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Viper550 | Hello everyone, 40min to the meeting right? | 11:21 |
Riddell-awa | so the calendar says | 11:22 |
Viper550 | If anyone needs UTC time, date -u at a command prompt | 11:23 |
Viper550 | As we wait, let's take a poll on what IRC client we use... | 11:23 |
=== Viper550 is now known as Viper550_waiting | ||
Viper550_waiting | Who's using IRSSI? | 11:27 |
Kyral | me...oh what meeting is this... | 11:27 |
Kyral | I'm just idling here so I glean a lot of info :D | 11:27 |
lukacu | i use xchat :P | 11:28 |
Kyral | I hope thats alright | 11:28 |
Kyral | me idling here | 11:28 |
Viper550_waiting | It's a waiting for the meeting meeting, really it's art team | 11:28 |
=== Viper550_waiting is looking for a good Konsole schema for the meeting... | ||
=== Viper550_waiting is also using IRSSI right now | ||
Kyral | Im using Irssi through a FreeNX session :D | 11:29 |
Viper550_waiting | Well, I'm at my local Ubuntu computer through Konsole | 11:30 |
Kyral | yah I have an issue with DNS on this (the machine I'm FreeNXing from) | 11:32 |
Kyral | so I'm like eh | 11:33 |
Kyral | connected the laptop to the router, installed FreeNX | 11:33 |
Kyral | and bam :D | 11:33 |
Viper550_waiting | Should I use Eterm for this? | 11:33 |
Seveas | Kyral, freenx is cool | 11:33 |
Kyral | Seveas: I know you showed me | 11:33 |
Seveas | too bad the latest version doesn't work :( | 11:33 |
Kyral | The one in that other guy's repo? | 11:33 |
=== Viper550_waiting goes to Eterm | ||
Seveas | the kanotix one | 11:34 |
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Kyral | oh didn't touch that one | 11:34 |
Kyral | lol I should get a screenie of this | 11:34 |
Seveas | good, don't, it's failing on Ubuntu :) | 11:34 |
Kyral | Whatever version this is its all good on Dapper | 11:34 |
Kyral | on both ends | 11:34 |
=== Viper550 [n=Viper550@d57-121-167.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
Kyral | I hope my laptop doesn't burn out... | 11:36 |
Viper550 | What is the best irssi theme for Eterm? | 11:36 |
Kyral | I dunno I always use the default Irssi theme | 11:37 |
Viper550 | What about Fluxmod? | 11:38 |
Viper550 | Perfect, Industrial! | 11:39 |
=== Viper550 playing around with Window management | ||
=== mak [n=mak@h66-201-246-249.gtcust.grouptelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
Viper550 | Xchat is a bit better... | 11:41 |
Viper550 | So, irssi or xchat? Which should I use? | 11:44 |
Viper550 | Hey, ksirc, that looks neat! | 11:44 |
Viper550 | Is ksirc any good? | 11:45 |
Viper550 | Let's Chatting with ksirc, back in a sec! | 11:46 |
=== Viper550 [n=thompson@d57-121-167.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
Viper550 | This is pretty interesting, nice! | 11:47 |
Viper550 | Anyone listening? I'm trying out Ksirc, which looks pretty nice! | 11:49 |
=== Kyral shrugs | ||
Viper550 | Yes, I use KDE, but I'm not on Kubuntu, how can that be? Answer correctly and I'll give you a Virtual Cookie! | 11:50 |
=== Seveas steals the cookie | ||
Viper550 | You can't steal virtual cookies, you have to be root to do that! | 11:51 |
lukacu | lol | 11:51 |
Viper550 | sudo steal cookie -back | 11:51 |
Riddell | Viper550: you presumably don't use kdm | 11:51 |
Viper550 | Oh yes I do! | 11:51 |
Viper550 | This confusion is sponsered by: | 11:52 |
Viper550 | A, P, and T! | 11:52 |
Riddell | Viper550: well kdm depends on kubuntu-default-settings so you are using kubuntu (assuming you're using ubuntu) | 11:52 |
Riddell | or you could just have compiled it yourself | 11:53 |
Viper550 | No, that's not a dependency! Kubuntu-Desktop depends on KDM, but KDE doesn't depend on it! I did sudo apt-get install kde! | 11:53 |
Riddell | kdm depends on kubuntu-default-settings, which brings in all the kubuntu branding and stuff | 11:54 |
Viper550 | NO NO NO! It didn't do that, I also have the KDE 3.5 repository | 11:55 |
Riddell | Viper550: so you going to do all our kubuntu artwork in dapper? | 11:55 |
Viper550 | Well, I also still use Gnome | 11:56 |
Riddell | :) | 11:56 |
Viper550 | All it did strangly is crash on the first time because it couldn't find the Kubuntu theme, then failsafed to a dialog login. | 11:57 |
Viper550 | But then I extracted a Kubuntu Ultra Login and then it worked, because the kdmrc was pointing to the kubuntu theme. | 11:59 |
artnay | hey guys. seems like mhz and klepas won't make it, so let's start with an introduction. have you updated your wiki info? | 12:00 |
Riddell | kubuntu ultra? | 12:00 |
=== Viper550 fires aptitude | ||
Viper550 | KDM theme... | 12:00 |
Riddell | Viper550: got a URL? | 12:00 |
manicka | not lately | 12:01 |
Viper550 | ps. kubuntu-default-settings is not installed. | 12:01 |
Viper550 | http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=29331 | 12:01 |
artnay | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtworkTodoProposal - does anyone have suggestions on structure? | 12:02 |
Riddell | Viper550: you must have installed kdm at some point from packages, else you wouldn't have a kdmrc that pointed to the kubuntu theme | 12:02 |
Viper550 | I did install KDM, I said that earlier if you wern't listening | 12:02 |
Riddell | well it depends on kubuntu-default-settings so you should have the kubuntu kdm theme installed too | 12:03 |
=== libervisco [n=daniel@ms219-2-gprs01.net.vip.hr] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
Viper550 | No, it didn't install any Kubuntu stuff, everything I have is from Base KDE 3.5 (Started as 3.4, then apt-get upgraded to 3.5 from the repos) | 12:04 |
Viper550 | It's either a miracle, or APT was confused | 12:04 |
Riddell | spooky | 12:05 |
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