polpak | ossie, use gparted? | 12:00 |
lucasvo | ossie: put in a live cd and run gparted | 12:00 |
ossie | i want to make a backup so that i dont have to recompile my kernel again etc ? | 12:00 |
Benjamin_L | mwe, can't seem to find something unusual, its strange | 12:00 |
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ossie | ok ill try with live cd | 12:00 |
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robotgeek | N6REJ: there was a nice article on tldp.org, i quit on LVM | 12:00 |
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mwe | Benjamin_L: grep EE /var/log/Xorg.1.log doesn't give you anything useful? | 12:00 |
ossie | is there a way of making backup though, would be very handy | 12:00 |
morphos | c ou le chat franais ? | 12:00 |
apokryphos | !fr | 12:01 |
ubotu | Va a #ubuntu-fr et #kubuntu-fr pour aide et discussion en francais | 12:01 |
lampshade | jdier: No effect are there any other files I could be missing that I have to edit? | 12:01 |
Benjamin_L | mwe, I think X does start up, otherwise it wouldn't work with 2.6.12 | 12:01 |
Stork | how come my gnump3d server is only accessible on the LAN, not the WAN ? | 12:01 |
N6REJ | robotgeek, ok. its working but its got permissoins set to root and I can't change it :( | 12:01 |
sorush20 | guys what is the next best think after ubuntu.. interms of ease of installation in live mode or install mode? | 12:01 |
Benjamin_L | mwe, but I wonder why gdm doesn't load into GNOME as it does with 2.6.12 | 12:01 |
mwe | Benjamin_L: what. it used to work but you upgraded the kernel and now it crashes? | 12:01 |
shimmmy | sorush20: what do you mean? | 12:01 |
apokryphos | sorush20: that's debian-based: Mepis. | 12:01 |
shimmmy | sorush20: ya.. just debian base? | 12:01 |
Sepheebear | N6REJ: if you're not familiar with LVM Id suggest you use the ubuntu installer to get you going | 12:02 |
adam_ | Eleaf... during the config of VMWare Player, I get: | 12:02 |
mwe | Benjamin_L: tell me what you did. you upgraded the kernel and it broke or what? | 12:02 |
adam_ | sudo apt-get install build-essential | 12:02 |
Benjamin_L | mwe, I dist-upgraded from breezy to dapper and now I have a 2.6.12 kernel without working sound and this problem using 2.6.15-9 | 12:02 |
apokryphos | non-debian based: distros like SuSE are a lot more polished, in many areas, than ubuntu. | 12:02 |
adam_ | er.. no sorry | 12:02 |
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adam_ | None of the pre-built vmmon modules for VMware Player is suitable for your | 12:02 |
adam_ | running kernel. Do you want this program to try to build the vmmon module for | 12:02 |
adam_ | your system (you need to have a C compiler installed on your system)? [yes] y | 12:02 |
mwe | Benjamin_L: how did you get 2.6.15-9 ? | 12:02 |
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apokryphos | Benjamin_L: it's recommended that you do not use dapper, needless to say. | 12:02 |
Sepheebear | http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/index.html | 12:02 |
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Benjamin_L | apokryphos, I know, it works flawlessly on my laptop | 12:03 |
adam_ | Using compiler "/usr/bin/gcc". Use environment variable CC to override. | 12:03 |
adam_ | What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running | 12:03 |
adam_ | kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] | 12:03 |
mwe | Benjamin_L: oh it's dapper? | 12:03 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ | ||
mwe | Benjamin_L: it's broken | 12:03 |
apokryphos | adam_: don't paste in here, please. | 12:03 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %adam_!*@*] by Seveas | ||
N6REJ | Sepheebear, its installed, one of the partitions I made is /home/music where I wanted to put all my mp3's. The problem is is that the permissions for that folder are root.root and even when I sudo -i I can't change that :( | 12:03 |
Benjamin_L | mwe, my laptop works | 12:03 |
apokryphos | or that happens 8) | 12:03 |
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ossie | adam u may have to download the headers in synaptic, that might help | 12:03 |
mwe | Benjamin_L: I can't support dapper, sorry | 12:03 |
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Benjamin_L | mwe, no problem :) | 12:03 |
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epp | is there a program to hook my pda to linux? | 12:03 |
lllmanulll | epp: gnome-pilot ? | 12:03 |
ossie | adam also after downloading the headers, u might not recognise them untill u restart vmware | 12:04 |
Sepheebear | N6REJ: that's a mount issue mountpoints by default are owned by root when called from fstab | 12:04 |
Benjamin_L | mwe, I don't want apper support. Just thought I miss some package as installing restricted modules brought up usplash which didn't work before that either | 12:04 |
Stork | how come my gnump3d server is only accessible on the LAN, not the WAN ? | 12:04 |
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N6REJ | Sepheebear, ok, I want any user even samba shares to be able to access that folder. | 12:04 |
mwe | Benjamin_L: however, one piece of advice is to check ~/.xsession-errors and the other log files in /var/log as well | 12:04 |
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epp | does that support ppc? | 12:04 |
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MarcN | epp: for windows based pdas there is multisync. for palm, there are a bunch, evolution's gnome-pilot, jpilot, etc | 12:05 |
mebaran151 | is it just me, or does Evolution produce buggy vcf's? | 12:05 |
mebaran151 | and if so, how can I fix them | 12:05 |
mebaran151 | it messes up synce | 12:05 |
epp | MarcN, thank you so much, i have been looking for that answer forver. | 12:05 |
mebaran151 | by filling in all the empty fields | 12:05 |
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mebaran151 | with ;'s? | 12:05 |
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N6REJ | Sepheebear, wait, I just realized something, I made it a fat32 partitoin instead of ext3 :( I bet thats what I did wrong :( | 12:06 |
Benjamin_L | mwe, this is how it looks: http://www.lebsanft.org/.xsession-errors | 12:07 |
N6REJ | Sepheebear, what can I use to "administrate" that partition? | 12:07 |
Sepheebear | N6REJ: try man mount and go to the section "Mount options for fat" | 12:07 |
N6REJ | Sepheebear, tyvm. | 12:07 |
sunsun | hey how do i restart alsa? | 12:08 |
Sepheebear | N6REJ: use those options in /etc/fstab | 12:08 |
shawarma | sunsun: /etc/init.d/alsa restart | 12:08 |
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N6REJ | Sepheebear, which options? I'm still looking | 12:09 |
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Kyral | Seveas: ping | 12:09 |
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shawarma | N6REJ: If you were a bit more specific as to what you actually want to do, it'd be easier to answer your question. | 12:09 |
Seveas | Kyral, ICMP ECHO REPLY | 12:10 |
_dodo_ | hallo! I need help, i've downloaded a new graphics card driver and i'll have to edit xorg.conf, but i dont know howto | 12:10 |
Kyral | hahah | 12:10 |
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sunsun | /etc/init.d/alsa restart | 12:10 |
Kyral | Seveas: Do you mind if I add some notes about using FreeNX to the Wikipage? | 12:10 |
N6REJ | shawarma, AHA I think I see it! I need to use the UID, GID options. | 12:10 |
Seveas | of course not, it's a wiki :) | 12:10 |
mwe | Benjamin_L: loads of warnings about failed ipp requests. probably a misconfigure printer. not fatal. then some errors about terminal emulators. none of those should prevent X from starting afaik. | 12:10 |
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N6REJ | shawarma, I was trying to change the ownership of a fat32 partition. I originally thought it was a LVM problem but I see the issue now. | 12:10 |
Kyral | Seveas: I tend to like letting the original author know ;P | 12:10 |
regeya_ | annoyance: in Evolution (and only in Evolution) almost all the button icons show up with this document-with-x-in-middle icon. any ideas? I looked in .gtkrc-2.0 (which did exist until just now, had been written by kde, oddly enough) and no icon theme specified there. | 12:11 |
N6REJ | THANKS | 12:11 |
=== fredforfaen [n=Morrari@216-132-165.0502.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | I don't :) | 12:11 |
N6REJ | evening Seveas | 12:11 |
Benjamin_L | mwe, I think X does start up as after the flickering I get a dark but different from totally black screen | 12:11 |
redearth | hey Seveas! Is your lack of patience with a newbie typical in the Linux community? I join an IRC channel for the first time in my life for some help, paste a few lines of text and without warning, you ban me! | 12:11 |
Stork | what the hell | 12:11 |
=== ltibor65 [n=ltibor65@dsl5400E4B9.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Stork | this is confusing as hell | 12:11 |
regeya_ | *grumble* *mutter* *mutter* *grumble* | 12:11 |
Sepheebear | N6REJ: one solution would be to create a user "music" in the group "music", mount the partition with the options "uid=$(id -u music),gid=$(id -g music)" | 12:11 |
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ossie | redearth, whats wrong ? | 12:11 |
Seveas | redearth, we have a zero tolerance policy on pasters and ban avoiders in here | 12:11 |
Sepheebear | then add the users that you want to have access to that share to the "music" group | 12:11 |
redearth | well, how am I supposed to know that as a newbie? | 12:12 |
regeya_ | redearth, did you flood the channel? | 12:12 |
mwe | Benjamin_L: you don't even get to the login screen before the flickering? | 12:12 |
Seveas | read the topic | 12:12 |
N6REJ | Sepheebear, perfect! | 12:12 |
regeya_ | oh heh | 12:12 |
_dodo_ | Dows somone in here know lots about how to change display driver using xorg.conf | 12:12 |
Seveas | it's so simple | 12:12 |
redearth | ?? | 12:12 |
regeya_ | barely adequate eh redearth? | 12:12 |
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rev | How do I fix this (make-kpkg) -> dpkg-gencontrol: error: package kernel-source-2.6.15-rc7-ubuntu1 not in control info | 12:12 |
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Benjamin_L | mwe, flickering is normal just before the login screen but it doesn't get that far | 12:12 |
ossie | _dodo_, have u tried to vi the xorg.conf file and make sure that the display card is pointing to the right pci device, this fixed mine when i installed my grap[hics card | 12:13 |
N6REJ | i'm off to go give that a try... thanks everyone | 12:13 |
redearth | regeya_ i pasted 6 lines or so. So, where are the rules for irc usage then? | 12:13 |
Seveas | redearth, REEAD THE TOPIC | 12:13 |
Sepheebear | _dodo_: check the "Device" section in xorg.conf | 12:13 |
mwe | Benjamin_L: isn't there a /var/log/gdm.log file? if so, check it out if you didn't already | 12:13 |
ossie | also there is a command one of these guys should know that reconfigures your X, dpakg something | 12:13 |
sambagirl | there is no ignorance of the law here | 12:13 |
redearth | what topic? where? how? I'M A NEWBIE!!! | 12:13 |
Seveas | sigh | 12:13 |
Seveas | channel topic | 12:13 |
Seveas | which you SEE WHEN JOINING | 12:13 |
regeya_ | /topic | 12:14 |
shawarma | redearth: Do you use xchat? | 12:14 |
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mwe | rofl | 12:14 |
redearth | yes | 12:14 |
shawarma | redearth: Check the tab that has opened.. | 12:14 |
_dodo_ | ossie: ive installed the driver via_drv_0 is that what im supposed to write in xorg.conf | 12:14 |
Benjamin_L | mwe, no gdm.log | 12:14 |
regeya_ | redearth, there's this bar at the top of xchat with the topic. it's right below the menu bar. *sigh* | 12:14 |
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sambagirl | for ubuntu to be a success you must have patience with the end users since end the end they will determine the success of ubuntu | 12:14 |
Benjamin_L | mwe, but there is a gdm folder with some logs | 12:14 |
ossie | if u do , lspci it will list pce devices, with a number like 00:00:0 , make sure the lspci one is the same in xorg.conf | 12:15 |
shawarma | redearth: See it? | 12:15 |
shawarma | redearth: The other tab, that is.. | 12:15 |
regeya_ | sambagirl, my experience has shown that end users don't want to learn. | 12:15 |
_dodo_ | ossie: kay | 12:15 |
mwe | Benjamin_L: yeah. look there. kdm, which I use, has just a file, no subdir | 12:15 |
shawarma | redearth: In standard xchat i believe it's a the bottom of the window. | 12:15 |
Seveas | sambagirl, end users with such attitude don't deserv any patienc since it won't help at all | 12:15 |
sambagirl | ok | 12:15 |
kbrooks | I need help | 12:15 |
ossie | _dodo_, do lspci find number of graphics card, make sure it is the same in xorg.conf | 12:15 |
regeya_ | at least as a USian my experience has been that USian users can't be bothered to read instructions before the rush in, and if that doesn't work, well hell, it's not worth it then | 12:16 |
Seveas | kbrooks, with what? | 12:16 |
regeya_ | or they'll just bug the hell out of the closest person who looks like they know what they're doing. | 12:16 |
=== BraveFencerKirby [n=jepalmer@69-163-201-233.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | well | 12:16 |
ltibor65 | Seveas, are you every day here? | 12:16 |
Benjamin_L | mwe, http://lebsanft.org/gdm.log there are some errors | 12:16 |
Seveas | ltibor65, sort of | 12:16 |
kbrooks | I want to clean my comp out | 12:16 |
Seveas | kbrooks, debfoster :) | 12:16 |
kbrooks | of old software | 12:16 |
MarcN | _dodo_; you should be able to dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg (or whichever xserver you are using, maybe xfree86) and let the configuration tool write a new one for you. | 12:16 |
kbrooks | i never use | 12:16 |
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regeya_ | I get nothing done at work some days because people won't #$%!ing read. | 12:16 |
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Seveas | regeya_, relax, have a cookie :) | 12:17 |
_dodo_ | MarcN: thanx | 12:17 |
kbrooks | Seveas, "old software" | 12:17 |
regeya_ | Seveas, heh | 12:17 |
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regeya_ | Seveas, after the work week's done for me this week, it's a wonder all my coworkers are *alive*. | 12:17 |
Seveas | regeya_, come to #ubuntu-offtopic please :) | 12:17 |
MarcN | kbrooks: deborphan is part of the way, then fireup synaptic or aptitude and see what you want to remove. | 12:17 |
regeya_ | heh sorry Seveas | 12:17 |
mwe | Benjamin_L: ok. try disabling the modules it complains about in /etc/X11/xorg.conf (back it up first). then see if X starts. then figure out how to get them working if it starts | 12:18 |
Benjamin_L | mwe, almost the same errors are there on 2.6.12 too so I guess its something else | 12:18 |
sunsun | !alsa-source | 12:18 |
mwe | Benjamin_L: the modules are GLcore and theatre_detect | 12:18 |
=== bor_ [n=bor@org51-1-82-229-194-99.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ltibor65 | Seveas, are yuo here the Boss? | 12:19 |
Seveas | ltibor65, no the boss is sabdfl | 12:19 |
bor_ | bonsoir tous | 12:19 |
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bor_ | je me lance dans ubuntu | 12:19 |
regeya_ | !english | 12:19 |
ubotu | regeya_: Not a clue | 12:19 |
kbrooks | Seveas, | 12:19 |
regeya_ | oh come on | 12:19 |
werty | can anyone help me with my tablet | 12:19 |
kbrooks | i have a question | 12:19 |
bor_ | sorry | 12:19 |
kbrooks | another one | 12:19 |
Seveas | bor, on parle anglais ici, #ubuntu-fr est francophone | 12:19 |
Benjamin_L | mwe, I'll try tomorrow. I'm too tired to change something now ;) thanks for your help | 12:19 |
kbrooks | how can I do sysem backups? | 12:20 |
BraveFencerKirby | Hey, can someone help me? I'm trying to install Ubuntu on an older comp and my connection cut out while I was downloading the ISO. I'm not sure if I got it all or not and I don't understand the verifyISOhowto page on the wiki. | 12:20 |
bor_ | sorry for the mistake | 12:20 |
Seveas | kbrooks, oh no :) | 12:20 |
Seveas | kbrooks, tar, gzip, rsync :) | 12:20 |
ltibor65 | Seveas, what is sabdfl? | 12:20 |
Seveas | ltibor65, He's the boss :) | 12:20 |
Seveas | ltibor65, wiki.ubuntu.com/MarkShuttleworth | 12:20 |
ossie | !tell ossie nvidia | 12:20 |
kbrooks | ltibor65, self appointed benevolent dictator for life | 12:20 |
kbrooks | like Guido van Rossum | 12:20 |
ossie | !tell me nvidia | 12:20 |
ossie | !tell nvidia | 12:21 |
Seveas | ossie, /msg ubotu nvidia | 12:21 |
ossie | cheers | 12:21 |
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kbrooks | is deborphan curses based? | 12:21 |
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cafuego | kbrooks: No. | 12:22 |
cafuego | kbrooks: it' | 12:22 |
cafuego | s /dev/stdout based | 12:22 |
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kbrooks | cafuego, Why does it install dialog | 12:22 |
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kbrooks | i'd like to know? | 12:22 |
Seveas | dialog does not use curses per se | 12:22 |
cafuego | kbrooks: Coz it depends on it. | 12:22 |
ruddy | hallo, iedereen ;-) | 12:22 |
kbrooks | cafuego, what for? | 12:22 |
cafuego | kbrooks: dialogs? | 12:22 |
Seveas | ruddy, engels aub, nederlands kan in #ubuntu-nl | 12:23 |
BxL | how so I add multiverse repos? | 12:23 |
ITSa341 | can anyone recommend a replacement for speedswitch ( allows you to control cpu speed through powernow ) | 12:23 |
cafuego | kbrooks: ... and dialog uses curses as last-resort fall-back, so demands it. | 12:23 |
Seveas | !tell BxL about repos | 12:23 |
BxL | woo | 12:23 |
cafuego | !nl | 12:23 |
ubotu | Op #ubuntu-nl staat de koffie al voor je klaar. | 12:23 |
ltibor65 | Seveas, are you from Holland? | 12:23 |
Seveas | ITSa341, powernowd | 12:23 |
MarcN | kbrooks: command line that dumps a list of unused packages. | 12:23 |
kbrooks | what the? | 12:23 |
Seveas | ltibor65, yes | 12:23 |
Sepheebear | hey Seveas, how about a line like "Ubuntu Help: /msg ubotu <topic>" in the topic line like #debian has? | 12:23 |
cafuego | !nl =~ s/klaar./klaar. We doen niet aan thee./ | 12:23 |
ubotu | cafuego: OK | 12:23 |
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ITSa341 | Seveas powernowd is automatic, no manual control. right? | 12:24 |
Seveas | !nl =~ s/klaar. We doen niet aan thee./klaar./ | 12:24 |
ubotu | Seveas: OK | 12:24 |
kbrooks | MarcN, the list has packages I use - why? | 12:24 |
=== cafuego rm -rf's the mirror | ||
sunsun | crimsun, this time i cannot get sound out of my ubuntu install... | 12:24 |
Seveas | rofl :) | 12:24 |
N6REJ | Sepheebear, it didn't work :( please look at this.. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6394 | 12:24 |
ltibor65 | Seveas, and how old are you? | 12:24 |
kbrooks | will removing ruby-gnome2 remove deps? | 12:24 |
Seveas | ltibor65, #ubuntu-offtopic please for such questions | 12:25 |
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MarcN | kbrooks: deborphan gives a list of typically library packages that aren't used by installed packages. You may want to consider removing them. If apt says it is going to remove a package you use, then decline. | 12:25 |
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kbrooks | MarcN, where do I pass the list to? | 12:25 |
BraveFencerKirby | Hey, can someone help me? I'm trying to install Ubuntu on an older comp and my connection cut out while I was downloading the ISO. I'm not sure if I got it all or not and I don't understand the verifyISOhowto page on the wiki. | 12:25 |
ITSa341 | Seveas powernowd is automatic, no manual control. right? | 12:25 |
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MarcN | kbrooks: apt-get remove package1 package2 ... | 12:26 |
Sepheebear | N6REJ: sorry i didnt explain, replace the uid and gid with the actual numbers. the 'id' command was what you would use to derive those numbers | 12:26 |
Seveas | ITSa341, correct | 12:26 |
kbrooks | MarcN, no | 12:26 |
N6REJ | Sepheebear, oh, ok... ty. | 12:26 |
Sepheebear | but fstab's not a shell script | 12:26 |
Seveas | BraveFencerKirby, how big is the iso you have? | 12:26 |
kbrooks | MarcN, i dont want to type things manually | 12:26 |
MarcN | kbrooks: tough | 12:26 |
ITSa341 | Seveas anything you can recommend with manual control so I can force a low speed to save batteries. | 12:26 |
Seveas | BraveFencerKirby, and which one is it? | 12:26 |
BraveFencerKirby | Which what? | 12:26 |
Seveas | ITSa341, not off the top of my head | 12:27 |
_dodo_ | ossie: so I can use lspci to find out what BUS id i should use? | 12:27 |
Seveas | BraveFencerKirby, which is (filename) | 12:27 |
kbrooks | i'll hack something up, MarcN | 12:27 |
Seveas | which iso* | 12:27 |
ITSa341 | ok thanks anyway | 12:27 |
kbrooks | in python | 12:27 |
mark_ | Help, I'm currently using ndiswrapper, whenever I try to setup static IP as / as default gateway, I cannot access any pages yet I can if its dynamic..... | 12:27 |
BraveFencerKirby | Filename of the ISO? ubuntu-5.10-install-i386 | 12:27 |
N6REJ | Sepheebear, WONDERFUL!!! and I learned something too. tyvm! | 12:27 |
_dodo_ | ossie: so I can use lspci to find out what BUS id i should use? | 12:27 |
Sepheebear | N6REJ: yw | 12:27 |
Seveas | BraveFencerKirby, and the size of the iso? | 12:27 |
BraveFencerKirby | 617 MB | 12:28 |
N6REJ | Sepheebear, now the real test will be if cantus can rename the files becaue they have windows spacing and punctiation in them and so I need to use cantus to fix all that. | 12:28 |
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Sepheebear | try easytag if cantus cant do it for you | 12:28 |
N6REJ | Sepheebear, ok. | 12:28 |
N6REJ | Sepheebear, cantus couldn't do it last time because it wasn't running as root | 12:29 |
Sepheebear | easytag's a little unintuitive at first but you get the hang of it after some trial and error | 12:29 |
rev | noone knows how to fix this error when compiling a kernel? ... dpkg-gencontrol: error: package kernel-source-2.6.15-rc7-ubuntu1 not in control info ...comeon :) | 12:29 |
Seveas | BraveFencerKirby, 617MB sounds good, what don't you understand about that wikipage? | 12:29 |
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alpha255 | sooo, I have a hp laptop w/winxp, repartitioned the drive for a breezy 5.10 and install worked great | 12:29 |
Sepheebear | N6REJ: sudo chmod -R g+rw /home/music | 12:30 |
alpha255 | quickplay doesn't work though | 12:30 |
ComradeVladimir | alpha255 me too | 12:30 |
alpha255 | i installed grub in the mbr | 12:30 |
sunsun | hello | 12:30 |
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alpha255 | i edited the /boot/grub/menu or whatever that file is to remove the other | 12:30 |
alpha255 | for quickplay | 12:30 |
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BraveFencerKirby | It says to download two files, which I did, and then something about running GnuPG. No idea what GnuPG is and neither of those files are executable. | 12:31 |
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alpha255 | ComradeVladimir, i read that it should work | 12:31 |
N6REJ | Sepheebear, ok, I'll do that ... *phone* | 12:31 |
lampshade | I am messing around with menus in Fluxbox because mine won't work Basically, nothing on the menus will come up when viewing the desktop over VNC. The clock, and then menus themselves show up, but upon clicking an item like Bash, nothing happens. Looking at the logfile, it complains that it can't find xterm and can't set any of the values session.this and session.that values. Any ideas? | 12:31 |
alpha255 | ComradeVladimir, on a couple of web pages | 12:31 |
MarcN | kbrooks: this is what you want, no python needed: apt-get remove $(deborphan) you decide if you want to remove the listed packages or not. | 12:31 |
Seveas | BraveFencerKirby, are you running windows right now? | 12:31 |
BraveFencerKirby | Yeah. | 12:31 |
alpha255 | ComradeVladimir, do you think i need to use a windows bootloader? | 12:31 |
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alpha255 | instead of grub? | 12:31 |
ComradeVladimir | alpha255 ive had it on a dell desktop for a long time and im usin it now | 12:32 |
gerald-volt | anyone know of a 3d cad software for linux? | 12:32 |
Seveas | BraveFencerKirby, download http://www.etree.org/cgi-bin/counter.cgi/software/md5sum.exe and put it in c:\winnt\system32 (if you use XP/2000) | 12:32 |
ComradeVladimir | alpha255 u use grub | 12:32 |
alpha255 | ComradeVladimir, quickplay | 12:32 |
alpha255 | ? | 12:32 |
lucasvo | gerald-volt: brl-cad | 12:32 |
alpha255 | yep grub in the mbr | 12:32 |
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gerald-volt | thanks | 12:32 |
alpha255 | ComradeVladimir, reinstalled quickplay from cd too | 12:33 |
ComradeVladimir | ok | 12:33 |
alpha255 | ComradeVladimir, wonder if partitions are not being seen | 12:33 |
alpha255 | let me run fdisk --list | 12:33 |
ComradeVladimir | alpha255 whatdo you mean | 12:33 |
alpha255 | 500mb thing | 12:34 |
kbrooks | MarcN, ty | 12:34 |
alpha255 | for quickplay | 12:34 |
alpha255 | can't see past that on the drive | 12:34 |
ComradeVladimir | k | 12:34 |
MarcN | kbrooks: shell scripting can handle more of your admin'ing needs. | 12:34 |
gerald-volt | hhmmm, i was thinking of something that's similar to autodesk inventor kinda thing | 12:34 |
kbrooks | MarcN, true. python is nice though | 12:34 |
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mwe | python rocks! | 12:35 |
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alpha255 | hda1 is nfts -winxp | 12:35 |
mebaran151 | where could I find some evolution help | 12:36 |
alpha255 | hda2 is linux plaintext quickplay | 12:36 |
mebaran151 | I think the vcf's it generates are buggy | 12:36 |
mwe | mebaran151: maybe in here if you're more specific | 12:36 |
alpha255 | mebaran151, send me an email... | 12:36 |
mebaran151 | ok | 12:36 |
alpha255 | witht he vcf | 12:36 |
mebaran151 | ok | 12:36 |
mebaran151 | I'm not sure | 12:36 |
mebaran151 | but it fills some files with semi colons | 12:36 |
BraveFencerKirby | Seveas: I've got no folder called winnt on my c drive | 12:36 |
mebaran151 | but it doesn't always do it | 12:36 |
N6REJ | Sepheebear, that didn't work. even after I added root and troy to the music group it won't change the permissions. | 12:36 |
mebaran151 | only on certain contacts | 12:37 |
mebaran151 | which is odd | 12:37 |
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mebaran151 | but if they have a certain name, or certain birthday | 12:37 |
mebaran151 | I get semicolons ending every field | 12:37 |
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Sepheebear | N6REJ: what's the permissions? ls -l file.ogg | 12:37 |
MarcN | mebaran151: file a bug report with bugzilla.gnome.org under evolution. check to see if there is an evolution irc channel, check evolution website to see if there is a forum... | 12:37 |
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N6REJ | Sepheebear, the /home/music folder has 755 permissions | 12:38 |
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Sepheebear | how about the files? | 12:38 |
N6REJ | Sepheebear, let me look. | 12:39 |
N6REJ | Sepheebear, same. | 12:39 |
mebaran151 | MarcN, I've tried | 12:40 |
N6REJ | Sepheebear, should I remove the "quiet" statement so we can see the 'error'? | 12:40 |
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Sepheebear | N6REJ: sure let's see | 12:40 |
N6REJ | k | 12:40 |
mebaran151 | but Novell has Evolution under lock and key, or at least not sure | 12:41 |
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mebaran151 | alpha255, your request failed | 12:41 |
mebaran151 | pm me I suppose | 12:41 |
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Sepheebear | Evo is open source AFAIK otherwise it wouldnt be in ubuntu main | 12:41 |
mase | i need help, need latest version of libstdc++6, how do i get it ?? | 12:42 |
mebaran151 | Sepheebear, yeah | 12:42 |
mebaran151 | but resources aren't made super open | 12:42 |
mebaran151 | it's open source I think the same way Suse was | 12:42 |
Sepheebear | maybe there just arent any | 12:42 |
N6REJ | Sepheebear, no errors, but still 755 | 12:42 |
Sepheebear | devs almost always hate writing documentation | 12:42 |
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leagris | hello | 12:43 |
N6REJ | Sepheebear, is the LVM system stopping us somehow? | 12:43 |
alpha255 | mebaran151, thomas@tecsplace.com send email there | 12:43 |
leagris | is there someone that configured openldap on ubuntu breezy here ? | 12:44 |
mebaran151 | alpha255, just a troublesome vcard? | 12:44 |
Sepheebear | N6REJ: so all files look like "-rw-rw-r-- 1 music music 1.3k 2005-12-25 04:10 file.ogg"? | 12:44 |
alpha255 | k | 12:44 |
alpha255 | i could test it | 12:44 |
alpha255 | use evolution here | 12:44 |
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leagris | I am reading instruction here http://samba.idealx.org/smbldap-howto.en.html#htoc14 but I've seen default ubuntu slapd.conf setup differently | 12:44 |
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Sepheebear | LVM AFAIK doesnt have anything to do with permissions | 12:45 |
N6REJ | Sepheebear, no, thats 664 :D -rwxr-xr-x 1 music music 3298202 2005-12-30 00:24 10 I Just Wanna Be Mad.mp3 | 12:45 |
Malachi | How can I sinc a file in Linux? | 12:45 |
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leagris | I'd like to know if there is a ubuntu standard on setting up OpenLDAP with Ubuntu | 12:45 |
Dr_Willis | Malachi, you mean 'sync' ? | 12:45 |
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leagris | Or if I can go the proposed way in this documentation without breaking future Ubuntu updates ? | 12:46 |
Malachi | By sinc, I mean edit a file in one place, and have another file in a seperate location update.... | 12:46 |
Sepheebear | N6REJ: that's the problem here " -rwxr-xr-x 1 music music" should be " -rw-rw-r-- 1 music music" | 12:46 |
Sepheebear | dont need to set the -x bit | 12:46 |
Malachi | Dr_Willis: I was getting there =) Hope it makes since. | 12:46 |
Dreamglider | i have problems with grub, i tride to install damnsmalllinux and it installed grub on hda2, i deleted that partion but grub remains there, i had grub allready on hdb1 wich is the ubuntu disk. how can i have the system boot the grub on hdb1 ? | 12:46 |
N6REJ | Sepheebear, ok, let me try that. | 12:46 |
Sepheebear | N6REJ: in other words that file's not group writable | 12:47 |
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Dr_Willis | Malachi, explaining what/why are you trying to do excactly - may get you some answers from these people. | 12:47 |
N6REJ | right. | 12:47 |
cyphase | my cousin in the UK just told me her friend got a dell laptop with firefox and *openoffice* | 12:47 |
cyphase | firefox is oublic knowledge now | 12:47 |
Sepheebear | N6REJ: "sudo chmod -R g=rw /home/music" | 12:47 |
cyphase | but has anyone said anything about dell shipping OO.org? | 12:47 |
Dr_Willis | Dreamglider, i can set in my bios which hd to boot first. | 12:48 |
Malachi | Dr_Willis: Mhmm... | 12:48 |
Dreamglider | Dr_Willis, i cant | 12:48 |
N6REJ | k | 12:48 |
Sepheebear | N6REJ: "sudo chmod -R 664 /home/music" | 12:48 |
gerald-volt | anyone know what package I need to install for this error? | 12:48 |
gerald-volt | ./bin/racer: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 12:48 |
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Dr_Willis | Dreamglider, you could edit the grub configs for the disrto that is booting.. to boot the other disrto. | 12:49 |
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kuraia | hi all | 12:49 |
N6REJ | Sepheebear, would you believe chmod 664 changed it to 644? | 12:49 |
N6REJ | something weird is going on. | 12:49 |
kuraia | i can't execute sudo like a normal user | 12:49 |
kuraia | how can i do it? | 12:49 |
Malachi | Here's what I'm trying to do: I have a OpenOffice Calc file in one location. In another shared location, I have the same file. When I edit the file, I want the shared file to be updated. | 12:49 |
Sepheebear | N6REJ: add umask=664,dmask=664 to your fstab as well | 12:49 |
hydroksyde | N6REJ, umask? | 12:49 |
N6REJ | Sepheebear, ok. | 12:49 |
Dreamglider | Dr_Willis, let me get back i'll check | 12:50 |
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kuraia | how can i execute sudo like a normal user in ubuntu? | 12:50 |
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Sepheebear | N6REJ: that way newly created files will have the correct permissions | 12:51 |
N6REJ | Sepheebear, OMG!! you won't believe what that did!! d--x--x-wx 195 music music 16384 1969-12-31 18:00 music | 12:51 |
Dr_Willis | kuraia, 'like a normal user' is sort of vague.. rephrase the question i think would help. | 12:51 |
gerald-volt | how do I find a file containing a certain word | 12:52 |
kuraia | Dr_Willis , how can i give permissions to one user to execute sudo? | 12:52 |
acad | can i upgrade my kernel in ubuntu or will that mess up everything if the new one doesn't work? If i understand it right- it'll just add the option to boot a different kernel to the boot menu. | 12:52 |
=== RedRose [n=TheStupi@c-24-1-134-125.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
RedRose | how do i change the group ownership of a file? | 12:52 |
N6REJ | Sepheebear, and then sudo chmod 664 -R /home/music changed everything to d--------- 195 music music 16384 1969-12-31 18:00 music | 12:52 |
kuraia | Dr_Acemaster, sorry i'm spanish speaker but nobody helps me in ubuntu-es | 12:52 |
acad | RedRose chown username file | 12:53 |
RedRose | acad:that's the user, but not the group | 12:53 |
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Dr_Willis | kuraia, i seem to recall in the GNOME 'user controll panel tool' that there was a tab/checkbox to do that.. not sure how you do it the old fashoned way | 12:53 |
Sepheebear | N6REJ: that's nuts! do "sudo chmod -R 644 /home/music/*" | 12:53 |
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acad | RedRose- aww my bad | 12:53 |
RedRose | anyone, how do i change the group that owns a file? | 12:53 |
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Zambba | RedRose: chown user:group file | 12:54 |
RedRose | ty | 12:54 |
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N6REJ | Sepheebear, says nu such directory | 12:54 |
N6REJ | Sepheebear, its stoned!!! | 12:54 |
acad | RedRose- now I think about it your right. never did that before. i know i edited a file once to do it. not the easier way to do it | 12:55 |
Zambba | Lol, left after got answer to his/her question :D | 12:55 |
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acad | :) | 12:55 |
acad | why stay? :) | 12:55 |
N6REJ | Sepheebear, I remember vaguely that umask is supposed to be inverted from what you really want? | 12:55 |
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BxL | !easysource | 12:56 |
ubotu | from memory, easysource is For an easy to use custom sources.list configurator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic | 12:56 |
N6REJ | hydroksyde, umask where? | 12:56 |
hydroksyde | erm | 12:56 |
hydroksyde | somewhere | 12:56 |
hydroksyde | on the moon? | 12:57 |
N6REJ | hydroksyde, lol | 12:57 |
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hydroksyde | I don't know the details of your problem | 12:57 |
globe_ | help with wireless dns problems. ping, host, telnet work fine but firefox, gaim, xchat dont | 12:57 |
hydroksyde | so I can't help, sorry | 12:57 |
N6REJ | hydroksyde, I have an LVM partition that is bewitched! | 12:57 |
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hydroksyde | N6REJ, if it's behaving illogically for no good reason, your hardware might be flaky | 12:57 |
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N6REJ | hydroksyde, nope, brand new stuff, has always worked fine. This has something to do with LVM | 12:58 |
hydroksyde | N6REJ, but before you come to that conclusion, check some other things | 12:58 |
hydroksyde | ok | 12:58 |
hydroksyde | hmmm | 12:58 |
Sepheebear | N6REJ: oh yeah that's true oops! | 12:58 |
hydroksyde | I don't know LVM | 12:58 |
hydroksyde | umask is subtracted from masl | 12:58 |
hydroksyde | mask | 12:58 |
N6REJ | hydroksyde, that makes a million of us. | 12:59 |
Sepheebear | N6REJ: that's what happens when you work too fast | 12:59 |
N6REJ | hydroksyde, well we want a umask of 664 | 12:59 |
=== versaily [n=meheren@227-38.8-67.swfla.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
N6REJ | hydroksyde, change that. I want EVERYONE in the music group to be able to do read/write to anything int he music folder | 12:59 |
versaily | arrg | 01:00 |
versaily | there we go... | 01:00 |
ricky_Sal | hi guys , I have a problem trying to add modules to the kernel , when I type make menuconfig it says that the gcc-version.sh scritps cant find gcc 3.4 | 01:00 |
PeteyPablo | WOW the riaa suck | 01:00 |
versaily | can someone plz help me get java on a g4 powerpc | 01:00 |
Dr_Willis | PeteyPablo, Yes they do. | 01:00 |
hydroksyde | N6REJ, you want a umask of 113 I think... read=4, write=2, execute=1 | 01:00 |
PeteyPablo | Dr_Willis: seen the new article? http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20051230-5871.html | 01:00 |
PeteyPablo | they forced some kid into commiting perjury | 01:01 |
N6REJ | hydroksyde, k, I'll try that. | 01:01 |
N6REJ | brb | 01:01 |
versaily | rickey_sal try sudo apt-get install gcc-3.4 | 01:01 |
Seveas | !tell versaily about java | 01:01 |
hydroksyde | N6REJ, but remember, for directories, execute means the ability to enter them | 01:01 |
N6REJ | hydroksyde, ok, well I need that too :D | 01:01 |
hydroksyde | 002 then | 01:01 |
alpha255 | N6REJ, u could add all your users on the system to be part of the group that owns the music folder | 01:01 |
N6REJ | hydroksyde, ok. | 01:01 |
N6REJ | alpha255, yeah, thats what we're doing. | 01:01 |
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alpha255 | ahh | 01:02 |
alpha255 | sorry missed that | 01:02 |
ricky_Sal | versaily , I cant connect to internet , that its i have to add a usb module to make my modem works | 01:02 |
globe_ | help with wireless dns problems. ping, host, telnet work fine but firefox, gaim, xchat dont. How do I tell xwin apps to look at the right dns | 01:02 |
alpha255 | N6REJ, you could also suid on the folder too | 01:02 |
N6REJ | BINGO! | 01:02 |
versaily | oh... | 01:02 |
alpha255 | N6REJ, that way all the files there take on that group id | 01:02 |
N6REJ | I think we have lift off! | 01:02 |
alpha255 | nice | 01:03 |
N6REJ | let me check. | 01:03 |
Dr_Willis | PeteyPablo, The solution is simple.. a total boycott of all music. :P well NPR is ok... | 01:03 |
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Malachi | In Windows, you can make batch files to run multiple commands. How do you do that in Linux (and what are the files called)? | 01:03 |
acad | i've boycotted all music since i was born | 01:03 |
PeteyPablo | Dr_Willis: i wont boycott, i'll do worse ill keep downloading it illegally till the cows come home | 01:03 |
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PeteyPablo | Dr_Willis: who can afford 20.00 for a cd? thats extortion | 01:04 |
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acad | :) don't own a single audio CD- the bad part is that they still get royalty from movies that i watch | 01:04 |
gerald-volt | how do I display the links using ln I made | 01:04 |
Dr_Willis | PeteyPablo, So you are making excuses.. :P i still state 'The solution is simple.. a total boycott of all music.' | 01:04 |
N6REJ | Sepheebear, we did it! | 01:04 |
N6REJ | hydroksyde, TY! | 01:04 |
acad | i have a better solution | 01:04 |
acad | steal the music | 01:04 |
globe_ | Malachi: I think you are looking for shell scripts. They are just like dos batch files (text file with commands on seperate lines) | 01:04 |
PeteyPablo | Dr_Willis: i'm not making excuses, i came right out and said i'd download it illegaly is that an excuse? | 01:04 |
acad | and don't listen to it | 01:05 |
=== diemex [n=alexandr@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
danny | hey does any one no how i can ftp and add files on it etc. | 01:05 |
Dr_Willis | acad, now THATS amuseing.. makes you wonder if thats illeagle. :P | 01:05 |
mwe | gerald-volt: ls -l will show what a symlink points to | 01:05 |
Malachi | globe_: That's it! | 01:05 |
globe_ | Malachi: to execute use ./<scriptName> from a term | 01:05 |
N6REJ | ok, next part.... I have 2 files... "thumbs.db" and "desktop.ini" in each folder that I don't want. if I rm -rf /home/music/*.ini will that do it? | 01:05 |
Malachi | globe_: So basically I create a text file and then do ./<script>? | 01:05 |
acad | Dr_Willis :) don't know but it'll make the industry think the music theft is increasing when it's not. | 01:05 |
Malachi | globe_: Ah, Thanks! | 01:06 |
globe_ | malachi: as far as I can remember. | 01:06 |
Malachi | Gotta go... | 01:06 |
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danny | hey does any one no how i can ftp and add files on it etc. | 01:06 |
D1 | does anyone here use flash for firefox and www.myspace.com? | 01:06 |
D1 | I can't get it to work. | 01:06 |
Dr_Willis | just imagine what would happen if there was a single week where 'everyone' aggred to not buy any new cd's :P or listen to the music on the radio | 01:06 |
=== landotter [n=max@adsl-19-206-226.bna.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
diemex | hey how do i install skype on ubuntu? | 01:06 |
N6REJ | alpha255, your says set the sticky bit? | 01:06 |
=== tripleclick [n=triplecl@cust-216-98-233-192.turbonet.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
diemex | pls answer me! | 01:07 |
Dr_Willis | dieman, its covered in the wiki/forums. | 01:07 |
globe_ | diemex: I know that there is information on this in the ubuntu wiki | 01:07 |
N6REJ | ubotu tell dieman about !skype | 01:07 |
diemex | thanks | 01:07 |
danny | hey does any one no how i can ftp and add files on it etc. | 01:07 |
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mase | ubotu tell me about !LIBSTDC++6 | 01:07 |
Sepheebear | N6REJ: glad you got it working, i had a umask brainfart for a sec there | 01:08 |
N6REJ | heheh kicked myself off | 01:08 |
=== wemmi [i=wemmi@dsl-aur-fe9edd00-105.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tripleclick | I'm trying to install some wireless drivers. I've followed the Ndiswrapper instructions and ndiswrapper -l says bcmwl5 driver present, hardware present, but I don't see a wireless card in Ubuntu's Network settings. Can anyone help? | 01:08 |
mase | ubotu tell me about libstdc++6 | 01:08 |
mase | damn bot doesnt know anything :squint: | 01:08 |
N6REJ | Sepheebear, whats the best way to remove all those stupid thumbs.db files? | 01:08 |
ossie | guys can anyone tell me tutorial for mp3 and dvd divx playback? | 01:08 |
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globe_ | tripleclick: have you tried using ifconfig / iwconfig? | 01:08 |
mjr | !tell ossie about restrictedformats | 01:08 |
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tripleclick | globe_: It doesn't show up. | 01:09 |
ossie | cheers mjr | 01:09 |
globe_ | tripleclick: even in iwconfig? | 01:09 |
tripleclick | globe_: Correct | 01:09 |
acad | ossie no tutorial needed- download libdvdcss and dpkg -i it | 01:09 |
tripleclick | globe_: Says "no wireless extensions." for lo, eth0, and sit0 | 01:09 |
acad | ossie thats for dvd- for divx download all-codecs from mplayer | 01:10 |
N6REJ | tripleclick, did you reboot? | 01:10 |
globe_ | tripleclick: got me....you probably have to point ubuntu at the device | 01:10 |
danny | hey does any one no how i can ftp and add files on it etc. | 01:10 |
tripleclick | N6REJ: Instructions didn't say to reboot. Are you sure I should? | 01:10 |
N6REJ | globe no! bcmw drivers are annonying but easy once you know them. | 01:10 |
=== philalou121 [n=philalou@MTL-HSE-ppp165488.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
N6REJ | tripleclick, yep! | 01:10 |
N6REJ | tripleclick, what have you done so far | 01:10 |
tripleclick | N6REJ: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HowToSetUpNdiswrapper?highlight=%28ndiswrapper%29 | 01:11 |
N6REJ | <--- owns 4 broadcom cards | 01:11 |
diemex | globe : where it says cause i cna't find it | 01:11 |
philalou121 | channel ubuntu french? | 01:11 |
mwe | why would he need to reboot? | 01:11 |
=== j-linux [n=j-linux@rrcs-67-52-91-210.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
danny | hey does any one no how i can ftp and add files on it etc. | 01:11 |
acad | ossie wget http://download.videolan.org/pub/libdvdcss/1.2.9/deb/libdvdcss2_1.2.9-1_i386.deb;dpkg -i libdvdcss2_1.2.9-1_i386.deb <--- that should do it | 01:11 |
globe_ | diemex: I dont remember, sorry. I would look it up but my ff is dead | 01:12 |
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tripleclick | N6REJ: Up to "sudo ndiswrapper -m". Should I do anything before reboot? | 01:12 |
N6REJ | tripleclick, yeah, thats a good one. theres about 6 of them in ubuntu one of which I wrote. if you run iwconfig what do you see? | 01:12 |
j-linux | I am using Ubuntu Breezy. I have JRE on my machine becuase I have Eclipse and it works. But Firefox doesn't recognize that I have JRE and web sites that require Java aren't working. Is this normal? How do I enable it? | 01:12 |
tripleclick | N6REJ: lo, eth0, and sit0 each with "no wireless extensions." | 01:12 |
Sepheebear | N6REJ: "find /home/music -name Thumbs.db | xargs rm -rf" | 01:12 |
acad | ossie download http://www1.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/codecs/all-20050412.tar.bz2 and extract it to /usr/lib/win32 | 01:12 |
N6REJ | tripleclick, eth0? ok... thats unusual but fine. | 01:13 |
diemex | globe_ : thanks anyway | 01:13 |
gerald-volt | how do I run a .run file? | 01:13 |
N6REJ | tripleclick, run ndiswrapper -m now | 01:13 |
tripleclick | N6REJ: eth0 is what I'm using right now | 01:13 |
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N6REJ | oh, wait. | 01:13 |
tripleclick | N6REJ: Already did | 01:13 |
nter | jlinux you need to add a symbolic link to the mozilla folder | 01:13 |
ossie | cheers acad | 01:13 |
N6REJ | ok. | 01:13 |
N6REJ | reboot. | 01:13 |
tripleclick | OK | 01:13 |
acad | ossie :) | 01:13 |
j-linux | nter: how do I do that? | 01:13 |
N6REJ | Sepheebear, ty | 01:14 |
nter | on the firefox site where they explain what you have to do | 01:14 |
=== swb [n=swb@user-5502.l5.c4.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
j-linux | nter: ok thanks. | 01:14 |
danny | hey does any one no how i can ftp and add files on it etc. | 01:14 |
=== pickett [n=pickett@ppp142-127.lns2.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nter | if you do that it should work | 01:14 |
Sepheebear | danny: you want to setup an ftp server? | 01:15 |
jono | hi all | 01:15 |
jono | can I install 2.6.15 on breezy from dapper? | 01:15 |
danny | right i have access to a ftp server | 01:15 |
N6REJ | tripleclick ok now when you run iwconfig what do you see? | 01:15 |
nter | go here jlinux http://plugindoc.mozdev.org/linux.html#Java | 01:16 |
danny | i want to no how i can go into it on linux and add files etc. | 01:16 |
diemex | please can anybody say what do i have to do to install skype!!! prv | 01:16 |
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Sepheebear | danny: so you want to access an external ftp server from your linux machine? | 01:16 |
danny | Sepheebear, yes | 01:16 |
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j-linux | nter: thanks... I was having trouble finding it... :S | 01:16 |
Sepheebear | from the command line you use "ftp user@server.com" | 01:17 |
N6REJ | diemex, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeHowto?highlight=%28skype%29 | 01:17 |
tripleclick | N6REJ: Same thing | 01:17 |
stark-johan | I'm having some problems with apache. The only <Directory>-tag i have in my apache2.conf is one for "/" (it denies everything) but still anyone can use the website. I need one folder to be available only via htaccess so that's why I'm testing to deny all. | 01:17 |
Sepheebear | or you can install a gui app like gftp | 01:17 |
acad | ubuntu is still so hard- :( someone needs to write a handfull of scripts that automates install of multimedia components like streaming video (realplayer, mplayer-ng, flash, streaming audio (m3u), codecs, and commercial dvd support) then- it' be just about perfect | 01:17 |
ElBarono | anyone here have vpnc-fu? For some reason the 'ip route' command it uses to set up my routes is not recognizing tun0 as a device, even though it appears in ifconfig and /proc/net/dev | 01:17 |
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kemik | !tell acad about restricted | 01:17 |
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nter | I had problem figuring that out too | 01:17 |
N6REJ | tripleclick, ok. did you put BOTH the .sys file and the .inf file in the same folder when you did ndiswrapper -i ? | 01:17 |
=== philalou121 [n=philalou@MTL-HSE-ppp165488.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
j-linux | Is there a reason that Ubuntu only has Java 1.4.2 and not 1.5? | 01:18 |
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j-linux | (Breezy) | 01:18 |
kemik | j-linux: it's not SUN-java but some "free" java clone | 01:18 |
diemex | n6rej thanks | 01:18 |
N6REJ | dieman, yw | 01:18 |
nter | i think if you want to use 1.5 you have to get it from sun | 01:18 |
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j-linux | kemik: oh... so the computer doesn't have "Java" on it. | 01:18 |
kemik | j-linux: i think it has todo with sun java being restricted for re-distritbution | 01:19 |
j-linux | Interesting. | 01:19 |
tripleclick | N6REJ: I put bcmwl5.sys in the same dir | 01:19 |
j-linux | o | 01:19 |
j-linux | oh | 01:19 |
N6REJ | tripleclick, what about the .inf? | 01:19 |
j-linux | I'll get 1.5 then... | 01:19 |
dereks_ | what does it mean if sbackup shows " [sbackupd] <defunct>" when i do a backup? it properly creates the incremental stuff (like lists files and what not) just doesn't copy/backup the files | 01:19 |
kemik | !tell j-linux about javadebs | 01:19 |
kemik | !tell j-linux about java | 01:19 |
tripleclick | N6REJ: Of course, bcmwl5.inf | 01:19 |
=== MrRio [n=rio@88-107-49-151.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
j-linux | kemik: thanks. | 01:19 |
N6REJ | tripleclick, ok... I make no assumptions if I can help it. | 01:19 |
tripleclick | N6REJ: OK | 01:19 |
N6REJ | ok. Which card exactly do you have? | 01:19 |
kemik | dereks_: <defunct> could be a childprocess without a faaather.. ie a zombie | 01:20 |
kemik | or just something else went wrong ;) | 01:20 |
dereks_ | kemik: why does that happen? why it doesn't do the backup | 01:20 |
kemik | dereks_: no idea | 01:20 |
kemik | dereks_: tried google? | 01:20 |
tripleclick | Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03) | 01:20 |
gnu2it2 | any problems in upgrading from 5.1 to 5.10 ? | 01:20 |
dereks_ | kemik: yup :( | 01:20 |
N6REJ | tripleclick, is that a belkin F5d7001? | 01:21 |
kemik | dereks_: ok.. well icant help :/ | 01:21 |
navarone | dereks> jsut a thought...are you trying to place backups ina directory that you have write access to? | 01:21 |
Sepheebear | gnu2it2: there is no 5.1, hoary is 5.04 and breezy is 5.10 | 01:21 |
tripleclick | N6REJ: Uses the same chip, I guess | 01:21 |
jahshua | i want to burn an image onto cd with my cd burner, can anyone help me out? the burner is plugged into my usb port but its not showing up on the desktop :( | 01:21 |
dereks_ | navarone: yeah | 01:21 |
j-linux | Synaptic shows that only 1.4 is available... | 01:21 |
Sepheebear | gnu2it2: YMMV with upgrade issues | 01:21 |
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navarone | dereks...then that was my only thought...lol :/ | 01:22 |
N6REJ | tripleclick, yeah it does. so its not belkin brand though. Are you running 64bit ubuntu? | 01:22 |
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mjr | jahshua, if you right click the image in nautilus and select writing to a cd, does it show the burner? | 01:22 |
dereks_ | navarone: thanks :) | 01:22 |
dereks_ | navarone: it runs as root | 01:22 |
nter | you can go to suns site to get 1.5 | 01:22 |
danny | Sepheebear, right i installed gftp now how do i get to it and use it | 01:22 |
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tripleclick | N6REJ: It's in a Dell and is labeled a Broadcom on everything. Not 64-bit. | 01:22 |
Sepheebear | danny: applications -> internet -> gftp | 01:23 |
gnu2it2 | YMMV ? | 01:23 |
N6REJ | tripleclick, ok.. .just needed to be sure because you have to do things diff for 64bit. Broadcom needs to be shot for that crappy card! we need to punt. let me get you a uri | 01:23 |
N6REJ | tripleclick, go here... follow it step by step... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25683&highlight=broadcom+belkin | 01:24 |
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ElBarono | anyone know why 'ip route' can't find my tun0 device, even though it's showing up in ifconfig and /proc/net/dev? | 01:24 |
Sepheebear | gnu2it2: your mileage may vary. i.e. you may have no issues upgrading or you may have some, it depends | 01:24 |
jrattner1 | Is there any way to know when software in the repositories will be upgraded? Specifially Network Manager | 01:24 |
N6REJ | tripleclick, after you've removed everything reboot | 01:24 |
=== cirelo [n=ubuntu@ip70-178-86-147.ma.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cirelo | hello | 01:24 |
nasas | i just dist-upgrade and accepted everything | 01:25 |
nasas | hope my linux doesnt screw up | 01:25 |
jrattner1 | How can i make an installable package out of a tar.gz | 01:25 |
cirelo | this is a nice version of linux | 01:25 |
Sepheebear | danny: i forgot but you can also use nautilus to connect to ftp servers as well | 01:25 |
=== Gi [n=gisela@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tripleclick | Hmm. It says Module ndiswrapper does not exist in /proc/modules. Should that be? | 01:25 |
Gi | hi | 01:25 |
N6REJ | tripleclick, yep | 01:25 |
Sepheebear | danny: from Places -> Connect to server... | 01:25 |
=== jesus [n=jesus@fsl-04-1418.ccs.ras.cantv.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gi | hello???? | 01:25 |
Gi | is anyone there??? | 01:26 |
kuraia | hi Gi | 01:26 |
cirelo | hi gi | 01:26 |
N6REJ | tripleclick, lunch is ready... follow that and you should be fine. | 01:26 |
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relampago_ | hello | 01:27 |
relampago_ | how install Fluxbox in my Ubuntu ???? | 01:28 |
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relampago_ | how install Fluxbox in my Ubuntu ???? | 01:28 |
nasas | apt-get install fluxbox | 01:28 |
nasas | now go play | 01:28 |
j-linux | Where is a good location to install the Java SDK 1.5? | 01:29 |
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relampago_ | root@net1:~# apt-get install fluxbox | 01:29 |
relampago_ | Reading package lists... Done | 01:29 |
relampago_ | Building dependency tree... Done | 01:29 |
relampago_ | E: Couldn't find package fluxbox | 01:29 |
relampago_ | root@net1:~# | 01:29 |
relampago_ | :S | 01:29 |
j-linux | relampago_: use synaptic | 01:29 |
coNP | j-linux: where from or where to? :) | 01:29 |
Seveas | relampago_, do NOT paste in here | 01:29 |
relampago_ | sorry | 01:29 |
tripleclick | I get a lot of "Permission denied" when doing this from the instructions.... for conffile in /etc/ndiswrapper/bcmwl5/*.conf; do | 01:29 |
tripleclick | sudo cat $conffile | sed -e 's/RadioState|1/RadioState|0/' > $conffile | 01:29 |
tripleclick | done | 01:29 |
j-linux | coNP: which directory -- I have it downloaded already. | 01:29 |
relampago_ | j-linux what it is ? | 01:29 |
PeteyPablo | i never understood what was so bad about pasting | 01:30 |
coNP | j-linux: use make-jpkg, java-package (multiverse) | 01:30 |
j-linux | relampago_: go to System --> Administration --> Synaptic packagae manager | 01:30 |
j-linux | relampago_: You can search for fluxbox, click to mark it for installation. Then hit apply. Easy | 01:30 |
=== delmonico_ [n=delmonic@p54AEEF77.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
j-linux | coNP: is that Java 1.5? I didn't see it on the synaptic list. | 01:31 |
delmonico_ | hi. I'm searching for a very basic video editor. I want to have a simple image (just some text lines) as a 10 second MPEG.... | 01:31 |
delmonico_ | any suggestions? | 01:31 |
coNP | j-linux: java-package is a tool to generate a debian (ubuntu) package from sun jre-s / jdk-s | 01:32 |
jrattner1 | How can i make an installable package out of a tar ball | 01:32 |
relampago_ | i dont see fluxbox j-linux :( | 01:32 |
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crimsun | relampago_: then enable universe. | 01:32 |
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Wammy | !pastebin | 01:32 |
ubotu | it has been said that pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 01:32 |
=== petitohaime| [n=petit@dyn-83-156-203-139.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
j-linux | relampago_: It might not be in the regular repositories... Check Universe. In synaptic, click on the Settings menu. Choose add repositories. Then add Universe. Reload the list. Search for fluxbox. I see it on mine. | 01:33 |
=== captain-petz [n=paddy@p54ABECD6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
j-linux | coNP: is that necessary? I already downloaded the .bin from Java. It says I should just run it to install in any directory that I want. I just don't know which directory is best. | 01:33 |
nekostar | happy new years guys! im gonna be in san fransiscoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo | 01:34 |
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coNP | j-linux: not necessary, but I would recommand to do so not to mess your filesystem | 01:34 |
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coNP | j-linux: you might install to /usr/local/<somewhere> or /opt/<somewhere> depending on the free disk space | 01:34 |
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j-linux | coNP: I have 40 GB free... :S I'm searching synaptic and found "java-package 0.26" | 01:35 |
j-linux | is that it? | 01:35 |
coNP | j-linux: sure | 01:35 |
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coNP | j-linux: I thought you might have separate partitions for /usr or /usr/local or so | 01:36 |
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darkbutterfly | hi | 01:36 |
darkbutterfly | how is everyone? | 01:36 |
j-linux | coNP: no... I'm not that advanced yet and had enough problems getting Linux installed just to one partition. | 01:36 |
Gi | I again | 01:36 |
aquarius | I've got a machine where the breezy install CD doesn't work; I get segfaults after booting it and before I get to the first menu. It seems to be busybox that's segfaulting (it does the same with a Knoppix CD). What might be wrong? | 01:36 |
Gi | I'm fine | 01:36 |
j-linux | coNP: so if it is just one partition, I can just use the Sun .bin? | 01:36 |
Gi | I'm looking for some good programs | 01:37 |
Gi | maybe someone can help me | 01:37 |
globe | how do I tell xwin to look for the nameservers in resolv.conf? | 01:37 |
j-linux | Gi: what kinds of programs? | 01:37 |
coNP | j-linux: yes, if you really want to :) | 01:37 |
Gi | wich is the best program for recording DVDs? | 01:37 |
coNP | j-linux: java-package makes it easier to upgrade / remove stuff | 01:37 |
=== erUSUL [n=erusul@100.Red-83-36-170.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
captain-petz | hey guys can any1 tell me how to update my java runtime? | 01:37 |
Gi | I also need a good one to listen and to edit music | 01:37 |
captain-petz | like with apt-get | 01:37 |
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coNP | captain-petz: how did you install it? | 01:38 |
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Zambba | Gi: for listening amaroK is a good pick | 01:38 |
j-linux | coNP: ok... I'll try it. | 01:38 |
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Gi | how do I get it? | 01:38 |
captain-petz | comp, can't member | 01:38 |
captain-petz | didn't do it | 01:38 |
=== delmonico_ [n=delmonic@p54AEEF77.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
coNP | captain-petz: okay, do you have any java packages installed (check with synaptic) | 01:38 |
=== rowar [n=rowar@p549864EB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
erUSUL | !java | 01:38 |
ubotu | To install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs | 01:38 |
Gi | I'm sorry, I'm just totally new here | 01:39 |
erUSUL | !javadebs | 01:39 |
ubotu | Java can be found in multiverse. Sun and IBM java packages can be found at http://giannaros.org/buntu/breezy | 01:39 |
Gi | maybe you guys can help me | 01:39 |
=== Iga [n=Max@dyn-213-36-1-10.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gi | I just started using linux | 01:39 |
coNP | Gi: what do you want to get? | 01:39 |
Zambba | Gi: you can install almost any piece of software using apt-get or its GUIs (Synaptic, Adept) | 01:39 |
j-linux | Gi: follow the menus: System --> Adminstration --> Synaptic package manager. | 01:39 |
=== Iga is now known as GeorgesA | ||
GeorgesA | hi everyone | 01:39 |
Gi | some programs for music and recording | 01:39 |
captain-petz | apt-get what would that be then? | 01:39 |
j-linux | Gi: Then search for Amarok. Mark the checkbox and click "apply". You will then have Amarok. | 01:40 |
delmonico_ | Gi: if you have a music collection with good ID3-Tags (i.e. Artits, Title, etc. tags) amarok is what you want... | 01:40 |
GeorgesA | could someone help me ? I'm looking for an ubuntu-command | 01:40 |
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Gi | but I can't manage to use it | 01:40 |
rowar | yeah amarok is the best aplication | 01:40 |
j-linux | Gi: you can browse thousands of programs with Synaptic and download them with a few clicks. | 01:40 |
delmonico_ | Gi: for editing sounds, there is plenty of applications... simple cutting can be done with audacity, but there are also a lot of applications if you want to create sounds... | 01:40 |
=== Thunderguy [n=Thunderg@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rowar | you can use automatix is the best for ubuntu beginners ^^ | 01:41 |
=== cafuego [n=cafuego@ppp94-5.lns1.mel4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ITSa341 | http://giannaros.org/buntu/breezy not available, bandwidth exceeded | 01:41 |
Thunderguy | Hey, I was gonna compile that new Firefox 1.5, so first I have to remove Firefox right? but when I go to remove firefox it tells me that it will also have to remove ubuntu-desktop because of the dependencies ?!?! | 01:41 |
ITSa341 | grrr | 01:41 |
relampago_ | j-linux done. how start fluxbox ? | 01:41 |
Gi | thanks to the tips, guys | 01:41 |
captain-petz | whats gcj? | 01:41 |
j-linux | relampago_: log off. Then log back in, using somehting like the "session" menu (under the login box) | 01:42 |
GeorgesA | I'm trying to install Warcraft III with wine, to do so I have to mount the cdrom as said there http://nuxsrv.free.fr/war3-tutorial-fr/tutorial_wine_et_warcraft_3.htm (in french, sorry) | 01:42 |
relampago_ | oks, let's see | 01:42 |
=== beelzebub1987 [n=beelzebu@c-66-31-159-53.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ITSa341 | rowar, automatix hosed my ubuntu install yesterday. Couldn't boot after running it. | 01:42 |
Athame | Hello all, I have a complete newbie question. I just installed Ubuntu 5.10 x86 on a dual-boot with xp pro sp2. Running a Radeon x600 pro 256 vid card, Intel pent 4 cpu 3.2 ghz. I get to the upscreen and the system freezes, can't get past that in regular, recovery, or on the live cd. Only other thing is I'm running dual monitors with desktop extended in xp. Any ideas why or how to fix it? | 01:42 |
=== Dethread [n=Dethread@pool-71-105-9-185.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
j-linux | relampago_: If you are just trying out different windows managers, try XFCE... It's great. | 01:42 |
=== tripleclick [n=triplecl@cust-216-98-233-192.turbonet.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
erUSUL | Thunderguy, ubuntu-desktop is a meta-package no harm in removing it | 01:42 |
yatesy | yea i've just been trying that :) | 01:42 |
rowar | do use the wrong version? | 01:42 |
kuraia | hi all | 01:42 |
rowar | hi | 01:43 |
Gi | how do I run a private conversation here? | 01:43 |
tripleclick | How do I prevent the need to type "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper" ever time I boot up to get my wireless card turned on? | 01:43 |
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ITSa341 | nope, used the ubuntu version, and I'm using ubuntu 5.10 | 01:43 |
kuraia | when i type sudo in ubuntu i get this message / user is not allowed to run sudo on ubuntu. This incident will be reported. | 01:43 |
globe | How do I get my computer to use dns? | 01:43 |
Zambba | tripleclick: add ndiswrapper to text file called /etc/modules | 01:43 |
erUSUL | tripleclick, add ndiswrapper to the en of /etc/modules | 01:43 |
kuraia | vi /etc/resolv.conf globe | 01:43 |
erUSUL | end* | 01:43 |
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Thunderguy | erUSUL: Right, but say if I ever do want to remove ubuntu-desktop, is there a problem if the meta-package is already gone? | 01:44 |
kuraia | globe write your dns in /etc/resolv.conf | 01:44 |
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ITSa341 | rowar, I did reinstall and ran automatix successfully today. :-) | 01:44 |
rowar | oh ok | 01:45 |
=== Discipulus [n=disc@pool-70-106-214-254.chi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rowar | its very solid... | 01:45 |
ITSa341 | but, lost my AOL during the reinstall :-( | 01:45 |
erUSUL | Thunderguy, i can not know for sure maybe when you upgrtade to dapper. chec the wiki there is how to to install ff 1.5 | 01:45 |
rowar | aol? | 01:45 |
Gi | gosh | 01:45 |
ITSa341 | I run AOL | 01:45 |
rowar | ah AOL ^^ | 01:45 |
Thunderguy | oh ok, thanks | 01:45 |
globe | kuraia: the dns info is in there...it was put there when I dhclient my wireless card | 01:45 |
captain-petz | thanks everybody, but I'm going to bed now. it's almost 2am. have a nice one | 01:45 |
Inf3ctedFx | ITSa341: I use to work for AOL and I dont really recomend it for anyone | 01:45 |
rowar | ITSa341 do you use an dile in? | 01:46 |
Thunderguy | Happy Holidays to you as well Lilo | 01:46 |
rowar | the same in germany but ist called t-offline hh t-online | 01:46 |
ITSa341 | Inf3ctedFx I still do beta testing for them and I must say if you haven't tried the latest version I agree with you. | 01:46 |
ITSa341 | rowar: I'm on dsl | 01:46 |
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globe | kuraia: is there some way that I have to point my apps at that file? | 01:47 |
Inf3ctedFx | ITSa341: there is another version coming up calls Coplant | 01:47 |
rowar | me too dsl 6000 | 01:47 |
Inf3ctedFx | AOL Coplant | 01:47 |
=== CentHOGG [n=Willie@adsl-69-150-57-89.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ITSa341 | rowar I mainly use AOL for a specific chatroom where some friends of mine do tech support and just hang out. | 01:47 |
kuraia | globe, what application do you want to point that file? | 01:48 |
Inf3ctedFx | AOL Sec/Edit has errors with the ACS | 01:48 |
rowar | oh tech support fpr AOL? | 01:48 |
Inf3ctedFx | it will give u head aches on the connection | 01:48 |
rowar | *dor | 01:48 |
rowar | *for | 01:48 |
kalin | how can i add a plug-in to mozilla if i'm not authorization to modify it??? | 01:49 |
ITSa341 | Inf3ctedFx: Have you tried the latest version of 9.0 security? One interface for Anti-virus, Anti-Spyware, Anti-phishing, Anti-Pharming, Firewall, Money alerts etc etc | 01:49 |
kalin | authorized i mean | 01:49 |
globe | kuraia: most programs dont seem to want to use the dns at all. but telnet, ping ect work from the term | 01:49 |
kalin | does anybody have an idea? | 01:49 |
ITSa341 | rowar tech support for Windows, mac, linux, aol or just about anything else including vhs, dvd, camera etc | 01:49 |
Inf3ctedFx | ITSa341: I use to be tech support on aol.. of course I'll tryed but the Safety and Security Center is still mess up xD | 01:49 |
kuraia | globe, if you edit resolv.conf | 01:50 |
=== jeorihjoe [n=jeorihjo@ti531210a080-3562.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kuraia | the applications point to that file | 01:50 |
ITSa341 | Inf3cted unless you tried it in the last 2 weeks it is a new system | 01:50 |
Wammy | anyone willing to help me find out why a driver wont compile? output is at: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6397 | 01:50 |
ITSa341 | I hated the old version | 01:50 |
rowar | kalin: start mozilla out of the terminal use the comand sudo before ue use the start command for mozilla | 01:50 |
ITSa341 | can't run 9.0 in ubuntu anyway | 01:51 |
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ITSa341 | yet....... | 01:51 |
rowar | kalin: the you have root privilegs | 01:51 |
Inf3ctedFx | ITSa341: safety and Security Center is a new system that aol install.. but if u want just the Mcafee go to "install.av.aol.com" | 01:51 |
ITSa341 | <-- never gives up | 01:51 |
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erUSUL | kalin, add the plugin to your ~/.mozilla/..ff../plugins | 01:51 |
kalin | so u mean <sudo start mozilla?> | 01:51 |
globe | kuraia, my name servers are in there already though | 01:51 |
ITSa341 | Inf3tedFx I go to beta and install from there | 01:51 |
Delvien | Hey guys, im trying to install Dapper, but i get this error " KERNAL PANIC -NOT SYNCING :VFS: UNABLE TO MOUNT UNKOWN BLOCK (1,0) can anyone help a brother out? | 01:52 |
ITSa341 | and like I said, I use ALL those components from one interface | 01:52 |
rowar | example for firefox: sudo firefox | 01:52 |
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Inf3ctedFx | ITSa341: i do not recommend go to beta.. because if u start getting problems with it.. Tech Support wont support it.. cuz is a beta version | 01:52 |
Delvien | is nalioth or seveas here ? any other experienced linux pro here ? | 01:53 |
rowar | do you have an icon for mozilla? make an right klick go to propertis and read the text in the comand box | 01:53 |
ITSa341 | Inf3tedFx that's 1/2 the fun with beta testing. Finding and figuring workarounds for the bugs :-) | 01:53 |
rowar | if type it in the terminal it will also start mozilla | 01:53 |
Inf3ctedFx | not right now Delvien | 01:53 |
=== graft [n=graft@c-65-96-165-205.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Delvien | :( | 01:53 |
nalioth | Delvien: just ask your question to the channel, there are many folks here | 01:53 |
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Delvien | i did | 01:53 |
Delvien | hehe :) | 01:53 |
Inf3ctedFx | oks ITSa341 good luck with it xD | 01:53 |
Delvien | nalioth but you are so smart :) | 01:53 |
=== pickett [n=pickett@ppp142-127.lns2.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bobby | can someone direct me to url that gives step by step in configuring tar.bz file to install onto ubuntu | 01:54 |
=== lampshade [n=42zeros@tconl92168.tconl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | Delvien: you answer: don't install dapper using todays image | 01:54 |
lampshade | !ubotu tell lampshade about enlightenment | 01:54 |
rowar | kalin: have xou found the comand? | 01:54 |
ITSa341 | Inf3ctedFx I wish I could get some version newer than 4.0 to fully work in ubuntu | 01:54 |
Inf3ctedFx | bobby: tar jxfv file.tar.bz2 | 01:54 |
Delvien | nalioth o.. umm it worked in vmware just fine | 01:54 |
bobby | that will decompres but I need to install | 01:54 |
Inf3ctedFx | ITSa341: try 8.0 | 01:54 |
nalioth | Delvien: vmware is not actual hardware | 01:54 |
Inf3ctedFx | ITSa341: r u using Wine? | 01:54 |
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Delvien | nalioth i think it is saying VFS (vfat system ) i think, because sda1 is NTFS | 01:55 |
ITSa341 | Inf3ctedFx it installs but won't launch | 01:55 |
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graft | bobby - install what, where? | 01:55 |
Inf3ctedFx | ITSa341: it wont? | 01:55 |
ITSa341 | I tried it with wine and with crossover office 5.0 | 01:55 |
globe | whats another command simmilar to chmod? | 01:55 |
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Inf3ctedFx | ITSa341: do u want to go to a tech chatroom? | 01:55 |
bobby | there are two apps I want to try to install gruler and colorscheme | 01:55 |
graft | chown? | 01:55 |
ITSa341 | it just hangs during launch | 01:55 |
bobby | no deb file | 01:55 |
toydi | Hi, I really new to Linux platform. I just installed Ubuntu and my resolution stuck at 640x480. I'm using VIA/S3 UniChrome IGP on-board display card. How to fix the resolution? | 01:55 |
=== Agrajag_ [n=zaphod@66-215-172-61.dhcp.snbr.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ITSa341 | Not at the moment but if you have one you recommend I would love to bookmark it | 01:56 |
graft | bobby, so you're compiling from source? | 01:56 |
globe | graft: is there one that has two i's in it? | 01:56 |
bobby | yes | 01:56 |
Inf3ctedFx | ITSa341: all tech support has they own chatroom is not really open to the regular users next time try #Head_of_the_class | 01:56 |
=== timmy_ [n=timmy@ip68-2-18-47.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
erUSUL | !tell toydi about fixres | 01:56 |
graft | globe - uh... what? hrm | 01:56 |
timmy_ | Hi all | 01:56 |
ITSa341 | Inf3ctedFx thanks, I will | 01:56 |
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Delvien | nalioth thanks bro ill try somemore things before i install | 01:56 |
=== ComradeVladimir [n=vladimir@70-97-140-245.dsl1.glv.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Inf3ctedFx | ITSa341: but don't say anything about me xD they know me | 01:56 |
bobby | I did the tar -xvf to decompress | 01:56 |
Delvien | nalioth gotta find a way to edit partition table without booting to an OS | 01:56 |
globe | graft: a file attribute changer (like chmod) but has two i's in it. | 01:56 |
=== pickett [n=pickett@ppp142-127.lns2.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bobby | then make but it says no make file | 01:57 |
ITSa341 | ok | 01:57 |
bobby | no then./configure | 01:57 |
Delvien | nalioth i want to get rid of windows all together | 01:57 |
bobby | then make | 01:57 |
Inf3ctedFx | bobby: did u tried tar jxfv? | 01:57 |
j-linux | What do people think about automatix? | 01:57 |
bobby | but no make file | 01:57 |
=== steve_laptop [n=steven@astound-64-83-198-101.mn.astound.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
graft | globe: is this like a trivia question or something? | 01:57 |
cello_rasp | hi.. i have been given an ipod shuffle for christmas. is there any way i can put music on it with ubuntu? | 01:57 |
rowar | i love it ^^ | 01:57 |
toydi | ubotu, i'm reading FixVideoResolutionHOWTO now. Just a question, how to know i am using either X11 or XFree86? | 01:57 |
ubotu | toydi: I'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about | 01:57 |
rowar | <--- love automatix | 01:57 |
bobby | no xvf not jxvf | 01:57 |
=== sally_ [n=sally_@ip70-179-94-113.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
globe | graft: no I am trying to remember a command | 01:57 |
Inf3ctedFx | mmm | 01:57 |
Kyral | rowar: don't express that sentiment | 01:57 |
bobby | automatix rules | 01:57 |
Kyral | rowar: EasyUbuntu is...fixing it | 01:58 |
kuraia | hi i need help | 01:58 |
=== fredforfaen [n=Morrari@216-132-165.0502.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
timmy_ | I just got my ubuntu up and running, first time linux user | 01:58 |
Gi | hello | 01:58 |
Malachi | globe: Thanks for your help with the scripts! | 01:58 |
bobby | greaet timmy | 01:58 |
sally_ | what package do I install to be able to view a list of wireless networks that I can connect to and then pick one and connect to it? gui, not iwlist | 01:58 |
timmy_ | not too difficult yet! | 01:58 |
crimsun | wifi-radar | 01:58 |
timmy_ | haha | 01:58 |
globe | malachi: n/p glad it worked | 01:58 |
Malachi | globe: One question though. | 01:58 |
graft | can't help you, globe... what are you trying to achieve? | 01:58 |
erUSUL | toydi, you are using xorg | 01:58 |
rowar | easyubuntu? why not ubuntu? | 01:58 |
Malachi | globe: What about comments? | 01:58 |
toydi | erUSUL, ok thanks! | 01:58 |
=== |Lestat| [n=puck@d207-81-19-189.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kuraia | when I type sudo command i get this message user is not allowed to run sudo on ubuntu. This incident will be reported. | 01:59 |
=== MaFiaBoY [n=_mfb@dyn-213-36-160-40.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kuraia | can anybody help me? | 01:59 |
erUSUL | !easyubuntu | 01:59 |
ubotu | hmm... easyubuntu is a script to install several popular things. It is by nature not 100% safe but better than its alternatives. More info in #easyubuntu | 01:59 |
|Lestat| | Can anyone tell me why i cant seem to transfer more than 700kB/s in linux? | 01:59 |
Kyral | timmy_: perhaps you would enjoy learning about the commandline? | 01:59 |
globe | malachi: I dont remember. probably google that one "comments in linux scripts" or something | 01:59 |
Gi | argh | 01:59 |
Gi | I still need help as well | 01:59 |
Gi | hehe | 01:59 |
graft | kuraia, no one can help you now... th e police are coming for you! | 01:59 |
Inf3ctedFx | kuraia: what r u trying to run? | 01:59 |
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globe | kuraia: ask your question.... | 01:59 |
Malachi | globe: Mm. Can't believe I forgot to Google first. | 01:59 |
rowar | ist hte an download link for easyubuntu? | 01:59 |
Inf3ctedFx | graft: hahaha | 01:59 |
kuraia | when I type sudo command, i get this message user is not allowed to run sudo on ubuntu. This incident will be reported. | 01:59 |
Inf3ctedFx | kuraia: what r u trying to run? | 02:00 |
timmy_ | Kyral, I am playing around with that now. Everything I do with the GUI I try and figure out the command line equivalent | 02:00 |
graft | kuraia, you better put that user in sudoers | 02:00 |
ComradeVladimir | anyone use m trip? | 02:00 |
Gi | well | 02:00 |
bobby | there is no jxfv | 02:00 |
kuraia | graft, that user is putted in sudoeres | 02:00 |
toydi | after CTRL-ATL-BACKSPACE to restart X, I always back to console mode, how to switch back GUI? I tried Alt+F7 but nothing happen? | 02:00 |
Kyral | timmy_: I wrote a quite good (if I may say so) turotial on the Command line in the Forums | 02:00 |
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Kyral | timmy_: If you would like I could dig up the link | 02:00 |
globe | kuraia:your not using root ru? | 02:00 |
Inf3ctedFx | bobby: I always use the tar jxfv to unzip the bz2 | 02:00 |
timmy_ | that would be awesome! | 02:00 |
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bobby | under man page for tar there is no j | 02:01 |
=== _badabing_ [n=Dan@host86-133-92-69.range86-133.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kuraia | globe i'm nost using root | 02:01 |
ITSa341 | bbiab | 02:01 |
graft | bobby, you've got a really old version of tar, then | 02:01 |
bobby | but unzipping is not the problem it is compiling and installing the file | 02:01 |
Inf3ctedFx | I think so | 02:01 |
=== wizardjames [n=james@S010600044b808004.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bobby | I just ireinstalled ubuntu 5.10 to day | 02:01 |
Athame | Hello all, I have a complete newbie question. I just installed Ubuntu 5.10 x86 on a dual-boot with xp pro sp2. Running a Radeon x600 pro 256 vid card, Intel pent 4 cpu 3.2 ghz. I get to the upscreen and the system freezes, can't get past that in regular, recovery, or on the live cd. Only other thing is I'm running dual monitors with desktop extended in xp. Any ideas why or how to fix it? | 02:01 |
Kyral | timmy_: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=73885 | 02:02 |
globe | athame: is your video card listed on ubuntu.org supported hardware? | 02:02 |
|Lestat| | Can anyone tell me why i cant seem to transfer more than 700kB/s in linux? | 02:02 |
Inf3ctedFx | Athame: yesterday was a guy with the same problem | 02:02 |
=== jahshua is now known as jahshua-- | ||
bobby | as I said the unzipping is not my problem it is compiling andinstalling is there a url with step by step for this | 02:02 |
Inf3ctedFx | Athame: let me show u a website it might help | 02:02 |
Athame | cool | 02:03 |
_badabing_ | hey there, i'm running Mac OS X on my humble mac mini, i'm trying to install ubuntu 5.10 WITHOUT having to remove and re-partition my HDD... does anyone have a solution, please? | 02:03 |
graft | bobby, read the INSTALL file that came with the program | 02:03 |
timmy_ | Thanks again, off to another tutorial! This is fun. | 02:03 |
pl_ice | hey everyone :) | 02:03 |
Inf3ctedFx | Athame: use this one even if is for gentoo --> http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Dual_Monitors | 02:03 |
bobby | I did and did what it said yet wafter I do the ./compile I do the make and it sayd no make file | 02:03 |
Inf3ctedFx | it works for me pretty good Athame | 02:03 |
bobby | ./configure | 02:03 |
Athame | Inf3ctedfx - I was on this morning and asked that, they said to try x86 I did and same thing is that what you're thinking of? | 02:04 |
erUSUL | bobby, is ./configure | 02:04 |
rowar | cu all untill tomorrow | 02:04 |
graft | err... kuraia, still around? | 02:04 |
bobby | right but after that I do the make and it says ther is no make file | 02:04 |
kuraia | yes graft | 02:04 |
graft | how complex is your sudoers file? | 02:04 |
Inf3ctedFx | Athame: can be the module on the kernel for the video card driver | 02:04 |
Kyral | I should really write up something on basic Bash Scripting | 02:04 |
=== bobby [n=bobby@c-24-3-171-43.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
kuraia | graft it's simple | 02:04 |
Inf3ctedFx | Athame: chekc that website i gave u.. it might help | 02:05 |
erUSUL | bobby, has the configure show no errors? | 02:05 |
kuraia | graft i give it to you | 02:05 |
Athame | cool will do looking at it now, ty | 02:05 |
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timmy_ | Kyral, that link is going to come in very hand, thanks a lot! | 02:06 |
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Kyral | timmy_: check for updates..like when I get bored lol | 02:06 |
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graft | kuraia what does `hostname` say? | 02:06 |
timmy_ | I will, already bookmarked that one! Very handy | 02:07 |
kuraia | graft i don't understand you | 02:07 |
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casa | hola | 02:07 |
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graft | when you run the command 'hostname', what does it say? | 02:07 |
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fredforfaen | does anybody here know how to enable true transparency in breezy? | 02:08 |
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Kyral | Carefully | 02:08 |
kuraia | graft ubuntu | 02:08 |
graft | and is there a Host_Alias line in your sudoers file? | 02:08 |
kuraia | yes graft it is | 02:08 |
kuraia | but the name is birmingham | 02:09 |
kuraia | XD | 02:09 |
kuraia | thanks | 02:09 |
timmy_ | Kyral, thanks for the link. I will stop by now and again. Time to wash the dog. Bye all | 02:09 |
timmy_ | :) | 02:09 |
kalin | how can i add a plug in to mozilla if i'm not able to modify it? | 02:09 |
graft | well, there you go, then | 02:09 |
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waseem | Cannot configure the keyboard to Swedish | 02:10 |
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fredforfaen | anyone? | 02:10 |
tripleclick | On https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI?highlight=%28ATI%29 it says to do "sudo module-assistant build,install fglrx-kernel" but that command gives me errors. Does that command look right? | 02:10 |
graft | ah... i do! | 02:11 |
graft | what are you running? | 02:11 |
graft | and what video card have you got? | 02:11 |
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tripleclick | graft: Not talking to me are you? | 02:12 |
graft | no, fredforfaen | 02:12 |
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waseem | I am running Ubuntu/Breezy | 02:13 |
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waseem | Hello somebody! | 02:14 |
Haukkari | eek | 02:14 |
waseem | miaow | 02:15 |
=== jimdier [n=jdier@68-114-246-247.dhcp.fdul.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
graft | waseem, why can't you configure the keyboard to swedish? | 02:15 |
graft | at what level are you trying to do this? | 02:15 |
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waseem | I dont know I tick mark it at the right place but no result | 02:15 |
graft | what is "the right place"? | 02:16 |
erUSUL | tripleclick, i can not see that comand in the page read again | 02:16 |
waseem | in preferences | 02:16 |
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waseem | systems/preferences/keyboards/layouts | 02:17 |
=== riffic [n=riffic@user-0c6t1gs.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
graft | you're running gnome? | 02:17 |
Hobbsee | with firefox 1.5 (i think this occured in 1.0.7 as well), how do you get it to open in full screen mode? | 02:17 |
Hobbsee | i'm running kde | 02:17 |
waseem | yeah | 02:18 |
waseem | gnome | 02:18 |
riffic | hello.. so it looks like I just dist-upgraded to dapper and the 2.6.15 kernels got pulled from the pool | 02:18 |
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graft | hrm... can't help you much there, don't know gnome | 02:18 |
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riffic | will it be safe to reboot on a breezy kernel ? | 02:18 |
pilgrim | Hi all. I want to compile my kernel so I apt-got kernel-package , what else do I need ? | 02:19 |
BraveFencerKirby | Can someone help me? I'm trying to load Ubuntu onto an older computer and it runs from the install CD I burned fine but then it fails partway through. Says the failing step is "load installer components from CD". | 02:19 |
waseem | Never done it before. Started using Ubuntu 2 days back. Teething problems. | 02:19 |
=== napstar567 [n=donne321@24-240-19-131.dhcp.mdvl.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
riffic | try burning another cd? | 02:19 |
waseem | a real newbie | 02:19 |
riffic | it could possibly be a bad cd-rom | 02:20 |
BraveFencerKirby | Tryed redownloading the image and burning a new CD from THAT. Same problem. | 02:20 |
Sturgeon | BraveFencerKirby: either your cd is broken or your cd-reader is broken | 02:20 |
riffic | probably the latter | 02:20 |
Sturgeon | I had that problem because my cd reader was malfunctioning | 02:20 |
kalin | how can i add a plug in to mozilla if i'm not authorized to write into it? | 02:20 |
graft | riffic, don't see why it would be a problem... | 02:20 |
riffic | oh wow unregged chat | 02:20 |
BraveFencerKirby | That's no fun at all. | 02:20 |
Sturgeon | but I was able to install it anyway | 02:20 |
riffic | brb | 02:20 |
BraveFencerKirby | On sec, I'm going to try something. | 02:20 |
regeya_ | ok rock on. | 02:21 |
Sturgeon | Just tried again and again until it worked. | 02:21 |
gnu2it2 | anyone running dapper? | 02:21 |
kalin | i'm sure there is somebody who knows the aolution ;) | 02:21 |
Malachi | Didn't know it was out. | 02:21 |
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Sturgeon | When I download new packages (say games) that don't appear in the "applications" menus, how am I supposed to find them? | 02:22 |
waseem | Stupid question. Can I install Suse at the place where I have Ubuntu now. | 02:22 |
kalin | come on people i need ur great knowledge | 02:22 |
Sturgeon | Ok, I find the command to run them, but the rest of the files | 02:22 |
erUSUL | waseem, yes | 02:22 |
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=== Cerberus [n=Cerberus@S010600111193e4b3.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
riffic | Sturgeon: $ which <name> | 02:22 |
waseem | Good. Sound promising | 02:22 |
Hobbsee | gnu2it2: yes, some people | 02:22 |
Cerberus | hello, i need some help pwith GPated | 02:22 |
Cerberus | Grparted* | 02:23 |
BraveFencerKirby | Crap. I tried running it from my other drive (the comp's got two CD drives) and it just ignored the thing completely and booted up in Windows. | 02:23 |
waseem | Is it simply to put the CD in and Voila! | 02:23 |
kalin | how can i add a plug in to mozilla if i'm not allowed to modify it? | 02:23 |
graft | BraveFencerKirby, make sure you can boot from both drives... | 02:23 |
graft | check your bios boot config | 02:23 |
=== CentHOGG [n=Willie@adsl-69-150-57-89.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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graft | kalin, put it in ~/.mozilla/plugins/ | 02:24 |
Cerberus | i need some hekp repartitioning my NTFS drive, any takers? | 02:24 |
kalin | but i'm not the administrato! | 02:24 |
pashaw | kalin, sudo | 02:25 |
BraveFencerKirby | It's also giving me some weird error about PCI slots, which it wasn't before... | 02:25 |
kalin | i can't | 02:25 |
graft | doesn't matter | 02:25 |
graft | you have full rights to ~/.mozilla/plugins | 02:25 |
graft | it's in your home directory | 02:25 |
kalin | how can i use sudo? | 02:25 |
graft | BraveFencerKirby... the system is down, yo | 02:25 |
graft | kalin, forget sudo | 02:25 |
kalin | what does it do? | 02:25 |
graft | install it locally... it's better that way | 02:25 |
kalin | okok forgetting sudo | 02:26 |
graft | that way you won't have ot reinstall plugins every time you upgrade mozilla | 02:26 |
pashaw | kalin, graft says its in your user home | 02:26 |
kalin | ;) | 02:26 |
BraveFencerKirby | It'll boot normally, I just can't get Ubuntu to install. | 02:26 |
Cerberus | can you give me some GParted help | 02:26 |
kalin | the plug is in m,y desktop | 02:26 |
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pashaw | Cerberus, whats the problem? | 02:26 |
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Cerberus | i am trying to resize my NTFS partition | 02:27 |
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Cerberus | so that i can install ubuntu | 02:27 |
CentHOGG | Cerberbus: gparted partitions aren't seen in XP | 02:27 |
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kalin | hey! mozilla is not in my home directory! | 02:27 |
pashaw | Cerberus, ok tou made backups before starting then used gparted | 02:27 |
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kalin | mozilla is within usr/lib | 02:28 |
Cerberus | ya, what are the approx. chances of GParted screwing up my NTFS drive? | 02:28 |
graft | yeah, but .mozilla is in your home dir | 02:28 |
pashaw | Cerberus, backups right? as your risking the loss of the entire ntfs partition so you know | 02:28 |
BraveFencerKirby | Resource Conflict - PCI in slot 01 Bus: 01, Device:0E, Function:00 | 02:28 |
BraveFencerKirby | That mean anything to anyone? | 02:28 |
pashaw | Cerberus, i dont gamble hate losing | 02:28 |
Cerberus | yeah, that is why i am wary | 02:28 |
Cerberus | of resizing | 02:29 |
pashaw | Cerberus, so backups first | 02:29 |
CentHOGG | partition magic | 02:29 |
Cerberus | partition magic costs $ :/ | 02:29 |
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Cerberus | and GParted seems to be an equal | 02:29 |
CentHOGG | Cerberbus: gparted partitions aren't seen in XP | 02:30 |
kalin | mmm nop mozilla is within USR which is at the same level of HOME | 02:30 |
pashaw | CentHOGG, that doesnt make sense | 02:30 |
Cerberus | why not, shouldnt XP see NTFS no matter where it is made from | 02:30 |
globe | iwconfig | 02:30 |
pl_ice | hey, wish ya all, all the best in New Years !! party hard like a animal :) | 02:30 |
CentHOGG | gparted does NTFS.... | 02:30 |
Cerberus | yeah | 02:30 |
Cerberus | it says it can do all but copy for NTFS | 02:31 |
CentHOGG | i concur with pashaw | 02:31 |
graft | kalin... type ls .mozilla from within your home dir. | 02:31 |
CentHOGG | never gamble on something valueable | 02:31 |
pashaw | Cerberus, last time i used knoppix with qtparted | 02:31 |
CentHOGG | too lose | 02:31 |
kalin | ??? in the terminal? | 02:32 |
graft | yeah | 02:32 |
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pashaw | kalin, type cd ~ <enter> then type ls -al youll see your .mozilla as graft said | 02:32 |
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graft | also, you should clearly read "man intro" | 02:33 |
andres | necesito ayuda :D | 02:33 |
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pashaw | !es | 02:33 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 02:34 |
=== sQuare [n=sqrgnu@pil59-1-87-88-200-55.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pashaw | andres, wrong language | 02:34 |
pashaw | andres, ?? sorry if i guess wrong | 02:35 |
kalin | it appeared this: appreg firefox mozver.dat pluginreg.dat plugins | 02:35 |
BraveFencerKirby | Hey, can someone tell me how to verify the ISO file that I downloaded? I saw something about that on the wiki but it didn't make any damn sense to me. | 02:35 |
kalin | with firefox and plugins in blue text | 02:36 |
pashaw | kalin, you just listed your .mozilla folder in user home | 02:36 |
pashaw | kalin, so its there | 02:36 |
graft | kalin what plugin are you trying to install? | 02:36 |
kalin | so now i can modify it? | 02:36 |
kalin | libflashplayer.so | 02:36 |
graft | ah | 02:36 |
intelikey | BraveFencerKirby check the md5 sum ? | 02:37 |
graft | yeah just do : cp libflashplayer.so ~/.mozilla/plugins/ | 02:37 |
BraveFencerKirby | Yeah, about that. WTF does that mean? ~_~ | 02:37 |
pashaw | BraveFencerKirby, did you use bittorrent or http/ftp download? | 02:37 |
BraveFencerKirby | I downloaded it off one of the mirrors. | 02:37 |
graft | although actually | 02:37 |
graft | flash should have its own installer script | 02:37 |
pashaw | !tell BraveFencerKirby about md5 | 02:37 |
intelikey | BraveFencerKirby if you have burned it to cd boot the cd to expert mode and run the cd testing app that is listed in the menu | 02:38 |
BraveFencerKirby | Pashaw, looked at that. All Greek to me. | 02:38 |
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pashaw | BraveFencerKirby, lol follow intelikey's advice | 02:38 |
BraveFencerKirby | Working on that | 02:39 |
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kalin | can't do 'stat' over "libflashplayer.so" | 02:39 |
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kalin | the file o dir doesn't exist | 02:39 |
wizardjames | how do i add themes to limewire? | 02:39 |
graft | well cd to whatever directory it's in first | 02:40 |
=== odat [n=house@ip106.186.235.64.susc.suscom.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
raymond | HOW DI I INSTALL LIMEWIRE | 02:40 |
BraveFencerKirby | First, turn off capslock | 02:40 |
raymond | sry | 02:40 |
BraveFencerKirby | Second... ask someone else. I'm clueless. | 02:40 |
odat | hello everyone | 02:40 |
graft | Second, use gtk-gnutella... limewire blows | 02:40 |
intelikey | shoot high and shoot low, maybe if you knock their hat off with the first shot they will dance for the second. :) | 02:40 |
wizardjames | http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/faqguide-all.html#id2511334 < is how to install it.. | 02:40 |
graft | needlessly hogs system resources | 02:40 |
pashaw | !tell raymond about limewire | 02:41 |
wizardjames | ok..i will try that | 02:41 |
odat | anyone know if what systems tools i may be able to use to track down problems with a system that is running slow aka Norton Utilities? | 02:41 |
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pashaw | odat, top | 02:41 |
graft | odat - 'top' | 02:41 |
wizardjames | were do i get gtk-gnutella graft | 02:42 |
graft | it's in the ubuntu repos | 02:42 |
odat | graft, top? | 02:42 |
graft | odat - just run 'top' in the shell | 02:42 |
pashaw | odat, top will tell you whats running and what resources its using | 02:42 |
BraveFencerKirby | Crap. | 02:42 |
D1 | hmm, are there any Limewire debs out there besides ubuntu guide's install? | 02:42 |
D1 | !limewire | 02:42 |
ubotu | hmm... limewire is first you need !java, then download the http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and unpack it. Then just run the runLime.sh file. Voila. | 02:42 |
BraveFencerKirby | did the "check CD-ROM integrity" thing and it failed instantly. | 02:42 |
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relampago | hello :O | 02:43 |
CentHOGG | ola | 02:43 |
graft | haha | 02:43 |
relampago | :p | 02:43 |
graft | well, at least your cd-rom drive isn't busted | 02:43 |
odat | graft, k thats cool but is there any software that fixes problems with the system? | 02:43 |
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pashaw | BraveFencerKirby, new download needed then | 02:43 |
graft | um... what sort of problems? | 02:43 |
BraveFencerKirby | I already tried that, though. | 02:43 |
intelikey | BraveFencerKirby that's not good ! | 02:43 |
relampago | i try ./configure and the error is: checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables | 02:44 |
pashaw | odat, yep you | 02:44 |
graft | how did you download it, BraveFencerKirby? | 02:44 |
odat | graft, it seems this computer gets slower and slower and always system to have trouble with the file system | 02:44 |
relampago | how fix it? | 02:44 |
relampago | :S | 02:44 |
BraveFencerKirby | Off one of the mirrors. | 02:44 |
odat | pashaw, ? | 02:44 |
graft | odat, that really depends on what you're running on it | 02:44 |
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odat | graft, how so? | 02:44 |
relampago | i try ./configure and the error is: checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables | 02:44 |
CentHOGG | relampago: how did you install the compiler? | 02:45 |
intelikey | BraveFencerKirby you did get the one that is made for your architecture ? | 02:45 |
relampago | CentHOGG apt-get install gcc | 02:45 |
graft | well, if you're running some program that hogs memory and CPU time, it'll obviously get slower | 02:45 |
pashaw | relampago, spamming gets you ignored try and wait at least a few mins between asking | 02:45 |
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CentHOGG | hold on | 02:45 |
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BraveFencerKirby | Intel: yeah, I'm using the intel one. | 02:45 |
graft | no, BraveFencerKirby, i mean what program did you use to download the image? | 02:45 |
relampago | pashaw, ? | 02:46 |
BraveFencerKirby | Program? Uh, IE? | 02:46 |
graft | oh... um | 02:46 |
kalin | graft, well i'll try later i'm hungry now | 02:46 |
graft | and you don't know how to check the md5? | 02:46 |
=== NweNickChix is now known as Belle | ||
graft | oh... sorry, kalin, thought you were gone | 02:46 |
BraveFencerKirby | Nope. | 02:46 |
=== Belle is now known as Gi | ||
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odat | graft, ? | 02:47 |
relampago | CentHOGG ?? | 02:47 |
graft | odat... what do you use your computer for, normally? | 02:47 |
CentHOGG | relampago: go here and read this http://distrowatch.com/weekly.php?issue=current#2 | 02:47 |
relampago | ok :/ | 02:48 |
=== Gi is now known as MaryChain | ||
odat | graft, this computer in particular is used mostly for browsing the web and music stuff | 02:48 |
graft | hey BraveFencerKirby, check out fastsum.com | 02:48 |
graft | you can check md5s with that... | 02:48 |
pashaw | odat, how much RAM does it have? | 02:49 |
=== funkyHat [n=matt@cpc3-nthc3-3-1-cust65.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pashaw | odat, type in a terminal free and tell us the total/ used /and free | 02:50 |
odat | pashaw, i have 776552 in total memory and about half of that is being used | 02:51 |
intelikey | pashaw you do know that free is very inacurate about the actual used/free amounts don't you ? | 02:51 |
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pashaw | intelikey, yes but he never answered my first question so needed somewhere to start total is correct tho | 02:51 |
graft | hmm... with that much memory probably swapping is not her problem | 02:51 |
relampago | CentHOGG, http://distrowatch.com/weekly.php?issue=current#2 | 02:51 |
relampago | ups | 02:51 |
relampago | CentHOGG, ln: gcc: El fichero existe | 02:51 |
intelikey | total is correct minus the kernels 4m +/- | 02:52 |
CentHOGG | brb | 02:52 |
pashaw | odat, looking at free again how does your swap look size and used | 02:52 |
pashaw | intelikey, now your nit picking :P | 02:53 |
=== intelikey doesn't like nits | ||
odat | pashaw, swap is 2273156 0 being used | 02:53 |
intelikey | they hatch into lice | 02:53 |
BraveFencerKirby | What the hell? My computer is finding new hardware where there is none. | 02:54 |
=== jeori [n=jeorihjo@ti531210a080-3562.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pashaw | odat, your good there as it is then how long til the slow down starts? 3 hours? what programs are running when it starts? | 02:54 |
pashaw | BraveFencerKirby, burn it its a witch! | 02:54 |
jeori | how can you find out which directory a program is installed to? | 02:54 |
Kyral | which <command> | 02:55 |
pashaw | jeori, locate <name> | 02:55 |
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intelikey | i'd say with the 700m of ram he described he's good on mem piriod. with or without swap. | 02:55 |
jeori | thanks | 02:55 |
pashaw | intelikey, agreed but had to check he even had swap enabled | 02:56 |
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odat | pashaw, the whole system is slower than it used to be start ups are slower and each time it does the manual check after 30 start ups there are file system problems that need to be fixed it appears the file system and the hard drive don't like eachother very much | 02:56 |
intelikey | pashaw why ? | 02:56 |
pashaw | intelikey, if he fills the 700 bad things happen with no swap | 02:56 |
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intelikey | pashaw i don't have swap and only 64m of ram. what is his error ? | 02:56 |
pashaw | intelikey, i have 2G in my home machine its runs a steady 12mb swap | 02:56 |
TraceGreen | Hello, can ubuntu install on a pc whose memory just 64M? | 02:57 |
Kyral | TraceGreen: it would be close | 02:57 |
=== Brendon [n=Brendon@c-66-176-112-43.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pashaw | TraceGreen, do a server install and sudo apt-get xubuntu-desktop for GUI | 02:57 |
ProTeus4 | hello all, I am running Ubuntu breezy, and have a situation where my system root drive is only 4 gig, and I am running out of space. I have a second drive 36 gig, I would like to use a partition from it for my var/cache/ directory. woudl that be difficult? | 02:57 |
odat | TraceGreen, if you do choose xubuntu | 02:57 |
Kyral | or Fluxbox... | 02:57 |
TraceGreen | xubuntu? | 02:57 |
pashaw | TraceGreen, oops apt-get install < missed that | 02:57 |
Seveas | ProTeus4, no, just mount it as /var/cache :) | 02:57 |
intelikey | TraceGreen you'd want to install server the gui is a bit heavy for 64m but it can run. | 02:58 |
BraveFencerKirby | graft - excuse me if I sound like a n00b, but how the hell do you use this fastsum program thingie? | 02:58 |
pashaw | TraceGreen, yes its much smaller than gnoem or KDE | 02:58 |
odat | TraceGreen, its a lightweight desktop eviroment | 02:58 |
TraceGreen | ok , i will have a try. | 02:58 |
Kyral | I think 64M is cutting it close for even XFCE | 02:58 |
ProTeus4 | Seveas: any specail fstab mounting methods, or commands - or should I just match the / settings? | 02:58 |
=== Linfan [n=frank@c-66-176-209-252.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kyral | TraceGreen: I think you'd be better with Damn Small Linux | 02:58 |
pashaw | Kyral, kinda he only beginner choice tho | 02:58 |
relampago | checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables | 02:58 |
TraceGreen | i want to run gimp actually | 02:58 |
relampago | how fix this | 02:58 |
relampago | ? | 02:58 |
lampshade | What command is used in .xsession with exec to launch XFCE? | 02:59 |
Kyral | TraceGreen: Then no way... | 02:59 |
Seveas | ProTeus4, well, use the filesystemtype you put on the drive | 02:59 |
Seveas | !tell relampago about compiling | 02:59 |
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Linfan | how come my computer usage on ubuntu goes from 5% to 88% every other second? im not getting a stable usage | 02:59 |
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Linfan | anyway to correct this | 02:59 |
odat | TraceGreen, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingXubuntu | 02:59 |
TraceGreen | Kyral, do you mean i can't run gimp on 64Mmemory? | 02:59 |
ProTeus4 | Sevas: I can match the root drive ext3 I think thanks much | 02:59 |
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TraceGreen | odat, thanks. | 02:59 |
relampago | :/ | 03:00 |
odat | tr np | 03:00 |
najah | hey guyz im having a problem im new to linux and i have just installed ubuntu on my laptop and cant get my wifi to work | 03:00 |
pashaw | odat, what your describing now can be a dozen things | 03:00 |
Kyral | TraceGreen: The GIMP at what I think you want to do (Photoshop level stuff) would break... | 03:00 |
Kyral | or like take forever | 03:00 |
intelikey | TraceGreen you won't get any satisfaction out of running ubunut and gimp on a box with 64m ram it can be done but it will be into swap all the time...... bad idea. | 03:00 |
odat | pashaw, well i would like to know where to start | 03:00 |
CentHOGG | GIMP and photoshop in the same sentence.... ROTFL | 03:00 |
graft | najah... oh man, there's a big headache | 03:01 |
pashaw | odat, bad cable causing drive corruption error in the IDE module your running config error bad shutdowns | 03:01 |
najah | for real | 03:01 |
intelikey | odat what presactly is it you have an issue with ? | 03:01 |
TraceGreen | en. i know, thanks! | 03:01 |
pashaw | odat, or drive simply going bad for heat wearing out etc | 03:01 |
graft | najah, what wireless card have you got? | 03:01 |
pashaw | odat, you need to fix the corrution before slowness | 03:01 |
odat | intelikey, the whole system is slower than it used to be start ups are slower and each time it does the manual check after 30 start ups | 03:02 |
najah | @ gaft i need it to work as i want to go linux and i need the wifi so the network at school | 03:02 |
BraveFencerKirby | graft - excuse me if I sound like a n00b, but how the hell do you use this fastsum program thingie? | 03:02 |
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odat | pashaw, k how would i go about fixing the corruption | 03:02 |
pashaw | intelikey, odats 30 reboot check always finds errors | 03:02 |
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najah | i have a 802.11b/g | 03:03 |
intelikey | pashaw mine does too | 03:03 |
graft | BraveFencerKirby, no idea... just feed it your image file, and it should spit out an md5 | 03:03 |
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pashaw | intelikey, ill let you handle odat then those arent normal items for me | 03:04 |
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graft | no, najah, i mean what brand | 03:04 |
graft | specifically what chipset | 03:04 |
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najah | brb im gonna chech | 03:04 |
intelikey | and seems to always put two or three '#some_number/' in /lost+found but they are always blank. empty dirs. | 03:04 |
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BraveFencerKirby | I'm wondering if my CD burner is screwing up the iso somehow. Should I try using a different computer? | 03:05 |
intelikey | pashaw no no. you go ahead i was just trying to catch up so i might be able to assist | 03:05 |
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ProTeus4 | Seveas: while I am at it, are there any other large dirs I could move that would help me recover some / space? | 03:05 |
pashaw | BraveFencerKirby, sure and burn it at 12x max | 03:05 |
Seveas | ProTeus4, /home perhaps | 03:05 |
CentHOGG | anybody here vmwaring | 03:06 |
=== wizardjames [n=james@S010600044b808004.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Linfan | wow apprecaite the assistance | 03:06 |
wizardjames | hey | 03:06 |
pashaw | intelikey, you seem to have alot in common | 03:06 |
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BraveFencerKirby | Wonderful... this means I get to download the ISO for a THIRD time. | 03:06 |
pashaw | intelikey, heading home anyway :P | 03:06 |
intelikey | k | 03:06 |
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intelikey | odat you do have dma enabled ? | 03:06 |
ProTeus4 | thanks, for the help - have a good night | 03:06 |
wizardjames | is it normal for ubuntu to frezese? | 03:07 |
pilgrim | Did any compile their kernel recently? | 03:07 |
DRAGON_Ultra | yes/no | 03:07 |
timmy_ | Kyral, thanks for the link to your terminal tutorial, I am on part 4 | 03:07 |
david_m_e | Seveas... got a ? for you. I have a Canon Pixma ip1500 printer; I found a driver for it; the 1st command to install driver is: "deb-src http://mambo.kuhp.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~takushi/debian ./"; however, issuing that command results "command not found". Is the command wrong or is deb-src just not on my computer? | 03:07 |
odat | intelikey, on this machine no | 03:07 |
Seveas | david_m_e, that's not a command but a line to add to /etc/apt/sources.list | 03:08 |
david_m_e | ah... thank you | 03:08 |
david_m_e | now, how do i do that ? | 03:08 |
intelikey | odat that might help the speed of things noticably | 03:08 |
david_m_e | gedit? | 03:08 |
Seveas | yes | 03:08 |
timmy_ | Can I ask a question about updates and Dapper Drake? | 03:08 |
wizardjames | no.. | 03:08 |
david_m_e | again, thank you | 03:08 |
Kyral | Dapper.... | 03:08 |
relampago | bash: pw: command not found | 03:08 |
relampago | why? :S | 03:08 |
BraveFencerKirby | See you folks in a half hour, I guess. | 03:08 |
Kyral | timmy_: not for a newbie :P | 03:08 |
timmy_ | will my version of Ubuntu update to Dapper Drake when it is released? | 03:09 |
odat | intelikey, true however i would like to understand why it was much faster with less errors opposed to now | 03:09 |
Seveas | timmy_, what's the question? | 03:09 |
wizardjames | yes.. | 03:09 |
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Kyral | timmy_: you will have to do a minor edit to /etc/apt/sources.list | 03:09 |
timmy_ | but I won't have to do a full install again? | 03:09 |
graft | oh.. BraveFencerKirby | 03:09 |
intelikey | odat yeah i'm pondering that also.... have you checked the logs for anomilies ? | 03:09 |
Seveas | timmy_, with Ubuntu you will never have to do a reinstall | 03:09 |
graft | don't do ANYTHING while you're burning | 03:09 |
timmy_ | COOL! | 03:09 |
graft | don't even play solitaire | 03:10 |
odat | intelikey, i wouldn't know how to do that | 03:10 |
wizardjames | why would ubuntu freze? | 03:10 |
CentHOGG | memory | 03:10 |
graft | wizardjames, probably it's very cold | 03:10 |
wizardjames | lol | 03:10 |
timmy_ | I have done so many things to my programs so far, I would hate to have to redo | 03:10 |
wizardjames | it was doing good.. | 03:10 |
CentHOGG | bad ram | 03:11 |
david_m_e | another question, to anyone at large: i want to bring up Firefox with a particular site everytime i boot; what is the linux equivalent to autoexec/Programs->Startup ? | 03:11 |
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wizardjames | CentHOGG, the ram is good | 03:11 |
CentHOGG | verified with memtest? | 03:11 |
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BraveFencerKirby | graft - I could make a smartass comment about whether or not I'm allowed to burn while I'm burning.... but I'm not going to. | 03:11 |
wizardjames | david_m_e, sessions.. | 03:11 |
intelikey | odat it may be a big list but you could start with 'sudo grep -hie'error' /var/log/* | less | 03:11 |
ricardo25 | list | 03:11 |
timmy_ | thanks for answering my question! | 03:11 |
Seveas | david_m_e, system -> prefs -> sessions | 03:11 |
timmy_ | till next time.... | 03:12 |
david_m_e | thanks Seveas | 03:12 |
Seveas | !seen sabdfl | 03:12 |
ubotu | i haven't seen 'sabdfl', Seveas | 03:12 |
timmy_ | you guys rock! | 03:12 |
CentHOGG | :) | 03:12 |
nix4me | is it possible to start using LVM without re-installing? | 03:13 |
cafuego | shraaaaaaaaapnel | 03:13 |
Seveas | cafuego, relax, 11 more hours until newyear :p | 03:13 |
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cafuego | Seveas: 10.45 | 03:13 |
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Seveas | oh my, heat the oliebollen and chill the champagne before it's too late :) | 03:14 |
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intelikey | odat anything that grabs the attention in that might help. less uses /string to search forword and ?string to search backwards in case you are not familear with it. | 03:14 |
=== cafuego is going to be cruising the bay on [http://www.boatcruises.com.au/challenger.asp] when it happens. | ||
cafuego | (Yes, my neighbours DO own a nice boat :-) | 03:14 |
cafuego | Seveas: We're all out of champagne. i'm afraid it all got drunk on boxing day. | 03:15 |
Seveas | tsk | 03:15 |
jeori | hehe | 03:15 |
=== vickie [n=vickie@user-1087493.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kobur | I am new to using linux. Can someone please help me? I am trying to figure out how to install video drivers. | 03:15 |
cafuego | 2 bottles of fizzy shiraz is all I have left | 03:16 |
Seveas | kobur, which card? | 03:16 |
kobur | Radeon 9600XT all in wonder | 03:16 |
Seveas | !tell kobur about ati | 03:16 |
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cafuego | Isn't the 9600 supposed to work with the free drivers? | 03:16 |
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intelikey | is it ? | 03:17 |
Seveas | it works fine for me with fglrx | 03:17 |
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david_m_e | another question for at-large... are there any strong opinions about the general quality of the information at www.Linux.com? (i noticed their home page did not mention UBUNTU in any way and hadn't been updated in about a year) | 03:18 |
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intelikey | one old nvidia agp is all i have that needs any driver or can do any trick s...tuff | 03:18 |
cafuego | david_m_e: That's an issue for whoever operates linux.com | 03:18 |
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intelikey | my opinions are always strong david_m_e | 03:20 |
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intelikey | at least others tell me they stink..... | 03:20 |
intelikey | :) | 03:20 |
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najah_ | hello nite | 03:22 |
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david_m_e | i'm looking for a site that is for those new to Linux and with (obviously) quality info... Linux.com's home page says it's for those new to Linux, but then thier list of good, free distributions doesnt' include UBUNTU and the general tone seemed to imply it's just a front door for sales | 03:22 |
Kyral | UbuntuForums | 03:22 |
nalioth | david_m_e: linux.COM (commercial) | 03:22 |
nalioth | david_m_e: try linux.org | 03:22 |
david_m_e | i shall | 03:22 |
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CentHOGG | I heard ubuntu bought debian the other day | 03:23 |
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CentHOGG | like Viacom bought CBS | 03:23 |
Kyral | CentHOGG: WTF? | 03:23 |
nalioth | CentHOGG: are you trolling? | 03:23 |
Kyral | CentHOGG: thats a GOOD ONE | 03:23 |
najah_ | im a new user to linex and i just installed ubuntu on my laptop and my wifi doesnt work can someone help me plz! | 03:23 |
Seveas | CentHOGG, lol, you read too much ELER :) | 03:23 |
claviola_ | hi, does anyone know if the amd64 livecd supports motherboards with the nforce4 chipset? | 03:23 |
CentHOGG | calm down fanatics | 03:23 |
CentHOGG | just joking | 03:23 |
david_m_e | nalioth thanks; i went to linux.org once before, and apparently i didn't bookmark it; | 03:24 |
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Seveas | http://geekz.co.uk/lovesraymond/archive/clique <-- CentHOGG | 03:25 |
CentHOGG | hah ROTFL | 03:26 |
PeteyPablo | So high Omfgx | 03:26 |
najah_ | can any one in here help me? | 03:26 |
PeteyPablo | najah: maybe ask a question | 03:26 |
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intelikey | so now that ubuntu owns debian, will it go commercial ? | 03:26 |
navarone | funny one Seveas | 03:26 |
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Sturgeon | I'm trying to make a launcher for an application in gnome desktop, but i put the command i want it to excute in the "launcher" field and when i click on the icon it does nothing | 03:27 |
Sturgeon | what am i missing? | 03:27 |
najah_ | PetePablo, im a new user to linex and i just installed ubuntu on my laptop and my wifi doesnt work can someone help me plz! | 03:27 |
navarone | Sturgeon what app and comamnd? | 03:27 |
najah_ | *linux | 03:27 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell najah_ about wireless | 03:27 |
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PeteyPablo | nalioth: damn you | 03:27 |
Sturgeon | navarone: a custom application | 03:28 |
jake | i've just installed for the first time, and when i try and startx, i get two errors: errno 111 and 3, anyone know how to fix this? | 03:28 |
intelikey | Sturgeon in the terminal type 'which <command> ' and then put that whole path in the laungher maybe | 03:28 |
navarone | Sturgeon that tella me little...what is the application and what is the command you are putting in launcher? | 03:28 |
Sturgeon | I did that | 03:28 |
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intelikey | Sturgeon does it run ok from the terminal ? | 03:29 |
Sturgeon | navarone: You don't know the application. The command in the launcher is the full path to the executable. When i click on the launcher or right click and put "open" it does nothing though. | 03:29 |
Sturgeon | intelikey: yes, it does :\ | 03:29 |
navarone | Sturgeon when you execute in terminal do you require full path? | 03:29 |
intelikey | you can call it to run in a terminal if it needs a controlling tty/vc Sturgeon | 03:30 |
intelikey | the launcher options for that | 03:30 |
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Sturgeon | navarone: no | 03:30 |
Sturgeon | hmm ok i'll try that | 03:30 |
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navarone | Sturgeon...maybe launcher only needs command you would need in terminal to run...and click run in terminal...<?> | 03:31 |
intelikey | run in terminal iirc | 03:31 |
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ike_ | ls -l | 03:31 |
ike_ | whoops | 03:31 |
intelikey | ls -lAsh you mean | 03:31 |
jake | anyone else having trouble starting x? | 03:31 |
navarone | Sturgeon...I know it is not a launcher but press alt-f2 and type terminal command and see if it works thru dialog as well | 03:32 |
Agamotto | jake: Only with the newest nVIDIA cards | 03:32 |
intelikey | jake what error ? | 03:32 |
najah_ | PetePablo, im a new user to linex and i just installed ubuntu on my laptop and my wifi doesnt work can someone help me plz! | 03:32 |
jake | i have a geforce 2 so i assume that isn't old.. | 03:32 |
jake | isn't new rather | 03:33 |
navarone | jake it is actually...I have geforce3 and it is getting up in age itself | 03:33 |
Agamotto | najah_: Go to linuxlaptops.org and see if your particular model is listed. They have many helpfiles/cheats for specific models | 03:33 |
najah_ | ok thank u | 03:33 |
jake | navarone: yeah i meant new :p | 03:34 |
nalioth | najah_: read what ubotu sent you, please | 03:34 |
jake | the errors im getting are: | 03:34 |
jake | xinit: connection refused ( error 111): unable to connect to X server | 03:34 |
jake | xinit: no such process ( errno 3): server error. | 03:34 |
navarone | jake yeah i saw after I entered...lol | 03:34 |
cafuego | jake: They're not new, but they work fine. | 03:34 |
=== cafuego has a shiny Millennium 2. | ||
intelikey | scroll up and see what preceeds that error jake | 03:34 |
najah_ | nalioth ubotu does not kno wat im talkin about | 03:35 |
navarone | jake...i assume you installed xserver...? | 03:35 |
intelikey | that's just telling us that x didn't start so xinit couldn't | 03:35 |
Agamotto | cafuego: What is a Millennium 2? | 03:35 |
jake | intelikey:i cant, im only on one machine, and booted in windows at the moment, but it was soomething about xauth making a new file | 03:35 |
cafuego | Agamotto: The best linux compatible video card ever made. | 03:35 |
intelikey | oh ok | 03:35 |
jake | navarone: i did the defaul installation from cd | 03:35 |
navarone | cafuego? Matrox? | 03:36 |
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cafuego | navarone: yep | 03:36 |
navarone | sheesh...I had Millenium about 7 years ago...lol | 03:36 |
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intelikey | jake login to console and do a 'sudo rm .*auth* ' then try 'startx ' :) | 03:36 |
navarone | 4mb vram...S<> | 03:36 |
cafuego | navarone: I use it in a box that usually runs headless | 03:36 |
cafuego | navarone: Ha! Mine had 8! | 03:37 |
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cafuego | navarone: ... and it was looped into a Voodoo2 PCi card. | 03:37 |
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navarone | cafuego...mine was in a P166 with 80mb ram...lol | 03:37 |
jake | intelikey: that exact command? or am i meant to replace *auth* with something? | 03:37 |
david_m_e | cafuego did u ever get the answer to your video driver question? | 03:37 |
intelikey | no .*auth* is inturpreted by bash you just type as is. | 03:38 |
Agamotto | Ahhhh, a Matrox Millennium.. ok, makes sense now | 03:38 |
MasterWammy | im having a problem with a ITERaid PCi ide/raid card, i got the driver to compile and insert into kernel via modprobe corretly but i get these errors on the device: sda: asking for cache data failed | 03:38 |
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MasterWammy | and another error, when ever anything tries to access /dev/sda it hangs | 03:38 |
cafuego | navarone: Mine in a Dual P2/300 (with scsi) | 03:39 |
jake | intelikey: ok, well cheers, have to reboot into ubuntu to try it, but hopefully it work | 03:39 |
intelikey | jake | 03:39 |
navarone | cafuego very posh...lol | 03:39 |
intelikey | one other thing | 03:39 |
jake | yep? | 03:39 |
=== rocketranch [n=htaylor@pcp0012137671pcs.cornth01.ms.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | if it does not work do a 'sudo - ' and try to startx that will tell us if x can run as root or not. | 03:40 |
cafuego | navarone: 't was. all of 128MB ram. That box still lives actually, though I've added ram and plonked in 2 80GB ide drives on a controller card. It runs the network at the in-laws now :-) | 03:40 |
=== castlerock [n=castlero@cpe-066-057-112-043.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | the first should fix you tho jake | 03:40 |
jake | ok, will do, think i already tried sudo startx tho.. | 03:40 |
jake | back in a bit then (maybe!) | 03:41 |
intelikey | that command will cause you to need to sudo rm .*auth* jake lol | 03:41 |
intelikey | <jake> ok, will do, think i already tried sudo startx <--- that ^ | 03:41 |
jake | ok...well, lets see how it goes | 03:42 |
jake | bye | 03:42 |
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MasterWammy | any ideas to my issue? | 03:42 |
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intelikey | MasterWammy i'm RAID illiterate sorry | 03:43 |
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oveh | anyone running starterbar, (gdesklets) ? | 03:43 |
Ophiocus | !grub | 03:44 |
=== tbw [n=tbw@CPE000625a2392f-CM00e06f14ca46.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | somebody said grub was http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting | 03:44 |
Haukkari | !ati | 03:44 |
tbw | Howdy. | 03:44 |
ubotu | [ati] at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 | 03:44 |
tbw | How are you ? | 03:44 |
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Agamotto | MasterWhammy: Same here, sorry | 03:44 |
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MasterWammy | Agamotto, got nothing to do with raid, its got to do with the stupid driver not working...bah! :/ | 03:45 |
globotomy | hey, anybody here have a sony vaio fs or fj? what do you think of it? | 03:45 |
MasterWammy | been fighting with this thing for all week | 03:45 |
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ciler | both of them are ***** | 03:45 |
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=== Agamotto offers MasterWammy a hug | ||
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toydi | hi, i need some help | 03:45 |
navarone | ask away toydi | 03:46 |
=== ITSa341 [n=ITSa341@207-118-233-94.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ITSa341 | Good evening everyone | 03:46 |
navarone | hi Itsa | 03:46 |
versaily | when u download sumtin via symnaptic and choose download pacakge file only where does it go? | 03:47 |
globotomy | ciler: what do you recommend instead? | 03:47 |
ciler | the others | 03:47 |
navarone | versaily, I think you should chjeck /var/cache/apt or similar | 03:47 |
tbw | I'm using ubuntu 5.10 on a laptop | 03:47 |
ciler | exclude thinkpad | 03:47 |
versaily | ok thx | 03:47 |
tbw | With a synaptic touchpad | 03:47 |
Agamotto | versaily: /var/cache/apt or /opt, usually | 03:48 |
tbw | is there anything I can do to make the mouse work better? | 03:48 |
intelikey | versaily /var/cache/apt/something probably | 03:48 |
kobur | Seveas Thanks for the help. I have to reboot to see if it actually worked | 03:48 |
=== FlannelKing [n=flannel@crlsbd-cuda5-68-67-177-17.crlsca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
raymond | why cant i open java after i downloaded it | 03:48 |
versaily | ok | 03:48 |
Agamotto | tbw: Why not a full cybernetic synaptic interface? | 03:48 |
versaily | i think i can find it | 03:48 |
versaily | thx | 03:48 |
ben_underscore | i have 5.10 on a thinkpad - no problems | 03:48 |
Agamotto | tbw: In what way? | 03:48 |
tbw | Agamotto: well it's just a bit touchy and I can't seem to disable the touch-to-click functionality and such. | 03:48 |
ben_underscore | raymond, in what way can you not open it? | 03:48 |
nalioth | raymond: you need to install the java before you can use it | 03:48 |
toydi | I just installed Ubuntu, but stuck in 640x480 resolution. I tried several approaches in FixVideoResoHOWTO but failed. Would you help me here, i'm new to linux :) | 03:48 |
raymond | like i click on it and a error happens | 03:49 |
cafuego | !javadeb | 03:49 |
ubotu | Java can be found in multiverse. Sun and IBM java packages can be found at http://giannaros.org/buntu/breezy | 03:49 |
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Agamotto | tbw: Go into System -> Prefs -> Mouse, it should all be in there | 03:49 |
globotomy | i'm using an ibook g3/800 right now i'm looking to replace | 03:49 |
tbw | yeah it isnt | 03:49 |
navarone | toydi what vidcard are you using? | 03:49 |
cafuego | Who is this Giannaros and why should we trust packages they host? | 03:49 |
toydi | VIA/S3 Unichrome Intergrated Video (VT8378) | 03:49 |
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nalioth | cafuego: gianarros is apokryphos. and most of the packages are seveas' | 03:50 |
raymond | when i download a file what typ of format dose it haft to be | 03:50 |
cafuego | nalioth: his server has exceeded bandwidth | 03:50 |
tbw | Agamotto: None of those options make any difference at all.. | 03:50 |
Agamotto | tbw: Interesting. I have never had that problem | 03:50 |
tbw | Yeah | 03:50 |
tbw | I think it's the synaptic nightmare | 03:50 |
intelikey | raymond good one :) | 03:51 |
ben_underscore | raymond, have you installed the sun java or the blackdown one? | 03:51 |
raymond | im serius | 03:51 |
cafuego | !javadeb =~ s#http://giannaros.org/buntu/breezy#http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/# | 03:51 |
ubotu | that doesn't contain 'http://giannaros.org/buntu/breezy', cafuego | 03:51 |
toydi | navarone, my VIA/S3 Unchrome is integrated on-board video card | 03:51 |
intelikey | any | 03:51 |
raymond | i cant figer it out | 03:51 |
raymond | i tried | 03:51 |
cafuego | grr | 03:51 |
BraveFencerKirby | Hey, random question. When installing Ubuntu and partitioning my hard disk, what's the difference between "erase entire disk" and "erase entire disk and use LVM"? | 03:51 |
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intelikey | what are you trying to dl raymond ? | 03:51 |
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navarone | toydi take a look at this thread and see if it looks helpful http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=37025&page=3 | 03:52 |
tbw | I wonder what will happen if I close the lid to my laptop ;) | 03:52 |
=== jake [n=bob@82-35-16-154.cable.ubr03.hari.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
raymond | i tryed to donload java but it wont let me extract it | 03:52 |
nalioth | BraveFencerKirby: lvm is for multiple physical disks you want to have appear as one volume "logical volume manager' | 03:52 |
morphix | heh. i figured out my NIC problems.. the NICS eeprom is corrupted. | 03:52 |
BraveFencerKirby | Righto then, thanks nal | 03:52 |
Agamotto | BraveFencerKirby: LVM allows easier partition manipulation | 03:52 |
navarone | extarct it? | 03:52 |
jake | damn | 03:52 |
jake | didnt work | 03:52 |
ben_underscore | raymond, what does the file look like? is it a .sh file? if so, you need to run it as an executable in the terminal | 03:52 |
raymond | it wont let me | 03:52 |
tbw | Anyone know what I need to do to get my laptop to go to sleep when I close the lid? | 03:52 |
toydi | navarone, ok thanks, i'm reading now :) | 03:52 |
=== thunderbolt [n=ryan@69-170-83-197.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
morphix | there is something really odd going on atm.. i cant do ANY commands all i get is | 03:53 |
morphix | -bash: /sbin/hdparm: Input/output error | 03:53 |
morphix | for anything i try | 03:53 |
intelikey | jake no root access to x either i take it ? | 03:53 |
jake | nope | 03:53 |
raymond | it is a bin file | 03:53 |
navarone | toydi...simple thing would be to change "vesa" to "via" in xorg.conf and see what that gets you | 03:53 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell raymond about java | 03:53 |
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nalioth | raymond: follow the instructions there | 03:53 |
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jake | tho i got the erro message "X: warning process set to priorty -1 instead of requested priority 0" | 03:53 |
emptystapler | What are some decent non-Azureus BT clients? | 03:53 |
yaaar | word | 03:53 |
=== thunderbolt feels so strange compiling something from source | ||
jake | (that was when doing sudo startx) | 03:54 |
emptystapler | which have managers, etc (unlike tornado) | 03:54 |
raymond | k | 03:54 |
morphix | my problems have only been since i heard some 'clicking' noises from the hdd | 03:54 |
thunderbolt | emptystapler: BitTornado, the 'official' bittorrent client. | 03:54 |
cafuego | !javadeb | 03:54 |
ubotu | Java can be found in multiverse. Sun and IBM java packages can be found at http://mirror.ubuntulinux.nl/ | 03:54 |
Agamotto | thunderbolt: Those are neurons being tickled for the first time | 03:54 |
intelikey | jake from the top, answer three questions for me, when did you install? did x work then ? what have you changed that might be related to this ? | 03:54 |
thunderbolt | Agamotto: lol | 03:54 |
cafuego | !lart nalioth | 03:54 |
emptystapler | thunderbolt: see my ammendment (I want one with a decent manager, sort of like ABC for windows -- lightweight) | 03:54 |
=== Agamotto chuckles - 'Answer me, these questions three!' | ||
FlannelKing | Anyone know how to get mod_rewrite to work with a web_dav Location block in apache2? | 03:54 |
yaaar | anybody know why my nforce2 onboard audio doesn't make noise? everything seems cool as far as modules (alsa) loaded and mixer settings, etc. | 03:55 |
jake | intelikey: eariler today, no, pretty much nothing - i had to change a link because X wasn't executable, or something | 03:55 |
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tbw | Howdy. | 03:55 |
jake | i was going off a post in the forums | 03:55 |
emptystapler | I found one called Rufus which reminds me of ABC, but all they provide is the python source which I don't have any idea how to compile | 03:55 |
tbw | Anyone here using ubuntu on a laptop? | 03:55 |
cafuego | tbw: I am. | 03:56 |
thunderbolt | emptystapler: you don't compile python source. | 03:56 |
binarydigit | me | 03:56 |
intelikey | jake ok you may have to sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xorg and read all the questions it asks and answer them correctly. | 03:56 |
thunderbolt | emptystapler: You just run it, its a script file, python automatically compiles it if necessary. | 03:56 |
tbw | cafuego: Do you know what I need to do to get it to sleep when I close the lid? | 03:56 |
jake | intelikey: i did that but without -plow, what does that do? | 03:56 |
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emptystapler | thunderbolt: i know it's interpreted... it's compiled for the windows versions, didn't know if something similar was done for linux binaries | 03:56 |
thunderbolt | Interesting, link? | 03:57 |
epq2 | whats a very fast web browser that supports flash? | 03:57 |
intelikey | sets the priority of questions to low p low | 03:57 |
cafuego | tbw: Nope. | 03:57 |
tbw | bah | 03:57 |
tbw | What happens when you close your lid? | 03:57 |
intelikey | jake what link did you change ? | 03:57 |
jake | does that mean there will be less questions or more? | 03:57 |
intelikey | more | 03:57 |
morphix | there is something truly screwed | 03:58 |
morphix | i cant even shutdown | 03:58 |
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morphix | -bash: /sbin/shutdown: Input/output error | 03:58 |
morphix | : | 03:58 |
intelikey | a question with lower priority gets asked along with the questions of higher p | 03:58 |
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morphix | :|* | 03:58 |
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Agamotto | morphix: very odd | 03:58 |
morphix | could this be caused from a failed hdd? | 03:58 |
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morphix | cause the hdd was clicking majorly earlier | 03:58 |
hacim | I'm having problems getting a media player working -- rhythmbox/amarok all play the mp3, but no volume | 03:58 |
jake | intelikey: i did sudo ln -sf /usr/X11R6/bin/Xorg /etc/X11/X | 03:59 |
jake | im just trying to find the forum post i got that from | 03:59 |
Agamotto | morphix: It could be suffering a stuttering death, yes | 03:59 |
epq2 | whats a very speedy web browser? | 03:59 |
hacim | epq2: elinks | 03:59 |
morphix | feck. | 03:59 |
epq2 | is it visual? | 03:59 |
navarone | epq2, Opera, Firefox | 03:59 |
thunderbolt | grr | 03:59 |
=== morphix hunts around for a spare hdd | ||
hacim | epq2: its text | 03:59 |
thunderbolt | Stupid automake, how dare you give me errors! | 03:59 |
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Agamotto | morphix: CLICKING???? Turn the thing off now, and I hope you have a recent backup! | 03:59 |
epq2 | navarone firefox = slow. | 03:59 |
morphix | nope :( | 03:59 |
hacim | epq2: galeon? | 04:00 |
navarone | epq2, then try Opera | 04:00 |
yaaar | guys, is it a bit weird for me to have 2 audio controllers in my lspci listing? check this out: | 04:00 |
Agamotto | epq2: Not if you turn off the ipv6 bits | 04:00 |
epq2 | k will try opera and galleon | 04:00 |
yaaar | 0000:00:05.0 Multimedia audio controller: nVidia Corporation nForce MultiMedia audio [Via VT82C686B] (rev a2) | 04:00 |
yaaar | 0000:00:06.0 Multimedia audio controller: nVidia Corporation nForce2 AC97 Audio Controler (MCP) (rev a1) | 04:00 |
hacim | I get no audio at all | 04:00 |
athlon | what should I use to extract audio from an xvid file ? | 04:00 |
epq2 | Agamotto in settings? | 04:00 |
intelikey | jake i don't have sorg on this box so i can't congirm that, but you should also do a ls -l /etc/X11/X when you get in linux again. to confirm the link. | 04:00 |
Agamotto | morphix: You seriously need to quit using this hd now, and don't use it again until you try cloning it to a fresh one | 04:00 |
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intelikey | err xorg | 04:01 |
navarone | epq2, there is epiphany as well...but I don't know how much it supports as far as plugins and such | 04:01 |
morphix | yeh i just manually switched the pc off | 04:01 |
Agamotto | epq2: Enter about:config, and search for ipv6 | 04:01 |
jake | intelikey, i think i did that already | 04:01 |
morphix | lets hope i can recover the data still | 04:01 |
jake | (i have a piece of paper with all the commands i put in, and thats on there) | 04:01 |
=== _root_ [n=root@c2-120-1.rba.dial-up.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Agamotto | morphix: Offer a few novenas to St. Lucius | 04:02 |
_root_ | !nvidia | 04:02 |
ubotu | nvidia is, like, totally, at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57368 | 04:02 |
intelikey | never hurts to dubble check. and also ls -l /usr/X11R6/bin/Xorg or where ever it points | 04:02 |
navarone | Agamotto, I would think St. Anthony would bea better chance | 04:02 |
epq2 | Agamotto, what? | 04:02 |
=== morphix prays | ||
thunderbolt | emptystapler: It doesn't look like Rufus has any sourcecode in it, just install wxPython and try running it with 'python rufus.py' at a command prompt. | 04:02 |
intelikey | lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 27 Dec 4 06:39 /etc/X11/X -> ../../usr/X11R6/bin/XF86_S3 | 04:03 |
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emptystapler | thunderbolt: i will give it a whirl in a few | 04:03 |
wizardjames | is it true if i press alt+h (or is it ctrl..) that folders will go unhiddin for a sec? | 04:03 |
thunderbolt | by sourcecode, I mean C/C++ code that needs to be compiled. | 04:03 |
emptystapler | are there no GTK based BT clients? | 04:03 |
Agamotto | St. Anthony is it? Ok, I lost track after St. Prada replaced St. Christopher :) | 04:03 |
navarone | St. Anthony is for hopeless cases...don't ask how I know...<s> | 04:03 |
tbw | Anyone here use RthymnBox? | 04:04 |
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tbw | It's telling me none of my mp3's are valid audio streams... | 04:04 |
crimsun | tbw: did you install gstreamer0.8-mad? | 04:04 |
intelikey | jake may i encourage you to be patient, you are probably at the most stressful part of any installation. :) it gets better | 04:04 |
tbw | Is that an extra step? | 04:04 |
tbw | Cuz if So, I didn't do it ;) | 04:04 |
thunderbolt | emptystapler: mldonkey-gui *seems* to be, although it is more than just a BT client. | 04:04 |
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jake | intelikey: yeah, im not too fussed, i just don't know what i'm doing! | 04:05 |
navarone | jake how far along are you in install? | 04:05 |
jake | do you reckon a full resintall would help, or should i spend time trying to fix it? | 04:05 |
jake | navarone: fully installed, but cant startx | 04:05 |
intelikey | you didn't master 'that other os' in a week either | 04:05 |
emptystapler | perhaps more importantly: the only video sink/source settings i can get to display video without failing to "construct a pipeline" are SDL/Test Input. is this normal? | 04:05 |
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emptystapler | i am using the latest proprietary ATI drivers on a radeon 9600xt | 04:05 |
tbw | hrm | 04:05 |
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tbw | It won't let me install it | 04:06 |
tbw | because I don't repositories added right or something? | 04:06 |
intelikey | jake probably try the reconfig first. maybe two or three times even changing things each time. | 04:06 |
jake | thats the dpkg-reconfigure right? | 04:06 |
intelikey | "even a biind hog will find an acorn, every now and then' | 04:06 |
jake | i assumed that would be more hardware related, and that even if i didnt get that right x would start, it just wouldnt work properly | 04:07 |
intelikey | right | 04:07 |
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intelikey | no no. if that is not right x wont start. | 04:07 |
jake | ah ok | 04:07 |
jake | well i guess ill have one more go at that and then go to bed | 04:07 |
jake | thanks a lot for all your help1 | 04:07 |
intelikey | k luck to ya | 04:08 |
vbgunz | firefox | 04:08 |
vbgunz | !firefox | 04:08 |
ubotu | well, firefox is a Free Software web browser that supports extensions and is gaining popularity by the hour. Developed by the Mozilla Foundation. | 04:08 |
vbgunz | !firefox 1.5 | 04:08 |
ubotu | NO SPEAKE ENLISH!, vbgunz | 04:08 |
=== CaptainMorgan [n=CaptainM@londonderry-cuda2-68-171-161-230.lndnnh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tbw | Anyone know if there are repositories I need to add after a base install to be able to install everything I need? | 04:09 |
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navarone | tbw...I can get Rythmbox to play mp3s if I have System/Pref/Multimedia Selector set to alsa as both input and output sources...if I have it as esd and oss it just cycles thru library not playing any file | 04:09 |
tbw | navarone: I'm not even to that point yet ;) | 04:10 |
tbw | navarone: I can't even get the gstreamer mpeg decoder installed due to a repository issue | 04:10 |
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navarone | tbw ok :0 | 04:12 |
tbw | I just changed to multiverse | 04:12 |
tbw | I hope that's not like unstable | 04:12 |
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tbw | I'll be sad | 04:12 |
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nalioth | tbw: it's not unstable, just patent encumbered | 04:13 |
toydi | hi, i just tried the fixVideoResolutionHOWTO, when i restart (ATL-CTRL-Backspace) X, it failed to restart. I'm using VIA/S3 Unchrome on-board card now. | 04:13 |
tritium | toydi: did you look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log for errors? | 04:14 |
toydi | tritium, i'm new to linux. yes, i read but don't really understand, would u help me? | 04:14 |
tbw | nalioth: make rthymnbox work ;) | 04:14 |
nalioth | tbw: /msg ubotu mp3 | 04:15 |
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tritium | toydi: sure. | 04:16 |
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tbw | nalioth, : How about making the laptop sleep when I close the lid? | 04:16 |
nalioth | tbw: that is hardware dependent | 04:16 |
tbw | nalioth, : What do you mean? Either it works, or it doesn't? | 04:17 |
nalioth | tbw: something like that, yes | 04:17 |
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tbw | nalioth: well that sucks, works great under windows. | 04:18 |
KyKo | VLC is giving me no DVD audio... but I can play a CD from my DVD drive using CD Player. If I get xine will audio work? | 04:18 |
MarcN | tbw: different BIOS work better than others. hardware dependant. | 04:18 |
=== epp [n=epp@c-67-182-248-13.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Agamotto | KyKo: You most likely need the libdvdcss2 library | 04:19 |
epp | how would i make esd run on startup? | 04:19 |
KyKo | Oh I have it. I get DVD video. | 04:19 |
KyKo | Just lacking Mr. Audio. | 04:19 |
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KyKo | I'm pretty sure it's on VLC in that I don't get CD audio either through it... yet the program acts as though it is playing. | 04:20 |
epp | KyKo... mpg321? | 04:20 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell epp about sound | 04:20 |
=== MarcN watching Until The End of the World DVD right now with xine. | ||
Agamotto | KyKo: Go into the sound settings, and turn off the sound server startup box | 04:20 |
=== yves--- [n=yves@24-107.ae.cgocable.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
epp | nalioth... whats the files that i add esd to? | 04:20 |
nalioth | epp: i'm not sure, read the bots info | 04:20 |
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yves--- | Hi bros. Got a prob: phpmyadmin won't uninstall. Got a clue? | 04:21 |
nickrud | epp, system->preferences->sound, and tick enable sound server startup | 04:21 |
KyKo | Agamotto, sound settings of... vlc? | 04:21 |
MarcN | yves---: what is the error message? | 04:21 |
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kalin | help please | 04:22 |
surface | who use firestarter here? | 04:22 |
Agamotto | KyKo: No, master sound settings, under preferences | 04:22 |
yves--- | MarcN, oups | 04:22 |
KyKo | Ah okay I found her. | 04:22 |
yves--- | MarcN, b back in a sec... | 04:22 |
kalin | i'm not allowed to copy a plugin within mozilla | 04:22 |
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KyKo | Alright I turned it off. Now try playing a DVD? Or reboot? | 04:23 |
KyKo | Agamotto, you did it! | 04:24 |
KyKo | Thanks buddy. | 04:24 |
yves--- | MarcN, outpu error 127 | 04:24 |
yves--- | MarcN, output error 127 | 04:24 |
KyKo | I got Lost Season 1 on DVD for Xmas. | 04:24 |
KyKo | Now I can watch it. | 04:24 |
MarcN | yves---: sudo apt-get remove phpmyadmin just error 127? | 04:24 |
kalin | could anybody tell me how to add a plugin to mozilla if i'm not allowed to do it? | 04:24 |
navarone | Kyko..are you in Canada by chance? | 04:25 |
KyKo | Michigan | 04:25 |
KyKo | navarone | 04:25 |
yves--- | MarcN, used synaptic. will try console apt-get now | 04:25 |
navarone | okie...close enuff...;) | 04:25 |
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trineo | hello all | 04:25 |
KyKo | Why do you inquire? | 04:25 |
trineo | i just downloaded the drapper | 04:25 |
navarone | Kyko...I thought I recognized the accent | 04:26 |
trineo | and i am not able to boot to the new kernel 2.6.15 | 04:26 |
trineo | but can use drapper with old kernel. | 04:26 |
KyKo | Ha my text has an accent? | 04:26 |
trineo | what might be problem ? | 04:26 |
MarcN | trineo: I; running that too | 04:26 |
trineo | MarcN: ? | 04:26 |
navarone | Kyko...was your use of "buddy" and "her" thought yuou were from east coast | 04:26 |
KyKo | Ah. | 04:26 |
KyKo | You're quite the linguistics expert. | 04:26 |
MarcN | trineo: not an old kernel, just dapper updated to current. | 04:27 |
jpfarias | how do I fix the translations after intalling ubuntu? | 04:27 |
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yves--- | MarcN, here we go: E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 04:27 |
trineo | MarcN: works for you ? | 04:27 |
kalin | hey is there a gangsta's who can help me? | 04:27 |
trineo | what i did was an upgrade | 04:27 |
kalin | hehe | 04:27 |
jpfarias | the gnome panel is not translated, but the menus under it are | 04:27 |
trineo | and it doenst boot to new kernel | 04:27 |
jpfarias | well, not all menus, but most of them | 04:27 |
MarcN | trineo: the only problem I have with dapper is getting dual head display to work. Probably a matter of fixing xorg.conf | 04:27 |
KyKo | Well I have hours and hours of LOST to watch. | 04:27 |
KyKo | Peace | 04:27 |
yves--- | MarcN, pre-removal script returned an output error 127 | 04:28 |
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kalin | i need to copy a plugin to mozilla but i'm not authorized =( | 04:28 |
MarcN | trineo: using 2.6.whatever on a laptop with wifi, etc | 04:28 |
trineo | MarcN: hmm. | 04:28 |
Canoeingkidd | yo | 04:28 |
kalin | tu | 04:28 |
kalin | el | 04:28 |
Canoeingkidd | what | 04:29 |
jpfarias | hello? | 04:29 |
MarcN | yves---: could be a broken uninstall script. Easiest way to disable phpmyadmin is to move the directory under /var/www/ | 04:29 |
FlannelKing | Anyone know how to get mod_rewrite to work with a web_dav Location block in apache2? | 04:29 |
MarcN | yves---: you should file a bug report too | 04:29 |
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tbw | nalioth, : I followed the directions, but it dies saying that libid3tag0 and libmad cannot be installed. | 04:29 |
kalin | wher is pashaw? | 04:30 |
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Yon | !nvidea | 04:30 |
ubotu | Yon: Bugger all, i dunno | 04:30 |
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Yon | !nvidia | 04:30 |
ubotu | [nvidia] at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57368 | 04:30 |
Gom | o | 04:31 |
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nalioth | tbw: what platform are you using? | 04:31 |
trineo | The following packages have been kept back: | 04:31 |
tbw | nalioth, : i386 | 04:31 |
trineo | cupsys gnome-cups-manager linux-image-386 linux-restricted-modules-386 | 04:31 |
trineo | can i know why this is the reason ? | 04:31 |
MarcN | trineo: some dependencies not yet available. Wait a few days... | 04:31 |
yves--- | MarcN, I will report. I also just noticed that the package is broken; need to reinstall mysql-server... ah god... | 04:31 |
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nalioth | tbw: using only official repos? no foreign packages? | 04:31 |
trineo | MarcN: oh okay :) | 04:32 |
tbw | nalioth, : yep...base install 2 hours ago | 04:32 |
MarcN | yves---: why reinstall? | 04:32 |
nalioth | tbw: enabled universe and multiverse repos? | 04:32 |
tbw | nalioth, : YEs, per the instructions | 04:32 |
kalin | can i add a plug in to mozilla? how is it possible if i'm not admin? | 04:32 |
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nalioth | tbw: join me in #kubuntu-offtopic please | 04:32 |
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nalioth | kalin: put it in /home/kalin/.mozilla/plugins | 04:33 |
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kalin | to put what? the plugin? | 04:33 |
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kalin | nalioh the plug in? | 04:34 |
nalioth | kalin: yes the plugin | 04:34 |
kalin | nalioh, but mozilla is in another dir | 04:34 |
kalin | mozilla is within usr/lib | 04:35 |
nalioth | kalin: all of your gecko based browsers read the mozilla directory | 04:35 |
nalioth | kalin: your settings are in /home/kalin/.mozilla | 04:35 |
kalin | really? | 04:35 |
AnonymousHive | http://freenode.net/news.shtml | 04:35 |
kalin | oh i see | 04:35 |
morphix | :( | 04:36 |
kalin | wait me please | 04:36 |
yves--- | MarcN, I've been trying to install a Joomla (Mambo) portal on my apache server. It needs MySql support and php. Can't get it right :o( | 04:36 |
yves--- | MarcN, ... So I've been installing and uninstalling, and so forth. Ya know the drill. | 04:36 |
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rcarrera | Hola, buenas noches | 04:37 |
tritium | !es | 04:37 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 04:37 |
MarcN | yves---: sudo apt-get install mysql-server php4-mysql should do it I would think. | 04:37 |
cafuego | Seveas: Still awake? | 04:38 |
=== bestadvocate [n=rob@c-24-131-99-53.hsd1.oh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Eleaf | I can't get the livecd to connect to the network.. | 04:38 |
Eleaf | hellppp | 04:38 |
yves--- | MarcN, ... K I will | 04:38 |
kalin | nalioth, nop there are only desktop and music within my home directory | 04:39 |
MarcN | yves---: you probably want mysql-client too and php-db and some others. | 04:39 |
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kalin | nalioh, there isn't mozilla | 04:39 |
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nalioth | kalin: all files beginning with a DOT "." are invisible | 04:39 |
nalioth | kalin: put the plugins in /home/kalin/.mozilla/plugins/ | 04:40 |
yves--- | MarcN, ... am taking notes :o) | 04:40 |
can-o-worms | cdroms get automounted when you put them in the drive in breezy right? | 04:40 |
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kalin | nalioth, how can i do that? | 04:40 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell kalin about cli | 04:41 |
Agamotto | can-o-worms: usually, yes | 04:41 |
can-o-worms | Agamotto: thanks... and you should get an icon on the desktop? | 04:41 |
kalin | well thanks nalioth i'm gonna check that page | 04:42 |
Agamotto | can-o-worms: Yes, but it can take up to 30sec for the icon to show up | 04:42 |
nurfe | are there any good guides with Masquarading and Internet Connection Sharing for ubuntu? | 04:42 |
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bestadvocate | anyone know anything about the rhythmbox roadmap including some sort of tag editing features in the future? | 04:45 |
crimsun_ | bestadvocate: try ex falso, which is part of the quodlibet package in universe. | 04:45 |
bestadvocate | crimsun; i will thanks | 04:46 |
can-o-worms | Agamotto: thanks | 04:48 |
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yaaar | word | 04:49 |
hardaway | does anyone know if networkmagic will be completed for dapper | 04:49 |
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Jeeves_moss | all: I think every one is asleep in here | 04:52 |
BxL | no | 04:53 |
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Eleaf | please help | 04:53 |
Eleaf | I really need to get networking working with the ubuntu livecd... | 04:54 |
Eleaf | Ubuntu live cannot access my network.. | 04:54 |
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CaptainMorgan | know how I can get X-chat's menu to reappear? it's missing..... | 04:55 |
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CaptainMorgan | for some reason | 04:55 |
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s0n1cm0nk3y | Im having troubles with grub and my dual boot, can someone post their grub.conf so I can compare theirs to mine? | 04:56 |
CaptainMorgan | where's grub.conf located ? | 04:56 |
s0n1cm0nk3y | I cant seem to get windows to boot | 04:56 |
s0n1cm0nk3y | errr | 04:56 |
Eleaf | Can ubuntu live even use internet? | 04:57 |
thunderbolt | Yup. | 04:57 |
Eleaf | I can't get it to show up on the network.. it sees my ethernet device though | 04:57 |
s0n1cm0nk3y | CaptainMorgan, um in the /boot/grub folder? | 04:57 |
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Tired_ | Hello. | 04:57 |
Eleaf | thunderbolt, do you know how to configure ethernet in ubuntu live? | 04:58 |
CaptainMorgan | how do I get my xchat menu back ?? | 04:58 |
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thunderbolt | Eleaf: same way as in ubuntu, by running etherconf, or messing with config files, besides that, I'm no help I'm sorry to say. | 04:58 |
Agamotto | CaptainMorgan: Try ctrl+i | 04:58 |
Eleaf | CaptainMorgan, I'd try reinstalling it | 04:58 |
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Eleaf | thunderbolt, I configured it in the networking control panel... does that work with the livecd? | 04:59 |
s0n1cm0nk3y | can someone post their grub config up on pastebin for me plz, its either menu.lst in /boot/grub, or something else | 04:59 |
CaptainMorgan | ctrl-i didn't work... think Ill reinstal.. | 04:59 |
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CaptainMorgan | thanks :) | 04:59 |
Sepheebear | CaptainMorgan: dont reinstall to get menus working | 04:59 |
Tired_ | I am currently running a program in X, that takes up the entire GUI. I don't want to interrupt this program, but I'd like to run a different program, also using X in full screen. Will I need to start a second instance of X in order to do this, or can it handle serving to two fullscreen applications at once? | 05:00 |
Eleaf | thunderbolt, etherconf isn't in the livecd.. What else do I do? | 05:00 |
thunderbolt | Eleaf: It should. | 05:00 |
CaptainMorgan | got a better suggestions? love to hear it | 05:00 |
thunderbolt | Eleaf: the GUI should work... | 05:00 |
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Sepheebear | CaptainMorgan: right-click in the chat window, go to view and then menubar | 05:00 |
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CaptainMorgan | got two suggestions so far, 'ctrl-i' and 'reinstall'..... former didn't wor... so... | 05:00 |
Agamotto | Tired: Easily | 05:00 |
Eleaf | thunderbolt, well it says eth0 is active and using dhcp, but everything is just defaulting to and can't contact anything otherwise | 05:00 |
Sepheebear | CaptainMorgan: or ctrl+f9 | 05:00 |
CaptainMorgan | lol... Sepheebear that easy... | 05:00 |
=== s0n1cm0nk3y wishes for someone to post their grub config, and says please | ||
CaptainMorgan | sheesh | 05:00 |
thunderbolt | Eleaf: hrrrm, I'm not sure whats wrong. | 05:00 |
CaptainMorgan | thanks | 05:01 |
Eleaf | thunderbolt, oh dear... what a doozy | 05:01 |
Eleaf | thunderbolt, some cables might have been disconnected, hold on. | 05:01 |
Eleaf | lol | 05:01 |
thunderbolt | Hahahaha | 05:01 |
Tired_ | So I can just drop to a command line, run my program, and it'll display, without interrupting the other program in the background? | 05:01 |
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Eleaf | AHHH thunderbolt, my dad stole my ibooks ethernet cable half way in between where two cables connect for his laptop... haha, I was trying to get this to work for the past little bit.. = p | 05:02 |
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surface | who use firestarter | 05:03 |
fredforfaen | does anybody here know of a way to enable true transaprency in breezy? | 05:03 |
oveh | fredforfaen: true transparent in the gnu-terminal -> http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81727&highlight=true | 05:04 |
ilba7r | surface shoot your quest | 05:04 |
fredforfaen | thanx oveh | 05:04 |
oveh | fredforfaen: np :-) | 05:04 |
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slim | hey all need some help with wpa config...my woes are detailed at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=110303 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=110332 | 05:08 |
slim | anyone here? :) | 05:09 |
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toydi | hey, is there any idea why Xorg.0.log keeps recorded several errors about my VIA device? | 05:09 |
yaaar | can anybody help with my nforce2 audio? i just get no sound...a great deal of alsa drivers are loaded | 05:10 |
yaaar | mixer settings seem ok | 05:11 |
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Tired_ | argh. anyone remember the mplayer command line switch to display in full screen, off the top of their head? | 05:11 |
Goldfisch | I just mounted a DVD iso movie I made. How can I play that in Totem? | 05:12 |
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Goldfisch | Never mind, I just did it with Ogle. | 05:13 |
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slim | hey all need some help with wpa config...my woes are detailed at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=110303 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=110332 | 05:13 |
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sorush20 | how do I do ndiswrapper during installation of ubuntu dapper kde | 05:14 |
sorush20 | ? | 05:14 |
nalioth | sorush20: you don't | 05:14 |
Agamotto | What is dapper, btw? | 05:14 |
nalioth | !dapper | 05:15 |
ubotu | The 6.04 version of Ubuntu will be called the "Dapper Drake" release. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperDrake | 05:15 |
Agamotto | Ahhhh | 05:15 |
Agamotto | beta | 05:15 |
Tired_ | found it, thanks :) | 05:15 |
Tired_ | it's -fs | 05:15 |
aTypical | Is there still an issue with locales in Dapper? | 05:16 |
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Agamotto | aTypical: considering it is beta, I would not be surprised | 05:16 |
slim | !wpa | 05:16 |
ubotu | somebody said wpa was enable the universe repository, then "sudo apt-get update", and then "sudo apt-get install wpasupplicant" | 05:17 |
aTypical | Agamotto, but it's so nice otherwise. :-) | 05:17 |
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Agamotto | I will take your work for it. I gave up beta testing OSs with WinXP | 05:18 |
IceGuest_5 | Hello I got a question about the live-cd as well as the install cd | 05:18 |
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nalioth | brianre001: you gonna share your question? | 05:20 |
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Eleaf | with the livecd, can you install stuff using apt during the session? | 05:20 |
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nalioth | Eleaf: yes you can | 05:20 |
slim | hey all need some help with wpa config...my woes are detailed at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=110303 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=110332 | 05:20 |
Eleaf | thank you nalioth | 05:20 |
Dramaxus | Sorry ok I am trying to install 5.10 on machine but it gets stuck at a blue screeen after it detects hardware | 05:20 |
hoth | what's the correct procedure to recover from 'hibernation'? After I hybernate my laptop, I lose control, not even the power switch works (my current hack is to cut all power & remove battery, and ubuntu does restart in the previous-to-hibernation state). | 05:20 |
Eleaf | nalioth, I'm having trouble mounting a nfs partition using the livecd, I guess I need to have portmap installed? | 05:20 |
nalioth | Dramaxus: have you verified your media and iso image? | 05:21 |
Dramaxus | It ran the cd test and seemed to be ok | 05:21 |
Eleaf | nalioth, actually it worked, it just took like a minute to mount.. = / | 05:21 |
nalioth | Eleaf: no. you just need to know the proper syntax | 05:21 |
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Dramaxus | And on the liveCD it gets stuck at " Starting enterprise volume system | 05:22 |
Eleaf | I like the way the livecd works, even though it takes long to boot....... lol | 05:22 |
nalioth | Dramaxus: sounds like disc controller issues | 05:22 |
sorush20 | how do I find out if my motherboard is fully supported..? | 05:22 |
Dramaxus | I do have two hard drives.... ones a master ones a slave | 05:22 |
mejde | Has anyone experienced fast reads but slow writes and 100% cpu with mounted nfs dirs? | 05:23 |
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Agamotto | mejde: From what I remember, this is somewhat normal, as writing to NTFS is still a work in progress | 05:24 |
Aviatrixie | Hi everyone :) | 05:24 |
mejde | Agamotto: nfs, not ntfs :) | 05:24 |
nalioth | Agamotto: not ntfs, nfs (network file system) | 05:24 |
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Agamotto | Ahhh, ok. I have to plead ignorance then | 05:24 |
benplaut | anyone here know anything about ssh -X? | 05:24 |
nalioth | benplaut: uncle google if you ask him "x forwarding ssh" | 05:25 |
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benplaut | nalioth: -_- | 05:25 |
Dramaxus | So any ideas as to how I might bypass that little problem ? | 05:25 |
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Eleaf | nalioth, do you know what ubuntu is doing when "calculating module dependencies" | 05:25 |
iamdoctorron | Hey all, first install of Ubuntu after running RedHat for years. I LOVE IT! | 05:26 |
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nalioth | Eleaf: not really, no. | 05:26 |
nalioth | iamdoctorron: welcome | 05:26 |
benplaut | ok, i'll strait out ask - is it supposed to open up a window, like VNC, or just you can launch X apps from the ssh shell? | 05:26 |
Aviatrixie | Anyone here familiar with the Westell 327w wireless router? | 05:26 |
Agamotto | iamdoctorron: Congrats | 05:26 |
benplaut | Aviatrixie: unfortunately, yes | 05:26 |
Eleaf | nalioth, ok, because my ibook freezes on that every time now and I'm trying to find what to install to fix that.. | 05:26 |
iamdoctorron | Thanks nalioth | 05:26 |
benplaut | Aviatrixie: frikkin sucks :/ | 05:26 |
nalioth | benplaut: with x forwarding you run apps on the remote machine, but they appear locally | 05:26 |
benplaut | nalioth: k | 05:26 |
iamdoctorron | I'm gonna lurk and learn, if y'all don't mind... | 05:26 |
nalioth | iamdoctorron: by all means, you might even feel compelled to help | 05:27 |
iamdoctorron | Cool! I'll try. | 05:27 |
Eleaf | nalioth, oh yay, I was wondering about that a while ago.. lol | 05:27 |
Aviatrixie | benplaut... I'm new to Linux... love Ubuntu (everything simply works!) but I need to figure out how to configure my router. | 05:27 |
iamdoctorron | I've done the install on PC and Mac now--beautiful. Been using RH and FBSD for years. This OS is amazing. | 05:28 |
nalioth | Aviatrixie: configure it for what? | 05:28 |
benplaut | Aviatrixie: the wifi, or just simple wired DHCP? | 05:28 |
Aviatrixie | for wep and all that stuff | 05:28 |
benplaut | shh | 05:28 |
benplaut | ahh :P | 05:28 |
MasterWammy | any possibility to install the kernel 2.6.14 ? | 05:28 |
MasterWammy | is there a package for it yet or no? | 05:28 |
benplaut | Aviatrixie: read the manual... it's in PDF on the Westell site. it's pretty good | 05:28 |
nalioth | MasterWammy: yes, when dapper finals | 05:29 |
MasterWammy | whens that expected? | 05:29 |
vbgunz | Does Ubuntu come with another browser that can read webpages by default? | 05:29 |
benplaut | MasterWammy: you can compile it from source in breezy | 05:29 |
benplaut | not too hard, but takes a while | 05:29 |
Eleaf | nalioth, if I chroot into my harddrive using the livecd, will apt use the sources.list on the harddrive? | 05:29 |
MasterWammy | im scared of compiling the kernel. | 05:29 |
iamdoctorron | You can use lynx if you're old school! | 05:29 |
benplaut | ^^ | 05:29 |
Aviatrixie | Everything works... but my wireless light keeps blinking on my router. Friends tell me it's neighbors interferring... stealling? my bandwidth. | 05:29 |
KurtKraut | vbgunz, it comes with Firefox. What is the matter with Firefox ? | 05:29 |
benplaut | Aviatrixie: can you connect? | 05:29 |
Agamotto | Aviatrixie: Quite possible | 05:30 |
nalioth | Eleaf: if you are chrooted into it, yes | 05:30 |
Aviatrixie | I just switched to DSL... been dial-up my whole life | 05:30 |
benplaut | yes, very possible | 05:30 |
Eleaf | nalioth, alright, cool. | 05:30 |
kalin | yeah!!! | 05:30 |
slim | hey all need some help with wpa config...my woes are detailed at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=110303 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=110332 | 05:30 |
benplaut | i'm stealing my neighbor | 05:30 |
benplaut | 's ATM | 05:30 |
kalin | i managed to copy my plugins!! | 05:30 |
iamdoctorron | Haha, so am I ben | 05:30 |
benplaut | iamdoctorron: >_> | 05:30 |
kalin | thnks nalioht | 05:30 |
kalin | thanks nalith | 05:30 |
Aviatrixie | I'm connected now. I love the speed of broadband | 05:30 |
kalin | thanks nalioth | 05:30 |
nalioth | kalin: np | 05:30 |
benplaut | Aviatrixie: verizon DSL isn't so fast... just try some good ol' roadrunner :D | 05:31 |
vbgunz | KurtKraut: nothing is wrong with Firefox, just when it comes to launching different work modes for different users, clashes and prompts, etc begin. I am studying Python. I have certain webpages set to open under another profile with no toolbars, etc... Problem is I cannot launch another link to any of the profiles without failure :( | 05:31 |
kalin | XD | 05:31 |
Eleaf | nalioth, for some reason, apt-get update only goes to 50% on the first site | 05:31 |
Aviatrixie | it's just that all of a sudden I'm paranoid hackers are parked in front of my house eavesdropping! | 05:31 |
Aviatrixie | LOL | 05:31 |
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nalioth | Eleaf: paste your sources.list please (pastebin) | 05:31 |
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Aviatrixie | I'm clueless... I don't even have a wifi anything... Verizon gave me the router for free | 05:32 |
KurtKraut | vbgunz, you can run any browser made for linux on ubuntu, of course, but if you're experiencing problems with Firefox, please, don't forget to report this problem to Mozilla than this problem should be fixed in the next release. | 05:32 |
benplaut | Aviatrixie: if i were you, i'd junk the damn thing ( jk) | 05:32 |
iamdoctorron | Nalioth, is there a Shoutcast player for U? | 05:32 |
Agamotto | Aviatrixie: Go to the router/gateway's homepage and turn on encyrption, and change the WEP/WPA key | 05:32 |
nalioth | iamdoctorron: shoutcast player? you mean a streaming server? | 05:32 |
benplaut | Aviatrixie: http://www.westell.com/content/sales/327W.pdf | 05:32 |
iamdoctorron | Client. | 05:32 |
vbgunz | KurtKraut: I don't think it is a problem. I think it is more of a limitation... | 05:32 |
iamdoctorron | Like WinAmp | 05:33 |
nalioth | iamdoctorron: dozens | 05:33 |
=== thunderbolt [n=ryan@69-170-83-197.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Aviatrixie | benplaut... it's faster than dial-up... but yes. I'm getting half of the 3 meg Verizon promised | 05:33 |
benplaut | Aviatrixie: to get to the config page, type "" in a browser window | 05:33 |
iamdoctorron | You know how Winamp has a list of "channels" that it can play? | 05:33 |
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KurtKraut | vbgunz, so, make it as a feature suggestion | 05:33 |
thunderbolt | anyone have experience with scanner permissions? | 05:33 |
iamdoctorron | Is it as simple as me just entering the loc and port? | 05:33 |
benplaut | Aviatrixie: if it asks for a password, the username is "admin", and the password is "password" | 05:33 |
Eleaf | nalioth, I'm not on the computer with the livecd right now. | 05:34 |
=== _w00t [i=w00t@S0106000c76f55643.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
iamdoctorron | Into an Ubuntu streaming media client? | 05:34 |
nalioth | iamdoctorron: your default rhythmbox (or "music player") will do it, there is xmms (a winamp clone) and many others | 05:34 |
vbgunz | KurtKraut: ok | 05:34 |
Agamotto | iamdoctorron: streamtuner is another good one | 05:34 |
Eleaf | nalioth, I disabled every repository but the top few that I never changed | 05:34 |
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iamdoctorron | Cool, I'm gonna give it a try. Thanks man! | 05:34 |
wizardjames | erm.. this may be odd asking, but is there a gui program for mysql? | 05:34 |
=== Matthew_W [n=matthew@hlfxns01bbf-142177230213.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Eleaf | but it still doesn't go past 50 percent Nakkel | 05:34 |
nalioth | benplaut: Aviatrixie: can y'all take this to #ubuntu-offtopic please | 05:34 |
MasterWammy | anyone know if ncurses is available via apt-get? | 05:34 |
Eleaf | nalioth, | 05:34 |
Eleaf | lol | 05:34 |
_w00t | hey guys when i try to boot ubuntu for cd-rom it says could not find kernel image? | 05:34 |
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benplaut | sure | 05:34 |
nalioth | Eleaf: have you pasted your sources.list? | 05:34 |
vbgunz | my question is, by default, Ubuntu doesn't come with anything else capable of viewing webpages... I would have to download something else like epiphany or something correct? | 05:34 |
Remmy | Heya guys and gals... trying to remove a package, it fails to do so... how do I get rid of it anyways? | 05:35 |
gobeavs | wizardjames: something like phpmyadmin will administer mysql | 05:35 |
Aviatrixie | I tried that benplaut... I thought it wanted my Verizon name and password. I freaked... I'm soooo paranoid after years of windows I cancelled it. | 05:35 |
xueer | mysqladmin -u root password db_user_password mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed | 05:35 |
xueer | xueer error: 'Access denied for user: 'root@localhost' (Using password: NO | 05:35 |
Matthew_W | Hey there, I can't seem to get my Xserver to work with my monitor, it's DVI, is there a module or something I have to get? | 05:35 |
nalioth | vbgunz: there are dozens of webbrowsers | 05:35 |
Aviatrixie | Maybe I should call verizon | 05:35 |
xueer | what's the version | 05:35 |
xueer | what's the reason | 05:35 |
iamdoctorron | Matt, you have your modeline correct? | 05:35 |
Aviatrixie | The GOOD news is I'm on linux now! | 05:35 |
vbgunz | nalioth: I know, but by default the only app capable of viewing webpages on Ubuntu is Firefox and nothing else... | 05:35 |
benplaut | Aviatrixie: use the user and pass i just gave you, and /join #ubuntu-offtopic ... | 05:35 |
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_w00t | hey guys when i try to boot ubuntu for cd-rom it says could not find kernel image? | 05:35 |
Agamotto | Aviatrixie: it might be a good idea, if you can find someone who can walk you through the settings | 05:35 |
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Matthew_W | iamdoctorron; what? | 05:36 |
Aviatrixie | It bugs me that someone might be snopping my wifi | 05:36 |
Aviatrixie | I had no clue | 05:36 |
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benplaut | Aviatrixie: "/join #ubuntu-offtopic" | 05:36 |
Aviatrixie | benplaut... ok | 05:36 |
benplaut | in this box | 05:36 |
benplaut | k | 05:36 |
Aviatrixie | let ne find it | 05:36 |
_w00t | benplaut can you help me please? | 05:37 |
Eleaf | nalioth, I'm not on the computer with the sources.list. I'll send it over nfs hold on | 05:37 |
Matthew_W | iamdoctorron; Where is this modeline you speak of | 05:37 |
benplaut | _w00t: no clue | 05:37 |
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nalioth | ubotu: tell _w00t about verify | 05:37 |
yiyos_ | hola gente | 05:37 |
alex323 | Hey everyone. | 05:38 |
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nalioth | yiyos_: howdy | 05:38 |
Matthew_W | I'm assuming this modeline you speak of is in the xorg.conf? | 05:38 |
alex323 | Due to some "problems", /var was destroyed. | 05:38 |
iamdoctorron | Better ask Nal. You need to enter the specific timings for your monitor in your modeline. | 05:38 |
alex323 | http://www.pastehere.com/?acmcxa | 05:38 |
alex323 | That's the output of apt-get | 05:38 |
iamdoctorron | There are lists of specific monitors on the 'net with the timings you need for your resolution and color depth. | 05:39 |
=== _TomB [n=ownthebo@ACD1FB83.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
alex323 | Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I should do? | 05:39 |
alex323 | I have deps all over the place conflicting with one another. | 05:39 |
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iamdoctorron | I am a novice too. | 05:39 |
Eleaf | nalioth, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6403 | 05:40 |
iamdoctorron | I'm trying for you Matt...hang on. | 05:40 |
Matthew_W | What is - Section "DRI" / mode 0666 - in my xorg.conf? Could that be it? | 05:40 |
commus_ | hi , are u chinese in here . i am new player in linux , may i help u a little | 05:40 |
=== whitynz [n=whity@60-234-132-74.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slim | hey all need some help with wpa config...my woes are detailed at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=110303 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=110332 | 05:41 |
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Eleaf | nalioth, did you go to that? | 05:41 |
iamdoctorron | Xorg.conf has the modelines in it. | 05:41 |
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Matthew_W | iamdoctorron; what do they look like? | 05:42 |
Matthew_W | iamdoctorron; or what does IT look like? | 05:42 |
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iamdoctorron | Where it says "Section 'Monitor'" | 05:42 |
Eleaf | nalioth, are you alive? lol | 05:42 |
Matthew_W | iamdoctorron, that is all correct | 05:43 |
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iamdoctorron | Can you display a text console? | 05:43 |
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Agamotto | commus_ : Not Chinese, but ni hao anyway | 05:43 |
nalioth | Eleaf: give me time to read, eh? | 05:43 |
iamdoctorron | If so, have you just tried to type "X" | 05:43 |
iamdoctorron | ? | 05:44 |
jesus | any girl here? | 05:44 |
Eleaf | nalioth, sorry, I'm just so excited lol | 05:44 |
nalioth | jesus: try #ubuntu-offtopic for that | 05:44 |
iamdoctorron | Are you getting a gray screen with an X in the middle at ALL? | 05:44 |
Matthew_W | iamdoctorron; startx, yes. It dies. The sound works, the monitor gives no input. | 05:44 |
=== Agamotto chuckles | ||
Aviatrixie | happy birthday jesus ;) | 05:44 |
iamdoctorron | Do you see the gray and the X for just a sec...? | 05:44 |
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iamdoctorron | What kind of vid card? What interface? | 05:45 |
Matthew_W | iamdoctorron; no. It just says "no signal" on my monitor | 05:45 |
Matthew_W | iamdoctorron; Nvidia GeForce 5700le 256mb ddr, GDM | 05:45 |
iamdoctorron | OK, but it displays text right? | 05:46 |
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iamdoctorron | It sounds like you are trying to drive the monitor past its specs. | 05:46 |
Matthew_W | uh, alright | 05:46 |
Matthew_W | let me set it down as low as it can go | 05:46 |
iamdoctorron | What kind is it and ill look it up for you. | 05:46 |
iamdoctorron | You're on the right track! | 05:47 |
Matthew_W | Acer al1916 19 inch LCD | 05:47 |
freddie | need help with videos on the internet they close my firefox | 05:47 |
iamdoctorron | When this happens always start with 640x480 and go up. | 05:47 |
iamdoctorron | IMO | 05:47 |
Agamotto | good advice so far | 05:47 |
alex323 | freddie, Your best bet is to unplug the computer and take it back to the store where you got it from. | 05:47 |
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Matthew_W | I'm using digital Video Input | 05:47 |
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Matthew_W | is there a module I have to load for that? | 05:48 |
Matthew_W | is there something I have to put into the xorg.conf so that it will let me... use a DVI input instead of SVGA? | 05:48 |
freddie | need help with videos on the internet they close my firefox | 05:48 |
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iamdoctorron | I don't think so, but I have NO experience with DVI--I won't lie to you. | 05:48 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell freddie about repeat | 05:48 |
iamdoctorron | You may want to take a quick look at ubuntus site. | 05:49 |
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iamdoctorron | DVI is new to me with Ubuntu, but I need to know cause I have an install using it next week! | 05:49 |
freddie | can u just tell me how to fix it | 05:49 |
nalioth | freddie: dont use firefox to watch video? | 05:49 |
iamdoctorron | I don't THINK another mod is needed tho. Your vid card should handle this. | 05:50 |
Aviatrixie | I must say... I recently decided to dump windows and migrate to Linux. Have a pile of ISOs on my spindle. Some worked for the most part, some didn't work at all... the only one that works flawlessly is Breezy. I'm impressed! BTW... my PC is a real mutt my ex built 5 years ago. He was a serious geek. I'm just a user who's glad to be rid of Windows. Now to migrate my kids, father, and everyone else! | 05:50 |
=== CaptainMorgan [n=CaptainM@londonderry-cuda2-68-171-161-230.lndnnh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Agamotto | No, no modules needed with DVI | 05:50 |
iamdoctorron | Hang on, I'm gonna look up your monitor and go from there--and your vid card. | 05:50 |
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Matthew_W | Agamotto; any ideas what's happening? | 05:50 |
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Matthew_W | agamotto; my monitor gets "no signal" as soon as x is started | 05:50 |
iamdoctorron | He knows LOTS more than me!!! | 05:50 |
Agamotto | Bad video modes, as far as refresh rate, or signal is maxing out the timing on the monitor | 05:51 |
Matthew_W | Agamotto; huh? | 05:51 |
iamdoctorron | That's what I'd bet me life on! | 05:51 |
Matthew_W | Agamotto; I just installed a new Video Card. | 05:51 |
Agamotto | Basically, your xorg.conf settings are overstating what your monitor can actually handle | 05:51 |
Matthew_W | Agamotto; upgraded from an old 32mb nvidia to this new one, 256. | 05:51 |
iamdoctorron | Agamotto, is there a -probeonly flag in Ubuntu? | 05:51 |
iamdoctorron | For Xvidtune? | 05:52 |
Agamotto | Matthew_W: This has nothing to with cards, it is purely a 'software' issue with xorg.conf and what it thinks your monitor can handle | 05:52 |
Agamotto | I believe so, yes | 05:52 |
iamdoctorron | Would this help him maybe? | 05:52 |
iamdoctorron | To nail the dot clock on the card? | 05:52 |
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Agamotto | yes | 05:52 |
Matthew_W | Agamotto; why is it not working with the same settings with which it was working before? | 05:52 |
Eleaf | nalioth, now it says not one of those sources works | 05:53 |
iamdoctorron | This is SOOO tough to do via text! | 05:53 |
Matthew_W | Agamotto; The 32mb card could do 24 bit 1280x1024 60hz no problem. | 05:53 |
nalioth | Eleaf: if those don't work, then you have a problem somewhere else | 05:53 |
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Matthew_W | Then I changed it, now it doesn't work. | 05:53 |
iamdoctorron | I'm looking up the monitor's parameters for 1024 32 bit | 05:53 |
pashaw | iamdoctorron, are you talking to yourself? i cant tell if your asking a question or helping someone | 05:53 |
Agamotto | Matthew_W: then use that guideline for your xorg.conf file, and see if you can get that as a start | 05:53 |
Agamotto | pashaw: A bit of both | 05:54 |
punkrockguy318 | How can I get ffmpeg to work with the xvid codec? | 05:54 |
iamdoctorron | Kinda a three-way conversation.. | 05:54 |
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Eleaf | nalioth, networking works when in the livecd | 05:54 |
Madpilot | hi all | 05:54 |
Eleaf | nalioth, but when I chroot into my filesystem, networking doesn't work | 05:54 |
nalioth | Eleaf: i suggest you fix your box | 05:55 |
Eleaf | nalioth, that's what I'm trying to do. | 05:55 |
Eleaf | nalioth, it's broken | 05:55 |
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slim | hey all need some help with wpa config...my woes are detailed at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=110303 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=110332 | 05:55 |
Aviatrixie | madpilot... gear up, flaps up, climb power, after take-off checklist.... please ;) | 05:55 |
nalioth | Eleaf: have you tried to do the 'rescue' or 'recovery' option at the grub prompt? | 05:55 |
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Eleaf | nalioth, they don't include a rescue or recovery kernel with the ppc version for some reason | 05:55 |
cafuego | Yay, sexy. | 05:55 |
Matthew_W | Err... so, what can I do? | 05:56 |
Eleaf | the only kernel that shows up is "Linux" nalioth and it doesn't use grub | 05:56 |
nalioth | Eleaf: you're on powerpc. lovely. | 05:56 |
nalioth | Eleaf: i own nothing but macs, i know all about it. | 05:56 |
slim | cafuego, are you from the netherlands? | 05:56 |
cafuego | slim: Yes | 05:56 |
Madpilot | hi Aviatrixie | 05:56 |
Aviatrixie | I've owned a few Macs... my intro to gui, in fact | 05:56 |
Eleaf | nalioth, can I put a recovery kernel on there? lol | 05:56 |
_dad | how is static IP set for nic in ubuntu 5.1 gateway p-II amd athlonb - etc/eths? | 05:57 |
david_m_e | before i try to install this Canon driver, the driver help says to "make sure that cupsys works fine." As i have no printers, any suggestions on how to make sure cupsys works ? | 05:57 |
Matthew_W | The X servers are returning errors about some DRI module | 05:57 |
nalioth | Eleaf: i'm thinking you may want to recover your data and start over (but my knowledge is limited) | 05:57 |
Madpilot | Aviatrixie: actually, I'm breaking the 8hr bottle-to-throttle rule as we speak, so no post-takeoff checklist for me! :P | 05:57 |
wizardjames | were do i get info on phpmyadmin (and all this setting up server stuff.. ) | 05:58 |
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pashaw | _dad, hand edit would be /etc/network/interfaces | 05:58 |
Aviatrixie | Most fun I ever had was discovering computing on my ti99 back in 82 | 05:58 |
SpY | 123.dyndns.tv | 05:58 |
david_m_e | that is, i have no printers yet... the Canon is connected, but not installed | 05:58 |
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Aviatrixie | madpilot... that's ok... just remember... 8 hours ;) | 05:58 |
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nalioth | nasty spammers | 05:59 |
wizardjames | lol | 05:59 |
cafuego | ssspammses... | 05:59 |
cafuego | we hates them! | 05:59 |
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Aviatrixie | I'm proud... I've gotten a bunch of stuff installed. With apt-get even!!! | 05:59 |
Madpilot | Aviatrixie: I usually allow 18-24 between, myself ;) | 05:59 |
cartesian1984 | I connect to my modem via usb. How do I change the connection interface to eth0 (ethernet) | 05:59 |
wizardjames | anyways...were do i look for info on mysql , phpmyadmin apache ..and stuff.. on setting it up.. | 06:00 |
pashaw | !tell wizardjames about lamp | 06:00 |
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Agamotto | Hrm, no Civ4 for Cedega yet... darn | 06:02 |
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=== FlannelKing [n=flannel@crlsbd-cuda5-68-67-177-17.crlsca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Aviatrixie | Madpilot: at this point it's kind of irrelavent for me. I've flown professionally for 30 years. Suddenly I'm medically grounded. So... my AME tells me to keep my mind active. I've decided to learn linux. ;) | 06:02 |
david_m_e | cartesion1984: i believe it's under System > Admin > Networking | 06:02 |
nalioth | Aviatrixie: there is plenty to learn | 06:02 |
Agamotto | I can vouch for that | 06:03 |
Aviatrixie | I'm enjoying it, nalioth | 06:03 |
wizardjames | pashaw, i already was there.. but its got me a bit of ways..but i dont know what to do now... | 06:03 |
Aviatrixie | pashaw hi :) | 06:03 |
pashaw | wizardjames, you finished the install and now dont know how to use it? | 06:03 |
pashaw | Aviatrixie, heya | 06:03 |
=== Elden|Hororuokk [n=chatzill@24-178-42-16.dhcp.sprt.il.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wizardjames | well, | 06:04 |
Elden|Hororuokk | hello? | 06:04 |
Agamotto | yes | 06:04 |
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=== Elden|Hororuokk is now known as doofus | ||
pashaw | Aviatrixie, nothing broken yet huh? your too happy with Linux which is the clue | 06:04 |
wizardjames | i dont get how to do all the stuff..i am used to a gui , its the first time i ever done this line based | 06:04 |
Aviatrixie | Maybe I shouldn't hang here... my Breezy is flawless. No complaints whatsoever. Kudos to the progs. | 06:05 |
pashaw | wizardjames, you didnt answer my question is it all installed? | 06:05 |
nalioth | Aviatrixie: you can help folks here, if you wish | 06:05 |
Aviatrixie | pashaw... absolutely everything works | 06:05 |
slim | hey all need some help with wpa config...my woes are detailed at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=110303 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=110332 | 06:05 |
doofus | i switched over from FC3 | 06:05 |
Agamotto | Aviatrixie: Nah, it just means that you most likely RTFM before doing things... | 06:05 |
doofus | MUCH better | 06:05 |
pashaw | Aviatrixie, then your clearly not trying hard enough :P | 06:05 |
wizardjames | yes. its installed.. only part is i dont really understand the Edit Apache Configuration the user and groups part | 06:06 |
Agamotto | doofus: Same here | 06:06 |
Aviatrixie | nalioth... I'm very computer savvy... but a total linux noob | 06:06 |
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doofus | cool | 06:06 |
skon | lol | 06:06 |
bustacap | doofus, ubuntu: it's betterer than fedora | 06:06 |
Madpilot | Aviatrixie: good for you - too bad about the medical - hope you get it back soon! | 06:06 |
doofus | the only prob i have is my soundcard | 06:06 |
Aviatrixie | when I feel qualified I'll gladdly offer my help | 06:06 |
pashaw | wizardjames, id suggest you use google hundreds of guides for apache just google apache guide or mysql guide | 06:06 |
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Aviatrixie | LOLOL | 06:07 |
=== Dashiva [n=m@c-24-2-61-32.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
David_o | Test | 06:07 |
cafuego | LOLOL? | 06:07 |
Aviatrixie | RTFM... it's what pilots do for a living | 06:07 |
doofus | i have an onboard s.card in FC3 it worked perfectly | 06:07 |
pashaw | !tell slim about wpa | 06:07 |
pashaw | slim, did you follow that? | 06:08 |
Aviatrixie | I do have a question... | 06:08 |
FlannelKing | Anyone know how to get around the problem of having (apache2) a Location block and not being able to mod_rewrite in that location? | 06:08 |
Madpilot | Aviatrixie: the great secret of aviation - aircraft are actually powered by paperwork, not by avgas or JetA... :P | 06:08 |
aeon17x | !dvd | 06:08 |
ubotu | DVD playing is possible in ubuntu, some DVDs may require libdvdcss2, which is available at http://giannaros.org/buntu/breezy | 06:08 |
aeon17x | Bandwidth limit'D | 06:09 |
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slim | pashaw I am well past that point :) | 06:09 |
pashaw | slim, thought id check i dont have wpa on any linux systems i use | 06:09 |
David_o | Bustacap tell it on #fedora ;) | 06:09 |
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slim | tell pashaw no problem | 06:10 |
jesus | any girl? | 06:10 |
pashaw | jesus, just you | 06:10 |
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aeon17x | jesus... asking for a girl... in the #ubuntu support channel | 06:11 |
Dashiva | you're surely going to hell | 06:11 |
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mase | !ati | 06:11 |
ubotu | hmm... ati is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 | 06:11 |
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Aviatrixie | I tried to install Audacity with Add Applications, Synaptic, and Automatix. Downloads seemed to work fine, but in the end there was nothing. No new program on my Apps menu, no file on my desktop or in my Home folder... nothing! No search could find any trace of it. What's up with that? | 06:11 |
nalioth | jesus: this is a help channel, not a social one. join #ubuntu-offtopic for girls or cake or anything else | 06:11 |
David_o | Any no-geek here ? :) | 06:12 |
nalioth | !automatix | 06:12 |
ubotu | rumour has it, automatix is messy, breaks all sorts of security guidelines, and is not open to improvement. In short: DO NOT USE IT! | 06:12 |
Agamotto | jesus: Hoy quarta diga es por computadoras utilizar OS de Ubuntu, no es por sexas. | 06:12 |
nalioth | Aviatrixie: i'd remove automatix | 06:12 |
nalioth | Aviatrixie: it's a known box wrecker | 06:12 |
Aviatrixie | People keep tell me to remove Automatix... but it has worked flawlessly for me. | 06:13 |
Aviatrixie | I did burp once. | 06:13 |
nalioth | Aviatrixie: time will tell. | 06:13 |
aeon17x | nalioth: I guess I should also remove it from the Wikipedia? | 06:13 |
pashaw | Aviatrixie, just dont recommend it tho ok | 06:13 |
bustacap | wizardjames, the best howto I could come up for Ubuntu/AMP -> http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_setup_ubuntu_5.10 | 06:13 |
nalioth | aeon17x: join me in #ubuntu-offtopic please | 06:14 |
doofus | anybody kno how to fix the dia_dxs in ubuntu? | 06:14 |
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bustacap | it contains other stuff, which is super good as well for good well-rounded linux server knowledge | 06:14 |
Aviatrixie | Well... I've only used it to install a few things. I did like how it upgraded me from the wierd Java 1.4 to the bona-fide 1.5 runtime. | 06:14 |
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Matthew_W | What is the search command from apt-get | 06:14 |
doofus | Multiplex s.card | 06:14 |
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nalioth | Matthew_W: apt-cache search $STRING | 06:15 |
bustacap | apt-get search <term> | 06:15 |
pashaw | Matthew_W, apt-cache search | 06:15 |
bustacap | yes cache :) | 06:15 |
pashaw | :P | 06:15 |
bustacap | a better place is packages.ubuntu.com | 06:15 |
bustacap | very handy bookmark | 06:15 |
doofus | where do i go for s.card help? | 06:16 |
=== bustacap looks at watch - time for another beer | ||
raymond | i need help installing jave | 06:16 |
Eleaf | nalioth, good thing I have access to my stuff... = / | 06:16 |
Aviatrixie | pashaw... I came here the first time with questions about Automatix. It's obviously a scriptkiddie thing. I thought it broke my install... but it didn't. And it is very slick for newbies. | 06:16 |
nalioth | Aviatrixie: can you join me in #ubuntu-offtopic ? | 06:17 |
doofus | synaptic is better | 06:17 |
Aviatrixie | sure | 06:17 |
Eleaf | nalioth, I really don't want to reinstall again because I've worked so hard to get my ubuntu perfect. Like half a years worth of perfecting... = / | 06:17 |
Aviatrixie | brb | 06:17 |
dieman | N6REJ: haha, i guess that was a misfire. | 06:17 |
nalioth | Eleaf: dont do anything yet. | 06:17 |
doofus | where do i go for s.card help? | 06:17 |
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doofus | where do i go for s.card help? | 06:17 |
doofus | where do i go for s.card help? | 06:17 |
Matthew_W | I seriously can't figure out why my monitor will not run, and I would sincerely love to run X. | 06:17 |
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cafuego | try #spam | 06:18 |
nalioth | doofus: repeating will only get you shown the door. if you tell us what a s.card is, we might be able to help you | 06:18 |
Eleaf | nalioth, ok. I just don't know what to try and fix when it freezes on calculating module dependencies.. | 06:18 |
doofus | sorry , soundcard | 06:18 |
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Eleaf | nalioth, and I don't know why I can't get internet access when I'm chrooted into my harddrive | 06:18 |
nalioth | doofus: and the problem with the sound card is? | 06:18 |
bustacap | raymond, have you tried https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 06:18 |
doofus | in FC3 i had DIA_DXS support now i dont | 06:19 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell doofus about sound | 06:19 |
doofus | i have tried all the forums | 06:19 |
raymond | no | 06:20 |
nalioth | doofus: check your private messages | 06:20 |
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slim | tell pashaw no problem | 06:20 |
slim | hey all need some help with wpa config...my woes are detailed at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=110303 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=110332 | 06:20 |
doofus | the sound works but the output is too high | 06:20 |
=== Tedd [n=root@pool-162-84-223-149.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
doofus | so the sound is a little 'scratchy' | 06:21 |
doofus | in FC3 I could control it through amixer | 06:21 |
superchode|fu | Matthew_W: what kind of problems are you having with X? | 06:21 |
mase | how can i get a 75hz refresh rate? i can only go up to 60hz | 06:21 |
Tedd | Cansomebody help me with a session problem I have? | 06:22 |
Agamotto | mase: If you are on an LCD, there really isn't much point in going above 60Hz | 06:22 |
mase | im not. | 06:22 |
Matthew_W | superchode|fu; well, X runs, but the monitor gets "no signal" when I start it. In terminal only, it works fine, it's just as soon as I start x it fails. I've sudo dpkg-reconfigured my xserver hundreds of times. | 06:22 |
kumakun | Can anyone tell me what default location of my font files are? | 06:22 |
nalioth | Tedd: ask your question to the channel | 06:22 |
Tedd | Every time I try to log in I get some kind of session error | 06:22 |
mase | KDE only lets me go to 60hz.. how can i change this? | 06:22 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell kumakun about fonts | 06:22 |
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bustacap | bugger about doofus | 06:23 |
jo_e | hi. does anyone know of any good apple II emulators? | 06:23 |
bustacap | I was about to share the same experience with him | 06:23 |
bustacap | and how I fixed it.. | 06:23 |
bustacap | my scratchy sound started to happen after the latest kernel upgrade | 06:23 |
Matthew_W | superchode|fu; Additionally, I recently switched from a 32mb nvidia to a 256mb nvidia - also, from SVGA to DVI | 06:23 |
bustacap | pity he was a bit of an ass | 06:23 |
bustacap | I did fix it through my mixer.. | 06:24 |
bustacap | lowered the PCM volume and it fixed it.. | 06:24 |
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bustacap | a little bit of mixer tweaking.. | 06:24 |
pashaw | !enter | 06:24 |
ubotu | please don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying. Write in complete sentences and keep your replies and questions on one line if possible. Thanks! | 06:24 |
superchode|fu | Matthew_W: i don't have any solution, i'm just trying to set up a remote connection through X to my ubuntu box from windows... and meeting some resistance. thought we may have some info to share | 06:24 |
Matthew_W | Hrm. | 06:25 |
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bustacap | !pashaw | 06:25 |
ubotu | bustacap: Do they come in packets of five? | 06:25 |
Tedd | Every time I try to log in I get a session error. right now I'm logged on as root | 06:25 |
Tedd | As Terminal | 06:25 |
_tcc | How can I change the music that starts when gnome is launched instead of that ubuntu theme? | 06:25 |
superchode|fu | i was able to get a GUI the first time i've tried and since then i can't launch any kind of session | 06:25 |
mase | how can i reconfigure xorg so i can get up to 75hz refresh rate | 06:25 |
Matthew_W | Does anyone know if there's some way to switch so X autodetects the DVI instead of the SVGA | 06:25 |
Matthew_W | Or is there a prog necessary to install DVI? | 06:25 |
superchode|fu | ssh connection works fine but GUI fails | 06:25 |
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=== khafra [n=khafra@user-0c2ian2.cable.earthlink.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pashaw | Tedd, root? what root? | 06:26 |
_tcc | How can I change the music that starts when gnome is launched instead of that ubuntu theme? | 06:26 |
khafra | How come mplayer isn't in universe, and doesn't work on my satellite? | 06:26 |
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Tedd | pashaw: sorry, I meant as the terminal | 06:26 |
bustacap | haha @ pashaw | 06:26 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell Tedd about root | 06:26 |
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Tedd | nalioth, I know about root. I said it wrong, sorry | 06:27 |
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_tcc | ANy idea?!??!?! | 06:27 |
_tcc | How can I change the music that starts when gnome is launched instead of that ubuntu theme? | 06:27 |
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bustacap | _tcc, look at System -> Preferences -> Sound | 06:27 |
Tedd | pashaw, any ideas? | 06:28 |
_tcc | Oh awesome thxbbl! | 06:28 |
khafra | Totem doesn't work for ****, so I'd really appreciate it if mplayer did--but it doesn't. wtf? | 06:28 |
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pashaw | Tedd, what do you mean by session error X server crashes? | 06:28 |
DashAFK | khafra, you probably need the codec pack | 06:29 |
bustacap | khafra, have you tried installing the totem-xine package as well.. | 06:29 |
Tedd | Pashaw: I turn on the computer, and log in with my name and password. I click "Log In" and it gives me some kind of session error | 06:29 |
Tedd | pashaw, so I logged in as the emergency terminal and here I am | 06:29 |
bustacap | I find that totem-xine is the best choice for a single-user pc and gxine is good over thin-client architectures.. | 06:29 |
khafra | bustacap: Yup. It told me it would have to uninstall ubuntu-desktop to do that. I did it anyway. It still didn't work | 06:29 |
pashaw | Tedd, ok is this a new install or it used to work ok? | 06:30 |
khafra | DashAFK: I got the codec pack that's offered on mplayer's website... | 06:30 |
nalioth | Tedd: if you could tell us the error, i guarantee we could fix it | 06:30 |
bustacap | ubuntu-desktop is only a metapackage, it is entirely safe to remove.. | 06:30 |
bustacap | khafra, have a geez at the RestrictedFormats site on the wiki | 06:30 |
khafra | bustacap: Well, at least I didn't break anything while not fixing my media players | 06:30 |
Tedd | pashaw: Used to work fine. nalioth: Gimme a few minutes, I'll be back. | 06:30 |
bustacap | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 06:31 |
khafra | bustacap: But, like--mp3? | 06:31 |
bustacap | everything.. all formats.. | 06:31 |
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bustacap | what I have done in the past is followed the instructions, installed the codec .deb and then grabbed the codec tar.bz2 off the mplayer website to add in all the extra codecs not covered by the Marilliat .deb | 06:32 |
Fiyawerx | Does anyone know of a good howto for manually installing a login manager? | 06:32 |
bustacap | you will know what I am talking about after you follow the steps.. | 06:32 |
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=== Cubeoid [n=foymula@CPE-155-143-75-33.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Cubeoid | hi friends | 06:32 |
Cubeoid | i am me, cubeoid | 06:32 |
Cubeoid | hello | 06:32 |
bustacap | Fiyawerx, what login manager are you installing? | 06:32 |
nalioth | Cubeoid: this is a help channel, not a social one. | 06:32 |
Cubeoid | k | 06:33 |
Fiyawerx | Entrance, I've already got e17 compiled and working, just not sure how to replace gdm with entrance ( I didn't use repos ) | 06:33 |
Cubeoid | there are so many people here | 06:33 |
Fiyawerx | I had it working from the repo's before, I'm just wondering if there's a way to find out what exactly the package changes when you do it that way | 06:33 |
bustacap | Fiyawerx, ooh unsupported stuff :) | 06:33 |
Fiyawerx | so i can try to figure it out manually | 06:33 |
nalioth | Fiyawerx: did you compile and install manually? or make debs? | 06:34 |
Fiyawerx | manually, with the easy_e17 script | 06:34 |
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Fiyawerx | so, not very manually :) | 06:34 |
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=== khafra is hopefully being helped by that restrictedformats page, thanks bustacap | ||
bustacap | manual enough to scare most users.. :) | 06:34 |
Fiyawerx | like if you reinstall gdm or kdm via apt, it comes up and asks you which to set as default | 06:34 |
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Fiyawerx | is there a way to see what commands it executes when you select one of those choices? | 06:34 |
kestas | "Could not find an appropriate hxplay or realplay in the system path to use as an embedded player" yet I know that my path includes ~/.bin, which has realplay | 06:35 |
nalioth | Fiyawerx: sudo dkpg-reconfigure gdm | 06:35 |
nalioth | Fiyawerx: choose entrance | 06:35 |
Fiyawerx | i have a feeling eveno tho entrance was make-installed, i dont think it'll be in the list | 06:35 |
Fiyawerx | one sec | 06:35 |
nalioth | Fiyawerx: try it. | 06:35 |
=== Matthew_W [n=matthew@hlfxns01bbf-142177230213.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Matthew_W | I've tried a million things, I'm losing it. | 06:36 |
Fiyawerx | yeah, just gdm/kdm | 06:36 |
dooglus | kestas: how did you set your path? | 06:36 |
Tedd | nalioth, I got the error | 06:36 |
nalioth | Fiyawerx: and if you can get all your manually installed stuff out, this link works http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79155&highlight=enlightenment | 06:36 |
kestas | dooglus, in .bashrc, but I started it from bash | 06:36 |
Matthew_W | Where else are there configurations for your monitor besides in /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 06:36 |
Matthew_W | and/or video card | 06:36 |
dooglus | kestas: does "type realplay" find it? | 06:36 |
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kestas | dooglus, | 06:36 |
kestas | dooglus, yep | 06:37 |
Fiyawerx | yeah, i had actually used that to get it working before | 06:37 |
Fiyawerx | but wanted to try the other way, right from cvs | 06:37 |
dooglus | kestas: you ran firefox from your bash prompt? | 06:37 |
Fiyawerx | instead of shadoi's repos | 06:37 |
kestas | dooglus, yep | 06:37 |
Fiyawerx | and everything worked, im just not sure how to get the last little piece in place :) | 06:37 |
nalioth | Fiyawerx: yes, but now you have cvs level enlighentment files spread all over your box | 06:37 |
Fiyawerx | all over? | 06:37 |
Tedd | nalioth: It told me that "My session lasted less than ten seconds, and that I wanted to try and use one of the failsafe sessions". I tried them, and they didn't work- it resulted in the same error | 06:37 |
nalioth | Fiyawerx: try that link, enable the repo and install entrance from it | 06:38 |
dooglus | kestas: was it already running? when you run firefox, it checks whether another one is already running and exits if it is | 06:38 |
Fiyawerx | they're pretty much all in /opt/e17 | 06:38 |
nalioth | Tedd: did it give you a reason why it didnt last? | 06:38 |
nalioth | Fiyawerx: oh, you did THAT one, kewl | 06:38 |
Tedd | possibly because of an installation problem | 06:38 |
bustacap | Tedd, is it possible to delete all of the user's gnome configuration files? | 06:38 |
=== Friar_Tuck [n=john@cpc3-bele3-3-1-cust173.belf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== flavin [n=flavin@pa-bethlprk-cad1-grp2d-202.pittpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Matthew_W | I have no idea what's going on. When I start X it just totally fails and says "No signal" on my monitor. It's DVI. it's almost as if the X server is being put through SVGA when there is no longer an SVGA cable. | 06:39 |
bustacap | like the .gnome & .gconf directories (to name a few)? | 06:39 |
Matthew_W | Help. | 06:39 |
Friar_Tuck | What is the fastest linux distro for gnome? | 06:39 |
Tedd | nalioth, possibly because of an installation problem | 06:39 |
raymond | in the terminal it says my root password is wrong? | 06:39 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell raymond about root | 06:39 |
nalioth | raymond: the root account is disabled be design in ubuntu | 06:39 |
nalioth | raymond: read the info ubotu links to for why | 06:40 |
ispiked | can ubuntu mount an ntfs partition with WRITE permissions? | 06:40 |
Tedd | nalioth, any ideas? | 06:40 |
pashaw | Matthew_W, you swapped cards right? | 06:40 |
nalioth | ispiked: if you don't like your nfts partition, yes | 06:40 |
bustacap | hehe | 06:41 |
Matthew_W | DMESG reveals agpgart: Found an AGP 2.0 Compatible device at 0000:00:00. Putting AGP 2.0 Compatible device at 0000:00:00 into 4x mode. Putting AGP 2.0 Compatible device at 0000:01:00 into 4x mode. | 06:41 |
Fiyawerx | actually, here's another question, when you do the sudo dpkg reconfigure gdm, it pulls a "list" of managers, where does it get that list from? | 06:41 |
Agamotto | ispiked: You can, but it really is not a good idea | 06:41 |
Matthew_W | pashaw: Yes I did. | 06:41 |
=== Epsilon [n=henry@pool-71-116-27-52.eriepa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | Tedd: i have no idea. log in on a rescue terminal and run "rm ~/.ICEauthority" | 06:41 |
ispiked | Agamotto, nalioth: I need to delete a directory, and would rather not boot to windows to do it. | 06:41 |
Epsilon | How do I open a .rpm? | 06:41 |
ispiked | Epsilon: checkout alien. | 06:41 |
nalioth | ispiked: writing to ntfs can lead to total ntfs partition loss | 06:41 |
=== rabbit [n=seb@HSE-Ottawa-ppp235068.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Epsilon | alien? | 06:41 |
ispiked | s/checkout/check out/ | 06:41 |
Tedd | nalioth, I'm on a failsafe terminal. I'll try that right now, but I have to leave XChat. | 06:41 |
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nalioth | Epsilon: what program do you want from rpm? | 06:42 |
pashaw | Matthew_W, thats the problem its expecting your old card with VGA connector output | 06:42 |
Epsilon | Well | 06:42 |
rabbit | does Amarok have a library like winamp?? or does it just do playlists?? | 06:42 |
ispiked | ubotu: alien? | 06:42 |
Epsilon | I want | 06:42 |
ubotu | alien is probably a program to convert RPMs to DEBs. Can give problems. Website: http://www.kitenet.net/programs/alien/ | 06:42 |
Matthew_W | pashaw: How do I fix this? | 06:42 |
Epsilon | any program that lets me download music, video's, etc | 06:42 |
ispiked | Epsilon: get limewire from their website. | 06:42 |
Fiyawerx | hm, i see it mentions /etc/X11/default-display-manager | 06:42 |
nalioth | Epsilon: and have you looked at the over 17,000 programs we have available in our repositories? | 06:42 |
Epsilon | Well | 06:43 |
pashaw | Matthew_W never used DVI in linux i googled a few things but without seeing your xorg.conf i wouldnt know where to start you tried dpkg-reconfig xserver-xorg right? | 06:43 |
bustacap | bittornado is a good one :) | 06:43 |
Epsilon | does anyone have limewire PRO? | 06:43 |
nalioth | Epsilon: go and get frostwire | 06:43 |
Matthew_W | pashaw; A hundred times | 06:43 |
=== Yomic [n=TrueYomi@adsl-0-5-158.shv.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== raben [n=raben@eu212-87-101-163.adsl.euphonynet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ispiked | nalioth: frostwire? | 06:43 |
nalioth | ispiked: yes, ask uncle google about it | 06:43 |
Epsilon | Sage? | 06:43 |
Epsilon | Safe* | 06:43 |
nalioth | Epsilon: follow ispiked to uncle google | 06:44 |
Epsilon | Also | 06:44 |
Friar_Tuck | !dvd | 06:44 |
rabbit | does Amarok have a library like winamp?? or does it just do playlists?? | 06:44 |
ubotu | DVD playing is possible in ubuntu, some DVDs may require libdvdcss2, which is available at http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/ | 06:44 |
Epsilon | how do I open the rpm though | 06:44 |
=== Cubeoid [n=foymula@CPE-155-143-75-33.vic.bigpond.net.au] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
pashaw | Matthew_W, you should google brand DVI linux and try what others changed to make it work | 06:45 |
nalioth | Epsilon: you were told. alien | 06:45 |
pashaw | Matthew_W, brand meaning ATI or Nvidia | 06:45 |
Epsilon | k | 06:45 |
raymond | im confused, if i cant use su how can i install programs | 06:45 |
Epsilon | I googled that | 06:45 |
Epsilon | but I got the movie... | 06:45 |
nalioth | raymond: did you read the wiki page? use sudo for any and all superuser needs | 06:45 |
=== Belboz99 [n=Belboz99@adsl-68-255-68-138.dsl.rcfril.ameritech.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
raymond | yea | 06:45 |
Matthew_W | pashaw; Can't, I'm in terminal, and I'm a tad a nub. | 06:45 |
Epsilon | nvm i think I got | 06:45 |
Epsilon | it | 06:45 |
pashaw | Matthew_W, ugg no other machine or dual boot? | 06:46 |
=== duckdown [i=duckdown@CPE00095b4fbe4d-CM001371879b8c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Belboz99 | Hey, anyone know why the changes made to Apache aren't being appied? | 06:46 |
Belboz99 | applied* | 06:46 |
pashaw | Belboz99, did you restart it | 06:46 |
Belboz99 | yeah | 06:46 |
nalioth | Belboz99: they'll be applied as far as they get to dapper | 06:46 |
duckdown | Hey all.. I just plugged in my Sony Digital USB camera, and SYSLOG shows it detected and says its loaded just fine, but how do I mount it or whatever now? | 06:46 |
Matthew_W | pashaw; nope. lol. | 06:46 |
=== No1Viking [i=micke@h-83-140-104-3.ip.cust.port80.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Belboz99 | I did an "sudo apache restart" | 06:47 |
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Belboz99 | but the changes still aren't made :( | 06:47 |
=== cappiz [i=cappiz@mainframe.no] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
mase | !java | 06:47 |
ubotu | To install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs | 06:47 |
=== nalioth is now known as noirequus | ||
Epsilon | ok | 06:48 |
Epsilon | I got Alien | 06:48 |
Epsilon | and am terminal | 06:48 |
Epsilon | I typed | 06:48 |
bustacap | Belboz99, try ps -ef | grep apache then kill -HUP <pid_of_apachedaemon> | 06:48 |
Epsilon | ./alien.pl | 06:49 |
=== Remmy [n=remmy@remmy.xs4all.nl] has left #ubuntu ["Client] | ||
Epsilon | what do I do next? | 06:49 |
rabbit | does Amarok have a library like winamp?? or does it just do playlists?? | 06:49 |
Matthew_W | pashaw; Is there a DVI module I should be loading, or is there some DVI setting I should be setting, or something? | 06:49 |
bustacap | Epsilon, you should just apt-get install alien | 06:49 |
pashaw | Matthew_W, using CRT or LCD? | 06:49 |
Epsilon | sudo? | 06:50 |
Epsilon | got it | 06:50 |
=== anavim [n=anavim@c-24-6-158-63.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bustacap | then sudo alien -d package.rpm | 06:50 |
=== Tedd| [n=Tedd@pool-162-84-223-149.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bustacap | yes, you need sudo - apologies.. | 06:50 |
bustacap | pashaw, LCD for DVI | 06:51 |
=== Fiyawerx [n=Fiyawerx@cpe-72-228-36-80.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tedd| | pashaw: can you do me a favor | 06:51 |
pashaw | Tedd|, ? | 06:51 |
Tedd| | pashaw: when nalioth comes in here tell him Tedd| says thank you very much | 06:51 |
pashaw | Tedd|, np | 06:51 |
bustacap | Tedd|, nalioth is now known as noirequus | 06:51 |
Tedd| | Oh | 06:52 |
Tedd| | noirequus: THANK YOU for whatever that command was | 06:52 |
noirequus | Tedd|: np, yw, and share the love | 06:52 |
Tedd| | noirequus: Could you tell me what it meant? | 06:52 |
Tedd| | Delete a file, yes | 06:52 |
Tedd| | But | 06:52 |
Tedd| | What was the file? My user configuration? | 06:52 |
noirequus | Tedd|: when you start nautilus using sudo (or from a root shell) it munges your permissions | 06:52 |
noirequus | Tedd|: the most glaring permission change is in .ICEauthority | 06:53 |
bustacap | hmmn, that's some bad *munging* | 06:53 |
bustacap | :) | 06:53 |
=== Matthew_W [n=matthew@hlfxns01bbf-142177230213.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Matthew_W | pashaw; LCD | 06:53 |
Matthew_W | pashaw: Acer, al1916 19" | 06:53 |
noirequus | Tedd|: that's why you shouldn't run gui apps with superuser priveleges | 06:53 |
Tedd| | Okay. | 06:54 |
Tedd| | Thanks. | 06:54 |
noirequus | Tedd|: or if you HAVE to, use gksudo for gnome apps and kdesu for kde apps | 06:54 |
Tedd| | I know now. | 06:54 |
raymond | im a noob i really need help with this installing thing | 06:54 |
noirequus | ubotu: tell raymond about synaptic | 06:54 |
pashaw | Matthew_W, think you could send me your xorg.conf file ? | 06:54 |
Matthew_W | I could | 06:54 |
noirequus | ubotu: tell raymond about repos | 06:54 |
noirequus | bbl | 06:55 |
Matthew_W | pashaw; how would I do that from terminal? | 06:55 |
Matthew_W | irssi | 06:55 |
pashaw | Matthew_W, im willing to help but i work better if i can see the setup | 06:55 |
Matthew_W | pashaw: /ctcp send? | 06:55 |
pashaw | Matthew_W, lol 1 sec | 06:55 |
Epsilon | I ended up with | 06:55 |
cafuego | current temperature: 43.0 C | 06:55 |
Matthew_W | pashaw; not used to this X_X | 06:55 |
Epsilon | control.tar.gz and data.targz | 06:56 |
Epsilon | How do I run the program? | 06:56 |
bustacap | Epsilon, what program are you talking about? | 06:57 |
Epsilon | Frostwire | 06:57 |
=== adhien_satriani [n=mahen@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Agamotto waves | ||
Agamotto | Time for me to take the eyeballs out | 06:58 |
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Matthew_W | pashaw; o_O | 06:58 |
Fiyawerx | hmm, apt-get wants to install a bunch of elib packages, to install entrance. I don't want that to conflict with my already made e17 stuffs. I just want its commands that it does when it configures entrance at the end, anyone know how to get that? | 06:59 |
=== nomasteryoda is now known as nomasteryoda|w | ||
Fiyawerx | is there a way to force a package to install disregarding dependency packages? | 06:59 |
rabbit | does Amarok have a library like winamp?? or does it just do playlists?? | 06:59 |
Fiyawerx | it should find the libs it needs, even tho the packages aren't installed for them | 06:59 |
=== Davey` [n=Davey@77-231.124-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
noirequus | Fiyawerx: in a console, dpkg --help | 07:00 |
=== Ribs [n=ribs@riblet.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
toydi | hi, is there anyway to raise my video ram (i'm using intergrated video) to support 24depth,1024x768 resolution? (Currently, i only success to get 16depth,800x600) | 07:01 |
bustacap | Epsilon, you should be able to just download the rpm, then 'sudo apt-get install alien fakeroot' then 'fakeroot alien -d FrostWire-4.10.0-1.i586.rpm' then 'sudo dpkg -i <filename>.deb' | 07:01 |
Fiyawerx | thanks, noirequus | 07:01 |
Matthew_W | pashaw; have you found anything? | 07:01 |
pashaw | Matthew_W, easy big fella im slow /DCC SEND pashaw /etc/X11/xorg.conf try that | 07:01 |
Fiyawerx | oh, nice.. simulate | 07:01 |
=== aurax [i=aurax@bzq-218-44-9.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aurax | does anyone knows about good p2p server that maybe can have web frontend to admin | 07:01 |
noirequus | now i'm really gone. bbl | 07:01 |
aurax | does anyone knows about good p2p server that maybe can have web frontend to admin | 07:01 |
Matthew_W | pashaw; there, working. | 07:02 |
Matthew_W | pashaw; are you recieving it? | 07:02 |
mase | !azureus | 07:02 |
ubotu | well, azureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AzureusHowTo | 07:02 |
aurax | not client | 07:03 |
aurax | server | 07:03 |
pashaw | Matthew_W, try it again i had one there already :P | 07:03 |
bustacap | aurax, try looking at Freshmeat.. | 07:03 |
aurax | tried | 07:03 |
=== bogdan [n=bogdan@S010600112f5cafea.vs.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Matthew_W | pashaw; there, coming again. | 07:04 |
intelikey | howto boot from an ide cdrom via lilo/grub ? | 07:04 |
=== tgcondor [n=tgcondor@206-248-138-44.dsl.teksavvy.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tgcondor | hello | 07:05 |
bogdan | hello everyone | 07:06 |
tgcondor | anyone has experience with installing ubuntu 'server' with software RAID1? | 07:06 |
=== Alantop1 [n=zhangzhm@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Epsilon | ok | 07:06 |
intelikey | tgcondor bogdan | 07:06 |
Epsilon | I got limewire | 07:06 |
Epsilon | its under | 07:06 |
Epsilon | Internet under applications | 07:06 |
Epsilon | but when I click it nothing comes up | 07:06 |
=== sanjay [n=sanjay@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
docta_v | there's no reason to use limewire | 07:07 |
Epsilon | I need music... | 07:07 |
Matthew_W | pashaw; aborted sending? | 07:07 |
tgcondor | i read the howto, took me almost an hour to find the missing step from the how to .. and now when I reboot to complete the installtion, weird things happen | 07:08 |
pashaw | Matthew_W, no path to host error | 07:08 |
Matthew_W | pashaw; wonderful | 07:08 |
Epsilon | Well | 07:08 |
Matthew_W | it's all default, my xorg.conf. | 07:08 |
Epsilon | How do I get Music, and Videos on linux? | 07:08 |
pashaw | Matthew_W, no it was default for your old card | 07:09 |
Matthew_W | Just a completely generated file from sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 07:09 |
bogdan | Epsilon:amule | 07:09 |
intelikey | vlc ? | 07:09 |
=== KronicDreamer [i=KronicDr@AC808FB0.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== omac [n=omac@ppp-216-106-111-54.storm.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Matthew_W | pashaw; I've reconfigured, since. | 07:09 |
pashaw | Matthew_W, ohhh got ya all your tesrting | 07:09 |
bustacap | aurax, have you had a look at the torrentbits.org website - that seems to be the torrent tracker that almost everysite uses | 07:09 |
Matthew_W | pashaw; it has my new thing's name in there | 07:09 |
Epsilon | whats amule? | 07:09 |
=== KronicDreamer [i=KronicDr@AC808FB0.ipt.aol.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Matthew_W | pashaw; is there like, a module I don't know about? | 07:09 |
pashaw | Matthew_W, no is your nick registered? | 07:09 |
intelikey | across between ahorse and adonkey :) | 07:10 |
Matthew_W | pashaw; yes. | 07:10 |
docta_v | Epsilon: this is what you want, http://www.sensi.org/~ak/pyslsk/ | 07:10 |
pashaw | Matthew_W, ill pm you so we dont spawm the channel | 07:10 |
Matthew_W | pashaw; got it. | 07:10 |
Epsilon | IT THAT LIKE SLSK BUT LINUX? | 07:10 |
docta_v | yeah | 07:10 |
Epsilon | OMG | 07:10 |
=== folding [n=folding@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Epsilon | THANK YOU | 07:10 |
Toma- | caps plz | 07:10 |
Matthew_W | pashaw; tell me when you've PM'ed me, not familar with irssi. | 07:10 |
docta_v | np...btw I've never used it | 07:10 |
=== bithed [n=slynch@adsl-68-120-235-241.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
docta_v | only the regular windows client...but that looks decent enough | 07:11 |
=== bithed is now known as rubyrules | ||
DashAFK | you want nicotine or museek for soulseek | 07:14 |
DashAFK | pyslsk is really old | 07:14 |
=== uoou [n=uiiu@modem-1373.lynx.dialup.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
docta_v | ah | 07:14 |
docta_v | so nicoine is better eh | 07:14 |
docta_v | looked worse based on the screenshots | 07:14 |
uoou | hello, reckon anyone can help me out with a gnome problem? | 07:15 |
Toma- | uoou: ask. | 07:15 |
uoou | thanks | 07:15 |
docta_v | ah museek is actually c++ | 07:15 |
docta_v | that sounds better | 07:15 |
DashAFK | it's still in development | 07:16 |
DashAFK | you'll have to build it yourself but it's not hard | 07:16 |
Toma- | gnutella 4 lyfe :D | 07:16 |
uoou | I added a menu to my top panel then deleted the menu with smeg. Then right clicked the menu on the panel to dlete that too (what with it no longer existing). Now my panels are broken - they load, but they're all blank. Can't even right click them | 07:16 |
bustacap | uoou, have you tried logging out and then back in again? | 07:17 |
uoou | wondered if there was a way to revert gnome back to default panels or sommat | 07:17 |
=== raymond [n=raymond@adsl-4-97-160.cae.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Epsilon | omgosh | 07:17 |
uoou | yeah, done that and also tried failsafe gnome (it's the same) | 07:17 |
Epsilon | How do I install .bin? | 07:17 |
=== cor_ [n=cor@a218192.upc-a.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
raymond | what linux better than windows | 07:17 |
bustacap | uoou, you could delete your .local directory under your home directory.. | 07:17 |
=== Belutz [n=Belutz@ubuntu/member/belutz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
uoou | ok, I'll try that, thanks | 07:17 |
bustacap | let me confirm that uoou.. | 07:17 |
Toma- | uoou: mv the .gnome2 and .gconf folders to a backup folder then restart | 07:17 |
tgcondor | lemme try again: I put in the CD, create a raid 1 partition, create logical group and volumes, give types and mount points to volumes. install progresses. base installtion is supposedly complete. CD is ejected. PC is rebooted. After reboot, I get some error messages including /sbin/init non-existant, and /bin/sh can't get tty. What's worng and how can I make it work? This is my first ubuntu install. | 07:17 |
raymond | what makes linux better than windows | 07:18 |
Toma- | raymond: the babes. | 07:18 |
uoou | ok, I'll try both of those | 07:18 |
DashAFK | yeah the girls | 07:18 |
DashAFK | i mean | 07:18 |
Toma- | :D~ | 07:18 |
DashAFK | the minute i mention ncurses or gcc they're on me | 07:18 |
bustacap | uoou, log out, then CTRL+ALT+1, login as yourself then delete the .local directory | 07:18 |
DashAFK | even in church | 07:18 |
Epsilon | How do I install bin? | 07:18 |
=== ispiked [n=aguthrie@unaffiliated/ispiked] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Toma- | "sh blahblah.bin" | 07:19 |
ispiked | what do I need to just use a CD to do formatting? | 07:19 |
Epsilon | k | 07:19 |
Toma- | ispiked: a small linux distro with fdisk? | 07:19 |
ispiked | can I use the install CD as a "formatter"? | 07:19 |
uoou | ok, thanks all, be back soon | 07:19 |
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FlannelKing | on ubuntu, is there anythign special I need to do with apache2 (besides specifying RewriteLog and RewriteLogLevel) to get the log to work? | 07:19 |
intelikey | ispiked yes you can | 07:19 |
ispiked | intelikey, cool. | 07:19 |
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=== toydi [n=toydi@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tgcondor | no one had ever had a problem during the install after the first reboot?!?! | 07:20 |
Epsilon | Why wont' LIMEWIRE work? | 07:20 |
=== ElderGuardian [n=bata@di126.opencominc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Epsilon | I click it and nothing comes up | 07:21 |
=== guanaco [n=guanaco@adsl-71-141-171-110.dsl.snfc21.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DashAFK | do you have java installed | 07:21 |
Epsilon | yes. | 07:21 |
Epsilon | Just installed it | 07:22 |
DashAFK | try running it in a console and see what it spits out | 07:22 |
mhchai45 | yuan ming | 07:22 |
Epsilon | I dunno how to | 07:22 |
=== TecnoVM64 [n=tecnovm@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== DashAFK can't remember if ubuntu does java like debian | ||
=== drew_ [n=drew@modem-1794.llama.dialup.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== winXperts [n=santos@ip70-171-34-200.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
drew_ | you are lovely people | 07:23 |
drew_ | thanks very much, it worked | 07:23 |
Xenguy | !java | 07:24 |
ubotu | To install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs | 07:24 |
=== drew_ is now known as uoou | ||
=== Agrajag_ is now known as asdfasdf | ||
=== asdfasdf is now known as fdsafdsa | ||
Fiyawerx | when I do an apt-get -s install entrance, the last line is "Conf fooEntrance", is that using dpkg? | 07:25 |
bustacap | can somebody list all of the (official) ubuntu-related channels on FreeNode? :) | 07:26 |
=== fdsafdsa is now known as Agrajag | ||
Xenguy | Fiyawerx: I'm not sure what you're asking | 07:26 |
=== xiaowen [n=uhm@c-67-169-126-148.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Fiyawerx | Basically, I'm trying to find out how apt-get random.login.manager actually makes that login manager your default | 07:26 |
Fiyawerx | so I can manually do this with Entrance | 07:27 |
Fiyawerx | like apt-get install kdm/gdm brings up a menu asking you to select which you want for primary | 07:27 |
xiaowen | Does anyone see the kernel sources for 2.6.12 in the archives? | 07:27 |
Xenguy | Fiyawerx: nod | 07:27 |
Fiyawerx | I compiled entrance via cvs, but am not sure how to manually enter it as my default login manager | 07:27 |
Fiyawerx | trying to avoid splitting up between cvs and shadoi's cvs repos | 07:27 |
Fiyawerx | and figured i'd learn something meanwhile :) | 07:27 |
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intelikey | howto boot from an ide cdrom via lilo/grub ? | 07:28 |
intelikey | any body ever did that ? | 07:29 |
Xenguy | intelikey: no, I think that is a BIOS thing | 07:29 |
bustacap | intelikey, why don't you use BIOS? | 07:29 |
intelikey | and turn it on and off in bios between boots.... no thanks. | 07:30 |
Xenguy | intelikey: just take the CD-ROM out :-) | 07:30 |
Epsilon | I have a question | 07:30 |
intelikey | i'll just set it up as a lilo option. | 07:30 |
xiaowen | Found it linux-source-2.6.12 finally. | 07:30 |
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intelikey | just thought maybe one of ya had already done this.... | 07:31 |
Epsilon | What do I burn .iso with on Linux? | 07:32 |
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Xenguy | Epsilon: k3b ? | 07:32 |
tritium | Epsilon: even nautilus can do that | 07:33 |
Epsilon | nautilus? | 07:33 |
Epsilon | what is that | 07:33 |
tritium | it's the file manager and graphical shell for gnome | 07:34 |
Epsilon | do I gotta download it? | 07:34 |
tritium | Epsilon: are you running gnome? | 07:34 |
Xenguy | Epsilon: should be installed by default | 07:34 |
Epsilon | I dunno | 07:35 |
Epsilon | I need to burn a .iso bad. | 07:35 |
=== GTroy [n=troyster@70-57-162-112.spkn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Xenguy | Epsilon: are you running ubuntu? | 07:35 |
Epsilon | yes. | 07:35 |
Xenguy | Epsilon: so Nautilus is installed | 07:35 |
GTroy | hey guys, how do you replace a xorg.conf file? | 07:35 |
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GTroy | I try mv and I can't change it | 07:35 |
Xenguy | GTroy: what do you want to do? | 07:36 |
Epsilon | so where is Nautilus located? | 07:36 |
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GTroy | replace the xorg.conf file with one I've made | 07:36 |
tritium | Epsilon: it's running when you are logged into gnome | 07:36 |
Xenguy | GTroy: preface cp using 'sudo' | 07:36 |
Fiyawerx | man, this is complicated, heh | 07:36 |
GTroy | I tried | 07:36 |
GTroy | no change | 07:36 |
Xenguy | GTroy: backup the original file | 07:36 |
GTroy | I did | 07:36 |
Epsilon | Hey people | 07:36 |
Epsilon | This is so confusing | 07:36 |
Epsilon | I am going back to windows. | 07:36 |
intelikey | tritium unless you fix it it is.... | 07:36 |
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tritium | intelikey: heh, okay ;) | 07:36 |
Xenguy | GTroy: you cannot edit the file as 'root'? | 07:36 |
GTroy | Epsilon: don't you'll regret it | 07:37 |
Epsilon | I dunno | 07:37 |
GTroy | haven't tried | 07:37 |
Epsilon | I am real young. | 07:37 |
Xenguy | Epsilon: hah | 07:37 |
GTroy | Xenguy: I just want to replace it | 07:37 |
Epsilon | and my little brother is 9 | 07:37 |
tritium | Epsilon: can you go to Places->Home Folder? | 07:37 |
Epsilon | he will never no how do do this | 07:37 |
Xenguy | GTroy: edit it? | 07:37 |
=== GTroy is not too good with vi | ||
Epsilon | cya people. | 07:37 |
tritium | Epsilon: he certainly couldn't burn a .iso image on windows any more easily | 07:37 |
Epsilon | Ya I could... | 07:38 |
GTroy | Xenguy: you say I should use cp instead of mv? | 07:38 |
tonyyarusso | GTroy, So try pico or gedit. | 07:38 |
Epsilon | and installing stuff on windows | 07:38 |
tritium | Epsilon: did you even try? | 07:38 |
Epsilon | isn't such a big hassle | 07:38 |
GTroy | I don't have X running | 07:38 |
intelikey | GTroy use nano | 07:38 |
GTroy | ok | 07:38 |
Xenguy | GTroy: just to keep a backup of the original file, yes | 07:38 |
Epsilon | I can't remember it all | 07:38 |
tritium | Epsilon: you haven't tried to learn, obviously | 07:38 |
Epsilon | I will be back someday | 07:38 |
GTroy | Xenguy: I've got a backup of both files | 07:38 |
Epsilon | Well | 07:38 |
Epsilon | I got a life | 07:38 |
Epsilon | and special | 07:38 |
Epsilon | when I am | 07:38 |
Epsilon | YOUNG | 07:39 |
Epsilon | lol | 07:39 |
Xenguy | GTroy: sudo apt-get install nano && nano <FileToEdit> | 07:39 |
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Epsilon | 24-12 is my age | 07:39 |
Epsilon | lol | 07:39 |
Epsilon | so ya | 07:39 |
tritium | Epsilon: okay, then quit trolling | 07:39 |
Xenguy | !enter | 07:39 |
ubotu | please don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying. Write in complete sentences and keep your replies and questions on one line if possible. Thanks! | 07:39 |
GTroy | Xenguy: no net connection right now untill I have X running | 07:39 |
Epsilon | bye | 07:39 |
Epsilon | I will get back on sometime | 07:39 |
Xenguy | GTroy: no X does not preclude a net connection, strictly speaking | 07:40 |
=== gijosh [n=joshua@24-197-78-058.dhcp.chtn.wv.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yaaar | Xenguy: I assume by "strictly speaking" you mean "whatsoever" | 07:40 |
twysted | GTroy, are you using a wireless connection is that why you dont get a connection until X starts? | 07:40 |
yaaar | ;-) | 07:40 |
tonyyarusso | GTroy, It's true. Even when I have X up I still connect with wvdial, in the console. | 07:41 |
tritium | Epsilon: see you later, Henry | 07:41 |
GTroy | twysted: yes | 07:41 |
twysted | GTroy, yea thats kinda normal :) | 07:41 |
=== some_dude [n=Miranda@adsl-65-66-219-124.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
some_dude | where the wine package ? | 07:41 |
twysted | GTroy, since one owuld have to specify which AP to get on, where as ethernet just works if its hooked up to a cable | 07:41 |
tritium | !info wine | 07:41 |
twysted | !wine | 07:41 |
ubotu | wine: (Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library)), section universe/otherosfs, is optional. Version: 0.0.20050725-0ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 14131 kB, Installed size: 55484 kB | 07:41 |
tonyyarusso | GTroy, I've managed to pull that off too with iwconfig and ifconfig, if stuff cooperates I guess. | 07:41 |
Xenguy | yaaar: grammar police? :-) | 07:41 |
GTroy | well I can't get modprobe ndiswrapper to load in modules | 07:42 |
GTroy | unless at terminal | 07:42 |
yaaar | Xenguy: no, not grammar.....the meaning is the bit i was trying to center the jest on | 07:42 |
some_dude | ok, I know what wine is, but apt-get install wine failed | 07:42 |
Xenguy | yaaar: ;-) | 07:42 |
tritium | "strictly speaking" has valid meaning | 07:43 |
twysted | GTroy, yea but you can do that within X and your window manager | 07:43 |
GTroy | Xenguy: you solved my problem, I was using mv instead of cp | 07:43 |
tonyyarusso | some_dude, What kind of 'failed'? | 07:43 |
twysted | brb | 07:43 |
some_dude | not found failed | 07:43 |
Xenguy | GTroy: glad to hear it :-) | 07:43 |
yaaar | tritium: right...but it's meaning is quite different from 'whatsoever' and my point was that X doesn't preclude net *at all* rather than strictly speaking. the suggestion that the two phrases were equivalent was what made it a joke | 07:44 |
gijosh | I plugged in my mic, but Ubuntu doesn't seem to see it. Is there a setting I need to mess with? | 07:44 |
tonyyarusso | some_dude, Do you have the section described above enabled in your sources list? | 07:44 |
some_dude | where above ? | 07:44 |
tritium | gijosh: check your mixer settings | 07:44 |
gijosh | tritium: thanks | 07:45 |
tonyyarusso | some_dude, ubotu's response. | 07:45 |
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tonyyarusso | some_dude, (Universe) | 07:45 |
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pashaw | !tell some_dude about repos | 07:45 |
yaaar | anybody use an nforce2 board w/ onboard audio? | 07:45 |
XiCillin | are there any repositories for 64-bit applications? | 07:45 |
yaaar | mine doesn't make any noise... | 07:45 |
yaaar | drivers (alsa) loaded and mixer seems right | 07:46 |
aeon17x | Noiseless audio... that's a new one. | 07:46 |
yaaar | tried killing esd, no help. | 07:46 |
dabaR | so installation of ATI drivers is not possible on Hoary with the live CD? | 07:46 |
twysted | XiCillin> yes as long as you installed the 64bit version of ubuntu | 07:46 |
dabaR | Hoary+, that is. | 07:46 |
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yaaar | aeon17x: yeah....my sound card is like a tree falling in the woods when no one is around... | 07:46 |
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Xenguy | yaaar: hah, mine too | 07:47 |
aeon17x | yaaar: have you tried fiddling with PCM instead of master in the mixer? | 07:47 |
tonyyarusso | dabaR, I don't know about Hoary specifically, but if you have the RAM for it I think you can pseudo-install any package with a Live CD. | 07:47 |
dabaR | Cause it seems it wants a reboot. And also, the wiki page seems to be recommending ATI drivers from their web site for newer Ubuntu versions, after warty. | 07:47 |
yaaar | aeon17x: yeah, fiddled with all available sliders and looked through the list of possible channels to add to the list to see if any might be useful. | 07:48 |
dabaR | tonyyarusso: the thing is that the ATI drivers wants you to reboot. | 07:48 |
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Xenguy | yaaar: I might be using similar hardware, but still trying to find out how to get soundcard connected | 07:48 |
yaaar | Xenguy: what chipset? | 07:48 |
dabaR | or a grammatically correct version of my sentence... | 07:48 |
tonyyarusso | dabaR, Ah, that would cause a problem. | 07:48 |
yaaar | Xenguy: is it an actual card, or onboard? | 07:48 |
Xenguy | yaaar: GeForce 6100 | 07:48 |
Xenguy | onboard | 07:48 |
yaaar | Xenguy: er...isn't that a video board? | 07:48 |
tonyyarusso | dabaR, Does the system you're running your live session on have Linux on the disk as well, or no? | 07:48 |
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Xenguy | yaaar: yes, sorry | 07:48 |
Xenguy | yaaar: I just bought this, and don't know the sound hardware/config yet | 07:49 |
yaaar | ah, ok....what's the trouble? video problems i know more about | 07:49 |
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dabaR | tonyyarusso: :) no, I was just wanting to show a friend Ubuntu on his computer without installing, and I ran against that wall... | 07:49 |
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Xenguy | yaaar: video is working now, but soundcard not detected AFAICT | 07:49 |
intelikey | what is the bios call of /dev/fd0 0x0? ??? | 07:49 |
yaaar | Xenguy: do 'lsmod | grep snd' | 07:50 |
Xenguy | yaaar: OK | 07:50 |
yaaar | Xenguy: do you get output? (don't paste it) | 07:50 |
tonyyarusso | dabaR, Okay. I don't know the differences between releases; would it have it already if you managed to get a Breezy disk? | 07:50 |
Xenguy | yaaar: no output | 07:50 |
dabaR | tonyyarusso: not likely. But I will test it out perhaps one day in a similar circumstance with a breezy live CD. Thanks. | 07:50 |
tonyyarusso | dabaR, Good luck. | 07:51 |
epp | sup | 07:51 |
yaaar | Xenguy: ok...try 'lspci' and look for lines about audio | 07:51 |
Xenguy | yaaar: K | 07:51 |
yaaar | mine says 0000:00:06.0 Multimedia audio controller: nVidia Corporation nForce2 AC97 Audio Controler (MCP) (rev a1) | 07:51 |
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Xenguy | yaaar: "Multimedia audio controller: nVidia Corporation: Unknow device 026b (rev a2) | 07:52 |
Xenguy | " | 07:52 |
FlannelKing | anyone know why web_dav (svn) doesn't work well with mod_rewrite? (mod_rewrite IS rewriting, but then the url doesn't change, and webDAV has it's way with the request) | 07:52 |
yaaar | wow | 07:52 |
yaaar | that's kind of interesting.' | 07:53 |
twysted | FlannelKing> might want to ask the people in #apache | 07:53 |
Xenguy | yaaar: I've tried 'aplay -l' and nothing is detected | 07:53 |
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yaaar | FlannelKing: or #gentoo-apache ...there's great help in there frequently | 07:53 |
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Xenguy | yaaar: I just need to get sound going, else I'm going to have to exchange the motherboard I think | 07:54 |
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Jeeves_moss | all: ok whos awake here? | 07:54 |
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=== yaaar is asleep | ||
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Jeeves_moss | all: any one here have experiance with Proliant servers? | 07:54 |
FlannelKing | Ive tried apache, for a few days ;) gentoo apache? alright, Ill check it out. | 07:54 |
Xenguy | yaaar: how did you mean "interesting" ? | 07:54 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, taking a survey? or have a question | 07:55 |
yaaar | Xenguy: i don't often see lspci come up with an unknown device | 07:55 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: no, I've got a proliant server here thats being a pain in my a** | 07:55 |
Xenguy | yaaar: yeah, it pisses me off -- sound should "just work" nowadays | 07:55 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: I'd REALY like to get it running, I've got so much work that I'd like to get done. | 07:56 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, how our you ask your question or explain your error | 07:56 |
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Xenguy | yaaar: I figure I need some kind of drivers | 07:56 |
crimsun | Xenguy: lspci -nv onto pastebin. | 07:56 |
yaaar | Xenguy: well, that's the thing that bugs me....i've found very little about problems with my sound chipset, and have found several people who seem to have had it "just work" including one with a website up detailing my exact model of motherboard. | 07:56 |
dabaR | yay | 07:56 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, you put Ubuntu on it. | 07:56 |
Xenguy | crimsun: OK, sec | 07:57 |
dabaR | Xenguy: you know you are in luck when... | 07:57 |
Xenguy | crimsun: it'll be more like a few minutes -- operating on another box here | 07:57 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: I get through the install (installing to p0d0 (partition 0 for boot, partition 1 for swap, and partation 2 for user), and then when it reboots, it drops to a fricken' busybox shell saying it can't find p0d0 (allthough the "live" CD finds it with no problem | 07:57 |
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GTroy | hey guys, how do you exit pico? | 07:58 |
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GTroy | and save the file | 07:58 |
crimsun | C-x | 07:58 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: yes, thats ALL I run for Linux. This server causes a kernel panic on Debian's installer, and I don't like Suse or RedCrap | 07:58 |
dabaR | GTroy: it tells you on the screen, no? ctrl+x | 07:58 |
yaaar | GTroy: ctrl-w and then ctrl-x | 07:58 |
GTroy | ok cool | 07:58 |
yaaar | wait.... | 07:58 |
yaaar | is that ctrl-o | 07:58 |
yaaar | hrm | 07:58 |
tonyyarusso | GTroy and yaar: Save in pico is Ctrl-O, not w. | 07:58 |
yaaar | yeah | 07:59 |
yaaar | sorry | 07:59 |
GTroy | ok what I needed | 07:59 |
GTroy | thanks guys | 07:59 |
tonyyarusso | (and lowercase, oops.) | 07:59 |
GTroy | np yaaar | 07:59 |
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intelikey | GTroy you look at the instructions at the bottom of pico and follow | 07:59 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: Any ideas? | 07:59 |
GTroy | sorry guys | 07:59 |
GTroy | to be a pain | 07:59 |
GTroy | don't usually use terminal text editors | 08:00 |
dabaR | GTroy: you are welcome to ask any question. | 08:00 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, well if it were me id install using the acpi off switches as its a server but missing a boot device after the installer formats thats odd | 08:00 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, using a recovery kernel can you get in? | 08:01 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: you'd think hunh? its scary that the installer sees the p0d0 drive, partitions it corectly, installs to it, then panics when it reboots. I'd REALY like to get this rackmount server running this week. | 08:01 |
intelikey | lshw is pretty worthless isn't it.... | 08:02 |
yaaar | brb folks, gonna play with some things | 08:03 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: I can get a busybox shell. but thats not realy helping me figure it out. | 08:03 |
intelikey | i mean it's weak, doesn't find my floppy drives or network cards not even the agp card.... | 08:03 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, you can login into the CLI? | 08:03 |
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Xenguy | crimsun: sorry for the delay: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6407 | 08:04 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: ?? | 08:04 |
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pashaw | Jeeves_moss, im not sure what sheel your talking about im trying to guess where it stopped | 08:04 |
Jeeves_moss | ok, one sec. I'll get it running and give you the exact syntax | 08:05 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, reboot and try a recovery kernel try that first maybe somethings messed up with main kernel | 08:05 |
gnu2it2 | is there a single apt-get that will grab all the compiler stuff? make, gcc etc | 08:05 |
crimsun | Xenguy: what motherboard? | 08:06 |
Xenguy | crimsun: bear with me, my hardware-fu is weak... | 08:06 |
Xenguy | crimsun: it is a Biostar chipset, do you need a model or ? | 08:07 |
crimsun | Xenguy: yes, I need a model # | 08:07 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, all my servers get installed using these switches as apm is all a server needs acpi=off noapic | 08:07 |
Xenguy | crimsun: (I just bought this box for Xmas) | 08:07 |
PeteyPablo | I HIT THE bong and then i reload it | 08:07 |
Xenguy | crimsun: OK, hang on | 08:07 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: ALERT! /dev/ida/c-d-p3 dosen't exist. Dropping to shell. | 08:07 |
PeteyPablo | inhale exhale just got an ounce in the mail | 08:07 |
liable | /dev/ida? | 08:07 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: I'm just getting into the linux server thing. And to think that 3 months ago, I didden't even know what "ls" was in a command line. | 08:08 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, try a recovery kernel | 08:08 |
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Jeeves_moss | pashaw: how do I do that? | 08:08 |
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Xenguy | crimsun: the "mainboard" is 'CRU51-M7' -- is that what you need? | 08:09 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, reboot when grub comes up pick a kernel that says recovery grub comes up right? | 08:09 |
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Jeeves_moss | pashaw: yes the grub loader comes up. just a sec. | 08:09 |
Xenguy | crimsun: AMD | 08:09 |
crimsun | Xenguy: sec. | 08:10 |
XiCillin | anybody get skype working on amd64? | 08:10 |
Xenguy | crimsun: nod | 08:10 |
Jeeves_moss | XiCillin: I got it to work on my PPC | 08:10 |
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intelikey | do i have to use (hd?) in grub or can it read /dev/hd? ???? | 08:11 |
XiCillin | i got the .deb package installed but when i run it i get 'error wihle loading shared libraries' | 08:11 |
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XiCillin | i have the library installed | 08:11 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: it STILL crashes out on /dev/ida:c0d0p3 its STILL claiming that it dosen't exist, and it still drops me to a "busybox" shell. | 08:12 |
liable | intelikey: in what context? | 08:12 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, ok it says c0d0 earlier you said p0d0 | 08:12 |
intelikey | boot prompt | 08:13 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: sorry, it says c0d0 | 08:13 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, its ok but i knew p0d0 was wrong | 08:13 |
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crimsun | Xenguy: do you have the manual? I'm missing a pci id for that chipset. | 08:14 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: ok, so now what? it seems like it can't find the user files. it likes the bood and swap, so now what? | 08:14 |
Xenguy | crimsun: yes I have a User Manual; let me see if I can find that "pci id" | 08:15 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, looking if its a common problem | 08:15 |
crimsun | Xenguy: no, look for a description of "audio" | 08:15 |
GTroy | how do you copy a rtf file so it's understood in xorg.conf? | 08:15 |
crimsun | Xenguy: your manual won't have a pci id | 08:15 |
Xenguy | crimsun: OK, will do, sec | 08:15 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: hummm, well it would be nice if I could find a "common" workaround. I'd hate to see this nice server go to waste. | 08:15 |
intelikey | i keep getting /boot/grub/device.map:7: error: Bad drive name | 08:16 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, reboot when gub comes up pik your normal kernel then hit "e" and change c0d0p3 to c0d0p1 | 08:17 |
Jeeves_moss | hummm, ok, one sed. | 08:18 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, just to test | 08:18 |
intelikey | i set it to (cd0) /dev/hdd 'an atapi cdrom drive' but error is all i get. there was nothing in the man page on cdroms | 08:18 |
vbgunz | Is it possible to open gnome-terminal with two tabs? | 08:18 |
tonyyarusso | vbgunz, Yes. | 08:18 |
=== Fiyawerx [i=Fiyawerx@cpe-72-228-36-80.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vbgunz | tonyyarusso: am checking help now, is it a switch? | 08:18 |
Fiyawerx | anyone know how to make sure something is starting after hal or nologin | 08:18 |
tonyyarusso | vbgunz, You mean initially? | 08:18 |
liable | intelikey: shouldnt it be hd3? | 08:19 |
vbgunz | tonyyarusso: yeah | 08:19 |
tonyyarusso | vbgunz, Once it's open Ctrl-Shift-t does it. | 08:19 |
gnu2it2 | is there a single apt-get that will grab all the compiler stuff? make, gcc etc | 08:19 |
tonyyarusso | vbgunz, Oh, that I'm not sure. Maybe? | 08:19 |
vbgunz | tonyyarusso: :) yup, I know that one, I found the --tab switch :) | 08:19 |
intelikey | liable i'll try that. but it's not an hd. | 08:19 |
vbgunz | tonyyarusso: hopefully that'll do it :) | 08:19 |
liable | intelikey: why is cdrom in device map? i havent seen it there before. | 08:19 |
liable | intelikey: thats just a naming convention, its still on the drive controller. | 08:20 |
=== deFrysk [n=deFrysk@g173059.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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tonyyarusso | vbgunz, Let me know how that works. | 08:20 |
vbgunz | tonyyarusso: yup it works :) | 08:20 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: it didden't like it. now its complaining about /dev/ida/c0d0p1 dosen't exist | 08:20 |
ispiked | how do I use the install CD as a "formatter"? | 08:20 |
intelikey | same error liable | 08:20 |
ispiked | ah, intelikey? | 08:20 |
tonyyarusso | vbgunz, So for more than one more would you do like --tab --tab or --tab 2? | 08:21 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, your sure you only have 3 partitions | 08:21 |
Jeeves_moss | yep. | 08:21 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, what were they? | 08:21 |
vbgunz | tonyyarusso: maybe, I tried with just one --tab and got two tabs :) | 08:21 |
Jeeves_moss | is there a way to look @ the partitions from busybox? | 08:21 |
Xenguy | crimsun: hrm, I don't see a direct hit: I have 2 main references in the manual, 1) "Onboard AcC'97 Sound Codec" and 2) "CD-ROM Audio-in Connector" -- does that help? | 08:22 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, i havent crashed ubuntu like you did no idea what your in | 08:22 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: what I don't get is that it installs it corectly, then crashes out. Is there a web install like there is for Debian? | 08:22 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, there is a server install | 08:22 |
crimsun | Xenguy: not really. How new is this motherboard? | 08:23 |
=== DJ_Mirage [n=djmirage@biggetje.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, maybe you should retry using that and use the switches acpi=off noapic also | 08:23 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: if I do a fresh install, think there might be something in there that we could pick out that might shed some light on the problem? | 08:23 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: what does that do? | 08:23 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, disables all acpi crap you dont want on a server anyway | 08:24 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, servers werent designed to hybernate | 08:24 |
Xenguy | crimsun: good question, I'm not sure but it is a Semptron and I know the video chipset (GeForce6100) was released in late September AFAIK | 08:24 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: whats the differance between that and just typing "server" @ the install page? | 08:24 |
tonyyarusso | vbgunz, Yeah, you have to add another --tab for any additional ones you want. A launcher with a number after it doesn't do anything. | 08:24 |
liable | !drxx Syntux | 08:24 |
ubotu | liable: I give up, what is it? | 08:24 |
liable | oops | 08:25 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, it disables those and passes them to the new kernel not to use them either | 08:25 |
liable | Syntux: sorry | 08:25 |
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vbgunz | tonyyarusso: I only needed another tab... Now I need to get Python to open up on the second tab but opened focused on the first :) | 08:25 |
Jeeves_moss | ok, so @ the boot page, what should I type? | 08:25 |
wizardjames | how do i update firefox? i downloaded 1.5 but i dont know what to do now | 08:25 |
Syntux | lol | 08:25 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, ubuntu disk? or kubuntu? | 08:25 |
tonyyarusso | !tell wizardjames about firefox15 | 08:26 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, i can double check either which do you have | 08:26 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: the full ubuntu disk that I d-loaded. | 08:26 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, gimmie a sec | 08:26 |
crimsun | Xenguy: go to the manufacturer's Web site and tell me what it says regarding the audio features | 08:26 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: thanks. if we can get this working, you will have solved a month long problem | 08:27 |
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Xenguy | crimsun: OK, I will follow this up, however, it is 2:30am here and I really should head to bed :-) | 08:27 |
Xenguy | crimsun: I will catch up with you when I have the info | 08:28 |
Xenguy | crimsun: thank you for your help | 08:28 |
Xenguy | ! | 08:28 |
ubotu | Xenguy: Are you smoking crack? | 08:28 |
Xenguy | ubotu: no | 08:28 |
ubotu | Ahh, too bad, I really thought so... | 08:28 |
=== prodig_thr3e [n=prodig_t@ppp-70-242-121-97.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Xenguy | :-) | 08:28 |
tonyyarusso | How does it do that? | 08:29 |
=== prodig_thr3e [n=prodig_t@ppp-70-242-121-97.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== noirequus is now known as nalioth | ||
nalioth | tonyyarusso: heard of artificial intelligence? | 08:30 |
theconartist | how do i run in apt with sudo from a run prompt? | 08:30 |
tonyyarusso | nalioth, Heard of, yes. Understand even faintly, no. | 08:30 |
nalioth | tonyyarusso: ubotu is not one | 08:30 |
nalioth | theconartist: gksudo synaptic | 08:30 |
theconartist | ty | 08:30 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: any luck? | 08:30 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, this at boot: server acpi=off noapic nolapic pci=noacpi | 08:31 |
theconartist | nalioth, how did you know it was synaptic? :p | 08:31 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, disable acpi is there 2 times but it wont hurt anything | 08:31 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: hummm, its chewing. this could be intresing. Where did you find that? | 08:32 |
=== zorba64 [n=zorba64@dsl-210-211-115-140.qld.veridas.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, just boot options hit F2 F3 F4 at boot: when the cd spins up | 08:32 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, i use those on my debian servers | 08:32 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: ok, what should I be doing for the partitioning? | 08:33 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, is this a play server i take it? | 08:33 |
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tonyyarusso | Is it possible to go through all of the steps of the install CD without actually installing? Maybe with some sort of emulator? This would be for showing someone what to expect from it, and advising on certain steps. | 08:34 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: play server? ALL 9 servers are "play" servers till I get my 72U rack. Then they'll get upgraded, tossed into rackmount cases, and put to "real" work | 08:34 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, lol thats cool sounds like a blast what size disk in this one | 08:34 |
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=== cary [n=cary___@user-12hcv7n.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: ok, there @ the partitioning menu. I've got "erease entire disk /dev/ida/c0d0", "erease entire disk and use LVM", and partition it manualy. | 08:35 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, i have a 72U rack and a 58U? its about 5foot the 7foot one wont fit in the server closet at home :P | 08:36 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, disk size? | 08:36 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: I've got a LARGE kitchen with tile floors. It'll end up in there. Anyways. partitioning, what should I use? | 08:36 |
FlannelKing | Hey guys, with apache2, I've got conflicting information here, my rewrite log says the url is getting rewritten, but the browser never sees it (and my error log gives an entry to the pre-rewrite url), anyone knwo whats going on? | 08:37 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, do you even read my questions? :P | 08:37 |
=== minghua [n=minghua@69-153-139-23.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: working on it. I've got 2 36.6Gb SCSI 10K disks RAI 0 together making 72.8Gb | 08:37 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, ahh that might be your problem also | 08:38 |
=== tonberry1 [i=tonberry@dsl-hkigw7-fe6fde00-216.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, didnt expect the scsi raid | 08:38 |
=== globe [n=robert@71-208-92-78.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: its a hardware RAID. | 08:38 |
tonberry1 | hi, im trying to install/use program called Scratchbox, but it says: "Host kernel has port range under 10 000. You can fix this eg. by running: echo "1024 65000" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range". Now I tried to do that and even do it with using sudo, but didnt work (says Permission denied). Any hints what I could try to do? | 08:38 |
=== hyphenated [n=caleb@210-86-66-216.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, your happy its set bootable and all? | 08:39 |
tonyyarusso | tonberry1, Maybe actually switch to root and try it. I had something once that ran that way but not with sudo. | 08:39 |
nalioth | tonyyarusso: somewhere on the great wiki, there is an illustrated walkthrough of an install | 08:39 |
tonberry1 | ok, thanks. now i just need to find a way to become root :) | 08:40 |
tonyyarusso | nalioth, Oh, that works too. Thanks. | 08:40 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, the installer doesnt really check for that stuff until after the first boot you find its set wrong | 08:40 |
nalioth | tonyyarusso: use sudo | 08:40 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: yep. its hardware RAID, and as far as the OS sees it, its a 72.6Gb disk aray thats taken care of by hardware. | 08:40 |
minghua | hi, does anyone know where the _installed_ locale data is saved? I've looked at /usr/share/locale, /usr/share/locale-langpack, /var/lib/locales, the first showes everything, the latter two only show the localed installed through language packs. | 08:40 |
nalioth | tonberry1: use sudo | 08:40 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell tonberry1 about root | 08:40 |
globe | is there a windows remote desktop clone for ubuntu? | 08:40 |
minghua | I am wondering where the locales locally installed by locale-gen is (oh this is on dapper, forgot to say) | 08:40 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: so now what one do I select? | 08:40 |
rob1 | globe, xwindows is designed to be network aware | 08:41 |
tonberry1 | nalioth, doesnt work for my situation (couple of lines above, says i dont have permission :/) | 08:41 |
=== thoreauputic [n=prospero@ubuntu/member/thoreauputic] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | globe: there are vnc clients of all names available | 08:41 |
tonyyarusso | nalioth, Yeah, he said he tried that. So I mentioned that I had one occasion where sudo didn't work but working as root did. Just get out quickly after you're done. | 08:41 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, you know the hardware config allows you to set anything as the boot device even if its not pointing to anything? | 08:41 |
nalioth | tonberry1: i missed what you said | 08:41 |
tonberry1 | kk | 08:41 |
nalioth | tonyyarusso: there is no active root account by default (for a reason) | 08:41 |
globe | nalioth: are any of them compatible with XP's built in remote desktop functionality (a stretch I know)? | 08:41 |
nalioth | tonberry1: use sudo -i | 08:41 |
tonberry1 | ill try that | 08:42 |
tonyyarusso | nalioth, Do you have another idea? | 08:42 |
nalioth | globe: if XP uses the vnc protocol, yes | 08:42 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: no idea. As I said, all I know is that this server forces you to rin a program called "smartstart" from Compaq to "set up" the hardware, and the RAID. All I know is that I want to get the OS installed on this thing so I can get to doing something that is going to be productive. | 08:42 |
globe | I dont think it does....its not exactly M$ form to follow standards.... | 08:42 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, with 72G you have loads of choices id go 8G / 10G /home 1G swap rest ad later when you decide to use it for samba shares etc | 08:42 |
nalioth | globe: true. you might search packages.ubuntu.com and if you don't find anything, sourceforge.net | 08:43 |
Jeeves_moss | ok, now HOW do I set that up? do I erease the entire disk and use LVM or manualy do it? | 08:43 |
Hoxzer | AAargh | 08:43 |
=== DavidLeeRoth [n=DavidLee@adsl-146-85-20.mco.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, manually time to learn your not risking a windows partiton or anything so your ok | 08:43 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: nothing is on this RAID array. So we're going manual here? | 08:44 |
DavidLeeRoth | does anyone know where i can find a driver for the radeon x700 pro? or how to config it? | 08:44 |
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pashaw | Jeeves_moss, you can try LVM if you like but its more to learn | 08:44 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: I'm looking for the SIMPLEST method to just get the server up to a stable system so I can play. Whats your sudgestion? | 08:45 |
tonberry1 | nalioth, sudo -i didnt work :/ | 08:45 |
tonberry1 | still permission denied | 08:45 |
nalioth | tonberry1: what exactly are you trying to accomplish? | 08:45 |
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pashaw | Jeeves_moss, manual with the layout i suggested so you have free space to add later like a normal server would do | 08:45 |
tonberry1 | "Host kernel has port range under 10 000. You can fix this eg. by running: echo "1024 65000" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range" <-- im trying to do that (seems to be required for installing Scratchbox) | 08:46 |
Jeeves_moss | hummm, well I was thinking of using what ever I need for the boot, a 1Gb SWAP, and the rest for user. that was I can get crazy with what I install (I'm still learning how to mount partitions). So what would be the layouts? | 08:46 |
=== nalioth is not familiar with scratchbox, but sudo -i should've given you a superuser terminal | ||
tonberry1 | hmm.. ill try it again | 08:47 |
nalioth | Jeeves_moss: you'll be fine with a 768mb swap (unless you're goin for hibernate functionality) | 08:47 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, no required is / <<<root and swap common is / swap and home work servers break it farther to / swap /var etc etc | 08:47 |
tonberry1 | woot, now it didnt complain anything :D | 08:48 |
tonberry1 | lets see if the installing works.. | 08:48 |
nalioth | Jeeves_moss: i DO recommend you make a seperate /home partition | 08:48 |
=== XiCillin [n=mike@dpc67142105197.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jeeves_moss | nalioth: whats your sudgestions? I'm gettin' tired here and I just want this stupid thing to boot. I'm in a manual configuration. Whats the BEST and QUICKEST course of action? | 08:48 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, use root / swap and /home only as partitions | 08:48 |
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pashaw | Jeeves_moss, dont break off boot either | 08:48 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: ok, first partition, how big? and what to I assign it to? | 08:49 |
tonberry1 | nalioth, thanks. now i get pass that. (new problems, but ill try something :)) | 08:49 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, i told you above 8G / 1G swap 10G /home rest empty for later to learn with | 08:50 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, in that order also | 08:50 |
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XiCillin | does installing the nvidia drivers allow for dual monitors? | 08:51 |
pashaw | XiCillin, yes | 08:51 |
GTroy | anyone know how to get sudo permission to save in pico? | 08:51 |
pashaw | XiCillin, if your card supports it | 08:51 |
=== GTroy really needs this one | ||
XiCillin | yea it does | 08:51 |
XiCillin | pashaw, whats the deal with 'nvidia settings' program it seems like it doesn't do much | 08:51 |
thoreauputic | GTroy: just atart it with sudo sudo pico (btw pico is really nano in ubuntu) | 08:51 |
GTroy | ok | 08:52 |
GTroy | thanks | 08:52 |
nalioth | Jeeves_moss: quickest is to make some free space and let it handle it on it's own, best is to take a couple of minutes and set your partitons | 08:52 |
pashaw | XiCillin, havent touched it myself :P im using a Quadro dul setup | 08:52 |
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nalioth | GTroy: you type "sudo pico file" | 08:52 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: ok, its set up with / @ /dev/ida/c0d0 (partition #1), SWAP @ /dev/ida/c0d0 (partition #2), /home @ /dev/ida/c0d0 (partition #3) | 08:52 |
=== wdh [n=wouter@s55935227.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GTroy | ok coool | 08:52 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, looks great | 08:53 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: ok, thanks. Sorry for being dumb. I've worked 70+ hours this week, and I'm kinda out of it (a beer dosen't help either) | 08:53 |
=== mebaran151 [n=mebaran1@c-24-130-170-225.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, im just curious if this works for you then im hitting the sack myself | 08:54 |
mebaran151 | When I sync Evolution with my Windows CE Phone using Multisync | 08:54 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, if that error happens again its your hardware raid setup | 08:54 |
mebaran151 | it fils in the department field with a single colon and adds a blank webpage | 08:55 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, incase i fall asleep here | 08:55 |
mebaran151 | so that it messes up the formatting | 08:55 |
mebaran151 | how might I avoid this | 08:55 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: ok, thanks. I'm going to do the same. if it crashes on re-boot, I'm going to be pissed. | 08:55 |
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=== spudmonkey [n=chris@adsl-71-145-171-164.dsl.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: whats your e-mail addy? I'll send you a pic of my rack. | 08:56 |
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pashaw | Jeeves_moss, lol use pastebin then tell me the addy next time your on | 08:56 |
pashaw | !pastebin | 08:56 |
ubotu | [pastebin] a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 08:56 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: hummm, it looks like I learn something once again. | 08:57 |
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=== garry [n=garry@ppp-69-238-199-185.dsl.chi2ca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, i learn alot more while helping here than i do playing counter-strike | 08:58 |
garry | :) | 08:58 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: ironicaly, this server (once running right) will be a CS-Source server | 08:58 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, your da-debil then | 08:59 |
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Jeeves_moss | pashaw: hunh? | 08:59 |
garry | Yeah, I spent ages healing players in DAOC just for the fuzzies, but trying to help here, seems to have more meaning. What is a CS-Source server? Newbies like me, wanna know. | 09:00 |
ilioxj | ? | 09:00 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, my favorite game im avoiding your making ANOTHER server for it | 09:00 |
=== marcelc [n=marcel@210-246-51-155.paradise.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jeeves_moss | pashaw. LOL. its a private server that we'll be able to "dubble boot" | 09:01 |
garry | Oh, doh, I'm so dense. you say counter strike and I didn't make the connection. LOL | 09:01 |
marcelc | I need help in getting a USB homeplug network working in linux | 09:01 |
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=== spudmonkey [n=chris@adsl-71-145-171-164.dsl.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
globe | how can I manually set the display resolution? | 09:02 |
marcelc | it works fine in windows.. there appears to not be a driver in the linux kernel. | 09:02 |
pashaw | globe, fixed all the time? | 09:02 |
=== twysted [n=toxin@mhaertel.dsl.xmission.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: I'm thinking dual 933 PIIIs with 2Gb of ECC RAM should be good enough. | 09:02 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, agreed | 09:02 |
marcelc | It uses the X1 chip | 09:03 |
globe | pashaw: yes. I had to disable ipv6. thanks for all your help, btw | 09:03 |
marcelc | Has anyone got experience with this product? | 09:03 |
garry | Hmmm, display resolutions can be defined in the xorg.conf file, I think there are sample files in /etc/X11 that have nice comments and help. | 09:03 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell globe about xcfg | 09:03 |
GTroy | ok I have an undefined device referenced by a screen, and a problem parsing the config file with no screens found......can anyone lend a hand? | 09:04 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: think it'll have enough horse power to run something decient? (CPU wise?) and how many players do you think I could get on it? | 09:04 |
garry | IS that a control for home devices marcel? | 09:04 |
nalioth | globe: if you run the command ubotu sent you, you can pick the ONE resolution you want | 09:04 |
marcelc | garry, it is for networking at 14mbps over powerlines | 09:04 |
garry | hmmm, I could search out my xorg.conf file, is there any trick that I can use to send you the text of it via this xchat? | 09:04 |
marcelc | Homeplug 1.0 spec | 09:04 |
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nalioth | ubotu: tell garry about paste | 09:05 |
=== XRay [n=ray@203-59-115-176.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
globe | nalioth: I have done that--had to before getting x to run at all. And I am still stuck @ 800x600 --And I am sure that I selected 1024x768 when running tha script | 09:05 |
nalioth | garry: use a pastebin | 09:05 |
pashaw | globe, here i made this pastebin for a guy earlier same problem/request http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6386 read the directions i added to it at top | 09:05 |
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=== androxxl [n=androxxl@BSN-77-91-175.dial-up.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | globe: the trick is: DESELECT all the unwanted resolutions (leave only one resolution) | 09:05 |
=== XiCillin [n=mike@dpc67142105197.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
garry | marcelc Wow!! sounds awesome. I think you would have to change a compile option in the kernel under usb gadgets | 09:05 |
XiCillin | anybody get dual monitors to work? | 09:06 |
garry | Nalioth Ok, thanks, I'll man pastebin | 09:06 |
XiCillin | with an nvidia card? | 09:06 |
nalioth | garry: not a man. it's a URL | 09:06 |
pashaw | XiCillin, i told you yes | 09:06 |
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=== GTroy is what I'm working on... with a Maxtor card | ||
marcelc | garry, it appears there is no support for my chipset :( | 09:07 |
pashaw | XiCillin, youll want to add the twinview options in xorg.conf | 09:07 |
XiCillin | you had to add things to your xorg.conf right? | 09:07 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: it crashes to the "Busybox" shell again. | 09:07 |
No1Viking | Are there any instructions how to updrade to Dapper Drake? | 09:07 |
XiCillin | thats it? pashaw? | 09:07 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, its your raid setup id bet | 09:07 |
aaqym | #pekalongan | 09:07 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: sudgestions? | 09:07 |
pashaw | XiCillin, its a start 1 sec | 09:07 |
XiCillin | k | 09:07 |
nalioth | No1Viking: yes, but we don't suggest it for production boxes | 09:07 |
marcelc | Adapters with older Intellon chipset version (A1) run under Linux. | 09:07 |
globe | pashaw: thanks--I'll look into that | 09:07 |
marcelc | The new Intellon chipset versions (51X1 and 5200) are not supported under Linux for the moment. | 09:08 |
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pashaw | Jeeves_moss, google your raid setup and software see if you find any hints | 09:08 |
garry | marcelc Ouch. | 09:08 |
GTroy | I have an undefined device in xorg.conf....help!!!! | 09:08 |
Jeeves_moss | pashaw: ok, thanks. I'm going to bed. | 09:08 |
marcelc | I wondered if anyone could point me in the direction of asking someone to write a driver. They have all the Windows driver source on their site, but no one has written a driver for this. | 09:09 |
pashaw | Jeeves_moss, good luck hope you find the problem | 09:09 |
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Jeeves_moss | pashaw: if all else fails, I'll install RedCrap | 09:09 |
Madpilot | marcelc: you might start by filing a bug @ bugzilla.ubuntu.com | 09:09 |
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Jeeves_moss | pashaw: thanks again. | 09:10 |
marcelc | Madpilot, This is not a bug. It is a lack of driver situation. You can't have a bug if you don't have the software, right? | 09:11 |
Madpilot | marcelc: yeah, but the lack of the software is itself a bug, isn't it? | 09:11 |
kestas | in this context bug means something which someone should fix | 09:11 |
pashaw | XiCillin, here is my current xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6408 the section i posted is what youll need to change | 09:11 |
garry | Ok, I put a file called garrysexamplexorg.conf in the pastebin. if you can't find, let me know and I'll send it as text. I did a drop and paste and it seemed to work. | 09:12 |
XRay | can some one help me. I have Ubuntu on a 10gig hard drive (and I need more space ) I want to use 60 gigs partition of my other harddrive for ubuntu. Which is the best way to set this up. | 09:12 |
Madpilot | marcelc: "enhancement" bug reports are OK too | 09:12 |
XiCillin | thanks pashaw ill take a look | 09:12 |
paulproteus|lapt | garry sex ample , garry? (-; | 09:12 |
marcelc | ok | 09:12 |
marcelc | I'll take a look. | 09:12 |
nalioth | garry: tell us the URL to the pastebin, please | 09:12 |
garry | sec .. | 09:12 |
garry | file:///home/garry/Desktop/garrysexamplexorg.conf | 09:13 |
paulproteus|lapt | XRay: I suggest you use the 60 gig partition as /home and leave the 10 gig partition the way it is. | 09:13 |
paulproteus|lapt | XRay: Do you know how to do that? | 09:13 |
paulproteus|lapt | XRay: I suggest this because it's the easiest thing to set up. | 09:13 |
XRay | I guess you change the new partition using fstab | 09:13 |
XiCillin | alright i'm going to try it out | 09:13 |
nalioth | garry: only YOU can access that URL | 09:13 |
garry | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6409 is this what ye need? | 09:14 |
HeartBT | I am wondering if anyone knows of a script or applet that helps with wireless roaming? | 09:14 |
paulproteus|lapt | XRay: Right, plus you have to move your data over to the new partition. | 09:14 |
XRay | Kewl OK thanks for that.. I will do that | 09:14 |
garry | naloith or do I need to search the pastebin for the file i sent and give out that url? | 09:15 |
nalioth | garry: yes, thank you | 09:15 |
garry | ok, sec ... | 09:16 |
paulproteus|lapt | XRay: Great! Be sure to make /home *not* FAT32. It must be a native Linux filesystem like ext3 or reiserfs, otherwise a few things will break. | 09:16 |
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chromey | good evening ya'll | 09:16 |
nalioth | garry: you need to copy and paste your item into the entry field on the pastbin | 09:16 |
nalioth | garry: all that is there is a internal link to your desktop | 09:16 |
xxenon | I have 2 ext3 partition on a disk. Is it possible / dangerous to merge them ? | 09:17 |
garry | ok, copying and pastng the text. | 09:17 |
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Nik-- | is it silly to install Windows and Ubuntu on the same drive different partitions? | 09:18 |
twysted | nope its not | 09:19 |
twysted | just make sure you install windows then ubuntu :) | 09:19 |
Nik-- | right | 09:19 |
twysted | but not silly at all | 09:19 |
paulproteus|lapt | xxenon: Merging them would be hard. There's no automatic way to do it. | 09:19 |
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intelikey | anyone know anything about using lilo or grub in place of BIOS to boot a cdrom ? i can't even find a doc on it on jewgle.com/linux | 09:19 |
garry | naloith Ok, I pasted the text, it seems to be there, do you see it? I don't remember who needed it tho. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6410 | 09:19 |
paulproteus|lapt | intelikey: Ultimate Boot CD recommends a way to do that, iirc. | 09:19 |
intelikey | paulproteus|lapt got a link on hand ? | 09:20 |
xxenon | paulproteus|lapt - okay | 09:20 |
mebaran151 | it fils in the department field with a single colon and adds a blank webpage | 09:21 |
mebaran151 | what can I fix it with | 09:21 |
Nik-- | what happens if i want to format and reinstall the Windows partition? would Ubuntu have to be formatted and reinstalled as well, or would the bootloader just have to be reinstalled? | 09:21 |
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nalioth | garry: if you type nal<TAB> you'll get my nick right every time | 09:21 |
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twysted | nik-- u would just have to reinstall grub since windows being reinstalled takes over the MBR | 09:22 |
garry | nalioth Nice completion macro. Thanks! Did you get that text ye needed? | 09:22 |
ilba7r | Nik-- only the boot loader will need to be reinstalled | 09:22 |
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joshua7 | hello | 09:22 |
joshua7 | does the default ubuntu install come with a cd burning program ? | 09:22 |
paulproteus|lapt | intelikey: For Ultimate Boot CD? | 09:22 |
paulproteus|lapt | ubcd.sf.net, iirc | 09:22 |
nalioth | garry: what problem are you having now? | 09:22 |
Nik-- | all right, thanks | 09:22 |
garry | nalioth none, was asking if you can see the text of that example xorg conf file. | 09:23 |
nalioth | garry: i see it just fine | 09:23 |
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joshua7 | does the default ubuntu install come with a cd burning program ? | 09:23 |
chromey | joshua7 : http://www.ubuntuguide.org | 09:23 |
joshua7 | please | 09:24 |
chromey | you will find info there | 09:24 |
intelikey | i'm looking on sourceforge now. ah paulproteus|lapt i'm on dialup i can't dl a cd just for a doc | 09:24 |
joshua7 | i really neeed a quick answer | 09:24 |
ardchoille | joshua7: you can install graveman, it's in the universe repo | 09:24 |
garry | Hmmm, globe is gone, I hope he got that example he needed. | 09:24 |
joshua7 | thats why i came here | 09:24 |
nalioth | !ubuntuguide | 09:24 |
ilba7r | joshua7 you can always install a cd burner even after default inst | 09:24 |
ubotu | rumour has it, ubuntuguide is out of date, reported to break a lot an generally a bad source for information. Use help.ubuntu.com or wiki.ubuntu.com instead | 09:24 |
paulproteus|lapt | intelikey: I just mean it's on the website. | 09:24 |
paulproteus|lapt | joshua7: I use k3b | 09:24 |
paulproteus|lapt | for burning. | 09:24 |
joshua7 | k | 09:24 |
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Nik-- | lol | 09:24 |
nalioth | chromey: please dont advise the ubuntuguide in here, it is rather out of date and breaks ubuntu | 09:24 |
chromey | how out of date is it ? | 09:25 |
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nalioth | joshua7: disregard ubuntuguide | 09:25 |
garry | Nice to know. No good passing out fossilized docs. | 09:25 |
joshua7 | ok | 09:25 |
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chromey | how do i get kde and install it ? i really don't care for gnome | 09:26 |
garry | I remember, my first linux mistake, besides waking up that morning. I had set up slackware, just the way I wanted, spent all day, then I used gzip to back it all up. I did not know that it deletes the files after compacting, and yep, I packed up and deleted the entire hard drive contents, directories and all. | 09:27 |
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nalioth | chromey: it was written for warty warthog, and hasnt been updated too much since then | 09:27 |
chromey | k | 09:27 |
intelikey | chromey apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 09:27 |
=== benoit [n=benoit@S0106000f66d64624.ek.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pashaw | chromey, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 09:27 |
chromey | i tried that | 09:27 |
benoit | hello | 09:27 |
_TomB | is there a command to see the size of the swap? | 09:27 |
=== StarKruzr [n=jtd@adsl-70-224-60-213.dsl.sbndin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
twysted | chromey if its installed then at the login screen choose kde/kubuntu from the sessions menu then login | 09:28 |
benoit | anyone wanna help a newby install a wireless card in a compaq laptop????????????????? | 09:28 |
garry | Synaptec package manager, it works fine, should be under some heading like gui towards the bottom. I have both KDE and Gnome, it worked like a charm. | 09:28 |
intelikey | !tell chromey about repos | 09:28 |
pashaw | _TomB, top or free | 09:28 |
_TomB | ok thanks | 09:28 |
epp | im having problems with kdevelop... it wont compile my apps... | 09:28 |
liable | intelikey: you cant boot from cdrom and want to do an install from grub? | 09:28 |
benoit | Pllllllllllllllllllleeeeeaaaaaaassssseeeeee | 09:28 |
ilba7r | benoit it is something like hell to do soo. Hope it is not a broadcom card | 09:28 |
benoit | it is a broadcom card | 09:29 |
chromey | i get | 09:29 |
chromey | E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied) | 09:29 |
chromey | E: Unable to lock the list directory | 09:29 |
garry | If you can back up your files irst, I would do that, some folks have had unexpected effects. No need risking data loss. | 09:29 |
ilba7r | !ndiswrapper | 09:29 |
ubotu | ndiswrapper is, like, a way to support Windows wireless drivers, but it is buggy compared to native support. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HowToSetUpNdiswrapper | 09:29 |
=== XiCillin [n=mike@dpc67142105197.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | benoit: please don't be annoying | 09:29 |
intelikey | liable yes. how do you use grub to boot the install cd ? | 09:29 |
epp | chromey, did u type sudo before apt? | 09:29 |
ilba7r | benoit follow the guide ubotu gave i would recommend also gtkwifi. Was the only my card would work :( | 09:29 |
nalioth | chromey: please dont paste in here (see the /topic) | 09:29 |
pashaw | chromey, make sure synaptic is closed if your using apt-get CLI an use sudo | 09:29 |
nalioth | chromey: you need to close all your apt instances or use sudo to start your apt-getting | 09:30 |
liable | intelikey: http://marc.herbert.free.fr/linux/win2linstall.html works with grub too.. | 09:30 |
GTroy | error parsing the config file, and no screens found..... o_0 | 09:30 |
vbgunz | Can someone help me remove a path from my system? I accidently added a path with '2' forward slashes :( | 09:30 |
benoit | The only problem is that i don't understand the instructions i was given | 09:30 |
intelikey | thank you liable | 09:30 |
nalioth | vbgunz: just edit it with a text editor | 09:30 |
liable | intelikey: doesnt boot the install cd, but boots the install kernel.. | 09:30 |
chromey | i did close all. and put sudo in front of it: i get the following. | 09:30 |
chromey | Reading package lists... Done | 09:30 |
chromey | Building dependency tree... Done | 09:30 |
chromey | E: Couldn't find package kunbuntu-desktop | 09:30 |
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vbgunz | nalioth: where is it stored? | 09:30 |
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nalioth | vbgunz: ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile ~/.profile | 09:31 |
vbgunz | nalioth: ok, thanks! | 09:31 |
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garry | Ouch vbgunz, I did something like that myself using export. I logged out, and back in or rebooted and it was back to normal. | 09:31 |
nalioth | vbgunz: maybe /etc/bash.bashrc | 09:31 |
ardchoille | nalioth: when you get a chance, you're gonna have to teach me how you get people to leave with "requested by naioth". This would be a big help to me in ##gnome. | 09:31 |
=== pashaw [n=pashaw@c-71-193-87-194.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
garry | What I installed was called KDE, kubuntu desktop might not have been part of it. The synaptec handled all the dependances for me too. | 09:33 |
vbgunz | garry: I set the path like so: PATH=$PATH:/home/vbgunz/pythonscripts ... After logging out this path won't "stick"? I would have to define it again? | 09:33 |
benoit | what does it mean to issue a lspci?? | 09:33 |
chromey | i just installed this o/s a few ago so i'm new to it. so bear with me here a few | 09:33 |
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lmcclintock | This may be a basic q, but in etc/rc*.d, what do the #'s stand for, the order in which to start? | 09:33 |
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nalioth | chromey: please dont paste. | 09:33 |
garry | vbgunz Yes, there is a way to make it stick, but I can't recall the command. It can be found via man export | 09:33 |
ilba7r | vbgunz to have the path automatically loaded you have to add it to your .bashrc file | 09:33 |
epp | i am getting an error when i try to compile an app in kdevelop http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6411 | 09:34 |
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ilba7r | nalioth i though ubuntu do not read the .bash_profile file and everything has to be in .bashrc | 09:34 |
vbgunz | oh ok, so PATH=$PATH:/home/vbgunz/pythonscripts is temporary? | 09:34 |
vbgunz | I would use export if I wanted a PATH to stick? | 09:34 |
vbgunz | cool :) | 09:34 |
Sturgeon | Is there a program that allows me to configure how much resources i want to spend on the visual stuff | 09:35 |
Nik-- | is the Ubuntu installer any good at resizing NTFS partitions? | 09:35 |
nalioth | ilba7r: i have no idea how vbgunz has his box setup, i'm just covering some possibilitys | 09:35 |
Sturgeon | in gnome i mean | 09:35 |
nalioth | Nik--: yes it is. | 09:35 |
Sturgeon | other than just choosing a theme | 09:35 |
lmcclintock | Nik--, I've done it sucessfully several tiems | 09:35 |
ilba7r | ok nalioth :) | 09:35 |
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Nik-- | ok great, thanks :) | 09:35 |
Sturgeon | Like, configuring it so that it wont show the contents of windows when they are being moved, for instance | 09:35 |
=== nalioth is now known as nalioth_zZz | ||
Sturgeon | anyone knows? | 09:36 |
twysted | nik-- just make sure you defrag before resizing | 09:36 |
garry | wow, cool. I didn't know that, figured if linux could not safely write to ntfs, it could not resize it. Just learned something. :) | 09:36 |
epp | anyone familiar with kdevelop? | 09:36 |
chromey | ok fine i will paste my errors and ask questions in the forum maybe i get answers there. | 09:36 |
twysted | garry something new every day :) | 09:36 |
ardchoille | nalioth_zZz: Thanks and have a good night :) | 09:36 |
HrdwrBoB | garry: it can write, just not with the default kernel driver | 09:37 |
garry | twysted yep. | 09:37 |
cyphase | is nautilus going to have tabs in dapper? | 09:37 |
Nik-- | will do, i want to make sure i do this right as this is my primary machine | 09:37 |
ilba7r | chromey paste in the pastebin and ask your question here | 09:37 |
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epp | anyone familiar with kdevelop and/or c++ compiling? | 09:37 |
=== Dashiva [n=m@c-24-2-61-32.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
liable | intelikey: further reading.. (this *should* work same for ubuntu, not tested though) http://www.debian.org/releases/sarge/i386/ch04s04.html.en#usb-copy-easy | 09:38 |
merrill | Speaking of Dapper, will they be able to fully support S3 Savage? | 09:39 |
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intelikey | ok | 09:39 |
garry | HrdwrBoB yeah, I heard something about that, said it wasn't quite safe or limited I guess things changed. | 09:39 |
epp | can anyone help me? | 09:39 |
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GoRoDeK | anyone tried initng on dapper? | 09:40 |
garry | Dozens of folks here, likely somone can and are willing. | 09:40 |
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HrdwrBoB | garry: nono, that's with the default kernel support | 09:40 |
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Smoked1 | I just installed ubuntu for the first time. | 09:40 |
garry | HrdwrBoB yep, I caught that. | 09:41 |
Smoked1 | I was never presented with an option for root password. | 09:41 |
epp | Smoked1, good for you! | 09:41 |
HrdwrBoB | garry: you can use other methods | 09:41 |
nalioth_zZz | ubotu: tell Smoked1 about root | 09:41 |
epp | can anyone help me? | 09:41 |
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nalioth_zZz | epp: if nobody answers you, it's cuz nobody knows | 09:41 |
nalioth_zZz | ubotu: tell epp about repeat | 09:41 |
epp | ok | 09:41 |
merrill | c++ ? for kernel compiling? | 09:41 |
=== raben [n=raben@eu212-87-101-163.adsl.euphonynet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | !tell Smoked1 avout root | 09:41 |
sampan | what's the gnome equivalent of kontact? | 09:42 |
Nik-- | install XP, defrag, resize partition with Ubuntu installer, create swap, create installation partition, install Ubuntu... is that all there is to it? anything else i should know? | 09:42 |
ilba7r | sampan what does kontact do? | 09:42 |
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sampan | ilba7r personal info manager (addresses, emails, phone #s, IM nicks, etc.) | 09:42 |
guanaco | is there a good and easy web mail application to add to postfix? | 09:43 |
selinium | intelikey, Are you from Transilvania? ^^^^ | 09:43 |
selinium | !tell Smoked1 about root | 09:43 |
intelikey | selinium ? | 09:43 |
ilba7r | sampa i set all that in evolution which is a mail client too | 09:43 |
selinium | intelikey, look at your last post... | 09:43 |
intelikey | are you ? | 09:43 |
ilba7r | mail server sorry soo sleepy by now | 09:44 |
selinium | :) | 09:44 |
sampan | ilba7r k, that's kinda what i suspected, but since i don't use gnome i wasn't sure | 09:44 |
garry | Ironically, after installing KDE, kontact and konkerer and a number of other KDE specific apps show up in gnome and kde. I tried the browser, it worked. Dunno bout kontact | 09:44 |
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intelikey | what avout it ? | 09:44 |
guanaco | LINUX RULES | 09:44 |
selinium | intelikey, lol :) | 09:44 |
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selinium | guanaco, indeed it does! | 09:45 |
ilba7r | if kontakt is the application with kmail i think it worked with me but that was long time ago do not know if it will work now | 09:45 |
intelikey | well the stinking keys are too close to gather..... | 09:45 |
GTroy | hey again, (and thanks for NOT answering me) no kidding, how do you turn on xinerama? | 09:45 |
garry | kontact don't work under gnome even tho it shows. fyi. | 09:45 |
guanaco | I'm been using MS for a while, but I'm in the process of migrating O:) | 09:46 |
Smoked1 | I am not liking this sudo thing. | 09:46 |
tuv | i've a sony vaio laptop with Fn key. i can't get its codes to assign actions to it when hit with another key. i learned about sonykeyd but cannot find it anywhere on the web.. any ideas? | 09:46 |
selinium | intelikey, indeed they are, Some times it looks like I have been hammering the keyboard with a pound of sausages! | 09:46 |
merrill | I migrated about 7 mths ago | 09:46 |
liable | tuv: tuxmobil.org | 09:46 |
guanaco | cool | 09:46 |
nalioth_zZz | Smoked1: it takes a bit of gettin used to, but it does everything you will need to do | 09:46 |
=== Chousuke has been without windows for approx. 2 years | ||
garry | I got confused with Sudo myself. When it asks for the password, I thought it wanted the root password. What it wants is your regular user account password strangely enough. | 09:47 |
Chousuke | garry: it's not strange after you get to know what sudo does. | 09:47 |
garry | Chousuke yep. | 09:47 |
Smoked1 | I know it can be set back to use su but it suggests against it | 09:47 |
selinium | Smoked1, THe reason you dont have linux viruses is because the user doesn't have access to the root, If you were to become infected, your PC would be fine, you would create a new user and delete the old. Job done. | 09:48 |
Chousuke | selinium: the user's files might reside in $HOME though. | 09:48 |
merrill | once I learned what Sudo was short for the command made sense to what it does | 09:48 |
Chousuke | which the virus would be able to remove. | 09:48 |
selinium | Chousuke, True ! :) | 09:48 |
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Chousuke | but there's a good solution: use a shell script to lock/unlock your work folder. | 09:49 |
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Smoked1 | I'll give this a shot. I was also wondering why it installed gnome instead of kde. | 09:49 |
Chousuke | locking it to 000 or something, and unlocking giving you permissions on it again :) | 09:50 |
mebaran151 | it fils in the department field with a single colon and adds a blank webpage field | 09:50 |
mebaran151 | I would like to stop those fields from sync'ing | 09:50 |
mebaran151 | otherwise | 09:50 |
mebaran151 | it's been very good | 09:50 |
mebaran151 | Evolution fills in those fields I mean | 09:51 |
mebaran151 | (I also want the sync to go both ways...) | 09:51 |
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=== ompaul [n=ompaul@A-79-192.cust.iol.ie] has joined #ubuntu | ||
selinium | MOrning ompaul :) | 09:54 |
=== petz [n=paddy@p54ABECD6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Ichanz [n=hifun@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Smoked1 | I am a bit confused. Why did the install not create seperate volumes for /usr and /var and why gnome? | 09:55 |
=== AMDXP [n=vegeta@user-0vvd9l6.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
selinium | Smoked1, ? Are you looking in the root directory? | 09:56 |
Smoked1 | Sorry, I have always used freebsd from the command line. Installing linux so that I don't have to have windoz on my laptop. | 09:56 |
ilba7r | smoked1 there is a special download for kde Kubuntu | 09:56 |
=== cvt|nixmas [n=cvt@pcp08916604pcs.hcksrd01.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | why would it make seperate partitions and as for gnome. well that is the default on ubuntu and redhat. kubuntu has kde | 09:57 |
Smoked1 | what do you mean why? That is just how linux has always been | 09:57 |
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intelikey | no it isn't | 09:57 |
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liable | Smoked1: ubuntu is gnome by default, kubuntu is kde, if you want seperate partitons for stuff, then you can pick advanced partitioning.. | 09:58 |
intelikey | you could have set it up that way by choosing to manually partition the disk | 09:58 |
liable | Smoked1: or manual.. | 09:58 |
liable | i should say.. | 09:58 |
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=== fangorious [n=fangorio@cpe-66-25-38-48.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
liable | Smoked1: you can still install kde and purge gnome :) | 09:59 |
Smoked1 | I see. Usually I am presented with it. New to ubuntu. | 09:59 |
Smoked1 | I suppose just having a / is ok and won't hurt anything. How do you do it liable? | 09:59 |
Smoked1 | I'll give gnome a try. | 10:00 |
=== Inf3ctedFx [n=w00t@181-206.115-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ilba7r | Smoded having one partition make it more flexible to size requirements for /usr and /var and others | 10:00 |
Inf3ctedFx | Hello everyone | 10:00 |
fangorious | so anyone using network-manager (as officially packaged in breezy)? | 10:00 |
liable | Smoked1: i dont run a mission critical server so just a seperate /home is fine for me, or all on / | 10:00 |
=== Sturgeon [n=koro@host183.200-82-87.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | the old days of having to make many small partitions because the so couldn't handal a filesystem of large size are over. but if you want to make other partitions you can and just migrate the info to them. | 10:00 |
Sturgeon | How do I close gnome whithout it starting again automaticall? | 10:00 |
Sturgeon | y | 10:00 |
fangorious | Sturgeon: do you mean gdm? | 10:01 |
intelikey | Sturgeon sudo killall gdm | 10:01 |
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intelikey | fangorious yes i assume he means X | 10:02 |
Smoked1 | intelikey: will that drop you to a CLI? | 10:02 |
intelikey | yep | 10:02 |
Inf3ctedFx | Sturgeon: do u want to go to console? | 10:02 |
=== HeartBT_ [n=chill@ppp-70-224-199-33.dsl.applwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dashiva | eh | 10:02 |
Smoked1 | I think he wants to booy to the console and launch gnome from a command line | 10:02 |
Smoked1 | boot | 10:03 |
Dashiva | /etc/init.d/gdm stop is more elegant | 10:03 |
Inf3ctedFx | I believe so | 10:03 |
Sturgeon | Inf3ctedFx: yeah | 10:03 |
fangorious | Dashiva: but 'sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop' is the debian/ubuntu way ... | 10:03 |
intelikey | not without sudo it's not | 10:03 |
Inf3ctedFx | Sturgeon: do ctrl+alt+F1 | 10:03 |
HeartBT_ | alright, now that it's getting to be a PITA, any recommendations for a new wifi card? preferrably with a LoPro antenna? | 10:03 |
Sturgeon | but that gets me again to gnome | 10:03 |
Sturgeon | it just restarts it | 10:03 |
Sturgeon | oh, F1? | 10:03 |
Sturgeon | That gets me to a virtual console | 10:04 |
Inf3ctedFx | to get back Sturgeon do ctrl+alt+f7 | 10:04 |
Sturgeon | I want X to stop | 10:04 |
=== HeartBT_ is now known as HeartBT | ||
fangorious | Sturgeon: when you log out of gnome, assuming a default config, you would go back to gdm, not back 'into' gnome | 10:04 |
intelikey | sudo killall gdm | 10:04 |
liable | Sturgeon: /etc/init.d/gdm stop *will* do it | 10:04 |
Inf3ctedFx | ok log off from GNOME then alt+backspace I believe it is or ctrl+backspace | 10:04 |
Sturgeon | liable: ok thanks | 10:04 |
fangorious | Sturgeon: the stuff about killing gdm (as described by intelikey, Dashiva, and me) will put you at a console when you log out of gnome, rather than gdm | 10:04 |
Sturgeon | Inf3ctedFx: nah, ctrl alt bkspace kills X but it restarts automatically for some reason | 10:05 |
=== Blue-Omega [i=Blue@about/cooking/nakedchef/omelette/Blue-Omega] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Inf3ctedFx | does anyone here use the VMware Player? | 10:05 |
ompaul | Sturgeon, that is because it is a daemon it stays alive | 10:05 |
Inf3ctedFx | Sturgeon: ok so what liable said. | 10:05 |
fangorious | Sturgeon: hitting ctrl+alt+f[1-6] will also give you a console, without logging out of gnome or killing gdm, and you can get back to gnome or gdm with ctrl-alt-f7 | 10:06 |
intelikey | Sturgeon it restarts because 'gdm' is running. kill it and x don't restart. | 10:06 |
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Sturgeon | fangorious: yeah, i know | 10:06 |
fangorious | Sturgeon: k, just trying to cover all the bases | 10:06 |
Sturgeon | ok, i'll do that. Thanks. | 10:06 |
Sturgeon | to all :) | 10:06 |
tux-rox | Anyone running Dapper Drake? | 10:06 |
=== EddieDaMan [n=eddie@pool-71-106-229-47.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Inf3ctedFx | OK ppl, i'm following this howto --> http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=84275&highlight=hoary+breezy | 10:07 |
Inf3ctedFx | I want to know If I have to install VMPlayer first or if is not necessary | 10:08 |
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petz | has any1 tried bearshare with wine? | 10:09 |
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fangorious | tux-rox: are you looking for reviews before trying it, or having a problem with running it? | 10:09 |
EddieDaMan | hello all! | 10:09 |
EddieDaMan | = ) | 10:09 |
fangorious | howdy | 10:09 |
EddieDaMan | happy new years eve!!! | 10:09 |
kevinz | what does the ubuntu logo beside package name in synaptic package manager indicate? | 10:09 |
=== jhawk [n=jhawk@pcp0011675878pcs.panamc01.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tux-rox | fangorious, Looking to hear what issues others might be seeing, as I want to try it out. I'll get to having problems I am sure.... :-) | 10:10 |
Dashiva | that it's in the main supported repository | 10:10 |
kevinz | Dashiva, could you explain it a little bit? I don't quite understand the difference. | 10:11 |
Dashiva | well | 10:11 |
nalioth_zZz | kevinz: official package | 10:11 |
Smoked1 | ubuntu install was like the debian install. | 10:11 |
Smoked1 | is it based on debian? | 10:12 |
Dashiva | ubuntu has a core set of software that it actively offers support for, think of it as officially supported corporate software | 10:12 |
EddieDaMan | I'm running ubuntu 5.10 and play streaming wma files with totem xine with w32codecs. The thing starts up, but then the stream seems to stop and the wma clips i view freeze. What should i do? | 10:12 |
Dashiva | universe and multiverse offer packages that aren't officially supported | 10:12 |
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Dashiva | EddieDaMan, try mplayer | 10:12 |
nalioth_zZz | Smoked1: yes it is based on debian source (debian binaries are mostly incompatible) | 10:12 |
kevinz | oh i see. So although some of the packages has ubuntu in it's version name, they are not officially supported? | 10:12 |
liable | Smoked1: um, yeah, the installer is the one and same.. | 10:12 |
lukas | ahoj lidi | 10:12 |
=== painkiler [n=painkile@203-206-98-85.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
EddieDaMan | dashiva, how do i make it default for websites? | 10:12 |
Dashiva | EddieDaMan, install mplayer-plugin | 10:13 |
Dashiva | and remove the totem-firefox plugin | 10:13 |
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Dashiva | the totem-firefox plugin is bugged | 10:13 |
painkiler | hey guys | 10:13 |
painkiler | quick question | 10:13 |
painkiler | how do i change from gnome to kde? | 10:13 |
petz | log out | 10:13 |
Dashiva | kevinz, they are but they aren't...forum people or people here would help you out, but you couldnt' call canonical | 10:13 |
EddieDaMan | how do i remove the totem-fire fox plugin and how do i install the other? | 10:13 |
painkiler | i am used to a kde environment | 10:13 |
petz | log into gnome | 10:13 |
petz | painkiller doyohear= | 10:14 |
Dashiva | EddieDaMan, use synaptic and just search for 'firefox' and 'mplayer' | 10:14 |
painkiler | and well, the gnome isnt doing it for me | 10:14 |
fangorious | painkiler: install kubuntu-desktop, select kdm, log out, log in | 10:14 |
benoit | can someone help me with an error with sudo modprobe ndiswrapper that im getting | 10:14 |
Seveas | kevinz, if a package has an -xubuntuy version, that only means that it differs from the debian package | 10:14 |
nalioth_zZz | painkiler: click 'sessions' at your login screen | 10:14 |
petz | but it must be installed | 10:14 |
fangorious | painkiler: you might need to specify kde as the session type when logging back in, though | 10:14 |
painkiler | where can i find kubuntu-desktop? | 10:14 |
EddieDaMan | thanks | 10:14 |
nalioth_zZz | painkiler: in the repos | 10:14 |
painkiler | ok | 10:14 |
fangorious | painkiller, in the main repo | 10:14 |
ilba7r | benoit is the error invalid driver | 10:15 |
=== binks [n=binks@82-38-224-189.cable.ubr03.wake.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kevinz | oh i see. Thanks. | 10:15 |
painkiler | and what exactly is repos? | 10:15 |
benoit | operation is not permitted | 10:15 |
binks | lo all | 10:15 |
liable | !fgi gift+file+sharing | 10:15 |
ubotu | liable: I give up, what is it? | 10:15 |
liable | oops | 10:15 |
=== polpak [n=polpak@ip68-108-251-54.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
garry | painkiler, log out, hit the word session and it will give you a choice of which GUI to start when you log in. | 10:16 |
binks | is there a way to find out why my 80 gig hdd has only 31 free in mu breezy install ie where are all the files | 10:16 |
Inf3ctedFx | question, how can I find out which version of gcc do I have install? | 10:16 |
GTroy | hmmm, how do I go from clone to span with dual heads? anyone know? | 10:16 |
ilba7r | sudo modprobe -i ndiswrapper to install or sudo modprobe -l ndiswrapper to see if it is already installed | 10:16 |
painkiler | ok | 10:16 |
Inf3ctedFx | Gtroy let me show u | 10:16 |
painkiler | thanx | 10:16 |
garry | welcome | 10:16 |
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benoit | i will try that thank you | 10:16 |
intelikey | gcc --version ? | 10:16 |
GTroy | Inf3tedFx: I would really appreciate it!!!! | 10:17 |
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Inf3ctedFx | GTroy: in the seccion Device where ur video card is, add this line --> Option "NoTwinViewXineramaInfo" | 10:17 |
fangorious | garry: of course, that assumed painkiller already had kde installed | 10:18 |
binks | is there a way to search ubuntu like xp to find large files so i can free up some space cheers | 10:18 |
GTroy | ok hold on :D | 10:18 |
EddieDaMan | dashiva, is the plug in different from mozilla-mplayer? Can't seem to find one separate from that. And that is already installed. | 10:18 |
Inf3ctedFx | GTroy: at the bottom on Section "ServerLayout" add this: --> Option "Xinerama" "On" | 10:18 |
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benoit | thanks ilba7r, turns out it must of been already installed cause it's there when i list it | 10:18 |
garry | fangorious yep I know someone was asking how to do that earlier. | 10:18 |
ilba7r | benoit ure welcomed :) | 10:18 |
sam_ | what means '~/.folder_name' | 10:19 |
Dashiva | EddieDaMan, it shouldn't be | 10:19 |
EddieDaMan | hmm.... | 10:19 |
Dashiva | just remove the totem plugin and reinstall the mozilla-player one | 10:19 |
binks | sam its the path to folder your after | 10:19 |
fangorious | sam_: the '~' means your home directory | 10:19 |
intelikey | sam_ do ' ls -lAsh ' | 10:19 |
EddieDaMan | what is the sudo apt command for that? | 10:19 |
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benoit | everyone cross their fingers for me i think it's gonna work!! | 10:20 |
binks | when i apt are the files kept or deleted once installed | 10:20 |
intelikey | deleted | 10:20 |
GTroy | Inf3tedFx: yeah, anything else to do? | 10:20 |
Inf3ctedFx | go ahead and try it.. if it doens work let me know GTroy | 10:20 |
fangorious | anyone using network-manager? | 10:21 |
GTroy | ok, GREAT! | 10:21 |
intelikey | binks if for some odd reason they are not deleted they will be in /var/cache/apt/packages i think | 10:21 |
Inf3ctedFx | How can I find out which version of gcc do I have? | 10:21 |
paulproteus|lapt | Inf3ctedFx: gcc --version | 10:21 |
paulproteus|lapt | Inf3ctedFx: i.e., "you ask it" | 10:22 |
Inf3ctedFx | ohh oks | 10:22 |
intelikey | <intelikey> gcc --version ? | 10:22 |
Inf3ctedFx | thx paulproteus|lapt | 10:22 |
binks | its just i have an 80 gig hdd with only 30 free and only about 10 gig i can vouch for | 10:22 |
ilba7r | intelikey to remove them from the cache you use the option clean with apt-get | 10:22 |
intelikey | times like that are what time stamps are for | 10:22 |
=== mustard5 [n=mustard5@115.a.001.sop.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
binks | like u mean apt-get clean | 10:23 |
ilba7r | exactly | 10:23 |
ilba7r | man apt-get and you will find it there | 10:23 |
intelikey | ilba7r venella sudo apt-get install blah auto cleans iirc | 10:23 |
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GTroy | Inf3tedFX: shut off one of my monitors | 10:24 |
EddieDaMan | dashiva, how do i unstall the totem mozilla plugin without uninstall the whole thing = / | 10:24 |
GTroy | maybe I should dpkg the thing? | 10:24 |
=== enyc [n=enyc@furrymonster.enyc.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
EddieDaMan | can't seem to isolate it | 10:24 |
Inf3ctedFx | GTroy: let me show u my xorg I use 2 monitors with 2 video cards | 10:24 |
Dashiva | what else does it want to uninstall with it | 10:24 |
Inf3ctedFx | also GTroy let me show u a howto | 10:24 |
GTroy | inf3tedFX: i only have one video card | 10:25 |
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Inf3ctedFx | GTroy: check this one --> http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Dual_Monitors or if u want u can check this one also --> http://www.ublug.org/ubuntu/twinview/files/xorg.conf | 10:25 |
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GTroy | ok cool | 10:25 |
cyphase | Is Dapper going to have a default feed reader? | 10:25 |
Inf3ctedFx | I use those and it work pretty good | 10:25 |
ilba7r | !venella | 10:26 |
ubotu | ilba7r: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! | 10:26 |
=== JzE [n=jze@a84-231-37-207.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ilba7r | thought i am the only one who did not understand what that mean | 10:26 |
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Inf3ctedFx | GTroy: | 10:27 |
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EddieDaMan | does anyone else have the same problem where wma files freeze on totem xine? | 10:28 |
EddieDaMan | when streaming | 10:29 |
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EddieDaMan | anyone at all? | 10:31 |
diemex | why my cd dosen't come out when i use ubuntu ??? | 10:31 |
diemex | :(((( | 10:31 |
benoit | Darn it didn't work | 10:32 |
mustard5 | diemex, you on gnome? | 10:32 |
ilba7r | !gtkwifi | 10:32 |
ubotu | No idea, ilba7r | 10:32 |
mustard5 | diemex, right click on the CD icon and choose eject | 10:32 |
ilba7r | benoit go to the ubuntu forums and search for gtkwifi | 10:32 |
mustard5 | !info gtkwifi | 10:32 |
ilba7r | make sure that you have the right driver though | 10:32 |
diemex | i tinik i'm in gnome | 10:33 |
benoit | what is gtkwifi | 10:33 |
diemex | i don't really know what gnome means | 10:33 |
Dashiva | why | 10:33 |
mustard5 | dieman, gnome is the type of desktop you have | 10:33 |
Dashiva | it's the gnu object model environment | 10:33 |
ilba7r | 3-rd party project affiliated with ubuntu | 10:33 |
mustard5 | dieman, do you see the CD icon on your desktop? | 10:33 |
diemex | mustard5: works man, thanks | 10:34 |
mustard5 | dieman, k :) | 10:34 |
=== phos-phoros [n=phos-pho@CPE-65-26-73-192.we.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
petz | diemex you can eject cd by entering eject hdc or whatever it is | 10:34 |
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garry | or right click and choose eject | 10:35 |
ilba7r | benoit it will make it easier for you to manage your wireless card | 10:35 |
diemex | by the way it's diemex not dieman | 10:35 |
petz | and you can close it by entering eject -t hdx which is fun, too | 10:36 |
=== mr_lampe [n=la@dslb-084-056-129-173.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
diemex | but when i press the button on my cd-rom , the cd dosen't come out :( | 10:36 |
garry | EddieDaMan, I see the following instructions for making wma files work install mplayer-plugin and remove the totem-firewall plugin it's buggged. I don't know if that is correct, so if you can be ready to reinstall if you have to. | 10:36 |
petz | diemex that happens to me sorry I dont know why | 10:37 |
garry | IF Dashiva is still here, he would know better than me I think. | 10:37 |
mustard5 | diemex, its supposed to be that way | 10:37 |
intelikey | petz or limit the speed with eject -x ## | 10:37 |
petz | but using commands should always work diemex | 10:37 |
Dashiva | that's what i'm saying | 10:37 |
mustard5 | diemex, thats how it works in linux | 10:37 |
Dashiva | you need to get totally rid of it and go to mozilla-plugin | 10:37 |
Dashiva | or | 10:37 |
Dashiva | mozilla-mplayer or whatever it's called | 10:37 |
diemex | i didn't know that | 10:37 |
mustard5 | diemex, if the device is mounted you have to explicitly choose to eject it | 10:38 |
petz | intel limit rotation speed? | 10:38 |
garry | you have to programatically eject it, thanks Dashiva. | 10:38 |
intelikey | yep | 10:38 |
EddieDaMan | thank you | 10:38 |
=== Heimdall [n=nico@lns-bzn-38-82-253-90-245.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
EddieDaMan | how do i totally uninstall totem? | 10:38 |
petz | intel including unlimit? coz I've no idea why my dvd is slow as hell | 10:38 |
rob1 | hahaha | 10:38 |
EddieDaMan | 3rd day using this os | 10:38 |
rob1 | have fun with that | 10:39 |
intelikey | petz read the manual | 10:39 |
=== Vcm [n=pex@DSL212-235-54-185.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu | ||
petz | eddie with synaptic, its easy | 10:39 |
Dashiva | you don't want to remove totem itself, only the plugin | 10:39 |
diemex | i saw that you have that option , but i wanted to eject cd with my finger , pressing the button on hardware | 10:39 |
diemex | ;) | 10:39 |
diemex | :D | 10:39 |
petz | intel its used but ta | 10:39 |
intelikey | man eject | 10:39 |
=== beetlefrosch [n=beetlefr@G0efc.g.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | that one | 10:39 |
petz | diemex that does not compute :-) | 10:39 |
mustard5 | diemex, I would think it would work if the devices wasn't mounted...but it usually auto mounts | 10:39 |
petz | intel thanks | 10:40 |
intelikey | np | 10:40 |
petz | intel but i probably won't understand | 10:40 |
EddieDaMan | the problem is that i can't seem to isolate the plugin | 10:40 |
petz | eddie you've lost me... | 10:40 |
diemex | yes i think was mounted | 10:40 |
Heimdall | Hi, I'd like to uninstall azureus but it is not in synaptic :/ | 10:40 |
EddieDaMan | how do i remove just the plug in, i can't find it in synpatic | 10:41 |
intelikey | Heimdall how did you install it ? | 10:41 |
diemex | mustard5: do you have skype? | 10:41 |
Dashiva | EddieDaMan, did you search for it | 10:41 |
mustard5 | diemex, yes | 10:41 |
EddieDaMan | yes | 10:41 |
petz | well any1 want a coffee? I'm getting myself one. | 10:41 |
Heimdall | intelikey, I don't remember, I suppose from a package on the website, if it is not in synaptic :/ | 10:42 |
intelikey | Heimdall how did you install it ? | 10:42 |
Dashiva | the full name seems to be totem-xine-firefox-plugin | 10:42 |
=== anatole [n=ZOMG@dsl5400A101.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dashiva | all one word | 10:42 |
EddieDaMan | okay, thanks | 10:42 |
garry | Ok, I checked it otu EddieDaMan. I went to synaptic package manager and uses search totem and it found three references. then you can look for that package Dashiva mentioned. None said plugin that I recall, but one did say gstreamer. Lemme look again. brb | 10:42 |
EddieDaMan | thanks garry | 10:42 |
Dashiva | though i do have non-standard repositories | 10:42 |
garry | EddieDaMan welcome | 10:42 |
Dashiva | so if it's not there just install mozilla-mplayer and you should be fine | 10:42 |
EddieDaMan | thanks dashiva | 10:43 |
=== Dashiva [n=m@c-24-2-61-32.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Bye"] | ||
diemex | petz : do you have skype? | 10:43 |
=== jcoxon [n=jcoxon@81-178-228-1.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Heimdall | intelikey, would you say it is enough just to remove the folder .Azureus ? | 10:44 |
=== Nik-- [i=Nik-c@cpe-66-91-1-29.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | lesson in packages. it you install third party packages out side of dpkg then you have to remove them that way also. if you build a tarball with ./configure make make install then delete the install directory you're just kinda stuck with it. but if you don't delete the build dir use make uninstall usually works | 10:44 |
=== penguinzdr [n=penguinz@213-240-197-31.1703347.ddns.cablebg.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
liable | or make -n and delete manually :) | 10:45 |
=== yan [n=yan@AMontsouris-152-1-60-175.w83-202.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | Heimdall prolly not | 10:45 |
petz | diemex it's not kinda working | 10:45 |
penguinzdr | my microphon doesn't work. i enabled it on kmix, but still doesn't works. what should i do? | 10:45 |
diemex | petz : why not? | 10:45 |
=== adhien_satriani [n=mahen@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nik-- | i have an A64 processor, should i use the x86 version of Ubuntu or the A64 version? i don't care about 64 bit and would prefer not to use it | 10:45 |
Heimdall | make: *** No rule to make target `uninstall'. Stop. | 10:46 |
intelikey | liable like rm `make -n` :) | 10:46 |
=== kruemmel [n=kruemmel@p54B85D49.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
petz | diemex dunno. I'll give it a try, just a sec. but I probably can't help ya anyway? | 10:46 |
kruemmel | hey | 10:46 |
mustard5 | Nik--, more stuff will work with the 386 install | 10:46 |
kruemmel | could somebody please tell me what chmod he has on the files in /etc/ppp/peers/* | 10:46 |
mustard5 | Nik--, so yeah..go for the 386 | 10:46 |
=== emak [n=emak@zux221-201-057.adsl.green.ch] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nik-- | but the x86 version will work with my hardware, right? | 10:47 |
penguinzdr | how can i make my mic work? | 10:47 |
mjr | Nik--, with x86 you'll lose a bit of speed and gain, if you call it that, easier x86 proprietary software usage (including flash and restricted video/audio formats) | 10:47 |
mustard5 | Nik--, yeah | 10:47 |
=== weo [n=weo@p54998D0B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
penguinzdr | argh | 10:47 |
Nik-- | i tried the AMD64 livecd version and got a bunch of errors, i'm guessing it's because of my X800 card | 10:47 |
kruemmel | any1? | 10:47 |
petz | diemex: synaptics running. could take a while, like a quarter hour | 10:47 |
mustard5 | penguinzdr, check that you have it all set up correctly? | 10:47 |
=== ordinary [n=luakagon@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
diemex | petz 4 what? | 10:48 |
penguinzdr | mustard5: i enabled it on kmix. what other should i set up? | 10:48 |
mustard5 | penguinzdr, are there any switches that might be off? Is it plugged in the right spot? | 10:48 |
=== alex_alfonsi [n=chatzill@d83-184-190-175.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mustard5 | penguinzdr, is the mic still muted? | 10:48 |
EddieDaMan | garry, dashiva: reinstalling mozilla-mplayer didnt' solve the problem | 10:48 |
petz | diemex for what what? is synaptic running? or until its finished? | 10:49 |
=== herzi [n=herzi@d124160.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
penguinzdr | yeah i think so *checking is it plugged on the comp" no it's not muted | 10:49 |
diemex | petz : what is synaptic ? | 10:49 |
penguinzdr | but it just not works! | 10:49 |
=== clast [n=clast@p54B3F8C3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
petz | diemex ah the synaptic package manager. what desktop environment r u using? | 10:50 |
mustard5 | penguinzdr, does it definitely work? | 10:50 |
=== mgedmin [n=mg@musmire.b4net.lt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
petz | diemex well basically its a gui for installing programs | 10:50 |
penguinzdr | mustard5: yes, it works on winboze, but not on linux | 10:50 |
garry | Closest I saw was a file called mozilla-plugin-vlc | 10:51 |
mustard5 | penguinzdr, I would think it would be something quite simple then | 10:51 |
=== knotty_ian2005 [n=knotty_i@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
knotty_ian2005 | hey | 10:51 |
knotty_ian2005 | i need a help | 10:51 |
intelikey | !info nesses | 10:51 |
mustard5 | penguinzdr, if its functioning in windows it should function in linux | 10:51 |
=== ice-t [n=florian@N766P022.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== theconartist [n=roflwaff@24-117-148-180.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
knotty_ian2005 | i just bought a tv tuner card... | 10:51 |
ice-t | good morning | 10:51 |
knotty_ian2005 | for laptop | 10:51 |
diemex | petz : ok , that's over me , i'm just at the beginnings of using ubuntu , i don't have a quest about useing ubuntu ;) | 10:51 |
penguinzdr | hm... maybe it doesn't work only in firefox... | 10:51 |
mustard5 | penguinzdr, I'm not familiar with the KDE interface, so I can't help much | 10:51 |
knotty_ian2005 | i dont know how it will work | 10:51 |
mustard5 | penguinzdr, you asked in #kubuntu? | 10:52 |
penguinzdr | how can i test it? | 10:52 |
=== weo [n=weo@p54998D0B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
penguinzdr | yes, i asked | 10:52 |
=== Vcm [n=pex@DSL212-235-54-185.bb.netvision.net.il] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
intelikey | !info nessus | 10:52 |
ice-t | how unsafe is captive ntfs? | 10:52 |
ubotu | nessus: (Remote network security auditor, the client), section admin, is optional. Version: 2.2.4-2 (breezy), Packaged size: 234 kB, Installed size: 620 kB | 10:52 |
mustard5 | penguinzdr, have you turned the recording volume up? | 10:52 |
petz | diemex then what? are you using kde or gnome? | 10:52 |
intelikey | helps if i spell it right | 10:52 |
penguinzdr | mustard5: yes, on 100% | 10:52 |
diemex | i belive it's gnome | 10:52 |
EddieDaMan | has anyone succeeded in make mplayer default for playing wma streams? | 10:52 |
EddieDaMan | for ubuntu 5.10 | 10:52 |
mustard5 | penguinzdr, I'm at a loss then | 10:53 |
knotty_ian2005 | how can i use my tv card in ubuntu? | 10:53 |
mustard5 | penguinzdr, there doesnt seem to be any obvious reason why its not working | 10:53 |
deFrysk | EddieDaMan, install w32codecs | 10:53 |
ice-t | can somebody tell me if it is very dangerous if i use captive ntfs? | 10:53 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, you could use xawtv | 10:53 |
EddieDaMan | deFrysk; have alreayd done that | 10:53 |
EddieDaMan | it plays a little | 10:53 |
penguinzdr | mustard5: please recommend me sound recording program to test it | 10:54 |
EddieDaMan | when i use totem | 10:54 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, does it show up as detected? | 10:54 |
petz | diemex well it's the same anyway. if you press alt+f1 you should be able to find the synaptic somewhere | 10:54 |
EddieDaMan | but i can't make mplayer be my default player | 10:54 |
intelikey | must not be in hoary.... | 10:54 |
intelikey | !info nessus hoary | 10:54 |
mustard5 | penguinzdr, I don't know what they have in KDE | 10:54 |
intelikey | ah it's not. | 10:54 |
=== Blaxter [n=blaxter@53.red-62-101-180.user.auna.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
knotty_ian2005 | it's a pcmcia tv card...i don't know if it's detected | 10:55 |
penguinzdr | mustard5: than say something for gnome | 10:55 |
knotty_ian2005 | will u help me from zero | 10:55 |
knotty_ian2005 | please | 10:55 |
EddieDaMan | are there any bettter messenger progams other than gaim for ubuntu? | 10:55 |
garry | dmesg might tell you if it was detected. | 10:55 |
ilba7r | eddiedaman do you open a file on your hard disk with it. or are you using it as a plugin in in firefox | 10:55 |
=== penguinzdr [n=penguinz@213-240-197-31.1703347.ddns.cablebg.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | cardctl | 10:56 |
penguinzdr | return | 10:56 |
=== chalcedony smiles | ||
=== Nilz [n=nilz@cl-52.hel-01.fi.sixxs.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, hmmm..well I was fiddling around quite a bit to get mine working :) | 10:56 |
=== painkiler [n=painkile@203-206-98-85.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
EddieDaMan | ilba7r; plugin for firefox | 10:56 |
knotty_ian2005 | ok | 10:56 |
painkiler | hey guys | 10:56 |
painkiler | question | 10:56 |
knotty_ian2005 | so how will i know if it's detected? | 10:56 |
ilba7r | there is a config in firefox let me see if i can remember it | 10:56 |
intelikey | hello chalcedony | 10:56 |
knotty_ian2005 | i am just new to ubuntu...so i am really dumb | 10:56 |
EddieDaMan | ilba7r, totem freezes midstream | 10:56 |
painkiler | how do i make a external cd drive defalut cdrom | 10:56 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, type lsmod in terminal and look for some references that might have to do with your tv tuner | 10:56 |
painkiler | and how do i un mnt a cd drive? | 10:57 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, somewhere in the output you should see a reference to it if the drivers have been loaded | 10:57 |
EddieDaMan | ilba7r, i'm trying to make mplayer my default wma streaming program | 10:57 |
Inf3ctedFx | does anyone knows where can I donwload the Windows version of QEMU to run with VMware? | 10:57 |
garry | unmount same as eject. | 10:57 |
painkiler | how do i eject then | 10:57 |
ardchoille | Happy New Year everyone :) | 10:57 |
=== Zhadow [n=name@pcp0010826542pcs.coatsv01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
knotty_ian2005 | i see this mustard5 knotty_ian2005, you could use xawtv | 10:57 |
Inf3ctedFx | its not really happy 4 me :( | 10:57 |
garry | if yous ee an icon for it on your desktop, right click, and choose eject. | 10:58 |
intelikey | garry eject calls umount before opening the drive | 10:58 |
knotty_ian2005 | i see this pcmcia_core 44932 3 pcmcia,yenta_socket,rsrc_nonstatic | 10:58 |
=== athlon [i=EatMySho@ems01.your-freedom.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
knotty_ian2005 | does it mean it was detected? | 10:58 |
painkiler | i just want to remove the drive from systm | 10:58 |
petz | diemex but i recommend you try kde and xcfe just so that you know what you're missing and to know the alternatives. i didnt like gnome | 10:58 |
EddieDaMan | ilba7r, but i don't know how to find, uninstall, or overrride totem mozilla plugin with mplayer | 10:58 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, is that what it is called? | 10:58 |
chalcedony | (((( Zhadow )))) | 10:58 |
Zhadow | hey chal | 10:58 |
deFrysk | EddieDaMan, remove the totemrelated files from /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/ | 10:58 |
=== chalcedony smiles | ||
garry | Intelikey yep. | 10:59 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, you used the pastebin before? | 10:59 |
mustard5 | ubotu: tell knotty_ian2005 about pastebin | 10:59 |
EddieDaMan | deFrysk how do i do that? | 10:59 |
deFrysk | EddieDaMan, and sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer | 10:59 |
ardchoille | Happy New Year everyone :) | 10:59 |
EddieDaMan | i have already done that | 10:59 |
knotty_ian2005 | no | 10:59 |
deFrysk | EddieDaMan, rm path/to/blah/blah | 10:59 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, check the PM from ubotu about the pastebin...go there and copy and paste the output from your lsmod command | 10:59 |
deFrysk | EddieDaMan, use sude | 10:59 |
EddieDaMan | ic | 10:59 |
deFrysk | sudo | 10:59 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, I'll have a look over it | 10:59 |
EddieDaMan | k, one sec | 11:00 |
=== RebuznoMistico [n=x@124.Red-81-37-13.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
No1Viking | Is Dapper fairly stable or is there alot of bugs in it? | 11:00 |
painkiler | so how do i get a secondary cd drive to become primary | 11:00 |
mustard5 | No1Viking, its not stable | 11:00 |
painkiler | because atm, terminal is using cdrom | 11:00 |
painkiler | i want it to use cdrom0 | 11:00 |
mustard5 | No1Viking, it could break at any time during development | 11:00 |
deFrysk | No1Viking, fairly stable for non crucial systems | 11:00 |
ilba7r | edidiedaman you can also try typing totem plugin in the search in synaptic will give you two packages which you can uninstall, one for totem-xine the other for totem-gstreamer | 11:00 |
No1Viking | So for homeusers wiithout servers it ok? | 11:01 |
Inf3ctedFx | does anyone knows where can I donwload the Windows version of QEMU to run with VMware? | 11:01 |
knotty_ian2005 | what player can u suggest? TV PLAYER | 11:01 |
=== jrsims [n=jrsims@c-67-172-190-64.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, xawtv | 11:01 |
jrsims | I LIKE UBUNTU! WOOHOO! | 11:01 |
knotty_ian2005 | i couldn't find it | 11:01 |
intelikey | !warez | 11:01 |
ubotu | warez is probably found on, so go there and download all you want. | 11:01 |
deFrysk | No1Viking, ok if you like a challenge and some risc | 11:01 |
knotty_ian2005 | where can i download xawtv in the apt-get | 11:01 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, your probably need to enable extra repositories for synaptic | 11:01 |
mustard5 | !repos | 11:01 |
ubotu | To enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) see also !easysource | 11:01 |
=== Trackilizer [n=Trackili@p54AEE532.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
painkiler | can someone answer my question? | 11:02 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, go to the links provided by ubotu above for adding repositories | 11:02 |
deFrysk | !someone | 11:02 |
ubotu | probably 90% of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and YOU decide? <hint> | 11:02 |
Trackilizer | Is there anyway to make Nautilus the default file manager in XFCE? | 11:02 |
=== Flying-Penguin [n=flyingpe@temecula-cuda2-68-70-212-20.ontrca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
knotty_ian2005 | ok...i forgot to update it | 11:03 |
=== Poofs- [n=lea@c83-248-90-183.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, k | 11:03 |
EddieDaMan | deFrysk; eddie@ubuntu:~$ sudo rm /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/ | 11:03 |
EddieDaMan | Password: | 11:03 |
EddieDaMan | rm: cannot remove `/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/': Is a directory | 11:03 |
=== Poofs- [n=lea@c83-248-90-183.bredband.comhem.se] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
deFrysk | EddieDaMan, nooo | 11:03 |
EddieDaMan | ? | 11:03 |
EddieDaMan | 3rd day using this | 11:03 |
painkiler | so how do i get a secondary cd drive to become primary? | 11:03 |
ilba7r | eddiedam man wait | 11:03 |
mustard5 | EddieDaMan, you'll destroy stuff doing it that way :) | 11:03 |
intelikey | painkiler two ways, one is more likely to stay the way you put it than the other. swap the symlinks in /dev/ or edit /etc/fstab and swap the mount points | 11:03 |
deFrysk | you need to remove the totem related files in plugins | 11:03 |
EddieDaMan | LOL | 11:04 |
EddieDaMan | omg | 11:04 |
EddieDaMan | hehe | 11:04 |
ilba7r | eddiedaman you are going to remove all your plugins this way including java plugin | 11:04 |
EddieDaMan | glad it didn't work | 11:04 |
EddieDaMan | HAHA | 11:04 |
=== Mabus06 [n=Nick@hlfxns0149w-142177090088.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
deFrysk | EddieDaMan, do cat /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/ | 11:04 |
=== acp [n=turf@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
EddieDaMan | hehe | 11:04 |
garry | Yeah, and it can be a mess. :) | 11:04 |
diemex | petz : how could i use kde if i only have gnome on ubuntu? | 11:04 |
deFrysk | EddieDaMan, and see wich ones they are | 11:04 |
acp | hi happy holidays! | 11:04 |
=== tlbs [n=tlbs@cpe-24-174-111-161.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | painkiler i'd edit fstab | 11:04 |
ilba7r | defrysk you mean ls right for this is a directory not a file? | 11:05 |
knotty_ian2005 | seen it mustart | 11:05 |
acp | how do i update my kernel? | 11:05 |
knotty_ian2005 | thanks | 11:05 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, it should install scantv too | 11:05 |
deFrysk | ls is ok too | 11:05 |
garry | diemex, you would have to use synaptec to download kde. | 11:05 |
acp | to 2.6.14? | 11:05 |
=== wizardjames [n=james@S010600044b808004.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, you will need to use that from the command line to scan for channels | 11:05 |
deFrysk | EddieDaMan, there shout be two totem-blah files in it | 11:05 |
EddieDaMan | deFrysk, is that exactly what it ype? | 11:05 |
deFrysk | should | 11:05 |
knotty_ian2005 | what command line? | 11:05 |
acp | apt-get ? | 11:05 |
deFrysk | EddieDaMan, ls /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/ | 11:06 |
deFrysk | and check | 11:06 |
cyphase | #freenode-newyears @ irc.freenode.net | 11:06 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, in your applications>>accessories menu if you are on Breezy Badger..its called the 'terminal' | 11:06 |
intelikey | acp wait a few months and upgrade to dapper | 11:06 |
EddieDaMan | ahhhh | 11:06 |
EddieDaMan | ic | 11:06 |
knotty_ian2005 | i know terminal | 11:06 |
acp | i need it now for my modem to work | 11:06 |
EddieDaMan | i have a list | 11:06 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, well that the command line interface | 11:06 |
EddieDaMan | now what | 11:06 |
=== pharcyde [n=tlbs@cpe-24-174-111-161.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
EddieDaMan | hehe | 11:06 |
knotty_ian2005 | i have opened the app already and i only see blak | 11:06 |
diemex | and how will i download kde? | 11:06 |
knotty_ian2005 | i am stupid sorry | 11:06 |
knotty_ian2005 | he he he | 11:06 |
diemex | from where? | 11:06 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, check if scantv is installed too | 11:07 |
painkiler | the how do i get terminal to stop asking me for cdrom when i only have cdrom0 | 11:07 |
=== veleno [n=veleno@81-208-83-215.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
EddieDaMan | defrysk; flashplayer.xpt mplayerplug-in-gmp.so mplayerplug-in-wmp.so | 11:07 |
EddieDaMan | libflashplayer.so mplayerplug-in-gmp.xpt mplayerplug-in-wmp.xpt | 11:07 |
EddieDaMan | libjavaplugin_oji.so mplayerplug-in-qt.so mplayerplug-in.xpt | 11:07 |
EddieDaMan | libtotem_mozilla.a mplayerplug-in-qt.xpt nphelix.so | 11:07 |
EddieDaMan | libtotem_mozilla.la mplayerplug-in-rm.so nphelix.xpt | 11:07 |
EddieDaMan | libtotem_mozilla.so mplayerplug-in-rm.xpt | 11:07 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, you need that to tune in the channels | 11:07 |
ilba7r | eddidaman past the list in the pastebin if you can | 11:07 |
EddieDaMan | libtotem_mozilla.xpt mplayerplug-in.so | 11:07 |
knotty_ian2005 | yeah it is | 11:07 |
EddieDaMan | ditto | 11:07 |
acp | im tryin to make my modem work im using R50e thinkpad | 11:07 |
garry | diemex, use System/adminstration/synaptec package manager and search for KDE. | 11:07 |
intelikey | !tell diemex about repos | 11:07 |
ordinary | hey thanks | 11:07 |
diemex | garry do you use kde in ubuntu? | 11:07 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, k..well type man scantv into terminal and have a bit of a read of the manual | 11:08 |
painkiler | !tell me about repos | 11:08 |
deFrysk | EddieDaMan, dont flood please you might get kickbanned | 11:08 |
acp | is there a guiu way to upgrade kernel? | 11:08 |
garry | diemex yes | 11:08 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, that will give you an idea of what it does | 11:08 |
intelikey | !tell diemex about synaptic | 11:08 |
EddieDaMan | oops, sorry | 11:08 |
=== Enchanter_tim [n=lfm@lunax.demon.nl] has left #ubuntu ["?"] | ||
knotty_ian2005 | ha ha ha | 11:08 |
ordinary | i love ubuntu. i love you for making it better | 11:08 |
EddieDaMan | ilba7r, where is the bin? | 11:08 |
EddieDaMan | lol | 11:08 |
knotty_ian2005 | thanks...but how can i search channel? | 11:08 |
ilba7r | eddiedaman you can del the libtotem plugins | 11:08 |
knotty_ian2005 | is xawtv the best one yet? | 11:08 |
ilba7r | !tell eddidaman about pastebin | 11:08 |
diemex | and you all are useing kde in ubuntu ??? | 11:08 |
painkiler | the how do i get terminal to stop asking me for cdrom when i only have cdrom0? | 11:08 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, its the easiest | 11:08 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, other ones are more complex to install | 11:09 |
deFrysk | EddieDaMan, remove the libtotemfiles | 11:09 |
EddieDaMan | with what command? | 11:09 |
deFrysk | from the pluginsfolder | 11:09 |
EddieDaMan | please | 11:09 |
deFrysk | rm | 11:09 |
pharcyde | painkiler: what is asking you for cdrom | 11:09 |
barosl | what is global version of "~/.gtkrc-2.0"? | 11:09 |
garry | diemex You search for KDE in synaptec package manager. If it don't show, you need to enable repositories, its take a bit of menu searching, but its there. then search again. | 11:09 |
knotty_ian2005 | ok...the manual is so little, how will i tell the program the my source is pcmcia | 11:09 |
ilba7r | eddiedaman safest way cd to the plugin dir | 11:09 |
painkiler | im trying to install kubuntu-desktop, and well it wants the cd | 11:09 |
deFrysk | EddieDaMan, rm /path/to/libtotemblahblah | 11:09 |
ilba7r | and sudo rm them one by one | 11:09 |
painkiler | and so i put it in the cd | 11:09 |
painkiler | but i only have cdrom0 | 11:10 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, if linux has detected it, it will know | 11:10 |
painkiler | and it asks for cdrom | 11:10 |
veleno | hello. i want to avoid sound modules to be loaded at boot. http://veleno.pastebin.com/485151 are the modules i want to inhibit. any help ? | 11:10 |
pharcyde | painkiler: edit your /etc/apt/sources | 11:10 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, it will be listed as a device /dev/video | 11:10 |
intelikey | painkiler you didn't see the privet message from ubotu ? | 11:10 |
garry | diemex it will download it or you after youa re done marking packages, there are a lot of them under kde, and then it installs them for you. | 11:10 |
painkiler | ok | 11:10 |
knotty_ian2005 | if not? | 11:10 |
diemex | i've found kde , but are many kdes | 11:10 |
pharcyde | and comment the cdrom line | 11:10 |
pharcyde | and make sure ur apt repos are setup | 11:10 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, if its not detected automatically then you are in trouble :) | 11:10 |
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knotty_ian2005 | how will i know if its listed? thanks for the patience | 11:10 |
diemex | i don't really know wich to download | 11:10 |
deFrysk | ilba7r 's suggestion is good EddieDaMan | 11:10 |
painkiler | no | 11:10 |
Flying-Penguin | how do I play sound through wireless headphones? (bluetooth) | 11:10 |
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mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, its not that straightforward to set up :) I took me quite a while when I first started learning about linux :) | 11:11 |
knotty_ian2005 | i know | 11:11 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, I wrestled with it for quite a few weeks :) | 11:11 |
thegladiator | i was trying to copy text from a javascript page to oepnoffice by slecting the text and copying it into office . once i paste the text into pffice , it just hangs | 11:11 |
knotty_ian2005 | how old are u? | 11:11 |
diemex | kdeaddons ??? | 11:11 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, 41 | 11:11 |
knotty_ian2005 | i am a windows baby ha ha hathat's sad | 11:11 |
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garry | yes, all that says kde. | 11:11 |
knotty_ian2005 | u r in IT industry> | 11:11 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, no | 11:12 |
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mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, I'm just another tv tuner card user :) | 11:12 |
knotty_ian2005 | woew...when i tried scantv, there was no philippines in there | 11:12 |
knotty_ian2005 | what will i do? | 11:12 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, hmmm.... | 11:12 |
painkiler | oh yeah, how do i enable root? | 11:13 |
garry | try to get from a non-multiverse 0r non-universe repository, you wouldn't want a kde for say some distro that isn't ubuntu or kubuntu if you can help it. | 11:13 |
painkiler | or just give me a link | 11:13 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, I'm not sure | 11:13 |
EddieDaMan | defrysk, my permission was denied >.< | 11:13 |
pharcyde | u can sudo | 11:13 |
painkiler | yeah i know | 11:13 |
pharcyde | sudo passwd | 11:13 |
painkiler | but i need a root | 11:13 |
pharcyde | for what? | 11:13 |
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painkiler | just general gui access for clients | 11:14 |
deFrysk | EddieDaMan, use sudo | 11:14 |
EddieDaMan | k | 11:14 |
twysted | painkiller do NOT run gui as root | 11:14 |
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binks | im just d/l kde for me ubunutu system gonna change to kde why i dont no im bored | 11:14 |
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painkiler | i wont be on the internet | 11:14 |
garry | the password part is where you enter your user password. Sudo allows you to do many things as if you were root, but not lots of system wreckin things. | 11:14 |
cyphase | AUTO: Join #anything instead of #freenode-newyears. I won't mute anyone :P | 11:14 |
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painkiler | well can i enable more privages | 11:14 |
painkiler | for my normal user | 11:15 |
painkiler | i just want to be able to edit text docs with out having to treminal | 11:15 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, what frequency table do you think it might use? take a guess..maybe its none :) | 11:15 |
pharcyde | sudo editor file | 11:15 |
HeartBT | painkiler, sodo gedit filename. | 11:15 |
XRay | can some one help.. I have a 10 gig ext3 for my linux and Im running out of space. I just created a 40 Gig ext3 hda7. To move the Home folder to the 40 gig location I need to edit fstab. How do I do that to make sure I did the right thing and how do I do it while still using the home folder Thanks | 11:15 |
Mabus06 | Can somebody give me suggestions as to why my wireless mouse is not working anymore? When I hit the buttons on the reciever and the bottom of the mouse to calibrate it, the light doesn't blink like it's supposed to. | 11:15 |
garry | heart beat me to it. | 11:15 |
HeartBT | garry, hehe | 11:16 |
Mabus06 | They're in the same positions that I had them working correctly for a while. | 11:16 |
knotty_ian2005 | i don't know | 11:16 |
Mabus06 | howdy, mustard5 | 11:16 |
pharcyde | painkiler: if u really want to enable root then sudo passwd root | 11:16 |
knotty_ian2005 | ntsc maybe | 11:16 |
knotty_ian2005 | i tried it | 11:16 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, scantv -a scans all frequencies | 11:16 |
knotty_ian2005 | and it wouldnt work | 11:16 |
pharcyde | change it to what u want | 11:16 |
mustard5 | Mabus06, hey mate :) | 11:16 |
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mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, thats what the manual says anyway | 11:16 |
Mabus06 | mustard5, do you know how to get dual video working with an ati card? People told me to buy Nvidia, but with my last experience, I had to go ATI. | 11:16 |
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Mabus06 | No funky hotplug subsystem stall with this one... | 11:17 |
garry | Yet as someone so well said, if you forget to get out of root, connect to internet, and get a virus, it can do anything it wants to do because it will be root too. | 11:17 |
mustard5 | Mabus06, I wouldn't have a clue mate....ATI is probably worse than nvidia I would think | 11:17 |
Mabus06 | Would you have a clue where I could look? | 11:17 |
mustard5 | Mabus06, ummm....not offhand | 11:17 |
garry | google for ati ubuntu. I remember seeing something about a fix or new ati driver. Good luck. | 11:18 |
Mabus06 | Well I have the driver, garry. | 11:18 |
Mabus06 | But I just don't have the dual video part. | 11:18 |
garry | Mabus06 Hmm, and it still doesn't work? | 11:18 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, also just doing the scantv is not the whole process..you need to actually save it to a config file in /home directory for you user | 11:19 |
knotty_ian2005 | hey mustard, i installed another app but it wont show in the applications | 11:19 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, which app? | 11:19 |
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garry | Mabus06 Stumped. | 11:21 |
EddieDaMan | garry, defrysk, ilba7r, thank you, it works now | 11:22 |
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knotty_ian2005 | are kde apps can be used in breezy? | 11:22 |
ilba7r | great, enjoy :) | 11:22 |
knotty_ian2005 | i found this kdetv and i suppose it will work | 11:22 |
garry | Grats eddie, Eddie says thanks to defrysk ilab7r. He got his mplayer working. | 11:22 |
EddieDaMan | thanks to you guys = ) | 11:23 |
EddieDaMan | happy new years !!! | 11:23 |
thegladiator | kde apps can be used with ubuntu ofcourse | 11:23 |
thegladiator | happy new year guys | 11:23 |
mustard5 | Mabus06, is this relevant? http://www.rage3d.com/content/articles/atilinuxhowto/Linux_ATI.html#SECTION000121000000000000000 | 11:24 |
mustard5 | Mabus06, down the page a bit | 11:24 |
mustard5 | Mabus06, I also got some hits on some threads in the ubuntu forums | 11:24 |
garry | Mabus06 So you have this Ati card with one connector, so when you say you want to do duel video, you mean that you have two monitors connected to a switch going to the one card vga port? | 11:24 |
thegladiator | !restricted | 11:24 |
ubotu | restricted is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats Most of the formats listed here have been replaced by !FreeFormats | 11:24 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, I have no idea how kdetv works | 11:25 |
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thegladiator | !freeformats | 11:25 |
knotty_ian2005 | ok | 11:25 |
ubotu | hmm... freeformats is There are a large number of Free Formats which are preferred over patent and copyright encumbered formats. They are listed here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeFormats | 11:25 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, you'll be on your own on that one :) | 11:25 |
knotty_ian2005 | ha ha ha | 11:25 |
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knotty_ian2005 | i have a question | 11:25 |
EddieDaMan | hey garry, is there a better messenger program than gaim? | 11:25 |
knotty_ian2005 | again | 11:25 |
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mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, k | 11:25 |
happycamper | tagchen | 11:25 |
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knotty_ian2005 | how can i make red messages for you? | 11:25 |
knotty_ian2005 | just for you | 11:25 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, you type my nick at the start | 11:25 |
happycamper | color is baaad | 11:25 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, type the first few letters and then hit the TAB key | 11:26 |
knotty_ian2005 | mustard5, cool | 11:26 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, thats red for me :) | 11:26 |
ilba7r | eddiedaman i use qnext if i am not using gaim but it is java based so not in repos. you can use skype for voice chat | 11:26 |
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garry | EddieDaMan not that I am sure of. I've been thinking of trying licq. Gaim seems to be only for instant messenger, and it claims to work for icq and maybe others like msn, but the plugins are not included. | 11:26 |
knotty_ian2005 | mustard5, i just bought this smart tv card, too bad its from taiwan and i had to return the pixelview coz it got problem | 11:26 |
mustard5 | garry, gaim will work with ICQ by default | 11:27 |
JDahl | have anyone got DVD playback in kaffeine working? I install libdvdcss2, but kaffeine keeps giving the error message "Could not read title information for DVD" | 11:27 |
knotty_ian2005 | mustard5, this tv card is for my laptop , a pcmcia one, that i chose | 11:27 |
HeartBT | garry, I use gaim for icq. it works fine imo. | 11:27 |
yintelike | Mem usage: 30.6/61.1 MB (50%) hehhe i love this distro :) | 11:27 |
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mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, well I would try looking for how others did it in the ubuntuforums and also use google | 11:27 |
yintelike | and i'm talking to you within kde | 11:28 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, I did lots of reading and then finally got it working on xawtv | 11:28 |
garry | EddieDaMan There is also goim wiich is suppposed to be for instant messenger. Hmm. I could never find the part to enter my icq number, and it choked on my apostrophe in my icq name. It doesn't like those. | 11:28 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, it took a lot of mucking around | 11:28 |
knotty_ian2005 | mustard5, i am not satisfied with what i am seeing, ( in windows) and its | 11:28 |
happycamper | gaum, too | 11:28 |
ilba7r | Jdhal try reinstalling kaffeine i think it looks for the plugin in when it is first installed. If it is not working totem is always there | 11:28 |
happycamper | gaim | 11:28 |
jrsims | exit | 11:28 |
knotty_ian2005 | mustard5, kinda flickery, i tried to connect it on our cable tv cable and it's still flickery | 11:28 |
EddieDaMan | thank you | 11:28 |
knotty_ian2005 | mustard5, do u think it's my laptop that's the problem or the tv card itself | 11:29 |
JDahl | ilba7r, also if kaffeine is installed via apt? or do you mean compile from source? | 11:29 |
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mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, well I would visit the manufacturers site for that type of information..somtimes its a motherboard issue | 11:29 |
HeartBT | garry, wait, apostrophe? since when does ICQ allow anything but a number? | 11:29 |
Mabus06 | gary no, this card has a vga output, a dvi output, and an svideo output | 11:29 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, I have lines down mine due to problems with my motherboard and this tv tuner card | 11:29 |
Mabus06 | garry I mean | 11:29 |
mustard5 | Mabus06, did you see that link ? | 11:30 |
ilba7r | jdahl i assume you installed libdvdcss2 after installing kaffien. i mean reinstall kaffiene from repos so it can find the new plugins and libs | 11:30 |
Mabus06 | I will in a bit, mustard5 | 11:30 |
mustard5 | Mabus06, k | 11:30 |
Mabus06 | My mouse isn't working right now, gonna go acquire another. | 11:30 |
garry | I got two replies. I have had an apostropie on my work machine's icq for ages, its windoze. | 11:30 |
Mabus06 | can you msg me that url maybe, mustard5 ? | 11:30 |
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knotty_ian2005 | mustard5, that's the first thing i did, look for the website but sadly their website is just a piece of bubble gum, what can u expect from taiwanese (sorry) | 11:31 |
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mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, :) | 11:32 |
garry | Anyone have luck getting dork ages of camelot dorkness rising, to run under wine/cedega? | 11:32 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, they have no english version of the page? | 11:32 |
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garry | I got it to walk for awhile then it fell on it's face. | 11:32 |
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knotty_ian2005 | they do but it's too little info..they were just selling | 11:33 |
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garry | I need a linux utility to make it stop raining here. it's been raining so long I just pullled out a duck feather from my leg and my toes are starting to web. | 11:33 |
HeartBT | garry, do you also have a number and the apostrophe is in the nickname? | 11:33 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, I don't have much idea what the answer is then | 11:34 |
garry | HeartBT yes. | 11:34 |
garry | HeartBT Its Al'aro | 11:34 |
knotty_ian2005 | mustard5, i guess my problem now is how to tell my lappie that the source for tv is on pcmcia slot...that i dunno how to | 11:34 |
HeartBT | garry, try using just the number to connect and maybe then once connected it will allow the nick? | 11:35 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, scantv is how you do that | 11:35 |
knotty_ian2005 | mustard5, it says "try playing with the config options of the v4l2 plugin | 11:35 |
garry | HeartBT Yep, I'm a bit low vision, could not find the number box. I probably missed it. | 11:35 |
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mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, try running the v4l-conf | 11:36 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, in terminal | 11:36 |
HeartBT | garry, ah. you really had me confused there for a sec. I've been using icq for jeez, ever and never seen anything but a number. | 11:36 |
garry | HeartBT I think I'll go try it again now. Thanks. | 11:36 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, type man v4l-conf in terminal for the manual | 11:36 |
yintelike | garry cat ./rain > /dev/null 2>&1 | 11:36 |
HeartBT | garry, np | 11:36 |
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knotty_ian2005 | mustard5, now it's scanning stations but found nothing | 11:37 |
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alexander_ | test | 11:37 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, does it finish with any error messages? | 11:37 |
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knotty_ian2005 | now it doesnt | 11:37 |
knotty_ian2005 | it already scanned | 11:37 |
yintelike | alexander_ it isn't working :) | 11:37 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, ideally you tell scantv to save it all to a file called .xawtv in your /home/user directory | 11:38 |
=== bflax [n=bflax@adsl-69-236-68-225.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, then it actually saves what it finds | 11:38 |
bflax | hello | 11:38 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, you could also run it with the -c and -C options manually specifying the video device and vbi device | 11:38 |
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bflax | having a nightmare about ice1712 | 11:39 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, something like this scantv -a -c /dev/video -C /dev/vbi -o /home/yourusername/.xawtv | 11:39 |
bflax | m-audio card not wrking | 11:39 |
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mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, alternatively you may need to add a '0' to the end of the device names | 11:40 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, something like /dev/video0 and /dev/vbi0 | 11:40 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, if you look in your /dev/ directory you might find what they are referred to as | 11:41 |
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mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, you will see an icon called video or video0 and vbi or vbi0 | 11:41 |
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knotty_ian2005 | mustard5, where can i find the apps which has already been installed but i couldn't see the icon? | 11:41 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, run it from terminal... | 11:42 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, type kdetv in terminal | 11:42 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, you can go to your applications>>system menu and add it to the menu using the menu editor | 11:42 |
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knotty_ian2005 | i am trying tvtime | 11:45 |
knotty_ian2005 | now | 11:45 |
knotty_ian2005 | god..help me | 11:45 |
garry | HeartBT well, I'll be darned. I had to enter my icq number as my screen name to get it to work. | 11:45 |
knotty_ian2005 | mustard5, thanks for the help...i need to go...my mom needs me...happy new year | 11:46 |
mustard5 | knotty_ian2005, k :) | 11:46 |
bflax | any sound experts around? | 11:46 |
mustard5 | bflax, crimsun is the sound expert | 11:46 |
bflax | thx | 11:46 |
mustard5 | bflax, if you spot him around you might see if he is available to help | 11:47 |
xav__ | how can I fix a broken text file which has different encoding ? | 11:47 |
garry | HeartBT Thanks. works fine now. | 11:47 |
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bflax | k, thank you mustard. | 11:47 |
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ROBOd | hey guys | 11:49 |
ROBOd | i got a new monitor | 11:49 |
mustard5 | greetings ROBOd | 11:49 |
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ROBOd | and ... now i got only 640x480 @ 60hz available | 11:49 |
ROBOd | how to run monitor detection? | 11:49 |
albacker | hi all | 11:49 |
xav__ | does anyone know a perl script or something? | 11:49 |
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xav__ | ROBOd: just edit xorg.conf properly | 11:50 |
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xav__ | ROBOd: or run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 11:50 |
Inf3ctedFx | I need to download the qemu-img.exe does anybody knows??? | 11:50 |
mustard5 | ROBOd, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 11:50 |
twysted | robod there is a x86config if i recall :) | 11:50 |
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Inf3ctedFx | form where? | 11:50 |
twysted | ^5 mustard5 | 11:50 |
mustard5 | :) | 11:50 |
xav__ | now help me :) | 11:50 |
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twysted | just rewrite it xav__ | 11:51 |
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mustard5 | xav__, I have no clue how to fix your problem sorry :) | 11:51 |
xav__ | I've a file with some characters in iso and some in utf8 (I believe) | 11:51 |
xav__ | I want to fix it | 11:51 |
xav__ | I found a perl script but it didn't fix everything :( | 11:52 |
garry | maybe try editing it, select all and search for a font setting you can change all text to. | 11:52 |
xav__ | you mean fixing it by hand? | 11:53 |
xav__ | it's a huge database dump file | 11:53 |
wizardjames | !dvdrip | 11:53 |
ubotu | wizardjames: What? | 11:53 |
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wizardjames | anyone know anything about dvd rip? i cant get the rar part to work.. | 11:54 |
berkes | good day, | 11:54 |
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twysted | what do u mean the rar part to work? | 11:54 |
wizardjames | yea | 11:54 |
twysted | yea? | 11:55 |
berkes | I am having issues with my mySQL server. Its installed on a vanilla kubuntu (but over there no one had a clue) but fails to load. Says it cannot connect to port 3306. says that port is in use already | 11:55 |
garry | Its a raryea port. | 11:55 |
Pygi | twysted: what an answer to the question :P | 11:55 |
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berkes | is there a deamon or a service i should reload? | 11:55 |
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twysted | eh pygi i cant answer a question if none was asked | 11:56 |
mustard5 | berkes, I can think of a deamon.. | 11:56 |
mustard5 | berkes, I don't know whether it would work :) | 11:56 |
Pygi | twysted: no, I am reffering to ... you asked: what do u mean the rar part to work? --- then james responded: yea :) | 11:56 |
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mustard5 | berkes, to restart mysqld you do a /etc/init.d/mysqld restart I think | 11:57 |
twysted | pygi i was asking what he meant by it, hes not being specific | 11:57 |
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Pygi | I know, that's what I am telling :P | 11:57 |
mustard5 | berkes with sudo I would imagine | 11:57 |
twysted | so what do you mean wizardjames? | 11:57 |
wizardjames | nvm twysted , i got it working, the path to rar was never set | 11:57 |
Heimdall | impossible to launch azureus ............. why ? | 11:58 |
berkes | mustard5: sure. I know /that/ but if i try that too, it fails to load | 11:58 |
Heimdall | I cna't find the executable file | 11:58 |
twysted | heimdall did u install the JAVAVM? | 11:58 |
twysted | !info java | 11:58 |
mustard5 | berkes, I have no real idea sorry | 11:58 |
munzir | hi sirs, I created a user and put its home directory as /backup but now sudo su; su - backup won't jump to its home directory, what's wrong please? | 11:58 |
berkes | like said: it wants to connect to a port it cannot connect to. | 11:58 |
berkes | seems odd to me, esp. because I am running vanilla software. | 11:59 |
Heimdall | twysted, I had azureus before it worked well, I removed it so yes I think I still have java ;) | 11:59 |
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twysted | heimdall hehe gotta make sure, check any logs for azureus make sure its just not hanging in a process | 11:59 |
Irvine | how to install packages? | 11:59 |
mustard5 | Irvine, what package? | 12:00 |
Irvine | i am new to ubuntu | 12:00 |
Irvine | prozilla | 12:00 |
Heimdall | twysted, i don't understand :/ | 12:00 |
mevvis | irvine use synaptic | 12:00 |
mustard5 | !info prozilla | 12:00 |
mustard5 | hmm..apparently prozilla doesnt exist :) | 12:00 |
twysted | Heimdall, azureus should write any errors to a log file, check out the azureus FAQ page or their wiki | 12:01 |
PeteyPablo | Irvine: sudo dpkg -i name.deb | 12:01 |
mustard5 | Irvine, where did your get it from? | 12:01 |
Irvine | download | 12:01 |
twysted | irvine but where | 12:01 |
Irvine | from website | 12:01 |
Heimdall | twysted, I already looked everything I could... | 12:01 |
mustard5 | Irvine, PeteyPablo gave the answer | 12:01 |
mustard5 | Irvine, you used the terminal yet? | 12:02 |
Irvine | no | 12:02 |
twysted | heimdall hmmm i dunno try looking for a error log | 12:02 |
ilba7r | munzir i do not know how you created the user backup but when i tried to create this user i was prompted that i can not do so I think this name is used (reserved) by ubuntu | 12:02 |
mustard5 | Irvine, go to your Applications>>Accessories menu | 12:02 |
twysted | irvine what web site did u get the deb file from and was it for debian or ubuntu | 12:02 |
mustard5 | Irvine, open the 'Terminal' | 12:02 |
PeteyPablo | Irvine: Applications - accessories | 12:02 |
Irvine | then | 12:02 |
Trackilizer | Is there anyway one can make Nautilus the default file manager in XFCE? | 12:03 |
PeteyPablo | type sudo dpkg -i name.deb | 12:03 |
Heimdall | twysted, the problem is not tha azureus does not work, it is that I can't find the executable file | 12:03 |
mustard5 | Irvine, type in sudo dpkg -i whateverthepackageiscalled.deb | 12:03 |
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Heimdall | I cant' launch it | 12:03 |
twysted | heimdall oh lol | 12:03 |
Heimdall | but it works, the first time after the install it launched well | 12:03 |
twysted | heimdall you try logging out of gnome and logging back in to see if gnome generates a shortcut for it in your menu? | 12:03 |
munzir | ilba7r, no I called the user rdiff-backup but it's home directory is /backup | 12:03 |
mustard5 | Irvine, btw..what directory did you save it to? | 12:04 |
Heimdall | but then I cant find how to launch it, the script in /usr/local/bin/azureus wasn't correct | 12:04 |
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hydroksyde | Greetings from 2006 all | 12:04 |
ilba7r | munzir it works fine with me here | 12:04 |
wizardjames | whats a good writer.. for wriiteing php | 12:04 |
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PeteyPablo | Heimdall: usr/bin/azureus | 12:04 |
wizardjames | 2006..anyhing new? | 12:05 |
Heimdall | twysted, no it didn't, there was just my old short cut I did myself long time ago, but "azureus" command (to /usr/bin azureus I suppose) does not work anymore | 12:05 |
Irvine | mustard:desktop | 12:05 |
Heimdall | PeteyPablo, no... | 12:05 |
dn | Is it possible to force X to use a 1600x1200 even if X says it's not possible? | 12:05 |
twysted | dn> i wouldnt advise it | 12:05 |
twysted | dn> you can damage your monitor | 12:05 |
mustard5 | Irvine, then you need to either cd ~/Desktop or put Desktop/ in front of the package name | 12:05 |
xav__ | wtf is this character : ? | 12:05 |
Happuf | Is it problem for mounting that my windows driver is sda1? | 12:05 |
dn | twysted, I know that th emonitor can handle it - and even the monitor displays "1600x1200 is the best solution" :) | 12:06 |
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mustard5 | Irvine, by default the terminal is pointing to your /home/username directory | 12:06 |
twysted | dn> what refresh rate are you trying to use though | 12:06 |
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mustard5 | Irvine, so it won't know the package is on Desktop | 12:06 |
Heimdall | PeteyPablo, there is no such file :/ | 12:06 |
PeteyPablo | Heimdall: open terminal, type which azureus | 12:06 |
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dn | twysted, 30-81 and 56-75 (from the manufactors page) | 12:07 |
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ilba7r | munzir did you check who owns the directory /backup | 12:07 |
Heimdall | PeteyPablo, | 12:07 |
Heimdall | /usr/local/bin/azureus | 12:07 |
dn | twysted, (I got the monitor running with the same settings on an other pc) | 12:07 |
Heimdall | PeteyPablo, but this is a WRONG script :) | 12:07 |
PeteyPablo | Heimdall: i'm not sure why it's installed their. | 12:07 |
twysted | dn> hmm only thing i could suggest doing is playing with the refresh rate so you can use that rez, and are you using breezy? | 12:07 |
fangorious | how do I set cpu throttling and performance profiles in gnome? | 12:07 |
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Irvine | then how to install azureus? | 12:08 |
Heimdall | PeteyPablo, because it is written in it : /usr/local/share/azureus/azureus and there is no so such file | 12:08 |
thoreauputic | !azureus | 12:08 |
ubotu | azureus is, like, a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AzureusHowTo | 12:08 |
Pygi | irvine: well, what seems to be the problem? | 12:08 |
dn | twysted, yes - hmm okay will try that - wondering why one pc with the same settings can do it and the other not.. | 12:08 |
Pygi | irvine: do you have java installed? | 12:08 |
Irvine | no | 12:09 |
Pygi | !java | 12:09 |
ubotu | To install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs | 12:09 |
Pygi | !javadebs | 12:09 |
ubotu | Java can be found in multiverse. Sun and IBM java packages can be found at http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/ | 12:09 |
fangorious | Irvine: you'll need a jre | 12:09 |
twysted | dn> its hard to say why, the xserver could be just being stupid | 12:09 |
Madpilot | Happy New Year, everyone - early/belated/ontime, as appropriate! Good night, see you later. | 12:09 |
Pygi | look at the things ubotu told you... | 12:09 |
Irvine | how to download jre? | 12:09 |
Pygi | gee, irvine, ubotu told you :) | 12:09 |
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mustard5 | Irvine, look at the messages above from ubotu | 12:09 |
Pygi | look up | 12:09 |
dn | twysted, hmm, any suggestions where to search and ask? (it's even the same xserver software) | 12:09 |
dn | so maybe the gfx *hmm* | 12:10 |
twysted | dn> wow really weird then, it can be the gfx, more then likely is | 12:10 |
dn | twysted, gfx is working with windows and the screen - so we can narrow it down to the linux drivers (nvidia) :) | 12:10 |
Mabus06 | How do I find out the maximum refresh rate, vertical sync rate, and size of my monitor? I tried googling the model number on the back but it yielded nothing. | 12:10 |
twysted | dn> BUT if the other system it runs on is windows you have to realize windows is alot more lax with that kinda stuff and damanges your equipment | 12:10 |
twysted | mabus06 contact the company who made it or sold it to you | 12:11 |
intelikey | Mabus06 monitorworld.com maybe | 12:11 |
dn | twysted, it work with my laptop (ubuntu) | 12:11 |
Pygi | irvine: got it? | 12:11 |
munzir | ilba7r, ok I did it like this: sudo useradd -d /bakup bakup; sudo su - bakup, do this work for you? | 12:11 |
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Mabus06 | twysted, couldn't find their corporate website, and I bought it second hand at a store about 24 hours drive away. | 12:11 |
twysted | dn> just hard to say, play around with it | 12:11 |
fangorious | is there a gnome panel applet to set CPU throttling? | 12:11 |
kestas | is ubuntu missing out on developer man pages? like man pages describing C functions like malloc and stuff | 12:11 |
fangorious | like the klaptop stuff? | 12:11 |
dn | twysted, oki, thanks - time to restart X :) thanks for the help | 12:11 |
intelikey | i have a question. | 12:11 |
twysted | dn> yw | 12:12 |
mustard5 | fangorious, I believe there is something | 12:12 |
mustard5 | fangorious, I don't know what it does exactly | 12:12 |
intelikey | does anyone know how to setup lilo or grub to boot a cdrom drive ? | 12:12 |
Pygi | kestas: yup, doesn't have ma pages for malloc... | 12:12 |
kestas | nm found them | 12:12 |
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Mabus06 | nope, not there intelikey | 12:12 |
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fangorious | mustard5: I've found one that displays the current CPU speed and performance profile, but it doesn't let me set them, or configure automatic settings based on ac/battery | 12:13 |
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mustard5 | fangorious, actually it looks like its just a monitor | 12:13 |
kestas | intelikey, the only way grub can boot a CD is if you're using floppy/CD grub | 12:13 |
intelikey | Mabus06 your monitor is not listed ? | 12:13 |
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fangorious | mustard5: yeah, I think that's the one i've got | 12:13 |
fangorious | mustard5: i started it and saw my laptop running at 1.3 GHz instead of 2, and couldn't figure out how to change it (being on ac power) | 12:13 |
fangorious | seems to have upped itself to full speed, but I have no idea what triggered the throttling changes | 12:14 |
intelikey | kestas lilo can, i remember reading something about it a while back but i cant find anything on it now..... | 12:14 |
mustard5 | fangorious, I see this in synaptic gnome-cpufreq-applet | 12:14 |
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dn | twysted, :-) got it - locked the vertfreq to 60 .. and now its running smooth:) | 12:15 |
twysted | dn> awesome | 12:15 |
mustard5 | fangorious, it says something about being able to 'set' in the description | 12:15 |
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dn | twysted, tooked me ~1.5hrs and was kinda obvious :) | 12:16 |
dn | took :) | 12:16 |
ilba7r | munzir ok will try that on my ubuntu box booting it now | 12:16 |
kestas | intelikey, I'm only familiar with grub so I cant help there | 12:16 |
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fangorious | mumbles: yech, that one wants to uninstall 'gnome-applets gnome-applets-data ubuntu-desktop' ! | 12:16 |
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mustard5 | fangorious, hehehe..thats not good | 12:17 |
munzir | ilba7r, thanks a lot for your help. please there is a -d option to create the directory | 12:17 |
fangorious | mustard5: i'll just stick with monitoring for now, i guess | 12:17 |
mustard5 | fangorious, funny..mine doesnt show an conflicts in the description | 12:17 |
munzir | ilba7r, it should read: sudo useradd -m -d /bakup1 bakup1; sudo su - bakup1 | 12:17 |
Inf3ctedFx | Danmm I need the Windows version of QEMU!!! someone knows where can I get it? | 12:17 |
mustard5 | fangorious, ah..ok..gnome-applets lists the conflict | 12:18 |
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fangorious | man, it just dropped down to half ... i'm going to have to spend some time working on this. | 12:19 |
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CioN | hey all what's a good burning software for ubuntu? | 12:19 |
ilba7r | munzir yu did not set a passwd for the bakup user | 12:19 |
intelikey | !burner | 12:20 |
munzir | ilba7r, yes I don't want to | 12:20 |
ubotu | intelikey: Not a clue | 12:20 |
phos-phoros | CioN, k3b | 12:20 |
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ilba7r | munzir and you do not need sudo su -bakup just su - bakup | 12:20 |
CioN | phos-phoros works good on Gnome? | 12:20 |
intelikey | !burners | 12:20 |
phos-phoros | CioN, yes | 12:20 |
ubotu | methinks burners is k3b, nautilus cd burner, etoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord, and others. | 12:20 |
CioN | Ok thx all | 12:21 |
kestas | how do you limit the amount of memory a process can allocate on the heap? | 12:21 |
Pygi | huh, this is C question :) | 12:22 |
kestas | it's a security question I think | 12:22 |
ilba7r | you are just looged in as su this way | 12:22 |
munzir | ilba7r, su - bakup gives su: Authentication failure | 12:22 |
ilba7r | anyway do not know but did not create the bakup directory for me | 12:22 |
munzir | ilba7r, use the -m swithc | 12:22 |
munzir | ilba7r, use the -m switch | 12:23 |
ilba7r | munzuir it only works when you give bakup a passwd | 12:23 |
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munzir | ilba7r, for some strange reason this trial now worked properly!! even without a password. it didn't work for you? | 12:24 |
ilba7r | no did not work for me | 12:25 |
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ilba7r | anyhow if it worked for than i guess your prob is solved | 12:26 |
ltibor65 | Hi Seveas! | 12:26 |
ilba7r | will try now to see why it did not create the direc for me | 12:27 |
munzir | ilba7r, yes but don't know why it sometimes work sometimes not! | 12:27 |
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kestas | got my first 5 on /. today, damn I rule | 12:30 |
ltibor65 | Seveas, I have a problem. I have a bash script for installing DVB devices. Where must I put the script in order to start at start-up? | 12:30 |
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ilba7r | ok working now for me munzir no problems | 12:31 |
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munzir | ilba7r, now I tried on another system (rhel) and also faced a problem: # grep backup /etc/passwd; su - backup; whoami | 12:33 |
munzir | backup:x:500:500:rdiff-backup:/backup/remote:/bin/false | 12:33 |
munzir | root | 12:33 |
munzir | ilba7r, definitely I am missing something obvious! | 12:34 |
ilba7r | sorry munzir i won't be of help on this issue | 12:34 |
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munzir | ilba7r, np thanks for your trial | 12:34 |
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=== xester good day | ||
ilba7r | take care then munzir salam :) | 12:35 |
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Mabus06 | nice, dual monitors finally | 12:37 |
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munzir | ilba7r, wow who are you? | 12:38 |
munzir | ilba7r, we know each other? | 12:38 |
ilba7r | arabian in canada. I guess you are in the gulf area? | 12:38 |
munzir | ilba7r, yes you are right. happy to meet you | 12:38 |
ilba7r | me too my freind but you are much more experienced in linux then me. Its a hobby for me so far | 12:39 |
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nick_ | nick Mabus07 | 12:41 |
nick_ | ugh, how do I change my keyboard back to american | 12:41 |
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munzir | ilba7r, it would have a great future for sure so let's try to catch ;) | 12:48 |
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ilba7r | munzir trying to do so. For servers i heared freebsd is more secure have you tried that yet | 12:48 |
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hydroksyde | greetings from 2006! New years poll: Which is your favorite text editor? | 12:49 |
munzir | ilba7r, no but i don't believe on this hype | 12:49 |
lllmanulll | emacs, nano :) | 12:49 |
hydroksyde | I heard solaris was more secure | 12:49 |
munzir | ilba7r, that could be at some point in the past but not now | 12:49 |
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hydroksyde | I like vi personally | 12:50 |
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ilba7r | do internet search you will find most use freebsd except for google the main example using linux. And sun is pretty well too | 12:51 |
Happuf | How do I continue downloading with apt if I stopped it with c? | 12:51 |
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hydroksyde | ctrl-c? | 12:52 |
hydroksyde | ^c | 12:52 |
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intelikey | [ctrl] +C | 12:52 |
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Happuf | OK. Thanks :) | 12:53 |
leed | Hello all | 12:53 |
intelikey | Happuf idk but man apt-get probably knows | 12:53 |
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ilba7r | ok take care munzir got to go now. Nice meeting you | 12:54 |
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Happuf | Then next question. How to see pid of all proceses? With terminal. | 12:55 |
mjr | ps aux | 12:55 |
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jeroen__ | hi | 12:55 |
intelikey | Happuf top | 12:56 |
Happuf | Thanks mjr! | 12:56 |
intelikey | errr no that wont show all will it. | 12:56 |
intelikey | but ps will. | 12:56 |
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SillyZ | mornin, real stupid question here, trying to install an unbuntu .deb package.. any help? | 12:59 |
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intelikey | dpkg -i | 12:59 |
SillyZ | used apt-get, synaptic, etc just nothing I do seems to work | 12:59 |
SillyZ | dpkg -i ... ok ill give that a shot | 12:59 |
intelikey | add the path/file.deb of course | 12:59 |
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SillyZ | woohooo! Thanks Intelilkey | 01:00 |
intelikey | and prepend the sudo as needed | 01:00 |
nnonix | I just downloaded and extracted firefox 1.5 and am running it from my home directory. Any reason I can't just replace my current /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox directory with the new version? | 01:00 |
SillyZ | aye, all is good in the world now :) | 01:00 |
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intelikey | yeah it's a shame apt doesn't do local files like urpmi does | 01:01 |
joshi | Hello. I need keylogger into my comp. My mom invited some stranger for party and im leaving to another party. Need to be sure he wont do something bad to my comp... | 01:01 |
intelikey | so it could pull in dependancies | 01:01 |
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paolob | Hi guys! Where are the ubuntu packets? I must download breezzy's kernel sources | 01:02 |
intelikey | !repos | 01:02 |
ubotu | To enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) see also !easysource | 01:02 |
SillyZ | hmm seems like I need to update the repisotory or something cuz im pulling older packages rather than the newer ones, prozilla for example | 01:02 |
intelikey | paolob use synaptic | 01:02 |
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paolob | intelikey, I can't use synaptic, because ubuntu doesn't see my pci adsl modem, now I'm in windows and I must download ubuntu packets in order to have the modem work | 01:03 |
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SillyZ | is there anyway I can rsync just the i386 portion of the repository? | 01:04 |
SillyZ | not the amd or ppc sections | 01:05 |
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intelikey | paolob well the http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 page should help ya find it | 01:05 |
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intelikey | SillyZ ppc & amd ? what kind of mopar box you got there ? | 01:06 |
_iGadget_ | hi all | 01:06 |
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SillyZ | intelikey, amd-1900xp+ 512mb | 01:07 |
SillyZ | and tons of space | 01:07 |
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_iGadget_ | I just upgraded an existing hoary installation to breezy | 01:07 |
SillyZ | btw wheres the kernel source located? | 01:07 |
_iGadget_ | and now X.org won't start | 01:07 |
intelikey | SillyZ well there should NOT be any ppc section | 01:07 |
Rytmis | How can I check how much RAM my video card has? :) | 01:07 |
=== dodobrain [n=dodobrai@60-240-185-48.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dodobrain | hi all | 01:07 |
SillyZ | I was noticing powerpc / ppc's in the repository | 01:07 |
dodobrain | anyone here running ubuntu on Dell inspiron 510m ? | 01:08 |
_iGadget_ | errorlog says 'could not open default font 'fixed' ...' | 01:08 |
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intelikey | Rytmis lshw or lspci 'might' help with that | 01:08 |
dodobrain | i am thinking about installing ubuntu on my laptop and I have a few questions before i (try to) proceed. | 01:09 |
dodobrain | can I get kde 3.5 on ubuntu? | 01:09 |
dodobrain | i think ubuntu is gnome based, is there an easy way to get kde installed? | 01:09 |
intelikey | !info kde | 01:10 |
ubotu | kde: (The K Desktop Environment), section universe/kde, is optional. Version: 5:44ubuntu2 (breezy), Packaged size: 7 kB, Installed size: 40 kB | 01:10 |
mjr | dodobrain, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 01:10 |
_iGadget_ | dodobrain: sure | 01:10 |
GTroy | dodobrain: sudo apt-get install kde-desktop | 01:10 |
GTroy | mjr had it right | 01:10 |
dodobrain | ok, cool. | 01:10 |
Rytmis | intelikey: ah, lshw did it, thanks | 01:10 |
intelikey | np | 01:10 |
dodobrain | someone was telling me about 'universe', what is this universe ? | 01:10 |
=== Rytmis wonders why it wasn't showing in hal-device-manager... | ||
dodobrain | ok, so basically its a package repository (which I can use to install additional packages) | 01:12 |
intelikey | yep | 01:12 |
_iGadget_ | dodobrain: righto | 01:12 |
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intelikey | !info breezy | 01:13 |
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intelikey | !stats breezy | 01:13 |
ubotu | I haven't a clue, intelikey | 01:13 |
chema | How can I change default program to try open DVD when I put one in the DVD? | 01:14 |
dodobrain | ok, if I download the dvd of breezy does it have: development packages? | 01:14 |
SillyZ | how do I get the kernel source for 2.6.12-9 ... it dosent seem to be in the repository | 01:14 |
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Benjamin_L | will we see a ubuntu version of tango anytime soon ? | 01:15 |
=== Quench [n=Insaniac@myw-stp-66-18-82-164.sentechsa.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mani | Hello? | 01:16 |
dodobrain | intelikey, what about wireless? does it support intel 2200? (i think it does) | 01:16 |
Quench | err, can someone help me, i just bridged my two eth devices, how do i set a gateway via console to a eth con | 01:16 |
Quench | '/ | 01:16 |
Quench | ?? | 01:16 |
intelikey | !wifi | 01:16 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, wifi is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto | 01:16 |
dodobrain | i have some rpms which are available only as rpms, will i be able to install these on ubuntu ? | 01:16 |
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intelikey | dodobrain that link might answer that for you ^ | 01:17 |
SillyZ | dodobrain, Im running a dwl-g520 and its working better under ubuntu than 4 other linux os's Ive thrown at it | 01:17 |
mjr | dodobrain, you can try alien to convert them into debs | 01:17 |
Mani | Hrm. Which is better, KDE or Gnome? | 01:17 |
Mani | Speed-wise. | 01:17 |
Seveas | Mani, endless debate | 01:17 |
SillyZ | any ideas on this 2.6.12-9 kernel source? | 01:17 |
Mani | What's your opinion then, Seveas ? | 01:17 |
Seveas | I'm a Gnomie | 01:18 |
Quench | err, can someone help me, i just bridged my two eth devices, how do i set a gateway via console to a eth con | 01:18 |
Mani | How come? | 01:18 |
intelikey | dodobrain probably can with alian but dont go saying i said you could. it does depend some on the rpm and some on the dependancies | 01:18 |
Inf3ctedFx | Hey Seveas how's going? | 01:18 |
=== MenZa` [n=menza@0x50a1605a.kd4nxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Inf3ctedFx | Seveas: do u know where can I donwload the Windows version of QEMU | 01:18 |
Seveas | Mani, because imho the k in kde stands for crap, but just as many people think that the g in gnome stands for garbage | 01:18 |
Quench | !gateway | 01:19 |
ubotu | Wish i knew, Quench | 01:19 |
Quench | err, can someone help me, i just bridged my two eth devices, how do i set a gateway via console to a eth con | 01:19 |
Seveas | so you should try'em both and stick with the one you like :) | 01:19 |
Mani | :] | 01:19 |
Seveas | Inf3ctedFx, no idea | 01:19 |
Mani | Is there a Kubuntu Live CD? | 01:19 |
Mani | I'm new to Linux. | 01:19 |
Seveas | yes there is | 01:19 |
Mani | Don't want to jump in too deep. | 01:19 |
Seveas | but you can install both gnome and kde on the same system | 01:19 |
Quench | err, can someone help me, i just bridged my two eth devices, how do i set a gateway via console to a eth con | 01:19 |
Quench | PLZ | 01:19 |
Seveas | Quench, route add default... | 01:20 |
Seveas | man route; man ip | 01:20 |
SillyZ | intelikey , thanks again for all the help you have been most helpful | 01:20 |
Quench | im not reading 100 lines plz | 01:20 |
Quench | just tell me | 01:20 |
Quench | the format, like route eth0 IP | 01:20 |
Quench | or wat | 01:20 |
jouni__m | SillyZ why you want kernel source | 01:20 |
Mani | Haha. | 01:20 |
Seveas | Quench, I don't know it by heart | 01:20 |
Quench | !route | 01:20 |
ubotu | Quench: I don't know, could you explain it? | 01:20 |
Seveas | and i'm not going to read manpages for you :) | 01:21 |
SillyZ | jouni__ Id like to compile for a amd specific arch | 01:21 |
SillyZ | rather than 386 | 01:21 |
Mani | Ooo. | 01:21 |
dodobrain | /sbin/route add default gw <ip_addr_of_gateway> | 01:21 |
Mani | The multimedia keys on my keyboard work on this LIve CD.. | 01:21 |
Mani | ^^ | 01:21 |
Seveas | Mani, yeah, the Ubuntu team spent a lot of time getting this to work | 01:22 |
SillyZ | although 2.6.12 dosent seem to be anywhere in the repository after manually browsing around in it, and apt-get'ing | 01:22 |
intelikey | SillyZ k7 ? there is a 64 bit ubuntu already for you to dl | 01:22 |
Mani | Good job on 'em. | 01:22 |
=== cowboy__ [n=cowboy@sta21-1-82-228-51-138.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dodobrain | does the DVD iso for breezy come with development packages ? | 01:22 |
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cowboy__ | PROXY HTTP : 8080 | 01:22 |
cowboy__ | PROXY HTTP : 8080 | 01:22 |
cowboy__ | PROXY HTTP : 8080 | 01:22 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ | ||
dodobrain | cowboy__, ?? | 01:22 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %cowboy!*@*] by Seveas | ||
SillyZ | amd-athlon, not 64 | 01:22 |
dodobrain | heh, ok | 01:22 |
Seveas | just a fucking spammer | 01:22 |
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dabaR | Seveas: language:P | 01:22 |
intelikey | dodobrain yes i believe so | 01:22 |
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Seveas | dabaR, not for such fucking spammers | 01:23 |
Seveas | that's beond the CoC :) | 01:23 |
GTroy | freenode hates em too | 01:23 |
dabaR | code of conduct speaks more about the conduct among members of the Ubuntu community. | 01:23 |
dabaR | like, be friends. | 01:24 |
Mani | Gotta say that Gnome does seem pretty heavy. | 01:24 |
Seveas | Mani, KDE is heavier | 01:24 |
Mani | Oh, that's nice to hear. | 01:24 |
Seveas | you could try xfce (it has no live-cd though) | 01:24 |
Chousuke | They're all heavy. | 01:24 |
Mani | Or it might be this live CD. | 01:24 |
GTroy | ? | 01:24 |
Chousuke | that, too | 01:24 |
Mani | Anyone tried Enlightenment? | 01:24 |
intelikey | heavy disk wise or ram wise ? | 01:24 |
GTroy | Mani: i have e17 | 01:25 |
dabaR | !enlightenment | 01:25 |
ubotu | hmm... enlightenment is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79155 | 01:25 |
Mani | Heavy as in sluggish for me, intelikey | 01:25 |
GTroy | pain in the but to get configured | 01:25 |
Seveas | Mani, live cd's are always sluggish | 01:25 |
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dabaR | depends on the ram amount. | 01:25 |
Mani | Yeah.. | 01:25 |
Seveas | Mani, cd's are slower than harddisks, so a live system is slower than an installed one | 01:25 |
dodobrain | Mani, i run e17_cvs with a weekly update | 01:25 |
dabaR | GB+ works fine. | 01:25 |
dodobrain | compiled and installed manually ofcourse at work | 01:26 |
Quench | Seveas, help me out here, i read the man, i understand, but i cant get it to work for everything | 01:26 |
Quench | if i route google via my gateway, i can get onto google | 01:26 |
Mani | How long did it take you guys to get fully acquanted with Linux? | 01:26 |
Quench | but how do i do EVERYTHING | 01:26 |
intelikey | Mani hmmm i just closed kde here and it doesnt seem any slower than 'nome but you probably have a lot faster system than i do | 01:26 |
Seveas | Quench, dodobrain gave the exact format | 01:26 |
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Mani | Did you sit down and say "RIght, I'm gonna learn this"? | 01:26 |
Inf3ctedFx | I configure E7 and it was really easy | 01:26 |
Seveas | <dodobrain> /sbin/route add default gw <ip_addr_of_gateway> | 01:26 |
Mani | Or did you just pick it up? | 01:26 |
dodobrain | GTroy, why is config fr e17 difficult? | 01:26 |
Chousuke | Mani: I don't think anyone here is "fully" acquaintanted with it. | 01:26 |
Quench | i tried that Seveas | 01:26 |
Quench | ;/ | 01:27 |
GTroy | if I don't use E17 regularly I have to reconfigure it | 01:27 |
dodobrain | you using recent cvs or some ancient update? | 01:27 |
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dodobrain | new cvs has better config 'tools' | 01:27 |
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Chousuke | if you mean getting the hang of basic things, including basic command line, I'd say it took me a month or so. | 01:27 |
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Mani | What did you use to teach yourself? | 01:27 |
dodobrain | Quench, were you root when you ran that command ? | 01:28 |
cowboy__ | PROXY HTTP : 8080 | 01:28 |
Inf3ctedFx | I need the qemu-img.exe para correrlo con el vmware | 01:28 |
=== GTroy goes to see if things are still there in e17 | ||
Chousuke | Mani: I googled and asked stupid questions | 01:28 |
Inf3ctedFx | alguien sabe? | 01:28 |
dodobrain | oh boy.. floopin cowboy is back | 01:28 |
Mani | Yeah, I couldn't do without IRC to ask stupid questions. :] | 01:28 |
=== BWS is now known as Sarnon | ||
Inf3ctedFx | cowboy__: what r those proxys for? | 01:29 |
Chousuke | Inf3ctedFx: He's a spammer. | 01:29 |
Mani | intelikey, what's your system? | 01:29 |
dodobrain | Inf3ctedFx, cowboy is a spammer! | 01:29 |
jouni__m | SillyZ kernel sources are in kernel.org but I don't know if it's easiest way | 01:29 |
Inf3ctedFx | ohh ok | 01:29 |
Mani | Specs of* | 01:29 |
Chousuke | probably some kind of spying proxies. | 01:29 |
cowboy__ | PROXY HTTP : 8080 | 01:29 |
Mani | Shaddup, cowboy__ | 01:29 |
=== dodobrain kicks cowboy__ | ||
Chousuke | Seveas: The spammer is back | 01:30 |
_iGadget_ | seveas: kick 'm! :) | 01:30 |
dodobrain | i have no idea how he got back in | 01:30 |
cowboy__ | PROXY HTTP : 8080 | 01:30 |
Mani | lol. | 01:30 |
Zambba | Hey. Does ext3 file system fragmentize if I write much of files to the disk and remove some of them etc. use disk? | 01:30 |
Chousuke | I don't think he was banned. | 01:30 |
Zambba | very much | 01:30 |
mjr | Zambba, not very much, but obviously some | 01:30 |
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intelikey | Kernel: Linux 2.4 | CPU: Pentium MMX @ 134 Mhz | Mem usage: 14.4/61.1 MB (24%) | Swap usage: unavailable | Disk usage(QUANTUM FIREBALL1080A): 0.6/1.0 GB (60%) | Uptime: 7 hrs 22 mins 25 secs | 01:30 |
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Chousuke | Zambba: no need to worry. | 01:31 |
intelikey | Mani | 01:31 |
cowboy__ | PROXY HTTP : 8080 | 01:31 |
dodobrain | lol.. yeah | 01:31 |
cowboy__ | PROXY HTTP : 8080 | 01:31 |
cowboy__ | PROXY HTTP : 8080 | 01:31 |
jouni__m | Mani http://ubuntuforums.org | 01:31 |
dodobrain | he wasn;t banned | 01:31 |
mjr | Zambba, if the filesystem is very full, it gets worse | 01:31 |
=== xvlun [n=Jan@dslc-213-023-162-163.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mani | intelikey? | 01:31 |
dodobrain | damn you cowboy__! go away,, shoo | 01:31 |
intelikey | Mani you asked ^ | 01:31 |
Mani | Aha. | 01:31 |
Mani | Missed that. | 01:31 |
spikeh | does Ubuntu/Kubuntu have GTK+ installed by default? | 01:31 |
Mani | Wow man. | 01:31 |
Inf3ctedFx | Seveas: can u kick him out? is pretty anoying | 01:31 |
Mani | Pentium 134MHZ.. | 01:32 |
dodobrain | intelikey, surely that isn;t your primary machine! | 01:32 |
intelikey | and yes i run kde on that | 01:32 |
Chousuke | mad. | 01:32 |
Mani | :D | 01:32 |
Chousuke | :D | 01:32 |
Mani | Crazy.. | 01:32 |
=== mebsd [n=kakaka@CPE0004ac237e6f-CM0012c999cc0c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mani | So you compiled Linux yourself? | 01:32 |
=== Chousuke guesses VNC or something | ||
wolfwolfgo1 | hello,who know what software can convert rmvb to mp3 | 01:32 |
Mani | Or did you get a distribution or something. | 01:32 |
dodobrain | oh yeah, that reminds me. | 01:32 |
intelikey | dodobrain i have 7 or 8 boxes around here this is the only one running atm | 01:33 |
dodobrain | can stock ubuntu breezy install play music and video files fine? | 01:33 |
dodobrain | i mean mp3, etc. | 01:33 |
Mani | It doesn't do mp3s | 01:33 |
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Chousuke | dodobrain: mp3 and some others are restricted formats. | 01:33 |
Mani | Cause that's licensed or whatnot. | 01:33 |
intelikey | !clc | 01:33 |
ubotu | intelikey: I haven't a clue | 01:33 |
intelikey | !vlc | 01:33 |
dodobrain | ok, are there packages for the appropriate libs anywhere for ubuntu ? | 01:33 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, vlc is a video/audio player that supports almost everything - See http://www.videolan.org/ for more information (VLC is in the repos) | 01:33 |
Mani | What, with no codecn. | 01:33 |
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Mani | codec* | 01:34 |
intelikey | mp3 ^ | 01:34 |
Mani | :| | 01:34 |
Chousuke | can't be shipped with Ubuntu because of licence restrictions. | 01:34 |
intelikey | see the ubotu post | 01:34 |
mebsd | what's the advantage of kubuntu if ubuntu can have kde | 01:34 |
dodobrain | Chousuke, so basically i have to install the necessary libs myself by hand before installing mplayer | 01:34 |
Inf3ctedFx | I need the qemu-img.exe please anyone knows where can I download it?\ | 01:34 |
Mani | For noobies like me, mebsd | 01:34 |
Chousuke | dodobrain: well, they are in universe or multiverse. | 01:34 |
dodobrain | aha.. thats what i asked! | 01:34 |
dodobrain | :) | 01:35 |
Chousuke | mebsd: kubuntu = ubuntu | 01:35 |
Mani | !amarok | 01:35 |
ubotu | I heard amarok is a music player for Linux and Unix with an intuitive interface. See http://amarok.kde.org ; amaroK's features: http://amarok.kde.org/content/view/51/1/ | 01:35 |
intelikey | mebsd lets turn that around too, what is the advantage of ubuntu if kubuntu can have 'nome also | 01:35 |
Chousuke | just with a different default set of packages :) | 01:35 |
Mani | Is it wise to do a Ubuntu install on a Windows box? | 01:35 |
jouni__m | spikeh ubuntu (Gnome) uses GTK kubuntu (KDE) uses qt by default | 01:35 |
mebsd | intelikey: you mean gnome? | 01:35 |
Mani | Using it's repartioning device. | 01:35 |
Mani | program/8 | 01:35 |
intelikey | mebsd do you pronounce the G ? | 01:36 |
mebsd | ah i got it | 01:36 |
mebsd | ubuntu wit gnome and kubuntu with kde | 01:36 |
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mebsd | both are for newbies | 01:36 |
=== relic [n=r00t@218-162-222-217.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Chousuke | They fit all kinds of users | 01:36 |
Chousuke | :) | 01:36 |
spikeh | jouni__m: I see, then would I need to acquire GTK+ because I'm getting an error while compiling X-Chat "no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH" | 01:37 |
intelikey | every thing is for newbee's | 01:37 |
dodobrain | intelikey, i make it a point to always pronounce the 'g' in gnome :) | 01:37 |
dodobrain | but making sure also that it sounds different from genome | 01:37 |
intelikey | dodobrain that's why i spell it 'nome :) | 01:37 |
Inf3ctedFx | dodobrain: me2 so dont worry lol | 01:37 |
dodobrain | more like guh-nome | 01:37 |
dodobrain | :) | 01:37 |
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mebsd | i promounce gnome as jee num | 01:37 |
relic | gee? | 01:37 |
Mani | Hahaha. | 01:37 |
mebsd | no, jee | 01:38 |
dodobrain | huh? the nome is 'nome' not num :p | 01:38 |
jouni__m | spikeh do you have build-essential installed? | 01:38 |
=== Chousuke doesn't care. He uses Finnish pronunciation | ||
spikeh | jouni__m: I have absolutely no idea, it's my first time using Linux | 01:38 |
=== dodobrain uses e17_cvs anyway :p | ||
mebsd | so you guys all use gnome | 01:38 |
spikeh | jouni__m: I will check using Synaptic | 01:38 |
Inf3ctedFx | I do | 01:38 |
intelikey | and K D E is not hard to say :) | 01:39 |
=== relic think e17's locale is .... | ||
Mani | If I try and install Ubuntu on Windows box, does it repartition the HD for me? | 01:39 |
spikeh | jouni__m: no, I do not have it installed; should I install it now using Synaptic? | 01:39 |
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Trackilizer | hi | 01:39 |
relic | hi | 01:39 |
Chousuke | English pronunciation is weird. | 01:40 |
intelikey | Mani yes. now are you talking duel boot or cross over to linux from windows ? | 01:40 |
jouni__m | spikeh yes if you want to compile something but there is xchat in gnome panel | 01:40 |
Mani | Dual boot, intelikey | 01:40 |
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=== GTroy [n=galen@70-57-162-112.spkn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_iGadget_ | mani: my opinion is it's best to do it manually... | 01:41 |
Chousuke | You pronounce "e" as we pronounce "ii", and "i" as we do "ai" and "a" as we do "ei". | 01:41 |
spikeh | jouni__m: I'm using KDE, not GNOME :) | 01:41 |
Inf3ctedFx | I just trying to use the VMware but I need the qemu-img.exe in order to continue and the website has it is down :( | 01:41 |
_iGadget_ | anyway, brb | 01:41 |
mebsd | will there be big problem if one runs kde in ubuntu and gnome in kubuntu? | 01:41 |
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zenrox | no | 01:41 |
intelikey | Mani it can do that but i would sujest using windows to resize your windows partition and make free unallocated space for the linux install | 01:41 |
mjr | mebsd, no | 01:41 |
Chousuke | mebsd: none whatsoever. | 01:41 |
Mani | intelikey, | 01:42 |
intelikey | Mani at least that way when you break windows you are not mad at linux :) | 01:42 |
Mani | :D | 01:42 |
jouni__m | spikeh try install xchat with synaptic | 01:42 |
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spikeh | jouni__m: I have, but I'd like to compile it in /home which is on a separate partition to everything else | 01:43 |
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=== melissas [n=melissas@ppp14-adsl-120.ath.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mani | intelikey, check your query windows. | 01:43 |
melissas | hi ppl:] | 01:43 |
=== Phospheros [n=sacred@adsl-70-240-4-142.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jouni__m | spikeh ok install build essential. | 01:44 |
intelikey | Mani this is bc there is no "window" on a console | 01:44 |
Mani | lol. | 01:44 |
intelikey | errr bx even | 01:44 |
Mani | Can you see my query then? | 01:44 |
spikeh | jouni__m: it is asking for the kubuntu 5.10 CD; I've inserted the disc and it's not being mounted (stuck on 0%) | 01:44 |
Mani | Private chat, whatever it's called. | 01:44 |
intelikey | your nick is not regestered mani ? | 01:45 |
melissas | I've just lost the bottom application table...you know with the trash and multiple desktops...how can I revive it??? | 01:45 |
Mani | Nope, it aint. | 01:45 |
Mani | I'm just trying out Ubuntu. | 01:45 |
intelikey | you can't pm here without it | 01:45 |
Mani | :E | 01:45 |
Mani | How do I register? | 01:45 |
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intelikey | /msg nickserv help | 01:45 |
Mani | Oh, I see it. | 01:45 |
veleno | how can i install firefox 1.5 in 5.10 from some ubuntu repository ? | 01:46 |
=== Mani is now known as Manifold | ||
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Manifold | There. | 01:46 |
Manifold | Knew I had it somewhere.. | 01:46 |
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intelikey | yep | 01:47 |
melissas | any help??? | 01:47 |
Manifold | Now you can check the query 'window', intelikey | 01:47 |
jouni__m | spikeh you can take cd off from synaptic -> settings -> repositories | 01:47 |
=== jeroen__ [n=jeroen@ip51cc8d96.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Inf3ctedFx | Happy new Year to all of u here on this room... I really which u guys a ahppy 2006 :) | 01:47 |
jeroen__ | hi all | 01:47 |
Inf3ctedFx | *happy xD | 01:47 |
melissas | I've just lost the bottom application table...you know with the trash and multiple desktops...how can I revive it??? | 01:47 |
Manifold | No quite, Inf3ctedFx | 01:47 |
jeroen__ | happy new y;) | 01:48 |
Manifold | :] | 01:48 |
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jeroen__ | how are u all | 01:48 |
Inf3ctedFx | is not going to be so happy 4 me, I lost my job, my girlfrind left me.. I have no money what else can happent to me lol | 01:48 |
intelikey | Manifold i told you there is no "window" on a console | 01:48 |
Manifold | Linux can betray you. | 01:48 |
intelikey | [Manifold(n=ubuntu@88-104-146-98.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com)] Hello? | 01:48 |
intelikey | <intelikey> yep | 01:48 |
Trackilizer | ahh | 01:48 |
Inf3ctedFx | Manifold: I believe so lol | 01:48 |
jeroen__ | cool i just installed linux;) | 01:49 |
thegladiator | jeroen__, how do you like it ? | 01:49 |
melissas | any help??? | 01:49 |
spikeh | jouni__m: thanks for your help so far, I'll be back later | 01:49 |
jeroen__ | i donno yet bc i dont know alot about it..but it looks good | 01:49 |
Inf3ctedFx | jeroen__: is awsome | 01:50 |
jouni__m | melissas first try in terminal sudo killall gnome panel | 01:50 |
jeroen__ | i need all the help i can get(lol) | 01:50 |
mebsd | what you talking about | 01:50 |
intelikey | Manifold you tested it, it worked now stop beeping me. | 01:50 |
mebsd | what's awesome | 01:50 |
dodobrain | Inf3ctedFx, are you in fiji ? | 01:50 |
Inf3ctedFx | jeroen__: what kind of help do u need? | 01:50 |
thegladiator | linux ofcourse | 01:50 |
Chousuke | :) | 01:50 |
Inf3ctedFx | hahaha no dodobrain I'm in USA | 01:50 |
Inf3ctedFx | Florida | 01:50 |
dodobrain | then you're a day _behind_ ! | 01:50 |
thegladiator | i really dont wanna use XP no more . but when VISTA comes i'd like to give a try | 01:50 |
jeroen__ | i want to play mp3 whove bine maked by when i owned windows..can i somehow play them;) | 01:50 |
Inf3ctedFx | yes I am | 01:50 |
dodobrain | come back tomorrow night when the first day of new year is almost gone for me and tell me happy new year :p | 01:51 |
Chousuke | jeroen__: yes you can. | 01:51 |
thegladiator | !restricted | 01:51 |
Inf3ctedFx | jeroen__: use the xmms | 01:51 |
ubotu | rumour has it, restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats Most of the formats listed here have been replaced by !FreeFormats | 01:51 |
mebsd | how big is ubuntu installation cd | 01:51 |
Inf3ctedFx | xmms = winamp on windows | 01:51 |
jeroen__ | what is xmms? | 01:51 |
thegladiator | jeroen__, read about restricted formats | 01:51 |
mebsd | xmms > winamp | 01:51 |
Chousuke | mebsd: about 6-700 MB | 01:51 |
Chousuke | mebsd: xmms is old though | 01:51 |
Inf3ctedFx | mebsd: is the same side that regular Cd lol | 01:51 |
thegladiator | that is where you wud find about enabling mp3 and video stuff's | 01:51 |
dodobrain | Chousuke, bmp | 01:51 |
mebsd | xmms 1.2.10 | 01:51 |
jeroen__ | hehe thanks for al ur help but i can't read it all at the same time:) | 01:51 |
dodobrain | Beep media player | 01:52 |
dodobrain | ver 2.0 of xmms | 01:52 |
Chousuke | dodobrain: bmp crashes. | 01:52 |
PeteyPablo | beep sucks :-\ | 01:52 |
jeroen__ | can i donload it somwhere? | 01:52 |
relic | xmms +1 | 01:52 |
Chousuke | Don't know about bmpx | 01:52 |
intelikey | Manifold ask in the channel, if you can't ask there; don't ask. | 01:52 |
relic | beep carp -1 | 01:52 |
dodobrain | umm.. is bmp not stable ? | 01:52 |
Inf3ctedFx | jeroen__: open terminal and type: sudo apt-get install xmms | 01:52 |
PeteyPablo | bmp is garbage | 01:52 |
thegladiator | jeroen__, goto restrictded formats thats the place you g forst after a fresh installation | 01:52 |
jeroen__ | w8 i go and look | 01:52 |
Manifold | Manifold I just have some questions. | 01:52 |
Manifold | Manifold The documentation says it's safe to let Ubuntu resize the partition. | 01:52 |
Manifold | Manifold Can it resize NTFS? | 01:52 |
Inf3ctedFx | then check on "Aplications / Sound and Video / Xmms | 01:53 |
Chousuke | I wish Ubuntu were able to ship with restricted format support :/ | 01:53 |
thegladiator | Inf3ctedFx, i guess he needs to know about restricted formats . also he might want to enable multiverse | 01:53 |
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Chousuke | But then they wouldn't be restricted formats! | 01:53 |
intelikey | it can but like i said eariler Manifold, windows can take care of that. | 01:53 |
Inf3ctedFx | oohh u r absolutly right thegladiator | 01:53 |
dbzdeath | Chousuke: doesn't take much effort to just enable them | 01:54 |
Manifold | How, intelikey? | 01:54 |
dodobrain | just use mplayer to play your mp3 / wav, asx, what have you music | 01:54 |
Chousuke | dbzdeath: the effort shouldn't be there :/ | 01:54 |
jeroen__ | ok inf it asked a password is that just my inlog password? | 01:54 |
Chousuke | jeroen__: yes. | 01:54 |
dbzdeath | Chousuke: do you want ubuntu to be destroyed because of the legal rammifications? | 01:54 |
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intelikey | with the utilities that ole billy boy gave it :) | 01:54 |
Chousuke | dbzdeath: of course not. | 01:54 |
jeroen__ | what shoot happen then inf? | 01:55 |
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jouni__m | any good startup guide? http://www.ubuntuguide.org was good is it still good or is it old? | 01:55 |
Chousuke | I said I "wish" ubuntu were able to ship with support for them. | 01:55 |
Chousuke | meaning that they should be free. | 01:55 |
Chousuke | ;/ | 01:55 |
PeteyPablo | anyone else using the snowish icons? | 01:55 |
intelikey | yes jeroen__ inlog wordpass | 01:56 |
Manifold | Found it https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HowtoPartition?highlight=%28partition%29 | 01:56 |
Manifold | Sorry about that. | 01:56 |
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Manifold | I'll just let Linux do it. | 01:56 |
jeroen__ | ive done all that but i dont see any programm start? | 01:56 |
Chousuke | Manifold: back up data! | 01:56 |
Chousuke | ;P | 01:56 |
Manifold | I have no means to. | 01:56 |
Chousuke | :/ | 01:56 |
Chousuke | Then hope it doesn't screw up. | 01:57 |
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Chousuke | it shouldn't, I guess, but you never know. | 01:57 |
Manifold | I'll just not do it until I buy that external HD. | 01:57 |
Manifold | :] | 01:57 |
Manifold | Hrm. | 01:57 |
Manifold | Thanks, and sorry for the bother. | 01:57 |
Chousuke | Hrm indeed. | 01:57 |
intelikey | safe is cheeper than sorry | 01:57 |
Manifold | I'm gonna mooch back to Windows. | 01:57 |
Chousuke | I hope you will return someday | 01:58 |
Manifold | I keep doing. | 01:58 |
Manifold | I hae DSL, Elive, Ubuntu Live, SLAX | 01:58 |
Manifold | All burned onto CDs. Been trying them. | 01:58 |
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Manifold | Adios. | 01:58 |
intelikey | Manifold knoppix | 01:59 |
intelikey | ooops | 01:59 |
Chousuke | Also, Dapper should ship with support for installing on external HDs, right? | 01:59 |
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=== Chousuke wants Ubuntu on his powerbook. | ||
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jeroen__ | intel.. the xmms dont work i guess:( | 01:59 |
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Inf3ctedFx | it didnt work? | 02:00 |
mebsd | which live linux is best | 02:00 |
intelikey | hmmm have you looked at vlc ? | 02:00 |
jeroen__ | ive typed the sentance u sayd.. but nothing hapened | 02:00 |
=== Manifold [n=ubuntu@88-104-146-98.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Manifold | ONe more thing.. ^^ | 02:00 |
dodobrain | umm.. do you guys know when the next release is? or what it is going to be called ? | 02:00 |
raphink | mebsd: imo knoppix | 02:00 |
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intelikey | mebsd prolly knoppix but don't tell ubuntu i said that | 02:00 |
Manifold | When I finally do install Ubuntu, how do I choose which OS to boot? | 02:00 |
raphink | Manifold: at boot | 02:01 |
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dodobrain | Manifold, you mean at system startup? grub or lilo | 02:01 |
raphink | you'll have a prompt asking you which OS you want to boot, each time | 02:01 |
dodobrain | either one. | 02:01 |
Manifold | What is that? | 02:01 |
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Manifold | What's Grub/Lilo? | 02:01 |
raphink | Manifold: grub and lilo are boot managers | 02:01 |
raphink | that ask you what OS you want to boot at each boot | 02:01 |
dodobrain | you can set it up so that winblows is default or linux is default after a (variable) timeout also set by you! | 02:01 |
Manifold | And that'll be configured when I install Ubuntu? | 02:02 |
raphink | you can even use them with more than 2 OSes | 02:02 |
Phospheros | okay... This package manager, adept, pretty cool - reminds me of how SuSE's updater used to work when I played with that years ago. How do I change/add sources for the update severs on it? Where is it stored? | 02:02 |
dodobrain | i dunno. i have never installed ubuntu | 02:02 |
raphink | Manifold: yes | 02:02 |
Manifold | Right, thanks again. | 02:02 |
raphink | by default Ubuntu will detect your Windows install and set grub | 02:02 |
Manifold | Sayonara. | 02:02 |
intelikey | Manifold it's the linux 'which system da ya want' thingy :) | 02:02 |
raphink | dodobrain: you never installed ubuntu? | 02:02 |
jeroen__ | well ive installed linux but windows is still on my pc... | 02:02 |
dodobrain | raphael, indeed! never installled ubuntu | 02:02 |
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dodobrain | err. raphink | 02:03 |
PeteyPablo | ubuntu is the rox0r | 02:03 |
=== raphink looks around... oh yes there's a raphael here | ||
raphink | I thought you had gone as far as looking for my real name in my infos ;) | 02:03 |
dodobrain | PeteyPablo, why do i get the impression that you have played NFS:U a lot? | 02:03 |
dodobrain | haha.. thats not too difiicult | 02:03 |
raphink | sure | 02:04 |
jeroen__ | well i go and look on the internet if i can find some mediaplayer who rip the win mp3 programm | 02:04 |
PeteyPablo | dodobrain: uhh. never played it | 02:04 |
Manifold | dodobrain, it'll be called Dapper Drake | 02:04 |
Manifold | Haha. | 02:04 |
dodobrain | lol | 02:04 |
raphink | Dapper will rock like no distro before :) | 02:04 |
raphink | jeroen__: huh? | 02:05 |
jeroen__ | hey i want to thank ubunto to sent 25 cd's within 3 weeks:) | 02:05 |
intelikey | so is hoary a really really really great release ? | 02:05 |
raphink | jeroen__: unfortunately I have to say I am still waiting for my CDs | 02:05 |
jeroen__ | well i have some mp3 cd's but linux cant read it:( | 02:05 |
raphink | intelikey: hoary is past | 02:05 |
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jeroen__ | where u from raph? | 02:05 |
raphink | fr jeroen__ | 02:06 |
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intelikey | but raphink is hoary a really really really great release ? | 02:06 |
jeroen__ | i'm from the netherlands | 02:06 |
intelikey | or not ? | 02:06 |
raphink | why do you ask intelikey ? | 02:06 |
raphink | jeroen__: I had guessed from your nick | 02:06 |
intelikey | i want to know | 02:06 |
dodobrain | guys! when is the next approx. release date? | 02:06 |
jeroen__ | cool raphink:p | 02:06 |
raphink | intelikey: hoary is actually the only ubuntu release I havent' used | 02:06 |
raphink | although i've heard it was very good | 02:06 |
dodobrain | i want to order on shipit! :) | 02:06 |
intelikey | well warty then ? | 02:06 |
raphink | dodobrain: 17th april theorically | 02:07 |
jeroen__ | thats verry easy dodo;) | 02:07 |
relic | free? | 02:07 |
Stew_Lappy | april seems ages away | 02:07 |
jeroen__ | ive order them 12 dec or so | 02:07 |
relic | 2006 Q1 | 02:07 |
raphink | Stew_Lappy: dapper is still open development | 02:07 |
thegladiator | any one from australia ? | 02:07 |
intelikey | cause i'm looking for something that would be good on this older box raphink | 02:07 |
dodobrain | jeroen__, you mean hoary ? | 02:07 |
raphink | so you wouldn't like to use it now | 02:07 |
dodobrain | thegladiator, i'm in QLD now!! | 02:07 |
dodobrain | :p | 02:07 |
jeroen__ | no but i chat with ausieo's;) | 02:07 |
Stew_Lappy | I know, but I want :) | 02:08 |
thegladiator | :p | 02:08 |
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thegladiator | happy new year | 02:08 |
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relic | ... | 02:08 |
dodobrain | haha.. you're in syd? | 02:08 |
raphink | intelikey: install xubuntu | 02:08 |
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thegladiator | you guys are a year ahead | 02:08 |
thegladiator | not me | 02:08 |
dodobrain | man, i'm an hour behind although you'er suposed to be behind!! | 02:08 |
jeroen__ | happy new year..it is not new year here yet | 02:08 |
raphink | intelikey: ubuntu breezy will be up-to-date and fast | 02:08 |
intelikey | would warty be really good for this box ? | 02:08 |
thegladiator | yeah i say sydney on tv :p | 02:08 |
dodobrain | nah.. QLD is an hour behind sydney. | 02:08 |
thegladiator | ah | 02:08 |
dodobrain | so its still about an hour to go here | 02:08 |
thegladiator | he he | 02:08 |
jeroen__ | 9 ours here:p | 02:09 |
teprrr | hmm, anyone having problems with dapper's X? | 02:09 |
dodobrain | damn them using daylight savings crap and getting ahead even though they are longitudinally _behind_ | 02:09 |
teprrr | like sigsegving every time you try to start any GL apps? :) | 02:09 |
jouni__m | jeroen__ xmms is in universe you have to add repositories | 02:09 |
thegladiator | !multiverse | 02:10 |
ubotu | To enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.kubuntu.org/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) see also !easysource | 02:10 |
raphink | intelikey: don't let yourself imagine that hoary will be much faster than breezy because it's 6 months older. If you want something faster, use xubuntu | 02:10 |
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thegladiator | check the link ubotu says -> about adding repos | 02:10 |
thegladiator | that shud be the first step for you | 02:10 |
raphink | gtg | 02:10 |
jeroen__ | how can i do that jouni? | 02:10 |
thegladiator | jeroen__, that was for you | 02:10 |
PeteyPablo | if i dont like gftp whats my alternatives? | 02:11 |
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thegladiator | http://wiki.kubuntu.org/AddingRepositoriesHowto | 02:11 |
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jeroen__ | i saw it..hehe can u talk private ro me jouni.. and tell me about xmms? | 02:11 |
PeteyPablo | jeroen__: what do you need to know about xmms ? | 02:13 |
intelikey | i ask if warty is good software to install now. because; and get this: it had all the same hype that hoary then breezy and now dapper has. and the way i see it. if it was the best thing in the world then and the hardware has not changed but a year later it is junk and the new is the only thing that works right! then one of two things, either the hype is bull shit through and through, because it was junk when it rele | 02:13 |
jeroen__ | info and how it works:) | 02:13 |
PeteyPablo | it's an mp3 player.. | 02:13 |
jeroen__ | i'm even not familiair with this chat | 02:13 |
thegladiator | whats this http cache cleaner that i see quite often ? especially while dealing with amarok ? | 02:13 |
stoneage | is java better than ubuntu | 02:13 |
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Stew_Lappy | your perspectives of a release change as new releases are available | 02:14 |
thegladiator | stoneage, you cant compare both | 02:14 |
PeteyPablo | stoneage: what kind of question is that | 02:14 |
jeroen__ | i iknow its a mp3 player but where can i download or start it:) | 02:14 |
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thegladiator | stoneage, its like asking if c++ is better than windows ;p | 02:14 |
dodobrain | intelikey or anyone else who can answer:: is there a place i can get a copy of (some of) universe/multiverse as an iso image ? | 02:14 |
dodobrain | i want to get this so that i don;t have to have an internet connection on other machines and redownload stuff | 02:15 |
PeteyPablo | thegladiator: anything is better then windows, i stepped in some dogshit yesterday and it was better then windows | 02:15 |
stoneage | PeteyPablo: it's a "x better than y" question i guess | 02:15 |
intelikey | the idea of needing to upgrade softare, when the hardware has not changed is foolish imo | 02:15 |
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jeroen__ | i'm new to linux ..so thats why i ask | 02:15 |
thegladiator | lol :p | 02:15 |
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intelikey | dodobrain no don't think so. just the install dvd | 02:15 |
dodobrain | uhuh?? did someone just compare java and ubuntu ? | 02:15 |
dodobrain | intelikey, :( | 02:16 |
=== thegladiator appreciates the loyalty lin users have for their OS . windows users are just greedy | ||
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Stew_Lappy | intelikey - but easch release is an improvement, warty and hoary were great when they came out, but no one has written perfect software just yet | 02:16 |
dodobrain | so i need to make my apt cache _huge_ so i save the files | 02:16 |
hikenboot | anyone ever see a xorg error somthing about *iceice unable to initialize protocol tcp cant remember the exact message hoping it rings a bell with someone ..id doesnt occure when launching startx from the root user from run level 3 but when logging in | 02:16 |
PeteyPablo | atleast linux is easy to upgrade | 02:16 |
thegladiator | java is used to do things , ubuntu is used to do those those that needs to be done | 02:16 |
PeteyPablo | i like java | 02:16 |
PeteyPablo | but i love ubuntu :-) | 02:16 |
jeroen__ | petey do i need to upgrade for xmms? | 02:16 |
thegladiator | lol | 02:16 |
dave | hi | 02:17 |
PeteyPablo | jeroen__: no. | 02:17 |
dodobrain | hikenboot, you startx doesn;t have problems but login on kdm/gdm/xdm has problems? | 02:17 |
dodobrain | most prolly user settings then | 02:17 |
PeteyPablo | i dont care what anyone says, bmp sucks and xmms owns | 02:17 |
jeroen__ | what can ido to start the program? | 02:17 |
stoneage | so ubuntu IS actually better than java?! | 02:17 |
PeteyPablo | uhh go to | 02:17 |
PeteyPablo | applications>sound and video | 02:17 |
dodobrain | PeteyPablo, xmms does rock, but i haven;t used it in _ages_ | 02:17 |
intelikey | Stew_Lappy each new peace of hardware is an improvement too. but reguardless of the software this p1 will never be 64bit . | 02:17 |
PeteyPablo | should be in their | 02:17 |
=== binks [n=binks@82-38-224-189.cable.ubr03.wake.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dodobrain | mplayer is all i need for audio _&_ video | 02:17 |
PeteyPablo | dodobrain: i use it with the docklet for gnome panel, so convenient | 02:17 |
thegladiator | jeroen__, the most help can offer you at times is the links that i gave you . you need to figure something and then come back if you find any problems . they are quite simple things actually . | 02:17 |
binks | lo how do i empty my /root/.Trash folder | 02:18 |
hikenboot | also when ubuntu was built it never gave me the opportunity to set a root password have to use sudo is this normal? | 02:18 |
dodobrain | PeteyPablo, nice to know. just that i don;t have a panel! ;) | 02:18 |
PeteyPablo | dodobrain: why not? :-P | 02:18 |
Stew_Lappy | hikenboot - yes normal | 02:18 |
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dodobrain | PeteyPablo, err.. i use e17_cvs | 02:18 |
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intelikey | <Stew_Lappy> intelikey - but easch release is an improvement, warty and hoary were great when they came out, <---- if true, then they still are. they have not changed have they ? | 02:18 |
dodobrain | its more than enough. i don;t need any gnome-panel | 02:18 |
PeteyPablo | dodobrain: ahh, i'm new to linux i use gnome, and i use panels, i like it. | 02:18 |
thegladiator | e17 :) its a very fancy theme | 02:18 |
Stew_Lappy | intelikey - they | 02:19 |
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dodobrain | thegladiator, fancy theme?? | 02:19 |
intelikey | warty and hoary | 02:19 |
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dodobrain | you mean the default crappy bling-bling theme? | 02:19 |
win[X] amp | update kernel with apt-get | 02:19 |
Stew_Lappy | intelikey - they have upgraded the software, updates patch the install. | 02:19 |
win[X] amp | how | 02:19 |
jeroen__ | ok gladiator but i dont have those lincks but nevermind i will ask a friend here he plolly knows it too | 02:19 |
binks | anyone how do i empty my root wastebasket | 02:19 |
dodobrain | raster just doesn;t want to change that, heh | 02:19 |
dodobrain | and e17 is _not_ a theme | 02:19 |
stoneage | will ubuntu detect my external usb hdd, conected to my notebook via pcmcia usb2.0 card (nec chipset) ? | 02:19 |
thegladiator | sure | 02:19 |
Stew_Lappy | time to eat! | 02:19 |
thegladiator | omg e17 is the name of a very popular theme as well | 02:19 |
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win[X] amp | why old kernel is still on the welcome screen | 02:20 |
thegladiator | welcome screen or boot screen ? | 02:20 |
hikenboot | ALSO: I was going to install the xubuntu-desktop instead of the ubuntu-desktop but it was not found when i did a package search for it..is this found in inother "repo" | 02:20 |
=== BrianB04 [n=BrianB04@pcp0012141516pcs.newhav01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dodobrain | huh? it is..? is it a gtk theme? prolly modelled after the default theme in e17 | 02:20 |
win[X] amp | boot screen | 02:20 |
thegladiator | win[X] amp, you shud edit your grub.conf i think | 02:20 |
BrianB04 | Morning all. | 02:20 |
dodobrain | evening BrianB04 | 02:20 |
binks | afters brian | 02:20 |
thegladiator | win[X] amp, thats the file which has the list of ur "boot" opions | 02:21 |
madgik85 | if anyone can help, I was just using Totem to stream an Internet Radio station (HL radio) when all of a sudden it stops and says "there is no plugin to handle this movie". usualy WIndows Media player is used, but i was using totem just fine till like a minute ago. Any onehave any ideas? | 02:21 |
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thegladiator | yeah modelede on enlightement | 02:21 |
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thegladiator | modeled | 02:21 |
win[X] amp | erase the old kernel u mean | 02:21 |
PeteyPablo | http://home.comcast.net/~elitepete/Screenshot.png | 02:21 |
BrianB04 | I have a dumb question for ya all, and maybe someone here can answer it: Is there any apt servers out there that offer the latest version of Firefox? | 02:21 |
win[X] amp | in the boot screen | 02:21 |
PeteyPablo | dodo check that out. | 02:21 |
dodobrain | PeteyPablo, lemme see | 02:21 |
thegladiator | no u dont erase it . grub.con is like a file that displays the bot opions while you boot . just remvoe the entry corresponding to the old kernel and you are done . just get some expert opinion though | 02:22 |
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dodobrain | PeteyPablo, omg! is that a laptop or desktop? | 02:22 |
PeteyPablo | desktop | 02:22 |
win[X] amp | ic, | 02:22 |
thegladiator | dodobrain, how long have you been using e17 ? | 02:22 |
dodobrain | _why_ are you running a low res ? | 02:22 |
PeteyPablo | what makes you ask? | 02:22 |
PeteyPablo | i like 1024x768 | 02:22 |
dodobrain | thegladiator, many months now | 02:22 |
stoneage | PeteyPablo: nice bg! | 02:22 |
PeteyPablo | always have | 02:22 |
dodobrain | eh,, ok.. | 02:22 |
PeteyPablo | stoneage: thanks i really love that one | 02:23 |
dodobrain | 1600x1200. anything less i feel its too big | 02:23 |
PeteyPablo | i cant stand | 02:23 |
BrianB04 | I'm with you on that dodobrain | 02:23 |
PeteyPablo | anything over 1024x768 | 02:23 |
PeteyPablo | 1152 is ok | 02:23 |
PeteyPablo | but i still dislike it :-) | 02:23 |
win[X] amp | i was install ubuntu dapper, its different way than breezy? | 02:23 |
dodobrain | http://esscc.uq.edu.au/~imran/bsd_lol.jpg | 02:24 |
dodobrain | enjoy ;) | 02:24 |
Seveas | win[X] amp, dapper is still unstable | 02:24 |
win[X] amp | hmmm.... | 02:24 |
PeteyPablo | dodobrain: my pc only offers 1024x768 max | 02:24 |
BrianB04 | Wow, Ubuntu did something Kubuntu could not: Discover my monitor and set it up correctly. | 02:24 |
PeteyPablo | i have good monitor/video card but thats all it goes up to | 02:24 |
dodobrain | what monitor? and what card? | 02:25 |
thegladiator | thats why they say ubuntu is the best | 02:25 |
PeteyPablo | i have a sony lcd monitor | 02:25 |
dodobrain | i'm sure its not the fault of the card unless its old | 02:25 |
win[X] amp | ic, | 02:25 |
PeteyPablo | and an ati x700 pro | 02:25 |
PeteyPablo | no the card is good | 02:25 |
dodobrain | ah, so limitation of the lcd ? | 02:25 |
win[X] amp | how long 2 become dapper stable | 02:25 |
PeteyPablo | dodobrain: no | 02:25 |
dodobrain | eh.. then you haven;t setup xorg properly | 02:25 |
PeteyPablo | dodobrain: this is very high qualtiy lcd, i think it will do 1600 | 02:25 |
thegladiator | win[X] amp, stick to breezy as long as you are new to ubuntu | 02:25 |
PeteyPablo | dodobrain: no i havent | 02:25 |
PeteyPablo | dodobrain: it's ok's though i like 1024x768 | 02:26 |
stark-johan | I've installed Mplayer and it works fine but I really dislike the playlist. I'm used to enque files to winamp playlists but using ubuntu the different media programs are so many, I don't know what to use. I'd prefer a single program to play video and music. | 02:26 |
intelikey | i had another big post typed up. but it's off topic anyway. all i was saying is if dos 3.31 was good on a 80286 in 88 it still is good on a 80286 in 06 that's all. | 02:26 |
dodobrain | PeteyPablo, man, after using 1600 for a while you'll like it on that lcd | 02:26 |
dodobrain | how big is that lcd? | 02:26 |
PeteyPablo | 17" | 02:26 |
stoneage | omg | 02:26 |
stoneage | ge setup your x ;) | 02:26 |
stoneage | *go | 02:26 |
PeteyPablo | somoen help me | 02:26 |
PeteyPablo | and i will do :-) | 02:26 |
McJerry | how can you say dapper is unstable on your system if you don't install it? I've run dapper here for 2 weeks or more and if there is a problem you file a bug on bugzilla and an update is pretty quick | 02:26 |
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thegladiator | e17 has its own file manager dodobrain ? jut curious | 02:28 |
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dodobrain | thegladiator, haha.. theres efm, evidence and another based on etk | 02:28 |
dodobrain | hehe | 02:28 |
PeteyPablo | dodobrain: help me setup x? | 02:28 |
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dodobrain | PeteyPablo, whos gonna celebrate midnight helping you setup xorg ? | 02:29 |
PeteyPablo | dodobrain: you? | 02:29 |
dodobrain | beep.. wrong answer :p | 02:29 |
PeteyPablo | dodobrain: it's 8:29 am here | 02:29 |
hyakuhei | PeteyPablo: Il help dude | 02:29 |
PeteyPablo | hyakuhei: ok thanks | 02:29 |
Seveas | 00:29 jan 1 2006 in sydney ;( | 02:30 |
Seveas | ;) | 02:30 |
PeteyPablo | hyakuhei: basically i just want to add more resolutions to my options. | 02:30 |
hyakuhei | okie dokie | 02:30 |
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dodobrain | Seveas, yeah and i have already mentioned that technically they should be at 2330 | 02:30 |
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Seveas | ...because they're so far ahead? | 02:31 |
McJerry | nano -w /etc/X11/xorg.conf and scroll to the display subsections and add the resolutions | 02:31 |
hyakuhei | __null__: chill out dude | 02:31 |
Seveas | __null__, stop changing your nick, it's annoying | 02:31 |
__null__ | sorry | 02:31 |
dodobrain | huh? | 02:31 |
__null__ | I searched a nick for registering... | 02:31 |
dodobrain | Seveas, they are longitudinally _behind_ brisbane, yet an hour _ahead_ of us!! grr.. | 02:31 |
hyakuhei | PeteyPablo: McJerry gave the right help, of course for that you would have to know the exact resolutions | 02:31 |
stoneage | void *p = NULL; | 02:31 |
hyakuhei | stoneage: random | 02:32 |
PeteyPablo | hyakuhei: ok so i just add resolutions? like 1600x1200? | 02:32 |
win[X] amp | 8:32 pm in indonesia | 02:32 |
win[X] amp | :d | 02:32 |
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dodobrain | man, 5 hrs to go to finish dvd d/l | 02:32 |
hyakuhei | PeteyPablo: thats about right, you will see the other entries in the file and copy them, change the res, makesure you back up the file first | 02:33 |
=== cyphase_ [n=cyphase@adsl-68-125-50-225.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
McJerry | yes, in same format as you see others listed in the xorg.conf already | 02:33 |
LowFlyer | Hi folks | 02:33 |
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McJerry | agreed....cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup | 02:33 |
dodobrain | anyway, i'll be partially afk from now.. | 02:33 |
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PeteyPablo | i got the file backed up | 02:33 |
hyakuhei | :) | 02:34 |
PeteyPablo | so i see the resolutions | 02:34 |
PeteyPablo | how do i add one? then restart x or whatever i need to do | 02:34 |
McJerry | now add resos inf highest to lowest left to right for mode you are using then restart x session | 02:35 |
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PeteyPablo | McJerry: can you put that in newbie terms | 02:35 |
hyakuhei | just put the lowest res on the left of the list, highest on the right | 02:35 |
PeteyPablo | Modes"1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" | 02:36 |
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PeteyPablo | is what i have now | 02:36 |
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dodobrain | err.. hyakuhei you said the exact opposite | 02:36 |
dodobrain | highest res on left. | 02:36 |
McJerry | yes, highest res on left, lowest res to right | 02:36 |
PeteyPablo | so... | 02:36 |
hyakuhei | sorry, yeah, highest on left | 02:36 |
PeteyPablo | i just add it to those lists | 02:36 |
PeteyPablo | i dont make a new one? | 02:36 |
McJerry | add res you want in the correct mode | 02:36 |
dodobrain | PeteyPablo, best you just paste your xorg.conf on a pastesite: rafb.net/paste is a pastesite | 02:36 |
PeteyPablo | dodobrain: ok | 02:36 |
McJerry | what mode are you using? | 02:37 |
PeteyPablo | !pastebin | 02:37 |
ubotu | methinks pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 02:37 |
PeteyPablo | im using 1024x768 | 02:37 |
McJerry | that is res not mode | 02:37 |
PeteyPablo | hmm? | 02:37 |
McJerry | mode 24, mode 16 ? | 02:37 |
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cyphase | we just had a power outage here | 02:37 |
PeteyPablo | you mean depth? | 02:38 |
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Seveas | cyphase, quit playing with those wires ;) | 02:38 |
PeteyPablo | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6413 < = my xorg.conf | 02:38 |
jeroen__ | hey i'm back | 02:38 |
dodobrain | cyphase, great, but it didn;t happen at midnight :( | 02:38 |
cyphase | Seveas, you think that could be the problem? | 02:38 |
jeroen__ | ive downloaded xmms1.2.7 how can i play music now:) | 02:38 |
Seveas | cyphase, positive :) | 02:38 |
McJerry | sorry, meant default depth, set correct res for the depth you are using | 02:39 |
cyphase | well, i'll try leaving them aone | 02:39 |
cyphase | see if it helps | 02:39 |
Seveas | jeroen__, throw away what you downloaded | 02:39 |
Seveas | and apt-get install xmms | 02:39 |
cyphase | alone* | 02:39 |
PeteyPablo | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6413 < = my xorg.conf | 02:39 |
PeteyPablo | what do i do with that jerry? | 02:39 |
jeroen__ | and then? | 02:39 |
thegladiator | dodobrain, which the site for enligtment themes ? | 02:39 |
PeteyPablo | "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" do i just add the res to the left and save the file? | 02:39 |
McJerry | brb making change | 02:40 |
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McJerry | you are wanting "1600x1200" correct? are you sure your monitor will handle it and your card will push it? | 02:41 |
dodobrain | thegladiator, e themes to be used _with_ e17 or e17 based themes for gtk or qt or whathave you ? | 02:41 |
jeroen__ | is there a terminal where i can delete softwhare seveas? | 02:41 |
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PeteyPablo | McJerry: yes | 02:41 |
thegladiator | i am askin about themes for e17 on e17 | 02:41 |
dodobrain | ok.. | 02:41 |
thegladiator | not for gtk | 02:41 |
PeteyPablo | McJerry: can you add a smaller one too? like 1152x800 or whatever it is | 02:41 |
dodobrain | http://www.get-e.org | 02:41 |
thegladiator | ah thanks | 02:41 |
=== Nothingman [n=chatzill@pool-129-44-237-137.syr.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dodobrain | use the menu on the left for navigation | 02:42 |
thegladiator | yep | 02:42 |
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McJerry | i will add the 1600x1200 you can add the other when you see how to do it | 02:42 |
PeteyPablo | kk | 02:42 |
PeteyPablo | thanks | 02:42 |
McJerry | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6414 has change | 02:43 |
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McJerry | goodluck | 02:43 |
McJerry | replace xorg.conf and restart x session | 02:43 |
PeteyPablo | McJerry: what do i do when i edit the file? save it and then..? | 02:43 |
hunika | I AM CURRENTLY AWAY | 02:43 |
PeteyPablo | ctrl+alt+backspace? | 02:43 |
McJerry | yes | 02:43 |
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=== SockerFot [i=SockerFo@c80-217-192-18.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dodobrain | err.. how come there isn;t any modelines listed for the screen ? | 02:44 |
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dodobrain | or is that not necessary witgh the new xorg ? | 02:44 |
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=== PeteyPablo [n=Pistol~P@c-67-171-77-115.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PeteyPablo | McJerry: i still don't see the new one in screen resolution? | 02:45 |
thegladiator | the "windows key" is useless on linux ? | 02:45 |
thegladiator | windows key in he keyboard | 02:45 |
Chousuke | no. | 02:46 |
dodobrain | thegladiator, not really.. | 02:46 |
dodobrain | unless its not mapped to do anything | 02:46 |
Quench | !nvidia | 02:46 |
ubotu | methinks nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57368 | 02:46 |
Chousuke | You can assign it for any purpose. | 02:46 |
Chousuke | :) | 02:46 |
thegladiator | i see. no defaul mapping | 02:46 |
PeteyPablo | McJerry: you here? | 02:46 |
thegladiator | perhaps it shud switch to dektop as in windows | 02:46 |
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dodobrain | thegladiator, thats _your_ opinion! | 02:46 |
PeteyPablo | can somoen help me :-) my xorg.conf file has 1600x1200 but i don't see it in screen resolution ? | 02:46 |
PeteyPablo | dodobrain: in the xserver reconfiguration screen, how do i select one i want to use | 02:48 |
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PeteyPablo | dodobrain: what button? | 02:48 |
dodobrain | PeteyPablo, xpdyinfo | grep -i 'dimension' | 02:48 |
dodobrain | huh? | 02:48 |
thegladiator | guess many wud want it to swtcih to dektop as it doesn in XP | 02:48 |
dodobrain | what reconfiguration screen? | 02:48 |
PeteyPablo | dodobrain: i'm in the terminal in the x-server video mode configuration screen | 02:48 |
thegladiator | dodobrain, whats the time now ? | 02:48 |
PeteyPablo | dodobrain: what button to add one? | 02:49 |
dodobrain | thegladiator, what if the person has never used XP ? | 02:49 |
dodobrain | thegladiator, Sat Dec 31 23:51:18 EST 2005 | 02:49 |
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dodobrain | PeteyPablo, how did you get this reconfiguration screen? is this some application provided by ubuntu? | 02:49 |
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PeteyPablo | dodobrain: my question is i'm in the x-server window how do i select one that isn't * already | 02:49 |
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thegladiator | dodobrain, chances are that very few come to linux with using XP/2000. atleast not many deserver that :p | 02:49 |
PeteyPablo | dodobrain: it's x-server | 02:49 |
zblach | quick question. where can I find an updated sources.list? | 02:50 |
PeteyPablo | Select the video modes you would like the X server to use. | 02:50 |
thegladiator | !source.list | 02:50 |
ubotu | NO SPEAKE ENLISH!, thegladiator | 02:50 |
dodobrain | PeteyPablo, i can;t comprehend what you are saying :( | 02:50 |
PeteyPablo | but i dunno what button tohit | 02:50 |
thegladiator | oh | 02:50 |
PeteyPablo | ill take picture ok? | 02:50 |
thegladiator | !update | 02:50 |
ubotu | parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, thegladiator | 02:50 |
PeteyPablo | !repositories | 02:50 |
dodobrain | 'what button to hit' for what? | 02:50 |
ubotu | To enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.kubuntu.org/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) see also !easysource | 02:50 |
PeteyPablo | to add A resolution | 02:50 |
PeteyPablo | i see the ones i can use now with * | 02:50 |
PeteyPablo | i want to make the other ones useable | 02:50 |
dodobrain | where the heck are you seeing this? | 02:51 |
dodobrain | you are running some application ? | 02:51 |
PeteyPablo | terminal! | 02:51 |
PeteyPablo | hold on | 02:51 |
PeteyPablo | sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg | 02:51 |
PeteyPablo | in their | 02:51 |
dodobrain | ok, i dunno what the heck that does. like i have mentioned earlier a few times. i have _never_ installed any ubuntu system | 02:52 |
dodobrain | or even used | 02:52 |
PeteyPablo | dodobrain: why are you here then | 02:52 |
dodobrain | err.. PeteyPablo you edited your xorg.conf by hand, correct? | 02:52 |
PeteyPablo | dodobrain: Mc did it for me | 02:52 |
dodobrain | then what the hecka re you doing with that reconfig shit? | 02:52 |
=== Draken [n=Drakenis@myw-stp-66-18-82-164.sentechsa.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Draken | !nvidia | 02:52 |
ubotu | [nvidia] at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57368 | 02:52 |
dodobrain | after you edited your xorg.conf, just restart X | 02:53 |
=== jhaa [n=juha@dsl-aur-ff2dc000-227.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PeteyPablo | dodobrain: because the mode he added isn't showing up in screen resolution | 02:53 |
dodobrain | what else do you think you have to do? | 02:53 |
PeteyPablo | dodobrain: i did... with ctrl+alt+backspace | 02:53 |
jeroen__ | ive installed ubuntu but still dont know how that mp3 player works:( | 02:53 |
PeteyPablo | dodobrain: because the mode he added isn't showing up in screen resolution | 02:53 |
=== veriz [i=veriz@ip169.cab25.trt.starman.ee] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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dodobrain | man! you edited xorg.conf, then you restarted x, correct? | 02:54 |
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dodobrain | xdpyinfo | grep 'dimension' | 02:54 |
dodobrain | what does it say? | 02:54 |
PeteyPablo | dodobrain: yeswith ctrl+alt+backspace | 02:54 |
PeteyPablo | pete@LinuxBox:~$ xdpyinfo | grep 'dimension' | 02:55 |
PeteyPablo | dimensions: 1024x768 pixels (342x271 millimeters) | 02:55 |
PeteyPablo | pete@LinuxBox:~$ | 02:55 |
dodobrain | ok, so you saved http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6414 as /etc/X11/xorg.conf ? | 02:55 |
=== sKaBoy [n=luogni@host51-101.pool8250.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
veleno | how can i read encrypted dvd ? | 02:56 |
PeteyPablo | i did yes | 02:56 |
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Draken | where can i get this | 02:56 |
Draken | linux-source-2.6.12_2.6.12-9.23_all.deb | 02:56 |
mjr | veleno, sudo sh /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh | 02:56 |
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PeteyPablo | dodobrain: ? | 02:57 |
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Draken | where can i get this | 02:57 |
Draken | linux-source-2.6.12_2.6.12-9.23_all.deb | 02:57 |
=== MoonRanger [n=ubuntu@Toronto-HSE-ppp3905927.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
veleno | mjr, it did something, but if i run ogle i get these messages : http://veleno.pastebin.com/485292 | 02:58 |
dodobrain | PeteyPablo, i dunno whats happening. | 02:58 |
=== Griver [n=Griver@81-231-250-204-no52.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PeteyPablo | dodobrain: | 02:58 |
PeteyPablo | ctrl+alt+backspace = restart x? | 02:59 |
dodobrain | it should have changed the res after changing xorg.conf and restarting x. | 02:59 |
dodobrain | yup. | 02:59 |
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PeteyPablo | well it doesnt show up in | 02:59 |
PeteyPablo | screen resolution | 02:59 |
PeteyPablo | let me ask you this, it has 43-60hz | 02:59 |
PeteyPablo | i know my monitor can do 75 | 02:59 |
PeteyPablo | is that the problem? | 02:59 |
dodobrain | i think your hsync and vert refresh settings are wrong for your lcd | 02:59 |
mjr | veleno, unfamiliar to me; maybe the disk is defective. (You could of course try another program such as xine also.) | 02:59 |
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PeteyPablo | dodobrain: yes | 02:59 |
dodobrain | holy shit! | 03:00 |
dodobrain | Sun Jan 1 00:02:03 EST 2006 | 03:00 |
dodobrain | i missed the damn second! | 03:00 |
painkiler | hey guys, quick question | 03:00 |
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dodobrain | happy new year all!!! | 03:00 |
painkiler | what does /user/lib/apt/methods/media/cdrom do? | 03:00 |
painkiler | HAAPPPYY NEW YEAR! | 03:01 |
Draken | where can i get this | 03:01 |
Draken | linux-source-2.6.12_2.6.12-9.23_all.deb | 03:01 |
mjr | painkiler, usr, and it handles getting packages from cd repositories | 03:01 |
painkiler | i dont have cdrom | 03:01 |
painkiler | i only have cdrom0 | 03:01 |
painkiler | how do i change it? | 03:01 |
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zblach | msg ubotu easysource | 03:01 |
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painkiler | can i change the name of my cd drive? | 03:03 |
veriz | anyone know if im installing mailserver into my server and for example i have account named abc then the mail should be abc@myserver.ee but can i change the abc name to something else? or i must have the same account name as i want my mail accountname? | 03:03 |
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painkiler | or is there anyother way to install kubuntu-desktop with out the installation disk? | 03:04 |
docta_v | veriz: if you want it to be something else then you must create an alias | 03:04 |
thegladiator | goin by sheer numbers , does gentoo users outnumber ubuntu ? | 03:04 |
eugene | hey, I installed realplayer10 using the deb method but its not being found by firefox, any ideas? | 03:04 |
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veriz | docta_v: what do you mean? with an alias... | 03:05 |
docta_v | veriz: usually it goes in /etc/aliases...depends on what MTA you're using though | 03:05 |
deFrysk | eugene, deb method ? | 03:05 |
docta_v | is this sendmail, postfix, qmail or what? | 03:05 |
=== WildZeck [n=zeck@ax113-3-82-234-26-6.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
deFrysk | !realplayer10 | 03:06 |
docta_v | personally i would recommend using postfix | 03:06 |
ubotu | I don't know, deFrysk | 03:06 |
eugene | deFrysk, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RealplayerInstallationMethods?highlight=%28realplayer%29#head-16d4b26b1e26b89262d400f91db007f603d3bd42 | 03:06 |
veriz | docta_v: ok i will install postfix thnx .) | 03:06 |
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thegladiator | how wud ubuntu user compare ubnut with gentoo ? it seems gentoo has a larger user base ? | 03:06 |
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veriz | docta_v: and how must the alias look like? | 03:06 |
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deFrysk | eugene, installed ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/pool/main/r/realplay/realplayer_10.0.6-0.0_i386.deb ? | 03:07 |
painkiler | can i delete the need for [Ubuntu 5.10 _Breezy Badger_ - Release i386 (20051012)] / breezy? | 03:07 |
ninnghizidha | it seems, that gentoo has another userbase. | 03:07 |
eugene | deFrysk, yes, that one - it works fine but firefox still says on realplayer found | 03:07 |
docta_v | veriz, like this: "myalias: abc" | 03:07 |
alex____ | I have big difficulties to set my laptop to use another screen, I use a nvdia card with a VGA out on the same card (dual head) I have tried many things (even the TwinView) but I can't get my laptop monitor to work with my external one, its either one or the other | 03:08 |
ninnghizidha | ubuntu is ready for use, gentoo is for selfmade-man | 03:08 |
docta_v | or "myalias: abc@mydomain.com" | 03:08 |
thegladiator | ah i see . | 03:08 |
thegladiator | gentoo has a larger user base ? | 03:08 |
ninnghizidha | gentoo is good, ubuntu is good - but in different ways | 03:08 |
docta_v | also...you muse run the newaliases program whenever you add to /etc/aliases | 03:08 |
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thegladiator | i see | 03:08 |
deFrysk | eugene, try starting up realplay manually and let it setup the plug-ins | 03:09 |
ninnghizidha | i don know, but i know about two guys who used gentoo before and ubuntu afterwards, and they said both: | 03:09 |
alex____ | GDM is starting the X server automatically, where is that set ? | 03:09 |
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eugene | deFrysk, done that, but firefox still not detecting realplayer | 03:09 |
jeori | hi | 03:09 |
painkiler | any idea? | 03:09 |
docta_v | veriz, do a 'man aliases' after you install postfix | 03:09 |
deFrysk | eugene, what doet it detect then ? | 03:09 |
thegladiator | like say wud a gentoo user love to use ubuntu? | 03:09 |
painkiler | i just need to install kde-desktop | 03:09 |
ninnghizidha | "i thought, gentoo would be much faster than every other linux, but ubuntu is not slower and much mor confortable." | 03:09 |
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alex____ | anyone reading ,e ? | 03:09 |
deFrysk | eugene, dit you restart firefox btw ? | 03:10 |
thegladiator | cool | 03:10 |
deFrysk | did* | 03:10 |
Draken | linux-source-2.6.12_2.6.12-9.23_all.deb | 03:10 |
Draken | where can i get this | 03:10 |
eugene | deFrysk, of course | 03:10 |
eugene | deFrysk, nothing, it says plugin missing, and gives an option to install manually | 03:10 |
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ninnghizidha | if you like to work on your linux and learn about the stuff behind linux, try gentoo .. if you use it as a desktop.-system without much trouble, use ubunu | 03:10 |
ninnghizidha | the userbase of ubuntu is big as hell | 03:10 |
pinkisntwell | Do I have to enable renderaccel in my xorg.conf | 03:10 |
pinkisntwell | ? | 03:10 |
docta_v | the thing about gentoo is it takes you 100 times longer to do anything | 03:10 |
=== SuperLag [i=aaron@gentoo/developer/SuperLag] has joined #ubuntu | ||
deFrysk | eugene, there is a mozilla folder in the reaplayer folder | 03:11 |
docta_v | it's good for learning though | 03:11 |
thegladiator | i get the idea | 03:11 |
Draken | where can i get this | 03:11 |
Draken | linux-source-2.6.12_2.6.12-9.23_all.deb | 03:11 |
deFrysk | eugene, link those to the pluginsfolder of firefox | 03:11 |
thegladiator | more for research if i could use the word | 03:11 |
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deFrysk | eugene, see if that works | 03:11 |
dodobrain | thegladiator, not really. | 03:11 |
painkiler | could i change the cdrom file in /usr/lib/apt/methods/ to cdrom0? | 03:11 |
alex____ | I have read that one some new nvidia card, Xinerama is not to be used as the nvidia driver has its own xinerama, having said that I have GDM that start x automatically causing xinerama to start up, where do I switch that off, how can I set GDM off | 03:11 |
dodobrain | you get all sorts of poeple using all sorts of distros | 03:11 |
painkiler | how can i get it to change? | 03:11 |
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thegladiator | ah | 03:12 |
alex____ | am I talking on this channel ? | 03:12 |
thegladiator | ubuntu is cool anyways . i used fc4 and it was a bit hard to configure but ub is simple and effective | 03:12 |
alex____ | someone ? | 03:12 |
dodobrain | alex____, yeah. we can see your messaged | 03:12 |
painkiler | i am feeling that way to alex. | 03:12 |
alex____ | ok | 03:12 |
dodobrain | *messages | 03:12 |
Dr_Acemaster | what's the command to tell what my local ip is? | 03:13 |
eugene | deFrysk, its already in /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins where to totem plugin is and its still saying plugin missing :( | 03:13 |
Draken | where can i get this | 03:13 |
Draken | linux-source-2.6.12_2.6.12-9.23_all.deb | 03:13 |
=== teiresias [n=teiresia@dslb-082-083-104-162.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dodobrain | thegladiator, once you are cempetent to a certain level, it doesn;t really matter which distro. | 03:13 |
=== SuperLag doesn't remember... does Ubuntu/Kubuntu give you the opportunity *during installation* to configure client authentication to an existing LDAP server? or not.... | ||
Seveas | SuperLag, afaik not | 03:13 |
dodobrain | they only make (some) things simpler (or feel easier) | 03:13 |
=== thegladiator agrees | ||
deFrysk | eugene, perhaps the totemplugins interfere | 03:14 |
Draken | where can i get this | 03:14 |
Draken | linux-source-2.6.12_2.6.12-9.23_all.deb | 03:14 |
Draken | @!!!!!! | 03:14 |
ninnghizidha | how much do you know about linux, thegladiator | 03:14 |
ninnghizidha | ? | 03:14 |
deFrysk | Draken, if anyone knew they would answer | 03:14 |
eugene | deFrysk, firefox says no plugin found to play this filetype, how can there be an interference? | 03:14 |
dodobrain | Draken, sorry if someone asked already and you answered, did you try google ? | 03:14 |
Draken | no they wouldnt | 03:14 |
=== martink [n=martin@p54B3AE61.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
deFrysk | eugene, I honestly do not know | 03:14 |
alex____ | what else can I do ? | 03:14 |
thegladiator | just a 2 months old into linux | 03:14 |
=== deejoe_ [n=deejoe@dsl.79.205.networkiowa.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eugene | deFrysk, does it work for you? -- say go to http://imdb.com/title/tt0369441/trailers-screenplay-X29325-6-3 | 03:15 |
thegladiator | casual expert you coul say | 03:15 |
=== Brendon [n=Brendon@c-66-176-112-43.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SuperLag | Draken: usually you get help quicker if you don't bring the *entitlement* attitude to the table | 03:15 |
deFrysk | eugene, nope does not work | 03:15 |
alex____ | ok thanks | 03:15 |
thegladiator | ninnghizidha, not much . better than a newbie though ;p | 03:15 |
deejoe_ | ok, in GNOME/metacity I can go to System, Log Off... and then choose hibernate. question is, how can I hibernate from the command line? the "hibernate" command doesn't seem to be the thing. | 03:15 |
SuperLag | Draken: no one owes you any help. They're all volunteers here. | 03:16 |
Draken | SuperLag read up, i been asking for last 2 hours | 03:16 |
=== pilgrim [n=pilgrim@d137-186-156-125.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Draken | noone even said soz no | 03:16 |
thegladiator | shutdown -h now :p | 03:16 |
ninnghizidha | i'd say, that gentoo is not for you, but if you would like to work on it, just install it as a second linux-partition | 03:16 |
Draken | and dodobrain, i tried google | 03:16 |
Draken | nothing | 03:16 |
thegladiator | not sure on hibernation | 03:16 |
=== jouni__m [n=jouni@laku42.adsl.netsonic.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
deejoe_ | oh, and FWIW, I don't feel any entitlement about getting an answer ;-) | 03:16 |
dodobrain | Draken, oh really? | 03:16 |
SuperLag | Draken: Okay, so go have a cup of coffee, have some breakfast. Come back, and use /lastlog Draken and check it out. | 03:16 |
dodobrain | i just tried google and here is what i found out: | 03:16 |
dodobrain | (1) mirror.arcticnetwork.ca/pub/ubuntu/releases/ubuntu-server/breezy/ubuntu-server-5.10-install-amd64.list | 03:16 |
dodobrain | first link ^^ | 03:17 |
SuperLag | doh! | 03:17 |
dodobrain | (2) it says that deb is in the ubuntu-server-install-amd64 image. | 03:17 |
dodobrain | now maybe looking through the other lists is a good idea too if you're not talking about amd64 arch. | 03:17 |
deejoe_ | thanks anyway, the gladiator | 03:17 |
Draken | wtf are u talking about | 03:17 |
deejoe_ | er, thanks anyway, thegladiator | 03:18 |
Draken | i dont have the server install disk | 03:18 |
dodobrain | Draken, then you're question was b0rken. | 03:18 |
thegladiator | deejoe_, np . sprry couldnt help | 03:18 |
deFrysk | Draken, please relax and mind your language | 03:18 |
Draken | dodobrain | 03:18 |
Draken | im looking for a html link | 03:18 |
Draken | to download the thing | 03:18 |
dodobrain | you should have asked where the hell you can find this file and you know its on the ubuntu-server image!! | 03:18 |
Draken | omfg | 03:18 |
ninnghizidha | i tried gentoo after 3 month of linux, and i cas confused as hell with it. | 03:18 |
Draken | come on now, catch on | 03:18 |
thegladiator | Draken, wtf decreased ur chance to get a reply actually | 03:19 |
=== tortoise [n=tortoise@81-86-105-156.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thegladiator | Draken, decreases rather* | 03:19 |
SuperLag | Yeah, but he doesn't get it. | 03:19 |
thegladiator | relax and get ur things done :p | 03:19 |
veleno | i enabled multiverse, got w32 codecs and installed libdvdread3, but still can't read the dvd... | 03:19 |
Draken | thegladiator, im not in the mood, it took me 7 hours to find out that i had to add a # infront of auth in ppp so i could connect | 03:19 |
thegladiator | Draken, sorry i can understand | 03:20 |
dodobrain | Draken, i'll ask one more time: did you _really_ use google? | 03:20 |
deFrysk | Draken, if that took you 7 hrs its time to take a brake ;p | 03:20 |
spikeh | jouni__m: I've installed build-essential and tried ./configure again; this time it is giving an error saying that GLIB is not (correctly) installed | 03:20 |
Draken | yes i did dodobrain | 03:20 |
SuperLag | Draken: sounds like you need to step away for awhile | 03:20 |
s1gnAl | I have a question about cron and sudo, if I run a command on cron that normally requires root privileges, will it fail? or can I just specify "sudo commandname" in the cron entry? | 03:20 |
dodobrain | 5th (FIFTH) link: http://mirrors.uwa.edu.au/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-source-2.6.12/linux-source-2.6.12_2.6.12-9.23_all.deb | 03:20 |
dodobrain | now, you obviously didn;t use google. | 03:20 |
coNP | which package provides md5sum? | 03:20 |
Draken | dodobrain | 03:20 |
dodobrain | you just tried your luck with google! | 03:20 |
Draken | i fucking did | 03:21 |
dodobrain | and that damn link WORKS | 03:21 |
dodobrain | i just tried it! | 03:21 |
Draken | and i didnt get any results like that | 03:21 |
alex____ | could someone help me to set up my second monitor to work with my laptop one, knowing that I have been trying to make it work for about a week now | 03:21 |
phos-phoros | dookie | 03:21 |
deFrysk | coNP, md5sum is installed by default | 03:21 |
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dodobrain | anyway, thats past now. | 03:21 |
dodobrain | please go ahead and get it from that url | 03:21 |
coNP | deFrysk, okay, but now is broken for some reason | 03:21 |
s1gnAl | I have a question about cron and sudo, if I run a command on cron that normally requires root privileges, will it fail? or can I just specify "sudo commandname" in the cron entry? | 03:21 |
pilgrim | dodobrain, you have to _know_ how to use google and not just _use_ google. | 03:21 |
dodobrain | pilgrim, who the hell are you talking to? | 03:22 |
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SuperLag | s1gnAl: I'm not the authority here, by any means... but it would seem to me that that wouldn't work, because even with sudo, intervention is still required. (you have to be at the keyboard to enter your password) | 03:22 |
dodobrain | i and the damn person who got him the link! | 03:22 |
Gecko | Can anyone tell me why japanese ime conflicts with chinese? | 03:22 |
dodobrain | god! please learn to read a few sentences earlier! | 03:22 |
pilgrim | dodobrain, that's what I'm saying, he probably doens't know _how_ to use google. | 03:22 |
Gecko | scim-tables-ja wants to uninstall scim-chinese. That doesn | 03:22 |
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@dyn-83-152-48-223.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dodobrain | pilgrim, and as i said: its 'past' | 03:22 |
Gecko | *doesn't make any sense | 03:23 |
ubuntu | hey guys | 03:23 |
ubuntu | how do i mount ntfs partitions plz? | 03:23 |
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dodobrain | he knows now that google can indeed get you good results. | 03:23 |
alex____ | a pleasure this channel | 03:23 |
dodobrain | so, i'm not concerned anymore | 03:23 |
ubuntu | hey | 03:24 |
Draken | dodobrain | 03:24 |
Draken | can u get me another link | 03:24 |
Draken | this link is going at 2kb/s | 03:24 |
docta_v | Gecko: chinese don't like japanese | 03:24 |
ubuntu | dudes | 03:24 |
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=== MoonRanger [n=ubuntu@Toronto-HSE-ppp3907116.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntu | how can i mount a ntfs partition damit? | 03:24 |
dodobrain | it is? goes pretty fast for me.. maybe because i'm in .au | 03:25 |
Gecko | docta_v, point taken, though I doubt politics has snuck into the ubuntu repositories | 03:25 |
pilgrim | ubuntu, try mount -t ntfs /dev/hda<n> /mnt | 03:25 |
dodobrain | i.e same tld as that site | 03:25 |
ubuntu | ty | 03:25 |
pilgrim | ubuntu, yw | 03:25 |
dodobrain | lemme try some more: no guarantees thins time though :) | 03:25 |
docta_v | ubuntu: although i'm not sure about ubuntu...other distros don't include the ntfs driver by default due to licensing issues | 03:25 |
cerdil | hai asu | 03:25 |
docta_v | there's probably a seperate package you need to install first | 03:25 |
ubuntu | ic | 03:25 |
DavidLeeRoth | can anyone help me with a radeon x700... it is not being properly recognized | 03:25 |
ubuntu | it worked like 2 months ago for me lol | 03:26 |
tortoise | draken: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-source-2.6.12/linux-source-2.6.12_2.6.12-9.23_all.deb | 03:26 |
docta_v | ubuntu: if you have the driver...you should be able to mount -t ntfs just like any other partition | 03:26 |
pilgrim | ubuntu, did you the above command? | 03:26 |
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jouni__m | spikeh otherwise apt-get build-dep xchat but there is not build-dep for xchat hmm. | 03:26 |
=== pilgrim needs sleep. Grammer is starting to go poopoo | ||
spikeh | jouni__m: I'd like to build and compile it myself | 03:27 |
Draken | ta tortoise | 03:27 |
ubuntu | well yeh | 03:27 |
dodobrain | Draken, where are you? tld | 03:27 |
=== dave [n=senor@p548DA811.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dodobrain | eu or americas? | 03:27 |
ubuntu | it doesnt do anythin damit | 03:27 |
veleno | how can i add marillat repositories so that i can use those packages in ubuntu ? | 03:27 |
ubuntu | im on the live version | 03:27 |
DavidLeeRoth | does anyone have familiarity with the radeon x700 card? | 03:27 |
dodobrain | oh tortoise gave you a link. | 03:28 |
pilgrim | ubuntu, did you rplace <n> with number | 03:28 |
dodobrain | :) | 03:28 |
pilgrim | ubuntu, if it "doesn't do anything" it probably worked | 03:28 |
ubuntu | yeah lol | 03:28 |
ubuntu | damit how do i root | 03:28 |
SuperLag | veleno: you have the addresses for those repos already, right? if so, just edit /etc/apt/sources.list and add them to that file. | 03:28 |
ubuntu | forgot | 03:28 |
pilgrim | sudo <command> | 03:28 |
thegladiator | sudo su | 03:28 |
thegladiator | sudo -s | 03:28 |
ubuntu | thnx | 03:28 |
thegladiator | or as pilgrim says | 03:28 |
veleno | SuperLag, i don't have yet, do you ? | 03:28 |
SuperLag | veleno: I'm sorry, sir. I do not. | 03:29 |
lamed | hello guys! | 03:29 |
lamed | a little help. I'm trying to install a l2tp cable connection. What package should I look into? | 03:29 |
=== tieum_ [n=tieum@83-131-26-219.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntu | damit i cant see the mnt file on the filesystem | 03:29 |
lamed | ipsec? l2tp? (-very old) I'm very new to linux | 03:30 |
pilgrim | ubuntu, what command did you use? did you get any error? | 03:30 |
ubuntu | mount -t ntfs /dev/hda3 /mnt | 03:30 |
ubuntu | nope no error | 03:30 |
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SuperLag | What's the difference between the CD images that are available for download, and he DVD images? more toys to play with? | 03:30 |
Kindred | !ntfs | 03:30 |
ubotu | rumour has it, ntfs is the filesystem used in Windows 2000 and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions, or writing to ntfs is risky and only experimental. Reading is OK | 03:30 |
ubuntu | a sec of lag thats all | 03:30 |
veleno | 1 more question: anyone here using a dell laptop latitude d510 ? if so, i'm facing a strange behaviour of the sound card i'd like to share | 03:30 |
pilgrim | ubuntu, if you do "cd /mnt" | 03:30 |
=== Pegasos989 [n=pekka@cs78165177.pp.htv.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntu | oki ty | 03:30 |
pilgrim | ubotu, are you in that filesystem? | 03:31 |
ubotu | I haven't a clue, pilgrim | 03:31 |
ubuntu | gee thnx | 03:31 |
ubuntu | pilgrim, ive got another problem | 03:31 |
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pilgrim | ubuntu, ok... | 03:31 |
ubuntu | my whole comp powers off | 03:31 |
pilgrim | lol | 03:31 |
SuperLag | o.O | 03:31 |
ubuntu | its like a toshiba mobile | 03:31 |
pilgrim | ok...do you see the "IO" button | 03:31 |
SuperLag | out of the blue? | 03:31 |
pilgrim | press it <joking> | 03:31 |
ubuntu | lol | 03:31 |
lamed | I see it's the rush time over here. _please_, what's the package I have to look into for l2tp vpn Cable connection? | 03:31 |
ubuntu | no, i mean it | 03:31 |
ubuntu | it powers down by itself | 03:31 |
dodobrain | huh? powers down when there is a blackout? | 03:32 |
dodobrain | :p | 03:32 |
ubuntu | nope dude | 03:32 |
ubuntu | im serious | 03:32 |
ubuntu | im not really a noob dude | 03:32 |
SuperLag | ubuntu: ummmm... then you've got bigger problems you need to solve first. :) | 03:32 |
ubuntu | i like didnt turn it off 2 weeks | 03:32 |
tieum_ | does anybody have a good link for a wifi howto, create an access point or an ad-hoc connection | 03:32 |
ubuntu | indeed i know | 03:32 |
tieum_ | my does not work at all | 03:32 |
=== ubuntu is now known as bladedge | ||
bladedge | thats the prob | 03:32 |
bladedge | im runnin ubuntu on the live cd | 03:32 |
dodobrain | ok, so you had it running for 2 weeks. | 03:32 |
bladedge | cuz if i try to install it it just powers down my comp | 03:33 |
bladedge | its weird | 03:33 |
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pilgrim | bladedge, probably some heating problem and kernel turn off to save it's ass. | 03:33 |
dodobrain | and now it powers down by itself after a (seemingly) random amount of time after power on ? | 03:33 |
bladedge | i think the hdd or the bios got fucked up | 03:33 |
bladedge | well maybe | 03:33 |
bladedge | but hey i didnt get a power down now | 03:33 |
jouni__m | spikeh try to install libglib2.0-0 | 03:33 |
=== Brendon [n=Brendon@c-66-176-112-43.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SuperLag | bladedge: and you want help with installing it on possibly faulty hardware? that's a recipe for frustration and wasting time | 03:33 |
docta_v | hate to break it to you but if you didn't know about su then you're a noob | 03:33 |
spikeh | jouni__m: that is already installed, I think with build-essential | 03:33 |
dodobrain | indeed superchode|fu | 03:33 |
bladedge | nope | 03:33 |
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SuperLag | wow. | 03:34 |
dodobrain | err. SuperLag | 03:34 |
pilgrim | lamed, sorrry, no clue (ohh, we do see you though) | 03:34 |
bladedge | i just need to know if my dam comp could be saved | 03:34 |
=== mwe [n=mwe@port462.ds1-ynoe.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SuperLag | bladedge: run it through the dishwasher :) | 03:34 |
dodobrain | bladedge, we're not h/w experts here! :) | 03:34 |
bladedge | damit | 03:34 |
bladedge | well duh neighter am i | 03:34 |
dodobrain | anyway, you might want to just boot into bios and monitor the cpu temp. | 03:34 |
bladedge | thats y im askin ya lol | 03:34 |
lamed | :'(:'(somebody surely have done it:'( | 03:34 |
=== leo [n=leo@82-47-154-231.stb.ubr02.barn.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bladedge | i cant my bios sux | 03:35 |
dodobrain | maybe its overheating and the bios is shutting off the machine | 03:35 |
bladedge | no monitorin toold | 03:35 |
bladedge | tools* | 03:35 |
bladedge | yeh i kno i tryed to monitor that myself | 03:35 |
=== Bobl [i=Mark@bobl.kabel.utwente.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pilgrim | bladedge, power it up.. who knows. check if power cable got unplugged and battery is 0% full. | 03:35 |
bladedge | nope | 03:35 |
Bobl | is there a way to do something like remote desktop with ubuntu | 03:35 |
=== No1Viking [i=micke@h-83-140-104-3.ip.cust.port80.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bladedge | battery's fine | 03:35 |
seniorsepia | lamed, i have the same question, try install FreeSwan\OpenSwan | 03:35 |
bladedge | its well pluged | 03:35 |
dodobrain | bladedge, battery is irrelevant | 03:35 |
pilgrim | bladedge, first time it happened? | 03:36 |
mwe | Bobl: yeah | 03:36 |
bladedge | pilgrim, yesturday | 03:36 |
pilgrim | bladedge, this is _second_ time? wow. did you check logs last time? | 03:36 |
bladedge | we had a power shutdown in the whole town | 03:36 |
bladedge | nope | 03:36 |
bladedge | it just shuts down | 03:36 |
SuperLag | Bobl: If I remember right, it's called vino. | 03:36 |
=== atmat [n=osx@thes730a-2535.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bladedge | but this time it didnt | 03:36 |
Bobl | ah right, is it possible with a windows client | 03:36 |
pilgrim | bladedge, is it like instant with no warning whatsoever? | 03:36 |
bladedge | i think it might be the hdd | 03:36 |
bladedge | exactly | 03:37 |
bladedge | no warning nothing | 03:37 |
atmat | Hi, I installed Kubuntu linux, now I want to add Greek keyaboard support in order to write in Greek, how do I do that? | 03:37 |
docta_v | Bobl: you want to connect to your ubuntu system remotely or a connect to a windows system with ubuntu? | 03:37 |
bladedge | absolutley nuthin | 03:37 |
Bobl | connect to ubuntu remotely | 03:37 |
pilgrim | bladedge, that's scary...as a precaution I'm logging off from this channel just in case it's contaiguious. | 03:37 |
docta_v | Bobl: you want vnc then...i personally use tightvnc | 03:37 |
=== pilgrim logging off. | ||
lamed | seniorsepia: are you registered? | 03:37 |
dodobrain | bladedge, err.. if the hdd goes broke it won;t shut itself down! unless you have a weird system | 03:37 |
bladedge | lol | 03:37 |
bladedge | well i dunno | 03:38 |
=== PeteyCrack [n=Pistol~P@c-24-3-244-176.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bladedge | but right now im on live ubuntu | 03:38 |
SuperLag | bladedge: come back when your hardware issues are solved. | 03:38 |
deFrysk | atmat, most people here use gnome , try #kubuntu if you cannot get an answer here | 03:38 |
bladedge | n it didnt power itself down | 03:38 |
=== basix [n=BASIX@adsl196-22-5-206-196.adsl196-1.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bobl | docta_v, looks good | 03:38 |
dodobrain | if you suspect the hdd of being faulty: listen and check whether there are clicking noises from the hdd | 03:38 |
basix | hi every one | 03:38 |
=== tvelocity [n=tony@chan530-a006.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pilgrim | bladedge, ok...so you're talking to us about your laptop that has windows on it? And ubunut is fine? | 03:38 |
PeteyCrack | hm | 03:38 |
bladedge | oki ty | 03:38 |
PeteyCrack | 1152x864 is nice. | 03:38 |
bladedge | like it had windows on it | 03:39 |
PeteyCrack | i think ill keep it. | 03:39 |
bladedge | i formated the partition | 03:39 |
bladedge | n i cant install linux eighetr | 03:39 |
pilgrim | bladedge, see now that must be the problem. | 03:39 |
docta_v | Bobl: only thing to keep in mind though...is if you're connecting from the internet to inside a NAT'd LAN then you must tunnel the connection through ssh. simply forwarding the port on the router won't work | 03:39 |
seniorsepia | lamed: i'm not registered i think | 03:39 |
bladedge | what ? | 03:39 |
=== nasso [n=nasso@h49n1fls33o1108.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bobl | docta_v, thats ok, i have a direct connection | 03:39 |
nasso | is anyone here good at using sodipodi? | 03:39 |
lamed | seniorsepia: that's why you can't get my pm's. they are restricted for registered users around freenode. | 03:40 |
docta_v | Bobl: cool...might be worth doing ssh tunneling anyway for added security | 03:40 |
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pilgrim | bladedge, <joking> windows is always the problem...(more seriously check the bios, I had this thing happening with a sytem of mine and it costs me $40 to find out it was the bios setting I changed) | 03:40 |
bladedge | nothin will install | 03:40 |
Bobl | docta_v, thanks for the info :) | 03:40 |
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bladedge | i tried | 03:40 |
lamed | seniorsepia: " Openswan is an implementation of IPsec for Linux" Isn't there an ipsec package already installed? (i'm on winXP now, untill I'll manage the internet connection) | 03:41 |
pilgrim | bladedge, restored to default? | 03:41 |
Mabus06 | You can just get wine from synaptic? Last time I installed it, it was harder, when did it change? | 03:41 |
zalaam | if i want to change all my icons,do i move my new icons into /usr/share/pixmaps/ and thats it? | 03:41 |
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bladedge | ill try | 03:41 |
bladedge | but its runnin like that since the beggining | 03:41 |
nasso | zalaam, check art.gnome.org for icon-themes | 03:41 |
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pilgrim | bladedge, well, then it should hurt to restore default settings. | 03:42 |
nasso | zalaam, can be changed in system ->prefs -> themes | 03:42 |
bladedge | ill tyr n do it | 03:42 |
bladedge | maybe it'll help | 03:42 |
bladedge | who knows | 03:42 |
bladedge | brb | 03:42 |
zalaam | nasso: oki thanx | 03:42 |
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dodobrain | PeteyCrack, dude! | 03:43 |
dodobrain | nice to see you have slightly improved your res :) | 03:43 |
PeteyCrack | dodobrain: this is as small as i can handle :-p | 03:43 |
=== x-spirit [n=x-spirit@x-spirit.vega.bg] has joined #ubuntu | ||
x-spirit | people, how can i read and write from/on ntfs hdds ? | 03:44 |
bladedge | mount -t ntfs /dev/hda<n> /mnt lol | 03:44 |
pilgrim | LOL | 03:44 |
=== BrianB04 [n=BrianB04@pcp0012141516pcs.newhav01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bladedge | like thank pilgrim | 03:44 |
dodobrain | lol indeed | 03:45 |
pilgrim | x-spirit, last time I checked writing was experimental | 03:45 |
BrianB04 | Hey, gotta dumb question: Can you turn Ubuntu into a better Kubuntu? IE Adding KDE etc? | 03:45 |
bladedge | lol | 03:45 |
dodobrain | PeteyCrack, tried 1280x1024? sometimes i find people who are ok with going from 1152 to 1280 | 03:45 |
deFrysk | BrianB04, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 03:45 |
PeteyCrack | dodobrain: i just tried it on my other pc, since it's already functional way too small | 03:45 |
kestas | BrianB04, apt-get install -- yeah | 03:45 |
x-spirit | i run ubuntu for a first time, so no ideq.. | 03:45 |
pilgrim | BrianB04, no ...KDE is eval. I mean evil. | 03:45 |
dodobrain | PeteyCrack, but did you try it on this lcd? | 03:46 |
PeteyCrack | dodobrain: nah | 03:46 |
dodobrain | hehe.. KDe is eval ;) | 03:46 |
PeteyCrack | dodobrain: i like this | 03:46 |
dodobrain | see! | 03:46 |
kestas | pilgrim, what would happen if Qt suddenly decided to relicense its stuff anyway? | 03:46 |
BrianB04 | KDE is eval? KDE == ? | 03:46 |
dodobrain | you should have tried it on _this_ lcd. you might have liked it | 03:46 |
PeteyCrack | dodobrain: | 03:46 |
Happuf | x-spirit: you should not write to ntfs. It can break. Use ubuntu disk manager to mount it. | 03:46 |
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dodobrain | BrianB04, :p | 03:46 |
PeteyCrack | dodobrain: what is the cmd to start X from term? | 03:46 |
dodobrain | PeteyCrack, X | 03:46 |
=== BrianB04 is debating what to code for, Gnome or KDE | ||
PeteyCrack | lmfa | 03:46 |
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dodobrain | huh? | 03:47 |
PeteyCrack | ok ill try it give me a minute | 03:47 |
deFrysk | BrianB04, #ubuntu is filled with gnome users , you might feel safer in #kubuntu | 03:47 |
dodobrain | that wasn;t a joke! | 03:47 |
PeteyCrack | dodobrain: 1280x ? | 03:47 |
pilgrim | kestas, well the license sucks as it is, so KDE would either have do develop QT on their own or switch to GTK :D | 03:47 |
dodobrain | 1280x1024 | 03:47 |
mahangu | BrianB04, you should be in #ubuntu-devel | 03:47 |
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PeteyCrack | dodobrain: ok | 03:47 |
bladedge | PeteyCrack, startx | 03:47 |
bladedge | lmao | 03:47 |
dodobrain | PeteyCrack, you don;t need to quit your current X | 03:47 |
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kestas | pilgrim, yeah that'd be interesting | 03:47 |
PeteyCrack | dodobrain: ? | 03:47 |
kestas | if I was going to write some software with userland threads which API should I use? | 03:48 |
kestas | is there a standard one? | 03:48 |
pilgrim | kestas, indeed. GTK is better for development because of LGPL. So if a client doesn't want to open source their software you can safely use GTK but not QT. | 03:48 |
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BrianB04 | That's true pilgrim. Because you have to GPL anything you write in QT, unless you want to pay out the butt, it's a hassle. | 03:48 |
PeteyCrack | dodobrain: it wont show up until i restart X | 03:48 |
dodobrain | PeteyCrack, just this: $ X :1 & xterm --display :1 & | 03:48 |
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PeteyCrack | pete@LinuxBox:~$ $ X :1 & xterm --display :1 & | 03:49 |
PeteyCrack | bash: $: command not found | 03:49 |
pilgrim | blades, pick one already. | 03:49 |
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=== Malachi [n=Malachi@236-209.dothan.cable.graceba.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Malachi | I've got a question. | 03:49 |
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pilgrim | I've got an answer. | 03:49 |
spikeh | where does Synaptic install applications? is it possible to make it install in /home ? | 03:49 |
pilgrim | (maybe) | 03:50 |
Malachi | I recently upgraded Firefox 1.07 to 1.5 | 03:50 |
jouni__m | spikeh I managed to configure xchat 2.4.5. Do you have 2.0-0 installed? | 03:50 |
Malachi | But if I open a link through Evolution, | 03:50 |
=== Gecko_ is now known as Gecko | ||
Malachi | Evolution calls 1.07. | 03:50 |
PeteyCrack | dodobrain: ? | 03:50 |
spikeh | jouni__m: no, I used Synaptic to install 2.4.4 to ask for help on compiling | 03:50 |
Malachi | Can I change that? | 03:50 |
Gecko | I have a broken package to report, what do I do? | 03:50 |
pilgrim | Malachi, why do you still have 1.07 anyway? | 03:50 |
Dreamglider | i need some help with grub, i get a error 22 when i boot | 03:50 |
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Malachi | I don't know.... | 03:50 |
Malachi | I guess I should get rid of it... | 03:51 |
pilgrim | Malachi, you can change the default browser in gnome using ...thinking.... | 03:51 |
pilgrim | Malachi, system>preferences>prefered applications | 03:51 |
Malachi | pligrim: thanks. | 03:51 |
=== bladedge [n=bladedge@dyn-83-152-48-223.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pilgrim | Malachi, you're welcome. | 03:51 |
Malachi | pilgrim: Let me see... | 03:51 |
=== DRAGON_Ultra [n=DRAGON_U@adsl-70-232-38-75.dsl.ltrkar.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bladedge | back | 03:51 |
bladedge | on another comp lol | 03:52 |
=== steve_laptop [n=steven@astound-64-83-198-101.mn.astound.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pilgrim | bladedge, always helpse to have 1+ | 03:52 |
=== SEJeff [n=SEJeff@12-203-76-59.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bladedge | yeh | 03:52 |
pilgrim | Malachi, how did you upgrade firefox anyway? | 03:52 |
flogiston | gnome-system-monitor don't want to load. | 03:52 |
bladedge | indeed it does | 03:52 |
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Malachi | pilgrim: What's the difference in removal and complete removal? | 03:52 |
=== wdh [n=wouter@s55935227.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
spikeh | jouni__m: I've installed some other glib packages and it's finished configuring; now make isn't working and is giving an error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6415 | 03:52 |
pilgrim | Malachi, bookmarks>gone. etc. | 03:52 |
flogiston | I can see the process in terminal with ps aux | 03:52 |
Malachi | pilgrim: I found some guide on the forums. | 03:52 |
stark-johan | I've installed xmms to play mp3 and it works but I get alot of clipping in the music. What can i do to improove this? | 03:52 |
pilgrim | Malachi, ok. | 03:52 |
=== pat [n=dolly99@d54C145CB.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stark-johan | Not improove the clipping ... :-) | 03:53 |
Dreamglider | i can boot both WindowsXP and Ubuntu if i use Smart Boot manager wich is on Ultimate boot cd, and enter what disk to boot with no problems, how can i fix grub ? | 03:53 |
Malachi | pilgrim: I can't remove firefox 1.07 without removing yelp? | 03:53 |
DRAGON_Ultra | fine tune it | 03:53 |
spikeh | jouni__m: oh, and glib 2.0-0 is installed | 03:54 |
Gecko | Please. Can someone tell me where to submit data about a broken package in 5.10? | 03:54 |
pilgrim | Malachi, yelp what the? you should be able to. | 03:54 |
pilgrim | Gecko, a bug you mean? | 03:54 |
jouni__m | spikeh did you make or sudo make | 03:54 |
bladedge | btw pilgrim | 03:54 |
spikeh | jouni__m: sudo make | 03:54 |
bladedge | when i check out the dam partitions | 03:54 |
bladedge | fuck | 03:54 |
pilgrim | LOL | 03:54 |
bladedge | it shut down again | 03:54 |
=== apokryphos [n=apokryph@host-87-74-2-236.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bladedge | damit | 03:54 |
pilgrim | OH! | 03:54 |
bladedge | think its the bios lol | 03:55 |
Gecko | pilgrim, yes, a bug | 03:55 |
claudius | hello everyone! I'm having a problem with my display settings in breezy, I really have no idea what's causing it. the resolution is stuck to 640x480 and it won't let me change it | 03:55 |
DRAGON_Ultra | go to bug report | 03:55 |
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irvin | happy new year all! | 03:55 |
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Malachi | pilgrim: When I mark FF 1.07 through Synaptic, it also marks firefox-gnome-support and yelp | 03:55 |
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pilgrim | Malachi, for _removal_? | 03:56 |
claudius | I suspected the problem was with the kernel modules which contained the nvidia drivers so I installed the nvidia-glx drivers, but no luck | 03:56 |
Malachi | pilgrim: I think so. | 03:56 |
pat | i have problems with multi booting; i've installed xp aside ubuntu, before ubuntu worked fine - no problems. Now after installing xp: the xp bootloader does not provide to start the ubuntu any more | 03:56 |
Malachi | pilgrim: It says to be removed. | 03:56 |
DRAGON_Ultra | XP? who needs that old OS | 03:56 |
flogiston | Not me. | 03:56 |
pat | the partition is intact, but i cannot acces and not startup ubuntu any more: does any one can help me | 03:56 |
pilgrim | Malachi, strange. I don't really know what to say, check the description of yelp is firefox menioned there? | 03:56 |
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Malachi | pilgrim "This package contains the GNOME online help browser application." | 03:57 |
bladedge | like it shut itself down again | 03:57 |
bladedge | imma go crazy | 03:57 |
visik7 | the repository for kubuntu and ubuntu are the same ? | 03:57 |
pilgrim | pat have you a way to boot into anylinux? | 03:57 |
pilgrim | (cd or something) | 03:57 |
pilgrim | bladedge, maybe it's the NTFS support in linux. | 03:57 |
bladedge | its fucked up | 03:57 |
pat | i have a boot cd of ubuntu | 03:57 |
bladedge | dun think so | 03:57 |
pilgrim | Malachi, that doesn't sound like you want it gone. | 03:58 |
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bladedge | it doesnt get a chance to load the os | 03:58 |
Malachi | pilgrim: No, it doesn't. | 03:58 |
Malachi | pilgrim: I use help alot =\ | 03:58 |
linthyx | 88 | 03:58 |
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bladedge | damit | 03:58 |
bladedge | think it got fucked up | 03:59 |
pat | what you mean: alot? | 03:59 |
=== phendrick [n=phendric@host86-133-153-228.range86-133.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pilgrim | pat, try that cd and open a terminal and then do grub-install /dev/hda | 03:59 |
bladedge | n im only 16 how do i get enough cash to buy a new one | 03:59 |
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pilgrim | Malachi, try and unmark those packages and then apply | 03:59 |
Malachi | pat: was that addressed to me? | 03:59 |
Malachi | pilgrim: Tried. | 03:59 |
pilgrim | or just leave firefox 1.07 it couldn't hurt | 03:59 |
pilgrim | Malachi, and what happened? | 03:59 |
Malachi | pilgrim:I'll do that. | 03:59 |
Malachi | pilgrim: Nothing. It wouldn't unmark. | 04:00 |
Malachi | pilgrim: I checked yelp | 04:00 |
phendrick | does a default breezy install come with a firewall? | 04:00 |
Malachi | 's dependencies | 04:00 |
DRAGON_Ultra | yes | 04:00 |
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Malachi | pilgrm: It depends on firefox. | 04:00 |
Malachi | I'll just leave it | 04:00 |
phendrick | i'm still trying to ssh to my server. i can ping it, ssh FROM it, but cant ssh to it | 04:00 |
pilgrim | hmm. I see | 04:01 |
pilgrim | That makes sense. | 04:01 |
pilgrim | Malachi, then just leave it. | 04:01 |
=== barosl Happy New Year~ | ||
pilgrim | Malachi, because I guess it doesn't know that you have upgraded firefox since the method was unconventional. | 04:01 |
pilgrim | phendrick, what have you done so far? | 04:02 |
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pilgrim | phendrick, sshd running? | 04:02 |
Malachi | pilgrim: Can't wait till it gets in the repositories... | 04:02 |
phendrick | pilgrim, just a default install | 04:02 |
pat | in my ubuntu, i tried to change the bootloader by trying to change the menu.lst file in the bootload directory: no access rights;; i did install ubuntu and while installing the system asked a name and pass and this was all ok. if i looked at rights, i had all of them, but no way, .. i could not change the menu.lst file | 04:02 |
pilgrim | Malachi, me to. Although I tried epiphany and I like it better firefox is a hog | 04:02 |
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phendrick | sshd is running, yep | 04:02 |
phendrick | installed open ssh | 04:02 |
raphink | pat: did you use sudo to edit menu.lst? | 04:02 |
pilgrim | pat, did you try what I said above? | 04:02 |
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pat | not yet | 04:03 |
pilgrim | phendrick, what are you trying to login as? | 04:03 |
phendrick | my default user on the server | 04:03 |
phendrick | pilgrim, but i don't even get a password prompt | 04:03 |
pat | my ubuntu disk is a startup disk, will i get the possibiity to start-up a terminal session as you said | 04:03 |
pilgrim | phendrick, just hangs? | 04:03 |
jouni__m | spikeh sorry I don't have any ideas | 04:03 |
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phendrick | pilgrim, yeah just stays there, as though it's trying to access it | 04:04 |
pilgrim | pat, you can just go to applications>accessorises right? | 04:04 |
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pilgrim | phendrick, I've had that....now to remebere what caused it. | 04:04 |
Mabus06 | I have a dvd burner, but I can't find it in nautilus and the eject button doesn't work. Any ideas? | 04:04 |
phendrick | pilgrim, if you can thatd be ace! :) | 04:04 |
pat | pelgrim, i'll try it right now | 04:05 |
pilgrim | phendrick, try do a port scan on it. even try to ssh from the system itself that way no network firewall get in the way | 04:05 |
oblib | Has anyone here used gopdit? It's an mpeg2 editor not included in the ubuntu sources | 04:05 |
pilgrim | paddel, good luck | 04:05 |
pilgrim | pat, good luck | 04:05 |
spikeh | can someone tell me where Synaptic installs applications? | 04:06 |
phendrick | pilgrim, how do i do a portscan? | 04:06 |
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pilgrim | phendrick, install nmap | 04:06 |
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phendrick | pilgrim, do i run that on the server or the client? | 04:06 |
coNP | spikeh: look in packages, where they put their files | 04:06 |
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pilgrim | phendrick, client | 04:06 |
oblib | spikeh, depends on the program - Synaptic installs where it is told to | 04:06 |
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phendrick | pilgrim, ok thanks very much. i'll have a go | 04:06 |
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pilgrim | phendrick, you're welcome | 04:07 |
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spikeh | coNP: oblib: is it possible to force it to install in /home which is mounted on a separate partition? | 04:07 |
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coNP | spikeh: /home is for user files, why do you want to install something there? | 04:08 |
oblib | spikeh, in Linux, the idea is that you only have user files | 04:08 |
oblib | yeah, what conp said | 04:08 |
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oblib | spikeh, but in answer, not that I know of | 04:08 |
kakei | hi,happy new year,does anyone knows if exist a baghira precompiled .deb? | 04:08 |
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oblib | spikeh, you would have to move it after the install. A program on Linux needs more than just the executable though | 04:09 |
spikeh | oblib: coNP: I see, but I read somewhere that people mounted /home on a separate partition so when Linux is rebuilt all the applications/settings remain | 04:09 |
oblib | settings, not apps | 04:09 |
coNP | spikeh: okay, settings will be stored either in /etc or in /home/<user> | 04:10 |
pilgrim | coNP, spikeh, usually both. | 04:10 |
oblib | spikeh, getting apps is simple with Synaptic, and if the settings are carried over, it's like you lost nothing | 04:10 |
spikeh | oblib: coNP: then is it possible to force the settings to be stored in /home | 04:10 |
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pat | pilgrim, i've just explored the disk; the only files with grub.. i can find are on \pool\main\g\grub and \pool\main\g\grub-installer . The disk contains an iso image. I've got it from a magazine, without additional comment. | 04:10 |
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oblib | spikeh, usually they are. They start with ., like .mplayer | 04:11 |
coNP | spikeh: user settings are stored there | 04:11 |
pat | pilgrim, the directories contain DEB-files | 04:11 |
coNP | spikeh: what do you want to install? | 04:11 |
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oblib | spikeh, to see them, type ll -a at a prompt | 04:11 |
spikeh | oblib: so if I were to rebuild Linux, and then install XChat with Synaptic; all my configurations will be intact? | 04:11 |
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pilgrim | pat, I guess those will do. Have you the plain ubuntu CD? | 04:11 |
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pilgrim | pat, or the "install" CD? | 04:11 |
melissas | I've installed Ubuntu on my Toshiba laptop and the system doesn't reboot | 04:11 |
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alan__ | hi | 04:12 |
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oblib | spikeh, preserving your home dir? I believe so, but I have never tried it. coNP? | 04:12 |
melissas | any help??? | 04:12 |
alan__ | how can I update from hoary to breezy? | 04:12 |
alan__ | what do I have to do? | 04:12 |
apokryphos | !upgrade | 04:12 |
ubotu | The guide to upgrading to breezy (5.10) is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade | 04:12 |
alan__ | thanks | 04:12 |
pilgrim | melissas, doesn't shut down either? | 04:12 |
oblib | melissas, you mean you tell it to reboot and it does nothing? | 04:12 |
PeteyCrack | wow abiword is much better then open office | 04:12 |
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spikeh | coNP: I have a .xchat2 folder under /home; are the configuration files stored in there? | 04:13 |
pilgrim | PeteyCrack, is lighter, eh? | 04:13 |
melissas | <pilgrim>it does...but it doesn't reboot automatically... | 04:13 |
PeteyCrack | pilgrim: any word processor that has a loading splash screen (Open office) sucks | 04:13 |
pilgrim | meepy, oh. I see. | 04:13 |
pilgrim | PeteyCrack, lol | 04:13 |
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pat | pilgrim, i do not now how i could run a DEB file. the only thing i can do is to run the cd as boot-cd | 04:13 |
pat | what do you propose: boot and see? | 04:13 |
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pilgrim | pat, well the grub-install was not a DEB file | 04:14 |
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pilgrim | pat, right? | 04:14 |
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pat | yes the grub-install was a DEB file | 04:14 |
pilgrim | pat, it that's the case then do "\pool\main\g\grub-installer /dev/hda" | 04:14 |
pilgrim | pat, OH! | 04:14 |
factotum | is there any way to easily remove kubuntu-desktop packages from ubuntu? or do I need to go through synaptec and hunt them all down? | 04:14 |
pilgrim | pat, so it was \pool\main\g\grub-installer.deb not plain grub-install? | 04:15 |
oblib | I've got a package (gepdit) that is not designed for Ubuntu, and has unmet dependencies. Can I still get this installed? | 04:15 |
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pilgrim | oblib, you need deps first. | 04:15 |
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oblib | pilgrim, if I compile from tarball would it fail? | 04:15 |
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pilgrim | pat, well. that sucks...oh...try and see if you can mount your partition (ubuntu install) | 04:16 |
pilgrim | oblib, it should fail. | 04:16 |
pat | i'll try | 04:16 |
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pat | or is there a way to get a grub installer from the net? | 04:17 |
pilgrim | pat, once you do that then do <mount point> /sbin/grub-install /dev/hda | 04:17 |
spikeh | I'm trying to install Opera and I've downloaded a .deb file; what do I do with this? | 04:17 |
=== Fred [n=fredf@81-86-149-249.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pilgrim | pat, it needs other stuff to.. I have no idea what but I'm pretty sure it does need other stuff. | 04:18 |
hhurtta | spikeh: man dpkg | 04:18 |
Blissex | spikeh: 'dpkg --install' | 04:18 |
pat | ok i'll try | 04:18 |
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pat | i'll talk you next boot | 04:18 |
yuma | hello | 04:18 |
pilgrim | ok | 04:18 |
pilgrim | brb | 04:18 |
yuma | someone has any trouble with a thinkpad z60m when closes the screen and opens again? | 04:19 |
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spikeh | Blissex: it's returning with an error "dpkg: status database area is locked by another process | 04:19 |
spikeh | " | 04:19 |
yuma | i'm using ubuntu 5.10 with universe and multiverse | 04:19 |
kakei | who can pls tell me how to install baghira | 04:19 |
hhurtta | spikeh: are ytou running synaptic perhaps? | 04:19 |
hhurtta | you need to shut it down first | 04:19 |
Blissex | spikeh: only one process can have the DPKG database active, so if you have Synaptic or Aptitude running... | 04:19 |
yuma | the X video driver is i810 and the screen resolution is 1280x800 | 04:20 |
spikeh | ah oka, thanks :D | 04:20 |
kestas | yuma, I used to get that on my inspiron 2200, with the i810 driver | 04:20 |
factotum | is there any way to easily remove kubuntu-desktop packages from ubuntu? I thought I would give KDE a shot but didnt like it so much. | 04:20 |
yuma | kestas, should i change to vesa? | 04:20 |
kestas | yuma, only got it on 5.04 though, when I upgraded it disappeared | 04:20 |
yuma | ow.. | 04:20 |
kestas | yuma, didn't help for me, worth a shot I guess | 04:20 |
yuma | kestas, ok, thanks! I'll try | 04:20 |
kestas | yuma, X can be quite slow on vesa though, probably not a permeanent solution | 04:21 |
factotum | If i have to go a reinstall to fix it, thats okay. Just wondering if there is another way | 04:21 |
spikeh | Blissex: hhurtta: I got this output http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6416 ; is the installation completed? | 04:21 |
kestas | yuma, if the worst comes to the worst you can stop it trying to turn the screen off when you close the lid by playing with ACPI | 04:21 |
yuma | kestas, i had lots of trouble when installing (CD corrupt and that stuff) so i think i'll try to reinstall it from a better CD | 04:22 |
hhurtta | spikeh: not yet | 04:22 |
kestas | yuma, that won't help man | 04:22 |
yatesy | yea thats really annoying | 04:22 |
hhurtta | it returns to promt after it's donw | 04:22 |
=== Manifold [n=Manifold@88-104-146-98.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hhurtta | prompts even | 04:22 |
kestas | yuma, Id just check ubuntuforums and google and see what turns up | 04:22 |
Manifold | How many people are here? | 04:22 |
hhurtta | typ-o-matic... | 04:22 |
spikeh | hhurtta: yeah it has returned to prompt | 04:22 |
hhurtta | spikeh: then its done | 04:23 |
kestas | Manifold, pretty sad aint it? new years eve and here we all are :P | 04:23 |
Manifold | Meh. | 04:23 |
Manifold | It's only a New Year. | 04:23 |
yuma | kestas, ok, i did a bit of search but i don't know how to say that about close the screen in English... :C | 04:23 |
nickrud | factotum, you could try sudo apt-get remove libqt3-mt | 04:23 |
Manifold | I don't celebrate something that is human made, it's not even accurate. | 04:23 |
Manifold | ^^ | 04:23 |
spikeh | hhurtta: after starting Opera; it's giving me an error about plugins: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6417 | 04:23 |
kestas | Manifold, what do you celebrate? | 04:23 |
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Manifold | I take that back. | 04:24 |
factotum | nickrud: what would that do? | 04:24 |
kestas | heh | 04:24 |
=== Manifold must avoid be too generalising. | ||
Manifold | :] | 04:24 |
Blissex | spikeh: that looks good | 04:24 |
Manifold | Back later. | 04:24 |
hhurtta | spikeh: key line is #7 | 04:24 |
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hhurtta | " | 04:24 |
hhurtta | 17:24 * Manifold must avoid be too generalising. | 04:24 |
hhurtta | 17:24 < Manifold> :] | 04:24 |
hhurtta | 17:24 -!- fredforfaen [n=Morrari@216-132-165.0502.adsl.tele2.no] has quit | 04:24 |
hhurtta | [Remote closed the connection] | 04:24 |
hhurtta | 17:24 < Blissex> spikeh: that looks good | 04:25 |
hhurtta | 17:24 < Manifold> Back later. | 04:25 |
nickrud | factotum, that would remove the qt library, which will remove all the packages that depend on it, and so on up the tree. Try apt-get --simulate remove if you're cautious | 04:25 |
hhurtta | 17:24 < hhurtta> spikeh: key line is #7 | 04:25 |
hhurtta | [17:24] [hhurtta(+i)] [7:#ubuntu(+JPcfnt)] [Act: 3,8] | 04:25 |
hhurtta | [#ubuntu] " | 04:25 |
hhurtta | damn! | 04:25 |
spikeh | hhurtta: should I install Motif using Synaptic? | 04:25 |
hhurtta | sorry | 04:25 |
hhurtta | yes | 04:25 |
erUSUL | hhurtta, do not paste here plaease use pastebin | 04:25 |
=== apostolis [n=apostoli@thes730a-2535.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
factotum | nickrud: thanks, I'll try simulate first | 04:25 |
hhurtta | erUSUL: accidentally clicked right mouse :) | 04:25 |
apostolis | hi, anyone here has a TOSHIBA A30 laptop? I need to configure the modem, I found a guide but the compile fails | 04:25 |
apostolis | :-( | 04:25 |
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kestas | apostolis, we need more than 'the compile fails' | 04:26 |
nickrud | factotum, that doesn't quite get it all, if my memory serves. The sound server (arts) and a couple others get left behind | 04:26 |
factotum | nickrud: oh thats alright, if it at least trims down the packages its a good start | 04:27 |
apostolis | ake[1] : Entering directory `/root/slmodem-2.9.10/modem' | 04:27 |
apostolis | gcc -Wall -g -O -I. -DCONFIG_DEBUG_MODEM -o modem_main.o -c modem_main.c | 04:27 |
apostolis | modem_main.c:45:20: error: unistd.h: No such file or directory | 04:27 |
apostolis | modem_main.c:46:20: error: stdlib.h: No such file or directory | 04:27 |
apostolis | here, it seems that something is missing | 04:27 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %apostolis!*@*] by Seveas | ||
Seveas | do NOT paste | 04:27 |
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Seveas | !tell apostolis about compiling | 04:27 |
spikeh | hhurtta: Motif isn't under Synaptic | 04:28 |
pilgrim | !tell me about compiling | 04:28 |
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spikeh | !tell me about compiling | 04:28 |
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hhurtta | spikeh: it's probably named something like openmotif or something | 04:28 |
hhurtta | I've booted to windows atm so I can't check | 04:29 |
factotum | nickrud: the only snag I see right now is removing kdm, can I just reconfigure gdm somehow and then remove kdm? | 04:29 |
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factotum | othwise everything else was removed just fine | 04:29 |
hhurtta | spikeh: try searching from name AND description | 04:30 |
Seveas | factotum, sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm | 04:30 |
apokryphos | factotum: removing kdm will automatically set gdm as default. Alternatively, you can set kdm to just be default with dpkg-reconfigure | 04:30 |
spikeh | hhurtta: I managed to break Synaptic's theme? | 04:30 |
factotum | ah alright :D great, thank you!! | 04:30 |
hhurtta | spikeh: ? | 04:30 |
factotum | I need to keep a notepad around or something hehe | 04:30 |
spikeh | hhurtta: the theme has changed for some reason | 04:30 |
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Seveas | factotum, apt-get install tomboy :) | 04:30 |
spikeh | hhurtta: it's not the KDE default now | 04:30 |
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hhurtta | spikeh: tried restarting? | 04:31 |
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spikeh | hhurtta: the program? yes; but not a reboot | 04:31 |
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nickrud | factotum, gdm should be automatically configured as the display manager by the kdm package when kdm uninstalls itself. You can also do sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm first, if you like. | 04:31 |
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apostolis | is there any guide for ubuntu in order to make my modem use a specific linux driver? | 04:31 |
hhurtta | spikeh: never happened to me :/ | 04:32 |
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nickrud | arg, walk away for a sec and not reading it all can be embarassing :) | 04:32 |
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melissas | I stuck into this problem: my toshiba satellite does not boot... | 04:33 |
pilgrim | melissas, do you get any errors? | 04:33 |
Seveas | melissas, where does it stop and with which error? | 04:34 |
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erUSUL | apostolis, check linmodems.org | 04:34 |
melissas | not at all...my system hangs just before shutdown and boot again... | 04:34 |
pilgrim | melissas, did you try to push the power button and reboot that way? | 04:35 |
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melissas | yes...it works that way... | 04:35 |
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melissas | but it doesn't reboot noramly... | 04:35 |
melissas | noramly--->normally | 04:36 |
pilgrim | melissas, so that means shutting down or rebooting is not working. Try this when you booted try "CTRL+ALT+F1" | 04:36 |
pilgrim | melissas, this will take you to command line. then do "reboot" see where it stops and if any messages are given. | 04:36 |
pilgrim | melissas, you may have to type in command prompt "sudo reboot" | 04:37 |
melissas | <pilgrim>ok I do and I''be back to let you know | 04:37 |
pilgrim | ok | 04:37 |
melissas | see you... | 04:37 |
melissas | exit | 04:37 |
pilgrim | lol | 04:37 |
vladimir | Hi, everyone | 04:37 |
pilgrim | hi | 04:37 |
pilgrim | vladimir, so you from Russia eh? | 04:38 |
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vladimir | no bulgarian | 04:38 |
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vladimir | excuse me | 04:38 |
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vladimir | how can i Istall nvidia driver | 04:38 |
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dbernar1 | !nvidia | 04:38 |
ubotu | [nvidia] at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57368 | 04:38 |
factotum | alright, kde is gone, worked like a charm. Thanks again everybody! | 04:39 |
vladimir | NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-7676-pkg1.run | 04:39 |
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vladimir | ok, merci Ubotu | 04:40 |
apostolis | re sis | 04:40 |
apostolis | ta linux headers by default pou skata mpenoune? | 04:40 |
apostolis | giait mou ta eftise sto /usr/src/ k den ta vlepei to programa pou thelw na kanw compile | 04:40 |
apostolis | den mporo na mpw k sto linuxaki gamoto | 04:40 |
vladimir | i don't understand | 04:40 |
vladimir | ok | 04:40 |
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Seveas | apostolis, english in here | 04:41 |
Seveas | !tell vladimir about nvidia | 04:41 |
Seveas | mah | 04:41 |
Seveas | stupid me :) | 04:41 |
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kestas | anyone know of an analogue clock software I can use, which is nice and large? | 04:42 |
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jeroen__ | hey hi | 04:42 |
jeroen__ | what's up here | 04:42 |
spikeh | I'm looking for a package called xlib6g but it can't be found under Synaptic | 04:43 |
apostolis | where the linux-headers located by default? Not inside the /usr/src dir... as far as I remember ? | 04:43 |
Seveas | kestas, there's most likely a gdesklet for that | 04:43 |
apostolis | where *are* the.. | 04:43 |
kestas | good thinking batmat | 04:43 |
kestas | batman | 04:43 |
Seveas | apokryphos, apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) | 04:44 |
Seveas | apostolis* | 04:44 |
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apostolis | Seveas: I did installed them from Adept | 04:44 |
gnomefreak | whois would find name from ip? | 04:44 |
apostolis | and I can see them inside teh /usr/src dir | 04:44 |
Seveas | apostolis, good, then they're in /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r) | 04:44 |
erUSUL | kestas, a toy by guido van rossum; http://en.pastebin.ca/35384 | 04:45 |
pilgrim | gnomefreak, nope. | 04:45 |
pilgrim | gnomefreak, try it, it gives some other info | 04:45 |
gnomefreak | i just did | 04:45 |
apostolis | Seveas: cool, now remains a way to pass the path to the program. | 04:45 |
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jeroen__ | hi if i want skype ..witch prog do i need? does anyone knows? | 04:46 |
kestas | erUSUL, thanks but then I'd have to install the Tkinter module and check the script for nasties | 04:46 |
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antonio__ | problem with mpc, Thank for advanced | 04:46 |
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PeteyCrack | jeroen__: | 04:47 |
PeteyCrack | sudo apt-get install skype | 04:47 |
jeroen__ | hey pet:) | 04:47 |
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andrew__ | can i use a debian .deb on ubuntu (breezy)? | 04:47 |
jeroen__ | if i need a programm i just type that in my terminal... | 04:47 |
visik7 | andrew__: maybe | 04:47 |
andrew__ | i want to show my mom my program, but no one's written a deb for it (i use a different distro myself). | 04:48 |
andrew__ | visik7: how can i tell? | 04:48 |
apokryphos | andrew__: generally not a good idea | 04:48 |
jeroen__ | ive looked on the internet but i can chose between 6 diferent skype's | 04:48 |
apokryphos | !skype | 04:48 |
ubotu | from memory, skype is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SkypeHowto/ Breezy deb: http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/ | 04:48 |
visik7 | andrew__: try to install it | 04:48 |
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visik7 | andrew__: | 04:49 |
ablyss | hi all, i installed a nvidia graphics driver the other day.. but I am not sure if it installed correclty. Is there a way I can check to see if its installed and working correclty? | 04:49 |
visik7 | andrew__: if it doesn't complain about missing packages you can use it | 04:49 |
andrew__ | apokryphos: when i used ubuntu, i recall it being incredibly difficult to create a .deb; do you know of any documentation? | 04:49 |
visik7 | andrew__: btw what program is ? | 04:49 |
andrew__ | visik7, ah, ok. cool. | 04:49 |
andrew__ | visik7, pygmy: http://pygmy.berlios.de | 04:49 |
apokryphos | ablyss: if X accepts it, with nvidia being used as the driver, then it worked. | 04:49 |
Seveas | andrew__, creating a deb is not the easiest thing, because there are lots of rules about quality | 04:49 |
apokryphos | andrew__: debian packaging is an art :) | 04:49 |
Seveas | apokryphos, so true :) | 04:50 |
apokryphos | andrew__: but there are a few guides about. One sec. | 04:50 |
ablyss | apokryphos, right.. but my previous installation of the driver would popup the nvidia logo during bootup.. i'm not getting the logo now though | 04:50 |
andrew__ | Seveas, apokryphos: not to flame, but that's one of the reasons i switched to arch. too high a learning curve to contribute packages on debian/ubuntu! | 04:50 |
apokryphos | andrew__: this is quite a good guide, but what's more valuable is the links it provides http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuPackagingGuide | 04:51 |
Seveas | andrew__, you just have to practice a lot and ask experienced packagers questions | 04:51 |
apokryphos | ablyss: in xorg.conf is nvidia specified as the driver? | 04:51 |
andrew__ | Seveas, i may just give that a try. | 04:51 |
jeroen__ | ok i'm on the skype site but what must i do now to make it work? | 04:51 |
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apokryphos | jeroen__: follow the wiki guide | 04:51 |
jeroen__ | ok | 04:51 |
melissas | <pilgrim> i am back | 04:51 |
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andrew__ | honestly, after installing ubuntu for my family's computer, i'm reminded of how nice it is for many things and how much i'd like to use it (for its automation). the backports really make it usable IMO. | 04:51 |
pilgrim | melissas, hi | 04:52 |
melissas | well | 04:52 |
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ablyss | apokryphos, yes thanks | 04:52 |
jeroen__ | it says thes a problem skype is not working well | 04:52 |
melissas | no messages...last message I saw , was rebooting...but it doen't reboot | 04:52 |
apokryphos | ablyss: then that should be working. You can check to see if Ubuntu knows it exists from an lspci|grep -i nvidia | 04:53 |
melissas | everything seems normal except rebooting | 04:53 |
apokryphos | (note that doesn't necessarily mean you had the driver installed) | 04:53 |
ablyss | apokryphos, okay | 04:53 |
andrew__ | apokryphos, thanks for the link; i would never have thought to check the kubuntu wiki (or is it on the ubuntu one also?) | 04:53 |
apokryphos | andrew__: same wiki | 04:53 |
andrew__ | apokryphos, ah, ok. ^_^ | 04:53 |
apostolis | which package containts the /usr/include's ? | 04:53 |
apostolis | I can't find glibc pacakge :-( through adept | 04:54 |
pilgrim | melissas, hard to say without erros ..impossible to predict | 04:54 |
jeroen__ | what is the wiki guide.. there isnt a linck i can click on to download it... | 04:54 |
apokryphos | apostolis: install build-essential | 04:54 |
apokryphos | !tell jeroen__ about skype | 04:54 |
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Tatster | Does anyone know of Samba can deal with applying Windows Global Policy settings? For example if I don't have a Windows DC. | 04:54 |
gnomefreak | is there a command to find out more info on an ip address other than whois? | 04:55 |
melissas | <pilgrim>tell me again the boot processing CTRL+ what??? | 04:55 |
jeroen__ | ive installed skype before but that whas with windows... | 04:55 |
apokryphos | jeroen__: so follow the wiki link that ubotu just sent you. It's a Skype HowTo | 04:55 |
pilgrim | CTRLALTF1 | 04:55 |
melissas | and then sudo what??? | 04:55 |
gnomefreak | i have a feeling this email is a virus for winows being on linux i cant open the attacments | 04:56 |
apostolis | anyone managed to use the modem with ubuntu at a toshiba a30 laptop? | 04:56 |
gnomefreak | and im not sure how to unecrypt an 8bit | 04:56 |
erUSUL | Tatster, i'm not sure but maybe with pdbedit | 04:56 |
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alexwillmer | hi all. In the output of top, what is does the 'wa' cpu field represent? | 04:58 |
andrew__ | apokryphos, do i use dpkg to install a deb file that i've downloaded? (it's been a while.) | 04:59 |
pilgrim | melissas, sorry, then "sudo reboot" | 04:59 |
apokryphos | andrew__: dpkg -i, yes. | 04:59 |
andrew__ | apokryphos, cheers. | 04:59 |
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pilgrim | melissas, if you already tried that with no results, try "sudo shutdown" | 04:59 |
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melissas | <pilgrim>ok i will give it a try | 05:00 |
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pilgrim | meepy, 'right | 05:00 |
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Nei | hi, ubuntu throws kernel messages directly in my current window | 05:00 |
Nei | how can I stop that? | 05:01 |
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Nei | e.g.: | 05:01 |
Nei | [4307165.023000] atkbd.c: Unknown key released (translated set 2, code 0xaa on isa0060/serio0). | 05:01 |
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Nei | a tad annoying; as it destroys screen layout of textmode gui programs | 05:01 |
erUSUL | pilgrim, melissas 'sudo shutdown -r now' | 05:01 |
pilgrim | erUSUL, urr...sorry, you're right. | 05:01 |
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Nei | or sudo poweroff ;) | 05:02 |
Nei | eeh | 05:02 |
Nei | sudo reboot in this case I guess | 05:02 |
pilgrim | lol | 05:02 |
pilgrim | except it doesn't work for her. | 05:02 |
moo__ | Hello, I'm running Ubuntu on this computer, and as you can see, I'm on here, yet I can't reach anything over httpd, this is just a default install and I've tried more than one NIC, any one have any idea as to what could be wrong? | 05:02 |
alexwillmer | nei, you might have syslog convfigured to send that to the current console, look at /etc/syslog.conf | 05:02 |
moo__ | *http | 05:02 |
pilgrim | moo__, so you have ftp and stuff? | 05:03 |
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moo__ | pilgrim, well lemme test telnet again. | 05:03 |
pilgrim | moo__, you logged in with same machine? | 05:03 |
moo__ | pilgrim, yup, I'm running on XChat on the same machine | 05:03 |
jeroen__ | well it cant open '/var/lib/apt/lists/lock' what does thAT MEAN? | 05:04 |
pilgrim | moo__, so you do have net. and hmm....hmm...never seen this. | 05:04 |
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Nei | alexwillmer, mhm thanks for the hint but I don't see anything obvious in there | 05:04 |
pilgrim | moo__, what about pinging stuff "ping google.com" | 05:04 |
alexwillmer | Nei, one sec | 05:04 |
moo__ | pilgrim, I can use telnet, I can use IRC, DNS is working (cause I got onto EFNet without an ip) | 05:05 |
=== cvt|nixmas [n=cvt@pcp08916604pcs.hcksrd01.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pilgrim | moo__, try https | 05:05 |
Nei | alexwillmer, I'm using a default install, can't remember having changed anything in the aspect of error messages output | 05:05 |
moo__ | pilgrim, pings come back. | 05:05 |
erUSUL | jeroen__, you have another program accesing the apt db (synaptic?) | 05:05 |
jeroen__ | i dont know | 05:05 |
pilgrim | moo__, the the port might be blocked (port 80 that is) | 05:05 |
jeroen__ | how can i close it? | 05:06 |
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moo__ | pilgrim, it can't be blocked on my network, because I have another computer on the same router that has no problems. | 05:06 |
cvt|nixmas | http://java.com/en/download/help/5000010500.xml#selfextracting I follow the instructions on that site but run into problems from the beginning for java, can u help? | 05:06 |
pilgrim | moo__, hmm.... | 05:06 |
Seveas | !tell cvt|nixmas about java | 05:06 |
pilgrim | moo__, real interesting. | 05:06 |
moo__ | pilgrim, and frustrating :P | 05:06 |
cvt|nixmas | Seveas, i run into problems with those instructions too | 05:06 |
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pilgrim | moo__, switch browsers. or whatever you're using | 05:07 |
moo__ | pilgrim, does Ubuntu come with more than one browser? | 05:07 |
Seveas | cvt|nixmas, just download a .deb file with java and use that | 05:07 |
moo__ | I don't have a way to get another browser on here if it doesn't. | 05:07 |
alexwillmer | nei, can you paste the contents of that file here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 05:07 |
=== lysis [n=lysis@69-171-35-160.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lysis | hi | 05:07 |
Seveas | moo__, firefox, epiphany, konqueror, dillo, w3m, lynx, links, emacs | 05:08 |
hericus | Has anyone used squid before? I'm having some slight problems with even installing it. | 05:08 |
lysis | anybody here using E17? | 05:08 |
cvt|nixmas | Seveas, where do i get the .deb file? | 05:08 |
Seveas | hericus, what's the problem | 05:08 |
Seveas | cvt|nixmas, mirror2.ubuntulinux.nl for instance | 05:08 |
moo__ | Seveas, er, I may be using an old version, I just tried to bring up Lynx and got nothing. | 05:08 |
hericus | I keep getting errors when I ./configure | 05:08 |
Seveas | moo__, apt-get install lynx | 05:08 |
hericus | One sec, I'll show ya.. | 05:08 |
Seveas | hericus, apt-get install squid | 05:08 |
Seveas | do NOT compile from source | 05:09 |
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hericus | Couldn't find package squid | 05:09 |
lysis | oops . . . anybody here using E17? | 05:09 |
jeroen__ | erusul it sais acces denied/// | 05:09 |
Seveas | hericus, enable universe | 05:09 |
Seveas | !tell hericus about repos | 05:09 |
Seveas | !+INFO squid | 05:09 |
ubotu | squid: has nothing about INFO | 05:09 |
Seveas | !+info squid | 05:09 |
ubotu | squid: (Internet Object Cache (WWW proxy cache)), section web, is optional. Version: 2.5.10-6 (breezy), Packaged size: 731 kB, Installed size: 2060 kB | 05:10 |
Nei | alexwillmer, sure thing: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6418 | 05:10 |
erUSUL | jeroen__, when? doing what? | 05:10 |
hericus | Hm. | 05:10 |
Seveas | it's even in main... | 05:10 |
cvt|nixmas | Seveas, which version should i get; re or sdk? | 05:10 |
moo__ | "Package lynx is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 05:10 |
moo__ | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 05:10 |
moo__ | is only available from another source | 05:10 |
moo__ | " | 05:10 |
pilgrim | moo__, let me know what (if anything) solves your problem. | 05:10 |
Seveas | hericus, sources.list on the pastebin please | 05:10 |
moo__ | Er, sorry. | 05:10 |
alexwillmer | nei, one sec | 05:10 |
Seveas | moo__, NEVER paste | 05:10 |
Seveas | cvt|nixmas, do you want to compile java things or just run them? | 05:10 |
jeroen__ | with typing apt-get install skype | 05:11 |
hericus | Alright, thanks Seveas. | 05:11 |
cvt|nixmas | just run them | 05:11 |
cvt|nixmas | for java sites | 05:11 |
Seveas | cvt|nixmas, j2re | 05:11 |
pilgrim | moo__, try links | 05:11 |
jeroen__ | (13) acces denied | 05:11 |
Seveas | jeroen__, from where? | 05:11 |
pilgrim | moo__, that is "sudo apt-get install links" | 05:11 |
erUSUL | jeroen__, sudo apt-get install skype | 05:11 |
alexwillmer | nei, ok sorry for the blind alley, that looks fine, I don't know what else it could be | 05:12 |
jeroen__ | i tipe that in that terminal | 05:12 |
moo__ | pilgrim, says it can't find it. | 05:12 |
Nei | alexwillmer, :( thanks for trying to help | 05:12 |
moo__ | I' | 05:12 |
moo__ | I'm not sure if apt-get is connected to anything. | 05:12 |
pilgrim | moo__, I'm installing right now | 05:12 |
moo__ | Does it use http to access the packages? | 05:12 |
pilgrim | moo__, it shouldn't | 05:12 |
Seveas | moo__, depends on your sources.list | 05:12 |
Seveas | either http or ftp | 05:12 |
cvt|nixmas | Seveas, i have dapper. does that matter? | 05:12 |
jeroen__ | ok now it askes password but i cant type it | 05:13 |
Seveas | cvt|nixmas, possibly, but shouldn't matter | 05:13 |
pilgrim | moo__, yeah it does. by default (ithink) use http | 05:13 |
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pilgrim | moo__, try this ftp://ftp.redhat.com/ | 05:14 |
moo__ | Seveas, where is that file located? | 05:14 |
pilgrim | moo__, in firefox or whatever browser you got | 05:14 |
erUSUL | jeroen__, why you can not type it? | 05:15 |
Seveas | moo__, /etc/apt/sources.list | 05:15 |
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moo__ | pilgrim, it works | 05:15 |
moo__ | I see a pub directory. | 05:15 |
jeroen__ | it wont show tha carakters | 05:15 |
moo__ | Seveas, thanks. | 05:15 |
pilgrim | moo__, then I definitely think there is some thing firewalling http | 05:15 |
jeroen__ | now i'm back at username$..... | 05:15 |
pilgrim | moo__, check router firewall rules. | 05:15 |
hericus | Seveas, thanks again. | 05:16 |
erUSUL | jeroen__, you do not see the characters but they are there. just type the pass and hit enter | 05:16 |
cvt|nixmas | Seveas, it's not obeying the commands. | 05:16 |
jeroen__ | ok done but nothing happening | 05:16 |
Seveas | cvt|nixmas, what's the problem? | 05:17 |
cvt|nixmas | Seveas, following the java instructions. | 05:17 |
alexwillmer | In the output of top, what is does the 'wa' cpu field represent? | 05:17 |
mase | !limewire | 05:17 |
ubotu | somebody said limewire was first you need !java, then download the http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and unpack it. Then just run the runLime.sh file. Voila. | 05:17 |
Seveas | cvt|nixmas, did you download the .deb file? | 05:17 |
cvt|nixmas | yes, 1.5 | 05:17 |
Seveas | where did you download it to? | 05:17 |
cvt|nixmas | desktop | 05:18 |
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Seveas | cvt|nixmas, then try this command: sudo dpkg -i ~/Desktop/sun*deb | 05:18 |
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cvt|nixmas | "locked by another process" | 05:18 |
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moo__ | Seveas, all the lines that download the packages from the net were commented, and when I uncommented it errored trying to reach it, are there FTP URLs to replace them? (Since my FTP seems to be working and HTTP not so) | 05:19 |
Seveas | cvt|nixmas, close synaptic, apt-get, adept and all other package managers | 05:19 |
=== beelzebub1987 [n=beelzebu@c-66-31-159-53.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | moo__, the standard repositories work fine via ftp, just replace http with ftp | 05:19 |
=== hericus is now known as Hericus | ||
moo__ | Seveas, ah okay. | 05:20 |
cvt|nixmas | Seveas, it finished doing something. | 05:20 |
=== SockerFot [i=SockerFo@c80-217-192-18.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Seveas | cvt|nixmas, java -version | 05:21 |
cvt|nixmas | "1.4.2" | 05:21 |
Seveas | ah | 05:21 |
=== bobubu64 [n=bobubu64@ppp-47-133.25-151.libero.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | sudo update-alternatives --config java | 05:21 |
Seveas | sudo update-alternatives --config javac | 05:21 |
Seveas | sudo update-alternatives --config jar | 05:21 |
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Seveas | and always choose the sun java | 05:21 |
Hericus | "W: GPG error: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com breezy-backports Release: Unknown error executing gpgv" | 05:22 |
Seveas | Hericus, try archive.ubuntu.com instead of us.archive.ubuntu.com | 05:23 |
=== lysis [n=lysis@69-171-35-160.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dbernar1 | !gpgerr | 05:23 |
ubotu | hmm... gpgerr is a GPG-related error that sometimes occur when accessing the Ubuntu archives; it can usually be solved by typing "sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/*Release*" (without the quotes!) in a terminal | 05:23 |
Seveas | the us mirror is often broken | 05:23 |
mase | how do i play shoutcast on amarok | 05:23 |
=== mgw [n=chatzill@p85.212.181.39.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hericus | Oh.. alright, thanks. | 05:23 |
cvt|nixmas | Seveas, i enter all three of those commands? | 05:23 |
Seveas | cvt|nixmas, yes | 05:24 |
=== redhook_ [i=redhook@adsl-68-126-140-157.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | cvt|nixmas, and always choose the sun java when it asks | 05:24 |
cvt|nixmas | Seveas, i only saw "sun java" after the first command. | 05:24 |
=== benplaut [n=benplaut@cpe-68-175-115-224.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cvt|nixmas | Seveas, leave the rest default? | 05:24 |
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=== mumbles-ccna [n=admin@cpc2-bror1-6-0-cust74.bmly.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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dbernar1 | cvt|nixmas: change them all to sun's Java is what he said, it seems. | 05:25 |
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=== pacome [n=pacome@lns-bzn-20-82-248-110-102.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cvt|nixmas | dbernar1, but i don't know how and i didn't see that option after the commands | 05:25 |
pacome | HEYYY!!! | 05:25 |
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=== hunmaat [n=hunmaat@host-48-161.comunique.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pacome | :( | 05:26 |
Seveas | cvt|nixmas, sudo update-alternatives --config java, don't enter anything but make a screenshot and upload it to the pastebin | 05:26 |
pilgrim | HI! | 05:26 |
apokryphos | hi pacome | 05:26 |
mgw | how to use the windows-button combined with e.g. "e" to open the user home folder? i can not compine the windows button with another button. | 05:26 |
benplaut | what's the lightest stable *box out there? i need a very minimal X (no, i don't want twm | 05:26 |
pilgrim | benplaut, enlightment | 05:27 |
pacome | yop!! apokryphos | 05:27 |
Seveas | ben_d, fluxbox | 05:27 |
pilgrim | benplaut, xfce | 05:27 |
dbernar1 | \heh. | 05:27 |
benplaut | heh | 05:27 |
Seveas | pilgrim, E and xfce are monsters compared to fluxbox :) | 05:27 |
dbernar1 | I like openbox | 05:27 |
pilgrim | Seveas, true | 05:27 |
=== worldmaster0 [n=roxer@pool-68-237-7-107.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | openbox is good too | 05:27 |
benplaut | so... how do blackbox, openbox, and flux compare? | 05:28 |
Hericus | fvwm is awesome. | 05:28 |
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Hericus | There basically the same thing, with modifications in style I think.. | 05:28 |
pilgrim | benplaut, I think they're all like the same | 05:28 |
lysis | i tried flux and i didn't like it. i want something graphical and downright amazing. i'm using E17 right now, i just don't know what i'm doing. :) | 05:28 |
pilgrim | benplaut, fluxbox has a good reputation | 05:28 |
=== topyli [n=juha@dsl-hkigw3-fe23de00-139.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== landotter [n=max@adsl-156-11-6.bna.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hericus | Yes, it does.. fvwm is amazing however. | 05:28 |
andrew__ | argh... apokryphos, i see what you mean. only some debian packages work on ubuntu! -_- | 05:29 |
apostolis | where do I put the commands that I want for ubuntu to run on startup? | 05:29 |
=== worldmaster0 [n=roxer@pool-68-237-7-107.ny325.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
apokryphos | andrew__: what package are you trying to install? | 05:29 |
apostolis | I need to pass this string slmodemd --country=GREECE /dev/slamr0 <-- and then ctrl+c (exit) | 05:29 |
andrew__ | apokryphos, python-empy (which, as far as i could tell) doesn't have an ubuntu package. | 05:29 |
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dbernar1 | benplaut: I can tell you that openbox is cool cause it has a "Ubuntu" skin - brown, check out ubuntuforums.org, and search for "openbox stormy", that will give you instructions. Also you can use the mouse scroll wheel to roll up windows, when you scroll up when the mouse cursor is over the title bar, which makes it convenient to have many windows open. It also supports workspaces. I never used black and flux boxes much, so I do not k | 05:29 |
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cvt|nixmas | Seveas, http://pastebin.com/485415 | 05:30 |
Seveas | cvt|nixmas, so in that screen you choose 5 | 05:31 |
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cvt|nixmas | yes | 05:31 |
=== landotter uses openbox, xfce-mcs-manager, xfdesktop, and fbpanel in an xfce session. | ||
Seveas | that one has sun in the name | 05:31 |
Seveas | same for jar | 05:31 |
cvt|nixmas | Seveas, that was the only one that said sun though | 05:31 |
Seveas | and javac (if available) | 05:31 |
andrew__ | apokryphos, on debian it requires python2.3, but even installing that doesn't work because for some reason, the dependency for python-empy is python <<2.4... | 05:31 |
Seveas | jar said only sun? good :) | 05:31 |
cvt|nixmas | Seveas, no | 05:31 |
=== Dagda [n=timmy@ip68-2-18-47.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
andrew__ | apokryphos: ...so they conflict. ugh. | 05:31 |
cvt|nixmas | Seveas, the others did not say sun | 05:31 |
apokryphos | andrew__: that's the problem with debian packs, a lot of the time. You're going to get dependency hell, and could bugger up your package management system. | 05:32 |
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Seveas | hmm, can you pastebin the output from the jar one? | 05:32 |
apostolis | Where to I put shell commands that I want to run at startup? | 05:32 |
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Seveas | the javac one was to be expected :) | 05:32 |
dbernar1 | apostolis: /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh | 05:32 |
[eDu] | hi | 05:32 |
andrew__ | apokryphos, yeah. but this is where i hit a wall last time i used it: if you need a package that's not in the ubuntu repositories, you're almost SOL. | 05:32 |
dbernar1 | apostolis: does that file exist. | 05:32 |
Dagda | can I register my nickname here? | 05:33 |
apostolis | dbernar1: If not I will create it... | 05:33 |
cvt|nixmas | Seveas, http://pastebin.com/485416 | 05:33 |
apokryphos | andrew__: a rare thing, but why not compile or get directly from their site? | 05:33 |
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andrew__ | apokryphos, IMO that has more potential of buggering up the system. but i guess i could. :) | 05:33 |
dbernar1 | apostolis: nono, tell me whether it is there. | 05:33 |
apokryphos | andrew__: errm, how? | 05:33 |
apokryphos | not at all | 05:33 |
andrew__ | apokryphos, after all, it is just python stuff, a cinch to install. | 05:33 |
Seveas | cvt|nixmas, java -version should now say "1.5.0" | 05:33 |
j2daosh | is there a way to get the actual yahoo messenger on linux? the one with voice/cam capabilities? | 05:33 |
dbernar1 | apostolis: I may have the path wrong. | 05:33 |
=== ChaKy [n=chaky@lns01-0693.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dbernar1 | ChaKy: hi. | 05:34 |
andrew__ | apokryphos, but you lose track of the files; there's no management of them and nothing "owns" them... | 05:34 |
j2daosh | i have gaim installed but it doesn't allow for those 2 options | 05:34 |
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Seveas | !ymsgr | 05:34 |
ubotu | Seveas: What? | 05:34 |
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Seveas | !listvals yahoo | 05:34 |
j2daosh | and i did an install on ymessenger but it doesn't look like its on my system | 05:34 |
ubotu | Factoid search of 'yahoo' by value (3 shown): gaim2 ;; yahoo ;; kopete. | 05:34 |
cvt|nixmas | Seveas, correct 1.5.0 | 05:34 |
Seveas | !yahoo | 05:34 |
ubotu | well, yahoo is at http://www.yahoo.com | 05:34 |
apostolis | dbernar1: the path is correct | 05:34 |
Seveas | !forget yahoo | 05:34 |
ubotu | Seveas: i forgot yahoo | 05:34 |
j2daosh | yeah i know | 05:34 |
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Seveas | cvt|nixmas, then you're done :) | 05:34 |
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j2daosh | i been there... when i get the debian package it says im missing a bunch of dependencies | 05:35 |
Seveas | sorry about the confusion with javac/jar, it seems that that is not needed :) | 05:35 |
dbernar1 | apostolis: that is where you add the commands. I do not know how you would add the "ctrl+c" | 05:35 |
pilgrim | Seveas, can anyone tell ubotu to forget stuff? | 05:35 |
cvt|nixmas | Seveas, tyvm | 05:35 |
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j2daosh | so seveas... if i used the apt-get command to install yahoo... where will i find it? | 05:37 |
benplaut | what command would tell me the router's external IP, (IE, that reported by whatsmyip.org) | 05:37 |
j2daosh | /usr/bin or just /bin? | 05:37 |
Seveas | j2daosh, not a clue, sorry | 05:37 |
Seveas | /usr/bin | 05:37 |
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pilgrim | !unforget yahoo | 05:37 |
ubotu | pilgrim: Successfully recovered 'yahoo'. Have fun now. | 05:37 |
Seveas | /bin is reserved for special things | 05:37 |
pilgrim | !yahoo | 05:37 |
ubotu | yahoo is, like, at http://www.yahoo.com | 05:37 |
=== Tatster [n=anthony@80-193-5-25.cable.ubr06.gill.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
j2daosh | seveas... was the /usr/bin for me or someone else? | 05:38 |
Seveas | yes | 05:38 |
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Hericus | Uh.. "W: Couldn't stat source package list http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)" | 05:38 |
Seveas | (you) | 05:38 |
j2daosh | :) thanks | 05:38 |
Seveas | Hericus, apt-get update | 05:38 |
=== laforge [n=laforge@p54AAC87E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
navarone | Seveas /usr/bin has binaries that are available to all users at cli yes? | 05:38 |
=== Hericus smacks his head.. | ||
Hericus | Codine sucks. | 05:39 |
HrdwrBoB | Hericus: codeine | 05:39 |
Seveas | navarone, /bin too :) | 05:39 |
navarone | okie | 05:39 |
Hericus | ;) | 05:39 |
Seveas | navarone, /usr is allowed to be on a separate partition, /bin contains things that are neccessary before that partition is mounted | 05:39 |
=== leonel [n=leonel@dsl-201-129-167-93.prod-infinitum.com.mx] has joined #ubuntu | ||
navarone | Seveas...essentially all binaries there are in ytour "path"...? | 05:39 |
j2daosh | what is the purpose of the /opt directory? | 05:39 |
apokryphos | j2daosh: some distros use that instead of /usr (i.e. suse) | 05:40 |
Zambba | j2daosh: Commercial programs install there | 05:40 |
navarone | gotcha | 05:40 |
Seveas | j2daosh, locally installed things instead of packages | 05:40 |
=== Draken [n=Drakenis@myw-stp-66-18-80-215.sentechsa.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Draken | !nvidia | 05:40 |
=== Determinist [n=deter@85-64-206-46.barak-online.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | nvidia is probably at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57368 | 05:40 |
Hericus | HrdwrBoB, I took like 24 pills of nurofen+ yesterday.. only codeine though. I feel really, really screwed. | 05:40 |
j2daosh | ok... so its like the /program files on a winblows box? | 05:40 |
Zambba | Seveas: wasn't the locally installed program directory /usr/local ? | 05:40 |
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Seveas | both | 05:40 |
Zambba | ok | 05:40 |
=== Determinist pokes Seveas :) | ||
=== irma [n=irma@ip51cc8d96.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | /opt is the traditional unix one, /usr/local is the modern linux one | 05:41 |
=== Seveas stomps Determinist | ||
dbernar1 | haha | 05:41 |
HrdwrBoB | Hericus: nurofen is not codeine, nurofen is ibuprofen | 05:41 |
dbernar1 | Seveas: how many hours do you help here for each day? | 05:41 |
Seveas | dbernar1, 30 | 05:41 |
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dbernar1 | Seveas: not possible.>:( | 05:41 |
Hericus | HrdwrBoB, nurofen+ contains codeine along with ibuprofen. | 05:41 |
gnomefreak | lol Seveas feels like it some days | 05:42 |
Seveas | HrdwrBoB, Hericus -> #ubuntu-offtopic please | 05:42 |
HrdwrBoB | yes | 05:42 |
Hericus | :) | 05:42 |
=== chriswoodall [n=chriswoo@ool-182e178c.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | gnomefreak, with some people, indeed | 05:42 |
=== Dr_Willis [i=willis@12-222-81-183.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
navarone | the Dr is in...lol | 05:42 |
Dr_Willis | Yep. | 05:43 |
Dr_Willis | Woke up befor Noon today! | 05:43 |
Dr_Willis | doing good. | 05:43 |
navarone | woot | 05:43 |
navarone | me too | 05:43 |
Dr_Willis | gotta love 2nd shift. | 05:43 |
=== gnomefreak still trying to wake up | ||
=== Seveas at 9am, after havin been in here until 3am >:| | ||
=== Dr_Willis hands gnomefreak a TrippleExpresso | ||
gnomefreak | ty Dr_Willis | 05:43 |
navarone | Is Dapper set to release in April? | 05:44 |
dbernar1 | Seveas: serious, do you think you know how many hours? | 05:44 |
apokryphos | navarone: yes | 05:44 |
gnomefreak | navarone, yes | 05:44 |
Seveas | navarone, correct | 05:44 |
navarone | okay | 05:44 |
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Dr_Willis | No! :p | 05:44 |
Dr_Willis | ok.. yes.. | 05:44 |
Seveas | dbernar1, it ranges between 2 and 10 | 05:44 |
Seveas | or maybe more even | 05:44 |
dbernar1 | Seveas: cool, thanks. | 05:44 |
Seveas | time flies :) | 05:44 |
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=== apokryphos still remembers hoary's release | ||
=== irma [n=irma@ip51cc8d96.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | take linus 6 months to perfect an OS takes microsoft oh hell they still havent come close yet :) | 05:44 |
navarone | it certainly does | 05:44 |
=== Seveas still remembers Warty RC :) | ||
=== Christians4GNT2 [i=ident@ai.labs.gtwy03.mit.edu.ms] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dr_Willis | I still find it a little odd the every 6mo release.. :P but it has its pros and cons I guess. | 05:45 |
Seveas | (That was when I got to know Ubuntu: It was love at first sight :)) | 05:45 |
=== Zambba hardly remembers using of Hoary :| | ||
apokryphos | Seveas: first thing I remember doing well was enabling Universe repository to get KDE :P | 05:45 |
=== mumbles-ccna is now known as mumbles | ||
Seveas | apokryphos, first thing I was so glad about was that it was GNOME based ;) | 05:45 |
Seveas | (and that it actually installed on my laptop) | 05:46 |
navarone | my first milestone was getting mouse to work in breezy...took about 5 minutes...<s> | 05:46 |
Seveas | hehe | 05:46 |
apokryphos | Seveas: I don't mind it too -- makes for an interesting combination (using kde, that is). | 05:46 |
Seveas | my first milestone was wpa/802.1x | 05:46 |
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Seveas | which took me over a year to implement correctly :) | 05:46 |
irma | how did u install something/// i whasnt loged in as su.. apt-get or somethning? | 05:46 |
=== dbernar1 remembers that this was all in the last 14 months. | ||
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gnomefreak | irma, sudo apt-get | 05:46 |
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Seveas | !tell irma about sudo | 05:46 |
irma | thx | 05:47 |
=== dbernar1 remembers 5 days before he was born like it was yesterday. | ||
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apostolis | which is the bash env variable for c plus plus? | 05:47 |
Seveas | dbernar1, it seems so very much longer than 14 months :) | 05:47 |
Seveas | apostolis, wtf?! | 05:47 |
dbernar1 | Seveas: why is that? | 05:47 |
Seveas | you're making no sense at all | 05:47 |
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Seveas | dbernar1, because it's so much fun to use and support Ubuntu :) | 05:47 |
dbernar1 | haha | 05:48 |
spikeh | somehow the appearance of Synaptic changed and is not the theme that I'm using, how could I fix this? | 05:48 |
apostolis | Seveas: I need to compile a program in c++. I installed the compiler g++ now I need to export the g++-3.4 to the default one.. | 05:48 |
Seveas | spikeh, it probably uses the them that root uses | 05:48 |
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=== Dr_Willis agrees with Seveas | ||
apostolis | Seveas: so, I'm looking for something like "export cc=/usr/bin/gcc-3.4" for g++ | 05:48 |
spikeh | Seveas: it was fine until I started it | 05:48 |
Seveas | apokryphos, export CXX=g++-3.4 | 05:48 |
spikeh | Seveas: I mean, it was fine when kubuntu was installed but it suddenly changed | 05:48 |
yuretz2004 | hi ! how can I download nvidia driver for my ubuntu? | 05:49 |
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Seveas | !nvidia | 05:49 |
=== paum [n=myself@ip70-176-91-93.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57368 | 05:49 |
yuretz2004 | !nvidia | 05:49 |
Seveas | read what Ubotu said... | 05:49 |
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gnomefreak | everyone does that :( | 05:49 |
lysis | so how do i attach gdk or whatever E17 said to attach. i want to debug an error | 05:49 |
yuretz2004 | !nvidia | 05:49 |
ubotu | rumour has it, nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57368 | 05:49 |
=== OmniColossus [n=Omniscie@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
navarone | question...just for curiosity...I do not have /home on seperate partition. But if I want to move it to one is it simply a question of resizing current partition and using soemthign like mv -dpr / or cp -dpr to new partition space? | 05:50 |
Seveas | lysis, wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures | 05:50 |
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=== fhr [n=fhr@85-57-134-255.gij1.adsl.uni2.es] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hericus | Seveas, I'm still getting errors. | 05:51 |
Hericus | After apt-get update. | 05:51 |
Hericus | "W: GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com breezy-security Release: Unknown error executing gpgv | 05:51 |
Hericus | W: GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy Release: Unknown error executing gpgv | 05:51 |
Hericus | W: GPG error: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com breezy Release: Unknown error executing gpgv | 05:51 |
Hericus | W: GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy-updates Release: Unknown error executing gpgv | 05:51 |
Hericus | W: GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy-backports Release: Unknown error executing gpgv | 05:51 |
Hericus | W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems | 05:51 |
Hericus | " | 05:51 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ | ||
=== Hericus [n=hericus@] has left #ubuntu [requested] | ||
apostolis | anyone knows which package contains libz? I get this error -> checking for libz... configure: error: not found. | 05:51 |
dbernar1 | !win me | 05:51 |
ubotu | dbernar1: Did you get hit by a windmill? | 05:51 |
gnomefreak | Hericus, use pastebin to paste oh nm | 05:51 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@] by Seveas | ||
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dbernar1 | Yes, and so did Hrericus. | 05:51 |
Seveas | apokryphos, zlib1g-dev | 05:51 |
apokryphos | Seveas: third time ;-) | 05:52 |
navarone | third time's the charm | 05:52 |
Seveas | aaaaaarrgggghhh | 05:52 |
Seveas | stupid much too similar nicknames | 05:52 |
Seveas | probably KDE users :p | 05:52 |
=== samitheberber [n=stb@dsl-062-241-237-211.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
apokryphos | 8) | 05:52 |
=== gnomefreak installed kde to help with the kde questions we get in here :) | ||
andrew__ | apokryphos, thanks for the suggestion. it was trivial to install manually. ^_^ no lesson learned today, but i can revisit when i have more time. :) cheers! | 05:53 |
spikeh | Seveas: how do I log in as administrator to change the theme? | 05:53 |
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=== amz0r [i=amz0r@82-41-158-12.cable.ubr01.linl.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
navarone | gnomefreak, how do you find it...? and don't say "it's all in the menus"...lol | 05:53 |
apokryphos | gnomefreak: far more in #kubuntu too ;-) | 05:53 |
Seveas | spikeh, gksudo gnome-theme-manager | 05:53 |
Dr_Acemaster | how do i find out the ip of my comptuer? | 05:53 |
gnomefreak | navarone, find kde? its in the sources :) | 05:54 |
Seveas | Dr_Acemaster, ifconfig | 05:54 |
theconartist | roflstix | 05:54 |
navarone | argh | 05:54 |
spikeh | Seveas: gksudo is not a valid command | 05:54 |
Dr_Acemaster | Seveas: thanks | 05:54 |
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theconartist | your ip is Dr_Acemaster | 05:54 |
gnomefreak | is it just me that gets warning when using gksudo? | 05:54 |
Dr_Acemaster | theconartist: funny | 05:54 |
spikeh | Seveas: I'm using Kubuntu | 05:54 |
theconartist | actually it is | 05:54 |
=== bobbyd [n=bobby@i-195-137-31-171.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | spikeh, kdesu then :) | 05:55 |
Seveas | spikeh, and another theme manager | 05:55 |
Seveas | ask the KDE guys, apokryphos perhaps | 05:55 |
spikeh | alright | 05:55 |
spikeh | thanks | 05:55 |
bobbyd | hi | 05:55 |
apokryphos | kdesu, yup | 05:55 |
apokryphos | the Kubuntu one is patched to use sudo appropriately | 05:55 |
bobbyd | does anyone here have battlefield 2 working under breezy using cedega? The installer just crashes for me | 05:56 |
spikeh | apokryphos: what's the command? | 05:56 |
=== FreakyFries [n=martijn@g163065.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
theconartist | lol | 05:56 |
theconartist | bobbyd, what kind of crazy computer do you have that will run battlefield2 under cedega? | 05:56 |
Dr_Acemaster | theconartist: hmm... and yours is | 05:56 |
Dr_Willis | theconartist, heh heh :P | 05:56 |
theconartist | Dr_Acemaster, negative | 05:57 |
Dr_Acemaster | heh | 05:57 |
Dr_Acemaster | suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure | 05:57 |
theconartist | thats my freinds server's ip | 05:57 |
samitheberber | Dr_Acemaster: I always go to http://www.whatismyip.com and there I see my ip :D | 05:57 |
=== benplaut [n=benplaut@cpe-68-175-115-224.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dr_Acemaster | I wanted my lan ip, not wan ip | 05:57 |
bobbyd | theconartist, runs fine under other distrtos, cedega isn't an emulator you know... | 05:57 |
=== laforge [n=laforge@p54AAC87E.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] | ||
Dr_Acemaster | Seveas: already answered thanks :) | 05:57 |
theconartist | bobbyd, i know it isnt | 05:57 |
theconartist | bobbyd, but it is still slower | 05:57 |
samitheberber | oh | 05:57 |
ninnghizidha | Anyone managed to get the composite-etensions to work with an radeon-card? | 05:58 |
gnomefreak | is ubuntu always gonna be debian based or can they pull out on own someday? | 05:58 |
bobbyd | theconartist, only if the functionality has to be emulated, for lot of games it's possible to run themat the same speed | 05:58 |
Dr_Willis | gnomefreak, some would say its a full fork now.. but the improvements get sent back to debian... | 05:59 |
bobbyd | theconartist, it's a GF6 and XP2800 anyway, not so crazy :) | 05:59 |
apokryphos | gnomefreak: the way the system is, the package management, is debian-based. You can't really change your base without going back in time 8) | 05:59 |
apokryphos | gnomefreak: and plus: ubuntu still syncs and gives back to sid every six months | 05:59 |
moo__ | Is there anything that would be on a default Ubuntu install that could interfere with outgoing packets to port 80? | 05:59 |
gnomefreak | igood point | 05:59 |
gnomefreak | -i | 05:59 |
=== Stormx2 [n=Stormx2@host-87-240-137-127.hi-velocity.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dbernar1 | fork:-/ | 06:00 |
dbernar1 | moo__: no. | 06:00 |
Seveas | moo__, iptables -L | 06:00 |
dbernar1 | why, can not connect to your web server from the Internet? | 06:00 |
Seveas | and you'll see :) | 06:00 |
gnomefreak | i was just thinking about people who come in here saying "it works on debian" doesnt always mean its gonna work on ubuntu | 06:00 |
dbernar1 | gnomefreak: what works? and, ya, it does not mean it works in Ubuntu. | 06:01 |
chriswoodall | can I update to Firefox 1.5? | 06:01 |
chriswoodall | without updating to dapper | 06:02 |
apokryphos | chriswoodall: yes, the guide is on the wiki | 06:02 |
dbernar1 | chriswoodall: sure, go aheadf. | 06:02 |
chriswoodall | link to the wiki> | 06:02 |
gnomefreak | other than apt i dont see much in common with debian i personally think ubuntu have surpast debian | 06:02 |
Seveas | !ff1.5 | 06:02 |
ubotu | Seveas: Wish i knew | 06:02 |
gnomefreak | !firefox1.5 | 06:02 |
ubotu | You can update to firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion | 06:02 |
Seveas | !ff1.5 is <reply> see firefox1.5 | 06:02 |
ubotu | Seveas: okay | 06:02 |
=== ChaKy [n=chaky@lns01-0693.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chriswoodall | ubotu: thnks | 06:02 |
ubotu | parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, chriswoodall | 06:02 |
chriswoodall | all: thnxs | 06:03 |
=== davidlee1oth [n=davidlee@adsl-146-85-20.mco.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chriswoodall | lol forgot unotu is a bot | 06:03 |
chriswoodall | ubotu | 06:03 |
davidlee1oth | does anyone know the name of the repository that i can find mplayer? it sounds like malirat? | 06:03 |
Seveas | davidlee1oth, cipherfunkl | 06:03 |
HrdwrBoB | davidlee1oth: mplayer is in multiverse | 06:03 |
Seveas | and mplayer is even in multiverse | 06:03 |
=== X_Machine [n=X_Machin@vol75-9-82-239-74-131.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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X_Machine | hi | 06:04 |
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davidlee1oth | well, do you guys know the name of that malirat repo? | 06:04 |
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X_Machine | nope | 06:04 |
=== aTypical [n=jason@pdpc/supporter/active/aTypical] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chriswoodall | oh and how stable is dapper flight 2? | 06:04 |
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@dsl-lhtgw1-fe73df00-42.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
binary | hell everybody | 06:04 |
deFrysk | hell ? | 06:04 |
aTypical | Hell binary | 06:04 |
=== quacker [n=w00t@S0106001225687633.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | i think he means the debian repo great now i cant think of it | 06:04 |
binary | haha ,hello | 06:04 |
X_Machine | Hell U 2 ! | 06:04 |
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binary | sorry | 06:05 |
ubuntu | hi guys, i'm running the live cd to try converting a primary partition to logical | 06:05 |
ubuntu | is it possible with gparted? | 06:05 |
cocox | hi friends, how can i look my current instaled aplications by commands and the version of them? | 06:05 |
navarone | How complicated is getting games to work in cedega? And is cedega available in binary or only source? | 06:05 |
=== rapha [n=rapha@dialin114205.server4you-dsl.de] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
bshumate | cocox: dpkg -l | less | 06:05 |
Seveas | cocox, dpkg -l | less | 06:05 |
gnomefreak | navarone, i could be wrong but i think only source | 06:06 |
binary | i am new here | 06:06 |
=== thegladiator [n=thegladi@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | navarone, depends on the game, source only | 06:06 |
chriswoodall | is cedega avalable fo rppc? | 06:06 |
chriswoodall | for ppc? | 06:06 |
Seveas | no | 06:06 |
chriswoodall | k | 06:06 |
=== bshumate slaps Seveas high-five | ||
Seveas | ^5 | 06:06 |
chriswoodall | that one word saved me 15 dollars | 06:06 |
dbernar1 | !cedega | 06:06 |
ubotu | cedega is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Cedega and for a list of working games see http://www.transgaming.org/gamesdb or #cedega or http://www.frankscorner.org/ | 06:06 |
navarone | hmm...is wine an acceptable alternative if you only wish to play games? | 06:06 |
Seveas | no | 06:06 |
navarone | okie | 06:06 |
X_Machine | I do | 06:06 |
cocox | Seveas, bshumate thnx u guys! | 06:06 |
thegladiator | i dont like the way the windows are minimized when i click on it . the default scheme is show a sqare thats winds up into the gnome panel . is there anyway I can change it ? | 06:07 |
=== freemanen [n=freemane@213503414-VISIT-NET.host.songnetworks.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chriswoodall | and how can I get mol to work? | 06:07 |
freemanen | what pacakage do need to install LAMP on ubuntu? | 06:07 |
gnomefreak | !lamp | 06:07 |
chriswoodall | and does it work with tiger (before I upgrade to tiger) | 06:07 |
ubotu | somebody said lamp was Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP, one of the standard internet server installations. Installing LAMP in Ubuntu is fairly straightforward. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP | 06:07 |
=== binary [n=binary@] has left #ubuntu [""] | ||
thegladiator | can someone tell me how I could change the way the windows minimizes ? the default scheme is to hide the window and show a sqauer that winds up into the gnome panel at the bottom | 06:09 |
=== binary [n=binary@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thegladiator | hope you guys understand what i really want to change | 06:09 |
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binary | happy now year . | 06:09 |
thegladiator | happy new year | 06:10 |
deFrysk | thegladiator, no clue what you mean | 06:10 |
dbernar1 | thegladiator: and what would you like it to do? | 06:10 |
=== darkheart [n=darkhear@cpe-70-123-181-153.stx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dbernar1 | thegladiator: not show the square? | 06:10 |
binary | thank you | 06:10 |
cocox | and just in case.. if i have the installed the amsn version 0.94 and is available the release 0.95 which is the best way to make the update? re-installing or making something like dpkg -update ?? | 06:10 |
thegladiator | the windoes , like say X chat window for eg. , suppose i have to minimize it , the default scheme is to show a sqauer that winds up into the panel | 06:10 |
darkheart | Hello, I was looking for a little hep with the ATI binary driver. I installed it, but can't get the fglrx module to load and I can see in the log that DRI is not enabled. | 06:10 |
deFrysk | dbernar1, remove the windowslist | 06:10 |
thegladiator | dbernar1, exaclty or to change it to something else | 06:11 |
thegladiator | deFrysk, how do i ? is it something to configuer in nautilus or what ? | 06:11 |
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navarone | thegladiator, are you trying to disable the animations? | 06:11 |
deFrysk | thegladiator, no | 06:11 |
dbernar1 | thegladiator: do you know what the gconf is? | 06:11 |
thegladiator | have some idea of gconf yes | 06:11 |
=== zblach [n=zblach@toronto-HSE-ppp4064063.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
deFrysk | where it ends up in a lil square you have a grabber , right click it and remove it | 06:11 |
thegladiator | navarone, yes in a way i dont like that animation | 06:11 |
cvt|nixmas | has anyone upgraded to firefox 1.5 yet? | 06:12 |
chriswoodall | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion | 06:12 |
Canoeingkidd | How do I change file associations in Nautilus? | 06:12 |
gnomefreak | i did but i went back to 1.0.7 :) | 06:12 |
thegladiator | how do i change deFrysk ? | 06:12 |
cvt|nixmas | any reason? | 06:12 |
thegladiator | navarone, how do i ? | 06:12 |
dbernar1 | go there, go into nautilus, and check off the option to use some minimal resources. | 06:12 |
deFrysk | change me ? | 06:12 |
dbernar1 | or something like that. | 06:12 |
thegladiator | let me | 06:12 |
dbernar1 | thegladiator: ^ | 06:12 |
=== odat [n=house@ip106.186.235.64.susc.suscom.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
deFrysk | ;p | 06:12 |
odat | hi everyone | 06:13 |
chriswoodall | any one here use dapper? | 06:13 |
Kindred | Canoeingkidd: right click a file, properties - open with | 06:13 |
deFrysk | <--dapper | 06:13 |
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gnomefreak | <<<used to use dapper | 06:13 |
binary | hi odat | 06:13 |
odat | anyone know of an easy way to use fsck? | 06:13 |
navarone | thegladiator, try Sytem Tool/Configuration Editor in Applications menu...go to Desktop gnome/interface and toggle "enable animations" to false ie uncheck box and see if that works | 06:13 |
chriswoodall | how good is it? | 06:13 |
gnomefreak | chriswoodall, its not done yet its very buggy still | 06:13 |
deFrysk | chriswoodall, good as in bleeding unstable | 06:14 |
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gnomefreak | as for FF1.5 i think FF1.0.7 is more stable in breezy | 06:14 |
chriswoodall | k so just dont update yet? | 06:14 |
deFrysk | chriswoodall, if you have to ask you should not no | 06:14 |
gnomefreak | chriswoodall, i would wait | 06:15 |
thegladiator | and shud i restart nautilus ? how can i do that ? | 06:15 |
chriswoodall | k | 06:15 |
Canoeingkidd | Kindred: but it still defaults to something else | 06:15 |
davidlee1oth | does anyone know how to reconfigure apt? | 06:15 |
thegladiator | killall nautilus ? | 06:15 |
deFrysk | davidlee1oth, reconfigure ? | 06:15 |
Kindred | thegladiator: nautilus -q | 06:15 |
jeori | what does "no acceptable cc found in $PATH" mean? | 06:16 |
odat | anyone know of an easy way to use fsck? | 06:16 |
thegladiator | that makes it a lil better navarone | 06:16 |
cocox | if i have the installed the amsn version 0.94 and is available the release 0.95 which is the best way to make the update? re-installing or making something like dpkg -update ?? | 06:16 |
Kindred | Canoeingkidd: hm it shouldn't if you are doing it through properties and selecting there | 06:16 |
dbernar1 | jeori: means you should insatll "build-essential | 06:16 |
=== WildZeck [n=zeck@ax113-3-82-234-26-6.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thegladiator | but the sqaure doesnt diaapear | 06:16 |
thegladiator | black sqaure | 06:16 |
dbernar1 | thegladiator: what option did you choose? | 06:16 |
navarone | thegladiator...well I'm just ttrying to make the world a lil better a lil at a time...lol | 06:16 |
apokryphos | cocox: reinstalling the new one; I doubt there are any debs for it yet. | 06:16 |
=== duende [n=Corey@stjhnf0122w-142162051177.nl.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thegladiator | dbernar1, i checked out animations | 06:17 |
dbernar1 | and what is better? | 06:17 |
navarone | thegladiator, did you try the Config Editor thingy? | 06:17 |
dbernar1 | I* mean, how is it better? | 06:17 |
thegladiator | navarone, exactly | 06:17 |
gnomefreak | thegladiator, you mean the 4 squares on bottom right in gnome? | 06:17 |
navarone | okie | 06:17 |
=== blitz [n=blitz@p54998928.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jeori | dbernar1, thanks | 06:17 |
cocox | apokryphos, so there is no any command for make and update like in fedora distro whit rpm?? | 06:17 |
thegladiator | nope gnomegreak , thats desktop area | 06:17 |
Canoeingkidd | Kindred: sorry you were right.....I was doing open with off the shortcut menu, not in the properties dialog, thanks | 06:17 |
apokryphos | cocox: there is, but it'd need to be in a repository or you would have to have a .deb package | 06:18 |
Kindred | Canoeingkidd: yeah thought you might be :) | 06:18 |
navarone | gnomefreak, I think he means the way the windows minimize and show a square as they do so | 06:18 |
blitz | hey guys.. i need help.. my systems runs fine, but the ctrl+alt+f1-f6 don't work under xorg.. | 06:18 |
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=== duende [n=duende@stjhnf0122w-142162051177.nl.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thegladiator | i am trying to change the way a windows is minimized . the scheme that ubuntu uses it to show a black sqaure like think winding inside . just minimize any window and see | 06:18 |
davidlee1oth | i deleted my apt sources.list file... is there a way to rebuild it? | 06:18 |
benplaut | are the main repos down? | 06:18 |
davidlee1oth | no | 06:18 |
sls | how do you se the default cahracter set in the terminals in ubuntu? | 06:18 |
gnomefreak | navarone, oh ok little black square didnt tell me much | 06:18 |
thegladiator | yes navarone i need to remove it completely . i guess that is a lil bit of a delay program in disguise | 06:19 |
sls | doeas any on know... | 06:19 |
davidlee1oth | like... does anyone know how to add apt resources | 06:19 |
davidlee1oth | to rebuild the file? | 06:19 |
gnomefreak | ubotu tell davidlee1oth about sources | 06:19 |
navarone | thegladiator, when I minimizer Is ee the outline of squares as windows minimize but no square turning | 06:19 |
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thegladiator | outline , a black sqaure | 06:20 |
aTypical | davidlee1oth, I'll bet you can find a copy of one on the ubuntu forum and just use it for your file. | 06:20 |
cocox | apokryphos, but if i can install doing the "apt-get install" command the app is on a repository... so there is no way to do something like apt-get update???? | 06:20 |
thegladiator | there is this black sqaure (border ) that winds up into the gnome panel | 06:20 |
apokryphos | cocox: if it was packaged you would be able to, but it's not. | 06:20 |
gnomefreak | apt-get upgrade will upgrade any upgradable packages | 06:20 |
holycow | guys, why does my ubuntu suddently think regular text files are scripts and is asking to display/run/run in terminal ... etc? are the mime types hosed? is there any way to change this? | 06:21 |
blitz | holycow: are they executeable? | 06:21 |
gnomefreak | script is just that text | 06:21 |
landotter | holycow: right click and see if the properties are set as executable. | 06:21 |
holycow | blitz, what do you mean executable? why would that make any difference? all files in home dir are executable | 06:22 |
=== MoonRanger [n=ubuntu@Toronto-HSE-ppp3907116.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thegladiator | how can i change that guys | 06:22 |
Nei | I want to make a script to fix my keyboard | 06:22 |
=== fredforfaen [n=Morrari@216-132-165.0502.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Malachi | pilgrim: Still there? | 06:22 |
blitz | holycow: that woudl make no sense.. | 06:22 |
Nei | so I put one to write "setkeycodes ....." in init.d | 06:22 |
holycow | that has never made a difference on any version of linux anywhere | 06:22 |
pilgrim | Malachi, yeah | 06:22 |
holycow | what do you mean it makes no sense? | 06:22 |
holycow | chmod 755 | 06:22 |
pilgrim | Malachi, bussy talking to ubotu | 06:22 |
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Nei | but it doesn't work. could someone give me some clues how ot debug it? | 06:22 |
thegladiator | !snack ubotu | 06:22 |
ubotu | thegladiator: Are you smoking crack? | 06:22 |
Malachi | pilgrim: Never mind... | 06:23 |
thegladiator | !ubotu snack | 06:23 |
ubotu | Syntax error in line 1, thegladiator | 06:23 |
thegladiator | oops | 06:23 |
blitz | holycow: why do u mark normal text files as executeabl? | 06:23 |
pilgrim | Malachi, ok. | 06:23 |
Kindred | !botsnack | 06:23 |
ubotu | thanks kindred :) | 06:23 |
cocox | apokryphos, mm so when i install my apps doing "apt-get install" this doesnt download the package ? so what is what this command do ? | 06:23 |
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thegladiator | ah :) | 06:23 |
pilgrim | Malachi, if you need something let me know. | 06:23 |
erUSUL | Nei, are you sure it gets exec an init? | 06:23 |
=== Dr_Acemaster [n=John@pool-71-115-135-40.gdrpmi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holycow | blitz, who marks it normal? whats wrong with you? its a regular text file created the regular way. nothing more nothing less | 06:23 |
erUSUL | *on | 06:23 |
gnomefreak | cocox, apt-get install downloads than installs the package you named | 06:23 |
apokryphos | cocox: I don't think you're understanding :). apt-get install package1 checks the ubuntu repositories (and any other repositories you have), for the given package, and if it's there, it installs it | 06:23 |
=== Kyral [n=kyral@ubuntu/member/kyral] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blitz | holycow: if u chmod it to 755, it's executeable.. | 06:24 |
apokryphos | cocox: the new amsn package is not in the repositories, so you can't install it like that. | 06:24 |
thegladiator | navarone, Kindred and others | 06:24 |
Malachi | pilgrim: Just one thing. I changed the preferred application to firefox, but everytime I click an outside link it just opens to the home page. I think I need to add a parameter, but I don't know which one... | 06:24 |
blitz | from that point on, it's beeing treated as a shell script | 06:24 |
thegladiator | any idea ? | 06:24 |
aTypical | blitz, are you concerned about rogue executables making it onto your system? | 06:24 |
Malachi | pilgrim: Could you see what your parameters are? | 06:24 |
=== ClayG [n=scdsc@c-66-177-234-195.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holycow | allright, i am mistaken then, the files must have had perms changed at some point ... okay my appologies. you guys are correct | 06:24 |
pilgrim | Malachi, do firefox1.5 %s | 06:24 |
blitz | aTypical, y should i be? | 06:24 |
pilgrim | Malachi, or whatever that firefox 1.5 command is | 06:25 |
Malachi | pilgrim: Okay, thanks. I'll leave you alone. | 06:25 |
pilgrim | Malachi, I'm still around if you need anything els.e | 06:25 |
cocox | apokryphos, gnomefreak ohh i c but it the amsn package were in the repositories y could do an update command ? | 06:25 |
blitz | were exactly besides the xorg.conf is the keyboard under xorg konfigured? | 06:25 |
blitz | configured* | 06:25 |
=== ataq [n=ataq@83-71-26-171.b-ras1.lmk.limerick.eircom.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aTypical | blitz, sorry, I'm butting into a conversation I didn't see from the beginning. You just piqued my curiosity with it | 06:25 |
thegladiator | i think that minimizer thing is justa delayer | 06:25 |
gnomefreak | cocox, if it was yes upgrade would upgrade the package | 06:25 |
blitz | aTypical, k | 06:26 |
gnomefreak | cocox, since its not you would more than likely have to download the tar.gz and compile it | 06:26 |
cocox | gnomefreak, and how should i type the command for upgrade ?? help me with the sintax plz | 06:26 |
riddlebox | what app would I use to setup my wireless card? | 06:26 |
thegladiator | gnomefreak, do you have any idea on that thingy ? | 06:26 |
Nei | erUSUL, no I'm not >_> but in theory it should, I've made the links with update-rc.d | 06:26 |
gnomefreak | thegladiator, nope i leave them just the way they are :) | 06:26 |
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apokryphos | cocox: aha, you're in luck :) | 06:27 |
thegladiator | when i minimize a window , it shows a black sqaure curling up into the panel . i hate that | 06:27 |
apokryphos | cocox: there's a .deb on their website | 06:27 |
Nei | erUSUL, I was thinking, maybe ubuntu overwrites my custom setkeycodes somehow | 06:27 |
gnomefreak | oh he lucked out | 06:27 |
gnomefreak | lol | 06:27 |
cocox | apokryphos, jajjaja really?? | 06:27 |
thegladiator | gnomefreak, oh man that sucks actually . it delays too much | 06:27 |
=== jmw70 [n=mike@adsl-220-160-26.mob.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nei | what's a good way to make a console that shows system messages btw? | 06:27 |
gnomefreak | cocox, download it and than run sudo dpkg -i <packagename> | 06:27 |
dbernar1 | thegladiator: you need to set the right option in gconf. | 06:27 |
cocox | apokryphos, now i should download the .deb and just everytime that is a new release just type the upgrade command ?? | 06:27 |
=== dan1el_ [n=D@host-81-191-7-55.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dbernar1 | something like minimal resources. | 06:27 |
apokryphos | cocox: argh, oh no -- it's only a PowerPC .deb | 06:27 |
gnomefreak | oops | 06:28 |
gnomefreak | lol | 06:28 |
dbernar1 | thegladiator: reduced resources? | 06:28 |
apokryphos | weird that they shouldn't have an ubuntu i386 one | 06:28 |
thegladiator | dbernar1, ah . edit gnof file ? | 06:28 |
dbernar1 | take a look, thegladiator | 06:28 |
thegladiator | gconf | 06:28 |
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thegladiator | let me open it | 06:28 |
nickrud | reduced resources are under apps/metacity somewhere | 06:28 |
holycow | blitz, landotter thx for your help | 06:28 |
=== D1 [n=damian@pool-71-104-105-237.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
navarone | thegladiator, try this same place in Config Editor only go further down to "panel" and disable animations there in "global" settings...you probably have to restart x as well | 06:28 |
dbernar1 | thegladiator: no, Apps>Sys Tools>Config Edit>apps>nautilus | 06:28 |
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jmw70 | I am trying to connect to my Brother MFC210C. It is a windows printer and I can see it on the network, but I don't have the driver listed on Ubuntu. Any ideas where I can find this driver? | 06:28 |
dbernar1 | thegladiator: no, it is acutally more likely in metacity. | 06:29 |
apokryphos | cocox: download this: http://mesh.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/amsn/amsn-0.95.tar.gz | 06:29 |
thegladiator | metacity. | 06:29 |
thegladiator | under apps ? | 06:29 |
nickrud | yeah, apps/metacity/general/reduced_resources | 06:29 |
cocox | apokryphos, gnomefreak ohhh!! but if the last release of amsn could be in the repositories what should i type for make and update? | 06:29 |
dbernar1 | thegladiator: sure. | 06:29 |
gnomefreak | cocox, i would stay with version you have if all they have is a tar.gz unless you know how to compile it :) | 06:29 |
dbernar1 | or desktop, find it. | 06:29 |
thegladiator | metacity is my guess as well | 06:29 |
dbernar1 | I do not have Ubuntu, I am at work. | 06:29 |
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apokryphos | cocox: just a simple sudo apt-get install amsn | 06:30 |
gnomefreak | cocox, if its not in the repos you cant update it you have to install a new one and get rid of old one | 06:30 |
nickrud | that will get rid of the window diving into the panel, but it does some other stuff also that you may not like | 06:30 |
gnomefreak | apokryphos, the one hes looking for isnt in repos he cant install it that way | 06:30 |
apokryphos | I know, said it about 7 times :P | 06:30 |
gnomefreak | lol | 06:30 |
thegladiator | i am in metacities . just trying to figure out what cud cause this . if someone can help , please | 06:30 |
gnomefreak | !tar.gz | 06:30 |
ubotu | I guess tar.gz is a compressed archive similar to a zip file. tar zxvf filename.tar.gz to extract. | 06:30 |
=== albacker [n=eni@customer-side2-telecomalbania.atnet.com.al] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | thats just the begining of a long day :) | 06:31 |
nickrud | general/reduced_resources <-- the--dud | 06:31 |
navarone | thegladiator, it's just an animation...nothing to worry about | 06:31 |
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nickrud | general/reduced_resources <-- thegladiator :) | 06:31 |
cocox | gnomefreak, apokryphos lol thnx u guys i'll look for all the things that you told me thnxx :) | 06:31 |
=== confrey [n=dario@d83-176-80-25.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thegladiator | let me check reduced ersources as nickrud poins out | 06:32 |
apokryphos | cocox: if you download the above package you will (i) want to extract it, (ii) run sudo apt-get build-dep amsn, (iii) then configure and compile it | 06:32 |
gnomefreak | apokryphos, pssst what did we tell him to look for? i cant remember lol | 06:32 |
thegladiator | animation yes . but let me see if it has some effect on the speed | 06:32 |
apokryphos | gnomefreak: the source | 06:32 |
thegladiator | i really dont need that anime actually | 06:32 |
navarone | nickrud> if he tried apps/panel/global" there are settings there that look promising | 06:32 |
thegladiator | its kind of not_so_cool | 06:32 |
gnomefreak | oh ok good luck cocox | 06:32 |
confrey | hi | 06:32 |
holycow | so thats interesting, i guess one way to protect users on linux systems from farking up their accounts is to chmod their homedirs 640? | 06:32 |
=== apokryphos decides to install the new amsn for fun | ||
gnomefreak | lol apokryphos | 06:32 |
=== mdmeisberger [n=matt@24-180-180-47.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
confrey | is there a site for searching info about product e vendor numbers? | 06:33 |
thegladiator | so do i have to restart x? | 06:33 |
nickrud | navarone, if I remember rightly, that's for the animations of the panel itself. Window ani's are controlled by metacity | 06:33 |
gnomefreak | apokryphos, do gaim its easy | 06:33 |
navarone | okie | 06:33 |
jeori | what does "no curses header-files found" mean? | 06:33 |
thegladiator | or metcaity can be restarted on its own ? | 06:33 |
=== landotter [n=max@adsl-156-11-6.bna.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
sethk | holycow, that isn't much protection, although it is protection from ignorance or accident | 06:33 |
navarone | thegladiator, simple thing would be ctrl-alt-backspace | 06:33 |
apokryphos | aha, that was quick+easy | 06:33 |
apokryphos | gnomefreak: I'm not converting away from kopete of course ;-) | 06:33 |
gnomefreak | oh god i hated kopete | 06:34 |
thegladiator | yep | 06:34 |
nickrud | thegladiator, all changes to gconf are picked up automatically, no need to restart anything (or normally that's so) | 06:34 |
=== AlexRM [n=alex@host86-128-221-149.range86-128.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
apokryphos | wow, it's just as ugly as ever | 06:34 |
apokryphos | gnomefreak: why oh why | 06:34 |
cocox | apokryphos, gnomefreak mmm so i should download the tar.gz packeage and make it a .deb isnt it ? | 06:34 |
apokryphos | cocox: nope, download it and then compile from source | 06:34 |
gnomefreak | cocox, theres alot more involved than that | 06:34 |
holycow | sethk, making sure the users cannot change permissions on file is one sure way of then not running unwarranted software ... as for not much protection i am not sure what that means. you cannot protect anyone from deleting their files if that is what the point is? | 06:34 |
AlexRM | Hey | 06:34 |
gnomefreak | !compile | 06:34 |
apokryphos | cocox: /msg me if you want, and if you want the newest version that bad, I can walk you through it :) | 06:34 |
ubotu | Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware | 06:34 |
thegladiator | brb guys | 06:34 |
jmw70 | I am looking for printer drivers, any ideas? | 06:34 |
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sethk | holycow, they can chmod their files back again if they are of a mind to do so | 06:35 |
=== ULffuntu [n=Willie@adsl-69-150-57-89.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AlexRM | it's been a while since I've been on Linux, is Firefox 1.5 released for Ubuntu yet? | 06:35 |
gnomefreak | apokryphos, cant you send him the .deb once you have it? | 06:35 |
navarone | cocox...its a little more like the diference between asking for a cigarette and rolling your own...<s> | 06:35 |
confrey | is there a site for searching info about product e vendor numbers? | 06:35 |
gnomefreak | no AlexRM | 06:35 |
cocox | lol | 06:35 |
AlexRM | aw :( | 06:35 |
holycow | sethk, one can remove that ability from them you know | 06:35 |
gnomefreak | !ff1.5 | 06:35 |
ubotu | You can update to firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion | 06:35 |
ULffuntu | hi, anybody here made a dd of a fat16 fs disk? | 06:35 |
apokryphos | gnomefreak: I don't have it | 06:35 |
albacker | guys, after a kernel compilation.. should it run faster or slower ? the system. | 06:35 |
sethk | holycow, the system becomes more or less unusable if you do. | 06:35 |
apokryphos | gnomefreak: and checkinstall (if I used it anyhow) wouldn't make proper debs | 06:35 |
gnomefreak | apokryphos, oh ok i would have used checkinstall its nice :) | 06:36 |
holycow | sethk, ah this affects them being able to use software? | 06:36 |
sethk | holycow, right. most things write state files in the home directory | 06:36 |
ordinary | ? | 06:36 |
sethk | holycow, usually in a directory .something | 06:36 |
sethk | holycow, do ls -A in your home and you'll see them | 06:36 |
pashaw | albacker, the average person cant tell the difference CPU are simply too fast these days | 06:36 |
apokryphos | gnomefreak: it doesn't work with all things, unfortunately, too. | 06:36 |
gnomefreak | oh it doesnt? | 06:37 |
gnomefreak | :( | 06:37 |
cocox | apokryphos, navarone, gnomefreak ok i'll download and compile the tar.gz is the same than installing from the .deb i mean the same results istn it ? | 06:37 |
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apokryphos | cocox: not exactly the same, no -- but the application will work just fine, yes. | 06:37 |
gnomefreak | cocox, not really | 06:37 |
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apokryphos | cocox: why do you want the latest version? | 06:37 |
holycow | sethk, just out of curiosity, why does a user need tghe ability to chmod? i don't know of any piece of software (say for regular office workers ) that requires this? i may be wrong but giving them write ability is good enough? | 06:37 |
gnomefreak | theres a reason why they call things bleeding edge :( | 06:38 |
holycow | time to experiment i think :) | 06:38 |
albacker | pashaw, i compiled 2.6.14 [has 2.6.12-8 now] . i had a lot of errors during the booting plus the system was slower. i compiled with make bzimage modules... and also with make-kpkg * [make-kpkg gave me .debs aftter installing em i couldnt boot.. :S] | 06:38 |
apokryphos | holycow: you often need it to make things executable etc | 06:38 |
cocox | apokryphos, gnomefreak because maybe there are new things and some fixed bugs :S ? | 06:38 |
=== riddlebox [n=james@24-171-11-166.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
apokryphos | cocox: but why not use another messenger? aMsn is terrible :P | 06:38 |
apokryphos | try Kopete | 06:38 |
navarone | hmm...does rythmbox rescan library everytime it starts? | 06:38 |
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pashaw | albacker, did you use the base config from the 2.6.12 kernel to start with or all from scratch? | 06:39 |
gnomefreak | cocox, i doubt its gonna make a difference but i would find out what was changed before you waste rest of day compiling the tar | 06:39 |
holycow | apokryphos, files in /home/user need to be executable? *hmm* i'll haveto test this out, i didn't know that. i thought read/write was enough | 06:39 |
cocox | apokryphos, gnomefreak why kind of messenger do you recommend me ? | 06:39 |
riddlebox | I am trying to setup my wireless card, I have gotten it to work with mandriva + ndiswrapper, but I am new to ubuntu, does someone have a howto I could read? | 06:39 |
gnomefreak | i use gaim2.0 and irc | 06:39 |
apokryphos | holycow: no, I thought you were just asking of an instance for why a user would want to use chmod | 06:39 |
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apokryphos | cocox: Kopete | 06:39 |
=== gnomefreak had to compile gaim2.0 :) | ||
albacker | pashaw, i copied my current configuration, and saw every single thing i had to configure.. | 06:39 |
apokryphos | new kopete has full webcam support too =) | 06:39 |
mwe | gnomefreak: it's still the beta, right? | 06:39 |
gnomefreak | mwe yes | 06:39 |
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gnomefreak | mwe, it looks alot more like aim now :) | 06:40 |
pashaw | albacker, i only conpile kernels if its for a server (limit the extra crap) or if the new kernel fixes a problem the old kernel was giving me | 06:40 |
albacker | pashaw, dunno. ive been compiling the last 3 days.. compiling deleting recompiling. i decided not to compile anymore. it looks like it doesnt work for me :( | 06:40 |
holycow | apokryphos, no, as a result of mucking about it occured to me that chmoding user dir's to 644 would prevent them from accidentally running stuff, removing their ability to chmod would lock it down fairly well. a regular user has no need for chmod in a sandboxed environment | 06:40 |
mwe | gnomefreak: yeah. I got it too :) | 06:40 |
gnomefreak | even dapper doesnt have it in repos | 06:40 |
pashaw | albacker, personally i think your wasting your time unless you think the new kernel will fix something | 06:40 |
=== hajit [n=chatzill@dup-10.nalnet.ru] has joined #ubuntu | ||
confrey | is there a site for searching info about product e vendor numbers? | 06:41 |
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holycow | oh and look, in ubuntu a regular user has no access to chmod | 06:41 |
cocox | apokryphos, gnomefreak ok guys i'll read more and try kopete, thnx u for ur time :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 06:41 |
navarone | privet hajit | 06:41 |
thegladiator | reduced resources it it . but I advise not to change it since ni the reduced mode , it looks really awkward | 06:41 |
albacker | pashaw, yeah, i wanted to activate video4linux in the new kernel | 06:41 |
mwe | holycow: of course a normal user has access to chmod. just not on others files | 06:41 |
holycow | mwe, why? | 06:42 |
holycow | when does a secretary need chmod? | 06:42 |
navarone | tehgladiator how so? | 06:42 |
sethk | holycow, every user can run chmod | 06:42 |
vladimir | excuse me! I today install Ubuntu. How you listen .mp3. with what program | 06:42 |
mwe | holycow: if you make a script and need to make it executable for example | 06:42 |
dsl633 | hello everyone | 06:42 |
holycow | mwe, that isn't a regular user | 06:42 |
gnomefreak | ubotu tell vladimir about mp3 | 06:42 |
holycow | that is a power user | 06:42 |
thegladiator | the window minimizing works well . but when you drag a window , the window will be shown as a cluster of sqaures being dragged | 06:42 |
dsl633 | i am running | 06:43 |
holycow | my definition of regular user is secretary, we are talking two separate things | 06:43 |
mwe | holycow: or you want other people not to be able to read your files | 06:43 |
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=== joaquinz [n=JoaquinZ@200-127-199-22.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
joaquinz | hi | 06:43 |
gnomefreak | <<doesnt remember needing sudo to chmod | 06:43 |
dsl633 | i am running dsl of a cd right now because i want to check my system using fsck but i'm not sure how | 06:43 |
holycow | mwe, no, regular users have no business setting that up, sorry. thats for power users. regular users email/drop stuff onto file servers | 06:43 |
mwe | gnomefreak: you don't | 06:43 |
dsl633 | any help? | 06:43 |
=== evermuse [n=evermuse@adsl-68-72-168-71.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holycow | mwe, i know what you are saying, we are simply talking about two different roles | 06:43 |
riddlebox | nevermind i think I figured it all out | 06:44 |
gnomefreak | secretary in usa does most if not all things for his/her boss | 06:44 |
=== gnomefreak really needs to get one | ||
=== shelika [n=nml@bl5-89-168.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== mwe could use one as well | ||
joaquinz | ive some trouble with dapper drake flight 2... i've installed it and since then, the network card havent work anymore :( | 06:45 |
holycow | i work with executive assitants to ceo's, not a single one of them has every needed to change permissions to a file. infact none of them even know what file permissions are ... its hard to explain to them what file permissions are to begin with | 06:45 |
popey | is it possible to compile a vanilla kernel.org kernel on ubuntu without any patches from ubuntu or debian? | 06:45 |
mwe | popey: yes | 06:45 |
gnomefreak | joaquinz, you have to set it up in the networking area | 06:45 |
mwe | popey: I did | 06:46 |
popey | cool | 06:46 |
popey | any gotchas? | 06:46 |
joaquinz | gnomefreak: it doesnt recognize my card or something like that | 06:46 |
thegladiator | secretaries are mostly babes | 06:46 |
gnomefreak | joaquinz, dapper is not close to release | 06:46 |
dsl633 | anyone know how i do that? | 06:46 |
pashaw | albacker, what video device video for linux is in the default kernel modules | 06:46 |
=== Note [n=chris@ool-182e178c.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
joaquinz | gnomefreak : and? | 06:46 |
thegladiator | gnomefreak, you didnt mean did that or did you ? | 06:46 |
mwe | popey: lots. like forgetting to check the right drivers :) | 06:46 |
popey | heh | 06:46 |
gnomefreak | joaquinz, did your nic card work in breezy? | 06:46 |
popey | well, yeah that's the obvious one :) | 06:46 |
joaquinz | gnomefreak: perfectly | 06:46 |
joaquinz | gnomefreak: it is a nvidia onboard networkcard | 06:47 |
thegladiator | albacker, what was that problem ? you couldnt compile your kernel ? | 06:47 |
=== insomnik [n=insomnik@smg13-2-82-232-128-209.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | joaquinz, go into your network settings and set it up | 06:47 |
navarone | holycow I understand what you are saying...regular users are not just people without root privs...they are usually people just trying to do their job...<s> | 06:47 |
mwe | popey: then you need to compile any external modules like ati binary drivers yourself | 06:47 |
gnomefreak | didnt mean what thegladiator ? | 06:47 |
pashaw | thegladiator, he compiled a new kernel to add something that was already in the default kerne; | 06:47 |
popey | yeah, i have an nvidia laptop | 06:47 |
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albacker | thegladiator, i can compile it, but it gets me errors during boot-time and also it runs slower .. | 06:47 |
thegladiator | about secs , u wanted one | 06:47 |
holycow | navarone, *nod* yup | 06:48 |
gnomefreak | yes i do want one | 06:48 |
mwe | popey: in that case s/ati/nvidia/ :) | 06:48 |
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popey | IKWYM | 06:48 |
albacker | thegladiator, secs ? | 06:48 |
gnomefreak | secretary | 06:48 |
=== kekko [n=francesc@host171-30.pool8257.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thegladiator | albacker, scretary , it was a follow up on something gn0me said | 06:49 |
kekko | helloooo!!! | 06:49 |
=== JRlinux is now known as JRaway | ||
fredforfaen | !java | 06:49 |
ubotu | To install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs | 06:49 |
albacker | pashaw, i dont have it in my current kernel.. | 06:49 |
albacker | pashaw, talking about v4l.. | 06:49 |
kekko | hii | 06:49 |
navarone | salut kekko | 06:49 |
kekko | salu | 06:49 |
kekko | t | 06:49 |
gnomefreak | joaquinz, you have alot of work ahead of you hope your ready for it and i would check bugzilla to find out the bugs you will see and some of them tell you how to fix it | 06:49 |
kekko | are you french? | 06:50 |
navarone | no kekko...Canadaian | 06:50 |
kekko | good | 06:50 |
kekko | pleased to meet u | 06:50 |
navarone | nice to meet you too...how can we help? | 06:50 |
albacker | aha ok | 06:50 |
kekko | mh... | 06:50 |
pashaw | albacker, type sudo locate v4l youll see it listed under 2.6.12 | 06:50 |
vladimir | me too, but how can listen .mp3 | 06:51 |
thegladiator | !restricted | 06:51 |
ubotu | well, restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats Most of the formats listed here have been replaced by !FreeFormats | 06:51 |
gnomefreak | vladimir, did you read the post ubotu sent you? | 06:51 |
pashaw | albacker, the default breezy kernel config shows all but 1 v4l device enabled | 06:51 |
kekko | i'm thinking | 06:51 |
thegladiator | vladimir, read what ubotu says | 06:51 |
=== freddie [n=freddie@68-117-172-141.dhcp.chtn.wv.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Note | whats the link to the firefox updating page | 06:51 |
gnomefreak | thegladiator, i sent him that a while ago lol | 06:51 |
Note | wiki | 06:51 |
gnomefreak | !ff1.5 | 06:51 |
ubotu | You can update to firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion | 06:51 |
kekko | i've some problem wt pppoeconf | 06:52 |
=== existance [n=existanc@cpe-68-201-255-172.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mwe | kekko: yeah. what problems? | 06:52 |
thegladiator | :d | 06:52 |
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kekko | the connection doesn't starts at the boot | 06:52 |
existance | Would anyone recommend a bittorrent client that can limit upload and such? | 06:52 |
kekko | i've ubuntu with kde 3.5 | 06:52 |
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thegladiator | vladimir, read those things and you cud listen to ur favourite track soon | 06:52 |
popey | existance: i use btdownloadcurses | 06:52 |
kekko | not kubuntu | 06:52 |
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freddie | need help with videos on the internet they close my firefox | 06:53 |
existance | popey, thanks :) | 06:53 |
popey | so what's the general feel about upgrading to dapper now? :D | 06:53 |
holycow | okay so appearent "folders" haveto be 755 otherwise nautilus cannot open them, that kinda makes sense. can one traverse the file structure recursively and only set files withing all folders to 644 say? | 06:53 |
=== Catalitica16 [n=Cataliti@91-43-112.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mwe | kekko: you didn't install kubuntu-desktop to get it? | 06:53 |
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gnomefreak | Popey unless you know what your doing dont | 06:53 |
kekko | no | 06:53 |
kekko | apt-get install kdebase | 06:53 |
gnomefreak | normally if you have to ask you dont want to upgrade to it | 06:53 |
mwe | kekko: I see. just the base | 06:53 |
popey | the problem is i need a newer kernel for my DVB-T card | 06:53 |
kekko | yes ;) | 06:53 |
popey | sure | 06:53 |
popey | I'm just after the general feel | 06:53 |
popey | "It's broken, don't" or "yeah, it's okay at the moment" | 06:54 |
popey | I have it running in a virtual machine and it seems okay | 06:54 |
kekko | but... | 06:54 |
pashaw | popey, broekn | 06:54 |
existance | popey, any idea what their homepage is? It doesn't seem to show up on google :/ | 06:54 |
popey | but of course that VM has significantly less software packages and different driverrs | 06:54 |
=== rev [n=rev@dslb-082-083-041-141.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
freddie | need help with videos on the internet they close my firefox | 06:54 |
kekko | pppoeconf didnt work well | 06:54 |
=== Ganjhi [n=carl@modemcable157.192-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rev | is there a way to force konqueror to use a WINS-server when doing smb:/ ? | 06:54 |
kekko | before the kde installation end now | 06:54 |
gnomefreak | rev, #kubuntu might know | 06:55 |
cyphase | freddie, try installing the Media Connectivity Plugin | 06:55 |
gnomefreak | cyphase, good luck :( | 06:55 |
cyphase | Media Player Connectivity* | 06:55 |
rev | gnomefreak: no answer there :/ | 06:55 |
freddie | cyphase were can i find it | 06:55 |
cyphase | gnomefreak, why? | 06:55 |
=== Markbb- [n=mark@host86-133-128-175.range86-133.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Malachi | What's a good FTP client? | 06:55 |
cyphase | freddie, do a search | 06:55 |
cyphase | should be first | 06:55 |
freddie | kk | 06:55 |
navarone | malachi gftp suits my needs | 06:55 |
pashaw | Malachi, apt-cache search ftp pick one :P | 06:55 |
D1 | anyone know if theres any gnome 2.14 preview page like the last few releases? | 06:55 |
Malachi | Thanks, guys. | 06:55 |
cyphase | gnomefreak, why good luck? | 06:55 |
mwe | holycow: the executable bit for directories says whether you someone access them | 06:56 |
D1 | I wanna see whats new. | 06:56 |
gnomefreak | cyphase, he has been sent every wiki on it and still spammed asking the same thing | 06:56 |
cyphase | ah | 06:56 |
D1 | I tried 2.13 and it didn't seem so innovative. ;[ | 06:56 |
cyphase | i thought because the plugin itself | 06:56 |
mwe | holycow: if you own the directory you could access it even if it's 500 | 06:56 |
=== kekko [n=francesc@host171-30.pool8257.interbusiness.it] has left #ubuntu ["Sto] | ||
gnomefreak | popey, i recommend staying with breezy for now im sure most will agree with me there | 06:56 |
cyphase | popey, he's right :) | 06:57 |
ULffuntu | anybody here know about byte offsets in the mount command? | 06:57 |
holycow | mwe, ah! okay i'm having some weird behaviour here then, i chmod dirs to 644 (say just myfiles folder with my docs only), and nautilus all of a sudden cannot open them even though i own them | 06:57 |
=== ChaKy [n=chaky@lns02-0068.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
freddie | cyphase i seached 4 it nothing came up | 06:57 |
Ganjhi | Hey, I was wondering if anybody could help me with a sound issue I'm having with Enemy Territory. I'm trying to; echo "et.x86 0 0 direct" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss but I always get permission denied, chmod +x or su-c does not help. | 06:57 |
=== alejandro_ [n=alejandr@pc-30-37-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
navarone | popey...I am staying with breezy...rather tahn working another four months trying to get dapper to work before it's release...lol | 06:57 |
cyphase | freddie, what did you search for | 06:57 |
cyphase | exact phrase | 06:57 |
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gnomefreak | cyphase, ;) | 06:57 |
=== gnomefreak brb | ||
mwe | holycow: yeah. disabling the exe bit(1) is bad for dirs you wanna access | 06:58 |
freddie | cyphase the Media Connectivity Plugin | 06:58 |
cyphase | "the" doesn't do anything | 06:58 |
cyphase | but ok | 06:58 |
Ganjhi | When I use su -c it the terminal prompts me for my password, but it always says Authentication Failure, but I know I'm using the right password. | 06:58 |
mwe | holycow: and the read bit as well if you wanna see the files in there | 06:58 |
navarone | Does Punkbuster work in linux with rtcw? | 06:58 |
cyphase | freddie, did you really search? and di you look at the results? | 06:58 |
ULffuntu | anybody here a loopmount expert? | 06:58 |
cyphase | did* | 06:58 |
sethk | Ganjhi, if you don't use -c? | 06:58 |
sethk | ULffuntu, I don't know about the expert part, but I know how it works. what's the problem? | 06:59 |
Ganjhi | It says Unknown ID Sethk | 06:59 |
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cyphase | freddie? | 06:59 |
pashaw | Ganjhi, that would use roots password you dont have a root | 06:59 |
ULffuntu | sethk: I made some dd's of some zip disks like this... | 06:59 |
freddie | cyphase on the internet or the synaptic packe manger | 07:00 |
pashaw | Ganjhi, use sudo | 07:00 |
sethk | Ganjhi, why are you using su -c instead of sudo? | 07:00 |
Ganjhi | how? | 07:00 |
ULffuntu | dd if=/dev/sda of=zipdisk.img | 07:00 |
cyphase | freddie, the internet | 07:00 |
pashaw | Ganjhi, sudo command file | 07:00 |
ULffuntu | and they wouldn't mount until i learned abou sda4 | 07:00 |
=== bor [i=rob@chili.unixpunk.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Note | I cant install to /opt | 07:00 |
=== gnomefreak wonders if we can add dapper drake is still very unstable to the /topic :) | ||
Note | help | 07:00 |
holycow | mwe, that is a bit confusing ... so i chmod everything to 644. nothing is executable. i still own the files user.user. if i own them i should be able to view them no (unless i do something stupid like chomod everything 000)? | 07:00 |
Ganjhi | so instead of using su -c I just type sudo?? | 07:00 |
sethk | ULffuntu, losetup /dev/loop0 zipdisk.img; mount -t whatever /dev/loop0 /mountpoint | 07:00 |
=== hajit [n=chatzill@dup-10.nalnet.ru] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
pashaw | Ganjhi, sudo is used for admin tasks in ubuntu | 07:01 |
=== vilefridge [n=ubuntu@S010600c049e68e4f.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cyphase | Official Ubuntu support channel | Documentation: http://help.ubuntu.com/ | Support options: http://ubuntu.com/support | Community news: http://fridge.ubuntu.com | Use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting | IRC Info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InternetRelayChat | Dapper Drake is still unstable. DOn't use it! | 07:01 |
Ganjhi | okay, thanks pashaw | 07:01 |
cyphase | oops | 07:01 |
cyphase | :P | 07:01 |
sethk | holycow, remember that x, on a directory, means search | 07:01 |
mwe | holycow: but you can't access the dir if the exe bit is unset for it | 07:01 |
gnomefreak | oh its there? | 07:01 |
sethk | Ganjhi, not really for admin tasks, for doing anything that requires su privileges | 07:01 |
Ganjhi | good to know | 07:01 |
sethk | Ganjhi, and not in any way specific to ubuntu; it's been in unix for 25 years | 07:01 |
cyphase | gnomefreak, no | 07:01 |
gnomefreak | oh | 07:01 |
cyphase | i was going to tyr setting it | 07:02 |
gnomefreak | i saw | 07:02 |
cyphase | and i forgot /topic | 07:02 |
cyphase | lol | 07:02 |
navarone | sethk macos too i think | 07:02 |
gnomefreak | <<<doesnt know how to do anything | 07:02 |
freddie | cyphase ok ill try it | 07:02 |
sethk | navarone, in OSX, certainly, because it's BSD UNIX | 07:02 |
cyphase | there are actually several big channels that allow anyone to change the topic | 07:02 |
mwe | holycow: setting the files to 644 or 600 is fine, but the dir need 700 or 755 or something similar like 750 | 07:02 |
navarone | sethk yup | 07:02 |
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=== sproingie [n=chuck@64-121-2-59.c3-0.sfrn-ubr8.sfrn.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vilefridge | Hello! I just replaced my motherboard and now my Ubuntu 5.10 will not boot. It says it cannot start XServer. Is there some way to resolve this? I was on here yesterday and someone suggested to remove and reinstall xserver-xorg, however my ethernet adapter doesn't work in recovery mode so I can't use apt-get to retrieve it again. is there some way to point it to the installation disc instead? Is this what I should be doing? | 07:03 |
=== Lord_Athur [n=alejandr@pc-30-37-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] | ||
freddie | cyphase didnt work | 07:03 |
mwe | holycow: and 700 will only work if you own the dir. genrally dirs are set to 755 | 07:03 |
cyphase | freddie, did you look through the results? | 07:03 |
=== Note [n=chris@ool-182e178c.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cocox | what is the equivalen of the "service" command in fedora core ?????? | 07:04 |
Note | help | 07:04 |
pashaw | vilefridge, type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 07:04 |
mwe | cocox: what does it do in fedora? | 07:04 |
freddie | cyphase no were r they | 07:04 |
mwe | !helpme | 07:04 |
ubotu | If you don't actually ask a question, we can not actually help you. | 07:04 |
vilefridge | pashaw: dpkg-reconfigure wasn't recognized as a request.. I had tried that before removing it | 07:04 |
Note | I cant put files into /opt (required for ff instalation) | 07:04 |
cyphase | freddie, did you do the search? | 07:04 |
sethk | Note, use sudo | 07:04 |
mwe | Note: yes, with sudo you can | 07:04 |
cocox | mwe, starts a service | 07:05 |
Note | sethk: how would I do this | 07:05 |
pashaw | vilefridge, use sudo infront of it | 07:05 |
cocox | mwe, manage a service.... stop, start, pause | 07:05 |
freddie | cyphase yes and i installed it | 07:05 |
sethk | Note, depends on what you are currently doing, that fails, when you are trying to put files into /opt | 07:05 |
spikeh | how would I associate a program to open a specific format | 07:05 |
mwe | cocox: just do /etc/init.d/apache2 start to start apache 2 for example | 07:05 |
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sethk | Note, normally, you do the same thing you are already doing, but prefix sudo to the command | 07:05 |
cyphase | freddie, then what are you asking? | 07:05 |
vilefridge | pashaw: I had used sudo and tried all different variations like dpkg --reconfigure, dpkg reconfigure, etc.. | 07:05 |
spikeh | i.e. I'd like to make Opera my default Internet browser | 07:05 |
Note | ? | 07:05 |
thegladiator | spikeh, please dont | 07:05 |
Note | I wam trying to drag it their | 07:06 |
cyphase | freddie, "no were r they". what's that mean? | 07:06 |
Note | which I know wont work | 07:06 |
spikeh | thegladiator: ? | 07:06 |
Note | (bad osx habits) | 07:06 |
freddie | cyphase never mind | 07:06 |
mwe | cocox: with sudo probably though | 07:06 |
sethk | Note, ok, then you have to start the program that you are draggin in with sudo | 07:06 |
=== holycow [n=a@mail.wjsgroup.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thegladiator | spikeh, firefox is better IMHO | 07:06 |
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freddie | cyphase just the thing i installed didnt work | 07:06 |
cocox | mwe, thnx for the help :) | 07:06 |
spikeh | thegladiator: I switched to Opera on Windows and never looked back; and I'd like to do the same on Linux | 07:06 |
sethk | Note, you are probably using a menu to start, so you'll have to check the properties of the menu to find the command you need to run | 07:06 |
mwe | cocox: you're welcome | 07:07 |
cyphase | freddie, you mean the Media Player Connectivity plugin? | 07:07 |
pashaw | vilefridge, your using Ubuntu right? | 07:07 |
thegladiator | spikeh, i have used opera , ie , and few others....believe me firefox is really better | 07:07 |
freddie | cyphase tes | 07:07 |
holycow | bah! | 07:07 |
holycow | :) damned power in this town | 07:07 |
holycow | hehe | 07:07 |
holycow | okay cool, you guys explained everything beatifully ... that brings me back to my earlier question ... how does one chmod all files in all subdirs 644 while leaving the dirs 755? | 07:07 |
cyphase | freddie, it works | 07:07 |
vilefridge | pashaw: correct, 5.10 | 07:07 |
cyphase | but you need to configure it | 07:07 |
gnomefreak | spikeh, in the settings in opera you should beable to make it default browser as you do with FF or ie yucky | 07:07 |
thegladiator | spikeh, you get the same performance with FF if not better . i think opera doesnt handle popus as wellas FF | 07:07 |
freddie | cyphase no it dont work | 07:07 |
sethk | holycow, find . -type f -exec chmod 0644 '{}' \; | 07:07 |
thegladiator | gnomefreak, does that work in linux ? making it default ? | 07:08 |
cyphase | freddie, did you restart firefox? | 07:08 |
spikeh | thegladiator: I have chosen to use Opera yet why are you challenging that? the first rule of support is to fix the issue at hand not to suggest new programs | 07:08 |
gnomefreak | thegladiator, it should | 07:08 |
freddie | cyphaseno dont nohow | 07:08 |
cyphase | whoa, whoa | 07:08 |
mwe | thegladiator: however java sometimes break FF | 07:08 |
vilefridge | pashaw: Since I removed xserver-xorg, I'll have to get it back on there... but my internet connection doesn't work in recovery mode at the command prompt.. Is there some way to point apt-get towards the installation disc? | 07:08 |
holycow | sethk, ah! okay gotcha ... i understand what to google for now :) | 07:08 |
sethk | holycow, but, _please_, don't use numbers. do something like chmod u+w or g+rw or whatever it is you actually want | 07:08 |
cyphase | let's not get into a browser war | 07:08 |
=== jumpkick [n=GED@toronto-HSE-ppp3985668.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holycow | sethk, *nod* right | 07:08 |
thegladiator | spikeh, it was a suggestion , there is alarger rule that says , take what you like . | 07:08 |
holycow | that makes more sense actually | 07:08 |
cyphase | freddie, press the X in the top right corner | 07:08 |
pashaw | vilefridge, ok reboot pick a recovery kernel when grub pops up, login, then type this>> sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg <<the whole thing single spaces | 07:08 |
sethk | cyphase, hey, I was enjoying the war :) | 07:08 |
gnomefreak | thegladiator, saying something is better can and will start a flamewar we really dont want that in here | 07:08 |
cyphase | then open firefox again | 07:08 |
=== seth_k|lappy [n=seth@ubuntu/member/sethkinast] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cyphase | sethk, oh sorry | 07:08 |
cyphase | forget what i said | 07:08 |
sethk | cyphase, :) | 07:08 |
freddie | cyphase i did that but it still dont work | 07:08 |
cyphase | go on with the war | 07:08 |
gnomefreak | cyphase, lol | 07:08 |
vilefridge | pashaw: alright, i'll give that a shot, brb :) | 07:08 |
cyphase | :D | 07:08 |
=== tvo [n=tobi@5354EA9B.cable.casema.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pashaw | vilefridge, what you removed it | 07:09 |
=== navarone uses Opera and FF 1.5 without problem | ||
thegladiator | gnomefreak, yes ;d lets peace off | 07:09 |
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cyphase | freddie, it should be working. if it's not, then.. | 07:09 |
=== theconartist [n=roflwaff@24-117-148-180.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
freddie | cyphase never mind i think i got it | 07:10 |
thegladiator | mwe, yeah java tends to break FF sometimes . actually mozilla internet app suite is very stable in that context | 07:10 |
cyphase | ok | 07:10 |
gnomefreak | cyphase, he will be back :) | 07:10 |
cyphase | lol | 07:11 |
cyphase | you think he's doing it on purpose? | 07:11 |
=== globe [n=robert@71-208-92-78.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cyphase | i mean.. | 07:11 |
cyphase | lol | 07:11 |
mwe | thegladiator: I use epiphany for java | 07:11 |
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gnomefreak | i gave him every wiki that ubotu knows and he didnt read a one | 07:11 |
navarone | gnomefreak, ...i think he went to sit under his bridge again maybe | 07:11 |
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gnomefreak | navarone, maybe ;) | 07:12 |
cyphase | still | 07:12 |
=== Delvien [n=dstubbs2@cpe-65-31-19-204.insight.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cyphase | it shows how far ubuntu still has to go | 07:12 |
cyphase | lol | 07:12 |
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thegladiator | mwe, cool. ephiphany has some issues with color ? for eg. when u open gmail , there are no colors for the mail which makes it look a tad unproffesional . i like ephi for its simplicity though | 07:12 |
jumpkick | anyone here tried installing webmin on breezy? | 07:12 |
Delvien | Can anyone tell me which Dapper release is installable? flight 2 isnt | 07:12 |
cyphase | jumpkick, yes | 07:12 |
cyphase | it's weird | 07:12 |
gnomefreak | lol sometimes yeah but if you dont read you dont learn lol | 07:12 |
cyphase | can't access it except from the computer it's installed on | 07:13 |
thegladiator | Delvien, yes | 07:13 |
cyphase | gnomefreak, i know | 07:13 |
Delvien | thegladiator which one? | 07:13 |
thegladiator | flight 2 | 07:13 |
jumpkick | cyphase: how'd you get past the "md5sum: miniserv.pem: No such file or directory" error? | 07:13 |
cyphase | jumpkick, i don't know | 07:13 |
cyphase | i just uninstalled it after a while | 07:13 |
holycow | dudes, you guys are like the goddamned "A - Team" of linux :) | 07:13 |
Delvien | thegladiator when i try to install it it says... Kernal panic can not mount :VFS: unkown block or something like that | 07:13 |
jumpkick | cyphase: maybe you had that file from an older rev of the package... | 07:14 |
holycow | that has to be the fastest trouble shooting session i've ever had :) | 07:14 |
holycow | thanks!!!! | 07:14 |
Delvien | thegladiator this is right after i hit "install ubuntu" | 07:14 |
sproingie | thegladiator: i'm guessing epiphany opens gmail in basic mode, right? | 07:14 |
pashaw | holycow, can i be ACE | 07:14 |
thegladiator | sproingie, yes i thin so . can i change it >? | 07:14 |
gnomefreak | Delvien, its still very buggy i dont suggest installing it if you get past that problem | 07:14 |
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cyphase | holycow, you had a power outage? | 07:14 |
holycow | seth_k especially for that code snippet :) | 07:14 |
thegladiator | Delvien, i havent tried it actually . but check out distrowatch and it says flight 2 | 07:14 |
sproingie | thegladiator: beats me, does epiphany support javascript sufficiently? | 07:14 |
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Delvien | gnomefreak i dont mind bugs , but have to install it first hehe :P | 07:15 |
holycow | cyphase, yes, and it turns out my power backup here doesn't work :/ | 07:15 |
gnomefreak | flight2 is newest | 07:15 |
cyphase | where are you? | 07:15 |
holycow | pashaw, hehe :) | 07:15 |
gnomefreak | Delvien, the installation bugs are badf | 07:15 |
gnomefreak | bad* | 07:15 |
=== dwalton59 [n=dwalton@adsl-69-209-170-48.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thegladiator | sproingie, mwe is the one who uses it . i use FF . but yes java didnt have any probs in ephi | 07:15 |
Delvien | aye . but i want it :) | 07:15 |
jumpkick | cyphase: you can allow other computers to access webmin by adding an IP to the "allow " line in miniserv.conf | 07:15 |
gnomefreak | just waring you once you get past install if you do its alot of extra work to do to get it to run | 07:15 |
=== hmp_ [n=hmp@p54943DAD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thegladiator | it wud take a new channel to discuss unstable releases sometimes | 07:16 |
thegladiator | ;p so much bugs | 07:16 |
=== dwalton59 [n=dwalton@adsl-69-209-170-48.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Delvien | gnomefreak something im willing to do :) | 07:16 |
cyphase | jumpkick, it wasn't working | 07:16 |
gnomefreak | dapper drake flight 2 is alpha. alpha= pre beta | 07:16 |
cyphase | but it's fine | 07:16 |
cyphase | i don't really need it | 07:16 |
thegladiator | mwe, have you opened gmail with ephi ? | 07:16 |
holycow | pashaw, hehe :) | 07:16 |
mwe | thegladiator: I don't think so | 07:16 |
=== sproingie wonders if it's even possible to have a small fast browser that supports all of html and dom, considering how nasty and kludgy both standards are | ||
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jumpkick | cyphase: I think the package is broken now... :( | 07:17 |
gnomefreak | Delvien, you want to get past install read bugzilla to see if your issue has been made or fixed | 07:17 |
thegladiator | sproingie, you were talkin of basic mode . how do i change it ? | 07:17 |
thegladiator | mwe, could you please , in case you have a gmail account ? | 07:17 |
navarone | <s> apt-get installed epiphany but got game instead or browser...oops | 07:17 |
sproingie | thegladiator: get epiphany to spoof the user-agent and claim to be firefox | 07:17 |
=== nevinm [n=nevin@Quebec-HSE-ppp3615763.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mwe | thegladiator: it doesn't work for you? | 07:17 |
sproingie | thegladiator: you'll probably find it falls over real quick, but it's worth a shot | 07:17 |
thegladiator | mwe color issues | 07:17 |
thegladiator | sproingie, how do i spoof ? | 07:18 |
sproingie | thegladiator: no idea, i don't use it | 07:18 |
gnomefreak | i know in firefox you change a little in about:config | 07:18 |
=== lilo [i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thegladiator | ok | 07:18 |
mwe | thegladiator: what color issues? it seems ok at a first glanse here | 07:18 |
=== gnomefreak brb | ||
thegladiator | mwe, not at first glance actually | 07:18 |
sproingie | thegladiator: the full mode of gmail uses dhtml and xmlhttprequest, if epi doesn't support those, it won't work | 07:18 |
thegladiator | mwe, the next stage once you log into mail | 07:19 |
=== joeljkp [n=joeljkp@host-12-168-179-200.nctv.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thegladiator | sproingie, i see . so its an issue thats is irrparable | 07:19 |
mwe | thegladiator: yeah that's what I mean it looks ok, my inbox, contacts and when I open a message | 07:19 |
=== sproingie made an ajax-like thing years before ajax happened, but it required liveconnect or com automation. and liveconnect was the buggiest piece of garbage. | ||
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thegladiator | it has the color that you see in firefox ? | 07:20 |
mwe | thegladiator: I believe so. let me check again | 07:20 |
thegladiator | my gmail is like black and white . the blue color that it has in FF dissapears | 07:20 |
=== erUSUL [n=erusul@238.Red-83-52-53.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] | ||
thegladiator | gmail generally has a blue shade | 07:21 |
thegladiator | bu in this case its just plain black and whiet | 07:21 |
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=== freemanen [n=freemane@213503414-VISIT-NET.host.songnetworks.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Delvien | gnomefreak i searched bugzilla, no one has the same problem as me | 07:21 |
mwe | thegladiator: it's looks identical if FF and epi here with a light blue background | 07:22 |
thegladiator | mwe, gosh . why shud it be different here ? | 07:22 |
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gnomefreak | Delvien, you can report it than or try to fix it on your own the issue i had when installing it was bad iso | 07:22 |
mwe | thegladiator: I have no idea | 07:22 |
pashaw | Delgul, part of alpha releases is finding solutions to your own problems to help fix it | 07:22 |
Delvien | gnomefreak im hopeing that is it. and not something wrong with me :P | 07:23 |
=== X_Machine [n=X_Machin@vol75-9-82-239-74-131.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
X_Machine | Hi vribody | 07:23 |
thegladiator | wonder why | 07:23 |
mwe | opera tells me to install motif. would that be libmotif3? | 07:23 |
=== stelmate [n=stelmate@pcp0010973364pcs.lascruces.nm.albuq.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stelmate | Hellow | 07:24 |
freemanen | then I am trying to connect to a msyql database with a php script i get this error | 07:24 |
freemanen | Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in /var/www/adressLaggTill.php on line 2 | 07:24 |
X_Machine | anyone has an idea on how to make windows games workng on ubuntu | 07:24 |
gnomefreak | Delvien, Delvien if you cant debug install you have a very long way to go if you look at bug#21487 it will tell you how to get what errors it gives and you can start debugging there | 07:24 |
freemanen | why? | 07:24 |
X_Machine | ?? | 07:24 |
X_Machine | to play | 07:24 |
gnomefreak | Delvien, my advice is to atleast wait till flight 3 in jan | 07:24 |
stelmate | cedega (but it still kinda sux) | 07:24 |
X_Machine | i don't like flight sims | 07:24 |
=== feross [n=feross@69-172-135-82.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thegladiator | 1.8.2 is the version mwe ? | 07:25 |
gnomefreak | oh btw installing kubuntu-desk-top in ubuntu dapper will crash you menu in gnome :) | 07:25 |
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=== Malachi [n=Malachi@236-209.dothan.cable.graceba.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mwe | X_Machine: only a small percentage of windoze games will work in linux | 07:25 |
gnomefreak | locales is gonna be an issue also | 07:25 |
X_Machine | I prefer Windows | 07:25 |
pashaw | freemanen, youll likely get more help in PHP or MySQL irc channels or forums | 07:25 |
freemanen | ok | 07:25 |
Malachi | How do you add fonts in Ubuntu? | 07:25 |
ixion | hi, its been a while since I've had to use linux/ubuntu could someone please remind me how to start apache2, I have installed it using APT | 07:25 |
=== Heimdall [n=nico@lns-bzn-24-82-254-140-94.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | ubotu tell Malachi about fonts | 07:26 |
thegladiator | X_Machine, linux gaming is in its infance | 07:26 |
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thegladiator | mwe which version of ephi btw ? | 07:26 |
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Malachi | Thanks, gnomefreak | 07:26 |
thegladiator | brb | 07:26 |
gnomefreak | yw Malachi | 07:26 |
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freddie | cyphase i got the thing installed and it still cloeses my fire fox | 07:27 |
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gnomefreak | :) | 07:27 |
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cyphase | freddie, then i don't know what's wrong | 07:28 |
Kindred | ixion: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start | 07:28 |
freddie | cyphase u no im useing linux right | 07:28 |
cyphase | freddie, really? i thought you were on windows.. | 07:28 |
stelmate | anyone got xdvdshrink working? (or lxdvdrip for that matter) I keep getting that dam %d mplex error. | 07:28 |
ixion | Kindred, I tried that it just returns me back to the shell with no output? | 07:28 |
gnomefreak | freddie, i would hope your using ubuntu | 07:28 |
freddie | cyphase nope | 07:28 |
cyphase | oh.. | 07:28 |
=== TokenBad [n=tokenbad@c-71-193-210-137.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
freddie | cyphase ya im using ubuntu | 07:29 |
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cyphase | i didn't know | 07:29 |
cyphase | i thought it was windows | 07:29 |
TokenBad | is there a way to fax over high speed internet or can that only be done via dialup..if can be done via highspeed internet..what software for ubuntu will do it? | 07:29 |
gnomefreak | cyphase, ill bbs im gonna play with bugs for a while :) | 07:29 |
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freddie | cyphase can i uninstall it | 07:30 |
cyphase | freddie, why? | 07:30 |
pashaw | TokenBad, those are called emails | 07:30 |
=== Manifold [n=Manifold@88-104-146-98.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
freddie | cyphase it caps poping up when i start up fire fox | 07:30 |
=== apostolis [n=apostoli@thes730a-2535.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cyphase | and when it pops up, what do you do? | 07:30 |
apostolis | whivh package libz? | 07:31 |
cyphase | click Cancel? | 07:31 |
Manifold | Wiw, | 07:31 |
Manifold | Wow. | 07:31 |
TokenBad | so no way to do an actual fax to a fax number... | 07:31 |
Manifold | I've just install Ubuntu. | 07:31 |
freddie | cyphase i seach 4 movie players like it says | 07:31 |
=== Malachi [n=Malachi@236-209.dothan.cable.graceba.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Manifold | This is impressive. | 07:31 |
=== wemmi [i=wemmi@dsl-aur-fe9edd00-105.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cyphase | freddie, i don't know what's wrong with it | 07:31 |
cyphase | it should work | 07:31 |
pashaw | TokenBad, i know of some windows programs but they are mostly used for recieving faxes over the internet | 07:32 |
cyphase | if it isn't, then your computer has some strange problem | 07:32 |
=== Mabus06 [n=Nick@hlfxns0149w-142177127214.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
freddie | cyphase the moive player with it dont work right | 07:32 |
pashaw | TokenBad, to save on long distance | 07:32 |
cyphase | freddie, use totem if your not | 07:32 |
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freddie | cyphase thats wut i mean i use that | 07:32 |
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pashaw | TokenBad, google internet fax send maybe add linux to the search keys | 07:33 |
cyphase | freddie, do you want me to VNC into your computer and fix it? | 07:33 |
Mabus06 | x | 07:33 |
freddie | cyphase wuts that mean | 07:33 |
TokenBad | pashaw, ok thanks...but this is paperwork I have to fax to someone else.. and not sure you can do it over highspeed..think you have to do it with a dialup modem | 07:33 |
cyphase | freddie, it means i can see what's on your screen | 07:33 |
cyphase | so i can fix the problem | 07:33 |
=== Note [n=chris@ool-182e178c.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
apostolis | what is this? checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths! | 07:33 |
freddie | cyphase kk | 07:33 |
cyphase | freddie, do you have broadband? | 07:34 |
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freddie | cyphase yes | 07:34 |
cyphase | ok | 07:34 |
pashaw | TokenBad, well you would have to scan them into your puter first | 07:34 |
cyphase | do you know how to start the VNC server? | 07:34 |
Note | if i want a partition on my external drive to be readable and writable by ubuntu and os x what should the format be | 07:34 |
cyphase | go to System -> Preferences -> Remote Desktop | 07:34 |
TokenBad | right I have a scanner | 07:34 |
freddie | cyphase no im a n00b to linux | 07:34 |
cyphase | go to System -> Preferences -> Remote Desktop | 07:34 |
pashaw | TokenBad, yeah google those phrases might be a web service that will convert and fax them for you | 07:35 |
freddie | cyphase ok now wut | 07:35 |
cyphase | freddie, do you have the window open? | 07:35 |
Note | how should I format my external drive if I want it to be readable by ubuntu | 07:35 |
=== Mabus06 [n=Nick@hlfxns0149w-142177127214.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
freddie | cyphase wut window | 07:36 |
=== apostolis is now known as Oultimaternitd | ||
cyphase | the one that opens when you click System -> Preferences -> Remote Desktop | 07:36 |
=== teleyinex [n=teleyine@cable217a230.usuarios.retecal.es] has joined #ubuntu | ||
freddie | cyphase ya | 07:36 |
teleyinex | hi | 07:36 |
=== MeanEYE [i=hell@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pashaw | TokenBad, i know recieving like that is common but not about sending | 07:36 |
MeanEYE | OK ... Kewl | 07:36 |
=== aTypical [n=aTypical@pdpc/supporter/active/aTypical] has joined #ubuntu | ||
teleyinex | how can I enable 3d in this card: Intel Corp. 82852/855GM | 07:37 |
MeanEYE | PPL...I need to download MP3 and other stuff for ubuntu 5.10 | 07:37 |
cyphase | freddie, checkmark the top 2 boxes | 07:37 |
pashaw | !tell MeanEYE about restrictedformats | 07:37 |
freddie | cyphase k i did | 07:37 |
TokenBad | pashaw, seems there are some places that do it..but all want a monthly fee..and I am sending a fax for the first time in years...so not something i do alot of..but thanks for your help..atleast now know can do it | 07:37 |
thiagomz | Hi... | 07:37 |
cyphase | freddie, now checkmark the bottombox, and put in a password | 07:37 |
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freddie | cyphase ok | 07:38 |
pashaw | TokenBad, yeah they would charge you to pull it off the web convert it to resend over local phone lines | 07:38 |
theconartist | how do i unmount when something is mounted multiple times | 07:38 |
thiagomz | I need install oracle 9.2 client in ubuntu 5.10... any help-me ? | 07:38 |
aTypical | teleyinex, I'd like to know that too. I thought it was enabled by default, but maybe it's not. | 07:38 |
teleyinex | ok | 07:38 |
=== feross [n=feross@69-172-135-82.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
theconartist | umount is giving me an error: it seems /media/cdrom0 is mounted multiple times | 07:38 |
=== Manifold grins | ||
teleyinex | aTypical, how can I know if I have 3d acceleration? | 07:39 |
theconartist | does anyone know how to do this? | 07:39 |
cyphase | freddie, what's the password? | 07:39 |
freddie | cyphase its freddie | 07:39 |
cyphase | ok | 07:39 |
pashaw | theconartist, type df -h cdrom0 isnt listed twice | 07:39 |
stelmate | try something like a openGL screensaver | 07:39 |
cyphase | freddie, now, i need you to run a command in the terminal | 07:39 |
theconartist | pashaw, it is | 07:40 |
aTypical | teleyinex, I think you can check glxinfo. If it's enabled you'll see a line containing dri. | 07:40 |
freddie | cyphase ok wuts the command | 07:40 |
teleyinex | another question is how can i make that the touchpad works as in windows | 07:40 |
teleyinex | ok | 07:40 |
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pashaw | theconartist, did you add a second line in fstab using cdrom0 | 07:40 |
aTypical | Maybe it's Direct Rendering = Yes? | 07:40 |
cyphase | freddie, 1 sec | 07:40 |
freddie | kk | 07:40 |
theconartist | pashaw, not that i know of | 07:41 |
pashaw | theconartist, paste your df-h and cat /etc/fstab to pastebin use the same pastebin id like to see this | 07:41 |
pashaw | !pastebin | 07:41 |
ubotu | I heard pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 07:41 |
=== HymnToLife [n=_mfb@dyn-213-36-160-130.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thegladiator | u heard it right ubotu | 07:42 |
thegladiator | !botsnack | 07:42 |
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ubotu | thanks thegladiator :) | 07:42 |
pashaw | thegladiator, ubunto knows your secrets! | 07:42 |
pashaw | err typo :( | 07:42 |
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cyphase | freddie, i'll pm it to you | 07:43 |
Java_the_Hutt | Hello, I am trying to insall gnokii, but it says "nokii: Depends: libglib1.2 (>= 1.2.0) but it is not installable" I have libgli2.0 , what should i do ? | 07:43 |
Java_the_Hutt | install | 07:43 |
Seveas | pilgrim, please don't add crap to the bot | 07:43 |
theconartist | pashaw, http://pastebin.com/485511 | 07:44 |
Seveas | oh, and spam too, that qualifies for.. | 07:44 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*n=pilgrim@*.abhsia.telus.net] by Seveas | ||
=== pilgrim was kicked off #ubuntu by Seveas (Seveas) | ||
thegladiator | when i do a upadte on open office , do actually replace the old files ? or is it like a an addition to open office ? | 07:44 |
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=== Weiss [i=taw27@student.cusu.cam.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bshumate | theconartist: try : sudo umount /tmp/disk2.iso | 07:46 |
darkheart | Hello, I'm trying to enable 3D acceleration on my ATI card. I have the fglrx driver install, but when I check it with fglrxinfo, it still displays the MESA driver. The logs show that the DRI couldn't be loaded. Any ideas? | 07:46 |
pashaw | theconartist, why is it using disk1.iso off the cdrom what are you doing? | 07:47 |
=== achtunga1 [n=achtunga@c-24-99-178-5.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pashaw | theconartist, and disk2.iso off cdrom | 07:47 |
guerby | hi, is there a way to get a list of package names in a single column? dpkg -l has too much stuff | 07:47 |
dbernar1 | Seveas: that qualifies for... ... ... | 07:48 |
dbernar1 | Seveas: just try to get them to agree first, and if they get annoying, then ban them... | 07:48 |
cyphase | freddie, i'm PMing you | 07:48 |
=== D1 [n=damian@pool-71-104-105-237.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== theconartist [n=roflwaff@24-117-148-180.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pashaw | guerby, use dpkg -l | more | 07:48 |
cvt|nixmas | does anyone have that firefox link again? | 07:48 |
Seveas | dbernar1, bot abuse (in this case using it for spam) qualifies for an immediate ban | 07:48 |
theconartist | sorry bout that | 07:48 |
theconartist | accidentally closed | 07:48 |
theconartist | pashaw, im installing something under wine that required multiple cd's | 07:49 |
guerby | pashaw, this is not for viewing, but for doing a diff of installed packages names between two machines | 07:49 |
=== tom____ [n=tom@host86-144-142-117.range86-144.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
guerby | pashaw, in the RPM world it's rpm -qa > file | 07:49 |
pashaw | guerby, ohh 1 sec | 07:49 |
theconartist | pashaw, and it wont let me unmount, to mount the new one, so i am masking it with the next disk | 07:49 |
cyphase | freddie.. | 07:50 |
theconartist | but it wont let me unmask it for some reason | 07:50 |
kbrooks | Seveas, what is "spam"? he used the bot correctly | 07:50 |
pashaw | guerby, dpkg --get-selection \* > file.list | 07:50 |
freddie | cyphase wut | 07:50 |
cyphase | i'm PMing you | 07:50 |
cyphase | answer :) | 07:50 |
=== root__ [n=root@adsl-69-211-64-178.dsl.sgnwmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
freddie | cyphase i no | 07:50 |
bshumate | theconartist: try : sudo umount /tmp/disk2.iso | 07:50 |
freddie | i sent u some thing | 07:50 |
freddie | cyphaseu didnt get it | 07:51 |
pashaw | guerby, then you copy it over to the system and dpkg --set-selections < file.list | 07:51 |
cyphase | i don't see it | 07:51 |
theconartist | bshumate, i did, but it failed of course | 07:51 |
cyphase | anyway, here.. | 07:51 |
theconartist | thatis backwards | 07:51 |
cyphase | i'll pm the command | 07:51 |
guerby | pashaw, dpkg --get-selectionS thanks! | 07:51 |
cyphase | got it? | 07:51 |
freddie | cyphase ill try agn | 07:51 |
cyphase | did you get the command? | 07:51 |
freddie | ya | 07:51 |
cyphase | ok | 07:51 |
cyphase | run it | 07:51 |
freddie | kk | 07:51 |
theconartist | bshumate, nevermind you win | 07:52 |
kbrooks | Seveas, there? | 07:52 |
theconartist | i lose | 07:52 |
theconartist | i typed in the wrong path | 07:52 |
=== theconartist slaps himself | ||
freddie | o ok | 07:52 |
pashaw | theconartist, thx for that never seen that before | 07:52 |
=== dirceu [n=dirceu@201-1-84-158.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | kbrooks, spamming his own webcrap (already deleted) | 07:52 |
dirceu | wdsa | 07:52 |
bshumate | theconartist: you can umount with either the /dev entry or the mountpoint...usually... ;-) | 07:52 |
theconartist | bshumate, thank you :) | 07:52 |
dirceu | hi! | 07:53 |
dirceu | please jumper these room??? | 07:53 |
yatesy | u what? | 07:53 |
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=== bshumate places a jumper over pins three and four of this room | ||
dirceu | i need woman now! | 07:54 |
kbrooks | Seveas, ah, i see | 07:54 |
dirceu | you see? | 07:54 |
freddie | cyphase ok i ran it | 07:54 |
pashaw | dirceu, wrong channel please move along | 07:54 |
cyphase | freddie, did you run the command? | 07:54 |
cyphase | ok | 07:54 |
cyphase | did you enter the password? | 07:54 |
dirceu | what? | 07:54 |
dirceu | pashaw??? how are you??? | 07:54 |
pashaw | dirceu, Ubuntu support channel not a play channel | 07:55 |
freddie | cyphase it want let me | 07:55 |
dirceu | what nick it??? | 07:55 |
kbrooks | dirceu, this isnt a chatroom | 07:55 |
cyphase | freddie, what do you mean? | 07:55 |
cyphase | it's not showing? | 07:55 |
dirceu | yes! | 07:55 |
dirceu | and you | 07:55 |
kbrooks | dirceu, joiin #ubuntu-offtopic | 07:55 |
dirceu | and you?? | 07:55 |
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dirceu | fuck you kbrooks! | 07:55 |
dirceu | your mother is a cow!!! | 07:55 |
kbrooks | dirceu, who, me? | 07:55 |
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Kindred | :| | 07:56 |
dirceu | yes | 07:56 |
=== BxL moo | ||
dirceu | sucker my dic!! | 07:56 |
kbrooks | dirceu, my mother is NOT a cow | 07:56 |
cyphase | that's normalhmm | 07:56 |
cyphase | oops | 07:56 |
cyphase | 2 message in one :P | 07:56 |
dirceu | yes , I know! | 07:56 |
=== bshumate sees a short-lived future for dirceu in #ubuntu | ||
MickMcMack | O_o; | 07:56 |
dirceu | you are the son cow!! | 07:56 |
=== cyphase must be watching the same chanel as bshumate | ||
kbrooks | dirceu, YOU cant curse at me | 07:56 |
cyphase | channel* | 07:56 |
dirceu | SNIF!! | 07:56 |
cyphase | freddie.. | 07:56 |
freddie | cyphase it sais bash: freddie: command not found | 07:56 |
freddie | freddie@68-187-221-198:~$ | 07:56 |
dirceu | you are man or woman?] | 07:57 |
cyphase | freddie, i see | 07:57 |
=== Zzzzz [n=jose@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | dirceu, dont make such derogatory comments at me | 07:57 |
Kindred | I am son cow | 07:57 |
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kbrooks | dirceu, i'm not telling you | 07:57 |
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pashaw | Kindred, thats me not you | 07:57 |
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cyphase | freddie, open a terminal and run "sudo apt-get install ssh" without the quotes | 07:57 |
dbernar1 | Seveas: is there guidelines for ops? | 07:57 |
dbernar1 | are there, I guess. | 07:57 |
pashaw | ops are sleeping i think | 07:58 |
=== dbernar1 is slacking off at work on new year's day. | ||
dirceu | you are man or womam??? | 07:58 |
cyphase | freddie, i mean, run Synaptic | 07:58 |
kbrooks | Seveas, dirceu cursed at me and called me a cow and told me to suck my **** | 07:58 |
freddie | o ok | 07:58 |
kbrooks | Seveas, kick him! | 07:58 |
cyphase | freddie, and install ssh | 07:58 |
dbernar1 | Seveas: here is dirceu for you to ban:) | 07:58 |
pashaw | kbrooks, the cow part is true tho | 07:58 |
dirceu | what??? | 07:58 |
kbrooks | pashaw, i dont care | 07:58 |
dirceu | wy?? | 07:58 |
=== globe [n=robert@71-208-92-78.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cyphase | people, people.. | 07:58 |
dirceu | I need sex session!!! | 07:59 |
kbrooks | pashaw, its offensive and insulting | 07:59 |
=== daruser [n=daruser@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | dirceu, NO sex here! | 07:59 |
dirceu | No??? | 07:59 |
cyphase | yea, that's what he said | 07:59 |
kbrooks | dirceu, #ubuntu isnt the room for you | 07:59 |
cyphase | lol | 07:59 |
dirceu | you and me , no sex?? | 07:59 |
globe | ... wasnt expecting that in entering this channel ;-) | 07:59 |
shimmmy | lol | 08:00 |
BxL | asking for sex in a linux channel is kinda like going to a A.A. meeting and asking for beer, it makes no sense. | 08:00 |
shimmmy | me either | 08:00 |
=== rafael1infante [n=rafael1i@33.Red-83-48-42.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== DRAGON_Ultra [n=DRAGON_U@adsl-70-232-38-75.dsl.ltrkar.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shimmmy | lol hah agreed | 08:00 |
globe | lol | 08:00 |
=== teke [n=teke@AMarseille-152-1-36-78.w81-251.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cyphase | globe, excuse the mess :P | 08:00 |
pashaw | globe, ops are afk troll living longer than expected | 08:00 |
dirceu | oh let go !!! | 08:00 |
freddie | cyphase i dont see it in the synapic | 08:00 |
kbrooks | !ops | 08:00 |
=== teke [n=teke@AMarseille-152-1-36-78.w81-251.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Quitte"] | ||
ubotu | Help! seb128, bob2, fabbione, lamont, thom, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic or nalioth | 08:00 |
=== JRlinux [n=JRlinux@gw02.applegatebroadband.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cyphase | freddie, it's there | 08:00 |
cyphase | ssh | 08:00 |
globe | I see | 08:00 |
dirceu | Ok friends?? | 08:00 |
=== caplink811-log [n=caplink8@dslb-084-059-084-125.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dirceu | youe my friend??? | 08:01 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Amaranth] by ChanServ | ||
=== raptoid[PARTY] [n=raptoid@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cyphase | aha | 08:01 |
cyphase | here goes | 08:01 |
Amaranth | kbrooks: Yes? | 08:01 |
BxL | woo. | 08:01 |
dirceu | chanel friend here??? | 08:01 |
cyphase | bye dirceu | 08:01 |
kbrooks | Amaranth, | 08:01 |
kbrooks | dirceu cursed at me and called me a cow and told me to suck my **** | 08:01 |
freddie | cyphase still cant find it | 08:01 |
globe | pashaw: do you sleep?!?! | 08:01 |
cyphase | his* | 08:01 |
pashaw | globe, yeah but i wake up too :P | 08:01 |
Amaranth | brb :P | 08:01 |
globe | IC | 08:01 |
kbrooks | globe, you see? | 08:02 |
kbrooks | lol | 08:02 |
dirceu | vo tudo tomar no cu | 08:02 |
Amaranth | kbrooks: He doesn't seem to be now. | 08:02 |
cyphase | freddie, try openssh-client | 08:02 |
kbrooks | Amaranth, he was | 08:02 |
dirceu | vo se foder suas bichas !!! | 08:02 |
Amaranth | err, or maybe he is... | 08:02 |
bshumate | dirceu: menino pequeno mau! saa deste lugar! | 08:02 |
=== Smoked1 [n=bryce@ca-simival-cuda2-c3b-136.snbrca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Markbb- waves to Strike ;) | ||
dirceu | $&#%*!*@@ | 08:02 |
cyphase | Amaranth, he was/is | 08:02 |
cyphase | lol | 08:02 |
Strike | ahh hey Markbb- | 08:02 |
globe | - | 08:03 |
freddie | cyphase all of it | 08:03 |
kbrooks | Amaranth, act! | 08:03 |
Strike | ;-p | 08:03 |
dirceu | bshumate homem ou mui??? | 08:03 |
kbrooks | Seveas, ACT! | 08:03 |
cyphase | freddie, what do you mean? | 08:03 |
kbrooks | and ,........... | 08:03 |
Amaranth | dirceu: English only please. | 08:03 |
Amaranth | bshumate: What is he saying? | 08:03 |
kbrooks | NOW! | 08:03 |
freddie | cyphasenever mind | 08:03 |
cyphase | freddie, did you find it? | 08:03 |
bshumate | dirceu: stop the foul language....in both languages! | 08:03 |
freddie | cyphase nope | 08:03 |
cyphase | kbrooks, cool it | 08:03 |
pashaw | Amaranth, swearing asking for sex troll stuff generally | 08:03 |
cyphase | just calm down | 08:03 |
Markbb- | lol Strike :) | 08:03 |
=== Fred [n=fredf@81-86-149-249.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Amaranth | kbrooks: I'd rather not have to kick him. | 08:03 |
dirceu | fuck you, i don t speak english now!!! | 08:03 |
Amaranth | dirceu: Last warning, #ubuntu is English only. | 08:03 |
=== sam_ [n=sam@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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sam_ | how to increase screen resolution | 08:03 |
Amaranth | dirceu: What language do you speak? | 08:04 |
kbrooks | cyphase, i never will, until dirceu is kicked | 08:04 |
bshumate | Amaranth: dirceu is swearing at me/us... | 08:04 |
thegladiator | sam_ : gnome-display-poperties | 08:04 |
thegladiator | properties* | 08:04 |
Smoked1 | dirceu: your gay man | 08:04 |
thegladiator | if you are on gnome | 08:04 |
dirceu | portuguese! | 08:04 |
bshumate | Amaranth: he's from Brasil, Portuguese | 08:04 |
=== teroedni [n=teroedni@ti411310a080-1162.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cyphase | Dirceu Lopes, is it? | 08:04 |
dirceu | yes! | 08:04 |
cyphase | hmm | 08:04 |
Amaranth | looks like either portuguese or spanish | 08:04 |
Amaranth | There are channels for those languages. | 08:04 |
dirceu | i dont speak english.. | 08:04 |
dirceu | more or less | 08:04 |
kbrooks | Amaranth, umm, but he is swearing | 08:05 |
cyphase | from brazil, so probably pourtegese | 08:05 |
pashaw | Amaranth, quote "dirceu I need sex session!!!" | 08:05 |
kbrooks | and saying "fuck" | 08:05 |
=== no0tic [n=no0tic@host187-209.pool80180.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cyphase | portuguese* | 08:05 |
freddie | cyphase wut do i do i cant findd it | 08:05 |
Amaranth | kbrooks: Maybe he is just mad because no one can help him. :P | 08:05 |
cyphase | freddie, your looking in synaptic, right? | 08:05 |
cyphase | :) | 08:05 |
freddie | cyphase ta | 08:05 |
=== Eleaf [n=ethan@ip-206-123-222-14.fasttrackcomm.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
globe | sam_ : what is your problem? | 08:05 |
cyphase | freddie, it's in there | 08:05 |
cyphase | just look | 08:05 |
Eleaf | How can I export mp3 using Audacity? | 08:05 |
=== boutros [n=me@pcp08496557pcs.gadsdn01.al.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Eleaf | It says I have to find libmp3lame.so my self | 08:06 |
cyphase | freddie, click on a package and type ssh | 08:06 |
Eleaf | I can't find this anywhere on my computer, apt, or using google | 08:06 |
freddie | ok i did that | 08:06 |
sam_ | my screen resolution stops at 1024X768, how to increase? | 08:06 |
sam_ | my screen resolution stops at 1024X768, how to increase? | 08:06 |
cyphase | freddie, and you can't find it? | 08:06 |
Amaranth | dirceu: If you need help with ubuntu try #ubuntu-br | 08:06 |
Amaranth | dirceu: If you just want to swear and talk dirty please go away. | 08:06 |
freddie | cyphase nope | 08:06 |
cyphase | freddie, in the side pane, which row is highlighted | 08:06 |
globe | Eleaf : google lame mp3 encoder...they have a website to dl from | 08:06 |
thegladiator | Amaranth, he is gone | 08:06 |
sam_ | my screen resolution stops at 1024X768, how to increase? | 08:06 |
Amaranth | wow i'm lagging | 08:06 |
bshumate | Eleaf: sudo apt-get install liblame0 | 08:07 |
Eleaf | globe, I can encode mp3 with other programs... | 08:07 |
sam_ | my screen resolution stops at 1024X768, how to increase? | 08:07 |
globe | sam_ : does your computer support > 1024? | 08:07 |
Amaranth | !fixres | 08:07 |
ubotu | somebody said fixres was http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 08:07 |
Eleaf | bshumate, ok, but audacity still says I have to locate the file by hand. Even if it is installed | 08:07 |
freddie | cyphase none | 08:07 |
sam_ | globe: how to know that | 08:07 |
cyphase | freddie, in the side pane, which row is highlighted | 08:07 |
globe | Eleaf: some programs come with a built in mp3 encoder.... | 08:07 |
cyphase | oh | 08:07 |
Amaranth | really bad... | 08:07 |
cyphase | oops | 08:07 |
cyphase | lol | 08:07 |
freddie | cyphase none of them | 08:07 |
thegladiator | how many here use enlightenment ? | 08:07 |
Eleaf | globe, audacity says it uses the external libmp3lame.so to encode mp3. And I have to find it my self. | 08:07 |
cyphase | freddie, yea, i missed it. highlight "All" | 08:08 |
freddie | cyphase wait ssh is hightlighted | 08:08 |
globe | sam_ : you should be able to find out by looking in your monitor specs | 08:08 |
cyphase | freddie, ok | 08:08 |
pashaw | sam_, read this but make sure you backup your xorg.conf first http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6386 | 08:08 |
Eleaf | bshumate, liblame0 is installed | 08:08 |
thegladiator | can you guys temme ur dektop please ? | 08:08 |
cyphase | freddie, highlight "All" | 08:08 |
bshumate | Eleaf: you just point Audacity to the location of liblame, which is /usr/lib/libmp3lame.so.0 | 08:08 |
Eleaf | bshumate, it still says I have to manually find libmp3lame my self | 08:08 |
freddie | cyphase ok | 08:08 |
Eleaf | Well how am I supposed to find that bshumate ? = P | 08:08 |
Amaranth | !ping | 08:08 |
dbernar1 | kbrooks: what is the "NOW!" supposed to mean? | 08:08 |
ubotu | pong | 08:08 |
globe | Eleaf: do you have libmp3lame.so in there? | 08:09 |
Amaranth | whoa, like 5 second lag here | 08:09 |
quacker | thegladiator, I could always use some *more* enlightenment -- heh | 08:09 |
cyphase | freddie, when All is highlighted, click on package in the main pane, and type ssh | 08:09 |
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BxL | !ping | 08:09 |
Eleaf | globe, no | 08:09 |
ubotu | pong | 08:09 |
=== nadav_ [n=nadav@bzq-82-81-253-101.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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BxL | 2sec | 08:09 |
cyphase | who wants to play | 08:09 |
globe | Eleaf: then you will probably need to download it... | 08:09 |
cyphase | !ping | 08:09 |
bshumate | Eleaf: Typically with the Audacity file browser. The first time you attempt to export MP3, Audacity should pop a file browser which you use to locate liblame so Audacity knows where to find it in the future... | 08:09 |
Eleaf | globe, I searched the internet | 08:09 |
cyphase | oops | 08:09 |
cyphase | :) | 08:09 |
Eleaf | bshumate, yes, that popped up. | 08:10 |
nadav_ | hey.. i have a problem. ubuntu installed a new kernel for me and while doing it it replaced my old grub configuration.. now i can't boot into windows | 08:10 |
freddie | ok | 08:10 |
Eleaf | bshumate, but how am I supposed to know where that file is? | 08:10 |
nadav_ | how do i fix that? :) | 08:10 |
Eleaf | bshumate, It's not in /usr/lib/ | 08:10 |
sam_ | globe: I have a 18 inch flat screen and all the screen is not used | 08:10 |
freddie | cyphase ok | 08:10 |
cyphase | freddie, is it installing? | 08:10 |
DRAGON_Ultra | you don't need windows anyway | 08:10 |
cyphase | i mean, did you find it? | 08:10 |
nadav_ | figured someone would say that | 08:10 |
=== thegladiator is thinking of giving a shot at enlightenment . the name is appealing | ||
DRAGON_Ultra | :) | 08:10 |
nadav_ | but i don't have visual c++ on linux... :) | 08:10 |
Eleaf | bshumate, I'm guessing libmp3lame.so doesn't exist. | 08:10 |
globe | sam_ : I see...you will need to re-run you x config script | 08:10 |
thegladiator | visual c++ on linux . omigosh | 08:11 |
globe | Eleaf: try googleing for "lame mp3" | 08:11 |
bshumate | Eleaf: then you do not have it installed, or installed properly | 08:11 |
Seveas | thegladiator, gvim ;) | 08:11 |
sam_ | globe: re-run x config means change settings ? | 08:11 |
nadav_ | anyway... can anyone please explain to me how to configure grub for windows xp? | 08:11 |
=== poningru [n=poningru@pool-71-243-237-83.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pashaw | sam_, i already gave you a guide | 08:11 |
thegladiator | gvim ? | 08:11 |
Eleaf | globe, it doesn't exist. Sure there are mp3 encoder libraries. I have those. But there is no libmp3lame.so that audacity needs | 08:12 |
thegladiator | ah k ;d | 08:12 |
Eleaf | bshumate, I don't think there is any libmp3lame.so in the world! | 08:12 |
cyphase | freddie, did you find it? | 08:12 |
freddie | cyphase i cant it says i need the dick | 08:12 |
cyphase | ... | 08:12 |
cyphase | disk* | 08:12 |
globe | sam_ from a term window (Alt-F1) type dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 08:12 |
Seveas | !find libmp3lame | 08:12 |
ubotu | Ubuntu Search of 'libmp3lame' (2 shown): (/usr/lib/{libmp3lame.so.0|libmp3lame.so.0.0.0}) in multiverse/libs/liblame0 ;; (/usr/lib/{libmp3lame.a|libmp3lame.la|libmp3lame.so}) in multiverse/libdevel/liblame-dev. | 08:13 |
globe | sam_ that will run you through the configuration script. | 08:13 |
cyphase | freddie, you'll have to change your repositories | 08:13 |
cyphase | !repo | 08:13 |
ubotu | cyphase: Are you smoking crack? | 08:13 |
cyphase | !repos | 08:13 |
=== Mirith [n=mirith@nc-71-50-118-112.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | To enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) see also !easysource | 08:13 |
bshumate | Eleaf: well, I have the Multiverse package source enabled...and I was able to simply use the command : sudo apt-get install liblame0, and lo and behold, I have a /usr/lib/libmp3lame.so.0 library! | 08:13 |
=== mipe_ [n=mipe@177-6-124-83.dsl.3u.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Amaranth | Anyway, call if you need help, I'll be upgrading wordpress | 08:13 |
cyphase | !easysource | 08:13 |
ubotu | rumour has it, easysource is For an easy to use custom sources.list configurator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic | 08:13 |
thegladiator | the upadater seems to freeze during applying chanhes | 08:13 |
thegladiator | what can i do ? | 08:14 |
Eleaf | bshumate, well I tried liblamemp3 like it said. it didn't say liblame0 | 08:14 |
Eleaf | lol | 08:14 |
=== oxez [n=oxez@unaffiliated/oxez] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mirith | Hmm... question... what's the easiest CD burning software to use in linux? I need to make an ISO then burn it | 08:14 |
Manifold | Unbuntu is reall impressing me. | 08:14 |
Manifold | really* | 08:14 |
Manifold | I just installed it. | 08:14 |
Manifold | So slick. | 08:14 |
thegladiator | k3b | 08:14 |
=== mipe_ [n=mipe@177-6-124-83.dsl.3u.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Eleaf | bshumate, It says I already have liblame0 installed | 08:14 |
sethk | thegladiator, you mean synaptic? | 08:14 |
Manifold | Or maybe that's just Gnome.. | 08:14 |
freddie | cyphase so wut do i do | 08:14 |
thegladiator | Mirith, k3b | 08:14 |
Mirith | ty | 08:14 |
Seveas | Eleaf, try liblame-dev | 08:14 |
thegladiator | no synaptic | 08:14 |
Eleaf | bshumate, I don't have one file in my /usr/lib folder. It is only folders. | 08:14 |
ossie | guys i have setup a samba share but it prompts me for a password | 08:15 |
=== ltibor65 [n=ltibor65@dsl5400E4AC.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sethk | ossie, type in the password | 08:15 |
Amaranth | Eleaf: What are you trying to do? | 08:15 |
Eleaf | I need to save this as an mp3 file | 08:15 |
Eleaf | that's all I want to do. | 08:15 |
thegladiator | Softwwares Update thats the heading . It was flashin in the gnmoe panel and i ran it | 08:15 |
bshumate | Eleaf: liblame0 is the *Ubuntu package* which *provides* libmp3lame, which is what Audacity needs to export MP3s... | 08:15 |
ossie | hehehe, i know i worded that in a stupid way, the password dont accept | 08:15 |
Eleaf | bshumate, then where is the file? | 08:15 |
Eleaf | bshumate, where is libmp3lame? | 08:15 |
=== caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log | ||
pashaw | ossie, you need to also login to it using your ubuntu username | 08:16 |
freddie | cyphase r u still there | 08:16 |
bshumate | Eleaf: it's sitting in a repository....waiting for *you to install it* ! ;-) | 08:16 |
Amaranth | Eleaf: Are you trying to rip a CD to mp3 using sound-juicer? | 08:16 |
pashaw | ossie, or a create a new user with same name as your other puters account | 08:16 |
Eleaf | bshumate, It is installed! | 08:16 |
cyphase | freddie, go to the link below | 08:16 |
ossie | i have tried that pashaw, im trying to access it via a xp laptop | 08:16 |
cyphase | !easysource | 08:16 |
ubotu | hmm... easysource is For an easy to use custom sources.list configurator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic | 08:16 |
Eleaf | Amaranth, I'm trying to save this file I edited in Audacity as a mp3. | 08:16 |
bshumate | Eleaf: afraid not... | 08:16 |
=== Mirith [n=mirith@nc-71-50-118-112.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Amaranth | ah | 08:16 |
Eleaf | bshumate, apt-get install liblame0. liblame0 is already the newest version" | 08:17 |
Mirith | Wrong button! | 08:17 |
globe | hey why does "sudo gdm stop" return "gdm already running...Aborting!"? | 08:17 |
Amaranth | I didn't know audacity could save to mp3 | 08:17 |
pashaw | ossie, use run type \\ipaddress enter | 08:17 |
freddie | cyphase ok | 08:17 |
Eleaf | Amaranth, yes, select it in the preferences | 08:17 |
Mirith | Umm how about for gnome, what's the easiest to use? | 08:17 |
freddie | cyphase i did now wut | 08:17 |
=== TecnoVM64 [n=tecnovm@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ossie | ok will have a go now pashaw | 08:17 |
Eleaf | bshumate, It's installed but there is not libmp3lame.0 | 08:17 |
ltibor65 | Hi boys! | 08:18 |
=== beelzebub1987 [n=beelzebu@c-66-31-159-53.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Eleaf | bshumate, actually, maybe it is in there, but audacity wont open it | 08:18 |
Mirith | Hello ltibor | 08:18 |
=== amz0r [i=amz0r@82-41-158-12.cable.ubr01.linl.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dbernar1 | Seveas: Are there written guidelines for ops? | 08:18 |
Eleaf | I can see it in /usr/lib when opening it with a terminal bshumate but audacity shows no file. | 08:18 |
cyphase | freddie, follow the instructions | 08:18 |
ltibor65 | There are an ubuntu package for audacity? | 08:18 |
freddie | mkay | 08:18 |
=== zadkiel [n=zadkiel@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dbernar1 | ubotu: tell ltibor65 about ask the bot | 08:19 |
Amaranth | dbernar1: Why do you ask? | 08:19 |
Eleaf | bshumate, Ok it worked... I guess I needed the dev file.. o.o | 08:19 |
zadkiel | Hello | 08:19 |
aTypical | Are there any "test" updates for breezy? | 08:19 |
dbernar1 | Amaranth: why does one ask? to get the information. He was talking about how something entails a ban, so I am curious whether there are writtent instructions specifically for that. | 08:19 |
=== kakei [n=kakei@unaffiliated/kakei] has joined #ubuntu | ||
freddie | cyphase installal all of it | 08:19 |
globe | hey why does "sudo gdm stop" return "gdm already running...Aborting!"? | 08:19 |
globe | I am trying to kill it!?! | 08:20 |
Eleaf | bshumate, It quit while encoding..... o.o | 08:20 |
zadkiel | globe: try sudo /etc/initr.d/gdm stop | 08:20 |
=== mumbles is now known as mumbles-party | ||
kakei | hi i installed kwin-baghira how can i activate it? (via aptitude install kwin-baghira) | 08:20 |
bshumate | Eleaf: bummer! | 08:20 |
cyphase | freddie, no offense, but you really have to read a bit by yourself | 08:20 |
ossie | should i create a group and give the group acccess to my samba share then sign in to the share with the group i made | 08:20 |
freddie | cyphase mkay | 08:20 |
zadkiel | anybody knows if there are any graphical tools for enabling or disabling services from the boot up ? | 08:20 |
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=== ubuntune [n=alan@S01060060673d357c.wk.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
emmanuelr | saludos | 08:21 |
globe | zadkiel: initr.d? | 08:21 |
Seveas | zadkiel, system -> admin -> services | 08:21 |
freddie | cyphase i dont understand it | 08:21 |
=== T_22 [n=tucson@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntune | hi | 08:21 |
zadkiel | oh, i thought you meant on the shell | 08:21 |
Eleaf | bshumate, quits every time... hellpp | 08:21 |
freddie | cyphase sorry | 08:21 |
Mirith | hepl! | 08:22 |
Seveas | Mirith, ? | 08:22 |
pashaw | ossie, no use user accounts for login but you can use groups to allow more users access | 08:22 |
Seveas | dbernar1, there are no such guidelines yet | 08:22 |
Eleaf | bshumate, It quits because of "Segmentation fault" | 08:22 |
Smoked1 | Is it ok to just use the APY package manager? | 08:23 |
ossie | pashaw, i cant login with my credentials, i have given everyone access to the folder,. but it keeps prompting for user/pass | 08:23 |
pashaw | ossie, still wont let you in? pastebin your /etc/samba/smb.conf ill help you | 08:23 |
Smoked1 | APT | 08:23 |
Eleaf | bshumate, everything segmentation faults... Firefox quits every few minutes because of it. why? | 08:23 |
ossie | ok cheers | 08:23 |
Seveas | Smoked1, sure | 08:23 |
Mirith | What happens if you want to run a kde program in gnome? | 08:23 |
zadkiel | Seveas, sorry, where do i find the "system"? i know it's a menu, but i don't see it... | 08:23 |
sethk | Mirith, you start it, and it runs | 08:24 |
=== digitaleric [n=eric@h-68-166-67-125.mclnva23.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bshumate | Eleaf: you got some kind of major malfunction! bad memory, or something if everything is segfaulting! | 08:24 |
Eleaf | bshumate, what is a good linux sound encoder then? audacity quits every time I encode mp3 | 08:24 |
Mirith | ok | 08:24 |
Mirith | ty | 08:24 |
Smoked1 | Seveas: Thanks I prefer the command line | 08:24 |
Seveas | zadkiel, are you using KDE/Kubuntu perhaps? | 08:24 |
Eleaf | bshumate, Yea I get at least 40 segmentation faults a day... lol | 08:24 |
Mirith | its just a different library set? | 08:24 |
zadkiel | GNOME/ubuntu | 08:24 |
Seveas | zadkiel, then it should be at the top left | 08:24 |
globe | zadkiel: did you mean "initr.d"? or "init.d"? | 08:24 |
Seveas | next to applications and places | 08:24 |
digitaleric | what's the ununtu release that will come after breezy? | 08:24 |
bshumate | Eleaf: audacity works great for me. sounds like you have some hardware issues with your computer! | 08:25 |
quacker | bshumate, either that or M$ Windows -- heh | 08:25 |
Seveas | digitaleric, dapper | 08:25 |
digitaleric | Seveas: thanks | 08:25 |
zadkiel | globe, init.d | 08:25 |
Smoked1 | I installed ubuntu on my laptop last night but the integrated sdcard reader is not working. | 08:25 |
ltibor65 | Seveas, where can I find an audacity ubuntu package? | 08:25 |
Seveas | !info audacity | 08:25 |
BxL | what's the package name of the "battery metter" in ubuntu? | 08:25 |
ubotu | audacity: (A fast, cross-platform audio editor), section universe/sound, is optional. Version: 1.2.3-1build2 (breezy), Packaged size: 1605 kB, Installed size: 4708 kB | 08:25 |
BxL | for laptop | 08:25 |
Seveas | ltibor65, in universe :) | 08:26 |
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D1 | Smoked1: there is no driver for it in linux | 08:26 |
Seveas | BxL, there is one in gnome-applets, there's one in gdesklets, there are several more... | 08:26 |
zadkiel | Seveas, should i log in as root or something? because it's not there... I just have "Applications" and "Computer" | 08:26 |
Eleaf | bshumate, ok what is a good sound encoder? | 08:26 |
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globe | zadkiel: thanks, that worked. whats the difference between being in /ect/init.d and saying "sudo gdm stop" and saying "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" ? | 08:26 |
=== yaaar [n=chatzill@12-216-224-35.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yaaar | word | 08:26 |
Smoked1 | Ahh man | 08:26 |
Seveas | zadkiel, ah, then you're on hoary | 08:26 |
ossie | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6420 pashaw | 08:26 |
zoexii | hello, does anyone know if I can mount a mac '.dmg' file in linux? | 08:26 |
Seveas | hoary has no such application yet | 08:26 |
pashaw | ossie, 1 min | 08:26 |
ossie | cheers | 08:27 |
Seveas | zoexii, maybe when you use mac-on-linux... | 08:27 |
=== erUSUL [n=erusul@238.Red-83-52-53.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntune | can anyone tell me which deb packages i need to make xine play a rented dvd? | 08:27 |
sethk | zoexii, I don't know of a way | 08:27 |
yaaar | can anybody tell me the important differences between the gstreamer totem backend and totem-xine? | 08:27 |
ubuntune | please | 08:27 |
zoexii | Seveas, I run x86, I can't do mac-on-linux, | 08:27 |
Manifold | Guys.. clem@clemmain:~$ cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab_backup1 | 08:27 |
Manifold | cp: cannot create regular file `/etc/fstab_backup1': Permission denied | 08:27 |
yaaar | does it really matter which i use? | 08:27 |
D1 | libcss I belive? | 08:27 |
Seveas | ubuntune, libdvdcss2 | 08:27 |
Manifold | How do I get access? | 08:27 |
D1 | there you go. | 08:27 |
digitaleric | zoexii: http://baghira.sourceforge.net/dmg.htm | 08:27 |
sethk | ubuntu133, lie to it, tell it you bought it instead of renting | 08:27 |
Seveas | Manifold, sudo | 08:27 |
erUSUL | ubotu, tell ubuntune about dvd | 08:27 |
ltibor65 | Seveas, tell me a website for audacity, my synaptic don't works now. | 08:27 |
zadkiel | globe, i'm not entirely sure. Something about the directory where the binary is run... | 08:27 |
Seveas | ltibor65, packages.ubuntu.com, search for audacity | 08:27 |
ubuntune | thanks erusul | 08:28 |
globe | zadkiel: ok....thanx anyway | 08:28 |
zadkiel | globe, no problem | 08:28 |
Manifold | You mean sudo gedit /etc/fstab? | 08:28 |
bshumate | Eleaf: you can try Grip...but it uses lame as well, and will likely crash just as much as audacity given your obvious system instability | 08:28 |
brasko | Could anyone tell me what package manager ubuntu uses? I was thinking about switching from debian to ubuntu today. | 08:28 |
cyphase | brasko, Synaptic | 08:28 |
sethk | brasko, the same one debian uses | 08:28 |
cyphase | apt-get | 08:28 |
Seveas | brasko, apt, just like debian | 08:28 |
cyphase | lol | 08:28 |
brasko | O, Great! | 08:28 |
Eleaf | bshumate, I have encoded mp3's before with this computer | 08:29 |
Seveas | apt-get, synaptic, adept, aptitude... | 08:29 |
zadkiel | Seveas, do you know of a GUI for editing the services which may work with ubuntu? | 08:29 |
sethk | brasko, apt-get, dpkg, dselect (if you are masochistic) | 08:29 |
cyphase | brasko, i thought you meant GUI :P | 08:29 |
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brasko | Are the packages semi out of date? like debian's then? | 08:29 |
Eleaf | bshumate, I'm pretty sure it's my video card | 08:29 |
zadkiel | hoary* | 08:29 |
Seveas | brasko, no :) | 08:29 |
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erUSUL | zadkiel, bum? | 08:29 |
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sorush20 | hi guys | 08:29 |
freddie | cyphase wich do i ckeak | 08:29 |
bshumate | Eleaf: most GNU/Linux MP3 encoding tools rely on lame... not sure your video card would be causing forty random segfaults per day though. ;-) | 08:29 |
zadkiel | erUSUL, have you tried it on hoary? I tried it and couldn't get it to install correctly from synaptic | 08:29 |
ossie | pashaw, can i set security = host??? and specify the hostname?? | 08:29 |
brasko | Great, I'm downloading the 'PC (Intel x86) install CD' now. Is that all I should need? | 08:30 |
brasko | any suggestions? | 08:30 |
sethk | brasko, debian has different series of packages, as you know. So it isn't true, in general, that debian's packages are out of date | 08:30 |
Eleaf | bshumate, the "lame" application works great! | 08:30 |
sethk | brasko, it's all you need and it's all there is. | 08:30 |
brasko | Great | 08:30 |
erUSUL | zadkiel, i have had it installed in hoary wo problems. i've breezy now | 08:30 |
Eleaf | bshumate, I'm pretty sure it's my video card. As for, my computer only runs instably on 16 bit mode ( direct rendering ) | 08:30 |
=== riddlebox [n=james@24-171-11-166.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brasko | Yeah, I'm running debian testing, but it still isn't always up to date. However, I've been using it for years, so it's not to much of a problem. | 08:31 |
riddlebox | is there prelink for ubuntu? | 08:31 |
sorush20 | guys I've installed the dapper but I cant get the kde gui to load.. is this called X? an why isn't it loading? | 08:31 |
brasko | I was just hearing a lot of good news about ubuntu on lwn, and though I should give it a try | 08:31 |
sorush20 | This in on the new computer I built with AMD 64... | 08:31 |
erUSUL | sorush20, see the topic ;) | 08:31 |
zadkiel | erUSUL, ok, i see. Maybe i'm missing something then. | 08:31 |
Eleaf | bshumate, wow, the lame command line application works awesomely! = ) | 08:32 |
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brasko | Unfortunatly, I lost power, and my root partition (ext3) won't fix itself, no matter how many times I run fsck. | 08:32 |
brasko | In fact, it doesn't even give me error's any more. | 08:32 |
brasko | When I boot, it drops me to a shell, and tell's me to run fsck. After I do that, it tell's me to reboot, when I do that, I'm back to the shell again. | 08:33 |
sorush20 | erUSUL: very help full thanks | 08:33 |
sethk | brasko, did you do shutdown with the force fsck flag? | 08:33 |
sethk | brasko, as in shutdown -F now | 08:33 |
brasko | no | 08:33 |
brasko | Do you think that would help? | 08:34 |
sethk | brasko, yes, very likely that will fix it | 08:34 |
freddie | cyphase pz tell me | 08:34 |
pashaw | ossie, ok had to check if Ubuntu included any extra fancy tools | 08:34 |
brasko | I tried, 'reboot' and 'telinit 0'. | 08:34 |
bshumate | Eleaf: good to hear it! | 08:34 |
brasko | I'll give that a shot, thanks sethk | 08:34 |
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sethk | brasko, nothing to lose, anyway, and the odds are good | 08:34 |
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ossie | np pashaw , ive changed my config to authenticate as user | 08:35 |
_w00t | hi guys | 08:35 |
_w00t | when i try to boot ubuntu from cd-rom it says could not find kernel image? | 08:35 |
pashaw | ossie, ok you edited the authentication section and removed the ; infront of user? | 08:35 |
mike__ | damnit | 08:36 |
ossie | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6421 | 08:36 |
=== haich [n=haich@254.Red-83-35-102.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ossie | yes pashaw | 08:36 |
ossie | check that link pashaw , i just did that | 08:36 |
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=== XiCillin [n=mike@dpc67142105197.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NixerX | Would someone please point me to a good distupgrade howto from Hoary to Breezy. | 08:37 |
erUSUL | !breezy | 08:37 |
ubotu | The guide to upgrading to breezy (5.10) is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade | 08:37 |
_w00t | can anyone help me please. | 08:37 |
NixerX | Sup _w00t ? | 08:37 |
_w00t | when i try to boot ubuntu from cd-rom it says could not find kernel image? | 08:37 |
Rorkine | Im upgrading this afternoon. Totally psyched! | 08:37 |
XiCillin | NixerX, add the breezy repositories to you sources.list file, then apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade | 08:38 |
NixerX | ubotu and XiCillin, Thank you | 08:38 |
ubotu | NixerX: Not a clue | 08:38 |
_w00t | boot:e:\ubuntu 5.04 i386 thats the command i'm using to boot | 08:38 |
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pashaw | ossie, farther up there is a section that read AUTHENTICATION few lines under it youll see ; security = user | 08:38 |
ilba7r | !javadeb | 08:38 |
ubotu | Java can be found in multiverse. Sun and IBM java packages can be found at http://mirror2.ubuntulinux.nl/ | 08:38 |
pashaw | ossie, remove that ; its good practice | 08:38 |
ossie | ok pashaw | 08:39 |
dbernar1 | _w00t: why not just put the CD in the drive, and restart the computer? | 08:39 |
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freddie | cyphase tell me or i give up | 08:39 |
pashaw | ossie, ok at type sudo smbpasswd -a <username> use your Ubuntu username and enter the normal password | 08:39 |
ossie | i have already done that pashaw | 08:39 |
ossie | cool, ill try now pashaw | 08:40 |
NixerX | XiCillin, Have you tried this method? | 08:40 |
pashaw | ossie, wait | 08:40 |
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ossie | ok | 08:40 |
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ossie | sorted pashaw | 08:41 |
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ossie | that has done it , yipeeeee | 08:41 |
hooker_ | sorry got disconnected | 08:41 |
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pashaw | ossie, 2 things edit the smb.conf and add browseable = yes to your [share] so you can browse it without manually typing each folder | 08:41 |
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spikeh | how do I view/mount NTFS partitions in Kubuntu? | 08:41 |
ossie | ok pashaw , ill do it now | 08:41 |
=== _w00t [i=w00t@S0106000c76f55643.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pashaw | ossie, ok your off then lots more options for samba to learn | 08:41 |
spikeh | or Ubuntu | 08:41 |
_w00t | sorry got dc | 08:41 |
mahangu_ | anyway i can force increase the volume on my system? sys volume is at max and mplayer too, and yet i cant hear | 08:42 |
dbernar1 | _w00t: why not just put the CD in the drive, and restart the computer? | 08:42 |
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ossie | sweet , thanks very much pashaw | 08:42 |
XiCillin | NIxerX, yes but my direcway internet was so slow i just installed from a cd | 08:42 |
Smoked1 | can anyone see this? | 08:42 |
_w00t | dbernar1 i did it | 08:42 |
Smoked1 | hmm | 08:42 |
_w00t | thats what i did | 08:42 |
dbernar1 | Smoked1: I can not see it. | 08:42 |
_w00t | i changed the boot | 08:42 |
_w00t | re-start | 08:42 |
_w00t | and it asks for boot: | 08:42 |
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NixerX | XiCillin, good advice. I should just download the iso's for Breezy and upgrade from there. | 08:42 |
XiCillin | nixerx, when i saw how much i had to download i decided to do it another way, but that way works | 08:42 |
sethk | mahangu_, you need powered speakers | 08:42 |
Smoked1 | whats a good dreamweaver type application for linux? | 08:42 |
XiCillin | yea thats what i did | 08:43 |
dbernar1 | _w00t: it asked for boot at the Ubuntu screen? | 08:43 |
mahangu_ | sethk, but other movies play fine on my laptop speakers | 08:43 |
_w00t | yeah | 08:43 |
NixerX | XiCillin , Can I ask what your connection speeds are? | 08:43 |
freddie | cyphase plz help me | 08:43 |
=== boutros [n=me@pcp08496557pcs.gadsdn01.al.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
_w00t | it says to install default type enter and to isntall custom type server | 08:43 |
spikeh | how do I view/mount NTFS partitions in Ubuntu? | 08:43 |
_w00t | boot: | 08:43 |
dbernar1 | _w00t: just press enter. | 08:43 |
_w00t | i did | 08:43 |
dbernar1 | and? | 08:43 |
_w00t | but still asks for boot | 08:43 |
pashaw | _w00t, is this your first install? or did the first have an error? | 08:44 |
dbernar1 | _w00t: press enter, and then hold it down until it forfeits and submits. | 08:44 |
=== ph8 [n=ph8@85-210-47-209.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
XiCillin | sure, NixerX, my satallite is really un-reliable. dropped-packets and so forth. download speed isn't bad if its working right. and upload speeds are very slow | 08:44 |
ph8 | hey guys | 08:44 |
XiCillin | not sure exactly | 08:44 |
_w00t | this is my first install | 08:44 |
ph8 | Can anyone tell me where the keyboard config is? I've got the wrong layout set | 08:44 |
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ph8 | (command line) | 08:44 |
pashaw | _w00t, type linux <enter> | 08:44 |
NixerX | spikeh I think there is something on ww.ubuntugude.org that tells you how to do that. | 08:44 |
=== FlashFreak [n=tease@f23221.upc-f.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dbernar1 | ph8: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" | 08:44 |
_w00t | type linux when it says boot? | 08:44 |
FlashFreak | hello | 08:44 |
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dbernar1 | ph8: you mean for a diff langauge? | 08:45 |
NixerX | XiCillin , Oh Satallite is expensive too isnt it?> | 08:45 |
=== TriKster-Abacus [n=debster@cpe-67-11-219-149.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_rYe_ | i have a compaq presario V2414NR, amd 64... how do i make the wireless card work? it is not detected by the laptop.. thanks | 08:45 |
pashaw | _w00t, you see this right boot: <<<? then do this boot: linux <hitenter> | 08:45 |
ph8 | ja | 08:45 |
ph8 | I thought I selected dutch but obviously not | 08:45 |
_w00t | yeah i did see boot | 08:45 |
ph8 | well a dutch keyboard | 08:45 |
_w00t | ok | 08:45 |
dbernar1 | Seveas: ping. | 08:45 |
_w00t | you think its gonna work with that? | 08:45 |
zadkiel | well | 08:45 |
zadkiel | thanks for everything | 08:45 |
XiCillin | yea | 08:45 |
zadkiel | see you later | 08:46 |
Seveas | dbernar1, ICMP ECHO REPLY | 08:46 |
zadkiel | bye | 08:46 |
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XiCillin | brb smoke break | 08:46 |
pashaw | _w00t, it sholdnt have needed that maybe a bad CD | 08:46 |
ph8 | dbernar1: I'm not running X | 08:46 |
_w00t | pashaw umm | 08:46 |
_w00t | i have like 20cds | 08:46 |
Lonesoldier | I was wondering, is Ubuntu a good choice for a Linux novice? | 08:46 |
ph8 | It's a command line only box | 08:46 |
ph8 | Lonesoldier: yes | 08:46 |
_w00t | i'll try with any other | 08:46 |
_w00t | well thanks bro | 08:46 |
Lonesoldier | ph8: thanks. | 08:46 |
_w00t | i'll try in a sec | 08:46 |
_w00t | and will be back | 08:46 |
_rYe_ | i have a compaq presario V2414NR, amd 64... how do i make the wireless card work? it is not detected by the laptop.. thanks | 08:46 |
_w00t | appreciated. | 08:46 |
=== Mysta [n=MystaMax@c-24-98-118-36.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pashaw | _w00t, i ment maybe the download was bad or the CD burn went bad | 08:47 |
julio | hi | 08:47 |
dbernar1 | Seveas: help ph8 set up the dutch keyboard through the cli. | 08:47 |
_w00t | pashaw can be | 08:47 |
_w00t | will try again | 08:47 |
_w00t | well thanks | 08:47 |
_w00t | brb | 08:47 |
Seveas | dbernar1, I wouldn't know how.. | 08:47 |
=== Manawyddan [n=Manawydd@10001078674.0000003735.acesso.oni.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
erUSUL | ubotu, tell _rYe_ about ndiswrapper | 08:48 |
TokenBad | how add scanner into ubuntu? | 08:48 |
NixerX | thanks all. | 08:48 |
dbernar1 | Seveas: are you from the netherlands, though? | 08:48 |
=== steve_laptop [n=steven@astound-64-83-198-101.mn.astound.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | dbernar1, 99% if the keyboards here (and 100% of the ones I used) are US layout | 08:48 |
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ph8 | Seveas: I thought you knew all? ;) | 08:48 |
ph8 | It's actually for a friend, I'm english | 08:48 |
ph8 | there's not a config file for the keyboard somewhere though? | 08:49 |
Seveas | ph8, it must be specified in xorg.conf | 08:49 |
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Seveas | ph8, the default is: Option "XkbLayout" "us" | 08:49 |
Seveas | I guess changing to Option "XkbLayout" "nl" | 08:49 |
Seveas | would help | 08:49 |
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Smoked1 | To change resalution options do I just edit the xorg config file? | 08:50 |
ph8 | but there's no xorg.conf | 08:50 |
ph8 | as it's not installed? | 08:50 |
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humbraro | hey folks i need some help with the chown command - i must be missing something blatenetly obvious... | 08:51 |
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erUSUL | ph8, all i can say is man install-keymap | 08:51 |
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Edgan | humbraro: Whats your question? | 08:51 |
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humbraro | if i do a 'chown -R user.group directory/*', it chowns the whole partition | 08:51 |
Edgan | humbraro: -R is recursive | 08:52 |
Sturgeon | Is there a way to tell gnome not to show the contents of a window when i move it? (in order to improve performance) | 08:52 |
sethk | humbraro, actually, no. to change everything you need: chorn -R user:group directory/. | 08:52 |
humbraro | I know that, but does the whole partition, instead of starting where i tell it to | 08:52 |
noppe | anyone care to enligthen me on how to actually user gnome-user-share? I have it installed and I enabled it but I have no idea how to access it.. | 08:52 |
sethk | humbraro, or just the directory | 08:52 |
sethk | humbraro, but not * | 08:52 |
humbraro | oh, a colon, not a dot | 08:53 |
Edgan | Sturgeon: That would relate to the window manager, Metacity. | 08:53 |
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sethk | humbraro, yes but that's not my point | 08:53 |
Sturgeon | Edgan: is there a configurator for it? | 08:53 |
=== humbraro slaps himself | ||
sethk | humbraro, my point is, use a directory name, or directory/., not directory/* | 08:53 |
Edgan | humbraro: colons and dots both work, but colons is the new preferred delimiter | 08:53 |
humbraro | oh, ok | 08:53 |
humbraro | lemme try that real quick | 08:54 |
sethk | humbraro, I still don't know what you are asking, really. What do you mean by "not starting where I tell it"? | 08:54 |
Edgan | humbraro: You want to change the owner and group of all the directories and files in "directory"? | 08:54 |
ely | HI guys I just installed ubuntu and I'm trying to get Java installed so I can see pages which contain java but while browsing to such sites with FIrefox neither the automatic plug in thingie not the manual seems to install Java. | 08:54 |
=== skon [n=skon@24-151-131-165.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ely | what do you suggest? | 08:54 |
Langly1 | whats the command to fire up the configuration for X under ubuntu, not digging it up on the site, and the others I know for other distros arn't working | 08:54 |
ely | thanks | 08:54 |
humbraro | Edgan: yes | 08:54 |
humbraro | sethk: what Edgan said | 08:54 |
phos-phoros | 6536.00 bogomips | 08:54 |
SEJeff | !tell ely about javadeb | 08:54 |
sethk | humbraro, then use the directory name | 08:55 |
Edgan | humbraro: Then chown user:group directory/* should do the job, though it won't do directories or files that start with a dot | 08:55 |
phos-phoros | 6536.99 bogomips even | 08:55 |
SEJeff | ely, check your private message ubotu sent you on how to install java | 08:55 |
phos-phoros | bogo = bogus? | 08:55 |
ely | Thanks SEJeff ! | 08:55 |
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ely | I ll check it out | 08:55 |
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humbraro | ok, that worked: chown -R user:group directory | 08:55 |
SEJeff | ely, no problem | 08:55 |
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SEJeff | Ely, If you add seveas repository, you can install it from synaptic | 08:56 |
humbraro | thanks for the help sethk and edgan | 08:56 |
Edgan | humbraro: You could do it like this. chown user:group directory/* ; chown user:group directory/.[A-z] * ; chown user:group directory/.[0-9] * Though there is probably an easier way | 08:56 |
humbraro | I think thats odd behavior though | 08:56 |
Langly1 | Whats the command for configuring X? | 08:56 |
Ely | SO SEJeff that is basically what ubotu just told me to download right? | 08:57 |
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SEJeff | Ely, ubotu gave you a link to seveas website. It contains the deb you need to install but you have to manually download and install it | 08:57 |
humbraro | Edgan: the problem was, if i did 'chown user.group directory/*', it'd chown the entire partition (/home in this instance) | 08:57 |
Edgan | humbraro: The only difference between chown -R user:group directory/* and chown -R user:group directory would be that the owner and group of directory would be changed, not just the contents of it | 08:57 |
pashaw | Laney, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 08:57 |
Ely | okies understood. | 08:57 |
Ely | thanks | 08:57 |
Ely | let me go try that | 08:58 |
Edgan | humbraro: Give us the detail, what was "directory" | 08:58 |
SEJeff | humbraro, chown -R user:group /home/username/ | 08:58 |
humbraro | well, its /home/brianna - my daughters ~ | 08:58 |
SEJeff | humbraro, don't worry about the *. the -R option is recursive and does all files + subdirectories | 08:58 |
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Edgan | humbraro: ok, so you were trying chown -R user:group /home/* when you needed chown -R user:group /home/brianna? | 08:58 |
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humbraro | no, not /home/* /home/brianna/* | 08:59 |
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nerdy2 | Edgan, also * doesn't match dot files | 08:59 |
humbraro | and it chowns the entire /home partition | 08:59 |
humbraro | did the same with /home/.* as well | 08:59 |
Edgan | nerdy2: I said that above | 08:59 |
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SEJeff | humbraro: chown -R brianna:brianna /home/brianna | 08:59 |
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SEJeff | humbraro, this is not hard | 09:00 |
melodie | salut les geeks! :)) | 09:00 |
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nerdy2 | Edgan, sorry, didn't see it | 09:00 |
phil_ | Why won't newly installed packages show up in the menu? | 09:00 |
Stew_Lappy | geeks? where? | 09:00 |
Edgan | humbraro: It shouldn't have done that unless there was a symlink in her directory to /home, or something like that | 09:00 |
humbraro | but now i do a 'chown -R brianna:brianna brianna' (with pwd as /home) and it works fine | 09:00 |
melodie | lol | 09:00 |
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Edgan | humbraro: What you are saying it was doing doesn't make sense | 09:00 |
humbraro | as i said at the beginning - blatently obvious | 09:01 |
brasko | How does ubuntu handle kernel updates? | 09:01 |
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Seveas | brasko, download, install, reboot | 09:01 |
brasko | Will I get a new kernel, as they become available? | 09:01 |
SEJeff | brasko, Security updates only. Through apt | 09:01 |
humbraro | Edgan: it doesn't to me either, which is why i came to ask here | 09:01 |
brasko | and, are they patched? or stock? | 09:01 |
Edgan | humbraro: Let me see if I can figure it out | 09:01 |
Eleaf | how come when I compress an aiff file that is the same as another mp3 file. And compress that as an mp3, it is larger? | 09:01 |
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Seveas | patched | 09:01 |
gnomefreak | brasko, patched and if you run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade you will get it | 09:01 |
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humbraro | Edgan: if you have a spare throw-away partition lying around you could try it | 09:01 |
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brasko | OK, thanks. | 09:02 |
dbernar1 | Eleaf: larger than what? Larger than the aiff, or the mp3? | 09:02 |
Edgan | humbraro: I know a better way | 09:02 |
Eleaf | dbernar1, larger than the mp3 | 09:02 |
gnomefreak | !bug | 09:02 |
ubotu | To file a bug, go to http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/ for packages in main or http://launchpad.ubuntu.com/malone/distros/ubuntu for Universe packages | 09:02 |
Edgan | humbraro: echo /home/edgan/* | 09:02 |
SEJeff | humbraro, Whatever you did likely affected the special file, ".." which means parent directory | 09:02 |
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Eleaf | dbernar1, I converted an mp3 to an aiff and edited that. Then converted that again to mp3, it is larger than the origional | 09:02 |
dbernar1 | Eleaf: I can think of the rate thing, not sure what it is called, the quality setting. | 09:02 |
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thegladiator | i am running no package uopdates and yet my upadte manager doesnt open asying it cant open th lock | 09:02 |
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humbraro | SEJeff: GOOD CALL! .* might also include .. | 09:03 |
Eleaf | dbernar1, even using a smaller bitrate | 09:03 |
Edgan | humbraro: That doesn't include . files and hence shouldn't have escaped from the home directory, and even if it did for some reason, directory vs. directory/* shouldn't have made much of a difference | 09:03 |
Edgan | humbraro: try this | 09:03 |
levander | how do I pass this whole command to sudo? So that the shell doesn't try to open /etc/fstab with my user's permissions, but with root's permissions? 'sudo grep Music /mnt/etc/fstab >> /etc/fstab' | 09:03 |
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Edgan | humbraro: echo /home/brianna/* and tell me if it means .anything | 09:03 |
melodie | he men! some of you read french here ? ;o) | 09:04 |
pashaw | levander, are try to pull out any Music enties in an fstab? | 09:04 |
BxL | melodie, #ubuntu-fr | 09:04 |
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Edgan | levander: try sudo 'grep Music /mnt/etc/fstab >> /etc/fstab' or sudo "grep Music /mnt/etc/fstab >> /etc/fstab" | 09:04 |
psusi | levander, sudo bash -c 'foo >> /bar' | 09:04 |
Kindred | !fr | 09:04 |
ubotu | Va a #ubuntu-fr et #kubuntu-fr pour aide et discussion en francais | 09:04 |
humbraro | edgan it prints "/home/brianna/Desktop", which is the only dir in there | 09:04 |
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levander | Edgan: I tried those, didn't work | 09:04 |
Ely | SEJeff, I see sun-j2re1.5 and sun-j2sdk1.5 with an extension ending in .deb which one should I get? is either one ok? | 09:04 |
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Ely | sorry to be a pain | 09:04 |
Ely | lol | 09:04 |
levander | psusi: yeah, i'll try your | 09:04 |
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melodie | Kindred, some people wrote a book about Ubuntu in french :) | 09:04 |
levander | yours* | 09:04 |
titanium_platypu | hey | 09:05 |
Edgan | humbraro: So it shouldn't have done all of /home if you just did a chown -R /home/brianna/* | 09:05 |
vilefridge | pashaw: Thanks for the earlier suggestion w/ dpkg-reconfigure. It worked! Don't know what had been going on there before. | 09:05 |
melodie | written by 3 people | 09:05 |
SEJeff | Ely, jre == java runtime environment. j2sdk = java software development kit. To make java run in webpages, you only need the jre | 09:05 |
Kindred | melodie: good :) | 09:05 |
Edgan | humbraro: I mean chown -R user.group /home/brianna/* | 09:05 |
pashaw | vilefridge, great to hear | 09:05 |
riddlebox | does kubuntu use the kde 3.5 | 09:05 |
titanium_platypu | I am considering switching from Fedora to Ubuntu, and would like a brief description of the differences I'll encounter. I am primarily interested in two things: games :-D, and package/application management. | 09:05 |
titanium_platypu | can someone give me that info? | 09:05 |
Ely | ok thanks! | 09:05 |
Ely | brb | 09:05 |
humbraro | Edgan: right, but since the start of this, i've done 'chown -R brianna:brianna /home/brianna' and it worked | 09:05 |
SEJeff | titanium_platypu, Package management in ubuntu is 10x better. I switched from fedora --> ubuntu | 09:06 |
Edgan | humbraro: I suspect you typoed the first time | 09:06 |
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BxL | titanium_platypu, apt-get. it's like yum, but in better. | 09:06 |
bshumate | titanium_platypu: i don't play many games, but package management will certainly be better for you in Ubuntu, but that's just my $0.02 USD ;-) | 09:06 |
SEJeff | titanium_platypu, And synaptic or gnome-app-install are very nice frontends to apt-get | 09:06 |
Edgan | titanium_platypu: There isn't big difference in general between the two in those area. Ubuntu in general makes a better desktop though, with a few issues. | 09:07 |
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vilefridge | pashaw: new issue :) The hard drives in use were (2) 40GB drives. One with Windows 2000, the other with Ubuntu 5.10. I copied each drive to a striped 80GB array. Grub no longer presents a boot menu. Is there a way to reload grub without ruining the data? | 09:07 |
humbraro | either way, i got the syntax right now, so thanks very much | 09:07 |
SEJeff | humbraro, yw | 09:07 |
levander | psusi: thanks, yours worked! | 09:07 |
skon | vilefridge: reinstall it from the original Ubuntu install disk | 09:07 |
melodie | Kindred, here is the info:http://www.eyrolles.com/Accueil/Livre/9782212116083/ | 09:07 |
melodie | wao!!!!!! | 09:07 |
pashaw | levander, did you get it working? | 09:07 |
titanium_platypu | thanks for the info. So, what games does Ubuntu come with (I don't need to know them all; I'm basically just interested in if it has a nice complement of them like Fedora does)? Also, I know what apt is, and what format of package does Ubuntu use? | 09:08 |
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pashaw | vilefridge, why would you want a striped array? curious? | 09:08 |
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sproingie | vilefridge: go into expert install mode on the ubuntu install disk and skip to the "install bootloader" step | 09:09 |
Edgan | titanium_platypu: The package format of Ubuntu is deb, like Debian, which it is based on | 09:09 |
garry | I prefer the new polkadot array myself. | 09:09 |
gnomefreak | titanium_platypu, ubuntu uses .debs instead of .rpms | 09:09 |
ltibor65 | boys, tell me a midi player for Ubuntu! | 09:09 |
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Sepheebear | vilefridge: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows | 09:10 |
titanium_platypu | okay, thanks.....so I guess my last question is, does it have a lot of nice little games? :-P | 09:10 |
vilefridge | pashaw: speed. I wanted to experience striped raptors, but ended up getting some NCQ seagates, on budget :P | 09:10 |
SEJeff | titanium_platypu, Ubuntu has the gnome-games that fedora has. All of them. It also has things "Battle for Wesnoth" "Lincity-ng" "Chromium" etc. Not a huge difference vs fedora as far as that goes | 09:10 |
Edgan | titanium_platypu: Most linux distros have all the same games | 09:10 |
skon | titanium_platypu: penguin racer is a good one :-D | 09:10 |
vilefridge | skon, sproingie, Sepheebear: Thanks for the info, I'll pop my Install disc in and give that a whirl! =) | 09:10 |
Edgan | titanium_platypu: If you want something especial you download the linux clients for FPSs, or run something like Cedega to play Windows games. | 09:11 |
garry | Except we don't have the kernel panic game usually, You have to work to install it. | 09:11 |
titanium_platypu | yeah, I know most of them have the same games....but Fedora is missing some of the really good ones like Chromium and stuff. | 09:11 |
titanium_platypu | I don't want anything special. | 09:11 |
SEJeff | titanium_platypu, Well Ubuntu has those | 09:11 |
titanium_platypu | It already sounds like it has a much better game selection than Fedora. | 09:11 |
titanium_platypu | Okay, thanks guys, I think I'll definitely do it. | 09:11 |
SEJeff | titanium_platypu, I play iagno, chromium, and battle for wesnoth all the time when I'm bored | 09:11 |
titanium_platypu | Oh, yeah, there was one more thing....is there anything that a lot of people use that Ubuntu doesn't come with? DVD player, etc. | 09:12 |
titanium_platypu | like will I have to tweak it? | 09:12 |
bshumate | Frozen Bubble is not installed by default, so you need to install that if you anticipate doing any gaming with Linus ;-) | 09:12 |
titanium_platypu | to get stuff that most people like to use? | 09:12 |
SEJeff | titanium_platypu, Well those things are patent encumbered and will never be installed by default | 09:12 |
garry | support for my epson CX6600 printer. oops, sorry bout that. | 09:12 |
SEJeff | titanium_platypu, Installing mp3 / divx support is super easy. Enable the universe / multiverse repository and install gstreamer0.8-plugins* | 09:13 |
BxL | titanium_platypu, there is a big "howto" to enable all the normal thing | 09:13 |
BxL | called the ubuntu starter guide. | 09:13 |
garry | or maybe I should check. maybe its supported now. | 09:14 |
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cableguy | whats up | 09:14 |
titanium_platypu | sweet. That Ubuntu starter guide should help me out. Anything else anybody thinks I ought to know about migrating from Fedora to Ubuntu? | 09:14 |
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titanium_platypu | brb | 09:15 |
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comadreja | hello, I get this error when trying to use opengl apps | 09:15 |
comadreja | ERROR: line 114, Function intelInitDriver, File intel_screen.c | 09:15 |
comadreja | libGL error: InitDriver failed | 09:15 |
comadreja | libGL error: reverting to (slow) indirect rendering | 09:15 |
gnomefreak | how do you upgrade only one package i thought it was sudo apt-get upgrade <packagename> | 09:15 |
gnomefreak | comadreja, please use pastebin to paste dont paste in here | 09:16 |
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Seveas | gnomefreak, you can use upgrade or install | 09:16 |
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Edgan | titanium_platypu: http://acmserver.cs.ucr.edu/~nsoracco/rpms/ has chormium binary and source rpms for fc4 | 09:16 |
melodie | gnomefreak, apt-get install yourpackage | 09:16 |
gnomefreak | ok ty | 09:16 |
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Mysta | hello everyone | 09:16 |
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cableguy | hello | 09:17 |
danny | hey anyone no any gd how to's on setting up a ftp on a webserver | 09:17 |
Edgan | SEJeff: Has codec support via win32 dlls got any easier to install? | 09:17 |
Cyfr | Hi, I have a logitech quickcam zoom... I'm trying to use webcam in Mercury (sort of works in aMSN!)... anyway, my webcam dosnt seem to stop using applications properly when they close down | 09:17 |
XiCillin | can you use x86 win32 codecs on breezy64? | 09:17 |
Cyfr | Is there a way to like unload it then load it again? | 09:17 |
skon | danny: just do sudo apt-get install ftpd | 09:17 |
pashaw | danny, google ftpprogram guide like proftp guide | 09:18 |
Edgan | XiCillin: I think you would have to use a chroot with the 32bit version of mplayer or xine | 09:18 |
danny | k thanks | 09:18 |
Mysta | i was looking info on theming ubuntu | 09:18 |
Mysta | looking for info... | 09:18 |
Sepheebear | danny: apt-get install proftpd-doc | 09:18 |
pashaw | Mysta, http://www.gnome-look.org/ | 09:18 |
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Mysta | thx pashaw | 09:19 |
Ely | SEJeff, Now I have this called sun-j2re1.4_1.4.2+10_i386.deb on my desktop I tried to execute it but it just tried to open in the application Archive Manager. I see there's a Package Manager I tried browing through that program to install it but I dont see a way. | 09:19 |
Ely | right clicking doenst give me any options to install either | 09:19 |
Mysta | anyone installed on vmware yet? | 09:20 |
Cyfr | Anyone know about the webcam unloading thing? :( | 09:20 |
Ely | should I do this in the terminal? | 09:20 |
garry | Wow, my epson CX6600 printer works now. | 09:20 |
gnomefreak | ok i think i got it i was trying to apt-get install locales 2.3.7-1 and all i needed was locales :) | 09:20 |
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Edgan | Mysta: I have seen a howto in the forums before. I use VMware regularly. | 09:20 |
dirk__ | I have a quick question about adding something to the Gnome menu, I use the command "wine c:\\Program\ Files\\Sage\ Software\\Peachtree\\peachw.exe" to get my accounting package to run, but when I put the identical line in the menu it doesn't work, any help? | 09:21 |
Sepheebear | Ely: open a terminal and do "sudo dpkg -i sun-j2re1.4_1.4.2+10_i386.deb" | 09:21 |
Ely | ok thanks Sepheebear ! | 09:21 |
Mysta | edgan: i'll search the forums for the howto, unless you can point me there... | 09:21 |
Edgan | Ely: You would probably be better off with a newer version sun's jre is up to 1.5.0_06 | 09:21 |
XiCillin | anyone got mplayer working on amd64? | 09:21 |
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Ely | hmmm I didnt see that one let me check again | 09:22 |
Sturgeon | I have a question here. I want to run a program as a normal user, but with high priority (with nice -n -19, say) but only root can do that. How can i do this? | 09:22 |
Ely | brb | 09:22 |
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Sturgeon | if i use sudo nice -n -19 program, it will run as root | 09:22 |
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dbernar1 | Sturgeon: the higher the nice number the lower priority, it stands for "I am nice, this is how much I am nice to other users" | 09:24 |
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humbraro | Sturgeon: you should be able to start the process, the re-nice it as root - my understanding is that only root can nice a program up, ie, make it higher priority | 09:24 |
dbernar1 | Do you get that? | 09:24 |
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epp | hey how do i set up the java sdk? | 09:25 |
Ely | dpkg: error processing sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update06_i386.deb (--install): | 09:25 |
Ely | cannot access archive: No such file or directory | 09:25 |
humbraro | Sturgeon: that should read theN re-nice it as root | 09:25 |
Ely | how do I navigate to the desktop where the file is? | 09:26 |
Ely | cd then what? | 09:26 |
Ely | lol I know the command but no idea the path | 09:26 |
dbernar1 | cd ~/Desktop | 09:26 |
Ely | wow that's easy | 09:26 |
Ely | thanks | 09:26 |
dbernar1 | $20 | 09:26 |
dbernar1 | easy, but expensive. | 09:26 |
Ely | haha | 09:26 |
_rYe_ | is this right? "sudo ndiswrapper -i /Desktop/to/netbc564.inf" | 09:27 |
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Edgan | XiCillin: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot?highlight=%28chroot%29 | 09:27 |
windowsrefund | greets | 09:27 |
dbernar1 | _rYe_: does it do what you want it to? | 09:27 |
Ely | Unpacking sun-j2re1.5 (from sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update06_i386.deb) ... | 09:28 |
Ely | Setting up sun-j2re1.5 (1.5.0+update06) ... | 09:28 |
Ely | ely@Ubuntu:~/Desktop$ | 09:28 |
Ely | is that it? | 09:28 |
dbernar1 | Ely: mostly. | 09:28 |
pashaw | !enter | 09:28 |
ubotu | please don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying. Write in complete sentences and keep your replies and questions on one line if possible. Thanks! | 09:28 |
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windowsrefund | in order to obtain mysql libraries and headers, should I just install libmysqlclient14-dev? | 09:28 |
_rYe_ | dbernar1: i dont knw | 09:28 |
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dbernar1 | _rYe_: go ahead and try. | 09:28 |
garry | I got to say, this is one of the most well behaved forums I've been in. Some forums like I'm sad to say alt.linux you say something incorrect, and its like a capitol offense. Make a mistake here and people kindly help you learn. So peaceful here, I think I might pinch myself and wake up. | 09:28 |
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epp | anyone sucessfully developing in java? | 09:28 |
_rYe_ | dbernar1: it doesnt work | 09:28 |
=== Knowerrors [n=flow@global-66-81-119-191.dialup.o1.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dbernar1 | epp: what is succesfully? | 09:29 |
gnomefreak | the package x-window-system-core is that needed for X to be usable? | 09:29 |
garry | alt.linux Where virtual road rage lives forever. | 09:29 |
Knowerrors | Hey all, Im getting this error when I try start Firefox "INTERNAL ERROR on Browser End: No manager for initializing factory?" , help please | 09:29 |
dbernar1 | _rYe_: what is it not doing? and what is it doing? | 09:29 |
=== demonjester [n=demonjes@pcp0010629950pcs.elztwn01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Cyfr | Anyone know how I can reload my webcam so that applications dont think its in use? :( | 09:29 |
epp | dbernar1, like set up the sdk so java sompiles correctly | 09:29 |
epp | copiles* | 09:29 |
epp | compiles* | 09:29 |
=== brakmaren [n=brakmare@1-1-2-48a.far.sth.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dbernar1 | !info x-window-system-core | 09:29 |
epp | hehe | 09:29 |
ubotu | x-window-system-core: (X Window System core components), section x11, is optional. Version: 6.8.2-77 (breezy), Packaged size: 63 kB, Installed size: 160 kB | 09:29 |
dbernar1 | epp: yes. | 09:29 |
=== theconartist [n=roflwaff@24-117-148-180.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | ok ty so its safe to remove :) | 09:29 |
Edgan | Cyfr: Do you know the device file in /dev for it? | 09:29 |
ericmoritz\0 | hi, I'm trying to get amarok and/or juk to use musicbrainz with my mp3 files, from what I see, mp3 support for libtunepimp was left out, can anyone help me in getting this working? | 09:29 |
epp | dbernar1, are u useing kedevelop? | 09:29 |
Cyfr | hmm no is there a way to tell? | 09:30 |
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dbernar1 | gnomefreak: looks like, see what else it tries to remove. | 09:30 |
Ely | wow that was easy, thanks guys | 09:30 |
Ely | java is installed now | 09:30 |
gnomefreak | a few libs | 09:30 |
Ely | easy with your help of course lol | 09:30 |
Edgan | Cyfr: dmesg might mention it after you have plugged it in | 09:30 |
garry | hand over a cup. Thanks Ely. THat hit the spot. | 09:30 |
Ely | lol | 09:30 |
dbernar1 | epp: no. Eclipse myself, but I am a student, I do not develop successfully, and you sdhould have asked whether anyone can compile successfully to reflect what you mean. | 09:30 |
dirk__ | I have a quick question about adding something to the Gnome menu, I use the command "wine c:\\Program\ Files\\Sage\ Software\\Peachtree\\peachw.exe" to get my accounting package to run, but when I put the identical line in the menu it doesn't work, any help? | 09:30 |
gnomefreak | 8 will be removed 15 will be installed and 336 will be updated | 09:30 |
dbernar1 | Ely: help epp then. | 09:31 |
Ely | what does he/she need? | 09:31 |
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Ely | epp you trying to install Java too? | 09:31 |
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=== gnomefreak sometimes uses kdevelop | ||
epp | Ely, Si. | 09:31 |
enyc | dirk__: quoting | 09:31 |
Java_the_Hutt | Hello i am trying to install "gnokii" but it complains that it says :" gnokii: Depends: libglib1.2 (>= 1.2.0) but it is not installable" in mu system libglib2.0 installed, what can i do ? | 09:31 |
Ely | lol you speak spanish? | 09:31 |
dbernar1 | Ely: ya, but wants the sdk rather than the jre, make sure you get that one. | 09:31 |
Edgan | Cyfr: In general you problem is probably one of two things. Either some program is holding on to it, and you need to kill it. Or the driver is buggy and needs to be unloaded. lsof is a useful command for the first problem and lsmod and rmmod would be useful for the second. | 09:32 |
enyc | dirk__: the shell is converting the \\ into \ | 09:32 |
Ely | oh boy | 09:32 |
epp | Ely, no... its just fun. | 09:32 |
Ely | lol ok I speak Spanish anyway so..... | 09:32 |
Ely | ok I ll help you | 09:32 |
Ely | one sec | 09:32 |
enyc | dirk__: you may need to use \ or \\\\ instead of \\ | 09:32 |
enyc | dirk__: or you may need to put the command in " quotes | 09:32 |
enyc | dirk__: let me know what works ;-) | 09:32 |
=== phos-phoros [n=phos-pho@CPE-65-26-73-192.we.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Ely | first go to this page: http://mirror2.ubuntulinux.nl/dists/breezy-seveas/java/ | 09:33 |
=== gnomefreak wonders if i should mention i have a repo for java :( | ||
garry | We need a command that says killtherottonprocessIcan'tFindTheNameOf and alias it as Killit! | 09:33 |
dbernar1 | maybe even the part after wine in quotes only. | 09:33 |
enyc | dirk__: you (way) be able to use / instead of \ on the wine command (like in smbclient).. unsure... | 09:33 |
Seveas | garry, kill -9 -1 | 09:33 |
enyc | dirk__: let me know what works ;-) | 09:33 |
Ely | ohhh | 09:33 |
Seveas | WARNING, that kills all your processes | 09:33 |
=== mikoket1 [n=mikoket1@223.212.97-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
garry | hehe | 09:33 |
Ely | lol I had already gotten the direct link to the file and everything lol | 09:33 |
mikoket1 | bonsoir y a t il un franais ? | 09:34 |
dbernar1 | ubotu tell Ely about javadeb | 09:34 |
garry | That's the command that runs in my head every time I wake up, now I know what's wrong. | 09:34 |
gnomefreak | !fr | 09:34 |
ubotu | Va a #ubuntu-fr et #kubuntu-fr pour aide et discussion en francais | 09:34 |
Ely | :) | 09:34 |
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mikoket1 | #ubuntu-fr | 09:34 |
kakei | hey where can i edit the color of the desktop pager (desktop 1) (desktop 2) etc. | 09:34 |
Ely | brb going to play with this OS for a bit, nice meeting you all. | 09:34 |
Cyfr | cry :< | 09:35 |
Ely | you are all very cool | 09:35 |
Cyfr | im such a newb ;d | 09:35 |
Cyfr | stupid webcam | 09:35 |
epp | Ely, wait. | 09:35 |
garry | yep, they sure are. | 09:35 |
_rYe_ | how do i ext in terminal mode and save the changes that i made..... i installed a driver for wireless lan | 09:35 |
Ely | yeah? | 09:35 |
garry | ext? | 09:35 |
epp | Eli, sorry i had to go for a minute, so thats all i have to do is go to that page? | 09:35 |
Ely | lol | 09:36 |
Ely | now you are pulling my leg | 09:36 |
Cyfr | I dont think its an application I think its a dodgy driver | 09:36 |
=== dm [n=dm@cpe-65-31-19-204.insight.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
theconartist | grr | 09:36 |
Cyfr | because if I unplug the usb webcam and plug it in elsewhere it still lights up green | 09:36 |
Cyfr | :P | 09:36 |
theconartist | wine is pissing me off | 09:36 |
Ely | no, you go that page then get the file then open terminal then type a command and boom!! | 09:36 |
Ely | done | 09:36 |
Ely | lol | 09:36 |
_rYe_ | how do i exit in terminal mode and save the changes that i made..... i installed a driver for wireless lan | 09:36 |
greenpenguin13 | kakei: in the source code :p | 09:36 |
dm | 'I am in dapper !! And i dont have a wireless card? anyone else find this problem???? | 09:36 |
garry | Next version of Fedora - Panicky Porcupine. | 09:36 |
Edgan | garry: Maybe something like kill -9 `ps -ax -o pid | pickrandom` | 09:36 |
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garry | Edgan haha | 09:37 |
kakei | greenpenguin13, lol, i have kde have to be a way | 09:37 |
Hobart | Leap second details for ubuntu? | 09:37 |
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epp | yeah i know that... | 09:37 |
Ely | oh one more question, is anyway to access my Windows XP partition from here? | 09:37 |
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Ely | epp I know you know hehe. | 09:37 |
pashaw | dm, dapper is ment for users that can fix thier own problems | 09:37 |
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Hobart | zdump -v right/US/Mountain | grep 2005 doesn't show leap second fix | 09:38 |
Edgan | Cyfr: ok, we can run with the driver assumption, paste the output of /sbin/lsmod to www.pastebin.com | 09:38 |
garry | If my mind were running an operating system it would be Migrainesoft Bob. | 09:38 |
dm | pashaw dude. dont comment if you dont have anything useful to say | 09:38 |
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Edgan | Ely: there is a ntfs driver that would let you mount the XP partition | 09:39 |
=== iamsthitha [n=iamsthit@c-24-99-86-216.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jadewolf | Hello I've been hearing a bit about ubuntu and was wondering if someone could tell me what makes it a better choice over any other 'flavour' of linux? | 09:39 |
epp | Eli, which file... the SDK? | 09:39 |
dbernar1 | Edgan: where is this driver? | 09:39 |
epp | 1.4 or .15? | 09:39 |
_rYe_ | dbernar1: how do i save and exit in the terminal? | 09:39 |
iamsthitha | hey.. can anyone send me their us.map.gz ? | 09:39 |
dbernar1 | ubotu: tell ely about ntfs | 09:39 |
Ely | http://mirror2.ubuntulinux.nl//pool/java/sun-j2sdk1.5_1.5.0+update06_i386.deb | 09:39 |
Edgan | dbernar1: That is the point, we aren't sure, so I want a list of loaded modules | 09:39 |
=== nautiazn85 [n=nautiazn@adsl-68-121-85-210.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dbernar1 | _rYe_: what were we doing? what program? | 09:39 |
nautiazn85 | Hmm... should i run a webserver off of ubuntu or debian? | 09:39 |
Ely | that's the one epp, now I dont know if you are serious or what, just in case lol. | 09:39 |
dbernar1 | Edgan: for ntfs? | 09:39 |
captainredbeard | Ely, you can mount and read from it following www.ubuntuguide.org but can't write to it | 09:39 |
Ely | to exit the terminal type exit | 09:39 |
dbernar1 | ubotu: tell Edgan about ntfs | 09:39 |
Ely | I think lol | 09:39 |
Edgan | dbernar1: ah, ntfs | 09:39 |
=== self_ [n=self@82-47-28-16.cable.ubr01.wolv.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
garry | Ease of install, regular updates, huge repositories, great community support. | 09:40 |
self_ | hello all | 09:40 |
epp | Ely, no just pullin your leg this time =). | 09:40 |
_rYe_ | dbernar1: i just installed a driver in terminal mode... how do i save and exit? i just type exit? | 09:40 |
Ely | lol | 09:40 |
Ely | brb now for real | 09:40 |
self_ | how do i log in as root in ubuntu? | 09:40 |
titanium_platypu | back | 09:40 |
Edgan | dbernar1: It is in the standard kernel source code, but not sure Ubuntu includes it by default. | 09:40 |
pashaw | dm, dont take it personal i dont know your ability level if your not a beginner my apoligies | 09:40 |
dbernar1 | _rYe_: exit exits the terminal. the terminal does not need to be saved. it is a command line. | 09:40 |
titanium_platypu | okay, well, thanks a lot, guys. I appreciate the info :) | 09:41 |
Ely | captainredbeard, thanks! | 09:41 |
garry | We need a bot that auto-answers certain faqs. | 09:41 |
dbernar1 | Edgan: yes, Ubuntu does. Read the link Ubotu sent you. | 09:41 |
dm | pashaw im not but i was asking for quick reference, so i dont have to spend all my time on just my wireless card | 09:41 |
Edgan | dbernar1: yeah, I was just reading http://ubuntuguide.org/#mountunmountntfs | 09:41 |
captainredbeard | self_ run gdm_admin and enable root log on, then log out, and log in as root | 09:41 |
dbernar1 | captainredbeard: we do not use ubuntuguide, and we use: | 09:41 |
dbernar1 | !ntfs | 09:41 |
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Stew_Lappy | Is ubuntu married? I am just so in love with this | 09:41 |
dbernar1 | !+ntfs | 09:41 |
ubotu | from memory, ntfs is the filesystem used in Windows 2000 and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions, or writing to ntfs is risky and only experimental. Reading is OK | 09:41 |
pashaw | dm, my comment is the truth its helps stop beginners from wasting time with dapper | 09:42 |
captainredbeard | dbernar1, why no longer use ubuntuguide? | 09:42 |
self_ | how do i log in as root in ubuntu i have setthe password but it says i cannot log in from this screen | 09:42 |
=== jlund [n=jlund@cpe-24-221-249-34.ca.sprintbbd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dm | pashaw aye :) hehe im testing it full time | 09:42 |
dbernar1 | ubotu: tell captainredbeard about ubuntuguide | 09:42 |
self_ | lol | 09:42 |
pashaw | dm, good luck tho seriously | 09:42 |
dm | pashaw thanks | 09:42 |
Cyfr | Edgan, http://pastebin.com/485591 | 09:42 |
Edgan | ubotu: tell Edgan about ubuntuguide | 09:42 |
self_ | <<is under pressure | 09:42 |
jadewolf | Just 1 CD to download for install? | 09:42 |
riddlebox | self_:I think you are supposed to use sudo commandname | 09:42 |
dbernar1 | !+ask the bot | 09:42 |
self_ | in aterminal? | 09:42 |
ubotu | from memory, ask the bot is to get information about common things, try asking me, the bot. You can private message me if your nick is registered(/msg NickServ HELP REGISTER) you can private message me, by using /msg ubotu mp3, for example. to find out whether a package is in the official !repos and in which one, /msg ubotu info packagename, or to find which packages contain a file/keyword, /msg ubotu find keyword | 09:42 |
self_ | sudo root? | 09:43 |
riddlebox | self_:yeah, I believe there may be a write to allow you to log in as root | 09:43 |
pashaw | dm, then hurry it up i would like to use the released version :p | 09:43 |
self_ | ok ill give it a go | 09:43 |
jlund | So I have a history file from Synaptic of packages that I just installed to test that I would now like to remove. I've used sed to remove all of the version information so I have a clean list of just package names. What I am wondering is if there is a way to use this file as the argument for apt-get remove. | 09:43 |
dm | pashaw hehe.. | 09:43 |
dm | pashaw so far install was about 5x faster than breezy was | 09:43 |
riddlebox | self_: no lets say you want to run synaptic from commandline. sudo synaptic | 09:43 |
garry | self_, The logging in by root is disabled by defualt. It keeps the viruses out for one thing. Most all you need to do is put sudo before the command you want to execute, It asks for a password and you give it your regular user account password, then the command runs. | 09:44 |
jadewolf | Garry: do i just download the ubuntu 5.10 Install CD for my Arch? | 09:44 |
captainredbeard | self_ why do you want to log on as root anyway? its dangerous | 09:44 |
Edgan | Cyfr: ok, the module is pwc | 09:44 |
dbernar1 | ubotu: tell self_ about root | 09:44 |
dm | pashaw but it doesnt have alot of the updates, and flight 2 would not install on my system | 09:44 |
Edgan | Cyfr: as root, you should try rmmod pwc | 09:44 |
garry | jadewolf far as I know. | 09:44 |
self_ | sudo root is not right..lol | 09:44 |
kakei | who can help me chaging the colors of the 1,2,3,4 (DESKTOPS) http://img398.imageshack.us/img398/1473/kakei0vx.jpg | 09:44 |
dbernar1 | jadewolf: ya, that is it. | 09:44 |
Cyfr | Okay done, its either hanging or doing something :p my pointers on a blank line in termnial now ;z | 09:44 |
pashaw | dm, figured when i read it was alpha i skipped besides im used to debian being a bit behind everyone esle anyway :) | 09:45 |
greenpenguin13 | kakei: try #kubuntu | 09:45 |
Iga | hi everyone ; I just started a low-level format, does anybody know how many time it will take before it ends ? | 09:45 |
dm | pashaw well from what i hear its blowing gentoo out the window | 09:45 |
self_ | i have to executa a command and i need root to do it | 09:45 |
=== lightbright [n=truth@038.a.001lg.syd.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
self_ | execute even | 09:45 |
Edgan | Cyfr: Hmm, maybe it is a program, lets try this | 09:45 |
self_ | lol | 09:45 |
dbernar1 | self_: read the page Ubotu linked you to. or "sudo command" works | 09:46 |
lightbright | anyone home? | 09:46 |
=== MrVolley [n=MrVolley@i5387CFA4.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dbernar1 | I am at work | 09:46 |
=== QT4Dance [n=qt4dance@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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garry | jadewolf if you don't find your arch, say you have a pentium, you get the i386 and when ubuntu starts up it seems to sense that you could use a better arch and offers to download and install kernels for 686/Pentiums | 09:46 |
Edgan | Cyfr: lsof -n | grep video as root | 09:46 |
lightbright | dbernar1: what you do for work? | 09:46 |
QT4Dance | Please I need help, Any body here has Laptop with built in Bluetooth? | 09:46 |
lightbright | QT4Dance: no sorry | 09:46 |
dbernar1 | lightbright: tech support for Comcast. | 09:46 |
captainredbeard | yeah self_ you just need to place "sudo" before the command | 09:46 |
jadewolf | Garry: I see | 09:46 |
=== alvaro [n=alvaro@dsl081-050-234.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lightbright | dbernar1: whats Comcast? | 09:46 |
Cyfr | okay done that Edgan | 09:46 |
Sturgeon | Where are the aliases stored? | 09:46 |
QT4Dance | :( | 09:46 |
self_ | ah i see | 09:46 |
=== iamsthitha [n=iamsthit@c-24-99-86-216.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
dbernar1 | lightbright: comcast.com | 09:47 |
Sturgeon | I see that there is an alias "ls=ls --color=auto" but i can't find where it is created | 09:47 |
lightbright | dbernar1: what they do> | 09:47 |
gnomefreak | comcast is a cable/isp company | 09:47 |
Edgan | Cyfr: any output? | 09:47 |
Cyfr | nope | 09:47 |
lightbright | gnomefreak: ah opk | 09:47 |
dbernar1 | Sturgeon: in /etc/bash.bashrc most likely. | 09:47 |
alvaro | hello, i installed things using automatix, and now it says that i have updates like installing opera, x-chat, totem-xine --- but i already have these installed, should i just click install anyways? | 09:47 |
gnomefreak | mainly in north east us | 09:47 |
Edgan | Cyfr: That would suggest it isn't a program. | 09:47 |
garry | yep, click them installs. | 09:47 |
captainredbeard | alvaro, i wouldn't recommend using automatix, either update your repos or find a deb somewher else | 09:48 |
dbernar1 | alvaro: you should stop using automatix most likely. But I never used it so I do not know, I just heard stories here that it breaks things. | 09:48 |
gnomefreak | !automatrix | 09:48 |
ubotu | No idea, gnomefreak | 09:48 |
Iga | Nobody knows how many time a low-level format on a 160 GB 7200 rpm Seagate hard disk will take ? | 09:48 |
TTilus | whats the easiest way to find out if certain drivers (sk98lin, bmc4400 aka b44) included in most recent linux kernel? | 09:48 |
Cyfr | should I just tru rebooting? :p | 09:48 |
Cyfr | try* | 09:48 |
garry | oops, I missed something apparrently, nix my advice. | 09:48 |
lightbright | I have heard (not sure) that automatix causes a LOT of trouble | 09:48 |
gnomefreak | you used to knwo it :( | 09:48 |
Edgan | Cyfr: and pwc isn't used by another module, so if rmmod fails, your only recourse is to reboot | 09:48 |
Cyfr | brb ;) | 09:48 |
alvaro | well last night someone recommended me here to get automatix to install opera :S | 09:48 |
Knowerrors | I think my java plugin for Firefox is linked wrong, I get "INTERNAL ERROR on Browser End: No manager for initializing factory?" anybody know how to fix this? | 09:48 |
self_ | si have to be logged in as root the sysyem will not accept sudo | 09:48 |
pashaw | !automatix | 09:48 |
ubotu | hmm... automatix is messy, breaks all sorts of security guidelines, and is not open to improvement. In short: DO NOT USE IT! | 09:48 |
jadewolf | Garry: how is ubuntu with ATI video cards? | 09:49 |
gnomefreak | spelled it wrong :( | 09:49 |
captainredbeard | jadewolf, depends what card :P | 09:49 |
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jadewolf | 9800 Pro 128M | 09:49 |
wizardjames | is there a such fuction for xmms? | 09:49 |
pashaw | !tell jadewolf about ati | 09:49 |
gnomefreak | alvaro, i wouldnt use it | 09:49 |
captainredbeard | jadewolf, that card should work fine, you just need to install and use the fglrx driver instead of the ati one | 09:49 |
self_ | ill refrase that..lol i have to be logged in as root because the sytem will not allow the command | 09:49 |
Edgan | Iga: There really isn't such a thing as a low level format anymore. The closest you get is just writting zeros across the whole drive. | 09:50 |
lightbright | gnomefreak: you not going out for new years eve? | 09:50 |
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garry | jadewolf I here there are some issues. I heard there is some sort of fix recently, I liked ati, but use nvidia myself. Ye might want to google ubuntu breezy ATI to see what its all about. | 09:50 |
self_ | hello gnome..lol | 09:50 |
Iga | I have got Ati 9500 Pro 128m, it works fine ;-) | 09:50 |
pashaw | alvaro, its not recommended as it can really hose a system | 09:50 |
gnomefreak | lightbright, im not sure yet maybe to a friends | 09:50 |
alvaro | should i remove it then? | 09:50 |
self_ | i can now open a terminal in a folder..lol | 09:50 |
pashaw | !tell alvaro about opera | 09:50 |
garry | Iga, did ye have to do anything special to get it working? | 09:50 |
alvaro | i already used it thought | 09:51 |
lightbright | gnomefreak: I didnt go out, not worth the hassle | 09:51 |
gnomefreak | opera can be found at opera.com or you can get an opera repo from easysource | 09:51 |
alvaro | though( | 09:51 |
pashaw | alvaro, just dont use it anymore | 09:51 |
lightbright | gnomefreak: stay at home, its safer | 09:51 |
alvaro | should i remove automatix then? | 09:51 |
lightbright | alvaro: I would | 09:51 |
=== nico_ [n=nico@p508DB7A9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | lol lightbright very true | 09:51 |
alvaro | what's the command to remove it? :P | 09:51 |
lightbright | alvaro: I have heard (not sure, cannot 100% verify) that automatix causes a LOT of trouble | 09:51 |
self_ | gnome is not talking to me ..winge | 09:51 |
self_ | lol | 09:51 |
Stew_Lappy | is there a program to use par files? | 09:51 |
garry | Oops, gotta rush. | 09:51 |
lightbright | gnomefreak: yes, I have a feeling to ask you to stay at home for some reason | 09:52 |
gnomefreak | sudo apt-get remove --purge automatix? | 09:52 |
Knowerrors | Anyone knowing about java plugin for FF, should it be linked to /usr/lib/j2se/1.4/jre/plugin/i386/ns4, ns610, or ns610-gcc32? | 09:52 |
=== hydroksyde [n=hydroksy@222-152-159-111.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lightbright | self_: would you like a hug? | 09:52 |
dirk__ | enyc:finaly got it to go, I ended up w/o quotes but w/ triplle '\' | 09:52 |
TTilus | whats the easiest way to find out if certain drivers (sk98lin, bmc4400 aka b44) included in most recent linux kernel? (wouldnt like to download sources only to do find -name) | 09:52 |
dirk__ | enyc: Thanks alot. | 09:52 |
self_ | er i dont know | 09:52 |
greenpenguin13 | is it possible to start X apps so they persist across gnome sessions? | 09:52 |
gnomefreak | ubotu tell Knowerrors about java | 09:52 |
self_ | lol | 09:52 |
self_ | its new year me thinks | 09:52 |
lightbright | self_: you seem like you need some attention :P | 09:52 |
lightbright | self_: feeling lonely? | 09:52 |
=== Dr_Acemaster [n=John@pool-71-115-135-40.gdrpmi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Edgan | Iga: The reason is that drives reallocate bad blocks automatically, so there is a layer of abstraction that has been added. If you want to "format" it to clean it before you ship it to someone, sale it, or destory it, there are programs to do multiple passes of writes to make detection of previous data at least harder. | 09:52 |
self_ | help..<<is male | 09:53 |
Ely | You have all been very helpful, I gotto go, see you all soon. | 09:53 |
self_ | lmao | 09:53 |
Sturgeon | dbernar1: nope, not there :( | 09:53 |
self_ | sorry | 09:53 |
self_ | any ways how do i log in as root | 09:53 |
self_ | :p | 09:53 |
lightbright | self_: yes its possible | 09:53 |
dbernar1 | Sturgeon: /etc/profile? | 09:53 |
Stew_Lappy | is there a program to use par files? | 09:53 |
Sturgeon | dbernar1: neither | 09:53 |
dbernar1 | !root | 09:53 |
ubotu | I heard root is by default root has no password. The reason is, the maintainers want you to use sudo for all your root access. see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo If you wish, you can set a root password | 09:53 |
gnomefreak | self_, use sudo | 09:54 |
captainredbeard | self_ have you locked your self out of the sudoers file? | 09:54 |
self_ | gnome i have tried sudo in front of the code but the sytem will not allow it | 09:54 |
Edgan | greenpenguin13: You would need something like vnc, nomachine, or something like that. They would allow you to disconnect the viewing without killing whats running. | 09:54 |
self_ | i have to be logged in as root | 09:54 |
=== j2daosh [n=j2daosh@66-191-145-50.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | self_, what does it say? | 09:54 |
lightbright | self_: want to know how? | 09:54 |
captainredbeard | self_ what command is it? | 09:54 |
j2daosh | hows it going everyone | 09:54 |
self_ | its a piece of code | 09:55 |
lightbright | self_: if you want to log in as root, do this. Boot-up computer | 09:55 |
lightbright | self_: If GRUB menu is hidden, press 'Esc' to enter the GRUB menu | 09:55 |
epp | whats the command to runa deb file? | 09:55 |
gnomefreak | self_, define peice of code | 09:55 |
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lightbright | self_: If GRUB password is set, press 'p' to unlock the GRUB menu | 09:55 |
j2daosh | epp | 09:55 |
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lightbright | self_: Select Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.10-5-386 | 09:55 |
j2daosh | dpkg -i (for install) filename | 09:55 |
lightbright | self_: then, Press 'e' to edit the commands before booting | 09:55 |
gnomefreak | sudo dpkg -i <faile.deb | 09:55 |
lightbright | self_: Select kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.10-5-386 root=/dev/hda2 ro quiet splash | 09:55 |
lightbright | self_: Press 'e' to edit the selected command in the boot sequence | 09:55 |
Edgan | dbernar1: I am not a big fan of the maintainers pushing of sudo. It is was of the negative aspects of Ubuntu IMHO. | 09:55 |
j2daosh | oh yeah... sudo that | 09:55 |
j2daosh | lol | 09:56 |
greenpenguin13 | i was thinking more about being able to logout (say after changing something) and login with gaim still running | 09:56 |
lightbright | self_: , then, Add "rw init=/bin/bash" to the end of the arguments | 09:56 |
gnomefreak | 2.6.10-5?????????? | 09:56 |
epp | j2daosh, thank you | 09:56 |
j2daosh | ur welcome | 09:56 |
=== sorush20 [n=sorush20@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
lightbright | self_: then Press 'b' to boot! this will log you in as root | 09:56 |
self_ | first line is:QEMU=/tmp/allinoneqemu_linux.$$.. | 09:56 |
lightbright | self_: did you get all that? | 09:56 |
dbernar1 | Edgan: nice of you to share? | 09:56 |
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=== xt3rminalx [i=1000@71-37-44-115.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | isnt breezy on 2.6.12-10? | 09:56 |
j2daosh | woot woot... i feel special cuz i answered a question | 09:56 |
self_ | yes i will try it | 09:56 |
lightbright | self_: or whatever your kernel is | 09:56 |
lightbright | gnomefreak: yeah whatever his kernel is | 09:56 |
j2daosh | but now i got one... its an easy one though and i just need clarification | 09:56 |
xt3rminalx | how could I startx? | 09:56 |
self_ | :-) | 09:57 |
gnomefreak | oh ok | 09:57 |
gnomefreak | scared me for a min there | 09:57 |
Sturgeon | any other ideas about where alias may be declared by default? | 09:57 |
self_ | how come we are all on here at newyear?..lol | 09:57 |
j2daosh | in order to shared files (read and write) between my linux box and every other computer in my house... i have to set one drive with an nfs partition correct? | 09:57 |
Edgan | greenpenguin13: A friend of mine talked about writing an X proxy that would let you do that, but he never wrote it. :( | 09:57 |
=== Langly1 [i=Langly@c-67-189-105-48.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lightbright | self_: did you get all that? | 09:57 |
self_ | yes.. | 09:57 |
Knowerrors | gnomefreak: read that wiki, no help, I don't have an ns7 folder | 09:57 |
lightbright | self_: whats new year anyway mean to you? | 09:57 |
self_ | ihave coppied it | 09:57 |
lightbright | self_: well go now and log in as root then :P | 09:57 |
pashaw | j2daosh, only if they are all unix otherwise use samba | 09:58 |
self_ | well its a time for forgiveness..and a new start | 09:58 |
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epp | new years means get smashed and fuck! | 09:58 |
self_ | lol | 09:58 |
self_ | maybe that too | 09:58 |
j2daosh | pashaw... i was thinking about that but i cant seem to share the folder | 09:58 |
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gnomefreak | Knowerrors, you installed j2re already? | 09:58 |
pashaw | j2daosh, you can share any format the system its in can read ext2 ext3 ntfs(readonly) otherwise ntfs if windwows is running | 09:59 |
greenpenguin13 | oh well | 09:59 |
lightbright | self_: forgiviness sets a prisoner free, only to realise that all along that prisoner was YOU | 09:59 |
self_ | <<is going to get er squiffy laters me thinks | 09:59 |
self_ | you may be right | 09:59 |
pashaw | j2daosh, you want to share a linux folder? or off your windows? | 09:59 |
j2daosh | i made a shared folder on my linux box and shared with out with smb... but when i went upstairs to try and get into that folder with the windows box it wouldn't see the folder... or my linux box for that matter | 09:59 |
Java_the_Hutt | anyone experience with GPRS /Edge ? | 09:59 |
j2daosh | both... linux folder just for the moment | 09:59 |
j2daosh | once i get that down then i can share out some windows ones | 09:59 |
=== Daedric [n=noneof@bl5-212-58.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
self_ | but ...life is what you make it | 10:00 |
lightbright | self_: hatred is like drinking posion and waiting for the other person to die | 10:00 |
pashaw | j2daosh, ok sudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf did you sudo smbpasswd -a username your linux user? | 10:00 |
self_ | lmao.. | 10:00 |
j2daosh | nope... | 10:00 |
pashaw | j2daosh, sorry changed my question mid typing | 10:00 |
j2daosh | its ok... i didn't do either of those lol | 10:00 |
self_ | no why wait..lol | 10:00 |
pashaw | j2daosh, lol | 10:00 |
pashaw | j2daosh, ok first you can use system>admin>sharedfolder | 10:01 |
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j2daosh | so which one first? the gedit? or put a password on it | 10:01 |
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jhenn | how do i tell which version of x.org i have installed? | 10:01 |
j2daosh | ok | 10:01 |
Knowerrors | gnomefreak: yeah | 10:01 |
j2daosh | oh... but that brings up another interesting question | 10:01 |
j2daosh | i cant do any admin stuff from this account im on right now.... | 10:01 |
j2daosh | i dont know why | 10:02 |
Knowerrors | gnomefreak: I just need the plugin to point to the right place | 10:02 |
j2daosh | i can su | 10:02 |
pashaw | j2daosh, then i like to sudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf find the area that reads AUTHENTICATION and remove the ; infront of security-user | 10:02 |
j2daosh | but not sudo | 10:02 |
gnomefreak | did you happen to get the deb or are you getting it from sunjava.com? | 10:02 |
self_ | i asked before but i was off topic where are you all from? | 10:02 |
=== alvaro [n=alvaro@dsl081-050-234.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
self_ | <<<<off topic | 10:02 |
self_ | lmao | 10:02 |
pashaw | j2daosh, huh? didyou create a root account? | 10:02 |
alvaro | hey when i upgraded the software it says i had problems on my system | 10:02 |
j2daosh | ...i dont think so | 10:02 |
pashaw | self_, #ubuntu-offtopic for those questions | 10:02 |
alvaro | E: /var/cache/apt/archives/d4x-common_2.5.6-2~breezy1_all.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/d4x/ftpsearch.xml', which is also in package d4x | 10:02 |
j2daosh | i used root to make this account like the 2 other ones | 10:02 |
=== Phaedryn [n=Steve@ip68-230-68-45.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | Knowerrors, ubuntu is using wrong java nd you want to make it use the new one? | 10:03 |
self_ | ok...sorry wellit is newyear | 10:03 |
j2daosh | the only thing that i can think might be messing it up is that the root and this account both share the same pw | 10:03 |
pashaw | j2daosh, huh? ubuntu doesnt have a root by default | 10:03 |
j2daosh | root as in like super user root? | 10:03 |
=== drquin [n=drquin@c-66-177-233-204.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
self_ | ubuntu has a superuser thats you...but no rrot | 10:03 |
pashaw | j2daosh, ubuntu uses sudo for admin tasks | 10:03 |
gnomefreak | pashaw, it doesnt but people make the su usable and it over write the sudo | 10:03 |
self_ | root even | 10:04 |
j2daosh | because root is what i used to make my accounts... f1 screen... logged in as root and created accounts | 10:04 |
j2daosh | really gnome? | 10:04 |
ericmoritz\0 | has anyone here gotten musicbrainz to work with mp3s here? | 10:04 |
pashaw | gnomefreak, thats what im asking him :P | 10:04 |
drquin | Hi I need help getting my audigy 2 to work...I get no sound | 10:04 |
self_ | gnome? | 10:04 |
j2daosh | because on my other accounts i can su | 10:04 |
j2daosh | and sudo | 10:04 |
epp | j2daosh, did you type sudo su? | 10:04 |
epp | because that would make you root. | 10:04 |
self_ | sudo gedit works ...but | 10:04 |
j2daosh | is i do su i can do whatever i want without the pw but when i sudo i have to put the pw in everytime | 10:04 |
j2daosh | no | 10:04 |
j2daosh | just su | 10:04 |
epp | hmmm... | 10:04 |
gnomefreak | sudo -i makes you root too and safe :( | 10:04 |
pashaw | j2daosh, you enabled the root account then | 10:05 |
self_ | gnome? | 10:05 |
pashaw | j2daosh, su wont work without it | 10:05 |
j2daosh | lol well then i managed to do something i didn't know how to do then.. | 10:05 |
self_ | sudo -i | 10:05 |
j2daosh | cool | 10:05 |
j2daosh | :) | 10:05 |
=== gnomefreak brb | ||
epp | i prefer sudo... because my friends dont know about it in ubuntu/ | 10:05 |
j2daosh | i prefer sudo if im not chmod 777 globally | 10:06 |
pashaw | j2daosh, your problem now is anything created with root has be chmod'd for a normal user to use it | 10:06 |
j2daosh | lol | 10:06 |
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pashaw | j2daosh, so your doing double work all day | 10:06 |
j2daosh | i haven't created anything though | 10:06 |
j2daosh | heres exactly what i did | 10:06 |
j2daosh | i went to f1 | 10:06 |
j2daosh | logged in as root | 10:06 |
j2daosh | did adduser username | 10:07 |
j2daosh | gave it a pw | 10:07 |
self_ | so theire is no way of just using a terminal change to get to be root? | 10:07 |
j2daosh | loged in with the new account on the gui | 10:07 |
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pashaw | j2daosh, stop making new lines for each comment plz :P | 10:07 |
j2daosh | self no u have to log in as root on a different terminal to get root | 10:07 |
=== z|work [n=z|work@rrcs-66-91-155-242.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
self_ | the command is? | 10:08 |
self_ | sudo rrot | 10:08 |
self_ | root even | 10:08 |
self_ | dam key board | 10:08 |
pashaw | j2daosh, yes your using root root is used on servers where the admin wants to keep users off his/her stuff with Ubuntu root is rather pointless as everything is locally owned unlikie a server setup | 10:08 |
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Knowerrors | gnomefreak: well Im not sure, its pointing to ns610 folder now, but I get "INTERNAL ERROR on Browser End: No manager for initializing factory?" when I run Firefox | 10:08 |
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j2daosh | sorry pashaw....brb | 10:08 |
=== blanky [n=blanky@pool-71-104-120-228.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
epp | when i try to creat a project in eclipse... it freezes. | 10:09 |
self_ | oh quiet isnt it? | 10:09 |
self_ | lol | 10:09 |
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darkheart | Hello, which package would the X headers be in? | 10:09 |
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cocox | hi there! i already installed SWAT (samba) and i access it by http://localhost:901 y login whit my account but afeter that i cant find the link for fill the fields... i just have the options HOME, STATUS, VIEW , PASSWORD... anyone knows where is ?? | 10:09 |
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gnomefreak | Knowerrors, im not sure what that error is but following the wiki didnt ever give me that error | 10:10 |
thegladiator | !kaffeine | 10:10 |
ubotu | thegladiator: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 10:10 |
thegladiator | is there some link to set up kaffeine ? | 10:10 |
Knowerrors | gnomefreak: maybe its unrelated to javaplug | 10:10 |
gnomefreak | thegladiator, kaffeine is a kubuntu app not an ubuntu app | 10:10 |
thegladiator | ah . | 10:11 |
=== FlannelKing [n=flannel@crlsbd-cuda5-68-67-177-17.crlsca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thegladiator | thanks shall check out in kubuntu | 10:11 |
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=== concept10 [n=concept1@c-67-166-167-125.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sambagirl | hi i have a question, i wanting to get new google toolbar for translations for Mozilla. There is new Mozilla i see, do i need download from mozilla or i can do apt-get thing? | 10:11 |
gnomefreak | Knowerrors, if you get the .deb its much easier to install | 10:11 |
self_ | ok...so what does sudo root do..because it asked foer a password just after? | 10:11 |
=== peter__ [n=peter@c66.110.145-68.clta.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | sambagirl, FF1.5 is not in ubuntu repos so apt-get will not work use this | 10:12 |
gnomefreak | FF1.5 | 10:12 |
sambagirl | ahh opk | 10:12 |
sambagirl | ok | 10:12 |
sambagirl | thank you | 10:12 |
sambagirl | happy holiday | 10:12 |
j2daosh | ok sorry about that pashaw had to help someone with their computer lol... go figure eh | 10:12 |
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gnomefreak | but no the new google bar has nothing to do with version of FF | 10:12 |
self_ | gnome what does sudo root command do? | 10:12 |
dbernar1 | !firefox15 | 10:12 |
ubotu | rumour has it, firefox15 is see the wiki at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion for information on how to install Firefox 1.5 from mozilla.org | 10:12 |
Knowerrors | gnomefreak: I have to use my own self buildt version of java... for another program | 10:12 |
j2daosh | ok where were we... ahh yes the i made the account with the root account and now this account cant sudo and can only su | 10:13 |
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gnomefreak | Knowerrors, oh i see than sorry i dont know | 10:13 |
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pashaw | j2daosh, for one stop using that root account :P bad habit until you know all the risks | 10:13 |
dbernar1 | j2daosh: and? | 10:13 |
gnomefreak | dbernar1, Seveas changed it this am to know FF1.5 but i forgot the ! ty | 10:13 |
wizardjames | how do i get flac working for xmms (and wavpack) | 10:13 |
self_ | <<is sinking fast | 10:14 |
j2daosh | i only used it to make the account... i dont use root other then for that | 10:14 |
self_ | :-( | 10:14 |
dbernar1 | wizardjames: mp4 and aac? | 10:14 |
dbernar1 | j2daosh: sudo adduser newUser admin | 10:15 |
wizardjames | ..flac.. | 10:15 |
epp | does anyone develop in kdevelop? | 10:15 |
dbernar1 | ok, well, then dont tell me. | 10:15 |
j2daosh | i will just sudo which is just as bad lol. anyway though... it seems anything i try to use in the gui that requires a pw wont work | 10:15 |
wizardjames | xmms cant see my flac endcoded files | 10:15 |
=== didymo [n=ashley@CPE-61-9-197-223.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | epp, sometimes why? | 10:15 |
cocox | hi there! i already installed SWAT (samba) and i access it by http://localhost:901 y login whit my account but afeter that i cant find the link for fill the fields... i just have the options HOME, STATUS, VIEW , PASSWORD... anyone knows where is ?? | 10:15 |
thegladiator | epp, many do ask in #kde | 10:15 |
thegladiator | epp, many do ask in #kdevelop i guess | 10:15 |
=== gnomefreak partial to anjuta tho :) | ||
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j2daosh | crap... is it because i didn't add this account to the admin group? dont tell me it is something that simple... | 10:15 |
FlannelKing | anyone else have problems using xchat and clicking on urls and nothing happening (have to right click, mozilla firefox, etc) | 10:16 |
pashaw | j2daosh, sudo isnt just as bad only your current command runs then it stops so if you cat jumps on the keyboard and hits rm -R you wont erase everything | 10:16 |
=== Stork [n=alex@storkey.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Stork | hi, how can i write dvd data under ubuntu? | 10:16 |
dbernar1 | j2daosh: yes, it is that. | 10:16 |
gnomefreak | FlannelKing, are you pressing ctrl down when clicking the link? | 10:16 |
Stork | to a dvd w or dvd rw | 10:16 |
dbernar1 | wizardjames: whenever you fel like telling me whether flac is mp4/aac I will tell you what I know about that. | 10:16 |
FlannelKing | no, is that the key? | 10:16 |
=== crod [n=cr569@cpe-72-228-51-126.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
j2daosh | u got a point there pashaw.. but my cat is 27 pounds and has to walk down the stairs leaning against the wall... there is no way in hell itcould jump up on the computer lol | 10:16 |
crod | Hi there | 10:17 |
epp | gnomefreak, when i try to compile in java it gives me tan error. | 10:17 |
jhenn | how do you get scalable svg icons in gnome? | 10:17 |
gnomefreak | FlannelKing, yes it is | 10:17 |
pashaw | !tell j2daosh about samba | 10:17 |
FlannelKing | Ah, how handy. | 10:17 |
gnomefreak | epp, a gjc error? | 10:17 |
j2daosh | ok... how do i add myself to the admin group? | 10:17 |
epp | lemme check | 10:17 |
crod | I think I have been infected with spyware... what's the best spyware detector for ubuntu??? | 10:17 |
j2daosh | sudo group josh admin? | 10:17 |
dbernar1 | j2daosh: I gave you command. | 10:17 |
cvt|nixmas | is ubuntu already set up for wireless internet? | 10:17 |
=== theCore [n=theCore@Toronto-HSE-ppp3775901.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | j2daosh, system adduser | 10:17 |
self_ | any ways ill catch you all laters... | 10:17 |
epp | gnomefreak, i will paste on paste bin. | 10:17 |
=== chriswoodall [n=chriswoo@ool-182e178c.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dbernar1 | sudo adduser josh admin | 10:17 |
chriswoodall | how do you install this on a external dribe | 10:18 |
gnomefreak | cvt|nixmas, define set up there are some wifi cards that are auto detected | 10:18 |
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Stew_Lappy | cvt|nixmas worked fine on my dell | 10:18 |
=== dbernar1 says bye to this.self_ | ||
j2daosh | but will that create a whole nother account or is that just an arguement to get to the change group? | 10:18 |
wizardjames | dbernar1, i dont know what flac is, its a lossless format.. not mp4 or aac .. | 10:18 |
self_ | gnome..one question? | 10:18 |
gnomefreak | cvt|nixmas, list of hardware can be found at | 10:18 |
crod | does any one have experience a VERY slow upload to gmail.... spyware??? | 10:18 |
gnomefreak | !hardware | 10:18 |
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ubotu | hardware is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport | 10:18 |
gnomefreak | self_, ask | 10:18 |
wizardjames | !flac | 10:18 |
ubotu | wizardjames: Not a clue | 10:18 |
dbernar1 | wizardjames: OK, then, I do not know yet, I will take a look. | 10:18 |
alvaro | hey guys I'm trying to install gcursor but i get an error in the terminal it says: The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 10:18 |
alvaro | d4x: Depends: d4x-common (= 2.5.6-2~breezy1) but it is not going to be installed | 10:18 |
wizardjames | ok | 10:18 |
self_ | what does new year mean to you? | 10:19 |
epp | gnomefreak, here is the error. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6426 | 10:19 |
Stew_Lappy | means i have to remember to put 06 and not 05 | 10:19 |
=== KurtKraut is now known as kurtkraut | ||
Stork | hi, how can i write dvd data under ubuntu? to a dvd rw or dvd r.. | 10:19 |
gnomefreak | it means 2005 is over and 2006 is starting | 10:19 |
=== manicka [n=manicka@203-206-251-126.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crod | how to find antispyware software for ubuntu??? | 10:19 |
nalioth | Stork: use gnomebake, gravemand or (my fave) k3b | 10:20 |
self_ | ah not a sentimental type then | 10:20 |
self_ | lmao | 10:20 |
gnomefreak | crod, synaptic but wont need any | 10:20 |
self_ | any ways nice one laters | 10:20 |
BxL | crod, i don't think there are any spyware on ubuntu | 10:20 |
nalioth | crod: you don't need any antispyware for yourself | 10:20 |
self_ | ;_) | 10:20 |
sampan | linux has spyware??? ;x | 10:20 |
j2daosh | hey pashaw... can i paste a 4 line erro in here without catching crap? | 10:20 |
=== dustin [n=dustin@12-218-182-145.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Stew_Lappy | cant imagine there is spyware on linux | 10:20 |
j2daosh | pastebin seems like a waste of space | 10:20 |
thegladiator | Stew_Lappy, there is ? | 10:20 |
crod | gnomefreak, but there is something going on with my gmail... It doesn't upload | 10:21 |
gnomefreak | j2daosh, use pastebin | 10:21 |
gnomefreak | !pastebin | 10:21 |
ubotu | [pastebin] a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 10:21 |
Stew_Lappy | like I said - I can't imagine | 10:21 |
thegladiator | are there spywares in linux ? i havent had any so far . are there are spyware blasters ? | 10:21 |
gnomefreak | crod, maybe a gmail server error? | 10:21 |
theCore | how do I configure Apache to execute PSP (Python Server Page) page with mod_python? | 10:21 |
epp | gnomefreak, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6426 | 10:21 |
nalioth | crod: that is gmail, not you. it happens on occastion when google is updating it | 10:21 |
j2daosh | i cant even open a browser window from the rightlick menu | 10:21 |
crod | no... it works fine from my office | 10:21 |
j2daosh | that sucks | 10:21 |
dbernar1 | wizardjames: http://packages.ubuntu.com/breezy/sound/, ctrl+f, "flac" | 10:21 |
gnomefreak | epp its saying you dont have tools.jar installed | 10:21 |
thegladiator | !spy | 10:22 |
ubotu | thegladiator: I give up, what is it? | 10:22 |
thegladiator | !spyware | 10:22 |
ubotu | Wish i knew, thegladiator | 10:22 |
thegladiator | !virus | 10:22 |
ubotu | thegladiator: Not a clue | 10:22 |
thegladiator | !antivirus | 10:22 |
ubotu | thegladiator: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about | 10:22 |
gnomefreak | !you | 10:22 |
ubotu | Yep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel. | 10:22 |
nalioth | thegladiator: !please !don't !fish | 10:22 |
epp | gnomefreak, I installed the sun SDK1.5... but i installed alot of other crap to... | 10:22 |
Stork | nalioth, where can i get gnomebake? | 10:22 |
gnomefreak | read ubotus output | 10:22 |
epp | so it may be conflicting? | 10:22 |
thegladiator | whoops just thought i wud hit something :d | 10:22 |
j2daosh | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6427 | 10:22 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell thegladiator about factoids | 10:22 |
=== ataq [n=ataq@83-71-26-171.b-ras1.lmk.limerick.eircom.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Stew_Lappy | hell the great thing about nix is the lack of crap like spyware and viruses | 10:23 |
=== NCLife [n=sinclair@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
j2daosh | is that what you were talking about eariler pashaw? | 10:23 |
nalioth | Stork: use synaptic (make sure you have universe and multiverse repos enabled) | 10:23 |
gnomefreak | epp maybe i dont write in java yet but class starts on the 28th of jan :) | 10:23 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell Stork about repos | 10:23 |
Stork | it's not on synaptic | 10:23 |
Hobart | Stew_Lappy -> Absolutely! The Slapper Worm and Morris Worm never happened! | 10:23 |
Hobart | ;) | 10:23 |
=== Vexor [n=myside@ppp-70-226-162-138.dsl.mdsnwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pashaw | j2daosh, you dont use sudo and root its one or the other | 10:23 |
Stork | nalioth, ok, nevermind, found it | 10:23 |
Vexor | hello | 10:23 |
gnomefreak | hi Vexor | 10:24 |
NCLife | hi, i dont know why, i cant see videos with vlc player nore totem.. all i get is a blue screen | 10:24 |
Vexor | hey gnomefreak | 10:24 |
pashaw | j2daosh, re-login as your first normal user | 10:24 |
j2daosh | i know... but im not a root account... i didn't even add this account to admin until the dbernar1 guy told me about it | 10:24 |
crod | where's obotu??? I can't see it | 10:24 |
NCLife | i could see videos perfectly yesterday | 10:24 |
pashaw | j2daosh, type groups | 10:24 |
j2daosh | ok | 10:24 |
pashaw | j2daosh, do you see admin listed | 10:25 |
gnomefreak | NCLife, have you done updates since than and if so what updates if i may ask | 10:25 |
=== viator [n=viator@pool-71-123-65-93.wma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
j2daosh | nope | 10:25 |
crod | gnomefreak, how do I see obotu ??? | 10:25 |
viator | hello folks | 10:25 |
cocox | hi there! i already installed SWAT (samba) and i access it by http://localhost:901 y login whit my account but afeter that i cant find the link for fill the fields... i just have the options HOME, STATUS, VIEW , PASSWORD... anyone knows where is ?? | 10:25 |
pashaw | j2daosh, is this the account you created when you logged in as root | 10:25 |
viator | id like to make an iso from some files in a directory | 10:25 |
j2daosh | oh wait u mean the other account | 10:25 |
j2daosh | ok | 10:25 |
viator | using DD | 10:25 |
viator | im not sure what the syntax would be | 10:25 |
gnomefreak | ubotu tell crod about factoids | 10:26 |
j2daosh | no... logged into root str8 after startup and created this account | 10:26 |
viator | casue everytime i try it says it cant cause its a directory | 10:26 |
crod | thanks gnomefreak | 10:26 |
gnomefreak | crod, yw | 10:26 |
=== phos-phoros [n=phos-pho@unaffiliated/phos-phoros] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
pashaw | j2daosh, so yes you created this account while using root | 10:26 |
NCLife | gnomefreak, no i dont have made any updates, all ive been trying to do is eject my ipod properly | 10:26 |
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j2daosh | yes | 10:27 |
pashaw | j2daosh, now you have to use root or your FIRST account to fix the new one see the trouble root started | 10:27 |
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=== nifelseki [n=nifelsek@S0106001346a326df.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
viator | dd if=/home/office1/Desktop/thedirectoryname of=/mynewiso.iso | 10:27 |
viator | thats what i tried | 10:27 |
gnomefreak | hmmmm NCLife im not sure than i thought maybe an update interferred with it dont feel bad im in nc and still cant use linux to watch movies maybe its the state? | 10:27 |
gnomefreak | lol | 10:27 |
j2daosh | lol pashaw... but root is supposed to be my friend... it stabbed me in the back!! no water for root now | 10:27 |
viator | cause i need all the files in the directory in the iso | 10:28 |
=== olicat [n=phendric@host86-133-153-228.range86-133.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | j2daosh: root is disabled by designe in ubuntu. | 10:28 |
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chriswoodall | are theirr any ppc distros that will easily install to (and boot from) a external usb drive | 10:28 |
gnomefreak | btw looks like they fixed the locales bug in dapper :) | 10:28 |
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pashaw | j2daosh, i dont know any working admins that use root login we all use su anyway its my job if i screwup with it | 10:29 |
j2daosh | im not sure how i got root up and running then.... i dont recall enabling it... or even where to find it if i wanted to | 10:29 |
nalioth | chriswoodall: none yet. it's a deficiency in yaboot | 10:29 |
chriswoodall | ahh ok | 10:29 |
j2daosh | well isn't su the root anyway? | 10:29 |
=== Zedman [n=erik@G1d46.g.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== gnomefreak wants to play with a ppc | ||
pashaw | j2daosh, yes but you can type exit to remove it at anytime if i get called away or the phone rings | 10:30 |
richardtallent | I want to install Ubuntu on an old laptop, but it has no CD drive and no USB boot support. Any ideas? | 10:30 |
=== beelzebub1987 [n=beelzebu@c-66-31-159-53.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
j2daosh | ahh... | 10:30 |
gnomefreak | j2daosh, su is disabled in ubuntu (should be) | 10:30 |
NCLife | gnomefreak lol, maybe.. i hope not though | 10:30 |
pashaw | j2daosh, but my session while remain | 10:30 |
chriswoodall | network install? | 10:30 |
Edgan | pashaw: That is what auto logouts are for, but even then an interactive program will still get you, like top | 10:30 |
j2daosh | well then why are all the computers here at work logged in as root? | 10:30 |
j2daosh | lol | 10:30 |
gnomefreak | ubotu tell richardtallent about install | 10:30 |
richardtallent | Network adapter is USB | 10:30 |
=== zsofici [n=mdfige@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chriswoodall | nvm | 10:30 |
zsofici | Hello everybody | 10:30 |
j2daosh | there is like 15 unix boxes here and they are all logged in as root on the f1 screen... | 10:31 |
zsofici | Can I find a 3d world map for ubuntu | 10:31 |
j2daosh | oh well... the admin that is here is going back to being a programmer anyway | 10:31 |
j2daosh | lol | 10:31 |
Edgan | I login to servers as root, especially on the console. I also use su alot, but I don't like sudo. | 10:31 |
richardtallent | I have the laptop HD in a USB enclosure on my right now on my desktop (WinXP Pro) and I have both a burned live CD and an install ISO ready to go. | 10:31 |
zsofici | something like 3d world map by longgame | 10:31 |
=== Polly_Morf [n=Polly_Mo@h55n2fls306o260.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dbernar1 | !offtopic | 10:31 |
ubotu | offtopic is probably Non-support discussions maybe carried out in #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there! | 10:31 |
zsofici | please help me | 10:31 |
Vexor | I am having trouble removing module declerations form modules.dep. The particular ones I want removed are included from the 3rd party kernel modules package. How can I include or remove modules from this package I need? How are these automatically inserted into this reprository? | 10:32 |
pashaw | j2daosh, he would get fired anywhere iver worked | 10:32 |
pashaw | j2daosh, ok back to your original problem samba | 10:32 |
sethk | richardtallent, it is possible to install from floppies | 10:32 |
j2daosh | yes samba | 10:32 |
Vexor | This has to be asked frequently, sorry for this repeat | 10:32 |
gnomefreak | being logged in as sudo -i and or su is very dangerous and should not be normal practices | 10:32 |
pashaw | j2daosh, type groups do you see admin listed | 10:33 |
=== sophie_ [n=sophie@lan31-2-82-224-71-21.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
j2daosh | ill have to wait till i get home to check... im at work right now sshed to my home box | 10:33 |
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=== linuzo_ [n=linuzo@d64-180-164-141.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
j2daosh | i dont think that hitting f1 will work with freenx | 10:33 |
linuzo_ | how do you install java 1.5 on ubuntu? | 10:33 |
Edgan | gnomefreak: sudo command (password) sucks, and /etc/sudoers configuration just makes things worse than su | 10:33 |
richardtallent | Where can I get floppy boot images? Also, can I put the install CD on the HD in a way that the setup program can use it one it has booted far enough to install? | 10:33 |
pashaw | j2daosh, who are you talking to? | 10:33 |
ardchoille | nalioth: ping | 10:33 |
j2daosh | u | 10:34 |
pashaw | j2daosh, your SSH'd into a remote box using the root account? | 10:34 |
j2daosh | i would just log in as my other account but it seems everytime i log out i have a problem getting back in | 10:34 |
gnomefreak | Edgan, that is personal prefference all im saying is that being logged in as root or with sudo -i is unsafe | 10:34 |
gnomefreak | for long periods of time | 10:34 |
j2daosh | no no no... hell no... lol im using the account that cant seem to get root previes | 10:34 |
pashaw | j2daosh, SSH should always block root logging in in any remote setup | 10:35 |
zsofici | a 3d world map for linux,like google earth | 10:35 |
zsofici | idea? | 10:35 |
pashaw | j2daosh, good practice anyway | 10:35 |
FlannelKing | j2daosh, youre probably not in the sudoers | 10:35 |
sethk | Edgan, A properly configured sudoers makes things better, not worse. | 10:35 |
j2daosh | i dont know how to do that... | 10:35 |
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j2daosh | no im not in the sudoers... ::shrugs:: i think | 10:35 |
pashaw | j2daosh, follow my lead here type groups admin not listed right? | 10:35 |
j2daosh | thats what the error said anyway | 10:36 |
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=== doc|away [i=Code_Htm@sarc5b-209-204-121-36.sniparpa.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
j2daosh | nope | 10:36 |
j2daosh | but im on the account that is messed up remember | 10:36 |
pashaw | j2 youll have to use su roots pasword | 10:36 |
Edgan | sethk: I have yet to see a good convenient way to use sudo that doesn't make it just like su | 10:36 |
j2daosh | so get into su then? | 10:36 |
sethk | Edgan, that's simply untrue. Restricting the applications available to non-root users is definitely of benefit | 10:36 |
=== MasterTsunami [n=MasterTs@cpe-24-27-14-19.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brasko | Is there any reason to use sudo on a machine that only a single user operates on? | 10:37 |
jmw70 | Can Someone tell me where to look for printer drivers? | 10:37 |
pashaw | j2daosh, omg wait your remote like not home? and trying to setup samba that makes no sense | 10:37 |
FlannelKing | yes brasko, security. | 10:37 |
gnomefreak | brasko, yes | 10:37 |
cyphase | !war | 10:37 |
ubotu | cyphase: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 10:37 |
cyphase | hmm | 10:37 |
cyphase | lol | 10:37 |
Edgan | sethk: Well if you are talking sudo with helpers in a graphical environment yeah, but I generally don't admin in a graphical environment. | 10:37 |
gnomefreak | lol cyphase | 10:37 |
gnomefreak | !flame | 10:37 |
ubotu | gnomefreak: What? | 10:37 |
j2daosh | lol yeah... | 10:37 |
pashaw | j2daosh, if you need to pull a file from home use scp | 10:37 |
cyphase | !troll | 10:38 |
ubotu | cyphase: I don't know, could you explain it? | 10:38 |
sethk | Edgan, I have no need for a graphical environment | 10:38 |
cyphase | !fight | 10:38 |
ubotu | cyphase: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! | 10:38 |
cyphase | nvm | 10:38 |
epp | my computer is looking for java here /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.4.2-gcj-4.0- but its really in /usr/lib/j2sdk1.5-sun. what should i do to fix it? | 10:38 |
j2daosh | no i dont need any specific file right now i just figured since i had a minute i would set it up and save myself some time at home... i dont quite understand the whole samba thing even though you would think i would because i had it working on my knoppix ... | 10:38 |
pashaw | j2daosh, using samba like your hoping would normally be setup with VPN first to log into the home network then use samba | 10:38 |
gnomefreak | epp, sudo update-alternatives --config java | 10:39 |
epp | thx gnome | 10:39 |
=== |vmedina| [n=vmedina@200-147-90-165.tlm.dialuol.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | than choose the 1.5 one epp and it should look for 1.5 | 10:39 |
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gnomefreak | epp yw | 10:39 |
epp | gnomefreak! thank you soo much! | 10:39 |
pashaw | j2daosh, your going to drive me to drinking | 10:39 |
gnomefreak | :) | 10:39 |
epp | pashaw, and hes an alcoholic, haha jk | 10:40 |
j2daosh | haha im sorry pashaw... thats not what i want... cuz if your drunk how you gonna answer all my dumb questions lol | 10:40 |
gnomefreak | epp, java --version will output the version ubuntu is using | 10:40 |
epp | gnomefreak, yeah... it works now | 10:40 |
richardtallent | I have another laptop with a CD drive, I can put the old laptop drive in it, boot to the Ubuntu install CD, but what action would I take from that point so the resulting installation could then be booted on the old laptop? I'm assuming the install CD does all sorts of device detection, etc., and the laptops are *very* different (old Dell, new Toshiba). | 10:40 |
pashaw | j2daosh, samba is easy to setup but with you miles away we cant test it very well til you get home | 10:40 |
zsofici | gnomefreak: can you help me please | 10:40 |
j2daosh | ahh... yesh that might be alittle of an issue | 10:41 |
gnomefreak | zsofici, if you ask the room for help you might get better help but no noone can help you without knowing of any issue | 10:41 |
MasterWammy | anyone have a good tutorial/info about compiling a kernel | 10:41 |
epp | gnomefreak, is there a package that has all the c++ libraries i would ever need? | 10:41 |
brasko | I'm asking, if I'm the only user of a machine, and I have root password, and a normal account, would you expect me to still use sudo? | 10:41 |
MasterWammy | i compiled my own last night but it wont boot, lol | 10:41 |
j2daosh | ok what if i have folders shared out on the windows box... would i be able to access them once i get samba set up on here? | 10:41 |
Mabus06 | How do I get my keyboard back to american | 10:41 |
zsofici | gnomefreak: I need something like GOOGLE EARTH FOR UBUNTU | 10:42 |
j2daosh | or am i gonna have to rdp to the win box from her? | 10:42 |
gnomefreak | epp, they should come with the ide maybe a few more in synaptic | 10:42 |
pashaw | j2daosh, no networks not connected and ssh doesnt work that way | 10:42 |
=== chalcedony smiles | ||
nalioth | zsofici: there is not google earth for ubuntu | 10:42 |
chalcedony | Error Scanning folders in IMAP server | 10:42 |
pashaw | j2daosh, youd need to VPN the networks to use samba | 10:42 |
epp | i dunno... it needs all these winsock libs and stuff... | 10:42 |
gnomefreak | zsofici, you dont need to yell | 10:42 |
sethk | richardtallent, you would probably be able to boot, but of course the network and other settings wouldn't be right | 10:42 |
chalcedony | does anyone know Evolution mail on ubuntu? | 10:42 |
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epp | zsofici, tried wine emulation? | 10:42 |
gnomefreak | and no im not sure of a map program for ubuntu other than a map of the stars | 10:43 |
j2daosh | really? i cant just simple file share the suckers like with xp? i have to set up a vpn on both ends... do the wins thing and all that? | 10:43 |
gnomefreak | i know evolution is too close to outlook for me | 10:43 |
pashaw | j2daosh, from home and work youd need a secure link like VPN to join the networks to use smb | 10:43 |
sethk | j2daosh, with samba you'll be able to access exactly what you could access with a windows box | 10:44 |
=== Ricker [n=Administ@c-67-177-47-57.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | !wine | 10:44 |
j2daosh | or with an rdp connection? | 10:44 |
chalcedony | gnomefreak: ty | 10:44 |
pashaw | sethk, no any clever ways of using smb over the net between his home and work | 10:44 |
sethk | j2daosh, if you don't need a vpn to use windows, you won't need it with linux either | 10:44 |
chalcedony | my husband was using thunderbird.. i don't know what's up with Evolution, yet. | 10:44 |
=== Sanne [n=Sanne@p548DBE8B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
richardtallent | sethk: network settings being wrong is ok, but how do I force it to go back through the setup process? Comfy with command line once I get there. | 10:44 |
sethk | pashaw, he was saying that he can't do it simply as with windows. I'm pointing out that if he can do it simply with windows, he can do the same thing with samba | 10:45 |
epp | gnomefreak... but kdevelop wont find the new set path of javasdk? it still looks in the original. | 10:45 |
j2daosh | no i dont need a vpn... i normally just set the rdp before i come to work... | 10:45 |
gnomefreak | chalcedony, thunderbird breaks less than evolution | 10:45 |
pashaw | sethk, yeah just wanted to be sure you knew what he was asking to do :) | 10:45 |
j2daosh | but then i got the ssh working on my linux box and wanted to use it because it doesn't use as much bandwidth and i hear it is more secure | 10:45 |
Stork | what the hell | 10:45 |
sethk | richardtallent, I'd have to check but it is definitely possible. You may have to issue separate commands to configurre each thing (the network, the sound, etc.) | 10:45 |
=== Polly_Morf [n=Polly_Mo@h55n2fls306o260.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ricker | Hey everyone. I know this is probably a loaded question that gets asked probably too many times. But I would like some first-hand reasons as to why you personally like Ubuntu better than the other distros... any input? | 10:45 |
pashaw | j2daosh, yeah you rdp into your xp box right | 10:45 |
gnomefreak | epp, im not sure write now im in dapper i dont have kde installed in dapper only breezy | 10:45 |
Stork | gnomebaker can't formwar my dvd+rw | 10:45 |
j2daosh | yep | 10:46 |
epp | hmm. | 10:46 |
pashaw | j2daosh, in that case you can use VNC to linux by default or install terminal server and use rdp to linux | 10:46 |
nalioth | Stork: use k3b | 10:46 |
epp | anyone know how to set compiler paths in kdevelop? | 10:46 |
Mabus06 | How do I get my keyboard back to american | 10:46 |
gnomefreak | Ricker, you need to find one you like and o with that one ive tried over 10 distros before i went back to ubuntu | 10:46 |
Stork | nalioth, it's for KDE isn't it? | 10:46 |
nalioth | epp: have you been to the kdevelop forums? or asked in #kubuntu ? | 10:46 |
chalcedony | gnomefreak: can you think of ANY advantages to Evolution over Thunderbird? | 10:46 |
j2daosh | but will i be able to set up a permenant share on both my linux and xp boxes? | 10:46 |
nalioth | Stork: it will run just fine for you | 10:47 |
gnomefreak | Stork, can be ran in gnome | 10:47 |
j2daosh | i plan on doing quite a bit of backups to my linux box once i smack the 350 gig harddrive in it | 10:47 |
Ricker | gnomefreak: wow. What made you decide ubuntu was more to your liking and therefore made you go back to it? | 10:47 |
gnomefreak | chalcedony, no i cant but maybe someone else in here could i just perfer anything but evolution sorry | 10:47 |
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mike-e | MPD system service not installed | 10:47 |
mike-e | update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/mpd exists during rc.d purge (continuing) | 10:47 |
mike-e | how do i get mpd to install as a service | 10:47 |
pashaw | j2daosh, those are remote control protocols you ned to join the domians to use smb but you could alsways scp files off the linux box | 10:47 |
j2daosh | if i was just moving one or 2 files rdp would be fine... | 10:47 |
chalcedony | gnomefreak: ty i use MUTT ;) | 10:47 |
gnomefreak | Ricker, yes after playing with slackware suse gentoo FC1-4 and so on | 10:48 |
j2daosh | join the domains you say..... and to do that i have to setup the vpn between them eh? | 10:48 |
pashaw | j2daosh, now you got it | 10:48 |
j2daosh | and i dont wanna just use ssh because? | 10:48 |
j2daosh | well nevermind | 10:48 |
pashaw | j2daosh, how will you ssh files off the windows box? | 10:49 |
sethk | j2daosh, I don't think anyone said not to use ssh | 10:49 |
j2daosh | ssh wont do that kind of connection and i would have to constantly load cygwin on the windows box to do it | 10:49 |
sethk | pashaw, I ssh files from my windows boxes every day | 10:49 |
chalcedony | ok i think what my husband is telling me is that he is trying to write to me and his Ubuntu is giving him all thes other mail clients. He doesn't know why .. | 10:49 |
pashaw | j2daosh, there are programs you could use i guess i always use VPNs tho | 10:49 |
rikai | anyone know waht ports have to be forwarded for gnomemeeting/netmeeting to work? | 10:49 |
pashaw | sethk, im a slow typer read my post :P | 10:49 |
sethk | pashaw, install the cygwin toolkit in windows. gives you both an ssh client and server | 10:49 |
gnomefreak | since theres no ssh for windows i would say very hard but hell i dont have a clue | 10:49 |
mike-e | how do i find out what mixer i'm using | 10:49 |
Ricker | gnomefreak: but why did you go back to ubuntu? I have fedora core, suse, mandriva and ubuntu installed. mostly messing around in ubuntu but I don't get why one is more comfortable for a user than another... probably because linux is so new to me. any specifics on what makes ubuntu a good fit for you? | 10:49 |
j2daosh | well vpns make sense because they will always be connected and i wont have to have constantly load a program to do it | 10:49 |
mike-e | yes except it always starts at number one | 10:50 |
mike-e | how do i find out what mixer i'm using | 10:50 |
pashaw | sethk, thx i know but thats not my preferred way thx tho | 10:50 |
sethk | pashaw, that's ok, but the point is it is not only possible but quite easy | 10:50 |
gnomefreak | Ricker, ubuntu is released every 6 months for starters | 10:50 |
pashaw | sethk, perhaps you could help j2daosh with this then | 10:50 |
Ricker | gnomefreak: ok I like that... any thing other reasons of the top of your head? | 10:51 |
gnomefreak | so its pretty much always newest packages and i love using sudo instead of su | 10:51 |
j2daosh | well connected as long as the computer is on... but as far as security goes with that... wouldn't it be more secure to set up a reverse ssh tunnel instead of a vpn? im not familiar too much with vpn so i dont know the security strengths associated with it | 10:51 |
sethk | gnomefreak, sudo is available on all flavors of linux and UNIX | 10:51 |
gnomefreak | Ricker, people in #ubuntu are alot more helpful than #anywhere else | 10:51 |
mike-e | how do i find out what mixer i'm using | 10:51 |
gnomefreak | sethk, i know | 10:51 |
gnomefreak | i just added that in | 10:51 |
=== stevep [n=stevep@ddsl-216-68-143-162.fuse.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sethk | gnomefreak, then it is not a reason to use (or not use) ubuntu | 10:52 |
pashaw | j2daosh, reverse tunnels are a way or sneaking past a firewall VPNs are the preferred way to link networks | 10:52 |
Polly_Morf | I have an error in kdevelop (yes i know i should have used #kubuntu, but its dead). "Terminal cant open any PTY. Probably they're misconfigured. Must have RW access". How do I set RW access? | 10:52 |
gnomefreak | alsa mostr likely mike-e | 10:52 |
Ricker | gnomefreak: that I'm finding to be very true. Tons of people in the linux world that I've come across that can be quite arrogant..but this #ubuntu channel is very cool and friendly | 10:52 |
j2daosh | ok... well then vpn it is... now how do i do that pashaw? | 10:52 |
MoonRanger | whats the command to install XFCE | 10:52 |
j2daosh | j/p... i think i can manage that one lol | 10:52 |
Polly_Morf | apt-get install xfce? | 10:52 |
pashaw | j2daosh, but im talking company/business methods with personal stuff you can use just about anything | 10:52 |
MoonRanger | cool thanks | 10:52 |
gnomefreak | sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop | 10:52 |
sethk | Polly_Morf, I doubt that the error is really caused by that | 10:53 |
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richardtallent | sethk: thanks, about to boot the install image on the newer laptop, will check back after installation is complete. Don't care much about sound, just need to activate PCMCIA wireless adapter (or USB NIC) and display driver on the old laptop. Goal is just to get something that has FF 1.5, OO 2.0, and GAIM, anything else is gravy. | 10:53 |
Polly_Morf | sethk: It sounds a bit hinky, doesnt it? :P | 10:53 |
j2daosh | besides... i dont want to drive you to drinking... cuz then when i forget about not messing with root and chmod another /usr directory i will need you around to scold me :) | 10:53 |
Ricker | gnomefreak: what is SU? is that where you login as root on the other distros? or is it something else? I know that sudo is "super-user do" but don't know su | 10:53 |
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sethk | Polly_Morf, it's easy enough to check, just do sudo kdevelop, see if it goes away | 10:53 |
pashaw | j2daosh, thats right you did that huh | 10:53 |
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j2daosh | yeah that was me... but sssshhh... no one else knows about that | 10:54 |
sethk | Ricker, sudo is not super user do. it is "set user and do" | 10:54 |
sethk | Ricker, the user is root by default, which is the same as for su, set user | 10:54 |
sethk | Ricker, you can su or sudo to any user | 10:54 |
Ricker | sethk: oops. cool. thanks for correction | 10:54 |
gnomefreak | su=super user its root in most distros by default in ubuntu sudo is default | 10:54 |
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jhenn | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IdeaPool <-- i can't log into this | 10:54 |
Polly_Morf | sethk. Just figured that out by myself... | 10:54 |
sethk | Ricker, sudo is a way to give users root access to some, but not all, resources | 10:54 |
mrtanooki | i've always disliked the su being either superuser or switch user | 10:54 |
sethk | Ricker, and programs. | 10:54 |
Polly_Morf | sethk: works fine in root | 10:54 |
Ricker | I see | 10:54 |
sethk | Ricker, it is available in all varieties of linux and UNIX | 10:54 |
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sethk | Polly_Morf, hmm, maybe the message is smarter than I thought. :) | 10:55 |
sethk | Polly_Morf, the thing is, installing kubuntu is not going to change the privileges for the ptty's | 10:55 |
pashaw | j2daosh, i recommen you learn about samba first practice at home, then SSH/SCP to and from work(would be fun) then worry about VPN thats alot to learn | 10:55 |
mike-e | exit | 10:55 |
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j2daosh | ok... well i think i have gained quite a bit of valuable knowledge... thank you again for your time pashaw and everyone else that helped me. dont go too far though because when i get home in 3 hours im getting back online and im sure i will have more questions | 10:55 |
=== pinucset [n=pinucset@197.Red-80-32-81.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | jhenn, what does it say? | 10:56 |
sethk | Ricker, the only thing different about ubuntu is that with the default, but _not_ expert, install procedure, the root password is not set and you have to set it separately if you want to log in as root | 10:56 |
j2daosh | well i thought you said i needed to do vpn in order to setup samba with max sexurity? | 10:56 |
jhenn | gnomefreak: wrong password and username | 10:56 |
sethk | Ricker, the difference between logging in as root and doing su is just whether or not you are already logged in. | 10:56 |
jhenn | gnomefreak: i just setup an account though | 10:56 |
kbrooks | lol | 10:56 |
Polly_Morf | sethk: Made a "reset" of kdevelop... removed all the configuration files :P | 10:56 |
pashaw | j2daosh, yes thats your long term goal right now lets stick to the simple stuff | 10:56 |
sethk | Ricker, the reason for having that is that on many machines root is disabled as a _remote_ login for security reason. | 10:56 |
Polly_Morf | always works | 10:56 |
Polly_Morf | ! | 10:56 |
ubotu | Polly_Morf: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! | 10:56 |
gnomefreak | jhenn, check the email you used yet? | 10:56 |
sethk | Ricker, so, if root cannot log in remotely, then sudo or su is the only way to get to be root | 10:56 |
j2daosh | ok... ill do that then :) thank you for your help again pashaw | 10:56 |
Polly_Morf | ubotu: huh? | 10:57 |
ubotu | !find test | 10:57 |
=== kbrooks cursed at someone, and some other person told him to shoo | ||
Ricker | sethk: are you pretty experienced with the CLI/bash? | 10:57 |
pashaw | kbrooks, i was here when they called you a cow | 10:57 |
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sethk | Ricker, yes, although I prefer zsh to bash, but that's a detail | 10:58 |
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jhenn | gnomefreak: oh use your email to login... i was using username | 10:58 |
Ricker | sethk: I want to do a server only install so that I can learn more of what's under the hood with linux, and I don't like how slow things get with the GUI's loaded.... have you ever done a server only install? and is it tough to get things like apache, samba, etc. installed. I've never used an email client from a CLI and haven't the slightest clue about that either. | 10:59 |
=== afief [n=afief@85-250-178-121.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sethk | Ricker, I've done the server install several times. The install itself, of course, is perfectly trivial | 11:00 |
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sethk | Ricker, I've never configured apache except CLI, so I can't say whether it's hardware than a gui configure, but it is certainly manageable | 11:00 |
Ricker | sethk: I gathered that as I actually did it once by mistake when I was first loading distros...but I never did anything after that as I reformatted and did a install with a gui | 11:01 |
=== gnomefreak learned CLI from reading nad using it but i always use GUI for backup :) | ||
odat | anyone know how to create a launcher for americas army in ubuntu | 11:01 |
odat | ? | 11:01 |
sethk | Ricker, as for email, I used the standard unix mail CLI mail client for years. It's perfectly easy, although of course it isn't going to integrate graphics and such | 11:01 |
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jhenn | gnomefreak: okay i logged in with email but now its taking me to user preferences and i fill out everything and it is saying "passwords don't match" at the top. | 11:01 |
Dashiva | hey anybody know how to change the browser gaim calls when you open new mail from it | 11:01 |
sethk | Ricker, in most cases the default configuration for apache is quite close to what you need, and all you need to do is tweak a few things in the configuration files. | 11:01 |
Ricker | sethk: so do you use GUI's such as gnome/kde very much? | 11:01 |
gnomefreak | jhenn, im not sure i dont use that | 11:01 |
sethk | Ricker, sure, I use them when it makes sense | 11:02 |
Ricker | sethk: such as when? | 11:02 |
Sepheebear | Dashiva: that's in the preferred applications capplet | 11:02 |
sethk | Ricker, I like multi-windows editing while I'm writing programs | 11:02 |
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sethk | Ricker, I like to run the program I'm writing in a window and have the source code for it in other windows | 11:02 |
Dashiva | thx | 11:02 |
=== wizardjames [n=james@S010600044b808004.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sethk | Ricker, GUIs are great things, where you need a user interface. A server, of course, has a different purpose entirely | 11:02 |
Ricker | sethk: cool. what do your develop in? java? | 11:02 |
jhenn | gnomefreak: its been a pain so far so consider yourself lucky | 11:03 |
twysted | ricker this isnt RHEL we dont need a gui to bog down the server ;) | 11:03 |
odat | anyone know how to create a launcher for americas army in ubuntu | 11:03 |
sethk | Ricker, the thing to remember is, that with UNIX & Co., you can do everything with a slave GUI that you can do with a GUI on the same box. | 11:03 |
gnomefreak | lol jhenn | 11:03 |
jhenn | gnomefreak: its sad because i had some good recommendations to improve ubuntu | 11:03 |
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sethk | Ricker, At the moment I'm porting an operating system so I'm doing c and c++. I've done java, although I'm not terribly fond of it. | 11:03 |
nilsL | my cd-drive is not working to play audio-cd's in xubuntu. any | 11:03 |
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nilsL | clues? | 11:03 |
Sepheebear | what's american army? | 11:03 |
FlannelKing | Its a game | 11:04 |
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Ricker | sethk: wow. fun stuff. now, what did you mean by a slave gui? you lost me there | 11:04 |
Sturgeon | An institution devoted to saving the world from the oppression of the evil | 11:04 |
gnomefreak | java=slow and heavy but yet i start classes for java in jan :( | 11:04 |
wizardjames | how do i get xmms to read flac music? | 11:04 |
Sturgeon | Or so they say? | 11:04 |
=== IRCMonkey [n=Chatzill@ppp-71-128-225-227.dsl.bkfd14.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wizardjames | i tryed xmms-flac but it doesnt seam to to work | 11:04 |
Sepheebear | oh, in that case it's just an app. rightclick on the desktop and create a launcher for it | 11:04 |
IRCMonkey | hey, i'm downloading ubuntu.. | 11:04 |
gnomefreak | congrats | 11:05 |
sethk | Ricker, I have two servers running here, one doing primarily email and the other acting as a web server. Then I have my own machine. I can set the DISPLAY variable on the web server, run the GUI confguration program, and send the display to my machine. Not having the GUI on the web server does _not_ mean I can't use GUI configuration programs. | 11:05 |
IRCMonkey | yeah.. and the file is really large 600 mb, and it's an .iso when it's done downloading what do i do next? | 11:05 |
=== Deserir [i=greeny@226gis182.gulftel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sethk | Ricker, X windows uses a proper client/server architecture, removing the link between the location of the program and the location of the display | 11:05 |
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gnomefreak | IRCMonkey, burn it to cd | 11:05 |
odat | anyone know how to create a launcher for americas army in ubuntu | 11:05 |
sethk | Ricker, unlike a certain other windowing system we all know about :) | 11:06 |
Ricker | sethk: man so many options with unix | 11:06 |
FlannelKing | IRCMonkey, burn the ISO (which means extracting it, in the burner program) | 11:06 |
sethk | Ricker, indeed. More power, and with it more complexity. | 11:06 |
Sepheebear | odat rightclick on the desktop and create a launcher for it | 11:06 |
=== gnomefreak prays to god IRCMonkey is downloading breezy :( | ||
odat | Sepheebear, i can't figure out what the command to launch it sis | 11:07 |
=== LasseL [n=lasse@0x503fbec4.ronxx2.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ricker | sethk: yes I'm definately seeing that as well. but it's making computers fun again. I used to love dinking around in Dos. of course the CLI in linux is much more powerful than dos is to put it lightly | 11:07 |
IRCMonkey | i hope i am to 5.10? i got it from here http://mirror.mcs.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/5.10/ | 11:07 |
gnomefreak | odat, whatever the command to run it in terminal is | 11:07 |
Sepheebear | odat: where does american army install to? | 11:07 |
gnomefreak | normally name of program | 11:07 |
sethk | Ricker, true. The first thing I do with a windows box is install cygwin, which gives me the bash and zsh shells, among other great stuff. | 11:07 |
gnomefreak | ok good IRCMonkey | 11:07 |
sethk | Ricker, it's much better than the usual windows shell, but still not like being in unix | 11:08 |
gnomefreak | 6.04 is so not ready yet | 11:08 |
MarcN | man, a bunch of dapper updates this evening! | 11:08 |
odat | armyop directory in the home folder | 11:08 |
IRCMonkey | after i burn it to a cd, it will be easy to install? | 11:08 |
Ricker | sethK: hmm cygwin, never heard of that one (not surprised as there is SO much about linux) I'll have to look that up. | 11:08 |
gnomefreak | MarcN, it will be like that untill april | 11:08 |
sethk | Ricker, cygwin is basically UNIX utilities that run in DOS (win32, to be correct) | 11:08 |
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IRCMonkey | do i need an extra hard drive to use? or can i use it with windows? | 11:09 |
gnomefreak | IRCMonkey, put cd in cd rom and boot from cdrom in bios | 11:09 |
MarcN | gnomefreak: yeah, I've been riding the bleeding edge for years. | 11:09 |
Sepheebear | odat: there should be a README file in that armyop folder | 11:09 |
sethk | Ricker, they are of course related to linux, because with cygwin, you have the same set of utilities for both operating systems. | 11:09 |
IRCMonkey | ok | 11:09 |
gnomefreak | lol MarcN isnt it funnnnnnnnnnnnnn | 11:09 |
odat | Sepheebear, read it said nothing about launching it | 11:09 |
gnomefreak | breezy was stable as of colony 3 i loved it | 11:10 |
MarcN | gnomefreak: I'm linux user #6436. Been around the block ;-) | 11:10 |
Sepheebear | odat: how bout an INSTALL file? | 11:10 |
gnomefreak | i found it to be stable than | 11:10 |
Ricker | sethk: I see. have you ever tried netbsd/freebsd. before anyone gets on the warwagon. I don't want to start one. I was just curious if anyone here had used it and if what their feeling is. people take os's and programming language like religions.... | 11:10 |
IRCMonkey | i have amd xp (emachines) and i downloaded PC (Intel x86) install CD will it run on it? | 11:10 |
sethk | Ricker, the feel is very similar whether I'm in linux, freebsd, netbsd, or even solaris | 11:10 |
cvt|nixmas | know how to play embedded quicktime files? | 11:10 |
sethk | Ricker, especially at CLI, it is nearly identical | 11:11 |
gnomefreak | IRCMonkey, should | 11:11 |
sethk | Ricker, you can be on freebsd, or on linux, and experience the identical user interface, both CLI and graphical. | 11:11 |
odat | Sepheebear, i'll figure it out | 11:11 |
IRCMonkey | cool.. btw should i burn on a CD-RW, or CD-W, or possibly DVD? | 11:11 |
sethk | Ricker, that's largely because xwindows is a separate user interface layer that runs on all the environments I care about. | 11:11 |
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=== _geno [n=geno@Sherbrooke-HSE-ppp3610289.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sepheebear | OMG Ricker how dare you say the BSD word, this is a linux chat, we dont allow that kind of stuff around here, lol | 11:11 |
gnomefreak | cd r | 11:11 |
IRCMonkey | k | 11:11 |
sethk | Ricker, by the way, cygwin includes an X server for windows, so that trick I told you about (sending the display to another machine) will even work in windows. | 11:12 |
Ricker | sethk: a friend of mine claims the only way to go is bsd. I can't figure out why because as you said they are so similar. he makes comments that the linux world is too messed up or something and that that's why he likes bsd...but I don't get his specifics | 11:12 |
=== _geno is now known as Elsan_ | ||
gnomefreak | cd r=not rewriteable cd rw = erase adn rewrite | 11:12 |
Dashiva | i like bsd...but it tends to be more time consuming | 11:12 |
=== Elsan_ [n=geno@Sherbrooke-HSE-ppp3610289.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dashiva | for a desktop machine you want linux | 11:12 |
gnomefreak | dvd too big unless you have the dvd iso and still wouldnt need it | 11:12 |
sethk | Ricker, there are some limited cases where I do prefer BSD - in firewalls, for example. For my desktop and most of my servers I use linux. | 11:12 |
IRCMonkey | so cd-r would be safer to use.. | 11:12 |
gnomefreak | IRCMonkey, yes | 11:13 |
=== gnomefreak brb | ||
sethk | Ricker, but I agree, last time I checked "messed up" is not a well defined term. :) | 11:13 |
Sepheebear | i love the kernel and startup configuration in BSD flatfiles rule | 11:13 |
Ricker | sethk: cygwin-- wow that's really cool. so a gui doesn't have to be running on the linux server for me to use a gui that connects to the server from a windows box? | 11:13 |
sethk | Ricker, precisely. | 11:13 |
Ricker | sepheebear: ;-) I know, naughty word | 11:13 |
sethk | Ricker, there are a couple of non-free X servers for windows that are easier to set up (xwin32 is one) | 11:13 |
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Sepheebear | Ricker: lol | 11:13 |
sethk | Ricker, but once you've figured out how to set it up, the cygwin server works well. | 11:14 |
j2daosh | ok im back... with the right privies this time lol... turns out i couldn't do anything... none of the options for this account were turned on in the system>admin>users and groups thing... | 11:14 |
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michael_ | what do i install to change from gnome to kde | 11:14 |
Ricker | excellent info again everyone. thanks much!!! | 11:14 |
sethk | Ricker, I'm always suspicious of dogma. Plus if anyone says "linux is better than bsd" or "bsd is better than linux" I immediately say, "to do what?" | 11:14 |
j2daosh | but now i have another quetion... what a shock huh... how do i turn stuff off from starting up when the comp logs in? is there like a startup folder or something like with windows? | 11:14 |
wizardjames | how do i get temp senseor working so i can see what temp my computer is running at? | 11:15 |
sethk | j2daosh, that's a two part answer. One, there is desktop restoration. this runs whatever was running the last time you shut down. | 11:15 |
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sethk | j2daosh, then there are . files in your home directory you can use to start apps when X runs, but by default they are empty. | 11:15 |
Ricker | sethk: right. I have been a programmer in the windoze world since 1990. and i am SO sick of wars over languages/os's, etc. It's like comparing computer peni$'s or something | 11:15 |
j2daosh | no sethk i didn't click the save button before loggin out | 11:15 |
michael_ | does ne1 know what i need to mark to change from gnome to kde? | 11:15 |
j2daosh | home directory eh.... lemme look | 11:16 |
sethk | j2daosh, doesn't necessarily matter, depends on how the desktop is configured. You don't have to explicitly save | 11:16 |
sethk | michael_, if both are installed, click on session at the login screen and choose kde | 11:16 |
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michael_ | how can i install both? | 11:16 |
sethk | Ricker, I like to know a variety of languages. How else can I know which is going to be best for a given problem? | 11:16 |
michael_ | idk which things to mark | 11:16 |
gnomefreak | michael_, what one do you have installed now? | 11:17 |
Ricker | sethk: exactly | 11:17 |
michael_ | gnome | 11:17 |
Sepheebear | michael_: you first want to start by installing KDE, lol, but after that minor detail is in place, there is a "Session" button on the GDM screen that you can select KDE with | 11:17 |
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sethk | Ricker, that's often missing in the computer world. The question is not "which is the best language", but "which is the best language to do X" | 11:17 |
j2daosh | uhh yeah... sethk ... which .file do i need to remove? whatever is starting up? | 11:17 |
=== olicat [n=phendric@host86-133-153-228.range86-133.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ricker | sethk: besides in this economy, you have to keep up with more than one language/OS | 11:17 |
sethk | j2daosh, the files you will care about are in the .gnome directory under your home directory | 11:17 |
gnomefreak | than if your using synaptic choose kubuntu-desktop it give you apps along with the kde GUI | 11:17 |
sethk | Ricker, that's true. | 11:17 |
Vexor | Does anyone know how to make the module dependency file static? I have the kernel 3rd party modules installed for variouse reasons, and everytime I make changes to it, it gets updated correcting the changes I made.. | 11:17 |
Java_the_Hutt | can anyone help me out for GPRS over bluetooth ? | 11:18 |
michael_ | k, ty | 11:18 |
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sethk | j2daosh, if you remove the entire .gnome directory it will be returned to the state it was in the first time you logged in. | 11:18 |
j2daosh | only thing in there is the trash_entry_cache | 11:18 |
=== gnomefreak bbl time for dinner | ||
sethk | j2daosh, check other . directories. Also make sure you use -A with ls to see hidden (dot) files in the subdirectories. | 11:18 |
j2daosh | what about .gnome2? | 11:18 |
j2daosh | im using the gui file browser to see them all | 11:19 |
=== [Ely] [n=vmware@c-66-176-191-133.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sethk | j2daosh, see the .gnome2 directory | 11:19 |
Ricker | sethk: I'm curious. are you located in the united states? | 11:19 |
sethk | j2daosh, also .gnome_private | 11:19 |
sethk | Ricker, yes | 11:19 |
gimmulf | HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM SWEDEN! | 11:19 |
gimmulf | lol | 11:19 |
richardtallent | Anyone: installing Ubunto 5.10, it didn't recognize my Linksys wireless PCMCIA card (WPC54G). Any ideas? | 11:19 |
sethk | Ricker, not everyone in the US is a nut. :) | 11:19 |
MarcN | sethk: just 51% are | 11:20 |
lucasvo | richardtallent: is it a card with prism chipset? | 11:20 |
sethk | richardtallent, probably you'll need to load some kernel modules, since the install didn't figure that out for you. do man modprobe | 11:20 |
ddiggler | Anyone can help me to install more development tools on my ubuntu box,other than Perl :) | 11:20 |
Vexor | gimmulf : it's not the new year here yet, but in a few hours it will feel like 2009.. ;) | 11:20 |
Sepheebear | we just have nuts creating our patent laws | 11:20 |
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gimmulf | :) | 11:20 |
sethk | MarcN, probably closer to 95%, but whatever...:) | 11:20 |
michael_ | it's not letting me select any of the kde options | 11:20 |
=== eric_ [n=eric@pool-71-118-1-192.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
epp | how do install an rpm? | 11:21 |
richardtallent | lucasvo: have no idea | 11:21 |
michael_ | i tried kdesktop, kdebase, and kdegraphics | 11:21 |
MarcN | sethk: /me lives in a Blue State. | 11:21 |
twysted | epp alien | 11:21 |
afief | epp: you use alien to convert it to a deb | 11:21 |
richardtallent | sethk: thanks, will try this after install is complete. | 11:21 |
Ricker | sethk: I'm here in the US as well. this is certainly Off topic, but I will only ask this once, my next question is, have you personally noticed a squeeze in the job market as tech jobs are being moved out of our country? | 11:21 |
sethk | richardtallent, lucasvo I thought that one is atheros, but I might not be correct | 11:21 |
Sepheebear | michael_: where are you trying those options | 11:21 |
michael_ | synaptic | 11:21 |
epp | hmm | 11:21 |
twysted | epp last time i installed a rpm on my box it broke it i had to unfuck it | 11:21 |
=== timfrost [n=tim_fros@222-152-212-212.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sethk | Ricker, yes and no. I'm working on software that will run on an assembly line in Taiwan | 11:21 |
eric_ | I'm on ubuntu but what to xubuntu how do i that? | 11:21 |
twysted | eric_ xubuntu is ubuntu | 11:22 |
sethk | Ricker, It appears to me that the job market is moving in the right direction again, although slowly | 11:22 |
Ricker | sethk: wow. does that require you to read understand chinese or is it in english? | 11:22 |
epp | twysted, thx for the info i wioll lay of the rpms | 11:22 |
sethk | Ricker, I think the outsourcing thing is a fad which will pass. | 11:22 |
sethk | Ricker, english. | 11:22 |
Amaranth | eric_: enable universe and install xubuntu-desktop | 11:22 |
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sethk | Ricker, everyone in the far east works in english, at least in the technical fields | 11:22 |
Ricker | sethK: I"m noticing it FINALLY starting to pick up here too (whew) | 11:22 |
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michael_ | i'm starting to think about dloading kubuntu and installing it, but i don't wanna wait that long | 11:22 |
eric_ | oh, I did that but nothing changed | 11:22 |
Vexor | gimmulf : my friends seem to think they are going to get me all crazy tonight, but it's when I get back on the computer in the morning, seeing double, THAT is when it gets all weird. Every new year I have to re-install my OS for some damn reason. | 11:23 |
sethk | Ricker, I'm hoping it is a trend and not just a blip | 11:23 |
FlannelKing | michael_, you can easily convert ubuntu to kubuntu | 11:23 |
[Ely] | Hey epp I'm back! | 11:23 |
Shadyman | Hi guys. | 11:23 |
michael_ | how? | 11:23 |
Ricker | sethk: ME TOOOOOOOO | 11:23 |
Amaranth | eric_: You need to logout and choose a different session on the login screen | 11:23 |
ataq | Happy New year Guys!!! | 11:23 |
sethk | Vexor, maybe the new year's eve party? | 11:23 |
Amaranth | eric_: It'll probably be called XFCE or xubuntu | 11:23 |
Ricker | sethk: the last 3 years were hell. | 11:23 |
michael_ | i don't have kde installed | 11:23 |
sethk | Vexor, you black out and trash your machine? :) | 11:23 |
FlannelKing | michael_, there's instructions... um, but its basically get the kubuntu meta package | 11:23 |
Sepheebear | isnt all the kubuntu kstuff in kmain kalready kanyway? | 11:23 |
Vexor | sethk : I never remember exactly why.. | 11:24 |
eric_ | oh I see, I restarted by pc after I used synaptic to install and it just brought my usual login screen | 11:24 |
michael_ | which one is it? I try to select packages, but they rely on other things that can't beselected | 11:24 |
[Ely] | brb | 11:24 |
ddiggler | Hehe,i found out...thanks anyway | 11:24 |
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Ricker | sethk: thank for the chat! always nice to visit this channel. | 11:24 |
epp | Ely!!! | 11:24 |
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BxL | eric_, on the login screen, there is a button called session, click on it and choose xfce. | 11:25 |
epp | Ely, i try to compile an app in java and it wont work | 11:25 |
BxL | eric_, then login, and you should be in xfce | 11:25 |
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Sepheebear | michael_: why not just install the kubuntu-desktop package | 11:25 |
sethk | Ricker, np, good to talk to you. | 11:25 |
Eleaf | what can I use to encode an mp3 from an ogg file? | 11:25 |
Eleaf | lame doesn't work | 11:25 |
[Ely] | lol Epp | 11:25 |
michael_ | Sepheeber: can i pm you | 11:25 |
eric_ | ok thanks, I'll try that. Now if I decide I like that better how do I get rid of the gnome version | 11:25 |
MarcN | Eleaf: ogg => WAV => mp3 | 11:26 |
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FlannelKing | michael_, https://wiki.ubuntu.com//InstallingKDE | 11:26 |
[Ely] | Ok now Im just using a virtual machine, while I learn more about Ubuntu Epp. | 11:26 |
BxL | eric_, try it, we'll see after okay? | 11:26 |
Sepheebear | Eleaf: there used to be an app called dir2ogg that converted mp3 to ogg format | 11:26 |
michael_ | k, ty | 11:26 |
FlannelKing | basically its just installing kubuntu-desktop meta package | 11:26 |
FlannelKing | which takes care of the rest | 11:26 |
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Java_the_Hutt | can anyone help me out for GPRS over bluetooth ? | 11:26 |
eric_ | alright I will, thanks for the help | 11:26 |
Eleaf | Sepheebear, Marc_On_Vacation ok thanks... | 11:27 |
Eleaf | Marc_On_Vacation, when I do that, the file size gets huge when it goes to a wav... | 11:27 |
Sepheebear | Eleaf: check the ubuntu wiki, there was an unsupported repository that you could use to get dir2ogg | 11:27 |
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=== Delvien [n=dm@cpe-65-31-19-204.insight.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
michael_ | i dunt have kubuntu-desktop in my list, i need to have the right repository i think | 11:27 |
BxL | eric_, no problem | 11:27 |
Vexor | sethk : last year I just didn't feel like my computer was 'clean' enough.. pretty crazy. | 11:27 |
Delvien | !restricted | 11:27 |
ubotu | somebody said restricted was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats Most of the formats listed here have been replaced by !FreeFormats | 11:27 |
Sepheebear | michael_: are you on breezy or hoary? | 11:27 |
michael_ | hoary | 11:27 |
Eleaf | I want it to go from ogg to mp3 | 11:27 |
sethk | Vexor, lock up the computer and don't open it before noon tomorrow. :) | 11:27 |
epp | anyone know how to set the path of the JDK? | 11:27 |
=== polpak [n=polpak@ip68-108-251-54.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sepheebear | kubuntu-desktop is in breezy main | 11:27 |
MarcN | Eleaf: convert your ogg to a wav file, then convert the wav file to mp3 | 11:28 |
Vexor | oh man, noon tomorrow would be even worse | 11:28 |
michael_ | i didn't know breezy was released yet | 11:28 |
nalioth | Eleaf: it will most likely have to be put into .wav format to be reripped as ogg | 11:28 |
ltibor65 | Seveas, tell me a midiplayer for Ubuntu, please! | 11:28 |
Eleaf | MarcN, That makes the file size off the roof... | 11:28 |
brasko | OK, I finished downloading and burning the ISO | 11:28 |
dooglus | michael_: there is a new release every April and October. | 11:28 |
brasko | I have 1 recomendation | 11:28 |
Sepheebear | michael_: yeah its been out since october | 11:28 |
brasko | It could be nice to have a smaller ISO | 11:28 |
Vexor | just moved to Madison, WI.. this will be my first new years here.. I don't know what to expect. | 11:28 |
brasko | since it takes so long to download | 11:28 |
brasko | and finish it off with a net install | 11:28 |
Eleaf | nalioth, when I go ogg to wav to mp3, the filesize ends up getting just bigger... | 11:28 |
MarcN | Eleaf: I don't know of a direct ogg to mp3 converter. Try piping the output of oggdec to lame | 11:29 |
nalioth | Eleaf: once you get the mp3 you can delete the wav | 11:29 |
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ltibor65 | Boys, who can tell me a midi-player? | 11:29 |
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Eleaf | nalioth, ... the final mp3 is too big | 11:29 |
epp | anyone know how to set the path of the JDK? | 11:29 |
nalioth | Eleaf: then adjust your mp3 ripper settings | 11:29 |
MarcN | Eleaf: you can control the size/quality of the mp3 file | 11:29 |
Eleaf | nalioth, say I start with a 3 meg ogg file, I go to wav which makes it like 50 megs. then that recompresses as like 5 or 6 megs.. it needs to be smaller | 11:29 |
Eleaf | nalioth, on the lowest quality | 11:29 |
MarcN | Eleaf: use pipes! | 11:30 |
nalioth | Eleaf: then perhaps you should use aac or stay with ogg | 11:30 |
cvt|nixmas | anyone know why mplayer isn't in synaptic? | 11:30 |
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Sturgeon | cvt|nixmas: it is | 11:30 |
Sturgeon | cvt|nixmas: add the right repositories | 11:30 |
Sepheebear | cvt|nixmas: it is in multiverse | 11:30 |
michael_ | how do i add the breezy repository? | 11:30 |
Eleaf | nalioth, omg. I have a huge project I'm doing for my dad. He can't use ogg, it needs to be mp3 for his site. I use ogg normally | 11:30 |
=== MarcN reboots, back later | ||
Sepheebear | michael_: edit your /etc/apt/sources.list file and change the hoary lines to breezy | 11:31 |
=== Nik---- [n=nik@cpe-66-91-1-29.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Eleaf | MarcN, when I go from ogg to mp3, it just creates a file with loud static | 11:31 |
brasko | geez, did I screw up? or is the ISO supposed to drop me to the A:\> ? | 11:31 |
FlannelKing | michael_, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade | 11:31 |
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thegladiator | i dont like pdf files being previewd in nautilus . how can i get rid of it ? | 11:31 |
Vexor | I usually use SHN for FLAC. When I convert that to MP3, that's when I LOSE static. | 11:32 |
Vexor | OR | 11:32 |
brasko | Does anyone know if the ISO for breezy is supposed to drop you to the A:\> ? | 11:32 |
IRCMonkey | "IRCMonkey, put cd in cd rom and boot from cdrom in bios" how i get in bios? | 11:32 |
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brasko | or did I screw up the burn with nero? | 11:32 |
twysted | its not brasko | 11:32 |
brasko | geez | 11:32 |
Eleaf | hello? | 11:32 |
thegladiator | i dont like pdf files being previewd in nautilus file manager . how can i get rid of it ? | 11:33 |
twysted | brasko your more then likely not booting from the cd atg all | 11:33 |
TonySt | Alright... when I boot, Kubuntu doesn't automaticly recognise my network card, so I have to 'sudo modprobe ndiswrapper' every time at boot, manually. Then, I have to head into networking and activate my network card | 11:33 |
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Nik---- | i'm trying to install Ubuntu on a hard drive that already has XP installed.. i'm at the partitioning step.. when creating the swap partition, should it be primary or logical? should it be bootable? | 11:33 |
polpak | thegladiator, in nautilus go to edit->preferences | 11:33 |
=== rabbit [n=seb@HSE-Ottawa-ppp235068.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brasko | twysted: it's definatly the disk I'm in | 11:34 |
polpak | thegladiator, then go to the preview tab and specify your options there | 11:34 |
brasko | Can I run one of the exe's to boot the startup off? | 11:34 |
twysted | nik--- eh it doesnt ask that in the ubuntu installer when your making a swap | 11:34 |
cvt|nixmas | how do i add multiverse? | 11:34 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell cvt|nixmas about repos | 11:34 |
twysted | brasko i doubt it ;) maybe you burned a w98 cd or something lol | 11:34 |
rabbit | according to gnutella, the gtk-gnutella version I got from the universe is very old.. does anyone know anything about this? | 11:34 |
nalioth | rabbit: most things in the repos are out of date | 11:34 |
brasko | geez | 11:34 |
Nik---- | i changed the file system to swap area and there's a bootable field... should it be on or off? | 11:34 |
brasko | I probably did | 11:34 |
=== shekar [n=shekar@ppp-69-233-245-246.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | Nik----: doesnt matter | 11:35 |
thegladiator | polpak, what inside preview ? | 11:35 |
rabbit | nalioth: any way to update? | 11:35 |
twysted | nik-- off | 11:35 |
shekar | i just installed ubuntu and the resolution won't go higher than 640x480 | 11:35 |
=== Zedman [n=erik@G0be3.g.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
michael_ | would somebody with ubuntu breezy be willing to give me a copy of their sources.list? | 11:35 |
rabbit | nalioth: is this version functional for you? | 11:35 |
shekar | any ideas? | 11:35 |
nalioth | rabbit: grab the source from the homepage and build it (don't forget to use checkinstall) | 11:35 |
nalioth | rabbit: i dont p2p | 11:35 |
thegladiator | polpak, i dont need to remove images being previewed | 11:35 |
Sepheebear | michael_: http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic | 11:35 |
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michael_ | i changed hoary to breezy, but it gives me a shit load of errors | 11:36 |
Vexor | I wish ubuntu would conentrate from on feature updates than security updates. I would love an integrated firefox installation. I was counting on the backports project for this, but it looks like it didn't work out. That hurt. | 11:36 |
khext | people, happy new year! | 11:36 |
IRCMonkey | i probably have more questions but most of them were answered thnx guys.. (such a big commutity) :D | 11:36 |
nalioth | michael_: leave the profanity in the barnyard, please | 11:36 |
Sepheebear | michael_: that page will generate a working sources.list for you | 11:36 |
rabbit | nalioth: what's checkinstall for? | 11:36 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell rabbit about checkinstall | 11:37 |
shekar | hello, anybody deal with screen resolution problems ? | 11:37 |
michael_ | ty | 11:37 |
Sepheebear | rabbit: checkinstall is for sissies | 11:37 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell Sepheebear about conduct | 11:37 |
jhenn | is ubuntu ever getting a graphical installer? | 11:37 |
Nik---- | is the swap partition supposed to be primary or logical? it asks me before i am able to set it as a swap partition.... | 11:37 |
thegladiator | adobe reader is faster and better than evince i think | 11:37 |
nalioth | Nik----: it doesnt matter | 11:37 |
Sepheebear | thanks | 11:37 |
nalioth | rabbit: read the link ubotu sent you re checkinstall | 11:38 |
rabbit | nalioth: yep | 11:38 |
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shekar | can't set the resolution higher than 640x480... | 11:38 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell shekar about fixres | 11:39 |
twysted | vexor backports are to use oldersoftware thats been patched to keep it secured its not ot give you the latest and greatest | 11:39 |
dustin | does anyone know how to convert a number with commas in php to an integer? | 11:39 |
twysted | dustin ask the folks in #php | 11:39 |
niffe | happy new year ppl, just chanced in here :) | 11:40 |
dustin | yeah I'm there now, not to responsive though | 11:40 |
brasko | Is everyone ready for the leap second? | 11:40 |
Vexor | twysted : I guess I have alway relied on the project more for version updates than security fixes or legacy applications. | 11:40 |
brasko | It's going to happen 1 second before 7PM eastern time, I think | 11:40 |
rabbit | nalioth: "Instead of sudo make install you will use sudo checkinstall" is it "make" then "sudo checkinstall" ? | 11:40 |
Sepheebear | nalioth: thanks for the reminder, i appreciate that | 11:40 |
michael_ | talk to you all later, thanks for the help | 11:40 |
nalioth | rabbit: yes. | 11:40 |
rabbit | nalioth: k | 11:41 |
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Nik---- | what about the ubuntu installation partition... should it be primary or logical? and what file system should i use? | 11:41 |
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khext | niffe: hey isn't it too crowdy here for this night? | 11:42 |
nalioth | Nik----: it doesnt matter | 11:42 |
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nalioth | Nik----: use ext3 | 11:42 |
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niffe | khext: well, yes ;p | 11:42 |
brasko | I mean, this is the prompt I got '[DR-DOS] A:\>' | 11:42 |
brasko | What's up with that? | 11:42 |
brasko | Apparently, I have no idea how to burn this ISO using Nero. Anyone does this before? | 11:42 |
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Sepheebear | doesnt nero have a burn disk image option? | 11:43 |
twysted | brasko burn it as an image | 11:43 |
twysted | :) | 11:43 |
ltibor65 | Can somebody tell me an usable midi-player? | 11:43 |
navarone | brasko...you have to update your bios...the dr dos is there cos it is allowing bios to see large drive. I had same prob and had to update bios for mb and format drive to get rid of the direct drive overlay (ddo) that was bypassing the bios | 11:43 |
Sepheebear | surprising nero doesnt do that automagically since its so popular | 11:43 |
polpak | brasko, or you can get other freeware software to burn ISO images to disk | 11:44 |
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castlerock | ltibor65: does it have to be a Gnome app? or can it be a kde one? | 11:44 |
brasko | I did in Nero, Data->Bootable Data Disk | 11:44 |
castlerock | ltibor65: a kde that comes to mind is Kmid (KDE midi) | 11:44 |
cvt|nixmas | i have dapper | 11:44 |
polpak | brasko, no | 11:44 |
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MasterWammy | Im compiling a new kernel, now it is asking me about IO Schedulers do all of the options have to be selected? anticipatory,deadline,cfq? or can i just select one and not compile the others? | 11:44 |
brasko | Disk Image or Saved Project? | 11:45 |
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polpak | brasko, that'll just make a bootable disk with the ISO on it | 11:45 |
kbrooks | Sepheebear, "don't do things unless the user says so" | 11:45 |
cvt|nixmas | is dapper preventing me from finding mplayer in synaptic? | 11:45 |
=== Draken [n=Drakenis@myw-stp-66-18-80-215.sentechsa.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
polpak | brasko, disk image | 11:45 |
brasko | OK, thanks! | 11:45 |
theCore | how do I configure Apache to execute python scripts page with mod_python? | 11:45 |
polpak | cvt|nixmas, I shouldn't think so | 11:45 |
ltibor65 | castlerock, I have Kmidi, it plays midi, but there are no sound. What to do? | 11:45 |
kbrooks | theCore, CGI is simpler | 11:46 |
Draken | can someone help me, i have followed the guide at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57368 , to install my nvidia drivers, but i keep on getting there is no precompiled kernel or something to that effect | 11:46 |
navarone | ltibor65, do you get any sound at all? | 11:46 |
=== dfgas-diskless [n=dfgas@adsl-69-210-80-234.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Draken | does anyone know how to fix ? | 11:46 |
castlerock | ltibor65: did you check the options and preferences? It just might not be using the right sound output | 11:46 |
dfgas-diskless | what is a onscreen keyboard program called? for gnome | 11:46 |
Sepheebear | cvt|nixmas: mplayer is in multiverse in dapper too | 11:46 |
castlerock | ltibor65: it should be set to ALSA | 11:46 |
theCore | kbrooks, i want to use Python Server Page, so i need mod_python | 11:46 |
polpak | Draken, are you using Hoary? | 11:47 |
Nik---- | should the ubuntu installation partition be bootable? | 11:47 |
castlerock | ltibor65: and if Kmidi doesn't work at all, try Musica (do a search for it ;-) ) | 11:47 |
Sepheebear | in dapper the mplayer-$arch packages have been made into dummy packages | 11:47 |
navarone | Nik----, yes | 11:47 |
kbrooks | Nik----, yes | 11:47 |
Nik---- | all right, thanks guys :) | 11:47 |
chalcedony | how to play Mp3s in ubuntu? | 11:47 |
kbrooks | navarone, echo bounching around eh ;) | 11:47 |
kbrooks | bouncing* | 11:47 |
Sepheebear | dfgas-diskless: gok | 11:47 |
sethk | Nik----, doesn't matter | 11:47 |
ltibor65 | Mp3, vaw, audio cd gives sound, but midi no. | 11:47 |
kbrooks | sethk, who is right? | 11:48 |
navarone | ltibor65, if you are not getting sound at all you can also check "alsamixer" in terminal to make sure nothing is muted | 11:48 |
Vexor | Draken : if you don't need the proprietary kernel modules, you can get rid of the 3rd party module package. It is trying to use that nvidia package instead of your updated nvidia installation. That is why I came in here, dependency issues with that. | 11:48 |
navarone | yup kbrooks | 11:48 |
kbrooks | sethk, not you. end of story | 11:48 |
sethk | kbrooks, wrong. It doesn't matter. I just checked. | 11:48 |
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=== Afief [i=Necron@85-250-178-121.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ltibor65 | ok, navarone, I try alsamixer. | 11:48 |
kbrooks | sethk, the mbr ... | 11:48 |
Nik---- | it sounds like none of the partition settings really matter as long as there's enough space | 11:48 |
Afief | How can i edit a textfile in terminal mode? I think i screwed up my x server | 11:48 |
sethk | kbrooks, yes, the partition table is in the mbr, what of it? | 11:48 |
Draken | polpak | 11:48 |
kbrooks | sethk, never mind | 11:49 |
Draken | im using kubuntu breezy | 11:49 |
=== chorse [n=ps@p508BC2E6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | Afief, use nano. | 11:49 |
Sepheebear | Afief: try "nano <file>" | 11:49 |
sethk | kbrooks, I don't mind. The bootable flag doesn't matter to linux. | 11:49 |
kbrooks | $ nano file | 11:49 |
=== Ritz [n=oly@81-178-192-161.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
polpak | Draken, ? | 11:49 |
Draken | [00:47] <polpak> Draken, are you using Hoary? | 11:49 |
kbrooks | Afief, ^ means CTRL- | 11:49 |
Nik---- | i don't need to worry about a mount point for the ubuntu installation partition either? | 11:49 |
navarone | Afief, type sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 11:49 |
polpak | Draken, ah | 11:49 |
kbrooks | Nik----, you di | 11:49 |
kbrooks | do | 11:49 |
polpak | Draken, you should use the WIKI instructions for your video drivers | 11:50 |
=== alta [n=i@host86-131-79-168.range86-131.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | Afief, ^X == CTRL-X | 11:50 |
polpak | Draken, that thread is for Hoary | 11:50 |
Draken | polpak | 11:50 |
Draken | i have tried the wiki | 11:50 |
Draken | same errors | 11:50 |
=== hajit [n=chatzill@dup-13.nalnet.ru] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Draken | !nvidia | 11:50 |
ubotu | from memory, nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57368 | 11:50 |
Nik---- | my ubuntu installation partition mount point is set to / is that ok? | 11:50 |
kbrooks | Nik----, yes | 11:50 |
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polpak | ... | 11:50 |
kbrooks | Nik----, thats the default | 11:51 |
=== AnonymousHive [n=seraph@80-49.73-24.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Afief | !ATI | 11:51 |
ubotu | methinks ati is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 | 11:51 |
kbrooks | Nik----, no /, no install | 11:51 |
Nik---- | my XP partition isn't bootable... should it be? | 11:51 |
polpak | http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/faqguide-all.html#installnvidiadriver | 11:51 |
Draken | and also polpak, the wiki doesnt help with amd64 version | 11:51 |
kbrooks | Nik----, grub will detect xp | 11:51 |
rabbit | how often is software in the universe updated ?? | 11:51 |
polpak | Draken, ah.. sorry. I don't know anything about the 64 bit arch | 11:52 |
kbrooks | Nik----, a boot loader will come up | 11:52 |
navarone | speaking of grub I need food | 11:52 |
castlerock | ltibor65: sorry, I am out of ideas.... | 11:52 |
Draken | polpak, also, ive downloaded the nvidia drivers | 11:52 |
castlerock | navarone: lol | 11:52 |
Draken | i dont want to redownload them thru a pkg manager | 11:52 |
kbrooks | Nik----, and ask u which os to boot | 11:52 |
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castlerock | navaron: I like the connection between grub and food | 11:52 |
kbrooks | Nik----, u can select from windows or linux | 11:52 |
kbrooks | castlerock, would you like context? | 11:53 |
Nik---- | what if the XP partition and the Ubuntu partition are both set to not be bootable? grub still overrides? | 11:53 |
rabbit | Draken: I have an nvidia card, but I didn't install a driver, what difference does it make? | 11:53 |
kbrooks | grub is GRUB is GRand Unified Bootloader | 11:53 |
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Draken | rabbit | 11:53 |
=== iamgod [n=iamgod@c-66-177-88-63.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Draken | i have a new nvidia card, they dont work nice with X11 | 11:53 |
rabbit | Draken, ah.. okay | 11:54 |
kbrooks | Nik----, set the ubuntu partition to bootable, or your computer will be rendered unbootable | 11:54 |
polpak | rabbit, you won't be able to take advantage of opengl games etc | 11:54 |
Afief | since i installed ubuntu's fglrx for my ATI card, every video program gives me an error... anybody had that problem? | 11:54 |
iamgod | hmmm | 11:54 |
Draken | need new drivers or i cant stay in the gui longer then 2mins | 11:54 |
kbrooks | Afief, what error? be specific | 11:54 |
Nik---- | thank you | 11:54 |
polpak | rabbit, Are you using a 32 bit processor (intel and older AMDs) | 11:54 |
cvt|nixmas | i can't enable multiverse. i get error | 11:55 |
rabbit | polpak: P4 32, yeah.. should I install a driver? | 11:55 |
cvt|nixmas | "Could not download all repositories" | 11:55 |
iamgod | Afief, I have a radeon IGP 340 M , should I use the fglrx driver? | 11:55 |
=== imperfect- [n=tbw@pcp949067pcs.bechgr01.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
imperfect- | Hello. | 11:55 |
imperfect- | How are you ? | 11:55 |
timfrost | kbrooks, Nik----, Linux partitikons donb't need the bootable flag, but Windows partition DOES. | 11:55 |
polpak | rabbit, I would.. Read the driver section of the getting started guide | 11:55 |
kbrooks | timfrost, not so | 11:56 |
rabbit | polpak, my refresh rate only goes to 75 hz (at this res) I think.. | 11:56 |
misfit_toy | imperfect-, we are all drunk | 11:56 |
kbrooks | timfrost, not true | 11:56 |
imperfect- | rock on | 11:56 |
polpak | rabbit, http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/faqguide-all.html#installnvidiadriver | 11:56 |
Draken | polpak, i know wat my problem is, its on alot of nvidia forums, i need to update, but every guide i follow gives same problems | 11:56 |
iamgod | i want to be drunk...damn it | 11:56 |
Afief | kbrooks: totem says the video server/driver is busy. mplayer says xv or something like that is missing | 11:56 |
Draken | and the drivers from pkg managers are old | 11:56 |
rabbit | polpak: okay thanks | 11:56 |
pashaw | Draken, you comment on X11 and nvidia is a bit wrong Nvidia drivers have problems with 64bit wondiws also | 11:56 |
imperfect- | Anyone know where i can get a gkrellm theme package? | 11:56 |
misfit_toy | iamgod, you have to open a bottle then | 11:56 |
kbrooks | Afief, mplayer complains? ummm | 11:56 |
polpak | Afief, how did you install the ATI drivers | 11:56 |
Draken | pashaw, i know wat im talking about, go read some forums | 11:56 |
iamgod | open the bottle..... and | 11:57 |
Nik---- | will grub work if XP partition is bootable instead of the ubuntu partition? | 11:57 |
=== misfit_toy heads out for a cigar and some fresh air | ||
pashaw | Draken, sorry just shoveled driveway typing even worse then normal | 11:57 |
Afief | polpak: downloaded the deb from the repository, installed according to wiki | 11:57 |
iamgod | google gkrellm | 11:57 |
Java_the_Hutt | anyone can help me with PPPD options and scripts ? | 11:57 |
cvt|nixmas | it's not letting me install mplayer. ideas? | 11:57 |
=== WildZeck [n=zeck@ax113-3-82-234-26-6.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
polpak | Afief, what ATI card are you using? | 11:57 |
pashaw | Draken, i have nvidia in all my machines expect my lappy from geforce(1)cards to 6800gt | 11:57 |
timfrost | kbrooks, I can't verify the Windows side at present, as I don't have a Windows partition. However there is no partition with the bootable flag set in my current system. | 11:58 |
kbrooks | Nik----, um, please please dont set any partitions bootable | 11:59 |
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pashaw | Draken, but on a serious note i hope you get it working id like to use 64bit a year or too when you guys work out the bugs :P | 11:59 |
Afief | polpak: readon mobility x600. Mplayer plays the movie, but i get a nasty black screen on the background and can't move to full screen | 11:59 |
polpak | timfrost, the windows partition won't need the bootable flag | 11:59 |
imperfect- | Anyone know where I can get gkrellm themes? | 11:59 |
=== Once [n=Once@CPE000d88ab78b0-CM014480008614.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | someone? | 11:59 |
Nik---- | now i'm really confused... some are saying DO make ubuntu parition bootable, others are saying don't ?? | 11:59 |
kbrooks | what is this "bootable flag" | 12:00 |
polpak | Afief, can you pastebin your xorg.conf file? | 12:00 |
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