
=== mdke [n=matt@ubuntu/member/mdke] has joined #ubuntu-doc
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Mezanyone here?02:11
=== corey_ [n=corey@S0106001217da6aab.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
Mezcorey_, who packaged up kubuntu-docs ?02:13
corey_Mez: likely Riddel02:16
=== corey_ is now known as Burglaptop
MezIt's broked :D02:16
Burglaptopfile a bug against it and assign it to riddel with mdke cc'ed02:16
Mezwhats mdke's emai l?02:19
Burglaptopmatthew.east@gmail.com, I think02:19
=== Mez wonders why firefox calls itself deer park in dapper
Burglaptopit is not 1.5 final02:20
Burglaptopor maybe trademark issues02:20
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=== Burglaptop [n=corey@S0106001217cbd164.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== Madpilot [n=bburger@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
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=== robitaille [n=robitail@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
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=== Burglaptop [n=corey@S0106001217cbd164.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== Madpilot [n=bburger@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
robitailleHi Madpilot 08:47
Madpilothi robitaille - you survived Christmas?08:47
robitailleit was great. I'm currently playing with one of my gift; a wireless router08:48
robitaillethe final frontier:  use the laptop in the living room :)08:48
Madpilotcool toy - going to let the neighbours borrow bandwidth? :P08:48
Madpilothow early did the kids wake up to see what Santa had brought?08:49
robitailleprobably not for now.  My neighbours seems to be wiresll-challenged.08:49
robitailleKids were up at 7am...they were under strict order to wait until 7am08:49
Madpilotand they actually lasted until 7am? good for them ;)08:50
=== Burglaptop woke up at noon
MadpilotBurglaptop: have you run out of wiki pages to molest? There's nothing from you in RecentChanges for at least an hour! :P08:51
=== robitaille dreams of the day he will be able to sleep in until 8am like in the good old days
BurglaptopMadpilot: nah, been watching Star Trek08:52
Burglaptopand told by C that I couldn't use my computer for at least an hour08:52
BurglaptopMadpilot: we should recommend php5 if people use breezy, because it is in main09:41
MadpilotI know, but I don't run it here and haven't gotten around to re-writing the wiki...09:42
BurglaptopMadpilot: ah, ok09:49
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Burglaptopwhy not just mentino that 5 is supported and 4 isn't09:52
MadpilotBurgwork: CMSms doesn't run on PHP 5 currently...09:52
Burglaptopholy crap, I just got wine to just work09:55
=== rob1 [n=Robert@ubuntu/member/rob1] has joined #ubuntu-doc
Burglaptopit installed and everything09:57
Madpilotwhat're you wining for?09:57
Burglaptopso if you want to play http://www.windowsgames.co.uk/slay.html09:57
Burglaptopjust grab the debian wine debs09:57
Packing_Kaisermhz_zZzZ: i sent that grub stuff to the list.09:59
BurglaptopI wonder, if a game works perfectly in wine and we can get redistribution rights, can we package it have it in multiverse, with a dep on wine?10:05
MadpilotBurglaptop: the very thought would probably give the old-guard *nix types mass heart failure! :P10:06
Packing_Kaiserproblem is repeatable working10:07
Packing_Kaiser*making it work repeatedly10:07
Burglaptopwine is pretty stable for some things now10:08
BurglaptopMadpilot: remember critical mass, that old windows game?10:11
MadpilotBurglaptop: not offhand...10:14
Madpilotyeah, just got reminded by google :P10:14
Madpilotwhat about it?10:14
Burglaptopwine should be able to run it10:15
BurglaptopI have run two of the other games on that page, slay and atlantis10:15
Burglaptopin fact, I am running them right now10:15
Burglaptopbut you prolbably need the debian wine packags10:17
Madpilotwhich Debian versions, and where from10:19
Burglaptopdownload this http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/pool/main/w/wine/libwine_0.9-1_i386.deb10:20
Burglaptopand this http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/pool/main/w/wine/wine_0.9-1_i386.deb10:21
Burglaptopinstall libwine and then wine10:21
Burglaptopand then run "wine setup.exe"10:21
Madpilotin the directory I've stashed the Windows files in, I assume?10:21
BurglaptopI just downloaded them to my home dir10:22
Madpilothmm... taking notes, I'll do it tomorrow - messing with wine when I need sleep isn't too wise...10:23
Burglaptopactually, it is very very simple10:24
Burglaptopinstall wine, the then run the setup program10:24
Burglaptopit should just work10:24
Burglaptopgrr, now it is borked10:29
Burglaptopanyway, night all10:30
=== Burglaptop [n=corey@S0106001217cbd164.gv.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu-doc ["Ex-Chat"]
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Madpilotneed sleep - later, everyone10:31
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