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stub | Launchpad going down in 15 mins for the regular updates, which will put the wikis into read only mode. Downtime estimated at 40 mins. | 04:05 |
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jbailey | Is there anywhere that gives a public version number / release notes / or anything like the Orkut notes or a blog? | 04:16 |
jbailey | Someone asked me why launchpad was going down in 8 minutes, and I don't have a good place to point them at. | 04:16 |
stub | jbailey: Nothing like that. | 04:19 |
jbailey | stub: 'k. Is there a good place to request such a thing? | 04:19 |
jbailey | I've had the question from a few people before (and had it myself, really) | 04:20 |
jbailey | And it might be a nice way of tying people into how much work is really going on in LP | 04:20 |
stub | Launchpad mailing list or a bug report - we need to work out who maintains it (probably everyone) and how it is distributed (wiki probably) | 04:20 |
jbailey | Cool, thanks. | 04:21 |
jbailey | I'll sleep on it then file. | 04:21 |
stub | jbailey: Describing the target audience would be good too | 04:23 |
jbailey | Cool, thanks for the tip. | 04:24 |
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dilys | Merge to devel/launchpad: [trivial] fti.py code fixes (r2948: Stuart Bishop) | 07:10 |
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womble | Is soyuz ready for (semi-)public consumption? I have custom distros I need to manage, and it's Launchpad or roll-my-own scripts | 09:12 |
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WaterSevenUb | just by curiosity, why the translation templates for dapper are only a few still? | 11:35 |
jordi | WaterSevenUb: I'm trying to find out, but carlos is on vacation. | 12:17 |
jordi | I'm pondering calling him for a minute. | 12:18 |
WaterSevenUb | jordi, thx | 12:19 |
sivang | Hola jordi ! | 12:20 |
jordi | hola sivan! | 12:21 |
sivang | jordi: how are you?? how was Xmas? | 12:23 |
jordi | xmas is boring | 12:24 |
jordi | no vacation | 12:24 |
jordi | + I'm ill :| | 12:24 |
jordi | gotta go for a min | 12:24 |
sivang | poor jordi , I hope you get better soon | 12:30 |
WaterSevenUb | jordi, I'm ill too :/ | 12:32 |
WaterSevenUb | xmas is boring because of the inclination of the earth... too cold for northern countries:) | 12:33 |
sivang | yeah, people in .au have xmas in the beach | 12:35 |
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Mez | sivang - it's freezing here wish i was in.au | 12:47 |
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sivang | hehe :) | 12:49 |
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jordi | hehe | 01:28 |
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=== hyperactivecrond [n=chris@adsl-68-252-175-4.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #launchpad | ||
hyperactivecrond | guys, i think that there's a bug in launchpad | 02:57 |
jordi | hyperactivecrond: tell us about it! | 02:57 |
sivang | hehe | 02:57 |
jordi | hyperactivecrond: or better, use malone to report it | 02:57 |
sivang | hyperactivecrond: yeah, malone would the right place to put it, can you reproduce it easily everyttime? | 02:58 |
hyperactivecrond | i deleted my old account (chrispgskn@sbcglobal.net - ChristopherCmolik as the wikiname) and then created a new account (Christophercmolik). If i try to login thru the wiki, it says 'wrong password'. | 02:59 |
hyperactivecrond | If i login thru launchpad, it works but I can't get to userpreferences, but i can edit pages | 02:59 |
hyperactivecrond | the new account has a different email address | 02:59 |
hyperactivecrond | i created my new account yesterday | 02:59 |
sivang | hyperactivecrond: did you delete your accoint to change email addresses? | 03:00 |
hyperactivecrond | yes | 03:00 |
hyperactivecrond | i checked "permanently disable this account" on the old one | 03:00 |
sivang | hyperactivecrond: ah, you know you could have changed it instead of deleting the old one? | 03:01 |
hyperactivecrond | :\ | 03:01 |
sivang | (change the email address, that is) | 03:01 |
hyperactivecrond | unless... i may have accidently checked it on the new one... maybe i'll just try creating a new one... | 03:01 |
hyperactivecrond | _may_ | 03:02 |
hyperactivecrond | maybe if i change my wikiname | 03:03 |
sivang | you could try, but next time - if you want to change your email address , just do it to the existing account. No need to delete and open new accounts for that | 03:04 |
hyperactivecrond | ok sivang | 03:04 |
hyperactivecrond | i can't change my wikiname. i still can't login to the wiki | 03:07 |
hyperactivecrond | and i've made sure that the password is right... | 03:07 |
mdke | best to file a bug | 03:10 |
hyperactivecrond | mdke: where? | 03:10 |
hyperactivecrond | for launchpad is it on the bugzilla site | 03:11 |
mdke | no, it is on launchpad | 03:11 |
mdke | click "bugs" | 03:11 |
hyperactivecrond | ok | 03:12 |
hyperactivecrond | what should I put for source package name? | 03:15 |
hyperactivecrond | If i type 'launchpad' it gives me an error | 03:16 |
mdke | you might be in the wrong place then | 03:17 |
mdke | https://launchpad.net/bugs/products/launchpad | 03:18 |
hyperactivecrond | 6283 | 03:19 |
hyperactivecrond | ^^ bug # | 03:19 |
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robsta | hi | 03:29 |
robsta | i'd like to use launchpad for managing my toy project "plagiat" (gtk album creation tool for jimmac's O.r.i.g.i.n.a.l photo gallery) | 03:30 |
robsta | is there any chance of hosting source too, in baz | 03:30 |
robsta | ? | 03:30 |
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jamesh | hi stub | 04:17 |
daf | robsta: our http://www.sourcecontrol.net/ can host baz branches | 04:17 |
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sivang | hey jamesh, daf , happy new year | 04:44 |
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daf | hi sivan, happy new year to you too | 05:21 |
stub | jamesh: Hi | 05:35 |
robsta | daf: is it possible to import projects there or just mirror? | 05:35 |
daf | robsta: http://www.sourcecontrol.net/?action=pushaccount | 05:36 |
daf | I think that's what you want | 05:36 |
daf | I'm not sure if you can eliminate the mirroring aspect completely | 05:37 |
daf | but perhaps baz make-archive ... sftp://....@mirrors.sourcecontrol.net would work | 05:37 |
daf | hmm, I wonder when sourcecontrol.net will start supporting bzr | 05:38 |
robsta | would it work to have the main archive on my local machine, behind NAT? | 05:42 |
daf | yes | 05:42 |
robsta | cool | 05:43 |
daf | the mirror gets updated when you update it by sftp | 05:43 |
daf | you can make that happen automatically when you commit | 05:43 |
robsta | is sourcecontrol connected to ubuntu somehow? | 05:45 |
daf | sourcecontrol is sponsored by Canonical | 05:45 |
robsta | thanks daf, will try to get up to speed with baz then | 05:47 |
daf | no worries | 05:48 |
stub | daf: I believe it does support bzr now, and that you just need to add a branch on a product series. | 06:02 |
stub | daf: (But this is just hearsay I've picked up - not actually seen it work) | 06:03 |
daf | ah | 06:03 |
daf | I expect things will get going once the archive support is setting in | 06:04 |
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