status? | 11:51 |
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new2ubuntu | Im following the instructions found on this thread ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25683 its specifically for the card I have | 11:51 |
new2ubuntu | Its only the last 2 lines of code that are giving me a fit | 11:51 |
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kaffeend | ompaul: where do I find the "docs" about .tgz install plaese? | 11:52 |
johndarkhorse | ubotu: tell kaffeend about compile | 11:52 |
johndarkhorse | kaffeend: everything you need to know to be dangerous | 11:52 |
cmatheson | kaffeend: man tar | 11:52 |
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new2ubuntu | the ones that start with the 'for conffile in' | 11:53 |
kaffeend | thanks johndarkhorse | 11:53 |
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obsrv | Sanne, can I update my Kubuntu 5.10 to dapper? | 11:53 |
kaffeend | cmatheson: Sorry? | 11:53 |
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mwe | Digirat: you need to enable universe in /etc/apt/sources.list if you didn't, to get pure-ftpd | 11:53 |
ompaul | kaffeend, you said you had docs when you undo the other files you may find they have install docs or readmes with them | 11:53 |
cmatheson | kaffeend: were you looking for docs on how to unpack .tgz files? | 11:53 |
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ompaul | johndarkhorse, hehehehhehe dangerous :) | 11:53 |
kaffeend | ompaul: the docs are assuming it's already installed | 11:54 |
kaffeend | cmatheson yes I am... do I put man tar into a terminal? | 11:55 |
ompaul | kaffeend, so untar the others and see if they have instructions and btw follow johndarkhorse's link it will be useful | 11:55 |
gnomefreak | obsrv, you can yes but i dont recommend it after ive tried it last 6 times :( | 11:55 |
node_6 | which package system does ubuntu use? same as debian (apt)? | 11:55 |
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gnomefreak | node_6, yes | 11:55 |
Sanne | obsrv: I wouldn't recomend upgrading to dapper, because it's the development version and will possibly brake. It's not stable yet. Only developers and interested users who don't mind a broken system now and then should try it. | 11:55 |
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Digirat | thank you mwe | 11:55 |
cmatheson | kaffeend: yes, that will get you the docs | 11:55 |
kaffeend | ompaul - did I untar that other file? :s | 11:55 |
kaffeend | I can't find it | 11:56 |
ompaul | kaffeend, you have enough info to get into that at the moment I guess you will need to be more comfortable so will need to read the link in fact stop what your doing now and do that first | 11:56 |
lightbright | gnomefreak: hello freak | 11:56 |
gnomefreak | hello lightbright | 11:56 |
ompaul | kaffeend, you know how many times did you run that ? | 11:56 |
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ompaul | kaffeend, I suggest you read johndarkhorse's link now | 11:56 |
kaffeend | ompaul I AM reading it | 11:56 |
gnomefreak | after unpacking a tar it should be in same dir the tar is in :( | 11:57 |
Moxie | does the airport extreme work with ubuntu now | 11:57 |
kaffeend | ompaul and I only ran that thing once | 11:57 |
Moxie | i thought i heard that it did? | 11:57 |
node_6 | gnomefreak: therefore any debian package is automatically a ubuntu package? | 11:57 |
ompaul | kaffeend, well you will have to run it against all the tgzfiles you have | 11:57 |
johndarkhorse | Moxie: it is functioning at an alpha state | 11:57 |
gnomefreak | node_6, not really but ubuntu has alot if not most of debians + ubuntus | 11:58 |
kaffeend | :s | 11:58 |
gnomefreak | node_6, what packages are you looking for? | 11:58 |
Moxie | on which ubuntu? | 11:58 |
obsrv | I have a webcam Creative NX and it seems that it isn't supported yet. When I can expect it to become supported? | 11:58 |
Moxie | dapper right? | 11:58 |
Moxie | dapper drake....or w/e | 11:58 |
kaffeend | ompaul: I'm compiling this thing? | 11:58 |
mwe | obsrv: when someone writes a driver for it, I guess | 11:59 |
ompaul | kaffeend, you will be | 11:59 |
Moxie | how do i get dapper? | 11:59 |
gnomefreak | node_6, a list of packages can be found at packages.ubuntu.com | 11:59 |
node_6 | gnomefreak: right now I'm thinking of cedega, but it would be nice to know that, for any given app, I could grab the debian package if no explicit ubuntu package was provided | 11:59 |
tkup | I think I missed the answer for this post: does anyone know of some good finances bookeeping software? I tried gnucash but it's too complicated for what I want.. | 11:59 |
Moxie | does anyone use usenet with linux? | 11:59 |
johndarkhorse | Moxie: ALL linux is enabled by the new driver | 11:59 |
cmatheson | Moxie: basically... you don't get dapper right now | 11:59 |
johndarkhorse | Moxie: yes lots of us use nntp | 11:59 |
gnomefreak | node_6, cedega is in ubuntus repos | 11:59 |
Moxie | nntp? | 11:59 |
Moxie | whats that | 11:59 |
kaffeend | ompaul: but I have never compiled anything in my life | 11:59 |
Oconnore | does anyone know how to obtain xorg-driver-fglrx 8.19.10-1 | 11:59 |
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johndarkhorse | tkup: i will repeat myself, search sourceforge.net they have lots | 12:00 |
ompaul | kaffeend, so you downloaded files to compile | 12:00 |
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