ajmitch | ah.. nope | 12:02 |
ajmitch | I'll remember sometime soon ;) | 12:02 |
slomo_ | ajmitch: hi... what about banshee and ipod-sharp? ;) | 12:03 |
=== jinty is just being a nag;) | ||
ajmitch | jinty: join the ranks | 12:03 |
=== slomo_ too | ||
=== tseng nags ajmitch for good measure | ||
=== ajmitch wonders what tseng has to nag about today | ||
tseng | beats me | 12:08 |
tseng | everyone else was doing it | 12:08 |
ajmitch | slomo_: ipod-sharp has dropped a dbus dependency? | 12:08 |
ajmitch | Version: [-0.5.12-1-] {+0.5.12-2+} | 12:09 |
ajmitch | Depends: [-libdbus-glib-1-1 (>= 0.50), libglib2.0-0 (>= 2.8.0),-] libglib2.0-cil (>= 2.3.90), libipoddevice0 (>= 0.4.0), mono-classlib-1.0 (>= 1.0) | 12:09 |
slomo_ | yes | 12:09 |
ajmitch | ok | 12:09 |
ajmitch | this isn't mentioned in changelog, is it? :) | 12:09 |
slomo_ | it is... the part about the .config file | 12:09 |
ajmitch | * Install the .config file from ipod-sharp instead of our own now | 12:09 |
ajmitch | doesn't tell me much | 12:10 |
slomo_ | in older versions there was no config file for ipod-sharp so i've written my own... it used dbus in the old days | 12:10 |
slomo_ | now i noticed that there finally is a .config file... and that it doesn't use dbus anymore | 12:10 |
ajmitch | not that it'll make much difference | 12:11 |
ajmitch | since banshee will drag in dbus | 12:11 |
slomo_ | yes | 12:11 |
ajmitch | slomo_: /usr/lib/banshee/Banshee.Dap/njb-sharp.dll does look like crack, right? | 12:15 |
=== rikai [n=gtk2@pool-68-238-63-64.port.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
slomo_ | ajmitch: why? | 12:16 |
ajmitch | is it the same as libnjb-cil has? | 12:16 |
slomo_ | ajmitch: yes... and the ipod-sharp.dll is the same as in libipod-cil | 12:16 |
ajmitch | crackful | 12:16 |
ajmitch | I'm guessing this is because upstream does some stupid bundling | 12:17 |
slomo_ | exactly... i had a talk with meebey about it yesterday ;) | 12:17 |
ajmitch | yes, I saw some of that | 12:17 |
slomo_ | iirc abock said that he does this because of unstable interfaces... but i don't understand him, he writes both libraries ;) | 12:18 |
tseng | snorp really wrote libipod | 12:18 |
slomo_ | yes but lately only abock makes changes | 12:19 |
tseng | did you hear anything about 0.10.3 release date? | 12:20 |
slomo_ | nope... maybe next thursday, he always releases on thursdays ;) | 12:20 |
tseng | there is cool stuff in cvs | 12:21 |
ajmitch | such as? | 12:22 |
tseng | reworking plugins | 12:23 |
tseng | there is more exposed, and you can enable/disable them | 12:23 |
tseng | fixes to last.fm | 12:23 |
slomo_ | are there new plugins? or is the last.fm still the only one? | 12:23 |
tseng | there is a broken file system monitor | 12:23 |
tseng | and a sample plugin that prints random songs | 12:24 |
tseng | on the console | 12:24 |
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slomo_ | ajmitch: thanks :) | 12:49 |
Kyral | Anyone have plans to package the newest GNUStep? | 12:53 |
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Kyral | hey slomo_ | 03:05 |
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Kyral | hey crimsun | 04:25 |
crimsun | Kyral: hi | 04:25 |
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=== Kyral happy | ||
crimsun | about easychem? | 04:32 |
=== Kyral nods | ||
crimsun | yep, read earlier | 04:32 |
Kyral | Is it bad that this is causing me joy? | 04:34 |
crimsun | of course not :) | 04:34 |
Kyral | Oh in case Mez is listening, it builds CLEAN on Breezu | 04:35 |
Mez | Kyral ... ? | 04:35 |
Kyral | easy Backport ;P | 04:36 |
Mez | Kyral .... | 04:36 |
Kyral | joke ;P | 04:36 |
Mez | ... ? | 04:36 |
crimsun | just tell him whether you want it backported | 04:36 |
Kyral | my first package got into the repos officually | 04:36 |
=== nturner [n=nturner@dsl092-086-237.bos1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
Kyral | Actually I do need it backported lol | 04:37 |
Kyral | Lab Build uses it | 04:37 |
Kyral | and I ain't puttin' the lab build on Dapper | 04:38 |
ajmitch | Kyral: then ask, in one easy sentence :) | 04:38 |
Kyral | yah yah | 04:38 |
Kyral | I'm hyper right now sheessh | 04:38 |
Kyral | Mez: could you backport EasyChem to Breezy? | 04:39 |
Mez | depends | 04:39 |
Mez | does it WORK in breezy? | 04:39 |
Kyral | I don't have a test case yet lol | 04:39 |
=== Mez checks for FTBFS | ||
Mez | surely if somethings auto-synced from debian - they'd think enought o grab the new packages from debian that are deps of that package | 05:15 |
StevenK | Maybe the deps can't be synced, and need to be merged. | 05:20 |
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zakame | hm can I just sync eris from sid? | 08:20 |
crimsun | yes | 08:21 |
crimsun | the new package names in 1.3.9-1 take care of the NMU/libstdc++ alloc | 08:22 |
crimsun | we don't have to do anything on our side, so a sync is fine. | 08:22 |
zakame | ooh, k then, was asking because I was worried about the Conflicts/Replaces thing | 08:23 |
zakame | rocking :) | 08:23 |
zakame | done | 08:24 |
crimsun | :) | 08:29 |
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zakame | hi robitaille :) | 09:05 |
robitaille | Hello zakame | 09:05 |
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zakame | hm, ncmpc's already in debian, perhaps another sync candidate :) | 09:11 |
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dholbach | good morning and happy new year! :-) | 10:01 |
=== poningru [n=poningru@pool-68-238-174-62.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
zakame | dholbach!!! happy new year!!! | 10:01 |
ajmitch | hey dholbach | 10:02 |
dholbach | to you guys too | 10:02 |
jsgotangco | now go to work! | 10:03 |
jsgotangco | *grin* | 10:03 |
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ajmitch | hehe | 10:07 |
ajmitch | jsgotangco: I have been! | 10:07 |
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jsgotangco | ajmitch: we live in the future | 10:08 |
ajmitch | I've even been working on my debian packages for a change | 10:09 |
Burgundavia | ajmitch, was that the sky I just heard falling? ;) | 10:09 |
ajmitch | :P | 10:09 |
dholbach | so who helps me to write the motu report? ;) | 10:11 |
ajmitch | umm | 10:11 |
ajmitch | it'll be fairly short :) | 10:11 |
ajmitch | 'merges, merges, and more merges' | 10:11 |
zakame | merges indeed | 10:11 |
ajmitch | still > 200 assigned | 10:11 |
jsgotangco | use triple verbs it seems to be the rage lately | 10:13 |
zakame | ajmitch: speaking of debian, can you check my libmemcache for debian? its on mentors :) | 10:13 |
ajmitch | merge. upload. rejoice | 10:13 |
ajmitch | zakame: I can add it to the list :) | 10:15 |
zakame | ajmitch: thanks :) | 10:15 |
=== Hobbsee_ [n=Hobbsee_@CPE-144-136-118-222.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
Burgundavia | when/where do people figure the next Ubuntu dev conference will be? | 10:20 |
Mithrandir | Burgundavia: just after dapper is released, I guess. | 10:21 |
Burgundavia | Mithrandir, you figure may or end of April? | 10:21 |
Mithrandir | yes | 10:22 |
Mithrandir | iirc, that was what sabdfl said at UBZ | 10:22 |
ajmitch | hopefully somewhere interesting, though I doubt I'll get to go to this one | 10:23 |
Burgundavia | hmm, I have an opportunity to talk at LinuxFestNorthWest on April 30, which last year was right int he middle of UDU | 10:23 |
Burgundavia | I expect I will have to bankroll my own way | 10:23 |
sivang | ajmitch: why not? | 10:23 |
ajmitch | same reason as Burgundavia | 10:24 |
ajmitch | chances of sponsorship would be low | 10:24 |
sivang | eh :) | 10:24 |
Burgundavia | sivang, we both got full sponsorship to the last one | 10:24 |
sivang | same here then | 10:24 |
sivang | Burgundavia: yes | 10:24 |
Burgundavia | I am actually cleaning out my email todo list | 10:25 |
ajmitch | sivang: they prefer to sponsor people who are in the general area, and I won't qualify for that :) | 10:26 |
sivang | ajmitch: do you know where will be the general area next ? :-) | 10:26 |
ajmitch | not australia/nz | 10:27 |
Burgundavia | sivang, I heard rumours of Germany | 10:27 |
Burgundavia | I expect Europe | 10:27 |
ajmitch | germany was suggested at UBZ | 10:27 |
sivang | ah right, I think I remember now | 10:27 |
ajmitch | it won't be the US | 10:27 |
sivang | I hope not :) | 10:27 |
Burgundavia | I hope not too, but it is cheaper for me to get there | 10:27 |
Burgundavia | but I suspect we (NAers) are a minority | 10:28 |
sivang | Burgundavia: true, for me it's sky rocking high :) | 10:28 |
Burgundavia | Europe is a nice compromise. Amsterdam, London and Frankfurt are cheap and easy to fly into | 10:28 |
sivang | Burgundavia: I recall sabdfl saying something about Amsterdam as well | 10:29 |
ajmitch | anywhere with seedy bars.. ;) | 10:29 |
Burgundavia | amsterdam would be sweet | 10:29 |
Burgundavia | of course, the pot is better and cheaper where I live... | 10:30 |
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jsgotangco | Asia is the future! | 10:34 |
Burgundavia | jsgotangco, sadly, Asia is not today | 10:35 |
jsgotangco | Burgundavia: sure but we'll get our jobs tommoro | 10:35 |
jsgotangco | w | 10:35 |
jsgotangco | :D | 10:35 |
Burgundavia | jsgotangco, you mean s/our jobs/your jobs | 10:35 |
jsgotangco | yeah | 10:35 |
tepsipakki | i'd like to package two libraries that aren't in universe or debian yet. upstream provides debian-packages, but how much of the debian-directory structure should be preserved? | 10:35 |
Burgundavia | thanks, but sales is not fleeing NA quite yet | 10:35 |
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-118-222.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
Burgundavia | jsgotangco, also somebody who works is Delhi cannot calm down a screaming Exec at 4:30pm on a Friday | 10:36 |
jsgotangco | well... | 10:37 |
Burgundavia | because only grovelling on the floor can do that | 10:37 |
=== Burgundavia has had to do that, before in his support job | ||
ajmitch | tepsipakki: depends on how good the upstream packaging is | 10:38 |
ajmitch | tepsipakki: I've seen some where it was best to start from scratch | 10:38 |
zakame | tepsipakki: have you consulted with upstream about getting their package into the Debian proper? | 10:38 |
tepsipakki | zakame: yes, no reply | 10:39 |
tepsipakki | I'm talking about libgssapi & librpcsecgss, upstream is the folks at CITI (umich.edu) | 10:40 |
tepsipakki | they compile nicely, so in theory they shouldn't need much work | 10:40 |
ajmitch | compiling nicely is only the first step | 10:41 |
tepsipakki | Bruce Fields is the packages.. maybe I'll just ask him again | 10:41 |
tepsipakki | packager.. | 10:41 |
zakame | tepsipakki: how about the license? is it good? | 10:42 |
zakame | (no time for me to check, and too lazy :P) | 10:42 |
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tepsipakki | humm, seems to MIT.. is it a problem? | 10:43 |
zakame | not a prob, as MIT-X is DFSG-free unless I'm wrogn... | 10:44 |
zakame | tepsipakki: have you also asked the ppl in #debian-mentors about this? | 10:44 |
tepsipakki | nope, I should? | 10:44 |
zakame | tepsipakki: perhaps, as there are (already-existing) Debian pkgs :) | 10:45 |
tepsipakki | hmm, so what do I ask there?-) | 10:45 |
zakame | tepsipakki: what you just asked now ;) | 10:46 |
tepsipakki | ok, I'll try | 10:46 |
dholbach | zakame: your blog should be on planet ubuntu too | 10:52 |
zakame | dholbach: should I ping jdub then :) | 10:52 |
dholbach | zakame: yes :) | 10:52 |
zakame | dholbach: ok, thanks! :D | 10:53 |
=== ajmitch will soon be the only motu not on the planet ;) | ||
dholbach | ajmitch: you do blog? | 10:54 |
ajmitch | I have a blog with little to no content | 10:54 |
ajmitch | not worth putting on there | 10:54 |
sivang | ajmitch: why the only one? :) | 10:55 |
ajmitch | sivang: I was joking | 10:55 |
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lucas | hi everybody, happy new year | 11:08 |
dholbach | to you too | 11:11 |
dholbach | :) | 11:11 |
Gloubiboulga | I've reported a bug, but it seems to be a duplicate | 11:16 |
Gloubiboulga | What should I do ? | 11:16 |
zakame | happy new year lucas | 11:16 |
dholbach | \sh_away: you overwrote my istanbul package and it depends on python2.3 instead of 2.4 | 11:24 |
dholbach | \sh_away: malone bug 6925 is yours to check, thanks | 11:24 |
Ubugtu | An error has occurred. | 11:24 |
ajmitch | malone 6295, that is :) | 11:30 |
dholbach | oh yeah ;) | 11:32 |
ajmitch | ok, there's my syncs requested for today.. | 11:32 |
ajmitch | might as well cut down the outstanding merges a bit ;) | 11:33 |
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ajmitch | hi ogra | 11:38 |
ogra | hey ajmitch | 11:41 |
ogra | happy new year | 11:41 |
Burgundavia | salut ogra | 11:42 |
ogra | hey Burgundavia | 11:42 |
dholbach | Burgundavia: tu seulement parles franais toujours? | 11:43 |
ajmitch | happy new year to you also, ogra :) | 11:44 |
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Burgundavia | dholbach, non | 11:48 |
jsgotangco | wow did whiprush even attempted to sleep? | 11:52 |
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Burgundavia | jsgotangco, sleep is for the weak | 12:00 |
jsgotangco | tell that to someone past 30 | 12:04 |
Burgundavia | that doesn't include me | 12:06 |
ajmitch | heh | 12:06 |
jsgotangco | :/ | 12:06 |
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Burgundavia | being 23 has it advantages and disadvantages | 12:09 |
ajmitch | sure | 12:11 |
=== Burgundavia finishes the conversion of planet.u.c to planet.corey | ||
ajmitch | oh dear | 12:12 |
ajmitch | what junk are we getting spammed with today? ;) | 12:12 |
Burgundavia | awful things liek getting more people to join MOTU and the doc team | 12:12 |
ajmitch | oh no | 12:16 |
Burgundavia | ajmitch, is there a better bittorrent client we coudl ship by default | 12:16 |
ajmitch | we don't want more of them | 12:16 |
Burgundavia | preferrablly one that a) a single window | 12:16 |
ajmitch | no idea, I don't use bittorrent | 12:16 |
Burgundavia | b)remember torrent files across reboorts | 12:16 |
raphink | Burgundavia: what do we ship by default as of now? | 12:17 |
Burgundavia | raphink, gnome-bt I think | 12:18 |
raphink | hmm | 12:18 |
raphink | dunno this one | 12:18 |
raphink | on gnome I think I'd use bittornado | 12:18 |
raphink | which is light and reliable imo | 12:19 |
raphink | and either qtorrent or ktorrent on kde | 12:19 |
raphink | somehow it seems on this field qt/kde programs are more user friendly than gtk ones | 12:20 |
raphink | I see there's gtorrentviewer | 12:21 |
raphink | but I don't think this is actually a bittorrent client | 12:21 |
ajmitch | Burgundavia: good work on the HelpingUbuntu pages :) | 12:25 |
Burgundavia | ajmitch, you think they work well? | 12:25 |
ajmitch | yeah | 12:25 |
ajmitch | I think that MOTUGettingIntoIt needs a bit of an overhaul | 12:25 |
ajmitch | it's a bit sparse | 12:25 |
ajmitch | we've got a mailing list now, etc | 12:26 |
Burgundavia | so does the doc team stuff | 12:26 |
Burgundavia | ajmitch, someone demoed a half finished bittorrent cliento n p.u.c some time ago. Remember who it was? | 12:31 |
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ajmitch | koke? | 12:31 |
Burgundavia | hmm | 12:32 |
ajmitch | I know he had one | 12:32 |
Burgundavia | it isn't whiprush | 12:32 |
ajmitch | http://koke.amedias.org/ for his blog | 12:33 |
ajmitch | http://www.amedias.org/~koke/gnome-torrent/ | 12:34 |
Burgundavia | yep thats it | 12:35 |
Burgundavia | what is koke's real name | 12:36 |
Burgundavia | ? | 12:36 |
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Burgundavia | ajmitch, & | 12:39 |
Burgundavia | ajmitch, ^ (yes, I can type, when the moon is full and the tide is high) | 12:39 |
sivang | Jorge Bernal | 12:40 |
sivang | it's there on the page | 12:40 |
Burgundavia | sivang, thanks for telling me I need to sleep. Is 4am here | 12:40 |
Burgundavia | too many bloody Jorges in Ubuntu | 12:40 |
dholbach | \sh_away, Riddell: what about eric/eric3 packages? eric3 seems to be broken - shouldn't it be removed? | 12:40 |
sivang | hehe | 12:40 |
=== Burgundavia goes out to shoot one | ||
dholbach | \sh_away, Riddell: please have a look at the eric* malone bugs | 12:40 |
sivang | Burgundavia: go to sleep buddy, don't hurt yourself like I do :) | 12:41 |
ajmitch | about time I went to sleep | 12:42 |
ajmitch | got to bed at 7:30AM this morning ;) | 12:42 |
Burgundavia | indeed, morning all | 12:42 |
ajmitch | bye | 12:43 |
sivang | Burgundavia: night | 12:43 |
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dholbach | we really need a Universe Bug Day | 12:47 |
dholbach | bugs just PILED up | 12:47 |
sebest | dholbach: i also noticed that some bug are fixed but not closed | 12:49 |
sebest | eg, the bug was pending because fixed upstream, and the new upstream version came out, bug the bug is left open | 12:49 |
dholbach | sebest: if they're fixed for you, make a comment to "reopen, if they occur again" and close the bug. | 12:50 |
dholbach | thanks for noticing | 12:50 |
sebest | i seems there is no way to know the version of the package when the bug was submitted | 12:50 |
dholbach | yeah, that's something i always ask first | 12:50 |
sebest | dholbach: what should i do if the bug is fixed in dapper, but not fixed in breezy? | 12:50 |
sivang | then you got yourself a backport :) | 12:51 |
dholbach | we generally close them. | 12:51 |
dholbach | if people complain, we can try backports | 12:51 |
dholbach | if they're serious to -updates | 12:51 |
sivang | sebest: it should be mentioned probably on bug filing guidelines that a user should specify what version of the package he opened the package against, and provide him some brief instructions on how to do that. | 12:52 |
sivang | until we get something for that in LP | 12:52 |
hyakuhei | LP? | 12:53 |
ajmitch | dholbach: when do you want a bug day? next weekend? | 12:53 |
ajmitch | I think it needs to be before UVF | 12:53 |
sebest | sivang, in fact there won't be backport because the bug is not critical, so it will never be fixed in breezy | 12:53 |
dholbach | ajmitch: dunno - we should ask the desktop team as well | 12:53 |
sebest | eg bug 3154 | 12:54 |
Ubugtu | An error has occurred. | 12:54 |
sebest | eg bugnbr 3154 | 12:54 |
sebest | there should be a way to say "won't fix in breezy" , "fixed in dapper" | 12:55 |
sivang | hyakuhei: https://launchpad.net/ | 12:55 |
hyakuhei | sivang: danke | 12:57 |
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ajmitch | ok, sleep time, night all | 01:03 |
sebest | ajmitch: night | 01:04 |
lfittl | who has the email address loic@dev.erodia.net? (I answered your comment on revu about audio-convert) | 01:04 |
ajmitch | pef | 01:04 |
lfittl | k, thanks | 01:05 |
zakame | gn8 ajmitch | 01:05 |
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zakame | hi pkern | 01:10 |
pkern | Hi zakame (: | 01:10 |
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pkern | lucas: rubyversionslist is very nice indeed. Looking at the list utnubu would only have to upload three packages from Ubuntu into Debian, almost all other packages are up-to-date. | 01:15 |
zakame | pkern: hmm, utnubu! how do I help? :) | 01:18 |
lucas | pkern: the lsit is only about ruby-related packages | 01:19 |
lucas | also, I don't think the goal is to upload all packages in ubuntu and not in debian | 01:19 |
pkern | lucas: Well, depends on the view. Please look at http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?tag=already-in-ubuntu;users=utnubu-discuss@lists.alioth.debian.org | 01:20 |
lucas | I saw that | 01:20 |
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zakame | wb minghua | 01:21 |
minghua | zakame: hello zakame | 01:22 |
lucas | but what I'm saying is that a lot of quality checking must take place | 01:22 |
lucas | having packages without active maintainers sucks | 01:22 |
lucas | dholbach: can we discuss bug #4636 ? | 01:23 |
Ubugtu | An error has occurred. | 01:23 |
lucas | it renders the package unusable on breezy | 01:23 |
zakame | Ubugtu: what error? | 01:23 |
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lucas | so I think the severity is "major", not "normal" | 01:23 |
lucas | (I was the one to set it to major, not the bug reporter) | 01:23 |
raphink | hmm | 01:24 |
raphink | utnubu is an alioth project aiming to merge ubuntu packages back to Debian when needed, right? | 01:25 |
lucas | yes | 01:25 |
raphink | ok :) | 01:25 |
raphink | thank | 01:25 |
raphink | s | 01:25 |
zakame | raphink : yeah, "Doing with Ubuntu what Ubuntu does with us. Where it makes sense, at least." | 01:25 |
pkern | lucas: I intend to merge libao-ruby to Debian, but as I just found a RFS for it on debian-mentors (dating back to 2004 though), I'll ask the maintainer if he wants to be sponsored. | 01:25 |
lucas | pkern: I think it should be removed from ubuntu | 01:26 |
pkern | lucas: Reason? | 01:26 |
lucas | I mailed ubuntu-motu about this yesterday | 01:26 |
minghua | Hmm, I thought utnubu also trys to get ubuntu-only packages in to debian, but I didn't look at utnubu carefully | 01:26 |
=== lucas looking for the mail | ||
pkern | minghua: That's right. | 01:26 |
lucas | http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-motu/2006-January/000093.html | 01:27 |
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pkern | RFS tend to be ignored, sadly enough. | 01:27 |
lucas | then I'll ask the maintainer if he is interested in providing a patch so the pkg-ruby-extras team can pick it up | 01:28 |
GanJ_L1Nk1n | 01:28 | |
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pkern | Ok. | 01:29 |
GanJ_L1Nk1n | 01:29 | |
minghua | argh, forgot the scim causing gaim crash bug... | 01:29 |
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lfittl | anybody here who has time to review http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1282 ? :) | 01:31 |
lucas | pkern: your current way of looking for packages in ubuntu not in debian seems broken to me | 01:32 |
raphink | GanJ_L1Nk1n: ? | 01:32 |
lucas | not all packages in that case have -0ubuntu versions | 01:32 |
pkern | lucas: Please explain. | 01:32 |
GanJ_L1Nk1n | raphink: What? | 01:33 |
raphink | GanJ_L1Nk1n: nothing, just wondering what you mean by ;) | 01:33 |
GanJ_L1Nk1n | raphink: it's russian language )) | 01:34 |
raphink | GanJ_L1Nk1n: I speak russian so you can't cheat on me on this ;) | 01:34 |
raphink | lol no luck ;) | 01:34 |
raphink | unless this is a KOI/UTF issue ;) | 01:35 |
GanJ_L1Nk1n | ! | 01:35 |
raphink | nope | 01:35 |
raphink | doesn't look any russian to me ;) | 01:35 |
GanJ_L1Nk1n | where are you from?) | 01:36 |
raphink | france | 01:36 |
lucas | pkern: look at http://ox.blop.info/bazaar/rubyversionslist.html | 01:36 |
GanJ_L1Nk1n | ohh cool | 01:36 |
lucas | libao-ruby isn't picked by your script since the version isn't -0ubuntuSHING | 01:37 |
raphink | ;) | 01:37 |
lucas | I'll add a filter to motutools to be able to easily remove packages from the output which have exactly the same version | 01:37 |
lucas | then I'll generate the output with the whole of debian+ubuntu | 01:38 |
pkern | lucas: By which script? | 01:38 |
pkern | lucas: It's in both versiondiff and missing-packages? | 01:38 |
raphink | - GanJ_L1Nk1n | 01:39 |
lucas | I don't remember | 01:39 |
raphink | in UTF-8 | 01:39 |
lucas | maybe it was a grep-dctrl based stuff I saw yesterday in the archives | 01:39 |
=== raphink wonders when there'll be keyboards that show the keys when you switch the keyboard type | ||
=== Yagisan [n=jamie@60-240-9-82-nsw-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
zakame | raphink: speaking of russion, there was a russian iirc who designed such a keyboard | 01:42 |
zakame | *russian | 01:42 |
raphink | zakame: really? | 01:42 |
raphink | I meant something like a screen/keyboard | 01:42 |
raphink | that would print the characters on the keyboard when you switch kbd type/font | 01:42 |
raphink | I think I've seen one actually | 01:43 |
raphink | but it was still experimental | 01:43 |
raphink | and was to be solf for about $150 or so | 01:43 |
minghua | I remember reading about a keyboard that actually have a LCD for each key and will show the character on the LCD that correspond to the current keymap | 01:43 |
raphink | mhm | 01:43 |
zakame | raphink : yes, that's the one | 01:43 |
raphink | oki :) | 01:43 |
minghua | probably the same thing raphink is talking about | 01:43 |
raphink | I also heard that with the new technology allowing to detect where a sound comes from with 2 or 3 detectors on a board | 01:44 |
raphink | it was possible to make just one screen | 01:44 |
raphink | and have people type on the screen | 01:44 |
raphink | so the position where they typed would be detected | 01:44 |
raphink | zakame: that's the one you're talking about, no ? http://www.artlebedev.com/portfolio/optimus/ | 01:45 |
zakame | me checks | 01:46 |
zakame | yep | 01:46 |
Yagisan | dholbach: ping | 01:46 |
raphink | :) | 01:46 |
raphink | http://www.artlebedev.com/portfolio/optimus/answers/ | 01:47 |
raphink | lol | 01:47 |
raphink | It will be an open-source keyboard, SDK will be available. | 01:47 |
raphink | :D :D :D | 01:47 |
zakame | w00t | 01:48 |
raphink | Keys could be animated when needed. | 01:48 |
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raphink | huhu | 01:48 |
raphink | There's no snow in Moscow in summer. | 01:48 |
raphink | useful info | 01:49 |
raphink | I love this layout http://www.artlebedev.ru/portfolio/optimus/hi-res/keyb_blank.tif | 01:49 |
raphink | very useful | 01:49 |
raphink | :) | 01:49 |
raphink | and really worth buying such a keyboard :) | 01:49 |
Mithrandir | somebody should obviously make it possible to display regular X applications on it. | 01:50 |
raphink | hmm | 01:51 |
raphink | you mean the shortcuts ? | 01:51 |
raphink | just like the show the photoshop commands | 01:51 |
Mithrandir | no, you should be able to put your xterms on it. | 01:52 |
Mithrandir | that'd be cool | 01:52 |
raphink | hahaha | 01:52 |
zakame | Mithrandir : w00t | 01:52 |
tseng | Mithrandir: hi | 01:52 |
Nafallo | lol | 01:52 |
Mithrandir | tseng: hi dude. 'sup? | 01:52 |
tseng | Mithrandir: this :) http://david.chalkskeletons.com/openbox.html | 01:53 |
raphink | hi tseng && Nafallo | 01:53 |
tseng | hiya | 01:53 |
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Nafallo | hi raphink and tseng :-) | 01:53 |
Mithrandir | tseng: shiny | 01:53 |
zakame | heya tseng Nafallo | 01:53 |
Nafallo | hiya zakame :-) | 01:54 |
Nafallo | Mez: alive? :-) | 01:57 |
dholbach | Yagisan: pong | 01:59 |
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zakame | wb mhz | 02:07 |
mhz | zakame: thx | 02:08 |
Yagisan | dholbach: sorry - was away for a bit | 02:08 |
Yagisan | dholbach: You wanted more info on malone bug 6011 | 02:08 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 6011: "Moves all debs into REJECT if any .udeb was built." Fix req. for: debarchiver (Ubuntu), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: MOTU, Status: NeedInfo http://launchpad.net/bugs/6011 | 02:08 |
dholbach | Yagisan: yeah, i asked a question, which version you used - could you follow up on the bug? | 02:09 |
Yagisan | dholbach: sure, but it's also affects dapper | 02:09 |
dholbach | ah ok | 02:09 |
Yagisan | dholbach: I backported dappers to brezzy to see if it fixed it. It didn't :( | 02:10 |
dholbach | :/ | 02:10 |
Yagisan | dholbach: and not knowing perl, I can really fix it | 02:10 |
Yagisan | crap - got to go - kids are fighting | 02:11 |
dholbach | Yagisan: have a nice day | 02:11 |
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Yagisan | re: | 02:28 |
=== Yagisan notes he has more typo's then usual today | ||
Yagisan | dholbach: updated the bug report for you | 02:34 |
dholbach | Yagisan: for everybody - i just triaged the bug to have more information about the issue :) | 02:35 |
dholbach | thanks a lot for following up | 02:35 |
Yagisan | dholbach: no problem | 02:37 |
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segfault | can i select any packages in universe? :-) | 02:52 |
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dholbach | segfault: ? | 02:58 |
segfault | i mean, i'd like to package RoundCube. | 02:58 |
dholbach | that sounds great | 02:59 |
dholbach | you might want to read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/REVU | 02:59 |
dholbach | that's our current process | 02:59 |
zakame | bye | 03:00 |
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Gloubiboulga | dholbach, bug #6195 is on dapper, not breezy | 03:15 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 6195: "Dependency trouble" Fix req. for: mozilla (Ubuntu), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: MOTU, Status: Fixed http://launchpad.net/bugs/6195 | 03:15 |
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dholbach | Gloubiboulga: reopened it, thanks. | 03:17 |
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Gloubiboulga | ok | 03:17 |
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Riddell | is asking elmo on IRC still the way to get stuff moved to morgue? | 03:24 |
tseng | email is better. | 03:24 |
Riddell | e-mail to which address? | 03:24 |
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tseng | james.troup@canonical.com | 03:27 |
Riddell | ok, groovy | 03:28 |
Yagisan | am I the only one that thinks having psemu plugins in dapper is odd, without having a playstation emulator that can use them ? | 03:28 |
=== Manifold [n=Manifold@88-104-146-98.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
Manifold | Hello. | 03:32 |
raphink | hi Manifold | 03:32 |
raphink | :) | 03:32 |
Manifold | This looks complex. | 03:32 |
Manifold | Hey, is dpkg a ubuntu specific command/. | 03:33 |
Manifold | ? | 03:33 |
raphink | it is a bit complex indeed | 03:33 |
Manifold | I can't find it here http://www.ss64.com/bash/index.html | 03:33 |
raphink | but very interesting when you get to it :) | 03:33 |
raphink | nope | 03:34 |
raphink | it's a Debian command | 03:34 |
Manifold | OH. | 03:34 |
Manifold | Hrm. | 03:34 |
raphink | this is not a bash command | 03:34 |
raphink | or a linux general command | 03:34 |
raphink | its a Debian specific one | 03:35 |
raphink | that you'll find on all Debian-based systems | 03:35 |
raphink | Debian, Ubuntu, Xandros, Linspire, ... | 03:35 |
zakame | dpkg is the core of all debian-based boxen | 03:35 |
Manifold | "manifold u can the backport depository which will have it" | 03:35 |
Manifold | Where is this backport depository? | 03:36 |
raphink | :) | 03:36 |
Manifold | The wiki just gives me a list | 03:36 |
Manifold | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BackportsPackageList?highlight=%28backport%29 | 03:36 |
raphink | Manifold: so what you want to do is turn a Debian deb into an Ubuntu one, right ? | 03:36 |
Manifold | Yeah, raphink | 03:36 |
Manifold | It's a pretty popular program. | 03:36 |
Manifold | http://mahogany.sourceforge.net/ | 03:36 |
raphink | what program is it? | 03:37 |
Manifold | Mail checker. | 03:37 |
raphink | ok the first steps are | 03:37 |
raphink | 1) check it's not in Ubuntu yet (in dapper that is, since breezy is not the dev version) | 03:37 |
raphink | 2) if it's not in ubuntu yet, check if it's not in Debian yet (packages.debian.org) | 03:38 |
raphink | 3a) if it's already in Debian but not in Ubuntu, we'll have to sync/merge it | 03:38 |
raphink | 3b) if it's not in Ubuntu or Debian yet, we'll have to make a new package (or you'll have to ;)) | 03:38 |
raphink | but first check the 2 first steps ;) | 03:39 |
raphink | for 1), go check on packages.ubuntu.com | 03:39 |
raphink | if it's not in Ubuntu and Dapper, also think about why it is so, and check if there was no bug reported about in either distribution in the past. | 03:40 |
raphink | Manifold: still with us? | 03:40 |
Manifold | Yeah | 03:40 |
Manifold | I'm looking through the debian packages, raphink | 03:41 |
raphink | ok | 03:41 |
Manifold | I've checked the old and new repositories | 03:41 |
Manifold | Of ubunut | 03:41 |
raphink | ok | 03:41 |
Manifold | ubuntu | 03:41 |
raphink | did you look at the ubuntu packages first? | 03:41 |
Manifold | First thing I did. | 03:41 |
Manifold | I used Synaptic, | 03:42 |
raphink | good | 03:42 |
raphink | well then you missed the dapper repositories ;) | 03:42 |
Manifold | With all the universe and multiverse | 03:42 |
raphink | unless you're using dapper now | 03:42 |
raphink | ;) | 03:42 |
Manifold | Hah. :P | 03:42 |
Manifold | Where are these dapper repositories? | 03:43 |
raphink | you should check on packages.ubuntu.com | 03:43 |
raphink | to search the dapper packages | 03:43 |
raphink | some programs are not available in breezy, but have been added in dapper | 03:43 |
raphink | Manifold: packages.ubuntu.com | 03:43 |
slomo_ | StevenK: ping? | 03:44 |
raphink | and search in any version | 03:44 |
raphink | so you can also see if it existed in warty or hoary | 03:44 |
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raphink | hi slomo_ | 03:44 |
slomo_ | hi raphink :) | 03:45 |
Manifold | raphink, "You have searched for packages that names contain mahogany in all distributions, all sections, and all architectures." | 03:45 |
Manifold | "Can't find that package." | 03:45 |
raphink | :) | 03:45 |
Manifold | Argh. | 03:45 |
segfault | how do i add my key to the revu keyring? | 03:45 |
raphink | ok | 03:45 |
raphink | so you didn't find the program in either Debian or Ubuntu | 03:46 |
JohnnyMast | segfault email a revu admin | 03:46 |
raphink | segfault: send a signed message to keyring@tauware.de | 03:46 |
Manifold | Hold on, the debian search is buggered up, raphink | 03:46 |
raphink | if I'm not wrong | 03:46 |
raphink | :s | 03:46 |
Manifold | I'm doing a manual search | 03:47 |
raphink | Manifold: is this program open-source? | 03:47 |
raphink | ok | 03:47 |
Manifold | Well, it's on sourceforge.. | 03:47 |
Yagisan | Manifold: no deb called mahogany in either ubuntu or debian. | 03:47 |
Manifold | "Mahogany is an OpenSource cross-platform mail and news client." | 03:47 |
Manifold | Yes, it is. | 03:47 |
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Manifold | OK, Yagisan | 03:48 |
Manifold | So that means.. | 03:48 |
Yagisan | Manifold: you get to package it :) | 03:48 |
Manifold | A new package is to be made. | 03:48 |
Manifold | XD. | 03:48 |
Manifold | And how do I do that? | 03:48 |
Yagisan | raphink: did you get your box fixed ? | 03:49 |
raphink | Manifold: is it a recent program ? | 03:49 |
raphink | Yagisan: I think so too ;) | 03:49 |
Manifold | "Latest News | 03:49 |
Manifold | * September 5, 2004 Progress update" | 03:49 |
Manifold | Fairly. | 03:49 |
raphink | Manifold: first thing for you is to read the New Debian Maintainer's Guide ;) | 03:49 |
raphink | Yagisan: didn't recover the files :( | 03:49 |
raphink | Yagisan: but I've set a networked backup system | 03:50 |
Manifold | That one, raphink | 03:50 |
Manifold | ? | 03:50 |
Yagisan | raphink: that's a shame. Which backup system did you choose ? | 03:50 |
Manifold | It's three years out of date. | 03:50 |
raphink | Manifold: a project that has released the latest update a year ago is not a recent one ;) | 03:50 |
Manifold | Oh damn. | 03:50 |
Manifold | XD | 03:50 |
raphink | I programmed my own Yagisan | 03:50 |
Manifold | Is it worth packaging? | 03:51 |
raphink | based on ssh with rsa keys, associated with rsync | 03:51 |
raphink | so rsync over ssh with rsa keys | 03:51 |
Nafallo | raphink: why? isn't the one on this channel enough? :-) | 03:51 |
raphink | my code is available as FOSS of course ;) | 03:51 |
raphink | if you want to look at it | 03:51 |
Yagisan | raphink: don't forget to make an offline backup too | 03:51 |
raphink | Manifold: if you think it's worth it, then it's worth it | 03:51 |
raphink | http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/index.en.html <--- Manifold for you | 03:52 |
raphink | Yagisan: yep | 03:52 |
Yagisan | raphink: think lightning strike near your place. Instant fried pcs. | 03:52 |
Manifold | You guys heard of Mercury Messenger? | 03:53 |
Manifold | http://www.mercury.to/ | 03:53 |
raphink | beah | 03:53 |
=== Yagisan is busy with late night work | ||
Manifold | Mercury Messenger isn't on the Ubuntu or Debian repositories | 03:55 |
Yagisan | Manifold: If we, or debian don't have it, the general rule is you need to package it and send it to revu | 03:56 |
raphink | mercury is not open-source if I'm nto wrong | 03:56 |
Manifold | Is that a serious obstacle, raphink? | 03:56 |
Yagisan | Manifold: It will become your baby to look after | 03:56 |
Manifold | But I'm a Linux baby anyway. | 03:56 |
raphink | I think mercury is freeware | 03:56 |
raphink | Manifold: not to be included in multiverse | 03:57 |
Yagisan | Manifold: well, yes, it makes it very difficult. For starters we can't fix it if it is broken | 03:57 |
raphink | but you won't have it in universe if it's not open-source | 03:57 |
Manifold | So that means it just stays on my HD? | 03:57 |
raphink | Manifold: when famous apps are not available, you might wonder why ;) | 03:57 |
Yagisan | Manifold: no, difficult != impossible | 03:58 |
raphink | there is often a good reason | 03:58 |
Manifold | How do people use these famous apps? | 03:58 |
raphink | Manifold: you can work on any app if you want to, though | 03:58 |
raphink | :) | 03:58 |
Yagisan | Manifold: well, name a famous app - and we can tell you ;) | 03:58 |
Manifold | Er. | 03:58 |
raphink | Manifold: either they install them with the installer provided by the app | 03:58 |
raphink | or it's packaged as binary | 03:59 |
Manifold | I don't know too many Linux ones, raphink. | 03:59 |
raphink | such as acroread | 03:59 |
Manifold | NeoOffice? | 03:59 |
Yagisan | Manifold: never heard of it | 03:59 |
minghua | a few non-free apps provide their own .deb as well, e.g. opera | 03:59 |
Manifold | http://www.mercury.to/index.php?page=Downloads | 03:59 |
raphink | Manifold: Ubuntu is made to be and stay an open-source free distribution | 03:59 |
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Manifold | There's deb there. | 03:59 |
raphink | dunno it | 04:00 |
Yagisan | raphink: please don't suggest that acroread. It is now spyware | 04:00 |
raphink | Manifold: but acroread is an example | 04:00 |
Manifold | lol. | 04:00 |
raphink | and Opera was one till recently | 04:00 |
Yagisan | raphink: but opera was up front. acroread is not | 04:00 |
raphink | minghua: opera is open-source now, isn't it? | 04:00 |
minghua | google tells me NeoOffice is a OOo port to OS X | 04:00 |
Mithrandir | raphink: uhm, no? Opera has never ever been spyware. | 04:00 |
raphink | Manifold: then test this deb | 04:00 |
Mithrandir | raphink: no, it's just free as in beer, it's not free. | 04:01 |
Manifold | Do you know where apt-get puts the programs I download? | 04:01 |
raphink | Yagisan: huhu | 04:01 |
Manifold | OK, raphink . | 04:01 |
raphink | Manifold: install lintian and linda | 04:01 |
raphink | and run them on the deb file | 04:01 |
minghua | raphink: no idea, I don't use opera myself. I doubt it though, last time I heard it goes from adware to freeware | 04:01 |
raphink | and see how many errors and warning you get ;) | 04:01 |
raphink | never said thta Mithrandir | 04:01 |
raphink | Manifold: apt-get downloads the deb files and install them using dpkg routines | 04:02 |
raphink | ah ok that must be it minghua | 04:02 |
raphink | I don't use opera either | 04:02 |
minghua | Manifold: /var/cache/apt/archives | 04:02 |
raphink | just heard there was a change in it | 04:02 |
raphink | and thought it was open-source now | 04:02 |
raphink | I must have misunderstood | 04:02 |
Manifold | Aha, | 04:02 |
SEJeff | Manifold, why not use gaim? | 04:03 |
Yagisan | Mithrandir: do you have any multi-arch stuff publicly available to test ? | 04:03 |
raphink | SEJeff: why not use Kopete? | 04:03 |
Manifold | 'Cause I think Gaim's UI is too clunky, SEJeff | 04:03 |
Mithrandir | Yagisan: no, unfortunately not. | 04:03 |
raphink | kopete rulez | 04:03 |
SEJeff | raphink, Because that would require me loading kdelibs and the qt libs into ram | 04:03 |
Manifold | Well, not too clunky, but too big and friendly, SEJeff | 04:03 |
SEJeff | Manifold, Have you used the latest beta of 2.0? | 04:04 |
raphink | oh yes indeed SEJeff same reason why I wouldn't use any gnome app ;) | 04:04 |
Manifold | I just downloaded it from apt-get | 04:04 |
SEJeff | raphink, To each his own. Do not start a flamewar | 04:04 |
Yagisan | Mithrandir: please give me a heads up when you do, I'd like to help in whatever way I can, even if it's just testing. | 04:04 |
raphink | exactly SEJeff :) | 04:04 |
raphink | I respect gnome users but I prefer kde :) | 04:04 |
SEJeff | raphink, Fair enough. I REALLY despise the children who bash eachother. It is to the detriment of open source as a whole | 04:05 |
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Yagisan | raphink: gui's are for wusses ;) :-P | 04:05 |
ogra | Yagisan, develop a qemu based chroot script :) that would help a lot :) | 04:05 |
raphink | totally agreed SEJeff :) | 04:05 |
raphink | Yagisan: lol | 04:05 |
Mithrandir | Yagisan: sure, will do | 04:05 |
raphink | Manifold: did you have a look at the New Debian Maintainer's Guide ? | 04:05 |
Manifold | raphink, I got lintian with apt-get, but I don't know where apt-get put it | 04:05 |
Yagisan | ogra: It would just choke on the nptl binaries again :( | 04:06 |
Manifold | I'm still trying to run lintian, raphink | 04:06 |
Manifold | And that guide is huge, raphink. | 04:06 |
Manifold | ^^ | 04:06 |
raphink | ah ok | 04:06 |
raphink | Manifold: tihs guide is the basis | 04:06 |
Yagisan | Manifold: You'll find most people here have memorised that guide | 04:06 |
raphink | Debian Policy is the next guide to browser | 04:06 |
raphink | browse | 04:06 |
raphink | and if NDMG is huge | 04:07 |
Yagisan | Manifold: or at least bookmarked it | 04:07 |
raphink | then I don't know what policy is ;) | 04:07 |
ogra | Yagisan, yes, the only way i found to bootstrap a ppc ltsp chroot on i386, or a i386 chroot on ppc was nfs mounting the dir from another machine and run the bootstrapping from there ..... | 04:07 |
raphink | NDMG and Debian Policy are the docs that make Debian packages the quality they are | 04:07 |
Manifold | I got lintian with apt-get | 04:07 |
ogra | Yagisan, being able to do this from a qemu-ppc binary would rock | 04:07 |
Manifold | But I can't find where it put it. | 04:08 |
raphink | Manifold: and I reckon it's hard to swallow | 04:08 |
Manifold | :/ | 04:08 |
Yagisan | ogra: I ah bothered the qemu devs to find out why it doesn't work. there is basic nptl support for arm though | 04:08 |
SEJeff | Manifold, dpkg -L lintian | grep bin | 04:08 |
raphink | Manifold: ok now run lintian on the deb you got | 04:08 |
Manifold | lol. | 04:08 |
raphink | Manifold: lintian is an automated tool to check for basic errors and mistakes in deb files | 04:08 |
Manifold | Oh, so I just run the deb now. | 04:08 |
raphink | you run | 04:09 |
raphink | lintian yourfile.deb | 04:09 |
raphink | with the deb you got on the website of the app | 04:09 |
raphink | and see what you get | 04:09 |
Manifold | bash: lintian: command not found | 04:09 |
raphink | if you want details, run | 04:09 |
raphink | lintian -i yourfile.deb | 04:09 |
Yagisan | ogra: in *theory* we can install ubuntu ppc in a qemu ppc system emulator, set up qemu networking and run the install like that | 04:10 |
raphink | did you really install lintian from apt-get ? | 04:10 |
Manifold | I'll double check. | 04:10 |
raphink | sudo apt-get install lintian | 04:10 |
Manifold | Oh, I got linda | 04:10 |
Yagisan | ogra: but do you really want to add a few hundred mb to the install cd for edubuntu eg to support that ? I wouldn't. | 04:10 |
Manifold | Apt-get said it was better | 04:10 |
ogra | Yagisan, then the nfs method with real hardware is easier ... what i mean is running something like: qemu-ppc ltsp-build-client --arch powerpc | 04:11 |
ogra | but deboostrap fails this ... | 04:11 |
raphink | hm it's not better, it's different Manifold | 04:11 |
raphink | you can test with both lintian and linda | 04:11 |
Manifold | D/Ling Lintian | 04:11 |
Yagisan | ogra: I know what you meant. It's not possible without nptl support added to qemu userspace emulation | 04:11 |
Yagisan | ogra: qemu systems level emulation supposedly works fine, but I currently lack the bandwidth to test it | 04:12 |
ogra | its possible to run qemu-i386 /opt/ltsp/i386/bin/ls ... | 04:12 |
ogra | on a ppc | 04:12 |
ogra | the sad thing is that it doesnt work for scripts ... | 04:13 |
Yagisan | ogra: it will choke on larger apps such as bash - try it | 04:13 |
ogra | i did | 04:13 |
Manifold | It's in a foreign language, raphink | 04:13 |
Manifold | >.< | 04:13 |
ogra | it chokes on fork() | 04:13 |
raphink | haha | 04:13 |
Yagisan | ogra: yep - that is the nptl issue | 04:13 |
ogra | yup | 04:13 |
raphink | Manifold: paste it to a pastebin | 04:13 |
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Manifold | What's that? | 04:14 |
raphink | Manifold: http://pastebin.com | 04:14 |
Manifold | Thanks for helping a new guy, raphink | 04:14 |
raphink | Manifold: I used to be a newbie aswell ;) | 04:14 |
raphink | and still am in many fields ;) | 04:14 |
Manifold | :] | 04:14 |
raphink | and always happy to get some help :) | 04:15 |
Yagisan | ogra: supposedly, we could grab some of that nptl code from the arm portion, and somehow convert it for the rest of qemu, but that is beyond my current coding skill set | 04:15 |
ogra | and beyond my current focus ... | 04:15 |
Manifold | raphink, http://pastebin.com/pastebin.php?dl=487176 | 04:15 |
ogra | i think we should think about it dapper+1 | 04:15 |
raphink | hmm | 04:16 |
raphink | doesnt look too good Manifold | 04:16 |
Manifold | I'll run it through a translator | 04:16 |
raphink | ogra: what will be the name of dapper+1 ? | 04:16 |
ogra | dapper+1 :) | 04:16 |
raphink | dizzy elephant ? | 04:16 |
Yagisan | ogra: possibly. could you do me a favour, I'd like some comments on some stuff in revu | 04:16 |
raphink | :) | 04:17 |
ogra | no idea... mark announces new names some weeks before release normally ... | 04:17 |
Yagisan | raphink: u610 | 04:17 |
raphink | haha | 04:17 |
Yagisan | raphink: I'm serious. breezy = u510, dapper = u604, dapper + 1 = u610 | 04:17 |
raphink | oh yes | 04:18 |
raphink | sorry ;) | 04:18 |
raphink | of course | 04:18 |
raphink | :) | 04:18 |
Yagisan | ogra: could you give me your opinion on http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1335 | 04:19 |
Yagisan | ogra: I added amd64 support to it | 04:19 |
Manifold | Meh. | 04:20 |
Manifold | raphink, it's portugese | 04:20 |
Manifold | It's just telling you about the messenger itself | 04:20 |
raphink | hmm | 04:21 |
raphink | oh yes I hadn't noticed | 04:21 |
Manifold | All we know is that there's a syntax error in section 1 after the tag description | 04:21 |
minghua | Manifold: the lintian output just looks like error message on broken .deb description to me | 04:21 |
Manifold | So, now what can I do, raphink? | 04:21 |
minghua | I'd run dpkg-deb --info on said .deb package first | 04:22 |
raphink | not much Manifold since you don't have the source package | 04:22 |
Manifold | Ach. | 04:22 |
Manifold | Oh well. | 04:22 |
raphink | + the description is in portuguese, which is not good | 04:22 |
Manifold | Screw it then. | 04:22 |
Manifold | I should go and do something away from the computer. | 04:23 |
Manifold | Thanks for your help guys, raphink | 04:23 |
Manifold | See yer later. | 04:23 |
raphink | :) | 04:23 |
Manifold | (I'll be back with more questions.. :D) | 04:23 |
raphink | later | 04:23 |
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raphink | ok | 04:24 |
raphink | hopefully we'll be here with more answers ;) | 04:25 |
ogra | Yagisan, i see no trace for a ia32-libs-universe package except in the changelog ... | 04:26 |
Yagisan | ogra: sorry - was attending to baby - thats here at http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1329 | 04:28 |
ogra | Yagisan, no, i mean you need a dependency anywhere | 04:29 |
Yagisan | ogra: It is in the run-time deps. check control.amd64 | 04:29 |
ogra | ah, sorry, call me blind :) | 04:30 |
Yagisan | ogra: I switch it at build time if i'm on amd64. I couldn't get [!amd64] type stuff to work for Depends lines :( | 04:31 |
ogra | from a packaging pov it looks fine, but i have no clue about assembler ... and i have no revu login ... | 04:31 |
Yagisan | ogra: ok - it basically uuencoded thei386 deb | 04:32 |
Yagisan | ogra: I was planning to do that for a few greatly desired i386 debs for dapper. eg wine | 04:33 |
Yagisan | ogra: at least until a real multi-arch solution is developed | 04:34 |
ogra | talk to the wine guys before, they plana amd64 version since a while | 04:34 |
Yagisan | ogra: will do. | 04:35 |
Yagisan | ogra: no issues with uuencoding i386 debs for amd64 ? | 04:35 |
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Valandil | happy new year :) | 04:37 |
slomo_ | Yagisan: they will be 1.5 times bigger... but it works ;) | 04:37 |
ogra | Yagisan, its ugly ... | 04:37 |
ogra | but i dont know another way to do it to solve your particular prob :) | 04:38 |
Valandil | Hi there :-) I'd like to work on MaxDB-packages | 04:41 |
Yagisan | thank you ogra and slomo_. I will proceed to upload dapper packages to revu "fixed" for amd64 like that, at least until a better solution is found. | 04:42 |
Valandil | I've worked on adapting the package from SAP to debian woody, but I never mantained a distribution-package before for public | 04:43 |
Yagisan | slomo_, ogra feel free to advocate any packages fixed like that :) | 04:43 |
Valandil | What can I do to help on these packgages? | 04:44 |
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bmonty | morning everyone | 04:58 |
Valandil | mornig :) | 05:00 |
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SEJeff | in */debian/control under section, is that where you put Universe / Multiverse / Main, etc? | 05:01 |
SEJeff | Or is that where you put Something like Security | 05:01 |
bmonty | SEJeff: you don't have to put anything in control to say a package is universe | 05:02 |
SEJeff | bmonty, Well what goes in the section directive of control? Anything other than Unknown? | 05:03 |
bmonty | SEJeff: see http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html | 05:04 |
SEJeff | bmonty, Thanks. I'm right here now: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/ch-dreq.en.html starting off | 05:04 |
SEJeff | in synaptic, I am seeing, System Administration (Universe) as a section, is this valic? | 05:07 |
SEJeff | s/valic/valid/ | 05:07 |
minghua | the universe/main separation is decided by the override file AFAIK | 05:08 |
minghua | which is a repository thing, not a package thing | 05:08 |
bmonty | SEJeff: I'd be guessing how synpatic knows which part of the archive a package is in, but the string in synaptic is not a valid section string | 05:09 |
SEJeff | ok. So I would be better off to leave the section as unknown | 05:09 |
bmonty | I *think* synaptic has been modified to know that anything in the /universe section of the archive is Universe and adds it to the section name | 05:09 |
bmonty | SEJeff: from the policy manual the "Section" field is optional | 05:10 |
SEJeff | Well I am packaging vsecurity, a kernel module adapted from grsec, openwall, cap_over, and some tpe lsm stuff from ibm. I am just trying to do it correctly and am new to debian packaging | 05:10 |
SEJeff | I read that, I just want to do everything correctly | 05:10 |
bmonty | SEJeff: bottom line, you don't have to do anything to make a package universe | 05:12 |
SEJeff | ok, thanks | 05:12 |
bmonty | anyone have any idea why a package I uploaded yesterday wouldn't be built? The package is grass, I got the ACCEPTED email, but the buildd hasn't done anything with it yet. | 05:13 |
minghua | bmonty: in NEW queue, perhaps? | 05:14 |
bmonty | minghua: do you know how I can check? (I don't think it is in NEW) | 05:15 |
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minghua | bmonty: the ubuntu NEW queue is invisible from outside AFAIK, I don't really know how this ftp-master/buildd thing works, there should be people that know better here | 05:16 |
bmonty | minghua: I'm with you on that one :) | 05:17 |
tseng | NEW is not visible | 05:17 |
tseng | but ACCEPTED != NEW | 05:17 |
minghua | bmonty: but if it has been in the archive before, it shouldn't be NEW (not unless you have new binary packages), that I'm pretty sure | 05:17 |
ogra | NEW == only if your binary or source name changed or if its really new | 05:17 |
bmonty | only the version and the diff changed | 05:18 |
minghua | for debian there is going to be a "package is NEW" mail sent to the uploader, not sure about ubuntu | 05:18 |
tseng | minghua: yes. | 05:18 |
minghua | tseng: thanks | 05:18 |
tseng | it looks like grass might be in depwait | 05:18 |
minghua | then bmonty obviously has a different problem, sorry for the wrong guess :-) | 05:19 |
tseng | see the previous version, unresolvable build-deps | 05:19 |
bmonty | tseng: I fixed the build-deps, that was the main reson to upload | 05:19 |
tseng | new uploads dont clear depwait | 05:19 |
ogra | according to your changelog it shouldnt be in NEW | 05:19 |
tseng | you need lamont | 05:19 |
tseng | or infinity | 05:19 |
bmonty | tseng: where did you check that? | 05:19 |
tseng | ..the previous build log as I said | 05:20 |
tseng | http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/g/grass/6.0.1-1/ | 05:20 |
bmonty | ahh, missed that, sorry | 05:20 |
bmonty | tseng: so basically it needs a little kick-start from an admin? | 05:21 |
tseng | yes, ask infinity if grass is in depwait and to clear it | 05:21 |
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ogra | rather lamont | 05:22 |
tseng | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BuildDaemons | 05:22 |
ogra | infinity is on holiday until tomorrow | 05:22 |
bmonty | tseng: yeah I just saw that | 05:22 |
bmonty | a little out of date | 05:22 |
tseng | item 2 is still relevant | 05:22 |
ogra | it will be completely obsolete once gina is ready and we switch everything to launchpad | 05:23 |
bmonty | ogra: how long for that? | 05:23 |
tseng | ogra: please no reminding | 05:23 |
ogra | lol | 05:23 |
ogra | bmonty, to quote debian ... "if its ready" | 05:23 |
tseng | we still havent switched fully to malone yet even afaik | 05:24 |
ogra | i'm sure it will happen before dapper | 05:24 |
ogra | (malone) | 05:24 |
bmonty | tseng: motu has | 05:24 |
tseng | im (painfully?) aware | 05:24 |
bmonty | refering to the fact that malone is prolific with email? | 05:26 |
bmonty | :) | 05:26 |
tseng | or the policy of "everything that ever touched our database should be displayed as a ui element on the page" | 05:26 |
tseng | among other things | 05:26 |
tseng | the things you actually want are hidden and useless stuff is all over | 05:27 |
=== tseng hasnt gotten a chance to speak to brad lately | ||
bmonty | I agree that malone needs a bit of a review from a usability standpoint | 05:28 |
slomo_ | hm, i wonder why elmo has synced exactly one of my many merges... ;) | 05:29 |
bmonty | slomo_: because he likes getting multiple requests for the same package :) | 05:29 |
slomo_ | bmonty: i'll write him a mail now :P | 05:30 |
ogra | slomo_, because he's on holiday since one or two weeks | 05:30 |
ogra | he'll return this week iirc | 05:30 |
bmonty | bbl | 05:30 |
slomo_ | hmm... ok, but why does he sync one package then? he should ignore me when he is on holidays ;) | 05:31 |
ogra | because he's addicted and needs at least on sync a week ? :) | 05:32 |
Kyral | Morning MOTU | 05:36 |
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slomo_ | cyberix: i'm doing gnunet now... be happy ;) | 05:51 |
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=== Kyral sighs | ||
Kyral | Back to work | 06:14 |
=== Kyral calls up a terminal and begins working on a metapackage | ||
SEJeff | http://pastebin.com/487329 I am trying to have my package depend on kernel headers >= 2.6.12 but it is failing, any ideas? | 06:15 |
Kyral | How do you make a metapackage anyway... | 06:16 |
minghua | SEJeff: because there is no package named linux-headers, only linux-headers-2.6-386, for example | 06:17 |
Yagisan | Kyral: just a blank package that depends on other packages. Arch = all | 06:17 |
Kyral | ah | 06:17 |
Kyral | and if I wanna throw customizations in? | 06:18 |
SEJeff | minghua, Is there a way to tell it to depend on 2.6.12 + so that it works in breezy AND dapper? | 06:18 |
Kyral | should I apply then in rules (ie, replacing the default sources.list) | 06:18 |
SEJeff | because linux-headers-2.6.12 and linux-headers-2.6.15 are different packages. Can you do boolean OR in the depends line? | 06:18 |
Yagisan | Kyral: what sort of customisations ? | 06:18 |
Kyral | Yagisan: for my linux lab | 06:19 |
Kyral | Yagisan: to help with updates lol | 06:19 |
minghua | Hmm, actually linux-headers seem to be a virtual package | 06:19 |
Kyral | so like I have a default install, then I install this meta and it pulls in the rest of the packages for the build, replaces the sources.list, xorg.conf, AFS things, etc | 06:19 |
Yagisan | Kyral: let me be more clear. Is it overwriting any part of the packages you intend to install ? | 06:20 |
rraphink | Kyral: use postinst, prerm, postrm, preinst | 06:20 |
rraphink | to customize your metapackage | 06:20 |
Kyral | oh | 06:20 |
SEJeff | minghua, So how can I have my package depend on linux-headers-2.6.12-* OR 2.6.15-*? | 06:20 |
rraphink | a metapackage is a simple package that just installs nothing ;) | 06:20 |
Kyral | so postinst would overrwrite | 06:20 |
minghua | SEJeff: yeah that sounds like a good idea to me | 06:20 |
Kyral | rraphink: I know, its not proper to call this a Meta then lol | 06:20 |
rraphink | sure it is Kyral | 06:21 |
rraphink | in that it installs nothing | 06:21 |
minghua | SEJeff: the problem though is there are many -* variants | 06:21 |
rraphink | it just depends on other packages and tunes some stuff | 06:21 |
Kyral | yah good point | 06:21 |
rraphink | ;) | 06:21 |
SEJeff | minghua: ok. Well I guess I will just make it work for the latest dapper kernel, thanks | 06:21 |
Kyral | I don't have to list EVERY dep do I? Like I can say build-essiential instead of gcc-4.0 bla bla | 06:22 |
tseng | no one depends on build-essential | 06:22 |
Kyral | Its needed on the build | 06:22 |
tseng | well every package doesnt depend on gcc | 06:23 |
Kyral | I mean that we need the compilers lol this is a lab for CompSci students | 06:23 |
Yagisan | Kyral: You'll need to make some careful edits to your package, to allow it to overwrite parts of other packages eg config files | 06:23 |
minghua | SEJeff: looking at it more carefully, depending on specific linux-headers-2.6.12-* is probably not a good idea since ABI version is also in the package name | 06:23 |
tseng | ... | 06:23 |
minghua | SEJeff: so yeah I agree you shouldn't bother | 06:23 |
tseng | should i say it one more time for good measure? | 06:23 |
Yagisan | Kyral: I have a sample package, but it's in a 414MB source package | 06:23 |
Kyral | ick | 06:24 |
rraphink | Kyral: this is a package that is not to be ubuntu, right? | 06:24 |
Kyral | fine..I'll list out the contents of Build-Essiential | 06:24 |
Kyral | right | 06:24 |
rraphink | just for your lab? | 06:24 |
Kyral | just a local lab build | 06:24 |
rraphink | then you do what you want with it ;) | 06:24 |
rraphink | put the depenencies you want installed by it | 06:24 |
Kyral | just for me to be lazy about updating it ;P | 06:24 |
rraphink | if you want build-essential installed automatically by it, then put it | 06:24 |
Kyral | Yah but I wanna be "right" by it | 06:24 |
rraphink | haha | 06:25 |
rraphink | well taht wouldn't be right in the distro | 06:25 |
Kyral | eh? | 06:25 |
rraphink | but for a personal use, it just matters that you end up with what you want | 06:25 |
Yagisan | Kyral: pm me, and I'll send you the extracted /debian directory | 06:25 |
SEJeff | minghua, thanks | 06:25 |
rraphink | and if your goal is to automatize the installation of build-essential, then put it | 06:25 |
Kyral | Yagisan: what is it? | 06:25 |
SEJeff | minghua, Could you look at this? Makes 0 sense to me as the version numbers are correct and it still fails: http://pastebin.com/487349 | 06:30 |
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Yagisan | Kyral: one of my can't-be-in-ubuntu-because-upstream-needs-a-cluebat packages, needs to overwrite files in another package | 06:32 |
Kyral | lol | 06:33 |
Yagisan | Kyral: It could be an example for you | 06:33 |
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Gloubiboulga | If upstream doesn't provide an icon for a .desktop file, what can I do ? | 06:43 |
Gloubiboulga | make it myself (:/) or use a 'generic' one or... | 06:43 |
slomo_ | make one or use no icon ;) | 06:44 |
Kyral | hmm | 06:45 |
Gloubiboulga | I thought an icon was needed | 06:45 |
Kyral | this gdebi | 06:45 |
Kyral | I like it...for a GUI tool | 06:45 |
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minghua | SEJeff: -9.14, instead of -9-14? ;-) | 06:48 |
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=== Kyral falls down | ||
Kyral | Just as EasyChem gets into the repos, upstream releases a new version | 07:02 |
bmonty | this is weird, check out http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/science/grass, notice the version string mis-spelling of ubuntu | 07:02 |
bmonty | it is correct in the package's changelog | 07:02 |
Kyral | wait.... | 07:02 |
=== Kyral blinks | ||
Kyral | the GNOMEFiles entry says .5 | 07:03 |
Kyral | btu the SourceForge download location says .6 (which I packaged) | 07:03 |
Kyral | and the homepage for the project says .6 | 07:04 |
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minghua | bmonty: it seems the one with typo is -0*, while the correct and most recent one is -1* | 07:04 |
minghua | no idea why that happened though | 07:05 |
Kyral | ah wait thats 2004.. | 07:05 |
=== Kyral reddens | ||
bmonty | minghua: yeah, I just thought it was weird | 07:05 |
minghua | bmonty: is there an -0* entry in the changelog? | 07:05 |
bmonty | minghua: yes and no, whoever packaged the -0 version of grass dropped all the ubuntu changelog entries, I put them back in for mine | 07:06 |
minghua | maybe the previous upload indeed had a wrong version number | 07:06 |
=== Sepheebear [n=SepheeBe@cpe-68-175-48-160.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
bmonty | minghua: that is it...and the culprit is....\sh! :P | 07:07 |
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Yagisan | night all | 07:17 |
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lucas | ogra: can you request the sync of libgtk-trayicon-ruby, overriding all ubuntu-specific changes ? | 07:40 |
ogra_ibook | lucas, done | 07:41 |
lucas | thanks | 07:42 |
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lucas | could a MOTU review bug #1299 ? | 07:46 |
Ubugtu | An error has occurred. | 07:46 |
lucas | bug 1299 | 07:46 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 1299: "ruby (Ubuntu) - Image.read(filename) eats characters from filename" Fix req. for: librmagick-ruby (Ubuntu), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: MOTURuby, Status: New http://launchpad.net/bugs/1299 | 07:46 |
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rraphink | dholbach: if you want to answer that is :) | 08:40 |
dholbach | i'm on the phone | 08:40 |
dholbach | brb | 08:40 |
dholbach | :) | 08:40 |
rraphink | ok | 08:41 |
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dholbach | rraphink: that's a general patch page for existing packages | 09:00 |
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jpatrick | rraphink: pingy | 09:13 |
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rraphink | jpatrick: pong | 09:35 |
jpatrick | rraphink: never mind now | 09:35 |
rraphink | hmm ok | 09:35 |
rraphink | :) | 09:35 |
rraphink | happy new year anyway | 09:35 |
rraphink | :) | 09:35 |
jpatrick | I've changed 0ubuntu1 -> 1ubuntu1 | 09:35 |
rraphink | hmm ok | 09:36 |
rraphink | in what package? | 09:36 |
jpatrick | and libaqbanking0-dev isn't working | 09:36 |
jpatrick | kmymoney2 | 09:36 |
rraphink | oki | 09:36 |
rraphink | ah | 09:36 |
rraphink | in dapper? | 09:36 |
jpatrick | no in REVU | 09:37 |
jpatrick | (dapper) | 09:38 |
rraphink | hmm ok | 09:38 |
rraphink | what is libabanking0 for? | 09:38 |
rraphink | banking I guess but apart from that ;) | 09:38 |
cyberix | slomo: hurray! | 09:38 |
cyberix | :-D | 09:38 |
rraphink | jpatrick: are you getting it sponsored in Debian? | 09:41 |
jpatrick | yeah | 09:42 |
rraphink | ok good :) | 09:42 |
cyberix | slomo: Some distros have political issues with GNUnet, I've heard. :-( | 09:43 |
cyberix | slomo: Some non Debian derivatives. | 09:44 |
slomo | cyberix: "political" issues with gnunet? huh? | 09:44 |
cyberix | slomo: But it is great that Debian and derivatives have it. Makes them superrior | 09:44 |
slomo | cyberix: what exactly? | 09:44 |
cyberix | slomo: https://gnunet.org/drupal/?q=node/150 | 09:45 |
slomo | cyberix: sorry, i can't find it ;) please tell me about it :) | 09:47 |
=== rraphink is having fun listening to free music on musique-libre.org :D | ||
slomo | cyberix: ? | 09:50 |
cyberix | slomo: I don't know more about it | 09:50 |
cyberix | slomo: They probably think they will be attacked by some evil media giants, if they have p2p software. | 09:51 |
cyberix | slomo: Or something like that | 09:51 |
cyberix | slomo: I don't know. Just read about it there. | 09:51 |
slomo | hm, they don't have mldonkey, nicotine, dc++, etc? | 09:52 |
cyberix | I don't know | 09:52 |
cyberix | Maybe it is the anonymity thing | 09:52 |
slomo | hm, ok... nevermind :) i like the idea of freenet and gnunet... | 09:52 |
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cyberix | "SuSE has political issues with making a GNUnet package, and RH maybe the same. Still, that's nothing that we can fix -- bug them!" was the line I was talking about. | 09:55 |
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ajmitch | morning all | 10:08 |
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rraphink | hi ajmitch | 10:10 |
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=== hunger [n=hunger@p54A633FA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
hunger | Is it possible to remove the eric3 deb from universe? It is broken (see lp#6042) | 10:24 |
Kyral | Yah I was about to say | 10:24 |
Kyral | the eric package provides | 10:24 |
hunger | Kyral: Yes, the eric package works... but eric3 looks newer. And why should known to be broken stuff hang around? | 10:25 |
Kyral | hunger: the eric3 package is the same as eric it seems | 10:26 |
hunger | Kyral: eric works, eric3 coredumps... so eric3 should get removed IMHO. | 10:26 |
Kyral | I know | 10:27 |
Kyral | I'm agreeing with you dude ;D | 10:27 |
hunger | Kyral: Hey, great;-) | 10:27 |
hunger | Hey, eric is even newer then eric3! | 10:30 |
Kyral | yah | 10:30 |
Kyral | someone ping someone to purge eric3 | 10:30 |
hunger | Man! that is really confusing! | 10:30 |
Kyral | no kiddn | 10:34 |
dholbach | good night | 10:38 |
Kyral | cya dholbach | 10:38 |
ajmitch | night dholbach | 10:41 |
seth_k|lappy | http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1365 can be archived; it's been uploaded | 10:44 |
seth_k|lappy | http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1257 can be archived; it's been uploaded too | 10:44 |
hub | can someone unarchive http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=840 | 10:48 |
hub | it hasn't been uploaded | 10:48 |
seth_k|lappy | hub, if you make a new upload it'll auto-unarchive | 10:49 |
seth_k|lappy | (new upload to REVU that is) | 10:49 |
hub | seth_k|lappy: yeah, but I have no reason to do one :-/ | 10:49 |
hub | unless someone can explain what's wrong according to the latest comments | 10:49 |
seth_k|lappy | ahh | 10:50 |
lfittl | Does anybody have some time to review one of my packages? (http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1282) | 10:55 |
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hunger | Damn... so many IDEs and still nothing that beats emacs:-( | 10:58 |
=== crimsun gently sidesteps the $IDE war ;) | ||
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hub | hunger: people look at me when I use Emacs instead of KDevelop or Kate at the office | 11:02 |
=== hunger_ [n=hunger@p54A64798.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
SEJeff | hunger, Except for vim of course :) | 11:02 |
hub | hunger: fortunately there are vi users that understand me :-) | 11:02 |
hunger_ | hub: Sorry, got disconnected... Oh... yes, I forgot about vi:-) | 11:03 |
hub | hunger: that was not a vi vs emacs war. it is just vi/emacs vs the rest | 11:03 |
hunger_ | hub: Right. Vi works well, too. The rest is just too crashy to use:-( | 11:04 |
hub | hunger: or not that convenient | 11:04 |
SEJeff | vi + screen makes /me drool | 11:05 |
hunger_ | hub: I never get to the point where I find out about inconvinient stuff:-( | 11:05 |
hub | they use KDE so they are used to ;-) | 11:05 |
hunger_ | Just tested eric(3): Displays newly created files only, does nothing when trying to open files. | 11:06 |
hunger_ | kdevelop crashes whenever I touch anything, eclipse is not really stable for me either. | 11:06 |
SEJeff | hunger, Scite is decent | 11:07 |
hunger_ | SEJeff: I wanted to see what the fuss about IDEs is about. Scite is more of a texteditor, isen't it? | 11:07 |
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SEJeff | Scite is more of a proof of concept app to showcase Scintilla. But it is a great programmers ide | 11:08 |
SEJeff | hunger, fast, stable, and a decent featureset | 11:08 |
=== hunger_ wants to do that every 6 weeks or so and so far couldn't get to like it. | ||
hunger_ | SEJeff: I use scite on windows, I know what it does (there). | 11:10 |
hunger_ | SEJeff: I was hoping to find something which supports unittests of ruby/python scripts. | 11:10 |
hunger_ | Guess I'll stick with whatever texteditor is available plus several terminals. | 11:11 |
SEJeff | yep | 11:11 |
lifeless | hunger_: pyunit ? | 11:13 |
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hunger_ | lifeless: Guess that is what it is called in python. | 11:14 |
hunger_ | lifeless: I was hoping to some frontend for whichever system used. | 11:15 |
lifeless | hunger_: vim.org has scripts to parse pyunit error and failure putput | 11:15 |
lifeless | *output* | 11:15 |
hunger_ | lifeless: Somewhat like the proprietary rational robots (which is not too good but nice to look at;-) | 11:15 |
lifeless | I dont know what that does | 11:16 |
lifeless | so the analogy is useless | 11:16 |
=== Hieronymus [n=jeroen@cp413115-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
psusi | if I fix a bug in a package, how do I want to use dch? --increment or --newversion? -a? | 11:16 |
Kyral | dch -i | 11:17 |
Kyral | err | 11:17 |
Kyral | increment the Ubuntu Revision | 11:17 |
psusi | so use -i and -a? | 11:17 |
psusi | ahh, ok... looks like just -i | 11:18 |
crimsun | unless it's from a sync, in which case you'll want to use -vfoo | 11:19 |
crimsun | doesn't really matter. You could just edit the version manually, too. | 11:20 |
=== bmonty [n=bmontgom@wsip-68-15-230-31.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
psusi | hrm... | 11:29 |
psusi | I used dch -i to bump the rev and add a changelog entry, but it did not change the rev... the package is built using the old revision | 11:29 |
bmonty | psusi: did you rebuild the source package? | 11:30 |
psusi | well, the old rev is in the name of the dir and the .dsc... I did pbuilder build *.dsc | 11:30 |
bmonty | psusi: in the package source directory run "debuild -S", that will make a new source package | 11:31 |
psusi | hrm... ok... then I will need to extract that source deb and pbuild the new .dsc? | 11:32 |
bmonty | no, just run the pbuilder with the new .dsc | 11:32 |
psusi | hrm... could not find a signing program | 11:33 |
bmonty | psusi: that is only needed if you want to be able to upload the package | 11:34 |
psusi | oh, ok... it did build the new files | 11:35 |
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psusi | if a package is in universe and it's maintainer is @debian.org, does that mean it was just synced over and there is no ubuntu maintainer? | 11:44 |
crimsun | it may. | 11:44 |
ajmitch | usually | 11:44 |
crimsun | the only way to tell for sure is to look at the version. | 11:44 |
ajmitch | we don't change the maintainer field when we make changes | 11:44 |
psusi | how do you tell from the version? | 11:44 |
lifeless | does it have 'ubuntu' in it ? | 11:45 |
psusi | and if you are making ubuntu specific changes, aren't you maintaining it? | 11:45 |
ajmitch | if it has ubuntu in the version number | 11:45 |
ajmitch | hey lifeless | 11:45 |
lifeless | hola ajmitch | 11:45 |
psusi | nope... no ubuntu in the version... | 11:45 |
ajmitch | lifeless: opensync got rejected? | 11:45 |
ajmitch | I saw it in NEW, but nothing after that | 11:45 |
lifeless | ajmitch: yeah, I need to fix the copyright file | 11:46 |
lifeless | it mixes GPL and LGPL code | 11:46 |
lifeless | and maybe more. As the doco is incomplete on it I need to audit the entire freaking thing | 11:46 |
ajmitch | ah | 11:46 |
ajmitch | nasty | 11:46 |
lifeless | indeed | 11:46 |
lifeless | its /README,/COPYING etc give no clue | 11:46 |
lifeless | thank god for ftp-master ;) | 11:46 |
=== thierry [n=thierry@modemcable232.48-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
thierry | anyone can explain me why my package (http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1299) doesn't install any binary? I'm using cdbs | 11:48 |
thierry | also the same problem with http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1293 (in wich I'm using debhelper) | 11:49 |
lfittl | ajmitch: do you have some time to review a package? (http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1282) | 11:50 |
ajmitch | maybe | 11:50 |
lfittl | should be fast to do, it's just a small shell script, and i am the upstream author ;) | 11:51 |
ajmitch | lfittl: small shell scripts aren't always a good idea to package, having lots of clutter from many packaged shell scripts can be a pain | 11:52 |
lfittl | ajmitch: well since we had some packaging requests for nautilus scripts, I wrote this as a little "installer" for them, as we can't install to user dirs | 11:53 |
crimsun | thierry: no relative paths to the build dir in .install | 11:53 |
ajmitch | lfittl: maybe talk to #ubuntu-desktop guys about getting something included with nautilus itself? | 11:53 |
crimsun | thierry: err, wait a sec. | 11:55 |
ajmitch | thierry: does it even build a shared library? | 11:55 |
ajmitch | http://revu.tauware.de/revu1-incoming/libfxscintilla1.6-0512241230/libfxscintilla1.6_1.63-0ubuntu1.buildlog has the build log | 11:56 |
lfittl | ajmitch: good idea, do you think it's realistic that a patch for this could go in fast enough? (as we only have less than 3 weeks left until UVF) | 11:57 |
ajmitch | sure | 11:57 |
ajmitch | I saw seb around earlier | 11:57 |
crimsun | it doesn't actually build a shared lib that I can see | 11:58 |
lfittl | ajmitch: thanks :) | 11:58 |
crimsun | thierry: you don't appear to be passing --enable-shared=yes | 12:02 |
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