=== blkknyght [n=fincher0@ip68-1-99-56.pn.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:00] which debian repo is comparable to breezy? [12:00] andrew_ I think ill just wine what I need, anyone know how well wine works with flash 8? [12:00] s0n1cm0nk3y, the slang context is offensive however [12:00] I have two hard drives, and i want to install ubuntu to one of them. Do I burn an image of the download from the website and boot from it? And does it give me an option which hard drive to install to? [12:00] m4rtin, or better yet, buy a router... they just work [12:00] polpak, well forgive me for my tresspasses then [12:00] How to upgrade to kernel 2.6.14 ? by self-compiling or is there a packet to get? [12:00] hydroksyde: yeah dude that should work, but it will be slow [12:00] s0n1cm0nk3y, certainly will [12:00] Snurf, sure [12:00] poningru, faster CPU maybe? [12:00] foampeace: they are mostly incompatible, I've herard [12:00] s0n1cm0nk3y, i don't know. but if you have tips on wine'ing shockwave, my little sister will stop whining and start wine'ing. :) [12:01] hydroksyde: look into xubuntu === JRlinux [n=JRlinux@gw02.applegatebroadband.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:01] It does give me the option in installation hydrosyde? [12:01] polpak lol ok, to correct myself, windows is being the BSOD ridden OS that it is [12:01] Snurf, yeah, it does [12:01] ok ty [12:01] Why do I have "sister" on highlight? O_o; [12:01] s0n1cm0nk3y, indeed [12:01] s0n1cm0nk3y, it was a bit morelike this: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ <-- we try to encourage this [12:01] poningru: well I have tried 'sudo dhclient eth0' command and configuring it with KDE's own tools but still no connection [12:01] skon: if you went debian which repo would you pick? [12:01] Hi all. I am trying to install ubuntu to a Dell Poweredge server with megaraid, but it won't detect the drives. [12:01] hydroksyde: it's not my pc, and therefore, I dont deside what they should buy. But a router is a quite good sulution. Not so expensie. [12:01] andrew_ lol, clever, did you apt-get flash [12:01] s0n1cm0nk3y, wine works very well for many things [12:01] !patience [12:01] There are a lot of questions, but only few who might answer you. Please be patient. [12:01] andrew_ had to catch myself, Im on my gentoob ox right now, and I was about to say emerge [12:01] lol [12:01] Franz: you kinda have to compile it yourself [12:01] s0n1cm0nk3y, shockwave != flash, right? [12:01] foampeace: you mean under Debian or under Ubuntu === gerrit_ is now known as SteveStevings [12:02] m4rtin, yeah, routers just work. So do serial modems [12:02] skon: debian like a breezy [12:02] I tried to reinstall but I get "E: Invalid operation [12:02] poningru, thanks. This means, there is no way to get it by apt-get.... [12:02] what in debian is closest to breezy === bart__ [n=bart@sud35-1-82-67-113-114.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === McJerry [n=mcjerry@ip68-99-175-230.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:02] s0n1cm0nk3y, I prefer to use the winehq repos to the universe ones as they are more up to date, but it's a personal preference [12:02] Franz: you can wait till april 06 [12:02] foampeace: breezy is based off debian [12:02] foampeace: the source code [12:03] Franz: it will be availble in apt-get then [12:03] ompaul, ah, well forgive me then, I used to use ubuntu, but havent really gotten back to it, im still working around distros, as for homosexuality, no issues there, I am quite open minded, and have a gay amigo, so please, try not to typecast me [12:03] foampeace, i think ubuntu exists as a debian-based distro precisely because it's not like debian. :) seriously though, i dunno. === arnuvis [n=arnuvis@tdev224-171.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu [12:03] wayyy off topic dudes [12:03] aha - ok till april will not wait ;-), will compile it - thanks for your helping! [12:03] andrew: huh :)))))))))) [12:03] andrew_ if your talking about playing shockwave or flash games, then yes, Ive had it work for some, any chance you can tell me what shes whining about? [12:03] anyone know how to install a font? (ive tried copying it into .fonts and restarting but my font doesnt show up...) === blkknyght [n=fincher0@ip68-1-99-56.pn.at.cox.net] has left #ubuntu [] [12:03] Franz: look around wiki.ubuntu.com it should have some helpfull hints [12:04] ubotu tell SteveStevings about fonts [12:04] hi, i'm using vlc, and all wmv/asf stuff seems to only play the audio, any ideas? [12:04] i have w32 deb installed [12:04] will do! Have a nice time.. [12:04] there Steve :) [12:04] #santiago [12:04] bye.. === yoni [n=yoni@cpe-68-175-40-207.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:04] s0n1cm0nk3y, she's not really whining; that only served the pun. but she likes internet games, specifically one called "save the sherriff". [12:04] copter: !patience === Susana [n=Susana@bl6-2-185.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu [12:04] Pygi: maybe you know how I could get my connection working under kubuntu, I have a router (dsl+router) [12:04] andrew_ and as for the windowss dilemma, Im going to get rid of anyways next time I install gentoo, which might be soon considering the fact that I think i screwed up somewhere i user permission sets, either that or the system fudged up, because its even restricting root === Franz [n=Franz@p5492A295.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [12:04] Is it true there is no support for Shockwave under linux? [12:04] Lightenin: I have the same router.... [12:05] Hey, do the w32 codecs only work with MPlayer? [12:05] skon: at this time, yes. === mez_ is now known as Mez [12:05] Manifold, no [12:05] hey guys am having a little trouble with mplayer [12:05] nalioth: does that include flash? [12:05] What about amarok? [12:05] Manifold: they work with any player that uses mplayer engine [12:05] Manifold, they work with totem-xine as well [12:05] andrew_ im guessing this save the sheriff is on a collaborative website, such as albino blacksheep, all funny stuff, or ebaums world? [12:05] Pygi, ??? [12:05] Lightenin: connected with regular ethernet cable , and it worked out of the box once I set up the ethernet interface : [12:05] in system admin networking try setting up for dhcp [12:05] skon: flash works if you have an x86 box === Dashiva [n=m@c-24-2-61-32.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:05] !patience [12:05] There are a lot of questions, but only few who might answer you. Please be patient. [12:05] !patience [12:05] s0n1cm0nk3y, it's on primarygames.com... i'll get you a URL if you want. [12:05] no, do not abuse it copter [12:06] nalioth: I can look at flash movies, but they have no sound. off the top of your head is there any known problem with this or is it my configuration? [12:06] how can I get the TIFF dev lib? [12:06] andrew_ sure fire it away [12:06] Pygi: interesting, I'm using kubuntu live cd and it just wont work === wuneck [n=wuneck@p50827512.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:06] skon, I've heard of it happining before, but I'm not sure why === Opaza [i=Opaza@HSI-KBW-085-216-018-181.hsi.kabelbw.de] has joined #ubuntu [12:06] andrew_ what browser is she using btw? [12:06] skon: i've seen the question asked in here often, have seen no solution presented (you might ask crim$sun, when he is around) [12:06] skon, flash plays fine with sound on all of my systems [12:06] lightenin: huh, not the live cd :/ it is known not to work under live cd.... [12:06] nalioth: okay thought so...thanks === hk [i=evandro@unaffiliated/hellkeeper] has joined #ubuntu [12:06] can someone tell me why my audio and video do not sync [12:06] is theer a program similar to dap for linux? [12:06] s0n1cm0nk3y, well, we're on FF that installed with ubuntu. but i could put opera or something else on too. [12:06] Pygi: not at all? [12:07] lightenin: don't you have kubuntu/ubuntu installed? [12:07] nop === ruspu [n=henri@a80-186-75-242.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:07] gerald-volt: you mean download accelerator plus? [12:07] help I can't get in my main user anymore... I get this as error : http://pastebin.com/486469 [12:07] skon: yes [12:07] napstar567: you mean all audio/vid? [12:07] andrew_ , I use firefox too, I was just checking to make sure we had the same browswer [12:07] Pygi: no I don't have.. yet, just wanted to check out first [12:07] browser* [12:07] . [12:07] gerald-volt: there are plenty of similar extentions for firefox you can download off their site [12:07] lightenin: it will work with installed version for sure.... === Tsuroerusu [n=troels@0x50a41f3e.slnxx1.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu [12:07] aight === Tsuroerusu [n=troels@0x50a41f3e.slnxx1.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has left #ubuntu [] [12:08] Pygi: okay, thanks :) [12:08] np [12:08] now I go away :) [12:08] andrew_ speaking of firefox, i wonder why neither gentoo, debian, or ubuntu have taken it out of testing yet [12:08] jackobill, sounds like you need to reconfig your X server, and/or possibly your tcp settings [12:08] Elzer Strae 2 4 [12:08] i mean the sound is faster than the video [12:08] poningru: thanks to you too, I guess I'm installing it then === slingo2254 [n=popeye@] has joined #ubuntu [12:08] polpak : how? === greebo [n=greebo@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:08] jackobill, you can log into your accound via the console by using ctrl-alt-f1 [12:08] iwlist scan funktioniert mit meiner wlan karte. signal in gnome wird aber immer mit 0 angezeigt... wieso? [12:08] LiGhTeNiN: yep sorry couldnt help more [12:09] s0n1cm0nk3y, i use arch personally and it's generally pretty current with versions (no release schedule, much like gentoo) and it doesn't have it either. [12:09] s0n1cm0nk3y: its because too much depend on it [12:09] ubuntu crashes so often! waht can i do? [12:09] poningru, ah [12:09] !de [12:09] well, de is Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu und Kubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de resp. #kubuntu-de [12:09] upgrade [12:09] polpak : yes, but how do reconfig X server and tcp? [12:09] iwlist scan works with wifi card. why does the graphical interface always tell me, that the signal is 0? [12:09] Opaza, look to your hardware.. I have had no crashes with Ubuntu [12:09] s0n1cm0nk3y: once 1.9 comes out and xulrunner can be run without firefox... [12:09] andrew_ ah, i was talking to someone about archs package system, Im a big fan of apt-get and portage myself [12:09] Opaza: what hardware are you running? [12:10] polpak: it's new hardware, it's on the compatibility-list [12:10] s0n1cm0nk3y, i am too, but i hated compiling. we're way OT here... feel free to PM me. [12:10] can someone tell me how to tweak mplayer to sync my a/v [12:10] polpak Opaza, I had issues with lag on ubuntu === b_e_n_z [n=Mercedes@pcd259124.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:10] !offtopic [12:10] extra, extra, read all about it, offtopic is Non-support discussions maybe carried out in #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there! [12:10] is there any wlan management or installation software for ubuntu (gnome) [12:10] Opaza: what do you mean crashing? [12:10] s0n1cm0nk3y, as for the game URL, it's http://www.primarygames.com/arcade/savesheriff/index.htm [12:10] kernel panic [12:10] ibmnotebook: plenty, wifiradar etc. [12:11] Opaza, default kernel or did you roll your own? [12:11] Opaza, well that's definately indicitive of hardware misconfiguration or damage [12:11] default kernel [12:11] Opaza: thats weird, its porbably hardware damage, most likely mem === DRAGON_Ultra [n=DRAGON_U@adsl-70-232-38-75.dsl.ltrkar.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:11] windows doesn't crash on teh same system. why? [12:11] andrew_ yeah same problem for me on that game, as for compiling, meh, I just emerge huge stuff like xorg overnight, or during a movie, my systems fast enough to get stuff done in good time [12:11] does anyone know how i could get an older version of ubuntu with the 2.4 kernel... I just installed breezy, but the only sound card driver that i can find that will work for me only supports the 2.4 kernel [12:11] hey poningru: do you know any tweak that can help me mplayer perform better [12:12] reboot === konsumer [n=konsumer@p54B6D65A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:12] poningru does wifiradar also help me to resolve my wifi problems? or does it need a working configuration? [12:12] s0n1cm0nk3y, i don't think getting wine to work with it would be worth it. :) [12:12] ibmnotebook: it would need a working config [12:12] how can I reconfigure my xserver? [12:12] napstar567: whats wrong with it?, jerky playing etc.? [12:12] hmm, where are the development stuff of dapper drake going on? [12:12] yep [12:13] andrew_ any chance you know a good open source flash prog? [12:13] jackobill, dpkg-reconfigure xorg-server [12:13] s0n1cm0nk3y, no idea. [12:13] Is ubuntu compatible with WiFi? Will it work with my Internal wireless network card? [12:13] the audio is faster than the video [12:13] http://happy.new.year.mrdelayer.com/ [12:13] Snurf, most likely, depends on the driver for your card. [12:13] andrew_ that sucks, oh well, as for your shockwave dilemma, check the forums, maybe someone can help you find a work around [12:13] Ok [12:13] napstar567: try another vid player like vlc [12:13] poningru what can i do when "iwlist scan" works, but the card not? === v0taguz [n=votaguz@] has joined #ubuntu [12:13] ibmnotebook: have you looked through the wifi page? [12:13] s0n1cm0nk3y, good idea. i just gave up personally, but my sister would sure appreciate it. :) [12:13] !wifi [12:13] extra, extra, read all about it, wifi is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto [12:14] you think that will help? [12:14] hi [12:14] andrew_ lol, im taking it that shes a little sister? [12:14] cause i also tried totem xine and i get the same result [12:14] napstar567: yeah vlc is sometimes a LOT better === petitohaime| [n=petit@dyn-83-157-235-152.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu [12:14] somebody help me to configure Gtalk in Gaim? [12:14] s0n1cm0nk3y, yup, 9. === pinkisntwell [n=pink@ppp62-adsl-153.ath.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu [12:14] andrew_ lol, good luck with that amigo [12:14] poningru different ones [12:14] v0tagz: yes === eric_ubuntu [n=ubuntu@toronto-HSE-ppp4326872.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [12:14] o [12:14] Opaza, [12:14] help me please [12:14] andrew_ i personally dont have a little sister by blood, but I do have a bunch of girls who consider me their big bro [12:15] s0n1cm0nk3y, my mom *loved* the fact that there's a gnome sudoku game but my sis is not quite interested in that. :-P === kakei [n=kakei@unaffiliated/kakei] has joined #ubuntu [12:15] s0n1cm0nk3y, nice. :) sisters are great... most of the time. :) [12:15] andrew_ lol, ah, my dads biggest concern was can I check my mail?, can I open word documents? lol, and yeah they can be, I have a big sister, Im the little one in the family, though being 18 right now im not really little [12:15] s0n1cm0nk3y, you talking about tetrivex? === rikai [n=gtk2@pool-68-238-63-64.port.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:16] polpak ? [12:16] do u know a program that works with a web cam?? === jk [n=jochem@jkossen.nl] has joined #ubuntu [12:16] Anyone know a similar program to bufallo for the hc11 micro-controller? === Jmax [n=Jmax@c-67-191-94-183.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:16] andrew_: s0n1cm0nk3y: #ubuntu-offtopic awaits you [12:16] s0n1cm0nk3y, yeah, i'm 22, so the difference... well, makes a difference. :) [12:16] Opaza, [12:16] nalioth, sorry. === Goek [n=Goek@0x57326da6.bynxx17.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu === andrew_ is off to eat the customary pork and sauerkraut. happy new year, all! [12:16] you know how configure it [12:17] nalioth, lol, sorry, but anyways, off, thanks for the help andrew_ [12:17] The default program to see pictures that gnome uses (EOG) doesn't recognize the format jpg (it tries to open it but it says it's an unknown filetype). What should I do about this? === salah [n=salah@] has joined #ubuntu [12:17] Sturgeon, eog does recognize jpg files [12:17] Sturgeon, most likely the file is missnamed [12:17] Not here. [12:17] Nope, i tried with several files === DRAGON_Ultra [n=DRAGON_U@adsl-70-232-38-75.dsl.ltrkar.sbcglobal.net] has left #ubuntu ["Linux] [12:18] Sturgeon: Open aterminal, find the file, type 'file ' [12:18] Sturgeon, gthumb works too [12:18] i can open it with any other image viewer [12:18] like gthumb === BenC [n=bcollins@debian/developer/bcollins] has joined #ubuntu [12:18] the problem is with EOG [12:18] Sturgeon, did you do as cafuego suggested? [12:19] hey guys, are there really any soundcards out there that can can give me digital 5.1 output under linux? i'm having trouble finding any in the alsa matrix... [12:19] v0tagut: i can give u a good link, that works! === pashaw [n=pashaw@c-71-193-87-194.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:19] for instance, the notes suggest that the alsa drivers don't support the digital outputs on even a single model of creative labs cards.....that doesn't seem right, does it? === [cro] smiley [n=smiley@83-131-20-103.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu [12:20] you can see what i mean here: http://alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/index.php?vendor=vendor-Creative_Labs#matrix [12:20] i can't do that [12:20] v0taguz: Still here? [12:20] yes [12:20] i found what the problem is, i'm trying to open a file from another computer which is accessed by samba [12:20] <[cro] smiley> hi all [12:20] apparently eog doen't like that === cary [n=cary___@user-12hcv7n.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:20] Sturgeon, how odd [12:20] pass me the link Opaza === Draken [n=root@myw-stp-66-18-86-17.sentechsa.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:21] Sturgeon, did you mount the remote directory via smbfs, or is it using nautelus' vfs [12:21] i went to places->network servers [12:21] alright...i need some help. === jcoxon [n=jcoxon@81-178-228-1.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:22] v0taguz: http://tinyurl.com/af4v7 === krystoff [n=krystoff@modemcable092.145-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Quitte"] [12:22] Sturgeon, you should check out smbfs + smb4k === StyxAlso [n=mark@] has joined #ubuntu === Farbror [n=NNSCRIPT@gprs2.vodafone.se] has joined #ubuntu [12:22] Sturgeon, it actually mounts the directories to your home dir === maskd [n=maskd@dsl-220-253-78-251.NSW.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:23] <[cro] smiley> How to run Warcraft3 with wine? I get error message: "Warcraft III was unable to find a CD-key." [12:23] yeah, i've been trying to do that but i was unable [12:23] i have problems === cvt|gnuyear [n=cvt@pcp08916604pcs.hcksrd01.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:23] NFS is nice [12:23] i CANNOT for my life (3 different optical drives) get my PC to boot from cd with the ubuntu disk. it used to say a checksum error. installed a dvd-r drive, now it skips cd boot..it acts like its wants to then skips it. i am trying to configure my mac paowerbook to be recoganized as PXE to network boot to isntall ubuntu. any help? === ispiked [n=ispiked@unaffiliated/ispiked] has joined #ubuntu [12:23] [cro] smiley, you need to use winecfg to set your cdrom drive to type cdrom rather than automatic or local hard drive [12:23] someone told me to use mount //server/share -t smbfs /mountpoint [12:23] but that doesn't seem to work [12:23] http://tinyurl.com/af4v7 [12:23] Sturgeon, other way around [12:24] <[cro] smiley> polpak, thx ill try [12:24] Has anyone here tried to install mysql under Breezy? I get an error about dependencies on libdbi-perl. === riddlebox [n=james@24-171-11-166.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:24] cary: it's obviously the cd to blame [12:24] Sturgeon, mount -t smbfs //server/share /mountpoint [12:24] i tried that :) [12:24] how do i make stuff start up? Like commands, === _sachin [n=sachin@c-66-30-190-168.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === jackobill [n=jackobil@modemcable232.48-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [12:25] <[cro] smiley> polpak, i did but nothing changes [12:25] Sturgeon, be sure you apt-get installed smbfs [12:25] polpak: no success === bobbyd [n=bobby@i-195-137-31-171.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:25] hi [12:25] lsmod shows smbfs [12:25] Sturgeon, that doesn't matter [12:25] oh ok [12:25] does anyone here have real producer 11 working under ubuntu? [12:25] Sturgeon, that just means the kernel supports it you need the binary progs to mount [12:25] I tried to install it but the installer is broken [12:26] Ahoy! [12:26] oh... [12:26] :D === zshzn [n=zshzn@toronto-HSE-ppp4013346.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [12:26] how do i make stuff start up? Like commands, === ablyss [n=ablyss@68-190-35-8.dhcp.gwnt.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:26] So what does it mean that lsmod shows the smbfs module? [12:26] Sturgeon, and I'd suggest apt-get smb4k === zshzn [n=zshzn@toronto-HSE-ppp4013346.sympatico.ca] has left #ubuntu ["ler"] [12:26] (apparently it wasnt installed, you're right) === Madpilot [n=bburger@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:26] Sturgeon, just that the kernel knows how to deal with it === mwe [n=mwe@port462.ds1-ynoe.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [12:26] Asking for a friend here, when he attempts to remove gij-4.0, it tells him it will uninstall oo and ubuntu-desktop. He needs Sun java1.5 however - so what can he do? === coNP [n=conp@pool-008be.externet.hu] has left #ubuntu ["c-k] [12:26] pinkisntwell, well i have reburned the cd like 100 times. even reburned it at 1x === jdcaserockies [n=jdcasero@c-67-176-67-160.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:27] Sturgeon, you have to have kernel support for the binary progs to work [12:27] <[cro] smiley> polpak, maybe the problem is that i have installed war3 on d drive not the c? [12:27] polpak: i installed smbfs. It worked perfectly now. === nik__ [n=nik@adsl-69-226-211-240.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:27] Thanks a lot. [12:27] How do i mke a canon IP 1600 work? [12:27] cary: maybe it's a problem with the iso, did you check it against its md5 sum? === Opaza [i=Opaza@HSI-KBW-085-216-018-181.hsi.kabelbw.de] has left #ubuntu [] [12:28] configuring my AP I need my MAC address. is this the same that ifconfig calls HWaddr? [12:28] mwe, yes [12:28] thanks [12:28] Sturgeon, sure thing === Tumbs [n=votaguz@] has joined #ubuntu [12:28] pinkisntwell, well i cant figure out how to do that. im going to redownload the iso and reburn it one more time. how can i md5 it [12:28] Anyone know how to make a Canon IP 1600 work? [12:28] jdcaserockies, `what is it? a camera? [12:28] can anyone recommend a soundcard that will give me spdif or toslink 5.1 output in ubuntu? hopefully cheap ;-) [12:28] cary, from in ubuntu? md5sum foo.iso === xtant [n=xtant@cbl-sd-50-93.aster.com.do] has joined #ubuntu [12:29] psusi, no, from windows 2000 [12:29] psusi, i cant get ubuntu to install...sort of the problem === Smoked1 [n=bryce@ca-simival-cuda2-c3b-136.snbrca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:29] bobbyd, it's a printer [12:29] jdcaserockies: proprietary drivers from canon in Japan [12:29] jdcaserockies: Let me get you a HOWTO, just a moment. [12:30] is there a better ftp client then gftp? gftp sucks [12:30] cary, google for "fastsum" it's an md5 sum generator for windows [12:30] hey is anyone here using their ipod with Ubuntu? [12:30] nik__: yes [12:30] i'm sure you can find plenty of md5 checkers for windows. do a search [12:30] if so what software? [12:30] jdcaserockies, have you installed the cups package and tried just plugging it in? [12:30] psusi, thanks [12:30] bobbyd: not supported [12:30] cafuego, ahh === cafuego has an ip3000 [12:30] bobbyd, cups in installed if thats what you mean and it doesn't have toe right fdrober [12:30] same issue [12:30] the right driver** [12:30] (working fine now tho) [12:30] jdcaserockies, in that case, eityher wait for a driver (check the status of that) or buy another printer :) [12:31] so what software should I use for the ipod? [12:31] bobbyd: Canon has released drivers, === concept10 [n=concept1@c-67-166-167-125.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === _null is now known as _eins === alvanson [n=alvanson@wnpgmb11dc1-51-145.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:31] nik__: gtkpod seems to work [12:31] Smoked1, there is filezilla for linux that is OK.. [12:31] ty [12:31] also [12:31] cary: tell us your results [12:31] there is IglooFTPD [12:31] but its not free. [12:31] although a good gtk2 client. [12:31] cafuego, where can I find these released drivers [12:32] D1: Ill give it a shot [12:32] gftp just really sucks ass [12:32] pinkisntwell, will do. itll take some time though. ive got 2 more hours of ISO downloading [12:32] jdcaserockies: Have a look at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=38995 === jenda is now known as jenda-zZz [12:32] yeah, it does. [12:32] cary: don't you have the iso already? [12:33] its one of the only alternatives unfortuantely. === Linfan [n=frank@c-66-176-209-252.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:33] pinkisntwell, yeah..i guess i could just md5 the one i have. haha. [12:33] !resulation [12:33] Draken: No idea [12:33] erf [12:33] spelling [12:33] http://gnomedesktop.org/node/2540 === Stormx3 is now known as Stormx2 === Blaxter [n=blaxter@] has joined #ubuntu [12:33] screensots from filezilla [12:33] its wxgtk [12:33] cary: you're confusing me, you said you'd burned it [12:33] my wifi led is not working is there a workaround for it in ubuntu [12:33] but its adequiate, still alpha [12:33] jdcaserockies: A company called 'powerprint' have also written drivers, but they are *payware* [12:33] cary: check the one you burned [12:33] I'd recommend igloo its pretty spiffy. === milksteak [n=milkstea@60-234-138-71.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [12:34] Does ubuntu have eye candy effects? [12:34] drop shadow tec === bobesponja [i=pat@bas75-1-81-57-4-105.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:34] hey all [12:35] !resolution [12:35] methinks resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto [12:35] Linfan: it does, you'll have to enable them though [12:35] Linfan: If you enable the memory-leaking X estensions, yes. === bpuccio [n=brian@ool-457afde7.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:35] I'm trying drapper now, does anyone has problem with locales_2.3.7-2_all.deb while upgrading? [12:35] cafuego, the thread i looked at doesn't look like it supports the 1600, but should i try to compile for the 1500? Also, what;s the payware site just out of curiosity === P8ntKid [n=jon@pcp0011206865pcs.salsbr01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:35] how do i enable them? im on a intel integrated graphics laptop will they still work? === ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@softbank219019142017.bbtec.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:35] jdcaserockies: Looking for the payware site.... for the 1500 you will most likely indeed need to compile the source package :-( [12:36] algun proghrama que sea bueno para grabar cd? [12:36] cafuego, ick maybe I'll just go looking for another printer then... [12:36] andres: ubuntu-es [12:36] andres: #ubuntu-es [12:36] :S [12:36] jdcaserockies: The 3000 is nice ;-) [12:36] ok [12:37] u guys know ubuntu`s founder is from south Africa :P === Goek [n=Goek@0x535fed18.bynxx17.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu [12:37] Draken: Yes, we know. === benplaut [n=benplaut@cpe-68-175-115-224.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:37] I didn't. [12:37] no wonder he named it ubuntu [12:37] ya :P [12:37] cafuego, i'm a little low on funds now, that's my problem Do you think you might be able to help me with an old officejet printer perhaps? === PeteyPablo [n=Pistol~P@c-24-3-194-20.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:37] ubuntu rules [12:37] fock xp === Fergy [n=Fergy@a82-92-232-156.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [12:37] indeed [12:38] Mind your language. [12:38] i think we should be able to swear, if windows is in the sentence ? [12:38] :P [12:38] lol [12:38] nope === dark_one [n=tom@spc1-reig2-4-0-cust65.asfd.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:38] jdcaserockies: http://www.turboprint.info/ === P8ntKid_ [n=jon@pool-162-83-33-159.sal.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:38] what if we swear in binary [12:38] martha fockers over at microsoft need to learn how to develop a stable and reliable os [12:38] or a ancient language [12:38] O_o [12:39] Then you'll be lame _and_ rude [12:39] like hebrew? [12:39] hey are there any good p2p programs for ubuntu? [12:39] mutella is good === cary [n=cary___@user-12hcv7n.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:39] what about Ancient Greek [12:39] or Latin [12:39] :D [12:39] I like gtk-gnutella [12:39] Latin curses. [12:39] !offtopic [12:39] offtopic is, like, totally, Non-support discussions maybe carried out in #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there! [12:39] so can anybody help me with "how to have the wifi led on my laptop working? [12:39] i'm just compiling a new kernel on breezy and im getting huge numbers of warnings that the same kernel source didnt produce befroe i upgraded to breezy is this going to be a problem? [12:39] LIES! I get yelled at for cursing in offtopic [12:39] lol === ch2903 [n=ch2903@p5486CC80.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:39] gtk? hah === xtant [n=xtant@cbl-sd-50-93.aster.com.do] has joined #ubuntu [12:39] you can turn on web interface [12:40] so how do i enable drop shadow? [12:40] cafuego, thanks, but the 1600 still isnt in their list; I wonder if it's too new to be looking for a driver? [12:40] get up come on get down with the sickness [12:40] jdcaserockies: The 1600 is a 1500. [12:40] i think that and the 3ddesktop i have will just leave people in awe [12:41] need a deb for "wifiradar", ubuntu 5.10 [12:41] Linfan: 3ddesktop ? [12:41] jdcaserockies: Just renumbered for a foreign market. My 3000 is called a 3100 elsewhere. === ch2903 [n=ch2903@p5486CC80.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["...] === HymnToLife [n=_mfb@dyn-213-36-154-104.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu [12:41] cafuego, ahhh ok then, maybe i'll just bite the bullet and compile from source, even though i'll have absolutely no idea what I'm doing [12:41] 3ddesktop lets you switch from diffrent workspaces in a 3d enviroment === nalioth is now known as noirequus [12:42] jdcaserockies: depending on what you are compiling, apt-get can do it for you === Griver [n=Griver@81-231-250-204-no52.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:42] nik__: Frostwire and the torrent network (client = Azureus) are the best. === __Dwayne [n=ldsuddut@ip122.97.78.64.suscom.net] has left #ubuntu ["So] [12:42] noirequus, trying to install a canon IP1500 printer [12:42] while the torrent network is the best === psusi hates Azureus with a passtion... bloated java pile of crap... bit tornado is much better [12:42] jenda-zZz: agreed [12:42] azureus as a client is not a good one [12:42] passion even [12:43] LOL? azureus is very good [12:43] where can i get limewire pro for linux [12:43] um right, bloatware [12:43] Linfan: try donkey [12:43] Linfan: Chuck the wiki :) [12:43] Has anyone successfully installed MySQL under Breezy? === Acidic32 [n=Daniel@ACCB5E60.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:43] StyxAlso, yes... clicked install and that was it [12:43] how do i open multiple ports in one go using iptables? === MaFiaBoY [n=_mfb@dyn-213-36-154-104.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu [12:44] edonkey? [12:44] StyxAlso: yes === richard_ [n=richard@pcp02655963pcs.phnixv01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:44] I noticed that azureus is very slow in linux [12:44] !tell StyxAlso about apache [12:44] for Limewire... but googling for Frostwire will let you get rid of the ads [12:44] Acidic32, they are all open by default [12:44] StyxAlso: yes apt-get install mysql [12:44] StyxAlso: why won't you ask your real questiom? [12:44] pinkisntwell, it's very slow on any OS... it's made in Java [12:44] Linfan: search for donkey in synaptic [12:44] psusi: i used it in windows and it wasnt that slow [12:44] there not on my install, its locked down.. === CarlFK [n=carl@c-67-163-39-124.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:44] pinkisntwell, I watched a friend use it in windows... it was most definately slow... try bit tornado === njan [n=james@jeremiad.org] has joined #ubuntu [12:45] i'm thinking of going back to the deafult btdownload [12:45] by slow I don't mean the downloads either... I mean the app hogged memory and responded to the UI slowly [12:45] When I try to 'apt-get install mysql-4.1' I get Depends: libdbi-perl but it is not installable [12:45] in windows abc is pretty good, try rufus in gnome, ktorrent in kde [12:45] the gnome btdownload sucks too... it is insultingly simple... cant config it at all or get details on what is going on [12:45] psusi: there are plans to add rufus === Bizzeh [i=bizzeh@host86-142-65-97.range86-142.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:45] bit tornado is simple, but you can configure it and get details [12:45] psusi: try ktorrent [12:46] hey, how is ubuntu's wireless support? [12:46] Bizzeh: pretty good [12:46] anyone had problems downloading with btdownload? [12:46] !wifi [12:46] wifi is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto [12:46] especialy the ralink rt2500 chipset [12:46] hrm... rufus eh? [12:46] Bizzeh: out of box support [12:46] YES! [12:46] Maths question! [12:46] <3 [12:46] I have a 9x9 matrix [12:47] matrices! yay. [12:47] If I can rotate each one around four faces [12:47] How many combinations are there? [12:47] Bizzeh: make sure you start up the computer with the device plugged in === sam_ [n=sam@h163n3fls33o1041.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:47] I can also rearrange it. [12:47] !offtopic [12:47] offtopic is probably Non-support discussions maybe carried out in #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there! [12:47] how do i open multiple ports in one go using iptables? [12:47] Manifold: 4^81 [12:48] Manifold, #math is a good place to ask questions like that [12:48] do i want dapper or breezy? [12:48] Acidic32, unless you closed some in the first place, they are all already open [12:48] Bizzeh, depends... do you want something that works, or do you enjoy beta testing? === BenC [n=bcollins@debian/developer/bcollins] has joined #ubuntu [12:48] both === _TomB [n=ownthebo@ACD1FB83.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:49] well, if you are feeling adventeruous, give dapper a try... just don't be surprised when it breaks [12:49] Bizzeh: you want both then [12:49] Bizzeh: in that case you need to machines [12:49] I've been running dapper exclusively for over a month [12:49] what version number is breezy? [12:49] mwe, how did you get that? [12:49] but sometimes things break [12:49] and I have breezy installed on another partition just in case [12:49] Bizzeh: dapper is dev, breezy is stable === DonL [n=guest@d206-116-131-181.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:50] Bizzeh: breezy is 5.10 [12:50] "I have a 9x9 matrix, squares numbered 1-9. Each face of any square is different, and I can rearrange the squares in any order, how many combinations are there?" === saerdnaer [n=AH@J8e53.j.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu [12:50] hi === ThePyromaniac [n=ThePyrom@62-31-152-135.cable.ubr02.chap.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === ibmnotebook [n=epitk@cable-static-31-108.teleport.ch] has joined #ubuntu [12:50] Happy New Year [12:50] is there also a german channel? [12:50] !de [12:50] methinks de is Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu und Kubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de resp. #kubuntu-de [12:50] saerdnaer, -de [12:50] is there a howto on using 'suspend to ram' for 5.10 ? [12:51] danke ;-) === Mazin [n=Mazin@adsl-68-77-95-135.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu === xtroxx [n=xtroxx@] has joined #ubuntu [12:51] When I try to 'apt-get install mysql-4.1' I get 'Depends: libdbi-perl but it is not installable'. [12:51] siglappy, yes... check out the howto section of the forums and wiki [12:51] anyone know how to install new themes? i tried Ssytem -> Prefferences -> Themes and it says invalid file format on it === andrew_ [n=andrew@pool-151-197-187-160.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === MrPockets [n=alex@CPE-69-23-87-53.new.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:51] ah ok thanks psusi [12:51] need deb file for wifiradar [12:51] My GRUB bootloader is giving Error 17 on startup [12:51] does anyone know how to fix GRUB? [12:52] ibmnotebook : apt-get install wifi-radar === achnet [n=achnet@c-24-99-178-5.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === MrPockets [n=alex@CPE-69-23-87-53.new.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === madgik85 [n=madgik85@gw.birm.victoriahall.com] has joined #ubuntu === yoni [n=yoni@cpe-68-175-40-207.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:52] !info libdbi-perl [12:52] libdbi-perl: (Perl5 database interface by Tim Bunce), section perl, is optional. Version: 1.48-1 (breezy), Packaged size: 598 kB, Installed size: 1592 kB === yoni is now known as jtpr [12:53] Manifold: there are 9*9=81 fields. if you had 1 there would be 4 combinations. if you had two it would be 4 for each of the four first ones = 4*4=4^2 for 3 fields you would have another 4 for each of the previous combinations would so that would be 4*4*4=4^3 so for 81 fields it's 4^81 === maskd [n=maskd@dsl-220-253-78-251.NSW.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:53] anyone install themes? :(# [12:53] bakpao wifi-radar: package not found === gnomefreak is back (gone 02:55:14) === maskd [n=maskd@dsl-220-253-78-251.NSW.netspace.net.au] has left #ubuntu [] [12:54] ThePyromaniac: themes for what? [12:54] grabbin the amd64 dvd now :) === Steil [n=Steil@S010600904b5bb782.ca.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:54] gnome themes. i downloaded some off gnome-look.org and tried instructions on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=107022 but no luck [12:54] ubuntu is stable enough on amd64 isnt it? === dittmar [n=dittmar@p5482303B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [12:54] StyxAlso: which version of libdbi-perl does mysql-4.1 depend on? [12:54] ibmnotebook: you need universe enabled to get wifi-radar [12:54] hello [12:55] mwe gcursor doesnt install themes like they said, and the systems -> prefferences -> themes doesnt work [12:55] ThePyromaniac, did you try art.gnome.org there is a app for it in synaptic :)) === sockpuppe1 [n=albanian@ool-44c7d36b.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu === Draken [n=root@myw-stp-66-18-86-17.sentechsa.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:55] mwe how can i enable universe? [12:56] anyone know a good download manager ? [12:56] !universe [12:56] To enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.kubuntu.org/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) see also !easysource [12:56] how do I regenerate my fstab [12:56] sockpuppe1: type in the info you need in the file [12:56] ibm : edit your /etc/apt/source.list [12:57] mwe i just put in locations? [12:57] gnomefreak, i will try [12:57] sockpuppe1: and next time you mess with it make a backup first [12:57] SockerFot, with a text editor === andrew_ [n=andrew@pool-151-197-187-160.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:57] bakpao... but what source can i add? [12:57] psusi aaah, right?! === bobbyd [n=bobby@i-195-137-31-171.freedom2surf.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:57] mwe hm... "!universe" and nothing happens :) === ordinary [n=luakagon@] has joined #ubuntu [12:57] ibmnotebook: please follow the link ubotu posted [12:57] mwe I was trying to fix my usb and deleted that [12:57] guys, how do i get mplayer for ubuntu ????? [12:57] i have my windows partition set up to automount, but now it always shows on the desktop. i like that for removable media, but is there any way to remove that for specific drives? [12:57] in that file there must be a universe rep you just have to uncomment the line [12:58] andrew_, yea, don't mount it in /media [12:58] sockpuppe1: you should _always_ make a backup before editing an important system file [12:58] !mplayer [12:58] from memory, mplayer is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto For compiling, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31061 [12:58] psusi, hmm, seems easy enough. i'll give it a whirl; thanks. :) [12:58] mwe so all i do is enter the location of the drives? [12:58] !tell ibmnotebook about universe [12:58] Draken: you dont need to compile it === ANTEEY``` [i=mYZZZZZB@c-776fe655.11-3-64736c11.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu === andrew_ uses xfce on his home computer so is a bit out-of-touch with gnome stuff. :) [12:59] SockerFot [12:59] ^^ === Xer0_h4x loves xfce [12:59] ANTEEY``` YEAH [12:59] freebase === Acidic32 [n=Daniel@ACCB5E60.ipt.aol.com] has left #ubuntu [] === andrew_ high-fives Xer0_h4x. [12:59] sockpuppe1: as well as mount point and mount options like in the other entries in the file [12:59] does anyone has a good pdf book for shell script programming === jdcaserockies [n=jdcasero@c-67-176-67-160.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:00] !patience [01:00] There are a lot of questions, but only few who might answer you. Please be patient. [01:00] bakpao, try "info bash" [01:00] abs is a good bash scripting guide [01:00] what is kernel? [01:01] Pygi: a kernel is the core of the OS. [01:01] Chousuke: really? what is a OS? [01:01] abs is in synaptic and its very good :) === xiaogil [n=egil@lab75-3-82-235-26-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:01] Pygi, you've gone mad, man! === ArCHoNKoG [n=archonko@ool-44c76e77.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu === andrew_ gets Pygi a glass of water and splashes it on his face. [01:01] bakpao: search www.tldp.org for bash scripting [01:01] andrew: huh, who are you? :P [01:01] Pygi: well, some say an OS is the kernel, and some that an OS is a kernel and some basic userland utilities :) [01:02] Pygi, smile. === Stormx2 [n=Stormx2@host-87-240-137-127.hi-velocity.net] has joined #ubuntu === andrew_ slaps Pygi with a memory trout! === Hericus takes a picture. === spreda [n=bill@58-84-101-103.dial-lns3.nsw.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:02] bakpao: also there was a cycle of good articles in the linux journal [01:02] Chousuke: huh, I don't understand a bit what you say :/ Is kernel for eat? [01:02] heh. === XiCillin [n=mike@dpc67142105197.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:02] apple kernels can be eaten, even though they contain cyanide. [01:02] Pygi: in Linux, the kernel is the core of the operating system === metho [n=metho@dsl-217-155-192-10.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [01:03] or hm [01:03] in ANYTHING [01:03] err [01:03] Madpilot: huh, core? === daniele [n=daniele@host193-130.pool8257.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [01:03] Madpilot: Linux _is_ the kernel [01:03] Chousuke: what? [01:03] any OS the Kernel is the CORE [01:03] psusi, good deal. i'll restart again just to be sure everything will work alright. thanks! [01:03] what is a core? [01:03] Pygi: lemme explain it this way [01:03] what was that about apples and cyanide [01:03] guys, i cant get GNOME Art package to work, get stupid dependancy errors for ruby [01:03] Pygi: When you save something, the program tells the kernel to write to the disk [01:03] Chousuke: yeah, true, but too accurate for our purposes right now :P [01:03] Bizzeh: I think I said it wrong. [01:03] mwe how do I get the drve to automount [01:03] ? [01:04] Pygi: the Kernel is the program that interacts with the hardware [01:04] ThePyromaniac, if you get it in synaptic they will install it with all depends.. [01:04] can you say it right so im not scared of eating apples [01:04] Kyral: huh, now you got me even more confused :P [01:04] hello [01:04] Bizzeh: Apple kernels contain a chemical compound that transforms into cyanide during the digestion process. However, the amount is so small that you _can not_ die of it. [01:04] sockpuppe1: put auto under options [01:04] gnomefreak nope it wont, i private messaged you but it blocked it, hango n :) [01:04] Pygi, kernel=the base code for the OS [01:04] ahh [01:04] than thats ok [01:04] that was logical.... [01:04] sockpuppe1: and while you're at, read man fstab too [01:05] gnomefreak: huh, who are you? === stevenj [n=steven@pcp02541242pcs.laurel01.ms.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:05] ThePyromaniac, your not registered you cant pm anyone [01:05] sockpuppe1: all the info you need is in there [01:05] gnomefreak now i am [01:05] who am i? [01:05] i was but didnt log in [01:05] Bizzeh: you'd have to eat a whole cup full of apple kernels for it to have any effect === ColonelPanique [n=macosx@nc-69-68-217-188.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:05] i got evetything else down [01:05] thanks === sockpuppe1 [n=albanian@ool-44c7d36b.dyn.optonline.net] has left #ubuntu [] [01:05] gnomefreak: yesh === nalioth [n=Apple@ubuntu/member/pdpc.bronze.nalioth] has joined #ubuntu [01:05] I guess not I dont know looks like rain [01:05] opps [01:05] and I still don't know what a kernel is :P [01:05] i have a prob , wavpack music files are not being noticed. on my install of ubuntu. xmms , amarok , juk wont desply them in the list. like it does not know what a .wv file is [01:06] wizardjames, notice ubotu, thanks [01:06] !patience [01:06] There are a lot of questions, but only few who might answer you. Please be patient. [01:06] gnomefreak thanks for helping, the only problem i have left with ubuntu is that its but ugly :D [01:06] Pyro: change theme :) [01:06] what do u mean pygi? [01:06] wizardjames: notice what ubotu told u :p [01:06] Does anyone know how to fix GRUB Error 17? [01:07] Pygi: was wizardjames even repeating? [01:07] yeah..but i dont understand. i asked that like.. 40 mins ago, i thought maybe someone new was on might now. === andrew_ [n=andrew@pool-151-197-187-160.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:07] Pygi: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel_(computer_science) [01:07] Chousuke: like 30 time already :P === jenda [n=jenda@] has joined #ubuntu [01:07] do most of you like xmms,beep or rythmnbox for mp3 player [01:07] redguy: huh, I was kidding :/ [01:07] ubotu tell Mazin about grub [01:07] :P [01:07] argh [01:07] xmms === jenda is now known as jenda-zZz === Bizzeh smites xmms [01:07] psusi, no dice. it still shows on the desktop (it's now mounted on /mnt/windows)... [01:07] stevenj: Muine [01:07] Bizzeh: hey! [01:07] Pygi: oops, sorry didn't get it :-) [01:07] respect XMMS [01:07] andrew: what seems to be the problem? [01:07] redguy: hehe :) [01:08] XMMS == nix winamp clone === Tumbs is now known as v0taguz [01:08] Madpilot, I'll check it out thanks [01:08] it may be bad now, but it's only because it's got old. [01:08] Pygi, i want my windows partition to automount but not to show on the desktop. [01:08] bmp > xmms [01:08] andrew: well, that's easy (automounting) [01:08] bmp likes to crash [01:08] I just noticed that xmms is working on a rewrite and so is beep [01:08] Pygi, i have it working already. [01:08] BMPx I don't know of. [01:08] I'm sure its old news [01:08] Pygi, but it shows on the desktop. === BenC [n=bcollins@debian/developer/bcollins] has joined #ubuntu [01:08] but hell [01:08] it's late [01:09] 02:08 AM ;P [01:09] andrew: huh :/ === andrew_ thinks MPD > * [01:09] do WORKING, hardware accelerated, ati drivers come with breezy? [01:09] !ati [01:09] hmm... ati is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 === doug_ [n=doug@d154-20-169-159.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:09] ubotu tell Bizzeh about ati === faiper [n=xxxx@] has joined #ubuntu [01:09] huh, not twice please :/ === andrew_ revises: MPD > * > xmms. he really dislikes xmms. === Pygi pygi suggest andrew to write a new player if he doesn't like xmms :P [01:10] bleh [01:10] no dns [01:10] greetings fellow ubuntuites === Bizzeh smites router [01:10] wow...breezy has the lastest Muine (then again I have bp) so maybe thats it === bobbyd [n=bobby@i-195-137-31-171.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu === yy [n=yy@] has joined #ubuntu [01:10] Pygi, my program: http://pygmy.berlios.de :D [01:10] hi === faiper [n=xxxx@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [01:10] andrew: huh? === Lord_Athur [n=alejandr@pc-30-37-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:10] hi [01:10] its all about banshee! [01:10] SockerFot [01:10] Pygi, i wrote that MPD client. [01:10] *am writing [01:10] haha [01:10] is it possible to make /dev/hdc an ide-scsi device while my machine is running, or do I have to do it at boot time? [01:10] I've asked about how to mount an initrd files yesterday [01:11] ji [01:11] andrew: huh, you took my name (almost( for it :/ [01:11] I write sudo mount -o loop -t ext2 Banux/isolinux/initrd /mnt/a === yy [n=yy@] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [01:11] anyone know how to update aMSN.. [01:11] test [01:11] Pygi, name for what? and any idea about the desktop icon for windows? [01:11] doug_, if i remember you have to grab the tar [01:11] I recive [01:11] alejandro@NAOMY:~$ sudo mount -o loop -t ext2 Banux/isolinux/initrd /mnt/a/ [01:11] mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop/0, [01:11] missing codepage or other error [01:11] In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try [01:11] dmesg | tail or so === mode/#ubuntu [+o nalioth] by ChanServ [01:11] Lord_Athur, no pasting === syyd [n=james@6532127hfc127.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === Lord_Athur [n=alejandr@pc-30-37-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has left #ubuntu [requested] === kamstrup [n=kamstrup@0x3e42da90.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu === mode/#ubuntu [-o nalioth] by ChanServ [01:12] bobbyd: why do you want to do that? you don't need scsi emulation to burn CDs these days === kamstrup [n=kamstrup@0x3e42da90.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [01:12] andrew: notice the name: "pygmy" ....just try to remove "m" === Bizzeh [i=bizzeh@host86-142-65-97.range86-142.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:12] Pygi, lol [01:12] andrew: sorry, no idea for icon :/ [01:12] andrew: that aint funny [01:12] redguy, yeah, but I need it for some crappy old app I'm trying to run under wine :) === DonL [n=guest@d206-116-131-181.bchsia.telus.net] has left #ubuntu [] [01:12] andrew: you took my name :P === Lord_Athur [n=alejandr@pc-30-37-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:13] gnomefreak, === mahangu [n=mahangu@unaffiliated/mahangu] has joined #ubuntu [01:13] Lord_Athur: please read the /topic (and use a pastebin for pasting) [01:13] Lord_Athur, ? [01:13] doug_: you know how to update your system, right? Do you mean like get a version that's not in the repos? [01:13] bobbyd: I really don't know if you can do that, then. [01:13] gnomefreak, nalioth I had to do that [01:13] redguy, ok thanks [01:13] can anyone else help me install a theme from gnome-looks.org? I have baffled two helpers now [01:13] Pygi, it happens to also be the name of a mail client written in PyGTK+, but it's long since undeveloped. blame them. :-P === skon [n=skon@24-151-131-165.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === ScootaDoota [n=macrossp@host81-7-30-232.adsl.v21.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [01:13] Lord_Athur, no you didnt you could have used pastebin [01:14] If I just installed a new kernel image, is it safe to uninstall the old one? [01:14] yes... everytime I open amsn... get an update notice... have downloaded the update... can't seem to doit [01:14] andrew: someone's in big trouble cause of this.... [01:14] mwe the new amsn isnt in repos i wanna say its only in tar === ThePyromaniac [n=ThePyrom@62-31-152-135.cable.ubr02.chap.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [01:14] andrew: you know python well? === mase [n=mase@] has joined #ubuntu [01:15] then gnomefreak what can i do with my problem? [01:15] gnomefreak: I see. do you know how to answer doug_'s question then? === evilghost [n=evilghos@h460a9b3c.area7.spcsdns.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:15] all i heard the other day is its in tar he would have to compile it === nico [n=nico@xdsl-84-44-152-202.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu === andrew_ thinks #gnome would be a better place if it were on freenode. [01:15] ubotu tell Lord_Athur about pastebin [01:15] andrew: huh? do you know python well? [01:15] skon: boot with the new one, and if everything is ok remove the old one if you want to be sure nothing goes wrong [01:15] andrew_, ubuntu=gnome [01:15] in a way [01:15] gnomefreak, lol [01:16] gnomefreak, then can you help me? ;-) [01:16] ok gnomefreak I understood [01:16] andrew_, i dont know what seems to be the issue? [01:16] Pygi, pretty well. enough. :-P [01:16] doug_: however IMHO gaim or kopete is far superior to amsn. and not as ugly [01:16] but what can i do with my problem? === beelzebub1987 [n=beelzebu@c-66-31-159-53.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:16] doesn't seem like anyone has an answer for me... [01:16] gnomefreak, i like the desktop display of automounted media, but i'd like my automounted windows partition not to show up there. is it possible to configure that? (i've tried modifying the fstab entry from /media/windows to /mnt/windows, to no avail.) [01:16] Lord_Athur, paste it using pastebin give us the link and we can look at it [01:16] andrew: wanna join me in making newsgroups client? [01:16] redguy: seems to go well... [01:17] andrew_, when did gnome get an automount? [01:17] mwe...will try IMHO [01:17] doug_: gnomefreak told you to install it from source. that of course involves learning to install something from source ... [01:17] What is the best program to view video files? For example, WMV [01:17] gnomefreak, gah. :-P i'm assuming ubuntu uses gnome-volume-manager, whatever it's called. === ColonelPanique [n=ColonelP@nc-69-68-217-188.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:18] doug_, if you ask me what you have to do to get new amsn its not worth it [01:18] fr0x: xine, kaffeine, mplayer, totem -- take your pick. [01:18] have to brush up... some direction ... howtos? [01:18] doug_: IMHO is an abrevation for In Mu Humble Opinion :) [01:18] doug_: My* [01:18] ubotu tell doug_ about compile [01:18] I see. apokryphos, can you recommand on a good one? [01:18] gnomefreak, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6471 [01:18] fr0x: I like xine or mplayer, be sure to get the w32codecs. [01:18] thank you gnomefreak [01:18] fr0x: I only use Kaffeine, but really they're all quite good. [01:18] evilghost, I see, from where do I get this codec? === svu [n=svu@host-194-46-251-211.dsl-ie.utvinternet.net] has joined #ubuntu === benplaut [n=benplaut@cpe-68-175-115-224.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:18] ubotu tell doug_ about tar [01:18] having a time keeping up here [01:19] ThePyromaniac : what do u want to install ? splash ? background ? GDM ? [01:19] fr0x: See http://www.ubuntuguide.org === kaarel [n=kaarel@ip147.cab28.mus.starman.ee] has joined #ubuntu [01:19] I got totem by default, though it does not support this codec and I am wondering how can I get this codec installed. === Lord_Athur [n=alejandr@pc-30-37-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:19] !ubuntuguide [01:19] ubuntuguide is probably out of date, reported to break a lot an generally a bad source for information. Use help.ubuntu.com or wiki.ubuntu.com instead === garry [n=garry@ppp-71-130-236-148.dsl.chi2ca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:19] TO ALL: is it possible to use WINRAR on Linux [01:19] doug_, good luck. this is busier than #gentoo in my experience, namely because the chat herein is more worthwhile. [01:19] Lord_Athur, im not the mounting type sorry but the room should know [01:19] gnomefreak, any ideas? [01:19] andrew: so wanna help me? [01:19] metho: why use winrar when one can use archiv manager? [01:19] winerar [01:19] metho: yes but its not called winRAR [01:19] fr0x: install w32codecs, or with kaffeine: kaffeine-xine === Syche [n=shrike@] has joined #ubuntu [01:20] metho: you can open files generated by winrar [01:20] metho: sudo apt-get rar-nonfree [01:20] andrew_, not with that no :( [01:20] bakpao well im trying http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=30846 thinking it was a total theme, but appears to be a splash. anyhoo i have found a way i think :) [01:20] k, I go [01:20] thanks [01:20] is there anyone knowing about how to mount an initrd file? [01:20] Pygi, oh sorry. -_- i don't do much with newsgroups, so i'm not incredibly interested in working on that. i do have some other ideas though. [01:20] bakpao ok cool splash works :) [01:20] the problem is here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6471nl.org/6471 [01:20] crap... anyone have an IM or email for pygi? [01:20] Lucasvo: do i need to install archiv [01:21] apokryphos, the question is from where I download this w32codecs, none of those players are coming with thie codec by their default? === b08y [n=808y@pc24.riednet.wh.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #ubuntu [01:21] metho: it's alreayd installed in gnome [01:21] !w32codecs [01:21] it has been said that w32codecs is a compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular proprietary formats not currently supported by free implementations under linux. See http://tinyurl.com/e4a5s to install [01:21] nobody??? [01:21] metho: but you need to install rar-nonfree [01:21] andrew_, more than likely he will return [01:21] metho: as Xer0_h4x [01:21] metho: said [01:22] ok, 1 mintue, let me try [01:22] do you see it gnomefreak, nobody would enjoy opening a windows to see my problem [01:22] ThePyromaniac : i think it is Login Manager [01:22] gnomefreak, good, but i won't be around long. :-/ [01:22] Lord_Athur, if they dont know they wont say anything if they know they will answer [01:22] bakpao gdmsetup did it fine :) [01:22] u must run gdmsetup with root [01:23] :) [01:23] Lucasvo: i tried sudo apt-get rar-nonfree and i got invaled action error [01:23] [01:23] How do you get the Battery icon back in the notification area? Instaled Gnome-power-manager but its buggy and now the default Ubuntu one's gone [01:23] yesterday more than one knew it [01:23] if its something you wrote than it could be code seeing as it says missing sodepage :(( and this is not #programming [01:23] Lucasvo: i tried sudo apt-get rar-nonfree and i got invalid operation error [01:24] but the difference must be the pasting way used for me [01:24] bye all === Lord_Athur [n=alejandr@pc-30-37-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [01:24] going to do some brushing up on compiling.. thanks all [01:24] ps love Ubuntu... [01:24] doug_, can i make a few suggestions? [01:24] sure [01:24] metho: apt-get INSTALL rar-nonfree === Hotwheels-3 [n=ubuntu@ip68-3-122-7.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:25] E: Couldn't find package w32codecs [01:25] argh. [01:25] good use checkinstall instead of make install and grab all libs that you need and run apt-get build-dep amsn [01:25] Is there anyway to make windows transperant? [01:25] Lucasvo: ok, 1 mintue, let me try [01:25] gnomefreak... go ahead [01:25] build-essential [01:25] metho : but INSTALL in lowercase [01:25] also : install [01:25] doug read above :)) [01:25] ah [01:25] fixed [01:25] bakpao: ok thanks! [01:26] build-essential? === bagni [n=bag@] has joined #ubuntu === pinkisntwell [n=pink@ppp62-adsl-153.ath.forthnet.gr] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:26] sudo apt-get build-essential [01:26] opps === Peter__ [n=chatzill@pcp08760341pcs.mtlrel01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:26] sudo apt-get install build-essential [01:26] bakpao and Lucasvo: didnt work, i got the following error (metho@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install rar-nonfree [01:26] Reading package lists... Done [01:26] Building dependency tree... Done [01:26] E: Couldn't find package rar-nonfree [01:26] ) [01:26] metho, please use pastebin to paste [01:27] okay ... [01:27] anyone here literate with a new 5.10 install, and attempting to get mysql and phpmyadmin working? [01:27] ubotu tell Peter__ about mysql [01:27] meepy: what's your gfx card? [01:27] gnomefreak: sorry, i will use pastebin from now on, first i need to find out how!! :( [01:27] metho : that's mean the package doesn't not exist [01:27] anyone here using GTKPOD or another Ipod manager can help me out please? [01:27] ubotu tell metho about pastebin [01:27] Syche: Intel Extreme Graphic [01:28] anyone? === gnomefreak wonders if we can teach ubotu to tell nick about pastebin apoun pasting [01:28] bakpao: do i need to install from the web than or do i need to enable something (sorry guys i am totally new to linux and ubuntu) [01:29] metho: you need to enable the nonfree feed === ComradeVladimir [n=vladimir@70-97-140-245.dsl1.glv.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:29] !repos [01:29] To enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) see also !easysource === gnomefreak brb [01:29] metho: ^ enable multiverse === r0bby [n=wakawaka@cpe-204-210-133-115.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:29] !easysource [01:29] extra, extra, read all about it, easysource is For an easy to use custom sources.list configurator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic [01:29] uh, is ubotu a robot or something? [01:29] yes [01:29] i'm new here. === {alejandro} [n=alejandr@] has joined #ubuntu [01:30] !ubotu [01:30] Yep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel. [01:30] Lucasvo: sorry but i do not know how to enable multiverse or nonfree [01:30] gnomefreak... build essential... unpacking...are those compiling tools [01:30] gnomefreak: teaching ubotu to tell people about pasting when they do shouldn't be too hard, I figure ... [01:30] !tell metho about repos [01:30] so i'm trying to set up phpmyadmin to work with my mysql installation. mysql is up and running fine, but once configured, phpmyadmin's index.php page is blank! I have no idea of what's wrong. [01:30] <{alejandro}> ok [01:30] looks like development pkgs [01:31] <{alejandro}> has anyone gotten MythTV to work under Breezy AMD64 [01:31] metho: run synaptic, go to settings, repositories [01:31] metho : try to find the debian package *.deb then use dpkg -i filename.deb [01:31] metho: there you can select it [01:31] i don't use rar [01:31] mepy: Sorry was away [01:32] Lucasvo: thanks, i'll try now and will let u know about the results [01:32] meepy: Check the composite thread on Ubuntu foums [01:32] bakpao: neither do I, but I use unrar ocasionally === houseoftainted [n=houseoft@c-67-163-35-43.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:32] meepy: You're looking for transset [01:33] you need unrar with linux?????????? [01:33] <{alejandro}> I only use far for reading cbr archives [01:33] <{alejandro}> *rar not far [01:33] does any1 know a digital camera wizard for ubuntu??? [01:33] you can use rar on linux [01:33] can anyone assist w.r.t. phpmyadmin configuration on a new system? [01:33] <{alejandro}> yeah [01:33] <{alejandro}> it's in multiverse [01:33] houseoftainted: gthumb, F-Sport [01:33] rtt [01:33] houseoftainted: just plug it in, and see what happens [01:33] F-Spot [01:33] bakpao: debian packages can wreck ubuntu [01:33] Kyral, i know you can but i have yet seen a file.rar in linux [01:33] metho: debian packages can wreck ubuntu [01:33] <{alejandro}> so, once again, has anyne gotten MythTV working in Breezy AMD64 [01:33] My Manga downloads came in them [01:34] nalioth : really ? [01:34] <{alejandro}> Kyral, try installing comix [01:34] metho : apt-get install rar [01:34] <{alejandro}> Kyral are you using CBR archives? [01:34] bakpao: really. [01:34] bakpao: ok let me try! [01:34] as a root [01:34] {alejandro}: they were plain rar [01:34] does anyone know how to get codecs to play embedded quicktime files? [01:34] as sudo too :)) === timfrost [n=tim_fros@222-152-212-212.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu [01:35] <{alejandro}> Kyral if you apt-get install comix and change the names to cbr instead of rar, it will stay compressed when you open it [01:35] Peter__: just load phpmyadmin and log in [01:35] {alejandro}: I already did it lol [01:35] Peter__: asuming your lamp server is working that is [01:35] <{alejandro}> Kyral ah ok [01:35] hi, how do i determine what firefox uses to play video files? i have both the mplayer and vlc packages installed [01:35] <{alejandro}> Kyral just search for rar in synaptic, it's there [01:35] lamp is OK. I have other PHP pages (phpinfo()) running. === kailash [n=kailash@] has joined #ubuntu [01:35] sexcopter8000m: get the MediaPlayerConnectiveity extension for Firefox [01:35] sexcopter8000m, it should tell you in the settings === kailash [n=kailash@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:35] {alejandro}: I know all about rar ;P [01:36] sexcopter8000m: it uses mplayer; there is no vlc plugin [01:36] <{alejandro}> Kyral I joined in too late. woops [01:36] phpmyinfo is returning a blank page when I hit it. This follows config attempts to have it use a http access control === LordMelkor [n=krishanu@cpe-24-25-210-255.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:36] bakpao: thanks, it seems to me that installation went smoothly, would u mind telling me what i need to do next!!!! [01:36] nalioth : thank you, i didn't know :) [01:36] Peter__: well I just did apt-get phpmyadmin and went to the phpmyadmin page on my local machine and logged in IIRC [01:37] can i get some help [01:37] i think im havind driver problems [01:37] apokryphos, i have found "mozilla-plugin-vlc" [01:37] having* [01:37] metho : nothing it is just text base command [01:37] !helpme [01:37] If you don't actually ask a question, we can not actually help you. [01:37] well i get [01:37] sexcopter8000m: oh, perhaps there is one then. [01:37] an I/O [01:37] error [01:37] whenever i try to copy files [01:37] from my cd [01:37] <{alejandro}> hey all, what is a good dvd ripper program [01:37] to the hd [01:37] !enter [01:37] please don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying. Write in complete sentences and keep your replies and questions on one line if possible. Thanks! [01:37] bakpao: but i can use this to extrat my files from winrar though, i mean using the gui [01:38] . === Syche [n=shrike@] has joined #ubuntu [01:38] metho : in our console type unrar [01:38] metho : u will see how can u unrar [01:38] or rar === halibut [n=foo@cpc1-lewi1-4-0-cust133.bmly.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:38] oh hang about. i'm using ff1.5, maybe that's why nothing is happening :s [01:38] I get this when trying to install anything : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6472 [01:38] nalioth: why debian packages are bad for ubuntu [01:38] metho: I go now, if you have problems, please consult: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#rar [01:38] any ideas ? [01:38] Would ubuntu be ok with a wide screen monitor such as this? http://www.widescreengamingforum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=13629 [01:38] also if im browsing the cd too long [01:38] bakpao: thanks [01:38] then it freezes [01:38] lucasvo: thanks for ur help [01:39] Hello, is there a way to find a list of all the various ubuntu forums on this server? I saw a list, but it was for evertying including windows. I got a headache trying to read it. [01:39] ummm it says unknown model for my cam [01:39] metho: they are not built for ubuntu. if you want to run debian packages, use debian-source and have apt-get build them for you === freakazoid3333 [n=matt@pool-141-158-5-191.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:39] any ideas of what i can do? [01:39] garry: most IRC apps allow you to search the channel list === moox [n=moox@80-219-82-101.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu === pinkisntwell [n=pink@ppp62-adsl-153.ath.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu [01:40] how can I burn a bin? [01:40] Hi !! I need a xorg dev libs to compile svn amarok. What is the package name ? [01:40] use k3b [01:40] Madpilot Yep, thanks. I tried /list maybe there's a wild card I don't know about. [01:40] nalioth: could u explain that debian-source and building apt-get concept for me please, i have no idea!!!! [01:40] pinkisntwell, use a .cue [01:40] how do I burn a cue? [01:40] ... [01:40] psusi, gnomefreak: the solution to the windows on the desktop is to remove the user option in fstab, but then it doesn't show up anywhere--not on the places menu, not in the Computer in nautilus... :-/ === Comrade_Vladimir [n=vladimir@70-97-140-245.dsl1.glv.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:40] use the cd image burning option [01:40] in k3b [01:41] hm, is it normal during ubuntu installation for apt to take 1-2 hours to configure the primary package repository? [01:41] if I dont have k3b? [01:41] pinkisntwell, get fireburner === eric_ [n=eric@] has joined #ubuntu [01:41] Some_Body: no it isnt [01:41] pinkisntwell: you dont burn a .cue, you burn a .cue/.bin combination [01:41] Some_Body : i think it depends on ur connection [01:41] hm, well this is bad [01:41] LordLucless, when I last had a cd freeze like that in linux and Ubuntu, it was a fingerprint on the surface. [01:41] and u dont need a cue mose software will create on for you [01:41] pinkisntwell: did you try using gnomebaker? [01:41] most* [01:41] been stuck at 25% for quite some time [01:42] hey, how do I edit the grub file (i need to be an admin or something?) [01:42] just lets me look at it right now [01:42] some_body it might be that you have a bad burn [01:42] and bakpao, you don't actually need an internet connection for ubuntu download [01:42] all emacs fall under GNU right? === moox [n=moox@80-219-82-101.dclient.hispeed.ch] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:42] eric_: sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst [01:42] thank you very much [01:42] garry: which IRC client are you using? === mattc [n=matt@pool-151-197-212-98.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:42] eric_: back it up first though [01:42] I burned the cdr in nero at 8x [01:42] has anyone had the problem where their cd rom drive [01:42] my digital camera isnt showin up in gthumb [01:42] times out [01:42] Madpilot X-Chat [01:42] and gives an I/O error [01:42] owe you one :) [01:42] should I have done it at 4x? [01:43] ok so i thought i had themese sorted but now i cant get http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=32862 to install in System -> Preferences -> Themes [01:43] garry: I don't use XChat right now, but I have, and I'm pretty sure it lists & allows sorting/searching of channels [01:43] Some_Body, shouldnt matter, i burn at 16x === kjcole [n=kjcole@dsl092-145-217.wdc2.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:43] it depends on your media [01:43] cd drive is fairly new... [01:43] hey how do I open etc/sudoers??? [01:43] but i had to burn mine at 2x [01:43] my digital camera isnt showin up in gthumb... how can i get it recognized [01:44] nik__: sudo visudo [01:44] nik__: in a console, 'man visudo' [01:44] Thanks, I think I'll research it some more or wait till I can read the list. [01:44] guess I'll just try another burn [01:44] Madpilot, it does [01:44] ThePyromaniac : http://art.gnome.org/faq.php#q7 [01:44] andrew_, removing the user option prevents anyone but root from mounting the disk [01:45] bakpao thanks [01:45] andrew_, if you just don't want it to show up on the desktop, mount it some place other than /media [01:45] how do you change the default editor in ubuntu? [01:45] gnomefreak: want to tell garry what the secret is? [01:45] bakpao: i am reading unrar guide and it says "e" is to extract files in current direstory so basically the command to extract files from a unrar will be unrar -e /home/metho/filename.rar === deang [n=boys@rapids-arc2-16.tznet.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:46] garry, on x-chat go to window than channel list [01:46] metho: unrar x is better (unrar e will not uncompress folders correctly and will fill your drive with broken folder contents) [01:46] I mean how do you change the editor ubuntu uses for vipw, visudo etc? === igaaa [n=igaaa@dyn-213-36-22-81.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu [01:46] mwe: export EDITOR=myeidotr [01:46] houseoftainted: try File menu -> Import From Camera in gThumb [01:46] cafuego: ah. thanks [01:46] that is what you were looking for correct? garry [01:47] psusi: you recommended that, and it didn't work. === HymnToLife [n=_mfb@dyn-213-36-154-104.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu [01:47] in the package manager, what does the little ubuntu logo represent? [01:47] houseoftainted: actually, it's "Import Photos", but close enough... [01:47] gnomefreak thanks, I think it is. [01:47] 2x or 4x? [01:47] I want to be careful [01:47] andrew_, define "don't work"... if it isn't mounted in /media, it don't show up on the desktop === dinie0ubuntu_ [n=dinie0ub@CPE0010a726f2d6-CM001371140616.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:47] nalioth: so basically the commend the command for extracting would be unrar x /home/metho/filename.rar [01:47] garry thats a list of channles on the server you are logged into [01:47] but honestly, 2x seems to be overdoing it === monteiro [n=monteiro@] has joined #ubuntu [01:47] psusi: it did for me. if you recall, i even rebooted in between. [01:48] andrew_, you must not have managed to get it out of /media then [01:48] gnomefreak yep, thanks, it's perfect. [01:48] Peter__: in Synaptic, go Help menu --> Icon Legend === Draken [n=root@myw-stp-66-18-86-17.sentechsa.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:48] yw garry [01:48] Hi everyone, should an ATI 9800 Pro graphic card be fully recognized by breezy ? === andrew_ sighs at psusi. [01:48] meh, I'll be careful [01:48] Thanks for the help Madpilot and Gnomefreak. === pinkisntwell [n=pink@ppp62-adsl-153.ath.forthnet.gr] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:48] if i set up a cron job to do apt-get update; apt-get -y upgrade at the end of every week, could it damage the computer if I shut down the PC while its doing the upgrade? [01:48] andrew_, check the output of df to see where it's mounted [01:48] hey guys, anyone know how to make mplayer window bigger ?like strech the video [01:48] garry: np [01:48] no, I think you need to install the driver first [01:48] garry, anytime [01:48] or does cron make sure that can't happen [01:48] what channel shoulkd i go to to get advice on a mp3 player [01:48] psusi: i did. it was on /mnt. (i'm no dummy.) [01:49] hey guys, anyone know how to make mplayer window bigger ?like strech the video [01:49] andrew_, hrm.... I didn't think /mnt also showed up... try somewhere else.. like /windows [01:49] Madpilot, tried... says unknown camera model [01:49] Draken: i think u need to put -vo xv sometimes [01:49] happy 2006 all. [01:49] is there a gui version of emacs? [01:49] metho : yes, just give a try :) [01:49] err wat bina ? [01:49] psusi: ok, but then i'm afraid it won't show up anywhere... i'll try. brb. [01:49] gnomefreak: if you fire it up in X then an X Interface will spawn [01:49] andrew_, I've got my windows partition mounted just as /c and it doesn't show up on the desktop [01:50] Draken: use vlc, its better and does everything [01:50] houseoftainted: you might want to search the forums (ubuntuforums.org) or google [01:50] Draken: right click and choose full screen etc. or press F [01:50] metho, it on apt ? [01:50] psusi: does it show in the places menu or the computer in nautilus? (brb for real) [01:50] Draken: when i played videos using the command mplayer