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mhz | Maybe this is a good doc to read: http://www.iosn.net/education/foss-education-primer/ | 12:48 |
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hekar | hi | 12:57 |
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mhz_dinner | I'll be right back | 04:08 |
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lucasvo | hi ogra_ibook | 12:33 |
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dade | during usage edubuntu hangs alot on via gigapro board | 01:56 |
Yagisan | dade: using nvidia binary module ? | 01:57 |
dade | no! just the onboard vga card which is sis | 01:58 |
Yagisan | dade: ok. does it happen on a specific application ? | 01:59 |
dade | it happens randomly after logon, it happened while i was trying to configure the ext modem | 02:01 |
Yagisan | dade: no heating issues ? | 02:04 |
dade | well may be i needto check that out. Though I have ubuntu on this laptop with the same chipset and performance has been ok | 02:05 |
Yagisan | dade: just thought I'd check - I know locally - it is unusually warm and we are having heating issues | 02:06 |
Yagisan | dade: edubuntu is just ubuntu with different default packages | 02:07 |
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dade | I would like to get edubuntu to work on this type of boards because it will serve thelow end user environment like the rural schools | 02:11 |
dade | I just feel heating might be an issue considering the small fan on that processor | 02:13 |
Yagisan | dade: I'm honestly not familiar with that board, but in my experience, recently there seems to be scrimping on adequate cooling in many systems, as it's "too loud" | 02:15 |
Yagisan | dade: do you have any messages in syslog when it hangs ? | 02:15 |
Yagisan | dade: you can open /var/log/syslog up in a text editor, and see if there were any odd messages just before a hang | 02:16 |
dade | I tried checking out the syslog and it hang again before i could get thru. The board has its procesor etched in on the motherboard and is very cheap | 02:18 |
Yagisan | dade: yet it works with "normal" ubuntu ? | 02:19 |
Yagisan | dade: if you press "Esc" on startup to get the grub menu, can you run memtest86 without it hanging ? | 02:20 |
dade | I have done memtest before but did wait for it to complete, I will redo it and surely feedback | 02:26 |
dade | I have done memtest before but didn't wait for it to complete, I will redo it and surely feedback | 02:28 |
dade | Thanks Yagisan | 02:38 |
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zakame | hello mhz , writer :D | 03:09 |
writer | Hi | 03:09 |
mhz | hi zakame | 03:09 |
mhz | zakame: I know this is OT, but any idea how to convert ogg into mp3? | 03:11 |
Yagisan | mhz: you don't want to do that | 03:14 |
zakame | mhz: hm there are scripts to do that I think :) like mp32ogg, except that in your case it should be ogg2mp3 :) | 03:14 |
mhz | Yagisan: i know, it is not for me | 03:14 |
mhz | :( | 03:15 |
mhz | I can make ogg into wav | 03:15 |
Yagisan | mhz: ahh, so they don't have the source anymore | 03:15 |
Yagisan | mhz: mp3 & ogg are like jpg | 03:15 |
mhz | yup | 03:15 |
zakame | I suppose you can also make a gstreamer pipeline from vorbis src to mpegsink | 03:15 |
Yagisan | mhz: they work by throwing away information | 03:15 |
Yagisan | mhz: any mp3's made from an ogg, will sound crap to anyone with working ears | 03:16 |
Yagisan | mhz: that said, we can convert them | 03:16 |
Yagisan | mhz: http://marginalhacks.com/bin/ogg2mp3 ?? this help | 03:17 |
zakame | not unless mp3 is encoded as vbr | 03:18 |
zakame | (but usually mp3s are cbr) | 03:18 |
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sTo0z | Alright guys, this is going to seem hilarious to some of you, but I can't for the life of me, add users to an edubuntu server so that thin clients can login. | 03:27 |
Yagisan | sTo0z: System -> Administration -> Users and Groups | 03:29 |
sTo0z | Yep, was there :) | 03:29 |
sTo0z | Added users in the standard fashion, but the clients would not log in. | 03:29 |
ogra_ibook | does the admin user work ? | 03:30 |
sTo0z | hmm let me try | 03:30 |
mhz | ogra_ibook: I'd like some words with you when i'm back home (about 6 hours :( ) Any chances you might be around ? | 03:31 |
ogra_ibook | i hope so ... | 03:31 |
sTo0z | Yes, the admin account worked | 03:31 |
ogra_ibook | hmm, thats strange ... | 03:31 |
ogra_ibook | do you have anothe machine handy ? | 03:31 |
sTo0z | So just adding users in the standard way is the way to do it? | 03:31 |
ogra_ibook | could you try to log in via ssh with one of the users you created ? | 03:32 |
sTo0z | Umm, not especially, there is an obnoxious mix of NICs here, i'd have to go through another PXE/ rom-o-matic session ;) | 03:32 |
sTo0z | yah I can try that | 03:32 |
ogra_ibook | normally users work right away if they are added to the system either way | 03:33 |
ogra_ibook | any use that can ssh into the system can also use ltsp ... | 03:33 |
ogra_ibook | s7use/user | 03:33 |
sTo0z | had to restart the server, the mouse went nuts | 03:35 |
sTo0z | :P | 03:35 |
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sTo0z | ok | 03:42 |
sTo0z | created a fresh user | 03:42 |
sTo0z | unable to login from thin client machine | 03:42 |
sTo0z | CAN ssh | 03:42 |
sTo0z | and just for the record, when a user tries to login, the screen flickers for a bit, then it goes back to the login screen, no error or anything | 03:47 |
sTo0z | if that tells you anythiong | 03:47 |
ogra_ibook | not really | 03:48 |
sTo0z | heh, didn't think so | 03:49 |
zakame | hm perhaps something's wrogn at the local level | 03:49 |
ogra_ibook | can you create a root password in the chroot and log in on console at the thin client ? | 03:49 |
ogra_ibook | then have a look at /var/log/ldm.log | 03:49 |
sTo0z | trying | 03:50 |
sTo0z | its wierd that the admin account logged in fine though, isn't it? | 03:50 |
ogra_ibook | its weird that th eaccounts that can ssh into the server cannot login via the thin client | 03:51 |
sTo0z | right so it cant be the machine, because thre is at least one login that is working (the admin) | 03:51 |
ogra_ibook | it can only be a ssh problem ... since all login stuff happens at this level | 03:52 |
lucasvo | sTo0z: have you ever tried to log in on the server int a normal gnome session? | 03:52 |
ogra_ibook | but ldm.log will show | 03:52 |
lucasvo | ogra_ibook: my ppc installation somehow hangs | 03:53 |
ogra_ibook | lucasvo, edubuntu ? | 03:53 |
sTo0z | lucasvo: you mean locally onto the machine itself? | 03:53 |
lucasvo | jup | 03:53 |
lucasvo | sTo0z: yes | 03:53 |
ogra_ibook | lucasvo, but you selected workstation ? | 03:54 |
lucasvo | ogra_ibook: yes | 03:54 |
ogra_ibook | note the default instll wont work yet | 03:54 |
sTo0z | let me verify that real quick :) | 03:54 |
ogra_ibook | thats strange ... look at console 4 where it hangs | 03:54 |
lucasvo | ogra_ibook: how can I get to console 4? ctrL+alt+ f4 doesn't wok | 03:55 |
sTo0z | alright logged into the server with a user and got a bunch of home directory errors | 03:55 |
sTo0z | one that it didn't exist | 03:55 |
sTo0z | and one about permissions | 03:55 |
ogra_ibook | ah | 03:55 |
ogra_ibook | that explains it | 03:55 |
ogra_ibook | you didnt tell whatever tool you used for making the users to create the homedirs for them | 03:56 |
sTo0z | so what is the standard way to add users with the "Users and Groups" interface to avoid this problem? | 03:57 |
lucasvo | ogra_ibook: what do you think of:http://www.digitec.ch/ProdukteDetails2.aspx?Reiter=Details&Artikel=113986 | 03:57 |
lucasvo | ogra_ibook: Bad archive mirror, the specified Ubuntu archive mirror is either ont available, or does not have a valid release file on it. please try a different mirror | 03:58 |
ogra_ibook | looks like your network card is down ... | 03:59 |
lucasvo | ogra_ibook: do I really need internet connection for edubuntu install? | 04:00 |
lucasvo | is it a joke or what? | 04:00 |
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ogra_ibook | nope, you didnt choose an english install i guess | 04:01 |
lucasvo | ogra_ibook: I did, but I selected the swiss keyboard layot | 04:02 |
lucasvo | and I chose country: CH | 04:02 |
ogra_ibook | so thats your prob then ... as noted in the flight2 release notes ;) | 04:02 |
lucasvo | another error: No NewWorld boot partition was found. The yaboot boot loader requires an Apple_Bootstrap partition at least 819200 bytes in size, using the HFS file system | 04:03 |
jsgotangco | ogra_ibook, hi | 04:03 |
lucasvo | but there is:#1 32.2kB Apple | 04:04 |
ogra_ibook | hi jsgotangco | 04:04 |
sTo0z | thanks for your help guys! | 04:04 |
ogra_ibook | sTo0z, works now ? | 04:04 |
jsgotangco | ogra_ibook, ppc fetish lately? | 04:04 |
sTo0z | no, but i think i can get there now :) | 04:04 |
sTo0z | just gotta figure out how to add users correctly in the users and groups interface | 04:04 |
ogra_ibook | jsgotangco, long standing whish :) | 04:04 |
sTo0z | im guessing its in the advanced tab somewhere | 04:05 |
ogra_ibook | jsgotangco, and i want to make JaneW happy with a working ppc image this release :) | 04:05 |
lucasvo | ogra_ibook: could it be, that guided partitioning with LVM isn't working correctly? | 04:05 |
jsgotangco | oohhh | 04:05 |
ogra_ibook | lucasvo, no idea, never used lvm on a desktop ... | 04:05 |
jsgotangco | i'm getting a ppc by feb, it'll be fun | 04:05 |
ogra_ibook | i got ppc ltsp working since yesterday, quite cool | 04:06 |
lucasvo | *LOL* | 04:06 |
lucasvo | when I choose guided partitioning and then no LVM, erase entiredisk: | 04:06 |
lucasvo | Error informing the kernel about modifications to partition /dev/hda3 -- Device or resource busy. This means LInux won't know about any changes you made to /dev/hda3 until you reboot -- so you shouldn't mount it or use it in any way before rebooting. | 04:08 |
lucasvo | ERROR!!! | 04:08 |
lucasvo | Ignore/Cancel | 04:08 |
Yagisan | ogra_ibook: you never used lvm on a desktop - shame on you | 04:08 |
ogra_ibook | why ? | 04:09 |
Yagisan | lucasvo: when I did breezy, I did a manual lvm. I blatantly ignored that error myself | 04:09 |
ogra_ibook | i usually have 2 partitions ... no matter how big the disk is on my desktops | 04:09 |
lucasvo | ogra_ibook: what should I do with my installation? | 04:10 |
Yagisan | ogra_ibook: I take it you've never had to resize desktop partitions | 04:10 |
ogra_ibook | Yagisan, if i take all space, there is nothing left to resize ;) | 04:10 |
Yagisan | ogra_ibook: btw - the shame on you was tonge in cheek | 04:10 |
ogra_ibook | :) | 04:11 |
Yagisan | s/tonge/tongue | 04:11 |
ogra_ibook | i know | 04:11 |
jsgotangco | ogra_ibook, i wonder though if there are people actually using a mac as an ltsp server though | 04:11 |
ogra_ibook | lucasvo, go on with a normal manual partitioning ? | 04:11 |
lucasvo | ogra_ibook: how do I have to partition manually? | 04:11 |
ogra_ibook | jsgotangco, not really, but lots of cheap old imacs | 04:11 |
ogra_ibook | lucasvo, with the partitioner tool ... | 04:12 |
ogra_ibook | it offers a manual partitioning | 04:12 |
Yagisan | ogra_ibook: well, when all your windows using mates joke that you could be your own torrent site, you do fine resize handy | 04:12 |
Yagisan | jsgotangco: ppc would be a nice server - but even I think it will be ppc clients | 04:13 |
ogra_ibook | jsgotangco, if apple drops ppc you'll get tons of cheap imac, so the ppc arch is important for thin clients | 04:13 |
Yagisan | ogra_ibook: did you get my explanations about qemu and ppc binaries the other day ? | 04:13 |
ogra_ibook | Yagisan, i *could* use gparted and resize my ext3 partition without any hassle if i wanted ... | 04:14 |
ogra_ibook | no need for lvm | 04:14 |
jsgotangco | ogra_ibook, lots of legacy support love yes... | 04:14 |
Yagisan | ogra_ibook: onto a second disk too ... | 04:14 |
ogra_ibook | nope | 04:15 |
Yagisan | ogra_ibook: which nope - qemu or disk ? | 04:16 |
ogra_ibook | Yagisan, true, that wont work ... but there is no reason that i couldnt mount the second disk in my homedir if i really need it ... and i save a lot of layers between me and the hardware | 04:16 |
ogra_ibook | quemu | 04:16 |
Yagisan | ogra_ibook: ok - just a sec, I'll dig up my log | 04:17 |
sTo0z | hilariously enough the mouse flipped out again and now im stuck at 640 x 480 resolution :P | 04:19 |
ogra_ibook | what kind of mouse is this and what kind of graphics card ? | 04:20 |
Yagisan | ogra_ibook: found the log | 04:21 |
ogra_ibook | got it | 04:21 |
Yagisan | so people, what filesystem(s) are you using on your edubuntu or ltsp server ? I'll get started - /boot & / = ext3, all others jfs | 04:26 |
ogra_ibook | ext3 all over the place | 04:27 |
ogra_ibook | and surely no /boot | 04:27 |
ogra_ibook | i'm a big fan of xfs on servers though | 04:27 |
Yagisan | ogra_ibook: I tried xfs. It died horribly depending on whether I booted a 64bit or 32bit kernel | 04:28 |
ogra_ibook | heh, i dont play with kernels on production servers | 04:29 |
Yagisan | wuss :-P | 04:29 |
sTo0z | ok so when I'm making accounts | 04:37 |
sTo0z | it's putting in the home directory in their settings | 04:37 |
sTo0z | but it's not creating the directory | 04:37 |
sTo0z | i;m supposed to create them all manually? | 04:37 |
ogra_ibook | nope | 04:37 |
sTo0z | that's the login error they get, the home dir doesnt exist and it asks if you want to use / instead, which they wouldnt have privs for obviously | 04:37 |
ogra_ibook | there is something wrong i guess | 04:37 |
sTo0z | which is why the thin clients arent getting in | 04:38 |
ogra_ibook | yup | 04:38 |
sTo0z | wierd.. this is all a fresh install :\ | 04:38 |
ogra_ibook | i never had such probs and havent heard something similar yet | 04:38 |
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sTo0z | just tried to make a directory on administrator (the account i setup during install) and he got denied. | 04:40 |
ogra_ibook | is /home/$user shown in the second tab of the add-user popup win ? | 04:40 |
ogra_ibook | hmm | 04:40 |
ogra_ibook | is your /home mounted read only by chance ? | 04:41 |
sTo0z | just looked, seems fine, there's write permissions on it | 04:42 |
ogra_ibook | very strange | 04:43 |
ogra_ibook | and the dirs you created manually have the right owners and permissions ? | 04:43 |
sTo0z | havent made any manually yet, well just did sorta | 04:44 |
sTo0z | su'd in and made one, testing now | 04:44 |
ogra_ibook | su'd ?? | 04:45 |
ogra_ibook | in an edubuntu ? | 04:45 |
sTo0z | ok had to manually create the folder and then manually change all the permissions to the new account | 04:46 |
sTo0z | yah the account made during install was getting denied, so sudo su - | 04:46 |
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ogra_ibook | sure, the account is as powerless as any other unless you use sudo in front of your commands | 04:47 |
ogra_ibook | we didnt just clone root and called it differently ;) | 04:47 |
sTo0z | hehe | 04:49 |
sTo0z | so yah the foldres arent getting created when new users are added | 04:49 |
sTo0z | :\ | 04:49 |
ogra_ibook | hmm they get here ... | 04:49 |
ogra_ibook | there is something weird with your setup ... how did you install ? default install, workstation or server install with setting up anything manually | 04:50 |
ogra_ibook | s/anything/everything/ | 04:50 |
sTo0z | default | 04:54 |
sTo0z | hit enter at the prompt | 04:54 |
sTo0z | not server or anything | 04:54 |
sTo0z | let it run, set up the IP and everything with etc | 04:54 |
ogra_ibook | hmm | 04:55 |
sTo0z | so during setup | 04:55 |
sTo0z | the account yuo create | 04:55 |
sTo0z | should you be able to log in wih that account | 04:55 |
sTo0z | and use the users and groups thing? | 04:55 |
sTo0z | or do you need root and do it from the command line? | 04:56 |
ogra_ibook | you do it with the admin account you created ... | 05:01 |
ogra_ibook | root is disabled by default ... in the default setup the user and groups admin tool will ask you for your password before showing the window | 05:02 |
sTo0z | right | 05:02 |
sTo0z | it does all that | 05:02 |
sTo0z | wanna hear something funny? | 05:02 |
sTo0z | its working now apparently | 05:02 |
sTo0z | and i didnt even change anything | 05:02 |
sTo0z | just created some more accounts and now they are showing up in home directory for some reason | 05:03 |
ogra_ibook | hmm | 05:09 |
sTo0z | no idea :x | 05:14 |
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sTo0z | there's two other "better than me at linux" guys here, but they said they didnt touch anything either | 05:15 |
sTo0z | well i thank you a whole bunch for your effort you put in for me ogra, it is much appreciated.. luckily this was a small test environment, hopefully the real deal goes a little smoother ;) | 05:25 |
ogra_ibook | feel free to come back with more questions :) | 05:27 |
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solv | what sort of user/desktop administration comes with edubuntu? Can I control menu & desktop settings for all and specific users when using ltsp? | 09:19 |
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