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`Nomadoh well, it'll go back to running off of windows XP until I can find what I'm missing, sucks but it works there :(12:08
`Nomadthanks all12:08
nalioth`Nomad: if you read the root wiki page, it'll tell you that a root account breaks functionality in kubuntu12:08
nalioth!tell `Nomad about root12:08
osh_any chance that gam_server will be fixed soon? It eats memory like nothing I've ever seen. I have to kill it daily to keep it from putting all my regular programs swapped out.12:12
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`Nomadoh!  Shoudl i remove the password assigned to root?12:14
mac__!tell mac__ about root12:15
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mac__nalioth, which "root wiki page" are you referring to?  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu doesn't have anything about "root" breaking anything... unless I missed it12:17
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ubotusomebody said root was disabled in ubuntu,  well that's not true. there is just no password set for the root account by default.  You can run things as root by prepending 'sudo ' to the command.  example; sudo apt-get install build-essential    For more information, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo12:20
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mac__right, that's what I thought... but was wondering about the "root account *breaks* functionality in kubuntu" bit...12:21
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`NomadI've "su -" to root before.. If I did affect permissions in Kubuntu somewhere, is there any way to know?12:22
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osh_try sudo bash. it drops you into a rootshell should you need it. =)12:23
nalioth`Nomad: if you've manged the perms, it'll tell you when you start a program with affected perms12:24
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naliothosh_: no sir. sudo -i12:24
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Hobbseemac__: it does, if you use sudo, and not kdesu - it's at the bottom of that wiki link12:24
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mac__Hobbsee, ahhh... "Running GUI applications with Root permissions"...  thx for pointing it out, it seems so harmless there at the bottom12:29
Hobbseehehe yeah, i know12:29
=== mac__ goes to "man sudo" to find about -s and -i...
=== mac__ might also have a look at "man kdesu"
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krystoffhi , i'm in trouble configuring kaffeine with xine12:30
naliothsudo -i is the preferred method12:30
mac__nalioth, even preferred over "kdesu"?  The wiki page prefers kdesu over sudo (but that's presumable a sudo without any switches at all)12:33
naliothmac__: use sudo -i for a superuser terminal. use kdesu to start kde gui apps and gksudo for gtp apps12:34
naliothmac__: sudo su and sudo -s are the same thing. sudo -i is the preferred method12:34
mac__I see, thx!12:35
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`NomadOne last question, an easy one.. Before updating Iu sed to have an icon in Kicker that had a house on it, openign Konqueror in my Home folder..  I can't find that in the applets or applications to add anymore.  What was it?12:37
Hobbseeright click on kicker, add applet to panel?12:37
Hobbseeshould be something there...12:38
naliothput it back, `Nomad12:38
`NomadI didn,t take it off, it's gone12:38
`NomadI got used to using ksmoothdock for so long, maybe I never had it on Kicker?12:38
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mac__(repost) anyone know what app/util by default binds the multimedia keys (e.g., XF86AudioLowerLevel... Fn+Down on my laptop) in Kubuntu?  Seems to be some KDE app as the (very simple) window that pops up uses the Lipstick/default KDE/QT theme/skin, but it is not Kmix... I've checked its Global Shortcuts, they are set to None... something else is intercepting/binding these keys...12:42
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mac__or can anyone suggest how to track this util down12:43
`Nomadgot it.. Command is " konqueror --profile filemanagement"12:44
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Hobbseemac__: only thing that i could possibly suggest is google, sorry - i dont know12:46
=== Hobbsee has no multimedia keys on her laptop
naliothelectuZ: english in here please12:48
mac__Hobbsee, lucky you... I hate not having a physical knob for controlling volume... it assumes the SW will always work properly...12:48
Hobbseeah, apart from the physical volume knob, yes12:48
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electroweakhi guys12:48
electroweaki am having problem with installation12:49
jahshuamy Konqueror is extremely slow for loading webpages.. can anyone help? its like being on dialup to load w webpage in it :(12:49
electroweakafter installation kde hangs12:49
electroweakright after login it is hanging nothing responding on keyboard12:50
electroweakany suggestions12:50
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krystoffmac__: have you found something about the behaviour of sound ctrl in laptop as in ubuntu ?12:53
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rubemhow can I check the KDE version?12:54
naliothrubem: any kde program > help > about kde12:55
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electroweakright after login it is hanging nothing responding on keyboard12:56
rubemupt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade should update to kde 3.5?12:56
electroweaki`m having problem with installation12:56
naliothrubem: only if you've followed the instructions at kubuntu.org12:57
mac__krystoff, I'm trying to figure out what handles the volume keys...haven't found much01:00
krystoffok mac__ i'm searching for the same thing01:01
mac__actually, found a reference to "kmilo", that seems to be the KDE component that handles the Volume keys in KDE... anyone know where to access/configure this kmilo??? I've never heard of it before,but it does seem to be installed...01:01
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krystoffyes found it too01:01
rubemsorry nalioth, which instructions?01:02
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ubotuhmm... kde3.5 is http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-35.php01:02
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electroweakguy kde hangs after login should i reinstall it or could it be some oother problem01:02
mac__krystoff: I'm seeing that Thinkpad and Vaio plugins seem to refer to installing their own bindings into kmilo... but no idea where kmilo itself is to be found in kcontrol...01:03
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krystoffmac__: it's from kdeutils01:03
krystoffbut can't find nothing else01:04
rubemhave anyone done that?01:04
rubemhave anyone upgraded to kde 3.5?01:04
krystoffin progress rubem01:05
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naliothrubem: lots of people have01:06
krystoffsession reboot01:07
naliothrubem: yes successfully01:07
angasulewhat package should I install to get more themes available? I installed kdeartwork and there aren't any new themes available, apparently01:07
naliothit's quite easy if you follow the howto at kubuntu.org01:08
rubemnalioth just put the repo that the link said to put and apt-get upgrade?01:08
naliothrubem: that should do fine (don't forget to import the key)01:08
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jahshuamy Konqueror is extremely slow for loading webpages.. can anyone help? its like being on dialup to load w webpage in it :(01:14
rubemhow can I check if open gl is instaled?01:14
angasulerubem: in a console, type: "glxinfo | grep vendor"01:15
rubemOpenGL vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation01:15
rubemlooks like ok...01:16
angasuletry "glxinfo | grep renderer" just to be sure01:16
rubemhave you ever see the game "cube"?01:16
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angasuleyeah, I have seen it, I don't know it too well, though01:16
kalenedraelThe Nintendo Gamecube, or a game called 'Cube'?01:17
rubemits wired01:17
Hentai^XPcube yeah its that FPS right?01:17
angasulekalenedrael: it's an FPS called 'cube'01:17
rubemno, the "*nix" cube gabe01:17
angasulerubem: it's wired? what do you mean? you see wireframe?01:18
rubemwhy when i'm root i cant launch visual apps?01:18
rubemangasule when i'm root, and i launch, kedit, cube, etc, it display a error01:18
rubemangasule I type su root, the password at konsole01:19
ubotuI heard kdesu is :Use kdesu to run applications with root priveleges, when you  have to. Do *not* do sudo {GUIAPP}; you can muck up your permissions and the config files.   If it is not working, you may need to run "sudo adept-updater "01:19
rubemangasule and when I try to launch a visual program, it fails01:19
naliothrubem: dont use root, it will break your kubuntu01:19
rubemnalioth so sorry, i HATE sudp01:20
naliothrubem: use kdesu  (read above)01:20
rubemnalioth so sorry, i HATE sudo***01:20
jahshuamy Konqueror is extremely slow for loading webpages.. can anyone help? its like being on dialup to load a webpage in it :(01:20
rubemnalioth I use root onlyu at konsole01:20
angasulethen what's the problem, rubem ?01:20
rubemnalioth can this be a problema?01:20
naliothrubem: if you read the wikipage it will tell you it breaks your box01:20
rubemangasule well, the problem is that some times i want to launch visual programs as root in konsole01:21
naliothrubem: use kdesu01:21
angasulerubem: sounds like you use root too much01:21
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rubemnalioth angasule if that happens, this MUST be changed in the next versions!!!01:22
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angasulerubem: nope, you have bad habits01:22
naliothrubem: i doubt root is coming back01:22
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crimsunrubem: why are you using root for gui apps?01:22
crimsunrubem: i.e., what justification for the elevated privileges?01:23
Hentai^XPI'm with people that say non root01:23
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rubemcrimsun editing restricted files01:24
rubemcrimsun i don't like vi01:24
crimsunrubem: you don't need to run with elevated privileges /all the time/ to edit such files01:24
rubemand keep typing sudo all the tymes makes me angry01:24
crimsunrubem: just kdesu kate someRestrictedFile01:24
rubemcrimsun somes files i have01:24
angasulerubem: in konqueror, right click, select actions->'edit as root'01:25
rubemangasule it's easier su root :)01:25
angasulerubem: sudo has a timeout, if you open many files as root in a row, you don't have to type the password every time01:25
naliothrubem: you are heading for a train wreck.01:25
crimsunwell hey, we'll give you enough rope to hang yourself01:26
crimsunit's up to you to not hang yourself01:26
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rubemnalioth hum... perhpas so I'm considering to migrate do debian sarge01:26
angasulehmm, kdesu doesn't have the timeout, apparently :/01:26
crimsungranted some people aren't satisfied with a rope; they want a shotgun and gasoline, too01:26
angasuleI would use thermite myself, I like chemistry01:27
jahshuamy Konqueror is extremely slow for loading webpages.. can anyone help? its like being on dialup to load a webpage in it :(01:27
naliothrubem: as you wish. it is your life.01:27
naliothangasule: kdesu is a one-use launcher01:27
angasulenalioth: too bad, I'd actually like it if it had a short timeout01:27
rubemnalioth don't misunderstand me, i like ubuntu, and i thank you all by your patience and time01:27
sampankdesu has that "remember password" option -- never used it myself, but if one hated typing in the pw all the time it might work01:28
naliothangasule: it's all open sourced, perhaps you could put a timer in it01:28
angasulenalioth: you think such a thing would be accepted?01:28
naliothangasule: sure why not?01:29
naliothit makes sense to me01:29
angasulesampan: I think the remember password is a bad idea01:29
sampanangasule  me too, which is why i never use it01:29
angasuleI'm a vim-junkie anyway, so it doesn't bother me01:29
sampanbut for people who think typing kdesu is too much work (compared to typing su), it might be an optin ;)01:29
jahshuamy Konqueror is extremely slow for loading webpages.. can anyone help? its like being on dialup to load a webpage in it :(01:30
angasulealso, there's the possibility of using "kdesu konqueror", any kate, etc that it spawns will be root-owned as well01:31
sampancould even set up a kmenu entry that launches konq in kdesu/root mode01:32
angasulesampan: bah, just type it once in the ALT-F2 menu and that's enough of a shortcut for me ;)01:33
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sampani dunno why some people are so fixated on the ONE way of doing things (i.e., su -- launch app) that they can't adjust to a simpler and safer way of doing things01:33
crimsunbut...but...I /like/ shooting myself in the foot!01:33
sampanangasule  lol -- i'm so newb ... i didn't even know about that alt-f2 thing :(01:33
angasulesampan: we call it 'mental inertia' (mental momentum?)01:34
=== sampan signs crimsun up for "frequent flyer" miles at the local hospital
angasulesampan: it's useful as a calculator, too01:34
angasuletype: 2*201:34
angasulethen hit enter01:34
sampanlol nice01:35
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angasule2**4 = 16 :)01:35
sampannew tricks!01:35
sampanthat's quite handy -- much easier than launching a calculator app01:36
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rubemhave anyone used a MacOs skin for kde\gtk?01:38
angasulesampan: I also use python in a console as a calculator sometimes01:38
angasulesampan: just be careful, if you want a floating point result, you *must* add .0 after the numbers (well, at least after one of them), otherwise it's all integer math01:38
angasulerubem: "kdesu konqueror" will open a konqueror window owned by root, from where you can open many kate windows without typing the pass again01:39
naliothrubem: you can also destroy your system with a point and click interface01:39
rubemnalioth sorry, I didn't understand what do you want do mean...?01:40
angasulerubem: there are plenty of aqua-like skins around, try http://www.kdelook.org (or is it kde-look?)01:40
naliothrubem: if you open a konqueror with 'kdesu' you can destroy your system with it01:40
rubemnalioth ah... ok...01:41
rubemI want a iMac, but it's to expensive :(01:41
naliothrubem: get a mac mini (but wait til january)01:42
sampanmy next purchase (laptop) very well might be mac -- but waiting to see what the apple SF show will have before i pull the trigger01:42
angasulemy next purchase will be a coffee, it should have been deodorant, but my mom didn't answer her cell phone01:44
rubemnalioth, yes... but still is expensive. is something like 1000~1200 dolars plus video01:45
rubema good x86 computer it's somenthing like 80001:46
sampanangasule  as long as you don't leave your house, deodorant is an optional expense/purchase ;)01:46
rubemi've downloaded teh aqua theme... it's in a .bz2, how do i install it?01:46
angasulerubem: does brazil have dumbass taxes on imported computers too? there should be no tax to computers :/01:47
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angasulesampan: I'll be going out with a few friends, but I still have some deodorant lef01:47
sampanthey'll be grateful01:47
rubemangasule unfornetly yes...01:47
rubemangasule for electronics in general01:47
rubemangasule at least books don't have dumbass taxes01:48
naliothrubem: the trick is: replace your box now, with a mini (reuse your keyboard mouse and video)01:49
angasulerubem: none at all? we half-tax them, I think01:50
angasulerubem: stupid mercosur, I hope it gets better01:51
rubemnalioth Sounds a good ideia... but i'll need a extra computer01:51
rubemangasule, where you from01:51
angasulerubem: argentina01:51
rubemno, literature in general have no tax... they do this for make easier the access to knowlogment01:52
rubemmercosul is broken :(01:52
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rubemthe president of my country is the stupiest...01:53
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naliothrubem: leave the politics out of here, please #kubuntu-offtopic is a better venue01:55
rubemwell... bye all... thank you for your patience... sorry about my english01:55
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electroweakhi guys i need help02:24
naliothelectroweak: ask02:24
stefanoyes ask02:24
electroweakafter i login my laptop is freezing02:24
electroweakon the screen kde is running written down02:24
electroweakbut keyboard is not responding02:25
stefanodid it ran before?02:25
electroweakor if i click anything on screen like menu or etc it`s freezing again02:25
electroweaknot it`s the first installation i couldn`t see the desktop yet02:26
stefanothen its more complicated, im not a total pro, sorry man02:26
electroweakany idea where can i find some info02:27
=== |ARIES| [i=GodFathe@S010600600808d197.mj.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu
|ARIES|hiya all i need some help02:27
electroweakhi thats what i`m looking for too02:28
nalioth|ARIES|: ask02:28
naliothelectroweak: have you asked in #ubuntu ?02:28
|ARIES|i download the program and burned it but it wont let me instal anything02:28
stefanoelectroweak: go ask in a forum02:29
Hobbsee|ARIES|: which program?02:30
electroweakok thanks anyway i`ll go to forum02:30
|ARIES|Download Kubuntu 5.10 (breezy) thats what i dl and burned and it wont let me do anything02:30
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mac__why does opening an AVI file on a DVD/CD cause it to be copied to /tmp/ when "Opening With" kaffeine, but not with other players, such as vlc or mplayer?  Can I disable this somehow??02:32
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johnnybezakhey guys i use gnome *ducks* and i also use scribus. For some reason scribus isn't using the theme that is dictated in kcontrol, do you know why this might be? or how i could change it02:33
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rednaxelhi all02:35
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electuZhi dear.02:38
|ARIES|so is any one able to help me out02:39
nalioth|ARIES|: what OS are you using now?02:40
nalioth|ARIES|: does your machine boot from cdrom?02:41
|ARIES|yes i have it sut up lick that02:41
nalioth|ARIES|: then by putting the cd-r into your drive and restarting, it should get you goin to kubuntu02:42
dutchgood night all02:42
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|ARIES|it dont02:43
nalioth|ARIES|: how did you burn it?02:43
|ARIES|with nero as a data cd02:43
|ARIES|x-window-system-core do i need that02:44
electuZk3b is best..02:44
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nalioth|ARIES|: you should use nero to 'burn iso image'02:45
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|ARIES|i just looked and i cant find the burn iso thing on my nero02:47
nalioth|ARIES|: well, it's there somewhere (perhaps "burn iso image" or "burn cd image")02:47
|ARIES|ok i will look again Laughing Out Loud02:48
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_jimHey guys,Lookin for some help. Just recently installed kubuntu on an old G3 ppc (this machine) and I'e been havin keyboard troubles. Any takers?02:54
nalioth_jim: did you select the mac keyboard?02:55
_jimnalioth: I'm usin a generic usb keyboard02:55
nalioth_jim: so what is your question?02:56
_jimThought I'd see if any1 was interested b4 blurtin it out!!02:57
naliothjust ask02:58
_jimHere it is: Everything seems to work fine, but after a while (doesn't seem to be a consistant time) I get a never ending stream of the most recent key typed.02:59
naliothtried another keyboard?03:00
_jimAn obvious question to which the answer is no.03:01
naliothperhaps you should.03:01
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ubuntuhow do i disable x on startup? it's something terribly wrong with my x config file, so when x starts my screen turns white. i need to do some changes to it with the shell only03:10
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naliothubotu: tell mirsh about bum03:10
_jimnalioth--> I'v bumped into one mention of the same problem on the forum, but with no replies.03:11
mirshnalioth: bum?03:11
Hobbseeboot up manager, i think03:12
_jimnalioth--->I sent him a message and his reply stated that (in his case @least) it wasn't the keyboard @ fault. "Unfortunately, I never found a solution for it.  The reason why I stated I was "sure" it wasn't the keyboard/mouse is because it's a wireless setup, and ANY time any key on the board is hit, a led receive light will flash on the receiver. I noticed that during the times when it was messing up that the receive led was not receiving a03:13
_jim to an OS or hardware issue (beyond the keyboard). Beyond that, I never took the time to try and narrow it down."03:13
naliothyes, mirsh read the info about "boot up manager"03:13
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nalioththat sounds crazy03:14
mirshthanks all03:14
_jimcrazy logic or crazy situation?03:14
naliothcrazy situation03:15
rednaxelhi all03:16
rednaxeli moved from Ubuntu 5.10 and I miss that feature similar to "windows update" that was like embedded in GNOME's panel03:18
rednaxelis there something like that for Kubuntu ?03:18
naliothrednaxel: not yet03:18
rednaxelnalioth: that was a GNOME thing?03:19
_jimHow do fedora and/pr debian stack up against kubuntu?03:20
naliothrednaxel: yes it was a synaptic function03:20
rednaxelnalioth: is there anything like that being done? or the best bet is "apt-get upgrade" ?03:21
naliothrednaxel: if you like you can use kcron (or do it the old fashioned way) and have your apt-get update and upgrade as often as you like03:22
jahshuamy konqueror browser is loading webpages -extremely- slow .. its like being on dialup, can anyone help ?03:23
rednaxeljahshua: are you sure it's the browser?03:25
jahshuawell its the icon on the bottom left03:26
jahshuais that the browser03:26
jahshuait says web browser03:26
jahshuawhen i put my mouse over it03:26
_jimJosh--> I think red ment are u sure it's the browser which is goin slow.03:27
jahshuayes it is03:27
jahshuamy firefox loads fast03:28
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_jimDo u need to use konq? or can u stick 2 FF?03:29
jahshuaoh i can stick to FF np03:29
jahshuai was just wondering why03:29
_jimFair enough03:30
jahshuai have another question :)03:31
jahshuai have downloaded all the video things from restricted formats but i still cant play streaming .wmv files ... here is snapshot of my error03:32
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_jimPerhaps you need vlc? which leads nicely into my next question!03:33
jahshuai have vlc03:33
jahshuait tries to load with totem03:34
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jahshuaand i have changed file associations in konq too03:34
naliothjahshua: you are out of luck thanks to uncle bill. the modern wmv/wma stuff won't work well, if at all03:35
jahshuait worked for someone in here last night03:35
jahshuawith konq03:36
_jimbummer man!03:36
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_jimI'm trying to get vlc via adept but it says the commit would break some packages03:38
crimsunare you using Dapper?03:38
crimsunI can't imagine it being uninstallable in Hoary or Breezy.03:38
TooEarlyI have a raid-0 with two 80gig hd's...and kubuntu sees them, but only the windows part of it, and i have no problem mounting that (it's a fat32 partition) but the part i want to mount which has all my files, says it's unformatted..and i can't mount it..how do i make that work?03:38
_jimcrimsum--->nope... hoary (ppc)03:39
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jahshuacan someone tell me how to set up a proxy with kubuntu.. is there a package for it03:40
crimsunjahshua: there are numerous proxy packages in Kubuntu03:41
crimsunjust use Adept, apt-cache, or aptitude to search for one03:41
jahshuais it difficult to set up ?03:41
crimsunnot really.03:41
crimsunprivoxy isn't bad.03:41
naliothjahshua: what kind of proxy?03:42
jahshuafor web browsing03:42
naliothjahshua: for privacy? to speed up your web experience?03:46
jahshuahmm can a proxy speed up web browsing?03:47
naliothprivoxy as mentioned by crimsun is a good choice03:47
jahshuai just installed it03:48
jahshuaDec 28 02:48:08 Privoxy(b7dec6c0) Fatal error: can't check configuration file '/home/joshua/config':  No such file or directory03:48
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jahshuait wont run03:50
naliothjahshua: visit the privoxy homepage for configuration help03:52
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ownercan anyone help me opening Crossover program?03:54
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naliothowner: if you've paid for it, you have a toll free support number03:54
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ownerplease.. I ain't going to pay for a PC program =P03:55
naliothowner: then don't ask us in here03:55
owneryou don't have to pay just to try the trial verison03:56
ownerso what does that have to do with asking?03:56
naliothowner: did it not come with a README?03:56
owneralso, i was refering to opening the .Sh file03:56
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naliothubotu: tell owner about cli03:57
ownerit only came with a file .Sh03:57
ownerooh.. with the terminal03:57
owneri can open the file03:57
ownerthanks Nalioth03:57
krystoffhi there please do you know where i can find multiverse repository for kubuntu ?03:58
naliothubotu: tell krystoff about repos03:58
krystoffthx nalioth03:58
naliothowner: for the record, .sh files are "shell scripts" keyword "shell"03:58
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ownerso I put ./install.crossover-standard-demo-5.0.0.sh?04:00
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nalioththat's a start, owner04:00
ownerfinally I'm understanding a bit of Linux.. xP04:01
jahshuaoh gosh04:01
jahshuai cant figure this out :((((04:01
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krystoffi'm looking for an equivalent app of planner for kde ?04:04
krystoffany idea please04:04
krystoffyes an app of project managing04:05
krystoffmanagement sorry04:05
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ownerhow can I make my terminal transparent?04:06
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owneror at least black04:06
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jahshuathen pick04:07
jahshuai know this is uber lame but does anyone here want to walk me throught the config set up for privoxy ?04:08
ownerwhats uber?04:08
naliothowner: ber is german for "over" as in 'over the top"04:09
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ownerso over-the-top lame?04:10
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jahshuanot at all04:10
owneranybody know a good linux music program like Winamp for windows?04:11
ownerlet me check it out. brb peeps. =)04:12
jahshuanalioth :)04:12
naliothjahshua: the privoxy page didnt help?04:13
naliothjahshua: i used to run it when i used windows but with linux i dont have the need anymore04:13
owneronly for red hat and F.Core?04:13
jahshuai really cant understand it04:13
ownerxmms is only for R.hat and and F.core linux?04:14
jahshuaim at etc/privoxy/ and i can see the config file there but i dont know how to open it/set it up04:14
naliothjahshua: i dont think you need it, personally04:14
jahshuano owner its not04:14
jahshuai just want to hide my ip on webpages04:14
jahshuathats all04:14
ownersorry I'm new to linux04:14
ownerhad it for a day now04:14
jahshuaso am i :)04:14
jahshuai have had it for 2 weeks04:14
ownerhow long you had it Jahshua?04:14
ownerthat isn't new04:14
jahshuaoh yes it is04:15
owneri had it for a day man04:15
jahshuawell yeh04:15
jahshuabut i can rememeber04:15
naliothjahshua: there is no way to do that unless you run privoxy on a system that is totally seperate from your home network04:15
jahshuabeing in here on my first night04:15
jahshuaoh ok nalioth04:15
ownerme too04:15
ownerthe things I learn from linux is installing a .BiN04:15
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jahshuaahh so it is tor that i need04:21
ownerso many people on, and were the only ones talking04:21
jahshuanot that understand how to use it04:21
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jahshuahaha usually its much more active04:21
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jahshuai think its cause of the holiday season04:21
FHXHey all04:21
naliothjahshua: tor users are banned from many ubuntu irc channels04:21
FHXI was wondering if someone could help me out? How do I install .tar.gz files?04:21
jahshuahi FHX04:21
naliothFHX: did you not ask this yesterday?04:21
FHXI did.04:22
jahshuaok nalioth but i wont use it for irc anyway, i have my shell for that :)04:22
FHXAnd then I went to sleep and dsaid I would continue in the morning04:22
naliothubotu: tell FHX about compile04:22
FHXThanks, so I basically follow those instructions?04:22
FHXHang on..so I have to do this everytime I install a .tar.gz file?04:22
naliothFHX: if you have any questions you can ask in #kubuntu-offtopic04:22
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krystoffchecking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables04:25
krystoffwhat's wrong here please ?04:25
eirejahubotu: tell jaheire about compile04:27
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krystoffubotu: tell krystoff about compile04:28
krystoffi don't understand what about configure complains04:31
krystofferror: C compiler cannot create executables04:31
krystoffany idea please ?04:31
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FHXHow do you know when universe & multiverse have been configured properly?04:37
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naliothkrystoff: some source calls gcc incorrectly04:41
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dob2where can i find a list of kubuntu packages ?04:45
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dob2mc is not on breezy?04:55
naliothdob2: it is, enable universe and multiverse and you'll have many many more tools to play with04:55
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.kubuntu.org/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) see also !easysource04:55
=== _ryan is now known as Vilim
eirejahhello i would like to start to learn some computer languages with kubuntu .. can anyone point me in a good direction .. i was readin about Qbasic but it says you have to use ms-dos .. is there an alternative for kubuntu ?04:57
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Hentai^XPeirejah: check out python04:58
=== DaSkreech pokes around trying to find out how to restart KDE
DaSkreechHentai eXPerince?04:58
HobbseeDaSkreech: ctrl+alt+backspace04:58
Hobbseeor sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart04:58
DaSkreechNow to figure out how to instal a new KDM theme04:58
Hentai^XPDaSkreech: yes?04:58
eirejahbut what shell/dos window do i use for the commands?04:58
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Hentai^XPeirejah: you don't04:59
HobbseeDaSkreech: change a line in kdmrc04:59
DaSkreechHobbsee: Does it matter if it's the top line or not?04:59
eirejahwhat do i use04:59
Hentai^XPtext editor04:59
Hobbseeit's the line that talks about the background04:59
Hentai^XPDaSkreech: did you want something?05:01
DaSkreechNo Just thought that would be a cool name of a band05:02
dob2but universe is like the debian sid ?05:02
Hentai^XPok lol05:02
Hobbsee# The theme to use for the greeter. Can point to either a directory or an XML05:02
Hobbsee# file.05:02
Hobbsee# Default is ""05:02
Hobbseeyou're looking for that section of the file05:02
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Hobbsee /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc being the file05:02
DaSkreechI was using ~/.kde/share/config/kdm/kdmrc05:03
DaSkreechWhich I  guess makes no sense :)05:03
Hobbseeyeah, i tried that first too, but heard the solution yesterday05:03
DaSkreechSince you can't have a local customised Login screen :)05:04
Hobbseeinstructions on kde-look are wrong, i suspect05:04
DaSkreechSo now the question is where should I throw the actual theme?05:04
DaSkreechhow about /usr/share../kdm?05:05
DaSkreechDamn it05:06
DaSkreechYou should be able to initiate a 5 minute sudo gui session05:07
owner989if i want to install another linux distro on a separate partition can i use the same swap partition as ubuntu for it05:07
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HobbseeDaSkreech: there are various ways - but it's still *very* risky05:07
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Hobbseeowner989: yes, you can - i do that with breezy and dapper05:07
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DaSkreechHobbsee: Really?05:07
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HobbseeDaSkreech: to get a root GUI, yes05:08
DaSkreechIt's a terrible idea :) I was just ranting05:08
DaSkreechHobbsee: Temporarily?05:08
=== Hobbsee has had to do it before, when her system has screwed up very, very badly
ubotu`Nomad: Wish i knew05:08
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.kubuntu.org/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) see also !easysource05:08
ubotuI heard easysource is For an easy to use custom sources.list configurator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic05:08
owner989thanks hobbsee05:08
owner989but why do you run both dapper and breezy05:09
eirejahcan someone tell me what the most basic computer language is that is installed on kubuntu for me to learn ?05:09
DaSkreechHobbsee: Was Pm @ me?05:09
HobbseeDaSkreech: yes05:09
DaSkreechHobbsee: sure05:09
Hobbseeok, see your PM's05:10
Hentai^XPeirejah pick a language to learn and start learning it05:10
eirejahthats what im trying to do Hentai05:10
eirejahim a complete n00b05:10
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eirejahso where should i start05:10
Hentai^XPthere for python05:10
DaSkreechdive into python ships with Kubuntu05:11
DaSkreechread it05:11
eirejahis that a good one for beginner though?05:11
Hentai^XPthats what people say05:11
Hentai^XPI never tried to learn it05:11
Hentai^XPI tried C++05:11
DaSkreecheirejah: It's certainly not overly burdensome05:12
eirejahok cool thanks05:12
Hentai^XPall you really need is05:12
Hentai^XPinfo on the language syntax, a text editor, and a compiler05:12
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eirejahbut i want to _learn_ it05:14
Hentai^XPthan learn eirejah http://wiki.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide05:15
eirejahim going to!05:15
naliotheirejah: python has several books available for free you can learn from05:16
eirejahok cool05:16
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DaSkreechnalioth:  One comes with Kubuntu!05:17
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DaSkreechnalioth: The cool one too!05:17
naliothty, DaSkreech05:17
murtunHey all05:19
murtunI really love kubuntu as a workstation, i was wandering what it was like running as a server?05:20
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DaSkreechmurtun: You mean as opposed to like ubuntu as a server?05:21
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murtunno i mean as apposed to like Debian or RH or something05:21
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DaSkreechmurtun: Ah well .. fairly well I suppose05:23
murtunah right05:23
DaSkreechI've never seen a comparison of it with debian :)05:23
murtunhow dya mean?05:23
DaSkreechBut in most cases since you would be running it with out a GUI anyway...05:23
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`NomadHi all.. I'm encountering this error while trying to update my packages  http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/48116205:38
`Nomadlibfame0 is not installed, but cannot be installed because it is already there?05:39
Hobbseeuse force install for that second package...05:40
Hobbseeoh, oops, sorry05:40
`NomadIt just loops05:40
naliothHobbsee: oops? with --force? OOOPS05:40
Hobbseedidnt see that you already had...05:40
Hobbseewhat non-standard repos are you using, and why?05:40
crimsunfirst of all, don't use unofficial repos.05:40
crimsunsecond, purge libfame-0.905:40
`NomadI just checked off all from the easysource page.05:40
`NomadI thought they were all good, except the Seavas? one, never works05:41
`Nomaddpkg -r ?05:41
crimsundpkg -P05:41
nalioth`Nomad: sudo apt-get remove --purge libfame005:41
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`Nomadwoah.. I had to remove a few packages because of dependencies, but it unclogged after that and started installing all the previous packages that got stuck :)05:44
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`Nomadok, removed plf and others from sources.list.. Isn't the KDE 3.5 an unofficial repos. too?05:46
Hobbseekde3.5 is official05:48
Hobbseemore or less, anyway05:48
Hobbseeas official as the official universe, and multiverse, and all that05:48
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`Nomadseems to be fien now, thanks a lot05:52
`NomadSo PLF is not a good repos. to use?05:53
nalioth`Nomad: dont' keep them active05:53
nalioth`Nomad: use them to get what you want, then disable the URL05:53
`Nomadoh ok05:54
nalioth`Nomad: and hope you havent introduced a foreign package into your box that'll eventually break it05:54
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murtunwhat is that application that sits on the desktop and tells me my local weather forcast?05:54
naliothmurtun: there are many05:54
`Nomadnalioth: I probably did05:54
nalioth`Nomad: time will tell05:55
murtunnalioth: can u name one?05:55
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`Nomadthanks again, good night!05:59
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DaSkreechHobbsee: It works :-)06:05
=== DaSkreech can annoy his co-workers more now
=== xtacocorex is back.
HobbseeDaSkreech: seen the BSoD screensaver?06:07
DaSkreechOf course :)06:07
Hobbsee:P use that!06:07
DaSkreechI nearly induced a heartattack with that06:07
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LoneWolf071how do i cahnge the font sizew, not for just KDE, but all programs, likexchat and gaim?06:29
smonkeyWhy does using sfdisk on a disk cause Kubuntu to try to mount all of the partitions on the disk?06:29
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HobbseeLoneWolf071: system settings, appearances, fonts06:36
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LoneWolf071where is system settings?06:39
Hobbseeon your kmenu06:40
LoneWolf071the big block K in the bottom corner?06:41
LoneWolf071that's all i have....06:44
LoneWolf071Hobbsee, is that irt?06:45
HobbseeLoneWolf071: are you on hoary or breezy?06:45
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Hobbseeotherwise use alt+f2, kcontrol06:46
Hobbseehmmm...should be there on yoru kmenu06:46
LoneWolf071changing the font with klcontrol doesn't work on xchat and gaim06:46
LoneWolf071or the terminal06:46
Hobbseethen look at the gtk-fonts section - dont remember what it's called, and check it there06:47
goldI'm having trouble with the ubuntu apt-get repository06:51
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ingratois there a way to install lame from adept?07:06
ingratoit's not listed in adept07:06
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.kubuntu.org/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) see also !easysource07:06
Hobbseeenable multiverse, and it's there07:07
Hobbsee!info lame07:07
ubotulame: (LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder), section multiverse/sound, is optional. Version: 3.96.1-1 (breezy), Packaged size: 222 kB, Installed size: 620 kB07:07
ingratoso what is it supposed to be under? breezy?07:08
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bongohackdoes kubuntu have a traceroute command?07:42
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naliothbongohack: it does07:43
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=== Topic for #kubuntu: Dapper Flight 2 out | KDE 3.5 is out http://tinyurl.com/dlrf9 (the KPDF problem is fixed in the latest packages) | Breezy fixes in breezy-updates | Unofficial Kubuntu FAQ http://kudos.berlios.de | Please don't paste into the channel: use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com | IRC info and channels in other languages: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/InternetRelayChat
=== Topic (#kubuntu): set by apokryphos at Tue Dec 27 19:30:51 2005
=== #kubuntu [freenode-info] If you're at a conference, please contact freenode staff to make sure we've made special allowance for many users coming into our network from a single internet address ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#gettinghelp ). Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked, except to network staff, services and participating registered users ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )... Thanks!
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ingratodoes anybody use kmymoney?08:08
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ejinsidewhich repository can I get madwifi from?  I read something about universe restricted modules or something but I don't have the actual URL08:26
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sampan!info madwifi08:32
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sampan<ubotu> Package 'madwifi' does not exist.08:32
ChaniI installed nwn on gentoo, but I'm having some weird 3d problems and I wanted to try it from kubuntu. can anyone think of an easy way to run it from there? preferably without having to copy over all 1.2gb or so of data08:34
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humehi, i'm runnng a new kubuntu installation on an IBM X31, with 12" screen at resolution 1024x768,  and am having great problems in tweaking the look of KDE to my liking - there are a lot of space between the items on menys, even though I set fonts small - anyone knows how to make menus more compact?08:40
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ingratodoes anybody know if there's a program for taxes? like turbotax for windows?08:40
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humei have a hunch it is seomthing to do with the dots per inch resoluton .... but where to set this in KDE?08:41
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ingratodoes anybody know if there's an opensource tax software?08:44
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FHXHow do I get amarok to play my mp3 fileS? i can get other players to play them but not amarok, could some please advise?08:51
mac2612fhx, what happens when you try and play an mp3 file?08:51
FHXit opens a different player and plays it in that08:51
FHXbut that player is really crappy..08:51
mac2612I mean in amarok08:51
FHXwhen i try to play it in amarok it says: some media could not be loaded08:51
ingratoI think amarok needs the mp3 decoder08:51
ingratoat least that's what it tells me08:51
FHXWhere can I find that?08:52
ingratoi dunno08:52
posthuman[4295526.560000]  hub 5-0:1.0: over-current change on port 208:52
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posthumandoes anyone have any idea how to disable this error message08:52
mac2612well first you need to add universe to your deb sources08:52
posthumanit floods all of my virtual consoles, making them ususable ;(08:52
mac2612then install the gstreamer plugin for mp308:52
FHXHm..could you tell me how to do that? I'm very new to all of this. How do I add universe to my deb sources?08:52
mac2612do you use synaptic to manage packages?08:53
posthumankynaptic is nice08:55
mac2612it is08:55
FHXHow do I use kynaptic?08:55
mac2612wait one moment FHX08:55
mac2612posthuman, it looks like something is drawing too much power from your USB ports08:55
posthumanYes =(.  Well, one of the hubs is actually broken08:55
posthumanbut the rest of the plugs work08:56
posthumanon some rpm distros..most actually, the error only floods one console08:56
posthumanwhich is no problem08:56
posthumanbut on ubuntu..its everyone08:56
posthumanI'm trying to figure out how to confine it to one, or disable it =x08:56
humeanyone knows how to set the size of icons in the system menu of kubuntu/KDE? or the system desktop "dots per inch" resolution?08:59
FHXSo uh..09:01
FHXamarok, kynaptic, help?09:01
posthumanOk, basically you just use the 'find' to search amarok09:01
posthumanor wait, what are you trying to do?09:02
posthumanyou can install kynaptic with adept09:02
posthumanif you want09:03
posthumanI prefer it09:03
mac2612open adept09:04
FHXI'm trying to get it to recognize mp309:04
posthumanok, you need to install.. gstreamer-mad09:04
mac2612go Adept-manage repositories09:04
posthumanI believe09:04
FHXmhm, i'm in adept-manage repositories09:04
mac2612now look for the line that reads something like09:05
mac2612deb      http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu          breezy         main restricted09:05
FHXmac2612: can i send you a screenie?09:05
FHXi messed with my repositories earlier09:05
FHXso now i don't know what i've done09:05
mac2612sure go ahead09:05
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FHXmac2612: http://s12.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=2G1GRVC15KJXY14GFO5K35PPBP09:06
posthumanwhy the hell is kubuntu so much faster than mandrake?09:06
=== snake [n=snake@adsl-65-43-161-147.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
mac2612ok fhx, and that updates good and everything?09:07
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ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.kubuntu.org/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) see also !easysource09:11
mac2612thanks snake09:11
mac2612that was relevant to fhx09:11
Snake__It was?09:11
mac2612and his issue09:12
Snake__,,,, I just walked in and did that for me..>.>09:12
Snake__Why whats up with FHX ?09:12
mac2612his mp3's aren't playing in amarok09:12
Snake__Meh screw that program09:13
Snake__XMMS forever09:13
mac2612so we're working on getting the mp3 plugins for gstreamer09:13
posthumanamarok = much sexier09:13
FHXweird, lag09:13
Snake__xmms = much more skinnable09:13
Hentai^XPFHX you know about imageshack?09:13
Snake__amarok = never worked for me :-P09:13
FHXmac2612: Was my screenie correct?09:13
FHXas in were the universe/multiverse things correct?09:14
FHXHentai^XP: Yeah..but yousendit's pretty nice too.09:14
mac2612yeah it looks alright to me fhx09:14
Snake__Man I got to go read this stupid booklet on driving...i dun wannaa09:14
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Hentai^XPdon't crash09:14
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=== mac2612 's book on driving: "don't kill anyone."
FHXwhat's the next step?09:15
mac2612you need to install some packages.....hang on09:15
Snake__Does anyone but me have a issue (Mainly with adept) where they have to run the program 2 or  3 times to get it to come up sometimes?09:16
mac2612ehh....just install.... gstreamer0.8-plugins09:17
FHXi don't have its plugins in adept09:17
mac2612oh yeah....you DID update your sources?09:18
mac2612go to adept-update sources09:18
mac2612now for quick filter do09:19
FHXah okay, lots of gstreamer stuff now09:19
FHXdo i install them all?09:19
mac2612just quick filter for09:19
Snake__Anyone? lol09:20
FHXthere are only two, one is already installed, is that correct?09:20
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FHXOk installing that second plugin now..09:21
mac2612gstreamer-plugins-multiverse isn't installed, and gstreamer-plugins is?09:21
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Snake__Someone explain to me why I have everything for gimp...except the program on my list??09:21
Snake__(adept list that is)09:22
posthumano.O all I had to do was install gstreamer-mad and it worked09:22
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mac2612yeah I know posthuman, it's probably in his amarok config somewhere, but I'm just making sure he has all the plugins he needs first09:23
Snake__Guys....come on its like that for XMMS too!!09:23
FHXOk done09:23
mac2612open amarok and try to play something09:23
posthumanah gotcha09:24
FHXWorks like a charm ;)09:24
FHXYay! Thanks =)09:24
mac2612no problem fhx09:25
Snake__Help!? lol09:25
mac2612what's wrong snake?09:25
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Snake__I can't seem to get the gimp, or xmms off the reps09:25
Snake__all the plugins and add ons for the programs show up, but not the programs themselves09:26
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mac2612try this09:26
mac2612close adept09:26
mac2612sudo apt-get update09:26
mac2612sudo apt-get install gimp09:26
Snake__Im going to paste in 4 lines09:27
Snake__is that ok?09:27
mac2612I think it will let you do that09:27
Snake__Package gimp is not available, but is referred to by another package.09:27
Snake__This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or09:27
Snake__is only available from another source09:27
Snake__E: Package gimp has no installation candidate09:27
mac2612can I see what your sources look like?09:27
Snake__Yulp hang on ill pastebin it09:28
Snake__hang on09:29
Snake__And I think I just found it09:30
Snake__I got to uncomment line 10 and 11 right?09:31
mac2612uncomment 5 and 609:31
Snake__thats what i ment**09:31
Snake__stupid little things that screw me up09:32
mac2612sudo apt-get update09:32
Snake__and so it works09:32
Snake__it works :)09:32
mac2612sudo apt-get moo09:32
Snake__Yea thats funny09:32
Snake__know whats funnier?09:32
FHXHm..my Opera browser just quit on me, is that normal?09:32
Snake__sudo aptitude moo -v09:32
Snake__then sudo aptitude moo -v -v09:33
Snake__so on and so forth adding a v each time09:33
FHXSay, I don't have qtparted!!09:34
mac2612hehe :-P09:34
mac2612fhx, probably a bug in opera09:34
FHXi just remembered, i need it.09:34
Snake__mac2612: its a elephant being eaten by a snake09:34
FHXi remember looking yesterday and I didn't have it either09:34
FHXHow do I install qtparted?09:35
mac2612close adept09:35
mac2612sudo apt-get install qtparted09:36
posthumanhmm question..is there a way to make a cdrom drive automatically unmount when you hit eject?09:36
FHXit's installing now i think09:36
=== mac2612 really prefers command-line apt-get to frontends
FHXHey..would you guys recommend I rune ntirely on Kubuntu and not have windows at all?09:36
FHXor would you recommend dual boots?09:37
mac2612depends fhx09:37
FHXHm..it's odne09:37
mac2612do you have any software that is windows-only?09:37
FHXbut it says no such file or directory09:37
FHXmac2612: Nope. But I wiped windows. Kubuntu's my only OS09:37
FHXi was just wondering if I should reinstall windows then partition and reinstall Kubuntu, but is there a need for that? or can I live on Kubuntu?09:37
FHXstat (2 No such file or directory) W: you may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems09:38
mac2612you can live on kubuntu as long as you don't have any windows-specific apps09:38
FHXOkay, good.09:38
mac2612and even then many of them can be run on linux09:38
FHXcan i run things like dreamweaver/flash/adobe cs on here?09:38
mac2612in vmware or qemu you can do that09:38
Snake__Who called amarok sexy....09:38
mac2612possibly in wine09:38
mac2612fhx: sudo apt-get update09:38
FHXSnake__: It is sexy, when you can find skins09:39
FHXI don't know where they are or where to find them though. -.-09:39
FHXNice ^^09:39
Snake__posthuman: right now, this is the ugliest thing on earth09:39
FHXE: Some index files failed to download, they ahve been ignored, or old ones have been used instead09:39
posthumanI love it09:39
Snake__That doesnt play MP3s without a whole bunch of screwing around09:40
Snake__ubotu: tell Snake__ about mp309:40
mac2612I think you screwed up a couple lines in your sources fhx09:40
Glin|JolWinamp  5.11 Stopped09:40
ubotump3 is probably a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats09:40
FHX..how can I fix that?09:40
FHXHow do I fix the sources? x.x09:41
mac2612hang on let me look at your sources again09:42
mac2612go to adept-manage repositories09:42
mac2612and for the last 2 lines09:42
mac2612right click and hit "disable"09:42
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Snake__Well ive come to the conclusion that amarok will never stream MP3s09:43
FHXSnake__: Wha? but it works fine09:43
=== joss193 [n=joss@213-35-233-80-dsl.end.estpak.ee] has joined #kubuntu
joss193where is 5.10 kernel source_09:43
Snake__Mine doesnt lol09:44
joss1932.6.12 as it shoult be according to uname -a09:44
FHXSnake__: Did you try what I did?09:44
Snake__Hell it doesnt play them at all09:44
Snake__What do you do?09:44
FHXOk last two lines disabled09:44
FHXSnake__: I followed that mac2612 told me, fetch updates and install plugins. ^^09:44
Snake__I did all that09:44
FHXSnake__: Hm..well .. I also used EasyBreezy09:45
FHXthat might have helped?09:45
FHXmac2612: both disabled09:45
Snake__Just for kicks let me install programs....whats easybreezy??09:45
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joss193please tell me dudes where is the kernel source09:45
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joss193i have few time and i need to compile my wlan driver09:46
hxkohbleah dc'd09:46
joss193doesnt kubuntu devs know that they should leave source luying somewhere?09:46
hxkohOk what do I do now that they are both disabled?09:46
joss193could someone tell what package it is , or where can i get it09:46
Snake__joss193: if you don't know where it is you probly shouldn't touch it :-D09:46
Snake__jp jp09:46
joss193Snake_: installed kubuntu first time09:47
joss193usually it is in usr/src/linux09:47
Snake__Why do you need to mess with the kernal??09:47
joss193symlinked to kernel09:47
mac2612hit "close"09:47
mac2612adept-fetch updates09:47
Snake__amarok is worthless I tell you09:47
joss193Snake_: for good sakes it told wy wlan card09:47
joss193officeconnect 3com09:48
joss193driver not included by kubuntu09:48
Snake__Most wireless drivers arn't....hmmm well I dunno :)09:48
joss193cane someone tell me where is the source09:48
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hxkohok updates done09:49
Snake__Anyone that gets my amarok working gets a cookie09:49
hxkohSnake__: but but..by the time it gets here it'll be soggy. =(09:49
Snake__Ill email it to you09:50
=== hxkoh is now known as FHX
=== mac2612 [n=forrie@pool-129-44-154-254.buff.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
FHXEmail! Now there's a though! Will it be .jpg, .gif, ooh no I know, swf!09:50
mac2612argh, sorry about that guys09:50
Snake__mac2612: want a cookie?09:50
=== penguinzdr [n=penguinz@213-240-220-76.1703347.ddns.cablebg.net] has joined #kubuntu
FHXs' ok ^^ updates done09:50
Glin|JolWinamp  5.11 Stopped09:51
ubotuhmm... mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats09:51
penguinzdri'm trying to mount a diskette formatted on windows, but i get the following message:mount: I could not determine the filesystem type, and none was specified . what command should i enter?09:51
Snake__posthuman: could you help me with amarok?09:52
Snake__If not, im just going to uninstall it09:52
Snake__Bah screw it, its gone09:52
FHXHm..what should I do now?09:53
posthumanoops sorry, was away09:53
Snake__Why would anyone go through the trouble of setting up all this MP3 crap when they can just download XMMS and get it all with it out of the box09:54
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FHXhe left09:55
posthumanbecause they need a music manager09:56
posthumanamarok has search and stuff09:56
Snake__hes probly having network issues09:56
FHX*wacks Snake__ on head for laughing at my plight*09:56
posthumanand collection info09:56
Snake__Well I would like a "Music manager" however my "MM" won't work.09:56
posthumanit's really easy to setup though..all I had to do is install gstreamer-mad09:56
posthumanmost distros already have this installed09:56
Snake__Ya i got that and gstreamer plugins and nothing09:56
posthumanwell, I installed kubuntu today, and thats all I had to do =i09:57
posthumannot even the plugins09:57
posthumanjust mad09:57
Snake__I dunno but I gotta go read this book for a test 2morrow09:58
=== Snake__ is now known as Snake|Reading
Snake|ReadingYea dude09:59
FHXOh ok, for a test09:59
FHXHaha, all the best =)10:00
Snake|ReadingGot to read for this drivingtest10:00
penguinzdrwhat's the filesystem for windows diskettes?10:00
Snake|ReadingFor windows hard drives10:01
Snake|Readingits NTFS10:01
Snake|ReadingDiskettes as in floppys, its FAT10:01
FHXmac T_T come back onlineeee10:01
penguinzdrand in "mount -t", what's the type?10:01
Snake|ReadingHmmm dunno10:01
FHXohh maaccc?? wheerree arree yoouuuu?10:03
FHXMhm. Nicks are deceiving, Snake|Reading ? No..snake not reading.10:03
Snake|ReadingIm supposed to be10:04
Snake|ReadingI'm working on it10:04
FHXSnake|Reading: key word: working10:04
penguinzdrmount: you must specify the filesystem type10:04
=== Snake|Reading is now known as Snake|trying|to|
=== FHX is now known as FHX_laughing_at_
=== FHX_laughing_at_ is now known as FHX_laughing
Snake|trying|to|penguinzdr: I wil help you10:06
=== FHX_laughing is now known as FHX
Snake|trying|to|but I will warn you, this is the only part of this manual you will want to read10:06
Snake|trying|to|the rest is outdated, and will probly screw up your syste,10:06
penguinzdrummm... isn't that a manual for mounting harddrive partitions?10:08
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Snake|trying|to|Oh....I thought thats what you were mounting...10:08
FHXhow do i install a theme?10:08
Snake|trying|to|Or am I dumb?10:09
FHXi'm following the read me but it doesn't make much sense ot me10:09
penguinzdrSnake|trying|to|: No, I'm trying to mount a floppy10:09
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Snake|trying|to|Mmmm dunno that one off hand10:09
=== Snake|trying|to| is now known as Snake|Reading
FHXXD for sure this time?10:10
FHXWherreee iss MAC10:11
FHXget online now. >.>10:11
FHXpenguinzdr: Gj10:12
FHXGeez, so many packages to choose from.10:13
penguinzdrwow.. fs type msdos...10:13
FHX*grumbles* where is mac anyway.10:13
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penguinzdrhow can I install XML::Simple?10:20
FHXWho knows how to install Kubuntu themes?10:21
FHXI cd'd the theme but nothing else will work10:22
FHXthat's about it.10:22
penguinzdrkubuntu themes? you mean KDE styles, right?10:22
FHXKDE styles10:22
FHXI downloaded lipstik-2.110:22
penguinzdr./configure, than make and sudo make install10:22
FHXthe commands make and sudo make install don't work10:22
FHXI tried.10:22
FHXand i've downladed qt & libsomething dev10:23
FHXReally weird.10:23
Snake|Reading            are these people retarded...it says I have to stay one car length back for every 10 mph im traveling10:23
penguinzdrenter the command: sudo apt-get install build-essential10:23
FHXSnake|Reading: XDD10:23
=== Snake|Reading returns to reading
FHXYou're *supposed* to be reading.10:23
Snake|ReadingI am10:23
Snake|ReadingI just read that lol10:23
FHXpenguinzdr: Enter it after cd?10:23
penguinzdrenter it where you want10:24
FHXwhat's build essential?10:24
Snake|ReadingIt lets you complie programs10:24
FHXprog that will identify make ?10:24
penguinzdrthat's a meta package for compiling apps10:24
penguinzdrSnake|Reading: what are you reading?10:25
FHXXD after unpacking 1623kb additional space, want to continue? [y/n] 10:25
FHXXD why do they even bother to ask?haha10:25
FHXok done with that10:25
FHXwhat next?10:25
penguinzdrthan again make and sudo make install10:25
FHXdoesn't work10:25
FHXi typed: make <enter>10:26
FHXnothing, it says no targets specified and makefile found. stop.10:26
Snake|Readingpenguinzdr: Digest of Ohio Motor Vehicle Laws10:26
penguinzdrFHX: run ./configure again10:26
FHXkay, running.10:26
Snake|Readingpenguinzdr: Going for my written test 2morrow to get my lisence (sp?)10:27
FHXit says: Good - your configure finished. Start make now.10:27
penguinzdrpaste the output from ./configure in pastebin.com and show it to me10:27
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FHXXD that's fudging hilarious.10:27
FHX*types make <enter>* weee10:28
FHXthanks penguinzdr   =)10:28
penguinzdryou're welcome10:28
FHXafter make i go : sudo make install?10:28
FHXok done10:29
FHXwhat next?10:29
justanotherg' morning guys10:29
FHXjustanother: G'morning10:29
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penguinzdrnext: alt+f2, type kcontrol, select appereance and themes, than select style and form the droping box select lipstik10:29
FHXmac2612's back!10:29
FHXpenguinzdr: Nice. ^^10:30
FHXpenguinzdr: what theme do you use?10:31
FHXi can't seem to find a decent one10:31
FHXmac2612: last two repositories disabled. XD10:31
penguinzdrFHX: Beauty of Darkness, but for style I use Polyester10:31
FHXpenguinzdr: how about for your toolbar?10:32
FHXmine just stays ugly.10:32
penguinzdrFHX: icons?10:32
FHX-.- i looked at all the themes and they have funky toolbars10:32
FHXno i mean it's like a quicklaunch icons bar only10:32
FHXat the bottom10:32
=== MenZa` [n=menza@0x50a1605a.kd4nxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu
penguinzdrI use Vista Inspirate.10:33
FHXhang on i'll find a link10:33
justanotheri want to install kubuntu on my laptop - i surfed a little bit around and found this: http://www.astro.unibas.ch/~loeffler/thinkpad/p1-preparation.xhtml#hibertools10:34
Snake|Reading"Once you have started to cross the train tracks, keep going, especially if you see a train aproaching"10:34
justanotherit says  that you have to create a special hinbernation partition - it's for installing debian though10:34
Snake|ReadingDo they really need to put that in there??10:34
FHXthe thing crashed10:34
penguinzdrwhat thing?10:34
FHXmy kopete10:34
FHXpenguinzdr: http://www.kde-look.org/content/pre1/27578-1.jpg10:35
FHXsee at the bottom? where it says mplayer ? i want a toolbar like that. T_T10:35
Snake|ReadingGuys read this: Hold on let me type it10:35
FHXSnake|Reading: o.O for a while there, i thought you were laughing at my poor kopete. D10:35
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Snake|Reading"IF your vehicle stalls while on  the tracks, and a train is approaching, unfasten your seatbelt, get out of the vehicle and run as far away from the tracks as you can."10:36
ztonzyoh well, no apokryphos here :-\10:36
penguinzdrFHX: hmm... i don't know how to make toolbar like this10:37
Snake|ReadingI think they should take that out of this manual...and let darwin's theory go to work :-D10:37
Snake|ReadingFHX: I do.10:37
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Snake|ReadingRight click, configure panel10:37
=== _jef [n=jef@S0106000d6111a3f2.no.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu
Snake|ReadingScale it down some, then click appearance10:37
FHXmhm, configure desktop.10:37
Snake|ReadingYou have to put your own gradient for "Panel background"10:37
_jefanyone here good with file permissions?10:38
FHXthere's no appearance tab.10:38
Snake|ReadingTheres not??10:38
FHXhang on i know what you're talking aout.10:38
FHXdifferent locations10:38
FHXin system settings10:38
penguinzdrFHX: what KDE are you using?10:38
FHXpenguinzdr: latest one10:38
FHXjust downloaded yetserday10:38
Snake|Readingoh thats why...im on 3.410:38
FHXNo idea.10:38
penguinzdrthan you have to have appereance10:38
FHXyours said panel instead of desktop, no big dif though10:38
penguinzdroh yeah, 3.410:39
Snake|Readingright click on the taskbar10:39
Snake|Readingand select Configure Panel10:39
FHXyeah i'm there10:39
Snake|ReadingYa on the top it says10:39
Snake|Readingmenus and appearance10:39
FHXyeah i can read =P10:40
Snake|Readingjust put your own gradient in10:40
Snake|Readingback to me book10:40
FHXSnake|Reading: Heh, gl.10:40
FHXRawr. Where's mac?10:40
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FHXThe trash bin's ugly. I can't remove it though. XD10:49
FHXOh nvm. I can.10:49
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Snake|ReadingFHX: did you know that in ohio if you hit a deer, your allowed to keep its carcus?10:51
Snake|Readingas long as you kill it10:51
penguinzdri have to wait 8 years until I get driver's license10:51
Snake|Readingpenguinzdr: whys that?10:51
Snake|ReadingDUIs or what?10:51
Snake|ReadingOr are you......8? lol10:51
penguinzdrSnake|Reading: because in Bulgaria, you can't get driver's license until 18 years10:52
Snake|ReadingThat sucks10:52
Snake|ReadingI want to live in japan, they drive at 13 I hear10:52
penguinzdrthan I have to wait 3 years if I'm in Japan10:52
Snake|ReadingYour only 10?10:52
Snake|Reading*sigh* live life now10:53
Snake|ReadingI'll tell you the truth, its only going to get crappy until your 17-18....so be prepared lol10:53
penguinzdrokay, I'll be10:54
FHXSnake|Reading: My stuff disappeared. >.>10:55
Snake|Readingwhat stuff10:55
penguinzdrkopete maybe10:55
FHXSnake|Reading: No..I didn't know abotu the deer thing10:55
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FHXSnake|Reading: Oi help me10:55
FHXit won't let me show my applications now10:55
FHXlike my running programs10:55
penguinzdr    ?10:56
penguinzdryou switched to another desktop?10:56
FHXNo, i removed it by accident.10:56
Snake|ReadingFHX: right click10:56
Snake|Readingadd to panel10:56
Snake|Readingthen taskbar10:57
FHXSnake|Reading: I don't get how to get it like the screenie10:57
Snake|ReadingBe happy10:57
Snake|Readingwhat do you mean10:57
Snake|ReadingYou need to build your own background picture, and install it as the background on the bar10:57
FHXno i know, but theirs only had icons10:57
Hentai^XPmy life is still crappy and I'm 1810:57
FHXSnake|Reading: http://www.kde-look.org/content/pre1/27578-1.jpg10:58
Snake|ReadingHaha amen Hentai^XP10:58
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Snake|ReadingFHX, thats just programs they can open10:58
Snake|Readingtheir taskbar doesnt tell them what programs are running10:58
FHXyes..but mine has all the other stuff10:58
Snake|Readingremove it!10:58
Snake|Readingthen add buttons as you need them10:58
FHXyeah but then where do their task manager go?10:59
FHXit doesn't make sense10:59
Snake|ReadingIt looks like they have one up top10:59
Snake|Readingwhich I would like to know how they did10:59
Snake|ReadingHey KASBar is kinda cool11:00
FHXit's up the side11:00
FHXI want one up the top11:00
Snake|ReadingWhat did you use to put it on the side?11:00
Snake|Readingthats not what they got11:01
FHXI know.11:01
FHXand do you also notice11:01
Snake|ReadingI think they have universal side bar11:01
FHXtheirs is really in the middle11:01
FHXthey don't even have the thing at the right side to slide it in11:01
FHX-.- i want that.11:01
FHXLooks nicer.11:01
Snake|ReadingOH SHIT11:02
Snake|ReadingI just lost my taskbar11:02
Snake|ReadingI slide it and now its gone!11:02
FHXslide it out again11:02
Snake|ReadingI cant!11:02
Snake|Readingtheres no button!11:02
penguinzdrfrom the cold winter niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiights....11:03
=== tenshiKur0 [n=tenshiKu@S0106000d93cb5211.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu
Snake|ReadingGot it back11:03
FHXi want their toolbar.11:04
Snake|Readingjust play around until u get something cool11:04
Snake|Readingthats what im gonna do11:05
FHXThey have msn?11:05
FHXHm..oh yeah. wine11:05
FHXI just don't understand *where* they put their taskbar11:06
Snake|ReadingTheir taskbar is up top11:06
Snake|Readingthats just a panel11:06
penguinzdrWINTER NIGHTS!11:06
FHXyeah but how did they get it up top?11:06
FHXpenguinzdr: ???11:06
Snake|ReadingRight click on your panel11:06
penguinzdrFHX: nothing11:06
Snake|Readingadd to panel11:07
Snake|Readingdrag up top11:07
Snake|ReadingThen size down11:07
Snake|ReadingNow right click on your new panel11:07
Snake|Readingselect configure panel11:07
Snake|Readinggo to "Hiding"11:07
FHXokay what?11:07
FHXit won't be dragged up top11:07
Snake|ReadingWhy not??11:07
Snake|ReadingYou should be able to hold down,and drag it around...11:08
FHXi can drag it sideways11:08
FHXnot up top11:08
Snake|ReadingTry draging it sideways, then to the top11:08
Snake|ReadingI can even put 2 panels up there... lol11:08
FHXI can drag the panel to the top11:08
FHXbut not the task bar11:08
Snake|ReadingYou have to right click on your new panel11:09
Snake|Readingand add a taskbar there11:09
FHXOh snap11:09
Snake|ReadingThen it works ;)11:09
FHXYeah..but it's ugly. >.>11:09
Snake|ReadingAnd hey want to know how to get rid of the right hiding button thing??11:09
Snake|Readingright click, configure panel11:09
Snake|Readingthen uncheck "Show right panel-hidding"11:10
=== Snake|Reading is a god with this crap
Snake|ReadingI love just playing with stuff lol11:10
=== Snake|Reading is now known as Snake__
FHXXD haha11:10
FHXsay, do you know how to make it so the task bar only shows one row of taskss?11:11
Snake__Right click, make the panel smaller11:11
Snake__right click * configure panel11:11
Snake__then size it down11:11
Snake__(mines at tiny)11:11
FHXDo you know how to install msn messenger?11:12
Snake__Nope, never used wine11:12
Hentai^XPFHX: try gaim instead11:12
FHXdo you know how i can access gaim?11:12
FHXtell me?11:13
Snake__sudo apt-get install gaim11:13
Hentai^XPor kopete or w\e it is11:13
FHXisntalling gaim..11:13
FHXdoes anyone know how to use qtparted?11:13
FHX*begins decorating desktop*11:14
FHXif you look at their screenie11:15
FHXnext to the black computer screen11:15
FHXthey have a blue one..11:15
FHXwhat's that??11:15
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FHXhow do i run apt-update again?11:16
FHXsudo apt-get update?11:16
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flimupdate will only update the list of packages. To update the packages you'll have to do apt-get upgrade11:17
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penguinzdrargh... kde crashed11:18
FHX=/ mine too just now11:19
penguinzdrgroup crash11:19
FHXhey how do you install msn messenger on kubuntu?11:19
penguinzdruse kopete11:20
FHXI don't like kopete11:20
penguinzdrthan use GAIM11:20
FHXno msn11:20
ubotupenguinzdr: Are you smoking crack?11:20
=== Snake__ [n=snake@adsl-65-43-161-147.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
penguinzdrhey guys... i want to hear your opinion - do you like my desktop: http://img470.imageshack.us/img470/9462/snapshot68cv.png11:21
flimlooks quite nice, but I absolutely hate big taskbars, so nothing I could live with ;)11:22
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Snake__Not bad11:23
Snake__Whos the broad?11:23
FHXpenguinzdr: How did you get it to look semi transparent?11:23
hussampenguinzdr: nice desktop but take away some of the desktop shortcuts.11:23
Snake__FHX: theres a setting if you right click, configure taskbar11:24
Snake__apperace, then advanced options ;)11:24
Snake__penguinzdr: whos the chick?11:24
FHXi'm there11:24
penguinzdrFHX: right-click on panel, choose configure panel , than choose appereance and check use transparent background11:24
FHXas in "Enable user transparency"?11:25
FHX* Just enable transparency11:25
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penguinzdrSnake__:   the goth chick? http://kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=1859811:26
Snake__Shes hot, I wish i knew who she was11:26
=== NPC_Crys [n=crystufe@cpe-66-24-246-7.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
FHXwait how do i get transparency? o.o11:26
Snake__FHX: for the love of god do like everyone else and play with it until you figure it out.11:27
FHXwhen i select it it's 100% transparent11:27
FHXokay ok11:27
NPC_CrysHey all. I just got java installed. How do I make it respond to the term command jre?11:27
wolfvolineHI all11:27
NPC_CrysHi you.11:27
wolfvolineI download Kbuntu as iso image file but i can't write to CD11:27
NPC_CrysWhat burn software you got man?11:28
NPC_CrysWhat version?11:28
NPC_Crys5 is easier.11:28
ejofeeanybody know any easy way to install gaim 2.0 beta1 in ubuntu?11:28
wolfvolineReport file size is 107 MB  , Is correct ?11:29
NPC_Cryswolfvoline I assume you are unsuccessfully trying to find the nero express command to burn iso, right?11:29
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wolfvolineNPC_Crys:  I use command to write but he said me with "InCorrect block size"11:30
NPC_CrysUh oh. Did you try running an md5sum to check the image?11:31
wolfvolineBut when i use 'winrar' to view image it said  'extract size about 670 MB'11:31
wolfvolineNPC_Crys: what wrong ?11:31
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Snake__FHX: the one thing Idont understand tho11:32
Snake__is how he  got it to say "File" "Sessions" etc11:32
NPC_CrysI don't know anything about winrar and haven't since tugzip hit the scene.11:32
FHXSnake__: ?11:32
FHXXD quit now I'm playing11:32
Snake__Im looking at that pic11:32
Snake__how did he get the words at the top11:32
Snake__all I can get is icons...11:33
NPC_Cryswolfvoline: I would find a md5sum program and check the image against the md5sum on the kubuntu website.11:33
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FHXYeah I was going to ask you that, but then I thought maybe you'd just ask me to play around again11:33
Snake__I've been playing, and that one I can't figure out11:33
_nano_Snake__: hey!11:33
Snake___nano_: whats up!11:33
Snake__Hey check this out _nano_ maybe you knoe11:34
wolfvolineNPC_Crys: ok thx11:34
Snake___nano_: http://www.kde-look.org/content/pre1/27578-1.jpg , see the text at the top in that panel?11:34
Snake__how would i do that?11:34
wolfvolineNPC_Crys: I try to  find11:34
=== hugelmopf [n=frank@p54B38923.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
FHXwe don't need it11:34
FHXif you have the scroller button11:34
FHXclick on that11:34
FHXwe don't need the task bar11:34
Snake__What do you mean?11:34
FHXyour mouse11:34
_nano_Snake__: configure panel11:34
Snake__I know11:35
FHXit has a middle scroller11:35
FHXso we don't need it11:35
Snake__but i want the damn text lol11:35
FHXThe damn text doesn't want you it seems11:35
Snake___nano_: I dont see any settings in there11:35
_nano_Snake__: oops i thought that's a taskbar :P11:36
_nano_Snake__: no idea never tried that11:36
Snake__no, its a full panel...11:36
Snake__I can only image it works like gnome11:36
Snake__ya know?11:36
_nano_Snake__: hey are you running firefox by anychance?11:36
Snake__Nope, but I could if I need to how come?11:36
_nano_Snake__: could you check www.blogger.com using firefox? my browser freezes because of javascript animation...no idea why11:37
Snake__Hang on11:37
_nano_Snake__: opera works fine on that tho11:37
Snake__lemme download11:37
_nano_Snake__: download as in install firefox?11:38
FHXfor me blogger works fine on firefox11:38
_nano_Snake__: hehe11:38
_nano_FHX: you mean you could see the animation right? on top left?11:38
hussamhere's my kubuntu ICE winter desktop http://img373.imageshack.us/img373/6520/snapshot46zy.jpg11:39
_nano_FHX: I dunno man, it's with all gecko based browsers on linux. i tried firefox, seamonkey, flock...same problem11:39
FHXHm..i'm not sure, you're prolly missing something11:39
FHXsome plugin11:39
Snake__Hmmm it seems to work11:39
FHXhussam: nice. where did you get the weather thing?11:39
=== crown [n=crown@catv-50628ec5.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #kubuntu
penguinzdrhussam: not bad, but I prefer dark desktops, like mine11:40
penguinzdrFHX:  that LWP11:40
penguinzdrFHX:  that's LWP11:40
_nano_Snake__: you on your old machine?11:40
Snake___nano_: i'm on my lappy yes11:40
penguinzdrLiquid Weather ++ for SuperKaramba11:40
_nano_Snake__: what's the graphics card? any idea?11:40
Snake__Savage S3 I think11:40
Snake__some crap like that11:40
hussamFHX: get superkarmaba first11:40
_nano_Snake__: mine's radeon 7500, so is it good or bad? :-s11:41
Snake__My god.11:41
FHXhussam: through konsole?11:41
_nano_Snake__: :(11:41
Hentai^XPrate the desktop /me allreayd knows what half you will say atleast http://nt.nukysrealm.net/hyhh.JPG11:41
Snake__do you game at all?11:41
Snake__or just 2d stuff?11:41
_nano_Snake__: it works fine on windows tho, i played Counterstrike and all on my sweet inspiron 5100 :P11:41
hussamFHX: you on breezy ?11:41
Snake__You played CS on a 7500!?11:42
FHXhussam: Yup11:42
Snake__CS: 1.6???11:42
FHXThat's crazy11:42
hussamFHX: with kde 3.4.3?11:42
_nano_Snake__: yeh :D11:42
Snake__Oh okay11:42
Snake__I thought you ment souce11:42
FHXhussam: The latest one11:42
_nano_Snake__: and i pwned ;) (kidding)11:42
Snake__i was like my 9600 couldn't hardly handle source lol11:42
FHXThat's a striking image of windows.11:42
penguinzdrHentai^XP: blah... windows is ugly11:42
_nano_Snake__: oh i wouldn't even dare run CS source11:42
penguinzdrda ima nqkoi bulgarin tuk?11:42
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Snake__Hentai^XP: Why don't you just like11:43
Snake__I dont know11:43
Snake__RUN XP!?11:43
hussamFHX: kde 3.5 has superkarmaba but if you are on ke 3.4.3 like me, I can email you superkarmaba 0.3711:43
Hentai^XPI do run xp Snake__11:43
FHXhussam: should I try running it and see if it's there?11:43
Snake__I run XP, but with a vista inspirent11:43
_nano_Snake__: could you send me your xorg.conf file?11:43
Snake__god vista is so sexy11:43
FHXhussam: actually, can I do: sudo apt-get install superkaramba?11:43
Snake___nano_: I would if I knew where it was :D11:43
FHXhey but Kubuntu's pretty nice too. =P11:44
hussamFHX: lubutnu has 0.36 but I cna give you 0.3711:44
_nano_Snake__: /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:44
Snake__How could I ship it to you?11:44
ubotuit has been said that pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org11:44
Snake__Oh ok11:44
Snake__Hang on11:44
_nano_ok :D11:44
FHXhussam: Nah it's okay, installing it now. =)11:44
Hentai^XPpenguinzdr: you hate windows or something?11:45
hussamFHX: then look for liquid weather ++ on kde-look.org11:45
FHXhussam: Gotcha11:45
penguinzdrHentai^XP: yes, i hate it11:45
Hentai^XP penguinzdr can you explain to me why in #kubuntu-offtopic11:45
Snake__I don't hate windows11:46
Snake__I feel it inferiour, but I don't hate it11:46
penguinzdrHentai^XP: ok11:46
FHXSnake__: Do you know how to get application windows to be skinned?11:46
_nano_Snake__: thanks11:46
FHXI think it'sunder styles also11:46
FHXhey superkaramba is nice.11:48
penguinzdryes, it's a good app11:49
FHXVery nice app. *nods*11:49
FHXHow do I download the weather thing? it keeps telling me i can't save binary files11:51
penguinzdrbye guys11:52
Snake__c ya11:52
FHXpenguinzdr: bye11:52
penguinzdrc ya11:53
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robin_2I have upgraded to KDE 3.512:04
robin_2but now I can't sync with bluetooth.12:04
robin_2because the kdebluetooth-irmcsync got dep problems.12:05
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=== [ITA] MisterX is away: Away at the moment
robin_2nobody ?12:12
robin_2is there a replacement for that package?12:12
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SeanAnyone around to take a quick question?12:22
Seanipodslave seems to not want to actually sync my ipod.  It'll go and say it's synced, but neither that nor the eject functionality works12:23
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FHXSnake__: Back12:26
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FHXDoes anyone know how to keep LWP running without having to open it through superkaramba everytime?12:31
robin_2I upgrade to kde 3.5, but I can't use bluetooth for syncing. because kdebluetooth-irmcsync will be removed by upgrading to 3.5. And I can't find a replacement or alternative?12:31
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robin_2it there a way to downgrade to kde 3.4 ?12:34
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FHXDoes anybody know how to install programs such as msn messenger?12:44
FHXOn Kubuntu12:44
robotgeekFHX: hm, unless you want to run it with wine, gaim/amsn handle msn well12:45
hussamFHX: kubuntu ships with kopete which supports msn service, aim, and yohoo etc...12:46
FHXrobotgeek: Hm..what's the difference if I run it with wine?12:46
FHXwill it run as pernormal?12:46
robotgeekhussam: right, i forgot i was in #kubuntu :)12:46
FHXah, hussam. How do you keep the weather thing on there even when you log off?12:47
robotgeekFHX: hmm, actually none. kopete is very nice, it does webcam too, i heard12:47
FHXrobotgeek: Hm..yeah, but I don't use aim or the other clients, so msn has a nicer interface.12:47
robotgeekFHX: you should be fine with kopete then12:48
FHXmaybe if I can find a nice skin kopete will be more bearable ;)12:48
hussamFHX: just run it and when you log off, kde session is saved so when you log in again, superkaramba will run again.12:48
FHXhussam: Awesome. Thanks =)12:48
robotgeekFHX: http://www.kde-look.org :)12:49
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FHXrobotgeek: How do I increase my partition sie?12:54
robotgeekFHX: you might want to use Qparted12:55
FHXmhm, I installed it.12:55
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FHXWill it shut down afterwards?12:56
robotgeekFHX: probably not12:56
robotgeekFHX: you might also want to shoot the same question in #ubuntu also12:56
chopemaxhi, im using kmyfirewall to manage iptables, anyone knows what do I have to add in order to be able to use samba? I12:57
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FHXrobotgeek: I'm in qtparted, what should I do?01:02
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FHXHow do I increase partition size using qtparted?01:04
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jazwechi..please could anybody help me? i have *.mdf file and i want to mount..when i use mount command, cedega cant read it...and i cant use mdf2iso program, because its DVD image and its too large...4.2 GB01:06
chopemaxkiso can convert mdf to iso01:08
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FHXdoes anyone know?01:08
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chopemaxif you dont have any other alternative01:08
jazwecchopemax also DVD images?01:09
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FHXI'm lost. No idea how to increase partition size using qtparted.01:10
FHXrobotgeek: Do you know how I can increase it using qtparted?01:11
chopemaxjazwec: it doesnt specify, i dont know..01:11
chopemaxno problem01:13
robotgeekFHX: sorry, was away01:13
FHXrobotgeek: When I right click it won't let me resize01:14
FHXi see the option there, but it's faded, can't be highlighted.01:14
robotgeekFHX: i've never used it, maybe try it with a live cd01:14
FHXchopemax: have you used it?01:14
jazwecchopemax so how can i use that kiso?01:15
robotgeekanyways, later01:15
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robin_2c'mon nobody using bluetooth sync with kde 3.5 ?01:16
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chopemaxFHX: i have formatted partitions with qtparted but never resized01:18
chopemaxFHX: sure the partition is unmounted? ( don't know maybe that could be)01:19
FHXhow do I know if it is unmounted?01:20
FHXand the partition i want to resize is ext301:20
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chopemaxjazwec: is not in apt so it may be a bit complicated to install + it needs libcdio 0.73...01:22
chopemaxjazwec: however this worked fine for me http://gridpt1.fe.up.pt/mlopes/blog/index.php/2005/11/19/kiso-packages-for-ubuntu-breezy/01:25
FHXIt seems parted cannot do ext3 resize partitions01:27
jazwecchopemax i have it installed..but o dont know how to use it01:28
jazwecchopemax..oh i dont have it :) i have only mkisofs01:29
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dannythmanyone know the root passwod for the 5.10 kubuntu live dvd?01:30
FHX*mutters incoherently* qtparted doesn't do ext3 resizes01:30
robin_2what is the meta package for the kubuntu kde basic stuff?01:31
FHXHow do I upgrade my qtparted?01:32
robin_2nvm found it.01:32
chopemaxjazwec: did the conversion work?01:36
jazwecchopemax w8..u just installed KIso01:36
jazwecchopemax mdf is not supported for KISO01:37
chopemaxjazwec: try CTRL+C01:38
chopemaxFHX: in the web they say the kubuntu installer should resize ext3 however i really dont remember01:41
FHXchopemax: the kubuntu installer?01:42
FHXbut doesn't the kubuntu installer entirely erase everything?01:43
FHXif I boot from CD i'll lose my kubuntu01:43
FHXactually..will I/01:44
FHXif i stop it after partitioning?01:44
FHXHm..now there's a thought.01:45
FHXbut first i want to try updating qtparted, how do I do that?01:45
raphinkanyone knows how to use keychain properly?01:47
raphinkI'm getting crazy with this stuff01:47
jazwecchopemax it works..but its still 0%01:48
jazwecchopemax oh i have it :) nice!01:49
chopemaxjazwec: so did it work?01:49
jazwecchopemax yeah..thanks alot01:50
chopemaxFHX: maybe another distro install cd you have can resize during install01:50
chopemaxjazwec: great! no problem01:50
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jazwecchopemax so now i can burn it with k3b, yeah?01:51
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chopemaxjazwec: i would try mounting it first to see if everythings fine01:52
jazwecmount -t iso9660 -o loop image.iso /mount/folder/ ?01:53
chopemaxyeah i think so..01:54
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ubotumethinks firefox is a Free Software web browser that supports extensions and is gaining popularity by the hour. Developed by the Mozilla Foundation.01:54
ubotuYou can update to firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion01:54
jazwecchopemax it writes that it isnt iso9660 image01:54
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uboturednaxel: No idea01:54
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chopemaxtry to openeing it with kiso to see if it shows contents01:55
jazwecit says it doesnt seem like valid image01:56
FHXHow do I update qtparted?01:56
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FHXAny ideas?01:57
chopemaxjazwec: i don't know.. maybe kiso screwd up or the source image was not ok01:57
jazwecchopemax hmm source image is ok on 100%01:58
jazwecchopemax im scared that i will have to install windows :(01:58
chopemaxjazwec: maybe you could try wine02:01
jazwecchopemax but i have to burn it first02:01
jazwecchopemax just tell me..how can i convert that image..i opened the mdf image and what now02:02
chopemaxjazwec: i didnt get what you are trying to do02:03
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jazwecchopemax convert mdf to iso02:03
chopemaxjazwec: with kiso?02:04
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jazwecchopemax yes02:04
jazwecchopemax only thing i need, is to burn mdf DVD image..if there is a program which can burn mdf image, i can use that..if there is not, i need cinverter and then i can burn that iso with k3b02:06
jazweci think02:06
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ubuntuhallo, worin besteht der wesentliche unterschied zw. kubuntu u. kanotix?02:08
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chopemaxjazwec: yes i got that.. you said you'll have to install windows.. which program would you use to convert it in windows02:08
jazwecchopemax i can use alcohol 120% in win..but i hate windows so i will look for some alternatives for linux02:11
chopemaxjazwec: im trying to run isobuster in linux thru wine02:11
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FHXchopemax: If I boot from cd and select the partition step only then edit the partition tables, will it affect anything else or wipe anything?02:15
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chopemaxFHX: i really dont know much about partitions you should ask someone else to be sure02:16
basti_is "adept" the default packet manager of kubuntu? (i'm helping a friend)02:17
FHXThe thing is that I've been asking for two hours now.02:17
chopemaxbasti_: in breezy yes02:18
basti_chopemax: thanks02:18
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hxkohMy computer can't sent out any image files, any ideas why?02:26
hxkohon msn file attachments keep failing, when uploading images they don't upload..02:26
basti_hxkoh: the question shows a lack of understanding of the underlying processes.02:27
basti_hxkoh: is this kubuntu related?02:27
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FHXWelll I could go to the other room.02:27
FHXNo one in there02:27
basti_i'm querying you02:27
rednaxelhow do I disable services I'm not using, like kbluetooth or the like?02:29
rednaxelin RH i had a "netsysv" program02:29
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MilkteaI can't play a few .mkv files, I have w32 codecs and stuff02:35
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MilkteaI tried mPlayer, but it has weird sound02:35
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covalenceis there some place to report bugs for dapper drake flight 2 (install) ?02:37
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anirhello .. can anyone guide me how to go to ubuntu chat room??02:48
hussamanir: /join #ubuntu02:49
anirhussam: thank you :)02:49
hussamcovalence: report bugs here: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com02:50
FHXCould dsomeone advise? How do I let things automatically update? (programs etc.)02:52
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hussamFHX: do you have an always-on internet connection?02:53
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mike-eHI i installed FAM because bmpx requires it, when i did it it gave a large list of stuff it's removing, uncliding gnome-desktop, is it going to be ok?02:53
FHXhussam: Yes I do02:53
anirmike-e: dont worry about tahat02:54
mike-eit's all missing from my applications now02:54
mike-eit's removing gmpb, totem02:54
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hussamFHX: you can create a cron job that automatically check for updates every midnight and downloads and install them02:55
FHXhussam: Could you tell me how that is done?02:55
mike-ebtw you were wrong02:55
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castlerockHi all, I need help running a game on kubuntu? Is anyone up for the challenge?02:56
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castlerockI'm trying to run racer 0.5.002:57
castlerockfrom racer.nl02:57
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hussamFHX: may I pm you?02:57
FHXhussam: Sure02:58
castlerockwhen I run the binary, it says that libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3 does not exist02:58
anircastlerock: how did you install the game?? through synaptic??02:58
castlerockNo, there is no binary through synaptic. I had to download the binary from their site at racer.nl02:58
anircastlerock: havent they given a  readme file about how to run it??02:59
drynishWhat is the good way to install a package from dapper?02:59
castlerockWell, according to their readme, it should work03:00
anirlet me check the game03:00
castlerockanir: ok, it's at www.racer.nl03:00
covalencethank you, hussam03:02
anircastlerock: whats ur problem...03:02
anireven i wanna run the game03:03
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castlerockanir: it can't find the library that i mentioned earlier: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.303:03
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castlerockanir: it's a good game I know, but it's no good without that library, so I need some place to get it03:04
castlerockanir: compiling from source gives errors as well03:05
anirso should i download or not.. castlerock ..lol :)03:05
castlerockanir: even with all required libraries and compilers installed03:05
castlerockanir: well I'm trying to run it as well here, but I can't run the game because of the dreaded library03:06
anircastlerock: thats a pain .. i know.03:06
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castlerockanir: any ideas on where to find it? I checked the Ubuntu Package search but did not find anything. Sounds like a little quality time with google for a few minutes ;-)03:07
anircastlerock: i am doing a google..03:07
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castlerockanir: ok03:09
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anirdo u have a 64 bit pro castlerock03:11
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Spumhey, is it possible to dual-boot kubuntu?03:11
anirSpum: yes03:11
castlerockanir: no I do not. I have Athlon XP03:11
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castlerockanir: 32-bit of course03:12
anircastlerock: have u checked the debian site for the library..03:12
castlerockanir: no, but i am going to do that now........03:12
anirhave a check.. its there i hopw03:13
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Spumanir: how would i go about it03:16
anircastlerock: try this http://packages.debian.org/stable/03:17
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FHXhussam: Sorry my computer lagged03:21
hussamthat's ok03:21
TooEarlyi have to SATA drives with a RAID0 and all my files that i have from windows are on partition 2 sdb on the raid part. it says the drive is unformatted and i can't enable it to mount it, what do i do?03:22
castlerockanir: ok i fixed the problem: I downloaded the libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2_2.95.4-22_i386.deb package from Debian testing repos and it worked!03:22
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hyperactivecrondgood morning all of you eastern time zoners03:27
basti_whats a good alsa mixer interface for kubuntu?03:27
hyperactivecrondbasti_: kmix03:27
hyperactivecrondnp basti_03:28
TooEarlyanyone have any solution to my problem what so ever?03:28
hyperactivecrondyay ubuntu has apt-get moo03:28
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hyperactivecrondaah i get it: super cow powers03:30
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lascari'm compiling some source and I get the error "can't find x-includes".  I've been to a few Ubuntu sites and forums, but the problem persists.  Can anyone help me?03:55
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ubotuWhen a program or configure script asks for "X includes", you should probably install the following packages: xlibs-dev   xlibs-static-dev   x-window-system-dev04:01
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lascarmanveru: hi; i'll give it a shot04:03
lascarhey, it worked!  Now, do you have any idea how to get past the Qt error? ;)04:05
ubotuQt is the Q-toolkit. Qt is to KDE what GTK is to GNOME. For the Qt includes, install the libqt3-mt-dev package04:05
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hyperactivecronddammit where does one get motif for opera?04:15
hyperactivecrond!operamotiferror is do cd /usr/lib; sudo cp libXm.so.1 libXm.so.304:17
ubotuokay, hyperactivecrond04:17
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TooEarlywhen kubuntu is loading, it gets to the "* Starting System Log Daemon..." and it has a little [OK]  by it, but nothing happens after that..it seems to get stuck there.. what's the problem?04:31
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Spumcan anyone tell me of a jabber client which can be installed on kubuntu using apt-get?04:33
dragonkhspum kopete is already on04:33
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kkathmansproingie: both kopete and Gaim have jabber04:43
kkathmanSpum I mean04:43
kkathmanpick your client04:43
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ingratohow do I install flash plugin for konqueror?04:45
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_lucianoHi, where I can find a simple tutorial to install a WPA wireless connection?05:03
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ownercan anyone help me download Mozilla Active X control?05:05
JochenHi! Can somebody give me the command how to build quick from the source tar.gz file a ubuntu debian package and install it?!05:05
osh_owner: mozilla activeX? That's some windows-crap isn't it?05:07
apollo2011I just installed Kubuntu and Kaffeine won't play a DVD.  I get this error: "Error invoking "dvdnav_get_next_block": Error reading NAV packet.."05:07
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osh_apollo2011: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#head-cd84b8e23927ccdb4bb55ffd3074687abec0cf3b05:08
apollo2011osh_: ah, I remember this from my other Ubuntu system.  thx05:09
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rednaxeli'm checking what can I disable to free more RAM05:10
osh_rednaxel: kill the mofo gam_server. it eats memory on my system like a fat kid eats cake.05:12
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jazwecchopemax please..could you help me with something else?05:12
apollo2011Now when I try to play the DVD, it says there are no codecs to play the DVD05:12
rednaxelwhat gam_server does?05:13
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osh_rednaxel: it's sgi's fam but a gnome version.05:13
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rednaxeland what about kded?05:14
hyperactivecrond!tell apollo2011 about restrictedformats05:14
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rednaxelosh_: how do I kill gam_server ? kill -9 is not being enough05:15
apollo2011hyperactivecrond, I already did the css stuff.05:15
hyperactivecrondis your country code set right?05:15
melonipoikahi, i have a question about partitions, is there any way to change the swap partition? i mean, to delete the actual one, and configure ubuntu to use the one i will create05:16
apollo2011hyperactivecrond, Totem complains that it can't find the mount point05:16
hyperactivecrondapollo2011: you probably don't have a /media/dvd dir05:16
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apollo2011no I don;t05:17
apollo2011I will make one and link it to the cdrom dir for the dvd drive05:17
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Hikaru79Hm. I just installed kubuntu-desktop. Whenever I try to run kate, I get: adrian@navi:~$ kate05:17
Hikaru79kate: ERROR: Communication problem with kate, it probably crashed.05:17
Hikaru79Anyone know why this is? :(05:17
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meyhello everyone05:18
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Hikaru79hello mey05:18
FHXHow do I install a Kopete theme?05:25
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FHXAh k. Nvm.05:25
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BroxtorHi, I installed apache2 and php4 with apt-get install apache2 php4, but when I try to open a php file, the browser asks me if I want to download or open the file.05:32
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BroxtorDoes anyone know how to solve this?05:33
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PeterSomniumanyone can help me with the charsets on my pc?05:33
PeterSomnium*can= willing05:33
PeterSomniumjust msg me if you're willing to help for a sec05:35
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sproingietell PeterSomnium about pm05:38
sproingie!tell PeterSomnium about pm05:38
PeterSomniumIs anyone willing to answer my question about charsets?05:40
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sproingie!tell PeterSomnium about pm05:42
PeterSomniumI migrated from windows to linux a few months ago, and I really like it. but there is 1 problem, all the files I took with me from windows, have all missing chars and stuff (the chars with the diaeresis on them and accents), and I also cant make diaeresis on top of chars05:42
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sproingiewindows uses utf-16 for filenames, linux typically uses utf-8 ... not sure they'll translate properly05:43
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=== sproingie has no files with non-ascii names on his windows partition to tell for sure
PeterSomniumyeah, but how can I make " on top of chars?05:44
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PeterSomniumin new documents I mean05:44
Anth0ny_Anyone who can tell me why Kubuntu DVD 5.10 reports the following during install:05:44
Anth0ny_Debootstrap program exited with an error05:44
PeterSomniumand also in IM and stuff05:44
AoPI've got Kubuntu and Win xp on a dual boot and I was wondering how can I change the default boot to Win Xp?05:44
Anth0ny_I have got a 15GB Windows-partition at the beginning05:44
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hxkohCould someone please help?05:45
hxkohMy Kubuntu froze and I had to press my computer's restart button05:45
melonipoikaAop, in menu.lst, change "order" from 0 to the number where windows is05:45
hxkohit started up fine but how do I know if there are errors that happened in the process?05:45
sproingiePeterSomnium: normally you would choose the keyboard for your locale and use whatever altgr you normally use.  otherwise you use the compose key05:45
sproingietho i don't seem to have a working compose in kubuntu05:45
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AoPAlright thanks melonipoika05:45
melonipoikayou have to start counting in 0, so if you have 2 ubuntu kernels option and 1 linux, it would be number 205:46
melonipoikayou are wellcome05:46
melonipoikaaop, (sorry, i meant 2 kernels and 1 windows)05:47
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hxkohHow do I set up a firewall for Kubuntu?05:48
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PeterSomniumsproingie: I chose the right keyboard, I know that for sure. Any leads on how I can check my locales?05:48
PeterSomniumbrb, gonna eat now05:50
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melonipoikadoes anyone know how can i change the swap partition from primary to logical?05:50
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sproingiei tried switching my keyboard to intl layout and got the single most annoying behavior possible where the " key actually auto-composed without my wanting it05:51
sproingiei.e. no way to actually write a "05:52
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sproingieyou can try going into settings->regional & accessability->keyboard layout and changing it there.  the menu key is supposed to be a compose key05:54
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sproingieor try the xkb options tab, which is kinda raw, but should get you the behavior you got in windows05:55
sproingiewith some combination of options that is05:55
QuesceWhat is the firewall equivalent for Kubuntu?05:55
AoPAnyone have a guide or something to changeing the default boot when your computer starts up?05:56
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AoPRight now It's Kubuntu but I want it as Win xp, and I'm haveing trouble doing so, last attempt resulted in Windows not wanting to boot at all05:57
QuesceThat's strange05:57
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Quesceusually it will give you a choice..05:57
AoPIt does05:57
AoPBut Kubuntu is the default one where it goes after 10 seconds or w/e it'lll boot.05:57
AoPI want to change it so Win XP becomes that,05:57
Quescego to your bios05:58
Quescealso called setup05:58
Quescethen go to the boot section and select the one you want it to boot05:58
QuesceI think..05:58
QuesceTry asking someone else, I'm not as good at this.05:58
AoPThat would be hitting F1 when my computer starts right?05:58
Quesceand then going to the boot section05:59
AoPI tried that couldn't find anything for OS05:59
Quescebut i'm not sure if that will work..05:59
Quesceyeah, then I guess that doesnt work.05:59
Quescesorry, can't help.05:59
AoPIt's alright05:59
QuesceDo you by any chance know the firewall client for Kubuntu?05:59
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AoPNo idea -.-05:59
QuesceHehe ok06:00
rednaxelwhat's "kded" for?06:00
tolonugahi. is anyone using fligh dapper? my new laptops chipset is not working perfectly for xorg from breezy, so I wonder how stable dapper might be.06:01
hugelmopfAoP: you still looking for an answer?06:02
melonipoikaAoP, how many options does it pront to you when you boot? (normally, 2 per installed kernel + 1 mem test + other OS's)06:02
AoPeps =\06:02
AoPIt says06:02
AoPThen Kubuntu(safemode)06:02
hugelmopfAoP: edit the file /boot/grub/menu.lst06:02
AoPThen something else I think06:02
melonipoikacount then (starting on 0) until you reach windows, and write that number on "default" in menu.lst06:02
hugelmopfand make the line "default 0" read "default savedefault"06:03
AoPI think it's 4 =\06:03
hugelmopfthis will always default to the OS you booted latest.06:04
AoPYa it's 406:04
hugelmopfif you want to specify windows as a fixed default, you can also change it to "default 3" or whichever line windows is in.06:04
hugelmopfAoP: sorry, have to correct myself, it has to be "default saved" and not "default savedefault"06:05
hugelmopfAoP: got it?06:06
AoPMaybe lol06:06
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AoPSO I change where it says default 0 to default 4 (win Xp)06:07
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hugelmopfbasically yes. i am not exactly sure about the number, depends on your list. try it.06:08
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AoPSays I cant save it because I may not have write access to that file06:08
AoPOr there may be not enough disk space06:09
hugelmopfwhich editor did you use?06:09
melonipoikaAoP onto the file, right click, edit as root06:09
QuesceWhat is the Firewall client for Kopete that I must install ?06:09
melonipoikaQuesce: try firestarter, it is for gnome but works fine06:10
AoPAlright time to reboot, dun dun dun :P06:10
QuesceCan I install firestarter through adept?06:10
Quesceor do I install through sudo apt-get install firestarter?06:10
melonipoikai think it should work for both06:11
Quesceit doesn't work for konsole06:11
Quescei just tried06:11
Quesceis the name correct?06:11
PeterSomnium|brbsproingie: I can make the    and stuff now, but since the " is above the ', I cant do the " above a char with the compose key06:11
melonipoikasudo apt-get install firestarter06:11
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Quesceyeah, doesn't work06:12
melonipoikaQuesce: what is the error?06:12
QuesceE: Unable to lock administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?06:12
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QuesceDo I have to close adept?06:12
PeterSomniumsproingie: nevermind, I figured it out06:12
PeterSomniumthanks for the help06:12
melonipoikaclose adpet if you are running it06:12
Quesceah okay, thanks. =)06:13
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AoPYay got it to work06:13
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chopemaxhi, how could I stop iptables to test the local network?06:14
Quescemelonipoika: when i try to start it with alt+f2 it says I have insufficient privileges to access it.06:14
melonipoikasorry, what is alt f2 doing?06:14
Quescejust to run it06:14
Quescealt+f2 then i type in: firestarter06:15
Quescebut then it won't start, it says I have insufficient privileges..and also, I can't find it in my K menu06:15
AoPtry opening terminal06:15
Quescethat's why I had to do alt+f206:15
melonipoikamaybe you need to run it as root?06:15
QuesceYup opened06:15
Quescebut is that safe?06:15
AoPcd to location?06:15
melonipoikasudo firestarter?06:15
melonipoikayes, of course06:15
AoPBest to listen to melonipoika06:15
Quescehow do I cd to location?06:16
Quescei just typed sudo firestarter straightaway06:16
AoPWhere did you install it or download it to?06:16
QuesceI installed it through terminal06:16
AoPWhere did you install it to?06:16
QuesceNo idea, usual place where they go to I guess?06:16
Quescewhere do they go to?06:17
AoPtry typeing06:17
Quescea wizard just popped up06:17
melonipoikadon't you have an icon in system called firestarter?06:17
Quesceis this normal?06:17
Quescemelonipoika: Nope.06:17
melonipoikaok, so add it by hand06:17
melonipoikaor try whereis command06:18
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melonipoikai have no idea, i have the icon and i just press it06:18
QuesceHm..where are programs located?06:18
Quescei can't find them so I can't create shortcuts06:18
AoPdid you type ./firestarter?06:18
melonipoikain a terminal, type "whereis name_program"06:18
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AoPDum deee dum06:23
AoPQuesce still need help?06:26
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hxkohthe firewall logged me off06:34
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Quesce1I had to uninstall it before I could get back on here06:34
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QuesceCould someone help me? My Kopete doesn't seem to be able ot handle images06:46
Quesceor rather, send out images06:46
Quesceand files06:46
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AoPQuesce:  did you get firestarter to work?06:46
QuesceAoP: Nope.=(06:46
AoPI think I may know how06:47
QuesceAoP: Is it necessary for me to have a firewall?06:47
QuesceAh you do? great! How?06:47
AoPdid you type sudo apt-get install firestarter??06:48
Quescebut then after that i went to adept and uninstalled it06:48
QuesceBecause: 1. I couldn't access it, 2. It blocked out irc and kopete06:48
AoPWell type in sudo apt-get install firestarter again06:48
AoPThen type in killall gnome-panel06:48
AoPThen Applications -> System Tools -> Firestarter06:49
AoPI just stole it out of a guide so iunno if it will work =\06:49
QuesceI'll try it out =)06:50
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AoPIm gonna try it out to06:51
AoPSoon as I'm done updateing06:51
jazwechi..please could anybody help me with resizing my ext3 partition?06:51
Quescejazwec: same question I had earlier today06:51
Quesceqtparted doesn't support it, right?06:51
QuesceAoP: I don't have system tools in my menu06:52
AoPCheck Systems then06:52
QuesceAoP: Nope, not in there06:52
AoPDid ya type06:52
AoPkillall gnome-panel ?06:52
Quescekillall? yup06:52
Quesceno process killed06:52
jazwecquesce i ccant click on that resize button in qparted cos its grey..how did you solve that?06:53
AoPMaybe Kubuntu doesn't use gnome?06:53
AoPIsnt ist like kded or sumtin =\06:53
Quescejazwec: I didn't. I'm currently downloading Kubuntu's live cd06:53
QuesceAoP: =)06:53
QuesceI meant =(06:53
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AoPlmfao =\06:53
Quescemy typing is bad today06:53
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jazwecquesce do you think you can resize it with live cd?06:53
Quescejazwec: Yes06:53
Quescejazwec: by formatting06:54
AoPI just made x3 50gb partitions -.-06:54
jazwecquesce but i want my data :)06:54
Quescejazwec: Yes you can keep your data..06:54
AoP1 for windows 1 for Kubuntu and 1 for all the other crap06:54
QuesceI only have 40gb.06:54
Quescesigh. *goes to adept to uninstall firestarter*06:54
jazwecquesce mmm so i will take that livecd, boot it..and then what?06:55
AoPIll keep working on it ;-)06:55
Quescejazwec: it will ask you to format06:55
Quesceor something like that06:55
AoPI've been up for a long time =\\06:55
QuesceI'm not too sure at this point06:55
AoPXbox 360 is just so much fun ^.^06:55
QuesceAoP: I've been up for almost 3 days straigh, living off 10 hours of sleep in between06:55
QuesceAoP: LOL06:56
AoPlmfao Quesce06:56
QuesceAoP: Do you know how I can fix my kopete?06:56
jazwecquesce can i use knoppix?06:56
QuesceAoP: 1. It won't show my dp. 2. It won't let me receive or send files06:57
Quescejazwec: No idea.06:57
AoP*looks to go seer what kopete is*06:57
AoPlol :P06:57
AoPI don't know how either =\06:57
QuesceXD it's the messenger client, the all-in-one06:57
AoPI want my hawt Dp's :P06:57
AoPI ju7st got a TON of errors =\06:58
jazwecquesce btw...with that kopete problem..1.) kopete sucks, its crashing on kubuntu 5.10...you can solve it with waiting minute or something around minute after start..2.) better thing you can do..is download gaim06:58
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Quescejazwec: Gaim doesn't have msn06:58
QuesceI don't need aim or anything. I need msn.06:59
QuesceAoP: My amarok shuts down on me. do you know why?06:59
Quesceor rather, how I can fix it?07:00
Quesceit'll just close down07:00
AoPOgm sweetness07:00
AoPA music player07:00
AoPAnd no Idea =\07:00
Quesceogm sweetness?07:00
AoPI never knew there was a music player =)07:02
jazwecquesce no? im online on msn with ma gaim right now :)07:02
AoPI cant acess a partition =\07:03
AoPIt's the one I use to bring stuff off my windows one to my Kubuntu one =\07:03
Quescejazwec: Really. Sounds good to me. I'm using gaim from now on.07:04
AoPI've got a 1kb partition =\07:05
AoPI'll use that for storgage =o07:05
Quescewhere storage? o.o07:05
Quescejazwec: Gaim's uglier =(07:06
AoPIm gonna use my 1kb partition for storage07:06
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AoPI figured out how to access my storage partition ^.^ Yay music =)07:08
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Quescejazwec: Gaim only has the away status for msn07:11
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Quescejazwec: How do I set up a dp?07:11
AoPHow do I move a file from one directory to another?07:12
QuesceOh crud.07:13
QuesceNo dp, no statuses07:13
Quesce*goes crazy*07:13
nalioth_zZzAoP: may i suggest some reading?07:15
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naliothubotu: tell AoP about cli07:15
naliothAoP: this will certainly help you in the future07:16
AoPWoot nalioth is alive ^.^07:16
Quescenalioth: !! yay07:16
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Quescenalioth: x.x I can't get firestarter to work..and and kopete won't let me have a display picture/sendfiles out/receive files07:17
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gsneddershow do you uninstall kubuntu?07:22
naliothgnadders there's no easy way. do you need more space?07:22
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gsneddersi'd prefer to put windows back on it before selling it07:23
naliothin that case, just install windows07:23
GnarlyBoboh, just install windows, easy enough :)07:23
gsneddersas i thought... it's a bug in the freckin' windows installer07:24
gsneddersis there any way to format the disk before running the installer?07:25
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naliothgsnedders: ultimate boot cd may help you07:26
gsneddersshouldn't i be able to do it from the ubuntu installer cd, via the commandline?07:28
naliothgsnedders: if you're linux savvy, you can do many things from the installer07:28
gsnedderswhat i don't know is how to format the disk from the command line07:29
gsneddersminor issue :P07:29
naliothgsnedders: you shouldnt need to know how to format it, just to clean it, right?07:30
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thmmeylist voy07:32
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gsnedders"a disk error was detected while writing a new boot record to your first [and only]  hard disk" - Windows installer07:35
naliothwindows sucks07:35
naliothexcuse me07:35
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gsneddersi agree07:35
gsnedders(i will admit I don't use linux as my main OS, but rather OS X)07:35
GnarlyBobI wish I could afford a mac :(07:35
stefanome too, rather than my palm/digicam/handy and stuff07:36
GnarlyBobI had osx running on my dell laptop for a while, but some important stuff didn't work07:36
bipolarMicrosoft will make something that doesn't suck when they start selling vacaum cleaners -- unknown07:36
naliothgsnedders: the windows installer has a rescue function., use 'fixmbr' or w/e07:36
GnarlyBobfdisk /mbr ? :)07:36
stefanoalot of kubuntuusers are windows users too07:36
gsneddersnalioth: and how do i get to that?07:37
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GnarlyBobI'm a kubuntu user because I couldn't stand pretending to be a windows user any longer07:37
naliothgsnedders: when the windows installer boots, read the msgs07:37
bipolarI'm thinking about upgrading to dapper. I'm currently running breezy with kde 3.5. Any pitfalls I should know about?07:37
naliothgsnedders: one of them will be "to rescue an exisiting windows blah"07:37
stefanoyes i started to use linux because its so impressing when you press f12 and the console comes down :D07:37
naliothbipolar: dapper is nothing but a pitfall at this time07:37
GnarlyBobI'm just hoping for better support for my chipset07:38
GnarlyBobbut that's a kernel thing more than anything07:38
FazuulSo far I haven't run into any problems with 3.5 on breezy.07:38
bipolarwell, currently I have no sound, and no video codec support since installing kubuntu-desktop. can it be much worse?07:38
stefanokde 3.5 runs fine here07:38
GnarlyBobIt's been nothing but a nightmare for me so far07:38
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GnarlyBobubuntu in general on this machine, that is07:39
ba747heavybipolar: I upgraded my Breezy to Dapper on my laptop and it had a couple of problems with networking, otherwise it is really stable07:39
stefanomy arts crashes all the time, nothing worse than this shit, but now it happens only on bootup, so its okay07:39
bipolarba747heavy: what networking problems?07:40
bipolarba747heavy: minor config stuff?07:40
gsneddersnalioth: maybe i should've said it was 98SE, and i don't see any resuce mode. and when I press F1 for help it goes and crashes07:41
ba747heavybipolar: probably minor config stuff.  I use ndiwrapper/wpasupplicant so I can use the wireless adapter, and it worked perfectly before the upgrade, but now the only way for me to connect is to open my access point.07:41
=== gsnedders loves the OS X installer. it actually works and is easy to use
bipolarba747heavy: oh. ok.07:41
naliothah, i suggest you grab the ultimate boot cd    ubcd.sourceforge.net07:41
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chino[server] how do i update my sources ?07:43
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leafwcan anyone explain me how to type non-english characters using the alt key?07:44
leafwsomehow the alt always goes to the menus, instead of letting me type e acute, or agrave07:44
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FazuulI need to get my hands on a copy of that OS X x86 install.  I want to try it out in VMware.07:46
stefanohey i need an uninfluenced answer: like what language does the german language sound?07:46
melonipoikalike german07:46
stefanoanother one :>07:46
leafwlike swedish07:47
FazuulI'm told Norwegian sounds vaguely German.07:47
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melonipoikanot really, maybe a bit like datch, but not soo stronge...07:47
leafwdanish more than swedish, actually.07:47
stefanoas a german i cant judge about this07:47
stefanothanks guys you helped me a lot07:48
melonipoikayou are wellcome07:48
melonipoikai have a linux question :D07:48
stefanogo ask it07:48
melonipoikai have problems with konqueror, when try to open system:/media, it is empty07:48
stefanoits normal :>07:48
stefanoi have a friend who knows how to solve this07:49
stefanobut he's on vacation07:49
melonipoikabefore there were some folders, but they dissapear07:49
stefanothe same here07:49
melonipoikaah, ok07:49
stefanothere is a file, you have to uncomment one line in it then it works07:49
stefanobut i cant remember the file and the line07:49
melonipoikaah, ok thanks07:49
stefanogo find it out and write an email :>07:49
melonipoikaand i also have problems with aoutomount, it is saying that there is not a folder sda1 in media when i plug a usb stick07:50
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melonipoikaok, thanks a lot07:50
stefanomh.. normally, it would show up in system:/media _>07:50
xwolf-yo, where can i get linux-for-complete-newbies tutorials or such? been thinking about installing kubuntu here...07:51
leafwWHAT THE ... I have lost all ability to make the command key in my powerbook to work as the control key!07:51
stefanoxwold: just install it07:51
stefanothe rest will come automatically07:51
leafwjust by setting some keyboard layout. and then resetting it.07:51
ba747heavyxwolf: Download the k/ubuntu disks and install...it can't be easier07:52
leafwany clue on how to restore the default beaviour ?07:52
leafwpushing "default" doesn't do it.07:52
stefanoleafw: activate root account, delete your user, set up a new one07:52
leafwstefano: ?????????07:52
xwolf-stefano i ran the livecd yesterday, felt really good. but i could configure my ethernet settings, what could that be?07:52
xwolf-*i mean i couldn't*07:52
leafwstefano: with the same name or what07:53
stefanoi had to do that in config-files07:53
humehi.....got problems adjusting KDE the way I want, on an IBM x31 thinkpad, 12" screen. By default the screen reulution was set to 75 dpi, while in reality it is closer to 105 dpi. I set it to 100 in kdmrc, but still icons are too big in start menu - anyone have advice on how to get it right?07:53
xwolf-i just put the IP Address and Gateway, but nothing.07:53
stefanoim not responsable for any damage leafw07:53
stefanobut yes07:53
leafwstefano: I know.07:53
humescreenshots at http://www.vista.se/files/screen/images.html07:53
leafwstefano: there must be another way. What you suggest is insane.07:53
naliothstefano: that's not necessary at all, the rescue option is at the boot menu for this reason07:54
stefanoxwold: the files you need to edit are /etc/resov.conf and /etc/network/somethingidontremember.conf07:54
naliothstefano: enabling a root account will cause problems with ubuntu07:54
leafwnalioth: sudo -i gives yo uthe root.07:54
stefanoah i didin knew that07:54
stefanobut dont you may enable the root account as a fully featured account?07:54
naliothubotu: tell stefano about root07:55
stefanothanks :<07:55
naliothstefano: ubuntu is made to work with NO root account, and using a root account breaks some things07:55
stefanoman i knew that stuff07:55
stefanoyes thats new to me07:55
xwolf-i just can't get it working first time07:55
stefanobecause i read somewhere that you can enable it07:55
naliothstefano: the wiki page i sent you tells you how, it also tells you it will break the OS in some ways07:56
stefanothere is a cool script in knoppix to set up the network, i wish i could use it in kubuntu, but they force me to use this crappy kde-config dialogue07:56
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stefanoyes nalioth, thank you07:56
naliothstefano: if you've lost your user access, the rescue mode from the boot menu will let you fix it07:56
stefanoremember: i dont have any problems :>07:57
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leafwstefano: a simple logout/login restored my keyword layout.08:00
leafw(which was reset, but changes didn't take effect from the System Settings panels.08:00
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Knowerrorsare the *.img files that k3b creates the same as an iso?08:02
naliothKnowerrors: not sure08:02
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leafwKnowerrors: depends on the options you created it with.08:05
bipolarok. I started to dist-upgrade to dapper on my dell 600m. I'll let you all know what issues I run into.08:06
Knowerrorsleafw: Under tools, theres an option copy CD or DVD, thats what I used... not really many options to choose there08:07
leafwwell, then the options may be in the config (not sure).08:07
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Knowerrorsleafw: If I go to k3b setup, it asks for pass, I enter it, then it brings up a blank window, nothing more, same for you?08:13
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triodehello. In windows there's the "start up" menu folder which runs commands at boot time, Is there a similar process in kubuntu? I need to run two commands everytime kubuntu finishes loading kde08:17
stefanoyes there is08:17
triodecool :)08:17
stefanoits in /home/yourname/.kde/Autostart or something similar08:17
stefanocheck it out08:17
triodei found the foldre08:18
stefanoin linux, every folder and every file is hidden when its name begins with a dot08:18
stefanoput everything that should be executed on kde startup in there08:18
triodei need to add a couple of commands to it how do i do that? the folder is empty08:18
stefanookay, ill explain08:18
stefanocreate a text file, the first line should be "#! /bin/sh" (without "")08:19
stefanothen, each line a command that should be executed08:19
triodewhat should I name the text file?08:19
stefanowhatever you want08:19
triodeoh, cool08:19
stefanothe most important thing is that this file has the right to be executed08:19
triodeand I can add several files too?08:20
stefanoyou have to edit the permissions of the file08:20
stefanocheck the checkbox "executable" (or similar) in the file properties-permissions menu08:20
stefanoand, there you go, thats all.08:21
triodeso, for example, if I wanted to run kate and konqueror, I would make a file called whatever and fill it with line 1: "#! /bin/sh", line 2: "kate",  line 3: "konqueror" (all without ")08:21
stefanonot really08:21
stefanothis is only for bash commands (which you would enter in a konsole)08:22
triodeok, I think I got ti08:22
stefanofor kde-apps you can create shortcuts (rightclick->new->shortcut) to do so08:22
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triodeand put the shortcut in that folder?08:22
triodecool, ill try it now!08:23
stefanoeverything in this folder will be executed, but bashscripts cant open x apps because they dont know on which screen they should open them or so (i dont really know)08:23
stefanogood luck bro08:23
triodei see08:24
triodeone last question:08:24
stefanoand i have one last advice08:24
triodeI need to run one of the commands as sudo08:24
stefanothats easy, but wait a sec08:24
stefanothe commands are executed one after another, so if you first type kate and then konqueror, the konqueror will appear when you close kate08:25
triodeoh, thats good to know08:25
stefanoif you need to open a program which should run all the time, make another script08:25
naliothdont open kde apps with sudo, use kdesu08:25
ubotusomebody said kdesu was :Use kdesu to run applications with root priveleges, when you  have to. Do *not* do sudo {GUIAPP}; you can muck up your permissions and the config files.   If it is not working, you may need to run "sudo adept-updater "08:25
stefanobut not in scripts i guess it should be enough to create the script as root08:26
stefanolike this: kmenu->execute command-> "kdesu konqueror" and the rest08:26
triodeI need to run two shell commands, one of them as sudo08:26
triode(the kate and konqueror were just examples)08:26
stefanookay, the command that should ran as sudo must be in a different bashscript08:27
stefanoand this script has to be owned by root08:27
triodeoh, ok08:27
stefanoopen a konqueror as root and edit the file preferences08:27
stefano(to do so, type kdesu konqueror)08:27
triodeok, give me a sec08:27
triodewhat if I do "sudo pico filename" and write the commands, will that make the file owned by root?08:28
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stefanoi dont know, maybe some pro can help, if a script is owned by root, are the commands executed by root too?08:28
dannythmI'm trying to do a dual boot win2k/kubuntu with grub08:29
stefanoyes triode08:29
dannythmI have kubuntu in hda1 and win2k in hdb108:29
naliothtriode: sudo is ok in a konsole08:29
dannythmand modified the menu.lst to do the dual boot08:29
dannythmbut win2k still don't boot08:29
naliothtriode: sudo works great for console apps, not gui ones08:29
triodehow can I test the files I created? do I need to reboot/08:29
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dannythmcan anyone help me?08:29
stefanobut you must open a konqueror with kdesu because you have to make it executable, or you type "sudo chmod +X filename" (i dont know if the x must be capital or small)08:30
triodenalioth: thanks, I think I got it, now I have to try it08:30
naliothdannythm: it wasnt set up for dual boot when you installed?08:30
dannythmnalioth: I intaleed win2k after kubuntu08:30
triodedo I still need the "sudo" part of the command if the file is owned by root?08:30
naliothubotu: tell dannythm about recover08:30
stefanodannythm: thats ya fault :>08:30
stefanono, just the command triode08:31
stefanoor maybe08:31
stefanoi dont know :> try without08:31
dannythmstefano: hmm.... I know it can be done both ways, it's only the way you change the menu.lst08:31
triodewhat I am concerned with is the pwd, i don't want it to ask me a pwd08:31
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stefanoyes then leave sudo08:31
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stefanodannythm: okay, i never had to do so :>08:32
stefanooh damn root is here08:32
_root_how are you?08:32
dannythmi can post in #flood the commands I used in he menu.lst to set the win boot08:32
stefanoi have no clue about this stuff, sorry08:33
triodei can't change the "is executable", it gives an error (just the file name)08:33
triode(in kdesu konqueror window)08:33
stefanowhat error?08:33
triodenevermind I think it wasn't an error08:33
stefanothen try the chmod way ("sudo chmod +x [or +X]  /filename/with/path/")08:34
dannythmstefano: I have wina nd kubuntu in differnt hd's08:34
dannythmstefano: the mbs is still from ubuntu08:34
dannythmstefano: mbr08:34
stefanoyou would have more space on ya pc if you would delete windows :>08:34
naliothdannythm: did you see the URL ubotu sent?08:34
triodestefano, thank you. Ill restart to test08:34
stefanookay youre welcome08:34
dannythmnalioth: yes, and it don't works for me08:35
dannythmnalioth: I only need to knw how to modfy the menu.lst to boot up both systems08:35
dannythmnalioth: using grub08:35
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naliothdannythm: edit your menu.lst, the URL should tell you how08:37
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DjDarkmanhy ,how can i delete read only files from ntfs partitions?08:39
stefanoas root08:39
stefanoi guees08:39
DjDarkmansame thing08:39
stefanowell then, sorry i dont know08:40
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triodei'm back, I can't get the sudo command to work08:45
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triodeI can't get the "sudo" Autostart script working, I think it's pwd related because if I run "./scriptname" (script that holds the "sudo" command), i am prompted for the pwd, after entering it, it runs perfectly, how can I bypass the pwd request?08:54
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KnowerrorsAnybody know some websites to go to sign up to get on alot of email spam lists?09:06
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GnarlyBobthat sounds like it's motivated by evil09:08
covalenceor to feed a bayesian filter09:09
KnowerrorsI want to flood my old free yahoo email address so it closes09:10
GnarlyBobif you just leave it, yahoo closes it after a few months09:10
GnarlyBobin fact, I think you can just close it somewhere on their page09:10
Knowerrorswhich will prob take forever, since they upped there storage limit09:10
GnarlyBobI know email is disabled on my yahoo profile09:10
stefanosend black(e)mail with it and call the police, then they will close down the account :D09:11
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KnowerrorsGnarlyBob: interesting, I'll have to check my profile/options09:14
KnowerrorsI switched to Gmail, which is 10x faster and cleaner09:14
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DizzyDizThis is my first time using the #kubuntu channel09:20
DizzyDizI'm looking for networking help09:20
y_o_uanyone here willing to help out a kubuntu n00b get a wireless pci card working, or point me to a useful "howto"?09:20
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bipolary_o_u: what card?09:26
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delltonycan someone help me in reinstalling grub trying to follow wiki but lost on the mount /dev/hda3 /boot/09:26
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chino[server] how do i update apt ?09:29
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jaheirewhats my nick ?09:32
jaheirei cant see it09:33
jaheireis it jaheire09:33
Knowerrorsjaheire: yes09:35
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Knowerrorswhats a good free people search? find address or phone number based on name09:35
DizzyDizChino, do you wanna do something like "apt-get install apt"?09:36
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DizzyDizI'm having trouble getting my Kubuntu install to resolve DNS names.09:37
DizzyDizCan anybody advise?09:38
bipolarDizzyDiz: can you ping your dns server?09:38
DizzyDizLet me try09:38
DizzyDizBut I can't ping any machines by DNS name09:38
bipolarcheck /etc/resolv.conf and see if your dns servers are listed there.09:39
DizzyDizIf I boot into my Windows partition on the same machine and use the same DNS ip I can ping machines by DNS name09:39
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DizzyDizLet me check09:39
DizzyDizYes they're in there09:40
bipolartry "nslookup google.com"09:41
DizzyDizCcc@ccc:~$ nslookup google.com09:42
DizzyDizNon-authoritative answer:09:42
DizzyDizName:   google.com09:42
DizzyDizName:   google.com09:42
DizzyDizThat looks like it worked.09:42
bipolarthen dns is resolving... ping google.com doesn't work?09:42
DizzyDizLet me try09:42
naliothDizzyDiz: please dont paste in here09:42
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DizzyDizOh yeah, that does work09:43
DizzyDizPinging google.com works09:43
DizzyDizMaybe it's a setup issue with our office network09:43
DizzyDizI can't ping internal machines by DNS name09:43
DizzyDizExternal sites do ping.09:43
DizzyDizSorry for pasting09:44
bipolarthe problem is that your network is not using dns then.09:44
bipolaryour network is using wins09:44
DizzyDizIs that so?09:44
bipolarso the windows machine's can ping but they dont use dns to do it.09:44
DizzyDizWould that explain why it works on Windows but not on Linux09:44
DizzyDizThank you much09:45
DizzyDizCan Linux use Wins? or do I have to move the mountain to Mohammed and change our netowork?09:45
bipolarno prob. tell your admin to swtich to dns. :) MS doesn't even use wins any more.09:45
bipolarI think you can... not sure how09:45
bipolarlook at the samba tools09:45
DizzyDizThat makes me feel a little better09:45
kkathmanbipolar: actually they do, but only for exchange server and internal networking09:46
bipolarkkathman: ah... I wouldn't know about exchange.09:46
kkathmanthats the only time they use it I believe09:47
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kkathmanOnly reason I know, is that my company uses exchange server, and we have to have the wins set in Outlook to get to mail/network folders, even if we use a VPN09:47
bipolarthat sucks09:47
bipolarI've never had a windows server at our office. Was novell, now linux.09:48
bipolarbut I did have to work with wins a few times.09:48
kkathmannear obsolete for sure09:49
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NRG^MaSSaCrecan someone tell me how to make my kubuntu linux server to a router?09:51
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AoPSay if I was running a game, I started a new session and was useing Kopete on that, would the GFX all still be loading and stuff?09:57
AoPlol stupid question?09:58
bipolarI don't understand it :)09:59
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AoPI dont know if I do either =o09:59
bipolaryou want to know if you'll get hardware accelerated 3D in both sessions?10:00
AoPLike when I change a session is it still loading all the GUI and stuff from the last one?10:00
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NRG^MaSSaCrecan i get som help plz?10:03
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NRG^MaSSaCrehello some help here :P10:08
bipolarNRG^MaSSaCre: ask10:09
bipolarNRG^MaSSaCre: do some googling on iptables. thats whats used to setup NAT10:09
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evalbonsoir tlm :)10:11
evalj'aurais besoin de l'aide si qcq est dispo (configuration wpa), j'ai essay les tutos que j'ai trouv mais je bloque qd mm :(10:12
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_martinAny packages t o10:13
_martinenable Java?10:13
ubotuVa a #ubuntu-fr et #kubuntu-fr pour aide et discussion en francais10:14
evaloups sorry, I belive I'm on french channel10:14
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_martinAre there any packages available in Adept that will enable Java support in FireFox?10:16
naliothubotu: tell _martin about javadebs10:19
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DjDarkmanhoe can i search for packeges in text mode?10:25
bipolarDjDarkman: apt-cache or auto-apt10:25
osh_DjDarkman: aptitude10:25
DjDarkman10x bipolar10:25
mac2612__djdarkman, apt-cache search <query>10:25
naliothubotu: tell DjDarkman about apt-get10:26
=== osh_ prefers aptitude since it extends and improves apt-get/apt-cache and whatnot.
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NRG^MaSSaCremake a swedish channel plz :D10:29
naliothNRG^MaSSaCre: have you checked if one is available? #kubuntu-se  ?10:30
NRG^MaSSaCreyeah i have10:30
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naliothNRG^MaSSaCre: how bout #ubuntu-se   ?10:32
osh_What do you need to ask in swedish that can't be asked in english?10:32
NRG^MaSSaCreeasy for swedish ppl to understand if we can ask in swedish :)10:33
seanQuestion..  how do I get my ipod mounted so anyone can make changes to it?  Currently, I can update the database on it if I run gtkpod as root, but the mounting permissions seem to not let regular users do it10:34
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osh_NRG^MaSSaCre: Ok, g till #ubuntu-se s skall vi se om jag kan hjlpa dig.10:34
osh_sean: add "user" to your fstab when you mount it.10:34
xehpuim a new linux user10:35
seanThanks..  I have a related question but am in the midst of cooking dinner10:36
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Snake__Who here can help me with superkarba?10:42
Snake__anyone anyone10:43
osh_Snake__: I'm using it. What seems to be the problem?10:44
Snake__osh_: I can't figure out how to install wigits or anything10:44
Snake__I downloaded liquid weather, but how do I open it??10:45
kkathmanSnake__: did you also install superkaramba?10:45
naliothSnake__: everything you need to know is at the superkaramba homepage10:46
Snake__Well I guess the real question is, do I have uncompress this file??10:46
Snake__Because ark doesn't reconize it10:46
kkathmanSnake__: Basically, create a directory in your home directory called "karamba-themes", download and untar to there, then install SK10:46
seanOkay, back.  My problem is that the ipod isn't consistently any particular device name.  sometimes it's sda, sometimes sdb, othertimes sdc.10:47
seanDepending on what I've been doing10:47
kkathmanSnake__: you'll typically have to go into the subdirectory of the theme and choose the theme file10:47
kkathmanbut you do that in SK10:47
Snake__but what im saying is, how do I compress it??10:47
Snake__ark doesn't reconize it10:47
seanI figured a udev rule would make it mount consistently as /media/ipod no matter what, but I added the rule and it seems to be ignored10:48
Snake__what is skz?10:48
kkathmanSnake__:  you dont compress it10:48
kkathmanyou uncompress it10:48
Snake__sorry typii10:49
kkathmanskz??? never heard of that one10:49
Snake__Ya thats what I downloaded it as10:49
osh_sean: Never had that problem. Sorry. Someone else might be able to help you.10:49
kkathmanno clue about that...very odd10:49
Snake__hmmm ok10:50
Snake__ill find it in some other format10:50
Snake__i g2g10:50
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kkathmanall the ones I got, including liquid weather were gz10:50
seanWell, the problemseems to be that the device doesn't get mounted automatically in any case10:51
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amhi ppl, just wondering if there is any kde 3.5 packages for PPC yet ?10:53
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bipolarok. looks like I'm upgraded to dapper. time to reboot and view the carnage :)10:54
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seanKubuntu uses udev by default, right?10:55
seanI' sort of clueless how this sort of thing is handled10:55
amyer udev is standard on most distros now10:56
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seanOkay, so, any idea why this udev rule might be ignored?  BUS="scsi", SYSFS{model}="iPod            ", KERNEL="sd*", NAME="%k", SYMLINK="ipod"10:57
amerm...well either it's black listed, or the Ipod's usb name isn't ipod10:58
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seanhow do I find out whether it's blacklisted?  I assume dmesg can tell me what the usb name is10:59
pgleecan anybody tell me why the 5.10 installation might hang on the base install at 6% ("Retrieving Gzip")?10:59
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triodeHello, how can I view a list of running processes? I am having a problem with a process that is giving me xruns in Jack (running realtime), this happens in exactly 60 second intervals11:00
amsean: i read an article a while ago but i can't actually remember how you query the device . If its blacklisted then it will say something like "not loaded due to blacklist"11:00
seantriode: ps -A11:00
amtriode: ps11:00
sean[4301194.001000]  usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning11:00
sean[4301199.001000]    Vendor: Apple     Model: iPod              Rev: 1.6211:00
sean[4301199.001000]    Type:   Direct-Access                      ANSI SCSI revision: 0011:00
seansorry about the flood, there11:00
seanModel: iPod, it says11:01
triodesean, am: thanks, but how can I see what program is doing this apparently scheduled operation? I have the exact time it's happening11:01
naliothsean: please read the /topic (and use a pastebin)11:02
triodeshould I try start killing processes to find out which one is it?11:02
seanThanks, nal, i will in the future11:02
seantriode: that's probably dangerous11:02
triodewhat if it's a process that is run only every 60 seconds and not showing on the list? can I view a log of run programs with time table?11:02
seantriode: you might want to bring up a task manager of some sort and just watch it11:03
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triodesean: how do I do that?11:03
triodein windows you CTR+ALT+DEL does that, what about in kubuntu?11:03
sampantriode, open ksysguard and then watch the process table tab11:04
triodesampan: thanks, Ill try that11:04
kkathmangreetings sampan :)11:05
sampanhey kkathman :)  have a merry christmas?11:05
kkathmanyes I did, thank you for asking. Im hoping you did also :)11:05
triodecan I log that information?11:05
seanIs there anything i have to do besides add the rules file to /etc/udev/rules.d ?11:05
seanas in, some sort of update program11:06
triodei mean, is there a way to log a time frame for that window?11:06
sampankkathman  wasn't too bad -- very low-key but that's my speed :)11:06
triodeif I start killing running processes, will it do any bad to my kubuntu install? or will it all go back to normal after rebooting?11:06
kkathmanwell sometimes thats not so bad sampan :)11:07
sampantriode, i'm not aware of a way to log ksysguard output, but i'm a newb so maybe there is :/11:07
kkathmantriode: why would you want to log the output?11:07
kkathmannalioth: could you do a top > topoutput.txt  ??11:08
kkathmanI think not11:08
triodebecause there's something happening every 60 seconds that gives me xruns (dropouts) in Jack sound server11:08
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kkathmantriode:  you could do a ps aux > logoutput.txt11:08
pgleeany ideas why a 5.10 install would install the base system REALLY slow starting at the 6% mark? It's been at 6% for about an hour11:08
triodeso, I want to find out what's doing that, and if the program isn't running, but is run every 60 seconds, then I wouldn't know11:09
kkathmantriode: you could do a top in a console and just watch it11:09
triodekkathman: how is that done?11:10
kkathmantriode: open a konsole and type top11:10
naliothkkathman: ps aux>procs.txt11:10
kkathmanthanx nalioth ;)11:10
triodeok, I'm checking that out,11:11
triodei'll brb11:12
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pgleeplease help?11:14
osh_nalioth: why not this? watch -n5 'ps -aux >>procs.txt'?11:14
osh_nalioth: long and lovely proclist to debug... ;-)11:15
naliothosh_: i'm not a guru, i was just offering what i know11:15
osh_nalioth: Me too. =)11:15
synmooQuestion: Trying to pair my bluetooth mouse, and I'm able to 'browse' the mouse and see it's profile with Kbluetoothd, but how do I get it to pair with the mouse?11:16
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sorush20how do I get my GPG, key signed? I've been looking at http://www.biglumber.com/ is this the best way?11:29
naliothsorush20: join #kubuntu-offtopic please11:31
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pgleehelp with install problem?11:35
ubotuIf you don't actually ask a question, we can not actually help you.11:35
pgleeduring the base install, it gets to 6% (retrieving gzip) and slows down to near zero11:36
pgleeit's been going for an hour and is still at 6%, but on some other package11:36
naliothubotu: tell pglee about verify11:36
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pgleemd5sum seemed to be fine...11:37
naliothpglee: of the iso image and the burnt cd?11:37
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pgleethe iso. I guess I need to jerk the cd out cuz it's not responding to the eject button11:38
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pgleewhere is the media checker on 5.10?11:49
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naliothpglee: in the 'advanced' menu11:49
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ubotunvidia is probably at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5736811:50
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pgleeok, so the media checker is doing almost the exact same thing as the install. It has (i believe) frozen at 10%. The HD light is constantly on, and the cd drive spins up for a second, then spins down again (over and over).11:56
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naliothpglee: burn your cd again, at the slowest speed available11:57
pgleeok, i might be back in a couple of hours11:58
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