
imperfect-Nik-----: Just do it and move on12:00
kbrooksNik----, final answer: dont12:00
TriKster-AbacusHappy New Years SWEDEN!12:00
pashawNik----,   it wont matter   grub will be in the MBR  so you can boot any partition12:00
imperfect-Anyone here have any luck getting the synpatics touchpad working?12:00
polpakNik----, it doesn't matter. either way12:00
misfit_toyimperfect-, http://www.muhri.net/gkrellm/nav.php3?node=gkrellmall&sort=added&conf=DESC12:00
polpakNik----, it isn't nessicary, but it won't hurt it if it's there either12:00
Afiefpolpak: wait, just booted up my notebook after i got my xorg config working again. gotta sign in there12:00
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rabbithow often is software in the universe updated ??12:00
djm62rabbit: every 6 months12:01
polpakrabbit, same cycle as ubuntu releases12:01
navaroneNik----, both my windows system and Linux partition are set as bootable...seperate drives though12:01
cvt|nixmasi can't add any repositories12:01
=== afief [n=afief@85-250-178-121.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
polpakcvt|nixmas, via synaptic?12:01
ltibor65Happy new year to everybody!!!12:01
Drakenpolpak, with that guide to install nvidia drivers12:01
OnceHi. I'm setting up my TV-out on Ubuntu and need to know how would I go about setting it up to use it as a secondary monitor instead of just cloning what is on my primary monitor.  Any suggestions?12:02
Nik----ok, thank you i understand now12:02
Drakencan i just use apt-get or do i have to use synaptics ?12:02
cvt|nixmaspolpak, right.12:02
afiefpolpak: Section "Device"12:02
afiefIdentifier"ATI Technologies, Inc. Radeon Mobility X600 (M24)"12:02
polpakDraken, synaptic is just a gui front end for apt-get12:02
polpakafief, don't paste here please12:02
polpakafief, use pastebin12:02
pashawafief,   please use pastebin12:02
AnonymousHiveDoes ubuntu have any CD burning applications by default?12:02
iamgodI shouldve bought a laptop with a nvidea card12:02
ubotuI heard pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org12:03
afiefplease tell me about pastebin:$12:03
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polpakubotu tell afief about pastebi12:03
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polpakubotu tell afief about pastebin12:03
AnonymousHiveDoes ubuntu have any CD burning applications by default?12:03
polpakAnonymousHive, yes12:03
iamgodAnonymousHive, yes12:03
Drakenpolpak, im using kubuntu12:03
AnonymousHiveOk, I'm looking for names =P12:03
Drakenwill it be the same thing as ubuntu ?12:03
polpakDraken, it should be yes12:04
=== mrtanooki hates kubuntu
iamgodwith kubuntu just install k3b with the mp3 decoder12:04
mrtanookieverything on it was broken for me :-/12:04
AnonymousHiveOnly difference is that the default DE on kubuntu is KDE right?12:04
ubotuBugger all, i dunno, polpak12:04
mrtanookiAnonymousHive, yes, that and its broken12:04
polpakAnonymousHive, yes12:04
iamgodk3b maybe be bug but it gets the job done12:04
navaronehmmm...is it possible on cli to tell cdrecord to use .pls file as sourcelist for files to burn?12:04
iamgodmay be big i mean12:04
afiefpolpak: did you get it?12:05
chorseyeah 2k612:05
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polpakafief, did you pastebin it?12:05
afiefpolpak yes i did12:05
polpakafief, ok, what is the url?12:05
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AnonymousHiveWhat apps does ubuntu ship with for burning CDs?12:06
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=== AnonymousHive wants to burn a Gentoo installation ISO ha ha.
cafuegoAnonymousHive: Nautilus12:06
AnonymousHiveNautilus? Orly? Hmm...12:06
cafuegoAnonymousHive: Right-click the ISO, choose 'Burn to disc...'12:07
polpakAnonymousHive, Nautilus can burn if you right click the ISO12:07
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polpakafief, that looks ok, can you pastebin the output of " lsmod | grep fg "12:07
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ubuntu_\server all4irc.com12:08
ubuntu_\server irc.all4irc.net12:09
cafuegoubuntu_: use a / not a \12:09
BxLtry / insted of \12:09
afiefpolpak: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/643112:09
cvt|nixmasi'm unable to dl repository stuff12:09
=== AnonymousHive sighs.
afiefpolpak: maybe i should just disable XVideo? i don't know what it is for anyway:S12:10
AnonymousHiveNautilus is not loading for some reason... yay12:10
cafuegocvt|nixmas: specifics would be nice12:10
polpakafief, do you happen to know the chipset for your MB?12:10
ThunderguyAnyone know a good utility for editing menu's globally? the amount of software that appears on my menu is ridiculous and wasteful of my resources.12:10
polpakAnonymousHive, ??12:10
afiefpolpak: unfortunatly not12:10
mjrafief, it's for acceleration of video (especially scaled)12:10
polpakAnonymousHive, it's the file manager under gnome12:10
AnonymousHivePolpak: I know, I'm using xfce4 =P12:10
cvt|nixmascafuego, when i try to enable multiverse and repository stuff it says it cannot download.12:10
AnonymousHiveswitching to gnome, afk12:11
polpakAnonymousHive, oh.. well what did you do that for =p12:11
afiefmjr: oh... so that's why the quality isn't good since this error appeard12:11
cafuegocvt|nixmas: Can you paste the error on paste.ubuntu-nl.org?12:11
polpakafief, I've heard of problem swith XVideo and the 3d cards12:11
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polpakafief, I'd certanly suggest trying w/o it12:11
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KenseyOK.  What file do I edit/create to tell modprobe what options to load ipw2200 with?12:11
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afiefw/o xvideo it works nicely, but with the original ati driver everything worked fine(except for 3d acceleration)12:12
afiefpolpak: w/o xvideo it works nicely, but with the original ati driver everything worked fine(except for 3d acceleration)12:12
cvt|nixmascafuego, http://tinypic.com/jhr8eg.png here's the pic12:12
polpakafief,  you can install the ati driver w/o the xvideo stuff12:12
fredforfaenhappy new year folks!!!!12:12
Kenseyyou're a bit early for my timezone fred :)12:13
cafuegocvt|nixmas: Pick a different mirror site, try again.12:13
cvt|nixmascafuego, how?12:13
navaronecvt|nixmas, wow...you really have multi tasking down...lol12:13
afiefpolpak: huh? i'm confused here. xvideo works with ati driver. 3d acceleration works with fglrx... how can i get both?12:13
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vladimirHappy New Years12:14
cafuegocvt|nixmas: CHange the 'us' in the mirror address to 'nl' or 'de'.12:14
=== dylan_ [n=dylan@adsl-69-212-195-100.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
mevvishappy new yaer!12:14
polpakafief, I'm not sure that they'll play nice together12:14
fredforfaenparty hats for all12:14
dylan_how do i change the permissions of a read only filesystem so that i can write to it?12:14
polpakafief, I'm suggesting you ditch the xvideo12:14
mevvishappy new yaer!12:14
cafuegofredforfaen: sorry mate, you're 10 hours late.12:14
navaronedyaln> ntfs?12:14
afiefokay then12:14
afiefpolpak: will do that. happy new year everybody12:15
fredforfaenheh cafuego12:15
navaronedylan> ntfs?12:15
cafuegoeven my _hangover_ is gone again ;-)12:15
EleafI wanna revolutionize my desktop..12:15
EleafWhat do you reccomend?12:15
Eleaf(I wanna make it pretty)12:16
dylan_navarone, no12:16
cafuegoEleaf: crayons12:16
cvt|nixmascafuego, where do i do that?12:16
dylan_navarone, is there a terminal command12:16
cafuegocvt|nixmas: In the repositiories preferences12:16
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fredforfaenEleaf my desktop is pretty wanna see :P12:16
cafuegovladimir: (in synaptic)12:16
Eleafcafuego, this is it now http://www.ethanlofton.com/images/Screenshot.png12:16
cafuegocvt|nixmas: (in synaptic)12:16
Eleaffredforfaen, I do!  This is mine http://www.ethanlofton.com/images/Screenshot.png12:16
lucasvohow can I install a font on ubuntu, I would like to use it with inkscape and scribus12:17
klaymhello! can w32codecs be still found at the repositories in Breezy ? (can't find it, found it in hoary tho)12:17
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navaronedylan_, I was just gonna tell you that ntfs writing in linux is not advisable that's all...<s>12:17
pashawEleaf,   are you a girl?  lol   j/k12:17
cafuegoEleaf: http://art.ubuntu.com/12:17
dylan_navarone, its not NTFS12:17
cvt|nixmascafuego, i went to synaptic, preferences, but didn't see that possibility12:17
Eleafpashaw, lol12:17
pashawEleaf,   my neice would like that desktop12:17
jhennhow do you use nautilus scripts? I don't see it in the menu12:17
Eleafpashaw, I think it's cute, I love it.12:17
lucasvoubotu: tell lucasvo about font12:17
fredforfaencool Eleaf....12:17
fredforfaenaccept the png and you can se mine12:18
Eleaffredforfaen, where is yours?12:18
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drfozanybody know how to get newsleecher running in wine? i had it working before but for some reason now it doesnt want to work12:18
Eleafwhat do you mean?12:18
fredforfaenim trying to send you the png Eleaf...12:18
navaroneeleaf...it's certainly unique12:18
cafuegojhenn: Put the scripts in subdirs of ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/12:18
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Eleaffredforfaen, I don't think that will work with mine, a router blocks all dcc's to me..12:18
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Eleafnavarone, thank you  what should be added? = D12:18
fredforfaenEleaf ah12:18
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fredforfaenEleaf you know of a site i can upload to?12:19
navaroneeleaf I will take screenshot of my desktopa nd post in pastebin12:19
cafuegocvt|nixmas: Settings -> Repositories -> [Select one]  -> Click 'Edit' -> Change URI.12:19
jhenn_cafuego i did put them there12:19
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Eleafnavarone, yay thanks12:19
Eleaffredforfaen, yea just use pastebin12:19
kevin_what do I need to type in to get my battery strength signal working?12:19
jhenn_cafuego i don't see any "scripts" item in right-click or menus12:19
ubotuhmm... pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org12:19
cafuegojhenn_: Now open a naultilus window, hit ctrl-L, put in /home/<user>/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts12:19
kevin_I have a p4 2.8 ghz laptop12:20
cvt|nixmascafuego, still same error12:20
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cafuegocvt|nixmas: Did you click 'Reload' ?12:20
fredforfaenEleaf uploading now12:20
jhenn_cafuego okay i didi that12:20
Kenseyso where do module options go in Ubuntu?12:20
cvt|nixmascafuego, yes, but only one had a us to change12:21
cafuegojhenn_: That *should* do the trick.12:21
jhenn_cafuego it didn't and im on dapper12:21
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cvt|nixmascafuego,, i get the error right after i reload12:21
cafuegoKensey: /etc/modprobe.d/*12:21
Kenseythat's what I thought, but what I put there had no effect.12:21
fredforfaenhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/i6432 Eleaf12:22
Eleaffredforfaen, ;)12:22
cafuegoKensey: it does when the module options file gets reuilt (typically at bootup)12:22
Nik----after installing ubuntu, the cd ejected and the computer rebooted.. now i'm sitting with a blank screen (monitor is acting like it's in sleep mode) .. any idea why?12:22
Eleafaww fredforfaen how cute . lol12:22
KenseyI had a file called ipw2200 that had a single line "options ipw2200 hwcrypto=0 led=1" but the LED on my wireless never lit up (it does if I modprobe ipw2200 manually with those options)12:23
Eleaffredforfaen, what should I add to mine?  What did you use for the transparency?12:23
fredforfaenEleaf heh whats cute?12:23
fredforfaenlet me get you the link12:23
KenseyNik: X not starting properly?  try hitting alt-ctrl-F1 and see what happens12:23
Eleaffredforfaen, have you seen mine yet?12:23
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fredforfaenyeah its nice12:23
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fredforfaenthere you go12:23
sportmancan i upgrade to breazy12:23
sportmanfrom hoary?12:24
Nik----well, i can't see anything.. monitor is in sleep mode12:24
fredforfaenhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/TransparentTerminals?highlight=%28transparent%29 will do it for ya12:24
Kenseyif it's just an X problem, you should get a login prompt.  you seem to have some more serious issues.12:24
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fredforfaenand use true transparency12:24
Nik----alt ctrl f1 does nothing12:24
cvt|nixmascafuego, now it says there are unresolved dependancies12:24
Kenseyhow much disk space did you install Ubuntu in?12:24
ubotufrom memory, pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org12:24
Nik----20+ GB12:24
Kenseyyeah, that's plenty.12:25
[Ely] what's the path to the home directory?12:25
sportmanseriously can i do that?12:25
[Ely] Im trying to create a shortcut on the desktop to point to it.12:25
CptShi, i'd like to set up ubntu as a web server on an old machine (p2-266 192mb 6gb hdd) will it work ok?12:25
cafuegosportman: yes12:25
KenseyCptS: try and see.  Use the "server" install option.12:25
pashaw!tell sportman about breezy12:25
cafuegocvt|nixmas: Well, it's a slight improvement, but not by much.12:25
sportmanthank you12:26
sportmando i need to upgrade my kernel12:26
navaronehttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6433 Eleaf...nothing special...it's just dark cos it's easy on my eyes...lol12:26
sportmani use lirc and it breaks at 2.6.1412:26
cafuegosportman: Perhaps afterward.12:26
cvt|nixmascafuego, first time i've had this problem. do u think my internet settings are right?12:26
ltibor65Boys, any idea for playing midi?12:26
CptSKensey: I'm trying to save the time on try and error...12:26
sportmanso i need anything below12:26
cafuegosportman: breezy uses 2.6.12 by default, but it will keep you on the hoary one for now, most likely.12:26
fredforfaennavarone cool12:26
timfrostsportman, breezy is 2.6.12 kernel12:27
Kenseycafuego: when I moved the ipw2200 file to /etc/modutils, it had an effect -- ipw2200 broke.12:27
cafuegocvt|nixmas: Unless you suddenly changed them...12:27
Nik----oh boy this is not good.  booting up computer monitor is not responding now, just "no signal" i can't see what12:27
Nik----'s going on12:27
cafuegoKensey: /etc/modprobe.d/  really.12:27
pashawCptS,   yes you can  use "server" install12:27
sportmanthats fine then12:27
cafuegoKensey: (unless you're on a 2.4 kernel)12:27
cvt|nixmascafuego, well i'm unable to dl any file from synaptic12:27
CptSpashaw: wil it install a wm as well?12:27
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KenseyCptS: there's no reason I can think of that it wouldn't run on that caliber of system in general, but your system may or may not have issues with particular hardware.12:27
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kevin_Nik----, try a hard reboot and see if the video card  or monitor popped on you12:28
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cafuegocvt|nixmas: Can you try using apt-get in a terminal and pasting its errors on the pastebin instead?12:28
pashawCptS,   i would also use the boot switches   acpi=off noapic nolapic12:28
Kenseycafuego: 2.6.12-686 from the package system.12:28
pashawCptS,   for a system that old12:28
cvt|nixmascafuego, sure. so apt-get mplayer?12:28
cafuegocvt|nixmas: What cpu do you have?12:28
pashawCptS,   yes  you can use  xubuntu-desktop     gnome and kde would be too much12:28
cvt|nixmaspentium M12:28
braskoThanks for the advice, I got the Ubuntu installation going now12:29
cafuegocvt|nixmas: 'sudo apt-get install mpalyer-686'12:29
eric_I'm using xubuntu and so far so good, it does seems like you can customize more with it12:29
braskoThe CD was definatly burned incorrectly.12:29
cafuegomplayer-686 even12:29
=== petitohaime| [n=petit@dyn-83-156-195-227.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegoCptS: You working on a Dell CptS laptop?12:29
pashawCptS,   you have similar specs to my old lappy  but i have a 500 cpu  same ram and disk12:29
braskoThe 1 odd thing about hte installation process to me was the partition/format dialog12:29
Eleafnavarone,  those are pretty big 0 gb disks you got there!12:29
braskoI've used red-hat/debian/suse, and they all seem similar12:30
braskoUbuntu's seems slightly different, and more confusing to me12:30
kevin_brasko, I agree12:30
CptSpashaw: no.. not a dell laptop.. it's an old pc. i just wanna set it up as a web server.12:30
=== slate [n=slate@a1209.adsl.pool.eol.hu] has joined #ubuntu
leagrisHappy new year from Europe. Thank you all you nice guys and girls for tha duakigs and help in here about Ubuntu. I which you many penguins and all :)))))))))))))12:30
sethkbrasko, they are identical.  What's confusing?12:30
kevin_suse 10 will not detect my usb ports where as Everything else will12:30
cvt|nixmascafuego, http://pastebin.com/48571212:31
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navaroneEleaf...they come up 0gb for some reason...one is actually 21gb (penguin) and holds my music shares...the other is another fat32 at about 32gb for possibly imaging setup and relieving me of another complete reinstall in future12:31
pashawCptS,   sounds like a fun project12:31
jhenn_how can i get plugin for totem to play mp3?12:31
slateHappy new yoear from europe!12:31
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braskoWell, the partition/format is kind of built into 1 step, instead of 212:31
cafuegocvt|nixmas: 'sudo apt-get update'12:31
CptSpashaw: yup..12:31
braskoMaybe it'll just take some getting used to12:31
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Eleafnavarone, I see12:31
EleafSo what else does everybody think I need? http://www.ethanlofton.com/images/Screenshot.png12:32
braskoI'm hoping it didn't format my /home partition12:32
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braskobut I can't tell if it did or not, until instalation is doone12:32
kevin_cafuego, do you know how I would get my battery to show me how much life is left, I know there is a command but I forget lol12:32
cafuegobrasko: Did you tell it to?12:32
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pashawCptS,  so boot the cd  then at type this at boot: server acpi=off noapic nolapic12:32
braskoI only told it to format the / partition12:32
mazirianAre there any former gentoo users here?12:32
Kenseycafuego: with ipw2200 in /etc/modprobe.d/ I got no effect.  When I put it in /etc/modutils I now have to turn off wpa_supplicant, unload ipw2200, load it with led=1 option, then restart wpa_supplicant before it associates to my IP.  So obviously it has an effect, just not the effect I want :)12:32
cafuegokevin_: Should be just a matter of having acpi loaded and adding the battery applet to the panel.12:32
navaroneEleaf...your desktop is bright and colorful so if that's what you want keep it...but I like the darker colours and I tried to use icons that matched the scheme12:33
mevvisHAPPY NEW YEAR!12:33
kevin_battery applet is there but not telling me what life is left12:33
fredforfaenEleaf i think you need xfce4 :P12:33
cafuegobrasko: Then it shouldn't have touched /home12:33
braskoI hope not!12:33
fredforfaenmevvis happy new year dude12:33
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cafuegokevin_: missing acpi (or parts thereof) then.12:33
braskoI'll be in some serious trouble12:33
cvt|nixmascafuego, http://pastebin.com/48571512:33
Eleafnavarone, hmm fredforfaen  hmm12:33
kevin_cafuego, what to do then?12:34
=== BeeHater is now known as Dethread
Kenseyon my old Compaq laptop the battery applet would pick up whether the laptop was on battery or AC only on startup.  If that status changed, it didn't pick it up, and it never showed charge percentage.12:34
cafuegocvt|nixmas: Edit /etc/apt/sources.list - Somewhere it says 'univer'. Change that to 'universe'.12:34
pashawkevin_,   double clikc the battery icon and  adjust the settings maybe?12:35
mevvisin lithuania now 200612:35
jhennhow do i get nautilus scripts to work?12:35
=== Delvien [n=dm@cpe-65-31-19-204.insight.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
pashawkevin_,   i have my lappy set to show  time til full12:35
Delvienanyone know what Repo i need in dapper for  xlib6g ? cant seem to find it hehe12:35
braskoSo, how does Ubuntu keep more recent packages then debian if it still uses apt?12:35
braskodoes it use the same package database?12:35
kevin_pashaw, I do too but no go lol12:35
braskoor does it have it's own? and compatibility with debians?12:35
BxLbrasko, ubuntu is just that good.12:35
Sepheebearbrasko: you can thank the MOTUs for all their hard work12:36
=== Trilom [n=Trilom@pool-70-109-2-165.atl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
pashawkevin_,   how old is the laptop?  over 2 years?12:36
kevin_P4 2.8 GHZ12:36
pashawkevin_,    guess not  :)12:36
braskoSo is it a separate package database then?12:36
pashawkevin_,    that should be full acpi compliant  then12:36
braskoI'm really impressed with the install!12:37
kevin_pashaw, I agree but erm....I don't know the command to kick it in propper12:37
Sepheebearbrasko: ubuntu keeps its own software repositories, yes12:37
braskoIt finished without any errors12:37
adrian__somebody here has No-IP DNS Client on ubuntu? 'Cause i have that one, but it is not working good, i looked on my dnz service, and router settings and i didnt find it12:37
=== Nik-- [n=nik@cpe-66-91-1-29.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
sportmanim upgrading to breezy now12:37
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sportmangot 41 min left12:37
sportmanwait nope 38min12:37
sportmangetting 190kb/s down12:38
cvt|nixmascafuego, ok we fixed that part but i get a new error12:38
Nik--is there a way to set XP as the default OS in GRUB?12:38
pashawkevin_,   follow cafuego's suggestions12:38
adrian__it doesnt work12:38
cafuegocvt|nixmas: <heh>12:38
cvt|nixmascafuego, http://tinypic.com/jhrjg6.png12:38
adrian__and i did everything good like how-to12:38
Nik--got my monitor working btw, hard boot fixed it12:38
braskoand it didn't format my /home partition!12:38
ltibor65Boys, any o idea for midi playing?12:38
braskoSo, should I run gdm? or how should I restart the Desktop stuff in Ubuntu if I kill it?12:38
cafuegocvt|nixmas: 'sudo apt-get install mplayer' on the console.12:39
pashawbrasko,   startx12:39
pashawbrasko,   DONT USE sudo   just normal   startx12:39
braskoYeah, that didn't work12:39
EleafI can't get transperancy to work12:39
cvt|nixmascafuego, does that mean in a terminal?12:39
EleafI guess my video card can't do it12:39
braskoIt couldn't find the window manager12:40
cafuegocvt|nixmas: *nod*12:40
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fredforfaenEleaf what video card?12:40
Eleaffredforfaen, Savage S312:40
pashawbrasko,   huh?   it worked but you killed it   explain12:40
Eleaf8 megs.  YAY12:40
=== mwe [n=mwe@port462.ds1-ynoe.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
braskoI have a KVM12:40
navaronedoubtful Eleaf12:40
cafuegoEleaf: terminaltransparency is in the prefs. Other transparency is usually hardware based and disables 3D.12:40
braskoSo, when I switch between the linux-ubuntu machine, and the windows machine (here for irssi) the mouse screws up12:40
braskoonly in linux this happens12:40
fredforfaenthat wont work probably....but maybe you could try "unreal" transparency Eleaf12:41
braskoSo I did Ctl-Alt-Backspace12:41
braskolike I used to in debian to get the mouse to re-sync12:41
hikenboothello all! I hope everyone is having a great holiday! My question is this can i safely install debian packages on ubuntu or will this cause a problem I wanted to use the debian sources for xen3 on ubuntu12:41
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braskoI had gdm then though, so it would restart automatically12:41
cafuegobrasko: Unplug the KVM and use 'Terminal Server Client' :-)12:41
navaronebrasko you are using same mouse for two machines?12:41
braskoYeah, same mouse for 2 machines12:41
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cvt|nixmashttp://pastebin.com/485721 cafuego12:41
braskoWhat's a terminal server client? Never heard of it12:41
braskoI use the same mouse for 3 machines actually12:42
some_duderdestop ?12:42
adrian__"alien", alien package.rpm12:42
cafuegobrasko: What kind of KVM is it btw? just a hardware switch or a proper powered one?12:42
navaronebrasko> usb mouse?12:42
pashawbrasko,   i llike cafuego's idea     KVMs are old school these days with rdp and terminal servers everywhere12:42
braskoIt's a belkin hardware, mouse/keyboard psx, and video12:42
cafuegobrasko: Applications -> Internet -> Terminal Server Client -> Connect to the windows box with the RDPv5 protocol.12:42
braskoIt's not a usb kvm, haven't had the money to buy one12:42
mazirianHi there, any former gentoo users here? If so, would you reccomend a switch to ubuntu.  Is there anything you miss about gentoo?12:42
=== misfit_toy [n=guy@cpe-67-9-170-125.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegobrasko: The more expensive KVMs emulate the hardware for the box you're not switched to, so you don't get this sort of problem.12:43
braskoThe KVM definatly doesn't get plugged in, if that's what you mean by powered12:43
GTroymazirian: i heard the packages aren't quite as liberal12:43
mwemazirian: the uptodateness sometimes12:43
mazirianGTroy: what do you mean, in gentoo or ubuntu?12:43
gnomefreakthey are republican?12:43
gnomefreaksorry had to12:44
Kenseyhow do PS/2 -> USB (PS/2 device to USB port) converters work in your experience?12:44
mazirianGTroy: Yeah, I can imagine, it's nice to chose exactly what support you want to add12:44
cafuego!info mplayer-58612:44
mwemazirian: USE flags12:44
ubotumplayer-586: (The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux), section multiverse/graphics, is extra. Version: 1:1.0-pre7cvs20050716-0.1ubuntu9 (breezy), Packaged size: 3670 kB, Installed size: 7928 kB12:44
KenseyI know going the other way sucks pretty hard generally12:44
braskoThat's the one I have12:44
GTroymazirian: i like the multimedia support though12:44
braskoDon't know if it's any good or not12:44
mazirianmwe: USE flags rule, it's the one thing holding me back from a switch12:44
cafuegocvt|nixmas: 'sudo apt-get install mplayer-586'12:44
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cafuegomazirian: Most gentoo users forget to USE BRAIN.12:45
mazirianGTroy: was it hard adding support for restricted formates like win32codecs in ubuntu12:45
mwecafuego: rofl12:45
cvt|nixmascafuego, broken packages12:45
GTroytotally easy12:45
maziriancafuego: Ahh, now...12:45
braskothe worst part is, the mouse is USB! and I have a USB->ps/2 adaptor12:45
=== gnomefreak loves his usb mouse :)
Nik--what's the default root password?12:45
cvt|nixmascafuego, http://pastebin.com/48572612:46
=== Shadyman does too.
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SturgeonNik--: there is no password12:46
cafuegomazirian: It's true though. They think that compiling their code with mode CLAGS makes it run faster.12:46
Nik--oh yeah12:46
gnomefreakubotu tell Nik-- about sudoroot12:46
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braskoanyways, the thing is a total piece of junk12:46
GTroygnomefreak: is there an advantage to using a usb vs ps/2 mouse?12:46
maziriancafuego: I think that's the old image of the gentooer...12:46
braskoEverytime my wife uses windows, when I switch back, I have to kill X12:46
GTroymine has both connections12:46
braskoto resync the mouse12:46
ShadymanHey guys, my wpa_supplicant is just about connecting, but it says authentication time out. it finds the AP, associates, then times out on auth12:46
SturgeonNik--: you use your user's password12:46
gnomefreakGTroy, i find it faster but not much at all12:46
Sturgeonbut you can't login as root by default12:46
cafuegomazirian: I submit 80% of 'ems till think so.12:46
braskoBTW, Definatly use a USB mouse, not PS/212:46
Sturgeonyou can sudo though12:46
Nik--how do i reboot from command prompt as my user?12:47
cafuegomazirian: Those are probably all the ones under 15 years of age, but still.12:47
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GTroygnomefreak: ok cool, I'll save my usb port12:47
KenseyShadyman: you using TKIP or AES?12:47
gnomefreakreboot :)12:47
ShadymanKensey: TKIP12:47
braskoIMO, they are meant to be pluged/unpluged, and you can get a KVM that actually works properly, without hardware hacks12:47
cafuego!info xmms12:47
ubotuxmms: (Versatile X audio player that looks like Winamp), section sound, is optional. Version: 1.2.10+cvs20050209-2ubuntu2 (breezy), Packaged size: 979 kB, Installed size: 7216 kB12:47
ShadymanKensey: WPA-PSK12:47
maziriancafuego: Yeah, there have been some bad posts in the forums there that make me crinhge12:47
Nik--reboot "must be superuser"12:47
gnomefreakNik--, reboot should kill all processes and reboot you12:47
Kenseydid you pre-generate your key string or are you putting it in as ASCII?12:47
gnomefreaksudo reboot12:47
SturgeonNik--: sudo reboot12:47
cafuego!info libmad012:47
ubotulibmad0: (MPEG audio decoder library), section libs, is optional. Version: 0.15.1b-2.1 (breezy), Packaged size: 75 kB, Installed size: 160 kB12:47
ShadymanKensey: ASCII12:47
ShadymanKensey: You suggest pregen?12:47
braskoSo, anyone know how to get the Desktop up again properly?12:47
navaronecvt|nixmas, do you have the required repos enabled?12:48
OnceHow do I go about using my ATI TV-out for a secondary monitor instead of having it just show the contents of the primary monitor on the TV?12:48
gnomefreakbrasko, from what?12:48
cafuegocvt|nixmas: I'm sure there is an easy fix, but it completely escapes me at the moment. I have to give up :-(12:48
KenseyI am told it makes the association slightly quicker.12:48
mwemazirian: also it seems like gentoo users tend to use too funk CFLAGS like -fomit-instructions and stuff :)12:48
ShadymanKensey: OK :)12:48
maziriancafuego: GTroy: thanks for the comments - gotta go12:48
cvt|nixmascafuego, ok thx. we eliminated some possibilies.12:48
navaronecafuego> does cvt have the repos enabled that have the dependencies?12:48
mazirianmwe: Yeah, there's a lot of ignorance there...12:48
cvt|nixmasnavarone, i tried but i get errors.12:48
gnomefreakif you used ctrl+alt+F4 than use ctrl+alt+F7 to bring you back12:48
mazirianmwe: but it's all about the flexibiulity12:48
cafuegocvt|nixmas: The error you get is coz the cdrom isn't inserted.12:48
=== Friar [n=john@cpc3-bele3-3-1-cust173.belf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
Sepheebearbrasko: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart or sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart12:49
braskoRight, I'm saying, I killed it with Ctrl-Alt-Backspace12:49
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Kenseyif you use ASCII I believe you have to prefix it with something12:49
gnomefreakcvt|nixmas, put a # infront of the cdrom deb12:49
cvt|nixmasoh, i'll insert it then cafuego12:49
mwemazirian: anyway I think you'll be glad if you switch. huge community and helpful people here too12:49
Friarhow to run vnc server?12:49
cafuegocvt|nixmas: Actually, mabe add a # infront of the deb-cdrom line in sources.list12:49
pashawbrasko,   next time you lose the mouse   when using the KVM  try  ctrl+alt+f2   then ctrl+alt+F7  back into the desktop12:49
gnomefreakbrasko, try startx12:49
ubotuThe 6.04 version of Ubuntu will be called the "Dapper Drake" release. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperDrake12:49
braskoOK, thanks for the suggestion12:49
cafuegocvt|nixmas: then 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get install mplayer-586'12:49
gnomefreakbrb reboot12:49
braskoWhat's the difference between 'sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart' and 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart'?12:50
braskoI would have always done the last one12:50
braskoAnd I don't understand what sudo is really12:50
cello_raspi hope dapper has latest firefox12:50
cvt|nixmascafuego, how do i find the sources.list?12:50
cafuegonavarone: Yeah, he's got universe and multiverse. Switched to a mirror that's not busted and that seems to work now at least.12:50
cafuegocvt|nixmas: /etc/apt/sources.list12:50
Kenseyalso Shadyman, don't be a dip like me and keep trying to troubleshoot non-associating when wpa_supplicant isn't even running :)12:50
Edganbrasko: sudo is a command to run things as root12:50
pashawbrasko,   its temp su basically   runs the command as su then quits12:50
braskoO, OK12:50
braskoThat's nice12:50
braskoSo, why would i need to be root to run gdm?12:51
braskoas in 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart'?12:51
braskoI normally would have run that as my own user12:51
cafuegobrasko: gdm wants to listen on a privileged port, and thus needs to run as root.12:51
navaroneyou need root to start/stop services12:51
braskoO, OK12:51
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Eleafcafuego, yea I can get fake transparency to work...12:51
braskoI could learn a lot in this channel :)12:51
navaronebrasko...I have12:52
cafuegoEleaf: non-fake is still buggy in X, leaks memory all over the place.12:52
Eleafcafuego, well the terminal transparency works12:52
cafuegoEleaf: *nod* that's software based12:52
navaronebrasko...at least enuff to keep me out of immediate danger12:52
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braskothe mouse is still screwed up12:52
braskoI wonder if it's the XF86 file12:52
ShadymanKensey: I'll keep that in mind ;)12:52
braskoDoes that normally need to be tweaked?12:53
Kenseyspeaking of supplicant, anybody know a way I can tell it "if no secure networks I've told you about are in range, relinquish control to the OS and let me connect to unsecured networks"?12:53
cafuegoEleaf: Well, all I can do is give you advice based on experience: transparency makes your eyes bleed after half an hour ;-)12:53
pashawbrasko,   try the F2   back to F7 thing12:53
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ShadymanKensey: In the wpa_supplicant.conf, you can make it try them one by one in the order they're in teh file12:53
Eleafcafuego, AEEEWWW12:53
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Eleafcafuego, Aweeeeww12:53
Shadymancafuego: FUEGO!12:53
mebaran151is dapper drake ready for some hardcore betatesting yet?12:53
Kenseybecause I use unsecured public nets just about as much as my AP at home, and it's annoying to have to stop wpa_supplicant to connect to arbitrary networks12:53
Shadymanmebaran151: Yes.12:53
cafuegomebaran151: Apart from the bugs, sure.12:54
=== bea [n=bea@223.Red-81-34-134.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Shadymancafuego: That's what makes it betatestable ;)12:54
mebaran151cafuego, but are there any show stopper bugs like there were in Breezy12:54
KenseyShadyman: I want it to let me use the regular tools to connect to arbitrary networks :)12:54
mebaran151like X doesn't start.....12:54
ShadymanKensey: Ah.12:54
mebaran151or the kernel results in giant Kernel panic of doom12:54
ShadymanKensey: You don't have WPA_GUI do you?12:54
beai am spanis12:55
braskopashaw: I've never had the problem with the mouse directly after I start the X server12:55
cvt|nixmascafuego, i don't see that line deb-cdrom12:55
braskopashaw: so this is a first.12:55
KenseyI don't think so.12:55
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cafuegomebaran151: Depends on your hardware I think. Unless I force boot an fbdev video mode I get no video. (and you need to kill gam_server after logging in, or the Applications menu won't work)12:55
braskopashaw: Where is the XF86 file? It's not in /etc/X11 like I'm used to12:55
Kenseywossat for?12:55
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@adsl-221-77-77.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
ShadymanKensey: It's a gui for wpa supplicant instead of having to use wpa_cli.12:55
Kenseybrasko: it's xorg.conf12:55
cafuegocvt|nixmas: The lines that also says "Breezy Badger" - it has to be there.12:55
pashawbrasko,   another possible solution is to disable the scroll on the mouse in the xserver  not a nice fix  but it works at times12:55
navaronebea #ubuntu-es  <Spanish channel12:56
pashawbrasko,  /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:56
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cvt|nixmascafuego, ok. like this #deb cdrom or # deb cdrom?12:56
cafuegocvt|nixmas: either way12:56
KenseyShady: interesting.  package name wpa_gui?12:56
ShadymanKensey: Nope.12:56
cafuegocvt|nixmas: Spacing it is a matter of personal preference.12:56
ShadymanKensey: It's actually part of the wpa_supplicant source, but doesn't compile by default.12:56
mebaran151I have a tiny problem12:57
ShadymanKensey: I've yet to find out how to compile.12:57
braskowow, I don't even know the root password, and now that I come to think of it, I don't rememer it asking me for it12:57
pashawbrasko,   replace ImPS/2   with PS/2    see if that helps12:57
mebaran151I've been trying to sync my new Windows Smartphone12:57
gnomefreakhow important are the kernel header files?12:57
cafuegomebaran151: You can buy viagra for that online.12:57
Shadymanbrasko: Because it didn't.12:57
mebaran151to my PC, but it does two weird things for every contact I sync12:57
pashawbrasko,    use sudo   under your normal account12:57
Kenseyah.  well I just installed supplicant from the package I think.12:57
Shadymanubotu: tell brasko about sudoroot12:57
cvt|nixmascafuego, it says i don't have permission12:57
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Shadymanubotu: tell brasko about root12:57
braskoGreat, what's the password then?12:57
cafuegocvt|nixmas: put 'sudo' in front of the edit command12:57
pashawbrasko,   your user password12:57
irmahi ya all happy new year;)12:57
navaronebrasko...sudo password is same as your user password12:57
mebaran151it syncs all the info ok, except department, which always gets a random semicolon12:57
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mebaran151and it fills in the webpage blank, even if there is no webpage12:58
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mebaran151is this is an Evo problem, a Synce Problem, or a Multisync problem?12:58
cvt|nixmascafuego, i don't understand that part12:58
cvt|nixmascafuego, where is this done?12:58
thingfishmisfit_toy: are you watching in here?12:58
navaronecvt...in termianl12:59
ShadymanKensey: Woo! the hex key worked :D12:59
Kenseyawesome :)12:59
ShadymanKensey: But then, so did the ascii one, yesterday :P12:59
Kenseyyou probably just forgot the ASCII prefix or something :)12:59
thingfishboo hoo, no misfit_toy; I wanted to pinch his butt.12:59
cvt|nixmasnavarone, i thought i just found the fiile and opened it to edit it.12:59
mrtanookii enjoy how VLC media player is being a peice of crap and not repeating things on my playlist like i told it to12:59
ShadymanKensey: ASCII prefix? I did key="whatever"12:59
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Kenseykey or psk?12:59
navaronecvt...if you open it in file browser you are opening as regular user and do not have access to save changes01:00
ShadymanKensey: Blonde typingn moment.01:00
Kenseyif you do that I think it assumes you're giving it hex.01:00
braskoI did a reboot, and the mouse works, I'll see what happens when I switch back01:00
ShadymanKensey: I'll have to restart and see what happens.01:00
=== alvaro [n=alvaro@dsl081-050-234.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
alvarohi, im trying to install gcursor but i get this error:The following packages have unmet dependencies:01:00
alvaro  d4x: Depends: d4x-common (= 2.5.6-2~breezy1) but it is not going to be installed01:00
ShadymanKensey: Also, I've got wired and wireless on my laptop. If i don't plug in the wired, it takes 5 minutes trying to find the wired connection. What do you set it to for enabled/disabled connections at boot time?01:01
braskoyeah, now the mouse is screwed up01:01
braskototally sucks01:01
cvt|nixmasnavarone, what do i type in the terminal?01:01
navaronecvt|nixmas, whata re you trying to edit?01:01
gnomefreaksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list01:01
braskoThe Alt-Ctrl-F2 and back to 7 didn't work either01:01
gnomefreakor you can use gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list01:02
gnomefreakcvt|nixmas,  see above01:02
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braskoalso, restarting gdm doesn't fix it01:02
braskoSo, this is totally the worst situation possible for me.01:02
gnomefreakbrasko, what is the problem?01:03
navaronebrasko...why not buy another mouse in order to stop having to swap all the time?01:03
gnomefreakmouse settings should have no affect on anything but the mouse01:03
cvt|nixmasgnomefreak, ok done updating but same broken packeges error when running the command to install mplayer01:03
braskonavarone: that will happen eventually, but it's not an option right now01:03
cvt|nixmascafuego, i was able update but the mplayer command failed01:03
gnomefreakcvt|nixmas, please use pastebin and paste the command and the errors you are getting01:04
braskoThe problem is that when I switch on the KVM, and go back to Linux the mouse doesn't work01:04
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braskoIf I kill X, the mouse still doesn't work.01:04
alvarocan someone help me?01:04
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ShadymanKensey: Where do you activate wpa_supplicant? on login?01:04
=== navarone has no idea what a KVM is so backs away...slowly
braskoWith debian's X (not X.org I don't think), the mouse would resync and work fine01:04
Kenseyit's activated at startup -- there's an entry in /etc/rc*.d/01:05
gnomefreakbrasko, what is kvm?01:05
braskoHow is windows capable of dealing with it perfectly, but X isn't?01:05
cvt|nixmasgnomefreak, http://pastebin.com/48574101:05
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Shadymanbrasko: because Windows is loaded with tons of drivers aka kernel bloat.01:05
KenseyI think the package installed it01:05
braskognomefreak: I don't understand your question to answer it properly01:06
gnomefreaksudo apt-get install mplayer wont work?01:06
navaroneShadyman, yeah... I think .inf means infinite number for them01:06
gnomefreakbrasko, what is kvm?01:06
Shadymannavarone: Yeah. Drivers.infinite01:06
richardtallentJust installed 5.10, but didn't recognize wireless PCMCIA card. Linksys card, sShows up in device manager as "BCM4306 802.11b/g". Next steps?01:06
ubotuShadyman: I give up, what is it?01:06
Kenseylooks like a broadcom card.01:06
pashawgnomefreak,   KVM switch multiple computers connected to 1 set of mouse/keyboard/monitor01:06
Shadymana KVM switch is where you have 2 computers, and one keyboard, mouse, etc.01:06
alvarohi, im trying to install gcursor but i get this error:The following packages have unmet dependencies:d4x: Depends: d4x-common (= 2.5.6-2~breezy1) but it is not going to be installed01:06
Shadymanpashaw: Heh.01:06
Sepheebearkvm == keyboard+video+mouse01:06
gnomefreakcvt|nixmas, why do you have 586 on the end of the command?01:06
cvt|nixmasgnomefreak, says broken packeges01:07
gnomefreakty Sepheebear01:07
brasko KVM  [direct link]   Keyboard - Video - Mouse01:07
braskoI suppose01:07
=== Kensey is away -- snuggling kitties & wife
cvt|nixmasgnomefreak, that's what i was told. leaving it off requests that i chose one01:07
braskofrom acronymfinder.com01:07
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braskoThe problem is, X.org/Linux has the mouse driver01:07
ShadymanMy kubuntu froze at shutdown, at "Saving the system clock... [OK] "01:07
agtnzhi all happy new year. my sound is really quiet. anyone have any ideas? whats the package name of the gnome mixer, btw.01:07
braskothe problem is simply resyncing it01:07
zelevwhappy new year!01:08
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gnomefreakcvt|nixmas, you have universe and multiverse in your sources.list file enabled?01:08
navaroneagtnz, new install?01:08
agtnznavarone: nope it was after i installed something ... hold on01:09
gnomefreakcvt|nixmas, i just ran sudo apt-get isntall mplayer and it worked fine for me01:09
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ubotusomebody said mplayer was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto  For compiling, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3106101:09
agtnznavarone: i think i installed some oss thing. i was trying to get multiple sounds at once. hmm01:10
navaroneagtnz, try Apllication/Sound/Video/Volume control and make sure volume is up enough.01:10
gnomefreakok i see why01:10
alvarohi, im trying to install gcursor but i get this error:The following packages have unmet dependencies:d4x: Depends: d4x-common (= 2.5.6-2~breezy1) but it is not going to be installed01:10
gnomefreakcvt|nixmas, you have an intel 32bit processer?01:10
cvt|nixmasgnomefreak, do i enable multiverse for every listing in repositories?01:10
ubotuA list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) - Create your own sources.list at http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic01:11
cvt|nixmasgnomefreak, pentium M 2gHz so i think so01:11
navaroneagtnz, try System/Pref/MultiMedia selector and play around with the output and input till you find a good combo01:11
gnomefreakgo there and match yours up to that one but make sure you take the # away from the sources01:11
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cvt|nixmasgnomefreak, what was the command to edit sources.list again?01:11
agtnznavarone: mmm i'm using xfce on a server install of xubuntu... but i'm installing gnome-media at the moment and will have a play. cheers01:12
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gnomefreakgksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list01:12
cvt|nixmasgnomefreak, i think that brought up a blank file01:12
gnomefreakcvt|nixmas, it should work if not use sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list01:12
guerbyhi, my dual core amd64 time is drifting at amazing speed (looks like one second/minute or so) when measured against my mono core amd64, both machine in ubuntu 5.10 and ntp-server running, is this a known issue?01:13
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cvt|nixmasgnomefreak, ok what do i look for in there?01:13
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Shadymanguerby: Sounds like your time is overclocked ;);)01:13
guerbyShadyman, no overclock :)01:14
gnomefreaklook for a line that says something like deb archives.ubuntu.com breezy multiverse01:14
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Shadymanguerby: I assume you're running the 64-bit version of ubuntu?01:14
guerbyShadyman, yes on both machines, I just upgraded the kernel01:14
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gnomefreaktheres a kernel for dual processers01:15
Shadymanguerby: Weird.01:15
cvt|nixmasgnomefreak, found those lines01:15
cvt|nixmasgnomefreak, they don't have #01:15
guerbygnomefreak, I'm using -smp on the dual core01:15
gnomefreakcvt|nixmas, can you paste the sources.list file to pastebin please01:15
guerbyLinux version 2.6.12-10-amd64-k8-smp (buildd@crested) (gcc version 3.4.5 20050809 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 3.4.4-6ubuntu8)) #1 SMP Thu Dec 22 11:27:46 UTC 200501:15
gnomefreakthat would be the one guerby01:15
guerbyLinux version 2.6.12-10-amd64-generic (buildd@crested) (gcc version 3.4.5 20050809 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 3.4.4-6ubuntu8)) #1 Thu Dec 22 10:56:42 UTC 200501:15
cvt|nixmasgnomefreak, http://pastebin.com/48575701:16
guerbyfirst is my dual core one, second is my mono core one01:16
braskoOK, where is the XF86 config file again? sorry.01:16
guerbygnomefreak, what do you mean? Is the problem known on k8-smp?01:16
gnomefreakcvt|nixmas, not to make a difference but change the country code in line 18 to de since all the others are using de01:17
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gnomefreakguerby, not that i know of01:17
Shadymanmite`: sounds like the drinking has already taken place.01:17
guerbygnomefreak, ok thanks I'll ping canonical about it01:18
=== mwe sets mode +q on mite`
gnomefreakcvt|nixmas, after you save dont forget to run sudo apt-get update01:18
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guerbygnomefreak, (and I don't understand why ntp-server isn't fixing the problem)01:18
mite`LOL X-Chat's amsg command apparently isnt per network! Happy new years. sluts.01:18
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cvt|nixmasgnomefreak, and now sudo apt-get install mplayer?01:19
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gnomefreakcvt|nixmas, did you run the update command?01:19
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cvt|nixmasgnomefreak, yes01:19
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cvt|nixmasgnomefreak, it wants me to pick a version01:19
gnomefreakok yes run sudo apt-get install mplayer-38601:19
mebaran151what's a good C ide available for Ubuntu01:19
NeoGeo64Hi all, I have a BROKEN cd burner but I'm on a LAN... is there any way to do a net-install of the latest version of ubuntu01:20
gnomefreakmebaran151, anjuta01:20
mebaran151is it in the repos?01:20
mwemebaran151: kdevelop, eclipse with the plugin01:20
gnomefreakmebaran151, yes im pretty sure its in main repo01:20
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cvt|nixmasgnomefreak, i get broken packages error.... i'll pastebin01:20
gnomefreak!info anjuta01:20
ubotuanjuta: (A GNOME development IDE, for C/C++), section universe/gnome, is optional. Version: 1.2.4-1 (breezy), Packaged size: 872 kB, Installed size: 2124 kB01:20
timfrostcvt|nixmas, you need a line like "deb http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main restricted"01:20
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gnomefreaktimfrost, isnt that one in there?01:21
mebaran151eclipse doesn't work....01:21
mebaran151I really like it though01:21
cvt|nixmastimfrost, what do i do with that line?01:21
mebaran151but in Ubuntu01:21
gnomefreakor did i miss it?01:21
mebaran151it doesn't like to start up01:21
mwemebaran151: it works fine here01:21
NeoGeo64I will ask my question once more...01:21
NeoGeo64Hi all, I have a BROKEN cd burner but I'm on a LAN... is there any way to do a net-install of the latest version of ubuntu01:21
timfrostcvt|nixmas, add it to /etc/apt/sources.list, then re-run update.01:21
navaronetim frost that line is there01:21
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mwemebaran151: can you start it with sudo? I seem to remember having to do some chown and chmod'ing to get it working right01:22
gnomefreakohhhhhhhh damn i missed that he only has the scr one :(01:22
gnomefreaksrc even01:22
NeoGeo64I really want to rid my PC of Windows... won't someone please help me? :(01:22
gnomefreakthank you timfrost01:22
navaronehmmm...actually it says updates on that line...would there bea  diff?01:23
cvt|nixmasdoing it01:23
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kemikNeoGeo64:  dont think there's a netinstall of ubuntu01:23
thiago_alguem fala portugues?01:23
gnomefreakkemik, yes there is01:23
ubotuwell, install is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation01:23
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navaronethiago #ubuntu-br01:23
mebaran151I'll just use ajunta01:23
mebaran151looks pretty cool01:23
NeoGeo64im on 3mbit dsl, i need to put it to good use anyways01:23
cvt|nixmasgnomefreak, i installed 386. do i install more?01:23
gnomefreakcvt|nixmas, mplayer installed?01:24
NeoGeo64happy new year all01:24
mwemebaran151: I guess it's a matter of personal prefs. I don't like the feel of it01:24
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NeoGeo64well almost01:24
cvt|nixmasgnomefreak, yes,01:24
mebaran151mwe, I used eclipse but it felt like it did too much work for me01:24
mebaran151now I am dll'ing all the dev files01:24
NeoGeo64WHY is the wiki for ubuntu using HTTPS ?01:24
NeoGeo64thats odd01:24
gnomefreakmebaran151, use it if you find you like something else try it its all up to the user01:24
mebaran151Debian should have made it standard policy years ago not to split up the dev files01:25
cvt|nixmasgnomefreak, do i need to get more codecs or anything like that?01:25
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gnomefreakcvt|nixmas, that i dont know01:25
thiago_thank you very much01:25
ubotuBinary only codecs (such as w32codecs) can be downloaded from plf or cipherfunk, see !easysource for details on these repositories01:25
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Igahi, happy new year, could somebody help me ?01:26
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cvt|nixmasgnomefreak, kthx.01:26
cvt|nixmastimfrost, thx01:26
gnomefreakno matter what i run i cant get these damn restricted mods to install :(01:26
psusiIga, only if you ask a question01:26
coscohey ... can you please tell me how to make the 3d acceleration work ? i have ati radeon 9800 pro01:26
timfrostnavarone, breezy-updates is for updates since the release of breezy last October (other than security updates, which are in breezy-security)01:26
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gnomefreakubotu tell cosco about ati01:27
IgaI just began installing Breezy, but the installation program has problem : "The debootstrap programm has ended with mistakes"01:27
fredforfaen!tell cosco about ati01:27
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gnomefreakIga,  reburn the cd at a lower speed01:27
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psusiIga, sounds like your cd is clobbered01:27
gnomefreakif you burnt the cd01:27
Markbb-o.0 tell me about ati ubotu :p01:27
purpleheart_USMCDoes anyone here use the 64 bit version?01:27
psusipurpleheart_USMC, yes01:27
gnomefreakiga always burn on lowest you can normally 4-801:28
mebaran151I use 64 bit01:28
mebaran151except for flash01:28
IgaI used the cd ubuntuship sent me01:28
mebaran151everything seems to work01:28
eZehi guys, i'm having problems connecting to the internet (router + dsl)01:28
cafuegopurpleheart_USMC: I used to, but switched back to 32bit coz too much stuff just doesn't work.01:28
purpleheart_USMCIs it any different than 32 bit?01:28
gnomefreakIga,  do you have another cd?01:28
psusipurpleheart_USMC, I dunno... never used 32bit01:28
cafuegopurpleheart_USMC: No, it's supposed to be identical to 32bit.01:28
gnomefreakiga did you order more than 101:28
psusiit's supposedly faster at some things01:28
navaroneOkay I am gone for the night...happy New Years folks01:28
IgaYes, I have got others01:29
purpleheart_USMCAnd can you use a 32 bit version on a 64 bit cpu?01:29
cafuegopurpleheart_USMC: The only differences are that on 64bit you can't have decent flash or decent java support. Also no decent video support.01:29
gnomefreaktry a different one01:29
cafuegopurpleheart_USMC: Yes01:29
gnomefreakiga sounds like the cd was burned wrong01:29
coscoi have another question .. it asks me about root password but i didnt set it yet? what should i do?01:29
gnomefreakiga it happens i had 10 out of 20 from ship it found bad01:29
cafuegopurpleheart_USMC: And it may be just me, but the 32bit version seems to run *faster* than the 64bit one.01:29
gnomefreakubotu tell cosco about root01:29
psusicafuego, that is not true... there's no difference in video that I know of... and you can get flash and java, it's just a pain because you have to set up a 32bit chroot01:29
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IgaHmm, ok, I'm going to try a different one01:29
mebaran151cafuego, not if you do encoding or compiling01:30
mebaran151I find mencoder works almost twice as fast in 64 bits01:30
purpleheart_USMCWas purchasing Linux in a Nutshell 5th ed. a good choice?  I just got it01:30
cafuegopsusi: Ever try resizing a video window in 64bit?01:30
Infernallare there any console web browsers that support javascript?  I need to make a change in my router, but can't submit changes...01:30
eZecan it be that i can't connect to the inet because i'm using the 64bit version?01:30
psusicafuego, yea01:30
psusicafuego, I have dri and 3d acceleration working fine01:30
cafuegopsusi: on my box, that resulted in either the player crashing or X crshing.01:30
gnomefreakInfernall, you mean like links2?01:30
cafuegopsusi: Yes, dri works fine.01:30
Infernallgnomefreak - hrmm i was using just links.. will try.01:31
mebaran151Infernall, hahaha01:31
mebaran151javascript in terminal01:31
mebaran151I don't think so01:31
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cafuegopsusi: For normal desktop use, 32bit is  afar better option at this point.01:31
eZecan it be that i can't connect to the inet because i'm using the 64bit version?01:31
psusithe newer Xorg in dapper though seems to have some strange issues with transparancy of black areas in video players01:31
mebaran151cafuego, yeah01:31
cafuegoeZe: no01:31
Igathank you, I keep you informed ;-)01:31
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eZeis thre01:31
cafuegoeZe: Well, maybe if you have an unsupported wireless card01:31
psusicafuego, the more people who use it, the faster it will get bugs fixed...01:31
eZecafuego: wired01:31
mebaran151but from 8 hours of encoding to 4 hours is a nice jump just from switching architecture01:31
gnomefreakInfernall, do you want a graphical browser? or a text browser?01:31
cafuegopsusi: I used it for a year and a half, and _nothing_ got fixed. I'll happily stick with 32bit.01:32
psusimebaran151, encoding what?  and it was really twice as fast for you?  wow!01:32
coscognomefreak: i dont understand.. please tell me how to become root01:32
mebaran151psusi, encoding a DVD to AVI01:32
psusicafuego, did you file any bug reports?01:32
gnomefreakcosco, what command are you tryin to run?01:32
cafuegopsusi: Yep01:32
mebaran151to put on my perosnal media player01:32
psusimebaran151, wow... nice01:32
eZeis there some guide for connecting to the internet with ubuntu using a router + dsl?01:32
coscognomefreak .... trying to set up 3d acceleration for radeon01:32
cafuegocosco: 'sudo -i' will give you a root shell.01:32
mebaran151I ran mencoder though with all the fancy features01:32
mebaran151trell, v4mv, vqmin = 201:33
coscothanks cafuego01:33
=== psusi goes back to working on packet writing cdrw support
gnomefreakcosco,  did you read the wiki on ati?01:33
mebaran151so for most people it might not be so drastic, but this was a hq rip01:33
coscognomefreak i was reading it .. and tried to make it work .. and hitted on su problem :D but now its solved01:33
eZeis there some guide for connecting to the internet with ubuntu using a router + dsl?01:33
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gnomefreakcosco, use sudo not su01:34
mebaran151eZe, your router should handle the DSL part01:34
gnomefreakthey took links2 out :( brb gonna look for it01:34
coscognomefreak k01:34
mebaran151so if you can connect to your router, you're set01:34
BxLcan someone recommend me a light image editor. I want something simple, kinda like mspaint01:35
cafuegoBxL: tuxpaint?01:35
eZebut appearently i can't :)01:35
gnomefreakBxL, gimp?01:35
BxLcafuego, I'll try that, thanks01:35
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alvaroI'm trying to install gcursor but i get an error.:The following packages have unmet dependencies:01:36
alvaro  d4x: Depends: d4x-common (= 2.5.6-2~breezy1) but it is not going to be installed01:36
eZewhat reasons can there be if ubuntu can't connect to the router?01:36
coscoand another thing.. i see on desktop the windows partitions. . i have a fat32 one and a ntfs.. in linux.. i see them .. but .. when i try to access the ntfs one i get an error .. what can i do?01:36
mebaran151eZe, and pm me what you see01:36
ShadymanHmm. Is an AMD Sempron a 686 or a K7?01:36
mebaran151type ifconfig01:36
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eZei don't see anything01:36
mebaran151eZe, in terminal01:37
=== gnomefreak brb
eZealright, will be back in couple minutes after i tried it, so just enter ifconfig?01:38
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mebaran151you're going to get just info01:38
mebaran151I need to see what the info says01:38
mebaran151to tell you what to try01:38
eZealright, i'll try it01:38
timfrostalvaro, is universe enabled for breezy-backports? The latest versions opf both packages are there01:39
alvarohow do i check?01:39
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mebaran151can someone put opensync and it's plugins up in the backports01:40
Pepegood evening01:40
mebaran151(I need them)01:40
Pepewhy all my 3d games run slow? I've got a 64mb nvidia card01:40
timfrostalvaro, pastebin the output of "apt-cache policy d4x d4x-common".01:40
ShadymanPepe: Maybe that's the reason.01:41
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Pepeany solution available?01:41
alvarook how do i paste the result here?01:41
ShadymanPepe: Not sure01:41
gnomefreakalvaro, use pastebin01:42
Shadymanubotu: tell alvaro about pastebin01:42
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sobersabrehi guys.01:42
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sobersabrei am on amd64 machine. is it possible to have both 64 and 32 bit environment  on it ?01:42
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timfrostalvaro, post the URL of the pastebin item to this forum.01:42
Igagnomefreak > I tested two different cds, the error's still here01:42
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alvarook im at the site01:43
coscohey.. i did what it says in the sheet about ati radeon 3d acceleration .. but i dont think i have the acceleration .. how can i see if i have it ? and what should i do if i dont have it01:43
gnomefreaksobersabre, yes amd64 supports 32 as well as 64 bit01:43
alvaroso do i post it there?01:43
eXXinis this a channel for ubuntu developers? :P01:43
sobersabregnomefreak, what do I need for this ? is there a metapackage I should install ?01:43
mweeXXin: ubuntu-dev iirc01:43
timfrostalvaro, yes01:43
gnomefreakIga,  more than likely its not your hardware with that error i would keep trying the cds untill no more are left to try or untill its installed01:44
eXXinmwe, so the answer is "yes"? :)01:44
alvarook i pasted it01:44
Pepeany other comment about my issue?01:44
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coscognomefreak can u help me with this pls?01:44
gnomefreaksobersabre, that im not real sure about im a 32bit man :)01:44
gnomefreakcosco, what is wrong with it?01:44
coscognomefreak, i did what it says in the tutorial"" .. but i dont think i have 3d acc.. how can i see if i have? and what should i do if i dont have01:44
IgaI have still 3 or 4 different cds, I'm going to try with those...01:45
mweeXXin: I think the developer channel is #ubuntu-dev01:45
gnomefreakcosco, i cant remember the command they told me the other day :(01:45
mebaran151ajunta is really nice01:45
mebaran151too bad it doesn't look as nice as Eclipse01:46
coscoanybody else?01:46
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gnomefreakmwe, command for testing 3d isnt it gtkx or something like that?01:46
mebaran151but I never did understand all of Eclipses options01:46
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mebaran151does Eclipse run on the AMD64 JVM that Ubuntu provides for use with OpenOffice2?01:46
coscognomefreak mwe, command for testing 3d isnt it gtkx or something like that?01:46
cosco:P :) :> :D01:47
gnomefreakmwe #ubuntu-dev is enpty 2nd do you remember the command for testing 3d?01:47
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mwegnomefreak: glxinfo|grep direct01:47
gnomefreakty mwe01:47
coscodirect rendering: Yes01:47
coscothat means i have 3d acc?01:47
mwecosco: good01:47
gnomefreakcosco, type that commadn in terminal paste output on pastebin01:47
gnomefreaknm yes thats good01:48
gnomefreakyou have 3d01:48
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coscowell i dont really think so01:48
gnomefreakcosco, have you played any 3d games?01:48
coscoand i dont know where to download tux racer01:48
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gnomefreaksynaptic should have it01:48
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coscoit doesnt01:48
coscoi tried01:48
Markbb-<3 tux racer01:48
mwecosco: yeah however confirm that glxgears -iacknowledgethatthisisnotabenchmarktool gives you more than about 300 fps01:49
timfrostalvaro,  that says that you have managed to install d4x without installing d4x-common.  Try running "apt-get install -f", and pastebin the output01:49
gnomefreak!info tuxracer01:49
ubotutuxracer: (dummy transition package), section universe/games, is optional. Version: 0.61-7 (breezy), Packaged size: 5 kB, Installed size: 44 kB01:49
gnomefreakif you have universe enabled its in synaptic01:49
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coscomwe: ... glxgears sucks ... i have 300fps without 3d acc01:50
alvarooh ok it works now01:50
alvaroit installed that thing01:50
mwecosco: it is not a benchmark, but 300fps is really low01:50
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timfrostalvaro, thats good news01:51
coscowhen does it stop ? lol01:51
coscothat wheels keep spinning01:51
coscobut no info about fps01:51
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MrRiohappy new year!01:53
mwecosco: use glxgears -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark01:53
=== MrRio hugs everyone
mwecosco: no joke01:53
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cosco5100 fps01:53
mwecosco: good01:53
coscois it good?01:53
cosco8000 fps01:53
mwecosco: as it says no benchmark, but certainly accelerated01:54
joshuacan anyone tell me the commad to install macromedia flash player ?01:54
uboturestricted is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed here have been replaced by !FreeFormats01:54
cafuego68713 frames in 5.0 seconds = 13742.188 FPS  (yay :-)01:54
ubotuhmm... freeformats is There are a large number of Free Formats which are preferred over patent and copyright encumbered formats. They are listed here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeFormats01:54
mwecafuego: heh. I guess the long option name to see the fps has no effect on users :)01:56
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cafuegomwe: Nah, people still use it as a benchmark. (You can overclock your gfx card by making the windows with the gears really small!)01:56
gnomefreakanyone know how to get linuxlogo to run?01:57
=== [1] justin [n=justin@cpe-24-166-65-166.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
[1] justinHey.01:57
[1] justinOkay.. I just installed ubuntu and the install went fine.01:57
[1] justinThen it wanted to restart like normally once that stage is done.01:57
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gnomefreakgave you a grub error?01:57
[1] justinNo, it got to the next stage.01:58
coscobarton 3000+ .. i386 or AMD64?01:58
[1] justinTo install packages.01:58
gnomefreakoh ok good :))01:58
eZegnomefreak: it won't let me copy the stuff out of the terminal window01:58
[1] justinand stoped about 10% into it01:58
mwecafuego: yeah that's a great tweak. I should have known before I started playing doom3 in linux!01:58
cafuegocosco: What will you mainly be doing with the machine?01:58
gnomefreakeZe, what are you talking about?01:58
Shadymancosco: Is it a 64-bit?01:58
coscoi dont know01:58
coscocafuego: play games :D01:58
Shadymancosco: It might be K701:58
cafuegomwe: It's true! Doom3 runs way faster at 320x240!01:58
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cafuegocosco: Probably 32bit then.01:58
Shadymancosco: K701:59
[1] justinany ideas whats up?01:59
sobersabreguys, i've tried to install sun java 1.5 on amd64. I get an error:01:59
coscoAMD64 or i 386?01:59
cafuegocosco: i38601:59
eZegnomefreak: never mind, was somebody else i was talking to 5 minutes ago ;)01:59
coscook thanks01:59
mwecafuego: yeah ;)01:59
[1] justinim stuck on a text login screen01:59
eZejust can't remember who01:59
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sobersabrejava/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/Object02:00
coscoroot@cosco:/home/cosco# sudo apt-get install flashplayer-mozilla02:00
coscoReading package lists... Done02:00
coscoBuilding dependency tree... Done02:00
coscoE: Couldn't find package flashplayer-mozilla02:00
Raskallhappy new year. someone still inn 2005 here?02:01
coscoits the command from site02:01
cafuego!info flashplayer-mozilla02:01
ubotuflashplayer-mozilla: (Macromedia Flash Player), section multiverse/web, is optional. Version: 7.0.25-0.0ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 956 kB, Installed size: 2136 kB02:01
cafuegocosco: enable mulitverse02:01
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=== Pygi [n=mario@83-131-246-106.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
coscocafuego : how do i do that?02:01
coscoim n00b :D02:01
cafuegoDon't follow only HALF the instructions.02:01
PygiHappy New year to everyone :)02:01
mwePygi: you too02:02
eZewell, i can't connect to the router and some guy 10 minutes ago told me to run ifconfig02:02
SEJeffcosco, System --> Administration --> Synaptic Package Manager02:02
Shadymanpygi: u202:02
coscoyeah .. and?02:02
coscofrom there?:D02:02
cafuegocosco: Read the WHOLE page.02:02
gnomefreakgrrrrrrrrr i cant get this to open :(02:02
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coscocafuego what page man?02:02
Pygignomefreak: what seems to be the problem?02:02
SEJeffcosco, Settings --> Repositories --> Add02:02
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Igahmmm, I tried the 3 other cds, all crashed :-(02:02
coscook thanks02:02
cafuegocosco: [12:01]  <cosco> its the command from site  -> that site02:03
bipolaranyone got the ati drivers up and running in dapper?02:03
eZewhat reasons can there be why ubuntu can't connect to my router?02:03
SEJeffbipolar, Yes, it is the exact same as in breezy02:03
IgaI think I'll install Hoary again...02:03
coscocafuego you want me to read all the site? lol02:03
bipolarSEJeff: what kernel are you running?02:03
gnomefreakPygi, i cant open linuxlogo :(02:03
SEJeffjeff@ubuntu-desktop:~$ uname -r02:03
cafuegocosco: it's an excellent opportunity to learn02:04
bipolarSEJeff: ahh... it must be a problem with the new one then. -1002:04
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gnomefreak<<< :)02:04
IgaYesterday I upgraded Hoary towards Breezy without problems, but Windows had several problems, so I had to install it again...02:04
SEJeffbipolar, apt isn't wanting me to update to -10. It tells me angry things02:04
bipolarSEJeff: did you use the ubuntu packages or the ati package?02:04
Pygignomefreak: huh :/02:04
purpleheart_USMCsweet. i just turned on my 5.1 live cd02:04
eZewhat reasons can there be why ubuntu can't connect to my router?02:05
SEJeffbipolar, ubuntu02:05
PygieZe: ethernet interface not up?02:05
gnomefreakPygi, linuxlogo is a color ANSI system logo02:05
Pygignomefreak: I know...02:05
Pygihehe :)02:05
eZei activated it, if that is what you mean...02:05
SEJeffbipolar, I did manually run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:05
gnomefreakPygi, how do i get to see it?02:05
=== cosco crysing
=== cosco crysysing? lol
bipolarSEJeff: I have a working xorg.conf, just need to get the driver working.02:06
coscocafuego: i set the repository.. i find the flash now.. but i cant find tux racer lol02:06
eZewhen i activate the ethernet connection, i have to choose dhcp, right? (using a router)02:06
Pygignomefreak: what's so funny? :)02:06
bipolarE: Package linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-10-686 has no installation candidate << grrrr02:06
cafuegocosco: 'ppracer'02:06
gnomefreakcosco,  try apt-cache search tux02:06
Pygignomefreak: ok, wanna me to lead you throught steps you need to make to make it work?02:07
gnomefreakPygi,  that i cant get it to open02:07
bipolarI tried installing the ati package, but the module won't build02:07
gnomefreakPygi, if you can02:07
coscoppracer not found lol02:07
gnomefreakbipolar,  mines being kept back02:07
coscotuxracer - dummy transition package02:08
coscotuxracer-data - dummy transition package02:08
coscotuxracer-extras - dummy transition package for tuxracer -> ppracer transition02:08
coscothis is all02:08
coscowith tuxracer02:08
gnomefreaki got the kernel just not the mods02:08
niffeubuntun virallinen kanava /list02:08
ShadymanHow do i get something to run on boot (ie wpa_supplicant)?02:08
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Pygignomefreak: renam the Debian default02:08
Pygi/etc/motd, create a new one with touch motd', use the following02:08
Pygicommand:/usr/local/bin/linux_logo > /etc/motd02:08
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Pygignomefreak: when your done, tell me so I can say further...02:08
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coscocafuego , gnomefreak more ideeas?02:09
=== [1] justin [n=justin@cpe-24-166-65-166.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Pygignomefreak: then add a line of text to the end of file02:09
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eXXini downloaded tuxracer from synaptic02:10
gnomefreakok i cant run that command02:10
eXXinoh, my chatwindows wasnt scrolled to the button, lol02:10
Pygignomefreak: huh, what seems to happen?02:10
eXXinso i answerd someone far upp in the chatwindow :P02:10
eXXinsorry ;)02:10
gnomefreakPygi, if i run it with sudo it gives me permission denied if i run it in sudo -i it tells me no such file02:11
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Pygignomefreak: well, there is that file, isn't it?02:11
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gnomefreakPygi, bin is empty02:11
ITSa341Hello and Happy New Year everyone02:12
=== linuzo [n=linuzo@d64-180-164-141.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pygignomefreak: huh, have you installed linux logo?02:12
=== cosco having a crysys.. cant download tux racer
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gnomefreaklinuxlogo is already the newest version.02:12
[1] justinanyone have any ideas?02:12
mwePygi, gnomefreak what are you trying to do?02:12
Pygiso you should have a file linux_logo in /usr/local/bin02:13
=== Dashiva [n=m@c-24-2-61-32.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pygimwe: I am explaining him how to start linux logo :)02:13
linuzoI was trying to install Sun Java with the wiki  but when I do apt-get install java-package it says not available.. all my repositories are on..02:13
gnomefreakPygi,  should i restart X maybe?02:13
Kenseythat was weird.  my wireless connection died when the laptop was idle.02:13
ITSa341Hello. what is the default location for the C header files to match the kernel in Ubuntu 5.10??02:13
MasterWammyafter install in /usr/src02:13
Pygignomefreak: huh, don't see why, it seems to me that the logo package didn't installed proprerly or somethin'02:13
Pygibut sure, you can try....02:13
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mweITSa341: /usr/include/linux/ I believe02:14
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linuzoand what package do I need ton install to get make-jpkg to work.02:14
mweITSa341: however dpkg -L <package_name> will list the files in a package02:14
ITSa341nothing in /usr/src   ty mwe02:15
eZewhat reasons can there be why ubuntu can't connect to my router?02:15
ITSa341<-- trying to install vmware02:15
PygieZe: what router? specifics? model? version of ubuntu?02:15
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@adsl-221-77-77.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pygiwb gnomefreak02:15
eZe5.10, linksys router02:16
gnomefreakty Pygi02:16
gnomefreaki have a linux logo in /usr/bin/local02:16
gnomefreakits dimaond shaped02:16
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Kenseyso why am I supposed to use hwcrypto=0 with ipw2200 -- it seems to work fine with hwcrypto left per default, which I assume is "on".02:16
Pygihuh, ok then use usr/bin/local/linux_logo > /etc/motd02:17
Pygiand then added a line of text at the end of the file02:17
wizardjameshow do i play wavpack music files02:17
=== richardtallent [n=Richard@cpe-67-10-116-25.gt.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreaknot working either02:17
pashaweZe, th install went ok right?02:17
Pygignomefreak: huh :/02:18
linuzocan someone help me.. I can't get java-package installed..02:18
eZepashaw, using the live cd02:18
linuzoI'm on 5.1002:18
=== bouchra [n=bouchra@adsl196-209-202-206-196.adsl196-7.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu
richardtallentthanks all, got the wireless adapter running.02:18
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pashaweZe,   ohhh  liveCD with no net connection then       using a regular netowkr card or some fansy usb thing02:18
richardtallentNext step: need FF 1.5 upgrade... any pointers?02:18
Pygignomefreak: and you renamed the /etc/motd and created new one with touch motd', right?02:18
gnomefreaksame errors02:18
eZepaddel, ethernet port of my mobo02:19
Pygignomefreak: no what?02:19
gnomefreaki didnt run touch motd02:19
eZepashaw i meant ;)02:19
pashaweZe,   type  ifconfig    does eth0 have an ip adress assigned02:19
Pygignomefreak: well, do the thingy I wrote up :P02:19
Pygithen run command02:19
Pygithen add a line of text at the end of file02:20
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Pygirichard: on breezy? you need to compile on your own....02:20
gnomefreakslow down what was 1st command i restarted X remember02:20
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eZei can't see an ip if enter that, just a lot of other stuff02:20
wizardjameshow do i get wavpack (wv) music files to play?02:20
Pygignomefreak: k, just a moment, lemme write again :P02:20
=== globe [n=robert@71-208-92-78.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
pashaweZe,   how about eth1   ip address?02:20
richardtallentyes, 5.10. that's a bummer. The pre-comp "1.5 for Linux 686" won't work?02:21
mwewizardjames: what's that?02:21
eZedoesn't show me anything about eth102:21
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pashaweZe,   ok  but you do see a eth0  right02:21
wizardjameswavpack music files, i have encoded a few cds into wavpack, but all my music players (xmms juk amarok) wont play them02:21
Pygirichard: you can try, I compiled it on my own, so I wouldnt know...02:21
gnomefreakrichardtallent,  you mean FF1.5?02:21
Pygignome: yes, he thinks FF1.502:22
Pygignomefreak: First rename the Debian default02:22
Pygi/etc/motd, creat a new one with touch motd', use the following02:22
Pygi            /usr/local/bin/linux_logo > /etc/motd02:22
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Pygi       and then add a line of text at the end of the file.02:22
gnomefreakthere is no pre-compiled version that i know of02:22
Pygihuh, sorry Seveas and Amaranth :/02:22
pashaweZe,  type ifconfig eth0
[helpok firefox made me switch users when one was froze up how do i switch back to default user cause thats where my bookmarks are02:22
mwewizardjames: maybe you need to install wavpack02:22
gnomefreakPygi, there is no commadn:(02:22
mwewizardjames: or gstreamer0.8-wavpack02:22
eZepashaw: permission denied02:23
gnomefreakeZe, use sudo02:23
pashaweZe,   sudo  then that command02:23
Pygignomefreak: well, change that /usr/local/bin/linux_logo with the position where your linux_logo is located02:23
bipolaryay! Restricted modules package just started working  :)02:23
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eZepashaw, doesn't do anything02:23
wizardjamesmwe,  its already installed..02:24
pashaweZe,   now type   ifconfig         and look at eth0  does it have an ip number now02:24
[helpok firefox made me switch users when one was froze up how do i switch back to default user cause thats where my bookmarks are02:24
gnomefreakPygi, i didnt get the first part to change the name?02:24
=== [2] justin [n=justin@cpe-24-166-65-166.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
eZepashaw, yes, it has02:24
coldarticwolfI need a bit of help...i want to custom install Unbuntu onto a partition of about 2G's...do i need to create a partition prior, or will the custom setup help me with it?02:24
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gnomefreakafter command: there was only /usr/local/bin .....02:24
pashaweZe,   type   ping
mwewizardjames: then I have no idea02:24
Pygignomefreak: k, just a moment :P02:24
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skiyhappy new year all !02:24
wizardjameswell this just sucks02:24
gnomefreakok Pygi ty02:24
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Pygignomefreak: First rename the Debian default02:24
Pygi/etc/motd, creat a new one with touch motd'02:24
[helpsomeone help me please02:24
Pygiwizard: no it does not :)02:25
gnomefreakPygi, how do i rename it?02:25
eZepashaw, host unreachable02:25
Pygiwizard: it's no problem to compile it :P02:25
mwewizardjames: libwavpack0 is also installed?02:25
skiya quick question, If I install a "Daily" CD, can I still upgrade to the latest "stable" ubuntu?02:25
coldarticwolfI need a bit of help...i want to custom install Unbuntu onto a partition of about 2G's...do i need to create a partition prior, or will the custom setup help me with it?02:25
richardtallentok, have FF 1.5 untarred, haven't run Linux in 5 years. What now? make something or other?02:25
pashaweZe,   ok  type   sudo ifconfig eth0
cafuegoskiy: That would currently constitude a downgrade, no?02:25
skiycafuego: sorry02:25
ubotuYou can update to firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion02:25
cafuegoskiy: Or did you fetch a breezy daily?02:25
pashaweZe,   unles you changd your router it will be using  or 0.102:26
skiycafuego: I mean when the new dapper is released02:26
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skiycafuego: I'm downloading a dapper daily02:26
cafuegoskiy: Oh yes, certainly.02:26
Pygignomefreak: well, how do you rename a file? :P02:26
cafuegoskiy: Just keep updating maybe a few times a week :-)02:26
gnomefreakPygi, dont know but i know how to make one :)02:26
Pygiskiy: new dapper will be released in April02:26
eZepashaw, didnt change anything02:26
coldarticwolfHow many Gig's does Ubunu requires to install?02:26
[helpok firefox made me switch users when one was froze up how do i switch back to default user cause thats where my bookmarks are+02:26
skiycafuego: splendid :), me wonders if they fixed the empty download window on firefox :)02:26
pashaweZe,   type ping
coscognomefreak.. i have a question .. how can i see a ntfs partition in linux? it gives me an error if i click on it on desktop..02:27
eZepashaw, unreachable02:27
Pygignomefreak:   mv x y    move or rename file x to file y02:27
gnomefreakcosco,  i dont know02:27
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pashaweZe,   is the cable connected to the router and puter  is the LED on for that port on the router02:28
Pygicosco: try accessing it using sudo in terminal02:28
=== hydroksyde [n=hydroksy@222-152-159-111.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
eZepashaw, yes02:28
wizardjamesmwe,  yes libwavpack0 is installed too02:28
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Pygicosco: if it works, then you can use gksudo to view it graphicly if your using ubuntu , if kubuntu, then "kdesu"02:28
ppcguyjust installed a GeForceFX/5500 Nvidia card on my celly1.8 running breezy. What do I need to do to get x back up? Lynx'in the forum right now02:28
[helpok firefox made me switch users when one was froze up how do i switch back to default user cause thats where my bookmarks are+???02:28
=== yaaar [n=chatzill@12-216-224-35.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
pashaweZe, uggg    too busy eating not thinking02:29
skiyppcguy: /etc/init.d/gdm stop02:29
skiyppcguy: /etc/init.d/gdm start02:29
pashaweZe,   the puter your on now is windows?02:29
Pygihelp: please wait :) a lot of people ask questions, and we can't answer every one if few seconds :P02:29
yaaarcan someone tell me the command to check whether dma is on on a given device?02:29
coscopygi : how can i access it in terminal with sudo?02:29
ppcguyhad to be something easy thankx02:29
yaaari can't seem to find the flag in the hdparm man page...02:29
eZepashaw, i'm on a windows laptop right now02:29
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skiyyaaar: hdparm -d /dev/hda02:29
Pygicosco: huh...where do you have ntfs partition mounted? in /media or /mnt?02:29
pashaweZe,   ok   in the run box type cmd <enter>  then  ipconfig02:29
yaaarskiy: cool thanks02:29
Pygignomefreak: renamed? :)02:30
gnomefreakwhat is a bareword error?02:30
pashaweZe,   tell me the ip address the laptop is using02:30
coscoin .media02:30
coscoin /media02:30
gnomefreakPygi, i ran sudo rename /etc/motd touch motd02:30
coscoi can see it in terminal ..02:30
Shadymangnomefreak: You shouldnt enter passwords naked.02:30
gnomefreakit gives me error02:30
gnomefreaki didnt enter a password02:30
gnomefreaki didnt mean to02:31
mwe[help: do a ps aux from the console and make sure no frozen ff processes are running. killall any that might show up02:31
coscoi type gksuddo .. it says missing command to run .. any suggestions pygi?02:31
gnomefreakcosco, gksudo02:31
pashaweZe,   you said ifconfig shows   right now?  try it02:31
Pygignomefreak: lol, wrong command you type :P02:31
ppcguyskiy: Get a failure upon start.02:31
Pygicosco: no, no :P you need to run nautilus with gksudo so you could access it graphicly :P02:32
eZepashaw, in ubuntu? it shows
ppcguyThink a reboot might help?02:32
gnomefreakPygi, i also tried it sudo /etc/motd rename touch motd02:32
coscoPygi: you killed me :|02:32
coscoPygi can u be more specific? im noob02:32
gnomefreakand that gave me a permission denied02:32
Pygignomefreak: huh, no, do not write touch motd :P02:32
MasterWammykernel panick - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(3,1)02:33
Pygitouch motd = motd'02:33
MasterWammywhats that mean?02:33
Pygiheheh :)02:33
ppcguythx for the help. Gonna try something here. brb02:33
pashaweZe,   try cmd    then  ping  on the laptop02:33
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Pygicosco: huh :/ anybody can please explain to cosco how to run nautilus with gksudo, till I help gnomefreak with linux logo?02:33
Pygithanks :P02:33
richardtallentInstalled FF 1.5, but it can't find libstdc++.so.502:33
Pygirichard: well, install it :P02:33
eZepashaw, 1ms02:33
=== mzelem [n=mike@71-208-179-200.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
dooglusPygi: why not just run it with sudo?02:34
MasterWammyany ideas?02:34
mzelemHello, anyone know if you can copy picture files to a motorola razr using usb or bluetooth in kubuntu?02:34
pashaweZe,   the laptop is wireless right?02:34
gnomefreakPygi, its not doing anything :(02:34
richardtallentPygi: thanks, is that in the package manager or what?02:34
Pygidooglus: because running graphical tools with sudo is a bad idea :P if you have to use it, it's safer to use "gksudo"02:34
Pygirichard: yes02:34
coscopygi did it :D had to write gksudo nautilus :D02:34
dooglusPygi: what's the difference?02:34
Pygignomefreak: have you renamed it? :/02:34
pashaweZe,   then ping   should work in ubuntu  unless your cabling is bad02:34
gnomefreakPygi, working on it02:34
[helpmwe: thnx i got by end prog and it froze again and opened a new session and it ask me for user so i switched it then02:35
dooglusPygi: gksudo is just a gui for sudo, isn't it?02:35
pashaweZe,   or the wrong module got loaded   which would be weird02:35
[helpit gave me the right idea02:35
Pygidooglus: gksudo is safer to use, but it's just for graphical tasks02:35
ubotugksudo is, like, Use gksudo to run gtk applications with root priveleges. Using sudo to start gtk apps can scramble your user account permissions.02:35
gnomefreakok so im renameing the file motd?02:35
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Pygiyesh, to anything you like02:35
Pygithen creat the one with touch = motd'02:35
Pygicosco: no kidding ;) good :)02:35
MasterWammyany ideas to my problem/02:36
richardtallentPygi: thanks, didn't think it'd be that easy... installing now.02:36
PygiWammy: what seems to be ur problem?02:36
MasterWammykernel panick - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(3,1)02:36
MasterWammyat boot02:36
Pygirichard: hehe :)02:36
dooglusPygi: gksudo isn't just for graphical tools - it's just a gui for sudo.  for example, 'gksudo touch /tmp/cheese' works02:36
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eZepashaw, do i have to change anything in the network settings?02:37
PygiWammy: well, obviously it can't mount the partition where "/" is located....02:37
MasterWammyright, so what can i do to fix it02:37
mwedooglus: I wouldn't touch cheese though. I hate it.02:37
coscoit still doesnt work02:37
Pygicosco: yes?02:37
coscoi try to add some files from hda2( ntfs ) in xmms02:37
coscoi cant se02:37
coscowhats in hda2...02:37
Pygicosco: you mean partition seems empty? or there is no hda2 in nautilus?02:38
dooglusmwe: you don't like congealed animal fat and mucous?  what's wrong with you?02:38
gnomefreakgrrrrrrrrr no command i use is working02:38
coscoPygi if i look with terminal i see everything02:38
Pygicosco: huh, oh, yes, you will need to run xmms with gksudo so you could see that files :P02:38
coscoif i look with gksudo nautilus i see it02:38
MasterWammyPygi, so how could i fix this?02:38
coscoif i look normaly i dont see it02:38
pashaweZe,  that should have worked so you got me02:38
Pygicosco: look up02:38
coscoPygi cant i do something to see it normally without gksudo`ing everything?02:38
Pygicosco: not really :)02:39
eZepashaw, is there anything else i could try?02:39
coscoi did it once .. 1 year ago02:39
Pygicosco: sometimes you use "sudo" as well :)02:39
coscobut i forgot how02:39
PygiWammy: do you have /home on other partition?02:39
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pashaweZe, a different liveCD like say knoppix  see if that works automatic02:39
Pygicosco: well, you could change permissions of your user thought :/02:40
MasterWammyPygi, nah02:40
coscoPygi: xmms not working..02:40
coscocant play files in hda202:40
eZepashaw, alright, i'll throw knoppix in02:40
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PygiWammy: huh, that's not a good idea...02:40
Pygicosco: can't see them, or can't play them???02:40
coscocant play them02:40
MasterWammyPygi, i just compiled a .14 kernel so i could use a new driver, been 2 times i compiled it with different erros each time.02:40
ispikedis there a wiki page on how to format a cd-rw?02:40
Pygignomefreak: huh? any luck ? :/02:40
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coscoPygi help help help :>02:41
mweMasterWammy: what is the driver that wont work with a 2.6.12 kernel?02:41
PygiWammy: don't know what to suggest you....recover data with Live CD, and reinstall system..... on the other hand, use other partition for /home ALWAYS :P02:41
Pygicosco: try to run xmms with "sudo" ....02:41
gnomefreakPygi, i made the new one but the old one i cant seem to move :(02:42
MasterWammyPygi, data isnt lost, just my kernel that i built wont run02:42
=== Pygi slaps himself for suggesting sudo :P
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Pygignomefreak: huh :/02:42
coscoCouldnt open audio02:42
coscosame error02:42
Pygicosco: well, so you see files?02:42
gnomefreakok mv /etc/motd (newname) didnt work02:42
coscoits about the ntfs partition02:42
Pygicosco: the problem might be cause you don't have codecs :P02:42
eZepashaw, should i try ping first?02:42
gnomefreakbut touch motd worked02:42
pashaweZe,   with what?02:43
richardtallentthanks, FF now up to speed.02:43
eZepashaw, knoppix02:43
coscoPygi let me try copy a .mp3 to a normal partition and see if xmms plays the mp3 then02:43
Pygicosco: no, it won't play mp3 :P02:43
richardtallentgiving up for the day, have a desktop, a browser, and a net connection. What else could anyone need? ;)02:43
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pashaweZe,  should just connect  with browser  but you can test with ping  wont hyurt anything02:43
=== Lhykra [n=govegan@80-102-168-192.bcn1.adsl.uni2.es] has joined #ubuntu
Pygicosco:  you need CODECS :)02:43
ubotuBinary only codecs (such as w32codecs) can be downloaded from plf or cipherfunk, see !easysource for details on these repositories02:43
=== gnomefreak brb need a smoke
ubotuwell, mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats02:44
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Pygiubotu: tell cosco about mp302:44
eZepashaw, unreachable02:44
doogluscosco: did you try mounting the ntfs partition with a different umask so you can read it?02:44
Pygidooglus: he can read it , but ubuntu can't play mp3 by default :P02:44
pashaweZe,  with knoppix also?02:45
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dooglusPygi: so what was all that running nautilus as root stuff about?02:45
pashaweZe,   then your hardware is probably setup wrong  unless you using something brand spankin new02:45
Pygidooglus: well, he couldn't see it before :P02:45
coscodooglus no02:45
eZewhat can i do about it?02:45
coscoPygi ... if I copy it i dont get the error it just doesnt start playing it02:46
coscoi think dooglus  is right.. its something about mounting02:46
dooglusPygi: he can only see the files on his ntfs partition if he is root?02:46
Pygicosco:huh, ok, but you still need codecs....02:46
eZepashaw, btw, windows on that computer can connect to the internet (other partition)02:46
dooglusPygi: the solution to that is to mount the ntfs partition properly, not to run nautilus as root.02:46
coscoPygi, i dont need codecs to play an mp3 .. i need to mount the partition corect02:46
Pygicosco: you need both :)02:47
Shadymancosco: You need both02:47
dooglusPygi: you need codecs to play mp3 files too02:47
coscowell i never installed codecs before02:47
Pygidooglus: I am saying that all the time :P02:47
Pygiwell, cosco :P02:47
Pygiubotu: tell cosco about ntfs02:47
doogluscosco: you've played mp3s in ubuntu before?02:47
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Pygiubotu: tell cosco about mp302:47
coscodooglus, yes , but on other install.. :D02:47
coscodooglus, private pls02:48
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Pygicosco: ubotu just messaged you with the link how to mount NTFS properly :P02:48
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Pygiand how to install mp302:49
uboturumour has it, mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats02:49
PygiShady: huh, ubotu already pm-ed him :P02:49
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ShadymanPygi: Oh,i totally missed that02:49
coscoPygi im not that pro.. :|02:49
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coscodooglus,  can u answer my query?02:50
lampshadeIf I simply install xmms via apt, will it be able to play mp3's by default or do I have to implement some work around?02:50
Pygicosco: why do you need to be pro? :/02:50
Pygiubotu: tell lampshade about mp302:50
coscoPygi... to complicated for me02:50
coscoscripts and stuff02:50
Pygicosco: huh :/02:50
Pygilampshade: ubotu pm-ed you02:50
eZepashaw, are there any known problems with ubuntu and asrock mobos?02:51
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pashaweZe,  asrock?   wow never even heard of them   what model02:51
coscoPygi :\02:52
eZe939 dual sata202:52
Pygicosco: yes, how may I help you? :)02:52
eZeasrock is owned by asus02:52
coscoPygi read the private message02:52
Pygicosco: heh, got no pm :/02:52
coscoPygi.. if i create u an user.. can u make this for me?02:53
ubotuShadyman: What?02:53
ubotufrom memory, mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats02:53
ShadymanPygi: Go there02:53
PygiShady: we did this 30 times already :P02:53
PygiShady: why should I go there?02:53
ShadymanPygi: Because that has the codecs for mp302:53
Pygicosco: huh :/02:53
PygiShady: well, why would I need mp3 codecs?02:53
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Shadymanpygi: To play mp3s02:54
pashaweZe,   checking for other users02:54
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PygiShady: huh, I never asked for mp3 codecs :P02:54
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ShadymanPygi: I meant cosco, then.02:54
Shadymancosco: Go there.02:54
coscoPygi common ...02:54
mwesame thing02:54
PygiShady: ubotu pm-ed him like 10 times already :p02:54
coscogo there :)))02:54
Pygicosco: common?02:54
eZepashaw, maybe i have to install a driver?02:54
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Pygicosco: go where??02:54
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=== Pygi is lost :/
mweare you all drunk or what?02:54
ruaraidhI have a little problem with dpkg and gstreamer...02:54
Shadymanmwe: Yes.02:54
coscoPygi in my machine and make the hda2 ( ntfs )02:55
Pygicosco: do I have to? :/02:55
coscopygi yes..02:55
coscoim too noob to do it myself02:55
pashaweZe,   yep  that explains it a quick google  shows that realtek nic is too new    need to download the drivers from the manufacturer02:55
ruaraidhI tried to install gstreamer with synaptic, and it didn't work, ank I quit...02:55
uboturumour has it, ntfs is the filesystem used in Windows 2000 and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions, or writing to ntfs is risky and only experimental. Reading is OK02:55
coscoplease dont be that evil to tell me that im learning if i read the site02:55
pashaweZe,   which is pointless if your running a liveCD02:55
Pygicosco: hehe, I ain't evil :P02:56
coscopls? :|02:56
ruaraidhand now running dpkg --configure -a just hangs!02:56
ruaraidhany help?02:56
eZepashaw, but possible?02:56
Pygicosco: just a second please, gnomefreak has a empty /bin  hehe :)02:56
=== cosco slaps gnomefreak :)
pashaweZe,   you wold have to reinstall it everytime your rebooted02:56
eZepashaw, i'm gonna install ubuntu as soon as everything works fine02:56
coscobut i want you pygi :D02:56
Pygicosco: well, he has to find his /bin first :P02:57
=== cosco begs for help
KnowerrorsWhen I run FF from the comman line, I get firefox INTERNAL ERROR on Browser End: No manager for initializing factory? System error?:: Success, and it doesn't load, I tried uninstalling and reinstalling, still nada, can anyone help?02:57
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demonaHeh. i got dvdrip and gyach and all these other funky packages working in breezey, yet my remaining problems are stumpers.. microphone not working, and more importantly, can't seem to mount more than one remot samba share.02:57
pashaweZe,   heres the network card on the motherboard  RTL8201CL     an easy solution would be to get a 10$ nic and add it  until you install the realtek driver so onboard works02:57
calicolas penya02:57
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ruaraidhI tried to install gstreamer with synaptic, and it didn't work, and I quit...02:57
coscoso ?02:58
Pygignome: any luck in #debian02:58
calicTOTS PARLEU AMB INGLES???????02:58
ruaraidhand I need to run dpkg --configure -a, but it just hangs!02:58
Pygicosco: can you please be patient? thanks :)02:58
gnomefreakmy bin maybe empty but for some reason his command worked :(02:58
ruaraidhany help much appreciated...02:58
Pygicalic: hello02:59
=== [1] justin [n=justin@cpe-24-166-65-166.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Pygignomefreak: whose command?02:59
calicWATS IORUN NAME?02:59
ruaraidhseriously here...02:59
coscoPygi im in the waitline02:59
pashaweZe,  i see that board has gotten some nice reviews     be another year or 2 before i try 64bit tho02:59
=== raymond [n=raymond@adsl-4-108-144.cae.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreaki was typing everything but linux_logo02:59
calicMY NAME IS SERGI02:59
Pygicalis: speak english....02:59
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sleepsleephi room02:59
PygiSeveas: ping...02:59
sleepsleepis that possible somebody assist me with a problem?02:59
=== cosco spanks Pygi
calicYOU MY FRIENDS03:00
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ruaraidhany help at all...?03:00
eZepashaw, you say that i have to install the realtek driver, but isn't realtek the onboard sound?03:00
coscoPygi i really wanna play music :x pls03:00
Pygignomefreak: huh, maybe dapper has broken package or somethin' :/03:00
Pygicosco: you'll play it :P03:00
raymondi still dont under stand thin install thing03:00
gnomefreakdont know :)03:00
coscoPygi common its the new year .. be more jumping03:00
pashaweZe,   sound Realtek 850 7.1 channel AC'97 audio codec  LAN   Realtek RTL8201CL 10/100 Ethernet LAN PHY03:00
sleepsleepsorry, but is that possible for me to ask a question regarding bit torrent at this room?03:00
Pygignome: what are dependencies if any on dapper?03:00
ruaraidhIs anybody able and willing to help me?03:01
Pygisleep: if connected with ubuntu....03:01
eZepashaw, oh :D03:01
demonai have one samba mount successfully, but can't mount any others from the same machine with or without credentials. it gives no error msg, but then just sits there when i try to ls the mounted share, until i abort it.03:01
Pygiruaraidh: as you see a lot of people need help, so please wait in the line :) thank you :)03:01
sleepsleepi guess, maybe some how connected, is that possible, Pygi03:01
pashaweZe,   its always tough to use the newest equpment with an version of Linux03:01
raymondi dont understand this install thing03:01
Pygisleep: yes...03:01
gnomefreakbrb gonna try something03:01
Pygifreak: k03:01
pashaweZe,   type i ment *any03:01
sleepsleepis that possible to add (new tracker) on existing torrent file?03:02
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coscoruaraidh, im in front of you :> muwahaha :D :P :) :> :S03:02
=== adsfdasfother [n=42zeros@tconl92168.tconl.com] has joined #ubuntu
adsfdasfotheris there an music player that has the whole media library type thing that Itunes and Winamp have?  Where you can select a genre, or an album and see only those songs from your collection?03:02
pashawsleepsleep,   i wont help you pirate,  but i will ask for the link if it works  :P03:02
Pygisleep: in azureus yes, but in regular BitTorrent included in Ubuntu I think no.......03:02
sleepsleepomg, that is not pirate :( it is public domain works03:03
limit223cheers, people ...so crowed here...:)03:03
Christians4GNT2happy new year03:03
pashawsleepsleep,   im kidding03:03
Pygilimit: true :/03:03
sleepsleepthe situation is,03:03
=== jovan [n=jovan@222-152-84-129.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
sleepsleepi use uTorrent to create a torrent file03:03
demonaadsfdasfother: amaroK supposedly has a decent music library type thingy but i havent played with it yet03:03
Pygicosco: yes???03:03
sleepsleepbut the tracker i put is http://tracker.prq.to/announce03:03
coscoPygi forgot me? :D03:03
sleepsleepbut some how, this http://tracker.prq.to/announce is a bad tracker03:03
pashawsleepsleep,   your better off using google for that answer tho   unless you get really lucky03:03
raymondcan someone help me understand this install thing03:03
Pygicosco: no :P03:03
sleepsleepalways off line03:03
coscoPygi ok hurry up then :P :) :D03:04
sleepsleep(i tried google arealdy, no releveant info)03:04
Shadymancosco: LOL03:04
coscoShadyman? :>03:04
jovanhow do i install programs on ubuntu?03:04
sleepsleepso i try to seek help on irc03:04
Pygicosco: ok, have you made me the account with sudo priviliges?03:04
eZepashaw, http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/phyDesc.aspx , hm?03:04
raymondi cant install shit on here03:04
coscoPygi first u might like to tell me how03:04
Pygijovan: on tree ways :) easiest to use : Applications --> Add applications :P03:04
Pygicosco: huh...lemme guess...you haven't even opened shell server :P03:05
sleepsleepso anyone of ya, know how to replace or add new tracker on existing released torrent file ? ... not mean to push03:05
coscoPygi yup you guessed :D03:05
bunty_soundhey guys, any sound experts?03:05
coscoisnt it opened by start?03:05
coscoi mean...03:05
McJerryjovan: one of several ways, but since you are asking, Synaptic or terminal apt-get install03:05
bunty_soundneed help with asla03:05
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Pygicosco: huh, just a moment pls03:05
sda3moncan anyone tell me what package mpg321 is in?03:06
coscossh: connect to host wow.cosco.ro port 22: Connection refused03:06
cafuego!info mpg32103:06
cosco:) :D :> :P :) :> :D :P03:06
ubotumpg321: (A Free command-line mp3 player, compatible with mpg123), section universe/sound, is optional. Version: (breezy), Packaged size: 33 kB, Installed size: 128 kB03:06
jovani download a .tar.gz file and i dont know how to install it03:06
Pygicosco: huh, then install shell server or whatever and open i t  :P03:06
raymondme to03:06
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coscoPygi, ok , i try03:07
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ruaraidhjovan: "tar xzvf foo.tar.gz"...03:07
ruaraidhfrom command line03:07
ruaraidhjovan: "tar xzvf foo.tar.gz"...03:07
Shadymanraymond: That was already answered.03:07
Pygiraymond: stop it, we answered already :P03:07
Pygiraymond: stop using Caps03:07
ruaraidhjovan: "cd foo/"...03:07
coscoPygi i installed it how do i start it?03:07
ruaraidhjovan: "./configure"...03:07
ruaraidhjovan: "sudo make"...03:08
jovanshould i put the file in that directory?03:08
ruaraidhjovan: "sudo make install"03:08
ShadymanRaymond: easiest to use : Applications --> Add applications :P03:08
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ruaraidhthe extracted tar file will go into a directory of its name automatically03:08
eZepashaw, asrock only offers .exe drivers, any other way to install it?03:08
coscoPygi!! dont die on me :D:D:D:D how do i start the shell server? i installed it03:08
ruaraidhwhen I say "foo" I mean the name of the file03:08
Pygi/usr/bin/ssh-server  or somethin'03:08
PygiBenC: save me :P03:08
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ruaraidhjovan: that should work03:09
ruaraidhjovan: you might get errors, about libraries that are needed03:09
coscoPygi doesnt work that way03:09
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Pygihuh, use "whereis ssh" and find the location of ssh server03:09
McJerrycosco: what shell server did you install? open-ssh03:09
ruaraidhjovan: any luck?03:10
McJerry/etc/init.d/ssh start03:10
pashaweZe,   my advice   use an old 10$ card til you get up and running   then learn to install the realtek stuff03:10
coscoMcJerry /etc/init.d/ssh start03:10
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mebsdwhere do i get a small iso installation cd03:10
coscoroot@cosco:/# /etc/init.d/ssh start03:10
cosco * Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server...                               [fail] 03:10
PygiJerry: sudo maybe? :p03:11
spacey_kitake a look in the logs03:11
McJerryyes sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start03:11
Pygihehe :)03:11
McJerrytx Pygi03:11
coscoroot@cosco:/# sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start03:11
cosco * Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server...                               [fail] 03:11
McJerryi forget as i keep one terminal open as su root03:11
ubotuit has been said that pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org03:11
spacey_kicosco, you don't need sudo when your root03:11
coscoim su root03:11
coscospacey i know03:12
spacey_kitake a look in /var/log03:12
McJerrythen you got another issue03:12
coscobut they said sudo :D03:12
[1] justin...03:12
McJerryhow did you install open-ssh?03:12
Pygicosco: well, you haven't said ur su root :P03:12
spacey_kicosco, to McJerry03:12
mebsdcosco: you need to create sshd keys03:12
[1] justinnow the installer is messing up on the kernel install03:12
eZepashaw, alright, i'll do something like that, thanks :)03:12
spacey_kiPygi, he had root@ ;)03:12
mebsdcosco: /etc/init.d/ssh help03:12
coscoim lost03:12
=== andrew_ is now known as andross
Pygispacey: huh, didn't look :P03:13
pashawcosco,   type   ps -ale | grep sshd03:13
McJerrycosco: pm on this one not necessary, you got several here trying to help you03:13
mebsdcosco: yo need to create 64-bit encripted handshake before you can start ssh server03:13
pashawcosco,   its probably already running03:13
coscoroot@cosco:/var/log# ps -ale | grep sshd03:13
cosco5 S     0 11008     1  0  85   0 -   885 -      ?        00:00:00 sshd03:13
mebsdso it's running you dumbass03:13
fredforfaeni just got evacuated cus of a fire in a building near by...scary shit03:13
Pygiheheheh :)03:13
coscoMcJerry i wanned to write ok not pm im nervous and lost lol03:13
McJerrycosco: how did you install openssh?03:13
=== Ainvar [i=Ainvar@eycb01-00-cntnga-69-164-248-83.atlaga.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
spacey_kicosco, /etc/init.d/ssh restart03:13
coscomcjerry with synaptic03:13
bunty_soundhelp with m-audio sound card?03:14
coscook its restarted03:14
coscothank you guys03:14
coscoPygi are you ready?03:14
Pygicosco: now make me an account....03:14
mebsdwhere can i dl ubuntu iso!03:14
Pygicosco: sudo adduser pygi admin03:14
McJerrycosco: then it was working to begin with03:14
Pygiand then assign me a password03:14
Ainvaron a 60 gig drive in a laptop what would be a good partition outlay for ubuntu? no other os's will be on the drive03:14
ruaraidhmebsd: www.google.com03:14
Pygiand then send me the pass in private message03:14
coscoroot@cosco:/var/log# adduser pygi admin03:14
coscoadduser: The user `pygi' does not exist.03:14
Pygicosco: huh, yes, you need to add user first :p03:14
McJerrycosco: do you have another computer on the lan?03:14
Pygiok, without the admin :P03:15
coscoMcjerry no03:15
Pygiainvar: 20 root, 40 home?03:15
pashawAinvar,   8G /    1G swap   10G /home    the rest add later when you find a need03:15
Pygipashaw: huh, empty space? :/03:15
sda3moni still can't find mpg321/12303:15
dragoonAinvar,  a small /boot partition, swap, 10G /, and /home for all else.03:15
mebsdcosco is newbie lol03:15
pashawPygi,   you dont have to use it all at once03:15
coscoPygi password pygi .. ure admin ... wow.cosco.ro03:15
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coscomebsd : i am :|03:15
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Ainvark cause I finally got my 2nd drive for the laptop and I want to have a dedicated drive for ubuntu :)03:16
pashawPygi,  with extra space you can make an area to tar to03:16
Pygicosco: no, don't write pass here :P03:16
Ainvarsweet thanks for the suggestions03:16
mebsdcosco: what you trying to do03:16
bunty_soundhelp on alsa sound pls?03:16
Pygibunty: wait in line pls...thanks03:16
coscomebsd : listen some kmusic... :| but cant play it03:16
coscopygi just go for it03:16
mebsdcosco: so what that has anytinhg to do with ssh?03:16
Pygimebsd: like ntfs won't mount :/ lemme go se....03:16
pashawPyq you handing out numbers for the folks  :P03:16
=== WildZeck [n=zeck@ax113-3-82-234-26-6.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
coscomebsd.. pygi trying to set my partition so i can add music in xmms then set the codecs03:16
coscolong story :D03:17
McJerryi think he wants someone to shell in and et things up03:17
mebsdhe will delete your everything03:17
Pygipashaw: huh :P03:17
coscoMCjerry :) thats true03:17
Pygiyes, I am a well known hacker :)03:17
pashawPygi,   kidding :)03:17
demonai figured out samba, anyway03:17
coscomebsd... :|03:17
coscostop scaring me03:17
McJerrywe are all hackers! the lot of us......but only a few are crackers03:17
sda3monis there a package available through apt that has mpg321??? i can't find it, my debian install has it already03:18
mebsdcosco: what's your user/pass, i'll help you03:18
demonakept wondering why this one samba share wouldn't mount from my linux server. i'd forgotten that i had mounted a directory THERE, on the WINDOWS machine, under that same directory.. but this machine is in ubuntu now, not windows. DOH!03:18
cosconot funny03:18
demonarecursive network failure03:18
Pygicosco: says wrong pass :p what have you been doin'? :P03:19
=== Chadza [n=Miranda@pcp0010702372pcs.manass01.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
coscodont u have pm?03:19
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McJerrycosco: question, you said you trying to play music? do you get other system sounds already?03:19
chocoboIs there a way to get a list of packages on Ubuntu?03:19
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ruaraidhchocobo: what do you mean exactly?03:20
Pygicosco: huh, you will have to rename the user pygi to mario :P03:20
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coscoi wrote you in porivate03:20
johndarkhorsechocobo: packages.ubuntu.com03:20
coscocant u see?03:20
chocoboOK, sorry.   Like with Debian you can go to a webpage and look at all the of packages available to install.03:20
mebsdhe means a list of packages on ubuntu, ruaraidh03:20
coscoMcJerry yes i hear other system sounds03:20
chocobothanks :)03:20
Pygicosco: I didn't got your message :P03:20
coscobut i cant see a ntfs partitions only in terminal .. so i cant add music in xmms03:21
ruaraidhlol, mebsd :)03:21
mebsdchocobo: you betray archlinux?03:21
sda3monin gnome you can go to Applications->Add Applications03:21
coscopygi join #chat.with.pigy03:21
pashawsda3mon,  did you  apt-cache search mpg32103:21
sda3monpashaw: yea i did, only lists xmms03:21
mebsdcan i install kde instead of gnome in ubuutu03:21
sda3moner nothing03:21
mebsdchocobo: you betray archlinux?03:21
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McJerrycosco: what program? xmms? and are you using alsa and what soundcard? and what file format you trying to listen too?03:21
chocobomebsd, I love archlinux but it isn't.... very scientifically oriented.03:21
McJerrycosco: what version of ubuntu?03:21
pashawsda3mon,  thats odd   you shoukldnt need them but have to added universe multiverse?03:22
chocoboThere are a lot of packages missing that I really need (SPICE, pcb, EDA)03:22
pashawsda3mon,   err i ment  but have you03:22
mebsdchocobo: what you mean03:22
coscoMc Jery 5.10 i guess03:22
sda3monpashaw: no idea, explain a little please03:22
coscotrying to listen .mp303:22
ruaraidhHow far am I in the queue here? ;)03:22
coscomp3 located in ntfs partition03:22
pashaw!tell sda3mon about repos03:22
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coscoand i think ntfs partition isnt mounted corect03:23
chocobomebsd, pacman -S ngspice doesnt work in Arch :)03:23
Shadymancosco: If you can see the mp3 files, it's mounted just fine.03:23
McJerrydon't guess, know, what ver? in cmd line type uname -r03:23
methoi cannot install mplayer for some reasons!03:23
limit223ok...I thought everyone here is drunk...I'm sorry...feel ashamed..:))..promise I won't spamm this chat... Happy New Year!!03:23
coscoshady i cant see it03:23
coscoi see them only in terminal03:23
Pygishady: I tried telling him that :P03:23
coscoin normal interface i cant see it03:23
McJerrycosco: when did you install ubuntu?03:23
coscoin xmms cant see it either03:23
pashawmetho,   you want kde?03:23
coscomcjerry today03:23
cosco2 hours ago03:23
coscomaybe 303:23
methono i am using gnome03:24
pashawmetho,   sorry  name  spelled close to person asking03:24
methopashaw, i am using gnome03:24
pashawmebsd,   you want kde?03:24
mebsdpashaw: yah i like kde more than gnome03:24
ruaraidhmebsd: BURN HIM!03:24
pashawmebsd,   sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop03:24
McJerrycosco: instead of having your machine open to the public why don't you download te Automatix script and let it install all the stuff you will need?03:25
=== eric_ [n=eric@pool-71-118-1-192.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
mebsdthat'll give me gnome03:25
pashawmebsd,   ahh no kde03:25
mebsdwhy no kde03:25
methocould some1 help me to install mplayer03:25
mebsdkde is good03:25
pashawmebsd,    that command gives you kde03:25
methoi am using ubuntu gnome03:25
=== AceTech [n=acetech@ip68-3-46-231.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
spacey_kimetho, its in multiverse03:26
methowhats that03:26
spacey_kiadd that repository and you can install it with synaptic03:26
pashaw!tell metho about mplayer03:26
methospacey, whats that03:26
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.kubuntu.org/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) see also !easysource03:26
ruaraidhWould anyone be offended if I asked again?03:26
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ruaraidhI tried to install gstreamer with synaptic, and it didn't work, and I quit...03:26
eric_I have ubuntu but I installed xbuntu and kubuntu desktop to try them out but I think I like gnome better and I want to delete the other set-up how do I do that?03:26
coscoMcJerry what are you talking about? what automatix script?03:26
=== hoth [n=hoth@HSE-Montreal-ppp132956.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
AceTechcan someone point me in the right direction to remove the menu in gnome for Transgaming.... the applications show up under the Transgaming and Games menu03:26
ruaraidhand I need to run dpkg --configure -a, but it just hangs!03:26
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pashawMcJerry,   please dont recommend thatscript03:27
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ShadymanMcJerry: It's evil.03:27
McJerrypashaw i have no problems with it on the 5.10 install03:27
methothanks guys!!, i'll try and come back with the results,,, see u later!!!!03:27
ubotuI heard automatix is messy, breaks all sorts of security guidelines, and is not open to improvement. In short: DO NOT USE IT!03:27
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cello_rasp!tell cello_rasp about mplayer03:28
AceTechis there a GUI program for gnome menu modification?03:28
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Igahi, does anybody have already had an "Debootstrap" error while installing an Ubuntu system?03:28
McJerryand since he has a fresh install and is already broadcasting everything here inviting the public into his server that script will do him no more harm03:28
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eric_can anyone help me restore Ubuntu gnome, I want to delete xfce and kde version03:29
pashawMcJerry,   you can pm him about it  just dont   recommend it here please, thx03:29
LittleDrummerBoyCan anyone help me with the arrow keys. They're not working!03:29
ruaraidhdoes anyone have any idea how to force dpkg/apt to drop the installation of a package without dpkg -a --configure?03:29
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ruaraidhclarification on request03:29
mebsdcan i use ubuntu like debian?03:29
ruaraidhme tired...03:29
pashawmebsd,   not sure   what do you mean like debian03:29
LittleDrummerBoyIt's so annoying not being able to move on text to correct an error because the left and right arrow keys do not work03:30
david_m_eSeveas ... i tried as hard as i could to figure out apt, Synaptic, etc.. but i must admit it escapes me; i download Opera for Linux from Operas website to my Desktop; I now have a file called 'opera_8.51-20051114.6-shared-qt_en_etch_i386.deb' on my desktop; but for the life of me i cannot figure out how to install it; i tried pointing Synaptic to it, i extracted it to 'opera extractioin' on my Desktop, and then tried Synaptic again; n03:30
david_m_eothing worked03:30
mebsdpashaw: apt-get install everything03:30
McJerryotherwise if he doesn't want to use the script, he can look up Automatix in the ubuntu forums and see a listing of the likely programs he will need to install via Synptic or otherwise03:30
pashawmebsd,   yep03:30
AceTecheric_: you could prob type apt-get remove xfce and apt-get remove kubuntu... but i am not sure how safe it is03:30
McJerrycommon sense03:30
LittleDrummerBoyMy left and right arrow keys do not work in any program03:30
=== Pygi [n=mario@83-131-246-106.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
pashawMcJerry,   im just asking you not to recommend it here please03:30
Pygihuh, what you did to me this time....my system froze :/03:30
ruaraidhdavid_m_e: sudo dpkg -i packagename03:30
LittleDrummerBoynot even in the terminal03:30
eric_well i already have gnome version installed but I wanted to try the other versions and don't like them03:30
Igacan anyone help me ? I can't install beither Hoary, nor Breezy03:30
coscoPygi :|03:31
david_m_eruaraidh: execute that while in the Desktop directory?03:31
eric_I used synaptic to uninstall but it didn't get rid of it03:31
Pygicosco: you are trying to hack me, I am sure of that :P03:31
salahMy Java applications can't be shown properly in Ubuntu, any suggestion? I am making the applications by my self, and Java can't even show a dialog box right...03:31
LittleDrummerBoydoes anyone have any idea why the <-- and --> keys are not working...03:31
coscoi am trying to hack you by giving you full access to my computer/03:31
cvt|gnuyearhappy GNUyear03:31
PygiI am joking :P03:31
ruaraidhthat work, david_m_e?03:31
=== Ainvar` [i=Ainvar@eycb01-00-cntnga-69-164-248-83.atlaga.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Shadymancosco: wtf?03:32
concept10eric_, to restore the gnome desktop, install ubuntu desktop, to get kde off uninstall libqt303:32
Pygicosco: please open that room again, and gimme the url03:32
AceTechis there a gnome menu editing program for the gnome menu?03:32
david_m_eruaraidh: had to answer call from my wife; to go try now... brb03:32
McJerryas i said, common sense dictates he can go to that script and see a listing of likely programs he will need.......discussion or not its on the Ubuntu forum03:32
LittleDrummerBoyplease help03:32
Pygicosco: url of ur computer03:32
coscoShadyman i grated him access to my pc to help me mount that partition corectly03:32
Pygithat *.ru or somethin'03:32
LittleDrummerBoydoes any know why the ARROW DIRECTIONAL keys are not working03:32
Shadymancosco: Ok.03:32
coscoand he thinks im trying to hack him03:32
=== Shadyman boggles at the concept.
Pygicosco: well, my computer froze :)03:32
coscoi dont trust you anymore03:32
ruaraidhLDB: where aren't they working?03:33
Pygicosco: huh, k03:33
eric_ok thanks, have any idea on how to uninstall xbuntu03:33
ruaraidhvi, ubuntu, other OSes?03:33
LittleDrummerBoythey're not working nowhere03:33
Igacould anyone help me please?!03:33
pashawMcJerry,   common sense is i asked you to please respect the channel ops  request that it not be recommended03:33
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Pygieric: throught synaptic?03:33
ruaraidhLDB: are you dual-booting?03:33
Pygicosco: huh, what I did so you dont trust me?03:33
McJerrycosco: another question: is this your first linux install?03:33
LittleDrummerBoyI just have ubuntu03:33
ruaraidhcan you try a livecd?03:33
LittleDrummerBoynothing else03:33
coscoMcJerry no ... but im noob03:33
coscoPygi .. sayin to me im trying to hack u03:34
McJerryI see no channel ops request03:34
Pygicosco: huh, I was joking :P03:34
eric_I tried that but when i log in and choose session the option for xfce is still available and it will still load if I select it03:34
ubotumethinks automatix is messy, breaks all sorts of security guidelines, and is not open to improvement. In short: DO NOT USE IT!03:34
Pygipashaw: hehe :)03:34
pashawMcJerry,   who do you suppose  program ubotu to say that?03:34
McJerrywhere does it say not to discuss it03:34
ruaraidhdoes anyone have any idea how to force dpkg/apt to fix a half installed package without dpkg -a --configure?03:34
pashawMcJerry,   your rather thick03:34
ruaraidhLDB: try a livecd03:34
Pygicosco: wanna try me to help you or?03:34
david_m_e ruaraidh: it doing something intelligent; why didn't Synaptic work?03:35
ruaraidhand don't dhout :)03:35
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ruaraidhsynaptic doesn't play with naked dpkg files, I think03:35
ruaraidh'fraid that's the only way I know how to do it?03:35
McJerryno, your rather one sided, but i am not here to debate with you, now if you want to help cosco, perhaps we need to get him started on figuring things out instead of doing it for him.....03:35
ruaraidhdid it work?03:35
ubotuit has been said that ntfs is the filesystem used in Windows 2000 and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions, or writing to ntfs is risky and only experimental. Reading is OK03:36
pashawMcJerry,   i like cosco  i wanta keep him around03:36
LittleDrummerBoywhy do i have to do to get someones attention03:36
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ruaraidhLittleDrummerBoy: try a damned livecd, see if it's a problem with ubuntu or the arrow keys themselves!03:36
david_m_eruaraidh: it errors out for 4 libs not installed... ugh... now i have to figure out how to install: xlib6g, xlibs, libqt3-mt, libqt3c102-mt03:36
=== Mr_Milenko [n=Mr_Milen@ip-68-178-144-29.ip.secureserver.net] has joined #Ubuntu
LittleDrummerBoyi dont have a livecd03:36
ruaraidhlook for them under libraries in synaptic, or search03:37
coscoMcJerry its all about that partition.. ntfs one03:37
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ruaraidhburn one LDB03:37
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pashawLittleDrummerBoy,    thats a quick way to get the boot03:37
coscoim 15 years old noob .. cant do it all alone :|03:37
ruaraidhLDB: no, wait...03:37
cosco:) :P :> :D03:37
McJerrypashaw: and so, i am simply suggesting that he refer to the script to see a list of programs (hint, friggin, hint) he may need to install to get his base install up to speed for what he is wanting to do with xmms and mp3s.......03:37
=== illicit [n=illicit@pool-71-248-26-155.bltmmd.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ruaraidhLDB: reboot, get into your BIOS and see if you can move the arrow keys there03:38
pashawMcJerry,   i get all that  i only asked you a simple request  not to do it again  i know you had good intentions03:38
McJerryotherwise, help me understand what i missed here??? what does playing mp3s have to do with ntfs partition?03:38
LittleDrummerBoygood idea03:38
LittleDrummerBoyi'll go to the BIOS thing03:38
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LittleDrummerBoyand im sure theyre gonna work03:38
LittleDrummerBoyim pretty sure03:38
ruaraidhIt's what I do... <cheesy smile />03:38
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cafuegoHmm, cheese...03:38
=== Shadyman takes a picture. Cheese!
ruaraidha delicious new years's treat...03:39
=== _TomB [n=ownthebo@ACD1FB83.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
ruaraidhI'm odd and tired03:39
McJerrypashaw: then we are on the same wavelength for the most part, i will respect your requet03:39
LittleDrummerBoybrb im going to the bios bliue screen thingyyyyyyyyyyyyy03:39
pashawMcJerry,  i was asked the same thing once  :P03:39
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Notehow can I make my resolution higher03:40
ruaraidhNote: in gnome...03:40
coscobrb reboot03:40
McJerrybut, i still feel that script has a good reference list to the various programs most need to enhance a base install. period03:40
coscoif i dont come back03:40
coscoslap Pygi03:40
ruaraidhSystem, at the top of the screen...03:40
ITSa341<-- having a New Years Strawberry Daquirrita  ( couldn't decide whether to add Tequilla or Rum  so I added a bottle of each )03:40
Pygicosco: why slapping? :P03:40
Noteah but that doesnt work03:40
NoteI only have one to choose from03:40
pashawMcJerry,    they wont use it as your suggesting you will install it   then break stuff then come here worse of then before03:40
Note(Itried it many times before it aint really brains urgery)03:41
braskoHi, what's the difference between /dev/input/mice and /dev/psaux?03:41
johndarkhorseubotu: tell Note about fixres03:41
ruaraidhwhat does your GPU support (nominally)?03:41
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ruaraidhNote: better plan, ignore me, listen to those guys03:41
McJerrypashaw: i just haven't had that problem: maybe it's just me03:41
braskoAs I've stated before, my mouse doesn't work when i switch in KVM between windows/linux. The only way to get it to work is to reboot03:41
braskoThis was never a problem with debian, I could just restart the X server03:42
ITSa341Anyone here had any luck with aol 9 yet?? or even 7 or 8??03:42
braskoHowever, the mouse in debian XF86 file was to /dev/psaux03:42
=== eric_ [n=eric@pool-71-118-1-192.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
braskoIn Ubuntu it's to /dev/input/mice03:42
pashawbrasko,   that was for pre 2.6 kernels03:42
eric_is there a site where I can download the install for xfce03:42
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pashawbrasko,   /dev/psaux device, which was in Linux pre 2.6 kernels. Since version 2.6, this device has been removed.03:43
ruaraidheric_: can't you use synaptic & the ubuntu reps?03:43
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batmanhello everyone and happy new year03:43
eric_yeah but I want to burn a cd for the install03:43
NoteI tried to update to dapper but it froze and I couldnt boot Xorg up again03:43
ruaraidhwtf? :)03:43
=== SillyZ [n=sillyz@CPE-24-169-244-6.neb.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
SillyZhappy new year03:44
ruaraidhwhat do you mean burn a new cd?03:44
Igacould anyone help me ? I got an "debootstrap" error while installting Breezy and Hoary03:44
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eric_I want to burn a xfce install cd03:44
SillyZanyone know how / if its possible to make boot floppies for ubuntu? I have a laptop w/ no cdrom drive and would really like to get ubuntu on it03:44
eric_is there a place to download the iso.image file03:45
ruaraidheric_: why?03:45
ruaraidhxfce is a program, not an os03:45
eric_so I can install it on another pc03:45
ubotuBinary only codecs (such as w32codecs) can be downloaded from plf or cipherfunk, see !easysource for details on these repositories03:45
pashawIga,    youve been at this forever   maybe you should try knoppix install   if that still doenst work then you have bigger problems than linux   but if it works   then Ubuntu has a bug03:45
Noteu mean03:45
braskopashaw: I see, this 2.6 kernel also happens to have /dev/psaux03:45
braskois that for back compatibilty?03:45
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ruaraidhgoogle for the source / a .deb and burn a data cd, I guess03:46
pashawbrasko,   try it then  worse thing can happen it wont do anything03:46
Strikehrmm, anybody else have a problem with the gmail notifier dying after a while?03:46
Ainvar`if I wanted to use something like beagel for indexing and such do I have to use reiser or does ext3 work fine for this also... I remember reading this on the forum sometime back but have not been able to find the info I need tonight to answer this question03:46
Pygiweeee, cosco's partitions work now :)03:46
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SillyZalso, wheres the kernel source for breezy? 2.6.12-9 I belive it is03:46
coscoi love pygi03:46
mebsdwtf is breezy03:46
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Igapashaw > I've tried a Hoary cd that worked 2 months ago, and it still gave me the same "debootstrap" error03:46
ubotuhmm... mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats03:46
braskopashaw: Now that you've said that, I'm thinking it's probably a kernel change, instead of an X change03:46
eric_oh see I thought is was an os like kubuntu or Ubuntu03:46
ruaraidhI wonder where Little Drummer Boy is...03:46
braskopashaw: the fact that I have to reboot to get it to sync03:46
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH!, cosco03:46
Tonglebeakdoes anyone know how i can remove the grub bootloader and be able to use ntldr (i hate grub)03:47
pashawbrasko,    that would be my guess  2.6 changed alot of stuff from 2.403:47
Pygicosco: have you enabled all repositories in sources.list? and don't annoy ubotu :P03:47
mebsdgrub hate you03:47
braskopashaw: I wonder if there's a command line tool used to resync the mouse03:47
coscoPygi : yes03:47
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Pygicosco: you sure? :)03:47
johndarkhorseubotu: tell cosco about conduct03:47
andresE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.03:47
Tonglebeaki was told using fixmbr will not work because of the why linux partitions are03:47
=== Xenguy awaits the return of crimsun...
johndarkhorseandres: follow the instructions03:47
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Tonglebeakand i'm not up to using fixmbr unless i'm sure it will work03:47
pashawIga,   im just saying  try a different debian based distro  if they still fail you have bigger problems than Ubuntu03:48
Pygicosco: k, I'll deal with codecs now03:48
ruaraidhI have a problem like Andres'!03:48
pashawIga,   ive seen you here alot lately03:48
ruaraidhPlease, God, help me!03:48
pashawIga,  i feel bad it keeps  messin up03:48
Pygicosco: have you enabled even multiverse?03:48
ruaraidhrunning dpkg --configure -a just hangs!03:48
maseHAPPY NEW YEARSSSSssssssss03:48
coscoPygi yes03:48
SillyZhow can I install ubuntu on a laptop w/ no cdrom ?03:48
johndarkhorseubotu: tell SillyZ about smartboot03:49
SillyZsmartboot? whats dat ?03:49
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johndarkhorseSillyZ: read your priv msgs03:49
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Igapashaw: ok, but I can't download it, my connection is too slow03:49
SillyZthanks john03:50
Igahowever, Windows has installed without problem, and breezy's live cd works fine03:50
McJerrycosco: are you making progres?03:50
coscoMcJerry yup03:50
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ruaraidh_any body?03:50
pashawIga, i just think your spinning your wheels on the same trouble  time to take a different approach at this03:50
coscomcjerry partitions work now:P03:50
pashawIga,    but i wish you luck03:50
braskopashaw: https://lists.dulug.duke.edu/pipermail/dulug/2004-August/015432.html, looks like this is my problem in general03:50
Pygicosco: you know, I haven't sleept today or yesterday :p03:50
pashawbrasko,   any solutions03:51
coscoMcjerry cant find tux on symaptic :|03:51
ruaraidh_come on!03:51
coscoPygi believe me .. me neither03:51
DagdaHi all, I have a question about rar files03:51
SillyZmmm dosent quite explain what I was looking for but ill give it a a shot johndarkhorse03:51
braskopashaw: you seem to be right. It looks like the 2.6 kernel significatnly changed the mouse drivers03:51
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braskopashaw: instead of using user space mouse drivers03:51
pashawruaraidh_,   why did you say anybody?  i never saw you ask a question03:51
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Pygicosco: what connection do you have?03:52
ruaraidh_I did as ruaraidh03:52
coscoPygi 512kbps03:52
ruaraidh_sorry, screwed up xchat03:52
DagdaI tried installing the rar archiver from the instructions here   http://ubuntuguide.org/#rar03:52
pashawbrasko,   i still agree with cafuego   time to learn terminal server  and ditch the KVM03:52
ruaraidh_my problem is that dpkg --configure -a...03:52
ubotuI guess ubuntuguide is out of date, reported to break a lot an generally a bad source for information. Use help.ubuntu.com or wiki.ubuntu.com instead03:52
Pygicosco: k, should be quite fast then....03:52
braskohmmm, is that easy to use from windows?03:52
Dagdathose commands didn't seem to work for me, it is still unrecognized03:52
braskoI need this to be transparent, so my wife can use it03:52
ruaraidh_needs to run but hangs every time I run it...03:53
johndarkhorseDagda: stay away from ubuntuguide (install unrar-nonfree from multiverse)03:53
pashawbrasko,   yes  take a couple goes and maybe some quick directions  but its easy when its setup03:53
Pygicosco: I still don't know why I tried to connect to that .ru thingy :P03:53
ruaraidh_I need to know how to stop it trying to fix things ;)03:53
braskopashaw: Which machine would the mouse be hooked up to?03:53
coscoits .ro03:53
braskopashaw: I have 2 linux box's and 1 windows03:53
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pashawbrasko,   heck  VNC  is installed in Ubuntu by default can use that also03:53
Pygicosco: and now you tell me :)03:53
pashawbrasko,   keep it all on your favorite machine03:54
ruaraidh_pashaw: that any help?03:54
braskopashaw: hmm, can I keep it on the windows machine?03:54
Dagdashould I stay away from that as a reference period?  Is it bad info?03:54
ITSa341I've used VNC  It's easy and worked fine03:54
braskopashaw: So that it "just works" for my wife?03:54
pashawruaraidh_,   what are you trying to do     not the command  why are you running that to begin with03:54
braskopashaw: And then setup linux to use that mouse?03:54
coscotomorrow i go snowboarding and its 5 am ... and im working on my ubuntu :D oh yea03:54
ruaraidh_because I tried to install gstreamer...03:55
braskoVNC is pretty tempting, but my other linux box is debian stable, with no X server (firewall)03:55
SillyZjohndarkhorse, can I just dd the smb.bin will that work? or does it have to have rawrite ?03:55
pashawbrasko,   yes  windows  fine  i run 6 servers at work from my 1 windows desktop  AIX, Debian, Microsoft mix03:55
Pygicosco: it's 4 am :P03:55
ruaraidh_and for one reason or another it stopped while doing so03:55
coscoPygi in RO its 4:55 am :D03:55
pashawbrasko,  i never leave my desk   getting secretary butt03:55
Pygiyes, I know, here, 3:55 am :P03:55
braskopashaw: whoa. Does this apply to the mouse and keyboard? or just the mouse?03:55
ruaraidh_I might have stopped it, but I think there was some kind of problem03:56
ruaraidh_sorry, quite tired03:56
pashawbrasko,   it all stays on the windows machine   ubuntu  will only need power and network cable03:56
coscoPygi are u downloading codecs?:D03:56
Pygicosco: yesh03:56
pashawbrasko,   not even a monitor03:56
Pygiand installing them03:56
braskopashaw: and the video cable, right?03:56
methohello, thanks very much pashaw and ubotu, i installed the mplayer without any problems (thanks again) is there any other divx player available03:56
Pygicosco: you have enough bandwith?:)03:56
coscoyes.. but i dont have enough time coz my eyes close ;))03:56
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Pygicosco: ah, well, drink cofee :P03:57
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pashawruaraidh_,   you can remove it   with remove --purge  then reinstall03:57
cosco:)) my parents are about to wake in 1 h :D03:57
jhon_1how to install adobe reaader 7.0?03:57
braskopashaw: I'm mystified. What's the name of the server I have to install on windows? and the name of the client I have to install on ubuntu?03:57
Pygiafter this please erase mario and pygi user.....03:57
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Pygicosco: hoh, we'll be done in 1 hour....03:57
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methopashaw, thanks very for the information refaeding the mplayer03:57
coscoPygi ETA? estimated time till finish?:D03:58
Dagdajohndarkhorse,  I can only see unrar-free in synaptic.  Do I need to add another repository, I have multivers binar and source checked03:58
ruaraidh_I tried sudo apt-get remove --purge gstreameretc., but it just tells me gstreamer isn't installed...03:58
ruaraidh_and ignores it03:58
Pygicosco: 15 minutes?03:58
pashawbrasko,   if your just going from windows to Ubuntu use VNC  its preinstalled03:58
pashaw!tell brasko about vnc03:59
coscowhat do i have to write in terminal to see info about my computer?03:59
pashawbrasko,   when you want to get fancy  setup terminalserver03:59
braskopashaw: Thanks. Really appreciate it.03:59
pashawbrasko,   np03:59
Pygicosco: the only thing I won't do for you is setup firefox to work with java....04:00
ruaraidh_sorry, running that command gives me "E: dpkg was interrupted... etc."04:00
pashawcosco,    what info?04:00
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Pygiwelcome irv04:00
coscoPygi, hmmm is it so annyoing?lol04:01
pashawruaraidh_,    try  sudo apt-get install -f <program>     whatever used the first time04:01
coscoin windows is quite simple04:01
coscojust downloading a plugin04:01
braskoO, the terminal server is part of XVNC?04:01
Pygicosco: well, not here, and I don't feel ike :P04:02
pashawbrasko,   terminalserver is seperate but does the same thing over a different protocol04:02
PygiI wanna sleep :P04:02
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ruaraidh_"E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.04:02
ruaraidh_" :(04:02
coscome too04:02
coscoPygi how old are you?04:02
braskopashaw: I understand now. Why would I want to use the terminal server then, if it's similar to VNC?04:02
Pygicosco: 136 years :)04:02
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cosco1337 years04:03
braskopashaw: Sorry to keep this going :), I guess I'm just to curious04:03
pashawbrasko,   youll learn something and may prefer the way it works04:03
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coscono.. seriously04:03
coscohow old?04:03
poningruok seriously guys04:03
braskohaha, I see04:03
Pygicosco: hm, I don't know :)04:03
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coscoPygi guess04:03
pashawbrasko,   if you were going from Ubuntu into XP then youd want the terminalserver right away   VNC cant connect to the XP remote desktop04:04
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braskopashaw: Whoa, the terminal server can log into XP from Ubuntu?04:04
irvinmorning all!04:04
irvinis there a backport for bootchart on breezy?04:04
Pygimornin' irv04:05
=== timfrost [n=tim_fros@222-152-212-212.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
coscoargh i have another question to you guys.. when i made the partitions in the ubuntu installer ... it veryfied the windows partition yoo .. and found some files and said they not corespond with 32 bite and staf.... ater ubuntu was installed i get a blue screen when xp startss... its kaputt..04:05
braskopashaw: Are you saying I can get to the remote desktop on an XP home machine, if I have the terminal server?04:05
methoeveryone HAPPY NEW YEAR04:05
braskopashaw: And I can go from the windows machine into linux?04:05
coscowindows says about some hardware..04:06
PygiCosco, please erase my 2 account04:06
coscopygi ure ready?04:06
Pygicosco: yes04:06
Pygicosco: you have everything setup but support for java in firefox04:06
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pashawruaraidh_,   sudo apt-get --reinstall install <package>04:06
PygiI didn't felt like doin' in in 4 in the mornin04:06
coscoi have to reboot04:07
coscoto play mp3?04:07
pashawbrasko,   your planning to keep the keyboard connected to the XP  so just use VNC into Ubuntu   til you get the hang of it04:07
McJerrybrasko: get RealVNC enterprise for your windows xp machine04:07
coscook i reboot04:07
McJerrythen you can vnc into linux and view linux desktop on the xp machine04:08
McJerryand visa versa04:08
topylireboot? i was too late to tell him/her/it not to04:08
braskopashaw: Sounds good, I've used VNC before. In fact, I think I used RealVNC. However, wouldn't tightvnc be good?04:08
ruaraidh_E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.04:08
ruaraidh_ sorry04:08
Pygihuh, 2 hours of :/04:08
pashawbrasko,   yeah we didnt get to that part yet   for XP you can use any VNC program  tightVNC realVNC   as McJerry mentioned04:09
Dagdawhat repository is unrar-nonfree found in04:09
methoMcJerry & Pashaw: can u not use some built-in options for remote controlling instead of using third party software04:09
DagdaI can't seem to find it anywhere04:09
Pygidagda: probably multiverse04:09
DagdaI can find the free version, not the nonfree04:09
spacey_kiunrar-nonfree is definately in multiverse04:09
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ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.kubuntu.org/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) see also !easysource04:10
coscolets see04:10
cello_raspit would be nice if there were a  vnc for linux that allowed saving passwords and copy+paste :|04:10
braskopashaw: Just so I don't get ahead of myself, I should probably install either tightvnc or realvnc first, and then get ubuntu to talk to it, right?04:10
david_m_eruaraidh: any idea where i can find: lib6g, lib6s, libqt3c102-mt04:10
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braskoMcJerry: why do you use realvnc over tightvnc?04:10
pashawmetho,   VNC is free and easy     great learning tool before trying terminalserver04:10
DagdaI have both the universe and multiverse checked, it doesn't find it04:10
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coscoPygi, i love you :D it works04:10
spacey_kibrasko, FreeNX04:10
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Pygicocso: hehe, congrats and enjoy :)04:10
braskopashaw: OK, I'll take your advice on that04:11
coscothank you very much04:11
coscoyou and the other guys that helped me04:11
Pygino problem :)04:11
pashawbrasko,   all you need is the vncviewer for the XP machine it doesnt even install04:11
topylicello_rasp: xvnc-client does provide copy/paste04:11
cosco\:D/ feel the music04:11
McJerrybrasko: i use tightvnc in linux and realvnc on windowsxp because it simply works with no problems for me04:11
braskoOOOO, I see.04:11
spacey_kiFreeNX is ideal for remote desktop04:11
Pygicosco: yes, after two hours of struggle :P04:11
braskoI need to setup the server on linux. cool. haha, and your saying it does that by default?04:11
methoPashaw: i see ur point and i have been using VNC for past 6 months or so but now i am borred and wana try something new like terminalserver which seems to be harder but doable04:11
pashawbrasko,   then System>Pref>RemoteDesktop  on the Ubuntu machine set that up04:12
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coscopygi yup04:12
gnu2it2i have new install ubuntu,, it is not setting of eth0 or routs on boot, any ideas? info is in /etc/network/interfaces04:12
spacey_kimetho, before you play with LTSP you should play with FreeNX ;)04:12
pashawmetho,   yes and yes   its harder and doable and really cool04:12
coscoi go to sleep now04:12
coscobye guys04:12
coscoc'ya later04:12
braskopashaw: OK, I'll have to reboot :), unless you know of a command line to do it04:12
KyralFreeNX is amazing04:12
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pashawbrasko,    yeah get your mouse working to enable the Ubuntu settings04:12
braskoI'm looking at the freenx website, it's not Yet Another VNC?04:13
topylibrasko: you almost never need to reboot04:13
Kyralbrasko: Faster, and over SSH04:13
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spacey_kibrasko, you can install the packages from seveas.ubuntulinux.nl04:13
McJerrybrasko: but you can simply enable remote desktop access on your base ubuntu install and install realvnc on xp machine and connect right up04:13
pashawbrasko,   no its an improvement to terminalserver04:13
spacey_kifreenx is in that repository04:13
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braskopashaw: O, OK. I see.04:13
spacey_kiFreeNX is much nicer than VNC04:13
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braskopashaw: I'm definatly happy to take your advice, get VNC up, and then at least I have a mouse to play around with04:13
McJerrylike pashaw said....we do agree it seems :)04:14
methoPashaw: can u provide me a useful link for using/learning terminalserver instead of asking here like a dumbie!!!04:14
pashawbrasko,  VNC has been around forever   terminalused to cost thousands  now  NX   learned from all those other programs04:14
newbiextremHi everybody :D04:14
McJerryspacey_ki: if your freeNX session craps out, can you pick up where you left off?04:14
braskoMcJerry: Yeah, I have to reboot to enable remote desktop on ubuntu, cause mouse doesn't work04:14
spacey_kiMcJerry, suppose to yeah04:14
ubuntu_the passwd of root on cd live ubuntu????04:15
ubuntu_the passwd of root on cd live ubuntu????04:15
spacey_kiyou can suspend you current session for sure in freenx04:15
topylibrasko: then it's a bug, not working as advertised. report the bug04:15
johndarkhorseubuntu_: there is none04:15
pashawmetho,   google  linux terminal server guide  youll find a bunch04:15
McJerryubuntu_ is encrypted random password04:15
spacey_kiubuntu_, just type sudo -i04:15
poningruubuntu_: none04:15
spacey_kiMcJerry, no its not04:15
braskotopyli: I'm using a KVM04:15
spacey_kithere is no password04:15
methoPashaw: thanks!04:15
spacey_kiits disabled04:15
poningruyeah you just sudo04:16
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topylibrasko: oh sorry, i thought you were talking about vnc or tightvnc. i know nothing about KVM04:17
spaceyKVM has nothing to do with VNC04:17
topylii see that now :)04:18
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poimenhello !04:18
methocan i ask a stupid question... i want to type su instead of sudo for admin tasks!! is that possible in ubuntu???04:18
ruaraidh_thx, everyone04:18
poimenhappy new year!04:18
methohappy new year04:19
topylidamn sabbath's fluff is good :)04:19
david_m_eSeveas: you there?04:19
NoteI cant start mol04:19
johndarkhorseubotu: tell metho about root04:19
Notethis error appear startmol --osx04:19
NoteMac-on-Linux 0.9.70 [Jul 23 2005 19:20] 04:19
NoteCopyright (C) 1997-2004 Samuel Rydh04:19
NoteStarting MOL session 104:19
NoteLoading Mac-on-Linux kernel module:04:19
NoteFATAL: Module mol not found.04:19
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Note  Failed to load the Mac-on-Linux kernel module -- please install04:19
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o johndarkhorse] by ChanServ
newbiextremIs there a guy here who knows PHP ? I'm really bad with that language (and in English too :D) and I'm not sure how to fix the error that appears on the top : http://welcometux.ath.cx:65500/punbb_final_save/viewtopic.php?id=25704:19
Note  mol-modules-source and build your own, or find a binary package04:19
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Toma-got flud?04:19
poimenI hope 2006 will be agreate year for ubuntu and kubuntu and linux04:20
topylimetho: it's possible. just give root a password using sudo. why do you want to do that?04:20
McJerryubuntu_: are you still here04:20
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Pyginewbieextrem: this has nothing to do with ubuntu :P04:20
Pygiuse #php04:20
Notesry yeesh04:21
newbiextremOh yeah sorry... But Ubuntu forums use punBB :D04:21
gnu2it2i have new install ubuntu,, it is not setting of eth0 or routs on boot, any ideas? info is in /etc/network/interfaces04:21
Pyginewbiextrem: hehe :)04:21
timfrostmetho, 'sudo -i' is equivalent to 'su -'04:21
johndarkhorseubotu: tell Note about pastebin04:21
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braskoOK, I think I got the remove desktop working04:21
braskonow I'll install the client.04:21
=== Pygi thinks that after 52 hours he must sleep ......
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methoJohndrakehorse: thanks04:22
methotimfrost: thanks04:22
Pygignomefreak: ping?04:22
=== purpleheart_USMC [n=chatzill@c-67-170-114-80.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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methoBye everyone04:23
david_m_eto at-large:  any idea where i can find: lib6g, lib6s, libqt3c102-mt ?04:23
methoenjoy new year day04:23
Pygik, bye and enjoy :)))04:23
purpleheart_USMCIs it possible to do everything with a live cd that you can do with an installed ubuntu?04:23
pashawpurpleheart_USMC,  yes  but youll have to do it everytime you reboot04:24
braskowhen using realvnc viewer, what do I put for the Server?04:24
purpleheart_USMCi see04:24
braskoI used the IP, and it doesn't seem to connect.04:24
newbiextremI was just wondering how to get the member name because if I replace the variable "poster_name" in the following line by the author name's found in the topic it works : $poster_name = mysql_fetch_row($db->query('SELECT username FROM '.$db->prefix.'users WHERE id="'.$pun_user['id'] .'"'));04:24
=== jdcaserockies [n=jdcasero@c-67-176-67-160.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
pashawbrasko,    ip address for Ubuntu machine04:24
braskoI can ping, with cmd, the IP just fine04:24
braskoI wonder if I didn't start the service04:25
newbiextremwell it doesn't concern Ubuntu so I guess the question has nothing to do here :(04:25
molineroHello Ubuntu users!04:25
jdcaserockiesCan someone tell me how to make rhythmbox the default player for all music files? My friend set it to XMMS, but I removed XMMS.04:25
molineroHappy New Year04:25
jdcaserockieshappy new year, where are you?04:25
pashawbrasko, you might want to do a quick   ifconfig on the ubuntu machine to verify the ip04:26
Toma-im nursing my new year hangover :|~~~04:26
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Dagdathanks for the help, I thought i had enabled all of the extra repositories, I followed a tutorial that showed me how to do it in the terminal.  I can now unpack rar files.  You guys are great, thanks again!04:26
jdcaserockiesHow do you choose file type associations?04:26
braskopashaw: whoa, good point04:26
braskoyeah, the IP is good04:27
braskowhat's the name of the vnc server process?04:27
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braskoI could check to see if it's running04:27
=== dustin [n=dustin@12-218-182-145.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
Irvinehow to run wine after installed?04:27
pashawbrasko,   yiou enabled  allow users to control and allow the view  right04:27
Toma-Irvine: "wine windowsprogram.exe" in a terminal04:27
jdcaserockiesapps -> run -> wine?04:27
pashawbrash i always use require password also04:27
braskothe top 2 are checked, the bottom 2 unchecked04:27
Igaor simply "wine" into a terminal04:27
braskoDo you know what port vnc starts on ubuntu?04:28
braskoI could use netstat -l?04:28
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McJerrybrasko: what machine is the client?04:28
braskothe client is windows xp home machine. realvnc.04:29
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jdcaserockiesanybody know how I can pick file associations?04:29
braskothe server is newly installed ubuntu.04:29
IrvineToma-,cannot find windowsprogram.exe04:29
johndarkhorsejdcaserockies: right click in nautilus and choose properties. have fun04:29
McJerryclick options button, then misc tab and check 3.3 protocol, see if that works04:29
=== sorush20 [n=sorush20@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
purpleheart_USMCDoes Ubuntu support external hdd's?  Like the USB ones?04:29
Shadymanpurpleheart_USMC: Yes.04:29
timfrostbrasko, try 'netstat -nat' (the a to get the ports that are listening04:29
Toma-Irvine: you need to find the executable, eg. "MSN.exe" or "Nero.exe" and put it after "wine"04:30
pashawbrasko,   you typed just the ip into the vnc server box  right04:30
jdcaserockiesjohndarkhorse: when i right click no properties comes up04:30
braskoOK, nothing is listening, except on localhost04:30
purpleheart_USMCShadyman: Is there any speciffic brand, or does it cover pretty much all of them?04:30
dustincan anyone here tell me what the different between file_get_contents("http://www.website.com/tables.php?jump=690"); is and me typing http://www.website.com/tables.php?jump=690 in the address window........ the site seems to know that it is a script and it does not load all the required information04:30
braskopashaw: yes04:30
johndarkhorsejdcaserockies: the context menu doesnt say04:30
=== zeljko [n=zeljko@ppp195-103.vdial.verat.net] has joined #ubuntu
johndarkhorse'properties' at the bottom?04:30
doogluspurpleheart_USMC: it doesn't support mine04:30
jdcaserockiesno, am I right clicking in the right place?04:31
Irvinecannot find wine.exe04:31
braskoI suppose I didn't actually setup the vnc server properly04:31
zeljkohi guys04:31
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purpleheart_USMCoh.  i saw a 100gb drivee for $80 and got interested04:31
zeljkohepy new year04:31
doogluspurpleheart_USMC: I have an external maxtor 250Gb hard disk and ubuntu doesn't work well with either its USB2 or Firewire interfaces04:31
IgaIrvine > wine.exe ?04:31
Irvinehow to run wine?04:31
braskolooks like port 5900 should be listening?04:31
johndarkhorseubotu: tell Irvine about wine04:32
doogluspurpleheart_USMC: I don't think it's a problem with ubuntu specifically, no linux distro seems to work with it04:32
purpleheart_USMCbut if its 1.1 compatible it should be fine?04:32
pashawbrasko,    did you enable a firewall   like firestarter04:32
johndarkhorsebrasko: only if you're running it through a ssh tunnel04:32
Irvinei just installed by synaptic package manager04:32
braskopashaw: definatly not, unless it does it by default04:32
braskoI haven't done anything to this machine yet04:32
braskomostly cause the mouse doesn't work :)04:33
Igajust type "wine" into a shell04:33
braskoYeah, the vnc server hasn't started04:33
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braskoIt says port 5900 should be listening04:33
timfrostbrasko, 5900 is the correct port.04:33
braskoOK, so, it didn't start up04:33
Irvinehow to cd to desktop?04:34
IgaIrvine > or go into the directory where the .exe you want to run is with the "cd" command, then type "wine ...exe"04:34
Shadymanirvine: cd ~/Desktop/04:34
Igacd  ~/Desktop/04:35
ShadymanIrvine: Note the capital D.04:35
Igause "tab" after having typed "D"04:35
=== Daedric [n=noneof@bl5-210-55.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu
pashawbrasko,    type  ps -ale | grep vino04:35
Igathen, just type "wine ./xxxxx.exe"04:36
=== Ron_o [n=Ron@12-226-114-88.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
Toma-no need for ./04:36
=== crimsun [n=crimsun@cpe-066-056-187-199.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Igaah? I did it, but if it's useless...04:37
cafuegoIga: Much of a muchness.04:37
pashawbrasko,    type    netstat -an | grep :590004:37
ShadymanIs there a tool for ubuntu like chkconfig to check the init levels of init.d files?04:37
Toma-./ just tells it to look in the cwd. something thats done by default anhyway :D~04:37
doogluspurpleheart_USMC: I'm not sure whether it worked with 1.1 or not.  I think maybe it did, but it's been so long since I used it now.04:37
cafuegobrasko: Playing with vnc?04:38
Toma-Shadyman: its called bum.04:38
ShadymanToma-: Ok...04:38
purpleheart_USMCdooglus: ty04:38
=== BenC [n=bcollins@debian/developer/bcollins] has joined #ubuntu
jdcaserockieshow od i make rhythmbox the default player?04:38
Toma-!info bum04:38
ubotubum: (tool to manage bootup scripts), section universe/admin, is optional. Version: 1.3.2-1 (breezy), Packaged size: 55 kB, Installed size: 348 kB04:38
doogluspurpleheart_USMC: actually, yes, it did work with USB 1.1.  that's right.  I remember backing up my laptop's 40Gb hard disk to it one night using USB1 and it was fine.04:38
braskopashaw: after reboot, it was up04:39
doogluspurpleheart_USMC: it took all night, but it was fine.04:39
braskopashaw: It's working now, this is great!04:39
ShadymanToma-: Thanks. I thoguht maybe you were joking or something... *shifty*04:39
purpleheart_USMCheh, sweet04:39
Toma-i have one wicked hangover :|~04:39
poningrujdcaserockies: default for what?04:39
Toma-hehehe :D04:39
braskocafuego: yeah04:39
pashawbrasko,   thats only the beginning   terminalserver and then FreeNX are even better04:39
jdcaserockiesponingru: all music files04:39
braskoI guess I have some configuration now04:39
braskothe window is appropriatly sized04:39
pashawbrasko,   think your wife could handle that?04:40
Irvinehow to install real layer?04:40
Irvinehow to install real player?04:40
braskohaha, definatly! Now she doesn't have to do *anything*04:40
uboturealplayer is, like, totally, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats04:40
pashawbrasko,   its working now    so its click and login04:40
purpleheart_USMCi'm getting a p2 300mhz, 256mb ram, with 40gb hdd for $10 on ebay with $20 shipping04:40
Irvinei get this ./RealPlayer10GOLD.bin: error while loading shar ed libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared  object file: No such file or directory04:40
purpleheart_USMCnice little play box04:40
poningrujust find a file with whatever music format04:40
cafuegopurpleheart_USMC: Nice server.04:40
pashawbrasko,   like i said KVMs are old school  :P04:40
crimsunIrvine: install libstdc++504:40
Toma-purpleheart_USMC: that'll be perfect for anything :)04:40
jdcaserockiesponingru: then what?04:40
braskoYeah, It totally stinks04:40
mebsdit's just waste of money04:40
Shadymanirvine: sudo apt-get install build-essential04:41
braskoThanks for all the help!04:41
crimsunIrvine: use Synaptic04:41
pashawbrasko,  have fun04:41
purpleheart_USMCoh, and it already has ubuntu 5.1 lol04:41
sorush20 guys my kde login screen is very bad.. I don't know how to describe it.. it seems like the resolution is out of range ... but xorg config autodetected the refresh rates and resolutions any help please.04:41
=== nurfe [n=diss@h24-207-70-68.dlt.dccnet.com] has joined #ubuntu
braskoSo, how do I configure the X server so that I can move the windows around?04:42
braskoIt looks like I don't have a window manager running or something04:42
braskois that the default in ubuntu?04:42
braskoThere's no border, to move the windows with04:43
pashawbrasko,   huh?  ohh its not full screen04:43
yatesyrunning twm?04:43
Kyralick Twm04:43
braskowell, even when I'm at the linux machine, it looks full screen04:43
Toma-twm 4 lyfe!04:43
braskobut if I open a terminal, there is only the scrool on the right04:43
yatesybrasko: running twm?04:43
braskobut no menu on top or window, so that I can drag it04:43
braskothe default gnome setup04:43
pashawbrasko,    right click the window border on the XP machines VNC session04:43
pashawbrasko,   youll get your menu commands04:44
yatesybeen messing about with packages?04:44
jdcaserockieshow can i make my default music player rhythmbox?04:44
pashawbrasko,   read the full screen warning  so you know how to get out04:44
Irvinecrimsun,now it asked me real player has been downloaded to where?04:45
=== Delvien [n=dm@cpe-65-31-19-204.insight.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Irvinei saved my real player into my desktop04:46
DelvienOk guys need a little help.. Anyone know where the C header files are in Dapper drake?04:46
Irvinewhat should i type?04:46
Igait is a .deb package ?04:47
crimsunIrvine: then it's in ~/Desktop/04:47
Igatype "cd ~/Desktop"04:47
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Igathen "sudo dkpg -i xxxxx.deb"04:48
Irvinehow to install real player by command?04:48
Igais it a .deb package ?04:48
braskoJust a hint to you all in the future. realvnc won't work until you actually log in to the X server04:49
DelvienWhat is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running04:49
Delvienkernel?   Anyone help me with this?04:49
=== trextone [n=trextone@adsl-149-44-55.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
braskoif you try to use it at the login prompt, it won't work04:49
Toma-Irvine: "sh realplayer.bin"04:49
quackerIrvine, follow the instructions for the binary on their site -- there is no other way since Real does not provide source or .deb pkgs04:49
IgaI found a .deb package 2 weeks ago04:50
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slsdoes anyone here do any riping?04:50
slsof movies...04:51
cafuegoripening? ripping?04:51
jdcaserockiesok is there something like gdesklets but much better?04:51
slsripping.. sorry typo...04:51
cafuegojdcaserockies: Only in MacOS X.04:51
bshumatei have a couple of movies which will be ripe in a few days...then i will dice them up and add them to a home-made spaghetti sauce! mmmm!04:51
cafuegosls: Same answer fot you.04:51
Toma-jdcaserockies: better in what way?04:52
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DelvienHow does one find out what kernal version they are using?04:52
jdcaserockiesI mean i dont understand gDesklets because none of the actually work. Something like superkaramba04:52
Toma-uname -a04:52
evilghostuname -r04:52
=== bob_ is now known as brasko_
cafuegoDelvien: uname -r04:52
slscafugeo: i have a mans foto!04:52
brasko_OK, I'm on the ubuntu box now04:52
slsor fotto...04:52
Delviencafuego thanks04:52
cafuegosls: stop scaring me!04:52
brasko_There definatly is no way to move this window04:52
slsthey did not spell it in roots.04:52
brasko_There must not be a window manager04:52
brasko_is that something I could have possibly screwed up on install?04:53
brasko_There were no options or anything for it?04:53
slsany way... i am trying to rip a swedish movie... and the frames are ... well jerky...04:53
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slsregular us region stuff is ok...04:53
=== Jeff12088 [n=Jeff1208@adsl-69-107-82-55.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
slsany ideas....04:53
slshow does xime handle pal vs ntsc?04:54
evilghostsls:  What commands/arguments are you using to rip?  I think you mean xine, right?04:54
johndarkhorsesls: it's all data to computer video players04:54
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brasko_and I go to system->preferences->windows and get this error04:55
slsi have tried it with DVDrip from sourceforge... and:04:55
brasko_"Cannot start the preferences application for your window manager"04:55
brasko_"Window manager "unknown" has not registered a configuration tool04:55
brasko_Am I the only one here that's run into this problem?04:55
slsmencoder dvd://1 -dvd-device /dev/dvd  -alang English   -info srcform="Movie created using method (r)" -oac mp3lame -lameopts abr:br=128  -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vhq:v4mv:vqmin=2:vbitrate=2514     -o "/home/$USER/out.avi"04:55
slsthat is mplayers decoder..04:56
Jeff12088hey people04:56
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Jeff12088fine.. no hi's04:57
evilghostjeffisageek:  Hello04:57
evilghostJeff12088:  er, hello.04:57
brasko_I mean, how do I install a window manager? Everything seems to be working great, but this is a wierd problem to have with an initial install04:57
brasko_I mean, it got X to work, which is nice04:57
evilghostbrakso_:  You tried "sudo apt-get install gnome"?04:58
evilghostbrakso_: Or even KDE?04:58
brasko_evilghost: no, I just installed today04:58
brasko_evilghost: from cd04:58
brasko_evilghost: this is the "standard" install04:58
evilghostbrasko:  Breezy or Drake?04:58
brasko_evilghost: Breezy04:58
brasko_evilghost: Everything seems great, except this.04:58
jdcaserockieswhere's the best site to get gdesklets04:59
evilghostbrasko_:  That's quite odd, I've done a 5.04 to 5.10 upgrade without that issue; try installing gnome, or a valid WM.04:59
brasko_do you still recomend the sudo command?04:59
=== BenC [n=bcollins@debian/developer/bcollins] has joined #ubuntu
Delviencafuego heya, do you know where the C Header files that match the running kernal are? VMware is asking for them.  But the default it is looking for doesnt have them. evedently04:59
johndarkhorseDelvien: kernel-headers04:59
Delvienjohndarkhorse i installed them , but it still doesnt show them04:59
johndarkhorseDelvien: or kernel-source (i can't ever  remember)04:59
evilghostDelvien:  apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`05:00
dragoonjohndarkhorse, that's the package name for Fedora, not debian.05:00
evilghostDelvien:  also, apt-get install build-essential (most likely what you are looking for as well)05:00
=== tuv [n=tuv@Toronto-HSE-ppp3925694.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Delvienevilghost installed that too, nothing05:00
=== leagris [n=leagris_@mama.noiraude.net] has joined #ubuntu
dragoonSeems like linux-kernel-headers is what you want, from dpkg *kernel*05:01
Delvienevilghost idk its looking in/usr/src/linux/include05:01
leagrisanyone can help with reading dvd issue ?05:01
tuvsudo hddtemp /dev/sda returns valid temp. while telnet localhost 7634 returns unk (unknown).. what could be wrong?05:01
=== agtnz [n=agtnz@219-89-73-8.ipnets.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
evilghostDelvien:  What error/issue are you having, there are issues with GCC 3.4 and the newer GCC with breezy.05:01
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brasko_This is totoally frustrating05:01
leagrisI have read and followed instruction on the non-free format section of the wiki05:01
brasko_Is Breezy the correct CD to install?05:02
evilghostbrakso_:  Did you try installing gnome as I instructed? :)05:02
brasko_well, I did. I'll show you the output05:02
leagrisbut libdvdread: Can't open /dev/dvd for reading05:02
Hoxzerwhat software would be good to check my cpu tempature?05:02
=== linux1 [n=linux1@ool-45759627.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunacpi -t05:02
brasko_Package gnome is not available, but is referred to by another package.05:02
=== liquidboy [n=liquidbo@210-55-81-75.dialup.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
Delvienevilghost its just asking for those headers.. Im installing Vmware05:02
evilghostbrakso_:  What does your /var/log/Xorg.0.log say?05:02
tuvhow can i get hddtemp to work correctly in daemon mode so that gkrellm can read from it?05:02
johndarkhorseubotu: tell leagris about livdvdcss205:02
liquidboyive got xfm installed, how do i start it? (typing xfm in a command line does nothing)05:02
poningruHoxzer: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SensorInstallHowto?highlight=%28sensor%2905:03
ubotusensor is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SensorInstallHowto05:03
Delvienevilghost i exported the gcc3.4 now, see if it works05:03
evilghostDelvien:  You have build-essential, kernel-source, and linux-headers-`uname -r` right?05:03
timfrostevilghost, gcc 3.4 is what the kernel for breezy is built with.  VMWare needs to build a module with that compiler05:03
leagrisjohndarkhorse, I installed libdvdcss2 and install script as stated in the wiki.ubuntu05:03
johndarkhorseubotu: tell leagris about libdvdcss205:03
Delvienevilghost yeppers05:03
=== Eleaf [n=ethan@ip-206-123-222-14.fasttrackcomm.net] has joined #ubuntu
Lockedoes anyone know how to set up surround sound?05:03
evilghostDelvien:  Ok, that is a known issue with the Nvidia drivers as well (that's where I remember if from), hopefully that'll fix it.05:03
brasko_what would an interesting line be? There's a few (WW), but they look OK05:03
crimsunLocke: which music app are you using?05:03
johndarkhorseleagris: oh, ok. is your player pointed at the proper mount point?05:03
evilghostbrakso_:  cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log|grep -i EE05:04
Delvienevilghost that did it05:04
evilghostDelvien:  Sweetness ;)05:04
Lockecrimsun: whichever you like the best, i guarantee i have it, lol, but XMMS at the moment05:04
Delvienevilghost got a bunch of other erros though :(05:04
crimsunLocke: what config are you trying to use?05:04
brasko_no lines start with that05:04
evilghostDelvien:  There isn't a deb package for VMWware?05:04
Delvienevilghost is there?05:04
leagrisjohndarkhorse, yes it is /dev/hdc -> /dev/dvd05:05
brasko_What's the default window manager for gnome on ubuntu?05:05
leagris/dev/hdc is the dvd drive05:05
Delvienevilghost (im running dapper right now)05:05
brasko_Is it swordfish? or something like that?05:05
Jeff12088=o my first time editing a wiki entry05:05
Lockecrimsun: i have no idea, all i know is i just got these 5.1 speakers and i have a 7.1 card, but no matter what i do it doesn't play sound out the center, or 2 rear speakers05:05
BlueEagleHappy new year!05:05
=== liquidboy is a dumbass xfe not xfm
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evilghostbrasko_:  Gnome I believe, unless you install KUbuntu05:05
tuvanybody using hddtemp with gkrellm??05:05
=== liquidboy is gong to go hide in shame
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skiyHappy new year to you also BlueEagle05:05
crimsunLocke: then you need to use plug:surround51 or plug:surround71 as the device in the ALSA output plugin's selection05:05
ed_happy new years to all!!!!!!!05:05
=== MickMcMack [n=mick@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/MickMcMack] has joined #ubuntu
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skiyed_: ho ho ho... wait, that was xmas05:06
crimsunLocke: and make sure you've unmuted and increased the appropriate LFE, Center, Rear, Surround mixer elements05:06
brasko_evilghost: Yeah, well, gnome isn't a window manager, right?05:06
Jeff12088Happy new years.. just 4 more hours here05:06
brasko_I mean, I'm running gnome now05:06
brasko_That's not the problem.05:06
brasko_I just don't have a window manager for some reason05:06
skiybrasko neither is kde, if you want to be pedantic :)05:06
Lockehow do i get to ALSA output?05:06
skiybrasko go to a Virtual Terminal "Ctrl-Alt-F1"05:06
evilghostbrasko: right05:06
brasko_right, so what's the default window manager gnome uses with ubuntu?05:06
brasko_skiy: OK, then what?05:06
skiybrasko type "EXPORT DISPLAY=:0"05:07
skiythen "metacity"05:07
crimsunLocke: options-> preferences05:07
timfrostDelvien, have a look at the Wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VmWare05:07
Lockecrimsun: then what?05:07
Jeff12088check out this site www.neave.com awsome design05:07
SWATis there a BOINC project going on for treating cancer? (does anyone know by any chance?)05:07
crimsunLocke: plugins?05:07
skiybrasko PS, the WM is called metacity, this should start it for you, but if you see errors, tell us what they are :)05:07
brasko_hahah, nice!05:08
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Lockecrimsun: i don't see anything that says plugins05:08
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brasko_skiy: that definatly fixed the problem05:08
crimsunLocke: output?05:08
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timfrostDelvien, note thast the Wili article is for breezy, so assumes the breezy compiler versions05:08
leagrisjohndarkhorse, any idea ?05:08
brasko_so, why wouldn't that start by default?05:08
crimsunLocke: I don't have xmms installed; just read the tabs05:08
brasko_man, it's nice to have a window manager :)05:08
=== Davey` [n=Davey@77-231.124-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
skiybrasko_ :) glad to help05:08
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brasko_I remember I used to use swordfish, or something like that05:08
brasko_Now, how to automate it?05:09
skiybrasko_, Maybe edit ~/.xinitrc and see what is in there05:09
djm62brasko_: those were the days....05:09
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Lockecrimsun: well if you know how to do it on another media player which is that, cuz i will download it if it will work05:09
brasko_geez, I thought debian/testing kept me up to date05:09
Hoxzereh.... could you guys lett me know where is lm-sersors source directory located?05:09
skiybrasko, maybe put two lines "metacity &" and "exec gnome-session"05:09
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brasko_absolutly everything is different here05:09
crimsunLocke: give me a screenshot (pastebin) of your options screen in xmms05:10
waveblasteris there a apt repository for mythtv or freevo for hoary??????05:10
crimsun!info mythtv05:10
ubotumythtv: (A personal video recorder application (client and server)), section multiverse/graphics, is optional. Version: 0.18.1-5 (breezy), Packaged size: 16 kB, Installed size: 64 kB05:10
waveblaster!info mythtv05:10
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Delvientimfrost aye, reading it over tonight, i think i ran the update instead of the confige like the last time i installed VMware05:10
n2zstikhi..i've an ipw2100 wireless adapter...how to unload it during boot?05:10
brasko_The last line is 'exec $WINDOWMANAGER'05:10
brasko_so that variable must not be set in the script for some reason05:11
leagrisI followed instructions here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats?highlight=%28dvd%2905:11
leagrisbut DVD reading sill fail05:11
brasko_$ env|grep WINDOWMANAGER05:11
leagrislibdvdread: Can't open /dev/dvd for reading05:11
brasko_I wonder why that is set :)05:11
Lockecrimsun whats the pastebin url again?05:11
ubotuwell, pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org05:11
tuvwhy hddtemp work interactively but doesn't in /etc/init.d/hddtemp ?05:12
brasko_in my .bashrc I have05:12
brasko_export WINDOWMANAGER=/usr/bin/gnome-session05:12
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brasko_Is this correct?05:12
brasko_or from my old debian install?05:13
waveblastercrimsun !info mythtv isnt exactly helpful05:13
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crimsunwaveblaster: sure it is05:13
johndarkhorseleagris: try /media/cdrom or cdrom005:13
crimsun!info mythtv hoary05:13
evilghostbrasko_:  Let me check my system.05:13
brasko_evilghost: Thanks!05:13
tuvleagris: what dvd player are you using?05:13
crimsunnote that the info output by default is for breezy.05:13
evilghostbrasko_:  I don't have the WINDOWMANAGER option set in my ~/.bashrc05:14
brasko_OK, I'll take it out05:14
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waveblaster<ubotu> No idea05:14
evilghostbrasko_: env|grep WINDOWMANAGER returns no value/null.05:14
crimsunLocke: audio plugins05:14
brasko_That sounds like my problem05:14
brasko_I probably set that in my last debian install for some reason05:14
brasko_be back, to test this out!05:14
leagristuv Model=TOSHIBA DVD-ROM SD-M1612, FwRev=100405:14
Lockecrimsun: i don't see anything for surround5105:14
leagrisworked fine with Mandrake 9.205:15
leagrisand worked fine as well with Mandrake 10.305:15
tuvleagris: no i meant the software you are using to play dvd05:15
crimsunLocke: choose the alsa output plugin05:15
Lockecrimusn: ok... i tried that, and nothing05:15
leagristuv, Totem fails telling my I may be trying to play a protected DVD05:15
Delvientimfrost evilghost http://pastebin.com/48584405:15
leagrisxine fail it can't handle dvd://05:16
=== ubotu pours bshumate a cold pint of his favourite beer.
johndarkhorseleagris: welcome to the world of legal warnings as a standard05:16
tuvleagris: i'd try ogle before i run into troubleshooting05:16
evilghostDelvien: Enroute05:16
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=== bshumate sips Colt 45 from a can...drunk and stumblebum...
leagristuv ogle is a joke, but I try now05:16
ubuntu_happy new year 200605:17
leagrisogle complains as well with libdvdread: Can't open /dev/dvd for reading05:17
tuvi've a file that i want run at boot but by user not root.. can this be done in /etc/init.d/05:17
leagrislrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 3 2006-01-01 04:58 /dev/dvd -> hdc05:17
Lockecrimsun: ... thanks for the help i suppose, it helped me a lot more than i was helping myself, heh05:17
johndarkhorseleagris: point your player at /media/cdrom or /media/cdrom005:17
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ubuntu_dose anyone know the password for admin in Ubuntu 5.1005:18
evilghostDelvien:  Check Google, seeing lots of folks with same issues on Kernel 2.6.x05:18
johndarkhorseubotu: tell ubuntu_ about sudo05:18
leagristhat work with pointing to /media/cdrom0 why ?05:18
ubuntu_cuz i don't know what is the password .. version 5.1005:18
johndarkhorseleagris: ubuntu doesnt use the standard the the player was compiled with05:18
leagriswhay can't it handle dvd:// MRL ?05:18
Davey`I just saw this on the forums: To put the menu bar of the current application on the top of the screen, Go to System Settings -> Desktop -> General and set the preference there.05:19
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Davey`but I can't find that menu combination05:19
Jeff12088hi bob05:19
Delvienevilghost what exactly is the problem though? some header im missing?05:19
Davey`anyone know what it should be?05:19
leagrismay I linke /dev/dvd to /meda/cdrom0 ?05:19
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leagrisWhen I insert the CD totem is automatically launched05:19
ubuntu_johndarkhorse , i'm using Vmware Version05:19
brasko_hey guys, things are definatly getting better.05:19
leagrisbut It wont launch dvd reading05:19
bshumatetuv: you could put a line in /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh like : su [user]  -c [command]  to have the command run at boot time as a specific non uid 0 user...05:19
evilghostDelvien:  No, I think it's a header/kernel version difference, with 2.6.x not being supported by vmware.05:19
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brasko_however, metacity doesn't start up by default?05:20
evilghostDelvien:  But that's just a SWAG.05:20
=== exclipy [n=exclipy@ppp116-15.lns1.bne3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
brasko_I would really like to get this to work this year! :)05:20
brasko_Does the .xinitrc file get used when the system starts?05:20
Lockecrimsun: any idea where i can get the surround51 plugin?05:20
evilghostbrasko_:  Yeah, let me check my stuff05:20
bshumatebrasko_: you still mucking about with VNC?05:20
brasko_no, not VNC, I'm native on the linux box05:21
brasko_The window manager doesn't start by default05:21
brasko_I have to start it05:21
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tuvbshumate: hmm.. will try that.. thanks05:21
brasko_I'm wondering if root starts the window manager, or my local user?05:21
bshumatebrasko_: ahh...bummer.05:21
brasko_on a fresh boot05:21
brasko_If I new which command it was, I could probalby keep starting it, until ti works05:22
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rooo_hi guys ... i used to use pine for mails. Any ncurses mail you guys can recommend?05:22
brasko_yeah, mutt05:22
evilghostbrasko_:  I"m not sure where I define my WM either, I'm looking here locally.05:22
rooo_bra1nf00d: thanks05:22
brasko_I've been using it for years. works nice.05:22
rooo_brasko_: thanks05:22
crimsunLocke: you don't need to download anything05:22
crimsunLocke: are you looking at the alsa plugin preferences?05:22
Lockecrimsun: yes05:22
intelikeybrasko unless it has changed X runs as root.    when a user does a startx  it is suid 005:22
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brasko_so when I boot the machine, is there a log of the stuff that it does?05:23
timfrostbrasko_, .xinitrc is not installed by breezy.  It must be an artifact of another distribution.05:23
crimsunLocke: in the device selection text entry field/drop-down menu, you can type: plug:surround5105:23
brasko_Yeah, unfortunatly I had debian installed before05:23
Delvienevilghost might it be because im running the new kernal 2.6.15?05:23
evilghostDelvien:  That would be my guess :)05:23
intelikeybrasko dmesg05:23
brasko_isn't that kernal startup? Does it have all the services too? like X?05:24
Lockecrimsun: alright... that didn't work05:24
evilghostbrasko_:  /var/log/Xorg.0.log is the Xorg startup log05:24
ubuntu_Failed to run /usr/bin/update-manager as user root:05:24
ubuntu_ No password was supplied and sudo needs05:24
intelikeyno just kernel. brasko look in /var/log/05:24
Delvienevilghost crap... i need to put some Mp3s on my Philips Gogear05:24
brasko_right, X was started, but from where?05:25
evilghostbrasko_:  THis looks very promising and you can adapt it to Gnome:  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=88393&highlight=set+wm05:25
johndarkhorseubotu: tell ubuntu_ about root05:25
timfrostbrasko_, evilghost, the startup is under /etc/X11/gdm, and logs in /var/log/Xorg.<display>.005:25
intelikeybrasko  gdm ?05:25
johndarkhorseubuntu_: use YOUR password with sudo05:25
crimsunLocke: what did you try?05:25
purpleheart_USMCanyone know where to get cheap monitors?05:25
evilghosttimfrost:  Thanks, was never sure.05:25
Lockecrimsun: i typed plug:surround51 and applied it and nothing different happened05:25
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crimsunLocke: what about your mixer elements?05:26
brasko_timfrost: Is there supposed to be a window manager line in gdm.conf?05:26
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ubuntu_johndarkhorse , i download vmware version i don't know the password ..05:26
Smirker_nobody would happen to know of a mobile phone that I can plug into my computer and access it (multimedia messages) through an SDK?05:26
ubuntu_johndarkhorse , it's on official website05:26
Lockecrimusn: CA0106 is my mixer card and my mixer device is Analog Center/LFE05:27
intelikeyi don't use gdm so idk brasko05:27
evilghostbrasko_: My gdm.conf is full of stuff; 21K.05:27
paul_anyone know how to get rid of this error? http://img496.imageshack.us/img496/498/error18uy.png05:27
Jeff12088GAIM rocks05:27
brasko_I prefer pork05:28
evilghostLocke:  Your card doesn't support hardware mixing as FYI.05:28
intelikeybut the ~/.wmrc file generally is read in on login05:28
brasko_It's an ncurses client, that you can use over ssh, and acts like irc05:28
timfrostbrasko_, xorg is starrted by /etc/init.d/xorg-common, and uses scripts under /etx/X11/gdm/ (or /etc/gdm), and one of those starts the window manager05:28
Lockeevilghost: i have no idea what that means05:28
Jeff12088be right back05:29
evilghostLocke:  It means while you may think you have a good card (ala Win32 DirectPlay), you are only capable at one sound at a time, and software is forced to mix it.  You're having sound issues right?05:29
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evilghostLocke:  Example, if ESD is running game-sounds wont' run without DMIX or another software mixing alternative.05:29
Lockeevilghost: all i'm trying to do is get surround sound to work with this card05:29
evilghostLocke:  5.1 or 7.1?05:30
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evilghostLocke:  Bet it's a Sound Blaster 24Bit, right?05:30
Lockeevilghost: 5.105:30
Lockeevilghost: ...05:30
evilghostLocke:  It's garbage, there's not enough ammunition to destroy it.... :)05:30
evilghostLocke:  Where are you located?05:30
crimsunLocke: paste your amixer output onto pastebin05:30
Lockeevilghost: what do you mean where am i located?05:30
evilghostLocke:  You want an EMU10k1 card (chipset) that supports 32ch hardware mixing.05:31
Lockecrimsun: amixer output?05:31
crimsunpastebin the outut05:31
brasko_crap, so should I just modify one of the startup files?05:32
evilghostLocke:  I've got an EMU10K1 Sound Blaster 5.1 that's yours; supports 32CH hardware mixing, if you want it.05:32
Lockecrimsun: where is amixer?05:32
brasko_or is there a clean way to do this?05:32
evilghostLocke:  If you're US, I'll give/ship for free, if outside US, no go.05:32
brasko_I mean, should I remove the .xinitrc?05:32
brasko_or move it at least05:32
Lockeevilghost: thats alright, i'm in US, but i have plenty of cards i could probably get from other people05:32
evilghostLocke:  The emu10k1 is the answer.05:32
intelikeyit's safe to move it and test yes05:32
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evilghostLocke:  Make sure you get that card/chipset, I've got an EMU10k1-NEF, the emu10k1-sef are fine too.05:33
ubotusomebody said pastebin was a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org05:33
evilghostLocke:  The answer is emu10k1, none of the new Sound Blaster cards are going to support hardware mixing, it's cost-cutting BS as a result of "DirectPlay" and other Direct3D nonsense (sacrifice CPU cycles for software mixing versus providing robust hardware (legacy) to do hardware)05:33
crimsunLocke: just open a Terminal and type amixer05:34
Lockecrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/643605:34
=== bob_ [n=bob@ip68-9-65-164.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
paumHow can I get WinAmp type files to play on Ubuntu Linux? Rythmbox seems lame; it doesn't recognize anything.05:35
ubotumethinks mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats05:35
Shadymanpaum: Go there.05:35
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paumI will go there. Thanks.05:36
bob_I mean, this is unbelievable. Does everyone's window manager just work by default? haha05:36
Shadymanbob_: Explain?05:36
Lockebob_: yes, what do you mean?05:36
crimsunLocke: use speaker-test05:36
bob_I just installed ubuntu today. It comes with gnome and X, which start nice. However, metacity is not running. I have to start it manutally.05:36
paul_anyone know how to get rid of this error? http://img496.imageshack.us/img496/498/error18uy.png05:37
bob_This could be an artifact of me having debian installed before, and either my .xinit or other files are screwing this up, or I have some env vars set?05:37
Lockecrimsun: all it's doing is saying 0 - Front Left and playing out my 2 front speakers05:37
evilghostpaul_:  Umm, are you serious?  So...you've got an EXE running on startup, possibly without WINE?05:38
evilghostpaul_:  Linux != Win32.05:38
Lockecrimsun: i just realized something05:38
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bob_so the wierd thing is, I can't even find where metacity should start up.05:39
crimsunLocke: you have to tell speaker-test to test 6 channels05:39
Lockecrimsun: i looked at this and it says it has only 1 channel, so i checked what card i have and it says i have an Audigy... when i know i have a 7.1 card :-\05:39
Lockecrimsun: how?05:39
crimsunLocke: read the documentation05:39
bshumatebob_ / brasko_: there is no directive for specifying a WM in gdm.conf... however, "gnome-session" does appear in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/55gnome-session_gnomerc which in turn is called by /etc/X11/Xsession when starting X (by default / with gnome, etc. etc. anyway) so you may wanna investigate your config in that respect... metacity gets fired up by gnome-session05:39
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bob_oops, sorry05:40
=== bob_ is now known as brasko_
=== Goldfisch [n=gregturn@user-0calf26.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
evilghostLocke:  You have a CA chipset, you're not going to be able to do hardware mixing nor 7.1/5.1 until you use the correct (compiled) module (try lsmod, and see if you have CAXXXX listed as a module), and even so, you're using a crippled soundcard.  You would be best to use a emu10k1 card.05:40
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evilghostLocke:  And you won't be using hardware mixing even with the CAXXXX module...05:40
evilghostbrasko_:  You're an odd-ball out, tell me how you installed 5.10.  I think you're anything but "standard" at this point :)05:41
evilghostbrasko_:  Did you leave your existing filesystem intact?05:41
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brasko_hahaha, no kidding. I redid the / and left the /home the way it was.05:41
Lockecrimsun/evilghost: i'm just going to give up and go with my first assumption when i got these speakers, get a brand new sound card ANYWAYS05:42
brasko_bshumate: that's interesting help, and semi confusing to me. since I'm not a desktop expert05:42
bshumatebrasko_: if that is the case, then perhaps you should not have an ~/.xinitrc as Ubuntu does not create one by default, and that could be screwing you up...05:42
crimsunLocke: you're using snd-ca0106, I presume05:42
crimsunLocke: lsmod|grep ^snd_ca010605:42
brasko_I moved it to .xinitrc.bak05:42
evilghostLocke:  Regardless, ensure it's an emu10k1, I'm trying to share 1 month worth of researching/experience.05:42
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evilghostLocke:  http://klumpp.net/blog/archives/22-Linux-Soundcards-CA0106-sucks,-EMU10k1k2-is-the-way-to-go..html05:43
brasko_This is interseting, # If we are running the GNOME session, source ~/.gnomerc05:43
brasko_Does anyone have anything in that file?05:43
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evilghostbrasko_:  Here's some food for thought, perhaps try adding a new user, wouldn't permissions be screwed up if you left the filesystem intact with a different UID/GID on the /home folders?05:43
Lockecrimsun/evilghost: i'm just going to give up and go with my first assumption when i got these speakers, get a brand new sound card ANYWAYS05:43
brasko_That's a good point.05:44
Lockesry, accident05:44
evilghostLocke:  Np05:44
Lockecrimsun: what was that command supposed to do?05:44
brasko_ Is the .xsession the correct file maybe?05:44
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evilghostfenris:  A/S?L?05:44
Lockecrimsun: all it did was just say snd_ca0106             27172  205:44
crimsunLocke: correct.05:44
brasko_Wow, that script definatly looks for .xinitrc05:44
evilghostLocke:  Please see http://klumpp.net/blog/archives/22-Linux-Soundcards-CA0106-sucks,-EMU10k1k2-is-the-way-to-go..html and then get an emu10k1 card, you're just wasting your own time.05:44
johndarkhorseevilghost: a/s/l goes in #ubuntu-offtopic please05:45
fenrisevilghost: ??05:45
evilghostjohndarkhorse:  Was a joke, poorly executed.05:45
Lockeevilghost: ok, i make 8 dollars an hour and go to college along with living on my own, i really don't have money to eat let alone buy sound cards05:45
intelikeybrasko may i sujest that you sudo adduser  blah    and login as  blah    then compare the home dirs of  blah and you05:45
brasko_I'll do it05:45
evilghostLocke:  I've offered to send you a card for free, I purchased 10 on ebay for $50, and have already made my $50 back and have a surplus of 5 cards.05:46
ubotuplease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying. Write in complete sentences and keep your replies and questions on one line if possible. Thanks!05:46
intelikeyShadyman you've been just waiting to do that i supose05:46
Shadymanintelikey: You are correct.05:46
Lockeevilghost: no offense to you or the type of person you are, but i don't give my address out to people online too often05:47
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Lockecrimsun: ok... if it's correct... then what does that mean?05:47
evilghostLocke:  No problem and understood, so get an emu10k1 card or a card that has decent linux support and resolve your troubles.05:47
Lockeevilghost: i will when i come across a bit of money, but i live in a town with 4 people a horse and a college, the nearest bestbuy is 2 towns away05:48
evilghostLocke:  BTW, you should look at my forum post history on http://www.ubuntuforums.org and the 5 cards I've sent to members.  I'm the guy with the NRA logo.05:48
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brasko_yup, you guys are smart :)05:48
brasko_That definatly fixes the problem05:48
GoldfischI haven't utilized the S/PDIF port on my mother yet. It is any good to pipe sound to my surround sound system for recorded shows?05:48
evilghostLocke:  Until then forget 5.1 sound and even basic soundcard functionality.05:48
brasko_How do I remove the user I just created?05:48
Lockeevilghost: it works fine on Windows, just not on Linux for some reason05:49
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intelikeysudo deluser05:49
evilghostbrasko_:  Sweetness, it's permissions on the ext2/3 filesystem eh?05:49
intelikeyor is it userdel ?05:49
Lockeevilghost: and Windows can burn before i move back just to have 3 extra speakers to use05:49
evilghostLocke:  You think it could be this magic DirectSound/Direct3d I've been posting about 5 posts ago?05:49
bshumateintelikey: it's both actually ;-)05:49
brasko_I have no idea how to determine what is screwing it up05:49
crimsunLocke: it was a sanity check05:49
brasko_I'd kind of like to just keep a new user, and copy the stuff I need05:49
Lockecrimsun: o...k..?05:49
crimsunLocke: any results from speaker-test with 6 channels?05:49
brasko_have a fresh start05:49
Lockecrimsun: yes, only the 2 front speakers worked05:49
intelikeyone of them works and the other only removes the entry in /etc/passwd i think05:49
brasko_can I do 'mv /home/bob /home/bob.bak05:50
evilghostbrasko_:  Good luck with your "standard" install :p05:50
brasko_and then add "bob" as a new user?05:50
crimsunLocke: what parameters did you pass to speaker-test?05:50
brasko_hahaha, no kidding, I figured this was my fault, ubuntu seems awesome!05:50
evilghostbrakso_:  Yeah, I think so as long as bob doesn't exist in /etc/passwd05:50
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intelikeybrasko if bob is not logged in05:50
brasko_and the help is unbelievable!05:50
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Lockecrimsun: speaker-test -c 605:51
brasko_Yeah, bob is already in /etc/passwd05:51
brasko_so if I move /home/bob to /home/bob.bak05:51
brasko_then delete bob05:51
brasko_then add bob05:51
brasko_would that be nice?05:51
bshumatebrasko_ : for your user account, simply do not have an .xinitrc, and .xsession, or Xsession file in your home directory, and that is about all that can override the X settings... do you have an .xsession or Xsession in your current home directory?05:52
evilghostLocke:  As FYI, the module you have loaded for CA0106 doesn't support 5.1/7.105:52
intelikeybrasko_  you will want to mv /home/bob /home/bob.back ;mkdir /home/bob    it's easier05:52
crimsunLocke: you totally ignored the part where I asked you to read the man page, didn't you?05:52
evilghostcrimsum:  It doesn't matter, that card will not/does not support 5.1/7.1 nor hardware mixing through Linux, it's a Win32 "only" card with very limited support in Linux.05:52
brasko_haha, I don't have a hang of this sudo thing.05:52
crimsunLocke: there's an example explicitly in the man page for testing 5.105:52
brasko_I do 'sudo mv bob bob.bak', it completes with no password prompt, and the folder didn't move05:53
evilghostbrasko_: You could always "sudo passwd root" and set a root passwd, then "su"05:53
=== FlannelKing [n=flannel@crlsbd-cuda5-68-67-177-17.crlsca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
fenrishm, i tried to build the lirc modules from the lirc-modules-source package, but without compiling my own kernel... everything worked fine, but the resulting .deb contains *.o instead of *.ko files, and if i try to insmod them it complains about "invalid module format"05:53
fenrisany ideas?05:53
crimsunevilghost: it does support 4.0 and 5.105:54
intelikeybrasko_ bob is where ?     (PATH)05:54
brasko_haha, sorry.05:54
brasko_bob is in /home/bob05:54
evilghostcrimsun:  Good luck....05:54
crimsunevilghost: mm?05:54
brasko_I never have problems with simple sysadmin like this05:54
brasko_not used to sudo or something05:55
intelikey brasko_  and just use deluser and adduser you wont have permission errors05:55
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brasko_yeah, I need to move /home/bob first, but I can't05:55
evilghostchown it.05:55
brasko_I don't want to loose the files there.05:55
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evilghostbrasko_:  sudo chown -R root:root /home/bob05:55
brasko_why would I need to do that?05:56
brasko_Why can't I just 'sudo mv bob bob.bak'?05:56
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evilghostbrasko_:  because root doesn't have permissions?  You tried to "stat /home/bob" ?05:56
paul_ERROR: Your architecture, \'x86_64\', is not supported by the05:56
paul_       Macromedia Flash Player installer.05:56
intelikey brasko_  let me guess...... mmm you are not in /home/   :)05:56
brasko_no, I definatly am05:57
brasko_again, I'm logged in as foo, in /home05:57
intelikey brasko_  bob logged in ?05:57
evilghostbrasko_:  root doesn't have access to /home/bob05:57
evilghostbrasko_:  So when you sudo; no access?05:57
paul_case sensitive05:57
intelikeyroot has access to every thing05:57
brasko_actually, geez, I'm lost. If I do 'sudo yyy', it doesn't work05:57
evilghostintelikey:  Octal 000 means root has access?05:57
brasko_like, 'sudo ls'05:58
brasko_shouldn't that work? 'sudo ls'?05:58
djm62brasko_: if you add another user, that user isn't on the sudoers list05:58
evilghostintelikey:  To chmod/chgrp, but not rwxd.05:58
brasko_O, I see05:58
djm62brasko_: /etc/sudoers05:58
intelikeyevilghost do a chmod 0000 text.file   then read/write to it as root you will see05:58
bshumatedanger Will Robinson....danger!!!.... :-/05:59
djm62brasko_: (reasonably sensible default, just happens to trip you up ;) )05:59
evilghostintelikey:  You're correct, thanks.05:59
brasko_OK, thanks! directly removed05:59
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evilghostintelikey:  Sorry for seeding mis-information.06:00
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brasko_moved rahter06:00
brasko_I can't modify /etc/sudoers06:01
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brasko_Anyways, Happy New Year!06:01
mebsdhappy new year!06:02
P8ntKidHappy new year!06:02
evilghostnot yet06:02
evilghostbut thanks06:02
brasko_not on the east coast, eh?06:02
sda3monhey when i try to run a root-requiring app in gnome and it brings up that little password prompt, it tells me the password is wrong...but i put the right password, not an idiot ya know...i can 'su' into root from a console too06:03
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mebsdhappy new year on east coast06:03
=== Belboz99 [n=Belboz99@adsl-68-255-68-138.dsl.rcfril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
intelikeyso with no root password, and wanting to do delicate administration like this one could in a console 'sudo openvt -f bash '   and exit exit   switch to the open root console do the work and switch back for testing before exiting the root console ......06:03
=== Goldfisch shoots off a firecracker.
brasko_well, I need to add foo to the sudoers list. otherwise, when I delete bob, I won't have a user to add another user06:03
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bshumatebrasko_: sudo visudo06:04
evilghostgoldfish: i shot explosives06:04
vbgunzHappy New Years!06:04
intelikey brasko_  just add foo the the admin group it's already in sudoers06:04
brasko_I don't mind using vim, just don't know the line to add06:04
brasko_%admin  ALL=(ALL) ALL06:05
brasko_that line? what should it be changed to?06:05
intelikeyyeah get out of there.  and just add foo the the group 'admin'06:05
brasko_O, it says it must be edited with the visudo command, OK06:05
bshumatebrasko_: go easy on yourself and do what intelikey said... just add foo to the admin group06:05
brasko_very nice06:06
n2zstikhow do i access a printer connected to a desktop winXP wirelessly from my ubuntu laptop??helppp06:06
intelikeyman usermod06:06
brasko_I edited /etc/group, hope that was correct06:06
brasko_I can do sudo ls now as foo!06:06
intelikeythen you are in06:07
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brasko_so, as foo, I should do 'deluser bob'?06:07
masehow come sudo only works with your current user password but not root's password06:07
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brasko_be back! hopefully :)06:07
johndarkhorsemase: because that's how sudo works06:07
bshumatemase: in a default Ubuntu install there is no root password06:07
bshumate!tell mase about RootSudo06:07
intelikeymase it should work ok with root password if you are root when you call sudo06:07
hodgeroot password is what u assigned it06:08
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intelikeyalthough calling sudo as root is kinda redundant06:08
pashawintelikeyas right thats exactly why06:08
TharsisHi...and Happy New Year106:09
hodgequite u06:09
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intelikeyexactly why what pashaw ?06:09
Goldfischmase: The idea is through sudo granting users defined power without giving them the root password.06:09
TharsisQ: How can I copy .jpg's from a CD over to Ubuntu folder/Desktop/ etc?  Thnaks!06:09
pashawintelikey,   sudo is  completely seperate and redundant for06:09
johndarkhorseTharsis: use nautilus06:10
masei see06:10
pashawintelikey,   uugg root    man too many drinks06:10
hodgegeez just read the man page for sudo...06:10
GoldfischPeople are mostly using sudo as an alternative to going into root shells all the time, because it leaves an audit trail in /var/log/auth.log06:10
intelikeyGoldfisch if what you say is true, then using " %admin  ALL=(ALL) ALL"  in sudoers is crazy as hell06:11
GoldfischHowever, the sample sudoer's files show how you can hand out very detailed role definitions giving different people different administrative power if you needed to.06:11
hodgego to the directory and copy it to your desktop :)06:11
hodgeagain use the man command06:11
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Goldfischintelikey: It's less crazy-as-hell than just going to "su -" all the time. :)06:11
bob_well, it worked!06:11
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=== Inf3ctedFx [n=w00t@181-206.115-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
brasko_you guys are literally unbelievable!06:12
hodgegood to hear06:12
Goldfischubuntu has trained me to start using sudo on my other debian systems, and its nice having an audit trail to fix things I do wrong.06:12
hodgehow so06:12
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pashawRight sudo is limited  superuser  assigned to users   by the root)admin)  without giving root/su access06:12
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Inf3ctedFxHappy New Year!!!!!06:12
intelikeyhehhe not imo Goldfisch  but that is off toppic06:12
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Inf3ctedFxHappy Christmas and merry new year xDD06:12
Lockecrimsun: (sorry, was celebrating new year, took a while to respond) no, i read the manual06:12
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hodgestop saying that06:13
pashawGoldfisch,   cant agree more  its is good practice    typing sudo   becomes second nature after awhile06:13
GoldfischIf you're the only user of your system, their isn't much benefit to having fancy roles. But if you are managing an enterprise, well then...06:13
hodgeits a powerful command06:13
TharsisG'nite...Happy New Year all....06:13
Goldfischpashaw: However, I noticed my debian systems don't seem to be enforcing the timeout policy. Maybe...I'l just have to convert them to ubuntu. :)06:14
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brasko_Whoa, I love the updates tab in the Gnome!06:14
pashawGoldfisch,   lol06:14
hodgeyeah its good06:14
brasko_I feel like I've been living in the dark ages with gnome06:14
brasko_oops, debian I meant to say06:14
djstillmanAnyone get a tvtuner working in breezy?06:15
intelikeyi couldn't agree more that there is a perfect place for sudo on large (multi-user) systems Goldfisch, but the avrage ubuntu box's root password it the user password  which is no advantage at all.06:15
hodgewhat do you find wrong with debian?06:15
GoldfischBTW: Does ubuntu 64 kick butt like regular ubuntu?06:15
brasko_well, the software is really old, even when running testing06:15
brasko_and, already the look/feel of the gnome desktop seems much much nicer06:16
hodgei agree06:16
brasko_and the update dialog is nice06:16
hodgedoesn't really make a difference06:16
brasko_I already couldn't be more happy I upgraded.06:16
pashawbrasko,   ill still use vanilla debian for my servers,  but Ubuntu has learned from Debian/Knoppix/Kanoix   mistakes and clever ideas06:16
brasko_debian stable?06:16
GoldfischYou can install GNOME on a debian system. I installed the gnome-desktop a week ago.06:16
hodgemore then windows :)06:16
pashawbrasko,   testing  i have 1 stable server06:16
brasko_Yeah, I had gnome installed.06:17
brasko_Quick broad question, why does ubuntu exist?06:17
brasko_instead of just debian?06:17
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crimsunbrasko_: wiki.ubuntu.com/MarkShuttleworth06:17
hodgebecause users use it06:18
crimsunit's a FAQ, go read.06:18
pashawbecause he wanted to create his own distro  and enjoys doing just that06:18
intelikeyhodge presactly06:18
brasko_nice, firefox 1.0.7, I wasn't that far advanced with debian06:18
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intelikeyslang    i agree06:19
hodgefirefox 1.5 is very good06:19
kbrooksbed: bye06:19
Inf3ctedFxwith some crahses but works fine06:19
brasko_yeah, I had 1.0.4 or something on my debian box06:19
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brasko_how, should I still use apt? or is there a prefered GUI?06:20
brasko_I've always used apt in the past06:20
hodgenothing wrong with that06:20
intelikeyapt is fine      but gui symantic06:20
brasko_OK, I'll try it06:20
djstillmanHey guys, does anyone have a tv tuner working in breezy?06:21
=== intelikey does that sometimes becaues of not using ubuntu...
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brasko_OK, so when I run synaptic, how do I do the update command?06:22
pashawbrasko,   refresh06:22
FlannelKingIs there no longer a "run" command in the gnome menu?06:23
intelikeyhover mouse over buttons for explanations06:23
brasko_O, OK06:23
intelikeyFlannelKing try alt+f2  ?06:23
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bshumateFlannelKing: you can right-click the panel and then click Add to Panel, and add one to your panel...06:24
brasko_O, so all the debian packages aren't available in ubuntu?06:24
FlannelKingah, there we go.06:24
brasko_I was looking to install CGDB.06:24
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) see also !easysource06:24
intelikeybrasko_ ^06:24
brasko_hahah, I'm going down the typical newbie path, eh?06:24
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brasko_is it bad to use the sources from the debian distro? instead of the default?06:25
intelikeysource code,,, no   binary packages YES06:25
Goldfischdebian is not ubuntu is not debian06:26
bshumatebrasko_ Ubuntu and Debian are binary incompatible, and things can, and will break if you do so.06:26
brasko_I see06:26
ubotuDebian is "the rock upon which Ubuntu is founded"; see http://www.debian.org Thank You Ian and DEBra Murdock! 1994 Vers. 0.9.  Debian and Ubuntu http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship/06:26
brasko_OK, I won't install any then for now06:26
brasko_Until I learn more.06:26
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brasko_I can't thank you guys enough!06:26
intelikeycompiled with different glib's06:26
brasko_I'm taking off now, but thanks so much!06:26
brasko_I've got a working system.06:27
brasko_Definatly another ubuntu user.06:27
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cozhello all06:27
FriarHappy New Year all.... What out of these 2 which do you prefer and why: Firefox/Epiphany?06:28
intelikeyboy that is lazy, no?  using other peoples hello's and good bye's06:28
cozThanks happy new year06:28
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intelikeyhehhe knoqueror webbrowser  :)06:28
cozkde eeew06:29
Friarlol... i was expecting someone to say kynx06:29
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intelikeyna links   or elinks  maybe06:29
Friarwhich is kinda why i only named  2 :-)06:29
sda3monhow do i change the screen resolution under gnome?06:29
intelikeywget and mc06:29
tonyyarussoWould a ~/.Xmodmap not register for some reason if you got to your desktop with startx rather than /etc/init.d/gdm start?  My keycode settings aren't working at the moment.06:29
cozsystem preferences06:30
sda3moncoz: talkin to me?06:30
FriarSystem->Preferences->Screen Resolution06:30
Davey`anyone every got gnome-launch-box to work?06:30
sda3monyea nvm, got it...thanks a bunch06:30
Davey`I just saw this on the forums, the menu combo doesn't exist, does anyone know what it should be?: To put the menu bar of the current application on the top of the screen, Go to System Settings -> Desktop -> General and set the preference there.06:30
sda3monhmmm...why can't i change my refresh rate? it only has 60 as an option, i know this monitor supports 7506:31
sda3monstartin to hurt my eyes06:31
=== garry [n=garry@ppp-71-130-236-148.dsl.chi2ca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
cozsame prob here sda3mon06:31
sda3moncoz: well this sucks06:31
coztell me I have 19 " lcd in 1024 x76806:32
cozthere is a way but it is a p ain06:32
intelikeyDavey` probably does in some desktop/wm06:32
Davey`intelikey: hrm, maybe KDE06:32
pashawcoz,   your LCD refresh rate hurts your eyes?06:32
cozno mine is set at hold on let me check06:32
FriarI have a problem... when I select text in most apps and then press backspace my keyboard dies.  The only keys that seem to work are alt-ctrl and backspace after that06:33
coz75 hrz06:33
tonyyarussoCan I manually load my .Xmodmap?06:33
sda3monah you're lucky coz06:33
sda3mon60 is painful06:33
cozyes it is 75 is lowest for eye confort06:33
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pashawcoz,   LCD dont refresh like CRT does06:33
cozcheck the forums for changing the xorg.conf file06:34
sda3monwell i got it at 75 in plain old debian but not in ubuntu :(06:34
intelikeytonyyarusso there may be a way to add it as an arg to startx   idk06:34
cozi truly hate crt monitors06:34
pashawcoz,   i can get you a high resolution if thats what your after06:34
tonyyarussointelikey, I'll see if the man mentions it.06:34
cozok but right now I am on 15" screen06:34
pashawcoz,  i cant use them at all any CRT gives me headache after 5mins06:34
cozwhat is the resolution for resolution06:34
cozcrt definately sucks06:35
garryIve gotten high res by putting the refresh rates and available resolutions in the screen section in xorg.conf06:35
cozthe best monitor I have seen is the sharp 36" lcd06:35
intelikey36" ?06:35
cozunfortunately it costs about $1500 my nephew has one06:35
garrywow, that does sound likea nice one.06:35
cozit's beautiful06:36
coztalk about realestate06:36
pashawcoz,   follow this  and use your resolution inplace of my 1024x768   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/638606:36
evilghostcoz:  With a 25ms LCD refresh, right?  Love the gaussian blur.06:36
cozno blur06:36
evilghostcoz:  Create a modeline in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf using gtf; I had to do the same to run 1280x1024 @ 100Hz.06:36
cozcheck out the specs for the aquos monitor by shrap06:36
cozlet me copy this stuff down06:37
evilghostcoz:  Let me know if you have further questions, it's not too difficult.  There are some additional options you need to specify in your xorg.conf, let me dig them up.06:37
GoldfischOkay, I just read Mark Shuttleworth's article on the wiki. Very interesting.06:37
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evilghostcoz:  Section Device; Option "NoDCC"06:38
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evilghostcoz:  Np.06:38
djstillmanAnyone have any experience setting up advanced options on a laserjet 5si?06:38
cozanyone here know how to get a layla24 audio card drivers installed?06:39
cozevilghost, I will give this a try want to put together high end 64 bit system will wait til then06:39
hodgeu should look it up06:40
McJerrypashaw: i spent most of the evening getting freenx server going on Dapper via backport......having never messed with freenx, (I've always used vnc) is there a gui available for nxserver?06:40
evilghostcoz:  Np, let me know.  Be sure the modeline you generate matches up in the Screens section.  I can send you my xorg.conf for reference if you want.06:41
cozthat wold be great eveilghost06:41
evilghostDo you accept DCC?06:42
cozwell I would but frankly I don't know what that is?!?!06:42
evilghostDang, 1 second.06:42
cozsorry guy06:42
evilghostThis server prevents prvmsg and dcc.06:42
evilghostNp dude.06:42
=== alvaro [n=alvaro@dsl081-050-234.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
coznow my interest is looking at DCC06:43
alvarohi, i installed limewire in my ubuntu breezy, but whenever i click on the limewire icon it won't start the program. any ideas?06:43
cozI will find out about it tonight06:43
hodgegreat got to change permissions...06:43
ubotuwell, limewire is first you need !java, then download the http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and unpack it. Then just run the runLime.sh file. Voila.06:43
hodgelimewire is very good06:44
hodge2nd fav p2p prog06:44
alvaroi already have java06:44
hodgejust dl it06:44
Friari had torouble getting it to work from the repositories06:44
intelikeyso after ubuntu goes commercial what next ?06:44
evilghostcoz:  http://www.stickit.nu/tmp/xorg.conf06:45
Friardownloading it from linmewires site might be better06:45
crimsunintelikey: what?06:45
cozgreat I will get it now06:45
=== intelikey notes that crimsun is paying attention.....
cozgot it thanks06:45
garryGoes commercial?06:45
evilghostcoz:  NP06:45
cozintelikey has a point06:45
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cozshuttleworth keeps pumping money into ubuntu he will eventually want a return06:46
intelikeywell it's just that life has tought me that when people say "i will never" they always do.06:46
cozyou got that right06:46
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Friarenjoy what ya can while ya can06:47
crimsunMark would not pull a "It's my distro" shebang.06:47
crimsunHe knows well that's it not "his."06:48
pashawexplain how a distro based on gpl software can go commercial besides charging for support calls?06:48
cozred hat06:48
intelikeyit doesn't have to be his to go .com06:48
pashawred hat charges for support not software06:48
garryI see this on the default browser page when I bring up the browser in ubuntu. I thoguht maybe something had changed I quote "Ubuntu will always be free of charge, and there is no extra fee for the "enterprise edition", we make our very best work available to everyone on the same Free terms."06:48
cozyou have to buy red hat06:48
crimsunintelikey: "go .com"?06:48
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crimsunintelikey: it already /is/ a .com. Canonical supports it.06:48
crimsunOur glibc/arch hacker is one of a few doing support.06:49
intelikeyas in for sell.    as in like america06:49
garryI seem to recall thatthey would be looking for return on support end, but Yeah Intel,I woudl not be surprised if they did go commercial06:49
cozI hope they do actually06:49
cozthere would be better third party apps aviable06:49
crimsunintelikey: for sale? Nothing's stopping anyone from doing that.06:49
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garryYeah, it might improve the product.06:50
cozit would definately improve the procust06:50
cozdamn fingers06:50
garryYeah, If only putting my fingers up for sale would improve my typing skills.06:50
intelikeycoz if M$ is a test case, we might debate the quality issue  :)06:51
cozyes I fuond that if go solwly ican raelly tpye wlel06:51
cozit's not ms that isa test case other than they have the best and the most apps avaiable because of third party support06:52
cozall os's have their place06:52
cozI am hoping thatubuntu eventually overtakes at least the residential community06:52
garrySeems Migrainesoft's main issue is all the bloat, and then having to charge a king's ransom for products to pay all the programmers for all the bloat.06:53
cozwell I am more interested in the third party apps, photoshop, painter etc.... etc..06:53
cozthese people write for only two os's right now because that is where the money is06:53
pashawgarry,   my issue is they charge full price  from release day to the day they discontinue it      i dont buy anything full price ever06:53
evilghostThe root issue is the hand-holding gratitutious (sp?) dialog boxes, non-stop confirmation boxes, and root goal to empower the defficient with computers.  The same holds true to the abolition of drivers licenses; who in their right mind turns loose a motor vehicle to the untrained yet we do that every day.06:54
cozwell I never pay full price for anything I use06:54
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evilghostIt's no wonder they end up on an IRC botnet DDoSing and spamming.06:54
evilghostThat's the issue.  MS tends to empower the button-monkeys.06:54
evilghostAnd I won't even reference the quality of code.06:55
cozwell eventuall, as linux gets more popular , there will more and more attackjs by viruses etc06:55
garryYeah, I used to have Pinnacle studio, and after awhile they kept putting out upgrades every few months at near 100 bucks a pop, that adds up. got me ticked,  I finally stopped buying when the cycle dropped to 45 days.06:55
cozright now it is in a good position06:55
garrypashaw yep, I feel the same way.06:55
evilghostcoz:  Not true, research hWND manipulation, messaging subsystem issues.  There is no IE, there is no obfuscated IE security model.06:55
pashawguys #ubuntu-offtopic    would be a better place for this  :P06:55
=== intelikey never heard of crashing a computer killing folks.....
cozyou may be right06:55
pashawintelikey,   really  how about airline radar?06:56
cozyes back to what is the topic06:56
pashawlol   night all06:56
=== tonyyarusso goes downstairs to watch the ball drop for his timezone.
cozguys I really am not a linux lover other than ubuntu and I am still learning, most from you guys and I really appreciate it06:56
intelikeypashaw link please ?    or is that one of those hipocritical 'could happen' things ?06:57
intelikeyhypothetical maybe06:57
cozso i have a few apps I want to try on ubuntu, however I am a doof when it comes to comiling something06:57
garryrotton fingers06:57
garrytime to go to #ubuntu-rotton-fingers06:58
cozI think most of us would end up there06:58
garryI would be there.06:58
cozI am with you guy06:58
intelikeyi don't make many typos,  i just can't spell noffin06:58
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coz so , I have decompressed the package, did a ./configure the a make06:59
coz but I keep getting that there is no make file06:59
ubotusomebody said b-e was no make ?  you need build-essential or if you get errors saying gcc cannot create executables, or that you can't find header files like stdio.h, you need to do a    sudo apt-get install build-essential.06:59
cozI have all that is neccesary for the it to work06:59
cozthat much I know06:59
hodgewhat are you talking about coz?07:00
intelikeyyou did install  build-essential???07:00
hodgeI have no idea07:00
cozwell there are two apps gruler and colorscheme07:00
cozsimple apps but no .deb package07:00
cozso i have to compile them07:00
cozbut it's a no go07:00
garryI got my fingers crushed in a slit about one eighth slot. Severed nerves that cause my fingers to feel like they are a half inch more to the right than they are. I use a typeing tutor app called GnomeOuch.07:00
intelikeycoz i was talking to you07:00
cozyes that is installed intelikey07:01
intelikeythe ./configure must have failed07:01
hodgeu sure?07:01
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cozas a matter of fact, I was talking on ubuntuforums with someone about this and we checked for all esential s07:01
cozyeah maybe07:01
=== evilghost back, sorry, hit the wrong darned key.
evilghostHappy New Year btw, @ CST.07:02
cozsorry psople Happy New Year to you all07:02
evilghostYeah, removed the Win32 "Logo" key and the "File" key.07:02
hodgeHey thanks for your help07:03
cozI was hoipng that wehn this new yaer began I wuold have my tyipng at an all tmie hgih!07:04
intelikeyyeah i think i'll hit that key myself.       [root@~]  # mount -o remount,dreamonly /dev/brain /home/pillow   ;sleep -$random     gooday t'all07:04
cozso mcuh for taht07:04
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cozOk thanks guys have to go be back later I hope if not again Happy new year to you all07:04
MasterWammycoz:you the same coz i know?07:05
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cozmasterWammy wel I don't think so but I am the Real coz if that counts07:05
cozit is my real name07:05
evilghostcoz:  Later bro.07:05
garryI once wrote my own typing tutor. the ones I used always bleeped at me. I began to jump like pavlov's dog being trained to jump at the bell. every error,and it was bleep bleep bleep.07:05
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cozmaybe one of those electric dog colors07:06
Jeff120882 more hours till 2006 =o07:06
cozit jsut gets wurs and wurse07:06
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steven_happy new year to EST and CST :)07:07
garryWorst typeo I ever did was in a game, I was typing in a game guild channel and tried to say gwats like Elmer fudd, but I hit the T key instead of G key.07:08
garrywas trying for grats.07:08
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eaglemanI have a problem: Almost every boot I have to remove my ICEauthority file to get back in  any advice here?07:09
garrythat's puzzling about the compiling not being able to create an exe. Did that fellow ever find out why?07:09
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garryI'm don't understand eagleman. is this like a config file that doesn't take effect unless you erase it?07:10
garryoh sorry I misread.07:10
eaglemangarry: there seems to be some bug in Ubuntu that wants it to be erased b4 I can get back in the system07:11
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eaglemanI had this problem with Warty too but forgot how to fix it07:12
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garryeagleman I was thinking that you could put in a line to delete it on shutdown in rc.6 or some other file, but that is probably a terrible idea. lemme google and see what I find or is this a known bug?07:12
eaglemanthe ICEauthrity file will not let me back in the system until I erase it and it is renewed by the OS, but that is annoying07:13
mebsdhow to use xlock in fluxbox? i want it to start screensaver after 15 minutes07:13
eaglemanmebsd: I dont use FB so I dont know07:13
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garryDoes it say somethng like it can't read it? I'm looking at a post by e fellow who says  he could not start gnome because it said it could not read the file.07:14
eaglemanI found the answer in google already07:15
eaglemanyes  that is the problem07:15
eaglemangarry: thanks for trying to help  :) and happy New Year07:16
garryHere try this  "sudo chown sam /home/sam/.ICEauthority"07:16
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garryreplace sam with your user name of course.07:16
thegladiatorhow do i install a new mouse arrow  in gnome?07:16
garryeagleman thanks and ye too.07:16
ubuntu_can i request something to be compile and added to resp ?07:16
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ubuntu_this game : http://lincity-ng.berlios.de/wiki/index.php/Main_Page07:18
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ubuntu_i request it to be added in resp ..07:18
thegladiatorhow do i install a new mouse arrow  in gnome?07:18
tonyyarussoubuntu_: Maybe check http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate?07:18
garryI think I read somewhere about a faq about requests for repos additions.07:19
mevvisHAPPY NEW YEAR!07:19
thegladiatorhappy new year07:19
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zerokarmaleftseems my root filesystem has errors and was remounted ro.  i can't issue any sudo commands since it tries to create a pid tempfile in /var.  what should i do?07:20
tonyyarussoubuntu_: Can try to get it added to universe.07:20
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polpakzerokarmaleft, reboot into single user mode07:21
polpakzerokarmaleft, that will give you a root shell w/o actually logging in07:21
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zerokarmaleftpolpak: i'm not physically in front of the terminal07:21
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polpakzerokarmaleft, then afaik you are stuck07:22
viscountwhen I boot up, the framebuffer shows me a kubuntu logo as the system starts up, it used to just show a regular Ubuntu logo, how can I switch that back to the way it was?07:22
zerokarmaleftpolpak: sweet. thx anyway07:22
=== BlackJudas [n=dserban@S010600112f0adac6.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
BlackJudassorush20, ubuntu for a media pc, good choice?  Are the fun "non-free" packages available for ubuntu (such as win32-codecs).07:23
BlackJudassorush20, didn't mean to type to you, sry.07:23
polpakBlackJudas, yes07:23
tonyyarussoubuntu_, Specifically, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UniverseCandidates.07:23
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ubotuI heard restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed here have been replaced by !FreeFormats07:23
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Chameleon22what settings (maybe wiki page url) do i need to twick to get the damn 5.1 sound working.  So far only 2.1 speakers out of 5.1 are working (although i know others work as well)07:25
BlackJudaspolpak, nice.  I'm of the debian persuasion, so you'll have to bare with my "elitist" views ;).  I just gave up trying on gentoo :/07:26
polpakBlackJudas, I <3 ubuntu07:26
garryI had a gentoo nightmare myself. Got it all running, and then got to the point where I was to start downloading packages and got an emerge error code 2, end of story for me.07:27
polpakBlackJudas, I've tried many distros ubuntu does exactly what I want 7 times out of 10, and the other three only take a quick search on ubuntuforums or a question here to correct07:27
thegladiatorBlackJudas, you didnt like gentoo coz tis difficult yes?07:27
evilghostChameleon22:  lsmod, what sound card do you have.07:27
polpakthegladiator, I didn't like gentoo because I spent more time working on the OS and less time working on my actual projects07:28
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thegladiatoryeah i is diff to configure really07:28
garryI myself, blame me. My typing stinks, my vision is poor. I have little doubt that I did some mistake somewhere if not several. Lots of typing, lots of chances for errors.07:28
Chameleon22evilghost, i use SB07:28
thegladiatorbut a nice distro if you wanna learn linux as a OS07:28
eric_the mplayer plug-in is not working in firefox07:29
Chameleon22evilghost, dont see it in lsmod though07:29
evilghostChameleon22:  Sound Blaster 24Bit?07:29
polpakthegladiator, if you really want to get to know the guts of linux, build yourself a linux from scratch. But as for introducing people gradually to linux.. Ubuntu is king07:29
Chameleon22evilghost, not sure, how do i check07:29
evilghostChameleon22:  If so, you lose, http://klumpp.net/blog/archives/22-Linux-Soundcards-CA0106-sucks,-EMU10k1k2-is-the-way-to-go..html07:29
=== thegladiator agrees
FireRabbitChameleon22, lsmod|grep emu1007:30
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evilghostHe's a SndBlstr 24Bit, and doesn't have the CA0106 module compiled; you running Hoary right?07:30
Chameleon22evermuse, FireRabbit pasting into #flood07:30
polpakChameleon22, to see what sound card you have you can do an lspci07:30
polpakChameleon22, to see what drivers you are using use lsmod | grep snd07:31
FireRabbitevilghost, he said sound works out of two speakers07:31
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Chameleon2200:00:0a.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Live! EMU10k1 (rev 0a)07:31
Chameleon220000:00:0a.1 Input device controller: Creative Labs SB Live! MIDI/Game Port (rev 0a)07:31
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Chameleon22SB Live07:31
FireRabbityeah, emu10k107:31
FireRabbitso that is suppoted07:31
evilghostYeah, SB Live 5.1, you're good with emu10k107:31
Chameleon22so how do i enable the prick07:32
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FireRabbitChameleon22, tried going into the volume control and turning everything on?07:32
crimsunuse the correct virtual device07:32
Chameleon22FireRabbit, yeah 1st thing i tried07:32
crimsunplug:surround51, for instance.07:32
Chameleon22crimsun, where do i set that? or how rather?07:32
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crimsunit'd help if you answered my question regarding which app you're using07:33
Chameleon22xmms and xine07:34
hydroksydehow do canonical make money, anyway?07:34
crimsunso in xine, you'd have to select the surround device07:34
crimsunin xmms, you'd use plug:surround51 as your virtual device in the alsa plugins preferences in the audio i/o plugins07:35
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ubuntu_is there updates CDs for download ?07:35
Chameleon22crimsun, i cant seem to find 51 setting in xine07:35
FireRabbitChameleon22, gxine lets you select surround from the ui07:35
zblachgood morning & year to all07:36
evilghostChameleon22:  You tried alsamixer and perhaps setting wave wave/center/surround on?07:36
mahanguhow can i see what codecs a .avi file uses?07:37
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Chameleon22FireRabbit, i use kde, not gnome07:37
FireRabbitmahangu, the "file" command will often figure that out07:37
Chameleon22evilghost, alsamixer seems to have surronund sound on07:37
evilghostmahangu:  mplayer [filename]  from terminal should show you the video/audio codec as well as the framerate and resolution.07:37
mahanguI have a Divx5 file with mp3 audio07:38
mahangucan i make a vcd outta this?07:38
mahanguFireRabbit, i used the file command07:38
FireRabbitor are you saying it didn't work?07:38
mahanguit works fine07:38
mahangui want to give it to a friend of mine07:38
mahanguit's like 806 mb tho07:38
hydroksydeIs Canonical just Mark being generous, or does it have an actual source of profit???07:39
FireRabbitovernight transfer? :)07:39
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mahanguhydroksyde, support services07:40
mahanguhydroksyde, most FOSS projects use that model07:40
garrySorry, what is Canonical? Memory fails me, I remeber hearing about it.07:40
FireRabbitgarry, canonical sponsors ubuntu07:40
garryFireRabbit Thanks kindly.07:40
Chameleon22crimsun, where do i select plug:surround51 in xmms?07:41
FireRabbithydroksyde, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/supportoptions/support/supportoptions/paidsupport/07:41
crimsunChameleon22: preferences> audio i/o plugins> alsa> device  (type it into the text entry field/drop-down menu)07:41
mahangui need some help. i have a 807mb .avi (divx5 codec) file i want to split up in to two parts, and maybe make a vcd. any idea?07:42
FireRabbitone of you guys should create a SurroundSound page on the wiki and post this07:42
crimsunFireRabbit: feel free07:43
FireRabbitwell, i don't actually have surround sound :) ..but i guess i could start it07:43
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Dr_WillisI just make the rear speakers mirror the front07:46
FireRabbitDr_Willis, how do you do that?07:46
Dr_Willisnot sure what i even have under windows or linux thats real 'surround sound' other then games.07:46
Dr_WillisFireRabbit,  twiddled with the mixer controls07:46
BlackJudasYeah gentoo .. wasn't too difficult... it was too broken.07:46
Dr_WillisI got an Audiugy sound card - theres like 90 of the dang sliders..07:46
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FireRabbitDr_Willis, think you could add it to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Surround_Sound07:47
BlackJudasIn the span of two weeks, over 4 upgrades, the system became unusable in many different ways.07:47
Dr_WillisFireRabbit,  i dont even rember what i did...07:47
Dr_WillisFireRabbit,  its not really surround sound at all. uits just mirroring the front to the rear.07:47
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FireRabbitDr_Willis, would still be useful07:47
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Dr_Willisand all i did was slide the right sliders up "{07:47
BlackJudasI liked gentoo for its vast support of many different packages, but again, too broken, too fussy and very... broken :)07:47
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FireRabbitcrimsun, feel free to add to that page :)07:47
=== Keegan_Witt [n=chatzill@oh-69-68-34-241.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
Keegan_Wittdoes anyone know y I cannot mount a flash drive on breezy?07:48
crimsunKeegan_Witt: that's way too vague07:48
BlackJudasWhile I install my fun.... does ubuntu force gnome on install?07:49
crimsunby default, yes.07:49
Keegan_Witthow can I be more specific? it just says specified UDI is not a mountable volume07:49
Keegan_Wittit works on windows07:49
Chameleon22crimsun, tried that - still only 2 speakers active07:49
crimsunChameleon22: and amixer output?07:49
crimsunKeegan_Witt: pastebin dmesg output07:49
ubotumethinks pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org07:49
timfrostBlackJudas, Ubuntu=Gnome, Kubuntu=KDE07:50
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Chameleon22crimsun, what am i greping?07:50
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crimsunChameleon22: nothing. I want the entire thing.#07:51
Chameleon22k hold on07:51
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Chameleon22crimsun, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/643707:52
titanium_platypuI have just switched to Ubuntu from Fedora.07:52
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titanium_platypuI love it so far07:52
titanium_platypubut I have a few problems07:52
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Dr_WillisI think we need a Fluxbox Ubuntu called 'Flubuntu' :P07:52
titanium_platyputhree, to be exact07:52
FireRabbitDr_Willis, :)07:52
FireRabbittitanium_platypu, alright, first?07:52
Dr_WillisI think we need a windowmaker Ubuntu called 'wubuntu' :P07:52
titanium_platypu#1) It never prompted me for a root password during the install, and won't let me become root using the superuser command! :(07:52
crimsunDr_Willis: then make them.07:52
titanium_platypuwhat to do?07:52
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FireRabbittitanium_platypu, use sudo07:53
Dr_Willistitanium_platypu,  thats how it works :P07:53
crimsun!tell titanium_platypu about sudo07:53
Dr_Willisfaq #107:53
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Dr_Willisthe first Faq #1 of the New year!07:53
titanium_platyputhe bot said that, if I want, I can set a root password07:53
Dr_Willistitanium_platypu,  yes you can...07:53
titanium_platypuis there any reason not to do this, and if not, how do I?07:53
molineroHello to all ubuntu user!07:54
FireRabbittitanium_platypu, theres no reason to set one07:54
molineroHappy New Year07:54
mahanguanybody here used mencoder before?07:54
FireRabbittitanium_platypu, you can always just use your user password07:54
Dr_Willisif you dont know how.. :P  well...  :P07:54
titanium_platypuyeah....but I would rather become root user at will.07:54
FireRabbittitanium_platypu, sudo -s07:54
Dr_Willisits a 'security' habbit - that is best to learn to do the 'proper' way07:54
Keegan_Witthere is link to message I get: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/643807:54
Dr_WillisUbuntu devs are big on security.07:54
crimsunChameleon22: um, that's dmesg. I asked you for amixer.07:54
titanium_platypuI'm not running a corporation eh07:54
titanium_platypuI don't need uber-security.07:55
kracanyone have a default php install handy07:55
FireRabbittitanium_platypu, *shrug*, theres really no reason to change it07:55
Chameleon22crimsun, bah i must have missread07:55
Chameleon22sorry hold on07:55
titanium_platypuoh, okay, so I just type "sudo -s" instead of "su"?07:55
BlackJudastimfrost, I see the wiki suggests I install with the server tag.  Good enough for me, I don't need a wm (or de) to use myth.  It's why I asked, evilwm works just fine.07:55
kracand can <?php phpinfo(); ?> and paste me the config options :p07:55
Dr_Willisthere a large and legenthy forum discussion on the topic. :)07:55
FireRabbittitanium_platypu, yup07:55
FireRabbittitanium_platypu, and enter *your* password07:55
=== Selekta [n=j@203-173-8-191.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_Willisthere is no 'root' user password.. root cant directly login.07:55
Dr_Willissecurity in layers.07:56
=== Selekta is now known as Wilf
titanium_platypuI don't see much of a difference, except for six extra keystrokes every time I do it, which multiplies out to quite a bit over a long period of time....07:56
titanium_platypuoh well.  I'll get used to it, I suppose.07:56
crimsunthen use sudo -s07:56
clintpattyi have a sorta Ubuntu question07:56
Wilfmy does adio and video on totem go out of sync sometimes?07:56
=== FireRabbit wonders why the wiki page doesnt mention -s
titanium_platypu#2) I get all sorts of blips and bleeps from Gnome (which are bloody annoying, but I know how to turn them off, so don't worry about it), so the sound card must be working, but I don't get audio from any of my applications07:56
Chameleon22crimsun, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/643907:56
=== Steve_Stevings [n=gerrit@66-191-226-197.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
titanium_platypuwhat's the deal?07:57
Dr_WillisFireRabbit,  its a bad habbit to have a root shell just laying about..07:57
clintpattyi downloaded the 5.10 Ubuntu live dvd07:57
clintpattybut i'm having issues with burning it07:57
clintpattydoes anyone know how to enter the code for cdrecord-ProDVD07:57
clintpattyi have the code07:57
FireRabbitDr_Willis, yeah, but its an even worse habbit to re-enable the root account, which is what a lot of people do who dont know about -s07:57
crimsunChameleon22: adjust the 'Wave [..] ' ones07:57
=== Steve_Stevings is now known as SteveStevings
Dr_WillisFireRabbit,  actually if ya knew some linux to a small degree ya could figure out how to enable the root account.. :P takes all of 5 sec to do.07:58
SteveStevingshow do i install a .pcf font07:58
SteveStevingsive spent the last 20 mins looking on google07:58
crimsunChameleon22: furthermore, unless you're actually using your optical out, mute 'IEC958 Optical Raw'07:58
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SteveStevingstrying to figure it out07:58
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crimsunChameleon22: and 'SB Live Analog/Digital Output Jack' may need to be unmuted07:59
titanium_platypunobody knows what to do about my sound card? :(07:59
crimsuntitanium_platypu: you're being deliberately vague07:59
crimsuntitanium_platypu: e.g., what apps?07:59
Chameleon22crimsun, jack? wtf where on the hdw it self?07:59
SteveStevingshow do i install a .pcf font07:59
crimsunChameleon22: no, read your amixer output.08:00
=== winXperts [n=santos@ip70-171-34-200.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
titanium_platypuI've tried tons of games that I know have audio.  None of them would do anything.08:00
titanium_platyputhe only sound I do get is that of Gnome.08:00
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SteveStevingsare you on a laptop?08:00
Chameleon22crimsun, kk reading hold up08:00
=== koniec [n=qwerrtty@c-67-184-124-209.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
crimsuntitanium_platypu: have you disabled System> Preferences> Sound> Enable sound server startup ?08:00
Chameleon22crimsun, by the way  thanks08:00
SteveStevingstitanium_platypus: are you on a laptop08:00
richardHi what app creates Mp3 files on gnome?08:00
clintpattydoes anyone have info about how to burn the LiveDVD iso?08:00
titanium_platypunope, it's turned on.  It's got the right sound card selected, too.08:00
titanium_platypuSteveStevings, no, I'm not.08:01
clintpattyrichard grip is good08:01
crimsuntitanium_platypu: turn it off08:01
titanium_platypuoh, really?08:01
richardclintpatty: when I install it will I need to download anything else like LAME?08:01
crimsuntitanium_platypu: after you've played your game, turn it back on08:01
clintpattyyou'll need lame08:01
titanium_platypuafter I uncheck that is there anything I need to do to apply the settings?08:01
FireRabbitoh the wiki page mentions sudo -i, good enough08:01
richardclintpatty: Ok I will give it a try. I have a new Stereo that plays MP3 files and I would love to have my audio books on one cd08:02
Keegan_Wittwat was the 2 file types I needed to get ndiswrapper to work? inf and what?08:02
clintpattycan no one help me burn the Ubuntu iso?08:03
SteveStevingshow do i install a .pcf font08:03
crimsunclintpatty: use gnomebaker or k3b, for instance08:03
FireRabbitgrip is a little bit hard to use08:03
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FireRabbitsound juicer is a bit more to the point08:03
clintpattycrimsun i don't have kde08:03
Dr_Willisclintpatty,  i just use nero under windows :P08:03
clintpattyand don't want to install it08:04
clintpattyDr_Willis Gentoo is all i have installed08:04
Inf3ctedFxclintpatty: did u download the ubuntu iso already?08:04
crimsunclintpatty: that has nothing to do with gnomebaker or k3b.08:04
clintpattycrimsun: kde libs are required for k3b08:04
FireRabbitSteveStevings, put it in ~/.fonts ?08:05
crimsunclintpatty: kdelibs4c2 != KDE08:05
tonyyarussoclintpatty, What are you running right now?08:05
clintpattytonyyarusso: Gentoo08:05
FireRabbitcrimsun, on gentoo, it might be though08:05
crimsunI'm certain Gentoo has a variety of gui tools if that's what you prefer08:05
timfrostclintpatty, do you have cdrecord?08:05
crimsunotherwise you can use cdrecord or cdrdao08:06
FireRabbitits a big deal regardless .. to compile qt/kdelibs/etc08:06
clintpattycrimsun: also, i can't install gnomebaker because it conflicts with something, cdrecord, i think08:06
Keegan_Wittwat repo is kdevelop in?08:06
clintpattytimfrost: yes, i have cdrecord-ProDVD08:06
tonyyarussoclintpatty, Well that can be what you use then.08:06
clintpattytonyyarusso: how do i enter the ProDVD code08:06
crimsun!info kdevelop308:06
ubotukdevelop3: (An IDE for Unix/X11 - development version), section universe/kde, is optional. Version: 4:3.2.3-0ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 1053 kB, Installed size: 3500 kB08:06
clintpattyI use X-Cdroast that has a place to enter the code08:07
clintpattyi don't know how to enter the ProDVD code in terminal08:07
crimsunso use xcdroast08:07
clintpattyit doesn't work right for some reason08:07
FireRabbitclintpatty, http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-cdburn.html ?08:07
Dr_Willisi would guess theres some .file that it checkjs.08:07
crimsuncdrecord-prodvd is cli last I checked08:07
clintpattyGraveman, which uses growisofs and some other utils, is the only thing that's worked so far for DVDs08:07
crimsunso burn the iso using graveman if you're using Gentoo currently08:08
FireRabbitwhat the hec is prodvd08:08
Chameleon22crimsun, managed to get center speaker working 3/5 so far08:08
crimsunFireRabbit: Jorge's extensions to cdrecord to support dvd08:08
FireRabbitwhy does it need a key?08:09
Chameleon22crimsun, now 2 rear once and i am sweet08:09
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crimsunFireRabbit: because it's decidedly non-DFSG-free?08:09
clintpattycrimsun, don't know how to burn the iso with Graveman; it was just burn the .iso as a file to the dvd08:09
clintpattyFireRabbit, that link was nice and all, but I know how to burn CD isos; I need to burn the LiveDVD iso08:10
FireRabbitwell, boot off of the livecd and burn the livedvd from there ;)08:10
crimsunclintpatty: the same way you'd burn any other iso using gnomebaker, k3b, graveman, $utilityOfChoice08:10
FireRabbiti've burned dvds from here without any keys or anything08:10
SteveStevingsXD i love irc.. the grammar and spelling  is so nice08:10
clintpattycrimsun, i've only used cdrecord from terminal for isos before08:11
=== wil_ [n=wil@d198-53-91-38.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
clintpattyand i don't know how to use cdrecord-ProDVD08:11
Inf3ctedFxI use Gnome Baker08:11
crimsunclintpatty: you've never used growisofs directly or graveman to burn dvd isos?08:11
clintpattyonly graveman08:12
clintpattynot growisofs directly08:12
crimsunclintpatty: then just use growisofs08:12
FireRabbitcertainly cdrecord-prodvd isnt what most people use to burn dvds08:12
clintpattycrimsun, graveman burns it as a file08:12
clintpattynot puts it on the disk like an iso08:13
clintpattylike, it doesn't burn the image or w/e08:13
clintpattyi just have a ubuntu .iso file on the disk08:13
crimsunthen you'll just use growisofs08:13
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crimsunuse growisofs --help if you need assistance08:13
clintpattycrimsun, have you used it before to burn DVD iso?08:13
tonyyarussoHi wil_.08:14
crimsunclintpatty: no, I don't have a cd-rom or a dvd-rom08:14
=== Viper12 [n=Casey@c-24-8-147-79.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
wil_happy new year!08:15
FireRabbitclintpatty, the version of gnome you are using doesnt have burning support?08:15
wil_it's just new year here in canada08:15
FireRabbit11:15 here08:15
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clintpattyFireRabbit, I don't have gnomebaker or gnometoaster, if that's what you mean08:15
Viper12eddy murphy voice:  MERRY NEW YEAR!!!!!!! - from Denver. :)08:16
FireRabbitclintpatty, that's not what i mean... most people in here can right-click on an ISO file and click "Write to disk"08:16
wil_Firerabbit: where are you?08:16
FireRabbitwil_, Seattle, WA08:16
wil_I'm in edmonton08:16
wil_, alberta08:16
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wil_standard mountain time08:17
tonyyarussowil_, I go to school in Ontario.08:17
wil_tonyyaruso: happy new year08:18
clintpattyFireRabbit: no, then08:18
FireRabbitclintpatty, well check you nautilus use flags or something... this is really all a topic for a gentoo irc channel you know08:18
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=== titanium_platypu [n=caleb@ip24-251-3-13.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
clintpattyFireRabbit: nvm08:19
wil_what happened to the multiverse repositories.  I'm following the "Other non-Free Formats" in the unofficial Guide.08:19
FireRabbitwil_, didnt go anywhere08:19
clintpattycrimsun: I suppose the answer of use the terminal program that graveman works with should have been more obvious to me08:19
clintpattycrimsun: thanks, growisofs is burning it right now08:19
Inf3ctedFxdoes anyone here uise the VMware?08:19
FireRabbitInf3ctedFx, yeah08:19
wil_It says to enable the multiverse but I don't see it hashed in sources.list or in synaptic08:19
titanium_platypuwell, that didn't fix it.08:20
titanium_platypuI'll worry about it later.08:20
clintpattyincase anyone asks in future08:20
titanium_platypuI made a mistake, by the way....I have four problems, not three.08:20
titanium_platypuOf course, now it's down to 3, really, since one was solved.08:20
clintpattyto burn the Ubuntu LiveDVD08:20
Inf3ctedFxFireRabbit: I get stock in one part of the prosses08:20
titanium_platypuI have two more.08:20
FireRabbitwil_, http://eric.extremeboredom.net/2005/12/29/243/08:20
titanium_platypu#3) I tried to download and install RealPlayer with the graphical application adder.  It came up with an installer asking me "where was it downloaded to?" and I couldn't find it when I searched for it08:21
clintpattygrowisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/dvd='filename'.iso08:21
Inf3ctedFxI need the qemu-img.exe in order to continue but I have no website to download it08:21
titanium_platypuwhat do I do there?08:21
wil_Frierabbit: thanks08:21
FireRabbittitanium_platypu, enable multiverse08:21
=== No1Viking [i=micke@h-83-140-104-3.ip.cust.port80.se] has joined #ubuntu
FireRabbitthen sudo apt-get install realplayer08:21
titanium_platypuI did08:21
titanium_platypuit was after that08:21
titanium_platypuI've actually already downloaded it, and installed it.08:21
timfrostInf3ctedFx, yes, I use VMWare.  Why?08:21
titanium_platypubut when I try to run it is when that happens08:22
titanium_platypuit comes up with a RealPlayer installation program08:22
FireRabbittitanium_platypu, you downloaded it using APT?08:22
titanium_platypuwhich asks me where the file was downloaded to.08:22
Inf3ctedFxtimfrost:  because I'm following a howto here but I can't find the qemu-img.exe08:22
titanium_platypuI downloaded it using the graphical installer....does that not work?08:22
Inf3ctedFxtimfrost:  the Windows version of QEMU.08:22
FireRabbittitanium_platypu, try 'sudo apt-get install realplayer'08:22
timfrostInf3ctedFx, that is NOT a part of VMWare08:22
FireRabbitInf3ctedFx, i have used vmware, not qemu ;)08:23
Inf3ctedFxtitanium_platypu: let me show a a good howto it will help u to install realpayer and also run it on firefox08:23
ubotuI heard qemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo or http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=200357&postcount=108:23
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FireRabbitany howtos that tell you to do anything other than install the package are wrong08:23
Inf3ctedFxtitanium_platypu:  --> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats    go tehre08:23
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Inf3ctedFxtimfrost:  I know but as I said i'm following the howto and it said I have to get that to run windows08:24
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titanium_platypuit still did the same thing08:24
ronyso how do I get /dev/dsp to appear again?  It seems to have gone08:24
titanium_platypuonly text-based instead of graphical this time.08:24
FireRabbitah, so thats a good example of a bad howto08:24
Inf3ctedFxlook timfrost --> Then download and install the Windows version of QEMU08:24
FireRabbittitanium_platypu, oh.. maybe thats right, the realplayer package has an installer08:24
FireRabbitbecause of licencing08:24
garryI'm a bit stuck, I cant find what I need. I need to mount as read only, hard drives with my regular user account, but the devices are set so that only root may do anything with them. Others are forbidden. How do I fix this?08:25
FireRabbitcan you pastebin what it says?08:25
timfrostInf3ctedFx, what howto?08:25
Inf3ctedFxtimfrost:  here --> http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=84275&highlight=hoary+breezy08:25
garryI can mount, but must use sudo to mount and unmount, but to explore from gnome is forbidden me.08:25
=== Hoxzer [n=niko@dsl-hkigw2-fe10de00-26.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
FireRabbitgarry, add "user" to the options in fstab for that device08:25
FireRabbitman fstab and search for user08:26
garryThe user option is already in fstab.08:26
FireRabbitgarry, but your user cannot mount it?08:26
Inf3ctedFxgarry show me ur fstab08:26
titanium_platypuright, but how do I deal with the installer? :-\08:26
garryI can mount them, but I cannot explore them.08:26
=== Nikusan [n=Nikusan@hamax12-059.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Inf3ctedFxlook garry  this is my fstab for windows partiton and I can read it from gnome -->  /dev/hda1       /media/master   ntfs     umask=0722      0       008:27
FireRabbittitanium_platypu, post a screenshot ? i am not sure exactly what you are looking at08:27
Inf3ctedFxthats all I add and the reboot and let me read it normally08:27
garryInf3ctedFx how do  ishow you my fstab?08:27
clintpattyis it only an NTFS partition that you're having trouble with?08:27
titanium_platypuhold on.  Let me try Inf3ctedFx's idea first.08:27
garryyes, only ntfs08:27
garryand I just want to mount read only.08:28
FireRabbitlooks like realplayer isnt even in dapper ... interesting08:28
Inf3ctedFxgarry:  on terminal type :  cd /etc/  then sudo gedit fstab08:28
clintpattycan you access the drive when you remove the ro from fstab?08:28
crimsun!info realplayer dapper08:28
uboturealplayer: (Real Player (installer)), section multiverse/net, is optional. Version: 8.0.11 (dapper), Packaged size: 22 kB, Installed size: 208 kB08:28
timfrostInf3ctedFx. I have not used vmware player - I have a VMWare 5.0 license, so installled VMWare (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VmWare)08:28
titanium_platyputhat did the trick.  Thanks a lot guys08:29
Inf3ctedFxthen copy everything and paste it on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org08:29
titanium_platypuand thanks Inf3ctedFx08:29
Inf3ctedFxno problem titanium_platypu08:29
titanium_platypuI just discovered another problem08:29
titanium_platypuso now there's two more.08:29
crimsunFireRabbit: as you can see, it is.08:29
Inf3ctedFxwooww whats up08:29
titanium_platypuI am difficult to satisfy, as you can see.08:29
garrysay Inf3ctedFx did that, I can edit it fine, but it looks fine, as if a user should have permissions to use it.08:29
=== HeartBT [n=chill@ppp-70-224-199-33.dsl.applwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== FireRabbit kicks packages.ubuntu.com
Inf3ctedFxdid u rebbot the box garry ?08:29
crimsunp.u.c. is not synced nightly.08:29
crimsunuse the bot if you need to know something.08:29
FireRabbitokay thanks08:30
titanium_platypuokay, #4) anybody used the program "Celestia"?  I have, and I love it.  But when I try to run it in Ubuntu, it crashes my whole system!  I can't even Ctrl+Alt+F1 myself to a terminal.08:30
FireRabbittitanium_platypu, what did you do exactly to fix realplayer?08:30
garryHere is a line for the device from fstab. Haven't rebooted, its just first time I've had difficulty.08:30
titanium_platypuI followed the instructions on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats08:30
titanium_platypuunder "RealPlayer"08:30
FireRabbitah you downloaded that .deb?08:30
Inf3ctedFxgarry:  here is my fstab I have 2 HDD's one master and one slave  look --> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/644008:31
garryusing music programs to browse the folder. The mount point has permissions that root can read only, all others are forbidden.08:31
tonyyarussotitanium_platypu, I use it with no problems.08:31
titanium_platypuanybody have any idea what to do about my latest whiny gripe?08:31
Inf3ctedFxtitanium_platypu:  I follow those and work for me just fine08:31
titanium_platypuyou use Celestia?08:31
titanium_platypuwell, I might look around on the intarbutt for help with that one....as well as with my sound card.08:32
titanium_platypulast one:08:32
Inf3ctedFxtimfrost:  do u know where can I find the Windows version of QEMU.??08:32
titanium_platypu#5) before, in Firefox, I could just select a URL and then hit the middle mouse button in Firefox's main window in order to go to the URL, using X's copy-paste feature.08:32
titanium_platypunow it doesn't do that08:32
titanium_platyputhe copy-paste feature works fine,08:32
titanium_platypubut not the cool little Firefox deal08:32
titanium_platypuanyone know about that?08:32
garryThanks Inf3ctedFx I will try that umask=0722 thing.08:32
FireRabbittitanium_platypu, wow, you actually WANT that? ;)08:32
FireRabbitgoto about:config08:33
Inf3ctedFxgarry:  dont forget to reboot08:33
titanium_platypushouldn't I?08:33
titanium_platypuit's handy08:33
FireRabbitit drives me nuts, i always use autoscroll08:33
FireRabbitbut yeah, about:config08:33
FireRabbitsearch for contentloadurl08:33
timfrostInf3ctedFx, No. I don't run M$ s/ware at home at all08:33
FireRabbitset middlemouse.contentloadurl to true08:33
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titanium_platypuI love that feature08:34
titanium_platypuokay, so you solved 3/5 of my problems08:34
titanium_platyputhank you all very much08:34
titanium_platypuI appreciate it.08:34
titanium_platypusee you later.08:34
tonyyarussoFireRabbit, Question on about:config; can you just edit that straight in the window?08:34
FireRabbithave fun08:34
=== LordMelkor [n=skydemon@cpe-24-25-210-255.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
FireRabbittonyyarusso, yeah08:34
tonyyarussoFireRabbit, Huh.  Was very confused the one time I actually tried to.  Probably know more now though.08:35
=== Inf3ctedFx when out for a momento to get something to eat =)
LordMelkorhi there08:35
tonyyarussoOh, yeah I see.  Reminds me of Windows' registry.08:35
LordMelkorim haveing some trouble with my cd driver i think08:35
LordMelkorI load a cd with mp3s on it into the computer08:36
LordMelkorand try to copy them08:36
LordMelkorto the hd08:36
LordMelkorbut then i get an error08:36
LordMelkorthat says i/o08:36
LordMelkoror sumthing like that08:36
FireRabbitis part of the cd scrached off? :)08:36
clintpattyLordMelkor did you umount then mount again08:36
LordMelkorim very new to linux08:36
clintpattyi've had that problem before and just remounting fixed it08:37
LordMelkori have no idea what that means08:37
clintpattyis it your only cd drive?08:37
clintpattyis it /dev/cdrom08:37
clintpattyor do you know08:37
FireRabbitLordMelkor, have you rebooted between trying this?08:37
FireRabbitthen theres no point in trying to remount :)08:37
LordMelkormultiple times08:37
FireRabbitsince that happens when you reboot by nature08:37
clintpattyhaha yeah, nvm08:37
LordMelkorit also happend wwhen i tried to burn a cd08:38
LordMelkorits a cd-rw/dvd combo drive08:38
FireRabbitdid you drop it? ;)08:38
LordMelkoryou know.08:38
LordMelkori did08:38
LordMelkorbut i didnt think anything happend.08:38
clintpattyFireRabbit if root mounted it when rebooting and didn't have right permissions for user access, would that result in i/o error?08:39
FireRabbitwell, i mean you never know... try sticking another drive in and reading that same CD of mp3s08:39
FireRabbitclintpatty, no, permissions error08:39
=== fli7e [n=fli7e@CPE-72-131-111-101.mn.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
LordMelkorill futz with it for a bit to see if its the drive that has the problem08:39
LordMelkori might bbl08:40
clintpattyk, i used to get i/o error on a fat32 drive on mandrake w/ permission stuff, so didn't know08:40
FireRabbitclintpatty, really? that's wonky08:40
clintpattyso was the mandrake i was using08:40
=== Atlas95 [n=atlas@] has joined #ubuntu
Atlas95i wich you an happy new year guys (sorry for my englsih :p)08:40
FireRabbitin all my experience, I/O errors reading from cds have always meant i either dropped the drive or scratched the disk08:40
clintpattyuh oh08:41
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clintpattyman, i should go to bed08:41
clintpattyand compile openoffice2 overnight08:41
FireRabbityou need to compile openoffice?08:42
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timfrostclintpatty. what is wrmg wth the  OO.2 versons in the repositories?08:43
clintpattyi'm not using Ubuntu timfrost08:43
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clintpattyi just burned the livedvd though08:44
clintpattyand will try it08:44
FireRabbityou know you could probably download, install, and configure ubuntu in less time than it will take to compile openoffice ;)08:44
clintpattyyeah but i will compile openoffice in my sleep08:44
clintpattydo yall think Ubuntu is the best distro08:45
FireRabbitfor a workstation i certainly do08:46
FireRabbitfor severs i still use debian08:46
juuvaHow I can upgrade kernel using apt? Made couple of days ago server-install of 5.1008:46
juuvaI just cant figure out where kernel has been deselected08:47
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omoorethx to u guys for a very easy way of installing linux onto a pc that has no cd or floppy but can boot from usb stick.. and for very good instructions on how to do so08:48
=== sportman [n=sportman@] has joined #ubuntu
sportmanhappy new years, wow breazy is nice compared to hoary08:49
omoorethis was my first time instlling ubuntu via usb stick and it was a very pleasant experience (ie.. easy + successfull)08:49
clintpattywhat do yall Ubuntu people use to rip/encode DVDs?08:49
=== La_PaRCa [n=La_PaRCa@cable200-116-15-189.epm.net.co] has joined #ubuntu
Davey`what can I use to *edit* EXIF data?08:50
FireRabbitsportman, :)08:51
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FireRabbitDavey`, wow, i can think of lots of things that will *view* it... :)08:53
Davey`FireRabbit: nope, my digicam looses the date when the batteries dies, so some of my pictures have 1/1/2000 as the date, and I *know* thats wrong08:54
FireRabbitooh, sucky08:54
FireRabbiti wonder if f-spot can do that08:54
FireRabbitdid you try?08:54
La_PaRCaDavey`, albumshaper08:54
Davey`nope, though I just tagged about 2/3 of my images in f-spot, I'm going to try the flickr upload stuff shortly :)08:54
Davey`installing now La_PaRCa08:55
Davey`man, I just love this new 10Mbit cable, Fetched 4365kB in 9s (438kB/s)08:55
Davey`I remember when it took me 15 *minutes* :/08:55
Viper12clint, using dvd:rip, avidemux seems to work very well.08:55
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La_PaRCaDavey`, dont make me come there and whap you upside the head. I still am on 256Kbps08:56
Davey`La_PaRCa: hehe, I just got 10Mbit last week08:56
Davey`had only 5Mbit before that08:56
Davey`I call up and its like "Hi, I'd like to upgrade to 10Mbit" "Sure, we can do that" "How long will it take to install?" "Oh, should be activated in about 5 minutes, have a nice day"08:57
FireRabbit4 megabits here08:57
=== Kindred on 56k right now :)
Davey`I'm like, whats the friggen hold up!? 5 minutes? sheesh08:57
FireRabbitDavey`, haha08:57
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=== Lord_Athur [n=alejandr@pc-30-37-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
FireRabbiti think we could upgrade to 8.. but i dont think 10 is avaliable, i forget though08:58
Davey`La_PaRCa: albumshaper no workee :/08:58
Davey`(doesn't edit EXIF rather)08:58
Lord_Athuri cannot mount an initrd file08:58
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Lord_Athurwhat should I do?08:59
La_PaRCaDavey`, um, I read somewhere out there about something called reveal08:59
mrkojeI wish I could get faster broadband08:59
mrkojethis roadrunner crap is pathetic08:59
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Davey`mrkoje: I'm on RR too, its awesome, but of course, they just offer their services on top of the cable companies lines08:59
ubotuLa_PaRCa: Are you smoking crack?09:00
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ubotuI heard kde is A powerful, free desktop environment for UNIX. IRC: #kubuntu #kde ; install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ; ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/breezy/09:00
Lord_Athurcan anybody help me?09:00
mrkojeDavey`,  I hate roadrunner... they say "up too 5mbs" all i ever get is 2mb up and a measly 50kb up09:00
La_PaRCaDavey`, theres something on the repos called jhead, maybe look at that09:00
johndarkhorseubotu: tell Lord_Athur about ask09:00
Davey`OKies :)09:00
Davey`mrkoje: I can test upto 8Mbit on my wireless connection here... I would hope my roomie on the ethernet cable gets damn close to the full 10Mbit09:01
Davey`of course, I live in god waiting room, not many internet users here ;)09:01
mrkojeDavey`,  well your lucky09:01
=== HappyFool [n=user@dsl-146-192-238.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
Lord_Athurjohndarkhorse, I've tried to mount the initrd file with: mount -o loop -t ext2  /home/alejandro/Banux/isolinux/initrd /mnt/a , but i recive the following message: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop2,09:02
Lord_Athur       missing codepage or other error09:02
Lord_Athur       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try09:02
Lord_Athur       dmesg | tail  or so09:02
Lord_Athurthen what should I do?09:02
HappyFooltry leave off '-t ext2' and see if the FS type can be auto-detected09:03
Lord_AthurHappyFool, look:09:04
Lord_Athurioctl: LOOP_CLR_FD: Device or resource busy09:04
Lord_Athurmount: you must specify the filesystem type09:04
La_PaRCaLord_Athur, you sure its ext2?09:04
=== qwert [n=qwert@dsl-202-173-157-168.vic.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
HappyFoolwhat does 'file /home/alejandro/Banux/isolinux/initrd' say ?09:05
Lord_AthurLa_PaRCa, yes, i am09:05
Lord_AthurHappyFool, I dont understand you :S09:05
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HappyFoolLord_Athur: run the 'file' command on your initrd file09:05
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Lord_AthurHappyFool, my file says:09:06
Lord_Athur/home/alejandro/Banux/isolinux/initrd: gzip compressed data, was "initrd", from Unix, max compression09:06
FireRabbithappy new year everyone09:07
Lord_Athurthanks FireRabbit09:08
HappyFooltry something like 'zcat /home/alejandro/Banux/isolinux/initrd > /home/alejandro/initrd.tmp' and then 'file /home/alejandro/initrd.tmp'09:08
Lord_Athurhappy new year for you too09:08
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FireRabbitfireworks on tv sure are lame09:09
Lord_Athur/home/alejandro/initrd.tmp: Linux rev 1.0 ext2 filesystem data09:09
La_PaRCaLord_Athur, ok, now mount the .tmp09:09
Lord_Athurgracias HappyFool09:11
Lord_Athurthanks all09:11
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raymondi need help instralling software09:13
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raymondcan someone help me install softwear09:14
crimsunwhat software?09:15
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liableraymond: err, what is the problem, apt/synaptic make it fairly painless..09:15
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raymondi dont know how ti install softwear09:15
FireRabbitwhat do you want to install09:15
FireRabbitextract it09:16
FireRabbitand run the runLime.sh script09:16
raymondtheir is not one09:16
FireRabbiti dont think there are any packages09:16
FireRabbityeah there is :)09:17
crimsunyou have to download limewire from their Web site09:17
raymondi did09:17
Inf3ctedFxis not package09:17
Inf3ctedFxI donwload it from the website09:17
raymondits for linux09:17
FireRabbiti meant "yeah there is a runLime script"09:17
raymondbut i cant install it09:17
Inf3ctedFxjust download LimeWire the open terminal and type sh runLime09:18
FireRabbiti had thrown together an updated limewire package at once09:18
Inf3ctedFxand thats all09:18
FireRabbitbut i didnt update it with the latest version09:18
=== wizdumb [n=wizdumb@ip68-100-49-213.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
wizdumbhappy new year everyone09:18
raymondit did not work09:19
Inf3ctedFxdid u install JAva?09:19
raymondi am a noob a linux09:19
raymondno i did not09:19
Inf3ctedFxohh oks09:19
Inf3ctedFxlet me show u something09:19
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Inf3ctedFxhold on09:20
FireRabbitsudo apt-get install java-package :)09:20
wizdumbtrying to install ubuntu 5.1.0, having an issue with the cdrom not being detected09:20
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wizdumbit boots to ubuntu, and loads up ok.. but when it tries to detect and mount the cdrom, it fails.  Is this a common occurance?09:20
FireRabbitraymond, here are the directions http://wiki.serios.net/wiki/Debian_Java_JRE/JDK_installation_with_java-package09:20
Inf3ctedFxraymond:  look read thos howto almos at the bottom ther is a secciotn talking about how to install java --> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats09:20
Inf3ctedFxsorryu for my english is not really good xD09:21
FireRabbitah, same thing basically09:21
Inf3ctedFxraymond:  there is a section say: Getting Java09:21
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raymondk found it09:22
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mihaihappy new year!09:24
Inf3ctedFxsame 2 u09:25
mihaican some tell me of theyr experience if vcdimager in ubuntu breezy really works?09:25
mihaibecause I've written a cd-rw using a vcd2 image made with it and then it was unridable09:26
mihaithe solution I've found was using mkvcdfs from vcd-tools09:26
mihaibut I need to know if vcdimager really works09:26
mihaican some help?09:26
=== mud [n=mud@c-67-171-221-103.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mihaianother problem is that mkvcdfs makes only a vcd1.1 filesystem, which is guess is somehow inferior to the vcd209:29
raymondi dont under the website09:29
raymondthat much09:29
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Inf3ctedFxraymond:  what the site I gave u?09:29
Inf3ctedFxok let me c if I can help u09:30
raymondi am a compleat noob at linux09:30
Inf3ctedFxgo here and download the Java --> http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/download.jsp09:30
Langly1raymond, you are also a noob at spelling.09:30
raymondwick one09:30
Inf3ctedFxdonwload the one is NOT FROM netBeans09:30
raymondthe j2EE09:31
Inf3ctedFxthere r 2 download the second one09:31
Langly1which not witch09:31
Inf3ctedFxthe JRE 5.0 Update 609:32
=== jdcaserockies [n=jdcasero@c-67-176-67-160.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuJava can be found in multiverse. Sun and IBM java packages can be found at http://mirror.ubuntulinux.nl/09:32
=== SillyZ [n=sillyz@CPE-24-169-244-6.neb.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
BlackJudasAnyone familiar with hardware?  Or can someone suggest a channel to discuss memory timings?   :)09:32
Langly1witch:  A woman claiming or popularly believed to possess magical powers and practice sorcery.  #  A believer or follower of Wicca; a Wiccan.09:32
jdcaserockiesCan someone help me with my printer?09:32
raymondwich linux version09:32
Inf3ctedFxLaney:  dud he's trying to get help not to been point it09:32
Inf3ctedFxraymond:  hold on09:32
Inf3ctedFxGo to [WWW]  http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/download.jsp and click on Download JRE 5.0 Update 609:32
Amaranthraymond: check out the link ubotu just gave09:32
jdcaserockieshp officejet k80, it is installed, but won't print, hplip and cupsys are running, whats wrong with it?09:33
Inf3ctedFxEnsure you do not choose the link with the NetBeans bundle or "J2EE 1.4".09:33
Inf3ctedFxraymond:  in that link everything is explaint09:33
=== phreak97 [n=phreak97@ppp130-16.lns2.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
SillyZbtw, id like to say thank you to everyone whos helped me here getting started with ubuntu!!09:33
=== cheops [n=cheops@a82-92-247-34.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Amaranthraymond: just install http://mirror.ubuntulinux.nl//pool/java/sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update06_i386.deb09:34
Amaranthraymond: much better than getting it from sun09:34
jdcaserockiessillyz, are you being serious or sarcastic?09:34
Inf3ctedFxnow raymond  where it said u have to type on the command line make sure u r typing that on "the Terminal"09:34
SillyZfound the solution for the 'no floppy boot' installation method... yank the drive out, move it over to another box, run setup until its ready to reboot, then move the drive back to the original box , done09:34
Inf3ctedFxi'm also new on ubuntu..09:34
jdcaserockiesanyone good with printing problems?09:35
AmaranthInf3ctedFx: Just have him use the deb.09:35
Inf3ctedFxand everything I learn is because I like to read.. and finding out09:35
=== relic [n=r00t@218-160-80-192.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu
FireRabbittheres a deb?09:35
Amaranthjdcaserockies: Not I, sorry.09:35
AmaranthFireRabbit: http://mirror.ubuntulinux.nl//pool/java/sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update06_i386.deb09:35
jdcaserockiesAnyone else?09:35
Inf3ctedFxAmaranth:  I dont know about that one.. I install the Java with that howto and is pretty simple to follow...09:35
FireRabbitAmaranth, i thought that the license forbids this sort of redistribution09:35
SillyZjdcaserockies, I was being serious09:36
=== nurfe [n=diss@h24-207-70-68.dlt.dccnet.com] has joined #ubuntu
AmaranthFireRabbit: it's from a non-us server ;)09:36
jdcaserockiessillyz, k09:36
FireRabbitAmaranth, ah i see09:36
SillyZintelikey I belive it was , and a few others09:36
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=== FireRabbit kicks sun
=== relic kicks rats
Inf3ctedFxraymond:  if u have questions let me know09:37
jdcaserockiescan someone help with hplip, hpoj, etc?09:37
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jdcaserockiesanybody good with printers in ubuntu?09:39
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wil_anybody have an ipod mini that has been umounted from gnome's subcontextual menu and does not show up under mount in term but ho's screen still reads "do not disconnect"?09:39
=== Truth [n=truth@] has joined #ubuntu
TruthHey. Can someone explain something to me.09:41
TruthI try to install Slackware, and fdisk can't seek my hard drive.09:41
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Inf3ctedFxTruth:  did u ask on #slackware ?09:41
TruthI use Ubuntu, and it sees and partitions the HD fine, and it is installing as I speak.09:41
SillyZTruth, is it on a raid controller ?09:42
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TruthInf3ctedFx, yeah, I've been on there a bit. I just wondered if Ubuntu has a weird workaround in the installed.09:42
TruthSillyZ, it's a laptop.09:42
Inf3ctedFxI use to have slack and never gave me a problem on the partition Truth09:42
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SillyZhow big of drive ?09:42
FireRabbitmaybe its a newer kernel?09:42
TruthLike 20GB or so.09:42
Inf3ctedFxI made a partition of 20 gig09:42
Stew_Lappymy laptop doesn't work with all distros - sata controller09:42
SillyZhmm are you doing a fdisk /dev/hda1 by chance maybe ?09:43
Inf3ctedFxnot really I had windows and I partiton my HDD with partiton magic09:43
TruthI dunno.09:43
Truthit's weird.09:43
Inf3ctedFxthen  I install Slack09:43
SillyZouch pqmagic, does strange things to harddrives09:43
Inf3ctedFxnot really09:44
Inf3ctedFxit works pretty great 4 mwe09:44
SillyZIve got one here thatll throw an 117 error everytime, if ya use pq09:44
relicwell, what's reasons that they don't make a 1394b built-in HDD?09:44
Inf3ctedFxin fact I partiton this one with the same partition magic09:44
relicor SAS09:44
Inf3ctedFxI use norton partition magic09:44
andresfeliz ao!!!09:45
Inf3ctedFxFeliz ano andres09:45
andreshappy new year ;)09:45
=== amatsoukas [n=amatsouk@ppp1-adsl-238.ath.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
Inf3ctedFxhey raymond how ya' doing so far?09:45
raymondim still dowloading java09:46
relicif they used 1394, HDD <--> HDD  it's possible09:46
Inf3ctedFxwhat kind of connection do u have raymond ?09:46
Inf3ctedFxwhy so slow?09:46
raymondit is the chepest thing my parents could find09:46
relic150 baud me09:46
Inf3ctedFxmm where r u locate it?09:47
raymondi dont under stand09:47
Inf3ctedFxr u in USA?09:47
Inf3ctedFxr u sure?09:48
ubotuThe letter 'U' is not a pronoun, unless you're Dutch.  U mag wel 'je' zeggen, hoor.09:48
raymondim pretty sure09:48
SillyZInf3ctedFx, Im running a piii-750 gateway solo 5300 here, dual boot Win2k / Ubuntu09:48
Inf3ctedFxcuz ur english it seems to me is kind bad than mine lol09:48
SillyZno cdrom....09:48
raymondim a bad speller09:48
relicOEM machines = s***09:49
Inf3ctedFxI'm running a Athlon Xp 2.0 gig 200 gig HDD09:49
raymondi feld english twice09:49
Inf3ctedFx100 gig 4 Win and 100 Gig for Linux09:49
SillyZIve got a 100gb drive w/ 8mb cache ( 2.5inch ) running in the big box09:49
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SillyZ2.5 -> 3.5 adapter, it cooks right along09:49
raymondwhats a big box09:49
=== r0bby2 [n=wakawaka@pool-70-107-162-243.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Inf3ctedFxraymond:  I'm from colombia so, dont worry lol09:50
raymondthe country09:50
Inf3ctedFxthere is not state lol09:50
Inf3ctedFxunless u mean Columbia09:50
raymondin usa their is09:50
Inf3ctedFxnahh Colombia and Columbia r complete different09:51
Inf3ctedFxbut I'm on Florida09:51
raymondim a bad speller09:51
raymondi live in columbia09:51
raymondi dont know why my dsl is so slow?09:52
Inf3ctedFxwho is ur DSL Company?09:52
Inf3ctedFxbellsouth runs 1.5 megas09:52
Inf3ctedFxshould be fast09:52
=== ompaul [n=ompaul@213-202-157-214.bas503.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu
raymondit is slow as hell09:52
Inf3ctedFxu might have bad connection on ur house..09:52
Inf3ctedFxmaybe u have a wrong filter setting up09:53
Inf3ctedFxremember the line goes from the jack on the wall to ur dsl box has 2 be clean, nothing in between09:53
raymondo shit09:53
Inf3ctedFxno filters, no adapters, not spliters09:53
Inf3ctedFxclean.. straight up09:53
_max_Infe3ctedFx, don't ya know the worst english spellers come from the US and UK ;p09:54
Inf3ctedFxin the back on ur dsl box how many cords do u have?09:54
Inf3ctedFx_max_:  thats the english i learn lol09:54
raymondpower phone network09:54
Inf3ctedFxraymond:  so I believe u have the Power cord, the Ethernet Cord and the Phone cord09:54
Inf3ctedFxthe phone one is plug into the one said DSL LINE? or something like that?09:55
raymondjava is done09:55
Inf3ctedFxNO FILTERS??!!!09:55
Inf3ctedFxok cool09:55
raymondi have filters09:55
raymondand the phone line is pluged i right09:55
Inf3ctedFxraymond:  dude u r filtering the signal thats why is slow has hell09:56
=== relic [n=r00t@218-160-80-192.dynamic.hinet.net] has left #ubuntu []
Inf3ctedFxthe filters r just for any other phone device in ur house using the same DSL line09:56
Inf3ctedFxbut no for the DSL Box09:56
=== MasterTsunami_ is now known as MasterTsunami
AmaranthIf you put a filter on the line running to the DSL modem you will get _no_ connection.09:56
Inf3ctedFxAmaranth:  it will sometimes but pretty slow09:56
raymondit says to plug it in the filters09:56
AmaranthYou need filters for all the phones though, otherwise when someone is on the phone you're connection will slow down or die.09:57
Inf3ctedFxBelieve me I use to be Tech Support for AOL lol09:57
raymondi do09:57
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raymonddownload is done now what09:57
Inf3ctedFxraymond:  make sure u phone line comes from the Jack on the wall to the DSL box there  is not filter in between09:57
Inf3ctedFxok raymond let me c09:57
=== farrioth [n=farrioth@222-153-252-102.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
Inf3ctedFxdid u donwload it on desktop?09:58
chterrazasNeeed a little help with the Gnome Calendar... Anyone?09:58
Inf3ctedFxopen terminal and type this: cd Desktop09:58
=== kremonte [n=kr3monte@ool-18bba4ea.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Inf3ctedFxthe type chmod +x jre-1_5_0_06-linux-i586.bin09:58
Inf3ctedFxInstall the java-package and java-common, as well as fakeroot (which allows a non-root user to create the package derived from Sun's bin file)09:59
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Inf3ctedFxsudo apt-get install fakeroot java-package java-common09:59
chterrazasHow can I change the first day of the week (Mon) for the Realone (Sun)???09:59
x86__ubundo dapper here \o/10:00
x86__thanks for all10:00
x86__bye bye =)10:00
chterrazascome on guys...10:00
raymondsays comand not found "+x"10:00
WilfInf3ctedFx, ran the java thing, do i need to do anything else to make programs find it?10:00
Inf3ctedFxnot really Wilf10:01
Inf3ctedFxWilf:  the info is here --> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats10:01
Wilflimewire won't work for me :\10:01
Wilfsays i need the jre10:02
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Inf3ctedFxWilf:  yes u need to install the Java10:02
chterrazasuse... the OpenVer...10:02
AmaranthWilf: forget limewire, get apollon10:02
WilfInf3ctedFx, i just followed the instructions you just posted.10:02
chterrazasWilf : Use FrostWire10:02
Inf3ctedFxcheck the website I gave u Wilf  is almost at the bottom10:02
Inf3ctedFxI use Limewire and Gktnutella10:02
raymondwhat is the part?10:03
chterrazasLimeWire.... Filter your search criteria...10:03
Inf3ctedFxwhere did u get that raymond ?10:03
raymondi got two java on my desktop10:03
Amaranthraymond: it means the file didn't finish10:03
raymondwhen i downloaded it10:03
raymondmy dsl is fucked up10:04
Amaranthraymond: either firefox is still downloading it or your closed firefox while it was downloading10:04
Inf3ctedFxprobably didn't download propietly10:04
deFrysknicotine is my p2p app10:04
raymondit sayed it was done10:04
deFryskalways works and is in the repos10:04
raymondthat was the other part10:04
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Amaranthraymond: open a terminal and run 'file ~/Desktop/sun-j2re1.4_1.4.2%2B10_i386.deb.part' (no quotes)10:05
chterrazasDoes anyone knows how can I change the first day of the week (Mon) to (Sun)???10:05
Inf3ctedFxnot really chterrazas10:06
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chterrazas2 bad10:06
dos-assassinI apoligize for butting in... but I am completely clueless... see I was given Ubuntu Linux as a gift and when Bill Gate's POS OS crashed on me I reformatted to it... now I understand most of the basics but I can't get my torrents to work correctly and I am not 100% sure on how to install things... any help would be much appreciated10:06
mahanguis there a decent video editor for ubuntu?10:06
Inf3ctedFxAmaranth:  so u said Apollon is good?10:07
chterrazasIve lookin for the answere and nothing10:07
Amaranthchterrazas: probably in evolution10:07
mahangudos-assassin, torrents work with gnome bit torrent10:07
AmaranthInf3ctedFx: yeah, except it's a KDE app so it looks out of place10:07
mahangudos-assassin, for installing stuff use synaptic10:07
mahanguubotu, tell dos-assassin about synaptic10:07
WilfInf3ctedFx, /usr/bin/fakeroot: line 150: make-jpkg: command not found10:08
Inf3ctedFxchterrazas:  what about that Frostwire?10:08
dos-assassinI know how to use the synaptic and even the apt-get but I tend to find alot of files in tar.gz and I need to know how to manually install them... I have looked at some sites following their instructions but it never seems to work10:08
raymondit sayed no file or directory10:08
chterrazasAmaranth: I did that befero here... and nothing... the feature of switching the day of that calendar its gone since I dont remember wich version..10:08
Inf3ctedFxwhats the diference btwen FrostWire and LimeWire?10:09
mahanguInf3ctedFx, frostwire is the FOSS fork10:09
AmaranthWilf: you need to install java-package10:09
chterrazasFrostWire its Open Source and is FREE10:09
mahanguInf3ctedFx, iirc, Limewire is no longer free as in speech10:09
chterrazasas FrEeDom!!10:09
mahanguchterrazas, yeah it helps to say freedom rather than free10:09
Amaranthfree vs Free10:10
Inf3ctedFxok.. so btween Lime and Frost,  Frost is better cuz is free? or is better on dowloads?10:10
raymondi am really good at using windows linux is new to me10:10
chterrazasLimeWire filters your search...10:10
AmaranthInf3ctedFx: apollon can download from kazaa, gnutella, openft, and ares10:10
Inf3ctedFxchterrazas:  what about Frost?10:10
chterrazasIts supposed that Frost doesnt10:10
Amarantharies? something like that10:10
Inf3ctedFxAmaranth:  that sounds good10:10
raymondi just wont to get a sharing program10:11
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chterrazasTake a look here... http://www.frostwire.com/index.php?title=Main_Page10:11
Inf3ctedFxwhat happend with the java?10:11
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raymondit sayed no such file or directy10:11
Inf3ctedFxu might need to download it again10:11
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coscohey guys :)10:12
coscohappy new year10:12
chterrazasSame 2 U10:12
dos-assassinCan Ares work on Linux and if so how do you convert .exe. to .deb?10:13
Inf3ctedFxdos-assassin:  yes, with the wine xD10:13
Inf3ctedFxI didt it with wine10:13
coscowine or cedega :)10:13
dos-assassinOk, and how would I go about doing that?10:13
Inf3ctedFxdos-assassin:  apt-get install wine10:13
Inf3ctedFxcheck ur query raymond10:13
raymondi dont know how\10:14
Inf3ctedFxwhat irc client do u have?10:14
raymondi am a windows guy10:14
Inf3ctedFxr u on windows right now?10:14
coscolol ^^10:14
Inf3ctedFxok,.. so which irc client r u using?10:14
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Inf3ctedFxBitchX, xchat, irssi10:15
mahanguis there a way to open a man page in a searchable gui10:15
raymondx-chat for linux10:15
Inf3ctedFxI send u a query10:15
Inf3ctedFxlook for a new tab with my nick10:15
Inf3ctedFxor type /query Inf3ctedFx  Hello there10:15
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dos-assassinOk I used sudo apt-get install wine, and the sudo apt-get update... now I have the Ares.exe file... how do I open it?10:17
Inf3ctedFxdos-assassin:  wine Ares.exer10:17
Inf3ctedFxdos-assassin:  wine Ares.exe10:17
Inf3ctedFxraymond:  dude10:18
Inf3ctedFxdid u read what I type?10:18
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coscoI have a problem ...Totem movie player does not start at me .. error: The video output is in use by other application .. please close the app or choose another output10:18
coscoany ideeas?10:18
Inf3ctedFxtype /query Inf3ctedFx  Hello there10:18
raymondim am so lost10:18
dos-assassinOk so wine aresregular189_installer.exe correct?10:18
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raymondi did that10:19
Inf3ctedFxraymond:  type HERE /query Inf3ctedFx10:19
mrkojehappy new year10:19
Inf3ctedFxit will open another tab10:19
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Inf3ctedFxraymond:  go here  #Telarius10:21
Inf3ctedFx--> double click here #Telraius10:21
raymondi typed yea after you said here did you not see it10:21
Inf3ctedFxdouble click on --> #Telarius10:21
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hydroksydelooks like it's 2006 pretty much everywhere by now10:22
sportmankidwhere can i find out if my firewire is detected10:22
SillyZdmesg | grep -i 139410:22
SillyZwell that was redundant, -i #### rofl10:23
sportmankidok detected10:23
coscook .. i tried wine an application .. got an error and screwed my resolution .. how can i set it back?10:23
sportmankidhmm now to get graphics accelleration10:24
hydroksydexrandr -s 0 usually10:24
sportmankidanyone have luck on ati mobility 960010:24
hydroksydesportman, which card?10:24
hydroksydeATI linux display drivers?10:24
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sportmankidyou think that will do it?10:24
sportmankidsynaptic will have it?10:24
hydroksydei think it does10:25
hydroksydein restricted i think10:25
marcsterhi. i just installed ubuntu. im very new with linux and im having problems with apt. i just did apt-setup without problems. but i cant seem to install anything with apt-get install10:25
sportmankidyea i unrestricked everything10:25
hydroksydei'm not an apt person10:25
marcsterme too. i got too used to urpmi10:26
hydroksydei'm just a slackware fellow who is trying to figure out ubuntu so I can sell computers with linux preinstalled10:26
coscohow do i install mozzila active x ?10:26
hydroksydeactiveX? why would you want that?10:26
hydroksydeit's just a big security hole10:26
chterrazasI recommend this for those who wich to install the common apps to work with music, video and internet stuff... "easybreezy0.33"10:27
coscokydroksyde: i need it for wine .. its requested in some appz10:27
hydroksydei'm not sure10:27
sportmankidVideo driver for ATI graphics accelerators10:27
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sportmankidmy card is officially supported by that10:27
sportmankidshould i try it out?10:27
hydroksydethat sounds like it might be the open source driver... the closed source one might be faster10:28
hydroksydei don't know about ATI10:28
sportmankidcheck the ati website i guess?10:28
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coscois CEDEGA freeware?10:28
hydroksydebut the nv driver in x.org doesn't support acceleration, but the nvidia one from nvidia does10:28
hydroksydecosco, no10:28
hydroksydesportmankid, probably10:29
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hydroksydecosco, not unless you can figure out how to get it from the CVS10:29
hydroksydecosco, and compile it10:29
j2daoshwhat is up people10:29
coscoi jumped on linux just to get legal :D believe10:29
hydroksydeerm... the ceiling, the roof, the sky10:29
hydroksydethat was part of the reason for me10:30
hydroksydei don't like having illegal software on my computer10:30
coscowell i do10:30
coscobut i had some problems with cosco.com10:30
coscoand i was afraid to keep the fucking windows .. all webmasteroing programs.. ufck them10:31
j2daoshok i know i have asked this question before but i just woke up and cant remember yet... where are applications that have been recently installed but not put in my applications menu? /usr/bin?10:31
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Chameleon22installed sane, etc. kooka sems to see the scanner but when i actually start it (the app0 i get an error; no sane support... any ideas why and how i can get the scanner working?10:31
hydroksydej2daosh, there, or /usr/local/bin10:31
hydroksydej2daosh, maybe /opt/bin also10:31
j2daoshwoot woot, thank you very much hydroksyde10:31
hydroksydej2daosh, type `which` at the console10:32
hydroksydethat will tell you10:32
sportmankidhmm the package is a .run?10:32
j2daoshwhich what?10:32
sportmankidthe ati thing10:32
sportmankidis in .run10:32
sportmankidu think sh wi11 do the trick?10:32
SillyZq: Im running a linksys wireless nic, 5ghz and 2.4ghz , anyway to tell the ath_pci driver to enable the extra channels for the 5ghz range ?10:33
hydroksydesportmankid, yes, run it with sh10:33
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hydroksydesportmankid, you might have to kill X, then run it from a console10:34
j2daosh.... hmmm... i cant seem to find the program in any of those directories...10:34
dos-assassinHow do I display a .Ink file?10:34
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sportmankidkill x?10:37
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sportmankidi dont 1ike the sound of that10:37
j2daoshok anyone know about a webcam program that has option to prwview before taking a snapshot and video recording/playback?10:37
chterrazasHi! Does anyone knows how can I change the first day of the week (Mon) to (Sun) on the "Calendar Panel" (Gnome 2.12)?10:39
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Kindredchterrazas: in evolution preferences I think10:40
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chterrazasKindred: It has the option... but it doesnt affect the gnome panel...10:43
=== agtnz [n=agtnz@219-89-73-8.ipnets.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
chterrazasIt only works inside Evolution10:43
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sportmankidhow do i ki11 x10:48
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marcsterinit 310:48
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sportmankidso ki11 init 3?10:49
sportmankidand how do i get to term from there?10:49
crimsunsportmankid: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop10:49
crimsunmarcster: Ubuntu, like Debian, doesn't play runlevel games (by default)10:50
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ULBT`anyone alive?10:50
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kremontehaving a problem installing; the partitioner won't open :'(10:50
marcsteri se10:51
marcstermy bad10:51
kremonteany ideas? it 'starts up' the partitioner, then leaves me there10:51
ULBT`how do i set a program to start at boot up?10:52
N6REJanyone know how to setup lbreakout to play in a lan?  it says it uses 8000 & 80001, I don't have to open those ports on the router do I?10:53
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kremonteohoo. after 19 minutes, it loaded! hurray10:54
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ULBT`how do i set a program to start at boot up?10:57
TruthCan I be a certified Ubuntu expert?10:57
ULBT`how do i set a program to start at boot up?10:57
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TruthCan I be a certified Ubuntu expert?10:58
milksteakno you can't.10:58
TruthDamn you, milksteak.10:59
TruthYou're everywhere.10:59
ajmitchcertification isn't done yet, it should be later this year10:59
milksteakI follow you!10:59
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fli7equick question: should pcmcia cards (specifically, an orinoco wireless card) automatically be detected by ubuntu?10:59
ripclawhi all10:59
fli7ewhen inserted hot into a running system after boot, i mean11:00
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johndarkhorseajmitch: you mean nalioth can be officially certifiable ?   :/11:00
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fli7e....maybe it's not a quick question?11:01
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sportmankidyea um that driver thing did not work11:02
sportmankidgave me the most retarded errors11:02
dts_what's the best way to get just a few packages from an "official debian mirror"11:02
johndarkhorsedts_: official debian pkgs may officially wreck your box11:02
ajmitchjohndarkhorse: I might become certifiable as well :)11:03
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dts_so what do i do then when i can't compile a module because of dependency problems11:03
ajmitchdts_: you install the ubuntu packages11:03
sportmankidhow do you save your xwindow configuration file11:04
dts_well ubuntu doesn't have psycopg211:04
ajmitchdts_: python-psycopg?11:04
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johndarkhorsedts_: you can build all you like using debian source but binaries will not be good to use11:04
fli7edts_, best way is to turn on universe and multiverse repositories in synaptics and get them there. as johndarkhorse hinted at, debian != ubuntu, and "official debian" packages may not behave well with ubutuntu11:05
dts_that's psycopg111:05
dts_no unicode11:05
dts_yea it's not in multi/uni verse11:05
ajmitchdts_: debian doesn't appear to have psycopg2 either11:05
fli7ewhat exactly is the package?11:05
johndarkhorsedts_: you can put debian deb-src repos in your .list and have apt build from source11:05
dts_fli7e, it's a python postgres database module11:06
ajmitchonly if you need to, that is :)11:06
fli7ethen you might be alright getting it somewhere else.11:06
dts_how do i find the source files for what i need then11:06
ajmitchdts_: so you need build-dependencies for psycopg2? what do you need to get from debian?11:06
dts_this is what i ge t when compiling11:06
dts_error: Note that psycopg needs the module headers and not just the module11:06
dts_error: itself. If you installed Python or mx.DateTime from a binary package11:06
dts_error: you probably need to install its companion -dev or -devel package.11:06
ajmitchdts_: please, don't paste it here11:07
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=== Nik__ [n=nik@cpe-66-91-1-29.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dts_well the specific dependency is pythons datetime module11:07
ajmitchwhich suggests that you get python-dev11:07
dts_which is installed but doesn't have the def11:07
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Nik__any idea why my desktop clock is ticking super fast? the seconds are increasing 3x as fast as they should be11:08
ajmitchit needs headers from there?11:08
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Manifoldcp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab_backup111:08
Manifoldcp: cannot create regular file `/etc/fstab_backup1': Permission denied11:08
ManifoldHow do I get access?11:08
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dts_Manifold sudo cp /etc/fstab ...11:08
HobbseeManifold: stick sudo in front of it11:08
dts_so how do i get to the source packages?11:09
deFryskdts_, apt-get source -d11:09
ajmitchdts_: for mxdatetime, apt-get source python-egenix-mxdatetime11:09
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sportmankidhow do i restart x11:10
sportmankidim in it now11:10
sportmankidi want to just restart it11:10
ajmitchhowever I'm not sure how useful that will be, it appears to have few C headers (eg mx.h)11:10
dts_ajmitch, so if i installed that i'd get the headers you think?11:10
deFrysksportman, ctrl-alt-backspace11:10
samitheberberWhat IRC client you use?11:10
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dts_ajmitch, won't break anything if i try?11:10
ajmitchdts_: you get that source that it was built from, not the installed headers11:11
dts_i thought it would build from source if you do that11:11
ajmitchthen you'd still just get the binary package that's in ubuntu11:11
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=== ajmitch will check it out & see if it really needs the mx headers
dts_ok, cool thanks11:12
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ajmitchdts_: ah, they do have debian packaging in it, but for python2.311:14
ajmitchdts_: you're working on breezy, I assume?11:14
vega-firefox 1.5 packaged for breezy anywhere?11:14
dts_ajmitch, do you think we could just get the headers for datetime and complie it ourselves11:15
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penguinzdrhappy new year!11:15
dts_i've done it on other machines but i didn't have the same dependency problems11:15
dts_happy new year Penguin__11:15
dts_* penguinzdr11:15
ajmitchdts_: it doesn't need mxdatetime headers11:16
laszlousing mdsum to verify11:16
ManifoldWhat's the command to delete a folder?11:16
dts_rm -R folder11:16
dts_ajmitch, http://pastebin.com/48593611:16
laszloI downloaded a package properly. does it take a long time?11:17
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laszlothis is taking forever.11:17
fli7estrange question everyone: when working in terminal as root, i'd like to be able to switch back to the previous user by just typing su11:17
fli7eas opposed to "su prevuser"11:17
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fli7eanyone know where/how to do that11:17
laszlofli7e, wouldn't "exit" do that for you?11:17
dts_fli7e, what about just control-d11:17
fli7eit would, yes11:18
dts_ajmitch, you don't get that error?11:18
vega-Sturgeon: synaptic?11:18
kremontehm. i just finished part 1 of ubuntu installation, rebooted and got grub error 17, i have winXP on my primary hd (thus with mbr) and my ubuntu install on my third hd. any suggestions?11:18
ajmitchdts_: just starting a package build now11:18
fli7ebut im just wondering where i make that chage. is it in the bash config file?11:18
dts_ajmitch, interesting i didn't get that far11:18
laszlofli7e, just type it on the command line11:18
laszlomd5sum, anyone?11:19
ajmitchdts_: give me a few minutes & I might have a breezy package for you11:19
fli7esu by itself doesnt do anything11:19
dts_fli7e, it should try to make you superuser11:19
fli7ewell, yes, but i mean to switch back to regular11:19
fli7eit works to switch *to* root, but not to switch back11:20
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fli7ei actually have to either type exit or "su prevuser" to get out of root... "su" by itself doesnt work11:20
molineroHappy New Year Ubuntu users!11:21
dts_fli7e, because you're supposed to type exit or hit controll + d11:21
aeon17xIs there a windows port of ogg2mp3?11:22
Manifold /dev/Y /mnt/X ntfs users,owner,ro,umask=000 0 011:22
fli7eseems to work under fedora with bash. oh well, its not a big issue. it's not that it bothers me, its that im curious about where such changes are made to make it do that11:23
Manifoldis that command safe to use in my fstab?11:23
fli7ethanks anyway though11:23
=== sobersabre [n=sobersab@l192-117-118-8.broadband.actcom.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
kremontehm. i just finished part 1 of ubuntu installation, rebooted and got grub error 17, i have winXP on my primary hd (thus with mbr) and my ubuntu install on my third hd. any suggestions?11:23
sobersabrehi. is there an ubuntu build of firefox for x86_64 ?11:23
sobersabrekremonte, where have you chosen to install grub ?11:24
kremonteinto the MBR11:24
sobersabreand is this a SCSI/SATA system ?11:24
kremonteaha! i fixed it, i think11:24
kremontemy BIOS boot priority was hda > hdc >hdb!11:25
sobersabreyou're good :)11:25
=== Once [n=Once@CPE000d88ab78b0-CM014480008614.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
kremontegoogle ftw, thanks :)11:25
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kremontewoohoo ubuntu11:25
=== raymond [n=raymond@adsl-4-108-144.cae.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Inf3ctedFxits ok11:26
Inf3ctedFxjust go to the LimeWire directory on the terminal11:26
Inf3ctedFxwherever u have ur LimeWire Directory11:26
Inf3ctedFxthen iside the LimeWire directory u will find the runLime.sh11:27
raymondit is not installed so it would still be on my desktop right11:27
Inf3ctedFxjust type on terminal "sh runLime.sh"11:27
Inf3ctedFxcheck ur desktop11:27
Inf3ctedFxgo to ur desktop then do a "ls" and show me11:27
raymondjre-1_5_0_06-linux-i586.bin  new file~11:27
raymondLimeWire                     sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update06_i386.deb11:27
ManifoldWhere can I get codecs for the propriety formats like mp3?11:27
mahanguubotu, tell Manifold about w32codecs11:28
SturgeonManifold: read the ubuntu docs11:28
Sturgeonyou need to add universe and multiverse to your repositories11:28
Inf3ctedFxraymond:  do "cd LimeWire"11:28
ManifoldNice bot.11:28
=== BenC [n=bcollins@debian/developer/bcollins] has joined #ubuntu
Inf3ctedFxnow do "sh runLime.sh11:28
Inf3ctedFxnow do "sh runLime.sh"11:29
deFrysklimewire.rpm works perfectly after using alien11:29
deFryskjust so you know11:29
raymondSomething went wrong with LimeWire.11:29
raymondMaybe you're using the wrong version of Java?11:29
raymond(LimeWire is tested against and works best with with Sun's JRE, Java 1.4+)11:29
raymondThe version of Java in your PATH is:11:29
raymondjava version "1.4.2"11:29
raymondgij (GNU libgcj) version 4.0.2 20050808 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.0.1-4ubuntu9)11:29
=== Viper1234 [n=Casey@c-24-8-147-79.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mahanguraymond, use pastebin11:29
mahanguubotu, tell raymond about pastebin11:30
Inf3ctedFxraymond:  use -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org11:30
=== cancer [n=cancer@winet135.e-complete.at] has joined #ubuntu
raymondim their11:31
canceri've a question11:31
Hobbseecancer: ask it11:32
ubotudeFrysk: Are you smoking crack?11:32
Inf3ctedFxwhatever u need to show us just paste it there then give us the website so we can see it11:32
ubotudeFrysk: NO SPEAKE ENLISH!11:32
canceri just intallt ubuntu but i hadn't to specify a root pwd11:32
johndarkhorseraymond: it's considered rude to paste, please use a pastebin next time11:32
cancerhow to login as root?11:32
Inf3ctedFxcancer:  sudo -s11:33
ubotuhmm... justask is The only thing you shouldn't ask here is, ask if you can ask. Just ask!11:33
uboturumour has it, root is by default root has no password.  The reason is, the maintainers want you to use sudo for all your root access. see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo  If you wish, you can set a root password11:33
Inf3ctedFxraymond:  I believe u have the old java install11:33
Inf3ctedFxat that point u have to read a lot about synaptic and how to install or remove packages11:33
Inf3ctedFxis really easy raymond  but I'm kind of tire already and I'm going to bed sorry11:34
Sturgeonmahangu: sorry dude, i was really triying to help,but i'm kinda very drunk right now11:34
Inf3ctedFxbut u can add my msn inf3ctedfx@gmail.com or arkangelp@msn.com11:34
Manifoldhttp://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.gz: Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)11:34
ManifoldWhat's that about?11:34
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Inf3ctedFxok guys Happy new Year for all of u.. I'm leaving now.... c u guys later11:37
raymondcould i install somthing that dose not use this virson of java11:37
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Inf3ctedFxraymond:  u already have it just remove the previews version and thats all11:38
raymondok i can do that11:38
marcsterhi. how do i install kernel-sources ?11:38
Inf3ctedFxCan someone help raymond  to run LimeWire? he already install java 1.0.5 but now he has a problem with the previews java11:38
bimberimarcster: install linux-tree11:39
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bimberimarcster: np, btw if you're compiling something (other than the kernel) you might inly need to install linux-headers-$(uname-r)11:40
kremontewoot! i'm on ubuntu now :D11:41
bimberi*uname -r  (needed a space) :)11:41
marcsteryup. im already aware of that. thanks11:42
raymondhow do i get rid of the prevous version of java11:42
raymondplease help11:42
=== kestas [n=kestas@ppp169-240.lns1.per1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
raymondhow do i get rid of the prevous version of java11:43
liablewith apt?11:44
raymondim a noob i dont know what that means11:44
liablehow about trying to learn?11:45
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bimberiraymond: how did you install the 'previous version'?11:46
raymondsome one helped me11:46
raymondi dont rilly know how11:47
marcsterwhich java11:47
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raymondthe old version11:48
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marcster$ which java11:48
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=== thomas [n=Thomas@winet135.e-complete.at] has joined #ubuntu
raymondsun is the one i just upgraded to11:49
marcsterum. ok.11:49
comuneI'm trying to play an avi (I installed w32codecs) with totem but it can't reproduce it says that it's impossible to recognize the format.. any hint?11:49
johndarkhorsecomune: avi is a package file format, it could be ANY filetype inside11:50
thomasi'm new to linux and i've a noobish question: where to install programms? is there a directory like C:/Program Files?11:50
marcsteryou can see what ffmpeg says about your avi tho.11:51
=== popey [n=popey@84-45-197-14.no-dns-yet.enta.net] has joined #ubuntu
johndarkhorsethomas: linux has a hand's off approach to 'installing', if you use synaptic or apt, all your files will end up on the right place11:51
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comunejohndarkhorse, its a wmv file11:51
spaceycomune, wmv plays with the win32codec package11:51
johndarkhorsecomune: those are container files, too11:51
spaceymaybe its H264?11:52
thomasi downloaded a pugin for eclipse and it is asking me for a location to install to11:52
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johndarkhorsecomune: files made with wmv9 and 10 may not play well in linux11:52
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comune** Message: don't know how to handle video/x-wmv, wmvversion=(int)3, framerate=(double)25, width=(int)320, height=(int)240, codec_data=(buffer)4e291a0111:52
comunemaybe it's a totem problem?11:53
spaceytry xine and mplayer11:53
molineroSomebody dat het Nederlands om het even welke weinig spreekt?11:53
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spaceymolinero, #ubuntu-nl11:54
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molinerook spacey thanks and happy new year11:54
=== raymond [n=raymond@adsl-4-108-144.cae.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
bimberithomas: i would put it somewhere under /usr/local.  Maybe "sudo mkdir /usr/local/eclipse" and put it there (can always remove it if it doesn't work out)11:55
chterrazasHi! Can anyone help me to solve a problem with the "Calendar Panel" in Gnome 2.12?11:55
thomasthx bimberi11:55
=== Tomcat_ [n=Tomcat@p54A1B587.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
comunein fact with xine it works...11:56
comunethere is a way to make totem work with xine?11:56
=== Pygi [n=mario@83-131-245-132.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
spaceycomune, you can install totem-xine then it uses the xine backend instead of gstreamer11:57
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spaceycomune, and if that doesn't work: file a bug :)11:58
=== sKaBoy [n=luogni@host51-101.pool8250.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
comunespacey, it's better? I mean..why if totem-gstreamer doesn't works is shipped with ubuntu?11:58
=== afief [n=afief@CBL217-132-150-85.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
johndarkhorsecomune: some of the codecs are patent or otw legally encumbered11:59
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afiefHow do i make mplayer NOT use XVideo???11:59
=== Manifold [n=Manifold@88-104-146-98.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
ixtokhas anyone been able to set up Parallell-Workstation?12:00
Manifold!win32 codec12:00
ubotuManifold: Do they come in packets of five?12:00
ubotuManifold: Did you get hit by a windmill?12:01
=== Manifold dies
ubotuBinary only codecs (such as w32codecs) can be downloaded from plf or cipherfunk, see !easysource for details on these repositories12:01
chterrazasI've tryin to solve this... How to change the startin day of the week (mon) to (sun) inside the Calendar panel on gnome bar! Any ideas?12:01
ubotueasysource is probably For an easy to use custom sources.list configurator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic12:01
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=== Robbies [n=gert@oblm-ip-nas-1-p39.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
WizzoMaFizzoIn every linux distro I've tried there's always been a problem with games or anything that goes fullscreen, I guess it's when there is a resolution change in X, and the screen gets mixed up all over the place before I uh... "refresh" it with the laptop Fn keys. Can anyone tell me what's wrong?12:03
PygiWizzo: drivers for your card? :)12:04
coscoPygi :D12:04
Pygihoh. not cosco again :P12:04
afiefHow do i make mplayer NOT use XVideo???12:05
=== DJ_Mirage [n=djmirage@biggetje.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
WizzoMaFizzoPygi: And how do I fix that?12:05
Pygiafief: please calm down :P12:05
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PygiWizzo: well, what card do you have? Ati or Nvidia or ?12:05
Pygiafief: stand in line please, thank you....12:05
ubotuwell, ati is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=1012:06
Pygigo there :)12:06
WizzoMaFizzoSo if I get that it should be ok?12:06
afiefpygi: okay12:06
WizzoMaFizzoOk thanks.12:06
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coscoPygi #chat.with.pygi.boy12:08
Pygino, I won't help you again....12:08
Pygienough for this year :P12:08
WizzoMaFizzoPygi: Will these all hold true with a mobile Ati card?12:08
PygiWizzo: it should....12:09
coscoone more time12:09
Pygicosco: hehe :) what's the problem this time?12:09
coscoPygi cedega12:09
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coscoPygi brb12:09
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Pygicosco: oh, no, I ain't gonna help you with Cedega.... Cedega from cvs is buggy, and the other one is not free :P12:10
coscoPygi i bought it  :D12:10
Pygicosco: ok, so what seems to be an issue?12:10
coscocosco@cosco:/media/windows/games/cs1.6$ cedega hl.exe12:11
coscoTraceback (most recent call last):12:11
cosco  File "/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega/Point2Play_gui.py", line 2583, in ?12:11
cosco    config_file_to_use = str("cedega_" + Point2Play_ref.default_winex)12:11
coscoTypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects12:11
coscothis seems to be the problem12:11
Pygihuh, don not paste....12:11
Pygibad thingy :/12:11
coscoheh :)12:11
Pygihuh, no, and no, it doesnt work that work12:11
coscook .. me lost12:12
coscorepeat pls :D12:12
Pygiafief: your turn now :) you here?12:12
=== cosco slaps Pygi
Pygicosco: it won't work that way....12:12
coscoPygi why?12:12
Pygicosco: basicly because it's not intented to work this way :P12:12
Pygiafief: ping??12:12
coscou dont love me :(12:13
cosco:) :D :P :>12:13
afiefpygi: thanks:) my video driver apparently doesn't support XV, so i changed it all to X11(w/o XV) but i still get a blue screen in mplayer behind the video screen12:13
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Pygiafief: k, go to ~/.mplayer/config12:13
Pygifind this line: "vo=xv"12:14
Pygithen please put "#" in front of it12:14
afiefyup have it12:14
Pygiyou puted #?12:14
Pygik, now try mplayer if it works...12:15
Pygiand if not, try restarting X (ctrl+alt+backspace)12:15
antixany way to show files not belonging to a package?12:15
Pygicosco: you need to install game under cedega, not to run one under existing partition....12:15
=== nameeater [n=nameeate@210-246-2-23.paradise.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
ubotufrom memory, mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats12:16
Pygiafief: did it?12:17
afiefpygi: nope, will restart xorg now12:17
coscoPygi i refuse :D12:17
Pygicosco: your choice....12:17
spikehI've installed libwavpack0 and wavpack, amaroK is still unable to decode .wv files12:17
coscoPygi i will play CS on linux with this cedege without installing it :)12:17
spikehhas anyone managed to get the wavpack decoder working?12:17
coscou cannot stop me ^^12:17
Pygicosco: then play....12:17
=== thegladiator [n=thegladi@] has joined #ubuntu
coscoPygi :) :D :P :> :D :) :P :>12:18
thegladiatorhow do i change the properties of nautilus such that , it doesnt preview pdf files but image files and video files only12:18
=== Manifold [n=Manifold@88-104-146-98.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
kremontedoes ubuntu come with alsa?12:19
kremonteer, alsa come with ubuntu12:19
kremontek, thanks :-)12:19
=== fabio [n=fabio@host92-44.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
thegladiatorhow do i change the properties of nautilus such that , it doesnt preview pdf files but image files and video files only12:19
ubotuBinary only codecs (such as w32codecs) can be downloaded from plf or cipherfunk, see !easysource for details on these repositories12:20
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, easysource is For an easy to use custom sources.list configurator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic12:20
=== Matis [n=matismas@r200-125-2-22-dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu
spikehI've installed libwavpack0, wavpack and gstream0.8-wavpack, yet amaroK is still unable to decode .wv files; has anyone managed to get the wavpack working?12:21
ManifoldI converted all mine to FLAC recently, so not me..12:21
Manifold:] 12:21
Matishow can i exit from man?12:21
johndarkhorseMatis: "q"12:21
thegladiatorhey someone please enlighten me on removing the preview thing from pdf files in nautius12:22
=== root [n=root@myw-stp-66-18-86-17.sentechsa.net] has joined #ubuntu
spikehI've transcoded Monkey's Audio to FLAC, but WavPack is natively superior to FLAC so I don't want to transcode it12:22
Pygigladiator: hey, please wait :P12:22
thegladiatorpdf preview is really weird12:22
Pygiroot: please exit....do not come here as root....12:22
thegladiatoryep Pygi12:22
rootcan someone help me, im trying to apt-get install nvidia-glx, but it just gets stuck at getting headers ?12:22
thegladiatori am hold12:22
=== Xaios [n=ubuntu@cpe-66-91-193-112.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Pygiroot: please login as ussual user....NOT root12:22
rooterr, ill do as i like ta ;P12:22
thegladiatorpdf files vary in their size an content hence it is annoying to browse to folders with pdf files12:23
=== root is now known as Draken
XaiosHi, Is there a way for me to delete a windows partition from an ubuntu live cd? I had a problem with norton ghost and I need to get rid of the ghost's virtual partition12:23
Manifoldspikeh, I did it because I randomly had errors compiling from .wav12:23
Pygiroot: huh, then somebody will hack you as he likes it.....12:23
thegladiatoromg! root you are lucky ro be here12:23
ManifoldBut only with .wv12:23
=== afief [n=afief@CBL217-132-150-85.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
Drakenpygi, i have a hardware firewall12:23
Pygiroot: you are still root, please relogin12:23
Pygibut you are root, that's VERY bad12:23
Drakensigh noobs12:23
Pygiplease exit and relogin :P12:23
thegladiatormost of the distro channels dont allow root to login actually .12:23
Pygiyea, I am newb :)12:24
KindredI could change my ident to root, doesn't mean I am :P12:24
Pygiafief: any luck?12:24
thegladiatori guess ubuntu didnt have to think of that as there is nothing called root12:24
afiefpygi: X didn't restart as it should, restarted the whole system. problem presistant12:24
Drakencan someone help me, im trying to apt-get install nvidia-glx, but it just gets stuck at getting headers ?12:24
ManifoldWhat's wrong with root?12:24
thegladiatorloggin in as root is a bad practise . for security reasons12:24
ManifoldI can't get the w32 codecs12:25
HappyFoolXaios: look for 'gparted' on the livecd -- i can't remember if it's there12:25
XaiosHi can someone walk me though or point me to a guide that allows me to delete a vfat partition in ubuntu?12:25
Xaiosah thanks Happy Fool!12:25
Xaioserr HappyFool thanks again!12:25
HappyFoolXaios: otherwise you can start a terminal and use 'fdisk', but do be careful12:25
ManifoldOh wait, found it.12:25
thegladiatorPygi, getting back to my ques . any clue ?12:25
XaiosYeah I didnt want to resort to that, the last time I did that was back in 95 when installing windows 95.. haha before linux...12:26
PygiDraken: I'll be more then glad to help you once you log off and login as normal user....12:26
Xaioserr before linux became easy for noobs like me to use12:26
Pygiafief: huh :/12:26
thegladiatorseriously i wonder if these ppl are on ubuntu12:26
Pygiafief: then you have problems  with X12:26
Pygigladiator: who?12:26
afiefpygi: the blue window is still there. i wouldn't mind but i can't get fullscreen with it there12:26
kremonteif i copy files from an NTFS partition to ext3, i can set them off read only, correct?12:26
thegladiatormost of them who use root to login12:26
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thegladiatorubuntu by default masks root and these ppl ask silly questions , well some of them , as root , which makes it very suspicious ;d12:27
Pygigladiator: ah, well, they can actually, but heh :/12:27
afiefpygi: how do i know what problem i have?:S12:27
HappyFoolkremonte: if they're on the ext3 partition, you can change the permission, yes12:27
Pygiafief: you have problem with X server :P12:27
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johndarkhorsecafuego: ping12:28
_rYe_i need to install ndiswrapper 1.7 and i need the package "dh_make", where is it located? i cant find it in the synaptic package manager12:28
afiefpygi: yup, but what problem exactly? x seems to work fine with everything else12:28
HappyFool_rYe_: at a guess, the 'dh-make' package12:28
Pygiafief: huh, don't know12:29
Pygiwill be back12:29
=== Pygi must eat :P
Madpilotthegladiator: "what's up with the root password" is one of the most common questions on this channel... :P12:29
thegladiatorpdf files vary in their size an content hence it is annoying to browse to folders with pdf files12:29
ManifoldWhat type of package should I download to install amsn?12:29
HrdwrBoBMadpilot: which is why we have ubotu12:29
thegladiatorhey someone please enlighten me on removing the preview thing from pdf files in nautius12:30
MadpilotHrdwrBoB: among other reasons!12:30
thegladiatori am sure this is silly thing , but i cant find where in nautilus i could change it12:30
thegladiatorin kde it was damn simple12:30
HappyFoolManifold: amsn 0.94 is in the breezy repositories12:30
thegladiatorbut in nautilus , i cant figure out12:30
=== shinu_ [n=blu@drw196.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
_rYe_happyfool: no such package12:30
_rYe_pls help12:30
thegladiatori hope its nothing simple that i didnt figure out12:30
=== FreakyFries [n=martijn@g163065.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Hobbsee!tell _rYe_ about info amsn12:31
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HappyFool_rYe_: you probably need to setup repositories12:31
ManifoldYeah, but HappyFool, 0.95 is out now.12:31
Kindredthegladiator: there are options in the nautilus settings - previews12:31
kremonteis there any way to nest permissions? i want to set 800 files to 77712:31
kremonteand ctrl+a isn't cutting it :-)12:31
Kindredthegladiator: but I don't think you can set that individually12:31
=== socrates [n=sandro@adsl-ull-164-82.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
Madpilotthegladiator: have a look in Applications -> System Tools -> Configuration Editor - some of Nautilus's options hide there too...12:31
thegladiatorKindred, i have been there . but nothing says pdf as such12:31
thegladiatori wanted to set it individually12:32
Madpilotkremonte: open a terminal and do it there12:32
thegladiatorlemme try that Madpilot12:32
Manifoldamsn-0.95.x86.package should I download that?12:32
=== tom____ [n=tom@host86-144-142-117.range86-144.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasHappy 2006 everyone :)12:32
ManifoldOr a deb one?12:32
Madpilotkremonte: with "chmod" - try "man chmod" in a terminal to learn more12:32
SeveasManifold, neither12:32
SeveasManifold, apt-get install amsn12:32
kremonteMadpilot -  thanks12:32
_rYe_happyfool: how would i do that? umy problem is i need my broadcom wireless card to be detected... im trying to install the new ndiswrapper now12:32
ManifoldThat's the old one.12:32
SeveasManifold, so?12:32
XaiosOk here is the problem, Windows wont boot because the Norton Ghost partition is selected as the boot partition how can I change this? gedit doesnt seem to work and Im not sure of the command for fdisk12:33
HappyFool_rYe_: is your computer connected to the internet at all?12:33
SeveasXaios, you probably need to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst12:33
thegladiatorMadpilot, i tried out in config editor . but even there i cant see something specific to pdf12:33
Madpilotkremonte: chmod has a recursive function (-R) that will work on subdirectories & everything else in the directory you aim it at12:33
XaiosSorry Seveas no grub here, this is a windows box :(12:33
thegladiatorKindred, suer no seperate stuff for pdf ?12:34
SeveasXaios, then why are you lloking for help in here?!?12:34
XaiosBecause Im using LInux to recover! :)12:34
=== sandervanvliet [n=sander@ip51ccf0d1.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Madpilotthegladiator: I've got no idea, I haven't had a problem with how Naut. shows PDF files...12:34
_rYe_Happyfool: its connected via lan... wired is working but i need my wifi to work. what would i do? im a newbie in ubuntu12:34
Xaiosand I am unfamiliar with linux tools :), sorry :(12:34
Seveastry #windows, this has nothing to do with Ubuntu12:34
kremontechmod -R worked, thanks again12:34
neuro|laptophappy mailman day!12:34
XaiosOk sorry about that12:34
thegladiatorfine Madpilot12:35
Kindredthegladiator, sorry don't think so.. nautilus isn't heavily configurable12:35
HappyFool_rYe_: i'm not very familiar with wireless, but you should setup network repositories to allow to install software (like dh-make, etc.)12:35
HappyFool!tell _rYe_ about repos12:35
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_rYe_happyfool: i tried using the ndiswrapper 1.1 that came with the installation, and installed the necessary drivers... driver is present and device is present but i dont see the wlan config in networking12:35
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ManifoldSuppose I wanted to manually install a program.12:36
thegladiatorKindred, yeah . konqueror is better12:36
Seveas_rYe_, did you 'sudo modprobe ndiswrapper'?12:36
ManifoldWhat type should I look for?12:36
HappyFool_rYe_: i can't help you much with configuring wireless, sorry12:36
Seveas_rYe_, and did you do 'sudo ndiswrapper -m' even before that?12:36
Manifold.deb, .rpm?12:36
SeveasManifold, .deb12:36
bimberiManifold: .deb12:36
ubotuTo install a deb: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb12:36
ubotufirefox is probably a Free Software web browser that supports extensions and is gaining popularity by the hour. Developed by the Mozilla Foundation.12:37
_rYe_Sevead: yep, i've done that. but still, wlan doesnt appear in the networking?12:37
_rYe_Sevead: yep, i've done that. but still, wlan doesnt appear in networking12:37
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Seveas!firefox =~ s/n./n. For firefox 1.5, look at !firefox1.5/12:38
ubotuSeveas: OK12:38
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ubotuthegladiator: What?12:39
ubotufirefox is, like, totally, a Free Software web browser that supports extensions and is gaining popularity by the hour. Developed by the Mozilla Foundation. For firefox 1.5, look at !firefox1.512:39
ubotuYou can update to firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion12:39
_rYe_Seveas: can i use the ndiswrapper that is present in the synaptic manager... the version 1.1?12:40
ubotuManifold: I give up, what is it?12:40
Manifolddpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of amsn:12:41
Manifold amsn depends on libstdc++6 (>= 4.0.1-9); however:12:41
Manifold  Version of libstdc++6 on system is 4.0.1-4ubuntu9.12:41
=== thegladiator is going to upgrade to FF 1.5
KarlosIIff rulz12:41
ManifoldNow, where do I get version 4.0.1-9 from?12:41
KarlosIIjust dun use the debian build12:41
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MadpilotManifold: ubotu is a bot, you know?12:41
ubotuNot a clue, Madpilot12:41
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel.12:41
=== tristan [n=tristan@APuteaux-151-1-22-218.w82-124.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Seveas_rYe_, yes12:42
thegladiatoris the popularity of ubuntu on the decline ?12:42
SeveasManifold, you don't. THIS is why you use packages from the repository12:42
coscoubotu tell cosco about cedega12:42
Seveasand not random packages from somewhere12:42
Seveasthegladiator, ?12:42
thegladiatorthere arent much new comes to the channel here12:43
thegladiatori was expecting like a increase in total number of ppl in the channel12:43
thegladiatorlike when i came in a month back it was touching 65012:43
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ManifoldIt's not random, from the main site.12:43
thegladiatornow it as consistently come down to 570's12:43
Seveashehem it's newyears :)12:43
Madpilotthegladiator: Xmas/New Years, remember? :P12:44
Seveasyesterday there were ~600 people12:44
bLaD3`nihappy new year..12:44
Seveas2 months ago it was 45012:44
thegladiatoryeah xmas newyear has some impact12:44
SeveasI'd say it's increasing rapidly :)12:44
SeveasA year ago it was less than hundred12:44
thegladiatorgentoo touches close to 800 evryday12:44
=== jhawk [n=jhawk@pcp0011675878pcs.panamc01.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasWe've had days with 700+12:45
HappyFooloh no! we're losing! call out the ninjas to defeat gentoo!12:45
ManifoldOur time will come..12:45
concept10im pissed but happy new years!12:45
SeveasHappyFool, emerge --unmerge gentoo12:45
Seveasconcept10, happy new years and try to find a toilet next time ;)12:45
Stew_Lappyyou could say gentoo has more people cos people need more help with it12:45
thegladiatorhapp new year12:45
Stew_Lappyso more people isn't a good thing maybe12:45
concept10Seveas, :)12:46
SeveasStew_Lappy, lol :)12:46
thegladiatorStew_Lappy, yeah its a strongpoint12:46
XaiosOk, w00t back to Ubuntu I know my solution lies within deleteing the virtual partition, the problem is GParted does not see any partition at all on the drive (!! yet fdisk does) is there a guide for fdisk to delting partitions?12:46
thegladiatorubuntu needs less help atlease you have ubotu12:47
SeveasXaios, try cfdisk12:47
HappyFoolor try 'm' for help ;) like the prompt says12:47
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XaiosI thought it was --help?12:47
thegladiatorare there spywares in ubuntu systems ?12:47
Seveasthegladiator, yes12:48
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HappyFoolssssh, don' tell!12:48
thegladiatorSeveas, how can i get rid of them ?12:48
quackerStay  tuned BoyzNgrrls, for this episode of Distro Wars(tm) -- II Attack of the Debian Clones12:48
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Seveasif you install acrobat reader from adobe itself it contains something that can be classified as spyware (long live closed source crap - NOT)12:48
thegladiatori guess it is browser based spywares12:48
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ManifoldCan you teach Software updates to ignore some updates?12:48
thegladiatori have adobe in this system12:49
mommerhi there. I'm having a problem with the displays. export DISPLAY=localhost:0 ; xload doesn't work. Yes, I have done xhost + already. Any ideas?12:49
=== Detten [n=Detten@d51531DE3.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
Madpilotgood night, all - Happy New Year!12:50
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ManifoldDoes Kopete work with Gnome?12:51
Tomcat_Sure, why not? :)12:51
Xaiosouch cfdisk /dev/sda1 = FATAL ERROR: Cannot open disk drive, You know what it needs to be unmounted doesnt it?12:51
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ManifoldIt says it's a KDE Messenger.12:51
thegladiatorManifold, you might need kde library for that12:52
Tomcat_Manifold: Yes, which means you'll have to install a load of KDE libraries, but the desktop managers still run all programs of either one. :)12:52
brennerManifold: kde apps can be used in gnome.  and vice versa12:52
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mommerso, if i su to root, how can I run an X app?12:52
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=== Manifold shrugs
ruaraidhhappy gnu year, everyone :D12:52
ManifoldIt doesn't look that good anyway.12:53
Manifold:] 12:53
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ruaraidhI've got a little problem with my dvd drive, any help _seriously_ appreciated12:53
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ruaraidhUbuntu will read cds fine12:53
ruaraidhbut not dvds12:54
ruaraidhI know it's ubuntu which has the problem because I can still boot from dvd12:54
BullFireI have som problem with autoloading my network card driver12:54
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Viper1234are you referring to commercial dvd video ruaraidh ?12:54
mommernetwork-admin is saying that my root password is wrong. But it is not! what might be wrong?12:55
ManifoldYour memory. :D12:55
ruaraidhno, reading any dvd, data or video Viper 123412:55
ruaraidhI tried sticking an entry in fstab to /dev/dvd (which I think is just a symlink to /dev/scd0 anyway)12:55
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ruaraidhbut I'm a total n00b so it didn't work :P12:56
mommerManifold, no way. I've double / triple checked. If i type it at the console it works.12:56
HappyFoolmommer: i think admin stuff run from ubuntu gnome menus use sudo, not su12:56
mommeroh, so I need my password? duh12:57
vega-mommer: you need to type your user password, NOT the root password12:57
BullFirewhen I'm using #modprobe ipg it works fine but when I type ipg in /etc/modules it does'nt work?12:57
ruaraidhI tried manually mounting /dev/dvd at /media/cdrom0 and /media/dvd12:57
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mommerok thx :o)12:57
ruaraidhbut that just hung12:57
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Manifold'Add Applications' is a bit bugged.12:57
ruaraidhany ideas?12:57
HappyFoolruaraidh: take a look at dmesg for error messages12:57
ManifoldSometimes, it hangs after installing programs.12:57
HappyFoolruaraidh: either 'dmesg|tail' or 'less /var/log/dmesg'12:57
ruaraidhgood idea, brb12:57
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ruaraidhhmm... "[4297608.760000]  ata2: PIO error, drv_stat 0xd001:00
ruaraidhLike I said, newbie here, but that looks relevant?01:01
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ruaraidhI googled around a bit, got an unanswered thread on the ubuntu forums, which is similar but different enough not to be really relevant01:04
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Rajhello all01:05
thegladiatorjai hind raj01:06
Raja very happy new year to all of you01:06
Rajjai hind gladiator01:06
thegladiatorsame to you01:06
bladedgei cant mount my ntfs part again01:06
Raj? @ blade01:06
bladedgeany help plz01:06
ruaraidhI suppose I can just get a usb dvd drive on the cheap in the january sales...01:06
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HappyFoolruaraidh: try googling for your mainboard and dvd drive (and linux); maybe it's a known problem. this is outside my knowledge01:06
=== Robbies [n=gert@oblm-ip-nas-1-p39.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
bladedgewell i cant mount a ntfs partition damit01:06
thegladiatorwhere are you fro Raj01:06
ruaraidhThanks anyway :o)01:06
Rajand u gladiator?01:07
RajCochin is my native01:07
Rajmy parents are from there01:07
thegladiatorreally ?01:07
thegladiatorraj > have you registered at freenode server ?01:08
=== MobyDuck [n=MobyDuck@p50821D14.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
thegladiatorif yes , we have chat in private01:08
HappyFoolbladedge: how are you trying to do the mount?01:08
thegladiatorwhats the mount command bladedge  ?01:08
bladedge./mount n all that01:08
bladedgei dunno01:08
Rajgladiator how to I register in the free node server01:09
bladedgecan ya get me the command plz?01:09
thegladiatorsimple .01:09
thegladiatorwait a sec01:09
bladedgelike i cant remember the good command01:09
bladedgei did it yesturday01:09
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HappyFool!tell bladedge about windowsdrives01:09
bladedgethnx dood01:10
thegladiator"/msg nickserv REGISTER <password>"01:10
thegladiatorraj that shud do it01:10
thegladiatorjus check out and mayb it might ask for email in the command as well . in that case nickserv will give you the appropriate error.01:11
=== Raj is now known as coolRaj
thegladiatorfreenode doesnt permit non identified users to communicate with each other01:12
HappyFoollike you're doing now ?01:12
thegladiatordirect comm.01:12
HappyFoolyou can always create your own channel01:12
=== chema [n=chema@194.Red-81-33-184.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
thegladiatorHappy what ? ...oh kk :p01:12
=== VikJES [n=viking_e@modemcable068.102-80-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
chemaHappy new year, where is the unestable repositories of Debian. I nedd to add to my sources.list01:13
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HappyFooladding debian unstable to an ubuntu repo list is probably a bad idea01:13
thegladiatorraj : please check the pbt message i send u01:14
chemaOnly for a few programs, please, anyelse can say me where is the repository?01:15
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thegladiatorhi sexcopter8000m , i have always fancied ur nick01:16
=== kung [n=kung@dslb-084-058-210-011.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Viper1234um....i thought linux was 'open'.  if the guy just needs an address to the DEBIAN stuff......why not just get it to him?  If he knows ENOUGH to ask about it, he's probably not a noob. sheesh what is this, the MS ubuntu forums?01:16
brennerchema: what do you need?  like HappyFool says, you risk breakage01:16
santanu_how do I play a binary image of a VCD using totem(gstreamer/xine)? mplayer plays it fine.01:17
kentis there a deb package for gaim 2.0 beta for ubuntu somewhere?01:17
brennerViper1234: ubuntu is not debian.01:17
=== tenshiKur0 [n=tenshiKu@S0106000d93cb5211.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
santanu_sorry for repeating the question. I got disconnected.01:17
Seveaschema, anything that's in debian is in Ubuntu01:18
Tomcat_Viper1234: He can do whatever he wants, but we should warn him before breaking stuff because he'll come here and we have to fix his system then. ;)01:18
Viper1234oh that wasn't the point and you know it brenner.  I keep seeing stuff in here that has kinda' warmed me under the collar lately.01:18
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Seveasdo NOT use debian repositories - it WILL break your system01:18
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chemaIt's my responsability01:19
SeveasViper1234, if you don't like it in here you are free to leave - we do our best to help people in the way that is supported by Ubuntu01:19
brennerViper1234: it's a valid one nonetheless01:19
Seveaschema, correct your responsibility, but we don't help breaking systems.01:19
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Viper1234you mean like how 'auto' is ripped here, but NOT in the official forums?  bah. later.01:20
chemaOk, Seveas the programs that I try to install no break the system because other friends install this in a Ubuntu and don't break anything01:21
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@c-24-8-147-79.hsd1.co.comcast.net] by Seveas
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chemaSome repository safe for us, with mplayer, please?01:22
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Seveasmplayer is in multiverse01:22
Seveas!tell chema about repos01:22
naliothSeveas: trolls already this year? they're starting early01:22
HappyFooland, iirc, it's called mplayer-386, mplayer-686 etc etc01:22
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brennernalioth: actually, i think i triggered his outburst :P01:23
ajmitchnalioth: we prefer to call them 'passionate users' ;)01:23
yatesyi don't think he was a troll, but i guess the friendlyness of the channel was overwealming ;)01:24
cello_rasphow do i manage my gnome keyrings?01:24
naliothajmitch: passion? in a linux user?01:24
ajmitchnalioth: it does happen01:24
=== windmill [n=vincent@cpc2-cmbg7-4-0-cust221.cmbg.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
mebsdcan i install ubuntu without gnome01:25
Seveasdo a server install01:25
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Seveasand it doesn't install a GUI at all01:25
mebsdnot server, i want work station without gnome01:25
HappyFoolno gooey goodness *sniffle*01:25
mebsdjust kde01:25
lucasvomebsd: if you wan't kde, you can install kubuntu-desktop01:25
Seveasmebsd, then grab a kubuntu iso01:25
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mebsdi alreaey grabbed and burnt ubuntu iso01:26
lucasvomebsd: or do a server install, enable main repos, install xubuntu-desktop01:26
Seveasmebsd, do what lucasvo said, but install kubuntu-desktop if you want KDE01:26
mebsdwith this iso?01:26
lucasvomebsd: ^^ xubuntu comes with xfce4, very fast01:26
mebsdi only like fluxbox and kde01:26
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chemaThanks for all, bye and happy new year01:26
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bladedgeHappyFool, dude01:27
bladedgeit doesnt work01:27
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bladedgei screwed up01:27
lucasvomebsd: first do a server install, then you have to enable the main repository01:27
bladedgedont ya have a simple command?01:27
bladedgelike pilgrim gave me one yesturday01:27
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bladedgebut i cant remember it01:27
spaceybladedge, what is the problem?01:27
lucasvomebsd: then you can install kubuntu-desktop, and if you want fluxbox as well01:27
bladedgei wanna mount a ntfs partition01:27
spaceybladedge, permanently or just for one time?01:28
ubotuntfs is, like, the filesystem used in Windows 2000 and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions, or writing to ntfs is risky and only experimental. Reading is OK01:28
spaceyits pretty well described in the wiki01:28
bladedgewell i dunno it doesnt matter i'll format my hdd after01:28
bladedgeyeah but i screwed up01:28
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ajmitchspacey: afternoon :)01:28
spaceyhi ajmitch :)01:29
spaceyhappy new year01:29
spaceybladedge, what did you screw up?01:29
bladedgepilgrim gave me a script yesturday but i forgot it01:29
bladedgei dont really know01:29
spaceywhat script?01:29
spaceyyou don't need a script to mount an ntfs partition01:29
bladedgei dunno01:29
spaceyits just one command01:29
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bladedgewell yeh a command sry01:29
bladedgeit was a command01:29
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spaceybladedge, write it down next time01:30
bladedgelike ./mount drive n stuff01:30
bladedgeyeah i know01:30
spaceyprobably something like mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /media/windows01:30
bladedgeyeah lol thnx01:30
spaceyreplace device etc. if needed01:30
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bladedgeit doesnt find the -t command01:31
mwet command?01:31
spacey-t is a parameter to mount01:31
CptShi, i have an isa sound card which ubuntu doesn't recognize, can someone help me set it up or refer me to a link?01:31
bladedgebrb, imma reboot, as i am on the live cd01:31
bladedgeit will all clear up01:31
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mwespacey: you're supposed to type 'mount -t ntff /dev/hda1 /media/windows'01:32
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mwespacey: ntfs*01:32
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SeveasNT F*ed Filesystem ;)01:32
HappyFoolas in, why ntffs ?01:32
mweSeveas: gg01:33
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thomashow to make make-3.80 without make?01:33
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Seveasapt-get install make01:33
Seveas!info make01:33
ubotumake: (The GNU version of the "make" utility.), section devel, is optional. Version: 3.80-9 (breezy), Packaged size: 419 kB, Installed size: 1076 kB01:33
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thomas!info make: event not found01:34
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Seveasno, look at what ubotu said :)01:34
CptSanyone? help on isa soundcard setting up (Vibra16) ?01:34
HappyFoolthomas: why do you want to make make?01:34
ubotuhyakuhei: I don't know01:35
hyakuheiubotu: chocolate teapot01:35
ubotuhyakuhei: I give up, what is it?01:35
HappyFoolheh. "how do you make make make make?"01:35
SeveasHappyFool, :|01:35
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mweHappyFool: type make in the make dir of the version of make you wanna mak01:36
sexcopter8000mthegladiator, hehe, thanks01:38
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bladedgeoki backs01:41
bladedgeoki so whats the command again plz?01:42
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mwehow do you make make make make and not make make make make errors?01:42
bladedgetalkin bout me ?01:42
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HappyFool<spacey> probably something like mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /media/windows01:43
ajmitchmwe: getting a bit offtopic now :)01:43
bladedgesomething like that yes01:44
bladedgeit had like something more at the end01:44
wertyanyone plz help me out with my pen pad01:44
thomasi don't get it. i'm new to linux. what's the ordinal way in linux to get to software like the new version of grub? and how to install it???01:45
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tristanthomas : to use Synaptic is the best way when you're new to linux01:45
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CptSPlease, can anyone help me configure the soundcard??01:46
HappyFoolow my eyes!01:46
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naliothMatis: check your caps lock01:46
HappyFoolbladedge: well, that's all spacey said01:46
bladedgezell thnx01:46
naliothMatis: and make sure it is off01:46
wertyanyone help me out with my pen pad.. i have bought it 3 months and havent used it since then in linux01:47
cello_raspi have a bunch of invalid network places under network:/// but i cant remove them... help!01:47
HappyFoolbladedge: if you like, you can put the output of 'sudo fdisk -l' and 'mount' on the pastebin (do *not* paste here)01:47
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bladedgelol yeh oki01:47
HappyFoolbladedge: then i can probably tell you the exact command01:47
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murri have GDM and KDM installed. how can i choose which one is used?01:49
bladedgewell yeah go ahead plz if ya got the time01:49
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apokryphosmurr: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm01:49
HappyFoolbladedge: it's on the pastebin?01:49
bladedgelike i wanna mount the hda301:49
CptSso much for community support here. :( i guess i'll try another distro.01:49
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murrapokryphos: thank you :)01:49
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HappyFoolCptS: if we lack knowledge, we cannot help. i have no idea how to configure an ISA sound card01:50
bladedgeim on the term01:50
HappyFoolbladedge: can you cut-and-paste the output to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ ?01:50
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bladedgeoki 10 secs gonna see if it works01:51
mebsdhow to edit grub so it boots initrd and then vilinuz of ubuntu01:51
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wertyhi there can anyone help me with my pen pad..01:51
bladedgeit says it doesnt exist01:51
HappyFoolmebsd: the file to edit is /boot/grub/menu.lst01:51
HappyFoolbladedge: what doesn't exist?01:52
bladedgethe mount point01:52
bladedgedo i create the file?01:52
mebsdHappyFool: i know but what entry should i put for initrd01:52
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mwebladedge: then you have to make the mount point01:52
HappyFoolmebsd: just a sec01:52
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mwebladedge: right01:52
chemathere are some fork the mplayer with gtk2?01:52
mwebladedge: it's supposed to be a directory01:53
bladedgewrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda1,01:53
bladedge       missing codepage or other error01:53
bladedge       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try01:53
bladedge       dmesg | tail  or so01:53
bladedgethis stinks01:53
mwebladedge: what did you type, exactly?01:53
mwebladedge: btw. people get pissed if you paste in here01:54
Hellsashes bladedge: you're trying to mount hda3?01:54
bladedgeoh damit01:54
Hellsasheswell, from what I see there its hda101:54
bladedgei put the hda1 lol01:54
Hellsasheshehehe ;) no problem01:54
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HappyFoolmebsd: for starters, the grub manual is here: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html01:54
HappyFoolmebsd: i'm going to put some entries from my menu.lst on the pastebin, just a second01:55
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naliothbladedge: please use a pastebin. pasting in irc channels is rude01:55
bladedgenoz i dont have the permisson should i rewrite the permissions in the g file?01:55
bladedgewell im not gonna paste01:56
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HappyFoolmebsd: take a look here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/644301:56
HappyFoolmebsd: hacking grub's menu.lst should not usually be necessary01:56
mebsdHappyFool: thanks alot01:58
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mebsdHappyFool: i didn't install grub booter so im adding it now01:58
bladedgei cant read it01:59
bladedgeno pemissions01:59
CountGentoowill setting noexec on /var break Linux?01:59
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TTilusis it possible to tell apt(itude) only include certain packages from a (bigger) repo?02:00
bladedgehow do i edit pemissions plz02:01
naliothubotu: tell TTilus about pinning02:01
nurfebah getting enlightenment was a pain in the ass :/02:01
TTilusnalioth: mm, that thing was called pinning  :)02:01
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TTilusnalioth: thanks!02:01
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TTilusbladedge: chown, chmod, chgrp?02:02
bladedgeoki ty02:02
bladedgen what do i add ?02:02
naliothbladedge: be very careful what you chmod, you can ruin your box with one press of the <enter> key02:02
bladedgei mean for it to edit the permissions on a specific drive02:03
bladedgeyeah i know but my box is currently running on the live cd02:03
HappyFoolmebsd: what I sent you is not ideal. the 'correct' menu.lst has extra stuff for easy kernel updates02:03
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mebsdHappyFool: at least it boots ubuntu now02:05
mebsdhmm i have no /boot/grub/02:06
HappyFooli think /boot/menu.lst might work too02:06
HappyFoolread the manual ;)02:07
GTroyanyone know of an avi joiner app?02:07
GTroyrar keeps putting out multiple avi02:07
mebsdi don't have man command02:07
mebsdwait, i have it02:08
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yatesymebsd: you've seriously screwed your system if you don't :)02:08
HappyFoolmebsd: i gave you a url earlier02:08
mebsdit's now installing packages02:09
mebsdi think im doing fine , i hope02:09
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mebsdalready taken 2.0G02:09
mebsdi don't know what's taking 2G in this default installation02:10
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vega-anyone know of a gqview-like app for kde?02:10
mebsdvega-: konqueror02:10
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mebsdwait, aren't you supposed be using gnome02:11
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mahanguhow can i see the size of a dir?02:11
brennermebsd: nice to see another gqview fan02:11
mahanguof all the files in the dir?02:11
JDahlmahangu, du -h <dir>02:11
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mebsddu -ch <dir>02:12
RabidSnailwhen I try sudo apt-get install buld-essential I get The following packages have unmet dependencies:02:13
RabidSnail  build-essential: Depends: libc6-dev but it is not going to be installed or02:13
RabidSnail                            libc-dev02:13
RabidSnail                   Depends: g++ (>= 3:3.3) but it is not going to be installed02:13
RabidSnailE: Broken packages02:13
apokryphosRabidSnail: do not paste in here.02:13
mebsdok, how to install baghira02:13
mebsdfor gnome02:13
cello_raspare there any good cbr readers for ubuntu?02:14
mebsdhow to list all packages i have installed02:14
apokryphosdpkg -l02:14
RabidSnailhas anybody had a problem installing build-essential02:14
mebsdhow to install fluxbox02:15
brennervega-: you do know that you can use gtk apps in kde right?02:15
bladedgeguys like i need to mount the partitions to backup everything i have02:15
apokryphosRabidSnail: track down the root of the problem. Individually try to install those, and see what's going wrong.02:15
deFryskRabidSnail, mixed repos ?02:15
bladedgeso i could try to get my comp back up02:15
apokryphos!tell mebsd about fluxbox02:15
RabidSnailI reverted back to the default sources.list02:15
vega-brenner: sure, just trying to find counterparts for a few gnome apps02:15
deFryskRabidSnail, reverted back too late then02:16
apokryphosRabidSnail: heh, if you did that after you mucked up your package system it wouldn't help much02:16
brennervega-: righto02:16
RabidSnailI had run easy breezy, which changed my sources.list02:18
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apokryphosRabidSnail: easybreezy wouldn't muck up your package management system02:18
apokryphosI'd think you'd done other things too02:18
mebsdwhat's the root password02:18
uboturumour has it, root is by default root has no password.  The reason is, the maintainers want you to use sudo for all your root access. see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo  If you wish, you can set a root password02:19
mebsdwith default installation02:19
yatesywhatever you set it too02:19
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mebsdsudo passwd?02:20
apokryphosmebsd: why do you want to set a root pass?02:20
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mebsdthat's dumb02:20
mebsdi need to apt-get install , so i login as root?02:20
apokryphosmebsd: read the wiki entry02:20
apokryphosyou use sudo, not su.02:20
apokryphosbecause it's a superior model02:21
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mebsdi need to type sudo before all commands?02:21
apokryphos(and it's the one Ubuntu adopted)02:21
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apokryphosmebsd: yes, or go into a root shell with sudo -i02:21
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mebsdi already gave a new password to root02:22
bladedgehow do i got in root from the live cd ?02:22
apokryphos!tell bladedge about root02:22
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thegladiatorbladedge, simple do sudo su02:23
bladedgeoki ill tyr02:23
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apokryphosthegladiator: the recommended method is sudo -i02:23
apokryphosno need to use su02:23
thegladiatorsudo -i or sudo -s02:23
thegladiatorchose any .02:24
apokryphosthey're not the same thing02:24
apokryphossudo -i sets up the environment more appropriately02:24
thegladiatorapokryphos, i see02:24
bladedgeyes but i wanna get the graphical interface to run on root02:24
thegladiatoryes go with sudo -i then .02:24
bladedgeoki ty02:24
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thegladiatorbladedge, hm thats not needed02:24
johnnyeverything is sudo02:24
johnnyonly in ubuntu02:24
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bladedgei need that to access my ntfs partition02:25
thegladiatorbladedge, most of the things can be done with sudo02:25
bladedgeto backup my files02:25
afiefHow can i check what exact arch my CPU is? (386,586....etc)02:25
apokryphosbladedge: that's not advised, both by gnome and kde desktop environments. You should generally try to restrict root access to CLI, but if you *need* to use GUI with it, then use gksudo/kdesu02:25
bladedgeyes indeed but im not really an expert in linux02:25
thegladiatorgotcha . i did that for my fat parition uing sudo02:25
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vega-apokryphos: sudo -i equals sudo su - ?02:26
afiefbladedge: sudo nautilus02:26
bladedgeoki ty02:26
bladedgeit cant open the displat02:26
apokryphosvega-: no, because of other sudo conventions, it acts differently02:26
bladedgeoki done02:27
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thegladiatorsudo -i = sudo -s ?02:27
afiefis there a way to know what exact arch my CPU is?02:27
apokryphosthegladiator: no. man sudo02:27
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HappyFoolafief: tried 'cat /proc/cpuinfo' ?02:28
afiefhappyfool: nope, still a linux noob and trying to find my way:) will try now02:28
johnnywhat's the advantage of using initrd02:28
afiefhappyfool: cpu family 6 model 16. but what does that mean? do i have a 686 CPU?02:29
HappyFoolafief: um02:29
HappyFooli don't know, sorry02:30
apokryphosafief: cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep name ...is?02:30
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sebas_una preguntita donde puedo conseguir el compilador cc ?02:31
bladedgelost the mounting command again02:31
bladedgethis is gettin on my nerves02:31
apokryphossebas_: Spanish?02:31
afiefapokryphos: intel pentium M 1.6GHz02:31
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mahanguis sending something to /dev/null the same as rm?02:31
apokryphosafief: then you want linux-686, yes.02:32
bladedgeapokryphos, can ya plz resend the mounting command?02:32
apokryphosmahangu: yes02:32
sebas_ahhhhhh ok this canal is in ingles02:32
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afiefapokryphos: thank you. is there a way to get a 686 kernel readily built or do i have to compile my own?02:32
apokryphosbladedge: don't recall any mounting command02:32
mahanguwhoa cat /dev/null is scary :o02:32
apokryphosafief: sure -- just install linux-68602:33
thegladiatorsebas_, ste es canal ingls02:33
apokryphosafief: complete Linux kernel02:33
bladedgei got one of the partitions mounted but not the other one02:33
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afiefapokryphos: apt-get install linux-686?02:33
apokryphosafief: yes, or use synaptic02:33
sebas_where I can unload compiler cc?02:33
mahanguapokryphos, is there a wiki page which describes compiling your own kernel?02:33
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apokryphossebas_: unload? Unninstall?02:34
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afiefapokryphos: thanks, i prefer command line. old fedora habbits02:34
thegladiatormahangu, does update offer the latest kernel ?02:34
apokryphosmahangu: yup02:34
mahanguthegladiator, mostly for kicks02:34
thegladiatoror is it that nto wehat you want ?02:34
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apokryphosafief: Fedora is notoriously pretty GUI :P02:34
thegladiatorjust wondering02:34
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sebas_where I can unload compiler cc?02:34
=== KarlosII says audios amigos for now
mahanguthegladiator, i should probably install breezy on my extra partition for itright02:35
sebas_where I can obtain compiler cc?02:35
afiefapokryphos: i enjoied it:) but hell, rpms are hard to manage02:35
mahangui might dist upgrade to dapper02:35
mahangusebas_, you mean gcc?02:35
apokryphosmahangu: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KernelCompileHowto02:35
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bladedgehehe got it thnx02:35
bladedgea lot02:35
mahanguapokryphos, gracias02:35
mebsdubuntu froze02:35
thegladiatorcc is rarely used i guess02:35
thegladiatorgcc is the in thing these days02:35
apokryphosafief: Fedora does indeed have some nice things, but the repository system is lacking, both in size and often not up-to-date as quickly.02:35
raphinkmebsd: heh its winter ;)02:35
mahanguoh another thing. i apt-getted kubuntu-desktop and now my bootsplash says kubuntu02:35
apokryphossebas_: sudo apt-get install build-essential02:35
mahanguhow can i go back?02:36
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mebsdwhole ubuntu no response when i type glxgears02:36
apokryphosmahangu: remove the kubuntu-artwork-usplash or whatever it's called02:36
mebsdwhen i run glxgears02:36
raphinkmahangu: with the choices02:36
=== raphink tried to remember how to choose these
thegladiatormahangu, is kubuntu splash bad ?02:36
thegladiatornot as good as ubuntu ?02:36
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apokryphosthegladiator: it's exactly the same, but blue and says kubuntu02:36
mahanguapokryphos, says it's not installed02:36
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mahanguthegladiator, im a gnome fanboy, sue me02:37
thegladiatormoi too02:37
bladedgeso now can i get all the stuff i need from the partitions using a windows machine ? if the mounted partitions have root-only access?02:37
mahanguKDE just gets in the way02:37
raphinkmahangu: sudo update-alternatives02:37
mahanguapokryphos, the package is not installed02:37
raphinkmight let you set the usplash theme02:37
apokryphosmahangu: hm, it really kubuntu-artwork-usplash (just checked). If it's not installed, you shouldn't be having the usplash there02:37
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mahanguapokryphos, i see the package02:38
afiefapokryphos: i object:) it never lacked the latest kernel. ubuntu is still using 2.6.10:P02:38
mahangubut it's not installed02:38
thegladiatorbladedge, there is some command to make it open to all users02:38
mebsdhow can i find the name for apps i want to run?02:38
thegladiatori am not sure02:38
thegladiatori did that though02:38
raphinkmebsd: such as?02:38
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mahanguis there a way i can manually set th ebootsplash?02:38
apokryphosafief: not if you upgrade to dapper, but there's consequences to running bleeding edge. I know for example that their KDE wasn't up-to-date nearly as quickly as Kubuntu's is, but they are indeed getting better, I see (from announcements)02:38
mahanguPackage kubuntu-artwork-usplash is not installed, so not removed02:38
raphinkmahangu: sudo update-alternatives I told you02:38
ravv_Not really an ubuntu question but: Where can i find other  unix channels  and specificall monowall-channels02:38
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mebsdraphink: i want to install adesklets or gdesklets02:39
apokryphosreally need to get into Kubuntu when on this channel :P02:39
raphinkravv_: if you /list channels on freenode, you'll find lots of unix related channels02:39
mahanguraphael, i have no idea how that works02:39
mahanguill man it02:39
afiefapokryphos: but dapper drake is hardly stable as far as i know02:39
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raphinkmahangu: you launch it, and it asks you quesions on alternatives in your system02:40
raphinkmahangu: you can keep the default for all but the usplash, that you switch back to the ubuntu one if that's the one you want02:40
bladedgethegladiator, i dont know them unfortunatly02:40
mahanguraphink, it just gives me a list of flags02:40
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apokryphosafief: that is correct02:40
raphinkwait a min02:40
raphinklet's see02:41
afiefapokryphos: then noobs like me don't have anything to do with it:( would have loved to try it though if i had another PC02:41
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bladedgethegladiator, how could i make them accessible to all users and share em ?02:42
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raphinkmahangu: then try sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork02:42
bladedgeon the lan?02:42
raphinkdoesn't work02:42
jimhi guys02:42
raphinkmahangu: then try sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so02:42
raphinkmahangu: that works  ^ ^02:42
afiefapokryphos: so the repository freez has already taken place?02:43
raphinkhi jim02:43
mahanguThere is only 1 program which provides usplash-artwork.so02:43
apokryphosafief: that's for kernel, note that other packages are updated and uploaded to breezy-backports/updates02:43
mahanguis there some way i can edit it and put my own image there?02:43
raphinkmahangu: then that means you only have one usplash package so you should have the ubuntu splash02:43
mahangureally really wierd02:44
apokryphosafief: nope; upstream version freeze is on the 19th02:44
raphinkunless there's a pb with the kubuntu usplash package02:44
raphinkmahangu: let me check the kubuntu usplash package02:44
apokryphosmahangu: try a restart; I'm pretty sure you won't get the kubu usplash02:44
afiefweird, i've not got any updates for over two weeks. is that normal?02:44
afiefapokryphos: weird, i've not got any updates for over two weeks. is that normal?02:44
mahanguapokryphos, i havent changed anything to try a restart :o02:44
mahangubut i will, after this video encodes02:44
apokryphossebas_: np :)02:44
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apokryphosafief: probably, actually. I mainly get KDE updates :D (we have another repo for that though)02:45
jimanyone have any idea how to get creative zen to work with breezy , I was able to get it to work on linspire and even had it picked up within lsongs its for a customer.02:45
mahanguoh wierd02:46
mahangui executed usplash02:46
mahangufrom inside X02:46
mahanguand the top of my screen is all crummy02:46
mahangui cant kill X as well02:46
freshmintdoes someone know a program, that cuts long mp3-mix files into single mp3-tracks according to the information from a cue file?02:46
mahangua video of mine is encoding02:46
afiefapokryphos: gotta try kubuntu someday... probably in april02:46
jimstreamripper will break long mp3's02:46
jiminto individual mp3's02:46
apokryphosafief: sounds so long away ;-), 3.5 is out now!02:47
=== apokryphos has to head out for a bit; back later
mahanguisn't there a .conf file or smething i can edit to set my own bootsplash?02:47
mebsdman this distro is for newbie!!02:47
freshmintjim, how? i got streamripper. does it handle cue files?02:47
jimavailable in synaptic02:47
mahanguafief, you can try it now - apt-get install kubuntu-desktop02:47
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bladedgeguys like plz, i just need to know how i can make the mounted parts accessible to everyone and share it on the local windows network ... plw02:47
jimyou may need a front end for it so go to freshmeat and look it up02:47
afiefmahangu: wouldn't that make problems with my Gnome desktop? i have no idea how to move from one to the other02:48
mebsdnow, how can i upgrade firefox from 1.0.7 to 1.502:48
mahanguafief, nope it wouldn't, you can select a WM at login02:48
mahanguafief, i have KDE, GNOME and XFCE all on this box02:48
mahangumebsd, you can compile your own program for now02:48
jimI have in last year set up about 30 people with ubuntu and prior to that they have never heard of linux02:49
mahangumebsd, ff 1.5 will be in the dapper repos, once it is released02:49
mebsdi know i can compile my own everything02:49
mahangumebsd, like i said, see above02:49
bladedgelol ya uninstall the old one and ya got fetch the 1.502:49
mebsdso, no ff1.5 now?02:49
mahangumebsd, no02:49
afiefmahangu: wow... will try it:) experiment date changed to next week instead of april02:49
mahangudoes anybody know if some kind soul hsa compiled a .deb of ff 1.5?02:49
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deFryskmebsd, almost impossible to backport in a safe way02:49
mebsdwhy not.. ff 1.5 has been release long time ago02:49
yatesyinstall it yourself, its not hard02:49
mebsdi was using firefox 1.5 in netbsd02:49
bladedgeso how do i get this thing available to everyone on the network?02:49
mahangumebsd, it wasn't released when breezy shipped02:49
afiefapokryphos: now i gotta see how my new 686 kernel operates. whish me luck02:50
mebsdso can i upgrade it now?02:50
mahanguafief, good luck02:50
mebsdthrough network?02:50
mahangumebsd, like i said, no02:50
mahanguyou can compile it02:50
mahanguor look for a precompiled .deb02:50
Knorriemebsd: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion?highlight=%28firefox%29 ?02:50
bladedgedang ppl02:50
jimgo to apt-get.org02:50
bladedgecant i just get any sharing help?02:50
mahangujim, isn't that the debian repo?02:50
jimfirefox1.5 search02:50
jimi found alot of ubuntu02:51
mahangu*search interface for the debian repo02:51
jimfiles in there02:51
ltibor65Where was Ubuntu made?02:51
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mebsdmade in china02:51
raphinkltibor65: it grows in trees :)02:51
jimand I have taken some debian files and they work fine on ubuntu breezy02:51
mebsdmy system is up to date!02:51
sebas_apokryphos   When doing make appears to me this:  "sebas@sebas://home/sebas/Desktop/Manual seguridad/nmap-3.95$ make make:  *** is no rule to construct to the objective ` libpcap/Makefil, necessary for ` libpcap/libpcap..  Stop."  That I make bad?02:52
raphinkjim: you shouldn't use debian packages as such, but rebuild them02:52
RaethDragonI have a problem02:52
ltibor65Not in England?02:52
raphinkltibor65: why so?02:52
jimI have a athlon box set up here next to this one and I rebuild some with mixed results02:52
raphinkltibor65: Ubuntu is a south-african distribution if that's what you mean02:52
jimI did get a great jahshaka setup going02:52
ajmitchraphink: hardly south african :)02:52
cello_raspwhat is the default res for fonjts in gnome?02:53
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mebsdhow to get baghira02:53
RaethDragonAnyone know anything about USB external hard drives?02:53
raphinkjim: are they packages missing in dapper?02:53
mebsdwait, that's for kde02:53
freshmintjim, i got streamripper now. how can i cut the mp3 file?02:53
raphinkmebsd: install it ;)02:53
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mebsdi want to install os x theme for gnome02:53
ltibor65Also it was made in South Africa?02:53
raphinkmebsd: sudo apt-get install kwin-baghira02:53
mebsdhow to do that02:53
cello_raspreath: they work end of story :)02:53
ubotuJava can be found in multiverse. Sun (i386) debs here: http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl IBM (PPC) debs here: http://giannaros.org/buntu/breezy02:53
raphinkhi ajmitch02:53
RaethDragonThat's the problem, mine spontaneous went read-only!02:53
cello_rasp9_9 ubuntu is "made" all over the world02:53
raphinkltibor65: i'm not sure one can say it was _made somewhere_02:53
mebsdwhy don't they put ff 1.5 in apt-get install thing02:54
RaethDragonIt was running through GNOME's HAL, as usual, and it just went RO one day02:54
cello_raspthe funding comes from an SA-based company aqnd the name is swahili.02:54
raphinkltibor65: devs are from all over the world02:54
RaethDragonAnd it won't go back, even when I reinstalled Ubuntu02:54
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jimwell i searched on forums and found a guy who managed to get it up and running so I followed but it still failed the problem was libaviformat  so I synaptic it and installed the dev file omn breezy and then failed with libfaac so I installed faac from on of the plf repos and it works great02:55
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mebsdsudo apt-get install fluxbox02:55
mebsdReading package lists... Done02:55
mebsdBuilding dependency tree... Done02:55
mebsdE: Couldn't find package fluxbox02:55
raphinkmebsd: please don't paste here02:55
zamuroI'm kinda lost... what you guys try to do?02:55
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mebsdso, how can i install fluxbox?02:56
cello_raspcan someone do me a favour: go to system > preferences > font > details  and tell me the resolution please\02:56
raphinkmebsd: firefox 1.5 is available on ubuntu, but not in breezy if i'm not wrong ;)02:56
cello_raspdapper... hopefully02:56
yatesycello_rasp: what? you want us to tell you what res we're all running?02:56
zamuromebsd: U tried downloading the source?02:56
raphinkmebsd: before installing packages, you can search for them, using apt-cache02:56
mahangumebsd, apt-cache search fluxbox02:56
raphinkmebsd: apt-cache search fluxbox02:56
raphinkmahangu: ;)02:56
jimjahshaka is a video editing program kinda like lives or cinelerra but less intense on hardware requirements02:56
cello_raspyates do you know the difference between the words 'someone' and 'everyone'?02:56
ltibor65I understand, raphink, but the first steps for its development where made in South Afrika? Also the origin is south african?02:57
RaethDragon86, mebsd, if yah wanna know02:57
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=== mahangu kicks raphael
mebsdreturns nothing02:57
yatesy!info fluxbox02:57
ubotufluxbox: (Highly configurable and low resource X11 Window manager), section universe/x11, is optional. Version: 0.9.12-1build1 (breezy), Packaged size: 757 kB, Installed size: 2684 kB02:57
mebsdapt-cache search fluxbox02:57
mahangumebsd, enable all your repos02:57
yatesyas you can see, its in universe, so go add that then try again02:57
mebsdhow to enable all repos02:57
raphinkltibor65: I'd say the 90% first steps are Debian's, which is also a worldwide effort02:57
cello_raspyatesy that is somewhat \correct02:57
zamuromebsd: go to /etc/apt/sources.list02:57
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ltibor65The founder was Mark Shuttleworth?02:58
jimguys anyone know if either lsongs or lphoto are going to be in dapper ?02:58
raphinkltibor65: yes02:58
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) see also !easysource02:58
mahangumebsd ^^02:58
raphinkjim: arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh02:58
raphinkjim: if you want Linspire, you can buy it :p02:58
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braskoHi allQ!02:59
raphinkhi brasko02:59
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braskoI installed ubuntu last night pretty successfully, after some help from this channel.02:59
RaethDragonAnyone have an idea why GNOME suddenly set my USB drive to RO?02:59
ltibor65Also he was the first developer as Linus Thorvals for linux-kernel.02:59
jimi have it on disk I hate its slow speed ect ect but lphoto is great to make a vcd from pictures or albums and add music02:59
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mahangujim, jahshaka, is that for ubuntu? if so where can i get it?02:59
braskoI ended up using VNC between 2 machines. I ran the server on linux, and the client is windows with realvnc.02:59
braskoTHe problem is, it's really slow. The windows take a while to draw.03:00
windmillhi all , the dvd playback on my laptop using totem is quite dark, is there anyway to adjust it?03:00
braskoAnyone optimnize there vnc server that comes with ubuntu before? so that it's faster?03:00
jimive run ubuntu since the begining but some of my customers are not too saavy so linspire for them03:00
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mahangujim, jahshaka, where can i get that?03:00
arcadehmmm.. what kind of MSN client is 'the best' for linux?  and how do i get it for ubuntu? :)03:00
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=== arcade is _finally_ going to install that MSN crap ;)
mahanguarcade, ubuntu03:00
mahanguarcade, gaim03:01
raphinkltibor65: pm03:01
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thegladiatorwindmill, did you check totem preferences ?03:01
arcademahangu: Does it support registering to the MSN network and everything?  Never logged onto MSN in my life. :)03:01
raphinkarcade: gaim for gnome, kopete for kde, amsn if you only want msn03:01
jimtheres a link to the forum in ubuntu and also jahshaka03:01
thegladiatorwindmill, totem menu -> edit - preferneces - display03:02
mebsddam there's no fluxbox in synpatic package manage03:02
braskoso, anyone know how to optimize the VPN server?03:02
arcaderaphink: Just want a complete MSN client for linux .. if such a thing exists.03:02
RaethDragonI'll go and find a GNOME IRC then03:02
arcaderaphink: I don't use any other instant messenging except IRC ..03:02
raphinkarcade: nothing more than msn ?03:02
yatesymebsd: enable universe..............03:02
mebsddo they remove fluxbox because they want everyone use gnome?03:02
cvt|gnuyearcan anyone recommend a torrent client that puts them in one window?03:02
arcaderaphink: Neh, don't need anything more in the client.03:02
windmillthegladiator, you're right ;) thanks. I'm a fool!03:02
jimbut if you follow it the install will start but die add faac and libfaac and it will work03:02
raphinkarcade: go for amsn imo03:02
mahangucvt|gnuyear, azureus, even though i dont use it03:02
arcaderaphink: Will do.  Thanks. :903:02
mebsdyatesy: how to do that03:02
mahanguarcade, maybe amsn will be better for that03:02
yatesyread up ffs03:02
thegladiatormebsd, ubuntu is not forcing you to even us it03:02
thegladiatormebsd, ubuntu is not forcing you to even use it . its free03:02
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RaethDragonUbuntu has it, you just have to enable the repos03:03
TimMagichey! i have a wifi question03:03
arcaderaphink / mahangu : Thanks.  Installed. :)03:03
raptoidSeveas, mucks03:03
afiefmahangu: 686 up and working:) am i supposed to notice any performance changes?03:03
RaethDragonYou can't fit everything onto one CD03:03
mahanguafief, i have no idea03:03
mahangubrb guys03:03
raphinkarcade: k03:03
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yatesyafief: not really noticible03:03
thegladiatormebsd,ubuntu is working to make every package available actually03:03
TimMagici loaded my wifi card as per the wiki, but it dodnt work so i tried again with a different card03:03
yatesyignore him, people have helped him. but hes ignoring the help03:03
arcadeWow .. those amsn-fonts sucked.. should I install a fonts-package too?03:03
braskoIs the default vnc viewer not configurable? The GUI doesn't give many options.03:03
TimMagicis there an easy way of undoing my ramblings so i can start again?03:04
mebsdsorry i don't know what the hell im doing03:04
braskoI'm sorry, the SERVER that comes with ubuntu does not seem configurable.03:04
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jimI was able to customize rhythmbox a bit added 100 shoutcast stations to it and give it a osxlike skin03:04
ltibor65raphink, how can I register me on freenod?03:04
afiefyatesy: still good to know that i can get specially crafted kernels so easily03:04
braskoI wonder if there is a way to "speed it up".03:04
pkernWhat client is advised to connect to peer-to-peer networks (as in KaZaA or Mule)?03:04
yatesyafief: :)03:04
mebsdbrasko: what server03:05
thegladiatorpkern, i use phex03:05
raphinkltibor65: check pm, I told you03:05
thegladiatorpkern, and for torrents i use azureues , its high on memory though03:05
braskoI did System=>Preferences=>Remove Desktop03:05
jimuse gtk-gnutella for p2p go to site and get the deb file and either install direct or rebuild on ubuntu box it works great either way03:05
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braskohowever, when I connect to it on the same LAN, it's so slow03:05
braskothe window take several seconds to draw03:05
braskoI've used x11vncserver before, and this didn't happen03:06
pkernthegladiator: Azureus is a memory hog, that's right. What's phex? Is it graphical? Is it in Ubuntu (I didn't find it).03:06
thegladiatorjim, is it a nice client ? better than phx in your opinion ?03:06
cello_raspi need to know the default screen res for gnome... any help?03:06
mebsdfluxbox 0.9.12?03:06
mebsdnot 0.9.1403:06
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jimi use it all the time for uploading files got a somewhat hacking gui but it works fine03:06
pkernjim: gtk-gnutella is in Ubuntu as far as I could see?03:06
ltibor65What is pm, raphink?03:06
thegladiatorpkern, mayb you shud try what jim said . phex is java based client . u need sun's jaav for that . graphicals yes . pretty nice03:07
raphinkltibor65: personal message03:07
jimyes but the version there will not connect to any servers now it is old so get newer version03:07
raphinkor private message03:07
raphinknot sure ;)03:07
raphinkthat's the same anyway03:07
thegladiatorpkern, just google and i and i am sure you can get phex .  you need suns java first though03:07
yatesyprivate message03:07
braskoI mean, it's just to slow03:07
braskoit's unusable03:07
cello_raspaz is jave so no diff03:07
jimif you use automatix for ubuntu it will give you sun java 1.503:07
pkernthegladiator: At least the screenshots section on phex' site is broken ;)03:08
raphinkexcept it's not recommended to use automatix03:08
raphinkat all03:08
mebsdit's out of date.. fluxbox03:08
thegladiatordont worry pkern , it has a decent to goodish GUI IMHO03:08
pkernWhat's the current recommended way to install Java on Ubuntu?03:08
cello_raspaz is a tried and tested client. the only problem is the java and phex will have the same java03:08
jimwhat i do is add the repos from auto matix which are the plf repos ect  and i havent had a problem03:08
mebsdi've been using fluxbox 0.9.14 for about a year, but in ubuntu still it's 0.9.1203:08
raphinkpkern: look at the wiki page on RestrictedFormats03:08
cello_rasppkern go to the azureus site and install from the sun java source03:09
pkernI guess j2sdk1.4 as in Blackdown isn't enough?03:09
pkernraphink: Ok.03:09
jimevery so often you will have to change them as servers shut down ect03:09
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raphinkpkern: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats03:09
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jimguys i will be right back i need more coffee03:09
thegladiatorpkern, this is what you need to do install sun's java and get phex . you can run phex as simple as "ava -jar phex.jar" . you could set a launcher for it from the desktop . i need to rush . good luck03:09
braskoWhy does ubuntu use Vino? instead of x11vncserver?03:09
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hikenbootdoes ubuntu put python in a different location than where it is normally expected?03:09
thegladiatorhikenboot, no03:10
pkernthegladiator: Thank you.03:10
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thegladiatorhikenboot, /usr/bin/python03:10
mevvishappy new year!!!03:10
pkernraphink: Exactly what I need, thanks.03:10
thegladiatorhikenboot, its not a practise to change directoies pf pythong and perl etc.03:10
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hikenbootah ok I get a compile errror that the directory is not found its looking for python 2.4 maybe its a version problem03:11
apokryphossebas_: hi, sorry I was out for a bit, would've missed any messages...03:11
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pkernubotu: Javas03:12
pkernubotu: Java03:12
ubotupkern: I haven't a clue03:12
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs03:12
pkern(Sorry for spamming |:)03:12
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dabaRhikenboot: you could link to your python dir or bin.03:13
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braskoWhat's the correct way to install gcc/g++?03:14
_rYe_seveas: i can now see the wireless connection in the networks... i activated it and after i opened firefoz and typed google.com, then my system hanged... wat would i do?03:14
dabaR_rYe_: you have a proper IP under "ifconfig"?03:15
dabaRbrasko: install build-essential03:15
ZugwrackAnyone in here familiar with firewire, and firewire drives? I am experiencing a problem when I try to do a sustained write to my external firewire drive...works ok on small file sizes i.e. ~5mb...anything bigger it starts drive access then aborts with an error....03:15
braskothanks, looking for something like that03:15
_rYe_dabar: i dnt know. il check. i just finished installing the wireless driver.. but it hanged ryt now, wat would i do, just close the laptop and open it up again?03:16
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jimback with fresh coffee03:16
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hikenbootI am afraid i cant get the syntax right for disovering the version of a package installed its sudo apt-get -V package-name?03:17
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dabaR_rYe_: what is the interface shown as in networking?And did you try activating the interface through networking? And what guide are you following?03:17
mebsdi don't think i like ubuntu03:17
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dabaRhikenboot: python is 2.4.203:17
mebsdpackage out of date, glxgears cause crashes03:17
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apokryphosmebsd: why?03:17
jimanyone here try thinkfree office suite yet? seems like its fast and furious03:17
Neihi, could someone tell me how to make a virtual console that shows system messages?03:17
ExxcaliberHey Guys, do you know how to fix the problem, which only makes one able to play a single audio streame at a time?03:18
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_rYe_dabaR: there are three interfaces in networking: wireless connection (w/c just showd up now), etho w/c is for the wired lan, and the other one for dial up03:18
dabaRExxcaliber: did you try running "esd" in a terminal, and are your programs set to esound output?03:18
apokryphos!tell Exxcaliber about dmix03:18
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braskoSo, since ubuntu stays up to date with the compilers, does it have to reinstall everything, when the compiler changes?03:19
dabaR_rYe_: did you take a look at ifconfig yet? and tell me the exact name... or do "sudo ifup ifaceName"03:19
ExxcaliberdabaR,  Nope :) Neither03:19
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Exxcaliberthx, apokryphos03:19
apokryphosbrasko: repackaged, yes.03:19
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jimhas anyone here used any good photo album suite that allows for making a vcd with music in background03:19
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dabaRbrasko: ubuntu distributes precompiled binaries for the architectures it supports.03:19
braskoWow, so how often does that take, when everything needs to be repackaged?03:19
dabaRbrasko: every release. it is not so hard to create the .debs03:20
braskoO, the compiler and base system is modified for each release?03:20
apokryphosbrasko: only on big gcc transitions. Well, it doesn't *need* to, but a lot of things work differently -- different errors/reactions with new compilers.03:20
_rYe_dabaR: dabaR: i just did ifconfig now: etho, lo, and wlan0 are present03:20
braskoOK, I'm sure I'll get the hang of it as I do my first update.03:20
braskoWill it ask me to upgrade the system? or only security fixes?03:21
dabaR_rYe_: I asked whether it has a proper IP, the wlan0 is the wireless interface.03:21
Exxcaliberapokryphos, im a little confused.. Do i need dmix? I mean, it says on the front page that i don't need it unless im running an old version of alsa :) ?03:21
braskoFor instance, in debian, I used to do apt-get -u dist-ugprade all the time.03:21
apokryphosbrasko: without changing your repos: only security updates.03:21
dabaRExxcaliber: did you run esd in a terminal and see whether that helps?03:21
braskoOK, how do I get alerted of new distro's?03:21
braskoDo I have to register an email list somewhere?03:22
hikenbootah ok didnt have python2.4-dev installed03:22
apokryphosbrasko: they happen in April and October03:22
spaceybrasko, what do you mean with new distro's?03:22
braskohaha, what are you talking about? Serious?03:22
dabaRbrasko: they are avail every 6 months, as a set release schedule, and you can find out when a new release is there through the web site...03:22
braskospacey: sorry, I meant to say new release.03:22
_rYe_dabaR: how would i know whether it has a proper ip? i am new at ubuntu and doesnt know much about programming. thanks03:22
apokryphosbrasko: yes, it has a 6-month release cycle.03:22
ExxcaliberdabaR, nope, but shouldn't the sound deamon start by itself, and more importantly, do i need to define a special sound deamon, to the soun applications i run?03:22
spaceybrasko, hard to miss new ubuntu releases ;)03:22
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dabaR_rYe_: it is networking. what is the IP on the wireless, is it 192.168.0.something?03:22
braskoWow, I'm interesting to see that happen! I was with debian for several years, and only saw 1 release.03:23
shiningany reason why firefox 1.5 final is still not in dapper? it was released ages ago, and dapper still use a broken beta version instead.. it's silly03:23
apokryphosbrasko: that's one of the issues ubuntu tries to address. See /msg ubotu relationship03:23
ExxcaliberdabaR, It's already running (esd)03:23
dabaRExxcaliber: what apps are you running?03:23
Exxcaliberxmms and totem03:24
apokryphosxmms, yuck03:24
_rYe_dabaR: i went to the properties of wlan0, network name is correct and configuration is in DHCP so the ip address is blank03:24
braskoGreat, so, ubuntu doesn't have the x11vncserver, and it only has vine.03:24
dabaRExxcaliber: did you set xmms up for esound output?03:24
ubotuI don't know, dabaR03:24
braskoHowever, vine is to slow, and I can't find a configuration file for it03:24
ubotumethinks xmms is to get xmms to work in Ubuntu Hoary, set the output plugin to eSound (right-click on the XMMS window, then choose Options -> Preferences)03:24
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ExxcaliberdabaR,  so i do have to set everything up to use esd?03:24
arcadeHm.  I don't have the "arial" font in amsn (not sure if i have it at all).  Is there any "really needed" font-packages I need to install for ubuntu?03:24
dabaRExxcaliber: maybe, try that to start.03:25
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spaceybrasko, vine is default installed but there are much more03:25
ubotuit has been said that fonts is https://wiki.ubuntu.com//FontInstallHowto03:25
shiningany reason why firefox 1.5 final is still not in dapper? it was released ages ago, and dapper still use a broken beta version instead.. it's silly03:25
Exxcaliberkk, thx for your help dabaR03:25
spaceybrasko, use apt-cache search ;)03:25
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braskois it me, or is it really slow?03:25
_rYe_dabaR: when i did ifconfig, in wlan0, there is something that says "inet addr:".... and there are other info as well03:25
dabaRarcade: why ask us do you need them -- you would know.03:25
spaceybrasko, i think VNC is slow in general03:25
braskogeez, I can't find a better solution.03:25
arcadedabaR: Things look ugly, but I don't know anything about fonts.03:25
spaceybrasko, depends on your use03:25
dabaRRytmis: is eth0 connected now?03:25
braskoMy KVM screws up the mouse when I switch back to ubuntu03:25
apokryphosshining: dapper is broken, itself. Not recommended that you use it.03:26
spaceyfor remote desktop i use FreeNX03:26
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braskoit used to be OK in debian, older kernel/X03:26
spaceybut you can't take over session that were started locally03:26
dabaRarcade: then try some of those, and tell us whether they are prettie.03:26
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Lemon-ubotu, w32codec03:26
ubotusomebody said w32codecs was a compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular proprietary formats not currently supported by free implementations under linux. See http://tinyurl.com/e4a5s to install03:26
braskoYeah, they were talking about freenx last night03:26
arcadedabaR: :)03:26
braskoI don't understand the difference yet03:27
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braskobetween that and VNC03:27
arcadedabaR: It was just that the default aMSN font was completely unreadable..03:27
spaceybrasko, freenx is not comparable with vnc03:27
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b Hericus!*@*] by apokryphos
braskoIs it client/server03:27
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spaceybrasko, yeah, but it uses X03:27
spaceyand also does sound03:27
braskoshould I run a ubuntu server? and windows client?03:27
braskowhoa, that's cool03:27
blueseahi, I'm totaly new to debian and I cant find how to install mplayer on my new ubuntu 5.10 breezy, "sudo apt-cache pkgnames | grep mplayer" = no line, is it normal ? how can I get a bigger list of available package ?03:28
arcadedabaR: now installing msncorefonts.. i think. :)03:28
spaceybrasko, you can do that if you want03:28
dabaR!+info firefox dapper03:28
braskoIf it's better, I'd like to give it a try03:28
ubotufirefox: (lightweight web browser based on Mozilla), section web, is optional. Version: 1.4.99+1.5rc3.dfsg-1ubuntu9 (dapper), Packaged size: 7677 kB, Installed size: 22732 kB03:28
_rYe_dabar: what's next? and wat do i put in the "key type field", hexadecimal or plain ascii? my router doesnt have a wep key or any security03:28
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apokryphos!tell bluesea about mplayer03:28
spaceybrasko, compared to vnc its heaven imho ;)03:28
braskoWhat ubuntu package should I install?03:28
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braskoor do I have to manually install it?03:28
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spaceybrasko, its in seveas.ubuntulinux.nl repository03:28
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spaceyso you have to add that one03:28
braskoOK, I haven't done that yet.03:28
spaceyits not officially in ubuntu repositories yet03:28
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braskothat's fine03:29
spaceyjust read that page03:29
spaceyits for breezy03:29
spaceyand works perfectly03:29
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:apokryphos] : Happy New Year to all Ubuntu users! | Official Ubuntu support channel | Documentation: http://help.ubuntu.com/ | Support options: http://ubuntu.com/support | Community news: http://fridge.ubuntu.com | Use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting | IRC Info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InternetRelayChat
braskovery sorry, what page?03:29
spaceyyou might want to use one of the mirrors03:30
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_rYe_dabaR__: still there?03:30
spaceyi'm off03:30
dabaR_rYe_: sec, at work...03:30
braskoouch, thought I was going to get some nice help :)03:31
kdoggHowdy, is anyone else having trouble with the hibernate feature?  I can hibernate successfully, but when I try to resume, I get a blank screen and endless disk io03:31
braskoThanks for the advice03:31
spaceybrasko, just read up a bit03:31
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spaceybrasko, should be in the wiki as well03:31
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braskoOK, thanks03:31
_rYe_dabarR: okay thanks03:31
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spaceybrasko, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeNX ;)03:32
dabaR_rYe_: what is the key type question about?03:33
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BullFirehow can I make unbuntu autoload a networkcard driver at startup?03:34
braskohaha, where's the sources.list file in ubuntu?03:34
_rYe_dabaR: for the key type field: what would i choose? hexadecimal or ascii? my router doesnt use encryption03:35
Inf3ctedFxbra1nf00d: /etc/apt/sources.list03:35
Inf3ctedFxsorry si for brasko03:35
BullFireI have tried /etc/modules but i doesn't work03:36
BullFirecan anybody give some tips?03:36
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Inf3ctedFxwell BullFire I went to system/Administration/Network03:37
Inf3ctedFxwell BullFire I went to system/Administration/Networking03:37
dabaR_rYe_: then disable encription in some setting. is this when you try to activate wlan0 in networking?03:37
BullFirebut I have a server installation03:38
dabaRBullFire: ya, but what driver do you need enabled. Do you know of a way to enable it yourself in a terminal?03:38
Inf3ctedFxmm well I dunno sorry03:38
BullFireyes modprobe ipg03:39
_rYe_dabaR: wlan0 is already activated03:39
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dabaR_rYe_: right, so where are you being asked for the key?03:39
_rYe_dabaR: its fix already03:39
dabaRBullFire: wasn't the command to add the module permanently something like "sudo modprobe -a ipg"?03:39
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dabaRBullFire: don't just run that, I am not sure, but read the man page.03:40
_rYe_dabar: wat is the network connection in the desktop panel?03:40
dabaR_rYe_: so you are up with wireless?03:40
BullFiredabaR: why not?03:40
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dabaR_rYe_: it is what you set it to. Open it, and then choose the interface you want it to monitor.03:40
jens_guten tag03:41
BullFiredabaR: whats the man page?03:41
dabaRBullFire: sec.03:41
jens_only english?03:41
_rYe_dabaR: i opened it and under connection name, I only see "lo"? is the the wireless connection or another thing?03:41
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mahanguhow can i remove a package i installed via dpkg?03:44
Hoxzerapt-get --uninstall I guess03:44
Hoxzertry it03:45
dabaR_rYe_: then it is monitoring the local interface "lo" that is not an Internet interface, that is your own computer interface. try "killall gnome-panel" in a terminal which will close and reopen your panel, maybe reloading the network monitor.03:45
Hoxzeror you can do it via synapic03:45
soci0pathdpkg -u packagename03:45
apokryphosmahangu: sudo apt-get remove package03:45
_rYe_dabaR: thanks very much!03:45
dabaR_rYe_: it works or not?03:45
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mahanguapokryphos, it was a .deb file03:45
apokryphossoci0path: huh? Uninstall, not unpack.03:45
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mahangui did dpkg -r03:46
_rYe_dabaR: i now have wireless runing! i spent 2 days, literally... on installing wireless03:46
mahanguapokryphos, that ff 1.5 deb sucks03:46
mahanguwhoever compiled it03:46
apokryphosmahangu: you can do that too; apt uses dpkg.03:46
soci0pathoops -r03:46
=== ion [n=ion@cpc1-pool4-6-0-cust158.sot3.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
_rYe_dabar: thanks for the help! i really like ubuntu now03:46
braskoholy crap!03:46
apokryphosmahangu: what's wrong with it?03:46
soci0pathbeen up all night, sorry03:46
dabaR_rYe_: good.03:46
braskofreenx is awesome!03:46
mahanguapokryphos, dpkg doesnt like it03:46
mahanguff 1.5 that is03:47
apokryphosmahangu: what's the error, and what .deb pack are you referring to?03:47
=== Vader [n=kevin@dsl-72-1-218.145.tel-ott.com] has joined #ubuntu
VaderHappy New Year folks03:47
cvt|gnuyeari deleted the search plugins in firefox but they keep displaying. any ideas how to get rid of them?03:47
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shiningapokryphos: what's broken?03:48
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mahanguapokryphos, firefox_1.5.0-0nonfree1_i386.deb <---03:49
mahangufrom the wiki page i was linked to earlier03:49
VaderSeveas, I have a P4 laptop and want to be able to tell when my battery is runnig low, what command do I type in to get that working? running Breezy03:49
apokryphosshining: dapper. It's technically unstable, and not recommended that you use it until official is out. (though, nearer the time it stabilises. Now it's a landmine though)03:49
jens_i would like to change my monitor solution higher then 1024, how can i fix it?03:49
Tomcat_cvt|gnuyear: There are two locations for searchplugins, maybe you only deleted in one.03:49
apokryphos!tell mahangu about ff1.503:49
apokryphos!tell jens_ about resolution03:49
Inf3ctedFxVader: get GDesklets03:49
mahanguthat's the page03:49
Vaderty Inf3ctedFx03:50
cvt|gnuyearTomcat_, i deleted the ones in /usr/lib/mozilla firefox ; where's the other?03:50
shiningapokryphos: I know that and besides I don't see how it's related to my question03:50
Tomcat_Vader: If you installed breezy on a laptop, shouldn't you already have a battery plugin in one of the panels?03:50
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apokryphosshining: what was your question?03:50
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Vaderit is there but tells me there is no battery there Tomcat_03:50
Tomcat_cvt|gnuyear: ~/.mozilla/firefox/<yourprofile>/search03:50
shiningapokryphos: any reason why ff 1.5 final is not there yet?03:51
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jens_hmm yeah resolution.. and now?03:51
Tomcat_Vader: Ugh... then something's wrong with the ACPI system altogether.03:51
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apokryphosshining: yes, obviously because dapper = unstable, an *awful* lot of going on. You're expecting it to have the latest stable version of a given package. Curious.03:51
Vaderhow would I go about fixing it then Tomcat_ ?03:51
Tomcat_Vader: I'd love to help fix it, but I'm not that knowledgeable with hardware stuff. :\03:51
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Vaderk ty03:51
revwhy are modules located in /lib/modules/`uname -r`/volatile recovered after reboot? I cannot delete a specific module03:52
dabaRBullFire: "echo ipg|sudo tee -a /etc/modules"03:52
dabaRBullFire: that will add the module to startup.03:52
kainehas any one got the nvmixer running?03:52
kainei always get: nvmixer: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open share d object file: No such file or directory03:52
shiningapokryphos: yes that's what I don't get. an awful lot of going on, and still nothing on firefox side. besides sid already has a working 1.5 firefox03:52
pepsihi there03:52
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mahanguapokryphos, Updating mozilla-firefox chrome registry...mv: cannot move `/tmp/fileGUw5Xk' to `/var/lib/mozilla-firefox/extensions/installed-extensions.txt': No such file or directory03:53
apokryphoskaine: install libstdc++503:53
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shiningmaybe they are just lazy03:53
marcsterhi. is there a similar tool in ubuntu which checks status of installed .deb files  (md5sum, modification, etc), something like rpm's ?03:53
apokryphosshining: you can't think of dapper, as it is now, as sid.03:53
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kremontewhere are fonts installed to? =x03:54
pepsiim trying to set a filter in synaptic that will show me all packages installed that were not installed because of ubuntu-desktop.. i tried saying `dependent packages excludes ubuntu-desktop` but it that only filters packages directly dependant upon ubuntu-desktop03:54
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pepsiany ideas?03:54
kaineokay thx03:55
BullFiredabaR: I will try that:)03:55
yjhi.. i'm using ubuntu 5.10 on an acer travelmate 290. the sound i get from playing movies/mp3s is very 'noisy'. anyone knows how to fix this? thanks03:55
apokryphospepsi: you can use debfoster, in conjugation with ubuntu-desktop, to determine that.03:55
spaceypepsi, generate list of all installed packages and compare it to the list in ubuntu-desktop or something03:55
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pepsidebfoster.. but the dependencies can be zillions of packages deep :)03:56
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RaethDragonHey, I solved my problem03:56
ice-thi. i have some problems with my build-in card reader. http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/1169 <-- please help me03:56
BullFirehow do I exit man ?03:56
pepsier.. that comment was for spacey.... apokryphos: i will check out debfoster03:56
apokryphospepsi: huh? So? debfoster handles that. Check the --help page03:56
dogsonyj: try setting the pcm channel in alsamixer below 75%03:56
ice-tmy card reader had already worked, but now it does not03:57
spaceypepsi, yeah what apokryphos is much better :p03:57
RaethDragonI ran checkdisk from Windows, and now Ubuntu can write to the drives.03:57
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kaineapokryphos,  did you know how to configure it? (nvmixer)03:57
revI copied a patched module to /lib/modules/`uname -r`/misc and did depmod -ae ... but instead this module another one gets loaded (located in volatile directory) ...I tried to delete it there but after reboot its recovered...anyone can tell me how to solve this?03:57
apokryphoskaine: never used it, so no03:57
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kaineokay :(03:57
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yjdogson: how do i access the alsamixer? thanks03:58
apokryphosyj: in terminal -> alsamixer03:58
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_rYe_dabaR: thanks a lot! one last question, the drivers for my wireless card are located at my desktop... its not in a folder. can i create a folder in a desktop and place my drivers there. won't doing this affect my settings since im thinking that the driver may not be located since i changeg its location?03:59
yjdogson: yeah that works. thanks!!03:59
cvt|gnuyearTomcat_, thx04:00
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ice-tHi! my card reader already worked, but now it does not (i don't know why). here is the syslog:04:01
blueseaWhen I type: sudo apt-get install mplayer-586, I get E: Couldn't find package mplayer-586, I have ubuntu Breezy badger, Any idea ?04:01
dabaR_rYe_: the driver is installed.04:01
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dabaR_rYe_: thus, no.04:01
_rYe_dabaR: so it wont matter if i changed its location? thanks dabaR04:02
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PeteyCrack!tell bluesea about repositories04:02
_rYe_dabaR: irc and your web forums are really great! thanks to you guys! people like me get happy! =p04:02
blueseaty Peteycrack04:02
xjlittlegood morning!  can someone help me with exim4 problem on my breezy server?04:02
PeteyCrackbluesea: no problem04:03
BullFirenobody knows how do I exit man pages ?04:03
dabaRBullFire: "q"04:03
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dabaRBullFire: I am sure someone knows.04:03
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xjlittleI am unable to send mail outside of the local net  using my isp's mail server-I went through the faq on exim site04:04
BullFiredabaR: thank you:)04:04
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dabaRtell me whether that what I told you worked. When you reboot...:-/04:04
xjlittlecan anyone here help?04:04
chandler_h, i'm trying to install amsn 0.95 can anyone help me?04:05
dabaRxjlittle: did you point your server to use your ISPs server in the config? I mean, that is what you said just now, right?04:05
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xjlittledabaR:  I would if I could figure out where that setting is..04:06
dabaRxjlittle: how did you cvonfigure exim?04:06
dabaRI mean, what did you use? dpkg-reconfigure?04:07
tolacan someone point me towards information about the Ubuntu Server distribution on the web site? I can't find it04:07
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ubotuUbuntu 5.10 Server is out! http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2005-October/000042.html04:07
xjlittledabaR: no, I just accepted the default as I was unfamiliar with exim's term of smart host04:07
xjlittledabaR: I haven't used dpkg-reconfigure04:08
_rYe_dabar: when i shut down ubuntu  and clict logout, do i need to check the box "save current setup"?04:08
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dabaRxjlittle: the default is likely configured only for the local net, as you are seeing. "sudo dpkg-reconfigure exim" will take you through the process. Try that, tell me how it works for you.04:08
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dabaR_rYe_: for what, for the wireless? I do not think they are related. DId restarting the panel bring wlan0 to the nwetwork monitor?04:09
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xjlittledabaR: ok doing that now..04:09
skiyHi folks, I have a very strange error when installing Dapper: The installer complains "No kernel modules were found"04:09
_rYe_dabaR: its not for the wireless anymore..04:09
skiyDoes anyone know of a workaround for this?04:10
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_rYe_dabaR: i just wonder if i need to check the check box "save current setup" that is in the logout screen when i choose to shutdown04:10
toladabaR: Is the announcment all the information there is available? Is there not a part of the main web site dedicated to this distribution? A wiki page perhaps?04:11
xjlittledabaR: It didn't take me through the setup, it just returned without an error or any other text04:11
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dabaR_rYe_: Did you make some changes, do you want them saved? I never had that option on, and everything worked fine. Now I use openbox instead of gnome, so it is not something I know about, not sure what that even does really.04:11
johnnywhat's the command to launch that sympatico package manage?04:11
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dabaRjohnny: "sudo synaptic" might work in a terminal, but you can use the gnome menu; System>Admin>Synaptic P.M.04:12
zamurojohnny: synaptic &04:12
Dr_AcemasterI'm trying to browse a windows share w/ the file browser, but it's not showing the share, how do I find the share?04:12
_rYe_dabaR" okay thanks04:12
braskoI noticed default file permissions are bob:bob on the ubuntu machine, and bob:users on debian machines. Any reason why ubuntu did it this way?04:12
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kemikbrasko:  possible "more secure" with a group for each user, so a multiuser system wouldnt accidentally share files between users ?04:13
kemikbrasko:  not many ppl "new to linux" realize what users/groups are and/or how to use them properly04:14
braskoyeah, that's true04:14
xjlittledabaR: I used sudo dpkg-reconfigure exim4 ... would it be anything else besides exim4?04:14
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zamuroActually, Mandriva does the same... U know, since ubuntu is mainly a desktop oriented distro, and debian is often used by servers... That gotta be the main reason.04:15
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Evil_Whisperanyone fimiliar with the sensors output?04:15
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pkernbrasko: bob:bob is also what Debian's adduser does by default04:15
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sethkpkern, really?  for me it did sethk:sethk     :)04:16
pkernbrasko: I don't think they diverted here.04:16
pkernsethk: Pft.04:16
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sethkpkern, your's should be pkern, not Pft.  :)04:16
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pkernsethk: Should I really restate it in terms that advanced users also get, not only normal users?04:17
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sethkunfortunately Red Hat and Fedora also do the same thing, that is, create a new group for a new user04:17
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pkernsethk: adduser creates a new group with the username of the newly created user and assigns the user to it.04:17
sethkslackware does it correctly (adding a new user to "users" by default)04:17
pkernsethk: Ubuntu does it, Debian does it; Gentoo does not IIRC.04:17
epitkhi everybody... anybody who can help me with the configuration of a wlan interface?04:17
pkernsethk: It's philosophy. On servers I do want my own group, on Desktops I do not.04:18
Evil_WhisperI need somone to look at a pastebin of my sensors output and tell me if everything is OK04:18
pkernsethk: But anyway a users group is useless.04:18
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pkernsethk: If all are assigned to it, one could use o+rwx04:18
pkernsethk: (And yes I am aware of daemons)04:19
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sethkpkern, making each user a member of his own group is absurd.  It totally defeats the point of having a group in the first place04:19
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MithsirXHi! I just got a new Wacom Graphire4 tablet. Badgers Xorg doesn't seem to support that, what can I do?04:19
rev I copied a patched module to /lib/modules/2.6.15-10-686/misc and did depmod -ae ... but instead this module another one gets loaded (located in /lib/modules/2.6.15-10-686/volatile) ...I tried to delete it there but after reboot its recovered...anyone can tell me how to solve this?04:20
emjay hi.. when clicking "Write Message" Thunderbird crashes with this konsole output:04:20
emjayrun-mozilla.sh: line 159:  8975 Segmentation fault      "$prog" ${1+"$@"}04:20
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dabaRxjlittle: sudo eximconfig04:20
sethkrev, well, first off, you can always delete the module file.  it can't be loaded if it isn't there04:20
revsethk: yes, but after I reboot its there again04:21
kbrookssethk, its not absurd, but ok04:21
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sethkkbrooks, sure it is.  you can get the same effect by assigning users to a default group, and having that group own zero resources04:22
sethkrev, you mean it is rebuilt?  or copied from somewhere?04:22
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revsethk: when I delete the module in volatile directory and reboot ...the whole directory is recovered to its previous state....I can delete all modules in that directory and all are restored on reboot.. I don't know how and why04:24
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xjlittledabaR:  I don't have an eximconfig file-am I creating one?04:24
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sethkrev, the modules must exist, then, elsewhere in the /lib/modules tree04:24
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sethkrev, those are copied into (effectively) a ram disk for performance reasons04:25
xjlittledabaR: root@ubuntuserver:/etc/exim4# sudo eximconfig04:25
xjlittle ---- sudo: eximconfig: command not found04:25
dradulrev, the module is loaded from the initramfs image (a.k.a., initrd). Doing a "sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-$(uname -r)" and rebooting should help you fix your problem (read the initramfs tools man pages).04:25
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joshiHello. I have a problem with installing java04:26
revdradul: modules like nvidia.ko and fglrx.ko are located in initrd?04:26
PeteyCrackjoshi: ok shoot.04:27
johnnyubuntu packages are out of date04:27
dradulrev, that is correct.04:27
joshiFrom wiki last step. It sais to do this "dpkg -i sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update04_i386.deb"04:27
joshiwhen i do that it gives me this:04:27
joshidpkg: status database area is locked by another process04:27
sethkrev, my initrd doesn't include my nvidia.ko module.  Unless you've rebuilt your initrd (the one that was put there by the install or a kernel update) then no, nvidia.ko is not in the initrd04:27
MithsirXI need the "Xorg SDK" to compile a new version of the wacom_drv X-Module. Where can I get that?04:27
PeteyCrackjoshi: use sudo04:27
dradulrev, you manipulate the contents of initrd by editing the config files in /etc/mkinitramfs and rebuilding the initrd.04:28
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PeteyCrackjoshi: sudo before the command04:28
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joshithats with sudo04:28
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PeteyCrackjoshi: oh...04:28
joshijoshi@joshi:~/java$ sudo dpkg -i sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update04_i386.deb04:28
joshidpkg: status database area is locked by another process04:28
dabaRhe has synaptic open04:28
PeteyCrackjoshi: do you?04:28
PeteyCrackjoshi: then close it04:28
mmansHi Everyone! Is it possible to disable the ata_piix driver during the boot of the install-cd?04:28
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dabaRxjlittle: it is in the exim package. do sudo dpkg -L exim4 if you ahve that insalled, look for a config program.04:28
jasecan anyone help me on a few probably really simple things?04:28
joshijoshi@joshi:~/java$ sudo dpkg -i sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update04_i386.deb04:28
joshidpkg: error processing sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update04_i386.deb (--install):04:28
joshi cannot access archive: No such file or directory04:28
joshiErrors were encountered while processing:04:28
joshi sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update04_i386.deb04:28
PeteyCrackjase: sure04:28
PeteyCrackjoshi: dont paste here04:29
dabaRjoshi: you can stop pasting now.04:29
sethkrev, normally the initrd is only used during boot.  It isn't normally around after boot04:29
dabaRjoshi: I told you what the issue is caused by. close synaptic.04:29
revdradul: sethk: I am a little confused ... makes no sense to me to include graphiccard drivers in initrd04:29
joshiclosed it04:29
sethkrev, it isn't in initrd04:29
joshithen i got error above :P04:29
cvt|gnuyearwhy do computers  come with 2gB of ram if they can never even use 1gB of it04:29
ubotuhmm... paste is please use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ or #flood to paste large amounts of text04:29
ExxcaliberHey, newbi Q, i know, but: How do i tell the console to execute one command, and then a secound command, once the first is done?04:29
dabaRjoshi: how did you download it? is it on your desktop?04:29
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sethkrev, I don't think you are confused.  It's easy enough to validate by extracting from your initrd.  I just did that here to make sure I'm telling you the correct thing04:29
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dabaRExxcaliber: command;command, or command && command means if the first one is successful then run seccond.04:30
Exxcaliberthx dabaR  :)04:30
epitkanbody has experience with atheros WLAN?04:30
jaseok, i just installed kubuntu yesterday, never usedlinux before. im trying to connect to my wireless lan. i have installed the pci card with ndiswrapper. and now i nee to add ndiswrapper to /etc/modules, but when i save i get: 'could not be saved as it was not possible to write to file:///etc/modules. check that you have write acces to this file or that disc space is enough04:30
joshiyes. i downloaded it, but its not on desktop - made another dir for that file04:30
dabaRepitk: you should just ask what you want to do.04:30
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dabaRubotu: tell epitk about ask04:31
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sethkjoshi, you need to use sudo04:31
dabaRjoshi: then cd directory/I/Made/for/the/file04:31
sethkepitk, I imagine thousands of people have experience with atheros04:31
Unitywhen i try to print something from the default pdf viewer, i don't get all the print settings that i get when i prith from openoffice writer04:31
gnomefreakjase, try using sudo before the command04:31
revsethk: okay, these modules are not in initrd, and I looked for nvidia.ko in /lib/modules and it's ONLY in volatile directory04:31
epitk...but my atheros doesnt work with ubuntu :(04:31
xjlittledabaR: I got a return starting with /usr and ending with /usr/share/bug/exim4  but no eximconfig04:32
Unityhow can i get all of those settings like toner density, resoltion, etc?04:32
athlonis archive.ubuntu.com down ? I am trying to apt-get totem-xine but it just hangs there04:32
sethkrev, check the entire machine then, not just /lib/modules.04:32
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dradulrev, as sethk said, they are not by default, but they would be there if you had the nvidia drivers loaded (that is, you have an nvidia card in your system) and then installed a kernel update because mkinitramfs tries to take a snapshot of your running system plus the modules specified in /etc/modules and the configuration files in /etc/mkinitramfs.04:32
dabaRxjlittle: you did "sudo dpkg -L exim4"?04:32
MithsirXIs it already "safe" to upgrade to dapper?04:32
gnomefreakathlon, it doesnt look like it are you using a country code in your repos?04:33
MithsirXfor amd64 that is04:33
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gnomefreakMithsirX, no04:33
greenpenguin13MithsirX, depends how safe you want it :)04:33
xjlittledabaR: Yes it just returned those paths..john@ubuntuserver:/etc/webmin$ sudo dpkg -L exim404:33
dabaRjoshi: when you run that command that gave you the error, it is looking for the file you downloaded in the directory your shell is in. you have to change to the directory you downloaded to using the "cd" command, and then run that command I listed.04:33
dabaRxjlittle: post the output of the command to pastebin.04:33
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revsethk: checked the whole machine, only volatile....04:34
sethkrev, did you extract from the initrd file and not see them there?04:34
MithsirXwell, can I do the upgrade and expect everything to work?04:34
dabaRxjlittle: or just run sudo "apt-get install --reinstall exim4" to reinstall it, and it may ask you to configure it again.04:34
sethkrev, it still doesn't make much sense, though04:35
MithsirXgnomefreak, in how far is it not safe yet?04:35
gnomefreakMithsirX, no04:35
gnomefreakdapper is not stable04:35
revsethk: no, how do I extract it?04:35
gnomefreakMithsirX, dapper is set to be released in april04:35
sethkrev, change the name to something.gz, gunzip it, then do cpio --list04:35
lucasvolucasvo@lama:~/ronja/trunk/schematics$ locate Pcb04:35
lucasvoSegmentation fault04:35
dabaRUnity: it seems the default pdf _writer_ is not the one used in openoffice, but I could be wrong.04:35
greenpenguin13dapper is usably stable04:35
nmsahello and Happy New Year!04:35
greenpenguin13if you dont mind the odd crash04:36
gnomefreakgreenpenguin13, he expects everything to work04:36
MithsirXgnomefreak, will there be major troubles then? I mean, I used hoary about 3 Months before it was released and found it to be quite usable..04:36
McJerryMithsirX: I run dapper here, depends on what you use it for, I personally have very few issues04:36
joshidabaR thnx... i had wrong numbers (wiki bit outdated- forgot to change the version number)04:36
dabaRgreenpenguin13: not production use, though.04:36
sethkrev, cpio --list filename     where filename is your uncompressed initrd file04:36
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xjlittledabaR: It didn't take me throught the setup..04:36
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cyberixWhat was the name for free software java meta package?04:36
greenpenguin13i guess :-p04:36
xjlittledabaR: how do I use pastebin?04:36
nmsaQ: how can I startup auto pppoe ? adsl doens't come up unless I login and pon dsl-provider04:36
gnomefreakubotu tell xjlittle  about pastebin04:37
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nmsaI also want to run some iptables scripts @ boot ?! how can I do that ?04:37
MithsirXwell, if the upgrade process runs quite clean then I will probably try it.04:37
jasewhen i try sudo kate /etc/modules ndiswrapper, it says communication problem with kate, it probably crashed.04:37
cyberixfree-java-sdk ?04:37
=== gnomefreak using dapper but if you want everything to work than no i wouldnt use dapper
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gnomefreakkbrooks, thats what he said04:38
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revsethk: hm nothing happens :D04:38
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epitkwho knows a "deb http://..."-source for synaptic that includes the real openoffice 2.0 (not 1.97) ?04:39
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org04:39
kbrooksepitk, 1.97 is 2.004:39
gnomefreakubotu tell epitk  about easysource04:39
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Blaxteror download the last rpms from website && alien -d *04:40
=== MickMcMack [n=MickMcMa@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/MickMcMack] has joined #ubuntu
sethkrev, in 30 years of dealing with computer questions and problems, the statement "nothing happens" has absolutely never been true when I've heard it.04:40
MithsirXWell, before I upgrade, I would like to know if it will be worth it. Can someone who's running dapper please do a --grep "Graphire4" /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/input/wacom_drv.o -- for me?04:40
=== cyphase_ [n=cyphase@adsl-68-125-50-225.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakMithsirX,  packages.ubuntu.com will tell you if the drivers are there04:41
sethkrev, note that not seeing a list is very very different from "nothing happens"04:41
Unitywhich openoffice app (if any) can print pdf?04:41
xoredIam using pop3 to get emails. Somehow today i cannot login anymore. This is only the fact for some users, not for all. They all can send mails but cannot recieve. What could be the error and which logs to check ?04:41
xjlittledabaR: ok I posted the output  to pastebin04:41
sethkrev, did you copy the file, rename it to something.gz, and uncompress it?  (the first step)?04:41
revsethk: well, cpio --list initrd   (uncompressed..) and I see nothing04:41
epitkkbrooks i have installed 1.97 but its not really like 2.0 (the version published by sun a month ago, but not as deb)04:41
revsethk: yes04:41
gnomefreakUnity, good luck on that everytime ive printed a pdf it comes out all screwed up04:41
cyphase_hi cyphase04:42
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gnomefreakepitk, in your pm is a link to add the OOo repo04:42
sethkrev, you get no message at all, just a prompt, after you do cpio --list filename?  try it with --verrbose04:42
epitkthx gnomefreak04:42
sethkrev, sorry --verbose04:42
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gnomefreak1.9 is 2.0 beta\04:42
MithsirXgnomefreak, yes, but will it also show me if the included file has Graphire4 support?04:43
Unitygnomefreak, ok thx for saving me the time of finding that out the hard way04:43
sethkrev, that would indicate an empty initrd file, which isn't impossible but isn't terribly likely.  I know the installation does not install an empty initrd04:43
gnomefreakMithsirX, look in the drivers section04:43
sethkrev, you are running a 2.6 kernel, not a 2.4 kernel?04:43
revsethk: hm, same ...I am running 2.6.1504:43
gnomefreakUnity, if i ever figure it out ill let you know :)04:43
MithsirXgnomefreak, is it now modular? I think the file is included in some other package.04:44
yjhi, i installed realplayer 10, but when i try to run it through the Applications Menu, nothing happens. when i run it through the command line, i got this:     /usr/bin/realplay: line 75: 10844 Segmentation fault      $REALPLAYBIN "$@"04:44
yjany ideas? thanks04:44
sethkrev, sorry, my fault  :)04:44
sethkrev, it is   cpio --list < filename04:44
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gnomefreakMithsirX,  i ran an apt-cache search and nothing was found04:44
revsethk: ah okay that works04:45
dabaRxjlittle: sudo dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config04:45
MithsirXit seems to be in the xserver-xorg-input-wacom package04:45
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kremonteany idea what may be causing this? just compiled wine from source; libwine.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory04:45
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xjlittledabaR: ok doing it now.04:45
gnomefreakkremonte, can i ask why you didnt get it from synaptic?04:46
MithsirXbut still, I cant tell if it supports my device.04:46
revsethk: no nvidia.ko, fglrx.ko or anything located in volatile04:46
sethkrev, that's what I figured, but we had to check04:46
kremontegnomefreak- so i can run world of warcraft with it04:46
gnomefreakkremonte, also dont forget to cd into the dir where its downloaded04:46
kremonteam there still04:46
sethkrev, are you sure you've done updatedb since you installed the most recent nvidia driver?04:46
McJerryMithsirx: Synaptic search produced this for me on dapper: X.Org X server -- Wacom input driver04:46
McJerryThis driver for the X.Org X server (see xserver-xorg for a further description)04:46
McJerryprovides support for Wacom UD, PenPartner, Cintiq, Volito, Intuos and Graphire04:46
McJerrygraphics tablets, as well as the TabletPC.04:46
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sethkrev, I would to be sure to sudo updatedb04:47
Unityubotu tell McJerry about pastebin04:47
sethkrev, I have to go walk my dog for a bit, sorry, but I'll be back shortly04:47
revsethk: yup, I did it 5 times now ;D04:47
McJerryno need fpr pastebin04:47
revsethk: okay thanks ill wait here ;)04:47
sethkrev, one is enough  :)04:47
sethkrev, k,04:47
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MithsirXwell, It looks to me as if breezy and dapper are using the exact same version of that file.04:47
MithsirXso an upgrade will be pointless04:48
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dustinhey guys I'm new with the x-chat client what is the pm command with it?04:48
yji installed the w32codecs, now i can hear the audio in *.wmv files, but i still can't see the video. what other things do i need to install? thanks04:48
=== ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@host-84-9-136-65.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakMithsirX,  there are still added things to dapper they might have it ready but just havent gotten to it04:48
Markbb-"open dialogue window" dustin04:49
dabaRyj: some files can not be played. did you install totem-xine?04:49
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=== Delvien [n=dm@cpe-65-31-19-204.insight.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Markbb-when you right click a nick04:49
dustinthanks mark04:49
blaamannyj: What player are you using ?04:49
McJerryMithsirX: version 6.8.2-7704:49
MithsirXwell, I better try an get the linux wacom driver compiled myself...04:49
gnomefreakdustin, if you are registered than you would use /msg <name> <what you want to say>04:49
yjblaamann: VLC04:49
DelvienAnyone know the repo for Java for dapper?04:49
blaamannyj: Try mplayer and see if that works04:49
MithsirXMcJerry, same here for breezy04:50
dustinawesome thanks04:50
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gnomefreakDelvien, hold on let me get it04:50
Delviengnomefreak thanks04:50
=== foxiness [n=nayif@84-235-27-181.saudi.net.sa] has joined #ubuntu
MithsirXthe linuxwacom configure script doesn't find the "X11 SDK". Can anyone help me on that?04:51
yjblaaman: okay. thanks04:51
McJerryMithsirX: i've had to backport several apps to get them to work on dapper, but overall, dapper solved several problems i was having with breezy04:51
xjlittledabaR: Ok that started the setup, going to test it now..04:51
gnomefreakDelvien, here is my complete breezy sources list http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/638104:51
dabaRxjlittle: I know it started the setup, I tested.04:51
MithsirXMcJerry, well, I only have that one problem: My Graphire4 is not supported.. :-)04:52
McJerryis it running on breezy?04:52
Delviengnomefreak k thanks :) will just have to change all the "breezy" to "dapper"04:52
gnomefreakDelvien, the java one is only breezy04:52
yjdabaR: okay it's working now with totem. thanks!04:53
Delviengnomefreak hmm04:53
gnomefreakdapper doesnt have any extra repos yet04:53
Delviengnomefreak know which repo exactly ?04:53
ossiegnome freak can u get ubotu to tell me about the apt repositorie genreator please :)04:53
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ossiegnomefreak,  can u get ubotu to tell me about the apt repositorie genreator please :)04:54
gnomefreakDelvien, only mian universe and multiverse are the ones that use dapper the rest are not set for dapper yet seeing as that dapper isnt released yet04:54
gnomefreakubotu tell ossie about sources04:54
gnomefreakubotu tell ossie about repos04:54
ossienice 1 gnomefreak04:54
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Rapierianhow do I get the madwifi drivers to work? I have to use ndiswrapper for my wireless card because I can't figure out how to load madwifi properly04:55
gnomefreakDelvien, the breezy extra repos ie java kde OOo are fine staying breezy04:55
cvt|gnuyeari'm getting bad static on .wav files, any ideas?04:55
gnomefreakOOo you prolly wont need as ddapper has the lastest version of OOo04:55
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Delviengnomefreak cant seem to find a suitable j2rel candidate....04:55
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gnomefreakDelvien,  whats wrong with 1.5?04:56
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Delviengnomefreak its saying i have no installation candidate in my sources04:56
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gnomefreakDelvien,  after you added the java repo?04:57
jasehow do i set the IP address for my machine for the wlan?04:57
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zer0tripHappy New Year Everyone04:57
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Delviengnomefreak ah missed that one some how , trying again04:58
Delviengnomefreak there we go04:58
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Delviengnomefreak dapper is awesome ill tell ya.04:58
=== PeteyPablo [n=Pistol~P@c-24-3-194-20.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Delvienalot faster than breezy, but with that ive had1 freeze, ( in 24 hours of use )04:59
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freeloveWOW! featherweight linux comes with libdvdcss2 preinstalled! do u guys know an other such distro?04:59
DelvienFirefox 1.5 is a bit unstable too ... and download window is blank all the time04:59
PeteyPabloDelvien: yea it is.04:59
gnomefreakDelvien, once you get past all the locales and stuff that is messed up yes its fine04:59
gnomefreakand dont install kubuntu with ubuntu :((05:00
stoneageff 1.5 is qewl!05:00
Rapierianit seems like it shouldn't be any more complicated then typing modprobe ath_pci, but that doesn't do anything, and madwifi just won't seem to attach to my network card05:00
xjlittledabaR:  Ok that will do it.   Thank you very much for your help!05:00
gnomefreakDelvien, they are working on that05:00
PeteyPablolet me ask a question, since a release is every 6 months when will they start working on the one after dapper? when dapper is released or before?05:00
Delvienonlything i miss greatly is VMware.. so i dont have to dual boot05:01
Delviencant get it working05:01
PeteyPabloDelvien: i use vmware on breezy it works good? doesn't it work on dapper05:01
Delvieni cant get it to work on dapper yet05:01
Delvieni think its the kernal05:01
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DelvienVmware on breezy was awesome ,05:01
Rapierianwhen is dapper scheduled to release officially?05:01
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DelvienThe only reason i need Vmware is for winXP to sync my MP3 player (damn you philips for going ONLY WORKS ON WINXP) bs.05:02
PeteyPabloDelvien: only reason i dual boot xp is because ventrilo has no linux client yet05:02
PeteyPablovmware xp805:02
dabaRxjlittle: fixed up?05:02
PeteyPabloi mean use vmware xp*05:02
nmsaMy pppoe won't suto start; I have three lines for pppoe in interfaces: autodsl-provider; iface dsl-provider inet ppp and provider dsl-providerr, where should I put "up" statement ? on the third line ?05:03
dabaRxjlittle: so then you can receive email from say blah@yahoo.com onto your own computer?05:03
McJerryDelvien: i use vmware on dapper05:03
dabaRI mean, straight into our username?05:03
DelvienPeteyPablo my ultimate goal is to be XP free...05:03
ossiecan anyone recommend a pc that would be good for ubuntu, im gonna change my pc, dont know whether to get the amd64 or if it will be hassle with ubntu05:03
DelvienMcJerry howd you get it to work??05:03
xjlittledabaR: Yeah I think so..I just have to figure out which server yahoo dsl wants me to use05:03
PeteyPabloDelvien: mine too05:03
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PeteyPabloossie: it will be a hassle05:04
McJerryDelvien: pm me05:04
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ossieok PeteyPablo05:04
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dabaRxjlittle: that sounds cool, I will set my computer up that way one day.05:05
dabaRxjlittle: I have a dynamic DNS name for my home computer.05:05
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DelvienMcJerry i pmed you05:06
McJerryDelvien: is our nick registere?05:06
xjlittledabaR:  I've done it before.it is pretty cool, but I did it with postfix on suse05:06
Delvieni forget how to register with nickserv05:06
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xjlittledabaR:  I do too. I use no-ip .com to keep up with the IP and MX records05:07
yjhow do i uninstall RealPlayer 10? i installed it by running the *.bin file downloaded from the real.com website and i don't know how to remove the symbolic links....05:07
McJerryin FreeNode window /msg NickServ REGISTER and it will tell you05:07
enkravHello, what do I need to install in order to program for java-gnome in ubuntu Without the Sun java SDK? Is there an open-source only solution?05:07
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Delvienmcjerry go into the chat session05:08
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dabaRxjlittle: and you have the automatic update package? I use dyndns and ez-ipupdate.05:10
Delvienmcjerry i got it , now i can mesg you05:10
gnomefreakubotu tell enkrav about javadebs05:10
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dabaRyj: you could look for instructions on their site, or in a readme if the program came with one.05:11
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dabaRgnomefreak: lol05:11
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dabaRI mean, it is not that funny...but your solution to his inquiry is kinda not exactly what he meant.05:12
Rapierianwell, looks like I have to switch this machine back to winXP. The drivers for my wireless card aren't fully functional, and I need this machine to be a bridge05:12
[Ely] Morning everyone.....05:12
[Ely] Happy New Year!05:12
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gnomefreakdabaR, yes i know but im not real fond of giving out a repo for java if im the only one using it05:12
dabaRenkrav: Ubuntu has a java in the repos. visit http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats05:12
xjlittledabaR: yes I am using a script that no-ip provides05:12
yjdabaR: there isn't any uninstallation instructions.. only installation....05:12
apokryphosenkrav: better idea to go for sun java debs, though; /msg ubotu javadebs05:13
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gnomefreaksee thats what i said :)05:13
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dabaRyj: not sure then. You could look for its directory under /usr somewhere.05:14
gnomefreakhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6381 is my complete sourceslist feel free to use what you want but they are not supported :))05:14
yjdabaR: yeah i can delete the directory. but there are still symbolic links. will those affect anything in the future? thanks05:14
dabaRya, but he just wanted a non-Sun Java, and you gave him a link to a deb of sun's Java.05:15
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dabaRyj: symbolic links for what?05:15
gnomefreakdabaR, its newer that blackdown05:15
dabaRgnomefreak: and it is not Sun?05:15
madgik85Help would be appriciated, I am tring to sort out Totem Movie Player. Im particular the Audio. The Audio output at the momenet is set to 5.1 and it wont allow me to set it to Stero. Any help in doing this would be appriciated05:15
gnomefreakok good point05:15
kbrooksx -> y:05:15
kbrooksrm x: doesnt affect y05:16
kbrooksrm y: affects x05:16
gnomefreaki just thought he didnt wanna do all that crap to get it from suns site05:16
dabaRmadgik85: what issue are you seeing with 5.1 surroound sound output?05:16
yjdabaR: for mozilla firefox plugins05:16
madgik85its playing fine most of the time, but sometimes in movies, the voice of people is bearly hearable05:17
dabaRyj: not sure what it will do, I do not use either program.05:17
yjdabaR, kbrooks: okok thanks!05:17
dabaRmadgik85: and what makes you think that is the reason? is the sound coming out of only one speaker or something?05:17
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foxinesshi , any one test firefox-1.5.package on ubuntu and what will happen ? "before i do this"05:18
ossieanyone got a link to the dapper iso ?? please?05:18
madgik85dabaR: well i got a laptop, and it has two speakers on the front, which only seem to be the background sounds05:18
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ubotuThe 6.04 version of Ubuntu will be called the "Dapper Drake" release. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperDrake05:19
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gnomefreakossie,  good luck :))05:19
=== gnomefreak brb
ossiegracis, my comp is screwed anyway i just want to see what its like05:19
dabaRmadgik85: and, when you run "alsamixer" in a terminal, is master and pcm turned up?05:19
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ossiegetting new comp 2morrow, will see if i like dapper on ths old comp05:20
Pygihuh :P05:20
=== gangalino [n=cwa2@c-65-34-182-58.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dabaRPygi: welcome05:20
PygidabaR: thanks, and happy new year :)05:20
Unitywow! did you know that you can scroll left and right when viewing man pages?!05:20
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topyliSeveas: ping05:21
andrew_i just set up ubuntu on my parents' computer, but i can't seem to be able to provide the permissions for the automounted (in fstab) windows disc to be browseable by all users.  could anyone help?05:21
gangalinoI need help resolving a dependency problem w/ openssh that's stopping me from ssh & rsync05:21
gangalinoPreconfiguring packages ...05:21
gangalino(Reading database ... 76218 files and directories currently installed.)05:21
gangalinoUnpacking libopenh323-1.15.3c2 (from .../libopenh323-1.15.3c2_1.15.6-1_i386.deb) ...05:21
gangalinodpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libopenh323-1.15.3c2_1.15.6-1_i386.deb (--unpack):05:21
gangalino trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/libopenh323.so.1', which is also in package libopenh323-1.13.205:21
Pygiubotu: tell andrew_ about ntfs05:21
gangalinoPreparing to replace linux-image-2.6.12-10-386 2.6.12-10.24 (using .../linux-image-2.6.12-10-386_2.6.12-10.25_i386.deb) ...05:21
gangalinoThe directory /lib/modules/2.6.12-10-386 still exists. Continuing as directed.05:21
gangalinoUnpacking replacement linux-image-2.6.12-10-386 ...05:21
gangalinoSearching for GRUB installation directory ... found: /boot/grub .05:21
Pygigangalino: DO NOT PASTE :/05:21
gangalinoTesting for an existing GRUB menu.list file... found: /boot/grub/menu.lst .05:21
gangalinoSearching for splash image... none found, skipping...05:21
gangalinoFound kernel: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.12-10-38605:21
gangalinoFound kernel: /boot/vmlinuz-
gangalinoFound kernel: /boot/memtest86+.bin05:21
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org05:21
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o apokryphos] by ChanServ
gangalinoUpdating /boot/grub/menu.lst ... done05:21
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b gangalino!*@*] by apokryphos
bipolargangalino: CHECK THE TOPIC!!05:21
PygiSTOP IT NOW05:21
Pygithanks apokryphos05:22
foxinessgangalino, helloo ^_^05:22
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@] by apokryphos
Kindredcalm down.. :|05:22
madgik85dabaR: the pmc is but master isnt, if i turn master up its too loud05:22
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stoneagei can paste the whole linux 2.615 krnl src if u like05:22
apokryphosstoneage: try05:22
andrew_Pygi, cool, thanks!  "With the release of Breezy Badger (Ubuntu 5.10), this step should be almost automatic."  i'm on breezy and it was definitely not automatic; do these instructions still apply?05:23
gnomefreakubotu tell gangalino about paste05:23
Inf3ctedFxahora si ke estoy jodido xD05:23
Pygiandrew: yesh :) if you are willing to open ssh server, I'll be glad to assist if you need...05:23
Pygignomefreak: ho, hello :)05:23
gnomefreakhi Pygi  :)) ty for your help lastnight05:23
Pygignomefreak: heh, np :) do you now have /bin filled and/or linux logo workin'?05:24
andrew_Pygi, no need; i'm no neophyte, just slightly pressed for time (and didn't find anything quickly).  i don't use windows on my own computer anymore, so i've kinda lost touch. ^_^05:24
gnomefreaki have linux_logo working on command but bin still empty05:24
andrew_Pygi, thanks though!05:24
Pygiandrew: kk :)05:24
madgik85dabaR: if i set the Audio output to 4 channel its alot better but still a bit fuzzy05:24
Pygignomefreak: huh :/05:24
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gnomefreaklinux_logo will start it :))05:25
gnomefreakwho else has dapper in here?05:25
Pygignomefreak: that's bad :P I have dapper on another computer :)05:25
gnomefreakis your usr/local/bin empty?05:25
greenpenguin13as my main OS too :)05:25
Pygignomefreak: haven't checked :P05:25
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gnomefreakmine is on dapper but breezy its not empty05:25
cyphasehey, why does Flight 2 (at least the live cd) have a bittorrent tracker running?05:26
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greenpenguin13gnomefreak, no mines full05:26
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greenpenguin13gnomefreak, but its all enlightenment stuff05:26
Pygignomefreak: maybe it has wrong permissions?05:26
gnomefreakmy /usrt/bin/local is full :)) but usr/local/bin is empty05:26
Riddellcyphase: it's a bug (and I believe it doesn't actually run, just says it does)05:26
Unitydoes lp or lpr support prtintitg pdf's? if not, how can i print pdf's on the command line while boing able to specify a lot of options like toner saver and dpi, and toner density?05:26
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cyphaseRiddell, i see05:27
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gnomefreaki agree with Riddell05:27
Pygignomefreak: btw. I'll need help from you in like  a month :) You'll need to alpha-test something for me :)05:27
gnomefreakPygi,  if you got it im here05:27
madgik85dabaR : i think it has to do with the audio codec of the video being A/52 5.105:27
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b gangalino!*@*] by apokryphos
Pygignomefreak: huh, what's funny this time? :P05:28
gnomefreaknothing as long as i dont have to compile it05:28
Pygignomefreak: yes, you will have to compile it :)05:28
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gnomefreakthats fine05:28
=== epitk [n=epitk@cable-static-31-108.teleport.ch] has joined #ubuntu
Pygiwell, just ./configure, make, make install should be fine if you have all dependencies :)05:29
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pepsihow do i get out of a dpkg-reconfigure thingy?05:29
gnomefreakhow bout check install?05:29
pepsicontrol-c wont work05:29
Pygignomefreak: heh, that should work as well...probably :P05:29
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gnomefreakpepsi,  finish it to the end05:29
topylignomefreak: make packages, maintain them, and become a hero :)05:29
ozgurgerillahi all. ive got ubuntu live cd and im trying to compile a java file but it isnt working. do I need to download anything else?05:29
pepsii dont want to05:29
pepsii want to exit05:29
epitkwhat is the best skype version for breezy? on which synaptic resource is the corresponding version to load?05:30
gnomefreak:)) topyli05:30
apokryphospepsi: what are you reconfiguring?05:30
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs05:30
apokryphos!tell epitk about skype05:30
ubotuJava can be found in multiverse. Sun (i386) debs here: http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl IBM (PPC) debs here: http://giannaros.org/buntu/breezy05:30
pepsixserver-xorg.. i made a mistake and i just want to go back05:30
topylignomefreak: print "master of the universe" on your business cards05:30
PygiI did it already, do not abuse ubotu :/05:30
apokryphospepsi: finish it to the end and just reconfigure again, there's no "back step".05:30
gnomefreaktopyli, :))05:30
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ajmitchtopyli: and get fame & fortune?05:30
topyliof course!05:30
gnomefreakif it was that easy i would05:31
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topylimuch cooler than "master of arts" or some other lame title05:31
ajmitchtopyli: I wish I got some of that :)05:31
gnomefreaki would really like to learn how to make ubuntu packages :))05:31
pepsithats annoying :(05:31
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Pygignomefreak: well, same as debian ones :P05:31
apokryphosgnomefreak: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuPackagingGuide05:31
=== gnomefreak failrly new to programming
Pygignomefreak: there is motu school open or somethin'05:31
andrew_Pygi, many thanks.  that was exactly what i needed.  those masking options are new to me!05:32
Pygihuh, programming? :) You need help with programming? fire away :)05:32
topyliPygi: #ubuntu-motu05:32
apokryphosPygi: yes, #ubuntu-motu-school05:32
PygiandrewY your welcome :)05:32
=== bk [n=asdas@BSN-77-211-74.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pygiapokryphos: well, there you go gnomefreak, go to school :)05:32
=== ninnghizidha [n=ninn_@chello084112032164.1.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu
ozgurgerillacould someone please tell me a good irc program for ubuntu?05:32
gnomefreakPygi, not yet but im sure i will in a month05:32
ajmitchnote that the motu school is really for scheduled sessions, most discussion is still in #ubuntu-motu05:32
gangalinowhat's the deal?05:32
apokryphosozgurgerilla: xchat, konversation, kvirc, ksirc, irssi etc etc...05:32
Pygigangalino: you cant paste....05:33
andrew_ozgurgerilla, there are many.  xchat, gaim, irssi, some for kde... (i use gaim)05:33
gangalinoI can paste05:33
=== valdyn [n=valdyn@ppp-82-135-78-63.mnet-online.de] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosgangalino: please read the /topic -- don't paste in here. Use a pastebin service.05:33
Pygiandrew_: you won't use Gaim for long... :)05:33
gangalinoit's already pasted, how about an answer for the question05:33
Pygigangalino: no, you can't paste....05:33
uboturumour has it, pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org05:33
gangalinoI'M NOT PASTING05:33
=== Fergy [n=Fergy@a82-92-232-156.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakgangalino, pasting in here will not get you answered05:33
Pygido not use caps, please...05:33
topyliPygi: gaim usage depends on... well, usage.05:33
apokryphosgangalino: drop the caps.05:33
gangalinoman up in here05:33
Pygido not caps :P05:33
andrew_Pygi, i prefer gaim to xchat, actually.  again, i'm no noob. ^_^05:34
gangalinoman up05:34
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b gangalino!*@*] by apokryphos
Pygiandrew: no, you'll be using another app :D just wait and see :)05:34
gnomefreakgangalino, no take what you got paste it to pastebina nd if someone knows they will be glad to help you05:34
Pygihuh, thanks apokryphos05:34
Kindredirc on gaim is horrible. :) to me at least.05:34
topyliPygi: lots of IM buddies, less irc stuff -> gaim. otherwise, a decent irc client and bitlbee05:34
andrew_Pygi, i'm not understanding you. :P05:34
=== illilwrder [n=illilwrd@c-24-14-115-49.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pygiandrew: yes, I know you don't :P Nobody understands, not just yet :P05:34
=== markus-_- [n=mark@S010600062582c114.tb.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
topyliandrew_: do you have lots of IM buddies on MSN, yahoo and other networks?05:35
Pygitopyli: iirsi rules for irc :) but just wait :)05:35
andrew_topyli, i actually use IRC more than other IM protocols.05:35
markus-_-is there a way to reconfigure x automatically after i installed another video card?05:35
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apokryphosmarkus-_-: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg is good05:35
=== andrew_ thinks Pygi is releasing another client soon or something.
topyliandrew_: then you might be happier with a good irc client and bitlbee to chat to your IM buddies05:35
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gnomefreaki use x-chat bitchx-gtk bitchx sometimes very very few times i use iirsi05:36
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pepsii guess i have to edit xorg.conf myself to use a dual-head setup?05:36
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=== apokryphos uses KVirc
topyliandrew_: http://www.bitlbee.org/main.php/news.html05:36
gnomefreakapokryphos,  i used to love that05:36
andrew_topyli, i rather like GAIM.  the only things i don't like about its IRC stuff is that it doesn't remember the size of the window (easily corrected via devilspie) and that i can't turn off the userlist globally.05:36
gnomefreakthan i found lostirc :))05:36
=== Pygi uses irsii anf x chat just for now :)
andrew_Pygi: "just for now"... you're toying with us!05:37
markus-_-it gives me a driver choice screen05:37
apokryphosgnomefreak: haven't seen any other client with the same customizability, and other convenientisms. It's really great :)05:37
topyliandrew_: doesn't gaim-irc-helper (or whatsitsname) help?05:37
=== Sepero xchat
markus-_-i just put in a nvidia card05:37
Pygiapokryphos: just wait :)05:37
markus-_-but it didn't default to nvidia05:37
andrew_topyli, a plugin?05:37
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markus-_-should i choose the driver it chose?05:37
Pygihehe :)05:37
apokryphosMarkbb-: what do you mean?05:37
gnomefreakapokryphos, very true but to use it you have to have kde base installed05:37
gnomefreakim not doing that in dapper again05:37
apokryphosgnomefreak: indeed; you don't? Low on space?05:37
=== teroedni [n=teroedni@ti411310a080-1162.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakkubuntu-desktop screwed my dapper up already05:38
apokryphosgnomefreak: kde's running well for me in dapper.05:38
gnomefreakit killed my gnome menu05:38
topyliandrew_: gaim-irchelper in universe. it adds some configuration options to gaim's prefs05:38
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apokryphoshaven't logged into gnome with this, might soon.05:38
Pygitopyli: gaim, gaim, gaim, and gaim all the time :P05:38
gnomefreaki have it on my breezy install05:38
greenpenguin13gnomefreak: ur menu doesnt come up?05:38
andrew_topyli, that probably would help a lot!  cheers.05:39
topyliandrew_: like, you can suppress join/part messages and other noise that channels like this produce05:39
topyliPygi: lol05:39
andrew_topyli, yes, a lot of noise in this channel.05:39
gnomefreakgreenpenguin13, i reinstalled dapper but no the applications menu would comeup for a split sec than go away05:39
topyliPygi: mind you, i don't even use it but i did use to :)05:39
Pygitopyli: hehe :)05:39
greenpenguin13gnomefreak: ive fixed this one...05:40
=== andrew_ sees if gaim-irc-helper is available on Arch (his distro)....
gnomefreakthere was a fix to it?05:40
gnomefreaki tried everything i knew to fix it :(05:40
markus-_-so once i have run the x config what then?05:40
Pygimarkus: huh, configure it?05:40
topyliandrew_: the package is called gaim-irchelper05:40
markus-_-i did05:40
markus-_-then what05:40
markus-_-it brings me back to shell05:41
andrew_topyli, ook05:41
greenpenguin13"apt-get install menu"  or "apt-get install menu-xdg"05:41
Pygirestart x? :)05:41
=== nomin [n=nomin@adsl-67-39-192-139.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreaki was doing metacity and ubuntu-desktop :((05:41
markus-_-how do i do that from shell05:41
Rapierianis brctl incompatible with ndiswrapper?05:41
gnomefreakdidnt even think about menu :((05:41
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Pygimarkus: huh, ctrl+alt+backspace05:42
gobbohi ppl, i really do have a problem with my locles. whenever i apt-get install foo something i get this "please check that your locale settings LANGUAGE="de_DE@euro" .... are supported ....05:42
nomincan anyone give me advice on how to fix this problem:  "Duplicate or bad block in use!"05:42
markus-_-thats not doing much but beeping at me Pygi05:42
gnomefreakgobbo,  on dapper?05:42
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Pygimarkus: huh, then "startx "05:42
gobboi already tried dpkg-reconfigure locales ... but nothing changes05:42
gnomefreakgobbo,  are you on dapper?05:42
gobbognomefreak, dapper?05:43
gobbowhat u mean05:43
gnomefreakwhat version of ubuntu do you have?05:43
topylii guess not :)05:43
gnomefreaklol topyli05:43
gobbognomefreak, breezy05:43
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markus-_-it's running now05:43
ossiegnomefreak, do u know where i can download the complete dapper iso???05:43
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gnomefreakubotu tell ossie about dapper05:43
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ubotuThe 6.04 version of Ubuntu will be called the "Dapper Drake" release. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperDrake05:43
=== omfg [n=Drakenis@myw-stp-66-18-86-17.sentechsa.net] has joined #Ubuntu
gnomefreakossie,  its still tempermental05:44
ozgurgerillais freenode server the best for free softwares?05:44
topyliossie: no isos are available until very close to dapper release05:44
gnomefreakreconfiguring the locales should have fixed any locales issue if you did it right05:44
enkravHi, I installed java-gtk-dev and did $gcj -C First.java. I get the error       First.java:4: error: Class or interface org.gnu.gtk.Gtk not found in import.05:44
enkrav       Do I have to set some environment variables?05:44
Pygiozgurgerilla: huh, what a question :P05:44
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omfgcan someone paste wat i said like 10mins ago05:45
omfgname Draken05:45
gobbognomefreak, well, what else should i do besides dpkg-reconfigure locales and select de_DE@euro for a german envirenment?05:45
=== Karyook [n=test@66-178-23-250.reverse.newskies.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakpssst topyli  hope noone hears me but didnt i download the iso burn it and install it?05:45
andrew_ozgurgerilla, how do you mean that?  for IRC channels of free software projects?05:45
KaryookHello, I just installed ubuntu05:45
KaryookHow to mount the usb ?05:45
=== jhaa [n=juha@dsl-aur-ff2dc000-227.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
KyralWelcome to the Light Side ;P05:45
gnomefreakgobbo,  what errors are you getting?05:45
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Pygikyral: heheh :)05:45
=== coponkloping [n=andrew@pool-151-197-187-160.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
topylignomefreak: i guess they must exist then. damn i hate being wrong! =)05:46
gnomefreaklol topyli05:46
Pygilol :)05:46
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gnomefreakfor newbies they dont05:46
gnomefreakkeep them safe05:46
=== Pygi must code again, but I don't feel like doin' it :/
KaryookHow to mount the usb ? My harddisk is /dev/sda, I don`t have /dev/sdb..f05:46
gobbognomefreak, i messed u the erros privately in order not to flood the channel05:47
gnomefreakgobbo, use pastebin05:47
ubotupastebin is, like, totally, a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org05:47
ozgurgerillaguys, how limited is the live cd then the installation?05:47
omfggnomefreak, do u know where i can get the latest nvidia-glx ?05:47
gnomefreakozgurgerilla, you cant install ubuntu from livecd05:47
Pygiomfg: in repositories? :)05:47
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_rYe_u have both windows xp and ubuntu in my laptop... how do i fix the time? cause when i use ubuntu, then use windows afterwards, when i login to ubuntu again, the time is wrong. it gets changed. how do i fix this? thanks05:47
Karyookgnomefreak, any idea on my question ?05:47
madgik85debaR : i got the videos to play properly through VLC, thanks for the help :)05:47
gnomefreakubotu tell omfg about nvidia05:47
PygirYe: uninstall Windows :)05:48
=== ltibor65_ [n=ltibor65@dsl5400E477.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu
omfgerr gnomefreak05:48
ozgurgerillagnomefreak: freak i know that. i mean what can u do on the installation that you cannot do in the livecd?05:48
gnomefreakKaryook, no i dont05:48
omfgapt-get install nvidia-glx doesnt work05:48
gobbognomefreak, sorry, i did so05:48
omfgthe site that hosts it or something is down05:48
gnomefreakozgurgerilla, install things05:48
Pygiomfg: installed repositories?05:48
BullFirewhen I tipe:   lsmod | grep ipg05:48
ubotuwell, nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5736805:48
=== sorush20 [n=sahar@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
omfgPygi, got them all05:48
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Pygiubotu: tell omfg about nvidia05:48
andrew_topyli, am i missing something?  the irchelper plugin doesn't seem to offer any preferences, just a few transparent niceties....05:49
sorush20guys where is there a recommended ubuntu source list ?05:49
gnomefreaki did that already :(05:49
BullFirewhen I tipe:   lsmod | grep ipg   i get: ipg        14852  005:49
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Pygisorush: recommeded list for what??05:49
gnomefreakubotu tell sorush20 about sources05:49
BullFirewhat does that mean?05:49
omfgcan u ppl plz stop telling the bot nvidia05:49
omfgi have read that shit 100 times05:49
andrew_omfg, then maybe your question should be a bit more specific?05:49
omfgapt-get install nvidia, kynoptics and adept all cant get the headers for it05:49
Pygiandrew: don't use Gaim....ise heh....05:49
KaryookHow to mount the usb ? My harddisk is /dev/sda, I don`t have /dev/sdb..f05:49
_rYe_u have both windows xp and ubuntu in my laptop... how do i fix the time? cause when i use ubuntu, then use windows afterwards, when i login to ubuntu again, the time is wrong. it gets changed. how do i fix this? thanks05:49
topyliandrew_: i seem to remember seeing new stuff in gaim prefs after installing it. namely, i was glad to find something like "hide join/part messages" or such05:49
gnomefreakomfg, watch your language and omfg if you read it and understood it they would be working05:50
omfgi read that thing 100 times05:50
omfgi got it printed out05:50
Pygiok, calm down :P05:50
topyliandrew_: maybe you need to restart gaim05:50
omfgi need a html or ftp link for the file05:50
sportmani was trying to set up graphics acceleration05:50
omfgits not coming through on adept or anything05:50
Pygisportman: what card?05:50
sportmanand somehow i broke my xserver05:50
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andrew_topyli, done and done.  not seeing anything.  i'll look on the other pref sections.05:50
sportmanati radeon 960005:50
Pygihuh, k , just a moment...05:51
gobboanyone read my locales problem on paste.ubuntu.org?05:51
Pygiubotu: tell sportman about ATI05:51
sportmanbut i broke xserve05:51
nominI can't boot into ubuntu.  The error message I'm getting is this: "Duplicate or bad block in use!" and "there are 2 inodes containing mulitply-claimed blocks".  Does anyone know what caused this and how I can fix it?05:51
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gnomefreaksportman, did you install the ati drivers for it?05:51
sportmanso i need to fix it05:51
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jrenato\j #unbuntu -r05:51
topyliandrew_: seems like i have gaim still installed for some reason. let me see :)05:51
=== emptystapler [n=dan@pcp01588460pcs.mplsnt01.sc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sportmanthen i ran flgrxconfig05:51
jrenato\j #unbuntu-br05:51
sportmanrebooted and x doesnt work anymore05:51
apokryphosjrenato: /j #ubuntu-br05:51
andrew_topyli, so you don't use/like gaim at all?05:51
BullFirewhen I tipe:   lsmod | grep ipg   i get: ipg        14852  0   what does that mean?05:51
PygiI'll cry :P Everyone is using Gaim :/05:51
Pygisportman: sudo dexconf05:51
omfgeven check here05:51
omfgits not anywhere05:51
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gnomefreaksportman, did you config xserver-xorg by chance?05:52
topyliandrew_: i've forced all my friends to use irc :)05:52
=== coponkloping [n=andrew@pool-151-197-187-160.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pygiomfg: maybe seveas has a solution for you :)05:52
Pygiubotu: tell omfg about seveas05:52
sportmani thinik i did gnomefr05:52
sportmanbut i suppose i configured it wrong?05:52
gib8knows someone how i can mount lvm-partitions?05:52
Pygisportman: start "dexconf"05:52
Pygiwith sudo...05:52
bipolardoes anyone else have a problem with dapper and the fglrx drivers causing a kernel oops when X closes?05:53
gnomefreaksportman, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:53
sportmanpygi im in root anyways05:53
=== nyuu [n=tashi@pool-71-98-89-34.ipslin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
sportmando i need sudo05:53
Pygignomefreak: dexconf should work as well05:53
andrew_topyli, it doesn't seem to offer anything relating to window size or the user list at all...05:53
Pygisportman: no05:53
gnomefreakok ty pgy05:53
Pygiheh :P05:53
gnomefreakPygi, *05:53
topyliandrew_: see if you have irc helper enabled in prefs -> plugins05:53
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=== terroirist [n=ian@pcp03528035pcs.jamsis01.sc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
revbipolar: http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=linux-kernel&m=113429835515001&w=205:53
Pygignomefreak: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg is way better, but takes longer for average user :p05:53
ltibor65_Guys, when was the explain Of Shuttleworth about Ubuntu? In which year? It is on video.05:54
topyliandrew_: it doesn't necessarily do those. in fact, i'm quite sure it doesn't help with the window size thing at all05:54
gnomefreakPygi,  it does kinda take a while i never used any other way tho05:54
=== Delvien [n=dm@cpe-65-31-19-204.insight.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
topyliandrew_: it's useful anyway if you use gaim for irc05:54
Pygignomefreak: dexconf is something like "dirty hack"05:54
=== jcoxon [n=jcoxon@81-178-228-1.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
Pygiopen your xorg.conf and see what is says at beginning of the file :P05:54
gnomefreakdirty hacks are fun!!!!!!!!!!05:55
omfgwtf is going on05:55
omfgnoone has the file05:55
DelvienMcjerry you there?05:55
Pygiomfg: please watch your language...thanks05:55
McJerryya man05:55
Pygithere is a lot people in here that need help, so wait in line...05:55
terroiristDoes anyone know why NetworkManager will not connect to open wireless connections?05:55
DelvienMcjerry it runs in kernal 9, :P05:55
cello_raspi need some help installing an mplayer theme: according to the instructions the skin goes in /home/$user/.mplayer/skin/$skinname. yet mplayer can't find it. argh05:55
gnomefreakhes kinda far away he left :(05:55
McJerryDelvien: cool......05:55
Delvienmcjerry , too bad in 9 i dont have ANY wireless, any sound, and its laggy as hell05:56
topyliandrew_: sorry, some of what i've been talking about are in the gaim-extendedprefs package :(05:56
bipolarrev: I'm getting a server timeout on that url. is there a copy?05:56
McJerryDelvien: can you pm me again05:56
andrew_topyli, no matter.  i'll check that one out too. :)05:57
revbipolar: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/645205:57
Delvienmcjerry  diaglog is open05:57
gobboany idea anyone05:57
omfgcan someone explain to me why not one source has nvidia-glx05:57
Pygitopyli: do not suggest usage of gaim :)05:57
bipolarrev: thank you!05:57
jhenni can't get this nautilus script working05:57
Pygino, dont paste here :P05:57
andrew_Pygi, why do you hate it so much?05:57
omfgis it like a MASS call back or something05:57
topyliPygi: i'm not! he's using it already :)05:58
gnomefreakomfg,  did you enable universe and multiverse repos?05:58
Pygitopyli: ok, then don't encourage him to use it :P05:58
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topyliandrew_: get a real irc client :)05:58
=== andrew_ thinks that Pygi has it out for seah egan.
omfggnomefreak, firstly its in restricted, second yes, and third not even google has it05:58
Pygiandrew: there is a time and place for everything :) and time is still to come :)05:58
Pygiandres: seah egan??05:58
=== mipe_ [n=mipe@121-11-124-83.dsl.3u.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== gnomefreak i never had a problem with it :((
Pygiomfg: and like google is all powerful LOL :P05:59
andrew_Pygi, the gaim dev that was recently hired by google.05:59
sportmani ran through that05:59
sportmanshould i just trpe start x05:59
omfgif one of u find the latest nvidia-glx05:59
Pygiandrew: what with him ? :P05:59
omfgill call u a dog05:59
sportmanyey x works05:59
andrew_Pygi, but if you're not going to suggest anything better or why you hate gaim so much, i can't take your suggestion. :-P05:59
Pygisportman: see? great05:59
sportmanfailed to intialize hal06:00
Pygiandrew: I can't suggest it yet....time will tell :P06:00
sportmanwhat does that mean06:00
=== shedi [n=siggi@213-140-22-77.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu
topyliandrew_: good hackers tend to get hired well :)06:00
andrew_topyli, actually i've heard otherwise about gaim's codebase, but maybe it's not just him.06:00
andrew_Pygi, can we talk in PM or are you just tight-lipped?06:01
Pygiwhy do you wanna talk on PM? hehe :)06:01
apokryphoscan't imagine how much Guido is getting, from Google!06:01
Pygiomfg: how is that I found nvidia-glx?06:01
topyliandrew_: i'm no expert on gaim's history, but obviously sean didn't write it alone of course06:01
gnomefreak<<<found alot of nvidia drivers/kernel files but im not on breezy06:01
sportmanwowsomething went extreamly wrong06:01
andrew_Pygi, because you're obviously not saying anything in here ^_^06:01
sportmanglx gears moves like 1 frame per second06:01
gnomefreakPygi, cause you used apt-cache search06:01
Pygiandrew: fire away, what do you want to know ? :P06:01
omfgthey not the latest06:01
Pygignomefreak: huh :P06:02
andrew_Pygi, but if you're programming something in python/gtk, i may be interested... :)06:02
gnomefreakummmmmm omfg  in dapper they are the latest06:02
Pygiomfg: and you need lastest for what? :P06:02
sportmanand when i type glxgears it says extension "XFree86-DRI" Missing on display":0.0".06:02
flogistonI can't start gnome-system-monitor.06:02
andrew_Pygi, the latest nvidia driver corrects a lot.06:02
omfgi want the one im MENT to get from apt-get06:02
=== haich [n=haich@220.Red-83-61-144.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
andrew_omfg, maybe check the backports?  dunno if that'd be in there.06:02
omfgmy graphics card is new06:02
flogistonIt's not running, checked with ps aux | grep gnome-system-monitor.06:02
Pygiandrew: yes, I am programming something in python/gtk but not what you think :P06:02
omfgcant stay in X11 for longer then 20mins06:03
=== n3x [i=n3x@] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakandrew they might06:03
omfgbefore it crashs06:03
andrew_Pygi, ok, so what is it?06:03
omfgneed drivers06:03
n3xWhat is the latest Ubuntu Release?06:03
Pygiomfg: then use dapper repositories :P06:03
omfgbreezy ?06:03
gnomefreakbreezy- stable latest06:03
andrew_omfg, could you speak in complete sentences?06:03
n3xok thanks06:03
andrew_omfg, this06:03
omfgnope soz andrew_, im from south africa06:03
omfgwe dont06:03
ubotuplease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying. Write in complete sentences and keep your replies and questions on one line if possible. Thanks!06:03
Pygiandrew: huh, you mean what's the python/gtk thingy? "just" newsgroup reader, nothing spectacular....06:04
andrew_gnomefreak, ^_^06:04
n3xIs there a mirror i can get it from ( can only seem to find DVD images )06:04
flogistonHow do i run a program and make a log out of it?06:04
andrew_Pygi, ah, ok.06:04
ubotuThe guide to upgrading to breezy (5.10) is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade06:04
andrew_Pygi, what's this other thing you keep hinting at?06:04
Pygiandrew: but I am doing number of things, but as I said, nothin' ready tobe out :)06:04
Pygito be out*06:05
topyliflogiston: that question will be taken outside and shot. what do you mean?06:05
=== JohnnyO [i=johnnyo@] has joined #ubuntu
nyuuI don't know why, but Visualboy Advance has errors whenever it tries to save files. The only idea I had was that my permissions may have been incorrect. I tried writing to ~/  and I tried saving as root. The file I'm running is owned by my user.  The only status message in the terminal is "Error creating file /root/.vba/craftswordgao1.sgm"  Does anyone know by what the error could be caused?06:05
n3xOk last question: Is there a Ubuntu Release for XEON with IA64 Support06:05
Pyginothing actually works YET :P06:05
sportmanand when i type glxgears it says extension "XFree86-DRI" Missing on display":0.0".06:05
andrew_Pygi, oh, bah humbug to you.06:05
sportmanany idea why?06:05
Pygiandrew: huh :)06:05
=== hunika [n=hunika@] has joined #ubuntu
JohnnyOGreetings everyone06:05
=== gnomefreak brb
maswann3x: no xeon has ia64 support06:05
=== JohnnyO is here for the 1st time
Pygiandrew: why are you interested in that so much? :p06:06
n3xi mean EMT63406:06
andrew_JohnnyO, we'll go slow.06:06
maswann3x: yes, that's the same as amd64, look for the amd64 release06:06
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=== JohnnyO is having issues :)
epitkhabe das gleiche problem wie hier einer gepastet hat: http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/210 finde aber keine passende lsung in google06:06
PygiJohnny0: huh, stand in line :P06:06
=== digitaleric [n=eric@h-68-166-67-125.mclnva23.dynamic.covad.net] has left #ubuntu []
Pygiepitk: english please06:06
andrew_Pygi, you've piqued my curiosity.06:06
n3xmaswan: so the AMD ver will Work fine on a Intel?06:06
JohnnyOfigured as much Pygi06:06
=== _rYe_ [n=g2003@] has joined #ubuntu
maswann3x: yeah, they are compatible06:06
n3xok cool06:06
=== seniorsepia [n=noran@] has joined #ubuntu
Pygin3x: 100% compatibility :)06:07
topyliJohnnyO: you can ask your question. perhaps someone will know what to do with your problems06:07
maswann3x: http://releases.ubuntu.com/breezy/06:07
=== zuka [n=zuka@CPE00045a781aac-CM00122570800e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
revIs there a way to get rid of the /lib/modules/2.6.15-10-386/volatile directory in the latest dapper kernel?06:07
markus-_-will i have to run x configure if i change monitors?06:07
maswann3x: that says a bit about what the arches are for etc06:07
andrew_epitk, ich kann mit dir in #ubuntu-de sprechen, aber mein deutsch ist nicht am bestens.06:07
Pygijohnny0: ok, fire away :P06:07
n3xWow.. im a reald debian only guy seems theres alot more Decent support and help with ubuntu : Thanks guys06:07
omfgcan someone plz just search up, look for wat Draken said when he joined ?06:07
Pygin3x: np :)06:07
epitkandrew_ english is ok06:07
JohnnyOBuddy of mine Leroy Clark finally convinced me to goto Ubuntu from Windblows06:07
=== JohnnyO is a point / click kinda guy
Pygin3x: enjoy :)06:07
JohnnyObeen running it for 2-3 weeks now exclusively06:08
n3xwill do06:08
epitkandrew_ what can i do. to solve the problem?06:08
markus-_-will i have to rerun the x configure if i switch monitors?06:08
n3xDownloading AMD64 now06:08
omfgcan someone plz just search up, look for wat Draken said when he joined ?06:08
PeteyPabloanyone here use win4lin ?06:08
_rYe_problem w/ wireless: i now see wlan0 in networks. i have chosen the right network name already but wireless doesnt work06:08
KyralPeteyPablo: nope06:08
JohnnyOcan't get it to boot into GNOME for some reason now06:08
=== DRF [n=daniel@host86-138-22-37.range86-138.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
andrew_epitk, ah, ok.  looks like you need a newer package of libqt3c102-mt06:08
JohnnyOonly CLI06:08
PygiJohnny0: you mean X server wont run06:08
gnomefreakJohnnyO, try startx06:08
zukaNeed help with totem audio player with Ubuntu linux?06:09
omfgcan someone plz just search up, look for wat Draken said when he joined ?06:09
gnomefreakit will either start gnome or it will error out06:09
sportmanyea i just tried running tuxracer06:09
JohnnyOIt comes up with the ubuntu splash screen - then goes back to CLIE06:09
Pygiomfg: wait :P06:09
sportmanto try a game06:09
sportmanafter i recongiured06:09
gnomefreakJohnnyO, yuck :(((06:09
=== jason [n=jason@c-24-98-164-90.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== obsvuugj [n=obsvuugj@a80-186-25-5.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Pygignomefreak: suggest him a X server reconfigure :P06:09
markus-_-do you know Pygi ..... will i have to rerun x server config if i switch out monitors?06:09
sportmanand yea, it runs about 10fps if that, ... raelly slow06:09
epitkandrew_ i just look up  my package version... but i think it is even newer06:09
andrew_omfg, all i have is you asking about him.06:09
zukaWere can i find help for ubuntu?06:09
Pygimarkus: yes, if you want everything to work well :P06:09
Pygizuka: here :p06:09
omfgcan someone plz just search up, look for wat Draken said when he joined ?06:09
gnomefreakJohnnyO, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:10
PygiPygi, Pygi, Pygi...what about other peeps here? :)06:10
andrew_epitk, you have 3.3.3, but you need  the -7 is an ubuntu thing.06:10
gnomefreakJohnnyO,  run that command and make sure everything is correct than reboot or restartx either way06:10
Pygiomfg: can you please stop, thanks :P06:10
JohnnyOThis happened after I went on a package installation freinzy06:10
=== gnomefreak brb has to do something
omfgplz just scroll up06:10
omfgand get it06:10
omfgtakes 10secs06:10
epitkandrew_ ok :) where can i get this one?06:10
ubotuplease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying. Write in complete sentences and keep your replies and questions on one line if possible. Thanks!06:10
jasonI'm having a strange issue:  I installed apache2 package and all its dependencies, but have no /etc/init.d/apache2 so I tried to install apache and its dependencies, and no /etc/init.d/apache.  If I do a dpkg -L apache, I see htat it should contain /etc/init.d/apache.  The init.d is 755, so that's not a problem.  Any suggestions?06:11
Pygiomfg: where is it?06:11
andrew_epitk, dunno.  i don't use ubuntu that much.06:11
omfgwhen Draken entered06:11
omfghe said something06:11
andrew_omfg, please don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying. Write in complete sentences and keep your replies and questions on one line if possible. Thanks!06:11
Pygijason: you need apache-common as well :P06:11
epitkandrew_ np! but thank you for your help06:11
jasonPygi, it get's installed as a dependency06:11
=== pinkisntwell [n=pinkisnt@ppp62-adsl-153.ath.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
andrew_epitk, sure.  maybe try the backports?  newer versions of some things end up there.06:12
jasonive never seen anything like this happen.. really strange06:12
pinkisntwellwhy is ubuntu firefox the slower program on earth?06:12
Pygipink: huh?06:12
Pygiomfg: sorry, can't find it :/06:12
=== sorush20 [n=sahar@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
markus-_-why when do i get an error message not that i have added extra repositories06:12
=== csb [n=csb@c-24-91-234-13.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
omfgarg ;/06:12
markus-_-have the url's of those repositories changed?06:12
csbhi where is the best place to ask questions on Perl programming?06:13
sorush20is mplayer available in breezy06:13
Pygicsb: #perl :)06:13
Pygisorush: yes06:13
andrew_markus-_-, where did you get them?06:13
Pygiandrew: wanna help? :)06:13
csbthanks pygi06:13
=== jobli_ [n=jobli@h13n1fls310o291.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
andrew_Pygi, how?06:13
markus-_-used synaptic packet manager to enable them06:13
jasonThe package contains /etc/init.d/apache, just extract it manually..06:13
apokryphos!tell sorush20 about mplayer06:13
=== sportman sits in corner and cries
Pygiandrew: well, you know C? :)06:13
andrew_Pygi, no, unfortunately not.06:13
Pygiandrew: huh :P06:13
andrew_markus-_-, can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list?06:13
jasondoes apt have a log?06:13
andrew_jason, i'm sure it does... maybe in /var/log?06:14
xoredsomeone a tip, on which to set the po3 quota as maximum ?06:14
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=== Chameleon22 [n=Chameleo@220-245-246-37.free.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Pygiandrey: k, then you could help with ideas :P06:14
_rYe_how do i make my wifi work? pls help06:14
andrew_Pygi, ideas for what?06:14
PygirYe: use ndiswrapper :)06:15
Pygiandrew: for the APP :P Don't ask what kind :)06:15
omfgerr guys, does kconv have a log ?06:15
markus-_-do you want me to paste it in here andrew_ ?06:15
Pygimarkus: no, not here :P06:15
andrew_markus-_-, no, that's why i said pastebin. :)06:15
jasonandrew_: checked there, couldn't find it06:15
=== zuka [n=zuka@CPE00045a781aac-CM00122570800e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
Pygiubotu: tell markus-_- about pastebin06:15
markus-_-i don't know what pastebin is06:15
andrew_ubotu, tell markus-_- about pastebin.06:15
omfgerr guys, does kconv have a log ?\\06:15
PygiI told him :/06:15
Pygiomfg: yesss06:15
_rYe_Pygi: i made it work a while ago, when i opend ubuntu again. wifi isnt working anymore.06:15
omfgwhere is it ?06:15
Pygiin /var/logs  somethin' ?06:16
jhenncan someone help me get a nautilus script work?06:16
=== ubunico [n=nico@ip54541612.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
andrew_omfg, you didn't even check if you had a log before spamming everyone?  omfg!06:16
omfgi doubt its there Pygi ;P06:16
_rYe_Pygi: wlan0 is active and i have chosen the right network name... what happened? what would i do? please help. i really need this to work06:16
=== FreakyFries [n=martijn@g163065.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
PeteyPabloanyone here use win4lin ?06:16
omfgandrew_, because i dont see it there06:16
zukaPygi, i tried to contact you are you available06:16
andrew_omfg, probably in ~ somewhere.06:16
Pygizuka: what do you need? I am busy, but shoot :P06:16
=== thom_re [n=thomas@chello080108114160.11.11.univie.teleweb.at] has joined #ubuntu
markus-_-okies i think i did that right06:17
andrew_ubotu, tell me about wireless06:17
PygirYe: huh, no signal or somethin'06:17
zukahaving trouble with totem, will not play  any files..thanks06:17
=== dabaR [n=dabaR@wnpgmb02dc1-58-243.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== orp [n=orp@sb-217-129-127-161.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu
Pygizuka: huh, you need codecs06:17
ubotuBinary only codecs (such as w32codecs) can be downloaded from plf or cipherfunk, see !easysource for details on these repositories06:17
zukathanks Pygi06:17
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, easysource is For an easy to use custom sources.list configurator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic06:18
ubotufrom memory, mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats06:18
zukahow to download codecs?06:18
Pygigo to the last page ubotu told you :P06:18
andrew_ubotu, tell _rYe_ about wireless.06:18
markus-_-what now andrew_ ?06:18
Pygianyone else needs help? :)06:18
zukawhat does p: mean?06:18
_rYe_Pygi: wifi doesnt work. signal is excellent06:18
=== cafebabe [n=cafebabe@] has joined #ubuntu
andrew_markus-_-, give me the pastebin link? :-P06:18
Pygiandrew: lol :p06:18
zukathanks Pygi06:19
PygirYe: huh, if wify  doesn't work, how do you have a signal? :/06:19
Pygizuka: yw06:19
=== eno [n=eno@adsl-70-137-154-114.dsl.snfc21.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
andrew_Pygi, i can help with ideas for what?06:19
gnomefreakMarkus the mirror max backports dont work06:19
Pygiandrew: app I am doin' :P06:19
JohnnyObe back from Windblows if this doesn't work :)06:20
=== IRCD=dancer CAPAB CHANTYPES=# EXCEPTS INVEX CHANMODES=bdeIq,k,lfJD,cgijLmnPQrRstz CHANLIMIT=#:20 PREFIX=(ov)@+ MAXLIST=bdeI:50 MODES=4 STATUSMSG=@ KNOCK NICKLEN=16 :are supported by this server
-NickServ(NickServ@services.)- This nickname is owned by someone else06:37
-NickServ(NickServ@services.)- If this is your nickname, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>06:37
-NickServ(NickServ@services.)- Password accepted - you are now recognized06:38
=== mode/ubuntulog [+e] by services.
-MemoServ(MemoServ@services.)- You have no new memos06:38
-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu-server] Ubuntu Server Discussions (development and support)06:38
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@trider-g7.fabbione.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Topic for #ubuntu: Happy New Year to all Ubuntu users! | Official Ubuntu support channel | Documentation: http://help.ubuntu.com/ | Support options: http://ubuntu.com/support | Community news: http://fridge.ubuntu.com | Use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting | IRC Info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InternetRelayChat
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by apokryphos at Sun Jan 1 15:29:20 2006
(Pygi/#ubuntu) Apokryphos: what happened? :/06:38
(gnomefreak/#ubuntu) Pygi, he can only take so much thats why people have been baned from playing with him06:38
(Pygi/#ubuntu) gnomefreak: I just typed /msg ubotu help :/06:39
(Signifer123/#ubuntu) ubotu went off06:39
(apokryphos/#ubuntu) :/06:39
(gnomefreak/#ubuntu) ok markus-_- i want you to take everythiong out of your sources.list file everything06:39
(apokryphos/#ubuntu) cafuego: ping06:39
(Pygi/#ubuntu) that must has to do somethin' with fabbione's server :/06:39
(markus-_-/#ubuntu) okes06:39
=== ubotu [n=blootbot@ubuntu.cc.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
=== akaihola [n=akaihola@ZMYCMXV.dsl.saunalahti.fi] has joined #ubuntu
(Pygi/#ubuntu) huh, apokryphos, should I try sending him message again or rather not? :/06:40
(gnomefreak/#ubuntu) after that take my sources.list and paste it in there06:40
(markus-_-/#ubuntu) done06:40
(gnomefreak/#ubuntu) ok no more cdrom repos?06:40
(fabbione/#ubuntu) Pygi: no, i only manage ubuntuloh06:40
Signifer123then why not see if you can have others run more ubotu's to distribute the load?06:40
Pygifabbione: huh, k06:40
fabbionethe other one i have no idea06:40
apokryphosPygi: /msg ubotu help    ...wouldn't bring an excess flood06:40
gnomefreakapokryphos, unless everyone did it at once :((06:41
=== yohan [n=yohan@81-231-70-33-no35.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosSignifer123: why? He's on a decent server.06:41
Pygiapokryphos: well, that's all I did, and it excess flooded :/06:41
apokryphosgnomefreak: still06:41
DelvienHow do i install a Kernal version if i do not see it in synaptic??06:41
=== fredforfaen [n=Morrari@216-132-165.0502.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu
=== niner [n=niner@ppp-70-227-53-5.dsl.dytnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
yohanive mounted a .img dvd file and I want to start the dvd with totem, how do i do that?06:41
=== Keegan_Witt [n=keegan@oh-69-68-34-241.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
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apokryphosDelvien: you'll have to compile your own kernel06:41
Delvienapokryphos ugh, just trying to go back to a previous kernal.. But its not in synaptic06:41
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=== dabaR_ [n=dabaR@wnpgmb02dc1-58-243.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== str8edge [i=hidden-u@daisy.evilduckie.com] has joined #ubuntu
Delvienapokryphos im in 2.6.15-10-386, i want to go back to 2.6.15-9-38606:42
Signifer123not even in force version?06:42
gnomefreakDelvien, what kernel are you on and what kernel are you wanting to go back to?06:42
Delviengnomfreak what i said to apokryphos06:42
gnomefreakDelvien, in grub you will see your old kernel06:42
Delviengnomefreak aye its there, but its borked. im wanting to reinstall it06:42
=== Hoxzer [n=niko@dsl-hkigw2-fe10de00-26.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
newbiedoes anyone know how to fix the system clock? im using both windows xp and ubuntu in my laptop. for example, im using windows now, then i change to ubuntu, when i go back to ubuntu, the system clock has a wrong time, it is changed. the same goes the other way around. pls help06:43
gnomefreakDelvien, whats wrong with the new one?06:43
markus-_-okies gnomefreak  this is what it says now06:43
Delviengnomefreak VMware doesnt work in 1006:43
apokryphosDelvien: well, it's removed then. And you shouldn't be using dapper 8)06:43
Signifer123@newbie is your timezone set right?06:43
PeteyPabloDelvien: win4lin is much better then wvmware06:43
yohanive mounted a .img dvd file and I want to start the dvd with totem, how do i do that? nobody has any idea? any other player which is better?06:43
gnomefreakmarkus-_-,  you still have the cdrom repos in there?06:43
DelvienPeteyPablo how is the speed and performance, USB supporT?06:44
=== zdra [n=zdra@23-239.242.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
PeteyPabloDelvien: looks good i'm using it now, and no sound issues like in vmware06:44
markus-_-no those lines have been removed06:44
DelvienPeyepable how is USB support?06:44
=== zdra_ [n=zdra@23-239.242.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
PeteyPabloDelvien: i don't have any usb devices06:44
gnomefreakpaste the new sources list again please06:44
PeteyPabloDelvien: except my wireless mouse06:44
PeteyPabloDelvien: but i assume it's perfect?06:44
=== dave [n=dave@71-12-242-238.dhcp.slid.la.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
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=== topyli [n=juha@dsl-hkigw3-fe23de00-139.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
DelvienPeteyPablo ill try it., What about networking??06:45
PeteyPabloDelvien: you can get the pro version + serial # it's a 4.1MB download :-)06:45
=== zdra [n=zdra@23-239.242.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
PeteyPabloDelvien: works fine06:45
gnomefreakmarkus-_-, what version of ubuntu do you have?06:46
PeteyPabloDelvien: it even comes with a .deb and installs perfectly06:46
markus-_-the latest version06:46
Pygignomefreak: ping06:46
gnomefreakmarkus-_-,  define latest version06:46
gnomefreakwhy are we pinging me?06:46
Pygiwait in line06:46
Pygi!wait in line06:46
uboturumour has it, wait in line is like, there are a lot of question...and only few of us who can answer... please be patient and wait....06:46
PeteyPablognomefreak: pong06:46
DelvienPeteypablo is there a free version?06:46
=== RIVANVX [n=rivanvx@83-131-182-196.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
Pygignomefreak: see why?06:47
PeteyPabloDelvien: i don't know but you can get the pro version for free :-P06:47
gnomefreakok markus-_-  and you have internet connection?06:47
PeteyPabloDelvien: want me to give you a link?06:47
DelvienPeteyPablo please06:47
Pygithanks for the help apokryphos :)06:47
PeteyPabloDelvien: you have a bittorrent client?06:47
newbiehow do you fix the system clock?06:47
DelvienPeteyPablo yes06:47
PeteyPabloDelvien: ok one minute06:47
Pygignomefreak: do you see? :)06:47
PeteyPabloDelvien: i can just upload the .deb and serial for ya one second06:47
=== ITSa341 [n=ITSa341@207-118-233-94.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Tomcat_ [n=Tomcat@p54A1B587.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakthe wait in line?06:48
Pygiyesh :)06:48
ITSa341Happy New Year06:48
newbiePygi: do you know how to fix the system clock?06:48
gnomefreakmarkus-_-, after you saved it you did run sudo apt-get update right?06:48
Pyginewbie: huh, what seems to be the problem? :P06:49
Keegan_Wittdoes anyone know if you can add fluxbox to ubuntu?06:49
gnomefreakmarkus-_-,  you have to run apt-get update06:49
gnomefreaksudo apt-get update06:49
Pygikeegan: you can....06:49
PeteyPabloDelvien: ok im uploading it06:49
tinaI am trying to get a Roland MIDI Keyboard to work, I see data coming in on /dev/midi how do i get sound out ?06:49
Keegan_Wittwhat repo is it on?06:49
=== evermuse [n=evermuse@adsl-68-72-102-143.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== DRAGON_Ultra [n=DRAGON_U@adsl-70-232-38-75.dsl.ltrkar.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pyginewbie: what's the problem with the clock?06:49
ubotufluxbox is, like, a lightweight window manager.  Installation instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fluxbox.  More information at http://fluxbox.sourceforge.net06:49
DelvienPeteyPablo how do i recieve it , hehe not that familiar with IRC06:49
=== Slackwise-- [n=lance@68-186-27-184.dhcp.astr.or.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakmarkus-_-,  better?06:49
markus-_-i think that is fixing it gnomefreak06:50
PeteyPabloDelvien: i will just give you a download link use firefox06:50
markus-_-gnomefreak, you rock....... thanks06:50
gnomefreakmarkus-_-,  you have to update it after you change it06:50
DelvienPeteyPablo o doing it that way hehe kk thanks06:50
markus-_-i think i knew that..... but i'm still a newbie06:50
evermusecould anyone suggest an easy to use app for ripping vcds?06:50
gnomefreakmarkus-_-,  you might get gpg errors but you can ignor ethose06:50
PeteyPabloDelvien: it's a .tar.gz just use archivemanager and their is a .deb inside you know how to use .deb's right?06:50
=== carelezz [n=carelezz@] has joined #ubuntu
PeteyPabloDelvien: also the serial is included06:50
Delvienkk thank you06:50
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gnomefreakPygi, is someone waiting in line for me? or can i go smoke?06:50
PeteyPabloDelvien: im gonna send you the quickstart pdf also youll need it to know what todo06:51
Pygignome: huh, do you have to? I'll be alone answering then :P06:51
gnomefreakthat last one markus-_-  he put my mind to a test :))06:51
Pygiok, then go :) but come back :P06:51
gnomefreakill brb 2 mintues06:51
=== Slackwise-- is now known as Slackwise
markus-_-well your help is greatly appreciated gnomefreak06:51
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markus-_-i'm gonna become efficient in linux if its that last thing i do06:52
JohnnyOthat got me back into the desktop world :)06:52
Pygimarkus: hehe :)06:52
PygiJohny: huh?06:52
PeteyPabloDelvien: ok http://home.comcast.net/~elitepete/Win4LinPro.6.0.9.tar.gz06:52
=== markus-_- absolultely hates windows
Pygimarkus: huh :P06:52
=== ben_d [n=ben@cpe-66-66-209-96.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
markus-_-okies i gotta eat something06:53
Pygibon apetit06:53
spikehafter following the tutorial on upgrading Firefox to 1.5 on UbuntuWiki, I'm getting an error message "could not initialize the browser's security component"06:53
Pygiandrew: ping06:54
gnomefreakit kind of makes you wonder why you cant get FF1.5 in the repos :))06:54
Hericusandrew: pong06:54
Pygignomefreak: I compiled it on my own, and works ok :P06:54
=== rev [n=rev@dslb-082-083-032-055.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
PeteyPabloDelvien: got everything you need?06:54
gnomefreakPygi,  yes i know i used it to but it has a tendency of messing up06:54
revsethk: I solved it06:54
=== Pure|Krust^MakeA [i=Pure_Kru@modemcable136.198-201-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Pygignomefreak: huh :P06:55
yohanive mounted a .img dvd file and I want to start the dvd with totem, how do i do that?06:55
Pygibtw. gnomefreak look at my away message and go there :P06:55
PeteyPabloi'm using ff1.5 i have 0 problems06:55
gnomefreakPygi, FF1.5 had issues in breezy for alot of people06:55
gnomefreakhow do i look at an away message?06:55
=== bwalter [n=bwalter@p54BC92A4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Pygignomefreak: well, I compiled FF1.5 at breezy and it worked well :p06:55
ITSa341What is the best package to install for prism based wifi cards and usb adapters? ndiswrapper or linux-wlan-ng??06:55
=== Pygi is away: http://fama.sf.net
DelvienPeteyPablo i think so06:56
=== Pygi is back (gone 00:00:08)
PeteyPabloDelvien: after installing the .deb read the .pdf it tells you everything you need06:56
PeteyPabloDelvien: :-)06:56
DelvienPeteyPablo thanks much man06:56
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gnomefreakPygi,  its not done yet?06:57
=== Ocid [n=pete@dsl-lprgw4-fe6cdd00-42.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #Ubuntu
PeteyPabloDelvien: no problem any questions feel free to come back or if you have aim or msn i can add you06:57
blaamannITSa341: What about prism ?06:57
Pygignomefreak: huh, no :P06:57
gnomefreakhad to ask06:57
gnomefreakok Pygi  how do you set an away message?06:57
Pygignome: pre-alpha phase :P06:57
DelvienPeteypablo still installing dapper and stuff so dont have gaim setup  hehe06:57
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PeteyPabloDelvien: oh i don't use unstable releases06:57
Pygignomefreak: in X-Chat?06:57
gnomefreakPygi, yes06:57
gnomefreaki use it most06:58
DelvienPeteyPablo its quite stable :)06:58
ITSa341What is the best package to install for prism based wifi cards and usb adapters? ndiswrapper or linux-wlan-ng??06:58
PeteyPabloDelvien: thats not what i have heard :-(06:58
PygiSetting --> Preerences --> General06:58
braskoSo, I was given advice from this room to try out freenx06:58
PygiAnd check the "Announce away message"06:58
braskoApparently, that's a free version of the NX prototcol.06:58
PeteyPabloDelvien: anyway im new to linux so breezy is fine for me :-)06:58
Pygiand you can set it up :P06:58
ITSa341blaam  appreciate any advice you can give06:58
revPygi: Valid XHTML? It says Failed validation, 12 errors :D06:58
Pygirev: I know :P06:58
braskoHowever, I had to download the nomachines, nx client for windows06:58
braskohas anyone else done that?06:58
braskoI'm trying to get fullscreen mode working with the client version06:58
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=== gnomefreak is away: www.freewebs.com/joeboxernc
=== gnomefreak is back (gone 00:00:06)
Pygirev: I ain't web designer, web coder or  whatever :P06:59
gnomefreakoh cool :))06:59
DelvienPeteypablo i started linux with Breezy preview (unstable ) :)06:59
gnomefreakty Pygi06:59
Pygirev: I am just a simple programmer :P06:59
PeteyPabloDelvien: :-)06:59
blaamannITSa341:linux-wlan works with my prism based card06:59
=== dabaR is turning off his public away
Pygignome: yw06:59
=== PeteyPablo is away http://demonlegion.net
PygidabaR: hehe :)06:59
gnomefreak<<<very simple programmer06:59
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Pyginow everyone will use that :P06:59
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Pygignomefreak: huh, what languages?07:00
dabaRPygi: good work.07:00
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DelvienPeteyPablo whats the command to start it in terminal07:00
PygidabaR: good work on what? :P07:00
ITSa341blaamann  thx, I'm running fine now but I want to go to my 802.11 g card with the prism2 chip07:00
DelvienPeteyPablo app bar in dapper is bugged atm07:00
ajmitchPygi: note that setting a public away message in here can be very annoying07:00
gnomefreakC and bash going to school for java on 28th07:00
PeteyPabloDelvien: it's all in the .pdf07:00
JohnnyOOk - I am able to get the Gnome desktop by "startx"07:00
Pygiajmitch: yes, I know, I removed it :P just wanna show the url :P07:00
JohnnyObut when I do a restart - it sends me back to CLI07:00
PeteyPabloDelvien: i don't know off hand07:00
=== hondje [n=hondje@c-67-164-180-126.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
PygidabaR: huh? what's good work?07:01
ajmitchPygi: spamming urls also isn't appreciated :P07:01
=== dave_ [n=dave@71-12-242-238.dhcp.slid.la.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Pygiajmitch: I just showed 1 url, not spammed :P07:01
=== gnomefreak wonders if JohnnyO runs apt-get install ubuntu-desktop it will ask him to set default
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DelvienPeteyPablo do you know where Xchat puts its downloads ?07:01
DelvienPeteyPablo cant find the PDF07:01
PeteyPabloDelvien: one sec07:01
Pygiajmitch: 1 url is not spamming :)07:01
PeteyPabloso for you07:02
PeteyPablowhatever your name is07:02
ajmitchPygi: it is, especially when done to multiple channels like you did07:02
dave_happy new year07:02
Pygiajmitch: huh, yes, forgot :/ sorry I suppose :P07:02
gnomefreakhappy newyear dave07:02
DelvienPeteyPablo thanks thats it07:03
PeteyPablolike the holy man pushing redemption07:03
=== Pygi stays low and will be silent so ajmitch can be happy :P
PeteyPabloDelvien: no problemo07:03
gnomefreaki love that song :))07:03
PeteyPablognomefreak: :-)07:03
ajmitchPygi: I'd hate for you to be the first ban of the year ;)07:03
dabaRajmitch is likely perfectly happy in both cases.07:03
PeteyPablobanning from irc is rediculous, so easy to get back in07:03
Pygiajmitch: I never got banned anywhere :P I hope I won't be banned here either :p07:03
dabaRIt's a healthy discussion.07:03
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JohnnyOgnomefreak - I sent you a IM07:04
gnomefreakajmitch,  he cant be first we had atleast one already but im shutting up now07:04
PygidabaR: so you said me good work for what? :P07:04
gnomefreakJohnnyO,  no you didnt07:04
Pygignomefreak: yes, we did, indeed :P07:04
=== gallatin [n=rick@c529cfd96.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakJohnnyO, are you registered?07:04
ajmitchgnomefreak: first for me07:04
gallatinhi all07:04
JohnnyOyeah - but been 2yrs since i've been in IRC - I forgot my password :)07:04
JohnnyOso I can't identify07:04
psusithen you arne't registered...07:04
gnomefreakJohnnyO, you have to re- register it if its avalible07:04
psusinickserv expires accounts after 30 days of inactivity iirc07:05
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gallatini got a small question07:05
Pygiajmitch: huh, you would kick me? :(07:05
gnomefreakif you dont use it every 30-60 days than it get cancelled07:05
gallatini run the x64 edition of ubuntu07:05
gnomefreakgallatin, continue07:05
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ajmitchPygi: if warranted :)07:05
gallatinbut i got this nasty flash player install saying that it aint compatible with my system architecure07:05
DelvienPeteyPablo How do install Home edition ? lol only opts for pRO07:06
gallatinsince macromedia doesnt have x64 software07:06
gallatinnot even for windows07:06
gallatinso my question is: is there a way to get flash working...or is it a no go07:06
Pygiajmitch: I guess I should never appear on any of ubuntu-* channels anymore07:06
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gnomefreakgallatin, some packages you cant get for 64 bit but if im right you can run 32bits with the 64bit arch07:06
PeteyPabloDelvien: just install pro and enter the key in the .txt file when it asks07:06
JohnnyObrb - someone stole JohnnyO :(07:06
gnomefreaklol hb07:06
Delvienpeteypablo i did , and it says not a supported Windows CDROM07:06
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psusigallatin, correct... and yes, you can install firefox and the flash plugin inside a 32 bit chroot... I'm sure there's howtos on this on the wiki07:06
gallatinthe setup wont go...thats the problem07:06
JohnnyOnot really theft - but it was mine for years !07:06
=== Sepheebear [n=SepheeBe@cpe-68-175-48-160.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
PeteyPabloDelvien: it might not be, is it bootable?07:07
Delvienpeteypablo yah07:07
braskoWhen using Synaptic, is there any way to find out what files a package will install?07:07
PeteyPabloDelvien: generally OEM (company xp cd's are not accepted)07:07
=== Hikaru79 [n=Hikaru79@d57-4-59.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
PeteyPabloDelvien: just make an iso of it07:07
=== theCore [n=theCore@Toronto-HSE-ppp3775901.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
braskoor even from the command line using apt, if synaptic can't do it?07:07
=== Draken [n=Drakenis@myw-stp-66-18-86-17.sentechsa.net] has joined #Ubuntu
gallatinniiiice, linux is nice on beginners :D07:07
=== Draken [n=Drakenis@myw-stp-66-18-86-17.sentechsa.net] has joined #Ubuntu
gallatiniv googled around before i got on irc07:07
dabaRbrasko: "dpkg -L package" I think only after installed.07:08
psusibrasko, look at the properties of the package07:08
gnomefreakbrasko,  yes click the install buttons next to the package it will give you dependncies for it if you choose you dont want to than just uncheck it07:08
gallatinits a usual problem, but...people dont have a out of the box solution07:08
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gnomefreakwb Johnny007:08
Pygihuh, welcome Ben07:08
psusigallatin, look on the ubuntu wiki specifically07:08
Drakeni need that07:08
Drakensomeone help me07:08
DelvienPeteyPablo dumb question , how do i make an iso out of it them07:08
gnomefreakpsusi, ubotu is gone :((07:09
DelvienPeteypablo then*07:09
psusigallatin, and the forums... it's a common topic, but since I've never done it, I only have a vague idea how to do it07:09
Pygidraken: look at debian repositories...07:09
PeteyPablocan somone tell him to iso a file on linux? i forget07:09
Pygignomefreak: ubotu is here, isn't it?07:09
gallatinthanks psusi07:09
ubotuiso is probably download Ubuntu at http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ and for help burning the CD, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BurningIsoHowto07:09
psusiPeteyPablo, what?07:09
gnomefreakyes he came back :))07:09
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PeteyPabloDelvien: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BurningIsoHowto07:09
gnomefreakJohnny0,  your registered07:09
Pygignomefreak: huh :P07:10
Pygignome: ur abusing bot with botsnack :P07:10
Johnny0yes I am - feel like a ummmmm registered man now07:10
ITSa341gnomefreak how do I register my nick?07:10
PeteyPablo /msg nickserv register password07:10
Drakenit doesnt grab the headers07:10
Drakenfor the file07:10
PygiDraken: what this time? :P07:10
gallatinomfg psusi, sorry man07:10
=== poningru [n=poningru@pool-68-238-173-150.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
gallatini see now07:11
=== jens_ [n=unix@dslb-084-059-043-184.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakITSa341,  /msg nickserv register <password>07:11
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DelvienPeteyPablo thats for burning an iso, not creating one from a CD, but thats ok found a copy of PRO, but its not a licensced copy07:11
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PeteyPabloDelvien: ok07:11
pezaHi all, are the GB archive mirrors for ubuntu down just now?07:11
Pygignomefreak: k, can I go now?07:11
gnomefreakgo for it07:11
=== sproingie [n=chuck@64-121-2-59.c3-0.sfrn-ubr8.sfrn.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakwhat is gb?07:12
Pygik, bye then :p07:12
Pygigreat britain :P07:12
revbipolar: does the patch work for you?07:12
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ITSa341ahh ty PeteyPablo & gnomefreak07:12
Pygi!wait in line07:12
ubotuwait in line is probably like, there are a lot of question...and only few of us who can answer... please be patient and wait....07:12
Pygithank :)07:12
pezaGreat Britian: http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy-updates/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz07:12
gnomefreakyw ITSa34107:12
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=== Shadyman [n=Shadyman@Toronto-HSE-ppp3872942.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Pygibye all ;p07:13
ITSa341well, I have to go see how much damage the renters did partying last night.   bbiab07:13
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gnomefreakpeza,  looks like you have the cdrom repo enabled with the http ones07:13
bipolarrev: I've been running a backup and havn't had time to check07:13
bipolarrev: I bookmarked it and will give it a shot.07:14
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pezagnomefreak, na, i disable the cdrom repo when i install debian or ubuntu boxes07:14
bipolarrev: the packages will need to be updated if it works.07:14
gnomefreakpeza, ok paste your sources.list file to pastebin please07:14
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revbipolar: ah okay07:15
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ShadymanWhat kind of errors would installing the wrong kernel give? (like, K7 or I686)07:15
pezagnomefreak, i've tried just using firefox to connect to the repo, and it isn't working, but i've just ssh'd to a box in .au and it can't hit the gb mirrors either... guess i answered my question :) thanks anyways!07:15
=== NaAani` [n=josef@unaffiliated/NaAani] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakpeza, sounds like no net connection07:15
pezagnomefreak, ???07:16
ShadymanNew question: Would installing the wrong kernel (like, K7 or I686) give seemingly random errors?07:16
KyralShadyman: no...07:16
gnomefreakShadyman, more than likely07:16
pezaShadyman, more likely to prevent booting07:17
Kyralno no no07:17
Kyralwithin x8607:17
wizardjamesi have a prob , wavpack music files are not being noticed. on my install of ubuntu.   xmms , amarok , juk wont desply them in the list.    ..07:17
gnomefreakKyral, running a k7 on a 1386 arch will give errors no?07:17
ShadymanWell, I'm using an AMD sempron, and i was running K7.07:17
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Kyralgnomefreak: its the same arch07:17
gnomefreaki386 *07:17
Kyralgnomefreak: K7 and 386 are both x8607:17
poningruguys for the livecd how do you mount your win partition?07:17
ShadymanKyral: Yep.07:17
=== dotrig [i=zionux@c-9cf2e253.21-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
ShadymanKyral: But maybe different CPU extensions or something?07:18
KyralK7 is just optimized for Athlon XP07:18
gnomefreakoh ok ty07:18
KyralI mean you run a 386 kernel by default07:18
KyralIf anything it would just run slower07:18
ShadymanKyral: Yeah. Should I try an i686 and see what happens?07:18
KyralShadyman: what CPU you have?07:18
ShadymanKyral: AMD Sempron07:18
dotriggoing to install ubuntu now my debian is ass nv_sata: Missed devicie in start07:19
=== joe_alf [n=joe_alf@n219077091197.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu
Kyralthat should be K707:19
Kyralor K607:19
Kyrali686 is Intel processors07:19
revK7 should be fine07:19
Kyralbut running an SMP kernel on a non SMP cpu....07:19
=== gnomefreak very slow cpu :(
=== dabaR very fast RAM!!1
pezaKyral, running an SMP kernel on a uniprocessor box won't do anything bad, or even slow it down07:20
gnomefreaki got 512 ram with a p2 :((07:20
=== ChaKy [n=chaky@lns01-1573.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu
markus-_-what is the command to prepare a run file for installation?07:20
Hericusgnomefreak, nice. :)07:20
dotrigwhat have heppend with ubuntu updates last month :)07:21
gnomefreakmarkus-_-, what run file and there should be instructions on the site you got it from07:21
=== winoian [n=ian@pcp03528035pcs.jamsis01.sc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dotrigNew kernel?07:21
markus-_-its wolfenstein enemy territory07:21
gnomefreakdotrig,  for warty,hoary,breezy?07:21
markus-_-chg sumthing07:21
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ubotusorush20: What?07:21
=== ilba7r [n=ilba7r@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
pinkisntwelltell me about firefox 1.507:22
markus-_-i know to install it i type ./nameof file07:22
ubotuYou can update to firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion07:22
ilba7rdoes amsn support vedio and voice chat?07:22
hunikaI AM BACK07:22
=== b-rad [n=b-rad@pcp0010570804pcs.epensb01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakmore than likey yes updated kernel but since i dont have a clue about your os07:22
=== illicit [n=illicit@pcp0010489211pcs.essex01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Inf3ctedFxilba7r:  the laters aMSN does07:23
b-radhello everyone07:23
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ilba7rthanx inf3ctedFx07:23
gnomefreaknewest brezy kernel is 2.6.12-1007:23
dotrigLast i used was it 2.6.807:23
gnomefreakfor i38607:23
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gnomefreakdotrig, if you click on the lil red thing in the upper corner of gnome can show you the updates07:24
visik7where is xorgcfg ?07:24
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b-radanyone got an ideas as to why Firefox would start to segfault on me after I've messed around with some fonts?  I followed a post in the forums about making the fonts look nicer.. and firefox just segfaults on me when i try to go anywhere.  It starts..  but if i click a bookmark or go somewhere, it dies07:24
=== gnomefreak brb
dotrigi dont use ubuntu now :P going to install again07:24
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gnomefreakdotrig,  oh ok07:24
dotrigfedora sucks07:24
Drakennvidia-glx-1.0.7667-0ubuntu25.1, can someone find this for me07:24
gnomefreaki agree07:25
dotrigyum dosent will download vlc correct :O07:25
dotrigin fc07:25
=== NuckA [n=ubuntu@host-213-213-203-83.brutele.be] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakdraken run apt-cache search <package>07:25
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gnomefreaki wanted to try fc507:25
=== Jeff12088 [n=Jeff1208@adsl-69-107-58-229.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Drakengnomefreak, it seems to be down07:25
gnomefreakbut been putting it off07:25
gnomefreakdraken ap-cache search is never down07:26
visik7Draken: put restricted into your sources07:26
gnomefreakapt-cache search07:26
Drakeni just download07:26
Drakenit just sits at getting headers07:26
=== basti [n=basti@dslb-084-058-221-118.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
dotrigfedora = buggy07:26
=== XiCillin [n=mike@dpc67142105197.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu
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Shadymanfedora = buggy07:26
gnomefreakbut you have it downloaded than why are we loooking for it?07:26
dotrigubuntu = easy07:26
dotrigand good07:27
ShadymanNext question: I edited the wpasupplicant file in init.d, bu it doesn't load properly. What options should i be using for it?07:27
mantashi all,07:27
=== gnomefreak brbing now :(
bastihi all too07:27
Drakengnomefreak? i never said i had it07:27
gnomefreakdraken you said you downloaded it already07:27
mantasi'm using dapper have some problems with firefox07:27
gnomefreakread your last post07:27
gnomefreakmantas, its expected07:28
Drakenno, i said I download, but it just sits at getting headers07:28
mantaswith https07:28
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mantashttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ gives me Unexpected response from server07:28
gnomefreakdraken cancell it and start over07:28
mantasFirefox doesn't know how to communicate with the server.07:28
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gnomefreakmantas,  do not paste in here07:28
Jeff12088no spam pl0x07:28
=== dotrig dev/null
=== heckpiet [n=heckpiet@p54B927C4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Drakeni have tried gnomefreak, i tried apt-get and other graphical pkg programs07:29
Drakengive it a try :P07:29
heckpiethi everybody07:29
mantasgnomefreak, it was only 2 lines07:29
pinkisntwellI installed ff 1.5 but when I click a link on some app it launches ff 1.0.7 if no ff is already running07:29
dabaRmantas: which firefox?07:29
gnomefreakDraken,  im not on breezy and i dont needd nvidia drivers :)07:29
gnomefreakmantas,  it was more than 2 lines07:29
b-radAnyone have any problems with firefox segfaulting after installing some fonts?07:29
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dabaRpinkisntwell: suckazzz!!! joking. How did you install 1.5?07:29
Drakengnomefreak, well it isnt downloading, everything else is fine07:29
gnomefreaki see 1007:29
Jeff12088Is it better to download Kubuntu and reinstall or just install KDE using apt-get?07:29
dabaRmantas: aren't you sorry you did it now?07:30
=== defendguin [n=supertux@adsl-70-240-69-192.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
pinkisntwellby following the instructions in the wiki07:30
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dabaRmantas: well, learn from this for the future. Use stable program versions. This is unsupported.07:30
mcscruffhi i need to use the windows Dos command "/COPY" is there a linux version of this?07:31
gnomefreakdabaR,  ive been trying to tell everyone that its not in repos its not supported :((07:31
pinkisntwellI would use stable programs but the deafult ff is the slowest program on earth07:31
dabaRgnomefreak: but still sometimes someone knows what to do..07:31
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dabaRpinkisntwell: use epiphany.07:31
gnomefreakdabaR, that is true but im not gonna ask ar eyou a newbie first :))07:31
pinkisntwellwhat the fuck? I LIKE firefox!07:31
dabaRpinkisntwell: your issue seems workable. Go System>Pref>Preffs Progs, and point the browser to your copy.07:31
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gnomefreakpinkisntwell,  watch you language07:31
mantasdabaR, yesterday it (firefox 1.5 from dapper) was working07:32
=== gnomefreak is away: www.freewebs.com/joeboxernc
markus-_-any ideas why i can't install to /usr/local/games07:32
markus-_-it tells me i have no write permission07:32
dabaRmantas: perhaps tomorrow it will work again, then, eh, mantas ?hehe. Im mean, don't mind me. Good luck!07:32
pinkisntwellI read somewhere that the ff shipped with ubuntu is slow and they will fix that for dapper07:32
mantasnow it's working too, but without ssl07:32
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markus-_-but i have installed that game to that directory on a different computer with no problems before07:33
dabaRpinkisntwell: and you never even tried whether it was slow for you?07:33
blue-frogmarkus-_-, use sudo07:33
dabaRpinkisntwell: go do what I told you, and ask if you need more info.07:33
markus-_-its an installer07:33
blue-frogmarkus-_-, sudo installer07:33
dabaRI mean, if you want to fix what you mentioned.07:33
pinkisntwelldabaR: it works, thank you07:33
pinkisntwelldabaR: I tried it for a month (since I installed ubuntu), it's immensely slow07:34
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markus-_-i tried inserting sudo07:34
markus-_-but nothing happened07:34
markus-_-i don't recall needing to use sudo to install enemy territory to that directory on my other computer07:35
blue-frogmarkus-_-, your other computer was not ubuntu07:35
markus-_-sure it was07:35
blue-frogmarkus-_-, then all is well07:35
gnomefreakMarkus you cant install anything unless you sudo07:36
markus-_-accept i can't install it to that directory07:36
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Drakennvidia-glx-1.0.7667-0ubuntu25.1, can someone find this for me07:36
ekinhello guy07:36
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markus-_-gonna try sumtin07:36
mantasdabaR, your nick is strange :)07:36
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pinkisntwellI really think they should backport ff 1.507:37
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gnomefreakpinkisntwell, they will when all bugs are out of it07:37
pinkisntwellgnomefreak: or at least use the standard version of 1.0.707:37
gnomefreakbreezy uses 1.0.707:37
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gnomefreakdapper uses 1.5 and dapper isnt stable yet07:38
teroednii would rather say than none of the firefox version are stable;)07:38
gnomefreakFF1.0.7 is stable07:39
=== pinkisntwell [n=pink@ppp62-adsl-153.ath.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakas stable as FF gets07:39
defendguin1.5 has a few annoying bugs :(07:39
pinkisntwellgnomefreak: breezy has 1.0.7 indeed, but it's a different version than the one provided by mozilla and is way slower07:39
defendguinespecially this one with the menus07:39
gnomefreakagreed that is why its not been backported yet07:39
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ekinhello guys I install xfce to ubuntu can i install synaptic07:40
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Kindred1.5 is not going to be backported07:40
defendguindoes anyone know why ours is way slower?  is it the GTK integration?07:40
gnomefreakekin,  you dont have to it should be there07:40
Mazinwhat should I do if GParted reports an error?07:40
gnomefreakKindred, unless it was changed in last few weeks it is still going to be backported07:40
Mazinis there a disk-intergrity checker?07:40
pinkisntwellKindred: why wont it be backported?07:40
evermusethe last time firefox was stable it was called firebird07:41
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MarcNMazin: fsck (on umounted partitions)07:41
Kindred1.5 has some fundamental changes that would break too many other tihngs.07:41
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Spudchathi everyone07:42
MarcNMazin: ah, not filesystem, but disk.  What does fdisk say?07:42
Spudchatim trying to restart my sound server...im in /etc/init.d/ but im not seeing anything that looks like what i need07:42
pinkisntwellKindred: such as?07:42
Spudchatany ideas?07:42
defendguinKindred, im using 1.5 now on breezy.  what is is breaking that i am not aware of07:42
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defendguins/is is/is it07:43
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pinkisntwellanyone know if any other distro has 1.5 in their repos?07:44
MazinMarcN, fdisk tells me i don't have a valid DOS partition table, and builds one07:44
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Mazinalso it says "Warning: invalid flag 0x0000 of partition table 4 will be corrected by w(rite)07:44
Seveasdefendguin, but you've installed it in /opt or /usr/local oslt07:45
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Seveasand that doesn't break things07:45
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XiCillinhappy new year everybody07:45
=== XiCillin scratches eyes
defendguinSeveas, well why cant the backpot be installed into opt?07:45
defendguinas if it really matter where the file is located as long as it works07:45
MarcNMazin: you have backups, right?   Don't really know what that implies.07:46
Seveasbecause packages are not allowed to use /opt or /usr/local07:46
MazinMarcN: no backups, but nothing really important either07:46
MarcNMazin: go for it.07:46
gnomefreakthat could be reason why my /usr/local/bin file is empty?07:46
gnomefreakha ty07:46
=== sorush20 [n=sahar@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakthat was bothereing me all night07:47
MazinMarcN: weird thing is, after GParted supposedly shrinks the partition (make free space), nothing seems to change07:47
ubotusorush20: I don't know, could you explain it?07:47
ubotuDVD playing is possible in ubuntu, some DVDs may require libdvdcss2, which is available at http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/07:47
guerbyany spanish citizen around?07:47
Seveas!dvd =~ s!seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/!wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages!07:47
ubotuSeveas: I don't know, could you explain it?07:47
Seveasubotu, stupid bot07:47
ubotustupid seveas07:47
dabaRubotu: tell sorush20 about ask the bot07:48
Mazinwould the Ubuntu Installer's Partitioner work any better than GParted?07:48
MarcNMazin: moving paritions around never makes me feel safe.  I think sometimes you need to reboot in order to have the disk partition table re-read.07:48
MazinMarcN: oh well, it's probably trashed by now07:48
ubotuDVD playing is possible in ubuntu, some DVDs may require libdvdcss2, which is available at http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/07:48
=== MarcN needs to reboot. 'later
Seveas!forget dvd07:48
ubotui forgot dvd, Seveas07:48
defendguinbuy a partition magic boot disk07:48
Mazindefendguin: eh, no.  I don't want to spend money on partition magic07:49
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defendguinMazin, its a great program and it works07:51
defendguinif not you can call them and complain07:51
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Drakennvidia-glx-1.0.7667-0ubuntu25.1, can someone find this for me07:52
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Drakenits not07:53
=== gnomefreak is willing to bet google knows where to find nvidia
=== Shadyman agrees.
Drakenill pay $100007:53
blue-frogDraken, synaptic doesn't work?07:53
Drakenif u find it07:53
Drakenblue-frog, nope, doesnt connect or something, everything else works, not that07:53
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gnomefreakDraken,  if you cant look for it what makes you think you need it?07:53
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ubotuit has been said that nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5736807:54
gnomefreakgo there07:54
gnomefreaki found it07:54
blue-frogDraken, solve your synaptic problem first...07:54
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cello_rasphow do i make disk images of cds or dvds?07:55
jhennare there any tricks to speeding up openoffice load times?07:55
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Drakenwat do u ppl not understand07:55
gnomefreakcello_rasp, copying an iso? or making an iso?07:55
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Drakenfor synaptic07:55
blue-frogDraken, sad i installed it from there...07:55
dabaRDraken: stop shouting. Also, check this out.07:55
gnomefreakDraken, than widen your sources list a lil07:55
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cello_raspgnomefreak: copying from an existing disk07:55
dabaR!+info nvidia-glx07:55
ubotunvidia-glx: (NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver), section restricted/x11, is optional. Version: 1.0.7667-0ubuntu25 (breezy), Packaged size: 3012 kB, Installed size: 10036 kB07:55
gnomefreakcello_rasp,  what burner are you using?07:56
soultaker1974hello to all07:56
Drakenwat dabaR ?07:56
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cello_raspno burner yet. i mean i want to back up a cd of mine07:56
dabaRDraken: see the standard Ubuntu version from ubotu ^07:56
cello_raspthis could be construed as creating an iso..07:56
dabaRThat is in the restricted repository, Draken07:56
ubotuit has been said that iso is download Ubuntu at http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ and for help burning the CD, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BurningIsoHowto07:56
Drakeni have every repository on07:57
Drakeni never said i cant SEE it, i said it doesnt download07:57
gnomefreakive never done it before :(07:57
simonxhow can i change the size of fonts in applications like mozilla, because i installed icewm and now all font sizes are much smaller07:57
SeveasDraken, then apt-get update && apt-get install nvidia-glx07:57
gnomefreakDraken,  you dont have restricted if you cant find it in synaptic07:57
DrakenSeveas, im not a idiot07:57
gnomefreakSeveas, 3 days with the same person same issue07:57
Drakensigh gnomefreak, please learn to read, i said i can SEE it, but it doesnt download07:57
SeveasDRAGON_Ultra, apparently you are07:57
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SeveasDraken, and why doesn't it download?07:58
dabaRDraken: ya, you certainly are impatient like one...07:58
Kr0ntab!cat /etc/apt/sources.list07:58
ubotuBugger all, i dunno, Kr0ntab07:58
DrakenSeveas, i dont know, it just says getting headers 0%07:58
Drakenand doesnt start07:58
=== xester bbl
gnomefreakDraken,  first apt-cache search nvidia-glx07:58
Drakenive tried reseting it, i have tried apt-get07:58
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SeveasDraken, and any other apt-get install works?07:59
Drakenya, all of them07:59
cello_raspdoes anybody know how to create disk images (specifically for backing up). I'm talking about an equivalent to Nero's 'create disk image' function. this has nothing to do with burning or the ubuntu install cd.07:59
Drakendid nvidia-settings and nvidia-kernel before07:59
dabaRDraken: are you using apt-get?07:59
DrakendabaR, i have tried it07:59
Drakenand kynaptics, and synaptics07:59
SeveasDraken, apt-cache policy nvidia-glx07:59
Seveasoutput on the pastebin07:59
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nox-HandI need some help08:00
Drakenim not in linux atm08:00
defendguincello_rasp, dd?08:00
dabaRDraken: post your /etc/sources.list, and output of sudo apt-get update, and output of sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx to paste.ubuntu-nl.org08:00
=== Aryon [n=jiub@dsl-kpogw7-fe22f800-61.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasthen go to linux, do this and return08:00
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DrakenSeveas, i cant08:00
gnomefreaknox-Hand,  just ask your question08:00
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nox-HandI shall.08:00
Seveasand do what dabaR said too08:00
Drakeni cant say in KDE for longer then 1min08:00
gnomefreakok good :__08:00
Drakenbeofre it crashs08:00
dabaRDraken: did you come to complain, or fix the issue?08:00
SeveasDraken, command line works too08:00
sorush20kate keeps on crashing08:00
gnomefreakkde doesnt work does gnome?08:01
Drakenguys, listen, my sources.list is fine, everything is uncommented08:01
SeveasDraken, that says very little08:01
Drakengnomefreak, its a problem with X11, check nvidia forums08:01
Drakennew update fixs it08:01
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Seveasbut if you can't test things, we can't help you.08:01
dabaRDraken: ctrl+alt+f1, and then run irssi to get here, and use ctrl+alt+f2 to run commands we tell you.08:01
vega-if he's not co-operating why help at all?08:01
gnomefreakDraken, yes i know but you said kde is crashing not X08:01
nox-HandRight. My mate installed ubuntu. Then reinstalled his XP, after a virus on it. (typical XP..) now we need GRUB installed again. I got the commands but need to know how to change to a root terminal  in live cd. (before that I cannot #mkdir /mnt/gentoo and all that to chroot)08:01
dabaRDraken: how would you fix it if you can not even get inot Ubuntu?08:01
Drakenok dabaR brb08:01
ubotu[grub]  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting08:02
Drakengnomefreak, yes because im using KDE08:02
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Seveas^-- nox-Hand08:02
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nox-HandSeveas: I know how to get it working again. Just need to get into a root user in my live cd to do it.08:02
=== Abyssal [n=AbyssalS@68-117-70-100.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
dabaRnox-Hand: ubuntu uses sudo, not root. more at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo08:02
Seveasnox-Hand, sudo -i08:02
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nox-HandSeveas: Right! Cheers08:03
nox-HanddabaR: Cheers08:03
AbyssalThe LiveCD stops working when it says "Loading hotplug subsystems" and it just sits there for hours, doing nothing. Help?08:03
avatar_I am new to Ubuntu and Linux, wondering if ubuntu can view videos off of www in mpeg format using firefox somehow?08:03
nox-HandYou need codecs.08:03
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ubotugnomefreak: I don't know08:04
Fireswordany thoughts on where to find a driver for an nvidia 7800 gt for ubuntu,, running breezy badger 5.1008:04
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AbyssalPlease Private Message me if you can help with my problem.08:04
gnomefreakubotu tell Firesword about nvidia08:04
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teroedniHello all:I have a difficult question: Im trying to install ubuntu dapper i386 using a dlink wireless card DWL-G122(USB) .It is no probem to get it work following this howto http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25676&highlight=dwl-122 .But im installing from scratch and cant figure out how to do it from the installer08:04
physishi guys08:04
Drakenok, wat u guys want me to do ?08:04
=== nox-Hand is now known as nox-Hand_testing
matthew_wHey - is there any way to play directx games on Linux without cedega?08:04
dabaRDraken: /j #flood08:05
teroednii think i would need to get to a terminal then and continnue the installation aftrewards08:05
teroedniany Idea:Thanks For all Help08:05
=== flodine [n=flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreaktheres a flood room?08:05
hou5tondoes anyone happen to have a link to current information on cell phones that sync with Evolution on Linux?08:05
Seveasgnomefreak, #flood08:05
physisGuys, Ubuntu don't suporte (default instalation) tunnel devices?  I do   #ifconfig tun0 up but don't work.  tun modules it's loaded...08:05
gnomefreakcool :)08:06
defendguinhou5ton, your from houston?08:06
hou5tonno .... it's a inside family thing08:06
teroedniPlease:Is there no chance to get in a terminal before ubuntu tries to configure the networks card ?08:07
teroedniThanks for the help08:07
nox-Hand_testingWhere is fstab? Forgot?08:07
hou5tonanyway .... i'd like to switch to a cell phone/pda type unit that will sync with Evolution on Ubuntu without me having to be a coding guru ... which I'm NOT08:07
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sorush20Seveas: is Seveas in the house?08:09
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fluthi from romania08:09
sorush20Seveas: I'm adding you repositories I keep getting pgp errors? any ideas?08:10
FireswordFlorida USA  here08:10
karelhi from South Africa08:10
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nox-Hand_testingkarel: Thanks08:10
Seveassorush20, read the homepage of the repo08:10
ShadymanHi from Canada, eh?08:10
poningrufl here too08:10
=== mihai [n=mihai@CPE00c049edfa5f-CM0010954a3d86.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
flutHi friends. we have to talking, yeah08:10
teroednihmm i gues not then:D I guess that will be a good goal for the devs:)08:10
mihaihappy new year guys08:10
=== Ritz [n=oly@81-178-192-161.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
physisI'm looking lots users with tunnel problems in Ubuntu... But I can't find one answer.  Anyone can help me?08:11
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deejoe_ok, in GNOME/metacity I can go to System, Log Off... and then choose hibernate.  question is, how can I hibernate from the command line?  the "hibernate" command doesn't seem to be the thing.08:11
fluthappy and joyous if possible08:11
mihaioff course08:11
FireswordHappy New Year from Clearwater Beach FL  USA08:11
fluthi clearwater. how are you08:11
SeveasFiresword, happy new year :)08:11
=== physis happy new year from Brazil
markus-_-when i use the x reconfiguration tool, does it automatically remove any previous video drivers?08:12
cello_rasphappy new year from da uk08:12
Fireswordflut  nice and warm about 27 cel here08:12
mihaii am trying to connect to my other computer in my network i cant connect to it no matter what i try any ideas?08:12
cello_raspmihai: samba?08:12
deejoe_mihai: can you ping it?08:12
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defendguinubotu, Backports!08:12
ubotuI heard backports is Add "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-backports main universe multiverse restricted" (without the ") to /etc/apt/sources.list.  More info @ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports08:12
flutok. we have no snow here even if the snow is something usual here in winter. so bad ...08:12
cello_raspwindows or linux server?08:13
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flutfiresword: are you still there08:13
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Fireswordflut   yes  i'm  here08:13
cello_raspmihai i presume you have shared folders set up08:13
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mihaiyes i do08:14
flutfiresword tell me something about your New Year's Eve08:14
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physisno body can help me? :(08:15
physis*nobody ;)08:15
mihaicello_rasp:is there anyway to bypass this\/08:15
Pygiphysis: what seems to be a problem?08:15
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physisPygi, when I try up tun0 device I have "tun0: ERROR while getting interface flags:".  net/tun.ko module it's loaded, but I can't use a tunnel.08:17
cello_raspmihai i am having the same problem. i think the windows firewall may have something to do with this08:17
Pygihuh :/08:18
=== cpdiety_mobile [n=cpdiety@CPE-65-25-222-157.mn.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
physisPygi, and looking Google, I can see others Ubuntu users with this problem (but no a answer) :-(08:18
Pygignomefreak: ping....08:18
Pygiphysis: don't know what it could be :/ but feel free to join #debian08:19
=== brasko [n=bob@ip68-9-65-164.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
mihaii have foun away08:19
mihaiits window's fault08:19
braskoHi, I'm trying to add new key bindings in Gnome/ubuntu08:19
fanopnaicanyone using a nforce 2 board with SP/DIF output?08:19
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braskoHas anyone done that before?08:19
mihaiu need enable network sharing08:19
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sorush20is amd 64 k7?08:19
gnomefreakPygi, pong08:19
physisPygi, thank's08:19
cello_raspmihai here is a great site for xp problems http://www.annoyances.org/exec/show/article04-10908:19
mihaithank you08:19
teroednifanopnaic :Yes i have a nforce 2 board with sp/dif08:20
gnomefreakheres a good place for xp problems #windows08:20
fanopnaicteroedni: anything fancy you had to do in order to get sp/dif working? :)08:20
Pygignomefreak: k, just wanted to see if you are here :P08:20
braskoFor instance, I want to map some keys to any command I want08:20
cello_raspgnomefreak lol08:20
braskoIs that possible?08:20
Pygiphysis: yw08:20
gnomefreakim always here08:20
teroedniohh i never tried it08:20
tonyyarussoI'd like to know how to do this: "moving gdm to a later start # in /etc/rc2.d/"08:20
tonyyarussobrasko: I do it with a program called tpb (ThinkPad Buttons).08:21
sorush20I can't play dvd's help08:21
PeteyPabloanyone here use win4lin and know where the XP files are stored?08:21
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tonyyarussobrasko: I'm sure some modification of that if necessary at all could work for other computers too.08:21
braskoO man, it's not built into the Desktop environment anymore?08:21
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tonyyarussobrasko, I know some things are; not sure if any command can be used.08:21
braskoI used to do it with swordfish, with the debian install I had08:21
braskoYeah, it has predetermined actions to short cut keys08:22
braskobut how useful is that?08:22
teroednifanopnaic:You tried playing with alsamixer?08:22
Pygignomefreak: willing to give some ideas on the matter I presented you?08:22
tonyyarussobrasko, Is swordfish available with Ubuntu?08:22
braskoNone of the things I wantto map are on there?08:22
fanopnaicteroedni: yes08:22
braskoI don't know, I was kind of enjoying medacity08:22
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gnomefreakPygi, is it text only? or gaphical?08:22
braskometacity, that is08:22
Kr0ntabso has anyone configured wpa_supplicant so that it runs with rcS scripts... so that the wireless card is associated before rc40networking runs?  The reason is that my laptop hands on "Configuring network interfaces..." during boot until I ctrl-c it... or it times out.08:22
Pygignomefreak: graphical08:22
Kr0ntaboops... S40networking08:23
emptystaplerI'm a bit confused about the purpose of Cairo. Is the version of GTK/Gnome Breezy comes with using it already? If not, would enabling it cause UI stuff to be accelerated through OpenGL?08:23
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sorush20I keep getting this error gstpad.c(3377): gst_pad_pull: /internal_thread/thread_textbin/textbin/blender: pull on pad blender:subpicture_sink_0 but it was unlinked08:24
Fireswordok  guys  gotta run  c y all later08:24
=== QuarkPup [n=QuarkPup@udp032482uds.hawaiiantel.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pygi!wait in line08:24
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, wait in line is like, there are a lot of question...and only few of us who can answer... please be patient and wait....08:24
gnomefreakPygi, is there a list of plug-ins for it or you just starting?08:24
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Pygignomefreak: well, not that we just started, but still workin' on the core08:25
bluntedi forgot what i was gonna ask08:25
Pygihm, lemme open a private chat08:25
bluntedmaybe its the rum and cokes fault08:25
tonyyarussoKr0ntab, Since it seems you have some knowledge in the area, do you know how to move gdm to a later start # in /etc/rc2.d/?08:25
=== nomin [n=nomin@adsl-67-39-192-139.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
mihaianother question since my coputer is really slow(300mHz and aaabout 64mb of ram) any suggestions on making it use less ram?08:25
tonyyarussoKr0ntab, Someone suggested it and I have no idea what that means.08:25
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bluntedmihai i think u can make the swap bigger08:25
tonyyarussomihai, Are you running X?08:26
bluntedbut im not sure08:26
bluntedsomeone might've been lying when they told me that08:26
tonyyarussomihai, I think making the swap bigger will help to an extent, but not infinitely.08:26
nomindoes anyone know if there is a free music mixer like fruityloops for linux?08:26
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tonyyarussomihai, How big is your swap now?08:26
mihainot sure08:26
Kr0ntab/etc/rc2.s/S13gdm is the file...08:26
=== michael_ [n=michael@AdrianDHCP-51.216-16-86.iw.net] has joined #ubuntu
bluntednomin i think beast is the same sorta program08:27
Kr0ntabyou can simply rename it to something higher08:27
Kr0ntabtonyyarusso, that was directed to you... sorry08:27
PeteyPabloanyway i can view the largest files on my hd through terminal?08:27
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yumasomeone has used the grace6 package?08:28
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tonyyarussoKr0ntab, Something like instead of S13gdm, maybe S23gdm?  Does it much matter what to?08:28
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bluntedhow do i disable gdm and just use text mode to login08:29
cello_raspnomin: i wish. there are lots of different sequencers but nothing close to fruityloops. your best bet is to use fruityloops under wine (i have no idea if it works or not but i hope hope hope it does)08:29
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PeteyPablocello_rasp: or use vmware08:29
michael_hope this is an easy question, I'm using ndiswrapper to enable my wireless device. I use $modprobe ndiswrapper, configure the settings, then activate it. How can I do this on startup08:29
=== mustard5 [n=mustard5@004.a.001.sop.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
PeteyPablomichael_: make it a bash script and put it in the startup folder?08:30
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michael_idk how to do that, i'm somewhat a noob08:30
yumablunted, you could always delete the rc?.d/ symlink to gdm08:30
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emptystaplershould i enable RenderAccel or Exa in Xorg to increase my gui drawing performance?08:30
yumablunted, but it has to be a better way to do it08:30
Kr0ntabtonyyarusso, the first directory that is evalutaed on boot is /etc/rcS.d/    it then goes through the appropriate /etc/rc#.d directory... according to the run level yer in... (default is 2 in Ubuntu)....08:30
=== davro [n=davro@cpc4-ches2-3-0-cust110.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
cello_raspnomin: here is something fro kde.. http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=1415208:31
bluntedeh nevermind08:31
tonyyarussoKr0ntab, What is the purpose in life for levels 3-5?08:31
bluntedi dont really care i have gdm08:31
bluntedi just cant remember my real question08:31
tonyyarussoyuma, I'd be interested in the better way just out of curiosity if you care to give it.08:32
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Kr0ntabtonyyarusso, well.. in Ubuntu.. they're all the same as level 2...  but you can choose to have yer system run certain things in one runlevel than you would in others....08:32
Kr0ntabjust gives you a lot of options...08:32
=== mcphail_ [n=mcphail@dynamic-62-56-34-54.park-s46b.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
tonyyarussoKr0ntab, And then set up different grub options for each of them, so you could boot according to your needs for that session?08:33
Kr0ntablooks through yer /etc/rc2 - 5 directories... and compare the contents...08:33
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Kr0ntabI don't know for certain if you can specify which run level you want to boot with grub... I just havent done that before.... but you can run "init #" from a command line one yer booted...  and it will drop you into that run level...08:34
AndrewX_I can't install a new kernel without getting a "Kernel Panic: VFS: unable to mount root fs" error.08:34
tonyyarussoKr0ntab, Cool.  Will have to try that some time.08:34
dragoonYeah, you can tell grub to boot at a specific level.08:34
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Kr0ntabdragoon, cool.08:35
bluntedAndrewX; i get that same crap08:35
bluntedso i just dont use my new kernel08:35
yumatonyyarusso, i'd like to know the better way too. I just know there's another one because that one is pretty ugly...08:35
=== Dwayne [n=ldsuddut@ip122.97.78.64.suscom.net] has joined #ubuntu
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tonyyarussoyuma: Ah.  Maybe I'll stumble across it.08:36
michael_how can I add something to startup? isn't their a certain file i can just add a line too?08:36
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michael_I just want to add modprobe ndiswrapper08:36
nominit looks like beast does the same drumming stuff as fruity loops08:37
yumatonyyarusso, what about deleting /etc/rc3.d/S13gdm and changing the default init to 3 in /etc/inittab?08:37
Kr0ntabmichael_, if you want a module to start at boot... put the module in /etc/modules08:37
bluntednomin; so its kinda what you were lookin for?08:37
tonyyarussoyuma: That sounds like it would work.  Would have to try it.08:38
bluntedor not?08:38
nominoops, I meant hydrogen08:38
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bluntedima get that then08:38
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=== tonyyarusso goes off to test something...
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Xer0_h4xI'v had my windows drive mounted in /mnt/ntfs for awhile and now nothing shows up when i enter the folder...i put it in fstab and everyting, how do i unmount a drive and hound it to the folder agian? :x i forgot08:39
wezzergood evening08:39
michael_Kr0ntab: can i just add $modprobe ndiswraper to the modules file?08:39
wezzeris there package for f-spot 0.0.15 ?08:39
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wezzerfor ubuntu I mean08:39
nominblunted, hydrogen probably does the same drumming stuff, but not other instruments.  maybe I can combine programs somehow08:39
Kr0ntabjust    ndiswrapper08:39
michael_k, ty08:40
sorush20why doens't gmplayer plugin  work for firefox 1.5 ?08:40
Kr0ntabyou'll see the structure in there...08:40
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michael_ttyl everybody08:40
dragoonwezzer, don't think so. it's 0.1.3 for 5.1008:40
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tonyyarussoNot successful with that.08:41
yumatonyyarusso, what did you tried?08:41
tonyyarussoKr0ntab, I don't think that's actually solving my issue there.08:41
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tonyyarussoyuma: For some reason /etc/init.d/gdm start disables my console switching.08:42
dragoonwezzer, check out the backports forum perhaps.08:42
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wezzerdragoon: damn, I need 0.0.15 because that has export to gallery208:42
Paradossohi everybody, how do I configure fonts under ubuntu?08:42
Xer0_h4xI'v had my windows drive mounted in /mnt/ntfs for awhile and now nothing shows up when i enter the folder...i put it in fstab and everyting, how do i unmount a drive and hound it to the folder agian? :x i forgot08:42
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tonyyarussoyuma: So I'm actually still very much open to ideas.08:42
wezzerdragoon: I tried to compile it already, but it complains some strange error when running it08:42
TranceRiverQuestion. I'm switching to a distro of linux today. I know that you guys are probably going to say ubuntu, but is it a good choice?08:42
TranceRiverI'm completly new to linux.08:42
TranceRiverI'm thinking Ubuntu, SuSE, or Gentoo.08:42
tonyyarussoyuma: Just restarted it outside of the boot sequence this time.08:43
Stew_LappyI switched from Suse to Ubuntu - loving it08:43
AndrewX_blunted: whats up with that anyway? the default 386 kernel from the CD works, but whenever I apt-get a new one or even compile a new one, kernel panic08:43
yumatonyyarusso, so you can't change the TTY using Ctrl+Alt+F#?08:43
=== phos-phoros [n=phos-pho@unaffiliated/phos-phoros] has joined #Ubuntu
spaceyTranceRiver, Ubuntu is ideal for desktop linux use08:43
Kr0ntabtonyyarusso, wait... yer console switching is disabled with the invocation of gdm?  describe problem.08:43
DwayneTrance Kubuntu...you'll never go back..08:43
tonyyarussoyuma: Correct.08:43
=== emptystapler [n=dan@pcp01588460pcs.mplsnt01.sc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
yumatonyyarusso, do you spawn the ttys in inittab?08:43
TranceRiverKubuntu > Ubuntu?08:43
tonyyarussoKr0ntab, See above messages to yuma.08:43
spaceyTranceRiver, not if you ask me, matter of taste08:43
tonyyarussoyuma, Don't know.08:44
TranceRiverAh okay.08:44
spaceyyou can try both ofcourse08:44
DwayneTrance: Kubuntu: Ubuntu with KDE..08:44
TranceRiverFair enough.08:44
Xer0_h4x TranceRiv, you'll be glad if you got Ubuntu man, you can get alot of current programs and its the best distro to grow up with linux in, after that you'll know how to make good decisions08:44
=== simonx [n=simon@p549DDFE6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
emptystaplerdear god... I just enabled EXA and composite extensions in XORG with my Radeon 9600xt and the difference in graphics performance is incredible08:44
TranceRiverDoes it lose any features going from ubuntu to kubuntu?08:44
Xer0_h4xlike get get more deaper08:44
=== Linfan [n=frank@c-66-176-209-252.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Xer0_h4xand ubuntu lets you do all of that08:44
tonyyarussoyuma and Kr0ntab: Once I'm logged in to the desktop, in gnome-terminal I can sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop.08:44
yumatonyyarusso,  something like '1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1' in /etc/inittab08:44
PeteyPabloTranceRiver: no08:44
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DwayneTranceRiver: no08:44
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Xer0_h4x TranceRiv, nope just a different window manager08:44
tonyyarussoyuma and Kr0ntab: I then have full ability to switch between my ttys.08:44
androssit takes one command once you have ubuntu installed to get all of the kubuntu packages doenst it08:44
=== SOMNIVM [n=ABORT@cable-84-43-157-9.mnet.bg] has joined #ubuntu
TranceRiverI think I'm going to try Ubuntu first.08:44
Linfanis there away to fine tune contrast etc on ubuntu for my laptop lcd? it needs some fine tunning08:44
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androssso you can play with them both08:45
emptystaplerIs there some reason the EXA thing isn't more widely talked about?08:45
Xer0_h4x TranceRiv, but ubuntu would be for an average system and kubuntu is a bit lighter on the CPU08:45
tonyyarussoyuma and Kr0ntab: I maintain that ability if I then startx from one of them, but not if I start gdm.08:45
nominit looks like beast and hydrogen might make a good combo.  I'm gonna install them and see how they are.08:45
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spiregrainlinfan - what type of graphics chip is in your lappy?08:45
tonyyarussoyuma: I'll look for that.08:45
=== xix_xeaon [n=chatzill@c83-249-144-197.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
TranceRiverI found an offer on craigslist for a 933 mhz machine. Comes with everything you need, and a 15 inch monitor for 100 bucks.08:45
TranceRiverIs that a fair deal?08:45
phos-phorosemptystapler, EXA thing?08:45
TranceRiverAnd will it run ubuntu okay?08:45
TranceRiverPIII, that is.08:45
Linfani have a intel integrated graphics08:45
thiago_what is the adress ubuntu br???08:45
Xer0_h4x TranceRiv, yeah and it run Ubuntu perfectly :)08:45
yumatonyyarusso, you should have them, because if not you couldn't switch even when disabling gdm08:45
emptystaplerphos-phoros: evidently it enables 3d acceleration support for 2d operations in the UI08:45
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br (/j #ubuntu-br) ou #ubuntu-pt (/j #ubuntu-pt) para ajuda em portugues. Obrigada.08:46
TranceRiverokay. He's asking for 75 for the computer alone, or 100 with everything. I think 25 bucks for a 15 inch monitor, keyboard, and mouse it fair.08:46
spiregrainlinfan - Dunno, then.  I used to have an nvidia-based laptop, and nvidia have a little gui app to set brightness, etc08:46
tonyyarussoyuma: Ah.08:46
=== ilba7r [n=ilba7r@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
TranceRiverBut 933 is slow as shit on Windows XP, it wont be like that, correct?08:46
Xer0_h4x TranceRiv, thast a really good deal!08:46
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tonyyarussoyuma: Yeah, I spawn 1-6.08:46
Linfanintel does too but i dont see it on ubuntu08:46
Xer0_h4x TranceRiv, oh god no it will be ALOT faster08:46
Xer0_h4xand more stable ;)08:46
=== navi [n=navi@acry194.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
TranceRiverany need-be programs that I need that aren't installed on ubuntu?08:47
yumatonyyarusso, then it should be somthing related to gdm alone...08:47
tonyyarussoyuma: 1 is :2345 while 2-6 are :23 only.08:47
TranceRiverFor example a need be install on windows xp is office.08:47
yumatonyyarusso, the same as me...08:47
=== Mandor- [n=mandor@APoitiers-152-1-8-91.w83-193.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Xer0_h4xTranceRiv, you get EVERYTHING you need08:47
Xer0_h4xif now08:47
yumatonyyarusso, have you changed somthing in the gdm configuration?08:47
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tonyyarussoyuma: So then what?08:47
Xer0_h4xubntu will most likely have it08:47
tonyyarussoyuma: I don't think I even know how.08:47
ShadymanCan someone do me a favor please? If you have wpa_supplicant, could you pastebin your /etc/init.d/wpasupplicant file for me?08:47
Stew_LappyTranceRiver Open Office is installed, you will need to add dvd and mp3 support - but all so easy08:47
Xer0_h4xubuntu, what do you use your computer08:47
Mandor-greetings, what kind of package should I look into if I want to watch TV on my breezy? I'd like to know what software to install08:48
Xer0_h4xTranceRiv, what do you use your computer for?08:48
Xer0_h4xanything on window your afraid wont be on linux?08:48
tonyyarussoyuma: Someone suggested a driver conflict of some sort, but I wasn't able to pinpoint anything.08:48
Kr0ntabShadyman, did you delete yers?08:48
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yumatonyyarusso, i don't think it would be a driver conflict08:48
ShadymanKr0ntab: Almost.08:48
TranceRiverWell, I'm going to use linux for the following. Programming the AVR with C. General IRC, AIM, browsing, some music, ect.08:48
TranceRiverI'll keep this machine for when I need my game fix.08:48
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ShadymanKr0ntab: Butchered it enoguh, though08:48
TranceRiverI'll get Wine, or whatever if I need to run Exe's.08:49
Kr0ntabShadyman, why not just do a repair?08:49
TranceRiverbut I'll try to avoid any windows programs.08:49
Xer0_h4xTranceRiv, :D some games dont need wine to run also08:49
tonyyarussoyuma: If you have any ideas of what it could be, please throw them out here, and maybe I'll find something useful.  Not sure where to even look myself.08:49
TranceRiverXer0_h4x: well, with a 933 machine I wont be playing many games.08:49
=== Falstius [n=airen@pcp0012090390pcs.nanarb01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Xer0_h4xTranceRiv, theres many alternatives that do the same thing and/or better on linux08:49
ShadymanKr0ntab: It's almost working, don't want to nerf everything else08:49
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Xer0_h4xTranceRiv, my main computer is 500 mhz :) and i play games an 3D model and animation with it xD08:50
yumatonyyarusso, i'm reading the gdm.conf, in order to find if there's something that blocks the ctrl+alt+F108:50
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tonyyarussoyuma: Oh, I have a login theme installed, but that worked before this problem happened.08:50
tonyyarussoyuma: Okay.08:50
TranceRiverThe games I mostly play (not often) is Counter-Strike: Source, and some FPS games.08:50
TranceRiverOther that that... nothing really08:50
xix_xeaoncould anyone help me with samba? I can't connect to it from windows...08:50
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cello_raspxix: #samba :)08:50
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xix_xeaoncello_rasp: oh ; )08:51
=== markus-_- [n=mark@S010600062582c114.tb.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotufonts is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com//FontInstallHowto08:51
ShadymanIs there a room for ndiswrapper or wpa_supplicant?08:51
Xer0_h4xTranceRiv, yes wine can do that and theres Returne to Castle Wolfinstien or w/e for linux :D and an open source FPS called cube (www.cubeengine.com08:51
=== grayman [n=grayman@85-64-132-224.barak-online.net] has joined #ubuntu
Unityis there a way to force my nvidia card to anti-alias everything it renders? there was a way in windows08:51
Xer0_h4x Unity, what window manager?08:51
TranceRiveralright alright... I'll check it out.08:51
=== epitk [n=epitk@cable-static-31-108.teleport.ch] has joined #ubuntu
TranceRiverI need to add mp3 support?08:52
ubotusomebody said mp3 was a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats08:52
Xer0_h4xalright,  TranceRiv, member theres good people in here08:52
UnityXer0_h4x, gnome on Xorg08:52
Kr0ntabShadyman,  I queried ya...08:52
TranceRiverI would think that would be built in.08:52
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Xer0_h4xTranceRiv, you said it :D08:52
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Xer0_h4xeven movies08:52
Xer0_h4xany music type if you want08:52
ShadymanKr0ntab: Yeah?08:52
DShepherdhappy new year one and all! :)08:52
Xer0_h4x Unity, not sure if its called this but, xorg composite? or w/e08:52
Kr0ntabShadyman, PM me08:52
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Kr0ntabI'll paste it in there08:53
Xer0_h4xHappy New Year :)08:53
greenpenguin13happy birthday08:53
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DShepherdgreenpenguin13: :-D lol08:53
TranceRiverWhat's the biggest downfall to linux do you think?08:53
UnityXer0_h4x, xorg composite? can you explain more? does that go in my xorg.conf or something?08:53
PygiKr0ntab: no pasting...08:53
TranceRiverGame compatibility?08:53
yumatonyyarusso, have you tried dpkg-reconfigure gdm, just in case that would change anything...08:53
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Xer0_h4xI'v had my windows drive mounted in /mnt/ntfs for awhile and now nothing shows up when i enter the folder...i put it in fstab and everyting, how do i unmount a drive and hound it to the folder agian? :x i forgot08:53
tonyyarussoyuma: No, I haven't.  Will do.08:53
Xer0_h4x TranceRiv, quite a bit achully now08:54
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PygiXer0: umount08:54
Xer0_h4xi spelt it wrong08:54
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ShadymanKr0ntab: ok08:54
=== Xer0_h4x kicks self in the ass
yumatonyyarusso, and you can change to TTY doing a startx, a X& gnome-session, but you can't when you load the gdm first. Is that ok?08:54
=== greenpenguin13 kicks Xer0_h4x in the ass for him
Xer0_h4xPygi, sudo: unmount: command not found08:54
tonyyarussoyuma: Can I do the reconfigure with it running, or should I stop it first?08:55
Xer0_h4x :\08:55
TranceRiverDoes ubuntu have a 'image mounting system' built in?08:55
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yumatonyyarusso, you should stop it, just in case it has to do something...08:55
Xer0_h4x TranceRiv, not sure, like deamen toolz in window?08:55
Pyginot UNMOUNT :P08:55
alvansonI know this is OT, but maybe some of you have come across this: how can I get Windows to unmount a drive when it hibernates so that if I make changes to the same drive in Linux then unhiberate windows, the filesystem doesn't go all dumb?08:55
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TranceRiverOr like Alcohol 120%08:55
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tonyyarussoyuma: What do you mean by X& gnome-session?  Haven't done that.08:55
Xer0_h4x Pygi, sorry :x08:55
sorush20is there a Babylon equivalent in linux?08:55
=== gnomefreak is away: www.freewebs.com/joeboxernc
Xer0_h4xTranceRiv yes, aburning program?08:55
Xer0_h4xif so yes08:56
dabaRalvanson: omg...herecy08:56
TranceRiverDo I need to install WINE?08:56
alvansondabaR, I know :(  I also need to know how to do the same in Linux, but google is helping me with that one...08:56
yumatonyyarusso, with X& you load the xserver in the background, and with gnome-session, i'm not pretty sure (i used fluxbox), but you load the gnome desktop08:56
redguyTranceRiver: I could tell you how to do that from the commandline, not sure if there's a GUI for that08:56
Xer0_h4xTranceRiv yes it's very simple tho08:56
Xer0_h4xcome here and ask when your there08:56
TranceRiverI'm going to call the guy and say I want the computer.08:56
tonyyarussoyuma: I'll test that in a minute.08:56
TranceRiver256 ram fair enough for linux?08:57
Xer0_h4x TranceRiv, alright good stuff come back if you need hekop :)08:57
redguyTranceRiver: the more the better :-)08:57
pramzTranceRiver: yes, but i would recommend at least 512megs08:57
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Xer0_h4xTranceRiv, but but you can always put more in right?08:57
Amaranthmore is always better, but 256 is ok08:57
Unityexample: mount -o loop -t iso9660 -r /home/image/mndrk71.iso /mnt/iso/mndrk7108:57
TranceRiverhmm, okay thanks unity, I'll notepad that.08:57
tonyyarussoTranceRiver, The actual spec Ubuntu claims is 128.08:57
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redguytonyyarusso: really?08:58
Xer0_h4x TranceRiv, do you know how to setup the partions ?08:58
Mazindoes anyone know why GParted would have trouble resizing an Ext3 partition?08:58
Kindredout of interest.. what would break if a user deleted all the hidden files in their home dir?08:58
Xer0_h4xif not reading documentation will save you ALOT of linux learnign time08:58
tonyyarussoredguy: Yeah, looked it up once.  I'll see if I can find the page again.08:58
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Xer0_h4xi learned that the hard way :\08:58
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MazinGParted will claim to do something, but after it's done nothing's changed08:58
TranceRiverAlso, one more thing. I'm buying a router too so I can connect both via internet. I plan on moving this 2 floors above me, so it will need to be wireless. I've had some experiance with routers, and I absolutely hate them. Does anyone know any routers that seem to be better than others? (Ie port forwarding, Direct connecting in IRC, ect)?08:58
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Xer0_h4x TranceRiv, not sure about the router...but the wireless part your gonna wanna ask about (i dont know about it)08:59
odathi everyone08:59
Xer0_h4xi hear its a touchy not sure08:59
Xer0_h4xhello odat08:59
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MazinWhat's the best way to resize an Ext3 partition?08:59
odatanyone encountered some weird dependcy errors when trying to install mplayer?09:00
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luthyi have a question09:00
Xer0_h4xodat, like it trys to download from a website?09:00
Xer0_h4xin apt-get09:00
luthyi dl Flash player on my comp. i have ubuntu BTW, and the flash player wont work on this Flash Chat that i go on09:00
odatXer0_h4x, when trying to install it through synaptic09:00
smiroldohi and happy new year! someone could tell me which script run an apt-get update when i start my ubuntu system?09:01
Xer0_h4xodat, oh, no sorry09:01
odatXer0_h4x, the only version i have in synaptic for mplayer are cvs versions09:01
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tonyyarussoredguy: Here it is: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/releasenotes510#2.009:01
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imperfect-Happy new year.09:01
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Xer0_h4xodat search ubntu mplayer on google, thats got it you gotta add a thing to sources.list i'm sure09:01
ubuntu_hey guys09:01
Xer0_h4xhello ubuntu_09:02
redguytonyyarusso: this seems far too little09:02
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luthyhow come flash player won work on my comp? has anyone had simmilar probs?09:02
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tonyyarussoredguy: Well, apparently it's possible anyway.  I myself have 512, so hey.09:03
imperfect-Anyone here got a snaptics touchpad?09:03
luthycan anyone here answer my question?09:03
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gnomefreakluthy, have you asked it yet?09:03
Xer0_h4x luthy, just ask away and if someone knows it they'll answer09:03
sethkimperfect-, sure09:03
gnomefreakoops sorry09:03
tonyyarussoluthy: Standalone player or browser plugin?09:04
spiregrainimperfect-- not sure, but it does the scrolling thing09:04
luthyI tried to DL Macromedia Flash Player, b/c i go to a flash chat, and i DL it and it wont work09:04
gnomefreakubotu tell luthy about flash09:04
ubuntu_how do  i share some mounted partitions on the network plz?09:04
luthyhow do i dl the plugin for Mozzila?09:04
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redguytonyyarusso: since this is the minimum, I have to back off. But this is almost certainly too little for normal usage...09:04
Xer0_h4xabpt is ta;lomg tp ypu09:04
ubuntu_cuz my comp aint workin so im runnin the live 5.10 ubunt09:05
Xer0_h4xa bot is talking to you *09:05
Xer0_h4x ubuntu_, did your comp not work while on windoze?09:05
odatxerophyte, no help either    has anyone been able to install Mplayer through synaptic?09:05
tonyyarussoluthy: apt-get install flashplayer-mozilla or flashplugin-nonfree.09:05
tonyyarussoodat: Yes.09:05
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ubuntu_it shuts down by itself09:06
Xer0_h4xthe problem = windows09:06
ubuntu_after a power down of the entire town's electrical network09:06
Xer0_h4xyour safe here on linux :D09:06
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tonyyarussoodat: mplayer-386 from multi.09:06
fr0xAnyone has experience with suspend2 hibernate?09:06
ubuntu_my third partition got damaged n since then it shuts down by itself09:06
SpookyNiki just followed the instructions on the wiki for installing firefox 1.5 from mozilla... and for some reason i can only launch firefox with sudo... any other method of starting it up fails09:07
odattonyyarusso, hmmm when i try mine can't resolve the dependecies09:07
sethkubuntu_, buy a UPS09:07
TranceRiverWhy does everyone spell it windoze?09:07
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SpookyNikanyone have any idea what could cause that?09:07
ubuntu_yeh i will09:07
sethkTranceRiver, whi nut?09:07
dabaRzause we are leet09:07
ubuntu_but this one's a laptop09:07
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pinkisntwellwhat's a package diversion?09:07
tonyyarussoodat: Have you tried manually doing the dependencies reported ahead of time and then trying it again?09:07
Xer0_h4xTranceRiv, we really not like windows, i really like 'Winblows' :)09:07
TranceRiverdun noi dude just wondering lololo jkjojkokok bff lylab bbq09:07
dabaRkalimera pinkisntwell09:07
Xer0_h4xthis is part of the free worls09:08
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dabaRpinkisntwell: where did you see that.09:08
fr0xI have just installed suspend2 and it works fine though when it finishes copying all files the power off section comes, unfortunately it never power off the system so I have to do it manually while it should power off the system automatically, any idea why?09:08
spiregrainfr0x - I could not get it to work on a Toshiba Equium A6009:08
pinkisntwelldabaR: kalimera. I saw it in dpkg-divert09:08
epitkwhere can i get e newer version of libqt3-mt?09:08
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fr0xspiregrain, so you suggest me to say thanks and shut up, huh ? ;)09:08
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SpookyNikno one has any idea about firefox?09:08
Xer0_h4xIs there a readon firefox 1.5 isnt in the repos?09:08
Shadymanubotu: tell Xer0_h4x about firefox 1509:09
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Xer0_h4xSpookyNik, did you install it as root?09:09
Shadymanubotu: tell Xer0_h4x about firefox1509:09
dabaRpinkisntwell: "man dpkg-divert"09:09
fr0xXer0_h4x, I have been heard because they have to get it completely ubuntu supported - It takes time09:09
luthyok neither one of those commands worked09:09
pinkisntwelldabaR: I read it and don't understand09:09
Xer0_h4xoh ok09:09
dabaRpinkisntwell: then it is not something you need, or is it?09:09
luthyi need to get flashplayer working in this comp09:09
ubuntu_tho, how could i share the mounted partitions (they mounted in root read only)09:09
SpookyNikoh i think i might have hehe09:09
pinkisntwellit is because it suggests it in the ff 1.5 installation09:10
MazinWhat's the best way to resize an Ext3 partition?09:10
fr0x1.5 is much better09:10
tonyyarussoXer0_h4x, Yes, because Ubuntu policy is to only include new developments in software in the next upcoming release, and let other volunteers take them into backports if they so choose, so the official team can focus their energies on moving on to the next one.09:10
imperfect-Anyone here got a snaptics touchpad?09:10
fr0xI suggest to install it manually.09:10
spiregrainfr0x - yeah you punks with your questions09:10
Xer0_h4xtonyyarus, ooooh alright thanks09:10
SpookyNikshould i just chmod the firefox dir then?09:10
luthyhow do i install Macromedia flash Player manually09:10
Xer0_h4xok fr0x, will do09:10
odattonyyarusso, it is asking for libjack0.100.0-0 which is not in the repositories09:10
fr0xspiregrain, get rid of your lame toshiba09:10
Xer0_h4xluthy your questions was answered09:11
luthyyeah but they didnt work09:11
epitki need libqt3-mt >= 3: who knows where to get?09:11
luthyi opened up the terminal and put in the command and didnt work09:11
=== spiregrain holds up handbag, goes "Oo-oooooo!"
dabaRtell imperfect  about wiki SynapticsTouchpadHowto09:11
luthyE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied)09:12
SpookyNiki followed the directiong at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion step by step though09:12
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spiregrainIt hung up when writing the image out to the disk09:12
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tonyyarussoodat: Which version of mplayer are you trying to get?  I see libjack0.80.  Your package sounds like the next gstreamer set, which is in dapper.09:12
imperfect-well I'm using tpconfig09:12
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tonyyarussoSpookyNik, Probably.09:12
chapiumhi, gdesklets when it loads in the startup makes the splash screen hang until the desktop is clicked.  Anyone know what the deal with this is?09:13
tonyyarussoSpookyNik, Don't remember if I had that problem.09:13
SpookyNikwhich step should i not use sudo with?09:13
=== Goek [n=Goek@0x57326da6.bynxx17.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
spiregrainluthy - you should quit synaptic or any other package-type aps and try again09:13
imperfect-dabaR: where do I find that synaptics?09:13
nomingalan also looks like a good program09:13
Goekis there any easy programs for administrating ones network connections?09:13
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odattonyyarusso, i found the problem it was one of my repositories that i use for realplayer and w32's09:14
spiregrainGoek- System/Administration/Networking09:14
tonyyarussoodat: Ah.09:14
spiregrainon the menus09:14
odattonyyarusso, now should i use 386 or 586?09:14
bladezcan someone pls help me?09:15
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tonyyarussoodat: I did 586 initially, but something later wanted 386 for a dependency, and that's been working fine since.09:15
masewhere do iget the stdc++ library09:15
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=== bladez got a problem with my hdd
bladezgotta format it but i got no os on it09:15
bladezim runnin the live version of the 5.10 ubuntu09:15
bladezn i wanna backup my data on another comp09:15
Chousukebladez: what do you need to format it to?09:15
tonyyarussomase: apt-get install libstdc++5 with the main repo.09:16
Chousukecan't do that with Ubuntu09:16
titanium_platypuwhat's the Ubuntu equivalent of Fedora's /etc/modprobe.conf ?09:16
spiregrainbladez - do you need to partition it too?09:16
bladezspiregrain,  its already done09:16
bladezon ntfs09:16
bladezi wanna share it on the network09:16
masetonyyarusso, says its already newest version... but aMSN says it cant detect the stdc++ library09:16
Linuturkyou can't use the 32-bit version of ubuntu on a 64-bit machine, can you?09:16
gnomefreakLinuturk, yes you can09:16
Linuturkgnomefreak, when I tried on my laptop, it wigged out09:17
gnomefreakamd 64 supports both 32 and 64 bit09:17
Linuturkgnome wouldn't load up09:17
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spiregrainbladez - don't understand it then.  If you format it, you'll delete everything off it.09:17
francescohi. does anybody knows of major problems in dapper atm?09:17
tonyyarussomase: Not sure what the issue is then.09:17
bladezyeah thats why i need to backup everythin on it on anthother comp09:17
Linuturkgnomefreak, i was using the live cd . . .09:17
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gnomefreakfrancesco,  take a look at bugzilla09:17
apokryphosfrancesco: dbus (going through a transition), locales, generally; some sound issues flying about.09:17
tonyyarussofrancesco, Not specifically, just that I've been told it isn't ready for general use for most people yet.09:18
gnomefreaklocales seems to be the hardest to get around tho that i have seen09:18
=== tonyyarusso tests something again.
francescognomefreak, apokryphos, tonyyarusso: thanks09:18
francescotonyyarusso: ok, that's enough for me. i'll give it a try09:18
gnomefreakits in alpha form that is pre beta give it time09:19
=== francesco went through pre-hoary and pre-breezy
epitkhello world, does really nobody knows where to get newest versions of libqt3-mt?09:20
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francescojust checking if there was something breaking-everything-as-hell as the g++ transition in hoary :)09:20
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=== gnomefreak doesnt know what people do or know i just dont wanna hear gnomefreak you screwed up my pc with that dapper install
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BxLgnomefreak you screwed up my pc with that dapper install09:21
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gnomefreaklol BxL09:21
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Pygi!wait in line09:21
ubotuwait in line is, like, totally, like, there are a lot of question...and only few of us who can answer... please be patient and wait....09:21
Pygignomefreak: this "wait in line" thingy is great :)09:21
TokenBadok can someone tell me what would cause this and how to fix it...the power went out at my house..when it came back on I booted my system...and restarted azureus..and now its giving me an error of (read only file system) open fails09:21
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gnomefreakPygi, ive never used it09:22
bladezso .. my partitions are messed up really bad09:22
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bladezso i wanna mount the and share them on the local network09:22
Pygignomefreak: well, it's about time to start using it :)09:22
odinIs there any way, in a multi-head setup, to make one display be blank unless it's called for from the primary?  Like, no loading the WM or anything.09:22
bladezhow do i share them?09:22
spiregrainso, bladez, can ubuntu see your ntfs hard-disk in ubuntu09:22
bladezit can if i mount them09:22
ubotumount is, like, the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or http://tinyurl.com/bly9f09:23
=== gnomefreak sorry if not helpfull :))
=== derekS [n=derekS@cpe-66-108-44-139.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bladezwell i know thnx09:23
ubotuwell, windowsdrives is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions or see http://tinyurl.com/bly9f09:23
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spiregrainbladez - you could try mounting them in "System/Administration/Disks"09:23
titanium_platypuwell, I figured it out.09:23
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spiregrainbladez- and sharing them with "System/Administration/Shared Folders"09:23
sethkbladez, I don't quite see what you are getting at.  You want to share them _because_ they are messed up?09:23
bladezyes indeed09:24
=== Xenguy has soundcard info for crimsun, wherever you are :-) ...
tonyyarussoX& gnome-session didn't work, btw.09:24
chapiumbladez, what spiregrain says should do the trick09:24
markus-_-how do i change permissions on a file09:24
markus-_-i'm not sure why its locked in the first place09:24
Xenguymarkus-_-: chmod09:24
Pygimarkus: chmod :)09:24
=== paule [n=matthias@dslb-084-058-160-245.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #ubuntu ["...]
chapiummarkus-_-, check the owner of the file too09:25
sethkmarkus-_-, locked is probably not what you mean09:25
ubotuodin: Do they come in packets of five?09:25
chapiummarkus-_-, if you are in gnome you can right click it and check its properties09:25
Pygino, odin :/09:25
Pygi!wait in line09:25
ubotumethinks wait in line is like, there are a lot of question...and only few of us who can answer... please be patient and wait....09:25
odin!wait in line09:25
Pygino, do not abuse...09:25
=== kasper_ [n=kasper@port223.ds1-aboes.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
Stew_LappyTranceRiver ???09:25
markus-_-i did that and when i view it with the file browser it has a lock on it09:25
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odinOh, I thought it was like a linksheet or something more than in the motd09:26
spiregrainyeah, what I said09:26
tonyyarussoyuma: No go on X& gnome-session.09:26
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TokenBadok can someone tell me what would cause this and how to fix it...the power went out at my house..when it came back on I booted my system...and restarted azureus..and now its giving me an error of (read only file system) open fails09:27
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yumatonyyarusso, what did he say?09:27
spiregrainTokenBad- what is the result of doing a "df"09:27
SpookyNikargle, i cant get firefox to run without using sudo firefox09:27
tonyyarussoWhen I tried doing that from my tty, it opened up the sort of grainy brown initial X background with the X-shaped cursor, and hung there.09:28
bladezim sendin in a  mount -t ntfs /dev/hda3/ /System/Administration/Shared Folders/hda309:28
bladez but it doesnt do anythin09:28
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TokenBadshows my 2 drives and 2 tmpfs files09:28
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spiregrainbladez - does it not complian in an informative way?09:29
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bladezit does09:29
=== Keegan_Witt [n=keegan@oh-69-68-34-241.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
markus-_-the file is on a windows fat32 partition09:29
yumatonyyarusso, hmmm, then, to run gnome-desktop you have to run a different thing than gnome-session..09:29
tonyyarussoyuma: Sorry, ^^.09:29
markus-_-i just mounted that partition09:29
bladezit shows me the usage help thingy09:29
tonyyarussoyuma: gnome-session did exist though.09:29
markus-_-and it shows me 3 files are locked09:29
TokenBadspiregrain, shows my 2 drives and 2 tmpfs files09:29
markus-_-when i view it in file browser09:29
SpookyNikcould the fact that my .mozilla dir is owned by root affect firefox? ;)09:29
spiregraintoken - can you save a file to your disk?  is it read-only, somehow/?09:30
Keegan_Wittanyone have an idea why when I add universe repo, symantec doesn't remember across sessions?09:30
markus-_-when i try to view the permissions for My Music it says i am not the owner09:30
TokenBadspiregrain, it wasn't before the power went out....but not sure now...09:30
tonyyarussoSpookyNik, Naw.  Why would it do that?09:30
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Keegan_Witt*synaptic I mean09:30
Kindredbladez: firstly make sure you have a mount point first (a folder called hda3 in that location) and secondly.. your path has a space in it which you might want to fix..09:30
tonyyarussoSpookyNik, Always fun to finally stumble across the ridiculously simple, eh?09:31
navaronemarkus are you in windows or ubuntu now?09:31
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TokenBadspiregrain, I just tried to save to drive..and says can't09:31
odin!ubotu help09:31
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yumatonyyarusso, instead of gnome-session run gnome-wm09:31
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Friarhow do i get dapper?09:31
tonyyarussoyuma: Okay.09:32
=== xRaal [n=kasper@port223.ds1-aboes.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
navaronemarkus I will paste my fstab entry for my fat32 partition and you can compare against your own09:32
TokenBadspiregrain, should I try rebooting and see if that fixes it?09:32
=== tonyyarusso Here we go again...
bladezwhere should i mount it to be able to see it on the network?09:32
markus-_-in shell..... how do i deal with a windows folder that has spaces in the name like ..... My Music09:32
odin!ubotu lobotomy09:32
ubotuodin: I don't know, could you explain it?09:32
SpookyNikyeah that was it. for some reason .mozilla was created as owned by root09:32
bladezmarkus-_-, "My Music"09:32
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spiregraintoken- yes, do that.  It's likley that it's decided to mount readonly as a precautionary measure09:32
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TokenBadbrb and let you know how it goes09:33
bladezmarkus-_-, sry i dunno how the (") are called :(09:33
bladezi forgot09:33
spiregrainafter the powercut did not cleanly unmount the drive09:33
ubotuwell, pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org09:33
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navaronemarkus ---> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/646509:34
markus-_-what is my system user name?09:34
markus-_-is it me09:34
sorush20Seveas: I keep getting that its forbidden to get the w32codec's any help] 09:34
Keegan_Witteverytime I start synaptic, the universe repos are unchecked, even though I checked them before09:34
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Keegan_WittI also tried editing the /etc/apt/sources.list09:35
tonyyarussoyuma: Same thing.09:35
navaronemarkus user is just user...that's direct from my fstab...no user specified09:35
gnomefreakKeegan_Witt,  did you run sudo apt-get update after you save them?09:35
markus-_-sudo chown system_username /location_of_files_or_folders09:35
markus-_-i'm trying to do that09:35
Keegan_Wittno, I will  try that09:35
bipolarwtf... I'm trying to exclude some directorys from a tar backup. I should use "--exclude=Music" to exclude the directory called Music, right?09:36
markus-_-i think i see09:36
tonyyarussoyuma: Still have yet to try dpkg-reconfigure gdm, should I do that now?09:36
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yumatonyyarusso, try it, but i'm not sure it would help you09:36
tonyyarussoyuma: Okay.09:36
SpookyNikalthough now i am getting an error when i try to create a profile. Profile couldent be created. probbaly the chosen folder isnt writeable. "Exception component returned failurecode 0x80520015. NS_ERROR_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED09:36
ppdhello! happy new year to all. Is it somehow possible to get a progress bar when unmounting removable devices with nautilus?09:37
Keegan_Wittgnomefreak, still unchecked09:37
SpookyNikthen something about chrome://mozillaapps/content/profile/createprofilewizard.js :: onfinish :: line 227 data: no09:37
gnomefreakKeegan_Witt, in the sources.list file are the sources with a # infront of them?09:37
OnceCan anyone recommend a good program for burning CDs/DVDs other than K3B?09:38
Keegan_Wittgnomefreak, no, I removed that09:38
gnomefreakKeegan_Witt, and your on breezy?09:38
bladezoki i mounted them09:38
Keegan_Wittgnomefreak, yea09:38
bladezbut how do i share them on a windows network?09:38
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Xer0_h4x:o, i did the firefox 1.5 install and it worked...i copyed old data over and everything...wheres my bookmarks?09:38
gnomefreakthat is weird Keegan_Witt  do you get errors when running apt-get update?09:38
Xer0_h4xand restored profile09:38
haasteemhi, it seems that my cd burner and dvd-rom don't get mounted in blackbox, but they are in gnome. how do i solve this problem?09:39
Keegan_Wittgnomefreak, no, no errors. I don't think I had this problem with Hoary09:39
bladezhow do i share mounted ntfs partitions on a windows network?09:39
Keegan_Wittgnomefreak, its odd09:39
SpookyNikanyone have any ideas about that profile creation problem?09:39
gnomefreakKeegan_Witt, i havent had that problem with any linux :(09:39
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Xer0_h4xSpookyNik, i JUST followed it all perfectly and it worked....no sudo needed, also did you get you bookmarks back?.. :\ i didnt09:40
=== TokenBad [n=tokenbad@c-71-193-210-137.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
SpookyNiki didnt have any bookmarks09:40
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SpookyNikhmm, well on that newfirefox version the commands all had sudo prefixed to them, should i ignore that then?09:40
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TokenBadspiregrain, reboot didn't work...still can't save to it09:40
gnomefreakSpookyNik, to install it sudo is needed09:41
SpookyNiker newfirefoxversion howto09:41
sorush20Seveas: I can't  download the w32codec from your repository09:41
bladezguys, plz i need help09:41
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gnomefreakubotu tell sorush20 about Seveas09:41
tonyyarussoyuma: Now I killed it.09:41
SpookyNiki can get it to start now, had to chnage the owner of /opt/firefox and /home/user/.mozilla to my user09:41
spiregraintokenbad- were you paying attention when it booted up?  did it complain any?09:41
TokenBadit is saying the dirs are owned by root and 77709:41
Xer0_h4xgnomefreak, did you get your bookmarks back? if so how? (during the firefox 1.5 install)09:41
paul555does anyone know how can i connect to the internet with an analog external modem in a fresh ubuntu install?09:41
yumatonyyarusso, what?09:41
tonyyarussoyuma:  * Reloading GNOME Display Manager configuration...09:42
tonyyarusso * Changes will take effect when all current X sessions have ended.09:42
tonyyarussoinvoke-rc.d: initscript gdm, action "reload" failed.09:42
bladezcan i get some sharing help here plz?09:42
=== ZaPik [i=Zirc3D@zapadlo.kraslan.ru] has joined #ubuntu
sorush20gnomefreak: what do I do about it?09:42
tonyyarussoyuma: Now /etc/init.d/gdm failed completely.09:42
gnomefreakXer0_h4x, im on dapper i didnt upgrade 1.0.7 to 1.5 since its not really all that ready for ubuntu09:42
tonyyarussoyuma: gdm start that is.09:42
yumatonyyarusso, what did you do?09:42
Dwayneso.. question..inetd or xinentd?09:42
yumatonyyarusso, not, just gdm will work09:42
tonyyarussobladez, What are you trying to do again?09:42
gnomefreaksorush20, did you add his repo to your sources.list?09:42
Xer0_h4xgnomefrea> oh...when will that be out btw09:42
hunikaI AM BACK09:42
sorush20gnomefreak: yes I did..09:43
spiregraintokenbad - even your own directories?09:43
tonyyarussoyuma: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm.09:43
bladezto share a ntfs mounted partition on a windows network09:43
SpookyNikhow do i chown a dir and all subdirs/files? ;)09:43
gnomefreakXer0_h4x, dapper will be out in april for now09:43
yumatonyyarusso, woah, that killed gdm? that's pretty strange...09:43
bladezi really dont wanna lose all my stuff09:43
=== crimsun [n=crimsun@cpe-066-056-187-199.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ZaPiki want to know, is KDE integrated in Ubuntu ?09:43
gnomefreak1.5 might get backported to breezy in a month or so09:43
Xer0_h4xgnomefrea, ah, how is it btw :)09:43
markus-_-i can't seem to change permissions on an fat 32 folder09:43
gnomefreakits buggy09:43
TokenBadspiregrain, yes..and I just checked by pico a file on that system and trying to save..and says its readonly file system09:43
markus-_-any ideas?09:43
Shadymanzapik: Yes09:43
ZaPikShadyman thx09:43
ShadymanZaPik: Kubuntu09:43
gnomefreakthe kernel is stable for most part but the apps are still a bit buggy09:44
TokenBadand this only started after the power went out...09:44
yumatonyyarusso, try sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop; sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start09:44
=== LordMelkor [n=krishanu@cpe-24-25-210-255.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Xer0_h4xgnomefrea, ew...anything REALLY differnt?09:44
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gnomefreakyeah the menu editor :))09:44
ZaPikShadyman and can i install KDE on ubuntu? (not on kubuntu)09:44
DwayneHow do you get swat into init.d09:44
bladeztonyyarusso, so could u help me  pls?09:44
LordMelkorim having some trouble with me cd drive09:44
LordMelkorit like09:44
gnomefreakZaPik, yes sudo apt-get isntall kde09:44
LordMelkordies after a few seconds09:44
=== flixil [n=flixil@17.Red-83-35-68.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
LordMelkori put in a cd09:45
Xer0_h4xgnomefrea, oooo :) cool if i was on gnome more often :P (i'm an xfce type of guy)09:45
crimsunZaPik: sure, install kubuntu-desktop09:45
spiregraintokenbad - how does "mount -o remount,rw /" treat you?09:45
LordMelkorand then i start browsing the files09:45
markus-_-gnomefreak maybe you can help me out09:45
gnomefreakXer0_h4x,  i havent tried xfce yet on dapper09:45
LordMelkorand then the window goes blank09:45
LordMelkorand after a while09:45
tonyyarussoyuma: nv.  Needed sudo.09:45
LordMelkori get the option to force quit09:45
gnomefreakmarkus-_-,  with what?09:45
LordMelkorfile browser09:45
markus-_-i recently mounted a fat 32 drive09:45
TokenBadspiregrain, well no error message09:45
=== robotgeek is now known as robotgeek_away
Xer0_h4xgnomefre, oh ok, its really nice and clean aswell as super fast09:45
spiregraink, try your saving again09:45
flodineanyone uses xterm here with xdefaults09:45
Xer0_h4xless spu usage then fluxbox :\09:45
tonyyarussoyuma: But it's scary-looking now.  My fonts, icons, and resolution are all different.09:45
gnomefreakmarkus-_-,  i cant help with mounting sorry :((09:45
markus-_-but the folder named My Music says that I am not the owner and I am not allowed to write to it09:45
flixilHello, Does somebody have a fonts problem using amsn on xfce or ion on ubuntu??09:46
Xenguycrimsun: Hi - I've been hoping you would show up again :-) ...09:46
tonyyarussobladez, Maybe.09:46
markus-_-well i tried09:46
crimsunXenguy: I'm only present for a short while09:46
Xenguycrimsun: I have that soundcard info you asked for09:46
crimsunXenguy: what's up?09:46
TokenBadspiregrain, but if try to save file still says read only09:46
Xer0_h4xanyone do the firefox 1.5 install from the wiki and not get there bookmarks back?09:46
tonyyarussobladez, What's your issue?09:46
gnomefreaksorry markus-_-09:46
yumatonyyarusso, hmm, and all because the dpkg-reconfigure... even the screen resolution?09:46
markus-_-no probs09:46
apokryphoscan anyone show me the options they have in their fstab for an ntfs entry that has read-access by *all* users? I'm quite sure I have it right, but it's not working.09:46
Xenguy02:26 < crimsun> Xenguy: go to the manufacturer's Web site and tell me what it says09:46
Xenguy                 regarding the audio features09:46
LordMelkorew firefox 1.5 is awful09:46
bladeztonyyarusso, i need to share a partition09:46
markus-_-you've been very helpful in the past09:46
bladezon the network09:46
yumatonyyarusso, and it works to change to the TTYs?09:46
Xenguycrimsun: Mainboard = CRU51-M709:47
markus-_-thanks anyway09:47
Xenguy  Onboard AC'97 Sound Codec; Chip = ALC655:                                                     http://www.realtek.com.tw/products/products1-2.aspx?modelid=200305109:47
tonyyarussoyuma: It seemed like it.  I didn't actually check in the res setup, but things were different sizes as if it were.09:47
=== eric_ [n=eric@pool-71-118-1-192.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ZaPikxm.. what is better? Suse or Ubuntu ?09:47
Xer0_h4xapokrypho, dont think you can do read access in fstab i have my window drive mounted aswell but i can just take stuff for it09:47
crimsunXenguy: lsmod|grep ^snd_intel8x009:47
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apokryphosZaPik: they're different; SuSE has better polish; Ubuntu has better repos.09:47
LordMelkordoes anyone have any ideas about whats going on with my cd drive09:47
Xer0_h4xpolished? suse? you must be mistaken09:47
tonyyarussoyuma: No.  I had that start on display 2 while this was up, and had to kill it to get back here.09:47
Xenguycrimsun: K, sec09:47
ZaPikapokryphos and what is better for server use ?09:47
TenPlus1Q.) Is their a way to update Ubuntu from 5.10 to Dapper without re-installing everything ???09:47
Xer0_h4xLordMelko, maybe i could say if i was there :P09:47
bladeztonyyarusso, i really need to backup those files its important09:47
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tonyyarussobladez, All-Linux network or multiple OS?09:48
apokryphosXer0_h4x: no, not mistaken. It's the most polished distro I've used.09:48
flixilHello, Does somebody have a fonts problem using amsn on xfce or ion on ubuntu breezy?09:48
Xer0_h4xYou'v used09:48
eric_ok I installed xfce and everything is working except it does not detect when I load a cd, how do I fix that? Any help I would appreciate09:48
bladeztonyyarusso, windows network actually09:48
TokenBadspiregrain, everything in fstab is still the same..so not sure why its mounting as readonly09:48
LordMelkori described the problem above09:48
gnomefreakTenPlus1, yes but if your scared of losing things i wouldnt09:48
Xenguycrimsun: no output09:48
tonyyarussobladez, I'm new to this too, but was able to successfully share some stuff with Windows.09:48
crimsunXenguy: sudo modprobe snd-intel8x009:48
tonyyarussobladez, Let's start by benchmarking where you're at.09:48
Xenguycrimsun: OK, sec09:48
yumatonyyarusso, i don't have a clue of what's happening...09:48
tonyyarussobladez, Heard of samba?09:48
tonyyarussoyuma: Nuts.09:48
bladezyeah its a server09:48
gnomefreakTenPlus1, dapper is not released yet and may break (more than likely will) and if you cant fix it you might be re-installing anyway09:49
bladeza linux based server09:49
bladezlike .. apache ?09:49
Xer0_h4xapokrypho> i hated it..there was never anything there... no...linux feeling :) (my own opiniun)09:49
TenPlus1gnomefreak: do tell, I'm not afraid <standing proud>09:49
apokryphosXer0_h4x: ......many. Gentoo, Debian, Mandriva, Fedora, Yopper09:49
LordMelkori put in a cd and then i start browsing the filesand then the window goes blank and after a while i get the option to force quit file browser09:49
tonyyarussobladez, To share your stuff, you're going to make your comp a samba server.09:49
bladezoki like i apt-get it?09:49
spiregrainTokenBad- but does that magic remount incantation solve it temporarily?09:49
tonyyarussobladez, It's not as bad as it sounds if the configuration works.09:49
tonyyarussobladez, To start, then configure.09:49
Xenguycrimsun: done. Now 'lsmod etc.' gives this output: snd_intel8x0   30144  009:49
bladezso i apt-get it09:50
gnomefreakTenPlus1, change all repos from breezy to dapper and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and sit back and see what happens but fair warning it is not close to stable09:50
navaronelordmelkor...was the quitting brought on by no response from prog or memory issue?09:50
tonyyarussobladez, yes.09:50
crimsunXenguy: cat /proc/asound/cards09:50
bladezoki ty09:50
eric_how do I mount the cd drive in xfce?09:50
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TenPlus1gnomefreak: just change the word "breezy" to "dapper" and update ??? that's it ???09:50
sethkeric_, same way you mount it with any desktop09:50
sethkeric_, mount09:50
navaroneeric_, xfce has a fstab mount utility in menus09:50
Xenguycrimsun: output is: --- no soundcards ---09:50
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Xer0_h4x eric_, liek mount it? or view it09:50
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gnomefreakubotu tell TenPlus1 about upgrade09:51
crimsunXenguy: cat /proc/asound/version09:51
TokenBadspiregrain, no...it still don't let me save to it09:51
Keegan_WittI want to compile with the command line, how do I build from multiple sources?09:51
navaroneeric_, tho to be honest I never used it...<s>09:51
Xenguycrimsun: K, sec09:51
gnomefreaksame way as that but with dapper not breezy09:51
=== Xer0_h4x loves xfce
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LordMelkornavarone: i dont think so09:51
Xer0_h4xeric_: ?09:51
bladezk im dlin it now09:51
eric_ok, I'm new to all of this, when I loaded Ubuntu everything just worked09:51
imperfectusAnyone have a lot of knowledge with acpi issues?09:51
TokenBadspiregrain, its not my main drive..its my slave drive09:51
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spiregrainTokenbad - "dmesg | grep mount" say anything09:51
LordMelkori got a i/o error09:51
gnomefreakgood luck have a breezy cd at stand by09:51
Xer0_h4xeric_: what do you want to do? explain please09:51
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TokenBadspiregrain, nope..that command not say anything09:52
navaroneLordLucless, I was thinking along auto preview using memory or something...just fishing...lol09:52
tonyyarussobladez, Your key will be editing /etc/samba/smb.conf09:52
Xenguycrimsun: output is: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.9 (Sun May 29 07:31:02 2005 UTC).09:52
eric_when I pop in a cd like music it does not detect it09:52
navaronesry Lucless...LordMelkor09:52
SpookyNiknow how do i get this blutooth monitor to no load when i startup x?09:52
TenPlus1thx peeps :) much appreciated09:52
tonyyarussoyuma: Can I undo my reconfigure?09:52
Xer0_h4xeric_: yes it doesn :P just run the fdile manager09:52
tonyyarussoyuma: Or any clue about the part it said failed?09:52
Igahi everyone, could someone help me ? Having problems while installing Breezy, I decided to install only the server version. Could you tell me which packages I have to install to come back to the "graphic version" ?09:52
gnomefreaki think tenplus1 will be back with locales issue09:52
yumatonyyarusso, i don't know, but i'm afraid that you can't09:52
Xer0_h4xeric_: filemanager*09:53
spiregraintokenbad - then how does "mount -o remount,rw /dev/whatever" treat you?09:53
bladezoh and by the way, is there an archive tool powerfull enough to reduce some 30 gigs of stuff to like .. 20 gigs?09:53
tonyyarussoIga: Pick a desktop environment.09:53
navaroneeric xfce does not use automount by default I believe09:53
tonyyarussoIga: Or wm.09:53
tonyyarussoIga: Or whatever.09:53
tonyyarussoyuma: Shoot.09:53
eric_ok, I'll try that.  Usually when I put a cd in the cd icon appears on my desktop09:53
bladezsry didnt see the last message09:53
Xer0_h4xnavarone: yes it does :)09:53
Xer0_h4xits in there09:53
Xer0_h4xjust got a get to it09:53
IgaI already installed Nautilus with breezy's cd09:53
yumatonyyarusso, what did fail?09:53
TokenBadspiregrain, that worked09:53
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navaroneXer0_h4x, like I said...I rarely use xfce...lol09:53
=== spiregrain does a little dance
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imperfectusMy kingdom for suspend to ram to work09:54
androsseric: mail menu -> system -> sfce fstab mount manager -> select /media/cdrom0 and then green mount button09:54
bladezmost of the stuff failed09:54
crimsunXenguy: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential gcc-3.4 module-assistant09:54
morphiehey all09:54
TokenBadspiregrain, what did that do?09:54
tonyyarussoIga: For Gnome, you can apt-get install ubuntu-desktop, KDE: kubuntu-desktop, not sure if xubuntu-desktop is ready yet for XFCE, but you could check.09:54
imperfectusAnyone know why if I suspend to ram and bring the machine back up it automatically shut's down?09:54
morphiei have a question can someone help me out09:54
Xer0_h4xfor my file naanager in xfce i changed the filemanager program to nautilus --no-desktop --browser09:54
spiregrainTokenbad - does "dmesg | grep <your_drive's_name>" say anything09:54
androssgah mail menu is main menu09:54
tonyyarussoyuma: invoke-rc.d: initscript gdm, action "reload" failed.09:54
Xenguycrimsun: OK, working...09:54
crimsunXenguy: then, wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/a/alsa-driver/alsa-source_1.0.10-3_all.deb && sudo dpkg -i alsa-source_1.0.10-3_all.deb09:54
bladezTHO, it says that its starting the samba daemons09:54
navaronetonyyarusso, I believe xubunut is simple server install with xfce enviro files09:55
tonyyarussoimperfectus, Mine does, but not suspend to disk, oddly enough.09:55
Xer0_h4xtonyyarus: just sudo apt-get install xfce4 i think09:55
Igatonyyarusso > Thank you very much, I'm going to try that!09:55
TokenBadspiregrain, yes09:55
spiregrainTokenbad - that remounted the drive as read-write.  We need to figure out why it's being mounted as readonly09:55
bladeztonyyarusso, what should i do now09:55
imperfectustonyyarusso, : It suspends for you?09:55
yumatonyyarusso, but that was performed when you did a dpkg-reconfigure or when tried sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop; sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start ?09:55
McJerrymorphie cant help if u dont ask the question09:55
eric_ok thanks for all your help09:55
tonyyarussonavarone, You're probably right.  Don't know much about xfce at all.09:55
TokenBadspiregrain, its in panic mode09:55
imperfectustonyyarusso, : I can't get suspend to disk to work either, and I've passed the resume= kernal opt to grub... still doesn't work.09:55
spiregraintokenbad - since there was a power-failure involved, you might try umounting it and then running fsck over it.09:55
tonyyarussoimperfectus, Yeah.  I had to edit a line, but now it's great for that.09:55
morphiei am using my laptop with ubuntu but i do not know how to enable my wifi cardbus card in ubuntu09:55
LordMelkori get the message: Error "I/O error" while copying "/media/cdr...dirty).mp3"09:55
FriarI have a problem... this computer hasnt alerted me of software updates for about a month but the one downstairs has.09:56
TokenBadspiregrain, can you go into more detail?09:56
tonyyarussoyuma: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm, in that part's output.09:56
navaronetonyyarusso, yeah i was gonna try a triple boot with xubuntu as well and looked into details...but never actually did it...have it in sessions tho09:56
tonyyarussoimperfectus, Same.09:56
imperfectustonyyarusso, : Hrm.. What line did you edit?09:56
sorush20what driver do I use for smooth non fuzzy play back?09:56
LordMelkornow my cd drive wont open09:56
sorush20DVD play back09:56
spiregrainTokenBad- e.g. "umount /dev/hdb1"  (unmounts it)   "fsck /dev/hdb1" will try to fix any problems on the disk itself09:56
morphiei am using a wli-cb-g54a09:56
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McJerryfriar: dbl check your sources.list and make sure automatic updates set09:56
navaroneLordMelkor, right click mount icon on desktop and eject09:56
yumatonyyarusso, see the /var/log/dpkg.log for some info about why it failed09:57
Friari just fixed my source list... how to i set outo updates?09:57
bladeztonyyarusso, what do i do now ? ithe account policies failed but, it said that it was "starting samba daemons"09:57
imperfectustonyyarusso: I'd love to make that work ;)09:57
TokenBadspiregrain, says device is busy09:57
yumatonyyarusso, or use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste the whole file09:58
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morphieMcJerry, any ideas??09:58
spiregrainToken you need to close down any app that might be accessing it, and cd out of any directories on it, then umounit09:58
navaroneTokenBad,  is the cd playing in drive in another program?09:58
=== gnomefreak bbs gonna read something
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LordMelkormy cd drive works for like 30 second intervals09:58
McJerryfriar: system > synaptic > settings > repositories09:58
LordMelkorafter i inster the disk09:58
LordMelkorthen it crashes09:58
TokenBadspiregrain, got it..but it has found an error using the fsck and not sure what to put down as answer for it09:58
tonyyarussoyuma: Um, the file's empty.09:58
Igatonyyarusso: It seems to work, thank you! Are there other packages I have to install that miss to the "server version" ?09:59
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McJerrymorphie: i do not use laptop with wifi, but someone here will know09:59
thegladiatorwhy is that doc files that are moer than a MB taking too long to open ?09:59
yumatonyyarusso, that's good... but not in this case...09:59
micahfhey I'm having tons of trouble with dialup, anyone have any ideas on why it works with earthlink but not with copper.net?09:59
thegladiatorPDF files which are greater opens in a jiffy09:59
morphiethanx so far McJerry09:59
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SpookyNikCan anyone tell me how to stop this bluetooth monitor from loading when is tart KDE?09:59
Xenguycrimsun: hi - dependency hassles with the alsa-source package; I think I just need to install a few dependencies; working on this now09:59
crimsunXenguy: sudo apt-get -f install10:00
tonyyarussobladez, You'll need to add users to it, if I remember right, sudo smbpasswd -a.10:00
crimsunXenguy: I presume you're using a Breezy system?10:00
bladezoki ty10:00
tonyyarussoyuma: Any plan B?10:00
Smoked1whats a good wysiwyg for X? I used dreamweaver when windows was installed.10:00
tonyyarussoIga: Shouldn't be.  Those are pretty complete.10:00
navaronesmoked nvu or screem10:00
bladezit adds a pass10:00
LordMelkori guess i will use the forums since im not getting any help here10:00
yumatonyyarusso, sudo apt-get remove --purge gdm; sudo apt-get install gdm?10:01
Smoked1whats better?10:01
Xenguycrimsun: yes Breezy; 'sudo apt-get -f install'  <-- just type this, yes?10:01
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tonyyarussonavarone, Smoked?10:01
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dabaRSmoked1: you can try and tell us.10:01
yumatonyyarusso, i think it's too serious...10:01
Igaok, thank you. Let's hope it'll work well10:01
crimsunXenguy: yes10:01
tonyyarussoyuma: Well, do we know what it can hurt?10:01
dabaRXenguy: no ' though10:01
FriarI like mozilla composer for editing website.... my favoruite every was frontpage express though :.(10:01
Smoked1is nvu a installable package?10:01
McJerryfriar: was it checked or unchecked?10:01
bladeztonyyarusso, it "new pass"'es me10:01
Friari cant get in yet10:02
tonyyarussoSmoked1, Yes.10:02
morphieanyone know how to get my wifi card working10:02
tonyyarussonavarone, Yeah, I'm nuts.10:02
Smoked1i did apt-get install nvu and got nothing10:02
McJerryyes, nvu is installable in synaptic10:02
navaroneSmoked yes10:02
Xenguycrimsun: OK, done that.10:02
yumatonyyarusso, if it only removes gdm and the installs it again it just will broke your configuration for gdm10:02
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FriarI'm updateing a tonne of stuff in the terminal10:02
XenguydabaR: nod, tx10:02
tonyyarussonavarone, Didn't seen that it was a nick and was confused.10:02
JRlinuxmorphie, did you try sudo pump -i ath0 ?10:02
crimsunXenguy: dependency issues should be resolved now10:02
yumatonyyarusso, if it has to remove something more... it's a lot more complicated and dangerous...10:02
imperfectustonyyarusso, : Do you remember what you had to edit to get suspend to ram to work?10:02
tonyyarussoSmoked1, universe.10:02
ltibor65HI guys! Who knows motv, an tv application?10:03
Xenguycrimsun: OK, checking to make sure the alsa thing is installed (I think it is)10:03
morphieJRlinux, u mean eth0 or indeed ath010:03
dabaRSmoked1: you will need to add the universe repository, the community supported one.10:03
Xenguycrimsun: OK, done the dpkg -i10:03
JRlinuxfor wireless, it is ath010:03
tonyyarussobladez, Add a password for yourself.  (Probably the same as your login one.)10:03
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bladezoki ty10:03
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Smoked1got it10:04
bladeztonyyarusso, i dont have any i run ubuntu on the live cd actually10:04
tonyyarussoyuma: Which includes what, my theme and options like "allow remote login" and stuff?10:04
ltibor65Who watch tv on Ubuntu?10:04
Friarok McJerry that part was ok.. I think my source list had gotten corrputed. Thanks10:04
morphiecommand is not found10:04
tonyyarussoyuma: Would it tell me if it's going to do anything else?  (With a switch?)10:04
FriarI do ltibor6510:05
Xenguycrimsun: what is the next step (or where do I go from here) ?10:05
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tonyyarussoimperfectus, Not off the top of my head, but I'll get it for you.10:05
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tonyyarussobladez, Oh.10:05
ltibor65Friar, which program do you use for watching TV?10:05
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Linfani use gnome-art where does ubuntu save the wallpapers? what folder10:05
crimsunXenguy: sudo dpkg-reconfigure alsa-source . Choose "yes" for the first two questions, then deselect "all" and select only "intel8x0"10:05
yumatonyyarusso, usually it ask you when apt-get performs something more than what you told it to do10:05
navaroneAnyone else use emblems in file properties...? I use them to indicate fav songs in collection. Happy face w/shades for cool songs...<s>10:05
Igatonyyarusso> Ubuntu doesn't find many packages needed to install ubuntu-desktop10:05
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Smoked1the add applications thing asked me and I confirmed.10:05
zazzahi all10:06
Xenguycrimsun: OK, working...10:06
morphieJRlinux,  where can the pump command be found?10:06
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crimsunmorphie: instead of dhclient ?10:06
yumatonyyarusso, but can also use the synaptic gui interface to apt-get, so you'll see what's going to happen10:06
bladeztonyyarusso, oki i passed it10:06
bladeznow what do i do10:06
tonyyarussoimperfectus, /etc/default/acpi-support.10:06
tonyyarussoimperfectus, Uncomment the line ACPI_SLEEP=true.10:06
FriarI cant remember but it comes with KDE10:06
Smoked1whats a good ftp client for X?10:06
FriarI'm not on that puter right now10:06
micahfmy modem keeps hanging up after connecting10:06
JRlinuxmorphie, maybe Ubuntu does not have it... type 'man pump' and see it you get a reply.10:06
micahfany ideas why?10:07
apokryphosSmoked1: Konqueror10:07
tonyyarussoIga: What repositories do you have enabled?10:07
Smoked1and whats a good mail client?10:07
Friarsudo apt-get install kdetv10:07
navaronethunderbird or evolutuion10:07
tonyyarussoSmoked1, I use Thunderbird.10:07
Xenguycrimsun: alright, done that.10:07
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Friarin X-chat how do you direct a message to someone in a room?10:08
navaroneI use evol in linux...but thunderbird in windows...lol10:08
morphiehmmmm no man available10:08
Smoked1whats kdetv?10:08
Friarto make it goe red?10:08
psusiFriar, you mean a channel?10:08
flixilFriar /notice name thing10:08
bladeztonyyarusso, oki so i passed it now how do i share em ?10:08
JRlinuxmorphie, now booting ubuntu10:08
Friarkdetv is a tv program10:08
Friarthanks flix10:08
morphiethanx JRlinux10:08
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TokenBadspiregrain, no dice10:09
tonyyarussobladez, I believe anybody else on the network will also need both an account on your Linux system and with smb, with the same username and password as they use for windows for it to cooperate.10:09
psusiyou shouldn't use /notice unless you REALLY are trying to get their attention10:09
tonyyarussobladez, This could be fun with a Live CD setup.10:09
bladezso how do i configure all that?10:09
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crimsunXenguy: sudo module-assistant a-i alsa-source10:09
tonyyarussobladez, Know how to add users?10:09
Xenguycrimsun: OK, working...10:09
bladeztonyyarusso,  no lol10:09
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tonyyarussobladez, System > Administration > Users and Groups.10:10
bladeztonyyarusso, oki10:10
ltibor65Friar, can you also record the tv-program with kdetv?10:10
CptSdoes anyone have any idea on how to enable ssl for tcp/ip under ubuntu?10:10
tonyyarussobladez, Meanwhile, I'll pastebin my smb.conf for you as an example.10:10
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Friari have no idea... I havent really used it a lot10:10
Dwaynetonyyarusso: q: do they have to have a username/password just to print to a printer on a Linux box?10:11
bladeztonyyarusso, dang, im just a noob10:11
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tonyyarussoDwayne, I don't know, I think that can work a little differently.  (I'm basically regurgitating here; I was walked through it only a few weeks ago.)10:12
Dwayneah.. I want to share out my laser printer..been fiddling with samba all day..one of my major problems tho is I can't get SWAT to work..10:12
tonyyarussobladez, See above mention to Dwayne; I got into Linux in August, and just got samba set up before winter break.10:12
Xenguycrimsun: 'building alsa-source' is taking some time, just FYI10:12
bladezoki ty10:12
DwayneI've been toying with it about as long..10:13
JRlinuxmorphie, you are right-- no "pump" in Ubuntu.  I learn more about Ubuntu all the time.  I should learn to keep quiet!  Someone else should know the answer.  Might check the #wireless group.10:13
tonyyarussoDwayne, My SWAT is dead too, I overwrote something for it so I can't access it.  Had to do stuff manually.10:13
Dwaynein my case, I can't even access it..it's in the inetd.conf file, but inetd won't start.10:13
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tonyyarussoDwayne, Didn't even know that.  I was just trying some port on the loopback address in my browser.10:14
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Dwayneyeah.. you have to uncomment it in inetd.conf but I don't know how to make inetd startup. it's not in init.d.10:15
Igatonyyarusso, I sent you private messages10:15
tonyyarussobladez, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/646610:15
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Some_Bodyyay, finally got my computer to detect the ubuntu boot disk :)10:15
bladezoki ty10:15
tonyyarussoIga: Didn't see them.  Are you registered?  (Check your server tab for errors.)10:15
Xenguycrimsun: OK, done now.10:16
TokenBadspiregrain, thanks so much....I owe you10:16
IgaNo I'm not, I'm going to do so10:16
crimsunXenguy: cat /proc/asound/version10:16
tonyyarussoIga: 'k.10:16
=== spiregrain does little dance
Some_Body...error message allready?10:17
Xenguycrimsun: output is: Compiled on Jan 1 2006 for kernel 2.6.12-9-386.10:17
Dreamgliderwhat's the DVD player of choice for ubuntu ?10:17
crimsunXenguy: err, I need the version10:17
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Smoked1what is the correct way to pronounce ubuntu?10:17
crimsunoo boon too10:17
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spiregrainDreamglider- totem, likely10:17
Some_Body"Your cpu does not support long mode. Use a 32 bit  installation"10:17
Xenguycrimsun: sorry, sec...10:18
Some_Bodymy computer is an amd64...10:18
tonyyarussoSmoked1, Most say it oo-BOON-too.10:18
Xenguycrimsun: ALSA Driver Version
Dreamglidercan i play anything ?10:18
crimsunXenguy: and /proc/asound/cards ?10:18
Smoked1i been saying ah bun to10:18
Some_Bodyalso, does ubuntu even have a 32 bit installation?10:18
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crimsunSome_Body: the vast majority of people use the 32-bit install10:18
Friardoes gaim have memory issues? My computer runs awful slow running it or firefox10:18
Dreamglideri mean, divx, xvid, mov, wmv, avi and stuff ?10:18
Xenguycrimsun: hrm, output is: --- no soundcards ---10:19
pinkisntwellI tried recording something with sound recorder and when played back it's a cruckling mess, how can I fix that?10:19
Some_BodyI went to the mirrors10:19
Some_Bodydidn't see a 32 bit10:19
crimsunSome_Body: choose the ia32/i386 install10:19
rem_gaim dunno but firefox yeah sometimes Friar10:19
psusiSome_Body, are you sure you have an athlon64 not an athlon xp?10:19
tonyyarussoFriar: How much memory are you working with?  I have both up now.10:19
psusiSome_Body, because the kernel seems to think you only have an xp10:19
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rem_I use epiphany mostly now, it seems lighter ..10:19
Some_Bodywell I do have a 64 bit operation mode...10:20
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Friaryeah i like epiph10:20
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Friarthat solved my ff problem10:20
psusiSome_Body, what makes you think that?10:20
halibutI am about to buy components for a new PC, anything I should take extra care over for ubuntu? I will have AMD socket 939 + nvidia10:20
tonyyarussoFriar: My Firefox is at 4.2 MB and Gaim is 28.3.10:20
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sorush20guys I get complete heater10:20
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Friari think FF was more to blame10:20
teroednihalibut:Nvidia motherboard?10:20
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rem_yea but firefox sometimes uses 100% of cpu after a while ...10:21
sethkhalibut, if you mean nvidia graphics that's not the best choice for linux10:21
tonyyarusso!tell Dreamglider about restrictedformats10:21
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tonyyarussoDreamglider, With a little bit of work you can.10:21
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halibutteroedni, would that be best? I will go for nvidia graphics as I thought that was best10:21
sorush20halibut: I got an amd 64 being set up right now.. but I'm not using the amd64 kernel10:21
Chousukesethk: better than getting an ati card that's not supported10:21
psusisethk, how is it not?  from what I have heard, the nvidia drivers work better / are better supported than the ati ones10:21
sorush20halibut: yes10:22
sethkpsusi, that's probably true, but the choices are not only ati and nvidia10:22
halibutohh  sethk, which is better than nvidia for graphics?10:22
sethkhalibut, not better per se, better supported for linux (because nvidia's drivers are closed source)10:22
teroednihalibut:On motherboard nvidia is best yes:atleast nforce 2 and nforce 3 havent tried 410:22
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TokenBadspiregrain, that fixed it....rebooted and can still save...10:22
Chousukenvidia motherboards are not good for linux10:22
sethkhalibut, I've had good results with intel graphics chips.  But I don't do gaming10:22
crimsunXenguy: ok, then we just lack pci ids for your hardware. Submit a bug report on bugzilla.ubuntu.com, attaching your ``lspci -v'' and ``lspci -nv'' output, and I'll look at it upstream10:22
psusisethk, what other chipset maker actually competes with ati and nvidia in the pc graphics market?10:22
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sorush20halibut: don't get ati that is all I can say10:23
TokenBadThanks so much10:23
sethkpsusi, for the work I do nvidia has no advantage over any of the others10:23
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crimsunXenguy: make sure you state the manufacturer and model of your motherboard10:23
Chousukeif you want fast 3D on linux, nvidia and closed drivers is the way to go10:23
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psusisethk, what others is what I'm asking?  AFAIK, ati and nvidia share nearly the entire market10:23
Xer0_h4xnvidia all the way :)10:23
polpakhalibut, ati works fine generally, but nvidia does tend to outperform ati on linux10:23
tonyyarussosorush20, I have ATI, and seems okay for normal use anyway.  Not a gamer or anything heavy-duty like that though.10:23
halibutwhat about a PCI-E with ubuntu?10:23
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Chousukeif however, you only need decently powerful 3d, get and older ATi10:24
Friarwhats the best graphics cards for Ubuntu?10:24
EleafXer0_h4x, !!!!!!!!!!!10:24
sorush20my computer crashes during play back10:24
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EleafXer0_h4x, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!10:24
BlissexChousuke: thats for _really fast_ more than just fast. The DRI stuff does fast, just not very fast.10:24
Xer0_h4xhey Eleaf :)10:24
spiregrainif you're not a gamer it *really* doesn't matter10:24
halibuti am a gamer10:24
BlissexChousuke: oops, you just said the same.10:24
sorush20tonyyarusso: well you just have to look at the two ATI wikis on ubuntu and find out how much greaf people are getting.10:24
Eleafhalibut, what a cool name10:24
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halibutEdgan, heh10:24
Xenguycrimsun: OK, will do that.  In simpler terms, what is the prognosis for sound on this box?  I need to make a decision to either stick with this board, or trade it in for something else that will work.  What is your opinion?10:24
sethkpsusi, intel is good, matrox is good, trident is good10:24
Eleafsorush20, will a nvidia 6200 work ok with ubuntu?10:24
sethkpsusi, cirrus is good10:25
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teroednii have a nvidia 6200 256mb card10:25
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Chousukesethk: those are probably slower than older ATis10:25
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EleafXer0_h4x, omg... It's you10:25
XenguyEleaf: from what I have heard, yes10:25
sethkChousuke, slower doing what?10:25
cello_raspi am trying to install a windows program with wine : should I install the program to the (virtual) c:/ drive?10:25
Some_Body...I'm not seeing an ia32/i386 install...10:25
sethkChousuke, for what I do they aren't any slower10:25
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Drakencan someone help me, i just installed new nvidia drivers, but now i cant get into KDE ?10:25
Chousukesethk: slower at 3D10:25
psusisethk, I thought intel only made 2d integrated video chips for servers?  and the others just build boards with either ati or nvidia chips on them10:25
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chapiumFriar, my Geforce 4mx works fine10:25
Xer0_h4xEleaf: ^_^10:25
EleafXenguy, ok, I guess that's what I'm getting... lol  Will it be super great?10:25
Some_Bodywould that be the x86 install?10:25
Chousukesethk: older ATis are supported by OSS drivers anyway10:25
teroedniEleaf:For what10:25
sethkpsusi, the latter is certainly not true (using ati or nvidia chips)10:25
XenguyEleaf: no idea, get a 2nd opinion10:25
Chousukesethk: So they're just as good to get :)10:26
sethkpsusi, I have absolutely no need for 3d10:26
RoM_KabukiI'm trying ubuntu live CD10:26
Eleafteroedni, a nvidia 6200 ?10:26
sethkChousuke, no, they perform better, for me10:26
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teroedniEleaf:What you mean by great i have that card10:26
crimsunXenguy: depends how badly you want sound. If you have an extra sound card, use that instead of onboard.10:26
Falstiuscello_rasp: that works well for me.10:26
spiregrainwelcome RoM_Kabuki10:26
Some_Bodyooo, it is10:26
Xer0_h4xEleaf, we had tis discusion yesterday :P IT WILLBE SUPER GREAT10:26
Chousukesethk: not even when X starts getting 3d acceleration for the desktop?10:26
crimsunXenguy: it shouldn't be a big deal to put the appropriate ids into the source10:26
Eleafteroedni, you have a nvidia 6200?10:26
dotrigWhy changes my ip all time when i reboot (only with ubuntu)10:26
psusisethk, I refuse to use those integrated graphics chipsets... they whore up system memory instead of using their own10:26
EleafXer0_h4x, lol10:26
Drakencan someone help me, i just installed new nvidia drivers, but now i cant get into KDE ?10:26
Eleafteroedni, what's it like?10:26
psusisethk, which slows down the entire system10:26
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teroednithe performance of the 6200 equal a ti 420010:27
Xer0_h4xDraken: Dannee?10:27
Chousukesethk: which'll improve responsiveness _and_ add eye candy :)10:27
sethkpsusi, well, that's dogma.  I want a system that can do what I need.  If part of what I need is graphics, I have no problem with using resources for graphics10:27
teroednii dont play games but im using opengl screensaver10:27
EleafTerminX, is that .. good?10:27
Xenguycrimsun: I can wait on sound for awhile; is it likely that this may be supported in the near future if I file the bug report you suggested?10:27
Xer0_h4xDraken: , you get X errors?10:27
Eleafteroedni, is that good?10:27
sethkChousuke, I don't care about eye candy, and I don't think for applications that don't do animation that there is really a difference you can feel10:27
Drakenhow i boot kde again ?10:27
Xer0_h4xDraken: what does it day?10:27
teroedniEleaf depends10:27
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Xenguycrimsun: I just don't want to keep the board if I am majorly screwed :-)10:27
Drakenhow i boot kde again ?10:27
teroedniwhat you gonna play10:27
dabaRDraken: sudo invoke-rc.d kdm restart10:27
Xer0_h4xDraken: what does it say when you try to get in?10:27
Eleafteroedni, lol.  Do you like your card in Ubuntu?  Is it fast?  Are you happy?10:27
psusisethk, if you're talking about a server, you usually don't need graphics... but just having it there slows down any cpu bund applications the server is running10:27
sethkDraken, you don't exactly boot kde.10:27
halibutsocket 939, nforce4, PCI-E, nvid graphics,  does that sound ok? what about for a sound card, i need midi i/o, I was thinking the dmx xfire, ?10:28
Chousukesethk: There will be a difference. You won't see screen redraws for one10:28
dotrigAnyknow how i get stastic ip on ubuntu10:28
RoM_KabukiI'm impressed by this linux...10:28
teroedniEleaf:Yes its fast no problem at all:)10:28
sethkChousuke, I never see screen redraws.  never10:28
bladezhow do i edit the smb.conf file?10:28
Eleafteroedni, what great LINUX games do you play with it? ; )10:28
crimsunXenguy: you're not10:28
polpakdotrig, system->administration->networking10:28
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dabaRbladez: it is under /etc/samba10:28
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Xer0_h4xDraken: does it come up with errors when trying to start KDE10:28
Dwaynebladez: sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf10:28
teroedniEleaf.Little im afraid10:28
bladezoki ty10:28
Drakennope Xer0_h4x10:28
teroedniother than tux10:28
Drakenit just doesnt boot10:28
Drakentakes me back to console10:28
chapiumbladez, gedit works well too10:28
dotrigalso i mean i have dhcp but everytime i reboot so change my ip ..10:28
Chousukesethk: Pretty good then10:29
Xer0_h4xDraken: explain more man what does it doe...you turn you comp on ubuntu loads...then what10:29
chapiumbladez, do nano -w.... you absolutely do not want to save that file with wrapping10:29
tonyyarussobladez, I prefer gedit for that one because it's a long file and I like the scrollbar.10:29
Eleafteroedni, oh well.  Should I get one?  I'm thinking about that.  either  a pny 128 meg one or a rosewill 256 meg one...10:29
sethkChousuke, well, except when java is running  :)10:29
DrakenXer0_h4x: it trys to boot KDE and just drops back to console10:29
Xer0_h4xmousepad all the way xD10:29
polpakOk guys.. This nvidia/ati/onboard intell discussion has well and clearly moved into the realm of ubuntu-offtopic let's move it there pls10:29
Chousukesethk: hah! :D10:29
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teroedniEleaf:What games are you planning to run?10:29
chrishi everyone, i have just installed breezy on a older hp pavilion and i have no sound.  I believe my soundcard is a rockwell chameleon combo card, but i am not sure what i need to do next..  i can't seem to find any drivers or info on it...does anyone have experience with this similar problem10:29
sethkChousuke, but I don't think we can blame that on the hardware.  :)10:29
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blue-frogdotrig, system>administration>network10:30
Xenguycrimsun: OK.  I really appreciate all your help :-)  I am willing to try adding the ID's or whatever later on, but I would need your guidance, as that is over my head AFAICT10:30
cello_raspFalstius: how the heck do i run the program using wine if i don't remember the path?10:30
Chousukesethk: Well, 3d accelerated desktop will be nice anyway10:30
Eleafteroedni, I plan on doing lots of blender stuff.  and just whatever 3d games... lol10:30
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cello_raspits not like i can browse the virtual c drive.. is it?10:30
Xer0_h4xDraken: hmmm do you see the big nvidia logo when before that happens?10:30
Falstiuscello_rasp: you can create an alias or shortcut to it.10:30
Falstiuscello_rasp: the virtual c drive is usually ~/.wine/drive_c/10:30
Xer0_h4xDraken: then then didnt install10:31
Eleafteroedni, who makes your 6200?10:31
Xer0_h4xDraken: did you enable it aswell?10:31
polpakEleaf, an nvidia or ati card will serve you fine. Nvidia tends to have better drivers historically, but that could be subject to change as the drivers are closed source10:31
Drakenerrr, i did nvidia-glx-config and everything10:31
Drakenya i dod10:31
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Drakendid even10:31
teroedninever tried blender,but it start here without problem and 3d works fine10:31
cello_raspFalstius thanks a whole lot!!10:31
Xer0_h4xDraken: and then you...restart?10:31
Falstiuscello_rasp: np.10:32
Some_Bodythe default x86 download doesn't include ndiswrapper, does it?10:32
blue-frogSome_Body, yes10:32
bladezoki so now this is the main conf file ?10:32
Eleafis it this teroedni ?  http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E1681415012510:32
Some_Bodyit does?10:32
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teroedniXFX PV-T44A-WAN<--mine is agp10:32
Mabus06can somebody help me to get my keyboard layout setup correctly Its in Canadian but I want American.10:32
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Xer0_h4xDraken: this happend to me too man hold on trying to remember10:33
teroednii guess you need pci-express?10:33
Xer0_h4xDraken: what card btw?10:33
Eleafteroedni, I need agp10:33
Xer0_h4x:o oo10:33
Mabus06Some_Body, it would be rather annoying if it wasnt huh.10:33
Xer0_h4xDoes anyone know if the nvidia drivers work fort a 6600gt ?10:33
Drakenwell, if u dont get drivers for it10:34
teroedniXFX PV-T44A-WAN<---thas my card no problems all fine:)10:34
FalstiusXer0_h4x: they work well for me.10:34
Drakeni can still in KDE for about 10mins before i crash and freeze10:34
Xer0_h4xk good10:34
DrakenFalstius: which did u get?10:34
Eleafteroedni, yes10:34
chapiumMabus06, System -> Preferences -> Keyboard -> Layouts10:34
SturgeonWhat do i need to download in order to view .jpg files?10:34
Xer0_h4xDraken: yeah>10:34
FalstiusDraken, MSI 6600 GT10:35
SturgeonEOG says it doesn't recognize that format10:35
Some_BodyMabus:indeed. Ran into several package dependancies in Fedora10:35
Drakenya Falstius , but wat drivers? driver number10:35
Dreamglideris there any software that will let me watch any dvd regions without locknig the dvd drive on one region after 4 changes ?10:35
illilwrderhello, i'm a first timer with linux, and i'm unsure how to install Microsoft Office or AIM10:35
illilwrdercan anyone help10:35
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Shadymanillilwrder: "Office" should already be installed. It's called OpenOffice10:35
FalstiusDraken, uhm... the ones installed with apt?  I suppose I could check.10:35
tonyyarussoillilwrder, You don't.10:35
sethkillilwrder, for AIM I use the gaim program10:35
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Drakenok ok10:35
teroedniEleaf:If your gonna shell out 100$ get a better card10:35
redguyDreamglider: this is most likely a hardware issue10:35
tonyyarussoillilwrder, You use free software.10:35
chapiumillilwrder, just ask the question, You dont need to ask to ask ;-)10:35
Drakeni was just wondering maybe u compiled the new ones10:35
Shadymanillilwrder: And AIM should be "gaim"10:35
Xenguyillilwrder: for AIM, install GAIM10:35
Xer0_h4xillilwrde, we dont use that stuff in linux, there are alterintives tho10:35
sethkillilwrder, windows programs don't run in linux10:36
Drakenany luck Xer0_h4x10:36
Eleafteroedni, I'm spending about 70 dollars10:36
Xer0_h4xlisten to these guys :)10:36
bladeztonyyarusso, could i access windows shared hdd's with my ubuntu ?10:36
illilwrderdo i have to configure AIM10:36
sethkillilwrder, there are windows emulators, but I don't recommend them10:36
Xenguyillilwrder: actually GAIM is probably already installed (look under 'Internet')10:36
Xer0_h4xDraken: can you pastebin your xorg.conf file?10:36
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chapiumillilwrder, try gaim for AIM10:36
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teroedniEleaf:Hmm i think i would buy a 6600 then10:36
illilwrderwell i need to run Access how do i do that10:36
tonyyarussoillilwrder, There are ways to run MS Office, such as the CodeWeavers crossover office project, but it would be silly, IMHO.10:36
Drakencant ;/ im in console irc, i cant get into it :P10:36
Drakenbut its set to nvidia, not nv10:36
Eleafteroedni, for $70?10:36
sethkillilwrder, either you run an emulator, or you don't run it.  Hopefully you don't run it.10:37
sethkillilwrder, if you need windows, you run windows10:37
illilwrderi hate windows10:37
chapiumillilwrder, if you are industrius you could run windows under vmware to run just about anything10:37
braddabugwhat kind of mouse do you consider a laptop touchpad, serial, ps2, or inport bus?10:37
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teroedniEleaf: Yea if you find one10:37
sethkDraken, nvidia is the closed source driver from nvidia.  nv is the open source driver from xfree86/xorg10:37
Xer0_h4xDraken: do you have the live cd?10:37
tonyyarussobladez, Should be able to, but I'm not sure how the setup goes the other direction.  Make sure the workgroup is set up correctly for one thing, I know that.10:37
Linfanim trying to play music using amarok but it says oss device/dev/dsp is in use by another program? but i dont have no other music playing how can i fix this?10:37
redguyillilwrder: if you want an access alternative look into kexi10:37
Xenguyillilwrder: for Access I think you would have to VNC to a wind0ze box (OpenOffice has some database too; not sure whether it is compatible with Access or not)10:37
Drakennope Xer0_h4x10:37
bladezwell actually ... im on a router10:37
Drakenwat u looking for in the config, i can go look10:37
Mabus06I'm on a chir.10:38
tonyyarussoillilwrder, I've heard of an Access replacement, but don't remember what it was.10:38
SturgeonPlease, to see jpg files, what do I need?10:38
Xer0_h4xDraken: hold on a sex10:38
Linfanbefore i would open amarok and just play music now everytime i start it i recieve that error message10:38
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Sturgeonfor EOG10:38
bladeztonyyarusso, and the win comp is on the usb  ... lol10:38
chapiumillilwrder, there is also openoffice.org and koffice if you are looking for alternatives10:38
tonyyarussobladez, The USB connection to the same router?10:38
Eleafteroedni, all the 6600's I can find are over 100$10:39
bladeztonyyarusso, indeed10:39
Dreamgliderredguy, yes but in Windows there are programs like dvd Region free+ccs that will let one look at any dvd region with out changeing the hardware region and even if the hardware counter has no changes left it will still let you look at any  dvd region10:39
Linfancan somebody please tell me what i have to do so that i can get the led button on my laptops wifi to light up so that i know when i have it on or off?10:39
illilwrderTHANKS for the help10:39
tonyyarussobladez, That should actually make your life easier.10:39
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bladeztonyyarusso, usually, on win they can't "see" each other but if i type the ip in the explorer window it accesses em10:39
redguyDreamglider: if it can be done in windows it can be done in linux most propably10:39
redguyDreamglider: Did you ask uncle google?10:40
Xenguyillilwrder: preface your comments to me with my nick please.  VNC is a way to remote control another desktop; it works on both linux and wind0ze10:40
Linfanmy volume led is not working so any assistance would be appreciated10:40
Dwayneanyone know anyway to view windows media player video i Linux??10:40
chapiumillilwrder, tsclient can remotely connect to windows also10:40
tonyyarussobladez, In your network folder on the Win, check for a Tools > Map network drive.10:40
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Dreamglideri?l have a look10:40
Shadymanubotu: tell dwayne about restrictedformats10:40
illilwrderi don't have anyone to connect too10:40
spiregrainillilwrder- If you don't *really* need to run Access, but you need to run a graphical-UI database programme, you could try Openoffice Base instead10:41
tonyyarusso!tell Dwayne about restricted formats10:41
redguyillilwrder: what do you need access for?10:41
di||itanteDwayne: apt-get install win32-codecs - i think10:41
=== lorenzo [n=demo@adsl-68-91-122-52.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
maxkelleywhat is the ubuntu irssi package called?10:42
illilwrderI need access b/c I have a database that I need to add files too10:42
bladeztonyyarusso, like ...10:42
Xer0_h4xDraken: are you using screen right now?10:42
illilwrderi've been doing it all under office10:42
Drakenscreen ?10:42
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dabaRmaxkelley: search for irssi in the packages list.10:42
thechrisneed help printing10:42
maxkelleydabaR: what pkgs list?10:42
chapiumthechris, printing with what10:42
illilwrderwhere is the command line?10:42
FliesLikeABrickmaxkelley,  irssi-text10:42
bladeztonyyarusso, should i  add one?10:42
maxkelleythanks FliesLikeABrick10:42
teroedniEleaf:I see that. Sure there is no other online store?     Here in Norway we got many;)10:42
tonyyarussodi||itante, I don't think that's available in the repos because it's not free and so does not match Ubuntu policy.  Can be gotten through unofficial ones or as a .deb download though.10:42
thechrischapium, epson stylus color 900, parallel port10:42
Xer0_h4xDraken: exit irssi and try modprob nvidia or nvidia-glx not sure10:43
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Eleafteroedni, I would have to get it online.  no stores here lol10:43
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redguyillilwrder: http://www.codeweavers.com/compatibility/browse/name?app_id=4010:43
thechrischapium, i cannot print until i turn the printer off, then back on.  it then prints 1/2 page and won't print again10:43
Eleafteroedni, I love newegg lol10:43
Drakenmodprob ?10:43
tonyyarussobladez, Yeah, I think once you put the IP in there, it will map it in your Network Places after that as the drive letter you choose.10:43
lorenzo<new to ubuntu, how save  is ubuntu out of d box, do i need to change some settings, install firewall, anti-virus, spayware blocker sorry im new to linux n ubuntu looks kool, thanx10:43
Xer0_h4xor modprobe  ...GAH10:43
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chapiumthechris, that sounds fun.  I had a little trouble getting my HP parallel printer going.  The driver file had a mistake in it10:43
bladeztonyyarusso, yeah but i didnt configure anythin on ubuntu10:44
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bladezops sry bout that, got the wrong kb lol10:44
redguyillilwrder: CrossoverOffice will allow you to run Access on GNU/Linux10:44
di||itantetonyyarusso: yeah, i think is is in universe or something. I didnt have to get it from a 3rd party though10:44
dabaRmaxkelley: when you find out the package name, what are you going to do about it, insatll it?10:44
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Drakeni did modprode nvidia, it just like, did nothing10:44
teroedniEleaf:I was talking about online stores .Here in Norway we got atleast 6 cheap and good online store.10:44
chapiumthechris, your issue might be driver related too since its just plain acting weird10:44
Xer0_h4xDraken:  its modprob nvidia or nvidia-glx10:44
Xer0_h4xtry ot10:44
=== shedi [n=siggi@213-140-22-77.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu
Drakenwhen i did nvidia, it does nothing, and glx gives no such moduble error10:44
thechrischapium, hmm, i'll try to update10:44
polpaklorenzo, by default ubuntu doesn't run any daemon processes that listen to the outside world. It is therefore very secure. The only vulnerablilities it has are any that you explicitly create after installatino10:44
spiregrainlorenzo - probably not- firewall wouldn't hurt, but there really aren't enough linux viruses in the wild to be worth while having an av program10:45
redguyillilwrder: But you have to buy it. Since you can afford MS Office with Access that shouldn't be a problem for you. If you can't afford it consider switching to a open source alternative10:45
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bladeztonyyarusso, i entered the ip of the linux comp but ... well it cant find it10:45
Chousukespiregrain: there are no linux viruses in the wild. Or are there?10:45
redguyillilwrder: like Kexi, which I mentioned earlier10:45
Xer0_h4xDraken:  modprob glx try it10:45
illilwrderi'm still having issues connecting to to GAIM, thanks a lot redguy10:45
thechrischapium, no updates available.  how do i downgrade it and what package?10:45
Drakennothing Xer0_h4x  ;/10:45
=== BodoBallermann [n=bj@p548A45A3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
spiregrainChousuke- can't think of any10:46
chapiumthechris, if you can find the driver file.. my issue was as simple as uncommenting a line10:46
chapiumthechris, i did a bit of googling to figure out the quirk with my printer and ubuntu...  eventually i found somehting10:46
tonyyarussodi||itante, Hmm, I only see it in the PLF repo.10:46
Xer0_h4xDraken: in your xorg.conf what does it say under Section "Device" ?10:46
chapiumthechris, googling/searching the ubuntu forums10:47
polpakChousuke, making viruses for linux is not terribly productive. At most the virus can only affect the small popluation using linux. And add to that the fact that the virus would be trivially easy to remove (since only root users have access to system files) it's just not worthwhile10:47
bladeztonyyarusso, how could i browse the win comp from the linux one ?10:47
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Some_Bodyhm, need to install a driver for my network card...10:47
Eleafteroedni, newegg is the best I've found so far for price10:47
tonyyarussobladez, Yeah, I'm not sure how seeing the Win shares on the Ubuntu machine works.  Look for options in smbclient.10:47
Chousukepolpak: yeah.10:47
teroedniEleaf:Heres mine http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1293096&CatId=010:47
tonyyarussobladez, How did you enter the IP?10:47
polpakbladez, tonyyarusso , install smb4k10:47
bladeztonyyarusso, lol damit wheres that10:47
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Chousukepolpak: trojans and web browser exploits are worse10:47
bladezpolpak, tho i dunno how to conf it lol10:47
Drakenerr Xer0_h4x , it has geforce 6600gt , then nvidia, and PCI:1:00 or something to that effect10:48
tonyyarussobladez, Should be already present, just type it with --help.10:48
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chapiumbladez, to see windows shares in nautilus try smb:\\computername10:48
bladezoki ty10:48
tonyyarussopolpak, Sounds promising.10:48
polpakChousuke, but even those are trivially easy to remove since the configurations for the browser are stored in your home dir10:48
bladezoki ty10:48
Eleafthanks teroedni10:48
polpakbladez, smb4k doens't really need any configing10:48
Xer0_h4xDraken: well..thats right....10:48
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teroedniEleaf:By the way im playing with Blender know. Whats is it for?10:48
bladezpolpak, sry didnt knew that, im a newb in linux :(10:49
Xer0_h4xDraken: when you installed the drivers did you install nvidia-glx?10:49
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Chousukepolpak: I meant exploits that give the attacker access to the system10:49
DrakenXer0_h4x: ya, and nvidia-settings10:49
tonyyarussobladez, I seem to think something like smbclient \\\ did it.10:49
thechrishmm, that was of no help10:49
Chousukeif even a user's home dir is compromised it's a bad thing.10:49
Xer0_h4xDraken:  k good10:49
=== xRaal [n=kasper@port223.ds1-aboes.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
polpakbladez, you just have to sudo apt-get install smbfs smb4k && sudo chmod ug+s /usr/bin/smbmnt /usr/bin/smbumount10:49
=== Poci [n=Saca@3e70cc89.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
Xer0_h4xDraken: look in /var/log/Xorg.0.log10:50
Chousukeof course a tech-savvy user will have a few simple ways of protecting important files.10:50
bladezyay i can see em10:50
polpakChousuke, yes. But that can only really happen via the user running a program that allows the exploit10:50
Xer0_h4xhello Poci10:50
thechrishow do i downgrade packages?10:50
Eleafteroedni, blender is a 3d application.  For creating 3d things ;).  Similar to lightwave or maya.10:50
Chousukepolpak: Exactly that wayit will10:50
shep|lappyhow do i get ubuntu to recognize an added hd?10:50
Some_BodyI'm at the step where it says "Configure the network". It did not detect my wireless card, and it's offering me the option to go back to the previous step to install the necessary drive. If I go back to the previous step, remove the boot disk, and insert the disk with the driver on it, will installation stop?10:50
polpakChousuke, there are no known remote exploits for Firefox10:50
=== Xer0_h4x hugs and kisses blender
coNPthechris: install a lower version10:50
Chousukepolpak: not right now, yeah10:50
XenguyCan anyone explain briefly the difference between slots 'PCI' and 'PCI-express' (I have 1 of the former, and 2 of the latter IIRC) ?10:50
teroedniahh cool gotta check it out;:)10:50
EleafXer0_h4x, YAY10:50
Chousukesecurity is better in Firefox and Linux in general.10:51
Eleafteroedni, www.blender3d.org = D10:51
tonyyarussoEleaf: StumbleUpon informed me of blender just the other day.  Looks interesting, but I'm waiting until I'm back at school with DSL to download it.10:51
Chousukebut there are bad apps. :)10:51
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Xer0_h4xDraken:  still there mate?10:51
di||itantetonyyarusso: what is PLF10:51
thechriscoNP, no lower versions are listed though10:51
Eleaftonyyarusso, it's not very large, only 6 or 7 megabytes10:51
coNPthechris, what do you want to do10:51
spiregrainPenguin Liberation Front  (really)10:51
=== gil- [n=gil@dsl-200-78-80-24.prod-infinitum.com.mx] has joined #ubuntu
DrakenXer0_h4x:  says NO SCREENS FOUND10:52
Xer0_h4xthat helps10:52
tonyyarussodi||itante, spiregrain's right.  People who put together stuff that's proprietary and offer it on their servers, the stuff that's really annoying to install.10:52
Drakeni have a screen ;<10:52
Eleaftonyyarusso, teroedni download it from blender.  Not apt, it's usually a newer version.10:52
tonyyarussoEleaf: Good to know.10:52
polpaktonyyarusso, though even the older versions are perfectly usable for most things10:52
thechriscoNP, printing is apparently broken in 5.10.  so i want to use the old gimp-print drivers10:52
Xer0_h4xDraken: ^_^\10:52
shep|lappyi need some help getting ubuntu to recognize a hard drive just added... anyone help with that?10:52
Drakenso wat i do ?10:53
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spiregrainevening, sir10:53
dabaRshep|lappy: sudo fdisk -l and post that to paste.ubuntu-nl.org10:53
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coNPthechris: get the .deb you want to install, and install it via dpkg10:53
Xer0_h4xDraken: hold on consultiing a friend10:53
Drakenk thanks10:53
lorenzo<curious newbie guy here, does ubuntu boots with firewall or does one have to install, i tried other distributions n they boot with firewall but ubuntu doesn't i think, correct me if im wrong. ubuntu looks well organized n d people who created d webpage laid it out nicely good job10:53
di||itanteit is in one on the Ubuntu repos though, thats where I got it10:53
teroedniWow i can do that with blender :)10:53
polpaklorenzo, I thought we already answered you10:54
polpaklorenzo, there are no daemons listening to the outside world on ubuntu by default10:54
dabaRlorenzo: yes, there is a firewall, but no rules built in. Do you want to have a firewall, and if you do, do you want one with an easy GUI?10:54
polpaklorenzo, therefore it is secure10:54
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Xer0_h4xDraken: alright can you please join #frosted10:54
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polpaklorenzo, if you have something specific you are needing to do vis a vis firewalling you can either install firestarter or manually configure your ipchains10:55
spiregrainno programs listening to the outside world = no need for firewall10:55
polpaklorenzo, if you do not then you don't need a firewall10:55
lorenzooh ok thanx10:55
tonyyarussodabaR, Which ones have an easy GUI?10:55
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teroedniEleaf:Im running dapper so i think my version is new enough:) Playing with blender right know althought i dont know what im doing10:55
polpaklorenzo, err iptables, not ipchains.. Sorry.. still living in the past =p10:55
dabaRtonyyarusso: well, easy GUI:)...but firestarter has a GUI at least.10:56
lorenzoimma secure freak hehehe but thanx10:56
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spiregrainipchains are *so* 2.410:56
tonyyarussodabaR, Ah.10:56
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dabaRteroedni: recipe for breakage10:56
=== Xenguy attempts to file a bug report...
polpakspiregrain, 2.2 even ;p10:56
teroednidabar:I am good at that;)10:56
=== spiregrain hides
polpakteroedni, blender has some good tutorials on their site10:57
Xer0_h4xUbuntu is soo in!10:57
shepdabar, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/646710:57
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Eleafteroedni, lol.  Middle click moves around in 3d space ;).  It is extremely hard at first.  You really should got to blender.org and find some tutorials even though many are old10:57
Xer0_h4xits hit new thing10:57
Xer0_h4xits the new black10:57
polpakXer0_h4x, it's so jerkin!10:57
teroedniEleaf :Will do that Thanks10:57
teroedniand Thanks Polpak10:57
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dabaRshep: is it windows files on that drive?10:58
polpakthegladiator, hola10:58
thegladiatorhow do i install PSM for mozilla internet application suite ?10:58
andrew_i'm very surprised not to see gourmet recipe manager in the repos, since that's a great desktop program.  am i missing something?10:58
Xer0_h4xandrew_: what is it?10:59
redguythegladiator: PSM? what is that?10:59
shepdabar, yeah, well, mostly media10:59
thegladiatorpersonal security manager10:59
ubotuit has been said that ntfs is the filesystem used in Windows 2000 and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions, or writing to ntfs is risky and only experimental. Reading is OK10:59
andrew_Xer0_h4x, it's a recipe program where you can create/edit/print cooking recipes and create shopping lists from them.10:59
polpakandrew_, I've thought about developing one.. But never got around to nailing down the specs10:59
Xer0_h4xandrew_: like pen and paper on linux?11:00
shepdabar, gracias11:00
shepdabar, one more question if you don't mind11:00
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andrew_Xer0_h4x, sure... uninstall beagle and forget your webbrowser; you can get all the information you need at the library.11:00
Pygiandrew: ping11:00
dabaRshep: or you could do it manually, but it is more involved, and I hate typing.11:00
andrew_hey Pygi11:01
Pygiho, DabaR :)11:01
andrew_polpak, i'd be interested in doing it but ubuntu package management is one of those mysteries of the universe. :)11:01
Xer0_h4xandrew_: point well said :)11:01
shepdabar, any idea on how to get my wirless keyboard/mouse to be recognized?11:01
SturgeonEOG can't display jpg files, it says it doesn't recognize the file format, anyone knows why?11:01
thegladiatormozilla internet applicatiopn suite or simply mozilla borwser asks me for PSM if i need to acess my gmail or yahoo mail !hwop can i reolve this ?? i like moz over the buggy firefox11:01
thegladiatorcan someone enlighten me ?11:01
andrew_Xer0_h4x, it's really very nice, kinda as meta-organized like f-spot is with photos (for example)11:01
dabaRshep: no.11:01
Xer0_h4xSturgeon: ooooo url?11:02
Pygibtw. andrew, I've made this, so use it if needed :)11:02
Pygi!wait in line11:02
ubotuwait in line is probably like, there are a lot of question...and only few of us who can answer... please be patient and wait....11:02
=== illilwrder [n=illilwrd@c-24-14-115-49.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
shepdabar, thanks anyway11:02
SturgeonXer0_h4x: what?11:02
andrew_Pygi, lol11:02
Dwayneshep--check your bios settings..that's how I had to do mine..11:02
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Xer0_h4xandrew_: url?11:02
Pygion the other hand, read your pm, or private or whateva'11:02
shepdwayne, k, thanks11:02
tonyyarussothegladiator: Buggy Firefox?11:02
dabaRbok -11:02
illilwrderhello all again, i'm having issues installing the demo version of crossover office, can anyone help please?11:02
Dwayneshep: yw..11:02
andrew_Xer0_h4x, http://grecipe-manager.sourceforge.net/11:03
Pygiandrew: ping, wake up11:03
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illilwrderand also using GAIM it says the password or SN is incorrect, but it should be11:03
Pygino, do not use Gaim :/11:03
=== ozgurgerilla [n=paraloxx@bb-82-108-13-129.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
andrew_Pygi, ironically, i've only been here because i installed ubuntu for my parents... though i am seriously thinking about switching to it on my home computer.11:03
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thegladiatortonyyarusso, pretty much at my end . it cloess very often without any warning11:03
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mrkojeillilwrder,  where did you get a demo version? I have been looking for that.11:03
bluefoxicyMy rhythmbox 0.9.2 in Ubuntu Dapper makes clicking noises when it changes songs11:03
andrew_Pygi, but i don't think i'll be switching away from gaim. :-P11:03
tonyyarussothegladiator, What version?11:04
jrattner1What is dapper?11:04
bluefoxicylike when you click to open a folder and it goes bumpbump11:04
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illilwrderjust on the site11:04
ubotuThe 6.04 version of Ubuntu will be called the "Dapper Drake" release. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperDrake11:04
bluefoxicyit does that when it automatically changes songs11:04
Pygiandrew: no, do NOT use Gaim.... :P11:04
polpakandrew_,  you can always suggest grecipe be added to the universe repos by the motu guys11:04
tonyyarussoPygi: You use?11:04
=== krystoff [n=krystoff@modemcable092.145-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
weinbergHi good afternoon11:04
tonyyarussothegladiator, From Mozilla or Ubuntu repo?11:04
SirKillalotis there a tutorial how to install kde on my gnome ubuntu machine? ( I want to run kde beside gnome)11:04
Pygitonyyarusso: nothin' yet :P wait, time will tell :)11:04
andrew_polpak, i shall... i assume information on how to do that is on the wiki?11:05
polpakSirKillalot, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop11:05
krystoffhi there ...happy new year !!!!!!!!!!11:05
weinbergPlease i have a doud i instal for first time ubunto and i need to install the sount11:05
thegladiatortonyyarusso, ubuntu . i havent tried the latest yet .11:05
SirKillalotpolpak, will it affect my current installation negatively?11:05
weinbergo don't have idea11:05
spiregrainyou could always try krecipes...11:05
krystoffplease i've forgot the link for the sources.list11:05
polpakandrew_, I'm pretty sure it's on the motu wiki11:05
spiregrainunless that's agains your religion11:05
tonyyarussothegladiator, (Curious because 1.07 from both Mozilla for Windows and Ubuntu repo was fantastic for me, and I've had one issue so far with 1.5 from Mozilla on Linux.)11:05
andrew_spiregrain, sure, if you want to install the base KDE libs... but i don't.11:05
SirKillalotpolpak, I do not want to mess my whole system :-/11:05
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polpakSirKillalot, it won't11:06
andrew_spiregrain, no religion discussion here though. :)11:06
krystoff!ubotu repos11:06
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) see also !easysource11:06
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andrew_spiregrain, i used opera for a long time.11:06
ubotuA list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) - Create your own sources.list at http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic11:06
=== AndrewH is now known as AndrewX
thegladiatortonyyarusso, i am afraid with my FF has closed on more than one occasion and that really forced me to try mozilla internet app suite11:06
krystoffthx :)11:06
=== spiregrain spits
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andrew_thegladiator, you could try one of the mozilla-using browsers--epiphany or galeon, for example.11:07
ManifoldGuys, in the Ubuntu File Browser, how do I add files to the  Places sidebar?11:07
wizardjamesi have a prob , wavpack music files are not being noticed. on my install of ubuntu.   xmms , amarok , juk wont desply them in the list.    like it does not know what a .wv file is11:07
andrew_thegladiator, arguably they fit in with a GNOME desktop better anyway. ^_^11:07
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thegladiatortrue :)11:07
andrew_Manifold, browse to that folder and bookmark it on the bookmarks menu.11:07
thegladiatortehre are some issues with ephi , i shall try galeon11:07
krystoffdo you know a place where i can find a tuto about pine and ubuntu ?11:07
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ubotuShadyman: Are you smoking crack?11:08
andrew_Manifold, but it's really the GNOME file browser, to be technical. ;-)11:08
ManifoldMy mistake.11:08
andrew_Manifold, no worries at all. :)11:08
andrew_Shadyman, lol11:08
Pygi!wait in line11:09
ubotuwell, wait in line is like, there are a lot of question...and only few of us who can answer... please be patient and wait....11:09
tonyyarussoIf someone had a server install and then installed a ?ubuntu-desktop package, would they have to set up anything or do something special to access the graphical version after that?11:09
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dabaRPygi: rename to patience?11:09
Blissextonyyarusso: not really....11:09
andrew_dabaR, maybe use both?11:09
weinbergAlguien de aqui habla espaol11:09
PygidabaR: I would, if I knew how :/11:09
teroedniquestion.When you installing ubuntu from cd is it possible to get into console before proceding with network install?11:09
dabaRubotu: forget wait in line11:10
ubotui forgot wait in line, dabaR11:10
tonyyarussoBlissex, Will they need to add it to their startup scripts, or is it already?11:10
PygiI'll add now11:10
dabaRubotu: patience is there are a lot of question...and only few of us who can answer... please be patient and wait....11:10
ubotuokay, dabaR11:10
ubotupatience is probably there are a lot of question...and only few of us who can answer... please be patient and wait....11:11
andrew_dabaR, *a lot of questions11:11
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Pygiubotu: forget patience11:11
ubotui forgot patience, Pygi11:11
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH!, Shadyman11:11
dabaRubotu: tell Pygi about msg the bot11:11
Pygiubotu: patience there is a lot of questions...and only few of us can answer...please be patient and wait...11:11
ubotuokay, Pygi11:11
dabaRubotu: no, patience is there are a lot of questions...and only few of us who can answer... please be patient and wait....11:11
ubotuokay, dabaR11:11
Chousukeubotu: no, patience is <reply> There are a lot of questions, but only a few answerers. Please be patient.11:12
ubotuokay, Chousuke11:12
ubotuThere are a lot of questions, but only a few answerers. Please be patient.11:12
Pygihuh :/11:12
=== ompaul [n=ompaul@213-202-157-214.bas503.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pygistrange word :/11:12
Chousukesomeone who answers :)11:12
=== andrew_ thinks wiki bots are overrated.
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gerald-voltis it possible that ubunut can cause more heat in my cpu than in windows?11:13
ShadymanWell it coulda said "wisemen" or "mystics" :P11:13
Chousukegerald-volt: is it a laptop?11:13
Pygiubotu: no, patience is <reply> There are a lot of questions, but only few who might answer you. Please be patient.11:13
ubotuokay, Pygi11:13
andrew_Shadyman, or R0><0RZ r00t hax0rz!11:13
ubotuThere are a lot of questions, but only few who might answer you. Please be patient.11:13
=== davro [n=davro@cpc4-ches2-3-0-cust110.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
Pygithere we go :)11:13
gerald-voltnope, it's a normal computer11:13
dabaR!+msg the bot11:13
uboturumour has it, msg the bot is please message the bot in private, he accepts private messages from registered nicknames(/msg nickserv help register). In order for everyone to get better help, do not clutter the channel with many !commands, please. /msg ubotu keyword, or especially if you do not know whether some factoid exists.11:13
ChousukeThat's better.11:13
andrew_Pygi, i like.11:13
PygidabaR: I know :)11:14
gerald-voltand I can't check my cpu temp in linux because I don't have anythingn in my thermal_zone directory11:14
metahey guys11:14
Pygieveryone OK with that type of ubotu speaking?11:14
polpakPygi, sounds fine to me11:14
metai'm an ubuntu noob ... got a couple of q's11:14
ShadymanWell, the "rumor has it" part gets a bit repetitive, but hey11:14
ubotuspiregrain: What?11:14
=== bakpao [n=bakpao@yeo2.kullen.RWTH-Aachen.DE] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuthanks tonyyarusso :)11:15
=== spiregrain hides in shame
PygiShady: well, we can't remove it :P11:15
andrew_does anyone know how to change the date and time on a file?11:15
GoldfischNever trust a rumor. :)11:15
ShadymanPygi: Figured.11:15
Pygigoldfisch: lol :)11:15
Drakenwats cmd to reconfig Xorg ?11:15
SirKillalotif I want to remove "gwenview" with "apt-get remove" it wants to remove my whole kubuntu-desktop!! how can I make it just remove gwenview?11:15
ShadymanOh well. back to reading.11:15
polpakmeta, no meta questions pls.. Just ask your questions and someone will answer11:15
ChousukeSirKillalot: kubuntu-desktop can be safely removed11:15
KyralSirKillalot: kubuntu-desktop is just a metaackage. Its not even a software11:15
Pygignomefreak: Ping11:16
KyralSirKillalot: It just exists to pull in other packages11:16
Drakenwats cmd to reconfig Xorg ?11:16
metagot a quick q: does ubuntu come w/ a samba server?11:16
=== chninkel [n=Yann@alcyone.pleiades.fr.eu.org] has joined #ubuntu
gerald-voltanyone know how I can check my cpu temperature, I don' t have anything in my thermal_zone directory11:16
SirKillalotbut I do not want my desktop to be removed, well its secure?11:16
andrew_Draken, don't repeat; i'm looking up sth.11:16
KyralDraken: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:16
polpakSirKillalot, but if you remove kubuntu-desktop you may have trouble with dist-upgrades11:16
GoldfischYou can always use synaptic to list what files are associated with your installed packages. That can help you assess the impact of removing a package.11:16
=== yaaar [n=chatzill@12-216-224-35.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
Kyralpolpak: not really lol11:16
andrew_Kyral, thanks; i forgot the package name. :)  Draken, what Kyral said. :)11:17
SirKillalotKyral, can I remove it?11:17
tonyyarussoSirKillalot, Chousuke, Kyral, I've had that happen too, with ubuntu-desktop.  On my next boot everything was busted.  Ended up starting over.  (This was about a week into Linux.)11:17
KyralSirKillalot: you can remove it now, but when you jump to Dapper in April reinstall it to be safe11:17
SirKillalotwhat a shit11:17
chapiumDraken, dpkg-reconfigure xorg11:17
chapiumor whatever the package is named11:17
polpakmeta, system->administration->shared folders11:17
Xer0_h4xi just old him that11:17
ompaulSirKillalot, language pleassssssssse11:17
Xer0_h4xdpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:17
metathnx polpak.11:17
yaaaranybody around here know a lot about soundcards and could give me some advice on what to buy? I'm looking for a real cheap card that will do spdif to my 5.1 stereo11:18
Drakenta guys11:18
ChousukeSirKillalot: It's not really complicated.11:18
Xer0_h4xi'm helping him in another room :)11:18
andrew_Draken, sounds like you have 5 people wanting to help you. :-P11:18
=== Manifold [n=Manifold@88-104-146-98.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
Xer0_h4xSirKillalot: Scott?11:18
deejoe_apologies to those who've seen this earlier:  ok, in GNOME/metacity I can go to System, Log Off... and then choose hibernate.  question is, how can I hibernate from the command line?  the "hibernate" command doesn't seem to be the thing.11:18
Xer0_h4xwrong person11:18
yaaarthinking about the sb live series, but i'm still confused as to whether the spdif works right in linux....what i've been able to google is inconclusive11:18
metawhich package mgr does ubuntu use? i reckon its not rpm.11:18
Kyralmeta: Apt-Get11:18
polpakmeta, it uses deb11:18
Chousukewell, dpkg/APT11:18
=== krystoff [n=krystoff@modemcable092.145-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
SirKillalotare the ubuntu repos already kde 3.5?11:19
polpakmeta, apt is the repo manager, dpkg is the package manager11:19
ManifoldIs root indicated by several slashes?11:19
Manifold// ?11:19
=== lllmanulll [n=manu@dan75-4-82-239-58-38.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Kyralpolpak: Apt-Get is the Package Manager11:19
chapiumSirKillalot, it should tell you in the details on synaptic11:19
Chousukeis root11:19
Chousuke////// is root too, actually. ;P11:19
tonyyarussodeejoe_, I can do it with /etc/acpi/hibernate.sh, but there's gotta be a better way.  My keyboard shortcut's busted.11:19
metak, thnx.guys.11:19
ManifoldAny number of slashes?11:19
deejoe_tonyyarusso: thanks11:19
ManifoldXchat doesn't recognise it.11:19
Chousuketry ls /////11:20
krystoffhi please postfix is the same stuff that nbsmtp right ?11:20
yaaaranybody around here have experience with sound blaste live cards using spdif?11:20
ManifoldLOAD -e /mnt/hda5/Vital Documents/Miranda IM/Plugin/xchat.txt11:20
ManifoldThat should work right?11:20
Chousukeit has spaces11:20
SirKillalotwhat's the url for the ubnutu web repo browser?11:20
Chousukeyou need to escape spaces11:20
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Chousukewith \11:20
Chousukelike /This\ has\ spaces/11:20
ManifoldI stick that in the middle of spaces.11:21
KyralSirKillalot: packages.ubuntu.com11:21
=== SockerFot [i=SockerFo@c80-217-192-18.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #ubuntu
Chousukesingle quotes or double quotes might work too11:21
polpakChousuke, or you can use '/This has spaces/'11:21
polpakChousuke, or even /'This has spaces'/11:21
Chousukepolpak: not always though.11:21
ManifoldI'll give it shot.11:22
polpakChousuke, it does in bash11:22
Chousukeyeah, but this was xchat11:22
Drakencan someone help me, i just installed new nvidia drivers, but now i cant get into X, the error log says something about NO SCREENs, and NVIDIA kernel module not found or something11:22
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ManifoldDoesn't work11:22
yaaarDraken: do 'lsmod | grep nv'11:22
polpakManifold, just make a symlink to the directory that doesn't use spaces11:23
polpakManifold, and reference the file that way11:23
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yaaarDraken: do you see the line for the nvidia driver?11:23
deejoe_tonyyarusso: worked for me.  thanks again.11:23
ManifoldNow.. what is a symlink?11:23
polpakman ln11:23
Drakenya yaaar11:23
=== xvlun [n=Jan@dslc-213-023-141-250.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
polpakManifold, or better still you can make a symlink to the file directly11:23
Drakennvidia      456863611:23
Kr0ntabsee yas....11:24
tonyyarussoIn Bluefish, whenever I type a paired tag it automatically puts its closer after it.  Given the way I do things, this gets really annoying; I'd rather just type all of it myself.  How do I turn it off?11:24
yaaarDraken: hmm11:24
=== Grackshrike [n=alex@d-66-63-85-222.suscom-maine.net] has joined #ubuntu
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tonyyarussoThat's for HTML, btw.11:24
yaaarDraken: and do 'grep nv /etc/X11/xorg.conf'11:24
Manifold DESCRIPTION11:24
Manifoldsymlink creates a symbolic link named NewPath which contains the string OldPath.11:24
yaaarDraken: that says "Device: nvidia" or something similar? i.e. not device: nv11:24
ManifoldWhat's the difference between that and a win32 shortcut then?11:24
Drakenits set to nvidia, not nv11:25
tonyyarussoManifold, Things can reference the symlink as if it were actually the file.11:25
polpakManifold, a symlink is part of the filesystem11:25
yaaarDraken: right. well, that is a bit odd.11:25
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yaaarDraken: or rather, it's odd that it's not working...those are setup ok.11:25
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andrew_is there a default group that encompasses both adm and users?11:25
Drakenbut isnt there a pkg called nvidia-module or something11:26
Drakenmaybe i need it11:26
yaaarDraken: how did you install the nvidia drivers? from linux-restricted-modules?11:26
ManifoldError while linking.. Error "Operation not permitted" while creating a link to "/mnt/hda5/V.../xchat.txt".11:26
=== ara [n=ara@c-67-187-43-12.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Drakenya, got them from there11:26
ManifoldDo I need root access or something?11:26
yaaarDraken: one sec...11:26
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tonyyarussoManifold, Probably, sudo it.11:26
polpakManifold, you need write access to the directory you're making the symlink in11:26
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ManifoldI do though.11:27
polpakManifold,  you shouldn't need root access11:27
ManifoldI just wrote that file.11:27
polpakManifold, what was the command you used?11:27
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buliohow can I use fluxbox in ubuntu?11:27
ManifoldI right clicked it in GNOME file browser.11:27
arai have a folder on my desktop which has a little "lock" symbol on it and i can't delete it, what's the command to take that lock off?11:27
Manifold> create link11:27
GrackshrikeIs there anything I can do about window "streaking" in X? When I drag a window across another window, like a dialog across firefox, it causes the edge of the window to be repeated until the firefox screen redraws. Is there any way to improve performance so that doesn't happen? I'm running Ubuntu Breezy on a 1.2GHz VIA EPIA with eVGA nvidia GeForce MX4000 64MB graphics.11:27
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ubotuThere are a lot of questions, but only few who might answer you. Please be patient.11:28
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yaaarDraken: for now you can get X back real quick by just editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf and changing that device line from "nvidia" to "nv"11:28
andrew_Pygi, :) putting it to good use11:28
Pygiandrew: huh :P11:28
polpakManifold, open a terminal11:28
Drakenya i know yaaar, but with nv drivers, my x crashs and freezes randomly ;/11:28
ManifoldHave done, polpak11:28
yaaarDraken: really?11:28
Drakenya ;/11:28
=== maskd [n=maskd@dsl-220-253-78-251.NSW.netspace.net.au] has left #ubuntu []
Grackshrikebulio, install fluxbox through apt, then edit your .xinitrc so that it says 'exec fluxbox'.11:28
yaaarDraken: what kind of card is this?11:29
polpakManifold, cd to the directory you want the link in (probably your home directory)11:29
bulioGrackshrike: Thats all?11:29
=== sexcopter8000m [n=james@cpc2-rdng8-4-0-cust9.winn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
GrackshrikeYeah. You can remove a lot of the gnome stuff if you want...11:29
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yaaarDraken: has it worked properly in other environments (i.e. windows or some other linux?)11:29
Drakenwindows 100%11:29
dotrigHow i install vlc on ubuntu..11:29
=== yoni [n=yoni@cpe-68-175-40-207.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dotrigCant find good trres11:29
polpakara, right click the folder and look at the permissions11:29
Drakenthere was some stuff on nvidia forums about this problem11:29
yaaarDraken: what arch you on?11:29
tonyyarussoCan I turn off HTML paired tag autocompletion in Bluefish?  (And how?)11:29
=== Stormx2 [n=Stormx@host-87-240-137-127.hi-velocity.net] has joined #ubuntu
yaaarDraken: amd?11:30
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Stormx2Hey all. I'm back on windows for now.11:30
arapolpak, then?11:30
ManifoldDone it,  polpak11:30
dotrigCan one say how i install vlc?..11:30
ManifoldHad to figure out how to use it.11:30
=== Fujoor [i=Fujoor@c-a24be055.768-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #Ubuntu
polpakara, who's the owner of the dir11:30
ManifoldIs it CD /root ?11:30
Stormx2dotrig: apt-get install vlc?11:30
Sionidedotrig, sudo apt-get install vlc11:30
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yoniHello, I'm new to Ubuntu. I'm trying to build cinepaint however when i run ./configure I get "error: *** TIFF dev lib not found ***11:30
Grackshrikedotrig, enable ubuntu universe and install it using apt,11:30
=== ibmnotebook [n=epitk@cable-static-31-108.teleport.ch] has joined #ubuntu
polpakManifold, lowercase, and you probably don't want it in roots home dir11:30
arapolpak. root11:30
Grackshrikedotrig, look in the wiki to find out how to enable the universe sources11:31
Crazy_Maneveryone should have universe and multiverse repos enabled IMHO11:31
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) see also !easysource11:31
yaaarDraken: so, what's the output of 'uname -a' ?11:31
polpakara, ah.. is the directory mounted from somewhere?11:31
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arapolpak. no it's a downloaded dir11:31
andrew_lemme run something by y'all: there's the adm group for users created as admins, and the users group (assumedly) for those who are not in adm.  however, there's no group that encompasses both (e.g. for allowing all users on a system access to a folder).  it seems like that should be something that happens automatically.  am i missing something or could i file a feature request for that?11:31
yaaarDraken: ok11:31
polpakara, you downloaded something as root? or you just unpacked it as root?11:32
ManifoldDone it, polpak11:32
polpakara, either way.. bad practice11:32
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chris__hi everyone... i finished installing ubuntu breezy on a hp pavilion with a rockwell chameleon combo card.  I have no sound, so i went out and found a sound driver from the HP site that says it is OS independent; however, it is an exe file and i have no clue how to install it...  (Newbie here)11:32
yaaarandrew_: i thought the users group *did* encompass the adm group?11:32
=== Kumasan [n=jim@c-67-183-216-61.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Grackshrikeandrew_, I would think that if normal users can access it, than admins can also access it.11:32
ibmnotebookmy atheros wlan card is recognizez but does not work with breezy... any ideas around what i can do?11:32
polpakManifold, ok, now try ln -s '/path/to/some file with spaces/file.txt' ./file.txt11:32
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andrew_yaaar, at the moment (new install from yesterday) i have no members in users at all; i created 5 for my family yesterday.11:33
Drakenyaaar: , u got any idea ? :<11:33
polpakara, if you are sure you want to remove it you'll need to open a terminal11:33
=== nerdy2 [n=jeff@adsl-66-72-99-113.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
polpakara, then cd ~Desktop11:33
arapolpak, when i downloaded it wasn't like this, i did a command on it and i can't remember what, now i just want to take that little lock symbol out11:33
polpakara, then sudo rm -rf ./directory11:33
yaaarDraken: which linux-restricted-modules did you install? i can't find one for amd64 in synaptic11:33
polpakara, oh11:33
GrackshrikeAnyone have any ideas how I can resolve the window streaking issue (cause by dragging windows over other windows)? Does anyone else have this problem? It's possible that it's just because my EPIA is slow, but I don't think so. Plenty of games run fine, so I wouldn't think gnome would be this slow...11:34
polpakara, you don't want to remove it?11:34
arapolpak not really11:34
polpakara,  just open a terminal then and cd ~Desktop11:34
Drakenyaaar: i think i just got the drivers, not the whole module i think11:34
bulioto install fluxbox on ubntu11:34
bulioanyone have a guide?11:34
andrew_yaaar, Grackshrike: is that not how your user accounts are?11:34
=== tarmath [n=tarmath@HSE-QuebecCity-ppp3496727.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
polpakara, and sudo chown -R ara:ara ./directory11:34
ubotuhmm... fluxbox is a lightweight window manager.  Installation instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fluxbox.  More information at http://fluxbox.sourceforge.net11:34
polpakara, assuming your username in ubuntu is ara11:35
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polpakManifold, did that work?11:35
ManifoldPhreow, nice.11:35
ManifoldThanks polpak11:35
arapolpak, ok thanks11:35
tarmathhi lads, Im wondering if anyone would know of a location where I could grab an extensive listing of the user groups in /etc/group and their meaning, I know most of them but not all of them and Im quite curious as to what the others might be doing11:35
=== Pluk [n=Pluk@12-68-dsl.ipact.nl] has joined #ubuntu
micahfanyone here on copper.net?11:35
ManifoldI'll need to remember that..11:35
polpakManifold, yes.. symlinks are most convienent11:35
aracd Desktop11:35
ubotuGrackshrike: Do they come in packets of five?11:35
micahfcd ~/Desktop11:36
bulioshould I really use flux if I have 533mhz cpu and 380mb ram?11:36
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tarmathIve been searching for this info and it's nowhere to be found... I cant believe such a thing is hard to find11:36
andrew_Grackshrike, could you check your user settings?11:36
Grackshrikeandrew_, sure, what am I looking for?11:36
polpakara, cd ~/Desktop will work no matter where you are. cd Directory will work if you are in your home directory already11:36
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andrew_Grackshrike, a group that encompasses the members of users and adm, i guess.  or something else that's suitable.11:37
yaaarDraken: when you went through synaptic to install the 'linux-restricted-modules' package, there were several....do you know which one you got?11:37
fizzleanyone here have the link to set up the ubuntu repositories?11:37
polpaktarmath, take a look at system->administrator->users and groups11:37
Drakenyaaar: , i dont think i got any resticted-modules ;/11:37
Pygibulio: yesh11:37
fizzleubotu, how to set up repository11:37
ubotufizzle: Are you smoking crack?11:37
ubotufluxbox is, like, totally, a lightweight window manager.  Installation instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fluxbox.  More information at http://fluxbox.sourceforge.net11:37
Grackshrikeandrew_, "users" encompasses "all users," and I am in there, and I'm also in admin, so yeah...11:37
=== nalioth_zZz is now known as nalioth
yaaarfizzle: just click the lifesaver bouy at the top of your screen and it's in the getting started section11:37
buliowhat about xfce?11:37
fizzleubotu tell fizzle how to set up repositories11:37
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) see also !easysource11:37
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel.11:37
andrew_Grackshrike, hmm... how could i have messed that up?  i checked all available boxes when adding users.  did you do a fresh install with breezy?11:38
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ibmnotebookubuntu recognizes my wlan card (ahteros). but i do not have any signal :(11:38
fizzlewhere is sources.list?11:38
tarmathpolpak: and what am I supposed to find there? theres no description at all...11:38
polpakfizzle, /etc/apt11:39
Grackshrikeandrew_, nope. I installed hoary, then dist-upgraded. I didn't do anything for user setup, just what it asked me to do when I installed it...11:39
Pygiubotu tell fizzle about sources11:39
andrew_Grackshrike, same here with breezy (just yesterday), with the exception of adding four other users for the rest of my family.11:39
polpaktarmath, if you edit your user and go to the user privileges tab11:39
Pygi!info anjuta11:40
ubotuanjuta: (A GNOME development IDE, for C/C++), section universe/gnome, is optional. Version: 1.2.4-1 (breezy), Packaged size: 872 kB, Installed size: 2124 kB11:40
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andrew_i could manually add the users to the users group, but i'm afraid any later changes won't apply.11:40
SillyZafternoon yall11:40
Pygihuh, still no 2.0 :/11:40
chapiumi'm trying to install java-package.  However apt cannot find it and I do have multiverse setup.  Whats wrong here?11:40
=== andrew_ thinks that installing Ubuntu on his family's computer is a great way to start the new year!
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs11:40
ubotuJava can be found in multiverse. Sun (i386) debs here: http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl IBM (PPC) debs here: http://giannaros.org/buntu/breezy11:40
yaaarDraken: ok, so did you just install 'nvidia-glx' then?11:40
Drakenyaaar:  ya11:40
Pygiandrew: hehe :)11:41
Grackshrikeandrew_, hmm, it looks to me like the default settings for "add user" should be fine.11:41
ubotupolpak: I don't know11:41
SillyZq: there was a software package for linux that was released for doing anime style work, the company who made the software opensourced it, and illbe damned if I cant remember what the name of it was .... any ideas?11:41
andrew_Grackshrike, i'll try one now...11:41
Grackshrikeandrew_, they just need to be in default group 'user'.11:41
Pygiubotu tell polpak about javadebs11:41
Drakenyaaar: but i just found linux-restricted-modules-amd64-generic11:41
chapiumPygi, the instructions do not work11:41
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yaaarDraken: yeah install that.11:41
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andrew_Grackshrike, yes, but what in the user GUI tool manages that assignment?11:41
Pygiandrew: not if only you would drop gaim :P11:41
polpakchapium, they worked fine for me11:41
=== tkup [n=tkup@cpe-67-10-255-86.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ibmnotebookubotu tell ibmnotebook about wlan11:41
Pygichapium: well, then change them to working one :P11:41
polpakchapium, you are using the restricted formats wiki?11:42
andrew_Grackshrike, is it the "user profile" on the advanced tab?11:42
chapiumpolpak, yes11:42
Grackshrikeandrew_, the 'advanced' tab in the user profile editor has that...11:42
bulioif I install fluxbox, do I still have the choice of running gnome at boot?11:42
Drakeneish 21megs, on a 128mb :P11:42
Grackshrikeyes andrew_11:42
polpakchapium, which part didn't work?11:42
yaaarDraken: i don't know whether that will change the kernel situation enough to require a reboot or not...11:42
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poningrubulio: yes11:42
=== anders__ [n=anders@ti121210a080-13341.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
tonyyarussoHow do I lock the screen on lid close on a laptop?11:42
andrew_Grackshrike, i set all to the administrator profile; shouldn't that still assign them to the users group?11:42
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chapiumpolpak, it says to apt-get java-package, however apt cannot find it11:42
poningrutonyyarusso: it should do that automatically11:42
bulioinstalling flux11:43
tkuphow do I edit the gnome menu? I tried installation alacarte through apt-get but it says that the package has been obsoleted. Does anyone know of an apt-get installable package that does this?11:43
poningrutonyyarusso: but I believe you can mess with that in screansavers advanced11:43
yaaartonyyarusso: do you already have it set to lock the screen on screensaver/screenblank?11:43
Pygichapium: huh, what are you talking about? ;/ ubotu tells you all you need to know...11:43
ubotuThere are a lot of questions, but only few who might answer you. Please be patient.11:43
Grackshrikeandrew_, no, but being admins, they should have access to all user stuff.11:43
rem_apt-cache search java-package11:43
rem_java-package - utility for building Java(TM) 2 related Debian packages11:43
tonyyarussoponingru and yaaar: Okay, I got it now.11:43
=== LiGhTeNiN [n=marie@217-159-167-217-dsl.trt.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu
andrew_Grackshrike, unless you assign something to the users group.11:43
yaaaranybody have experience with sound blaster live cards? particularly w/ the spdif output?11:43
=== eric_ [n=eric@pool-71-118-1-192.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
poningrutkup: applications->system tools->applications menu editor11:43
rem_you should have universe etc on in your source probably ..11:43
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andrew_Grackshrike, you can sudo stuff to death, but that doesn't seem the point here.11:44
LiGhTeNiNcan someone help me set up a connection with router under kubuntu?11:44
chapiumrem_, yes, multi and uni are both there11:44
Grackshrikeandrew_, I dunno then...11:44
poningruLiGhTeNiN: sure whats up?11:44
PygiLiGhtenin: what seems to be problem?11:44
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tkupponingru, I don't have it on my menu :(11:44
LiGhTeNiNwell, I cant get it working11:44
=== mirak [n=mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-4-154.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
poningrutkup: look in synaptic for smeg iirc11:44
andrew_Grackshrike, i would think that the users group would be everyone and the adm would only be those who have the administrator profile.  does that make sense to you?11:44
poningru!info smeg11:44
anders__I think my sound device is not properly set, how can I reconfigure it or install a new driver maybe11:44
SturgeonIf i go to "system->network servers" and i connect to a windows machine in my network, i can see the files and stuff there. How can i see them in a shell?11:44
ubotusmeg: (simple menu editing), section utils, is optional. Version: 0.7.5-0ubuntu2 (breezy), Packaged size: 17 kB, Installed size: 212 kB11:44
eric_ I need some help, the add prgrams icon is missing from my menu, I don't know where it went I need help restoring it11:44
SturgeonLike, is that mounted in some directory?11:44
LiGhTeNiNtried 'sudo dhclient eth0' but nothing11:45
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poningrueric_: hold on11:45
LiGhTeNiNI used some network conf tool under KDE but the net was still not working11:45
tkupponingru, I just searched smeg in synaptic. the search didn't turn out anything11:45
ubotuThere are a lot of questions, but only few who might answer you. Please be patient.11:45
SturgeonEr, i meant Places->Network Servers11:46
Pygitkup: repositories, set them up....11:46
Grackshrikeandrew_, I dunno. I would think it's the other way around, that admin is user privaleges and then some, but I don't know much about user privalages and whatnot.11:46
polpakchapium, java-package is part of the multiverse repo11:46
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yaaaranybody know if the alsa drivers for emu10k1 and ca0106 (sound blaster live) cards have good support for the spdif out?11:46
poningrueric_: you mean add applications?11:46
eric_yes that one11:46
polpakchapium, if apt can't find them then either you don't hae multiverse set up, or you need to apt-get update11:46
ibmnotebookubotu tell ibmnotebook about how to get an answer to a question11:46
chapiumpolpak, perhaps there is some other problem then.  I see multiverse selected in synaptic and listed in sources.list11:46
andrew_Grackshrike, we're saying the same thing. ^_^ thanks for the help; i'll file a bug.11:46
LiGhTeNiNponingru: well, I cant get my adsl connection working now that I have a router11:46
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chapiumpolpak, i just ran update a moment ago11:46
Grackshrikeandrew_, oh, :P ok...11:47
polpakchapium, can you pastebin your sources.list?11:47
poningrueric_: go to system tools->applications menu editor11:47
tkupPygi, my sources.list has the standard repositories and one more. Which repositories should I add?11:47
chapiumpolpak, sure11:47
polpakchapium, and you've done a search in synaptic for java-package?11:47
poningrueric_: on the left hand side select the top thing11:47
=== pablosan [n=molochet@host146.201-252-145.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
Pygitkup: please paste sources.list in pastebin11:47
ubotu[pastebin]  a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org11:47
poningrueric_: on the right hand side make sure there is a check mark for add applications11:47
anders__can somebody help me with my soundcard11:47
pablosanalguien habla espaol ?11:47
poningruLiGhTeNiN: hold on just a sec11:48
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eric_ok I'll try that, thanks so much11:48
Pygianders: wait a sec11:48
ubotuThere are a lot of questions, but only few who might answer you. Please be patient.11:48
tarmathpolpak: I have no such thing as user priviledges tab... im using kubuntu though11:48
pablosanhay algun canal de ubuntu para los hispanos parlantes ?11:48
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.11:48
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polpakpolpak, oh.. it's probably different then.11:48
poningruLiGhTeNiN: ok so what router is it?11:48
polpaktarmath, err sorry11:48
tkupPygi, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/646811:48
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polpaktarmath, that was for you11:48
LiGhTeNiNponingru: ericsson hn294dp11:48
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Sturgeonif i go to places->network servers i can see my windows machine and its contents. Is there a way to see them in a shell?11:49
Pygitkup: huh, hoary??11:49
chapiumpolpak, heres the pastebin http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/646911:49
tarmathpolpak: yes thanks Ive read... I was figuring the info would be the same / at the same spot but if the program isnt the same... it has to be somewhere darn11:49
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s0n1cm0nk3ydoes anyone know where the grub config is in ubuntu?11:49
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polpaks0n1cm0nk3y, /boot/grub/menu.lst I think?11:50
andrew_s0n1cm0nk3y, /boot/grub/menu.lst, same as any grub installation. ^_^11:50
poningruLiGhTeNiN: is that a dsl modem+Router?11:50
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tkupPygi, yes, I'm still on hoary11:50
=== andrew_ high-fives polpak
LiGhTeNiNponingru: correct11:50
tkupPygi, why?11:50
Pygitkup, huh, can't help then, sorry :/11:50
PygiI don't have hoary, and don't know what's in the repos :/11:50
s0n1cm0nk3yandrew_ polpak, any chance one of you is running a dual boot?11:50
polpakchapium, you don't have multiverse enabled11:50
tkupPygi, ah I get it...11:51
poningruLiGhTeNiN: then couple of questions does it work with windows?11:51
polpakchapium, that sources.list only has universe11:51
andrew_s0n1cm0nk3y, sure am.  i assume you mean with windows?11:51
poningruLiGhTeNiN: the reason I ask is I want to make sure that you can connect to the internet11:51
LiGhTeNiNponingru: Yes, I'm using it right now :>11:51
=== SirKillalot [n=nerd@dslb-084-056-078-205.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
SirKillalothow do I reconfigure the x serveR?11:51
poningruok do you know using what protocol its communicating with the router?11:51
poningruas in just normal ethernet?11:51
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s0n1cm0nk3yandrew_ yeah, Im diagnosing a problem I have with dualbooting, it just shows the options I have and I was wondering if you one of u could post your grub config for me so I can compare11:51
poningruor something weird like pppoe or something11:51
buliohow do I install xfce?11:51
polpaks0n1cm0nk3y, no, but I used to. I ditched windows for good a few months ago11:52
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, xubuntu is Ubuntu using XFCE instead of Gnome for the desktop. Details here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu11:52
poningru!tell bulio about xfce11:52
s0n1cm0nk3yandrew_ using pastebin or w.e11:52
LiGhTeNiNponingru: hmm I dont know11:52
andrew_s0n1cm0nk3y, sure; h/o11:52
Pygihuh, not twice :/11:52
yaaarhey guys, is there a hardware support database around someplace for ubuntu?11:52
yaaarmore specifically one for sound cards?11:52
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bulioI just wanna boot into xfce11:52
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poningruLiGhTeNiN: in windows how did you connect? just plug in and it worked?11:52
buliothats it11:52
LiGhTeNiNponingru: yes11:52
=== SteveStevings [n=gerrit@66-191-226-197.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
s0n1cm0nk3ypolpak, ah.............. yeah Im considering that right now, I switched my dad to ubuntu but I still keep a dual boot with gentoo on one of my boxes11:52
andrew_s0n1cm0nk3y, you're lucky i'm on my parents' computer; i don't have windows on my own. :-P11:52
=== krystoff [n=krystoff@modemcable092.145-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
s0n1cm0nk3yandrew_ lol, thank the gods of luck11:52
krystoffplease which is the best format to store mails ?? mailDir ? or something else ?11:53
poningruLiGhTeNiN: try the all reset thing, because ubuntu should work as well11:53
poningruLiGhTeNiN: all reset meaning11:53
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eric_poningru: I tried what you said but I did not even see add application on the menu11:53
andrew_s0n1cm0nk3y, gods of luck... what an ironic phrase.  those two concepts seem opposite to me. :)11:53
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poningruLiGhTeNiN: turn off everything wait 15 mins and restart everything11:53
SteveStevingsokay im having much trouble with this, ive got a .pcf font in my .fonts folder, but none of the programs see it, do i need to edit something in oreder to fix this??11:53
poningruLiGhTeNiN: ubuntu should detect it on startup11:54
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tkupdoes anyone know the path to the menu items in gnome so I can edit them manually?11:54
LiGhTeNiNponingru: I have tried that, maybe I should make some configuration first?11:54
AndrewXdo you need the 686-smp kernel to support hyperthreading, or does the reg. 686 one support it?11:54
eric_I think I'm missing a few things after I uninstalled kubuntu and xfce, how do I restore gnome back to default11:54
s0n1cm0nk3yandrew_ lol, well sometimes oxymorons can be true ^^11:54
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LiGhTeNiNponingru: I'm actually using a Kubuntu live-cd to check it out11:55
poningruLiGhTeNiN: are you connecting using usb?11:55
andrew_s0n1cm0nk3y, here's the whole damn thing (rather long!): http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/647011:55
polpakAndrewX, I believe you need smp, but I could be mistaken11:55
LiGhTeNiNponingru: I have an ethernet card11:56
=== s0n1cm0nk3y fears for the worst
Dreamgliderhttp://freshmeat.net/search/?q=dvd+region&section=projects&Go.x=20&Go.y=14 < "Allows you to play from a player without a region set." will this allow me to play any dvd regions and thenge them as foten as i like on ubuntu ?11:56
SteveStevingsokay im having much trouble with this, ive got a .pcf font in my .fonts folder, but none of the programs see it, do i need to edit something in oreder to fix this??11:56
bakpaohi i've installed gxmms through apt11:56
tkupah I found it thanks11:56
chapiumpolpak, thanks.11:56
bakpaobut now i don't know how to start it11:56
bakpaocan anyone helpme11:56
s0n1cm0nk3yandrew_ its just as I feared, same as mine, damn I think windows is being gay again........I should just shell it11:56
jackobillhelp I can't get in my main user anymore... I get this as error : http://pastebin.com/48646911:56
andrew_s0n1cm0nk3y, what's the problem?11:56
=== andrew_ touches each of his files all over... mmm.
tarmathpolpak: im sorry for asking so much, but if this info is not accessible to me since I dont have the program, is there any chance that it is available somewhere else?11:57
poningruSteveStevings: just logoff and logon11:57
bakpaoi tried xmms from bash but bash told me command not found11:57
ompaul!tell s0n1cm0nk3y about gay11:57
poningruLiGhTeNiN: its probably the livecd thats causing the problem11:57
s0n1cm0nk3yandrew_ when I try to boot windows, it just shows what I put down to make it boot, the options, and thats it, then it just keeps blinking the cursor and stays there doing nothing11:57
polpakchapium, np11:57
=== massimo1 [n=massimo1@p54A36492.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
s0n1cm0nk3ythough no worries, Im going to go full linux11:57
andrew_ompaul, that ubotu is great!11:57
LiGhTeNiNponingru: so I wont be able to use net with the live-cd? :<11:57
polpaktarmath, np, but I don't know where else to see it11:58
eric_does anyone know how to restore the default settings for Ubuntu, I'm missing some programs I may have deleted by mistake11:58
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ompaulandrew_, yes, this is known near and far11:58
eric_I know in windows there is a system file check11:58
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SnurfCan someone help me in a PM? Its pretty long11:58
andrew_s0n1cm0nk3y, i'd search google on grub's site; i recall some troubleshooting steps there.11:58
eric_anything like that in ubunty11:58
naliotheric_: in a console, type "sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop"11:59
s0n1cm0nk3ylol, onpaul, lol, did you put a bot on me?11:59
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poningruLiGhTeNiN: you should be able to11:59
teprrrhmm, anyone knows about xorg crashes in dapper?11:59
hydroksydehttp://www.trademe.co.nz/structure/auction_detail.asp?id=43877969 - If I upgraded this to 128MB, would it run ubuntu alright???11:59
=== Franz [n=Franz@p5492A295.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
s0n1cm0nk3yompaul, lol, ass, oh well, I meant it by it in the slang context, nothing more11:59
eric_ok I'll try that, thanks11:59
m4rtinIs there really no other choise to get my winmodem(HSF) to work, other thene buy a fu***** license?11:59
teprrrI can't start any gl app here.. :(11:59
FranzHi people!11:59
=== foampeace [n=foampeac@toronto-HSE-ppp4231439.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
poningruLiGhTeNiN: I am assuming its something simple11:59
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fizzlehey how do i install java11:59
FranzHappy new year to you all!11:59
fizzleubotu,  tell fizzle about java11:59
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hydroksydem4rtin, buy a new modem12:00

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