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zul | heylog | 12:33 |
BenC | hey zul | 12:33 |
zul | whats up? | 12:33 |
BenC | checking things off my list of "things to get working on my powerbook" | 12:37 |
zul | cool..how is it? | 12:37 |
BenC | airport extreme is now working | 12:37 |
BenC | even if it's only at 11Mb, it's still working, and with wep | 12:37 |
zul | neat.. | 12:38 |
zul | im just watching jackass | 12:38 |
BenC | wish they still did those shows | 12:38 |
zul | i bought the boxed set today...they are having jackass 2 next year | 12:39 |
BenC | surely not with johnny knoxville...he's too hollywood now :) | 12:39 |
zul | i think so | 12:39 |
zul | you have to go back to your roots | 12:40 |
zul | oh goody the cup test | 12:42 |
BenC | if it has stevo, bam and johnny I'd definitely be watching it | 12:45 |
zul | oh yes.. | 12:46 |
zul | BenC: you know the bugs that have been responded to in about 2 weeks do you want me to close them? | 12:50 |
BenC | nah, waiting till dapper gets to release candidates before closing all the no-reponse reports | 12:51 |
zul | ok cool | 12:51 |
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=== ricky_Sal [i=rickyx@host2.201-252-175.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu-kernel | ||
ricky_Sal | hi guys , I have a problem trying to add modules to the kernel , when I type make menuconfig it says that the gcc-version.sh scritps cant find gcc 3.4 .. I have gcc 4.0 and the scritp complains ... | 01:06 |
ricky_Sal | also I have no connection to the internet under linux , because I have to recompile the kernel to add usb funcionalities to make my adsl conexant amigo works under linux | 01:07 |
ricky_Sal | please guys , help me with this stuff ... Do I have to download a previous gcc version to make it works ? | 01:09 |
zul | yes | 01:09 |
ricky_Sal | Is the only way ? | 01:09 |
zul | yep you need gcc-3.4 if you want to compile modules under breezy | 01:10 |
ricky_Sal | thanks man | 01:10 |
ricky_Sal | would it be any problem if I have two versions in the same machine ? | 01:11 |
zul | it shouldnt since i believe its hardcoded in the makefile | 01:11 |
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ricky_Sal | ok , I will try | 01:12 |
ricky_Sal | fedora has the same nasty problem | 01:12 |
ricky_Sal | do I need other libraries to make it works the old gcc version ? | 01:13 |
zul | if you do apt-get install gcc-3.4 it should install all the dependeincies you need...later | 01:14 |
mjg59 | BenC: Rock | 01:14 |
mjg59 | BenC: Can you pull the working code? :) | 01:14 |
ricky_Sal | that | 01:14 |
ricky_Sal | thats the problem I have no conection to the internet under linux ... | 01:14 |
zul | ricky_Sal: you should be able to get more support in #ubuntu | 01:15 |
cjb | That is a problem. However, you need to compile with the same compiler that built your kernel. | 01:15 |
cjb | So, um, is anyone working on any interesting bugs? I am bored out of my mind and seek distraction. | 01:16 |
ricky_Sal | thanks guys | 01:16 |
zul | im working on grub stuff | 01:16 |
BenC | mjg59: pushed to main git | 01:28 |
BenC | mjg59: I'm going to see if some other firmware (like some common version) will work with my airport, and if it does, I want to see if adam can add it to lrm | 01:29 |
mjg59 | BenC: The firmware should be pretty generic, but we have no redistribution rights at all | 01:33 |
mjg59 | Somebody really needs to contact Broadcom about that | 01:33 |
mjg59 | (Or, alternatively, we can fail to alert them to the situation, ship it and hope they don't notice or care enough) | 01:34 |
crimsun | that's probably not going to be the case (the latter) due to Ubuntu's popularity | 01:37 |
BenC | how did we get perm to distribute the other bcm firmware we have? | 01:49 |
BenC | mjg59: FYI, I can get the driver up to 24Mb, but at 36Mb, it stops working | 01:49 |
BenC | crimsun: yeah, if we ship with out-of-the-box support for bcm43xx, people will notice | 01:50 |
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BenC | cool, belkin F5D7010 windows driver firmware works on my airport2 | 02:41 |
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CataEnry | hi all | 03:05 |
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CataEnry | hi all | 11:07 |
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